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Full text of "L'éclaircissement de la langue française; suivi de la grammaire giles du Guez; publiés par F. Génin"

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Les  origines  de  notre  langue,  depuis  neuf  siècles  quelle 
existe,  sinon  davantage,  attendent  encore  leur  historien.  De 
tous  ceux  qui  ont  touché  cette  matière,  le  plus  célèbre  est 
Henri  Estienne,  qui  passe  pour  un  grand  philologue  en  fran- 
çais; cependant  Henri  Estienne  ne  possède  sur  les  sources  de 
la  langue  française  que  des  notions  incomplètes  et  trop  souvent 
erronées.  Il  est,  comme  son  siècle,  infatué  de  l'amour  du  grec 
et  du  latin,  et  ne  s'avise  pas  de  remonter  pour  les  langues 
modernes  plus  haut  que  cette  merveilleuse  renaissance,  qui 
prétend  se  rattacher  sans  intermédiaire  à  la  divine  antiquité. 
Car  entre  la  renaissance  et  l'antiquité  il  n'y  a  rien  eu;  l'intel- 
ligence humaine  a  cessé  de  fonctionner;  tout  ce  qui  s'est  produit 
dans  cet  intervalle  ne  mérite  que  le  mépris  et  l'oubli. 

Et  c'est  justement  dans  les  ténèbres  de  cet  intervalle  que  se 
cachent  les  origines  de  notre  langue.  Henri  Estienne  et  tout 
ce  qui  l'a  suivi  n'a  connu  qu'une  langue  de  seconde  formation, 
sous  laquelle  personne  ne  soupçonnait  une  langue  native  et 
fortement  imprégnée  de  génie  national.  Personne  par  con- 
séquent ne  songeait  à  creuser  pour  la  découvrir,  et  si  par 
hasard  quelque  vestige  mal  effacé  du  français  originel  se  lais- 
sait apercevoir  à  travers  la  couche  d'alluvion,  les  gens  de  grec 


enfarinés,  au  lieu  de  creuser  à  la  racine,  s'efforçaient  de  le  faire 

disparaître,  en  criant  :  faute  de  français!  faute  de  français! 

C'est  surtout  à  l'italianisme  que  Henri  Estienne  fait  la  guerre  ; 
en  principe  il  a  raison;  mais  il  a  le  tort  de  voir  des  italianismes 
partout,  et,  faute  de  savoir  l'histoire  de  la  langue,  de  s'appuyer 
dans  ses  corrections  et  dans  ses  étymologies  sur  un  empirisme 
sans  logique,  ou  bien  sur  de  véritables  erreurs.  Je  doute  qu'on 
le  surprenne  jamais  à  se  faire  un  argument  de  quelque  texte 
du  xn*  ou  du  xiif  siècle;  toutes  ses  autorités,  s'il  ne  les  fait 
venir  de  l'Athènes  ou  de  la  Rome  classiques,  il  les  demande  à 
ses  contemporains  français  ou  étrangers;  quant  au  moyen  âge, 
il  ne  soupçonne  pas  qu'on  puisse  lui  emprunter  rien.  Et  nous 
voyons  tous  les  jours  Henri  Estienne  cité  comme  la  lumière 
de  la  philologie  française. 

On  commence  pourtant  à  sentir  la  nécessité  de  remonter 
flans  l'étude  du  français  plus  haut  que  le  xvi"  siècle.  La 
grammaire  de  Palsgrave  que  nous  publions  est  un  monu- 
ment placé  sur  la  limite  de  deux  âges.  Composé  dans  les 
premières  années  du  xvi°  siècle  avec  l'érudition  de  la  lin  du 
XV*,  ce  livre  présente  de  la  langue  française  à  cette  époque 
l'inventaire  complet  et  authentique,  scellé,  pour  ainsi  dire, 
sous  l'autorité  d'écrivains  illustres,  qui  tous  florissaient  avant 
le  règne  de  François  I";  ainsi,  parmi  ces  auteurs  cités  à  l'appui 
des  règles,  il  ne  faut  pas  chercher  le  nom  de  Marot,  qui  est 
trop  jeune;  mais  vous  rencontrerez  invoqués  à  chaque  pas  ses 
aînés,  Lemaire  de  Belges,  Alain  Chartier  et  l'évêque  d'Angou- 
lême,  Ociavien  de  Saint-Gelais.  La  grammaire  de  Palsgrave 
a  l'avantage  de  renfermer  un  dictionnaire  et,  de  plus,  d'insti- 
tuer une  comparaison  perpétuelle  entre  deux  idiomes  voisins, 
l'anglais  et  le  français.  Ce  n'est  point  une  grammaire  de  l'an- 
cien langage,  mais  c'est  un  excellent  point  de  départ  et  le 


plus  avancé  possible,  pour  se  diriger  des  frontières  de  la  langue 
moderne  vers  notre  langue  primitive. 

Au  surplus,  les  circonstances  qui  déterminèrent  la  compo- 
sition de  ce  livre  donneront  une  idée  du  soin  que  l'auteur  y 
doit  avoir  apporté,  en  même  temps  qu'elles  seront  la  garantie 
du  talent  de  cet  auteur  et  de  la  confiance  qu'il  mérite. 

Le  peu  qu'on  sait  de  la  vie  de  Palsgrave  se  trouve  rassemblé 
dans  la  Biographie  dramaticjue,  de  David  Erskine  Baker'.  Voici 
la  traduction  de  cette  notice  : 

Palsgrave  (Jean).  Ce  savant  écrivain  florissait  sous  Henry  VII  et 
Henry  VIII  ;  il  reçut  son  éducation  grammaticale  à  Londres ,  sa  ville 
natale.  Il  étudia  la  logique  et  la  philosophie  à  Cambridge,  où  il  prit  le 
grade  de  bachelier  ès-arts,  après  quoi  il  se  rendit  à  Paris.  Il  y  consacra 
quelques  années  à  l'étude  de  la  philosophie  et  des  sciences  en  général,  se 
lit  recevoir  maître  ès-arts,  et  acquit  du  français  une  connaissance  telle- 
ment approfondie ,  qu'en  1 5 1  Zi ,  lors  de  la  négociation  d'un  mariage  entre 
Louis  XII  de  France  et  la  princesse  Marie,  sœur  d'Henry  VIII  d'Angle- 
teiTe ,  Palsgrave  fut  choisi  pour  enseigner  le  français  à  la  future  reine  de 
France;  mais  la  mort  de  Louis  XII  ayant  suivi  de  près  son  second  mariage  , 
Palsgrave  rentra  en  Angleterre  avec  sa  belle  élève.  Il  devint  le  maître  de 
français  à  la  mode  parmi  la  jeune  noblesse,  obtint  un  bon  bénéfice  ecclé- 
siastique et  fut  porté  sur  la  liste  des  chapelains  ordinaires  du  roi. 

En  i53i,  il  séjourna  quelque  temps  à  Oxford;  l'année  suivante,  f uni- 
versité de  cette  ville  le  reçut  maître  ès-arts,  comme  avait  fait  l'université 
de  Paris,  et  de  plus  lui  conféra  quelques  jours  après  le  titre  de  bachelier 
en  théologie. 

A  cette  époque  il  était  tenu  en  haute  estime  pour  son  savoir.  Un  fait 
très-remarquable,  c'est  que  Palsgrave,  un  Anglais,  fut  le  premier  qui  ré- 
duisit la  langue  française  sous  des  règles  grammaticales  et  tenta  de  la  lixer 
par  l'autorité  des  exemples.  Il  exécuta  celte  entreprise  avec  autant  d'habi- 

L'article  consacré  à  Palsgrave  dan»  la  Granarnaire  et  une  description  du 
iei  Anecdotes  of  lilerature  and  scarce  books ,  volume.  Pour  les  détails  biographiques, 
de  Beloe ,  n'esl  qu'une  suite  d'exirails  de        Beloe  renvoie  à  Baker. 



leté  que  de  succès  dans  le  grand  ouvrage  en  cette  langue  '  qu'il  fit  paraître 
à  Londres  sous  ce  titre  :  L'Esclarcissement  de  la  langue  française,  i53o;  un 
épais  in-folio  divisé  en  trois  livres ,  précédés  d'une  grande  introduction  en 
anglais  :  si  bien  que  la  nation  française ,  aujourd'hui  si  orgueilleuse  de 
l'universalité  de  sa  langue ,  paraît  en  avoir  l'obligation  à  notre  pays. 

Toutefois,  ce  livre  n'eût  pas  justifié  la  présence  de  cet  article  dans  le 
nôtre,  si  Paisgrave  n'eût  traduit  en  anglais  une  comédie  latine  d'Acolastus, 
œuvre  d'un  certain  Guillaume  Fullcnius,  son  contemporain,  et  qui  demeu- 
rait alors  à  la  Haye  en  Hollande. 

Les  dates  de  la  naissance  et  de  la  mort  de  Paisgrave  sont  des  détails  sur 
lesquels  je  n'ai  pu  me  procurer  aucun  indice.  Toutefois,  par  le  rapproche- 
ment de  plusieurs  circonstances,  je  ne  puis  le  supposer  âgé  de  moins  de 
soixante  ans  lorsqu'il  donna  cette  traduction  de  la  comédie  d'Acolastus  .  ce 
fut  en  1  54o.  {Biographia  dramatica,  by  David  Erskine  Baker,  t.  I,  p.  348.) 

Pits,  qui,  pour  la  partie  litléraire,  a  copié  la  courte  notice 
de  Jean  Baie,  ajoute  sur  les  mœurs  et  la  capacité  de  Paisgrave 
quelques  renseignements  dont  il  n'indique  pas  la  source  et 
dont  je  lui  laisse  la  responsabilité  : 

Jean  Paisgrave,  Anglais,  natif  de  Londres.  La  nature  lui  avait  libérale- 
ment départi  ses  dons  :  heureux  génie,  mémoire  imperturbable,  élocution 
facile,  une  modestie  et  une  modération  d'âme  dignes  d'éloges.  Parvenu  à 
l'âge  mûr,  il  se  distinguait  du  commun  des  hommes  par  la  gravité,  la  pru- 
dence et  une  dignité  de  maintien  qu'il  savait  allier  avec  le  charme  des 
manières  et  une  merveilleuse  affabilité. 

Après  avoir  approfondi  dans  son  pays  les  humanités  et  abordé  les  élé- 
ments de  la  philosophie ,  Paisgrave  voyagea  en  France  et  s'alla  perfectionner 
à  l'université  de  Paris.  En  même  temps  qu'il  y  cultivait  la  philosophie ,  il  s'ap- 
pliquait à  l'étude  de  la  langue  française,  et  avec  un  tel  succès,  que,  de  re- 
tour en  Angleterre ,  il  se  vit  apprécié  par  tous  les  personnages  de  distinction; 
son  habileté  le  fit  nommer  maître  de  français  de  la  princesse  Marie,  fille 

J'ai  conservé  l'espèce  d'amphibologie  erreur  malérielle  qui  prouve  que  Baker 

du  texte,  m  that  language  ;  maiis  il  n'est  n'avait  jamais  vu  un  exemplaire  de  ce  livre 

pas  douteux  que,  dans  la  pensée  de  l'au-  rarissime.  Il  a  été  induit  en  erreur  par  le 

leur,  ces  mois  ne  signifient  en  français  :  titre. 


d'Henry  VII ,  alors  promise  au  roi  de  France  Louis  XII.  Cette  position  lui 
fit  négliger  les  autres  parties  de  ses  connaissances.  Il  composa  ,  soit  pour  la 
princesse  Marie ,  soit  pour  ses  Mécènes  de  la  haute  noblesse  : 

Les  Illastrations  de  la  langue  française ,  commençant  :  «The  difficulté  of 
«the  frenche  tongue.  »  Un  livre'.  —  Annotations  aux  verbes.  «When  they 
«  shewe  or  déclare  a  dede  to  be  done.  »  Un  livre  '.  —  Annotations  aux  par- 
ticipes. «The  same  worde  in  our  tongue.»  Un  livre'.  — ■  Épîtres  à  divers. 
Un  livre  *.  —  Il  traduisit  en  anglais  la  comédie  d'Acolastus. 

Je  ne  trouve  point  indiqués  d'autres  ouvrages  de  lui^.  Il  florissait  en 
I  53o  ,  sous  le  règne  d'Henry  VIII. 

Kennet  dit  que  Palsgrave  fut  nommé  par  l'archevêque 
Cranmer  à  la  cure  de  Saint-Dunstan ,  à  Londres,  en  i553. 
On  ne  sait  pas  la  date  précise  de  sa  mort,  mais  il  est  certain 
qu'il  avait  obtenu,  en  i5i/l,  la  prébende  de  Portpoole,  dans 
l'église  de  Saint-Paul^;  or  nous  voyons  cette  même  prébende 
transférée,  le  12  septembre  i554,  à  Edmund  Beygotte,  per 
morlem  Joh.  Palsgrave  (Wood,  Athenœ  Oxonienses) .  On  est  donc 
fondé  à  croire  que  Palsgrave  mourut  en  1  554-  * 

A  ces  renseignements  sur  la  personne  de  l'auteur  on  peut 
ajouter  quelques  particularités  relatives  à  l'ouvrage  que  nous 
fournit  l'épître  dédicatoire  à  Henry  VIII. 

Palsgrave,  lorsqu'il  songea  à  composer  son  livre,  prit  pour 
modèle  le  plan  de  la  Grammaire  grecque  de  Théodore  de 
Gaza,  qui  jouissait  alors  dans  les  écoles  de  la  plus  haute 

'  P.  XV  de  la  présente  édition. 

'  P.  378. 

'  P-  787. 

*  Ce  sont  les  lettres  qui  sont  au  com- 
mencement de  la  Grammaire. 

'  Cependant  Palsgrave  dit,  à  la  fin  de 
son  troisième  livre  :  «Vous  remarquerez 
que,  de  toutes  les  langues  du  monde,  le 
français  est  la  plus  riche  en  proverbes,  en 
adages  dont  le  sens  obscur  renferme  une 

grande  sagesse;  mais  je  remets  à  en  parler 
lorsque,  avec  la  grâce  de  Dieu,  je  réali- 
serai le  projet  de  faire  sur  cette  madère 
un  traité  spécial.  » 

Palsgrave  a-t-il  réalisé  ce  projet  ?  Je 
n'en  trouve  aucun  indice.  Beloe  {Anecd. 
of  lit.  etc.  VI,  35o)  ne  croit  pas  que  le 
Traité  des  proverbes  français  de  Palsgrave 
ait  jamais  paru. 

*  Newcoarl's  liepertoriam. 


réputation  '.  Quoique  son  biographe  lui  donne,  et  que  lui- 
même  s'attribue  la  gloire  d'avoir  le  premier  réduit  la  langue 
française  à  des  règles  fixes,  il  reconnaît  cependant  qu'il  avait 
eu  des  devanciers,  et  des  devanciers  habiles;  il  leur  rend 
hommage  et  profitera,  dit-il,  de  leurs  travaux  en  s'efforçant 
de  les  compléter.  A  cet  effet,  il  n'a  négligé  aucun  soin  :  il  a 
recherché  tous  les  livres  où  la  grammaire  française  a  été  traitée, 
soit  par  des  auteurs  morts  depuis  longtemps  (  longe  afore  my 
dayes),  soit  par  des  contemporains.  Ces  circonstances  ajoutent 
un  nouveau  prix  au  travail  de  Palsgrave. 

Il  ne  consistait  d'abord  qu'en  deux  livres,  l'un  pour  la  pro- 
nonciation, l'autre  pour  la  grammaire  proprement  dite.  En 
cet  état,  l'auteur  l'offrit  à  ses  bienfaiteurs  le  duc  et  la  duchesse 
de  Suffolk,  qui  lui  persuadèrent  que  le  roi  en  accepterait  la 
dédicace.  La  duchesse  de  Suffolk  était  cette  sœur  d'Henry  VIIJ, 
cette  princesse  Marie,  ancienne  élève  de  Palsgrave,  veuve  de 
notre  Louis  Xll  après  trois  mois  de  mariage,  et  remariée  à 
Charles  Brandon,  ami  d'enfance  de  son  frère,  créé  duc  de 
Suffolk  en  i5i3.  Par  leur  conseil  et  pour  se  rendre  plus 
digne  de  la  faveur  qu'il  ambitionnait,  Palsgrave,  non-seule- 
ment ajoute  à  son  ouvrage  un  lexique  comparatif  des  deux 
langues  qui  n'entrait  pas  dans  son  premier  plan,  mais  il  l'aug- 
mente aussi  d'un  troisième  livre  servant  de  commentaire  au 
second,  à  l'exemple  de  Théodore  de  Gaza. 

Il  imprima  son  ouvrage  à  ses  frais,  et  Henry  VIII,  à  qui  il 
en  offrit  la  dédicace,  lui  accorda  un  privilège  pour  sept  ans. 

Cette  gloire  revendiquée  par  les  Anglais,  d'avoir  les  pre- 
miers écrit  sur  la  grammaire  française,  ne  serait,  à  tout  prendre, 
qu'un  hommage  rendu  à  la  France;  car  si  nos  voisins  avaient 

'  Voy.  Baillet,  Jiigem.  des  savants,  t.  Il,  p.  6o3. — Théodore  Gaza  était  mort  en  lijS, 
cinquante-deux,  ans  avant  l'apparition  de  la  Grammaire  de  Palsgrave. 


attendu  d'un  peuple  étranger  la  première  grammaire  anglaise, 
peut-être  l'attendraient-ils  encore.  Mais  enfin,  il  ne  faut  pas 
laisser  croire  que  la  France  ait  poussé  l'indifférence  pour  sa 
propre  langue  au  point  qu'elle  n'eût  jamais  songé  à  se  faire  une 
grammaire  lorsque  Palsgrave  s'en  avisa  pour  elle.  Avant  Pals- 
grave,  Geoffroy  Tory  de  Bourges  s'en  était  occupé  et  avait 
tracé  le  plan  d'un  vaste  travail  d'ensemble,  dont  son  Champ 
Jleury,  publié  en  1629,  un  an  avant  le  livre  de  Palsgrave,  n'est 
que  l'introduction.  Dans  son  Epistre  aux  lecteurs  de  ce  présent 
livre,  Geoffroy  Tory  s'écrie: 

0  devotz  amateurs  de  bonnes  lettres,  pieust  à  Dieu  que  quelque  noble 
cueur  s'employast  à  mettre  et  ordonner  par  reigie  nostre  langaige  François! 
Ce  seroit  moyen  que  maints  milliers  d'hommes  se  esvertueroient  à  souvent 
user  de  belles  et  bonnes  paroles.  S'il  n'y  est  mis  et  ordonné,  on  trouvera 
que  de  cinquante  en  cinquante  ans  la  langue  Françoise,  pour  la  plus  grande 
part ,  sera  changée  et  pervertie. 

Et  dans  le  début  de  son  premier  livre  : 

Je  suis  content  estre  le  premier  petit  indice  à  exciter  quelque  noble 
esperit  qui  se  esvertuera  davantage ,  comme  firent  les  Grecs  jadis  et  les 
Romains ,  mettre  et  ordonner  la  langue  Françoise  à  certaine  reigie  de  pro- 
nuncer  et  bien  parler.  Pieust  à  Dieu  que  quelque  noble  seigneur  voulust 
proposer  gages  et  beaux  dons  à  ceulx  qui  ce  porroient  bien  Faire  !  (Fol.  1  °  v°.) 

Voilà  sans  doute  un  appel  assez  chaleureux  aux  bons  esprits 
capables  de  l'entendre  et  d'y  répondre.  Geoffroy  Tory  ne  se 
lasse  pas  d'insister;  il  montre  le  mal  et  combien  le  remède  est 
urgent.  Il  signale  avec  indignation  comme  corrupteurs  de  la 
langue  française  «les  inventeurs  et  forgeurs  de  mots  :  Si  tels 
forgeurs  ne  sont  ruffiens,  je  ne  les  estime  guères  meilleurs!  » 
Et  tout  de  suite,  pour  justifier  sa  colère  et  fépithète  dont  il 
vient  de  les  gratifier,  il  cite  des  échantillons  de  leur  style  (dont, 


par  parenthèse,  Rabelais  s'est  emparé  pour  les  mettre  dans  la 

bouche  de  son  Escholier  limousin),  puis  il  conclut  : 

Pai-  quoy,  je  vous  prie,  donnons  nous  tous  courage  les  uns  aux  aultres 
et  nous  esveillons  à  la  piuifier  (la  langue).  Toutes  choses  ont  eu  commen- 
cement; quand  l'un  ti-aitera  des  lettres  et  l'autre  des  vocales  ^  ung  tiers 
viendra  qui  desclarera  les  dictions,  et  puis  encore  ung  aultre  surviendra  qui 
ordonnera  la  belle  oraison.  Par  ainsi  on  trouvera  que  peu  à  peu  on  passera 
chemin;  si  bien  qu'on  viendra  aux  grans  champs  poétiques  et  rhétoriques 
plains  de  belles,  bonnes  et  odoriférentes  fleurs  de  parler  et  dire  honneste- 
ment  et  facilement  tout  ce  qu'on  voudra. 

Geoffroy  Tory,  prêchant  d'exemple ,  prend  pour  sa  part  de 
travail  les  lettres  de  l'alphabet;  c'est  l'objet  de  son  livre  inti- 
tulé Champ  jleury.  Mais  avant  de  quitter  les  idées  générales  pour 
aborder  son  sujet  particulier,  il  dessine  rapidement  le  travail 
de  chacune  des  parties  de  ce  bel  ensemble  dont  il  conçoit  l'idée. 
Il  veut  mettre  dans  le  bon  chemin  ses  futurs  collaborateurs. 
Ainsi,  parlant  d'une  grammaire  à  faire,  il  indique  un  canon 
d'auteurs.  Le  xix*  siècle  ne  sera  sans  doute  pas  fâche  de  con- 
naître les  auteurs  qu'on  proposait  comme  classiques  à  la  fin 
du  XV*,  et  dont  les  œuvres  devaient  servir  d'autorité  et  de  textes 
de  langue  : 

Qui  se  voidroit  en  ce  bien  fonder,  à  mon  avis ,  porroit  user  des  œuvres 
de  Pierre  de  S'  Cloct  et  des  œuvres  de  Jehan  li  Nevelois^,  qui  ont  descrit 
la  vie  d'Alexandre  le  Grand  en  longue  ligne  que  l'autheur  qui  a  composé 
en  prose  le  Jea  des  eschets,  dit  estre  de  douze  syllabes  et  appelée  rithme 
Alexandrine ,  pourceque,  comme  dit  est,  la  vie  d'Alexandre  en  est  descrite. 

Iceulx  deux  susdits  autheurs  ont  en  leur  stile  une  grande  majesté  de 
langage  ancien,  et  croy  que  s'ils  eussent  eu  le  temps  en  fleur  de  bonnes 
lectres  comme  il  est  aujourd'huy,  qu'ils  eussent  excédé  tous  autheurs  grecs 

'  Il  faut  sans  doute  lire  syllabes ,  ou  teur  du  Roman  de  Renard,  a  fait,  en  colla- 
vocables  ?  boration  avec  Jean  le  Nivelois,  une  branche 

'  Pierre  ou  Perrot  de  Sain t-Cloud,  au-        du.  romain  d'Alexandre. 


et  latins.  Ils  ont,  dis-je,  en  leurs  compositions  don  accomply  de  toute 
grâce  en  fleurs  de  rhétorique  et  poésie  ancienne;  jaçoit  que  Jehan  Le  Maire 
ne  face  aucune  mention  d'iceulx,  toutesfois  si  a  il  pris  et  emprunté  d'eidx 
la  plus  grande  part  de  son  bon  langage,  comme  on  porroit  bien  voir  en 
la  lecture  que  on  feroit  attentivement  es  œuvres  des  ungs  et  des  aultres. 

On  porroit  aussi  user  des  œuvres  de  Chrestien  de  Troyes ,  et  ce  en 
son  Chevalier  à  l'cspée  et  en  son  Parceval,  qu'il  dédia  au  comte  Phelippe 
de  Flandres.  —  On  porroit  user  pareillement  de  Hugon  de  Mery,  en  son 
Tornoy  de  l'Antéchrist^.  —  Tout  pareillement  aussi  de  Raoul ^,  en  son  Ro- 
ulant des  Elles.  —  Paysant  de  Mesieres  n'est  pas  à  déprécier,  qui  faict  maintz 
beaux  et  bons  petits  coupletz,  et  entre  les  aultres  en  sa  Maie  sansfrein^. 
—  J'ai  nagueres  veu  et  tenu  tous  ces  susditz  révérentz  et  anciens  autheurs 
escritz  en  parchemin,  que  mon  seigneiu-  et  bon  amy  frère  René  Massé, 
de  Vendosme ,  chroniqueur  du  roy  *,  m'a  liberallement  et  de  bon  cueur 
monstre.  Il  en  use  si  bien  à  parfaire  les  chroniques  de  France ,  que  je  puis 
honnestement  dire  de  luy  : 

Cedite,  Romani  scriptores,  cedite,  Graii  : 
Nescio  quid  majus  nascitur  Iliade. 

«Arrière,  arrière,  autheurs  grecs  et  latins!  De  René  Massé  naisl  chose  plus  belle 
et  grande  que  le  Iliade  ! 

On  porroit  en  oultre  user  des  œuvres  de  Arnoul  Graban  et  de  Simon 
Graban  son  frère.  Dantes  Aligerius,  Florentin,  comme  dict  mon  susdict 
bon  amy  frère  René  Massé ,  faict  honorable  mention  dudict  Arnoul  Gra- 

'  Le  Tournoiement  de  l'Antéchrist,  par 
Hugues  de  Méry-sur-Seine ,  a  été  publié 
par  M.  P.  Tarbé,  dans  sa  Collection  de 
poêles  champenois. 

Ce  passage  est  visiblement  inspiré  par 
les  vers  suivants  : 

Molt  mis  grant  peine  à  eschiver 
Les  dis  Raoul  et  Crcstien , 
Qu'onques  bouche  de  crestien 
Ne  dist  si  bien  com  il  disoient , 
Mais  quanqu'il  distrcnt  il  prenoient 
Le  bel  françois  trestout  à  plain  , 

Si  com  il  lor  venoit  à  main 

Se  j'ai  trové  aucun  espi 

Apres  ia  main  as  mestiviers , 
Je  l'ai  glané  molt  volentier». 

Hugues  de  Méry ,  le   Toaraotement 
de  l'Antecritt y  p.  io4. 

'  Raoul  de  Houdan. 

^  Celle  pièce  est  imprimée  dans  le  Nou- 
veau recueil  de  Fabliaux  et  Contes  publié 
par  Méon,  t.  I,  p.  i.  L'auteur  s'y  nomme 
Paient  de  Maisieres,  Legrand  d'Aussy  écrit 
Paysans  de  Maisieres.  (Voyez  Fabliaux  ou 
Contes,  t.  I,  p.  79,  éd.  de  iSag.) 

'  Sur  frère  Macé,  bénédictin  de  Ven- 
dôme, voy.  la  Biogr.  univ.  t.  XXVI,  p.  34 


ban,  et  d  iceluy  Arnoul  ay  veu,  en  lYglise  des  Bernardins  de   Paris,  ung 

tableau  auquel  y  a  une  oraison  de  la  vierge  Marie  qui  se  commance  :  «  En 

protestant »;  et  les  premières  lettres  des  versetz  du  dernier  couplect 

contiennent  son  nom  et  surnom,  qui  sont  Arnoîdas  Grabans  me  (sic). 

Qui  porroit  finer  des  œuvres  de  Nesson',  ce  seroit  ung  grand  plaisir 
pour  user  du  douv  langage  qui  y  est  contenu.  Je  n'en  ay  veu  que  une 
oraison  à  la  Vierge  Marie,  qui  se  treuve  imprimée  dedans  le  Calendrier 
des  bergiers  de  première  impression  ^  ;  la  dernière  impression  ne  le  con- 
tient pas ,  ne  scay  pourquoy. 

Alain  Chartier  et  Georges  Chastelain,  chevalier,  sont  autheurs  dignes 
desquels  on  face  fréquente  lecture,  car  ilz  sont  très  plains  de  langage  moult 
seignorial  et  héroïque. 

Les  Lunettes  des  princes  pareillement  sont  bonnes  pour  le  doulx  langage 
qui  y  est  contenu'. 

On  porroit  semblablement  bien  user  des  belles  chroniques  de  France 
que  mon  seigneur  Crétin*,  nagueres  chroniqueur  du  roy,  a  si  bien  faictes, 

'  Nesson  (Pierre),  officier  de  Jean  de 
Bourbon,  lequel  ayant  été  fait  prisonnier 
à  la  bataille  d'AzincourI ,  Nesson  lui  en- 
voya, en  Angleterre,  le  Lay  de  la  guerre, 
dont  Duchesne  cite  un  fragment  dans  ses 
notes  sur  Alain  Chartier.  Sa  fille  poétisait 
aussi,  au  témoignage  de  J.  Bouchel  : 

Je  n'oubiieray  la  subtille  Jeanette 
Fille  à  Nesson ,  qui  de  rime  tant  nette 
Sut  bien  user. 

'  Le  Calendrier  des  bergers,  ouvrage  ano- 
nyme, est  un  poème  didactique  distribué 
par  couplets.  Chacune  des  bergères  arri- 
vant de  l'empire  du  prêtre  Jean  des  Indes 
en  chante  un,  sur  l'Arithmétique,  sur 
l'Hôtel-Dieu,  les  Planètes,  etc. 

'  Les  Lunettes  des  princes,  par  Jean  Mes- 
chinot,  de  Nantes,  successivement  maître 
d'hôtel  de  plusieurs  ducs  de  Bretagne,  mort 
en  1 509.  Il  a  été  loué  par  Marot.  Ces  Lunettes 
.sont  des  poésies  morales,  par  exemple  : 

Se  tu  vas  à  Saint  innocent 
Où  y  a  d'ossemens  grant  tas , 

Ja  ne  connoistras  entre  cent 
Les  os  des  gens  de  grans  estas 
D'avec  ceulx  qu'au  monde  notas 
En  leur  vivant  pauvres  et  nus  : 
Tous  s'en  vont  d'ond  ilz  sont  venus  ! 

'  «Le  bon  Crétin  au  vers  équivoque,» 
comme  l'appelle  Marot ,  qui  le  qualifie 
souverain  poète  fran<;ais,  et  lui  a  bâti  une 
magnifique  épitaphe  : 

Seigneurs  passans ,  comment  pourrez  vous  croire 
De  ce  tombeau  la  grand  pompe  et  la  gloire  .■'  etc. 

Crétin  était  un  surnom;  le  nom  vtrilable 
était  Guillaume  Dubois  *.  J'en  demande 
pardon  à  ses  panégyristes,  Marot,  G.  Tory 
et  Jean  Lemaire;  mais  rien  ne  me  paraît 
égaler  la  platitude  laborieuse  des  vers  de 
ce  grand  homme ,  raillé  par  Rabelais  sous 
le  nom  de  Raminagrobis.  Après  avoir  été 
trésorier  de  la  Sainte  Chapelle  de  Vin- 
cennts,  puis  chanire  à  la  Sainte  Chapelle 
de  Paris ,  Crelin  ou  Dubois  mourut  en 
i5a5,  à  ce  qu'on  croit. 

'  il  dit  lui-même  : 

Le  G  (^eat]  du  Bois,  aliaa  dit  Crktin. 


que  Homère,  ne  Virgile,  ne  Dantes  n'eurent  oncqiies  plus  d'excellence  en 
leur  stile. 

(Ici  une  digression  et  un  rondeau  cité,  dont  une  dame 
est  l'auteur.) 

S'il  est  vray  que  toutes  choses  ont  eu  commencement,  il  est  certain 
que  la  langue  grecque,  semblablement  la  latine,  ont  été  quelque  temps 
incultes  et  sans  reigle  de  grammaire,  comme  est  de  présent  la  nostre;  mais 
les  bons  anciens  vertueux  et  studieux  ont  prins  peine  et  diligence  à  les 
réduire  et  mettre  à  certaine  reigle,  pour  en  user  honnestement  à  escripre 
et  rédiger  les  bonnes  sciences  en  mémoire,  au  prouflit  et  honneur  du  bien 
public.  [Champ  Jlenry,  foi.  iv,  v°.) 

Celte  ardeur  de  Geoffroy  Tory  dut  se  communiquer,  et 
même  au  delà  des  limites  de  France,  car  Geoffroy  Tory,  si  peu 
connu  de  notre  temps,  était  dans  le  sien  célèbre  en  son  pays 
et  à  l'étranger.  Ce  qu'il  y  a  de  siir,  c'est  qu'à  l'apparition  de 
la  grammaire  de  Palsgrave,  un  certain  Léonard  Coxe,  qui  s'in- 
titule principal  du  collège  de  Reading,  Radingiensis  ludi  mode- 
rator,  après  quatre  distiques  adressés  à  son  compatriote,  se 
retourne  vers  Geoffroy  Tory,  et  lui  débite  quinze  phaleuques, 
dont  voici  la  traduction  : 

Docte  Geoffroy,  il  est  comblé  le  vœu  si  souvent  exprimé  dans  ton 
Champ  Jleuri  ;  car  voilà  ,  moyennant  des  règles  dûment  autorisées ,  le 
français  enseigné  à  fond.  —  Ni  Palémoa  avec  ses  successeurs,  ni  Gaza 
dans  son  travail  achevé,  ni  aucun  de  leurs  illustres  prédécesseurs,  n'avaient 
mieux  traité  de  la  grammaire  grecque  ou  latine  que  Palsgrave  ne  traite 
ici  de  la  française.  Il  a  l'érudition,  la  clarté  et  toute  la  concision  compa- 
tible avec  sa  matière;  aussi  triomphons-nous,  docte  Geoffroy,  de  voir  enfin 
comblé  le  vœu  si  souvent  exprimé  dans  ton  Champ  Jîeari. 

Léonard  Coxe  triomphi*  plus  modestement  et  plus  conve- 
nablement que  David  Baker,  car  il  semble  reporter  sur  Geof- 


froy  Tory  l'honneur  d'avoir  évoqué  la  grammaire  de  Palsgrave. 
La  comparaison  des  dates  semble,  il  est  vrai,  ne  laisser  pas 
beaucoup  de  vraisemblance  à  cette  supposition,  puisque  l'ou- 
vrage du  Français  et  celui  de  l'Anglais  ne  sont  qu'à  une  année 
d'intervalle;  mais  ici  je  dois  signaler  une  singularité  qui  n'a 
point  été  remarquée  des  bibliographes.  On  lit  au  frontispice 
la  date  de  i53o,  et  au  dernier  feuillet  :  «achevé  d'imprimer 
le  18  juillet  i53o  »;  mais  le  privilège  du  roi  placé  en  tête  du 
volume  est  daté  «  de  notre  château  d'Amphtyll,  le  2  septembre, 
l'an  de  notre  règne  xxii.  »  Or,  Henry  VIII  étant  parvenu  au 
trône  en  1609,  après  Pâques,  la  vingt-deuxième  année  de 
son  règne  est  l'année  i53i,  et  le  Champ  jlenry  avait  paru  au 
commencement  de  lôag  '.  Gela  fait  donc  de  bon  compte  un 
intervalle  de  trois  ans;  dès  lors,  le  mot  de  Léonard  Coxe  a 
une  véritable  portée ,  et  les  coïncidences  que  Palsgrave  s'ap- 
plaudit de  rencontrer  dans  le  Champ  jleury  et  V Esclaircissement 
pourraient  bien  n'être  pas  aussi  fortuites  qu'il  lui  plaît  de  le 

li  me  paraît  certain  que  l'ouvrage  de  Palsgrave  est  antidaté 
sur  le  frontispice.  Pourquoi.^  dans  quel  intérêt.^  C'est  ce  qu'il 
est  difficile  d'expliquer  précisément.  On  peut  supposer  que  les 
diverses  parties  du  livre  ont  paru  l'une  après  l'autre ,  que  les 
éditeurs  ont  mis  à  l'ensemble  de  l'œuvre  la  date  la  plus  re- 
culée, tandis  que,  au  contraire,  Henry  VIII  n'a  donné  le  pri- 
vilège qu'à  la  forme  dernière  et  complète.  Cette  hypothèse 
pourrait  aussi  rendre  raison  de  l'absence  des  feuillets  3o  à  35, 
encore  qu'il  ne  paraisse  pas  y  avoir  de  lacune  dans  le  texte. 
L'impression  d'ailleurs  a  été  faite  par  deux  imprimeurs  diffé- 
rents, Hawkins  et  Pynson.   Tout  cela  semble  indiquer  une 

Le  28  avril  lôsg.  Le  privilège  est  de  1626,  et  G.  Tory  dit  lui-même  avoir  com- 
mencé son  livre  en  1622  (fol.  1°). 


exécution  partielle,  intervertie  peut-être,  et  reprise  sur  des 
mesures  mal  calculées. 

Lorsque  David  Baker  écrit  que  la  nation  française,  aujour- 
d'hui si  orgueilleuse  de  l'universalité  de  sa  langue,  paraît  en 
avoir  l'obligation  à  l'Angleterre,  il  raisonne  à  rebours;  la  langue 
française  n'est  pas  devenue  universelle,  parce  qu'il  a  plu  à 
l'Anglais  Palsgrave  d'en  composer  une  grammaire;  mais,  au 
contraire,  Palsgrave  a  rédigé  cette  grammaire,  parce  que  la 
langue  française  était  universelle.  Cette  universalité  était  un 
fait  constaté  avant  la  naissance  de  Palsgrave,  de  même  que, 
avant  lui,  d'autres  avaient  tenté  de  formuler  des  règles  pour 
faciliter  aux  étrangers  l'étude  du  français:  Vixerc fortes  ante 
Agamemnona  muUi. 

Palsgrave  en  désigne  nominalement  trois,  auxquels  il  recon- 
naît que  son  travail  a  de  grandes  obligations. 

Le  premier  est  Alexandre  Barclay,  mort  en  1 552 ,  moine  de 
l'ordre  de  saint  François,  hagiographe  et  polygraphe,  dont 
Pits  indique  un  Traité  de  la  prononciation  française ,  en  un  seul 
livre,  commençant  par  ces  mots  :  iMuIti  ac  varii  homines  litte- 
rati\»  Le  catalogue  de  Watt  est  plus  explicite;  il  donne  le 
titre  exact  d'après  lequel  l'ouvrage  paraît  rédigé  en  anglais: 
«  Introductorie  ta  write  and  pronounce  the  frenche;  Londres,  i  52  i, 
fol.,  imprimé  par  Coppland.  »  Tous  mes  efforts  pour  découvrir 
un  exemplaire  de  ce  curieux  ouvrage  ont  été  inutiles. 

Je  n'ai  pas  même  réussi  à  en  découvrir  autant  sur  le  second 
de  ses  contemporains,  que  Palsgrave  appelle  Jacobus  Vallensis 
et  qu'il  qualifie  instituteur  du  jeune  comte  de  Lincoln,  fils 

'  Pits,  p.  745.  Il  ne  s'ensuit  pas  que        de  traduire;  il  ne  prétend  donner  que  le 
l'ouvrage  soit  en  latin;  Pits  a  l'habitude        sens. 



du  duc  de  INorfolk.  Baie  ni  Pits  ne  font  mention  d'aucun  nom 
qui  ressemble  à  celui-là;  mais  de  leur  silence  même  je  tire 
une  induction  :  tous  deux  n'ayant  admis  dans  leur  recueil  que 
des  écrivains  nés  dans  la  Grande-Bretagne,  je  suis  tenté  de 
voir  dans  Jacobas  Vallensis  un  Français  nommé  Jacques  Duval, 
de  Laval,  Vallée  ou  Devallée. 

Le  cas  est  absolument  le  même  pour  «  le  savant  clerc  maistre 
Giles  Dewes,  autrefois  instituteur  de  votre  noble  grâce  (le  roi 
Henry  VIII)  pour  cette  même  langue,  lequel,  à  la  requête  et 
sur  les  instances  de  divers  grands  personnages,  a  également 
écrit  sur  cette  matière^».  Dans  un  autre  passage,  Palsgravè 
mentionne  un  très-ancien  texte  du  Roman  de  la  Rose  qui  lui 
fut  montré  «  dans  la  bibliothèque  de  Guildhall  par  maistre 
Gyles,  jadis  maître  de  français  du  roi  régnant».  Baie  ni  Pits 
ne  connaissent  Gilles  Dewes;  parmi  les  biographes  ou  bibho- 
graphes  français,  M.  Brunet  est  le  seul  qui  ait  recueilli  son 
nom  et  le  titre  de  son  livre  ^  : 

Voici,  dit  M.  Brunet,  un  autre  ouvrage  moins  connu  en  France  que  le 
précédent  (que  la  Grammaire  de  Palsgravè,  dont  on  ne  connaît  sur  le 
continent  d'autre  exemplaire  que  celui  de  la  Mazarine)  : 

»An  Introdactorie  for  to  lerne,  to  rede,  to  pronounce  and  to  speake  frenche, 
trewly,  compiled  for  the  ryghte  hygh,  excellent  and  most  vertuous  lady, 
the  lady  Mary  of  England  doughter  to  our  moste  gracious  soveraine  lorde 
kyng  Henry  the  eyghte.  » 

Grammaire  fort  rare  dont  l'auteur ,  Giles  Dewes ,  est  nommé  dans  un 
acrostiche,  au  folio  Aii.  La  seconde  partie  donne  des  exemples  très-curieux; 
on  suppose  que  ce  livre  a  paru  en  i532.  [Manuel  du  libraire,  III,  62  1 .) 

M.  Brunet  a  reproduit  le  nom  de  fauteur  de  cette  gram- 
maire tel  que  le  donnent  les  Anglais.  Palsgravè  fécrit  Dewes; 
Dibdin  et  la  Bibliotheca  Grenvilliana,  pareillement,  et  aussi  John 

'   To  the  Kynges  grâces,  p.  vu.  —  '  P.  35. 


Stow,  dans  son  livre  intitulé  A  survay  oj  the  cities  oj  London; 
bien  plus,  il  est  ainsi  figuré  dans  le  relevé  des  nrionuments 
funéraires  de  la  paroisse  de  Saint-Olave,  de  Londres;  voici 
textuellement  cette  épitaphe  : 

Herelieth  GilesDewes,  who  sometirnes  was  servant  to  king  Henry  the  VII 
and  king  Henry  ihe  VIII.  Cierke  of  their  librairies ,  and  schoole  master  for  the 
frenche  tongue  to  prince  Arthur  and  to  the  iady  Mary ,  who  died  1 535  ^ 

«  Cy  gît  Gilles  Dewes,  jadis  serviteur  des  rois  Henry  VII  et  Henry  VIII, 
clerc  de  leurs  bibliothèques  et  instituteur,  pour  la  langue  française,  du 
prince  Arthur  et  de  madame  Marie;  mort  en  1535.» 

Malgré  ces  témoignages,  il  est  certain  que  Dewes  est  une 
forme  altérée,  accommodée  à  l'usage  anglais,  et  que  la  forme 
véritable  est  dv  Wés.  Ainsi  l'écrit  le  prétendu  Dewes  lui-même, 
non  pas  dans  un,  mais  dans  deux  acrostiches,  dont  je  me 
contenterai  de  rapporter  le  second,  parce  qu'il  fournit  la  tra- 
duction latine  et  par  conséquent  le  sens  vulgaire  de  ce  nom 
propre  : 


G  rosses  gens  de  rudes  affections , 

I    vrongnes  bannis  de  vray  sentement, 

L  ourdauhz,  cocardz,  privés  d'entendement, 

E  n  leur  gueulée  prenant  réfections  , 

S  aouls  d'oprobres  et  de  detractions , 

D  iront  de  moy  comme  ilz  font  d'aultre  gent  : 
U  oyés  icy ,  quel  facteur  bel  et  gent  ! 

V  ray  et  pour  certain  que  suis  ignorant  ; 

V  ouloir  je  ne  doy  pas  laisser  pour  tant 
E  mprendre  chose  qui  fait  à  priser 

S  ans  garde  prendre  à  leur  despriser. 

'  Ancient  fanerai  monuments,  etc.,  by  Cette  difficulté  vaincue  peut  servir  à  ex- 
John Wewer.  London,  1637.  pliquer  la  gêne  et  le  peu  de  sens  qu'on 

'  Cet  acrostiche  est  double,  c'est-à-dire  remarque  dans  cette  pièce, 
en   anglais   et   en   français   interlinéaire. 


A  ulcuiis  diront  :  cecy  est  mal  escript. 
L  es  aultres  après  bendant  lez  sourcilz 
I    trouveront  très  grant  faulte  d'esprit; 
A  ultres  pèseront  tout  come  gens  subtilz , 
S  ur  ce  donnant  leur  sentence  et  advis. 

D  ie  ung  cbescun  ce  que  dire  vouldra; 
E  n  despit  du  diable  et  de  mal  vouUoir, 

V  eoir  ilz  pourront  que  m'a  mis  en  debvoir 

A  bien  faire;  face  mieulx  qui  sçara  : 

D  e  moy  certes  ja  reprins  n'en  sera. 

I    bésus  doncques  nous  ottroy  bien  faire , 

S  ans  voulloir  à  luy  n'a  aultre  desplaire. 

La  réunion  de  toutes  les  initiales  donne  : 


Ni  Duwes,  ni  du  Wés  ne  peut  être  un  nom  anglais;  celui 
qui  le  portait  déclare  d'ailleurs  dans  son  prologue  que  le  fran- 
çais était  «  sa  langue  maternelle  et  naturelle.  »  D'après  cela,  il 
ne  faut  pas  de  longues  réflexions  pour  restituer  au  maître  de 
français  d'Henry  VIII  la  vraie  forme  de  son  nom,  dans  l'or- 
thographe de  notre  langue:  il  s'appelait  du  Guez,  de  Vadis. 

Nous  trouvons  dans  son  dialogue  Sur  la  paix  un  témoignage 
précis  du  temps  où  il  composait  son  livre.  Il  introduit  son 
élève,  la  princesse  Marie,  lui  reprochant  son  absence  de  la 
veille  au  soir.  Le  maître  s'excuse  sur  ce  qu'il  s'est  oublié  dans 
une  agréable  compagnie  : 

Et  sur  quoi  donc  rouloit  votre  conversation?  —  Certes,  Madame,  elle 
estoit  de  la  paix ,  laquelle  (comme  on  disoit)  est  criée  tant  en  ce  royaume 
d'Engleterre  comme  de  France,  et  durera  tant  que  ie  noble  roy  Henry, 
vostre  père,  vivra  et  le  roy  Francoys  pareillement,  avec  l'addicion  d'ung 

La  paix  jurée  dans  ces  conditions  ne  peut  être  que  celle 


de  1627  ^  La  princesse  Marie  avait  alors  douze  ans,  et  cela 
s'accorde  avec  ce  qu'elle-même  dit  ailleurs  de  son  jeune  âge. 

Ainsi  du  Guez  composait  ces  dialogues  en  1627,  et  avant 
1 53o  Palsgrave  avait  communication  de  ses  travaux.  Ce  n'était 
pas  encore  la  grammaire  dédiée  à  la  princesse  Marie,  mais  il 
est  vraisemblable  que  du  Guez  avait  commencé  par  publier 
à  l'usage  de  ses  élèves  quelques  petits  traités  épars,  aujourd'hui 

La  Grammaire  de  du  Guez,  dans  sa  rédaction  complète  et 
définitive,  n'a  paru  qu'après  celle  de  Palsgrave,  puisque  le 
travail  de  l'Anglais  est  l'objet  de  l'ironie  et  des  sarcasmes,  à 
peine  voilés,  du  vieux  grammairien  français.  L'impression  de 
ce  volume  sans  date  doit  être  de  1 53 2  ou  1 533. 

On  conçoit  aisément  que  la  Grammaire  de  Palsgrave,  im- 
posante par  l'appareil  scientifique  de  la  méthode  et  par  la 
masse  du  volume,  dût  effrayer  la  jeunesse  anglaise  à  qui  s'a- 
dressait ce  présent.  Et  il  faut  bien  qu'il  en  ait  été  quelque 
chose,  puisque  la  lettre  d'André  Baynton  qui  suit  le  privilège 
du  roi,  a  pour  unique  objet  de  combattre  cette  frayeur.  Ne 
vous  laissez  pas  intimider  ni  décourager  par  l'extérieur  du 
livre,  dit  André  Baynton  aux  fils  de  lord  Montjoye,  ses  amis 
de  collège,  et  vous  reconnaîtrez  qu'un  médiocre  travail  suffit 
pour  retirer  toute  la  substance  de  cet  épais  in-folio. 

En  attendant,  il  leur  en  adresse  un  abrégé.  La  précaution 
devait  ne  pas  sembler  inutile. 

Cette  lettre  d'André  Baynton  est-rclle  une  apologie  préven- 
tive suggérée  par  la  conscience  de  l'auteur,  ou  bien  serait-ce 
une  réponse  à  des  attaques  répandues  dans  le  public.^  Mais 
ces  attaques  n'avaient  pas  dû  se  produire  avant  l'apparition 
de  l'ouvrage.  Nouvelle  circonstance  à  l'appui  de  l'hypothèse 

'  Cf.  Lorenz,  Summa  historiée  Gallo-Francicœ ,  p.  67/1. 



énoncée  plus  haut,  que  le  livre  a  été  d'abord  publié  successi- 
vement par  parties  détachées,  lesquelles  ensuite  ont  été  réu- 
nies sous  un  titre  général. 

C'est  alors  que  Gilles  du  Guez,  mécontent  de  voir  exploiter 
par  un  rival  et  l'autorité  de  son  nom  et  le  résultat  de  ses  tra- 
vaux, rassemble  à  son  tour  ses  traités  partiels,  en  fait  une 
œuvre  d'ensemble,  courte,  claire,  bien  digérée,  amusante 
même  par  les  dialogues  dont  il  fait  suivre  son  exposé  théorique. 
Dans  ces  dialogues,  au  nombre  de  dix,  la  princesse  Marie  est 
constamment  en  scène  :  tantôt  on  la  suppose  recevant  un  en- 
voyé du  roi  de  France,  de  l'empereur  ou  d'un  souverain  quel- 
conque; tantôt  son  aumônier  lui  expose  les  cérémonies  de  la 
messe,  ou  les  diverses  propriétés  des  mets,  pour  conclure  au 
choix  d'un  régime  alimentaire.  Une  autre  fois,  c'est  du  Guez 
lui-même  qui  traite  avec  elle  les  points  de  la  métaphysique  les 
plus  élevés  et  les  plus  délicats,  par  exemple:  qu'est-ce  que 
l'âme .^  Cette  question,  examinée  sous  l'autorité  de  saint  Isidore, 
ne  remplit  pas  moins  de  onze  pages  in-quarto.  Un  entretien 
roule  sur  la  paix;  un  autre,  sur  l'amour.  Nous  voyons  dans 
celui-ci  que  du  Guez  avait  chez  la  princesse  le  titre  de  tréso- 
rier, et  de  plus  que  sa  royale  élève  avait  coutume  de  l'appeler 
en  badinant  son  mari  d'adoption.  Ce  petit  détail  fait  connaître 
la  situation  de  notre  compatriote  à  la  cour  d'Henry  VIII  :  le 
degré  de  familiarité  indique  le  degré  d'estime  où  il  était  tenu. 
Au  surplus,  toute  idée  d'inconvenance  est  exclue  par  l'âge  du 
professeur,  trop  souvent  cloué  dans  son  fauteuil  par  la  goutte 
et  obligé  de  manquer  sa  leçon;  il  y  supplée  alors  par  une 
lettre  d'excuse,  soit  en  vers,  soit  en  prose,  tirant  de  sa  maladie 
même  une  occasion  d'étude  et  une  nouvelle  forme  de  devoir 
pour  son  écolière.  Morgan,  écuyer  tranchant  de  Marie,  se 
trouve-t-il  dans  la  gêne  avec  sa  famille?  Du  Guez  fera  lire  à 


leur  commune  maîtresse  la  requête  de  Morgan  rédigée  en  ma- 
nière de  leçon  de  français.  Il  ne  manque  aucune  occasion  de 
jeter  dans  cette  jeune  âme  les  semences  de  pitié,  de  généro- 
sité, d'honneur,  de  tous  les  bons  sentiments. 

Il  s'attache  plus  qu'un  simple  intérêt  grammatical  à  ces  exer- 
cices intellectuels  d'une  enfant  de  douze  ans,  fdle  d'Henry  VIII, 
sœur  aînée  d'Elisabeth,  qui  devait  être  un  jour  l'épouse  de  Phi- 
lippe II,  et  s'appeler,  selon  la  passion  des  historiens,  Marie  la 
Catholique  ou  la  sanglante  Marie. 

Tel  est  l'ouvrage  que  du  Guez  lance  dans  le  monde,  ayant 
bien  soin  d'inscrire  sur  le  frontispice,  non  pas  son  nom,  mais 
celui  de  son  auguste  élève;  le  tout  accompagné  d'une  préface 
humble  et  modeste  dans  la  forme,  railleuse  et  dédaigneuse  par 
le  fond,  et  dirigée  contre  «  ces  compilateurs  qui,  comme  dit  saint 
Jérôme,  ont  commencé  par  enseigner  avant  que  d'être  savants,  » 
ou  qui,  s'étant  rendus  savants  à  force  d'étude,  se  sont  ensuite 
ingérés  d'inventer  des  règles  infaillibles  pour  une  langue  qui 
n'est  pas  la  leur.  Poser  des  règles  est  un  droit  qui  appartient 
à  fort  peu  de  gens  :•  quant  à  moi,  ajoute-t-il,  dont  le  français 
est  la  langue  maternelle  et  naturelle,  et  qui  pendant  trente  ans 
ai  fait  profession  d'instruire  dans  cette  langue  des  princes,  des 
marquis,  deux  reines  et  le  roi  régnant,  je  n'ai  pas  encore  dé- 
couvert de  règles  infaillibles;  et  cependant  le  roi  vient  de  me 
confier  l'éducation  française  de  sa  fdle.  Palsgrave  n'est  point 
nommé,  mais  il  est  si  clairement  désigné,  qu'il  n'est  pas  pos- 
sible de  s'y  méprendre  : 

Combien  que  je  n'ignore  point  que  plusieurs  tant  qualifiez  es  bonnes 
lectres  comme  aussy  élégant  en  la  langue  Françoise  (au  moins  pour  non 
estre  naturel  et  natif  du  territoire  et  pais  )  ont  composés  et  escripz  règles 
et  principes  pour  introduction  en  ladite  langue ,  lesquelz  peult  estre ,  coine 
tiesmoigne  saint  Hicrosme  à  Paulin ,  ont  ensegnés  avant  que  avoir  esté 



sçavanU;  car  ja  soit  que  art  soit  imitatrice  de  nature,  i'ensuivant  de  bien 
près,  sy  ne  la  peult  elle  toutefois  aconsuivir.  Pourquoy  iesdictz  compila- 
teurs du  tout  adhérans  à  icelle  ,  sont  par  nature  en  divers  lieux  cancelléz , 
repris  et  corrigez.  Ne  sembleroit  ce  point  chose  rare  et  estrange  veoir  ung 
François  se  ingérer  et  efforcer  d'apprendre  aux  Allemans  la  langue  tyoise , 

voire  et  qui  plus  est  sur  icelle  composer  règles  et  principes? 

C'est  aultre  chose  d'ensegnér  et  d'apprendre  par  les  principes  et  règles  faictz 
par  divers  expertz  aucteurs ,  par  intervalle  et  diuturnité  de  long  temps  bien 
approuvéez,  que  de  première  abordée;  et  n'ayant  un  langage  que  moiene- 
ment  et  comme  par  en)prant,  en  voulloir  cy  pris  cy  mis  non  seulement 
ensegnér  les  aultres,  mais  aussy  composer  sur  ce  règles  infallibles,  ce  que 
sçavoir  faire  n'est  ottroié  à  bien  peu  de  ceulx  qui  sont  mesme  natif  dudict 
langage.  Car  touchant  moy  mesmes  à  qui  ladicte  langue  est  maternelle  et 
naturelle,  et  qui  par  l'espase  de  trente  ans  et  plus  me  suis  entremis  (com- 
bien que  soie  très  ignorant)  d'ensegnér  et  apprendre  plusieurs  grandz  princes 
et  princesses,  corne  à  feu  de  noble  et  recommandée  mémoire  le  prince 
Arthur,  le  noble  roy  Henry  pour  le  présent  prospereusement  régnant,  à 
qui  Dieu  doint  vie  perpétuelle,  les  roynes  de  France  et  d'Ecosse,  avec  le 
noble  marquis  d'Excestre ,  etc.  ;  pour  laquelle  chose  accomplir  j'ay  fait 
mon  pouvoir  et  debvoir  de  perscruter  et  cercher  tout  ce  que  m'a  semblé 
à  ce  propos  servir-,  sy  n'ai  je  toutesfois  peu  trouver  règles  infallibles  (pour 
ce  qu'il  n'est  possible  de  telles  les  trouver),  c'est  à  dire  telles  que  puissent 
servir  infalliblement  come  font  les  règles  composées  pour  apprendre  Latin, 
Grec  et  Hebrieu,  et  aidtres  telz  langages-,  ce  que  neantmoins  Iesdictz  com- 
pilateurs ont  entrepris  (affm  que  ne  die  présumé)  de  faire,  ja  soit  qu'ilz 
n'aient  esté  que  petit  de  temps  à  l'apprendre ,  etc. 

A  la  suite  de  cette  préface  cruelle  par  ses  réticences  mêmes, 
l'auteur  expose  son  plan  : 

Ce  petit  œuvre  sera  divisé  en  deux  livres  dont  le  premier  aura  deux 
parties  : 

La  première  partie  traitera  des  règles  du  langage  parlé,  des  lettres  qui 
doivent  s'effacer  dans  la  prononciation  et  pour  quel  motif. 

La  seconde  partie  traitera  des  noms,  pronoms,  adverbes,  participes, 
verbes,  prépositions  et  conjonctions,  avec  des  règles  fixes  pour  conjuguer. 


Cette  même  partie  contiendra  cinq  ou  six  formes  de  conjugaisons  d'un 
même  verbe. 

Item  la  conjugaison  avec  deiix  pronoms,  avec  trois,  et  enfin  la  conju- 
gaison de  deux  verbes  accouplés. 

Le  second  livre  traitera  des  lettres  missives  en  prose  et  en  vers. 

Ensemble  plusieurs  conversations  en  forme  de  dialogue  pour  recevoir 
un  messager  de  l'empereur,  du  roi  de  France  ou  de  tout  autre  prince. 

Ensemble  d'autres  conversations  des  propriétés  de  divers  mets,  de 
l'amour,  de  la  paix ,  de  la  guerre ,  de  l'exposition  de  la  messe ,  de  la  na- 
ture de  l'âme  humaine,  de  la  division  du  temps,  avec  d'autres  objets. 

Ce  plan  est  (sauf  le  lexique)  plus  étendu  que  celui  de 
Palsgrave,  mais  il  est  exécuté  sur  une  échelle  très-réduite. 

Un  traité  de  prononciation  était  le  début  obligé  d'un  livre  sur 
la  grammaire.  Gilles  du  Guez  paraît  être  le  premier  qui  se  soit 
avisé  de  noter  le  son  d'une  voyelle  par  un  signe  extérieur  au 
mot^  Il  marque  l'accent  avec  beaucoup  de  soin  et  d'exactitude, 
même  sur  des  voyelles  où  nous  ne  le  mettons  pas,  et  où  il  serait 
logique  de  le  mettre.  Il  y  avait  à  son  insu  dans  son  procédé  le 
germe  de  toute  une  réforme.  Auparavant,  l'accent  était  noté, 
pour  ainsi  dire,  à  l'intérieur  du  mot,  par  des  consonnes  doubles, 
dont  le  rôle  était  d'influencer  la  voyelle  précédente  en  même 
temps  qu'elles  maintenaient  le  souvenir  de  l'étyniologie;  ces 
consonnes  d'ailleurs  étaient  muettes  dans  la  prononciation. 
Du  moment  que  l'accent  vient  en  se  posant  sur  une  voyelle  en 
préciser  le  son  et  la  quantité,  de  quoi  sert  pour  le  langage  la 
double  consonne.^  Quand  l'usage  a  prévalu  d'écrire  avec  un  ac- 
cent circonflexe  même  et  noces,  que  signifient  Y  s  dans  mesme  et 
le  p  dans  nopces?  C'est  alors  que  l'hôtel  de  Rambouillet  se  met 
à  la  besogne,  et  que  les  précieuses,  attentives  uniquement  au 


'  Palsgrave  ne  l'emploie  que  pour  in- 
diquer la  syllabe  qui  porte  l'accent  tonique, 
par  exemple,  il  accentue  homme,  femme. 

dottloreûse ,  contre,  entre,  etc.  Vid.  fol.  xix 
de  l'édition  originale. 


beau  parler  et  très-insoucieuses  de  l'étymologie,  entreprennent 
d'arracher  des  mots  les  lettres  inutiles,  persuadées  qu'elles  ac- 
complissent l'œuvre   du  monde  la  plus   raisonnable,  et  ne 
suppriment  que  les  traces  de  l'ancienne  barbarie.  Il  y  aurait 
pourtant  bien  des  arguments  en  faveur  du  système  déchu  : 
l'accent  ne  remplit  que  la  moitié  des  fonctions  de  la  double 
consonne,   puisqu'il  ne  marque  pas  l'étymologie;  ensuite  il 
n'adhère  pas  assez  solidement  au  mot;  il  disparaît  ou  s'intro- 
duit sans  motif,  et  l'écriture,   témoin  infidèle,  corrompt  le 
langage.  De  nos  jours,  faccent  circonflexe  ne  se  met  plus  sur 
noces;  cet  o  qui  était  fermé  s'est  ouvert,  et  la  première  syllabe 
de  ce  congénère  de  nuptial  est  devenue  brève.  Sans  compter 
que  les  précieuses  ont  opéré  au  hasard,  capricieusement,  ap- 
pliquant leur  réforme  aux  mots  usuels,  et  laissant  leur  an- 
cienne orthographe  aux  mots  analogues  auxquels,  pour  s'en 
,     servir  plus  rarement,  elles  ne  songeaient  pas.  Pourquoi,  par 
exemple,  ont-elles  supprimé  le  p  de  ptisane  et  non  celui  de 
psaume?  Celui  de  nepveu  et  non  celui  de  baptême?  C'est  qu'elles 
ont  agi  sans  discernement.  Au  lieu  d'un  système  nouveau  et 
incomplet,  dont  l'illusion  a  rempli  notre  langue  d'inconsé- 
quences et  d'incertitudes,  il  eût  bien  mieux  valu  rechercher,  et 
remettre  sous  les  yeux  du  public,  fesprit  des  lois  qui  régissaient 
notre  premier  système  d'orthographe  :  decipimur  specie  recti. 

Au  reste,  Gilles  du  Guez  n'avait  imaginé  la  notation  exté- 
rieure de  l'accent  que  comme  artifice  mécanique  destiné  à 
faciliter  aux  Anglais  l'étude  de  notre  prononciation.  Son  iilven- 
tion  a  eu  plus  de  succès  et  de  portée  qu'il  ne  s'y  était  attendu  : 
elle  s'est  développée  *  et  définitivement  installée  dans  l'ortho- 
graphe française.  Si  c'est  un  abus,  il  est  consacré. 

'  Du  Guez  n'a  pas  inventé  l'accent  cir-        qu'il  avait  pris  la  précaution  de  formuler 
conflexe;  il  n'en  avait  pas  besoin,  puis-        la  règle  de  la  double  consonne,  surtout  en 


Tout  dans  ce  petit  ouvrage  est  en  harmonie  avec  cette  in- 
vention commode  de  l'accent;  tout  y  révèle  l'homme  pratique, 
le  maître  expérimenté  qui  tend  au  but  par  le  plus  court  chemin  : 
mettre  l'élève  en  état  de  parler  dans  le  moins  de  temps  et  avec 
le  moins  de  travail  possible.  La  fortune  aussi  des  deux  ouvrages 
fut  bien  différente  :  Gilles  du  Guez  on  peu  d'années  fit  trois 
éditions'  ;  Palsgrave  ne  paraît  pas  être  jamais  arrivé  à  l'honneur 
de  la  seconde.  Du  Guez  avait,  d'une  main  leste  et  sûre,  esquissé 
la  petite  grammaire  de  Lhomond;  Palsgrave  avait  laborieuse- 
ment compilé  la  Grammaire  des  grammaires;  l'in-folio  fut 
étouffé  parl'in-iS.  Cela  se  voit  souvent  dans  la  littérature,  où  le 
quatrain  de  Saint-Aulaire  triomphe  de  la  Pucelle  de  Chapelain. 
Mais  la  circonstance  qui  dans  son  temps  décida  la  défaite 
de  Palsgrave,  est  précisément  ce  qui  nous  le  rend  aujourd'hui 
précieux.  Son  défaut  avec  le  temps  s'est  changé  en  une  qualité. 
Où  chercherait-on  ailleurs  cette  quantité  d'observations  par- 
fois minutieuses,  je  l'accorde,  mais  toujours  intéressantes 
comme  la  vérité.?  cette  multitude  de  faits  grammaticaux  re- 
cueillis dans  toutes  les  parties  de  la  langue  et  appuyés  d'exem- 
ples tirés  des  écrivains  illustres?  Du  Guez  fut  habile,  mais 
Palsgrave  est  savant.  Notre  compatiiote  a  sans  doute  fait  da- 
vantage pour  les  Anglais  contemporains  de  Palsgrave;  mais 
Palsgrave  à  son  tour  rendra  plus  de  services  aux  Français 
du  XIX*  siècle  qui  se  proposent,  non  pas  d'apprendre  à  parler 

ce  qui  touche  \'s,  qui  est  le  cas  d'application  coliationnées.  La  meilleure  est  encore  celle 

le  plus  fréquent.  de  Godfray  :  c'est  le  texte  que  nous  repro- 

'  Toutes  les  trois  sans  date  ;  elles  sont  duisons. 
décrites  dans  la  Bibliolheca  GrenvilUana  L'édition  de  Waley ,«  newely  corrected 

(I,  p.  200).  L'édition  princeps  est  de  God-  .  and  amended,  »  supprime  dans  la  dédi- 

fray,  la  seconde  est  de  Bourman ,  la  troi-  cace  les  noms  de  la  reine  Anne  et  de  sa 

sième  de  Waley.  Toutes  trois  se  trouvent  fille  Elisabeth.  Henry  VIII  était  sans  doute 

dans  la  Bodléienne,  où  M.  Lorain  les  a  remarié. 


français,  mais  d'étudier  l'histoire  de  la  langue  française;  car, 
et  c'est  une  observation  essentielle,  du  Guez  n'écrit  que  pour 
les  élèves ,  et  Palsgrave  s'est  donné  la  tâche  de  former  non- 
seulement  des  élèves,  mais  aussi  des  maîtres  ^ 

Toutefois,  cette  histoire  de  notre  langue,  il  ne  faut  pas  s'at- 
tendre à  la  trouver  entière  dans  le  livre  de  Palsgrave.  On  se 
tromperait  fort  de  prendre  sa  grammaire  pour  une  grammaire 
du  vieux  français,  du  français  primitif.  Disons-le  tout  de  suite 
et  nettement  :  Palsgrave  ne  sait  pas  le  vieux  français.  Lorsqu'il 
écrivait,  la  renaissance  était  commencée;  comme  un  océan 
dont  la  prise  de  Constantinople  aurait  rompu  les  digues,  elle 
avait  subitement  fait  invasion  sur  TEurope  et  recouvert  de  ses 
flots  notre  ancienne  littérature  nationale.  Quelques  points 
émergeaient  encore;  mais  on  ne  savait  plus  les  rattacher  aux 
terres  ensevelies.  Aujourd'hui  qu'ils  ont  achevé  de  disparaître, 
c'est  déjà  beaucoup  de  nous  les  signaler  et  nous  les  décrire. 
C'est  le  mérite  de  Palsgrave  de  nous  dire  tout  ce  qui  de  son 
temps  pouvait  encore  s'apercevoir;  c'est  notre  tâche  de  re- 
cueillir ses  indications  et  de  redresser  ses  erreurs,  à  l'aide 
d'autres  renseignements  épars,  éclairés  d'une  prudente  saga- 
cité. Un  ou  deux  exemples  rendront  la  chose  plus  sensible. 

Palsgrave  rencontre  ces  vers  d'Alain  Chartier  : 

Luy  présentant  un  aidant  cierge 
Afin  que  je  sa  grâce  accjuierge. 

Il  remarque  là-dessus  que  le  poëte  s'est  permis  d'altérer  le 
mot  pour  rimer.  Il  n'en  est  rien.  Palsgrave  ignore  qu'autrefois 
le  g  était  la  caractéristique  du  subjonctif,  et  que  pas  un  écri- 
vain du  XII*  siècle  ne  manque  à  l'employer  dans  cette  finale. 

'  «  .  .  .  .ïhat  by  the  mean  of  my  poore  «  also  be  attayned  unto  by  sache  as  for 
«  labours  ihe  french  tonge  may  hère  afler  «  their  lymes  iherof  shalbe  desvrous.  • 
«  by  olhers  the  more  easily  he  toaght,  and         (  To  the  kynges  grâce,  p.  m.  ) 


Palsgrave  ressemble  ici  à  ces  commentateurs  de  La  Fontaine, 
qui  prennent  les  archaïsmes  de  leur  auteur  pour  des  altéra- 
tions arbitraires  suggérées  par  les  besoins  de  la  versification. 
Son  erreur  du  moins  nous  enseigne  que  dès  la  fin  du  xv'  siècle, 
cette  forme  de  subjonctif  avait  disparu  de  fusage  commun ,  au 
point  que  la  tradition  même  en  était  perdue. 

Une  autre  fois  Palsgrave  note  dans  ses  textes  de  langue  ces 
formes  gentil  damoyselle,  cruel  défense,  de  quel  part,  et  autres 
semblables.  Il  en  tire  cette  conclusion ,  que  certains  adjectifs 
peuvent  se  mettre  au  masculin  avec  un  substantif  féminin  :  ce 
sont  les  adjectifs  terminés  par  une  /.  Puis  en  observant  encore, 
il  trouve  la  même  bizarrerie  en  usage  pour  l'adjectif  grand, 
puisqu'on  dit  très-bien  ma  grand  mère  et  c'est  grand  pitié  ;  enfin , 
un  examen  attentif  lui  découvre  l'adjectif  vert,  qui  se  met  au 
singulier  masculin  avec  le  substantif  féminin  herbe,  témoin 
cette  phrase  de  Jean  Lemaire  :  «  Paris  se  mettoit  à  luicter  tout  ^ 

nu  avecques  les  plus  fors  sur  l'herbe  vert.  » 

Palsgrave  est  ici  la  dupe  d'une  illusion  :  la  discordance  des 
genres  dont  il  s'étonne  n'existe  point.  Tout  adjectif  qui  en 
latin  ne  possède  que  deux  terminaisons  poulies  trois  genres, 
c'est-à-dire  qui  dessert  deux  genres  au  moyen  d'une  seule  ter- 
minaison, n'en  avait  qu'une  dans  le  français  primitif  ^  A  cette 
catégorie  appartiennent  ^en<j7fs,  crudelis,  (jualis ,  grandis ,  viridis, 
et  une  multitude  d'autres.  Cette  règle  générale  donne  en  trois 
lignes  l'explication  des  prétendues  anomalies  dont  Palsgrave 
a  pris  la  peine  de  faire  un  long  chapitre,  incomplet  encore  à 
son  point  de  vue,  puisqu'il  n'y  donne  pas  la  liste  de  ces  ad- 
jectifs prétendus  privilégiés. 

Mais  en  compensation  de  ces  fautes  qui  accusent  l'igno- 

'  A  plus  forte  raison  les  terminaisons  latines  en  ens  pour  les  trois  genres,  qui  forment 
le  français  en  ant  :  vaillant,  avenant,  etc. 


rance  du  siècle  plutôt  que  celle  de  l'écrivain,  combien  de 
renseignements  d'un  prix  inestimable  sur  toutes  les  parties 
de  la  grammaire  !  Les  erreurs  de  tbéorie  de  Palsgrave  peuvent 
même  nous  devenir  une  source  d'instruction  par  la  comparai- 
son avec  les  écrivains  d'un  âge  plus  reculé.  Les  faits  dont  il 
dépose  étaient  la  vérité  de  son  temps.  Voulez- vous  en  savoir 
davantage?  Interrogez  des  témoins  d'un  temps  antérieur.  Son 
abondance,  dont  un  contemporain  pouvait  avoir  le  droit  de 
se  moquer,  n'est  pas  stérile  pour  nous  : 

Cum  flueret  lutulentus,  erat  quod  toHere  velles. 
S'il  lui  arrive  parfois  de  se  tromper,  ce  n'est  pas  faute  d'avoir 
consulté  tous  les  guides  supposés  capables  de  lui  enseigner  la 
véritable  route. 

Palsgrave  avec  son  style  lourd  et  sa  phrase  embrouillée,  in- 
terminable, ne  pouvaitavoir  l'espriltourné  à  la  malice  etprompt 
à  l'épigramme  comme  Gilles  du  Guez;  mais  c'est  un  honnête 
homme,  plein  de  candeur,  qui  vous  déclare  les  auxiliaires 
de  son  travail.  Il  n'a  pas  fait  difficulté  de  rendre  hommage  à 
ceux  qui  vivaient  encore;  malheureusement  il  n'a  pas  cru  néces- 
saire de  désigner  avec  la  même  précision  les  anciens  auteurs 
dont  il  s'est  aidé,  gens  fort  obscurs,  sans  doute,  et  dont  peut- 
être  lui-même  ignorait  les  noms.  N'eût-il  fait  que  nous  indiquer 
ces  sources  tellement  quellement,  nous  lui  aurions  encore  une 
grande  obligation ,  car  il  a  existé,  il  existe  perdus  dans  la  poudre 
des  bibliothèques  des  traités  sur  la  langue  française  qui  re- 
montent au  XIII*  siècle,  et  peut-être  au  delà.  Ce  sont  des  maté- 
riaux bien  indigestes,  bien  informes,  mais  dont  une  critique 
judicieuse  parviendrait  certainement  à  tirer  parti.  En  passant 
au  creuset  tant  de  prétendues  règles,  accumulées  par  l'esprit 
d'analyse  qui  seul  régnait  alors,  l'esprit  de  synthèse  des  temps 
modernes  finirait  par  en  dégager  quelques  principes  généraux 


propres  à  répandre  la  lumière  sur  cette  longue  route  obscure  que 
notre  langue  a  suivie,  et  qui  sort  des  profondeurs  du  ix*  siècle. 
M.  Fr.  Michel,  page  i3  de  ses  Rapports  à  M.  le  Ministre  de 
l'instraction  publique,  cite  «la  Grammaire  française  et  anglaise 
de  Walter  de  Bibelesworth  » ,  manuscrit  sur  vélin ,  de  la  fin  du 
XII*  siècle,  qui  se  trouve  au  Musée  britannique.  L'ouvrage  de 
Bibleswortli ,  qui  devait  être  imprimé  à  la  suite  de  ces  Rap- 
ports, ne  s'y  trouve  pas.  Je  dois  à  l'obligeance  de  M.  Cha- 
baille  la  communication  d'une  copie  de  ce  traité,  qui  n'est 
point  une  grammaire,  mais  une  simple  nomenclature,  une 
espèce  de  vocabulaire  versifié,  divisé  selon  la  mode  du  temps 
par  catégories  d'idées  ou  d'objets.  Walter  de  Biblesworth 
prend  l'homme  à  sa  naissance  et  le  suit  jusqu'à  son  mariage, 
en  indiquant  les  termes  qui  servent  à  nommer  les  membres 
du  corps  humain,  puis  les  termes  relatifs  à  la  prière,  puis  les 
termes  du  ménage  et  des  métiers,  les  noms  des  bêtes  et  des 
oiseaux,  etc.,  etc.  Au  surplus,  voici  textuellement  le  titre  du 
livre  qui  en  présente  en  même  temps  l'analyse  : 

ARUNDEL,  MS.   N°   2  20,   FOL.   2 9 7  R°'. 

Le  treytiz  ke  moun  sire  Gauter  de  Bibelesworthe  fist  a  madame  Dyonisie 
de  Mounchensy  pur  aprise  de  ianguage ,  co  est  a  saver  : 

Du  premer  temps  ke  homme  nestra ,  ouweke  trestut  le  langage  pur  saver 
nurture  en  sa  juvente  ; 

Pus,  trestut  le  fraunceys  de  sa  neyssaunce  et  de  membres  du  cors, 
ouweke  kaunt  ke  il  apent  de  Deus  et  de  orer; 

Pus,  tôt  le  frauncoys  com  il  encourt  en  âge  de  husbanderie,  cum  pur 
arer,  rebiner,  waretier,  semer,  sarcher,  syer,  faucher,  carier,  batre,  moudre, 
pestrer,  breser,  bracer,  hatuefeste  arayer; 

'  Cf.  les  Rapports  de  M.  Fr.  Michel,  autres  manuscrits  Harléiens  ^90  el  7^0. 

p.   i4,  où  l'auteur  cite  le  manuscrit  Har-  Ainsi  il  y  aurait  au  moins  quatre  leçons 

léien  4334  (vél.  fin  du  xii'  siècle).  La  note  à  comparer,  car  M.  Michel  cite  aussi  un 

indique  le  manuscrit  Ârundel  aao,  et  deux  fragment  mutilé  d'un  cinquième  manuscr. 



Pus,  tôt  le  fraunsoys  kaunt  a  espleyt  de  chas,  ciim  de  vénerie,  pescherie 
en  viver  ou  en  estans,  checune  en  sa  nature; 

Pus,  tôt  le  frauncoys  des  bestes  et  des  oyseus,  checune  assembe  [sic) 
pur  sa  naturele  aprise; 

Pus,  tôt  le  fraunsoys  de  boys,  pree,  pasture,  vergeyer,  gardyn ,  curti- 
lage,  ouweke  tôt  le  fraunsoys  de  flures  et  des  frus  ke  il  i  sount; 

E  tut  issi  troveret  vus  le  ordre  en  parler  et  reppoundre  ke  checun  gentys 
homme  covent  saver,  dount  touzdis  troverez  vus  primes  le  fraunsoys  , 
tropus  le  engleys  suaunt; 

E  ke  les  enfauns  pus  sunt  saver  les  propertez  des  choses  ke  veynt, 
et  kaunt  dewunt  dire  moun  et  ma;  soun  et  sa;  le  et  la;  may  etjo. 

La  copie  de  M.  Chabaille  contient  huit  cent  quarante-cinq 
vers  de  huit  syllabes;  mais  elle  paraît  incomplète  :  elle  s'arrête 
brusquement  après  la  nomenclature  des  mets  d'un  repas. 

Un  court  extrait  suffira  pour  échantillon  : 

Quant  le  emfes  ad  tel  âge 
ke  il  seet  entendre  langage , 
primes  en  fraunceys  ly  devez  dire 
coment  soun  cors  deyt  descrivere , 
pur  le  ordre  aver  de  moun  et  ma, 
toun  et  ta,  soun  et  sa, 
ke  en  parole  seyt  meynt  a  pris 
et  de  nul  aultre  escharnys  : 
mxi  teste ,  ou  m,oun  cheef ; 
la  grève  de  moun  cheef; 
fêtes  '  la  qreve  au  lever 

et  mangez  h.  grive  au  diner 

meuz  vaut  ruhye  par  h 

ke  ne  feet  rupie  par  p; 

se  bourse  eust  taunt  de  ruhies 

cum  le  nées  ad  de  rapies , 

riche  sereyt  !  etc. 

'  Peut-être  affetez,  c'est-à-dire,  arrangez  en  vous  levant  la  raie  qui  partage  vos 
cheveux  {la  grève). 


On  peut  à  la  rigueur  voir  dans  ce  livre ,  à  côté  des  nomen- 
clatures qui  en  sont  l'objet  principal ,  un  traité  de  l'orthographe    . 
et  des  homonymes;  mais  cela  ne  peut  s'appeler  une  grammaire. 

Les  Angio-Normands,  dit  l'abbé  de  la  Rue,  avaient,  dès  le  xui'  siècle, 
des  livres  élémentaires  pour  l'étude  de  la  langue  française. 

On  trouve  dans  la  bibliothèque  Harléienne,  n°  4971,  une  grammaire 
française  et  épistolaire  pour  tous  les  états-,  elle  a  été  écrite  sous  Edouard  I*'. 

Grammaire  française  en  vers  français ,  bibliothèque  Harléienne,  n°  ^go*. 

Cette  dernière  indication  se  rapporte  à  l'ouvrage  de  Walter 
de  Biblesworth,  dont  nous  venons  de  parler.         '  * 

L'autre,  dont  j'ai  sous  les  yeux  quatre  copies  exécutées  sur 
trois  manuscrits  différents,  paraît  avoir  joui  dans  le  moyen 
âge  d'une  certaine  célébrité.  J'en  parlerai  d'après  le  manus- 
crit 188  du  collège  de  la  Madeleine  d'Oxford,  qui  me  semble 
donner  le  meilleur  texte,  bien  que  ce  manuscrit,  au  jugement 
du  bibliothécaire  M.  Coxe,  ne  soit  que  du  xv*  siècle^. 

L'ouvrage  se  compose  de  quatre-vingt-dix-huit  règles  fort 
courtes,  rédigées  en  latin,  et  souvent  accompagnées  de  quel- 
ques mots  français  pour  montrer  l'application  de  la  règle. 

Ces  règles  ne  sont  pas  toujours  suffisamment  claires,  de 
l'avis  même  du  moyen  âge  qui  s'en  servait,  puisqu'on  trouve 
des  exemplaires  manuscrits  de  cette  espèce  de  code  où  des 
gloses  ont  été  introduites  en  français;  tel  est  le  manuscrit 
harléien  4971»  cité  par  fabbé  de  la  Rue,  qui  l'estime  rédigé 
sous  Edouard  I",  c'est-à-dire  entre  1272  et  i3o7. 

La  distinction  des  règles  par  numéros  n'y  est  plus  observée 

'  De  ia  Rue,  Essais,  etc.  I,  284.  vient  les  menaces  et  commencent  les  mes- 

"  «  Codex  membran.  in-fol. ,  ff.  loa,  saec.  lées  et  les  guerres.  »  Exempla  comprehen- 

x\yia  ùaeukuiiius.  InstituiionesUnguœgal-  dunt  commentaria   in  x  prsecepta  et  in 

licaneBcumonomasticoexempUsquelatinaUn-  symbolum,  necnon  tractalus  de  vu  pec- 

gua  anglicanaque  edilis.  —  Tilulus  :  Ort/io-  catis   mortalibus.  •    {Catal    Bibl.   S.    M. 

graphia modernoram.  Incipit  :  «  Diccio  Magd.  p.  86.  ) 

gallica ,  elc •  Déficit  verbis  :  «  Après  ce 


comme  dans  le  manuscrit  188  du  collège  de  la  Madeleine; 
l'ancien  texte  latin,  les  traductions  partielles,  les  gloses,  tout 
y  est  confondu.  On  croira  sans  peine  que  de  cet  ensemble, 
probablement  encore  altéré  par  les  copistes,  ne  jaillit  pas  une 
lumière  bien  vive. 

Au  surplus,  quelques  extraits  feront  mieux  juger  de  la  na- 
ture et  de  l'importance  de  ces  recueils.  Je  choisis  les  règles 
du  manuscrit  188  les  plus  intéressantes  et  sur  lesquelles  règne 
le  moins  d'obscurité. 



Orthographe  française  et  congrue  conforme  à  l'usage  moderne  '  : 

Règle  i .  Un  mot  français  mis  en  écrit ,  si  la  première  syllabe  est  en  e 
prononcé  bouche  fermée ,  demande  un  i  avant  cet  e.  Exemples  :  lien , 
chien,  rien,  Pierre,  miere ,  etc. 

R.  2.  L'c  aigu  ne  veut  pas  être  précédé  de  l'i.  Ex.  :  bavez,  tenez,  lessez. 

R.  g.  Les  verbes  terminant  leur  singulier  par  t,  au  pluriel  correspondant 
changent  ce  t  en  z.  Ex.  :  singulier,  il  amet,  list;  pluriel,  vous  amez,  lisez. 

R.  2  1.  La  lettre  s,  mise  après  une  voyelle  et  suivie  immédiatement  de 
la  lettre  m,  disparaît  de  la  prononciation.  Ex.  :  mandasmes ,  Jismes ,  daresmes. 

R.  23.  La  lettre  /,  mise  après  a,  e,  o,  et  suivie  d'une  consonne,  se  pro- 
nonce comme  si  c'était  un  u.  Ex.  :  m'aime,  loialment,  bel  compaigneoan. 

'   «  Orthographia  gallica  et  congrua  in  «  R.   9.   Item   verba  singularis  nunieri 

literis  gallicis ,  dictata  secundum  usum  habencia  in  singulari ,  in  fine,  hanc  lite- 

modernorum  :  ram  (,  requirunt  in  piurali  hanc  literaoi 

«  Régula   1 .  Diccio  gallica  dictata  ha-  z ,  ut  in  singulari  amet,   list,  in  piurali 

bens  primam  sillabam  vel  mediam  in  e  amez,  lisez. 

stricto  ore  pronunciatam ,  requirit  hanc  «R.  21.  Item,  quandocumque  hec  li- 

Htteramianle  e,  verbi  gratia:  bien,  chien,  tera  s  scribitur  post  vocalem ,  si  m  imme- 

rien,  Piere,  miere,  et  simiiia.  diate  subsequitur,  s  non  débet  sonari,  ut 

«  R.  2.  Quandocumque  hec  vocalis  e  pro-  mandasmes ,  Jismes ,  daresmes. 
nunciatur  acute,  per  se  stare  débet  sine  «  R.  23.  Item,  quandocumque  liée  li- 

hujus  I  precessione ,  v.  g.  :  bevez,  tenez,  tera  /  ponitur  post  a,  e  et  0,  si  aliquod 

lessez.  consonans  post  l  sequitur,  l  quasi  a  débet 


R.  2  5.  /  entre  m  et  n  se  change  en  y ,  pour  obtenir  une  écriture  plus 
lisible,  par  exemple  ;  Comyngtoun. 

R.  27.  Un  mot  qui  commence  par  une  consonne,  venant  après  un  mot 
qui  finit  par  une  consonne  (dans  le  courant  d'une  phrase),  la  consonne 
finale  du  premier  mot  peut  s'écrire,  mais  elle  disparaît  de  la  prononciation. 
Ex.  :  après  manger  se  prononce  aprè  manger. 

R.  33.  Quand  l'article  le  est  suivi  d'un  mot  qui  ouvre  par  une  consonne 
et  précédé  du  mot  en ,  on  peut  fondre  en  et  le  dans  une  syncope  :  el  coantee 
pour  en  le  coantee. 

R.  36.  Quant,  grant,  demandant,  sachant,  et  autres  semblables,  s'écrivent 
par  n  sans  a ,  mais  il  faut  faire  sentir  Vu  dans  la  prononciation. 

R.  5o.  Une  modification  d'orthographe  est  souvent  la  seule  différence 
entre  des  mots  identiques  à  l'oreille.  Ex.  :  ciel,  seel,  seul,  celée;  —  coy, 
qaoy;  —  moal,  moel;  —  cerf,  serf;  —  teindre,  tendre,  tenir,  attendre;  — 
esteani,  esteyant;  —  aymer,  amer;  — foail,  fel,  féal;  —  veele,  viel,  veile, 
ville,  vill;  —  Brahel,  Breele;  —  erde,  herde,  everde;  —  essil,  haissel, 
essel;  —  neif,  nief;  —  suef,  soef;  —  boaile,  baile,  baie,  balee;  —  litter, 
litre;  —  former,  forer,  forrer;  —  rastel,  rastuer;  —  mesure,  meseire;  — 
piel,  peel;  —  Berziz,  Berzy;  —  grisil,  greel,  grêle;  —  tonne,  towne;  —  neym, 
neyn,  etc. 

pronuDciari,  v.  g.  :  malme,  loialment,  bel 

■  B.  25.  Item,  quandocutnque  lilera  i 
ponitur  inler  m  et  n,  potest  mulari  in  y 
ut  iitera  sit  legibilior,  ut  Comyngtoan. 

«  R.  27. Item ,  quandocumque  aliqua  dic- 
diccionem  terminantem  in  consonante ,  in 
rationibus  pendentibus,  consonans  inte- 
rioris  diccionis  polesl  scribi,  sed  in  pro- 
nunciatione  non  proferri ,  ut  après  manger 
débet  sonari  aprè  manger. 

«R.  33.  Item,  quandocumque  hoc  »i- 
gnum  le  scribitiir  et  consonans  immédiate 
subsequitur  et  en  précédât,  n  potest  prae- 
termitli  et  l  adjungi  cum  e,  v.  g.  :  en  le 
countee  potest  scribi  el  coantee. 

•  R.  36.  Item  iste  sillabe  seu  dicciones 

quant,  grant,  demandant,  sachant,  et  hu- 
jusmodi  debent  scribi  cum  simplici  n  sine 
u,  sed  pronuncialione  u  débet  proferri. 

«R.  5o.  Item  diversilas  scriplurae  facit 
diiîerentiam  aliquam  quamvis  in  voce 
sint  consimiles,  v.  g.  :  ciel,  seel,  seal , 
celée;  —  coy,  quoy;  —  moal,  moel;  — 
cetf,  serf;  —  teindre,  tendre,  tenir,  at- 
tendre; —  esteant,  esteyant;  —  aymer, 
amer;  — foail,  fel ,  féal;  —  veele,  viel, 
veile,  ville,  vill;  —  brahel,  breele; — erde, 
herde,  everde;  —  essil,  huissel,  essel;  — 
neif,  nief;  —  suef,  soef;  —  boaile,  baile, 
baie,  balee;  —  litter,  litre;  — fomier,  fo- 
rer, forrer;  —  rastel,  rastuer;  —  mesure, 
meseire;  —  piel,  peel; —  berziz,   berzy; 

—  grisil,  greel,  grêle;  —  tonne,    towne; 

—  neym,  neyn,  etc. 


R.  58.  A  l'accusatif  singulier  écrivez  me,  aux  autres  cas,  moy. 

R.  63.  Quand  vous  demandez  quelque  chose  à  quelqu'un,  vous  pouvez 
dire  vous  pri,  sans  je. 

R.  65.  Le  verbe  n'étant  pas  accompagné  de  son  pronom  personnel, 
par  exemple ,  vous  prj  ou  bien  m'affy,  il  faut  terminer  par  y. 

R.  66.  Mais  ce  pronom  étant  exprimé,  l'j  grec  se  change  en  i  simple 
suivi  d'un  e.  Ex.  m'aj[Jie,je  vous  prie. 

R.  6-j.  Quelquefois  ïs  prend  la  valeur  de  l'u  dans  la  prononciation; 
ascun,  prononcez  aucun. 

R.  8i.  Vous  écrivez  quelquefois  de  en  place  de  od  le.  Ex.  :  vous  dirra 
de  bouche,  pour  od  le  bouche. 

R.  82.  Écrivez  pour  traduire  le  latin  cam  en  français,  od  ou  bien  ou. 

R.  83.  Ou  traduit  aussi  vel  et  ubi. 
.    R.  85.  Réglez  le  plus  possible  l'orthographe  du  français  sur  celle  du 
latin;  ainsi  de  compotum ,  compte;  de  septem ,  sept;  de  prœbenda,  prebendre 
(sic);  de  opus ,  œps,  etc. 

R.  87.  Le  français  a  plusieurs  expressions  pour  rendre  l'anglais  rééd. 
Ex.  :  cheval  roux,  hareng  saur,  escu  de  goules ,  une  rose  vermaile. 

R.  9a.  iV  et  i  se  rencontrant  au  milieu  d'un  mot,  mais  appartenant  chacun 
à  une  syllabe  différente,  le  g  s'interpose  dans  l'écriture ,  sans  toutefois  se  faire 
sentir  dans  la  prononciation.  Ex.  :  benignement,  certaignement,  etc. 

R.   g3.  Quand,   au  milieu  d'un  mot,   une  m  suit  un  e  ou  un  i  (ces 

"  R.  58.  Item  in  accusativo  singulari 
scribetur  me,  in  reliquis  casibus  moy. 

I  R.  63.  Item,  quando  petitis  aliquid  ab 
aliquo,  potestis  dicere  woiw  pri,  sanzje. 

«  R.  65.  Item,  quando  non  expresse  po- 
nitur  signum  ante  verbum,  ut  vous  pry, 
item  pry  vei  maffy,  débet  lerminari  in  y. 

'  R.  66.  Item,  si  signum  expresse  poni- 
tur,  tune  y  mutabitur  in  i  et  addelur  e, 
com  je  m'ajfie,  je  vous  prie. 

«  R.  67.  Item  aliquando  s  .scribitur  et  u 
sonabitur,  ut  ascun  sonabitur  aucun. 

«  R.  81.  Item  aliquando  scribetis  de  in 
loco  od  le,  sicut  vous  dirra  de  bouche,  pro 
od  le  bouche. 

»  R.  83.  Item  scribetis o</ vel  ou  pro  cum. 

«  R.  83.  Item  scribetis  ou  pro  vel  et  ubi. 

«  R.  85.  Item  pro  majori  parle  scribetis 
gallicnm  secundum  quod  scribitur  in  lati- 
nis,  ut  compotum,  compte;  —  septem,  sept; 
—  prœbenda,  prebendre;  —  opus,  œps,  etc. 

«  R.  87.  Item  habentur  diversa  verba 
gallica  pro  isto  verbo  anglico  reed;  vide- 
licet  rous  chival  et  harang  soor;  escut  de 
goules  ;  une  rose  vermaile. 

«  R.  92.  Item  quandocumque  n  sequitur 
i  in  média  diccione ,  in  diversis  sillabis  g 
débet  inlerponi,  ut  certaignement ,  benigne- 
ment; sedg  non  débet  sonari 

•  R  93.  Item ,  quandocumque  m  sequi- 



voyelles  appartenant  à  deux  syllabes  différentes) ,  il  faut  écrire  une  s  entre 
les  deux.  Ex.  :  duresmes.fismes. 

R.  94.  Quand,  au  milieu  d'un  mot,  une  m  suit  un  a,  il  faut  les  séparer 
par  une  s;  mais  cette  s  n'est  point  prononcée.  Ex.  :  mandasmes. 

La  règle  98''  et  dernière  n'a  rien  en  soi  d'important;  elle 
prescrit  la  manière  d'écrire  que,  soit  en  abrégé  par  une  seule 
lettre  surmontée  d'un  signe,  soit  en  deux  lettres  qe;  mais  im- 
médiatement après  on  lit  ce  mot  isolé  :  Colyngburne. 

C'est  un  nom  propre  évidemment;  mais  est-ce  le  nom  de 
l'auteur  des  règles  ou  celui  du  scribe?  Je  suis  de  la  première 
opinion,  parce  que  là  finit  le  manuel  grammatical,  mais  non 
l'œuvre  du  copiste,  qui  se  poursuit  de  la  même  main.  Or  si 
ce  copiste  a  voulu  signer  son  travail,  il  a  dû  le  faire,  selon 
l'usage,  à  la  fin,  et  non  pas  au  milieu  du  manuscrit.  Je  crois 
donc  qu'on  peut  désigner  ce  traité  sous  le  nom  de  Colyng- 
hurne,  quitte  à  fournir  un  nouvel  argument  à  la  thèse  de  David 

Le  but  principal  de  Colyngburne  paraît  avoir  été  de  venir 
en  aide  aux  copistes  et  aux  secrétaires  écrivant  sous  la  dictée. 
C'est  en  leur  faveur  qu'il  rédige  un  manuel  de  l'orthographe, 
laquelle  dès  lors  n'était  pas  plus  qu'aujourd'hui  d'accord  avec 
la  prononciation.  «Gouvernez,  leur  dit-il,  gouvernez -vous 
tant  que  vous  pouvez  sur  l'étymologie  latine;  ainsi  n'oubliez 
pas  de  mettre  un  /)  à  compte  et  à  sept,  qui  viennent  de 
compotum  et  de  septem.  »  Mais  tout  copiste  ne  sait  pas  le  latin; 
il  faut  donc  venir  au  secours  de  l'ignorance  par  des  formules 
empiriques  :  Y  s  prend  le  son  de  l'a  dans  ascan;  de  même  1'/ 
dans  loyalment,  bel  compagnon.  On  écrit  Y  s  sans  la  prononcer 

lureveiiindiversissillabisetunadiccione,        média  sillaba  diccionis  et  m  immédiate 
5  débet  interponi,  ut  (ittre*mei,^sme5.  subsequitur,  s  débet  interponi ,  ut  man- 

«  R.  gi.  Item,  qnandocumque  a  est  in,  non  sonando  5.  » 



dans  les  mots  comme  fismes ,  mandasmes;  de  même  le  g  dans 
benignement.  Du  Guez,  lui,  remarque  que  le  p  et  le  b  doivent 
disparaître  de  la  prononciation  des  mots  tels  que  debte,  debvoir; 
qu'une  consonne  finale  n'a  de  valeur  qu'autant  que  le  mot 
suivant  commence  par  une  voyelle,  autrement  elle  est  muette; 
que  dans  le  groupe  st,  la  dernière  consonne,  le  t,  est  la  seule 
qu'on  fasse  entendre;  Y  s  en  pareil  cas  ne  sert  qu'à  doubler 
la  quantité  prosodique  de  la  voyelle  qui  précède.  Cette  con- 
sonne s  les  a  tous  préoccupés,  étant  celle  qui  se  représente 
le  plus  volontiers  suivie  d'une  autre  consonne.  L'auteur  des 
Gloses  françaises  sur  Colyngburne  (n°  4971  du  Brit.  Mus.] 
traduit  et  commente  la  règle  de  son  auteur  en  ces  termes  : 

Et  alefoich   escriveretz  s  en  lieu   de   a ,    comme   ascan   et   sera   soné 

aiican  ; et  alefoich  escriveretz  5  pur  bêle   escripture ,  come   mesme 

pour  même,  trescher  pour  trecher^. 

Ce  qui  manque  à  tous  ces  grammairiens  primitifs,  ce  n'est 
pas  la  patience,  ni  l'esprit  d'observation,  ni  même  l'exacti- 
tude :  c'est  l'habitude  de  rapprocher  les  faits  de  même  ordre , 
l'art  d'y  découvrir  le  principe  commun,  la  loi  fondamentale 
qui  parfois  se  déguise  dans  les  applications  ;  l'art  surtout  de 
ramasser  et  d'enfermer  toute  une  série  de  faits  dans  la  formule 

'  Al'  fois  {à  la  fois,  prononcez  alefoaé) 
pour  quelquefois ,  se  conserve  encore  chez 
les  paysans  picards.  M.  l'abbé  Corblct , 
dans  son  Glossaire  du  patois  picard ,  a 
omis  celle  forme ,  très-usitée  cependant  à 
Amiens;  il  ne  donne  que  alfos,  qui  est 
une  variante  de  prononciation.  Trescher 
n'est  autre  que  le  verbe  tresser.  Us  dou- 
blée avait  souvent  la  valeur  du  ch  mo- 
derne. On  disait  tresser  pour  danser,  par 
allusion  aux  figures  qui  s'entrelaçaient. 
Les  Latins  disaient  de  même  nectere  cho- 
ros,neclere  brachia.  Trescher  ou  <res5er  vient 

du  bas  latin  tricare,  que  Ducange  explique 
implicare,  innectere,  et  qui,  retraduit  sur 
le  français,  a  fait  triscare.  A  l'entrée  de 
Beg-ues  vous  eussiez  vu 

Tresces  et  baus  encontre  !ui  venir. 

(GarÎD  ,  11 ,  p.  196.) 

Contredanses  et  bals  venir  à  sa  rencontre. 

«  Tresces  et  baus,  dit  l'éditeur,  rondes  et 
danses.  La  tresce  répondait  assez  bien  au 
tripudium  antique,  et  qui  voudrait  appro- 
fondir la  matière  y  reconnaîtrait  beaucoup 
d'analogie  avec  notre  walse.  »  Je  ne  saurais 
partager  cette  opinion  de  M.  P.  Paris. 


d'une  règle  générale.  La  grammaire  est  pour  eux  comme  un 
faisceau  répandu  dont  ils  recueillent  les  éléments  un  à  un , 
selon  que  le  hasard  les  leur  présente,  incapables  d'en  retrouver 
le  lien  égaré,  ni  de  suppléer  à  cette  perte  :  l'esprit  philoso- 
phique leur  fait  complètement  défaut. 

Gardons-nous  pour  cela  de  les  mépriser;  mais,  à  l'aide  des 
matériaux  qu'ils  nous  ont  préparés,  achevons  leur  entreprise. 
Toutes  ces  règles  partielles  sur  la  prononciation,  éparses  dans 
les  traités  compilés  du  xiii"  au  xvi'  siècle,  rapprochez-les, 
comparez-les  entre  elles  et  avec  les  indications  que  fournit 
encore  aujourd'hui  l'usage  traditionnel  ;  vous  trouverez  la 
clef  d'une  foule  d'exceptions  qui  paraissent  au  premier  coup 
d'œil  autant  d'atteintes  à  la  logique  ;  les  inconséquences  re- 
mises sous  leur  vrai  jour  disparaîtront,  et  vous  verrez  se  dé- 
gager d'elle-même  cette  règle  générale,  que  dans  la  vieille 
langue  on  ne  prononçait  pas  deux  consonnes  consécutives. 
Quel  était  donc  le  rôle  de  cette  double  consonne  ?  Je  l'ai  dit 
tout  à  l'heure  :  elle  servait  à  marquer  l'étymologie ,  et  à  noter 
l'accent  et  la  quantité  à  l'intérieur  des  mots. 

Ce  fait  très-important  pour  la  musique  du  langage  et  pour 
l'appréciation  de  la  poésie,  a  été  durement  nié';  mais  les 
inductions  que  je  tirais  il  y  a  six  ans  de  la  pratique  moderne, 
aujourd'hui  se  fortifient  des  témoignages  de  la  théorie  la  plus 
ancienne.  On  écrivait  des  consonnes  consécutives  par  respect 
de  l'étymologie,  et,  comme  dit  naïvement  le  glossateur  du 

'   Siepe  premente  deo,  fertdens  aller  opem.  M.  Génin  avec  beaucoup  de  sagacité;  et 

Je  demande  la  permission  de  citer  l'opi-  les  misérables  critiques  qu'on  lui  a  faites 

nion  d'un  savant  qui  ne  sera  point  suspect  sur  ce  point  n'ôtent  rien  à  la  vérité  de  sa 

de  partialité  en  ma  faveur  :  démonstration.»  (La  Chanson  d'Antioche, 

«  L'éloignement  de  nos  ancêtres  pour  publiée  par  M    Paulin  Paris,  Tecliener, 

la  prononciation  de  deux  consonnes  à  la  i848,  t.  II,  p.  66.) 
suite  l'une  de  l'autre  a  été  constaté  par 


manuscrit  4971 ,  «pur  bêle  escripture,  «  mais  en  parlant  on 
ne  tenait  compte  que  d'une  seule.  Cette  proposition  était  hier 
un  paradoxe,  ce  sera  demain  une  banalité  ^ 

Je  terminerai  par  un  vœu  dont  la  réalisation  serait  à  coup 
sûr  bien  profitable  à  la  philologie  française  :  ce  serait  que  le 
Gouvernement  fît  rechercher  et  publier  sous  ses  auspices  les 
traités  composés  sur  notre  langue  dans  le  cours  du  moyen 
âge.  On  découvrirait  des  matériaux  inappréciables  dans  les 
bibliothèques  de  France,  et  surtout  dans  celles  d'Angleterre., 
si  riches  en  livres  français  de  toute  nature  dès  avant  la  con- 
quête^. On  a  fait,  au  grand  bénéfice  de  la  langue  et  de  la  lit- 
térature latine,  un  corpus  des  grammairiens  latins;  pourquoi 
ne  rassemblerait-on  pas  de  même  un  corpus  des  grammairiens 
français?  Il  n'apparaîtrait  d'abord  qu'un  chaos  de  débris;  mais 
de  ces  débris  peu  à  peu  coordonnés  par  une  érudition  pa- 
tiente, fouillés  par  des  mains  circonspectes  et  judicieuses, 
sortiraient  des  paillettes  d'un  or  pur,  dont  la  rareté  décuple 
la  valeur.  Attendra-tron  à  faire  ce  recueil  d'être  à  la  même 

'  Cette  prononciation  amollie  pourrait 
bien  être  une  tradition  des  Latins.  Je  ne 
développerai  pas  ici  cette  thèse;  je  me 
contenterai  de  livrer  aux  réflexions  des  es- 
prits sagaces  le  passage  suivant  de  Cicéron  : 

«  Impetratum  est  a  consuetudine  ut  pec- 
«  care  suavitatis  causa  liceret,  et  pomeri- 
«  dianas  quadrigas  dicere  quas  postmeridia- 
«  nos  libentius  dixerim.  »  [Oraior.  U,  7.) 

*  II  ne  faudrait  pas  se  réduire  aux 
ouvrages  littéralement  inédits  ;  certaines 
éditions  sont,  à  force  de  rareté,  équiva- 
lentes à  des  manuscrits.  Telle  est  l'édition 
de  Palsgrave ,  telles  sont  les  trois  éditions 

de  du  Guez,  dont  l'ouvrage  n'a  paru  dans 
les  ventes  qu'une  seule  fois,  dans  la  vente 
de  la  bibliothèque  Brindley,  où  cet  exem- 
plaire fut  payé  dix-sept  guinées  *. 

Ainsi  je  voudrais  voir  reparaître,  dans 
un  corpus  des  grammairiens  français,  le 
livre  d'Alexandre  Barclay,  un  autre  ou- 
vrage de  Geoffroy  le  Grammairien  (  1  igo), 

dont  parle  Pits  (p.  679),  etc.  etc 

Tout  cela  c'est  notre  histoire. 

*  C'était  lYdition  de  Walley.  «This  curions  and 
u  uncommonly  pare  volume  lias  only  occurred  for 
«sale  in  Briudley's  library,  wliere  it  was  purchased 
«for  scventcen  guineas.n  [ liihîiotkeca  Grenvil.  t.  H, 
|>.  s5i.) 


distance  du  siècle  de  Louis  XIV  que  nous  sommes  du  siècle 
d'Auguste?  Ce  sera  l'aventure  des  livres  sibyllins;  car  tandis 
que  nous  marchandons,  le  temps  impitoyable  consume  tous 
les  jours  quelque  volume.  D'ailleurs,  si  l'histoire  des  institu- 
tions doit  s'écrire  à  leur  déclin,  afin  de  retarder  autant  que 
possible  la  décadence  commencée,  en  les  retrempant  dans 
leurs  sources,  l'heure  paraît  venue  de  s'occuper  des  origines 
de  la  langue  française  :  des  critiques  moroses,  des  esprits  fa- 
ciles à  s'alarmer  pourraient  même  déclarer  l'urgence;  sans 
aller  aussi  loin,  je  me  bornerais  à  constater  l'opportunité.  Ces 
motifs  seront-ils  trouvés  suffisants  pour  être  pris  en  considéra- 
tion et  donner  naissance  au  recueil  des  grammairiens  français.-^ 
Je  l'ignore;  en  tous  cas,  les  deux  grammaires  de  Palsgrave  et 
de  du  Guez  dès  aujourd'hui  servent  de  pierre  d'attente  à  ce 
monument  national. 

L'exemplaire  unique  en  France  de  la  grammaire  de  Pals- 
grave,  appartenant  à  la  bibliothèque  Mazarine,  ne  pouvait 
être  dépecé  et  détruit  pour  servir  à  la  réimpression  de  l'ou- 
vrage; il  fallait  donc  le  traiter  comme  un  manuscrit  des  plus 
rares  et  en  faire  une  transcription  pour  l'usage  de  la  typogra- 
phie. Ce  travail  ingrat,  fastidieux,  qui  demandait  un  temps 
considérable,  sans  compter  la  connaissance  approfondie  de  la 
matière  et  de  la  langue  de  l'auteur,  mes  fonctions  administra- 
tives ne  me  permettaient  pas  d'y  songer;  un  érudit  trop  mo- 
deste, de  qui  l'amitié  m'est  honorable  et  précieuse,  M.  P.  Lo- 
rain,  ancien  recteur  de  Lyon,  a  bien  voulu  s'en  charger,  et 
me  prêter  pour  cette  édition  de  Palsgrave  un  concours  sans 
lequel  il  m'eût  été  à  peu  près  impossible  de  l'exécuter.  Il  fal- 
lait conserver  dans  cette  copie  toutes  les  variations,  les  bizar- 



relies  et  même  les  inconséquences  d'une  orthographe  mohile, 
capricieuse,  et  parfois  en  désaccord  avec  les  principes  énoncés 
dans  le  texte.  Essayer  de  rectifier  nous  eût  conduits  trop  loin; 
nous  avons  donc  porté  le  scrupule  jusqu'à  reproduire  ce  qui, 
dans  l'original,  pourrait  être  considéré  comme  faute  d'impres- 
sion, nous  fiant  à  l'intelligence  des  lecteurs  au  moins  autant 
qu'à  la  nôtre,  et  préférant  encourir  le  reproche  de  fidélité  su- 
perstitieuse plutôt  que  le  soupçon  d'altérations  maladioites, 
dans  tous  les  cas  arbitraires. 

Le  public  savant  a  encore  une  autre  obligation  à  M.  P.  Lo- 
rain.  Le  Manuel  du  libraire  de  M.  Brunet  nous  avait  révélé 
l'existence  d'une  grammaire  de  Gilles  Dewes,  dont  il  ne  paraît 
pas  qu'il  existe  en  Fiance  un  seul  exemplaire;  M.  Lorain, 
dans  un  voyage  qu'il  fit  à  Oxford,  ayant  vu  ce  livre  à  la  Bod- 
léienne,  prit  la  peine  de  le  transcrire  aussi  scrupuleusement 
qu'il  avait  fait  le  Palsgrave,  et,  de  retour  à  Paris,  il  fit  au  Mi- 
nistère présent  de  sa  copie,  afin  que  j'en  pusse  enrichir  ma 
publication.  Ce  sont  des  procédés  qu'il  suffit  d'énoncer;  ils 
deviennent  chaque  jour  plus  rares  dans  la  littérature,  et,  pour 
ma  part,  j'v  ai  été  d'autant  plus  sensible  qu'on  m'y  avait  moins 

Les  contradictions  d'orthographe  sont  encore  plus  fréquentes 
dans  le  texte  de  Dewes  ou  du  Guez  que  dans  celui  de  Palsgrave. 
Je  fais  cette  remarque  afin  que  ces  fautes,  tantôt  d'omission, 
tantôt  de  commission,  ne  soient  imputées  ni  aux  éditeurs,  ni 
aux  typographes  modernes.  Le  lecteur  doit  se  bien  persuader, 
contrairement  au  témoignage  de  ses  yeux,  qu'il  a  entre  les 
mains  des  éditions  faites  en  Angleterre,  au  commencement 
du  XVI''  siècle. 




k^  .jfml^j^l 



ICISSEMENT     DE     LA     LAN; 
Çiwfvancopfrj  totnpofepav  maifhc 

natyf  i>e  tlonbice  / 
et  gra6uc  6c 

N  OC  T  E  M. 

M        G 
^  p  <V 

Anno  uerbi*  mcarnad. 

LBONARDI    COXî    RadingienHi ludt 
tnoderatoris ,  Ad  OallicsIingtNt 
ftudîofos,   Carmen, 

7A  I>  L I C  A  quiTquis  amas,  axade  uerba  Consaù , 
I      Et  paricer  certis  iungere  diâa  modi's , 
NuUa  (it  in  toto  mcnda  ut  (crmone  rcpcrta, 
Pro  uero  Gallo,  qui'n  facile  ip(e  probes , 
Hsc  euolue  meî  Palgrauî  fcripta  diferti ,  ' 

Iriis  linguam  normis  ufque  polire  {lude« 
Sic  u  niîretur  laudet£|  urbs  doda  loquentem 
Lutecia»  indigenam  iur^c  ec  eGfe  fuum  • 

CEIVSDEM  COXI  ad erudi'tum uîrutn  G Ec 
FRIDVM  TROY  de  Burges Gallum , Camp i 
Flori'di  authorem,  que  îlle  fua  lingua  champ  Fleury 
uocatf  nomine  omnium  Anglorum»  Phaleutium. 

AMPO    Q.VOD    totîesGefn'dedoâc 
In  florcnte  tuo  cupîfti,  habemus. 
Nam  iub  legibus  hîcbene  approbatîs 
Sermo  Galiicus  ecce  perdocecur. 
Non  rem  grammacicam  Palsmon  antc 
Tra<flarat  melius  (aU  latînis, 
Quotquoc  floruerant  ue  poderotum , 
Nec  Grsct's  melius  putaco  Ga2am« 
IndruxiiTe  fuos  Itbris  policîs, 
Seu  quocquot  prsetio  prius  fuere, 
Quam  nunc  Gallica  îde  nofter  Tradft. 
Eftdoâus.facilis,  breuisc^  quantum 
Res  pcrmittit,  et  inde  nos  ouamus, 
Campo  quod  totîes  G  E  F  R I D  £  dode 
In  filorente  tuo  cupiftî,  habentcs . 










Desirous  to  do  some  humble  service  unto  the  nobilite 
of  this  victorîous  reaime,  and  universally  unto  ail  other 
estâtes  of  thismy  nalyfe  countrey,  aftei  I  was  commaunded 
by  your  most  redouted  hyghnesse,  to  instruct  the  right 
excellent  princes ,  your  most  dere  and  most  entirely  belov- 
ed  suster  quene  Mary  douagier  of  France ,  in  the  frenche 
tonge.  As  one  whiche  had  conceyved  some  lytelle  hope  and 
confidence,  that  there  had  chaunsed  me  a  convenient  occa- 


sion ,  by  i  ayson  of  that  charge ,  to  employé  my  labours 
about  the  thyng  whiche  myght,  in  tyrae  to  come,  be  unto 
your  noble  grâce  an  évident  argument  artd  déclaration  of 
the  towardnesse  of  my  moste  humble  and  most  obeissaunt 
hert,  in  the  accomplysshement  of  any  your  hyghnesses 
most  dradde  commandementes.  I  oftymes  began  thus  to 
consider  and  debate  willi  my  selfe.  This  lyke  charge  hâve 
dyvers  others  had  afore  my  dayes,  and  raany  others 
undouted  shall  also  herafter  bestovve  theyr  tyme  in  suche 
lyke  studious  exercise.  Whiche  thyng  amongest  others  hath 
bene  a  great  occasion,  that  many  sondry  clerkes  bave  for 
theyr  tyme  taken  theyr  penne  in  hande,  and  to  shewe 
theyr  good  willes  and  towarde  diligence,  suffi ciently  to 
acquite  them  on  theyr  behalfes,  wherby  they  myght  of  the 
princes  our  soveraynes  most  renoumed  progenitours,  and 
other  hygh  estâtes  of  this  noble  reaime,  whom  for  theyr 
tymes^ï  this  exercise  they  served,  worthely  attayne  some 
lytel  thanke  aijd  favour,  some  thyng  hâve  they  in  writyng 
lefte  behynde  them,  concernyng  unto  this  mater,  for  the 
ease  and  fortheraunce,  as  v^ell  of  suche  as  shulde  in  lyke 
charge  after  them  succède,  as  of  them  whiche  from  tyme 
to  tyme  in  that  tongwere  to  be  instructed.  Wherfore,  syns 
it  hath  pleased  our  most  redouted  soverayne,  to  commyt 
unto  me  of  others  the  most  unworthy  and  unsufficient  this 
lyke  roume  and  exercise.  I  shall  also  by  theyr  exemple, 
endevour  me  for  my  party,  of  thismy  nécessite,  by  reason  of 
his  highnesses  pleasure  and  most  drad  commandement,  to 
make  some  lytell  towardnesse  unto  vertue,  and  takyng 
light  and  érudition  of  theyr  studious  labours ,  whiche  in 


this  mater  before  me,  hâve  taken  paynes  to  write.  I  shali 
assaye  some  small  thyng  to  adde  by  my  poore  diligence, 
wherby,  nat  onely  I  may  the  more  sufFyciently  acquite  me 
in  my  charge,  but  also,  that  by  mean  of  my  poore  labours 
taken  on  this  occasion,  the  frenche  tonge  may  herafter 
by  others  the  more  easely  be  taught ,  and  also  be  attayned 
unto  by  suche,  as  for  their  tymes  therof  shalbe  desyrous. 
Abidyng  therfore  upon  this  my  intended  purpose,  I  dyd 
my  eiFectuail  devoire  to  ensertche  out  suche  bokes,  as  had 
by  others  of  this  mater  before  my  tyme  ben  compyled , 
6f  whiche  undouted,  after  enquery  and  ensertche  made 
for  them ,  dyvers  came  unto  my  bandes,  as  weli  suche 
whose  authours  be  yet  amongest  us  lyveng,  as  suche 
whiche  were  of  this  mater  by  other  sondrie  persons  longe 
afore  my  dayes  composed.  And  perceyvyng,  that  they  ail 
by  one  accorde  and  agrément ,  chefely  treated  of  two  thynges , 
whiche  they  juged  unto  suche  of  our  nation,  as  were  mynd- 
ed  to  leme  that  langage,  of  ali  others  to  be  most  chefely 
requisyte,  thàt  is  to  saye,  howe  the  Frenche  tong  ought 
to  be  pronounced,  and  to  shewe  wherin  their  trewe  Ana- 
logie dyd  rest,  so  that  after  a  frenche  worde  were  ones 
unto  us  knowen,  we  myght  wotte  for  the  kepynge  of  trewe 
congruite  in  that  thonge  (if  the  worde  of  hym  selfe  were 
varyable)  how  to  welde  hym,  in  bis  cases,  gendre,  nom- 
bres ,  modes ,  tenses ,  and  persons.  I  also  on  my  partie , 
dyde  my  poore  dilygence  in  two  sondrie  bookes,  (usyng 
suche  order,  as  semed  unto  my  poore  jugement,  for  that 
mater  most  convenyent)  to  entreate  and  write  of  the  selfe 
thynges,  Whiche  after  I  had  (so  as  it  wolde  be)  fynisshed: 


nat  èstemyng  the  symplenesse  of  my  pbore  labours  in  that 
behalfe,  in  any  wise  worthy  lo  come  before  your  highnesses 
presens.  I  offred  them  unto  your  noble  grâces  sayde  most 
dere  and  most  entierly  beloved  Suster,.and  to  the  highly 
renoumed  prince  Charles  Brandon  duke  of  Suffolke,  her 
moost  worthy  espouse,  supposyng  it  unto  me  largely  to  be 
sufFycient,  if  my  poore  labours  myght  unto  iheir  grâces, 
to  whom  for  their  manyfolde  benefytes  I  was  so  highly 
bounden,  in  any  parte  be  acceptable.  But  whan  they  had 
thorowly  visyted  my  said  two  bokes,  of  their  great  good- 
nesse  and  synguler  favour  tovardes  me,  moche  more  ès- 
temyng them  than  they  in  dede  were  worthy,  their  grâces 
dyde  than  put  me  in  a  farther  hope  and  conforte,  that 
your  highnesse,  whiche  of  your  great  bountnousnesse  and 
notable  benignyte,  nat  onely  encorage  well  doers  in  anv 
kynde  of  verlue,  to  encrease  and  to  do  better,  but  also 
gratiously  dissymule  your  most  humble  subjectes  errours, 
to  conforte  them  to  amende ,  and  afterwarde  be  more  dily- 
gent ,  wolde  nat  refuse  benignely  and   in  good  parte  to 
accept  the  thyng,  wherof  your  noble  grâce  was  the  meer 
causer  and  very  chefe  occasion,  so  I,  on  my  partie,  to 
make  my  pore  gyfte  some  lytell  thing  more  acceptable, 
wolde  yet  in  this  mater  take  a  farther  dilygence,  and  wolde 
assay,  if  I  coulde  by  the  order  of  the  letters  fyrst  set  forthe 
in  our  tonge,  and  than  declared  in  Frenche,  sette  out 
worde  for  worde  and  phrasis  for  phrases ,  alFyrmynge  that 
though  my  labours  were  some  thynge  commodius  for  an 
introduction  towardes  the  better  attaynyng  of  thys  lan- 
gage, yet  were  they  nat  fully  sufficient  for  any  of  our 


nation,  by  his  owne  study,  to  attayne  the  Frenche  tonge 
by,  except  after  their  trewe  prononciation  and  arte  Gram- 
maticall  ones  knowen ,  we  niyght  bave  pienty  of  frenche 
wordes  also,  to  expresse  our  myndes  withall.  Whose  good 
advertisementes  and  pleasures,  accordyng  to  my  most 
bounden  duetie  to  obey.  But  most  especiaily,  above  ail 
other  thynges,  desyrous  to  leave  some  lytell  monument 
unto  your  noble  grâces  postérité,  howe  that  some  tyme 
it  stode  with  your  highnesses  pleasure,  that  I  your  most 
humble  and  most  obeissaunt  subjecte  shuîde  employ  my 
tyme  about  this  study  and  exercise.  I  bave  nat  onely  as- 
sayde  so  to  mary  our  tonge  and  the  french  togider,  that  there 
shulde  fewe  wordes  in  comparison  of  bothe  the  tonges  be 
wantyng,  nor  phrases  where  the  tonges  diffre,  and  hâve 
nat  worde  for  worde  be  unsetforthe,  and  by  examples  ex- 
pressed,  but  farthermore,  folowyngthe  orderof  Theodorus 
Gaza,  in  his  grammer  of  the  Greke  tonge,  I  hâve  also 
added  unto  my  former  labours  a  thirde  boke,  whiche  is  a 
very  comment  and  exposytour  unto  my  seconde.  So  that 
the  accidentes ,  unto  the  partes  of  reason  in  the  Frenche 
tong,  and  other  préceptes  grammaticall ,  whiche  I  bave  but 
brefely  and  in  a  generaltee  touched  in  my  seconde  boke, 
and  so,  as  unto  an  Introduction  dothe  suffise,  in  my  said 
thirde  boke  consequently  and  in  due  ordre  be  declared, 
dilated,  and  sette  forthe  at  the  lenght.  Wherin,  most  high 
and  mighty  prince,  howe  soever  veyllable  my  poore  dily- 
gence  hath  ben,  were  it  nat  that  the  great  and  weighty 
affayres,  whiche  continually  without  intermyssion  lye  under 
the  orderyng  of  your  most  puyssaunt  septre  rovall ,  at  ail 


tymes,  require  the  présence  of  your  most  gratious  eye, 
wherby  my  most  symple  labours  of  small  and  utterly  no 
condigne  importaunce  cou! de  gete  no  leyser  convenyent 
by  your  highnesses  most  profounde  jugement  to  be  loked 
upon ,  by  the  generall  testymony  and  commen  reporte  of 
ail  maner  persons,  whiche  hâve  ben  admylted  unto  your 
most  gratious  speche,  natonely  your  most  humble  subjectes, 
but  also  the  ambassadours  of  ail  outwarde  princes ,  of  ail 
other  persons,  whiche  at  this  présent  tyme  be  lyveng,  with 
in  the  boundes  of  your  right  ample  domynions,  it  shulde 
hâve  ben  to  me  most  highly  requisyte,  to  hâve  raade  my 
most  instaunt  sute ,  for  the  benygne  advyse  of  your  noble 
grâces  moste  expert  opynion  in  this  behalfe,  afore  I  shulde 
hâve  dared  to  take  upon  me,  to  dedycate  this  my  poore 
labours  unto  your  highnesse,  whiche  in  the  Frenche  tonge, 
amongest  your  noble  grâces  other  manyfolde  sortes  of  ex- 
cellent erudytion  and  lytterature,  hâve  also  in  this  tonge 
so  clere  and  parfite  a  sight,  lest  that  myne  audacite  for 
want  of  dewe  circumspection ,  myght  in  any  point  oÊFende 
your  hyghnesse.  But  with  ail  dewe  humylite  and  most 
lowly  obeissaunce,  I  submytte  bothe  me  and  my  poore 
labours  unto  your  noble  grâces  most  bénigne  correction , 
protestyng  no  maner  thynge  in  my  hole  worke,  to  be  eyther 
well  or  sufficiently  done,  but  that  whiche  your  highnesse, 
as  most  worthy  juge  and  clere  discerner  in  this  behalfe, 
shall  vouchsafe  to  alowe  and  approve.  Onely  of  this  thyng 
puttyng  your  highnesse  in  remembra unce,  that  where  as 
besydesthe  great  nombre  of  clerkes,  whiche  before  season 
of  this  mater  hâve  written  nowe  sithe  the  beginnyng  of 


your  most  fortunate  and  most  prosperous  raigne,  the  right 
vertuous  and  excellent  prince  Thomas  late  duke  of  North- 
folke  hath  commanded  the  studious  clerke  Alexandre  Bar- 
kelay  to  embusy  hym  selfe  about  this  exercyse ,  and  that 
my  sayd  synguler  good  lorde  Charles  duke  of  Sufiblke, 
by  cause  that  my  poore  labours  required  a  longre  tracte 
of  tyme,  hath  also  in  the  meane  season  encouraged  maister 
Petrus  Vallensys,  scole  maister  to  bis  excellent  yong  sonne 
the  Erle  of  Lyncolne ,  to  shewe  bis  lernynge  and  opinion 
in  this  behalfe,  and  that  the  synguler  clerke,  maister  Gyles 
Dewes  somtyme  instructeur  to  your  noble  grâce  in  this 
selfe  tong,  at  the  especiall  instaunce  and  request  of  dy- 
vers  of  your  bighe  estâtes  and  noble  men,  hath  also  for  bis 
partye  written  in  this  matter.  If  any  one  of  us  ail ,  whiche 
syns  the  begynnyng  of  your  said  well  fortuned  raygne,  of 
this  thyng  bave  written,  or  we  ail  amongest  us,  bave  by 
our  diligent  labours  nowe  at  the  last,  brought  the  frenche 
tong  under  any  rules  certayn  and  préceptes  granimaticall , 
lyke  as  the  other  thre  parfite  tonges  be,  we  bave  nat  onely 
done  the  thyng  whiche  by  your  noble  grâces  progenitours , 
of  ail  antiquité  so  moche  hath  ben  desyred,  that  besydes 
ail  other  maner  polycies  by  them  essayd,  whiche  myght 
serve  to  the  advauncement  and  fordrance  of  that  purpose, 
they  never  cessed  to  encorage  suche  clerkes  as  were  in 
theyr  tymes,  to  prove  and  essay  what  they  by  theyr  dy- 
ligence  in  this  matter  myght  do.  But  also  under  the  stu- 
dyous  tyme  of  your  most  prosperous  raigne ,  in  whiche 
ail  ingénions  exercises  thus  hyghly  do  habounde,  we  bave 
hère  within  the  lymites  of  your  most  fortunat  obevssance 


and  domynionSj  done  the  thynge  whiche  by  ihe  testimojiy 
of  the  excellent  clerke,  maister  Geffray  Troy  de  Bourges  (a 
late  writer  of  the  frenche  nation)  in  his  boke  intituled 
Champ-Fleurj,  was  never  yet  amongest  them  of  that  con- 
trayes  selfe  hetherto  so  moche  as  ones  effectually  attempted. 
In  so  moche  that  the  sayd  clerke,  about  the  beginnyng  of 
his  boke,  spekyng  of  Hercules  Gallicus  or  François,  and 
shewynge  the  naturall  inclination  that  the  frenche  men 
hâve  unto  éloquence  and  facundite ,  and  howe  theyr  tong 
for  the  most  generall  is  corrupted  for  want  of  rules  and 
préceptes  grammaticall,  and  whisshynge  that  some  studious 
clerke  shulde,  by  mean  of  his  exhortation  nowe  take  the 
thyng  in  hande,  and  fardermore  rehersyng  the  names  of 
suche  authours  whiche  he  estemeth  in  the  frenche  tong 
to  be  most  excellent,  and  which  he  wolde  chefely  shulde 
be  over  visyted  and  thorowe  studyed,  to  gather  theyr  gram- 
maticall rules  ont  of,  he  hath  fortuned  to  name  suche  and 
the  very  same  whiche  my  chaunce  hath  ben,  for  the  auc- 
torysyng  and  corroboratyng  of  my  said  thyrde  boke  with 
ail,  chefely  to  alledge,  to  folowe  and  to  ieane  unto.  Wherby, 
most  hyghe  and  puissaunt  prince,  my  most  entyrely  ho- 
noured  and  most  redouled  souveraygne,  amongest  the  other 
manifolde  hyghe  benifites,  whiche  by  yourmost  provident 
cure  and  diligent  circumspection,  you  dayly  mynister  unto 
your   most  humble  and  most  obeissaunt  subjectes,  and 
amongest  the  other  manifolde  sortes  of  érudition  and  litté- 
rature, whiche  by  your  hyghnesses  most  amyable  exhor- 
tation ,  and  especially  by  évident  exemple  in  your  owne 
noble  person,  as  moche  flourishe  nowe  under  your  ryght 


ample  dominions,  as  thorowe  the  residewe  of  Europa,  y  ou 
hâve  also  procured  and  provided  for  them  the  parfit  know- 
lege  of  the  frenche  tong,  of  ail  antiquité  by  your  noble 
progenitours  so  moche  covited  and  desired,  and,  by  this 
mean  where  as  your  sayd  subjectes  for  your  manifolde 
great  benifites  unto  them  shewed,  be  as  moche  bounden 
unto  yoiu"  noble  grâce,  as  ever  were  subjectes  unto  theyr 
liège  and  soverayne  lorde,  by  reason  of  this  great  commo- 
dité, procured  also  by  your  hyghnesse,  that  they  may  nowe 
in  the  tyme  of  your  most  happy  raigne,  thus  easely  attayne 
unto  the  frenche  tong,  and  for  so  moche  as  it  hath  pleased 
your  hyghnesse  of  your  most  excellent  goodnesse,  thus 
benygnely  and  thankfully  to  accept  my  poore  labours 
employed  in  this  behalfe,  your  noble  grâce  hath  y  et  more 
highlye  and  more  largely  bounden,  both  them,  and  of 
ail  others  lyvyng  most  especially  me,  to  pray  for  your 
prospérons  estate  long  to  endure,  in  ail  félicite  and  worldly 
welth  amongest  us. 





Henry ,  by  the  grâce  of  God,  kynge  of  Englande  and  of  France,  defensor 
of  the  faythe ,  and  lorde  of  Irelande ,  to  ail  maner  our  officers ,  mynysters 
and  subjectes  gretynge.  Where  as  our  tnisty  and  ryght  welbeloved  subjecte 
maister  John  Palsgrave ,  iipon  occasion  that  we  aforc  this  season  gave  hym 
in  commandement,  to  teche  our  most  dere  and  most  entierly  beloved 
suster  quene  Mary  douagere  of  France  in  the  frenche  tong,  halh  made  a 
boke  entituled  and  called,  Lesclarcissement  de  la  langue  francope ,  whiche 
evidently  appereth  unto  us  and  our  counsaile ,  to  be  made  whith  a  great 
and  long  continued  dyligence,  and  to  be  very  necessarye,  profitable  and 
expédient,  as  well  for  the  bryngyng  up  of  the  youth  of  our  nobylite,  as  for 
ail  other  maner  parsons  our  subjectes  to  attayne  the  parfyte  knowlege  of 
the  frenche  tong  by,  whiche  sayd  boke,  our  sayd  welbeloved  subject, 
besydes  bis  great  labours,  paynes  and  tyme  there  about  employed,  he  hath 
also,  at  his  proper  coste  and  charge  put  in  prynt,  we  greatly  moved  and 
stered  by  dewe  consyderation  of  his  sayd  long  tyme  and  great  dyligence 
about  this  good  and  very  necessarye  purpose  employed,  and  also  of  his  sayd 
great  costes  and  charges  bestowed  about  the  imprintyng  of  the  same,  bave 
liberally  and  benignely  graunted  unto  the  sayd  maister  Palsgrave  our  favo- 
rable letters  of  privilège,  concernyng  his  sayd  boke,  cailed  Lesclarcissement 
de  la  langue  francoyse ,  for  the  space  and  terme  of  sevyn  yeres  next  and  im- 
medyatly  after  the  date  hereof  enswyng ,  straytly  chargyng  and  commandyng , 
ail  maner  our  subjectes,  boke  sellars  or  other,  whiche  medell  with  the  fayte 
of  prynlyng  or  sellyng  of  bokes,  that  they  ne  none  of  them,  nother  print 
nor  cause  to  be  prynted ,  nother  within  this  our  reaime ,  nor  elswhere  out 
of  our  reaime  any  nombre  of  bokes,  after  the  copy  of  the  sayd  Lesclarcisse- 
ment, nor  after  any  maner  tables,  or  other  part  or  portion  of  the  sayd  boke, 
nor  bye  no  maner  hole  bokes ,  nor  part  of  them ,  whiche  shalbe  prynted  any 
where  out  of  oiu"  reaime ,  by  any  other  princes  subjectes ,  upon  payne  of 
our  hygh  displeasure  and  confiscation  and  forfaycture  of  ail  maner  suche 
bokes ,  outher  printed  or  bought ,  contrary  to  this  our  pleasiu-e ,  of  the  va- 
lewe  of  whiche  bokes  accordyngly  and  justly  praysyd,  we  wyll  our  said 
subjectes  in  this  behalfe  offendyng,  shall  paye  the  one  halfe  for  our  use  unto 



the  next  officer  of  justice  adjoynyng  unto  the  place  where  the  bokes  shall 
fortune  so  to  be  founde,  and  the  other  halfe  to  go  to  the  use  and  profyte 
of  our  sayd  welbeloved  subject  maister  John  Palsgrave,  wyllyng  and  or- 
daynyng  forthermore  that,  in  case  any  maner  alien  or  stranger,  mediyng 
with  the  faite  of  printyng  or  bokesellyng,  or  any  other  parsone,  bring  any 
maner  bokes  printed  after  the  sayd  maister  Palsgraves  copy,  or  any  parte 
thereof,  in  to  this  our  reaime  hère  to  make  sale  and  utterance  of  them, 
duryng  the  sayd  terme  and  space  of  vu  yeres,  that  he  or  they  shall  ron  in 
suche  lyke  losse  and  penalte,  as  we  bave  hère  afore  ordayned  of  our  owne 
subjectes,  for  suche  is  our  utter  wyll  and  pleasure  in  this  behalfe.  Yeven 
under  our  sygnet ,  at  our  maner  of  Amptbyll ,  the  seconde  day  of  septem- 
ber,  the  xxii  yere  of  our  raygne. 





Where  as  I  perceyve  by  y  our  ryght  lovyng  letters  that  divers  parsons, 
whiche  were  moche  desyrous  of  our  maisters  Escîarcàsement  de  la  langue 
francoyse,  afore  he  had  presented  it  to  the  kynges  hyghnesse,  nowe  that 
his  boke  is  publisshed  ,  and  to  be  had  amongest  the  printars,  whan  they 
loke  upon  the  greatnesse  of  the  volume,  they  be  therby  in  party  discou- 
raged ,  and  thynke  that  the  more  the  worke  is  in  bygnesse ,  the  greattar 
labours  must  of  the  lernars  be  therto  required.  But  1  am  sure ,  that  you 
whiche  hère  in  knowe  our  maisters  hole  intente  and  consydcration ,  hâve 
at  the  fuU  satisfied  and  quieted  ail  suche  parsons  whiche  you  bave  herde 
under  that  maner  reason ,  for  as  you  bave  well  by  hym  parceyved ,  he  hath 
willyngly  and  a  purpose,  moved  of  good  and  tendre  zèle,  taken  in  this 
matter  the  greattar  paynes  upon  him,  to  ease  and  forther  ail  maner  par- 
sons of  our  nation,  whiche  be  desyrous  of  that  langayge,  of  theyr  great 
paynes  and  studies ,  whiche  eis  of  nécessite  must  nedes  bave  ben  required 
in  this  behalfe.  And  where  as ,  afore  his  tyme ,  men  of  our  nation  dyd  in 
maner  dispayre  that  the  frenche  tong  coulde  ever  by  any  meanes  be  got- 
ten,  saufe  onely  by  an  importune  and  long  continued  exercise,  and  that 


begon  in  young  and  tender  âge,  our  maister  hath  hère  in  done  so  moche 
that  he  that  wyll  seke  may  fynde,  and  in  a  brefe  tyme  attayne  to  his  utterest 
desyre ,  and  that  nat  oneiy  concernyng  the  parfyte  knowlege  and  redy  use 
of  the  tong,  but  also  brefly  and  with  smale  payne  to  gete  theyr  naturall 
pronunciatyon ,  whiche  hère,  afore  season,  hath  ben  supposed  amongest 
us  in  maner  a  thyng  inipossyble,  howe  be  it  hère  in  to  knowlege  the  wery 
truthe,  rather  it  is  to  be  supposed  that  suche  of  our  nation  as  shaii  eiFec- 
tualiy  be  desyrous  of  the  frenche  tong ,  shail  thynke  his  boke  to  ly teli  and 
in  some  thynges  to  moche  abreviate,  than  in  any  one  poynt  superfluously 
to  moche,  whan  after  the  rules  of  ryght  pronunciation ,  and  the  préceptes 
grammatical!  of  this  tong  ones  knowen ,  whiche  two  thynges  in  comparison 
to  the  hole  volume  be  contayned  in  a  ryght  smale  space,  and  than  to 
practyse  thèse  raies  for  to  enjoye  the  frute  of  them,  shall  fortune  by  theyr 
owne  studye  to  translate  any  sentence  or  matter  out  of  our  tong  in  to  frenche, 
and  shall  parchaunce  loke  for  a  worde  amongeste  the  vocabulistes ,  whiche 
shulde  serve  for  theyr  purpose ,  and  shall  nat  strayght  and  ail  redy  at  bande 
fynde  out  the  thyng  they  loke  for.  But  to  ease  and  satisfye  the  lernar  in 
that  behalfe,  our  maister,  as  you  knowe,  hath  often  shewed  us  two  gene- 
rall  rules.  one,  nat  onely  expédient  for  this  purpose,  but  also  brefly  to 
bave  a  greal  plenty  of  substantives  and  adjectives  in  the  frenche  tong, 
for,  if  any  nowne  of  many  syllables  used  in  our  tong  approche  any  thyng 
towarde  latine,  commenly  that  worde  is  also  frenche ,  for  lyke  as  the  frenche 
men  borowe  theyr  wordes  immediatly  of  the  latines,  so  do  we  borowe  a 
great  nomber  of  our  substantives  and  adjectives  immediatly  of  the  frenche 
men,  whiche  thyng  for  substantives,  he  declareth  some  thyng  at  the  length, 
in  his  tbyrde  boke ,  in  the  lv  ,  lvi  and  lvii  chapiters ,  before  the  table  of 
substantives,  and  for  adjectives  in  his  sayd  thyrde  boke,  in  his  annotacions 
upon  the  vi  accident  belongyng  unto  adjectives,  whiche  be  set  next  before 
the  table.  And  yet  hâve  we  fardermore ,  as  he  hath  evidenly  proved  unto 
us,  a  great  nombre  of  olher  substantives  and  adjectives,  whiche  in  dede 
be  very  frenche  wordes,  saufe  that  our  Englyshe  tong  hath  some  thyng 
altred  theyr  later  terminations ,  but  after  theyr  trewe  orthographie  and 
ryght  pronunciatyon  be  ones  knowen,  they  be  by  any  parson  of  our  tong 
parceyved,  and  also  lerned  atones,  and  that  for  ever  after.  So  that,  if  the 
lernar,  whan  he  begynneth  to  practise,  shall  fortune  to  mysse  of  any  worde 


in  the  tables  of  substantives  or  adjectives,  lette  hym  fyrst  bave  recours 
unto  tbis  gênerai  rule ,  afore  be  judge  tbe  tables  unsufficient.  An  other 
rule  be  batb  also  gyven  us,  tbat,  if  any  parte  of  specbe  fortune  to  be  unset 
out  in  bis  owne  table,  let  tbe  lernar  seke  out  an  otber  of  lyke  sens  and 
sy  ngnify  cation ,  be  it  nowne,  verbe,  adverbe,  or  any  olber  parte  of  specbe 
tbat  is  wantyng ,  and  be  shaJl  by  tbat  meanes  be  compitently  satisfyed ,  and 
so  be  able  to  make  fortb  the  sentence  tbat  be  sball  for  tbe  tyme  fortune  to 
bave  in  bande.  Howe  be  it  as  you  bave  berde  our  maister  dyvers  tymes 
say,  wbere  as  it  is  above  a  tbousande  yeres  sens  clerkes  bave  laboured  to 
set  fortb  tbe  latin  tong,  and  dayly  yet  in  tbat  kynde  of  study  fynde  matter 
ynougb  to  exercyse  tbeyr  wittes  with  ail,  wbere  by  continually,  they  whicbe 
succède  indevour  tbem  some  tbyng  to  adde  unto  tbe  diligence  of  suche  as 
were  before  tbem ,  lyke  as  to  our  maisters  selfe  for  bis  partie  in  tbat  bebalfe 
batb  cbaunsed,  for,  after  he  bad  in  commandement  by  our  most  redouted 
soveraygne,  to  instructe  tbe  duke  of  Ricbemontes  grâce,  in  tbe  latin  tong, 
be  brougbt  ail  the  hole  Analogie  of  tbe  Romane  specbe,  into  ix  letters, 
tbat  is  to  say,  tbeyr  fyve  vowelles,  and  M,  N ,  R,  S,  consonantes,  whicbe 
tbyng  was  never,  as  yet,  of  no  clerke  tbat  be  wotteth  of  afore  his  tyme 
observed:  savyng  tbat  Marcus  Varro  whicbe  was  in  TuUyes  tyme,  in  his 
thyrde  boke  de  Analogia,  in  very  darke  and  brefe  wordes,  sbeweth  tbat 
Aristotles  Parmensius  and  Dionisius  Sidonius ,  supposed  tbat  suche  a  tbyng 
was  possible  to  be  brougbt  to  passe  of  the  Greke  tong.  It  is  than  no  mar- 
veyle,  tbougbe  tbis  volume  of  oure  maysters ,  whiche  leaveth  nothynge 
unattempted  tbat  ought  to  be  desyred,  for  the  grammaticall  perfection  of 
the  frenche  tonge ,  and  therto  dothe  his  dyligence ,  to  déclare  worde  for 
wordc ,  and  phrasys  for  phrasis ,  thorowe  bothe  tbe  tonges ,  do  nat  in  every 
poynt  utterly  suflîse  and  satisfy.  Sens  he  hath  ben  tbe  first  outher  of  our 
nation  or  of  the  french  menues  selfe,  tbat  batb  so  farre  waded  in  ail 
maner  tbinges  necessary  to  reduce  tbat  tong  under  rules  certayne.  And  of 
howe  great  a  difficulty  it  is  amongest  so  many  tbousande  wordes ,  in  bothe 
tbe  tonges  to  foresee ,  tbat  utterly  none  be  wantyng ,  seyng  tbat  be  batb 
also  ben  tbe  first,  which  in  tbat  kynde  of  exercise  hath  begon  to  labour, 
suche  as  bave  studie  in  tbe  tbre  parfyte  tonges,  and  bave  expérience  howe 
tbeyr  vocabulistes ,  whiche  bave  ben  of  so  many  yeres,  and  by  so  sondry 
clerkes  agatheryng,  and  yet  to  tbis  day  fiiHy  do  nat  satisfy,  can  in  this 



behalfe  suffyciently  décerne.  But  as  touchyng  his  rules,  howe  the  frenche 
tong  ought  to  be  pronounsed ,  and  to  knowe  the  parfyte  Analogie  and  con- 
gruite  of  the  frenche  tong,  that  is  to  saye,  to  décerne  the  changes  whiche 
happen  in  thaï  langage,  by  reason  of  diversité,  in  case,  gender,  nomber, 
mode,  tens,  and  parson,  and  to  knowe  by  some  certayne  examples,  howe 
^o  conjugale  theyr  verbes  parfyte,  and  what  verbes  be  with  them  anomales, 
and  whiche  be  defectives,  by  cause  his  labours  can  in  no  wyse  be  profitable 
to  no  maner  parson,  except  he  bave  in  ail  thèse  thynges,  at  the  leest  some 
général!  knoweledge,  or  ever  he  can  be  hable  by  his  owne  studye,  to  trans- 
late any  sentence  out  of  our  tong  in  to  frenche;  to  do  unto  ail  maner 
parsones  of  our  natyon  desyrous  to  bave  the  frenche  tong,  y  et  a  farther 
and  more  thankefuU  pleasure ,  he  hath  brought   ail  the  pythe  and  effect 
of  his  two  fyrst  bokes  in  to  a  very  smale  roume  and  quantité,  whiche  com- 
pendious  tractyse  if  it  be  but  ones  rede  over,  the  iernar  shall  incontinently 
hâve  so  évident  and  clere  a  lyght  in  the  frenche  tong,  that  he  shall 
for  ever  after  be  paste  ail  maner  mystrust  or  discourayge 
in  this  behalfe ,  and  parcey ve  evydently,  that  a  lytell 
labour  shall  suffyse  hym  to  bave  the  full  frute 
and  commodité  of  this  his  hole  volume, 
of  whiche  brefe  traictise  so  moche 
expédient  and  commodyous 
for  this  purpose , 
I  sende  you 
a  copy. 





The  diffyculte  of  the  frenche  tong,  whiche  maketh  it  so  harde 
to  be  lerned  by  them  of  our  nation,  resteth  chefely  in  thre 
thynges  :  in  the  diversyte  of  pronunciation,  that  is  betwene  us 
and  them  :  in  theyr  analogie  and  maner  of  congruite,  where 
in  they  be  moche  more  parfyte  and  exquisyte  than  we  be,  and 
moche  more  approche  towardes  the  parfection  of  the  latin  tong 
than  we  do  :  and  thyrdly  in  theyr  propertes  of  spekyng,  where 
in  theyr  phrasys  be  dyfFerent  frome  ours,  and  letteth  us  that, 
thoughe  we  shulde  gyve  worde  for  worde,  yet  the  sens  shulde 
moche  differ  betwene  our  tong  and  theyrs.  Of  whiche  thre 
thynges  hère  brefely  and  by  maner  of  an  introduction  to  en- 
treate,  the  frenchemen  in  theyr  pronunciation  do  chefly  regarde 
and  covet  thre  thynges  :  to  be  armonious  in  theyr  speking  : 
to  be  brefe  and  sodayne  in  soundyng  of  theyr  wordes,  avoyd- 
yng  ail  maner  of  harshenesse  in  theyr  pronunciation  :  and 
thirdly  to  gyve  every  worde  that  they  abyde  and  reste  upon , 
theyr  most  audible  sounde.  To  be  armonious  in  theyr  spekyng, 
they  use  one  thyng  which  none  other  nation  dothe,  but  onely 
they,  that  is  to  say,  they  make  a  maner  of  modulation  inwardly, 
for  they  forme  certayne  of  theyr  vowelles  in  theyr  brest,  and 
suiFre  nat  the  sounde  of  them  to  passe  out  by  the  mouthe,  but 
to  assende  from  the  brest  straight  upto  thepalate  ofthe  mouth, 
and  so  by  reflection  yssueth  the  sounde  of  them  by  the  nose. 
To  be  brefe  and  sodayne,  and  to  avoyde  ail  maner  harshenesse, 
whiche  myght  happen  whan  many  consonantes  come  betwene 
the  vowelles,  if  they  ail  shulde  hâve  theyr  distyncte  sounde, 


most  commenly  they  never  use  to  sounde  past  one  onely  con- 
sonant  betwene  two  vowelles,  though  for  kepyng  of  trewe 
orthographie,  they  use  to  write  as  many  cousonantes  as  the  la- 
tine wordes  hâve,  whiche  theyr  frenche  wordes  corne  out  of, 
and,  for  the  same  cause,  they  gyve  somtyme  unto  theyr  cou- 
sonantes but  a  sleight  and  remisshe  sounde,  and  farre  more 
dyversly  pronounce  them  than  the  latines  do.  To  gyve  every 
worde  that  they  abyde  upon  his  most  audible  sounde,  where 
as  in  the  Greke  tong,  the  accent  hath  thre  dyvers  places,  that 
is  to  say,  the  last  syllable,  the  last  save  çne,  and  the  thyrde 
syllable  from  the  ende,  and  in  the  latin  tong,  at  the  leest  hath 
twayne,  thatis  to  say,  the  last  syllable  save  one,  or  the  thyrde 
syllable  from  thende,  the  frenche  men  judgyng  a  worde  to  be 
most  parfaytly  herde,  whan  his  last  end  is  sounded  hyghest, 
use  generally  to  gyve  theyr  accent  upon  the  last  syllable  onely, 
except  whan  they  make  modulation  inwardly,  for  than  gyveng 
theyr  accent  upon  the  last  syllable  save  one,  and  at  the  last 
syllable  of  suche  wordes ,  they  sodaynly  depresse  theyr  voyce 
agayne,  formyng  the  wowell  in  the  brest,  as  I  hâve  afore 
discribed.  But  to  the  intent  that  thèse  thynges  used  of  the 
frenche  men  in  theyr  pronounciation  ,  and  ail  others  concern- 
yng  the  very  grounde  of  theyr  analogie,  may  nat  semé  utterly 
fortuyt  and  done  by  chaunce,  but  rather  by  some  secret 
mystery  gyven  by  maner  of  a  syngular  priviledge  unto  this 
most  christened  nation,  let  us  se  howe  ternarius  numerus, 
that  is  to  say ,  the  nombre  of  thre,  whiche  of  ail  other  is  most 
parfyte,  excellent,  and  also  mystycall,  dothe  secretly  with 
them,  and  thorowly  worke  in  this  behalfe. 


Where  as  I  hâve  sayd  that,  to  be  the  more  armonious,  they 



makea  maner  of  modulation  inwardly,  that  thyng  happeneth 
in  the  soundyng  of  thre  of  theyr  vowelles  onely ,  A,  E  and  0, 
and  that  nat  universally ,  but  onely  so  often  as  they  come  before 
M  or  N  in  one  syllable,  or  whan  E  is  in  the  îast  syllable,  the 
worde  nat  havyng  his  accent  upon  hym,  remyttyng  the  1er- 
narfor  examples,  by  cause  of  brevite,  unto  the  seconde,  thyrde 
and  fyfth  chapiters  of  my  fyrst  boke,  so  that  thèse  thre  letters 
M,  N  or  E  fynall,  nat  havyng  the  accent  upon  hym,  be  the 
very  and  onely  causes  why  thèse  thre  vowelles  A,  E,  0,  be 
formed  in  the  brest  and  sounded  by  the  nose.  And  for  so  mo- 
che as  of  necessyte,  to  forme  the  différent  sounde  of  those  thre 
vowelles  they  must  nedes,  at  theyr  fyrst  formyng  open  theyr 
mowth  more  or  lesse,  yet  whan  the  vowell  ones  formed  in  the 
brest  ascendeth  upwardes  and  must  hâve  Af  or  N  sounded  with 
hym,  they  bryng  theyr  chawes  togetherwardes  agayne,  and, 
in  so  doyng,  they  semé  to  sound  an  f/,  and  make  in  maner  of 
A  and  0,  diphthonges,  whiche  happeneth  by  rayson  of  closyng 
of  theyr  mowth  agayne,  to  come  to  the  places  where  M  and  N 
be  formed,  but  chefely  by  cause  no  parte  of  the  vowell,  at  his 
expressyng,  shulde  passe  forlh  by  the  mowth,  whereas  els  the 
frenchemen  sounde  the  same  thre  vowelles  in  ail  thynges  lyke 
as  the  Italiens  do,  or  we  of  our  nation,  whiche  sounde  our 
vowelles  aryght,  and,  as  for  in  theyr  vowell  I  is  no  difficulty 
nor  différence  from  the  Italien  sounde,  savyng  that  so  often  as 
thèse  thre  letters  ///  or  Ign  come  before  any  of  the  fyrst  thre 
vowels  A,  E  OT  0,  they  sounde  an  I  brefely  and  confusely 
betwene  the  Iast  consonant  and  the  vowell  folowyng,  where  as 
in  dede  none  is  written,  for  examples  remyttyng  the  lernar  to 
the  sevynth  chapiters  of  my  fyrst  boke,  whiche  soundynge  of 
/,  where  he  is  nat  written,  they  recompence  in  theyr  U ,  for 
thoughe  they  wryte  hym  after  thèse  thre  consonantes  F,  G, 


and  Q,  yet  do  they  onely  sounde  the  vowell  next  folowing  U, 
as  I  déclare  in  the  ix  chapiter  of  the  fyrst  boke.  So  that,  for  the 
raost  generalte,  the  frenche  men  sounde  ail  theyr  fyve  vo\velles 
lyke  as  the  Italiens  do ,  except  onely  theyr  U,  whiche  ever  so 
often  as  they  use  for  a  vowell  alone,  hath  with  them  suche  a 
sounde  as  we  gyve  tins  diphthong  ew  in  our  tong  in  thèse 
wordes,  rewe  an  herbe,  a  mewe  for  a  hawke,  a  clewe  of  threde. 


And  as  touchyng  theyr  diphthonges,  besydes  the  sixe  whi- 
che be  formed  by  addyng  of  the  two  last  vowelles  unto  the 
thre  fyrst,  as  ai,  ei,  oi,  an,  eu,  oa,  they  make  also  a  sevynth  by 
addyng  of  the  two  last  vowelles  together  ui,  unto  whiche  they 
gyve  suche  a  sounde  as  we  do  unto  wy  in  thèse  wordes ,  a  swyne, 
I  Iwyne,  I  dwyne,  soundyng  u  and  y  together,  and  nat  dis- 
tynctly,  and  as  for  the  other  sixe  hâve  suche  sounde  with  them 
as  they  hâve  in  latin,  except  thre,  for  in  stede  of  ai,  they 
sounde  most  commenly  ei,  and  for  oi  they  sounde  oe  and  for 
au  they  sounde  most  commenly  ow,  as  we  do  in  thèse  wordes,  a 
bowe,  a  crowe,  a  snowe,  remyttyng  also  the  lernar  for  the  more 
certaynte  herof  unto  my  sayd  fyrst  boke,  where  I  speke  of  the 
diphthonges.  Ail  whiche  diversyte,  used  by  them  in  soundyng 
of  theyr  vowelles  and  diphthonges,  an  accusturaed  erre  may 
evidently  observe  that  they  thus  do  apurpose,  nat  onely  to  be 
the  more  armonious  and  playsant  in  soundyng  of  theyr  wordes , 
but  also  to  avoyde  ail  maner  difformyte  whiche  myght  happen 
by  reason  of  any  barbarous  sounde.  Whiche  thynge  so  moche 
they  studye  to  observe  that  they  preferre  it  sometyme  before 
theyr  congruite,  as  I  shewe  herafter  in  my  seconde  introduc- 
tion, where  I  speke  of  theyr  grammaticall  concordes.  And  for 
the  same  cause,  to  avoyde  the  concurrence  of  séparât  vowelles 


in  distyncte  wordes,they  be  more  curious  in  the  observyng  ol 
the  fygure  called  Apostrophe,  than  the  Grekes  be  thenj  selfe, 
as  I  déclare  from  the  xlix  chapiter  consequently  to  the  lv  in 
my  fiyrst  boke. 


And  nowe  as  touchyng  the  seconde  poynte  whiche  is  to  be 
brefe  and  sodayne  vithout  any  maner  of  harshenesse  in  theyr 
pronounciation ,  what  consonantes  so  ever  they  write  in  any 
worde  for  the  kepyng  of  trewe  orthographie,  yet  so  moche  covyt 
they  in  redyng  or  spekyng  to  bave  ail  theyr  vowelles  and  di- 
phthonges  clerly  herde,  that  betwene  two  vowelles,  whether 
they  chaunce  in  one  worde  alone,  or  as  one  worde  fortuneth  to 
folowe  after  an  other,  they  never  sounde  but  one  consonant  ato- 
nes, in  so  moche  that,  if  two  différent  consonantes,  that  is  to 
say,  nat  beyng  both  of  one  sorte,  corne  together  betwene  two 
vowelles,  they  levé  the  fyrst  of  them  unsounded,  and  if  thre 
consonantes  come  together,  they  ever  levé  two  of  the  fyrst 
unsounded,  puttyng  hère  in,  as  I  bave  sayd,  no  différence, 
whether  the  consonantes  thus  come  together  in  one  worde  alone, 
or  as  the  wordes  do  folowe  one  anotlier,  for  many  tymes  theyr 
wordes  ende  in  two  consonantes,  by cause  they  take  awaye  the 
last  vowell  of  the  latin  worde,  as  corps  commeth  of  corpus, 
temps  of  tempus,  and  suche  lyke;  whiche  two  consonantes 
shalbe  lefte  unsounded,  if  the  next  worde  folowyng  begyn  with 
a  consonant,  as  well  as  if  thre  consonantes  shuld  fortune  to 
come  together  in  a  worde  by  hym  selfe.  But  yet  in  this  thyng 
to  shewe  also  that  they  forget  nat  theyr  ternarius  numerus  of 
ail  theyr  consonantes,  they  bave  from  this  rule  privyleged 
onely  thre.  M,  JS  and  R,  whiche  never  lèse  theyr  sounde, 
where  so  ever  they  be  founde  written,  except  onely  N,  whan 



he  commelh  in  the  thyrde  parson  plurell  of  verbes  after  E,  for 
the  particuler  certaynte  also  of  this  tliyng  remyttyng  the  lernar 
to  the  XXV,  XXVI,  xxvii  and  xxviii  chapitres  of  the  fyrst  boke. 
So  that  where  as  afore  season  this  seyng  of  consonantes  written 
for  kepyng  of  trewe  orthographie ,  and  levyng  of  them  un- 
sounded  in  pronounciation,  hath  semed  unto  us  of  our  nation 
a  thyng  of  so  great  diffyculte,  by  cause  we  never  hetherto  had 
no  maner  rule  to  staye  us  in  this  behalfe,  that  unneth  an  im- 
portune labour,  and  that  taken  in  youth  by  a  hole  yere  or 
twayne,  was  sufiFycient  by  use  to  attayne  herunto.  In  so  moche 
that  where  as  there  be  hunderdes  in  this  reaime,  whiche  with 
a  ly tell  labour  employ ed  and  by  the  ayde  of  latyn ,  do  so  par- 
fytly  understande  this  tonge  that  they  be  able  to  translate  at 
the  fyrst  syght  any  thyng out  of  the  frenche  tong  in  to  ours, 
yet  hâve  they  thought  the  thing  so  strange  to  levé  the  conso- 
nantes unsounded,  whiche  they  sawe  written  in  suche  bokes 
as  they  studyed,  that  they  hâve  utterly  neglected  the  frenche 
menues  maner  of  pronounciation,  and  so  rede  frenche  as  theyr 
fantasy  or  opinion  dyde  lede  them,  and,  by  that  meanes  par- 
ceyvyng  in  them  selfe  a  want  and  swarvyngfrom  the  trewth, 
whiche  they  wot  nat  howe  to  amende,  utterly  levé  to  speke 
or  exercyse  the  langayge,  as  a  thyng  whiche  they  dispayre  of, 
where  as  nowe  the  very  grounde  and  consyderation  of  the 
frenche  men  in  this  behalfe  ones  knowen,  it  hath  ben  prov- 
ed  by  expérience  that  it  is  but  a  senyghtes  labour,  or,  at  the 
moste,  a  fourtnyghtes  to  lerne  this  poyntconcernyng  to  theyr 
pronounciatyon  an  to  be  sure  herof  for  ever. 


And  nowe  to  speke  of  theyr  thyrde  poynt,  where  I  bave  shewed 
that  the  frenchemen  studye  to  gyve  every  worde,  that  they 


abide  and  reste  upon,  theyr  most  audible  sounde.  The  hole 
reason  of  theyr  accent  is  grounded  chefely  upon  thre  poyntes  : 
fyrst,  there  is  no  worde  of  one  syllable  whiche  with  them  hath 
any  accent ,  or  that  they  use  to  pause  upon ,  and  that  is  one 
great  cause  why  theyr  tong  semeth  to  us  so  brefe  and  sodayn 
and  so  harde  to  be  understanded  whan  it  is  spoken,  especially 
of  theyr  paysantes  or  commen  people;  for,  thoughe  there 
come  never  so  many  wordes  of  one  syllable  together,  they 
pronounce  them  nat  distinctly  a  sonder  as  the  latines  do,  but 
sounde  them  ail  under  one  voyce  and  tenour,  and  never  rest 
nor  pause  upon  any  of  them,  except  the  commyng  next  unto 
a  poynt  be  the  cause  therof;  seconde,  every  worde  of  many 
syllables  hath  bis  accent  upon  the  last  syllable,  but  yet  that 
nat  withstandynge  they  use  upon  no  suche  worde  to  pause, 
except  the  commyng  next  unto  a  poynt  be  the  causer  therof: 
and  this  is  one  great  thyng  whiche  inclineth  the  frenchemen 
so  moche  to  pronounce  the  latin  tong  amysse,  whiche  contrary 
never  gyve  theyr  accent  on  the  last  syllable.  The  thyrde 
poynt  is  but  an  exception  from  the  seconde  :  for,  whan  the 
last  syllable  of  a  frenche  worde  endeth  in  E,  the  syllable  next 
afore  liim  must  hâve  the  accent,  and  yet  is  nat  this  rule  ever 
generall.  For  if  a  frenche  worde  ende  in  TE  or  hâve  Z  after 
E,  or  be  a  prétérit  partyciple  of  the  fyrst  conjugation,  he 
shall  bave  bis  accent  upon  the  last  syllable,  accordyng  to  the 
seconde  rule  :  for  the  more  certayne  knowledge  ^Iso  liere  of 
remyttyng  the  lernar  to  the  lvi  chapiter  and  the  resydewe 
next  folowyng  unto  the  lx  chapiter  of  my  fyrst  boke. 


But  as  touchyng  to  wknowe  han  a  vowell  shalbe  with  them 
longe  or  short  in  bis  pronounciation ,  I  suppose  there  be  no  tong 


that  hath  hère  in  a  more  playn  and  symple  consyderation  tlian 
the  frenche  men  hâve.  For,  whan  ihey  levé  any  consonant  or 
consonantes  unsounded,  whiche  folowe  a  vowell  that  shulde 
hâve  the  accent,  if  they  pause  upon  hym  by  reason  of  commyng 
*  next  unto  a  poynt,  he  shalbe  long  in  pronounciation.  So  that 
there  is  no  vowell  with  them,  whiche  of  hymselfe  is  long  in 
theyr  ton  g,  for  the  more  particuler  knoledge  hère  of  remyttyng 
the  lernar  also  to  the  lxii  chapiter  of  my  fyrst  boke,  and  as  for 
Encletica  I  note  no  mo  but  onely  the  primative  pronownes 
of  the  fyrst  and  seconde  parsones  syngular,  whan  they  folowe 
the  verbe  that  they  do  governe.  So  that  albe  it  that  the  fren- 
chemennes  pronounciation  be  never  so  différent  from  others, 
in  so  moche  that  it  hath  gyven  occasion  to  clerkes  of  other 
nations  to  say  theyr  pleasure  of  the  tong,  yet,  if  the  consyde- 
rations  whiche  hath  moved  them  so  to  do  be  indifferently  con- 
sydred,  they  ryse  nat  upon  a  barbarous  rudenesse,  but  rather 
of  a  great  curiosyte  to  make  theyr  speche  more  commendable, 
but  that  ail  other  nations  do  in  dede  so  moche  esteme  it,  and 
that  as  well  christened  as  hethen,  that  impute  I  rather  unto 
the  secret  force  of  this  ternarius  numerus,  whiche  thoughe  it 
hath  hère  some  thyng  appered  concernyng  their  pronouncia- 
tion ,  it  shal  moche  more  evidently  hère  consequently  appere 
in  ail  the  chefe  groundes  of  theyr  analogie,  whiche  they  hâve 
invented  proper  and  peculyer  to  themselfe;  for  thoughe  the 
great  nombre  of  theyr  vocables  be  evidently  deryved  forth  of 
latin,  and  that  in  dede  they  lerned  at  the  fyrst  with  the  latin 
wordes  the  latin  analogie,  and  in  many  thinges  yet  do  folowe 
them ,  as  shall  hère  consequently  appere ,  yet  is  theyr  analogie 
nowe  at  thèse  dayes  farre  différent  from  them,  as  I  shall  hère 
also  next  folowyng  déclare. 



The  frenche  men  use  onely  xxiii  letters,  suche  and  the  same 
whiche  the  latines  hâve;  for  /f  with  them  is  nat  onely  a  sygne 
of  aspiration ,  but  also  hath  oftentymes  the  strength  and 
power  of  a  consonant,  as  I  déclare  in  the  xxxiii  chapiter  of 
my  fyrst  boke,  and  howe  they  oftetymes  write  H,  at  the  begyn- 
nyng  of  theyr  wordes,  forkepyng  of  trewe  orthographie,  and 
yet  sounde  hym  nat,  I  hâve  in  the  same  boke  declared  in 
the  XX  chapiter,  where  also  I  shewe  in  what  wordes  of  the 
frenche  tong  H  hath  his  aspiration,  and  howe  seldome  the 
frenche  tong  useth  nowe  this  lelter  K,  I  déclare  in  the  xxxv 
chapiter  of  the  same  boke.  Thèse  xxiii  letters  be  devyded  in 
to  thre  dyvers  sortes,  for  besydes  theyr  vowelles,  theyr  con- 
sonantes  be  devyded  in  to  mutes  and  liquides  or  semivocalles, 
whiche  consonantes  hâve,  in  the  frenche  tong,  dyvers  maners 
of  soundyng,  lyke  as  I  déclare  of  every  of  them  particulerly 
in  my  fyrst  boke  after  theyr  order.  But  in  the  namyng  of  tlie 
sayd  consonantes  the  frenche  men  diffre  from  the  latin  tong, 
for  where  as  the  latines  in  soundynge  of  the  mutes  begyn 
with  the  letters  selfe,  and  ende  in  E,  sayng  BE,  CE,  DE,  etc., 
the  frenche  men ,  in  the  stede  of  E,  sounde  oy  and  name  them 
BOY,  COY,  DOY,  etc.,  and  where  as  the  latines  in  soundyng 
of  theyr  liquides  or  semi  vowelles  begyn  with  E,  and  ende 
with  them,  saynge  EL,  EM,  EN ,  the  frenchemen  double  the 
liquide  or  semi  vocale  and  adde  also  an  other  E  and  name 
them  ELLE,  EMME,  ENNE,  gevyng  the  accent  upon  the 
fyrst  E  and,  at  the  last  E,  depressyng  theyr  voyce;  but  in 


thèse  thynges  it  is  nat  greatly  materiall  to  be  to  curyous,  and 
therfore  I  passe  over  to  speke  thorowly  there  of.  Of  thèse  let- 
ters,  lyke  as  it  is  in  ail  tonges,  be  made  syllables,  of  syllables 
wordes,  of  wordes  sentences  or  reasons. 


Partes  of  reason ,  if  we  shall  hère  in  tâke  example  of  the 
Romayns,  they  hâve  thryse  m,  for,  besydes  the  viii  partes  of 
speche  commen  betwene  them  and  the  latines,  ihat  is  to  say, 
nowne,  pronowne,  verbe,  participle,  preposytion,  adverbe, 
conjunction  and  interjection,  they  bave  also  a  nynth  part  of 
reason  whiche  I  call  article,  borowyng  the  name  of  the  Grekes. 


Articles  they  bave  but  twayne,  ung  and  le,  and  they  bave 
but  two  accidentes,  as  I  déclare  in  the  begynnyng  of  the 
seconde  boke. 


Nownes  substantives  hâve  thre  chefe  accidentes,  gender, 
nombre,  and  parson. 


Genders  they  hâve  thre,  the  masculyn,  feminyn,  and  the 
commyn  both  to  the  masculyn  and  femenyn.  Causes  whiche 
move  them  to  use  a  substantive  of  the  masculyne  gender  be 
thre,  signifycation ,  termination,  and  commyng  out  of  a  latin 
nowne  of  the  newter  gender,  endyng  in  um.  Diversytes  of  sy- 
gnifications,  whiche  move  them  to  make  a  substantyve  of  the 
masculyne  gender  be  of  thre  sortes.  For,  if  the  substantyvje 


betoken  any  name  belongyng  onely  to  man,  or  be  the  name 
of  any  he  beest,  or  be  the  name  of  any  tree,  they  use  ail  suche 
substantyves  onely  of  the  masculyne  gender,  as  roy,  cheual, 
chesne.  Terminations,  whiche  move  to  use  a  substantyve  of  the 
masculyne  gender,  be  in  a  generalte  ail,  savyng  onely  E,  so 
that,  if  a  substantive  in  the  frenche  tong  ende  in  any  vowell, 
diphthong  or  consonant,  except onely  E,  he shalbe  of  the  mas- 
culyne gender,  and  the  exceptions  be  butfewe,  as  appereth  in 
the  seconde  boke,  but  chefly  in  the  thyrde,  and  yet,  thoughe 
theyr  substantyve  ende  in  Ë,  if  he  come  out  of  a  latin  substantyve 
endyngin  um,  they  use  hym  also  of  the  masculyne  gender,  as 
consile,  édifice,  domicile,  be  used  with  them  asmasculynes,  for 
they  come  oiedificium,  consilium,  domiciliam,  and  so  of  suche  lyke. 
Sygnifycations ,  whiche  move  them  to  make  a  substantive  of 
the  feminyn  gender,  be  also  of  thre  sortes  :  for,  if  a  substan- 
tyve betoken  any  name  that  belongcth  onely  to  women,  or  be 
the  name  of  any  she  beest,  or  the  name  of  any  frute,  they 
use  ever  ail  suche  substantives  of  the  feminyn  gender,  as  royne, 
jument,  poyre.  Terminations,  whiche  move  them  to  make  a  sub- 
stantyve of  the  feminyn  gender,  is  chefely  E  :  whiche  rule  is 
generall  unto  thèse  thre  sortes  also,  pronownes,  adjectyves  and 
participles,  for  the  féminins  of  ail  thèse  thre  partes  ende  in 
E,  as  I  shall  hère  after  in  theyr  places  more  plainly  déclare; 
but  for  substantives  tliis  rule  halh  many  exceptions,  as  I  dé- 
clare at  the  lenglh  in  my  thyrde  boke,  in  my  annotations 
upon  the  fyrst  accident  belongyng  to  substantives  :  of  the 
commen  gender,  1  bave  noted  onely  but  syx  substantyves  in 
this  tong  as  venjue,  adultère,  esclaue,  guyde,  garde,  anàhoste,  as 
I  déclare  in  my  thyrde  boke. 



Nombres,  if  we  shiilde  herein  be  curyous  as  the  Grekes  be, 
they  hâve  also  thre,  for,  besydes  the  syngular  nombre  and  the 
plureil  commyn  betwene  them  and  the  latines,  they  use  to 
expresse  ail  suche  substantyves  as  we  in  our  tong  circumlocute 
by  payres,  by  one  onely  worde  in  the  plurel  letter,  as  for  a 
payre  of  hosen ,  a  payre  of  tonges,  a  payre  of  spectacles,  they 
say  unes  chances,  unes  tenailles,  unes  lunettes,  as  I  déclare  in  the 
LUI  chapiter  of  the  thyrde  boke,  before  the  table  of  substan- 
tyves. But  now^e  to  speke  of  theyr  two  nombres  most  gene- 
rally  used  with  them,   albeit   that  theyr  synguler  nombre 
hath  a  great  meyny  of  dyvers  terminations,  yet  bave  they  ex- 
cepted  thre  letters  in  whiche  there  is  no  substantyve  endyng 
.in  theyr  tong,  that  is  to  say.  A,  0,  and  K,  but  in  what  letter 
so  ever  theyr  syngular  nombre  ende  in,  for  the  expressyng 
of  theyr  plureil  nombre  they  hâve  but  onely  thre  letters.  S, 
X,  Z,  whiche  they  adde  to  the  terminations  of  the  syngular 
nombre,  and  so  moche  kepe  they  thèse  thre  onely  letters  to 
serve  for  theyr  plureil  nombres,  that,  if  any  substantyve  in 
theyr  tong,  in  bis  syngular  nombre,  ende  in  any  of  thèse  thre 
letters  S,  X,  Z,  than  is  the  synguler  nombre  and  the  plurel  of 
ail  suche  nownes  with  them  ail  one,  for  the  more  particuler 
knowledge  of  this  matter  rcmittyng  the  lernar  to  the  annota- 
tions upon  the  seconde  accident  belongyng  to  substantyves  in 
the  thyrde  boke.  Howbeit  for  so  moche  as  the  chefest  poynt, 
whiche  concerneth  the  kepynge  of  trewe  congruyte  in  thls 
tong,  resteth  upon  the  knowledge  of  the  gendre  and  nombre 
of  the  substantyve,  forbycause  that  with  hym  must  agre  the 
adjectyve,  the  pronowne  and  the  participle,  as  I  shall  her- 
after  in  this  introduction  more  playnly  déclare,  whan  I  speke 


of  theyr  congruite.  Besydes  ail  the  rules  written  upon  thèse 
two  accidentes  in  the  sayd  thyrde  boke,  I  hâve  y  et  also,  for 
the  more  farther  easyng  of  the  iernar,  in  the  table  of  substan- 
tives,  after  every  substantyve,  set  forth  also  his  gendre,  and 
the  letter  of  his  plurell  nombre,  that  he  may  atones  herin  be 


Where  as  this  tong  hath  thre  parsones  in  bothe  the  nombres 
of  theyr  verbes,  as  the  latines  hâve,  every  substantyve  is  onely 
of  the  thyrde  parson,  that  is  to  say,  whan  he  is  nominatyve 
case  to  any  verbe,  the  verbe  to  agre  with  him  must  ever  be 
of  the  thyrde  parson,  as  I  shall  more  playnly  déclare  amongest 
the  concordes. 


Nownes  adjectives  bave  also  thre  chefe  accidentes,  gendre, 
nombre,  and  comparation. 


Gendres  :  adjecty ves  bave  thre,  the  masculyne,  feminyn  and 
commen  to  the  masculyn  and  feminyn.  The  masculyn  gendre 
thoughe  he  bave  never  so  sondry  termynations,  yet  except 
they  nat  onely  the  threletters  A,  0,  and  K,  in  whiche  no  sub- 
stantyve endeth,  but  also  they  except  other  thre  letters,  B,  P, 
and  Z;  so  that  in  thèse  syxe  termynations  endeth  no  mascu- 
lyne adjectyve  syngular.  The  feminyn  gendre  of  ail  adjectyves 
endeth  ever  in  E,  formed  ont  of  his  masculyne  by  addyng  of 
E  unto  his  last  ende,  for  the  more  particular  knowledge  of 
this  mater  remyttyng  the  Iernar  to  the  annotacions  upon  the 
fyrst  accident  belongynge  to  adjectives  in  the  thyrde  boke.  Of 
the  commen  gendre  be  ail  adjectives  whiche  in  theyr  mascu- 



lyne  gendre  ende  in  E,  for  than  isthe  masculyne  and  feniinyn 

both  one  in  this  ton  g. 


Nombres  :  they  hâve  also  twayne,  the  synguler  nombre  and 
the  plurell.  In  the  synguler  nombre,  nownes  adjectyves  bave 
as  many  sondry  termy nations  as  nownes  substantyves  hâve,  sa- 
vynge  that,  as  I  bave  sayd  in  B,  P,  and  Z,  endeth  no  syngular 
adjectyve.  The  plurell  nombre  hath  onely  the  letters  fynall,  S, 
X,  and  Z,  added  unlo  the  letters  of  the  syngular,  lyke  as  they 
forme  tlie  plurelles  of  theyr  substantyves.  In  so  moche  that,  if 
any  masculyne  adjectyve,  in  bis  syngular  nombre  ende  in  S  or 
X,  the  syngular  and  plurell  is  ail  one,  and  every  feminyn  plurell 
endeth  in  S,  added to  the  E  fynall  of  bis  syngular,  remittyngthe 
lernar  for  the  particulers  herof  unto  my  annotations  upon  the 
seconde  accident  belongyngto  adjectyves  in  the  thyrde  boke. 
Howbeit  in  this  thyng  also  to  ease  the  lernar,  1  bave,  in  the 
table  of  adjectyves,  set  forthe  the  gendre  and  nombre  of  every 
adjectyve  as  he  commeth  in  order  in  the  table  of  adjectyves. 


Adjectyves  hâve  thre  degrees  of  comparation ,  lyke  as  they 
bave  in  our  tong  or  in  latin,  but  with  this  différence,  where 
as  we  and  the  latines  forme  our  comparatives  and  superla- 
tyves  out  of  our  posytives,  by  addyng  of  certayne  letters  to  bis 
ende,  the  frenche  men  kepe  theyr  adjectyve  everunchanged, 
and,  by  addyng  of  plus  before  hym ,  make  theyr  posytive  ',  and 
by  addyng  of  le  plus,  or  some  pronowne  dirivatyve,  forme 
theyr  superlative,  as  I  déclare  in  the  seconde  boke,  in  the 
fourth  accident  belongyng  to  nownes  adjectyves. 

*  Sans  doute  comparatyve. 



Of  pronownes  there  be  thre  chefe  sortes,  primityves,  deri- 
vatyves,  and  demonstratyves.  Pronownes  primityves  be  fyve, 
je,  tu,  se,  nous,  vous,  and  of  them  be  derived  olher  v,  mon,  ton, 
son,  nostre,  vostre,  ail  x  wordes  beyng  of  suche  syngnifycation 
as  they  be  in  latin.  Pronownes  demonstratyves  they  hâve  but 
thre  il,  le  and  on  or  len.  We  may  also  contayne  under  the  pro- 
nowne  other  thre  dyvers  sortes  :  relatyves  as  (jui  or  lequel; 
interrogatyves  as  qui,  and  numeralles  as  vng,  deux,  troys,  etc. 
And  I  speke  also  amongest  the  pronownes  in  my  seconde 
boke  of  nownes  partityves  and  distributyves  as  tout,  uul,  aal- 
cun,  quelqun,  chascun,  etc. 


Pronownes  hâve  nat  onely  the  thre  accidentes  belongyng 
unto  substantyves,  thatis  to  say,  gendre,  nombre  and  parson, 
but  also  other  thre  accidentes,  case,  declination  and  compo- 
sytion.  But  for  so  moche  as  thèse  accidentes  be  not  generally 
commen  unto  ail  pronownes,  I  shall  hère  brefly  speke  of 
suche  pronownes  as  be  declyned  in  this  tong,  for  the  resydue 
remittyng  the  lernar  to  my  seconde  boke,  the  xxxiii  lefe'  where 
I  speke  brefly  of  the  pronownes  in  this  tong. 


I  fynde  no  maner  partes  of  speche  whiche  be  declyned  in 
this  tong,  that  is  to  say,  bave  case,  gendre  and  nombre  but 
onely  the  pronownes  whiche  be  of  thre  sortes. 


Pronownes  of  the  fyrst  declynation  be  two  :je  and  tu,  whiche 

'  Pag-  74. 


be  of  the  commyn  gendre  and  syngular  nombre  onely,  and 
bave  but  thre  cases,  nominatyve,  accusatyve  and  oblique,  as, 
je,  me,  moy:  tu,  te,  toy. 


Of  the  seconde  declynation  is  onely  se,  whiche  beyng  of 
the  commen  gendre  hath  both  his  nombres ,  but  he  wanteth 
his  nominatyve  cases,  lyke  as  sui  doth  in  latin,  as  se,  soy  syn- 
gular, and  se,  soy  plurell. 


Of  the  thyrde  declination  they  bave  but  onely  il,  with  his 
féminin  elle,  whose  declynation  doth  moche  more  approche 
towardes  the  parfection  of  the  latin  tong  ;  for,  besydes  that 
they  bave  distyncte  gendres  and  nombres,  they  bave  also 
un  cases  synguler  and  un  plurell,  that  is  to  say,  the  nomina- 
tyve case,  the  datyve  case,  the  accusatyve  case,  and  the 
oblique  case,  as  il  luy,  le  liiy,  Hz  leur,  les  eulx,  elle  luy,  la  elle, 
elles  leur,  les  elles  :  and  of  ail  the  other  sortes  of  pronownes  for 
the  more  particuler  knowlege  of  them  remittyng  the  lernar  to 
my  seconde  boke,  but  specially  to  my  thyrde  boke,  where  I 
speke  of  the  pronownes  and  the  use  of  them  at  the  lengtb, 
and  shewe  whiche  verbes  in  this  tong  do  governe  the  datyve 
case  of  il  and  elle. 


Of  verbes  in  the  frenche  tong  be  two  dyvers  sortes,  for 
some  be  parsonall  and  some  be  imparsonall.  Verbes  parsonall 
be  of  thre  sortes,  parfyte,  anomales,  and  defectyves.  Verbes 
parfyte  be  of  thre  dyvers  sortes,  actyves,  passyves  and  meanes. 
Verbes  actyves  hâve  m  divers  conjugations. 



The  fyrst  is  chefly  ruled  by  E,  saufe  that  in  his  diflynites 
be  torneth  into  A,  and  batb  bis  tbre  cbefe  rotes,  that  bis  to  say, 
bis  thème,  his  prétérit  participle,  and  bis  présent  infynityve 
ever  of  many  syliables,  and  ail  tbre  of  equal  syllables,  as,  je 
parle,  jay  parlé,  parler. 


The  seconde ,  thorowe  ali  his  conjugation  is  booUy  ruled 
by  Y,  and  batb  bis  cbefe  rotes  also  ever  of  many  syllables  and 
equal  as  je  conuertis,  jay  conaerty,  conuertyr,  and  after  thèse 
two  conjugations  be  ruled  mo  than  tbre  partes  of  foure  of 
tbe  parfyte  verbes  in  tbis  tong. 


The  tbyrde  batb  bis  thème  most  commenly  in  S,  and  in 
maner  ever  of  one  syllable,  except  be  be  a  compounde,  and 
than  his  symple  is  but  of  one  syllable,  and  bis  seconde  rote 
is  somtyme  of  one  syllable,  somtyme  of  many ,  and  somtyme 
changeth  bis  last  vowell  from  tbe  vowell  of  tbe  thème,  and  bis 
thyrde  rote  is  ever  of  many  syllables  endyng  in  re  or  myr,  as 
je  voys,  jay  veu,  veoyr.  Je  prens,  jay  prins,  prendre.  Je  dis,  jay  dit, 
dire,  simples;  and  ye  revoys,  jay  reveu,  reveoyr.  Je  reprens,  jay 
reprins,  reprendre.  Je  redis,  jay  redit,  redire,  compoundes.  Con- 
jugation is  tbe  dyvers  alteryng  of  tbe  last  ende  of  a  thème, 
by  reason  of  thèse  tbre  accidentes,  mode,  tens  and  declination 


Modes  :  every  parfyte  verbe  batb  vi,  tbe  indicatyve,  impe- 
ratyve,  optatyve  or  potenciall,  tbe  subjunctyve,  tbe  condi- 


cionall,  and  the  infynityve,  of  whiche  the  tlire  fyrst  serve  to 
niake  a  parfyte  sentence  by  one  verbe  alone,  the  other  thre 
be  used  whan  a  verbe  is  nat  the  principall  verbe  in  a  sentence, 
but  dependeth  upon  some  other  verbe,  as  je  parle,  parle,  bien 
parle  je,  voulés  vous  que  je  parle,  si  je  parle  je  me  repentiraj,  je 
doybs  parler. 


In  thèse  syxe  modes  be  dyvers  tymes,  in  some  mo,  in  some 
fewer,  but  the  indicatyve  mode,  besydes  the  thre  generall  dis- 
tinctions of  tyme,  présent,  pariytly  past,  and  to  come,  devy- 
deth  yet  the  tyme  past  in  to  other  thre  dyvers  tymes,  impar- 
fytly  past,  indiffynitly  past,  and  more  than  parfytly  past. 


Thèse  tymes  be  formed  out  of  theyr  thèmes  by  addyng  of 
certayne  letters  or  syllables  to  theyr  endes,  in  whiche  for  the 
fyrst  conjugation,  by  cause  the  thème  endeth  in  E,  if  the  addi- 
tion begyn  with  a  vowell ,  the  E  fynall  of  the  thème  is  taken 
away.  The  additions  fynall  be  thèse  syxe  :  OYE,  AY,  RAY,  E, 
SE,  ROYE,  and  theyr  présent  infynityves  hâve  but  only  thre 
terminations  ER,  IR,  OR,  RE,  and  the  indiffynite  indicatyve 
of  the  ihyrde  conjugation  endeth  ever  in  S,  havyng  before  S 
one  of  thèse  thre  letters  J,  U  or  N,  and  the  prétérit  participle 
of  the  same  conjugation  endeth  outher  in  S,  with  Jor  A'^  before 
hym ,  or  in  one  of  thèse  thre  letters  T,  U  or  Y. 


Declination  parsonall  serveth  to  shewe  howe  the  fyrst  par- 
son  syngular  of  a  tens  is  changed  by  reason  of  his  seconde 
and  thyrde  parson  synguler,  and  by  reason  of  his  fyrst,  se- 
conde and  thyrde  parsons  plurell.  Of  thèse  fyve  parsons  the 


seconde  syngular  endeth  ever  in  S,  the  thyrde  syngular  som- 
tyme  in  A,  somtyme  in  E,  but  most  commenly  in  T.  The  fyrst 
parson  plurell  endeth  most  commenly  in  ONS,  and  somtyme 
in  ES;  the  seconde  plurell  endeth  ever  in  EZ,  and  the  thyrde 
parson  plurell  ever  in  NT,  with  E  or  0  before  N  :  for  the  par- 
ticular  déclaration  of  ail  thèse  thynges  remyttyng  the  lernar 
to  the  xxxix'  leffe  in  the  seconde  boke,  where  I  conjugate  je 
parle  and  je  conuertis  at  the  length ,  and  consequently  shewe 
the  rules  by  example  oîjefays,  howe  to  conjugate  the  verbes 
of  the  thyrde  conjugation. 


Verbes  passyves  in  the  frenche  tong  be  circumlocuted  tho- 
rowe  ail  theyr  modes,  tenses,  and  declination  parsonall,  with 
the  modes,  tenses  and  parsons  oîje  suis,  put  before  theyr  par- 
tyciples  prétérit,  lyke  as  we  do,  in  our  tong,  circumlocute 
our  verbes  passyves  with  the  modes,  tenses,  nombres,  and 
parsons  of  1  am  and  our  partyciples  prétérit.  As,  where  we 
say  I  am  loved,  thou  art  loved,  he  is  loved;  I  was  loved,  thou 
wast  loved,  he  was  loved,  etc.  So  say  theyye  suis  aymé,  tu  es 
aymé ,  il  est  aymé  ;  je  estoye  aymé,  ta  estoys  aymé,  il  estoyt 
aymé,  etc.,  but  with  this  différence,  for  theyr  participle  prété- 
rit altereth  his  gendre  and  nombre,  accordyng  to  the  nomi- 
natyve  case  to  the  tenses  oije  suis,  though  our  participle  re- 
mayne  ever  unchanged,  as  I  déclare  more  at  length  in  my 
seconde  boke  the  li  leffe  ^. 


The  mean  verbes  hâve  also  thre  dyvers  sortes  of  conjuga- 
tions  where  in  they  chefly  folowe  and  be  ruled  by  the 
vowelles  of  the  verbes  actives,  for  the  fyrst  conjugation  of 

'   Pag.  88-93.  —  '  Pag.  126. 



mean  verbes  is  cliefly  ruled  by  E,  the  seconde  by  1,  both  of 
many  syllables,  and  the  tliyrde  hatb  bis  thème  but  of  one  syl- 
lable,  lyke  as  I  bave  afore  shewed  in  the  verbes  actyves.  But 
thèse  mean  verbes  in  theyr  conjugatyng  differ  from  verbes 
actyves  in  thre  thynges:  in  theyr  sygnifycation,  in  the  circum- 
locutyng  of  theyr  prétérit  tenses,  and  in  theyr  declination 
parsonail.  In  signifycatyon,  for  where  as  the  verbes  actyves 
betokyng  some  acte  to  passe  from  the  doer  without  forth,  by 
whiche  acte  some  other  thyng  doth  suffre.  The  acte  of  the 
mean  verbes  passeth  nat  from  the  doar,  but  retourneth  to  the 
doars  selfe  agayne,  or  is  done  within  the  parsone  of  the  doars 
selfe  :  so  that  commenly  ali  suche  verbes  as  be  used  in  the 
latin  tong,  lyke  neuters  or  déponentes,  be  used  in  this  tong 
lyke  mean  verbes.  They  diffre  also  from  verbes  actyves  in  cir- 
cumlocutyng  of  theyr  prétérit  tenses,  for,  Avhere  as  ail  the 
prétérit  tenses  of  verbes  actyves,  savyngthe  two  indifiynites, 
and  the  prêter  imparfyte  tens,  by  circumlocutyng  with  cer- 
tayne  tenses  of  this  verbe  Je  ay,  and  theyr  prétérit  participle , 
lyke  as  we  in  our  tong  do  circumlocut  ail  out  prétérit  tenses , 
save  our  prêter  imparfyte  tens,  with  the  tenses  of  this  verbe 
I  bave,  and  our  participle  prétérit,  as  for  I  bave  spoken,  I  had 
spoken,  etc.  They  say  jay  parlé,  jauoye  parlé,  etc.,  in  theyr 
mean  verbes  they  circumlocute  ail  those  prétérit  tenses  with 
the  tenses  o[  je  suis  and  theyr  prétérit  participle,  changyng 
the  gendre  and  nombre  of  the  participle  lyke  unto  the  gendre 
and  nombre  of  the  nominatyve  case  to  the  tenses  oï  je  suis, 
lyke  as  thoughe  they  were  passy ves ,  where  as  the  participle 
used  in  the  tenses  of  verbes  actyves  aïter  je  ay  remayneth  in 
maner  ever  unchanged.  They  diffre  also  thyrdely  from  verbes 
actyves  in  theyr  declination  parsonail,  for,  where  as  the  ac- 
tyves bave  but  the  pronowne  or  substantyve  before  the  verbe, 


as  je  parle,  tu  parles,  il  parle,  ung  homme  parle,  in  mean  verbes 
to  sygnyfye  thatlhe  acte  retournetli  to  the  doar  agayne,  they 
double  the  pronowne,  and  in  the  thyrde  parsones  use  recipro- 
cation,  as  Je  me  maruaille,  tu  te  maruailles,  il  se  maruaille,  ung 
homme  se  maruaille,  etc.  "Ail  whiche  différences  of  conjugation 
betwene  the  actyve  verbes  and  theyr  meanes  I  déclare  at  length 
in  my  seconde  boke  the  xlviii  lefe  ^ ,  by  the  examples  of  je  me 
fie,  andye  men  esbahis,  anàje  menfuis. 


Verbes  anomales  in  the  frenche  tong  I  not  but  thre,ye  ay, 
conjugate  in  the  seconde  boke' the  xlv  lefe^  and  je  men  nas, 
conjugale  in  the  seconde  boke  the  l  lefe^,  whiche  in  this  tong 
bave  the  very  propertes  of  verbes  anomales,  for  where  as  ail 
the  parfyte  verbes  of  the  frenche  tong,  thorowe  ail  theyr  hole 
conjugation,  kepe  styll,  in  ail  theyr  modes,  tenses,  nombres, 
and  parsons,  the  fyrst  letters  of  theyr  thème  ever  unchanged, 
thèse  thre  verbes  do  nat  so,  for  je  ay  tourneth  bis  a  in  to  e,  as 
je  eus,  je  ay  eu,  cjue  je  eusse,  and  in  one  place  into  o,  as  Hz  ont  : 
and  je  suis  changeth  his  s  somtyme  in  lof,  as  je  fus,  gue  je  fusse, 
and  somtyme  into  e,  as  je  estoye,  estre  :  and  je  vas  tourneth  his 
consonant  somtyme  into  a,  as  nous  allons,  je  alloye,  aller,  som- 
tyme in  to  j,  as  Je  iray,  and  this  changyng  from  the  fyrst  letters 
of  the  thème  happeneth  thorowe  ail  the  tong,  as  I  bave  sayd,  in 
thèse  thre  verbes  onely.  And  as  for  verbes  neutropassyves,  I 
fynde  none  in  ail  the  tong  saufe  onely  Je  nays,  whose  sygni- 
fycation  and  also  conjugation  I  bave  set  forth  in  the  seconde 
boke  Li  lefe  \ 


And  of  verbes  imparfyte  or  defectyves  there  be  thre  dyvers 

'  Pag.  iiA-121.  —  '  Pag.  107.  —  '  Pag.  laS.  —  '  Pag.  127. 



sortes  :  for  some  want  but  a  tens  or  twayne  in  some  of  theyr 
modes,  as  je  puk  wanteth  his  présent  imparatyve  and  liis  pré- 
sent optatyve,  as  I  déclare  in  the  seconde  boke,  the  xliiii  lefe  ', 
and  some  want  theyr  présent  and  indiffinit  optatyve,  savyng 
onely  the  thyrde  parson  synguler,  as*  vueille  Dieu  and  voulsist 
Dieu,  and  no  more,  as  I  déclare  in  the  seconde  boke,  in  the 
same  lefe.  And  some  be  yet  more  deffectyves,  for  they  want 
ail  theyr  prétérit  tenses  as  je  seuls  (  I  am  wont  ) ,  for  he  bo- 
roweth  ail  bis  preterites  that  be  circumlocuted  oije  accoustume 
or  je  aprens,  sayng  y'aj  accoustume  or  jay  aprins,  as  I  déclare  in 
the  seconde  boke,  the  xliiii  lefe^.  But  where  as  in  the  same  lefe, 
immediatly  after  je  seuls,  is  shewed  that  je  enseuelis  is  also  a 
verbe  deffectyve  that  thyng  passed  my  correctours  bandes,  or 
I  was  ware  therof,  for  je  ensevelis  is  a  parfyte  verbe  of  the 
seconde  conjugation,  and  sygnifyeth  to  sowe  up  a  cors  in  bis 
wyndyng  shete,  and  je  enterre  is  also  a  parfyte  verbe  of  thefyrst 
conjugation,  and  sygnifyeth  to  bury  one  in  the  erth.  Of  the 
thyrde  sort  of  verbes  deffectyves  be  the  verbes  imparson ailes  in 
the  tong,  for  verbes  imparsonalles  bave  no  more  but  the  thyrde 
parsone  syngular onely  thorowe  ail  their  modes  and  tenses,  as  I 
déclare  in  the  lu  lefe^  of  the  seconde  boke.  Verbes  imparsonalles 
lyke  as  they  be  defectyves  in  theyr  parsons,  so  want  they  one  of 
the  thre  conjugations,  for,  after  the  seconde  conj ugation  is conju- 
gate  no  verbe  imparsonall  in  theyr  tong,  as  I  déclare  in  the  se- 
conde boke  the  lui  lefe  *.  And  albeit  that  ail  thèse  thynges  hère 
shewed  in  this  introduclyon,  concernyng  the  verbes,  do  moche 
more  playnly  appere  in  the  seconde  boke,  and  specially  in  the 
thyrde,  yet  in  this  thyng  bothe  to  ease  and  quiet  the  lernar,  ï 
bave  in  the  table  of  verbes  shewed  the  conjugation  of  every  verbe 
in  this  tong  in  his  place,  as  he  commeth  in  ordre;  in  so  moche 

'  Pag.  106.  —  '  Pag.  io3  —  '  Pag.  139.  —  '  Pag.  129. 


that  if  any  verbe  be  of  the  thyrde  conjugation ,  I  set  out  ail  his 
rotes  and  tenses,  wherin  the  lernar  myglit  hâve  any  difficulty, 
as  the  latin  grammariens  havedone  the  preterites  and  supines 
of  suche  verbes  as  in  that  tong  be  of  any  dilTycultye. 


Participles  thistong  hath  buttwayne,  the  présent  participle 
actyve,  whlche  ever  endeth  in  ant,  what  so  ever  conjugation 
the  verbe  be  of,  as  parlant,  conuertissant  and  faysant;  and  the 
prétérit  participle  passyve,  whiche,  for  the  fyrst  conjugation 
endeth  ever  in  E,  havyng  the  accent  upon  that  E,  for  the 
seconde  ever  in  Y,  and  the  thyrde  endeth  outher  in  S,  with  /  or 
N  before  S,  or  in  one  of  thèse  thre  letters  T,  U  or  Y. 


Présent  participles  hâve  no  mo  accidentes  but  onely  nombre 
and  gendre,  as  parlant,parlans:  conuertissant,  comiertissans  :  faysant, 
faisans,  whiche  serve  to  bejoynedunto  allmanezsubstantyves 
masculyneor  feminynewithoutany  fartherchangyng,by cause 
ail  suche  participles  be  of  the  commen  gendre,  so  that  élégant, 
elegans  :  élégante,  élégantes  and  suche  lyke,  whiche  in  this  tong 
bave  two  distincte  gendres,  be  adjectyves  and  no  présent  par- 
ticiples. Passyve  participles  bave  two  gendres  distinctes  and  two 
nombres,  as  parlé,  parlez,  parlée,  parlées  :  conuerty,  conuertys  :  con- 
uertée,  connertées  :  faict ,  faictz  :faicte,faictes.  And  thus,  as  I  sup- 
pose, I  bave  hère  sufflciently  declaredhow  the  analogie  of  the 
french  tong,  thorowe  ail  theyr  partes  déclinable,  is  chefly 
grounded  upon  this  ternarius  numerus ,  for  the  knowledge  of 
theyr  partes  indeclynable  remyttyng  the  lernar  to  the  seconde 
boke,  but  especially  to  their  tables  in  the  thirde  boke  :  onely 
hère  touchyng  that,  lyke  as  we  out  of  our  adjectyves  forme  our 


adverbes  of  qualité  by  addyng  to  of  ly,  as  of  good  goodly,  fayre 
fayrely  and  suche  lyke,  so  the  frencbe  men  of  theyr  feminyne 
-  adjectyves  forme  theyr  adverbes  of  qualité  by  addynge  to  of 
ment,  as  of  bonne  bonnement,  of  belle  bellement,  etc. 


As  touchyng  theyr  congruite  wherby  they  joyne  theyr  ad- 
jectyves, pronownes,  and  participles  unto  substantyves  or  pro- 
nownes,  whan  they  stande  for  substantyves,  and  theyr  verbes 
unto  theyr  nominatyve  cases ,  and  theyr  relatyves  unto  theyr 
antécédentes,  they  therin  be  moche  moreparfyte  than  we  be, 
and  moche  more  resemble  the  latine  tong  :  In  so  moche  that , 
lyke  as  the  latines  bave  thre  concordes  of  grammar,  that  is  to 
say,  betwene  the  substantyve  and  the  adjectyve,  betwene  the 
nominatyve  case  and  the  verbe ,  and  betwene  the  relatyve  and 
his  antécédent,  the  frenche  tonghath  the  selfe  and  the  same, 
but  with  this  différence  :  for,  where  as  theyr  substantyves 

•  hâve  no  cases,  therfore  ail  theyr  thre  sortes  of  adjectyves  bave 
none,  and  so  they  agre  onely  in  gendre  and  nombre,  but 
theyr  verbes  agre  with  theyr  nominatyve  cases  in  nombre  and 
parsone,  in  ail  thynges,  lyke  as  they  do  in  latin,  and  so  do 
theyr  relatyves  with  theyr  antécédentes  in  thre,  gendre,  nom- 
bre and  parson.  Andso  mociie  attayne  they  towardes  the  par- 
fection  of  the  latine  tonge  in  this  thyng  that  they  use  also  con- 
ceptyon,  bothe  in  gendre  and  parsone.  And  in  one  thynge 
they  passe  the  latines,  for  they  cause  theyr  participle  prétérit, 
after  the  tenses  of ye  ay,  to  agre  with  the  accusatyve  case  that 

j  is  governed  of  hym,  and  nat  with  the  nominatyve  case  that 
goth  before  hym,  as  I  déclare  in  my  seconde  boke  in  the  liiii 
lefe\  where  I  speke  of  the  participle  But  yet  so  moche  do  the 

'  Pag.  137. 


frenchmen  covyte  to  avoyde  ail  maner  displesaunt  sounde 
in  tlieyr  pronounciation ,  that  they  prefer  it  somtyme  afore 
theyr  congruyte,  (as  I  hâve  afore  touched)  in  so  moche  that, 
if  they  must  joyne  any  of  the  thre  fyrst  pronownes  derivatyves 
with  a  feminyne  substantyve  begynnyng  with  a  vowell,  they  use 
nat  ma,  ta,  sa,  but  mon,  ton,  son,  to  avoyde  the  yvell  sounde 
of  the  two  vowelles,  if  they  shulde  be  sounded  one  after  an 
other,  as  I  déclare  in  the  seconde  boke,  the  xxxvi  lefe',  and  for 
the  same  cause,  breke  they  somtyme  the  congruite  betwene  the 
substantyve  and  the  adjectyve,  as  I  déclare  in  the  adjectyve, 
in  the  thyrde  boke  :  of  thèse  other  concordes  and  conceptions 
for  examples  remyttyng  the  lernar  to  the  seconde  boke,  to 
theyr  places ,  but  specially  to  the  thyrde  boke. 


And  nowe  hère  somthyng  to  speke  of  the  thyrde  and  last 
thyng  where  in  our  tong  and  the  frenche  speche  differeth. 
The  phrasys  of  our  tong  and  theyrs  differeth  chefely  in  thre 
thynges.  Fyrst  :  bycause  they  hâve  somtyme  mo  wordes  in  a 
sentence  than  we  bave  in  the  same,  whiche  happenetli  partly 
by  cause  they  bave  thre  wordes  to  expresse  the  name  of  a 
thyng  whiche  we  expresse  by  one  word  alone,  as  where  we 
say  a  poUaxe,  they  say  vng  beccj  de  Jaaîcon,  and  contrary  by 
cause  we  hâve  mo  wordes  than  they,  as  for  «  holde  thy  pece  » 
they  say  :  tay  toy.  Seconde  :  by  cause,  whan  we  use  a  verbe 
as  parsonall,  they  use  the  same  verbe  as  imparsonall,  as  for  «  I 
«  caze  nat  »  they  say  :  il  ne  men  chault,  and,  for  «  I  must  »,  il  me 
fault,  and  suche  lyke.  And  thirdly  by  cause,  thoughe  we  gyve 
worde  for  worde  out  of  out  tong  in  to  theyrs ,  y  et  we  shall  nat 
expresse  the  sence  that  they  mean  in  theyr  tong,  whiche 

'  Pag.  80. 


thyng  somthynge  here  in  a  generalte  to  expresse,  I  shall  conse- 
quently  shewe  tlie  différent  use  betwene  us  and  them  thorowe 
ail  theyr  ix  partes  of  speche. 


Thouglie  we  use  a  ever  before  our  substantyves  in  the  syn- 
gular  nombre ,  they  use  vncj  in  the  plurell  nombre ,  if  the  sub- 
stantyve  of  hym  selfe  be  plurell,  as  vues  nopces  :  vues  lettres. 


Where  we  use  to  name  dyvers  thynges  by  payres,  as  a  payre 
of  belowes,  a  payre  of  sysers,  they  use  them  by  one  worde  in 
the  plurell  lettre  with  the  article  plurell ,  as  vncjz  snjjletz  :  vncjz 
ciseletz.  Also  where  as  we  semé  to  hâve  a  genityve  case,  for 
so  moche  as,  by  adding  of  is  to  our  substantyve,  we  sygnifye 
possessyon,  as  my  maisteris  gowne,  my  ladyis  boke,  whiche 
with  us  contrevailleth  as  moche  as  the  gowne  of  my  maister, 
the  boke  of  my  lady,  they  hâve  no  suche  fynall  addition  to  sy- 
gnifye possessyon  in  theyr  tong,  and  yet  farthermore  they 
take  awaye  the  preposytion  and  say,  la  robbe  mon  maistre  :  le 
livre  ma  dame.  And  thyrdely,  where  as  we  adde  any  wordes  for 
a  différence  to  any  substantyve,  we  put  the  différence  before, 
and  say  a  winde  myll,  a  weddercocke,  a  fyer  pan,  and  suche 
lyke,  they  torne  the  order  contrary ,  and  adde  this  preposytion 
a,  as  vng  cachet  au  vent  :  vncj  moulin  au  vent  :  vnepoille  a  feu. 


Where  we  put  our  adjectyve  before  the  substantyve,  whan 
he  is  put  to  hym  by  cause  of  a  différence ,  and  say  a  whyte 
hors,  a  rounde  cappe,  a  long  gowne,  they  torne  the  order  and 
say  vng  chenal  blanc,  vng  bonet  rond,  vne   robbe   longue.  Also 


where  as  we  make  comparison  by  adding  of  certayne  letters  to 
the  ende  of  our  posytives ,  as  whyte,  whyter,  whytest  :  blacke, 
blacker,  blackest,  they  kepe  the  adjectyve  unchanged,  and 
adde  plus  or  le  plus  before  hym,  as  I  hâve  afore  declared  in  the 
thyrde  accident  of  adjectyves. 


Where  we  use  to  put  our  pronownes  primityves  after  the 
verbes  that  governe  them  and  say  :  I  love  hym,  he  beteth  me, 
I  défende  her,  they  say  :  je  le  ayme,  il  me  bat,  je  la  deffens.  Put- 
tyng  ever  the  pronowne  of  the  accusatyve  case  before  the 
verbe  that  governeth  hym,  Also  where  as  we  use  our  pro- 
nownes possessyves,  whan  we  betoken  an  acte  or  hurte  to  be 
done  to  a  parson,  as  he  hath  hurle  my  bande,  thou  burnest 
thy  hère,  he  shali  breke  his  necke,  they  torne  the  possessyve 
into  his  primityve,  and  in  his  stede  use  the  article  le,  as  il  ma 
blessé  la  mayn,  tu  te  brusles  les  cheneulx,  il  se  rompera  le  col, 
usyng  in  the  thyrde  parson  reciprocation,  whiche  in  thistong 
is  moche  more  precisely  used  ihan  in  latin ,  and  as  for  dou- 
blyng  of  the  pronowne  in  the  declynation  parsonall  of  mean 
verbes  I  bave  afore  spoken  there  of. 


Somtyme  in  afifyrmation  they  put  en  before  the  verbe,  more 
than  we  hâve  in  our  tong  in  the  same  sentence,  as  for  he  is 
fledde,  they  saye  :  il  sen  est  enjuy.  Also  in  négation  they  use 
one  of  thèse  thre  wordes,pa5,  point  or  mye,  more  than  we  bave 
in  our  tong,  as  for  I  wylnat  do  it,  they  saye  :  je  ne  leferay  pas, 
or  point.  But  mye  is  an  olde  Romant  worde  and  nowe  is  out  of 
use,  as  I  déclare  in  my  seconde  boke,  the  xlvi  lefe  \  in  the  ix  ac- 

'  Pag.  1 1  o. 



cident.  There  be  also  other  sortes  of  phrasys  betwene  our  tong 
and  theyrs  whiche  happcn  by  reason  of  the  verbes,  as  for  I 
can  nat  do  withall,  tbey  say  :  je  ne  puis  mais  ;  and  suche  other 
whiche  were  to  long  hère  to  make  rehersall  of ,  for  I  suppose 
they  be  nat  so  fewe  as  nerehande  a  thowsande,  and  therfore, 
for  the  certayne  knoledge  of  them,  I  remyt  the  lernar  to  the 
table  of  verbes  where  ail  suche  phrasys  be  set  out  at  the  lengtli 
after,  as  they  corne  in  order. 


The  frenche  tong  dyvers  tymes,  in  the  stede  of  our  parti- 
ciple,  useth  the  prétérit  parfyte  tens  of  the  infynityve  mode, 
as,  where  we  say  :  is  this  my  rewarde  for  servyngof  you  trew- 
ly,  they  say  :  est  cecy  mon  (juerdon  pour  vous  auoir  loyallement 
seruy  :  For  the  particuler  knowledge  of  this  thyng  remyttyng 
the  lernar  sjjecially  to  my  thyrde  boke,  where  I  speke  of  ihese 
thynges  at  the  length ,  and  howe  they  use  somtyme  to  agre 
theyrparticiple  with  the  accusatyve  case  of  the  pronowne,  whan 
he  is  governed  of  the  nominatyve  case,  to  the  tenses  oije  ay,  I 
déclare  in  the  seconde  boke,  the  lhii  lefe\  in  the  v  accident 
belongyng  to  participles. 


For  to  the,  in  the ,  and  of  the,  beyng  two  distyncte  wordes  in 
our  tong,  they  use  au,  du,  and  ou,  aux,  des,  and  es,  as  I  déclare 
in  my  seconde  boke  the  lv  lefe  ^,  in  the  fourlh  accident  belong- 
yng unto  preposytions.  And  whan  we  shewe  a  thing  to  bave 
more  or  lesse  of  any  substance,  they  use  to  adde  theyr  préposi- 
tion Je,  more  than  we  in  our  tong  bave  in  the  same  sentence,  as 
for  moche  payne,  lesse  connyng,  more  bred,  lytell  wyne,  they 

'  Pag.  i36.  —  '  Pag.  i4o. 


say  :  beaucoup  de  peine,  moyns  de  science,  plus  de  payn,  peu  de  vyn, 
as  I  déclare  in  tlie  sayd  second  boke,  the  lvi  lefe  \  in  the  v  ac- 
cident belongyng  to  preposytions.  Andhowe  somtyme  ihey  levé 
out  de  where  we  use  of  in  our  long,  I  hâve  afore  touclied  in  the 
phrasys  belongyng  to  substantyves ,  and  déclare  it  in  the  se- 
conde boke  in  the  sayd  v  accident  belongyng  to  preposytions. 


Whan  they  use  any  adverbe  of  comparation  with  (fue,  fo- 
lowinge  hym,  sygnifiyng  than,  theyr  verbe  must  bave  ne  be- 
fore  hym ,  though  we  use  nat  in  our  tong  to  put  nat  before  our 
verbe,  as  for  more  than  I  say,  lesse  than  I  deserve,  better  than 
he  dolh,  they  say  :  plus  que  je  ne  dis,  moins  que  je  ne  mérite,  mieulx 
cfuil  ne  fait,  as  I  déclare  in  the  seconde  boke,  the  lviii  lefe^,  in 
the  accidentes  particuler  belongyng  to  adverbes  :  and,  in  the 
same  accident,  I  déclare  also  that,  if  any  adverbe  in  hymselfe 
contayne  a  playne  négation,  or  sygnifie  dimynisshyng  or  pri- 
vation, the  verbe  in  the  frenche  tong  shall  bave  ne  before  hym, 
though  we  put  nat  this  worde  nat  before  our  verbe  in  the  same 
sentence,  as,  where  we  say  :  I  shall  never  se  hym,  it  pleaseth 
me  nothyng,  I  love  hym  but  a  lytell,  they  say  :  je  ne  le  verray 
jamais,  il  ne  me  plait  en  riens,  je  ne  laime  guaires.  Theyr  be  also 
dyvers  other  sortes  of  phrasys  betwene  our  tong  and  theyrs, 
by  reason  that  they  and  we  expresse  the  sence  of  one  selfe  ad- 
verbe by  farre  différent  wordes,  wliiche  were  hère  to  longe  to 
be  rehersed,  for  at  the  leest  they  be  nat  moche  under  a  thow- 
sande,  but  unto  the  lernar  it  is  no  diffiyculte  to  corne  to  the 
very  parfyte  knowledge  and  use  of  them  ail,  for  they  raay 
easely  be  founde  out  under  the  question  that  they  belong,  to 
make  answere  unto  in  the  table  of  adverbes. 

'  Pag.  i4i.  —  '  Pag.  147. 



Phrasis  generall  betwene  our  tong  and  theyrs,  concernyng 
theyr  conjunclyons  or  interjectyons  I  fynde  none,  but  of  par- 
ticular  phrasys  there  is  a  great  nombre,  as  may  appere  to  the 
lernar  in  the  table  of  conjunctyons  in  the  thyrde  boke. 


Thus  bave  I  hère  for  an  introduction  suffycientiy  declared 
the  thre  chefe  thynges  where  in  the  frenche  tong  so  moche 
difl'ereth  from  ours,  and  semeth  unto  them  at  our  natyon  so 
barde  to  corne  by,  whiche  introductyon ,  if  it  be  attentyfly  over 
redde,  and  the  conjugation  of  the  thre  parfyte  verbes  in  the 
seconde  boke,  je  parle,  je  conuertis  anà  je  fais,  and  the  thre  verbes 
anomales  je  ay,  je^uis  and  je  menvas,  parfytly  conned  without 
boke ,  the  lernar  may  than,  by  the  helpe  of  my  tables,  by  bis 
own  study  be  able  to  translate  any  matter  or  sentence  he  wyll 
out  of  our  tong  in  to  frenche,  and  so  incontynente  accustome 
hym  to  bave  theyr  commen  speche,  whiche  by  this  meanes 
with  a  lytell  study  is  sone  attayned  unto.  But  if  any  of  our 
nation  be  desyrous  to  be  exquisyt  in  the  frenche  tong,  and  by 
traycte  of  tyme,  covyte  to  come  unto  suche  parfyle  knowledge 
therin  that  he  may  be  able  to  do  servyce  in  the  faict  of  secre- 
tarishype  or  other  wyse  in  to  those  partyes  lo  bave  farther 
charge,  or  to  use  amongest  them  the  fait  of  marchandyse,  let 
hym  rede  over  ail  the  thre  bokes  by  order,  and  he  shall  evi- 
dently  parceyve  that  the  fruyt  of  bis  labour  shall  farre  passe 
any  traveyle ,  which  shalbe  nedefull  or  requisyte  to  be  there 
about  employed. 



Wherin  trewe  soundyng  of  ihe  frenche  long  restelh i. 

The  soundyng  of  this  vowell  A n. 

The  soundyng  of  ihis  vowell  E ni. 

The  soundyng  of  this  vowell  / un. 

The  soundyng  of  this  vowell  0 v. 

The  soundyng  of  this  vowell  U vi. 

In  what  wordes  this  vowell  /  shalbe  sounded  where  he  his  nat  written vu. 

In  what  wordes  this  vowell  U  shalbe  sounded  where  he  his  nat  written vin. 

In  what  wordes  this  vowell  U  is  written  in ,  where  he  is  lefte  unsounded ix. 

Howe  many  diphthonges  iheyr  be  in  the  frenche  tong,  and  by  what  meanes  it  shalbe 

knoven  in  the  frenche  vocabuler  whan  /  and  t/be  vowelles,  and  whan  ihey  be 

consonantes x. 

The  soundyng  of  this  diphthong  ai xi. 

The  soundyng  of  this  diphthong  ei xn. 

The  soundyng  of  this  diphthong  oi xiii. 

The  soundyng  of  this  diphthong  au xiiii. 

The  soundyng  of  ihis  diphthong  eu xv. 

The  soundyng  of  this  diphthong  ou xvi. 

The  soundyng  of  this  diphthong  ui,  whiche  is  onely  propre  to  the  frenche  long.    xvii. 

What  différence  is  in  sounde  betwene  /  and  Y xviii. 

That  no  vowellc  is  left  unsounded,  thoughe  there  come  never  so  many  to  gether 

in  a  frenche  worde xix. 

The  80undynge  of  this  letter  H,  whan  he  hath  his  aspiration  and  whan  nat,  and 

what  is  ment  by  aspiration xx. 

Howe  many  wordes  there  be  in  the  frenche  tong ,  whiche  havyng  H  written  at 

theyr  begynnyng  gyve  hym  his  aspiration xxi. 

Whan  H  commyng  before  a  vowell  in  the  mean  syllables  shall  bave  his  aspiration , 

and  whan  nat xxii. 

Howe  ch,  ph  and  th  be  sounded  in  the  frenche  tong xxiii. 

To  knowe  howe  the  consonantes  oughte  to  be  sounded  in  the  frenche  tonge .  .  .   xxiiii . 
1    ■'  A  generall  rule  for  the  trewe  soundyng  of  consonantes,  as  they  come  to  gether 

n  in  the  fyrst  syllables  of  any  frenche  worde  by  him  selfe xxv. 

Syxe  generall  rules  for  the  trewe  soundynge  of  consonantes ,  as  they  come  in  the 

mean  syllables  of  frenche  wordes xxvi. 

Sevyn  generall  rules  for  the  trewe  soundyng  of  consonantes,  as  they  come  to- 

gelher  folowyng  the  last  vowelles  of  frenche  wordes,  sounded  by  themselfe. .    xxvii. 





The  declaralion  of  thèse  général!  rules  by  the  example  of  this  consonant  B.  .    xxviii. 

The  soundyng  particular  and  proper  to  this  consonant  C xxix. 

The  soundyng  particular  of  this  consonant  D xxx. 

The  soundyng  particular  of  this  consonant  F. xxxi. 

The  soundyng  particular  of  this  consonant  G xxxn. 

Of  this  letter  H,  whan  he  hath  the  power  or  strength  of  a  consonant ,  and  whan 

nat xxxm. 

The 'Soundyng  of  J,  whan  he  his  a  consonant xxxiiii. 

The  soundyng  of  this  consonant  K,  whiche  in  maner  is  never  used  in  the  frenche 

tong XXXV. 

The  soundyng  particular  of  this  consonant  L xxxvi. 

The  soundyng  particular  of  this  consonant  M xxxvii. 

The  soundyng  particular  of  this  consonant  N. xxxvm. 

The  soundyng  particular  of  this  consonant  P xxxix. 

The  soundyng  particular  of  this  consonant  Q xl. 

The  soundyng  particular  of  this  consonant  R xli. 

The  soundyng  particular  of  this  consonant  S xlii. 

What  wordes  in  the  frenche  tong  sounde  theyr  s  distinctly,  coœmyng  in  the 

mean  syllables,  contrary  to  the  gênerai  rules  above  rehersed xlhi. 

The  soundyng  particular  of  this  consonant  T, XLiiù. 

The  soundyng  of  V  whan  he  is  a  consonant xlv. 

The  soundyng  particular  of  this  consonant  X xlvi. 

The  soundyng  particular  of  this  consonant  Z xlvii. 

Foure  generall  rules  for  ihe  Irewe  redyng  of  frenche  wordes,  as  they  comc  toge- 

ther  in  sentences xlviii. 

Whan  E,  beyng  the  last  letter  in  frenche  wordc,  the  next  worde  folowyng  be- 

ginyng  with  a  vowell,  shalbe  left  unsounded  and  whan  nat xlix. 

What  wordes  there  be  in  the  frenche  long  endyng  in  £  or  ^ ,  whiche  in  writyng 

also  levé  out  theyr  E  or  A  ,  and  joyne  theyr  consonantes  to  the  vowell  of  the 

wordes  folowyng l. 

What  pronownes  ende  in  E  or  A,  whiche  in  writyng  levé  oui  theyr  vowell  and 

joyne  theyr  consonantes  to  the  wordes  folowyng li. 

Whan  preposytions  levé  out  theyr  E  in  writyng  and  joyne  theyr  consonant  or 

letters  to  the  word  folowyng lu. 

What  adverbes  levé  out  theyr  E  in  writyng  and'  joyne  their  consonant  to  the 

worde  folowyng lui. 

What  conjunctyons  levé  out  theyr  E  in  writyng  and  joyne  theyr  consonant  to 

the  worde  folowyng luu. 

Of  le  and  la  whiche,  though  ihey  be  comprehended  under  none  of  the  latin 

VIII  parles  of  speche ,  ycl  also  folowe  this  rule Lv. 

To  kepe  Irewe  accent  in  the  frenche  tong,  and  what  this  worde  accent  sygnifyeth.  lvi. 
That  no  worde  of  one  sillable  in  the  frenche  tong  hath  any  accent lvii. 


That  ail  ihe  wordes  in  ihe  frenche  long  beyng  of  many  syllables  liave  tlieyr 

accent,  oulher  on  llieyi'  laste  syllable  or  on  iheyr  lasle  syllable  saufe  one. .  .  .    LViii. 

What  wordes  there  be  in  tlie  frenche  tong,  whiche  in  writyng  be  lyke,  and  by 
reason  of  dyvers  accent,  liave  dyvers  sygnifycations lix. 

What  wordes  in  the  frenche  tong  hâve  theyr  accent  on  theyr  last  syllables  save 
one Lx. 

What  wordes  in  the  frenche  tong  bave  theyr  accent  on  theyr  laste  syllables lxi. 

To  knowe  whan  a  vowell  shalbe  long  in  pronounciation,  and  whan  nat,  and  to 
shewe  what  is  ment  therby,  by  example  of  wordes  in  our  tong lxii. 

Example  of  sentences  where  A  shalbe  long  in  pronounciation lxiii. 

Example  where  E ,  beyng  the  last  vowell  of  a  worde,  shalbe  long  in  pronouncia- 
tion       LXIIII. 

Example  where  E,  commyng  in  the  last  syllable  saufe  one ,  shalbe  long  in  pro- 

nounciatyon lxv. 

Example  where  /,  beyng  the  laste  vowell  in  a  worde,  shalbe  long  in  pronoun- 

ciatyon »  •  ■  ■    lxvi. 

Example  where  0,  beyng  the  laste  vowell  in  a  worde,  shalbe  long  in  pronoun- 

ciatyon i.xvii, 

To  shewe  by  example  the  great  différence  betwene  the  writyng  of  the  frenche 

tong  and  the  soundyng  of  it,  in  redyng  and  spekyng lxviii. 

Example  howe  prose  shulde  be  sounded ,  by  the  begynnyng  of  the  Quadrilogue 

of  Alain  Chartier lxix. 

Example  howe  thynges  wrilten  in  ryme  shulde  be  sounded,  by  the  begynnyng 

of  the  Exyle  of  Alayn  Chartier lxx. 

Another  example  of  Prose  rehersed  in  the  xxxi  chapiter  of  the  fyrst  boke  Des 

illustrations  de  Gaule,  where  Jehan  le  Maire  bringelh  in  Pallas  spekyng  to 

Paris Lxxi. 

Another  example  in  ryme  of  Guillaume  de  Lorris ,  wliiche  begynneth  the  Romant 

of  the  Rose  thus lxxii 

Two  causes  why  I  hâve  gyven  exampie  of  thèse  ihre  auclhours  specially  above 

ail  olhers lxxiii. 



A  tout  chascun  il  fault  rendre  son  deu , 

T  ei  que  de  droict  et  rayson  y  appent. 

H  onneur  aux  grans ,  rcuerence  a  uerlu , 

O  ultre  ce  amour,  a  cil  qui  nous  apprent. 

M  ais  en  adversité ,  aussi  sentent , 

A  tous  couraige  pitoyable  porter, 

S  il  est  amy,  adonc  le  fault  monstrer. 

A  lors  bien  a  le  prend  occasion, 

R  endre  du  bien  pour  le  bien  acquis. 

V  ng  noble  cucur  remply  deffection 

N  e  peult  souffrir  que  son  amy  mal  mis, 

D  oybue  périr,  ayns  baille  son  aduis, 

E  t  pour  iuy  parle,  et  luy  enuoye  du  sien, 

L  e  loyal  amy  passe  tout  aultre  rien. 







sec  and  a. 

The  Irue  soundynge  of  thc  frenche  tonge  resteth  in  gyvyng  to     Régula  prima, 
every  frenche  worde  by  hymselfe  his  naturali  frenche  sounde,  and 
in  soundynge  frenche  wordes,  as  thev  corne  to  gether  in  sentences, 
lyke  as  the  frenchemen  use  to  do. 

The  true  soundynge  of  every  frenche  worde  by  hymselfe  resteth 
in  gyvyng  unto  every  vowell,  diphthonge  and  consonant  with  whiche 
they  be  written,  theyr  true  frenche  sounde,  and  in  leavynge  suche 
consonantes  unsounded  as  be  used  with  them  to  be  written  for  the 
kepynge  of  true  orthographie,  and  yel  in  redynge  and  spekyng  be 
left  unsounded. 

The  true  soundyng  of  frenche  wordes,  as  ihey  corne  to  gether  in 
sentences,  is  to  gyve  to  every  worde  his  true  accent,  and  to  every 
vowell  his  juste  tyme  of  pronunciatiou  longe  or  shorte,  and  in  the 
leavynge  of  suche  vowels  or  consonantes  unsounded  beynge  the  last 
letters  of  frenche  wordes,  by  reason  of  the  letters  that  the  wordes 
nexte  folowynge  them  begynne  with,  as  the  frenche  tonge  useth  to 
do.  But  as  for  vowelles  in  frenche  wordes  by  them  selfe  there  is  none 

Régula  tertia. 


written  but  they  be  sounded  either  distinctly  or  shortly  and  confusely 

(save  somtyme  v)  as  shall  hère  after  appere. 


Régula  prima. 




secunda  régula. 


A  in  the  frenche  tonge  hath  Iwo  dy verse  soundes,  for  somtyme 
they  somide  hym  iyke  as  we  do  in  our  tonge,  and  somtyme  they 
sounde  hym  Iyke  this  diphthong  au  and  a  lyttell  in  the  noose. 

The  soundyng  of  a  whiche  is  most  generally  used  through  out  the 
frenche  tonge,  is  suche  as  we  use  with  us  where  the  best  englysshe 
is  spoken,  whiche  is  Iyke  as  the  Italians  sounde  a,  or  they  with  us 
that  pronounce  the  latine  tonge  aryght. 

If  m  or  n  folowe  nexte  after  a  in  a  frenche  worde ,  ail  in  one  syl- 
lable,  than  a  shall  be  sounded  Iyke  this  diphthong  au,  and  somethyng 
in  the  noose,  as  thèse  wordes  ambre,  chambre,  mander,  amant,  tant, 
quant,  parlant,  regardant,  shall  in  redynge  and  spekynge  be  sownded 
aumbre,  chaumbre,  maunder,  amaunt,  taunt,  qaaanl,  parlaunt,  regar- 
daant,  soundyng  the  a  Iyke  au  and  somethynge  in  the  noose ,  and  so 
of  ail  suche  other. 

But  this  rule  hath  one  exception ,  for  if  the  syllable  next  folowynge 
of  any  suche  wordes  begynne  also  with  a  Iyke  consonant,  that  is  to 
say,  with  another  m  or  n,  as  in  thèse  wordes  Jlàmme ,  gamme,  bannyr, 
tanny,  in  ail  suche  a  shalbe  sounded  Iyke  the  gênerai!  soundynge  of 
a  and  nat  as  I  bave  hère  afore  declared. 

Excepte  also  that  any  of  thèse  ihre  letters  c  g  or  p  folowe  nexte 
after  them  belongynge  to  the  same  vowell  that  they  do,  as  blanc,  sang, 
champ  and  suche  Iyke,  for  in  ail  suche  a  shalbe  sounded  after  bis  most 
generall  sounde,  and  nat  Iyke  au;  and  as  for  âme,  dame,  lame,  rdne, 
and  ail  suche  Iyke  shall  sownde  theyr  a  after  the  generall  sowndynge 
of  a,  and  nat  Iyke  au,  though  m  or  n  folowe  next  after  the  a,  for,  as 
I  bave  sayd  hère  before,  that  rule  is  nat  kept  but  where  as  a  and  m 
or  n  come  both  to  gether  in  one  syllable. 


Aa  l  fynde  nat  wrilten  to  getlier  through  ali  the  frenche  long,  save 
onely  in  thèse  wordes  aàge,  aagér,  aaysér,  and  the  wordes  that  corne 
of  them  :  yet  Jehan  le  Mayre  useth  to  writte  them  eayge  and  eaygér, 
but  where  so  ever  in  any  writtyng  aa  shall  fortune  to  come  to  gether, 
every  of  them  shall  hâve  his  distinct  sounde,  after  the  generall 
soundynge  of  a,  accordyng  as  I  hâve  hère  declâred. 

Reguia  lertia 


E  in  the  frenche  tong  liath  thi^e  dy verse  sowndes,  for  somtyme 
they  sownde  hym  lyke  as  we  do  in  our  tonge  in  thèse  wordes  «  a  beere, 
«  a  beest,  a  peere,  a  beene,  »  and  suche  lyke.  Sometyme  they  sounde 
hym  lyke  an  a  and  a  lyttell  in  the  noose ,  and  sometyme  almost  lyke 
an  0  and  very  moche  in  the  noose. 

The  sowndyng  of  e  whiche  is  most  generally  kepte  with  them ,  is 
suche  as  we  gyve  to  e  in  our  tong  in  thèse  wordes  above  rehersed, 
that  is  to  say  lyke  as  the  Italians  sounde  e  or  they  with  us  that  pro- 
nounce  the  latine  tong  aright  :  so  thaï  e  in  frenche  hath  never  suche 
a  sownde  as  we  use  to  gyve  hym  in  thèse  wordes  :  «  a  bee  suche  as 
«  maketh  honny;  a  beere  to  laye  a  deed  corps  on;  a  peere  a  make  or 
"  a  felowe,  »  and  as  we  sounde  dyvers  of  our  pronownes  endynge  in  e, 
as  «we,  me,  the,  he,  she,  »  and  suche  lyke;  for  suche  a  kynde  of 
soundynge  both  in  frenche  and  latine ,  is  allmoste  the  ryght  pronoun- 
ciation  of  i,  as  shall  hère  after  appere. 

If  m  or  n  folovve  nexte  after  e  ail  in  oiie  syllable,  than  e  shall  be 
sounded  lyke  an  italian  a  and  some  thynge  in  the  noose,  so  that  for 
thèse  wordes  thus  written  emblcr,  amendrir,  endementiérs,  humblement, 
and  suche  lyke,  in  redynge  and  spekynge  they  sounde  amhler,  aman- 
drir,  andemanliers ,  humblemanl ,  and  so  of  ail  suche  other,  and  this 
sounde  also  they  gyve  unto  e,  though  the  nexte  syllable  folovvynge 
begynne  also  with  an  other  m  or  n,  as  femme,  mienne,  tienne,  sienne,  be 
sounded  with  them  famme,  mianne,  tianne,  sianne,  and  so  of  ail  suche 

Régula  prima. 


Rezula  tertia. 

a  tertia  régula 


other.  As  for  démener,  dénoter,  bénédiction,  tenement,  and  suche  lyke  shall 
nat  sounde  the  e  in  theyr  fyrste  syllables  lyke  a ,  thoughe  m  or  n  folowe 
next  after  them  :  for,  as  I  hâve  sayde,  tliis  ruie  holdeth  nat  but  where 
as  e  and  m  or  n  come  ail  together  in  one  syllable. 

But  yet  nat  unyversally  thvough  ail  the  frenche  tong,  where  e 
conuneth  next  afore  m  or  n  in  one  syllable,  he  shall  bave  the  sounde 
of  a,  for  where  as  the  thyrde  parsonnes  plurelles  of  verbes  actyves 
in  the  frenche  tonge,  almost  in  every  of  theyr  modes  and  tenses  in 
writtynge  ende  in  ent,  as  ayment,  aymôyent,  aymérent,  aymerôyent,  ay~ 
massent,  conuertissent ,  conaerlissoyent ,  conueriirent ,  conuertirôyent ,  con~ 
uertissent.  disent,  disôyent,  dirent,  dirôyent,  dissent,  in  redynge  or  spe- 
kynge  they  sounde  ail  suche  thus  aymet,  aymoyet,  aymeret,  aymeroyet, 
aymasset.  conuertisset ,  conuerlissoyet ,  conuertiret,  conuertiroyet ,  conuer- 
tissel.  diset,  disoyet,  diret,  diroyet,  disset,  leavynge  the  n  in  ail  suche 
uusownded ,  and  pronounsynge  the  e  after  the  moste  generall  sown- 
dynge  of  e. 
Régula  quarta.  But  where  as  dyvcrse  thyrde  parsones  syngular  of  verbes  end  in 
ent,  as  well  personall  as  il prent,  il  rcnt,  il  sent,  as  impersonall  as  il  co- 
ulent, il  deuient,  il  apariieni ,  il  luy  souuyent,  ail  suche  shall  folowe  the 
rule  of  e  comynge  before  m  or  n  in  one  syllable ,  and  in  redynge  or 
spekynge  be  sounded,  ilprant,  ilrant,  il  sant,  and  so  of  the  resydue 
and  ail  suche  lyke. 

If  e  be  the  laste  vowell  in  a  frenche  worde  beynge  of  many  syl- 
lables, eyther  alone  or  with  an  5  folowynge  hym,  the  worde  nat  ha- 
vyng  bis  accent  upon  the  same  e,  than  shall  he  in  tliat  place  be  sounded 
almoste  lyke  an  o  and  very  moche  in  the  noose,  as  thèse  wordes, 
homme ,  femme ,  honéste,  parle,  hommes ,  femmes ,  honéstes,  avécques,  shall 
bave  theyr  laste  e  sounded  in  maner  lyke  an  o,  as  hommo,femmo,  ho- 
nesto,  parlo.  hommos ,  femmos ,  honestos,  avecquos;  so  that,  if  the  reder 
lyft  iip  bis  voyce  upon  the  syllable  that  commeth  nexte  before  the 
same  e,  and  sodaynly  depresse  bis  voyce  whan  he  cometh  to  the  soun- 
dynge  of  hym ,  and  also  sounde  hym  very  ntioche  in  the  noose,  he 
shall  sounde  e  beyng  written  in  tbis  place  accordyng  as  the  Frenche- 

Regula  quinta. 


men  do.  Whiche  upon  this  warnynge  if  the  lerner  wyll  observe  by 
ihe  frenche  mens  spekynge,  he  shall  easely  perceyve. 

But  if  e  be  the  last  letter  of  a  frenche  worde  eyther  beyng  of  one  Excepiio 
syllable  or  of  niany,  havynge  his  accent  upon  the  same  e,  than  shall  ^**"'"  "^  ^'  ' 
he  in  ail  suche  wordes  be  sounded  after  the  most  generall  soundyng 
of  e,  and  nat  as  I  bave  hère  afore  described,  as  in  the  wordes  beyng 
of  one  syllable  in  this  sentence  :  il  me  lefaict  de  bon  gré,-  and  in  thèse 
wordes  of  niany  syllables  bonlé,  beaallé,  parlé,  regardé,-  and  in  ail  other 
of  lyke  sort,  there  e  shalbe  sounded  after  the  most  generall  soundyng  of 
e,  and  nat  almost  lyke  an  o  or  any  thynge  in  the  noose;  whiche  cometli 
by  reason  that  in  ail  suche  wordes  the  accent  falleth  upon  the  sanie  e. 
And  of  this  sort  also  is  ciprés,  excès,  exprés,  procès,  and  suche  lyke, 
tkoughe  s  folowe  after  e,  bycause  theyr  accent  is  upon  the  same  e, 
as  shall  hère  after  in  his  place  appere.  But  whiche  wordes  in  the 
frenche  tonge  endyngc  in  e  bave  theyr  accent  upon  the  same  e  and 
whiche  upon  the  syllable  that  cométh  nexte  before  hym  il  shall  hère 
after  appere  in  the  chaplcis  accent. 

And  hère  it  is  to  be  noted  that  e  in  this  place ,  that  is  to  say,  bevnge  Régula  seita. 
the  last  letter  in  a  frenche  worde,  may  nat  utterly  be  left  unsounded 
(except  the  worde  folowyng  be  cause  of  it)  as  we  do  for  the  most 
part  in  our  tong  in  nowyse,  for  that  writtyng  of  e  and  nat  soundynge 
of  hym  bave  we  taken  of  the  saxon  tong,  or  rather  douche  tong  : 
whiche,  if  we  woli  rede  or  speke  frenche  naturaiJv,  we  must  nedes 

If  ee  come  to  gether  in  a  frenche  worde  in  the  ineane  syllables,    Regulasepiima. 
whiche  often  bappenneth ,  a.s prééminence ,  beér,  hecr,  neemént,  uergondee- 
mént,  and  suche  lyke,  in  ail  suche  wordes  both  ee  shall  hâve  theyr 
distinct  sounde  by  them  selfe  after  the  most  generall  soundyng  of  e. 

If  ee  come  to  gether  in  the  last  ende  of  a  frenche  worde,  whiche     Régula ociava. 
happennetl)  in  dyverse  substantyves,  as  matinée,  vesprée,  soyrce,  and 
suche  lyke,  and  also  in  ail  the  femyne  genders  of  participles  of  the 
fyrst  conjugation  in  the  frenche  tong,  as  aymée,  parlée,  gardée,  tor- 
mentée,  troublée,  and  suche  lyke,  in  ail  suche  the  fyrst  e  shall  bave  bis 


sounde  after  the  most  generall  soundyngc  of  e,  havyng  the  accent  of 
the  worde  upon  hym,  and  the  last  e  shalbe  soiinded  almost  iyke  an  o, 
accordyng  to  the  ruie  hère  afore  declared. 



Régula  prima.  /,  in  the  frenche  tong  hath  i  i  dyverse  nianers  of  soundynges.  The 

soundyng  of  i,  which  is  most  generally  used  in  the  frenche  tong,  is 
like  as  the  Italians  sounde  i,  and  suche  with  us  as  sounde  the  latine 
tong  aright,  whiche  is  almost  as  we  sounde  e  in  thèse  wordes  «  a  bee  a 
«  Aie,  a  beere  for  a  deed  corps,  a  peere  a  felowe,  a  fee  a  rewarde,  » 
a  litell  more  soundynge  towardes  i,  as  we  sounde  i  with  us. 

If  i  be  the  first  letter  in  a  frenche  worde  or  the  laste,  he  shall,  in 
those  twO  places,  be  sounded  Iyke  as  we  do  this  letter  y  in  thèse 
wordes  with  us,  «  by  and  by,  a  spye,  a  flye,  awry,  »  and  suche  other, 
in  whiche  places,  in  those  frenche  bokes  as  be  diligently  imprinted 
they  use  to  writte  this  letter  y.  But  whether  the  frenche  worde  be 
written  with  i  or  y,  in  thèse  two  places  he  shalbe  sounded  as  I  bave 
shewed  hère  in  this  rule ,  as  in  ymage,  conaerty,  ydole,  estourdy,  in 
whiche  the  y  hath  suche  sounde  as  we  wolde  gyve  hym  in  our  tonge. 

Régula  lertia.  J  i  to  come  to  gether  in  a  frenche  worde  I  fynde  used  of  none 
auctor  save  onely  of  Jehan  le  Maire  whiche  useth  to  viritte  festijér, 
christijén ,  glorifijér,  specifijér,  magnijijér,  whiche  Alayn  Chartier  wolde 
writie  festoyer,  cristièn,  glorifier,  spécifier,  magnifier,  whiche  orthogra- 
phye  1  more  commende  :  for,  as  I  shall  hère  after  déclare,  it  is  agaynst 
the  nature  of  the  frenche  tonge  to  hâve  ii  come  to  gether,  eyther  both 
as  vowels,  or  the  lîrst  as  consonant  belongynge  to  the  i  folowyng. 


Régula  prima.  0   in  the  frenche  tong  hath  two  divers  nianers  of  soundynges. 


The  soundyng  of  o,  whiche  is  mot  generall  with  them  is  lyke  as  we 
sounde  o  in  thèse  wordes  in  our  tonge  «  a  boore ,  a  soore ,  a  coore  » 
and  such  lyke,  that  is  to  say,  lyke  as  the  Italians  sounde  o,  or  they 
with  us  that  sounde  the  latine  tong  aright. 

If  m  or  n  foiowe  next  after  o  in  a  franche  worde  both  in  one  syl- 
lable,  than  shall  the  o  be  soimded  almost  lyke  this  diphthonge  ou 
and  some  thyng  in  the  noose  :  as  thèse  wordes  mon,  ton,  son,  renom 
shalbe  sownded  moun,  loun,  soun,  renoum  and  so  of  ali  sache  other; 
and  in  like  wyse  shall  o  be  sownded  though  the  next  syllable  folo- 
wynge  begynne  with  an  other  m  or  n,  as  in  thèse  wordes  home,  somme, 
bonne,  tonnerre,  whiche  they  sounde  hoame,  boune,  soamme,  toanner; 
and  so  of  suche  other. 



U,  in  the  frenche  tong,  where  so  ever  he  is  a  vowel  by  hymselfe, 
shall  be  sownded  like  as  we  sownde  ew  in  thèse  wordes  in  our  tong: 
«  rewe  an  herbe ,  a  mew  for  a  hauke ,  a  clew  of  threde ,  »  and  suche 
lyke ,  restyng  upon  the  pronounsyng  of  hym ,  as  for  thèse  wordes  :  plus , 
nul,  fus,  user,  humble,  uertà,  they  sounde  plevas,  nevul,  fevus,  évaser, 
hevumble,  uertevu,  and  so  in  ail  other  wordes  where  u  is  a  vowel  by 
hym  selfe  alone  :  so  that  in  the  soundynge  of  this  vowel  they  diiferre 
both  from  the  latine  tong  and  from  us.  And  as  for  w  is  no  letter  used 
in  the  frenche  tong,  but  belongeth  to  the  saxon  tong  of  whom  we 
hâve  taken  it,  and  therfore  as  impertinent  I  passe  it  over. 

Régula  unica. 




Besydes  the  diverse  soundynges  of  thèse  fyve  vowels  in  the  frenche     Régula  prima 
tong  where  as  they  be  written,  they  sounde  this  vowel  i  somtyme 





shortlv  and  confusely  where  he  is  nat  written.  For  whiche  thynge  it 
is  to  be  noted  that  whan  soever  the  lui  letters  illa,  ille  or  illo  come 
to  gilher  in  a  nowne  substantive  or  in  a  verbe,  the  i  nat  havyng  an  o 
commynge  next  before  bym,  they  use  to  sounde  an  i  shortiy  and  con- 
fusely betwene  the  last  /  and  the  vowel  folovvyng,  albe  it  that  in 
writtyng  they  expresse  none  suche,  as  thèse  wordes,  ribaudaille ,  faille , 
bailler,  gaillàrt,  neillàrt,  billùrt ,  faeille ,  fille ,  cheuille,  qaocqiiille,  ardil- 
lon, basiillôn,  covillôn,  and  suche  hke  in  redyng  or  spekynge  they 
sounde  thus  :  ribaadaillic,  faillie,  baillier,  gailliart,  ueilliart,  billiarl, 
fueillic,  fillie,  cheuillie,  quocquillie,  ardillion,  bastillion,  covillion;  but, 
as  I  hâve  sayd,  if  the  i  hâve  an  o  commyng  next  before  hym,  in  ail 
suche  wordes  they  sounde  none  i  after  the  letter  /;  so  thaï,  thèse 
nownes  substantyves  moylle,  uoille,  toille,  and  suche  iyke  he  except 
from  this  rule. 

And  note  that,  thougli  in  thèse  wordes  above  rehersed  this  vowell  i 
be  sounded  where  lie  is  nat  written,  that  thyng  shall  nothynge  do  in 
the  ahei"}'nge  of  the  accent  of  any  suche  wordes  no  more  than  thoughe 
he  were  nat  sounded  at  ail  :  for  in  that  thyng  the  reder  shall  regarde 
how  they  be  written  onely.  Except  also  from  this  rule  aille  whiche 
soundeth  none  i  after  bis  lalter  /. 

Also  wlian  so  ever  thèse  m  letters  yna,  (jne  or  gno  corne  to  gyther, 
eyther  in  a  nowne  substantive  or  in  a  verbe ,  the  reder  shall  sounde 
an  i  shortiy  and  confusely  betwene  the  n  and  the  vowel  folowynge, 
as  for:  gaignà,  seigneur,  mignon,  champignon,  uergoignc,  mainliéngne, 
charoigne  :  he  shall  sounde,  gaignia ,  seignieur,  mignion,  champinion  , 
uergoignie,  cliaroignie,  maintiengnie ,  nat  chaungynge  therfore  the  ac- 
cent, no  more  than  though  the  sayd  i  were  unsounded. 

But  from  this  rule  be  excepted  thèse  two  substantyves  signe  and 
régne,  with  theyr  verbes  signer  and  régner,  whiche  with  ail  that  be 
formed  of  them  the  reder  shall  sounde  as  they  be  written  onely. 

Also  ail  wordes  in  the  frenche  tong  whiche  in  writtyng  ende  in 
âge  shall  in  redyng  and  spekyng  sounde  an  ;  betwene  a  and  g,  as 
though  that  a  were  this  diphthong  ai;  as  for  langage,  heretàge,  sage, 


dammàge ,  bocquàge,  apprentissage ,  they  sounde  langaaige ,  heritaige, 
saige,  dammaige,  bocquaige ,  apprentissaige ,  and  so  of  ail  suche  lyke 
excepte  rage.  And  noie  that  many  tymes  I  fynde  suche  nownes 
whiche  hâve  the  i  in  vvritting  betwene  the  a  and  g,  but,  whether 
he  be  written  or  nat,  in  redyng  or  spekyng  lie  shalbe  sounded ,  ac- 
cordyng  as  I  hâve  here  shewed  by  exainple. 



Whan  soever  ;«  or  n  lolowe  next  after  any  of  thèse  n  vowelles  a  Régula  prima, 
or  0  both  in  one  syllabîe,  than  shall  the  reder  sounde  an  u  betwene 
the  said  vowels  and  m  and  n  as  though  the  vowell  were  a  diphthonge , 
as  ambre,  tant,  nom,  mon  shalbe  sounded  aumbre,  taunt,  noam,  moun, 
accordyng  as  I  bave  shewed  here  before,  whan  I  spake  of  the  soun- 
dynge  of  the  sayd  vowelles. 

Also  whan  soever  ihis  worde  ex  commeth  in  the  composicion  of  Régula 
any  worde  in  the  frenche  tong  or  at  the  begynnynge  of  a  worde, 
the  reder  shall  sounde  an  a  betwene  the  sayd  eand  x,  as  for  exemple, 
expérience,  expédient,  exprimer,  they  sounde  eaxemple,  eaxperiense, 
euxpedient,  eaxprimer  :  but  if  e  come  before  x  in  mean  syllables,  they 
kepe  nat  this  rule  as  in  texte,  complexiùn,  annexer,  for,  in  suche,  there 
is  no  u  sounded  betwene  the  e  and  x. 



Whan  V  foloweth  ^  in  a  frenche  worde ,  a  vowell  comyng  next  after  Régula  prima. 
them,  than  shall  u  be  left  unsounded,  and  the  q  sounded  with  the 
vowel  folowynge  shall  bave  suche  sounde  as  we  gyve  to  k  commynge 
before  vowelles  in  our  tong  :  as  wbere  as  thèse  wordes  euésque, 
quartier,  quant,  quinze,  qui,  quarésme,  in  writtyng  bave  this  vowell  u 
commyng  betwene  theyr  q  and  the  vowell  folowyng,  in  redyng  or 


Regiih  tertia. 

»  Icrtia  reçtula. 


spekyng  they  shalbe  sounded  eueske,  karticr,  kanl,  kinze,  ki,  karesme, 
and  so  of  ail  suche  lyke  in  the  frenche  long. 

Also  whan  soever  a  foloweth  ^f  in  a  frenche  worde,  a  wowel 
comyng  next  after  them,  in  ail  suche  wordes  the  a  shalbe  left  un- 
sounded,  and  the  g  shall  hâve  suche  sounde,  commynge  heîore  e  or 
i,  as  he  hath  in  latine  commyng  before  a,  or  o,  or  h,  as  guaittér, 
gaarrant,  giiéspe,  guise,  longue,  langue,  shalbe  sounded  :  gaitler,  gar- 
rant,  gespe,  gyse,  nal  jespe ,  jise;  longe,  lange,  nat  lonje,  lanje.  Except 
from  this  rule  a  gve  (ii  wordes),  and  agve,  the  femine  gender  of  aga, 
and  the  verbe  that  is  made  of  hym  aguisér,  and  this  worde  ambigve, 
and  ail  that  be  formed  of  hym,  as  ambigveux,  ambigvyte,  whiche  ail 
gyve  unto  h  bis  distinct  sounde. 

Also  whan  soever  a  foloweth  next  after/  in  a  frenche  worde,  the 
vowel  next  folowyng  bcyngnat  an  i,  the  a,  accordyng  as  I  bave  sayd, 
shalbe  left  unsounded ,  and  the /sounded  distinctly  witb  the  vowell 
folowynge,  as /veille,  briefve,  bretifve,  hatifve  shalbe  sounded /eiV/e, 
briefe,  brelife,  hatife,  and  so  of  ail  suche  other. 

But  if  i  folowe  next  after  u,  than  shall  that  «  and  i  be  sounded 
both  distinctly,  as yt5jr,/(;j'/j/" shalbe  sounded  as  they  be  written,  so 
that  in  this  worde  fvytifve  the  fyrst  u  shalbe  sounded  by  reason  that 
i  foloweth  hym,  and  the  seconde  «  shalbe  left  unsounded  accordyng 
to  the  rule. 





Reguia  prima.  Of  these  vowelles  above  rehersed  be  made  in  the  frenche  tong 
VII  diphthonges,  that  is  to  saye  :  ai,  ei,  oi  :  au,  en,  ou  and  ui,  whiche 
is  onely  propre  to  the  frenche  tong.  As  for  œ  and  œ,  whiche  be 
written  in  latine  and  nat  sounded,  it  is  nat  material  to  speke  of  them 
in  this  purpose,  for  the  frenchemen  observe  no  suche  kynde  of  or- 
thographie in  theyr  tong. 


And  note  that  nat  ever  whan  thèse  vowels  corne  togeder  in  this         Reg"!» 

"  secunua. 

ordre,  that  is  to  say,  a,  e  and  o,  before  i  and  a,  they  shalbe  sounded 
lyke  diphthonges  :  for  somtyme  i  and  a  commyng  after  thèse  vowelles 
hâve  theyr  distinct  sounde  by  them  selfe,  and  oftenlymes  they  be 
consonantes  and  than  shall  hâve  suche  sounde  as  shall  hereafter 
appere.  Whiche  thyng,  for  by  cause  that  in  the  myddell  syllables 
where  many  vowelies  corne  togelher,  eyther  alone  or  with  some 
one  consonant  with  them,  it  myght  cause  a  great  doubt  unto  them 
that  be  desirous  to  lerne  whether  that  i  and  w  be  vowelles  and 
shulde  be  joyned  to  the  vowelles  goyng  before  them,  and  make 
with  them  diphthonges,  orcls  spelled  with  the  vowels  folowyng  as 
consonantes,  or  hâve  theyr  distmct  sounde  by  themself. 

For  the  avoydynge  of  this  doubte,  let  the  Icrnar,  whan  he  fyndeth  ^eg"'»  '«^tia. 
a  worde  in  any  auctor  wherof  he  is  uncertayne,  resort  unto  the 
frenche  vocabular,  and  fyndyng  out  the  same  worde  after  the  ordre 
of  a,  b,  c,  let  hym  marke  howe  the  worde  whyche  he  slandeth  in 
doute  of  is  there  written;  for,  if  i  and  a  be  vowelies,  they  shalbe 
written  with  thèse  caracters  j  and  v  :  and,  if  they  be  consonantes, 
they  shalbe  written  with  thèse  characters  i,  a,  and  whan  they  be 
vowelles,  if  they  bave  theyr  distinct  sounde,  and  be  nat  part  of  a 
diphthong,  they  shall  bave  n  prickes  over  theyr  heed,  thus  y,  v,  as 
shall  in  thèse  wordes  folowynge  appere  by  example. 

Example  of  wordes  where  i  and  v  be  vowelles  and  belong  to  the 
vowell  goyng  before  them:  sayôn,  payén,  layette,  gâye,  avôst,  eâve , 
eaveûx,  hévre,  mévre,  mevrier. 

Example  where  i  and  a  be  consonantes  and  shall  belonge  to  the 
vowelles  folowynge  :  ajeunir,  ajourner,  gajér,  bourjôn ,  haalberjôn, 
auoyr,  auoyne,  aaortyne,  pôvre,  œvare,  hàare,  naarer,  learyér. 

Exampie  where  i  and  v  bave  theyr  distinct  sounde  horyon,  ayde, 
hayr,  bevryav,  amer,  oysyav  ;  as  for  hayoye,  croyoye,  ovyoye,  and  suche 
lyke  where  many  vowels  come  to  gether  by  reason  of  the  formation 
of  tenses,  ail  though  that  I  expresse  them  nat  in  the  vocabular, 
yet  the  lemer  shall  knowe  howe  to  sounde  ail  suche  by  reason  of 


the  rules  that  1  shall  gyve  for  ihe  formation  of  Icnses,  as  shall  more 
playnly  appere  in  the  thyrde  boke.  And  as  for  ail  suche  wordes  as 
begynne  eyther  with  i  or  v,  havyng  a  vowel  next  folowyng  the  sayd 
i  or  tt,  can  never  make  any  confusion  to  the  ierner  with  what  carac- 
ters  se  ever  they  be  written.  For  generally,  throughe  out  ail  the 
frenche  tonge ,  whan  any  worde  begynneth  eyther  with  i  or  u,  ihe 
next  letter  immediatly  folowyng  beyng  a  vowell,  the  sayd  i  and  u  be 
ever  consonantes;  except  begynnyng  with  i,  yarér  to  make  or  waxe 
dronken,  and  suche  as  come  of  hym  and  fuoire  for  yvery  :  in  whiche 
the  j  is  a  vowel,  and  the  a  next  folowyng  them  a  consonant  :  and 
as  for  juer  for  wynter,  his  true  orthographie  is  with  an  h ,  and  except 
begynnyng  with  v  onely,  vydér  to  go  out  or  voyde,  whiche  I  fynde 
written  uvydér,  where  the  fyrst  v  is  a  consonant  and  the  seconde  a 
vowell.  By  reason  wherof  the  Ierner  maye  also  be  sure  thaï,  whan 
composicion  is  made  with  any  of  thèse  wordes  begynnyng  with  i  or 
V,  and  theyr  preposicions,  as  resjoyr,  auUenér,  the  i  and  v  shall  ever 
be  consonantes,  as  they  were  afore  in  the  simple;  so  that  the  i  be- 
fore  0  and  the  v  before  i  be  consonantes  in  thèse  compounde  wordes, 
by  cause  theyr  simples  beyojrand  uilenér.  But,  yet  in  thèse  places, 
lest  the  Ierner  shulde  accustome  any  mispionunciation ,  I  shall  use 
ever  the  caracters  afore  mencioned.  But  if  a  frenche  worde  bave  no 
mo  vowelles  in  hym  but  one  onely  diphthonge ,  in  ail  suche  wordes 
it  can  make  no  confusion ,  howsoever  the  vowelles  of  the  sayd  di- 
phthonges  be  written,  save  that  in  ayde,  pays,  and  boys,  eche  of  the 
vowelles  maketh  a  distinct  sillable  by  it  selfe;  and  so  inhayr,  (to  hâte) 
whiche  as  often  as  a  and  i  come  to  gether  in  his  conjugatyng,  they 
make  distinct  sillables. 


Régula  unica.  Ai  in  the  frenche  tong  is  sounded  lyke  as  we  sounde  «  ay  »  in  thèse 
wordes  in  our  tong  «  rayne,  payne,  fayne,  disdayne,  »  that  is  to  say, 
a  distinctly  and  the  i  shortly  and  confusely. 


Except  in  thèse  wordes  pays,  ajde,  hayr,  in  whiche  i  hath  his  dis-    Exccptio prima, 
tinct  soiinde  by  hym  selfe  ,  as  shall  by  his  writtyng  in  the  vocabuiar 

Except  also  the  fyrst  parsones  singular  of  the  future  tenses  of 
verbes  actives  in  the  frenche  tonge,  for,  where  as  ail  suche  univer- 
sally  ende  in  ray,  whan  they  be  written,  as  diray,  feray,  parleray,  con- 
uertiray,  in  redyng  and  spekyng  in  suche  contrays  as  theyr  tonge  is 
inost  parfit,  they  say  direy,  ferey,  parterey,  conuertirey ,  soundyng  the 
a  Ivke  the  most  generall  sounde  of  e  :  and  so  of  ail  suche  other. 



Ei  universally  through  out  ail  the  frenche  tong  shalbe  sounded     Régula  unica. 
like  as  he  is  with  us  in  thèse  wordes  «  obey,  a  sley,  a  grey,  »  that  is 
lo  say,  the  e  to  bave  his  distinct  sounde  and  the  i  to  be  sounded 
shortly  and  confusely  as  conseil ,  uermeil  :  and  so  of  ail  suche  other. 



Oi  in  the  frenche  tonge  hath  ii  diverse  soundes,  for  sometyme  it     Régula  prima. 
is  sounded  lyke  as  we  sounde  oy  in  thèse  wordes  «  a  boye,  a  froyse, 
«  coye,  »  and  suche  lyke,  and  somtyme  they  sounde  the  i  of  oy  almost 
lyke  an  a. 

The  generall  soundyng  of  oi  is  suche  in  frenche  as  I  bave  shevved 
by  example  in  our  tong,  so  that  thèse  wordes  oyndre,  joyndre,  poyndre, 
moytie,  moyen,  roy,  moy,  loy,  be  sownded  with  them  lyke  as  we  wolde 
sounde  them  in  our  tonge. 

If  s,  t  or  X  folowe  next  after  oy  in  a  worde  of  one  syllable,  in  ail     Régula  ténia. 
suche  the  i  shalbe  sounded  in  maner  lyke  an  a,  as  for  boys,  foys,  soyt, 
croyst,  uoix,  croyx,  they  sounde  boas,foas,  soat,  croast,  uoax,  croax  : 
and  in  like  wyse,  in  wordes  of  many  sillables  if  oj  be  the  last  vowels 


of  the  wordes,  havyng  s  or  t  folowyng  them,  ail  suche  shall  soundc 

theyr  i  of  oj  lyke  an  a,   as  aincoys ,  francoys ,  disoyt,  lisoyt ,  jasoyt , 

shalbe  sounded  aincoas,  francoas,  disoat,  lisoat,  jasoat  :  and  so  of  ail 

suche  other.  But  o  and  a,  in  ail  suche  wordes,  shalbe  sounded  as 

though  they  also   made  a  diphthong ,  and  nat  distinctly  by  them 


Exceptio.  Except  from  this  rule  this  worde  6oja;  for  boxe ,  in  whiche  o  and  i 

hâve  eche  theyr  distinct  sounde. 
Régula  quarta.  Also  wlian  SO  ever  oy  cometh  in  the  meane  syllables  of  a  worde 
havyng  r  or  l  immediatly  folowyng  hym,  the  i  of  oy  shalbe  sounded 
almost  lyke  an  a;  as  (jloyre,  croyre ,  mcmoyre ,  uictoyre.  poille,  uoille, 
poillon,  shalbe  sounded  gloare ,  croare ,  memoare ,  uictoare,  poalle , 
uoalle,  poallon,  and  so  of  ail  other. 

Exceptio.  And  as  for  royne  they  sounde  it  reyne,  changyng  the  sounde  of  o 

into  e,  but  the  changyng  of  o  into  e  of  this  diphthong  oy  I  fynde 
onely  in  this  worde. 


Régula  unica.  Aa  in  the  frenclic  tonge  shalbe  sounded  lyke  as  we  sounde  hym 

in  thèse  wordes  in  our  tonge,  «  a  dawe,  a  mawe,  an  hawe.  » 
Exceptio.  Except  where  a  frenche  worde  begynneth  with  this  diphthong  aa, 

as  in  thèse  wordes,  avlcùn,  àvltre,  av,  avssi,  avx,  and  auctevr,  and 
ail  suche  lyke,  in  whiche  they  sounde  the  a  almost  lyke  an  o  :  and  as 
for  in  amer,  a  and  v  be  distinct  syllables,  as  shall  appere  by  bis  writ- 
tyng  in  the  frenche  vocabular. 


Eu  in  the  frenche  tong  hath  two  soundynges,  for  some- 
tyme  they  sounde  hym  lyke  as  we  do  in  our  tonge  in  thèse  wordes 



"  a  clewe ,  a  shrewe ,  a  fewe ,  »  and  somtyme  like  as  we  do  in  thèse 
wordes  «  trewe ,  glew ,  rewe ,  a  mewe.  » 

The  soundyng  of  eu  whiche  is  most  gênerai  in  the  frenche  tong,  is     Régula  prima, 
suche  as  I  hâve  shewed  by  example  in  thèse  wordes  «  a  dewe ,  a 
«  shrewe ,  a  fewe ,  »  that  is  to  saye,  lyke  as  the  Italians  sounde  eu,  or 
they  with  us  that  pronounce  the  latine  tonge  aryght,  as  evrévx,  irévx, 
liev,  Diev. 

If  eu  be  the  laste  letters  in  a  frenche  worde ,  eyther  alone  or 
with  an  s  folowynge ,  the  worde  beyng  eyther  a  nowne  adj  active  or  a 
participle  or  the  indiffinite  tense  of  any  verbe,  then  shall  eu  be 
soiinded  as  1  bave  shewed  by  exaraple  in  thèse  wordes  :  «  trewe,  glewe, 
«  rewe ,  a  mewe.  » 

Example  of  nownes  adjectives,  of  whiche  adjectives  Jehan  le  Maire 
leaveth  the  e  unwritten,  iyke  as  they  shulde  in  dede  be  written  as 
fourchév,  barbév,  bovssév,  torlév. 

Example  of  participles,  as  decév,  recév,  bév,  esmoîév,  dev,  crev,  repév. 

Example  of  indiffinite  tenses,  as  decévs,  recévs,  bèvs,  crévs,  repévs, 
with  ail  other  nombres  and  parsons  of  them,  whiche  participles  and 
indiffinite  tenses  also  after  the  true  perfection  of  the  tonge  shulde  be 
written  onely  with  v  and  so  I  often  fynde  them  :  but  in  decus,  reçus, 
deçà,  reçu,  lest  the  reder  shvilde  gyve  unto  c  before  u  the  sounde  of 
k,  they  bave  added  also  e,  and  in  the  other  rather  by  cause  of  simi- 
litude than  for  any  trewe  soundynge;  for  u  alone  hath  suche  a  sounde, 
as  I  bave  afore  declared;  but  this  shall  in  the  thyrde  boke,  whan  I 
speke  of  the  formation  of  tenses,  moi'e  playnly  appere. 


Ou,  in  the  frenche  tong  shalbe  sounded  lyke  as  the  Italians  sounde     Régula  unica. 
this  vowell  a,  or  they  with  us  that  soimde  the  latine  tong  aright,  that 
is  to  say ,  almost  as  we  sounde  hym  in  thèse  -  wordes ,  «  a  cowe ,  a 
«  mowe,  a  sowe,  »  as  oùltre,  sovdajn,  ovbliér:  and  so  of  suche  other. 





Régula  unica.  For  as  moche  as  u  and  i  corne  often  together  in  ihe  frenche  tonge, 
where  as  the  u  hath  with  them  his  distinct  sounde ,  and  the  i  is  sounded 
shortly  and  confusely,  whiche  is  the  propreté  of  a  diphthonge,  I  reken 
Hi  also  among  the  diphthonges  in  the  frenche  tong,  whiche,  whan 
they  corne  to  gether,  shalle  hâve  suche  a  sounde  in  Irenche  wordes 
as  we  gyve  hym  in  thèse  wordes  in  our  tong  :  «  a  swyne ,  I  dwyne ,  I 
«twyne,  »  so  that  thèse  wordes  agvysér,  agvyllôn,  condvyre,  dedvyre, 
avjourdhvy,  meslivy,  and  ail  suche  lyke  shail  sounde  theyr  u  and  i 
shortly  to  gether,  as  we  do  in  our  tong  in  the  woi'des  I  hâve  gyven 
example  of,  and  nat  eche  of  them  distinctly  by  hymselfe,  as  we  of 
our  tong  be  inclined  to  sounde  them,  whiche  wolde  rather  say  av- 
jourdhvy, dedvyl ,  sanfcondvyt,  soundyng  them  both  shortly  to  gether. 
And  so  of  ail  suche  other. 


Régula  unica.  The  writtyuge  of  j  and  y  in  any  frenche  worde ,  eyther  alone  or  as 

part  of  a  diphthong,  causeth  no  différence  in  sounde  contrary  to  the 
ruies  that  I  hâve  hère  afore  rehersed ,  save  that  y,  where  he  is  writ- 
ten  alone  without  an  other  vowell,  eyther  beyng  the  fyrst  letter  of  a 
worde  or  the  laste,  shall  bave  suche  a  sounde  as  I  bave  shewed 
before ,  where  I  bave  spoken  of  the  soundynge  of  tbis  vowell  i. 

Régula  unica. 



Thoughe  there  come  never  so  many  vowelles  to  gether  in  a  frenche 
worde,  or  that  a  worde  be  made  onely  of  vowelles  as  ovyoye,  hayoye, 

DE  LA  LANGUE  FRANCOYSE.  .        17 

and  dyverse  suche  other,  yet  in  ail  suche  wordes  every  vowel  that 
they  be  written  with  must  be  sounded,  eytber  distinctly  or  confusely, 
accordyng  to  the  ruies  that  I  bave  hereafore  gyven  ;  so  that  where 
as  we ,  in  our  tong ,  that  bave  nat  lerned  how  to  rede  the  frenche 
tong,  use  to  sounde  mon  per,  ma  mer,  un  hom,  anfem,  for  mon  père, 
ma  mère,  ung  homme,  une  femme,  and  also  use  to  sounde  premerment, 
dovsment,  tendérment,  for  primieremént,  dovlcemènt,  tendrement,  errynge 
both  in  the  true  soundyng  of  the  vowelles  and  aiso  in  the  accent  : 
we  must  leave  that  kynde  of  redyng  and  pronounsynge ,  if  we  woii 
sounde  the  frenche  tong  aright.  For,  as  I  bave  sayd,  there  is  no  vo- 
well  written  in  a  frenche  worde,  but,  whan  he  bis  red  or  spoken  by 
bym  selfe,  he  must  bave  bis  sounde  short  or  distinct,  after  the  rules 
that  I  bave  hereafore  rebersed.  But  as  for  qaesse  for  que  est  ce,  and 
quessy  for  que  est  ce  cy,  vbere  in  writtyng  the  letters  be  chaunged, 
that  is  nat  used  of  any  proved  auctor,  but  onely  of  suche  as  writte 
farcis  and  contrefait  the  vulgare  speche.  And  this  for  the  trewe  soun- 
dynge  of  vowels  and  diphtbonges  in  the  frenche  tonge  I  suppose  to 
be  sufficient.  And  bowe  tbeyr  consonantes  ougbt  to  be  sounded  it  sball 
hereafter  appere  ;  but  fyrst  f  sball  speke  of  the  soundyng  of  this 
letter  //,  apart  by  bymselfe. 




This  letter  h,  where  he  is  written  in  frenche  wordes,  bath  somtynie  Régula  unica. 
suche  a  sounde  as  we  use  to  gyve  bym  in  thèse  wordes  in  our  tong  : 
«  hâve,  halred,  bens,  hart,  burt,  hobby,  »  and  suche  lyke,  and  than 
be  bath  bis  aspiration  :  and  somtyme  he  is  written  in  frenche  wordes 
and  bath  no  sounde  at  ail,  no  more  than  he  bath  with  us  in  thèse 
wordes  :  «  bonest ,  honoiu",  habundaunce ,  habitacion,  »  and  suche  iike , 
in  whiche  h  is  written  and  nat  sounded  with  us.  Whiche  thynge  also 
happenneth  in  the  frenche  tonge ,  in  ail  suche  wordes  as  be  deducted 
ont  of  latin  wordes  whiche  be  written  with  h  and  sounde  bym  nat 



in  that  toilg,  as  in  thèse  wordes  :  habit,  herbe,  homicide,  hôste,  humble, 
the  h  shall  nat  hâve  his  aspiration ,  for  the  latin  wordes  that  they 
come  of,  though  they  writte  h,  sounde  it  nat,  as  apereth  by  habitas, 
herba,  homicida ,  hospes,  humilis;  and  so  of  ail  suche  other.  And  to 
make  the  lerner  sure  of  this  thyng  in  the  frenche  tong,  I  shall 
reherse  in  ordre  ail  theyr  wordes  whiche  havyng  h  at  theyr  be- 
gynnyng ,  gyve  hym  his  aspiration  :  so  that ,  if  A  be  written  in  any 
worde  nat  conteyned  among  thèse,  the  reder  may  be  sure  that  he 
shal  nat  hâve  his  aspiration ,  and  that  the  h  is  written  only  for  kepyng 
of  true  orthographie  and  nat  to  be  sounded. 



Régula  prima.         Notynge  fyrst  that  ail  propre  names  begynnynge  with  an  h  gyve 
hym  his  aspiration,  as  Henry,  Haét,  Hûges. 

Hanettôn.  Haterèl.  Herciér.  Hohhyn.  Hovssévre. 

Hànte.  Hastereàv.  Hérdre.  Hochélte.  Hovx. 


H  ANTE  A. 

























































H  ANTE  li. 


















Hévre  a  boris 


H  ANTE  /. 


H  ANTE  0. 


























H  ANTE    V. 




Hue  hier. 


















And  it  is  to  be  noted  that  nat  only  thèse  wordes  above  rehersed  give         Régula 
ther  h  bis  aspiration,  but  also  ail  tbe  wordes  wbicbe,  after  tbe  forma- 
tion of  verbes  in  tbe  frencbe  tonge,  be  derlved  of  them,  whiche,  after 
tbe  lernar  batli  red  tbe  seconde  boke,  shal  easely  inougb  be  perseved. 



Whan  so  ever  composicion  is  made  with  any  of  tbese  wordes    Régula  prima. 
above  rebersed,  and  tbe  preposicions  in  tbe  frencbe  tong,  tbe  h  sball 
kepe  bis  aspiration  styll,  as  in  tbese  wordes  ahontér,  dchontér,  enhan- 
tér,  enhazardér,  dehovsér,  dehors,  tbe  h  sball  kepe  bis  aspiration  styil, 
and  so  of  sucbe  otber. 

Also  wban  so  ever  sucbe  a  worde  is  compounde  witb  any  prepo- 
sicion  as  soundetb  bis  h  in  latine,  or  wban  so  ever  h  is  written  in 
tbe  mean  sillables,  nat  commyng  before  a  perfect  worde  of  tbe  fren- 
cbe tong,  but  onely  beyng  a  part  of  a  worde,  in  ail  sucbe  wordes  h 
.sball  bave  bis  aspiration. 

Exampie  of  sucbe  wordes  wbere  tbe  latine  worde  kepetb  bis  aspi- 
ration, as  cnhortér,  adhérence,  compréhension. 

Example  wbere  h  is  written  afore  a  syllable  onely  or  a  wbicbe  be 
of  no  signification,  as  trahyr,  esbahir,  behùvrs,  chathvdn,  bahàs  and  su- 
cbe lyke,  in  ail  wbicbe  h  sball  bave  bis  aspiration. 

But  whan  tbere  is  composicion  made  of  prépositions  and  sucbe 
wordes  as  bave  h  written  for  tbe  kepyng  of  true  orthographie,  by 
cause  tbe  latine  worde  is  written  with  h,  and  y  et  in  frencbe  they  sounde 
hym  nat,  ail  sucbe  wordes  comyng  in  composition  leave  theyr  h  un- 
sounded  also,  as  çnhabitér,  sarhabundér,  deshonéste  and  ail  sucbe  lyke. 


Régula  tertia. 


Ch,  whiche  is  verv  moche  used  in  tbe  frencbe  tonge,  is  sounded    Régula  prima, 



Régula  tertia. 


with  them  lyke  as  sh  is  wilh  us  in  thèse  wordes  :  «  a  shaare,  a  shert, 
«  a  shyn,  a  shoo;  »  so  that  ch  in  no  vvise  shalbe  sounded  with  them  like 
as  we  sounde  hym  where  as  we  writte  hym  in  our  tong,  as  in  thèse 
wordes  :  <>  a  chaare ,  a  cheeke ,  a  chynne ,  a  chorle ,  »  and  suche  lyke  ;  and 
therfore  ch  written  with  them  in  thèse  wordes  :  chambre,  chandéille, 
chose,  chemise,  hache,  richesse,  duchesse,  chère,  charité,  shalbe  sounded  : 
shambre,  shandeille,  shose,  shemise,  hashe,  rishesse,  dushesse,  shiefe,  sha- 
riie.  And  so  of  ail  other  wordes  where  ch  is  written  through  the 
frenche  tong,  whiche  the  lerner  must  nedes  note ,  for  we  be  moche 
inclined  to  sounde  ch  amysse.  But  as  for  estomàch  havynge  ch  in  the 
laste  ende,  I  fynde  used  of  none  auctorbut  onely  in  Jehan  le  Maire; 
whiche  Alayn  Chartier  and  ail  other  writte  estomac,  for  ch  is  no  ter- 
mination  for  any  frenche  worde  to  ende  in. 

Ph  and  ih  be  never  founde  written  in  the  frenche  tong  but  in 
sviche  wordes  as  they  borowe  out  of  the  greke  tong,  of  whiche  they 
sounde  ph  lyke/,  whiche  is  in  dede  bis  true  sounde,  as  for  sphère, 
prophète,  phavtasie,  prophesie,  they  sounde  sfere,  projeté,  fantasie, 

As  for  th  it  is  in  maner  agaynste  the  nature  of  theyr  tonge  to  gyve 
hym  suche  sounde  as  the  Grekes  do ,  no  more  than  they  can  sownde 
the  wordes  of  our  tonge  whiche  we  writte  with  th;  so  that  for  théolo- 
gie, théorique,  theophile,  mathcmaticque,  diphthôngue ,  orthographie ,  they 
sounde  :  teologie,  teoricque,  teophile,  matcmaticque ,  diphtongue,  ortogra- 
phie,  soundyng  t  in  the  stede  of  th.  And  as  for  righévr,  uighévr,  and 
suche  lyke  whiche  I  finde  in  Jehan  le  Maire,  I  do  nat  greatly  ap- 
prove  tke  orthographie  of  them,  so  that  I  wolde  both  writte  them 
and  Sound  them  without  any  h;  for  in  Alayne  Chartier  and  ail  other 
auctors  I  fynde  them  written  uigvevr,  rigvevr.  And  as  for  thoreàv  soun- 
deth  bis  aspiration  with  the  o  and  nat  with  the  t  goyng  before ,  whiche 
I  wold  rather  writte  toreàv  without  an  h. 

And  this  for  the  true  soundynge  of  ^ ,  as  farre  as  concerneth  the 
frenche  tong ,  I  suppose  to  be  sufTicient. 




Nowe  that  I  hâve  declared  howe  the  vowelles  and  diphthonges  of    Régula  unica. 

the  frenche  tonge  ought  to  be  sounded,  and  also  whan  h  shall  hâve 

his  aspiration  and  whan  nat,  resteth  to   shewe  and  déclare  howe 

they  sounde  theyr  consonantes,  and  what  consonantes  they  use  to 

writte  for  the  kepynge  of  true  orthographie,  and  yet  in  redyTQgç  or 

spekyngthey  sounde  them  nat.  For  the  shewynge  of  whiche  thynge, 

I  shall  fyrst  by  certayne  generall  rules  expresse  howe  ail  maner  con- 

sonauntes  shulde  be  sounded,  as  they  be  written  in  any  worde  by 

hymselfe,  both  in  theyr  fyrste  syllables,  meane  syllables,  and  last  syl- 

lables.  And  after,  intreat  particularly  of  the  sowndynge  of  every  con- 

sonant  by  hymselfe,  referrynge  the  lernar  to  the  generall  rules,  where 

as  they  folowe  them;  and  ail  suche  particular  sounde  as  any  of  theym 

hath  I  shal  in  his  place,  whan  I  speke  of  hym  apart,  déclare    it  at 

length.  And  after,  I  wyll  shewe  howe  frenche  wordes  sounde  theyr 

consonantes,  as  they  corne  to  gether  in  sentences. 





Whan  so  ever  at  the  begynnyng  of  a  frenche  worde,  afore  the  Reguia prima, 
vowell,  there  commeth  eyther  one  consonant  or  ii,  they  shal  ever  in 
that  place  bave  theyr  distinct  sounde,  suche  as  the  latine  tonge  useth 
to  gyve  them,  as  baniére,  cause,  dàrt,  famine,  garçon,  jàvne,  mayn. 
nation,  payn,  quant,  raine,  sain,  tant,  scabélle,  plàyndre,  clamévr, 
cràynle,  zélé,  zodiaque,  in  whiche  the  consonantes  afore  the  fyrst 
vowell  bave  suche  sounde  as  they  bave  in  latine,  or  as  we  wolde 
sounde  them  in  our  tonge. 

Excepte  ps  whiche  they  sounde  but  s,  sayeng  for  psâlme,  psaltére.    Exceptio prima. 


Exceptio  lertia. 



saline,  saltcrc,  by  cause  they  can  nat  gyve  ps,  whiche  is  a  greke  letter, 

his  triie  sounde. 

Except  also  x,  if  he  be  the  fyrste  letter  of  a  worde,  as  xenotrophe , 
xjlobahôme,  whiche  they  sounde  but  s,  sa.y enge  senotrophe ,  sylobalsome, 
for  they  can  nat  gyve  x,  whiche  is  also  a  greke  letter,  is  true  sownde. 

Except  also  this  verbe  scauôir  and  ail  the  modes  and  tenses  of  hym , 
in  whiche  they  sounde  5  and  c  lyke  s  onely,  sayeng  saiioir,  as  for 
science,  descendre,  and  suche  other  in  the  frenche  tong,  they  sounde 
also  theyr  se  but  like  s,  for  they  can  nat  gyve  se  in  latine  wordes  theyr 
trewe  Roniayn  sounde. 

And  note  ihat  it  is  nat  the  nature  of  the  frenche  tonge  to  hâve 
niany  consonantes  at  the  begynnynge  of  theyr  wordes  to  corne  before 
the  vowell,  so  that,  for  the  most  part,  where  as  the  latine  worde 
hath  II  consonantes  or  m  commyng  before  the  vowel,  in  the  frenche 
worde  that  is  taken  out  of  the  latine,  they  use  to  put  re  or  e  at  the 
begynnynge  of  the  worde  before  thèse  consonantes,  so  that,  where 
the  Latins  say  sptendeo,  scribo,  stringo,  sfudeo,  scandahim,  schola,  scu- 
tam,  species,  spada ,  spero ,  spiritus ,  siabulum ,  siella,  slola,  they  say  resplen- 
dir, escripre,  estrâyndre,  estadiér,  esclandre,  escale,  escà,  espèce,  espée, 
espérer,  espirit,  estàble,  esioille,  eslàlle,  and  so  for  the  most  part  of  ail 
suche  like.  So  that  I  fynde  nat  in  the  frenche  tong  any  aiictor  that 
hath  a  worde  havyng  m  consonantes  before  his  first  vowel,  save  only 
in  Jehan  le  Maire  whiche  useth  splendeur  and  strideur  :  but  I  juge  hym 
among  other  vvriters  in  the  frenche  tong  to  be  like  as  amonge  latine 
auctors  lemed  men  judge  Apuleius.  But  what  my  judgement  is  of 
hym  shall  in  my  prologue  upon  the  seconde  boke  more  playnly 




Régula  prima.  Fyrst.  m,  n,  r,  X  and  z  commyng  in  the  meane  syllables  of  frenche 

wordes  lèse  never  the^i  sounde. 




Except  X  in  this  worde  déxtre  and  suche  other  :  and  therfore  I  ex- 
cept  thèse  fyve  letters  from  thèse  other  fyve  rules  that  I  shall  gyve 
hère  after. 

Seconde.  Whan  se  ever  ii  consonantes  conie  to  gether,  hoth  of  one 
sort,  they  shall  both  hâve  theyr  distinct  sounde,  as  accoler,  addition, 
affoler,  aggreaér,  allegvér,  ammonestér,  annedv,  appliquer,  arrovsér,  as- 
saillir, attendre. 

Thyrde.  Whan  so  ever  two  consonantis  corne  to  gether  in  any     Régula  ténia. 
meane  siliable,  both  belongyng  to  the  vowell  folowing,  they  shall 
eche  of  them   bave  theyr  distinct   sounde,   as   noble,  acre,   sôvpte, 

Fourth.  Whan  so  ever  two  consonantis  come  to  gether,  of  whiche  Régula  quaria. 
the  first  belongeth  to  the  vowel  that  goeth  before,  and  the  next  to 
the  vowel  folowyng,  the  fyrst  of  them  only  shalbe  left  unsounded, 
as  sovldain,  Ivictér,  dicton,  ad,jugér,  digne,  multitude,  despéns,  respii, 
shalbe  sounded  soudain,  hiiter,  diton,  ajuger,  dine,  moutitude,  dépens, 
répit,  and  so  of  ail  suche  other. 

Fyft.  Whan  so  ever  m  consonantis  come  to  gether  betwene  u  vo- 
welles,  of  whiche  the  fyrst  belongeth  to  the  vowel  goynge  before. 
and  the  other  ii  to  the  vowell  folowyng,  the  fyrst  only  shalbe  lett 
unsounded,  as  ovltre,  assoûldre,  tiltre,  epistre,  substance  shalbe  soun- 
ded ovtre,  assovdre,  titre,  epitre,  sustance,  and  so  of  ail  suche  other. 

Syxt.  Whan  so  ever  m  consonantis  come  to  gether,  of  whiche  two 
belong  to  the  vowel  that  goeth  before,  and  but  one  to  the  vowell 
folowyng,  both  the  fyrst  shalbe  left  unsounded  or  one  of  them,  if 
the  other  be  m,  n  or  r  as  scovlptùre,  niovlctàre,  dompter,  samptvévx. 
shalbe  sovmded  scoatare,  movture,  domter,  sumteux. 

And  note  that  by  thèse  rules  it  doth  appere  that  some  m  conso- 
nantes may  bave  theyr  distinct  sounde,  though  they  come  together 
in  mean  sillables,  as  in  thèse  wordes  simple,  oncle,  payndre .  fayndre , 
and  suche  like,  for  theyr  fyrst  consonant  must  nedes  be  sounded 
by  cause  of  the  fyrst  rule  and  the  other  ii  by  cause  of  the  thyrde 

Régula   quinta. 

Régula  sexta. 

Régula  septinia. 


Reguia octava.         Note  also  that  in  the  mean  siilables  of  frenche  wordes,  there  co- 
meth  never  past  m  consonantis  to  gether  at  ones  betwene  ii  vowelles. 




Reguia  prima.  Fyrst.  m,  fi ,  OT  r,  comniyng  after  the  last  vowel  in  a  frenche  worde 
lèse  never  theyr  sounde,  whether  they  corne  alone,  or  hâve  other 
consonantes  joyned  with  them  :  but  m  chaungeth  his  sounde  into  n, 
as  in  champs  and  temps,  and  suche  lyke,  vvhere  he  is  joyned  afore  p 
in  one  sillable,  and  in  certayne  other,  as  I  shall  hère  after  touche. 

Seconde,  s,  x  or  z,  beyng  the  last  letters  in  a  frenche  worde,  lèse 
never  theyr  sounde,  if  the  worde  next  folowingbe  natthe  cause  the- 
rof,  as  shall  hère  after  appere.  And  therfore  thèse  vi  letters  be  except 
from  the  rules  folowyng  :  m,  n,  r  ever;  and  s,  x  and  z,  whan  they  be 
the  laste  letters  of  frenche  wordes  by  them  selfe. 

Recula  lertla.  Thyrde.  Whan  so  ever  a  frenche  worde  hath  but  one  consonant 

onely  after  his  last  vowel,  the  consonant  shalbe  but  remissely  sounded , 
as  anéc,  soyf.fil,  beavcoiip,  moi,  shalbe  sounded  in  maner  aue,  soy,  fi, 
heavcou,  mo;  how  be  it,  the  consonant  shall  hâve  some  lyttell  sounde. 
But  '\{  t  or  p  folowe  a  or  e,  they  shall  hâve  theyr  distinct  sounde,  as 
chat,  debât,  diicàt,  combat,  hanàp,  décret,  regret,  entremet;  and  so  of 
ail  suche  other. 

Régula  quaria.  Fourth.  If  a  freuche  worde  bave  ii  consonantes  folowyng  his  vowel, 
of  whiche  the  fyrst  is  m,  n  or  r,  and  the  last  neyther  s,  x  nor  z,  the 
laste  consonant  shalbe  remissely  sounded,  and  in  maner  left  unsoun- 
ded,  as  plomb,  blanc,  sourd,  sang,  champ,  mort,  whiche  shalbe  sounded 
^  plom,  blan,  sovr,  san,  cham,  mor;  how  be  it,  the  consonant  shall  bave  a 
littel  sounde. 

Régula  quiiiia.         Fift.  Whan  SO  ever  a  frenche  worde  endeth  in  n  consonantes  of 
whiche  the  fyrst  consonant  is  neyther  m,  n  nor  r,  than  shal  the  fyrst 


ofthem  twayne  be  utterly  left  unsounded,  as  soubz,  sacz,  nevdz,  serfz, 
fdz,  molz,  lovps,  coups,  quoqz,fist,  melz,faalt,  toult,  vvhiche  shalbe 
sounded  sovz,  saz,  nevz,  serz,fiz,  moz,  lovs,  covs,  quoz,  fit,  mez,faut, 

Syxt.  Whan  so  ever  a  frenche  worde  endeth  in  m  consonantes  of     Régula  sexia. 
whiche  the  fyrst  is  m,  n  or  r,  ihan  shall  the  consonant  that  cometh 
in  the  myddes  of  the  thre  be  utterly  left  unsounded,  as  corps,  champs, 
blancz,  haslardz,  whiche  shalbe  sounded  cors,  chams,  hlans,  bastars. 

Seventh.  Whan  so  ever  a  frenche  worde  endeth  in  m  consonantes,  Régula septlma. 
of  whiche  none  of  them  is  m,  n  or  r,  than  shall  the  two  fyrst  be  left 
unsounded,  as  savllz ,  faiclz ,  dictz,  defàultz,  shalbe  sounded  savz,faiz, 
diz,  defauz.  And  note  that  by  the  ii  fyrst  rules  appereth  that  thèse 
wordes  clarôns,  barons,  mors,  noms,  and  suche  lyke  shalle  sounde  both 
theyr  consonantes  whiche  folowe  theyr  last  vowelles. 

Note  also  that  there  can  never  come  past  ni  consonantes  after  the     Régula  octava. 
last  vowel  in  a  frenche  worde  : 

And  that  thèse  vu  gênerai  rules  be  to  déclare  how  frenche  wordes     Régula  nona. 
commyng  next  to  a  poynt  in  any  sentence  shall  be  sounded  :  for  whan 
they  come  before  other  wordes*  of  any  sentence  and  must  be  sounded 
with  them,  there  is   farther  considération  to  be  had,  as  shall  hère 
after  appere. 

But  for  so  moche  as  diverse  consonantes  in  theyr  sovindyng  folowe 
thèse  generall  rules  in  every  condicion ,  (that  is  to  say,  eyther  bave 
suche  sounde  as  they  bave  in  the  latine  tong,  orels  be  remissely 
sounded  or  left  unsounded,  accordyng  as  thèse  sayd  rules  do  déclare) 
and  that  dyverse  other  bave  a  sounde  moche  diflerent  from  the  latine 
tong,  and  bave  also  in  the  frenche  tong  nat  always  one  sounde,  I  shall 
reherse  al  the  consonantes  used  in  the  frenche  tong  after  the  ordre 
of  a,  b,  c;  and  suche  as  in  every  condicion  foiow  thèse  generall  rules, 
I  shall  brevely  passe  them  over,  referryng  the  lernar  in  ail  suche  to 
the  gênerai  rules;  and  suche  as  bave  any  other  diversité  in  sounde 
or  particular  exception ,  I  shal  déclare  it  in  every  of  theyr  places  at 
length.  And  for  by  cause  the  b  differeth  nothyng  froni  the  generall 


rules  above  rehersed,  I  shali  by  example  of  hym  shewe  the  lernar 
howe  he  shall  in  lyke  wyse  apply  the  generall  rules  to  the  other.  con- 
sonantes  that  in  lyke  wyse  differre  nothyng  from  thena. 




Régula  prima.  If  6  be  the  fyrst  letter  in  a  frenche  worde,  eyther  alone  or  with 
an  other  consonaunt  with  hym,  he  shall  in  that  place  be  sounded  lyke 
as  he  is  in  the  latine  tong  or  in  our  tong,  accordyng  as  I  hâve  shewed 
in  the  fyrst  gênerai  rule  of  the  soundyng  of  the  fyrst  syllables ,  as  bàtre, 
bénigne,  bigame,  bonté,  bvissôn,  blanc,  bragvér,  and  ail  sache  lyke 
shalbe  sounded  in  frenche  like  as  they  be  in  latine. 

If  II  bb  corne  to  gether  in  the  mean  syllables,  than,  accordyng  to 
the  seconde  rule  of  meane  syllables,  eche  of  theym  shall  hâve  theyr 
distinct  sounde,  as  rabblér. 

If  6  joyned  with  an  other  consonant  belong  both  to  the  vowell  fo- 
lowinge,  than  shal  b,  accordyng  to  the  thyrde  rule  there,  bave  his 
distinct  sounde,  as  noble,  sobre,  dôvble. 

If  b  and  an  other  consonant  come  to  gether  in  the  mean  syllable, 
the  b  belongyng  to  the  vowell  that  goetli  before,  than,  accordyng  to 
the  un  rule,  there  he  shalbe  left  xmsounded ,  as  sovbdain,  double, 
shalbe  sounded  .çovdoj'n,  rfov/e. 

Regulaqninta.  If6  bc  one  ofthe  iH  consonantcs  commyng  betwene  iivowels,the 
b  belongyng  to  the  vowell  that  goeth  before ,  than ,  accordyng  to  the 
fyft  rule  there,  he  onely  shalbe  left  unsounded,  as  substance  shalbe 
sounded  sastance. 

Régula  sexu.  If  6,  where  there  is  m  consonantes  commyng  betwene  ii  vowelles, 

be  one  of  the  ii  belongyng  to  the  vowell  that  goeth  before,  than, 
accordyng  to  the  vi  rule  there ,  b  shalbe  left  unsounded ,  as  sovbstrayt , 
sovbstrayrc  shalbe  sounded  sovstrait,  sovstraire. 
Régula septima.        Also  if  any  frenche  worde  ende  in  6  onely,  as  I  remembre  none,  than, 
accordyng  to  the  m  rule  of  last  syllables,  he  shuld  be  remissely  sounded. 


Régula  tertia. 

Régula   quarta . 


If  a  frenche  worde  ende  in  b,  the  next  letter  goyng  before  keyng     Régula  octava. 
m,  R  or  r,  than,  accordyng  to  the  nu  rule  there,  he  shalbe  remissely 
sounded  and  in  maner  left  ixnsounded  as  plomb,  colomb. 

If  a  frenche  worde  ende  in  ii  consonantes,  b  beyng  the  fyrst,  than,  Régula  nona. 
accordyng  to  the  fyft  nde  there,  he  shalbe  left  unsounded  as  des- 
sôubz.  And  so  of  the  other  ii  rules  foUowynge  there ,  if  b  shall  fortune 
to  corne  in  any  worde  in  suche  ordre  as  the  rides  speke  of.  And  this 
applyenge  of  this  consonaunt  b  to  the  rules  above  rehersed  I  wolde  - 
the  lernar  shulde  diligently  note,  for  lyke  as  I  thiuke  it  but  super- 
fluous  to  kepe  suche  ordre  in  ail  other  consonantes  whiche  folowe 
the  generall  rules,  so  thynke  I  it  necessary  ofone  to  gyve  a  playne 
example ,  for  I  may  the  better  be  short  whan  I  come  to  the  residue , 
save  onely  where  nede  is. 



C  commynge  next  before  the  vowelles  in  the  frenche  tonge  hath     Régula  prima. 
two  diverse  soundes  :  for  c  comyng  before  e  or  i  shalbe  sounded  with 
them  lyke  as  he  were  an  s,  as  for  cendres,  cent,  ceynctàre,  cire,  ciel, 
ciercle,  cité,  they  sounde  sendres,  sent,  seinclure,  sire,  siel,  siercle,  site; 
and  so  of  ail  suche  other,  lyke  as  the  Latins  do. 

C  commyng  before  a,  o  or  u  shal  bave  the  sounde  of  k,  as  câvse,         Régula 
côste,  custode,  shalbe  sounded  kavse,  Icosfe,  kustode. 

Except  where  c  commeth  before  a  or  o  in  the  formation  of  suche  Exceptio  prima, 
tenses  as  come  of  verbes  of  the  fyrst  conjugation  in  the  frenche 
tonge,  havynge  c  before  er  in  theyr  infmitive  mode;  for,  in  ail  suche 
tenses,  through  al  theyr  nombres  and  parsons,  c  shall  hâve  the  sounde 
of  5;  as  where  as  of  corroucér  commeth  after  the  formation  of  tenses 
,in  the  frenche  tonge  corrovcôye,  corrovcày ,  corrovcànt;  and  oî  groncér, 
groncàye,  groncây,  groncànt;  despeccr,  despecôye,  despecày,  despecànt.  In 
al  suche,  c  comyng  before  oye,  ay  or  ant  shall  bave  the  sounde  of  5, 
and  nat  of  k.  But  many  tymes  I  fynde  in  suche  tenses  an  e  added  next 



Regala  tertia. 


aftei'  the  c,  as  lacer,  laceôye,  laceây,  laceànt,  whiche  ihey  use  to  writte 

to  shewe  that  c  in  suche  verbes  may  nat  bave  the  sounde  of  k. 

Except  also  ibese  two  présent  tensesje  recôysetje  decôys,  bycavised 
they  be  formed  o(  recipio  anddecipio,  wbicbe  shulde  make  decas  and 
ay  deçà;  reçus  and  ay  reçu.  But,  lest  the  redar  shulde  gyve  ctbe  sounde 
of  k,  they  use  to  adde  an  e,  as  I  bave  afore  touched  wbere  I  spake  of 
the  diphlhong  ev;  —  and  tbis  novvne  leçon,  by  cause  of  leciio;  —  and 
thèse  wordes  hère  after  folowyng  :  Ca,  eitber  by  bymselfe ,  or  whan  he 
is  compounde  with  other  wordes,  as  deçà,  piecà,  deslorsencà,  orcd,  and 
suche  lyke;  — and  rançon  rançonner,  csiancôn  estanconnér,  façon  façonner, 
limaçon,  hamacon,  plancôn,  arcôn,  hericôn,  garçon,  suspecon,  chancôn, 
tencôn,  aincôys ,  francoys ,  and  câyndre,  whiche  I  wolde  writte  céyndre  : 
in  whiche  and  ail  the  wordes  formed  oftheym  c  commyng  bcfore  a 
or  0  shall  bave  the  sounde  of  s ,  and  nat  of  k. 

And  note  that  like  as  they  sounde  c  alone,  commyng  before  e  or  /, 
like  an  s,  so  do  they  whan  s  is  joyned  unto  hym,  as  sceptre,  science, 
and  ail  suche  like,  so  as  I  bave  touched  in  the  xxv  chaptre.  In  ail  other 
wordes  in  the  frenche  tonge  howe  c  ought  to  be  sounded,  whan  he 
is  joyned  with  other  consonanles,  I  bave  sufficiently  sbewed  in  the 
generall  rides  above  rehersed,  and  declared  by  example  of  tins  con- 
sonant  b. 


Régula  unica.  D  in  ail  maner  thynges  confermeth  hym  to  the  gênerai  rules  above 

rehersed,  so  that  I  se  no  particular  thyng  wherof  to  warne  the  1er- 
uar,  save  that  they  sounde  nat  d  of  ad  in  thèse  wordes  adultère,  adop- 
tion, adoulcér,  like  th,  as  we  of  our  tonge  do  in  thèse  wordes  of  la- 
tine ath  athjuuandum,  for  ad  adjavandum  corruptly  :  for,  in  ail  wordes 
where  d  bath  bis  distinct  sounde ,  he  shalbe  sounded  lyke  as  the  la- 
tine tong  soundeth  d. 




F,  how  soever  he  bis  written  in  any  frenche  wordes,  foloweth  the     Régula  unica. 
generall  rules  above  rebersed  witbout  any  exception. 



G  commynge  next  before  the  vowels  in  the  frenche  tong  batb  ii     Régula  prima. 
divers  soundes,  for  g  commyng  before  e  or  i  shalbe  sounded   with 
them  bke  i,  whan  he  is  a  consonant,  as  gendre,  gingembre,  shalbe  soun- 
ded jendre,  jinjembre. 

G  commyng  before  a,  o  or  a  shall  hâve  suche  sounde  as  he  hath 
in  latin  in  thèse  wordes,  gaiidium,  Gomorra,  gala,  whiche  is  almost 
lyke  a  k. 

Except  where  <]  commeth  before  a  or  o,  in  the  formation  of  suche  Exceptio prima, 
tenses  as  corne  of  verbes  of  the  fyrst  conjugation  in  the  frenche  tong, 
havynge  g  before  er  in  theyr  infinitive  mode  :  for  in  ail  suche  tenses, 
ihrough  ail  theyr  nombres  and  parsons,  g  shali  bave  the  sounde  of  i 
whan  he  is  a  consonant,  as  where  as  of  songer,  after  the  formation 
of  tenses  in  frenche,  is  formed  songoje,  songay,  songant;  of  oubliger,  ou- 
bligoyc,  oubligay,  oabliganl;  and  oï  corriger,  corrif^ye,  corrigay,  corri- 
gant.  In  ail  suche,  g  commyng  before  oye,  ay  or  ant,  shall  bave  the 
sound  of  i,  whan  he  is  a  consonant,  and  nat  as  he  hath  in  the  latin 
tong.  Howbeit,  for  the  most  part,  through  out  ail  the  frenche  tong, 
in  ail  suche  tenses  ï  fynde  an  e  written  betwene  the  g  and  the  a  or  o 
folowyng,  as  songeoye,  songeay,  songeant;  oubligeoye,  oubligeay,  oubîi- 
geant;  corrigeoye,  corrigeay,  corrigeant;  whiche  they  do  lest  the  redar 
shuide  sounde  g  in  suche  tenses  amysse.  Lyke  as  they  writte  for  men- 
gûs  and  mengàsse,  mengeas  and  mengeusse;  and  so  of  al  suche  where 
as  by  reason  of  conjugation  g  and  a  shuide  come  to  gether,  so  oft  as 
the  infinitive  mode  endeth  in  ger,  where  as,  if  the  rules  of  formation 



of  tenses  in  this  tonge  were  kept,  there  shiilde  none  e  be  written  :  for, 
like  asthey  say  :  assorbér,  assorbôye,  assorbày;  corrovcér,  corrovcoye,  cor- 
rovcày;  tarder,  tardôye,  tardây  ;  truffer,  traff'ôye,  truffây;  covlér,  covlôye, 
covlày;  aymér,  aymôye,  aymây;  acharner,  acharnoyc,  acharnày;  harpér, 
harpôye,  harpây;  danser,  dansôye,  dansây;  hevrtér,  hevrtôye,  hevrlày,  ke- 
pyng  alway  before  oye  and  ay  ibe  consonant  that  commeth  before  er 
in  the  infinitive  mode,  so  shulde  we  by  lyke  reason  writte  songer, 
songôye,  somjày.  But  of  thèse  two  I  sbal  speke  more  at  length  in  theyr 
place  in  the  thirde  boke. 

Except  also  g  conimynge  before  o  in  tliese  wordes  boargùys,  bour- 
gôyse,  bourgôn,  liavlbergôn,  dongôn.  How  be  it,  many  tymes  I  fynde 
thèse  wordes  written  with  an  e  betwene  the  g  and  o,  and  sometyme 
with  i  (the  consonant)  in  the  place  oi  g. 

Régula  prima. 





Though  it  appere  sulFiciently ,  where  as  I  spake  of  k  before,  that  he 
is  no  consonant  in  the  frenche  tong,  but  onely  an  addynge  of  a  stron- 
ger  sounde  to  the  vowell  that  foloweth  hym,  yet,  if  h  come  in  the 
mean  syllables  of  a  frenche  worde  havyng  bis  aspiration,  the  syllable 
next  commyng  before  hym  endynge  in  a  consonant,  than  shali  h  bave 
the  power  of  a  consonant  and  cause  ihe  consonant  belongyng  to  the 
vowel  that  goth  before  to  be  left  unsounded,  accordyng  to  the  un 
rule  of  mean  sillables,  as  eshoutér,  deshontér,  desliovsér,  tréshavU,  shalbe 
sounded,  ehonler,  delionter,  deliovser,  trehavlt. 

But  if  h  commyng  in  the  mean  syllables  bave  nat  bis  aspiration, 
than  he  changeth  nothing  the  sounde  of  the  consonant  goyng  before 
hym,  no  more  than  if  he  were  nat  written,  as  in  treshonevre  ^ ,  desho- 
néste,  déshabituer,  and  suche  like,  in  whiche  the  s  hath  bis  distinct 
sounde.  And  lyke  power  hath  h  havynge  his  aspiration,  whan  he  is 
the  fyrste  letter  of  a  frenche  worde.  For  where  as  wordes  that  be  writ- 

'   Probablement  il  faut  lire  treshoneste. 


ten  witb  h  nat  havynge  his  aspiration  admilteth  certaine  wordes  com- 
myng  before  them  to  be  joyned  to  them  in  writtyng  as  wel  as  wordes 
begynnyng  with  vowelles,  a.s  dhonnévr,  lliômme,  Ihabit,  in  suche  wordes 
as  bave  tbeyr  aspiration  we  can  not  do  so,  no  more  than  tbougb 
tbey  began  vvitii  consonantes;  so  ihat  we  can  nat  say  dhonie,  Ihayne, 
Iheavlnie,  but  de  honte,  la  hàyne,  le  heâvlme,  by  cause  tbat  in  tbese  iast 
wordes  h  bath  bis  aspiration.  But  of  tbis  tbyng  I  suppose  in  tbis  place 
sufficient  to  warne  tbe  lemar,  for  I  shall  bere  after,  in  tbe  seconde 
rule  of  tbe  lv  cbaptre  in  tbis  boke,  speke  more  tberof  at  lengtb. 


7,  wban  he  is  a  consonant,  sball  bave  sucbe  sounde  in  frenche  Régula  unica. 
wordes  as  he  bath  in  latine  in  thèse  wordes  janas,  jecar,  jocandas, 
jadex,  witbout  any  exception.  And  note  tbat,  like  as  i  beynge  a  con- 
sonant is  never  founde  in  latine  cominyng  before  i  a  vowell,  no  more 
is  lie  in  tbe  frenche  tong.  As  for  in  ail  otber  tbynges  i  beyng  a  conso- 
nant foloweth  tbe  gênerai  rules  above  rebei'sed  :  bow  be  it,  be  is  ne- 
ver  left  unsounded,  for  he  ever  belongeth  to  the  vowell  tbat  foloweth 



K,  wbere  so  ever  be  is  founde  written  in  the  frenche  tonge,  Régula  unica. 
shalbe  sounded  like  as  he  is  in  latine,  whiche  is  only  in  propre 
names  commyng  out  of  tbe  Greke  or  doutche  tong,  and  in  thèse  nii 
wordes  Kyrielle,  kyrie,  kalénde  and  kalendriér,  whiche  also  in  dede 
be  taken  out  of  Greke  wordes;  so  that  the  very  true  frenche  tong  of  it- 
selfe  useth  never  k,  but  eyther  c,  q,  cq  or  qu  before  the  vowels.  And 
therfore  I  se  no  cause  wby  karesme  or  karolle  shulde  be  written 
with  a  k,  seyng  the  latine  worde  that  karesme  cometh  ofqaadragesima. 


whiche  is  written  with  a  9  in  latine,  and  that  oneiy  ones  1  fynde  ka- 
rolle  written  with  a  /c  in  Jehan  le  Maire ,  whiche  the  Romant  of  the  Rose 
^  ever  writtetb  with  c.  How  he  it,  in  the  olde  Romant  long  k  was  ever 
used  in  the  stede  oî  qu,  and  of  c  or  cq;  but  sache  kynde  of  writtyng 
the  newe  frenche  tong  hath  clerely  lefte.  But  where  as  there  is  a 
boke  that  goeth  about  in  this  reaime,  intitled  The  introductory  to 
wrilte  and  pronoance  frenche,  compiled  by  Alexander  Barcley,  in 
whiche  k  is  moche  used  and  many  olher  thynges  also  by  hym  af- 
firmed  conti-ary  to  my  sayenges  in  this  boke,  and  specially  in  my 
seconde,  where  I  shall  assaye  to  expresse  the  declinations  and  conju- 
gatynges  with  the  other  congruiles  observed  in  the  frenche  tonge, 
I  suppose  it  sufficient  to  warne  the  lernar  that  I  hâve  red  over  that 
boke  at  length ,  and  what  myn  opinion  is  iherin  it  shall  well  inough 
apere  in  my  bokes  selfe,  though  I  make  therof  no  ferther  expresse 
mencion,  save  that  I  bave  sene  an  olde  boke  written  in  parchement,  in 
maner  in  ail  thynkes  like  to  bis  sayd  introductory,  whiche,  by  con- 
jecture, was  natunwritten  ibis  hundred  yeres.  I  wot  nat  if  he  happe- 
ned  to  fortune  upon  suche  an  other  :  for,  whan  it  was  commaunded 
that  the  grammar  maisters  shulde  teche  the  youth  of  England  joyntly 
latin  with  frenche,  there  were  diverse  suche  bokes  divysed:  wheru- 
pon,  as  Isvippose,began  one  great  occasyoh  why  we  of  England  sounde 
the  latyn  tong  so  corruptly,  whiche  bave  as  good  a  tonge  to  sounde 
ail  maner  speches  parfîtely  as  any  other  nacyon  in  Europa. 


Régula  unica.         L  in  ail  thynges  foloweth  the  generall  rules  above  rebersed,  with- 
out  any  maner  exception. 


Régula  prima.  M,  in  the  frenche  tong  hath  thre  dyvers  soundes.  The  soundyng 


of  m  that  is  niost  generall  is  suche  as  he  hath  in  the  latyn  tong  or  in 
our  tong. 

If  m  folowe  any  of  thèse  thre  vowelles  a,  e  or  o,  ail  in  one  syllable, 
he  shalhe  sounded  somthyng  in  the  nose,  as  I  hâve  before  declared 
where  I  hâve  shewed  the  soundyng  of  the  sayd  thre  vovyelles. 

If  m,  foiowyng  a  vowell,  corne  before  b,  p  or  sp,  he  shalbe  sounded 
in  the  nose  and  almost  lyke  an  n,  as  in  thèse  wordes  plomb,  colomb, 
champ,  dompter,  circumspection,  and  suche  lyke  :  whiche  in  partie  I 
hâve  hère  before  touched  in  the  xxvii  chapiter  ;  and  that  m  leseth 
never  his  soimde,  whersoever  he  be  written,  I  bave  sufficiently  decla- 
red in  the  generall  rules. 


Régula  tertia. 


N,  in  the  frenche  tong,  hath  two  dyvers  soundes.  The  soundyng  of    Régula  prima. 
n  that  is  moost  generall  is  suche  as  is  in  latyne  or  in  our  tonge. 

If  n  folowe  any  of  thèse  thre  vowelles  a,  e  or  o,  ail  in  one  syllable, 
he  shalbe  sounded  somthyng  in  the  nose,  as  I  bave  before  declared 
where  I  bave  spoken  of  the  sayd  thre  vowelles. 

That  n  leseth  never  his  sounde,  nother  in  the  first  nor  meane  syl- 
lables,  nor  in  the  last  syllables,  I  bave  afore  declared  in  the  generall 

But  it  is  nat  to  be  forgoten  that  n,  in  the  last  syllable  of  the  thirde 
parsons  plurelles  of  verbes  endyng  in  ent,  is  ever  lefte  unsounded,  ac- 
cordyng  as  I  bave  afore  declared  where  I  spake  of  the  true  soundyng 
of  e. 



Régula  tertia. 


P  in  ail  thynges  folovveth  the  generall  rules  above  rehersed  without     ReguU  unie», 
any  maner  exception. 




Régula  unica.  Q  in  the  frenche  tonge  shalbe  sounded  lyke  as  he  is  in  latyn 
without  any  exception  or  diflycultie,  so  that  it  be  noted  what  I 
hâve  sayd  before,  whan  I  spake  of  q  comynge  before  «  ;  and  note  that 
he  never  cometh  so  that  he  leseth  bis  sounde. 


Régula  unicB.  R,  in  the  frenche  tonge,  shalbe  soiuided  as  he  is  in  latyn  withont 
any  exception,  so  that,  where  as  they  of  Parys  sounde  somtyme  r 
lyke  z,  sayeng  pazys  for  parys,  pazisien  for  parisien  ,  chaize  for  chayre , 
mazy  for  mary  and  sache  lyke,  in  that  thyng  I  wolde  nat  hâve  them 
folowed,  albeit  that  in  ail  this  worke  I  moost  folowe  the  Parisyens 
and  the  counti-eys  that  be  conteygned  betwene  the  ryver  of  Seyne 
and  the  ryver  of  Loyrre,  which  the  Romayns  called  somtyme  Gallya 
Celtica  :  for  within  that  space  is  contayned  the  herte  of  Fraunce, 
where  the  tonge  is  at  this  day  moost  parfyte,  and  hath  of  moost 
auncyente  so  contynued.  So  that  I  tliynke  it  but  superfluous  and  unto 
the  lernar  but  a  nedelesse  confusyon  to  shewe  the  dyversite  of  pro- 
nuncyacion  of  the  other  frontier  countreys,  seyng  that,  besydes  the 
thousandes  that  bave  written  sythe  Alayn  Charliers  dayes,  whiche  in 
maner  bave  left  none  auctours  written  in  the  latyn  tonge  untransla- 
ted,  there  is  no  man,  of  what  parte  of  Fraunce  so  ever  he  be  borne, 
if  he  desyre  that  bis  writyngcs  sliulde  be  had  in  any  estymacion,  but 
he  writeth  in  suche  language  as  they  speke  within  the  boundes  that 
I  bave  before  rehersed.  Nor  there  is  no  man  that  is  a  mynister  of 
theyr  common  welth,  outher  as  a  capitayne,  or  in  oflyce  of  iudica- 
toure,  or  as  a  famous  preachour,  but,  where  soever  bis  abyding  be, 
he  speketh  the  pai'fyte  frenche  :  in  so  moche  that  the  Heynowers  and 


they  of  Romant  Brabante ,  and  ail  other  nacyons  usynge  the  kynde  of 
speclie  nowe  called  Vallon  or  Romant,  thoii^çhe  in  pronunciation  they 
folowe  moche  the  said  old  Romant  tonge,  lyke  as  the  Pycardes, 
Liegeoys  and  Ardenoyes  do,  yet  in  writynge,  as  well  concernynge 
their  judiciail  causes  as  any  other  thyng  made  by  any  of  them  of 
their  owne  invencyon,  or  in  the  letters  missyves  of  suche  as  be  se- 
creatores  in  the  sayd  countreis,  they  folowe  in  wriltyng,  as  nere  as 
they  may,  the  very  true  ortography  and  congi-uite  of  the  parfyte 
frenche  tonge;  and  onely  suche  be  had  in  estymacion  and  bave  charge 
commytted  to  them  as  be  able  so  to  do.  But  if  there  were  dyversite 
in  writyng  amongest  them  of  the  frenche  tonge,  lyke  as  there  were 
somtyme  among  the  Grekes  dialecla,  so  that  every  man  wrote  in  bis 
owne  tonge ,  lyke  as  the  grekes  somtyme  dyd ,  or  that  the  Romani 
of  the  Rose,  whiche  undouted  is  a  syngular  auctour,  were  nowe  at 
thèse  dayes  imprinted  in  the  olde  Romant  tong  wherin  it  was  made, 
as  dothe  appere  by  a  boke  in  the  library  of  Gyldehall  in  London, 
whiche  mayster  Gylles,  somtyme  scole  maysterto  our  soverayne  nowe 
raygning  in  the  frenche  tong,  shewed  me,  I  coude  than  be  contented, 
and  il  were  for  that  auctours  sake  onely  to  shewe  the  différence  bi- 
Iwene  iholde  Romant  long  and  the  right  french  long.  But  I  se  that 
they  whiche  bave  corrected  and  pul  to  printe  ihe  sayde  auctour  of 
the  Romaynt  of  the  Rose  bave  donc  as  moche  as  myght  lye  in  them 
to  distroy  the  olde  Romant  tonge  whiche  il  was  written  in,  and  to 
make  it  in  suche  frenche  as  is  nowe  used;  so  that,  if  be  nat  hère  and 
there  where,  for  kepynge  of  the  ryme,  the  wordes  stande  unallred 
as  they  were  first  written,  a  man  shulde  scarsely  parceyve  that  ever 
it  was  written  first  in  the  Romant  tong.  Howbeit,  I  confesse  that  as  it 
was  first  written  in  the  Romani  tonge,  it  halh  a  marveylous  grâce, 
and  who  soever  understandelh  the  true  frenche  tonge  shall  with 
small  labour  also  understande  that  auctour  or  any  other  suche  lyke. 
But  of  thèse  ihynges  I  defarre  to  speke  any  more  at  tins  tyme,  and 
retourne  to  déclare  the  soundynge  of  the  resydue  of  thé  consonantes. 





Régula  prima.  S  in  the  frenche  tonge  hath  two  dy\'ers  soundes.  The  soundynge 
of  s  whiche  is  moost  generall  in  frenche ,  is  suche  as  is  in  latyn  or  in 
oure  tonge  :  so  that  s  in  thèse  wordes  obéissance,  astronome,  las,  santé, 
and  in  ail  suche,  is  sounded  in  ail  the  thre  tonges  alyke. 

If  a  syngle  s  corne  hytwene  two  vowelles  in  the  meane  syllables  of 
a  frenche  worde  by  hymselfe,  he  shall  in  that  place  ever  be  sounded 
lyke  an  z,  so  that  for  disant ,  faisant ,  trésor,  resôrt,  maison,  they  sounde 
dizant,  faizant,  trezor,  rezorl,  maizon,  and  so  of  ail  suche  lyke.  But  if 
a  frenche  worde  begyn  with  s,  a  vowell  folowyng  hym,  thoughe  the 
worde  that  cometh  next  before  ende  also  in  a  vowell,  those  two  vo- 
welles shall  nat  cause  5  to  be  sounded  lyke  an  z,  but  lyke  bis  generall 

Régula  tertia.  And  in  ail  other  thynges  s  confirmeth  him  to  generall  rules  above 
rehersed,  save  that  in  thèse  wordes  hère  folowyng,  5  comyng  in  the 
meane  syllables,  contrarie  to  the  sayd  ndes,  shall  bave  bis  distincte 



Régula  prima. 




























Aspic.  , 






























Destruction  '. 









'  But  nat  deslruire.  —  '  But  nal /este. 













Investiture  ' . 





























And  note  that  nat  onely  thèse  wordes  above  rehersed,  but  also  of 
the  verbes  ail  their  tenses  and  other  wordes  fourmed  of  them,  and  of 
the  nownes  substantyves  or  adjectyves  ail  the  wordes  that  be  fourmed 
of  them,  sounde  s  in  their  meane  syllables,  contrai'ie  to  the  generall 
rule  afore  rehersed.  For  where  as  there  is  any  exception,  I  bave  tou- 
ched  it  hère  in  bis  place. 




T  also  hatb  two  dyvers  soundes.  The  gênerai  sounde  of  t  is  suche     Roguia  prima, 
as  the  latyns  gyve  hym,  or  we  in  our  tong,  as  tant,  ter,  tien,  ton, 
tvmber,  sounde  their  t  lyke  as  we  wolde  sounde  hym. 

If  t  be  written  in  frenche  nownes  endyng  in  tion,  for  the  kepynge 
of  true  ortography,  bycause  they  come  of  latyn  nownes  verballes  end- 
yng in  tio,  as  of  correctio  correction,  subjectio  subjection,  reformatio  re- 
formadoii,  and  so  of  ail  other  verballes,  the  t  of  tion  shalbe  sounded 
lykc  a  c,  for  the  frenchemen  can  nat  sounde  nownes  verballes  end- 
yng in  tion  accordyng  as  the  ytalyens  do  their  nownes  endyng  in  tio. 

And    note   that  this  worde   et,  whiche   signilieth  and,  is  never     Régula  ténia. 
sounded  in  the  frenche  tonge  but  e ,  wheder  the  worde  folowynge 
begyn  with  a  vowell  or  with  a  consonant. 

Note  also  that  this  worde  est,  whiche  signifieth  is,  if  the  next  worde    Régula  quaria. 

'  Nat  vestir  llie  verbe,  nor  vestement.  —  '  Begynning  with  N  I  fynde  none. 


folowyng  begyn  with  a  consonant,  shalbe  sounded  but  e  :  if  ihe  next 
worde  folowyng  begyn  with  a  vowell,  it  shall  be  sounded  et,  but  ne- 
ver  est  soundyng  5,  nor  eth,  soundynge  i  lyke  ih,  for  /  bath  ne  ver  no 
suche  sounde  in  the  frenche  tonge.  And  in  ail  otber  thynges  /  confir- 
meth  bym  to  the  generall  rules  hère  before  rehersed. 


Régula  prima.  V,  whan  he  is  a  consonant,  shall  be  sounded  in  frenche  lyke  as  he 

is  in  latyn  in  thèse  wordes  uanitas,  uenio,  uindicta,  aoluntas,  that  is 
to  saye  almost  lyke  an/. 
Régula  And  note  that  v  beyng  a  consonant  cometh  never  so  in  a  frenche 

secuada.  i       i        i       i  i     i  ■  i 

worde  that  he  leseth  his  sounde. 


Régula  prima.  X  thorowout  thc  frenche  tonge  hath  suche  a  sounde  as  they  gyve 
to  5  with  them,  whan  he  cometh  bytvvene  two  vowelles,  that  is  to 
saye  lyke  as  the  latyns  do  sounde  z  in  thèse  wordes  zona,  zodiacus, 
Elizabet  :  so  that  thèse  wordes  in  frenche  jduar/e,  perplexité,  cheuâvlx, 
beàulx,  shall  be  sounded  youz/e,  perplezite,  cheuavlz,  beauz;  wherbv 
appereth  that  thèse  wordes  exemple,  expérience,  exécuter,  and  suche 
lyke,  where  the  worde  begynncth  with  ex,  shalbe  sounded  evzemple, 
evzperience,  evzecater;  for,  as  I  bave  shevved  afore ,  this  worde  ex 
hath  ever  an  v  sounded,  though  he  be  nat  written,bytwene  the  eand 
X,  and  the  x  by  this  rule  shalbe  sounded  lyke  an  z. 
Régula  And  note  that  x  shall  never  be  sounded  in  frenche  lyke  as  he  is  in 

latyn,  or  as  we  wolde  do  in  our  tonge,  in  no  wyse,  but  lyke  an  z,  as 
I  hère  before  bave  descrybed.  In  ail  other  thynges  x  foloweth  the 
generall  rules  above  rehersed. 




Z  ihorowe  ail  the  frenche  tonge  shalbe  sounded  lyke  as  he  is  in  Régula  unica. 
latyn  or  in  our  tonge,  that  is  to  saye  lyke  s,  whan  he  cometh  in  a 
frenche  worde  bytwene  two  vowelles;  so  that  z  in  thèse  wordes  zélé, 
zodidcgae,  bréze,  hazàrt,  quatorze,  quinze,  dez,  vietz,  secz,  the  z  shall 
be  sounded  lyke  as  he  shulde  be  in  the  latyn  tonge  or  in  our  tonge. 
In  ail  other  thynges  z  confirmeth  hym  to  the  generall  rules  above  re- 
hersed.  And  this  for  the  trewe  soundynge  of  consonantes  as  they 
corne  toguyder  in  frenche  wordes  by  themselfe,  I  suppose  to  be  sufli- 




First.  Every  frenche  worde  comynge  next  unto  a  poynt,  whether  Régula  prima. 
it  be  suche  as  the  Latins  call  punctum  planum  thus  made  ( .  ) ,  where  the 
nexte  worde  commonly  begynneth  with  a  great  letter,  or  with  sxiche 
as  the  Latins  call  comma  tliiis  made  (:),  or  vmjula  thus  made  (,),  al 
suche  wordes  shal  sounde  theyr  last  letters  distinctly  or  remissely, 
accordyng  to  the  rules  hère  afore  rehersed  :  and  so  shal  ail  the  last 
wordes  in  the  lynes  of  suche  thynges  as  be  made  in  ryme. 

Seconde.  If  a  frenche  worde  ende  in  a  vowell  or  diphthong,  the 
next  worde  folowyng  begynnyng  also  with  a  vowell  or  diphthong,  both 
the  vowels  and  diphthonges  shal  bave  theyr  distinct  sounde. 

Except  some  tyme  wordes  endyng  in  e  or  a  wherof  I  wyl  hereafter    Exceptio  unica. 

Thirde.  If  a  frenche  worde  ende  in  a  consonant,  the  next  worde 
folowyng  begynnyng  with  a  vowel  or  diphthong,  or  contrary,  the 
worde  goyng  befoi-e  ende  in  a  vowel  or  diphthong,  the  next  worde 
folowynge  begynninge  with  a  consonant,  ail  the  vowels,  diphthonges 
and  consonantes  shall  bave  theyr  distinct  sounde. 


Régula  tertia. 


Régula  quarta.  Fouith.  If  a  frenche  worde  ende  in  a  consonant  or  consonantes, 
the  next  worde  folowyng  begynnyng  also  with  a  consonant  or  conso- 
nantes, they  shalbe  sounded  or  left  unsounded  accordyng  to  the 
rules  hère  afore  rehersed  :  as  well  as  though  they  came  to  gether  in 
one  worde  by  hym  selfe,  that  is  to  saye  m,  n  and  r,  shall  never  lèse 
their  sounde.  And  if  the  worde  goyng  before  ende  in  any  other  con- 
sonant, he  shal  lèse  bis  sounde  by  reason  that  the  worde  folowynge 
begynneth  also  with  a  consonant,  ail  though  they  be  both  of  lyke 
kynde.  And  also  if  the  worde  goyng  before  ende  in  u  or  m,  he  shal 
lèse  them  ail,  if  the  consonant  or  consonantes  of  the  worde  folowyng 
be  of  suche  nature,  accordyng  to  the  rules  hère  afore  rehersed  :  as 
thèse  wordes  commyng  next  to  gether  sans  cause,  soubz  covleur,  ung 
combat  tel,  faictz  plaisans ,  suis  sayn,  shalbe  red  and  sounded  san 
cause,  sov  covlevr,  un  comba  tel,  fai  plaisans,  svi  sayn.  And  so  of  ail 
other,  though  xx  suche  wordes  both  endyng  and  begynnyng  with 
consonantes  shulde  fortune  to  folowe  one  an  other  in  a  sentence. 
And  hère  upon  it  ryseth  why  the  frenche  tong  semeth  unto  other 
nations  so  short  and  sodayne  in  pronounsyng;  for  after  they  bave  taken 
away  the  consonantes,  as  wel  from  the  particular  wordes  by  them 
selfe  as.  from  theyr  last  endes  by  reason  of  the  wordes  folowyng, 
they  joyne  the  vowels  of  the  wordes  that  go  before  to  the  consonan- 
tes of  the  wordes  folowynge  in  redyng  and  spekyng  without  any 
pausyng ,  save  only  by  kepyng  of  the  accent  :  as  though  fyve  or  syx 
wordes  or  somtyme  mo  made  but  one  worde  :  vhiche  thyng,  though 
it  inake  that  tong  more  hard  to  be  atteyned,  yet  it  maketh  it  more 
pleasant  to  the  eare  :  for  they  put  avay  ail  maner  consonantes,  as  often 
as  they  shulde  make  any  harshe  sounde,  or  let  theyr  sentences  to  flowe 
and  be  fuU  in  soundyng  :  vhiche  thyng  1  shal  hère  after  déclare  playnly 
by  example.  But  nowe  to  shewe  whan  e  or  a  beyng  the  last  letters  in 
frenche  wordes,  shalbe  left  unsounded. 





Whan  any  frenche  worde  endyng  in  e,  and  havyng  his  accent  Régula  prima, 
upon  the  same  e  comnieth  next  before  an  other  worde  begynnyng 
with  a  vowel,  both  the  e  and  the  vôwel  folowyng  shal  hâve  theyr 
distinct  sounde  :  whiche  happenneth  in  certaine  nownes  endyng  in  te, 
and  al  the  participles  masculyne  of  the  fyrst  conjugation,  as  in  the 
chapters  of  accent  more  playnly  shal  appere  ;  and  in  ail  the  féminine 
participles  of  what  conjugation  so  ever  they  be ,  though  they  bave 
nat  theyr  accent  upon  the  same  e,  yet  shal  e  in  ail  suche  kepe  his 
sounde  styll,  nat  withstandyng  any  vowel  that  the  worde  folowyng 
doth  begyn  with,  as  pour  sa  bonté  il  est  aymé,  et  a  bon  droit.  Pour  sa 
bonté  elle  est  aymèe,  et  a  bon  droit.  Elle  sen  fut  partye  aaant  que  je  ne 
sceùsse  riens,  in  whiche  the  last  e  is  sounded  nat  withstandyng  the 
vowels  of  the  next  wordes  folowynge. 

But  if  a  frenche  worde  ende  in  e,  nat  havynge  his  accent  upon  Régula 
the  same  e  nor  beyng  a  femine  participle ,  the  next  worde  folowynge  '*'""  *' 
begynnyng  also  with  a  vowel,  eyther  alone  or  in  a  diphthong,  or  with  h 
nat  havyng  his  aspiration,  than  shal  the  e  of  the  worde  so  goyng  be- 
fore lèse  his  soimde,  and  the  consonant  comyng  before  e  be  joyned 
in  soimd  to  the  vowel  folowyng ,  as  though  they  made  both  but 
one  worde. 

Except  (as  I  hâve  sayd)  the  commyng  before  a  poynt  cause  the        Exceptio. 
contrary,  as  this  sentence  //  a  trovue  une  aultre  dame  belle  et  gracievse 
shall  in  redyng  and  spekyng  be  sounded  :  //  a  trouue  un  aultre  dame 
bellegracieuse;  and  so  of  ail  other. 






Régula.  There  be  certaine  wordes  in  tlie  frenche  tong  endyng  in  e  and 

some  fewe  endyng  in  a,  whiche  nat  onely  in  redyng  or  spekynge 
leave  theyr  vowels  unsounded,  but  also,  whan  so  ever  they  writte 
them  in  any  sentence,  they  leave  out  theyr  last  vowel,  and  joyne  the 
last  consonant  or  letters  commyng  next  before  the  vowel  to  the  vowel 
of  the  nextworde  folowyng  orunto  ^,  if  the  worde  next  folowyng  be- 
ginne  with  h  nat  havyng  bis  aspiration,  as  though  they  were  the  lîrst 
letters  of  the  worde  folowyng,  whiche  ntiyght  cause  a  great  dout  to 
the  lemer,  whan  he  shulde  fynde  no  worde  so  written  in  the  frenche 
vocabular  ;  or  paradventure ,  if  he  founde  a  worde  written  with  suche 
letters,  it  myght  be  of  a  far  différent  signification  from  the  ryght 
worde  in  dede ,  whiche  of  hym  selfe  begynneth  with  a  vowell  :  and 
therfore  I  shall  hère  consequently  reherse  ail  the  wordes  in  the  frenche 
tong  that  be  of  that  sort  :  notyng  first  that  in  nownes ,  verbes,  parti- 
ciples  and  interjections  of  the  frenche  tong  there  be  no  wordes  that 
be  of  this  sort. 




Régula  prima.  Pronownes  of  the  frenche  tonge  of  this  sort  there  be  viii  :  je,  me, 
te,  le,  la,  se,  ce  and  que  for  quid.  Je,  as  forye  ajme,je  endure,  they 
writte  jayme,  jendure,  leavyng  out  the  e  oîje,  and  joynyng  the  conso- 
nant to  the  vowel  of  the  verbe  folowyng.  And  in  lyke  wyse  for  je  me 
habite,  il  me  àyme,  il  me  endure,  they  writte  and  sownde  thusy'e  mha- 
bite,  il  mayme,  il  mendure;  and  also  (or  je  te  àyme,  je  te  endure  :  je 
tayme,je  tendure;  and  (ot  je  le  àyme,  je  le  endure  :je  layme,  je  lendare: 


and  for  il  se  âyme,  il  se  endure:  il  sayme,  il  sendure.  And  for  ce  est  they 
say  cest.  And  for  que  auéz  uoas,  quauez  uous.  But  as  for  ella  tort  for  elle 
a  tort  and  suche  like,  is  only  used  of  suche  as  writte  in  ryme;  like  as  . 
they  joyne  tel  and  quel  and  suche  other  adjectives  endyng  in  el  to 
nownes  of  the  femine  gendre,  as  tel  paour,  quel  amour,  mortel  plàye, 
mémoire  perpétuel,  wherof  I  shall  speke  more  in  the  thirde  hoke  ; 
whiche  I  wolde  the  lemer  shulde  wel  note  ;  or  though  I  shall  hère 
aller  in  the  seconde  and  thyrde  bokes  writte  the  verbes  from  the 
pronownes,  and  nownes  from  theyr  articles,  and  in  like  wyse  also 
ever  the  other  partes  of  speche  that  folow  this  rule,  by  cause  I  wold 
the  lerner  shidde  the  more  distinctly  perceve  one  worde  by  an  other  : 
yet  if  he  writte  them  in  any  sentence,  he  must  in  every  poynt 
kepe  this  rule ,  accordyng  as  I  in  this  place  déclare  unto  hym.  And 
note  that  this  kinde  of  writtyng  they  use  specially  whan  the  verbe 
beginneth  with  a,  e  or  o,  and  but  seldome  or  never  with  verbes  be- 
gynnyng  with  i  or  u;  for  before  suche  they  use,  for  the  most  part, 
to  writte  thèse  pronownes  at  length. 

But  where  as  in  maner  of  ail  suche  auctors  as  use  to  writte  in  ryme         Régula 

r  f       1  1  /  -17  secunda. 

1  fynde  used  gy  or  ge,  sayeng  nayge,ferayge,  se  gy  ossâsse  la  main  tendre, 
and  suche  lyke,  for  je  y,  nay  je ,  feray  je,  changyng  the  i  of  ye  in  g, 
whiche  thyng  whan  they  writte  in  prose  they  use  nat.  And  I  can  se 
no  cause  why  they  shulde  change  the  letter  but  by  cause  it  is  agaynst 
the  nature  of  the  frenche  tonge  to  hâve  twoyy'  orjy  or  yj  to  corne 
immediatly  togyder,  as  I  bave  somthynge  afore  touched. 

Except  where  the  first  person  of  the  preterimperfectens  endeth  Exccptio. 
in  yoye,  asfvyôye,  ouyôye,  and  suche  like  :  for  sythe  ail  suche,  in  their 
first  and  seconde  persons  plurell,  ende  in  yons  andye^;,  we  must  nedes 
hâve  two  u  come  toguyder,  and  sayefuyyons,  fuyyez,  oayyons,  ouyyes; 
for  if  he  wrote  but  one  i,  we  shulde  confounde  the  persons  of  this 
tens  with  the  same  persons  of  their  presentenses. 





Régula  unica.  Prepositions  of  tliis  sorte  be  foure  :  contre,  entre,  de,  and  re  whiche 

is  onely  used  in  composition.  Contre,  as  for  contre  eulx,  contre  elles, 
contre  hommes,  contre  âme,  they  write  contreulx,  contrelles,  contrhommes, 
contrame.  Entre,  as  for  entre  éulx,  entre  elles,  entre  àultres,  they  write 
entrealx,  entrelles,  entraaltres,  which  also  they  use  in  composityon 
with  entre  and  verbes  begynnynge  with  vowelles,  as  for  entre  aymér, 
entre  cspousér  :  entraymer,  entrespoaser.  De,  as  for  de  or,  de  argent,  de 
auécques,  de  homme,  de  anôyr,  de  âme:  they  write  dor,  dargent,  da- 
aecques,  dhomme,  dauoyr,  dame.  Re,  whiche,  as  I  hâve  sayde,  they 
use  onely  in  composytion  with  verbes  as  for  re  auôyr,  re  appellér,  re 
amender  :  rauoir,  rapellér,  remander,  and  so  of  suche  lyke. 




Régula  unica.  Of  adverbes  in  the  frenche  tonge  beyng  of  this  sorte  I  fynde  no 
mo  but  ne  and  que  for  than  :  as  ior  je  ne  dyme,je  ne  endure,  je  ne  ose, 
they  write  ye  nayme,  je  nendure,  je  nose  :  and  for  non  plus  que  a  moy, 
moyns  que  a  ung  àaltre,  ains  que  aymér,  they  write  non  plus  qua  moy, 
^  moyns  qua  ung  aultre,  ains  quaymer,  and  so  of  suche  lyke.  But  whan 
the  verbe  beginneth  with  i  or  v,  they  use  ne  on  this  maner  but  sel- 
dome.  And  as  for  jusquavmourir,  jusquadix,  and  suche  lyke  used  of 
suche  authours  as  write  in  ryme  ior  jusques  av  mourir,  jûsques  a  dix, 
it  is  nat  by  reason  of  this  rule,  no  more  than  encor  used  for  encore,  or 
hom  or  com  for  home  or  côme,  and  suche  lyke,  whiche  auctors  do  ra- 
ther  by  a  lycence  poetycall  than  for  the  advoyding  of  any  yuell 
sounde.  For  thoughe  the  oldeRomayne  tonge  use  many  suche  wordes, 
the  trewe  frenche  tonge  leaveth  never  the  e  of  suche  wordes  onwrit- 


ten,  thoughe  they  may  be  lefte  unsounded,  accordyng  to  the  rules 
afore  rehersed. 




Conjunctions  in  the  frenche  tonge  of  this  sorte  I  fynde  but  se,     Régula  unica. 
whiche  is  often  tymes  written  si,  as  for  si  aulcun,  se  elle,  si  il,  they 
Write  saalcan,  selle,  sil;  and  so  of  suche  other. 



Besydes  thèse  wordes  above  rehersed  there  be  two  other  whiche  Régula  prima, 
hâve  the  same  propertie ,  that  is  to  saye  le  and  la ,  whiche  I  hâve  nat 
rehersed  under  any  of  the  viii  partes  of  speche  of  the  lalyn  tonge  ; 
for  the  iatyns  hâve  no  suche  wordes ,  but  we  in  our  tonge  bave  wordes 
of  lyke  signification,  whiche  is  this  worde  the:  as  where  they  saye  in 
frenche  le  maistre,  la  dame,  we  saye  in  our  tonge  the  mayster,  the  lady; 
so  that  this  worde  the,  with  us,  counter  vayleth  bothe  le  and  la.  And 
therfore,  sythe  the  latyn  tonge  hath  no  suche  wordes  and  that  the 
frenche  tong  hath  certayne  other  that  be  of  lyke  sorte,  I  shall,  in  the 
seconde  boke,  where  I  make  rehersall  of  the  partes  of  speche  in  the 
frenche  tonge,  call  them  articles,  borowyng  a  name  for  tliem  of  the 
Grekes,  whiche  also  bave  wordes  of  lyke  signifycation  and  propertie 
intheir  tonge.  Bulnowe  to  shewe  howethe  sayde  le  and  la  folowe  this 
rule,  le,  as  for  le  abbé,  le  ennemy,  le  home,  le  habit,  le  innocent,  le  oyél, 
le  vsaige,  they  write  labbe,  lennemy,  linnocent,  Ihomme,  Ihabit,  loyel, 
lasage,  and  so  of  ail  oiher  :  la,  as  for  la  abbèsse,  la  enuie,  laymàge,  la 
oaertàre,  la  vniôn,  la  habitation,  la  habitude,  they  write  labbesse,  lenuie, 
lymage,  loauertare,  Ivnion,  Ihabitation,  Ihabitade,  and  so  of  ail  suche 

And  note  that,  where  as  I  bave,  in  ail  this  chapiter,  gyven  example         Régula 




of  h,  whan  he  hath  nat  his  aspiration,  I  meane  therby  thaï  h,  whan 
he  hath  his  aspiration,  is  excepted  from  this  rule.  For  he  hath  than 
the  power  of  a  consonant,  as  I  hâve  shewed  before,  so  that,  though  I 
maye  write  for  la  habitation,  la  habitude,  la  humilité,  Ihabitation ,  Iha- 
bitude,  Ihumilite,  by  cause  h  hath  nat  his  aspiration,  I  can  nat  write 
Ihayne,  Ihevrt,  Iheaulme,  for  la  hayne,  le  heurt,  la  heaulme;  for  the  h 
in  thèse  wordes  is  aspirate,  as  apereth  by  my  rules  herafore  de- 
clared.  And  therfore  so  often  as  /  conmeth  before  h  havyng  his  aspira- 
cion,  as  I  fynde  hym  somtyme  in  Alayn  Chartier,  it  is  the  errour  of 
the  printers  whiche  knowe  nat  their  owne  tonge.  And  this  différence 
appereth  evydently  in  this  worde  hevre,  whiche  havynge  his  aspira- 
tyon betokeneth  a  Boores  heed :  havyng  it  nat,  it  betokeneth  an  houre ; 
so  that  Ihevre  betokeneth  the  hour  and  nat  the  boores  heed,  for  I 
must  nedes,  in  that  signifycation,  write  le  hevre.  And  this  for  the 
trewe  soundyng  of  vowelies,  diphthonges  and  consonantes  in  the 
franche  tonge,  botlie  in  the  frenche  wordes  by  themselfe  and  as 
they  come  toguyder  in  sentences,  I  suppose  to  be  suffycient. 




Régula  unicd.  Accent  in  the  frenche  tonge  is  a  lyftinge  up  of  the  voyce  upon 
some  wordes  or  syllables  in  a  sentence,  above  the  resydue  of  the 
other  wordes  or  syllables  in  the  same  sentence,  so  that  what  soever 
worde  or  syllable,  as  they  come  toguyder  in  any  sentence,  be  sowned 
higher  than  the  other  wordes  or  syllables  in  the  same  sentence,  upon 
them  is  the  accent.  And  upon  whiche  wordes  or  syllables  the  redar 
shall  lyfte  up  his  voyce  and  upon  whiche  nat,  it  shall  hère  after 
appere.  And  note  that  sucbe  lyftynge  up  of  the  voyce  happeneth 
ever  by  reason  of  some  vowell  or  diphthonge,  never  by  reason  of 
any  consonant. 




Generally  there  is  no  worde  of  one  syllable  in  the  frenche  tonge  Régula  prima. 
that  hath  any  accent,  except  the  comyng  next  unto  a  poynt  be  the 
cause  of  it;  so  that,  whan  a  worde  or  two  or  thre  or  mo,  beyng 
but  of  one  syllable,  folowe  one  another,  the  redar  shall  sounde 
them  ail  under  one  tenour,  and  never  rest  upon  them  nor  lyft  up  bis 
voice,  tyll  he  come  to  the  next  worde  of  many  syllables  that  fo- 
loweth,  as  il  a  ung  corps  fort  amiable,  ta  dis  vray  maynienànt,  shalbe 
sounded  in  redyng  and  spekyng  il  avncor  fort  amiable,  tv  dis  vray- 
mantenànt,  lyfting  nat  up  the  voyce  but  upon  the  seconde  a  oî  amiable 
and  mayntendnt  onely.  And  so  of  ail  other  of  one  syllable  thorowe  the 
frenche  tonge. 

But  if  it  happe  that  ail  the  wordes  in  a  sentence  be  of  one  syl-  Régula 
lable,  than  shall  they  be  ail  reed  shortely  togyder,  tyll  the  redar 
come  to  that  worde  of  one  syllable  that  cometh  next  unto  the  poynt, 
and  there  shall  he  lifte  up  bis  voyce  and  pause ,  rather  by  reason  of 
the  poynt,  as  I  hâve  sayd,  that  next  folowe,  than  by  reason  of  the 
wordes  selfe;  as  shall  appere  by  example  in  thèse  sentences  :  de  son 
bon  gré,  il  me  afaict  tort;  je  ne  scay  pas  que  cést,  quil  veult  de  moy;  car 
mon  las  cuéar,  pour  vous  se  meurt.  And  al  suche  other  shalbe  soimded 
in  redyng  and  spekyng  :  desonbongré  ilmafaitôrt  :  jenesaypaquecét  qui 
ueudemoy:  Car  monlacueùr  pourvoasemeùrt,  lyftyng  nat  up  the  voyce  but 
at  gre,  tort,  cest,  moy,  caear  and  meurt.  And  so  of  ail  suche  other.  And 
this  is  an  other  great  cause  why  the  frenche  tong  semeth  so  brefe 
and  sodayne  in  pronounciation,  and  so  harde  to  be  perceyved  by  a 

And  note  that  in  al  interrogations  and  answeres  they  use  to  sounde 
the  last  vowel  hyghest  without  pausyng,  tyll  they  come  therunto  : 
excepte  the  last  worde  ende  in  e,  and  wyll  bave  bis  accent  upon  the 



last  sillable  commyng  before  :  but  ever  ihe  last  worde  shalbe  sounded 
hyghest,  as  le  Roy,  ou  sert  ua  il?  Combien  me  baillez  nous?  and  so  of 
ail  suche  other. 





Régula  prima.  Generally  ail  the  wordes  of  many  sillables  in  the  frenche  tong 
bave  theyr  accent  eyther  on  theyr  last  sillable,  that  is  to  say,  sounde 
the  iaste  vowell  or  diphthong  that  they  be  written  with,  hygher  than 
the  other  vowels  or  diphthonges  commyng  before  them  in  the  same 
worde;  orels  they  bave  theyr  accent  on  the  last  sillable  save  one,  that 
is  to  say,  sounde  that  vowell  or  diphthong,  that  is  the  last  save  one, 
hygher  than  any  other  in  the  same  worde  commyng  before  hym.  And 
whan  the  redar  hath  lyft  up  bis  voyce  at  the  soundyng  of  the  said 
vowel  or  diphthong,  he  shal,  whan  he  commeth  to  the  last  sillable, 
depresse  his  voyce  agayne;  so  that  there  is  no  worde  through  out 
ail  the  frenche  tonge  that  hath  his  accent  eyther  on  the  thyrde  sil- 
lable or  on  the  forth  syllable  from  the  last,  like  as  diverse  wordes 
bave  in  other  tonges,  but,  as  I  bave  sayd,  eyther  on  the  very  last 
sillable,  orels  on  the  next  sillable  onely. 
Régula  And  note  that  there  is  no  worde  in  the  frenche  tong  but  he  hath 

his  place  of  accent  certaine ,  and  hath  it  nat  nowe  upon  on  sillable , 
nowe  upon  an  other. 
Exceptio.  Except  diversité  in  signification  causeth  it  where  the  worde  in 

writtyng  is  alone,  as  I  shall  hère  after  déclare ,  rehersyng  suche  wordes 
in  the  frenche  tong  as  be  of  this  sort. 









Generally  ail  the  verbes  of  the  fyrst  conjugacion  in  the  frenche  tong    Excepuo  prima. 
hâve  theyr  fyrst  parsons  singular  of  the  présent  tense  in  the  indicatyve 
mode  and  theyr  partyciple  prétérit  written  with  lyke  letters  ;  onely  the 
dy  versite  of  accent  sheweth  the  dyfTerence ,  as  I  shali  hère  after  déclare . 

Also  nownes  in  the  frenche  tonge  there  be  diverse  of  this  sort,  as 
péché  betokeneth  syn,  pèche  a  pèche,  a  kynde  of  fruité  :  costé,  a  syde; 
caste,  a  rybbe  :  posté,  a  pasty  ;  poste,  paaste  to  baake  wiith:  fossé,  a  dytche 
aboutatowne;/()55e,  a  pytte  :  conté,  an  erledome;  conte,  an  erle  :  cure, 
a  cure  a  personage  ;  curé,  a  curate  a  parson  :  bàle,  a  baie  of  any  marchan- 
dise ;  bolé,  a  baies  a  precioustone  :  marche,  a  bondes  or  a  marke  betwene 
contrey  and  contrey;  morchè,  a  bai'gen  or  a  marketstede  or  cheepe, 
as  good  cheepe,  bon  morchié  :  porenté,  a  kyndred;  porénte,  a  kynswo- 
man  :  clére,  cliere  ;  cleré,  clary  a  kynde  of  wyne  :  père,  a  father;  peré, 
perya  kynde  of  drynkerpi'e,  a  pye  byrde  ; /Jie,  a  foote,  whiche  I  wolde 
wr'itte  pied  :  planchera  planke  a  brydge;  planché,  the  florth  of  any  thyng 
that  is  bourded  :  âpres,  sharpe,  in  plurali;  après,  afterwarde  :  fille,  a 
daughter;^//e,  a  spyndel  with  threde  upon  it,  or  a  baye  for  coonys. 
And  of  this  sort  I  fynde  fewe  suche  other. 




Generally  throug  out  ail  the  frenche  tonge  ail  maner  of  wordes  of 
many  syllables,  what  partes  of  speche  so  ever  they  be,  if  they  ende 
in  e  or  in  es,  they  shall  bave  theyr  accent  on  theyr  last  syliable  save 
one,  as  homme,  femme,  dovlovrevse ,  contre,  entre,  ôaltre,  àyme  (whan 
he  is  the  fyrst  parsone  of  the  présent  tense)  aymoye,  conuertie,  aymée, 
aymâsse ,  oymeroye,  a  lencôntre ,  comme,  hommes, femmes,  dovlovrevses , 
oymées,  auécques,  dôncques;  and  so  of  ail  other.  So  that  the  redar 


Régula  unica. 


shall  in  ail  suche  wordes  lyfte  up  his  voyce  whan  he  commeth  to 
the  vowell  or  diphthong  next  afore  e  or  es,  and  whan  he  commeth  to 
the  soundynge  of  them,  sodayniy  depresse  his  voyce  agayne;  whiche 
sodayne  fall  of  the  voyce  at  the  soundyng  of  the  sayd  e  or  es  causeth 
that  e,  commyng  in  that  place,  is  sounded  in  a  meane  voyce  betwene 
e  and  o  and  moche  in  the  nose  :  as  the  lernar  shall  easely  perceyve ,  if 
he  assay  to  sounde  the  wordes  that  I  hâve  here  rehersed  for  example , 
accordynge  as  I  hâve  here  and  in  his  place  before  described.  But  this 
gênerai  rule  hath  two  exceptions. 
Exccptio  prima.  Fyrst.  For  ail  suclie  nownes  in  the  frenche  tonge  as  ende  in  te 
whose  englysshe  also  with  us  endeth  in  te,  by  cause  we  use  the  same 
wordes  in  our  tonge,  or  whose  englysshe  endeth  in  heed  as  godheed, 
manheed,  or  in  nesse  as  goodnesse,  fayrenesse,  al  suche  nownes  in 
the  frenche  tong  with  theyr  plurell  nombres  shall  hâve  theyr  accent 
on  theyr  lasl  sillable,  as  charité,  humanité,  deité,  bonté ,  beavlté  :  cha- 
ntez, deitéz,  hamanitéz,  bontéz,  beavlléz;  and  so  of  ail  suche  lyke.  But 
in  other  wordes,  to  theym  that  be  lerned ,  to  expresse  this  thynge 
more  playnely,  ail  suche  substantives  as  in  the  latine  tonge  ende  in  tas, 
especially  if  they  be  suche  as  the  logiciens  call  abstractes,  the  frenche 
worde  that  is  formed  of  any  suche,  if  he  ende  in  te,  shal  bave  his  ac- 
cent upon  the  same  te  :  as  for  by  cause  that  out  of  thèse  abstractes  bo- 
nitas ,  ueritas,  deitas,  humanitas  be  formed  thèse  frenche  nownes  bonté, 
uerité,  deité,  humanité,  they  shall,  accordynge  as  I  bave  here  declared, 
hâve  theyr  accent  on  theyr  last  sillable  ;  and  so  of  ail  such  lyke.  And 
in  lyke  wyse,  by  cause  that  of  œstas,  ciaitas,  pietas,  paapertas,he 
formed  esté,  cité,  pitié,  poureté,  though  they  be  none  abstractes,  yet 
by  cause  they  come  of  nownes  endyng  in  tas,  they  folowe  this  rule. 
And  of  this  sort  also  I  fynde  thèse  nownes  folowyng,  congé,  dicté, 
traicté,  whiche  Alayn  Chartier  writteth  congié,  dictié ,  traictié ,  like 
as  he  writteth  planchié,  marchié  and  pechié,  for  planché,  marché  and 
péché.  And  also  thèse  nownes  sarlimé ,  eschauldé,  degré,  euesché,  ar- 
cheuesché,  abbé,  priovré,  laicté,  and  fewe  suche  other.  And  of  this  sort 
be  excès,  procès  and  après,  though  they  ende  in  es. 


But  where  as  there  be  diverse  wordes  in  the  frenche  tong  whiche 
ende  in  te  that  be  nat  formed  of  nownes  in  latine  endyng  in  tas,  as 
honte,  hàvlte,  and  femine  adjectives,  as  côvrte ,  forte ,  and  also  femynyne 
participles,  Sisfàicte,  dicte,  ail  suche  wordes  folowe  the  generall  rule 
of  frenche  wordes  endyng  in  e,  and  bave  tbeyr  accent  on  the  last  sil- 
lable  save  one. 

Seconde.  For  ail  the  participles  prétérit  of  the  fyrst  conjugation  in 
the  frenche  tonge  with  theyr  plurell  nombres  shal  bave  theyr  accent 
on  the  laste  syllable,  lyke  as  I  hâve  some  thyng  touched  hère  afore,  as 
regardé,  aymé,  ordonné;  regardez,  ayméz,  ordonnez;  and  so  of  ail  suche 

And  note  that ,  where  as  the  prêter  perfect  temps  actyve  and  passyve 
in  the  frenche  tonge  is  circumloquuted  by  thèse  verbes  ay  and  suis , 
and  the  participles  prétérit  of  the  verbe,  so  that  in  verbes  of  the  fyrste 
conjugation  they  say  ay  aymé,  ay  regardé;  suis  aymé,  sais  regardé,  and 
so  of  ail  other  :  in  ail  suche  tenses  the  participle  of  the  mascvdyne 
gender  bave  theyr  accent  on  theyr  laste  syllable  ;  as  for  theyr  femy- 
nine  genders  folowe  the  common  rule,  as  I  touched  in  the  trewe 
sowndyng  of  this  vowel  e,  as  aymée,  regardée,  and  so  of  al  other. 







Generally  through  out  ail  the  frenche  tonge ,  ail  maner  of  wordes  Régula  unica. 
of  many  sillables,  in  what  letter  soever  they  ende,  be  it  vowel, 
diphthong  or  consonant,  if  they  be  none  suche  as  I  bave  made  men- 
tion of  in  the  rules  hère  next  before,  that  is  to  say,  ende  nat  in  e 
nor  es,  as  the  plurel  nombres  of  suche  nownes  whose  singlers  ende 
in  e:  ail  suche  wordes  shal  bave  theyr  accent  on  theyr  last  sillable, 
as  aymù ,  aymày,  aimé,  beàv,  colômh,  aaéc,  accord,  bretif,  Diév,  desdaing, 
joîy,  conuerly,  chenal,  renom,  poyssôn,  parôy,  beavcovp,  cordelier,  appren- 
tis, honorablement,  uaincù,  covrtàvlx,  bontéz;  and  the  seconde  parsons 
plureis  of  al  verbes  whiche  ever  sbulde  ende  in  ez  with  an  z,  for  a 

Exceptio  prima. 



différence  from  theyr  singiar  nombres,  whan  they  ende  in  es  :  so  that 
of  ail  suche  vvordes  as  ende  in  es  in  sounde,  the  writtynge  of  an  s  or 
z  after  the  e  declareth  the  diversité  of  accent  ,  and  where  the  redar 
shulde  gyve  the  accent;  for  ail  that  ende  in  ez  hâve  theyr  accent  upon 
theyr  last  sillable. 

Except  from  this  rule  the  thyrde  persons  plurels  of  al  verbes  end- 
yng  in  ent,  as  àyment,  aymoyent ,  aymérent,  aymeroyent ,  aymàssent, 
and  so  of  ail  suche  other,  whiche  ail  hâve  theyr  accent  on  theyr  last 
syllable  save  one,  though  they  ende  in  t  and  that  the  n,  in  ail  suche, 
shalbe  lefte  unsounded ,  as  1  hâve  hère  afore  in  diverse  places  de- 

Except  also  the  seconde  parsons  plurels  of  the  indefmit  tenses  of 
the  indicatif  mode  in  verbes  of  the  frenche  tong  of  what  conjuga- 
cion  so  ever  they  be,  as  parlàstez ,  conuertîstez ,  disiez,  and  so  of  al 
suche  lyke  :  whiche,  though  they  ende  in  tcz,  yet  they  bave  theyr 
accent  on  theyr  last  sillable  save  one.  And  this  to  kepe  true  accent  in 
the  frenche  tonge  I  suppose  to  be  sufEcient. 

Rerola  prima. 






Lyke  as  we  in  our  tong  gyve  our  vowels  somtyme  so  long  pro- 
nounciation  that,  for  the  expressyng  of  suche  sounde  as  we  gyve 
them,  we  double  the  vowel  in  writtyng,  as  doth  appere  in  thèse 
wordes  «  a  baare  caape,  aleene  beere,  a  soore  boore  :  »  so  happeneth 
it  many  tymes  that  the  frenche  men  rest  upon  the  soundyng  of  theyr 
vowels  and  gyve  them ,  where  they  be  written  alone ,  suche  long  pro- 
nounciation  as  we  use  to  do ,  whan  we  double  them  in  writtyng  in 
our  tong;  for  the  declaryng  of  whiche  thyng  thre  thynges  be  to  be 

Fyrst.  That  this  long  pronounciation  is  gyven  onely  unto  theyr 
vowels  whan  they  corne  alone  by  themselfe,  and  nat  whan  they  be 


joyned  to  gyther  in  diphthonges ,  for  diphthonges  shall  ever  kepe 
suche  amaner  of  soundyng  as  I  hâve  before  declared,  where  I  spake 
of  them. 

Seconde.  There  is  no  vowel  in  the  frenche  tong  whiche  of  his  Régula  lenia. 
owne  nature  is  longe  in  pronoimciation ,  save  onely  v,  whose  kynde 
of  sounde  I  hâve  afore  declared  in  his  place.  Except  it  be  the  finall 
vowelles  of  ail  indefinite  tenses ,  whether  they  be  of  one  syllable  as 
dis,  fis,  bus,  tins,  or  of  many  as  maaldis ,  forjfis ,  fays ,  corrampùs,  and 
suche  like  :  for  they  be  ever  long  in  soundyng,  in  what  place  so  ever 
they  come  in  a  sentence.  So  that  the  causes  why  any  of  the  other 
vowelles  be  longar  in  pronounciacion  at  one  tyme  that  at  an  other  be  m  : 
firste,  by  reason  that  the  vowel  fortuneth  next  unto  a  poynt  in  any 
sentence.  Seconde,  that  the  accent  of  the  worde  falleth  upon  the 
same  vowell.  And  thirdly ,  by  reason  that  eyther  a  consonant  or  ii  of 
diverse  sortes  folowe  the  same  vowel  :  so  that  al  thèse  m  thynges 
must  be  concurrant  to  cause  a  vowell  in  the  frenche  tong  to  bave 
suche  a  longe  pronounciacion,  as  I  hâve  afore  described. 

Thirde,  if  m,  n  or  r,  eylher  alone  or  joyned  with  any  other  con-  Régula  quarta. 
sonantes ,  folowe  next  after  a  wowell  or  ii  consonantes  beyng  both  of 
one  sort  commyng  so  as  I  hâve  hère  afore  described,  they  let  the 
vowell  that  he  shall  nat  be  long  in  pronounciacion,  but  folowe  the 
common  sort  of  pronounciation  like  as  they  shidde  bave  in  the  la- 
tine tonge ,  or  hke  as  we  wolde  gyve  them  in  our  tong.  And  thèse  m 
thynges  supposed,  it  is  easy  to  the  lernar  to  discerne  whiche  vowell 
shalbe  longe  in  pronounciation,  and  whiche  nat.  How  be  it  by  example 
I  shall  more  playnly  déclare  this  thynge. 


In  thèse  sentences  :  cest  ang  terrible  cas.  Je  ne  le  ferdy  pas.  Il  a  abatû 
son  mcist.  Il  lui  bailla  conseil,  qu'il  y  regarddst,  and  in  ail  suche  lyke, 
in  thèse  wordes  cas,  pas,  mast  and  regardasl,  by  cause  a  cometh  nexte 
unto  the  poynt,  and  hath  a  consonant  or  two  folowyng  hym,  and 
that  the  accent  is  upon  the  same  a,  they  shalbe  sounded  as  we  wolde 


do  in  englisshe  if  they  were  written  caas,  paas,  maast,  regardaast; 

and  so  of  ail  other. 

Except  where  the  worde  endynge  in  a  hath  eyther  t  or  p  alone  fo- 
iowyng  the  same  a,  for  in  ail  sache  wordes,  bicause  the  sayd  t  or  p 
must  hâve  his  distynct  soirnde,  accordynge  as  I  hâve  in  the  generall 
rules  of  laste  syllables  declared,  the  a  shalbe  sounded  short,  like 
as  we  wolde  sounde  hym  in  our  tong,  as  in  thèse  sentences  :  //  a 
batù  son  chat.  Allons  veoir  le  combat.  Il  boyt  en  son  hanâp,  the  a  shalhe 
sounded  short.  How  be  it  hanap  is  olde  romant,  though  I  fynde  it 
used  in  Froissart. 



In  thèse  sentences  :  Cest  ang  grant  jeveùr  aux  déz.  Les  Romàyns  ont 
uaincus  les  Grecz.  Il  afaict  de  grans  crualtéz.  On  luy  a  oste  quatre  citez, 
e  of  thèse  wordes  dez,  grecz,  crualtéz,  citez,  by  cause  he  commeth  in 
suche  ordre  and  place  as  I  bave  before  described,  shalbe  sounded  as 
though  they  were  written  deez,  gréez,  crualleez,  citeez;  and  so  of  ail 



In  thèse  sentences  :  Elle  a  une  maluâise  teste.  Cest  une  belle  béste.  Je 
leferày  a  uostre  requéste.  Cest  ung  homme  fort  honéste.  Dieu  nous  doint 
bon  uéspre.  Il  est  bon  a  déxtre  :  e  in  thèse  wordes  teste,  béste,  requéste, 
honéste,  uéspre,  déxtre  shalbe  sounded  as  thoug  they  were  written 
teeste,  beeste,  requeeste,  honeeste,  ueespre,  deextre;  and-so  in  al  suche 
like.  And  though  two  the  laste  wordes  have  r  folowynge  theyr  e,  he 
letteth  nat  the  e  to  be  long  in  sounde,  for  he  is  nat  joyned  to  the 
vowell  that  the  accent  falleth  of. 

And  note  that  in  suche  wordes  as  have  theyr  accent  on  theyr  last 
syllable  save  one,  the  accent  may  as  well  fall  upon  any  of  the  other 
vowelles  as  upon  e.  Upon  a,  as  il  est  bien  àspre.  tout  ua  en  gàst.  Upon 


i,  as  il  nest  pas  digne,  il  a  bon  tiltre.  Upon  o,  as  baille  le  a  mon  hô 
sais  tout  uôstre;  in  whiche  wordes  the  sayd  a,  i  and  o,  by cause  they 
corne  in  suche  place  and  ordre  as  I  hâve  afore  described,  they  shaibe 
sounded  aaspre,  gaast,  diigne,  tiiltre,  hooste,  uoostre.  So  that  a  great 
cause  why  the  vowell  is  longe  in  pronounciation  is  bycause  that,  ac- 
cordyng  to  the  rules  above  declared,  the  consonant  next  folowynge 
hym  is  left  unsounded.  And,  by  lyke  reason,  in  wordes  of  one  syl- 
lable  where  one  consonant  onely  foloweth  the  vowell,  he  shaibe  so 
remyssely  sounded  that  in  maner  he  shall  nothyng  be  barde. 


In  thèse  sentences  :  Plus  que  je  ne  dis.  Dieu  scait  quelle  chiére  il  fist. 
Je  làyme  comme  monfilz.  Adonc  elle  enrovgist.  Parainsi  Iheretiqae  se  con- 
aertist:  The  i  of  thèse  wordes  dis ,  jist ,  jilz ,  enrovgist,  conuertist,  shaibe 
sounded  diis,jiist,fiilz,  enrovgiist,  conaertiist.  And  so  of  ail  suche  lyke. 


In  thèse  sentences  :  Apportez  moy  nng  fagot.  Que  je  parle  a  luy  troiz 
môtz.  Il  a  avide  tous  les  pôtz.  Nous  sommez  maintenant  en  avôst  :  The  o  of 
thèse  -wordes  fagot,  motz,  potz,  avost  shaibe  sounded /a^oo<,  mooiz, 
pootz,  avoost;  and  so  of  ail  suche  other.  And  this  for  the  knowledge 
whan  the  wowels  in  the  frenche  tonge  be  longe  in  pronounciation 
and  whan  nat,  I  suppose  to  be  sufhcient. 




Al  be  it  that  I  bave  in  the  chapters  conteyned  in  this  présent  boke 
sufficiently  declared  wberin  the  true  soundyng  of  the  frenche  tong 
consisteth ,  and  what  great  diflerence  there  is  betwene  the  writtynge 


of  it  after  the  observyng  of  theyr  orthographie  and  the  soundyng 
of  the  same  in  redyng  and  spekyng,  Yet  to  shewe  this  notable  diffé- 
rence to  the  lernar  more  plainly  at  the  eie,  and  to  make  a  par- 
fect  and  complet  recapitulacion ,  and  callyng  agayne  to  memorie  of 
ail  the  rules  gyven  by  me  in  this  présent  boke,  I  shall  shewe  hère 
howe  suche  auctors  as  I  estyme  to  be  most  excellent  in  the  frenche 
tonge  begynne  theyr  bokes,  as  well  suche  as  hâve  written  in  ryme  as 
they  that  hâve  written  in  prose ,  and  after  writte  the  same  sentences 
in  every  thyng,  accordyng  as  they  use  to  sounde  the  wordes  in  redyng 
and  spekyng.  And  for  the  more  playn  settyng  out  hereof ,  I  shall  fyrst 
writtfe  a  lyne  in  every  condicion  lyke  as  they  do,  and  after  immediatly 
writte  the  same  line  accoi'dynge  as  it  shulde  be  sounded  lyke  as  by 
my  rules  in  this  présent  boke  I  bave  declared.  So  that  the  often  red- 
yng of  thèse  examples  and  conferryng  of  one  lyne  to  an  other  shalbe 
to  hym  that  hath  ones  accustomed  to  rede  this  boke  a  meanes  to 
imprint  al  the  rules  contayned  in  the  same  in  fast  memory,  and  cause 
hym  to  sounde  the  frenche  tong  in  ail  maner  thynges  like  as  the 
frenchemen  do  themselfe,  where  as  the  tong  is  of  it  selfe  most  perfit. 


A  la  ires  hanlte  et  excellente  majesté  des  princes, 
AlatrehdutoeeuzseHântomajestédeprinsos , 

a  la  très  honnoree  magnificence  des  nobles, 
alatresovnnoréomanifisénsodenôbles , 

circumspection  de  clercz  et  bonne  industrie  du  peuple  francoy s , 

Alayn  Chartier  humble  secrétaire  du  roy  nostre  sire, 

et  de  mon  tresredoubte  seigneur  monseigneur  le  régent, 


loingtain  imitateur  des  orateurs,  salât. 


En  crainte  de  Dieu,  me  humiliant  soubz  la  juste  cognoissance  de  ses  jagemens  ; 

et  retournant  a  sa  miséricorde  soubz  la  poincture  de  sa  punition, 

came  les  haultes  dignitez  des  seigneuries  soyent  establies, 

soabz  la  diuine  et  infinie  puissance  gai  les  esleve  en  jlorisant  prospérité , 

et  gbrieuse  renommée  il  est  a  croire  et  tenir  Jîrmement, 

que  ainsi  que  leurs  commencemens  et  leurs  croyssances, 

sont  maintenues  et  adressées  par  la  diuine  prudence , 

ainsi  est  leur  fin  et  leur  determinement  par  sentence  donnée  ou  hault, 

conseil  de  la  souuerayne  sapience  gui  les  aulcuns  verse  du  hault  throsne, 

et  imperialle  seigneurie  en  la  basse  fosse  de  seruitude , 

et  de  magnificence  en  raine  etfaict  des  vainqueurs  vaincus , 

et  ceulx  obéir  par  crainte  qui  commander  soaloyent  par  aactorite. 

By  this  example  appereth  evidently  that  the  différence  betwene 
the  writtyng  of  the  frenche  tong  and  soundyng  of  it  in  redyng  and 
spekyng  is  vei-y  great;  but  to  shewe  the  lernar  yet  more  playnly  in 



what  places  of  this  boke  thèse  rules  be  rehersed  wherby  I  bave  de- 
clared  upon  what  occasions  ihis  great  alteracion  cometh ,  I  shall 
shew  the  lernar  howe  many  of  the  sayd  rules  be  used  in  the  seconde 
line,  and  lymyt  the  chaptres  where  I  make  mencion  of  them.  Fyrst  : 
the  seconde  line  is  written 


without  any  maner  distinction  betwene  worde  and  worde,  wherby 
I  déclare  the  brefnesse  that  the  frenche  tong  useth  in  soundyng  of 
theyr  wordes,  whiche  in  redynge  and  spekynge  never  cesse  or  pause, 
tyl  they  come  at  suche  worde  where  the  poynl  shulde  be  :  as  I  hâve 
declared  in  the  xlviii  chaptre,  in  the  un  rule  of  the  same. 

Second.  Ail  the  wordes  of  one  syllable  be  joyned  in  writtyng  to 
the  wordes  of  many  syllables  as  though  they  were  partes  of  them,  to 
déclare  that  there  is  no  worde  in  the  frenche  tong  of  one  syllable 
whiche  of  bis  owne  nature  hath  any  accent,  but  is  joyned  in  sounde 
to  the  next  worde  folowyng  hym  of  many  syllables,  accordyng  as  I 
hâve  declared  in  the  lvii  chaptre ,  in  the  fyrst  rule  of  the  same. 

Thirde.  The  s  of  très  is  left  unwritten  bycause  that  h  havyng  bis 
aspiration  hath  the  power  of  a  consonant,  as  I  hâve  shewed  in  the 
\xxiii  chaptre,  in  the  fyrst  rule  of  the  same. 

Fourth.  The  /  of  this  worde  hault  is  left  unwritten  to  déclare  that 
/  so  comyng  before  an  olher  consonant  is  left  with  them  unsounded, 
as  I  bave  declared  in  the  xxvi  chap.,  in  the  un  gênerai  rule  of  mean 

Fyft.  There  is  a  stryke  above  the  hed  of  au,  by  cause  the  accent  of 
the  worde  is  there,  accordyng  as  appereth  in  the  i.x  chaptre,  in  the 
fyrst  rule. 

Sext.  The  e  of  haulte  is  written  like  an  o,  bycause  that  e  beynge  the 
last  letter  shalbe  sounded  almost  like  an  o,  and  moche  in  the  noose, 
as  appereth  in  the  m  chaptre  and  the  v  rule  of  the  same. 

Seventh.  Why  the  t  of  et  is  left  unwritten  I  bave  shewed  in  the 
XLiiii  chaptre,  in  the  thirde  rule. 



Eight.  Why  I  hâve  written  an  h  betwene  the  e  and  x  of  excellente 
I  hâve  shewed  in  the  viii  chaptre  and  the  seconde  rule. 

Nynth.  Why  x  is  chaunged  into  z  I  hâve  declared  in  the  xlvi  chaptre 
and  the  fyrst  rule. 

Tenth.  Why  I  hâve  tomed  the  c  of  excellente  in  to  5  I  hâve  de- 
clared in  the  xxix  chaptre,  the  fyrst  rule. 

Leventh.  Why  I  hâve  tourned  e  commynge  before  n  into  a  I  hâve 
shewed  in  the  m  chaptre  and  the  m  rule. 

Twelfeth.  Why  the  accent  is  upon  a  of  eazsellànte  I  hâve  shewed 
hère  afore  in  the  fyfte  nombre. 

Thretene.  Why  e  is  changed  into  o  I  bave  also  shewed  hère  before 
in  the  vi  nombre. 

Fourtene.  Why  the  s  of  this  worde  majesté  is  written  contrarie  to 
the  VI  generall  rules  of  meane  sillables  (in  the  xxvi  chaptre)  appereth 
in  the  xliii  chaptre,  amonge  the  wordes  begynnyng  with  m. 

Fyftene.  Why  the  last  e  of  majesté  is  lefte  unchaunged  appereth  in 
the  thirde  chaptre,  in  the  exception  from  the  fyft  rxde. 

Sixtene.  Why  the  accent  of  majesté  is  upon  the  last  e  appereth  in 
the  LX  chaptre,  in  thé  fyrst  exception. 

Seventene.  Why  the  s  of  des  is  left  unwritten  appereth  by  the  xlviii 
chaptre,  in  the  fourlh  rule. 

Eyghtene.  Why  the  accent  is  upon  i  in  princes  I  bave  shewed  hère 
before  in  the  fyft  nombre. 

Nynetene.  Why  c  of  princes  is  tourned  into  s  I  bave  before  touched 
in  the  xi  nombre. 

XX.  Why  e  is  tourned  into  o  I  bave  afore  declared  in  the  vi  nombre. 

XXL  Why  the  s  comyng  next  the  poynt  is  left  written  I  bave  afore 
shewed  in  the  xlix  chaptre,  and  howe  he  shulde  be  sounded  I  bave 
shewed  in  the  xxvii  chaptre,  in  the  thirde  rule. 

So  that  if  the  lernar  wyll  accustome  hym  to  marke  a  sentence  as  it 
is  written  in  any  auctor,  and  writte  it  with  suche  vowels  and  consonantes 
as  they  use  to  sounde  in  redyng  and  spekyng,  it  shalbe  a  very  spedy 
mean  to  come  to  the  true  and  perfect  soundyng  of  the  frenche  tonge. 




For  the  true  pronounsyng  of  thynges  writlen  in  ryme,  it  is  to  be 
noted  that  the  last  wordes  of  the  lynes  shall  ever  sounde  theyr  con- 
sonantes  whiche  folowe  after  theyr  last  vowels,  accordyng  as  I  hâve 
afore  declared  in  the  xxvu  chaptre ,  whether  the  poyntes  of  the  sen- 
tences fail  upon  the  same  wordes  or  nat;  that  is  to  say,  the  redar 
shal  gyve  al  thèse  wordes  suche  sounde  as  I  hâve  shewed  that  frenche 
wordes  must  hâve  whan  they  be  red  by  themselfe  :  by  cause  that ,  by 
the  distinct  soundyng  of  suche  wordes,  the  kynde  of  ryme,  wherof 
there  is  many  sondry  sortes  used  in  the  frenche  tong,  is  clerely  dis- 
cemed  and  by  the  herer  perceyved. 

Au  diziesme  an,  de  mon  doalant  exil, 
Avdiziemavndemovndovlâvntevzil , 

Après  maint  daeil,  et  maint  mortel  péril, 
Apremayndveil.emaynmortéperil , 

Et  les  dangiers  quay  jusques  cy  passez 
Eledavngiérkayjevkesy  passez 

Dontjay  saffert  grâces  a  Dieu  assez, 
Dovnjaysevfférgrdsesadievassés , 

Na  pas  gramment  es  cronicques  lisoye 

Et  es  haulxfaictz  des  anciens  visoye 
eehavfaidesavnsiânuizôy  e 

Qui  aa  premier  noble  France  fondèrent , 

Ceulx  en  vertu  tellement  abondèrent , 

Qae  da  pays  furent  vrays  possesseurs , 
Kedepaysfévreuraypossessévrs , 


Et  lont  laisse  a  leurs  bons  successeurs, 
Elounlaysséalevrbovnsevksessévrs , 

Qui  tant  leurs  meurs  et  leurs  doctrines  creurent, 

Et  se  firent  honnorer  et  aymer, 

Craindre  et  douhter  de  ca  et  de  la  mer, 

Justes  enfaictz  socourans  leurs  amys, 
Jévstosanfâisocovrâvnlevrsamys , 

Durs  aux  mauluais,  et  fiers  aux  ennemys, 

Ardans  d'honneur,  et  haulx  entreprenneurs 

Regnans  par  droit,  eureux  et  glorieux, 
Renâvnpardroâtevrévzegloriévz  . 

Et  contre  tous,  fors  et  victorieux, 
Econtrelovforseuitoriévz , 

Or  ont  règne  en  grant  prospérité, 
Orovnrenéangrâvnprosperité , 

Par  maintenir  justice  et  équité, 
Parmaintenirjevstisoeekité , 

Et  ont  laisse  après  mainte  victoire, 
Eovnlaysséaprémântouitôare , 

Les  pays  en  paix,  en  haultesse,  et  en  gloyre 

Et  noz  pères,  qui  deuant  nous  nasguirent, 
Enopérekideuàvnovnakiret , 

En  ce  hon  temps  durèrent  et  vesguirent 
Ansobon  lande  vréreteuekiret , 


Et  passèrent  le  cours  de  leur  aage , 
Epassérelecovrdelevraâge , 

Sears  de  leurs  corps  en  repos  de  courage, 

Las  nous  chetifs  en  malle  heure  nez, 
LanovshetizanmâHoévronéz , 

Aaons  este  a  naistre  destinez , 
Auôvnsetéanâytrodetinez , 

Quant  le  hault  pris  du  royalme  dechiet, 
KavnlehavpridevToyâmodeshiet , 

Et  nostre  honneur  a  grief  reproache  chiet. 




Enfant  de  bonne  indole ,  et  de  très  ingénieuse  nature , 

lequel  je  cognois  par  la  démonstration  de  ta  phisonomie , 
lekéjeconôaparlademovnstratiôvndetafizonomfo , 

estre  flexible  a  toute  docilité,  et  a  la  compréhension  du  hault  savoir 

que  les  dieux  mesmes  ont  en  leur  espargne, 

puisque  ton  vueil  est  ores  en  balance,  ton  pie  prest  a  desmarcher, 

Pour  tirer  ung  chemin  ou  aulire ,  et  les  yeulx  de  ta  pensée  extérieure , 
pourtirérevnshemynovôutro.elesyevzdetapanséointeriévro , 

Vacillent  en  lelection  des  choses  dijférentes  , 
vasilletanlelesiôvndeshôzedifferântos , 


prens  a  ceste  heure  tonploy  non  ejfassable, 

imbue  le  vaisseau  de  ta  noble  ame  de  liqueur  prudente  et  vertueuse, 

et  depainctz  les  tablettes  de  ta  haulte  perspicacité  de  couleurs 
ed  epainzletabléttodetahâvtoperspicasi  tédecovlévrs , 

précieuses  et  immortelles ,  et  en  ce  faisant  séjourne  les  pupilles, 

de  ta  circomspection  discrète  ou  miroyr  de  ma  speciosite  céleste. 

Nauentare  poynt  la  précieuse  galee  de  ton  eaige fleurissant 

au  vent  d'ambicion  sinistre,  et  de  gloyre  vayne  et  desmesuree , 

ny  en  la  tormente  de  négoces  rayneux .  Euite  leperilz  de  tirannicqae  cruaalte, 
nyanlatormântodenegôsorevynévz .  Evitoleperizdetirannickecrevavté , 

les  destroitz  dauarice  insaciable,  et  le  naafraige  inconsidéré  doffencion  de  voysins. 

Ne  tabandonne  poynt  a  la  nayt  de  terrienne  amour,  et  ne  te  fie 

en  hbscurte  dignorance  mondaine, Fuy  le  gouffre  de  villaine  lubricité, 
anlobskevrtédiiiorâvnsomovndalno .  Fvylegôvffrodeuiilâynelevbrisité , 

donne  toy  garde  des  rochiers  de  cupidité  effrénée,  de  la  grave 

doultrecaidance ,  et  de  la  plaige  doultraige  sanguinolent. 




Maintes  gens  dient  qae  en  songes 
Na  se  fables  non  et  menchonges 
Mez  on  peut  teb  songes  songier 
Qui  ne  sont  mie  menchongier 
Ains  sont  apries  bien  apurant 
Si  en  puis  bien  traire  a  garant 
Un  aucteur  qui  ot  nom  Macrobes 
Qui  ne  tint  pas  songes  à  lobes 
Ainschoys  descrist  la  aision 
Qui  aaint  au  roy  Cypion,  etc. 


Maintes  gentes  dient  que  en  songes 

Ne  sont  qae  fables  et  mensonges 

Mais  on  peult  telz  songes  songier 

Qae  ne  sont  mye  mensongier 

Ayns  sont  après  bien  apparant 
Aynsovntaprebienapparavnt,  etc. 


Thus  ende  I  of  my  m  bokes  the  fyrst,  in  whiche  I  hâve,  as  wel  by 
rule  as  by  example,  sufficiently  deciared  howe  the  frenche  tong  in 
redyng  and  spekyng  ought  to  be  pronounsed.  In  the  often  redyng  of 
whiche  boke  if  the  lemar  be  studious,  notyng  specially  what  I  bave 
sayde  (concemyng  this  matter)  in  nay  prologue,  and  therto  exercise 
hymselfe,  accordyng  to  suche  consayles  as  I  hâve  in  the  sayd  pro- 
logue and  boke  deciared,  he  shal  undouted  attayne  to  the  right  and 
naturall  pronounciation  of  this  sayde  tonge. 



In  the  frenche  tong  be  ix  partes  of  speche  ,  article,  nowne,  pronowne, 
verbe,  parliciple,  adverbe,  préposition,  conjonction  and  interjection.  Of 
whiche  v  be  declined ,  that  is  to  say  varie  their  last  letters  :  article , 
nowne,  pronowne,  verbe  and  participle.  And  the  other  iiii  be  iinde- 
clined,  that  is  to  say  remayne  unvaried  in  their  last  letters  for  ail  ma- 
ners  of  spekyng.  '  - 


Articles  they  hâve  but  ii,  vng  a,  and  le  the,  whiche  be  thus  de- 
clined : 

The  masculine  singular  vng,  the  masculine  plurell  vngz. 
The  féminine  singular  me,  the  féminine  plurel  mes. 
The  masculine  singular  le,  the  masculine  plurel  les. 
The  féminine  singular  la,  the  féminine  plurel  les. 


So  that  articles  bave  ii  accidentes,  gender  and  nombre,  whiche  they 
alter  after  the  gender  and  nombre  of  the  substantive  that  they  belonge 

But  howe  le  and  la  lèse  tlieyr  vowels,  comyng  next  before  adjec-     Régula  prima, 
tives  or  substantives  begynnyng  with  voweis  or  with  h  nat  havyng 
bis  aspiracion ,  I  hâve  in  the  iv  chaptre  of  the  first  boke  alredy  de- 

And  howe  vng  is  joyned  to  féminine  substantives  begynnyng  with         Régula 
a  vowel  or  with  h  nat  havyng  bis  aspiration ,  for  to  avoyde  the  harshe 
sounde  of  two  vowels  together,  shall  hère  after  in  the  thirde  boke, 
whan  I  speke  agayne  of  the  article,  appere. 








Of  nownes  some  be  substantives,  of  whiche  I  wyl  fyrst  entreat,  and 
some  be  adjectives,  of  wbom  I  wyll  hère  after  speke. 

Nownes  substantives  be  suche  as  wyl  bave  one  of  the  ii  articles 
before  them,  as  seignévr,  dame,  père,  fille  be  substantives:  for  we  may 
say  vng  seignévr  a  lorde,  vne  dame  a  lady,  le  père  the  father,  la  fille 
the  daughter. 

Substantyves  hâve  vi  accidentes:  gender,  nombre,  parson,  dériva- 
tion, composicion  and  decUnation. 


Régula  prima. 



Genders  be  ii  :  the  masculine  gender  and  the  féminine. 

The  masculine  gender  by  reason  of  signification ,  as  Henry  Harry, 
roy  king,  and  ail  other  names  of  dignities,  offices  or  craftes  belon- 
gynge  onely  to  men. 

By  reason  of  terniination  :  for  ail  other  substantives  whose  gender 
can  nat  be  knowen  by  bis  signification ,  endyng  in  any  vowel  or  di- 
phthong,  except  e.  And  also  the  most  parte  of  substantives  endyng 
in  any  consonant  be  of  the  masculine  gender. 

Except  endyng  in  vowelles,  mercy  and  uertû;  and  in  diphlhonges ,  lay, 
peàu,foy  and  loy. 

The  femynine  gendre  by  reason  of  signification,  as  Catherine  Ka- 
theryne,  roync  queen;  and  ail  other  names  of  dignyteis,  ofTyces  or 
craftes  belongyng  onely  to  women. 

By  reason  of  termynation  :  for  the  moost  parte  of  ail  substantyves  end- 
ynge  in  e,  and  certayne  endyng  in  consonantes  be  of  the  femyne  gender. 
Régula  quarta-  Aud  notc  that  thcrc  is  no  substantyve  in  this  tonge  but  he  is  of 
the  masculyne  gendre,  or  of  the  femynine  certaynly. 

Save  that  I  fynde  sixe  used  of  the  commen  gendre  lyke  as  homo  is 
in  latyne  :  and  other  sixe  used  of  their  auctours  incertaynly,  sometyme 
as  masculynes,  sometyme  as  femynines  :  and  therfore  I  calle  theyni 
of  the  doutfull  gendre. 

Régula  tertia. 



And  as  for  neutre  gendre  they  hâve  none,  resemblyng  therin  the    Régula  quinta. 
hebrevv  tonge,  whiche  also  hâve  no  mo  but  the  sayd  two  genders 
hère  expressed. 

So  that  in  maner  ail  substantyves  of  the  neutre  gendre  in  latyne  be  Régula  sexia. 
in  this  tonge  of  the  masculyne  gendre,  ail  thoughe  they  ende  in  e, 
especially  if  their  latyne  worde  ende  in  um,  as  consile,  miracle  be 
masculynes,  for  they  corne  of  consilium  and  miraculam;  and  so  in  ma- 
ner of  ail  suche  lyke.  But  thèse  thynges  shall  herafter  in  my  annota- 
tions upon  this  accydent,  in  the  thirde  booke ,  more  playnly  and  at  the 
length  appere. 



Régula  tertia. 

Nombres  they  bave  two:  the  synguler  nombre  and  the  plurell.  Régula  prima. 

The  synguler  nombre  hath  as  many  sondrie  terminatyons  as  there 
be  sondrie  vowelles,  diphthonges  or  consonantes  finall  with  them  used. 

Except  of  vowelles  a  and  o  and  of  consonantes  onely  k,  for  in  thèse        Exceptio. 
thre  letters  endeth  no  substantyve  in  this  tonge. 

The  plurell  nombre  endeth  ever  in  s,  xorz,  what  soever  termyna- 
tion  the  synguler  nombre  ende  in,  as  mercy,  aigneâv,  lovp  make  for 
theyrplurels  mercjs,  aigneàvx,  loapz. 

And  al  substantives  whose  singular  nombres  ende  in  any  of  thèse  m 
letters  hâve  theyr  singular  nombre  and  plurel  ail  one ,  as  corps ,  paix 
and  nez  may  serve  indifferently  for  both  nombres. 

And  al  that  ende  in  e ,  nat  havyng  their  accent  upon  the  same  e  in    Régula  quana. 
theyr  singular  nombre ,  by  addyng  to  of  s  forme  theyr  plurels,  as  homme . 

And  note  that  diverse  substantives  in  this  tong  be  used  in  the  plu- 
rel nombre  onely. 

Notyng  hère  also  that,  though  the  substantives  of  this  tong  alter 
theyr  last  letters  by  reason  of  theyr  diverse  nombre  that  they  serve 
for,  accordyng  as  I  bave  hère  shewed  by  example,  yet  there  is  no 
substantive  in  the  tong  but  he  kepetb  bis  first  letters  styl,  what 
nombre  soever  he  stande  for,  save  onely  021/,  for  an  eie,  whiche  ma- 


Régula    quinta. 

Régula  sexta. 


keth  for  his  plurel  nombre  yéulx,  changyng  botli  his  firsl  and  last  let- 
ters.  But  ail  thèse  thynges  shal  in  nay  annotacions  upon  this  accident , 
in  ihe  thyrde  boke,  more  playnly  appere. 


Régula  unica.  Persones  they  hâve  but  onely  the  thirde  in  eche  of  thèse  two 
nombres,  that  is  to  saye,  suche  worde  of  the  verbe  as  agreeth  with  il, 
agreeth  with  ail  substantyves  of  the  synguler  nombre;  and  suche 
worde  of  verbe  as  agreeth  with  Hz,  agreeth  with  ail  substantyves 
of  the  plurell  nombre.  As  lyke  as  they  saye  :  il  parle,  he  speketh;  ib 
parlent,  they  speke,  so  say  they:  vng  homme  parle,  a  man  speketh;  les 
hommes  parlent,  the  men  speke. 


Quœ  forniantiir        Dcrivatyon  OT  formation,  that  is  to  saye,  substantyves  somtyme  be 

a  substanlivis.       »  i      p      i  i  ri  i  -  '  i 

loiu-med  ot  other  substantyves ,  as oi pomme,  an  apipie ,  pommier,  anappie 
tre;  of  tencévr,  a  man  chyder,  tencerésse,  a  woman  chider;  of  covsturiér, 
a  tayllyour,  coastariére,  atayllom-s  wyfe  or  a  woman  tayllyour;  oHeôn, 
a  lyon,  leonceâv,  a  lytell  lyon;  of  liare,  aboke,  liarét,  a  lytell  boke;  of 
femme,  n  wornan ,  femmétte ,  a  lytell  woman;  oî  Jehan,  John,  Jehannét, 
■  yonge  or  lytell  Johan  ;  of  matyn ,  a  momyng ,  matynée,  a  momynge  tyde  ; 
of  corde,  a  corde ,  cordaige ,  store  or  plentie  of  cordes  ;  of  amy,  a  frende , 
amytye,  frendshyppe;  of  ribavlt,  a  rybaude,  rihavldàille ,  a  companyor 
plentie  of  rybaudes;  of  helistre,  a  man  beggar,  belistrésse,  a  woman 
Qtue  Somtyme  they  be  fourmed  of  adjectyves,  as  of  bon,  good,  bonté, 

a  jecivis.      goodnesse;  oi  covrte,  shorte,  covrtàvlt,  a  courtail,  a  horse. 
Qn«a  verbis.         Somtyme  they  be  foxu-med  of  verbes,  as  of  parlôye,  I  dyde  speke, 
^  parlévr,  a  man  spekar  and  parlement  a  spekyng;  of  engendrér,\o  begette, 
engendrévre ,  a  begettynge. 


Composytion ,  for  where  as  dyvers  substantyves  be  symple ,  that  is 


to  saye,  be  nat  compounde  witli  any  other  wordes  as,  homme,  femme 
and  suche  lyke,  niany  in  the  tong  be  compounde,  some  of  two  wordes 
unparfyte ,  as  dymdnche;  some  of  two  wordes  of  whiche  the  first  onelye 
isunparfyte,  as  licôl;  some  of  two  parfyte  wordes,  as  beaupére,  savf 
condvyl  ;  some  be  expressed  by  thre  wordes  of  whiche  the  myddle  is 
a  preposytion,  as  becq  defavlcôn. 


Declynation  in  substantyves  is  none  other  thyng  but  thexpressyng 
what  différence  there  is  bytwene  the  termynations  of  the  synguler 
nombre  and  the  plureil ,  by  addyng  of  an  artycle  or  an  adjectyve ,  and 
an  artycle  of  suche  gendre  and  nombre  as  the  substanty ve  requyreth  ; 
for  cases  in  substantyves  the  frenche  tong  hath  none ,  as  vng  bon  homme, 
vne  bonne  femme;  les  bons  hommes,  les  bonnes  femmes. 

And  note  that  suche  gendre  and  nombre  as  the  substantyve  is  of ,  Régula  prima, 
suche  lyke  gendre  and  nombre  shall  the  article,  adjective,  pronowne 
and  participle  passyve  be  of  :  so  that  in  the  well  knowynge  of  the 
gendre  of  the  substantyve ,  whose  gendre  ail  thèse  four  partes  of  speche 
must  folowe ,  and  in  the  true  formacion  of  the  plureil  nombres  of 
the  sayde  fyve  partes  of  speche  ont  of  their  syngulers  resteth  no 
small  parte  of  congruife  and  certayne  of  knowledge  howe  to  kepe  true 
orthography  in  this  tonge.  And  therfore  of  ail  thèse  thynges  I  shall 
in  the  thirde  boke ,  in  their  places ,  more  at  length  entreate. 


Nownes  adjectyves  be  suche  in  this  tong  as  maye  bave  with  us  er      Descriptio 
and  est  added  to  their  endes,  whan  we  make  comparyson  in  our 
tong;  as  blanc,  noyr,  blev  be  adjectyves  in  frenche,  for  we  saye: 
white ,  whyter,  whitest  ;  blacke^  blacker,  blackest  ;  blewe ,  blewer, 

Adjectyves  bave  sevyn  accidentes  :  gendre,  nombre,  agreyng  with 
their  substantyves,  comparation,  declynacion,  deryvation  and  order. 








Reguia  tertia. 

Reguia  prima.  Gendei's  be  two  :  the  masculine  gendre,  whiche  hath  as  many 
sondrie  terminations  as  iheii"  substanlives  hâve. 

Save  that  in  a,  o,  oy,  b,  k,  p  and  z  endeth  no  masculyne  adjec- 
tyve  in  this  tonge. 

The  femyne  gendre  endeth  ever  in  e. 

So  that  ail  adjectives  whose  masculyn  gendre  endeth  in  e,  hâve 
their  mascidynes  and  femynines  ail  one  ;  as  of  thèse  mascidyne  ad- 
jectives blanc  white,  tardif  slovte ,  be  formed  thèse  femynines  blanche, 
tardifve.  And  thèse  adjectyves,  large,  triste ,  sobre ,  and  ail  suche  lyke, 
remayne  ever  unchamiged,  what  soever  gendre  iheir  substantyve 
be  of.  But  howe  ail  other  femyne  adjectyves  be  formed  out  of  their 
masculynes  I  shall  herafter  in  my  annotations  upon  this  accident ,  in 
the  thirde  boke,  déclare. 


Reguia  prima.  Nombres  be  two,  the  singuler  nombre,  as  hardj,  beàv,  layt  :  the 
plurell  nombre,  as  hardys,  beàvx,  laytz. 

So  that  in  what  terminacion  soever  their  synguler  nombres  ende 
in,  their  plurell  nombres  ende  ever  in  s,  x  or  z,  lyke  as  their  subs- 
tantyves  do.  And  ail  adjectives  endyng  in  e  in  theyr  synguler  nombre, 
by  addyng  to  of  s  form  their  plurelles. 

And  aU  that  ende  in  s  or  in  a;  in  their  synguler  nombres,  ende  in 
the  same  letters  without  any  chaungyng  in  their  plurell  nombres  ;  and 
that  none  ende  in  z  I  bave  hère  before  shewed  in  the  lirste  accident, 
as  gros,  hontévx ,  joyévx ,  and  ail  suche  lyke,  without  any  chaungyng 
serve  indifferently  for  bothe  the  nombres.  But  howe  every  plurell 
nombre  is  formed  out  of  his  synguler  I  shall  in  my  annotacions  upon 
this  accident,  in  the  thirde  boke,  more  playnly  déclare. 


Régula  tertia. 


Reguia  unica.         Agreynge  with  their  substantyves  for  suche  gender  and  nombre  as 


the  substantyve  is,  suche  lykegender  and  nombre  shall  the  adjectyve 
be  of:  as  vng  bon  homme,  une  bonne  femme;  les  bons  hommes,  les  bonnes 
femmes.  But  what  congi-uite  they  use  bitwene  their  substantives  and 
adjectyves,  and  wbal  adjectyves  in  theyr  masculyne  terminalions  wyll 
be  joyned  with  femyne  substantyves,  and  also  howe  the  masculyne 
gendre  conceyveth  the  femine,  shall  herafter  in  the  thirde  boke,  in 
this  place,  more  plainly  apere. 


Gomparation.  The  posityve  tliat  is  ever  the  adjectives  selle,   as     Régula  prima. 
blanc,  noyr,fort;  the  comparatyve  addeth  to  bis  posityve  plus,  without 
any  chaungyng  of  the  adjectyves  selfe,  for  any  expressyng  of  compa- 
ratyon,  as  ^/«i  blanc,  plus  noyr,  plus  fort. 

The  superlatyve  addeth  to  bis  comparatyve  one  of  thèse  sixe  Régula 
wordes  :  le,  mon,  ton,  son,  nostre,  vostre,  leur,  of  suche  gendre  and 
nombre  as  the  adjective  representeth ,  without  also  any  chaungyng  of 
the  adjectyves  selfe,  by  reason  that  he  standeth  for  the  superlatyve 
degré;  as,  le  plus  blanc,  le  plus  noyr,  le  plus  fort;  mon  plus  blanc,  ma 
plus  blanche,  mes  plus  blancz,  mes  plus  blanches;  and  so  of  ail  other 
adjectyves  in  their  tong. 

And  note  that  the  superlatyve  degré  in  this  tong  is  never  expressed  Régula  lertia. 
but  by  the  addyng  of  one  of  thèse  sixe  wordes  onely  to  plus,  so  that 
nul  plus  blanc,  vng  plus  blanc,  deux  plus  blancz,  riens  plus  blanc  and 
ail  suche  lyke  be  comparatyves  and  no  superlatyves.  By  reason 
wherof  appereth  that,  in  this  thynge,  our  tong  is  moche  more  parfyte 
and  more  resembleth  the  latyne  tonge ,  for  we  saye  :  white,  whiter, 
vvhytest:  blacke,  blacker,  blackest:  stronge,  stronger,  strongest,  ex- 
pressyng tbe  degrees  of  comparyson  by  addyng  of  certayne  letters  to 
thende  of  our  adjectyves. 

Except  froni  this  rule  bon,  whose  comparatyve  is  meillévr;  but  his 
superlatyve  addelh  one  of  the  sixe  wordes  ip  meillévr,  as  le  meillévr, 
mon  meillévr  :  Maludys ,  whose  comparatyve  is  pire,  and  for  his  super- 
latyve he  addeth  to  pire  one  of  thèse  sixe  wordes,  as  mon  pire,  ton 



pire,  etc.  But  I  fynde  also  oftymes  used  plus  malvâys  and  le  plus  mal- 
vâys,  after  the  commen  rule.  Grant  also  hath  for  his  comparatyve 
greignévr,  and  le  greignévr  for  his  superlatyve  :  how  beit  I  fynde  of- 
tymes used  plus  grant  and  le  plus  grant.  Of  whiche  sorte  is  also  petit, 
whose  comparatyve  I  fynde  môyndre  and  his  superlatyve  le  môyndre;  but 
for  the  most  parte  they  use  plus  petit  and  le  plus  petit,  after  the  com- 
men rule.  And  note  that  so  often  as  they  wyll  extende  or  dyminysshe 
the  qualyte  of  any  thynge,  without  makyng  of  comparyson  therof  to 
another,  they  use  to  add  thèse  wordes  before  their  adjectyves,  trop, 
fort,  moult,  ires,  peu,  guàyres,  gôvtte  and  suche  lyke;  as  trop  bon  to 
good,fort  bon  very  good,  moult  bon  moche  good,  très  bon  right  good, 
peu  bon  smally  good,  guàyres  bon  but  a  lytell  good,  etc.  But  thèse 
thynges  shall  in  the  thirde  boke,  in  this  place,  more  playnly  appere. 



Régula  prima.  Declynacion  as  tlîus  :  the  masculyn  singuler  blanc,  the  masculyne 

phuell  blancz  :  the  femynine  synguler  blanche,  the  femynine  plurell 
blànchez  :  whiche  lyke  declination  serveth  in  his  degrees  of  compa- 
rision,  as  plus  blanc,  plus  blancz;  plus  blanche,  plus  blànchez;  le  plus  blanc, 
le  plus  blancz;  le  plus  blanche,  le  plus  blànchez. 

So  that  every  nowne  adjective  in  this  tong  hath  un  distinct  wordes 
whiche  he  altereth  after  the  gender  and  nombre  of  the  substantyve 
that  they  be  joyned  withall. 

Excepiio prima.  Except  adjectyves  whose  masculines  singulars  ende  in  s  ot  x  :  for 
they  bave  but  m  distinct  wordes,  by  cause  theyr  singular  and  plurell, 
in  the  masculin  gender,  ende  both  alike. 

And  ail  adjectives  whose  masculin  syngular  endeth  in  e  :  for  ail 
suche  bave  but  ii  distinct  wordes,  for  so  moche  as  theyr  masculyne 
and  femine  singular  be  both  one ,  and  to  forme  theyr  plurels  they  adde 
but  onely  s  to  theyr  singular,  as  by  my  rules  hère  afore,  in  the  fyrst 
and  seconde  accident,  declared,  doth  appere. 

Exceptio  terlia.  Except  also  these  II  comparatives  meillévr  and  greignévr,  whiche 
without  any  changyng  serve  for  both  the  genders  where,  after  my  ge- 



neral  rule,  theyr  féminines  shuide  ende  in  e.  But  thèse  thynges  shall 
hereafter  in  myn  annotations  upon  this  accident,  in  the  thyrde  boke, 
more  playnely  appere. 


Dérivation  or  formation  of  adjectyves,  tbat  is  to  saye,  adjectyves 
somtyme  be  formed  of  substantyves,  as  of  barbe,  barbu,  oîeâve,  eavéux. 

Somtyme  of  participles  of  the  présent  tense,  as  of  honovrânt,  ho- 

Somtyme  of  latine  adjectives  endynge  in  icas,  as  oi  magnijlcas,  ma- 

Somtyme  of  adjectives  in  latine  endyng  in  iuus ,  as  of  sensitiaus, 

Sometyme  of  other  frenche  adjectives,  as  oi grande,  grandét. 

Somtyme  of  theyr  nownes  numeralles,  as  of  deux,  deuxiesme. 

Somtyme  of  latine  adjectives  andynge  in  inus,  as  of  cristallinus , 

Sometyme  of  latine  adjectyves  endynge  in  i7i5,  &so( juaenilis,juaenil. 

Somtyme  of  latine  adjectives  endynge  in  abilis,  as  of  affabilis,  af- 

Somtyme  of  adjectyves  endyng  in  aïis,  as  of  animalis,  animal. 

But  thèse  thynges  and  also  howe  of  divers  latine  adjectives  endyng 
in  dus  and  dis  be  formed  adjectyves  endyng  in  t,  as  wbere  the  latins 
say  frigidas ,  grandis,  they  say/royl,  grant,  shall  hère  after  in  my  an- 
notacions  upon  this  accident  more  playnly  appere. 

a  substantivis. 

Àb  adjectivis 
in  icus. 

Ab  adjectiv'n 

Ab  adjectivis 
in  inus, 

in  ilis, 
in  abilit. 

in  alis. 


Order  betwene  the  substantyve  and  the  adjectyve  contrary  to  our 
tong  :  for  where  as  we  say  a  whyte  horse,  a  blacke  horse,  a  whyte 
cappe,  a  rounde  cappe,  a  long  gowne,  a  short  gowne,  they  say  ung 
cheval  blanc,  ung  cheval  noyr,  ung  bonét  blanc,  ung  bonét  ront,  une  robe 
longue,  une  robe  courte.  But  hère  of  I  shall  more  speke  in  the  thvrde 
boke,  in  this  place. 






Descriptio  Pronowiies  be  suche  as,  standynge  in  the  stede  of  substantives,  may 

goveme  verbes  to  be  of  lyke  nombre  and  parson  with  them,  as  je,  tu 
and  il  be  pronownes,  for  we  may  say  :  je  parle,  ta  parles,  il  parle. 



Of  pronownes  some  be  primitives,  some  be  derivatives,  some  be 
interrogatyves,  some  be  relatyves,  and  some  be  demonstratyves  :  unto 
whiche  I  joyne,  by  cause  of  lykenesse  in  nature,  parti lyves,  distribu- 
tyves  and  numeralles  :  for  ail  that  be  conteyned  under  any  of  thèse 
sortes  may  stande  in  the  stede  of  substantives  and  governe  verbes  to 
be  of  suche  lyke  nombre  and  parsone  as  they  be.  Except  pronownes 
derivatyves  whiche  folowe  rather  the  nature  of  adjectyves  and  must 
nedes  bave  some  substantyve  to  be  joyned  unto.  But  of  thèse  diverse 
sortes  of  pronownes  howe  many  sondry  wordes  be  contayned  under 
eche  of  them,  and  what  they  signifie  in  englisshe,  and  also  what  ac- 
cidentes belonge  unto  them,  shal  hère  after  in  this  présent  chaptre 
appere  in  theyr  ordre. 


Primitives  be  viii  :  je  I;  ta  thou;  il  he;  elle  she;  len,  Ion  or  on  a 
man,  betokenyng  a  parson  uncertayne;  se  hym  or  her;  noa^  we;  aoas 
you;  Hz  they  men;  elles  they  women,  and  se  them  men  or  women. 


Derivatives  be  xii  :  mon  myne;  ton  thyne;  son  bis;  nôstre  our;  uôsire 
your;  leur  theyr,  with  the  adjectives  derived  of  them  :  le  myén  myn 
owne;  le  tyén  thyne  ovrae;  le  syén  bis  owne;  le  nôstre  our  owne;  le 
uôstre  your  owne;  le  levr  theyr  owne. 


Interrogatives  be  m  :  qui  who ,  quel  what  maner,  and  que  what. 



Relatives  be  ii  :  qui  whiche,  and  le  quel  the  whiche. 


Démonstratives  simple  is  onely  ce,  whiche  signyfieth  in  cm'  tong 
somtyme  this,  somtyme  that,  somtyme  they  and  somtyme  it,  ac- 
cordyng  as  the  sentence  lequireth. 

Compoundes  of  him  be  vi  :  cecy  this  hère,  cela  that  hère,  cil  or 
celuy  havyng  qui  folowynge  hym ,  as  cil  qui  or  celuy  qui  he  that  ;  mÊ 

without  qui  he,  or  this  same  :  and  of  hym  ycelay  this  selfe  same,  ces- 
tuy  this  same  :  and  of  hym  ycestuy  this  selfe  same. 


Pai'titives  and  distribulives  be  thèse  :  avlcàn  any  man  or  some  man; 
quelcûn  some  man  or  some  body  ;  chascùn  every  man  or  eche  ;  nessûny 
no  body  or  no  man;  nul  no  or  none ,  and  of  hym  nullvy  no  body;  tout 
ail,  and  of  hym  treslout  ail  to  gether  or  al  hoUy;  tel  suche,  and  of 
hym  avtél  suche  an  other,  and  ytél  suche  selfe  ;  àvltre  other,  and  of 
hym  avllrvy  an  other  body;  quelque  some;  quicônques  who  soever; 
maynt  many;  plusieurs  many. 


ISumeralles,  as  vng,  deux,  troys,  quàttre,  cinq,  six,  sept,  hvyt,  nevj, 
dix,  onze,  dôvze,  tréyze,  quatorze,  quinze,  seize,  dixetsépt,  dixethvyt, 
dixeinévf,  vingt,  trente,  quarante,  cinquante,  etc.  But  of  thèse  in  the 
thirde  boke,  in  this  place,  I  shall  atthe  length  entreate. 

And  note  that,  thoughe  it  ofte  happen  that  a  substantyve  beynge  Régula. 
nominatyve  case  to  a  verbe  hath  no  mo  wordes  before  hym  but  one 
of  the  two  artycles,  or  one  of  the  pronownes  derivatyves,  or  one  of 
thèse  partityves,  dystributyves  or  numeralles,  yet,  if  he  bave  an  ad- 
jectyve,  he  must  nedes  also  bave  one  of  thèse  wordes  to;  as  though 
I  maye  saye  le  màistre,  mon  màistre,  chascùn  mâisîre ,  troys  mâistres, 



and  than  adde  a  verbe,  I  can  nat  saye  bon  màistre ,  saige  màistre,  but 
I  must  nedes  also  bave  one  of  tbese  wordes  comynge  before  tbe  ad- 
jectyve,  whiche  order  is  never  broken,  nother  in  tbe  frencbe  tonge 
nor  yet  in  ours.  In  so  mocbe  tbat  if  a  préposition  also  corne  before 
a  substantyve  bavyng  any  of  tbese  wordes  before  hym,  tbe  préposi- 
tion must  ever  corne  fardest  from  tbe  substantyve,  rs par  nul  mal  en- 
gin by  none  yvell  crafte  ;  pour  mon  bon  màistre  or  my  good  maister, 
wbicbe  order  is  ever  kept  on  botbe  tbe  tonges. 

Pronownes  primityves  bave  viii  accidentes  :  nombre,  person,  go- 
vernyng  of  tbe  verbe,  gender,  declynacion  witb  dyversite  of  cases , 
order  contrarie  to  oure  tonge,  doublynge  wban  tbe  acte  of  tbe  verbe 
retournetb  to  tbe  doer  agayne,  and  composition  witb  mesmes. 


Nombres  be  twayne ,  the  singular  and  tbe  pku-ell.  Of  tbe  singuler 
nombre  be  \uije,  tu,  il,  elle,  len,  Ion,  on  and  se;  of  tbe  pbirell  nombre 
be  the  resydue  nous,  vous,  Hz ,  elles  and  se. 


Persons  be  tbre  in  ecbe  of  tbese  two  nombres  :  tbe  first  person 
singuleryc,  tbe  seconde  tu,  tbe  tbirde  person  il,  elle,  len.  Ion,  on  and 
se.  Tbe  first  person  plurell  nous,  the  seconde  vous,  the  tbirde  Hz,  elles 
and  se. 


Governyng  of  tbe  verbe.  For  suche  nombre  and  persone  as  tbe  pro- 
nowne  is  of,  suche  lyke  nombre  and  persone  shall  the  verbe  be  of. 
As,  to ye  serveth  parlerày;  to  tu,  parleras;  to  il,  elle,  len,  Ion,  or  on, 
parlera ,  and  so  in  lykewise  of  the  pbirell  nombre  :  to  nous  serveth  par- 
lerons; to  vous,  parlerez;  to  Hz  or  elles,  parleront. 


Dyversite  of  gendre  is  expressed  onely  in  pronownes  of  the  thirdé 


persone,  as  i7  he ,  elle  she,  Hz  they  men,  elles  they  women  :  ail  the 
resydue  may  serve  indyfferently  for  both  gendres,  and  expresse  as 
well  maies  as  females, 


Declynation  with  diversyte  of  cases ,  for  thoughe  ail  the  resydue  of 
iheir  partes  declynable  reniayne  unchaunged,  wheder  they  corne  be- 
fore  verbes  of  after  verbes,  or  after  any  other  of  the  partes  that  be 
undeclynable ,  thèse  pronownes  primilyves  bave  a  worde  which  ser- 
veth  whan  they  governe  a  verbe,  and  Iwo,  somtyme  distincte,  whan 
theybe  governed  of  verbes,  and  a  fourth  whan  they  folowe  after  any 
of  the  other  partes  that  be  undeclyned.  Let  us  therfore  call  the  firste 
the  nominatyve  case  that  governeth  the  verbe  :  the  seconde,  the  ac- 
cusatyve  case  governed  of  some  verbes;  the  thirde,  the  datyve  case 
governed  of  some  other  verbes  :  and  the  fourth ,  the  oblyque  case 
governed  ofall  other  partes;  whiche  supposed,  howe  they  be  declined 
shall  hereafter  consequently  appere. 


The  nominatyve  case  ye,  the  accusatyve  and  datyve  me  me,  the 
oblyque  case  moy  me. 

The  nominatyve  case  ta,  the  accusatyve  and  datyve  te,  the  oblyque 
case  toy  the. 

The  nominatyve  masculyne  and  synguler  il,  ihe  accusatyve  case  le 
hym,  the  dative  by  reason  of  some  verbes  Ivy  him,  the  oblyque  case 
Ivy  him. 

The  nominatyve  case  femyne  and  synguler  elle,  the  accusatyve  case 
la  her,  the  datyve  case  by  reason  of  some  verbes  Ivy  her,  the  oblyque 
case  elle  her. 

The  nominatyve  case  of  se,  in  bis  synguler  nombre,  wanteth  :  the  ac- 
cusatyve case  5e  hym  or  her,  the  oblyque  case  soy  hym  or  her,  whiche 
is  used  whan  the  acte  of  the  verbe  retourneth  to  the  doer  agayne. 

And  as  for  len,  Ion,  and  on,  «ois and  vovs  remayne  undeclyned,  and,         Régula. 
without  any  changyng,  serve  for  ail  maner  of  spekyng,  wherby  apereth 


thaï ,  sythe  we  hâve  in  our  tonge  we ,  whiche  serveth  for  the  nominatyve 
case,  and  us,  whiche  serveth  for  an  accusatyve  case  or  obiyque  case, 
as  we  love ,  he  loveth  us;  for  us.  In  this  worde  our  tong  is  more  parfyte. 

The  nominatyve  case  raasculyne  and  plureil  Hz;  the  accusatyve 
case  les  ihem ,  the  datyve  case,  by  reason  of  some  verbes,  levr  theni , 
the  obiyque  case  cvlx  ihem. 

The  nominatyve  case  feniyn  and  plureil  elles ,  thaccusatyve  case  les 
them,  the  datyve  case,  by  reason  of  some  verbes,  levr  them,  the 
obiyque  case  elles. 

The  nominatyve  case  also  oï  se,  in  bis  plureil  nombre  wanteth  ;  the 
accusatyve  case  se  them,  men  or  women,  the  obiyque  soy  them,  men 
or  women,  whiche  also  is  never  used  but  whan  the  acte  of  the  verbe 
retourneth  to  the  doer  agayne. 

But  whan  thèse  cases  shalbe  used  and  whan  riat,  I  shall  in  my  an- 
notacions  upon  this  accident,  in  the  tbirde  boke,  at  the  lenglb  déclare. 
For  in  the  true  usynge  of  thèse  cases  restetli  a  great  parte  of  the  con- 
gruyte  of  this  tonge. 


Order  contrarie  lo  our  tonge;  for  where  as  the  accusatyve  cases 
of  our  pronownes  folowe  our  verbes  of  whiche  they  be  govemed ,  as 
lie  loveth  me,  I  love  ihe,  he  loveth  us,  we  love  them,  in  the  frenche 
tonge,  the  accusatyves  of  iheir  pronownes  primityves  must  corne  ever 
nexte  before  their  verbes,  so  that  they  say  :  il  me  àymc,  je  te  àyme , 
il  nous  àyme,  novs  les  aymùns,  and  so  of  ail  other;  whiclie  order  with 
them  is  never  broken. 
Régula.  But  howe  the  accusatyve  cases  of  thèse  pronownes  primityves  end- 

yng  in  e  or  a  lèse  nat  onely  their  e  in  soundyng,  but  also  in  writyng, 
and  joyne  their  consonantes  to  the  letter  of  the  verbe  that  they  come 
before  if  he  begyn  with  a  vowell,  I  bave  before  in  the  first  boke, 
in  the  lv  chapiter  ail  redy  declared;  so  that,  thoughe  I  bave  written 
or  shall  hereafter  write  il  me  àyme,  je  le  àymc,  and  suche  like  dis- 
tinctely  to  shewe  the  lernar  howe  thèse  accusatyve  cases  come  be^. 


fore  their  verbes,  they  be  ever  written  il  màyme,  je  tàyme ,  il  làyme, 
and  so  forthe  of  ail  other  verbes,  as  I  bave  before  in  the  sayd  lv  cha- 
piter  at  the  length  declared. 


Doublyng ,  whan  the  acte  of  the  verbe  returneth  to  te  doer 
agayne.  For,  thoughe  we  saye  I  dye,  thou  dyest,  he  dyeth  :  they 
saye  je  me  mévrs,  tu  te  mèvrs,  il  se  mévrt,  puttyng  for  the  most  parte 
the  accusatyve  case  of  the  pronowne  before  the  verbe,  more  than 
we  use  in  our  tong  in  the  same  sentence;  whiche  thyng  they  use  in 
maner  thorowe  ail  the  modes,  tenses,  nombres  and  persons  of  ail 
suche  verbes  in  the  frenche  tonge  as  I  call  meanes,  iike  as  shall  he- 
rafter  appere  by  the  conjugatyng  of  them.  But  whiche  verbes  in  the 
frenche  tonge  be  mère  meanes,  or  whiche  maye  be  used  as  meanes, 
and  whiche  nat,  shall  herafter  more  playnly  appere. 


Composition  or  rather  apposytion  of  this  worde  mésmes  to  the  no- 
minatyve  cases  but  especially  to  the  oblyque  cases  of  thèse  pronownes 
as^e  mésmes  I  myselfe;  moy  mésmes  my  selfe;  tu  mésmes  thou  thy  selfe; 
il  mésmes  he  hymseife;  Ivy  mésmes  hym  selfe;  and  so  of  the  resydue  : 
elles  mésmes,  soy  mésmes,  novs  mésmes,  uovs  mésmes,  Hz  mésmes,  elles 
mésmes,  levr  mésmes,  evlx  mésmes ,  elles  mésmes. 


The  pronownes  derivatyves  bave  tre  accidentes,  gendre,  nombre, 
declinatyon,  by  whiche  their  gendre  and  nombre  is  expressed,  and 
resolucyon  in  to  their  primityves. 


The  masculine  singular  mon,  the  féminine  singular  ma. 
The  masculine  and  féminine  plureil  mes. 


The  masculine  singular  ton,  the  féminine  singular  ta. 

The  masculine  and  féminine  plurell  tes. 

The  masculine  singular  son,  the  féminine  singular  sa. 

The  masculine  and  féminine  plurell  ses. 

The  masculine  and  féminine  singular  nôstre,  the  masculine  and 
féminine  plurell  noz. 

The  masculine  and  féminine  singular  uôstre,  the  mas.  and  fem. 
plu.  uoz. 

The  masculine  and  féminine  sing.  leur,  the  mas.  and  fem.  pi.  leurs. 
Régula.  And  note  that  if  a  féminine  substantive  or  bis  adjective  begyn  with 

a  vowel  or  with  h ,  nat  havyng  his  aspiration ,  they  use  nat  before 
them  ma,  ta,  sa,  but  mon,  ton,  son,  for  the  avoydynge  of  the  harshe 
sounde  of  ii  vowels  together,  as  I  shal  in  the  thirde  boke  more 
playnly  déclare. 


Resolvyng  into  theyr  primitives.  For  where  as  we  say  :  he  hurteth 
my  hande;  I  eut  my  fynger;  she  dyd  put  out  her  eie;  they  say  :  he 
me  hurteth  the  hande;  I  me  eut  the  fynger;  she  her  dyd  put  out  the  eie. 
But  hereof  I  shal  in  tins  place,  in  the  thyrde  boke,  more  at  the  length 
intreat  :  in  this  place  I  thinke  sufficient  to  wame  the  lernar  hereof, 
by  cause  the  kinde  of  spekyng  is  moche  différent  from  our  tong. 

And  the  adjectives  that  be  formed  of  them  be  thus  declyned. 

Le  mien,  la  mienne;  les  miens,  les  miennes. 

Le  tien,  la  tienne;  les  tiens,  les  tiennes. 

Le  sien,  la  sienne;  les  siens,  les  siennes. 

Le  nôstre,  la  nôstre;  les  noz;  le  uôstre,  la  uôstre,  les  uoz. 

Le  leur,  la  leur,  les  leurs  :  so  that,  in  this  signification,  the  article 
le  is  ever  put  before  thèse  adjectives ,  of  suche ,  gender  and  nombre 
as  the  adjective  requireth. 


Of  the  pronownes  interrogatives  qui  remayneth  undeclyned,  for 


al  maner  of  spekyng,  though  that  this  worde  «  who  »  in  ourtong  hath 
an  oblique  «  whom.  »  Quel  is  thus  declyned  :  the  masculine  singular 
quel,  the  féminine  singular  quelle. 

The  masculine  plurel  quelz,  the  féminine  plurell  quelles. 

Que  also  remayneth  undeclined ,  save  that  he  hath  an  oblique  case 

And  note   that  qui  and  que  be  never  used  but  in  the  singular        Régula, 
nombre  only. 


Of  the  pronownes  relatives  qui,  without  any  declination  or  chang- 
yng,  serveth  indifferently  for  ail  genders  and  nombres  ;  le  quel  is  thus 
declyned  le  quel,  la  quelle,  les  quelz,  les  quelles,  that  is  to  say,  lyke 
quel  the  interrogative ,  addyng  to  this  article  le. 

But  whan  we  shal  use  qui,  and  whan  quel  with  the  article  before 
hym,  shall  in  the  thirde  boke,  in  this  place,  playnely  appere. 


Of  the  pronownes  démonstratives  ce  is  thus  declyned. 

The  masculine  singular  where  the  substantive  or  adjective  begyn- 
neth  with  a  consonant  ce  :  where  they  begyn  with  a  vowel  or  with 
h  nat  havyng  bis  aspiration  cesl.  The  masculine  plurell  ces;  the  fémi- 
nine singular  ceste;  the  féminine  plurell  céstes.  But  this  thyng  shall 
in  the  thyrde  boke  more  playnly  appere. 


The  masculine  singular  cecy,  the  masculine  plurel  cescf. 
The  féminine  singular  cestecy,  the  féminine  plurel  cescj. 
The  masculine  singular  cela,  the  masculine  plurel  ceslà. 
The  féminine  singvdar  cestelà,  the  féminine  plurel  ceslà. 
The  masculine  singular  cil  or  celvy  (whiche  I  fynde  used  indiffe- 
rently), the  masculine  plurel  cevlx. 

The  féminine  singular  celle,  the  féminine  plurel  celles. 



The  masculyne  singular  ycelvy,  the  masculine  plurel  ycévlx. 
The  féminine  singular  y  celle,  the  féminine  plurel  y  celles. 
And  as  for  cestvf  and  ycestvj  remayne  undeclyned  and  serve  but 
for  the  singular  nombre  onely. 


The  masculine  singular  avlcûn,  the  masculine  plurell  avlcàns. 

The  féminine  singular  avlcùne,  the  féminine  plurel  avlcûnes. 

The  masculine  singular  quelcùn,  the  féminine  singular  quelcàne, 
the  plurel  nombre  wanteth. 

The  masculine  singular  chascùn,  the  masculine  plurel  chascùns. 

The  féminine  singular  chascùne,  the  féminine  plurel  chascùnes. 

The  masculine  singular  nessùng,  the  masculine  plurel  nessùngz. 

The  féminine  singular  nessàne,  the  féminine  plurel  nessûnes. 

The  masculine  singular  nul,  the  masculine  plurel  nulz. 

The  féminine  singular  ««//e,  the  féminine  plurel  nulles,  but  nullvy 
remayneth  undeclyned. 

The  masculine  singular  tovt,  the  masculine  plurel  lovs. 

The  féminine  singular  tôvte,  the  féminine  plurel  tôvtes.  Whiche 
lyke  declination  serveth  to  trestôut. 

The  mascidine  singular  tel,  the  masculine  plurel  telz,  and  of  some 
auctors  I  fynde  used  tiéalx. 

The  féminine  singular  lélle,  the  féminine  plurel  telles.  Whiche 
lyke  maner  of  declination  serveth  to  avtél  and  ytél. 

The  masculine  and  féminine  singular  àvltre,  the  mascuHne  and  fé- 
minine plurel  àvltres  :  but  avltrvy  remayneth  undeclyned. 

The  masculine  and  féminine  singular  quelque,  the  masculine  and 
féminine  plurell  quelques. 

The  mascidine  singular  quelconques ,  the  masculine  plurel  quelz- 

The  féminine  singular  9ae//ecôn(/He5,  the  femm.  TpiuTelquellescônques. 

The  masculine  singiUar  maynt,  the  masculine  plurell  maynts. 

The  féminine  singular  màynte,  the  féminine  plurel  màyntes. 


And  as  for  plusieurs  remayneth  undeclyned. 

And  howe  of  the  numerals  may  be  formed  certayne  adjectives  end- 
yng  in  esme,  as  of  vng  vniésine,  devx  devsiésme,  troys  troysiésme,  quàttre 
quatriésme,  I  hâve  afore  touched  in  the  vi  accident  of  adjectives,  and 
shal  at  the  length  of  ail  thynges ,  aswel  belongyng  to  the  use  of  nom- 
bres as  to  the  same  partitives  and  distributives ,  in  the  thyrde  boke, 
in  this  place,  sufficiently  intreat. 


Verbes  be  suche  as  of  theyr  owne  nature  betoken  doyng  or  suf-       Descriptio 
feryng,  and  havyng  joyned  unto  them  any  of  the  pronownes  primi- 
tives, may  make  a  perfit  reason,  as^e  àyme  I  love  :  ta  parles  thou  spe- 
kest  :  il  court  he  ronneth  :  je  svis  batiï  I  am  beaten  :  ta  es  regardé  thou 
art  behelde  :  il  plévt  it  raynneth. 

Of  verbes  some  be  actyves,  some  be  meanes,  and  some  be  pas-     Divisio  verbi. 
syves  ;  and  agayne  some  be  parsonal,  and  some  be  imparsonals. 

Verbes  actives  be  suche  as  betoken  some  dede  to  passe  from  the      Activa  quae. 
doar,  as  je  bas,  I  béate  regarde,  1  beholde. 

Verbes  meanes  be  suche  as  signifie  no  dede  to  passe   from  the      Media  qu». 
doer  without  forth,  but  expresse  the  acte  to  retourne  to  the  doar 
agayne,  as  je  me  mevrs  I  dye  me  maruàille  I  marvayle. 

Verbes  passyves  be  suche  as  betoken  sufFernynge,  as  je  svis  batà,      Passivaqu». 
I  am  beaten  :  je  suis  regardé  I  am  behelde. 

Verbes  personalles  be  suche  as  in  every  of  theyr  tenses  bave  as    Personalia  quœ. 
many  sondrye  parsones  in  both  the  nombres,  as  shall  appere  after 
that  je  parle  hath. 

Verbes  imparsonalles  be  suche  as  through  al  theyr  tenses  bave      impersonalia 
but  the  thyrde  parson  singular  onely. 

Verbes  actives  parsonals  bave  x  accidentes,  mode,  tens,  circumlo- 
cutyng  of  the  pretertenses,  nombre,  parson,  conjugation,  formation, 
composition,  addynge  of  sillabical  adjections  in  affirmation  and  néga- 
tion and  order  différent  from  our  tong  in  interrogations. 

1 1 . 



Modes  ihey  hâve  vu,  the  indicative  mode  whiche  they  use  whan 
they  shewe  or  teil  a  thyng  to  be  done,  as  je  parle  I  speke. 

The  subjunctive  mode  whiche  they  ever  use  folowyng  an  other 
verbe,  and  addyng  this  worde  que  before  hym,  as  uovléz  uovs  que  je 
parle,  wyl  you  that  I  speke. 

The  potenciall  mode  by  whiche  they  use  lo  expresse  wyll  or  myght 
to  do  a  dede,  asjeparlerôye,  I  wolde,  shulde  or  myght  speke. 

The  imperatyve  mode  whiche  they  use  whan  they  commande  a 
dede  to  be  done,  as  parle  speke. 

The  optative  mode  whiche  they  use  whan  they  wisshe  a  dede  to 
be  done,  a.s  bien  parle  il,  wel  speke  he  or  well  myght  he  speke. 

The  condicionai  mode  whiche  they  use  whan  they  expresse  condi- 
cion  if  a  dede  be  to  be  done,  as  sy  je  parle,  if  I  speke. 

The  infinitive  mode  whiche  they  use  whan  we  use  to  put  to  be- 
fore a  verbe,  as  parler  io  speke. 


Tenses  or  tymes  they  hâve  in  every  of  thèse  modes,  in  some  mo 
and  in  some  fewer. 

The  indicatyve  mode  hath  sixe  tenses.  The  présent  tens,  as  je  parle 
I  speke.  The  prêter  imperfit  tens,  asye  parlôye  1  dyd  speke.  The  in- 
diffinite  tens,  as  je  parlày,  I  spake.  The  preterperfit  tens,  as  je  ay 
parlé  I  bave  spoken.  The  preterplusperht  tens,  asjavôye  parlé  I  had 
spoken.  The  future  tens,  as  je  parlerày  l  shall  speke. 

The  subjunctyve  mode  hath  fyve  tenses.  The  présent  tense,  as  que 
je  parle  that  I  speke.  The  indiffinite  tens,  as  que  je  parlasse,  that  I 
wolde  speke,  shulde  speke  or  myght  speke,  wolde  bave  spoken, 
shulde  bave  spoken,  or  myght  bave  spoken  or  had  spoken  :  whiche 
dyversites  of  signification  is  ever  lymytted  by  the  verbe  that  goeth 
before  que,  by  whom  may  easely  be  gathered  for  whiche  of  thèse  en- 
glysshes  the  frenche  indiffinite  tens  serveth. 


The  preterparfil  tens,  as  (jue  je  àye  parlé  that  I  hâve  spoken.  * 

The  preterpiusperfit  tens,  as  que  je  évsse  parlé  ihat  I  had  spoken. 

The  future  tens,  as  (jue  je  avrày  parlé  that  I  shall  hâve  spoken. 

The  potenciall  mode  hath  two  tenses  :  whiche,  al  be  it  that  they 
signifie  rather  a  maner  and  an  affection  in  doyng  of  a  dede  than 
any  directe  tyme ,  yet  let  us  call  je  parlerôye  I  wolde  speke ,  shulde 
speke,  or  myght  speke,  the  présent  tense  :  and^e  avrôye  parlé,  I  shulde 
hâve  spoken ,  wolde  hâve  spoken  or  myght  hâve  spoken ,  the  prêter 
parfit  tens. 

The  imperative  mode  hath  ii  tenses,  whiche  lie  boroweth  of  the 
other  modes  hère  afore  l'ehersed.  His  présent  tens  boroweth  his  par- 
sones  of  the  same  tenses  in  the  indicative  and  subjunctive  mode,  as 
parle  speke.  The  future  tens,  whiche  boroweth  al  his  parsons  of  the 
présent  tens  of  the  subjunctive  mode,  as  que  je  parle  let  me  speke. 

The  optative  mode  boroweth  also  his  ii  tenses  of  the  siibjunctive  : 
the  présent  tens,  as  bien  parlé  il  well  speke  he  or  wel  myght  he  speke; 
the  indiffinit  tens,  as  bien  parldst  il  well  myght  he  bave  spoken  or 
shuld  bave  spoken. 

The  condicional  mode  boroveth  al  the  tenses  of  the  indicative  mode, 
the  subjunctive  mode  and  the  potencial  mode,  save  only  the  pré- 
sent tens  of  the  subjunctive  mode  ;  and  to  hymselfe  propre  he  hath 
no  tens  in  this  tong,  as  sy  je  parle,  si  je  parlôye,  sy  je  parlày,  sy  jay 
parlé,  sy  jauôye  parlé,  si  je  parlerdy,  sy  je  parlasse,  sy  jâye  parlé,  si 
j  évsse  parlé,  si  je  avrày  parlé,  si  je  parlerôye,  si  je  avrôye  parlé. 

The  infinitive  mode  hath  ii  tenses  :  the  présent  tens  as  parler  to 
speke  :  the  preterparfit  tens,  as  aaoyr  parlé  to  bave  spoken. 

And  note  that,  though  vve  use  indifferently  in  our  tong  «  I  dyd         Régula. 
speke  or  I  speke,  «  in  the  frenche  tong,  betwene  the  preterperfit  tens 
and  the  indiffmite  tens  there  is  a  great  différence,  as  I  shal  more 
playnely  in  the  thyrde  boke,  in  this  place,  déclare. 



Circumlocutyng  of  al  the  preterlenses  ;  for  ail  the  preterperfit 
tenses  and  preterplusperfit  tenses  of  al  verbes  actives  in  the  frenche 
long  and  the  future  tens  of  al  subjunctive  modes  be  circumlocuted 
with  the  tenses  of  je  ay  and  the  participle  prétérit,  like  as  by  the 
same  tenses  o{  je  parle  I  hâve  hère  gyven  example. 
Régula.  And  note  that  the  participle  prétérit  after  the  tenses  oï  je  ay  re- 

mayneth  for  the  most  part  unchanged,  what  soever  nombre  or  par- 
son  the  tenses  of  ^e  ay  represent,  as  by  the  examples  of  ail  the  m  con- 
jugations  hère  after  playnly  shal  appere.  But  of  this  thyng  I  shal  bave 
better  occasion  to  speke  hei-e  after,  and  specially  in  the  thyrde  boke, 
in  the  chapter  of  participles. 


Nombres  be  ii  in  eche  of  thèse  tenses,  except  the  tenses  of  the 

nfinitive  mode,  the  singular  nombre  and  the  plurell. 


Parsons  in  eche  of  thèse  ii  nombres  be  m ,  the  first  singular  whiche 
serveth  only  forye  :  the  seconde  singular  whiche  serveth  only  for  ta  : 
the  thirde,  whiche  serveth  for  ail  other  pronownes  partitives,  dis- 
tributives  and  numerals,  and  ail  substantives ,  whan  he  speke  but  of 

The  fyrst  parson  plurell  whiche  serveth  onely  for  novs  :  the  se- 
conde plurel   whiche  serveth  onely  for  uovs  :  the  thyrde  parson  plu- 
rel  whiche  serveth  for  ail  other  pronownes  partityves,  distributyves, 
and  numerals,  and  also  ail  substantyves,  whan  we  speke  of  many. 
Régula.  And  note  that  eche  of  the  tenses ,  in  every  of  the  sayde  modes,  hath 

in  distinct  wordes  in  bis  singular  nombre  and  m  in  bis  plurell  to  serve 
,j,  to  the  wordes  hère  afore  rehersed  :  save,  as  I  bave  sayde,  that  the 

infinitive  mode  hath  neyther  nombre  nor  parson ,  and  that  the  pré- 
sent tens  of  the  imperatyve  mode  wanteth  bis  first  parson  singular. 


The  présent  and  indiffinit  tenses  of  the  optative  mode  is  most  co- 
monly  used  in  the  ihyrde  parsones  onely,  howe  be  it  they  may  hâve 
al  theyr  nombres  and  parsones. 


Conjugations  be  m.  The  fyrst  conjugation,  through  al  bis  conju- 
gatyng,  is  ever  of  many  sillables,  and  hath  bis  présent  tens  and  par- 
ticiple  prétérit  endyng  in  e  beyng  ail  one  in  wrytting  and  differynge 
onely  in  accent,  and  bis  infinitive  mode  endyng  ever  in  er,  al  m 
wordes  beyng  of  eqiiall  syllables,  as  je  parle ,  jay  parlé ,  parler. 

And  note  that  of  this  conjugation  be  mo  than  balfe  of  the  verbes         Régula. 
parsonals  in  the  frenche  tonge.  The  seconde  conjugation  is  ever  also 
of  many  sillables,  and  hath  bis  présent  tens  endyng  in  is ,  bis  parti- 
ciple  prétérit  in  y,  and  bis  infmityve  mode  in  yr,  ail  m  wordes  beyng 
of  equal  sillables.,  asye  conuerlis,  jay  conuerty,  conaertfr. 

And  thèse  for  the  most  part  be  circumlocuted  in  our  tong  with  «  I         Régula. 
make  »  or  «  I  waxe,  »  b.s  je  blanchis  I  make  or  waxe  whyte  :  je  noyrcis  I 
make  or  waxe  blacke  :  and  so  in  maner  of  al  other  colours  hiay  be 
formed  a  verbe  of  this  conjugation, 

The  thyrde  conjugation  hath  bis  présent  tens  in  maner  ever  endyng 
in  s ,  sometyme  of  one  syllable ,  as  je  bas  I  béate  :  je  tens  I  bende  : 
je  romps  I  breke  :  je  mets  I  put;  sometyme  of  many  syllables,  and 
suche  for  the  most  part  be  compoundes  of  other  verbes  of  this  con- 
jugation that  be  of  one  syllable ,  as  je  combàs  I  fygbt  :  jenténs  I  un- 
derstande  :  je  corromps  I  corrupte  :  jentreméts  I  meddyll  ;  whose  in- 
diffinite  tenses  ende  ever  also  in  s  havynge  before  s  eyther  j,  in,  ev, 
or  V,  as  jefs,  je  prins,  je  recévs,  je  bévs,  sometyme  of  one  syllable  , 
sometyme  of  many.  And  theyr  participles  prétérit  ende  ever  in  s,  t, 
V  or  y,  as  jay  prins,  jay  dit,  jay  batu,  jay  recév,  jay  dormf,  sometyme 
of  one  syllable ,  sometyme  of  many.  Theyr  infinité  modes  ende  eyther 
in  re  or  in  yr,  ever  of  many  syllables,  as  bàtre ,  tendre,  corrompre, 
mettre ,  dormfr. 

An  approbacion  of  al  thèse  rules  bereafore  rebersed  by  tbexemple         Régula. 


of  je  parle,  je  conuertis  a.nd  je  fais,  whose  conjugatynge  tbrough  al 
their  modes,  tenses,  nombres,  and  parsons,  shallhere,  accordyng 
to  the  sayd  ruies,  consequently  appere. 




I  speke.  Je  parle  tu  parles  il  parle,  novs  parlons  uovs  parlez  Hz  parlent. 


I  dyd  speke.  Je  parlôye  tu  parloys  il  parlôyt,  novs  parlions  uous  parliez  Hz  parlaient. 


I  spake.  Je  parlày  tu  parlas  il  parla,  novs  parlàsmes  uous  parlàstez  ils  parlèrent. 


ihave.spoken.         Jay  parlé  tu  as  parlé  il  a  parlé,  novs  auons  parlé  uous  avez  parlé  Hz 
ont  parlé. 


I  had  spoken.         Jauôye  parlé  tu  aaoys  parlé  il  aaôyt  parlé,  novs  auiôns  parlé  uous  auiez 
parlé  Hz  auôyent  parlé. 


ishall  speke.  Je  parlerày  tu  parleras  il  parlera,  novs  parlerons  uous  parlerez  Hz 



Thati  speke.  Que  je  parle  que  tu  parles  qu'il  parle,  que  novs  parlions  que  uous  par- 

liez quilz  parlent. 


Thaï  I  spake.  Que  je  parlasse  que  tu  parlasses  quH  parlàst,  que  novs  parlissions  que 

uous  parlissiéz  quilz  parlassent. 



Que  je  àye  parlé  que  tu  dyes  parlé  quil  ayt  parlé,  que  novs  ayons  parlé  That 

,  i«        •!  I,  I  have  spoken. 

que  nous  ayez  parle  quilz  ayent  parle. 


Que  je  évsse  parlé  que  tu  évsses  parlé  quil  evsl  parlé,  que  novs  evssiôns  TLat 

I  /  •  '  I ,        •!      ,  .  I ,  I  had  spoken. 

parte  que  uous  evssiez  parle  quitz  eussent  parle. 


Que  je  avrây  parlé  que  tu  avrds  parlé  quil  avrà  parlé,  que  novs  avrôns  That 

parlé  que  uous  avréz  parlé  quilz  avrônt  parlé.  spoken. 


Je  parlerôye  tu  parlerôys  il  parlerôyt,  nous  parlerions  uous  parleriez  Hz    i  shulde  speke. 


Je  avrôye  parlé  tu  avrôys  parlé  il  avrôyt  parlé ,  nous  avriôns  parlé  uous     l  shulde  have 
avriéz  parlé  Hz  avràyent  parlé.  ''''°  *"' 


Parlé  or  parlé  tu,  parlé  il,  parlons  or  parlons  nous,  parlez  or  parlez         Speke. 
uous,  parlent  OT  parlent  Hz. 


Que  je  parle  que  tu  parles  quil  parle,  que  nous  parlions  que  uous  par-     Letme  speke. 
liez  quilz  parlent. 


Bien  parlé  je  bien  parles  tu  bien  parle  il,  bien  parlions  nous  bien  parliez        Wei  may 
uous  bien  parlent  Hz.  "P*  *' 




Wel  myght 
I  speke. 

If  I  spekc. 

Bien  parlasse  je  bien  parlasses  ta  bien  parlàst  il ,  bien  parlissions  nous 
bien  partissiez  uovs  bien  parlassent  Hz. 

The  signe  of  the  condicional  mode  used  before  the  présent  lens 
of  the  indicative  mode ,  as 

Si  je  parle  si  tu  parles  sil  parle,  si  nous  parlons  si  vous  parlez  silz 
parlent,  and  so  in  lyke  wyse  usyng  si  Lefore  ail  the  nombres  and 
parsons  of  ail  the  tenses  of  the  indicative  mode,  subjunctive  mode  , 
except  his  présent  tens,  and  ail  the  tenses  of  the  potencial  mode, 
accordyng  as  the  englisshe  shall  require,  and  as  I  hâve  afore  re- 


To  speke.     ^      The  présent  tens  parler,  the  preterparfit  tens  avoyr  parlé. 



I  convert.  Je  conuertîs  tu  conuertys  il  conuertit,  nous  conuertissuns  uous  conuertis- 

sés  Hz  conuertissént. 


I  dyd  convert.         Je  conuerlissôye  ta  conuertissôys  il  conaertissôyt,  nous  conuertissiôns  uous 
conuertissiéz  Hz  conuertissôyent. 


I  converted.  Je  conuertis  tu  conuertys  il  conuertit,  nous  conuertismes  nous  conuertistes 

Hz  conuertirent . 


I  have  Jay  conuerty  ta  as  conaerty  il  a  conaertf,  nous  auôns  conuerty  uous  aaéz 

converted.  ,  ■,  , 

conuerty  Hz  ont  conuerty. 




Jauùye  conuertj  tu  auôys  conuerty  il  auôyt  convertj,  nous  auiôns  con-         \  had 

•  /  ,    .  j  ,  converted. 

verty  uousaaiez  conuerty  ils  auoyent  conuerty. 


Je  conuertirây  tu  conuertirâs  il  conuertirà,  nous  conuertirôns  uous  con-   i  sball  couvert. 
uertirés  Hz  conuertirônt. 


Que  je  conaertye  que  tu  comiertfes  quil  conuertye,  que  nous  conuertyôns    That  l  convert. 
que  uous  conuertyéz  quilz  conuertyent. 


Que  je  conuertisse  que  tu  conuertisses  quil  conuertist,  que  nous  conuer-  Thaï 

.     .,  .     . ,  .,  .,         .  I  converted. 

tissions  que  uous  conuertissiez  quilz  conuertissent. 


Que  je  dye  conuerty  que  tu  àyes  conuerty  quil  ayt  conuerty,  que  nous      That  l  hâve 
ayons  conuerty  que  uous  ayez  conuerty  quilz  àyent  conuertj. 


Quejévsse  conuerty  que  ta  évsses  conuerty  quil  evst  conuerty,  que  nous      That  i  had 
evssiôns  conuerty  que  uous  evssiez  conuerty  quilz  évssent  conuertjr. 


Que  javrày  conuerty  que  tu  avràs  conuerty  quil  avrà  conuertjr,  que  nous  That 

avrôns  conuerty  que  uous  àvrez  conuerty  quilz  avrônt  conuertj.  converted*.* 


Je  conuertirôye  tu  conuerlirôys  il  conuertirôyt,  nous  conuertiriôns  uous        i  shulde 
conuertiriez  Hz  conuertirây enl.  conver . 




I  sliulde  liave 


Let  me  convert. 

Wel  may 

I  convert. 

Wel  mygfat 
I  convert. 

To  convert. 


Javrôye  conuertf  ta  avrôis  conuerty  il  avràjl  conaerty,  nous  avriôns 
conaerty  voas  avriez  conaerty  Hz  avrôyent  conuerty. 



Conuertys  or  conaertys  tu,  conuertye  or  conuertfe  il,  conuertissôns  or 
conuertissôns'nous ,  conuertissez  or  conuerthsez  uoas,  conuertient  or  con- 
uertîent  Hz. 


Que  je  conuertje  que  ta  conuerty  es  quil  conuertye,  que  nous  conuer- 
tiôns  que  uous  conuertyez  quilz  conuertyent. 

*>  THE    PRESENT    TENS. 

Bien  conuertye  je  bien  conuerties  tu  bien  conuertye  il,  bien  conuer- 
tyôns  nous  bien  conuertyez  aous  bien  conuertyent  Hz. 


Bien  conaertisse  je,  bien  conuertisses  ta,  bien  conuertist  il,  bien  con- 
uertissiôns  nous,  bien  conaertissiez  nous,  bien  conuertissent  Hz. 

The  use  of  si  before  the  lenses  I  hâve  afore  shewed  in  the  conju- 
gatyng  of  je  parle. 


The  présent  tens  conaertyr,  the  preterperfit  tens  auàyr  conuerty. 

And  note  that  after  thexemple  of  thèse  ii  verbes  the  lernar  may 
know  howe  to  conjugale  mo  than  ni  partes  of  nii  of  the  verbes  ac- 
tives parsonal  in  the  frenche  tong  :  and  that  a  great  deale  more  cer- 
taynly  than  the  verbes  of  the  Greke  or  Latin  tong  may  be  lerned  by 
any  exemples  that  be  gyven  of  them.  For  the  frenche  tonge  useth  ne- 
ver  augmentation  neyther  chronical  nor  sillabical  in  theyr  fyrst  sil- 
lables  as  the  Grekes  use  to  do  through  ail  theyr  prétérit  tenses ,  nor 


mutation  from  one  vowell  to  another  by  reason  of  composicion,  like 
as  the  Latins  do  :  nor,  in  the  mean  siilables,  any  changyng  of  conso- 
nantes  other  than  the  présent  tons  hath ,  as  the  Grekes  moche  use  : 
nor  sondrie  terminations  of  the  prétérit  tenses  lyke  as  the  Latins  use  ; 
for  the  fyrst  and  mean  siilables  of  ail  verbes  of  thèse  ii  conjugations 
remayne  ever  unchanged,  save  that  I  fynde  sixe  verbes  whiche  hav- 
yng  in  the  m  parsons  of  theyr  singular  nombre,  in  theyr  présent 
tenses,  this  diphthong  ev,  change  it  through  ail  the  residue  of  theyr 
conjugatynge  into  ov,  as  I  shall  hère  after  in  this  boke  touche,  and 
in  my  thyrde  boke  at  the  length  déclare.  So  that  havynge  any  parson 
of  a  verbe  of  eyther  of  thèse  ii  conjugations,  if  the  lernar  can  perfitly 
thèse  two  exemples,  he  may  easely  fynde  out  the  first  parson  of  the 
présent  tense  of  the  indicatyve  mode  and  than  conjugate  theym  through 
al  theyr  modes,  tenses,  nombres  and  parsons  by  addyng  of  suche 
terminations  to  the  sayde  fyrst  parson  as  he  fyndeth  added  to  in  /e 
parle,  and  je  conuertys.    ■ 


In  verbes  of  theyr  thyrde  conjugation  I  fynde  a  litell  more  difficul- 
tie  :  howe  be  it,  by  certayne  generall  rules  of  this  conjugation  also  to 
brynge  the  lernar  to  a  certaynte,  x  rules  be  to  be  noted. 




Fyrst  of  the  présent  tens  of  the  indicative  mode  the  fyrst  and  se-  Régula  prima. 
conde  parsons  singular  be  ever  lyke  endyng  in  s,  and  the  thyrde  par- 
son singular  is  formed  of  them  by  changyng  s  into  t:  so  that,  havyng 
the  first  parson  singular  of  this  tense ,  this  rule  serveth  for  the  other 
two  parsons.  But  in  the  thre  parsons  plurel  of  the  same  tens  I  fynde 
no  generall  certaynte  in  the  vowelles  and  consonantes  that  they  put 
before  ons,  ez  and  ent  :  howbeit,  for  the  most  parte,  the  seconde  and 


thirde  persons  plurell  kepe  ever  the  same  vowelles  and  consonantes 
before  es  and  ent  that  the  first  persone  plurell  hath  before  ons. 

Example  where  the  letters  of  the  thre  persons  plurell  before  their 
small  terminations  be  dyfferent  :  nous  faisons,  uovs /dictez,  Hz  font.  Noas 
disons ,  uovs  dictez ,  Hz  disent.  Novs  bevuôns,  uovs  bevuéz,  Hz  bôyvent. 

Example  where  the  sayde  letters  be  lyke:  novs  prennôns,  uovs  pren- 
néz,  Hz  prennent.  Novs  mettons,  uovs  mettez,  Hz  mettent.  Nous  mordons, 
uovs  mordez,  Hz  mordent.  So  that,  for  the  most  parte,  it  shall  suffice  if 
I  hereafter,  in  the  table  of  verbes,  expresse  the  first  persons  singuler 
and  plurell  of  this  tense  onely.  Howbeit  somtyme  it  shall  be  nedefull 
to  sette  forth  as  well  the  first  persone  singuler  as  ail  the  thre  per- 
sons plurell  distinctly,  for  so  moche  as  I  can  nat  conteyne  thèse  said 
persons  under  any  generall  rule  certayne. 
Kcguia  Seconde.  The  fyrst  parson  singular  of  the  prêter  imperfit  tens  of 

the  indicatyve  mode  is  ever  foi-med  of  the  fyrst  parson  plurell  of  the 
présent  tens  of  the  same  mode,  by  changyng  of  ons  into  oye,  as  oïfay- 
sôns  is  ïormed.  faisôye ,  of  disons  disôye,  of  bevuôns  bevùye,  oî  prennôns 
prennôye,  and  ail  suche  be  conjugate  lyke  parlôye  or  convertissôye.  So 
that  havyng  the  fyrst  parson  singular  of  this  tens,  the  other  parsones 
may  easely  be  conjugate  by  example  of  the  other  conjugations. 
Régula  tertia.  Thyrde.  Of  the  indiflfinite  tense  of  this  mode  the  fyrst  and  seconde 

parsones  singular  be  ever  lyke  endyng  in  5,  as  I  bave  afore  touched; 
and  the  thyrde  parson  singular  is  formed  of  them  by  changyng  of  s 
into  t,  havyng  before  s  and  /  eyther  y,  v,  ev  or  in ,  as  I  bave  aiso  afore 
declared  :  and  bis  m  parsons  plurell  ende  in  smes,  stez  and  rent,  like 
as  the  same  parsons  do  in  the  fyrst  and  seconde  conjugations,  havyng 
ever  before  the  sayd  terminations  the  vowel  or  diphthong  of  theyr 
singular  nombre,  if  there  come  a  vowel  or  diphthong  immediatly  be- 
fore theyr  5;  if  there  come  an  n  before  s  than  they  adde  to  d  before 
rent,  as  je  dys,  tu  dys,  H  dit,  novs  dismes,  uovs  distez,  Hz  dirent.  Je  fis, 
tu  fys,  H  fit,  novs  fismes,  uovsfistez,  Hz  firent.  Je  bus,  tu  bus,  H  bat, 
novs  bûsmes,  uovs  bùstez,  Hz  burent.  Je  decévs,  tu  decévs,  il  decévt,  novs 
decévsmes,  uovs  decévstes,  Hz  decévrent.  Je  prins,  tu  prins,  H  print,  novs 


prinsmcs,  uovs  prînslez,  Us  prindrent.  So  that  onely  the  fyrst  parson  sin- 
gular  of  this  lens  is  uncertayne,  but,  that  ones  had,  the  lernar  may  be 
certayn  by  this  rule  to  forme  the  resiclue  of  al  his  parsons  in  both 

And  note  that  often  tymes  it  happenneth  that  the  singular  nombre  of        Régula. 
this  tense  is  lyke  the  singular  nombre  of  the  présent  tense  in  the  same 
mode,  specially  in  the  seconde  conjugation,  as  appereth  by^e  conaertys. 

Fourtl).  Syns  al  the  preterparfit  and  pluparfit  tenses  of  al  modes  Régula  quarta. 
and  also  the  future  tens  of  every  subjunctive  mode  of  ai  verbes  ac- 
tives parsonals  be  circumlocuted  with  the  tenses  of  ye  ay  and  the  par- 
ticiple  prétérit,  as  1  afore  declared  and  shewed  by  example  oi je  parle 
And  je  conuertis,  in  al  thèse  tenses  is  no  maner  difficulté;  but,  the  par- 
ticiple  prétérit  ones  had,  the  lemar  may  conjugate  ail  thèse  tenses  by 
thexemple  of  the  other  ii  conjugations,  as  by  cause  the  participle  pré- 
térit o{  je  fais  \s  faict,  I  must  say  jay  f aie t,  jaiiôye  faict,  jdye  faict, 
jévsse  faict,  je  avrdy  faict,  javrôye  faict,  auoyr  faict,  puttyng  suche 
and  as  many  tenses  of  je  ay  before  faict  as  I  bave  donc  before  parlé 
and  conaertj'. 

Fyft.  Onely  tlie  fyrst  parson  singular  of  the  future  tens  in  this  Régula  quinta. 
mode  is  imcertayne,  but,  that  ones  knowen,  he  may  certaynly  be  con- 
jugate by  thexemple  of  Je  parlerây,je  conuertyrày ,  as  ferày ,  feras ,  fera, 
ferons ,  ferez ,  feront  :  and  lyke  as  o(je  parlerày  is  formed  parleràye,  so 
of  the  fyrst  parsone  singular  of  this  tense  is  ever  formed  the  fyrst 
parson  syngular  of  the  présent  tens  of  the  potencial  mode  :  whiche 
parson  ones  knowen,  al  his  other  parsons  may  easely  be  conjugate  by 
exemple  of  parterùye  as  of  ferây  is  formed  ferôye  by  changyng  of  ray 
into  roye,  and  conjugale  ferôye,  ferôys,  ferôyt,  ferions,  feriez,  ferôyent; 
of  prendrày,  prendrôye,  prendrôys,  prendrôyt,  prendrions,  prendriez, 
prendrôyent;  and  so  of  al  other. 

Sixt.  The  fyrst  and  thyrde  parsons  singular  of  the  présent  tens  of     Régula  scxta. 
the  subjunctive  mode  be  ever  like  endynge  in  e,  and  the  seconde 
parson  syngular  addeth  to  s.  The  fyrst  and  seconde  parsons  plurell 
change  e  of  the  fyrst  parson  singidar  into  ions  and  iez.  The  thyrde 


parson  pliirell  addeth  nt  to  the  fyrst  parson  singular.  So  that  onely 
the  fyrst  parson  singular  of  this  tense  is  uncertayne  :  whiche  ones 
hadde,  hovve  the  residue  shulde  be  formed  I  hâve  shewed  the  1er- 
nar  in  this  rule,  as  if  he  ones  knowe  that  the  fyrst  parson  singular 
of  thistens  is  que  je  face,  he  may  knowe  by  my  rule  that  he  maketh 
que  tu  faces,  quilfâce,  que  novsfaciôns,  que  uovs  faciéz,  quilz  fâcent, 
and  in  likewyse,  que  je  die,  que  tu  dies,  quil  die,  que  novs  diôns,  que 
uovs  diéz,  quilz  dient,  puttynge  no  consonant  before  ions  and  iez,  ex- 
cept  the  fyrst  parson  singular  bave  one,  as  que  je  préigne,  que  tu 
préignes,  quil  préigne,  que  novs preignons,  que  uovs preignéz,  quilz préignent. 

Régula septima.  Seventh.  By  the  addynge  of  thèse  sixe  terminations  se,  ses,  t,  siôns, 
siéz,  sent,  to  the  fyrst  parson  singular  of  the  indifQnit  tens  in  the  in- 
dicatyve  mode,  the  lernar  shal  forme  the  same  tens  in  the  subjunc- 
tive  mode,  in  ail  his  nombres  and  parsons,  as  of  ye  fis  is  formed  je 
fisse,  tu  fisses,  ilfist,  novs  fissions ,  uovs  fissiez,  Hz  fissent.  And  in  like 
wyse  of^e  recévs,  is  formed  ye  recévsse,  tu  recévsses,  il  recévst,  novs 
recevssiùns,  uovs  recevssiéz,  Hz  recévssent  :  and  oî  je  prins,  je  prinsse, 
tu  prinsses,  il  prinst,  novs  prinssiôns,  uovs  prinssiéz,  Hz  prinssent:  and  of 
je  tins,  je  tinsse,  ta  tinsses,  il  tinst,  novs  tinssions,  uovs  tinssiez,  Hz  tins- 
sent, kepynge  ever,  in  this  tens,  before  the  terminations,  the  vowell  of 
the  same  tense  in  the  indicatyve  mode  and  n  also ,  if  the  sayde  tense 
hâve  n. 

Régula  octava.  Eyght.  Of  the  présent  tens  of  the  imperative  mode  the  thirde 
parsons  singidar  and  plurel  be  ever  lyke  the  same  parsons  in  like 
tens  of  the  subjunctyve  mode,  and  the  fyrst  and  seconde  parsons  plu- 
rell  be  ever  lyke  the  same  parsons  of  like  tens  in  the  indicative  mode, 
so  that  onely  the  seconde  parson  singular  is  uncertayne.  Howe  be  it, 
for  the  most  part,  the  seconde  parson  singular  of  this  tens  is  like  the 
same  parson  of  the  présent  tens  in  the  indicatyve  mode  :  so  that  so 
often  as  the  seconde  parsone  singular  of  this  tens  is  like  the  same 
parson  of  the  présent  tens  in  the  indicatyve  mode,  1  shall,  in  the 
table  of  verbes,  leave  this  parsone  unrehersed,  remyttyng  the  lernar 
to  this  generall  rule  ;  and,  whan  he  differreth  from  the  sayd  seconde 


parson,  I  shal  expresse  hym  in  the  table  of  verbes  next  before  the 
infinitive  mode.  But  of  this  thyng  I  shall  in  my  annotacions  upon  this 
VIII  rule,  in  my  thirde  boke,  intreat  more  at  length.  So  that  after  the 
lernar  knowe  ones  that  the  seconde  parson  singidar  of  this  tense  is 
fay,  he  may  be  sure,  by  this  rule,  that  he  is  thus  conjugate/aj, /âce, 
faysons ,  faictéz ,  fàceni  :  And  in  like  wyse  dy,  dye,  disons,  dictez,  dfenf; 
pren,  préigne,  prennôns,  prennéz,  préignent. 

Nynth.  the  future  tense  of  the  imperative  mode  and  the  présent  Régula  nona. 
tens  of  the  optatyve  mode  be  ever  like  to  the  présent  tense  of  the 
subjunctive  mode;  and  the  undiffinite  tense  of  the  optatyve  mode  is 
lyke  the  same  tens  in  the  subjunctive  mode.  And  the  condicional 
mode ,  in  this  conjugation  ,  is  used  before  suche  and  so  many  tenses 
as  he  is  in  the  other  ii  conjugations  without  any  maner  change. 

Tenth.  the  présent  tens  of  the  infinitivemode  is  ever  also  uncertayne.    Régula  décima. 



Je  fais,  ta  fais,  il  fait,  novs  faisons,  aovs  faictéz,  Hz  font.  In  whiche 
tens  the  fyrst  parsone  singular  and  ail  the  m  parsons  plurei  be  un- 
certayne; andhowe  the  seconde  andthyrde  parsons  singular  be  formed 
appereth  in  the  fyrst  of  the  ten  generall  rules. 


Jefaisôye,  tufaisôys,  ilfaisôyt,  novs  faisions ,  aovs  faisiez,  ilzfaisôyent. 
Whose  fyrst  parson  singular  is  formed  oi faisons,  whiche  is  the  first 
parson  plurei  of  the  présent  tense,  by  changyng  of  ons  into  oye.  And 
theother  parsons  be  varled  like  parlôye  or  conaertissôye ,  havyng  before 
oye,  oys,  oyt,  ions,  iéz,  ôyent,  the  vowel  or  consonant  that  commeth 
before  ons  in  the  sayd  fyrst  parson  plurei,  as  I  bave  declared  in  the 
seconde  of  the  x  generall  rules. 




Je  fis  fia  fis,  il  fit,  novs  fisnies ,  uovsfistez,  Hz  firent.  Whose  fyrst  par- 
son  singular  only  is  uncertayne,  whlche  ones  knowen,  howe  the  re- 
sidue  of  bis  parsons  shiilde  be  formed  I  bave  siiffîciently  declared  in 
tbe  thyrde  of  tbe  x  generall  rules. 


Jayfaict,  tu  asfaict,  il  a  f aie t,  novs  auônsfaict,  uovs  auézfaict,  Hz 
ontfaict.  Varyenge  onely  tbe  tenses  of^e  ay  and  kepyng  styll  tbe  par- 
ticiple  uncbanged,  as  I  bave,  in  tbe  fourlb  of  tbe  x  gênerai  rules  and 
also  in  tbe  rule  of  the  tbyrde  accident  of  verbes  actives  parsonal,  de- 


Jauôye  faict ,  tu  auôysfaict,  il  auôytfaict,  novs  auiànsfaict,  aovs  aaiéz 
faicl,  Hz  auôyent  faict  y  accordyng  to  tbe  sayd  foiirtb  rule. 


Jeferày,  tu  feras,  il  fera,  novs  ferons,  uovs  ferez,  Hz  feront.  Wbose 
fyrst  parsone  singular  only  is  uncertayne,  wbicbe  ones  knowen,  ail 
tbe  otber  parsons  be  formed  lyke  parlerây,  puttyng  in  tbe  stede  of  ray 
Ibr  tbe  otber  parsons  ras,  ra,  rons,  rez  and  ront,  witb  sucbe  vowels 
and  consonantes  as  corne  before  ray  in  tbe  fyrst  parson  singular,  ac- 
cordyng as  I  bave  declared  in  tbe  fyft  of  tbe  x  gênerai  rules. 


Que  je  face,  que  lu  faces,  (juilfàce,  que  novs  faciôns,  que  uovsfaciéZi 
quilz  fàcent.  Wbose  fyrst  parson  singular  onely  is  uncertayne,  wbicbe 
ones  knowen ,  bowe  the  residue  of  bis  parsons  sbulde  be  formed  I 
bave  sufficiently  declared  in  tbe  vi  of  tbe  x  gênerai  rules,  puttyng  ever 
before  es,  ions,  iéz  and  ent  sucbe  vowels  and  consonantes  as  come 
before  e  in  tbe  sayd  fyrst  parson  syngular. 



Que  je  fisse,  que  tu  fisses,  qu'il  fist,  que  novs  fissions ,  que  uovs  fissiez  t- 
quilz  fissent.  Whose  first  parson  singular  howe  he  is  ever  formed  of 
the  first  parson  singular  of  the  indiffinite  tense  of  the  indicative,  and 
to  suche  vowel  as  cometli  before  s  in  the  indicative  mode  addeth  se, 
ses,  st,  siôns  ,  siéz ,  sent,  I  hâve  in  the  vu  of  the  x  gênerai  rules  playnly 


Que  jAye  faict ,  que  tu  àyesfaict,  quil  àyefaict,  que  novs  ayons  faict , 
que  uovs  ayez  faict,  qailz  àyent  faict,  conjugate  accordyng  as  I  hâve  in 
the  fourth  of  the  x  gênerai  rules  playnly  declared. 


Que  je  évsse  faict,  que  tu  évsses  faict,  quil  evst  faict,  que  novs  evssiôns 
faict,  que  uovs  evssiéz  faict ,  quilz  cvssent faict,  conjugate  accordyng  as 
in  the  sayde  fourth  rule  I  hâve  declared. 


Que  je  avrày  faict,  que  tu  avrds  faict,  quil  avrà  faict,  que  novs  avrons 
faict,  que  uovs  avréz  faict,  quilz  avrônt  faict,  conjugate  accordynge  as 
I  hâve  in  the  sayd  fourth  rule  declared. 


Jeferôye,  tuferoys,  il  feràyt,  novs  ferions,  uovs  feriez,  ilzferôyent, 
whose  fyrst  parson  singular  is  formed  of  the  fyrst  parson  singular  of 
the  future  tens  in  the  indicative  mode,  by  changyng  of  ray  into  roye; 
and  howe  he  kepeth  the  same  letter  before  rôye,  roys,  royt,  rions, 
riez,  rayent  that  the  sayde  future  hath  before  ray,  I  hâve  declared  in 
the  fyft  of  the  ten  generall  rules. 




Javràje  faict ,  tu  avrôysfaict,  il  avrôytfaict,  nous  avriàns  faict ,  uovs 
avriéz  faict,  Hz  avrôy eut  faict,  conjugale  accordyng  as  I  hâve  in  the 
sayd  fourth  ruie  declared. 


Fay  or  fay  tu,  face  or  face  il,  faysôns  or  faysùiis  novs,  faictéz  or 
faictéz  uovs,fàcent  or  fàcenl  Hz.  Whose  seconde  parson  singular  onely 
Is  uncertayne ,  and  the  thyrde  parsones  singuiar  and  plurell  lyke  the 
sanie  parsones  of  the  présent  tense  of  the  subjunctive  mode,  and  the 
fyrst  and  seconde  parson  phirell,  lyke  the  same  parsons  of  the  pré- 
sent tense  of  the  indlcatyve  mode ,  accordyng  as  I  hâve  in  the  eyght 
of  the  X  generall  rules  sufficiently  declared. 


Que  je  face ,  que  tufâces,  quilfàce,  que  novs  facions ,  que  uovs  faciéz , 
quilzfâcent,  lyke  the  présent  tense  of  the  subjunctive  mode,  differyng 
only  in  signification  :  for,  in  the  one,  que  je  face  signifieth  that  I  do; 
and  in  the  other  :  let  me  do ,  accordyng  as  I  bave  in  the  nynth  of  the  x 
gênerai  rules  afore  declared. 


Bien  face  je ,  bien  faces  ta,  bien  face  il,  bien  facions  novs,  bien  faciéz 
uovs,  bien  fàcent  Hz,  in  ail  thyng  like  the  same  tense  of  the  subjunc- 
tive mode,  accordyng  as  I  hâve  touchedinthe  nynth  of  the  x  gênerai 


Bien  fisse  je,  bien  fisses  ta,  bien  fist  il,  bien  fissions  novs,  bien  fissiez 
uovs,  bien  fissent  Hz,  in  ail  thyng  like  the  same  tense  of  the  subjunc- 
tive mode,  accordynge  to  the  sayd  nynth  rule. 



Sijefays,  si  tafays,  silfait,  si  novs faisons ,  si  uovs  faictéz,  silzfont. 
And  so  sijefaisàye,  sijejys,  sijayfaict,  si  jauôye  faict ,  sijeferày,  si 
je  fisse,  si  jàye  faict,  si  je  évsse  faict,  si  javrây  faict,  sijeferôye,  sijav- 
rôye faict,  accordynge  as  the  englysshe  requireth,  puttynge  si  before 
ail  the  nombres  and  persons  of  the  sayd  tenses,  lyke  as  I  hâve  donc 
hère,  in  the  présent  tense  of  the  indicative  mode,  so  as  I  bave  declared 
in  the  nyntb  of  the  x  gênerai  rules. 


Faire ,  wiche  is  uncertayne ,  accordyng  as  I  dyd  in  the  x  rule 


Aaoyr faict,  accordyng  as  I  shewed  in  the  fourth  of  the  x  gênerai    Régula  prima. 

So  that  by  thèse  x  gênerai  rules  and  applyeng  of  them ,  as  for 
exemple  to  the  conjugatyng  oî  je  fais,  appereth  that  in  some  verbes 
of  tbis  thirde  conjugation ,  there  be  vni  of  theyr  parsons ,  besides 
theyr  participle  prétérit  and  infinitive  mode,  whiche  can  nat  be 
brought  under  any  gênerai  rule  certayne.  But  for  to  conjugate  the 
most  part  of  ail  suche  verbes  as  be  conteyned  under  tbis  conjugation, 
it  shal  suffice  if  the  lernar  may  knowe  onely  v  of  theyr  parsons  besides 
theyr  said  participle  prétérit  and  infinitive  mode.  So  that,  thèse  vu 
wordes  or  at  the  most  x  ones  Icnowen,  the  lernar  may,  by  the  helpe 
of  thèse  said  x  gênerai  rules,  conjugate  every  verbe  of  tbis  conjuga- 
tion completely  through  the  residue  of  tbis  modes,  tenses,  nombres 
and  parsons,  like  as  I  bave  hère  done  je  fais.  Wherfore  in  this  thyng 
also  to  bryng  the  lernar  unto  a  certaynte,  in  the  table  of  verbes 
whiche  shalbe  in  the  thyrde  boke ,  so  often  as  any  verbe  of  this  con- 



Recula  tertia. 

Régula   quarta. 


jugation  shal  afler  the  order  of  a  6' c  fortune  to  corne  in  place,  I  shal 
reherse  thèse  sayd  vu  wordes  or  x  at  the  most,  as  I  hâve  hère,  in 
the  said  x  gênerai  rules,  made  niencion  of  them  for  the  residue  of 
theyr  hole  conjugatyng;  remittyng  the  lernar  to  my  sayd  generall 
rules,  whiche  vvell  studied  I  am  certayne  shalbe  sufificient. 

And  note  that  there  is  none  of  the  sayd  x  gênerai  rules  so  univer- 
sally  certayne  but  that  some  fewe  exceptions  I  fynde  agaynst  them , 
as  shal  in  my  thyrde  boke,  whan  the  sayd  x  rules  come  in  place,  to 
be  spoken  of,  more  playnely  appere,  but  they  be  very  fewe.  And  so 
often  as  any  verbe  of  this  conjugation  shal  fortune  to  come  in  ques- 
tion ,  if  the  lernar  do  resort  to  the  table  of  verbes,  he  shal  there  fynde 
al  suche  exceptions  as  far  as  concerneth  to  that  verbe  set  oui  in  or- 
der. But,  to  be  certayne  of  this  thyng  through  al  the  verbes  of  the 
tong,  let  the  lernar  resort  to  myn  annotations  upon  thèse  x  generall 
rules  in  the  thyrde  boke,  and  he  shall  there  clerely  be  satisfied  of 
al  thyng  that  concerneth  the  perfection  of  the  tonge  in  this  behaife. 

Note  also  that  thèse  m  conjugations  be  so  utterly  distinct  amonge 
them  selfe  that  there  is  no  verbe  that  hath  his  tenses  sometyme  like 
one  of  them  and  somtyme  lyke  an  other,  save  onely  je  ménge  I  eate , 
whiche  through  al  his  other  tenses  beyng  conjugale  like  je  parle , 
maketh  for  his  indiffinit  tenses  ye  mengàs,  whiche  I  fynde  writteny'e 
mengévs,  and  que  je  mengùsse  or  mengévsse  conjugale  like  the  thyrde 
conjugation,  where,  if  he  folowed  the  rule,  he  shulde  make  je  mengày 
or  je  mangeày,  and  je  mengàsse  ormengeàsse;  and  je  meaccôrs,  whiche 
in  his  présent  tenses  of  the  indicative  mode  and  imperative  mode 
foloweth  the  thirde  conjugation  ;  in  al  his  other  tenses  he  is  conjugale 
like  je  me  fie,  &nd  je  parle.  And  a  fewe  other  wherof  I  shal  make  men- 
tion in  my  thyrde  boke,  in  my  annotations  upon  this  note. 

Note  also  that,  as  far  as  I  bave  hitherto  noted,  there  is  no  verbe 
active  parsonai  in  this  tong  but  he  hath  as  many  sondry  modes, 
tenses,  nombres  and  parsons  as  je  parle,  je  conaertys  a.nd  je  fais  bave, 
excepte  je  sévis  l  am  wont,  andjensevelys  I  buried  :  whiche  howe  many 
modes  and  tenses  they  hâve  1  shall  hère  expresse. 



Je  sevh,  tu  sevls.  il  sevlt,  nous  savions,  vous  saviez,  Hz  sevlent.  lam  wont. 


Je  savlàye  forined  of  savions  after  the  seconde  of  the  x  gênerai  rules.      i  was  wont. 


Je  sovlàs,  lu  sovlàs,  il  sovlùt,  novs  sovlùsmes,  vovs  sovlustéz,  ils  sov-      Iwaswont. 



And  mo  tenses,  nombres  or  parsons  this  verbe  hatb  nat;  so  that  for     To  be  wonte. 
I  bave  be  wont,  I  bad  be  wont,  and  I  sbalbe  wont,  they  say  jay  aprins 
or  jay  acovstamé ,  jaaôye  aprins,  and  so  forth  in  otber  modes,  borow- 
ynge  tbe  tenses  of  je  ay  and  tbese  participles  aprins  or  acovstamé. 


Je  enseuelis,  ta  enseuelis,  il  enseuelit,  novs  enseuelismes ,  uovs  enseue-        iburied. 
listez,  Hz  enseuelirent.  Que  jenseuelisse ,  que  tu  enseuelissis. 


^s  jay  ensevcly,  jaaôye  enseaely,  que  jàye  enseaely,  que  jévsse  ense-    l  hâve  or  haddt 
uely,  que  javray  enseaely,  javroye  enseaely. 



So  tbat  for  the  other  tenses  they  use  the  tenses  of  ^c  enterre, 
whiche  is  of  tbe  fyrst  conjugation. 

And  therfore  of  ail  tbe  verbes  actives  personall  I  cali  onely  tbese 
twayne  in  the  frencbe  tong  verbes  defectives. 

Note  also  that  tbe  mean  sillables  of  verbes,  natwithstandyng  theyr     Régula quima. 

Régula  sexta. 


conjugalyng,  remayne  ever  unchanged,  save  that  certayne  verbes  of 
the  fyrst  conjugation  change  ev  of  theyr  présent  tens  into  ov,  like  as 
I  hâve  afore  touched,  as^e  plèvre,  je  dcmévre,  je  trévue ;  nous  plovrùns, 
nous  demovrôns,  nous  trovuons,  and  so  kepyng  ov  through  ail  theyr 
conjugatyng  beside.  Except  also  certayne  verbes  of  the  thyrde  conju- 
gation whiche  in  some  tenses  bave  a,  and  in  some  e,  as  ye  apérs, 
je  apparôye,  j apparus,  jay  apparu,  je  apperày,  que  jappére,  and  fewe 
lyke,  of  whiche  in  the  thyrde  boke  I  wyl  speke  in  this  place  more 
at  length. 

Note  also  that  for  so  moche  as  thèse  m  verbes  je  aevlx  I  wil ,  je 
puis  I  may,  and^e  doits  I  owe,  come  often  in  use  in  this  tong,  and 
that  in  the  formation  of  some  of  theyr  parsons  they  do  alter  from 
the  X  gênerai  rules,  and  farthermore  want  somtyme  of  theyr  parsons, 
and  somtyme  a  hole  mode,  like  as  the  verbes  defectives  in  this  tong 
do,  I  thinke  it  necessarie  to  shewe  hère  in  this  place  howe  thèse 
sayd  III  verbes  be  conjugate,  where  it  shalbe  requisit,  conjugatyng 
tliem  at  the  length,  and  where  as  they  folowe  the  sayd  x  gênerai 
rules,  to  remit  the  lernar  to  them. 


I  wy». 

I  dyd  wyl. 
I  wolde. 

I  hâve  wyld. 
I  sha)  wil. 

Je  uveil  or  je  aevlx,  ta  uevlx,  il  aevlt,  novs  uovlôns,  uovs  aovléz, 
Hz  uévllent. 

Je  uovlàye,  formed  of  uovlôns,  conjugate  lyke  parlôye. 

Je  uovlûs,  ta  uovlàs,  il  uovlàt,  novs  uovlùsmes,  uovs  uovlustéz,  Hz 
uov  lurent. 

Jay  uovlu,  jauôye  aovlû ,  lyke  jay  parlé  jauôye  parlé. 

Je  uovldrày,  tu  uovldràs,  etc.  kepyng  d  before  the  terminations  of 
this  tense. 


That  I  wyll.  Que  je  uveille,  que  tu  uveilles,  qu'il  uveîlle,  que  novs  uveillôns,  etc. 

Thaiiwylled.         Que  je  uovlsisse ,  whiche,   if  be   folowed  the  rule,  shulde   make 

uovlùsse,  conjugate  uovhisses,  uovlsist,  uovlsissiôns ,  uovlsissiéz,  uovlsissent. 


Que  jàye  aovlû,  etc.  que  jévsse  uovlà  etc.  que  javrày  uovlà  etc.  lyke      Thatihave 
as  m  other  verbes. 


Je  uovldrôye  formed  of  uovldrày,  conjugate  lyke  parlerôye,  javrôye        i  wolde. 
uovlû,  etc.  , 


Uevlx,  uveille,  uovlôns,  uovléz,  uveillent.  Wyll. 

Que  je  uveille,  que  lu  uveilles,  qu'il  uveille,  que  novs  uveilliôns,  que     Let  me  wiH. 
aovs  uveilliéz,  qu'ils  uveillent. 


Diev  uveille,  uovlsist  Dieu,  used  onely  in  the  thyrde  parsones  sin-       God  wyl. 

gular.  Wolde  to  God. 

And  of  the  condicional  mode  is  no  difficulté. 


Uovloir  and  auoyr  uovlà.  To  wyl. 

OF  THE  indicative  MODE. 

Je  puys  or  je  pevlx,  tu  puys,  il  pevlt,  novs  povôns,  nous  povéz,  Hz         i  may. 

Je  povôye,  etc.  je  pevs,  tu  pevs,  il  pevt,  nous  peusmes,  uous  pevstéz,       idydmow, 

,  ormyght. 

ils  pevrent. 

Jay  pev,  etc.  jauôye  peu,  etc.  je  povrrdy,  etc.  ihavemowe. 

OF  the  subjcnctyve  mode. 

THE  PRESENT  TENS  (wanteth). 

The  indiffinite  shulde  make  je  pévsse,  and  so  Alayn  Chartier  and        i  myght, 
Frossart  useth  theym  :  but  I  fynde  more  in  use  je  puysse,  tu  puysses,  myght. 

ilpuist  or  pufsse,  etc.  que  je  aye  pev,  etc.  que  j  eusse  pev ,  etc.  que  javrày 
pev,  etc. 


Je  pourrùye,  etc.  je  avrôye  pev,  etc.  Ishuide  mowe. 



THE  IMPERATIVE  MODE   (wanteth). 


THE    PRESENT    TENSE    (wanteth). 

Welmighti.  Bien  puisse  je,  bien  puisses  ta,  bien  paisse  il,  bien  puissions  novs,  etc. 


To  mowe.  Povuoyr  and  auoyr  pev. 


lowe.  Je  doybs,  tu  doybs,  il  doybt,  novs  deaàns,  aovs  deuéz,  ils  dôyuent. 

I  ought.  Je  deuôye,  etc.  je  devs,  ta  devs,  il  devt,  novs  dévsmes,  aovs  déustez, 

ils  devrent. 

Jay  dev,  etc.  jaaôye  dev. 
I  shal  owe.  Je  deuerày,  tu  deueràs,  etc. 


Thaï  I  owe.  Que  je  dôye,  que  tadôyes,  qu'il  dôye,  que  novs  doyiôns,  que  aovs  doyiéz, 

qu'ils  dôyent. 
Thati  ought  Que  je  dévsse,  que  tu  dévsses,  quil  devst,  que  novs  devssiôns,  etc. 

Que  jàye  dev,  etc.  que  jévsse  dev,  etc.  que  javrày  dev,  que  tu  avràs 
dev,  etc. 


ishuideowe.         Je  deaerôye ,  tu  deaerôys,  etc.  javrôye  dev,  tu  avrôys  dev,  etc.... 


Come  seldome  or  never  in  use.  If  they  do,  howe  they  be  formed 
appereth  in  the  x  generall  rides. 


To  owe.  Debuoyr  and  auoyr  dev. 

Régula sepiima.  Nole  also  that  generally  through  eut  al  this  tong  ail  maner  verbes, 
whether  they  be  actives  or  meanes,  kepe  through  altheyr  modes,  tenses, 
nombres  and  parsons,  one  selfe  letter  at  theyr  begynnyng,  howe  so 


ever  theyr  latter  terminations  be  varied ,  for  expressyng  of  theyr  di- 
verse modes,  tenses  and  parsons.  So  that  the  selfe  letter  ihat  the  fyrst 
parsone  of  the  présent  tense  in  the  indicative  mode  hath,  the  selfe 
letter  is  kept  through  out  al  his  conjugatyng.  Except  onely  m ,  je  ay 
I  hâve  ;  je  men  uas  I  go  ;  and  je  svis  I  am ,  of  whiche  howe  je  ay  alte- 
reth  his  fyrst  letter  a  into  o  and  e,  shallhere  by  his  conjugatynge  ap- 
pere,  differryng  to  speke  of  the  other  twayne,  tyll  I  shall  come  to 
speke  of  verbes  meanes  and  verbes  passives  in  this  tong. 


Je  ay,  ta  as,  il  a,  novs  auôns,  uovs  aaéz,  Hz  ont.  i  hâve. 

Je  auôye,  tu  auôys,  il  aaôyt,  novs  aaiôns,  aovs  auiéz,  Hz  auôyent.  i  had. 

Je  evs,  ta  evs,  il  evt,  novs  évsmes,  uovs  évstez,  Hz  évrent.  i  had. 

Jay  ev,  ta  as  eu,  il  a  ev,  etc.,  je  auôye  ev,  ta  auôys  ev,  il  aaôyt  ev,  etc.  i  bave  had. 

Je  avrày,  tu  avràs,  il  avrà,  novs  avrôns,  aovs  avréz,  Hz  avrônt.        •  ishalhave. 

Que  je  âye,  que  tu  àyes,  quil  ayt  or  quil  àye  (for  I  fynde  both  in  That  F  hâve. 
use),  que  novs  ayons,  que  uovs  ayez,  qailz  àyent. 

Que  jévsse,  que  ta  évsses,  quil  evst,  que  novs  evssiôns,  que  uovs  evs-  That  i  had. 
siéz,  qailz  évssent. 

Que  j àye  ev,  que  tu  àyes  ev,  quil  ayt  ev,  etc.,  que  je  évsse  ev,  que  tu  Thatlshai 

;  •/        t  i  ■  '  1  t  •!  '  have  had. 

evsses  ev,  qail  evst  ev,  etc.  que  je  avray  ev,  que  ta  avras  ev,  qau  avra 
ev,  etc. 

Je  avrôye,  tu  avrôys,  il  avrôyt,  novs  avriôns,  aovs  avriéz,  Hz  avrôyent.      i  shuldhave. 

Que  je  avrôye  ev,  que  tu  avrôys  ev,  etc. 

Ay  tu,  ayt  il,  auôns,  auéz,  àyent.  Have. 

Que  je  àye,  que  ta  àyes,  quil  ayt,  que  novs  ayons,  que  uovs  ayez,     Letmehave. 
quilz  àyent. 

Bien  àye,  bien  àyes,   bien  ayt  or  bien  àye,  etc.  bien  évsse,   bien      Wel  myght 
eusses,  etc.  '  '"'^''■ 

Si  je  ay,  si  je  auôye,  si  je  evs,  si  jay  ev,  etc.  iflhave. 

Auofr,  aaojr  eu.  To  have. 

Note   also  that,  though  the  Latins  have  many  other  sortes  of    Régula  octava. 
verbes  personnalles,  besydes  actives,  as  neuters,  déponentes,  com- 



mons,  neutre,  passives  and  suche  other,  in  this  tong  I  comprehende 
al  maner  verbes  personals  under  the  verbe  active  or  the  meane  :  and 
yet  ail  theyr  meane  verbes  foiowe  one  of  thèse  m  conjugations ,  as 
shall  hère  after  immediatly  appere.  For  ail  theyr  verbes  passives  be 
circumlocuted  with  the  tenses  of  ^e  svis,  and  theyr  participle  prété- 
rit (whiche  I  therfore  may  also  call  passyve)  havyng  no  maner  con- 
jugation  propre  unto  themselfe ,  like  as  the  prêter  perfit  and  plusper- 
fit  tenses,  with  the  futm-e  of  the  subjunctive  mode  of  al  theyr  verbes 
actives  be  circumlocuted  with  the  tenses  of  ye  ay  and  the  same  par- 
ticiple, and  hâve  unto  them  no  conjugatyng  propre,  as  the  other 
tenses  bave.  So  that  havyng  well  thèse  iii  verbes, ye  parle,  je  conuer- 
tys,je  fais  and  the  x  gênerai  rules  hère  afore  rehersed,  the  iernar 
may  be  sure  howe  to  conjugate  ail  the  verbes  personnalles  of  this 
tonge  wherof  I  bave  nat  hère  made  expresse  mencion;  for  eyther 
they  be  comprehended  under  the  fyrst  and  seconde  conjugations, 
and  than  thexamples  of  je  parle  and  je  conuertp  is  sufEcient  to  con- 
jugate them  by:  orels  they  be  comprehended  under  the  thyrde  con- 
jugation,  and  than  havyng  vu  wordes  or  at  the  most  x  wordes  that 
be  uncertayne,  whiche  the  lerner  shalbe  sure  to  fynde  out  in  the 
table  of  verbes,  thèse  sayd  x  gênerai  rules  and  example  of  je  fays 
shall  sufficiently  helpe  hym  in  ail  them  :  for  if  any  verbe  happen  in 
some  one  parsone  or  tense  to  be  excepted,  whiche  be  very  fewe,  I 
shal  in  the  sayd  table,  whan  I  reherce  the  sayd  vu  or  x  wordes, 
make  there  of  also  expresse  mention  at  length ,  and  nowe  to  speke  of  the 
residue  of  the  x  accidentes  belongyng  to  verbes  actives  parsonalles. 

THE    vu   ACCIDENT. 

Formation.  For  somtyme  verbes  be  formed  of  substantyves,  as  of 
mérite  mériter,  of  mur  emmurer,  terre  enterrer,  of  pôvldre  empovldrér,  of 
chemyn  cheminer,  of  bras  embrasser,  and  suche  lyke.  Some  be  formed 
of  adjectives,  as  of  blanche  blanchjr,  nofre  noyrcfr,  rôvge  rovgir,  gâvne 
gavnîr,  dôvlce  adovlcyr,  meisgre  ameisgrir. 
Régula  prima.         And  notc  that,  for  the  most  part,  ail  suche  in  oiu"  tong  be  circum- 


locuted  with  «  I  make  »  or  «  I  wax  »  and  our  adjective,  as  blanchyrï  make 
or  waxe  whyte  :  Noyrcîrlmake  orwaxe  blacke,  as  I  hâve  afore  touched 
whan  I  shewed  that  al  suche  verbes  were  of  the  seconde  conjugation, 
Some  be  formed  of  adverbes,  as  of  près  approvchér,  of  loyng  es- 


Composition.  For  some  be  symple  and  nat  compounde  of  any  other 
worde,  as  dyre,  faire,  mettre,  aeoyr,  ovyr,  seôyr,  dormfr,  and  suche  iike. 
Some  be  compoimde  with  an  imperfit  worde  whiche  by  hymselfe 
signifieth  nothyng  in  the  frenche  tong  and  yet  greatly  altreth  the 
verbe  from  bis  signification  whan  he  is  a  simple,  as  mes  and  for; 
whiche  in  our  tong  we  also  use,  save  that  we  call  mes  mys,  as  dire 
is  to  say,  mesdire  to  myssay  '.faire  to  do,  mesfaire  to  mysdo;  not  that 
before  ail  verbes  we  maye  put  mes,  but  where  soever  he  is  thus  used, 
he  thus  altreth  the  signification  of  the  simple; /or,  as  faire  to  do,  for- 
faire  to  forfait  or  fordo;  clorre  to  schutte , /orc/orre  to  schutte  ont  or 

And  note  that  thèse  sortes  of  composicion  be  more  used  in  the         Régula. 
Romant  of  the  Rose  and  of  Alayn  Chartier  than  they  be  of  suche  as 
hâve  written  syth  theyr  tyme. 

Some  be  compounde  of  substantives  comynge  before  them,  as 
mayntenyr  to  mayntayne.  Some  be  compounde  of  adjectives  com- 
mynge  before  them.  Some  be  compounde  of  preposicions  commynge 
before  them,  as  entendre,  soabzméttre ,  povraeoir,  contredire.  As  for  ins- 
tavrér,  conclàrre,  attendre,  substituer  be  holbly  taken  out  of  the  latin 
tong,  and  ai  suche  hâve  ever  hke  signification  in  this  tong  as  they 
bave  in  latin. 

Some  be  compounde  of  adverbes  commynge  before  them ,  as  mal- 
dire to  curse,  bienuiegnér  to  welcome. 


Addyng  of  syllabicall  adjections  in  affirmation  and  négation. 



For  often  tymes  they  put  en  next  before  theyr  verbes,  whan  they 
affirme  a  thyng  to  be  done,  whan  he  signifieth  nothyng,  but  onely  is 
as  a  signe  of  affirmation  used  rather  to  make  the  sentence  more  fuUe 
in  soimde  to  the  eare  than  for  any  nécessite.  And  yet  before  some 
verbes  they  use  hym  twyse  for  the  sayd  consyderation ,  as  :  uovs  en 
avréz,  nen  parlez  plus,  il  sen  est  en  cille,  il  sen  est  en  fovy,  and  suche 
lyke,  where  the  sence  is  alone  if  I  leave  en  out  and  say  :  aovs  avréz, 
ne  parlez  plus,  il  sest  allé,  il  sestfovy. 


For,  where  as  they  put  ne  before  theyr  verbes,  so  often  as  they 
expresse  négation ,  like  as  we  use  «  nat  »  in  our  tong  aftec  oiu"  verbes. 
They  put  also  after  theyr  verbes  pas,  poynt  or  mye,  whiche  of  theym- 
selfe  signifye  nothyng,  but  onely  be  as  signes  of  négation. 
Régula.  Howe  be  it,  it  is  nat  in  the  spekars  pleasure  to  use  one  of  the 

sayd  III  wordes  or  nat,  lyke  as  it  is  of  en  in  theyr  affirmations,  for  in 
maner  there  is  no  verbe  that  hath  ne  afore  hym,  but  he  must  hâve 
eyther  pas,  poynt  or  mye  after  hym. 

And  note  that  betwene  pas  and  poynt  is  no  maner  différence,  but 
it  is  in  the  spekars  or  writtars  élection  whether  he  wyll  use  the  one 
or  the  other,  but  as  for  mfe  is  an  olde  Rommant  worde  and  nowe 
out  of  use  where  the  ryght  frenche  is  spoken. 


Order.  Différent  from  our  tonge  in  interrogations;  for  where  as 
we,  whan  we  aske  a  question  of  a  nowne  substantive,  whether  he 
betoken  a  propre  name  or  nat,  use  in  maner  ever  to  put  the  sayd  sub- 
stantive as  the  last  worde  of  the  interrogation,  as  :  whyther  goeth  the 
king?  Where  is  Charles?  Is  my  gowne  clene.»*  Hâve  you  sadled  my 
horse  ?  In  the  frenche  tonge  they  name  the  substantyve  fyrst  and 
demande  theyr  question  of  hym  afterwarde,  as  le  roy  ou  sen  ua  il? 


Charles  ou  est  il?  Ma  robe  est-elle  nette?  Mon  cheval  lavez  aovs  selle? 
And  though  this  order  be  sometyme  broken,  the  surer  way  is,  for 
savyng  the  right  grâce  of  the  tong,  to  use  suche  order  in  questions 
demaunded  by  substantives  as  I  bave  hère  shewed.  How  be  it  in 
questions  demaunded  by  pronownes,  the  pronowne  in  the  frenche 
sentence  is  ever  the  last  worde,  whether  he  be  se  in  our  tong  or  nat, 
as  :  whither  go  you?  Ou  allez  uous?  Whan  shal  he  corne  ?  Quant  uien- 
drâ  il  ?  Where  dwell  they  ?  Ou  demévrent  Hz  ?  Howe  be  it  they  say  for 
is  he  come  ?  est  il  uenà  ?  Ant  therfore  more  certaynly  I  differ  to  speke 
of  this  malter  tyl  I  shall  come  in  the  thyrde  boke  in  this  place. 


Whiche  be  verbes  meanes,  in  this  tong,  I  bave  in  a  generalte  al  re- 
dy  declared,  imto  whom  1  bave  gyven  this  name  for  ii  causes.  One  for 
so  moche  as  determynatly  they  betoken  neytlier  action  nor  passion, 
for,  where  as  the  doar  and  sufferer  ought  to  be  distinct  parsons,  the 
acte  of  thèse  verbes  retourneth  ever  to  the  doar  agayne.  An  other  for, 
where  as  of  every  veriie  whiche  signifieth  an  acte  to  be  done  without 
forth  may  be  circumlocuted  a  passive  with  the  tenses  oî  je  svis  and 
theyr  participle  prétérit,  whiche  shal  in  dede  betoken  sufferyng  by 
the  act  of  some  parson  without  forth ,  in  suche  verbes  as  be  meanes 
we  can  nat  do  so.  But  thèse  thynges  shal  in  the  thirde  boke  in  this 
place  more  playnly  appere.  Howe  be  it  some  thynge  more  playnely 
hère  to  shewe  the  lemar  howe  he  shall  knowe  suche  verbes  as  in  the 
frenche  tong  be  used  as  meanes. 

In  maner  generally  ail  suche  verbes  as  signifie  a  parsone  to  do         Régula. 
an  acte  eyther  with  bis  mynde,  hole  body  or  any  part  therof,  of 
whiche  the  dede  retourneth  to  the  doar  selfe  agayne,  and  betoken 
none  acte  to  passe  from  hym  without  forth ,  al  suche  verbes  in  this 
tong  be  used  as  meanes. 


I  marvayle,  I  wonder,  I  trust,  I  dispaire,  I  rejoyce,  I  take  though. 


I  doubt,  I  agrée,  I  consent,  I  complayne,  I  waxe  angrye,  I  waxe  sorie, 
I  waxe  prowde,  and  in  maner  ail  suche  verbes  as  signifie  any  passion 
of  pleasure  or  displeasure  to  the  mynde. 


I  lye  dovme ,  I  aryse ,  I  bowe  downe ,  I  stande  up ,  I  go ,  I  walke , 
I  move ,  I  flye  away,  I  dye ,  I  ryse  from  dethe ,  and  in  maner  al  suche 
verbes  as  signifie  the  hole  body  to  be  in  occupacion ,  and  the  acte  ta- 
keth  bis  effect  in  the  body  selfe. 


I  mocke ,  I  laugh ,  I  syt  downe ,  I  leane ,  I  knele ,  I  holde  my  peace , 
I  crye  out,  Ifi^owne,  and  suche  lyke.  Whiche  verbes  greatly  differ 
from  I  see,  I  heere,  I  feele,  I  smell,  I  bandel,  I  pusshe,  I  stryke,  I 
beholde,  I  call,  and  suche  other,  though  thèse  actes  be  also  donc 
with  the  partes  of  ones  body.  For  the  fyrst  signifie  none  acte  to  passe 
from  the  doar  without  forth,  and  the  other  betoken  that  there  is 
some  other  thyng  that  is  seen,  herd,  felt,  smelled,  handled,  pus- 
shed,  stryken,  behelde  or  called.  But  for  so  moche  as  this  rule  is 
nat  so  utteiiy  gênerai,  but  that  I  fynde  exceptions  in  al  thèse  sayd 
III  sortes  of  verbes  :  for  I  fyndy'e  pénce,  je  songe,  je  monte,  je  descéns 
and  certayne  other  whiche,  thoughe  they  signifie  the  actes  of  the 
mynde  or  body  and  betoken  no  dede  without  forth ,  yet  they  be  ever 
used  in  this  tonge  as  actives.  And  farther  more  that,  where  as  we 
hâve  one  worde,  the  frenchemen  use  circumlocution  and  somtyme 
contrary,  where  we  use  circumlocution,  the  frenchemen  bave  one 
onely  worde,  as  where  we  say  «  I  stande,  »  they  say^e  me  tiens  debout: 
and  where  we  say  «  I  holde  my  peace ,  »  they  say  :  je  me  iays. 

To  brynge  the  lernar  out  of  ail  maner  doubtes  whiche  verbes  in 
this  tong,  besydes  them  that  I  bave  hère  rehersed,  be  used  as  meanes 
and  whiche  nat,  and  also  whiche  be  circumlocuted  and  whiche  be 
expressed  by  one  onely  worde,  I  shall  more  playnely  déclare  this 


thynge  in  the  thyrde  boke  in  this  place ,  but  specially  in  the  table  of 
verbes,  where  after  the  order  of  a,  b,  c,  so  often  as  any  verbe  of 
our  tong  shall  fortune  to  corne  in  place,  it  sball  appere  in  the  frenche 
verbe  nat  onely  what  conjugation  he  is  of,  but  also  wbether  he  be 
used  in  theyr  tong  as  a  meane  or  nat,  and  wbether  he  be  circumlo- 
cuted  in  our  tong  or  in  theyrs ,  orels  be  expressed  in  both  the  tonges 
or  in  one  of  them  by  one  onely  worde. 

Verbes  meanes  bave  xi  accidentes ,  of  whiche  ix  be  suche  and  the 
selfe  same  that  verbes  actives  bave,  that  is  to  say,  mode,  tense, 
nombre,  parson,  conjugation,  formation,  composicion,  addynge  of 
syllabicall  adjections  and  order  différent  from  our  tong  in  interro- 

In  the  thyrde  accident,  that  is  to  say,  circumlocutynge  of  the  prê- 
ter tenses  they  difFer  moche  from  verbes  actives  :  for  where  as  verbes 
actives  circumlocute  theyr  preterperfit  and  plus  perfit  tenses  throughe 
ail  theyr  modes,  and  the  future  tense  of  the  subjunctive  mode,  with 
the  tenses  oïje  ay  and  the  participle  prétérit ,  ail  verbes  meanes  cir- 
cumlocute ail  the  same  tenses  with  the  tenses  of  Je  sais,  and  the  same 
participle  with  a  farther  différence  also.  For  where  as  the  participle 
prétérit,  joyned  to  the  tenses  oîje  ay,  remayneth  in  maner  ever  un- 
changed,  as  I  bave  afore  in  the  fyrst  note  of  the  thyrde  accident  be- 
longynge  to  verbes  actives  alredy  declared,  whan  he  is  joyned  to  the 
tenses  oi je  suis,  he  altretli  bis  gender  and  nombre,  accordyng  to  the 
gender  and  nombre  of  the  nominatyve  case  that  governeth  the  sayd 
tenses  oije  sais. 

And  note  that,  though  the  tenses  o(je  sais  beof  farre  différent  si-         Régula, 
gnification  from  the  tenses  of  je  ay,  yet  so  often  as  any  of  his  tenses 
is  put  before  a  participle  of  a  meane  verbe ,  they  bave  the  selfe  same 
signification  that  the  tenses  of  jfe  ay  bave,  as  shal  hère  after  in  theyr 
conjugatynge  playnely  appere. 

The  XI  accident,  by  whiche  also  they  differ  from  verbes  actives,  is 
doublyng  of  the  pronowne ,  for  in  token  that  the  act  of  ail  suche  verbes 
retorneth  to  the  doar  agayne,  they  put  for  the  most  part  before  every 


of  theyr  fyrst  and  seconde  parsons  the  accusative  case  of  the  pro- 
nowne  that  governeth  them,  and  before  ihe  thyrde  parsons  as  well 
singular  as  plurel  se,  what  soever  pronowne  or  substantive  be  nomi- 
natife  case  to  any  suche  verbe  :  whiche  thyng  playnely  by  example  to 
déclare  unto  tbe  lernar  I  shali  bere  immediatly  conjugale  yV  me  fie, 
je  meeshahfs,  and  je  menfufs. 
Régula.  Notyng  first  that,  though  I  double  the  pronowne  before  every 

parson  of  them  for  exemple,  I  fynde  them  many  tymes  used  withoiit 
any  suche  doublyng  and  in  ail  thynges  lyke  actives,  especially  in 
theyr  fyrst  and  seconde  parsons  :  but  in  theyr  thyrde  parsons  of  both 
the  nombres  I  fynde  them  very  seldome  used  without  se  before  them, 
as  I  shal  in  the  thyrde  boke  in  this  place  more  playnely  déclare. 




I  trust. 

I  dyd  trust. 

I  trasted. 

1  hâve  trasted. 

1  hâve  trusted. 


Je  me  fie,  tu  te  fies,  il  se  fie,  novs  novs  fions,  uovs  uovs  fiez,  Hz  se 


Je  me  fiôye,  ta  te  fiôyes,  ilsefiàyt,  novs  novs  fijàns ,  uovs  uovsfijéz,  Hz 


Je  mefdy,  ta  tefiàs,  ilsefià,  novs  novsfiàsmes,  uovs  uovsfiastéz,  Hz 
se  fièrent. 


Je  me  suis  fie,  tu  ten  es  fie,  il  sen  est  fie,  novs  novs  sommes  fiez,  uovs 
uovs  estez  fiez,  Hz  sen  sont  fiez. 


Je  me  suis  fiée,  tu  ten  es  fiée,  elle  sen  est  fiée,  novs  novs  sommes  fiées, 
uovs  uovs  estez  fiées,  elles  sen  sont  fiées. 


And  note  that  the  preterperfit  and  the  preterplusperfit  tenses  of  Régula. 
al  meane  verbes,  and  the  future  tense  of  the  subjunctive  mode  varye 
theyr  participle,  accordynge  as  I  bave  afore  shewed  by  rule,  and  hère 
declared  by  example  :  and  therfore  in  the  other  tenses,  by  cause  of 
brevite ,  1  wyl  shew  onely  howe  the  fyrst  parsons  alter  theyr  gender 
and  nombre. 


Je  mestôyefie,  tu  testôyesfie,  il  sestùytfîe,  novs  novs  estions  fiéz,  uovs    i  hadde  tmsted. 
uovs  estiez  fiez,  Hz  sestàyent  fiéz.  Je  mestôye  fiée ,  novs  novs  estions  fiéez. 


Je  mefierày,  tu  te  fieras,  il  se  fiera,  novs  novs  fierons,  uovs  uovs  fierez,      isbal  trust. 
Hz  se  fieront. 


Que  je  méfie,  que  tu  te  fies,  quil  se  fie,  que  novs  novsfijôns,  que  uovs      Tbati  trust. 
uovs  fijéz,  quilz  se  fient. 


Que  je  méfiasse,  que  tu  te  fiasses,  quil  sefiâst,  que  novs  novs  fijssiôns ,    Tbat  l  trusted, 

«.     .,  .,  -,  ,  ,  shulde.wolde 

que  uovs  uovs  jijssiez ,  quilz  se  fiassent.  or  myght  trust. 


Que  je  me  sôyefie,  que  tu  te  sôyesfie,  quil  se  soytfie,  que  novs  novs      Thati  hâve 
soyons  fiéz,  que  uovs  uovs  soyez  fiéz,  quilz  se  soyent  fiéz.  Que  je  me  sôye 
fiée,  etc. 


Que  je  me  fusse  fie,  que  tu  te  fusses  fie,  quil  se  fustfie,  que  novs  novs       ThatI  had 
fussions  fiéz,  que  uovs  uovs  fussiez  fUz ,  quilz  se  fussent  fiéz.  Que  je  me         '"^"''^  ' 
fasse  fiée,  etc. 




I  shulde  trust.         Je  me  fierôye,  tu  te  fieroys,  il  se  fieràyt,  novs  novs  fierions ,  uovs  uovs 
fieriez,  Hz  sejieràyent. 


I  shulde  hâve         Je  me  seràyefie,  tu  te  seràysfie,  il  se  serôytfie,  novs  novs  serions  fiéz, 
uovs  uovs  seriez  fiez,  Hz  se  seroyentfièz.  Je  me  serôyefiée,  etc. 


Trust  thon.  Te  fie  toy ,  se  fie  il,  novs  fions  novs,  uovs  fiéz  uovs,  se  fient  Hz. 


Let  me  trust.  Que  je  méfie,  que  tu  te  fies,  quilsefie,  que  novs  novs  fiions,  que  uovs 

uovs  fiiez,  quilz  se  fient. 


Wel  may  Bien  me  fie  je,  bien  te  fies  tu,  bien  se  fie  il,  bien  nous  fiions  novs,  bien 

uovs  fiiez  uovs,  bien  se  fient  Hz. 


Weli  myght  Bien  me  fiasse  je,  bien  te  fiasses  tu,  bien  se  fiàst  il,  bien  novsfiissiàns 

I  trust. 

novs,  bien  uovs  fissiez  uovs,  bien  se  fiassent  Hz. 


If  I  trust.  Si  je  méfie,  si  tu  te  fies,  sil  se  fie,  si  novs  novs  fions,  si  uovs  uovs  fiéz, 

s'ilz  se  fient.  And  so  of  the  other  tenses,  and  as  many  as  si  may  be 
joyned  unto  in  je  parle. 


For  to  trust.  The  présent  tense  pour  méfier,  for  to  trust;  pour  mavofrfie,  for  to 

hâve  trusted. 







Je  me  esbahjs,  tu  te  esbahys,  il  se  esbahyt,  novs  novs  esbahissôns ,  uovs       i  wonder. 
uovs  esbahisséz,  Hz  se  esbahissent. 


Je  men  esbahissôye ,  tu  te  esbahissôys,  il  se  esbahissôyt,  novs  novs  esba-     i  did  wonder. 
hissions,  uovs  uovs  esbahissiéz,  Hz  se  esbahissoyent. 


Je  men  esbahfs,  tu  ten  esbahys,  il  se  esbahyt,  novs  novs  esbahismes ,  uovs      i  wondred. 
uovs  esbahistéz,  Hz  se  esbahirent. 


Je  me  suis  esbahy,  tu  tes  esbahf,   il  sest  esbahf,  novs  novs  sommes  es-    i  hâve  wondred. 
bahfz,  uous  uovs  estez  esbahyz,  Hz  se  sont  esbahjz.  Je  me  suis  esbahye,  etc. 


Je  mestôye  esbahy,  tu  testôyes  esbahy,  il  sestôyt  esbahy ,  novs  novs  estions    l  had  wondred. 
esbahyz,  uovs  uovs  estiez  esbahfz,  ils  sestoyent  esbahjs.  Je  mestôye  esba- 
hye, etc. 


Je  men  esbahirày,  tu  tesbahiràs,  il  se  esbahirà,  novs  novs  esbahirons,     ishalwondre. 
uovs  uovs  esbahiréz,  Hz  se  esbahirônt. 


Que  je  mesbahje,  que  tu  tesbahfes,  quil  sesbahfe,  que  novs  novs  esba-    That  l  wonder. 
hiôns,  que  uovs  uovs  esbahjez,  quilz  se  esbahyent. 



Thall  wondred. 

That  I  bave 

That  I  had 

That  1  shall 
hâve    wondred. 

I  shuide 

I  «hulde  hâve 


Let  me  wondre. 


Que  je  nien  esbahisse,  que  tu  tesbalihses,  quil  seshahist,  que  novs  novs 
esbahissiôns ,  que  uovs  uovs  esbahissiéz,  quitz  sesbahjssent. 


Que  je  me  sôye  esbahjf,  que  tu  te  sôyes  esbahy,  quil  se  soyt  esbahy,  que 
novs  novs  soyons  esbahys,  que  uovs  uovs  soyez  esbahy z,  quilz  se  sôyent  es- 
bahy z.  Que  je  me  sôye  esbahfe ,  etc. 


Que  je  me  fusse  esbahy,  que  tu  te  fusses  esbahf,  quil  sefust  esbahy,  que 
novs  novs  fussions  esbahys,  que  uovs  uovs  fussiez  esbahy  z,  quilz  se  fussent 
esbahyz.  Que  je  me  fusse  esbahje,  etc. 


Que  je  me  serày  esbahf,  que  tu  te  seras  esbahy,  quil  se  sera  esbahy,  que 
novs  novs  serons  esbahfz,  que  uovs  uovs  serez  esbahfz ,  quilz  se  seront  esba- 
hjz.  Que  je  me  serày  esbahy e,  etc. 


Je  me  esbahyrôye,  tu  te  esbahiràys,  il  se  esbahyrôyt,  novs  novs  esbahy- 
rions,  uovs  uovs  esbahiriéz,  Hz  se  esbahy  rayent. 


Je  me  serày  e  csbahf,  tu  te  serày  s  eshahj,  il  se  serày  t  esbahy,  novs  novs 
seriàns  esbahys,  uovs  uovs  seriez  esbahys,  Hz  se  seroyent  esbahys.  Je  me  se- 
rôye  esbahye,  etc. 


Te  esbahis  toy,  se  esbahye  il,  novs  esbahissàns  nous,  uovs  esbahisséz 
uovs,  sesbahihent  Hz. 

Que  je  me  esbahye,  tu  te  esbahyes,  il  se  esbahfe,  que  novs  novs  esbahyons , 
uovs  uovs  esbahyez,  Hz  se  esbahfent. 




Bien  me  eshahje  je,  bien  te  esbahies  tu,  bien  se  esbahie  il,  bien  novs      Weli  maye 
esbahyons  nous,  bien  uovs  esbahiéz  uovs,  bien  se  esbahyent  Hz. 


Bien  me  esbahysseje,  bien  te  esbahisses  tu,  bien  se  esbahyst  H,  bien  novs      Well  migiit 
esbahyssôns  novs,  bien  uovs  esbahysséz  uovs,  bien  se  esbahyssênt  Hz. 


Si  je  mesbahys,  si  tu  tesbahys,  sil  sesbahyst,  si  novs  novs  esbahissôns,      Yfiwondre. 
si  uovs  uovs  esbahissez,  silz  sesbahfssent ,  and  se  forthe  of  the  other 


Pour  mesbahjfr  lo  wondre,  pour  mestre  esbahj  for  to  hâve  wondred.     For  to  wondre. 





Je  menfvys  (1  flye),  tu  tenfuys,  il  senfvyt,  novs  novs  fuyons,  uovs  uovs  i  nye. 

fvyéz,  Hz  senfvyent. 


Je  menfuyôye,  tu  tenfuyùys,  il  senfuyôyt,  novs  novsfuyyôns,  uovs  uovs       idyd  fiye. 
fuyyéz,  Hz  sen  fuyôyent. 


Je  menfvys,  tu  tenfvys,  H  senfvyt,  novs  novsfvysmes,  uovs  uovs  fvystez,         i  fledde. 
Hz  sen  fvyrent. 



iliavefled.  Je  mcTi  svisfvy,  tu  ten  esfvy,  ilsenestfvy,  novs  novs  sommes  fvyz ,  uovs 

uovs  estez  fvyz,  Hz  sert  sontfvyz.  Je  men  suisfvye,  etc. 


I  hadfled.  Je  mestôyejvf,  tu  testôysfvy,  il  sestôytfvy,  novs  novs  estions  fvyz ,  uovs 

uovs  estiez  fvyz,  Hz  sestôyentfvyz.  Je  mestôye  fvye ,  etc. 


ishaHflye.  Je  menfvyrày,  tu  tenfvyràs,  il  sen  fvyrà,  novs  novsfvyrôns,  uovs  uovs 

fvyréz,  Hz  senfvyrônt. 



Thatiflye.  Que  je  men  fvye,  que  tu  tenfvyes,  quil  sen  fvye,  que  novs  novs  fuyions, 

que  uovs  uovs  fvyéz ,  quilz  senfvyent. 


That  I  fled.  Que  je  men  fvfsse ,  tu  tenfvysses,  ilsenfvyst,  novs  novs  fvyssiôns ,  uovs 

uovs  fvyssiéz ,  Hz  sen  fùyssent. 


Tha.tihave  Q^e  je  me  soyefvy,  tu  te  sôyesfvy,  il  se  soytfvy,  novs  novs  soyons  fùys. 


Hoa5  nous  soyez  fvys,  Hz  se  sôyentfvys. 


That  I  Lad  Que  je  menfûssc  fvy,  tu  ten  fusses  fùy,  H  sen  fust  fvy,  que  novs  novs 

fvissiôns  fàyz,  uovs  uovs  fuissiez  fvyz,  ils  se  fuissent  fùy  z. 


That  I  shal  Je  me  serây  fvy,  tu  te  seras  fùy,  il  se  sera  fvy,  nous  nous  serons  fùys, 

hâve  fledde.  ,      ,.,..        ..  ,    ^  y.. 

UOVS  uovs  serez  jvyz,  iiz  se  seront Jvyz. 



Je  menfvyroye,  tu  tenfvyrôys,  il  sen  fvyrôyt ,  novs  novs  fvyrions ,  uoiis      l  shiHde  fly. 
nous  fvyriéz,  Hz  sen  fvy rayent. 


Je  me  serôyefvy,  ta  te  serôysjvy,  il  seserôytjvy,  nous  nous  serions  fvjs,.    i  shulde  hâve 
nous  uoas  seriez  jvf s ,  Hz  se  seràyentfvjz. 


Ten  fvf  toi,  sen  fvje  il,    novs  fvyàns   novs,    uovs  fvyéz  nous,  sen  Flye. 

fvyent  Hz. 


Que  je  men  fvfe,  tu  tenfvjes,  il  sen  fvy  e,  que  nous  nous  fvyàns,  uovs      Lct  me  flye. 
uovs  fvyéz,  Hz  sen  fvyent. 


Bien  me  fvye  je,  bien  tefvyes  tu,  bien  senfvye  il,  bien  nous  fvyàns  nous,       Well  maye 
bien  uovs  fvy  iéz  uovs,  bien  senfvjent  Hz.  ^* 


Bien  men  fvy sse ,  bien  tenfvysses,  bien  sen  fvyst,  bien  nous  fvyssiàns      Well  miglu 
nous,  bien  uovs  fvyssiéz  uovs,  bien  senfvyssent  Hz.  ^^^   *  ' 


Si  je  men  Jvfs,  si  tu  ten  fvys,  sil  sen  Jvf  t,  si  nous  nous  fvyons,  si  uovs        Yfiflye. 
uous  fvyéz,  silz  sen  fbjfent,  etc. 


Pour  me  fvfr,  pour  méstre  fvy.  To  iiye. 


Régula.  And  note  that  suche  maner  of  conjugatyng  as  I  hâve  liere  shewed, 

that  the  frenche  tong  useth  in  their  meanes,  suche  lyke  maner  of 
conjugatyng  use  they  of  ail  verbes  actyves,  whiche,  of  their  owne  na- 
ture, shulde  slgnify  an  acte  to  passe  from  the  doar  without  forthe,  so 
often  as  they  wyll  signify  the  same  acte  to  retourne  to  the  doar 
agayne  :  vvhich  maner  of  reciprocation  we  expresse  in  our  tong  by 
puttyng  of  thèse  wordes  after  our  verbes  actives  «  my  self,  thy  self, 
'  his  or  her  self,  our  self,  your  self,  their  selfe  »;  as  I  couvert  is  a  verbe 
actyve  signifyeng  thacte  of  convertyng  to  passe  from  the  doar,  and 
that  there  is  some  body  without  forthe  that  is  converted,  but  if  I 
wyll  adde  any  of  thèse  wordes  after  the  verbe  and  signifie  that  the 
acte  of  convertyng  retourneth  to  the  doar  agayne,  I  must  use  me,  te, 
se,  novs,  uovs,  and  se  before  the  parsons  of  the  frenche  verbe,  as  for 
I  couvert  my  selfe,  thou  convertest  thy  selfe,  he  converteth  hym  selfe 
or  she  herselfe,  we  couvert  ourselfe,  you  couvert  your  selfe,  they 
couvert  theem  selfe,  they  saye  Je  me  conaertys,  ta  te  conuertys,  il  se 
conuertyt,  elle  se  conuertyt,  novs  novs  comiertissôns ,  uovs  uovs  conuertisséz , 
Hz  se  conuertîssent  :  and  so  thorowe  ail  the  other  modes ,  tenses ,  nombres 
and  parsons  of^e  conuertys,  lyke  as  I  bave  gyven  exemple  of  Je  mesbahys. 

Régula.  And  though,  whan  they  use  a  verbe  active  in  the  active  sens,  they 

circumlocute  his  prétérit  tens  with  the  tenses  of  jr'e  ay,  and  the  par- 
ticiple,  as  dothe  afore  appere  by  the  said  /e  conaertys,  and  the  other 
two  verbes  actyves,  yet  so  ofte  as  we  sliall  use  any  verbe  actyve  in 
this  sens,  we  shal  circumlocute  the  sayd  prétérit  tenses  with  the 
tenses  of  je  suis,  and  the  participle  in  every  ihyng,  as  I  bave  afore 
declared  that  verbes  meanes  do.  So  that  for  I  bave  converted  my 
selfe,  I  had  converted  my  selfe,  that  I  bave  converted  my  selfe,  that 
I  had  converted  my  selfe,  that  I  shall  hâve  converted  my  selfe,  I 
shuide  bave  converted  my  selfe,  they  saye  je  me  suis  conuer(y,je  mes- 
tôye  conuerty,  que  je  me  sàye  conuerly,  que  je  me  fisse  conuerly,  que  je 
me  serày  conuerty,  je  me  serôye  conuerty;  usyng  the  participle  after  the 
tenses  of  je  suis,  in  ail  thynges,  accordyng  as  l  bave  before  shewe.d 
that  they  do  in  verbes  meanes. 


Note  also  that,  amongest  suche  verbes  as,  of  their  owne  nature,  be 
verye  meanes ,  I  fynde  none  that  be  anormale ,  save  onely  je  men 
uas,  as  I  bave  afore  toucbed,  whicbe  I  wyll  also  conjugate,  as  I  bave 
done  the  otber  verbes  meanes,  nat  that  bis  parsones  be  never  used 
without  doublynge  of  the  pronowne ,  but  by  cause  that,  for  the  moost 
parte  tbey  be  so  used,  for  the  more  certayntie  howe  this  verbe 
sbuide  also  be  used  referryng  the  lemar  to  this  place  in  the  thirde 


Je  men  aas,  tu  ten  uas,  il  sert  ua,  novs  novs  allons,  uovs  uovs  allez, 
Hz  sen  uont. 

Je  men  allàye,  tu  ten  alloys,  il  sen  allôyt,  novs  novs  allions,  nous  uovs 
alliez,  Hz  sen  allôyent. 

Je  men  allày,  tu  ten  allas,  il  sen  alla,  novs  novs  allàsmes,  uovs  uovs 
allàstez,  Hz  sen  allèrent. 

Je  men  suis  en  allé,  tu  ten  es  en  allé,  il  sen  est  en  allé,  novs  novs 
sommes  allez,  uovs  uovs  estez  allez,  Hz  sen  sont  en  allez. 

Je  mestôye  allé,  tu  testôys  allé,  il  sestàyt  allé,  novs  novs  estions  allez, 
uovs  uovs  estiez  allez,  Hz  sestôyent  allez. 

Je  men  yrày,  tu  ten  yrâs ,  il  sen  yrâ ,  novs  novs  yrôns ,  uovs  uovs  yréz , 
Hz  sen  yrént. 

Que  je  uàyse  or  que  je  men  aille,  que  tu  uôyses  or  que  tu  ten  ailles, 
quil  sen  uôyse  or  quil  sen  aille,  que  novs  novs  aillions,  que  uovs  uovs 
ailliez,  quilz  sen  uôysent  or  quilz  sen  aillent. 

Que  je  men  allasse,  que  tu  ten  allasses,  quil  sen  allâst,  que  novs  novs 
allissiôns,  que  uovs  uovs  allissiéz,  quilz  sen  allassent. 

Que  je  me  sôye  allé,  que  ta  te  sôyes  allé,  quil  se  soyt  en  allé,  que 
novs  novs  soyons  allez,  que  uovs  uovs  soyez  allez,  quilz  se  soient  allez.   . 

Que  je  me  fusse  allé,  tu  te  fusses  allé,  il  se  fust  en  allé,  novs  novs 
fuissions  allez,  uovs  uovs  fuissiez  allez,  Hz  se  fuissent  allez. 

Que  je  me  serày  allé,  tu  te  seras  allé,  il  se  sera  allé,  novs  novs  serons 
allez,  uovs  uovs  serés  allez,  Hz  se  seront  allez. 



r  go. 
I  (lyd  go. 
I  wenl. 
I  hâve  gone. 
1  had  goue. 
I  shail  go. 
That  I  go. 

That  1  went. 

That  I  havc 

That  I  had 


That  I  shal 
hâve  gone. 


ishuldego.  Je  men  yrôye,  tu  ten  yràyes,  il  sen  yrôyt,  novs  novs  yriôns,  uovs  uovs 

y  riez,  Hz  sen  y  rayent. 
I  shuide  hâve         Je  me  serôye  allé,  tu  te  serôys  allé,  il  se  serait  allé,  novs  novs  serions 
allez,  uovs  uovs  seriez  allez,  Hz  se  serôyent  allez. 
Go.  Va,  aille  il,  allons  nous,  allez  uovs,  sen  aillent  Hz. 

Let  me  go.  Que  je  men  aille,  que  tu  ten  ailles,  quil  sen  aille,  que  novs  novs  ail- 

lions, uovs  uovs  ailliez,  Hz  sen  aillent. 
Wellmayelgo.         Bien  aille  je,  bien  ailles  tu,  bien  aille  il,  bien  aillions  novs,  bien  ailliez 

uovs,  bien  aillent  Hz. 
Wellmi^htloo.         Q^c  bien  allasse  je,  bien  allasses  tu,  bien  allàst  H,  bien  allissiôns  novs, 
bien  allissiéz  uovs,  bien  allassent  Hz. 
Yfigo.  S^  j^  ™^"  "<^*j  *'  t^  t^^  ««*>  *'^  *^"  Ha,  si  novs  novs  allons,  si  uovs 

uovs  allez,  sHz  sen  uont,  etc. 
To  go.  Aller,  éstre  allé. 

Regala.  And  note  that,  where  as  I  hâve  afore  some  pai-sons  of  this  verbe 

added  en  twyse,  and  afore  some  but  ones,  and  for  some  other  lefte 
hym  out,  I  this  hâve  donc  onely  to  warne  the  lernar  that  ail  thèse 
thre  maners  of  spekynge  they  use,  differrynge  to  certifie  hym  in  this 
behalfe  tyll  I  shall  corne  to  my  annotacyons  upon  the  ix  accident  of 
verbes  actyves  parsonals,  in  the  thirde  boke. 


Verbes  passyves  be  suche  as  of  their  owne  nature  betoken  suffring 
lyke  as  I  hâve  afore  touched  as  I  am  beaten,  I  am  boimde,  I  am 
greved,  I  am  hiule  and  suche  lyke. 

Verbes  passyves  in  this  tong  hâve  no  certen  conjugacyon  no  more 
than  they  bave  with  us  in  our  tong ,  for  like  as  we  circumlocute  our 
verbes  passives  with  the  tenses  of  I  am,  and  the  participles  prété- 
rit of  our  verbes  actyves,  sayeng  :  I  am  loved,  I  was  loved,  I  bave 
ben  loved,  I  had  ben  loved,  I  shalhe  loved  and  so  forthe,  joynyng 
the  other  modes  and  tenses  of  "  I  am  »  to  our  sayd  participles,  so  say 
they  with  themye  suis  aymé,  jestôye  aymé,  je  fus  aymé,  jay  esté  aymé. 



javôye  esté  aymé,  je  serày  aymé,  joynyng  the  participle  prétérit  ol  the 
verbe  actyve  to  the  modes,  tenses,  nombres  and  parsons  oï  je  suis. 


Je  svys,  tu  es,  il  est,  novs  sommes,  novs  estez,  Hz  sont. 

Jestôye,  ta  estôys,  il  estôyt,  novs  estions,  uovs  estiez,  Hz  estôyent. 

Je  fus,  tu  fus,  il  fut,  novsfàsmes,  uovsfustéz,  Hz  furent. 

Jay  este,  tu  as  este,  il  a  este,  novs  aaôns  este,  uovs  auéz  este,  etc. 

Jaaôye  este,  tu  auôys  este,  il  auoyt  este,  novs  aaiôns  este,  etc. 

Je  serày,  tu  seras,  il  sera,  novs  serons,  uovs  serez,  Hz  seront. 

Que  je  sôye,  que  ta  sôyes,  quil  soyt,  que  novs  soyons,  que  uovs  soyez, 
quilz  sôyent. 

Que  je  fusse,  que  ta  f tisses,  quilfast,  que  novs  fassions,  que  uovs  fus- 
siez, quilz  fassent. 

Que  je  àye  este,  que  tu  âyes  este,  quil  ayt  este,  que  novs  ayons  este,  etc. 

Que  je  évsse  este,  que  ta  évsses  este,  quil  evst  este,  que  novs  evssiôns 
este,  etc. 

Que  javrày  este,  que  ta  avrds  este,  quil  avrà  este,  que  nous  avrons 
este,  etc. 

Je  seràye,  tu  serôys,  il  seràyt,  novs  serions,  uovs  seriez,  Hz  seràyent. 

Javràye  este,  ta  avrôys  este,  il  avrôyt  este,  novs  avriôns  este,  uovs,  etc. 

Suys,  soyt,  soyons,  soyez,  sôyent. 

Bien  soye,  bien  soys,  bien  soyt,  bien  soyons,  bien  soyez,  bien  sôyent. 

Bien  fusse  je,  bien  fusses  tu,  bienfust  H,  bien  fussions  novs,  bien  fassiez 
uovs,  bien  fussent  Hz. 

Si  je  sais,  si  ta  es,  sil  est,  si  novs  sommes,  si  aovs  estes,  etc. 

Estre,  auôyr  este. 

And  note  that,  for  the  tnie  circumlocutyng  of  verbes  passives  in 
this  tong,  the  Icrnar  must  call  agayn  to  mynde  wliat  I  hâve  said  hère 
afore,  in  the  thirde  accident  of  mean  verbes,  where  I  shewed  that 
suche  gender  and  nombre  as  the  nominative  case  is,  that  commeth 
before  any  of  the  parsons  of  jf'e  suis,  of  suche  lyke  gender  and  nom- 

I  am. 

I  was. 

I  was. 

I  liave  ben. 

I  liad  bcn. 

I  shal  be. 

That  r  be. 

That  I  were. 

ThatI  bave  ben. 
Thaï  I  had  ben. 

That  I  shali 
hâve  ben. 

I  shuldc  be. 

I  shulde 

hâve  ben. 


Wel  be  I. 



Régula  prima. 


ber  shall  the  participle  be  whiche  foloweth  any  of  the  sayd  parsons; 
for  suche  like  congruite  is  observed  belwene  ail  participles  passives 
and  the  nominative  cases  that  governe  the  tenses  of  ^e  suis,  so  often 
as  by  the  sayd  tenses  and  participles  we  expresse  passion  in  this  tong, 
as  shal  by  the  tenses  of  the  indicative  mode  of  ^e  sais,  joyned  to  this 
participle  conuertf,  more  playnly  be  expressed. 


The  masculine  singular.  Je  suis  conueriy,  tu  es  conuertf,  il  est  con- 

The  masc.  plur.  Novs  sommes  conuertiz,  uovs  estez  conuertiz,  Hz  sont 

The  féminine  sing.  Je  suis  conuertf  e,  tu  es  conuertye,  elle  est  con- 

The  fe.  pi.  Novs  sommes  conuerties,  uovs  estez  conuerties,  elles  sont 


The  mas.  sing.  Jestôye  conuerty,  tu  estôys  conuerty,  il  estôyt  conuertf. 

The  ma.  plm'.  Novs  estions  conuertiz,  uovs  estiez  conuertiz,  ilzestàyent 

The  fem.  sing.  Jestôye  conuertf  e,  tu  estôys  conuertf e,  elle  estôyt  con- 

The  fe.  pi.  Novs  estions  conuerties,  uovs  estiez  conuerties,  elles  estôyent 


The  mascu.  sing.  Je  fus  conuertf,  ta  fus  conuertf,  il  fut  conuertf. 
The  mascu.  plu.  Novs  fùsmes  conuertf z,  uovs  fàstez  conuertf z,  etc. 
The  fem.  sing.  Je  fus  conuertf  e,  tu  fus  conuertf  e,  elle  fut  conuertf  e. 
The  fem.  plu.  Novs  fùsmes  conuerties,  uovs  fàstez  conuerties,  etc. 




Jay  este  conucrty ,  jay  este  connertie,    novs  avons  este  conuertiz,  novs 
auôns  este  conuerties. 


Jauôye  este  conaerty,  jauôje  este  conuertfe,  novs  auiôns  este  conuertiz, 
novs  avions  este  conuerties. 



Régula  ^ertia. 

Je  serày  conuerty,  je  serày  conuertie,  novs  serons  conuertiz,  novs  serons 

And  so  through  al  the  other  modes  and  tenses  of  ^'e  suis,  changyng 
the  gender  and  nombre  of  the  participle ,  whan  he  foloweth  any  of 
them,  as  I  hâve  hère  by  the  tenses  of  thindicative  mode  clerely  de- 

But  howe  ail  maner  participles  forme  theyr  masculine  genders  out 
of  theyr  féminines,  and  theyr  plurel  nombres  out  of  theyr  singulars, 
shal  hère  after  in  the  chapter  of  participles  more  playnly  appere. 

Note  also  that  the  infinitive  mode  of  al  verbes  actives  may  signifie 
both  action  and  passion,  as  the  sence  shal  require,  as  I  shal,  in  the 
thirde  boke,  in  his  place,  more  playnly  déclare. 

And  that  there  be  many  infinitive  modes  whiche  come  of  verbes     Régula  quarta 
passives  onely,  as  encéyndre  oï  je  suis  encéynte,  endormyr  of  je  suis  en- 
dormy,  and  suche  lyke  :  they  say  natye  encéyns,  je  endors,  in  the  active 

Note  also  that,  where  as  I  hâve  sayd  that  this  maner  of  circuin-  Régula quima. 
locutyng  of  verbes  passives  is  gênerai  through  al  the  french  tong,  1 
fynde  exception  onely  in  je  nays,  whiche  beyng  conjugate  lïke  je  fays , 
and  alteryng  his  final  terminations ,  as  though  he  were  of  the  thyrde 
conjugation  of  verbes  actives,  save  in  his  prêter  tenses,  hath  the  signi- 
fication of  a  verbe  passive ,  as  by  his  conjugatyng  shal  hère  conse- 
quently  appere. 

Je  nays,  ta  nays,  il  nayst,  novs  naissons,  uovs  naissez,  Hz  naissent.  lam  borne. 

I  was  born. 

I  was  born. 

I  hâve  be  born. 
I  )iad  be  b. 

I  shalbe  b. 

Thaï  I  be  b. 

That  I  shuld 
hâve  bcn  be. 

That  I  bave 
ben  borne. 

That  1  had 
ben  borne. 
That  I  shal 
bave  be  b. 
]  shulde 
be  borne. 

I  shulde  bave 
bc  b. 

Be  liorne. 
Let  me  be  b. 

Wel  be  I  b. 

Well  rayght 
I  be  borne. 

To  be  borne. 

To  bave 
ben  borne. 


Je  naissàye,  tu  naissàys,  il  naissôyt,  novs  naissions,  uovs  naissiez,  ils 

Je  nasquis,  tu  nasqaîs,  il  nasquit,  novs  nasquîsmes ,  uovs  nasquistez,  Hz 

Jay  este  ne,jay  este  née,  novs  sommes  nez,  nous  sommes  nées. 

Jauôye  este  ne,  jauôye  este  née  (like  the  same  tenses  in  other  verbes 

Je  naistrây,  tu  naistràs,  il  naisirà,  novs  naistrons,  uovs  naistréz,  Hz 

Que  je  naisse,  tu  naisses,  il  naisse,  que  novs  naissions,  que  uovs  naissiez, 
quils  naissent. 

Que  Je  nasquisse,  que  tu  nasquisses,  quil  nasquist,  que  novs  nasquissiôns , 
que  uovs  nasquissiéz ,  quilz  nasquissent. 

Que  je  âye  este  ne,  que  tu  àyes  este  née,  que  nom  ayons  este  nez,  que 
uovs  ayez  este  nées. 

Que  jévsse  este  ne,  que  novs  evssiôns  este  nez,  que  jévsse  este  née,  etc. 

Que  jdvray  este  ne,  que  je  âvray  este  née,  que  novs  avrôns  este  nez,  etc. 

Je  naistràye,  tu  naistrôys,  il  naistrôyt,  novs  naistriôns,  uovs  naistriéz, 
ils  naistrôyent. 

Je  avrôye  este  ne,  novs  avriôns  este  nez,  javrôye  este  née. 

Nays,  naisse,  naissons,  naissez,  naissent. 

Que  je  naisse,  que  tu  naisses,  quil  naisse,  que  novs  naissions,  que  uovs 
naissiez,  quilz  naissent. 

Bien  naisse  je,  bien  naisses  tu,  bien  naisse  il,  bien  naissions  novs,  bien 
naissiez  uovs,  bien  naissent  'Hz. 

Bien  nasquisse  je,  bien  nasquisses  tu,  bien  nasquist  il,  bien  nasquissiôns 
novs,  bien  nasquissiéz  uovs,  bien  nasquissent  Hz. 


Aaôyr  este  ne. 

Régula  seita.  But  of  the  use  and  signification  of  this  verbe  I  shal  more  speke 

hère  after  in  the  thyrde  boke,  in  this  place,  onely  notyng  hère,  that 
I  fynd  in  maner  ail  thèse  tenses  circumlocuted  after  the  gênerai  rule 


of  verbes  passives,  as  je  suis  ne,jestôje  ne,  je  fus  ne,  je  scrày  ne,  que 
je  sôye  ne,  que  je  fusse  ne,  and  je  serèye  ne.  But  other  tenses  be  more 
iised  of  approved  auctours. 


Verbes  impersonals  be  suche  as  betokenyng  doyng  will  hâve  none 
other  nominative  case  before  them  but  onely  il,  by  reasonwherof  they 
bave  neyther  nombre  nor  parson,  but  one  onely  worde  in  every  of 
theyr  tenses  suche  as  il  requireth. 

Verbes  impersonals  bave  suche  and  as  many  accidentes  as  verbes 
actyves  parsonalles  bave,  save  that  nombres  and  parsones  they  bave 
iîone,  lyke  as-I  bave  hère  afore  touched. 


In  conjugalion  and  order  différent  from  our  tong  in  interrogations 
they  diflfer  also  from  verbes  actives  parsonals  :  for  al  verbes  impar- 
sonals  be  eyther  conjugate  like  the  firste  parsons  singular  of  the  fyrst 
conjugation,  or  like  the  same  parsons  of  the  thyrde  conjugation;  so 
that  like  unto  the  thyrde  parsons  of  the  seconde  conjugation  is  no  verbe 
imparsonal  conjugate  in  this  tonge.  Verbes  imparsonals  therfore  bave 
but  onely  ii  conjugations  of  whiche  the  fyrst  is  lyke  il  parle,  il parlôyt, 
il  parla,  etc.  and  the  seconde  like  ilfaict,  ilfaisôyt,  il  fit,  etc.  for  lyke  il 
conuertit  (as  I  bave  sayd)  is  no  verbe  imparsonal  conjugate  in  this  tong. 

BY    THE    EXAMPLE    OF    IL    TONNE. 


The  présent  tense  il  tonne  «  it  thondereth  ».  The  preterperfit  tense 
e7  tonnôyt  «  it  did  thonder  ».  The  indiffinite  tense  «7  tonnd  «  it  thon- 
«  dred  ».  The  preterperfit  tense  il  a  tonne  «  it  hath  thondred  ».  The 
preterplusperfit  tense  il  auôyt  tonne,  «  it  had  thondred  ».  The  future 
tense  i7  tonnera,  «  it  shal  thonder  ». 




The  présent  tense  qail  tonne,  that  it  thonder.  The  indifïinite  tense 
quil  tonnàst,  that  it  thondred.  The  preterperfit  tense  qail  ayt  tonne, 
that  it  hath  thondred.  The  preterplusperfit  tense  qail  evst  tonne,  that 
it  hadde  thondred.  The  future  tense  qail  avrà  tonne,  that  it  shal  hâve 


The  présent  tense  il  tonneràyt ,  it  shulde  thonder.  The  future  tense 
il  àvroyt  tonne,  it  shulde  hâve  thondred. 


The  présent  tense  tonne,  thonder.  The  future  tense  qail  tonne,  let 
it  thonder. 


The  présent  tense    bien  tonne  il,   well  thonder  it.  The  indiffinite 
tense  bien  tonnàst  il,  well  mought  it  hâve  thondred. 


Tonner,  to  thonder.  Aaôyr  tonne,  to  hâve  thondred. 

Régula  prima.  And  note  that  of  this  conjugation  I  fynde  but  viii  other  verbes  in 
this  tong,  that  is  to  say,  il  esclére,  it  lyghtneth.  //  tempeste,  it  stor- 
meth.  //  uénte,  it  bloweth.  //  brvyne,  it  misleth.  //  neige,  it  sneweth. 
Il  grésle,  it  hayleth.  Il  qéle,  it  friseth.  //  desgéle ,  it  thaweth.  So 
that  I  fynde  no  verbe  imparsonall  betokenynge  any  acte  or  impres- 
sion of  the  ayre  but  he  is  of  theyr  fyrst  conjugation,  save  onely  ilplevt, 
it  rayneth,  whiche  is  of  theyr  seconde  conjugation.  But  as  for  il  faict 
chavlt,  il  faict  froyt,  il  faict  noyr,  il  faict  cler,  used  as  imparsonals  for  it 
is  hotte,  it  is  colde,  it  is  darke,  it  is  clere,  and  howe  they  put  il  faict, 
before  diverse  other  adjectives,  that  belong  nothyng  to  the  qualités 
of  the  ayer,  I  shal  defer  to  speke  of,  tyl  I  corne  to  the  thyrde  boke 


in  this  place  where  I  wyll  also  speke  oi  il  y  a,  il  y  auôyt,  ilyfui,  etc., 
used  as  imparsonals  for  ther  is,  ther  was,  ther  was,  etc. 

Note  hère  also  that  verbes  imparsonals  of  this  conjugation  be  sel-         Régula 
flome  or  never  used  in  the  passive  sensé  :  how  be  it  I  may  say  «  the 
«  river  is  frosyn  ». 



The  présent  tense  il  adaiént,  it  happenneth.  The  prêter  imperfit 
tense  il  adaenôyt,  it  did  happen.  The  indiffinite  tense  il  aduint,  it 
happened.  The  preterperfit  tense  il  a  aduenà,  it  hath  happened.  The 
preterplusperfit  tense  il  auôyt  aduenà,  it  had  happened.  The  future 
tense  il  aduiendrâ,  it  shal  happen.  ' 


The  présent  tense  quil  adaiéngne,  that  it  happen.  The  indiffinite 
tens  quil  aduénist,  that  it  might  bave  happened.  The  preterperfitens 
qail  ayt  aduénu,  that  it  hath  happened.  The  preterpluperfitens  quil 
evst  aduénu,  that  it  had  happened.  The  luturtens  quil  avrâ  aduénu, 
that  it  shall  bave  happened. 


The  presentens  il  aduiendrôyt,  it  shulde  happen. 

The  preterparfitens  il  avrôyt  advenu,  it  shidde  bave  happened. 


The  presentens  aduiéngne,  happen.  The  futurtens  qail  aduiéngne, 
let  it  happen. 


The  presentens  bien  aduiéngne  il,  well  happen  it. 

Te  indiffînit  tens  bien  aduinst  il,  well  might  it  bave  happened. 




Aduénir,  to  happen.  Auôyr  aduénu,  to^have  happened. 
Régula  teilia.         And  note  that  dyvers  verbes  imparsonals  of  this  seconde  conjuga- 
cion  may  signifie  passion,  whiche  hâve  the  thirde  parsons  singuler  of 
je  suis  put  before  their  participle ,  lyke  as  by  example  of  il  est  aduénu 
shall  hère  consequently  appere. 


The  présentons  j7  est  aduénu,  it  is  happened. 

The  prêter  imperfîtens,  il  estôyt  aduénu,  it  was  happ'ened. 

The  iudiffinit  tens  il  fut  advenu,  it  was  happened. 

The  preterperfitens  il  a  esté  aduénu,  it  jliath  ben  happened. 

The  preterplusparfitens  il  auàyt  esté  aduénu,  it  had  ben  happened. 

The  futurtens  il  sera  aduénu,  it  shalbe  happened. 


The  présentons  quil  soyt  aduénu,  that  it  be  happened. 

The  indiffinit  tens  quil  fust  aduénu,  that  it  might  bave  bene  hap- 

The  preterparfitens  quil  ayt  esté  aduénu,  that  it  hathben  happened. 

The  preterplusparfitens  quil  eust  esté  aduénu,  that  it  had  be  hap- 

The  future  tens  quil  avrà  esté  aduénu,  that  it  shall  bave  ben  hap- 


The  présentons  qu'il  seroyt  aduénu,  that  it  shulde  be  happened. 
The  preterparfit  quilavrôyt  esté  aduénu,  that  it  shulde  bave  be  hap- 


The  présentons  soyt  il  aduénu,  be  it  happened. 
The  futurtens  quil  soyt  aduénu,  lot  it  bo  happened. 



The  presentens  bien  soyt  il  aduéim,  well  be  it  happened. 

The  indiffinit  tens  bienfast  il  adaénu,  well  had  it  ben  happened. 


The  presentens  sil  est  adaénu,  and  so  in  lykewise  syl  estàyt  aduénii, 
silfast  adaénu,  etc. 



Estre  adaénu,  auàyr  esté  aduénu. 

Note  also  that  dyvers  verbes  be  used  in  the  frenche  tonge  as  im-  Régula  quana. 
parsonals ,  and  of  this  seconde  conjugacion ,  whiche  we  in  our  tong 
use  as  verbes  parsonalles,  for  thexpressyng  of  whiche  parsons  in 
bothe  the  nombres  they  use  to  adde ,  bytwene  il  and  their  verbe  im- 
parsonall,  me,  te,  luy,  novs,  uovs  and  levr,  by  addynge  of  whiche 
wordes  before  their  verbes  imparsonalles  they  shall  counterveyle  to 
the  nombres  and  parsons  of  oiu*  sayde  verbes  parsonalles.  As  where 
we  saye  in  our  tonge»  I  ytche,  thou  ytchest,  he  ytcheth,  we  ytche, 
«  you  ytche,  they  ytche  »  :  the  frenchmen  saye  il  me  cuyt,  il  te  cuyt,  il 
lay  cuyt,  il  novs  cuyt,  il  uovs  cuj't,  il  levr  cujt  and  so  in  lykewyse, 
for  ail  the  other  modes,  tenses,  nombres  and  parsons  of  the  sayd 
parsonall  verbe  :  as  for  «  I  dyde  itche,  I  itched,  I  bave  itched,  I  had 
«  itched,  I  shall  itche  »  they  say  il  me  cuysôyt,  il  me  caft,  il  ma  cuyt,  il 
mavôyt  cuj't,  il  te  cuyrà  :  kepynge  il  and  the  tens  of  the  verbe  impar- 
sonall  ever  unchaimged,  whiche  thynge  also  shall  in  the  table  of 
verbes  playnlye  be  expressed,  so  often  as  any  suche  verbe  shall  for- 
tune to  come  in  place.  Whiche  lyke  maner  of  conjugatynge  we  use 
also  with  some  of  our  verbes  imparsonalles,  for  lyke  as  the  french- 
men saye  il  me  favlt,  il  tefavlt,  il  luyfavlt,  il  novsfavlt,  il  aovsfavlt, 
il  leur  favlt ,  so  saye  we  «  it  behoveth  me,  it  behoveth  the,  itbehoveth 
«  hym  or  her,  it  behoveth  us,  it  behoveth  you,  it  behoveth  them  ». 

And  note  that  there  is  no  verbe  impersonall  but  that  he  hath  so     Régula  quinta. 


many  tenses  as  il  tonne.  Il  adulent,  save  that  I  fynde  il  affiért  used  in 
his  presentens  of  thindicatyve  mode  onely,  whiche  Alayne  Cliartier 
m  his  Exile  uselh  in  the  plurell  nombre ,  as  shall  in  the  thirde  bote 
Régula  sexia.  Note  also  that  verbes  imparsonalles  kepe  so  cerlaynely  one  ôf  thèse 

two  conjugacions  that  they  confounde  nat  their  tenses  of  one  with 
another,  save  that  il  siet  it  becometh ,  beyng  of  the  seconde  conju- 
gacyon,  hath  his  prétérit  tenses  and  presentenses  of  his  subjunctyve 
and  imparatyve  mode  like  as  he  were  of  the  first  conjugacion,  as  il 
a  sye,  quil  sye,  etc. 
Régula  septima.  Nole  also  that  there  be  no  verbes  imparsonalles  that  at  any  tyme 
be  used  as  meanes  in  this  tong  for  the  doublyng  of  the  pronowne, 
supposeth  ever  the  verbe  to  be  parsonall. 


In  order  also  contrarie  to  our  tong  in  interrogations  they  differ 
from  verbes  actyves  parsonall,  for,  in  ail  interrogations  made  by  a 
verbe  impersonall,  il  must  folowe  the  verbe  that  he  governeth,  as 
que  novsfavlt  il,  novs  cuyrà  il,  levr  somment  il  :  but  thèse  thynges  shall 
in  the  thirde  boke,  in  this  place,  more  playnly  appere. 


Participles  be  suche  in  frenche  as,  in  some  accidentes,  resemble 
unto  their  verbes,  and  in  some  accidentes,  unto  their  nownes  adjec- 

Of  participles  be  two  sortes  :  some  betoken  doyng  as  ajmânt,  par- 
lant, regardant,  and  suche  with  us  ende  ever  in  yng,  as  lovyng, 
spekyng,  beholdyng.  Some  betoken  suffiyng,  as  ajme,  conHer/}^,/aîcf, 
loved,  converted,  done.  Participles  betokenyng  doyng  hâve  thre  ac- 
cidentes, formacion,  tyme  and  declynacion  with  dyversite  of  gendre 
and  nombre. 



Formacion  :  for  ail  participles  endyng  in  anthe  fourmed  of  the  lirst 
parsone  singuler  of  the  preterimparfitens ,  by  chaungyng  of  ôye  in 
dnt,  as  oi  parlàye,  coimertissôye  anàfaisôje,  be  fourmed  parlant,  con- 
uertissànt  and  faisant  :  and  so  of  ali  such  other  in  the  tong.  Except 
onely  saichànt  whose  preterimparfitens  is  scaaôye  ofje  scay,  I  wot  or 
I  knowe. 


Tyme  :  for  ail  participles  endyng  in  ant  betoken  the  acte  of  the 
verbe  to  be  presently  in  executyng. 


Declynation  with  diversyte  of  gendre  and  nombre,  as  thus  : 

The  masculyne  and  ferayn.  singuler/>ar/ân/,  conuertissdnt,  andfaysdnt. 

The  masculyn  and  femyne  plurell  partâns,  conuertissàns ,  faysàns. 

So  that,  if  any  worde  declynable  in  this  tong  be  founde  endyng  Régula. 
in  ant  in  the  synguler  nombre,  and  in  ântes  in  the  plurell,  they  be 
syngulars  and  plurelles  of  some  femynine  adjectyves  whose  mascu- 
lyne endeth  in  ant,  and  of  no  participle  in  this  tong.  Participles  be- 
tokenyng sulfring  bave  fyve  accidentes  :  formation,  tyme,  termynation, 
declynacion,  with  diversyte  of  gendre  and  nombre,  and  agreynge 
with  the  relatyve  or  some  other  accusatyve  case  govemed  of  the 


Formation  :  for  ail  participles  betokenyng  suffrynge  belongynge  to 
the  lirst  and  seconde  conjugations-  be  fourmed  of  their  infynityve 
modes  by  puttyng  awaye  of  r,  as  of  parler  and  conuertyr,  be  formed 
thèse  participles  aymé  and  conaerty,  but  m  the  participles  of  the  thirde 
conjugation  howe  they  be  fourmed  I  fynde  nat  so  great  certayntie. 


Tyme  :  for  ail  suche,  thoughe ,  whan  they  be  joyned  to  the  tenses 


ofje  suis,  betoken  suffryng,  yet,  if  they  be  added  lo  ihe  lenses  o(  je 
ay,  they  expresse  the  tyme  that  is  passed,  except  in  futures  of  the 
subjiinctyve  mode. 


Termynacion  :  for  ail  participles  prétérit,  or  belokenynge  sufFrynge 
ende  outher  in  e,  y,  s,  t  or  u;  as  parlé  of  the  first,  conuerty  of  the 
seconde;  partj,  prins,  faict,  batà  of  the  thirde,  whiche  generally  by 
addynge  to  of  e  forme  their  femynines,  as  parlée,  conuertye,  prinse, 
faicte,  batùe,  by  addyng  to  of  z  forme  their  masculyns  plurelles, 
except  suche  as  ende  in  s,  whiche  remayne  imchaunged  :  as  parlez, 
partyz,  prins,  faictz,  batùz,  and,  by  addyng  to  of  5  unto  their  femynes 
forme  also  their  plurels,  rs  parlées,  conuertyes,  prinses ,  faictes ,  hatàes. 
And  this  maner  of  formation  of  the  femyne  gendres  out  of  their 
masculynes,  and  their  plurell  nombres  out  of  their  syngulars,  is  ge- 
nerall  to  ail  prétérit  or  passyve  particyples  in  this  tonge;  so  that,  if 
they  be  founde  otherwyse  written ,  it  is  by  the  erroure  of  the  prin- 


Declynation  :  whiche  may  appere  by  the  accident  hère  nexte  be- 
fore,  as  aymè  ayméz,  aymée  ayméez  :  conuerty  conuerty  z ,  conuertye  con- 
uertyez  :  party  partyz,  partye  partyez  :  prins  prins,  prinse  prinsez  :  faict 
faictz ,  faicte  faictez  :  batù  batùz,  batùe  batùez. 


Agreyng  with  the  relatyve  or  with  some  other  accusatyve  cases  go- 
verned  of  ihe  verbe  :  For  thougb  the  participle  passyve  folovyng  the 
tenses  of  je  svis  is  ever  of  suche  gendre  and  nombre  as  the  pronowne 
or  substantyve  that  bis  nominatyve  case  to  the  same  tenses  dothe 
requyre,  as  I  bave  sufficiently  declared  hereafore,  whan  I  shewed 
howe  verbes  passyves  in  this  tong  be  circumlocuted,  yet  whan  the 
participle  prétérit  foloweth  the  tenses  of  ye  ay,  it  is  nat  ever  generali 
that  he  shall  remaygne  unchaunged,  but  as  I  somthyng  touched  in 


the  note  iipon  the  thirde  accident  of  verbes  actyves  parsonalles,  yf 
the  tenses  ofje  ay  hâve  a  relatyve  before  them,  or  governe  an  accu- 
satyve  case  eyther  of  a  pronowne  or  substantyve,  the  participle,  for 
the  most  parte,  shall  agrée  with  the  sayd  accusative  cases  in  gendre 
and  nombre,  and  in  suche  sentences  nat  remayne  unchaunged  :  as 
the  letters  that  I  hâve  sent  you  les  lettres  que  jeuovs  ay  enaoyécs.  Helas 
I  hâve  loved  her,  hélas  je  lay  aymée.  My  husband  hath  béate  me, 
mon  màry  ma  batûé;  he  hath  anon  taken  an  arowe,  il  a  tantôst  prinse 
vue  jlcche. 

But  this  shall  in  the  thirde  boke,  in  this  place,  more  playnly  appere, 
where  I  wili  also  déclare  howe  with  their  passyve  participles ,  they 
use  conception  of  gendres.  Onely  in  this  place  it  is  ynough  to  warne 
the  lemar  herof  that  he  maya  the  better  observe  it,  for  there  is 
nat  a  more  straunger  construction  in  ail  this  tonge. 


Prépositions  be  suche  as  whan  soever  they  corne  in  any  sentence       Descripiio 
being  dystinct  wordes  by  them  selfe,  and  nat  compounde  with  other, 
they  suppose  a  substantyve  or  pronowne  to  corne  after  them  in  the 
same  sentence  wherimto  they  do  belong. 

Prépositions  be  thus  many  a  to  or  at;  de,  of  or  from;  en,  in;  sur  Preposit. xxmi. 
OT  sus,  upon;  souhz,  imder;  dessus,  above;  dessôubz,  underneth;  auéc 
or  auécques,  with;  contre,  agaynst;  aer$  or  enuérs,  towardes;  selon, 
jouxte,  après,  after;  enuirôn,  about;  ôvltre,  over,  beyond  or  through; 
permy,  through;  entre,  bitwene  or  amongest;  deudnt,  before;  derrière, 
behynde;  pour,  for,  and  par,  by;  and  as  for  re  is  never  used  alone 
but  in  composition  as  I  hâve  afore  sayd  in  the  lu  chapiter  of  tlie  first 

So  that  this  discription  is  generall  to  ail  thèse  xxnn  prépositions         ReguU. 
and  they  never  be  founde  belongynge  to  any  of  the  other  partes  of 

Save  that  a,  de,  and  pour  may  corne  before  infinityve  modes,  as    Exceptio prima. 



shall  hereafter  in  the  thirde  boke ,  in  my  annotacions  upon  the  use  of 
the  infynityve  mode,  appere. 
Exceptio  And  save  that  dessus,  dessoùbz,   deuànt,   derrière  and  vitre   maye 

somlyine  be  used  as  adverbes,  declaryng  or  answeryng  to  a  question 
made  of  the  piace  where  a  dede  is  donc. 

Prépositions  bave  fyve  accidentes.  Governyng  of  the  oblique  cases 
of  pronownes.  Commynge  fardest  from  the  substantyve.  Composi- 
tion with  dyvers  partes  of  speche,  wbére  they  be  kept  hole  and 
unchaunged.  Confused  composition  with  thèse  articles  le  and  les. 
Somtyme  addyng,  somtyme  leavyng  awaye  of  this  preposytion  de, 
otherwyse  than  we  do,  in  our  tonge,  in  the  same  sentences. 


Governyng  of  the  oblique  cases  of  pronownes.  For  whan  soever 
any  of  the  pronownes  primatyves  folowe  a  préposition  and  is  go- 
vemed  of  hym,  they  use  ever  their  oblique  cases,  as  pour  moy,  contre 
toy,  a  lay,  en  elle,  etc.,  and  so  of  ail  the  resydue;  whiche  I  bave  som- 
thyng  alredy  touched  in  the  fyfte  accident  of  pronownes  primityves. 


Commyng  fardest  from  the  substantyve.  For  if  any  of  the  décli- 
nable wordes,  article,  adjectyve,  or  pronowne,  or  two  of  them,  or 
ail  thre  at  ones,  come  before  a  substantyve,  the  préposition  must  come 
before  them  ail,  and  that  as  well  in  our  tong  as  in  the  frenche  tong, 
as  I  bave  also  afore  touched  in  the  rule  that  foloweth ,  «  whiche  be 
«  numeralles  »,  folio  xxxiiii  as  for  my  goodmaster,  pour  mon  bon  màistre, 
and  so  of  suche  lyke. 
Régula.  And  note  that  thèse  two  accidentes  be  generall  to  ail  the  xxiiii  pré- 

positions without  any  exception. 


Composytion.  For  somtyme  prépositions  be  compounde  with  sub- 
stantyves,  SLSsarsâvlt,  entrôeyl,  pôvrpris,  and  suche  lyke.  Somtyme  they 

Régula  prima. 


Régula  tertia. 


be  compounde  with  verbes,  as  aborder,  départir,  enterrer,  surprendre, 
soabzmétlre ,  contregardér,  entremettre,  oultrecvidér,  povrueôyr,  paraenir, 
rappellér,  redire.  Somtyme  they  be  compounde  with  other  préposi- 
tions, as  dessus,  dessôabz,  dauécques,  enôvltre,  depâr,  enaprés,  encontre, 
deuérs,  pardeuânt,  parderriére  and  suche  lyke,  whiche  ali  be  in  maner 
ever  used  as  adverbes,  and  syldome  as  prépositions.  Somtyme  they 
be  compounde  with  adverbes,  as  deçà,  delà,  enaaànt,  dehors,  delors- 
encà,  and  suche  lyke. 

And  notethat,  of  thèse  xxiiii  prépositions,  oneiy  ten  be  used  in  com- 
position,  eyther  with  verbes,  substanty ves ,  or  any  of  their  other  partes 
of  speche,  that  is  to  say  :  a,  de,  en,  sur,  soubz,  contre,  entre,  àaltre,  pour, 
par  and  re,  as  appereth  by  thexamples  hère  afore  rehersed;  and  as 
for  any  of  the  other  be  syldome  or  never  founde  in  composition. 

So  that  enuironnér  is  no  compounde  verbe,  but  fourmed  of  enuirôn, 
lyke  as  ovltrér  is  formed  of  ôultre. 

And  as  for  accvmvlér,  abstenir,  adjvgér,  inuadér,  conjôyndre,  prépa- 
rer, subjvguér,  promettre,  and  suche  lyke  be  no  verbes  compoundes  of 
the  frenche  tonge,  but  holly  borowed  ont  of  the  latyn,  lyke  as  I  bave 
afore  touched  in  the  rule  which  foloweth  the  vu  accident  of  verbes 
actyves  parsonalles. 

Note  also  that,  where  as  dyvers  verbes  and  substantyves  in  the  Régula quana. 
french  tong  begyn  with  des,  as  deshonést,  desdâyng,  desméttre,  des- 
ployér,  despéndre,  deshonovrér,  and  many  suche  lyke,  they  be  nat  com- 
pounde with  tlîis  preposytion  de  but  of  this  worde  des,  whiche  out 
of  composytion  in  this  sence  betokeneth  nothynge,  no  more  than  do 
thèse  wordes  mes  and  for,  wherof  I  bave  made  mencion  in  the  viii  ac- 
cident of  verbes  actyves  parsonalles,  whiche  worde  we  also  call  dis 
in  our  tonge,  whan  we  borowe  any  suche  verbes  or  substantyves  out» 
of  the  frenche  tong,  sayeng  «  disdayne,  dishonest,  I  dismysse,  I  dis- 
«playe,  I  dispende,  I  dishonour»,  and  suche  lyke. 

Note  also  that  e  of  this  préposition  en,  so  often  as  he  is  com-    Régula  quinta 
pounde  with  any  verbe  or  substantyve  begynnyng  with  b,  m  or  p, 
he  chaungeth  n  into  m,  as  embrasser,  emmvrér,  empirer,  embds. 



Régula  sexu.  Aiid  howe  éfilre  and  re,  whiche  be  often  used  in  composytion  with 

the  verbes  of  this  tong,  leseth  tbeir  e,  if  the  verl^e  or  substantyve  fo- 
lowyng  begyn  with  a  vowell  or  with  h  nat  havyng  his  aspiratyon, 
as  entraymér,  entrhabitér,  rauôyr,  rappellér,  I  hâve  alredy  declared  in 
the  LU  chapiter  in  the  firste  booke. 
Régula septima.  Where  I  also  shewed  howe  de  leseth  his  vowell,  whan  the  worde 
that  he  is  joyned  withall  begynneth  with  any  of  the  said  letters,  as 
dor,  dhonéste  conversasiàn ,  davoyr  and  sache  lyke. 



Kegala  prima. 


Confused  composition  with  thèse  artycles  le  and  les.  For,  so  often 
as  the  sentence  falleth  so  that  thèse  wordes  a  le,  de  le,  or  en  le  do 
come  toguyder,  they  use  for  a  le  to  write  av,  for  de  le,  dv,  for  en  le, 
ov,  as  for  «  to  the  mayster  »  they  saye  nat  a  le  mâisire,  but  av  mâistre, 
and  in  lykewyse  nat  de  le  mâistre,  but  dv  mâistre,  nor  en  le  mâistre, 
but  ov  mâistre,  and  so  of  suche  lyke  thorowe  ail  the  tong. 

Except  the  masculyne  substantyve,  his  adjectyve  or  pronowne, 
whiche  nexte  folovveth  after  this  ax-tycle  le,  begyn  with  a  vowell  or 
with  h  nat  havyng  his  aspyration,  for  than  they  take  awaye  the  vowell 
of  the  artycle,  and  joyne  the  /  to  the  vowell  or  h  nexte  folowyng, 
kepyng  styll  the  préposition  unchaunged  :  as  for  «  to  the  abbe,  of  the 
«  man,  in  the  soûle  »  they  say  a  lâbbe,  de  Ihômme,  en  lame,  as  I  bave 
alredy  declared  in  the  lv  chapiter  of  the  first  boke. 

And  note  that,  thoughe  they  use  this  confused  composytion  with 
thèse  thre  prépositions  and  the  masculyne  artycle  synguler,  they  use 
it  nat  with  la,  whiche  is  the  femyne  artycle  singuler,  thoughe  la  do 
lèse  his  vowell  as  well  as  le  by  reason  of  the  worde  folowyng  hym, 
•lyke  as  I  bave,  in  the  sayde  chapiter  of  the  firste  boke,  declared; 
so  that  I  shall  nat  saye  av  femme,  but  a  la  femme,  de  la  femme,  en  la 

But  so  often  as  the  sentence  falleth ,  so  that  any  of  thèse  préposi- 
tions do  come  before  this  artycle  les,  wheder  he  belong  to  a  mascu- 
lyne substantyve  or  a  femyne,  they  use  to  compounde  thèse  prepo- 


sitions  and  les  confusedly  togyder,  and  tourne  a  les  into  avx,  de  les  ■ 
into  des,  and  en  les  into  es,  as  for  a  les  hommes,  de  les  femmes,  en  les 
maysôns,  they  saye  avx  hommes,  des  femmes,  es  maysôns;  and  so  of  ail 
suche  lyke  through  ail  the  tong. 


Somtyme  addyng,  somtyme  leavyng  out  of  this  préposition  de, 
otherwyse  than  we  do  in  oiir  tong  in  the  same  sentences. 

Addyng  of  de,  for  whansoever  they  use  any  of  thèse  wordes  plus, 
môyns,  beavcùup,  peu,  tant  or  assés  before  a  substantyve,  they  adde  to 
de  more  than  we  hâve  in  our  tong  in  the  same  sentences,  as,  where 
we  saye  «  more  golde,  lesse  sylver,  moche  wytte,  lytell  discrecion  », 
they  saye  plus  dor,  môyns  dargént,  beaucoup  dentendémcnt ,  peu  de  discré- 
tion ,  lyke  as  they  saye  il  composa  des  liiires ,  novs  trovuerôns  des  àvltres. 

Leavyng  out  of  de.  For  where  as  we  saye  «  my  maisters  gowne ,  my 
«  ladyes  beedes  » ,  whiche  countrevayleth  as  moche  as  the  gowne  of  my 
maister,  the  beedes  of  my  lady,  they  saye  la  robe  mon  mâistre,  le  pa- 
tenôslres  ma  dame;  lyke  as  they  saye  il  descendit  du  havlt  mont  Gordievs, 
il  vint  jusques  avjléuue  Armis,  but  this  is  nat  ever  generall,  and  ther- 
fore  I  suppose  suffycient  in  this  place  onely  the  warne  the  lernar 
hère  of. 


Adverbes  be  suche  as  belongyng  unto  verbes  serve  to  make  dé- 
claration or  answere  unto  suche  questyons  as  be  demaunded  of  a 
dede,  and  to  expresse  the  tyme,  place,  maner  or  some  other  cyr- 
cumstaunce  belongyng  to  the  same.  And  where  as  there  be  sondrie 
sortes  of  adverbes,  I  shall  hère  in  this  boke  reherse  a  certayne  of 
eche  sorte,  suche  as  corne  moost  in  use,  for  the  resydue  referryng 
the  lernar  to  the  table  of  adverbes  in  the  thirde  boke. 

Notyng  hère  first  that,  where  as  ail  the  other  partes  of  speche  in     Régula  prima, 
this  tonge  be  so  utterly  distynct  one  from  another  that  there  is  no 
worde  contayncd  under  any  one  of  them  whiche  is  contayned  under 


Régula  tertia. 


another,  in  adverbes  ihis  thynge  is  nat  so  precisely  kept,  for,  ihough 
there  be  some  fewe  wordes  whiche  onely  be  adverbes  and  contayned 
under  none  of  their  otber  partes,  there  be  fewe  aiso  of  the  said  other 
partes  but  they  may  be  used  as  adverbes,  nat  onely  wordes  alone  by 
them  selfe,  but  somtyme  two  wordes  beyng  sondrie  partes,  somtyme 
tlire,  ye  and  somtyme  four  or  fyve,  and  somtyme  hole  sentences,  as 
matin,  bas,  fort,  avlcvlnefôys ,  en  alemùnt,  avsôyr,  avjovrdhvy,  tout  aslévre, 
quant  et  quant,  cest  adiré,  cest  ascavôyr,  and  many  suche  iyke,  as  shaU 
hère  consequently  in  this  boke,  but  specially  in  the  thirde  boke,  in 
this  place,  appere.  So  that  if  an  adverbe  semé  to  be  but  one  worde, 
and  in  dede  be  made  of  many,  it  shall  moche  lielpe  the  lernar  to  the 
parfite  understandyng  of  them  if  he  can  enserche  out  of  what  and 
howe  many  distynct  wordes  the  savd  adverbes  shulde  be  made,  as 
astévre  is  made  of  a  céste  hévre,  depvisnagâjres  of  de  pvis  il  ny  aguâyres, 
of  whiche  sorte  be  also  certayne  other. 

Notyng  hère  also  that,  for  so  moche  as  many  of  the  adverbes  hère 
after  folowvng  serve  to  make  answere  unto  suche  questyons  as  be 
demaunded  in  this  tong,  I  shall  hère  first  shewe  by  what  wordes  they 
use  to  make  their  interrogations  whiche  be  thèse. 

Quant,  whan;  ov  or  ove,  where  or  wheder  ;  comment,  howe; 
combien,  howe  moche  or  howe  many  ;  combien  de  foys  or  quant  de 
fàys,  howoften  ;  en  quel  endrôyt,  wheraboutes  ;  depvis  quant,  sithe 
whan  ;  dont,  fromwhens  or  wherof  ;  povrquoy,  wherfore  ;  a  quoy 
faire,  what  to  do  ;  par  quel  moyen,  by  what  meanes;  ascavôyr  mon 
si ,  io  wytte  whyder.  As  for  a  qui,  to  whome  ;  a  quoy,  to  what 
thyng;  de  qui,  of  whom;  de  quoy,  wherof  or  of  what  thyng  ;  en  qui, 
in  whom  ;  en  quoy,  in  what  thyng,  and  suche  Iyke  questyons  whiche 
may  be  demaunded  by  ail  the  preposytions ,  they  serve  nalr  to  de- 
maunde  a  questyon  for  any  dede  but  of  a  thyng. 

And  note  that  sucbe  maners  of  interrogatyons  diffre  from  the  first. 
For  whansoever  a  questyon  is  so  demaunded  that  the  first  worde  is 
a  préposition,  the  first  worde  of  the  answere  must  also  in  maner  ever 
be  a  preposylioQ,  as  en  qui  mefierâyje  ?  En  Diev.  En  quoy  le  metteràyje? 


En  vôstre  bovrse.  But  in  thèse  other  it  is  nat  so ,  as  shall  herafter  ap 
père  by  the  divydyng  of  adverbes  in  to  their  dyvers  sortes. 

Of  adverbes  some  betoken  tyme  and  serve  to  déclare  or  gyve  an-  Tymewhan. 
swere  whan  a  dede  is  done,  as  astévre,  mayntendnt,  or  or  ores,  nowe; 
a  présent,  at  ihis  tyme;  tout  astévre,  evyn  nowe;  tantost,  anon  or  by 
and  by;  lors  or  alors,  than  ;  astévre  la,  at  that  tyme;  avculne  fiys, 
somtyme  ;  parfàys,  nowe  and  than;  nagaayrcs,  lately  or  late  a  go; 
quant,  whan  ;  devant,  before  or  afore;  as  devant  nànne,  devant  noél,  etc. 
après,  after  ;  as  après  nànne,  après  noél,  etc.  hvy,  to  day  ;  which  is 
seldom  used  but  in  composition ,  as  avjovrdlivy  or  meslivy ,  to  day  ; 
avmàtin,  in  the  momyng  ;  a  niydy,  at  noone  ;  avsôyr,  at  evyn; 
a  nvyt,  at  night;  demàyn,  to  morowe  ;  après  demàyn,  two  dayes  hens 
or  two  dayes  herafter;  hyer,  yesterday  ;  devanthyer,  two  dayes  a  go; 
màtyn,  early;  tart,  IsLte;  jadis,  in  olde  tyme;  avtemps  jadis,  afore- 
season  ;  tousjôars,  alwayes;  ônqves,  ever -,  jamàys  or  ônqves  (whan  ne 
commeth  before  bis  verbe),  never;  and  generaliy  ail  substantyves 
betokenyng  tyme,  whan  they  be  used  as  answeres  to  this  ques- 
tion «  whan  ». 

Some  betoken  order  in  tyme ,  as  deshorsmàys ,  fromhensforthe  ; 
doresenavànt ,  from  this  tyme  forwarde  ;  incontinent,  by  and  by  ;  qvant 
et  qvant,  by  and  by;  sovbddyn,  shortly  ;  viste,  shortly  or  swiftely  ; 
premier,  first;  dernier,  laste  ;  pvis  après,  afterwarde;  ^vw,  after;  avant, 
or  ever  ;  a  la  fyn ,  at  the  laste  ;  enconclvsiôn ,  in  conclusion  ;  and  so 
of  ail  nombres ,  whan  we  use  them  havyng  respecte  to  tyme. 

Some  betokenne  place,  and  serve  to  déclare  or  aunswere  to  a 
questyon  where  a  dede  is  done,  as  cy  or ycf,  hère;  la,  there;  par 
cy,  by  this  waye  ;  par  la,  by  that  waye  ;  en  havlt,  above  ;  contremônt, 
upwarde;  enihàs,  beneth;  sas,  \kç\  jvs,  downe  ;  ens,  whiche  is  nat 
used  but  in  composition  as  cyens,  hère  within  ;  Ijens  or  la  dedans, 
there  within  ;  a  terre,  to  the  gi'ounde  ;  dedans,  within;  dehors,  without; 
loinq,  farrp;  delôing ,  afarre  of;  près,  nere;  a  lencÔfitre ,  encontre  or 
contre,  agaynste  ;  vis  a  vis,  streight  over  againste;  tovt  avplûs  près,  the 
very  next  or  the  next  of  ail;  chez,  in  the  bouse,  as  chez  moy,  in  my 


house;  àvltre,  beyonde  or  on  the  otherside;  avtàur,  about;  avlrauérs, 
overthwarte  ;  and  generally  ail  substantlves  betokenyng  place ,  whan 
they  be  used  as  answeres  to  this  question  «whan». 

Some  betoken  oïder  in  place,  as  devant,  before  ;  derrière,  be- 
hynde;  de  ca,  on  this  syde;  de  la,  beyonde  ;  avmyliev,  in  the  myd- 
dest;  av  havll  bout,  at  the  upper  ende  ;  av  bout  demhàs,  at  the  nether 
or  lower  ende  ;  av  déstre,  on  the  right  side  ;  av  senéstre,  on  the  lefte 
syde;  du  caste,  asyde  halfe  or  beslde;  premier,  firste  ;  dernier,  laste; 
and  so  of  ail  nombres,  whan  we  use  them  havyng  respecte  to  any 
order  had  in  place. 

Some  betoken  quantité  and  serve  to  shewe  howe  moche  a  dede 
is,  as  beaucoup,  moche  ;  pev ,  lytell  ;  autant,  as  moche;  tant,  so  moche; 
davantàige,  over  and  above;  demy,  halfe;  guayres,  but  a  litell  ;  rycns 
or  neànt,  nothyng. 

Some  betoken  quantité  wilh  tyme  and  serve  to  déclare  howe  longe 
a  dede  is  in  doinge,  as  beaucoup,  moche;  bonne  pièce,  a  good  season; 
long  temps  a,  a  good  while  sithe  or  a  good  while  a  go;  guayres,  but 
a  while  ;  depuis  peu  de  tems  en  ca,  but  a  small  tyme  sithe  ;  depuis  na- 
guayres,  but  a  while  a  go;  jusquesatdnt  or  jusques  a  ce,  unto  the  tyme; 
tant,  unto  the  tyme;  and  generally  ail  substantyves  betokenyng  tyme, 
whan  they  be  used  as  answeres  to  this  question  «  howe  long  ». 

Some  betoken  quantité  with  nombre  and  serve  to  déclare  howe 
often  a  dede  is  in  doyng,  as  sovuentesfoys ,  often  ;  pev  sovuént,  sildome  ; 
mayntesfôys  or  plusieursféys ,  manytymes;  avlcvnefôys ,  somtyme  ;  aultre- 
foys,  another  tyme  or  afoi'e  tiuie  ;  nullefôys,  notyme;  parfôys,  nowe 
and  than;  unefôys,  ones  ;  devxfoys,  twise  ;  troysfôys,  thrise  ;  quattre- 
foys,  fourtymes;  and  so  of  the  resydue  of  ail  nombres,  joynyng  them 
to  this  substantive/oj5,  wherby  maye  be  made  answere  to  this  ques- 
tion «  howe  often  ». 

Some  betoken  qualité  and  serve  to  déclare  or  answere  to  a  question 
howe  a  dede  is  done,  as  bien,  well;  mal,  yvell  ;  tellement  quellcment, 
so  so;  entredevx,  bitwene  twavne. 
Kcgulaquaria.         And  uote  that  of  every  féminine  adjective  ,  in  the  frenche  tonge, 



may  be  fornjed  an  adverbe  of  quabte  by  addyng  to  of  ment,  as  of  belle 
bellement,  discrète  discrètement,  but  bien  and  mal  be  more  in  use  than 
bonnement  and  mallément. 

And  this  ruie  hath  some  exceptions  wherof  I  defer  lo  speke  tyll  I 
shall  corne  to  the  thirde  boke  in  my  annotations  upon  this  rule  :  onely 
hère  I  suppose  it  sufficient  to  warne  the  lemar  that ,  lyke  as  we  in 
our  tong  of  good  forme  goodly  ,  of  wyse  wisely,  of  discrète  discre- 
tely,  and  so  of  other  adjectives  fourming  our  adverbes  of  quahte  by 
adding  to  of  «  ly  » ,  so  do  the  frenchemen  to  their  féminine  adjectives 
adde  ment. 

Some  betoken  comparation  whiche  added  before  thèse  adverbes 
betokenyng  qualité  serve  to  compare  one  dede  to  another,  as  plus  sai- 
gement  more  Wise\y ,  màyns  discrètement  lesse  discretely,  and  so  of  ali 
other  adverbes  betokening  qualité ,  save  that  mievlx  and  le  mievlx,  pis 
and  le  pis  be  used  without  adding  of  plus;  but  hereof  I  shall  hereafter 
in  the  thirde  boke,  in  this  place,  speke  more  at  length. 

Some  betoken  véhémence  and  serve  to  extende  or  diminysshe  the 
qualité  of  a  dede,  without  makyng  of  comparison  therof  to  any  other, 
wherof  I  bave  made  mencyon  in  the  fourthe  rule  of  the  fourthe  ac- 
cident belongyng  to  nownes  adjectives,  whiche  be  thèse  :  trop,  fort, 
mpvlt,  très,  bien,  pev,  gôvtte,  tant,  avtànt,  davantdige,  and  suche  lyke, 
as  trop  saigément,  to  wisely;  movlt  saigcment,  moche  wisely ;ybrt  saigè- 
ment ,  very  wisely;'  très  saigément,  right  wisely;  bien  saigément,  very 
wisely;  and  so  of  the  resydue. 

Some  betoken  simylitude  and  serve  to  licken  one  dede  to  another, 
as  comme,  as;  ansi,  so;  tout  ansi,  evyn  so;  en  préslre,  lyke  a  preest;  en 
allemant,  like  an  almigne. 

Some  betoken  ittering  or  renewlng  of  adede,  as  enc(}re,  yet  ;  de  re- 
chief,  agayne;  encore  unefôys,  yet  ones  againe. 

Some  betoken  remytting  or  slacking  of  a  dede,  as  tout  bellement, 
fayre  and  softe  ;  petit  a  petit,  litell  and  litell  ;  a  peyne,  unneth  or  scarsely  ; 
a  grant  peyne ,  very  scantely;  de  paovr,  leste. 

Some   betoken  déclaration  or  makyng  playne  of  a  dede  that  is 



spoken  before,  as  cest  adiré,  that  is  to  saye;  cest  ascavôir,  ihat  is  to 


Some  betoken  affirmation,  and  serve  to  affirme  a  thynge  or  saye 
«  ye  »  to  a  question,  as  ouy,  ye  ;  uôyre,  ye;  cest  mon,  it  is  in  dede;  ce  fait 
mon,  it  dothe  iu  dede;  si  fait  si,  and  thatdothe  it,  or  evyn  so  dothe  it. 
And  as  for  en  bowe  he  is  added  before  their  verbes  affyrmatives  and 
of  hym  selfe  betokeneth  nothynge  I  bave  afore  declared  in  the  ninte 
accident  belongynge  to  tbe  verbes  actyves  personalies. 

Some  betoken  négation  and  serve  to  denye  or  saye  «  nay  »  to  a 
thyng,  as  non,  nay;  nenny,  nay;ya,  in  nowise;  riens,  nothynge  ;  Jamajs, 
never;  ne,  nat.  And  bowe  pas,  poynt,  and  mye  be  but  signes  of  néga- 
tion I  bave  afore  toucbed  in  tbe  sayd  ix  accident  of  verbes  actives 

Some  betoken  conjecturing  and  serve  to  suppose  a  dede  to  be 
done,  AS paradueniurc,  paradventure  or  may  hapipcn;  possible ,  possible; 
pevlt  estre,  it  maye  be;  prennes ,  suppose;  mettons  le  cas,  let  us  put  tbe 
case;  pose,  be  it. 

Some  betoken  confirmation  and  serve  to  certifie  a  dede  to  be  done , 
as  certes,  certainly  ;  en  effect,  in  dede  ;  sansfavlte  nulle,  without  any  faile  ; 
a  la  uerite,  for  a  treutb;  en  bonne foy,  in  good  faithe. 

Some  betoken  wissbing ,  as  plevst  a  Diev,  wolde  to  god;  Diev  le  aveille, 
god  will  it  so  be. 

Some  betoken  forbidding  that  a  dede  shulde  bedone,  as««//ewen^, 
in  no  wise;  a  Diev  ne  plaise,  god  forbede. 

Some  betoken  exhorting  to  do  a  dede,  as  sus,  come  of ,  or  bave  done  ; 
faictez  le  covrt,  be  shorte. 

Some  betoken  cessing  from  a  dede,  as  hola,  ho  there. 

Some  betoken  démonstration  and  serve  to  shewe  or  poynt  to  a 
dede,  as  a  gardez,  hehoide  ;  uecy  or  uoyezcy,  se  hère  ;  ue  la  or  aoyezlà, 
se  there. 

Some  betoken  excepting,  as  sans,  without  or  besides;  forscjue,  ex- 




Accidentes  generall  unto  adverbes  I  fynde  none,  save  that  they  go- 
verne  the  oblique  cases  of  pronownes  primitives,  lyke  as  prépositions 
do ,  as  astévre  moy,  demàyn  toy.  Ouy  moy,  nenny  toy,  and  so  of  the  re- 


Particidar.  Unto  ail  adverbes,  by  whiche  one  dede  is  compared  to  Régula  prima, 
another,  it  is  belonging  to  bave  ne  cornmyng  before  the  later  verbe 
that  foloweth  this  worde  que,  signifyenge  than,  more  than  we  bave 
in  our  tonge  in  the  same  sentence,  as,  where  we  saye  «  I  thinke  more 
«  than  I  saye ,  I  hâve  lesse  than  I  deserve ,  I  drinke  better  than  I  syng , 
«  you  daunce  worse  than  you  tumble  »,  they  sayy'e  pense  plus  que  je  ne 
dis.  Jay  môyns  que  je  ne  mérite.  Je  boys  mievlz  que  je  ne  chante,  je  danse 
pis  que  je  ne  iùmbeK  And  so  of  ail  other  lyke  sentences  where  we  use 
to  compare  one  dede  to  another  by  plus  or  moyns,  commynge  before 
an  adverbe  of  qualité,  as  il  parle  plus  saigément  que  uovs  ne  faictes.  Il 
besôigne  moyns  discrètement  que  je  ne  cvidùye.  And  so  of  ail  other.  But 
as  for  je  ne  lestéme  ne  que  devx  pommes  and  suche  like ,  where  they 
leave  out  plus,  I  shall  hereof  in  the  thirde  boke,  in  this  place,  more 

Also  ail  maner  adverbes  whiche  contayne  in  themselfe  puther  a 
playne  négation,  or  signifie  dimynisshinge  or  privation  wyll  bave  ne 
before  the  verbe,  whiche  they  belongimto,  more  than  we  bave  in 
our  tonge  in  the  same  sentence,  as  where  we  say  «  I  shall  never  se 
«  hym.  I  wyll  never  do  it.  He  pleaseth  me  nothing.  Was  ever  man  so 
"  begiled.  I  love  him  but  a  lytell.  I  se  never  a  whitte.  I  bave  but  faire 
1  wordes  in  payment  »,  they  sayey'e  ne  le  verrdy  jamdys ,  je  ne  le  ferày 
ja.  Il  ne  me  plait  en  riens.  Onques  ne  fut  homme  si  trompé.  Je  ne  làyme 
guayres.  Je  ne  uoys  gôvtte;  je  nay  fors  que,  or  sinon  que,  or  que  belles 
parolles  en  poyément,  and  so  of  ail  suche  like. 

'  11  faut  :  uovs  dansez  pis  qae  uovs  ne  Inmbéz. 





Conjunctions  be  suche  as  serve  to  joyne  ail  the  other  partes  of 
speche  toguyder  one  with  another,  and  to  make  one  sentence  to  folowe 
upon  another  in  a  mater. 

Of  conjunctions  some  be  copulatives  and  serve  to  couple  lyke  partes 
of  speche  togyder,  or  to  joyne  one  sentence  to  another,  as  et,  and;  or 
bothe,  mays,  or  ayncoys,  but;  toatesfôis,  nevertheless;  avssi,  also;  tant, 
as  well;  que,  as.  Some  be  disjunctives  and  serve  to  départe  or  sever  the 
partes  of  speche  from  toguider  or  one  sentence  from  another,  as  ov, 
or;  ne,  nor  or  nother.  Some  be  continuatives  and  serve  to  begyn  a 
mater  wherupon  other  sentences  must  nedes  folowe,  as  comme  or  la 
ove,  wheras;  si  ainsi  est,  if  it  so  be;  et  av  regàrt,  and  as  for,  or  and  as 
touchyng;  et  qvant  av  surplus,  and  as  touchyng  the  resydue;  av  sur- 
■   plus,  fardermore  or  moreover;  en  ôvltre,  fardermore. 

Some  be  subcontinuatyves  whiche  serve  to  contynue  a  mater  whan 
it  is  alredy  begon,  or  to  begyn  a  mater  at  the  first,  as  povr  autant,  for 
so  much;  dautànt  or  entant,  for  so  moche  or  in  so  moche  ;ya  sàyt  ce, 
albeit;  si,  so;  combien,  although;  encore,  yet;  tovtesfàys,  neverthelesse ; 
que,  vvhose  englysshes be  «  that,  than,  but  »,  or  as  like  as  the  sentences 
do  requyre. 
Régula.  Which  worde  commeth  moreoften  in  use  than  any  other  worde 

in  the  tong,  and  may  folowe  asweil  after  adverbes  as  conjimctions.  ■ 
And  whan  so  ever  he  is  used,  signifîeng  «  that  or  than  «,  lie  liath  for 
the  moost  parte  a  sentence  folowynge  hym  :  and  therfore  I  bave  hère 
rehersed  hym  amongest  tiie  subcontinuatyves  and  called  one  of  the 
VII  modes  belongynge  to  verbes  actyves  parsonalles,  the  subjunctyve 
mode  or  siibcontinuatyve  mode.  But  herof  I  shall  hère  after  bave 
better  occasyon  to  entreate  in  the  thirde  booke,  whan  I  shall  speke 
agayne  of  the  said  modes ,  onely  in  this  place  supposyng  ynough  to 
wamc  the  lernar  that  que  maye  folowe  after  the  moost  parte  of  the 
other  conjunctions  and  adverbes. 

Some  be  causales  and  sewe  to  bring  in  a  sentence  wherby  the 


cause  of  a  mater  spoken  of  before  is  expressed,  as  aj/in  ijue,  to  the 
entent  that;  car  povr  (juoy,  for  vvliye;  car,  for;  povr  laquelle  cause,  for 
the  whiche  cause;  a  cause  que,  bycause  that;  par  (juoy,  wherfore, 

Some  betoken  doutynge,  as  si,  why  der;  mon,  wyder;  ascavôir  mon, 
to  wytte  whyder. 

Some  betoken  condisionyng  if  a  dede  be  done,  as  si,  if. 

Some  betoken  contraring,  as  iovtesfôys,  neverthelesse  ;  combien  que, 
albeit;  ov  avltrément,  or  elles;  car  avltrément,  for  elles;  non  povr  tant, 
notwithstandyng;  ce  non  ohstànt,  this  natwithstandyng. 

Accidentes  generall  or  particxilar  belongyng  to  conjunctions  i  iinde 
none ,  save  that  they  ail  goveme  the  oblique  cases  of  pronownes  pri- 
matives ,  as  Ivy  et  moy,  toy  ov  evlx,  ne  moy  ne  elle,  and  so  of  the 


Interjection  be  suche  as  serve  to  expresse  the  passyons  and  the  alfec- 
tions  of  the  mynde,  of  whiche. 

Some  betoken  callyng,  as  hay  or  hav. 

Some  betoken  askynge,  as  haa. 

Some  betoken  perceyving,  as  ha  ha,  atat. 

Some  betoken  an  out  crye,  as  haro. 

Some  betoken  kepyng  of  scylence,  as  hovfsche,  mom,  paix. 

Some  betoken  warnyng  of  a  daunger,  a.s  garre,  ware. 

Some  betoken  joye,  as  ho. 

Some  betoken  lamentyng,  as  helas,  las,  lasse,  hee,  henny. 

Some  betoken  marveyling,  as  a,  ôya,  dievx,  dea. 

Some  betoken  sorowynge,  as  o. 

Some  betoken  abhorringe,  as^  or  fuy. 

And  this  for  an  introduction  and  in  a  generalytie  to  shewe  howe 
many  partes  of  speche  there  be  in  the  frenche  tonge  and  what  accy- 
dentes  belong  unto  them ,  I  suppose  to  be  suffycient  :  endynge  thus 


of  my  thre  bokes  ihe  seconde ,  in  whiche  1  hâve  so  opyned  ail  the 

hole  frenche  tbng,  natwlthstandyng  any  brevite  that  I  hâve  herin  used , 

that,  if  the  lerner  hâve  this  seconde  boke  parfitey,  he  maye,  by  the 

helpe  of  the  frenche  vocabuler,be  sure  to  understande 

any  authoure  that  is  wrilten  in  the  frenche  tong 

by  his  owne  studye  without  any  techar  : 

except  some  fewe  sentences. 

whiche  the  lernar  shall 

fynde  gathered 

in  an  order 

before  the 


gynnyng  of  the  sayd  voca- 




Nowe  ihal  I  hâve  in  my  first  boive  sliewed  howe  the  franche  tong 
in  redyng  and  spekyng  ought  to  be  pionounced,  and  in  my  seconde 
declared  howe  many  partes  of  speche  the  same  tong  hath,  and  in  a 
generalte  intreated  of  them ,  as  fane  as  concerneth  the  declynyng  and 
conjugatyng  of  ail  suche  partes  as  vary  their  last  letters,  and  of  the 
other  partes  whiche  remayne  unchaunged  made  a  brefe,  and,  for  an 
introduction,  sufFycient  rehersall,  restelh  nowe,  usyng  the  same  order 
agayne ,  to  shewe ,  accordyng  as  I  bave  afore  promysed ,  more  exqui- 
sitely  what  other  accidentes  and  properlies  the  sayde  partes  of  speche 
bave;  so  that  the  iernar  maye  be  advertised  nat  onely  what  gendre 
ail  their  substanty vas  be  of  (whosa  gendre  the  other  declynable  partes 
must  folowe) ,  and  howe  the  sayd  siUjstantyves  forme  their  phirell 
nombres  outof  their  singidars,  and  whiche  of  their  substanty ves  be 
used  in  the  plurell  nombre  onely,  Ijut  also  howe  the  other  declynable 
partes  forme  their  plurell  nombres  outa  of  their  singulars,  their  femi- 
nynes  out  of  their  masculynes,  and  howe  their  verbes  forme  one 
mode  and  tens  out  of  another,  and  also  whan  and  whye  they  use 
somtyme  one  mode  and  tens  and  somtyme  another,  and  fardermore 
what  order  and  congruite  they  use  in  the  covenable  joynyng  of  every 
of  the  sayd  partes,  one  with  another,  as  they  come  togyder  in  sen- 
tences. After  every  of  whiche  partes,  so  completely  eutreated  of,  shall 
folowe  certayne  tables  contayning  ail  the  wordes  in  our  tong  after  the 
order  of  a,  b,  c,  with  the  frenche  wordes  joyned  unto  them,  to  thentent 
that  after  the  Iernar  can,  by  the  helpe  of  the  sayde  first  boke,  pro- 
nounce  this  frenche  tong  truely,  and,  by  the  meanes  of  the  seconde, 
with  the  frenche  vocabulyst  (whiche  shall  folowe  whan  the  thirde 
boke  with  bis  tables  is  completely  fmisshed)  understande  any  authour 



that  writeth  in  the  sayd  tong,  by  his  owne  study,  without  any  other 


He  maye  also,  by  the  helpe  of  ihis  thirde  boke  and  tables  therunto 
belongyng,  knowe  howe  to  speke  any  sentence ,  or  truely  and  parfîtely 
to  endyte  any  mater  in  the  same  tong.  So  that,  if  he  well  note  the 
préceptes  in  this  thirde  boke  contayned ,  and  gyve  hym  to  the  often 
redyng  and  dilygcnt  observyng  of  suche  authours  as  in  the  sayd  tong 
be  moost  excellent,  orels,  if  he  be  so  mynded,  do  note  well  the  styles 
of  suche  secretaries  as  in  the  fayt  of  endityng  be  most  approved ,  he 
shall  hère,  in  this  said  thirde  boke,  fynde  ail  thynges  whiche  to  bave 
the  sayd  tong  in  parfection,  outher  to  speke  or  write  in  it,  maye  be 

Notynge  hère  firste  that  the  order  whiche  I  bave  taken  in  the  se- 
conde boke  is  in  this  thirde  boke  so  presisely  kept  agayn,  that  the 
hole  seconde  boke  maye  semé  to  be  but  as  a  table  unto  this  thirde 
boke.  For  every  accident  belongyng  to  the  sayd  nyne  partes  of  speche 
and  rules  whiche  I  bave,  in  the  sayd  seconde  boke,  gyven  upon  the 
sayd  accidentes,  shall  hère  in  this  thirde  boke,  in  the  selfe  same  or- 
der, be  entreated  of  agayne.  Howbeit,  for  the  lernars  more  spedy  ease, 
1  bave  hère,  before  this  thirde  boke,  set  forthe  the  table  of  ail  suche 
maters  as  in  this  same  boke  be  contayned. 



Vny  is  never  used  in  his  plurell  nombre  as  an  artycle  but  whan 
he  belongeth  to  suche  substantyves  as  be  of  the  plurell  nombre 
onely,  as  vngs  sajfletz,  a  payre  of  belous  :  Vues  heures,  a  primer  boke  : 
and  howe  many  substantyves,  in  this  tong,  be  used  in  their  plurell 
nombre  onely,  shall  hère  after  in  this  boke  appere. 

And  howe,  if  a  femynine  substantyve  or  his  adjectyve  begyn  with 
a  vowell  or  with  /;  nat  hawnge  bis  aspiration,  than  before  suche  they 


use  nat  vne,  but  vng;  as  vng  ame,  a  soûle;  vng  amiable  dame,  anamya- 
ble  ladye;  vng  habitation,  an  abyding;  vng  horrible  iempeste,  an  hor- 
rible tempeste,  I  bave  alredy  shewed  in  the  seconde  boke.  And  howe 
they  use  somtyme  to  joyne  vngz  to  les,  and  ail  the  gendres  and  nom- 
bres of  vng  to  the  like  gendres  and  nombres  of  chascune,  sball  heraf- 
ter  in  the  ende  of  the  pronowne  in  tins  boke  appere. 

And  note  that,  though  we  never  use  thisartycle  «  the  >>  in  any  sen- 
tence of  our  tong  but  that  the  frencliemen  use  ever  in  the  stede 
therof,  their  article  le  in  such  lyke  order  commyng  before  the  sub- 
stantive  as  we  use  hym  in  our  tong,  as  where  we  say  «  the  gooiman, 
«  ail  the  men  »,  they  say  le  bon  homme,  tous  les  hommes.  Of  our  article  «  a  » 
it  is  nat  ever  so,  for  though  we  say  «  many  a  good  man,  never  a  fayre 
«  woman,  he  is  a  gentylman  »,  and  suchelyke,  they  saye  :  Maynt  bon 
homme,  nulle  belle  femme,  il  est  tout  gentil;  leavyng  out  vng,  for  this 
article  vng  must  ever  come  before  ail  declynable  partes  belongyng  to 
any  substantyve. 

Note  also  that ,  where  we  say  «  he  is  a  good  man ,  she  is  a  good  wo- 
«  man  »  and  suche  lyke  in  the  commonspeche,  they  saye  :  il  est  bon  homme, 
elle  est  bonne  femme.  But  suche  as  be  writers  use  vng  in  maner  ever 
where  we  use  «  a  » ,  and  for  «  a  »  fewe  ruynes  «  a  certayne  other  »  they  say 
quelque  pev  de  rvynes,  quelque  pev  davltres,  usyng  for  «  a  »,  in  suche  sen- 
tences, quelque;  and  so  of  ail  other  lyke. 





First  ail  proper  names,  ail  names  of  dignité,  office  and  craftes, 
and  also  names  of  kynred  or  cognation  spirituall,  belongyng  onely 
tomen,  be  of  the  masculyn  gendre,  and  the  same  names  belongyng 
onely  to  women  be  of  the  femynin  gendre,  as  Henry,  roy,  pape,  chan- 
cellier,  covstvrier,  père,  pairrayn,  Harry,  king,  pope,  chaunceller,  tayliour, 
father,  godfather;   Katherine,  rôyne,  abesse,  chancelliére ,  covstvriére, 



mère,  marràyne,  Katheryn,  quene,  abbesse,  chaiincellars  wyfe,  tayl- 

lours  wyfe,  mother,  god  mother. 

Item  the  names  of  ail  maner  trees,  whider  they  bearefrute  or  nat, 
be  of  tbe  masculyne  gendre. 

Except  that  beare  frute,  vigne  a  wyne  tree  and  oliue  an  olyfe  tre; 
but  as  for  oliuier,  wbicbe  also  signifieth  an  olyfe  tre,  foloweth  the  rule. 

Except  of  other  trees  and  shrobbes  espine  a  blacke  thorne;  and  ronce 
a  brainble. 

Item  ail  names  of  frutes  be  of  the  femyne  gendre ,  as  well  generall 
as  pomme,  an  apple,  and  pôyre,  a  peare,  as  particuler,  as  carpendv,  a 
pippyn;  estrangvillon ,  a  choke  peare. 

Except  roysin ,  a  raysin  or  a  grape  ;  biit  as  for  grappe,  a  cluestre  of 
grapes,  foloweth  the  rule. 

Item  ail  suche  substantives  whose  signification  serveth  to  men  onely, 
and  fourmeth  of  them  another  substanlyve  belongyng  onely  to  womeu, 
be  of  suche  gendre  as  theii'  signilication  requireth.  So  that  ail  now- 
nes  verballes  endyng  in  enr  be  of  the  masculyne  gendre,  and  ail 
nownes  verballes  endynge  in  esse,  fourmed  of  their  masculyns,  be 
of  the  femyne  gendre,  as  brodevr,  a  man  brodùrar;  broderésse,  a  wo- 
man  brodùrar;  tencevr,  a  man  cliyder,  tenceresse  a  woman  chyder; 
and  so  of  ail  other  verballes.  And  in  lykewise  ail  names  of  any  craftes 
men  endyng  in  ier  be  of  the  masculyn  gendre  and  ail  tliat  be 
fourmed  of  them  endyng  in  iere,  by  cause  they  signifie  their  wyves  or 
women  exercisyng  the  same  crafte,  be  of  the  femyne  gendre,  as  covs- 
tvrier,  a  tayllour;  covstvriere,  a  tayllours  wyfe  or  a  woman  tayllour; 
and  so  in  maner  of  ail  other  substantives  betokenynge  men  of  crafte. 
And  of  this  sorte  be  ail  suche  as  ende  in  oys,  beyng  formed  of  the 
names  of  countreis,  whose  femynines  ende,  for  the  moost  parte,  in 
oyse,  as  Francoys,  a  frenche  mun  ;Francoyse,  a  frenche  woman.  Ànd 
also  ail  suche  as  ende  in  art,  of  whiche  be  formed  féminins  endyng 
in  arde,  as  bastàrt,  a  man  bastarde;  bastàrde,  a  woman  bastarde.  And 
of  other  whiche  I  can  nat  comprehende  under  any  generall  rule  be 
thèse  folowynge  :  compaignôn ,  a  man  felowe;  compaigne,  a  woman  le- 



Jowe;  macquereav,  a  man  baude  ;  macqaerélle,  a  woman  baude;  belistre, 
a  man  beggar;  beliterésse,  a  woman  beggar;  jaroyyne,  a  man  dron- 
carde;  jarésse,  a  woman  droncarde;  garcàn,  a  boy,  garce  a  gyrle;  mi- 
gnon, a  man  in  favour;  mignonne,  a  woman  in  favour;  fraw/re,  a  man 
fraytour;  tray tresse,  a  woman  traytresse;  larron,  a  tbefe;  larronnésse, 
a  woman  thefe;  peleryn,  a  man  pilgrym;  pèlerine,  a  woman  pilgrym; 
serj)ént,  a  he  sarpent;  serpente,  a  she  saqjent;  hôste,  a  man  hoste;  hos- 
tésse,  a  woman  hosXe^préstre,  a  preest;  presterésse,  a  preestes  concu- 
byne;/o/,  a  he  foole;/ô//e,  a  woman  foole;  serf,  a  bondman;  serve, 
a  bond  woman.  And  suche  as  ende  in  art,  whose  femynines  ende  in 
arde  be  of  this  sorte,  as  I  bave  afore  toucbed,  as  braggàrt,  a  man 
braggar;  braggdrde,  a  woman  braggar;  gailldrt,  a  man  fresshely  be- 
sene;  gayllàrde,  a  woman  fresshely  besene,  and  ail  suche  lyke. 

Item  ail  names  of  beestes  whiche  bave  a  distyncte  name  for  their 
maie,  and  another  for  their  female,  after  their  kynde  allre  their  gen- 
dre, of  whiche  sorte  I  fynde  thèse  substanlives  folowynge. 

Lyon,  a  lyon;  lyonésse,  a  lyonesse;  leopàrt,  a  lyparde;  leopàrde,  a 
she  leparde;  ovrs,  a  he  beare;  ovrse,  a  she  beare;  lovp,  a  he  wolfe; 
lovpue,  a  she  wolfe;  cerf,  a  harte;  byche,  a  hynde;  dayn,  a  bucke; 
biche,  a  doo;  cheuerevl,  a  gote;  chieare,  a  she  gote;  cheual,  à  horse; 
jvment,  a  mare;  thoreav,  a  buU;  uache,  a  cowe;  ueràrt,  a  boore;  trvye, 
a  sowe;  chycn,  a  dogge;  chyénne,  a  bytche;  mvlet,  a  mulet;  mvle,  a 
mule;  asne,  an  asse;  asnésse,  a  she  asse;  leurier,  a  gray  hounde;  le- 
uriére,  a  grayebytche. 

Item  ail  names  of  foules  whiche  bave  a  distyncte  name  for  their 
maie,  and  another  for  their  female,  after  their  kynde  altre  their  gen- 
dre, as  pan,  a  pecocke;  pannésse,  a  pehen;  cocq,  a  cocke;  geline,  a 
benne;  cannàrt,  a  drake;  canne,  a  ducke;  gars,  a  gander;  oye,  a  goose; 
faysànt,  a  faysantcocke;/aj5â7i^e,  a  faysant  benne;  cormerànt,  a  corme- 
raunt;  cormerdnde ,  a  she  cormeraunt;  tartre,  a  he  turlyll  dove;  turte- 
rélle,  a  she  turtyll  dove. 

Item  ail  the  names  of  monethes  and  the  four  sessons  of  the  yere 
be  of  the  masculyne  gendre,  as  novembre,  november;  esté,  sommar. 



Item  ail  names  of  cyties  be  of  the  feminyne  gendre. 

Item  ail  nownes  dimynutives  folowe  the  gendre  of  the  substantyve 
that  they  be  fourmed  of,  as  vng  lionceav,  a  lytell  lyon;  vng  cheualét,  a 
lytell  horse;  vne  maysonnette,  a  lytell  house;  vne  chanconnette,  a  lytell 
song,  by  cause  that,  as  shall  hère  afler  by  myrules  appere,  cheaâl and 
lyon  be  of  the  masculyne  gendre  and  mayson  and  chancôn  of  the  fe- 

Item  ail  principal  floodes  be  of  the  masculyne  gendre ,  and  smalle 
ryvers  of  the  feminyne.  I  call  them  principall  flodes  into  whiche 
many  small  ryvers  ronneth ,  as  la  Sayne,  le  Rosne,  la  Vienne,  la  Char- 

Item  ail  the  feestes  of  the  yere  be  of  the  femyne  gendre ,  except 
Noël,  as  Pasques,  la  Chandelévr,  la  Pentecôste,  la  Tous  Saynctz,  la  saynt 
Michélle,  and  ail  suche  lyke,  for  in  ail  suche  they  understande  feste, 
whiche  is  of  the  feminyne  gendre. 

Item,  if  any  of  the  other  partes  of  speche  be  used  for  substantives , 
ail  suche  be  ever  of  the  masculyne  gendre,  as  mon  possible,  mon  blanc, 
mon  deuànt,  mon  ryén,  mon  cuidér,  mon  pencér,  and  so  of  ail  other  in- 
fynityve  modes ,  whiche  often  in  this  tonge  be  used  in  the  stede  of 
substantives ,  and  therfore  where  the  bysshoppe  of  Angolesme  saythe 
in  the  pystyll  of  Hipermestra, 

Las  que  dirày  nous  estant  en  céste  éstre 
Lavbe  dvjovr  commença  apparoistre, 

the  boke  wolde  be  corrected,  for  estre  is  of  the  masculyne  gendre. 

And  note  that  certayne  substantives  I  fynde  whiche,  thoughe  they 
be  ail  one  in  writynge,  y  et,  by  reason  of  their  dyvers  signification, 
they  alter  their  gendre ,  of  whiche  sorte  be  thèse  substantyves  fo- 





Vng  charboncle,  a  carboncle,  a  precious  stone,  whiche  I  fynde  written  es- 

Vne  charboncle ,  a  carboncle,  a  sore  pestylenciail. 
Vng  costé,  a  syde  of  a  beest  or  a  partie. 

Vne  caste,  a  rybbe  of  a  beest  or  a  coost  of  a  countray. 

Vng  cvré,  a  curate  or  a  parsone  of  a  churche. 

Vne  cire,  a  cure,  a  parsonage,  or  a  cbarge. 

Vng  conte,  a  taie  or  a  mater  that  is  tolde. 

Vne  conté,  a  countie  or  a  sbire  of  a  countrey. 

Vng  compte,        is  an  accompt. 
Vng  datte,  the  date  of  a  writynge,  whiche  sheweth  the  day  and  tyme 

whan  a  writynge  is  made. 
Vne  datte,  a  date,  a  kynde  of  frute. 

Vng  exemple,       an  example  of  any  thyng. 
Vne  exemple,       an  exemplar  for  a  woman  to  worke  by. 
Vng  feste,  the  rofe  of  a  house,  or  the  wynde  beames  of  a  house. 

Vne /este,  a  feest  a  hye  daye,  or  an  assembly  of  people  at  meate. 

Vngjillé,  a  spyndell  with  yarneonit.or  an  baye  to  catche  conyse  with. 

Vne  fille,  a  doughter. 

Vng  livre,  a  boke  to  lerne  on. 

Vne  livre,  a  pounde  in  weight  or  in  money. 

Vng  lovche,  a  goggle  eyed  man. 

Vne  lovche,  a  ladyli  (the  olde  Romant  tonge). 

Vng  manche,       the  bafte  of  a  knyfe  or  the  helve  of  any  edged  tôle. 
Vne  manche,        a  sleve  of  a  gowne  or  any  other  garment. 
Vng  marché,        a  marketstede  or  a  bargayne. 

Vne  marche,        a  marches  or  boundes  bytwene  countrey  and  counti'ey. 
Vng  monstre,       a  monstre,  a  wonderfull  thyng  or  forshapen. 
Vne  monstre,       a  mustre   of  men  that  go  to  warre,  or  a  warehoiise  to 

shewe  ware  in. 
Vng  movlé,  a  moulde,  to  mouide  or  print  a  thyng  in. 


Vne  tnovle,  a  muskyll,  a  shell  fysshe. 

Vnq  paytié,  a  thrumme  of  a  hatle  or  suche  lyke. 

Vne  payne,  a  peyne,  a  grefe. 

Vng  posté,  a  pasty. 

Vne  poste,  paast  or  battre,  or  a  blette  made  with  ynke. 

Vng  péché,  a  synne  or  trespas. 

Vne  pèche,  a  pèche,  a  kynde  of  frute. 

Vng  poyx,  a  peyse  pr  a  weight. 

Vne  poyx,  a  pees,  a  kynde  of  corne,  or  pytcbe  suche  as  is  used  in 


Vng  poyllé,  a  canapy  to  bèare  over  a  prince,  or  a  herse  for  a  deed  body. 

Vnepàylle,  a  fryeng  pan  to  frye  any  meate  in. 

Vng  planché,  a  plancher  or  a  florthe  that  is  boorded. 

Vne  planche,  a  piancke  over  a  bridge. 

Vng  pié ,  a  fote  of  a  man  or  beest. 

Vne  pie,  a  pye  a  byrde. 

Vng  povlcé,  a  thombe,  or  the  poulce  of  a  mannes  arme. 

Vne  pàvlce,  an  ynche  of  measnre. 

Vng  sommé,  a  slepe  or  a  slombre. 

Vne  somme,  a  somme  of  money  or  of  any  other  thyng. 

Vng  sorte,  a  sorte  or  a  company . 

Vne  sorte,  a  facion  or  maner. 

Vng  tayé,  a  skuU  of  a  mannes  heed. 

Vne  tàye,  a  webbe  in  a  mannes  eye,  or  a  pyllowe  bere. 
Vng  temple,         a  temple ,  or  a  churche. 
Vne  temple,  a  temple  of  a  mannes  heed. 

Vng  testé,  a  wytnesse  that  testifyeth  in  a  mater. 

Vne  teste,  a  heed  of  a  man  or  beest. 

Vng  tovr,  a  tourne  or  a  compassyng  about  a  thyng  or  a  dede. 

Vne  tovr,  a  towre  or  a  stronge  holde. 

Vng  vis,  a  face  or  vysage. 

Vne  vis,  a  wyndingstayre,  or  a  vice  of  a  cuppe,  or  suche  lyke. 

Vng  voyllé,  a  vayle  or  a  thyng  to  cover  ones  face,  or  suche  lyke. 

Vne  vôylle,  a  sayle  of  a  shyppe. 


Also  déxtre  and  sinéstre,  if  they  understande  pié  or  costé,  be  of  the 
masculyne  gendre ,  and ,  if  they  understande  mayn ,  they  be  of  the  fe- 
myn  gender. 



Of  what  gendres  the  resydue  of  their  sidjstantyves  be  shall  hère 
after  appere  by  their  terminations,  and  faste. 





Notynge  first  that  ail  suche  substantives  as  be  used  of  sondrie  ter- 
minations belongyng  ail  to  one  thyng  shall,  after  my  rules  hère  fo- 
ie wynge  ,varye  their  gendre,  as  uvcil,  iiovlôir,  and  uovlénte  hetoken  ail 
one  thynge,  yet  uvéil  and  uovlôir  must  be  of  the  masculyne  gendre, 
and  uovlénte  of  the  femyne;  and  of  this  sorte  used  of  suche  as  write 
in  prose  I  fynde  thèse  folowynge  :  defàvlt,  defavlté,  demévr,  demevré 
and  demevrée,  povrpris  povrprise,  despéns  despénse,  créspe  crespine ,  dicton 
dictée,  dv  gtev  de  la  gléve,  prc  prée,  but  suche  aUthoiu's  as  write  in 
ryme  use  to  varie  the  terminations  of  substantives  very  often,  bicause 
of  the  more  just  kepyng  of  their  ryme,  especially  the  Romant  of  the 
Rose,  in  whose  dayes  the  Romant  tong  was  nat  come  to  suche  cer- 
taynte  as  sith  the  frenche  tonge  is,  so  that  it  were  requisite  to  loke 
upon  other  authours  that  write  in  prose ,  or  upon  suche  as  bave  writ- 
ten  sithe  Alayn  Cliartiers  tyme  to  knowe  the  right  frenche  wordes; 
but,  as  concemynge  this  purpose,  ail  suche  be  of  suche  gendre  as  their 
terminations  expressetli. 



Notyng  also  that,  by  l'eason  of  their  tenninations,  the  lernar  maye 


be  in  certaynte  of  what  gendre  every  substantyve  is,  of  masculyne  or 
femyn,  save  that  they  use  thèse  sixe  uéufve,  advllére,  esclave,  gvîde, 
garde  and  hôste  of  ihe  commyn  gendre,  lyke  as  the  latyns  do  homo 
and  latro  and  suche  lyke. 




And  notyng  also  that  they  use  thèse  sixe,  affaire,  evangille,  mevrs, 
nauire,  val,  and  gent  uncertainly,  somtyme  of  the  masculyne  gendre 
and  somtyme  of  the  feminyne.  And  therfore  I  wyll  nat  take  upon  me 
to  name  them  of  any  certayne  gendre ,  no  more  than  suche  as  hâve 
written  grammars  in  the  latyn  tonge  do  talpà  and  dama ,  and  xxi  suche 
lyke,  whiche  they  hâve  therfore  named  dahii  generis;  and  that  the 
sayde  sixe  be  so  uncertaynly  used  of  the  authours  in  the  frenche 
tonge,  shall  hère  after  by  their  authorities  appere. 

Affayre.  —  Jehan  le  Maire  en  la  primiére  epistre  de  lamant  vert. 
De  te  adaertir  de  tovt  le  mien  affaire. 

Idem  alibi  : 

Condigne  assez  selon  le  triste  affaire. 

Levesque  dAnguillesme  en  lespitre  de  Pénélope. 
Mais  Diev  juste  et  honnaire 
A  bien  pàvraev  a  ma  trescJiaste  affaire. 

Le  Romant  de  la  Rose ,  parlant  de  Virginius. 

Et  mievlx  ainsi  le  uovlvt  faire 
Que  la  livrer  a  pdtte  affaire. 

But  in  the  plurell  nombre  ail  authours  use  affàyre  in  the  masculyne 
gendre  onely. 

Evangille.  — Le  Romant  de  la  Rose  parlant  de  favlx  semblant. 

5ur  marne  je  uovs  dis  sans  gvdle 

Se  estait  le  saint  evangille. 

Idem  : 

Tant  svrmonte  céste  evangille. 


In  the  plurell  nombre  ail  authours  use  evangille  in  the  femynin 

Mevrs.  —  Whiche  is  onely  of  the  plurell  nombre  is  used  of  the 
Romant  of  the  Rose,  through  ail  bis  boke,of  the  masculyne  gendre,  as 
Qui  toas  les  mevrs  féminins  scavôit. 
Idem  : 

Ei  toas  a  ma  raison  saccordent 
Quant  les  meurs  féminins  recôrdent, 

and  so  through  ail  bis  boke. 

Alayn  Chartier,  and  ail  that  bave  written  sithe,  use  it  of  the  fe- 
myne  gendre ,  save  that  I  fynde  in  him  : 

Que  nal  ne  pèvlt  ses  mevrs  pervers 
Compter,  par  risme  ne  par  vers. 

Et  alibi  : 

Qui  tovt  leur  mevrs  ndtarélz  leur  bâillent , 

howbeit  naturéh  may  be  saved ,  as  shall  hère  after  appere ,  and 
pervers  he  sayde  to  kepe  his  ryme  wlth  uers. 

Navire.  —  Jehan  le  Mayre  useth  doutfuUy  somtyme  of  the  femi- 
nyne  gendre,  which  also  ail  other  authours  do,  and  of  the  mascu- 
lyne gendre  dyvers  tymes,  as  :  Et  armèrent  avlcuns  petiz  nauires. 
And  :  lavltre  roy  nommé  Athanùs  se  salaâ  en  ung  petit  nanire,  et  sen 
fvîôit'en  Espaigne. 

Val.  —  Alayn  Chartier: 

Apres  passày  vne  postérne 
Ov  je  trovuày  ung  triste  ual. 

Jehan  le  Mayre  :  Si  la  Rôyne  est  de  ce  val  transitoire. 

Idem  :  Qui  est  auprès  dv  movnt  saynte  Bemàrde,  et  sestendit  en  la  val 
dAvàste  jusques  a  la  plaine  de  Playsànce. 

Idem  :  Il  print  et  conqucstà  la  cyte  divoyre  en  la  val  dAvoste. 

Gent.  —  In  the  singuler  nombre  is  used  of  ail  authours  in  the 
femyne  gendre,  in  the  plurell  nombre  somtyme  of  the  masculyn 


gendre,  but,  for  the  moost  parte ,  also  of  the  femynine.  But  le  Romànt 

jjaythe  : 

Telles  choses  ne  font 
Sinon  gens  folz  et  de  malvais  renom . 

Idem  :  Dvngz  et  davltres  gens. 
LEvesque ,  en  lepistre  de  Dido  : 

Helas  ta  aas  et  si  cognais  assez, 
Que  tes  gens  sont  fatigués,  et  lassez. 

And  Johan  le  Mayre  in  primo  :  Assembla  vng  grant  exercite  et  mar- 
uaillevx  peuple  de  toutes  gens  puissans ,  fortz  et  hardys,  et  expers  en  toutes 







.  Dyvers  pther  substantyves  there  be  besydes  tbese  sixe  above  rehers- 
ed,  whiche  I  fynde  used,  somtymes  ones,  somtyme  twyse,  of  ano- 
ther  gehder  than  the  same  substantyves  be  used  of  ail  other  au- 
thours  that  write  in  the  tonge  :  whiche  I  defarre  to  speke  of,  tyll  I 
shall  bave  occasion  to  reherse  them  in  their  places  where  I  shall  speke 
of  their  terminacions;  in  whiche  places  I  wyll  reherse  the  sayde  au- 
thours  sayenges,  and  correcte  them,  or  at  the  leest  excuse  them,  by 
cause  of  the  ryme  that  the  authours  write  in ,  to  thentent  that  I  wolde 
therby  gyve  the  frenchmen  occasion  to  regarde  and  value  of  ryght 
the  parfection  of  their  owne  tonge ,  in  whiche  I  fynde  as  constant 
agrément  concernyng  their  genders,  as  I  do  in  any  of  the  thre  tonges 
parfite,  greke,  hebrieu,  or  latyn,  and  to  thentent  also  that  the  printers 
in  Fraunce  might  use  more  dilygence  that  the  bokes  of  their  owne 
tonge  shulde  nat  by  their  oversight  be  so  unparfite. 

But  of  the  very  parfection  of  the  frenche  tonge  in  dede ,  and  howe 


it  is  corrupted  by  tlie  négligence  of  suche  as  medled  with  the  crafte 
of  printyng,  I  sliall  defarre  to  speke  tyll  my  prologue,  whiche  Iwyll 
Write  atthe  begynnyng  of  the  frenche  vocabular;  andnowe  to  retourne 
toltnowe  the  gendres  of  nownes  by  their  terminations. 



First,  ail  substantyves  endyng  in  any  vowell  without  it  be  e,  whe- 
rof  I  wyll  herafter  speke,  be  of  the  masculyne  gendre,  excepte  end- 
ynge  in  y,  mercj,  and  in  v,  uertù:  but  as  for  credo,  thoughe  they  use 
it  of  the  femynin  gendre,  sayeng  la  credo',  yet  it  is  no  frenche  worde, 
no  more  than  patenostre  or  ave,  whiche  they  use  in  the  masculyne 
gendre;  and  therfore  where  Johan  le  Mayre  saythe,  fe  grant  palv 
denfer,  the  booke  is  corrupte  :  it  wolde  be  la  grant  palv. 




AU  substantyves  endyng  in  any  dyphtong  be  of  the  masculyne  gen- 
der,  except  in  aj,  lay  for  a  last  of  heryng  or  suche  lyke  marchandise  : 
in  av,  peav,  a  skynne;  in  oy,foy,  faythe,  and  loy,  lawe. 



AU  substantives  endynge  in  any  consonant  except  n,  r,  x  ànd  z  (d/ 
whiche  foure  consonantes  I  wyll  hère  after  entrent)  be  of  the  mascu- 
lyne gendre,  except  : 

Endyng  in  c,  lembic,  a  styUatorie; 

In/,  clef,  a  kay;  nef,  a  shippe;  noyf,  the  snowe,  as  it  cleveth  upon 
tre  branches  of  trees  in  winler;  frost;  soyf,  thrust. 

ai . 


In  /,  pel,  a  skynne,  whiche  is  olde  Romant,  for  whiche  they  say 
nowe  peav,  lyke  as  for  thorel  tJioreav,  aignel  aigneav,  and  dyvers  suche 
lyke,  whiche  also  Alayn  Chartier  useth  moche. 

Except  endynge  in  s,  brebis,  a  shepe;  bov taillis,  bubble;  chvcas^,  a 
cadowe,  abyrde;/op,  tyme;  marm,  the  mother  ;  pardris,  apartrytche; 
riens,  nothynge;  caribdis,  a  perell  of  the  çee;  and  sovris  bothe  for  a 
mouse  and  the  brawne  of  a  mannes  arme ,  or  suche  like ,  with  his 
compoundes,  chavae  sovris,  a  backe  that  flyeth  aboute,  and  formys,  a 

Except  endyng  in  /:  covrt,  a  court;  mort,  dethe  ;  nayt,  a  nyght;  dent, 
a  tothe  ;  art,  a  crafte  ;  hart,  a  with  or  wythe  ;forést,  a  forest  ;  and  part,  a 
parte,  with  his  compounde  plus  part,  the  moost  parte. 

But  where  as  agaynst  this  rule  lEvesque  dAnguillesme  saythe  : 

Te  tient  en  suspens 
Dung  mesme  art  quelle  fait  les  serpens, 

it  wolde  be  dune  mesme  art,  for  art,  as  I  bave  hère  shewed,  is  of  the 
feminyne  gendre;  so  that  Alayn  Chartier,  en  la  balade  de  Fovgieres, 
where  he  saythe  : 

Sont  punys  par  leur  malvais  art, 

he  shulde  bave  sayd  malaayse,  safe  for  the  regarde  he  had  to  his 
ryme.  But  as  for  les  sept  ars  liberavlx  whiche  I  fynde  in  Johan  le 
Mayre  maye  be  saved ,  as  I  shall  hereafter  déclare ,  whan  I  speke  of 
adjectyves  endyng  in  /. 



Ail  substantives  endyng  in  n,  havynge  i  or  e  commynge  before  n, 
be  of  the  masculyne  gendre,  except  alphyn,fyn  an  ende,  with  his 
compounde  perfyn  a  fynall  ende ,  and  mayn  bothe  for  a  hande  and  for 
a  queare  of  paper;  as  for  larrecyn  thefte,  I  bave  ones  founde  used  in 


the  femyne  gendre,  but  I  wyll  nat  affirme  that  it  is  of  that  gendre, 
by  cause  his  latyn  worde  is  latrocinium. 

Ail  subslantives  endyng  in  on,  havyng  i  commyng  next  before  on, 
beofthe  femyne  gendre.  Excepte  millyôn,  amyllion;  escorpiôn,  a  scor- 
pyon,  a  sarpent;  aespilion,  a  holyv/adeTSTprincle;  estovrgiôn,iîshe;psal- 
teriôn  a  psaltrion;  and  sion,  bothe  for  a  jacket  and  a  quicke  set,  or  a 

Ail  substantives  endyng  in  on,  havyng  a  syngle  s  before  on,  be  of 
the  feminyne  gendre,  except  tison,  a  fyre  brande;  blason,  a  blasyng  or 
discryvyng  of  ons  armes  ;  peson,  a  wharle  for  a  spyndell;  ojson,  a  goose  ; 
iranchaysôn,  the  gripynge  in  onsbelly;  separaisôn,  a  particion;  son,  a 
sounde  of  a  bell  or  suche  another  thyng,  and  poynsàn,  bothe  for  a 
bodken  and  a  vessel  of  wyne;  mesprisôn,  mysbehavour.  Neverthelesse  I 
fynde  hym  used  doutfuUy,  but  I  suppose  he  foloweth  the  rule. 

But  where  as  lEvesque  Anguellesme,  en  lepistre  de  Zenône,  saythe  : 

Destraira  toy,  et  pais  et  maysôns 

Tant  seront  griefz  et  mortelz  ses  paysans , 

it  vvolde  be  griefves,  but  as  for  mortelz  may  stande  well  ynough. 

AU  substantyves  endyng  in  on,  havyng  a  double  s  before  on,  be 
of  the  masculyne  gendi-e  :  except /m5on,  a  shyvering  for  colde;  mavl- 
dission ,  a  curse  or  cursyng. 

AU  substantyves  endyng  in  on ,  with  any  other  consonant  commyng 
before  on,  be  of  the  masculyne  gendre  :  except /acon,  a  facyon;  leçon, 
a  lesson  to  lerne;  chancon,  a  songe,  and  plancon,  a  plancke  or  yong 

But  where  as  I  fynde  in  Alayn  Chartier  : 

En  la  belle  dame  sans  mercj  ov  il  luy  playst,  et  bon  lay  semble,  gaer- 
don  contrainte  et  renchiere,  it  wolde  be  contraint,  for  gaerdon  is  of  the 
masculyne  gendre,  accordinge  to  my  rule. 



AU  substantyves  endyng  in  ar  or  erhe  of  the  masculyne  gendre, 
excepte  mer,  the  see,  and  amer,  the  galle  of  a  beest. 

Ail  substantyves  endyng  in  evr,  beyng  nat  nownes  verballes,  of 
whiche  I  bave  hère  afore  made  mencion,  be  of  the  femyne  gendre, 
except  caevr,  a  harte;  labevr,  labour;  plevr,  a  wepynge;  honnevr,  with 
his  compoiinde  dislionnevr,  dyshonour;  and  evr,  happe  or  lucke  with 
bis  compoundes  bonevr  and  malevr,  good  lucke  and  yll  lucke. 

But  where  as  in  Johan  le  Mayre,  in  the  prologue  of  his  thirde 
boke,  I  fynde  : 

Povr  eaiter  tout  eri'evr fabuhvx , 
and  in  the  sonie  authoure  : 

Nettoyez  et  poargez  de  tout  errevr  fabulevx , 
I  wolde  saye  toute  errevr fabulevse ,  for  errevr  is  ofthe  feminyne  gendre, 
accordyng  to  my  rule. 

Ail  substantives  endyng  in  ir,  or  or  evr,  be  of  the  mascidyne  gen- 
dre, except  chair,  flesshe;  major,  majour;  mj'nor,  minour  ;  amovr,  love, 
und  paovr,  feare. 

But  where  as  the  Roinant  of  the  Rose  useth  clamoar,  labour,  and 
tristovr,  their  right  termination  is  in  evr,  and  therfore  ciamevr,  and 
tristevrhG  ofthe  femyne  gendre,  as  appereth  by  my  rule  next  before. 


AU  substantyves  endyng  inx,  nat  havyng  i  commynge  before  x,  be 
of  the  masculyne  gendre,  except  tovx,  the  coughe;  quevx,  a  whet- 
slone;.and  chavlx,  lyme  to  make  mortar  with. 

AU  substantyves  endyng  in  ix,  whether  the  i  be  a  parte  of  di- 
phthong  or  nat,  be  ofthe  feminyne  gendre,  excepte  choix,  a  clioyse. 



Ail  substantives  endyng  in  z  be  of  the  masculyne  gendre,  except 
retz,  a  nette. 


Nowe  that  I  hâve  declared  howe  the  gendre  ol  ail  siJjstantyves  in 
the  frenche  tonge  maye  be  knowen,  whlche  ende  in  any  vovvell, 
diphthong  or  consonant,  except  e,  by  reason  oF  their  terinination, 
resteth  to  shewe  the  gendre  of  suche  substantyves  as  ende  in  e, 
whiche  I  hâve  hytherto  differred  to  speke  of  a  parte  by  themselfe, 
by  cause  there  is  so  great  a  nombre  of  them,  in  the  declaryng  of 
whiche  thyng  to  avoyde  confusion,  I  shall  after  the  order  of  the  o,  h, 
c,  joyne  the  vowelles  and  consonantes  unto  e,  and  shewe  the  genders 
of  ail  suche  substantives  in  their  places. 


AU  substantyves  endyng  in  be  be  of  the  feuiynine  gendre,  excepte 
verbe,  a  worde;  ^Xià.  proverbe ,  a  proverbe. 


AU  substantyves  endyng  in  ice  be  of  the  masculyne  gendre,  except 
^"iwrtcc,  justyce;  malice,  malyce,  and  po/ice,  polyce. 


AU  substantyves  endyng  in  che  be  of  the  femyne  gendre,  excepte 
embûche,  an  embusshment;  porche,  a  porche,  and  reproche,  reproch- 


yng;  dimanche,  sonday;  and  therfore  in  the  epistell  of  Dydo  where 

the  bysshoppe  saythe  : 

Si  tu  crains  donqaes  kl  reproclie  ov  diffame , 
■  Qaon  me  repvte  ton  espouse  ov  ta  femme, 

the  booke  wolde  be  corrected,  for  it  wolde  be  le  reproche. 



Ali  substantyves  endyng  in  ce,  with  any  other  letter  conimynge  be- 
fore  ce,  be  of  the  femyne  gendre,  excepte  négoce  busynesse,  and  sci- 
lence  scylence. 



AU  substantyves  endyng  in  de  be  of  the  femynine  gendre,  except 
covlde,  an  elbowe;  eschavldé,  a  wygge;  esclande,  a  slaundre;  exorde,  a 
begynninge;  gvedde,  woode  to  dye  with;  remède,  a  remedy;  subside, 
helpe;  estade,  a  furlong. 

.     _  CAPITULUM  XXI. 

AU  substantyves  endyng  in  ee,  be  of  the  femyne  gendre,  except 
caducée,  virga  Mercurii,  whiche  Johan  le  Mayre  useth  in  the  mascu- 
lyne  gendre. 



AU  substantyves  endynge  in/e  or  in^e  be  of  the  femyne  gendre 
without  any  exception. 


AU  substantyves  endyng  in  âge  or  aige,  whiche  termynation  is  aU 


one  in  the  frenche  tong,  as  I  hâve  touched  in  the  first  boke,  be  of 
the  masculyne  gendre,  except  cayge,  acsge;ymaige,  an  ymage ; /j/aigrg, 
a  snare,  and  raige;  but  advantaige ,  avauntage,  I  fynde  used  doutfully. 
But  I  wolde  suppose  hym  to  be  of  the  masculyne  gendre,  and  therfore 
where  lEvesque  dAngulIesme  savthe  : 

Faire  de  cire  maintz  ymages 

Semblera  cevlx  ov  elle  aevlt  dommages , 

the  boke  wolde  be  maintes. 

But  where  as  be  saythe  in  thepystell  of  Dydo, 

Ha  que  movltfaz  cause  de  mon  domaige , 
Quant  mefiay  en  son  playsant  ymage , 

that  proveth  nat  ymage  to   be   of  the  masculyne  gendre,  as  shall 
hère  after  by  my  rules  playnly  appere.  And  that  ymage  is  of  the  fe- 
myne  gendre  appereth  plainlye  in  the  same  epystell  by  thèse  wordes  : 
Jay  son  ymaige  paincte  au  vif  et  pourtraicte. 

Where  as,  ifhe  were  of  the  masculyne  gendre,  he  wolde  bave  sayd 
painct  et  pourtraict. 



AU  substantyves  endyng  in  ge,  with  any  other  letter  commyng  be- 
fore  ge,  be  of  the  femyne  gendre,  except  ange,  an  angell;  archange, 
an  archangell;  chalenge,  a  challeng;  change,  a  change;  cierge,  a  tapar; 
collège,  a  colledge;  congé,  leave;  déluge,  a  floode;  eschange,  a  chaunge; 
gaige,  a  pledge;  herberge,  an  harborowe;  liège,  a  corke  for  a  slyppar; 
litige,  stryfe;  loge,  a  lodge;  pleige,  a  pledge;  priuilege,  a  privylege; 
prodige,  a  wondre;  refuge,  helpe;  sacrilège,  sacrilège;  siège,  a  siège  to 
sytte  upon,  or  a  siège  about  a  towne;  singe,  an  ape;  songe,  a  dreme; 
sortilège,  sortilège;  and  uovlge,  a  byll  a  weapen. 

But  where  as  Alayn  Chartier  saythe  in  bis  quadrilogue  :  Regarde 
ma  très  languerevse  affliction,  et  tu  cognoisteras  que  toutes  refuges  me 



défaillent,  the  boke   wolde  be  correcled,  fer  it  wolde  be  que  tous 

refuges,  for  refuge  is  of  the  masculyne  gendre,  accordynge  to  my 



AU  substantyves  endyng  in  ie,  i  beyng  a  vowell,  be  of  the  feinyne 
gendre,  excepte  barronnye,  cheualerye,  clergie,  congyé,  and/oje a ly ver. 
But  as  for  dictye,  a  dytie;  marchyé,  for  a  bargayne  or  a  markestede  or 
chepe;  planckyé,  a  plancke;  and  traictie,  a  treatyse;  though  Alayn 
Chartier  use  to  write  them  with  an  i  before  e,  they  that  bave  written 
sythe  bis  tyme  use  more  dicté,  marché,  planché,  and  traicté. 




Ail  substantyves  endyng  in  le,  bavyng  a  vowell  commyng  nexte  be- 
fore le,  be  of  the  femyne  gendre,  except  balé  a  baies,  a  brome  or  a 
precious  stone,  and  idole  an  ydole,  scrupule  a  doutynge,  stile  a  style, 
and  zèle  love  or  zeie. 


AU  substantyves  endyng  in  ble  be  of  the  masculyne  gendre,  except 
bible  the  byble,  chesuble  a  chesable,  estable  a  stable,  and  table  a  table. 
Howe  be  it  I  fynde  in  the  bysshope  of  Anguyllesme  : 

Et  toat  ainsi  que  les  nouuelles  blés 
Gresles  et  tendres  de  petit  vent  troublées, 

but  aU  other  authours  use  ble  .in  the  masculyne  gendre ,  accordyng 
to  my  rule. 



All_^  substantyves  endyng  in  de  be  of  the  masculyne  gendre,  except 
bovticle,  a  shoppe. 

But  where  as  Alayn  Chartier  saythe  miracle  gracievse,  and  the  Ro- 
mant  of  the  Rose  : 

Cil  voit  (jue  la  chose  est  a  certes 
Et  uoit  les  miracles  apertes, 

they  hâve  bothe  used  myracle  of  the  femyne  gendre  for  by  cause  of 
the  ryme,  where  as  I  ever  elles  fynde  hym  of  themasculyne  gendre, 
accordyng  to  te  generall  rule  touched  in  the  seconde  boke,  for  bis 
latyn  worde  is  hoc  miraculam. 


Substantyves  endyng  in  y/el  fynde  no  mo  but  escovfle,  a  kyte  a  put- 
tocke  ;  and  pantovjle,  a  slyppar  ;  whiche  be  of  the  femyne  gendre. 


AU  substantyves  in  gle  be  of  the  masculyne  gendre,  excepte  aigle, 
an  egle;  cengle,  a  gyrthe  ;  and  règle,  a  rule. 


Ail  substantyves  endynge  in  lie  be  of  the  femyne  gendre ,  excepte 
Capitolle,  scrupalle,  idollc,  domicilie,  whiche  thre  substantives  I  wolde 
Write  with  a  syngle  /,  bicause  their  latyn  wordes  be  written  with  a 
syngle  /;  volaille,  a  company  of  byrdes  flyeng;  interaalle,  the  space 
bytwene  two  hylles  or  bitwene  two  tymes;  palle,  a  pale  ;  rolle,  a  rôle  ; 
and  libelle,  a  lybell. 



But  where  as  the  Romant  of  the  Rose  sayth  : 

Et  regarde  il  toasjoars  a  vne  estoille 
Si  ne  court  pas  tousjours  dvng  voylle , 

it  wolde  be  une  for  voylle,  for  a  sayle  is  ever  used  of  the  femynine 
gendre,  as  I  hâve  afore  declared;  for  of  the  latyn  worde  hoc  vélum 
cometh  voyle  for  a  vayle  which  is  of  the  masculyne  gendre ,  accord- 
yng  to  the  generall  rule,  and  the  other  is  used  of  the  feminyne 
gendre  by  cause  of  a  différence. 


Ali  subslantyves  endyng  in  pie  be  of  the  masculyne  gendre,  except 
covple,  a  couple,  a  payre;  and  gvimple,  a  wympyll;  and  exemple,  an 


AU  substanty ves  endyng  in  sle  be  of  the  masculyne  gendre ,  except 
esle,  a  wyng;  and  gresle,  hayle. 

In  le  with  any  other  consonant  I  fynde  but  marie,  marie  to  fatte 
the  erthe  with,  whiche  is  of  the  masculyn  gendre. 


AU  substantyves  endynge  in  me  be  of  the  femyne  gendre ,  excepte 
abisme,  a  depe  place  ;  avrijlame,  the  chiefe  standart  of  the  frenche 
kynge;  bavhme,  baulme;  baptisme,  ha^ptym  ;blasme,h\sLme;  blasphème, 
mispekyng  of  God;  carme,  for  a  calme  wether;  crime,  a  synne  ;  dia- 
dème, a  crowne  for  a  prince;  diffame,  yvell  spekyng;  esme,  for  an 
ame  or  a  gessyng;  germe,  sede  ;  latiesme,  the  letany;  uolume,  a  vo- 
lume; psealme,  a  psalme;  phantosme,  a  fantosy;  proesme,  a  proheme  ; 
problème,  a  problème;   royavlme ,  a  reaime;   régime,   a  govemyng; 


schisme,  a  scissym  or  enusion  ;  syllogisme,  a  sylogysme  ;  sparme,  mannes 
sede;  sophisme,  a  sophyme;  terme,  a  terme  ;  thyeme,  anantetyme  of  a 

As  for  the  gendre  of  apostemc  I  hâve  nat  yet  observed,  but,  aller 
the  generall  rule,  it  muste  be  of  the  masculyne  gendre,  lyke  as  ail 
thèse  greke  wordes  hère  afore  rehersed,  by  cause  the  latyns  use  them 
in  the  neutre  gendre.  And  therfore  Alayn  Chartier,  in  bis  quadrilogue 
where  be  speketh  of  the  treasour  of  Fraunce ,  wolde  be  corrected 
where  be  saythe  :  Mais  cest  vne  droicte  abisme  on  tout  se  font  et  despent. 
And  also  in  another  place  of  the  same  boke ,  where  be  saythe  :  Et 
povr  ce  que  les  jugemens  de  Diev  sans  que  riens  ne  se  faict  sont  vne  pro- 
fonde abisme,  for  abisme  is  of  the  masculyne  gendre,  accordyng  to 
myne  exception. 


Ali  substantives  endyng  in  mme  be  of  the  femyne  gendre ,  except 


Ail  substantyves  endyng  in  ne  be  of  the  femyne  gendre,  except 
avlmosne,  almesse;  cigne,  a  swanne  ;  crespine,  a  cyprès  lynyn  ciothe  ; 
demayne  or  domayne,  demayne  landes  ;  ^une,  a  faste;  infortune,  a  mys- 
chaunce;  quintaine,  a  quyntayne  to  juste  at;  patrimoine,  a  patrimony  ; 
pigne,  a  combe;  règne,  a  raigne  ;  signe,  a  token;  throne,  a  trône,  ly- 
come  an  unicorne  beest,  and  origine  a  begynnyng,  I  suppose  shuide 
be  of  the  masculyne  gendre ,  but  I  hâve  nat  sene  it ,  and  therfore 
where  Aiayn  Chartier  saytli  in  bis  quadrilogue  :  Ainsi  croy,  que  le  fleal 
de  la  diaine  justice ,  qui  nous  fier  t  par  laduercite  présente  novs  doybt  esmov- 
uoir  a  prendre  covraige,  povr  novs  hors  jecter  de  ceste  infortune,  it  wolde 
not  be  ceste  infortune,  for  infortune  is  of  the  masculyne  gendre.  But 


as  for  guigne,  I  fynde  hym   doutfuUy   used  in  the  Romant  of  the 

Rose,  as  : 

Ov  s'il  a  son  lahevr  gaigne, 

Mays  il  ne  pevt  de  son  gaigne. 

Idem  : 

Son  don  multiple  et  gaigne 
Quest  bien  certayn  de  sa  gaigne. 

But  the  right  frenche  worde  is  goyng  whiche,  by  reason  of  his  ter- 
mination ,  muste  nedes  be  of  the  masculyne  gendre. 


AU  substantyves  endyng  in  oe  be  of  the  femyne  gendre, 


AU  substantyves  endyng  in  y^e  be  of  the  femyne  gendre,  except 
crespe,  mancipe  and  principe. 

In  phe  I  fynde  no  more  but  triumphe  and  epitaphe  whiche  bothe 
be  of  the  masculyne  gendre. 


AU  substantyves  endyng  in  re,  havyng  a  vowell  commyng  next  be- 
fore  re,  outher  alone  or  in  a  diphthonge,  be  of  the  femynyne  gendre, 
except  adultère,  for  a  man  advoUerer  and  the  syn,  but  adultère  for  a 
woman  advuoulterer  must  nedes  be  of  the  femyne  gendre ,  by  cause 
of  his  signification. 

Excepte  also:  aduersaire,  bréviaire,  cemitiere,  colire,  consistoire,  con- 
traire, denaire,  empire,  exemplaire,  yaoire,  luminure,  martire,  miliaire, 
misère,  monastère,  murmure,  offretoire,  perjare,  presbitoire ,  purgatoire,  re- 


paire,  sanctuaire,  salaire,  scapulaire ,  sidère ,  suaire ,  territoire ,  vitupère,  for 
ail  their  latyn  wordes  ende  in  um,  and  be  of  the  neutre  gendre.  But 
where  as  Alayn  Chartier,  in  his  Quadrilogue,  saythe  :  la  murmvre  du 
pevple,  the  booke  wolde  be  corrected,  for  it  wolde  be  le  murmvre,  ac- 
cordynge  to  my  rule,  and  as  for  the  englysshe  of  thèse  substantyves, 
bicause  of  brevyte  I  overpasse  them,  referryng  the  lernarto  the  frenche 


Ail  substantyves  endyng  in  rre  be  of  the  femyne  gendre. 

Except  arre,  as  larre  des  chatz,  the  catenvawyng  of  cattes;  bevrre, 
butter;  bavbevrre,  whey;  curre,  a  charet;  levrre,  a  lure  fora  hauke, 
or  the  loke  or  countenaunce  of  a  parson;  foirre,  strawe;  tonnoyrre, 
thundre;  and  uoyrre,  a  glasse  to  drinke  in;  for  al!  their  latyn  wordes 
also  ende  in  um  and  be  of  the  neutre  gendre. 


AU  substantyves  that  ende  in  se  be  of  the  femyne  gendre. 

Except  colosse,  and  that  I  fynde  dyuorse  used  of  the  bisshope  of 
Anguillesme  doutfully,  as  povr  en  faire  entre  nous  le  divorse. 

Idem.  Pçiris  Alexandre  a  envoyé  la  belle  diuorse,  but  I  suppose  di- 
uorse  rather  to  be  of  the  masculyne  gendre,  by  cause  his  latyn  worde 
is  diuortium. 


AU  substantyves  endyng  in  tre  be  of  the  masculyne  gendre. 

Except  chartre,  bothe  for  a  prison  and  a  princes  chartre  or  par- 
done;  epystre,  a  pysteU;/enes<re,  a  wyndowe;  lettre,  a  letter;  and  tartre, 
a  tarte.  As  for  lovtre,  an  ottre,  I  finde  in  Phebûs,  de  Déduit  de  la  chasse, 


used  uncertainlye ,  but,  in  other  aulhours,  I  note  hym  to  folowe  my 

rule.  And  vvhere  as  the  romant  of  the  Rose  saythe  : 

Quant  apperccvt  Ihoirible  monstre 

Toute  preste  a  batailler, 

ihe  boke  wolde  bc  corrected  for  accordyng  to  my  generall  rule, 
where  1  shewed  what  substantyves  beyng  ail  one  in  writyng,  by  rea- 
son  of  their  dyvers  signification,  altre  their  gendre.  Monstre  for  a  mons- 
tre is  of  the  masculyne  gendre. 




AU  substantyves  endyng  in  re,  with  any  other  consonant  commynge 
before  rc,  be  of  the  femyne  gendre. 

Except  ambre,  ambcr;  camfre,  camfory;  chancre,  bothe  for  a  lobster 
and  fora  çanker  a  disease;  chamure,  hempe;  cjc?re,  sydar  drinke;  coffre, 
a  coffer;  congre,  a  congre;  degré,  a  steppe  or  degré  ;  esclandre,  a  slaundre; 
gendre,  for  a  kynde;  gre  as  bon  gre,  mal  gre;  gingembre,  gynger;  govffre, 
a  great  fall  of  water  or  the  mouthe  of  a  great  hoUowe  thynge;  haare, 
a  havyn;  hongre,  agelding;  Heure,  anhare;  lucre,  wynnyng;  mandeglaire, 
a  niandrake;  malendre,  a  malandre,  a  sore;  marbre,  marble;  membre,  a 
membre;  ojfrc,  an  ofFrynge,  used  as  yet  of  the  doutefull  gendre;  op- 
probre, a  rebuke;  pre,  a  medowe;  repayre,  a  repayre;  «acre,  a  sacre,  a  hauke, 
safre;  sépulcre,  a  sépulcre  ;  simulacre,  an  ymage  ;  sulphre,  brimstone  ;  sucre, 
sugar;  tirfre,  a  tygre -,  timbre ,  a  tymbre;  uespre,  an  evennyng;  and  vmbre, 
a  shadowe.  As  for  encombre  and  cojfre  I  bave  nat  yet  observed  what 
gendi'e  they  be  of  ;  but,  where  as  the  Romant  of  the  Rose,  in  the  dis- 
cription  of  the  bouse  of  Fortune,  and  the  ylande  where  it  is  sette, 
useth  arbre  sixe  tymes  toguyder  in  the  femyne  gendre,  the  same 
authour  and  ail  other  elswhere  useth  hym  accordyng  to  my  rule  ;  and 
as  for  pricvré  is  of  the  femyne  gendi'e  accordyng  to  my  rule ,  though 
1  fynde  hym  of  some  writers  mysused. 

And  note  that  of  the  ntiooste  parte  of  thèse  substantyves  to  a  latyn 


man  the  gendre  may  bc  easely  knowen,  for  so  moche  as  thelr  latin 
wordes,  accordyng  to  the  generall  rule,  ende  in  um  and  be  with  them 
of  the  neutre  gendre. 


Ail  substantyves  endyng  in  te  be  of  the  femyne  gendre. 

Except  acte,  an  acte;  antidote,  a  recept  against  a  poyson ;  arbuste,  a 
shrobbe,  a  lowe  tre;  cyrcvite,  a  cyrcute,  a  goyng  or  compassynge  about 
a  thyng;  dovbte,  a  doute;  dicté,  a  dyte  of  a  song;  geste,  a  jest  in  acte; 
yiste,  a  lodgyng ;  mm/e ,  a.  meryle  ;  ypocrite,  anypocrite;  reste,  the  rest 
that  leaveth  of  a  thyng  or  somme;  teste,  a  wytnesse;  traicté,  a  tracte 
or  a  treylise;  tumulte,  a  prease  of  people;  conte  for  a  taie. 


AU  substantyves  endyng  in  ite  be  of  the  femynine  gendre. 


AU  substantives  endyng  in  ve  be  of  the  femyne  gendre. 

Except  conclave,  a  parlour;  conuyve,  a  geste;  esprevue,  a  profe; 
oeue,  the  roughe  of  a  fysshe;  gleyve,  a  v/ea.pyn;  Jlevue ,  a  floode.  As 
for  prévue  foloweth  the  rule,  thoughe  I  fynde  hym  of  some  writers 


AU  substantyves  endynge  in  ve  be  of  the  femyne  gendre. 
Excepte  masque,  muske;  maisgue,  the  ronnelles  suche  as  chese  is 
made  with  ;  and  gve,  a  place  in  a  ryver  where  one  maye  wade  over. 




Substantyves  endynge  in  xe  I  fynde  no  more  but  sixe  whiche  ail 
be  of  tbe  masculyne  gendre. 





Nowe  that  I  hâve  declared  howe  the  gendres  of  ail  substantyves  in 
tbe  frenche  tong  may  be  knowen ,  whiche  be  wordes  alone  by  them 
selfe ,  resteth  nowe  to  shewe  the  gendre  of  ail  suche  as  be  compomxde 
of  two  wordes  or  elles  be  expressed  by  thre  wordes  of  whiche  the 
myddell  is  a  préposition;  for  the  déclaration  of  whiche  thing  it  is  to 
be  noted  that  there  be  four  sortes  of  compounde  substantyves  in  the 
frenche  tonge. 

First.  Some  be  compounde  of  two  wordes,  of  whiche  eche  ofthem 
be  unparfite by  theniselfe ,  as  dimanche,  sonday;  landj,  monday;  mardy, 
tuesday  ;  mercredy,  wednisd&y ;juevdy,  thursday;  uendredy,  friday;  samedy, 
saturdaye;  mydy,  noone;  and  suche  lyke.  And  ail  suche  be  of  suche 
gendre  as  their  termination  requyreth,  excepte  dimanche  of  whiche  I 
hâve  made  mencyon  in  the  substantyves  endyng  in  che. 

Seconde.  Some  be  compounde  of  two  wordes  of  whiche  the  last  is 
a  substantyve  distyncte  by  hym  selfe ,  thoughe  the  first  be  unparfyte , 
as  printemps ,  thespringof  theyere;  bersaull,  a  quyntine;  licol,  a  halter; 
mynuyt,  mydnight;  and  suche  lyke.  And  ail  suche  aJso  be  of  suche 
gendre  as  their  later  substantyve  is  alone  by  hymselfe. 

Thirde.  Some  be  compounde  of  two  wordes  of  whiche  the  one  is 
a  substantyve  and  the  other  an  adjectyve,  as  Monsieur,  the  heyre  ap- 
paraunt  of  Fraunce;  Madame,  the  heyre  apparauntes  wyfe,  or  the 
kynges  mother;  bonhomme,  a  Tpoore  husbande  man;  bonne  femme,  apoore 
woman;  gentylhômme,  a  gentyllman;  gentyl  femme,  a  gentyll  woman; 


beavpere,  a  father  in  lawe  or  a  beaupere  a  felowe;  bellemere,  a  mother  in 
la.we-^ grantpere,  agraunt  father;  meregrant,  a  graunt  mother;  and  suche 
lyke.  And  ail  suche  be  of  suche  gendre  as  the  substantyve,  if  alone  by 
hym  selfe,  shulde  be. 

Fourthe.  Some  be  compounde  of  two  wordes  of  whiche  the  one  is 
a  substantyve ,  the  other  somtyme  also  a  substantyve ,  and  somtyme 
some  other  parte  of  speche,  as  garderohe,  a  wardroppe;  portebaffet , 
hethat  hath  charge  of  a  great  mannes  plate;  savhieconduit,  a  safe  con- 
ducte;  ortiegriache ,  a  wylde  nettell  ;  ^Haresme  prennan^  shraftyde;  sur- 
sault,  a  sodayne  starte;  sombresault ,  a  tumblyng  caste;  barbedieu,  the 
sede  of  dandelyon  whiche  children  call  preestes  crownes;  and  su- 
che lyke.  And  ail  suche  be  of  suche  gendre  as  the  substantyve  is  alone 
by  hymselfe;  but  they  which  be  made  of  two  substantyves,  as  bar- 
bedieu, chausse  trappe,  shalbe  of  suche  gendre  as  the  later  substantyve 
is  alone  by  hymselfe. 

But,  if  they  be  expressed  by  thre  wordes  of  which  the  myddle  worde 
is  a  préposition,  as  bec  de  faulcon,  apollax;  tablier  a  femme,  a  womans 
naperne  ;  husche  a  pétrir,  a  knedynge  troughe,  and  suche  lyke,  ail  suche 
shalbe  of  suche  gendre  as  the  substantyve  is  that  cometh  before 
the  préposition.  And  this  for  to  knowe  the  gendres  of  ail  the  sub- 
stantyves ,  in  the  frenche  tong,  bothe  symple  and  of  suche  as  be  com- 
pounde, 1  thynke  to  be  sufficient. 





AU  substantyves  endyng  in  any  vowell,  by  addyng  to  of  s,  fourme 
their  plurelles,  as  homme  hommes,  mercy  mercys,  uertv  uertvs. 

Except  suche  substantyves  as  ende  in  e,  havyng  their  accent  upon 
the  same  e:  for  ail  suche ,  by  addyng  to  of  z,  fourme  their  plurelles,  as 
bonté  bontez. 

AU  substantyves  endyng  in  ay  or  oy,  by  addyng  to  of  s,  forme  their 




plurelles,  as  essay  essays,  esmoy  esmoys ,  excepte  loy,  whiche  maketh  loix 
in  his  plurell  nombre  by  addyng  to  of  x. 

Also  ail  substantyves  endyng  in  m,  n  or  f,  by  addyng  to  of  s,  forme 
their  plurelles,  as  nom  noms,  mayson  maysons,  mur  murs,  brodeur  hro- 
devrs,  covp  covps  :  but  ail  suche  substantyves  as  ende  in  t  or  in  d,  if 
they  hâve  n  or  r,  commynge  nexte  before  them,  by  cbaungynge  their 
laste  letters  in  to  s,  fovu"me  their  plurelles,  as  accord  accors,  serment 
sermens,  except  chant  and  gant,  for  whose  plurelles,  for  the  most  parte, 
they  use  chantz  and  gantz  by  addynge  of  z. 



Ail  sidDstantyves  endyng  in  eu,  ou,  evl  or  ovl,  by  addyng  to  of  x, 
foui'me  their  plurelles,  as  diev  dievx,  clov  clovx,  cheuercvl  cheuerevlx, 
povl  povlx,  genoul  genovlx:  but  where  as  1  fynde  in  Johan  le  Mayre 
povyl  and  genovyl,  with  an  i  added  before  the  /,  that  kynde  of  writinge 
I  do  nat  approve. 

Also  ail  substantyves  endyng  in  avlt,  by  chaungyng  of  /  into  x,  forme 
their  plurell  nombres,  as  heravlt  heravlx. 

Also  ail  substantyves  endyng  in  eav,  whose  olde  Roniant  worde  was 
wont  to  ende  in  el ,  by  a:ddyng  of  /  and  x  to  their  syngulars  fourme 
their  plurelles,  as  thoreav  thoreavlx,  wherby  appereth  that  we  bave 
taken  dyvers  of  our  substantyves  beyng  of  thèse  sorte  out  of  the  olde 
romant  tonge ,  as  charnel,  hedel,  barbel,  jouel,  bovcl,  chastel,  mantel, 
fardel,  seel  and  suche  lyke,  of  whiche  if  their  el  be  tourned  into  eav, 
maye  be  made  right  frenche  wordes ,  as  chameav,  bedeav,  barbeav,  etc.; 
whose  plurelles  howe  they  be  fourmed  apperelh  hère  by  my  rule. 
But  ail  that  ende  in  eav  or  in  av,  beyng  nat  fourmed  oui  of  olde  Ro- 
mante  substantyves,  by  addynge  of  x  onely,  fournie  their  plurelles,  as 
raynceav  raynceavx. 

Also  ail  suljstantyves  endyng  in  al,  by  addynge  to  of  u  to  their  a 
and  to  their  /  an  x,  fourme  their  pluielles,  as  cheval  cheuavlx. 


Also  ail  substantyves  endyng  in  ail,  by  chaungynge  of  y  into  u, 
and  addynge  to  of  x,  fourme  tlieir  plurelles ,  as  trauayl  trauavlx. 




Ail  substantyves  endyng  in  c,  in  d,  a  vowell  commyng  nexte  before 
the  d. 

Also  ail  substantyves  endyng  in/,  in  çj,  in  el,  beynge  a  ryght  fren- 
che  worde,  and  nat  of  the  olde  Romant  in  il  or  in  ol. 

Also  ail  substantyves  endyng  in  q,  orin  /,  a  vowell  commyng  next 
before  the  t,  by  addynge  to  oi  z,  forme  their  plurelles  :  as  sac  sacz, 
parc  parez,  nyd  nydz,  piedpiedz,  nefnefz,  cerf  cerf  z ,  jovg  jovgz ,  poyny 
poyngz ,  fiel  fielz ,  péril  perilz ,  fol  folz ,  cocq  cocqz,  chat  chatz,  secret  se- 
cretz,  mot  motz,  and  ail  that  ende  in  e,  havyng  their  accent  upon  the 
same  e,  accordyng  as  I  bave  hère  afore  touched. 

And  note  that,  thoughe  I  fynde  thèse  rules  somtyme  broken,  I 
impute  that  to  the  neglygence  or  rather  ignorance  of  the  printers 
than  to  the  authoms,  howe  be  it  the  tonge  is  nat  yet  so  utterly  corne 
to  bis  perfection  but  that  I  fynde  somtyme  diversité  amongest  the 
authours  selfe. 

But  w^here  as  I  fynde  in  Jehan  le  Mayre  estomach  and  roch  for  es- 
tomac and  roc,  in  suche  writyng  he  is  nat  to  be  folowed. 



There  be,  besydes  the  substantyves  hère  above  rehersed,  certayne 
other  in  the  frenche  tong,  whiche  be  of  the  plxu"ell  nombre  onely, 
and  bave  no  syngular  at  ail,  other  by  cause  the  latyn  wordes  of  whiche 
they  be  deduced  be  so  used  in  the  latyn  tonge,  as  nopces,  ftansaylles , 
uigiles,  obsèques,  and  suche  lyke,  by  cause  the  latyns  saye,  nuptie, 
sponsalia,  uigilie,  obsequie,  or  elles  by  cause  they  signifie  suche  instru- 


mentes  or  tôles  as  we  in  our  tong  use  to  narae  by  payres ,  as  ungz  suf- 
fletz,  ungz  pièges,  unes  lunettes,  unes  patenostres,  by  cause  we  saye  in 
oure  tonge  a  payre  of  bellous,  a  payre  of  stockes,  a  payre  of  spec- 
tacles, a  payre  of  bedes;  and  of  this  sort  howe  many  I  fynde  in  the 
frenche  tong  shall  hère  appere ,  and  also  what  gendre  they  be  of  by 
their  article  put  before  them,  lyke  as  I  sayde  I  wolde  do,  whan  I 
made  mencion  of  thèse  substantyves  in  the  chapiters  of  the  gendres. 

Vnes  ancestes , 
Vnes  armes,  . 
Vnes  avlmoires, 
Vnes  besaces, 
Vnes  belances, 
Vnes  brayes, 
Les  broches, 
Vnes  chausses, 
Vnes  cartes, 
Vnes  cimballes , 
Vngz  siseletz, 
Les  consavlx. 

Les  complies. 

Les  delicez , 
Vnes  decrottoyres , 
Vngz  degrez, 
Les  dispens, 
Vnes  escourgez , 
Les  escrovelles, 

Les  entremîtes , 
Vnes  estricguoyres 
Vnes  escriptoyres , 
Vnes  entraves, 
Vnes  estevues, 

a  payrè  of  potte  hangynges. 

an  armes  of  a  noble  man  or  gentyilman. 

a  presse  to  laye  or  hang  stoffe  in. 

a  waliet. 

a  payre  of  baians  or  scales  to  wey  with. 

a  payre  of  sloppes  or  a  payre  of  brèches. 

of  the  femyn  geridi-e ,  a  disease  called  the  emerodes. 

a  payre  of  hosen. 

a  payre  of  cardes  to  playe  with. 

a  payre  of  symballes,  an  instrument  of  musyke. 

a  payre  of  barbours  sheyres, 

of  the  masculyne  gendre ,  the  counsaylours  about  a  prince 

or  great  esta  te. 
of  the  femyne  gendre,  compiayn,  the  boiu-of  service that 

foloweth  evynsong. 
of  the  femyne  gendre,  delytes  or  pieasures. 
a  rubbynge  brusshe  to  make  clene  clothes  with. 
a  payre  of  stayres. 

of  the  masculyne  gendre,  a  cost  or  charge, 
a  scourge,  a  whyppe. 
of  the  femyne  gendre,  a  disease  called  the  quynnancy  or 

the  kynges  yvell. 
of  the  femyne  gendre,  the  bowelles  of  a  beest. 
a  payre  of  pynsons  an  instrument, 
a  pennar  and  ynke  borne, 
a  payre  of  boites  of  yron  for  a  prisoner. 
a  bote  bouse  or  a  bayne. 


Vues  estovpes, 
Vues  Jiansayles , 
Vues  forceps , 
Les  frontières , 

Vngz  govjons , 
Les  glandres, 
Vngz  gietz, 
Les  grâces , 



Vues  hevres, 
Vues  endentures , 

Vnes  lunettes, 
Vnes  lices, 

Vnes  lettres , 
Les  mevrs. 

Les  matynes, 
Vnes  monstres. 
Vnes  nopces, 
Les  noviielles, 
Vnes  orgues, 
Vnes  obsèques, 

Les  ordres, 
Vnes  patenostres, 
Vnes  paces . 
Vngz  picgz , 
Les  rayns, 


a  locke  of  towe  or  hurdes. 

an  assiiryng  or  handfastynge  of  folkes  to  be  maryed. 
a  payre  of  shermans  sheres. 
of  the  femyne  gendre,  the  fronters  or  marches  bytwene 

reaime  and  reaime, 
a  payre  of  fetters  for  a  horse  or  a  man. 
a  payre  of  gesses  for  a  hauke. 
of  the  femyne  gendre,  grâce,  suche  asissayd  at  the  table 

or  thankes. 
of  the  masculyne  gendre,  wages,  suche  as  souldyouis  or 

hyred  folkes  bave, 
a  primer  or  a  mattyns  boke. 
a  payre  of  indentures  of  covynauntes  bytwene  partie  and 

a  payre  of  spectacles, 
a  tylte  to  lerne  to  juste  at,  or  the  barres  that  compassé  a 

justyng  place, 
a  letter  missyfe. 
of  the  femyne  gendre ,  maners  or  comlicions  :  but  of  hym 

I  bave  spoken  before. 
of  the  femyne  gendre,  matyns  servyce  in  the  churche. 
a  mustre  of  men  that  shall  go  a  warfare. 
a  weddyng  or  a  maryage. 
of  the  femyne  gendre,  tidynges  or  newes. 
a  payre  of  organs,  an  instrument  of  musyke. 
an  obit  for  a  deed  body  ;  bow  be  it  I  fynde  in  Jehan  le  Mayre  : 
Si  lay  furent  faitz  grantz  obsèques, 

but  obsèques  is  of  the  femyne  gendre, 
of  the  femyne  gendre,  benêt  the  first  tonsure, 
a  payre  of  beedes  to  praye  with. 
a  payre  of  pastes  for  the  attyre  of  a  womans  heed. 
a  payre  of  stockes  to  punysshe  vacabundes. 
of  the  masculyne  gendre,  the  raynes  of  the  backe,  ou- 

ther  of  man  or  of  beest. 


Les  revenues,         of  the  femyne  gendre,  a  rent  or  lyvelode. 

Vngz  sajfletz,        a  payre  of  belowes  to  blowe  the  fyre  with. 

Vnes  tables,  a  payre  of  tables  to  write  in. 

Vues  toarnettes,      a  payre  of  wyndynge  blades  to  wynde  yai'ne  iipon. 

Vnes  tenaylles,       a  payre  of  tonges. 

Vnes  taylles,  a  payre  of  taylles,  suche  as  folke  use  to  score  upon  for 

Les  terres,  of  the  femynine  gendre,  rentes  or  lyvelode  of  a  naan.  , 

Les  ténèbres ,  of  the  femyne  gendre ,   a  sodayne    darkenesse  or  tena- 

bles,  the  servyce  in  the  chiirche,  or  want  of  lyght  in 

the  night  season. 
Les  aespres,  of  the  femyne  gendre,  evynsong,  servyce  in  the  churche. 

Vnes  uerges,  a  brusshc  to  brusshe  with. 

Les  iiigiles,  of  the  fennyne  gendre,  dirige,  servyce  for  a  deed  body. 

Les  uiures,  of  the  femyne  gendre,  stoore  or  provisyon  of  vitayie. 

As  foi"  vngz  gantz,  vngz  sovUers,  vngz  yevlx,  nngz  bras,  and  suche 
lyke,  though  I  fynde  them  used  in  dyvers  auctours,  yet  I  hâve  nat 
rehersed  them  amongest  the  other  of  this  sorte,  bycause  we  may 
saye  vng  gant,  vng  soulier,  vng  œil,  vng  bras,  which  of  the  other  wordes 
we  can  nat  saye  without  we  chaunge  the  signification. 

And  note  that  natwithstandynge  that  the  lasle  lelters  of  their  sub- 
stantyves  be  altred  for  the  expressyng  of  their  plurell  nombres,  yet 
the  begynnyng  of  ail  substantyves  remayneth  ever  imchaunged,  ex- 
cepte œil,  whiche  in  bis  plureli  makelh  yevlx,  as  I  bave  afore  touched 
in  the  seconde  boke.  And  tbis  for  the  formation  of  plurell  nombres 
of  ail  substantyves  I  suppose  to  be  suflicient. 


Upon  the  tbirde  accident  I  fynde  nothynge  to  be  noted,  save  that 
substantyves,  used  in  suche  wyse  as  the  latyns  do  their  vocatyves 
cases ,  bave  the  seconde  persons  of  the  verbes  of  suche  nombres  as 
the  substantyves  be ,  as  of  o  homme  adaisc  toy,  o  hommes  amendez  mus. 


And  note  that,  if  two  substantyves  or  many  corne  before  a  verbe 
beynge  joyned  toguyder  with  a  conjunctyon  copulatyve ,  or  elles  dis- 
tyncted  from  a  sondre  with  this  stryke  (,),  the  verbe  shalbe  of  the 
pliirell  nombre,  vvheder  the  nownes  be  synguler  or  plurell. 

Exemple  of  Alayn  Chartier  in  his  Exyle  : 

Et  qui  laisse  la  cognoissavce  de  Diev  et  de  son  office,  povr  sviare  comme 
les  bestes  mues  ses  sevlx  delitz,  (jrace  et  sevrte  le  delayssent,  et  payne,  et 
honte,  et  misère  le  povrsvyaent  jvsques  en  uergoignevse  fyn. 

Idem  in  eodem  : 

Et  se  son  exemple  et  son  enseignement  ne  te  suffisent,  aise  comme  les- 
cripture  te  comforte. 

The  same  authour  in  his  Quadriiogue  : 

Désirant  la  mort  qui  tant  me  tarde,  que  je  la  regrete  chascun  jour  comme 
celuy  qui  courrovx ,  fain  et  défiance  de  comfort,  mainent  doulovrevsement 
a  son  dernier  jour. 

Howe  be  it  suche  as  write  in  ryme  observe  natthis  rule,  for  I  fynde 
in  the  bysshoppe,  in  the  epystle  of  Phylles  to  Demophone  : 
Et  qaav  miliev  dAthenes  la  cite 
Soit  ton  barat  et  fraude  recite, 

for  soyent  recitez.  But,  if  two  substantyves  synguler  be  joyned  toguyder 
with  a  conjvmction  disjunctyve,  the  verbe  shalbe  of  the  synguler 
nombre.  Alayn  Chartier  in  his  Exyle  : 

Si  polation  ou  sacrilège  estfaicte  ou  temple, 
and  suche  lyke. 



Of  every  substantyve  endynge  in  e,  betokenynge  the  name  of  any 
frute,  maye  by  fourmed  another  by  chaungyng  the  e  in  to  ier,  wliiche 
shall  signifie  the  tree  that  beareth  the  same  frute,  as  o£ pomme,  an 
apple  ;  pommier,  an  apple  tree  ;  poire,  a  peare;  poirier,  a  peare  tree  ; 
cerise,  a  chery;  cerisier,  a.  chery  tree;  and  so  generally  of  ail  other. 



Excepte  noyselte,  an  hasyll  nutte,  whose  ihe  tree  is  named  covldre: 
and  more,  bothe  for  a  mulbery  and  a  mvilbery  tree  ;  how  be  it  I  fynde 
also  morier. 

Excepte  also  roysin,  a  reysin,  whose  tre  is  named  uigne  :  and  noix, 
for  a  walnutte ,  maketh  noier  for  a  walnut  tree ,  chaungyng  x  into  er. 

Also  of  every  masculyne  nowne  verball  in  the  frenche  tong, 
whiche  ever  ende  in  evr,  maye  be  fourmed  bis  femyne  verball,  by 
chaungynge  of  evr  in  into  resse,  as  oi  tencevr,  tenceressc,  but  howe  the 
masculynes  nownes  verballes  be  fourmed  shall  hère  after  appere. 

Also  of  every  masculyne  substantyves  endynge  in  ier,  betokenyng 
the  name  of  a  man  of  crafte,  by  addynge  to  of  e,  maye  be  fourmed  a 
femynine  substantyve  betokenyng  the  wyfe  of  the  same  craftisman , 
or  a  woman  exercisyng  the  same  crafte,  as  oï  covstarier  a  tayllyour, 
covsturiere  a  tayllyour  wyfe  ;  bovlengier  a  baker ,  bovlengiere  a  bakars 
wyfe;  and  so  of  ail  suche  lyke. 

And  note  that  the  moost  parte  of  ail  suche  masculyne  substantyves 
be  fom-med  out  of  the  substantyves  whiche  betoken  the  thynge  that 
they  must  occupye  or  serve  for,  as  of  barbe  a  berde,  barbier  a  bar- 
bour  ;  of  bovrse  a  purse  ,  boursier,  a  pursar  ;  of  drap  a  clothe ,  dra- 
pier a  draper;  of  pot  a  potte,  pottier  a  potter;  so  that,  if  the  first 
substantyve  ende  in  e,  by  chaungyng  of  e  in  to  ier,  he  shall  forme 
his  name  of  crafte. 

And  if  the  first  substantyve  ende  in  a  syngle  consonant  by  doublyng 
of  the  consonant  and  addyng  to  of  ier,  he  shall  forme  his  name  of 
craft.  But  this  is  nat  generall,  for  I  fynde  chavssetier  a  hosyer,  coc- 
quetier  a  hucstar,  clovtier  a  nayle  maker,  pantier  a  panter,  whiche 
adde  a  t  before  ier,  for  their  substantyves  that  they  be  fourmed  of  be 
chavsse,  cocque,  clov,  and  pan  for  payn  ;  and  lingiere  addeth  to  g,  and 
as  for  boulengier  a  baker ,  freppier  an  upholstar,  and  menuysicr  a  joy- 
ner,  be  formed  of  no  substantyve  used  in  the  tong. 

And  note  that  ail  the  handy  craftes  in  the  frenche  tonge ,  and  also 
dyvers  names  of  offices  ende  outher  in  ier  as  tresourier,  a  treasourer, 
or  in  evr,  as  brodevr,   a  broderar,  or  elles  they  be  circumlocuted 


with  thre  vvordes  of  whiche  the  myddle  worde  is  a  preposytion,  as 
fayscvr  de  bahas  a  lether  coofer  maker  or  a  bouge  maker,  faysevr  de 
chapperons  hoode  maker;  but  escripuayn  a  scryvenar,  maçon  a  ma- 
sone  ,  charron  a  whele  wright ,  uigneron  a  tyllar  of  vygnes ,  paynire  a 
paynter,  tisserant  a  weaver,  mareschal  a  farrer  or  a  smythe  that  shoeth 
horses,  and  apothecaire  apothecary,  be  excepte. 

Also  ail  diminutyves  ende  outlier  in  ceav,  as  laronceav  a  iyteli 
thefe,  heronceav  an  hernshawe ,  or  in  el,  as  liuret  a  Iyteli  boke ,  corpset 
a  iyteli  body,  or  in  ette,  eis  femmélte  a  lylell  woman,  whose  gendre  is 
ever  suche  as  the  substantyve  that  they  be  formed  out  of,  as  I  hâve 
afore  declared. 

And  ail  that  ende  in  ceav  be  foiirnied  of  masculyne  substantives 
endyng  in  on  by  addyng  to  of  ceav,  as  lion  lionceav.  How  be  il  I  fynde 
homonceav  fourmed  of  homme,  and  rainceav,  a  Iyteli  bough,  formed  of 
rame,  differyng  in  gendre  from  his  priraityve,  as  I  hâve  afore  touched, 
and  garconet,  a  iyteli  boy,  oî garçon,  and  coyschonet,  a  lyteiipygge,  of 
coyschon ,  and  of  chancon,  a  songe,  and  mayson,  a  house,  chanconette, 
a  Iyteli  song,  and  maysonctte,  a  Iyteli  house,  by  cause  they  be  of  the 
femynine  gendre.  But  ail  masculyne  substantyves  endyng  in  e,  by  ad- 
dyng to  of  t,  forme  their  diminutyves,  as  sygne  a  signe,  signet  a  synet. 

Ali  whiche  ende  in  any  other  consonant,  by  addyng  to  of  et,  forme 
their  diminutyves,  as  corps  corpset,  so  that  ail  suche  substantyves  as 
ende  in  eav,  whose  olde  Romant  worde  dyde  ende  in  el,  by  addynge 
to  et  to  their  olde  Romant  worde ,  fourme  their  diminutyves ,  as  ai- 
gneav,  aignel,  aignelet,  a  iyteli  Ïambe  ;  oyseav,  oysel,  oysclet,  a  iyteli 
byrde  ;  tonneav,  tonnel,  tonnelet,  a  Iyteli  tonne,  and  so  of  ail  the  re- 
sydue,  and  in  lykewise  ail  femyne  substantyves  endyng  in  e,  by  ad- 
dyng to  of  tte,  forme  their  diminutyves,  as  oi folle  a  she  foole,/o/- 
lette  a  iyteli  foole  ;  muse  a  bagpype  ,  musette  a  iyteli  bagpype  ;  ail 
other  endyng  in  any  other  termynation,  by  addyng  to  of  ette  forme 
their  diminutyves,  as  pavr  feare,  pauorette  a  iyteli  feare,  but  of  brebys 
a  shepe,  I  fynde  brebiette  a  iyteli  shepe,  for  brebisette;  and  of  boitte  a 
boxe,  boytelette  a  iyteli  boxe;  and  many  I  fynde  in  the  termination  of 



diminutyves  that  be  none,  sls  foret  a  gymlet,  chenet  an  aundyrone, 

and  suche  lyke. 

And  note  that  they  forme  diminutyves  also  of  proper  names,  as 
of  Jehan  Jehannet,  of  Jehanne  Jehannette,  oï  Estien  Estiennon,  of  Es- 
tiene  Estiennette. 

Also  of  dyvers' substantyves  betokenyng  tyme  be  formed  other 
substantyves  endyng  in  ee,  whiche  signifie  the  season  or  the  tyde  of 
the  same  tyme,  as  of  an,  a  yere,  année,  the  space  of  a  yere;  oï  jovr,  a 
daye ,  jovrnee ,  the  space  of  a  daye;  of  matyn,  a  mornyng,  matinée,  the 
season  of  a  mornyng;  of  uespre,  an  evenyng,  uesperee,  an  evenyng  tyde; 
of  nayt,  a  night,  nuytee,  a  night  tyde;  and  mo  I  fynde  nat  in  the  tong 
of  this  sort. 

Also  of  ail  suche  substantyves  as  ende  in  art,  if  they  betoken  any 
condicion  to  a  man  belongyng,  formera  feminyne,  by  toxu-nyng  t  in  to 
de,  as  oï  hastard  bastarde ,  braggart  braggarde ,  cocqiiart  cocqaarde,  pail- 
lart  paillarde,  fetartfeiarde,- and  suche  lyke  wherof  I  bave  spoken  hère 

Also  other  sortes  of  formations  of  substantyves  I  fynde  whiche  be 
nothyng  so  generall  nor  so  certayne ,  of  whiche  sorte  be  suche  as  ende 
in  aige,  as  of  corde  cordaige,  of  baggve  baggaige,  oï  frincl  frinctaige, 
oï  bende  bendayge,  and  some  that  ende  in  tie,  as  of  amy  amytie,  of 
enemy  enemytie,  and  some  that  ende  in  aille,  as  of  ribault  ribauldaille , 
cocquyn  cocquynaylle ,  covart  covardaylle  and  peavtraylle,  whose  symple 
is  nat  in  use ,  which  I  fynde  in  the  boke  of  the  four  ladyes  of  Alayn 

Other  sortes  of  dirivatyons  there  be  wherof  I  bave  made  mencion 
hère  before ,  about  the  begynnyng  of  the  first  accident ,  where  I 
shewed  howe  the  gendre  of  substantyves  may  be  knowen  by  reason 
of  their  signification,  which,  by  cause  I  ean  bring  under  no  generall 
ruie,  I  passe  over,  reportyng  the  lemar  to  the  well  notyng  of  the 
same  substantives  in  the  sayd  place. 

And  as  for  abhomination ,  consolation ,  perdition ,  dissolution,  and  suche 
lyke ,  corne  directly  out  of  the  latyn  tong  by  addyng  to  onely  of  n. 



Of  every  adjectyve,  in  this  tong,  is  fourmed  a  substantyve  suche  as 
the  latyn  call  abstractis.  But  howe  they  be  formed  I  can  observe  no 
maner  generall  rule  to  be  certayne ,  and  therfore  I  shall  defarre  to 
speke  of  every  of  them  tyll  they  shall  corne  in  place,  in  the  table  of 
nownes  substantyves.  How  be  it,  for  the  moost  parte,  ail  suche  adjec- 
tyves  as  hâve  their  masculyne  gendre  and  femyne  bothe  endynge  in 
e,  by  addyng  to  of  te,  forme  their  abstractis,  as  of /acAeslacke,  lâcheté 
slackenesse;  oï  amyahle  amyable,  amyableté  amyablesse;  but  for  this 
thynge  our  tonge  is  moche  more  certayne ,  for  in  maner  ail  oure  abs- 
tractis ende  in  nesse,  as  «  fayrnesse ,  blackenesse,  goodnesse,  wyse- 
«  nesse ,  folysshenesse  « ,  and  so  of  ail  other,  except  they  be  suche  as  we 
take  of  the  frenche  tong  as  humilité,  fragilité,  graaite,  whose  right 
englysshe  wordes  be  humblenesse,  fraylnesse,  sadnesse,  after  the 
generall  nde. 

Also  of  some  femyne  adjectyves  may  be  formed  substantyves  by 
chaungyng  of  their  finall  e  in  to  avlt,  as  of  covrte  covrtault,  lourde 

But  note  ail  that  ende  in  ault  be  nat  ever  fourmed  of  suche  adjec- 
tyves, for  I  fynde  savlt,  bersavlt,  and  many  suche  lyke  whiche  be 
formed  of  no  adjectyves. 


Of  every  preterimparfitens  in  the  frenche  tonge  maye  be  fourmed 
a  masculyne  verball ,  by  chaungynge  oye  into  evr,  as  of  parloye  parleur, 
of  dansoye  danseur,  conuertissoye  conueiiisseur.  But  as  for  dominateur, 
gubernatear,  conducteur,  and  modérateur,  prenunciateresse  and  suche  lyke 
used  of  Johan  le  Mayre,  they  folowe  rather  the  latyn  formacion  than 
the  right  frenche  tonge. 


Also  of  every  prelerimparfitens  maye  be  fourmed  a  substantyve 
whose  englysshe  endeth  in  yng,  by  chaungyng  of  oye  in  to  ement, 
as  oï  parloje  parlement,  a  spekyng,  oî  conuertissoye  conuertissement ,  of 
sentoye  sentement,  and  suche  lyke. 

I  fynde  also  certayne  substantyves  fourmed  of  the  infinityve  modes 
whiche  ende  in  vre,  as  o(  engendrer  engendrvre,  of  novrir  novriture,  of 
escripre  escripture,  of  enfler  enjlvre,  of  murmvrer  murmvre,  of  descomfire 
descomfitvre ,  and  suche  lyke  :  but  the  formation  of  thèse  substantyves 
I  can  nat  bring  under  a  generall  rule  certayne. 
Régula.  And  note  that  it  is  moche  requisyte  for  the  lernar  to  bave  regarde 

to  thèse  rules  wherby  I  déclare  the  ryght  formation  of  substantyves 
in  the  frenche  tonge,  for  the  better  understandyng  of  my  frenche 
vocabular  wherby,  if  any  of  thèse  substantives  whiche  after  my  rules 
be  formed  of  other,  happen  to  be  lafte  unwritten,  if  he  call  to  mynde 
my  sayd  rules,  he  maye  forme  ail  suche  hymselfe  :  and  therfore  to 
*  put  ail  suche  in  the  vocabular  I  reken  it  but  superfluous.' 


Of  substantyves  some  be  symple,  as  homme,  a  main;  femme,  a  woman  : 
some  be  compounde ,  asgentylhomme,  a  gentlllman;  gentylfemme ,  a  gen- 
tylwoman.  And  of  compoundes  I  fynde  so  many  sondrie  sortes  as 
1  bave  rehersed  in  my  annotations  upon  the  first  accident  belongyng 
to  substantyves ,  where  I  shewed  howe  the  gendre  of  suche  substan- 
tyves shulde  be  knowen. 

And  hère  it  is  to  be  noted  that,  in  the  frenche  vocabular,  every 
substantyve  whiche  is  expressed  by  thre  wordes  of  whiche  the  myddle 
worde  is  a  préposition  shalbe  sette  forthe  in  the  worde  that  cometh 
before  the  préposition,  as  bec  de  favlcon  shall  folowe  after  bec  and 
chavlderon  de  mer  shall  folowe  after  chavlderon  :  and  therfore,  whan 
thelerner  hath  founde  out  bec  and  than favlcon,  and  yet  can  nat  fynde 
out  any  worde  of  suche  sence  as  he  loketh  for,  let  hyra  tourne  backe 


agayne  to  bec,  and  there  folowynge  he  shall  fynde  the  sayde  thre 
wordes  expressed.  But  hereof  I  shall  hâve  occasion  agayne  to  speke 
in  the  prologue  of  the  frenche  vocabular. 


Where  we,  in  our  tonge,  use  to  putte  «  to  oure  substantyves  whan  we 
wyll  expresse  possessyon,  sayeng  n  a  mannes  gowne,  a  woman  hose  », 
and  suche  lyke,  so  that  our  substantyves  semé  to  hâve  a  genityve  case, 
with  them,  without  any  chaungyng  of  the  laste  letters  of  their  sub- 
stantyves, suche  spekynge  is  expressed  by  this  préposition  a,  as  where 
we  saye  «  a  mannes  gowne,  a  womans  hose  »,  they  saye  robe  a  homme, 
chavsse  a  femme;  and  in  lykewise,  if  we  adde  the  pronowne  possessyve 
to  any  suche  substantyve  as  «  this  is  my  maisters  gowne,  he  dyd  fette 
«  his  maisters  cloke  »,  they  say  cest  la  robe  a  mon  maistre,  il  alla  quérir  le 
manteav  a  son  maistre,  whiche  rule  is  well  to  be  noted,  and  howe  the 
adjectyves  and  participles  folowethe  the  gendre  and  nombre  of  the 
substantyves,  and  what  congruite  they  use  in  thatbehalfe,  shall  her- 
after,  in  every  of  the  sayd  partes,  as  they  corne  in  order,  more  playnly 

And  nowe  that  I  bave  hère,  in  this  tbirde  boke,  declared  at  lengtb 
what  accidentes  and  properties  belong  unto  ail  the  substantyves  in 
the  frenche  tong,  I  shall  hère  consequently  set  forthe  what  and  howe 
many  substantyves  there  be  in  the  same  tong,  whiche  to  thentent 
they  may  of  every  lemar  the  more  easely  be  founde,  whan  he  hath 
any  sentence  or  mater  to  be  made  out  of  our  tong  in  to  the  frenche , 
I  shall  set  forthe  ail  the  englysshe  substantyves  in  our  tong,  after  the 
order  of  a,  b,  c,  and  in  the  same  lyne  shewe  what  substantyve  in  the 
frenche  tonge  is  of  lyke  signification. 

And  fardermore ,  for  a  more  helpe  and  spedy  forderyng  of  the  sayd 
lemar,  if  he  be  nat  parfyte  in  my  rules  hcrafore  declared,  I  shall 
expresse  in  the  same  lyne  what  letter  the  sayd  frenche  substantyves 


hâve  in  their  plurell  nombres,  and  what  gendre  they  be  of,  in  the  sayd 
frenche  tonge,  for,  if  they  be  of  the  masculyne  gendre,  the  lernar 
shall  fynde  after  the  letter  of  the  plurell  nombre  m  ;  if  they  be  of  the 
femyne  gendre,/. 

And  fardermore ,  if  we  in  our  tong  bave  but  one  worde  whiche 

the  frenche  tong  circumlocuteth  with  thre  or  four  wordes,  of  whiche 

one  of  them  is  a  préposition,  I  shall  set  forth  the  plurell  nombre  and 

the  gendre  of  the  fîrst  worde  onely,  whiche  shall  sufBce,  for  the 

other  wordes  remayn  unchaunged  for  bothe  the  nombres;  as 

where  we  saye  «  a  pollax  »  they  say  bec  defavlcon, 

of  whiche  thre  wordes  I  shall  onely  sette  forthe 

the  plurell  nombre  and  gendre  of  bec, 

as  bec  defavlcon  z,  m.  For,  as 

I  hâve  sayd,  the  other 

wordes  remayne 



so  of  ail  suche 





A    BEFOBE    B. 

AbassLednesse  —  fraievr  s ,  f. 
Abasshment  —  e$tonnissemenl  s.  ni. 
Abatement  —  abatemenl  s,  m. 
Abbay  —  abbaye  s,  f. 
Abbesse  —  abbesse  s,  f. 
Abbot  —  abbé  z,  m. 
Abyding  dwelling  —  demevre  s,  f. 
Abyding  taryeng  —  attente  s,  f. 
Abbomynablenesse  —  abhominableté  z,  f. 
Abomyuation  —  abomination  i,  f. 
Abhorryng  —  horrevr  s,  f. 
Absence  —  absence  s,  f. 
Abrevialyon  —  abréviation  s,  f. 
Absolution  —  absolution  s,  f. 
Abstynence  —  abstinence  s,  (. 
Abundaunce  —  abundance  s,  (. 
Abusyon  —  oies,  m. 

A    BEFORE   C. 

Ache  in  ones  bones  —  govtte  s,  f. 
Acceptyng  —  aduev  x,  m. 
Acquayntaunce  —  accointance  s,  f. 
Accordyng  —  acordance  s,f. 
Accusation  —  accusation  s ,  f. 
Accusyng  —  acusement  j,  ni. 
Accorde  —  acort  s ,  m. 
Acorne  mast  for  swyne  —  gland  z,  m. 
Acre  of  iande  —  arpent  s,  m. 
Acte  a  dede  —  acte  s,  m. 
Action  in  the  lawe  —  action  s.  f. 
Aclivyte  quickenesse  —  actiuite  z,  f. 

A   BEFOnE    D. 

Adamant  a  precious  stonc  —  aymant  s,  m. 
Addyr  a  sarpent  —  covlevure  s,  [. 
Addircop  or  a  spinners  web  —  araignée  s .  f. 
Addis  a  coupers  instrument  —  dolovere  s,  (. 
Admyrali  on  the  see  —  admirai  s,  m. 
Advauntour  bostcr —  bobancicr  s,  m. 
Adventure  —  adaeniare  s,  (. 
Advent  before  Cbristmas  —  adaent  s,  m, 
Adversary  —  aduersaire  s,  m. 

Adversyte  —  aduersile  z,  {. 

Advertysing  —  aduertence  s,  f. 

Advyse  —  advis^  m. 

Advisyng  —  enhort  s,  m. 

Advocate  a  man  of  lawe  —  adaocat  z,  m, 

Advowyng  —  aduev  x,  m. 

Advoutrye  —  advltere  s,  m. 

Advoutrer  —  adultre,  avoistre  (reniant)  s,  m. 

Advouson  ofa  benifice  —  expedatif  z,  va. 

A    BEFOBE   F. 

Affadyll  a  yelowe  Iloure  —  affhdille  s,  f. 
Affection  —  affection  s,  f. 
Affermyng  —  affirmation  s,  f. 
Affynite  —  affinité  z,  f. 

A    BEFORE   G. 

Age  oidnesse  —  aage  s,  f. 
Agydncsse  —  ancienneté  z,  {. 
Agglet  ofa  lace  or  poynt — fer  s,  m. 
Agnayle  upon  ones  too  —  corret  z,  m. 
Agnus  dei  —  agnns  dei  s,  m. 
Agony  distresse  —  agonie  s,  f. 
Agrément  —  apoyntement  s,  ni. 
Agremony  an  herbe  —  aigremojne  s,  f. 
Ague  axes — fyfwe  s.  (. 

A    BEFORE    I. 

Aide  helpe  —  aide  s,  m. 

Aignelet  to  fasten  a  claspe  in  — porte  s,  f. 

Aire  an  élément  —  ayr  s,  m. 

A    BEFORE    L. 

Alabaster  —  alabastre  s,  m. 

Alebery  for  a  sicke  man  —  chavdeav  x,  m. 

Alcarayne  —  arqaemie  s,  f. 

Alderman  —  eschcain  s,  m. 

Aider  tree  —  iiirea»  x,  m. 

Aie  stake  —  le  moy  d'une  taaerne  s,  m. 

Aie  drinke  —  govdale  s,  f. 

Alegant  wyne  — ■  rosette  s,  (. 

.\legyauncc  —  aasselaigc  s,  m. 

Alley  to  walke  in  —  alee  s,  f. 




Alfyn  a  man  ofthe  chesse  borde  —  avljin  s,  m. 

Aiyaunce  —  aliance  s,  f. 

Alyen  straunger  —  alien  s,  m. 

Alye  or  aiyaunce  —  aliance  s,  f. 

Alysandre  an  herbe  —  alisandre  s,  f. 

AHe  an  instrument  for  soulers  —  alaisne  Sj  f. 

Alsoulne  day  —  lejovr  des  morts,  m. 

Ml  maner  wylde  foule  —  uolaille  s,  f. 

Alhalowen  tyde  —  la  tous  sainclz,  f. 

AUedgynge  of  a  matter  — ■  allégation  s,  f. 

Almaygne  a  man  —  alemctit  s,  m. 

Almaygne  a  countre  —  alcmaigne  s,  f. 

Almery  to  put  meate  in  —  unes  almoires,  f. 

Aimysdede  —  avlmosne  s,  f. 

Almonde  fruyte  —  amande  s ,  f. 

Almonde  tre  —  amandier  s,  m. 

Almos  purse  —  bovrse  avlmosnieres ,  f. 

Alowaunce  for  money  —  alovuance  s,{. 

Altération  —  altération  s,  f. 

Altercation  —  altercation  s,{. 

Alume  to  dye  colour  withall  —  alam  s,  f. 

A    BEFOBE   M. 

Amasynge  —  stupéfaction  s ,  {. 

Aniatyst  a  precious  stone  —  amatistc  s,  f. 

Ambassade  —  ambassade  s,  f. 

Amblyng  borse  —  hacquenee  s,  f. 

Ambrose  an  berbe  —  ache  ckampeslre  s ,  f. 

Amendes  —  amende  s,  f. 

Amendement  —  amendement  s ,  m. 

Amyablenesse  —  amiableté  z,f. 

Ammyss  for  a  cbannon  —  avmusse  s,  f. 

Amytie  —  amitié  s ,  f. 

Ammell  for  golde  smytbes  —  esmael  z,m. 

Ammellyng  —  esmaillevre  s,  f. 

Amner  an  oflicer  —  avlmosnier  s,  m. 

A    BEFORE   N. 

Ancbre  a  religions  man  —  anchre  s,  ni. 
Anchres  a  religions  woman  —  anchresse  s,  f. 
Anvelde  for  a  smyth  —  enclume  s,  t. 
Angell  —  ange  s,  m. 
Angre  or  flersnesse  — félonie  s,  f. 
Angre  cbafyng  of  mynde  —  courroux,  m. 
Angle  rodde  —  uerge  a  pescher  s,  f. 
Angnayle  of  ones  toos  —  corret  i,  m. 

Anguyssbe  —  angoisse  s,  i'. 
Anguysshfulnesse  —  angoissetisetè  z,î. 
Anclc  of  the  fote  —  cheuille  du  pie  s,  f. 
Ancre  of  a  sliippe  —  ancre  s,  f. 
Annys  sede  —  anjs,  m. 
Answere  to  a  question  —  responce  s,  f. 
Answere  of  false  goddes  —  oracle  s,  w. 
Antéchrist — antechrisl  z,  m.  . 

Anteloppe  a  beest  —  antelop  z,  m. 
Anlemme  a  song  —  antiesme  s,  f. 
Anthetyme  —  thieme  s,  m. 
Antiphonar  a  boke  —  antiphonier  s,  ni. 
Antiquité  —  antiquité  z,  f. 

A   BEFORE   P. 

Ape  beest  —  cinge  s ,  m. 

Appoyntement  —  apoinlement  s,  m. 

Aposlata  —  apostat  z,  m. 

Aposlell  a  saynt  —  aposire  s,  m. 

Apostume  —  aposlume  s,  tn. 

Apotbecary  —  apolhecayre  s.  m. 

Appareyle  clothyng  —  appareil  z,  m. 

Appeyching  —  accusement  s,  m. 

Appeel  froni  a  judge  —  appcav  x,  m. 

Apperaunce  in  a  place  —  aparance  s ,  f. 

Apperyng  —  apparition  s,  f. 

Appetyte  to  meate  —  appétit  z,m. 

Appetyte  or  lust  to  a  thyng  —  enuye  s,  f. 

Apple  frute  —  pomme  s,  {. 

Apple  tree  —  pommier  s,  m. 

Apple  yarde  —  plante  de  pommiers  s,  t. 

Appiyeng  to  —  adition  s,  f. 

Aprill  moneth  —  apuril  z,  m. 

Apron  for  a  man  or  woman  —  tablier  s,  m. 

Aptnesse  to  lerne  —  docilité  z,  f. 

A    BEFORE   Q. 

Aquarie  one  of  the  twelve  signes  —  aguaire 
s,  m. 

A    BEFORE    R. 

Arage  an  herbe  —  aroche  s,  {. 
Araye  of  men  in  a  felde  —  ranc  z.  m. 
Araye  apparayle  —  apareil  z,  m. 
Araye  condicion  or  case — pojrnt  s,  m. 
Arbitour  a  judge  —  arbitre  s,  m. 


Arbyterment  —  arbitrement  s,  m. 

Arcetour  —  arcien  s,ra. 

Archangell  —  archange  s,  m. 

Archebysshoppe  —  archeuesque  s,  m. 

Archebysshoprike  —  archeueschè  z,  m. 

Arche  of  buylding  —  arche  s,  f. 

Archepreest  —  archeprestre  s,  f. 

Arcbedeacon  —  archediacre  s,  m. 

Archeduke  —  archedac  z,  m. 

Arcbedukedome  —  archedachè  z,  m. 

Archer  a  shoter  —  archier  s,  va. 

Arcon  of  the  sadell  —  arcon  s,  m. 

Arerage  —  areraige  or  débet  s,  m. 

Argile  a  kynde  of  erthe  —  arg'dte  s,  f. 

Argument  —  argument  s,  m. 

Arithmetyke  —  arithmétique  s,{. 

Arme  of  a  man  —  bras,  m. 

Armehole  — aiscelle,  f.  or  aiscevl  z,  m. 

Armes  of  a  nobie  man  —  armes  f. 

Armet  a  heed  pesé  of  harnesse  —  armet  z,  m. 

Armye  of  men  of  warre  —  armée  s,  f. 

Armyng  —  armatvre  3,i. 

Armyne  a  beest  —  ermine  s ,  f. 

Armyns  a  white  furre  —  ermines .  f. 

Armourer  a  craAesman  —  armvrier  s ,  m. 

Armour  harnesse  —  armevre  s,  f. 

Arrowe  to  shote  with  — jleche,  sujette  s,  f. 

Arse  of  a  man  or  beest  —  cal  z,  m. 

Arsehole  —  le  trov  du  cul  x ,  m. 

Arsnycke  an  herbe  —  arcenic  z,  m. 

Arswyspe  —  torchecul  z,  m. 

Article  of  a  matter  —  article  s,  m. 

Arte  a  science  —  art  s,  f. 

A   BEFOnF.   S. 

Asshe  tree  — frcsne  s ,  m. 

Ashwednisday  —  mercredy  de  la  cendre  s,  m. 

Assbes  of  fyre  —  cendres,  f. 

Askyng  —  demande  s,  f. 

Askyng  for  Goddessake  —  mandiance  s,  (. 

Aspe  tree  —  tremble  s,  m. 

Aspecte  of  planettcs  —  aspect  z,  m. 

Aspycke  sarpent —  aspicq  z,  m. 

Assaut  agaynst  a  towne  —  assavlt  x ,  m. 

Asse  a  he  beest  —  asne  s,  m. 

Asse  a  she  beest  —  asnesse  s,i. 



Assendent  in  a  figure  of  astronomye  —  ussen- 

dent  s,  m. 
Assenycke  —  arsenicq  z,  m. 
Assent  —  consentement  s ,  m. 
Assystaunce  —  assistance  s,{. 
Assistent  —  assistent  s,  m. 
Assoyling  —  absolution  s,  f. 
Assuraunce  —  assurance  s,  f. 
Assuryng  —  assurément  s,  m. 
Astate  —  estât  z,  m. 
Astonysshednesse — frayevr  s,  f. 
Astonysshing  —  estonnissement  s, m. 
Astrolaby  an  instrument—  astrolabie  s,  f. 
Astrologer  —  astrologien  s ,  m. 
Astrologye  an  herbe  —  astrologie  s,  f. 
Astrology  science  —  astrologie  s ,  f. 
Astronomar  —  astronomien  s,  m. 
Astronomy — astronomie  s ,  {. 

A    BEFORE    T. 

Altendaunce  —  attendance  s,  f. 

Atyre  for  a  gentyiwomans  heed  —  atovr  s,  m. 

Attourney  in  lawe — procurevr  s,  m. 

A   BEFORE    V. 

Avayle  — prouffit  z,  m. 

Avantmurof  a  towne  —  auantmvre  s,  m. 

Avarice  covytousnesse  —  auarice  s,  f. 

Avaunsyng  —  auancement  s,  m. 

Avauntage  —  auantaige  s,  m. 

Auotorisyng  —  avctorisation  s ,  f. 

Auclorite  —  avctoritè  z,  f. 

Auctour  that  maketh  a  boke  —  auclevr  s,  m. 

Audacite  —  avdace  s,{. 

Audyence  —  audience  s,{. 

Audytour  —  clerc  des  comptes  z,  va. 

Aventurousnesse  —  auentvre  s,  f. 

Aventure  —  aduentvre  s,  (. 

August  a  moneth  —  avost  z,  m. 

Avysement — avisement  s,  m. 

Aulmoner  Ihatgyveth  almesse — avlmosnier  s^  m. 

Aulter  to  syng  masse  on  —  avltel  z,  m. 

Avoydaunce  —  uiydance  s,  f. 

Avowe —  ucv  X,  m. 

Avouter  —  avoistre  or  adultère  s,  m. 

Avoutryc  —  adultère  s,  m. 




Awe  feare  —  crainte  s,  (. 
Augrym  —  cuigorisme  s,  m. 
Auke  stroke  —  reaers,  m. 
Aumbre  stone  —  ambre  s,  m. 
Aumbrye  —  unes  avlmoyres,  f. 
Aunie  or  marke  —  esme  s.  m. 
Aumbry  for  nieale  —  avlmaire  s,  f. 
Auncestour  —  ancestre  s,  m. 
Auncyentnesse  —  ancienneté  t,  ra. 
Aundyern  —  chenet  z,  m. 
Aunt  —  ianie  or  ante  s ,  f. 
Aunter  —  aduentvre  s,  f. 
Augustyne  frère  —  augvsùn  s,  m. 

A    BEFORE    X. 

Axe  a  loole  —  hache  s,  î. 
Aiilnayle  —  cheuilU  daixevl  s,  f. 
Axillre  —  aixsevl  x,  m. 
Axes  sickenesse — jieure  s,  f. 

A  BEFonE  y. 

A    BEFORE    z. 

Aiure  —  azur  s,  m. 

B    BEFORE    A. 

Babe  tbat  children  piay  with  — povppee  s,  f. 
Bable  for  a  foole  —  marotte  s,{. 
Babler  —  babillart  s,  m. 
Baliylling  —  quacqaet  t,  m. 
Babwyne  beest  —  baboyn.  s,  ta. 
Bace  golde  —  or  àe  tovche  s,  m. 
Bace  playe  — jev  aux  barres  s,  m. 
Bace  fysshe  —  ung  bar  s,  la. 
Bacon  —  bacon  s,  ni. 
Backelar  nat  maryed  —  bachelier  $,  m. 
Backe  of  a  beest  —  dos,  m. 
Backe  of  a  chymney — contrecuevr  de  la  chyminee. 
Backe  of  the  bande  —  le  dessus  de  la  main. 
Backe  a  beest  tbat  Qyeth  —  chavue  souris,  f. 
Backebyting  —  detraction  s,{. 
Backebonne  —  eschine  s,  f. 
Backeburden  — portée,  charge  s,  f. 
Backe  dore  —  hiys  de  derrière,  m. 
Badge  of  a  geatyiman  —  la  deaise  dang  seignevr 

Bagge  —  sachet  z,  m.;  sac  z ,  m. 

Baggagc  —  baguaige  s,  m. 

Baggcpyper  —  cornemasier  s,  m. 

Baggc  pype  —  cornemuse  s ,  f. 

Bagge  a  purse  or  a  fauconners  bagge  —  gihis- 
sière  s,  t. 

Bayart  a  horse —  bayart  s,  m. 

Bay  of  boundes — aboyement  de  chiens,  aboy  s,  m. 

Bay  frule  or  berry  —  grayne  de  lavrier  s,  t. 

Bay  tree  —  lavrier  s,  m. 

Bayly  an  offieer  —  badlif  z,  m. 

Baylyshyppc  —  bailliage  s,  m, 

Baygne  to  bath  one  in  —  baing  z,  m. 

Bayte  to  catche  fyssbe  —  amors,  m. 

Bayting  ofan  horse  —  repeve  s,  {. 

Bake  meate  —  uiande  en  paste  s,  f. 

Bakc  housc  —  boviengiere  s,  f. 

Baker  of  brcdde  —  bovlengier  s,  m. 

Balade  a  soug  —  balade  s,  f. 

Balays  a  prescious  stone  —  balé  s,  f. 

Balance  to  waye  wilh  —  balance  s,  f. 

Balast  of  a  sbyppe  —  lestage  s,  m. 

Baidrikc  for  a  ladyes  necke  —  carcan  s,  m. 

Baie  of  any  marchaundyse  —  baie  s ,  f. 

Balcngar  bote  —  balengier  s,  m. 

Bail  of  tbe  cbeke  —  pommeau  de  lajove  x,  m. 

Bail  of  tbe  eye  —  la  prunelle  de  loyl  s,  f.  ;  pu- 
pille s,  f. 

Bail  to  play  at  lennes  witb  —  estevf  z,  m. 

Bail  tbal  is  greatler  and  softer  than  a  tennes 
bail  —  plotte  s ,  f. 

Balkc  of  an  bouse  —  pousle  s,  f. 

Bauike  of  lande  —  separaison  s,  m. 

Basyiike  serpent  —  basilisque  s,  f. 

Basyle  an  herbe  —  basilique  s,  f. 

Basket  —  corbeille  s ,  f. 

Basketbearer  —  hochquetevr  s,  m. 

Basket  makcr  —  uannier  s,  m. 

Bassliement  —  esbahissement  s ,  m. 

Basyn  to  wassbe  in  —  bassin  s,  m. 

Bassynet  —  bassinet  s,  m. 

Basiardc —  basiard  s,  m. 

Bastarde  llourc  — folle  farine  s ,  f. 

Bastyng  of  meate  —  basliment  s,  m. 

Bastyng  of  clolbe  —  bastiment  s,  ra. 

Batayle  —  bataille  s,  f. 



Batche  of  brcdde  — Journée  de  pain  s ,  f. 

Batte  a  staffe  —  baston  s,  m. 

Balter  of  flourc  —  paste  s ,  t. 

Balfouler  a  takcr  of  byrdes — pipevr  s,  ni. 

Batfoulyng  —  la  pipée  s,  f. 

Bathe  or  bayne  —  baing  z,  m. 

Batyldore  —  battover  a  lessiue  s,  m. 

Batylmcnl  of  walles  —  bastimenl  s,  ni. 

Batylment  of  a  lowne  wali  —  auantmur  s,  m. 

Baucn  great  fagottes  — favllourde  s,  f. 

Baudeman  —  macquereau  x ,  m. 

Baudcwornan  —  macquerelle  s,  f. 

Baudrike  —  carquant  s,  m. 

BaWnesse  want  of  lieer  —  chavlueté  z,  ni. 

Baume  an  berbe  —  hauslme  s ,  (. 

Baume  oyle  —  baaslme  s,  f. 

B   BEFORE    E. 

Beautie  —  beavlté  z,  f. 

Beautifulnesse  —  beavlté  z,  l. 

Bec  a  flye  —  mouche  a  miel  t,f. 

Bcehyve  —  ruche  s,  f. 

Bêche  tree  —  hesire  s,  m.;f<n)  x,  m. 

Becke  —  signe  de  lateste,  s,  m. 

Bedde —  lit  z,  m.;  couche  s,  m. 

Bcdde  borde  —  sponde  s,  f. 

Bedde  stede  —  châlit  z,  va. 

Beddyng  —  acconstremenl  de  lict  s,  m. 

Bedell  —  bedeav  x,  m. 

Beddes  lieed  —  clicuet  du  lict  z,  m. 

Beed  of  stonc  or  «ode  — patenostre  s,  f. 

Beedman  —  oralevr  s,  m. 

Beane  corne  — feue  s,  f. 

Befe  meate  —  chair  de  beuf  s,  f. 

Begettyng  —  engendrure  s,  f. 

Beggarman  —  belistre  s,  m. 

Beggar  woman  — belislresse  s,  f. 

Beggary  —  blisterie  s,{. 

Bcggyng  —  mandiance  s,  {. 

Begyling —  tromperie  s,  t. 

Begynnyng  —  commencement  s,  ni. 

Beholdyng  —  regart  s,  m. 

Beholder  —  regardevr  s,  m. 

Bebest  —  promesse  s,  f, 

Behavour  —  maintien  s,  m. 

Beyng  —  essence  s,f. 

Beakyn  — Jev  au  guet  x,  m. 

Becke  witb  tbe  beed  —  signe  de  la  teste  s,  m. 

Beckeryng  scriniysshe  —  meslee  s,  f. 

Beldame  —  mercgrant  s,  f. 

Beldyng  —  édification  s,  f.;  bastiment  z,  m. 

Bell  of  snevyll  at  one,5  nose  —  rovpie  s,  f. 

Bell  in  a  steple  —  cloche  s,  f. 

Bell  founder  — fondevr  de  cloches  s,  m. 

Bell  for  a  morres  —  sonnette  s,  f. 

Bellfray  —  heavfroy  s,  t. 

Bell  facioned  lyke  a  peare  for  chyldren  lo  playe 

witb  — poyrette  s,  (. 
Beily  —  aenire  s,  m. 
Bclowes  —  ungz  su£letz  aufev,  m. 
Belsyre  —  grant  père  s,  m. 
Belweder  a  becst  —  bellin  s,  m. 
Beame  of  an  bouse  —  tref  s,  m. 
Beame  of  tbe  sonne  —  raye  de  soleil  s,  I. 
Beamyng  knyfe  for  a  tanner. 
Benche  —  banc  z,  m. 
Bende  of  men  —  roi  te  s.  f. 
Bcndyng  bowyng  —  arcure  s,  f. 
Bendyng  for  a  crosbowe  —  bendage  s,  m. 
Benefyce  — -  bénéfice  s,  m. 
Benêt  order  —  ordres  s,  f. 
Benyvolence  —  beniuolcnce  s,  f. 
Berall  fyne  glasse  —  beril  z,m. 
Beere  driake  —  bière  s,  f. 
Berde  of  man  or  beest —  barbe  s,f. 
Beare  a  be  beest  —  ovrs,  m. 
Beare  a  sbe  beest  —  ovrse  s,  f. 
Bear  warde  —  gardevrdovrs  s,  m. 
Beere  for  deed  men  —  bière  j,  f. 
Beryengofa  corps —  enterrement  s,  m. 
Beryall  —  sépulture  s,  t. 
Berry  of  any  tree  —  graine  s,  f. 
Beryll  a  precious  slone  —  beril  z ,  m. 
Berkyng  of  a  dogge  — aboyenient  s,  m. 
Bernacle  a  byrde  —  bernac  z,m, 
Berne  to  put  corne  in  —  granche  s,  f. 
Besecbyng  — •  deprecalion  s,  f. 
Besynesse  labour  —  labovraige  s,  f. 
Besynesse  occupation  —  besoigne  s,(, 
Besome  —  balay  s,  m.  ;  ramon  s,  m. 
Bestysshnesse  —  besterie  s,  f. 
Beest  —  beste  s ,  f . 



Beestbearyng  bornes  —  teste  a  corne  s,  f. 
Beestes  stall  —  crèche  s,  F. 
Bestowyng  —  emplojement  s,  m. 
Betany  an  herbe  —  bettoyne  s ,  (. 
Bethynkyng  —  appenscmcnt  s,  m. 
Betyll  lo  bete  clothes  witb  —  battoyr  $,  m. 
Betlle  ablacke  flyc  —  escargot^  z,  m. 
Beatyng  downe  of  nien  in  batayle  —  abatis. 
Beatyng  downe  of  any  buyldynge  —  (UmoU- 

tion  s,  t. 
Beatyng  —  baterie  s,  [. 
Bever  batte  —  chappeav  de  bieure  x,  m. 
BewayJing — deploration  s,  f. 
Bewrayeng  —  détection  s,  t. 
Beautie  fayrnesse  —  beavlté  z,  f. 
Bcautyfulnesse  —  speciosité  z,  f. 

B    EEFOUE   J. 

Byas  of  an  hose  —  bias,  m. 

Byble  —  bible  s,  f. 

Byce  a  colour  —  azar  s,  m. 

Byding  taryeng  —  attente  s,  (. 

Biggayne  a  woman  tbat   lyvetb  cbaste  —  be- 

gvinc  s,  f. 
Byggen  for  a  chyldes  beed  —  beguyne  s ,  f. 
Bygge  corne — far  s,vct. 
Bygnesse  of  any  thyng  —  grandeur  s,  (. 
Bygnesse  quantité  —  moyson  s,  (. 
Bygnesse  ofones  body  —  corpsage  s,  m. 
Bygnesse  of  a  thyng  in  brcad  —  grossevr  s ,  f. 
Bicker  Cghtyng  —  escarmovche ,  bescovsse  s ,  f. 
Byldinge  —  structure  s,{.;  édifice  s,  m. 
Bylding  agayne  —  reedijication  s,  f. 
Byil  a  lelter  —  lettre  s,  f. 
Byle  a  sore  — fronde  s,  (.;  clov  x,  m. 
Byll  of  dette  —  ceduU  s,  f. 
Byll  of  a  byrde  —  becq  z,m. 
Byli  to  fyght  witb  —  uotge  s,(. 
Bylman  in  a  batayle  —  halebardier  s,  m. 
Byll  of  a  mattocke  —  le  manche  s,  m. 
Byllet  shydc  of  woode  —  bûchette  s,  f. 
Byn  to  kepe  breed  or  corne  —  hache  a  pain  s,  f. 
Byeng  —  achapt  z,  m. 
Bypathe  —  sente  5,  f. 
Byrcbe  tree  —  bouUiav  x,  m. 

'  SanF  (loitte  etcarlot. 

Byrde  —  ojseav  x,m. 

Byrde  boite  —  mail  crus ,  m. 

Byrde  lyme — glev  x,m. 

Byrlyngyron  —  unes  espinces,  f. 

Byrlingof  clothe  — pinsure  s,  f. 

Byrthe  —  naiscance  s,  f. 

Byrlhe  of  a  man  or  a  woman  —  natiuité  2 ,  f.  ; 
portée  s,  f. 

Byssboppe  —  euesque  s,  m. 

Bysshoppyng  of  chyldren —  confrmation  s,  f. 

Bysshoprike  —  euesché  z,Ta. 

Bysshoppes  ring  —  pontifical  x,m. 

Bysshoppes  crosse  —  crosse  s,  f. 

Businesse  —  affaire  s,  m.  ;  empeschement  s ,  m. 

Bysket  bredde  —  biscvit  z,  m. 

Bytche  a  slic  dogge  —  chienne  s,  f. 

Bytche  Ihat  gothe  a  saute  —  lice  s ,  (.;  chienne 
chavlde  s,  f. 

Byting  of  any  beest  —  morsure  s,  f. 

Byting  of  the  brideli  —  rongevre  s,  f. 

Bytte  of  a  brideli  —  mors,  m. 

Bytternesse  —  aigrevr  s,  f.  ;  amertume  s,  {,;  as- 
presse  s,  f. 

B    BEKOKE    L. 

Blabbe  —  cacijuetevr  s,  ra. 

Blacke  chery  —  merise  s ,  f. 

Black  chery  tree  —  merisier  s ,  m. 

Blacke  sope —  sauon  noir  s,  m. 

Blacke  frère — jacobin  s,  m. 

Blacke  bery  — framboise  s,  (. 

Blacke  byrde  —  estovrneav  x,  m. 

Black  liorse  —  moreav  x,  va. 

Blacke  byll  to  fyght —  uovlge  s,  m. 

Blacke  smytbe  —  mareschal  x,  m. 

Blacke  of  the  eye  —  le  nojr  de  lojl  s,  m. 

Blade  of  corne  —  le  ble  uert  s,  m. 

Blade  of  a  knyfe  —  alumelle  s,  f. 

Bladder  in  a  beest  —  uessie  Sj  f. 

Blades  to  wynde  yarne  on  —  tovrnettes,  f. 

Blâme  —  blasme  s,  m.  ;  covlpe  s,  f. 

Blayne  sore  —  escharboncle  »,  f. ;  uczie  s,f. 

Blanket  clothe —  blanchei  z,  m. 

Blasphemar  — blasphcmcvr  s,  m.;  blasphéma- 

tevr  s,  m. 
Blasphemyng  —  blasphème  5,  f. 



Blase  of  fyre  —  flamme  s,  f. 

Blasyng  of  armes  —  blason  s,  m. 

Blasyng  starre  —  commette  s,{. 

Blast  of  wynde  —  bovffee  de  uent  s,  f. 

Blaundrelle  an  apple —  brandureav  œ,  m. 

Bleke  a  lyteil  fysshe  —  able  s,  m. 

Blcche for souters — attrament  s,m.;noyr  s, m. 

Blemysshe  —  macule  s,  f. 

Blessyng  —  bénédiction  s,  f. 

Blynde  nettell  —  ovrlie  blanche  s,  f. 

Blyndnesse  —  auevglerie  s  ,  (. 

Blysse  — joye  s,  f. 

Blysfulnesse  - — ■  béatitude  s,  f. 

Blober  upon  water  —  bovteillis,  f. 

Blode  worte  herbe. 

Blode  of  any  beest  —  sang  z,  m. 

Blode  hou n de  —  limier  s,  m. 

Blody  mensyn  sickenesse. 

Blocke  of  tree  —  tronchei  z,  m.;  tronc  z,  m. 

Blocke  of  tynne  —  savmon  deslain  s,  m. 

Blocke  or  byllet — 6i7ot  z,  m. 

Blome  a  flour  — Jlevr  s,  f. 

Blossome  of  a  tree  — flevr  defrvict  s,  f. 

Blottc  with  ynke  —  poste  s,  f. 

Blottyng  —  broillerie  s,  f. 

Biovve  on  the  cheke  — jovee  s,  f. 

Blowbole  —  jraroigne  s,  m. 

Blowe  wilh  onej  fysl  —  siifflet  z,  m. 

Bluntnesse  of  anyedged  toole  —  agasseté  z,  f.; 

agassurc  s,  f. 
Blustryng  of  wyndcs  —  behovrdis,  m. 

B    BEFORE   O. 

Bobet  on  the  heed  —  covp  de  poing  z,  m. 
Bobbyn  fora  gylke  woman —  bobin  s,  t. 
Bocher  that  kylleth  fleshe  —  bovchier  s,  m. 
Bochery  —  bovcherie  s,  (. 
Body  —  corps,  m. 

Body  of  a  cburche —  nef  de  lesglise  z,  f. 
Body  of  a  tree. 

Bodkyn  instrument  —  poynson  s,  m. 
Boye  —  garçon,  jilz  s,  m. 
Boy  of  an  ancre  —  boyee  s,i. 
Boysluousnesse  —  roydevr  s,  f. 
Boke  that  sbeweth  the  actes  and  order  in  a 
journey  —  uoyagier  s,  m. 

Boke  —  liure  s,  m. 

Boke  othe  — jvrement  de  droict  s,  m. 

Boke  bearer  in  a  ployé  —  prothocoUe  s,  m. 

Bokesellar  —  libraire  s,  m. 

Bokebynder  —  relieur  de  liures  s,  m. 

Bokeram  —  bovgueram  s,  m. 

Bockette  for  a  well  —  seav  x,  m. 

Bokette  maker  — Jaisevr  de  bahaz  s,  m. 

Bokyll  —  blovque  s,  f. 

Boclcr  for  defence  —  blovquier  s,  m. 

Bolas  frute  — prunelle  s,  f. 

Bolas  tre  —  espine  noire  s,  t. 

Boldnesse  hardynesse  —  hardiesse  s ,  f. 

Boledysshe  or  a  bole  — jatte  s,  f. 

Boikyng  of  the  stomake  —  rovttement  s,  m. 

Bolstarre —  trauersin  s,  m.;  cheuecel  z,  m. 

Bolsteryng  sluHyng  — fulsement  s,  m. 

Boite  or  shacle  —  entraue  s,  f. 

Boite  of  a  dore  —  uerrovl  x,  m. 

Bombarde  a  kynde  of  a  gon  —  bombarde  s,  f. 

Bonde  a  lace  —  latz,  m. 

Bondage  —  seruitmle  s,  f. 

Bonde  to  bynde  with —  lyen  s,  m. 

Bondell  of  russbes —  bondeav  dejoncz   Cj  m. 

Bondeman  —  serf  z,m. 

Bonne  ofa  beest  —  os,  m. 

Bonne  fyre  — fev  de  behovrdis  x,  m. 

Bonet  ofa  sayie  —  bonette  dung  Iref  s,  f. 

Bonnet  maker  —  bonnettier  s,  m. 

Bonnet  a  cappe — ■  bonet  z,  m. 

Bonnet  for  a  gentylwoman  —  coguille  s,  f. 

Bonhom  a  religiousman  —  bonhomme  s,  m. 

Bone  a  request  —  requeste  s,  L 

Bourage  herbe  —  borache  s,  {. 

Boore  beest  — sanglier  s,  m. 

Boore  spere  —  espiev  x,  m. 

Boores  heed  —  hevre  s,  f. 

Boores  brislell  —  saye  de  povrceav  s,  (. 

Boorde  for  buylding  —  ays,  m. 

Boorde  a  table  —  table  s,{. 

Borde  clothe  —  nappe  s,î. 

Bourde  or  game  —  jev  x,  m. 

Bourdayne  — fais,  m. 

Bordell  house  —  bovrdeav  x,  m. 

Border  ofa  garment  —  brodevre  s,  {. 

Boorder  that  gothe  to  borde —  commensal  x,  m. 


Border  rounde  about  a  thyng  —  brodvtr  s,  f. 

Bordering  of  a  garment — brodevre  s,  f. 

Borowe  or  thorowe  fare  —  boarc  z,  m. 

Borde  knyfe  —  covteav  de  escuier  x,  m. 

Borowe  a  pledge  —  pleigc  s,  m. 

Bosarde  byrde  —  biisart  s,  m. 

Bosomc  of  a  parsone  —  seyn  s,  m. 

Bosse  of  a  bocler  —  bosse  s,  f. 

Bosse  of  a  bridell  —  bosselle  s ,  f. 

Bosse  of  a  gyrdle — ferrevre  diine  tressovcre  s,  f. 

fiost  crakyng  —  uanteric  s ,  f 

Boster  —  uantevr  s,  m. 

Bostyng — uanlance  s,i. 

Botcher  of  old  garmenls  —  rauavderr  s,  m. 

Botche  a  sore  —  bosse  de  peslilence  s,  f. 

Boite  to  rowe  in  —  nasselle,  bateav  x,  m. 

Botleman  —  batlelier  s,  m. 

Bottcll  to  kepe  drinke  in  —  boteille  s,  (. 

Bottel  of  baye  —  bolteav  dejayn  x,  m. 

Botyfelowe  — parsomncr  s,  m. 

Boty  that  nian  of  warre  take  —  butin  s ,  m. 

Botiar —  bovtellier  s,  m. 

Bottras  of  a  wali  —  parlant  s,  m. 

Bottrye  -^  despence  s,  f. 

Bottome  of  a  sblppe  —  lasovlc  s,  f. 

Bottome  of  any  tbyng  — fous,  m. 

Bollonie  of  threde  —  gliceav  x,  ni.;  plotlon  de 

Jil  s,  m. 
Bottes  a  sickenesse  in  ahorse — iranchajon  5,  ni. 
Boote  of  ietbcr  —  houseav  x,  ta. 
Boothe  of  canvas  —  tente  s,  f. 
Boothe  —  hanieav  x,  m. 
Boothe  ofbowes — rainée  s,  L^fveillcc  s,  f. 
■Boclc  ihat  beareth  the  byt  — portemors,  m. 
Builyon  in  a  womans  girdle  —  clov  x,  m. 
Boultyng  clotbe  or  bulter  —  blvteav  x,  m. 
Boultyng  tubbe  —  husche  a  bluter  s ,  f. 
Burryon  or  budde  of  a  tree — germe,  burjon  s,  m. 
Bowe  to  sbote  witb  —  arc  z,  m, 
Bowyer  that  makes  bowes  —  arctiller  s,  m. 
Bouke  of  clothes  — -  buée  s  ,  {. 
Bowell  gutle  —  bojaa  x,  m. 
Bowelles  of  a  man  or  beest  —  entrailles,  f. 
Bowleyne  of  a  shippe  —  bolingue  s,  f. 
Boweshotte  the  space  that  one  maye  shote  — 

archee  s,  f. 


Bowstryng —  corde  s,  f.  ;  cordeau  x,  m. 

Bowstryng  vasikcr — jaisevr  de  cordes  a  lare  s,  m. 

Boughe  branche  —  rame  s,  f. 

Bought  of  the  arme  —  l^  plj  du  bras  s,  m. 

Bougettc  —  bovgette  s,  f. 

Bougetmaker — faisevr  de  bahnz  s,  m. 

Bouge furreromnienis — pcavx  de  Lonibardie,  f. 

Bowle  to  playe  wilh  —  bovle  s,{. 

Bowle  to  playe  at  the  byles  —  bille  s,  f. 

Boulnyng  swellyng — injlalion  s,  f. 

Bounde  or  marke  —  bourne  s,  f. 

Bowre  —  salle  s ,  f. 

Bourdyng  jestyng — joncherie  s,  f, 

Bousshell  measure —  boisseav  x,m, 

Boustuousncsse  —  impétuosité  z ,  f. 

Boxeof  a  messangere  —  escvisson  s,  m. 

Boxe  for  medicyns,  or  to  put  any  other  thyng 

in  —  boile  s,  f. 
Boxe  trc  —  boix  s,  f . 

B   BEFORE    R. 

Brabiyng — tencerie  s,  t. 

Brace  of  an  house  —  bracc  s,  f. 

Bracelet  for  a  ladies  arme  —  bracellet  z,  m. 

Bracer  to  shote  witb  —  brassellet  z,  m. 

Brace  of  gray  houndes. 

Brache  a  kynde  of  houndes  —  brachel  z,  m. 

Braggar  — fringuereav  x,  m. 

Brayde  or  hastynesse  of  mynde —  colle  s,  f. 

Braydes  of  a  womans  heer  —  tresses,  f. 

Brayne  —  cerneav  x,m. 

Brayne  of  a  mannes  heed  —  ceruelle  s,  f. 

Brayne  pan  —  taje  de  la  teste,  crâne  s,  m. 

Brake  au  instrument  —  braje  s,  f 

Brake  ferne  that  groweth  — fasiere  s,  f. 

Brake  in  clothe  —  rentreturc  s,  f. 

Bramble  or  brere  —  ronce  s,  f. 

Branne  of  mcale  —  son  s,  m. 

Branche  ofatree —  branche  s,  f. 

Branched  damaske  —  damars figuré  s,  ni. 

Brandeof  fyre  —  brandon  dejev  s,  m. 

Brasse  metall  —  arain  s,  m. 

Brasell  tre  to  dye  with  —  bresd  z  ,  m. 

Brasyer — fondeur,  brassevr  s,  m. 

Brauler a chyder  —  criart  s,  m. 

Brauling — crierie  s,  f.  ;  tencon  s,  f.  ;  noise  s,  f. 



Brawne  of  a  boore  —  lart  3,  m. 

Brawne  of  the  hande  —  le  gras  de  la  main,  m. 

Brawne  of  an  arme  or  legge — la  sovris  dv  bras ,  f. 

Brawne  of  ail  maner  of  llesshe — chaymnre  s,  f.; 
lart  s.   m. 

Brèche  wliere  water  breke    in  —  brèche  j,  f. 

Brèche  of  hosen — braiette,  braie,braie,  braies  s,  f. 

Bree  of  the  eye  —  poil  de  loiel  z,  m. 

Bredde  locale  —  pain  s,  m. 

Bredlhe  of  any  ihyng  —  largeur  s,  (. 

Bredyng  of  byrdes  —  covuee  s,  (. 

Brede  or  squarenesse  —  croisure  s,  f. 

Brere  that  blacke  berres  growe  upon  —  fram- 
boisier s,ra. 

Brest  plate  —  escreuice  s,  f. 

Breke  of  the  daye  —  adjoumement  s,  m.;  laube 
creuant,  laube  du  jour  s,  f. 

Brekefasl  —  desjeuner  s,  m. 

Breking  of  an  aray  in  a  felde  — froissis,  va. 

Brème  fysshe  —  bresme  s,  f. 

Brere  —  ronce  s,{. 

Brere  or  hethe  —  bruyère  s,f. 

Bresea  long  flye  —  prestre  s,  f. 

Brest  of  a  man  — Jovrcelle  s,  f.  ;  pis,  m. 

Brest  of  a  man  or  beest  —  poictrine  s,  f. 

Brethe  of  a  man  —  alaine  s,L 

Brewar  of  aie  —  brasseur  s,  m. 

Bribour  —  briheur  s,ia. 

Bribrye  —  briberie  s,  t. 

Bridait  —  unesnupces,  f.  ;  espoasailles,  t. 

Bridell  for  a  horse  —  bride  s,  f. 

Bride  grome  —  espoux,  m. 

Bride  woman  —  espousee  s,  f. 

Bridge  over  a  dyke  —  planche  s,  f. 

Bridge  of  stone  — pont  z,  va. 

Bridge  of  the  nose  —  os  du  nez,  m. 

Brighlnesse  —  luisance,  resplendevr,  clarté  s,{. 

Bringyng  to  thraldonie  —  subjugation  s,  f. 

Bringyng  in  of  a  malter  —  discours,  m.   . 

Brinke  of  any  thyng  —  ior(  s,  m.  ;  riae  s,  (. 

Brine  sallevvater  —  saulmevre  s,  f. 

Bristell  of  a  boore  —  saye  de  pourceav  s,  t. 

Brittylnesse — fragilité  z,  f. 

Broche  for  ones  cappe — broche  s,  (.  \ymage  s, 
{.;  ataiche  s,  f.\afjicquet  z,    m. 

Broche  wilh  a  scripture  —  deuise  s,  f. 

Broche  maker  —  bambelottier  s,  m. 
Brocke  a  beest  —  taxe  s,  f. 
Brood  of  byrdes  —  covuee  doiseaux ,  niée  s,  f, 
Broode  arrowe  —  rallion  s,  m. 
Broode  daye  —  grqMjour  s,  m. 
Broode  axe  —  hache  large,  dolovere  s,  i. 
Broderar  —  brodevr  s,  m. 
Broderyng  of  a  garment —  broderie  s,  f. 
Broker bylwene  to  marchauntes — coureiiers,  m. 
Broker  that  speketh  many  languages  —  truche- 
ment s,  m. 
Broken  meate  — fragments,  m. 
Brome  to  swepe  with  —  balay  s,  m. 
Brome  tree  —  genest  s,  m. 
Bronde  of  fyre  —  tison  s,  m. 
Broke  a  lytell  water  —  rvisseav  x,  m. 
Brosyng  or  broose  —  briseare  s,  t. 
Brothe  potage  —  hrovet  z,  m. 
Brothe  of  fysshe  or  flesshe  —  bro'vel  z,  m. 
Brothcll  —  pailliarde,  putayn  s,  f. 
Brothellcshouse  —  bordel  z,m. 
Brother — frère  s,  m. 
Brother  in  lawe  —  searourge,  beau-frere. 
Brotherheed  — fraternité,  confrairie  s,  f. 
Brother  germayne  — frère  germain  s,  m. 
Brother  worte  herbe. 
Browe  above  the  eye  —  sourcil  z ,  m. 
Browne  bredde  —  pain  bis,  m, 
Brunt  hastynesse  —  chavlde  colle  s,  f. 
Brusshe  to  brusshe  with  — uerge  a  nettoyer  s,  f. 
Brushe  to  make  brusbes  on  —  brvycre  s,  f. 
Brewes  —  brovet  z,  m. 

B    BEFOItE    U. 

Bubble  in  the  water  —  bovteille  s,  i. 

Budde  —  bovton,  bourgon  s,  m. 

BuDctte  —  baffee  s,  f,;  covp  de  poing  z,m, 

Budgette  —  bovgette  s,  t. 

Bugle  beest  —  bepgle  s,  m. 

Bugle  horne  —  cor  de  bevgle  s,  m. 

Bucke  hounde  —  limonier  s ,  m. 

Buckc  beest  —  dain  s,  m. 

Buckeram  —  bovgueram  s,  m. 

Bucket  to  drawe  water  with  —  seai  .r,  m. 

Bucke  to  wasshe  clothes  in  —  cvuier  s,  m. 

Buccle  for  a  shoo  —  blovgue  s,  f. 



Boeder  for  defeoce  —  H— ^lirr  s,  va. 

Bail  a  beest  —  tanm.  tar  *,  m. 

Bull  tbatoommetli  froa  tbe  pope  —  balte  s,{. 

Buliocke  —  betf  s,  m. 

Bull  rrsshe  — /— cjl»w"«i,jwic  fafauOe  t,  wêl. 

Bulwarke  —  itmkmert  s,  m. 

Booche  of  gariike  or  soch  other  —  fcoMe  »,  f. 

Banleil  —  htaim  x,  m. 

Bu^  «f  *  taaae  or  pype  —  ktmià.  z,m. 

Df  yng      <lti«wnr,«Aw   *,  f.;  Wrrr  t,  f. 

Bamrng  heate  —  arinr  s,  f. 

Bumyng  of  any  tliyag  —  c—itafti»»  «.  f. 

Burrage  berbe  —  itmmtjttf  f. 

Barbie  in  tke  water  —  imhtUe  t,  f. 

Bordajne  — ;>ori«e  *,  f.;  mMtmn  s,'f. 

Borre  tfaat  devetk  lo  —  gUlmm  s.  m. 

Burgesse  a  man  —  iearyoù  $,  ■>. 

Borgesse  wyfe  —  teryoùc  »,  f. 

».  1 


Caytife  wretche  —  ckftif  î,  m.  ;  mmUstn  »,  m. 

Cake  —  fastett  x,m. 

Cake  of  (yite  floore  made  in  a  print  of  yron  — 

forfre  »,  f. 
Cackelyng  bablyng  —  oacfaet  :,  m. 
Cail  fbrquaylles  —  cffaitltt  !,  m. 
Callamynt  heriie  —  cal— hil  »,  a. 
Call  for  maydeos  —  reu  ^  »oy«,  f. 
Caidrone  —  ckaaUrm  »,  m. 
Caleodre  —  iminulner  t,m. 
OlengeorproTokyng  to  doatmes— cfcainjc  x,f. 
Calfe  beest  —  B«ae  x,  va. 
CdHeofalegge  —  ftmmum itUjamke  x,  m.; 

tofoyakiasbe  fetbers — ^baiart 
Bussbell  measore  —  iaiijwi  x,  m. 
Boakjng  —  hvit^aàt  »,  ta. 
nmililMial  —  tmhmckr  »,  f. 
Bnstanle  ahjrde. 
BoUe  ffaalie  —  fljt  »,  t 
Balte  to  sbote  at  —  iatte  »,  f. 
Butteras  for  a  mil  —  porruat  »,  m. 
Butlocke  of  a  man  or  beest  — fesse  ».  f. 
Bnttour  a  bjrde  —  iatar  »,  m. 
Butter  to  eale  —  berrre  »,  m. 
BatterflTC  —  papUlom  »,  m. 
Butlar  —  drspaisatnr, 
Batton  for  a  garment  — 
Botlrre  —  itspemct  »,  il 

C   BEPOBE   A. 

Case  to  put  arowesia  —  cattoie  t,  f. 
Case  for  nedelles  —  ■jKjiffiir  s,  m. 
CaUe  for  a  shjf^  —  ckaUt  »,  f. 
Cabbyn  in  a  shyppe  —  cckaa  »,  m. 
Cabbrssbe  rote  —  cAo*  jr,  m.  ;  cmias,  m. 
Cace  to  close  a  thyng  io  —  oatte  »,  f. 
Caddas  or  cmle  —  sayeUe  »,  f. 
Caddawe  a  bjrde  —  clouas  f ,  f. 
Cade  of  heerryng  —  esettde  »,  C 
Cage  for  a  bjrde  —  cai^  »,  £. 

Ir  mut  de  lajaaAe  z,  n. 
Calyoo  stone  —  caHov  *,va. 
Callyagaga|ae — MMoaftaa  «,L 
Callyng  nanrfng — ^iBirr  »,  f. 
Callyng  upon  —  ùaocatio»  t,  f. 
Calme  styll  wbelba-  —  carme  s,  m. 
Calstorle  — pie  de  chn  s,  va. 
Cahr^ipe  —  ckarssetrappe  »,  f. 
Criver  of  saulmon  —  etemme  d*  laiémoa  s,  t. 
Cammamyll  berbe  —  caïaiiHr  s,  f. 
Camfocie  a  gamme  —  caa^n  »,  m. 
CamfoT^e  berbe  —  la  graadt  tannUt  s,  t. 
Cammell  a  beest  —  ckamiea»  x,  m. 
Camuse  precious  stone  —  dtamakitax,  va. 
Canapy  to  be  borne  over  the  sacrament  or  over 

a  kynges  beed — paUe  »,  m. 
CaodeU  — dUMkBe  ».  f. 
Candelmasse  feest  —  la  ttamiitu  »,  f. 
Candelstycke  —  duatidia-  »,  an. 
Canell  ^iee  —  caKeUe  »,  f. 
Canndl  in  tbe  streie  —  rrûiea»  dtUrae  x,m. 
Cancker  sore  —  cioacne  »,  m. 
Cancker  worme  —  ner  de  clumcrt  »,  m. 
Cannon  lawe  —  le  droit  caaoa  z,  va. 
Canop;  —  ciel  i,  m. 
Canidl  or  shyrer  —  ckaatÊam  x,  m. 
Canlell  of  bredde  —  étamlem  ie  ptàa  x,  m. 
Canvas  —  cannas ,  m. 
Car>par  —  4o«ii«tt«>r  »,  m. 
Cqipe  with  a  double  tnrfe  —  harttte  »,  C;  lao- 

^m  de  wùdlmm.  z,  f. 
Cappe  —  \ivmei  :,  m. 
Cappe  of  fenœ  —  styreMr  de  mtailie  »,  f. 



Cappe  of  a  flayle  —  liasse  danjlaiav  s,  f. 
Capitayiie  —  capilaine  s,  m. 
Capitayns  banner  —  ensigne  s,  (. 
Captivité  —  chateuoison  s,  f. 
Capone  fouie  —  chapon  s,  m. 
Capuil  a  horse  —  rovssin  s,  m. 
Carracte  in  priclte  soog  —  minime  s,  f. 
Ceirawayes  smail  confetles  —  draggee  s,  f. 
Carboncle  stone  —  escharboncle  s,  m. 

Carboncle  a  blayne  —  escharboncle  s,  f. 

Carde  to  worlte  with  —  carde  s,  f. 

Cardynall  —  cardinal  x,  m. 

Cardes  to  play  with  —  cartes ,  f. 

Carder  of  wolie  —  cardevr  s,  m. 

Carde  malcer  —  cardier  s,  m. 

Carde,  clothe  for  brides  :  they  use  none. 

Carefuinesse  —  sollicitude  s,  f. 

Care  thought  —  chagrin  s,  m.  ;  soing  z,  m. 

Carre  a  carte  —  chariot  z,  m. 

Carre  a  lytell  carte  with  two  wheles — char  s,va. 

Carryar  of  staiTe  by  faorsbacke  —  noictarier  s,  m . 

Carryar  by  carte  —  charron  s.  m. 

Carryage  —  baggaige  s,  m.;  aoicture  s,  {.;  ap- 
port s,  m. 

Carrycke  a  greal  shippe  —  caraque  s,  (. 

Caryen  —  charoigne  s,  (. 

Carkes  of  a  foule  —  gnmche  s,  f. 

Carie  chorle  —  uilain  s,  m. 

Carole  a  son  g — chancon  de  noel  s,  f.  ;  corolle  s.  f. 

Carpe  fysshe  —  carpe  s,  {. 

Carpette  —  tapis,  ra. 

Carpen tar  ^  cfca/]pen<i<r  s,  m. 

Carsey  clothe  —  cresy  s,  m. 

Carter  —  charrecton  s,  m.;  chartier  s,  m. 

Carte  —  charette  s,  f. 

Carte  clout  of  yron  — plalin  de  fer  s,  m. 

Carte  wright  —  charron  i,m. 

Carte  wave  —  charriere  s,  f. 

Carte  Iode  —  chartee  s,  ï. 

Carte  rode  —  ornière  s,  f. 

Case  of  lether  to  put  a  combe ,  a  recorder  or 
any  suche  lyke  thyng  in  —  estuj  s,  m. 

Case  for  pynnes  or  suche  like — esplinguier  s,m. 

Casket  or  hamper  —  escrayn  s,  m. 

Casket  or  fosar  —  escrain  s,  m. 

Caste  or  throwe  — ject  z,m. 

Castell  —  chiuteav  x,  va. 

Caste  of  faaukes  —  niée  doiseaax  s,  {. 

Catchepole  —  sergent  s,  m. 

Castyng  to  — ■  adition  s,  f. 

Castyng  toppe  —  toppee  s,  f. 

Caterpyllarworme  —  chattepellevse  s,  {. 

Cathedrall  churche  —  esglise  cathedralle  s,  f. 

Catte  a  beest  —  chat  z,  m. 

Cattistayle  herbe — Jallot  z,  va. 

Catour  of  a  gentylmans  bouse — despensier  s,  m. 

Cattell  —  bétail  z,  m. 

Caudell  —  chaadeax  x,  m. 

Caudron  —  chavldiere  s,  f. 

Cavyllation  —  caeillation  s,  f. 

Causion  pledge  —  cavtion  s,  f. 

Cause  —  cavse  s,  f. 

Cautell  fleyght  —  cavielle  s,(. 

Causey  in  a  hye  way  —  chavsee  z,  {. 

C    BEFORE    E. 

Cedar  tree  —  cèdre  »,  m. 
Cellar  for  a  bedde  —  ciel  de  lit  z,  m. 
Ceale  a  fysshe  —  chavlderon  de  mer  s,  m. 
Cellandyne  herbe  —  celidoine  s,  f. 
Celestyn  a  man  of  religion  —  celestin  s,  m. 
Cell  a  lytell  bouse  —  demevre  s,  (. 
Cellar  for  wyne  —  cellier  s,  m. 
Cellerar  an  oDicer  —  celerier  t,  m. 
Cendell  thynne  lyonen  —  sendal  x,  m. 
Cène  of  clerkes  —  conuocation  s,  (. 
Cens  —  ensent,  m. 
Censar  —  ensensier  s,  m, 
Centuarie  herbe  —  centaure  s,{. 
Ceptre  for  a  kyng  —  ceplre  s,  ra. 
Cerclel  for  a  womans  beed  —  ciercle  s,  m. 
Ceremony  —  cerimonie  s,  f. 
Cercle  or  compassé —  cercle  t,m. 
Certayntie  —  certaineté  z,  f. 
Cessyng  —  intermission,  cessation  s,  t. 
i     Cesterne  —  puleav  x ,  va.  ;  cisterne  s,{. 

C    BEFORE   H. 

Chaflie — paille  s,  {. 

Chaflre  ware  —  marchandise  s,  f. 

Chafer  to  heate  water  in  —  coquemerl  s,  m. 

Cbafyngdysshe  —  eschavjfette  s,  (. 




Chafyag  frettyng — cale/action  s,  f.  ;  eschavffe- 
ture  s,  {. 

Cbal'yng  of  the  mynde  —  eschavffoison,  stoma- 
chation  s,  f. 

Chayre  to  sytte  in  —  chaiere  s,  f. 

Chayne  for  ones  necke  —  chaync  s,  f. 

Cbalenge  or  clayme  —  chalenge  s ,  f. 

Chalenger  in  anyjustyng  —  assaillant  s,  m. 

Chalys  to  syng  masse  with  —  calice  s,  m. 

Chalke  —  craje  s,  f. 

Chambre  —  chambre  s,  (. 

Chamberer  —  chambrière,  pedisseque  s,  (. 

Chamberlayne  —  chambellan  s, m. 

Chamlet  sylke  —  camelot  z,n\. 

Champyon  —  champion  s,  m. 

Chandeilar  that  maketb  chandelles  —  chande- 
lier s,  m. 

Chanelle  of  a  flode  —  chanel  z,  m. 

Chanel)  of  a  slreame  —  le  jil  de  Veave  z,  va. 

Cbangyng  —  uariement  s,  m. 

Chanon  a  religions  man  —  chanoine  s,  m. 

Chantyng  of  songe  —  renyoiserie  s,  f. 

Chape  of  a  shethe —  bovterolle  de  gayne  s,  f. 

Chapell  —  chapelle  s,(, 

Cbapplayne  —  chappelain  s,  m. 

Chapelet  —  chapellet  t,  m. 

Chapmaa  —  marchant  s,  m.  ;  châtiant  s,  m. 

Chapiter  —  chapitre  s,  m. 

Charcole  —  charbon  s,  m. 

Charge  —  charge  s,  f. 

Charger  a  great  platter — ung  grant  plat  z ,  m. 

Charret  —  carre  s,  m. 

Charryet  —  chariot  branlant  s,  m. 

Charyte  —  charité  z,  f. 

Charme  an  enchauntment — charme  s,  m. 

Chamelhouse  —  charnière  s,  f. 

Charter  a  pardon  —  grâce  s,  f. 

Chase  of  tennys  —  chasse  s,  (. 

Chastysiug — chasloiement  s,  m. 

Chaslyte  —  chastité  z,{. 

Chastuesse  of  body  —  chasteté  z,  (. 

Chatteryng  of  byrdes — j'^'yn  s,  m. 

Chafyng  of  the  skynne  —  rejovlevre  s,  {. 

Chawe  hone  —  machovere  s,  f. 
Chaufrayne ,  a  pece  of  harnesse  for  a  horse  — 
chaufroin  s,  m. 

Chaunce  fortune  —  aduenture  s ,(.;  accident  s, 

m.  ;  chance  s,  f. 
Chauncell  of  a  churche — cunr  desglise  s,  m. 
Chauncellar  —  chancellier  s,  m. 
Chauncery  —  chancellerie  s,  (. 
Chauncynge  —  aduenant  s,  va. 
Changer  of  money  —  changevr  s,  m. 
Chaungyng  —  entrechangement  s,  m.;  «iterarion 

s,  f.  ;  maance  s,  (. 
Chaunler  —  chantre  s,  m. 
Chaunlery  —  chanterie  s,(. 
Cbefe  baron  of  the  cschequer  —  président  de 

generaulx  s,  m. 
Chefe  capilayne  —  gênerai  de  larmee  x,  m. 
Cbefe  rular  of  a  gally — patron  de  la  galee  s,  m. 
Cbefe  officer  of  meane  estate   —  maistre  es- 

cuier  s,  m. 
Cbefe  origynall  —  capital  x,  m. 
Chefe  capitayne  —  cheuetain  s,  va. 
Chefenesse  —  singularité  z  ,  f. 
Checke  a  mery  taunl  —  lardon  s,  m. 
Checker  —  eschecquier  s,  va. 
Cheke  of  a  man  — jove  s,(. 
Cbekynwede  herbe  —  movron  s,  ta. 
Chekebonne —  los  de  la  jove,  m. 
Cbekyn  — povssein  s,  va. 
Cheyne  —  chayne  s,(. 
Chepe  —  marché  z,  m. 
Chère  —  acveil  z,  m. 
Chery  frute  —  cerise  s,  f. 
Chery  tree  —  cerisier  s,  m. 
Cherystone  —  noiav  de  cerise  x,  m. 
Cherne  to  make  butter  in  —  bevrrette  s ,  (. 
Chesse  borde  —  tableav  aux  eschecz  x,  m. 
Chesloppe  a  worme  —  cloporte  Sj  f. 
Chese — fromage  s,  va. 

Cbese  casten  in  a  molde-/romHiaige  déformes,  m . 
Cbese  cake  —  gasieav,  torleav  .r,  va. 
Chese  rake  —  caisier  afrommages  s,  va. 
Chese  fatte  —  presse  afrommages  s,  f. 
Chysell  a  toole  for  carpentars  — siseau  x,  m. 
Chesyblc  for  a  preest  —  chasuble  s,(. 
Chestayne  frute  —  chestaigne  s,{. 
Chestayne  tree  —  chestaignier  s,  va. 
Chest  —  coffre  s,  m. 
Cbestnut  frute  —  chestaigne  s,  f. 



Cbest  of  a  maii  — fovrcclle  s,  f.  ;  pis,  m. 
Chcvyn  a  fysshe  —  cheuenne  s,  f. 
Chevereil  letlier  —  clieacrotin  s,  m. 
Chevorell  an  h,erbe  —  cerfoil  z,  m. 
Chevesaunce  —  cheuisance  s,  f. 
Chebole  a  yong  ouyon  —  ciaol  z,  m. 
Chidyng  —  altercation,  noise ,  tencon  s,  f. 
Chefe  chauncellar  —  archichancelier  s,  m. 
Cliefe  chaplayne  —  archickapelain  s,  m. 
Cliilaiidre  —  chilandre  s ,  {. 
Cliylde — enfant  s,  m. 
Chyldehode  —  enfance  s,  (. 
Cliildes  ratle  to  plây  with  —  hochette  s,  f. 
Chyldcbedde — accovchement  i,m.  ;  gesine  s,  t. 
Chylde  or  beest  borne  aforc  the  tynie  —  auor- 

tin  5,  ni. 
Chyme  of  belles  —  gamme  s,  f. 
Chymney — chiminee  s,  f. 
Chynneof  a  visage — menton  s,  m. 
Chyne  of  a  beest  —  eschine  s,  f. 
Cliyppe  of  wode  —  coupiav  x,  m. 
Chippynges  ofbrede  —  chappelis  de  pain,  m. 
Cbyppyng  of  oncs  bandes  or  face — gersure  s,{. 
Chyve  of  safron  or  sucbe  lyke. 
Churche  wardeyne  —  gardien  s,  m. 
Churche  —  esglise  s,  t.\monstier  s,  m. 
Churche  yarde  —  semitiere  s,  m. 
Churche  porlche  —  auant  portail  z,  m. 
Chyrkyng  of  byrdes  — ji-^gon  s,  va. 
Chysl  a  great  cofer  —  arche  s,  f. 
Chyterlyng  —  endoile  s,  f. 
Cbivairy  —  cheaallerie  s,  f. 
Chyve  an  herbe  —  due  s,  f. 
Choyse  —  achoison  s,  f.;  eslite  s,  f.  ;  option  s,  f. 
Cboke  pcarc  —  estranguiUon  s,  m. 
Chaungyng  —  transmutation    ,  f. 
Chosar  —  electevr  s,  m. 
Chosyng  —  élection  s,  f. 
Chougho  a  yong  crowe  — corneille  s,  f. 
Chuffe  —  boiffe  s,  m. 
Cburle  carie  —  ailain  s,  m.;  hvdicr  s,  m. 
Churlysshenesse  —  rusticité,  uillainie  s,  f. 

C  BEFORE  y. 

Cyment  lo  hylde  with  —  ciment  s,  m. 
Cydar  a  drinke  —  cidre  s,  va. 

Cynders  of  coles  —  hreze  s,  f. 

Cynamome  a  spyce  —  cinamome,  canelle  s,  (. 

Cyrcute  —  pourprise  s,  f. 

Cyprès  a  kynde  of  wode  —  cyprès  s,  m. 

Circumsicion  —  circumsicion  s,  f. 

Cyrcumstance  of  a  luatter  —  circamstance  s,  f. 

Cyprès  for  a  womans  necke  —  crespe  s,  m. 

Cyprès  tree  —  cyprès  s,  m. 

Cysme  divysion  —  cisme  s,  m. 

Citron  frute —  citron  s,  m. 

Citron  tree  —  citronnier  s,  m. 

Cytie  —  citez ,  f. 

Cityng    of  one   to  the   court  —  adjovrnement 

s,  m. 
Cityien  of  a  cytie  —  citoyen  s ,  m. 
Cyve  to  syfte  with  —  crible  s,  m. 
Civyll  iawe  —  droict  ciuil  z,  m. 
Cyves  an  herbe  —  dues,  f 

C    BEFORE    L. 

Clamour  —  clamevr  s,  f. 

Clappe  on  the  hced  —  sajfflet  z,  m. 

Clappe  on  the  necke  —  colee  s,  f. 

Clappe  with  ones  hande  —  bovffèe  s,  f. 

Clappe  of  a  myll  —  clacqiut  de  movlin  z,m. 

Clappcr  for  a  bell  —  battant  s,  m. 

Clapper  of  connys  —  clappier  s,  m. 

Oappyng  or  noyse  —  chapplys,  m. 

Clarry  wyne —  cleré  s,  f. 

Clarry  herbe  —  tovlte  bonne  s,  f. 

Claryon  truinpel  —  cleron  s,  m. 

Claspe  for  a  garnnnent  —  ograffe  s,  m.;  crfi- 
chet  z,  m. 

Claspe  for  a  boke  — fermoier,  fermail  z,  m. 

Clasteryng  —  cax:tjuet  z,  la. 

Claricymballes  —  cimballes  s,(. 

Clause  —  clause  s,  {. 

Claweof  a  byrde  —  ongle  s,(. 

Clawe  of  a  man  or  best  —  gfipe  s,  f. 

Clay  erthe  —  aryille  s,  f. 

Clay  pylte  —  fosse  d'argille  s,  (. 

Clay  wall  —  paroy  daryille  s,  f. 

Clenlynesse  —  netteté,  pureté  z,  f. 

Clerenesse  of  any  thyng  that  sbyneth  —  clar- 
té z,  {. 

Clerenesse  of  welher  —  sérénité  z,  f. 


Clergy  —  clergie  s,  m. 

Clerke  that  is  lettred  —  clerc  z,  m. 

Cierke  of  the  closet  —  clerc  de  chappelle  t,  m. 

Clerke  of  the  kechyn  —  despencier  s,  m. 

Clerke  of  tlie  comptes  —  auditevr  s,  m. 

Clergy  a  jiombre  of  clerkes  —  clergie  s,  va. 

Clerkes  lernyng  —  clergise  s,  (. 

Clevyng  to  —  adiiesion  s,  (. 

Clewe  of  thred  —  (jliceav  x,  m.;  ploton  s,  m. 

Ctiffe  of  a  hyll  —  crevx  dune  moiitaigiie,  m. 

Clyfte  of  any  thyng  ryven  — fente  s,  (. 

Clyft  of  a  tree  —  crevx,  m. 

Clyft  or  chyn  in  any   thynge — fendure,  fen- 

dasse  s,  {. 
Clyfte  in  a  wall  —  brèche  s,  f 
Clycket  of  a  dore  —  clicquelte  s,  f. 
Clyppes  —  eclypse ,  recovsse  de  soleil  s,f. 
Clyppar  of  money  —  rongevr  dor  s,  m. 
Clodde  of  erthe  —  monceav  de  terre  x,  va. 
Clocke  of  a  hose. 
Clogge  —  hillot  z,  m. 
Cloyster  —  cloystre  s,  nj. 
Cloystrer  —  cloistrier  s,  m. 
Clocke  to  shewe  the  boures  —  horiioge  s,  m. 
Clocke  maker  —  horilogier  s,  m. 
Cloke  agarment  —  manteav  x,  m. 
Cloke  with  a  hode. 

Close  a  grounde  enclosed  —  pre  s,  m. 
Closet  for  a  lady  to  make  her  redy  in  —  cham- 

berette  Sjf. 
Closyer  —  clos  ,  m. 
Closyng  of  a  grounde  with  hedgc  or  pale  — 

closlure  s,  f.  ;  cloyson  s,  f. 
Closes  —  praerie  s ,  f. 
Closet  —  chapelle  s,  f. 
Closyng  orshillynge  —  enclo: ,  m. 
Clothe  woHen —  drap  z,  m. 
Clothe  lynen  —  toylie  s,  f. 
Clothe  maker  —  drappevr  s,  m. 
Clothe  of  golde  —  drap  dor  z,m. 
Clothe  of  tyssue  —  drap  dortrait  z,  va. 
Clothe  ofarras —  tapisserie  s,  (. 
Clothe  of  sylver  —  drap  dargeat  z,  m. 
Clothe  sacke  —  bahus,  m. 
Clothe  to  put  on  a  herce  whan  a  inan  is  bu- 

ryed — poilte  s,  m. 


Clothyng  —  abillement,  parement  s,    m.;  ucs- 

tare  s,  f.;  appareil  z,  m. 
Clove  spyce  —  clou  de  girojle  x,  va. 
Clove  of  garlyke  —  teste  dail  s,  (. 
Cloude  —  nue,  nuée  s,  f. 
Cloute  of  a  ragge  of  clothe  —  hation  s ,  m.  ; 

torchon  s,  m. 
Cloute  of  a  sho  — ung  talon  s,  m.;   ung    de- 

uant  s,  m.;  ung  debout  z,ai. 
Clubbe  —  massue  s,  f.  ;  mace  s,  f. 
Clewe  of  yarne  or  threde  —  plotton  s,  m. 
Clustre  of  grapes  —  grappe  s,  f. 

C    BEFORE    O. 

Coartyng  —  efforcement  s,  m. 

Cohhlar —  sauctier  s,  va. 

Cobbylslone  —  caillou  x,ni. 

Cockeatrice  a  serpent  —  côcatris,  m. 

Cocke  a  he  byrde  —  coq  z ,  m. 

Cocket  a  byll  of  tbe  customehouse  —  estic- 
quette  s,  f. 

Coccle  a  reed  floure. 

Coccle  fysshe  —  coquille  s ,  (. 

Cockes  combe  —  creste  de  cocq  s,  f. 

Codde  of  a  man  —  coaillon  s,  m.;  boursel- 
te  s,  f. 

Codde  of  a  beane  or  pesé  —  escosse  s,  (. 

Codde  a  fysshe  —  cableav  x,  m. 

Codiyng  frute — pomme  cvite  s,  t. 

Codpese  —  braiette  s,  (. 

Codde  of  a  nette  —  le  col  dune  retz,  m. 

Cofer  to  put  stuffe  in  —  cofre  s,  va. 

Coflyn  —  grant  boiste  s,  f. 

Coy fe  for  ones  heed  —  coyfve  s,  {. 

Coyte  to  playewith  —  palet  z,va. 

Coyle  of  stone  —  bricoteav  x,  va. 

Coyne  money  —  monaye,  pecune  s,  [. 

Coynar  of  money  —  monayevr  s,  va. 

Coke  that  selleth  meate  —  cvisinier  s,  m. 

Cockcbote  to  rowe  with  —  cocqaet  z,  m.  ;  nos- 
selle  s,  f. 

Cocke  of  hey  —  mulon  defoyn  s ,  vn. 

Cockerell  —  cochet  z,va. 

Cokell  shell  —  coquille  s,  f. 

Cokell  of  the  clothe  —  nev  de  drap  x,  va. 

Cockesshote  to  take  wodcockes  with  —  uolee  s,  f. 



Cokowe  a  byrde  —  qnocquev  z,  m. 

Cokolde  —  qaocqttev  s,  m. 

Cokes  vcne. 

Colour  for  a  horse  —  licol  z,  m.;  collier  s,  m. 

Colour  for  a  liounde  —  coUer  a  chien  s,  m. 

CoUarforagentylman — coller  s,tn,;  chaîne  s,  f. 

Coldnesse — froidure  s,f. 

Colour  the  complexion  in  a  man  —  colère  s,  f.  ; 

cole  Sj  f. 
Coles  —  colis,  m. 
Coleworte  an  herbe  —  chov  x ,  m. 
Cole  of  fyre  —  charbon  s,  m. 
Colenesse  — Jreschevr  s,  f. 
Colledge  house  —  collège  s,  m. 
Collégial  churche  —  esglise  collegialle  s,  (. 
Colendre  to  strayne  with  —  covleresse  s,  f. 
Collet  the  seconde  order  —  acolile  s,  m. 
Collyke  a  sickenesse  —  colique  s,  f. 
Collyer — charbonnier  s,  m. 
Collar  angre  —  chavlde  cole ,  cole  s,  f. 
Colloppe  meate  —  oevf  au  lard  x,  m. 
Colour,  as  white  or  blacke  —  coulevr  s,  f. 
Couloured  peace  — paix  fourrée  s,(. 
Coulour  a  fayned  matter  —  coalevr  s,  t. 
Colcrake  —  ralissover  s,  m. 
Coite  a  yong  horse  —  pollayn  s,  m. 
Columbyne  (loure  —  cocqaeloarde  s,  f. 
Commaundement  —  commandement,  edictz,m. 
Combe  to  kcmbc  with — jiiemjne  s,  m. 
Combe  maker — piengnier  s,  m. 
Combrance  distrouble  —  combrance  s ,  {. 
Comète  a  slarre  —  cornette  s,  f. 
Confortyng  —  alegement,  allégeance  s,  l. 
Commedy  of  a  cfaristmas  playe  —  commedie 

Commyng  nere  —  approche  s,  f. 
Commyng  to  ■ —  accès,  adaenue  s,  f. 
Commyng  —  adaenement,  uenue  s,  f. 
Comynaitic  —  communalté  z,{. 
Commyn  sedc  —  comyn  s,  m. 
Comnant  appoyntment  — •  conuenant  s,  m. 
Commissary  —  commissaire  s,  ni. 
Commodyte — comodité  z,  m. 
Common  peopie — populaire  s,  m. 
Common  welthe  —  bien  publique  s,  m.;  chose 

publique  s,  t. 

Common  dyet  in  a  mannes  house — ordinaire  s,  m. 

Common  standards  of  a  measure  —  maistresse 
mesure  s,  L 

Common  law  —  droit  commun  z,  m. 

Conimonesse  —  communitè  z,  f. 

Communication — sermon  s,  m.;  communication 

Company  —  compaignie  s,  f. 

Company  assembled  —  monde,  tourbe  s,  {. 

Company  of  lordes —  seigneurie,  bamaige  s,  f. 

Company  of  noble  men  —  consistoire  s,  m. 

Company  of  gentylmen  —  gentillesse  s,  (. 

Company  of  knaves  —  uillainie  s,  f. 

Company  of  misérable  fofkes  -^  mardaille  s,  f. 

Company  of  dogges —  chiennaille  s,  f. 

Company  or  meyny  of  shippcs  — flotte  s,  f. 

Company  of  thre  —  trinité  z,  f. 

Company  about  a  great  man  —  brigade  s,  f.  ; 
bende  s,  f. 

Company  of  wylde  foule  —  uol  z,  m. 

Companyon  a  felowe  —  compaignon  s,  m. 

Comparyng  —  comparution  s,  f. 

Comparison — comparison  s,  f.;  comparution  s,  f. 

Compas  a   cercle  or  rondell  —  compas,  m.; 
cercle  s,  m. 

Compas  for  a  carpentar —  compas,in.;ceme  s,f. 

Compassyng  of  tyme  —  reuolation  s,  [. 

Compassynggoyngaboutathyng — circmtions,f. 

Compassyng  a  matter  farre  of  —  circumbages ,  m . 
Compassion  —  compassion  s ,  f.  ;  pitié  s ,  f 
Compellyng —  efforcemenl  s,  m. 
Complayning  —  querimonie  s,  t. 
Complaynt  — complayntes,  m.;  plainct  z,  m. 
Complexion  —  comjilexion  s,  f. 
Coniplayne  in  the  churche  —  compiles. 
Composition  —  composition  s,  {. 
Conipremyse  —  compromis  s,  m. 
Conception  —  conception  s,{, 
Conceyte — fantaisie  s,  (. 
Conceyving  —  conception,  f. 
Concludyng  — ■  discussion  s ,  (. 
Conclusion  brifely  doue  —  somme  s,  f. 
Conclusion  —  consequens,  conclusion  s,{. 
Concorde  — concord  s,  va. 
Concubyne  —  concubine  s,f. 
Condycion  —  condition  s,  f. 



Condicyon  a  pioperlic  — propriété  z,  f. 
Condycions  maners — mears ,  f. 
Condyte  of  water  — Jonlajne  s,i. 
Conduyf  —  onyane  s ,  m, 
Condicyon,  a  custome  or  maner —  tayche  s ,  f. 
Conduycle  of  a  mater —  condaycle  s,  f. 
Confection  — conjection  s,  f. 
Confederyng  —  confédération  s,(. 
Confessyon  — confession  s,{. 
Confesseur  a  goostly  father  —  confessevr  s,  m. 
ConfyrmatioD  —  confirmation  s,  (. 
Confyrming  —  confirmation  s,  f. 
Confort  —  confort  s,  m.;  consolation  s,  f. 
Confusvon  —  confusion  s,  t. 
Congar  fysshe  —  congre  s,ia. 
Congrégation  —  congrégation  s,  f. 
Cony  a  beest  —  conin  s,  m. 
Conyhole  or  clapar — taisniere  s,{.;  terrier  s,  m. 
Cony  garthe  —  garenne  s,  f. 
Conjuration  —  conjuration  s,  t. 
Connyng  scyence  —  science  s,  f. 
Conjunction  —  conjunction  s,  f. 
Conjecture —  conjecture  s,  f. 
Conquest  —  conqueste  s,(. 
Conquerour  —  conquesteur,  conquerear  s,  m. 
Conscience  —  conscience  s,  f, 
Counsell — secret  t,vtt.;aduis  m.:  consejl  z,Ta. 
Counsellyng  to  any  tbyng  —  instigation ,  con- 
sultation Sj  f. 
Counsell  chambre  —  chambre  de  parlement  s,{. 
Consent  —  accord,  consentement  s,  m. 
Consentyng  to  a  tbyng  —  aduev  x,  m. 
Conserve  niadeof  llouresor  frute — conserae  s,  f. 
Conservyng  —  conservation  s,{. 
Consydering  of  a  tbyng  —  circunspeclion  s,  f. 
Consystorie  a  courte  —  consistoire  s,  m. 
Constable  an  oflicer  —  conestable  s,  m. 
Constablesbyppe  —  coneslablee  s,  f. 
Constantnesse  —  constance  s,  f. 
Constytution  —  constitution  s,{. 
Constrayning  —  cohertion  s,  f. 
Conslraynt  —  contraincte  s,  [. 
Consumption —  cousumption  s,  {. 
Contaglousnesse  —  infection  s,  f. 
Contemplation  —  contemplation  s,  f. 
Conteyning  —  contenement  s,  m. 

Contention  stryfe  —  contens  s,  m. 

Content  of  a  mater  —  teneur  s,{. 

Contentes  of  writyng  —  contenue  s,  f. 

Conterpoynt  —  contrepoynt  s,  m. 

Contynuing  —  continuation  s,[. 

Countrey — teritoire  s,m.;contree  Sj{.\paisjm. 

Contrary  parte — partie  diverse  s,{. 

Contrariousnesse  —  contrariété  z,  f.  ;  contra- 
rienseté  z,  f. 

Contrition  —  contrition  s,  f. 

ControHer  —  controlleur  s,  m, 

Conveyeng  —  conuoyement  s,tn. 

Covenaunt — conuenant,  pact  z,  m. 

Cole  —  charbon  s ,  m. 

Coles  sucbe  as  be  gyven  in  ténèbre  wcke  — 
afferendons ,  m. 

Coke  —  rojliceiir  s,  m. 

Coke  tbat  byelb  meate  to  seit  agayne  —  rôtis- 
seur, charcuitier  s,  m. 

Copc  for  a  preest  —  cliappe  s,  f. 

Coupe  or  coule  for  capons  or  other  poultric 
ware  —  caige  aux  chappons  s,  (. 

Coppar  metall  —  cviure,  souldure  s ,  m. 

Coppy  of  a  boke  —  double  s ,  ra. 

Copy  of  any  otber  tbyng  —  copye  s ,  f. 

Copyousnesse  —  copieuselé  z,  (. 

Coupyli  of  any  thyng  —  paire,  f. 

Copwebbe —  araigniee  s,  f. 

Copras  for  ynke  —  couperose  s,  (. 

Corail  stone  —  coral  x,  m. 

Corandre  a  herbe  —  coriandre  s,  {. 

Corde  —  cordeav ,  corde  s,  f. 

Corde  a  lace  —  cordon  s,  m. 

Cordiall  medicyne  —  cordial  x,  m. 

Cordwayner  —  cordaanier  s,  m. 

Cordwayncrs  threde  —  chief  gros,  ra. 

Cordwayne  lether  —  corduain  s,  va. 

Corellar  in  reason  tbet  folowelh  another  — 
corlaire  s,  m. 

Corne —  ble,frument  s,  m. 

Core  of  frute  —  troignon  s,  m. 

Cornalyn  a  pale  reed  stone  —  cornaline  s,  f. 

Cornar  —  angle  s,va.;  cornet  i,  m. 

Correction  —  correction ,  punition ,  discipline  s,  f. 

Curryour  of  lether —  covrayevr  s,  m. 

Coriandre  sede  —  coriandre  s,  f. 



Corke  for  slyppars  —  liège  s,  ui. 

Cormeranta  hebyrde  —  cormerant  s,  m. 

Cormerant  a  slie  byrde  —  cormerande  s,  (. 

Cornet  to  put  spice  in  —  cornet  z,  m. 

Corner  ofa  tliing  —  coing  z,m.;  canton  s, m. 

Corner  ofthe  eje  —  coing  doeyl  z ,  m. 

Corne  felde  —  champ  de  ble  s,  m. 

Cornet  a  home  —  cornet  z,  va. 

Coronation  —  coronement  s,  m. 

Corownc  —  corone  s,  f. 

Corruption  —  corruption  s,  f. 

Corporas  for  a  châles  —  corporeav  x,m. 

Corporation  —  corporation  s,  f. 

Corse  of  a  gyrdell  —  tissu  x ,  m. 

Corse  weaver  —  tissutier  s,  m. 

Corse  a  deed  body  —  corps,  m. 

Courser  of  horses  —  covrtier  de  chevaulx  s,  m. 

Corvyser —  cordovanier  s,  m. 

Cosshe  a  sorie  house  —  caueme  s,  f. 

Cosyn  kynsman  —  cousin  s,  m. 

Cosyn  kynswoman  —  cousine  s,  (. 

Cosyn  brolhers  children  —  cousin  germain  s,  m. 

Cost.or  costage  —  covstage  s,  f. ;  dépense  s,(.; 

covstz ,  m. 
Costes  charges  — Jraiclz,  m. 
Cost  mary  herbe —  coste  marine  s,  (. 
Cost  of  a  countrc  —  couste  s,f.\  cousiiere  s,  f. 
Coslardmongar  — Jmyctier  s,  m. 
Costyousnesse  —  snmptaositi  z,t. 
Cote  a  byrde. 

Cote  with  slevesor  without  sleves  —  saion  s, m. 
Cote  for  a  ladde  —  jacquette  s,  f. 
Cote  armour  —  cotte  d'armes  s,  f. 
Cotelar —  coutellicr  s,  m. 
Cotidien  axes  —  fièvre  quotidienne  s,  f. 
Collon  for  weke  —  cotton  s,  la. 
Courbe  to  courbe  a  borse  with  —  courbe  s,{. 
Cokestole  —  selle  a  ricaldes  s,  f. 
Covent  relygious  folke — cornent  s,  m. 
Covcr  for  a  potte  —  covueleque  s,  f. 
Coveryng  for  a  boke —  chemisette  s ,{. 
Coveryng  for  a  bedde  —  eotiuertoir  s,  m. 
Coverlet  for  a  bedde —  covucrture  de  lict  s.f. 
Covert  —  recelée  s,  f. ;  covuerture  s,  f. 
Covetyse  —  covuoitise  s,  (. 
Covetousnesse  —  cupidité  z,  f. 

Coite  a  yong  horse  —  povllain  s,  ni. 

Cowavdnesse  —  pusillanimité  z,  (. 

Covvarde  —  covart  s,  m. 

Cowardyse  —  lâcheté  z,ï, 

Cowe  a  beest  —  uache  s,  f. 

Couche  bedde  —  couche  s,  t. 

Cowe  house  —  uacherie  s,  (. 

Courchefe  —  qaevuerchief  z,  m. 

Coupborde  —  unes  almoires,  t. 

Coughe  disease  —  tous,  f. 

Coide — froit  z,  m. \  froidure  s,  f. 

Coldnesse  —  morjondure  s,  f. 

Coule  for  a  monke  — froc  z,  m. 

Colynge  or  makynge  colde  —  réfrigération  s,  1.  ; 

refroidure  s,î. 
Cobbya  of  an  ele  or  any  fysshe  —  dalle  s,  f.  ; 

tronson  s,  m. 
Combe  of  corne  a  measure  —  mine  s,  f. ;  mi- 

not  z,  m. 
Comfyte  swete  spyce —  confie  s,  f. 
Com forte  —  confort  s,  m. 
Counsaylers  of  a  cytie  —  consavlx,  m. 
Count  a  womans  shappe  —  con  s,  m. 
Count  a  rekenning  —  compte  s,  m.;jecl  z,  m. 
Count  botche  —  bosse  chancrevse  s,  {. 
Countynaunce  —  contenance  s,  f  ;  lèvre  s,  f.; 

geste  s,  m.  ;  semblant  s,  m.  ;  semblance  s,  f. 
Countynaunce  laughyng  —  rys,  m. 
Counterbase  in  song  —  contrebasse  s,  m. 
Counlerfayt  gentylman  —  genlillatre  s,  m. 
Counterfayt  heer  — perreiicque  s,  f. 
Counterfayling  —  contrej'aicture  s,  f. 
Counterpayse  —  contrepoys  s,  m. 
Countesse —  conlesse  s,  {. 
Countie  an  erledome —  conté  z,i. 
Countyng  a  somme  of  money  —  calculation  s, 

f.  ;  computation  s,[. 
Counture  —  contever  s,  m. 
Counlers  to  caste  a  count  with  —  jecl  z,  m.-, 

jecton  s,  m. 
Counter  a  countyng  house  —  comptoyr  s,  m. 
Countrey  —  contrée  s,  f. 
Counirey  man  or  woman  —  contreyman. 
Coupar  a  craftesuian  —  tonnelier  s,  m. 
Couple  of  any  thynges  —  covple  s,  m. 
Couple  of  houndes  —  laisse  s,  t. 




Coupe  for  capons  —  caige  à  chappons  s,  f. 
Courbe  for  a  bridell  —  govrmette  s,  t. 
Courfewe  a  ryngyng  of  belles  towarde  evenyng 

—  covurefev  x,m. 
Courar  a  poste  — poste  s,  m.;  covrrevr  s,  m. 
Courrar  of  lether  —  covrayevr  s,  m. 
Course  —  covrs,  m.;  course  s,  f. 
Course  of  nieate  —  assiette  s,  f. 
Course   of  a   shippe   whan   she    sayleth    — 

laisse  s,  (. 
Cours  of  order  —  tovr  s,  m. 
Course  ofronnyng  —  covrse  s,  f. 
Course  of  frute  —  assiette,  jssue  de  la  table. 
Course  lowe  —  tanure  s ,  (. 
Coursar  horse  —  covrsier  s,  m. 
Coursar  of  horses  —  covrtier  de  chm'oulx. 
Court  —  court  s,  f. 

Court  where  men  plede  —  avditoir  s,  m. 
Courtall  a  kynde  of  gonnes  of  horses  —  covr- 

tavlt  X,  m. 
Courten  for   a  bedde  —  custode  s,  f.  ;  covr- 

tine  Sj  {. 
Courtery  —  urbanité,  covrtoisie  s,  f. 
Courtesnesse  —  bénignité  z,  (. 
Courture  —  covrtisan  s,  m. 
Courtyers  —  gens  de  covrt,  t. 
Coustrell  that  wayteth  on  a  speare  —  covsteil- 

lier  s,  m. 
Covey  of  partriches  —  uolee  s,  {.;  co^mee  j,  f. 
Covent  lofe  —  miche  s,  f. 
Coveryng  of  a  sadell  —  hovsse  s,f. 

C    BEFOBE    R. 

Crabbe  fysshe  —  crabbe  s ,  f. 

Crabbe  frute  —  pomme  de  boys  s,  f. 

Craches  herbe  — -  movron  s,  m. 

Cradell  —  berseav,hers  x,  va. 

Cradell  bande  —  bendie  de  berseav  x,  m. 

Craker  aboster —  bobancier  s,  m. 

Crafte  sleyght  —  malengin  s,  m.;  regnardie  s ,  f. 

Crafte  science  —  art  s,  m.;  artifice  s,  t. 

Crafte  sublylte  —  asluce  s,î. 

Crafte  of  multypiyeng  —  alquenemie  s ,  (. 

Crafte  of  huntyng  —  uenerie  s,  f. 

Craftisman  —  mécanique  s,  m. 

Craftie  felowe —  regnart  s,  m. 

Craftie  dcaiyng —  trajjicque  s,  m. 

Cragge  —  roche  s,  f. 

Cracke  breakyng  — fente  s,  f. 

Crake  a  bostyng —  uanle,  uanlerie  s,  f. 

Craker  a  boster  —  aanlevr  s,  m. 

Crakyng  bostyng  —  uantance  s,  f. 

Crakyng  felowe  —  cocquart  s,  m. 

Crackenell  —  cracquelin  s,  m. 

Crampe  —  govte,  crampe  s,  f. 

Crâne  colour  —  gris  cendré,  m. 

Crâne  of  a  wharfe  —  grue  s,  f. 

Crany  or  ryst —  cravasse  s,  f. 

Crapaude  a  precious  stone  — crapaudine  s,  (. 

Cratcbe  for  horse  or  oxen  —  crèche  s,  f. 

Créature  a  poore  soûle  —  créature  s,  (. 

Crede  belue  —  credo  s,  va. 

Credence  —  créance  s,f. 

Credytour  that  trusteth  one  —  créancier  s,  m. 

Creke  where  water  commeth  inat — brèche  s,  f. 

Creame  to  eate  —  crcsme  s,  f. 

Creame  holly  oyie  —  cresme,  m. 

Creasc  encrease  —  reuenaes,  augmentation  s,  t. 

Cresses  herbe  —  cresson  s,  m. 

Cresseut  the  newe  mone  as  long  as  it  is  nat 

rounde  —  cressant  s,  m. 
Cresset  a  lyght — Jlambeav  x,in.\  falhl  z,va. 

Crest  of  a  helmet  — -  creste  s,  f. 

Crest  of  a  house —  coypeav  de  la  maison  x,m. 

Cruelnesse  —  felonnie,  ferocilté  s,  {.;  cruallé 
z,  f. 

Crevés  a  fysshe  —  escreuice  s,  {, 

Crulc  or  caddas  —  sajeite  s ,  f. 

Cruse  to  drinke  in  —  pot  de  Beavuais  z,m. 

Crye  noyse  —  cry  s,  m. 

Cricke   to  bende  a  crosbowe   with  —  crane- 
quin  s,  m. 

Cricket  a  worme  —  cricquet,  gresillon  s,  m. 

Cryeng  of  people  —  acclamation  s,  f. 

Cryeng  —  braierie,  clamevr,  crierie  s,  f. 

Cryeng  out  of  beestes  —  ululation  s,  (. 

Cryme  an  ofience  —  crime  s,  va. 

Grymosin  colour  —  cramoisy  s,  m. 

Crymosen  in  grayne  —  cramoisy  en  graine, 

Crypple —  boitei'X,  m. 

Crysolite  a  precious  stone  —  crisolite  s,  f. 

Crysome  for  a  yong  chylde  —  cresmeav  x,  m. 



Crystall  stone  —  cristal  x,  m. 
Christen  man  —  cristien  s,  m. 
Cfaristen  woman  —  cristienne  s,  (. 
Christendome  —  cristienneté  z  ,{. 
Crystraas  a  hye  feest  —  Noël  z,  m. 
Crystmas  evyn  —  nùiU  de  Noël  s,  t. 
Crossed  frère  — frère  de  Saincte-Croix  s,  m. 
Crochet  in  song  —  crochette  s,  f. 
Cronycle  an  bystorie  —  croniqae  s,  t. 
Croke  —  crocq  z,m.;  crochet  z,  m. 
Croppe  of  a  byrde  —  poche  s,  t. 
Croppe  of  corne  —  leuee  de  terre  s,f. 
Crosse  —  crovi,  f. 

Crosse  of  coyne  —  la  croix  d'une  pièce  d'ar- 
gent, f. 
Crosbowe  —  arcbalestre  s,  va. 
Crosse  for  a  bysshoppe  —  crosse  s,  f. 
Crosbowe  case  —  carqnas,  m. 
Crosbowe  maker —  arcbaleslrier  s,  m. 
Crosweke  gangeweke  —  rowajrson  s ,  f .  ;  roga- 
tions, f. 
Crossyng  —  croisée  s,{. 
Cropar  for  an  horse  — crovpiere  s,  f;  culiere  de 

cheual  s,  f. 
Croude  an  instrument  —  rebecq  z,  m. 
Croudar  —  jeaevr  de  rebecq  s,  m. 
Crowe  a  byrde  —  corneille  s,{. 
Crowne  —  corone  s,  f. 
Crowne  a  pcce  of  goide  —  esca  s,  m. 
Crowne  of  a  preest  —  corone  s,  f. 
Crowne  of  tbe  heed —  le  sommet  de  la  leste  z, 

m.;  copeav  de  la  teste  x,  m. 
Crucifixc  —  crucifix,  m. 
Crualte  —  crualté  z,  f. 
Cruddes  of  myike  —  malles,  f. 
Cruelnesse —  craalté  z,  t. 
Crcwet  for  water  or  wyne  —  burette  s,  f. 
Cromme  of  bredde  —  miette ,  miche  de  pain  s,  f. 
Crust  of  bredde  —  crovste  de  pain  s,(. 
CrotcLe  for  a  iame  man  — potence  s,f. 

C    BEFORE   U. 

Cubbe  a  yong  foxe. 

Cubyt  a  kynde  of  measure  —  covldee  s,  f. 

Cudde  of  a  beest. 

CuOe  over  ones  bande  — poignet  z,  m. 

Cuysshen  —  cocssyn  s,ia. 

Cucke  stole  —  selle  a  nbanldes  s ,  va. 

Cultar  for  a  ploughe  —  covltre  s,  m. 

Culveryng  gonne  —  culuerine  s,  f. 

Cummyng  of  a  parsone  unloked  for  —  surae- 
nue  s,(. 

Cupborde  of  plate  or  to  sette  plate  upon  —  buf- 
fet z,  va. 

Cuppe  to  drinke  in  — covppe  s,  f.;  hanap  s, 
va.  (Romant.  ) 

Cuppe  bearer  —  eschanson  s,  m. 

Cupborde  to  putte  meate  in  —  dressover  s,  m. 

Curate  —  curé  z,  va. 

Curiousnesse  —  curieasité  z,  f. 

Curlewe  a  byrde —  cuAiev,  curlis. 

Curlydnesse  of  ones  heer  —  crespure  s,  t. 

Curnell  of  a  nutte —  amende  de  noix  s,  f. 

Currage  —  covrage  s,  va. 

Currar  a  man  ibat  ronneth  —  currevr  s,  m. 

Curre  dogge  —  maslin  s,  m. 

Curryar  of  letber —  couraievr  s,  va. 

Curryfavell  a  flalterar  —  estrille  faaeav  x,  va. 

Curse  —  malédiction,  mavldisson  s,  f. 

Cursyng — excomuniment ,  interdict  z,  va.!^' ex- 
communication s,  {. 
Custarde  —  dariolle,fian  s. 
Custome  —  stile,  covstume,  usaige,  droit  covs- 

Customer  tbatuseth  to  by  ware  of  one —  chai- 

lant  s,  va. 
Customar  tbat  taketb  custome — covstamier  s,  va, 
Customar  of  tbe  salte — grenetier  s,  m. 
Cutpurs,  coupevr  de  bourse  s,  m. 
Cutte  or  lotie  —  sort  s,  va. 
Cultes  lo  playe  with — covrtfestu  x,  m. 
Cutte  a  wounde  —  covppevre  s,  f. 
Cuttayled  beest  —  qucve  courte  s,  t. 
Cuttynge  of  asore  —  incision  s,f. 
Cuttyng  ofa  vyne — serment  de  uigne  s,  va. 
Cullar  —  covstellier  s,  va. 
Cutter  ofthrotes  —  covpevr  de  gorges  s,  va. 

0   BEFOItE   A. 

Dale  a  lowe  place — ualee  s,  f. 

Daggar  —  dagve,  covrte  dagve  s,  f.  ;  poignarl  s,  m. 

Daye  — jour  s,  m. 




Daylight — adjovrnement  s,  m. 

Dayrie  place — meterie  s,  t. 

Daysman  —  arbitre  s,  m.;  composilevr  s,  m. 

Daysy  a  floure  —  marguerite  s,  f. 

Dalyaunce  —  déduit  z,  m. 

DaniDie  of  a  myll  —  esclase  s,  f. 

Dammage  —  damaige  s,  m. 

Damaske  —  damars,  m. 

Damasynfrute  — prune  de  Damas  s,  f. 

Dame  a  lady  —  dame  s,  f. 

Damosell  a  mayde —  damoiselle  s,{. 

Dampnation  —  dampnation  s,(. 

Dandelyon  an  herbe  —  dandelion  s,  m. 

Daunger  ou  the  see  —  navfraige  s,  n\. 

Dangerousnesse  —  dangerevseté ,  dangier,  f. 

Dapyrnesse  propernesse  —  mignotterie  s,  f. 

Darcyell  —  herbe. 

Darkenesse  —  opaceté  s,  f. ;  ténèbres,  (. 

Darte  a  wcapen  —  dart  s,  m. 

Dastarde  —  estovrdy  s, m.;  butarin  s,  m. 

Date  a  kynde  of  frute —  datte  s,  f. 

Date  in  a  writyng  —  date  s,  m. 

Date  tree — dattier  s,  m. 

Dauber  —  placquevr  s,  m. 

Dawe  a  foule  —  corneille  s,  {. 

Dawyng,  geltyng  of  lyfe  —  resuscitation  s,  f. 

Daunce  — daHce  s,  f. ;  trepade  s,  m. 

Dauncer —  dancevr  s,  m. 

Daunsyng  —  balerie,  dancerie  s,  f. 

Daunyng  of  ihe  day —  lavlbe  dajour  s,  f. 

Daunger —  dangier  s,  m. 

D    BEFOBE    E. 

Debate  —  question  s,  f. ;  contens,  m.;  sédition 
s,  f.-,  litige  s,  m.;  débat  z,  va,  ;  noyse  s  j  f. 

Debytie  —  député  z,  m. 

Decayeng  of  a  thyng  —  ruine,  décadence  s,  f. ; 
décline  s,  m. 

Deceyvar,  begyiar  —  deceuevr  s,  m. 

Deceyving  —  déception  s,  f.;  deceuance  s,  f. 

Décembre  a  moneth  —  décembre  s,  m. 

Decesse,  departyng  —  deces,  m. 

Déclaration  —  explication,  exposition,  déclara- 
tion s,  f. 

Déclarer,  expounder  —  declarevr  s,  m.;  expo- 
sevr  s,  m. 

Declaryng  of  a  noble*  mannes  stocke — généalo- 
gie s,  f. 

Declaryng  of  a  thyng — déclaration  s,  f.  ;  osten- 
tation, relation,  declarance ,  elacidation  s,  f. 

Declaryng  of  armes —  blason  s,  m. 

Deaken  boly  orders — diacre  s,  m. 

Deere  —  décret  i,m. 

Decretall  —  dccretalle  s,  f. 

Dede — acte  s,m.\Jaict  z,va. 

Deed  body  —  corps,  va. 

Deed  man  —  dejunct  s,  va. 

Deed  cole  —  charbon  s,  m. 

Dedication  a  feestfuU  day —  dédicace  s,  f. 

Deducyng —  discovrs,  m. 

Deane  of  a  cburche  —  doyen  s,  va. 

Défaite —  default  z.  m.  ;  defavlte  s,  f.  ■,favlte  s,  f. 

Defaltynesse — Javle  s,(, 

Defence  —  dejension,  defence  s,{. 

Defender  —  protectevr,  tatevr,  defensevr  s,  m. 

Deferryng  —  delay  s,  va. 

Defnesse  lacke  of  heryng  —  sovrdesse  s,(. 

Degree,  dignyte  —  dignité,  estât  z,  m. 

Deyrie  bouse  —  meterie  s,  (. 

Dey  wyfe  —  meterie  s,  (. 

Deyntinesse — friandise  s,  f. 

Delay —  delay  s,  va,;  délation  s,  {. 

Deyntie  —  deUcatie  s,  f. ;  novueav  x,  ta.;  pré- 
sent s,  m. 

Delectablenesse  —  dclectablctè  z,f.;  aménité  z, (. 

Délectation ,  pleasure  —  délectation  s,  f. 

Delycates,  deyntie  meates — uiandes  délicates. 

Delycatenesse  — friandise  s,  (. 

Delygence  —  debuoir  s,  m.;  diligence  s,  f. 

Delygentncsse  —  diligence  s,  [. 

Delyte  —  délectation  s,  (, 

Delyvcrnesse  of  body  —  sovplessc  s,(. 

Delyverance  —  deliverance  s,  f. 

Demande  —  demande  s,f. 

Demaundyng  ofcounsayle —  consultation  s,  f. 

Demeanour —  contenement  s,  m. 

Demycent  for  a  womans  gyrdell  —  demyceinct 
z,  va. 

Demyng  judgyng  —  pensement  s,  va. 

Den  a  hole  in  the  grounde  —  caaeme  s,  f. 

Dcanry  —  deannerie  s,  f. 

Denyer  of  a  thynge — escondissevr  s,  m. 


Denyeng  of  a  thyng  —  redicte  s,  f.;  escondictz,  m. 

Departyng  froin  a  place  —  départie  s,  f. 

Deparlyngfromlyfe  lo  Jetbe  —  trespas,  déces,va. 

Departyngeof  manand  wyfe — répudiation  s,  f.; 
diuorse  s,[. 

Departyng  of  one  thyng  from  another  —  sépa- 
ration s,  {. 

Depe  hole  —  ahisme  s,  i. 

Depncsse  of  any  ihyiig — profunditè  z,  f. 

Depe  sloughe  — fondrier  s,  m. 

Depravyng  or  missayeng  by  a  thyng — depraaa- 
tion  s,  {. 

Derenesse  —  chierté  z,  f. 

Derlyng  a  man —  mignon  s,  m. 

Derlyng  a  woman  —  mignonne  s,{. 

Dernell  herbe. 

Description  —  description  s,{. 

Deysy  floure —  marguerite  s,  f. 

Deceyving  —  deceuance  s,  f. 

Deseeyt —  baraterie  s,{.;  déception  s,  f.  ;  60- 
rat  z,  m. 

Desceitfulnesse  —  deceuance  s,  f. 

Desceyvabtenesse  —  deceuahleté  z,(. 

Desceyvar  —  baratier  s,  m. 

Descent  of  iynage  —  descente  s,  f. 

Désert  wyidernesse —  désert  s,  m. 

Deservyng  of  rewarde  —  mérite  s,  (. 

Desyre  or  wysshyng  —  soahait  z,  m.  ;  enuie  s,  f.; 
appétit  z,  m.;  désir  s,  m.;  concupiscence  s,  f . 

Despyle  —  despit  z,  m.;  contumeYie  s,  f. 

Desteny  — destinée  s,î. 

Destroyeng  —  deffaict  z,  ni.;  démolition  s,  (.; 
extermination  s,  [. 

Destruction  —  destruction  s,  f.  ;  dépopulation  s,  f. 

Désolation — désolation  s,  f. 

Desyrer  —  requerevr  s,  m. 

Dethe  —  trespas,  m.  ;  mort  s,  f. 

Dette  —  debte  s,  C 

Detter  thatowetha  duetie  —  debtetr  s,  m. 

Determyner  —  determinevr  s,  m. 

Determyning — ierminances,  f.;  détermination  s,  (. 

Detraction  bacbyting  —  detraction  s,  f. 

Detie  made  inryme  —  romants,m.;dictons,m. 

Dewe  droppes  of  water  —  rovsee  s,  f. 

Devyse  —  deuise  s,  f . 

Devyning  —  deainalion  s,  f. 


Divynite  —  divinité  z,  {. 

Deridyng,  laughyng  to  skorne  — dérision  s,  l, 

Devisyng  —  deuis,  m. 

Devorsyng  of  man  and  wyfe  —  diuorse  s,  {. 

Dévotion  holynesse  —  deuotion  s,  f. 

Devoutnesse  —  deuotion  s,  f. 

D   BEFORB    I. 

Diadème  of  laureli —  laureole  s,  (. 

Diadème  a  crowae  —  diadème  s,  m. 

Diall  to  Inowe  the  houres  by  the  course  of  the 

sonne  —  quadrant  s,  m. 
Diamont  stone —  diamant  s,  m. 
Dier  of  colours —  taincturier  s,  m. 
Dice  to  playe  with  —  de  z,m. 
Dice  maker  —  dessier  s,  m. 
Diche  — fossé  z,  m. 
Diette  —  dxette  s,  f. 

Diffame  —  diffamcment  s,  m.;  diffame  s,  f. 
Différence  —  différence  s ,  {. 
Diffyning  —  dijjinissement  s,  m.  ;  dijinition  s,  I. 
Digest  a  boke  in  lawe —  digeste  s,  (. 
Digestyon  —  digestion  s ,  t. 
Dignyte  —  dignité  z,  f.  ;  magistrat  s,  m. 
Dignyle  of  a  prelate  —  prelature  s,  f. 
Dignité  above  another — preheminence  s,  f. 
Died  lawny  —  tanny  garensé  s,  f. 
Dieng  with  colour  —  tainctare  s,{. 
Dieng  faite  or  leed  —  cvuier  s,  m. 
Digression  —  digression  s,  f. 
Dike — fosse  s,  t. 

Dilygence  —  attention  s,  f.  ;  diligence  s,  f. 
Dill  an  herbe —  anys,  m. 
Dyrae  tytbe  —  disme  s,  f. 
Dimynisshing  —  diminution  s,  f. 
Dynne  noyse  —  bruyt  z,  m. 
Dint  of  swerde. 
Diner  mealc  —  disner  s,  m. 
Diphthonge  —  diphtiiongae  s,  f. 
Directyng  —  adresse  s,  f. 
Dirige  servyce  —  uigiles,  f. 
Disavauntage  —  desauantaige  s ,  m. 
Discention  —  uariance  s,  f. ;  discention  s,  i, 
Discase  —  mesaise  s,  f. 
Disconfort  —  desconfort  s,  m. 
Disconfortyng  —  desconfeture  s,  f. 


Discorde  —  descord  s,  m. 
Discordyng  —  discordance  s,  f. 

Discrelenesse  —  discrétion  s,  f. 

Disdayae —  desdaing  z,m, 

Dishoneslyng — aaitement  s,  m. 

Dishonour  —  dishonear  s,  m. 

Disshe —  escttelle  s,  f. 

Disshebearer  —  porUscuelle  s,  va. 

Disshecloute  —  souillon  s,  m.;  torchon  s,  m. 

Discention  —  discort  s,  m.;  discention  s,  f. 

Dissimuliiig — fiction  s,  f. ;  dissinialalion  s,  t. 

Disconfylure —  disconfitare  s,  f. 

Discrétion  —  discrétion  s,  {. 

Discussyng  —  discussion  s,  f. 

Disobeydience  —  desoheisance  s,f. 

Disorder  of  a  thyng  —  desbavlx,  m.  ;  desordre  s, 
i. ;  desordonnance  s,  î, 

Dissar  a  scoffer  —  saigefol  z,  m. 

Dispeyre  —  désespérance  s,  f. 

DispeDce  —  despence  s,  f.  ;  despens,  m. 

Dispensation  —  despensation  s,  f. 

Displeasure  —  desplaisyr  s,ra.\  indignation  s,  f. 

Displeasure  of  mynde —  marrisson  s,  m. 

Displeasyng — :  remors,  m.;  offention  s,  f. 

Disposytion  —  disposition  s,  f.  ;  govuernement  s, 
m.;  ordre  s,,  f. 

Disposition  of  the  flesshe  —  charnure  s,  f. 

Disposyng — administration  s,  f. 

Dispulation — disputation  s,  f. 

Disarey  out  of  order  —  desaroy  s,  m. 

Distafl'e  to  spynne  with  —  quenouille  s,{. 

Distance  of  place  —  entredeax,  m. 

DistauDce  —  distance  s,  f. 

Distaunce  debate  —  débat  z,  m. 

Distemperauuce  —  desatemperanee  s,  f. 

Distrayeng  —  distraction  s,  f. 

Distresse — disette  s,  f.  ;  effort  s,  m.;  perplexe  s,  f. 
subuertion  s,  f.;  souffrance  s,  f.  ;  destresse  Sj 
{.;  esmojr  s,  m.;  disette  s,  f. 

Distrouble  —  destoarhier  s,  va. 

Ditany  —  herbe. 

Ditche  — fosse  Sj  f.;  lac  z,  m.;  digue  s,  f. 

Dytcber — fiy^r  s,  va,;  fossevr  s,  va. 

Dilie  of  song  —  dicton  s,  m.;  dictée  s,  f.  ;  mo- 
tet z,  m.  ;  dictie  s,  f.;  diclier  s,  m. 
Diversy te  —  diverseté  z,  (. 


Divyding  of  any  thyng  —  partaige  s,  m. 
Divell  he  —  diable  s,  m. 
Divell  she  —  diablesse  s,  f. 
Divelles  worke  —  diablerie  s,  f. 
Divellysshnesse  —  diablerie  s,  f. 
Disjoynyng  —  disjunclion  s,(. 

D    BEFORE    0. 

Doublenesse  —  duplicité  z,  f.  ;  doubleure  s,  f. 

Doctour  —  doctevr  s,  m. 

Doctryne  —  doctrine  s ,  f. 

Docke  a  wede  —  docque  s,(. 

Dogge  a  beest  —  chien  s,  va. 

Dogge  a  mischevous  curre  —  dogue  s,  va. 

Dogge  brere. 

Doggednesse  —  cruavlté  z,  {. 

Doggcfysshe' — chien  de  mer  s,  m. 

Doggcbee  —  bourdon  s,  va. 

Doggestong  or  horehoside  an  herbe. 

Doggeslorde  —  estron  de  chien  s,  m. 

Doyng  in  lawe  —  action  s,  f. 

Doyng  or  makyng  —  efficient,  actiuité  s,  f. 

Doo  a  beest —  biche  s,  (. 

Dokelyng — petite  canne,  cannette  s,  f.;  cannet- 

ton  s,  va. 
Dole  —  aulmosne  s,  f.  ;  donee  s,  f. 
Dolefulnesse  —  tristesse  s,(. 
Doulphyn  a  fysshe  —  doulphin  s,  va. 
Doulphyn  the  frenche  kynges  eldest  sonne  — 

doulphin  s,  va. 
Dôme  jugement  — jugement  s,  m. 
Domenesse  —  mvetté  z,  {. 
Donge — fiant  s,  va. 
Dong  hyU  —  aoirie  s,  t.;Jvmier  s,m. 
Donge  forke — fourche  afian  s,  f. 
Donge  pyke  — fourche  a  fiant  s,  f. 
Donge  carte  —  chariot  a  fiant  z,  va. 
Doppar  byrde. 
Dorrey  a  see  fysshe. 
Dore  a  gâte  —  huis ,  va . 
Dormeuse  a  beest  —  leyrot  z,va. 

Dortour  for  relygiousmen  —  dortoyr  s,  m. 
Doseo  a  nombre  —  douzaine  s,  f. 
Dowary  —  douaire  s,(. 
Doublet  —  pourpoint  s,  va. 



Dow  ne  of  any  yong  byrde  — follet  z,  m. 
Downeof  a  byrde — poilfolacje  z,m. 
Downe  fethers  —  dviiet  z,  m. 
Downeright  stroke  • —  taille  s,  f. 
Dove  a  byrde  —  coulomb  s,  m. 
Dove  bouse  —  columbier  s,  m. 
Dowe  rybbe  —  ratissevr  a  poste  s,  î. 
Doughter — Jilk  s,  f. 
Dougbter  in  lawe  —  belle  JiUe  s,  f. 
Doughe  troughe  —  husche  a  pestrir  s,  f. 
Douselte  a  lytell  flawiie  —  darioUe  s,  f. 
Doute — doatance  s,  t.;  dovbte  s,  f.;  dubita- 

tion  s,  f. 
Doutfulnesse  —  ambiguïté  z,{.;  double  s,(. 

D    BEFORE    R. 

Drabbe  —  truande,  loudiere  s,  (. 

Drabbe  a  slutte  —  mlotiere  s,  f. 

Dradge  spyce  —  dragée  s,  f. 

Draffe  —  dracque  s,  f. 

Draggons  berbe  —  dragons,  m. 

Dragboke  —  crocq  z,  va. 

Drake  a  byrde  —  canart  l,  m. 

Drake  tbat  is  tame  —  anel  z,  m. 

Dramme  measure  —  dramme  s,  f. 

Dram  a  kynde  of  weight  —  dragme  s,  f. 

Drane  or  humble  bee  —  bourdon  s,  va. 

Draper  —  drappier  s,  m. 

Drapery  of  wollen  clotbe —  drapperie  s,  f. 

Draubridge — pont  leajs  s,  m. 

Draught  a  prevy  —  ortraict  z,  m. 

Draught  or  pull  —  traxcl  z,va. 

Drawyng  nere  —  accès,  m.  ;  approche  s,  f. 

Drawyng  to  —  actraict  z,  m. 

Drawyng  of  an  ymage — portraicture  s,{. 

Drawyng  toguyder  —  contraction  s,  f.;  congré- 
gation s,  (. 

Drawyng  up  of  water  —  espuisment  s,  m. 

Drede  fcare — paour  s,  f. 

Dregges  —  lie  de  bière  ou  de  uin  s,  f. 

Dremar  —  musart  s,  m. 

Dreme — -songe  s,vn. 

Drepyng  of  rost  meate  —  la  gresse  du  rost. 

Dressar  where  meate  is  served  eut  at. 

Dressar  of  gownes  or  otber  gamientes  —  re- 
gretevr  s,  va. 

Dressar  of  wole  —  rabillevr  de  layne  s,  m. 

Dressyng  —  acovstrement  s,  m.;  dressevrr. 

Drestes  of  oyle  —  lie  dhaillc  s,  f. 

Drinesse  : —  sechesse  s,  f. 

Drifle  crafle  —  sabtillité  s,  f. 

Drifte  of  wether  or  snowe  —  undec  de  playe 

s,  f. 
Drighnesse  —  chaline  s,  {. 
Drinke  —  brevuaige  s,  m. 
Drinke  a  medycine  —  brevuaige  s,  m. 
Driver  of  a  carte  —  chartier  s,  m. 
Drivar  of  a  chariot  —  arrigateur  s,  m. 
Drivar  of  cameiles  —  chamelier  s,  m. 
Drivell  —  sovillon  s,  m. 
Drivelarde  a  lyer  —  baueresse  s,  f. 
Drivelar  that  driveleth  —  baueux,  m. 
Dromedary  a  beest  —  dromedaire  s,  va. 
Dromslade ,  sache  as  almayns  use  in  warre  — 

bedon  s,  va. 
Drone  a  bagpype  —  cornemuse  s,(. 
Drone  bee  flye  —  bourdon  s,  m. 
Droppe  of  water  or  lycour  —  goutte  s,  f. 
Dropsy  — ydropisie  s,  f. 
Droppyng  of  lycour  —  distillation  s,  f. 
Droppyng  out  of  a  guttar  —  agout  z,  m. 
Drosse  of  mctall  —  rejus,  m. 
Drostynesse — lievseté  z,î. 
Drove  of  beestes  —  troupeau  x,  m. 
Drudgea  woman  servaunt  —  druge  s,  f.  ;  mes- 

chine  s,f. 
Dronkarde  — yuroigne  s,  m. 
Dronken  woman  — yueresse  s,  ('. 
Dronkennesse  — yueresse  s,  f. 
Drought  drie  wether  —  chaline  s,f. 

D   BEFORE    U. 

Duale  an  herbe. 

Dublet  a  garment  —  pourpoint  s,  m. 

Duchesse  —  duchesse  s,  f. 

Duchy  —  duché  z,  f. 

Dufhouse  —  columbier  s,  m. 

Duke  —  duc  z,  m. 

Dukedome  —  duché  z,  t. 

Ducke  a  foule  —  canne  s,  f. 

Duke  of  tbe  ryver  —  cannette  s,  f. 

Duckelyng  —  cannetton  s,  m. 



Duliardle  —  hoardin  s,  m.;  songeart  s,  m.,  bu- 

larin  s,  m.;  lourdault  z,  m. 
Dulnesse  of  edge  —  agassure  s,  f. 
Duni  man  that  can  nat  speke  —  muet  2  ^  m. 
Dunge  fyllhe  — fient  s,  m. 
Dunge  carte  —  car  a  fiant  s,  m. 
Dungyon  of  a  castell  —  dongeon  s,  m. 
Dust  or  poudre  ■ —  pouldre  s,  (. 
Dutie  dette  —  debte  s,  f. 
Dûtes  or  eaxction  —  exaction  s,  (. 
Dwarfe  a  lytell  parsone  —  najn  s,  m.  ;  najrn- 

tre  s,  {. 
Dwellar  —  habitant  s,  la. 
Dwellyng  place — domicilie  s,  m.;  demevre  s,  f. ; 

habitacle  s,  m. 

E    BEFORE    A. 

Eare  of  a  man  or  beest  —  oreille  s,  f. 

Eare  of  a  pot  —  oreille  dung  pot  s,  (.;  anse  s,  f. 

Eare  of  any  vessel  —  oreille  s,  f. 

Earwaxe  —  ordure  de  loreille  s,  f. 

Ease  resl  —  aise  s,  f. ;  aisément  s,  m. 

Easynesse  —  aisément  s,  m. 

Easment- — aisément  s,  m. 

Easler  a  hye  feest  —  la  résurrection  nostre  sei- 

gnevr  s,  f. ;  Pasqaes ,  f. 
Easter  evyn  —  samedj  de  Pasqaes ,  m.;  la  ueille 

de  Pacque  s,  m. 

E    BEFORE   B. 

Ebrewe  a  langage  —  hebriev  x,  m. 

E    BEFORE   C. 

Eclypse  of  the  sonne  and  moone  —  éclipse  s, 
f. ;  soleil  absconsse  s,{. 

E    BEFORE    D. 

Edder  —  aspicq  z,  m.  ;  covhvure  s,  f. 

Eddercoppe  —  arraignee  s,  (. 

Edge  of  any  lole  or  weapen  —  trenchant  s,  m. 

E    BEFORE   G. 

Egalnesse  —  eqitipollance  s,  f. 
Egle  a  foule  —  aigle  s,  m. 
Egernesse  bytlernesse  —  aigrure  s,  [. 
Egge  —  œvf  z,  m. 

Eggeshell  —  coqae  s,  {. 

Eglantinc  swete  brere  —  églantier  s,  m. 

Eglantyne  tree  —  avbespin  s,  m.  ;  églantier  s,  m. 

E    BEFORE    I. 

Eye  or  egge  —  œvf  z.  m. 
Eye  to  se  wilh  —  œil,jevlx,  m. 
Eyelydde — paulpiere  s,  (. 
Eymbres  bote  assbes  —  brasiers,  m. 
Eye  browes  —  sourcille  s,  î. 
Eye  tothe  —  dent  oreilliere  s,  {. 

E    BEFORE    L. 

Elbowe  —  coude  j,  m. 
Ele  a  fysshe  —  anguille  s,  f. 
Elde  tree  —  sus,  sureau  x,  m. 
Eleber  a  rote  —  elehere  s,  {. 
Electyon  —  option  s,  f. ;   achoison  s,  f.  ;  élec- 
tion s,  î. 
Elne  to  meate  with  —  aulne  s,  (. 
Elegaunce  fayre  specbe  —  élégance  s,f. 
Elément  —  élément  s,  m. 
Elfe  or  dwarfe  —  nain  s,  m. 
Elypbant  a  beest  —  eliphant  s,  m. 
Eime  Irec  —  orme  s,  m. 
Eloquence  —  éloquence  s,  f. 
Eloquentnesse  — facunditd  z,  f. 
Elson  for  cordwayners  —  aXesne  s,  f. 

£    BEFORE    M. 

Embassadoure —  légat  z,xa.\  ambassadevr  i,m. 
Embasset  —  embassade  s,  [. 
Eme  uncle  —  oncle  s,  m. 
Embyrday  fastyng  day  — jevne  s,  m. 
Emeroudes  or  pylles  a  sickenesse  —  les  broches 

emmeroides,  f. 
Emeraude  a  precious  stone  —  esmeraulde  s,(. 
Emperour  —  emperevr  s,  m. 
Empyre  —  empire  s,  m. 
Empresse  —  empresse,  emperiere  s,  (. 

E    BEFORE   N. 

Encrease  —  encroissement  s,  m. 
Encreasyng  —  encroissement  s,  m.;  croissance 
s,  f.;  ampliation  s,  f. ;  accroissement  s,  m. 
Ende  of  a  matter  —  issue  s,  (. 


Ende  of  a  felde  or  corner  —  canton  s ,  m. 
Ende  or  borde  of  a  thyng  —  bovrne  a,  f. 
Ende  of  any  ihyng  — fin  s,  f. 
Ende  of  an  acte  or  tyme  —  consammation  s,  f. 
Endyng  —  cessation,  acheuissance  s,  f.;  dejfine- 

ment  s,  m.;  termination  s,  t. 
Endyve  an  herbe  —  endive  s,  f. 
Enforcesyng —  enforcement  s,  m.;  efforcement 

s,  m. 
Encmy  —  aduersaire ,  ennemy  s,  m. 
Enemy  woman  —  ennemie  s,  f. 
Engendring  —  engendrvre,  genitare  s,  f. 
Engyn  frame  —  engin  s,  m. 
Engyn  to  tbrowe  stones  —  martinet  s,  m. 
Engyn  for  warre  —  pringalle  s,  f. 
Englysshman  —  anglais,  m. 
Englysshewoman  —  anglesche  s ,  {. 
Englande  —  angleterre  s,{. 
Enherytauncc  —  heriiaige  s,  m. 
Enjoynyng  of  a  thyng — jovissance  s,  f. 
Ensample  —  exemple  s,(. 
Enrichyng  —  enrichissement  s,  m. 
Entent  purpose  —  entente  s,  f. 
Enterprise  —  emprinse  s,  f  ;  entreprise  s,  f. 
Entre  into  a  place  —  entrée  s,  f. 
Entrye  ofa  gâte  —  auantportail  z,  m. 
Entry  into  a  matter  —  introite  s,  m. 
Envy  hatered  —  enuie  s,  f. 

E    BEFOBE    P. 

Epystoler  at  tbe  masse  - 
Epystle  letters  myssyve  • 

■  epistolier  s,  m. 
-  epistre  s,  (. 

E    BEFORE    Q. 

Equaiite  evynnesse — egallité  z ,  {.  ;  eqnalité  z,f. 
Equalnesse  —  eqmperation  s,{. 
Equy valence  —  équivalence  s,  f. 

E    BEFORE    R. 

Ere  of  a  man  or  beest  —  oreille  s,  f. 
Ere  of  corne  —  espy  de  ble  s ,  m. 
Ere  ofany  corne  —  espy  s ,  m. 
Erle  —  conte  s,  m. 
Erldome  —  conté  z,  m. 
Ermyne  a  beest  —  ermyne  s,  f. 
Ermyns  furre  —  ermines,  f. 


Ernest  of  a  bargayne  —  arres,  f. 
Ernest  nat  sporte  —  cvissant  s,  m. 
Erlbe  an  élément  —  (erre  s,  f. 
Erthen  potte  —  pot  de  terre  s,  m. 
Erwygge  a  worme  —  persoreille  s,{. 

E    BEFORE   S. 

Especiall  coursar  — fievr  de  courser  s,f. 

Est  a  quarter  of  tbe  worlde  —  orient  s ,  m. 

Elstate  a  kynde  of  lyveng  that  oneis  called  lo  — 
uocation  s,  î. 

Essaye  tast  or  profe  —  essaj  s,  m. 

Estemyng  —  estimation  s,  f. 

Estymation  a  val  nation  —  estimation  s,  C. 

Estwynde  —  le  ueni  de  est  s,  m.;  le  uent  da- 
mant s,  m. 

E    BEFORE    U. 

Evangelyst  —  euangeliste  s,  m. 

Evenyng  —  uespre  s,  m.  ;  soir  s,  m. 

Eventyde  —  uespree  s ,  f. 

Evensong  —  nespres,  m. 

Evydence  declaryng  of  atbynge —  euidence  s,  f. 

Evyll  lucke  —  malevr  s,  m. 

Evylfavoured  face  —  grimace  s,  ï. 

Evyll  sayer  —  maldisant  s,  m. 

Evyll  tourne — maluais  tour  s,  m. 

Evyll  —  mal  x,  va. 

Evylnesse  —  improhiiè  z,  f.  ;  malice  s ,  f . 

Evyll  wyll  —  atlajne  s,[.;  maliuolence  s,  L; 

maltalent  s,  m. 
Evennesse  —  eqaalité  z,  (. 
Ewe  a  shepe  —  brebis,  f. 
Ewer  to  wasshe  with  —  aigvier  s,  f. 

E    BEFORE   X. 

Exaction  or  trybute  —  exaction  s,i. 

Examynacion  —  examination  s,  f. 

Exampler  for  a  woman  lo  worke  by  —  exem- 
ple s,  f. 

Example  of  a  boke  —  copie  s,  f. 

Example  a  symililude  of  a  thyng  —  exemple, 
exemplaire  s,  m. 

Exaltyng  a  lyftyng  up  —  exaltation  s,  f. 

Exchaunge  of  money  —  change,  eschange  s,  f. 

Exchaunge  ofany  thyng  —  eschange  s,  (. 



Excedyng  —  excès,  m. 

Excedyng  in  spence — prodigalité  z,  f. 

Excedyng  in  speche  —  locjuacité  z,î. 

Excedyng  pleasure  —  montjoye  s,  f. 

Exceptyon  —  exception  s,  l. 

Exersyse  use  —  exercice  s,{. 

Exersysing  of  the  body  —  exercitalion  s,  t. 

Excesse  —  ennrmité  z,  {.\  excès,  fs\.\  aehemen- 
ce  s,  f. 

Excuse  for  nat  apperyng  before  a  judge  —  es- 
soine  s,L 

Excuse  of  a  faut  —  excuse  s ,  (.iexcasation  s,  t. 

Excusyng  — excusation  s,  (. 

Excommunycation  —  excommvnication  s,  f. 

Excomunement  —  excommenge  s,{. 

Execution  of  justyce  —  exécution  s,  f. 

Executoure  of  a  testament  —  executevr  s,  m. 

Exortation  —  enhortement  s,  m.  ;  exhortation  s,  f. 

Expences  —  expences,  coustz ,frays ,  m. 

Experyence  —  expérience  s,  t.;  practKjue  s,  f.; 
experiment  s,  m. 

Exposytion  —  exposition  s,  f. 

Expounder  of  a  tliyng  —  expositevr  s,  m.;  ex- 
posevr  s,  m. 

Expoundyng — interprétation  s,  f.;  exposition  s,  f. 

Expressyng  declaryng  of  a  matter  —  explica- 
tion s,  (.;  expression  s,  î. 

Extorcyon  — •  extortion,  extorce  s,  (. 

Extorcioner  —  torconnier  s,  n). 

Extremenesse  —  extrémité  z,  f. 

F    BEFORE    A. 

Fable  a  lyghl  laie  — fable  s,  f. 

Face  —  aisage  s,  m.;  face  s,  f. 

Fader  —  père  s,  m.  ;  géniteur  s,  m. 

Faderless  chylde  —  orphelyn  s,  m. 

Fader  in  lawe  as  a  man  is  to  his  doughters  hus- 

bande  or  to  his  sonnes  wyfe  —  beau  père 

s,  m. 
Fader  in  lawe ,  as  he  is  that  maryeth  a  wyfe 

whiche  hath  chyldre  by  auother  man  — 

parastre  s,  va. 
Fader  and  mother  —  parents,  m. 
Fagot  of  lyght  brusshe  —  bovrree  s,  f. 
Fagot  of  sadder  and  rounde  styckes  —  cottret 

z,  m. 


Fagot  stycke  —  haste  s,{. 

Fayle  an  upparmost  gannent  of  a  woman  — 

faille  s,  {. 
Fayle  or  fauite  — faille  s,  t. 
Fayling  fautyng  —  deffailance  s,  f. 
Fayning  — fiction  s,  f.  ;  simulation  s,  f. 
Fayned  peace  —  paix  fourrée  s,  t. 
Faynlnesse  of  hart  —  lâcheté  de  cueur  z,  f. 
Fayre  to  bye  and  sell  in  — foin  s,  f. 
Fayresyr  —  beau  sire  s,  m. 
Fayrespeche  — doulcilocqae  s,  m.;  éloquence  s,  f. 
Fayrnesse  —  beaultc ,  formosilé ,  speciosité  z,  f. 
.Fayriean  elfe  — fee  s,{. 
Faythe  —  crédulité,  feaulté,foy  s,  f. 
Fallyng  sickenesse —  la  maladie  caducque,  le 

mal  sainct  Jehan  x,  m. 
Fall  —  cheute  s,  f. 
Fallaxe  or  desceyt  — falace  s,{. 
Falowelande —  terre  labourable  s,  (. 
Falsc  bulwarke  —  barhacane  s,  f. 
False  cast  of  jouglyng  — passe  passe  s,  f. 
Falsheed — faulceté  z,£. 
Falsnesse  —  caulele, faulceté  s,  L 
False  posterne  gâte — false  posterne  s,  {. 
Famé  nanie  —  renommée ,  famé  s,  f. 
Famyliarite  —  accointement ,  priuavllé. 
Fane  of  a  stepie  —  uirsoet  z,  m.;  betniere  s,  f. 
Fanne  to  fanne  with  —  uan  s  ,m. 
Fanne  to  blowe  with  —  estovillon  s,  m. 
Fannell  for  a preestes arme — fanon  s,m. 
Fantasy  — phantasie  s,  f.;  phantosme  s,  m. 
Farcion  a  dysease  of  horses  — farcin  s,  m. 
Fardell — fardeav  x, m.;  fais,  m. 
Fare  at  meate  —  chiere  s,  f. 
Farnesse  —  eslonguer  s,  f. 
Farte  of  ones  arse  —  pet  z,  m. 
Farthyng  coyne — ferdin  s,  m. 
Fasyll  of  clothe  —  cassure,  casure  s,  f. 
Fasyon  — façon  s,  f.  ;  mode  s,  f .  ;  taille  s ,  {. 
Fast  abstynence  — jevne  s,  m, 
Fastyng  —  abstinence  s,  f. 
Fatche  corne  —  vesse  s,  f.;  lentille  s,  {. 
Fatte  in  the  belly  —  le  molet  du  uentre  z,  ta. 
Fathome  measure — brasse  s,[.;  toise  s,  (. 
Faite  a  vessell  —  quevue  s,  f. 
Fatte  to  dye  in —  euaier  o  taindre  s,  m. 




Faite  bacon  —  lart  s,  m. 

Fatnesse  —  gresse  s,  f.  ;  svjf  s,  m. 

Fatnesse  of  the  grounde  — fertilité  z,  f. 

Faucet  to  drawe  wyne  — Jaucel  z,  m.;  irocAe 
a  estovper  le  uin. 

Fauchyon  a  vvepen  —  marguy  s,  m.;  baslon  de 
jvif  s.  m. 

Faucon  a  liauke  — faulcon  s,  m. 

Faucon  a  gonne — faucon  s,  m. 

Fauconner — faulconnier  s,  m. 

Faulte  —  covlpe,  favlte   s,  {.\  Jaxlie   s,  m.; 
uice  s,  m. 

Falsnesse — favheté  z,  {. 

Fawne  a  yong   dere — faut,   sailUuit  s,   m.; 
faon  s ,  ra. 

Faveur  — fauevr,  affection  s,  f. 

Favouryng  —  acception  s,  t. 

Favour  of  a  meane  man  with  a  greatman  — 
recommendation  s,  f. 

Faute — faulte  s,  f.  ;  démérite  s,  {. 

Fautynesse  — favtuseté  z,  f. 

Feaultie  — feaalté  z,  [. 

Febiencsse  —  débilité,  flebesse ,  faiblesse ,  imbe- 
cilité  z,f. 

February  a  moneth  -^février  s,  f. 
Fec  by  the  yere  —  certayn  s,  ni. 
Feanyng — faincte  s,  î. 
Feanyng  dissymulyng — faintise  3,  f. 
Feate  of  armes  — faict  darmes  z ,  m. 
Feates  of  armes  — faictz  darmes. 
Featysshnesse  propernesse — feactise  s,  f. 
Fclcbe  a  lytell  pesé  —  aesse  s,  f.;  lentille  s,  f.; 

ueche  s ,  {. 
Fedyng  pasture  —  posture  s,  (. 
Fcdyng  place. 
Fedder — plume  s,  (. 
Fedderfewe  an  berbe  —  espargovtte  s,(. 
Fedder  of  a  shafte  —  empennon  s,  m. 
Fedderyng  of  a  shafte  — coiche  s,  f. 
Feffement  —  possession  s,  f. 
Feynnesse  gladnesse  — joievteté  z,{. 
F.eythe  trouthe  — foy  s,  i. 
Feyrie — faee  z,  f. 

Feiowe  in  war  —  compagnon  de  guerre  s,  m. 
Feldes  enclosed  —  praerie  s,  f. 
Felde  —  champ  z,  m. 

Felde  a  batayle  — jovrnee  z,{. 

Feldefare  a  byrde. 

Felowshyppe  —  compaignie  s,  f. 

Fciyog  —  sentement  s,  m. 

Felmongar — megissier  s,  m. 

Felyng  with  the  bande  —  tastement  s,  m. 

Félon  a  sore  —  entracq  z,m. 

Felyng  of  any  good  or  grefe  —  sentement  s,  m. 

Felnesse  —  despiterie  s,  (. 

Fellon  a  thefe  —  larron  s,  m. 

Felony  —  larrecyn  s,  m.;felonnie  s,  f. 

Fell  a  skyn  of  a  shepe  —  peav  a  layne  s,  t. 

Feltryke  an  herbe. 

Felt  of  a  batte  — fevltre  s,  m. 

Feiowe  a  stoute  man  —fallot  z,  m. 

Feiowe  of  égal  power  —  collegat  z,  m. 

Feiowe  man  —  compaignon  s,  m. 

Feiowe  woman —  compaigne  s,  f. 

Felowsbyppe  —  société  z,  {. 

Femall  a  she  — femelle  s,  f. 

Femetorie  an  herbe — femetoyre  s,  f. 

Fenne  —  marécage  s,  m. 

Fence  —  defence  s,  {. 

Fende  a  devyll  —  diable  s,  m. 

Fenyxe  a  byrde  of  Araby  — fenix,  m. 

Fenell  an  herbe  — fenoil  z,  m. 

Fenestrall  —  châssis  de  toille  ou  depaupier. 
Fent  of  a  gowne  — fente  s,  (. 
Fearfulnesse  —  craintivité  z,  f. ;  timidité  z,  f. 
Ferry  man  — passevr  s,  m.  ;  maistreduport  s,  m. 
Fearyng  —  terrification  s,  (. 
Feare  abasshyng  —  horrevr,  paour  s,  f. 
Feare  dred  —  crainte,  cremevr,frayevr  s,  f. 
Ferry  barge  — •  batleav  a  passer  x,  m.;  barque , 

barc  s,  (. 
Feryage  —  chariage  s,  m. 
Ferraary — ferme  s,L 
Fermary  in  a  monastery  —  enfermerie  s,  ù 
Ferme,  a  lordshippe  ferme  —  meterie  s,(. 
Fermour  — fermier  s,  m. 
Ferne  an  herbe — fevsiere  orfougiere  s,  f. 
Ferne  that  groweth  upon  walies. 
Ferthyng  — ferdyn  s,  m. 
Ferventnesse — feruevr  s,  f. 
Fesant  coke — faisant  s,  m. 
Fesant  henoe  — faisante  s,  f. 



Feest  — feste  s,  f.;  conuiue  s,  m. 
Feslue  lo  spell  with  — festev  x,  m. 
Fetherbedde  —  licl  de  plume  z,  m. 
Felher  —  plume  s,  f. 
Fettar  for  a  prisonar  —  govjons,  ni. 
Fetterlocke  —  serrure  a  goujons  s,  {. 
Fewell  fyre  — fevaille  s,  m. 
Fevar  an  agewe  —  fieure  s ,  f. 
Fevar  a  foule. 
Fewnesse — parcité  :,f. 

F    BEFOBE    J. 

Fyddell  —  rebeq  z,  m. 

Fydlar  or  crouder  —  rebecquet  z,  m. 

Fiersnesse — aigrevr,  aasterilé  z,  {.^Jierté  z,(.\ 
félonie  s,  f. 

Fight  for  lyfe  and  dethe  —  champ  mortel  s,  m. 

Fight — fiomhat,  débat  z,  va. 

Fightyng  —  conjlict  z,  m. 

Fighter  or  warryour  —  combatevr  s,  m. 

Figge  frute  — figue  s,{. 

Figge  tree — figuier  s,  m. 

Figure  — figure  s,  f. 

Filberde  —  noisette  franche  s,  f. 

Filberde  tree — noisettier  s,  m  .\franc  covldre  s,  m . 

Fylde  where  an  hoost  lyeth  —  champ  s,  m. 

Fyilet  for  a  maydens  heed  — fronteav  x,  m. 

Fyle  an  instrument  —  lime  s,  f. 

FyUippe  with  ones  fyngar  —  chicquenode  s,  f. 

Fylme  that  coveretb  the  brayne  —  taye  s,  f. 

Filosopher  —  philosophe  s ,  m. 

Filosophy  —  philosophie  s,  (. 

Fylthe  a  vyle  woman  —  loudiere  s,  f. 

Fylthe  of  the  eye  —  chassie  s,  m. 

Fylthe  ofthe  nose  —  morne  s,  m. 

Filthynesse — sovillevre  s,Li  uilité  z,{.feterdise  s,{. 

Finche  a  byrde  —  pinçon  s,  m. 

Findyng  of  a  thyng —  inuention  s,  f. 

Finger  —  doigt  z,  m. 

Fingerlyngoflcther — delot  z,Tn.;poulcier s,  m. 

Finesse  of  golde  or  sylver  at  thé  touche  —  ha- 
ras, m. 

Fynne  of  a  fysshe  —  barbe  de  poisson  s,  f. 

Fynest  floure  of  meale  — folle  farine  s,  f. 

Fynysshing  —  terminance,  acheuissance  s,  f. 

Finyssher  — determinevr  s,  m. 


Fyrre  a  tree  —  sappin  s,  m. 

Fyrsbusshe — jovmarin  s,  m. 

Fyre  an  élément  —  fev  x,  m. 

Fyre  forke  — fovrche^  a  fev  s,  f. 

Fyre  panne — poille  a  fev  s,  C. 

Fyre  yron  to  stryke  fyre  with  — fusil  z,  m. 

Fyre  crycket  —  cricquet  z,  m. 

Fyre  stone  —  pierre  a  fev  s,  f. 

Fyrken  —  cartal  x,  m. 

Fyrken  a  lytell  vessell  — filette  s,  t. 

Fyrret  a  beest  — ffrei  z,  m. 

Fyrmament — Jirmament  s,  to. 

Fyrst  order  or  tonsure  —  benêt  s,  m. 

Fysse  catcher  —  peschevr  s,  m. 

Fyssher  —  peschevr  s,  m. 

Fysshe — poisson  s,  m. 

Fysshebonne  —  aresie  s,  (. 

Fyssbepoole  — fosse  a  poisson  s,  f. 

Fysshe  mongar  —  poissonnier  s,  m. 

Fysshing — peschement  s,  m. 

Fyssheponde  or  poole  —  estang  z,  m. 

Fisnomy — filosomye  s,  f. 

Fyst  a  hande  —  poing  z,  m. 

Fyest  with  the  arse  —  uesse  s,  t. 

Fitche  corne  —  uesse,  lentille  s,  f. 

Fytten  —  mensonge  s ,  to.  ;  menterie  s,  f. 

Fyve  leaved  grasse. 

F    BEFORE    L. 

Flag  or  baner  of  a  felde  —  guidon  s,  m. 

Flagge  that  groweth. 

Flaget  — fiacon,fiaccon  s,  m. 

Flagon — fiaccon ,  fiaston  s ,  tn. 

Flake  of  snowe. 

Flame  of  fyre  — flambe  de  fev  s,  f 

Flame  or  blast  — fiamesche  s,  f. 

Flame  — flamme  s,  f. 

Flancke  of  a  beest  — flanc,  flanche  z,  m. 

Flappe  a  stroke  —  coup  de  plat  z,  m. 

Flappe  for  flyes  —  chassover  a  mouches  s,  m. 

Flappe  of  a  gowné" — cappe  s,  f. 

Flappe    that    covereth   the  wyndepypc  —  la 

loette  de  la  gorge  s,  C. 
Flatte  pece  —  tasse  s,  (. 
Flalerar — flalevr  s,m. 
Flateryng — advlation,  blandice ,  flaierie  s,  f. 



Fiatering  of  ibe  court  —  blason  de  covrt  s,  m. 

Flatnesse  —  phttevre  s,  f. 

Flauiie  meate — flanel,jlan,jlaon  z,ra. 

Flee  a  lytell  beest — puche  s,  f. 

Flécher  —  arlilUer  s,  m. 

Fleame  spyttell  — jlevme  s,  f. 

Fleyle  for  corne — jleav,flael  x,  m. 

Flemme  spylteli — jlevme  s,  f. 

Flemmyng  — Jlammant  s,  m. 

Flese  of  woile  —  toyson  de  layne  s,  f. 

Flesslie  —  chair  s,  f. 

Flesslie  flye  —  grosse  movche  s,  f. 

Flesshe  hoke  —  croq  a  chair  z,m. 

Flete  where  water  cometh — brèche  s,  f. 

Flete  of  shippes  — jlotte  de  nauires  s,  f. 

Flete  a  prisone  for  gentylmen  —  consergerie  s,  f. 

Flaie  wyfe — liniere  s,  f. 

Flaxe  —  lin  s,  m. 

Fiaxe  redy  to  spynne — fillace  s,{. 

Flewe  a  nette  —  retz  a  pécher,  f. 

Flye  —  mâche  s,  (. 

Flye  that  bredeth  in  floures  —  puce  s,  f. 

Flyggenesse  of  byrdes  —  plumevselè  z,  f. 

Flyglil  of  an  hauke  —  uol  z,  va. 

Flyght  a  shafte  —  permet  s,  m.  ;  aolet  z,  m. 

Flyght,  flyeng  away — jvite  s,  f. 

Flyght  of  byrdes  —  uolee  s,  f. 

Fiynge  of  an  horse  —  raade  s,  f. 

Flyntstone  —  cailliov  bis,caiUiov  x,m. 

Flyeng  dragon,  a  long  flye  —  prestres,  m. 

Flyxe  a  diseasc — Jlux  de  ventre,  m.^fojre  s,  f. 

Flocke  — jloc  z,  m.\jloqtie  s,  f. 

Flocke  of  shcpe  —  troupeau  de  brebis  x,  m. 

Floode  or  streame  — Jlvue  s,  m. 

Floode  of  thesee  —  déluge, Jlot  z,  m.;  marée  s,  f. 

Floode  of  water  that  cometh  from  ihe  skye  — 

raume  deave  s,  (.•,-undee  s,  f. 
Floode  gale  —  escluse  s,  f. 
Florayne  a  kynde  of  money  — Jlorin  s,  m. 
Flocke  of  bestes  —  troupeau  de  bestes  x,  m. 
Flocke  of  shepe  —  ovaille  s,  f. 
Flooke  a  kynde  of  pleas —  fymande  3,{. 
Flockes  of  clothe  — ■  hovrre  s,  f. 
Fiorthe  of  a  house  —  astre  s,  m. 
Flore  of  a  chambre  —  planche  s,  f. 
Floure  an  herbe  — fleur  s,  f.  ;  floron  s,  m. 

Fleure  of  meale  — fine  fleur  s,  f. 

Flourdelyce  — fleur  de  lis  s,  f. 

Floure  of  a  tasyll  that  flyeth  about  ail  rounde 

barbedieu  x,  m. 
Flowyng  of  waters  — flot  z,  m.\flote  s,  f. 
Floundre  a  fysshe  — flondre  s,  f. 

F    BEFORE   O. 

Focer  or  a  cofer —  cojre  s,  m. 

Fode  meate  —  nourriture  Sj  f. 

F'oddre  — fourrage  s ,  va. 

Foyne  with  a  swerde  —  estoc  z,  m. 

Foyns  a  furre — foynnes,  f. 

Foyst  tocarry  marchaundyse  —  fusle  marchande 
s,  f. 

Foyst  a  bote  lyke  a  gallye  —  faste  s,  f. 

Foidc  of  shepe  —  parc  de  brebis  z,  m. 

Foie  —  badin  s,  m.;  sot  z,  va.;  fol  z,  m. 

Foole  a  coite  —  poulain  s,  va. 

Folchardynesse —  témérité  z,  (. 

Folly  —  musardie ,  folye ,  comardie  s,  f.  ;  sot- 
tie s,  [. 

Folysshnesse  —  slolidité  z,  (.■,follevr  s,  f. 

Folysshnessc,  beestysshnesse  —  besterie  s,  f. 

Folke  people  —  gent  s,  f. 

Folowyng  of  another  mannes  condycions  — 
imitation  s,  (. 

Folowyng  bringyng  in  —  déduction  s,  f. 

Foome  —  escume  s,  f. 

Fondelyng  —  enfant  trovue  s,  va. 

Fonnell  to  fyll  a  bottell  or  vessel  with  —  aulon- 
noyr  s,  va. 

Font  to  christea  chyldre  in  — fons,  m. 

Font  in  a  churche  — font  desglise  s,  f. 

Foo  or  enemy  —  ennemy  s,  w. 

Foode  —  alimentation  s,  (. 

Forbearyng  —  abstinence  s ,  f. 

Forbydding  —  deffence  s,  f. 

Force  or  outrage  —  effort  s,  m. 

Focer  a  lyttcl  cofer  —  cofret ,  escrin  z,  va. 

Foreknowyng  of  a  thyng — prescience  s,{. 

Foreshapen  beest —  monstre  s,  m. 

Forell  for  a  bokc  —  couerlevre  de  Hure  s,{. 

Foresight  —  prouision  s,  f. 

Foreshout  of  the  sayle  in  a  shyppc  —  lescoull 
de  deuant  i,m. 


Foreshippe  —  deiiant  de  nauire  s,  va. 
Foreman  of  a  slioppe  —  maistre  uarlet  z,m. 
Forehorse  —  cheual  de  deuant  x,m. 
Foreryder  —  rimevr,  precursevr,  auaiUcourrevr 

s,  m. 
Foreseyng — preueance  s,  f. 

Forde  a  watryng  place  —  abrvuoyr  s ,  m. 

Forrest  — forcst  z,  f. 
Forefather  —  deuantcier  s,  m. 

Forrennara  stranger — forayn  z,  m. 

Foresiglit  —  regart  s,  m.;  iieve  s,  f. 

Forfayte  —  amende  s,  {,;  Jorfaict  2,  m. 

Forefather  —  ancestre  s,  ta. 

Forfaytour — forfaicture  s,  f. 

Forge  of  a  smythe  — forge  s,  t. 

Forgetfulnesse  —  oubliaiice  s,  f. 

Forelieed  — front  s,  m. 

Forke  of  yrone  — fourche  de  for  s,  f. 

Forked  heed  of  an  arowe  —  ciseav  x,  m. 

Forke  — fourche  s,  f. 

Forme  shappe  — forme  jj  f. 

Forme  a  maner  —  manière  s,  f. 

Forme  to  sytte  on  — forme  s,  (. 

Formast  parte  of  the  faeed  —  deuant  de  la  leste 
s,  m. 

Formast  fyngar  —  le  doigt  de  deuant  z,  m. 

Formour  or  grublyng  yron. 

Formast  parte  of  the  shyppe — prore  s,  f. 

Formast  parle  ofasadell  — arcon  s,  m. 

Forne  or  frolhe  of  water  —  cjcunie  s,f. 

Fornesse  lo  make  fyre  in  — fournaise  s,  (. 

Forowe  in  a  lande —  royere  de  terre  s,  f. 

Forsakyng  —  répudiation  s,  f.  ;  abandonnement 
s,  m.;  désolation  s,  f.;  desercion  s,  f. 

Forse  — ybrce  s,  f.  ;  uehemence  s,  {. 

Forster  —  uerdier,  forestier  s,  m. 

Forsakyng  of  relygion  —  apostasie  s,  (. 

Forsweryng — parjure  s,  m. 

Fornication,  lechery  — fornication  s,  f. 

Forlheryng  —  auancement  s,  m. 

Forinyght  —  quinze  jours,  m. 

Foretolhe  —  deni  de  deuant  s,  f. 

Forelop  of  a  shyppe  —  hune  de  bourset  s,  f. 

Fortresse  or  grounde  madestronge — fortifica- 
tion s,  (. 

Fortresse  a  strongeboide — forteresse  s,  f. 

Fortune  — fortune  s,  f. 

Fortunatncsse — bienhevreti  z,  f. 

Forwarde  of  a  batayle  —  auant  garde  s,  f. 

Fote  — pied  z,  m. 

Fote  of  a  pyllar  or  ymage  —  sombasse  s,  (. 

Fote  of  a  stole  or  of  a  bedde  or  of  any  other 

thyng  —  pie  z ,  m. 
Foteman  to  a  kyng  or  to  a  great  man  —  lac- 

quet  z,  m. 
Foteman  in  batayle  —  piéton  s,  va. 
Foie  steppe  —  pas,  m.;  marchepie  s,  f. 
Fote  slole  —  marchepied  s,  m. 
Fother  of  lande. 

Folher  of  leed  —  sanlmon  de  plomb  s,  m. 
Fowyng  beest — foynes,{. 
Foulde  for  shepe  —  parc  li  brebis  z,  m. 
Foule  a  byrde —  oiseav  x,  va. 
Fouler  —  pipevr  doiseavx,  m. 
Foulnesse  —  laidevre,  laideté  z,  {. 
Foulnesse  of  visage  —  laidevre  s,  f. 
Founder  of  a  reiygious  bouse  — fondevr  s ,  m. 
Founder  of  metall  — fondevr  s,  va. 
Foundacyon  of  a  bouse  —  bas ,  fondement  s,  m. 
Fondement  of  the  arsc  — fondement  s,  va. 
Fountayne  a  well  or  springe  — fontayne  s,  t. 
Fourbyssber — fourbyscher  s,  va. 
Fournysshing  or  storing — foumitvre  s,  f. 
Forlonge  spacc  —  eslade  s,  va. 
Foxe  —  regnart  3,  va, 
Foxe  erthe  —  taisniere  s,  f. 

F    BEFOnE    R. 

Frayeng  —  casiUle  s,  f. 

Fraye  or  outrage  —  ^ffroy,  hatin  s,  m. 

Fraydnesse  —  esmoy. 

Frayle  for  fygges  —  cabas,  cabache  s,  va. 

Fraylnesse — fougiliti ,  fresletè  z,  f. 

Fraytour —  refoaytoir,  refoctoyr  s,  m. 

Frame  or  ordynaunce  —  machine  s,  f. 

Frame  to  worke  in  —  métier  s,  m. 

Francke  archer  — foanc  archier  s,  m. 

Fraunce,  a  countre —  France  s,  f. 

Frankensence —  encens  s,  m. 

Fransey  madnesse  —  phrenaisie,  phrenesie  s,  f. 

Fraternylie  or  gylde  —  confoairie  s,  f. 

Fraude—-  malengin  s ,  m.;  fraude  s,  f. 



Frowardnesse  : — peruersités,  f. 

Frauncbyse  — franchise  s,(. 

Fredome,  lybertie — franchise  s,  f. 

Frenesse — franchise,  liberté  s,  f. 

Frecken  or  freccles  in  ones  face  —  lentille  s,  f., 

or  brand  de  Judas. 
Freyght  of  a  shyppe — lefrect,  Imiierdune  nefz,m. 
Free  man  — franc  homme  s,  m. 
Freoche  spoken  in  Burgondy  — •  wallon,  s,  m. 
Frenche  kynges  eldest  sonne  —  doulphin  s,  m. 
Frenche  man  —  François,  m. 
Frenche  pocke  —  gorre,  grosse  uerolle  s,  f. 
Frende  a  man  — estrangier  s,  m. 
Frende  —  amy  s,  m. 
Frenesse  of  gyfte  —  libéralité  z,  {. 
Frendsliyppe  —  amitié  z,  f. 
Freng  for  a  bedde  or  horsc  harnesse  — frenge 

Frère  or  brother  — fivre  s,  m. 
Frère  a  relygious  man  — frère  s,  m. 
Fryse  roughe  clothe  —  drap  frisé  z,  m. 
Frenesse  —  loisibleté  z,  f. 
Fresshnesse — freschevr,  frescheté  r,  f. 
Fret  of  golde — frisevr  dor  s,  f 
Fret  of  a  lute. 
Fretyng  angre  —  covrroax,  m.  ;  sfomachation  s, 

f. ;  calefaction  s,  {. 
FrewyU  of  a  man  or  woman  —  franc  arbitre 

s,  m. 
Friday  —  uendredy  s,  m. 
Frère  —  religieux,  m. 
Frère  Augustyne  —  Augustin  s,  m. 
Fryeng  panne  —  poille  à  frire  s,  f. 
Fry tter  pancake  —  bygnje ,  fritier  s,  f, 
Frogge  —  grenaille  s,  f. 
Froyse  of  egges  —  uovte  doevfz  s,  f. 
Frocke  for  a  carter  —  garnache  s,f. 
Frocke  fora  monke  —  frocq,  rochet  z,  m. 
Front — front  s,  m. 

Fronters  orniarchesofcounlrees — frontière  s,(. 
Frontlet — fronteav  x,  m. 
Frothe  of  an  egge  — jiette  j,  f. 
Frothe  of  the  see  —  escame  de  mer. 
Frost  —  gelée  z,{. 
Frowardnesse  —  atayne,  obstination  s,  f. ;  per- 

uersiié,  proteniité  s,(. 

Frounsyng  — froncement  s,  m. 
Fractyon  breakyng  — fraction  s,  f. 
Frute — friiict  z,  tu.  ;  fruictage  s,  m. 
Frutefulnesse  — fractuevseté  z,{. 
Frutrar  — fritier  s,  m. 
Fruirer  that  seiieth  frute  — frayctier  s,  m. 

F    BEFORE    U. 

Fullar  a  craftesman  — foulon  s,  m. 

FuHars  crafte —  mestier  défoulions  s,  m. 

Fulfyllyng  —  supplément  s,  m. 

Fulmarde  a  beest. 

FuH  moone — plaine  lune  s,  f. 

FuH  power  —  puissance  planiere  s,  f 

Fulnesse  of  ihe  stoniake  —  sacieté  z,  f. 

Furaygation  — fumigation  s,  t. 

Fulnesse  —  planere  s,  f. 

Fundacyon  of  a  house  — fundement  s,  m. 

Fundlyng  —  enfant  trouve  s,  m. -,  alumpne  s,  m. 

Furgone  for  an  ovyn  —  uavldree  z,  f. 

Fury  that  a   man  is  in  whan  he  is  chafed  — 

chavlde  colle ,  fureur  s,  L 
Furre  of  armyns  —  armines ,  f. 
Furre  — fourrure  s,  f. 
Furred  gowne  —  robe  fourrée  s,  f. 
Furryar  — fourrevr  de  robes  s,  m. 
Furlonge  —  deniy  quart  de  lieve  s,  m. 
Furmente — potage  defruments,m.\fmmenttez',  f. 
Fustar  that  iiiaketh  saddell  trees  —  bustier  s,  m. 
Fustyan  — fnlainc  s,  f. 

G   BEFOHE    A. 

Garde  for  a  garment  —  garde  s,  f 

Garde  or  kepyng  —  garde  s,  f. 

Gaberdyne  to  ryde  with  —  gauerdine  s,  f. 

Gable  wall. 

Gable  rope  of  a  shippe  —  chable  s,  f. 

Gadde  of  yrone  —  qaarreav  de  fer  x,m. 

Gadde  for  oxen  —  esgaillon  s,  m. 

Gadde  bee  a  flye  —  bourdon  s,  m. 

Gadde  of  steele  —  quarreav  dacier  x,  m. 

Gaddre  as  a  calfes  gadre  or  a  shepes  — Z'^''- 

sure  de  ueaii  o»  de  motton  s,  f. 
Gagge  to  sette  in  ones  mouthe  —  bâillon  s,  n.. 
Gage  a  pledge  —  <;aije  s,  m.\  plaige  s,  f. 
Gayler  a  kepar  of  a  prison  —  geôlier  s,  m. 



Gayne  or  getlyng  —  acquesl  z,  m.;  eimohiment 

s,  m.;  gaignc  s,  {. 
Gaynslaadyng  —  resistence  s,  f. 
Gaynesayeng  —  contrediction,  redicle  s,  t. 
Gaynesse  —  guyeté  z,  f. 
Gall  of  a  beest  — Jiel  z,  m.  ;  orner  s,  m. 
Gallantyne  sauce. 

Gall  to  make  ynke  with  —  noix  de  galle,  f. 
Gallant  a  man  fresshe  in    appareyle  —  gai- 

lant  s,  m. 
Galle  a  sore  —  refoulevre  s,  f. 
GaUey  a  shyppe  —  galee  z,  f. 
Galery  to  walkc  in  — galerie  s,  f. 

Gallon ,  a  mesure  —  gallon  s,  m.;  pot  z,  m. 
Galowe  Iree  —  gihet  z,  m.;  fourche  s,  f. 
Gambaude  —  savll  r,  m.  ;  gambanlde  s,  f. 
Game  sporte  — jev  x,m. 
Game  that  is  wone  —  pris,  ni. 
Gammon  of  bacon — jambon  s,  m. 
Gammouthe  —  gamme  s,  f. 
Gandre  a  foule  — jars  s,  m. 
Gange  dayes  —  rovaysons ,  rogations  f. 
Gant  byrde. 

Gappe  in  a  hedge  —  brèche  s,  f. 
Gappe  in  a  knyfe  —  hoche  s,  f. 
Garbage  of  a  foule  —  petitoye  s ,  f. 
Gardyne  place  — jardinage  s,  m. 
Gardyne  — jardin  s,  m. 
Gardevyans —  bahus,  m. 
Gardyne  mynt  —  meynte  s,  f. 
Gardynar  — jardinier  s,  m. 
Gargyle  in  a  wall  —  gargoille  s,  f. 
Garyson  of  men  of  armes  —  garnison  s,  f. 
Garlande  made  of  llouires —  chuppeav  x,  ni. 
Garlande  —  chappeav  x ,  m. 
Garlyke  —  ail  x ,  va. 
Garment  or  appareyle  —  abilUment  s,  ni.;  habit 

z,  ta.;  acoustrement  s,  m.;  garnement  s,  m.; 

aestement  s,  m. 
Garment  of  lether  — pelicon  s,  m. 
Garner  for  corne  — greniers,  m. 
Garnisshing —  gamissement  s,  m. 
Garsshe  in  wode  or  in  a  knyfe  —  hoche  s,  f. 
Garler  to  tye  up  ones  hose  — jarretier  s,  m. 
Gâte  — porte  s,  f. 

Gâte  of  a  place  of  défense  —  portai  x,  m. 
Gatherar  of  ihe  kynges  money  —  collecteur  s,  ni. 
Gatheryng  toguyder — assemblée,  corporations,(. 
Gauge  to  measure  wyne  with  —  gauge  s,  f. 
Gauger  of  wyne  —  gaugevr  s,  m. 
Gaudye  of  beedes  — ■  signeav  de  patenostre  x,  m. 
Gauntlet  for  a  bande  —  gantelet  z,  m. 

G    BEFOBE   E. 

Gelder  of  beestes — chasterevx,  m. 

Geldyng  a  horse  —  hongre  s,  m. 

Gelly  of  any  thyng  that  congeleth  —  glette  s,  f. 

Gelly  that  is  made  —  gelée  z,  f. 

Gelowe  floure  —  oyllet  z,  m. 

Gelousy  — jalousie  s  ,  {. 

Gemetry  —  géométrie  s,L 

Gencyan  rote  —  gentian  s,  m. 

Genepre  tree  - —  geneure  s,  m. 

Génération  encreasyng  —  génération  s,  (■;  li- 
gnée s,  f. 

Généralité  —  généralité  z ,  f. 

Genêt  of  Spaygne  —  genêt  z,  m. 

Gentylman  with  knaves  condycions  —  aille- 
nastre  s,  m. 

Gentylman  —  gentilhomme  s,  m. 

Gentylman  of  the  kynges  house  —  gentilhomme 
de  ïhostel. 

Gentylman  unmaryed —  damoiseau  x,  m. 

Gentylwoman  unmaryed  —  damoiselle  s,  (. 

Gentylnesse  —  genlilesse  Sj  f. ;  bénignité  z,  (.; 
urbanité  z,  f. 

Gentylnesse  in  byrthe  or  maner  —  générosité 

Gerfaulcon  — sacre  s,  m. 

Gère  clothyng  —  abillemens,  m. 

Gei-mandre  herbe  —  germandre  s,  (. 

Gerthe  for  a  horse  —  cengle  s,  {. 

Gessyng  or  demnyng —  deuinemen/,  s,  m. 

Gesses  for  a  hauke  —  getz,  m. 

Gest  a  taie  —  conte  s ,  m.;  passetemps,  m. 

Geest  an  host  —  hoste  s,  m. 

Gestar  a  scoffer  —  raillevrs,  ni. 

Gestyng  bourde  —  bourde  s,  f. 

Gesture  or  countenaunce  —  geste  s ,  f. 

■Geet  a  blake  stone  — ja£t  j,  m. 

Gette  a  custonie  — guise  nouuelle  s,  f. 



Gettar  a  braggar  — fringuereau  x,  m. 
Gettyng  —  acquest  2,  m. 
Geltyng  braggyng  — fringuerie  s,  f. 
Gevyng  over  a  lliyng  —  résignation  s,  f. 

G    BEFORE    I. 

Giaunt  —  jaihant  s,  m. 

Gibette — gibet  z,m. 

Gyde  —  guide  s,  m. 

Giderne — gaydon  s,  m. 

Gifte  —  don  s,  m.;  donation  s,  f. 

Gifle  a  coHacyon  — colation  s,  f. 

Gilde  or  brotherheed  —  confrairie  s,  f. 

Gyle  disceit  —   dol  z,  m.;  malengin  s,  m.; 

faulceté  z,  (.ifàlace  s,(. 
Gyll  of  a  fyssbe  — joe  de  poisson  s,  f. 
Gyllofer  a  llour  —  giroajjlec  s,  f.;  oyllet  z,va. 
Gylte  —  trespas,  ni. 
Gyltinesse — culpahleté  2,  f. 
Gymell  song — jumeau  x,m. 
Gymletle  to  perse  wyne  — foret  z,  m.;  uoille 

de  sorbe  s,  m. 
Gymewe  ofa  gyrdell  —  crochet  dune  troassovrre 

Ginger  spyce  —  gingembre  s,  m. 
Gynger  grate  —  ratissevr  a  gingembrr  s,  m. 
Gyngle  geangle  —  papillotle  s,  f. 
Gynne  to  take  quayles  with  —  ronnelle  s,  f. 
Gyrdell  —  ceincturt  s,  f. 
Gyrdelar  —  ceincturier  s,  m. 
Gyrdell  for  a  purse  of  the  spaynisshe  facyon  — 

ceinct  z,  m. 
Gyrdell  stede  — Jaulx  du  corps,  m. 
Gyrdiron  — gril  z,  m.;  grillon  s,  m. 
Gyrle  a  wenche  —  garce  s,  f. 
Girthe  for  a  saddcil  or  borse  —  cengle  s,  f. 
Gyse  a  mener  —  guise  s,  (. 
Gyserne  a  weapen  —  guiseme  s,  f. 
Gyserne  ofa  foule  — jevsier  s,  m. 
Gyspen  potte  — pot  de  cvir  z,  m. 
Gysl  tbat  gothe  over  the  florthe  —  soliue  s,  f.; 

giste  s,  f. 
Gyveng  a  sentence  — judicature  s,  f. 
Gyves  fetters  —  govjons,  m. 
Gyves  manacles  —  enlraues,  f. 

G    BEFOBE    L. 

Gladnesse  —  joje  z,  {.;  joievseté  z,  f.  ;  liesse 
s,  f. ;  exaltation  s,  C;  hilarité  z,  f. 

Gladon  herbe. 

Glasyer  that  glaseth  windowes —  uoirier  s,  m. 

Glasednesse  —  uoyroyseté  z,  t. 

Glasse  to  loke  in  —  mirover  s,  m. 

Classe  to_glase  witb  — uoyrre  s,  m. 

Glasse  or  many  panes  of  glasse —  uoinere  s,  t. 

Giede  a  byrde  —  escoujle  s,  t. 

Glydar  a  slyder  —  glancevr  s,  m. 

Glenar  of  corne  — glanevr  s,  m. 

Gleve  a  weapen  • —  glayue  s,  m. 

Glewe  —  du  glev,  de  la  gleve  s,{. 

Glewe  or  past  —  cole  s,  {. 

Giymring  of  lygbt  —  luevr  s,  f. ;  escler  s,  m.; 
esclercment  s,  m. 

Glystre  to  take  a  laxe  —  cristoire  s,  (. 

Glystering  —  relucence  Sj  f. 

Globerde  a  flye —  ung  verqai  reluit  de  nnyt. 

Glose  ofa  texte  —  glose  s,  f. 

Glorifyeng  or  rejoysing  —  glorijiance  s,  f. 

Glorie  —  gloyre  s,L 

Gloriousnesse  — glorievseU  z,  (. 

Glorie  of  vyctorie  — triamphe  s,  m. 

Glotton  —  glûutton  s,  m.;  gourment  s,  m. 

Glosyng —  adulation, Jlaterie  s,  f. 

Glottony  —  gloutonie  z,  f.  ;  galosité  z,  f. 

Glove  —  gant  i,  m. 

Glove  of  mayie  —  mitaigne  de  fer  s,  ). 

Glovar  —  gantier  s,  m. 

Glowc  worme  tbat  shynetb  by  night  —  «ni; 
aer  qui  relvit  de  nuyl. 

Glumme  a  sowerloke  —  rechigne  s,  f. 

G   BEFOBE    N. 

Gnastyng  of  the  tethc  —  stridevr  s,  f. ;  grince- 
ment s,  m. 
Gnatte  a  flye  —  cincelle,  singalle  s,  {. 
Gnawyng  or  frettyng  in  the  belly  —  Iranchasoa 

s,  m. 

G    BEFORE    O. 

Goblet  a  lumpe  or  a  pece  —  monceau  x,  m. 

lopin  s,  m.;  chanleaa  x,  m. 
Goblet  to  drinke  in  —  gobelet  z,  m. 



God  —  diea  x,  m. 

Godheod  —  dàt^  2 ,  f. 

Goddesse  —  déesse  s,  f. 

Godfather  —  parrain  s,  m. 

Goodlynesse —  beaalté  z,  {. 

Godmother  —  marraine  s,î. 

Goodnesse —  bonté  z,  (. 

Good  ricliesse  —  substance  s,  f. 

Goodfriday  —  le grant  uendredy  s,  m.;  le  uen- 

dredy  aaré  z,  m.      • 
Goddoughter — flliolle  s,i. 
Goddespeny  —  denier  a  Dieu  s ,  m. 
Godson  — JiUiol  z  ,  m. 
Goggleyedman  —  lovclie  s,  va. 
Goyng  — allure  s,  f.  ;  aXLte  s,f. 
Goyng  about  —  reuolution  s,  f. 
Goyng  out  —  issue  s,  f. 
Goyng  out  of  fortresse  —  saillie  s,  (. 
Goyng  downe  —  descendue  s,{. 
Goyng  about  tVie  busshe  —  embages,  f. 
Goyng  toguyder  in  one  r —  union  s,  f. , 
Goyng  from  a  mannes  mater  —  digression  s,  {. 
Goyon  a  fysshe  —  gojon  s,  m, 
Golde  a  metall  —  or  j  ,  m. 
Golde  balance  — poix,  Irebuchet  z,  m. 
Goide  Gncbe  a  byrde  —  chardonnereau  x,  m. 
Goldefynar  —  affineur  d'or  s,  m. 
Golde  foyle  —  papier  a  or  bâta  s,  m. 
Goldemyne  —  minière  aor  s,  [. 

Goldesmythe  —  orfeure,  argentier  s,  m. 
Goldewyerdrawer  —  tirevr  dor  s,  m. 
Goldeweightes  —  trebucket  z,  m. 
Golde  berbe — sovcye  z,{. 
Goldesmythes  sboppe. 
Goidesmythes  worke  —  orfeuerie  s,  f. 
Goldeoure  — covsteau  d'or  x,  m. 
Goulfe  of  corne ,  so  moche  as  may  lye  bytwene 

Ivvo  postes,  otherwyse  a  baye. 
Good  man  —  preudhomme  s,  m. 
Good  olde  man  —  bonhomme  s,  m. 
Good  woman  —  preude  femme  s,  f. 
Good  wyfe  —  tonne  femme  s,  f, 
"  Good  doucker  —  pion  s,  xn. 
Good  tourne  —  ion  tour  s,  m. 
Goodnesse  —  bonté,  debonaireté  z,  f. 


Good  wyll  —  bienuveillance  s,  f. 

Good  frenche  speche  — francoys. 

Gomme  of  Ihe  telhe  —  genciae  s,  f. 

Gomme  that  goweth  on  trees  —  gomme  s,  f. 

Goodly  yonge  man  —  beaajih,  m. 

Gonne  an  ingynne  —  bombarde  s,  f. 

Gonge  farmer  —  maislre  de  basses  oevurcs,  gai- 

gueron  s,  m.;  cvrevr  dortraitz  s,  m. 
Gonnar  —  cannonier  s ,  m. 
Gonne  maker  — fondevr  de  bombars  s,  m. 
Gonne  stone  — plombée  s,  f. ;  boulet  z,  m.; 

bovle  de  fonte  s,  f. 
Gonne  poudre  maker  —  faisevr  de  pouldre  a 

cannons  s,  m. 
Gonge  a  draught —  orirait  z,  m. 
Gode  for  a  carier  —  esgaillon  s,  m. 
Goore  of  a  smocke  —  poynte  de  chemise  s,{. 
Gorjet  of  mayle  —  gorget dacier  z.xn. 
Gorrell  a  great  ladde  —  pautonnier  s,  m. 
Gourde  to  drinke  in  —  courge  s,  f. 
Gose  a  foule  —  oye  s,  (. 
Goseberry  —  groseille  s,[. 
Goseberry  busshe  — groseillier  s,  m. 
Gose  grece  an  herbe. 
Gosbauke —  avliour  s,  m. 
Goslynge  —  oison  s ,  m. 
Gossyppe  a  man  —  compère  s,  m. 
Gossyppe  a  woman  —  commère  s,  f. 
Gospel!  —  euangile  s,  m. 
Gospeilar  that  syngeth  tbe  gospel). 
Goost  — -  espirit  z,  m. 
Goostely  father  —  confessevr  s,  m. 
Goostlynesse  —  espiritaelleté  Zjt. 
Gossommer,  thynges  that  flye  in  sommar  lyke 

Gote  a  beest  —  chieure  s,  t. 
Gottesmylke  —  laictde  chieure  z,  m. 
Gotteslether  —  du  barocqain  s,  m. 
Governaunce  —  govuemance  s ,   f .  ;  seignevrie 

Governar  —  govaemevr  s,  m.;  monarque,  tec- 

tevr,  govuemat. 
Gowne  a  garment  —  rote  s,  f. 
Gourde  frute  —  courge  s,  (. 
Goûte  a  disease  —  govtte  s,f. 



G    BEFORB    R. 

Grâce  —  grâce  s,  f. 

Graciousnesse  —  gracievseté  z,  f. 

Grafte  or  gryffe  of  a  tree  —  ente  s,(. 

Grajc  horse  —  grison  s,  m. 

Grayle  a  boke  — gradale  s,  va. 

Graye  a  beest  —  taxe  s,  m. 

Graye  frère  —  cordelier  s,  m. 

Graye  furre. 

Graye  gryseil. 

Graynes  spyce  —  graine  de  paradis  s,  (. 

Gramaryon  —  jramanVn  s,  m, 

Grammer  a  scyence  —  grammaire  s,  î. 

Graple  to  graple  or  claspe  shyppes  toguyder — 
hauet  z,  m. 

Grape  frute  —  grappe  s,  t. 

Grasse  or  herbe  —  herbe  s,  {. 

Grate  for  bredde  —  gragevr  a  payn  s,  va. 

Grate  for  gynger  —  raiissevr,  or  grageur  a  gin- 
gembre s,  va. 

Grate  of  a  windowe  —  trelis  de  fer,  m. 

Grate  of  yroii  —  irilis ,  m. 

Grave  ofstone  —  tambe  s,  f. 

Grave  oferthe — fosse  s,  f. ;  sepulchre  s,  m. 

Gravell  — grauier  s,  m.;  sablon  s,  m. 

Graunlsyre  —  peregrant  s,  va. 

Grauntfatbers  father  —  aieul  x,  m. 

Grantfather  grantsyre  —  grani  meul  x,  m. ,  or 
atave  s,  m. 

Grandame  —  meregrant  s,  (. 

Grauntmothers  mother  —  aielle  s,  f. 

Gravyng  upon  a  thyog  —  inscription  s,  f. 

GrauDge  or  a  lytell  thorpe  —  hameau  x,  m. 

Graunge  —  petit  uillage  s,  m. 

Granche  —  grange  s,  f. 

Graunl  of  promysc  —  concession  s,  f. 

Graunt  father  to  ones  grêat  graant  father  — 
altave  j,  ni. 

Graunt —  octroy  z,  ai. 

Great  storme  —  oraige  s,  m. 

Great  pleasure  —  montjoy  s,  ni. 

Great  wode  tymbreto  bylde  with — maisrien  s,  m. 

Grèce  to  go  up  at  or  a  stayre  —  degré  z,  m. 

Grevyng —  naissance  s,  f. 

Greke  ofthe  nation  of  Grèce — Grec  ;,m. 

Gredy  worme  ihat  in  is  a  dogges  tong. 

Grafte  yong  tre —  moleste,  ente,  greffe  s,  (. 

Gray  hounde  —  leurier  s,  m. 

Gray  bytche  —  leuriere  s,  t. 

Graynebery  —  gray  ne  descarlaie  s,  {. 

Grayne  to  dye  with  — pastel  z,  vn. 

Grefe  payne  — payne  s,   f.  ;   tribalation  s,  f.  ; 
griesue  s,  f. 

Great  quyll  —  penne  s,  f. 

Great  bearyng  out  —  port  s,  m. 

Great  grauntfather  —  proaievl  x,  m. 

Great  etar  a  larcher  — •  rifflevr,  gormant  s,  m. 

Great  depe  place  in  the  see  —  govffre  s,  m. 

Grayne  to  dye  with  whan  it  is  poudre  —  pas- 
tel z,  m. 

Grayne  corne  —  grayne  s,  m. 

Graynesse  —  griselé  z,  {. 

Grement  —  unanimité  s,  f.;  accord  s,  va.;  accor- 
dance  i,  f. 

Grene  turfe  or  a  sodde  —  gason  s,  m. 

Grene  fyncbe  a  byrde. 

Greuenesse  —  uerdure  s,  f. 

Grennyng  makyng  of  an  yvell  couutynaunce  — 
grincement  s,  m.;  grimace  s,  f. 

Gresse  herbe —  herbe  uerte  s,  (. 

Grese  fatnesse  ^  jrewe  s,{. 

Greshopper  —  saatreau  x ,  m.;  savterelle  s,{. 

Great  eater  —  glovtton  s,  ta.;  bnffre  s,  m. 

Great  drinker  —  biberon  s,  m. 

Great  grauntfather  —  aievl  x,  va. 

Great  horse  a  courser  —  coursier  s,  va. 

Great  graunde  mother  —  aiclU  s,  f. 

Great  faggot  or  baven  —  follot  z,m. 

Great  rude  clothe  —  bureau  x,  va. 

Great  waterpotte  —  cruche  s,  (. 

Great  too  —  gros  orteil  z,  m. 

Great  hasyll  nutte  —  aueleine  s,  (. 

Great  hounde  —  alant  s,  va. 

Great  nombre  of  cordes  —  cordaige  s,  f. 

Gretyng  —  salutation  s,  f. 

Gretnesse —  grandevr,  grossesse  s,  f. 

Grevaunce — greuance  s,(, 

Greave  or  busshe  —  boscaige  s,  va. 

Grevousnesse  — aggravation  s,  f.;  grief  z,  m. 

Graffer  of  plantes — jardinier  s,  m. 

Grefe  —  ente  s ,  f. 

Gryffon  a  beesl  — grifon  s,  va. 




Grymnessc  —  grimnevseté  Zj  (. 

Gryndestone  —  mevle  a  agviser  s,  f. 

Grynde  bytwene  the  thyghe  and  ihe  bclly  — 

ayne  s,  f. 
(îrype  a  beest  —  egripe  s,f. 
Grypell  a  hoke  —  hauet  z,m. 
Grete  a  stayre  —  ungz  degrez,  m. 
Grystell  of  any  beesl  —  tendron  s,  m. 
Grocer  —  grossier  s ,  m.  ;  espicier  s,  m. 
Groyue  of  a  swyne —  g'~'>yng  s,  m. 
Gronje  —  uarlet  z,m.  • 

Gromeofthe  chambre — uarlet  de  chambre  z,m. 
Groinell  sede. 

Groseuesse  of  a  thyng  —  rudesse  s,  f. 
Grote  money  —  gros ,  m. 
Grove  a  lytell  woode  — boscaige  s,  m.\  chenee 

s,  f.;  petit  boys,  m. 
Growyng  encreasyng  —  croissance  s,  f. 
Grounde  erthe  —  terre  s,  f. 
Grouad  heed  of  yron  — fer  esmolu  s,  m. 
Groundesall  an  herbe. 
Groundes  lyse  of  any  lycour  ■ —  lie  s,  f. 
Grounde  ivy  —  hierre  s,  m. 
Grounde  the  botome  of  a  foundation  of  any 

thyng — fondation  s ,  t. 
Grounde  soppe  in  lycoure — payn  trempé  s,  m. 
Grout  that  serveth  lo  brewyng ,  in  Fraunce  is 

none  nsed. 
Grutchyhg  —  groignement  s,  m.;  murmuralion 

s,  f. ;   remort,   tumalte  s,  m.;   contredaing 

s,  m. 

G    BEFOHE    U. 

Guydyng  or  conductyng  —  conduit  z,  ni. 
Guyse   or  maner  — fax:on  s,  f.,  guise  s,{.; 

mode  s,  f. 
(juoipyn  of  an  eie —  doUe  s,  f. 
Guyde  to  iede  one  the  way  — -guide  s,  m. 
Gjiydyng  —  régime  s,  m. 
Guydern  a  baner  in  a  felde  — guidon  s,  m. 
(iurnardo  a  fysshe  —  goumavlt  z,  m. 
Gutte  a  bowell  —  boyau  x,  m. 
Guttar  —  gouttière ,  gouttier  s,  f. 
Guttar  tbat  the  water  ronneth  from  the  con- 

deth  —  deuide  s,{, 
Guttar  stone. 

H    BEFORE    A. 

Haie  in  a  felde  for  men  —  tref  z,  w. 
Haberdassber —  mercier  s,  m. 
Harberger — fourrier  du  roj  s,  m. 
Hablenesse  —  habilité,  capacité  z,  (. 
Habytacion  dweiiyng  —  habitation  s,(. 
Habytacle  a  place  —  habitacle  s,  m. 
Habytaunt  a  dweller  —  habitant  s,  m. 
Habundance  plentie  —  habundance  s,  (. 
Haddocke  a  fysshe  —  avnon  s,  m. 
Hafte  of  any  tôle  —  manche  s,  m. 
Haggas  a  podyng  —  caliette  de  mouton  s,  (. 
Hagge  a  flame  of  fyre  that  shyneth  by  night  — 

furolle  s,(. 
Haye  a  net  for  connes  —  bourcettes  a  chasser,  f. 
Hayecocke  —  mulon  defoyn  s,  m. 
Hayle  —  gresle  s,  t. 
Haylife  an  herbe. 

Hayre  for  parfite  men  —  hayre  s,  f. 
Hackeney  horse  —  hacquence  z,  f. 
Haibarde  a  wepen  —  halebarde  s,  (. 
Halfe  of  any  thyng  —  moytié  z,  t. 
Haife  pynt  a  measure  —  demion  s,  f.  ;  chop- 

pine  s,  {. 
Halfe  an  hour  —  demy-hevre  s,  {. 
Halfe  a  yere  —  demy  an  s,  m. 

Halfe  an  acre  —  demy  arpent  s,  m. 

Haifenesse  —  demieté  z,  f. 

Halfe  a  pecke  —  demy  quart  s,  m. 

Halfe  penny  —  maille  s,  f. 

Halfe  suster  —  sevr  utérine  s,  f. 

Halyday — feste  s,  t. 

Halywater  —  eave  benoyte  s,  f. 

Halywaterslocke  —  benoislier  s,  ni. 

Halywatersprincle  —  uespilton    s,  m.;  asper- 
goyr  s,  m. 

Halter — licol  z,m.;  cheuestre  s,  m. 

Halle  in  a  house  —  salle  s,  f. 

Hall  a  long  tent  in  a  felde  —  tente  s,  f. 

Halmeshouse  —  aumoniere,  maison  dieu  s,f. 

Halowyng  of  houndes  —  hvee  s,  (. 

Halowyng  of  a  churche  —  coasecrolion  s,  (. 

Hamme  of  the  legge — jarret  z,  m. 

Halsyng  —  accollee  s,  f, 

Hammer  —  marteau  x,  m. 

Hamper  — /joniV  dosier  s,  m.;  escrayn  s,  m. 


Handell  of  a  potle  or  any  lyke  thyng  —  ofise  s,  f. 

Handlyng  witb  the  bande  —  manienienl  s,  m. 

Hande  —  majn  s ,  f. 

Handelyng  entreating  —  Iraictement  s,  m. 

Hande  barowe  —  ciuiere  s,  f. 

Handell  a  fullars  instrument. 

Handfull  — poignée  z,  f. 

Hangonner  —  covlearinier  s,  ni. 

Handefastyng — fiansailles,  f. 

Handesawe  —  sie  a  mayn  z,  f. 

Hande  basket  —  corheillon  s,  ni. 

Handemayde  —  chambrière ,  pedisseque  s,  f. 

Handeworme  —  ciron  s,  m. 

Handekercbefe  —  moachover  s,  m. 

Handestrokes  —  pagniz,  m. 

Hangraan  —  boureaa  x,  m. 

Hangre  a  weapen  —  bracquemart  s,  m. 

Hangyng  forahall  orcbambre  —  tapisserie  z,  f. 

Hangyngfora  bedde — accoastrementdelict  s, m. 

Hangyng  of  an  byll  —  pendant   de   la   mon- 
taiijne  s,  m. 

Haasell  —  eslrayne  s,f. 

Hansomnesse  —  adaenantelé  z,  f. 

Happenyng  —  aduenant  s,  m. 

Happe  fortune — fortune  s,  f. ;  accident  s,  m.; 
chanse  s,i. 

Happynesse — prospérité  z , [. ;  bienheureté  z,(.; 
evreuseti  z,{. 

Harborowe  —  hoslelaiije,  loyis ,  herberge. 

Hardell  —  claie  s,  f. 

Hardynesse  —  couraiije  s,  m.;  hardiesse  s,  {. 

Hardnesse  in  tbe  bande  or  fcte  bycause  of  la- 
bour or  straitshowyng  —  escalvre  s,  f, 

Hardnesse  cruelnesse  —  dureté  z,  (. 

Hardnesse  —  diJicuUé  z,  f. 

Harde  meate  or  foddre  —  yrayne  s,  (. 

Hare  a  becsl  —  Heure  s,  m. 

Harkyng  —  escoat,  escoute,  audience  s,  f. 

Harlotte — paillardes,  f  ;  meretrice  s.  C;  garce 

s,  f.  ;  putayn  s ,  f. 
Harlottrye  —  paillardjse  s,  (. 
Harme  —  dommage  s,  m.;  détriment  s,  m. 
Harmony  melody  —  armonie  s,{. 
Harnesse — hamoys  s,  m. 
Harncsse  of  yron  —  armure  dejer  s,i. 
Harnesse  for  tbe  armes  —  armure  de  brus,  f. 



Harnesse  for  the  legges  —  armure  de  jambes, 

Harnesse  for  a  gyrdelle  — ferreure  s,  f. 
Harnesse  for  the  plougbe  horse  —  hamoys  de 

cherue,  m. 
Harnesman  —  armigerc  s,  m. 
Harnesse  for  a  borsenecke  —  crinet  z,  m. 
Harnesse  for  borses  —  harnais  a  cheual,  m. 
Harper  —  harpevr  s,  m. 
Harpe  —  harpe  s,  (. 
Harpestrynge  —  corde  de  harpe  s,  f.   ' 
Harte  —  cuevr  s,  f. 
Harte  a  wyide  beest  —  cerf  z ,  m. 
Haraulde  of  armes  —  herault  s,  m. 
Harowe  —  herce  s,  f. 
Harowe  pynne  —  cheudle  de  herse  s,  f. 
Hartbe  of  a  cbymney —  atre  s,  m.;  astre,  brase, 

fvier  s,  m. 
Hartynesse  —  magnanimité  z ,f.; cordialleté  z,(. 
Hartysease  a  floure  —  menve  pensée  s,  f. 
Hartestrynges  —  ueines  de  cuevr,  f. 
Hasarde  a  dyce  playe  —  hasart,  azart  s,  m. 
Harvest  season  —  autumpne,  aaton  s,  m. 
Haselet  of  a  bogge  —  haste  menve  s ,  f. 
Hasell  nulte  —  noysettc  s ,  (. .,  avelayne  s,  f. 
Hasell  tree  —  couldre  s,  m. 
Haste  byeng  —  haste  s,  f. 
Hastynesse  — /irecipifadon  s,  f. ;  chautdc  cote, 

echauf oison  s,  f.;  hastiuité  z,  f. 
Haspe  of  a  dore  —  clichette  s,  {. 
Hatcbe  of  a  sbippe  —  tdiac  z,  m.  ;  tra/tpe  s,  f. 
Hatcbe  of  a  dore  —  hecq  z,  m. 
Hatcbet —  hachette  s,  f. ;  hachet  z,  m. 
Hachette  fora  manof  armes —  hasche  darmes,  f. 
Hatte  —  chapiau  ;r,  m. 
Hatte  maker  —  chapelier  s,  m. 
Hâte  batered  —  hayne  s,  f.  ;  indignation  s,  I. 
Hathe  of  a  sbyppe  —  trappe  s,  f. 
Hatred  —  malavcillance  s,  t. 
HatteroU  —  hascerell. 
Hauberde  a  weapen  —  halberde  s,  f. ;  havlberl 

z,  m. 
Haulbergyn  of  mayle  —  aulbergon  \,  m.;  huul- 

berjon  s,  m. 
Hawe  in  tbe  eye  — paille  s,  f. 
Hautborne  —  espine  blanche  s,  ï. 


Hawethorne  a  bery  —  synnelle 

Hawe  frute  —  sinelle  s,(. 

Hawe  tree  —  espine  blanche  s,  f. 

Halfe  moone —  croissant  de  la  lune  Sj  m. 

Haunte  — fréquentation  s,  f. 

Hauke  merlyon  —  merle  s,  f. 

Haulhorne  —  aulbespin  s,  m,;  espine  blanche  s, 

f.  ;  Ro.  dessoubz  ung  aulbespin  gisant. 
Havyn  — port,  haure  s,  m. 
Hauke  —  ojsiav  de  proye  x,  m. 
Haunchc  of  a  man  or  beest  —  hanche  s,  f. 

H    BEFORE    E. 

Hced  pâte  or  noie  —  caboche  s,  f. 

Heed  of  a  man  or  beest  —  teste  s,  f. 

Heed  of  a  shafte  —  chief  z,  m.  ;yèr  s,  m. 

Heed  from  tbe  sholders  up  —  chief  z,m. 

Heed cburch — maistresse esglise  s, (.■,temple  s,  m. 

Heed  of  garlyke  —  teste  dail  s,f. 

Heed  money  —  truaige  s,{. 

Heed  pece  of  barnesse  —  armet  z,  m.\  cha- 

frayn  s,  m. 
Heedstall  of  a  horse  barnesse  —  testiere  s ,  (. 
Hedge  —  haye,  cep  s,  f. 
Hedgyng  glove  —  moufle  s,(. 
Hedgebogge  a  beest  —  hérisson  s ,m. 
Hedge  sparowe  a  byrde. 
Hedynesse  —  uoluntaireté  z,  f. 
Hepe  of  money  —  bloc  z,ra. 
Hepe  of  any  thyng  —  amas  z ,m. 
Hepe  of  strawe  — paillievr  s,  m. 
He  ratte  —  raton  s,  m. 
Hey  beestes  meate — foyt  >>  "'■ 
Hey  bouse  or  lofte  — garnieraufoyn  s,  m. 
Heygbt  of  any  thyng  —  haaltevr  s,  f.  ;  summité 

z,  i.\ fustige  s,  m. 
Heymaker  — fenevr  s,  m . 
Heymower — fauchevr  de foyn  s,a\. 
Heymowe  —  taj  de  foyn,  m. 
Heytyme  —  temps  defener,  m. 
Heyre  to  a  man  tliat  dyetb  —  hoyr  s,  m. 
Heyre  apparaunt  —  monsieur  s,  m. 
Heeforde  a  yong  cowe  —  génisse  s,  f. 
Healyng  of  a  sore  — guerissement  s,  m. 
Heale  of  body  —  santé  z,  f. 
Heele  of  tbe  fote  — ■  talon  s,  m. 



Hell  where  tbe  devyH  is  —  enfer  s,  m. 
Helme  of  a  rotber  of  a  shyppe  —  le  manchcdu 

govuernail  z,  m. 
Helmet  a  heed  pece  —  heaume  s,  m. 
Helpe  —  adjutoire  s,  m.;  coadjutevr  s,  m. 
Helpyng  —  adhérence,  aide  s,(. 
Heltbe  —  santé  z,  f. 
Heltbe  of  body  —  ualitude  s,  f. 
Helve  of  any  tôle  —  manche  s,  m. 
Hemme  of  a  garment — ourllet  z,  m.;  bort  s, 

m.;  lisière  s,  {. 
Hempsede  for  byrdes  —  chavneuys,  m. 
Hempe  —  chamure  s  ,va. 
Hemmyng  or  hemme  of  a  garment  —  oure- 

levre  s,  f. 
Hemlockes  vvedes. 
Henbane  an  herbe. 
Henchman  — paige   dhonnevr  s,  m.;   emfant 

dhonnevr  s,  m. 
Henné  a  foule  —  geline  s,  f. 
Henges  of  a  dore  —  gont  s,  m. 
Heape   a   great    quantité  —  monceau  x,  m.; 

tas,  m. 
Heppe  bery  of  eglantyne  —  grallecul  x,  m.; 

cornille  s,  {, 
Heraulteof  armes  —  herault  x,  m. 
Heer  of  tbe  heed  — ■  cheaevl  x,  m. 
Heeres  of  a  beestes  necke  or  raaane  —  en'n  s,  m. 
Heer  of  a  mannes  body  —  poil  z,  m. 
Heer  cyve  —  sas,  m. 
Herbe  —  herbe  s,  f. 
Herber  —  herbier  s,  m. 

Herberjour  tbat  provydeth   lodgyng  — four- 
rier s,  ta. 
Herbe  royall. 

Herbe  sellar  or  he  that  selleth  herbes. 
Heerbande  a  lace — ruban  s,  m. 
Herboroughe  —  logis,  m, 
Herce  for  a  deed  corse  of  silke  — paille  s,  m. 
Herce  a  deed  body  —  corps ,  m. 
Herde  of  dere  —  troppeau  x,  m, 
Herdell  made  of  wode  — ■  ctaye  s,  f. 
Heerdes  of  hempe  —  tillage  de  chamure  s,  m.: 

estovpes,  f. 
Heerryng  a  fyssbc  —  harcnc  s,  m. 
Hearyng,  the place wherbywe hère — ovye  s,  f. 



Herytage  —  heritauje,  s,  m. 

Herytike  —  heritiqae  s,  va. 

Hermyte  —  lieremite  s,  la. 

Herne  a  foule  —  héron  s,  m, 

Hernyst  man  —  homme  darmes  s,  m. 

Herse  clotlie  —  poilU  s,  ni. 

Hert  a  beest  —  cerf  z,  m. 

Hert  of  any  beest  —  cvear  s,  m. 

Hertestong  an  herbe  —  langue  de  cerf  s,{. 

Hertesease  an  herbe  —  menve  pensée  s ,  {. 

Hertstrynges  —  ueines  de  cvear,  f. 

Herthe  of  a  chymney  —  aire  s,  m, 

Hertynesse  —  cordialleté  z,i. 

Hervest  season  —  aatompne  s,{. 

Heate  —  ardevr  s,{.;  chalevr  s,  t. 

Heatyng  or  chafyng  —  eschajitvre  s,  f. 

Hetchell  for  flaxe  —  serancq,  serant  s,  m. 

Hethe  a  playne  —  lande  s,(. 

Hethe  bussbes  —  hrvyere  s,  f. 

Hethynesse  —  sarazinesme  s,  f. 

Hewer  of  stone  —  taiUevr  de  pierres,  m. 

Hewke  a  gannent  for  a  woman  —  surquayne 
s,  {.^froc  z,m. 

Hewyng  of  a  dere  —  hvee  s,  f. 

Hewar  that  fcttcth  the  wyndelesse  in  huntyng 
—  hveur  s,  va. 

Hevyn  —  ciel,  cicalx,m. 

Hevyncsse  weyght — pesantevr  s,  (. 

Hevynesse  —  tristesse  s,  f.  ;  regret  z,  m.  ;  amer- 
tume s,  f.  ;  contristation  s,  (. 

Hevenlynesse  —  celestialeté  z ,  (. 

H    BEFOBE    Y. 

Hye  place  where  one  maye  se  about  hym  — 

cerne  s ,  m. 
Hyebles  or  herbe  that  groweth  in  the  water  — 

hiebte  s,  va. 
Hydiousnesse  —  hideaseié  z,  f. 
Hyde  a  skynne  —  cordovayn  s,  m. 
Hyding  —  celée  s,  (,\  recelée  s,  (. 
Hyde  courte  —  covr  sovueraigne  s,  (, 
Hye  shyppe  —  caracque  s,  f. 
Hyre  or  wages  —  louage  s,  m.;lovier  s,  m. 
Hyll  a  mountayne  —  montaigne  s,  f. 
Hyll  loppe  —  crespe  or  creste  de  montaigne  s,  f. 
Hyliing  a  coveryng  —  couuerture  s,  f. 

Hylte  of  a  swerde  —  poignée  z,f. 
Hylworte  an  herbe. 

Hyllyngof  an  bouse — cpvaertare  s ,  (.;  leclz,  m. 
Hymmc  that  is  song  in  the  churche  —  hymne 

s.  f. 
Hynde  caulfe  —  bichet  z,  va, 
Hynde  —  hiche  s,  f. 

Hynderparte  of  the  necke  —  caygnon  s,  m. 
Hynderparteof  theheed — fossette  de  la  teste  s,  (. 
Hynderparte  of  the  jawes  —  caignon  s,  m. 
Hynderparte  of  a  saddell  —  arcon  s,  m. 
Hynderwarde  —  garde  de  derrière  s,  f. 
Hynderparte  of  the  shyppe  —  prore  s,  f. 
Hynderaunce  —  obstacle  s,  m.  ;  perte  s,  f.  ;  disu- 

uantaige  s,vn.\  détriment  s,  m. 
Hynesse  —  sublimité  z,  f  ;  haultesse  s,  {. 
Hyppe  of  a  beest  —  hanche  s,  f. 
Hyppe  the  reed  bery  of  a  brere — grattecnl  x,  m . 
Hyrchen  a  beest —  hérissons,  m. 
Hyrdell  —  claye  s,  f. 
Hyssing  of  a  serpente  —  ciflevre  s,  f. 
Hyve  for  bées  —  ruche  s,  f. 

H    BEFOHE   0. 

Hobgobtyng  —  goblin  s,  m.  ;  mavffe  s,  f. 

Hobby  a  horse  of  Irelande —  hobyn  s,  m. 

Hobby  a  hauke  —  kobreau  x,  m. 

Hocke  —  crocq  z,  va. 

Hode  or  cappe  — •  chaperon  s,  m. 

Hode  maker  — faiseur  de  chaperons  s,  ni. 

Hofe  of  a  beestes  fote  —  corne  s,  f. 

Hogge  —  porc,  pourceau  x,  m. 

Hoggerell  a  yong  shepe. 

Hogges  troughe  —  auge  à  pourceaux  s,  f. 

Hoggesheed  a  vesseil  for  wyne  —  demy  mvy  s, 

va.  ;  poynson  s,  va. 
Hoke  to  catche  fysshe  with  —  hamasson  s,  m. 
Hoke  for  a  womans  gowne  —  o.graffe  s,  f. 
Hoke  of  wode  great  or  lyteil  —  croq  z,  m. 
Hokednesse  — crochuseli  z,  f. 
Holdeaplaceof  fence — pourprises,  f.  ifort  s,  m. 
Holdyng  of  ones  peace  —  silence  s,  va. 
Holdyng  in  remembraunce  —  retenance  a,  f. 
Holdyng  — •  rétention  s,f. 
Holefoted  beest  —  beste  a  pie  entier  s,  f. 
Hole  io  any  thyng  —  trou  s,  m.;  pertuis,  m. 



Holcnesse  —  integrilé  z,  L;  entiereté  z,  f. 

Holy  goost  —  sainct  espirit  z,  m. 

Hoie  that  swete  or  heres  cometh  out  at  —  pore 

s,  m. 
Holy  scripture  —  diuinité  z ,{. 
Holly  Ire  —  hous  s,  ni. 
Holynesse  —  sainclelé  z,  f. 
Hoiyhocke  wylde  malowes. 
Holowe  spcre  —  hovrdon  s,  m. 
Holownesse  of  the  fote  —  plmxte  du  pie  s,  f. 
Holownesse  of  the  handc  —  parfont  de  la  mayn 

'  5,  m. 
Holownesse  of  any  tliyng  —  creuseté,  conca- 

ttité  z,  f. 
Holy  water  sprincle  —  aspergoyr  s ,  m.\  uespU- 

lon  s,  m. 
Holythursday  —  le  jour  de  lassenlion  s,  m. 
Holsomnesse  —  aménité  z,  f.  ;  sancié  z,  (. 
Holtc  a  iylell  woodc  — petit  boys  s,  m. 
Honest  ni  an  —  honune  de  bien  s,  m. 

Honestye  —  honnestelé  z,  f. 

Hongrynesse  — /«/"  s>  f-  ;  appétit  a  manger. 

Homelynesse  —  priuaallc  z,  f. 

Homage  —  hommaiye  s,  m. 

Honest  deaiyag  —  preudliommie  s,  f. 

Hony  —  miel  z,  va. 

Honny  combe  —  marcq  z ,  ni. 

Honnysuckell —  luit  ISostre  Dame  z,  m. 

Honour  —  honnevr  s,  m. 

Honouryng  —  ueneration  s,  f.  ;  reueration  s,  f. 

Hole —  trov  X,  m.; perlais,  m. 

Hole  where  the  meate  gothe  downe  —  gavion 
s,  m. 

Hore  maister  —  pailliardiau,  putaynier  x,  m. 

Hoppe  upon  my  thombe — fretillon  s,  m. 

Hotchepolte  —  tripotaigc  s,  m. 

Hoppes  for  beere  —  houblon  s,  m. 

Hope  trust  —  espoir  s,  m.;  espérance  s ,  f. 

Hope  the  verlue  —  espérance  s,  f. 

Hopper  of  a  myll  —  tremye  s,  f. 

Hore  coppc. 

Horde  or  heape  —  monceau  x,  m. 

Horehounde  herbe  —  langue  de  chien  s,  C 

Hore  a  drabbe  —  putayn  s,  (. 

Hotenesse —  chakvr  s,  f. 

Hôte  house  —  esleiues,  estvuier  s,  f. 

Home  to  blowc  with  —  cor  s,  m.;  cornet  z,  m.; 

trompe  s,  f. 
Horne  to  hunte  with  —  cor  s,  m. 
Horne  —  cor  s,  m.;  corne  s,  f. 
Horner  a  maker  of  bornes  —  cometlier  s,  m. 
Horneresse  a  woman  —  comettiere  s,  f. 
Horon  a  herbe. 

Hornkecke  a  fysshe  lyke  a  mackerell. 
Homes.  < 

Hornet  a  Ilye. 

Horryblenessc  —  horribleté  z ,  f. 
Horrure  — abhominaiion  s,  f.;  hideur  s,  f. ;  hor- 

revr  s,  f . 
Horse  in  Gascoync  speche  —  ivucyn  s,  m. 
Horse  a  beest  —  cheual  x,  va. 
Horse  coller  —  licol  z,  m. 
Horse  combe —  estrille  s,  f. 
Horse  bredde  —  pain  a  cheual  s,  m. 
Horse  barncsse  —  liarnoys  a  cheual,  m. 
Horse  grasse  an  herbe. 
Horse  kepar  —  paljronier  s,  m. 
Horse  plome  frute  — jorroise  s,  f. 
Horse  myll  —  movlin  a  cheual  s,  m. 
Horskepar  or  ladde  of  the  stable  —  houspail- 

lier  s,  m. 
Horsemynt  an  herbe  —  calamente  s,  f. 
Horse  shoo  — fer  de  cheual  s,  nt. 
Horse  lytter  —  Ictiere  aux  chcuavlx  s,  (. 
Horse  tayle  —  queve  de  cheual  s,  f. 
Horse  flesshe  colour. 
Horse  clothe  —  covuerture  a  cheual  s,  f.;  conuer- 

toir  s,  m. 
Horse  lèche ,  a  worme  —  sansae  s,  f . 
Horse  tamer —  domplevrde  cheaavlx  s,  m. 
Horse  trapper  —  hovsse  s,  f. 
Hoorsnesse  of  tbe  throte  —  enrovevre  s,  f. 
Hoorse  in  Gascoyne  speche —  roucyn  s,  m. 
Host  of  men  —  armée  s,  (. 
Hoslager  one  that  is  pledgc  for  another  —  hos- 

tagier  s,  m. 
Hostler  in  an  inné  —  hostelier  s,  m. 
Hose  for  ones  legges  —  chavsse  s,  f. 
Hosyer  that  maketh  hosen  —  chausettier  s,  m. 
Hosyn  and  sliossys  —  chaussure  s,  (. 
Hospytall  —  hospilal  x,  m. 
Hostry  or  inné  —  hostel  z,  m. 


Hostryge  a  foule  — avstrache  s,  f. 
Hondreth  —  cent  s,  m.  ;  centaine  s,  f. 
Houlyng  o(dogges— hurlements,  m.;  ulalation  s,  f. 
Houle  a  byrde  —  chathaan  s,  m. 
House  —  maison  s,  f.;  domicile,  hostel  z,  m. 
Houseleke  a  herbe  — jombarde  s,  f. 
House  that  a  mau  boldeth  —  tenement  s,  m. 
HousholdestuiTe  —  mevbles,  m. 
Housholder  —  mesnagicr  s ,  m. 
Housbolde  folke  —  maynie  z,  (. 
Housholde  a  kynred  — famille  s,  f. 
House  evsyDg  —  les  ugovttys. 
House  of  easment  —  lasse  chambre  s,  (. 
Hove  tbat  a  chylde  is  borne  in  —  taye  s,  f. 
Housetoppe  or  treetoppe  —  coypeau  de  la  mai- 
son X,  m. 
Housedovc —  coulomb  s ,m. 
Houre  tyme  —  hevre  s,  f. 
Hotcbcpotte  of  many  meates  —  haricot  z ,  m. 
Houade  —  chien  s,  m. 
Houpe  a  great  ryng  —  signet  z,ta. 
Houpe  for  any  vessell  —  cerceau  x,  m. 
Houpc  of  a  beestes  fote  —  corne  s,  f. 

H    BEFORE    U. 

Hucster  a  man  — quocquetier  s,  m. 

Hucster  a  woinan  —  quocquetiere  s,  f. 

Huke  —  surquanie  s,  (.;froc  z,  m. 

Hulke  a  shyppe — hevrcque  s,  f. 

Hull  or  barckc  of  a  tree  —  escorce  s,  f. 

Hull  of  a  beane  or  pesé  —  escosse  s,  f. 

Humblebee  —  bovrdon  s,  m. 

Humylite  mekenesse  —  humilité  z,  f. 

Humour  moystnesse  —  hvmeur  s,  f. 

Hungre  — fain , famine  s,  f. 

Hunter — braconnier  (Ro.)  chassevr,  uenevrs,  m. 

Hurle  or  tbrowe  witb  a  stone  —  coup  de  pierre 

s,  m. 
Hurte  —  détriment  s,  m.;  blessvre  s ,  {. 
Hurt  wronge  —  préjudice  s,  m. 
Hnsbaademan  — lobourevr  de   uilage   s,  ni.; 

agricole ,  puisant  z,  m. 
Husbande  a  thrivyng  man—  mesnagier  s,  m. 
Husbande  that  hath  wedded  a  wyfe  —  mary 

s,  m. 
Husbandes  brotber — yrere  de  mon  mary  s,  m. 


Husbandrie  — mesnagerie  s ,  f,  ;  labouraige  s,  m.; 

agriculture  s,  f. 
Husbandes  house  in  the  countre  or  maner  place 

—  metayrie  s,  f. 
Hussber  of  a  scole  —  clerc  s,  m. 
Huske  of  frute  —  escosse  s,  f.  ;  escaille  s,  f. 
Husse  a  fysshe  —  rousette  s,  f. 
Huswyfe  —  mesnagiere  s,  f. 
Huswyferie  —  mesnagerie  z,f. 
Hutcbe  a  chest  —  cofre  s,  m.  ;  huche  s,  f. 

I    BEFORE    A. 

lade  a  dull  borse  —  galier  s,  m. 

lacynct  a  preeious  stone — jacincte  s,  f. 

lagge  a  cuttyng —  chicqueture  s,  f. 

laggednesse  —  chicqueture  s,  f. 

laye  a  byrde  —jay  s,  m. 

layle  a  common  prisone  —  geolle  s,  f. 

lacke  or  whitte  nicquel,  as  I  wyll  nat  gyve  you 

a  whyt  — je  ne  nous  donneray  pas  ung  nie- 

qaet  z ,  m. 
lackct  —  saion  s,  m. 
lacket  without  sleves  —  hocqueton  s,  m. 
lacket  tbat  bath  but  four  quarters — jacquetle  s,  C. 
lacke  barnesse — jacq ,  jacqae  z,  m. 
langler  —  hubillart  s,  m.  ;  janglevr  s,  m. 
langlyng  or  cbattyng  — jonglerie  s,  f. 
January  a  moneth  — januiers,  m. 
Jape  a  trifyll  —  truffe  s,  f. 
Jaquecure  a  kynde  of  money — jaquecvevr  s,  m. 
Jarfaucon  a  bauke  —  gerfault  x,  m. 
lasper  a  preeious  stone  — jaspre  s,  f. 
lavelyn  a  speare — jauelot  z,  m. 
laundyce  a  sickenesse  — jaunice  s,  f. 

I    BEFORB    C. 

Ice  —  glace  s,  f. 

Itcbe  —  demangevre  s,  f. 

I   BEFOnE   D. 

Ideot  a  foie  —  sot  z,m.;fol  z ,  m. 
Idolater  —  idolastre  s,  m. 

I    BEFORE    E. 

ley  to  se  witb  —  oeil,  yeulx,  m. 
lelousy — zelotipie  ,  jalousie  s,  f. 



lern  mongar — ferron  s,  m. 
lelnesse  —  oysiveté  z,  {. 
leytothe  —  dent  c^lUere  s,  f. 
leraper  tree  —  geneure  s,  m. 
lesses  for  a  bauke  —  get  z,  m. 
letler  a  facer  — facer,  braggart  z,  m. 
lettar  of  nyght  season  —  brigvevr  s,  m. 
lewe  wode  to  luake  bowes  —  fyf^>  ■"• 
lewell  — joyaa  x,  m. 

I   BEPORE    M. 

Image  —  image  s,  f. 

Image  a  broche  —  devise  s,  f.;  broche  s,  f. 
Image  maker  — faisevr  dymages  s,  m. 
Imagination  —  imagination  s,  f. 
Imbres  bote  assbes  —  brajse  s,  f. 
Imme  tbat  is  songe  —  hymne  s,  f. 
Impacyence  angre  —  impatience  s,  f. 
Impe  a  yonge  springe. 
Impe  or  grasse — pasturage  s,  m. 
Impostume  in  ones  body  —  apostume  s,  f. 
Impotentnesse  for  âge  —  decrcpitcment  s,  m. 
Impressyng  or  printyng  of  a  boke  —  impres- 
sion s,  f. 
Imprisonment  —  carceration  s,  1'. 
Impreparyng — impréparation,  enchartrure  s,ni. 


Inné  or  hostrye  —  hostellerie  z,  f. 
Incarnation  —  incarnation  s,  f. 
Incbantre  or  witche  —  enchanteur  s,  m. 
Incbantment  or  cbarme — charme  s,  m.;  enchan- 
tement s,  m. 
Inche  measure  —  poulces,  f. 
Inclynation  —  inclinemeni  s,  m. 
Inconvenyenl  —  accident  s,  m. 
Inclynation  to  vyce  —  lascheté  z,  f. 
Inconstancy  unstedfastnesse  —  inconstance  s,  f. 
Increase  —  croissement  s,  m. 
Increasyng  —  augmentation  s,  f. 
Indenture  —  unes  indentures,  f 
Inder  chambre  —  garderobe  s,  f.  ;  conclave  s,  f. 
Inderwarde  of  a  castell  —  cengle  de  chastel  s,  m. 
Indygnation  disdaynyng  —  indignation  s,  f. 
Influence  —  influence  s,  f. 
Influence  of  the  starres  —  constellation  s,  f. 


Infelycite  nnhappynesse  —  infelicilé  z,  f. 

Infydele  nat  christened  —  payn  s,  m. 

Iniquité  —  iniquité  z,  f. 

Injury  wrong  —  injvre  s,  f. 

Inferyour  outher  in  place  or  dignyte  —  inje- 
rievr  s,  m. 

Inke  to  Write  with  —  encre  s,  f. 

Ingratitude,  unkyndnesse  —  engratie  s,  f. 

Inke  borne  —  cornet  a  encre  z,  m. 

Inné  to  lodge  gestes  in  — giste  s,  m.;  hostelle- 
rie s,  f. 

Innocency  —  innocence  s,  f. 

Inquyring  —  enquisition  s,  f. 

Inquyetnesse  of  mynde  —  inqvùetude  s,  f. 

Insigbt  —  regart  s,  ni. 

Inspyration  —  inspiration  s,  f. 

Instaunt  —  movuement  s,  m. 

Instaunce  —  instance  s,  f. 

Insteppe  of  tbe  fote — col  du  pie  z,m.;  le  des- 
sus du  pie  s,  m. 

Instructyon  —  instruction  s,  f. 

Instrument  —  instrument  s,  m . 

Instrument  for  cordwayners  —  alesne. 

Instrument  of  musyke  —  instrument  de  musique 

Instrument  to  dygge  vynes  or  safron  —  hove  s,  f. 

Instrument  of  any  handy  crafte  —  ovtil  z,  m. 

Intent  —  entent,  entention,  prétexte. 

Intylulyng  —  inlitulation  s,  t. 

Interchaungyng —  commutation  s,  f. 

Interditement  —  inierdissement  s,  m. 

Intisyng —  suasion  s,  f. 

Interlude  —  moralité  z,  f. 

Interprétation  —  interprétations,  l'. 

Intertayning  —  entretenement  s ,  m. 

Intreatyng  —  attrait,  traicte  s,  f. 

Inundation  of  waters  —  undee  s,  f. 

Inventyon  —  inuention  s,  f. 

Invysiblenesse  —  inuisibleté  z,  f. 

Inwarde  parte  of  the  thighe— moJde/a  cuisse  s,  in. 

I   BEPORE   O. 

logelyng  caste  —  passe  passe  s,  f. 
logelour  —  batellevr  s,  m. 
loye  — joje  z ,  f. 
loyners  worke  —  menvserie  s,  f. 



loynyng  of  two  joyntes  toguyder  —  joinclure 

loyning  of  bordes  —  joincture  s,  {. 
loynar  a  craftesman  —  menvisier  s,  m. 
Joynt  — joyncl  s,  m. 
Jolynesse  — joliueté  z,  f. 
Johan  a  proper  name  —  Jehan. 
Jolie  of  a  fysshe  —  teste  s,  f. 
lonkette  —  banquet  z,  va. 
lourney  —  aoyage  s,  m.  ;  jornee  s,  (. 
lowell  — joyau  oc,  m. 
lowell  house. 
louroay — journée  s,  f. 
louse  of  an  herbe  — jus,  m. 

I   BEFORE   R. 

Irchen  a  lyttel  beest  fuH   of  prickes  —  héris- 
son s,  m. 
Ire  — yre  s,  f.  ;  maltalent  s,  m. 
Irkesomnesse  —  attediation  s,  f. ;  ennvy  s,  m.; 

fascherie  s,  f.;  envyevselé  z,  f. 
Irons  for  prisoners — fers,  m. 
Iron  — jer  s,  m. 
Ironruste  — ferrvge  s,  f. 
Iron  mongar  — ferron  s,  m. 


Isope  an  berbe  —  ysope  s,  f. 


Issue  or  stocke  —  issue  s,  f. 

1    BEFORE   T. 

Itchyng  —  cvisement  s,  m. 
Itcbe  —  demangevre  s,  f. 

J    BEFORE   U. 

Jue  a  man  of  jurye  — jvif  z,  va. 

Juellar  —  lapidaire  s,  m. 

Jugement — arbitrage  s,  ta.;  jviUcation  s,  f. 

Judycature — jugement  s ,  m.  ;  sentence  s,  f. 

Judge— jnge,  arbitratevr  s ,  va.  ;  arbitre   s,  m.; 

justicier  s,  va. 
Judge  of  a  towne  —  escheum  s,  vn. 
Jvery  bone  — yaoyre  s,  va. 
Jvy  tree  —  hierre  s,  va. 
Jvy  berry  —  gfiyne  de  hierre  s,(. 

July  a  moneth — juillet  z,  m. 

Junket  or  banket  —  bancquet  z,  vn. 

June  a  moneth  — Joinj  z,  va. 

Junyper  tree — jenneure  s,  va. 

Jurisdyction  of  a  lorde  —  seignevnage  s,  m. 

Jurisdyction  ofa  privost  —  priuosté  z,  f. 

Jurnall  a  boke — journal  x,m. 

Juse  of  grapes  or  any  herbes  — jas,  m. 

Justar  with  speares — joustevr  s,  va. 

Justyce  right  — justice  s,  {. 

Justyce  of  peace  or  quorum,  they  bave  no  suche 

Justyng —  toumoy  s,  ni.;jovste  s,f. 
Justynghorse  —  cheual  de  jovste  x,  m. 

K    BEPOBE   A. 

Kace  to  put  a  thyng  in  —  estuy  z,  m. 

Kake  —  gasteau  x,  va. 

Kalstocke  — pie  de  chov  z,  m. 

Kall  for  a  mayde  —  retz  de  soye  z,î. 

Kalendre  —  calendrier  s,  va. 

Kancre  a  sore  incurable  —  chxuicre  s  ,va. 

Karvcrafore  a  prince  —  escvler  trenchani  s,  m. 

Karver  a  craftesman  —  menvisier  s,  va. 

Karvyng  knyfe  —  covteau  de  escvier  x,  ni. 

Katcbyng  ofany  thyng  —  prinse  s,  f. 

Katte  a  beest  —  chat  z,m. 

Katterwayng  —  larre  de  chatz  s,  va. 

K   BEFORE    E. 

Keckes  of bumblockes  —  tviav  x,va. 

Key  —  clef  z,  f. 

Key  to  kny tte  walles  toguyder  —  clef  z,  (. 

Kell  in  a  womans  belly  —  taye  s,  f. 

Kelyng  a  fysshe  —  aunon  s,  va. 

Kempe  eele. 

Kerapsler  —  linihre  s,  (. 

Kennell  for  houndes  —  loge  a  chiens  s,  f. 

Kenesse  sharpnesse  —  aspreté  z,f. 

Kenet  coloure  —  cendré  s ,  m. 

Kepar  of  a  kynges  or  a  great  lordes  place  — 

consierge  s,  va. 
Kepar  ofany  other  place  —  gardian  s,  ai. 
Kepar  of  the  farmary  —  enfermier  s,  m. 
Kepar  of  a  castell  —  chastelayn  s,  va. 
Kepar  of  a  close  —  closier  s,  m. 




Kepar  of  a  place  —  concierge  s,  m. 

Kepar  of  a  prison  or  lordes  place  —  consierge 

s,  m. 
Kepyng  —  obseruation  s ,  f. 
Kepyng  of  bousLolde  —  hospitalité  z ,  f. 
Kerchefe  —  cvevurcchief  s,  m. 
Kersay  —  cresey  s,  m. 
Kettyli  a  vessell  —  chaaderon  s,  m. 
Ketwyng,  bringyng  forthe  of  yonge  cattes  — 

chattement  s,  m. 

K    BEFOHE    I.   * 

Kybe  on  ihe  hele  —  mufe  s,  (. 

Kicben  —  cvisine  s,  (. 

Kicke  of  an  horse  —  ruade  s,  f. 

Kickes  the  drie  stalke  of  humlockes  or  burres — 
tvyav  X,  m. 

Kydde  a  beest  —  chevereau  x,  m. 

Kydde  a  fagotte  — fahvrde  s,  f. 

Kydney  of  a  beest  —  roignon  s,  m. 

Kigbt  a  foule  —  escovjle  s,  m.;  milan  s,  m. 

Kylderken  a  vessell  —  cacque  s,  f. 

Kyll  for  malte. 


Kyllyng  of  men  —  mevrtre  s,  m.;  occision  s,  f. 

Kyranell  —  quevue  s,  f. ;  quevaetle  s,  f. 

Kynde  entreatyng  —  acveil  z,  m. 

Kynde  —  lingnee  s,  f.^sexe  s,  m. 

Kynde  of  any  beest  —  genre  s,  m. 

Kyndelyng  of  fyre  —  embrasure. 

Kynred  —  lignaige,  progéniture. 

Kynde  of  daunce  —  bargeret. 

Kyng  —  roy  s,  m. 

Kyng  of  armes  —  roy  de  armes. 

Kyndenesse  —  debonnaireté  z ,{. 

Kyngdome  —  roialme  s,  m.;  règne  s,  m. 

Kynges  yvell  —  escrovelles,  f. 

Kynges  bouse  —  hostcl  du  roy  z ,  m. 

Kynred  or  an  ofspring  —  parenté,  consangui- 
nité Zj  f.  ;  parage  s,  m. 

Kynsfolkcs  —  parens ,  m. 

Kynswoman  —  ajjlne,  parente  s,  f. 

Kynsman — parent  s,m.;ajjin  s,  m. 

Kynsman  or  countreman. 

Kyppe  of  iambe  a  furre. 

Kyrneil  of  a  grene  walnut  —  cemeav  x,  m. 

Kyrnell  of  any  frute  —  noyav  x,  m.  ;  pépin  i, 

m.;  le  bon  s,  m. 
Kyrnell  or  knobbe  in  the  necke  or  otberwbere 

—  glandre  s,  {. 
Kyrleil  a  garment — corpset,  sarcot  s,  m.;  cotelle 

s.  f. 
Kysse  —  bayser  s,  m. 
Kysse  tbat  a  wonian  gyveth  of  her  sekyng  — 

Jrancbaisier  s,  m. 
Kytcliyn  —  cvisine  s,  f. 
Kytlyng  —  chatlon  s,vn. 
Kike  —  ttiiau  x,  m. 

K   BEFORE    N. 

Knacke  or  toye  — friuolle  s,  f. 

Knave  —  quocqain  s,  m.  ;  aillain  s,  m. 

Knavysshenesse  —  uillaynie  s,  {. 

Kne  —  genovil,  genovLc,  m. 

Kne  bone  or  pan  —  lapallette  de  genovil  s,  f. 

Knedyng  trougbe  —  avge  a  pétrir  s,  f.  ;  pannet- 

liere  s,  f. 
Knelyng  —  genvjlection  s,  f. 
Knyfe  —  covsteau  x,  m.;  covstel  Ro.  z,m. 
Knigbt  of  the  order  of  saynt  Michaell. 
Knyght  of  advenlures  —  cheualier  errant  s,  m. 
Knyght  bacheler  —  cheualier  s,  m. 
Knyght  banneret. 

Knyght  in  a  just  or  tumey  —  défendeur  s,  m. 
Knyghthode  —  cheualerie  z,  f. 
Knyttar  of  cappes — covsturiere  de  bonetz  s,  f.  ; 

lasseresse  s,  (. 
Knyttyng  toguyder  — joinctare  s,  f. 
Knobbe  in  a  staffe  —  ne»  x,  m. 
Knobbe  or  rysing  after  a  stroke  —  bigne  s,  f. 
Knoccle  bone  — joincte  de  la  hanche  s,  f. 
Knoccle  of  a  fynger  —  noynce,  joincte  s,  f. 
Knoppe  of  a  cuppe  —  pomeaa  de  coueAeque 

x,  m. 
Knoppe  of  a  payre  of  beedes  —  hovppe  s,  f. 
Knoppe  wede  an  herbe. 
Knotin  wollen  clothe  — povtee  s,  f. 
Knotte  —  nev,entrenev  x,m. 
Knower  —  cognoissevr  s,  m. 
Knowledge — cognoissance  s,  f.;  recognoissance , 

scavance  s,  f. 



K    BEFORE    O. 

Koo  a  byrde, 

Kockeafryce  sarpcnt —  coquatris,  m. 
Kocke  a  foule  —  coq  z,  w. 
Kockerell  —  cachet  s,  m. 
Kockescombe  —  creste  de  coq  s,  f. 
Kockebote  for  a  shyppe  —  cocquet  z,  m. 

L   BEFOnE   A. 

Lake  a  standyng  waler — lac  z,m. 

Labell  —  horppe  s,  f. 

Laboure  —  labevr  s,  m.;  trauail  x,  va. 

Labourer  —  labovrevr  s,  m. 

Labourer  of  vynes  —  uitjneron  s,  m. 

Labouryng  of  the  erthe  —  cttltiuevre  s,  f. 

Labourousnesse  —  laboriosité  z,  f. 

Lace  —  lacet  z,  m. 

Lachet  of  a  sbo  —  courroye  z,  f. 

Lâche  or  snecke  of  a  dore  —  locqvet  z ,  m. 

Ladde  a  boye  —  garson  s,  m. 

Ladder  —  eschiel ,  eschelle  s,  f. 

Laddes  of  the  stable  —  hoispalUer  s ,  m. 

Lady  —  dame  s,{. 

Ladydaye  in  marche  —  la  nostredame  en  mars. 

Lady  maystres  —  dame  dkonnevr  s,  f.  ;  govuer- 

nante  s,  f. 
Lady  of  présence  —  damoiselle  dhonneur  s,  f. 
Lady  that  maryeth  nal  agayne  —  dame  dovai- 

glere  s,  f. 
Ladell  —  cvillier  s,  va. 
Laylande  —  terre  novacllement  labovree  s,  f. 
Layman  —  homme  maryé  s,  m. 
Lake  a  waunte  — favhe  s,  f. 
Lake  a  dyche  —  estang  z,m. 
Lambe  a  beest  —  agneav  x,  m. 
Lamenessc  —  mehajgneté  z,  f. 
Lamentyng — regret  z,  m. 
Lamentatyon  —  lamentation  s,  (. 
Lammas  a  feest  —  la  sainct  Pierre  aux  liens,  f. 
Lamprey  a  fysshe  —  lamproye  s,  f. 
Lancet  an  instrument  —  lancette  s,  f. 
Lansknygbt  —  lancequenct  s,  m, 
Lane  narowe  stretc  —  rvelle  s,  f. 
Lande  a  counlre  —  contrée  z,  f. ;  lande  s,  f. 
Landelorde  —  renlyer  s,  m. 
Lande  —  terres,  f. 

Language  —  lanrjage  s ,  m. 

Langdebefe  an  herbe  —  langue  de  bevf  s,  f. 

Lanarde  a  hauke  —  lanier  s,  m. 

Lanyer  of  iether  —  lashiere  s,{. 

Lanterne  —  lanterne  s,  f. 

Lappe  or  skyrt  —  gyron  s,  m. 

Lapwynke  a  foule  —  hvppe  s  ,  f. 

Larde  fatte  bacon  —  lart,  lard  z,  m. 

Larderhouse  —  lardier  s,  m, 

Largegrounde  —  covrtîl  z,  m. 

Largenesse  —  spaciosité,  amplitude  s,  f;  lar- 

gevr  s,  f.  ;  largesse  s,  f 
Layre  of  a  grouude  —  terroy  s,  m. 
Larke  a  byrde  —  alouette  s ,  {. 
Larme  in  a  felde  —  alarme  s,  f. 
Lasarhouse  —  lasdriere  s,  f. 
Lasar  a  sickeman  —  lasdre  s,  m. 
Lasshe  a  stroke  —  covp  de  Jouet  z ,  m. 
Lasshnesse — laschelé  z,{. 
Laske  a  disease  — jluxde  uentre,  m. 
Lase  or  bande  —  lalz,  m. 
Laste  fora  shoo  — fovrme  s,î. 
Laste  of  fysshe  xii  barelles  —  lay  z,  f. 
Latche  of  a   dore  —  cUcquette  s,  f.  ;  locqaet 

z,  m. 
Latheofwoode  —  latte  s,  f 
Lathe  maker  — faiseur  de  lattes  s,  m. 

Latyn  m  étal  I  —  laion  s,  m. 
Lattes  fora  Avindovve  —  châssis,  trelis,  va. 
Latyn — latin  s,  m. 
Laude  a  prayse  —  laude  s,  t. 
Lavell  tbat  standetli  in  the  myddes  of  the  throt  e 

—  alovette  s,  f. 
Lawe  —  loy  s,  f. 

Laweof  armes  —  droict  darmes  z,  ni. 
Lawe  of  nature  —  droict  de  nature  z,  m. 
Lavendre  an  herbe  —  lauende  s,  f. 
Lavendre  of  Spaygnc  — cipres,  m. 
Lavendre  cottcn  —  cipres,  m. 
Laundre  a  wassher  —  laaendiere  s,  f. 
Laver  to  wasshe  at —  lauoyr  s,  m. 
Laufulnesse  —  licitité,  loysibleté  s,  f. 
Laughyngto  scorne  —  irrision  s,  f. 
Laughter  —  rys,m.;  risée  s,  f. 




Lawyer  that  occupyeth  the  lawe  —  homme  de 

loy  s,  m.  ;  homme  de  robe  longue  s,  m. 
Laumpe  —  lampe  s,  f. 
Laumprey  a  fysshe  —  lamproye  s,  (. 
Laumpron  a  iyttell  fysshe  —  lamprion  s,  m. 
Launce  gay — jaueleyne  s,  f. 
Launcet  to  let  blode  with  —  lancette  s,  {. 
Laundre  thaï   wassheth   ciolhes  —  laaendiere 

s,   f. 
Launde  a  playne  —  lande  s,  (. 
Lauoe  iyne.n  —  crespe  s,  m. 
Laurell  tree  —  lavrier  s,  m. 
Launterne  —  lanterne  s,  f. 
Lavour  to  wasshe  —  laaevr  s,  m. 
Laurell  an  herbe. 
Laxe  —  clistere  s,  ni. 

L    BEFORE    £. 

Lebarde  a  beest  —  leopart  s,  m. 

Lèche  a  surgion  —  servrgien  s,  m. 

Lechery  —  lecherie,  luxure  s,  f. 

Lecke  worme  —  sanijsve  s,  1. 

Lèche  made  of  flesshe  —  gelée  z ,{. 

Lectuary  a  uiedicyne  —  elecluaire  s,  m. 

Lectuary  —  lectuaire  s,  m. 

Lecterne  to  syng  at  —  levtrajn  s,  ni. 

Ledge  of  a  dore  —  barre  s,  (. 

Ledge  of  ashelfe  —  «/)"/»  estaye  s,  m. 

Leed  a  metall  — plomb  s,  m. 

Leadyng  —  amenement  s,  m. 

Leeder  of  a  daunce  —  aaant  dancevr  s,  m. 

Leader  or  guyder  —  condactevr  s,  m. 

Leeden  mail  —  malliet  a  plomb  z,  m. 

Lefetenant  —  lievtenant  s,  m. 

Lees  pasture  —  clos  de  hays,  va. 

Leafe  of  a  tree  or  herbe  —  foeille  s,  (. 

Leafe  of  a  boke  — foeiUel  z,  m. 

Leafe  of  paper  — foeille  de  papier  s,  f. 

Lefenesse  —  cheretè  z,  (. 

Leûe  hande  —  mayn  gavche  i ,  f.  ;  mayn   sc- 

Lefe  or  yvell. 

Leftnesse  —  gavcheté  z,  {. 
Lefulnesse  —  leciteté,  loissebleté  z,  t. 
Lcgalion  a  message  —  légation  s,  t. 
Legge  — jambe  s,{. 

Legge  harnesse  —  greues,  f 

Légale  —  légat  z,  m. 

Legge  fro  the  kne  lo  ihe  foie. 

Legelorde  —  souerayn  liège  s,  m. 

Leage  two  myle  —  lieve  s,  L 

Légende  —  légende  s,  f. 

Légion  —  légion  s,  (. 

Leyser —  loisir  5,  m.;  uacation  s,  f. 


Leaning  to  — adhésion  Sj(. 

Leke  an  herbe  —  porreav  x,  m. 

Lembyke  for  a  slyllatorie  —  lembic  z,  f. 

Lemman  —  concubine  s,  f.  ;  amovreuse  s,  f 

Lenenessc  —  maigreté,  maigresse  s,  f. 

Lenenesse  of  mannes  body  —  maigrise  s,  (. 

Length  of  aman — longuevr  s,  f.  ;  estant  s,  ai. 

Lenglh  of  any  Ihyng  —  longevr  s ,  (. 

Lenarde  a  byrde  —  linette  s,  f 

Leanyng  place  —  apvy  s,  m. 

Leanyng  stoke  —  appuial  x,  m. 

Lent  a  holy  tymc  —  quaresme  s,  m. 

Leoparde  a  beest  —  leopart  s,  m. 

Leye  to  take  fysshe  —  nasse  a  prendre  poyson 

Lepe  or  starte  —  savlt  z,  m.;  course  s,  f. 
Lepe  a  skyppe  —  sault  z,  m. 
Lepeyere  —  bisexie  s,  f. 
Lepar  a  sickeman  —  lasdre  s,  m. 
Lèpre  the  sickenesse  —  lasdrerie  z,  f. 
Lepe  or  a  basket  —  corbeille  s,  f. 
Lernyng  or  correctyon  —  discipline  s,{. 
Lernyng  erudytion  —  ensignement,  Utleralure. 
Leske  by  the  belly  —  ayne  s,  f 
Leasshc  for  a  greyhounde — lesse  s,  f. ;  lais,  m. 
Lesson  —  leçon  s,  f. 
Leiany  prayer  —  letanye  z ,  i. 
Let  or  leltyng  —  empeschement  s,  m.;  obstacle 

s,  m. 
Letter  —  lettre  s,  t.;  escripture  s,  f. 
Lettre  of  raarke  —  lettre  de  martfue  s,  C 
Leltar  or  hyndrer  —  empescheir  s,  m. 
Letters  patentes  —  lettres  patentes,  f. 
Lethcr  —  cvir  s,  m. 
Lelher  hungrye  —  cvir  bovlly  s,  m. 
Lethcr  dyer  —  taincturier  de  cvir  s,  m. 
Leltes  an  herbe  —  leclus,  f 




Lettyce  a  furre  —  letice  s,  f. 

Letters  of  credence  —  lettres  de  créance ,  f. 

Lettyng  of  blode  —  seignee  s,  f. 

Lettyng  of  any  thyng  —  obhumbration  s,  f. 

Leude  trere  —  bovrdican  s,  m. 

Leude  worde  —  entresajn. 

Leudnesse  • —  mauluaiseté  z,  f. 

Leave  lycence  —  congé  s,  m. 

Leven  for  bredde  —  leaayn  s,  m. 

Leure  for  a  Iiauke  —  levrre  s,  m. 

Levell  a  ruler  —  niaeav  x,  m. 

Lever  of  a  man  or  beest  — foye  s,  m. 

Leaver  to  lyfte  with  —  levier  s,  m. 

Leveret  a  yong  hare  —  leueravlt  œ ,  m. 

Leavyng  of  —  intermission  s,  f. 

L    BEFORB    I. 

Lyberalyte  —  liberaleté  z,  f. 

Lyaunce  kynred  ■ —  aliance  s ,  f. 

Lybertie  leave  — faculté  z,  f.  ;  liberté  z,  f. 

Lybertic  frcdome  — franchise  s,  t. 

Lycorice  rote  —  reclice  s,  f. 

Lycence  leave  —  licence  s,  f. 

Lycoure  —  substance  s,  f. 

Lycouresman  — friant,  lechevr  s,  m. 

Lycouresnesse  — friandise  s,  t. 

Lydde  of  the  eye  —  paulpiere  s,  f. 

Lydde  of  a  cuppe  or  potle  —  cotaeleque  s ,{. 

Lyse  of  wyne  —  lyc  s,  î. 

Lye  to  wasshe  with  —  lessiae  s,  f. 

Lye  a  false  taie  —  baae  s,  f.;  losange  s,  {.; 
mensonge  s,  m.;  contrevue  s,  f. 

Lyer  —  lierre  s,  m.;  mentetr  s,  m. 

Lyfc  —  aie  s,  f. 

Lyftyng  up  in  Lonoure  —  exaltation  s,  f. 

Lyftyng  up  of  the  voyce  —  accent  s,  m. 

Lyght  —  lamicre  s,  f. ;  Ivevr  s,  t. 

Lyghier  a  great  bote  —  batteav  x,  m.;  tronc 
z,  m. 

Lyght  grene  popyngay  coloure  —  uertgay 
z,  m. 

Light  horse  —  chenal  legier  x,  m. 

Lightes  in  the  body  —  ralte  s,  f. 

Lightnesse  of  understandyng  — facilité  d'enten- 
dement z,  {. 

Lightnesse  quyetnesse  —  legieretè  :,  f. 

Lightnyng  wban  it  ihondreth  —  esclere  s, m.; 
coruscation  s,  f. 

Lightnyng  of  burdayne  —  alegement  s,  m,; 
allégeance  s,  f. 

Lyeng  in  chyldebedde  —  acouchement  s,  m. 

Lyeng  in  wayte  —  aguaylance  s,  f. 

Likelyhode  —  aparence  s,  f. 

Likelynesse  —  ueresimililude  s,  f. ;  semblableté 

Likelynesse  of  body  —  semblance  s,  f. ;  habi- 
tude s,  f. 

Likelynesse  or  towardnesse  —  indole  s,  m. 

Likelynesse  of  a  thyng  that  maye  happen  — 
possibilité  z,  t. 

Lynage  —  lignaige  s,  m. 

Lynde  a  tree. 

Lyne  a  rope  —  corde  s,  t. 

Lynen  clothe  —  toille  s,  f 

Lyngell  that  souters  sowe  with  —  chefgros,  m.; 

Lynger  to  sowe  with  —  poalcier. 

Lynge  fysshe  —  colyn  s,  m. 

Lynen  hose  for  a  carter. 

Lyned  gowne  —  robe  doublée  s ,  f. 

Lynyng  of  a  garment  —  doublevre  s,  f. 

Lynke  —  torche  i,  f. 

Lyon  a  he  beest  —  lyon  s,  m. 

Lyonnesse  a  she  beest —  leonesse  s,  (. 

Lyppe  —  bavlieare  s,  f. 

Lycoure  —  li(juevr  s,  f. 

Lyqiiedncsse  —  moystevr  s,  f. 

Lisarde  a  worme  —  lisarde  s,  f. ;  tizarde  s,  I. 

Lyspar  that  lyspeth  — gressievr  s,  m. 

Lyste  on  horsebacke  —  raye  Sj  m. 

Lysle  of  clothe  —  lisière  s,  f. 

Lyste  to  juste  in  —  lice  de  bataille  s,  f. 

Lyste  of  the  eare  —  mol  de  loraylle  s,  m. 

Lythenesse  delyveruesse  —  souplesse  s,  (. 

Lytell  sfreame  —  undette  s,f. 

Lytcll  bell  —  sonnette ,  c'ampane  s,i. 

Lytell  bell  for  a  horselrapper  — clochette  s,  f. 

Lytell  broke  —  n<isselet  z,  m. 

Lytell  chese  — fromaige  dengelon  s,  m. 

Lytell  bagge  —  sachet  z,  m. 

Lytell  vyne  that  beareth  grappes — uiynette  s,  1'. 

Lytell  fynger  — petit  doigt  z,  m. 



Lytell  serpent  —  serpenteav  x,  m. 

Lytell  porcyon  of  any  thynge  —  tantinet  z,  m. 

Lytell  coffre  a  focer  —  cojrel  z,  m. 

Lytell  shelde  —  targette  s,  f. 

Lytell  visage  —  troignetle  s,  f. 

Lytell  vermyne —  uerminette  s,  (. 

Lytell  ryver  —  riaieretle  s,  f. 

Lytell  table  —  tableau  x,m. 

Lytell  paresball  —  estevf  z,  m. 

Lytell  chery  —  cerlselte  s,  f. 

Lytell  Ïambe  —  aignelet  z,  m. 

Lytell  lane  —  alee,  raellette  i,  f. 

Lytell  cornar  —  anglet  z,  m. 

Lytell  bowe  —  arckelet  z,  m. 

Lytell  guyrdell  —  ceincturette  s,  f. 

Lytell  songe  —  chansonnette  s,  f. 

Lytell  pratye  thyng  —  chosetle  s,  f. 

Lytell  boke —  libelle,  liaret  z,  m. 

Lytell  lodge  —  logette  s,  f. 

Lytell  hoase  —  maisonnette  s,f. 

Lytell  teale  —  mamellette  s,  f. 

Lytell  flye  —  mouchette  s,  f. 

Lytell  bote  —  nassellette  s,  f. 

Lytell  goddes  —  nimphette  s,  (. 

Lytell  byrde  —  oyselet  z,  m. 

Lytell  spangle  — paillette  s,  f. 

Lytell  sheparde — pastoureau  x,m. 

Lytell  woode  —  petit  bois,  m. 

Lytell  fether  —  plamette  s ,  (. 

Lytell  fysshe  —  poissonnette  s,  f. 

Lytell  boughe  —  rainceau  x,  ni. 

Lytell  rayne  for  a  borse  —  regnette  s ,  I'. 

Lytelnesse  of  degré  —  petitesse  s,  f. 

Lylter  or  strawe  —  dessoabz,  strayne ,  litliere 

s,  f. 
Lyvelode  rent  —  reuenve,  mise,  reuenves  s,  f. 
Lyveray  gyven  of  a  gentylraan  —  liaeree  s,  f. 
Lyveryng  podyng  —  bovdin  s,  m. 
Lyver  of  a  beest — foye  s,  m. 
Lyverworte  an  berbe. 

L    BEFOBE    0. 

Lodc  for  a  horse  or  man  —  charge  s,'(.; portée 

Lode  for  a  carte  —  chartee  z,  (. 
Lodge  —  loge  s,  (, 

Lodge  covered  with  leaves  — fveillee  s,  f. 
Lodesman  of  a  sbippe  —  pilotte  s,  m. 
Lodge  made  of  bowes  —  hameau  x,  m. 
Lofte  in  buyldyng  or  a  stage  —  estaige  s,  m. 
Loftc  for  baye  or  corne  —  garnier  s,  m.  ; 

grandie,  grange  s,  f. 
Lofe  of  bredde  —  payn  s,  m. 
Logge  of  wode  —  bvche  s,  (.;  sovche  s,{. 
Logyssion —  logitien  s,  m. 
Loyne  of  flessbe  —  longe  s,  {. 
Loyterar  —  trvandeu  s,  m. 
Loyteryng — trvandise  s,{. 
Locke  of  a  dore  —  serrure  s,  f. 
Locke  of  a  womans  heer  — flocquon  s,  m. 
Lockesniytlie  — serrvrier  s,  m. 
Locke  of  béer  —  locquet,  crin,  z,  m. 
Locke  of  bey  or  wolle —  locquet  z,  ra. 
Locker  of  a  cupbourde  —  tirover  s,  m. 
Lokyng  beholdyng — aspect  z,m.;esgart  s,m. 
Loke  —  ueve  s,  f.;  regart  s,  m. 
Lokyng  for  a  thyng  —  actente  s,  f. 
Lope  to  holde  a  clapse  in  or  a  button^ — fer- 

meau  x,  m. 
LoUar  —  hérétique  s,  m. 
Lomé  a  frame  —  mestier  s,  m. 
Lomc  claye  —  argille  s,  f. 
Lomé  a  vessell  to  pulte  aie  in. 
Londe  uniaboured  —  terre  en  friche  s,  f. 
Londe  lyvelode —  demaine  s,  m.;  terres,  (. 
Londes  —  terres,  f. 
Longe  wande   suche   as    fauconners   use    — 

gavlle  s,  f. 
Longe  quyll  to  socke  wyne  with  —  chalemeau 

X,  m. 
Longer  or  ligbtes  —  poulmon  s,  m. 
Longe  gowne  —  robe  longue  s,  f. 
Long  bowe  —  arc  z ,  m. 

Longegonne — Jlevste ,  coquarde  s,  t. 
Longe  trumpe  to  sbote  rounde  pellettes  with 

—  sarbacane  s,  t. 
Lopstar  a  fysshe —  chancre  s,  m. 
Longnesse  —  longevr  s,(. 
Lorde  sir  —  seignevr  s,  m. 
Lorde  a  barowne  —  toron  s,  m. 
Lordelynesse  — •  seignorievselé  z,  {, 


Lordshippe  —  seignevrie  z ,  (. 

Lordshyppe — preheminence  s,  f.  ;  domination 

Lorrel  or  losell  — fetart  s,  m.  ;  loricart  s,  m. 
Loreniar  Ihat  maketb  byttes —  esperonnier  s,  m. 
Losse  —  perle  s,  f. 
Losange  of  spyce  —  losange  s ,  f. 
Losyng  —  perdition  s ,  f. 
Lothsomnesse  —  ennvy  s,  m.; fâcherie  s,  f. 
Lotie  a  culte  —  sort  s,  ni. 
Lotte  or  shotte  — escot  z ,  m. 
Lover  that  loveth  — amant,  amouretx ,  m. 
Loveache  an  herbe. 
Loweplace  —  abjsme  s,  f. 
Lowe  sonday  —  Quasimodo  s ,  f. 
Lowe  water  —  teave  basse  s,  f. 
Lowlynesse  —  obéissance  s,  f. 
Louse  a  beest  —  pov  x,  m. 
Loudnesse  —  haaltesse  s,  t. 
Love  —  zèle  s,  m.  ;   amour  s,    f.  ;    affection , 

amiableté  z,{. 
Loveday  to  make  frendes — appointement  s,  m. 
Lover  a  man  —  amouretu;,  va. 
Lover  a  woman  —  amourevse  s,  f. 
Lover  of  a  bail  —  esclere  s,  f. 
Lovyng  praysing  —  louenge  s,  f. 
Lovyng  countenaunce  —  acveil  s,  m. 
Loure  an  yvell  loke  —  renfroigne,  rechignee  s,  f. 
Lownesse  —  bassevr  s,  f. 
Lowe  counlree — plat  pais  s,  m. 
Loupe  in  atownc,  wall  or  castell  — créneau  x,  m. 
Loupe  to  holde  a  button  — fermeau  x,  m . 
Lowring  —  refroignevre  s,  f. 
Lowringnesse  of  tbe  wether  —  somhrerseté  s,  f. 
Lousynesse  —  povillerie  s,(. 
Louttyng  of  a  cougbe  —  mugissement  s,  m. 

L  BEFonr.  U. 

Luce  a  fysshe  —  lus,  m. 

Lure  for  an  bauke  —  levrre  s,  m. 

Lucke  bappe  —  hevr  s,  m. 

Luke  happe  —  hevr  s,  m. 

Lucke  wynnyng  —  encontre  s,  m. 

Lumpe  a  gobbet  —  chanteav  x,  m. 

Lunge  in  the  body  —  poulmons,  ni. 

Lurcher  an  exceding  eatcr  —  galiff^re  s,  m. 


Lurdayne  —  lovrdavlt  x,  m. 

Lurke  an  herbe. 

Luske  a  vyle  parsone  —  rihavlt  z,  m.;  esclaue , 

lovrdavlt  x,  m. 
Lustc  as  women  wilh  chylde  hâve  —  enuyce s,î. 
Luste  plcasure  —  delyl  z,  m.;uoluplé  z,  f. 
Lute  an  instrument  —  lus,  lucque  s,  m. 
Lutestryng  —  cordeav,  cordon  de  lus,  m. 
Lutar  — joverrde  lus  s,  m. 

M  DEFORE    A. 

Maie  to  put  stuffe  in  —  niasle  s,  (. 

Mare  a  she  beest — jvment  s,(. 

Mace  for  a  sergiant  —  masse  s,  f.  ;  mace  s,  f. 

Mace  Spyce  —  mace  s,  f. 

Matchc  of  lyke  strength  —  sorlable  s,  m. 

Mac(pierell  a  fysshe  —  macquerel  s,  m. 

Maddre  an  herbe  —  garence  s,  f. 

Madnesse  folye  —  enragerie  z,  f.;  rage ,  amenée, 

forcennerie ,  raige  s,  f. 
Magycke  a  scyence  —  magicque  s,  f. 
Magestie  —  majesté  s,  f. 
Magistrale  dignyte  —  magistrat  z,  m. 
Maggotte  —  uer  de.  chair  s,  m. 
Magudcr  a  stalke  of  an  herbe  —  chion  s,  m. 
Mayea  moneth  —  may  s,  m. 

Maydcn  a  lover  —  amovrette  s,  f. 
Maydc  of  the  mankynde  — paceui  x,  m. 
Mayde  of  the  womankynde  — pucelte  s,  f. 
Mayde  a  servaunt  —  ancelle  s ,  f. 
Mayde  a  servaunt  —  chambrière  s,  f. 
Mayde  a  drudge  —  meschine  s,  f. 
Maydenheed  virginité  —  pucellagc  s,  m. 
Maydes  twynnes — jumelles,  f. 
Mayle  of  a  lialburjon  —  maille  s,  f. 
Mayle  that  receyvetb  the  claspe  of  a  gowne  inlo 

it  —  porte  s,  i. 
Mayle  of  a  hauke  —  greuelure  s,  f. 
Maymer  of  men  —  mvtilaievr  s,  m. 
Mayntenaunce  —  maintenement  s,  m, 
Mayntenyng  — port  s,  m  ;  assertion  s,  f.  ;  entre- 

tenement  s,  m.;  sapportation  s,  {.;  fulcement 

s,  m. 
Maynesayle — papephis,  m. 
Maystresse  —  uoilte  s,  f. 




Maynelande  —  terre  ferme  s,  (. 

Majster  —  maistre  s,  m. 

Maystresse  —  maistresse  s,  f. 

Maystry  done  by  delyvcrnesse  —  unif  tovr  de 
souplesse  s,  m.;  apperlise  s,  (. 

Maker  of  haye  to  cockes  —  entassevr  de  foyng 
s ,  m. 

Maker  of  bosses  of  bridelles  —  lormier  s,  m. 

Maker  of  naylles  —  clovtier  s,  m. 

Maker  of  horse  coUcrs  —  bovrrellier  s,  m. 

Maker  of  lathes — faisevr  de  lattes  s,  m. 

Maker  of  brasen  pottes  —  brasier  s,  m. 

Maker  of  Spaynysshe  purses  — faisevr  de  bav- 
driers,  bavdrier  s,  m. 

Maker  of  cardes  —  cartier  s,  m. 

Maker  of  walles  — faisevr  de  pais  s,  m. 

Maker  of  engynnes —  engignevr  s,  m. 

Maokerell  a  fysshe  —  macqaereav  x,  m. 

Makyng  of  a  thyng  — façon  s,  f.  ;  facture  s,  f. 

Makyng  confectyon  —  confiture  s,  f. 

Makyng  worse  a  thyng  —  deprauation  s,  f. 

Makyng  — facyon  s,  f. 

Makyng  redy  —  parure  s,  f.;  aprest  z,  m. 

Makyng  good  of  a  thyng  —  aduev  x,  m.;  appro- 
bation s,  f. 

Malady  a  disease  —  maladie  s,  f.  ;  malaise  s,  f. 

Malandric,  sicknesse  —  malandre  s,  f. 

Maiarde ,  a  byrde  —  canart  s,  m. 

Malandre  —  malandre  s,  f. ;  serot  z,  ni. 

Maie  or  wallet  to  putte  geare  in  —  malle  s,  f. 

Malencoly  —  merancolye  z,  f. 

Maie  no  female  —  masle  s,  m. 

Maie  gote  —  bovc  z,  m. 

Malyce  —  malice  s,  f. 

Malkyn  for  an  ovyn  — fovrgon  s,  ni. 

Mail  a  havy  weapen  —  massue  de  plomb  ,  mail- 
let z,  m. 

Mail  a  hammer  —  maillet  z,  m. 

Malt —  orge  parée  s,  f. 

Malowe  an  herbe  —  mavue  s,  f. 

Mancypie  —  despensier  s,  m. 

Man  a  tbefe  —  larrons,  m.;  félon  s,  m. 

Man  enheritour  —  héritier  s,  m. 

Man  ,  a  persone  —  homme  s,  m. 

Man  excellyng  of  his  parsonage.  —  paragon  s,  m. 

Man  beyng  a  mayde  —  paceau  x,  m. 

Man  lover  —  amant  s,  m. 

Man  twise  maryed  —  bigames,  m. 

Man  borne  in  Britayne  —  Brilon  s,  m. 

Mandrake  an  herbe  —  mandeglaire  s,  f.  i 

Man  cowarde  —  couart  z,  m. 

Man  of  warre  —  gens  darme  s,  m. 

Maane  of  a  horse  —  crine  s,  f.;  crin  s,  m. 

Man  that  is  handefast — fiance  s,  f. 

Manner  a  dwellyng  place  —  maison  de  plai- 
sance s,  f. 

Maner  facyon  or  guyse — façons,  f. 

Maner  custome  —  mode,  manière  s,  f. 

Maner  or  ende  — fyn  s,  f  ;  acustumance  s,  f. 

Maners  condycions  —  mevrs,  f. 

Maner  —  manyere  s,  f. 

Man  tliat  hath  many  properties  —  mixt  z,  m. 

Man  governour —  dominatevr  s,  m. 

Mangnet  a  precious  stone. 

Man  of  housholde  —  domesticque  s,  m. 

Magnificence  —  magnificence  s,  f. 

Man  that  iy veth  sole  —  solitaire  s,  m . 

Macslar  —  cocquetier  s,  m. 

Manhode  —  humanité  z,  f. 

Man  nourse  —  novrricier  s,  m. 

Man  pledge  —  hostagier. 

Manycolours  —  multicolore. 

Man  that  kepeth  a  taverne  —  tauernier  s,  m. 

Man  of  Turkey  —  Turc  z,  m. 

Maner  condycion  —  manière  s,  f. 

Mancypie  —  manciple  s,  m. 

Man  that  forsaketh  his  order  —  apostat  z,  m. 

Man  of  armes,  a  horse  man  —  lanœ  s,  ni. 

Man  that  is  fuU  of  stryfe  —  mutyn  s,  m.  , 

Man  of  lawe  —  homme  de  loy  s,  m.  ;  homme  de 
robe  longue  s,  m. 

Man  that  counterfayteth  a  pytuous  face  —  mar- 
mixtevx,  m. 

Man  of  warre  —  homme  de  guerre  s,  m. 

Man  that  useth  magicke  —  magicien  s,  m. 

Man  that  commytteth  the  synne  of  Sodome  — 
sodomitc  s,  m. 

Man  that  rydeth  on  a  genette — genetoire  s,m. 

Man  that  loketh  a  squynt  —  lovche  s,  m. 

Man  with  a  morres  pike  —  picquier  s,  m. 

Man  a  venturer  —  uenturier  s,  va. 

Man  that  hath  pencion  —  pencionaire  s,  m. 



Man  syngar —  chantre  s,  m. 

Man  sheparde  —  pastevr  s,  m. 

Mankyadc  —  genre  hunuiyn  s,  m. 

Manger  for  a  horse  —  mangoyre  s,  f. 

Maners  condycions  —  ntevrs,  t. 

Mannes  yarde  —  uil  z,  m. 

Manquellar  —  mevrlrier  s,  m. 

Mayme  burte  —  rejoullevre  s,  f. 

Mantyll  —  manteau  x,  m.  ;  mante  s,  f. 

Mantyll  a  gaberdyne —  gauerdine  s,  f. 

Mantyltre  of  a  chymney  —  manteav  dune  che- 
minée X ,  m. 

Mantry   of  a  cbimney  —  manteav  de  cheminée. 

Maple  tree. 

Marble  slone  —  pierre  de  marbre  s,  f. 

Marbie  colour. 

Marsball  of  the  hall  — mareschalx,  ni. 

Marshalshyppe  —  marchalcee  s,  t. 

Marchaunt  —  marchant  s,  m. 

Marcbaundyse  —  marchandise  s,  f. 

Marcbe,  a  moneth  —  mars,  va. 

Marcbes  bylweue  Iwo  landes  — frontières,  f. 

Marcury  an  herbe. 

Mare  a  she  beest — jvment  s,  f. 

Maresse  — palustres,  f. ;  marescaige  s,  m. 

Margery  perle  —  nacle  s,  m. 

Margerome  genlyll  an  herbe  —  maijolayne  s,f.; 
margeline  s,  f. 

Margyn  or  brinke  of  any  thyng  —  borl  s,  m.; 
riae  s,  f. 

Maryage  —  mariage  s,  m.  ;  nopces ,  espousail- 

Marygolde  a  fleur  —  sousie  :,  f.;  consovkle  s.  f. 

Mary,  a  proper  name  —  Marie  s,  f. 

Mary  in  a  bone  —  moaelle  s,  f. 

Marryner —  maronniers,  m. 

Maryssbe  grounde  —  marescaige  s,  ni. 

Marke  or  bounde  —  marque,  borne  s,  {. 

Marke  or  token  —  marque  s,  f. ;  signe,  ensigne 
s,  m. 

Marke  of  money  —  marc  dargent  s,  ni. 

Marke  of  golde  or  sylver —  marc  s,  m. 

Marke  to  selle  clotlie  witb  —  seav  x,  m. 

Marke  bytwcne  two  places  —  limite  s,  f. 

Market  place  —  marché  s,  m.  ;  halle  s,  f 

Maiie  grounde  —  marie  .s,  f. 

Marlyon  a  bauke  —  esmerillon  s,  m. 

Marmoset  a  beest —  marmoset  z,  m. 

Marnioll  a  sore  —  lovp  z,  m. 

Marques  —  marquis,  m. 

Marquesdom  —  marquisat  z,  m. 

Martylmas  befe  —  brezil  z,  m. 

Marlynel  a  byrde —  martinet  z,  m. 

Marlerne  a  beest  —  martre  s,  m. 

Martyr  —  martyr  s,  m. 

Martyrdome  —  maTtires,m. 

Marveyle  —  meruaylle  s,  f. 

Masar  of  woode — masiere  s,  f.  ;  hanap  z,  m. 

Masydnesse  —  musardie  s,  f.  ;  desuere  s,  f.  ;  ef- 

froy  s,  m. 
Masclyne  brasse. 
Masse  that  is  songe  —  messe  s,  f. 
Massyfnesse  —  solidité  z,  f. 
Masson  —  masson  s,  m. 
Masonrie  —  massonnerye  s,  f. 
Maistresse  —  maistresse  s,  f. 
Maste  of  a  shippe  —  mast  s,  m. 
Maister —  maistre  s,  m. 
Mayster  of  arte  —  maistre  en  ars,  m. 
Mayster  of  the  horses  —  escvier  de  escvirie  s,  va. 
Mayster  of  the  benshmen  —  escvier  de  pages 

dhonnevr  s,  m. 
Mayster  of  a  princes  prevy  kechyn — escvier  de 

cvisine  s,  m. 
Mayster  of  the  revelles  — factevr  s,  m.  \fatiste 

s,  m. 
Maste  for  hogges  —  novriture  a  povrceaiix  s,  f, 
Mastyke  spyce  —  mastic  s,  m. 
Mastyfe  dogge  —  mastin  s,  m.;  dogue  s,  m. 
Matche  of  brimstone  —  mèche  s,  f. 
Malche  to  iyght  a  candell  —  alamette  s,  f. 
Matche  or  weyke  of  a  candell  —  limignon  s,  m. 
Matche  oflyke  sorte  —  pareil  z, m.;  pareille  s,  f. 
Malte  of  strawe  —  natte  s,  f. 
Matte  maker  —  natier  s,  m. 
Mattyns  —  malynes,  î. 

Matter  thaï  a  man  grutcheth  at  —  scrupule  s,  m. 
Matler  tolde  before  anotber  —  prémisse  s,  f. 
Matter  of  a  sore  —  bove  s,  f. 
Matter  ivhan  it  is  bealed. 
Matter  that  a  man  takelh  in  hande  —  povr- 

sryte  s,  f. 





Matter  —  madtrc  s, (.;  cas,  ni. 

Malter  so  clere  as  can  nat  be  avoyded  —  pa- 

remptoire  Sj  m. 
Matler  that  cometh  in  communication  —  inci- 
dent s,  m. 
Mattocke  —  hoiav,  picq  z,  m. 
Maîtresse  for  a  bedde  —  martelas,  m. 
Maltresse  for  a  crosbowe  —  marlehis,  m. 
Masciyne  corne. 

Maunche  présent —  briffavlt  z,  m. 
Mawe  of  a  beest  — jovsier  s,  m. 
Maugry  —  malgré  s,  m.;  maltalenl  s,  m, 
Mavys  a  byrde  —  mavuis,  m. 
Maument —  mamosel  z,  ni.  ;  poupée  s,  i. 
Maumenlry  —  baguenavlde  s,  f. 
Maundy  thursday  — j<x<fy  absolv  s,  m. 

M    BEFORE    E. 

Meale  of  raeate  —  repast  z,  m. 

Mcane  of  a  songe  —  moyen  j,  m. 

Measure  of  tno  gallons  —  sexlier  s,  m. 

Mecher  a  lylell  ihefe  —  laronceav  x,  m. 

Mede  drinke  —  boyllon  s,  m. 

Mede  rewarde  —  guerdon  s,  m. 

Medefulnesse  —  mérite  s,f. 

Medycine  tbat  movelh  a  man  to  slepe  —  sopo- 

rijere  s,  m. 
Medycine  —  antidote  s,  m.;  medicjne  s,  (. 
Medytation  —  méditation  s,(. 
Mcdowe  felde  —  preav  x,m.;praierie  s,  f. 

Medowe  swete  herbe. 

Mediarfrute  —  mesple,  nejle  s,  f. 

Mediar  tree  —  mesplier,  nejlier  s,  m. 

.Medley  colour  —  melU  s,  f. 

Medwyfe  —  saige  femme  s ,  f. 

Megre  a  sickenesse —  maigre  s,  (. 

Meyre  of  a  towne  —  govucrnevr  s,  m. 

Mekenesse — humilité  z,   f.;   clémence,  hum- 
blesse  s,  f. 

Meale  of  corne  — farine  s,  f. 

Meale  of  uieate  —  repast  s,  m. 

Melancoiy  testysnesse  —  melencolie  s,  f. 

Melody  —  melodye  z,  f.  ;  modulation,  armonie 
s,  T. 

Melody  played  in  a  mornynge —  reueil  z,  m. 

Melodyousnesse  —  mélodie  s,  f. 

Melowuesse  —  mevretè  z,  f. 

Membre  —  membre  s,  m. 

Meraorye  —  mémoire  s,  f. 

Menewe  a  fysshe  —  mevnier  s,  m. 

Mcanyng  —  pensement  s,  m.  ;  pensée  z,  f. 

Meane  awaye  —  moyen,  achoison  s,  m. 

Mendes  for  a  trespas  —  amende  s,  f. 

Meane  a  parle  of  a  songe  —  moyen  s,  m. 

Meny  a  housbolde  —  menye  z,  f. 

Meny  of  plantes  —  plantaige  s,  m. 

Mendycanle  an  order  of  frères  —  mendicant. 

Mendemeut  —  amendement  s,  m. 

Men  of  armes  —  gens  darmes  ,  ni . 

Mentyon  —  mention  s,  f 

Mercer  —  grossier,  mercier  s,  m. 

Mercery  —  merceryc  s ,  f . 

Mercy  —  grâce  s,  f.  ;  mercy  s,  f. 

Mercyfulnesse — pilie  s,  f. 

Mearmayde  —  serayne  s,  ï. 

Mère  a  water  —  gort  s,  m. 

Mery  taunt — lardon  s,  m. 

Meryjestea  ryddle  —  sornette  s,  f. 

Merinesse  — joieuseté  z,  f. 

Meryle  a  deservyng  —  mérite  s,  f. 

Merlyng  fyssbe  —  merlus,  m. 

Merlyon  a  hauke  —  esmerillon  s,  m. 

Merle  grounde  —  marie  s,  f. 

Merser  that  selleth  ware  —  grossier  s  ,  m. 

Mère  sauce  for  flesshe  —  savlmvre  s,  f 

Merveyle  —  mcraaille  s,  f. 

Message  —  message  s.  m. 

Message  that  an  imbassadoure  is  charged  with 

—  légation  s,  f.  ;  ambassade  s ,  f . 
Mesyll  a  sicke  man  —  meseav  s ,  m. 
Mesyll  the  sickenesse  —  mesellerie  s,  f 
Messe  —  messe  s,  (. 
Messe  of  meale  —  mes,  plat  z,  m. 
Messangfcr  —  messagier  s,  m. 
Mesllyon  corne.  * 


Meson  sayle of  a  shyppe  —  mysayne  s,  f. 
Mestresse  —  maistresse  s,  f. 
Measure  of  oies  or  suchelyke — picquolin  s,  m. 
Measure  —  mesure  s,(. 
Measuryng  —  dimention  s,  f. 
Meale  ^ — ■  uiandc  s,{. 



Meate  of  any  frule  —  le  bon  s ,  m. 

Metall  —  mctal  x,m. 

Mètre  verse  —  mètre  s,  m, 

Mevyng  of  ones  mynde  —  concitation  s,  f. 

Mcvyngofbody  —  moiuement  s,  m.;  agilalion, 

commotion ,  motion  s,  f. 
Mewe  for  }iaukes  —  meae  s,  f. 

M    BEFORE    I. 

Micliar  —  hvissonnier  s,  m. 

Micher  a  lyteli  thefe  —  iarronceav  x,  m. 

Mydnighl  —  mynvyt  z,  m. 

Mydsonier  —  fa  sainct  Jehan  s,  t. 

Myddle  fyngre. 

Myddle  or  waste  of  a  body — faclx  du  corps,  m. 

Myddle  of  the  day  —  midj  s,  m. 

Myddes  of  a  thyng  —  miliev  x,  m. 

Myddes  porte  of  a  rounde  serclc  —  centre  s,  m. 

Myddes  parle  of  a  channell  —  le  fd  dune  riuiere. 

Mydnight  —  minvit  z,  m. 

Mydrife  a  beest  —  enlrailles  f. 

Mydsomer  —  la  sainct  Jehan  s,  f. 

Myre  dyrte  —  bove,  fange  s,  f. 

Mignyon  —  mignon  s,  m. 

Mignyonnesse  —  mignotise  s,  f. 

Migrym  a  sickenesse  — chagrin  s,  m.;  maigre. 

Migbt  strengtb  —  effort  s,  m.  ;  puissance  s,  f. 

Migblynesse  —  povuoir  s,  m. 

Migbeimas  —  la  sainct  Michelle  j,  f. 

Migbeil  a  proper  name  —  Michiel  z,  m. 

Myidewe  —  niehle  s,  f. 

Myldnesse  —  paisibleté  z,  (. 

Myle  —  miliaire  s,  f.  ;  demy  lieue  s,  f. 

Myll  —  movUn  s,  m. 

Myller  —  musnier  s,  m. 

Mylfoyle  an  berbe. 

Myilyon  3  nombre  —  milion  s ,  ni. 

MylloD  a  frute  —  melon  s ,  m. 

Mylke  —  laict  s,  m. 

Mylche  cowe  —  uache  a  laict  s ,  {. 

Mylstonc  —  mevlle  de  movlin  s,  f. 

Myll  trougbe  or  broke  —  ange  s,  f. 

Mylldamnie  —  escluse  de  movlin  s,  {. 

Myllers  thombe  a  fysshe  —  chabot  i ,  m. 

Myltc  ia  a  beest  —  ratte  s,  f. 

Mylle  a  fysslie  —  la  laicte  s,  f.  ;  laicte  de  poisson. 

Mynde  —  pensée  s,  f.;  entendement  s,  m. 

Myne  in  the  grounde  —  myne  s,  f. 

Myndfulnesse  —  pencec  s,  f. 

Myner  under  the  grounde  — pionnier  s,  m. 

Mynistration  —  minislration  s,  f. 


Mynistrer  of  justyce  —  droicturier  s,  ni. 

Mynyin  in  song  —  minime  s,  f. 

Mynkes  a  furre  —  minques  s,  f. 

Mynute  of  an  boure  —  minute  s,  f. 

Mynster  a   great  churche  —  maistresse  esglise 

s,  f.  ;  monstier  s,  m. 
Mynstrell  —  menestrier  s,  m. 
Mynt  money  —  plate  de  la  monoye  s,  f. 
Mynl  an  herbe  —  mente  s,  f. 
Mirabolon  a  frute  —  niirabolan  «,  f. 
My racle  —  miracle  s ,  m. 
Myrre  tree  —  larbre  qui  porte  la  mirre. 
Myrre  gomme  —  myrre  s ,  f. 
Myrlbe  —  liesse  s,{. 
Mysbeleve  —  mescreance  s,  f. 
Mysbebavour  —  nusprison  s,  {. 
Myschaunce  —  desfortune  s,  f.j  meschance  s,  f. 
Mysdede  —  meffaict  2 ,m. 
Mysadventure  —  maladuenture  s,  f. 
Mysfortune — desfortane  s,  (.  ;  malenconlre  s,  f. 
Mysknowyng  —  descognoissance  s,  f. 
Mysorder  —  desordonnance  s,  f.  ;  désordre  1,  m. 
Mysguyding  —  desroy  s,  m. 
Myschefe  —  meschief  z,  m. 
Misery  —  niiscrc  s,  f. 
Mystakyng  of  a  man  selfe  or  niyspride  —  oui- 

trecvidance  s,  f. 
Mysease  —  mesaise  s,f. 
Myst  in  the  mornyng  —  brouillas,  m. 
Mystery  —  mistere  s,  m. 
Mysusing  —  abvs,m.;  abasion  s,ï. 
Myrthejoye — joyeaseté  z ,{.;  exultation  s,i'. 
Mystnist  —  suspecon  s,  f.  ;  snspectinn  s,  f. 
Mystrustyng  —  dejjiance  s,{. 
Myte  the  Icest  coyne  that  is  —  pite  s,  f. 
Mytein  chese  —  myle  s,  f. 
Myrtbe   pleasure — fesliuité  z,  f. ;   hilarité  z, 

f.\joye  s,{. 
Mytayne  —  mitayne  s,{.\  mitaigne. 
Myter  for  a  bysshoppe —  nàtre  s,  f. 



Miïtyng  toguyder  —  mixture  s,  {. 

Mixtion  of  thynges — mixtion  s,  î.;  confusion  s,  f. 

M   BEFORE    0. 

Mocker  a  scorner —  mocquevr  s,  m. 
Mockyng  or  skornyng  —  dérision  s,  f.  ;  itlasion 

Mocquery  —  mocquerie  s,  f. 
Mother  —  nifrr  s,  f. 
Moder  a  disease  —  marry  s,  m. 
Mother  in  lawe  —  marrastre  s,  f. 
Moderatyon  —  modération  s,  (. 
Moderworte  —  alvjne  s,(. 
Modynesse  angre  —  attayne  s,  t.;  ire  s,  t. 
Mogworte  —  armoyse  s,  (. 
Moystnesse  —  humevr,  liquevr,  uapevr  j,  f. 
Moysture  —  moistevr  s,  f .  ;  moisturc  s,  f. 
Mockendar  for  chyldre  —  movchover  s,  m. 
Molde  a  forme  —  moule  s,  m. 
Molde  of  the  heede  — fontaine  de  la  teste  s,  {. 
Moidyng  borde  —  ais  a  pestrir  s,  m. 
Mole  a  beest  —  tavlpe  s,  (. 
Moleyne  an  herbe. 
Molet  a  fysshe  —  mulet  t,  m. 
Molehyll  —  motte  de  terre  s,  f. 
Mommery  —  monuMrie  s,  f. 
Monday  —  lundy  s,  m. 
Moone  a  planet  —  lune  s,  f. 
Money  coyne  —  monoye  z,{.;  pecune  s,  (. 
Money  mynt  —  plate  de  la  monoye  s,  f. 
Moneth  —  moys,  m. 

Monke  of  the  charterhouse  —  chartrevx,  m. 
Monke  of  saynt  Benettes  order  —  moync  de 

sainct  Benoit. 
Monkeyabeest —  brouticque  s,  (.-y marmot  z,m. 
Mode  in  a  verbe  —  mevf  z ,  m. 
Monster  a  wonder —  monstre  s,  m. 
More  a  fenne  —  marescage  s,  m. 
Morehen  —  poulie  griache  s,  f. 
Moreyne  dethe  —  mortalité  z,  f. ;  moarine  s,  f. 
Morell  an  herbe. 
Morespycke  —  picque  s,  (. 
Morfewc  a  sickenesse. 
Morkyn  a  beest  —  auortin  s,  m. 
Mormall  a  sore —  lovp  z,  m. 
Morcyde  a  maner  of  play  —  mornijle  s,  f. 

Mornyng  tyde  —  matinée  z,  (.; prime  s ,  f.  ;  ma- 
tin s  ,rr\. 

Morowe  day  — jour  s ,m. 

Morsell  —  morseau  x,  m. 

Morlalnesse  —  mortalité  z,  f. 

Morlar  lo  stanipe  in  —  mortier  s,  m. 

Morler  for  wailes  —  mortier  s,  m. 

Morlesse  of  a  house —  mortaise  s,  f. 

Mortesse  meate. 

Morte  a  fysshe. 

Mosse  Ihat  groweth  on  trees  —  movssc  s,(. 

Mote  a  dytcbe  — fosse  s,{. 

Mote  in  the  sonne  —  pouldre  de  solail  s ,  f. 

Mote  on  a  gowne  or  garment  — povtie  s,  f. 

Mote  blast  of  a  borne. 

Mother  a  bringar  forthe  —  génitrice  s ,  [. 

Mother  in  lawe  —  belle  mère  s,  f. 

Motherly  woman  —  matrone  s,  (. 

Mocion  or  meving  —  motion,  esmotion  s,(. 

Motlcy  colour  —  biguarrure  s,  f. 

Moton  llesshe  —  mouton  s,  m. 

Movable  goodes —  mevbles,  m. 

Movabienesse — mobilité  z,f. 

Movyng  a  man  to  any  purpose  —  persuasion  s, 
f  ;  suasion  s,(. 

Mower  skorner  —  mocqaevr  s,  m. 

Mowe  of  whetc  or  haye  —  malon  defoyn  s,  m. 

Mowe  a  scorne  —  move  s,  f  ;  moe  s,  f. 

Mought  that  eates  clolhcs  - —  uer  de  drap  s,  m. 

Mockedar  for  childre  —  mouchever  s,  m. 

Moule  a  beest  —  talpe  s,  f. 

Moultytude  —  moultilude  s,  (. 

Moulde  a  forme  —  nwulle  s,  m. 

Moulde  of  the  heed  — fontayne  de  la  teste  s,  f. 

Mounlayns  of  Italy  —  Alpes. 

Mountajne  a  hyll  —  montaigne  s,  f. 

Mournyng — gémissement  s,m.;  pluipgt  z,m.; 
dveil  z,  m. 

Mournyng  garment —  habit  de  dveil  s,  ni. 

Mousealylell  beest — sovris,  ù;  mousse  s,  f. 

Mousell  of  a  beest  —  grotng  s.  m.;  moe  s,  f. 

Mouspece  of  an  oxe  —  moujle  s,  f 

Mouseeare  an  herbe. 

Mousell  for  a  beare  or  a  dogge  —  movseau  x,  m . 

Mouselrappe  —  sovricitre  s,  f. 

Monthe  of  a  domme  beest  —  gaeullc  s,  f. 



Mouthc  or  eolre  of  a  thyng  —  emboucheure  s,  f. 
Mouthe  of  a  ryver  —  boacifue  s,  f. 
Mouthe  of  any  thyng  —  bouche  s,  f. 
Mouthfull  —  baufre  s,  f.;  Uppee  s,  f. 

M    BEFORE    U. 

Mue  for  haukes  —  meve  s,  f. 

Mudde  myre  —  uase  s,  f. 

Mucke  —  bove,Jiant  s,  f. 

Mulbery  —  more  s,  f. 

Mulbery  tree  —  marier  s,  m. 

Mule  a  she  beest  —  mule  s,  f. 

Multiplyeng  —  multiplicaûon  s,  f. 

Multyplieng  of  language — altération  s,  (.-yplail 

z,  va. 
Multytude  —  moullitude  s,  f. 
Multytude  of  people  —  tourbe  s,  f. 
Mummar —  mommetir  s,  m. 
Munkey,  a  beest  —  marmot  s,  m. 
Murmuryng  —  murmure  s,  m.  ;  remori  z,  ni. 
Murrey  coiour  —  movrre ,  cramoysy  s,  f, 
Murrey  coiour  or  browne  —  brvnetle  s,  f. 
Mussberon  a  tode  stoie  —  champignon  s,  m. 
Musyke  —  musicjue  s,  f. 
Musyng  feiowc  —  masart  s,  m. 
Musket  a  lytell  bauke  —  mouchet  z,  m. 
Muske  that  smcUeth  —  musqué  s,  m. 
Muscle ,  a  fyssbe  —  movle  s,  f. 
Muscle  shell  —  quoquUle  de  movle  s,  f. 
Muskyn  ,  a  proper  visage  —  musquin  s,  m. 
,  Must  newe  wyne  —  movst  s,  m. 
Mustardc  —  movntarde  s,  {, 
Mustarde  sede  —  nauette  s,  f. 
Mustre  of  barnest  men  —  monstre  s,  f. 
Mustredevyies  coiour  —  yris  mesle  s,  m. 

N    BEFORE   A. 

Nape  of  the  uecke  — fossette  de  la  teste  s,  f. 

Nacyon  —  nacion  s,  f. 

Nagge  a  borse  —  courtaxilt  z,  m. 

Nayle  of  yron  —  clov  x,  m. 

Nayle  of  a  fyngre  —  vngle  s,  f. 

Nayle  of  woil. 

Nakednesse  —  nudité  z,  f. 

Nail  for  a  souter  —  alesjMe  s,  f. 

Nall  maker — faisevr  dalesnes  s,  m. 

Name  famé  — famé  s,  f. 

Name — renom  ij  m. 

Namyog  —  appellance  s,  f.  ;  appellation  s,  f. 

Napkyn  for  tbe  nose  —  nwvchover  s,  m. 

iXapkyn  for  a  borde  —  seruiette  s,{. 

Nappe  a  lytell  siepe  —  repos,  m. 

Naprie  store  of  lynen  —  linge  s,  m. 

Nauquayre  a  kynde  of  instrument —  naquair  s,  f. 

Narracion  —  narration  s,  f. 

Nat  maker  —  nalier  s,  m. 

Narownesse  —  estreissevr  s,  f. 

Naupe  of  tbe  beed  —  canneaa  de  col  x,  m.;  la 

fossette  de  la  teste  s,'  f. 
Nathe  stocke  of  a  whele. 
Nature  or  likelynesse  —  indole  s,  m. 
Nature  —  nature  s,  f. 
Nave  of  a  whele  —  moyevl  z,  xn. 
Navet  rote  —  nauelte  s,  f. 
Navyll  of  tlie  belly  —  nombril  z,  m. 

N    BEFORE  E. 

Neble  of  a  womans  pappe — tout  de  la  manulle 
s ,  m. 

Necessyte  —  soufraité  z,  f.  ;  extrémité  z,  f. 

Nede  —  besoing  z,  m. 

Nécessite  distresse  —  destresse  s,  (. 

Nedynesse  —  souffretté  z,  f. 

Nedyll  of  a  shipmans  compas  —  esgaille  s,  f. 

Nedyll  to  sowe  with  —  aguille  s,  i. 

Neglygence- — négligence  s,  f.  ;  nonchaillance  s,  f. 

Neyce ,  a  kynswoman  —  niepce  s,  f. 

Neigbbour  —  uoysin s,  m.;  proesme  s,  m.;  cou- 
sin s,  m. 

Neigbbour  woman  —  uoisine  s,  f. 

Neighbourhode —  uoisineté  z,  f 

Neyng  of  a  borse  —  hermisement  s,  m. 

Necke  —  col  z,  m. 

NeccoUer  for  a  woman  —  gorgias,  m. 

Neeke  of  a  garment  —  coiet  z,  m. 

Neccoler  —  collet  ;,  m. 

Necbande  —  gorgias,  m. 

Necbande  for  a  woman  —  gorgerette  s,  f. 

Necke  of  a  cappe  —  rebras  dung  bonnet,  m. 

Neppc  an  berbe  —  herbe  de  chat  s,  f. 

Neare  of  a  beest  —  roignon  s,  m . 

Nesyng  with  the  nose  —  estemuemenl  s,  m. 



Necessary  thyng  —  nécessaire  s,  m. 

Nest  of  byrdes —  nyd  doiseaux  s,  m. 

Net  to  catche  tyrdes  wilh  —  tonnelle  s,  f. 

Net  to  lake  fyssbe  —  relz  a  pescker,  {. 

Neates  ledder  —  cordovayn  s,  m. 

Neltyll  a  wede  —  ortye  z,  f. 

Nevewe  a  kynsman  —  nepuev  x,  m. 

Newe  facyon  —  la  novuelle  mode  s,  f. 

Newe  moone  —  novuelle  lune  s,  f. 

Newe  wyne  —  moust  z,  m. 

Newe  yeres  day  —  le  jour  de  lan  s,  m.  ;  le  jour 

des  traînes,  m. 
Newe  jette  —  guise  noaetle  s,  f. 
Newe  yeres  gyfle  —  cslrayne  s,  f. 
Newnesse  —  novueaxlté  z,  f. 
New^le  a  worme —  lisarde  s,  f. 

N    BEFOKE    I. 

Niceuesse  —  cointerie  s,  f.  ;  nicelé  z ,  f. 

Nyckename  —  brocqaarl  s,  m. 

Nigarde  or  nygon  —  chiche  s,  m. 

Nigardoesse  —  escharcelé  z,  f.;  chichelé  z,  f. 

Nigardshyppe  —  parciti  z,  f. 

Night  —  nuycl  z,  f. 

Night  crowe  —  cresserelle  s,  f. 

Night  gnal — singaUe  s,  t. 

Night  watcbe — eschaulnetes. 

Nightyngale  —  rossignol  s,  m.  ;  rossignolet. 

Nightmare  —  goublin  s,  m. 

Nygromancer  —  nigromancien  s,  m. 

Nigromancy  —  nigromantie  z,  {. 

Nimphe  a  goddes  —  nimphe  s,  f. 

Nyt  in  a  mannes  heed  —  lente  s,  f. 

N    BEFOBE   O- 

Noble  of  meney —  noble  s,  m. 
Nobienesse  —  noblesse  s,  f. 
Noddle  of  the  beed  —  coupeaa  de  la  teste  x,  m. 
Noyeng  —  nuisance  s,  f. 
Noyse  of  people  —  tunmlte  s,  m. 
Noyse  —  brait  z,  m. 
Noyse  frayeng  —  castiUe  s,  f. 
Noysomnesse  or  yrkesomnessc  —  ennay  s,  m. 
Nocke  of  a  bowe  —  oche  de  lare  s,  m. 
Nocke  of  a  sbafte  —  oche  de  la  flesche  s,  f.  ;  pe- 
non,  coche,  loche  s,  f. 

Nombre  of  beestes  logyder — bestail  z,  m. 

Nombre  —  nombre  s,  m. 

Noone,  mydday  —  none,  midy  s,  m. 

Noetberde  or  bulberde  —  bovuier  s,  m. 

Nonae  a  relygious  womau  —  nonnain  s,  f. 

Noppe  of  wolle  or  clotbe  —  coilon  de  tapis  s,  m . 

Norisshyng  —  aliment  s,  ni.;  alimentation  s,  f. 

Northe — septentrion  s,  m. 

Northe  parte  or  wynde —  byse  s,  f.  ;  Je  vent  byse, 

septentrion  s,  m. 
Northe  starre  —  pol  articque  s,  m. 
Nose  of  a  man  —  nez,  m. 
Nosegay  —  boucquet  z,  m. 
Nosethrill  —  tendron  du  nez,  m.;  narine  s,  f. 
Notary —  nolayre  s,  m. 
Note  of  songe  —  noue  s,  f. 
Note  a  marke  in  a  boko  —  notte  s,  f. 
Nolhagge  a  byrde  — jaje  s,  f 
Noveity  a  deyntie  —  novuelleté  z,  f. 
Novembre,  a  moneth  — noucmbre  s,  m. 
Nourysshyng  —  nourriture  s,  f. 
Nouche  or  broche  —  afficqaet  z,  m. 
Novyce  a  newe  relygious  persone —  nouice  s,  m. 
Novyce  tyme  —  nouiceme  s,  m. 
Nombre  ofemptie  vesselies — Jastailles,  f. 
Nombre  of  precious  stones  —  pierrerii  s,  f 
Nombre  of  sommes  —  sommage  s,  m. 
Noumbles  of  a  dere  or  beest —  entrailles,  f. 
Nouryce  tbat  fedeth  a  childe  —  novrice  s,  f. 

N    BEFORE  U. 

Nunnc,  a  woman  relygious  —  nonnuyn  s,  f. 
Nutte  tree  —  noyer  s,  m. 

Nutte  tbat  growetb  on  hasylles  —  noixde  boys,  f. 
Nutmygge  spyce  —  noyx  nutscade ,  f. 

0    BEFORE   B. 

Obedyence  —  obéissance  s,  f. 
Objection  an  argument  —  objection  s,  f. 
Oblygacion  —  obligation  s,  f. 
Observaunce  —  obseruance  s,  f. 
Observaunt  frère  —  obseruant  s,  va. 
Observacion  —  obseruation  s,  f 
Obsequies  dirige —  uigiles,  f. 
Obstinatyon  frowardnesse  —  obstination  s,  f. 
Occasyon  to  pyke  a  quareli  —  cauillation  s,  f. 



Occasyon  —  occasion  s,  f.  —  achoison  s,  f. 
Occar  colour  —  ocre  s,  f. 
Occuius  chrisli  an  herbe. 
Occullalyon  hidyng  —  occultation  s,  f. 
Occupation  —  occupation  5,  f.;  entremise  s,  f. 
Octobre ,  a  moneth  —  octobre  s,  m. 
Occur,  reed  colour  —  ocre  s,  m. 
Occupyeng  of  the  mynde  —  méditation  s,  f.;  slu- 
diosité  z ,  f. 

0    BEFORE   D. 

Odeur  savoure —  oudevr  s,  £. 
Odyousnesse  —  hayneaseté  z,  f. 

0    BEFORE    F. 

Offall  of  trees. 

Offence —  offence  s,  f.  ;  crime,  maléfice,  mespri- 

son  s,  f. 
Oflendyng  —  ojfencion  s,  f. 
Oflyce  —  ojice  s,  m. 
Offycer  thaï  cesseth  the   conimon  people  in 

Fraunce  —  eslev  s,  m. 
OITycer  —  officier  s,  m. 
Officiai  —  officiai  x,  m. 
Offre  —  cevjfre  s,  m. 
Ofspringe  —  lignée  z,  f. 
Offryng  — offrande,  ucv  s,  {. 
Offryng  at  a  masse  —  offrande  s,  f. 
Ofspring  that  cometh  of  a  man —  issue  s,  f. 
OftcJoyng  of  a  thyng  —  multiplication  s,  f. 

O    BEPORE   I. 

Oyle  —  hville  s,  f. 

Oyntraent  for  womens  faces  — fard  z,  m. 

Oyiiet  bole  — ■  oillet  z,  m. 

Oyntment  —  oignement  s,  m.;  oynctvre  s,  f. 

Oystreche  fedder — plume  daustrvche  s,  f. 

Oystcr  shell,  a  fysshe  —  ojstre  s,  m. 

0  BEFORE  K. 

Oke  apple  —  pomme  de  chesne  s,  f. 

Oke  tree  —  chesne  s,  m. 

Oke  plant  —  plante  de  chesne  s,  f. 

0    BEFORE    L. 

Olde  man  —  uievlx,  iieillart  z,  m. 

Olde  woman —  uielle  s,  f. 
Oldnesse  —  uiellesse  s,  f.  ;  ajnesse  s,  f. 
Olypbant,  a  beest  —  oliphant  s,  m. 
Olyve  frute  —  oliue  s,  f. 
Olyve  tree  —  oliuier  s,  m. 

O    BEFORE   N. 

Ondoyng  —  destruction  s,  f. 

Onfaylbfulnesse  —  desloiaullé  z,  f. 

Onkyndnesse  —  ingratitude  s,  f. 

Onquyetnesse  —  esmoy  s,  m. 

Onsetleke  —  porret  z,  m. 

Oneeyed  man  —  loachet  z,  m.;  louquet  z,  m. 

One  that  spylteth  moche  —  crachart  z,  m. 

One  of  affinité —  affin  s,  m. 

Ony  maner  of  gonne  • —  bâton  afev  s,  m. 

Onyon  lo  eate  —  oignon  s,  m. 

Onstedfast  hert —  cuevr  uovlaige  s,  m. 

0  BEFORE   P. 

Opyn  audience —  court  planiere  s,  f. 
Opyn  semé  —  covslure  a  lasche  poynl  z,  f. 
Opyn  courte  —  court  planiere  s,  f. 
Opyn  house  —  maison  planiere  s,  f. 
Opyn  warre  —  gverre  ovuerte  s,  f. 
Opynars  a  kynde  of  frute  —  neffie  s,  f. 
Opynars  tree  —  neffiier  s,  m. 
Opynnesse  —  ovuerture  s,  f. 
Opynion  —  opinion  s,  f. 
Oppressyon  of  poore  peopie  —  oppresse  s,  f. 

O    BEFORE    R. 

Orateur  —  oratevr  s,  m. 
Oration  —  harenguc,  oraison  s,  f. 
Ordynaunce  or  frame  —  machine  s,  f. 
Ordynaunce  appareyle  —  aprestz,  m. 
Ordynaunce  institution  —  ordonimnce  s,  f. 
Order — ordre  s,  m. 

Order  where  a  thynge  is  selte  — situation  s,  f. 
Order  an  arraye  in  a  felde  —  arroys,  m. 
Order  dyet  in  fedyng  —  diette  s,  f. 
Ordonyng  —  ordonance  s,  f.  ;  précis,  m. 
Ore  of  a  bote  —  auiron  s,  m. 
Ore  of  a  shyppe  —  rame  s,  ï. 
Orenge ,  a  frute  —  pomme  dorenge  s,  f. 
Orenge  tree  —  orengier  s,  m. 




Organ  of  the  eare  or  hearyng  —  bvye  s,  f. 
Organs  an  instrument  —  orgre  s,  f. 
Organ  pype  —  Jlevte  dorgre  s,  f. 
Orient  perle  —  perle  oricntalle  s,  f. 
Origynall  begynnyng  —  original  x,  m. 
Oriioge ,  a  clockc  —  horiloge  s,  f. 
Orison  —  oraison  s,  f. 
Ornament —  orrtement  s,  m. 
Ornement,  a  makyng  of  men  frendes —  recon- 
ciliation Sj  f. 
Orpyn  an  herbe  —  otpyn  s,  m. 


Osier  a  yong  wyllowe  —  osier  s,  m. 

Osiarde,  a  place  where  wyliowes  growe — sav- 

soye  s,  f. 
Osyll ,  a  byrde  —  estovrneaji  x,  m. 
Ospringe,  a  byrde. 
'Ost  the  sacrament —  hostie  z,  f. 
Ost  of  men  —  armée  z,  f. 
Ostrye  —  hostelerie  s,  f. 

Ostrydge ,  a  byrde  —  avslruche  s,  f.  ;  ostrvche, 
Ostrydge  felher  sellar  —  plumacier  s,  m. 
Ostrydge  fether  —  plame  davstruche. 

O    BEFOBE   T. 

Ole  corne  —  auoyne  s,  (. 
Othe  sweryng  —  serment  s,  m, 
Ottre ,  a  heest  —  /ou(re  s,  m. 
Ottre,  a  furre  —  peaux  de  loutres,  f. 

0   BEFOBE    V. 

Overcomyng  —  desconjiture  s,  f. 
Overflowyng  with  water  —  inundation  s,  f. 
Oversight  —  musardie  s,  f. 
Ouche  for  a  bonnet  —  ajficquet  z,  m.;  ajjichei 

z.  m. 
Ould  sayd  sawe  —  prouerbe  s,  m. 
Oulde  house  that  îs  in  ruyne  —  masure  s,  f. 
Oulde  mayde  —  laberdine  s,  f. 
Ouche,  a  jowell  —  bague  s.  f. 
Ouïes  heed  —  hvre  s ,  f. 
Ovyn  lo  balte  in  — fovr  s,  m. 
Owner  that  is  in  possessyon  of  thyng  —  pro- 

priaitaire  s,  m. 
Outterwarde  of  a  castell  —  couribasse  s,  f. 

Outarlyne  or  parte  of  a  cercle  —  circumferen- 

ce  s,  f. 
Outtakyng  —  exception  s,  f. 
Ou  tas  of  a  feest  —  octaues ,  f. 
Outcrye  —  acclamation,  exclamation  s,  [. 
Outryder  —  aaant  courreur  s,  m. 
Outiawe  —  banny  z,  m. 
Outcrye — Imtyn  s,  m. 

Outpiace,  a  corner  outof  the  way — destovrs,  m. 
Outcorner  or  secrète  corner —  reduyt  z,  m. 
Outwarde  parte  of  any  thynge  —  superf.ce  s,  f. 
Outrage  —  ovltrage  s,  m. 
Oustell  a  tôle  to  worke  with  —  oustil  z,  m. 

0    BEFOBE    X. 

Oxe  a  beest  —  bevf  z,  m. 

Oxebowe  that  gothe  ahout  bis  necke  —  collier 

de  bevf  z,  m. 
Oxeeye  an  herbe. 
Oxestale  —  crèche  s,  f. 

P    BEFORE    A. 

Paast  or  glewe  —  cole  s,(. 

Face  a  goyng  —  pas,  m. 

Pacyence  an  herbe  —  pacience  s,  {. 

Pacyentnesse  —  pacience  s,  f. 

Pacyence  verlue  —  pacience  s,  f. 

Pacyeut  a  sicke  body  — pacient  s,  m. 

Packe — fardeau  x,  m.;  pacquel  z,  m. 

Pacquet  of  ietters  —  pacqaet  de   lettres,  etc. 

z,  m. 
Paddocke  —  crapavlt  x,  m. 
Packesadyll  —  batz,  bas,  m. 
Page  a  servaunt  —  page  s,  ni. 
Pagiant  in  a  playe  —  mistere  s,  m. 
Pagyll  a  cowsloppe. 
Payle  a  vessell  —  seau  x,  m. 
Payment  of  nioney  —  poyements,m. 
Payment  by  driblettes  —  enlreneve,  payement. 
Payment  of  dette  —  solution  s,  f. 
Payne  mayne  —  />"/"  de  bouche  j,  ni. 
Payne  desease  ,  tourment  in  payne  —  payne 

Payne  of  sickenesse  —  agonie  s,  f. 
Panytn  an  infydele  —  payen  s,  m. 
Payre  of  any  thyng  —  paire  s,  f. 



Payntyng  wilh  colours  —  paintare  s,  f. 

Payntyng  of  ones  face — farcement  s,  m. 

Paynter — paintre  s,  m. 

Payre  of  indentures  —  endeittures ,  f. 

Payre  of  hose  from  the  kne  up  — ■  demy  chaus- 
ses, f. 

Payre  of  beedes  —  paternoslres ,  m. 

Payre  of  botes  —  bottes,  f. 

Payre  of  sioppe  hoses — braietles  a  marinier  s,  f. 

Payre  of  burlettes  —  ânes  paces  z,{. 

Payre  of  brigandyns  —  briyandines,  f. 

Payre  of  curâtes  —  carace  s,  f. 

Payre  of  longes  —  tenailles,  f. 

Payre  of  fettars  —  ceps,  m. 

Payre  of  sycers  —  ciseletz,  m.  ;  forces,  f. 

Payre  of  belowes  —  soujjletz,  m. 

Payre  of  pynsons  — pinces,  f.  ;  eslriquoires,  f. 

Payre  of  spectacles  —  lunettes,  f. 

Payre  of  stockes  —  piège,  ceps,  f. 

Payre  of  golde  weygbtes  —  poix ,  trebuchet 
z,  m. 

Payre  of  wynding  blades  —  toarnettes,  f. 

Payre  of  pastes  —  unes  puces ,  f . 

Payre  of  tables — unes  tubles  f.;jev  detables,{. 

Payre  of  smythes  tonges  —  greffes,  f. 

Payre  of  startoppes  —  hovssettes  (. 

Payre  of  lytell  sheres  — forcetles,  f. 

Payre  of  cardes  to  playe  with  —  cartes,  f 

Payre  of  writyng  tables  —  tablettes,  f. 

Payre  of  clarycordes  —  monocorde,  f 

Payre  of  balances  —  unes  balances,  f. 

Paytrell  for  a  borse  —  poictral  x,  m. 

Packesadell  —  bast  z,  m. 

Palays  —  palais,  m. 

Palate  of  the  mouthe  —  palais,  m. 

Pale  of  a  parke  or  sucbe  lyke  —  pal  z,  m. 

Pale  before  a  dore  —  palis,  m. 

Pale  a  fence  —  tavldis,  m. 

Pale  or  a  stake  —  piev  x,  m.;  claie  s,  f. 

Palenesse  —  palissevr  s  ,  f.;  pâleur  s,  f. 

Palfray  a  beest  — pulejroy  s,  m.\  hacquenee 
s,  f. 

Palfrayman — palefrenier  s,  m. 

Paleron ,  a  pece  of  harnesse  — espalleron  s,  m. 

Palme  of  the  bande  — palme,  le  creux  de  la 
mayn  s,  m. 

Palmesonday  —  pasqueS  jlevry  s,  f;  dimanche 

de  blanches. 
Palme  tree  —  palme  s,  lU. 
Palme  for  Palmesonday  —  rameau  x,  m. 
Palmus  cbrisli  an  herbe. 
Palme  the  yelowe  that  growetb  on  wyllowes  — 

chatton  s,  m. 
Palmers  scrippe  —  escharpe  s,  f. 
Palsey  a  disease. 
Paltocke  of  lether  —  pellice  s,  f. 
Paltocke  a  garment  —  halcret  z,  m. 
Paltocke  a  patche  —  palleteau  x,  m. 
Pâment  of  a  strete — pauimenl  s,  m.;pauee  z,  f. 
Panche  a  belly  —  pance  s,  t. 
Pancy  floure  —  meuve  pencee  s,  f. 
Pane  of  furre  —  panne  s,  f. 
Pane  of  a  wall  —  pan  de  mur  s,  m. 
Pane  of  gray  furre  —  panne  de  gris,  f. 
Panne  a  vessell  —  poille  darrayn  s,  f. 
Panell  of  a  wall  — pan  de  mur  s,  m. 
Pannell  to  ryde  on  —  batz,  m.; panneau  x,  m. 
Pannyer  a  basket  —  panier  s,  m. 
Pange  of  sickenesse  —  (rai'cf  z,itt. 
Pancake  —  tovrteau  x,  m. 
Panges  of  dethe  —  les  traictz  de  mort. 
Panther  a  beest  —  panthère  s,  m. 
Panther  to  catche  byrdes  with — panneau  x,  m. 
Panter  an  oEGcer  —  pannetier  s,  m. 
Pantry  a  house  of  office  — panneterie  s,  f. 
Pappe  meate  for  cliyldre  —  boville  s,  f. 
Pappe  a  womans  breestor  other — mamelle  s,  f. 
Pappeheed  —  bout  de  la  mamelle  z,  m. 
Papyr  to  wrile  on  —  papier  s,  m. 
Parable  —  parabole  s,  f. 
Paradyse  —  paradys ,  m. 
Parbrekyng  —  nomissement  s,vn. 
Paramour  a  man  —  acoincte. 
Paramour  a  woman  —  dame  peramour. 
Parceli  a  porcyon  —  parcelle  s,  f. 
Parchemyne  —  parchemin  s,  m. 
Parchementmaker  —  parcluminier  s,  m. 
Parclos  to  parte  two  roumes  —  séparation  s,  f, 
Pardon  —  pardon  s,  m. 
Pardoner  —  pardonnier  s,  m. 
Pardonyng  —  pardonnance  s,{. 
Parfaytnesse —  intégrité  z,  f. 





Parfection  —  perfection  s,  f. 

Pariette  for  walles  —  hlanchissevre  s,  f. 

Paryssbe — paroisse  s,{. 

Parysshe  churche  —  esglise  parochialle  s,  f. 

Parygshoner,  a  dwellar  in  a  parysshe — pare- 

cien  s,  m. 
Paryng  of  any  frule  —  pelbire  s,  f. 
Paryng  of  breed  —  chapellys,  m. 
Paryng,  yrone  to  pare  a  horsehofe  vfith. 
Parytorie  somoner  —  bedeau  x,  m. 
Parjury  —  parjure  s,  m. 
Parke  for  dere  —  parc  z,  m. 
Parcar  a  man  — uerdier  s,  m. 
Parlyament  —  parlement  s,  m. 
Parlour  —  sallette  s,  f. 
Parrockea  lytell  parke — parquet  z,  m. 
Parsone  that  is  excommunycate —  excommenge, 

Parser  to  bore  witb  —  persover  s  ,  m.;  foret 

z,  m. 
Parsone  man  or  woman  —  parsonne  s,  f. 
Parsonage  a  place  —  presbitoyre  s,  m. 
Parcelay  an  herbe  —  parsil,  parsin  s,  m. 
Parsone  a  curate  —  cvré  z,  m. 
Parsone  y vell  favoured — marpault  x,  m. 
Parte  ofany  thyng  —  port  s,  f. 
Partie  —  party  s,  m. 
Partenar  that  is  prevy  to  a  dede — parconniner 

s,  m. 
Partie  felovve  —  parsonnier  s,  m. 
Partetakyng  of  any  thynge — parlicipalion  s,  {. 
Partyng  of  any  thyng  —  partaige  s,  m. 
Partyng  of  a  thyng  to  many  —  communion  Sjf. 
Partnyt  that  bredeth  under  ones  arme  —  mort- 
pou  X,  ta. 
Partie  that  sueth  agaynst  a  man  —  party  ad- 

Parliculer   mater    of  an   authour  —  passaige 

Pasneppe  an  herbe. 
Passage  of  a  man  of  armes — pas,  va. 
Passyng  measure  —  ovltraige  s,  va. 
Passyon  weke  —  sepmaine  penevse  s,  (. 
Paslc  for  a  iady  or  woman  —  unes  paces,  f. 
Paste  for  bredde  —  poste  s,  f. 
Pasty  bake  meate  —  pasli  z ,  m. 

Pastyme  —  passetemps.m.;  esbatement  s,  m. 

Pastler  that  baketh  — pastisier  s,  m. 

Pastron  of  an  horse  —  pasturon  s,  m. 

Pastreo  —  pasturiaa  x,m. 

Pasture  fedyng  —  paslnre  s,i. 

Patche  or  clout  —  rapeissare  s,  f. 

Pathe  in  a  waye  —  sente  s,  f. ;  sentier  s,  m. 

Patyn  of  a  chaiys  —  platine  s,  f. 

Paten  for  a  fote  —  galoche  s .  f . 

Patenmaker  —  patinier  s,  m. 

Patent  ietters  —  lettres  patentes,  f. 

Patisyng  a  Ireatie  of  peace,  as  frontier  townes 

take  one  of  another  —  pasiisaige  s,f. 
Patriarke — patriarche  s,  m. 
Patrimony  —  patrimoine  s,  m. 
Patrone  of  a  gally  — patron  de  galee  s,  m. 
Patron  a  helpar  —  patron  s,  m. 
Patron  example  —  patron  s,  m. 
Patron  that  hath  the  right  to  gyve  a  benifyce — 

patron  s,  m. 
Paves  to  défend  one  with  — panais,  m. 
Paweofa  beest  —  patte  s,  f. 
Pavyllyon — paueillon  s.  m. 
Pavyngstone — quarreaa  x,  m.;  carreau  x,  m. 
Paulme  of  the  bande  —  palme  de  la  main  s,  f. 
Paument  of  a  strete  —  paué  z,  m. 
Paulmer  a  poore  man  —  blislre  s,  m.  ;  blistres- 

se  s,  f. 
Paume  to  play  at  tennys  with  —  paulme. 
Paune  of  the  chesse  -~-paonnet  z,  m. 
Paunchea  bely  —  panse  s,  f. 
Pause  or  taryeng  —  pause  s,  f. 
Pausyng  —  interpos,  m. 
Pautner  —  malette  s,  f. 
Paxe  to  kysse  —  paix,  f. 

P    BEFORE    E. 

Peace  —  paix,  f. 

Pease  reke  — pesiere  s,  (. 

Peasablenesse — pesibleté  z,  f. 

Pece  a  cuppe  —  fosse  s,  f. ;  hanap  z,  va. 

Pece  or  parle  of  a  thyng  —  pièce  s,  f 

Pece  of  steele. 

Peacbe  a  frute  — pesche  s,  (. 

Peache  iree  —  peschier  s,  m. 

Pecocke  a  byrde  - —  pan  s,  m.;  paon  s,  m. 




Pedlar  —  mercerot  z,  m. 

Peake  of  a  ladyes  mournyng  heed  —  biquoqaet 

z,  m. 
Pegge  of  woode  —  cheuille  s,  f. 
Pehenne  a  byrde  — panesse  s,  f. 
Peyce  a  weyght  — peys  s,  m.  ;  pesant  s,  m. 
Peync  —  pajne  s,  f. 
Peynfulnesse  —  penihleté  z,f. 
Peynlyng  —  painctare  s,  f. 
Peyntar  —  peyntre  s,  m. 
Peytrell  for  a  liorse  —  poictrel  z,  m. 
Pecke  a  measare  —  quart  s,  m. 
Peele  of  belles  —  son  de  cloches,  m. 
Pelé  for  an  ovyn  —  pelle  a  four  s,  f. 
Pelelyr  an  herbe. 

Pellet  a  rounde  stone  —  plomme  s,  f. 
Pellycane  a  byrde  —  pélican  s,  m. 
Penaunce  —  pénitence  s,  f  ;  penance  s,  f. 
Pensell  a  lytell  baner  —  banerolle  s,  f. 
Pencell  to  paynt  with. 

Pensyfenesse  —  sovcy  s,  m.  ;  pencifueté  z,  f. 
Pencyon  —  pencion  s,  f. 
Pendant  of  a  gyrdell  — pendant  s,  m. 
Pendant  for  carpenters  —  niueau  x,  m. 
Penne  to  write  with  —  plame  s,  f. 
Penneknyfe  —  cannyuet  s,  m. 
Pennar  and  ynkehorne  —  escriptoire  s,  f. 
Pennon  a  banner  —  pennon  s,  m. 
Penny  coyne —  denier  s,  m. 
Pennyworte  an  herbe  —  poulliot  z,  m. 
Pennyworthe  —  denrée  s,  f. 
Penytauncer  —  penilancier  s,  m. 
Penon  a  lytell  baner  in  a  felde —  pennon  s,  m. 
Penneryall  an  herbe  —  poulliot  z,m. 
Pensy  Boure  —  pensée  s,  f 
Penthouse  of  a  liouse  —  appentis,  m. 
Pentys  over  a  stall  —  avuent  s,  m. 
Pentes  or  paves  —  estai,  soubtil  x,  m. 
Peony  an  herbe. 
Penthatheukes,  fyve  bokes  of  Moyses  lawe  — 

pentathevcon  s,  m. 
People  folkes — pevple  s ,  m. 
Peper  spyce  —  poyure  s,  m. 
Pepcrquerne  —  yregoyr  a  poyure  s,  ni. 
Perceyvyng — apperceuance  s,  f.;  perception  s,  f. 

Perceley  an  herbe  —  persin  s,  m. 

Percerblade  —  estoc  z,  ra. 

Perche  a  fysshe  —  perche  s,  f. 

Perche  for  a  bauke  —  perche  s,  f. 

Perre  drinke  —  peré  s,  m. 

Perfectyon  —  perfection  s,  f. 

Perytorie  an  herbe. 

Perivyncle  a  shellfysshe  —  biyorneau  x,  m.; 

uineau  x,  m. 
Peryll — penl  z,  m. 
Peerle  a  stone  —  perle  s,  f. 
Peerle  in  the  eye  —  maille  s,  f. 
Permutacion  —  permutation  s,  f. 
Perceveraunce  —  perceverance  s,  f. 
Personage — personnaige  s,  m. 
Persour  an  instrument — foret  :,  m.;  aibri- 

quet  z,  m. 
Persuadyng  —  persuasion  s,  {. 
Perlrytche  a  byrde  —  pardris,  f. 
Pece  to  drinke  in  —  lasse  s,  f. 
Pesablenesse  —  lacitarnité  z,  f. 
Pesé  frute  —  poys,  m. 
Pescodde  —  escosse  de  poix,  f. 
Pestell  of  flesshe — jambon  s,  ni. 
Pesteil  of  wode  to  slampe   with  —  pestait  s, 

va.;  pillon  s,  m. 
Pestcli  of  yrone  —  pillon  s,  m. 
Pestylence  —  pestilence  s,  f.  ;  epidimie  s,  t. 
Petaunce  a  small  porcion  of  miate  —  pitance 

s.  f. 
Peter  a  proper  name  —  Pierre  s,  m. 
Pely  cannon  —  uicaire  s,  m. 
Petycote  —  corset  simple,  m.  ;  cotte  simple  s,  f.; 

chemise  de  blanchet  s,  (. 
Pety  nytie. 

Petygrewe  —  généalogie  s ,  t. 
Pewke  a  colour  —  pers,  m. 
Pewter  metall  —  eslain  s,  m. 
Pewtrer — pottier  des  tain  s,  m.;  peavltrier  s ,  m. 

P    BEFORE    H. 

Phylosophie  —  philosophie  s ,  f. 

Philosopher  —  philosophe  s,  m. 

Physike  —  médecine  s,  f. 

Physicion  —  mire  s,  m. 

Phesycion  named  in  derisyou  —  mcrdefm  s,  m. 



Pbesaunt  a  byrde  — faisant  s,  m. 
Phisnamy  a  face  — phisonomie  s,  t. 

P    BEFOBE    I. 

Pyclier  —  pot  de  terre  z,  m. 

Piche  for  shyppes  —  pour,  f. 

Piche  forke  — Joirchc  fiere  s,  f, 

Pye  a  byrde  —  pie,  agache  s,  f. 

Pyed  monke  —  barnardia  s,  va. 

Pye  a  pasty  —  pasii  z,  m. 

Pye  baker  —  paticier  s,  m.;  patessoiier  s,  m. 

Pygge  a  beest  —  coychon  s,  m. 

PignoU  a  kynde  of  frute  — piynoUe  s,  f. 

Pygion  a  byrde  — p'gon  s,  m.;  colombette  s,  f. 

Pyke  a  fysshe  —  brochet  z,m. 

Pickerell  a  fysshe  —  brocheton  s,  m. 

Pyke  ofastaffe — piquant  s,  m. 

Picke  axe — picq ,  hoiau  x,  m.  ;  pique  de  fer  s,  f. 

Pyccle  sauce  —  saxlmitre  s,  f 

Pytche  of  lethcr  —  pelice  s,  f. 

Pyle  for  a  bridge  —  pilolys,  m. 

Pyle  of  a  coyne,  the  syde  bavyng  no  crosse  — 

pile  s,  (. 
Pyie  of  clotbes  or  any  olher  heape  — pUlc  s,  f. 
Pyle  to  be  set  in  a  fauty  grounde  — pilot  :,  m. 
Pyli  of  a  nulle  curnell  —  pellure  dune  noix,  f. 
Pyil  of  frule  —  pellei^rc  s,  f. 
Pyllar  a  robber —  pillcvr  s,  m.;  pillart  z,  m. 
Pyllar  of  a  churche  —  piiter,  colompne  s,  f. 
Pyllar  —  columpne  s,  f. 
Pyller  to  do  juslyce  —  estache  s,  f. 
Pyllary  to  punysshe  men  al  — pilory  s,  m. 
Pylgryme — pellerin  s,  m. 
Pylle  for  a  laxe  — pilleuse,  pillcvre  s,  f. 
Pyll  of  hempe  —  til  z,  m. 
Pyllage  —  pillaigc  s,  m. 
Pylled  as  ones  heed  is —  pelle  z,  m. 
Pyllyngof  hempe  or  anyother  thyng  —  til  z,va. 
Pylotlc  thaï  governelh  a  shippe  — pdot  z,  m. 
Pyllyon  for  a  woman  to  ryde  on  —  hovsse  à 

Jemme  s,  {. 
Pyliowc  for  ones  h^ed  —  oreillier  s,  m. 
Pyliowe  bere  —  taye  doreilUer  s,  m. 
Pylcher  a  fysshe  —  sardine  s,  f. 
Pyment  —  piment  s,  ni. 
Pympernyll  an  herbe. 

Pymple  on  a  mannes  face  — pustule  s,  f. 

Pynapletree  —  pin  s,  m. 

Pynne  oftymbre  —  chenille  s,  f. 

Pyncase  —  esplintjuier  s,  m. 

Pynne  of  yrone  —  broche  de  fer  s,  f. 

Pynne  for  kerchcfes  —  esplingue  s,  {. 

Pynne  maker  —  esplinguier  s,  m. 

Pynpyllovve  lo  stycke  pynnes  on. 

Pynnacle  — pinacle  s,  m. 

Pynaple  — pomme  de  pin  s,  f. 

Pynfolde  — prison  aux  bestes,  f. 

Pynne  tree — parquet  z,m. 

Pyncase  —  esplinyuctte  s,  f.  ;  esplinguiere. 

Pynyng  of  a  man  in  prisone  lo  confesse  the 

Iroutbe  —  torture  s,  (. 
Pynnyon  of  a  wyng —  bout  de  lesle  s,  va. 
Piony  an  herbe. 

Pynsons  of  yrone  —  estricqaoyres ,  f. 
Pynson  sho —  ca£ignon  s,  m. 
Pynl  measure  —  choppine  s,  f. 
Pynlyll  a  mannes  yarde  —  uit  z,  m. 
Pype  lo  pype  wilh  — flevste  s,  f. 
Pype  of  a  condyle  —  deuidover  s,  m.  ;  tuyau  de 

fontayne  x,  m. 
Pype  a  vessell  — pipe  s,  f. 
Pyppe  a  sickenesse  —  pepye  s,  f. 
Pyppen  an  apple  —  capendu  s,  f. 
Pyrry  a  stormc  of  wynde  —  orage  s,  m.  ;  bovf- 

fee  de  uent  s,  {. 
Pyrne  or  webslars  lome — mestier  a  tisser  s,  m. 
Pyspol — pot  a  pisser  s,  m. 
Pysse  uryne —  urine  s,  {.;  escloy  s,  m. 
Pysmyre  a  lyteli  worme  —  formys,  m. 
Pismyre  hill  — formiliere  s,  f. 
Pyslell  a  letler  —  espistre  s,  (. 
Pysteller  thaï  syngeth  the  masse. 
Pytche  —  poix,  f. 

Pytauncc —  pitance  de  covuent  s,  f. 
Pytche  forke — fovrche fere  s,  (. 
Pyteousnesse  —  pilevsetè  z,{. 
Pyle  compassyon  —  pitié  s,  f. 
Pylle  in  the  grounde  — fosse  s,  {. 
Pytte  or  weli. 

Pylle  in  ones  cheke  or  chyn  — fossette  s,  f. 
Pylfall  for  byrdes  —  trebovchct  z,  m. 
Pythe  slrength  — force  s,  f. 


Pythe  of  a  stalke  or  of  a  tree  —  ciievr  s,  m. 

P    BEFORE   L. 

Place  —  Uev  x ,  m. 

Place  or  slede  —  endroit  z,  m. 

Place  closed  — parc  z,  m. 

Place  a  house  —  place  s,  f. 

Place  wliere  rclykes  be — reliquaire  s,  f. 

Place  where  foure  stretes  mete  toguyder  — • 

carrejour  s,  m. 
Place  where  llie  sonne  shyneth   ail  day  — 

hasle  s,  m. 
Place  where  beestes  resteth  ail  night  —  giste 

Place  where  is  good  haukyng  -^gibier  s,  m. 
Place  where  a  man  is  lodged  —  herbegerie  s,  f. 
Place  of  jugement  —  prétoire  s,  m. 
Place  where  juges  sylte  — parquet  z,  m. 
Place  where  justyce  is  niynyslred  —  parle- 
ment a,  va. 
Place  to  flye  to  rescue  —  ''ejuge  s,  va. 
Place  nere  a  churche  to  walkc  in — parais,  m. 
Place  where  any  joynt  touroeth. 
Place  of  murther,  or  where  murlher  or  exé- 
cution is  executcd  —  mevrtressovcre  s,  (. 
Place  where  roses  growe —  rosière  s,  f. 
Place  where  hempe  groweth  —  cheneuiere  s,  (. 
Place  where  willows  growe  —  sausojre  s,  f. 

Place  where  a  thyng  is  sette  —  situation  s,  f. 

Place  to  batlie  one  in  —  thermes,  (. 

Plage  of  slckenesse  —  playe  s,  {. 

Playe  an  cnterlude  — farce  s,  f. 

Play  sport  —  corolle  s,  f. ;  déduit,  esbat  z,  m. 

Play  at  the  chesse — jev  aux  eschiecz  x,  m. 

Playce  a  fyssbe  —  plye  s,,  f. 

Player  or  goer  upon  a  corde  —  batellevr  s,  m. 

Playe  maker — faclevr  s,  m.;factiste  s,  m. 

Player  in  a  playe  —  parsonnage. 

Playne,  a  grounde  that  is  without  hylles  — 
planicr,  playne  s,  f. 

Playne  felde — plaine  terre,  lande  s,  f. ;  plaigne 

Playnt  complaynyng  —  plainte  s,(. 

Playnesse  of  any  thyng  —  planevr  s,  f. 

Playster  for  walies  —  piastre  s,  f. 

Plaster  for  a  sore  —  emplaistre  s,  ni. 


Plasterer  that  layeth  plaster  in  bylding — plais- 

trier,  plastrevr  s,  m. 
Play  tes  of  a  womans  heer  —  tresses,  t.  ;  (rel- 
iure s,  {. 
Playte  of  a  gowne  —  plj  z,m. 
Plancher  niade  cf  bordes  —  planché  z,  m. 
Plane  tree  —  plane. 
Plane  an  instrument  for  joyners  —  plane  s,  f.  ; 

rabot  z,  m. 
Planet  a  starre  —  planète  s,  f. 
Planke  — planche,  planchette  s,  f. 
Plancke  over  a  water  —  planchette  s,  f. 
Plant  —  plante  s^  f 
Plantan  an  herbe  —  planteyne  s,  m. 
Plasshe  of  a  water  —  jlacquet  z,  m. 
Plate  of  a  garment  —  plal,ply  s,  m. 
Plate  of  harnesse  —  plat  z,  m. 
Plate  sylver  vessell  —  uajsselle  dargent  s,  f. 
Plate  of  any  metall  — platine,  lame  s,  f. 
Flatter  lo  eate  in  —  plat  z,  m. 
Platnesse  —  plattevr  s,  f. 
Plesantnesse — plaisance  s,i'. 

Plee  before  a  juge  —  plajl  z,  m.;  plaidoyrie 
s,   f. 

Pledge  a  borowe  — plaige  s,  m. 

Pledge  —  gt'ige  s,  n>. 

Pledyng  —  playdoyrie  s,  f.-^  plait  z,  m. 

Playe  an  cnterlude — farce  s,(. 

Playe  of  sadde  matters  —  moralité  z,  f. 

Playe  nat  ernest — jev  x,  m. 

Playfere  —  mignon  s,  m. 

Plesantnesse  — aménité  z,  f. 

Plentie  —  habundance  s,  f. ;  plainte  z,  i.\Je- 
cundité  z,  {.\ fertilité  z,  t.;  opulence  s,  f.; 
ajlaence  s,  f. 

Plentuousnesse  —  plenturevseté  z,  f. 

Plentyousnesse  of  people  —  populosité  z,  f. 

Plentie  of  bowes —  ramage  s,  f. 

Plentie  of  wylde  beestes  — sauagine  s,  (. 

Plesaunce — plaisance  s,î. 

Pleasure  wyll  —  aveil  z,  ni. 

Pleasure  sporte  —  esbatement  s,  m. 

Pleasure  —  commodité  z,{. 

Plyantnesse  —  ploianlevr  s,  f. 

Plyte  or  state  —  poynt  s,  m. 

Plombe  for  a  shyppe  — plombée  s,  f. 



Plome  a  frute  —  prvne  s ,  f. 

Plome  tree  —  prunier  s,  ni. 

Ploncket  colour  —  blev  x,  m. 

Flotte  of  grounde  —  picce  de  terre  s,  {. 

Ploughe  —  charcve  s,  f. 

Plougbe  typpe. 

Ploughe  betyll  —  mailUet  de  chane  z,  m. 

Ploughe   beame  —  queve  de  la  charue  s,  f.  ; 

mancheron  s,  m. 
Plowe  lande  —  terre  labourée  s,   f. 
Plowe  eare. 

Plowe  handeli  —  manche  s,  f, 
Plowe  start  —  manche  s ,  f. 
Plowe  man  —  labourevr  s,  m.;  cltarraier  s,  m, 
Hover  a  byrde  —  plovuier  s,  m. 
Plunibe  for  a  carpenter  —  riglel  z,  m. 
Plumbe  for  a  sbyppeman — plomb  de  sonde  z,  m. 
Plomel  of  leed  —  plommee  s,  f. 
Plome  of  oystrydge  fethers  —  plummart  s,  m. 
Plomniar  a  craftesmao  —  plommetr  s,  m. 

P    BEFORE    0. 

Podyng  — bovdin  s,  m. 

Poddell  a  slougbe  —  bovrbier  s,  m. 

Poet  a  connyng  man  — poète  s,  m. 

Poygniet  for  onessieves — poignet  z,  m. 

Poynt  for  oncs  bose  —  esguillelte  s,  f. 

Poynl  an  article  —  poj'nt  z,  m, 

Poynt  mater  —  esguilletier  s,  m. 

Poynt  of  any  tbyng  —  pointe  s,  (.  ;  poynté  s,  m. 

Poynt  oftbe  sholder  —  espalleron  s,  m. 

Poynt  a  properlie  —  taiche  s,  f. 

Poynt  of  a  swerd  —  poincle  dune  espee  s,  f. 

Poyntell  or  caracte  —  esplingue  de  fer  s,  m. 

Poysy  devyse  or  worde  —  deaise  s,  f. 

Poyson  — poyson  s,  f.  ;  harpoy  s,  m. 

Poytrell  parte  of  an  horse  barnesse  —  poyc- 

trail  z ,  m. 
Poke  or  bagge  —  poche  s,  f. 
Pocke  or  blayne —  bouton  s,  m. 
Poke  frekyns  —  picquetcvre  or  picquottevre  de 

aerolle  s,  (. 
Pocke  a  great  pocke  —  la  yorre,  la  grosse  ue- 

rolle  s,  f. 
Pocke  a  small  —  uerolle  s,  (. 
Pockynesse  — fossetlerie  s ,  f. 

Polycy  —  police  s,  f. 

Polyssbing  makyng  smothe  of  a  thynge  —  po- 

lissure  s,  f 
Polie  beed  —  corpeau  x ,  m. 
Pôle  a  staffe  —  perche  s,  f. 
Polaxe  a  weapen  —  becq  defaulcon  z,  m. 
Pôle  or  rodde  —  perche  s,  {. 
Pôle  for  fyssbe —  uiuier  s,  m. 
Poled  a  yonge  tode  —  cauesot  z,  m. 
Polet  tbe  blacke  thynge  that  a  tode  cometh  of 

cauesot  z,  va. 
Pommaundre  to  smell  to  —  pomendier  s,  m. 
Porne  garnct  —  pomme  de  granade  s,  f 
Pome  garnet  tree  —  granadicr  s,  m. 
Pomell  of  aswerde — pommeau  x,  m. 
Pompe  tryumphe  —  triomphe  s,  m. 
Pompe  —  tryumphe,  bobant  s,  m.;  grandgore 

Pompe  of  a  sbyppe  —  pompe  s,  t. 
Ponde  ofwater  —  cslang  z ,  m, ;  uiuier  s,  m. 
Polc  a  standyng  water —  cslang  z ,  m. 
Ponyssbmcnt  —  pugnilion  s,  f. 
Pose  in  tbe  nose  —  rime  s,  f 
Pope — pape  s,  m. 

Popet  for  chyldre  to  play  with  —  povpee  s,  f. 
Popyll  tree  —  pevplier  s,  m. 
Popple,  suche  as  ryseth  whan  water  or  any 

lycour  scletb  fast  —  bovitlon  s,  m. 
Poppy  sede  or  the  lierbe  —  pauot  z ,  m. 
Popyniaye  a  byrde  — papegault  z,  m.;  para- 

quel  z,  m. 
Popyniaye  colour  —  aertgay  s,  m. 
Porche  of  a  dore  —  porche  s,  m. 
Porcion  parte  — porcion  s,  C 
Pore,  a  small  hole  suche  as  tbe  swete  cometh 

out  at  —  pore  s,  f. 
Poore  man  — poure  homme,  belistre  s,  m. 
Poorenesse  —  pouerté  z ,  f. 
Porret  yong  lekes  —  porelle  s,  f. 
Porke  flesshe  —  porc  z,  m.;  chair  de  pourceau 

z,  m. 
Porkepyn  a  beest  —  porc  espin  s,  m. 
Porpas  a  fyssbe  —  mcrsovyn  s,  m. 
Portail  of  waynscot  or  suche  lyke  —  conter- 

quarrc  s,  f. 
Porte  an  bavyn  —  port  s,  m. 


Porte  coullys —  barrière  covlisse,  porie  iwlant,    j 

(Ro)  marche  coulyz,  coulisse,  râteaux,  m. 
Porte  countenaunce  —  mantien  s,  m,;  conte- 
nance s,  {. 
Portlyncsse —  magnificence  s,  [. 
Porche  or  an  entrye  —  porche  s,  f. 
PortenauDce  of  a  beest — f  resserre  s,  t. 
Porter,  a  kepar  of  a  gale  — portier  s,  m. 
Portyes,  a  preestes  boke  —  breuiavre  s,  m. 
Portche  of  waynscot  •^  con(erçuayre  s,  f. 
Porter  of  burdens  —  crochetevr  s,  m. 
Porcion  of  a  thyng  —  particularité  x,  f. 
Portrature  —  portraycture  s,{. 
Pose  dysease  —  caterre  s,  f. 
Possessyon  of  a  thyng  —  saisine  s,  (. 
Possessyon — possession  s,  f. 
Possessions  lyvelode  —  terres,  f. 
Posset  of  aie  and  mylke  —  possetle  s,  {. 
Possybilyte  —  possibilité  z,(. 
Posnet  a  lytell  polte. 

Post  in  a  shyppe  called  cabastaync  —  cabes- 
tain  s,  m. 

Poste  —  posté  Zj  f.  ;  posteav  s,  m. 

Posterne  a  gâte  —  posterne  s,  (. 

Postume  a  sickenesse  —  apostume  s,(. 

Polte  a  gallon  measure — pot  z,m. 

Potlanger  —  escïelle  s,  f.  ;  avrillon  s,  m. 

Pottage  —  potage  s,  m.;sovppe  s,  f. 

Potycary  tbat  selletb  medycins  —  apothecayre 
s,  m. 

Potte  hokes  —  unes  ancestes,  f. 

Polte  bangynges — cremilliere  s,  f. 

Potycaries  reccyt  —  droguerie,  drogue  s,  f. 

Pottell  measure  —  quarte  s,  f. 

Pottage  suppyng —  sovppe  s,  t. 

Pottage  without  herbes  —  potage  s,{. 

Potier  —  potier  de  terre  s,  m. 

Potte  of  brasse  or  pewter  —  pot  z,  m. 

Potlydde  for  a  potte  —  covuerlecqae  s,  m. 

Potslycke  —  batton  s.  m. 

Poverle  —  poureté  z,  (.;  sovjraité  z,  f. 

Pouce  of  ihe  arme  —  potce  s,  m. 

Pouche  niaker  —  gibbcsierier  s,  m. 

Pouche  —  gibbesiere  s.  t. 

Poudre  —  pouldre  s,  f. 

Poudre^  armynj  a  furre  — peau  de  ermyns,  f. 


Power  —  poviioire  s,  m.;  efficace  s,  C;  puissance 
s.  f  ;  posté  z,  f. 

Poullayne  foule  —  potllaille  s,  f. 

Poudryng  tubbe  —  salover  s,  m, 

Poullet  —  poulet,  poucin  z,  m. 

Poultry  —  poullaillerie  s,  f. 

Poumysshe  for  a  scryvenar  —  pomys,  m. 

Poumper  frute. 

Ponnde  for  beestes — prison  a  bestes,  C;  par- 
quet z,  m.  ;  emprisonner  bestes,  va. 

Pounde  of  weight  or  money  —  Hure  s,  f. 

Poupe  for  a  chylde  —  povpee  z,  {. 

Pourgyng —  espourgement  s,  ni. 

Pourtenaunce  —  appendence  s,  f. 

Pourveyaunce  — pouraeance  s,  f. 

Pouryvyncle  a  fysshe  —  niuiau  x,  m. 

P    BEFORE   R. 

Practyse  — practicque  s,  L 

Praclysure  —  practicien  s,  m. 

Prayers  in  a  primer  —  suffrages,  m. 

Praye  a  boty  —  praye  s,  f. 

Praye  or  spoylegotlen  in  warre  —  despoville  s,  (. 

Prayer  a  man  ihat  prayeth  —  prieur  s,  m. 

Prayer  — prière,  oraison  s,  f. 

Prayeng  —  dcprecation  s,  f. 

Prayse  laude  —  louenge  s,  f  ;  pris,  m. 

Praysing  —  louenge  5,  f.  ;  los,  m. 

Prayse  made  before  a  great  nian  or  préposition 
—  harengue  s,  f 

Prane  a  fysshe  —  saige  cocque  s,  f. 

Pranke —  tour  s,  m.; finesse  s,  f. 

Pratlynge  the  speche  of  yonge  chyldren  —  pa- 
toys,  m. 

Practynesse  —  mignonncrie  s,  f. 

Preamble — préambule  s,  m. 

Precyous  stone — pierre  precievse  s,  f. 

Precyous  thyng —  relique  s,  (. 

Preachyng  —  sermon  s,  m. 

Preemynence  —  prééminence  s,  f. 

Prefe  —  prévue  s,  f. ;  esprevue  s,  [, 

Prejudyce  —  préjudice  s,  m. 

Prelate  —  prélat  z,  m. 

Premysses  tbat  cometh  in  an  argument — pré- 
misse s,  f. 

Prentyce  a  man  i — apprenti,  m. 




Prentyce  a  woman  —  apprentisse  s,  f. 

Prentyce  in  lawe  a  lerned  man ,  they  use  no 
sache  order. 

Préparation  —  apareil  z ,  m.;  aprest  z,  m. 

Preparyng  of  any  thyng —  mistcre  s,f. 

Preparyng  before  — preparatiue  s,  t. 

Prebendary — prébende  s ,  {. ;  cKanoine  s,  m. 

Preest  —  prestre  s,  m. 

Prease  ofpcople  —  presse ,  foulle  s,  f. 

Preestes  concubyne  —  prestresse  s,  t. 

Presaunt  a  gyfte  —  présent  s,  m. 

Presse  for  clothes  —  presse  s,  f. 

Presse  for  grapes  —  esne  s,{.;pressover  s,  m. 

Presse  for  cappes  —  pressevr  s,  m. 

Presse  for  lycour  —  pressover  s,  m. 

Presydent — président  s,  m. 

Présent  —  présent  s,  m. 

Presentynge  of  any  thynge  —  présentation  s,  f. 

Présence  —  présence  s,  f. 

Preservyng  kepyng  —  conseruation  s,  f. 

Pressar  of  cappes  —  pressevr  de  bonet  z,  m. 

Precious  stone  —  gemme  s,  {.;  pierre  pre- 
cievse  s,  f. 

Presentnesse  —  présence  s,  f. 

Pretie  countenaunce  —  minojs,  ta. 

Prevyng  —  prevf  z,  va.;  prévue  s,  f. 

Prevyledge  —  preuilege  s ,  m. 

Prevy  a  draugbt  —  retraict  z,  m.;  basse  cham- 
bre s,î.;  ortrait  z,  va. 

Preventyng  —  prévention  s,{. 

Prevy  chambre  —  chambre  secrète  s ,  f. 

Prevy  gâte  in  a  towne  — faulce posteme  s,  f. 

Prevy  seale  —  mandement  du  roy  s,  va. 

Price  estymalion  —  estime  s,  f. 

Price — pris,  m. 

Price  of  any  thyng  —  ualuc  s,  f. 

Pride  —  orgveil  z,  m.;  ambition  s,  f. ;  aro- 
gance  s,  f. 

Pride  fîersnesse  — fierté  z,  f. 

Pricke  of  wodde  —  brochette  s,  t. 

Pricke  to  pricke  meate — brochette  s,  f. 

Pricke  a  marke  —  marque  s,  (. 

.Pricke  of  a  thorne — picqiutevre  s,  f. 

Tricket  a  yonge  dere  —  saillant  s,  m. 

Pricke  to  drive  oxen  with  —  ajui'Hon  s,  m. 

Prickyng  —  picquotlerie  s,  f. 

Primer  boke — unes  hevres,  f. 

Primat  of  the  metripolytane  —  primat  t,  m. 

Prime  —  prime  s,(. 

Primorose  a  flour  — primerolle  s,{. 

Prince  —  prince  s,  m. 

Princesse  —  princesse  s,  f.  > 

Principalnesse — principalité  z,  t. 

Printe  of  money. 

Print  of  an  horse  fote  —  esclov  x,m. 

Print  forbokes  —  impression  s,  î,;imprimevre s,(. 

Printer  or  a  scryyenar  —  cmprimevr  s,  va. 

Printed  leltcr — lettre  déforme  s,  f. 

Printyng  of  bokes  —  impression  s,f. 

Priour  — •  prievr  s,  va. 

Prioresse — prievresse  s,  m. 

Priore  —  prioré  s,  f. 

Prisoner  — prisonnier  s,  va. 

Prison  a  dongyon  —  charire  s,  f. 

Prisone  —  prison ,  consierge  s,  f. 

Prestes  crowne  that  flyeth  about  in  somer  — 

barbedieu  x,  m. 
Privyte  —  secret  z,  va. 
Problème — problème  s,  va. 
Processe  —  procès,  va. 
Processe  shewed  by  wordes  —  procès  uerbal 

X,  m. 
Processyon  — procession  s,  f. 
Proclamacyon  —  proclamation  s ,  f. 
Procuratour — procurevr  s,  m. 
Procuracyon  —  procuration  s ,  f. 
Prodygaiite  — prodigalité  z,  f. 
Profe  —  /""O)/  z,  va.;  esprevue  s,  f. 
Profer  —  œvffre  s,  {. 
Professyon  —  profession  s,{. 
Profyte  —  provfit  z,va.;  émolument  s,  va,;  prev 

X,  va. 
Profitablenesse  —  profitableté  z,{. 
Prockesy — procuration  s,  {. 
Profogue — prologue  s,  m. 
Promesse  —  promesse  s,  (. 
Promysing  trouthe  piyghtynge — jianceilles ,  f. 
Promocyon — promocion  s,  f. 
Propernesse  — faictisse ,  factise  s,  f. 
Prongge — propreté  z,  f. 
Prose  —  prost  s ,  f. 
Properte —  propriété  z,{. 



Prophet — prophète  s,  m. 

Prophecy — prophecie  s,  f. 

Proppe — pie  de  table,  tresteau  s,  m. 

Proppe  of  a  Iiouse — upvje  s,  {,;  attache  s,  f. 

Proppe  lo  undcrset  any  thyogr—estaye  s,  f. 

Proporcyon  of  a  beest  —  lineature  s,  f. 

Proporcyon  —  proporcion  s,  t. 

Preposityon — préposition  s,  (. 

Prosperyte — prospérité  z,(. 

Prothonotary  —  prothonotaire  s,  m. 

Protection  of  the  kyiiges —  salueyarde  s,  f. 

Proudnesse  —  orgueilleaseté  2,  f. 

Provender  or  mengled  corne — fovrraige  s,  m.; 

provende  s,  f. 
Proverbe  —  prouerbe  s,  m. 
Prowesse  —  proesse  s,  f. 
Provyder  a  cater  —  despencier  s,  m. 
Provisyon  of  meate  and  drinke —  uiures,  m. 
Provysion  of  any  other  thyog — povraoyance  s,{. 
Provydence — prouidence  s,  f. 
Provynce — prouince  s,  t. 
Provyng  —  approbation  s,  f.;  prévue  s,î. 
Provyncyall — prouincial  at.m. 
Prolyng  for  a  promocyon  —  ambition  s,  f. 
Prune  a  kynde  of  frute  —  prune  s,  f. 
Provokyng  to  angre  —  irritation  s,  f. 

P    BEFOBE    U. 

Puble  stone  —  caillov  x,  m. 
Puddle  a  Jyteil  water  —  lac  z,  m. 
Puddyng  —  hovdayn  s,  m. 
Purenesse  —  nelUté  z,  f.  ;  pureté  t,  f. 
Puffe  of  wynde  —  s,  f. 
Puffyn  a  fyssbe  lyke  a  teele. 
Puffyng  up —  inflation  s,  f. 
Pulce  of  mannes  arme  —  povx,  m. 
Pullayne — povllane  s,  f. 
Pullet  —  povlet  z,  m. 
Pullyng  awaye — abstraction  s,  f. 
Pulpyt  to  prêche  in — pulpitre  s,  m. 
Puis  of  a  man  —  povlce  s,  m. 
Puitrie  —  povllaillerie  j,  f. 
Pulter  —  povllaillier  s,  ut. 
Pulter  tbat  bringeth  egges — coquetier  s,  m. 
Punysshing — affliction  s,   f.  ;  punition  s,  f.; 
correction  s,  f. 

Pumpe  of  a  shyppe  —  pompe  s,  f. 
Puple  within  âge  — papille  s,  f. 
Purce  —  bource  s,  f. 
Purcer  —  boarcier  s,  m. 
Purchase — pourchas,  m. 
Purcyvaunt  —  messagier  s ,  m. 
Pure  white  syike  —  soye  bissine  s,  f. 
Purfyll  or  hemme  of  a  gowne  —  bort  s,  m. 
Purgatorie  —  purgatoire  s,  m. 
Purgacion  purgyng  —  pourgaiion  s,  f. 
PurpuH  coloure  —  pourpre  s,  m. 
Purpose  —  povrpos,   m.;   entente  s,   f. ;  inten- 
tion s,  f.;  pourpens,  va,;poartente  s,  f. 
Purse  of  the  Spaynisshe  facyon — bauldrier  s,  m. 
Purser  —  boursier  s,  m. 
Purser  of  a  shyppe —  clerc  de  nauire  s,  m. 
Pursnet  —  resee  s,  f. 
Purslayne  an  herbe  — povrselayne  s,  f. 
Pursnet  a  ragge  pece  —  panneau. 
Pusshyng  tbrustyng — rebovtement,povlciire  s,  f. 
Puttyng  backe —  repulce  s,  f.  ;  rehout  z,  m. 
Puttocke  a  byrde  —  escovjle  s,  f 

Q   BEFOKE    UA. 

Quadrant  of  a  great  place —  2a  basse  court. 

Quayre  of  paper  —  une  main  de  papier  s,  f. 

Quayle  a  byrde  —  quaille  s,  f.  ;  caille  s,  f. 

Quayntaunce  —  accoinctance  s ,  f.  ;  cognois- 
sance  s,  f. 

Quakyng  —  tremblement  s,  m. 

Quantyte — quantité  z,  f. 

Quantyte  of  a  mannes  body — coipalence  s ,  {. 

Quareiyng  —  castille  s,  f.  ;  noyse  s,  f. 

Quarell  an  arrowe  for  warre  —  garrot  z,  va. 

Quarell  for  a  crosbowe  —  uire  s,  m.  ;  car- 
reau X,  m. 

Quarell  a  cause  of  debate  —  querelle  s,  f. 

Quarry  of  stone  —  qaarriere  s,  (. 

Quart  ineasure  —  pinte  s,  f. 

Quartayne  axes  — jieure  quartayne  s,  f. 

Quarter  eygt  busshelles  —  sextier  s,  m. 

Quarter  the  fourtbe  parte  of  a  thyng  —  quar- 
tier s,  m. 

Quarter  of  an  bour  —  quart  dhevre  s,  m. 

Quartermayster  of  a  shyppe  — 1  contremais- 
tre  s,  ni. 




Qnarter  of  ayere  —  quart  dan  aii  s,  m. 
Quarter  of  a  cerclet  —  septier. 
Quarter  of  a  fortresse  —  despans ,  m. 
Quave  myre — foundriere  s,  f.;  civulicre 


Q    BEFOr.E    UË. 

Quene  lady  —  rajrne  s,  f. 

Queane  —  garse  s,   f.  ;  paillarde  s ,  f, ;   (jaal- 

riere  s,  {. 
Querestar  —  enfant  de  cuevr  s,  m. 
Querne  for  spyce  —  molinet  z,  m.;  grajover 

a  spices ,  m  . 
Quest  —  mqneste  s,î. 
Questyon  —  question  s,  {..,  demande  s,  (. 
Quevar  to  put  arrowes  in  —  carcas,  m, 
Quere  where  men  syng  —  cuevr  desglise  s,  m. 

Q  BEFOnE   UI. 

Quickenesse  —  soudaineté  z,C 

Quickenesse  of  niynde  —  uiuacité  t,  f. 

Quickesylver — uif  argent  s,  m. 

Quyll  of  a  burre  or  rede  —  tuyau  x ,  m. 

Quyelnesse — quiétude  s,C. 

Quyll  or  felher  —  plume  s,  f. 

Quylte  for  a  bedde — lovdier,  covltepoynle  s,  m.; 
coesle  s,{. 

Quyiter — faiseur  de  lovdiers,  m.\  covttepoin- 
lier  s,  va. 

Quynce  a  frule  —  pomme  de  qaoyn  s,  {. 

Quynce  tree  —  quoynier  s,  m. 

Quynce  a  sickenesse  —  escrvelles,  f. 

QuyssLen  to  sytleon  —  cvisseyn  s,  m. 

Quyiitall  a  kynde  of  weiglit — quintal  i,  m. 

Quyntessence  —  quinteessence  s,  f. 

(Juyntyne  to  juste  at  —  quintayne  ajonsler  s,  f.; 
bersault  x,  m. 

QuytauDCe  a  writyng  —  quitance  s ,  (.;  ac- 
quit z,  m. 

Quyver  for  arowes  or  for  a  crosbowe — carquas, 
m.  ;  estay  s,  m. 

R    REFORE   A. 

Rabet  a  yong  cony  —  lappreau  x,  m. 
Rabat  an  yrone  for  a  carpentar  —  rabol  z,  m. 
Rabetlyng  of  bordes —  rabetlure  s,  f 
Rabukyng  —  reuilemenl  s,  m.;  hontaige  s,  m. 

Radyssbe  an  herbe  —  raue  s,  f 

Radyll  of  a  carte — costee  s,  f. 

Rache  hounde. 

Racke  above  tlie  manger  —  ratillier  s,  m. 

Rafter  of  a  bouse  —  cheaeron  s,  m. 

Raggeof  clothe — haillon  s,  m.; panneau,  dra- 
peau X,  m. 

Ragge  tbat  appereth  under  a  garaient  —  lam- 
beau X ,  m. 

Raye  clothe  —  raye  s,  m. 

Raye  fysshe  —  raye  s,  (. 

Raye  an  order  —  reng ,  ranc  z,  m. 

Raye  of  men  in  a  felde  —  arroy  s,  m. 

Rayle  of  a  boothc  —  treille  s,  (. 
. Rayle  fora  wonians  necke — crevechief  en  quat- 
tre  doubles  z,  ni. 

Rayne  foule  wether  —  plvye  s,  f. 

Rayle  for  a  carte  —  coste  s,  f 

Raylles  barres  —  lisses,  f. 

Raynes  of  ihe  backe  —  reyns  de  dos,  m. 

Rayler  a  jestar  —  raillevr,  gavdissevr  s,  m. 

Raygne  the  lyme  of  a  kynges  duraunce  —  rè- 
gne s,  m. 

Rayment — habillement  s,  m. ;  habit  z,m. 

Rayne  of  a  bridell  —  resne  s,  ï. 

Raysing  up  of  a  thyng  —  leuee  s,  f. 

Raysin  a  frute  —  roisyn  s,  m. 

Racke  for  beestes  —  ratillier  s ,m. 

Rakean  instrument  —  rasieau  x,  m. 

Rake  for  the  Kenell  —  rasteau  iS,  ni. 

Racket  to  playe  at  tenues  with  —  racquet  z,  m. 

Rackyng  of  a  mau  to  confesse  the  treuthe    — 
torture  s,  f. 

Rackyng  of  a  borse  in  liis   pacc  —  racquas- 
sure  s,  f. 

Ramme  a  he  beest  —  bellin  s,  ni. 

Ramme  an  instrument  —  engin  s,  m. 

Ranimer  for  husbandrie. 

Ramsey  an  herbe. 

Ranckenesse  habundance  — fertilité  z,  f. 

Rancour  malyce  —  rancune  s ,  f.;  ramposne  s,  f. 

Rande  of  befe  —  gisie  de  beuj  s,  f. 

Râpe  an  herbe  —  mauette  s,  (. 

Rappe  a  stroke  —  covp  z,  m. 

Rase  as  the  rase  of  Bretaync  —  rai ,  m. 

Rascall  refuse  beest  —  refus,  m. 



Rafter  or  sparre  of  a  house  —  cheneron  s,  m. 

Rasour  a  fysshe. 

Rasour  to  shave  with  —  rasover  s,  m. 

Rase  a  scrapyng  ■ —  rasure  s,  C 

Ratte  a  beest  —  rat  z,  m. 

Rates  bane  —  sevriimé  s,  m.  ;  riagai  x,  m. 

Raven  thefte  —  rapine  s,  f. 

Ravyn  a  byrde  —  corbeau  x,  m. 

Ravyner  a  bribour —  raptevr  s,  m. 

Ravyng  or  madnesse  —  desuerie  s,  f. 

Ravys  of  a  carie. 

Ravyssyng —  rauissaige  s,  m.;  rap  s,  m. 

Raunsome  for  a  prisoner  —  ransom  s,  f. 

Rawe  clothe  iiat  fulled  —  tirelajiie  s,  f. 

Rawnesse  —  criievr  s,  f.\crudesse  s,  f. 





Rebecke   an  instrument  of  musyke  - 

z,  m. 
Reaime  —  roialme  s,  m. 
Reason  wytte  —  raison,  discrétion  s,  f. 
Rebell  —  mutin  s,  m.;  rébellion  s,  f. 
Rebellyon  — rébellion  s,  f. ;  rebellerie  s,  f. 
Rebuke  —  uitupere  s,  va. 
Rebounde  of  a  bail  —  bond  z,  m.;  bont  s,  m. 
Reboundyng  —  rebond  s,  m. 
Rebukyng — reprehension  s,  {. ;  reprovclie  s,  m. 
Receyt — recept  z,m.;  recepte  s,[. 
Receyvyng  —  réception  s,  f. 
Receyte  of  dyvers  thynges  in  a  medycine  — 

drogges  s,  f.  ;  recepte  s,  t. 
Recluse  a  relygious  man  —  reclus,  m. 
Recluse  a  relygious  woman  —  recluse  s,  f. 
Receyver  —  recepuevr  s,  m. 
Recorde  —  tesmoignage ,  recort  s,  ni. 
Rekenyng  of  an  acconipte  —  calculation. 
Recorder  a  pype  — flevte  a  ix  nevf  trovs,  f. 
Recordyng  of  byrdes  — patois,  m. 
Recovery  —  amendement  s,  m. 
Recityng  of  a  malter  —  recitation  s ,  f. 
Reckeiesnesse  —  noncliailance  s,  f. 
Recommendation  —  rccommendation  s,  ('. 
Recompence  —  recompence  s,  f. 
Recréa tyon  —  récréation  s,  f. 
Recoveryng  —  recovuerance  s,f. 
Rede  to  playeorpype  with  —  anche  s,  f. 

Rede  of  the  fenne  —  rovseau  x,  rn. 

Reed  berryng  —  harenc  sovrè  z,  m. 

Rede  of  a  weyght  tbe  instrument — anche  s,  I. 

Rede   to  lyght  candelles  with  —  canne  s,  f.  ; 

roseau  x,  m. 
Rede  to  wynde  yarne  on  or  suchc  iyke  —  tuyau 

X ,  m. 
Reed  breest  a  byrde  —  rovgegorge  s,  (. 
Reed  nettyll  —  orlicgriache  s,  f. 
Reed  gounde  sickenesse  of  chyldren. 
Reednesse  —  rovgevr  s,  f. 
Redemar  —  rcdemptevr  s,  iri. 
Redy  money  —  argent  comptant  s,  m. 
Rele  for  yarne  —  dcuidover  s,  m. 
Redynease  of  wytte  —  ingéniosité  z,  (. 
Redynesse  in   doyng  of  a  thyng  —  practi<fue 

Reflectyng  —  rejleclion  s,  f.  ;  reuerberation  s,  f. 
Refraynyng  —  rejraygnaige  s,  m. 
Refraynt  of  a  balade  —  refraynt  s,  m. 
Redynesse — presteté  z,{. 
Refuse  —  refus,  m. 
Refuse  woH  —  layne  refusée  s,  f. 
Régent  a  man  of  dignyle —  régent  s,  m. 
Régentes  wyfc  —  régente  s,  (. 
Regyon   or  countre  —  climat   z,   m.;  région 

s,  f. 
Regyster  —  registre  s,  m. 
Regyster  of  a  boke  —  signet  z,  m. 
Rehersall  —  recitation  s,  f. 
Reherser —  recilevr  s,  m. 
Reyne  foule  wether  —  plvye  s,  f. 
Reyne  of  a  bridell  —  rayne  s,  f. 
Reynbowe  —  arc  du  ciel  z,m. 
Reigner  in  a  kyngdome  —  regnatevr  s,  m. 
Reysin  frute  —  roysin  s,  m. 
Rejoysing — congratulation  s,  {.■,jouissance  s,  i. 
Rekenyng  —  compte  s,  m. 
Reke  of  corne  —  tas  de  ble  s,  m. 
Relefe  —  relief  z,  m. 
Release  forgyvenesse  —  pardon  s,  m. 
Releasyng — reluxation  s,f. 
Rellysshe  a  sauour  —  govst  s,  m. 
Relygion  —  religion  s,  f. 
Relygious  man  —  religieux,  m. 
Relygious  woman  —  religievsc  s,  i. 




Relyke — relique  s,  (. 

Reame  of  paper  —  ranime  de  papier  s,  t. 

Remedy  —  remède  s,  m. 

Remembraunce  —  sovuenance  i,  f.  ;  commémo- 
ration s,  f. ;  mention  s,  f.  •,recordalion  Sj 
f.  ;  remembraunce  s,  (. 

Rendles  for  a  chese  —  présure  s,  f. 

Remnant  of  any  thyng  —  demovrant  s,  m.;  re- 
manant  s,  m. 

Remyssion  —  remission  s,{.;  grâce  s,  {. 

Removyng  —  remotion  s,{. 


Reiige  —  rovte  s,  f.;  ranc  s,  m. 

Renger  for  a  baker. 

Renlesse  to  make  chese  with  — présure  s,  t. 

Renome  the  name  of  a  man  —  renom  s,  m. 

Rent  yerely  dette  —  rente  s,  f. 

Rent  that  a  lorde  taketh  of  his  tenaunt  —  cen- 
ciere  s,  {. 

Rentes  —  reuenves,  f. 

Reparacyon  —  reparution  s,  f. 

Repaste  a  meale —  repas,  m. 

Repar  of  corne  —  sievr  de  ble  s,  m. 

Repell  callyng  agayne  —  repel  z,  m. 

Repentaunce  or  contricyon  —  contrition,  re- 
mors, repentence  s,  f. 

Repentyng  —  regret  z,  m.;  repentence  s ,  {. 

Repayre  a  caryer  of  seefysshe  —  chassemaree 
s,  m. 

Reporte  tellyng  of  a  taie  — report  s,  m. 

Representacyon — représentation  s,  f. 

Reprefe  —  reprovche  s,  m. 

Reprovyng  — mordacité  z,i. 

Rerage  or  dette  —  débet  z,  m. 

Reputacyon  —  réputation  s,  f. 

Request  —  rei/ueste  s,  f. 

Requyrer  or  desyrer  —  reqairevr  s,  m. 

Rere  banket  —  ratios ,  m. 

Rere  supper  —  bancquet  z  ,  m. 

Rerewarde  of  men  —  arrière  garde  s,  f 

Resydence  an  abyding  —  résidence  s,  f. 

Resydue  —  reVuiue  s,  f. 

Resty  —  recours,  rescousse  s,  f. 

Resyning  of  a  thyng  —  résignation  s,  f. 

Resortyng  to  —  actraict,  recours,  m. 

Repayre  —  resort  s,  m. 

Resolvynge  or  discussyuge  —  résolution  s,  f. 

Resonablenessc  —  resonnableté  Zf  f. 

Respyte  —  respit  z,  m. 

Respyte  for  a  tyme —  recreance  s,  f. 

Restilucyon  —  réparation  s,  f. 

Rest  a  pause  —  pause  s,  f. 

Rest  of  the  body  or  mynde  —  repos,  m.  ;  arrest 

z,  m.;  reste  s,  f. 
Restthatleaveth  of  athynge  —  demeurant  s,  m. 
Rest  or  resydue  —  demourant  s,  m. 
Reason  —  raison  s,L\  discrétion  s,  {. 
Restyng place  —  pause,  stacion  s,  f. 
Restyng  of  a  sergiaunt  —  arrest  z,  m. 
Restoring  of  a  thyng  to  his  place  —  remise  s,  [. 
Revar  a  robber  —  pillart  s,  m. 
Revellar  —  carellevr  s,  m. 
Revelacyon  —  reuelation  s,  f. 
Révérence  —  reuerence  s,  f. 
Retynue  a  company  of  folkes  —  tinel  z,  m. 
Retayning  —  retenue  s,  f. 
Rethorique  a  scycnce — relhorique  s,  f. 
Returoyng  —  retour  s,  m. 
Réveil  —  esbatement  s,  m. 
Revyng  —  repacité  z,  f. 
Rewarde  of  meate  • — ■  entremetz,  m. 
Rewarder  —  retributevr  s,  m. 
Rewardyng  —  rétribution  s,  f. 
Rewle  an  instrument  —  rigle  s,  f 
Rewarde  —  guerdon  s,  m. 
Revengyng  —  uindication  s,  f. 
Revfle  demeanour  —  rigle  s,  f. 
Rewe  an  herbe  —  rêve  s,  f. 
Rewme  of  the  heed  —  ryme  s,  f. 

R    BEFOBE    I. 

Riall  coyne  —  raal,  noble  a  la  rose  x,  m. 

Riall  of  wyne — fome,  brovee,Jlevr  z,  f. 

Rialte — pompe  î,  f. 

Rialnesse  —  royalté  z  ,  (. 

Ribaude  a  man  —  ribault  z,  m. 

Ribalde  a  \voman  —  ribaulde  s,  (. 

Ribaldrie  —  ribauldrie  s,  f. 

Ribbe  a  bone  —  covste  s,  f. 

Ribbe  for  flaxe. 

Rybbe  skynne.  ' 

Rybbe  worte  an  herbe. 



Ryce  corne  —  tys,  m. 

Richesse  —  richesse  s,  f.  ;  opulence  s,  f.;  subs- 
tance s,  f.  ;  biens,  m.;  ckeuance  s,  f.  ; 
finance  s,  f. 

Ridge  of  a  lande  —  sente  s,  f. 

Riddie  a  harde  questyon  —  demande  s,  f.;  sor- 
nette s,   f. 

Ridyng  speare  — 'jaueline  s,  f. 

Rye  corne —  seigle  s,  m. 

Rveng  cyvc. 

Ryfte  crany  — fente  s,  f.  ;  carniau  x,  m. 

Ryfle  in  a  dore  — f  endosse  s,  L;f endure  s,  (. 

Ryggc  of  lande  —  sente  s,  f. 

Rigge  bone  —  eschine  s,  f. 

Riggyng  of  a  house  —  chavlme  s,  m. 

Right  that  an  host  must  do  to  his  gest  —  droit 

Riglh  wysnesse  —  droyture  s,  (.;  équité  z,  f. 

Rigbt  hande  —  dextre. 

Right  suster  —  seur  germayne  s,  (. 

Rightnesse  —  rectitude  s,  f. 

Rigour  —  righevr  s,  f. 

Rymme  of  a  whele  or  stabbe  —  peav  x,  m. 

Rightuousnesse  — justice  s,  f. 

Ryme  mètre  —  risme  s,  f. 

Ryme  the  reume  of  the  heed  —  rime  s,  f. 

Ryng  to  weare  —  annel,  anneau  x,  m. 

Ryng  worme. 

Ryng  fyngar. 

Ryndeof  atree  —  escorche  s,  f. 

Ryot — insolence  s,{.;  rhiotte  s,  f. 

Ryot  prodigall  expens  —  bovbans,  m.;  prodi- 
galité z,  {. 

Ryotter  a  prodigall  feiowe  —  bobancier  s,  m.; 
prodigue  s,  m. 

Russhetbat  growetb  — jonc  z,  m. 

Risyng  agayne  —  resource  s,  f. ;  relieuement 
s,  m. 

Ryverabroke  —  ruisseau  x,m.;  undette  s,  f. 

Ryver  a  water  —  riaiere  s,  [. 

Ryversyde  —  riue  s,  f. 

R   BEFORE   O. 

Rho  bucke  a  beest. 

Robber  on  the  see  —  pirate  s,  ta. 

Robber  a  tbefe  —  brigant  s,  m. 

Robery  —  roberie  s,  f. 

Robbyng  or  reavyng —  déprédation  s,  i.;  des- 
troasse  s,f. 

Robe  a  garment  —  robe  s,  f. 

Robyn  reedbrest  —  ung  râteau  x,  m.;  rouge- 
gorge  s,  f. 

Robrisshe  of  a  boke  —  rabriche  s,  f. 

Robrisshe  of  stones  —  plastras,  m.;  fourniture 

Roche  a  fysshe  —  guerdon  s,  m. 

Rochet  a  lytell  gurnarde  —  rouget  z,  m. 

Rochet  a  surplys  —  rochet  z,  m. 

Roche  of  stone  —  roche  s,  f. 

Rode  a  crosse  —  crucifix,  m. 

Rodde  of  lande  —  toyse  s,  f. 

Rodde  a  long  stycke  —  gavle  s,  l'. 

Rodde  to  béate  with  —  uerge,  hovssine  s,  f. 

Rode  a  compauy  of  borsmen  —  chevauchée 

Rofe  of  an  house  without  —  pignon  s,  m. 

Rofeof  an  house  within  — feste  s,  m. 

Rofe  of  the  niouthe  —  palet  z,in. 

Rofe  tree. 

Rofe  of  baken  or  befe. 

Rogation  weke —  la  sepmaine  des  rouaisons,  f. 

Roke  a  byrde  —  chovcquas,  m. 

Rocket  an  herbe  —  rocquette  s,  f. 

Roke  of  the  chesse — foc  z,  m. 

Rockc  to  spynne  with  —  quenoille  s,  f. 

Rocke  in  the  see  —  roche  s,  f. 

Rolle  a  writyng  —  rolle  s,  m. 

Rolle  of  paper  —  rovlet,  rovleau  z,  m. 

RoUar  or  rammer  of  busbandrie. 

Rollar  to  rôle  with  —  rolle  s,  f. 

Romauns  —  romant  s,  m. 

Roume  space  —  liev  x,  m.;  espace  s,  f. 

Romayne  a  man  —  Romain  s,  m. 

Romayne  a  woman  — Romayne  s,  f. 

Rompe  of  a  beest  — poiltron,  crovpe  s,(. 

Ronnyng  of  chese  —  maisgre,  m. 

Ronnyng  orcourse  of  anythynge —  decours,  m. 

Rodde  of  lande  —  toise  s,  f. 

Roen  colour  of  an  horse  —  roven  s,  m. 

Ropar  a  ropemaker  —  cordier  s,  m. 

Rope  —  cordeau  x,  m.;  corde  s,  f. 

Ropes  in  the  small  guttes. 


Rore  trouble  —  troahle  s,  m. 

Roryng  or  scrykyng  —  cscry  s,  m. 

Rosecampyon  a  fleure. 

Rosewatcr  —  cave  rose  s,f. 

Rose  colour. 

Roseyardc  where  roses  growe  —  rosier  s,  m. 

Rose  floure  —  rose  s,  f. 

Roseniary  —  rommarin  s,  m. 

Rosyn  —  roisiiie  s,  (. 

Roste  mcate —  rost  s,  m. 

Rotte  among  beestes  —  movrine  s,  f. 

Rotlynnesse  of  any  thynge  —  pourriture  s,  f. 

Rote  of  a  tree  —  racine  s,  C 

Rotes  or  sedes  —  drogue  s,  {. 

Rother  of  a  shyppe  —  govuernail  z,  m. 

Roundelet  a  vessell  —  rondelle  s,  f. 

Rower  for  a  bote  —  auiron  s,  m. 

Rowe  in  order  —  reng  z,  va. 

Rowell  of  a  spurre  —  molette  dun  csperon  s,  f.  ; 

roelle  s,  f. 
Rowe  in  a  fyssberbelly  —  oevue  s,  m. 
Roost  for  capons  or  bennes  — jeissover  s,  m. 
RougbncEse  —  impétuosité  z,  f. ;  rndevr  s,  f.; 

rudesse  s,  {. 
Roughe  foted  dove  —  coulomb  z,  m. 
Roughc  fyssbe. 
Rounde  daunce. 

Roundc  a  songe — rondeau  x,  m.;  uinlay  z,va. 
Roundell  —  rondeau  x,  m. 
Roundelet  a  vesseil  for  wyne  —  septier  s,  m. 
Rounde  button  —  noiau  x,  m. 
Rounde  tothe. 

Rounde  buckeler —  rodelle  s,  f. 
Roundnesse  —  rondeur,  rondesse ,  rotandité  z,î. 
Route  a  company  —  rovtle  s,  f. 
Routyng  in  slepe  —  romjlevre  s,  f. 

R    BEFOHE    U. 

Rubande  of  sylke  —  rubant  s,  m. 
Rubbar  for  a  gowne  —  decrottoires ,  f. 
Ruby  a  precious  stone  —  ruby  s,  m. 
Rubbyng  toguyder  —  confrication  s,  f. 
Rudencsse  —  roidevr  s,  (. 
Rulfe  a  fyssbe. 
Ruggydnesse —  pellure  s,  f. 
Ruyne  decaycng  —  ruine  s,  f. 


Ruler  governer  —  govuerneir  s,  m.;  rectevr  s, 

m.;  riglcl  z,  m. 
Ruler  for  a  carpentar  —  niueau  x,xa. 
Ruie  order  —  régime  s,  m. 
Rulc  —  reigle  s,  f. 
Rulc  of  cannon  lawe  —  canon  s,  m. 
Rumney  wyne  —  rommenye  s,  f. 
Runnyng  of  a  wbele  —  peau. 
Runiour  noyse  —  rumevr  s,  f. 
Russhe  tbat  is  strawen  — jonc  r,  m. 
Russet  —  gris,  m. 
Rust  of  yron  or  any  otber  metall  —  enrovillevre 


S    BEFORE    A. 

Sale  of  a  thyng  —  achapt  : ,  m. 

Sables  a  furre  —  sables,  m. 

Sacrament — sacrement  s ,  m. 

Sacrylege — sacrilège  s,  f. 

Sacryng  bell  —  clochette  s,  f. 

Sacryngof  the  masse  —  sacrement  s,  m. 

Sacrifyce  —  sacrifice  s,  m. 

Sacke  to  put  corne  in  — sac  z,  m. 

Sacclotbe  —  sacqucment  s,  va, 

Saddle  Irce  of  a  saddle  —  arjon  s,  at. 

Saddie  for  a  borse —  selle  s,  f. 

Saddleclotbe  —  hovsse  s,  (. 

Sadler  a  maker  of  saddels  —  sellier  s,  m. 

Sadde  coloure. 

Sadnesse  —  seuerilé  z,  f .  ;  rassiselé  z,  f. 

Sadnesse  hevynesse  —  tristesse  s,  t. 

Safyre  a  precious  stone  —  saphire  s,  m. 

Safron  spyce  —  safran  s,  m. 

Sage  an  berbe  —  saulge  s,  f. 

Saye  clothe  —  serge  s,  f. 

Sayeng — dit,  diltie  z,  m. 

Sayle  of  a  sbyppe  —  ttoille,  pappepKis,  m.; 

baulpri  z,  m. 
Sayleyarde  —  uerge  de  tref  s,  (. 
Saylyng  —  nauigaige  s,  m. 
Saynt  a  man  —  sainct  i,  m. 
Santuary  frcdome  — franchise  s ,  f. 
Sayntes  lyfe  —  légende  s,{. 
Sake,  as  for  goddes  sake  —  amovr  s,  f. 
Sacre  a  hauke  —  sacre  s,  m. 
Salade  of  herbes  —  salade  s,  f. 



Salandyne  an  herbe  —  celidoyne  s,  f. 

Salet  of  harnesse  —  salade  s,  f. 

Sale  of  marchandyse  — uente  s,  f. 

Saline  of  sauiter  —  pscaulme  s,  m. 

Saltepeter  —  salpestre  s,  m. 

Salle  —  sel  z,  m. 

Saltsellar  for  salle  —  sellier  's,  m. 

Sallry  an  instrumenl. 

Sallfysshe  —  morcve  s,  f. 


Salter  —  grenetier,  marchant  de  sel  s,  m. 

Sallewaler  —  saulmevre  s,  f.  or  btyme. 

Saltnesse  —  saline  s,{. 

Sauter  a  boke  ■ —  psaltier  s,  m. 

Salowe  Iree  —  sapin  s,  m. 

Salve  for  sores  —  oignement  s,  m. 

Saiulatyon  a  gretyng  —  salulalion  s,  f. 

Saulmon  a  fysshe  —  saulmon  s,  m. 

Sande  to  skoure  vessell  wilh  —  sablon  s,  va. 

Sande  gravell  —  sablon,  sable  s,  m. 

Sandepylle  —  sablonierc  s,  f. 



Sanguyn  a  complexion  —  sanguin  s,  m. 

Sanguynesse  —  sangainevr  s,  f. 

Sappe  of  a  tree  —  semé,  movelle  de  larbre  s,  f. 

Sarce  for  spyce  —  sas,  m. 

Sargiant  an  offycer  —  salhelitc  s,  m, 

Sarsyn  a  man  —  Sarrasin. 

Sarsenet  sylke — taffetas,  m.;  taffetas  a  cor- 

Sarves  tree  —  alisier  s,  m. 

Sarves  frute  —  alise  s,  f. 

Saltcn  clolhe  of  sylke  —  salin  s,  m. 

Sallen  of  bridges  —  satin  de  bragis,  m. 

Saltyn  of  cyprès  —  ostadine  s,  f. 

Saturday  —  sammedy  s,  m. 

Satysfaction  —  recompence  s,  f.  ;  satisfaction 

Sauce — saulce  s,  (. 

Saucer  —  saulcier  s,  m. 

Saudre  mclall. 

Sawe  an  inslrument  —  sie  z,  f.  ;  serre  s,  f. 

Sawe  a  proverbe  — prouerbe  s,  m. 

Sawedusl  —  sicvre  dais ,  f 

Savegarde  —  savaegarde  s,(. 

Saveyne  tree  —  saaine  s,  f. 


Savery  an  herbe  —  sarriette  s,  f. 


Saver  good  or  badde  —  olevr,  odevr  s,  f. 

Saveconducte —  savlfcondait  z,  m. 

Safenesse  —  saueté  z ,  f. 

Sauge  an  herbe  —  sauge  s,  f. 

Savyng  —  savuance  s,  f. 

Savyour  —  savluevr  s,  m. 

Salvation  —  salaation,  savlaegarde  s,  f. 

Sausedge  a  podyng  —  saucisse  s,  f. 

Sauce  alone  an  herbe. 

Saule  of  a  caslell  —  assaull  z,  m. 

Sauter  our  ladyes  psalter  —  le  cliappellet  noslrc 

dame  z,  m. 
Sauter  a  boke  —  psaltier  s,  m. 
Saulrie  an  instrument. 
Saxifrage  an  herbe  —  saxifraige  s,  f. 

S    IlEPORE    CA. 

Scabarde  of  a  sworde  — fovrreau  x,  m. 

Scabbe  —  roigne  s,  f. 

Scabbe  a  blayne  —  bouton  s,  m. 

Scabyous  an  herbe  —  scabievse  s,  {. 

ScafToide  —  escharfavlt  z ,  m. 

Scallarde  —  ligneux,  ui. 

Scale  of  a  fysshe  —  escaille  s,  f.  ;  escale  de 

Scales  to  waye  with  —  balances  s,  f. 
Scale  of  a  ladder  —  eschellon  s,  m, 
Scalydnesse  —  escalerie  s,  t. 
Scalle  a  scabbe  —  teigne  s,  f.  ;  teignon  s,  ni. 
Scallydnesse  —  roignevseté  z,  f. 
Scaloppe  a  fysshe. 
Scaloppe  sheli  —  gaocquille  de  saint  Jacques 


Scantlon  ofaclothe  —  eschantillon  s,  m. 

Scantnesse  —  escarcevr  s,  (. 

Scapellar  —  scapalaire  s,  m. 

Scarsnesse  —  parcilé  z,f. 

Scarmony  spyce. 

Scarre  of  a  wounde — covslure  s,  f .  ;  irasse  s,C 

cicatrice  s,  f. 
Scarre  to  scar  crowes  - 
Scariet  a  reed  colour  — 

—  espovenlail  z,  m. 
■  escarlalte  s,  f. 



Scarsncsse  or  hungre  — famine  s,  f. 

Scarsnesse  of  any  thing  —  escharceté  z,  (. 

Scate  fysshe  —  raje  s,  f. 

Scathe  domage  —  dammaujc  s,  m. 

Scavenger  thaï  clenseth  streles —  hovevr  s,  m. 


Schadowe  —  ambre  s,  m.;  umhraitje  s,  m. 
Shadowe  a  coverjng  —  covuert  z,  m. 
Shadowyng  —  ohamhralion  s,  f. 
Shafte  lo  sliote  with  — Jlesche  s,  T. 
Shafte  of  any  edged  tôle  —  manche  s,  m. 
Shafte  of  a  spere  or  darle  — fast  z,  m. 
Shagbusshe  a  gonne  —  hacqaehutte  s,  f. 
Schayler  that  gothe  a  wrie  with  his  fêle  — 

boyteix,  m. 
Schaccle  for  a  horse  or  man  —  enlraues ,  f. 
Schale  of  a  nulle  —  esqaaille  s,  f. 
Schalraesse  a  pype  —  chalemeaa  x,  ni. 
SchamUes  —  bovcherie  s,  f. 
Schame  basshedncsse — honte  s,  f.  ;  uituperc  s, 

m.;  hontaige  s,  va. 
Schainefaslnesse  —  uergoigne  s,  f. 
Schanke  a  legge — jambe  s,  f. 
Schanke  of  bouge  — fovTTure  de  caissettes,  {. 
Schappe  facyon — façon  s,  {.\  forme  s,  f. 
Schappc  of  a  man  or  beesl  —  lineatnre  s,{. 
Schappyng  knyfe  of  soulers  —  iranchet  z ,tn. 
Schappe  a  sorte —  taille  s,  f. 
Schare  of  a  ploughe  —  caltre  de  cherue  s,  m. 
Schare  of  a  man  of  a  prise  of  warre  tyme  — 

butin  s,  m. 
Scharyng — roignevre  s,  f. 
Scharman  — tondezr  s,  m. 
Scharmannes  poole  —  prêche  a  draps. 
Scharpnesse  —  abilleté,  aguiseté  z ,  ï. 
Scharpe  ende  ôf  ihe  moone  —  corne  s,  f. 
Scharpnesse  in  maners  —  aspresse  s,  t. 
Scharpe  speare  heed  — fer  csmolu  s,  m. 
Scharpe  swerde  —  espee  trenchant  s,  f. 
Schavynge  knyfe. 
Schavyng  of  woode. 
Schave  for  carpenlers. 


Sche  lepar  —  ladresse  s ,  f. 

Sche  lyparde 

S  DEFonE  CHE. 
—  leoparde  s,  f. 

Sche  lyon  —  lionne  s,  I. 

Scheffe  of  arrowes  —  trovsse  a  Jleches  s ,  f. 

Schefe  of  corne  —  gerbe  s,  f. 

Schedar  a  spyller  —  respandetr  s,  m. 

Sche  beare  a  beesl  - — ovrse  s,  f 

Sche  ratte  —  rate  s,  (. 

Sche  wolfe  —  loviie  s,  C 

Sche  devyll  —  diablesse  s,  f. 

Schedde  of  an  hyll  —  tertre  s,  m. 

Schelde  to  défende  with  —  escuisson  s,  m. 

Scheldrake  a  byrde. 

Schelyng  of  money  —  sovldz ,  m. 

Schell  of  a  snayle  —  cocquiUe  s,  f. 

Schell  of  fysshe  or  frutc  —  escaille  s,  f.  ;  coc- 
quiUe s,  (. 

Schellrone  of  a  batayle. 

Schepherdes  stafle  —  hovletle  s,  f. 

Sehepbeerde  —  bergier  s,  m. 

Scliepherdcs  house —  bourde  portable  s,  f.  ■ 

Schepherdes  wyfe  —  bargeronnette  s,  f. 

Schepe  a  he  beesl  —  movton  s,  m. 

Schepe  an  ewc  —  brebis,  (. 

Schepe  cote  —  bergerie  s,  [. 

Schepherdes  croke  —  hovlette  s,  f. 

Schepherdes  bagge — pannetiere  s,  f. 

Schepes  louce  —  pov  de  movton  s,  m. 

Schepes  fêle  —  pied  de  movton  s,  m. 

Schepes  peilet  or  dong  —  fient  a  brebis,  m. 

Schepskynne  lowed —  basannc  s,  f. 

Schepstarre  —  lingiere  s,  f 

Schernians  shercs  — forceps,  t. 

Schere  flockes. 

Shered  of  broken  geare  —  haillion  s,  m. ;  pan- 
niau  X,  va. 

Sheres  for  laylyers  or  cappcrs  —  ciceaux,  m. 

Sheres  for  shepsters  — forces,  f. 

Sheres  lo  clyp  ones  nayles — forcettes,  f. 

Shere  Ihursday — jevuedj  absolu  s,  m. 

Shelh  of  a  sworde  or  hangar — fourreau  x,  m.  ■ 

Sheth  of  a  meale  knyfe —  gayne  s,  f. 

Shelh  niaker  —  gaignier  s,  m. 

Shele  for  a  bedde  —  drap,  linceul  .v,  m. 

Sheteofpaper — foyllet  de  papier  z,  m. 

Shele  of  a  shyppe —  escoute  s,  f. 

Shetyll  of  a  wevar  —  naaette  s,  f. 



Shever  of  bredde — chanleau  x,  m. 

Sliewe  of  a  thyng  to  sale  —  lustre  s,  m. 

Shewyng  —  monstrance  s,  f.  ;  ostentation  s,  f.  ; 
remonstrance  s,  f.;  demonstrance  s,  f.;  dé- 
monstration s,  f. 


Schyde  of  wode  —  huche  s,  [.•■,  movle  de  bi- 
ches, f. 

Schyfte  chevesaunce  —  cheuesance  s,  f. 

Schyftyng  —  changement  s,  m. 

Schynne  of  the  legge  —  greue  s,  (. 

Shyngles  liyllyng  of  an  house. 

Shynyng  —  rehicencc  s ,  t.;  resplendevr  s,  f. ; 
luissance  s,  f. 

Sbynyng  of  sylke  or  clothe  —  lustre  s,  m. 

Shyppe  to  sayle  in  —  nef  z,  m.;  nauiere  s ,  {. 

Schyppe  of  warre —  naude  guerre  x,  m. 

Schyppe  bote  —  bateau  x,  m. 

Scbypowuer  —  patron  dune  nauiere  s,  m. 

Scbyppemaistcr —  mais  Ire  de  nauiere  s,  m. 

Sbypman  a  maryncr —  marinier  s,  m. 

Shypmans  carde  —  carte  s,  f. 

Shypwright  —  charpentier  de  nauieres,  m. 

Sbyre  a  couutie  —  conté  z ,  f. 

Shyrenesse  tbynnesse  —  delievre  s,  f. 

Sbirt  for  a  man —  chemise  s,  f. 

Sbytteicockc — uolant  s,  m. 

SbytlcH  for  a  wevar  —  nauette  s,  f. 

Sbyttelnesse  —  uariableté  z,  {. 

Shyver  of  bredde  —  chanleau  x,  m.;  lonpin 
de  payn  s,  m. 


Schoo  —  sovlier  s,  m. 

Sho  with  a  longe  becke — soulier  a  povlaine  s,  m. 

Sbooraaker  —  cordovanier  s,  m. 

Shoomakers  crafte  —  cordovanerie  s,  (. 

Schocke  of  corne  —  tas  de  ble  s,  m. 

Schowyng  of  an  horse  — ferrure  s,  f. 

Scbowyng  borne  —  clmusscpie  s,  m. 

Scboppe  to  worke  in  —  bouticle  s,  f. 

Scboppe  kepar. 

Scbore  a  waterssyde  —  ryue  s,  f. 

Scborte  gowne  —  robe  courte  s,  f. 

Scborte  bose  —  chausse  courte  s,  f. 

Schotte  tbat  is  gathered  for  a  dyner  —  escot 

z,  m. 
Scbortnesse — '  courterr  i,  f.  ;  briesveté  z,  f. 
Scl)otte  of  an  archer  —  ung  traict  z,  m. 
Scbovelarde  a  foule  —  palomme  s,  f 
Scholyng  —  sagittation  s,  f. 
Schotyng  weresling  —  esbanoy  s,  m. 
Scbovyll  an  instrument  —  pelle  s,  f. 
Scboure  of  rayne  —  undee  z,  (. 
Schortnyng  of  a  tbing  —  abreuiation  s,  f. 
Scbout  or  crye  —  cry  s,  m.  ;  acclamation  s,  f. 
Scboutyng  or  crycng  —  crierie  s,  f. 
Scholder  of  nioton  —  espavlle  de  movlon. 
Scholder — espavlle  s,{. 
Scholder  point —  la  pointe  de  lespavlle  s,  f. 


Scbraftyde  —  quaresme  pregnant  s,  ni. 

Schraftuisday  —  mardy  gras,  m. 

Schrede  of  clothe —  coppeau  x,  m.;  rongnievre 

de  drap  s,  f. 
Scbrefe  an  ofiicer — preuost  z,  m. 
Scbrewe  an  yvell  man  —  manfaaù,  m. 
Schrewe  an  yvell  woman  —  mauluaise  s,  I. 
Schrifte  confessyon  —  confesse  s,  f. 
Schrikyng  or  roring  out — escry  s,  m. 
Scbrimpe  a  fysshe  —  creuette  s,{. 
Schrine  a  sayntes  tombe —  chasse  s,  f. 
iScbrobbe  a  busshe  —  arbrisseau  x,  m. 
Scbrove  thursday  — jcvuedy  absolu  s,  m. 
Schroudes  of  a  shyppe —  haubans,  m. 
Schrultell  for  a  wevar. 
Schyrmysshe — meslee  s,  [. 

S    BEFORE    CL. 

Sclaundre  —  esclaiulre  s,C;  blasphème  s,  m.; 

scandale  s,  m. 
Sclaunderer  —  blasphematevr  s,   m.;  mavldi- 

sant  s,  m. 
Sclaunderyng  —  detraction  s,  f. 
Sclate  stone  —  ardoyse  s,  {. 
Sclyce  to  tourne  meate  —  tournoire  s,  C 
Sclycer  —  tournoyre  s,  {. 

S    BEFORE   CO. 

Scochen  a  badge  —  escuisson  s,  m. 



,  f. 

Scoffer  or  jestar  —  gaudissevr  s,  m. 
Scoffyngcs  or  tryfles  — fredaynes,  f. 
Scolde —  Hojsetx,  noisij  z,  m.;  noysiae  s, 
Scoldyng  or  wondring  —  ckarriuaris,  m. 
Scole  to  lerne  chyldre  in  —  escole  s,  f. 
ScoHer  —  escalier  s,  m. 
Scome  frothc  —  escame  s,  (. 
Scomyog  of  a  pot  —  escume  du  pot  z,  {. 
Scommar  that  hath  holes  —  escumctte  s,  f. 
Scons  to  sette  a  candell  in  —  lanterne  a  mayn 

Sconsinaker  —  lanternier  s,  m. 
Scope  to  lade  water  with. 
Score  on  a  tayle  —  taylles,  f. 
Score  in  nombre  —  uingtayiie  s,  f. 
Scorne  a  mocke  —  mocquerie  s,  f.  ;  dérision  s,  (. 
Scorner  or  raocker —  mocqaeir  s,  m. 
Scornyng  or  raockyng  —  illusion  s,  f. 
Scorpion  a  serpent  — escorpion  s,  m. 
Scorssyng  or  escbangyng  —  eschanye 
Scotlande  —  Escosse  s,  f. 
Scottyssheman  —  Escojssoys  s,  m. 
Scottell  a  fyssbe  —  seiche  s ,  [. 
Scottell  bone —  os  de  seiche,  m. 
Scoulyon  of  tbe  kcchyn  —  souillon  s,  va 
Scourge  to  béate  with — Jouet  z,  m. 
Scourgyug  —  affliction  s,(. 
Scoute  watcbe  ^  escout  ; ,  m.  ;  escoute 



S    BEFORE    CB. 

Screne  made  of  wickers  —  eslranc  s,  m. 
Scrybe  in  a  spyrituall  court  —  scribe  s,  m. 
Scrybe  in  a  temporall  court  —  grejjier  s,  m. 
Scrytcbe  houle  a  byrde. 
Scryppe  for  a  pylgryme  —  molette  s,  f, 
Scrypture  on  a  grave  —  lame  s ,  f.  ;  epitaphe 

s,  m. 
Scrypture  or  a  boke —  escript  z,  m.;  escrip- 

lure  s,  f. 
Scryvener — escripuayn  s,  m. 
ScroHe  —  rolle  s,  m.  ;  escripteau  x,  m. 
Scrowe  —  rovlet  z,  in.;  rolle  s,  m. 

S  BEFORB  eu. 

ScuH  barnesse  for  tbe  heed  —  set/retle  s,  {.; 
seyret  z,  m. 

Seuil  of  a  mannes  bed  —  taie  de  la  teste  s,  I. 

Seuil  to  rowe  witli  —  auiron  s,  m. 

ScuUar  —  batellier  s,  m.  ■ 

Scumme  of  a  potte  —  escmne  s,  f. 

Scummer  —  escumelle  s,  f. 

Scurfe  on  oncs  becd  or  body  —  crasse  de  la 

teste  s,  f.  ;  or  du  corps, 
Scuttell  fyssbe  —  saiche  s,  f. 
Scuttell  bone  —  os  de  saiche  s,  m. 

S    BEFORE    E. 

Season  tyme  —  saison  s,  f. 

Scale  to  seale  with  —  signet  z,  m. 

Seale  of  leed  or  any  other  inetall —  seau   x,  m. 

See  water  —  mer  s,  f. 

Secte  a  company  of  one  opynion  —  secte  s,  f. 

Semewe  —  moette  s,  f. 

Seesyde  —  marine  s,{. 

Secbell  a  bagge  —  sachet  :,m. 

Secole  —  charbon  de  terre  s,  m. 

Seecobbe  a  byrde  —  mavue  de  mer  s,  t. 

Secrète  a  prevy  place  —  reqaoj  s,  m. 

Secrète  or  bydde  tliyng  —  arcane  s,{. 

Secretnesse — secretie  s,i. 

Secretarye  —  secretayre  s,  va. 

Secrète  place  —  réduit  : ,  m. ;  conclaue  s,  m. 

Sectour  —  exccuterr  s,  m. 

Seculer  a  worldely  nian  —  séculier  s,  m. 

Seculer  a  worldly  woman  —  séculière  s,  f. 

Sedc  of  herbes  —  grayne  s,  f. 

Sede  of  any  tbyng  —  semence  s,  L 

Sede  tyme. 

Sedgc  of  tbe  fenne. 

Selfewyldnesse  —  restarderie  s,{. 

Sege  a  prcvy  —  ortraict  z,  m. 

Sege  before  a  casteii  —  siège  s,  m. 


Seyle  of  a  shyppe  —  aoille  s,  f. 

Seyle  yarde  —  uerge  de  uoille  s,(. 

Seyng  toguyder  of  one  and  other  —  entreaere 

Seynt  Peters  worte —  herbe  a  sainct  Pierre  s,{, 
Seynt  of  a  gyrdeli  —  tissu  x,  m. 
Seyntuary  an  herbe. 



Seynt  Jobannes  worte  —  herbe  de  sainct  Jehan 

Seynt  Homers  worstedde  —  demj  oslade  s ,  f. 
Seyntuarie — franchise  s,  f. 
Sekcnesse  —  maladie  s,  f.  ;  langevr  s ,  {.;  en- 

jirmité  z,  ï. 
Sekyng  or  sercbyng  —  inuestiçjolion  s,  f. 
Selandyne  an  herbe — celidoine  s,  f. 
Seale  a  fysshe  —  chaulderon  de  mer  s,  m. 
Seaie  of  ieed  —  seau  x,  m. 
Seale  a  print  —  seau  a-,  m. 
Seale  horse  barnesse. 
Selle  for  an  bermyte  —  hermilaige  s,  f. 
Scllar  tbat  is  vauted  with  stone  —  caue  s,  (. 
Sellar  unvauted  —  sellier  s,  m. 
Sellerar  of  a  relygious  place —  bovtelier  s,  m. 
Sellar  of  a  bedde  —  ciel  x,  m. 
Selfeheale  an  herbe. 
Selfewyldenessc —  obstiimlion  s,  f. 
Sellyng  of  any  thyng  ' — uendaige  s,  (. 
Seame  measure  —  demy  sestier  s,  m. 
Searae  of  corne  —  demj  sestier  de  hle  s,  m. 
Seame  ofsowyng  —  covsture  s,  f. 
Seame  of  the  heed  —  covsture  de  la  teste  s,  f. 
Semé  for  to  frye  witb  — seyn  de  povrceau  s,  m. 
Semelynesse  —  seanteté  z,  f. 
Semewe  a  byrde  —  moette  de  mer  s,  f. 
See  breame  a  fysshe. 
Senate  —  sénat  z,m. 
.Senatour —  senatevr  s,  m. 
.Sence  tbat  smelietb  —  encens  s,  m. 
Sencer —  encensoir  s,  m. 
Sendall  —  sendal  x,  m. 
Sendyng  of  a  man  —  enaoje  s,  m. 
Seene  of  clerkes  —  congrégation  s,  f. 
Senyght — semaine  s,{.  hvyt  jovrs ,  m. 
Senewe  of  a  beest  —  nerf  z,  m. 
Sensualnesse  —  sensualité  z ,  {. 
Seynt  Andries  lace — cordon  s,  m. 
Sentence  —  sentence  s,  (. 
Sensualyte  —  sensualité  z,(. 
Septembre  a  monelb  — septembre  s,  m. 
Sepler  for  a  kyng —  scptre  s,  m. 
Sertche  enquyre  —  enquestc  s,  f. 
Sertcher  —  scrchevr  s,  m. 

Serciet  for  a  brides  heed  —  cèdre  s,  m. 

Serenesse  drinesse  —  sechevr  s,  f. 

Sergiauntes  mase  —  masse  s,  f. 

Sergiaunt  —  sergent  .s,  m. 

Sergiant  of  the  coyfe — sergent  a  la  coyffe  s,  m. 

Sergiant  of  armes  —  macier  darmes,  m. 

Sercle  —  cercle  s,  m.;  rondeau  x,  m. 

Seryne  a  byrde  —  serin  s,  m. 

Sermonde  —  sermon  s,  m. 

Serymony  an  observance — cérémonie  s,  f. 

Seriraony  at  a  mannes  buryall  —  pompe  fune- 

ralle  s,  f. 
Serpent  a  worme  —  serpent  s,  m. 
Seriousnesse  —  serievseté  z,  {. 
Servage  —  seruage  s,  m. 
Servaunt  —  seruitevr  s,  m.;  mancipe  s,  m. 
Servyse  frute  —  alise  s,  f  ;  aliellc  s,  f. 
Scrvyse  tree  —  alisier  s,  m. 
Servyce  that  a  inferyour  onght  lo  do  to  his  su- 

peryour  —  obseque  s,  m. 
Servyce —  seraice  s,  m. 
Servjablenesse  —  seruiablelè  z,  f. 
Servyce  of  meate  —  entremetz,  ni. 
Scssyng  tbat  a  prince  setteth  in  a  countrey  — 

imposition  s,  (. 
Season  —  saison  s,f. 
Scssyons  an  assise  —  assise  s,  f. 
Sesterne  —  cisterne  s,  f. 
Seate  a  place  — place  s,  f. ;  siège  s,  m. 
Seate  in  a  taverne  —  assiette  s,  f. 
Sette  a  tree  that  is  newe  set —  ente  s,  f. 
Settyng  at  nought  —  uilipendence  s,  f. 
Setwall  an  herbe  —  sotoval  x,  m. 
Sever  to  meate. 

Sewe  of  lamprey» — potage  de  lamproyes  s,  m. 
Seurtie  —  sevrté  z,  f. 
Se wstar  —  covsluriere  s ,  f. 
Sextry  —  sexterie  s,(. 
Sexten  —  bedeau  x,  m. 

S    UEFORE    I. 

Sicomer  frute. 

Sicomour  tree. 

Syde  of  any  thyng — rioaige  s,  m. 

Syde  of  a  fortresse  —  despans ,  m . 

Syde  of  a  beest  —  covsle  s,  (. 



Sydenesse  —  lonyevr  s,(. 

Syde  of  a  boke  thatis  written  —  jMfjee  :,  f. 

Syde  of  a  bedde  —  sponde  s ,  f. 

Syde  ofa  bote  —  borl  s,  m. 

Sydre  drinke  —  cydre  s,  m. 

Scyence  connyng  —  science  s,  f. 

Science  crafte  —  art  s,  f. 

Sydre  tree  —  pommier  s,  m. 

Syfe  to  cyfte  corne  in  —  crible  s,  m. 

Signe  that  ascendclh   in   hevyn  —  assendent 

s,  m- 
Signe  of  an  inné  —  enseigne  .«,  f. 
Signifyeng  —  signijiance  s,( 
Signe  a  loken  —  signe  s,  m.;  prodige  s,  ta. 
Signet  —  signet  z,m. 
Sighe  a   hastye   drawyng  of  the    brethe  — 

sovspir  s,  m. 
Sight  —  ueve,  uision  s,  f. 
Sight  knowledge  —  perspicasiié  z,  f. 
Sight  of  ihe  eye  —  le  noyre  de  loyd  s,  m. 
Sikernesse  —  seurté  z,  f. 
Sickell  for  corne — Jaacylle  s,  f. 
Sickenesse  —  maladie  z,(. 
Sickernesse  surenesse  —  assevrance  s,  (. 
Sicke  body  —  malade  s,  m.;pacient  s,  m. 
Sight  that  disceyveth  ones  jugement  —  i7/h- 

sion  s,  {. 
Sillabie  —  syllabe  s,{. 
Syiier  of  herbes. 
Silence  —  silence  s,  m. 
Sylke  —  soye  s,{. 
Sylke  lace  —  cordon  de  soye  s,  m. 
Sylke  cbamlet  —  camelot  de  soye  s,  m. 
Silogysme  an  argument —  syllogisme  s,  in. 
Sylver  metall  —  argent  s,  m. 
Sylver  vessell  —  uessaille  dargenl  s,  i. 
Symbail  an  instrument  —  cimhalles,  f. 
Syment  for  carpenters  or  for  uiasons  —  sy- 

ment  s,  m. 
Symilytude  a  lykciybode  —  similitude  s,  I'. 
Symnell  bredde  —  siniiniau  x,  m. 
Symoniakc  —  simoniacq  :,  m. 
Simony  —  simonie  s,f. 
Symple  body  —  itiet  z,  m. 
Symplenesse  —  simplesse  s ,  f. 
Synagogge  a  jewes  temple  —  sinayogue  s,  f. 

Synaraon  spyce  —  canelle  s,  f. 

Synders  of  the  fyrc  —  brayze  s,  f. 

Synglc  gowne  —  robe  sengle  s,  f. 

Syngie  kyrleii  —  corset  simple  z ,  m. 

Syngle  man  —  bachelier  s,  m. 

Syngle  woman  a  barlot  —  pulayii  s,  f. 

Syngar — chantre  s,  m. 

Synguler  pure  ihyng  —  chose  drslite  s,  (. 

Syngulernesse — singvlarité  z ,  (.     ■ 

Synguler  thyiig — chiefdcvare  z,  m. 

Synne  offence  —  pechiè  z,  va. 

Synne  of  advoutrie  —  adultère  s,  m. 

Syngrene  or  houseleke — jombarde  s,  f. 

Synfulnesse —  malaatie  s,  f. 

Synewe  —  nerf  z,  m. 

Synke  to  voyde  vvater  —  eavyer  s ,  m. 

Synkefoyie  an  herbe. 

Synopre  colour. 

Synthone  an  herbe. 

Synter  of  masonry. 

Synum  a  vessell  — faisclle  s,  f. 

Syppet  a  lytell  soppe  —  latin  Sj  ni. 

Sypres  chesl  —  cojfre  de  cyprès,  m. 

Syon  a  yong  sette. 

Syr  —  sire  s,  m. 

Sircumsycion  —  circumsicion  s,  f. 

Syruppe  —  sirop  z,  m. 

Syse  of  a  mannes  body  —  corpulence  s,{. 

Syse  where  justyce  is  used  —  assise  s,  f. 

Syse  waxc  candell  —  bovgec  z,  [. 

Syse  of  bredde  and  aie  —  maletot  z,  m. 

Syse  for  colours  —  colle  de  cvir  s,  f. 

Syse  of  any  thyng  —  moyson  s,  f. 

Sycers  for  barbers  —  ciseletz,  m. 

Syster  —  sevr  s,  (. 

Systcr  by  tUe  falher  and  mothers  syde  —  sevr 

germaine  s,  f. 
Syster  brothers  wyfe. 
Syster  in  lawe  —  belle  sevr  s,  f. 
Système  —  busine. 
Sythe  to   mowe   corne   with  — faulce  s,  f.; 

faulx,  m. 
Syttyng  becommyng  —  adacnant  s,  ni.;  as- 

seant  s,  m. 
Sytuacion  ofa  towne  —  assiete  s,  f, 
Syun  ofa  tree — sion  s,  ui. 



s    BEFORE    K. 

Skarlet  coloiir  —  escadatte  s,  f. 

Skeyne  of  yarne  —  esciteueau  x,  m. 

Skeync  a  knyfe. 

Skeliet  with  a  handell  — paillon  s,  m. 

Skye  or  welkyn  — firmament  s,  m. 

Skynn  of  a  m  an  or  beest  —  peau  x,  f. 

Skynnc  of  furre  —  peaa  x,  f. 

Skynner  —  pellier  s,  m. 

Skyppar  —  saullevr  s,  m. 

Skyrmysshe  or  byckerynge —  escarmache  s,  f. 

Skyrte  of  a   garment  —  hoH  s,  m.;  geron, 

giron  s,  m. 
Skyrwyt  an  herbe. 

Skolyon  of  a  kechyn  —  souillon  de  cuisine  s,  m. 
Skrapyng  l"''e  —  ralissover  s,  m. 
Skrene  made  of  wycars  to  put  bytwene  the 

fyre  —  escrain  s ,  m . ;  estrane  :,m. 
Skrikyng  —  escrye  z,  m. 
Skrytche  beule. 

S    BEFORE   L. 

Slackenesse  —  lâcheté  z,  f. 

Slay  a  wevers  tôle. 

Slate  stone  —  ardoyse  s,(. 

Slaveryng  clolhe  for  chyldren  —  bauelte  s,  f. 

Slaugbtcr   —  mevrdre    s,  m.;   occision    s,  f. ; 

tuerie  s,  (. 
Slede  to  drawe  a  thyng  upon. 
Sleyght  or  wyle  —  rus,  m.;  cautelle  s,  (.;  en- 

(jaifjnc  s,  f. 
Sieyght  crafte — soubtillité  z,  (.;  piuctiijue  s,  f. ; 

gauche  s,(. 
Slyckpstone  —  lisse  a  papier  s,{.\  lice  s ,  f. 
Slepe —  repos,  m.;  sommel  z,  m. 
SIepyng  or  slombring  —  somnolence  s,  f. 
Sleete  of  snowe. 
SIeve  of  a   gowne  or  any  other  garment  — 

manche  s,{. 
Slewe  or  syve  to  syfle  with  —  crible  s ,  m. 
Slyce  to  tume  with  —  tournovere  s,  f. 
Siye  felowe  —  musart  s,  m. 
Slyme  of  fysshe  —  lymon  s,  m. 
Slynesse — finesse  s,  f. 
Siyng  of  an  borse  —  ruade  s,  f. 
Slyng  to  throwe  .slone.s  with  — funde  s,  f. 

Siynge  made  in  a  shepherdes  staffe  —  fonde 

hollette  s,  C 

Slyppe  of  an  herbe  —  branche  s,  (. 
Siyppar  for  a  nian  — panlovfle  s,  f. 
Slyppar  for  a  woman  — pattjn  s,  m. 
Slylte  of  a  womans  gowne — fenle  s,  f.  ;  dune 

robe  a  femme. 
Si  00  worme. 

Sloggarde  —  feltart  s,  m. 
Slommer —  somme  s,  m.;  somneil  s,  m. 
Sloo  frule  —  prunelle  s,  f. 
Sioo  tree — pninier  s,  m. 
Sloppe  a  night  gowne  —  robe  de  nuit  s,  f. 
Sloppes  hosyn  —  brayes  a  marinier,  f. 
Sloltc  ofadore  —  locquel  z,  m. 
Siovyn  a  knave  a  rybauJe  —  ribauldeau  x,  m, 
Sloven  or  luske —  bovcanier  s,  m. 
Sloughea  myrc  —  bovrbier  s,  m.;fange  s,  t.; 

enfondrevre  s,  f. 
Slouggysslinesse — paresse  s,  f. ;  tardifueté  z,  I. 
Sloutite  —  paresse  s,  f. 
Slutte  — souilliart  s,  m.;  uUotiere  s,  f. 

S    BEFORE   M. 

Smacke  taste  —  goust  z,m. 

Small  lytcll  flame  —  flametle  s,  f. 

Small  baner — pennon  s,  m. 

Smali  nulle  —  noissette  s,  f. 

Sraali  boule  to  play  with  —  bille  s,  f. 

Smali  bole  in  a  mannes  body  —  pore  s,  m. 

Small  gulles. 

Smallage  an  herbe  —  ache  s,  f. 

Smalnesse  or  lyteinesse  —  petitesse  s,  f. 

Smeli  savour —  sentevr  s,  f.  ;  Jlayr  s,  m. 

Smellyng  with  the  Dose — fleorement  s,  m. 

Smelte  a  fysshe  — esplang  s,  m. 

Smert  akyng  —  cuisure  s,  f. 

Smythe  for  horse  —  mareschal  x,  m. 

Sroethy  — forge  s,  {. 

Smytbes  cbymney  — fournaise  s ,  (. 

Smocke  for  a  woman  —  chemise  a  femme  s,  I. 

Snioke  of  fyre  —  jumre  z ,  (. 

Smokyng  — fumiere  s,  f. 

Smokysshnessc  — fumcvseté  :,  t. 

Smoylynesse  fylthynesse  —  honnievr  s,  f. 


Smutche  onones  face —  barboyllement  x,  m. 

S    BEFORE    N. 

Snayle  or  snayie  shell  —  lymacon  s,  m. 

Snayle  wilhout  a  shell. 

Snake  a  serpent  —  oruier  s,  m.;  aspic  z,  m. 

Snare  —  airappe  s,  f. 

Sneke  pose  —  rime  j,  f. 

Sneke  latche  —  locqaet  :,  m.;  cticqiielte  s.  (. 

Snevyll  whan  it  hangeth  at  ones  iiose  —  rou- 
pie z,  f.  ;    boe  s,  f. 

Snevyll  —  morue  s,  f. 

Snyppe  a  byrde  —  ciijoiyne  s,  f. 

Snofle  of  a  candell — mesche  s,  f.\limignon  s, 
m.;  lumignon  s,  m. 

Snotte  of  the  nose  —  rovpye  z,{. 

Snottynesse  —  moruevseté  r ,  f. 

Snowe  —  neige  s ,  )'. 

Snoute  a  mouthe  —  museua  x ,  m. 

Snoute  of  a  beest  —  groing  s,  m. 

S    BEFORE   0. 

Sobbyng —  sanglovtement  s,  m. 

Sobbe  that  cometh  in  wepynge — sanglovt  z,  m. 

Soo  a  vessel  —  cvue  s,  f. 

Sobernesse  in  condyeions  —  graaitè  :,  f. 

Sobernesse  leniperauncc  —  sobresse  s,  f. ;  so- 

breté  z,{. 
Socke  for  ones  fote  —  chausson  s,  m. 
Socke  of  a  plough  —  soc  de  la  cherue  z,  m. 
Socour  — secours,  va.;  ayde  s ,  (.;  ayde,  con- 

Juge  s,  m.;  rejuge  s,  m. 
Socours  —  secovrs,  m.;  adjatoire  s,  m. 
Socouryng  —  secours^  m.  ;  ayde  s,  f. 
Softnesse  —  molesse  s,  f. ;  dovlceté  z,  f. 
Soyle  of  grounde  —  terrover  s,  m. 
Sojourner  —  sejoamevr  s,  m. 
Sokelyng  an  herbe. 

Sokelyng  a  vong  befe  —  beste  a  laid  s,  f. 
Socket  of  a  candelstycke  or  suche  lyke. 
Sokelyng  a  yong  calfe  —  besle  a  laid  s,  f. 
Solasse  comforte — solas,  m.;  recomfort  s,  m.; 

solace  s,  f. 
Sole  a  fysshe  —  solle  s,  f. 
Sole  of  a  fote  — plante  du  pied  s,  f. 
Sole  of  a  shoo  —  semelle  s,  f. 


Solemnesse  —  solempnitè  z ,  f. 

Sollar  a  chambre  —  solier  s,  m. 

Soiler  a  lofle  —  garnier  s,  m. 

Sole  a  bowe  about  a  beesles  necke. 

Soiemnyte  —  solempnitè  z,  f. 

Solemnytc  at  a  buryall  — funérailles,  f. 

Solycityng  steryng  —  sollicitalion  s,  f. 

Somme  of  money —  assise  s,  f.;  somme  s,  f. 

Somme  or  company  of  any  thyng —  tas,  m. 

Somncrof  a  spyrituall  courte — chicanevr  s,w. 

Sompter  horse  —  sommier  s,  m. 

Sommer  —  esté  z,  m. 

Somers  or  rathcs  of  a  wayne  or  carte. 

Sommer  castell  of  a  shyppe. 

Somersault  a   lepe    of  a   tombler   —    soltr- 

sault  X,  m. 
Sonday  —  dimanche  s,  m. 
Sonne  that  sliyneth  —  solayl  z,  m. 
Sonne  burnyng  —  haslc  s,  m. 
Sonne  in  lawe  — gendre  s,  m. 
Sonne  a  naturall  chylde  — fdz,  m. 
Sonde  graveli  —  sablon  s,  m. 
Sonne  beame  —  ray  de  soleil  s,  m. 
Sonne  ryse  —  solail  leuant  s,  m. 
Sonne  sette —  le  soleil  nmce  s,  m. 
Sonne  goyng  downe  —  le  soleil  couchant  s,  m. 
Sondring  of  a  thyng  —  remotion  s,  f. 
Sondrinesse  —  diuerseté  z,  (. 
Song  of  a  byrde  —  chant  de  boys  s,  m. 
Song  or  balade  —  chant  s,  m.;  motet  z,  m.; 

cantique  s,  f.  ;  chancon  s,  f. 
Sope  to  wassbe  with  —  sauon  s,  m. 
Soppe  of  bredde  —  sovppe  s,  f. 
Soppes  instede  of  potage  —  sovpe  s,  f. 
Soper  a  meale  of  meate  —  souper  s,  va. 
Sophysler —  sophiste  s,  m. 
Sopheme  a  doutfull  questyon — sophisme  s,  m. 
Sophystrie  —  sophisterie  s,  L 
Sorbe  a  kynde  of  frute  —  sorbe  s,  (. 
Sore  a  wounde  — playe  z,  f. 
Sorcery  —  sorcerie  s,  f.  ;  escharme  s,  f. 
Sorell  an  herbe  —  oseille  s,  f. 
Sorell  a  yonge  bucke. 
Sorrell  colour  of  an  horse  —  sorrc(  z,  va. 
Soryppe  —  sirop  z,  m. 
Sorowe  —  daeil  z,va.;  regret  z,  m. 



Sorowing  or  wayling —  deploration  s,  f. 
Soroufulnesse  of  hert —  angoisse  s,   f.  ;  dov- 

levr  s,  f. 
Sorte  a  state  —  sorte  s,  f. 
Sosse  or  a  rewarde  for   houndes,  whan  tliey 

hâve  takoD  tlieir  game  —  hvuee  z,  f. 
Soie  of  a  chymney  —  svye  i,  f. 
Solydnesse  —  snyerle  z ,  î. 
Sothesayer  —  diuinevr  s,  m. 
Sothenesse  —  ueritè  z,  f. 
Souce  —  Irippes,  f. 
Souchener — Suisse  s,{. 
Sodayne  commyng  —  svraenve  s,  f. 
Sodayne  crackyng — stridevr  s,  f. 
Sodayne  risyng  —  sovrsaalt  x,  m. 
Sodaynnesse  —  sovdaineté  z ,  f. 
Soudan  a  prince  — sovdan  s,  m. 
Soudyour  —  soaldoier  s,  m. 
Souder  metall  —  poltin  s,  m. 
Soudrer  of  raetalles  —  sovdevr  s,  m. 

Sowe  a  becsl  —  in- je  z,  f. 

Sowe  geidre  —  chastretx  de  trvyes,  m. 

SouQrauDce  —  sovffrance ,  pacience  s,  f. 

Sower  dough  —  leuayn  s,  m. 

Sower  myike. 

Sowernesse  —  aygrevr  s,  (.;  amertume  s,  (. 

Sowe  of  leed  —  savmon  de  plomb  s,  m. 

Sower —  covsevr  s,  m. 

Sowyng  of  corne  —  agriculture  s,  f. 

Seule  of  a  capon  or  gose  —  ame  s,  f. 

Souldier  of  a  strange  lande  —  auxiliaire  s,  m. 

Souldicrs  wages  —  soulde  s,  f. 

Soûle  of  a  man  —  ame  s,  (. 

Soulmas  daye  —  le  jour  des  mors. 

Sounde  noyse  —  son  s,  m. 

Sounde  or  rebonde  of  a  voyce  —  ecchô. 

Sounde  of  a  fysshe  —  cannon  s,  m. 

Sounde  of  an   instrument  or   bell   —  reson- 
nance  s,  f.  ;  son  s,  m. 

Soundyng  —  sonnerie  s,  f. 

Sowerdocke  an  herbe. 

Soufrecan  —  sujfragan,  pénitencier  s,  ni. 

Sounyng  • —  pasmoison  s,  m. 

Souter  —  sauetier  s,  m. 

Southe  wynde  —  le  uenl  davmon. 
Southernwode  an  herbe  —  ambrojrse  s,  f. 

Sowethystell  an  herbe. 
Soveraynte  of  a  kyng — regalité  z,f. 
Soveraynte  that  a  lorde  or  a  superiour  bath  — 
sovuerainté  z,i. 

S    BEFORE    P. 

Space  leaser  —  respit  z,  m. 
Space  of  ones  body  ■ —  corpsage  s,  t. 
Space  place  or  tyme  —  espace  s,   f .  ;  ampli- 
tude s,  f.  ;  montance  s,  {. 
Space  of  yeres  —  années,  f. 
Space  bytwene  the  cyes  —  entroeil  s,  m. 
Space  bytwene  the  browes  —  entresovrcil  z,m. 
Space  of  an  houre  —  hevree  s,  f. 
Space  bytwene  two  tliynges  —  uoidare  s,  f.  ; 

espace  s,  f.  ;  lentredevx,  m. 
Space  where  a  payre  of  stayres  be  sette — mon- 
tée s,  {. 
Space  bytwene  two  thynges  —  interualle  s,  m. 
Space  of  any  thyng —  spaciosité  z,  f. 
Space  within  the  innar  warde  of  a  castell  — 

bassecourt  s,  f. 
Space  bytwene  the  tethe  —  entredent  s,  m. 
Space  bytwene  the  sholders  —  croysee  des  es- 

pavles  s ,{.■■,  entrcspavle  s,  m. 
Spade  to  dygge  with  —  bêche  s,  {.\  Jossoir  de 

Spanyarde  —  Espaignol  s,  m. 
Spayne  a  countre  —  Espaigne  s,  f. 
Spanne  of  a  bande  —  espavme  s,  f. 
Spangle  —  paille  s,  f.  ;  paillietie  s,  f. 
Spangles  or  store  ofspangles — paillietterie  s,  f. 
Spanyell  a  dogge  —  espaignol  s,  m. 
Spaynisshe  bagge  —  bauldrier  s,  m. 
Spaynisshe  lether —  maroquin  s,  va. 
Sparre  of  a  rofe  —  chcucron  s,  m. 
Sparre  of  a  gowne  — fente  de  la  robe  s,  f. 
Sparhauke  —  espreaicr  s,  m. 
Sparcle  of  fyre  —  estincelle  s,  (. 
Sparclyng  abrode  —  dispertion  s,  f. 
Sparowe  a  byrde  —  moyniau  x,  m.;   passe- 

ron  s,  m. 
Sparthe  an  instrument. 
Spatyll  an  instrument. 
Spatyll  flame  —  crachat  z,m, 




Spaven  a  sore  —  sarot  z ,m. 

Spawne  of  a  fysshe. 

Speche  —  langaige  s,  m. 

Specyalnesse — spécialité  z ,  f. ;  especiallelé  z,{. 

Spéculation  beholding  —  spéculation  s,  f. 

Spede  lucke  —  encontre  s,  m. 

Speculatyon  —  théorique  s,  f. 

Spede  dyligence  or  ha^te  —   diligence  s,  f.  ; 

haste  s,  f. 
Spedyng  or  hastyng  —  expédition  s,{. 
Spedynesse  —  hasiifuetè  z,  i. 
Specke  marke  —  marcque  s,  f. 
Speccle  in  ones  face  —  lenlylh  s,  f. 
Spekyng  toguyder  —  location  s,  f. ;  parlement 

s,  m. 
Spectacle  a  thyng  to  beliolde  —  spectacle  s,  m. 
Spectacles  to  se  witl»  —  lunettes,  f. 
Spectacle  maker  —  lunetlier  s,  m. 
Spelder  of  woode  —  csclat  z,  m. 
Spence  cost  —  despence  s,  f. 
Spens  a  buttrye  —  despencier  s,  va. 
Speere  in  a  hall  —  l>uffel  z,  m. 
Speare  to  ryde  with  —  lance  s,  f. 
Speare  stafle  — Jasl  de  lance  s,  m. 
Spere  worte  an  berbe. 
Speare  poynt  an  herbe. 
Speareheed  ■ —  coronet,  rocquet  z,  m. 
Spyce — espices,  m. 
Spycecake  —  gasteau  x,  m. 
Spyce  a  kynde  —  espèce  s,  f. 
Spyce  of  the  axes. 
Spyder  a  venomous  worme  —  araigne  s,  f.  ; 

araignie  s,  f. 
Spye  —  espye  z,  m. 
Spygotte  —  broche  a  uin  ou  a  lalle  s,  (.;  chante- 

pcllevse  s,  f, 
Spykenarde  spyce —  spiquenarde  s,  (. 
Spyking  a  nayle  —  gros  clov  s,  m. 
Spynnage  an  herbe  —  espinars,  m. 
Spynnar  a  workewoman  — fileresse  s,  f. 
Spynner  or  spyder —  herignc  s,  f. 
Spynnerswebbe  —  araignée  z,  f.;  fd  daraigne 

z,  m. 
Spyndell  with  threde  — fasee  z,  f. 
Spyndell  without  threde  — fuseau  x,  m. 
Spyre  of  corne  —  harhe  du  ble  s,  f. 

Spyrite  — espirit  z,  m.  ;  esprit  z,  m. 

Spyritualte  —  spiritualleté  z,f. 

Spyte  of  his  tcthe  —  nuwlgrc  quil  en  ayl. 

Spyttell  that  comcth  out  of  the  mouthe  —  cra- 
chat z,  m.;  saline  s,î. 

Spytte  for  meate  —  hrocke  a  rostyr  s,  f. 

Spytte  full  of  rost  —  hastee  s,  f. 

Spyte  —  dcspit  s,  m. 

Spytefulnesse  —  despitevseté  z,  f. 

Spyttle  liouse  —  laderye  z,(. 

Splenc  or  melte  —  ratte  s,  f. 

The  splenc  in  a  man  ,  in  a  beest  the  nicUe. 

Splent  harnesse  for  the  arme  —  garde  de  bras 
s,  m. 

Spient  for  an  house  —  laite. 

Spoyie  or  praye  —  desporille  s,  f. 

Spoylethat  isgotten  in  warfare  —  despoilte  s,  f. 

Spoke  of  a  whele  —  moyevl  .x,  m. 

Spoke  shave  or  a  plane. 

Spolc  a  wevers  instrument. 

Spone  to  eale  meate  with  —  cvillier  s,  m. 

Sponge  —  espovnge  s,  f. 

Sporge  an  herbe  —  espovrge  s,  f 

Sporte  myrlhe  —  sovlas,  m.;jev  x,  m.;  esbal  z, 
m.;  deduict  z,  m.;  eshatement  s,  m.; 
carolle  s,  f. 

Spotte —  taiclte  s,  f.;  macule  s,  f. 

Spottyng  with  colour — taincture  s,  (. 

Spouse  a  wyfe  —  espovsee  z,  f. 

Spouse  the  man  —  mary,  espovx,  m. 

Spoute  of  water  —  govttier  s,  m. 

Sprette  for  watermen  — picq  z,  m. 

Spring  of  a  well  —  sovrce  s,  f. 

Spreng  a  yonge  tree  — jevne  sion  s,  m. 

Spricle  for  holy  water  —  ucspillion  s,  m.;  as- 
pergeoir  s,  m. 

Spring  of  the  yere  —  printemps,  m.;  prin  s,  m. 

Springyng  by  agayne  —  resovrce  s,  f. 


Sprite  a  goost  —  espirit  z,  m. 

Sprotte  a  fysshe  —  esplenc  z,  m. 

Spruse  lether  —  besane  s,  f. 


Spuyng  —  gomissement  s,  m,;  uovsement  s,  m. 

Spurre  for  a  horse  —  esperon  s,  m. 

Spurryar  —  esperonnier  s,  m. 



s    BEFORE   Q. 

Square —  carre  s,î. 

Squyer  —  escuier  s,  m. 

Squyer  for  a  carpentar —  esqnierre  s,  f. 

Squyer  a  rule  —  riglet  r,  m. 

Squyrrell  a  beest  —  escnrevl  x,  m.;  escuireau 

X,  m. 
Squyrte  a  laxe  — Joire  s,  m.;  uaua  s,  m. 
Squyrtan  instrument — esguissovere  s,  f. 

S   BEFOKE   T. 

Stabbe  vvitb  a  daggar  —  covp  destoc  2,  m. 

Stable  —  estable  s,  f. 

Stablysshnesse  —  estableté  z,  f. 

Stabiysshment  —  establissement  s,  m. 

Stacyoner  —  libraire  s,  m. 

Stacke  of  corne  —  tas  de  ble  s,  m. 

Stacke  of  peese  — pesiere  s,  f. 

Staffe  —  baston  s,  m. 

StaiTc  to  bcare  two  peyies  on,  as  they  do  in 

Fraunce  —  une  covrge  s,  f. 
Slafleslyng  madeofaclyfteslycke  —  ruant  s,  m. 
Stage  playe  —  maure  s,  m. 
Stage  a  scaffolde  —  estage  s,  m.;  beffroy  s,  m. 
Stageryng —  uasdlaûon  s,  f. 
Stageryng  or  leanyng  of  an  bouse  —  bransle 

Stayre  or  grece  —  degré  z,  m. 
Stake  of  a  bedge  or  sucbe  lyke  —  piev  de  haye 

s,  m. 
Stake  in  the  water  —  pilotis,  m. 
Stake  tbat  bearetb  up  a  vyne  —  sep  de  uygne 

z,  m. 
Stalle  before  a  shoppe  —  estai  z,va. 
Staile  of  a  quere  —  chaize  s,  f. 
Stallant  a  horse  —  haras,  m. 
Stale  pyssc  —  escloy  s,  m. 
Slale  of  horsmen  in  a  felde  —  guectevrs,  ni. 
Stale  for  foules  takynge. 
Stalke  of  a  gyllyflour  —  sion  s,  m. 
Stalke  of  a  sbafte  —fvst  z,  m. 
Stalke  of  any  frule  —  lyuei'e  s,  f. 
Stalume  horse —  haras,  m. 
Stalke  of  a  beane  —  espiev  x,  m. 
Stamell  fyne  worstede  — estamine  s,  f. 
Stamyne  —  estamine  s,  f. 

Stanmarcbe  an  herbe. 

Standert  a  baner  —  estandart  s,  m.;  avrijla- 

me  s,  (. 
Stanchon  of  a  wyndowe  —  croysee  s,  f. 
Standart  a  baner  —  estandart  s,  m.;  aurijlaine 

s,  C,  a  standart  whiche  with  the  french- 

men  was  had  in  suche  estymacyon  as  with 

us  is  saynt  Cuthberles  baner,  wbicbe  they 

lost  in  Flaunders. 
Standart  bcrer  — portenseigne  s,  m. 
Standart  of  mayle  —  gorgerin  s,  m. 
Slandyng  in  doul  of  a  thyng  —  uacillalion  s,  f.; 

doutance  s,  f. 
Standyng  pece  —  couppe  s,  f. 
Standyng  pece  with  a  cover  —  couppe  s,  f. 
Standyng  place  —  station  s,  f. 
Slandyng  water  —  lac  z,  m. 
Staple  of  a  doore —  estaple  s,  f. 
Slarche  for  lavtne  ^  folle  Jlevr  3,  f. 
Staare  a  byrde  —  estourneav  x,  m. 
Starre  —  esloille  s,  {.;  sydere  s,  m. 
Starkenesse  —  raideur  s,  {. 
Starlyng  money — blanc  eslerlin  z,  m. 
State  condycion — estât  z ,  m. 
State  a  great  man  —  estât  z,  m. 
Stately  countenaunce  —  port  z,vn. 
Slatelynesse  —  arrogance  s,   f.  ;  bourgoisie  s, 

f.;  majesté  z,{. 
Statue  an  ymage  —  statue  s,  f. 
Stature  heyght  —  tumlteur  s,  f. 
Statute  ordonance  — eslatate  s,  f. 
Statute  an  ordynaunce  —  statut  z ,  m. 
Staunche  grayne,  an  herbe. 
Staunchon  a  proppe  —  estancon  s,  f. 
Steale  or  handell  of  a  staOTe  —  manche  s,  m.  ; 

hantel  s,  f.  Norman  t. 
Stedfasthcholdyng —  attention  s,  f 
Stedfastnesse — fermeté,  constance  s,  f. 
Stede  a  horse  —  dextrier,  detrier  s,  m.;  rous- 

sin  s,  m. 
Stethy  for  a  smythe  —  enclume  s,  f. 
Stedynesse  —  estableté,  permanableté  z,  f. 
Steke  of  flesshe  —  charbonnee  z,(. 
Slele  melall  —  acier  s,  m. 
Steale  of  a  shafte  — fast  z,  m. 
Stenche  or  stynke  —  puanteur  s,  i. 




Stencfae  of  a  prevy  —  punaisie  s,  f. 

Stent  —  portion  s,  [.;  part  s,(. 

Stepbrother — beavfrcre,m. 

Step  doughter — fillastre  s,  f. 

Step  father  —  parastre,  m. 

Step  molher  —  maraslre  s,  t. 

Step  sustre  —  belle  seur  s,  f. 

Step  son  —  heavfilz,  m. 

Steppe  a  settyng  or  gcyng  fortbe  —  pus,  m. 

Steppe  a  print  of  ones  foie  —  trac  z,  m. 

Steppe  ofaman — pas,  va. 

Steppe  of  an  horse  —  trac  z,xa. 

Steppe  or  stafle  of  a  lader  —  eschellon  s,  ta. 

Steppe  to  steppe  upon  —  planche  s,  (. 

Stepnessc  of  a  hyll  —  cliaité  z,  {. 

Steple  of  a  churche  —  clochier  s,  va. 

Stère  or  roder  in  a  sbyp  —  gouernail  x,  m. 

Sterre  —  estoille  s,  f. 

Sterre  slyme  —  lymas. 

Steryag  or  mevyng  —  commotion  s,  (. 

Stertyng  hole  —  ung  tapynet  z,  m.;  lieu  de  re- 
fuge s,  m. 

Sterne  of  a  shyppe  —  gouemail  x,m. 

Sterisman  —  goauernevr  s,  va,;  pilot  z,  ni. 

Stert  of  frute  —  queue  defrvit  s,  f. 

Stert  of  a  plow  —  queue  de  la  chareue  s,  f. 

Stewe  a  pounde  —  viuier  s ,  m. 

Stewe  a  balli  —  vnes  esteaues ,  f. 

Stewe  a  hotehousc  —  vnes  esteuues. 

Stewarde — :  maistre  Jhostel  s,  m. 

Stewes  a  place  for  common  women  —  bordeau 
X,  m. 

Sticliworte  an  herbe  —  herbe  a  bous  s,  f. 

Sticke  or  wande — baston  s,  m.;  ganlle  s,  (. 

Styckelyng  a  maner  of  fysshe. 

Styllytory  to  styll  herbes  in  —  chappelle,  cka- 
pele  s,  i. 

Style  to  go  over  —  eschallier  s,  m. 

Style  a  processe  —  siile  s,  ni. 

Styllyng  or  apeysing  - —  apeisement  s,  m. 

Styllyng  or  droppyng  of  lycour — distillation  s,  f. 

Styllnessc  —  quieté  z,  f. 

Stylt  to  go  on  —  escache  s,  f. 

Styng  of  a  bee  —  esguillon  s,  m. 

Styng  of  a  serpent  or  any  otlier  vernomous 
bee»t  —  esguillon  s,  m. 

Stynke  —  punaisie  z,f. ;  puanteur  s,  f. 

Styrryng  —  agitation  s,  f.  ;  esmoy  s,  f. 

Styrryng  of  ones  niynde  — concitation,  incita- 
tion, commotion,  instigation  s,  f. 

Styrryng  to  angre  —  irritation  s,  f. 

Styrop  leddcr  — estriuier  s,  m. 

Slyrroppe  —  estricr  s,  m. 

Styroppe  lelbers  —  estriuieres,  f. 

Styrt  a  iepe  —  course  s,  f. 

Stythe  for  a  smytbe  —  enclume  s,  f. 

Stywarde  —  maistre  dhostel  s,  m. 

Stoble  of  corne  —  chaume  s,  m. 

Stodye  place  to  study  in  —  estude  s,  f. 

Stodyll  a  toole  for  a  wever  —  lame  de  tisserant. 

Stocke  kynred — lignée,  f. ;  lignage  s,  m.;  estoc 
z,  m. 

Stokedove  —  columb,  ramier  s,  m. 

Stocke  fysshc,  tbey  bave  none. 

Stocke  gyllofer —  armorie  basturde  s,  1. 

Stocke  ofwode  —  tronchet  z,  m. 

Stockes  for  bribars  —  ceps,  m. 

Stole  to  sytte  on  —  selle  s,  m. 

Stoole  for  a  preest  —  estoUe  s,  {. 

Stomacher  for  ones  brest  —  estoinachier  s,  m. 

Stoniake  —  estomac  z,  m.;  poictrinc  s,  t. 

Stomake  in  a  man  or  beest  —  estomac  z,  m. 

Stondart  to  mesure bye — maistresse  mesure  s,  i'. 

Stonde  a  vesseli ,  tbey  bave  none. 

Stone  —  pierre  s,  f. 

Slondyng  water  —  marre  s,  f.  ;  eaue  dormant 

Stone  croppe  an  herbe. 

Stone  ofaman  —  couillon  s,  m. 
—  or  of  a  beest  —  couille  s ,  f. 

Stone  a  sickenesse  —  grauelle,  pierre  s,  f. 

Stonde  horse  — naturel  z,  m. 

Stonnyshyng  abasbing  —  estonnissement  s,  m. 

Stoppe  ofa  lute. 

Stoppe  of  orgayns  or  clarycordes. 

Stoppell  ofa  botell  —  estonpayl  x,  m.;  eslon- 
peau  X,  m. 

Stoppyng  lettyng  —  empeschcment  s,  m. 

Stoppyng  ofa  tbyng —  obumbratioti  s,  f. 

Store  or  provisyon  —  pourueyance  s,  f. ;  pour- 
uiance  s ,  (.  ;  prouision  s,f. 

Store  ofborses  —  monture  Sj{. 


Store  ofpaslure — pasluraige  s,  va. 
Storyatale  —  histoyre  s,(.;  commentaire  s,  m. 
Storke  a  byrde  —  sygoygne  s,  f. 
Storme  of  wcdder — oraige  s,  m.;  tempesie  s,  {'. 

tourbillon  s,  m. 
Stotte  —  botteaa  x,  m. 
Stoulpe  before  a  doore  —  souche  s,  f. 
Stournesse  —  estourdisseure  s,  f. 
Straglers  after  an  army  —  bidaulx,  m.  ;  truan- 

daille  s,  {. 
Strayte  dcalyng  —  rigeur,  f. 
Stray  wandring  —  au  large. 
Streight  bitwene  it  landes  —  destroit  :,  m. 
Streightnesse  —  rectitude  s,  f. 
Streight  way  wilhout  stop  —  route  s,  f. 
Straunger  of  farre  countre  — Jorayn  s,  m. 
Straubery  a  frute  — frajse  s,  f. ;  freze  s,  t. 
Straubery  an  berbe  — frajsier  s,  m. 
Strawe — foirre  s,  m.;  paille  s,  {. 
Strawe  or  lytter —  destoubz  estraine  s,  f. 
Straughnesse  madnesse  —  amenée  s,  f. 
Straunger  —  estrangier  s,  m. 
Straungnesse  —  estrangerie   z,    f .  ;  eslrangeté 

z.  f. 
Stranguyllyon  a  sicknesse  —  chavtldepisse  s,  i. 
Streightnesse  rigbtnesse  —  droicleur  s,  f. 
Straytncsse  narownesse  —  esiroysseur  !,(. 
Strayner  to  strayne  witb  —  eslamine  s,  f. 
Strenie  of  the  water — fildeleaae  z,  m. 
Stremc  of  any  water  —  gourt  s,  m. 
Stremar  a  baner  —  estandart  2,  m. 
Strenghthyng  —  ratification  s,  {.;  fortification 

Strengthynge  of  men  of  armes  in  a  towne  — 

garnison  s,  t. 
Strength  — force  s,   f  ;   efficace  s,  {.;  uertu 

s.  f. 
Strenkyll  to  cast  holy  water  —  uimpilon. 
Stresse  a  brunt  —  effort  s,  m. 
Stretchyng  oui  of  a  thyng  —  estendue  s,  f. 
Strete  in  a  towne  —  rue  s,  f. 
Stretes  without  the  cyte  — faulx  bourg  z ,  m. 
"Stryfe  debate —  débat  ;,  m.;  dissention  s,  f. ; 

estrif  s,  m.;  cstriuee  s,  f. 
Stryfe  noyse  —  uariance  s,  L-y  contention  s,  1. 
Stryfe  bytwene  two  —  brigue  s,  f. 


Stryfe  —  rigeur  s,  {.;  sédition  x,i'. 

Stryfe  who  shall  do  best  —  estriue  a  leslriuee 

Stryke  to  gyve  mesure  by  —  roulet  a  mesuret 

z,  m. 
Stryke  of  corne  —  une  mesure  de  blee  s,f. 
Stryke  in  a  scutchyn  —  lambeau  x,  m. 
Stryke  of  flaxc  —  poupée  de  filace  s,(. 
Stryke  witb  a  penne  —  rayere  s,  f. 
Strykyng  agayne  —  repercussion  s,  f. 
Strykyng  togyder  —  collision  s,  f. 
Strynge  for  an  instrument  —  corde  s,  f. 
Stryngar  — faiseur  de  cordes  a  lare  s,  m. 
Stryppe ,  stroke  or  swappe  —  coup  z,m, 
Stryvyng  brablyng — rigouraige  s,  m. 
Stroke  in  the  necke  — accollee  s,  f. 
Stroke  or  Lnocke  —  heurt  s,  m. 
Stroke  witb  a  whip  —  coup  de  fouet  z,  m. 
StroDg  bolde  —  bastile  s,{.\  bastillon  s,  m. 
Strongnesse  — force  s ,  {. 
Strugglyng  —  rigoalaige  s,  m. 
Strumpet  an  harlot  —  putajn  s,  f. 
Stubble  of  corne  —  estouble  de  blee  s,  f. 
Stubblenesse  or  sturdynesse  —  lourdesse  s ,  f. 
Stubbernesse  —  contumace  s,  t. 
Student  —  esludiant  s,  m. 
Study  occupacion   of  mynde  —  esttide  s,  f.  ; 

contemplation  s,  f. 
Studyousncssc  —  studiosilé  z,  f. 
Stufie  caryage  —  aporl,  seruage  s,  f. 
Stuffe  for  a  bedde  —  acoustrement  de  lit  s,  m. 
SlulTe  mater  to  make  a  thyng  of —  estoffe  s,  f. 
Stuffe  tbat  is  in  a  fardeil  — fardage  s,  f. 
Stuffe  of  bousbolde  —  meuble  s,  m,  ;  usten- 

cille  s,  {.;  mesnaige  s,  m.  , 

Stuffyng  of  a  purse  —  boarcee  s,  f. 
Stuffyng  of  a  saddeil  —  bourrée  s,  f. 
Stumpe  a  sborte  stake  —  estoc  z,  m. 
Stumpe  of  a  bande  —  moignon  de  bras,  m. 
Sturgyon  a  fyssbe  —  eslurgion  s,  m. 
Stattar  —  besgu  s,  m.;  besgue  s,  f. 
Stewe  to  kepe  fishe  in  —  uiuier  s ,  m. 

S    BEFOHE    U. 

Swadylbande  —  bande  s,{.;  fasse  s,  t. 
Swagyng  —  réfrigération   s,  t. 



Swalowe  a  byrde — yronde  s,  {.;  aronde  s,  f. ; 

arondcHe  s,  f. 
Swanne  a  byrdc  —  signe  s,  va. 
Swarme  of  bées  —  troppeau  de  mouches  a  miel 

X,  m. 
Swartnesse —  cslalleure  s,  f. 
Subburbes  the  bouses  without  a  cylie  or  towne 

— fauLv' bourg  z,  m. 
Subdean  of  a  church  —  souhzdoyen  s,  m. 
Subdeacbon  — subdiacre  s,  m. 
Subduyng  —  subjugation  s,  {. 
Subjecte  or  holder  of  bouse  or  lande  —  uassal 

X,  ni. 
Subjectyon  —  subjection  s,  f. 
Subsedy  to  the  kyng —  subside  s,  m. 
Substaunce  rychesse  —  substance  s,  f.;  richesse 

s,  f.  ;  aaoir  s,  m  ;  cheuance  s,  f. 
Substaunce — prouision,  finance  s,  f. 
Substancialnesse  ofany  thyng —  solidité  z,  f. 
Subtylnessc  —  sublillité  z ,  f. 
Successyon  of  tyme  —  traict  de  temps  z,  m. 
Successour  —  successeur  s,  m. 
Swellyng  or  bolnyng  —  enflure  s,  f. 
Swepar  of  cbymnep  —  ramoneur  de  cheminée 

s,  m. 
Swerde  a  wepyn  —  espee  s,  f. 
Swerdeberer  —  porteur  despee  s,  m. 
Sweletunyng  —  modulation  s,  f. 
Swette  ihal  conieth  of  a  man  —  sueur  s,  f. 
Swete  smell  that  flowers  or  spyce  dothe  gyve 

— flair  s,  m.;  senteur  s,  f. 
Swetyng  an  apple  —  pomme  doulce. 
Swetnesse  —  doulcetè  i,f. ;  douceur  s,{. 
Sufferaunce  —  suffrance  s,  {. 
Suffryng  of  payne  —  agrauement  s,  m. 
Suffysaunce  —  suflisance  s,  f. 
Suffrage  or  bcipe  —  suffrage  s,  m. 
Suffrage  ihe  prayers  that  be  in  bokcs  —  snf- 

Suffryngliam — pénitencier  s,  m. 
Sugar  swele  spyce  —  sucre  s,  va. 
Sugar  candy  —  sucre  de  candye  s,  va. 
Sugar  plate  or  comfettes  —  dragée  s,  f.  ;  con- 
fite s,  f. 
Su^e  a  byrde. 
Swyce  or  swycers  pype  —  jleuste  àalemant  s,f. 

Swyfte  worine  —  lesarde  s,  f. 

Swyftnesse  —  uelocité  z,  f. 

Swynes  grease — sayn  de  pourceau  s,  m.;  gresse 

de  porc  s,  f. 
Swyne  —  uerrot  s,  m.  ;  porc  z,  m. 
Swynsty  or  swyne  cote — porcherie  or  porchierie 

s,  f.  ;  tugurion  s,  m. 
Swyneherde  —  porchicr  s ,  va. 
Swyne  pockes  — farcin  s,  va. 
Swymyng  in  the  bed  —  bestournement  s,  m. 
Summar  season  —  este  s,  m. 
Suraylcr  a  fauchon  —  samiterre  s,  f. 
Sumtar  man  —  mulelicr  s,  va. 
Sumpter  horse  —  mulet  s,  va. 
Sumptuousnesse — samtaosité  z,  f. 
Sunday  —  dimenche  s,  m. 
Swonyog  a  disease  —  espaumure  s,  f. 
Sworde  for  a  flaxe  wyfe  —  guinche  s,  f. 
SupcrCcialyte  —  superficialité  z,  f. 
Superfluyte —  superfluilé  z,  f. 
Superyour — supérieur  s,  va. 
Suppyng  for  a  sicke  man  —  humaige  s,  f.  ; 

humée  s,  {. 
Suppiycacion  —  requeste,  f. 
Supportyng  —  assistcnce  s,  f. ;  support  s,  m. 
Supposyng —  conjecture  s ,  t. 
Surety  defence  —  sanuc  garde  s,  f. 
Surety  one  for  anolher  —  respondant  s,  m. 
Surfette  of  meate  —  excès,  va. 
Surgo  of  the  see  —  uague  s,  f. 
Surgery  —  sargerie  :,  f. 
Surgian  —  cirurgien  s,  m. 
Suryng  in  maryage — fianceailles ,  f. 
Surname  — surnom  s,  va. 
Surplyce  for  a  preest  —  surplis,  va. 
Suspycion  —  suspecion  s,  f. 
Sustaynyng  —  sustentation  s,[. 
Susteynaunce —  alimentation  s,  f. 
Sute  of  vestmentes  —  suite  s,{. 
Sute  at  the  lawe  or  court  —  sieute  s,  f. 

T    BEFORE    A. 

Taars  a  kynd  of  corn  —  dragée  s,  f. 
Tabard  a  garmenl  —  manteau  x,  va. 
Tabarnacle — tabernacle  s,  va. 
Table  for  an  auter  —  table  dautel  s,  f. 



Table  for  an  ymage  paynted  —  tableau  x ,  m. 
Table  to  sette  meate  on  —  laUe.  s ,  f. 
Tabour  an  instrument  —  taboarin  s,  m.;  ta- 

bour  s,  va. 
Tache  for  o  gowne  —  alachc  s,[. 
Tackelyng  of  a  shyp  —  esquippaige  s,  m. 
Tafata  a  maner  of  sylkc  —  taffetas,  m. 

Tayle  of  a  beest  or  garraent  —  queue  s ,  f. 

Tayle  of  wodde  —  taille  de  boys,  f. 

Tayle  or  arse  —  qaeae  or  cul  s,  f. 

Tayllyour  —  coustarier  s,  m. 

Taynte  —  condamne  s,f. 

Taker  of  any  thyng —  prinse  s,  f 

Takyng  away  by  violence  —  rapi  : ,  m.  ;  abs- 
traction s,  f. 

Takyng  about  the  necke —  accollee  s,  f. 

Takyng  away  —  ablatif  s,  m. 

Takyng  away  of  a  mannes  goodes  —  destrousse 

Talant  of  a  byrde   the  hynderclawe  —  talon 
s,  m.;  argot  z,  m. 

Talent  or  lust —  talent  s,  m. 

Talent  —  sauear  s,  f. ;  gousl  z,  m. 

Talent  a  somme  of  money  —  talent  s,  m. 

Taletellar  —  emhouchear  s,  m.  ;  diseur  de  fables 
s,  m. 

Taie  a  storie  —  compte  s ,  (. 

Talowe  —  sajf  z,  m. 

Tamar  of  a  horse  —  courtier  de  chevaalx ,  m. 

Tame  boore —  iierrot  z,  m. 

Tame  gote  —  cheure  s,f. 

Tamenessc — priaetir  s,  f. 

Tampyon  for  a  gon  —  tampon  s  ,  ni. 

Tanner  of  ledder  —  tanneur  s,  m. 

Tankard  a  vessell —  brocq,pot,  broc  z ,  m. 

Tansey  an  berbc  -^  tanasie  s,  f. 

Tappe  or  spygote  to  drawe  drinke  at  —  chan- 
tepleure,  f.  Normant. 

Tapar  of  waxe —  cierge  s,  m. 

Tappet  a  clothe  —  tappis,  m. 

Tappyssery  worke  —  tapisserie  s,  (. 

Tapster  —  boatelier  s,  m.;  bouliliere  s,  f. 

Taare  a  corne  lyke  a  pease  —  lupins ,  m. 

Tarefytche  a  corne  —  '"p^"  •'«  m- 

Targe  —  targe  s,f. 

Target  —  targue  s ,  f. 

Taryaunce  abyding  — deinoarance  s,  /. 
Taryaunce  termyne —  attente,  attention  s,  (. ; 

arrcst  z,  m. 
Taryer  a  dogge — chien  terrier  s,  m. 
Tarse  of  a  man  or  beest  —  ait  z ,  m. 
Tarte  meate  —  (arte  s,  f. 
Tarsell  an  hauke  —  terslet  z,  m. 
Tassell  thathangethat  athyng  of  sylkeor  golde 

—  houppe  dorée  z,(. 
Tassyll  burre  —  chardon  s,  m. 
Taske  in  workyng  stynt —  tache  s,  ï. 
Taske  that  a  prince  gadereth  —  laulx,  m. 
Tast  or  verdure  of  wyne  —  uerdurc  s,  f. 
Tast  —  goust  z,m. 

Tastyng  with  the  mouthe  —  govster,  ni. 
Taslour  a  lytell  cuppe  to  tast  wyne  —  lusse  a 

gouster  le  uin  s,  f. 
Tavernar  a  wyne  sellar  —  tauernicr  s,  ni. 
Tavell  an  instrument  for  a  sylke   woman   to 

worke  with. 
Tall  wodde  pacte  wodde  to  make  bylleltes  of — 

taillée  s,  f. 
Tawny  colour  —  tanny  s,  m. 
Tawny  medley  —  tanny  mesley  s,  m. 
Taxe  or  dysme  —  disme  s,  f. 

T    DEFORE   E. 

Teching  lerning  —  enseignement  s,  ni. 

Tediousnesse  —  ennui  s,m.\  attediation  .«,  f. 

Tegge  or  pricket —  saillant  s,  m. 

Teele  a  byrde — plignon  s,  m. 

Tele  a  byrde  —  plinget  z,m. 

Teysyll  —  chardon  s ,  m. 

Teme  of  a  sermonde  —  aniiesme  s,  f. 

Teme  of  a  plough  or  oxen  —  atellee  s,  f. 

Temperaunce  —  atrempance  s,  t.;  attemperance 

Temperyng  —  temperure  s,  f. 
Tempest  —  tempeste  s,  (.;  turbillon  s,  m. 
Temple  a  cburche  —  temple  s,  m. 
Temple  of  the  heed  —  temple  s,  m. 
Templet  a  tliynge  made  of  latyn  —  templele  s,(. 
Temptacion  —  temptation  s,  f. 
Temptyng —  temptatoire  s,  m. 
Tenaunt  —  hoste  s,  m. 
Tenche  a  fysshe  —  tenche  s,  f. 



Tendernesse  —  mollesse  s,  f.;  tendresse  s,  {. 

Tendron  of  a  wayne  —  ceps,  m. 

Teneble  wednisday  —  mecredy  de   la  scmayne 

peneuse,  mccredy  saint  s,  m. 
Tenement — tenement  s,  m. 
Tenementes  —  reuenaes,  f. 
Tenyse  bail  — pelote  s,  f. 
Tennysplay  —  jeu  de  la  paiilme  x,  m. 
Teneur  a  parte  in  pricke  songe  —  teneur  s,  f. 
Tente  of  a  soore  —  lente  s,C 
Tent  to  lye  in  the  felde  —  pauillon. 
Tenterhoke  —  houct  z,  m. 
Teutar  for  ciotlie  —  tend,  tende  s,  f. 
Tercell  an  bauke  —  tiercellet  z,  va. 
Tercyen  fevers  — jteares  terciennes,  f. 

Teere  of  wepyng  —  larme  s,  f. 
Terryer  a  dogge  —  chien  terrier  s,  m. 
Testament —  testament  s,  m. 
Testynesse  or  angre  — couroax,  m.;  ire  s,  f. 
Teslar  for  a  bedde  —  dossier  s,  m. 
Tête,  pappe  or  dugge,  a  womans  brest  —  ma- 
melle s,  f. 
Tetbe  —  dens ,  f. 

Tewke  to  make  purses  of  —  trelis,  m. 
Tewisday  —  mardj  s,  m. 
Texte  of  scrypture  —  texte  s;  m. 

T    BEFORE    H. 

Thacke  of  a  bouse  —  chaume  s,  m. 
Thacker  —  couureur  de  chaume  s,  m. 
Tbackyng  —  couareure  s,f. 
Thanke  —  remercys,  f.  ;  gre,  as  je  uoiis  en  scay 

bon  gre:  I  can  you  good  tbanke. 
Thankyng  —  merciement  s,  m.;  congratulation 

Thede  a  brewars  instrument. 
Thefe  —  laron  s,  m.;  feuillart  s,  va.\  faiïlart 

s,  m. 
Thefe  a  vyllayne  —  grieux,  m. 
Tbefte  —  larcin  s,  m.  ;  rauyn  s,  m. 
The vveke afore  Ester — la  sepmayne  peneuse  s,  (. 
Thicknesse  of  any  thyng  —  epesseur  s,  f. 
Tbicke — cuisse  s,  [. 
Thicket  or  a  forest  —  boscaige  s,  m. 
Thyllhorse  —  limonnier  s,  m. 

Thyll  of  a  carte —  (e  lymon  s,  m. 
Thymbie  to  sowe  with  —  deyl  z,  m. 
Thyn  cioude  in  the  ayre  —  nuée ,  nieble  s,  f. 
Thyng  —  chose  s,  f. 
Thyng  agaynst  nature  —  desnaturel  s,  f 
Thyng  beyond  the  mounlaygne  —  transmon- 

taigne  s,  m. 
Thyng  by  itseife  —  particularité  s,  f. 
Thyng  layd  up  in  store  —  repostaille  s,  f. 
Thing  nere  one  to  another  —  circamuoisin. 
Tbing  shewed  to  mannes  eyc  — abject  z,  m. 
Thyng  that  gyveth  lyght  —  luminaire  s,  f. 
Thyng  tliat  bereth  sterres  —  stellijere  s,  f. 
Thyng  that  beareth  up  another  —  substenlacle 

Thing  that  foloweth  another  —  séquelle  s,  f. 
Thyng  to  casl  mctali  with  —  lingot  z,  m. 
Thyn  skynne  —  tenue  peau  s,  f. 
Thynnesse  —  tenueurc  s,  f. 
Thyrde  parte  of  any  thyng  —  tiers,  m. 
ThoHe  a  cartpynne  —  cheuille  de  charette  s,  f. 
Thombe  —  poulce  s,  va. 
Thondring —  tonnement  s ,  m. 
Thong  of  ieddar  —  courroye  de  cuir,  (.  ;  lasniere 

Thorne  —  espine  s,(. 
Tbornbacke  fysshe  —  raye,  [. 

Thornbusshc  —  espine  noire,  f. 

Thorowfare  —  bourgade  s,{.;  bourc  z,  m. 

Thorpe — hameau  x,  va. 

Thought  hevynesse — pensijuessc  s,  (.;  soucis, 
m.;soiHg  s ,  m. ;  chagrin  s,  va, 

Thought  the  laboryng  of  the  mynde  —  cogita- 
tion s,  î.; pensée  z,  f. ;  appencement  s,  m.; 
cuidance  s,  f.  ;  cuiderie  s,  f. 

Thraldome  —  subjection  s,  f. 

Threde  — fil  or  filet  z,  m. 

Thredeofa  garment — filure  s,  f. 

Threde  barenesse  —  deurear  s,  f. 

Tbresher  of  corn  —  batteur  en  granche  s ,  m. 

Thresholde  — seuil  de  luys  x,  m. 

Tbrestyll  a  byrde  —  mauais,  m. 

Thretnyng — menasses,  f. 

Thriftc  gayne  —  proufit  z,  m. 

Throng  of  people —  estour  s,  ai.\foulle  s,  f. 

Throle  —  gorge  s,  (.;  geulle  s,  f. 



Throlegolc  or  tlirotebole  —  neu  de  la  gorge  x, 

m.;  gosier  s,  m. 
Tlirov/fare -^  bourgade  s,  f.;  bourc  z,  m. 
Throwe  a  womans  disease  —  undee  z ,  f. 
Tlirowstar — dcaideresse  de  soye  s,{. 
Throwyng  asycle  disordring  —  debaux,  m. 
Throwyng  or  castyng  — gect  z,m. 
Thrum  of  clothe  or  threade  —  payne  s,  m. 
Tlirusshe  a  byrde  —  gryue  s,  f. 
Thrust  —  soif  z,  (. 
Thrustell  cocke' — mauluis,  m. 
Thwartyng  stryfe  —  rigoalaige  s,  f. 
Thundre  —  tonnoyre  s,  m. 
Thundring  —  allitonant  s,  m. 
Thursday — jeudy  s,  m. 

T   BEFORE   I. 

Tyde  of  the  waler  —  marée  z,  f. 

Tyde  of  tlie  see — jlel  z,  m.;Jlote  s,  f. 

Tydetyme  —  temps,  m. 

Tidynges  —  nomielles,  (. 

Tyre  for  a  woman  —  atour  s,  m. 

Tyer  drinke  —  amer  bruuaige  s,  m. 

Tygre  a  beest  —  lygi"^  s,  m. 

Ticke  for  a  fetherbed  —  coite  de  lit  s,  (.;  coatil 

z ,  m.;  coustre  s,  m. 
Tyiar —  coaureur  de  maisons  s,  m.  ;  couurier  de 

maisons  s,  m. 
Tyle  for  bouses  —  tiealle  s,  f. 
Tyleniaker — faiseur  de  tieules  s ,  m. 
Tyllet  to  wrap  clothe  in  —  toyllette  s,  f. 
TylleuH  a  kynde  of  frute  —  tilleul  ;,  m. 
Tyll  in  a  chest —  chettron  s,  m. 
Tyllyng  of  lande  —  labouraige  s,  m.  ;  labour 

s,  m.;  agriculture  s,  f. ;  calliaer  la  terre 

Tylman  —  laboureur  de  terre  s,  m. 
Tyll  ofan  almery  —  lyette  s,  f. 
Tylte  for  justyng  —  lisses,  f. 
Tymbre  for  a  chylde  —  bedon  s,  m. 
'         Tymbre  of  furee. 
Tymbre  worme. 

Tymbre  wode  to  bylde  —  masrayne  s,  f. 
Tyme  an  herbe  —  thyme  s,  f. 
Tyme  of  a  sermonde —  thesme  s,  m. 
Tyme  prelixed  by  nature — période  s,  m. 

Tyme  season  —  temps,  m.  ;  pièce  s,  f.;  siècle  s,  m. 
Tympan  a  dysease  in  the  bely —  enjleure  s,  f. 
Tyncar  —  chaulderonnier  s,  m. 
Tynkynge,  the  sowndyng  of  metalls,  whan  they 

be  strycken  togydcr  —  tintyn  s,  m. 
Tynne  metall  —  estayn  s,  m, 
Tynsyn  satten — satyn  broché  s,  m. 
Typpe  of  a  cuppe  —  queuetie  s,  f 
Typpc  of  any  thyng  —  gueuetle  s,  f. 
Typpet  for  a  preest  —  cornette  s,  (. 
Tyraunt  —  (iront  s,  m. 
Tyran ny — tyrannye  z,f. 
Tyrdell  sbepes  dong — fient  de  brebis  s,  m. 
Tyrfe  of  a  cappe  or  suclie  lyte  —  rebras,  m. 
Tyrettes  for  a  grayhoundes  coUer  —  boucclet- 

tes,  f. 
Tyrtyll  dove  —  torterelU  s,  f. 
Tysan  a  drinke  —  tisanne  s ,  f. 
Tythe  that  a  person  hath  —  dxsme  s,  f. 
Tytle  by  kynredc  —  parage  s,  m. 
Tytle  in  writyng — tyltre  s,  m. 
Tytlc  right  to  a  thyng  —  tiltre  s,  m. 
Tytle  to  any  thyng  —  querelle  s,  {. 
Ty tmouse  a  byrde  —  musanyere  s,  (.;  mésange 

s,  f. 

T    BEFORE    O, 

Tode  —  crapault  s,  m. 

Todde  of  woll. 

Tode  of  chcse. 

Tode  stole  —  eschampignon  s,  m. 

Too  of  ones  fote  —  orteil  z,  m. 

Toy  a  tryfell  —  trujfe  s,  (.•,friuolle  s,  f. 

Toyll  for  a  prince  to  hunt  with  —  toille  s,  f. 

Tokyn  a  gyfle  sente  to  ones  frende  —  ensigne 

s,  m.;  signacle  s,  m, 
Token  of  a  tbyng   to  come  — presaige  s,  in.; 

signe  s,  m. 
Toile  custome  —  hanse  s,  f. ;  tonliu  s,  m. 
Tôle  an  instrument  —  i^tyl,  ostyl  z,  m. 
Toile  house  —  mayson  de  decrepte  s,  f. 
Tombe  a  grave  —  tombeau  s,  m.;  tombe  .1,  f. 
Tonne  a  vessell  —  tonneau  x,  m. 
Tonge  of  a  bee  —  esguillon  s,  m. 
Tong  of  a  buckell  —  hardillon  s,  m. 
Tong  of  a  balaunce  —  languette  s,  f. 



Tongctyed  —  901  «  le  filet,  m. 

Tonge  to  speke  with  —  langue  s,  f. 

Tonges  an  instrument  —  tenailles,  f. 

Tonny  fyshe. 

Tonnell  to  fyll  wyne  with  —  antonnoyr  s,  m. 

Tonnell  ofa  chymney  —  tayau  x,  m. 

Toppe  for  a  chylde  to  play  with  —  sabot  z,  m.; 

ioapin  s,  m. 
Toppe  for  to  cast  or  a  castyng  toppe  —  toii/ue 

z,  f.  ;  moyne  s,  m, 
Toppe  of  the  heed  —  sommet  de  la  teste,  m. 
Toppe  of  a  shyppe  —  mast  s,  m.  \  hune  s,  f. 
Toppe  of  a  tree,  house,  or  any  suche  lyke 

thyng  —  coupeau  x,  m. 
Toppe  of  a  hyll  —  creste  dune  montaigne  s,  f. 
Toppe  of  the  shuldre  —  le  coupeau  de  lespaule 
X,  m. 

Toppe  of  a  towre  —  sommaige  s,  m. 

Toppyng  heeres — lortellces,  f. 

Torche  to  lyght —  torche  s,  f 

Torde  ofa  dogge  —  «tronc  de  chien  s,  m. 

Torde  of  a  man  —  merde  s,  f. 

Torment  a  storme  on  the  see  —  tourmente  s,{.\ 
tempeste  s,  f. 

Tornar  a  craflesmau  —  tourneur  s,  m. 

Torne  a  prancke  —  tour  s,  m. 

Tome  pyke ,  suche  as  lyeth  over  away  —  roal- 
Hz,  m. 

Tornyng  upsodowne  —  subuercion  s,  f. 

Toost  of  breed  —  tostee  z,  f. 

Totehyll  —  montaignelte  s,  f. 

Tothc  —  dent  s,  (. 

Tylter  totter  a  play  for  chyldre — balenchoeres,  f. 

Towell  to  wype  on  —  toiutyi/e  s,  f. 

Touche  a  crafty  dede  —  tour  s,  m. 

Touche  stone  to  prove  golde  with  —  tire  s,  m.; 
une  touche  s,  f. 

Touchyng  with  hande  —  maniement  s,  m. 

Towe  —  eslouppes,  f. 

Towne  —  aille  s,  f. 

Towne  house  —  prétoire  s,  m. 

Towre  —  tour  s,  f. 

Tourney  justes  —  touniay  s,  m.;  estour  s,  m. 

Tournement  an  instrument  for  warre —  tour- 
nement  s,  m. 

Tourques  aprecious  stone —  tourquois  s ,  va. 


T    BEFORE    R; 

Trace  a  slreyght  way  —  trace  s,  f 

Trace  horse  harnesse  —  trays,  m. 

Trace  of  any  beest  —  trac  z,m. 

Trayne  a  trappe  —  atrappe  s,  f. 

Trayue  ofa  garment  —  queue  s,  f. 

Traytour — traître  s,  m.;  mutyn  s,  m. 

Tramell  to  catche  fysshe  or  byrdes  —  trameaa 

s,  m. 
Tramplyoge  with  fête —  marchage  s,  m.;  mar- 

sage  s,  m. 
Tranquyllyte  —  tranquillité  z,{. 
Trappe  to  catche  myse  —  souricière  s,  f. 
Trappe  to  take  rattes  —  ratière  s,  t. 
Trappour  for  a  horse  —  housse  s,  {.    ■ 
Traveyle  labour  —  trauayl  x,  m. 
Traunce  a  sickenesse  —  Irance  s,  f. 
Treatyse  —  treatie  z,  m. 
Treatyse  bytwene  two  princes  —  Iraicte,   m.; 

trete,  m. 
Treble  of  a  song  —  le  dessus,  ni. 
Treble  stryng  of  an  instrument  —  chanterelle 

s.  f. 
Trechery  —  trccherie  s,  f. 
Tredyngofa  man  —  marche  s,  (. 
Tree  —  arire  s,  f. 
Trelis  for  a  wyndowe  —  trelis,  m. 
Trenche  for  men  of  warre  —  trenchee  z,  [. 
Trencher  to  cute  mete  on  —  trenchouer  s,  m. 
Trencher  of  bred  —  trenchouer  de  pain  s,  m. 
Trendyll  —  tournouer  s,  f. 
Trenket  an  instrument  for  a  cordwayner — bat- 
ton  a  torner,  m. 
Trentall  of  masses  —  trenteyne  s,  f. 
Tresse  of  heer — tresse  s',  f. 
Tresens  that  is  drawen  over  an  estâtes  chambre 

—  ciel  z,  m. 
Treyson  —  trahison  s,  f. 
Tresourar —  tresourier  s,  m. 
Tresourers  clcrke  —  clerc  de  finance  z,  m. 
Tresour  —  (rfsor  ;>■,  m.  ;  cheuance  s,  f.  ;  finance 

s,  f.  ;  auoir  s,  m . ;  espergnc  s,  f . 
Trespasse  offcnce  —  offence  s,  (.  ;  crime  s,  m.; 

delicte  s,  m.;  maléfice  s,  m.;  coulpe  s,  f. 
Trespasse    agaynst   the  lawe  —  preuaricateur 

s,  m. 

Trespasyng  offendyng 
uarication  s,  f. 

Trestyil  for  a  table —  tresteau  x ,  m. 

Treaty  of  a  mater  —  traicde  z ,  m. 

Treale  —  trette  z,m. 

Trevet  witli  thre  fête  —  trcpie  z,m. 

Trevys  to  shoe  a  wylde  horse  in  —  Iraimyl  a 
chenal,  m. 

Treweloves  knotte  —  nea  damours  x,  m. 

Treacle  —  triade  s,  m. 

Tryangle  tliresquare  —  triangle  s,  m. 

Trybulacion  grefe  —  adaersite  z,{. 

Trybute —  Irihut,  péage  z,  m.;  exaction  $,  f. 

Trybutorie  —  tribulajre  s,  m. 

Tryfell  —  truffe  s,  C;  farfelue  s,  t.;  fatras,  m. 

Tryfeil  a  knacke  — friaolle  s,  f. 

Tryfell  a  thyng  of  no  value  —  lobe  s,  f.;  truf- 
fe s.  f. 

Tryfelyng  — flauelle  s,  f. 

Tryflynges  scoffynges  — fredaines,  f. 

Tryfoly  an  herbe  —  trejle  s,  m. 

Trynkel  a  cordwayners  toole  —  bâton  a  tourner 
soulies  s,  m. 

Trype  —  tripe  s,  f.  ;  andouille  s,  f. 

Tryppe  in  wrastlyng  —  crochet  z,  m.;jambet 

z,  m. 
Tryppe  in  wrastellyng  —  gamboye  s,  f. 
Trypot  a  mete  made  with  thre  sondry  meates 

in  it  —  tripot  z,  m. 
Tryumphe  glorie  —  Iriumphe  s,  m. 
Trône  — trône  s,  m.;  trosne  s,  m. 
Trouth  plyghtyng  — fianceailles ^  f. 
Trotter  a  horse  —  trottier  s,  m. 
Trotters  shepes  fête  —  pies  de  moton,  m. 
Trouhlyng  vexyng  —  conturbation  s,  f. 
Troublyng  of  ones  mynde  —  distraction  s,  f. 
Trowell  for  a  mason  —  truelle  s,  f. 
Trowe  mother  —  mère  patalifue  s,  f. 
Trough  for  swyne  —  auge  a  pourceau ,  f. 
Trough  for  smythes  —  auge  a  marichal,  C 
Trough  a  vessell  —  auge  s,  (. 
Troute  a  fysshe  —  truite  s,  f. 
Truage ,  trybute  —  treuaige  s,  f. 
Troubler  —  turbateur  s,  m. 
Trewes  —  treuue  s,  f. 
Trurape  to  shote  pellettes  in  —  sarbatane  s,  f. 


-  transgresion  s,  f.  ;  prc- 


Trumpe  an  instrument —  cleron  s,  tn. 

Trumpet  —  trumpette  s,  f.  ;  busine  s,  f. 

Trumpytar — trompeteur  s,  m. 

Trunchonof  a  spere  —  esclat  de  lance  z,  m.; 
tronson  s ,  m. 

Trunchon  a  worme. 

Trunke  for  fysshe  —  boutique  a  poisson  s,  f.;  na- 
celle s,  {. 

Trusse  a  fardell — fardeau  .i;  m. 

Trussyng  bedde  —  lit  de  champ  z,  m. 

Trussyng  of  any  thyng  —  troussare  s,  f. 

Trussyng  of  stuffe  in  a  fardell  — fardage  s,  m. 

Trust — fance  s,  {.;  confiance  s,  f. ;  confidence 
s,  î.;  espérance  s,  f. 

Truslyng  belevyng — crédulité  z,  f. 

Truslynesse  — fealte  z,  f 

Truthe — uerite  z,  f  ;  loialie  z,  f. 

T  BEFORE    U. 

Tubbe  —  cuue  or  cuuette  s,  f. 

Tuckyng  kyrdell  —  saincture  a  ecourser  s,  f. 

Tweiftyde  —  la  lyphayne  s,  f. 

Tufte  of  grasse — ■  mouceau  de  herbe  s,  f. 

Tufle  of  béer  —  mouceau  de  clieueulx,  m. 

Twyble  an   instrument  for  carpentars  —  ber- 

nago  s,  (. 
Twygge  a  lytell  wande  —  uerge  s,  f. 
Twylyght  —  brune  s,  f. 
Twynethrede  — fil  reteurs  z ,  m. 
Twynclyng  of  an   eye  —  cilement  s,  ni.;  clin 

doeil  s,  ni. 
Twyn  — jumeau  x,m. 
Twyniyng — gémeau  ar,n». 
Twynnes  two  chyldren  borne   at  one  tyme  — 

jumeaulx,  m. 
Twysday  —  mardy  s,  m. 
Turabe  a  grave  —  tumbe  s,  f. 
Tnmblar  —  joueur  de  souplesse  s,  m. 
Tumrell  cart  —  tumbreaa  x,  m. 
Tunder  boxe  —  boytte  de  fusil  s,  f. 
Tunder  to  lyght  a  malche  —  fusil  z,  va. 
Tunne  —  tonneau  x,  m. 
Tunnel!  to  fyll  wyne  —  antonnoyr  s ,  m. 
Tunnellofa  chymney  — ■  tuyau  x ,  ra. 
Tungo  of  a  balaunce  —  languette  de  balance ,  (. 
Tunge  of  a  huckyll  —  ardillon,  m. 




TuDge  to  speke  witli  —  tangue  s,  f. 

Tuppe  a  ramme  —  belin  s ,  m. 

Tiirbutte  fysshe  —  turbot  z,  m. 

Turdyli  sliepes  doiige  — Jientdc  brebis  s,  m. 

Turret  a  lytell  towre  —  tourelle  s,  f. 

Turfe  of  tbe  fcnne  —  tourbe  de  terre  s,  f. 

Turfe  flagge  sworde  —  tourbe  s,  f. 

Turfe  of  a  cappe  —  rebras,  m. 

Turkes  bowe  —  arc  turquoys  s,  m. 

Turkessworde  — espee  s,  f.  ;  esclamme  s,  f. 

Turment  —  tormenl  s,  m. 

Turmentyllan  herbe —  loumientine  s,  f. 

Turmenlour  of  folkes  —  satellite  s,  m. 

Turnar  a  maker  of  bolles  and  dysshes  —  tor- 

neur,  boiselier  s,  m. 
Turnars  crafte  —  la  science  dung  tourneur  s,  m. 
Turpentyne  —  tormentine  s,  f. 
Turtyll  a  dove  —  tur(r«  s,  m.;  tarterelle  s,  t. 
Tussyllage  an  herbe. 

Tuske  of  heer  —  monceau  de  cheueulx  x,  m. 
Tutar  —  tuteur  s,  m. 

U    BEFORE    A. 


s,  m. 

Vacabonde  —  paatonier  s,  m. 

Vacacion  —  uacation  s,  {. 

Vayne  gtorie  —  uoine  gloire  s,  f. 

Vale  or  valey  —  ualee  s,  f. 

Valeryan  an  herbe. 

Valewe  —  uaJeur  s,  f. 

Value  prise  —  ualue  s,  f. 

Value  of  golde  or  sylver  —  haras,  m. 

Valyantnesse  — proesse,  f.  ;  ualiance  s,  f. 

Vampey  of  a  hose  —  auani  pied  z  ,m. 

Vanyte  —  uanite  z,  f. 

Vauntage  —  preu  s,  m.;  auanlaige  s,  m. 

Vauntour  or  craker  —  uanteur  s,  m. 

Vapour  —  uapear  s,  f.  ;  moisteur  s,  f. 

Varyaunce  —  uariance  s,  f.  ;  dissention  s,   f.  ; 

controuersie  s,  t.;  discorde  s,  f. 
Varyeng  chaungyng  —  maance  s,  f. 
Vauntage  —  auantage  s,  m.;  émolument  s,  m. 
Vauntpe  of  a  hose  —  uantpie  z,  m. 
Vaunt  boost  —  aantance  s,  f.  ;  bombance  s,  f. 

Veche  a  taare  • 

U    BEFORE   E. 
-  uesse  s,  {. 

Veyle  for  tbe  churcb  in  lent  —  custode  s,  f. 

Veyne  —  uaync  s ,  f. 

Veele  flesshe —  aeau  x,  m. 

Velym  parchcment —  uelyn  s,  m. 

Velvet  —  uelours,  m. 

Velvetmaker  —  ueloustier  s,  m. 

Vengeaunce  —  aengeance  s,  f. ;  uindication  s,  f. 

Venym  —  uelin  s,  m. 

Venymousnesse  —  uelimeitr  s,  f. 

Venyson  —  uenayson  s,  f. 

Venturer  on  tbe  lande  —  adaenturier  s,  m. 

Venturer  on  thesee  — pirattc  s,  m. 

Vcrdyte  —  uerile  s,  f. 

Verse  mctyr  —  uers,  m. 

Verger  that  bereth  a  rodde  in  the  churche  — 

sergent  de  lesglise,  ni. 
Vergeous  sauce  —  uerjus,  m. 
Vermylon  reed  colour  —  uermillon  s,  m. 
Vermyn  —  aermine  s,  f. 
Vernysshe  —  uernys,  m. 
Verse  —  aers,  m. 
Vertue — uertu  s,{. 

Venue  strengtli  —  ejficace  s,  f.;  force  s,  f. 
Vertuousnesse  —  uertu  s,  [. 
Vervy n  an  herbe  —  aerueyne  s,  {. 
Vessell  plate  or  pewter  —  uaisselle  s,  f. 
Vessel  to  putte  any  tbyng  in  — ■  aaisseau  x,  va. 
Vestnient  —  uestemenl  s,  m. 
Vestmentraaker  —  chasublier  s,  m. 
Vestry  —  reuestoir  s,  m. 
Vexacion  grefe  or  displeasure  —  tribulation  s, 

f. ;  uexation  s,  (.;  dcslourbier  s,  m. 
Vexar  a  grevar  —  turbateur  s,  m. 
Vexyng  or  troublyng —  conturbation  s,  f. 

U    BEFORE    I. 

Vyage  ajonrney  —  uiaige  s,  m.;  uoiage  s,  m. 

Vyall  a  glasse  — Jiolle  s,  f. 

Vycare  a  preest  or  person  —  uicaire  s,  m. 

Vyce  synne  —  uice  s,  m.;  pechie  s,  m. 

Vyce  of  a  cuppe  —  uis,  f. 

Vyce  a  tournyng  stayre  —  uis,  L 

Vyce  to  putte  in  a  vessell  of  wyne  to  drawe  the 

wyne  out  at  —  chantepleare  s,  t. 
Vyciousnesse  yvell  iyveng  —  Ubidinosite  :,{.; 

luxure  s,  {. 



Vycrage  a  preestes  house  — preshjtoire  s,  m. 
Vyctorie  the  upperhande  of  an  enemy  —  uic- 

ioyre  s,  f. 
Vygorousnesse  —  uiyeur  s,  {. 
Vyle  a  nougbly  person  —  loricart  s,  m. 
Vyllage  a  lytell  towne  —  uiUage  s,  m. 
Vyllayne  or  luske  —  esclaue  s,  m. 
Vyllayne  a  cowarde  —  bidaiilt  z,  m. 
Vyllany  —  uillentvye  z,  f.  ;  uillement  s,  ni. 
Vylenesse  nothyng  clenly  — fetardise  s,  f. 
Vylenesse  corrupcyon  —  corruption  s,  f. 
Vynegyr  sauce  —  uinaigre  s,  m. 
Vyne  iefe  — fijUe  de  uigne  s,  f. 
Vyne  tree  —  uigne  s,  f. 
Vyntenar  a  marcbaunt  of  wyne  —  marchant  de 

uin  s,  m.  ;  uineilier  s,  m. 
Vyole  a  giasse  — fiolle  s,  f.  ;  uiole  s,  f. 
Vyolence  —  uiolence  s,  f.  ;  randon  s,  m. 
Vyolet  colour  —  uiolet  z,  m.;  aioleite  s,  f. 
Vyolet  flour  —  uiolette  de  mars  s,  f. 
Vyrginite  —  uirginile  s,  f. 
Vyrgyn  —  uierge  s,  f. 
Vyrgyn  waxe  —  cire  uierge  s,[. 
Vyroll  —  uiroUe  s,  f. 
Vysage  —  uisage  s,  m. 
Vysar  for  a  mummar  — faalx  uisaige  s,  m. 
Vysar  of  harnes  —  uisiere  dung  armel  s,  f. 
Vysion  tïiat  appereth  in  ones  slepe  —  adui- 

sion  s,  [. 
Vysilyng  —  uisilance  s,  f.;  uisitation  s,  f. 
Vytaiie —  uîtaille  s,  f.  ;  uiares,  f. 
Vytayler  —  uitailler  s,  m. 
Vytaylles  mcte  and  drinke  —  (ouïe  manière  de 

uitailles  >,(. 
Vytayler  —  aiuandier  s,  m. 
Vyves  a  diseasc  tliat  an  horse  hatli — auiues,  f. 

U    BEFORE   M. 
Umbreli  of  an  heed  pece  —  uisiere  s,  f. 

U    DEFOKE    N. 

Dncertenly  —  incerteinte  z,  f. 
Unchastnesse  —  im/mdicilé  z,  f. 
Uncle  by  tbe  father  syde  —  oncle  s,  m. 
Unclennesse  —  imparité  z,  f.  ;  ordure  s,  f. 
Uncourtesnessc  —  ingratitude  s,  f. 

Underlyng  —  serf  s,  m. 
Undergarment  for  a  woman  —  seurcot  z,'m. 
Under  mêle  —  rcssigner  s,  m. 
Undermyndyng  —  subornation  s,f. 
Undersberife  —  uiconte  s,  m. 
Understandyng  —  entendement  s,  m.  ;  raison  s, 

f.  ;  intellectare  s,  f.  ;  sentemeni  s,  m. 
Undertresourer — financier  Sjm. 
Undoyng  distroyeng  —  extermination  s,  f.  ;  def- 

faicte  s,  f. 
Dngentylnesse  —  inhumanité  z,  f. 
Ungraciousnesse — maleurete  z,(. 
U nhappynesse —  infelicite  z,f. 
Unycorne  a  beest  —  licorne  s,  f. 
Dnyversyte  —  uniuersite  z,  f. 
Unkeli  —  oncle  s,  va. 
Unkyndnesse — ingratitude  s,(. 
Unrightwysnesse  —  injure  s,  f.  ;  injustice  s,  I. 
Unsbittyng  —  deffermure  s,  f. 
Unstedfastoesse  —  mobilité   z,  f.;   inconstance 

Unsurenesse  —  deseurete  z,i. 
Unworthynesse  —  indignité  z,  f. 

U    BEFORE    O. 

Voyce  —  uoixfî. 

Voydaunce  —  uidance  s,  f. ;  deslogement  s,  m. 

Volym    for  tbe  largenesse  of  a  boke  —  uo- 

lume  s,  m. 
Voluptuousnesse  —  uolapte  z,(. 
Vomyte  spewyng  —  vomissement  s,  ni. 
Vowo  — -  ucu  z,  m. 
Vout  under  the  grounde  —  aoute  s,{. 

U    BEFORE    p. 

Upbraydyng  —  reprouche  s,{. 
Upholdyng — supporlation  s,(.;port  s,  m. 
Upholstar — frippier  s ,  m. 
Uplandyssheman  —  passant  s,  m. 
Uplandyssbnesse  —  ruralite  z,  f. 
Uppergamient  —  surquanie  s,  f. 

[}    BEFORE   R. 

Urynall  —  urinai  x,  m. 
Urynche  mylke  —  maigre  s,  ni. 
Urchone  a  beest  —  herysson  s,  m. 



U    BEFORF.    S. 

Usage  —  usaige  s,  m. 
Use  —  use  s,  f. 
Userer  —  usurier  s,  m. 
Usery  —  usure  s,  i'. 
Usslier —  huissier  s,  m. 

U    BEFOHE    T. 

Utas  of  a  feest  —  octuues,  f. 

Utterauuce  of  speclie  — pronunciation  s,  f. 

Utterbarke  of  a  tree  —  escorche  s,  f. 

Uttercourt  —  basse  court  s ,  (. 

Utlryiigof  anytbyngbyspekyng — prolation  s,  f. 

Uttiyng  or  sellyng  of  ware  —  uente  s,  f. 

W    BEFORE    A. 

Wafyrre  ^—  gaufre  i,  f. 

Wafyryron  — fer  aux  gaufres  s ,  m. 

Wafyrmaker  —  gaufrier  s,  m. 

Wager  —  gageure  s,-ni. 

Wage  or  pledge — ^aije  *,  m. 

Wages — gaiges,  m.;  touier  s,  ni.;  salaire  s,  m. 

Wagstert  a  byrde. 

Wagtayle  a  byrde  —  hergerette  s ,  f. 

Waye  —  chemyn,  m. ;  uoye  z,  f. 

Way  in  a  woode  syde  —  sente  s,  t. 

Waylyng  —  lamentation  s,  f. 

Wayre  where  water  is  liolde  —  gort  s,  ni. 

Wayter  —  qui  baille  attendance,  m. 

Wayte  an  instrument  —  liauhoys,  m. 

Wayne  a  carte  —  chariot  ;,  m. 

Wayneman  —  chariottier  s,  m. 

Wajour — gageure  s,  f. 

Wayte  trcbie  —  bassine  s,  f. 

Wakerobyn  an  herbe. 

Wakeworte  an  herbe. 

Wakyng  after  slepe  —  reueil  z ,  m. 

Wall  —  mur  s,  m.;  muraille  s,  f. 

Wall  before  tbe  wall  oe  about  a  towne  or  cas- 

tell  —  auantmar  s,  m. 
Wall  of  a  sbyppe. 
Wall  of  a  slrype  —  enjleure  s,  f. 
Wall  of  bricke  —  muraille  de  bricque  s,  f. 
Wailet  or  poke —  besasse  5,  f.  ;  hesachr  s,  f.  ; 

besace  s,  f 
Walles  of  a  towre  —  murailles,  f. 

Walke  to  walke  up  and  downe  in  — parais ,  m. 

Walkyngplacc  —  déambulatoire  s,  f. 

Wallon  tonge  —  Bornant  s,  m. 

Walnotte  —  noyx,  f. 

Walnot  wban  he  is  eut  out  of  the  grene  sbell 

—  cerneau  x,  m. 
Walnot  tree  —  noyer  s  ,m. 
Walworte  an  herbe. 

Wamlyng  of  the  stomake  —  esmouuement  s,  m. 
Wande  a  rodde —  aerge  s,  f. 
Wande   for  a  horse  whan  a   man  rydeth  — 

houssine  s,  f. 
Wangtothe  —  dent  oylliere  s,  (. 
Wanhope  —  desespoir  s,  m.;  désespérance  s,f. 
Wannes  of  colour —  indeur  s,  f. 
Want  of  beauty —  laideur  s,  f. 
Want  beest  a  molle  —  laulpe  s,  f. 
Wanton  cockeney — mignot  s,  m.;  mignotte  s,  f. 
Wanton  of  condicyons  — saffre  s,  m. 
Wantonnesse  —  lasciuite  z,  f. ;  insolence  s,  f. 
Warhot  a  worme  —  escarbot  z,m. 
Warde  of  a  locke — garde  s,  f. 
Warde  of  a  towne  or  castell  —  garde  s,  f. 
Warde  under  âge  —  mineur  qui  est  en  luleltc 

s,  m. 
Warden  —  gardian  s,  m. 
Warder  a  staffe  —  baslon  s,  m. 
Wardroppe  or  closet —  garderobe  s,  f. 
Wardroppe  or  a  prince  —  argenterie  s,  f. 
Wardon  tree  —  poyrier  s,  m. 
Wardon  frute  —  poire  a  cuire  s,  f.  ;  poire  de 

calieu  s,  f. ;  poire  de  garde  s,  (.;  poire  de 

calion  s,  (. 
Ware  chaffre  —  marchandise  s,  f. 
Warehouse  to  shewe  marchandyse  in  —  une 

monstre  a  marchandise  s,  [. 
Warenesse —  rasierse  s,  f. 
Warrennar — gaarennier  s,  m. 
Warrcn  —  garenne  s,  f. 

Warkehouse  for  a  craftesman  —  ouuroir  s,  m.  ' 
Warehouse  for  masons  or  carpentars  —  aslil- 

licr  s,  m. 
Warmnesse  —  chaleur  s^  f. 
.  Warnyng  —  admonestement  s,   m.  ;   aduertence 

s,  f.  ;    aduerteurc  s,  f. ;  admonition  s,   f. ; 

lamonilion  s,  f.;  summation  s,  f. 



Warpe  of  clolhe  —  chayne  de  drap  s,{. 
Warre  bataylc  —  (jaerre  s,  f. 
Warre  or  knoblie  of  a  tree  —  iieu  s,  m. 
Warryeng  cursyng  —  malédiction  s,{. 
Warryour  a  nian  of  warre  — guerroyeur  s,  m. 
Warte  on  ones  hande  —  uerbe  s,  f.  ;  poyreaii 

X,  m. 
Wasshe  of  water —  marre  s,  f. 
Wassher  of  gownes  —  relaaeur  s,  m. 
VVasshyng  betyll  —  battoaer  s,  m. 
Wasshyng  boll  — jatte  s,  f. 
Waspe  —  guespe   s,  f. 
Wast  a  mydtlle  — fauhc  de  cors,  m. 
Wast  unprofytable — gast  z,m. 
Wasle  of  a  shyppe  —  cors  de  nauire  s,  m. 
Waslyng  —  consumplion  s,  f. 
Wastyng  distroyng  —  dépopulation  s,  (. 
Water —  eaa  s,  f. 
Water  berar  —  porteur  deau  s,  m. 
Water  cresses  —  cresson  s,  ta. 
Walerlien  a  byrde  ^poulie  deaa  s,  f. 
Wateriecbe  ■ —  sansue  s,  f. 
Watermyll  —  moulin  a  leaa  s,  ni. 
Water  potte  for  a  table  — aiguière  s,  f 
Water  potte  for  a  gardyne  —  arroasouer  s,  m. 
Water  pompe  —  aguaticque  s,  m. 
Water  serpent  —  couleuare  deaue  s,  f. 
Water  venyme —  herbe  s,  f. 
Water  whele  in  ones  hande  —  bubette  s,  f. 
Watche  contrary  to  slepc  —  esaeiller  z,  m. 
Watcbe  bouse  —  lieu  de  guayct  x,  m. 
Watclie  man  —  homme  du  guayct  s,  m. 
Watchet  colour  — :  jaune  garance  s,  i. 
Watche  worde  —  mot  du  guayt  z,  m. 
Watchyng  lyeng  in  wayte  —  daguet  z,  m. 
Watchyng  — agitance  s,  f. ;  resaeil  z,  m.  uigi- 

lance  s,  {. 
Wave  of  the  see  —  uague  s,  (. 
Waxe  —  cire  s,  f. 
Waxyng  kyrnels  —  glandes,  f.  ;  glanders,  m. 

W    BEFORE   E. 

Webbe  in  the  eye  —  laye  z ,  f. 
Webbe  of  a  spydcr  —  araignée  z ,  f. 
Webbe  of  a  wevar —  chayne  s,  f. 
Webbe  ofleed — toye  de  pelombe  z,  f. 

Wede  hoke  —  serpHon  s,  m. 

Wede  ciothyng —  habillement  s,  m. 

Wede  a  wyldc  herbe  —  herbe  sauuaige  s ,  1. 

Wedge  of  yron  —  coing  de  fer  s,  m. 

Wedge  a  pledge — jaijc  s,  m.;  pleigc  s,  m. 

Wedge  to  cleve  wodde  with  —  coing  a  fendre 

boys,  m. 
Weddyng  —  nopces,  f. 
Weddyngor  mariage — espoasaiiles,  {'. 
Wedyng  hoke  —  cerclier  s,  m. 
Wcdnisday  —  mcrcredy  s,  m. 
Weddcrcocke —  cochct  deglise  s,  m.;  or  cachet 

a  aent  s,  m. 
Wedder  a  sliepe  —  mouton  s,  ni. 
Wedder  of  the  ayre  —  temps,  m. 
Wedlocke  maryage  —  mariage  s,  m. 
Wedower  or  vvedowe —  uefae  s,  (. 
Weffe  tast  —  goust  z,  m. 
Wey  or  meane  —  acheison  s,  m. 
Weybreed  an  herbe — plantain  s,  m. 
Wey  of  chese  —  maige  s,  f. 
Weyght  or  burden  — feiz,  m. 
Weygbt  hevynesse  —  pesanteur  s,  C. 
Weighty  busynessc  —  erre  s,  f. 
Weight  to  wey  witball — poix,  m. 
Weightynesse  —  aggrauation  s,  f. 
Weke  for  candels  —  mèche  s,  f.;  limignon  s,  m. 
Weykenesse — Jlebesse  s,  f.;  imbécillité  z,  f. 
Weymentyng — granité  z,{. 
Weke  a  senyght — sepmayne  s,  f. 
Welcommyng  —  acueil  s,  m.;  bienuenue  s,  (. 
Well  madc  of  stone^ — pais,  m.; patelle  s,  f. 
Welle  or  lepe  for  fysghe  —  bouticle  s,  f. 
Welkyn  the  skye  — firmament  s,  m. 
Welowc  tree  —  saulx,  m. 
Wclt  of  a  garment  —  ourelet  z',m. 
Welte  of  a  shoe  —  oureleure  s,  f. 
Welthe  —  habundance  s,  f.  ;  bien  s,  m, 
Wemme  spotte  —  tache  s,  f. ;  malan  s,  m. 
Wenche —  garse  s,  f. 
Wenne  in  the  throte  —  gouoystre  .«,  m.  ;  gouis 

tre  s,  m. 
Wepyn  —  baston  s,  m. 
Wepyng  —  pleur  s,  va.  ;  ploralion  s,  (. 
Were  to  take  fysshe  —  gort  s,  m. 
Werynesse  or  grefe  —  ennuy  s,  lii. 


Werynesse — falig'ie  s,  t.;  fatigation  s,  f. 

Weryng  —  usure  s,  f. 

VVerke  —  oeuure  s,  f. 

Wert  in  ones  liande  —  uerbe  s,  f. 

Wesant  the  pype  —  gauion  s,  m. 

Wesant  —  gosier  s,  m. 

Wesyll  a  beest —  bellelte  s,  (. 

West  parte  —  occident  s,  m. 

Westerne  wynde  —  le  vent  daaal  s,  m . 

Wetenesse  —  moilleare  s,  f.  ;  moisteure  s,  f. 

Wevar  —  tysserant  s,  m. 

Wevar  of  lynen   clothe  — >  tysserant  de  toiUe 

s,  m. 
Wevars  shoppe  —  ouuragerie  z,  f. 
Wevyll  —  garguillon  s,  m. 
Wevyll  that  bredeth  in  malte  —  calendre  s,  f. 
Wevyng  frame  —  meslier  s,  m, 
Wevyng  bouse  —  maison  a  tisserant  s,  m. 

W    BEFORE   H. 

Wbay  of  butter  —  babenre  s,  m. 

Wball  a  fyssbe  —  balayne  s,  f. 

Wharfe  by  tbe  water  syde  —  guay  z,  m. 

Wharie  for  a  spyndell  —  peson  s,  m. 

Whey  of  chese — maige  s,  f. 

Wbelebarowe  —  brouette  s,  f. 

Whele  of  a  carte  —  roue  s,  f. 

Wbele  wrigbt  —  charron  s,  m.  ;  qmirron  s,  m. 

Whele  in  the  hande  — hoahetle  s,  f.  ;  bubette  s, 

f.  ;  uessie  s,  f. 
Whelke  a  fyssbe  —  limason  de  mer  s,  m. 
Whelpe  — petit  chien  s,  va. 
Wbete  corne  — ble  s,m.;  bled  s,  m. 
Wbetynbreed — pain  bourgois  s,  m. 
Whetstone  — pierre  a  aguiser  s,  f.  ;  queax  f. 
Whynne  —  bruiere  s,  f. 
Whynnes  or  hethe  —  bruiere  s,  f. 
Whypple  tree. 

Wbyppe  for  e  plowman  — fouet  z,  m. 
Whypstocke — manche  dang  fouet  s,  m. 
Whyrlbone    of  ones    kne  —  pallette    de  ge- 

nouil  s,  f. 
Whiripole  a  fissbe — chaudron  de  mer,  m. 
Whirpole  a  depe  place  in  a  ryver,  where  the 

water  tournetb   rounde  —  abysme  s,  m.; 

goitre  s,  m. 

Whirlygigge  to  play  with  —  pyrouelle  s,  f. 

Wbiriwynde  —  tourbillon  de  uent  s,  m. 

Whisperyng  —  parler  a  loreille  s,  m. 

Whystell  —  sifflet  z,  m. 

Whytson  evyn  —  uigille  de  Penthecouste  s,  f. 

Whitsontyde  —  Penthecouste  s,  f. 

White,  a  horse  of  wbite  colour  — cheaal  blanc, 

liart  s,  m. 
White  coiour  —  blanche  couleur  s,  f. 
White  frère —  carme  s,  m. 
Wbite  harnesse  —  blanche  armure  s,  f. 
Whitlether  —  cuir  blanc  s,  m. 
Wbittawer  — pelticr  de  cuir  blanc  s,  va. 
Wbite  lyme  —  chaulx,  va. 
Whitllowe  in  ones  fyngre  —  poil  de  chat  z,  m. 
Whitmete  ihey  bave  no  suche  worde. 
White  of  an  cgge —  laubin  dung  oeuf,  vn. 
Wiiite  of  the  eye  —  blanc  de  loyl  s,  m. 
White  plome  — prune  blanche  s,  f. 
Wliite  sope  —  sauon  blanc  s,  vn. 
Whitstarre  —  blanchisseur  de  toylles,  m. 
Wbitnesse  —  blancheur  s,  f. 
Whitethorn  or  hautborn —  aubespin  s,  m. 
Withy  to  bynde  a  faggote  —  hart  s,  f. 
Whityng  fyssbe  —  merlan  s,  m. 

W    BEFORE   I. 

Wyer  of  yron  — fyl  de  fer  z,vn. 

Wyar  of  brasse — fil  darcal,  fil  de  laton,  m. 

Wyar  drawer  —  lyrear  de  fil  s,  m. 

Wycket  —  jayc/iet  s,  m.- 

Wydowe  —  neuue  s,  f. 

Wydowe  of  the  Frenche  kyng  —  ta  royne  blan- 
che s,  f. 

Wydnesse  —  largeur  s,  f. 

Wydraught  —  basse  chambre  s,  f.  ;  orlraicl  s,  m.; 
reiraict  s,  m. 

Wyfe  or  woman  — femme  s,  f. 

Wygge  —  eschaude  s,  m. 

Wyckednesse  —  iniquité  s,  f. 

Wycker  —  osier  s,  va. 

Wyide  asse  —  asne  sauuaige  s,  m. 

Wylde  beest  —  besle  sauuaige  s,  f. 

WyIde  boore  —  porc,  sanglier  z,  m . 

Wylde  catte  —  chat  sauuaige  z,  m. 

Wyidernesse  —  désert  s,  m. 


Wyidc  ducke  —  canne  sauuaige  s,  f.;  canne  ra- 
nuere  s,  f. 

Wylde  fyre — feu  sauuaige  x,  m.;  feu  gregois 
X,  m. 

Wylde  fygge  tree  —  sauaaigc  arbre  de  figge  s,  m. 

Wylde  foule  —  sauuagine  s,  f. 

Wylde  gose  —  oye  sauuaige  s,  f. 

Wylde  goote  —  cheuereul  x,  m. 

Wyldnesse  cruelle  — férocité  s,  f. 

Wyldnesse  —  saauaigete  s,  f. 

Wyldyng  a  sower  apple  —  pomme  de  boys  s,  f. 

Wylde  olyve  tree  —  sauuaige  arbre  dolive  s,  ni. 

Wylde  tansye  —  tannasie  sauuaige  s,  f. 

Wylde  vyne  —  uigne  sauuaige  s,  f. 

Wyle  disceit — déception  s,{.; gauche  s, f.;  trom- 
perie z,  f.  ;  cautelle  s,  f. ,  guille  s,  f . 

Wyle  or  slcight  —  engaigne  s,  f. 

Wyll  —  uolente  s,  f. 

Wyll  pleysure  —  plaisir  s,  m. 

Wyll,  as  wilh  my  good  wyll  — gre,  m. 

Wyll  a  desyre  —  talent  s,  m. 

Wylfulnesse  —  uotantairete  s,  f. 

Wylynesse —  astuce  s,  f. 

Wyllowe  tree  —  saulx,  m. 

Wymhle  or  peerser  — foret  z,  m. 

Wymple  for  a  none  —  guymple  s,  f. 

Wynde  —  uent  s,  m. 

Wyndace  for  an  engya  —  guyndas,  m. 

Wynde  beame  of  a  bouse. 

Wyndyng  stole  —  tournetle  s,  f. 

Wyndyng  stayre — ais,  f. 

Wyndyng  sliete  —  suaire  s,  m. 

Wyndyng  —  uolubilité  z,  f. 

Wyndmyll  —  moulin  a  nent  s,  m. 

Wyndowe  — fenestre  s,  f. 

Wyndowes  that  be  in  a  bouse  toppe  —  tu- 
carne  s,  (. 

Wyndpype  —  sijpet  de  gosier  z,  m. 

Wyne  drinke  —  uin  s,  m. 

Wyne  alygaunt  —  alegant  s,  m. 

Wyne  sellar  —  cellier  a  uin  s,  m. 

Wyne  for  a  great  mannes  mouthe  —  uin  de  bou- 
che s,  m. 

Wyng  of  a  byrde  —  esle  s,  f.;  aelU  s,  f. 

Wyng  of  men  in  a  felde  —  helle  s,  f. 

Wynnyng  gayne  —  acquest  z,  m. 


'     Wynsyng  of  an  borse —  regibement  s,  m. 
Wynter  —  jfuer  s,  m. 
Wynter  frute  — fi^it  de  yuer  s,  va. 
Wynter  season  — yuernaige  s,  m. 
Wype  a  byrde  —  uppie  z,f. 
Wjsshe  desyre  —  souhait  z,  va. 
Whyssbing  for  a  thjng  lost  or  absent  —  regret 

z,  m. 
Wysdome  —  sagesse  s,  f.  ;  sagacité. 
Wyspe  to  wype  witb  —  torchon  s,  m. 
Wifcbe  a  woman  —  uaitdoyse,  sorcière  s,  f. 
Witcbe  crafte  — -  sorcerye  s,  {. 
Withe —  une  hart  de  fagote  s,  f. 
Wbilbdrawyng  —  abstraction  s,  f. 
Witboldyng — détention  s,{. 
Witbolder  —  détenteur  s,  m. 
Wylte  —  entendement  s,  m.;  sens,  va.;  intelli- 
gence, ingéniosité  s,  f. 
Wytnesse  or  provyng  —  attestation. 
Wytnesse  —  tesmoignaige  s,  va. 
Wyttyng  or  knowlege — escient,  essiatu,  m. 

W    BEFORE    O. 

Wodbynde  an  herbe. 

Wodcocke  —  beqaasse  i,  f. ;  uidecoq  s,  m. 

Wode  to  dye  witb  — guedde  s,  m. 

Wodbacke  a  byrde. 

Wood  or  tre  that  is  fallen  — mesrayne. 

Wodde  to  burne  —  boys,  va. 

Wodnian  that  lyvelb  by  feilyng  wode  —  boo- 

quillon  s,  m. 
Woodnesse —  rage ,  forsenerie  s,  f. 
Woodpecker  a  byrde  —  espec  z,  va. 
Woodrofe  an  herbe  —  musguet  z ,  m. 
Woodwall  an  herbe. 
Wolfe  —  loup  z,  m. 
Wolfyst  —  uesse  de  loup  s,  f. 
Woll  —  laync  s,  L 
Wollpacker  —  lyreur  de  layne  s,  m. 
Woman  baude  —  macquerelle  s,  f. 
Woraan  capper —  clicquetiere  s,  f. 
Woman  chamberlayn  —  chambrière  s,  I. 
Woman  coke  —  cuisinière  s,  f. 
Woman  cosyn  —  cousine  s,  f. 
Woman  cowarde  —  couarde  s,  f. 



Woman  customer  —  couslamiere  s ,  f. 
Woman  felowe  —  compaigne  s,  {. 
Woman  gardyner  —  jardinière  s,  i. 
Woman  gyanl  —  yiande  s,  f. 
Woman  govcrnour  —  dominateresse  s,  (. 
Woman  huckester  —  quoquetiere  s,  f. 
Woman  inheritour  —  héritière  s ,  f. 
Woman  iover  —  amante  s,  f. 
\yoman  maryner  —  nuironniere  s,  f. 
Woman  paramour — ainouree  s,  f.  ;  accointée  s,  f. 
Woman  preest  of  a  temple  —  prêtresse  s,  f. 
Woman  reigner  in  a  kyngdome  —  regnateresse 

Woman  shepeheerd  —  bergère  s,  i. 
Woman  set  on  pleasure  —  gaudine  s,  f. 
Woman  syngar  —  chanteresse  s,  f. 
Woman  stryken  in  jelousy  — jalouse  s,  f. 
Woman  taverner —  tauermere  s,  f. 
Woman  ihat  is  meane  for  any  man  —  aduo- 

catte  s,  f. 
Woman  that  lyeth  in  cbyide  beed  —  acouchee 

s,f.;  gesante  s,  f. 
Woman  that  useth  magyke  —  magicienne  s,{. 
Woman  that  seilelh  trypes  —  tripière  s,  f. 
Woman  thefe —  laronnesse  s,  (.;  félonne  s,  f. 
Woman  that  is  bandfast  — jiancee  s,  f. 
Woman  that  selleth  heeryng — harengiere  s,{, 
Woman  warden  —  gardianne  s,(. 
Woman  usber  —  huissiere  s,  t. 
Wombe  —  panse  s,  f.  ;  panche  s,  {. 
Wonder  —  maraaille  s,  f. 
Wondring  —  maraaillant  s,  m. 
Wonders  —  raiges,  f. 
Wont  custome —  coustume  s,  f. 
Wont  or  custome  to  an  yvell  thyng  —  amorse 

Wo  sorowe  —  tristesse  s,  {. 
Woodessyde  —  orirre  du  boys  ,  f. 
Wolde  herbe. 

Worde —  mot  z,  m.;  àict  z,  m.;  edict  z,  m. 
Workc  —  besoigne  s,{. 
Worke  made  of  woH  —  œuure  de  layne  s,  m.; 

lanijice  s,  f. 
Workeman  —  ouurier  s,  m. 
Workewoman  —  oaueriere  s,  i. 
Workyng  stoie  fore  a  sylkeman  —  mettier  s,  m. 


Workemanship  of  a  thyng  —  ouueraige  s,  m. 
Woride —  monde  s,  m.;  siècle  s,  m.;  cercle 

s,  m. 
Worme  in  the  belly  —  uers,  m. 
Wormein  the  hand  —  ciron  s,  m. 
Worme  in  the  ertlie  - —  uers  de  terre,  m. 
Worme  etyng  wode  —  boys  uermolu,  m. 
Wormwode  an  herbe  —  aluyne  s,  f. 
Worship  honour —  honneur  s ,  m. 
Worshippyng  of  ydols  —  idolâtrie  s,  f.  ;  culture 

de  idolles  s,  (. 
Worstede  —  ostade  s,  (. 
Worte  to  make  aie. 

Worthynesse  —  prestance  s,  f .  ;  noblesse  s ,  f. 
Worte  worme. 

Worthynesse  of  dignyte  — dignité  z,  f. 
Wortes  for  potage  — potage  s,  m.;  poree  z,  f. 
Wounde  a  soore  —  p'ay*  z  «  f- 

W    BEFOHE   R. 

Wrake  of  the  see  — •  péril  z ,  ra. 

Wrake  ofa  shippe  — naujraige  s,  m. 

Wrenche  —  torche  s,  {. 

Wrencbe  ont  of  joynt  —  deboytement  s,  m.; 

dejoincture  s,f. 
Wrenche  a  wyle  —  gauche  s,  f.  ;  ruse  s,  (. 
Wrenne  a  byrde  —  rattelet  z,  m. 
Wrest  for  a  harpe  —  broche  de  harpe  s,f. 
Wrastiyng  —  layte  s,  f. 
Wretbe  —  chetif  z,  m.  ;  malostru  s,  m.  ;  maajle 

s,  m. 
Wretchydnesse  —  misère  s,  f. 
Wretbe  that  gothe  rounde  —  torsurc  s,  {. 
Wretbe  angre  —  courroux,  m.;  maltaleni  s, m. 
Wretbe  of  oide  cordes  dypped  in  grece  and 

pytche,  suche  as  is  burned  in  cressettes 

—  toarbiginaahc ,  m. 
Wrye  mouthe  —  tortemoue  s,  f. 
Wrincbes  or  wyles  —  chariuaris ,  m. 
Wrinkeli  —  ply  z,  m. 
Wrinkell  in  ones  forbeed  — fronce  s,  f. 
Wrinkeli  in  oues  face  —  raiere  s,  t. 
Wrist  of  ones  bande  —  poignet  z,  m. 
Wrilte  in  the  iawe  —  remouuemeni  s,  m. 
Writyng  —  mandement  s,  tn.;escripture  st  f .  ; 

escript  s,  m. 


Writyng  of  a  thyng  —  inscription  s,  f. 
Wronge  —  tort  s,  m.;  injure  s,  {. 
Wrongeous  dede  —  tortjait  s,  m. 


Y    BEFORE    A. 

Yalowe  gy]lofer  — jaune  girofle  s,  {. 
Tarde  or  courte  —  court  s,  m. 
Yarde  to  measure  with  —  uerge  s ,  f. 
Yarde  rope  for  a  sayle. 
Yarne  tlirede — Jil  z,m. 
Yarne  wyndell  —  lomette  s,  f. 
Yarowe  myifoile  an  herbe  —  enreue  s,  f. 
Ydelnesse  of  wytte  — resnerie  s,  f. 

Y   BEFORE  E  —  V. 

Yeldeng  —  rétribution  s,  f. 

Yelke  of  an  egge — moyeul  x,  m.;  moeau  dung 

oeuf  s,  ra. 
Yelowe  cray  fleure. 
Yelowe  colonr — jaune  couleur  s,  f. 
Yeman  — yeman  s,  m. 
Yeman  of  the  borse  —  palfrenier  s,  m, 
Yeman  of  the  garde — archier  de  la  garde  s,  m. 
Yere  xii  monethes  —  an  s,  m. 
Yerely  profyte  that  cometh  to  one  —  reuenue 

s.  f. 
Yerthe  quake  —  tremblement  de  terre  s,  in. 
Yest  or  barme  for  aie —  leueton,  m. 
Yeske  thaï  cometh  of  the  stomake  —  saiiglout 

z,  m. 
Yexing  —  hocquet  z,  m, 
Yiande  —  isle  s,  f. 
Yoke  for  an  oxe  — joug  a  beaf  z,m.;  collier  a 

beuf  s,  m. 
Yongman  a  servaunt  —  ualeton  s,  m.;  ualle- 

lon  s,  m.;jouuenceau  x,m. 

Yonge  iyon  a  beesl  —  leonceaa  x,  m. 

Yonge  leke  — porreauj  porrez,  m. 

Yonge  haare  —  leuereau  x,  m. 

Yonge  rabbet  —  laperiau  x',  m. 

Yonge  ravyn  —  corbineau  x,m. 

Yonge  woman — jeune  femme  s,  f. 

Yonge  coke — jeune  cuisynier  s,  m. 

Yongest  —  puisne  s,  m. 

Yongar  borne  —  maisne. 

Yonge  asse  — jeune  asne  s,  m. 

Yonge  spring  tree — jeune  sion  s,  m. 

Yowe  to  niake  bowes  of —  hyf  z,  m. 

Youthe  — jeunesse  s ,  t.  i 

Ypocrisy  — ypocrisie  s,  f. 

Ypocrite — ypocrile  s,  m. 

Yre  wratbe  —  ire  s,  f.  ;  maltalent  s,  m. 

Yron  metali  — fer  s,  m. 

Yssue  —  sortis<iment  s,  ra.  ;  issue  s,  f. 

Yssues  of  a  court  —  amendes,  f. 

Yssue  a  place  to  corne  out  at  — saulture  s,  f. 

Yvorie  —  iaoire  s,  m. 

Z    BEFORE    A. 

2alandyne  an  herbe  —  esclaire  s,  f.  ■ 
Zacharie  a  propbet  —  ung  prophète  s,  m. 
Zabulon  —  estoytjilz  de  Jacob  s,  m. 

Z    BEFORE    E. 

Zebedeus  —  le  père  de  saint  Jaques  et  de  saint 

Johan  leuangeliste  s,  m. 
Zèle  love  or  frenshyp  —  amour  s,  m. 
Zelandc  a  countrey  —  Zelande  s,  {. 
Zephirus  —  le  uent  de  la  bize  s,  m. 
Zodiake  —  le  cercle  qui  fait  tourner  le  firmament 

par  ou  le  soleil  et    les  planettes  font   leur 


Hère  endeth  the  table  of  substantyves ,  and  hère  after  foloweth 
the  adjectyve. 




Howe  adjectyves  folowe  the  genders  of  sucbe  substantyves  as  they 
belong  unto  I  hâve  afore ,  in  the  seconde  boke ,  some  ihyng  touched , 
and  sball  hère  after  more  playnly  expresse.  Butbow  tbey  forme  their 
femynin  genders  eut  of  their  Oîasculyns,  caliyng  first  to  reniembraunce 
what  generall  rules  I  bave  gyven  afore  in  tbis  accydent,  in  tbe  sayde 
seconde  boke,  bere  consequently  sball  appere  by  order  after  tbe  fynall 
termynations  tbat  tbe  same  adjectyves  ende  in. 


AU  adjectyves  endyng  in  any  vowell  or  dipbtbong  except  au  by 
addynge  to  of  E  forme  tbeir  femynines,  as  hardy,  hardye;  barbu, 
barbue;  uray,  uraye;  gay,  gaye;  menu,  menue;  corpsu,  corpsue. 


Masculyne  adjectyves  endyng  in  au  I  fynde  no  mo  but  two,  beau 
and  nouueau,  wbose  femynines  be  belle  and  nouuelle,  formed  of  bel 
and  nouuel,  wbicbe  yet  kepe  tbe  termynacyon  of  tbe  olde  Romant 
tonge,  as  sball  herafter  appere. 


Ail  adjectyves  whose  masculyne  gender  endetb  in  c  by  addyng  to  h 
and  e  forme  tbeir  femynins,  as  blanc,  blanche;  sec,  sèche;  franc ,  franche 
and  so  of  ail  otber. 


Masculyn  adjectyves  endyng  in  d  I  fynde  none  written  in  tbe  frencbe 
tonge  afore  Joban  le  Mayres  tyme,  for  Joban  de  Meun,  Alayn  Cbar- 
tier,  and  ail  tbat  bave  written  afore  twenty  yeres  passe  d,  bave  more 


regarded  to  confyrme  them  in  writyng  unto  the  naturall  pronuncia- 
tyon  of  their  tonge,  whiche  nevei-  sounde  d,  in  the  ende  of  a  worde, 
but  in  the  stede  therof  t.  But  Johan  le  Mayre  and  ail  suche  as  hâve 
written  sythe  his  tyme,  write  ail  their  adjectyves  that  be  formed  of 
latyn  adjectyves  endyng  in  dus  oi-  in  dis  with  a  d  fynall;  as  bycause 
the  latyns  saye  roiundus,  frigidus,  calidus,  blundus,  profundus,  facundus, 
surdus,  rigidus,  tepidus,  uiridis,  grandis,  cradis,  radis,  and  suche  lyke,  they 
saye  rond,froyd,  chauld,  blond,  parfond,  facond,  sourd,  royd,  tied,  uerd, 
grand,  crud,  rad;  wherin  the  orthography  of  this  tyme  appereth  to 
me  amended  over.  It  was  of  olde  tyme  for  the  femynines  of  ail  suche 
adjectyves  bave  ever  ended  in  de,  as  ronde ,  froyde ,  chaulde,  bothe  of 
oide  tyme  and  so  y  et  be  continued. 


Ali  adjectyves  whose  masculyne  gendre  endeth  in/by  addyng  to  u 
and  e  forme  their  femynines,  as  tardyf  maketh  tardif ue;  liastyf,  has- 
tyfae;  pensyf,  pensyfae;  bretyf,  bretyfue,  and  so  of  ail  suche  lyke,  and 
therfore  where  as  in  dyvers  bokes  the  femynynes  of  suche  adjectyves 
be  written  without  /,  it  is  the  ignoraunce  of  the  printers  whiche 
knowe  nat  their  owne  tonge,  for  generally  there  is  none  adjectyve 
of  the  femynjn  gendre  but  be  hath  the  consonant  of  his  masculyne , 
whiche  be  is  formed  out  of,  except  adjectyves  endyng  in  x,  whiche 
in  their  femynines  chaunge  x  intos,  by  reason  of  the  vowell  folowyng, 
whiche  is  more  easlyer  sounded  with  s  than  with  x,  as  eureux,  eureuse, 
and  so  of  suche  lyke. 


AU  adjectyves  whose  masculyne  gendre  endeth  in  g  by  addyng  to 
of  u  and  e  forme  their  femynynes ,  as  long,  longue ,  excepte  brehaing, 
whiche  maketh  brehaingne. 


AU  adjectyves  whose  masculyne  gendre  endeth  in  /  by  addyng  to  / 


and  e  forme  their  femynines,  as  libéral  liberalle;  cruel  cruelle;  isnel, 

isnelle.  And  so  of  ail  suche  lyke. 


AU  adjectyves  endyng  in  n,  if  they  hâve  e  or  o  commynge  before  n, 
by  addyng  of  another  n  and  e  they  forme  their  femynines,  as  chris- 
tien  christienne ;  terrien  terrienne;  bon  bonne;  mignon  mignonne.  If  they 
hâve  i  commyng  before  n,  outher  alone  or  in  a  dyphthong,  by  addyng 
to  onely  of  e  they  forme  their  femynines,  as  diain  diaine;  cheualin 
cheualine;  fin  fine;  uain  uaine;  uillain  aillaine;  plain  plaine. 


AU  adjectyves  endynge  in  q,  whiche  Johan  le  Mayre  writeth  ever 
with  cq,  by  addyng  to  of  u  and  e  forme  their  femynines ,  as  angeliq 
or  angelicq  angelique  or  angelicque;  diaboliq  or  diabolicq  diabolique  or 
diabolicqae,  and  so  of  ail  suche  other  as  after  the  latyn  formation 
ende  in  eus,  as  mirificus,  magnificm,  etc.,  whiche  I  wolde  rather  forme 
mirifiq,  magnifiq,  than  mirificque,  magnificque. 


AU  adjectyves  endyng  in  r  by  addyng  to  e  forme  thejr  femynines, 
as  dur  dure;  obscur  obscure;  pur  pure;  and  so  of  ail  suche  lyke. 


AU  adjectyves  whose  masculyne  gendre  endeth  in  s,  beyngof  one 
syllable,  and  havyng  a  or  o  for  their  vowell,  by  addyng  to  of  5  and  e 
forme  their  femynines,  as  bas  basse;  gras  grasse;  gros  grosse.  AU  other, 
vhider  they  be  of  one  syllable  or  of  many,  by  addyng  to  of  e  onely 
forme  their  femynines,  as  gris  grise;  gorgias  gorgiase;  malaais  mal- 
uaise.  Except  espes,  whiche  maketh  espesse. 


AU  adjectyves  whose  masculyne  gender  endeth  in  t,  if  they  bave 


a  consonant  commyng  next  before  t,  by  addynge  to  onely  of  e  they 
forme  their  femynines,  as  suspect  maketh  suspecte;  droict  droicte;  hault 
haulte;  aduenant  aduenante;  benoist  benoiste;  court  courte,  and  so  o£ 
ail  suche  lyke ,  except  they  be  suche  as  I  hâve  made  mentyon  of 
where  I  shewed  that  the  right  frenche  tonge  hatî  none  adjectyves 
whose  masculyns  ende  in  d,  for  ail  suche  frenche  adjectyves  as  be 
formed  of  latyn  adjectyves  endynge  in  dus  or  in  dis,  though  their 
masculyns  ende  in  t,  after  the  olde  maner  of  orthography,  their  fe- 
minynes  ende  in  de  by  chaungyng  of  t  into  de,  as  fwyt  froyde,  and 
ail  other  that  ende  in  t,  havyng  a  vowell  commyng  next  before  t,  by 
addyng  of  another  t  and  e  forme  their  feminynes,  as  plat  platte:  in- 
grat ingratte;  net  nette;  mignot  mignotte. 


AU  adjectyves  endyng  in  «  by  addyng  to  of  e  forme  theyr  femi- 
nynes, as  herbu  herbue;  barbu  barbue;  crespu  crespue;  menu  menue;  but 
in  thèse  adjectyves  I  fynde  nat  the  orthography  of  the  frenche  tonge 
as  yet  certayne;  for  I  fynde  them  written  with  eu,  as  herbeu,  bar- 
beu,  crespeu.  How  be  it  I  approve  more  the  fyrste  maner  of  writyng, 
and  where  as  I  fynde  cru  for  rawe  and  crue,  Johan  le  Mayre  writeth 
it  crud  and  crade,  whiche  orthography  is  more  trewer,  by  cause  it 
cometh  of  crudis.  And  so  wolde  I  rather  write  nud  and  nude,  by  cause 
of  nudus,  than  nu  and  nue.  But  as  yet  the  authors  do  folowe  the  vul- 
gar  tong,  for  Johan  le  Mayre  sayth  :  puis  après  Paris  se  mettoit  a  laicter 
tout  nu  auecques  les  plus  fors  sur  Iherbe  uert. 


Ail  adjectyves  whose  masculyn  gendre  endeth  in  x,  by  chaungyng 
X  into  s,  and  addyng  to  of  e  forme  their  femynines,  as  douloureux 
douloureuse;  honteux  honteuse;  terreux  terreuse. 

And  note  that,  in  what  consonant  soever  the  masculyne  gender         Régula 
ende  in,  the  femynine  alwayes  endeth  in  e,  except  thèse  two  com- 
paratyves  meileur  and  greigneur,  whiche  serve  bothe  for  the  masculyn 



and  feminyne ,  as  shall  here  after  appere.  Except  also  grant  whiche 
serveth  for  the  most  parte  for  ihe  masculyn  and  femynin,  for  grande 
is  but  sildome  used,  as  shall  herafter  appere. 

Note  also  tha^hese  four  adjectyves  bel,  nouuel,  aiel  and  mal  hâve 
also  for  their  méfecidyn  gendres  beau,  nouueau,  uieulx  and  mauluais, 
of  whiche  the  four  first  be  used  afore  substantyves  begynnyng  wlth  a 
vovvell  or  with  h,  nat  havyng  bis  aspiration,  as  vng  bel  anneau,  ang 
bel  homme,  ang  nouuel  estatut,  ung  ueil  homme,  ung  mal  appétit;  but 
maulaais  is  more  commenly  used  before  ail  substantyves ,  and  maigre 
betokeneth  dispyte  or  magrye ,  maulaais  gre  y vel  thanke ,  as  je  le  feray 
maalgre  uoz  dens;  de  aostre  mescant  faict  je  uous  en  scay  maaluays 

Also  frais  is  eut  of  rule,  for  after  the  frenche  formation,  it  shulde 
he  frec,  and  so  I  fynde  hym  written  in  Johan  le  Mayrë,  whiche  is 
evydent  aswell  by  the  plurell  nombre /recz,  as  by  the  (emyn  freche. 


Ail  adjectyves  endyng  in  any  vowell,  the  vowell  being  alone  and 
no  parte  of  a  diphthong,  by  addyng  to  of  5  forme  their  plurell  nom- 
bres, as  triste  tristes;  hardy  hardis;  joly  jolis;  ossu  ossas;  membni 
membrus.  By  whiche  rule  appereth  that  generally  the  plurell  nombre 
of  ail  femynine  adjectyves  in  the  frenche  tonge  endeth  in  s,  for  (as  I 
bave  afore  declared)  their  synguler  nombre  endeth  ever  in  e. 

Also  ail  adjectyves  endynge  in  eu  by  addyng  to  s  forme  their  plu- 
rell, as  meneu  meneas. 

Also  ail  adjectyves  endyng  in  n,  ror  /,^havyng  n  and  r  commyng 
before  t,  hâve  their  plurell  nombres  endynge  in  s,  but  with  this  diffe- 
rence  :  for  they  that  ende  in  n  or  r  by  addynge  to  of  s  forme  their 
plurell  nombres,  as  uillayn  uillayns;  plain  plains;  dur  durs;  obscur 
obscurs;  they  that  ende  in  t  and  bave  n  or  r  commynge  next  before  t 
by  chaungynge  t  into  5  forme  their  plurell  nombres,  as  uaillant  uail~ 
lans;  expert  expers. 



ENDYNG    IN    Jf. 

AU  adjectyves  endynge  in  au  by  addynge  to  of  /  and  x  forme  their 
plurell  nombres,  as  beau  beaulx;  nouueau  nouueaulx. 

AU  adjectyves  endynge  in  al  by  addynge  to  of  a  and  x  forme  their 
plurell  nombres,  as  égal,  egaulx;  libéral,  liberaulx. 


ENDYNG    IN    Z. 

AU  adjectyves  endyng  in  any  other  ietter,  that  is  to  say,  c,  f,  g,  t, 
nat  havyng  n  nor  r  commyng  before  hym,  el,  il,  ol  or  ul  by  addyng 
of  z  forme  their  plurell  nombres,  as  sec  secz;  blanc  blancz;  hastyf 
hastifz;  uif  uifz;  long  longz;  brehaing  brehaingz;  discret  discretz;  petit 
petitz  ;  ingrat  ingratz;  cruel  cruelz;  isnel  isnelz;  subtyl  subtylz;  gentil 
gentilz;  mol  molz  ;  fol  folz  ;  nul  nulz;  and  so  of  ail  sache  lyke. 



Adjectyves  agrée  nat  onely  with  substantyves  in  gendre  and  nom- 
bre, but  also  with  the  pronownes  primityves ,  as  je  suis  blanc  (under- 
standyng  a  man);  je  sais  blanche  (understandyng  a  woman);  nous 
sommes  blancz  (understandyng  men);  nous  sommes  blanches  (under- 
standyng women).  And  of  the  other  pronownes  lykewyse. 

But  nat  ever  adjectyves  shaU  alter  their  termynacions  after  the    AdjectWes  in  l 
gender  and  nombre  of  their  substantyves.  For  ail  adjectyves  endyng      to^femynin 
in  /  may  be  joyned  in  their  masculyn  termynacions  in  bothe  nombres      substantyves. 
unto  femynine  substantyves,  so  they  come  before  the  sayd  substan- 
tyves in  order,  as  vng  especial  amour,  une  cruel  defence,  une  gcntyl  da- 
moissellc,  par  especiaalx  différences,  par  cruelz  defences,  pour  gentilz 
damoisselles ;  and  suche  lyke  conginiyte  use  they  also  with  tel  and  quel, 
as  vue  tel  dame,  de  quel  part,  par  telz  gens,  par  qaelz  meurs.  But  if 
suche  adjectyves  come  after  their  femynine  substantyves,  it  is  more 
sure  to  use  their  femynine  termynations,  as  vng  amour  especialle,  une 

*  38 


et    quelzconques 



Grant  what 


defence  bien  cruelle,  une  damoysselle  bien  gentille,  par  différences  espe- 
cialles,  par  defences  bien  cruelles,  une  dame  telle  quelle,  ses  meurs  sont 
telles.  How  be  it  I  fynde  in  the  prologue  of  Froissart  en  memore  per- 
pétuel; and  in  Johan  le  Mayre  les  sept  ars  liberaulx. 

But  as  for  ye  uous  ay  icy  attendu  toute  jour  andye  uous  aymc  sur  toute 
riens  and  suche  lyke,  where  toute  in  his  femynin  gendre  is  joyned 
unio  jour  of  the  masculyn  gendre,  and  in  his  femynin  unto  rien, 
that  I  fynde  onely  used  bylwene  thèse  two  wordes,  and  in  the  syn- 
guler  nombre. 

And  ail  be  it  that  I  fynde  this  rule  syldome  broken  of  any  authour 
that  writeth  in  prose,  yet  suche  as  writeth  in  ryme  use  in  this  thyng 
their  lyberte,  as  best  furnyssheth  to  make  the  just  syllables  of  their 
ryme.  Leuesque  dAngoullesnie  en  lepistre  de  Medee  a  Jason 

Et  subjuguer  par  subtilles  cautelles 

Les  fiers  thoreaulx  dangerealx  et  rebelles 

where  he  bath  nat  onely  used  subtilles  for  subtilz,  but  also  joyned 
rebelles  with  thoreaulx,  whiche  in  prose  were  playne  incongru  and 
covdde  nat  be  saved.  And  in  lykewyse  the  same  auctor  in  the  pystell 
of  Hermione  : 

Mais  QVELLE  injure  ay  je  fait  a  noz  dieux 

Dont  Hz  soient  contre  nous  odieux  ; 

Ne  QUEL  plainte  nest  ores  si  contraire 

where  he  hath  used  quelle  and  quel  thoughe  bothe  the  substantyves 
be  of  the  femynine  gender. 

But  as  for  quelconques  and  quelz  conques  I  fynde  ever  used  with  fe- 
mynine substantyves  and  never  quelle  conques  nor  quellesconques ,  as 
apereth  by  Jehan  le  Mayre  in  the  thirde  chapiter  of  his  first  boke  of 
illustracions  :  sans  faire  fraude  ou  corruption  quelconques. 

Also  (jrant  in  his  masculyne  termynation  in  bothe  his  nombres  may 
be  joyned  before  substantyves  of  the  femynine  gender,  as  vne  (jrant 
pitié,  engrans  lamentacions ;  but  after  suche  substantyves  they  use  alway 
grande,  as  la  risée  fust  grande  :  les  matières  sont  grandes  :  Titea  la  grande. 



Howe  be  it  I  fynde  ma  mère  grani;  and  suche  as  write  in  ryme  observe 
nat  alwayes  this  rule  ever,  for  Leuesque  en  lepistre  de  Dido  saythe  : 

Primierem.ent  des  vndes  degette 
Je  tay  receu  en  ma  grande  cite. 

Also  they  use  to  joyne  vert  in  bis  masculyne  singular  witb  herbe, 
thougb  he  be  of  the  femynine  gender  :  Jeban  le  Mayre,  Pais  après 
Paris  se  mettait  a  luicter  tout  nu  auecques  les  plus  fors  sur  Iherbe  vert. 

Note  also  tbat  bon  in  bis  singuler  nombre  is  joyned  witb  substan- 
tyves  of  the  femynine  gender,  if  they  begyn  witb  a  vowel  or  witb  h 
nat  havyng  bis  aspiration,  as  par  bon  amour,  vne  borne  habitacion,  but 
after  their  sidjstantyves  they  use  bonne,  as  mon  amour  est  bonne,  cest 
habitacion  est  bonne. 

And  note  tbat  the  masculyn  gender  conceyveth  the  femynine  in 
tbis  tonge  lyke  as  it  dothe  in  the  latyn,  as  appereth  by  Jeban  le  Maire 
in  the  thirde  chapter  of  bis  first  boke  of  Illustrations,  Quant  donques 
le  bon  père  Noe,  Sem,  Cam  et  Japhct  et  leurs  femmes,  Titea  la  grande, 
Pandora,  Noela  et  Noegla  se  virent  estre  tous  seuletz  au  monde,  Hz  furent 
ententifz  aux  euures  de  mariage,  where  tous  seuletz  and  ententifs  be 
of  the  masculyn  gendre ,  nat  witlistandyng  the  names  of  women  tbat 
come  next  in  the  sentence  to  them,  and  in  lyke  wyse,  //  paia  en  ma- 
nière de  tribut  cent  thoreaux  et  cent  vaches  blancz. 

But  if  there  come  any  other  substantyves  beyng  of  dyvers  gendres, 
rather  by  reason  of  their  terminacion  than  by  reason  of  their  signi- 
fycation,  before  any  adjectyves,  they  shall  agre  in  gendre  witb  their 
next  substantyves  and  in  nombre  witb  the  verbe,  if  there  comes  a 
verbe  bytwene  them,  els  in  nomber  also  witb  the  next  substantyve, 
as  apereth  by  Alayn  Chartier  in  bis  exile  :  Tu  vois  donques  comme 
les  règnes  et  les  puissances  establyes  sans  doctrine  ou  condut:  par  déraison 
sont  non  certaines  et  tirent  le  roy  et  le  royalme  a  mort:,  where  establies 
and  certaines  be  of  the  femynyn  gendre  by  cause  tbat  puissances, 
whiche  comyth  next  unto  them,  is  of  the  feminyn  gendre,  thougb 
that  règnes  is  of  the  masculyn  gendre ,  by  reason  wherof  they  say 


with  herbe. 

with  femiuynes 


with  a  vowell 

or  with  h, 

nat  havyng 

his  aspiracion. 


in  this  long. 




par  délibération  generalle  et  consentement  gênerai,  par  consentement  ft 
délibération  generalle,  par  lenhortement  et  persuasion  fraudulente ,  par  la 
persuasion  et  enhortement  fraudaient,  joynyng  always  ihe  adjectyve  lo 
his  next  substantyve  bothe  in  gendre  and  nombre. 
^'  And  note  that,  if  many  adjectyves  belonge  to  one  svibstantyfe  they 

shall  agre  with  hyni  in  gendre  and  nombre,  as  en  vng  furieux,  mau- 
sade  et  infertyl  désert  deau  troublée,  puante  et  terreuse. 
One  adjective  Note  also  that  I  fynde  moche  used  of  suche  as  be  writers  aboute 
with"many  ^^^^  tyme  to  joyne  an  adjectyve  in  his  plurell  nombre  to  ii  substantyves 
of  the  singuler  nombre,  as  apereth  in  Johan  Mechinot  that  made  les 
lunettes  des  princes,  in  his  supplication  made  to  the  duke  of  Bretayne  : 
a  la  fureur  desquelz  a  tousjours  jusques  cy  résistée  par  les  bons  support  et 
aide  quil  vous  a  pieu  luy  faire. 

Note  also  that,  if  this  rule  be  founde  in  any  poynte  broken  in  any 
auctour  of  estymation ,  it  is  rather  by  ignoraunce  of  the  printers  that 
knowe  nat  their  owne  tonge  than  defaulte  in  the  auctours  selfe ,  save 
that  suche  as  writeth  in  ryme,  in  this  behalfe  also  use  their  lyberte, 
as  apereth  by  the  bysshop  in  the  pystell  of  Hypermestra  : 

Si  que  depuis,  pour  toy  las  qui  tant  vaulx, 
Jay  endure  mains  paines  et  traaaulx. 


Though  I  fynde  greigneur  and  moindre  used  somtyme  for  the  com- 
para tyves  of  grant  and  petit,  yet  more  suer  it  is  for  a  lerner  to  use 
plus  grant  and  plus  petit.  But  as  for  meylleur  is  ever  used  indifferently, 
and  as  for  intérieur,  inférieur,  major,  minor  and  suche  lyke  be  rather 
latyn  comparatyves  than  formed  after  the  right  frenche  tonge. 

And  note  that,  if  they  wyll  extende  the  qualyte  of  any  thyng 
without  makyng  of  comparyson  to  another  thynge ,  they  use  one  of 
thèse  wordes  trop,  très,  fort,  autant,  bien,  tant,  moult,  si,  dauantage, 
and  suche  lyke,  as  trop  bon,  to  good;  très  bon,  ryght  good;  fort  bon, 
very  good;  bien  bon,  very  good;  moult  bon,  full  good;  and  in   lyke 


wyse,  if  they  wyll  dyminysshe  the  qualyte  of  a  thyng,  they  use  peu, 
gaajres,  goutte,  and  suche  iyke,  as  peu  bon,  small  good,  guayres  bon, 
but  a  lytell  good  ;  and  Iyke  as  plus  added  to  an  adjectyve  makelh 
comparation  by  augmentyng,  se  dothe  moyns  make  comparation  by 
dyminisshyng ,  as  moyns  sage,  moyns  discret,  moyns  sobre  que  luy.  ■  - 


Declynation  of  adjectyves  hath  ever  suche  as  I  bave  afore,  in  the         Meilleur 
seconde  boke,  in  this  place  declared;  andtherfore  where  Alayn  Char-     ^'"  ^"it'ii"'" 
lier  sayeth  in  bis  exile  :  et  qui  ces  te  voye  vouldroyt  fuir  pour  lesperance       temmyncs. 
de  meilleure  prospérité.  And  in  bis  Quadrilogue  :  en  meilleures  gardes  a 
il  de  grans  pertes,  tbe  boke  wolde  be  corrected  ;  for  in  ail  otber  auctours 
and  in  him  selfe  in  ail  otber  places  I  fynde  meileur  and  meileurs  onely 
used  for  botbe  the  gendres,  as  1  bave  afore  declared,  but  suche  as  write 
in  pyme  somtyme  breake  this  rule ,  as  Leuesque  in  tbe  epistyll  de  Me- 

dea  a  Jason  : 

Car  je  ne  scay  auUre  voye  meilleure 

Fors  que  me  venge  ou  que  bien  tostje  meure. 

And  also  of  some  auctours  whiche  be  nat  to  be  reproved  I  fynde 
meilleure  used  wban  be  is  tbe  last  worde  in  a  sentence ,  bis  substantive 
beyng  of  the  feminyn  gendre,  as  vous  debuez  conoistre  vostre  cas  et  adui- 
ser  de  deux  voies  la  meilleure. 


Adjectyves  endyng  in  a  whiche  be  formed  of  substantyves  in  this 
tonge  I  fynde  no  mo  but  x  :  barbu,  corsu,  cornu,  herbu,  fueillu,  fourchu, 
membru,  testa,  cheueulu,  ossu,  vellu,  becqu,  poyllu,  whiche  be  formed 
of  barbe,  corne,  herbe ,  fueille ,  fourche ,  membre,  teste,  cheueul  et  poyl, 
and  ofve/u  and  c/ie«e«/«(I  fynde  no  substantyve  in  use),  and  they  signi- 
fye  plenty  or  store  of  the  substantyve  that  they  be  formed  of,  as  barbu, 
plentuously  or  moche  berded;  cornu,  plentuously  or  moche  horned; 
herbu,  plentuously  or  moche  stored  of  herbes,  and  so  of  the  resydue. 
And  the  trewe  formacion  for  kepyng  of  trewe  orthograpby  is  easy  to  - 


be  observed,  for,  if  the  substanlyve  ende  in  e,  the  adjectyves  chaunge 
e  into  «  :  if  the  substantive  ende  in  a  consonant,  they  double  the  con- 
sonant  and  adde  to  a.  And  as  for  crochu,  esperdu,  pellu,  poyntii,  re- 
nolu,  and  suche  lyke,  be  partyciples  used  somtyme  lyke  adjectyves, 
and  dra,  aga,  menu,  and  suche  lyke ,  be  primytives  and  be  fourmed  of 
none  other  partes. 

Also  lyke  as  of  substantyves  in  the  latyn  tonge  be  formed  adjectyves 
endyng  in  osus,  so  of  the  lyke  substantyves  in  frenche  be  fourmed  ad- 
jectyves endyng  in  eux,  lyke  as  the  latyns  say  of  aqua,  aquosus,  so  say- 
the  the  frenchmen  of  eaae,  eaueux.  But  if  any  suche  adjectyves  in 
the  frenche  tonge  ende  in  ieux,  they  be  formed  of  the  latyn  adjectyve 
endyng  in  iosus,  and  nat  of  any  frenche  substantyve,  as  odieux,  mali- 
cieux,  furieux ,  ingénieux,  and  suche  lyke,  whiche  come  oi odiosus,  ma- 
liciosus ,  furiosus ,  ingeniosus;  so  that  ail  suche  as  be  formed  of  their 
frenche  substantyves,  if  the  substantyve  ende  in  e,  by  addynge  to  ofu 
and  X  forme  their  adjectyves,  as  terre  terreux;  argille,  argilleux ;  foire 
foireux.  If  their  substantyves  ende  in  any  other  termynacion,  by  addyng 
to  of  eux  they  forme  their  adjectyves,  as  of  paour  paoureux;  of  miel 
mieleux;  vertu,  vertueux.  But  I  fynde  cheualereux ,  and  nat  cheualiereux 
formed  of  cheualier,  and  uicieux  formed  rather  oïviciosus  than  of  vice. 
Butmany  other  adjectyves  they  bave  endynge  in  eux,  whiche  be  other- 
wyse  formed  than  I  bave  hère  rehersed. 

And  note  that  the  moste  parte  of  suche  adjectyves  as  ende  in  eux, 
in  the  frenche  tonge,  bave  their  englysshe  adjectyves  endyng  in  ysht 
or  in  y,  as  eaueux,  wateryshe  or  watry;  pierreux,  stony  or  stonysshe. 

Also  of  every  adjectyve  partyciple  in  the  frenche  tonge  endyng  in 
ant  may  be  formed  an  adjectyve  by  chaungynge  of  ant  into  able,  as  of 
muant,  muable;  honorant,  honorable;  conuertissant ,  conueriissable; faisant, 
faisable  ;  fermant ,  fermable  ;  and  so  of  ail  other  whose  signifycacion  niay 
serve  bothe  actyvely  and  passively,  as  muable,  apte  or  mete  or  able  to 
chaunge,  or  apte  or  mete  or  able  to  be  chaunged  :  honorable  apte  or 
mete  or  able  to  honour,  or  apte  or  mete  or  able  to  be  honoured.  And 
so  of  ail  the  resydue.  But  amiable  is  rather  fourmed  of  amabilis  than  ol 


amant,  lyke  sls  visible ,  Jlexible ,  compréhensible ,  soluble ,  duisible,  vendible 
he  formed  of  latyn  adjectyves  and  nat  of  any  partyciples. 

Note  also  tliat  in  this  thyng  the  frenche  tonge  is  moche  more  par- 
fyte  that  our  tonge  is ,  for  where  as  tliey  may  forme  of  every  partyciple 
in  their  tonge  an  adjectyve  endyng  in  ble,  in  our  tonge  we  hâve  none 
suche ,  hut  must  nedes  use  circumlocution  by  thèse  wordes  :  apte ,  mete 
or  able ,  and  our  infynity  ve  mode  ;  save  that  we  hâve  admitted  as  well 
adjectyves  of  the  frenche  tonge  endyng  in  able  and  ible,  as  commen- 
dable,  visible,  etc. 

Also  of  every  latyn  adjectyve  endynge  in  icus  may  be  formed  a 
frenche  adjectyve  in  icq,  after  Johan  le  Mayres  ortography,  or  in  ic, 
after  the  more  comen  ortography,  as  of  magnificus,  mirificus,  bellicus, 
yallicus,  tyrannicus,  mathematicas ,  olimpicus,  bacolicus,  diabolicus,  pu- 
blicus,  sophysticas,  be  formed  magnificq,  mirificq,  bellicq,  gallicq,  tiran- 
nicq,  mathematicq ,  olimpicq,  bucolicq,  diabolicq,  publicq,  sophysticq, 
whiche  kynde  of  formation  is  moche  used  of  the  sayd  Johan  le 

Also  of  latyn  adjectyves  endyng  in  iaus  be  formed  adjectyves  in 
this  tonge  endynge  in  if,  as  of  vegetaliuas,  sensytiuus,  intellectiuas,  mo- 
tiuus ,  fugitiaus  be  formed  végétatif,  sensitif,  intelectif,  motif,  fugitif. 

Also  of  certayne  feminyn  termynacions  of  adjectives  I  fynde  formed 
otlier  adjectyves  whiche  be  demynutyves  in  signyfication  by  addyng 
to  of  t,  as  of  grande  is  formed  grandet,  oi  molle,  mollet;  oï  grosse,  gros- 
set;  of  belle,  bellet;  oîvermielle,  vermillet;  but  as  for  loygnet  is  formed 
of  loyng  the  adverbe. 

Also  lyke  as  of  nombres  in  the  latyn  tonge  be  formed  adjectyves 
endyng  in  iuus ,  betokynge  ordre  with  nombre,  so  in  lykewyse  of 
the  nombres  in  the  frenche  tonge  be  formed  adjectyves  of  lyke  signy- 
ficacion  endynge  in  esme,  as  of  deux,  deusiesme.  But  of  thèse  I  shall 
hâve  belter  occasyon  to  speake  of  in  the  later  ende  of  the  pronowne 
in  this  boke. 

1  fynde  also  certayne  other  formacions  of  frenche  adjectyves  out 
of  latyn  adjectyves,  as  oî  cristallinus ,  cristallyn;  jauenilis ,  juaenil;  dif- 


cilis,  dificil;  docilis,  docile;  amabilis,  amable;  affabilis,  affable;  pastoralis, 
pastoral;  amiabilis,  amiable;  bestialis,  bestial;  and  by  lyke  formacyon  of 
seigneur,  seigneurial;  and  certayne  endyng  in  ien,  as  Junonien,  Véné- 
rien, Herculien;  whiche,  by  cause  I  fynde  nat  many  mo  than  I  hère 
reherse,  I  suppose  to  be  sufficient  onely  to  warne  the  lerner  of.  And 
howe  of  latyn  adjectyves  endynge  in  dus,  and  in  dis,  be  formed  adjec- 
tyves  endynge  in  t,  I  bave  afore  touched  in  the  seconde  chapiter 
where  I  spake  of  adjectyves  endyng  in  d. 


If  an  adjectyve  be  joyned  with  a  substantyve,  as  to  put  a  différence 
or  to  avoyde  confusyon  by  cause  there  is  dyverse  of  suche  sortes  as 
the  substantyve  signyfieth ,  than  the  adjectyve  shall  ever  in  the  fren- 
che  tonge  foUowe  the  substantyve.  As  if  I  wolde  speake  of  the  sygne 
of  horse  or  suche  lyke,  by  cause  some  signe  may  be  of  a  blacke  horse 
and  some  of  a  whyte,  in  suche  speakyng  they  use  to  say  le  cheual 
blanc,  le  cheual  noir;  and  in  lyke  wyse  if  I  wolde  speake  of  breed,  for 
by  cause  there  is  dyversyte,  for  thus  they  saye  :  payn  blanc,  pain  bis, 
pain  tendre,  pain  rassis,  pain  bourgois,  pain  de  chapistre.  And  in  al  suche 
lyke  where  the  adjectyve  hath  lyke  strength  and  effecte. 

Hère  endeth  the  rules  of  the  nowne  adjectyve. 




Aagcolde —  m.  ancien ,  f.  ancienne  s;  m.  viel, 

f.  vielle  s. 
Aagedlyke  —  m.  senil  z,  f.  senille  s. 
Abasshed  shamefasle  —  m.  nieux,  f.  niease  s; 

m.  conjus,  f.  conjnse  s. 
Abhomynable  iotbsome — m.  et  f.  abhominable 

s,  m.  et  f.  détestable  s. 
Abydyng,  conlynuyng  in  a  place  —  m.  résident, 

f.  résidente  s. 
Able  or  actylTe  —  m.  habyl  z,  f.  habille  s. 
Absent  from  a  place —  m.  absent  s,  f.  absente  s. 
Absolule  Avitbout  liavyn  g  respecte  to  other  — 

m,  absolut  z,  i.  ahsolute  s. 
Acceptable  —  m.  et  f.  acceptable  s. 
Accordable  —  m.  et  f.  accordable  s. 
Accusatyve  —  m.  accusatif  -,  f.  accusatifue  s. 
Actyffe  redy  or  quicke  in  doynge —  m.  actif  z, 

f.  actifue  s. 
Adjeclyve  —  ni.  adjectif  z,  f.  adjectifue  s. 
Adventurouse  bardy  to  put  ones  selfe  in  daun- 

ger — m.  aduentareux,  f.  aduenlureuse  s. 
Aeygre  or  sbarpe  —  m.  et  f.  aigre  s. 
Aeryssbo  of  the  nature  of  tbe  ayer  —  m.  ac- 

rin  s,  {.  aeryne  s. 
Affectueuse  full  of  alTcctyon  or  desyre  —  m. 

affectif  z,  i.  ajfeclifae  s. 
Affectionale  parcial  for  kynred   or  favoure  — 

m.  affectionne ,  f.  affectionnée  s. 
Agréable  playsant  or  consentyng  to  a  tliynge 

ni.  et  f.  agréable  s. 
AmasefuU  —  m.  effraieux,  f.  effraiease  s. 
Ambicious  to  mocbe  desyrous  of  promocion — 

m.  ambicieux,  f.  ambicicuse  s. 
Amyabic  lovely  —  ni.  et  f.  amiable  s. 
Angelyke  of  the  nature  of  an  angell  —  m.  an- 

gelin  s,  f.  angeline  s. 
Anguysshfull — m.  angoisseax ,  f.  angoisseuse  s. 
Amorous  lovyng  or  belongyng  to  love  —  m. 

amoreux,  f,  amoreuse  s. 
Apertaynyng  to  an  answere  —  m.  responsif  z , 

i.  responsifue  s. 
Apte   convenyent  or  uiete  —  m.  et  f.  conae- 
nable  s;   m.  séant,  f.   séante  s:  m.  dujf- 

sant  s,  f.  dujsante  s;  m.  décent  s,  f.  dé- 
cente s;  oportun,  oportane. 

Artyfyciouse  full  of  great  crafte  and  workeman- 
shyp  —  ni.  artificieux,  f.  artificieuse  s. 

Attendable  to  ones  counsaylles — m.  ententif  : , 
f,  ententifue  s. 

Avaylabie  as  a  thing  that  avayleth  or  profytetli 
—  m.  et  f.  vaylable  s. 

Avaricyous  —  m.  auaricieux,  f.  auariviense  s. 

Awburnc  as  ones  heare. 

Awkwarde  :  men  rynge  aukewarde  —  on  sonne 
en  hransle. 

Awkwarde  frowardc  —  m.  peruers,  (.  peruerse. 

Awkwar  ieflehanded  —  m.  et  f.  gauche  s. 

Awncyent  —  m.  et  f.  antique  s. 

Awtentyque  —  m.  et  f.  aatentiijue  s. 

Bare  power  —  m.  et  f.  poure  s. 
Bare  or  naked  —  denae,  dénuée. 
Baren  as  a  woman  or  shc  bcest  is  tbat  bea- 
reth  nat— m.  breliayng  z,  f.  brehayngne  s. 
Barren  as  the  erthc  is  that  bringeth  forthe  no 

fruyte  —  m.  infertil  z,  (.  infertdle  s. 
Bablyng  —  m.  babillant,  f.  babillantes. 
Badde  yvel  —  m.  mauluais,  f.  mauluaise  s. 
Bare  fote  —  nu  piedz. 
Batell  grounde. 

Baudy  soyled  with  fyltlie — m.  sallj  s,  f.  sallje  s. 
Baudy  in  wordes  or  dedes  concernyng  the  vyce 
of  the  body  —  m.  paillardif  z,  f.  paillar- 
difue  s. 
Baulde  want  of  heare  —  m.  et  f.  chaulue  s. 
Beaniyssbe  as  the  sonne  is  —  m.  radieux,  f.  ra- 
dieuse s. 
Beaulyfuli  —  m.  beau  or  bel  beaulx,  f.  belle  s, 

m.  et  f.  venuste  s. 
Bestyslie  resemblyng  to  tbe  nature  of  a  beest 
—  m.  brutal  aulx,  f.  brutalle  s;  m.  bestial 
aulx,  f.  bestialle  s;  m.  sensuel  z ,  {.  sen- 
suelle s. 
Beggerishe  —  m.  blislrettx,  f.  blistrease  s. 
Begylefull  disfaythfull  —  ni.  cautelleax,  f.  caii- 
telleuse  s. 




Belongyng  to  a  mannes  byrthe  —  m.  natal,  f. 

nalalle  s. 
Belongyng  to  a  shyppe — m.  naaal,  f.  naualle  s. 
Belongyng  to  wytte  or  smellyage  —  m.  odora- 

tij  z,  f.  odoratifae  s. 
Belongyng  to  Pluto  —  m.  et  f.  Platonique. 
Belongyng  to  buryall  —  ra.  sépulcral,  f.  sepul- 

cralle  s. 
Belongyng  totyme — m.  lemprijz,  f.  leniprifae  s, 
Belongyng  to  a  worde — m.  verbal,  f.  verballe  s. 
Belongyng  to  the  springe  tyde  —  m.  vemal,  f. 

vernalle  s. 
Belongyng  to  the  wytte  of  man  —  m.  intellectif 

z,  f.  intellectifue  s. 
Belongyng  to  Juno  —  m.  Janonien,  f.  Juno- 

nienne  s. 
Belongyng  to  arbytrement  : —  m.  et  f.  arbi- 
traire s. 
Belongyng  to  a  fayrie  —  m.  et  f.faee  s. 
Belongyng  to  génération  —  m.  génital,  f.  geni- 

toile  s. 
Belongyng  to  affynyte  —  m.  ajjinitif  z,  f.  ajji- 

nitifae  s. 
Belongyng  to  mariage  —  m.  conjugal,  f.  conja- 

galle  s. 
Bemooked  —  m.  breneux,  f.  breneuse  s, 
Benyngue  —  m.benign  s,{.  bénigne  s. 
Benombe  of  ones  lymbes  —  m.  perclus,  f.  per- 
cluse S. 
Berded  —  m.  barbu  s,  t.  barbue  s. 
Beshytten  —  m.  breneux,  f.  breneuse  s. 
Besye  occupyed  with  the  mynde  to  perceyve  a 

thing  —  m.  enteniij  z,  f.  ententifue  s. 
Beeslyssbe  —  m.  bestial,  f.  bestialle  s. 
Better  of  value  —  m.  meilleur  s,  f.  meillieare  s. 
Beautyfull  —  m.  et  f.  venaste  s. 
Besye  occupyed  with  busynesse — m.  empesche, 
f.;  m.   embesoigne,  f.  embesoi- 
gncc  s. 
Besy  malapert  or  medlyng  in  maters  —  m.  en- 

tremetteux,  f.  entremetteuse  s. 
Bygge  of  strength  —  m.  et  f.  robuste  s. 
Bygge  of  power  or  myght  —  m.  paissant  s,  f. 

puissante  s. 
Bytter  as  gall   or  suche  lyke  —  m.  amer  s,  f. 
amere  s. 

Bytter  as  a  crabbe  or  any  fruyle  or  it  be  rype 

— ■  m.  et  f.  acerbe  s. 
Blacke  —  m.  noir,  f.  noire  s. 
Blackyssbe  —  m.  et  f.  noyrastre  s. 
Blake  wan  ofcolour —  m.  et  f.  blesme  s. 
Blameabic  —  m.  et  f.  coulpable  s. 
Bleareeyed  as  one  is  where  the  reed  skynue  ape- 

reth   outwarde  —  m.   raillieux,   f.  rai7- 
lieuse  s. 
Bleareeyed  as  one  is  that  the  corner  of  his  eye 

is  fuU  of  slyme  —  m.  chassieux,  f.  chas- 
sieuse s. 
Biysfull  gladsome — m. joyeux,  (.joyeuse  s. 
Blysfull  happy  —  m.  bieneure,  f.  hieneuree  s. 
Blessed  —  m.  benoist  z,  {.  benoisie  s. 
Blewe  colour — m.  pers,  f.  perse  s.;  m.  bleu  x, 

f.  bleue  s. 
Blewisshe  —  m.  azurin  s,  f,  azurine  s. 
Blynd  that  can  nat  se  —  ni.  et  f.  aueugle  s, 
Blysfull,  very  happy,  well  fortuned — m.  bieneu- 

reux,  f.  bieneurease  s. 
Blody  with  spottes  of  blode  —  enseigne. 
Blody  by  violence  —  ensanglante  s. 
Blodisshe  —  m.  sanguinolent  s,  {.sanguinolente  s. 
Blo,  blewe  and  grene  coloured,  as  ones  body  is 

after  a  drie  stroke  —  m.  et  f.jaunastre  s. 
Biont  nat  sharpe  —  m.  rabatu  s,  agasse. 
Blont  in  maners  or  rude  —  m.  et  f.  rude  s. 
Boystous  slyffe  or  rude  —  m.  et  f.  royde  s:  m. 

lourt  s,  f.  lourde  s. 
Bold  hardy  —  m.  audacieux,  f.  audacieuse  s; 

m.  hardy  s,{.  hardye  s. 
Bonde  thrall  —  m.  setf  z,  (.  serue  s. 
Bonysshe  one  tbathath  great  bones — m.ossu  s, 

f.  ossue  s. 
Bordring  to  the  seesyde  —  m.  marituin  s,  f. 

maritainne  s. 
Bowyd  —  m.  et  f.  cambre  s. 
Bounde  in  the  belye  —  serre  au  ventre. 
Bountuous  lyberall  in  gyveng    —  m.  libéral. 

aulx,  f.  Uberalle  s. 
Boxome   obedyent  —  m.   obéissant  s,   f.  obéis- 
sante s. 
Brablyng  thwarlyng  or  quarellyng  —  ni.  noy- 

seux,  f.  noyseuse  s. 
Braggyng  —  m.  et  f.  brague  s. 



Braynisshe  hedy,  folisshe ,  selfe  wylled  —  m. 

testa  s,  f.  testue  s. 
Brauncbed  as  a  tree  —  m.  branchu  s,  (.  bran- 

chue  s, 
Brasyn  belongyng  to  brasse. 
Bredde  or  brought  up  in  a  place  —  m.  natif  z, 

f.  natifue  s. 
Brefe  shorte  in  tyme  —  m.  breif  z,  f.  breijue  s: 

m.  succinct  z,  f.  succincte  s. 
Brefe  in  communycatyon  —  m.  succinct  z,{. 

succincte  s. 
Bright  as  the  sonne  or  any  thyng  tbat  shyneth 

—  m.  cler  s,  f.  clere  s. 
Bright  glylteryng  as  metailes  do  —  m.  reluy- 

sant  s,{,  reluy santé  s. 
Brimfull  —  m.  plain,  (.plaine;  m.  et  f.  comble. 
Brimmefierse  —  m.  fier  s,  î.  fiere  s. 
Brittle  as  a  thyng  that  wyll  soone  breke  in 

sondre  —  m.  rompant  s,î.  rompante  s. 
Brittell  unstedfast  in  condycions  —  m.  et  f. 

fraille  s:  m.  et  (.fragile  s. 
Brokyn  —  m.  et  f.  casse  s. 
Brokyn  as  ones  speche  is  —  m.  abrupt  z,  f. 

abrupte  s. 
Broken  backed  —  m.  et  f.  ame  s. 
Brodeheeded  —  m.  et  f.  embrabile  s. 
Brode  —  m.  et  f.  large  s:  m.  et  f.  ample  s. 
Browne  a  colour  —  m.  bran  s,  f.  brune  s. 
Browne  or  duske  colour  —  soubz  brun. 
Brute  beestysslie  —  m.  et  f.  braste  s. 
Bruted  named  or  famed  —  m.  fameux,  f.  fa- 
meuse s. 
Bultcd  —  m.  susse  s. 
Burnyng  —  m.  ardant  s,  f.  ardante  s. 
Bursten  —  m.  rompu  s. 
Basshe  beered  —  crespelleux. 

Caduke  apte  or  enclyned  to  fall  —  m.  caduc  z, 
f.  caducque  s. 

Calme  or  styll  as  the  wetber  is  —  m.  et  f. 
canlme  s,  carme. 

Capcious  crafty  in  wordes  to  take  one  in  a  trap 
—  m.  captieux,  f.  captieuse  s. 

Care  full  of  thought  or  pensyfnesse  — m.  cha- 
grinewv,  f.  chagrinense  s;  soigneux,  soi- 
gneuse s. 

Cast  in  love  —  m.  inamoure,  f.  inamouree  s. 
Casuell  as  a  thyng  chaunceth  to  hapyn  —  m. 

casuel  s. 
Celestyall  —  m.  celestiel  z,  (.  celestielle  s. 
Certayne  —  m.  certain  s,  f.  certayne  s. 
ChargefuU  —  m.  chargeux,  f.  chargeuse  s. 
Chaste  good  of  lyvynge  —  m.  et  f.  chaste  s. 
Chatleryng  full  of  wordes  —  m.  caqueteux,  f. 

caqueteuse  s. 
Cbauncynge  —  m.  aduenant  s,  f.  aduenante  s. 
Chaungeable  —  m.  et  f.  muable  s. 
Chefe  soverayne  above  other  —  m.  premier  s, 

f.  première  s:  m.  primitif  z,  f.  primilifue  s; 

m.  souerain  s,  f.  souerayne  s, 
Cherefull  mery  countenaunsed  —  m.  et  f.  o/ai- 

gre  s. 
Cheife  or  first  in  doynge  of  an  acte  —  m.  capi- 
tal z,  f.  capitalle  s. 
Cbypped  as  ones  face  or  bandes  is  with  the 

marche  wynde  —  m.  et  f.  gerce  s. 
Chyrle  loude  —  m.  sery  s,  f.  serye  s. 
Chyveryng  as  one  dothe  for  colde  in  an  axes  or 

otberwyse  —  va.frilleux,  t.  frilleuse  s. 
Churlyshe  rude  of  condycions  or  maners  —  m. 

villayn  s,  f.  villayne  s, 
Clammy  as  breed  is  nat  through  baken  —  m. 

pasteux,  f.  pasteuse  s, 
Clene  nat  foule  —  m.  net  z,  (.  nette  s. 
Clenly  weil  besene  —  m.  gorgias,  f.  gorgiase  s. 
Clere  manyfest  open  to  the  knowledge  —  m. 

cler  s,  {.  clere  s. 
Clere  —  m.  et  f.  arcise. 
Clere  as  the  wether  is  whan  it  is  fayre  —  m. 

serain,  f.  serayne  s;  m.  sery  s,  f.  serye  s. 
Clere  bright  —  m.  cler  s,  f.  clere  s;  m.  claret 

z,f.  claretle  s;  m.  et  f.  esclaire  s. 
Clere  or  évident  —  m.  euident  s,  f.  euidente  s. 
Clobysshe  boystous  onweldy  —  m.  lourt  s,  (. 

lourde  s. 
Close  shytte  togyther  or  shytte  fast  —  m.  clos, 

f.  close  s. 
Close  or  darke  as  the  wether  is  —  m.  et  f.  som- 
bre s. 
Clovyn  —  m.  fendu  s,   f.  fendue  s:  m.  et  f. 

fourche  s. 





Coy  strange  or  nyse  —  m.  coj  s,  f.  coye  s. 

Cokbraynde  lyght  foie  hardye — m.  et  f.  saffre  s. 

Coynleuse  —  m.  cointeux,  f.  cointeiise  s. 

Colde  sober  —  m.  et  f.  arrcstc  s:  m.Jroit  z, 
{.froide  s. 

Coloured  —  m.fainlif  2,  [.Jaintijae  s. 

Coloured  lyke  flame  of  fyre  —  m.  ardant  s,  {. 
ardante  s. 

Combersonie  that  combreth  —  m.  encomhreux , 
f.  encombrease  s. 

Comely  in  behavour  —  m.  yracieux,  f.  gra- 
cieuse s. 

Comely  as  a  garment  or  atyer  is  to  a  person  — 
m.  aducnant  s,  f.  adacnante  s. 

Commen  —  m.  commun  s,  f.  commune  s. 

Commen  —  m.  et  f.  ^iiKiV/uc  s. 

Comely  fayre  —  ra.  spécieux,  f.  spécieuse  s:  m. 
comli  s,  f.  comlie  s;  m.  gentil  z,  {.  gen- 
tille s. 

Commendal)le  worthye  to  be  commended  — 
m.  et  f.  commendable  s. 

Commyng  outof  the  este  —  m.  oriental,  (.  oricn- 
talle  s. 

Commynge  —  m.  aduienant  s,  f.  aduienantc  s. 

Compenable  —  m.  social,  f.  sociulle  s. 
-Comparable  able  or  apte  to  be  compared  —  m. 
et  f.  comparable  s. 

Compased  —  m.  reuola  s,  f.  reuolue  s. 

Complyte  parfyte  —  m.  complet  z,  {.  complet- 
te  s. 

Compendyouse  shorte  as  man  is  in  bis  spea- 
kyng  or  writyng  —  m.  compendieux,  f. 
compendieuse  s. 

Compreliensyble  able  to  be  compreliendcd  — 
m.  et  f.  compréhensible  s,  m.  et  f.  ca- 
pable s. 

Confessed  —  m.  confesse,  f.  confessée  s. 

Confused  abassfaed  —  m.  confus,  f.  confuse  s. 

Conséquent  folowyng  —  m.  consécutif,  f.  con- 
secutifue  s. 

Constante  stedfast  in  a  purpose  —  m.  constant 

s,  f.  constante  s, 
CoDstrayned — va,  constraint  s ,  {.  constrainte  s. 

Conslraynyng  —  m.  contraintif  z,  f.  contrain- 
tifue  s. 

Consumed  —  m.  consume,  f.  consumée  s.   . 

Contagyouse  infectyve  —  m.  contagieux ,  f.  con- 
tagieuse s. 

Contemplatyfe  —  m.  contemplatif  z,  f.  content- 
platifue  s. 

Content  pleased  —  m.  content  s,  f.  contente  s. 

Contynent  cbaste  of  lyvyng  —  m.  et  f.  pu- 
dique s. 

Contynuall  styll  duryng  or  contynuyng  —  m. 
continuel,  f.  continuelle,  m.  et  f.  perdu- 
rable  s. 

Contraryouse  to  ones  entent  or  purpose  —  m. 
contrarieux,  f.  contrarieuse  s. 

Conlrary  parte  or  fortune  or  sucbe  lyke  —  m, 
aduers,  f.  aduerse  s. 

Contryte  penytent  —  m.  contrit  z,  {.  contrite  s. 

Convenable  —  m.  et  f.  conuenable  s. 

Convenyent  ^ — m.  oportwi,  f.  oportune  s:  m. 
asseant  s,L  asseante  s;  va,  décent  s,  f.  dé- 
cente s;  m.  duysant  s,  (.  duy santé  s;  ni. 
aduenant  s,  {.  aduenante  s. 

Convicte  of  a  trespas  —  m.  atteint,  f.  atteinte  s. 

Copyouse  full  of  wordes  —  ra.  verbeux,  f.  ver- 
beuse s. 

Copyouse plentuouse  —  m.  copieux,  f  copieuse  s. 

Corallyke  of  the  nature  of  corail  —  m.  coralin 
s,  f.  coraline  s. 

Corrumpable  apte  or  mete  to  be  corrupted  — 
m.  et  f.  corrumpable  s. 

Corruptyble  that  may  be  corrupted  —  m.  et  f. 
corruptible  s. 

Corcyfe  —  m.  corpsu  s,  f.  corpsue  s. 

Corsyfe  to  fuli  of  fatnesse  —  m.  corpulent,  f. 
corpulente:  m.  corsu  s,  f.  corsue  s. 

Costyfe  as  a  person  is  tbat  is  no  laxe  nor  solu- 
ble  —  m.  coustengcux,  f.  coustengeuse  s. 

Costyouse — m.  sumptueux,  i.sumptueuse  s. 

Covetouse  —  m.  auaricieux,  f.  auariciease  s  ; 
m.  couoiteux,  f.  couoiteuse  s. 

Coverte  close  —  m.  couert  s,  f.  couerle  s. 

Courrante  —  m.  et  f.  decourrable  s. 

Cowarde  —  m.  recréant  s ,{.  recréante  s, 

Colde  —  m.froyl  z,  L  froyde  s. 

Coragyouse  full  of  corage  —  m.  couraigicux , 
f.  couraigicuse  s. 

Counterfayte  mysshapen  —  m.  contre faict  z, 
i,  contrefaictc  s. 



Course  as  ciothe  is  —  m.  gros,  f.  grosse  s. 

Courtessc  gentle  —  m.  courtoys,  f.  conrtojse 
s;  m.  benigti  s,  f.  bénigne  s.    ' 

Crabbed  frowarde  in  condycions  • —  m.  peruers, 
f.  peruerse  s. 

Crafty  disceytfuli  —  m.  caulelleux,  f.  caulelleu- 
sc  s. 

Crafty  craftely  wrougbt  —  m.  artificieux,  f.  ar- 
tificieuse s:m.fyn  s,  f-fyne  s. 

Cramosyn  colour  —  m.  cramosyn  s,  f.  cramo- 
syne  s. 

Crewell  nat  pytiaWe  —  m.  cruel  z,  f.  cruelle  s: 
m.  felonneux ,  C.  felonneuse  s. 

Cryniynall  —  m.  criminel  z,  f.  criminelle  s. 

Crymsyn  colour  — m.  cramosyn  s,  f.  cramoy- 
syne  s. 

Cryspe  as  ones  heare  is  that  curleth  —  m.  et  f. 
crespe  s,  m.  crespeleux ,  f.  crespelense  s. 

Cryspe  as  an  herbe  is  that  is  britle  —  m.  rom- 
pant s,  î.  rompante  s. 

Crysten  nat  heathen  —  m.  cristien  s,  {.  cris- 
tiene  s. 

Croked  nat  slrayght  —  m.  tortu  s,  f.  tortue  s. 

Croise  backed  as  a  man  or  bccst  is  —  m.  cour- 
be, f.  courbée  s, 

Crokesbuidred  —  m,  bossu  s,  t.  bossue  s. 

Crompled  togythcr  —  m.  et  f.  rouille  s. 

Cruell  without  pytie  —  m.  crueux,  f.  cruease  s  ; 
m.  cruel  z,  (.  cruelle  s. 

Guryall  belongyng  to  the  court  —  ni.  curial  x, 
f.  curialle  s. 

Curyouse  exquisyte  in  doynge  of  a  tbyng  —  m. 
curieux,  f.  curieuse  s. 

Curied  —  m.  et  f.  crespe  s;  m.  crespcle,  f.  crcs- 

Cursed  yvell  —  m. et  f.  anallieme  s;  m.  maul- 
dict  z,  {.  mauldicte  s;  m.maluais,  [.  mal- 
aaise  s. 

Curtcsse  of  spcchc  —  m.  et  f.  affable  s. 

Curtesse  in  maners — m.  courtoys,  f.  courloyse  s. 

Custoniablc  uscd  —  m.  et  f.  coustomablc  s. 

Daylyc  —  m.  qnolidicn  s,  f.  (juolidienne  s;  m. 

jonmel  z,  f.  journelle  s. 
Daper  proper  —  m.  mignon  s,  (.  mignonne  s; 
m.  godin  s,  f.  godine  t. 

Darke  without  lyght — m.  obscur  s,  f.  obscure  s. 
Darkesomc  —  m.  ténébreux,  f.  ténébreuse  s. 
Daungerouse  —  m.  dangereux,  f.  dangereuse  s. 
Daungerouse  wberof  daunger  maye  ensewe  — 

m.  dangereux,  f.  dangereuse  s. 
Debonayre  —  m.  f.  debonaire  s. 
Deceytfuile  —  m.  deceuenx,  f.  deceueuse  s. 
Deeeyvable  —  m.  deceuani  s,  f.  deceuanle  s  ;  m. 

et  f.  deceuable  s. 
Decessed  —  m.  decesse  s,  f.  decessee  s. 
Dccd  nat  aiyve  —  m.  mort  s,  f.  morte  s. 
Deedly  as  a  sorowe  or  sycknesse  —  m.  mortel  z, 

f.  mortelle  s. 
Deedly ,  as  an  cnemy  or  otber  thynge  tbal  pro- 

cureth  ones  dethe  —  m.  capital  x,  f.  ca- 

pitalle  s. 
Deefe  as  one  ihat  can  nat  hère  —  ni.  sourd  z, 

f.  sourde  s. 
Defaulty  in  blâme  for  a  matter  —  m.  fauteux, 

î.fauleuse  s. 
Defeclyvc  nat  soundc  and  hole  —  m.faulleax, 

f.  faulteuse  s. 
Defensyble  —  ni.  et  f.  dejensable  s. 
Defyled  as  a  thynge  that  i»  soyied  —  m.  polu  s, 

f.  polue  s. 
Dekayeng  as  buyldyng  or   suclie   lyke  —  m. 

ruyncnx,  f.  mineuse  s. 
Deynty  mouthed  —  m.  friant  s,  i. friande  s. 
Délectable  —  m.  et  f.  délectable  s. 
Delycateas  mcate  and  drinke  is  —  m.  delicai  z, 

f.  delicatlc  s. 
Delyciouse  daynty  mouthed  or  delycatc  . —  m. 

délicieux,  f.  délicieuse  s. 
Delytefull  that  moche  delytelh  —  m.  delileux, 

f.  delileuse  s. 
Delyver   of  oncs  lymmes  as  tliey  that  prove 

niastrycs  —  m.  et  f.  souple  s. 
Delyver  redy  quicke  lo  do  any  tbyng  —  ni.  et 

f.  agile  s:  va.  et  (.  dcliuré  s. 
Demonstrable  —  m.  et  f.  demonstrable  s. 
Demonstratyfe  —  m.  démonstratif  z,  f.  demons- 

iratifue  s. 
Demure  or  sobre  of  countenance  —  m.  rassis, 

f.  rassise  s;  m.  et  f.  simple  s. 
Depe  as  the  sec  or  any  olber  tbyng  is  —  m.  par- 
font s,  f.  parfonde  s. 



Dere  liefe  as  one  that  is  beloved  —  m.  chier  s, 

f.  chiere  s. 
Desdaynousc  fuil  of  disdayne  —  m.  desdaignewr, 

f.  desdaigneiise  s. 
Deryvalyfe  —  m.  deriuatif  z,  f.  Jeriaaliue  s. 
Déserte  forsaken  or  lefte  inhabit  —  m.  désert 

s,  {.  déserte  s. 
Desyrabie  —  m.  et  f.  désirable  s. 
Desyrouse  of  honour  or  promocyon  —  m.  am- 

bicieux,  f.  ambicieuse  s. 
Desyrouse  full  of  desyre  to  do  a  tbyng — m.  dé- 
sireux, f.  désireuse  s. 
Desyrouse  as  one  that  is  sore  taken  in  love  or 
suche  lyke  passyon — m.  ardant  s,  f.  ar- 
dante  s. 
Desyrouse  of  vengeance  —  m.  vindicatif  s,  f. 

vindicalifue  s. 
Destynable  apoynted  tohe  onesdestenye  —  m. 

et  f.  deslinable  s. 
Destytut  forsaken  —  m.  lUstilue,  f.  destituée  s. 
Determynahle  —  m.  et  f.  determinable  s. 
Determyned  —  m.  résolu,  f.  résolue  s. 
Détestable  that  one  abhorreth  from  —  m.  et  f. 

détestable  s. 
Detractyng  belongyng  lo  detractyon  —  ni.  et  f. 

detractoire  s. 
Devoyde  without  or  delyvered  of  a  tbyng  —  m. 

et  f.  vuydc  s. 
Devoute  holy  disposed  to  praye  —  m.  deuot  z, 

f.  deuotte  s. 
Dy vellysshe  condycioned  or  in  resemblance  lyke 

the  dyvell  —  m.  et  t.  diabolique  s. 
Diesmall  as  a  diesmall  day. 
Dyfiuse  barde  to  be  understande  —  m.  et  f.  dif- 
fuse s. 
Dygne  worthy  —  m.  et  f.  digne  s. 
Dylygent  —  m.  attentif  z,  f.  attentifue  s  ;  m.  di- 
ligent s,  f.  diligente  s;  m.  soigneux,  f.  soi- 
gneuse s. 
Dyrty  with  myers  —  m.  boueux,  f.  boueuse  s. 
Disapoyntyng — m,  frustratif  z,  î.  fruslratifue  s. 
Dyseased  sycke  —  m.  et  f.  malade. 
Disceassed — tn. feu  s,  (.feue  s. 
—     kyng  Henry  iate  disceased  —  le  feu  roy 

Disceyifull  begylefuU  —  m.  caatelhux,  {.  cau- 

telleuse  s;  m. frauduleux,  (.frauduleuse  s; 
m.  deceptif  z,  f.  deceptifue  s. 
Discrète  in  judgement  or  in  actes  —  m,  dis- 
cret z,  f.  discrète  s. 
Disceyvable  or  disceyifull  —  m.  et  f.  deceuable  s. 
Dysdaynouse  settyng  folkes  at  naught  —  m.  des- 
daigneux,  f.  desdaigneuse  s;  m.  fier  s,  f. 
ficre  s. 
Dishonest  —  m.  et  f.  deshonesie  s. 
DispytefuH  —  m.  contumelieux,  f.  contumelieu- 
sc  s:  m.  et  f.  despilaire  s;  m.  despileux, 
f.  despiteuse  s. 
Displeasant,  nat  lykyng  or  contentyng  —  m. 
maulplitisant  s,  f.  maulplaisanie  s:  m.  fa- 
chieiix,  t.fachicuse  s. 
Displeasant  for  synne  —  m.  contrit  z ,  (.  con- 
trite s. 
Disposed  inclyned  to  a  tbyng  —  m.  incline,  f. 

inclinée  s;  m.  dispose,  f.  disposée  s. 
Disposed  or  inclyned  to  batayle  —  m.  bataille- 

rcux,  f.  bataillcreuse  s. 
Disposed  to  hâve  the  stone  —  m.  graaeleux,  f. 

graueleuse  s. 
Dissolute  incontynent  of  lyvynge —  m.  dissolu 

z,  f.  dissolue  s. 
Dyvyne  —  m.  diuin  s,  L  diuine  s, 
Dyvers  sondrye  —  m.  diuers,  f.  diuerse  s. 
Dogged  stubburne  —  m.  cruel  z ,  f.  cruelle  s. 
Dogged  awayted  —  m.  poursuiui,(.  poursuiuie. 
Doggysshe  of  ihe  condycions  or  of  the  nature 

of  a  dogge  —  m,  chicnin  s,chienine  s. 
Doughty  hardy  —  m.  valcreux,  f.  valerease  s. 
Dorabe  that  can  nat  speke  —  m.  muet  z,  f. 

muette  s. 
Dommagyable  hurtfull  —  m.  et  f.  domagyable  s. 
Domagyous  hurtfull  harmfuit —  m.  domageux, 

f.  domageuse  s. 
Dolefull  soroufuU  —  m.  et  f.  triste  s. 
Dosye  in  the  heed — -m.  betourne,  f.  betournee  s. 
Doskysshe  of  colour  -^  m.  soub:  brun. 
Doulcet  swete —  m.  doulcereux,  f.  doulcereuse  s. 
Double  inconstant  —  m.  variant  s,  C  variante  s. 
Double  nat  syngle  —  m.  et  f.  double  s. 
Doubtous  —  m.  douteux,  f.  douteuse  s. 
DowtfuH  ihat  douteth  morethan  nedeth  — m. 
scrupuleux ,  (.  scrupuleuse  s. 


Dowtfull  uncertayne  — .  m  ambigueux,  f.  omit- 

gueuse  s. 
Dragonysshe  of  the  nature  of  a  dragon  — m.  et 

f.  draconique  s. 
Dredfull  full  of  feare  —  m.  cremeu  s,  f.  cre- 

meue  s:  m,  paoureux,  f.  paoareuse  s. 
DredfuH  that  is  to  be  dradde  or  feared  —  m. 

et  f.  redoubtable  s. 
Dresty  fuH  of  drestes  —  m.  lieux,  f.  lieuse  s. 
Drye  nat  wete  —  m.  sec  z,  {.  sèche  s. 
Drivelyug  as  a  yonge  chylde  —  ni.  boueux,  f. 

baueuse  s. 
Dronken  —  m.  et  Lyure  s. 
Drowsy  heavy  for  slepe  or  onlusty  —  m.  pesant 

s,  (,  pesante  s. 
Dull  of  wytte  —  m.  lourt  s,  f.  lourde  s. 
Dnll  at  the  spurre  as  a  horse  is  —  m.  resdf  z, 

f.  rcsiijue  s. 
Dull  of  edge  —  m.  et  f.  agasse  s. 
Dunde  gray  as  a  horse  is. 
Durable  —  m.  et  f.  durable  s. 
Dustye  berayed  with  duste  —  m.  pouluereux,  f. 

pouluereuse  s. 
Dweilyng  taryeng  in  a  place  —  m.  résident  s, 

f.  résidente  s. 

Easy  lyght  to  be  donc  —  m.  easy  s,  f.  easie 
s;  m.  facil  z,  f.  facille  s. 

Ebrayke  —  m.  et  f.  liebraicqne  s. 

Egall  evyn  —  m.  égal  aux,  f.  egalle  s. 

Egar  fiers  or  mody  as  a  wyld  beest  is  —  m.fel 
z,  i.fclle  s. 

Eldyst  or  first  begotten  —  m.  et  f.  aisne  s. 

Elégant  fayre  spoten  —  m.  clegant  s,  f.  élé- 
gante s. 

Elementall  of  the  nature  of  the  élément  —  m. 
et  f.  élémentaire  s. 

Eloquent  in  spekyng  —  m.  éloquent  s,  f.  élo- 
quente s;  m.facund,  (.Jacunde  f, 

Emperyall  —  m.  impérial  x,  {.  imperialU  s. 

Empty  as  a  vessell  —  m.  et  f.  vuyde  s. 

Eocreased  — m.  acru  s,  f.  acrue  s. 

Ententyfe  busy  to  do  a  thynge  or  to  take  hede 
to  a  ihyng  —  m.  ententif  z,  f.  ententijae  s. 

Envyouse  full  of  envye  —  m.  enuieax,  f.  cn- 
uieuse  s. 


Equall  evyn  of  power  —  m.  égal  x,  f.  egalle  s. 

Erthye  of  the  nature  of  the  erthe  — va.  terreux, 
f.  terreuse  s. 

Erthely  belongyng  to  the  erthe  —  m.  terrien  s, 
f.  terrienne  s, 

Esy  lyght  —  m.  ayse  z,  f.  aysee  s, 

Especyall  chiefe  —  m.  especial  aux,  (.  espe- 
cialle  s. 

Esterne  belongyng  to  the  eest  parte —  m.  orien- 
tal X,  f.  orientalle  s. 

Eternall  everlastynge  — m.  éternel  z,  f.  éter- 
nelle s  :  m.  perpétuel  z  ,{.  perpétuelle  6;  m. 
et  f,  perdurable  s. 

Evydent  clere  —  m.  euident  s,  f.  euidente  s. 

Evyll  coloured  as  Ooure  or  any  other  thyng  that 
hath  loste  the  beautye  —  m.  et  Lfade  s. 

Evyll  coloured  as  one  is  for  sicknesse  —  m.  et 
f.  blesme  s. 

Evyll  nat  good  —  m.  mal  x,  f.  nwXle  s. 

Evyll  cursed  of  condycions  —  m.  maluays,  f. 
maluaisc  s. 

Evyll  named  —  m.  et  f.  infâme  s. 

Evyll  to  dalye  with  —  m.  encombreux,  f.  en- 
combreuse  s. 

Evyn  strayght  —  ni.  droict  z,  f.  droicte  s. 

Evyn  upright  —  m.  et  f.  Juste  s. 

Evyn  smothe  or  equall  nat  hygher  in  one  place 
than  in  another  —  m.  vny  s,  f.  vnye  s. 

Excedyng  passyng  mesure  or  excessife  —  m. 
excessif  z,  f.  excessifue  s. 

Excedyng  passyng  ail  other  —  m.  superlatif  z, 
(.  superlalifue  s. 

Excepte  —  m.  et  f.  excepte  s. 

Excusable  that  may  be  excused  —  m.  et  f  ex- 
cusable s. 

Excellent  passyng  other  —  m.  excellent  s,  f. 
excellente  s. 

Expresse  playne  evydent  —  m.  exprès,  f.  ex- 
presse s. 

Expert  well  skylled  —  m.  expeii  z,  f.  experte  s. 

Eiquisyte  curyous  in  doyng  a  thyng  —  m.  ex- 
quis, (.  exquise  s  ;  m.  curieux,  f.  curieuse  s. 

Extrême  furthesl  of — m.  et  f.  extrême  s. 

Extrême  in  dealyng  —  m.  rigoureux,  (.  rigou- 
reuse .«;  ni.  violent  s,  violente  s.      ."'■• 



m.  Jacund  s,  (■fa- 

Faconde  fayre  spoken 

cmule  s. 
Fayre  beautyfull  —  m.  beau  or  bel,  f.  belle  s. 
ï'ayre  as  a  vvoman  or  man  is  of  their  vysage  — 

m.  spécieux,  f.  spécieuse  s. 
Fayre  spoken —  m.  et  f.  emparle  s:  m.  et  f. 

bien  en  langaige  s. 
Fayne  gladde  to  do  a  tbyiig  —  m.  joyeux,  f. 

joyeuse  s. 
Faynte  nat  trewe  or  stedfast  —  m.  Jainctif  z.  f. 

J'ainctifae  s. 
Faynte  as  one  is  for  sicknesse  that  faynteth  — 

m.  tain  s,  f.  vaine  s. 
Faynteliarled  cowarde  —  m.  et  f.  lasclie  s. 
Faythfull  trusty  —  m.  féal  x,  î.  fealle  s. 
Fallyng  to  decay  —  m.  ruineux,  f.  ruineuse  s. 
Faise  untrewe  —  m.fuulx,  i.  j'aulse  s. 
Faiseof  promesse  —  m.  renoiant,  f.  renoiante  s. 
Faniyiyer  in  speclie  and  kepynge  of  companye 

—  m, familier  s,  (.familière  s. 
Famouse  renomed  as  suche  as  hâve  done  great 

actes  —  m.  fameux,  t.  fameuse  s. 
Farre  hens  or  farre  of — m.  loyngtains,  f.  loynij- 

tayne  s. 
Fast  or  suer  —  m.  et  (.ferme  s. 
Fatall  belongyng  to  destynye  —  m.  fatal  x,  f. 

falalle  s. 
Fatte  as  a  man  or  beest  is  —  m.  ijras,  (.  grasse  s. 
Fautve  as  fruité  is  that  is  not  sownde  —  m. 

faulteux,  (.faulteuse  s. 
Favorable  —  m.  et  f.  fauorable  s. 
Faulty  gyîty  of  an  oOfence  —  m.  et  f.  coulpable  s  ; 

m.  defecteuxj  (.  defecteuse. 
Fcble  nat  stronge  —  m.  et  f.  fyeble  s;  m.  et  f. 

débile  s  ;  m.  et  f.  feble. 
FaythfuU  trusty  —  m.  féal  aulx ,(.  fealle  s. 
Ferme  stedfast  —  m.  et  (.ferme  s. 
Fearfull  as  one  that  is  lyghtiy  disposed  to  be 
a  frayde —  m.  craintif  z,  (.  craintif ue  s: 
m.  et  (.  doutable  s;  m.  ejfraieux ,  (.  ef- 
fraieuse  s  ;  m.  paoureux,  (.  paoureuse. 
Fearfull  a  thyng  that  dothe  make  one  afrayed 
—  m.  et  f.  terrible  s:  m.  et  f.  redoutable  s  : 
m.  et  f.  espouentable  s. 
Festysshe  belongyng  to  a  feest  —  m.  festiaal  x, 
{.festiualle  s. 

Feate  or  proper  of  makyng  —  m.  godin  s,  f. 
godyne  s;  m.  godinet  z,  (.  godinette  s  ;  m. 
coint  z,  (.  cointe  s:  m.  mignon  s,  (.  mi- 
gnonne s;  m.  et  f.  fade  s;  m.faicty  s,  (. 
faictye  s, 
Feldysshe  belongynge  to  the  felde — m.  et  f. 

champestre  s. 
Fell  or  fierse  as  a  person  is  for  modyncsse  — 
tn.fel  z,  (.felle  s;  m.  despit  z,  f.  despite  s. 
Fell   or  felonysslie  —  m.  felonneux,  (.  felon- 

neuse  s. 
Fervent  hotte  in  a  cause  —  m.feruent  s,  (.fer- 

uente  s. 
Fervent  fuli  of  béate  —  m.  chalereux,  (.  ctiale- 

reuse  s. 
Fewe  in  nombre  — pou  or  peu. 
Fewest  —  le  moyns,  indéclinable. 
Fyers  fell  —  m.  rigoreux,  (.  rigoreuse  s  ;  m.  fier 

s,  (.jiere  s;  m.  hastif  z,  f.  hasiifue  s. 
Fylthysshe  as  mysse  women  of  yll  lyvyng  — 

m.  et  f.  putairie. 
Fylthysshe  as  ones   eyes  be  that  hâve  whyte 
slyme  in  them  —  m.  chassieux,  (.  chas- 
sieuse s. 
Fylthy  fuU  of  fylthe  or  unclenlye  —  m.  villain 

s,  f.  villaine  s. 
Fyne  as  any  worke  that  issmall  and  subtylly 

wrought  —  m.  soubtil  z,  f.  soubtille  s. 
Fyne  as  lynen  clothe  is  —  ta.  fin  s,  (.fine  s; 

m.  dclye,  f.  déliée  s. 
Fyrst  in  order  —  m.  premier  s,  [.première  s. 
Fyrst  chefe  —  m.  primitif  z,  f.  primitif  ue  s. 
First  chefe  doer  of  an  acte  —  m.  capital  x, 

f.  capitalle  s. 
Fytte  as  a  garment  or  olher  thyngc  —  m.  et  f. 

propice  s:  m.  duict  z,  (.  duycte  s. 
Flatte  as  a  thyng  is  that  is  brode  —  m.  plat  z, 

(.  plalte  s. 
Flatte  nosed  —  m.  camus,  f.  camuse  s. 
Fleyng  awaye — m.  fugitif  z,   (.  fugitif  ue  s: 

m./urd/  z,  (.fuylifve  s. 
FIcxyble  able  to  be  bowed  —  m.  et  f.  flexy- 

ble  s. 
Flygge  as  byrdes  be  —  m.  plumeu  s:  f.  plu- 

meue  s. 
Flyeng  —  m.  volant,  f.  i'o/a;i(e. 



Fluddysshe  belongyng  to  the  fluddc  —  m.fa- 

uial  X,  i.JIuuiaUe  s, 
Foole  hardy,  as  one  that  ventureth  to  farre  — 

m.  et  f.  téméraire  s. 
Foggy  to  fuH  of  waste  llcsshe. 
Foolysshe  nat  wyse  —  m.  sot,  f.  soile  s;  m. 

fol,  f.  folle  s. 
Forcyng  conslraynynge  —  m.  constraintif  z,  f. 

constrainlifae  s. 
Forgetfull   tliat  forgetleth  shortly  —  m.  obli- 

uieux,  f.  oblimeuse  s. 
Forgyvefuil  tliat  forgyveth  shortly —  ra.  pardo- 

natf  z,  f.  pardoiiatifue  s. 
Forked  as  a  brode  arrowe  heed —  m.  et  f.  bar- 
belé s. 
Forked  or  braunched  —  m.  brancha  s,  f.  bran- 

chae  s. 
Forked  cloven  —  m,  fourchu  s,  t.  fourchue  s. 
Fortunate  happy —  m.  bienereux ,  f,  bienercuse 

s;  m.  eureux,  f.  earease  s. 
Fostered  or  brought  up  in  a  place  —  m.  natif  z, 

f.  natifue  s. 
Fowle  soyied  wilh  fylthe  —  m.  orl  s,  f.  orde  s. 
Fowle   nat  fayre   of  vysage  —  m.   lait  z,  (. 

lujde  s. 
Frayle  nat  assured  of  conservacyon  —  m.  et  f, 

frailes,  m.  et  (.fragile  s. 
Frangyble  —  m.  et  i.frangible  s. 
Fralernall  belongyng  to  a  brother  —  m.  frater- 
nel z,  {.fraternelle  s. 
Frec  of  gyfl — m.  libéral  x,  f.  liberalle  s. 
Free  not  bownde  —  m.  franc  z,  î.  franche  s. 
Free  tliat  paycth  naughl  —  m.  quicl  z,  f.  quic- 

te  s. 
Frendefuil  —  m.  et  f.  amiable  s. 
Frencbely  belongyng  to  the  countrey  of  Fraunce 

—  m.  et  f.  Gaule  s;  m.  Gallican  s,  f.  Gai- 

licanne  s. 
Frenticke,  as  one  that  is  in  a  fransye —  m.  et  f. 

freneticque  s, 
Fresshe  or  lussyouse  as  nieate  thaï  is  nat  vveil 

seasoned,  or  that  batb  an  unplesanteswet- 

nesse  in  it.  —  m.  et  {.fade  s. 
Fresshe  gorgyouse,  gay  or  well  besene  —  ra. 

gorgias,  f.  gorgiasc  s;  m.  et  {.frisque  s:  m. 

gaillarl  s,  {.  gaillardes.     ' 

Freshe  nat  salle  nor  stale  —  m.frays,  {.fre- 

che  s. 
Fresshe  newly  kylled  or  newly  gathered  —  m. 

récent  s,  f.  récente  s. 
Fresshe  newe  —  noueau. 
Fresshe  as  water  is  —  m.frays,  {.  frayse  s. 
Freatyng  as  a   salve  dothe  —  m.  corrosif  z,  f. 

corrosifue  s. 
Frosty  resemblyng  to  the  froste  —  m.  geleux , 

f.  geleuse  s. 
Frowarde  —  m.  peruers,  {.  peruerse  s. 
FruytfuU  —  m. fructueux,  {.fructueuse  s. 
Fugylyfe,  nat  taryenge  in  a  place,  but  ofte  re- 

movyng  or  flyenge  awaye  —  m.  fugitif  z , 

(.fugitifue  s:  m.fuitif  z,  f.faitifue  s. 
Fulfylled  —  m.  complet  s,  f.  coniplette  s. 
Full  of  lycs —  m. fabuleux ,  {.fabuleuse  s. 
Full  of  slrcngth  —  m.  subslancieax ,  f.  substan- 

cieuse  s. 
Full  or  fylled  up  lo  the  brymme  or  plentuousc 

of  any  thyng  —  m.  plain  s,  {.  plaine  s. 
Full,  heapcd  full  as  busshelles  be  witb  corne  or 

saite  —  comble. 
Furyouse,  madde  or  woode  ■ —  m.fureux,  {.fu- 

reuse  s:  m.  furieux,  {.furieuse  s. 

Gay  fresshly  besene  —  m.  gay  s,  {.  gaye  s;  bien 
a  poynt. 

Gay  or  gladsome  of  corage  — m.  gay  s,  f.  gaye 
s;  ra.  gay  s,  f.  gayse  s. 

Gay,  joly  —  m.joly  s,{.jotye  s. 

Galante  or  fresshe  in  apparayle— m.  et  {.fris- 
que s. 

Gastfuli  as  a  thynge  that  movetb  one  to  drede 
—  m.  et  f.  espoiicntable  s. 

Gelouse  mystrustynge — m.  jaloux,  {.jalouse  s. 

Generail  —  m.  gênerai  x,  f.  generalle  s. 

Gentyll  of  condycions  —  m.  généreux,  f.  géné- 
reuse s:  m.  gentil  z,  {.  gentille  s:  m.  et  f. 
debonaire  s. 

Gentyll  of  byrthe  —  m.  et  f.  noble  s. 

Gerysshe  wylde  or  lyght  heeded  —  m.  et  {.fa- 
rouche s, 

Gettyng  by  uniaufuli  raeanes  —  m.  qucstueux, 
f.  queslueuse  s. 

Gettynge  —  m.  acquisitif  z,  f,  acquisilifue  s. 



Gylty,  fauly  oCan  ofl'ence — m.  et  f.  coulpable  s. 

Gylted  as  a  vessel  or  any  other  tliyng  is  —  m. 
et  f.  doré  s. 

Gyven  oreuclyned  to  do  any  ihynge — m.  duict 
X,  f.  duicte  s:  m.  enclin  s,  f.  encline  s. 

Gyven  to  extorcyon  —  m.  rapineux,  f.  rapi- 
neuse  s. 

Gladde  merye  —  m.  joyeux,  f.  joyeuse  s:  m. 
bault,  {'.  baulte  s.  Ro. 

Gladsome  chercfull  —  m.  et  f.  alaiyre  s. 

Glasye  of  tlie  nature  of  glasse — m.  voierreux, 
f.  voierreuse  s. 

Glytterynge  as  métal  dothe  agaynstibe  sonne  — 
m.  reluysant  s,  f.  reluysunie  s. 

Glorieuse  or  fullofgiory,  as  one  is  ihat  standeth 
to  moelle  in  his  owne  coneeyle  —  m.  glo- 
rieux, f.  glorieuse  s. 

Godiy  belongyng  or  resemblyuge  to  god  —  m. 
et  f.  dcificque  s;   m.  deain  s,  (.  deuinc  s. 

Gogle  eyed  —  m.  et  f.  louche. 

Good  of  lyvyng  and  eonversacion  —  m.  preud, 
f.  preade  s. 

Good  as  any  tbyng  is  good  —  m.  bon,  f.  bonne  s. 

Good  or  geiityie  to  speke  to  —  m.  et  f.  affa- 
ble s. 

Goodly  fresslie  in  apparayle  —  m.  gaillard  s, 
r.  gaillarde  s;  m.  bel  or  beau,  f.  belle  s:  m. 
hellet  z,  f.  belletle  s. 

Goodynough  ihat  may  be  suffered  —  m.  et  f. 
passable  s. 

Gorgyouse  or  gaye  —  ni.  gorrier  s,  I'.  gorriere  s; 
m.  gorgias,  f.  gorgiasse  s. 

Gostely  nat  bodcly  —  m.  spiritual  x,  (.  spiri- 
iualle  s  :  m.  espiriiuel  i,  f.  espirituelle  s. 

Gowtye,  dyseased  witb  the  gowte  —  m.  goû- 
teux, f.  goûteuse  s. 

Gracyouse,  full  of  grâce  —  m.  gracieux,  f.  gra- 
cieuse s. 

Gracyouse  in  spekyng  —  ni.  facont,  f.  /o- 
cunde  s. 

Graye  or  russet —  m.  yiys,  f.  gryse  s. 

Graye  or  gryselde  —  m.  et  f.  grisellé. 

Gray  colourcd  as  ones  cyes  bc  —  m.  voir  s,  I". 
vairc  s. 

Gravely  full  of  gravell  —  m.  grauctcux,  f.  grauc- 
le^e  s;  m.  areneux  s,  f.  arcncasr  s. 

Gravclysshe  belongyng  to  the  nature  of  gravell 

m.  areneux,  f.  areneuse  s. 
Greable  apte  or  mete  to  be  agreed —  ni.  et  f. 

agréable  s. 
Greate  —  m.  grant  s,  f.  grande  s. 
Greate  in  tbicknesse  or  rowndnessc  —  m.  gros, 

f.  grosse  s. 
Great  as  a  woman  witb  chylde  —  f.  grosse  s. 
Gredy  covoylousc  or  to  moche  dcsyrous  of  a 

thyng  —  m.  importun  s,  {.  importune  s. 
Gredy  moche  desyrouse  of  mcate  —  la.  fami- 

leux,  f.  Jamileuse  s. 
Grekyshe,  belongyng  unto  a  greke  —  m.  et  f. 

grecque  s. 
Grene  —  m.  vert  s,  f.  verte  s. 
Grenyssbe  —  m.  et  f.  verdasliv  s. 
Grevouse  noysome — m.  et  (.  greuable  s:  m. 

greueux,  f.  greueuse  s. 
Grevouse  daungerous  —  ra.  greuain  s,  f.  gre- 

uaine  s. 
Griefe  —  m.  grief  z,  f.  griefuc  s. 
Grymme  of  countenance  —  m.  grimmcux,  t. 

grimmeuse  s. 
Grosse  rude  of  condycions  or  as  clothe  —  m.  et 

f.  rude  s. 
Grosse,  dull  of  wytte — durdengin. 
Grovelyng — couche  a  dens. 
Grutcbynge,  murmuryng  —  m.  remort  s,  f.  re- 
morde s. 

Hatefull  :  full  of  hatred  —  m.  haynenx,  f.  hay- 
neuse  s;   m.  odieux,  f.  odieuse  s. 

Haboundant — m.  planteureux,  f.  planteureuse  s. 

Halfe  —  m.  demy  s,  f.  demye  s. 

Haltyng — m.  clochant  s,  {.clochante  s. 

Hijppy  —  m.  biencreux,  f.  bienereasc  s;  m.  eu- 
reux ,  eureuse  s. 

Hardye  to  enterprise  a  daungèr — m.  audacieux, 
f.  audacieuse  s;  m.  auentureux,  f.  auentu- 
reuse  s;  m.  tiardy  s,  f.  hardye  s;  m.  entre- 
prenant s,  f.  entreprenante  s. 

Harde,  as  a  tbyng  tbat  is  nat  softe  —  m.  diuers, 
f.  diaerse  s;  m.  dur  s,  f.  dure  s. 

Harde,  as  ooe  tliat  is  a  nygarde  —  m.  et  f.  chi- 
che s. 

Ilarmefull  —  m.  dommagieax,  f.  dommogieuse  s. 


Hastye,  disposed  to  be  angry  —  m.  bouillant  s, 
f.  bouillante  s:  m.  colericq,  f.  colericques: 
m.  hasiif  z,  f.  hasiifae  s;  m.  ardant  s,  f. 

ardante  s, 
HavvkeDosed  —  m.  bccqu  s,  f.  becque  s. 
Hawty  as  one  is  that  is  proude  — m.  haultain  s, 

f.  haultaine  s. 
Hebrayke,  belongyng  lo  the  countrey,  specbc 

of  Ilebrewe  —  m.  hcbraicq ,   f.   hebraic- 

que  s. 
Heedysshe  or  beedslrongc  —  m.  Usiu  s,  f.  tes- 

tue  s. 
Heedstrong  seife  wyiled  —  m.  et  f.  effronté  s; 

m.  estourdi  s,  {.  csloardie. 
Heidyssbe,  belongyng  to  nawte  herdes  —  m.  et 

f.  bucolique  s. 
Hellysshe  belongyng  to  beH  —  m.  et  f.  lartaric- 

que  s  ;  m.  infernal  x,  f.  infernalle  s. 
{ielthfull,  belongynge  to  préserve  orcoiilynewe 

ones  heltbe  —  m.  sayn  s,  f,  sajne  s. 
lleapedas  ibynges  thatbe  measured — m.  et  f. 

comble  s. 
Hardc  to  undersiande  —  m.  difficil  s,  f.  diffi- 

cille  s. 
Heary  as  one  is  that  hath  mocbe  licare  on  bis 

heed  —  m.  cheuelu  s,  f.  cheuelue  s. 
Heary  as  one  is  upon  bis  bandes  or  body  — 

m.  tellu  s,  f.  vellue  s;  m.  poilu  s,  f.  poilue  s. 
Heary  locked  thaï  balb  syde  lockes  —  m.  che- 
uelu s,  f.  ckeaelae  s. 
Herty  —  m.  cordial  x,  f.  cordialle  s. 
Hevenly —  m.  celestiel  2,  f.  celestielle  s;  m.  et 

f.  celcsirc  s;  m.  et  f.  celique ;  m.  et  f.  ce- 
leste  s. 
Heavy  for  slepe  —  m.  et  f.  aytjraué  s,  pesant  a 

Heavy  as  goide  is  or  any  tbyng  that  wayeth 

moche  —  m.  massif  z,  f.  massifue  s, 
Heavy  of  weygbt —  m.  pesant  s,  f.  pesante  s  ;  ni. 

et  f.  graue  s. 
Heavy  for  sorowe  —  m.  et  f.  triste  s;  m.  pensif 

z,i.  pensif ue  s. 
He  that  hath  but  one  liande  —  m.  manquel  z,  f. 

manquetle  s;  m.  nuuichet  z,  f.  manchette  s. 
He  thaï  halh  the  flyxc  —  m.  foyrcux,  (■  fiy- 

reuse  s. 



He  that  is  boiinde  in  the  beliy — celluy  qui  est 

serre  au  ventre. 
Hydyouse  terryble  or  fearfuH  —  ni.  hideux,  f. 

liydeuse  s. 
Hye  or  talle — m.  liault  s,  f.  haulte  s:  m.  bel,  as 

bel  homme. 
Hyemyneded  —  m.  orgueilleux,  f.  orqueillease 

s:  m.  fiers,  (.  fierse  s. 
Hoften  —  m.  fréquentatif  z ,  ï.  frequentatifae  s. 
Hyghe  in  dignyle  or  beyght — m.  eminent  s,  f. 

eminente  s. 
Hyghe  mygbty  —  m.  et  f.  excelse  s:  m.  haidt  s, 

f.  haulte  s. 
Hyghe  or  hye  —  m.  Iiaultain  s,  f.  haultaine  s; 

m.  sttblim  s,  f.  sublime  s. 
Hylly  or  fuH  of  hylles  —  m.  montuctix,  f.  mon- 

tueuse  s;  m.montaiqneux,  (.montaigneuses. 
Hole  ali  —  m.  total  x,  f.  lolallc  s. 
Hole  parfyle  —  m.  enterin  s,  f.  entérine  .?. 
Holy  full  of  devocion' —  m.  saint  z,  f.  sainctes. 
Holy  a  feestfuH  daye  —  m.  festiuul  x,  f.  festi- 

ualle  s. 
Hoiowe  as  a  staffe   is  or  a  liyll  or  any  tbyng 

that  is  nataU  sounde  —  m.  creux,  f.  creuse 

s:  m.  et  f.  concaue  s. 
Homely  saucye  lo  perte  —  m.  malapert  s,  mala- 

perte  s. 
Homely  famylier  throngh  a  quaynted  —  m.  Ja- 

milier  s,  familière  s  ;  m.  et  f.  priue  s. 
Honest  of  lyvyng  —  m.  et  f.  preud. 
Honest  as  any  thynge  is  that  is  «oundynge  lo 

vertue.  —  m.  et  f.  honeste  s. 
Hongrye  as  one  that  hath  an  appelyle  lo  meate 

m.  familenx ,  (.famileuse  s;  m.  appeticeulx, 

f.  appelicease  s.;  m.  familleux ,   C  famil- 

leuse  s. 
Honorable  —  m.  el  f.  honorable  s. 
Hoked  backed  as   any  toole  is  that  is  made 

crokynge  —  m.  crochu  s,  f.  crochue  s. 
Hole  nat  sicke  —  m.  sain  s,  f.  sayne  s. 
Hole  nat  hroken  —  m.  entier  s,  f.  entière  s. 
Holesome  medcynable  — ni.  sayn  s,  f.  sayne  s. 
Hoory  as  meate   that  is   kepte  to  longe  —  m. 

Jleury  s,  f.  jleurye  s. 
Hoory  as  a  man  or  beesles  heare  is  —  m.  cha- 

neu  s,  f.  chaneae  s. 



Hotte  or  hcate—  m.  chatdl  s,  f.  cliaiildc  s. 

Horny  made  or  stored  of  homes  —  m,  cornu  s, 
f.  cornue  s. 

Horned  —  m.  cornu  s,  f.  cornue  s. 

Horryble  —  m.  et  f.  exécrable  s;  m.  et  f.  horri- 
ble s. 

Horselyke  belongynge  to  an  horse  —  m.  cheua- 
lin  s,  {.  cheualync  s. 

Humayne  courloysc  or  belongyng  to  the  na- 
ture of  a  man  —  m.  humajn  s,  f.  /lu- 
majne  s. 

Humble  mcke  —  m,  et  f.  humble  s. 

Hurtfuil  —  m.  et  f.  dommaieiiable  s. 

lagged  —  m.  chicqueteux  f.,  chicquetease  s. 
Idyil  —  m.  ojseux,  f.  oyseuse  s. 
Ignorante  of  knowlege  —  m.  ignoraiU  s,  t.  igno- 
rante s, 
III  favoured  —  m.  lajrt  z,  f.  layie  s. 
Impossybie  —  m.  et  f.  impossible  s. 
Inciyned  to  batayle  —  m.  bataillereux ,  f.  ba- 

taillercuse  s, 
Inciyned  to  wrathe  —  m.  et  f.  irascible  s, 
Inciyned  to  any  thyng  —  m.  inclin  s,  f.  in- 
cline s;  m.  duict  z ,  {.  daicte  s. 
Inconstante  nat  stedfast  of  purpose  —  m.  et  f. 
fresle  s;  m.  et  [.fraelle  s;  m.  inconstant  s , 
f.  inconstante  s. 
Indiffèrent  uprigbt  —  m.  indifférant ,  f.  indiffé- 
rante s. 
Inevytable  nat  able  to  be  avoyded  —  m.  et  f. 

ineailahle  s. 
Infeclyfe  conlagyouse  —  m.  injcclij  z,  f.  infec- 

tifue  s  ;  m.  contagieux,  f.  contagieuse  s. 
Infydell  —  m.  mescreanl  s,  f.  mescrcante  s. 
Infynyte  willioul  endc — vn.inJjnY  s,(.  infmyes. 
Infortunate  unhappy — m.  et  f.  infortuné  s:  m. 

et  f.  malfortune  s. 
Innocent  —  m.  innocent  s,  f.  innocente  s. 
Inoppynyon  —  m.  opinatif  z,(.  opinatifae  s. 
Inordynate   withoul  ordre  or  measure  —  m. 

onordonne,  f.  onordonnee  s. 
Inprennable  nat  able  to  be  taken  —  ni.  et  f.  in- 

prennable  s. 
Insacyable  nat  able  to  be  salysfyed  —  m.  et  f. 
insatiable  s. 

Insupportable  nat  able  to  be  sustayned  —  m. 

et  f.  insupportable  s. 
Intellectyfe  —  m.  intellectif  z,  f.  inlcllectifue  s. 
Intencyonall  belongyng  to  tlte  intent  —  m.  in- 

tencionel  z,  f.  intencionelle  s. 
Intentyfo  bedefull  — m.  enteniif  z,  f.   enlen- 

tijne  s. 
Investygable  nat  able  to  be  serched  —  m.  et  f. 

inucstigable  s. 
Invyolable  nat  able  to  be  broken  —  m.  et  f.  in- 

uiolahle  s. 
Invysible  that  cannât  be  sene  —  m.  et  f.  inui- 

sible  s. 

Inwarde —  m.  et  f.  intrinsique  s. 
JoyfuU  blysfuU  —  m.jojeux,  (.joyeuse  s;  m. 

glorieux,  f.  glorieuse  s. 
Joynynge  —  m.  adjacent  s,  f.  adjacente  s. 
Joly  or  lusty  —  m.  et  {./risque  s. 
Joly  or  fiessbe — m.  joly  s,  ùjolye  s. 
Joyned  togyther — m.  conjoint  s,  f.  conjointe  s. 
Joyned  as  a  stole  or  any  otLer  ihynge  is  by  tbe 

joyners  crafte  —  m.joinct,  {.  joincte  s. 
Jovyen  of  ihe  nature  of  Jupiter  —  m.  Jouien  s, 

Jouienne  s. 
Irascyble  inciyned  or  disposed  to  anger  —  m. 

et  f.  irascible  s. 
Irksome  displaysant  that  maketh  one  wery  — 
m.  Jachieux ,    f.  Jachicuse   s;    m.  fasti- 
dieux,   f.  fastidieuse  s;  m.  ennuyeux,  f. 
ennuyeuse  s. 
Irouse  angerfuU  —  m.  ireux,  f.  ireuse  s. 
Irrémédiable  nat  able  to  be  remedyed  —  m.  et 

f.  irrémédiable  s. 
Irréparable  nat  able  to  be  recovered  — m.  et 

f.  irréparable  s. 
Irrévocable  nat  able  to  be  called  agayne  —  m. 

et  f.  irreuocable  s. 
Itche  or  ytcbefull  —  m.  grateux,  f.  grateuse  s. 
Just  suer  — -  m.  certain  s,  f.  certaine  s:  m.  et 
{.juste  s. 

Kankred  as  brasse  or  othcr  métal  —  m.vermolu 

s,  f.  vermolue  s. 
Keene  sliarpe  —  m.  et  f.  aspre  s. 
Kynde  that  rcmcmbreth  a  good  torne  —  m. 

grat  s,  f.  gratte  s. 



Kynde  gentie  —  m.  debonair,  f.  dehonaire  s. 
Knottysshe  knorisshe  or  fuli  of  knottcs  —  m. 

neueiix,  f.  neueuse  s. 
Kowysslie  belongyng  lo  neate  or  kene  —  m. 

bouuin  s,  f.  bouuine  s. 

Lame  of  ail  ones  lymmes  —  m.  perclus,  f.  per- 

classe  s. 
Lame  of  one  bande  — m.  manchet  z,  {.  man- 

chctte  s. 
Large  opeii  —  m.  patent  s,  f.  patente  s. 
Large  in  expence  —  m.  et  f.  prodigue  s. 
Large   wyde  and  brode  —  m.  spacieux,   f.  spa- 
cieuse s;  m.  et  f.  aniple  s. 
Large  of  space  —  m.  et  f.  large  s. 
Laslie  nal  fist  — m.  et  f.  lâche  s. 
Laste  —  m,  final  x,  {.  ftnalle  s. 
LaufuU  —  m.  et  f.  licite  s;  m.  et  f.  loysible  s. 
Lauréat  aourned  with  laurel  —  m.  lauréat  z, 

f.  lauréate  s. 
Laxc  as  one  that  bath  the  flyxe  or  squyrlc  — 

m.  Joyrcux,  {.Joyreuse  s. 
Ledyssbe  —  m.  et  f.  plummee  s:  m.  plummeux, 

f.  plummeuse  s. 
Leane  nal  faite  —  m.  et  f  maigre  s. 
Lefe  dere  —  m.  cher  s,  f.  chère  s. 
Lefte  as  oncs  lefte  bande  or  syde  —  m.  et  f. 

sinestre  s;  m.  et  f.  gauche  s. 
Lefull  —  m.  et  f.  licite  s:  m.  et  f.  loysible  s. 
Letbe  dclyver  of  oncs  lymmes  —  m.  et  f,  sou- 
ple s. 
Leavysshe  full  of  leaves  — m.fueilla  s,  f.fueil- 

lue  s. 
Leude  of  condycions — maluays,  f.  maluayse  s; 
m.  villujn  s,  f.  villaync  s;  m.  maalgrancux, 
f.  maulgraneusc  s. 
Leuke  warme  or  blodde  warme  —  m.   et  f. 

ticde  s. 
Lyberall  of  gyvyng —  m.  libéral  x,  C  libérable  s. 
Lycorouse  or  dayniy  moutbed  —  m.  f  riant  s, 

CJriande  s. 
Lyefe  dere  —  m.  chier  s,  f  chiere  s. 
Lygbt  or  delyver — m.  et  f.  agile  s;  m.  legier  s, 

f.  legiere  s. 
Lygbt  bertcd  or  mcry  —  ni.  et  f  alaigre  s;  m. 
et  f.  alcgre  s. 

m.  et  f.  ani 


Lyke  or  in  maner  of  an  angeil 

lique  s. 
Lykely  evydenl — m.  apparents,  f.  apparente  s; 

m.  apareni  s,  f.  aparente  s. 
Lyke  or  lyke  maner  —  m.  et  f  parijorme  s;  m. 

et  f.  resemblable  s. 
Lyke  unto  hell — m.  infernal  x,  f  infernalle  s. 
Lykely  tbat  semetb  to  be  trewe —  m.  et  f.  vray- 

semblable  s. 
Lykly  of  countenance  —  m.  et  f.  semblable  s. 
Lympe  bault  —  m.  boiteux,  f.  boiteuse  s. 
Lyquyd  moyst  —  m.  et  f  moyste  s. 
Lytbe  delyver  —  m.  et  f.  souple  s. 
Lytell  of  quantité  —  m.  petit  z,  f.  petite  s. 
Lytell  of  quantyte  in  pcces  —  m.  menu  s,  f. 

menue  s. 
Lyvely  full  of  lyfe —  m.  vif  z,  f.  vifue  s:  m. 

vital  z,  f  vilalle  s, 
Lyver  qnycke  —  m.  et  f.  délivre  s. 
Longe  taryer. 

Longyng  to  golde —  m.  auricn  s,  f.  auriennc  s. 
Longe  nat  shorte  —  m.  long  z ,{.  longue  s. 
Longe  lastyng  —  m.  et  f.  perdurable. 
Longe  of  tyme  —  m   et  f.  diiiturne  s. 
Longe  as  a  laie  is  —  m.  et  f.  prolixe  s. 
Lone  onely  —  m.  seul  x,  f.  sealle  s. 
Lordelyke  belongyng  to  a  lorde  —  m.  seigneu- 
rial X,  f  seigneurialle  s;  m.  seigneurieux , 
f.  sciijneurieuse  s. 
Lothe  fcarfull  —  m.  espcrdu  s,  {.  esperdue  s. 
Lothe  sory  lo  do  a  tliyng  —  m.  marr)',  f.  mar- 

rye  s. 
Lotbsome  —  m.  et  f.  abhominable  s;  m.  et  f. 

dishoneste  s. 
Lovesycke  enaniowred  —  m.  énamourée  s,  f. 

énamourée  s. 
Lowde  as  any  voyce  or  sownde  is — m.  hault  s , 

f.  haiilte  s;  m,  sonoreux,  (.  sonoreuse  s. 
Lowe  of  place,  of  degré  or  of  nature  —  m. 
bas,  f  basse  s;  m.  basset  s,  f.  bassette  s. 
Lowe  of  complexyon  —  m.  et  î.  fiehle  s. 
Lowly  —  m.  obéissant  s,  f.  obeyssante  s;  m.  el 

f .  humble  s. 
Lowring  as  tbe  wetber'is,  wban  it  is  disposcd 

to  rayne  —  m.  sombreux,  f.  sombreuse  s. 
Lowsye  —  m.  pouilleux,  f.  pouilleuse  s. 



Lucky  fortunate  —  m.  enreax,  f.  eareuse  s. 

Lusty  or  fresshe  in  apparayle  —  m.  et  (■ /ris- 
que s. 

Lusly  delyver  or  quycke  — m.  et  f.  délibère  s: 
m.  prompt  s ,  (.  prompte  s:  m.  et  f.  ha- 
bille s. 

Maie  of  the  maie  kyncle  —  m.  et  f.  moAe  s. 

Maaned  as  an  borse — m.  creixm  s,  f.  creinue  s. 

Madde  —  m. farieax,(.  furieuse  s;  m.  fol  s,  f. 
folle  s. 

Made  of  cristall — m.  cristallin  s,  {.  cristalline  s. 

Maydenlye  —  m.  mVgiinaZ  x,  (.  virginaUe  s. 


Makyng  of  insurrection  —  m.  séditieux,  (.  sédi- 
tieuse s. 

Makyng  noyse — ni.  résonant  s,{.  résonante  s. 

Malyciouse  —  m.  malicieux,  f.  malicieuse  s. 

Malycieuï  fuH  of  malyce  —  m.  rancuneux,  f. 
rancuneuse  s. 


Man  of  tbe  churche- —  m.  et  f.  ecclesiasticqae  s. 

Manfull  or  manly — m.  vaillant  s,  f.  vaillante  s. 

Manyfest —  m.  et  f.  publicque  s:  m.  exprès,  f. 
expresse  s. 

Many —  m.  maint  s,  f.  mainte  s. 

Mannysshe  or  manlyke  —  m.  viril  z,  f.  virille  s; 
m.  humayn,  f.  humayne  s. 

Marbylyke,  of  the  coloure  of  marbyll  —  m.  et 
f.  marbre  s. 


Maryne,  of  the  nature  of  the  see — m.  marin  s, 
f.  manne  s. 

Mârvaylous  —  m.  et  f.  entendible  s:  m.  et  (. 
merueillable  s. 

Massy  heavy,  wayghty  — m.  massif  z,  f  mas- 
sif ue  s. 

Maaty  fatte  as  swyne  be  —  m.  gras  ,L  grasse  s. 

Matche  of  lykc  strength  —  m.  et  f.  semblable  s; 
ta.  et  f.  sortable  s. 

Medefull  —  m.  cl  f.  merilable  s. 

Medlynge — m.  entreinelleux,  {.entremetteuse  s. 

Medeynable  belongyng  to  physicke  —  m.  et  (. 
medivinable  s. 

Meke  or  gentyll  —  m.  et  f.  debonaire  s;  m.  et 
f  humble  s. 

Meke  nat  wylde  —  ni.  doulx,  f.  donlce  s. 

Meke  pityfull  —  m.  clément  s,  f.  clémente  s. 

Meete  fylte  —  m.  et  f.  jousie  s. 

Mcete  convenyent  —  m.  duict  z,Lduicte  s. 

Melancolyouse  full  of  melancolye  —  m.  melan- 
cholieux,  (.  melancholieuse  s. 

Melodyouse  —  m.  armonicux,  f.  s  ; 
m.  et  f.  armonicquc  s;  m.  mélodieux,  f.  mé- 
lodieuse s. 

Melowe  as  fruyte  is  —  m.  mcur  s,  f.  meure  s. 

McrcyfuU  —  m.  et  f.  piteable  s:  m.  miséricor- 
dieux, f.  miséricordieuse  s. 

Mery  lyght  —  m.  joyeux,  f.  joyeuse  s;  m.  el  (, 
alaigre  s;  m.  el  f.  hailie  s. 

Mervaylousc  —  m.  et  f.  admirable  s;  m,  et  (. 
merueillable  s. 

Meschante  myserable  —  m.  meschani  .s,  f.  mes- 
chanie  s. 

Mesurable  —  m.  el  f.  mesurable  s. 

Metallysslie  belongynge  to  inetall  —  m.  et  f. 
melallicque  s. 

Mêle  —  m.  et  f  propice  s. 

Mevyng  stirryng  —  m.  motif  z,  f.  molifue  s. 

Meved  or  inclyned  to  do  a  thynge  —  m.  en- 
clin s,  f.  enclyne  s;  m.  mea  s,  f.  meue  s, 

Myerry  or  dirty ,  berayed  willi  dyrte  —  m. 
boueux,  f.  boueuse  s. 

Mighty  hygh  —  m,  et  f.  excelse  s. 

Myghty  of  power  —  m.  puissant  s,  f.  puis- 
sante s. 

Myghty  ofslrenglh  — m.  fort  s,  {.forte  s. 

Mylde  or  softe  —  m.  doulcereux ,  f.  doulce- 
reuse  s. 

Mylde  of  chère  —  m.  et  f.  debonajre  s. 

Mylde  styll  of  condycions — m.  coy  s,  f.  coye  s. 

Mylde  of  welher  —  ra.  et  f.  paisible  s. 

Mylky  of  the  colour  or  nature  of  mylke  —  m. 
lacteu.x,  {.  lactcuse  s. 

Myndefull  — m.  pencif  z,{.pencifue  s. 

Myraculouse  niervaylouse  —  m.  miraciileu.x ,  f. 
miraculeuse  s. 

Myrkc  or  darke  —  m.  brun  s,  f.  brune  s;  m. 
obscur  s,  {.  obscure  s. 

Mysbclevyng — m.  mescreant  s,  f.  mescreante  s. 

Mysshappen  of  ones  lymmes  —  m.  contrefaict  s, 
contrefaicte  s. 


Myserable  wretclied  or  myscrouse  —  m.  et  f. 

misérable  s. 
Mysfortunale  —  m.  malearenx ,  {.  maleareuse  s. 
Mysprowde  —  m.  arrogant  s,  f.  arrogante  s: 

m.  oullrecuyde  s'{.  oallrecuydee  s. 
Mysruled  —  m.  mal  goaerne  s ,  (.  mal  gouer- 

née  s. 
Moyst  nat  drie  —  m.  et  f.  moiste  s. 
Mollen  awaye  —  m.  résolu  s,  f.  résolue  s. 
Mody  angerfuil  —  m.  ireux,  f.  irease  s;  m.  at- 

tajneux,  f.  altayneiise  s;  m.Jel  z,  {.Jelle  s. 
Mundayne  woddly — m.  mondain,  f.  mondaine. 
Morall  —  m.  moral  x,  f.  moralle  s. 
Morlall  deedly —  m.  mortel  z ,  {,  morletle  s. 
Morlell  —  idem. 

Motherlyke  belongyng  to  a  raother  —  ro.  ma- 
ternel z,  f.  maternelle  s. 
Moiirnyiig  —  m.  pencif  z,  f.  ^encifue  s;  m.  et 

f.  morne  s. 
Murmuryng,  grutcliyngc  as  folkes  that  be  nat 

contenlcd  —  m.  murmuratif  z,î.  murmu- 

ratifne  s. 
Munay  colowre  —  m.  et  f.  brunctie  s. 
Musycall  belongyng  to  musycke  —  m.  masi- 

cul  X ,  f.  niusicalle  s. 
Mustye  as  a  vcssel  is  or  wyne  or  any  olber  vi- 

layle  —  m.  moysy  s,  f.  moysye  s. 
Mutable  —  m.  et  f.  miiablc  s. 
Mutuali  one  wilh  another  —  m.  mutuel  -,  f. 

niatuelle  s. 

\aked  wlthout  clothes  —  m.  neu  s,  f.  ncue  s: 
m.  nu  s,  f.  nue  s:  m.  nud,  f.  nue. 

Narrowe  or  strayte — m  esiroict  z,  f.  estroicle  s. 

Narrowe  as  a  passage  —  m.  agu  s,  f.  ague  s. 

Nalurall  colour. 

Nafurlyke  —  m.  naif  :,  (.  naijue  s;  m.  gé- 
nial X,  f.  genialle  s:  m.  naturel  z,  f.  na- 
turelle s. 

Navygable ,  a  walcr  able  to  be  sayled  or  rowed 
in  —  m.  et  f.  nauigable  s. 

Negiygenl  or  recklcsse  —  m.  malsoigneux ,  f. 
malsoijneuse:  ni.  nonchalant  s,  (.  noncha- 
lante s;  m.  negljgent  s,  f.  neglygenle  s. 

Nedefull — m.  hesoigneux ,  f.  besoiqnease  s:  m. 
expédient  s,  f.  expediente  s. 


Nedye  in  povertye  —  m.  diseteux,  f.  diseteuse  s; 
m.  sujfreteux,  f.  suffreteuse  s. 

Nymble  quycke  —  m.  et  f.  deliure  s. 

Nere  or  joynyng  unto  —  m.  adjacent  s,  f.  adja- 
cente s:m.prochayn  s ,  i.  prochayne  s. 

Newe  fresshe  —  m.  nouueau  s,  f.  noaaellc  s; 
m.  neuf  z,  f.  neufae  s;  m.  resent  s,  f.  re- 
sente s. 

Newe  fangled ,  nat  constante  and  stedy  of  pur- 
-  pose  —  m.  et  f .  muable  s. 

Nygarde  —  m.  auaricieux,  f.  aaaricieuse  s. 

Nymble  delyver  or  quycke  of  ones  lymmcs  — 
m.  et  f.  souple  s. 

Nyglitysshe  or  nyghly  belongynge  to  the  nyglil 
—  m,  et  f.  nocturne  s. 

Nyse  proper  or  feate  —  m.  mignot  s,  f.  mi- 
gnotte  s;  m.  coint  s,  f.  cointe  s;  m.  et  f^ 
gobe  s.  Ro. 

Nyse  strango  —  m.  et  f.  nice  s;  m.  nyes,  t. 
nyese  -s. 

Noble  —  m.  et  f.  noble  s;  m.  et  f.  insigne  s. 

Noble  or  slalcly  —  m.  et  f.  augusie  s. 

Noble  of  bloode  or  actes  —  m.  et  f.  noble  s. 

Noyouse  or  noysome  —  m.  et  f.  greuable  s  ; 
m.  et  f  nuysible  s. 

Noysed  named  or  bnited  —  m.  fameux,  (.  fa- 
meuse s. 

Noppy  as  clotbe  is  lliat  batb  a  grosse  woffe  — 
m.  gros,  f.  grosse  s. 

Noppy  as  aie  is  —  vigoreux. 

Norissbyng —  m.  nutritif  z,  f.  nutritifue  s. 

Nowe  présent  —  m.  et  f.  moderne  s. 

Obedycut  obeyeng  '■ —  m.   obedient  s,  t.  obe- 

dicnte  s. 
Oblyvyouse    forgelfull    —    m.    uhliuieu.r ,     I. 

obliuieuse  s. 
Odyouse  hatefull  —  m.  odieux,   f.    odieasi   s; 

ni.  harneux,  f  hayneuse  s. 
Of  tbe  colowre  of  scarlet. 
Of  one  mynde  —  m.  et  f.  vnanime  s. 
Olde  or  aged — m.  ancien  s,  f.  ancienne  s;  in. 

et  f.  antique  s:  m.  vieul  x,  f.  vieutle  s. 
Oncly  —  m.  tt  f  vnictfue  s. 
Oncovered  —  m.  decoucrt  s,  f.  decouerle  v. 
Oneeyed —  m.  et  f.  borgne  s. 




Onehanded  —  m.  manquet  s ,  {.  manqaetie  s: 
m.  manchet  s,  f.  manchette  s. 

Opyn  manyfest  —  m.  exprès,  f.  expresse  s. 

Opyn  nat  shytte  —  m.  ouert  s,  f.  ouerle  s. 

Orguyllous  prowde  —  m.  orgueilleux ,  f.  or- 
gueilleuse s. 

Overcome  —  m.  espris,  {,  esprise  s:  m.  mat  z, 
f.  malle  s. 

Olde  —  m.  viel  z,  f.  vielle  s;  m.  vieulx ,  f. 
vieusc  s:  m.  ancien  s,  (.ancienne  s. 

Owndy  as  heare  is. 

Owne  —  m.  et  f.  propre  s. 

Oulragyouse  —  m.  oulragieux ,  f.  oalragieuse  s; 
m.  criminel  z,(.  criminelle  s. 

Oui  of  joynle  —  m.  dénoué  s,  f.  d(nouee  s. 

Outtaken  —  m.  et  f.  excepté  s. 

Paale  of  colowre  —  ra.  et  f.  blesme  s  ;  m.  et  f. 
palle^  s, 

Pacyenl  —  m.  pascient  s,  {.  j.ascienle  s. 

Paynefull  that  may  endure  payne  —  m.  et  f. 
pénible  s. 

Paysible,  full  of  peacc  or  resl  —  m.  et  f.  pay- 
sihle  s. 

Palpable,  apte  or  mete  to  be  felte  —  m.  et  f. 
palpable  s. 

Pardurable  —  m.  et  f.  pardurable  s. 

Parfyte  —  m.  perject  z,  {.  perfccle  s;  m.  en- 
tier s,  f.  entière  s. 

Parocbyall,  belongyng  to  a  parysshe  —  m.  pa- 
rochial  x,  f.  parochialle  s. 

Parpetuelt  —  m.  perpétuel  z .[.  perpétuelle  s. 

Passynge  mesure  —  m.  oultrageux ,  f.  oullra- 
gcuse  s, 

Passyng  other  of  tbe  same  sorte  —  m.  superla- 
tif z,  f.  superlatijue  s, 

Passed  as  tbe  tyme  is  — m.  prétérit  z ,  f.  prc- 
terite  s. 

Passyonate  ioclyned  sone  to  be  in  a  passyon. 

Patrymonyall ,  belongyng  to  a  mannes  enhery- 
taunce  or  patrymony  —  m.  patrimonial  x, 
f.  patrimonialle  s. 

Peasyble  —  ra.  et  i.pesihle  s;  m.  et  f.  pacifique  s. 

PeacefuI!  —  m.  et  f.  pacifique  s. 

Pecunyall,  belongynge  to  money —  m.  pecu- 
nial  aulx ,  {.  pecunialle  s. 

Paynefull  —  m.  et  f.  pénible  s. 
Pencyfe  — m.  pcncif  z,  (.  pencifue  s. 
Penetratyfe  tbat  perceth  tbrough  tbynges — m. 

penetratif  z,  f.  penetralifue  s. 
Perelesse  —  m.  nonpareil  z,  f.  nonpareille  s. 
Peryllouse,  full  of  peryll —  m.  périlleux,  f.  pé- 
rilleuse s. 
Perfecte  —  m.  parfecl  s ,  f.  parfecte  s. 
Perpétuai! — m.  perpétuel  z ,{.  perpétuelle  s. 
Perspeclyfe,  beboldyng  or  regardyng  witli  the 

eye  —  m. perspectif  z,!'. perspectif ue  s. 
Perte  saucy  or  homly  —  m.  malapert  s,  f.  ma- 

laperte  s. 
Pertaynyng  to  the  churche  —  ni.  et  f.  eccle- 

siasticque  s. 
Phanlaslykc  —  m.  phanlasiicq  z,    f.  phanlas- 

tique  s. 
Phylosopliycall ,  belongyng  to  a  phylosopber — 

m.  philosopha  x,  f.  pinlosophalle  s. 
Pyked  as  a  sboe  is  or  suche  lyke  —  m.  cornu  s, 

f.  cornue  s, 
Pylled  as  onc  tlial  wantèth  hearc —  ra.  pella  s, 

f.  pellae  s. 
Pylled  scaied  —  m.  ligneux,  f.  tigncuse  s. 
PytyfuU,  that  hath  pylie  —  m.  ctf.  pitiable  s; 
m.   et  f.  compassible  s:  m.  clément  s,  f. 
clémente  s;  m.  pileux,  (.piteuse  s. 
Pyluouse  one  that  hath  pytie. 
PytyfuU  or  pytuouse  as  a  chaunce  that  raoveth 
folkes  to  pytic  —  m.  et  f.  piteable  s:  m. 
et  f.  misérable  s. 
Pylhthy,  of  grcat  substance —  m.subslancieux, 

f.  substanciease  s. 
Pythlhy  stronge  —  ra.  puissant  s,  f.  puissante  s, 
Pylted  as  a  mannes  chynne  is  —  ai.fosselu  s, 

(.fosselue  s, 
Playne  as  a  mater  or  waye  or  any  other  thyng 

is  —  m,  plain  s,  (plaine  s. 
Playntife,  the  partye  tbat  playneth  beforc  a 

judge  —  m.  plaintif  z,  f.  plaintif  ue  s. 
Platte  —  m.  plat  z,  (.  platte  s. 
Plentuouse  —  m.  copieux,  (.  copieuse  s;  m,  et 
(.féconde  s;  m.  affluent  s,  (.  aj^uente  s; 
m.  planteureux,  f.  planteureuse  s. 
Plenty  of  leaves  —  m.  et  (.  fiieillure  s. 
PlentyfuU  —  m.  opulent  s,  f.  opulente  s. 


Pleasante  pro^ire  —  m.  et  f.  gaillarde  s. 

Pleasante  —  ni.  physant  s,  î.  play santé  s;  m. 
et  f.  agréable  s. 

Pleasante  to  beholde  —  m.  gracieux,  (.  gra- 
cieuse s, 

Pleased  —  m.  content  s,  (.  contente  s. 

Plyante  —  m.  ploiant  s,  f.  ploiante  s. 


Plureil ,  as  the  plurell  nombre —  m.plurier  s, 
f.  pluriere  s. 

Poelycall  —  m.  poetical,  f.  poeticalle  s. 

Poeticke  in  maiiers  — m.  et  f.  poétique  s. 

Poynted  —  m.  pomeu  s,  f.  pomeae  s:  m.  pointu 
s,  f.  pointue  s. 

Pocky  fretcned  —  va.  Jossetteux ,  {.  fossettease  s. 

Pompeuse  fuH  of  pompe  or  pride  —  m.  pom- 
peux, f.  pompeuse  s. 

Pontyfycall ,  belongyng  to  a  bysshop  —  m. 
pontifical  x,  f.  pontiJicaUe  s;  m.  episcopal 
X,  episcopalle  s. 

Poore  nat  ryche  —  m.  et  f.  poure  s. 

Porte  vaynglorye  —  m.  boubans,  f.  bouban- 
se  s. 

Portly  —  m.  et  f.  venaste  s. 

Possyble  —  m.  et  f.  possible  s. 

Possetyfe  —  m.  positif  z,î.  positifue  s. 

Pratty  or  feate  —  m.  mignon  s,  f.  mignonne  s. 

Pratty  iytle  —  m.  petit  z,  f.  petite  s. 

Precyouse  —  m.  précieux,  f.  précieuse  s. 

Precyse  scrupulously  circumspecte — m.precys, 
f.  precyse  s. 

Prcesllyke,  belongyng  to  a  preest — m.  sacer- 
dotal X,  f.  sacerdotalle  s. 

Pregnantc  of  wytte  —  m.  empraignant  s,  f.  em- 
praignante  s. 

Preparatyfe —  m.  preparatif  z  ,  f.  preparatifuc  s. 

Présent  nat  absent- —  m.  présent  s,  (.  présente  s. 

Prest  redy  —  m.  prest  z,  f.  preste  s. 

Prevy  secreale  —  m.  et  f.  priue  s. 

Pryvyleged  —  m.  exempt  s,  f.  exempte  s:  m.  et 
f.  priuitegie  s, 

Pryncypall  —  m.  principal  s,  f.  principalle  s. 

Private,  belongyng  to  a  persons  owne  selfe  — 
m.  priaat  s,  f.  priaatte  s. 

Privy  secrète  —  m.  secret  z,  î.  secrète  s. 

Prodygali  —  m.  et  f.  prodigue  s. 


Profylable  —  m.  et  f.  proujitable  s. 

Prophetycall ,  belongyng  to  a  prophet  —  m.  et 
f.  prophétique  s. 

Proper  or  feate —  m.  coin*  s,  f.  cointe  s;  m. 
godin  s,  f.  godine  s;  m.  gentil  z,  f.  gén- 
iale s;  m.  mignot  s,  f.  mignotle  s;  m.  et 
f.  propre  s. 

Proper  or  apte  or  tbat  scrvetb  to  a  purpose  — 
m.  duict  z ,  C  duicte  s. 

Proper  or  synguler  —  m.  exquis,  f.  exquise  s, 

Provokyng  or  movyng  to  a  thynge  —  m,  inci- 
tatif z,  f.  incitatifae  s. 

Proude  —  m.  ambicieux,  f.  ambicieuse  s;  m. 
orgueilleux ,  f.  orgueilleuse  s:  m.  presump- 
taeux,  f.  presumpluease  s;  m.  fier  s,  f. 
fiere  s. 

Proved  or  assayed  —  m.  et  f.  expérimenté  s. 

Prowde  or  stately — m.  fier  s,  f.  fiere  s. 

Profytable,  wherby  profyte  comelb  —  m.  et  f. 
proujftable  s. 

Prudent  wyse —  m.  prudent  s,  f. prudente  s. 

Publycke,  belongyng  to  a  multytude  —  m.  et 
f.  pablicque  s. 

Puyssante  myghty  —  m.  puissant  s,  f.  puis- 
sante s. 

Puke  coloure. 

Purcyfe,  shorte  wynded  or  stuffed  aboute  the 
stomacke  —  m.  pourcif  z ,  î.  ponrcifue  s. 

Pure  or  singuler  —  m.  absolu  s,  [.  absolue  s; 
m.  et  f.  pure  s. 

Purpylle  —  m.  et  f.  pourpre. 

Purposed  or  fuU  set  upon  a  purpose  —  m.  ré- 
solu s,  f.  résolue  s. 

Purpuryng  of  the  colour  of  purpyll  —  m.  pur- 
purin s,  {.  purpurine  s. 

Putatyfe,  a  thynge  tliat  is  tbought  —  m. puta- 
tif z ,  f.  putatifue  s. 

Puttyng  backe  —  m.  et  f.  repuisé  s. 

Quaisy  as  meate  or  drinke  is.  —  m.  dangereux, 

f.  dangereuse  s. 
Quarry ,  faite  bodyed  or  great  —  m.  corpulent 

s,  f.  corpulente  s. 
Quenelyke  belongynge  to  a  quene  —  m.  regi- 

nal  x,  f.  reginalle  s. 
Quycke  nat  deed —  m.  vif  z,î.  vifue  s. 




Quycke  to  do  a  thyng  hastely —  m.  soudain  s, 
f.  soudaine  s;  m.  saillant  s,  f.  saillante  s. 

Quycke  or  delyver  of  ones  lymmes  —  m.  agil 
z,  t.  atjile  s;  ni.  et  f.  délibéré  s;  m.  apert 
s,  {.  aperte  s  ;  m.  el  f.  deliurc  s;  m.  prompt 
s,  f.  prompte  s;  m.  et  f.  habjlle  s. 

Quycke  pregnant  of  wylle —  m.  empraignanl  s, 
f.  enipraignanle  s. 

Quycke  spyrited  —  m.  el  f.  esueilU  s. 

Quytteorfree  —  m.  exempt  s, {.exempte  s;m. 
quit  z,  {.  quitte  s. 

Ragged  • —  ni .  el  f.  déchiré  s, 

Raynisshe,  belongyngto  rayne  —  m.  plauial  x, 

f.  pluuialle  s. 
Rammysshe,  yll  savoured  as  a  man   or  beesl 

thaï  is  to  rancke. 
Rampysshe  as  a  beest  is  or  a  yonge  wenche  — 

m.  ramponneux,  f.  ramponneusc  s. 
Ranke  as  a  nian  or  beest  is  that  is  to  lusty. 
Rancke  as  the  grounde  is  —  m.  abondant  s,  f, 

abondante  s;  m.  gras,  f.  grasse  s. 
Rasshe  rude  or  boystous  of  condycions. 
Ravcnyng —  m.  arpilleux,  f.  arpilleuse  s. 
Ravyssbyng  —  ni.  et  f  rauissable  s. 
Rawe  as  meate  is  —  m.  cru  s,L  crue  s. 
Rebell  inclyned  to  rebell  —  m.  refie!  z,  f.  re- 
belle s  ;  m.  malineux,  f.  mutineuse  s. 
RebukefuH  —  m.  laidengeux,  f.  laidengeuse  s; 

m,  et  f.  culpable  s. 
Recbelesse  or  forgetfuH  —  m.  nonchaillant  s, 

f.  nonchaillanle  s. 
Redde  as  ones   lyppes  of  their  chekes  or  as 

>vyne  is —  ni.   vermeil  z,  f.  vermeille  s; 

m.  et  f.  rouge  s. 
Reed  of  colowre  —  m.  et  f.  rouge  s. 
Reed  heared  —  m.  roux,  f.  roiwe  s. 
Redy  or  quycke  —  m.  apert  s,  f.  aperte  s:  m: 

et  f.  dcliure  s-.m.prest  z,i.  preste  s. 
Redy  to  do  any  thyng  —  m.  prest  :,  f.  preste  s. 
Redolent  swete  savouryng  —  m.  redolent  s,  f. 

redolente  s. 
Reere  as  an  egge  is  —  m.  mol  z,  f.  molle  s. 
Refarryngonc  to  an  other  —  m.  relatif  z,  Ç.  re- 

latifue  s. 
Rcasonabic  —  m.  et  f.  raisonable  s. 

Reckelesse  —  m.  nonchaillant  s,  O^nchaillan- 
te  s;  va.  mausoigneux,  (.  mausoigneuse  s. 

Relygyouse,  belongyngc  to  relygion  — m.  reli- 
gieux, f.  religieuse  s. 

Repleny.sshed  —  m.  plain  s,  [.plaine  s. 

Reprovable  —  m.  et  f.  reproué  s:  m.  et  f.  re- 
prouchable  s. 

Reprovyng  — m.  cl  f.  reproche  s. 

Rescowed  socoured — m.  rescoux,  (.  rescouse  s. 

Reserved  excepte  —  m.  sauf  z,  f.  sanfue  s. 

Resolved  —  résolu  s,  f.  résolue  s. 

RestfuH  —  m.  et  f  tranquille  s;  m.  el  (.paisi- 
ble s  ;  m.  et  f.  pacifique  s. 

Restye  as  a  horse  is  —  m.  restif  z,  f.  reslifae  s. 

Restye  as  bacon  is. 

Relchelesse  —  m.  mausoigneux,  f.  mausoigneuse 
s:  m.  chalant  s,  f.  chalante  s:  m.  noncha- 
lant s,  f.  nonchalante  s. 

Relhoricall ,  belongynge  to  relboricke  —  m. 
et  f.  relhoricque  s. 

Ryche  of  substance  —  m.  cl  f  riche  s  :  m.  opu- 
lent s,L  opulente  s, 

Rychely  arayed  —  m.  gorrier  s,  f.  gorriere  s. 

Ryghluouse  or  ryghtfuH  —  m.  droicturicr  s,  f. 
droicturiere  s. 

Ryght  boite  up  —  m.  estant  s,  f.  estante  s. 

Ryglil  juste  —  m.  droict  z,  f.  droicte  s. 

Rygorouse  ,  full  of  rygoure  —  m.  rigoreux,  f. 
rigoreuse  s. 

Ryotouse  —  m.  rioteux,  f.  rioteuse  s. 

Rype,redy  in  malers — m. expert  s,  f.  experle  s. 

Rype  as  fruyte  is  —  m.  mcur  s,  f.  meure  s. 

Ryvyled  as  ones  vysage  is  for  âge  —  m.  et  f. 
ride  s. 

Rogged  vvilh  beare  —  m.  poillu  s,  f.  poillue  s. 

Royall  kynglykc  belongyng  to  a  kyng  —  m. 
roial  X,  f.  roialle  s. 

Rocky  full  of  rockes  —  m.  scopuleux,  f  scopu- 
leuse  s. 

Roselykc,  of  tlie  coloure  of  a  rose  —  m,  et  f 
rosaicque  s. 

R'ten —  m.  pourry  s,  f.  pourrye  s. 

Roughe  as  course  clotbe  is  —  m.  et  f.  rude  s. 

Roughe,  boystous  in  dealyng —  m.  et  (.royde  s. 

Rounde  —  m.  ront  s,  f.  ronde  s. 

Rude  or  wylde  —  m.  el  f.  agreste  s  :  m.  el  f. 



barbare  s:  m.  roid  z,  f.  roiAt  s:  m.  gros, 

f.  grosse  s. 
Rugged  as  a  beestes  heare  is  —  m.  pellu  s,  I'. 

pellae  s. 
Raynouse  —  m.  ruineux,  f.  ruineuse  s. 
Rusty  —  m.  rouille  s,  f.  rouillee  s. 

Saagewyse  —  m.  eif.saige  s;  m.  elf.sene  s. 
Saleable  —  m.  et  f.  vendible  s. 

Sadde  bcavy  —  m.  et  f.  triste  s. 

Sadde  discrète  —  m.  rassis,  f.  rassise  s. 

Sadde  full  of  gravyle  —  m.  et  f.  graue  s. 

Sadde  tawney  coloured. 

Safe  outofdaunger — in.  sauf  z,  f.  saufue  s. 

Safronnyssbe  of  the  coloure  of  safrone  —  m. 
saffronneux ,  f,  sajTronneuse  s. 

Sage  wyse  —  m.  et  f.  saige  s. 

Salowe  yolowe  coloured  as  ones  skynne  is  for 
sycknesse — m.  et  (.  jaunastre  s. 

Salted  —  m.  et  f.  salé  s. 


Sandy  of  tbe  nature  of  sande  —  m.  sablonneux, 
f.  sablonneuse  s. 

Sanguyne  of  complexyon  —  m.  sanguin  s,  f. 
sanguine  s. 

Savabie  —  m.  et  f.  saluable  s. 

Saucy  to  perte  or  boiulye  —  m.  malaperl  s,  f. 
inalaperle  s. 

Saved  —  m.  sauf  z,  f.  saufue  s. 

Scabbed  —  m.  roigneux,  f.  roigneuse  s, 

Scaled  as  fysshe  is  —  m.  et  f.  escale  s. 

Scalled,  pylled  —  m.  teigneux,  f.  teigneuse  s. 

Scally  or  scourfy  —  m.  roigneux,  f.  roigneuse  s. 

Scarse ,  nygarde  or  nat  suflycicnt—  m.  eschars, 
f.  escliarcc  s. 

Séante  or  scarse  —  m.  escars,  f.  escarse  s. 

Scrupulouie,  nycc  conscyensed  —  m.  scrupu- 
leux, f.  scrupuleuse  s. 

Sbadowyssbe  —  m.  vmbrageux ,  f.  imbrageuse  s. 

Shakynge  —  m.  tremuleni  s,  (.  Irenmlente  s. 

Sbamefast  —  m.  vergongneux,  f.  vergongneuse  s. 

Shamefull ,  full  ofsbame  —  m.  honteux,  f.  hon- 
teuse s;  m.  luideugcux,  f.   laidengeuse  s. 

Sbamelesse  —  sans  honte. 

Sharpc  poynted   —  m,  pointu  s,  (.pointue  s: 
m.  et  f.  aspre  s. 

Sbarpe  of  cuttyng  as  a  wepen  —  m.  agu  s,  f. 

ague  s. 
Sbarpe  quycke  —  ni.  et  f  abille  s. 
Sbarpe  egar  —  m.  et  f.  aigre  s. 
Sbyftyng  cbaungyng  —  m.  changeant  s,  f.  chan 

géante  s. 
Sbynynge  as  tbe  sonne  is —  m.  refulgent  s,  f. 

refulgente  s.m.rajanl  s, (.rayante  s:  m. 

reluysant  s,  (.  relujsante  s. 
Sbynyng  as  any  metall  or  tbe  waler  by  reason 

of  the  sonnebeames  —  m.  transparent  s, 

f.  transparente  s. 
Sbyppisshe  belongyng  to  a  sbypman  —  m.  et 

f.  nautiijue  s. 
Sbyrc  nat  thycke  —  m.  et  f.  délie  s. 
Sbyrieas  onesvoyse  is  — m.  trenchani  s,  f.  Iren- 

chante  s. 
Sbyttell  nat  constant  —  m.  el  f.  variable  s. 
Shorte  in  iengthe  —  m.  court  s,  (.   courte  s: 

m.  saccint  z,  f.  succinte  s;  m.  brief  :,  f. 

briefue  s, 
Shorte  compendyouse  —  m.   compendieux ,  f. 

compendieuse  s. 
Sborte  in  tyme  —  m.  brief  z,  f.  briefue  s. 
Shorte  in  communycacions  —  m.  succint  z,  (. 

succinte  s. 
Sbrewed  natgood  —  m.  mauluais,(.  maaluaise  s. 
Sclaunderouse — m.  scandeleux,  (.  scandeleiise  s. 
Scornfull  —  m.  et  (.  dérisoire  s. 
Scrupuleuse  doubtfull  —  m.  scrupuleux,  (.  scra- 

puleuse  s. 
Secretle  —  m.  secret  s,  f.  secrète  s. 
Sicke  nat  in  heltbe  —  m.  et  f.  malade  s. 
Seeyssbe,  belongyng  to  tbe  see  —  m.  marin  s, 

f.  marine  s. 
Skiendre  nat  tbycke  —  esclendre. 
Selfewylled —  m.  testu  s,  f.  testue  s:  ra.peruers, 

f.  periierse  s. 
Sely  or  fearfull  —  m.  paoureux,  f.  paoureusc  s. 
Sely  wretcbed — m.  meschant  s,  (.  meschante  s. 
Seraely  becooimyngc  —  m.  séant  s,  (.  séante  s. 
Syngle  as  a  gowne  —  m.  et  f.  sangle  s. 
Sensuall  gyven  to  vyce  —  m.  épicurien  s,  (.  épi- 
curienne s. 
Sentencyouse  —  m.  sentencieux,  f.  sentencieuse  s. 
Seareas  a  tre  is  —  m.  sec  z,  (.  sèche  s. 




Seryouse  ernest  —  m.  sérieux,  f.  sérieuse  s. 
Serpentyne  of  the  nature  of  a  seqjent  —  m.  co- 
lubrin  s,  f.  colubrinne  s;  m.  serpentyn  s, 
f.  serpentyne  s. 
Servysabie  —  m.  et  f.  seruiahle  s. 
Suer  juste  —  m.  certain  s,  f.  cerlayne  s. 
Syde  longe  —  na.  long  z,  f.  longue  s. 
Sycke  or  dyseased  —  m.  et  f.  malade  s  ;  m.  ma- 
ladif ^,  f.  maladif ue  s. 
Sycker  —  m.  et  f.  assure  s  :  m.  certain  s,  (.  cer- 
taine s. 
Sylverysshe  —  m.  argentin  s,  f.  argentyne  s. 
Symple  styli  —  m.  et  f.  simple  s. 
Synfull  —  m.  mauluais,  f.  mauluaise  s. 
Synguler  or  pure  —  m.  absolu  s,  t.  absolue  s; 
m.  exquis,  f.  exquise  s;  m.  singulier  s,{. 
singulieiv  s. 
Synguler — m.  souuerain  s,  f.  souueraine  s:  m. 

singulier  s,  C.  singulière  s. 
Synowysshe,  belongynge  to  ones  synouse  —  m. 

et  f.  arlerique  s. 
Syttyng  or  convenyent  —  m.  asseant  s,  f.  as- 

seante  s;  m.  aduenant  s,  f.  aduenante  s. 
Skante  nat  plentuouse  —  m.  eschars,  f.  eschar- 

se  s. 
Skant  nat  sufiFycient  —  m.  insujpsant  s,  f.  in- 
suffisante s. 
Skyttysshe  as  a  horse  is  —  m.  et  (.farouche  s. 
Slacke  nat  fast  togyther  —  m.  et  f.  lasche  s. 
Slacke  or  slowe  —  m.  tardif  z,  f.  tardif  ue  s. 
Sleight  or  smotlie —  m.  alis,  f.  alise  s. 
Sleighty,  crafty  —  m.  et  f.  rusé  s. 
Slepy,  heavy  of  slepe —  m.  sommeilleux,  f.  som- 

meilleusc  s. 
Slepysshe  beavy  of  slepe  —  m.  sommeilleux ,  f, 

sommeilleuse  s. 
Slye,  crafty,  sublyll  —  m.  cautelleux,  f.  cautel- 

leuse  s. 
Slye  wylyc  —  m.  fyn  s,  f.  fyne  s. 
Slyder  —  m.  glissant  s,  (.  glissante  s. 
Slykker  as  a  paper  that  is  sleked  or  suche  lyke 

—  m.  alys,  f.  alyse  s. 
Slypper  —  m.  glissant  s,  f.  glissante  s. 
Sloggyssbe  —  m.  paresseux,  f.  paresseuse  s;  m. 

et  f.  lasche  s;  m. et  (.lâche  s. 
Slombrye  slepysshe — m. pesant  s,  (.pesante  s. 

Slottysshc  — ■  m.  villain  s,  f.  villaine  s:  m.  ort 

s,  (.  orde  s. 
Sloubberde  with  wepyng  —  m.  et  f.  esplouré  s. 
Slowe  or  slothfuU  —  m.  et  f.  lente  s;  m.  tardif 
z,  (.  tardif  ue  s;  m.  paresseux,  f.  paresseu- 
se s;  m.  las,  (.  lasse  s. 
Small  as  a  massyfe  thing  is  of  quantité  —  m. 

petit  z,  (.  petite  s. 
Small ,  as  a  worke  tbat  is  curiouslyVrougtit  — 
m.   soutif  z,  f.  soutifue  s;  m.  menu  s,  f. 
menue  s. 
Small  lyke  a  fyne  tbrede  or  a  heare  —  m.  et  f 

dclje  s. 
Small  as  a  woman  in  tbe  wastc  or  a  wande  — 

m.  et  f.  gresle  s. 
Smellyng  tbat  mayo  sone  be  smelled —  m.  odo- 

ratif  z,  f.  odoratifue  s. 
Smarte  swyfte  —  m.  soudajn  s,  f.  soudaine  s. 
Smarte  or  grevouse  —  m.  greuajn  s,  (,  gre- 

uayne  s. 
Smarte  sharpe  —  m.  et  f.  aspre  s. 
Smokyssbe  —  la. fumeux,  (.fumeuse  s. 
Smotbe  as  tbe  vvater  is  —  m.  plat  s,  f.  platte  s. 
Smotbe  as  a  borde  is  tliat  is  well  planed  —  m. 

hony  s,  f.  honye  s. 
Smotbe  natrougbe — m.  souef  z,  (.  souefae  s. 
Snevylysshe,  fùll  of  snevyll  —  m.  moraeux,  (. 

morucuse  s. 
Sobre,  styll  of  condycions  and  of  fewe  wordes 

—  m.  layn  s,  (.  layne  s. 
Sobre  nat  baslye  in  condycions  —  m.  et  f.  ares- 
té  s. 
Sobre  of  meate  and  drinke  —  m.  et  f.  sobre  s. 
Socoured  —  m.  resCoax,  f.  rescouse  s. 
Sodayne  —  m.  repenlin  s,  (.  repentyne  s:  m. 

soudain  s,  (.  soudaine  s. 
Softe  of  wordes  —  m.  layn  s,  (.  layne  s. 
Softespyrited  —  m.  et  (.  modeste  s. 
Softe  or  mylde  —  m.  doulx,  (,  doulcc  s. 
Softe  or  swetc  —  m.  donlcereux ,  (.  doulcereuse 

s,  ni.  doulx,  f.  doulce  s. 
Softe,   gentyll   of  condycions  —  m.  doulx,  f. 

doulcc  s. 
Softe  nat  barde  —  m.  mol  z,  f.  molle  s. 
Soyled  —  m.  ord  z,  (.  orde  s. 
Sole,  alone  or  solytary  —  m.  seul  x,  (.  seulle  s. 


Solempne  hygh  —  m.  sokmnel  z ,  f.  solemnel- 

le  s. 
Solempne  of  maners  —  m.  haultayn  s,{.  haal- 

tayne  s. 
Solen  nat  cherefuU  —  m.  pencifz,  f.  pencijue  s. 
Solytarye  —  m.  et  f.  solitaire  s,  monastiqae  s. 
Soluble,  as  one  thaï  is  costyfe  — m.  et  f.  50/- 

lahle  s. 
Somtnerlyte,  belongyng  to  the  sommer  season 

—  m.  estiual  x,  f.  estiualle  s. 
Somwhat  blacke  —  m.  noiret,  f.  noirette  s. 
Sondry  ordyvers  —  m.  diuers,  f.  diuerse  s;  m. 

alternatif  z,  f.  alternadfiie  s. 
Sore  extrême  in   deaiyng  —  m.  violent  s,  f. 

violente  s. 
Sory  or  heavy  —  m.  marrj  s,  {.  marrye  s. 
Sooly,   fuH  of  sowte  as  a  chymnay  is  —  m. 

suyeux,  f.  suyeuse  s, 
Sore  grevouse  —  m.  et  f.  moleste  s. 
Sore  styffe,  nat  easy  lo  be  moved  to  pytie  — 

m.  et  f.  impiteable  s. 
Soroufuii  —  m.  douloureux,  f.  douloureuse  s: 

m.  doutant  i,  f.  doutante  s;  m.  contrit  s, 

f.  contrite  s;  m.  et  f.  contriste  s. 
Sorowfull  or  carefull  —  m.  ctmgrineux,  f.  ctia^ 

grineuse  s. 
Soverayne,  cbefe  —  m.  souerayn  s,  (.souerayne 

s  ;  va.  ctiirj  z,  f.  cliiejue  s. 
Sower  as  a  crabbe  is  —  m.  et  f.  acerbe  s. 
Sotlifast  Irewe  —  m.  et  f.  véritable  s. 
Sothe  trewc  —  m.  et  f.  véritable  s. 
Subtyll  —  m.  sonbtil  z,  f.  soubiilte  s. 
Sodayne,  hasty  of  condycions  —  m.  soudayn  s, 

f.  soudayne  s. 
Sower ,  cursed  or  sbrewde  as  a  woman  is  thaf 

lowreth   —  ni.   malgracieux,   f.    malgra- 
cieuse s. 
Sower  as  wyne  or  aie  is  —  m.  et  f.  aygre  s. 
Sower  of  smellyng —  m.  sur  s,  f.  surre  s. 
Sower  bytter  in  taste  —  m.  amer  s,  f.  umere  s. 
Sounde  or  hole  —  m.  entier  s,  f.  entière  s. 
Sowndysshe  or  sowndynge  —  m.  sonoreux,   f. 

sonoreuse  s;  m.  résonant  s,  f.  résonante  s. 
Sownde  or  hole  —  m.  sain  s,  f.  sayne  s. 
Souple  lythe  —  m.  et  f.  souple  s. 
Specyall  —  m.  especial  x,  f.  especialU  s. 


Spedye  hasty  —  m.  Itatif  z,  f.  liatifae  s. 
Spcchelesse,  of  fewe  wordes  —  m.  musart  s,  f. 

musarde  s. 
Spechelesse  that  can  nat  speke —  m.  muet  s,  1. 

muette  s, 
Spyrituali  —  m.  spiritual  x,  f.  spiritualle  s:  m. 

espirituel  z,  f.  espirituelle  s. 
Spytefull —  m.  despiteux,  f.  despiteuse  s. 
Spred  abrodo  —  m.  patent  s,  f.  patente  s;  m. 

diffus,  f.  diffuse  s. 
Square- —  m.  et  f  quarré  s. 
Stabyll  stedfast  —  m.  et  f.  estabte  s;  m.  et  f. 

ferme  s, 
Stale  as  breed  or  drinke  is  —  m.  rassis,  f.  ras- 
sise s. 
Stale  as  meale  is  that  bcgynneth  to  savoure  — 

m.  viel  X,  f.  vielle  s. 
Stancl)e  as  a  sbyppe  or  bote  is  that  dothe  nat 

Iceke  —  m.  cstanclie,  f.  estuncliee. 
Starke  stronge  —  m.  fort  s,  (.forte  s. 
Starke  styffe  —  m.  et  f,  roide  s:  m.  et  f.  rade  s. 
Stately  prowde  —  m.  presumptaeux ,  f.  presump- 

tueuse  s. 
Stately,  convenable  toahyghe  estate  —  m.liaul- 

tain  s,  f.  Itaultaiiic  s;  m.  et  f.  auguste  s. 
Stedfast  in  countenance  —  m.  rassys,  f.  ras- 

syse  s. 
Stedfast  in  condycions  —  m.  et  (.ferme  s. 
Stedfast,  a  thyng  that  is  fastyned  —  m.  et  f. 

fixe  s. 
Stedyc  stedfast — m.  el  (.  ferme  s. 
Styred  or  provoked  —  m.  incité  s,  f.  incitée  s. 
Stered  or  provoked  to  do  a  thynge  —  m.  esmeu 
s,  f.  esmeue  s;  m.  prouocque  s,  (.  prouoc- 
(juée  s. 
Steryng  or  provokyng  to  do  a  thyng  —  m.  in- 
citatif z,  f.  inciiatifue  s. 
Sterne  gastefull  that  moveth  ooe  to  be  afrayed 

—  m.  et  f.  espouentabte  s. 
Styffe  as  a  thyng  is  that  wyll  nat  bowe  — m.  et 

f.  royde  s. 
Styffe  as  ones  herte  is  —  m.  [dur  s,  f.  dure  s. 
Styffe  or  slowte  —  m.  et  f.  robuste  s. 
Slyll  without  noyse  —  m.  coy  s,  (.  coye  s. 
Styli  without  spekynge  of  any  wordes  —  m.  et 
f.  taciturne  s. 


Styll  nat  medlyng  with  maters 

Jicque  s. 
Styll  as  the  wether  is  whan  no  wynde  is  blow- 

yng  a  lande  —  m.  layn  s,  f.  layne  s. 
Slyll  as  the  wotlier  is  on  the  see  whan  no  wyndc 

bloweth  —  m.  et  f.  cabne  s. 
Stynkyng    yvell   savoured   —  m.  puant  s,   f. 

puante  s. 
Styrred  or  moved  to  do  a  thynge  —  ni.  encline 

s,  (.  encUnee  s. 
Stoburne  herted  —  m.  fel  z,  f.  felle  s. 
Stony,  full  of  stoces  —  m.  pierreux,   f.   pier- 
reuse s. 
Stormysshe ,  stormy  as  the  welher  is  —  m. 

tempesteux ,  f.  lempesteuse  s. 
Stoupyng  bowyng  —  m.  encline  s,  (.  enclinee  s. 
Sloupyng  Icanynge  forwarde  as  a  man  or  wo- 

man  dothe  —  m.  cambrant  s,  f.  cambrante  s. 
Stowre  of  conversacyon  —  m .  estonrdy  s,  f.  es- 

tourdye  s. 
Stowle  —  m.  grant  s,  f.  grande  s. 
Stowle  or  bolde  —  m.  adaentureux,  f.  adaentu- 

reuse  s.  ^ 

Slrayghl  as  ones  nose  is  strayght  —  m.  traclif 

2,  f.  tractifue  s. 
Strayght,  ryght   in   condycions  —   m.   et   f. 

juste  s. 
Strayght,  evyn  nat  croked  —  m.  droict  2,  f. 

droicte  s. 
Slrayte  narowe  nat  wyde  —  m.  eslroict  z,  f.  es- 

troicle  s.  1 

Slraynyng  —  m.   constraintif  z,  {.  consirainli- 

fue  s. 
Strange  wylde  —  m.  et  f.  sauluaige  s. 
Slraunge  —  m.  et  f.  estrange  s. 
Strenght  full  of  strength  —  m.  vigoureux,  f.  tn- 

goureuse  s. 
Slryvyng,  full  of  stryfe  or  debate  —  m.  conten- 
tieux, f.  contentiease  s. 
Stronge  as  any  thyng  is  tronge  —  m.  fort  s,  f. 

forte  s. 
Stronge  of  complexycn  —  m.  et  f.  robuste  s. 
Slurdye  or  stubburne  —  m.  eslourdj  s,  f.  estour- 

djre  s. 
Stoure,  rude  as  course  clothe  is  —  m.  gros,  f. 

grosse  s. 


—  m.  et  f.  paci- 

Subjecle  inferyor  —  m.  sabject  z,  f.  subjecte  s. 
Suer  or  fast  —  m.  asseuré  s,  f.  assearée  s:  m. 

seur  s,  f.  seure  s. 
Suer  fyxed  —  m.  Jixé  s,  f.  fixée  s. 
Substancyall  of  a  grcat  and  massyfe  substance 

—  m.  subslancieuT,  f.  sabstancieuse  s. 
Substancyall  ryche  of  great  substance  —  m.  et 

f.  riche  s. 

Subtyll  —  m.  subtil  z,  f.  subtyle  s. 

Suflyclcnt  —  m.  soufisant  s,  f.  soujisante  s. 

Suffyclcnt  worthye  —  m.  et  f  condigne  s. 

Suiïrable,  apte  or  niete  to  be  suffered  —  m.  cl 
f.  sujfrable  s. 

Sulpherus ,  of  the  nature  of  brimslon  —  m. 
sulphareux,  f.  sulphureuse  s. 

Somptueuse  —  m.  sumplueux ,  f.  sumptueuse  s. 

Superflue,  excessyve  or  over  moche  — m.  et  f. 

Supernaturall  — m.  supernaturel  z,  supernatu- 
relle s. 

Sure  cerlayne  or  fast —  ni,  seur  s,  f.  seure  s. 

Suspecte  —  m.  suspect  z,  f.  suspecte  s. 

Suspyciousc  —  ni.  suspicieux  f.  suspicieuse  s;  m. 
suspeconneux,  f.  suspeconnease  s. 

Swaltysshc  hotte  —  m.  et  (.fade  s. 

Swarte  or  swarlysshe,  burned  blacke  — m.  et 
f.  nojrastre  s. 

Swete  in  tast  —  m.  doulx,  f.  donlce  s. 

Swete  in  smellyng  —  m.  sucuf  z,  f.  sueuffe  s; 
m.  rcdolcnt  s,  f  redolente  s. 

Swete  savoured  —  m.  aromaticq ,  f.  aromatic- 
(jue  s. 

Swyfle  of  pace  —  m.  et  f.  viste  s,  vistemerU  (ad- 
verbe ) . 

Swyfte  as  a  byrde  tbat  flyeth  —  m.  isnel  z,  (. 
isnelle  s. 

Tame  as  a  wylde  becst  is  made  tame  —  m.  pri- 

uc  s,  {.  priuée, 
Tame  as  a  thyng  ihat  is  brought  up  in  a  house 

—  m.  et  f.  domeschc  s  :  domesticque. 
Takeu  as  ones  lymmes  be  by  a  pulsye  thaï  he 

can  nat  styrre  —  m.  perclus,  {.percluse  s. 
Taken  as  cliyldernes  lymmes  be  by  the  fayries 

— m.  et  {.faée  s. 
Taken  or  overcome  —  m.  espris,  f.  esprise  5. 



Takyng  awaye  —  m.  ahlalifz,  f.  abladfuc  s. 

Talysshe ,  full  of  iyes  —  m.  fabuleux,  f,  fabu- 
leuse s. 

Talle  or  liye  —  m.  haitlt  s,  f.  Iiaulte  s;  or  bel, 
as  bel  home  s. 

Talowye — m,  grasseux,  f.  crasseuse  s. 

Tarie  sharpe  in  taste  as  vinagre  is  —  ni.  et  f. 
aiçire  s:  m.  poiijnunt  s,  {.  poujnante  s. 

Tedyouse  for  lengtli  as  a  taie  is  —  m.  et  f. 
prolixe  s. 

Tedyouse  or  irkesome  —  ta.fachcax,  (.fâcheuse 
s;  m.  fastidieux ,  f.  fastidieuse  s;  m.  en- 
nuyeux, f.  ennuyeuse  s, 

Temperatc  as  the  wether  is  whan  it  is  nouther 
lo  holc  uor  to  colde — m.atirempé:  m.  tem- 
péré s,  L  tempérée  s. 

Tendre  as  a  thyng  is  that  is  sonc  broken  or 
Iiurte  —  m.  et  f.  tendre. 

Tender  as  a  person  thaï  is  delycate  —  m.  déli- 
cat z,  f.  delicatte  s.  ^ 

Tendable,  as  one  that  dothe  wayte  well  —  m. 
ententif  z,  f.  enlenlifue  s. 

Terryble  or  fearfuU  —  m.  et  f.  terrible  s. 

Testy  angrye  —  m.  ireux,  f.  irease  s:  m.  testa  s, 
f.  teslae  s. 

Tliycke  of  flesshe  —  m.  corpulent  s,  f.  corpu- 
lente s. 

Thycke  nat  siender  —  ni.  cspes ,  f.  espesse  s; 
m.  massif  z,  f.  massifuc  s. 

Thycke  growen  with  grasse  —  m.  herbu  s,  f. 
lierbae  s. 

Thycke  as  Wodde  or  grasse  that  growelh  thycke 
—  ni.  dru  s,  f.  drue  s. 

Thyng  at  the  ordre  of  another  thyng  —  m.  1116- 
ject  z,  {.  subjecte  s. 

Thyng  renued  agayne  —  m.  itératif  z,  f.  itéra- 
lifue  s. 

Thynne,  nat  thycke  of  substaunce — m.  et  f. 
clendre  s. 

Thynne  as  lycoure  is  —  m.  delyé  s,  f.  delyée  s  ; 
m.  et  f.  tenue  s. 

Thorny  full  of  ihonies  —  m.  espineux,  f.  espi- 
neuse  s. 

ThoughlfuU,  full  of  tlioughl  or  heavynesse  — 
m.  soucieux,  f.  soucieuse  s;  m.  pencif  z,  f. 
pencifue  s. 

Thrall  or  bonde  —  m.  subject  z,  f.  subjecte  s. 
Thrcdebare  —  m.  dénué  s,  f.  dénuée  s. 
Throted  —  m.  et  f.  (joryé  s. 
Tbvvartynge  —  m.  captieux,  l'.  captieuse  s. 
Tyckyll  nat  stedy  —  m.  inconstant  s,  f.  incons- 
tante s. 
Tyckely  thaï  can  nat  abyde  tyckelynge  —  m. 

catnilleux,  f.  caluillense  s. 
Tymely  —  m.  temprif  z,  f.  temprifue  s. 
Toylouse,  full  of  toyie  and  labour. 
Toothye  as  one  that  halh  great  tethe  or  pleoly 

of  tethe  —  m.  denteax,  f.  denteuse  s. 
Traytcrouse — m.  traistereux,  C  traistereuse  s; 

ni.  prodicieux ,  f.  prodicieuse  s. 
Tremblyng  —  m.  trenialant  s,  f.  tremulante  s;  m. 

tremblant  s,  f.  tremblante  s. 
Trewc  or  trusty  —  m.  loial  x,  f.  loialle  s. 
Trewe  nat  false  —  m.  et  f.  véritable  s. 
Trewe  of  sayeng  —  m.  et  f.  veredicque  s. 
Trusty  or  faythfuU  —  m.feaul  x.feaulle  s;  m. 

féal  s,  f.  fealle  s;  m.  et  (.fiable  s. 
Tucked  up  as  ones  clolhes  is  —  ni.  rebroucé  s, 

f.  rebroucée  s. 
Turned  aboute  —  m.  reuolu  s,  f.  reuolue  s. 
Twhartynge  or  contraryeng  • —  ni.  captieux,  f. 

captieuse  s. 

Vayne  or  voyde  —  ni.  vayn  s,  f.  layne  s. 

Valyante  or  worlhy  —  m.  vaillant  s,  f.  vaillante 
s:  m.  preux,  f  preuse  s. 

Varyable  nat  stedfast  —  ni.  et  f.  variable  s. 

Vegetatyve  —  m.  végétatif  z,  L  végétatif  ne  s. 

Véhément  excedyng  —  ni.  véhément  s,  f.  véhé- 
mente s. 

Venemouse,  full  of  poyson  —  m.  venemcux, 
f.  venemeuse  s  ;  m.  venimeux ,  [.  veni- 
meuse s. 

Vcneryen  belongyng  to  Venus  —  m.  Vénérien  s, 
f.  Vénérienne  s. 

VerbaH  full  of  wordcs  —  m.  verbal  x,  f.  ver- 
balle  s, 

Very  good, ybr(  bon:  vcryest  foole,  le  plus  fol: 
to  the  veryherte,  oufyncucur. 

Verytable  trewe  —  m.  et  f.  véritable  s. 

Vertueuse  —  m.  vertueux,  f.  vertueuse  s. 

Uglyc  —  ni.  Iiideax,  f.  hideuse  s. 



Uglysome — m.  et  f.  honjble;  m.  et  f.  exécrable  s. 

Vyciouse  of  conversacyon  —  m.  vicieux,  f.  vi- 
cieuse s:  m.  dissolu  s,  f.  dissolue  s. 

Vyctorious  —  m.  victorieux,  f.  victorieuse  s. 

Vygorouse  —  m.  vigoreux,  vigoreuse  s. 

Vyle  fowle  —  ni.  vUlayn  s,  f.  villwyne  s:  m.  dis- 
solationé  s,  t.  dissolutionée  s. 

Vyolent  —  m.  violent  s,  f.  violente  s. 

Vyolette  —  m.  et  f.  violette  s. 

Vyrgynall  belongynge  to  a  mayde  —  m.  virginal 
X,  f.  virginalle  s. 

Vysyble  —  m.  et  f.  visible  s. 

Unable  —  m.  et  f.  inhabile  s:  m.  insuffisant  s, 
f.  insuffisante  s. 

Unapte  nat  mete  to  a  thyng  —  m.  mal  conue- 
nant  s,  f.  mal  conuenante  s. 

Unavysed  —  m.  maladuisé  s,  f.  nialaduisée  s. 

Uncertayne  —  m.  incertain  s,  f.  incertajne  s; 
m.  infinitif  s,  f.  infinilijue  s. 

Uuclene  —  m.  impur  s,  f.  impure  s. 

Uncomly  —  m.  maladuenant  s,  f.  nmladaenantc  f. 

Uncovered —  m.  nu  s,(.  nue  s;  m.  dénué  s,  f. 

Uncoulh  onknowen  —  m.  et  f.  estrange  s. 

Uncourtoyse  —  m.  ingrat  s,  f.  ingratle  s. 

Under  the  groande  —  sottbzterraine. 

UnfaytlifuH  of  promesse  —  ni.  desliy)/al  x,  f. 
desloyaïle  s. 

Unfamouse,  yvell  named  —  m.  et  f.  infante  s. 

Unfortunate  —  m.  et  f.  malfortuné  s. 

UngentyH  —  m.  ingrat  s,  f.  ingratte  s;  m.  inhu- 
main s,  f.  inhumajne  s. 

Ungracyouse,  unfortunate  —  m.  malereux,  f. 
malereuse  s. 

Unhansome  —  m.  et  f.  mausatU  s. 

Unhappy  of  maners  —  m.  mauluars.f.  maul- 
uaise  s. 

Unhappy  nat  fortanate —  m.  malereux,  f.  ma- 
lereuse s  :  va.  maluré  s,  f.  malurée  s. 

Unharnessed  —  m.  desharnesché ,  f.  desharnes- 
chée  s. 

Unholsome  —  m.  malsayn  s,  f.  malsayne  s. 

Unhonest  —  m.  et  f.  deshoneste  s. 

Unkynde  —  m.  ingrat  s,  f.  ingratle  s. 

Unknowen  —  m,  incogneu  s,  f.  incogneue  s. 

Unmery  —  m.  et  f.  triste  s. 

UnlaufuH  —  m.  et  f.  illicile  s. 

Unluokye —  m.  meschant  s,  f.  meschante  s. 

Unamourod  —  m.  et  f.  énamouré  s. 

Unmaryed  —  m.  non  mutié,  f.  non  mariée. 

Unoccupyed,  nat  laboured —  m.  ojseux,  f.  oy- 

seuse  s, 
Unparfyte  —  m.  imparfecl  z ,  {.  imparfecte  s. 
Unponysshed  —  m.  impugny  s,  f.  impugnye  s. 
Unprofytable  —  m.  et  f.  inutyle  s. 
Unraysonable  —  m.  et  f.  irraysonnable  s. 
Unsledfast  of  faytlie  —  m.  deslojal  x,  I.  des- 

loyalle  s. 
Unstedfast,  nat  sure  —  m.  inconstant  s,  f.  m- 

constanle  s. 
Unswete  —  m.  et  f.  mal  sauouré  s. 
Unswolne  —  m.  desgourdy  s,  (.  desgourdye  s. 
Untaught  rude  —  m.  et  f.  barbare  s. 
Unthrifty   —  m.  et  f.  prodigue  s;  m.  mausoi- 

gneux,  f.  mmisoigneuse  s. 
Untowarde  —  m.  et  f.  mausadc  s. 
Untrusty  —  m.  desloyal  x,  f.  desloyalle  s. 
Unweldye  boystouse  —  m.  tourt  s,  f.  lourde  s. 
Unwysc  —  m.  et  f.  peu  saige. 
Unworthy —  m.  indigne,  f.  indignée  s. 
Voyde  of  none  effecte  —  m.  et  f.  vague  s:  m. 

vayn  s,  f.  vayne  s. 
Voyde  empty  —  m.  et  f.  vuyde  s. 
Uplandysshe  —  m.  rural  x,  f.  ruralte  s. 
Upright  indifierent  bytwene  party  and  party, 

and  nat  alfectionate  —  m.  indiffèrent  s,  (. 

indifférente  s;  m.  et  (.juste  s. 
Upright  strayght  —  m.  droict  s,  f.  droicle  s. 

Wayghty  heavy  —  m.  massif  z,  f.  massifae  s; 

m.  pesant  s,  f.  pesante  s. 
Wanne  of  coloure  —  m.  et  f.  palle  s;  m.  yn- 

deux,  {.yndeuse  s;  m.  et  f.  blesme  s. 
Wanton  of  condycions  —  m.  et  f.  saffre  s;  m. 

mignot  z,   f.    mignotte   s;   m.  friant  s,   f. 

friande  s. 
Ware  of  expansés. 

Waie  sobre  —  m.  rassys,  f.  rassise  s. 
Warfull  —  m.  batailleux,  f.  batailleuse  s. 
Werysshe  as  meate  is  that  is  nat  well  tastye  — 

m.  et  f.  mal  sauouré  s. 



Warlyke  —  m.  belliqueux,  {.  belliqueuse  s. 
Warme  —  m.  chault  s,  f.  chaulde  s. 
Watrysshe —  m.  eaueux,  f.  eaueuse  s;  m.  et  f. 

aquatique  s. 
Waveryng  nat  constante  —  m.  et  f.  volaige  s. 
Wedded  —  m.maryd  s,f.  mariée  s. 
Weddyng,  beiongyug  to  maryage  —  ni.  nup- 
tial X,  f.  nuptialle  s. 
Weyke  febie  —  m.  et  f.foyble  s. 
Weyghtfull  —  m.  pondereux,  f.  ponderease  s: 

m. pesant  s,  [.pesante  s, 
Well  advysed  —  m.  aduerty  s,  f.  aduertye  s. 
Well  apparayled  or  well  decked — m.  gorrier  s, 

f.  gorriere  s. 
Well  becommyng  —  m.  bien   aduenant  s,  f. 

bien  aduenante  s, 
Well  besene  —  m.  gorgias,  f.  gorgiase  s. 
Well  boned  —  m.  ossu  s,  f.  ossue  s. 
Well  fortuned — m.  bien  euré  s,  f.  bien  eurée  s. 
Well  lykyng  —  m.  et  f.  bien  a  poynt. 
Well  made  —  m.  et  f.  gailliarde  s. 
Well  manered  ■ —  m.  et  f.  bien  moriginé  s. 
Well  mynded  —  m.  et  f.  aduoye  s, 
Well  sene  —  m.  expert  s,  f.  experte  s. 
Well  spoken  —  m.  bien  enlangaigé,  f.  bien  en- 

langaigée  s;  m.  bien  emparlé,  f.  tien  em- 

parlée;  m.  disert,  f.  diserte, 
Well  slomaked  —  m.  bien  encouraigé  s,  {.  bien 

encouraigée  s. 
Wery  —  m.  las,  f.  lasse  s. 
Westwarde — m.  occidental  r,  f.  occidentalle  s. 
Westerne,  belongynge  to  tlie  westparte  —  m. 

occidental  x,  f.  occidentalle  s. 
Welhvylled  —  m.  de  bonne  voulenté  s. 
Wete  —  m.  moillé  s,  f.  moillée  s. 
Wete  moyste  —  m.  et  f.  moyste  $, 
Whytyssbe  —  m.  et  f.  blanchastre  s. 
Whyte — m.  blanc  s,  {..blanche  s. 
Whyle  bcared  —  m.  chennu  s,  {.  chennae  s. 
Whole  or  sowndc  —  m.  entier  s,  f.  entière  s, 
Wycked  —  m.  et  f.  inique  s. 
Wyddred  as  a  flourc  or  herbe  is  —  m.  et  f. 

Jade  s. 
Wyde  —  m.  et  f.  large  s;  m.  et  f.  ample  s;  m. 

spacieux,  f.  spacieuse  s. 
Wyght  or  stronge  —  m.  fort  s,  (.forte  s. 

Wylde  or  sbarpe  prickyng  as  a  nettyll  is  —  m. 
et  f.  griasche  s. 

Wylde  or  rude  —  m.  et  f.  agreste  s;  va.  et  f. 
barbare  s. 

Wylde  as  a  beest  is  —  m.  et  f.  saunage  s. 

Wylde  gerysshc  —  no.  et  {.forouche  s. 

Wylde  as  a  beest  or  fruyte  —  m.  et  f.  silues- 
ire  s. 

Wylye  crafty  —  m.  affreux,  f.  affreuse  s;  m. 
fyn  s,  {./y ne  s. 

Wylfull  —  m.  volentif  z,  f.  volentijue  s;  m. 
volantarieux ,  f.  voluntariense  s. 

Wylye  —  m.  caalt  s,  f.  caulte  s;  m.  cautel- 
leux,  f.  cautellease  s. 

Wynnyng  gaynyng  —  m.  questaeax,  f.  qucs- 
tueuse  s. 

Wyndye,  fuU  of  wynde  —  m.  venteux,  f.  ven- 
teuse s. 

Wynteryssbe,  belongyng  to  tbe  wynter  —  m. 
yvemal  x,  f.  yvernalle  s.  ' 

Wysshynge  —  m.  optatif  z,  f,  optatifue  s. 

Wyse  —  m.  et  f.  sage  s;  m.  prudent  s,  f.  pru- 
dente s. 

Wyse  elygant  —  m.  disert  s,  f.  diserte  s. 

Wytye  in  faulte  for  a  thyng  —  m.faulteux,  f. 
faulteuse  s. 

Wytty,  well  wytted  —  m.  ingénieux,  f.  ingé- 
nieuse s. 

Wytlesse  —  m.  et  f.  insensé  s. 

Without  remedy  —  m,  et  f.  irrémédiable  s. 

Wo  sorowfull  or  carefuU  —  m.  douloureux ,  f. 
douloureuse  s. 

Womanly  well  manered  —  va.feminal  x,  f. 
feminalle  s. 

Womanysshe,  lyke  a  woman  —  m.  féminin  s, 
féminine  s. 

Wonderouse  —  m.  et  f.  maruaillable  s. 

WonderfuU — m.  miraculeux ,  f.  miraculeuse  s; 
m.  et  f.  admirable  s. 

Woode  or  madde  —  m.  fureux,  î.fareuse  s  ,■ 
m. furieux,  {.furieuse  s. 

Woode  or  ragynge  for  bunger  —  m.  et  f.  af- 
famé s. 

Worldly  —  m.  temporel  z,  {.  temporelle  s;  m. 
mondayn  s,  f.  mondayne  s, 

Worthy  of  dedes  or  actes  —  m.  preud,  f.  preu- 




de  s  ;  m.  preux ,  (.  preuse  s;m,vuUlant  s, 

f.  vaillante  s. 
Worthy,  suffycient  —  m.  et  f.  condigne  s. 
Worihy  of  disprayse  —  m.  et  f.  mesprùable  s. 
Worthy,   ot"  great  valewe  —  m.   précieux,   f. 

précieuse  s. 
Wortby  to  be  honoured  —  m.  et  f.  vénérable  s. 
Worihy  to  be  alleged  —  m.  et  f.  alleguable  s. 
Worthy  to  be  laugbed  to  scorne  —  m.  et  f.  ridi- 
cule s. 
Worthy  of  credeuce  —  m.  et  f.  credable  s. 
Worthy  to  be  estemed  —  m.  et  f.  estimable  s. 
Wovyn  —  m.  tysceu  s,  f.  lysceue  s. 
Wrenched  out  of  joynl — m.  desjoynl  *,  f.  des- 

joynte  s. 
Wretched  —  m.  souffreteux,   f.  souffreteuse  s; 

m.  et  f.  misérable  s. 
Wrinkeled  as  ones  face  is  for  âge  —  m   et  f. 

ridé  s. 


.  Wrinkeled  as  oncs  face  is  by  makyng  of  a 
countenance  —  m.  et  f.  froncé  s. 

-WrongfuH  —  m.  injurieux,  f.  injurieuse  s;  m. 
et  f.  sinistre  s. 

Ydeot  a  foole  —  m.  sot  s,  f.  sotte  s. 

Ydie  —  m.  oyseux,  f.  ojseuse  s. 

Yelowe  —  m.  et  {.jaune  s. 

Yelowysshe  —  m.  et  f.  jaunastre  s. 

Yll  nat  good  —  m.  mal  x,  f.  malle  s. 

YH  favoured  —  m.  laid  z ,  (.  laide  s;  let  s,  f. 

lettc  s. 
Yonger  brother  —  m.  pays  ne. 
Yonger  syster  —  f.  puys  née. 
Yongest  ofali  ones  chyldren — puys  nÀ  de  tous. 
Yonglyke ,  beiongyug  to  yonge  âge  —  m.  juue- 

nil  z,  {.juuenille  s. 
Yverysshe,  of  the  nature  of  yverye —  m.  eJur- 

nyn  s,{.  ebumyne  s. 

Hère  endeth  the  table  of  the  adjectyves,  and  herafter  foloweth 
the  pronowne. 




Onely  ihe  pronowne  of  the  thirde  person  hath  dyverse  wordes 
in  bothe  the  nombres  to  serve  for  dyverse  genders,  whan  they  be 
used  as  nomynatyve  cases  or  obliques;  ali  the  resydewe,  as  well  syn- 
guler  as  plureli,  bave  but  one  termynacion,  whiche  somtyme  repre- 
senteth  a  masculyn  subslantyve ,  somtyme  a  femynine ,  but  suche 
gendre  and  nombre  as  the  pronowne  standeth  for,  suche  lyke  gendi-e 
and  nombre  shall  bis  adjectyve  be,  lyke  as  I  hâve  afore  touched  in 
the  thyrde  accydent  of  adjectyves. 


//  est  bon,  elle  est  bonne;  Hz  sont  bons,  elles  sont  bonnes;  je  le  regarde, 
understandyng  a  ma.n;  je  la  regarde,  understandyng  a  woman;ye  sais 
blanc,  tu  es  blanc,  understandyng  masculyn  substantyves  synguler, 
nous  sommes  blancz,  vous  estes  blancz,  understandyng  masculyn  plu- 
relles  sais  blanche,  tu  es  blanche,  understandyng  femynines  syn- 
guler, nous  sommes  blanches,  vous  estes  blanches,  understandynge  femy- 
nines plurel. 



Nat  onely  adjectyves  folowe  the  nombre  of  the  pronowne  but  also 
verbes,  as^e  parle,  nous  parlons,  je  parleray,  nous  parlerons,  allons  for 
allons  nous  en. 

But  were  as  in  comune  speche  they  use  to  saye  :  je  allons  bien,  je 
ferons  bien,  jauons fait  ung  grant  exploit,  and  suche  lyke,  joynyng  the 
first  person  plureli  of  the  verbe  in  toje,  whiche  is  the  first  person 
singuler,  suche  kynde  of  spekyng  is  used  of  none  auctour  approved , 
no  more  than  girons  demayn,  ginciterons,  gimaginons,  and  suche  lyke, 



where,  by  takyng  away  the  e  oije,  they  chaunge  the  I  into  g,  by  cause 
it  is  agaynst  the  nature  of  the  franche  tonge  to  hâve  any  worde  be- 
gynnyng  with  a  double  /,  the  first  of  them  beyng  a  consonant,  as 
I  hâve  afore  touched  in  the  first  boke.  How  be  it  I  fynde  in  ali  good 
writynge  in  ryme ,  in  the  stede  of  ye  y,  gy.  The  romant  of  the  Rose  : 
Ne  caides  pas  que  gy  faillisse ,  ior  je  y  faillisse.  Alayne  Chartier,  in  his 

Hospital  : 

Jamays  nyray  plus ,  gy  renonce , 

and  Jehan  le  Mayre,  in  the  seconde  Epistyll  de  \Amant  uert  : 
Si  sommes  nous  quand  bien  gy  auray  pence. 

But  in  prose  I  fynde  no  suche  kynde  of  writyng  used  amongest  good 


Suche  nombre  and  person  as  the  pronowne  is,  suche  lyke  nombre 
and  person  shall  the  verbe  be,  as  il  parlera,  Hz  parleront.  And  note 
that  for  so  moche  as  in  maner  thorough  ai  the  tenses  in  every  verbe 
parsonai  there  be  four  dystincte  wordes  that  serve  onefy  îor,  je,  tu, 
nous  and  vous,  they  use  often  to  leave  the  pronowne  onwritten,  as  a 
thyng  that  may  easfy  be  understande  to  be  included  iu  the  person 
of  the  verbe,  as  sy  parleray  primier,  or  conterons  le  demoarant,  and 
many  suche  lyke. 

But,  if  two  pronownes  of  dyverse  gendre  corne  bothe  byfore  a 
verbe,  they  use  in  ail  suche  sentences  conceptions  of  persons  suche 
in  ali  poyntes  as  the  latyns  use. 


Je  voaldrofs  quelle  et  moy  fusmes  maries  ;  eux  et  vous  feriez  bonne 




Whan  so  ever  we  use  /  in  our  tong ,  as  nomiiiatyve  case  to   a    Régula  prima. 
verbe,  if  the  franche  tonge  use  the  same  verbe  as  personal,  they 
use  eyer  je. 


I  love,  I  speke,  I  ayme,  je  parle,  je  mengas,je  boys. 

If  we  use  a  verbe  as  a  parsonal  and  they  use  the  same  verbe  as 
imparsonal,  than  use  they  suche  lyke  maner  of  spekynge  as  we  do 
by  our  imparsonalles. 



Lyke  as  we  say  «  it  behoveth  me ,  it  irketh  me  » ,  so  say  they  il  me 
J'ault,  il  me  cayl,  il  me  mengeal,  though  we  use  them  as  parsonalles, 
sayeng  «  I  must,  I  ytche,  I  smarte  ». 

Whan  so  ever  we  use  «  me  »  in  our  tonge  as  governed  of  a  verbe ,      Régula  lenia. 
what  so  ever  case  the  same  verbe  requyre  in  the  latin  tonge,  they 
use  ever  me. 


He  loveth  me,  he  beholdeth  me,  he  telleth  me;  il  mayme,  il  me 
regarde,  il  me  dit. 

In  ail  other  maners  of  speakyng ,  that  is  to  say,  after  interrogations ,     Régula quarta. 
answers  made  by  this  verbe  suis,  yteracyons  of  the  pronowne,  impa- 
ratyve  modes,  adverbes,  preposytions,  conjunctions  and  interjections, 
whether  we  use  «  i  »  or  «  me  »,  they  use  ever  moj. 


Who  shall  go?  I;  Qui  ira?  moy.  It  is  I,  cest  moy.  It  is  I  that  speake, 
knocke  or  crye,  cest  moy  qui  parle,  heurte  on  crie.  I  wotte  nat  I,  je 


ne  scay  moy.  I  sawe  hyni  nat  I,  je  ne  le  vis  pas  moy.  Helpe  me, 
beliolde  me,  folowe  me,  ay des  moy,  regardes  moy,  saiaes-moy.  Nowe  I, 
to  morowe  I,  well  I,  maintenant  moy,  demayn  moy,  bien  moy.  To  me, 
wilh  me,  for  me,  agaynst  me,  a  moy,  auecques  moy,  pour  moy,  contre 
moy.  He  and  I,  you  or  I,  lay  et  moy,  vous  ou  moy.  There  is  but  I,  il 
ny  a  que  moy.  Iley  me  myserable,  hej^  moy  misérable. 



Régula  uniia.  The  selfe  rules  that  I  hâve  afore  shewed  be  j'c,  me  and  moy,  serve 
in  ali  maner  condycions  to  knowe  whan  we  shall  use  tu,  te  or  toy. 


Thou  spelcest,  ta  parles  ;  thou  must,  il  tefault;  he  beholdeth  the, 
il  te  regarde;  he  meteth  the,^  il  te  rencontre.  Qui  ira?  toy;  cest  toy;  tu 
ne  scays  toy;  aides  toy;  aseure  tof;  pour  toy;  luy  et  toy;  hey  toj  misérable. 



Régula  prima.  Whan  we  in  our  tonge  use  «  he  » ,  as  nomynatyve  case  to  a  verbe , 
the  frenche  tonge  usynge  the  same  verbe  as  parsonal,  they  use  ever 
j7  ;  if  they  use  the  verbe  with  them  as  impersonal ,  they  use  ever  luy, 
as  I  bave  afore  shewed  in  the  seconde  boke. 



He  loveth,  he  speketh,  he  beholdeth,  il  ayme,  il  parle,  il  regarde; 
he  must,  he  ytcheth,  he  smarteth,  il  luyfault,  il  luy  cuit,  il  luy  mangut. 

Whan  we  use  «  hym  »  in  our  tonge  after  a  verbe,  as  governed  of 
the  same ,  if  the  verbe  he  suche  as  of  bis  owne  nature  in  the  latyn 
tonge  requyreth  an  accusatyve  case,  they  use  le  :  if  the  verbe  wyll 
hâve  a  datyve  case,  they  use  lay. 

DE  LA  LANGUE  Fl\ANCOYSE.  335  #f- 


I  love  hym,  I  beholde  hym,je  layme,  je  le  regarde;  I  mete  hym, 
I  tell  hym,  je  luy  rencontre ,  je  luy  dis. 

But  for  so  moche  as  this  rule  is  very  darke  for  a  lerner,  and  also 
that  it  is  nat  generall,  for  many  tymes  in  the  frenclie  tonge  they  use 
luy,  whan  the  latyns  use  an  accusatyve  case,  I  shall  in  the  table  of 
verbes,  whan  I  bave  rehersecl  them  and  shewed  of  what  conjugacion 
they  be,  shewe  also  whether  the  same  verbe  wyll  hâve  le,  or  la,  or 
lay  before  hym ,  so  often  as  we  use  thèse  wordes  «  hym  »  or  «  her  »  be- 
fore  the  same  verbe  in  our  tonge. 

But  some  tliyng  to  lede  the  lerner  in  this  behalfe  by  a  generall      Régula  teitia. 
rule,  whan  so  ever  we  use  hym  or  her  after  a  verbe  in  our  tonge 
where  the  sentence  of  him  selfe  may  be  parfyte  without  addyng  any 
mo  wordes  therunto,  we  shall  in  the  frenche  tonge  use  le  or  la. 


I  love  hym,  I  beholde  hym,  I  folowe  hym,  I  se  hym,  I  hère  hym, 
je  layme,  je  le  regarde,  je  le  sais,  je  le  voys,  je  los. 

I  love  her,  I  beholde  her,  I  folowe  her,  I  se  her,  I  hère  her,  ye 
layme,  je  la  regarde,  je  la  sais,  je  la  voys,  je  los. 

But  if  there  be  requysite  to  adde  also  a  substantyve ,  outher  alone    Régula  quarta. 
or  with  some  other  partes  of  speche  after  «  hym  »  or  «  her  »  or  ever 
the  sentence  can  be  parfyte ,  than  use  they  in  the  stede  of  «  hym  » 
and  «  her  »  luy. 


In  thèse  sentences  «I  tell  hym,  I  make  hym,  I  ordayne  hym,  I 
«  purpose  hym,  I  do  him ,  I  tell  lier,  I  make  her,  I  ordayne  her,  1  pur- 
«  pose  her,  I  do  her  » ,  and  suche  lyke ,  for  so  moche  as  the  sentences 
requyre,  or  they  be  parfyte,  that  1  sholde  expresse  what  I  tell  or 
make,  or  ordayne,  or  purpose,  or  do  hym,  or  her,  I  shall  before  ail 
suche  verbes  use  lay; 


Régula  quinta.  So  that  somc  verbes  wyll  hâve  nat  onely  le  or  la,  but  also  lay  be- 
fore  them,  by  reason  tbat  in  some  sence  they  make  a  parfyte  sen- 
tence without  addyng  of  any  other  substantyve ,  in  some  sence  they 
do  requyre  a  substantyve  to  be  expressed. 


God  made  hym,  God  made  her,  Dieu  le  fit,  Diea  la  fit.  I  made 
liym  a  gowne,  I  made  her  a  gowne,  je  lay  fis  une  robe. 
Régula  sexte.  So  that  comenly,  whan  it  is  ail  one  sence  to  put  thèse  vvordes 

«  hym  »  «  or  her  »  next  after  a  verbe ,  and  than  bring  in  a  substantyve 
belongyng  tho  the  same  verbe ,  oreis  to  put  the  substantyve  next  after 
the  verbe ,  and  than  any  of  thèse  preposycions  «  to  »  or  «  for  »  before 
the  sayd  «  hym  »  or  «  her  »,  in  ail  suche  sentences  for  «  liym  »  or  «  lier  » 
they  use  lay. 


Bycause  it  is  ail  one  sence  in  our  tonge  «  I  make  hym  a  gowne  and 
0  I  make  a  gowne  for  hym,  I  tell  hym  a  taie  and  I  tell  a  taie  to  hym  «, 
therfore  they  sa.y  je  lay  fais  vne  robe,  Je  luy  compte  ung  compte.  And, 
by  lyke  reason,  where  we  say  «  I  am  good  to  hym  »,  they  sayje  lay  suis 
feon;  but  this  thynge,  as  I  bave  afore  sayd,  shall  more  playnly  apere 
in  the  table  of  verbes,  whan  every  suche  verbe  shall  come  in  bis  ordre. 
Regulaseptima,  Jn  ail  other  maners  of  spekyng  they  use  ever  onely  luy,  whether  we 
use  oulher  «  he  «  or  «  hym  ». 


Qui  yra?  luy;  cest  luy;  il  ne  scayt  lay;  aides  luy;  asteure  luy;  pour 
luy;  et  luy;  que  luy;  hay  luy  misérable.  Hz  montèrent  a  cheual  luy,  sa 
famé  et  son  train.  But  howe  they  use  il  before  ail  their  verbes  impar- 
sonalles,  in  the  frenche  tonge,  lyke  as  we  use  «  it  »  before  our  impar- 
sonalles,  I  hâve  ail  redy  touched,  and  shall  hère  after  apere  :  and 
where  -I  fynde  par  qaoy  nul  ne  pensa  que  ce  fust  il,  this  rule  dothe 
rather  requyre  that  we  shulde  say  que  ce  fust  luy,  but  it  is  better 
used  hère. 




Whan  so  ever  we  use  «  she  »  in  our  tonge ,  as  nomynative  case  to     Régula  prima. 
a  verbe  whiche  is  parsonal ,  in  the  frenche  tonge  they  use  ever  elle. 


She  loveth,  she  beholdeth ,  she  seeth,  elle  ayme,  elle  regarde,  elle 
voyt.  But  where  as  I  fynde  of  suche  as  writetH  in  ryme  el  for  elle, 
that  is  nat  to  be  folowed  in  the  comen  speche. 

Whan  they  use  a  verbe  impersonal  whiche  we  use  as  parsonal,  Régula 

,  111  secunda. 

where  we  use  «  she  »  they  use  luy. 


She  muste,  she  ytcheth,  she  smarteth ,  il  layfaalt,  il  lay  cayt ,  il 
luy  mangut. 

Whan  so  ever  we  use  «  her  »  in  our  tonge  after  a  verbe,  as  governed     Régula  tertia. 
of  the  same  verbe,  if  it  be  none  suche  as  I  bave  made  mencyon  of 
hère  next  before,  they  use  luy;  and  whan  we  shall  la  and  whan  luy, 
as  I  bave  afore  sbewed,  shall  apere  in  the  table  of  verbes. 

EXEMPLE  ,    THE    THIRDE.  . 

I  love  her,  I  beholde  her,  je  layme,  je  la  regarde.  I  mete  her,  I  tell 
her,  I  counsayle  her,  je  luy  rencontre ,  je  luy  dis,  je  luy  conseille. 

In  ail  other  raaners  of  spekyng  they  use  ever  elle,  save  that  after    Régula  quarta. 
imparatyve  modes  they  use  la  or  luy,  after  the  case  that  the  verbe 


Qui  ira?  elle;  c'est  elle;  elle  ne  scait,  elle;  regarde  la;  responde  luy  ; 
asteure  elle;  pour  elle;  et  elle;  que  elle;  haj!  elle  misérable. 






As  for  len,  Ion  or  on  be  thirde  persons  singuler  in  the  nomynatyve 
case  onely  without  any  declynacion,  and  do  betoken  a  person  uncer- 
tayne ,  as  where  we  say  :  «  a  man  may  be  glad  to  do  any  thing  for  suche 
«  a  man:  one  may  hâve  suche  gestes  ynowe  »,  showyng  no  person  de- 
termynately,  they  say  :  len.  Ion  or  on  peult  estre  bienjoieux  défaire  riens 
pour  vng  tel  homme  :  len  or  Ion  peult  auoir  de  telz  hostes  assés. 



Régula  prima.  Whan  so  ever  we  use  «  hym  »  or  «  her  »  after  a  verbe  in  our  tonge, 

and  governed  of  the  same,  if  the  sence  be  ail  one,  whether  we  adde 
this  worde  «  selfe  »  to  «  hym  »  or  «  her  »  ornât,  than  shall  we  in  frençhe 
use  se. 


He  kylled  hym  with  his  weapen;  she  scratched  her  with  her  nayles: 
they  say  in  frenche  il  se  tua  de  son  glaiue;  elle  se  gratigna  de  ses  ongles. 
So  that,  ail  be  it  that  it  make  ail  one  sence  «  I  kyll  me  »  and  «  I  kyil 
«  my  selfe ,  thou  hurtest  the  and  thou  hurtest  thy  selfe  » ,  yet  it  is  nat 
ail  one  sence  to  say  «  he  kylleth  hym  »  and  «  he  kylleth  hym  selfe  ». 
For  1  may  by  the  first  «  him  »  signyfie  an  other  person,  but  the  se- 
conde <i  hym  »  is  lymyted  by  the  worde  «  selfe  » ,  so  that  we  signyfie 
therby  that  the  acte  retourneth  agayne  to  the  doer. 

And  to  expresse  this  différence  in  the  frenche  tonge ,  whan  so 
ever  they  use  «  hym  »  of  «  her  »  after  a  verbe  meanyng  a  distyncte 
person  from  the  doer,  they  use  le,  or  la,  or  luy,  accordyng  after  the 
construction  of  the  verbe  ;  and  whan  they  use  «  hym  »  or  «  lier  »  after 
a  verbe  meanyng  that  the  acte  of  the  same  verbe  retourneth  to  the 
person  that  was  nomynatyve  case  to  the  verbe,  than  use  they  se  or 



soy,  as  the  nature  of  the  verbe  requyreth.  So  that  the  frenche  tonge  is 
moche  more  precyse  in  usyng  reciprocacion  ihan  is  the  latyn ,  as  shall 
herafter  in  this  accydent  apere. 


He  kyiled  hym,  he  behelde  hym,  she  scratched  her,  she  behelde 
her,  Aiysander  comforted  hym,  Bersabee  bathed  her,  my  master 
advysed  hym,  my  lady  apparaylleth  her.  In  ail  thèse  sentences,  if  the 
nomynatyve  case  and  the  accusatyve  stande  for  distyncte  persons ,  we 
shall  use  for  «  hym  »  le,  and  for  "  her  »  la,  if  the  acte  of  the  verbe  re- 
tourne agayne  to  the  doer,  and  that  is  ail  one  person  that  is  ment  bothe 
by  the  nomynatyve  case  and  the  accusatyve,  we  shall  use  se  or  soy,  as 
the  nature  of  the  verbe  requyreth,  as  il  le  tua,  il  le  regarda,  elle  la 
gratùjna,  elle  la  regarda,  Alisandre  le  recomforta,  Bersabee  la  baigna, 
mon  maistre  laduisa,  madame  lappareylla,  meanyng  distyncte  persons;  . 
il  se  tua,  il  se  regarda,  elle  se  gratigna,  elle  se  regarda,  Alisandre  se 
comforta,  Bersabee  se  baigna,  mon  maistre  saduisa,  madame  sapareilla, 
meanyng  ail  one  person. 

In  ail  other  maners  of  spekynge  where  it  is  ail  one  sence  to  use     Régula  tertia. 
«  hym  »  or  «  her  » ,  oulher  alone  or  to  adde  this  worde  «  selfe  »  to  the 
sentence,  that  is  so  say,  after  infinityve  modes  or  after  adverbes,  pre- 
posicions  or  conjunctions ,  they  use  in  frenche  soy. 


And  that  I  had  sene  the  Englysshe  kyng  glorifye  hym  or  glorifye 
hym  selfe  :  et  que  vôisse  le  roy  anglois  soy  glorifier;  and  rather  he  had 
to  suflre  hym  selfe  to  perysshe  with  the  comen  welth  than  for  the 
same  to  put  him  selfe  to  pareil  :  et  mieulx  vouloit  soy  laisser  périr  auec 
la  chose  publique  que  pour  ycelle  soy  exposer  a  péril. 

And  lyke  maner  of  spekyng  use  they  afore  partyciples  of  the  pré- 
sent tens,  as  pour  lesquelles  raisons  la  dicte  nymphe  soy  confiant  de  la 
grandeur  de  son  origine,  attendu  que  lay  estant  comme  poure  serfe  et 




Régula  unica.  Wlian  we  use  «  we  »  or  (.  US  »  in  our  tonge,  they  use  ever  nous,  and 

whan,  we  use  «  you  » ,  they  use  ever  vous,  in  ail  maners  of  spekyng 
witliout  any  différence  ;  so  ihat  in  this  thyng  our  tonge  is  more  par- 
fyte  than  the  frenche.  For  we  use  «  we  »  as  a  nomynatyve  case,  and 
«  us  »  as  an  accusatyve  or  an  oblique. 


We  love,  We  speke,  he  loyeth  us,  he  beholdeth  us  :  nous  aymons, 
nous  parlons,  il  nous  ayme,  il  nous  regarde;  with  us  and  you  :  auecques 
nous  et  vous.  You  love,  you  speke,  he  loveth  you,  he  beholdeth  you, 
with  you  and  us  :  vous  aymez,  vous  parlés,  il  nous  ayme,  il  nous  regarde, 
auecques  vous  et  nous. 


Régula  prima-  Whan  so  ever  we  use  «  they  »  in  our  tonge ,  as  nomynatyve  case  to 
a  verbe ,  understandyng  masculyne  substantyves ,  they  use  ever  Hz , 
except  «  whiche  »  or  «  that  »  coine  bytwene  the  verbe  and  «  they  »  ;  for 
than  they  use  ceulx,  as  1  wyll  herafter  shewe,  where  I  wyll  also  shewe 
hovve  they  use  somtyme  ce  for  they. 


They  love,  they  speke,  they  beholde  Hz  aynient,  Hz  parlent,   Hz 


Régula  Whan  so  ever  we  use  «  them  »  in  our  tonge  after  a  verbe  as  gover- 

secunda.        ^^j  of  the  same ,  if  the  verbe  wyll  governe  an  accusatyve  case,  they 

use  les  :  if  the  verbe  wyll  governe  a  datyve  case ,  they  use  leur,  whe- 

ther  we  understande  masculyne  substantyves  or  femynine. 




•  We  love  them,  we  beholde  them  :  nous  les  aymons,  nous  les  regar- 
dons. We  gyve  them,  we  answere  them  :  nous  leur  donnons,  nous  leur 

In  ail  other  maners  of  spekyng  vvhan  so  ever  we  use  «  they  «  or     Régula  lenia. 
«  them  »,  understandyng  masculyn  substantyves ,  they  use  ever  eulx, 
except  after  imparatyve  modes,  for  than  they  use  les  or  leur,  after 
the  case  that  the  verbe  requyretli. 


Qui  iront?  eulx,  ce  sont  eulx,  ils  ne  scauent  eulx,  regarde  les,  responde 
leur,  maintenant  eulx,  pour  eulx,  et  eulx,  que  eulx,  hay!  eulx  misérables. 


Whan  so  ever  we  use  «  they  » ,  as  nomynatyve  case  to  a  verbe ,     Régula  pHma. 
understandyng  femynine  substantyves,  they  use  ever  elles,  excepte 
«  whiche  »  or  «  that  »  come  bytwene  the  verbe  and  «  they  »  :  for  than 
they  use  celles,  as  shall  hère  after  apere. 


They  love,  they  speake,  they  beholde  :  elles  ayment,  elles  parlent, 
elles  regardent.  They  whiche  be  good  :  celles  qui  sont  bonnes. 

Whan  we  use  «  them  »  after  a  verbe ,  as  govemed  of  the  same 
verbe,  they  use  les  or  leur,  after  as  the  verbe  requyreth,  as  I  bave 
hère  afore  touched ,  whiche  they  use  also  after  imparatyve  modes. 


I  love  them,  I  beholde  them:  je  les  ayme,  je  les  regarde;  1  gyve 
them,  I  answere  them  ;  je  leur  donne,  je  leur  respons;  beholde  them  : 
regarde  les;  answere  them  :  responde  leur. 


Régula  tertia. 

Régula  prima. 



In  ail  other  maner  of  spekynges,  whan  we  use  «  they  »  or  «  them  » 
understandyag  femynin  substantyves ,  they  use  ever  elles. 

.—■■  ■-..!. 


Qui  iront?  elles,  ce  sont  eUes,  elles  ne  scaaent  elles,  maintenant  elles, 
pour  elles,  et  elles,  que  elles,  hay!  elles  misérables. 



Whan  so  ever  we  use  «  them  »  in  our  tonge  after  a 'verbe,  as  gover- 
ned  of  the  same  verbe,  if  the  same  sence  be  alone,  whether  we  adde 
this  worde  «  selfe  »  or  nat,  we  shall  in  frenche  use  se. 


They  kylled  them  with  their  weapens  :  Hz  se  tuèrent  de  leur  glaiues. 
They  scratched  them  selfe ,  understanding  a  femynin  substantyve  :  elles 
se  gratignerent;  so  that  the  rule  that  I  bave  afore  gyven  serveth  to  lede 
the  lerner  in  this  behalfe. 

In  ail  other  maners  of  spekyng  wliere  it  is  ail  one  sence  to  use 
«  them  »  or  «  them  selfe  » ,  whether  we  understande  masculyn  substan- 
tyves or  femynine ,  they  use  ever  soy. 


As  they  aske  no  greater  happe  than  to  fynde  them  in  bis  présence  : 
et  ne  demandent  plus  grant  eur  que  de  soy  trouer  en  sa  présence.  He 
dyd  hym  révérence  in  humbling  bim  :  il  layfit  la  reuerence  en  soy  hu- 
miliant. He  hath  no  cause  to  marvayle  :  il  na  point  cause  de  soy  emer- 
ueiller.  So  that,  whan  any  verbe  that  is  a  mère  meane  is  used  in  bis. 
infynityve  mode,  they  put  soy  before  hym  in  frenche  more  than  is  in 
the  same  sentence  in  englysshe  :  but  bere  of  to  speke  I  shall  herafter 
bave  more  occasyon  agayne  in  the  syxth  accydent. 




Nat  onely  whan  one  pronowne  followeth  the  verbe  in  our  tonge ,  Reguia  prima. 
he  shall  come  next  byfore  the  verbe  in  frenche,  but  also  if  there 
come  two  pronownes  with  us  after  the  verbe,  they  shall  bothe  come 
byfore  the  verbe  with  them.  But  vyhether  of  the  twayne  come  next 
byfore  the  verbe  maketh  no  diffyculte ,  no  more  than  we  kepe  none 
order  in  that  behalfe  in  our  tonge,  and  this  order  is  never  broken 
in  frenche,  for  it  is  their  maner  of  spekyng  ever  to  put  ail  the -pro- 
nownes governed  of  verbes  byfore  the  verbes  that  governe  them. 


He  shall  sende  it  us  :  il  le  nous  envolera.  We  wyll  shewe  you  hym  : 
nous  vous  le  monstrerons.  I  shall  gyve  hym  it  :  je  le  luy  donneray.  We 
shall  shewe  it  them  :  nous  le  leur  monstrerons. 

Excepte  whan  a  pronowne  followeth  any  imparatyve  mode  in  our 
tonge,  for  than  he  shall  folowe  also  the  verbe  in  frenche. 


Helpe  me,  beholde  hym,  tourne  you:  ajde  moy,  regarde  moy,  tournez 


Except  also  interrogations,  for  in  them  the  pronowne  whiçhe  is 
nomynatyve  case  to  the  verbe  shall  ever  in  frenche  come  after  the 
verbe,  whether  we  in  our  tonge  kepe  that  order  or  nat. 


Whyther  go  you  :  ou  allez  vous?  howe  do  you  :  comment  vous  portez 
vous?  whan  go  you  :  quant  vous  en  allez  vous?  whan  wyll  you  gyve  it 
hym  :  quant  luy  donnerez  vous  ?  what  hâve  you  sayd  to  hym  :  que  luy 
aues  vous  dit? 

By  reason  wherof,  sythe  every  verbe  used  as  imparsonal  in  the 





frenche  tonge  must  nedes  hâve  il  for  his  nomynatyve  case,  lyke  as 
our  verbes  imparsonalles  hâve  «  it  » ,  the  same  il  shall ,  in  ail  interro- 
gations made  by  any  suche  verbe  used  as  an  imparsonal ,  come  after 
the  verbe,  though  the  other  pronownes  come  ever  before. 


What  eyleth  him  :  que  luyfault  il?  remembre  you  nat?  ne  vous  soaient 
il  pas?  where  of  shulde  he  remembre  hym?  dont  lay  soaaiendroit  il? 


Régula.  Whan  so  ever  we  use  any  verbe  whiche,  of  his  owne  nature,  in  the 

frenche  tonge,  is  a  mère  meane,  that  is  to  say  that  the  acte  of  the 
verbe  retourneth  to  the  doer  agayne,  as  I  bave  some  thyng  afore 
touched  in  the  seconde  boke,  and  shall  herafter,  whan  I  intreate  of 
the  verbe  more  playnly,  déclare,  though  we  in  our  tonge  use  no 
more  but  onely  one  pronowne  before  suche  verbes  as  nomynatyve 
case  to  them,  in  the  frenche  tonge,  in  the  same  sentence,  they  adde 
also  the  accusatyve  case  of  the  same  pronowne ,  expressyng  therby 
that  the  acte  of  the  verbe  retourneth  agayne  to  the  doer,  lyke  as  we 
do,  whan  we  xise  verbes  actyves  as  meanes. 


I  béate  me,  thou  tourmentes  the,  he  chaufeth  hym  :  they  say  je 
me  bats,  tu  te  tourmentes,  il  se  eschauffe,  by  cause  that  the  pronownes 
that  cometh  after  the  verbe  expresseth  playnly  that  the  acte  of  the 
verbe  retourneth  agayne  to  the  doer;  so  that,  though  the  verbes  of 
their  owne  nature  be  actyves,  yet  in  this  sence  we  use  them  as 

So  say  they  for  «  I  dye,  thou  goest,  he  walketh,  I  fare  well,  you 
«  fare  yvell  »,  je  me  meurs,  tu  ten  vas,  il  se  promaine,  je  me  porte  bien, 
vous  portez  mal,  and  in  lyke  wyse  doublyng  the  pronowne  before  ail 


the  persons  of  any  suche  verbe,  wliiche  in  tbe  frenche  tonge  is  used 
as  a  mère  meane,  lyke  as  I  hâve  shewed  by  exemple  of  the  conjuga- 
tyng  of ye  méfie,  in  the  seconde  boke.  And  what  verbes  in  the  frenche 
tonge  be  used  as  mère  meanes,  shall,  as  they  corne  in  order,  apere 
in  the  table  of  verbes. 

But  for  so  moche  as  that  it  shulde  be  barde  for  the  lerner,  nat 
withstandyng  any  général!  rule  that  I  coulde  gyve,  suerly  to  knowe 
whiche  verbes  be  used  in  the  frenche  tonge  as  mère  meanes  and 
whiche  nat,  so  often  as  any  suche  verbe  shall  fortune  to  come  in 
place  in  the  table  of  verbes  after  bis  order,  I  shall  shewe  that  be  is  a 
mère  meane. 



Whan  so  ever  we  use  the  nomynatyve  case  of  our  pronownes  pri-     Régula  prima. 
mytives  and  adde  this  worde  «  selfe  »  to  them ,  though  we  use  to  adde 
also  their  pronownes  dyrivalyves  before  «  selfe i>,  sayeng  I  my  selfe, 
thou  thy  selfe,  be  bym  selfe,  etc.  in  frenche  they  use  but  the  nomy- 
natyve case  of  their  primytyves,  addyng  to  onely  mesmes. 


I  my  selfe  sawe  it  :  je  mesmes  le  vis.  Thou  thy  selfe  dyddest  it  :  ta 
mesmes  le  fis.  He  him  selfe  shall  do  it  :  il  mesmes  le  fera.  She  ber  selfe 
sawe  it  :  elle  mesmes  le  vit.  And  so  forthe  nous  mesmes,  vous  mesmes,  Hz 
mesmes,  elles  mesmes. 

In  ail  other  maners  of  speakyng,  that  is  to  say,  comyng  after  verbes, 
preposycions  or  conjunctions,  whan  we  use  to  adde  this  worde  «  selfe  » 
to  our  pronownes  deryvatyves,  they  adde  mesmes  to  tbe  oblique  cases 
of  their  primytyves. 


I  wyll  do  it  my  selfe  :je  le  feray  moy  mesmes.  Thou  sawest  hym  thy 
selfe  :  tn  le  vis  toy  mesmes.  He  shall  do  it  hym  selfe  :  j7  le  fera  luy  mesmes. 



She  made  it  her  selfe  :  elle  lefist  elle  mesmes.  For  our  selfe  :  pour  nous 
mesmes.  Agaynst  yoiir  selfe  :  contre  vous  mesmes.  For  us  aod  them  selfe 
men  :  pour  nous  et  eulx  mesmes.  Agaynst  you  and  them  selfe  women  : 
contre  vous  et  elles  mesmes. 
Régula  tertia.  So  that,  though  it  inake  ail  one  sence,  whan  so  ever  they  use  any 
verbe  actyve  as  a  meane,  outher  to  use  the  accusatyve  comyng  before 
the  verbe  or  their  oblique  case  with  mesmes,  after  the  verbe,  yet, 
whan  they  use  mesmes,  the  oblique  case  muste  ever  folowe  the  verbe. 


Je  me  ayme,je  ayme  moy  mesmes,  tu  te  eschaufes  trop,  tu  eschaufes  toy 
mesmes  trop. 

And  note  ihat  mesmes  many  tymes  is  joyned  to  substantyves  beyng 
of  this  signyfycacion ,  as  il  fait  mention  dugne  aultre  cité  de  mesmes  nom. 
Cest  le  mesmes  aigneau  quejay  perdu. 




Of  thèse  oblique  cases  of  pronownes  primityves  moj,  toy,  soy,  nous, 
vous  and  leur  be  formed  mon,  ton,  son,  nostre,  vostre,  leur,  whiche  be- 
token  possessyon ,  but  where  as  suche  as  writeth  in  ryme  use  no  and 
va  for  nostre  and  vostre ,  as 

De  guère  est  bruit , 
Cest  no  déduit. 

And  Alayn  Chartier  in  bis  Hospital  : 

Plaisir  ou  deal,  paix  ou  discorde, 
Tient  tout  au  miséricorde. 

In  prose  and  in  perfyte  comen  langage  they  be  but  seidome  used, 
but  for  «  ours,  yours,  theirs  »,  used  after  the  tenses  ofye  suis,  they 
use  a  nous,  a  vous,  a  eulx  or  a  elles,  as  thèse  peces  be  nat  yours,  or 
none  of  yours  :  ces  pièces  ne  sont  pas  a  vous.  AU  is  ours,  tout  est  a  nous. 




Of  thèse  syxe  pronownes  deryvatyvesbe  formed  other  syxe  :  le  mien, 
le  tien,  le  sien,  le  nostre,  le  vostre,  le  leur,  whiche  signyfye  in  our  tonge 
myn  owne,  as  myn  owne  désire,  le  mien  désir;  myn  owne  espouse,  la 
miene  espousée  ;  myn  owne  whysshes,  les  miens  souhaytz;  myn  owne 
thoughtes,  les  mienes  pensées;  thyn  owne  power,  le  tien  poaer;  their 
owne  wylles,  les  leurs  voalentez  :  le  sien,  his  owne;  le  quel  enfant  Priam 
commanda  estre  occis  comme  il  auoit  fait  du  sien;  varyeng  the  gendre 
and  the  nombre  accordyng  to  the  substantyve  that  they  belonge  unto. 


In  gendre ,  accordyng  as  I  bave  afore  touched  in  the  first  dyriva-     Régula  prima, 
tyves,  they  shall  agre  with  the  substantyve  that  next  folowes  them, 
without  any  regarde  havyng  to  the  person  where  unto  any  suche 
substantyves  belongelh,  whether  it  be  «  he  »  or  «  she  »,  lyke  as  we 
bave  in  our  tonge,  sayeng  his  gowne,  her  gowne. 


Thoughe  we  say  her  beed,  her  face,  they  say  son  chieffe,  sa  face, 
usyng  son  or  5a  after  the  gendre  of  the  substantyve,  and  so  of  the 

But  if  a  substantyve,  beyng  of  the  femynin  gendre,  or  his  adjectyve 
begyn  with  a  vowell,  or  with  h  nat  havyng  his  aspiracyon,  before  ail 
suche  they  use  mon,  ton  or  son,  and  nat  ma,  ta  or  sa,  bycause  of  the 
more  full  and  redy  sowndyng. 



My  sowie,  mon  ame;  thy  frendshyp,  ton  amitié;  his  opynion,  son 

Régula  vnica. 


opinion;  my  bytter  passyon,  mon  amere passion;  the  blynded  phantasye, 
ton  aaeagle  phaniasie;  his  dwellyng,  son  habitation;  thyn  horryble  dam- 
nacion,  ton  horrible  dampnation.  As  for  mamie,  samie,  samoar,  and  suche 
lyke  used  of  the  Romant  of  the  Rose,  be  nat  to  be  folowed,  howe  be 
it  they  use  in  comen  speche  mamour  for  mon  amour.  Alayn  Chartier 
in  his  Quadrilogue  approvyng  this  ruie  : 

Mais  tu  nas  pas  gecte  ton  opprobrieuse  voix  contre  les  desloialles  effu- 
sions de  sang. 

Idem  in  eodem  :  Quant  ion  obstination 


In  nombre  also  they  folowe  the  nombre  of  the  substantyve  that 
they  belonge  mito,  without  havyng  any  regarde  to  the  person,  lyke 
as  we  hawe  in  our  tonge. 


Though  we  say  my  garmentes,  my  gownes,  his  horses,  her  jouais, 
semyng  to  use  our  pronowne  in  the  synguler  nombre ,  by  cause  we 
speke  of  thynges  belongyng  but  to  one  person ,  they  say  mes  habille- 
mens ,  mes  robes,  ses  cheuaulx,  ses  baggues. 


Régula  prima  Whan   we   expresse  dymynisshyng  or  hurtyng  or  generally  any 

acte  to  be  donc  to  any  parte  of  a  man  or  beestes  body,  in  ail  suche 
sentences,  they  résolve  the  pronowne  deryvatyve  in  to  his  primytyve, 
usynge  the  article  le  in  the  place  where  the  pronowne  deryvatyve 
was  used  in  our  tonge,  of  suche  gendre  and  nombre  as  the  substan- 
tyve requyreth,  and,  whan  the  acte  i-etourneth  to  the  doer  agayne, 
«  in  the  stede  of  thèse  pronownes  «  his,  her  »,  or  «  their  »,  they  use  in 


frenche  soy,  whlche  serveth  indyfferently  for  bollie  nombres ,  accor- 
dyng  as  I  hâve  afore  declared. 


The  hangman  dyd  fyrst  bynde  bis  eyes  and  after  dyd  cutle  of  bis 
heed  :  le  boureau  primier  luy  benda  les  yealx  et  puis  hiy  couppa  la  teste. 
The  butcher  dothe  put  ont  tbelr  eyes  or  ever  he  cultetb  tbeir  tbro- 
teS  :  le  boucher  leur  creue  les  yeulx  auant  que  leur  couppcr  les  gorges. 
He  wassbetb  my  bandes  :  il  me  laua  les  mains.  He  rubbetb  my 
backe  :  il  mefrota  le  dos.  He  claweth  my  toe  :  il  me  gratigne  le  orteil. 
He  tykeletb  my  sydes  :  il  me  catoille  les  costes.  I  hâve  broken  my 
shynne,  and  thou  hast  hurt  tby  bande  me  suis  escorché  la  greue 
et  tu  te  as  blessé  la  main.  To  aswage  a  lytle  tbe  great  burnyng  of  the 
amorous  desyre  wbiche  burneth  my  vaynes  :  pour  mitigaer  vng  peu  la 
grant  ardeur  du  désir  amoreux  qui  me  brusle  les  vaynes.  His  gyrdle  brake  : 
sa  saincture  luy  rompit.  And  wban  the  abbesse  sawe  that  for  her  beauté 
she  shulde  be  forced,  strayght  she  cutte  of  her  nose  :  et  quant  labesse 
vit  que  pour  sa  beaulté  elle  deust  estre  forcée ,  promptement  elle  se  couppa 
le  nez.  And  ail  her  systers  dyd  the  same,  affirmyng  that  they  had 
rather  suflre  their  lymmes  to  be  drawen  in  peces  than  to  consent 
that  thelr  virgynite  shulde  be  corrupted  :  et  toutes  ses  seurs  firent  le 
semblable,  affermans  quelles  se  laisseroyent  primier  les  membres  tirer  en 
pièces  que  consentir  que  leur  virginité  fust  corrumpue. 

Jehan  le  Maire  :  or  recite  Bocace,  au  sixiesme  Hure  de  la  généalogie 
des  dieux,  que  dedcns  aulcune  espace  de  temps  le  ventre  arondit  et  enfla 
a  la  gracieuse  nymphe. 

Il  se  haste  pour  couper  le  chemyn. 

But  whan  \ve  use  any  suche  kynde  of  spekyng  by  the  garmentes,  Régula 

goodes  or  possessyons  belongyng  to  a  person,  in  ail  suche  sentences, 
they  double  the  selfe  pronovvne,  usynge  first  the  primatyve  and  after 
the  dyrivatyve. 


He  hath  taken  away  my  gowne  :  il  ma  oste  ma  robe.  He  bath  robbed 


my  treasure  :  il  ma  derobbé  mon  trésor.  He  hath  brente  my  houses  and 
distroyed  his  landes  :  il  ma  braslé  mes  maysons  et  lay  a  gasté  ses  terres. 
He  hath  dispent  my  goodes  :  il  ma  despendu  mes  biens.  I  disprayse  his 
labours  :  je  lay  disprise  ses  labeurs.  I  pay  hym  his  monay  :  je  luy  rem- 
bourse ses  deniers. 
Régula  teriia.  But  if  the  signyfycacion  of  the  verbe  be  suche  in  the  frenche 

tonge  tliat  he  must  nedes  be  circnmlocute  in  our  tonge  with  a 
substantyve,  and  signylieth  no  hurte  or  harme  to  be  done  by  any 
person  without  forthe ,  ail  suche  verbes  they  résolve  their  pronownes 
in  to  their  primytyves  onely. 


I  départ  out  of  my  lodgyng  :  je  me  desloge.  We  breake  our  braynes 
for  nought  :  nous  nous  escerueillons  pour  riens.  I  départe  fi-om  my  wyfe  ; 
je  me  demarie.  I  holde  my  peace  :  je  me  tays.  But,  where  as  we  say 
this  is  myne,  they  say,  cecy  est  a  moy,  cesl  a  moy;  and  in  lyke  wyse, 
cest  a  toy,  cest  a  luy,  cest  a  nous,  cest  a  vous,  cest  a  eulx,  tout  est  a  nous. 
Régula  quarte.  But  in  any  other  kynde  of  spekyng,  if  we  use  «  myne  »  or  «  thyne  » 
or  any  of  the  other  as  the  laste  worde  in  a  sentence,  they  use  le  mien, 
le  tien  and  i-o  forthe.         ' 


I  have  myne,  where  is  thyne  :  je  af  le  mien,  ou  est  le  tien?  under- 
standyng  a  masculyn  substantyve,  and  in  lyke  wyse  je  ay  la  mienne, 
ou  est  la  tienne  ?  understandyng  a  femynine  substantyve. 



Régula  prima.  Whan  so  ever  we  demaunde  a  questyon  by  any  of  thèse  two 
wordes  «  who  »  or  «  whome  » ,  understandyng  a  reasonable  créature , 
man  or  woman,  in  ihe  frenche  tonge  they  use  ever  qui,  whiche,  as  I 
have  afore  touched,  answereth  bothe  to  «  who  »  and  «  whome  ». 




Who  be  they  agaynst  whome  you  hâve  to  warre?  Alayn  Chartier  : 
Qui  sont  ceulx  contre  qui  vous  aués  a  garroier?  \\o  is  there?  qui  est  la? 
who  cometh  yonder?  qui  vient  la?  who  shall  go  first?  qui  ira  primier? 
to  whom  shall  I  make  my  mone?  a  qui  feray  mes  complainz?  whome 
seke  you?  qui  demandez  vous?  for  whome  answere  you?  pour  qui  res- 
pondez  vous?  and  so  of  ail  other  preposyclons.  Whose  men  be  we? 
a  qui  sommes  nous? 

But  whan  so  ever  we  aske  a  question  by  any  of  thèse  woi-des 
«  what  »  or  «  what  maner  » ,  desyTyng  to  be  certyfied  of  the  qualyte 
of  a  thyng,  they  use  quel  or  le  quel,  quelz  or  les  quelz,  after  the  gendre 
and  nombre  of  the  substantyve  that  the  questyon  is  demaunded  of. 
But  hère  is  to  be  called  to  remembraunce  what  I  sayd  afore  of  quel 
in  the  thyrde  accydent  of  adjectyves. 


Alayn  Chartier  :  What  folkes  be  you  or  what  hardenesse  is  in  your 

courage?  quelles  gens  estes  vous  ne  quelle  dureté  a  il  en  voz  couraiges? 

what  man  is  this?  quel  homme  est  cecj?  what  woman  is  she?  quelle 

femme  est  elle?  what  amyable  countenaunce  hath  she?  quel  amiable 

contenance  a.  elle? 

Jehan  le  Mayre.  Quelle  hardiesse  te  meut,  o  jeune  adolescent  royal, 
ne  quelle  fiance  présumes  tu  de  mettre  la  mayn  aux  nymphes?  0  noble 
déesse,  quelle  que  ta  soyes !  o  noble  goddesse  who  so  ever  thou 
mayest  be! 

Whan  so  ever  we  use  to  aske  a  questyon  in  our  tonge  by  this 
worde  «  what  »,  nat  meanynge  to  be  certyfied  of  any  qualyte  belon- 
gyng  to  a  thyng  but  of  the  thyng  selfe,  in  ail  suche,  whan  we  use 
«  what  »,  as  nomynatyve  case  to  a  verbe,  they  use  que  :  after  prepo- 
sycions  or  interjectyons  they  use  quoy. 


Régula  terlia. 




What  saye  you?  que  diltez  vous?  what  beholde  you?  gue  regardés 
vous?  in  what  shall  I  put  it?  en  quoy  le  metlray  je?  upon  what  shall  I 
leane  me?  sur  quoy  mappuyray  je?  and  what?  et  quoy?  or  what?  or 
quoy  ?  And  infynitely  :  je  ne  scay  que  pencer  :  1  watte  nat  what  to 
thynke.  ^ 

Régula.  Also,  for  «  howe  many  »  I  fynde  used  after  thèse  suhstantyves  gens, 

foys,  choses  and  suche  lyke,  as  quantes  gens,  quantes  foyz,  quantes 
choses,  etc.  , 



Régula  prima.  Whan  so  ever  in  our  tonge  the  verbe  is  goveined  of  a  relatyve 

whose  antécédent  cometh  before  hym  in  the  same  sentence,  and 
beyng  referred  tho  the  selfe  substantyve  or  pronowne ,  and  none 
other  spoken  of  in  any  sentence  .goynge  before ,  in  ail  suche  sentences 
they  use  ever  qui,  remaynyng  unchanged,  what  so  ever 'gendre  or 
nombre  the  sayd  substantyve  or  pronowne  stande  for. 


The  man  whiche  begynneth  and  can  nat  make  an  ende ,  is  nat  to 
be  holden  wyse  :  Le  homme  qui  commence  et  ne  peult  point  parascheuer, 
il  ne  se  fait  point  tenir  pour  sage.  And  I  whiche  trusted  hym  above  ail 
men  was  begyled  amongest  the  first  :  et  je  qui  mefioie  en  luy  pardessus 
tous  me  trouaay  des  premiers  trompés.  Ali  women  whiche  regarde  their 
honour  take  exemple  by  her  :  toutes  femmes  qui  ont  regard  a  leur  honneur 
preignent  exemple  a  elles. 

And  note  that,  if  there  be  any  other  wordes  put  in  the  sentence 
bytwene  the  nomynatyve  case  and  the  verbe ,  this  relatyve  «  whiche  » 
shall  ever  come  outher  immediately  after  the  substantyve  or  pronowne 
or  els  immedyatly  before  the  verbe. 




Alayne  Chartier.  Yet  say  I  that  lytle  ought  he  to  prayse  his  byrthe , 
and  lesse  to  desyre  the  contynuaunce  of  his  lyfe  whiche  passeth  his 
dayes,  etc.  Encores  dije  que  peu  en  doybt  il  priser  sa  naissance,  et  moyns 
désirer  la  continuation  de  sa  vie,  qui  passe  ses  jours,  etc.  Where  bvtvvene 
il  whiche  is  to  he  understande  nomynatyve  case  to  doybt,  and  qui 
and  passe,  the  verbe,  cometh  dyveise  other  wordes,  but  qui  cometh 
immedyately  before  passe. 

But  if  the  sentence  fall  so  that  we  use  a  substantyve  or  a  pronowne.  Régula  tertia. 
and  afterwarde  «  whiche  »  or  «  whom  »  havyng  a  preposycion  before 
them,  and  after  that  a  substantyve  or  pronowne  and  a  verbe,  tlie 
relatyve  beyng  referred  to  the  substantyve  or  pronowne  that  went 
before  any  of  them  in  the  same  sentence ,  or  els  that  we  understande 
the  substantyve  thyng,  though  he  be  nat  expressed,  in  ail  suclie 
spekyng  they  use  qaoy,  what  gendre  or  nombre  so  ever  the  substan- 
tyve serve  for. 


The  man  in  whom  I  dyd  put  ail  my  trust  :  l'homme  en  quoy  je 
mettoye  toute  ma  fiance.  But  this  of  whiche  I  am  most  abasshed  :  mays 
ce  de  quoy  je  suis  le  plus  esbahy.  Whan  the  yerthe  wherupon  you 
dwell  you  can  nat  socour  :  quant  la  terre  sur  qaoy  vovs  habitez  ne  pouez 
pas  secourir.  For  whiche  thynge  it  is  more  easly  to  be  pardoned  to 
the  :  par  qaoy  il  test  de  legier  plus  pardonable. 



Whan  so  ever  we  use  in  our  tonge  «  the  whiche  »  as  nomynatyve     Rcgula  prima, 
case  to  a  verbe  makyng  relacion  to  a  substantyve  or  pronowne  spoken 
of  in  the  sentence  next  goynge  before,  in  ail  suche  they  use  le  quel, 
la  quelle,  les  quelz,  les  quelles,  after  the  gendre  and  nombre  of  the 



sayd  antécédent ,  whether  we  referre  the  same  antécédent  agayne  or 
after  the  relatyve  or  nat,  wliiche  kynde  of  spekyng,  thougli  it  may 
be  used  indifferently  what  so  eyer  maner  substantyve  the  antécédent 
be,  yet  is  moste  used  where  the  antécédent  is  a  propre  name  of  a 
person  or  place. 
But  hère  i s  to 
witli  femynine  si 
it  shuide  engendre  to  moche  confusyon. 

Kcgula  But  hère  is  to  be  noled  that  thoughe  quel  and  quelz  may  be  joyned 

witli  femynine  substantyve,  in  this  relatyve  that  rule  holdeth  nat,  for 


Johau  le  Mayre.  Lyke  as  Anchyses  dyd,  the  whiche  incontynent 
after  the  dede  went  and  vaunted  hym  :  comme  fist  Anchises,  le  quel 
incontinent  après  le  fait  salla  vanter.  The  whiche  great  ardour  semed 
to  smoke  :  laquelle  grant  ardeur  semhloyt  fumer.  And  than  shalte  thou 
hâve  remerhbraunce  of  Pegasys  the  whiche  hath  tolde  the  :  et  lors 
auras  remembrance  de  Pegasis  la  quelle  ta  compté,  etc. 

And  in  lykewyse  use  they  le  quel,  la  quelle,  les  quelz  and  les  quelles, 
whan  so  ever  there  conieth  a  preposycion  before  the  sayd  «  whiche  » 
or  «  whome  » ,  beyng  referred  to  a  substantyve  or  pronowne  goynge  in 
the  sentence  before ,  whether  the  same  sentence  be  agayne  referred 
or  nat. 

But  hère  is  to  be  hoted  what  I  bave  sayd  afore  on  the  accident  of 
the  preposycion  in  the  seconde  boke ,  for  as  often  as  a  and  le  cometh 
togyther,  they  be  tourned  in  to  au,  and  in  lykewyse  for  a  les  they 
say  aux,  for  en  le,  ou,  for  en  les,  es ,  for  de  le,  du,  and  for  de  les,  des, 
but  with  ail  other  preposycions  the  article  is  written  before  the  rela- 
tyve out  at  iength. 


The  iaste  whiche  is  the  moste  desyred  and  to  whiche  ail  the  other 
drawe  :  le  dernier  qui  est  le  plus  désiré  et  auquel  tous  les  autres  tendent. 
My  sayenges  be  adressed  to  ail  noble  men  to  the  whiche  regarde  to 


their  honour  is  dere  :  mes  ditz  sadressent  a  tons  nobles  hommes  aux  quelz 
recjart  a  leur  honneur  est  chier.  After  the  whiche  partes  so  debated  : 
après  les  quelles  parties  ainsi  debatues. 


In  ail  the  whiche  thynges  he  was  obedyent  :  en  toutes  les  quelles 
choses  il  estait  obéissant.  Of  the  same  lordeshyppe  under  the  whiche 
God  hath  made  you  to  be  borne  :  de  celle  seigneurie  qui  soubz  la  quelle 
Dieu  vous  a  faict  naistre.  Whiche  dyd  submytte  a  great  parte  of  Grèce 
in  their  subjection,  and  whiche  yet  of  their  name  is  called  Gallo- 
Grecia  :  qui  soabzmirent  g rant  partie  de  Grèce  en  leur  subjection,  la  quelle 
encores  de  leur  nom  sappelle  Gallo-Grecia. 



Whan  so  ever  we  use  thèse  wordes  «  this  »  or  «  liiese  »  in  our  tonge 
before  a  substantyve  wherof  we  bave  made  mencyon  before ,  or  shewyng 
a  thynge,  they  use  in  frenche  ce,  of  suche  gendre  and  nombre  as 
the  substantyve  requyreth. 

And  hère  is  to  be  noted  that ,  if  a  substantyve  of  the  masculyn 
gendre  or  bis  adjectyve  begynne  wilh  a  voweil  or  with  h  nat  havyng 
bis  aspyracion,  than  they  use  nat  ce,  but  cest,  lyke  as  I  bave  sliewed, 
whan  I  declyned  ce,  in  the  seconde  boke. 


For  this  way,  this  bouse,  thèse  wayes,  thèse  bouses  they  saye  : 
ce  chemyn,  ceste  mayson,  ces  chemyns,  ces  maysons.  And  for  this  man, 
this  horryble  case  :  cest  home,  cest  horrible  cas.  Whan  so  ever  we  use 
thèse  two  wordes,  it  is  havyng  regarde  to  the  thyng  or  mater  spoken 
of  byfore,  they  use  ce  est  and  by  abrevyacion  cest,  as  I  bave  at  the 
length  declared  in  the  li  chapiter  of  the  first  boke. 



But,  if  we  use  the  sayd  two  wOrdes  rather  to  expresse  the  qualyle 
of  a  thyng  than  a  thynge  selfe,  they  use  il  and  nat  ce. 


For  «  it  is  well  sayd,  it  is  myne,  it  is  my  desyre  »,  they  say  :  cesl 
bien  dict,  cest  a  moy,  cest  mon  désir.  And  for  «  it  is  good,  it  is  naught  », 
they  say  :  il  est  bon,  il  ne  vaalt  rien.  But  where  we  use  «  it  »  before  a 
verbe  imparsonall  or  as  accusatyve  case  governed  of  any  verbe  par- 
sonall,  in  ail  suche  sentences  they  use  il,  le  or  la,  as  the  sentence 
dothe  requyre. 


For  «  it  rayneth ,  it  thondreth ,  I  love  it ,  meanyng  a  masculyne 
substantyve ,  I  hâte  it,  meanyng  a  femynin  substantyve  »,  they  say  :  il 
pleut,  il  tonne,  je  layme,je  la  hajs. 

Whan  so  ever  we  use  to  double  this  worde  «  that  »  in  our  tonge , 
where  as  unlo  the  first  «  that  »  may  be  understande  the  substantyve 
thyng,  the  seconde  that  beynge  a  conjunction,  in  the  stede  of  the 
first  «  that  »  they  use  ever  ce. 


For  I  shall  helpe  hym  in  ail  ihat  I  may,  they  say  :  je  layderay  en 
tout  ce  (jne  je  puis. 

Whan  so  ever  we  use  thèse  two  wordes  in  our  tonge,  they  be 
apoyntyng  or  shewyng  suche  thyng  as  we  bave  spoken  of  beyng  in 
syght ,  or  whan  so  ever  they  make  answere  to  a  qucstyon  demanded 
of  thynges  beyng  in  syght  what  thynges  they  be ,  the  frenchemen  use , 
for  they  be,  ce  sont.  But,  if  we  use  they  be,  tellyng  or  declaring  of 
a  thyng  vvithout  shewyng,  they  use  Hz  sont,  or  expowndyng,  so  that 
the  wordes  folowyng  expownd  the  wordes  that  go  before.  On  ot  de 
loing  les  cliquettys  de  voz  harnais.  Ce  sont  voz  botellettes.  On  se  resueillc 
au  son  de  voz  clercs  trompettes.  Ce  sont  vos  Jluttes,  voz  doulcaines  et  voz 
joyeuses  musettes. 



,  They  be  ho  men  for  us  :  ce  ne  sont  point  gens  pour  nous.  They  be 
no  men  that  we  se  comyng,  they  be  shepe  :  ce  ne  sont  point  des  gens 
que  nous  voyons  venir,  ce  sont  des  brebis.  They  be  of  our  folkes  that 
crosse  over  the  fyldes  :  ce  sont  de  noz  gens  qui  trauersent  les  champs. 
They  be  wyse  men,  they  be  fooles  :  Hz  sont  saiges  gens;  Hz  sont  folz. 

And  note  that  by  the  ignoraunce  of  printers  I  fynde  often  se  writ- 
ten  with  s  for  ce  written  with  c,  whan  he  bis  used  in  this  sence,  by 
cause  they  tbynke  that  ce,  written  with  c,  in  bis  singuler  nombre, 
shulde  nât  be  joyned  with  a  verbe  of  the  plurell  nombre,  but  their 
tonge  is  suche  in  this  thynge. 



Whan  so  ever  we  use  thèse  wordes  in  our  tonge  «  this  »  or  «  that  » , 
without  a  substantyve,  where  the  sence  shulde  be  ail  one,  whether 
V(e  adde  this  worde  «  same  »  or  nat  to  them,  they  use  ever  for  this  cecy 
and  for  that  cela,  varyeng  ce  after  the  gendre  and  nombre  of  the 
substantyve  that  he  belongeth  unto ,  and  addynge  cy  and  la  to  bis 
small  termynacion. 


For  gyve  me  this,  or  gyve  me  this  same  :  take  away  that  or  that 
same ,  they  saye  bailles  moy  cecy,  ostes  cela  :  but  if  they  adde  the 
substantyve  than  put  cy  and  la  after  the  substantyve,  they  devyde 
cy  and  la  from  ce,  and  put  the  substantyve  bytwene  them,  as  a  cest 
homme  cy,  en  ce  temps  la,  pour  ceste  femme  cy,  contre  ces  gens  la,  et 
je  trouve  par  escript  que  le  roy  Priam  ne  commist  jamais  cruaulte  que 
ceste  la. 





V\  han  so  ever  we  use  in  our  tonge  thèse  vvordes  «  he  that ,  liym  that, 
«  slie  that,  her  thatorthem  that  »,  understandyng  men  oi'  women,  they 
say  one  of  the  fyve  wordes  hère  afore  rehersed  witli  qui  next  folowynge 
liym,  of  suche  gendre  and  nomhre  as  the  preposycion  is  that  they 
serve  for. 


For  thèse  sentences,  he  that  hath  his  liehh  is  ryche  ynovigh  :  she 
that  is  good  and  fayre  nede  none  other  dowrie  :  1  wyll  fyght  agaynst 
him  that  sayeth  the  contrary  :  I  wyll  gyve  it  to  her  that  is  fayrest  : 
they  that  go  a  wai-refare  hâve  a  paynfuli  lyfe  :  they  that  spyn  ail 
day  wynne  but  a  lytle  :  I  holde  with  them  that  deale  trewiy  :  they 
say  :  cil  or  celuy  qui  a  sa  sancte  est  ryche  assez  :  celle  qui  est  belle  et  bonne 
na  mestier  daultre  douayre  :  je  conibatray  contre  celuy  qui  disi  le  con- 
trayre  :  je  le  bailleray  a  celle  qui  est  la  plus  belle  :  ceulx  qui  vont  à  la 
guerre  maynent  vie  pénible  :  celles  qui  filent  tout  le  jour  ne  gaygnent  guayres  : 
je  loue  ceulx  qui  se  mayntiennent  loyallement. 

But  whan  so  ever  we  use  «  this  same  »  or  «  that  same  » ,  addyng  a 
substantyve  where  of  we  hâve  made  mencion  byfore,  they  use  cil, 
celuy,  ceulx,  celle  or  celles  without  qui,  of  suche  gendre  and  nombre 
as  the  substantyve  dothe  requyre. 


Where  we  say,  this  same  chylde  wherof  I  hâve  afore  tolde  you  :  this 
same  dragon,  this  same  woman,  they  say  :  cil  or  celuy  enfant  dont  je 
vous  ay  cy  deaant  compte:  celuy  dragon,  celle  femme,  etc. 

Jehan  le  Maire  :  Duquel ,  saulue  la  paix  dung  chascun ,  le  pouuojr 
non  mesurable,  joinct  aaec  le  mien,  ne  semble  pas  moyns  excéder  celuy 
de  tous  les  autres  dieux  et  déesses  que  la  clarté  du  soleil  surmonte  celle 
de  la  lune. 


I  fynde  also  thèse  kyndes  of  speking  by  thèse  compounde  pro-         Régula. 
nownes  :  le  duc  de  Lancastre  et  celay  de  Lorrayne  :  mays  laysser  nostre 
loy  et  prendre  celle  de  Mahon,  where  celuy  and  celle  includeth  le  or  la, 
and  the  substantyve  that  went  before,  as  le  duc  et  la  loy. 




Whan  we  use  this  man,  they  use  cestuy,  and  for  this  selfe  same 
man  ycestay,  and  for  this  selfe  same  thyng,  of  the  mascidyne  gendre, 
yceluy,  ssycelay  dragon,  yceluy  jugement,  and  for  the  femynine  gendre 
ycelle,  asycelle  condemnation ,  this  selfe  condemnacyon. 









Whan  we  use  «  any  »  before  a  substantyve,  they  use  aulcun  of  suche 
gendre  and  nombre  as  the  substantyve  recpiyreth. 


If  you  bave  any  mater  :  si  vous  auez  alcune  matière.  Knowe  you 
any  remedy  :  cognoissez  vous  alcun  remède? 

But  y  fynde  somtyme  aulcun  and  aulcune  for  sonie  man  or  some 
woman  or  some  body,  as  if  you  se  any  man  •hère  :  si  vous  voyez 
aulcun  la. 

For  this  worde  «  any  »  in  our  tongc'^by  sydes  aulcun  they  bave 
also  nul,  quelcun,  quelconque  personne ,  and  de,  and  poynt  de,  of  vvhiche 
the  use  shall  apere  by  exemple. 



And  if  any  man  or  woman  aske  :  et  si  nul  ou  nulle  demande.  So 
that  nul,  in  ail  his  gendres  and  nombres  where  the  verbe  hath  nat 
ne  before  him ,  standeth  for  any  mari,  or  any  woman,  or  for  any,  as 
il  est  pardu  sans  nul  remède  :  lie  his  lost  without  any  remedy.  //  le  scait 
faire  mieulx  que  nul  autre.  If  you  se  any  body  passe  this  vvay  :  si  vous 
voyez  quelcun  passer  par  ycy.  Without  fraude  or  any  maner  corrupcion  : 
sans  fraude  ne  corruption  quelconques.  Ordonna  la  feste  lespace  de  trois 
jours  continuelz  sans  inlermission  quelconque.  So  that  quelconques ,  for  this 
signyfycacion ,  must  ever  be  the  last  worde  in  the  sentence.  Hâve  you 
any  money?  auez  vous  point  d'argeiït?  sans  faire  tort  a  parsonne.  So  that 
whan  we  use  «  any  »  before  a  substantyve  and  enquyre  or  demaunde  if 
we  hâve  any  parte  or  porcyon  therof^  they  use  ever  point  de,  as  for 
any  breed,  any  fyre,  any  water,  point  de  payn,  point  de  feu,  point 


Whan  we  use  some  body  or  some  man  or  woman,  they  use  quel- 
qun  or  quelqane. 


There  is  some  body  ad  the  dore  :  il  y  a  quelqun  a  luys.  Loke  if 
you  can  se  some  woman  :  regardez  se  vous  pouez  veoir  quelcune. 

For  this  worde,  some,  in  our  tonge,  besydes  quelqun  they  hâve 
also  les  vnqz,  or  les  aulcuns,  les  aultres,  les  aulcunes,  quelque,  de  and  tel. 


Some  say  so  and  some  say  the  contrarye  :  les  vngz  disent  ainsy,  les 
aultres  le  contraire.  é>ome  women  daunce  and  some  wepe  :  les  vues 
dansent  et  les  aultres  pleurent.  Les  aulcuns  tendent  afroydeur,  les  aultres 
a  chaleur,  et  les  aultres  a  attrempance.  So  that,  whan  we  use  to  double 
some  twyse  in  our  tonge  onely  in  dyverse  or  contrary  sences,  they 
use  for  the  first  some  les  vngz,  and  for  the  seconde   les  aultres.  By 


many  meanes  men  fall  in  to  povertie,  some  by  theves,  some  by  for- 
tune of  the  see,  some  by  fyre ,  some  by  prodigall  expences  :  par 
plusieurs  moyens  tes  hommes  tambent  en  poaerté,  les  aulcuns  par  larons, 
les  aulcuns  par  fortunes  de  la  mer,  les  aulcuns  par  feu,  et  les  aulcuns  par 
prodiguement  despendre.  So  that,  whan  we  utter  some  oftener  than 
twyse,  they  use  les  aulcuns  or  les  aulcuncs,  after  the  gendre  of  the 
substantyve,  and  nat  les  vngz  et  les  aultres.  Some  be  begyled  :  les 
aulcuns  sont  trompez.  It  is  some  beest  or  some  tree  :  cest  quelque  beste 
ou  quelque  arbre.  So  that  quelque  serveth  for  unreasonable  créatures, 
lyke  as  quelcun  and  aulcun  for  reasonable  :  how  be  it  I  fînde  quelque 
fol,  quelque  prestrei  quelque  dame,  but  alwayes  the  substantyve  must 
be  expressed. 

Gyve  me  some  breed  :  Go  fette  water  :  baille  moy  du  pain;  allez 
quérir  de  leaue.  So  that,  whan  some  signyfieth  the  parte  of  any  thyng, 
they  use  de. 

Some  hath  shaven  bis  berde  that  is  nal  very  fayre  :  tel  afaict  sa 
barbe  qui  nest  gaayres  beau.  Some  speke  full  swetely  that  meane  fuU 
yvell  :  tel  parle  tresdoulcement  qui  a  très  maluaise  intention.  So  that 
whan  we  use  some,  nat  touchyng  any  certayne  person,  but  speke  in 
a  generalte ,  they  use  tel.  I  thynke  I  am  as  wortliy  as  suche  a  man  : 
je  me  pense  aussi  digne  que  vng  tel. 


Whan  so  ever  we  use  in  our  tonge  eche  man  or  every  man ,  they 
use  chascun,  chascune,  chascuns  or  chascunes,  after  as  we  speke  of  a 
man  or  a  woman  of  one  or  of  many. 


Every  man  ought  to  do  in  ail  places  that  whiche  he  knoweth  be- 
cometh  hym  best  :  chascan  doyt  faire  en  toutes  places  ce  qu'il  scayt  que 
mieulx  luy  adulent.  After  dynner  men  avaunced  them  to  daunce  eche 
man  with  eche  woman  :  après  disner  on  sauanca  de  dancer  chascun  a 
chascune.  Every  man  on  his  behalfe  :  chascun  en  droyt  soy.  For  eche 



or  every  joyned  to  any  other  substantyve  they  use  chascun,  also  of 
suche  gendre  and  nombre  as  the  substantyve  requyreth. 

But  after  a  preposytlon  they  use  vng  chascun,  as  so  moche  was 
Paris  agréable  to  every  man  or  every  body  :  tant  estait  Paris  agréable 
a  vng  chascun. 


Every  byrde,  chascun  oyseaa  :  by  every  light  occasyon,  par  chascune 
légère  achoison. 

I  fynde  also,  tout  chascun  and  vng  chascun,  whiche  signyfye  eche 
or  every  also,  but  with  a  more  expressyng  that  ail  every  and  ail  to- 
gyther  do  an  acte ,  or  that  every  man ,  on  bis  behalfe ,  dothe  enforce 
hymselfe  to  do  any  acte. 


Tout  chascun  sen  deust  rejouir;  je  en  droit  moy  men  esjouy;  et  prindrent 
leurs  armures  et  basions  inaasibles,  vng  chascun  qui  mieulx  mieulx  en  son 
quartier,  par  le  commandement  exprès  de  Noe  leur  père.  They  love  to- 
gyther  everyche  other  :  Hz  sentreayment  lang  lautre  :  néant  moyns  trestout 
chascun.  For  everychone  they  use  tout  chascun  or  trestout  chascun.  And 
as  for  the  signyfication  of  tous  shall  apere  hère  immediately  :  car 
irestous  les  beaux  paremens  estoyent  desja  ostés. 



Whan  so  ever  we  use  no  body,  they  use  nulluy,  addynge  ne  before 
the  verbe. 


No  body  may  abyde  his  condycions  :  nulluy  ne  peult  endurer  ses 
condicions.  I  wyll  nat  do  it  for  no  body  that  lyveth  :  je  ne  le  feray 
pour  nulluy  qui  vive.  I  am  bownden  to  no  man  :  je  ne  suis  obligé  a 
nulluy.  And  so  after  ail  other  preposycions,  as  pour  nulluy,  en  nulluy, 
contre  nulluy. 


For  thèse  wordes,  no  or  none,  besydes  nalluj  they  hâve  aise  nul, 
ame,  personne,  quelconque,  nessun,  riens,  ne  poyntde,  or  pas  de:  but 
to  ail  thèse  wordes  it  is  generail  that  the  verbe  in  the  sentences 
where  they  be  used  shal  ever  bave  ne  put  before  him  more  than  is 
in  our  tonge  in  the  same  sentences,  of  whiche  wordes  the  use  shall 
hère  apere  by  exemple. 


JNo  man  is  bounde  above  bis  power  :  nul  nest  tenu  oultre  son  pouuer. 
No  man  demaundeth  what  he  shulde  do  in  bis  oflyce  :  nul  ne  demande 
que  il  doyhtfayre  en  son  office. 


No  love  may  be  greater  than  the  love  of  the  mother  to  the  chylde  : 
nulle  amour  ne  peult  estre  plus  (jrande  que  celle  de  la  mère  au  filz.  For 
there  is  no  graunt  made  lyberaily,  if  it  be  demaunded  neglygently  : 
car  nul  octroy  ne  se  faict  liberallemcnt  sil  est  demandé  nonchaillanment , 
I  wene  that  in  trouth  there  is  none  suche  :  je  croy  que  en  loyaulté  ne 
est  nul  tel. 


I  se  no  man  or  no  body  :  je  ne  voy  ame.  I  wyll  do  no  wronge  to 
no  bodye  :  je  ne  feray  tort  a  personne.  There  is  no  body  at  home  :  il 
nf  a  ame  a  la  maison. 


He  hath  no  maner  of  grâce  in  hym  :  il  na  en  luy  grâce  quelconque. 
Also  1  bave  sene  no  maner  auctour  :  si  nay  je  vea  aucteur  quelconque, 
So  that  quelconque  signylieth  no  maner;  but  as  for  nessun,  and  nessune, 
as  he  maketh  no  maner  chère  :  il  ne  fait  chiere  nessune,  and  suche 
iyke  be  nat  to  be  folowed  :  for  nessun  is  an  olde  romant  worde, 
lyke  as  néant  is ,  in  stede  wherof  they  use  ever  nowe  riens ,  for  they 



saye  nat  nowe  :  je  ne   le  serviraj  toute  lannée  pour  néant,  but  pour 



1  se  no  better  simylytude  :  je  ne  voy  meylieure  similitude.  I  se  none 
other  remedye  :je  ne  voy  aullre  remède. 


I  have  no  breed  :  je  naj  point  de  payn.  I  bave  no  money  :  je  nay 
point  dargent.  I  knowe  never  a  man  :je  ne  saiche  homme. 



Whan  we  use  ail  in  our  tonge  they  use  tout,  of  suche  gendre  and 
nombre  as  the  substantyve  dothe  requyre. 


With  ail  my  herte ,  with  ail  my  mygbt  :  de  tout  mon  cueur,  de  toute 
ma  puissance.  But  where  as  tbe  Romant  sayetb , 

A  ceste  porte  sans  séjour 

La  muse  musant  toute  jour 

In  that  tyme  he  folowed  the  vulger  people  whiche  joyne  toute  in 
bis  femynyn  termynacions  to  jour,  tliough  he  be  of  the  masculyne 
gendre,  in  the  singuler  nombre  onely,  as  they  say,  il  luy  défendit  sur 
tout  riens,  though  riens  be  of  the  feminyn  gendre;  but  they  say,  tous 
les  jours,  accordyng  to  the  trewe  congruite  of  the  tonge. 

Whan  we  use  al!  togyther,  or  ail  that  ever  there  is,  they  use  très- 


Put  in  ail  togyther  :  mettez  trestout  dedens.  But  as  for  quanque, 
whiche  also  signyfieth  ail  togyther  or  ail  that  ever,  as  you  lèse  ail 
that  ever  you  playe  for  :  vous  perdez  tout  quanque  vous  jouez,  it  is  a 
worde  of  the  olde  Romant  speche ,  and  nowe  in  the  pure  frenche 
tonge  is  clere  out  of  use. 




Whan  we  use  suche  in  our  tonge,  they  use  tel  of  suche  gendre  and 
nombre  as  the  subslantyfe  dothe  requyre. 


Suche  master,  suche  man  :  tel  maistre,  tel  varlet.  Suche  faultes, 
suche  paynes  :  telz  crimes,  telz  paynes.  For  remembre  you  suche  a 
man  or  suche  a  one  :  vous  souuient  il  dung  tel?  Knowe  you  suche  a 
woman  or  suche  a  one  (meanyng  a  woman)  :  cognoissez  vous  vne  telle? 
Where  we  use  suche  another  they  use  autel,  and  for  suche  iyke  itel. 


Was  never  man  had  suche  an  other  martyrdome  :  onques  nul  neust 
autel  martire.  Suche  Iyke  wordes  were  bytwene  them  :  itelz  parolles 
auoyent  Hz  entre  eulx. 

But  where  as  the  bysshoppe  of  Anguiliesme  useth  moche  in  the 
pystels  of  Ovyde  tieulx  and  itieulx  for  telz  and  itelz,  that  worde  he 
hath  used  of  his  owne  naturail  tonge ,  for  the  ryght  frenche  tonge  is 
rather  telz  and  itelz.  And  howe  tel  and  telz  may  be  joyned  with  fe- 
mynine  substantyves  I  hâve  afore  touched  in  this  thyrde  boke,  in  the 
thirde  accydent  belongyng  to  nownes  adjectyves. 


Whan  we  use  other  they  use  aultre,  as  an  other  man,  vng  aultre 
homme  :  an  other  woman,  vne  aultre  femme  :  an  other  reason  for  other 
causes,  vne  aultre  raison  pour  aultre  causes  :  in  other  maters,  en  aultre 
matières.  But  so  often  as  they  use  an  other  man  or  an  other  body  after 
a  preposycion,  they  use  aultruy,  as  do  to  an  other  man  or  body, /aitez 
a  autruy  :  trust  nat  to  moche  in  an  other  body,  ne  vous  fiez  trop  en 
aaltruy  :  he  thynketh  to  do  displeasure  lo  an  other  body,  il  pense  faire 
desplaisir  a  aultruy. 



Whan  we  use  wliat  so  ever,  they  use  quelconque,  ov  qaelzconques ,  or 
quelque,  after  the  nombre  of  the  substantyve,  what  so  ever  gendre 
the  substantyve  be  of ,  so  tbal  where  as  he  is  declyned  in  the  seconde 
boke  quelconque,  quelleconque ,  quelzconques ,  quelleconques ,  that  was 
done  by  the  errour  of  the  printers,  for  he  foloweth  the  rule  of  ad- 
jectyves  endyng  in  /,  as,  what  so  ever  excuse  you  alledge,  it  shall 
nat  serve  you  :  quelconque  or  quelque  excusation  que  vous  alliguez,  elle 
ne  vous  seruira  de  riens.  And  I  wyll  be  ware  to  make  any  maner  men- 
cion  of  it  to  any  créature  lyvyng  :  si  je  men  garderay  de  faire  mencion 
quelconques  a  personne  qui  viue.  For  of  them  I  force  nat  what  so  ever 
goddes  or  demye  goddes  that  they  be  :  car  deulx  je  nay  cure,  quelque 
dieux  or  quelconques  dieux  ou  demy  dieux  que  Hz  soyent.  As  for  il  y  a 
quelque  vingt  ans,  for  it  is  aboute  xx  yere,  is  onely  used  in  suche 
spekynge  with  nombres.  I  fynde  also  :  0  déesse  spécieuse,  quelque  que 
tasoyes,  si  men  garderay  a  faire  a  aultruy  mencion  quelconques. 


Maint  and  plusieurs  signyfye  in  our  tonge  many,  but  with  this  dif- 
férence :  maint  ahereth  bis  gendre  and  nombre  after  the  substantyve 
that  he  is  joyned  unlo,  as  for  many  a  man,  many  a  woman,  many 
men,  many  women ,  they  say  maint  homme,  mainte  femme,  maintz 
hommes,  maintes  femmes  ;  but  plusieurs  is  ever  joyned  to  substantyves 
of  the  phirell  nombre  onely,  as  plusieurs  hommes,  plusieurs  femmes , 
also  plusieurs  alone  may  signyfye  many  men,  as  a  man  liad  nede  be- 
ware  howe  he  playeth  with  many  men  :  len  se  deueroyt  bien  garder 
comment  il  se  joue  a  plusieurs.  Si  y  errent  les  plusieurs. 

Hère  endeth  the  Pronowne ,  and  herafter  foloweth 




Of  frenche  wordes  wlierby  nombres  be  expressed  there  be  thre 
dyvers  sortes,  lyke  as  I  bave  in  parlye  in  the  seconde  boke,  as  I  bave 
had  occasions  to  speke  of  tbem,  allredy  toucbed  :  for  by  vng ,  deux, 
troys,  quatre  and  sucbe  other  they  use  to  rekken  bowe  many  tbynges 
tbere  be  in  any  somme  togytber. 

And  by  le  premier,  le  second,  le  tiers,  le  quart,  and  sucbe  other 
they  use  to  sbewe  in  what  order  or  place  one  thyng  is  to  an  other. 

And  by  vue  fojs,  deuxfoys,  troys  foys,  and  sucbe  other  they  use  to 
shewe  howe  often  a  dede  is  done. 

And  of  ail  thèse  thre  sortes  of  numeralles  what  and  bowe  many 
they  bave  in  the  frenche  tonge,  and  bowe  they  be  used,  whan  one  of 
them  is  joyned  with  an  other,  shall  bere  consequently  apere. 

Hère  foloweth  ail  sucbe  nombres  as  the  lerned  men  in  Fraunce 
use  to  somme  or  reken  tbynges  by,  and  by  what  names  and  figures 
they  be  expressed  bothe  with  us  and  tbem  : 

Vng,  one,  l. 
Deux,  twayne,  ii. 
Trojs,  thre,  m. 
Quatre,  foure,  un. 
Cinq,  fyve,  v. 
Six,  syxc,  vr. 
Sept,  seven,  vu. 
Huyct,  eyghl,  viii. 
Neuf,  nyne,  ix. 
Dix,  tenne,  x. 
Orne,  elevyn,  xi. 
Douze,  twelve,  xii. 
Treize,  thurtene,  xiir. 
Quatorze,  fourtene,  min. 
Quinze,  fyftene,  xv. 
Seize,  syxtene,  xvi. 
Dixsept,  sevyntene,  xvii. 
Dixfcuycf,  eyghtenc,  xvill. 

Dixneuf,  nyntene,  xix. 
Vingt,  tweoty,  xx. 
Trente,  thurty,  xxx. 
Quarante,  fourty,  XL. 
Cinquante,  fyfly,  L. 
Soyxante,  syxty,  n. 
Septante,  seventy,  lxx. 
Octante,  eyghly,  Lxxx. 
Nonante,  nynty,  xc. 
Cent,  a  bundred,  c. 
Deuxcens,  two  hundred,  u.c. 
Troys    cens ,    tbre    hundred  , 

III.  c. 
Quatre   cens ,   foure   hundred , 


Cinq  cens,  fyve  hundred,  v.c. 
Six  cens,  syxe  hundred,  vi.c. 
Sept  cens,  sevyn  hundred,  vu.  c. 

Huyct   cens ,  eyght  hundred , 


Neuf  cens,  nyne  hundred,  ix.  c. 
Mille,  a  thousande,  m. 
Dur  mille,  ten  thousande,  x.  .M. 
Vingt  mille,  twenty  thousande, 

XX.  M. 

Cent  mille,  a  hundred  thou- 
sande, c.  M. 

Vng  million,  a  million,  x.c.  M. 

Dix  millions,  ten  millions. 

Vingt  millions,  twenty  millions. 

Cent  millions,  a  hundred  mil- 

Vng  million  de  millions,  a  million 
of  millions,  etc. 

Dix  millions  de  millions,  tenne 
millions  of  millions. 

Farther  nother  they  nor  we  hâve  no  caracters  to  expresse  nombres  by. 


So  that  suche  and  as  many  particuler  nombres  as  inay  he  made 
bytwene  vng  and  mille,  suche  and  so  inany  maye  be  niade  bytwene 
mille  and  vng  million,  by  addyng  of  mille,  imto  every  of  the  syngle 
nombres  bytwene  vng  and  mille,  and  agayne  suche  and  as  many  sondrye 
nombres  maye  also  be  made  bytwene  vng  million  and  vng  million  de  mil- 
lions, by  addyng  of  million  to  every  of  the  sayd  syngle  nombres;  for,  as 
they  say  vng,  deux,  dix,  onze,  vingt,  trente,  cent,  deux  cens,  neuf  cens,  so  saye 
thev  mille,  deux  mille,  dix  mille,  onze  mille,  vingt  mille,  trente  mille,  cent 
mille,  deux  cens  mille,  neuf  cens  mille,  and  in  lykewyse  vng  million,  deux 
millions,  dix  millions,  onze  millions,  vingt  millions,  trente  millions,  cent 
millions,  deux  cens  millions,  neuf  cens  millions,  and  by  lyke  reason,  if  it 
were  possybie  to  talke  of  any  nombre  so  great  as  vng  million  de  millions, 
deux  millions  de  millions,  dix  millions  de  millions,  onze  millions  de  millions. 

And  note  that,  though  there  come  ne  ver  so  many  dyvers  nombres  in 
one  somme  togyther,  they  shall  eche  folowe  other  in  suche  order  that 
the  grettest  shall  ever  come  fyrst  in  order,  and  they  shal  eche  folowe 
other,  vvithout  any  conjunction,  except  the  laste  nombre  be  under  xx, 
and  that  the  nombre  comyng  nexte  before  hym  endeth  in  a  consonant, 
for  than  they  use  to  adde  et  bytwene  the  two  laste  nombres,  as  cent 
cinquante  cincj  millions  cent  cinquante  cinq  mille  cent  cinquante  cinq  hommes. 
And  therfore,  though  we  say  one  and  twenty,  two  and  thurty,  thre  and 
fourty,  and  so  forthe,  puttyng  the  smaller  nombre  before ,  they  say  vingt 
et  vng,  trente  deux,  quarante  quatre,  etc.  and  in  lykewyse  cent  et  vng,  deux 
cens  et  deux,  cent  et  douze,  usyng  et  bytwene  vingt,  cent  and  cens,  and 
the  nombre  folowynge,  by  cause  they  ende  in  consonantes. 

Nota  also  that,  ail  be  it  the  voulgar  people  use  never,  septante, 
octante  and  nonante,  as  I  shall  herafter  playnly  déclare,  yet  that  the 
lerned  men  use  them  and  suche  as  nombres  by  anglorisme  appereth 
by  the  Romant  of  the  Rose  where  he  bringeth  in  nature  workyng  in 
her  forge  by  there  wordes  : 

Dix  ans  ou  vingt,  trente  ou  quarante, 
Cinquante,  soixante  oa  septante. 
Voire  octante,  nonante  ou  cent. 


Hère  foloweth  wherin  the  voulgar  people , 

marchaunte  men,  and  suche  as  write 

hystories  dyffer  from  the 

maner  of  nombring 

hère  afore  re- 

hersed  : 



Six  viiiglz. 

Dix  sept  cens. 


Sept  vingtz. 

Dix  huict  cens. 


Haict  vmgtz. 

Dix  neuf  cens. 


Neuf  vingt:. 

Deux  mille. 


Deux  cens. 

Dix  mille. 


Onze  vingts. 

Vingt  mille. 


Douze  vingtz. 

Soixante  dix  mille. 


Treize  vingtz. 

Quatre  vingtz  mille. 


Quatorze  vingtz. 

Dix  neuf  vingtz  mille. 


Trois  cens  or  quinze  vingtz. 

Quatre  cens  mille. 


Seize  vingtz. 

Neuf  cens  mille. 


Dix  sept  vingtz. 

Vng  mdlion. 


Dix  huit  vingtz. 

Onze  cens  mille. 


Dix  neuf  vingtz. 

Dix  neuf  cens  mille. 


Quatre  cens. 

Deux  millions. 


Cinq  cens. 

Dix  millions. 

Dix  sept. 

Six  cens. 

Vingt  millions. 

Dix  huit. 

Sept  cens. 

Soixante  dix  millions. 

Dix  neuf. 

Huict  cens. 

Quatre  vingtz  millions. 


Neuf  cens. 

Dix  neuf  vingtz  millions. 



Quatre  cens  millions. 


Onze  cens. 

Neuf  cens  millions. 


Douze  cens. 

Vng  million  de  millions. 


Treize  cens. 

Onze  cens  mdlions. 

Soixante  dix. 

Quatorze  cens. 

Dix  neuf  cens  millions. 

Quatre  vingtz. 

Quinze  cens. 

Deux  millions  de  millions. 

Quatre  vingtz  et  dix. 

Seize  cens. 

Dix  millions  de  millions,  etc. 


So  that  septante,  octante  and  nonanle  be  never  used  of  the  vouiger 
people,  but  justed  of'them  soixante  et  dix,  quatre  vingtz,  quatre  vingtz 
et  dix. 

And  note  that  from  fourscore  they  recken  by  scores  to  xx  score, 
and  from  four  hundred,  where  they  cease  to  reken  by  scores,  they 
recken  by  hundredes  or  thousandes,  they  name  them  as  the  lerned 



men  do  sayeng,  cent,  deux  cens,  troys  cens,  quatre  cens,  mille,  deux 


Note  also  that  suche  lyke  maner  of  accountyng  by  scores  and  hun- 
dredes  as  they  use  from  fourscore  to  two  thousande,  suche  lyke  maner 
of  reckenyng  they  use  bytwene  two  thousande  and  two  millions,  and 
bytwene  two  millions  and  two  millions  of  millions  :  in  ail  other 
thynges  they  agre  with  the  lerned  men. 

And  lyke  as  they  say  vingt  et  vng,  cent  et  deux,  deux  cens  et  quatre, 
so  say  they  quatre  vingtz  et  vng,  six  vingtz  et  deux,  onze  cens  et  quatre, 
addyng  the  conjunction  by,  bycause  vingt  endeth  in  a  consonant,  ac- 
cordynge  to  the  rule  afore  rehersed. 


First  :  al  numeralles  of  this  sorte  be  indeclynables,  without  gendre 
or  nombre  or  any  other  alteracions  of  their  laste  letters  except  vng , 
vingt,  cent,  mille  and  million,  of  whiche, 

Vng,  so  often  as  lie  representeth  or  is  joyned  to  a  femynine  substan- 
tyve ,  is  chaunged  in  to  bis  femynine  singuler  onely,  as  for  one  Gpd , 
one  kynge,  one  faytbe,  one  lawe,  they  say  vng  Dieu,  vng  roy,  une  foy, 
vne  loy  :  and  for  one  and  twenty  men,  one  and  twenty  women,  vingt 
et  vng  homme,  vingt  et  vne  femme-  So  that  vngz  and  vnes  be  never  used 
as  numeralles,  but  onely  as  artycles,  and  therfore  I  shall  nat  say  vingt 
et  vngz  hommes,  vingt  et  vncs  femmes. 

Vingt,  whan  be  signyfyeth  «  twenty  »  is  never  used  in  bis  singuler 
nombre,  and  whan  be  signyfieth  scores,  be  is  ever  used  in  the  plu- 
rell  nombre  onely,  as  for  twenty  men,  twenty  women,  they  say  vingt 
hommes,  vingt  femmes  :  and  for  fourscore  men,  quatre  vingtz  hommes, 
quatre  vingtz  femmes,  without  any  chaungyng  of  vingt  or  vingtz,  nat 
withstandyng  any  dyversyte  of  gendre  that  their  substantyves  be  of. 

Cent,  whan  be  signyfyeth  one  hundred,  is  ever  used  in  bis  sin- 
gider  nombre,  as  cent  millions,  cent  mille  et  cent,  whan  be  signyfyeth 


many  hundredes,  is  ever  used  in  the  plurell  nombre,  as  devx  cens 
millions,  devx  cens  mille  et  deux  cens.  But  for  any  dyvers  gendre  of  his 
substantyve  he  hath  no  maner  alteracyon,  for  they  say  cent  hommes, 
cent  femmes,  deux  cens  hommes,  deux  cens  femmes. 

Mille,  of  ail  suche  auctours  as  write  in  prose,  remayneth  ever  un- 
chaunged,  whether  he  stande  for  one  thousande  or  many,  and  whal 
so  ever  gendre  his  substantyve  be  of,  save  that  use  hath  obtayned, 
so  often  as  mille  cometh  next  byfore  hommes,  is  chaunged  in  to  mil. 
Jehan  le  Mayre  :  qui  auoyt  cent  quatre  vingtz  mil  hommes  en  armes.  Also, 
whan  so  ever  an  is  his  substantyve,  outher  comynge  next  before  mille, 
or  in  the  yeres  of  our  Lorde,  as  milans,  vingt  mille  ans.  Jehan  le  Mayre  : 
mil  neuf  cens  quatre  vingtz  ans  auant  llncarnation.  Alayn  Chartier  :  lan 
mil  quatre  cens  cinquante.  But,  if  mille  folovve  hommes  or  ans,  they 
use  mille,  lyke  as  they  do  with  other  substantyves ,  as  des  hommes  plus 
de  mille,  des  ans  plus  de  cent  mille.  But  suche  as  writeth  in  ryme ,  so 
often  as  the  substantyve  to  mille,  or  the  nexte  worde  folowyng  him 
begynne  with  a  vovvell  or  with  /(,  nat  havynge  his  aspyracion,  be  at 
their  lyberte  whether  they  wyll  use  mil  or  mille.  The  Bornant  : 

Si  mil  y  en  alumeroyent 

Ja  moins  de  feu  ne  troaerojnt. 

And  this  thyng  is  specially  to  be  noted,  for  the  printers  herin  do 
greatly  erre,  usyng  mil  and  mille  uncertaynly  :  and  therfore  where  in 
the  thyrde  boke  of  Johan  le  Mayres  illustracions  is  written  :  si  furent 
occis  sur  le  champ  quatre  vingtz  mil  nobles  hommes  et  soixante  mil  varletz, 
it  wolde  be  quatre  vingtz  mille,  and  soixante  mille.  But  where  as  I  rede 
in  the  Quadrilogue  of  Alayne  Chartier  :  trente  deux  milles  combatans, 
the  boke  wolde  be  corrected,  for  mille  never  reseveth  s  for  no  maner 
of  spekyng  :  but,  if  we  use  to  say  :  they  be  kylled  by  hundi-edes  or  by 
thousandes,  or  he  selleth  his  ware  by  hundredes  and  by  tliousandes, 
not  expressynge  any  substantyve,  they  use,  in  ail  suche  sayengs,  cens 
and  milliers,  as  Hz  sont  tuez  par  cens  et  par  milliers  :  il  vent  sa  marchan- 
dise par  cens  et  par  milliers,  and  so  of  suche  lyke. 



Million,  in  ail  thynges,  is  used  lyke  cent  :  for  they  say  vng  million, 
deux  millions.  And  note  that  cenf  and  mille,  wlian  they  stande  for  one 
hundred  or  one  thousande ,  hâve  never  vmj  before  them ,  thovigh  million 
hâve  :  and  whan  million  his  joyned  to  any  substantyve,  they  adde  de 
before  hym,  as  vng  million  de  hommes,  vng  million  de  femmes. 

Hère  foloweth  ail  suche  numeralles  as  be 

of  seconde  sorte,  by  whiche  they 

shewe  in  what  ordre  or 

place  one  thyng  is 

to  another. 

Premier,  Cyrst. 
Second,  seconde. 
Tiers  OT  troysiesme ,  thyrde. 
Quart  or  (juatriesme,  fourtli. 
Quint  or  cinquiesme ,  fyfte. 
Sixiesme,  sixte. 
Septiesme,  seventh. 
Huictiesme ,  eyght. 
Neufiesmr,  nynthe. 
Dixiesme,  tenlbe. 
Onziesme,  clevynth. 
Douziesme ,  twelfyth. 
Treitiesme ,  thyrteeuth. 
Quatorziesme ,  foiirteentli. 
Qainziesme ,  fyfleenlli. 
Seiziesme,  syxteentli. 

Dixseptiesme ,  sevynteentL. 

Dixhuitiesme ,  eyghtenth. 

Dixiteajiesme ,  nynetenth. 

Vingdesme,  twenteth. 

Vingt  et  vngiesmc ,  one  and 

Vingt  et  deuxiesme ,  two  and 

Trentiesme ,  thyrteth. 

Trente  et  vnijiesme,  one  and  thyr- 

Qnarantiesme ,  fourteth. 

Quarante  et  vngiesme ,  one  and 

Cinquantiesme  and 

Ci/i^«on(ainier,  usedof  Giilaume 

Dalexis  en  son  blason  , 

Soixantiesme ,  syxteth. 
Septantiesme ,  seventylh. 
Octantiesme  ,  eyghteth. 
Quatre  vingtziesme. 
Quatre  vingtz  et  dixiesme. 
Deux  milliesme. 
Troys  milliesme. 
Cent  milliesme. 


All  numeralles  of  this  sorte  be  adjectyves  and  forme  their  femy- 
nynes  out  of  their  masculynes,  their  plurell  nombres  out  of  their 
singulers,  accordynge  as  in  the  adjectyve  I  bave  ail  redy  declared , 
as  premier  premiers,  première  premières,  troysiesme  troysiesmes  :  but  lyke 
as  in  our  tonge  we  ever  use  byfore  suche  numeralles  their  artycle , 
sayeng  :  the  first,  the  seconde,  the  thyrde,  the  fourth,  aud  so  of  ail 
other,  so  in  the  frenche  tonge  thèse  numeralles  hâve  ever  their  ar- 
tycle byfore  them,  of  suche  gendre  and  nombre  as  the  substantyves 
whiche  they  be  joyned  unto  dothe  requyre,  as  le  premier  chapitre,  la 


première  raison,  les  premiers  hommes,  les  premières  fundacions ,  etc.  But 
where  as  I  rede  :  il  est  le  cinquantainier  de  son  blason,  I  wolde  hâve 
sayd,  le  cinquantiesme ,  for  of  tins  sorte,  endyng  in  ier,  they  hâve  no 
more  but  le  premier  and  le  dernier. 

Hère  foloweth  howe  suche  numeralles 

as  be  of  the  thyrde  sorte 

shall  be  used. 

In  numeralles  of  the  thyrde  sorte ,  wherby  is  expressed  howe  often 
a  dede  is  done,  is  no  maner  diffyculte  in  the  frenche  tonge;  but  ad- 
dyngeybjs  to  the  numeralles  of  the  first  sorte  may  be, expressed  ahy 
maner  nombre,  as  for  ones,  twyse,  thrise,  foure  tymes,  fyve  tymes, 
ten  tymes,  twenty  tymes,  a  hundred  tymes,  a  thousande  tymes,  they 
saye  ;  vnefoys,  deuxfoys,  troysfoys,  quatre  foys,  cinq  foys,  dixfoys, 
vingt  foys,  cent  foys ,  mille  foys,  and  so  of  ail  other,  rehersyng  the 
nombre  and  addyng  to  foys. 

Hère  foloweth  certayne  exemples 

to  knowe  farther  howe  they 

expresse  nombres  or 

thynges  in  a  mul- 


They  be  takcn  bothe  two  :  Hz  sont  prins  tous  deux.  They  were  by- 
twene  eyght  and  nyne  thousande  herses  :  Hz  estoyent  de  huict  à  neuf 
mille  cheuaulx.  There  is  upon  a  thurty  or  fourty  men  :  il  y  a  quelque 
trente  ou  quarante  hommes.  They  be  aboute  twenty  :  Hz  sont  enuiron 
vingt.  I  bave  to  the  nombre  of  thurty  or  fourty  houndes  :  jay  vne 
trentayne  ou  quarantayne  de  chiens.  I  bave  halfe  a  dousaine,  a  dou- 
sayne  or  a  score  :  jay  vne  demye  dousayne,  vne  dousayne  ou  vne  ving- 



Thus  endeth  the  Numeralles,  and 

hère  after  foloweth  the 

chapiters  of  the 


Any,  aulcan  :  cap.  xzix ,  reg.  i . 

Ail,  tout,  trestottt,  tfuanque;  cap.  xxxi,  reg.  i. 

Ecbe  mail,  chasctin ,  chascune ;  cap.  xxix,reg.  3. 
Every  man   or   woraan,  chascuns,   chascunes: 

l,je:  cap.  iiii,  reg.  i. 
I,  il,  me:  cap.  iiil,  reg.  3. 
I,  moy;  cap.  iiii,  reg.  d. 
I,je;  cap.  xv,  reg.  a. 
I  inyselfe,je  mesmes;  cap.  xvi,  reg.  t. 
I  moy  ;  cap.  xvi ,  reg.  i . 

In  the  whiche,  ou  quel,  es  quelles/  cap.  xxiiii, 
reg.  2. 

He,  il;  cap.  vi,  reg.  i. 
Hym ,  le  ;  ber,  la  ;  cap.  vi ,  reg.  2 . 
Hym,  her,  luy;  cap.  vi,  reg.  3. 
Hym,  her,  le,  la,  lay;  cap.  vi,  reg.  4- 
Hym ,  her,  luy;  cap.  vi ,  reg.  5. 
He,  hym,  lay;  cap.  vi,  reg.  6. 
Her,  la;  her,  luy;  cap.  Tli,  reg.  3. 
Her,  elle;  her,  la;  her,  luy;  cap.  vu ,  reg.  à. 
Hym ,  her,  se  ;  cap.  ix ,  reg.  i . 
Hym,  her,  le,  la,  luy;  cap.  ix,  reg.  î. 
He,  il;  cap.  xv,  reg.  2. 
He  bymseife,  il  mesmes;  cap.  xvi,  reg.  1. 
Hymselfe ,  luy  mesmes  ;  codcm. 
Herselfe,  elle  mesmes ;cSLp.  xvi,  reg.  1. 
He ,  soy;  cap  xvii ,  reg.  i . 
His  owne,  le  sien;  cap.  xviii,  reg.  1. 
Her,  son;  her,  sa;  cap.  xix  ,  reg.  1. 
His ,  son;  cap.  xix,  reg.  2. 
His,  ses;  cap.  xx,  reg.  1. 
His,  luy,  la,  luy,  les;  cap.  xxi,  reg.  i. 
Her,  luy,  le,  la,  luy,  les;  cap.  xxi ,  reg.  1 . 

Her,  il;  her,  ce;  cap.  xxv,  reg.  2. 
He,  hym,  them,  she,  her  or  them,  cil,  celuy, 
ceulx,  celle  or  celles:  cap.  xxvii ,  reg.  1. 

Myselfe ,  moy  mesmes  ;  cap.  xvi ,  reg.  2 . 
Myn  owne,  le  mien;  cap.  xviii,  reg.  1. 
My,  mon;  cap.  xix,  reg.   2. 
My,  mes;  cap.  xx,  reg.  1. 
Myne,  le,  me  la,  me  les;  cap.  xxi,  reg.  1. 
Myne,  mon,  ma,  me,  mes;  cap.  sxi,  reg.  2. 
Myne,  le  mien;  thyne,  le  tien;  cap.  xxi,  reg.  l\. 
Many,  maint  or  plusieurs  :  cap.  xxxv,  reg.  1. 


None  or  no  body,  nuUwy;  cap.  xxx,  reg.  1. 

No  or  none,  nul,  riens ,  ne  pomt,  or  de;  cap.  eo- 
dem, reg.  2. 

No  men  or  women ,  nul, nulle,  nulz, nulles;  cap. 
eodem ,  reg.  3. 

No  man  or  no  body,  ame,  or  personne;  cap.  eo- 
dem ,  reg.  4. 

5I0  maner  of  person  ,  quelconque;  cap.  eodem, 
reg.  5. 

No  or  none ,  point  de;  cap.  eodem,  reg.  6. 

One  a  man.  Un;  one  a  man  ,  /on;  one  a  man, 

on;  cap.  viii,  reg.  i. 
Ourseife,  nous  mesmes  ;  cap.  x\i ,  reg.  2. 
Our,  nostre  ;  cap.  xvn ,  reg.  1 . 
Our  owne,  le  nostre;  cap.  xviu,  reg.  1. 
Our,  nous  le,  nous  la,  nous  les;  cap.  xxi,  reg.  i. 
Our,  nous,  le,  vous,  la,  vous,   les;  cap.  xvi, 

reg.  1. 
Of  whiche  ,  du  quel;  of  the  whiche,  des  qaelz; 

cap.  XXI ,  reg.  1 . 

Sbe,  elle;  cap.  vu,  reg.  i. 
She,  luy;  cap.  eodem,  reg.  2. 
She  herselfe ,  elle  mesmes;  cap.  xvi ,  reg.  1 . 


Some  body,  qaelcan,  or  quelqune  :  cap.  xxix, 

reg.  2. 
Some,  les  vngz,  les  anlcans,  les  aiiltres,  les  aal- 

cunes,  quelque,  de  or  tel;  cap.  xxix,  reg.  3. 
Sucbe,  tel,  autel,  and  itel;  cap.  xxxi ,  reg.  2. 

Tliou,  ta;  thou,  il,  le;  cap.  V,  reg.  1. 

Thou  ,  toj,  the,  te:  eodem. 

The,  (oj;  eodem. 

They,  1(2;  cap.  xi,  reg.  1. 

Tbem,  les;  Ihem,  leur;  cap.  «eodem,  reg.  2. 

Them,  eulx ;  cap.  eodem,  reg.  3. 

Them,  les;  them,  leur;  cap.  eodem,  reg.  i. 

They,  W/fi.cap.  XII,  reg.  1. 

Them,  les;  them,  leur;  cap.  eodem,  reg.  2. 

They,  elles,  them,  elles:  cap.  eodem,  reg.  3. 

Them ,  se  ;  cap.  Mii ,  reg.  1 . 

Them,  sojr;  cap.  eodem ,  reg.  2. 

Thou  ,  tu;  cap.  XV,  reg.  i . 

Thou ,  tu  ;  eodem. 

rhou,  thy  selfe,  tu  mesmes;  cap.  xvi,  reg.  i. 

They  tliemselfe,  ilz  mesmes;  eodem. 

They  themselfe,  elles  mesmes;  eodem. 

Thy  selfe,  toy  mesmes;  cap.  eodem,  reg.  j. 

Them  selfe,  eulx  mesmes:  cap.  eodem,  reg.  3. 

Them  scife,  elles  mesmes;  eodem. 

Thou,  toy;  cap.  xvii,  reg.  1. 

Their,  leur;  eodem. 

Thyne  owne,  le  tien;  cap.  xviii,  reg.  i. 


Their  owne,  le  leur;  eodem. 

Thy,  ton;  cap.  xix,  reg.  2. 

Thyne,  le  te,  la  te,  les  te;  cap.  xix,  reg.  1. 

Their,  leur,  le  leur,  la  leur,  les  leurs;  cap.  xxi , 
reg.  1. 

Thyne,  ton;  his,  te,  ta,  les;  cap.  eodem,  reg.  /|. 

The  what,  quel  or  quelle;  cap.  eodem,  reg.  2. 

The  whiche,  lequel  or  laquelle;  cap.  xxiiii, 
reg.  1 . 

The  whiche,  lesquelz  or  lesquelles;  eodem. 

To  the  whiche,  lesqaelz,  or  lesquelles;  eodem. 

This,  thèse,  ce;  cap.  xxv,  reg.  1. 

They,  ce;  eodem. 

This,  cecy;  that,  cela;  cap.  xxïi,  reg.  1. 

This  sameselfe  man ,  cestuy  ;  capit.  xxvm  , 
reg.   I. 

This  selfesame  thyng,  ^eeslu)-;  eodem. 

This  same ,  y celluy  ;  thi»  selfesame,  ycelle;  eo- 


Weourselfe,  nous  mesmes;  caip.  xvi,  reg.  1. 

We,  nous;  cap.  x,  reg.  1. 

Who,  whome,  qui;  cap.  xxii,  reg.  1. 

What  maner,   lesquelz,   lesquelles;  cap.   xxii, 

reg.  2. 
What,  que;  what,  quoy;  cap.  xxii,  reg.  3, 
Whiche,  qui;  cap.  xxiiii,  reg.  ). 
What ,   quelconque  ,  quelconques  ,    or  quelque  , 
cap.  xxxiiii,  reg.  1. 

Avlcun  homme,  any  man;  cap.  xxix,  reg.  1. 
Auecques  nous  et  tous,  with  us  and  you  ;  cap.  x , 

reg.  i . 
Ayde  moy,  hclpe  me;  cap.  xim,  reg.  1. 


Bailles  moy  cecy,  gyve  me  this  sarae  ;  cap.  xxvi , 

reg.  1. 
Baylle   moy  du  pain,   gyve   me   some   breed  ; 

cap.  XXIX,  reg.  lUi. 


Comme  ftst  Anchises,  etc.  lyke  as  Anchises  dyd 

the  whiche;  cap.  xxiiii,  reg.  2. 
Ce  chemin,  this  way;  ceste  maison,  this  house-, 

cap.  xxv,  reg.  1. 
Ces  chemins,  thèse  wayes;  ces  maysons,  tliese 

bouses;  eodem. 
Cest  bien  disl,  it  is  well  sayd;  cap.  xxv,  reg.  2. 
Cest  a  moy,  it  is  niyne  ;  eodem. 
Cest  mon  désir,  it  is  niy  desyre,  eodem. 
Ce  ne  sont  point  gens  pour  nous,  they  be  110  men 

for  US;  cap.  xxv,  reg.  5. 


Cil  or  celuy  enfant  dont  je  vous  ajr  parlé  cy  itxumt, 

tliis  same  cliylde  whcrof  I  hâve  aforc  tolde 

you;  cap.  XXVIT,  reg.  2. 
Cesl  quelque  besie  ou  quelque  arbre,  it  is  some 

beest  or  some  tre;  cap.  xxix,  reg.  à. 
Chascun    oyseau ,   every    byrde  ;   capit.    atxix , 

reg.    5. 


Keu  le  fil,  God  made  hym;  Dieu  la  fit,  God 

made  her;  cap.  vi ,  reg.  5. 
De  cette  scignieurie  qui  soubz  laquelle, o(the  same 

iordsliyp  under  ihe  whicbe-,  cap.  xxiiii, 

reg.  4. 
De  tout  mon  cueur,  with  ail  my  herte  ;  cap.  xxxi , 

reg.  I. 


Elle  aime,  sbelovetb;  cap.  vu,  reg.  i. 

Et  que  voisse  le  roy  Angloys  soy  glorifier,  I  had 

sene  tbe  Engiyssbe  kynge  glorifye  hym; 

cap.  IX,  reg.  3. 
Elles  aymentftheyio'^e;  elles  parlent,  tbey  speke; 

cap.  XII,  reg.  i. 
Et  lay  jist  la  reuerence  en  soy  humiliant,  and  dyd 

hym  révérence  in  bumylyng  hym  ;  cap. 

XIII,  reg.  2. 
Elle  mesmes  le  vit,  she  herselfe  savire  it  ;  cap.  xvi , 

reg.  2. 
Encore!  dy  je  que  peu  en  doit  il  priser  sa  nais- 
sance, yet  saye  I  that  lytle  ought  he  to 

prayse  lus  byrtbe;  cap.  xxiii,  reg.  a. 
En  toutes  lesquelles  choses  il  estait  obéissant,  in 

ail  the  whicbe  thynges  he  was  obedyenl; 

cap.  xxiiii,  reg.  4. 

Faictes  a  aaltruy,  do  to  anotber  man  or  body; 
cap.  xxxin,  reg.  i. 


Il  est  bon,  be  is  good  ;  cap.  i ,  reg.  i . 

Je  ayme,  I  love;  je  parle,  I  speke;  cap.  nu, 

reg.  1. 
Ilmefault,  itbebovelhme;  i/  me  cuit,  itytcheth  ; 

cap.  iiii,  reg.  s. 
Il  me   regarde,  he  beboldeth  me  ;  cap.   iiii, 

reg.  3. 


Je  ne  scay  moy,  I  wot  nat  I  ;  cap.  nu  ,/^g.  4. 

Il  luy  faull,  he  must;  cap.  vi,  reg.  i. 

Il  mesme  le  fera, he  him  selfe  ahall^o  il  ;  cap.  xvi , 

reg.  2. 
Je  mesmes  le  vis,  I  niyselfe  sawe  it;  cap.  xvi, 

reg.  1. 
Je  le  vois,  I  se  hym;  cap,  vi,  reg.  3. 
Je  luy  fays  vne  robe,  l  mako  byra  a  gowne; 

cap.  eodem ,  reg.  6. 
Il  luy  faull,  sbemiist;  cap.  vu,  reg.  2. 
Je  la  regarde,  I  beliolde  her;  cap.  vu,  reg.  3. 
//  se  tua  de  son  glaiue,  be  kylled  him  with  his 

weapen;  cap.  ix,  reg.  1. 
Il  le  tua,  he  kylled  hym;  cap.  eodem,  reg.  i. 
IL  ayment,  thcy  love;  cap.  xi,  reg.  1. 
Je  les  ayme,  I  love  them;  cap.  xii,  reg.  2. 
Hz  se  tuèrent  de  leur  glaiues,  they  kylled  them 

with  thcir  wepens;  cap.  xiii,  reg.  1. 
//  na  point  de  cause  de  soy  emeruailler,  he  balb 

no  cause  to  mervayle;  cap.  xui,  reg.  2. 
Illenousenaoira,  he  sball  sendeit  us;cap,  xiill, 

reg.  1 . 
Je  me  bas,  I  béate  me;  cap.  xv,  reg.  1. 
Je  le  fcrdy  moy  mesmes,  I  wyll  do  it  myselfe; 

cap.  XVI,  reg.  2.- 
Je  ayme  moy  mesmes,  I  love  myselfe;  eodem. 
//  ma  osté  ma  robe ,  be  bath  taken  away  my 

gowne;  cap.  xi,  reg.  2. 
Je  me  desloge,   l  départe  out  of  my  logynge; 

cap.  XXI,  reg.  3. 
Je  ay  le  mien  ou  est  le  tien,  I  bave  myne  where 

isthyne;  cap.  xi,  reg.  4. 
Il  est  bon,  it  isgood;i2ne  vaait  rien jitis  naugbt; 

cap.  XXV,  reg.  2. 
Il  pleut,  h   rayneth;  il   tonne,  it  thondretb  ; 

cap.  XXV,  reg.  3. 
Je  le  ayme  ,  I  love  it  ;  je  ie  hays ,  1  hâte  it  ;  eodem. 
Je  le  ayderay  en  tout  ce  que  je  puis ,  I  shall  helpe 

hym  in  ail  that  1  may  ;  cap.  eodem ,  reg.  4- 
Il  est  parda  sans  nul  remède,  he  is  loste  without 

any  remedy;  cap.  xxix,  reg.  2. 
Ily  a  quelqun  a  luys,  ibcre  is  some  body  at  the 

dore;  cap.  xxix,  reg.  3. 
Je  me  pence  aussi  digne  que  vng  tel,  I  thynke  I 

am  as  worthy  as  sucbe  a  man;  cap.  xxix , 

reg.  4. 


Hz  sentreajment  liiny  lautre,  thcy  love  togyther 
cverycbe  otber;  eodem,  reg.  6. 

Je  croy  que  en  lojaullé  ne  est  nul  tel,  I  wene  that 
in  trouth  thcre  is  none  suche;  cap.  xxx, 
reg.  3. 

Je  ne  voj  ame,  I  se  no  man  or  body  -,  cap.  xxx, 
reg.  à. 

Il  ny  a  en  lay  grâce  quelconque,  he  hath  no  ma- 
ner  of  grâce  in  bim;  codem,  reg.  5. 

Je  ne  voy  meillieare  similitude,  I  se  no  better  si- 
milytude;  cap.  eodem,  reg.  6. 

Je  ne  ay  point  de  pain,  I  bave  do  breed  ;  cap.  eo- 
dem, reg.  7. 

Je  ne  ay  point  de  argent,  I  bave  no  monaye;  co- 

Jtelz  paroUes  auoient  Hz  entre  eulx,  sucbe  lyke 
wordes  were  bytwene  them;  cap.  xxx  11, 
reg.  3. 

Len  or  Ion  peult  aaoir  de  telz  hostes  assés,  one 

maye  bave  suche  gestes  ynowe;  cap.  viii, 

reg.  1. 
Le  mien,  le  tien,  le  sien,  le  nosire,  le  vostre, 

le  leur;  cap.  XTiii ,  reg.  1. 
Le  houreau  premier  luy  benda  lesyeulx  et  puis  liiy 

coupa   la  teste,  tbe  bangeman  dyd   first 

bynde  bis  eyes  and  afler  dyd  eut  of  bis 

heed;  cap.  xxi,  reg.  i. 
Le  homme  qui  commence  et  ne  peult  point  para- 

cheuer,  il  ne  se  fait  point  tenir  pour  sage, 

tbe  man  wbiche  begynnetb  and  can  nat 

make  an  ende,  is  nat  to  be  bolden  wyse; 

cap.  xxui,  reg.  1. 
Le  homme  en  quoy  je  metloye  toute  ma  fiance, 

tbe  man  in  wbom  I  dyd  put  ail  my  trust  ; 

cap.  ïxiii,  reg.  3. 
Le  dernier  qui  est  le  plus  désiré,  tbe  last  wbicbe 

is  tbe  most  desired;  cap.  xxiiii,  reg.  3. 
Les  tingz  disent  ainsi,  somc  say  so;  cap.  xxix, 

reg.  4. 
Les  aultres  le  contraire,  and  sonie  Ibe  conlra- 

rye;  eodem. 
Les  aalcuns  sont  trompes,  some  be  begyled  ;  eod. 
£en  se  deueroit  bien  garder  comment  il  sejoae  a 

plusieurs,  a  man  bad  nede  beware  bowe 


be  playetb  witb  many  men;  cap.  xxxv, 
reg.  1. 


Moy,  toy,  soy,  nous,  vous ,  leur  :  be  formcd  mon, 

ton,  son,  nostre ,  vostre,  leur;  cap.  XTll, 

reg.  1. 
Mon  ame,  my  soûle;  cap.  xix,  reg.  2. 
Mes  habillemens ,  my  garmentes;  mes  robes,  my 

gownes;  cap.  xx,  reg.  i. 
Mettes  trestout  dedens  ,  put   In   ail   togyther  ; 

cap.  xxxr,  reg.  2. 


Nous  aymons,\\e  love;  vous  parles,  you  speke; 

cap.  X ,  reg,  ) . 
Nous  les  aymons,  we  love  them;  cap.  xi,  reg.  2. 
Nallay  ne  peult  endurer  ses  conditions,  no  body 

may  abyde  bis  condycions;  c.  xxx,  reg.  1. 
Nul  nesl    tenu  oullre  son  pouuoyr,  no   man  is 

bounde  abovehis  power;  cap.  xxx,  reg.  2. 
Nulle  amour  ne  peult  estre  plus  grande  que  celle 

de  la  mère  aufilz,  no  love  may  be  greater 

tban  tbe  love  of  tbe  motber  to  tbe  chylde; 

cap.  xxx,  3. 


On  peult  estre  bienjoiealx,  a  man  may  be  gladde  ; 

cap.  VIII ,  reg.  1 . 
Ostés  cela,  take  avfay  tbat;  cap.  xxvi,  reg.  1. 
Onques  nul  neusl  autel  martire,  was  never  man 

bad  sucbe anolbermartyrdome;  cap.  xxxii, 

reg.  2. 


Point  de  pain,  any  breed;  point  de  feu,  any  fyre; 
cap.  XXIX,  reg.  2. 

Qui  ira  lay,  who  shal  go  be  ;  cap.  vi ,  reg.  7. 
Qui   iront  ealx,   wbo   sball    go  they   (men); 

cap.  XI,  reg.  3. 
Qai  iront  elles,  wbo  sball  go  they  (women)  ; 

cap.  XII,  reg.  3. 
Que  luy  fault  il,  wbat  eyletb  bym;  cap.  xiiu, 

reg.  2. 
Qui  sont  ceulx  contre  qui  vous  auez  a  garroier, 

who  be  they  agaynst  wbom  you  bave  to 

nare;  cap.  xxii,  reg.  i. 



Quelles  gens  estes  vous,  ne  quelle  dureté  a  il  en  voz 

coaraiges,  what  folkes  be  you,  or  what  hard- 

nesse  is  in  yoiir  corage;  cap.  xxii ,  reg.  2. 
Que  diiez  vous,  what  say  you  ;  cap.  xxii,  reg.  3. 
Quelconque  or  quelzconques  or  quelque,  for  what 

so  ever;  cap.  xxxiiu,  reg.  i. 

Son  chef,  her  heed;  sa  face,  her  face;  cap.  xix , 

reg.  1. 
Sa  sainture  rompit,  his  gyrdle  brake;  cap.  xxi, 

reg.  1. 
5e  vous  aués  aulcune  matière,  if  you  hâve  any 

matter;  cap.  xxix,  reg.  1. 
Se  vous  voiez  aulcun  passer  parycy,  if  you  se 

any  body  passe  by;  cap  xxix,  reg.  2. 

Sans  fraude  ne  corruption  quelconques ,  willioul 
fraude  or  any  maner  corrupcion  ;  eodem. 

Tant  estait  Paris  agréable  a  vng  chascun,  so  mo- 
che was  Paris  agréable  to  cvery  man; 
cap.  XXIX,  reg.  5. 

Tout  chascun  sen  dcust  rejouir;  cap.  xxix ,  reg.  7. 

Tel  maislre  tel  varlct,  suclie  maystre  sucbe  man  ; 
cap.  xxxii,  reg.  1. 

Telz  crimes  telz  pajnes,  suche  faultes  suche 
paynes;  eodem. 

Vng  aultre  homme,  another  man;  cap.  xxxiii, 
reg.  1. 

Hère  endeth  the  chapiters  of  the  Pronowne , 

and  hère  after  foloweth  the  anno- 

tacions  of  the  verbes. 






Whan  they  shewe  or  déclare  a  dede  to  be  done,  they  use  ever 
.some  tence  of  the  indycatyve  mode,  as  for  I  speke,  I  spake,  I  hâve 
spokeu,  I  had  spoken,  I  shall  speke,  they  say  parle,  je  parloye,  jay 
parlé,  jauoye  parlé,  je  parleray.  And  whan  they  joyne  two  sentences 
togyther  with  this  conjunction  (jue,  whose  englysshe  is  «that»,  the 
verbe  that  cometh  in  the  latter  sentence  and  foloweth  next  after  que , 
.shall  be  of  the  subjunctyve  iriode,  as  wyll  you  that  I  do  it?  voulez  vous 
que  je  le  face?  He  comniaunded  me  that  I  shulde  do  it  :  il  me  com- 
manda que  je  le  fisse. 

And  whan  we  use  any  of  thèse  signes  «  wolde ,  shulde  » ,  or  «  myght  » 


before  a  verbe,  they  use  some  tence  of  the  potenciall  mode,  excepte 
it  be  in  a  sentence  ihat  folowelh  after  que,  whose  englysshe  is  «  thaï  », 
for  than  thaï  verbe  shall  be  of  the  subjunclyve  mode,  as  I  wolde  speke 
with  hym  gladly  :je  parleroys  a  lay  voulentiers.  I  wolde  speke  with  the 
counsayle  or  ever  I  shulde  hâve  spoken  to  the  kyng  parleroys  auec 
le  conseil  aaant  que  je  aaroys  parlé  au  roy. 

And  whan  they  commaunde  a  dede  to  be  done,  they  use  ever  some 
tence  of  the  imperatyve  mode,  as  speke  to  me  :  parlez  a  moy.  Let  me 
speke  first  :  que  je  parle  premier.  And  whan  they  wysshe  a  dede  to  be 
done,  they  use  some  tence  of  the  oplatyve  mode,  as  well  may  he  do  : 
bien  face  il.  Well  mygyht  he  bave  done  :  bien  jist  il.  And  whan  they 
condyscion,  if  a  dede  be  done,  thatanother  thyng  shall  therof  folowe, 
they  use  some  suche  tenses  as  may  belonge  to  the  condiscyonall  mode, 
as  if  I  speke  wllh  hym  :  si  je  parle  a  luf. 

And  whan  two  verbes  come  bothe  togyder  in  one  sentence,  of 
whiche  the  first  is  no  signe  nor  the  seconde  no  partyciple ,  the  latter 
of  thém  shall  be  of  the  infynityve  mode,  and  so  shall  ail  suche  verbes 
as  bave  to,  or  for  to,  byfore  them  and  folowe  another  verbe  in  the 
same  sentence,  as  I  can  speke  well  :  je  scay  bien  parler.  I  am  come 
for  to  speke  with  you  :je  suis  venu  pour  parler  auecques  vous. 

But  ail  thèse  thynges  shall  in  my  annotacions  upon  this  nexte  ac- 
cydent  more  clerely  apere. 

Notyng  hère  first  that  of  thèse  seven  modes  the  indycatyve,  po- 
tencyall,  imperatyve  and  oplatyve  may  be  used  where  the  sentence 
hath  no  mo  verbes  but  onely  one,  as  ye  layme  bien,  je  le  voerroys  vou- 
lentiers; vien  a  moy,  bon  homme;  face  de  moy  Dieu  a  son  bon  plaisir;  but 
the  other  thre  modes  can  never  be  used  but  where  there  be  mo  verbes 
than  one,  but  with  this  dyfference  that  the  subjunclyve  and  condis- 
cionall  mode  requyre  ever  two  dyvers  sentences,  the  infynityve  mode 
requyreth  two  dy verse  verbes  in  one  sentence ,  as  I  bave  in  party 
afore  touched,  as  il  veult  que  je  le  face;  si  je  le  fays  je  payerai  lamende; 
il  le  veult  fayre  maulgré  moy. 






JASON    TO    MEDE*. 

Faj  que  je  soyc  tousjours  ion  obligé,  fay,  iniparalyve;  que  je  soye,  subjunctyve. 

Et  que  mon  mal  soit  par  toy  soulagé,  que  soit,  subjunctyve. 

Et  sil  estoyt  quil  le  pleust  sans  eschange  sil  esloyt,  condycionall  ;  quil  te  pleusl,  subjunct. 

Estre  saisie  de  moy  qui  sais  estrange,  estre,  infynityvc;  suis,  indycatyve. 

Plus  lost  me  paisse  la  vie  deJpiiUir  paisse,  oplatyvc;  défaillir,  infyiiityve. 

Qua  nul  besoing  je  te  veuille  faillir,  que  je  veuille,  subjunctyve. 

Ne  que  jamais  aultre  femme  je  espoase  que  je  espouse,  subjunctyve. 

Fors  toy  sans  plus  oujay  mamoar  enclose.  jay  enclose,  indycatyve. 

De  ce  promis  je  appelle  en  tesmoignage  je  appelle,  indycatyve. 

Dame  Juno  prochaine  en  cest  affaire. 


Que  diroys  tu  alors  en  ton  courage       .  .  diroys,  potenciail, 

Voiant  périr  toy  et  ion  nauigaige? 

Certes  Enée  tonfauhc  parjurement 

Primier  viendroit  a  ion  eniendemeni.  viendroyt,  potenciali. 

Et  si  seroyt  la  Dido  habandonée ,  seroyt,  potenciail. 

Que  par  tafaulle  auroys  a  mort  donnée,  auroys  donnée,  potenciail. 

Lors  paroystroyt  au  deuant  de  la  veue  paroystroyt,  potenciail. 

Lymage  froyde  de  ta  femme  deceue,  eic. 




Whan  ihey  slievve  an  acte  or  dede  to  be,  at  this  présent  tyme,  in 
doynge,  they  use  ever  the  présent  tence  of  this  mode,  as  if  they 
wolde  shewe  howe,  at  this  présente  tyme,  a  man  speketh,  or  behol- 
deth,  or  dothe  any  other  acte,  they  say  :  vng  homme  parle ,  vny  homme 
regarde,  usyng  suche  nombre  and  person  of  this  présent  tence  as  the 
nomynatyve  requyreth. 

And  hère  it  is  to  be  noted  that,  though  we  use  to  circumlocute 
the  présente  and  prêter  imparfite  tenses  of  ail  our  verbes  actyves  par- 


sonalles  with  llie  same  tenses  of  this  verbe  «  I  do  » ,  so  that  wilh  us 
it  is  ail  one  to  say  «  I  speke  » ,  and  «  I  do  speke  »  :  «  I  spake  »  and  «  I 
«  dyd  speke  »  :  «  I  behelde  »  and  «  I  dyd  beholde  » ,  the  frenchmen  hâve 
no  suche  lyke  thing  in  their  tonge,  but  ever  use  the  tense  selfe  onely, 
accordyng  as  the  sentence  requyreth.  But  many  tymes  the  frenchmen 
use  the  tenses  o(je  men  vas,  and  the  partyciple  of  a  verbe  or  his  in- 
finityve  mode  for  the  tenses  of  verbes.  The  Romant  :  que  vous  yroye 
deaisant  for  que  vous  deuiseroye  :  je  voys  mourir  ïot  je  me  meurs  :  je  voys 
danser  :  amour  va  ses  soûlas  doublant  :  et  vont  chanlans  a  voix  jolie  : 
howe  be  it  suche  maners  of  spekyng  may  signyfye  a  preparynge  or 
begynnyng  to  do  a  dede. 


In  the  usynge  of  their  preterparfyte  and  preterplusparfyte  tenses 
is  unto  us  no  diffycultye,  for,  lyke  as  we,  in  our  tonge,  circumlocute 
thèse  two  tenses  with  the  persons  of  «  1  hâve  »  and  «  I  had  » ,  and  our 
partyciples  prétérit,  so  do  they  in  frenche  cyrcumlocut  the  same 
tenses  with  the  persons  oî je  ay  and  je  auoye,  and  their  partyciples, 
as  for  «  I  bave  spoken,  I  bave  behelde,  1  bave  herde  »  they  say  :  jay 
parlé,  jay  regardé,  jay  ouy  :  and  for  «  I  had  spoken,  I  had  behelde, 
«  I  had  herde  »,  jauofe  parlé ,  jaaoye  regardé,  jauoj'e  ouy;  and  so  of  ail 
other  verbes  actyves  parsonalles  thorough  bothe  the  tonges,  lyke  as 
I  hâve  afore  touched  in  the  lîrst  accydent.  But  to  knowe  whan  they 
use  their  other  two  prétérit  tenses  it  is  unto  us  somethyng  more 
difly  culte. 










Whan  the  frenche  men  write  an  hystoiy  or  niake  rehersall  of  any 
acte  or  mater  that  is  passed,  intendyng  to  déclare  the  cyrcumstances 
or  nianers  howe  the  same  hystorye  or  acte  was  donc,  they  hâve  che- 
fely  their  consyderacioa  upon  the  tynie  whiche  was  présent  whan  the 
same  actes  were  in  doynge.  And  ail  suche  partyculer  dedes  as  aboute 
that  tyme  were  begon,  and  incontynently,  aboute  the  same  présent 
tyme,  ended  and  over  passed,  ail  suche  maner  of  dedes  expresse  they 
by  their  indyfinyte  tence  :  and  ail  suche  dedes  as,  at  the  same  tyme, 
were  in  doynge  and  had  contynuaunce  after  the  same  présent  tyme , 
ail  suche  actes  expresse  they  by  their  prêter  imparfyte  tence.  So  that 
their  prêter  imparfyte  tence  serveth  to  expresse  the  chefe  actes  that 
they  wyll  speke  of,  and  their  indiffynyte  tence  to  déclare  the  party- 
culer actes  and  cyrcumstances  whiche  overpassed  in  the  meane  whyle , 
as,  if  I  wolde  shewe  one  that  I  was  yesterday  at  Yorke,  and  what 
thynges  chaunced  me  in  the  meane  season  that  I  was  there ,  as  I  met 
there  with  a  man  whiche  salved  me  and  talked  with  me  of  many 
thynges,  they  say  estoys  hier  a  Yorke;  la  je  rencontray  vng  homme 
qui  me  salua  et  men  parla  de  plusieurs  choses. 

EXEMPLE    TAK.EN    ODT    OF    JEHAN     LE    MAYRE ,     IN    HIS    SECONDE    BOKE 

Endementiers  Achilles  Irayna  villainnement  le  corps  du  noble  Hecjor 
jusques  au  lambeau  de  Patroclus,  et  illecques  le  colloccjua  sur  la  terre  par 
manière  de  vantise  et  çjlorifiance ,  a  la  veue  de  tous  les  Grecz,  aulsquelz  il 


plaisait  beaucoup  de  le  voir  ainsi,  comme  celluy  qui  souloit  esire  le  plus  re- 
doublé de  leurs  ennemis,  et  comme  ceulx  qui  peu  prisoient  le  demourant, 
et  pour  ce  que  le  fait  de  la  guerre  estait  désormais  ainsi  comme  en  sûreté, 
Hz  sadannerent  a  toute  liesse.  Et  le  lendemain  Achilles,  pour  faire  honneur 
a  feu  son  amf  Patroclus,  mist  sus  vng  grand  tourney,  et  célébra  les  Jenlx 
funèbres  de  toutes  manières  desbatcmentz  au  lambeau  dudit  Patroclus,  en  par  grande  largesse  diucrses  manières  de  pris  a  ceulx  qui  mieulx» 
desseruirent.  Et  quand  lesditzjeulx  furent  fines,  chacun  se  retourna  en  sa  tente . 

Hère  in  this  matter  is  plaisoyt,  prisoyent,  souloyt  and  estoyt,  of  the 
prêter  imparfyte  tence ,  for  hère  is  chiefly  inlended  by  the  auctour  to 
shewe  howe  moche  it  pleased  the  Grekes,  at  that  tyme,  to  se  the 
body  of  Hector  so  trayned  by  Achilles ,  by  cause  he  was  wont  to  be 
so  redoubtable  to  them ,  and  howe  lytle  they  than  estemed  the  resy- 
dewe  of  the  force  of  Troye ,  and  for  so  moche  as  they  were  from 
thence  forlhe  in  maner  in  savetye,  what  sportes  and  feestes  were  also, 
at  the  same  tyme ,  made  for  the  honôur  of  Patroclus  :  and  hère  is 
trayna,  colloqua ,  adonerent,  mit  sus,  célébra,  desseruirent ,  furent  and 
retourna  of  the  indiffynite  tence ,  for  ail  thèse  actes  be  but  passyngly 
brought  in,  as  thynges  that  were  done  and  overpassed  in  thé  meane 
whyle  that  thèse  chefe  actes  were  in  doyng. 

This  rule  therfore  is  so  generall  thorowe  ail  the  frenche  tonge 
that  I  suppose  this  exemple  to  be  suffycient,  save  onely  that  1  thynke 
it  requisyte  hère  to  adverstyse  the  lerner  that,  if  the  reherser  of  any 
actes  that  be  paste  shewe  an  himdred  dedes  togyther,  whiche  ail 
were  in  doynge  and  contynued  attones  at  any  season  whiche  somtyme 
was  présent,  he  shall  expresse  aile  thèse  dedes  by  the  prêter  impar- 
fyte tence. 


Quant  en  France  estoye, 
Je  entretenoye 
Searté  par  voye, 
Par  les  villes  quoye  : 


Si  que  nulz  ny  meffaisoient , 

Toutes  gens  alloyent 

Quel  part  (jui  vouloyent 

Et  ne  se  melloyent, 

Ne  ja  ne  parloyent 

Fors  de  liesse  et  dejofe. 

De  gens  la  peuploye, 

Lafoy  augmentoye , 

Justice  gardoye, 

Sicnce  y  mettoye 

Et  tous  en  surté  venoyent  : 

Les  marchans  gaigneofent , 

Nobles  voyagoyent, 

Et  chascan  planté  de  monnoje  ; 

Riche  la  tenoye. 

Les  bons  sustenoye, 

Honneur  mayntenoye , 

Gens  y  amenoye, 

Tous  estrangiers  f  venoyent, 

Les  princes  dormoyent, 

Les  grans  despendoyent , 

Povers  y  parloyent , 

Tons  en  amendaient. 

Cestoyt  de  honneur  la  montjoye. 

Las  trop  fait  memore,  etc. 

In  this  place  hath  Alayne  Chartier  styll  contynued  the  prêter  im- 
parfyte  tence,  for  his  intent  is  to  déclare  that ,  durynge  the  tyme 
that  peace  was  honoured  in  Fraunce,  ail  thèse  actes,  by  the  meane 
of  her,  were  in  doynge  in  the  realme,  and  by  her  preserved  in  con- 
tynuaunce  so  longe  as  she  endured. 


For  the  use  of  any  other  tyme  in  any  of  the  modes  is  no  difficulty, 
save  onely  whan  they  use  their  indiffynite  subjunctyve. 



The  indiffynite  of  the  subjunctyve  mode  foloweth  ever  the  indif- 
fynite  or  the  prêter  parfyte  tence  ofthe  indycative  or  optatyve,  so  that 
he  hâve  thïs  signe  »  that  »,  byfore  hym,  and  one  of  thèse  signes  in 
englysshe  «wolde,  shulde,  coulde ,  ought  or  myght,  wolde  hâve, 
'<  shulde  hâve,  coulde  hâve  »,  etc.,  as  the  verbe  folowynge  que  shall 


Mays  pour  qiioy  fat  ce  amy  a  ton  adais , 
Qui  ne  la  print  pour  femme  en  tel  deais. 
Cefast  ajfin  que  pôynt  ta  ne  héritasses 
A  tous  ses  biens ,  et  que  ne  succédasses 
A  son  royalme  corne  fdz  naturel 
Et  te  laissa  bastard  et  viure  tel. 

Hère  is  fat  and  print  indifFynites  indycatyve,  and  héritasses  and 
succédasses  indifiynites  subjunctyve,  by  cause  they  corne  after  que. 
But  where  the  boke  is  cefast  affin,  in  the  stede  oicefut,  that  is  by 
the  ignoraunce  of  printers  whiche  fayle  in  no  one  thing  more  than 
in  this,  for  fust  is  the  indiffynite  sulîjunctyve ,  and /«f  the  indiffynite 
indycative,  whiche  may  nat  be  confounded,  as  shall  herafter  apere, 
where  this  errour  of  printers  is  more  evydently  declared.  And  shortly 
after,  in  the  same  epystle ,  foloweth  : 

Et  plaest  aux  dieux  que  plus  tost fussent  ceulx 
Mors  auant  terme  a  leur  naistre  angoysseax. 
Que  pour  leur  viure  en  manière  austère 
Tu  perdisses  ta  part  héréditaire. 

Herafter  the  optatyve  foloweth  the  indiffynite  subjunctyve ,  but 
thèse  signes  «  wolde,  shulde ,  coulde,  ought  »  or  «  myght  »,  and  «  wolde 
«  hâve,  shulde  bave,  coulde  bave,  ought  bave  »  or  «  myght  bave  »,  and 
the  signe  that  dothe  chiefly  heipe  us  to  knowe  whan  be  shulde  use 



this  tence  and  ail  other,  as  I  hâve  sayd,  maye  be  knowen  by  the 
seconde  boke,  save  onely  that,  in  the  présent  infynityve  is  a  dilFy- 
culty  to  knowe  wlian  we  shall  use  a,  de  or  pour,  byfore  hym,  or  use 
the  infynityve  without  any  signe  atall. 


The  frenche  tonge,  though  they  use  their  présent  infynityve  im- 
mediatly  after  an  other  verbe  as  the  latynes  do,  for  the  moste  parte, 
as  ><  I  wyll  do  it  »  je  le  vueiilx  faire ,  yet  they  use  to  put  also  one  of 
thèse  thre  preposycions  a,  de  or  pour,  byfore  their  infynityve,  lyke 
as  we  somtyme  do  «  for  »,  as  it  is  ail  one  with  us  to  says  «  I  am  corne 
«  to  speke  with  you  »  and  «  I  am  come  for  to  speke  with  you  ». 


Whan  the  sentence  faileth  so  that  two  verbes  come  togyther  ail 
in  one  sentence,  without  any  accusatyve  case,  the  laste  of  tliem  shall 
be  of  the  infynityve  mode  lyke  as  it  is  in  latyn,  without  outher  a,  de 
or  pour,  and  though  we  adde  nat  this  signe  «  to  »  byfore  our  latter 
verbe  in  our  tonge.  The  verbes  that  comenly  come  byfore  an  other 
verbe,  ail  in  one  sentence,  be  thèse  «  I  wyll,  I  may,  I  ought,  I  can, 
«  I  am  wont  »,  and  verbes  imparsonalles ,  as  «  I  muste,  it  behoveth,  it 
"  becometh  »,  as  je  vueil  parler,  je  pais  parler,  je  doyhs  parler,  je  scay 
parler,  je  le  voys  venir,  je  sens  approucher,  je  souloye  parler,  ilfault  parler, 
il  conuient  parler  :  so  that  unto  clerkes  to  open  this  thyng,  verba  pro- 
eretica,  that  is  to  say,  electiaa,  et  verba  sensas  et  impersonalia  wyll  bave 
an  infynityve  without  any  signe. 
Régula.  Whan   the    sentence  faileth  so  that  there  cometh  this  relatyve 

«  whiche  »  and  his  verbe  ,  and  than  an  infynityve  mode  with  this 
sygne  «  to  «  byfore  hym ,  than  they  use  their  infynityve  mode  without 
any  signe,  as  je  cognoys  bien  la  chose  qui  tefaict  venir  :  il  ny  a  rien  ycy 
qui  te  doybt  greuer  :  I  knowe  well  the  cause  whiche  causeth  the  to 
come  :  there  is  nothyng  hère  whiche  ought  to  gieve  the. 




Whan  the  sentence  falleth  se,  in  our  tonge,  that  we  use  this  signe 
«  to  »  or  «  for  to  »  byfore  a  verbe,  so  that  the  same  verbe  may  serve  to 
make  answere  tothis  questyon  wherfore,  demaunded  of  the  verbe  and 
nomynatyve  case  that  went  byfore,  the  frenche  men  adde  than  pour 
byfore  their  infynityve  modes,  as  if  we  say  «  he  is  come  to  speke 
«■with  you  »  or  «  for  to  speke  with  you  »,  if  we  aske  why  is  he  come, 
or  what  is  the  cause,  or  wherfore  is  he  come,  to  speke  with  you 
maketh  a  dyrecte  answere ,  and  therfore  I  must  say  in  frenche ,  il  est 
venu  pour  parler  aaecques  vous. 


Tout  droyt  men  viens  pour  repasser  la  mer. 
Lors  tout  a  coup  naigent  et  oultre  tirent 
Pour  paruenir  au  loyer  quilz  désirent , 
Pais  jescoute  pour  mon  cueur  resjouyr. 

Hère  and  in  ail  suche  lyke,  is  yîour  used  before  repasser,  paruenir,  res- 
iouyr,  for  they  answere  to  thèse  questions  :  pour  quoy  men  viens  je 
tout  droyt?  pour  quoy  nagent  Hz  tout  a  coup  et  tirent  Hz  tout  oultre?  pour 
quoy  escouté  je? 


But  whan  the  sentence  lalleth  so  in  our  tonge  that  we  use  this 
signe  «  to  »  byfore  a  verbe ,  so  that  the  same  verbe  may  serve  to  make 
answere  to  this  questyon  what  to  do,  or  wherto,  demaunded  of  the 
verbe  and  the  nomynatyve  case  that  went  byfore,  the  frenche  men 
adde  than  de  byfore  their  infinityve  modes,  as,  if  we  say  «  he  is 
«  bounden  to  serve  you  »,  if  we  aske  wherto  or  what  to  do  is  he  boun- 
den,  to  serve  you  maketh  a  dyrecte  answere  to  the  questyon,  and 
therfore  1  must  saye  in  frenche  :  il  est  tenu  de  vous  seruyr. 





Que  chascun  de  nous  sauance  de  couryr. 

Dont  je  mauldis  la  mer  aussi  le  vent, 
Qui  ten  garde  de  venir  si  souaent. 

Donne  a  mes  yeulx  appétit  de  pleurer. 

Hère  and  in  aile  suche  lyke  use  the  frenche  men  de  byfore  coarryr, 
venir,  pleurer,  for  they  answere  to  this  queslyon  :  a  (fuoy  fayre  est  ce 
que  chascun  de  nous  sauance?  a  quoy  fayre  garde  la  mer  et  le  vent?  a  quoy 
fayre  désire  je  que  tu  donnes  a  mes  yeulx  appétit. 

So  thaï  pour  is  used  whan  the  infynityve  mode  is  cause  of  the  acte 
that  goeth  byfore  hym ,  and  de  is  used  whan  the  infynityve  mode  is 
the  effecte  of  the  dede  that  went  byfore  hym. 


Whan  the  sentence  falleth  so  that  we  use  this  verbe  «  I  am  »  with 
an  adjectyve,  before  this  signe  «  to  »  and  bis  infynityve  mode,  the 
frenche  tonge  useth  a,  as  il  est  bon  a  veoyr,  it  is  good  to  se.  La  rayson 
est  bien  aysée  a  entendre,  the  reason  is  very  easy  to  understande.  Le 
quel  seroyt  nombrer  difficille. 

Et  ma  mayn  certes  est  mieulx  aprise  et  duicte 

A  me  donner  par  mer  voye  et  conduicte 

Et  a  naiger  pour  souaent  te  reuoyr. 

But  this  rule  is  nat  so  utterly  generall  as  the  other  bere  afore , 
but  they  may  gyve  the  larner  occasyon  to  consyder  furtber  howe  to 
use  a  in  this  behalfe. 

Also  whan  the  verbe ,  that  cometh  byfore  «  to  »  and  the  infynityve 
mode  in  our  tonge,  betokeneth  a  begynnyng  of  the  dede  or  passyon 
of  the  mynde,  for  a  dede  whiche  by  the  infynityve  mode  is  fynysshed, 
they  use  a  byfore  their  infynityve.  Verbes  betokenyng  begynnyng  or 
preparynge  to  do  a  dede  be  thèse  «  I  begyn,  I  prépare,  I  am  aboute, 
«  I  assaye  •  ;  and  verbes  betokenyng  affection  of  the  mynde  for  this 


piirpose  be  thèse  «  I  thynke,  I  suppose,  I  consent,  I  wyn,  1  lèse  >•, 
and  suche  lyke. 


Dont  je  me  mis  a  escripre  ou  trasser. 

Pour  la  tempeste  a  frémir  commencay. 

Ne  que  guignes  a  me  persécuter. 

Et  a  aymer  doalcement  consenty. 

Et  me  ayder  de  mes  bras  non  apris 
A  bien  nouer  pour  auoyr  vng  tel  pris. 

Quant  tu  me  pris  de  loing  a  regarder. 

Pourquoi  craignes  a  prendre  tel  payne. 

Il  cuide  toasjoars  a  l'eaae  dujleuue  attayndre. 

Tendant  les  bras  deuers  moy  qui  mapreste 
A  te  faire  joieax  recueil  etfeste. 

So  that  an  infynityve  of  any  of  thèse  verbes  may  bave  a  and  bis 
infynityve,  if  tbe  sentence  do  so  fall,  as 

Jay  mayntesfoys  couraige  sans  dangier 

De  messaicr  a  passer  de  legier 

Et  de  naiger  moy  mesmes  qui  suis  femme. 

And  tbat  two  or  tbre  infynityves  sbidde  folowe  one  an  otber  tbat         Régula. 
is  none  inconvenience ,  if  tbe  sentence  do  so  require,  as^e  suis  venu 
pour  lefayre  scauoyr  juger  entre  le  bon  et  le  mal,  pour  venir  prendre  for 
to  corne  to  take. 

And  bowe  tbat  tbe  infynityve  actyve  may  bave  tbe  passyve  signy-         Kegula, 
ficatyon  aher  je  fays  witb  a,  as  autant  me  nuyl,  autant  fayt  a  blasmer 
ceste  dame,  it  sball  herafler  apere  whan  I  speke  of  tbè  infynityve 

And  bowe  tbat  it  is  mocbe  comen  to  use  tbe  infynityve  in  tbe        Régula. 


stede  of  a  siibstantyve ,  and  to  use  hym  bothe  in  singider  nombre 
and  in  plurell,  I  bave,  in  dyvers  places  of  this  work,  touched,  as 

Jayme  pourtant  trop  miealx  que  ta  demeures 
Jusfjues  a  tant  que  les  vagues  soyent  seares, 
Que  pour  haster  laller  ou  le  venir 
■    Aalcun  dommage  deust  sur  toy  aduenir. 

Le  Romant  : 

Yceubc  allers ,  yceulx  venirs, 
Yceulx  parlers ,  yceulx  pencers 
Font  aux  aymans  ^oubz  leur  drappeaax 
Rudement  amaygrir  leur  peaux. 


What  cyrcumlocution  is  used  tborowe  ail  the  prétérit  perfyte 
and  plusparfyte  tenses  of  ail  verbes  actyves  personall,  and  in  their 
futures  subjuncty  ve ,  witb  the  tenses  of  je  ay,  and  their  prétérit  par- 
tyciple,  I  hâve  ail  redy  sbewed  by  exemple  in  the  seconde  boke. 
But  where  as  the  partyciple,  in  suche  cyrcumlocution,  dothe  nat 
ever  remayne  unchaunged,  but,  by  the  dyvers  gendre  and  nombre 
of  the  accusatyve  case,  cometh  byfore  the  verbe  in  ordre,  or  by  rea- 
son  of  the  antécédent  comyng  byfore  qai,  whan  he  is  nomynatyve 
case  to  a  verbe,  is  dyversly  chaunged,  as  ta  mas  vaincue,  mais  quoy 
jestoys  femme,  and 

0  doulces  sears  qui  tant  ay  regretées  ! 

1  shall  of  this  thynge  bave  better  occasyon  to  speke  herafter  upon 
the  fyfth  accydent  belongyng  to  partyciples. 


Nat  onely  ail  the  tenses  in  verbes  actyves  bave  two  distyncte 
nombres,  except  onely  the  tenses  of  the  infynityve,  but  also  the 


verbe  must  ever  be  of  suche  nombre  as  bis  nomynatyve  case  dolhe 
require ,  savyng  tbat  I  fynde  in  comen  speche  suche  maners  of  spek- 
yng.  Hee  Dieu  quil  est  de  sottes  testes,  for  j7  y  a  de  sottes  testes  :  and 
faictez  le  cependant  que  gyrons  au  marché,  for  nous  yrons  :  and  jauons 
bien  heu,  for  nous  auons  :  and  allons  men  de  par  le  diable,  for  allons  nous 
en  :  and  allons  men  le  diable  y  ayt  parte  :  aindjallons  bien,  for  nous  allons 
bien.  Car  il  nest  poynt  de  douhte  quil  est  assez  que  quoy  quelles  soyent 
tressaiges  et  prudentes  si  ont  elles  marys  de  meruailleuse  meurs. 

And  bowe  two  substantyves  synguler  wyll  bave  a  verbe  plurell  I 
bave  ail  redy  declared  in  the  pronowne,  as  tout  bien  et  joye  les  de- 
layssent  qui  des  vices  se  souillent  et  entaichent. 

And  bowe  tbey  use  to  understande  tbeir  pronownes  wban  tbey 
be  nomynatyve  cases,  iyke  as  tbe  latynes  do,  especially  if  the  verbe 
be  a  meane  verbe ,  as 

Lors  men  allay  par  my  la  prée , 

I  shall  herafter  more  playnly  déclare,  wban  I  speke  of  tbe  meane 
verbes  in  tbis  longe. 




The  tbynges  noted  bere  byfore  upon  tbe  fourtbe  accydent  may 
also  take  place  bere,  for  in  comen  speche  nat  ever  tbe  parsons  of 
tbe  verbe  bave  onely^e,  tu  or  il,  etc.  singuler  :  nous,  vous,  Hz,  etc. 
plurell ,  for  y  fynde,  as  I  bave  there  noted, ^e  allons  for  nous  allons,  etc. 

Also  nat  onely  two  substantyves  singuler,  witb  a  conjunction  bytwene 
them,  wyll  bave  a  verbe  of  tbe  plurell  nombre,  but  in  tbis  tonge  is 
used  concepcion  parsonall,  Iyke  as  tbere  is  in  latyn  :  how  be  it,  in  tbis 
thynge ,  bytwene  tbe  latynes  and  tbis  tonge  is  a  différence.  For  where 
as  the  pronownes  so  comyng  byfore  a  verbe  in  latyne  muste  ever  be 
of  the  nomynatyve  case,  as  ego  et  ta  legimus,  ta  et  ille  legitis,  in  the 
frenche  tonge,  by  reason  of  tbe  conjunctyon  comyng  bytwene,  the 
pronownes  must  nedes  be  of  their  oblique  case,  as  moy  et  toy  lisons, 
toy  et  luy  lisez. 



Ce  d(fybt  au  moyns  loyal  amoar  permettre. 

Que  toy  et  moy  fassions  bien  alliez , 
Pour  vng  jamays  et  reconciliez. 

Quant  Othes  au  long  entièrement 
Tout  déclare  son  adaertissement. 

Toy  et  tes  gens  qui  en  parées  tables 
Prenniez  repas  plaisans  et  délectables , 
Laissatez  lors  les  samptaeax  mangiers , 
Et  fusiez  tristes  en  oyant  telz  dangiers. 

Hère  is  fussions  of  the  first  person  plurell  governed  of  toy  et  moy, 
and  prenniez,  laissâtes  et  fusiez  of  the  seconde  parson  plurell  governed 
of  toy  et  tes  gens  by  concepcion. 


The  thème  of  the  first  conjugacion  endeth  ever  in  e,  except  that 
I  fynde  suche  as  write  in  ryme  to  use  apocope ,  writyng  je  te  pry  for 
je  te  prye,  and  in  the  future  indycatyve  and  présent  potenciall  I  fynde 
somtyme  syncopa  used,  as  pouraoyray,  donray,  pouruoyroye,  donroye, 
for  poaraoyaray,  donneray,  pouraoyeroye ,  donneroye. 

Upon  the  seconde  conjugacion  I  note,  in  this  place,  nothyng,  for  . 
liere  after  I  speke  of  this  seconde  conjugacion  in  my  annotacyons 
upon  jie  conueriys. 


The  thème  of  the  thirde  conjugacion,  that  is  to  say,  his  présent 
tence  indicatyve,  dothe  nat  ever  ende  in  s,  for  there  be  some  thèmes 
whiche  ende  in  ay,  as  je  ay,  je  scay  :  some  in  oy,  as^e  croy,je  apper- 
coy,  je  voy,  and  suche  lyke  :  howe  be  it  the  analogye  of  the  tonge  re- 
fjuyreth  that  we  shulde  say^'e  ays,  je  scays,je  croys,  je  appercoys ,  je  voys. 

Also  the  présentes  infynityves  of  the  thyrde  conjugacion  bave  nat 
onely  re  and  jr  for  their  termynacions ,  for  I  fynde  dyvers  endynge 


in  oyr,  as  chaïoyr,  vouloyr,  faloyr,  debuoyr,  cheoyr,  veoyr,  pouraeoyr,  re- 
manoyr,  manoyr,  comparoyr,  ramenteaoyr,  and  suche  lyke. 

But  where  as  I  saye  that  ail  verbes  of  this  thyrde  conjugacion  of 
many  syllables  be  compowndes  of  verbes  of  one  syllable,  of  thls 
thyng  I  shall  herafter  hâve  better  occasyon  to  speke. 


Where  I  fynde  in  Alayne  Charlier  donismes  and  enfermismes ,  for 
donasmes  and  enfermasmes,  that  is  nat  to  be  folovved  :  and  also  where 
1  fynde  in  the  same  aiictonr  que  je  demourge  for  que  je  demeure,  oï  je 
demiire,  that  is  nat  to  be  folowed. 

Where  as  they  use  to  say  Dieavous  doynt,  and  Dieu  vous  gart,  and 
ainsi  mayt  Dieu,  for  donne,  and  garde  and  ayde,  that  fynde  I  onely  in 
thèse  thre  verbes,  whiche  dyffer  from  the  generall  rule  of  présentes 
optatyve  in  this  behalfe. 


Where  as  in  the  conjugacion  of^e  conuertys,  in  the  seconde  boke, 
the  présent  subjunctyve  and  the  future  imperatyve,  and  the  présent 
optatyve  bave  je  conuertye,  the  printers  bave  in  the  thyng  corrupted 
my  boke,  as  it  is  unneth  possyble  that  they  shuide  in  ail  thynges 
satisfye  in  so  newe  and  unaccustomed  worke  unto  them.  But  for  con- 
uertye, the  boke  wolde  be  corrected  conuerlisse,  whiche  is  thus  declyn- 
ed  parsonally,  que  je  conuertisse,  que  ta  conuertisses ,  quil  conuertysse, 
que  nous  conuertissions ,  que  vous  conuertyssiés ,  quilz  conaerlyssent ,  and 
so  of  the  Besydewe. 

And  I  note  many  verbes,  in  suche  auctours  as  write  nowe  a  dayes,  .  Régula. 
whiche  they  use  nowe  ever  of  this  seconde  conjugacion  onely,  whiche 
Alayne  Chartier,  and  suche  as  wrote  aboutc  bis  tyme,  dyd  use  of  the 
first  conjugacion,  as  where  they  say  nowe  adayes^e  ajfoyblys,  ajfoyblyr: 
je  ajfranchys,  ajfranchyr  :je  demolys,  demolyr:  and  so  of  dyvers  other,  in 
Alayne  Chartiers  tynie  1  fynde  them  writtenye  ajfoyblye,  ajfoyblier  :  je 
affranchie,  affranchier  :  je  démolie,  demolier. 




If  the  verbe  in  this  tonge  be  nat  a  normal,  as^e  vas  is,  suche  con- 
sonant  as  the  thème  begynneth  vvith,  suche  lyke  consonant  sball  ail 
his  tenses,  nombres  and  persones  kepe;  so  lliat  it  is  the  ignorance 
of  the  printers  whiche  write  jea  for  (jeu  oi  je  gys,  as  I  fynde  in  the 
epystle  of  Zenone  unto  Paris  : 

Si  nés  ta  pas  le  premier  (jui  as  eu 
Playsyr  iicelle  et  aixec  elle  jeu 

for  (feu.  And  as  for  auoyr  course,  in  Johan  le  Mayre,  for  aaoyr  cour- 
rouse,  and  many  suche  be  iigurate  by  syncopa,  lyke  as  he  hath  voul- 
droy,  and  tiendroy  and  suche,  for  vouldroye,  and  tieneroye:  and  aymeron, 
eschaperon,  esperon  and  suche  lyke  for  aymerons,  etc.  By  apocope  that 
thynge  dothe  he  and  ail  suche  as  write  in  ryme,  by  lycence  poetycall, 
to  kepe  their  ryme,  and  suche  lyke  fygures  use  they  in  ail  other 
partes  of  speche ,  as  onc  for  oncques ,  donc  for  donques,  aucc  for 
auecqaes ,  and  suche  many  other. 

In  the  meane  syllables  also  the  consonantes  be  unchaunged,  and 
therfore  where  I  fynde  in  Alayne  Chartier  que  je  sequeuure,  for  que  je 
secourre  oîje  secours,  and  lors  la  requeult,  for  recucilt  oï  je  recueil,  he 
his  nat  therin  to  be  folowed.  But  in  vowelles  I  fynde  somtyme  addycion 
of  a  vowell,  asye  me  soulacc  je  me  soulaceoye,  je  farce  je  farceoye,  je 
mengc  je  mengeoye.  So  that  whan  the  thème  of  a  verbe  of  the  firsl 
conjugacion  endeth  in  ce  or  in  ge,  than  ail  suche  termynacions  fynall 
as  ende  in  a  vowell,  as  oye,  ay  or  er,  kepe  styll  e  of  their  thème,  con- 
trarye  tothe  generall  rule ,  lest  thatc  or  q  comyng  byfore  oye,  ay,  or 
er,  shulde  be  sounded  koye,  kay,  ker  :  goye,  gay,  ger.  But  where  as  I 
fynde  je  me  soulacioye,  I  suppose  that  it  wolde  be  soulaceoye  and  this 
thynge  bave  I  also  touched  in  the  first  boke.  I  fynde  also  in  some 
verbes  takyng  away  of  a  vowell,  as  je  grieue  jay  greué,  creroye  for 
croyeroye  :  and  in  some  verbes  chaungyng  of  one  vowell  for  an  other, 
us  je  pleure  je  plouroye,je  demeure  je  demouroye,  je  treuue  je  trouaoye. 


kepyng  ou  in  ail  their  other  tenses  :  and  je  choys,  I  fall,  il  chiet,  and 
je  massis  il  sassiet,  and  je  croy  je  crcus  jay  créa,  and  je  tays  je  me  teas, 
je  (jys  je  gens,  je  fiers  jay  fera,  je  ose  jay  osé ,  and  jay  ausé.  (But  ausé  is 
onely  used  of  Johan  le  Mayre,  for  ail  other  sayy'aj  osé)  and  mayne  jay 
mené,  mener,  and  his  compoundesye  amayne,  je  poarmayne  :je  me  peyne 
je  me  sui  pené,  je  croy  je  créas,  and  so  of  dyverse  other,  wherof  to  he 
certayne,  the  table  of  verbes  shall  déclare  thèse  thinges  at  length, 
in  every  verbe  partyculerly,  as  he  fortuneth  to  corne  in  order. 


The  verbes  of  this  thyrde  conjugacion,  if  they  be  symples,  be 
for  the  moste  part  but  of  one  syllable,  and  they  be  compounde  with 
preposycions,  asy'e  prens  is  a  symple  whiche  hath  for  his  compoundes 
je  reprens ,  je  sarprens ,  je  comprens ,  je  entreprens ,  je  apprens,je  emprens, 
and  so  of  their  other  symples. 

And  generally  the  compounde  verbe  foloweth  the  conjugacion  of 
his  symple,  save  that  I  fynde  oï  je  fuys  a  compounde  je  affuye  of  the 
first  conjugacion,  and  o[  je  viens  je  vienne  bien. 

OF    THE    FYRST. 

The  first  and  seconde  persons  of  this  tence  muste  ever  be  lyke , 
in  so  moche  that,  where  as  I  fynde  certayne  verbes  endynge  in  x, 
AS  je  veutx,  je  vaulx ,  je  faulx,  je  deffaulx,  je  assaulx,  by  cause  that, 
after  aul,  the  orthographye  in  this  tonge  admytteh  nat*-,  and  that  thèse 
verbes  muste  nedes  bave  aul  may  apere  by  their  latyn  verbes  tliat 
they  corne  out  of,  volo,  valeo,  salio,  and  be  lyVe  faulx  as  thoughe  the 
latynes  saydfaleo.  So  that  this  thyng  may  be  borne  by  cause  that  x 
contayneth  in  hym  selfe  an  s.  But  where  as  1  fynde  in  Johan  le  Mayre 
dyverse  présentes  of  this  conjugacion  written  with  z,  as  je  oyngz,  je^ 
metz ,  je poyngz ,  and  suche  lyke,  undouted  that  is  by  the  ignoraunce  of 
the  printers,  for  z  is  no  letter  fynall  for  any  verbe  in  his  synguler  nombre. 

And  note  that,  where  as  I  fynde  in  Johan  le  Mayre  il  conclnd, 



i7  tend,  il  rend,  il  vend,  and  so  in  tlie  thyrde  persons  of  ail  other 
verbes  whose  latyne  verbe  endeth  in  do  or  in  dco,  after  myne  opy- 
nion  he  leaneth,  in  this  tbyng,  to  moche  to  the  orthographye  of 
the  latyne  tonge  :  for  the  trevve  etymologye  of  the  frenche  tonge  re- 
quyreth  generally  s  in  the  seconde  person  synguler  of  this  présent 
indycatyve ,  and  t  in  the  thyrde. 

But  where  as  suche  as  bave  printed  the  sayd  Johan  le  Mayre  and 
dyverse  other  auctours,  use  somtyme  z  fynall  in  the  seconde  persons 
synguler  of  verbes  of  this  conjiigacion ,  that  is  utterly  eylher  their 
neglygence  or  their  ignoraunce ,  for  z  is  the  fynall  letter  of  seconde 
persons  plurell  of  ail  verbes  in  this  tonge,  to  déclare  the  dyversyte 
of  accent  bytwene  the  seconde  person  synguler  and  the  seconde  per- 
son plurell,  as  I  bave  shewed  in  the  first  boke. 


I  fynde^e  vesquis  and^e  vescus,  indiffynites  indycatyve  oïje  vis  :  and 
o{je  escrips  je  escripiiis,  and  o?je  ramenteae  je  ramentus  and  je  ramen- 
teuay.  Where  I  fynde  the  thyrde  persons  singuler  of  this  tence  in 
Johan  le  Mayre  written  somtyme  with  s  byfore  t,  as  assouagist,  rou- 
gist,  noyrcist,  blanchist,  dist,  suffist  and  suche  lyke ,  whiche  maner  of 
writynge  I  fynde  aiso  in  dyverse  other  auctours,  that  tbyng  is  by 
the  oversyght  of  the  printers ,  for  the  addynge  of  s  byfore  t  is  the 
onely  différence  bytwene  the  seconde  person  singuler  of  the  indifiy- 
nyte  subjunctyve  and  this  indiffynite  indycatyve,  a.sjit  is  indycatyve, 
fist  subjunctyve;  and  so  of  but  bust,  deceut  deceust,  print  prinst,  nojrcyt 
noyrcist,  blanchit  blanchist. 

But,  if  the  indyffinyte  subjunctyve  be  formed  out  of  the  présent  of 

the  same  mode,  as  I  déclare  that  certayne  be  hère  folowyng,  in  the 

seventh  of  thèse  tenue  generall  rules,  than  I  suppose  that  s  myght 

.be  added  afore  t,  as  il  relayst,  il  induyst,  il yst,  il  lyst,  il  rayst,  il  gyst, 

and  suche  lyke. 

And  where  as  1  fynde  in  Alayne  Chartier  tenismes  and  venismes  for 
taismes  and  vnismes,  of  that  the  lerner  is  to  be  warned ,  for  of  ye  tyns 


and  vins,  after  the  declynacion  personall ,  cometh  tuismes  and  vnismea 

rather  than  tenismes  and  venismes,  thoughe  thèse  lather  be  more  used. 

Nat  oneiy  suclie  verbes  as  hâve  n  before  s  in  theJr  first  person  syn- 

guler,  hâve  d  byfore  rent  in  their  thyide  person  plurell,  but  also  ail 

indifïynytes  comynge  of  présentes  endyng  in  yngs,  by  cause  their 

latyne  verbes  ende  in  ingo,  as  je  fayngs,  je  payngs,  je  tayngs,  je  re- 

frayngs,  je  playngs,  for  thoughe  their  indifFynites  be  jefaignys,  je  pai- 

gnySjje  taygnys,je  refraygnys,  je  playgnys,  their  thirde  persons  phirell 

be   Hz  faingdrent,  Hz  payngdrent,    Hz    tayngdrent,    Hz    refrayngdrent , 

Hz  playngdrent ,  in  whiche  I  fynde  the  g  ofte  tymes  left  out,  as  Hz 

fayndrent,  etc.         .         < 


I  fynde  some  first  persons  synguler  of  the  présent  tence  of  the 
subjunctyve  mode  whiche  ende  in  se,  and  they  be  moche  to  be  noted 
for  the  formacyon  of  their  indiffynytes  of  this  mode,  as  shall  apere 
in  my  annotacions  upon  the  seventh  of  thèse  tenue  generall  rules 
next  immedia.tely  folowynge. 

Présentes  that  ende  in  se,  so  farforthe  as  I  bave  yet  noted,  be  thèse  : 
que  je  close,  que  je  descomfise,  que  je  ennuyse,  que  je  gyse,  que  je  induyse, 
que  je  instruyse,  que  je  introduise,  quejeysse,  que  je  lyse,  que  je  occise, 
que  je  reluise,  que  je  réduise,  que  je  raise,  que  je  suffise,  que  je  tayse , 
que  je  tonse. 

But  where  as  I  fynde  in  Alayne  Chartier,  in  bis  Hospitall,  que  je 
acquierge  for  que  je  acquière,  he  hath  so  done  for  is  ryme ,  whiche 
we  shall  nat  foiowe, 

Lay  présentant  vng  ardant  cierge, 
Affin  que  sa  grâce  acquierge. 

And  note  that  I  fynde  in  some  verbes  two  dyverse  wordes  for  this 
tence,  as  que  je  die,  que  je  disse  :  que  je  tonde,  que  je  tonse. 


Where  as  the  generall  ruie,  whiche  I  havegyven  in  the  seconde  bokc, 


is  to  forme  the  indifFynite  subjunctyve  ont  of  ihe  indiffynite  indyca- 
tyve  by  addyng  of  se,  ses,  t,  sioi.s,  siez,  sent,  if  the  présent  subjunc- 
tyve ende  in  se,  as  I  bave  noted  in  tbe  syxte  annotacyons  bere  next 
byfore,  tban  tbis  indifTynite  subjunctyve  sball  be  formed  out  of  bim 
by  cbaungyng  of  se,  into  isse,  as  que  je  closisse,  que  je  descomftsisse,  que 
je  ennuysisse,  que  je  gysisse ,  que  je  induysisse ,  que  je  instruisisse,  que  je 
introduisisse,  que  je  yssisse,  que  je  lysisse,  que  je  occisisse,  que  je  relui- 
sisse, que  je  réduisisse,  que  je  rosisse,  que  je  sujfisisse ,  que  je  taisisse,  que 
je  tonsisse.  Wberby  tbey  mocbe  difier  from  their  indillynites  indyca- 
tyve,  but  generall  it  is  also  ùnto  tbese  indiflynites  to  forme  ail  ibeir 
otber  persons  out  of  tbeir  lirst,  ail  after  one  lyke  maner,  as^e  clo- 
sisse, tuclosisses,  ilclosist,  nous  closissions,  vous  closissiez,  Hz  closissent, 
and  so  of  ail  otber  :  and  therfore  by  cause  that  y'e  dis,  andyV  tonde 
bave  a  double  présent  subjunctyve,  tberfore  tbey  bave  a  double  in- 
diffynite subjunctyve,  as  of^Hcyerfme,  présent  subjunctyve,  is  formed 
que  je  disisse,  and  oi  je  dys,  indiffynite  indicatyve,  is  formed  que  je 
dysse,  and  so  of  que  je  tonse,  que  je  tonsisse,  and  ofye  tondys,  indiffy- 
nyte,  que  je  tondisse,  and  be  batb  also  que  je  tonde.  And,  by  lyke  reà- 
son,  bycause  je  ramenteue  batb  two  indiffynites  indycatyve,  thaï  is 
je  ramentas  and  je  ramenteuay,  be  batb  also  two  indiffynites  subjunc- 
tyve, que  je  ramentnsse,  and  que  je  ramentcuasse  :  also  verbes  tbat  bave 
/  in  tbeir  tbeme,  make  tbeir  subjunctyve  indiffynite  contrary  to  the 
generall  rules,  as^e  vueil  maketb  voulsysse,  and,  by  lyke  reason,  impar- 
sonals  tbat  bave  /,  as  il  ne  men  chault,  il  mefault,  make  quil  ne  men  chaul- 
sisl,  quil  mefaulsist,  tbougb  tbey  make  quil  ne  men  chaille,  quil  me  faille. 
But  of  tbis  tbyng  I  shall  berafter  speke,  whan  I  corne  to  tbe  verbes 


Where  as  I  sayd,  in  tbe  seconde  booke,  tbat  the  seconde  person 
présent  of  the  imperatyve  mode  was,  for  tbe  moste  parte,  lyke  unto 
tbe  person  présent  of  the  indycatyve,  tbat  I  fynde  in  maner  ever  to  be 
trewe ,  save  tbat  if  the  seconde  parson  of  the  présent  indycatyve  bave 


a  vowell  al'ore  s,  oulher  alone  or  in  a  dypthonge,  tliey  use  ever,  in  the 
imperatyve,  to  put  the  s  awaye,  as  bycause  they  say  ta  vas,  ta  dis,  tu 
fays,  ta  voys,  ta  boys,  tliey  say,  in  the  imperatyve,  va,  dy,  fay,  voy,  boy. 
But  if  the  sayd  person  indycatyve  ende  in  a  consonant,  though,  for 
the  moste  parte,  they  everleave  out  s,  to  sayeng /jren,  ren,  sort,  met, 
yet  I  fynde  theni  also  with  s,  as  prens,  rens,  sorts,  mets.  But  howe  suis 
is  out  of  rule  I  hâve  shewed  in  the  seconde  boke,  for  his  seconde 
person  présent  indycatyve  is  es,  and  thathis  imperatyve  is  sais  apereth 
in  the  epystle  of  Pénélope  : 

Seul  a  toy  suys  ayes  en  soaaenir. 


Nat  onely  the  infynityve  présent  of  this  conjugacion  is  uncer- 
tayne,but  also  I  note  certayne  verbes  whiche  bave  a  double  présent 
infynityve  of  the  whiche  the  one  is  ancyent ,  and  was  in  use  unto 
Alayne  Chartiers  tyme,  whiche  I  wyll  in  order  first  reherce,  and  that 
whiche  is  nowe  in  use  1  wyll  reherce  laste  in  order  ;  ardoyr  ardre, 
remanoyr  remayndre,  touldre  tollyr,  benoystre  benyr,  queire  queryr,  con- 
querre  conquérir,  acquerre  acquérir,  cousdre  coasyr,  cremyr  crayndre ,  com- 
paroyr  comparer,  remouuoyr  ivmuer  (but  for  them  1  fynde  two  dyverse 
thèmes,  je  remouue  SluA.  je  remue,  as  courre  for  courryr  isfygurate). 


Thèse  thre  conjugacions  in  the  frenche  tonge  be  nat  so  utterly 
distyncte  amongest  them  selfe  but  that  I  fynde,  accordyng  as  I  hâve 
afore  noted  in  the  annotacyons"  upon  the  conjugacyon  of  ye  conaertys, 
certayne  verbes  that,  in  Alayne  Chartiers  tyme,  were  of  the  first 
conjugacion,  whiche  nowe  be  used  of  ail  writers  of  the  seconde,  and 
some  I  fynde  bothe  of  the  first  and  thyrde  conjugacions,  asye  rase 
je  rays,  and  je  confonde  andy'e  confons,je  close  and  je  clos,  but  thèse 
verbes  of  the  first  conjugacion  be  but  used  of  Jehan  de  Meune,  and 
nowe  out  of  use.  And  howe  Je  rays,  je  confons  and^e  c/os  be  conjugale 



I  shewe  suffycienlly  in  the  table  of  verbes  in  «  I  shave,  I  confounde, 

«  1  sbylte  and  I  close  >'. 

And  some  verbes  I  fynde  whiche  in  their  thème  be  of  the  thyrde 
conjugacion,  but  their  partyciple  prétérit,  and  ail  the  tenses  circuni- 
locute  by  hyni,  semé  to  be  of  the  first  conjugacion,  as  je  accors,  jay 
accordé,  je  rys,je  mesmes  rye;  and  one  I  fynde,  in  his  thème ,  of  the  fyrst 
conjugacion,  and  in  his  partyciple  pretei'it  of  the  thyrde,  as  je  compère, 
I  abye,  jfaj  comparu,  to  differ  îrom  jay  comparé  o{ je  compare ,  I  compare. 
And  as  l'orbe  coeuure  fory'e  couucrs,  and^e  apparoys  îorje  appars,  and yc 
déduise  îorje  déduis,  I  fynde  them  used  onely  of  Johan  de  Meune  :  and 
as  {or  je  conqueste,  andye  conquiers,  be  of  distyncte  signyfycacion . 

As  forye  mangeue,  whosc  conjugacion  I  bave  touched  in  the  seconde 
boke,  in  this  place,  is  thus  conjugate  :  indiffynite  présent  je  mange 
and  je  mangeue;  imparfyte  je  mengeoye;  je  mengeus  andye  mengeay,juy 
mangé,  jauoye  mengé,je  mangeray,  mange,  que  je  mange  or  que  je  man- 
geue, que  je  mangeusse  or  que  je  mangeasse,  manger,  and  in  his  decly- 
nacion  parsonall  he  foloweth  the  exemple  oïjeayme,  savyng  that,  in  his 
présente  indycatyve,  1  fynde  Hz  mangeussent,  where  we  shidde  make 
Hz  mangent  or  ih  mangcuent,  after  the  exemple  oïjeayme,  and  where 
«s  he  is  written  in  the  sayd  seconde  boke  witli  e,  as  je  menge,  he 
muste  be  written  with  a,  for  he  cometh  of  manduco. 


Where  as  I  noted  no  mo  defectyves  in  the  seconde  boke,  hwi  je 
seulx  andye  enseuelys,  I  hâve  noted  sytheye  remayns,  whiche  wanteth 
his  preterite  partyciple  and  ail  his  tenses  formed  by  hym,  and  je  pays, 
of  him  selfe,  neyther  indiffynite  tence  nor  tence  that  is  circumlocute 
with  his  partyciple  prétérit,  save  that  he  boroweth  thèse  tenses  of 
his  compounde  ye  repays:  and  je  reluis  wanteth  also  his  partyciple 
prétérit  :  how  be  it  somtyme  I  fynde  yaj  reluy.  I  fynde  also  pose  and 
posons  for  »  put  the  case  »  or  «  suppose  a  thyng  to  be  »  by  waye  of  con- 
jugacion, and  prens,  whan  he  is  of  that  signyfycacion,  hath  no  more 
but  prennez  and  prennons. 



But  where  as  Johan  le  Mayre  saythe,  in  the  fyrst  boke  of  his  lUus- 
tracyons  :  Néant  moyns  puisquil  a  pieu  a  si  liaultes  dames  subir  ton  Juge- 
ment, and  after  in  the  same  boke,  couraige  de  meritrice  polu  dung  legier 
promettre,  usyng,  subyr,  whiche  cometh  of  subeo,  and  polu  whiche 
cometh  oï  polluo,  thèse  verbes  be  nat  as  yet  admytted  in  the  comen 
speche  of  the  frenche  tonge. 

And  note  that  I  fynde  in  Johan  le  Mayre  :  comment  Hz  consacrent 
et  enseuelissent  leur  mors  auec  leur /estes,  as  thoughe  enseuelissent  were 
the  thyrde  person  plurell  of  the  présent  indycaty\^p.  But,  as  for  any  of 
the  other  persones,  1  hâve  nat  yet  redde. 


I  fynde  nat  onely  ye  pleure,  je  demeure  and  je  treuue,  je  preuue,  je 
appreuue,je  meurs,  je  meurray,  whiche,  intheir  meane  syllable,  change 
e  of  their  thème  into  o,  anàje  appers,  whiche  chaungeth  e  into  a, 
but  also  dyverse  other  chaungynges  I  fynde  from  one  vowell  into  an 
other,  as  I  hâve  noted  hère  afore  in  this  thyrde  boke,  in  the  latter 
ende  of  my  annotacyons  upon  the  first  rule,  after  the  conjugacion 
oï  je  conuertys.  And  farthermore ,  j^e  compère,  turneth  e  into  a,  &&  jay 
comparu,  comparoyr  :  and  je  viens  maketh  venoye,  viens,  je  suis  venu, 
venir  :  je  me  peyne,  je  me  suis  pené:  je  croy,  je  créas:  and  je  mets 
maketh  ye  meys,  and  c/uejemeysse:  and  je  fays,  je  feys  and  quejefeisse. 

And  note  that  a  generall  thynge  it  was  in  Alayne  Chartiers  tyme  to 
Write  the  thèmes  and  infynityve  modes  of  suche  verbes  as  nowe  ende 
in  che,  ge  or  sse,  as  je  arrache,  je  abrège,  je  adresse  with  an  i,  as  je  ar- 
rachie,  arrachier  :  je  abregie,  abregier  :  je  adressie,  adressier  :  but  in  this 
thyng  Alayn  Charlier  at  thèse  dayes  is  nat  folowed. 

And  howe  Syncopa  and  Apocope  be  moche  used  in  verbes ,  espe- 
cially  of  suche  auctours  as  write  in  ryme,  I  hâve  also  declared  upon 
the  sayd  first  rule,  in  this  thirdè  boke. 

Exemple  of  Syncopa.  Amenront,  donront,  pardonront,  anàsodemour- 
royt,  larroyt,  layrra,  bauldray,  bailleray,  retourna,  voirra,  hr  amèneront, 
donneront,  pardonneront,  vouldra. 



Exemple  of  Apocope.  Los  for  lose,  day  for  doybs,  but  indiffynites 
endyng  in  is  iese  oftentyraes  their  s  in  rymes,  as  pardy,  vy,  dy  and 
suche  lyke,  (or  pardis,  vys,  dys. 


Where  as  Alayne  Chartier  oftentymes,  and  Johan  le  Mayre,  in  his 
seconde  epystle  of  the  Lamant  vert  useth  voult,  in  the  thyrde  person 
synguler  of  ye  vouliis,  the  indifiynyte  indycatyve,  as  qui  jadis  voult 
manger  Andromeda,  they  use  voult  fyguratly  by  Syncopa  for  voulut. 

And  in  the  subjunctyve  mode  I  fynde  ofte  tyme  que  je  voulusse, 
but  voalsisse  is  more  to  be  used. 


Thougue  tu  puis  bc  moste  comenly  used  in  the  seconde  person 
présent  indycatyve,  yet  I  fynde  in  John  le  Mayre  que  peulx  ta  auoir 
raportc,  etc.,  and,  for  Hz  peuuent,  the  thyrde  parson  plurell  of  the 
same  tence,  Johan  le  Mayre,  in  his  thirde  boke,  Hz  peuslent,  whiche 
I  wolde  nat  use. 

And  where  as  I  sayd,  in  the  seconde  boke,  that  the  présent  sub- 
junctyve of  this  mode  wanteth ,  I  bave  sythe  noted  that  they  use 
the  présent  tence  of  this  mode  lyke  unto  the  indifiynite  tence  of  the 
same  mode,  as  que  je  puisse,  that  I  maye,  and  que  je  puisse,  that 
I  rtiyght ,  as  the  sentence  dolhe  requyre. 


What  so  ever  chaungyng  there  be  in  the  meane  syllables  of  anj 
frenche  verbes,  outher  from  one  vowell  in  to  an  other,  or  addyng 
or  dymynisshyng  of  any  maner  ietters,  yet  the  first  letter  of  the 
thème  of  a  verbe  is  kept  thoroughout  ail  bis  conjugacion ,  whether  the 
verbe  begyn  with  a  vowell,  or  with  a  consonant,  except  onelyye  ay, 
and  je  men  vas,  and  therfore  where  Johan  le  Mayre  sayeth  jay  anse 


ofye  ose,  he  dothe  so  moche  folowe  the  latyn  worde  audeo  that  he 
remembreth  nat  ihis  generall  rule  of  the  tonge,  whiche  is  a  great 
and  specyall  staye  for  the  tonge  to  be  corne  by. 


Nat  onely  the  french  tonge  hath  no  mo  sortes  of  verbes  but  only 
actyve,  passyve  or  meane,  so  that  verbes  déponentes  or  comens  they 
bave  none  norneuters  nouther,  except  we  wyll  call  sucbe  verbes,  in 
frenche  tonge,  meanes,  as  the  latynes  call  newters,  but  aiso  they 
knowe  neyther  frequentatyves  nor  inchoatyves,  nor  no  suche  sortes 
of  verbes,  savyng  that,  whan  they  will  expresse  an  acte  to  be  in  be- 
gynnyng,  they  use  the  tenses  oïje  vas,  and  the  infynityve  mode  of 
the  verbe,  whose  acte  dothe  begyn,  as  I  begyn  to  drinke  to  you  je 
vas  boyrc  a  vous:  he  begynneth  to  dye,  or  he  is  at  the  poynte  to  dye, 
il  va  mourir.  Note  that  at  ail  tymes,  whan  the  tenses  of  je  vas  is  joyn- 
ed  to  jan  infynityve,  he  dothe  beloken  inchoacion,  for  many  tymes 
je  vas  hath  bis  owne  signyfycacion,  as  Johan  le  Mayre,  in  the  first 
epystle  of  the  Lamant  vert  : 

Elle  va  veoir  la  noble  Germanie. 

Whiche  is  nat,  she  begynneth  to  se,  but  she  goeth  to  se. 

Also  in  thèse  verbes  je  me  dueils,je  me  jouys ,  je  vis,  and  suche  lyke 
they  use  to  take  the  substantyve  and  the  tenses  ofje  mayne ,  as  je 
mayne  dueil,je  mayne  joye ,  je  mayne  vie,  and  suche  lyke;  and  som- 
tyme  I  fynde  suche  circumlocution  used  of  suche  as  write  in  ryme, 
onely  to  suplye  the  quantyte  of  suche  syllables,  et  mayne  tel  grondel- 
lement  for  et  grondelle  tellement.  Also,  whan  the  frenche  tonge  vvan- 
teth  a  verbe  propi-e ,  they  expresse  the  acte  by  the  substantyve  and  je 
mayne,  as,  for  I  rule,  je  mayne  rasterie,  I  make  a  noyseye  mayne  bruit, 
for  they  bave  no  suche  verbes  as  je  rustrie  or  je  bruyte. 


Thovighe  I  bave    chefely  gyven   exemple   of  verbes  compounde 



with  en,  as  enterrer,  ennuier,  yet  there  is  a  great  nombre  of  verbes,  in 

this  longe,  formed  our  of  iheir  substantyves ,  as  of  ancre  ancrer,  aulne 

aalner,  and  so  of  many  otber,  whiche  may  best  apere  in  the  frenche 



As  for  composicion  of  verbes  wilh  preposycions,  I  shall  differ  to 
speke,  tyll  I  come  to  the  thyrde  accydent  of  preposycions. 


Whan  a  verbe  indycatyve  alone,  or  with  an  infynytive  mode  after 
hym,  makelh  a  parfyte  sentence,  than,  for  a  more  affyrmacion  of 
the  dede ,  they  use  to  adde  en ,  next  byfore  the  verbe ,  nat  thaï  of 
necessyte  en  niust  ever,  in  ail  suche  sentences,  be  expressed,  but  il 
lyelh  in  the  choyse  of  an  accustomed  eare  to  use  en  or  leave  him 
out ,  as  he  shall  thynke  good.  So  that ,  of  suche  auctours  as  write  in 
ryme,  I  fynde  hym  more  usedthan  in  comenspeche,  rallier  to  supplye 
their  juste  syllables  than  for  any  necessyte.  And  yet  I  note  thaï  Johan 
de  Meun  and  Alayne  Chartier  use  en  more  oftenner  than  suche  as 
write  aboute  this  tyme.  But  some  thynge  to  instructe  suche  as  be 
larners  howe  they  shulde  use  en. 

If  the  verbe,  in  the  sentence,  be  a  meane  verbe  and  bave  bis 
thème,  that  is  to  say,  bis  présent  indycatyve  begynnyng  with  a  vow- 
ell,  comenly  they  put  en,  bylwene  the  accusatyve  pronowne  and 
the  verbe,  asye  m'en  esbahys,  tu  tabuses,  or  tu  ten  abuses,  il  sen  or- 

But  of  aU  meane  verbes  I  note  chefelyje  men  vas  andye  menfuys, 
whiche,  for  the  moste  parte,  bave  ever  en  byfore  them,  though  they 
begyn  nat  wilh  a  vowell,  and  in  their  prétérit  lenses  they  double  en, 
as  il  sen  est  en  allé,  il  sen  est  en  fony. 

Wherfore,  sythe  I  can  in  this  ihyng  shewe  no  rule  ulterly  cer- 
tayne,  bycause  the  ihyng  resteth,  as  I  bave  sayd,  upon  the  judge- 


ment  of  an  accustomed  eare,  yet  I  shall  hère  déclare  cerlayne  thyn- 
ges  wherby  the  lerner  maye  the  better  marke  suche  auctoiirs  as  he 
shall  rede,  to  corne  to  a  more  parfyte  knowledge  herin.  For,  the 
moste  parte,  though  the  auctour  write  in  ryme,  the  verbe  wich  hath 
en  byfore  him ,  hath  a  pronowne  primatyve  comyng  next  byfore  en , 
outher  as  his  nomynatyve  case,  or  accusatyve  case,  and  seldome  of 
bis  oblique  case. 


Jen  doybs  bien  auoyr  pytié.  Tandis  que  ta  en  as  le  loysyr.  Il  en  dobyt 
moyns  estre  esmayé.  Elle  en  auoyt  tel  daeil  au  cueur.  Nous  en  sommes  trop 
empeschez.  Vous  en  aurez  pour  vng  denier  troys.  Hz  en  vauldront  du 


Sy  men  allay  seul  escoustant.  Tu  ten  vas  de  moy  esloygnant.  Quant  nul 
ne  sen  peult  prendre  garde.  Lors  lui  en  bailla  il  safoy. 

So  that  ail  be  it,  as  I  bave  sayd,  that  suche  as  write  in  ryme  use 
en  more  oftener  than  suche  as  write  after  the  comen  speche ,  yet 
I  note  that,  for  the  moste  parte,  there  cometh  a  pronowne  primative 
byfore  en,  outher  expressed  or  understande,  as  sy  en  puis  bien  trouuer 
garrant.  Lors  men  allay  par  my  la  prée.  Sy  en  eut  tel  daeil  et  tel  yre. 
But  yet  somtyme  I  fynde  en  used,  whan  the  verbe  is  subjunctyve  or 
hath  some  substantyve  to  his  nomynatyve  case,  as  nul  nest  si  joyeux  ne 
se  haytié,  sil  ne  la  veist  qui  nen  eust  pitié.  Sa  douleur  en  doybt  estre 
moyndre.  So  that  by  this  laste  exemple  may  appere  that  en  may  be 
used  byfore  the  verbe  whan  he  is  negatyve,  and  thus,  for  uncertaynte 
in  the  thynges  selfe,  am  I  compelled  to  remytte  the  lerner  to  obser- 
vacion  in  redyng  of  auctours. 

TO    KNOWE    WHAN    WE    SHALL    USE    PAS,    POYNT    OR    MYE. 

Whan  the  sentence  is  negatyve  in  our  tonge,  that  isto  saye,  that 
the  verbe  hath  «  nat  <>  after  nym ,  as  I  wyll  nat ,  I  se  nat ,  I  wotte  nat 
wylher  to  go,  and  ail  suche  lyke,  the  frenche  tonge  removeth  the 
negacion  and  putteth  hym  byfore  the  verbe ,  and  immediately  after 


the  verbe  putteth  pas,poynt  or  mye,  especially  if  the  verbe  be  indy- 
catyve,  and  the  laste  worde  in  the  sentence.  So  that  pas,  poynt  or  mye 
be  used  for  a  more  clere  expressyng  of  negacion,  and  as  though  the 
speker  wolde  byde  by  the  thing  whiche  he  denyeth  :  in  so  moche 
that,  if  the  speker  do  but  fayntly  denye  a  thyng,  they  use  than  to 
leave  oui  pas,  poynt  or  mye. 


Je  ne  scay,jene  scaypas.Jene  lepuisvoyr,je  ne  le  pays  pas  voyr.  SU  ne  la 
faicljevoiis  donneray  vng  escu.  SU  ne  la  pasfaictje  vous  donneray  vng  escu. 

But  herin  also  is  requyred  a  farther  judgement  than  can  be  gyven 
by  any  rule.  Onely  this  is  moste  suer  to  be  folowed,  if  the  sentence 
be  negatyve  and  the  verbe  indycatyve,  to  use  pas,  poynt  or  mye: 
whiche  pas  and  poynt  be  ryght  frenche  wordes,  and  mye  a  Romant 
worde  and  nat  lo  be  used  of  a  lerner. 

And  hère  is  to  be  remembred  that  often  tymes  the  frenche  tonge 
useth  ne  byfore  their  verbes,  whan  we  use  «  nat  "  byfore  our  verbes,  in 
the  same  sentence  whiche  cometh  by  reason  oîjamays,,  riens, 
plus,  moyns,  or  some  suche  worde  folowynge  the  verbe,  as  I  shall 
more  playnly  déclare  upon  the  first  rule  of  accydentes  partycular  be- 
longynge  unto  adverbes. 

Hère  is  also  to  be  noted  that,  whan  we  aske  a  questyon  in  our 
tonge,  whiche  we  doute  nat  but  the  answerer  muste  confesse ,  bycause 
we  knowe  our  selfe  it  is  so  in  dede,  in  suche  questyons,  thoughe  we 
adde  «  nat  «  byfore  our  verbes,  as  dyd  I  nat  tell  you  .^  Lo  is  he  nat 
hurte  nowe  ?  Dyd  nat  I  se  the  there  yesterday  ?  in  suche  questyons , 
the  frenche  tonge  dothe  nat  use  to  put  ne  byfore  their  verbes,  but 
yet  they  adde  pas  or  poynt  afler  the  verbe,  sayeng  :  vous  dis  je  pas? 
agardez  est  il  pas  blessé  mayntenant?  Te  vis  je  pas  la  hyer?  But  if  we  aske 
one  a  questyon  whiche  he  hymselfe  shewed  us,  and  bave  no  farther 
knowlege  but  bis  owne  reporte,  in  suche  questyons,  we  use  nat  to  put 
«  nat  »  byfore  the  verbe,  but  yet  in  frenche  they  bave  pas  or  poynt 
after  the  verbe. 




Can  he  playe  thèse  pagenles  well  ?  Sayl  il  pas  bien  faire  ces  tours  ? 
Hath  he  made  you  good  chère  than?  Vous  a  ilfaict  bonne  chiere  donc? 
But  in  the  frenche  tonge  unto  thèse  two  dyverse  questyons  they  hâve 
dyverse  nianers  to  answere.  For  to  the  first  they  answere  sy  fistes, 
si  est  or  suche  lyke,  and  to  the  other  they  answere  ouy  playnely.  And 
also  I  note  this  maner  of  demaundyng  a  (juestyon  :  you  hâve  solde 
the  asse,  hâve  you  nat  ?  Vous  auez  vendu  lasne,  aués  pas?  But,  for 
questyons  demaunded  to  knowe  the  thyng  they  be  utterly  ignorante 
in,  there  is  no  dyversyte  in  wordes  bytwene  our  tonge  andtheirs,  as 
where  is  the  king?  ou  est  le  roy  ?  haste  thou  made  my  bedde  yet?  as 
tu  faict  mon  licl  encore?  but  as  for  vous  parlés  sans  poynt  cesser,  and 
suche  lyke,  there  poynt  is  used  bycause  sans  contayneth  in  hym  in 
maner  a  negacion.  But  herof  I  bave  spoken  afore  in  the  pronovvne. 
And  oft  tymes,  for  denyeng,  they  use  poynt,  poynl  alone,  referryng 
it  to  the  mater  in  questyon  afore. 


*      VERBES. 

Where  as  I  fortuned  to  bave  communycacion  concernynge  the  na- 
ture of  thèse  verbes,  whiche  I  hâve  called  meane  verbes,  with  mayster 
Gyles,  wbose  judgement,  concernyng  the  frenche  tonge,  I  can  nat  to 
moche  prayse,  he  affyrmed  that  the  usyng  of  a  verbe  so  as  1  do 
meanos,  that  is  to  say,  whan  we  double  the  pronownes  byfore  them, 
than  dothe  the  verbe  beloken  a  begynnyng  or  a  towardenesse  to  do 
the  acte  that  he  signyfyeth,  and  that  the  same  verbe  used  in  ail 
thynges,  lyke  an  actyve,  signyfyeth  the  acte  presently  or  forthwith  to 
be  in  doyng.  And  for  exemple  he  gave  me  je  vas,  and  je  mcn  vas, 
il  va,  and  il  sen  va,  of  whiche  he  sayd  :  je  vas  is  I  go  nowe  actually 
indede  men  vas,  I  shape  me  to  go,  or  am  at  the  poynte  to  go;  il  va, 
he  goeth  nowe  actually,  il  sen  va,  he  shapeth  him  or  he  is  at  the 
poynte  to  go.   So  that,  by  bis  mynde,  1  gather  thatye  meurs,  signy- 


fyeth  I  dye  nowe  forthwith  :jc  me  meurs,  I  am  a  passyng  or  aboute  the 
poynte  to  dye.  Jefuys,  I  flye  nowe  presently  '-je  menfuys,  I  shape  me 
or  prépare  me  to  flye.  Whiche  ihynge  ondouted  is  moche  requisyte 
to  be  consydred,  to  corne  to  the  utter  and  parfyle  knowledge  howe 
to  use  suche  verbes  in  this  tonge  as  I  hâve  named  meane  verbes. 

I  note  also,  for  the  fiirther  knowlege  liowe  to  use  a  verbe  in  the 
frenche  tonge  lyke  a  meane  verbe ,  that  whan  so  ever  we  use  a  verbe 
with  us  lyke  a  verbe  passyve,  where  as  in  dede  the  nomynatyve  case, 
whiche  shulde  suffer,  is  a  thynge  that  can  nat  suffre  by cause  it  is  nat 
lyveiy,  nor  hath  in  effecte  none  acte  without  forthe  done  unto  it  at 
ail,  savyng  that  we  to  fynde  mater  to  comon  of  that  thyng  devyse 
suche  actes  to  be  done  unto  it,  in  ail  suche  spekyng  use  they  their 
verbe  lyke  a  meane  verbe,  doublyng  the  pronowne  byfore  hym  for 
the  first  and  seconde  persons,  asye,  me,  tu,  te,  etc.,  and  usyng  se  in  the 
thyrde  persons ,  to  déclare  reciprocacion. 


Where  as  clerkes  saye ,  «  the  erthe  is  devyded  into  thre  partes  : 
"  the  GauUes  be  devyded  into  thre  partes  »,  nouther  the  erthe  nor  the 
Gaulles  suffre  nothyng  by  this  devysion  makyng,  nor  in  very  dede 
they  be  none  otherwyse  parted  than  nature  hath  parted  them,  savyng 
that  clerkes  ymagyn  suche  a  devisyon  the  more  playnly  to  discryve 
them  and  comen  of  them ,  therfore ,  the  frenchemen  say  nat  :  la  terre 
est  diuisée  en  troys  partyes,  nor  les  Gaulles  sont  diuisées  en  troys  parties; 
but  la  terre  se  deuise  and  les  Gaulles  se  deuisent.  Whiche  thyng  yet  the 
more  playnly  to  déclare  by  the  more  plenty  of  exemples ,  for  «  Fraunce 
«  was  named  Gallia  »,  they  say  nat  la  France  estoyt  nommée  Gallia,  but 
la  France  se  nommoit  :  and  for  «  there  shall  a  great  dynner  be  made 
«  to  morowe  at  yelde  hall  »,  they  saye  nat  vng  grant  disner  serafaict  a 
la  mayson  de  ville,  but  vng  grant  disner  se  fera  :  and  for  «  by  chaunce 
«  tourned  is  caused  a  great  mutacyon  in  reaimes  »  they  say  nat  par 
chance  tournée  estfaicte  vne  grande  mutation  en  royalmes,  but  par  chance 
tournée  se  fait:  and  for  «whan  her  beaulty  is  represented  unto  my 


memory  »,  they  saye  nat  quant  sa  beaulté  est  représentée,  but  se  repré- 
sente; and  by  lyke  inaner  say  they  for  «  I  am  named  Johan,  I  am  called 
«  Johan  »,je  me  nomme  Jehan,  je  mappelle  Jehan,  bycause  the  acte  of 
callynge  or  namyng  ryseth  upon  myselfe,  and  of  none  outwarde  per- 
son  wherby  I  suffre;  but,  where  as  I  fynde  for  «  that  is  to  be  under- 
n  stande  »  cela  sentent,  suche  kynde  of  spekyng  fynde  I  onely  in  this 


Where  as  Johan  le  Mayre  writeth  the  indifTynite  indycatyve  je  men 
fouys,  I  do  nat  alowe  that  orthographie,  iov  jefoays  signyfyeth  I  dygge , 
and  cometh  out  oifodio,  where ^e  menfuys  cometh  out  oifugio,  except 
Johan  le  Mayre  dyd  it  to  make  a  différence  bytwene  the  présent  and 
indiffynite,  but,  as  I  hâve  afore  declared,  it  is  none  inconvénient 
that  they  be  lyke  in  their  fîrst  persons. 


OF    JE   MEN   FUrS. 

Though  a  verbe  be  never  so  moche  actyve,  yet,  if  the  frenchmen 
use  hym  lyke  a  meane ,  than  dothe  be  circumlocute  bis  présent  tenses 
with  the  tenses  of  Je  suis  and  bis  partyciple. 



Mon  rude  concepuoyr  sest  esclercy,  mon  gros  entendement  se  est  ouuert, 
et  mes  organes  se  sont  ampliez  comme  pour  receuoyr  vng  don  supematarei. 


For  the  use  and  conjugatynge  oije  men  vas  it  is  nat  onely  requisyte 
to  note  what  I  bave  sayd  hère  a  lyttel  afore  upon  the  chapiter  of 
meane  verbes,  but  also  what  I  bave  sayd,  in  this  thyrde  boke,  upon 
the  eyghl  ruie  after  the  conjugatyng  of  ye  ay,  for,  as  1  bave  hère  ail 
redy  sayd,  where  the  frenche  tonge  hath  no  verbes  inchoatives,  they 
use  to  circumlocut  inchoation  with  the  tenses  ofje  vas,  and  nat  onely 




that,  but  suche  as  write  in  ryme  use  the  tenses  of  je  vas,  with  the 
actyve  partyciple  of  a  verbe  for  the  verbes  selfe  oneiy,  as  que  vous 
yroye  deuisant  for  que  vous  deaiseroye  :  amour  va  ses  plaisirs  doublant  for 
amour  double  ses  plaisyrs  : 

Et  vont  chantans  a  voix  jolye 

Que  bien  leur  pert  de  leur  folye. 

For  et  chantent,  etc.  :  and  many  suche  lyke  sentences  be  used  of  ail 
suche  auctours  as  write  in  ryme. 

I  note  also  suche  circumlocutyng  of  verbes  withye  mayne,  and  the 
substantyves  of  lyke  signyfycacion  for  the  verbes  selfe,  as  y'e  mayne 
dueil  for  je  me  dueils.  Je  mayne  joye  for  je  me  resjouys.  Et  mayne  tel  gron- 
dellement  for  et  grondelle  tellement. 

I  fynde  also  in  Alayne  Chartier  and  in  Johan  le  Mayre,  quil  voyst, 
in  the  thyrde  person  synguler  of  the  indiffynite  subjunctyve,  as  in 
the  ende  of  the  seconde  epystle  de  Lamant  vert. 

Et  que  Flora  qui  de  tous  biens  est  playne 
Voyst  tapissant  de  Jlourettes  meslées. 

Whiche  worde,  though  it  may  be  used  by  their  auctorite,  I  do  nat 
remembre  me  that  I  bave  redde  que  je  voysse,  que  tu  voisses,  but  que 
je  allasse,  tu  allasses  :  and  hère  he  useth  voyst  tapissant  for  tapissast  by 
circumlocucion ,  as  I  bave  hère  afore  sayd. 

Note  also  that  this  verbe  hath  a  double  imperatyve ,  for  they  say 
que  je  aille  and  que  je  voyse. 


Note  ever,  whan  we  use  «  1  ani  »,  the  frenclie  tonge  useth  je  suis, 
for,  whan  so  ever  we  adde  any  of  thèse  wordes  after  «  I  am  a  shamed , 
«  a  frayed,  a  hungerde,  a  thurst  »  or  any  suche  passyon  wherby  the 
mynde  or  body  dothe  suffer,  they  use  the  tenses  o(je  ay,  and  the 
substantyve  betokenyng  the  same  passion,  though  they  semé  in  our 
tonge  to  be  participles  passyve,  as  jay  honte ,  jay  paour,  jay  fayn,  jay 
soyf;  but  the  certaynte  of  this  thyng  shall  more  playnly  apere  in  the 
table  of  ver])es.  And  vvhere  as  they  use  to  say,  for  «  there  is  >,  il  y  a  , 


and  for  «  it  is  good»,  il  fait  bon,  and  suche  lyke,  this  thyng  shali 
more  playnly  herafter  apere,  whan  I  speke  of  verbes  imparsonals,  but 
specially  in  the  table  of  verbes. 


Where  as  it  myght  semé,  by  my  sayenges  in  the  seconde  boke 
in  this  place,  that  ail  infynityves  actives  maye  hâve  the  passyve  sig- 
nyfycacion,  I  fynde  the  infynityves  actyve  used  for  the  infynityve 
passyve  but  onely  after  thèse  thre  verbes,  in  the  frenche  longe,  je  suis, 
je  puis,  and  je  fays. 


For  II  it  is  to  be  noted  »  they  saye  nat  il  est  a  estre  noté,  but  il  est  a 
noter,  and  for  «  it  is  to  be  doubted  »,  il  est  a  douter.  But  for  bycause 
that  ilfayt,  in  this  sence,  betokeneth  «  it  is  »  I  shall  gyve  no  exemples 
herafter  folowyng. 


And  than  the  great  nombre  of  people  whiche  may  be  founde  there, 
et  puis  le  grant  nombre  de  peuple  qui  se  y  peut  trouuer.  That  may  be 
understande  two  wayes,  cela  se  peult  entendre  par  deux  manières. 


Je  fays,  signyfyeth  in  the  frenche  tonge  «  1  cause,  I  let,  I  make  », 
and  «  I  am  ».  And  in  every  of  the  signyfycacions  do  the  frenche  men, 
for  an  infynityve  passyve  in  our  tonge,  use  an  infynityve  actyve,  as, 
for  I  cause  myselfe  to  be  named  or  to  be  called,  they  sayje  me  fays 
nommer,  je  me  fays  appeler.  I  hâve  caused  or  let  a  castell  to  be  made, 
jay  faict  faire  vng  cfiasteau.  I  make  or  cause  me  to  be  knowen  of  them, 
je  me  fays  cognoistre  a  eulx.  I  make  or  cause  me  to  befeared  of  them, 
je  me  fays  craindre  a  eulx.  And  itis  to  be  consydred,  et  faict  a  considérer. 
It  was  to  be  dôubted,  ilfaisoyt  a  doubler.  And  this  kynde  of  spekyng 
is  moche  used  in  this  tonge.  I  fynde  also  the  infynityve  mode  used 
somtyme  for  the  potenciall,  as  car  ayns  que  me  abandonner  a  diualger 
le  secret  de  noz  amours,  whiche  is,  in  engiysshe,  or  ever  I  wolde 
applye  my  selfe  to  publysshe  the  secret  of  our  love. 





Where  as,  at  the  writyng  of  my  seconde  boke,  I  noted  but  only 
eyght  verbes  imparsonalles  to  be  of  ihe  first  conjugacion ,  ihat  is  to 
say,  conjugale  lyke  ihe  thyrde  persons  synguler  oîjeayme,  of  whiche 
I  hâve  made  mencion  in  the  sayd  rule,  I  bave  sythe  noted  also  il 
annaicte,  it  waxeth  nyght,  and  il  ajourne,  it  waxeth  daye. 

And  for  »  it  is  »  in  our  tonge ,  accordynge  as  I  bave  toucbed  in  tbis 
selfe  rule  tbere,  tbey  bave  nat  onely  il  est,  but  also  ilfaict,  and  il  a, 
for  the  use  wberof  it  is  to  be  noted. 

Whan  the  sentence  falleth  so  with  us  that  we  use  «  it  is  »  byfore 
thèse  impressyons  of  the  eyer,  «bote,  colde,  fayre,  foule,  clere, 
«  darke,  louryng,  bright  »,  meanyng  that  the  wether  is  suche,  in  ail 
suche  sentences,  tbey  use  nat  il  est,  but  ilfayt,  as  il  fait  chanlt,  il  fait 
froyt,  il  fait  beau,  il  fait  ori  or  layt,  il  fait  cler,  il  fait  obscur,  ilfayt  bran 
or  sombre;  and  than,  if  we  adde  in  any  suche  sentence  wether  or  sea- 
son,  tbey  put  in  their  stede  temps,  as  for  «  it  is  a  fayre  wether  or  a 
<•  fayre  season  »,  ilfaitvng  beau  temps. 

Also,  whan  so  ever  we  use  «  it  is  »  byfore  an  adjectyve,  as  «  good, 
"  yll,  pleasaunt,  daungerous  »  or  suche  lyke,  and  than  adde  an  infyni- 
tyve  mode  with  bis  signe  «  to  » ,  as  «  it  is  good  to  drinke  erly  for  the 
myst  »,  tbey  use  nat  il  est,  but  il  fait,  as  il  fait  bon  boyre  au  matyn  pour 
le  brouyllas. 

But,  if  we  adde  nat  an  infynityve  mode  after  suche  adjectyves,  than 
tbey  use  il  est  or  cest,  as  for  «  it  is  good  ynoughe  for  me  »,  tbey  say 
i7  est  bon  asses  pour  moy,  and  for  «  it  is  well  sayde  »,  cest  bien  dit. 
But  for  the  use  of  i7  and  ce,  I  bave  afore  spoken  in  the  pronowne. 

And  furthermore  if  we  use  «  it  is  »  byfore  an  infynityve  passyve 
with  bis  signe  «  to  » ,  than  the  frenchmen  use  indifferently  il  fayt, 
il  est,  as  for  «  it  is  to  be  noted,  it  is  to  be  consydered  »  and  suche 
lyke,  tbey  saye,  il  fait  a  noter  or  i7  est  a  noter:  il  fait  a  considérer  or  il 
est  a  considérer,  but,  in  suche  spekynges,  it  is  more  suer  to  use  il  fait. 


And  howe  that  il  fait  hath  dyverse  otlier  signyfycacions ,  as  il  me 
fait  grant  bien,  it  dothe  me  great  good:  il  méfait  mal,  itgreveth  me, 
and  dyverse  mo,  that  shall  also  apere  in  the  table  of  verbes. 

Also,  as  I  hâve  in  the  seconde  boke  touched  in  this  place,  whan 
the  sentence  falleth  so  that  we  use  «  there  is»,  as  in  this  sentence, 
«  there  is  one  at  the  doore  »,  in  ail  suche  spekyng,  for  «  there  is  » 
they  use  il  y  a. 

And  note  that  il  fait  and  il  y  a  may  be  declyned  thorowe  ail  their 
tenses  lyke  imparsonalles. 

But  where  as  I  fynde  in  Johan  le  Mayre  and  other  thèse  rules 
sometyme  broken ,  as  ayncoys  quand  je  seroye  tellement  délibéré,  il  nest 
homme  au  jourdhuy  viuant,  for  il  ny  a  :  and  il  nest  au  monde  si  bon  lapi- 
daire for  il  ny  a  au  monde  si  bon  lapidaire  :  and  il  nest  riens  plus  certayn, 
for  il  ny  a  riens  plus  certayn  :  the  moste  suer  way  is  to  folowe  my  rule 
for  a  begynner. 

Also  it  is  to  be  noted  that  dyverse  tymes  the  frenche  auctours 
leave  out  il  and  somtyme  y,  as  na  pas  trop  longe  temps  que  dame  Ve- 
nus, etc.  En  celle  cyté  auoyt  pour  lors  vng  temple. 

Also  I  fynde  dyverse  verbes  parsonalles  whiche  somtyme  be  used 
as  imparsonalles,  lyke  as  it  happeneth  in  latyn,  as  la  ou  il  ne  repaire 
que  des  bestes.  Il  me  vient  au  deuant,  il  me  vient  en  souuenance. 


Thèse  two  imparsonalles  bave  for  their  indiffynite  potenciall  quil 
faulsist  or  qu'il  falust,  and  quil  ne  men  chaulsist,  and  il  ne  men  chaillist. 


Where  as  I  sayd ,  in  this  fourthe  rule  in  the  seconde  boke ,  that  I 
founde  il  affiert,  used  in  bis  présent  indycatyve  onely,  I  bave  noted 
sythe  in  Johan  le  Mayre,  il  affeoyt,  and  il  ajferoyt,  and  affeans  :  but 
of  the  partyciples  I  shall  speke  herafter. 




Where  as  1  semé  to  saye  that  there  is  no  verbe  imparsonall  used 
as  a  meane  verbe,  tbat  is  to  be  understande  tbat  I  note  no  meane 
verbe  used  as  an  impersonal,  but,  for  their  thirde  persons,  may  ver- 
bes folowe  the  declynyng  of  meane  verbes,  as  Urne poyse,  Urne  tarde, 
il  me  tenue,  il  me  vacque,  and  dyvei'se  other  whiche  shall  apere  in 
their  places ,  in  the  table  of  verbes  hère  consequently  folowyng. 

Hère  endeth  the  annotacyons  of  the  verbe  and  hei'after  foloweth 
the  table. 


I  ABATE,  or  lay   downe,  or  béate  tlownc,  or 

alowe  one  in  his  accompt.  Je  abas,  tercie 

coDJugatioiiis.  Conjugate  lykc  his  symple 

je  bas,  I  beale.  He  abateth  my  courage: 

il  mabat  mon  couruige. 
I  abate  bis  babblyng.  Je  luy  abas  son  cacqaet, 

and,  in  this  sence,  I  fynde  aho ,  je  obéisse , 

prime  conjugationis. 
I  abate  or  asswage  anger  or  displesure  of  a  per- 

son.  Jamollye,  prini.  conj.  I  hâve  abated 

his  anger  :  je  luj  ay  amollie  son  courroux. 
I  abate  or  dimynysshe  the  auctoryle  of  a  per- 

son  or  judgc.  Je  derocjue,  prim.  conjug.  I 

shall  abate  his  lujr  derogueray 

son  auclorilé. 
I  abate  ones  courage.  Jembats,  conjugale  in  je 

hais,  I  béate. 
1  abate  the  anguysshe  or  smarte  that  one  suf- 

ferelh   by  reason  of  any  sore  or  griefle. 

Jassouage,  prim.  conj. 
I  ABASSHE ,  or  am  amased  of  any  thynge.  Je  me 

esbahis,je  me  sais esbahy,esbahyr,  sec. conj. 
I  ABHOBBE,  my  hert   ryseth  against  a  thyug. 

Mon  cueurse  abhomine,  or  tout  le  citeur  me 

fremyt.  Jabkomfne,  verbum  médium  prim. 

conj.,  je Jrenys,  sec.  couj. 
1  abhorre  or  lothe  a  thynge.  Je  déleste,  prim. 

conj.  and  je  abhomine,  pr. ,  je  abhorre,  pr. 

ABYDE  by  a  worde  or  sayeng,  I  mayulayne  or 
upholde  the  thynge  that  I  say.  Je  sousliens, 
conjugale  iyke  his  simple  je  liens,  I  holde. 
I  wyll  abyde  by  it:  je  le  veulx  souslenir. 

abyde  coiitynually  in  a  place,  withoul  remov- 
yng  from  thence.  Je  réside,  prim.  conj. 

abyde,  I  tary  for  one  in  a  place.  Jaltens,  con- 
jugale herafter  in  n  I  tary  » . 

abyde ,  I  endure  or  suffer  a  thyng  that  is  pay- 
nefuU  or  displcasaunt.  Je  dure,  prim.  conj. 
and  jendare,  prim.  I  can  nat  abyde  with 
her  ;  je  ne  puis  durer  avec  elle. 

abyde  or  dwell  in  a  place,  as  at  London,  al 
Yorke,  al  Rychmonde  or  sache  Iyke.  Je 
me  tiens  a  Londres,  tu  te  tiens  a  Yorke,  il 
se  tient  a  Richemont,  and  so  conjugatyng, 
je  tiens,  whiche  is  conjugale  harafler  in 
il  holde»  thorough  ail  his  tenses,  Iyke  a 
meane  verbe,  and  expressynge  the  place 
where  a  person  dolhe  abyde  or  tarye.  And, 
in  this  sence,  I  fynde,  je  demeure,  prim. 
conj.  He  dwellelh  at  London  :  il  demeure 
a  Londres. 

abyde  or  conlynue  in  a  purpose.  Je  persiste, 
prim.  conj. 

abyde  or  tary  for  one.  Je  altens,  conjugale 
lykc  his  symple,  je  tens,  I  bonde. 

abyde  or  tary  in  a  place  in  vayne.  Je  mamuse , 


je  me  suis  amuse,  amiiser,  verbum  médium 
prim.  conj. 

I  ABYE,  I  forlhynke  or  am  punished  l'or  a 
thynge.  Je  compare,  jay  compara,  je  corn- 
perray,  comparojr,  vnum  de  varie  conju- 
gationis.  He  sViai  abye  or  forthynke  it  or 
f  drinke  :  ayns  que  je  hoyue  le  comperra.  J 
fynde  also  used  in  this  sence  Ihe  future 
lence  ofje  aj  with  en,  added  byfore  eve- 
rye  person ,  as  jeu  uiinij,  I  shali  abyc  :  iu 
en  auras,  thou  sbalte  abye  :  il  en  aura, 
he  sball  abye  :  nous  en  aurons,  we  shall 
abye  :  vous  en  aures,  you  sball  abye  :  ilz 
en  auront,  tbey  sball  abye.  I  fyode  also 
in  this  sence,  cuyra,  of  il  me  cuyt,  I 
ytche,  as  he  sball  abye  the  bargen,  le 
marchie  luy  cuira.  Conjugale  berafler  in 
al  ytcbe». 

1  ABJECTE ,  I  cast  away  out  of  my  corapanye. 
Jedejecle,  prim.  conj. 

I  ABJOWBE,  I  forsake  myne  errours,  as  an  be- 
retykc  dotbe,  or  forswere  the  kynges  lan- 
des. Je  abjure,  prim.  conj. 

I  ABORDE  as  one  shyppe  dothe  an  otbcr.  JaAort/p, 
prim.  conj. 

1  aborde  a  shyppe.  Je  aborde,  prim.  conj.  Lct 
us  go  aborde  of  this  shyppe  :  allons  abor- 
der cesle  nauire. 

I  ABOWNDE  or  waxc  in  pienty.  Je  abonde,  prim. 
conj.,  and,  in  this  sence,  I  fynde  also, 
jajjlue,  prim.  conj.  Paradyse  aboundelb 
in  ail  joye  and  comforte:  Paradys  abonde, 
or  a£lue  de  toute  joye  el  comfort, 

I  ABBAïDE  one,  I  caste  one  in  the  tethe  of  a 
mater,  etc.  Je  redaryue,  prim.  conj.  and 
je  reprouche,  prim.  Thoughe  thou  do  me 
good,  it  is  not  good  mancr  to  abrayde  me 
therof  :  combien  que  tu  me  faces  du  bien,  ce 
n'est  pas  raison  de  me  redartjuer,  or  de  me 
le  reproucher. 

I  abrayde ,  I  inforce  me  to  do  a  tbynge.  Je  mef- 
force,  verbum  médium  prim.  He  dyd  ab- 
rayde bim  to  recbe  it  :  il  sejforcoyl  de  lal- 

I  ABRIDGE  or  make  short  a  tbing.  Jabre/jc,  prim. 



I  ABBEVYATE ,  (  make  a  tbynge  shorte.  Je  abreqe, 
prim.  conj.  Abrevyate  your  mater,  for  it  is 
to  tedyous  :  abrèges  vostre  cas ,  car  il  est 
trop  fâcheux. 

I  ABROCHE,  I  set  abroche  a  vessell.  Je  broche, 
prim.,  in  «I  broche».  Abroche  our  wyne 
of  Beaune;  brochez  nostre  vin  de  Beaune. 

I  ABSENTE  farre  out  of  présence.  Je  esloynyne, 
prim.  conj.  O  the  sygbes  that  I  bave  for 
my  lover  whiche  is  absent  farre  from  me  : 
0  les  regretz  que  jay  de  mon  amy  qui  se 
esloingne  de  moy. 

I  absent  or  kepe  out  of  syght.  Je  absente,  prim. 
conj.  Absent  your  selfe  for  a  wbyle,  if  you 
wyll  byleve  my  counsayle:  absentez  vous 
pour  vng  peu ,  si  vous  me  voules  croyre. 

I  ABSOLVE,  or  assoyle  from  synne,  or  trespas. 
Je  assouls,  conjugale  hère  after  in  «  I  as- 
«soyle».  For  this  synne  1  wyll  assoyle  you 
myselfe  :  de  ce  pechie  je  vous  assouldray 
moy  mesmes. 

I  ABSTAYNE  or  forbcare  from  any  tbing;  as  meate 
or  drinke,  or  my  pleasure.  Je  mabsliens, 
nous  abstenons,  ilz  abstiennent,  je  mabstins, 
je  me  suis  abstenu,  je  mabstiendray,  que  je 
nmbstienne ,  abstenir,  verb.  med.  conjugale 
lyke  bis  symple  je  tiens,  I  bolde.  He  that 
abstayneth  from  hôte  wynes  preservetli 
bis  lyver  :  qui  se  abstient  de  vins  chauldz  luy 
garde  lefoye. 

I  ABDSE  or  misse  order  a  thyng.  Je  abuse,  prim. 
conj.,  and  in  this  sence  I  fynde  somtyme 
used,  je  amuse,  prim.  conj.  There  is  no- 
thing  so  good  but  it  may  be  abused  :  il  ny 
a  rien  si  bon  qui  ne  se  peult  abuser. 

A   BYFORE   C. 

I  ACCENT  in  reding.  Je  accentue,  prim.  conj.  1 

can  nat  accent  aryglit  in  the  lalyn  tonge, 
l'or  my  frenche  tonge  leltcth  me  :  je  ne 
puis  pas  accentuer  a  droyl  en  la  langue  la- 
tine, car  ma  langue  francoy se  mempcsche. 
I  ACCKPT  or  takc  a  man  in  any  degré.  Je  aduoue, 
jay  aduoue,  aduouer,  prim.  conj.  You  bave 
presented  me  this  man  for  my  slewarde , 
and  I  so  accept  hyra  :  vous  mauez  présente 



cest  homme  pour  mon  inaisire  dholel ,  et  je  le 
prens  pour  tel. 

I  accepte  ,  or  taie  in  bande,  or  in  worlhe  or 
alowc.  Je  accepte j  jay  accepté,  accepter, 
prira.  conj.  I  accepte  ail  bis  commaunde- 
mentes  in  good  wortbe  :  je  accepte  tous  ses 
commandemens  en  bonne  part. 

1  ACHYVE  orbring  to  passe  a  thing.  Je  aschieae, 
prim.  conj.  Tbou  niayesl  weli  assaye  it, 
but  thou  sbalt  never  acbieve  it  :  (u  fe peuLr 
bien  assaier,  mais  tu  ne  laschieueras  jamajs. 

I  ACLOïE,  I  forwery.  Je  lasse,  prim.  conj.  He 
acloyetb  nie  horrybly  :  il  me  lasse  horrible- 

I  acioye  ones  stomacke  with  excesse  of  meate 
and  drinke.  Jengloatis,  sec.  conj.  Acloy 
nat  tby  slomacke  :  ne  tengloutys  pas. 

1  acioye  witb  a  nayle ,  as  an  yveli  smytbe  dotbe 
an  horse  foote.  Je  encloue,  prim.  conj.  I 
woide  ryde  furtber,  but  my  horse  is  ac- 
loyed  :  je  cheualcheroys  plus  auant,  mays 
mon  chenal  est  encloué. 

Iacoïb,  I  styll.  Je  apaise,  prim.  conj.  or  je 
rens  quoy,  conjugale  in  «I  yeide».  I  slyll 
or  cease  ones  angre  or  displeasure  :  je  ac- 
coise,  prim.  conj.  Be  he  never  so  angrye,  I 
can  accoye  bym  :  laut  soyt-il  covrroacé,je 
le  puis  apayscr  or  accoyser. 

I  ACCOMODATE ,  I  make  mete  a  thynge  to  niy 
purpose.  Jaccommode,  jay  accommodé, 
accommoder,  prira.  conj.  You  sbal  bave 
mocbe  a  do  to  accoinodat  thèse  writynges 
to  your  purpose  ;  vous  aurez  fort  afayre 
daccommoder  ces  escriptures  a  vostrepourpos. 

1  AccoMPANYE  or  kepe  feiowsbyp  witb  a  per- 
sone  or  company.  Je  accompaii/ne,  prim. 
conj.  If  itplease  you,  I  wyli  accompaoye 
you  :  sil  tous  playt,je  vous  accompaigncray. 

1  ACCOMPLYSSRE ,  or  I  fulfyll  an  acte,  or  dede. 
Je  accomplis,  jay  accomply,  accomplir, 
sec.  conj.  I  can  nat  accomplisshe  my  de- 
syres  ne  puis  pas  accomplir  mes  désirs. 

I  accompiyssbe ,  or  fulfyll,  or  fynyssbe.  Je  ac- 
complis ,  jay  accomply,  accomplyr,  sec. 
conj.  Is  your  worke  accoraplissbed  :  rostre 
oeuure  est  elle  accomplye  ? 

I  ACCOMPTE  or  judge  a  thyng.  Je  estyme,  prim. 

I  ACCOUNTE  or  bave  in  cstymacion.  Je  estime, 
prim.  conj.  And  in  tbis  scnce  I  fynde  ,jac- 
compte,  prim.  conj.  Wliiche  signyfycth 
also  to  reckcn. 

I  accounte  hym  amongest  my  speciail  frendes  -. 
je  leslime  entre  mes  amys  singuliers,  ov  je 

I  ACCORDE  or  agre.  Je  me  accorde,  je  me  suis  ac- 
cordé, accorder,  verh.  med.  prim.  conj. 
And  I  fynde  also  in  tbis  sence,  je  maçjrée, 
je  me  suis  agréé,  agréer,  verh.  med.  prim. 
conj.  And  in  tbis  sence,  I  fynde  also, 
je  concorde,  jay  concordé,  concorder,  prim. 
conj.  To  ail  thcse  arlycles  I  accorde  :  a 
tous  ces  articles  je  magrée,  or  je  me  accorde. 

I  ACCOSTOHE  in  drawyng  of  blode  and  kyllyng 
of  men.  Je  aschayrne,  prim.  conj.  He  bis 
flesbed  and  accustomcd  to  kyll  men  lyke 
sbepe  :  i(  est  aschayrne  et  accoastumé  de 
tuer  les  hommes  comme  les  brebis.    _ 

I  ACCOWAKDE,  I  make  one  faynle  berted.  Je  ac- 
couardys,  sec.  conj.  I  thougbt  that  al  tbe 
wordes  in  tbe  world  shulde  nat  bave  ac- 
cowarded  tbe  :  je  pencoys  que  toutes  les 
parolles  au  monde  ne  te  seussenl  poynt  ac- 

l  ACQUAYNTE,  I  bring  in  aquaynlaunce.  Jac- 
coynte,  prim.  conj.  What  sbal  I  gyve  you 
to  acquaynt  me  witb  her  :  que  vous  don- 
neray  je  pour  maccoynler  délie? 

I  acquynte,  or  bringe  in  knowledge.  Je  ac- 
coynte,  prim,  conj.  Can  you  acquaynle 
me  wilh  her  :  me  scaues  vous  accoynter 

I  ACQCYTE  or  I  yelde.  Je  aafuite ,jay  acquité, 
acquiter,  prim.  conj.  I  sball  acquyte  hym 
his  malyce  :  je  luy  acquiteray  sa  malice. 

I  acquyte  or  bebave  me  in  any  mater.  Je  me 
acquite,je  me  sais  acquité,  acquiter,  verb. 
med.  prim.  conj.  He  batb  acquyt  bym 
lyke  an  bonest  man  :  i7  sest  acquité  en 
homme  de  bien. 

I  ACCROCHE,  as  a  man  dothe  thaï  wynneth  goo- 
des  or  landes  of  anolhers  by  sleyght.  Jac- 




croche,  prim,  conj.  The  mighty  men  ac- 
croche ever  upon  their  poore  neyghbours  : 
les  paùsans  accrochent  tousjoars  sur  leurs 
poures  voyons. 

I  4CCCRSE  one,  I  curse  him  or  desyre  h.irme 
to  come  to  hym.  Je  maudis,  nous  mauldis- 
sons,je  mauldys,jay  mauldict,  je  nuialdi- 
ray,  que  je  manldie,  que  je  maaldisse,  maul- 
dire,  tert.  conj.  DiiTeryng  in  maudyssons, 
maudyssez,  from  bis  symple  whiche  ma- 
keth ,  dysons ,  dictez.  He  is  accoursed  by 
the  holy  churche  :  il  est  mauldit  de  la 
saincte  esglise. 

I  ACCUSE  or  lay  a  tbyng  to  a  mannes  charge.  Je 
accuse ,  prim,  conj.  I  fynde  aho ,  jencase , 
prim.  conj.  I  can  nat  accuse  hym  beynge 
hisjudge  :  je  ne  le  puis  pas  accuser  moy 
estant  son  judge.  Lelte  other  men  do  as 
they  iyst,  I  wyll  nat  accuse  hym  -.facent 
les  autres  comme  leur  plaira,  je  ne  lencu- 
seray  poynt. 

I  ACcnSTOME  or  wonte  me  to  use  a  thyng.  Je  ac- 
custume,  prim.  conj.  In  ihis  sence  I  fyode' 
also,je  duys,  nous  duysons ,  je  duisis,jay 
duyct,je  duyray,  que  je  duyse,  que  je  dui- 
sisse,  duyre,  tert.  conj.  I  accustome  my 
chyldren  to  serve  God  every  day  :  je  ac- 
cusiume  mes  enfants  de  seruyr  Dieu  tous  les 
jours.  He  is  accustonied  therto  every  daye  : 
il  est  duicl  a  cela  loutesjours. 

1  accustome  or  bringe  one  up  in  maner.  Je  mo- 
rigine,  prim.  conj.  He  is  weil  accustomed  ; 
il  est  bien  morii/inè. 

I  accustome  one  wiih  wyide  condycions.  Je 
acquoqaine ,  prim.  conj.  I  accustome  hym 
for  the  bent  of  ray  bowe  :  je  lacquoquine 
a  ma  mode. 

A   BYFORE   D. 

I  ADAWEor  ADAWNE,  as  the  daye  dothe  in  the 
mornynge,  whant  he  sonne  draweth  to- 
wardes  bis  rysyng.  Il  ajourne,  inipersonale 
prim.  conj.  I  pray  you  be  hère  or  the  daye 
be  moche  a  davvned  vous  prie  devons 
trouver ycy  auant  quil  soyt  gayres  ajourné. 

l   adawe  one  out  of  a  swounde.  Je  reaigore. 

prim.  conj.  He  feil  in  soche  a  swounc 
that  we  had  moche  a  do  to  adawe  hym  :  il 
sespaumyt  de  sorte  que  nous  eusmes  fort  a 
faire  de  le  reuigorcr. 

I  ADDE  or  put  one  thyng  lo  anotber.  Jadjouste, 
prim.  conj.  Adde  fyre  to  towe  and  you 
shai  sone  bave  a  flame  :  adjoustez  du  feu 
a  des  estoappes  et  vous  aurez  tantost  la 

I  ADDRESSE,  I  sbewc  one  that  way  to  do  a  thyng, 
or  I  set  fortbe  to  shewe.  Je  adresse, priva. 
conj.  I  am  nowe  out  of  the  waye,  vvho 
shali  nowe  adresse  me  :  je  suis  hors  du 
chemyn,  qui  madressera  mayntenant? 

I  ADJOïNE  or  put  to.  Je  metz  ensemble.  If  they 
be  ones  a  sondre,  we  sbaïl  bave  mochç  a 
do  to  adjoyne  tbem  :  silz  sont  vnefoys  sé- 
pares densemble,  nous  aurons  fort  a  faire  de 
les  mettre  ensemble. 

I  ADJOUST  orjoyne  togythcr.  Je  adj ouste,  prim. 
conj.  conjugate  in  «I  joyne»:  and  this 
terme  is  not  yet  used  in  our  comen  speche 
though  Lydgate  hâve  it  ofte  tymes. 

I  admît  or  retayn  to  a  rome  or  otherwyse.  Je 
admets,  conjugat  iyke  bis  symple  je  mets, 
I  put.  Whan  were  you  admytted  to  your 
offyce  :  quant  estiez  vous  admys  a  vostre  of- 

I  ADM0NÏS5HE,  I  wamc  of  a  thyng.  Jadmoneste, 
prim.  conj.  He  that  is  admonisshed  is 
halfe  armed  :  qui  est  admonesté  est  a  demy 

I  ADORNE,  I  beautyfy  with  fayre  clotbes  or 
otherwyse.  Jadorne,  prim.  conj.  It  is  bet- 
ter  lo  adorne  the  with  vertues  than  with 
ryche  clothyng  :  il  le  vault  mieuh:  aourner, 
or  adorner  de  vertus  que  de  riches  habille- 

I  ADVAriNCEor  sette  forwardeathynge.  Jodiia;ice, 
prim.  conj .  Connyng  sbali  better  advaunce 
the  than  richesse  :  science  tauanccra  mieulx 
que  ne  feront  richesses. 

1  ADCBBE  or  make  a  knyght.  Je  adoube,  prim. 
conj.  Charlemagne  adoubbed  many  a 
knyght  :  maynt  cheualier  adouba  Charle- 




I  ADVENTcnE,  I  put  in  bazarde  or  daungcr.  Je 
aduenture,  prim,  conj.  If  any  inan  wyll 
accorapany  me,  I  dare  adventure  it  :  sy 
amc  me  vealt  accompaujner ,  je  lose  adiien- 

I  ADVERTE  or  caste  in  my  mjnde  or  applyc  my 
mynde  to  a  thyng.  Je  prens  garde,  jay  prias 
garde,  prendre  garde,  conjugale  in  «  I 
«take»,  and  je  aduertjs ,  jaj  aduerty,  ad- 
uertp-,  sec.  conj.  Corne  of,  my  scolers,  if 
you  wyil  adverl,  I  sliall  sliewe  you  many 
thinges  :  or  ca,  mes  escaliers,  si  vous  voules: 
prendre  garde,  je  vous  monstreray  mayntes 
choses;  or,  si  vous  voules  aduertyr. 

I  ADVEHTYSE,  I  gyve  warnyng  or  monycion  of 
a  thynge.  Je  aduerlis ,  jay  aduerly,  aduer- 
tyr, sec.  conj.  If  his  opynion  chaunge  in 
thi»  mater,  I  pray  you  1  maye  be  adver- 
tysed  :  si  son  opinion  se  change  en  cest  af- 
faire, je  vous  prie  que  je  puisse  esire  aduerly. 

I  advertyse  bim  of  a  daunger  that  is  to- 
wardes.  Je  luy  aduerlis  dung  danger  qui  est 
adaenir;  construitur  cum  dativo.  Of  ail 
tbese  yvels  I  advertysed  bim  :  de  tous  ces 
maulx  je  luy  aduertissoye. 

I  ADVïSE  or  counsayle.  Je  aduise,  prim.  conj .  I 
advyse  hym  for  his  wele  :  je  luy  aduise 
pour  son  bien  ;  construitur  cum  dativo. 

I  ADTOWE  or  make  good.  Jadaoue,  prim.  conj . 
What  so  ever  be  promyse  in  my  name  I 
wyll  advowe  it:  quoy  quil  promette  au  nom 
de  moy  je  laduoueray. 

A   BYFORE   F. 

I  AFPTRME,  I  upholde  tobe  trewe.  Je  afferme, 
prim.  conj.  And  in  that  sence  I  fynde  also 
jappTtaae,  prim.  conj.  If  be  wyll  say  it  of 
his  worshyp ,  I  dare  aflyrrae  it  :  sil  le  veult 
dire  sur  son  honneur,  je  le  veulx  affermer. 
That  that  he  promysetb  I  wyll  affyrme  : 
ceu.  qu'il  promet  je  lappreuue. 

I  aflyrme  a  thynge  to  be  trewe.  Jafferme , 
prim.  conj.  Let  bim  affyrme  it  and  ihan 
you  sball  bere  what  I  wyll  saye  :  quil 
lafferme  et  après  orres  vous  que  cest  que  je 

l  AFFïE,  I  assure  or  make  one  certayne  of  a 
thynge  by  my  promesse.  Je  affye,  prim. 
conj.  It  is  nat  for  your  honoiir  thus  by 
your  othe  to  affye  this  tliyng,  and  nowe  to 
go  from  it:  ce  nest  pas  pour  vostre  honneur 
pur  serment  ajfier  cesle  chose  et  maynlenan  l 
la  desdire. 

I  APFBAYE,  I  make  a  frayde  or  a  stonyed.  Jef- 
froye,  prim.  conj.  and  jesjarf,  prim.  conj. 
I  sball  affray  bim,  whan  be  tbynketh  to 
be  moste  suer  :  je  leffroyeray,  quant  il  se 
pencera  le  plus  asseur. 

A    BïFORE  G. 

I  AGE  or  waxe  olde.  Je  aaige,  prim.  conj. 
Thought  makcth  men  âge  a  pace  :  cha- 
grynfait  les  gens  aager  bien  tost. 

I  AGGLET ,  I  set  on  an  agglel  upon  a  poynte  or 
a  lace.  Je  ferre,  prim.  conj.  Thèse  poynles 
be  yvell  bougbt,  for  sonic  be  aggletted 
and  some  nat  :  ces  esguillettes  sont  mal  as- 
chaptées,  car  les  vues  sont  ferrées  et  les  aul- 
tres  poynt. 

I  AGïLTE  of  trespas.  Jefays  coulpable,  conjugale 
in  «I  do».  Thougb  thou  woldest  never 
so  fayne,  tbou  shalte  never  agylt  me  of 
this  mater  :  quelque  grantfayn  que  lu  ayes, 
si  ne  me  rendras  tu  jamays  coulpable  en 
cestc  matière. 

I  AGCïSSHE  ,  I  vexe  or  trouble  ones  mynde ,  as 
adversyle  or  sycknesse  dolhe.  Jangoyssc, 
prim.  conj.  Tliis  adversité  hath  anguissed 
me  beyonde  measure  :  ccslc  aduersité  ma 
angoyssé  oultre  m£sure. 

I  AGBAVATE  or  make  grcvousc.  Je  agrège,  prim. 
conj.  andjc  uggraue,  prim. conj.  A  folyssbe 
answere  may  agravate  a  mannes  mater 
more  than  one  wolde  wene  of  :  vue  foie 
responcc  pourra  agréger  ou  agrauer  la  ma- 
tière a  vng  homme  plus  que  il  ne  pen- 

I  AGREE,  I  am  content  or  assent  to  a  thyng. 
Je  magrée,  verb.  med.  prim.  conj.  I  agrée 
tberunto  :  a  cela  je  magrce.  I  fynde  also 
somtyme  in  this  sence  je   macquiete. 

I  agrée  with  one  in  opinyon  or  condiscyons. 



Je  me  conjerme,  je  me  suis  conjermé ,  con- 
fermer,  prim.  conj.  I  agre  with  his  opy- 
nion  toiichyng  this  mater  :  je  me  conferme 
a  son  opinion  (juant  a  cesie  matière,  l  fynde 
also  for  «  I  agre  to  a  mater  »  :  je  condes- 
cens,  jay  condescendu ,  condescendre ,  tert. 
conj.,  conjugate  herafler  lyke  liis  symple 
je  descens,  I  go  downe. 

I  agre  or  assent  to  a  thyng.  Je  me  accors, 
nous  nous  accordons,  vous  vous  accordez, 
Hz  se  accordent  :je  nie  accorday:  je  me  suis 
accordé  (contra  regulam):  je  me  accor- 
deray  :  i]ue  je  me  accorde:  que  je  me  accor- 
dasse :  accors  :  accorder.  Verbum  médium 
et  unum  de  varie  conjiigalionis.  And  in 
this  sence,  I  fyndc  also  je  concorde,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  me  agrée,  je  me  suis  agréé, 
agréer,  prim.  conj.  Verbum  médium. 

I  agre  or  set  at  one.  Je  accorde,  prim.  conj. 
Be  tbey  agreed  yet  :  sont  Hz  accordez ,  or 
sont  Hz  daccort  encore?  I  agre  with  meate 
or  drinke,  I  can  away  wit  it  :  il  me  vient 
a  poynt,  I  can  agre  with  ail  meates  :  toutes 
sortes  de  viandes  me  tiennent  bien  a  poynt. 

l  agre  upon  maryage  âge  or  any  other  cove- 
nannte.  Je  accorde,  prim.  conj.  We  were 
agreed  that  the  mariage  sbulde  go  forthc  : 
nous  estions  accordez  or  daccort  ijue  le  ma- 
riage sejeroyt. 

l  AOnEVE,  J  trouble  or  veie.  Je  grieue,  prim. 
conj.  If  I  liave  agreved  you,  I  crye  you 
mercy  :  si  je  vous  ay  greué,  je  vous  crie 

I  agreve ,  1  hurle  or  molest.  Je  grieue  oije  blesse, 
prim.  conj. 

I  AGRYSE,  I  astonysshe  or  abhorre.  Je  ahhomine, 
prim.  conj.  It  niade  me  agryse  lo  beholde 
his  terryble  countcnance  :  il  me  fit  abho- 
miner  de  voyr  sa  contenance  tant  terrible. 

I  AGHDDGE,  I  am  a  graved.  Je  suis  greué,  or  je 
suis  couroucé, 

A  liïFOr.E  I. 

I  AïDE  or  helpe.  Jayde,  prim.  conj.  So  God 
ayde  me  as  I  am  gyltlesse  :  ainsi  mait  Dieu 
comme  je  ne  suis  pas  coulpable.  I  sliali  ayde 

you  with  body  and  goodes  :  je  vous  ayderay 
de  corps  et  biens. 

I  AYLE.  To  this  verbe  tbey  bave  two  verbes  thaï 
answere  in  the  frenche  tonge,jc  oj',  whose 
conjugatyng  apereth  al  length  in  tbe  se- 
conde boke,  and  H  mefault,  il  me  Jalloyt, 
il  me  fallut ,  il  nui  fallu,  il  me  fauldra,  cjuil 
me  faille,  quil  me  fallust  or  faulsist,  faloyr, 
whiche  verbe  hath  ever  lay  and  leur  for 
the  pronownes  of  tbe  ihyrde  person,  as 
what  ayle  you  :  qiiauez  vous  ?  what  may 
tbey  ayle  :  ijue  pourront  Hz  auoyr?  wliat  ay- 
leth  bim  :  que  luy  fault  il?  they  ayle  no- 
thynge  :  il  ne  leur  fault  riens;  and  so  tho- 
rowe  ail  the  tenses  of  je  ay,  and  it  fault, 
as  the  sentence  dolhe  requyre.  You  mustc 
go  lo  se  what  Ibey  ayle  :  H  vous  fault  aller 
veoir  que  leur  fault. 

I  AïME,  I  mente  or  gesse  to  hyt  a  thynge.  Je 
esme ,  prim.  conj.  or  je  fays  semblant. 
Aymé  to  byl  yonder  whyte:  esmes  a  toucher 
ce  blanc  la. 

I  AJODRNE,  I  differ  tbo  lyme  of  an  acte  to  ano- 
ther  daye.  Je  adjoume.  This  cause  of  ma- 
trimony  is  ajourned  unto  xv  daies  aller 
Ester  :  ceste  cause  de  matrimoyne  est  ad- 
joarnée  en  quinzayne  après  Pasques. 

I  ADJOunNE,  I  monissbe  or  warne  one  to  aperc 
afore  a  judge  at  a  daye  certayne.  Je  semons, 
conjugale  in  «  I  somon  »  adjoume.  I  ani 
adjourneJ  by  the  byssbops  oDyccrsije 
suis  adjoume  par  les  officiers  de  lesaesque. 

1  AïRR  or  wcther,  as  men  do  thynges  whaii 
tbey  lay  them  in  tbe  open  ayre,  or  as  any 
lyiien  Ihyng  is  afler  it  is  newe  wasshed  or 
it  bc  worne.  Jayre,  prim.  conj.  Ayre  thèse 
clothes  for  feare  of  molbes  :  ayres  ces 
draps  de  paoar  de  vers.  Il  is  best  to  ayre 
your  sliyrte  agaynst  ibe  fyre  or  you  put  it 
on  :  il  vault  mieux  ayrer  vostre  chemise  con- 
tre le  feu  auant  que  la  mettre. 

A    BYFORE    K. 

I  AKE.  Je  me  dculs,  conjugate  in  «I  sorrowe». 
But  he  is  nat  uscd,  but  in  bis  tbirde  per- 
sones,  as  I  shewe  hère  afler  by  exemples. 



It  akelh ,  as  a  mannes  heed  or  bis  fote  or 
as  any  olher  parte  of  his  body  dothe  :  il 
méfait  mal,  il  te  fait  mal,  il  luy  fait  mal, 
conjugale  with  tbe  pronownes  and  tbe 
thirde  persons  singuler  o(  je  fais,  lyke  as 
I  gave  example  of  il  mefaull,  in  tbe  se- 
conde boke,  addyng  il  lo  evcry  of  tbe  said 
thirde  persons.  Mal  me  faisait,  mal  me  fit, 
mal  ma  fait,  mal  me  fera,  mal,  etc.;  but,  if 
we  expresse  tbe  parte  of  tbe  body  that 
aketh ,  tban  they  say:  ma  teste  méfait  mal, 
tes  jeulx  te  font  mal,  ses  picdz  luy  firent 
mal,  noz  jambes  nous  font  mal,  doublyng 
tbe  pronowoe  and  using  tbe  tenses  of 
faire,  of  suclie  nombre  as  tbe  subslantyve 
requiretb.  Of  sucbe  lyke  signyfycacion  is 
this  verbe  impersonafl ,  il  me  deiilt,  wliicbe 
is  tbus  conjugat,  il  me  deult,  il  me  douloyt, 
il  me  doulut,  il  ma  doiilu,  il  mauojt  doula,  il 
me  doulera,  qu'il  me  ducille,  qu'il  me  doulust, 
douloir,  aaoyr  doulu,  as  ma  leste  me  dcult, 
mes  yeulx  me  deullent,  usyng  tbe  tbyrde 
persons  singuler  or  plureil  of  je  deuls,  l 
sorowe ,  wbicbe  tbey  use  lyke  a  verbe  per- 
sonall,  aftcr  tbe  nombre  of  tbe  substan- 
ty  ve  ;  tbey  say  also  for  o  my  beed  akelb  »  : 
jay  mal  a  la  teste,  and  jay  mal  a  la  jambe, 
and  suche  lyke. 

A   BÏFORE   L. 

1  ALLAYE,  as  mettais  be  alayde  or  as  sylver  or 
golde  is  witb  their  myxture.  Je  aitrempe, 
prim.  conj.  Allaye  tbis  fyne  golde  :  attrem- 
pes  ce  fin  or, 

I  ALLEDGE  or  I  lay  for  my  defence  auctorite.  Je 
allègue,  prim.  conj.  What  can  you  alledge 
for  your  defence  :  que  poaez  vous  alléguer 
pour  voslre  defence!  I  alledge  liim  many 
auctorytes  for  my  defence  :  je  luy  allègue 
plusieurs  aucloritex  pour  ma  defence.  And  in 
this  sence  I  fynde  also  je  déduis,  nous  de- 
daissons,  je  déduis,  jay  déduit,  je  deduy- 
ray,  que  je  deduisse,  que  je  déduisisse,  dé- 
duire, tert.  conj.  Hebrought  forthe  many 
auctorites  for  bis  opynion  :  i7  prodaysoit 
maynte  auctorite  faysans  a  son  opinion. 

I  ALEGE,  I  lygbten  or  comforle.  Je  alege,  prim. 

I  ALLEVYATE,  I  make  lygbt  tbe  mynde  or  tbe 
body.  Je  allège,  prim.  conj. 

I  ALïE  by  maryage.  Jalye,  prim.  conj.  He  is 
alyed  by  maryage  to  the  moste  parte  of 
tbe  noble  men  of  tbe  reaime  :  il  est  alyè 
par  mariage  a  la  pluspart  des  nobles  du 

I  alye  or  confeder  lo  gyther  by  marjage  or  by 
any  olber  treatie  of  amyte.  Je  alye,  prim. 
conj.  or  je  ralye,  prim.  conj.  aod.  jajfine 
prim.  conj.  but  that  is  onely  by  affynite. 
They  be  alyed  and  confedered  togylher  : 
Hz  sont  niiez  et  confédéré:  ensemble. 

I  ALYEN  or  make  strange  or  put  a  thyng  out  of 
the  possessyon  of  a  person.  Je  aliène, 
prim.  conj.  You  ought  nat  to  alien  his 
goodes  from  hym  :  vous  ne  luy  deueriez  pas 
aliéner  ses  biens, 

I  alyen  or  put  away  fro  me.  laliene,  prim.  conj. 
You  bave  alyened  this  yonge  man  wrong- 
fully  and  without  cause  :  vous  aues  aliéné  ce 
jeune  homme  de  vous  a  tort  et  sans  cause. 

I  ALIGHT  downe  of  a  horse.  Je  descens  de  mon 
chenal,  OT  je  descens  alone,  wilbout  any 
mo  wordesadded,  as  «he  alyghted  downe 
«  of  his  horse  and  set  bis  bande  lo  bis 
«  sworde  »  :  il  descendit  et  mit  la  mayn  a 
lespée,  conjugale  tbus.  Je  descens,  nous  des- 
cendons, je  descendis ,  jay  descendu ,  je  des- 
cenderay,  que  je  descende ,  descendre,  Come 
alyght  me  downe  :  vien  moy  descendre.  He 
dyd  alyght  from  bis  horse  :  il  descendit  de 
son  chenal ,  or  (7  descendit  jus  de  son  chenal. 

I  alyght  downe,  or  come  or  fall  downe  from  a 
hygh  place.  Je  descens,  conjugale  hère 
next  afore. 

I  ALYGHTEN  of  a  burdcn  or  conforte  in  distresse. 
Je  nleg'ie,  prim.  conj.  Come  alygblen  me 
of  this  heavy  burthen  :  viens  moy  alegier 
de  ce  pesant  fays. 
I  ALOWE,  I  aprove  for  good.  Je  auoue,  prim. 
conj.  or  je  aduoue,  prim.  conj.  as  «I  alowe 
«their  acte»  :  jay  leur  faicl  aduoué. 
I  alowe  or  abate  upon  a  reckenyng  or  accomptc 



made.  Je  aloue,  prim.  conj.  And  of  ihis 
sence  is  je  abats,  conjugal  afore  in  «I 
«abate».  I  alowe  him  xii  d.  a  day  for  his 
costes  luy  aloue  douze  deniers  par  jour 
pour  ses  despens.  I  bave  alowed  hym  v 
maries  in  the  hole  somme  :  je  luy  ay 
ahalu  cincq  mars  de  la  somme  totalle  :  and  je 
abats  is  conjugale  in  «I  béate  downe». 

1  ALTEKATE,  I  aller,  I  cbaunge.  Je  altère,  pAm. 
CODJ.  I  dare  nat  aller  il  ne  lose  pas  al- 
térer. He  is  sore  aUered  sylb  I  knewe  hym 
first  :  il  est  fort  altéré  depuis  que  je  le  con- 
gnus  premièrement, 

I  ALTER,  1  transpose  a  ihyng ,  as  a  buyldyng  or  a 
garmenl.  Je  transmue,  prim.  conj.  I  wyll 
aller  my  garmenl  :  je  transmueray  mon 
habyt.  And  je  contourne,  prim.  conj.  He 
hath  altered  his  slayre  another  wayes  :  il 
a  contourne  ses  degrez  tout  aultrement.  And 
je  transpose,  prim.  conj.  This  bouse  is  al- 
tered upsyde  downe  :  ceste  mayson  est  trans- 
posée cen  dessus  desoubz, 

I  Ai.TERCATE,  I  moultiply  langage  or  slryve  in 
wordes.  Je  prcns  noyse,  jay  prins  noyse, 
prendre  noyse,  conjugale  in  jcprcns.  Nevcr 
allercate  wilh  your  frende  for  a  tryfle  :  ne 
prenez  jamays  noise  contre  rostre  amy  pour 
vne  chose  de  riens. 


I  AM.  Je  suis,  one  of  ihe  m  verbes  anormals, 
wbose  conjugatyng  1  hâve  at  lenglh  set 
oui  in  the  seconde  boke.  Be  as  be  may  : 
vaille  que  vaille.  I  fynde  also  je  càatempte, 
prim.  conj. 

I  AMASE,  I  fray  sodcnly.  Jesijare,  prim.  conj. 
He  was  ail  amased  wilh  the  syglit  of  hym  : 
{/  estoyt  tout  esijaré  de  la  veue  de  luy. 

I  amase ,  I  make  dull  or  passe  ones  witte.  Je  bes- 
tourne,  prim.  conj.  You  will  amase  hym 
wilh  bealyng  of  hym  thus  aboute  the  heed  : 
vous  le  beslournerez  si  vous  le  frappez  ainsi 
sur  la  teste. 

I  amase ,  I  astonyssbe  wilh  a  great  slroke  upon 
the  heed.  Jestourdis,jay  estourdy,  estourdir, 
sec.  conj.  He  was  so  amased  wilh  the 

stroke  that  he  was  redy  to  fali  downe  :  i7 
estoyt  si  estourdy  du  coup  qu'il  estoyt  tout 
prest  de  cheoyr, 

I  am  amased,  je  suis  esperdu. 

I AMATE ,  I  forwery  or  astonisshe.  Jamatye,  prim. 

I  AM  able.  Je  suis  suffisant.  I  am  able  ynough  to 
paye  so  moche  money  suis  sujisant  assez 
de  paier  autant  dargent. 

I  am  abasshed.  Je  me  esbahis. 

I  am  a  bedde.  Je  suis  couché.  Be  ihey  a  bedde 
yet:  sont  Hz  couches  encore? 

I  am  borne  to  lyvelodde,  or  to  bave  honoure 
or  dignyte  by  my  byrtbe.  Je  suis  droict  hé- 
ritier, il  maparlient  de  droit.  I  am  borne  to 
the  maner  of  colle  :  je  suis  héritier  au  ma- 
noyr  de  colle,  or  le  manoyr  de  colle  mapar- 
tient  de  droyct. 

I  am  borne,  as  a  chylde  is  of  the  mother.  Je  nays, 
nasquys,  naystre,  conj  ugate  in  the  first  boke. 

I  am  borne,  I  am  predestynate  to  a  fortune.  Je 
sais  fortuné.  I  am  borne  to  trouble  suis 
fortuné  a  endurer  des  maulx, 

I  am  borne  in  hande  of  a  thyng.  On  me  faict  a 
croyre.  He  wolde  beare  me  in  hande  the 
kowe  is  woode  :  il  me  veultfayre  a  croyre 
de  blanc  que  ce  soit  noyr. 

I  am  aboute  to  do  a  thyng  wilh  stryfe  or  moche 
labour.  Je  contens,jay  contendu,  contendre, 
conjugale  in  «I  contende». 

I  am  aboute  or  intende  to  a  purpose,  proper- 
ly  concernynge  honour  or  great  maters. 
Je  aspire,  prim.  conj.  He  hath  ben  aboute 
to  gelle  ihis  offyce  a  longe  season  :  il  a  as- 
piré a  cest  office  vng  long  temps. 

I  am  aboute  ones  detbe  or  his  hurle.  Je  ma- 
chine, prim.  conj.  and  je  conspire,  prim. 
conj.  They  be  aboul  ihy  dethe  :  Hz  cons- 
pirent or  machinent  ta  mort. 

I  am  aboute  to  do  a  thynge ,  or  I  ment  or  pur- 
pose  to  do  a  thynge.  Je  tache,  whiche  I 
fynde  often  writlen  je  uùche,  prim.  conj. 
He  his  aboute  nothyng  but  to  begyle  you  : 
il  ne  taiche  que  de  vous  decepuoir.  I  fynde 
also  in  this  sence  je  pourchasse.  He  his 
aboute  to  gel  your  monaye  :  il  pourchasse 



a  gaitjner  vostre  artjent.  And  I  fyndc  also 
je  preîeas,  conjugale  lyke  liis  sympic  je 
Uns,  I  bende  ;  and  je  tens  conjugale  in  «  I 
«  bende  ».  He  is  aboule  le  disceyve  you  :  il 
tent  a  vous  decepuoir.  He  bis  about  naught 
els  but  to  dislroy  you,  to  avaunce  bis 
bloode  :  il  ne  taiche  a  aaltre  chose,  il  ne  pour- 
chasse anltre  chose,  il  ne  prêtent  a  auUre 
chose ,  il  ne  tent  a  aultre  chose  que  de  vous 
destraire  pour  auancer  son  sany. 
1  am  a  bedde ,  or  I  ani  in  beddc.  Je  suis  couché, 
tu  es  couché,  il  est  couché,  nous  sommes 
coachéi,  etc.  They  be  nat  ail  in  bedde  yet 
tbal  shall  bave  yvell  resl  to  nyght  :  Hz  ne 
sont  pas  trestous  couchez  encore  qui  auront 
malttays  repos  a  najct. 
I  am  called,  I  am  named.  Je  me  Jais  appeller.  I 
am  called  Johan  me  fays  appeller  Jehan. 
I  am  content.  Je  sais  content,  and,  whan  we 
suppose  in  comunycacion  a  tbyng  to  be 
so ,  je  le  veulx  bien ,  as  •  louchyng  thaï  I  am 
t  content»  :  quaût  a  cela  je  le  veulx  bien. 
I  am  confused ,  amased  or  abasshed.  Je  suis  con- 
fus. I  founde  bym  alone  in  a  corner  ail 
amased  or  confused  :  je  le  trouuaj  seul  en 
vng  coignet  tout  confus, 
1  am  colde.  Jayfroyt ,  and  sojoynyngtbelenses 
of  je  ay  lofroyt,  as  for  «  it  is  colde  ;  »  loke 
fore  it  herafter  where  I  make  mencyon  of 
«itis».  I  am  colde,  I  wot  wcll  :  jay  froyt , 
cela  scayje  bien.  But  of  ibis  spekyng  I  bave 
declared  ibe  use  in  my  thyrde  boke. 
I  am  a  frayde,  I  feare  thaï  a  tbyng  sbuld  bap- 
pen.  Jay  paoar.  He  was  as  a  frayde  as  any 
nian  you  sawe  tliis  twelve  monetbes  tbat 
I  wolde  bave  gyvcn  bym  a  blovve  :  H  aaoyt 
aussi  grand  paoar  qubomme  que  je  vis  de  cest 
an  que  je  luy  voulsisse  donner  vng  soujflet, 
I  am  a  frayde  of  a  daungcr  towarde.  Jay  paour,  • 
and  so  joynyngc  ait  tbe  lenses  of  je  ey, 
wbicbe  is  one  of  tbe  ibre  anormalles,  and 
conjugale  at  Icnglh  in  tbe  seconde  booke, 
unlo  paour. 
I  am  afrayed,  I  stande  in  dople  or  am  uncer- 
tayne  howe  a  ihyng  is.  Je  men  doabte,  tu 
ten  doabtes,  ilsen  double,  etc.  usvnge  tbe 

tenses  of  je  double  lyke  a  mcane  verbe.  I 
was  ever  afrayed  il  sbulde  be  proved 
agaynst  bym  :  je  men  doublay  tousjours 
qaon  le  prouucroyt  contre  luy. 

I  am  feared.  Jay  paour,  joynyng  tbe  lenses  of 
je  ay  to  paour. 

1  am  a  foole,  I  stand  upon  my  foole.  Je  suis  de- 
bout, jay  esté  debout,  estre  debout,  etc.  and 
in  Ibis  sence  I  fynde  je  me  tiens  sur  mon 
estant,  h  tbis  woman  tbat  lay  a  chyide 
bedde  bere  be  a  footc  agayne  :  lacccachée 
de  cy  près  est  elle  encore  debout  ? 

I  am  agaynst  a  man ,  I  am  of  a  contrary  partye 
agaynst  bym.  Je  adaerse,  prim.  conj.  Wbat 
parle  so  ever  I  lake ,  thou  arte  ever  agaynst 
me  :  quelque  party  que  je  preigne,  ta  me  ad- 
ucrses  toujours. 

I  am  agaste,  I  am  afraydc.  Jay  paour,  jai  eu 
puour,  auoir  paour.  I  was  agast  of  bis  ter- 
ryble  loke  ;  jauoye  paoar  de  sa  contenance 

I  am  a  bongred,  a  tburst,  a  colde,  bote.  Jay 
fajn,juy  soyje.jay  Jroyd,jay  chaull. 

1  am  a  bongred.  Jay  jay  n,  and  so,  joynyng  ail 
thc  tenses  and  nombres  of  jay  tofayn,  as 
tu  asfayn,  nous  aurons  fayn ,  quilz  eussent 
fayn  ;  and  of  tbis  tbyng  I  bave  spoken  in 
my  thyrde  bokc ,  after  tbe  conjugatyng  of 
0 1  am  ».  Some  be  a  bongred  and  some  be 
a  tburst:  les  vngz  ont  fayn  et  les  aaltres  ont 
soyf.  Some  be  a  colde  and  sorac  be  bote  ; 
Us  vngz  ont  froyt  et  les  aultres  ont  chault. 

I  am  horce  in  Ibe  ibrote.  Je  suis  enroué.  I  can 
nat  synge,  I  am  ail  borce  :je  ne  puis  chan- 
ter, je  suis  tout  enroué.  You  bave  caught  tbe 
pose,  me  ibynke,  you  be  so  borce  :  vous 
aués  happé  la  catarre,  ce  me  semble,  vous 
estez  si  enroué. 

I  am  bote.  Jay  chault,  ta  as  chault,  il  a  chault, 
etc.  As  for  «  it  is  bote  • ,  loke  for  it  herafter 
where  I  make  mencion  of  lit  is». 

I  am  a  lyve.  Je  suis  en  vie,  tu  es  en  vie,  il  est  en 
vie,  nous  sommes  en  vie ,  etc.  If  I  be  a  lyve, 
loke  for  me  agayne  witbin  tbcse  ibre  dayes  : 
sije  sais  en  vie,  attendez  après  moy  auant  que 
soit  trois  jours. 



I  am  a  shamed.  Jay  AoiUc, joynyng  the  lenses  of 
jay  to  honte.  I  am  ashamed  of  thy  maners  : 
jay  honte  de  tes  meurs. 

I  am  a  sicpe.  Je  suis  cndormy,  ta  es  cndoriny,  il  est 
enâormy,  etc.  If  he  be  a  slepe  wake  hym 
nat  :  sil  est  endormy  ne  lesueille  poynt.  Soft 
softe,  the  cliylde  is  a  slepe  :  tout  bellement, 
lenfant  est  endormy. 

I  am  astonysslied  or  astonyed.  Je  sais  estotmi, 
lyke  liis  actyvc. 

I  am  a  thurst ,  I  want  drinke.  Jay  soyj,  tu  as  soyj, 
il  a  soyj,  nous  auons  soyj,  etc.  Gyve  me 
drinke  at  ones,  for  I  am  sore  a  thurste  ; 
donne  moy  a  boyre  a  coup  car  jay  yranl  soyj. 

I  am  at  layser,  I  hâve  lytell  besynesse  to  do. 
Il  me  vacque,  il  ma  vacqué,  vacquer,  ver- 
bum  impersonale  prim.  conj.  They  use 
al»o  je  sais  a  loisir,  etc.  Whan  you  be  at 
layser  make  up  my  gowne  :  quant  il  vous 
vacqae ,  paracheuez  ma  robe,  l  wolde  speke 
with  mylorde,  if  he  wereat  layser  par- 
leroys  voulentiers  a  monsieur  sil  esloyt  a  loy- 

I  am  well  or  yvcll  apayed.  Je  me  contente,  ver- 
bum  médium  prim.  conj.  bien  or  mal,  as 
the  sence  requyrelh.  I  am  well  contented 
with  your  answere  :  je  me  contente  bien  de 
vostre  responce.  I  am  nat  contented  with 
you ,  I  promyse  you  ne  me  contente  poynt 
de  vous,  je  vous  promets. 

I  am  wo  begone,  and  I  am  in  daunger  or  dis- 
tresse. Je  suis  mal  mys.  Was  never  man 
more  wo  begon  -.janiays  nejust  homme  plus 
mal  mys. 

1  am  upon  my  lieng  downe ,  as  a  woman  that  is 
nere  lier  tyme.  Je  suis  près  denjanter.  She 
toke  her  journey  whan  she  was  upon  lier 
lyeng  downe  :  elle  print  sa  journée  quant 
elle  estoytpres  denjanter. 

I  am  beloved.  Je  suis  aymé,  whiche  we  use  in 
the  passyve  sence  more  tlian  I  ara  loved. 

1  am  behyndc  the  bande,  as  a  man  is  that  is 
fallen  in  poverty.  Je  sais  a  larrierc  de  mes 
affaires.  Men  thought  he  had  ben  a  very 
ryche  man ,  but  lie  is  sore  behynde  the 
bande  :  an  east  pcncé  quil  eust  esté  vng  Jort 

riche  homme,  mays  il  est  grandement  a  lar- 
riere  de  ses  affaires. 

I  am  behynde,  as  money  that  remayneth  on- 
payed  of  a  somme.  Je  reste,  prim.  conj. 
Fyve  pounde  you  hâve  ail  rcdy  receyvcd , 
but  what  is  behynde  nowe  onpayed:  vous 
auez  desja  receu  cinq  Hures,  mays  que  est 
mayntenant  a  poyer? 

I  am  bcholden,  I  am  hounden  to  one.  Je  suis 
tenu,  tu  es  tenu,  il  est  tenu,  etc.  I  am  be- 
holden  to  you  ail  the  dayes  of  my  lyfe 
suis  tenu  a  vous  tous  les  jours  de  ma  vie,  I  am 
more  beholden  to  you  ihan  to  any  man  ly- 
vyng  :  je  suis  plus  tenu  a  vous  que  a  ame  vi- 

l  am  besyde  my  selfe,  as  one  is  that  is  madde. 
Je  suis  enraijé.  Howe  longe  hath  he  ben 
besyde  bymselfe  ;  combien  il  est  enraigé, 
or  combien  est  ce  quil  a  courra  les  rues 
aynsi  ? 

I  am  bescne,  I  am  well  or  yvell  apareylled.  Je 
suis  bien  acouslréor  mal,  as  the  sence  requy. 
reth.  He  is  very  well  besene  :  il  est  Jort 
bien  accouslré.  He  is  poorely  besene  ;  il  est 
pourement  uccoastré. 

l  am  bcsloubered,  as  ones  face  is  that  hath 
weped  moche.  Je  suis  esplouré,  jay  esté 
esplouré,  esplourer.  Se  howe  ber  face  is 
besloubered  with  wepyng  :  tenez  comment 
sajace  est  toute  esploarée. 

I  am  bested.  Je  sais  poaruea,  oTJe  suis  a  point, 
I  am  nowe  well  bested  suis  maintenant 
bien  pourueu,  or  je  suis  bien  a  point.  I  am 
hardly  bested  :  je  suis  mal  a  point. 

I  am  blyndfclde,  Jay  les  yeulx  bendez.  I  cowide 
go  thydcr  and  I  were  blynfeld  :  je  scaroys 
bien  aller  jusqaes  la  si  je  eusse  les  yeuLv 

I  am  busye,  I  am  occupyed  by  reason  of  busy- 
nesse  or  malers  that  I  bave  in  bande.  Je 
sais  empesché  or  je  suis  embesoiynd.  He  bis 
to  busye  to  he  spoken  with  nowe  :  i7  est 
trop  empesché  quon  paisse  parler  a  luy  asteure. 

I  am  busye,  I  am  quarellyng  or  fallyng  out 
with  folkes.  Je  suis  trop  entremelteux,  He  bis 
a  busye  body  :  il  est  entremetteux. 



I  am  bewept  as  ones  face  is  that  hath  wepte. 
Je  sais  esploaré.  The  poore  woman  is  ail  lo 
bewept  :  la  ponre  femme  est  toute  esplourée. 

I  AMBLE.  My  horse  ambleth.  Mon  cheual  va  les 
ambles,  joynynge  les  ambles  to  tbe  tenses 
of  je  vas. 

I  am  bolde,  I  dare.  Je  suis  osé,  He  wolde  nat  be 
so  bolde,  or  durst  nat  be  so  bolde  :  il  ne 
seroyl  pas  si  osé. 

J  am  brougth  abedde,  as  a  womao  is  whan  sbe 
hath  brought  forlhe  her  chylde.  Je  suis 
accouchée.  Is  your  wyfe  brought  a  bedde 
yet  :  voslre  femme  est  elle  accouchée  encore  ? 

I  am  borne.  Je  nais,  nasqais,  naistrc,  naissent, 
a  verbe  neutre  passyve,  of  whiche  sorte 
they  bave  no  mo  in  the  tonge,  wliose  use 
and  conjugalyng  I  bave  expressed  in  the 
seconde  boke. 

I  am  but  a  whyle  aboute  a  thing,  or  in  doyng 
ofa  thynge.  Je  ne  mets  yuayres  a  faire  une 
chose.  I  wyll  be  but  a  while  in  learnyng 
of  my  lesson  :  je  ne  melieray  guaircs  a 
aprcndre  ma  leçon,  conjugate  in  ni  put». 

I  ambounde,  I  am  bebolden  to  one  for  bene- 
fyles  done  unto  me.  Je  suis  tenu,  tu  es  tenu, 
or  je  suis  obligé,  tu  es  obligé,  etc.  I  am 
bounde  to  do  it  for  thy  goodnesse  sbewed 
unto  me  :  je  suis  tenu  de  le  faire,  or  je  suis 
obligé  de  le  faire  pour  tes  grans  bontez  en- 
uers  moy. 

I  am  called  or  named.  J'ay  a  nom,  ta  as  a  nom,  il 
aanom,  nous  auons  a  nom,  tous  aués  a  nom, 
ilz  ont  a  nom,  and  so  fortlie,  joynyng  the 
olher  tenses  of  je  ay  to  a  nom  or  nom  alone  : 
otherwyse  thcy  sayeje  mefays  appeller,  and 
je  me  nomme  :  ta  le  fais  appeller,  d  se  fuit  ap- 
peller,Hous  nous  faisons  appeller,  etc.,  usyng 
jefays,  in  ail  his  tenses,  lyke  a  meane  verbe, 
and  addyng  to  appeller.  I  am  called  or  na- 
med Johan  -.j'ay  a  nom  Jehan;  je  me  fais 
appeller  Jehan;  je  me  nomme  Jehan,  lie  was 
called  in  our  countray  Thomas  :  il  auoyt 
a  nom  a  nostre  pays  Thomas  ;  il  se  nommoyt 
Thomas,  il  se  ftst  appeller  Thomas, 

I  am  cbeife  a  counsayle  with  one;  I  am  moste 
aboute  hym,  or  knowe  moste  of  hi»  secrè- 

tes. Je  suis  de  son  segret  priué.  You  shail 
beste  knowe  this  thing  of  hym,  for  he  is 
cbeife  a  counsayle  with  him:  vous  enten- 
derez  cecy  de  luy  miealx  que  de  nul  aaltre, 
car  il  est  de  son  segret  priué. 

I  am  cladde,  I  am  clothed.  Je  suis  vesta.  Thou 
shaltc  be  but  a  slovayne  and  thou  were 
clothed  in  clothe  of  golde  :  tu  ne  seras 
qung  souyllart  et  fasses  tu  vestu  de  drap  dor. 

I  am  cleane  without  disease  or  oflence.  Je  suis 
net  sans  maladie  ou  offense. 

I  am  compelled  to  do  a  thynge.  Il  mest  force  de 
fayre  vne  chose,  or  je  sais  efforcé.  I  was  lothe 
to  do  it,  but  was  compelled  -.jesloys  marry 
de  le  faire,  mays  il  mesjoyt  force,  or  jen 
estoys  forcé  or  efforcé. 

1  am  content,  I  wytsafe  lo  doa  thyng.  Je  daigne 
and  je  suis  content.  Be  you  content  lo  speke 
yet  :  daignez  vous  encore  a  parler. 

I  am  contente  or  agreed.  Je  suis  content  or  je  le 
vealxbien.  If  ail  men  be  plea3cd,l  am  con- 
tent :  s'il  plait  à  tous  les  aullres,je  sais  con- 
tent or  je  le  veulx  bien. 

I  am  contented  with  you.  Je  me  contente  de  vous, 
tu  te  contentes  de  moy,  il  se  contente  de  nous, 
usyng, je  mécontente  lyke  a  meane  verbe 
of  the  first  conjugacion  and,  for  «with» 
usyngjpjasa  1  amcontentedwithmywife»; 
je  me  contente  de  ma  femme.  I  am  nat  well 
contented  with  hym  :  je  ne  me  contente  pas 
bien  de  luy.  I  am  well  contented  with  her  : 
je  me  contente  bien  dcllc.  I  fynde  also  in  this 
sence  je  macquieste,  je  me  suis  acquiesté, 
acquiester,  verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  I 
fynde  also  je  magrée,  je  me  suis  agréé, 
agréer,  verbum  médium  prim.  conj. 

I  am  content,  I  am  «  I  am  contented 
«  with  one  dysshe »,  or  «  I  am  contented 
0  with  breed  and  drinke».  Je  men  passe,  or 
je  men  passe  dung  plat,  je  men  passe  de  pain 
et  de  boyre,  and  so,  usyng  ail  the  tenses  ofje 
passe,  lyke  a  meane  verbe.  I  am  contented 
with  as  lytell  meate  as  any  man  that  I 
knowe  :  je  men  passe  daussi  peu  de  viande 
que  homme  que  je  saiche. 

I  am  constrayned  to  do  a  thyng.  /(  mest  force,  or 



je  sais  constraynt.  It  was  agaynst  my  will , 
but'I  was  constrayned  llierto  :  cesloyt  contre 
ma  voulenlé,  mais  il  mestoytforce  de  lejaire. 

I  am  contented.  Je  le  vealx  bien.  Get  Lis  good 
wyll  and  I  am  contented  :  gainez  son  bon 
voalojretje  le  veulxbien.  I  am  suer  that  Le 
wolde  be  contented: je  suis  certain  quil  le 
vouldra  bien. 

I  am  contrary  or  agaynst.  Je  adaerse,  declared 
in  ol  ani  agaynst». 

I  ani  conversaunt  with  one,  or  kepe  one  moche 
Company.  Je  liante,  prim  conj.  Tbey  be 
mocbe  conversaunt  togyther  :  Hz  se  entre 
hantent  souuent.  He  bis  conversaunt  there 
by  mens  sayeuges  :  il  y  hante  selon  le  com- 
mun bruit.  Tbey  baunte  togyther  somtyme: 
lis  conuiennent  par  Joys. 

I  am  conversaunt  witb  hym  often.  Je  le  hante 
souuent.  \  fynde  also  je  conuicns,  ay  con- 
uenu,  conuenir,  conjugate  iyke  bis  symple 
je  viens,  I  corne. 

I  am  corne  up,  as  a  roan  is  that  from  povertie  is 
come  to  rychesse.  Je  sais  aduancé,  aduan- 
cer.  He  his  mervaylously  come  up  within 
a  yere  or  two  :  il  est  fort  auancé  dedans  vng 
an  ou  deux. 

I  am  delyvcred ,  as  a  woman  is  of  her  cbylde. 
Je  enfante,  prim  conj.  Si  enfanta  la  royne 
Heccuba  et  fit  vng  beaafilz  :  so  ihe  quene 
Heccuba  was  delyvered  and  brought  for- 
the  a  fayre  son. 

I  AME,  I  gesse  or  mcnl  lo  bytte  a  thyng  witb  a 
shafte,  darte  or  stone.  Je  esme,  prim.  conj. 
Letle  me  se  ayme  at  yonder  marke  :  tjueje 
voye  esmer  a  ce  signe  la, 

I  AMMELL  as  a  goidesmylb  dothe  his  worke. 
Jesmaille.  Your  broche  is  very  well  amel- 
led  :  vostre  deuise  est  fort  bien  esmaillée. 

I  AMENDE  or  waxe  better.  Je  amende,  prim.  conj. 
whiche  I  fynde  often  used  Iyke  a  meane. 
I  wyll  amende  one  day  :  je  mcimcnderay 
quelque  jour.  Amende  my  penne  :  amendez 
moi  ma  plume.  '     * 

I  AMASE,  I  astonyssbe.  Je  bestoarnc,  prim.  conj. 

I  AM  despcrale,  I  am  in  dispayre  or  in  wan- 
bope.  Je  suis  desperé.   Be  nat  dcsperate, 

what  so  ever  belyde  tbe  :  quoy  que  te  eschié, 
ne  soyez  jamays  desperé. 

I  AMENDE  a  garment.  Je  rabille,  prim.  conj. 
I  amende  my  bosen  rabille  mes  chausses. 

I  amende  a  thing  that  is  amysse.  Je  amende, 
prim.  conj. 

I  AMKVE,  I  styrre.  Je  esnieas,  conjugate  Iyke  his 
symple  je  meus,  I  move.  Kepe  your  pa- 
cyence  and  amove  you  nat  :  gardés  vostre 
pacience  et  ne  vous  esmeuuez  poynt.  And  he 
be  ameved  ones,  there  is  no  remedy  but 
pacyence  and  fayre  wordes  :  sil  se  esmeat 
vnefoys,  il  ny  a  poynt  de  remède  fors  que 
daser  de  pacience  et  luy  bailler  de  belles 

I  AM  empty  as  is  a  potte  or  a  pyt,  whan  the 
drinke  or  other  lycoure  is  eut.  Je  suis  au 
sec.  The  pot  is  empty  :  le  pot  est  au  sec. 
Tbis  tubbe  is  empty  :  ceste  cuue  est  ua  sec. 

I  am  empty  as  a  vessell  of  iycour.  Je  sais  vyde, 
where  vide  is  an  adjcctyve  and  nat  a  parti- 
ciple.  Tbis  pot  is  empty  :  ce  pot  est  vyde  or 
vuidé  oi  je  vuide. 

I  am  empty,  as  a  man  or  becsles  stomacke  of 
meate.  Je  suis  vain,  but  in  comen  speche 
for  •  the  potte  and  the  pece  is  empty  o  tbey 
say  :  le  pot  est  a  sec,  la  tasse  est  a  sec,  or 
sèche.  I  fynde  also  in  tbis  sence  je  vae^uc, 
prim.  conj.  Whan  my  stomacke  is  empty, 
I  can  nat  slepe  :  quant  mon  estomac  est  vayn 
or  vuide,  je  ne  puis  dormyr.  Tbis  bouse  is 
empty  :  ceste  maison  vacque. 

I  am  enamoured.  Je  me  énamoure.  If  tbou  be 
enamourcdofherfor  herbeaultc,  tbou  art 
a  foolc,  for  it  is  a  thyng  that  lasteth  nat 
longe  :  si  tu  te  énamoures  délie  pour  sa 
beaulté,  tu  nés  que  vng  fol,  car  cest  vne  chose 
que  ne  dure  gaayres. 

lam  egalle  to  another  thynge.  Je  equipoHe.  I  am 
egall  to  hym  :  je  leqaipolle,  orjtesais  esgal 
a  luy. 

I  ara  fyt,  I  am  mcte  to  do  a  thing.  Je  suis  pro- 
pice, and  je  suis  séant,  and  je  suis  duict.  He 
is  as  fytle  for  ihis  purpose  as  any  man  I 
knowe  :  il  est  aussi  propice,  séant  ou  duict 
a  ce  propos  que  homme  que  je  sache. 




I  am  fayne  to  do  a  thyn^e,  I  am  contrayned  to 
do  it.  Il  mest  force,  il  ma  esté  force,  and  je 
suis  consiraincl,  fay  esté  constraint,  esfre 
constrainct.  Musle  he  be  prayed,  nay  he 
sliall  be  fayne  to  do  it  :  luy  il  prier, 
non  il  lay  sera  force  de  le  faire. 

I  am  fayre  spoken.  Je  suis  bien  emparlé.  Though 
thy  wyfe  be  not  very  fayre ,  yet  she  is  fayre 
or  weil  spoken  :  combien  que  la  femme  ne 
soyl  guayrcs  belle,  encore  est  elle  bien  cm- 

I  am  fallen  voyde,  as  an  ofifyce  or  a  benefyce  or 
any  olher  rome  by  tbe  delbe  of  thcm  that 
hade  it.  Je  vacqae,  prim.  conj.  If  his  offyce 
be  fallen  aske  it  of  tUe  kyng  :  si  son  office 
vacqae  demande  le  au  roy. 

I  am  frosyn ,  as  waler  or  any  other  lycour.  Je 
suis  engelé.  Tbe  pot  is  frosyn  by  tbe  fyre  : 
le  pot  est  engelé  auprès  du  feu. 

î  am  gladde.  Je  suis  joyeuljc,  joynyng  tbe  tenses 
o{  je  suis  lojoyeulx,  or  je  me  rcsjouys,  je 
me  suis  resjouy,  resjouir,  verbum  médium 
sec.  conj.  I  am  gladde  of  it  :  je  suis  bien 
aise  de  cela. 

I  am  good  ynougb ,  as  «  I  am  man  good  ynougb 
«  to  make  hym  to  be  taken  t:je  suis  homme 
pour  le  faire  prendre. 

I  am  good  to  kepc,  as  a  thynge  tbat  may  longe 
be  savcd  from  rottynge  or  stynkyng.  Je 
suis  de  bonne  garde.  Flesshe  is  bettcr  to 
kepe  from  stynkyng  tban  fysshe  :  chayr 
est  de  meiltieure  garde  que  nest  le  poisson. 

I  am  great  witb  one.  Je  suis  bien  de  luy.  He  is 
so  great  wlth  Ihe  king  that  I  dare  nal  me- 
dle  witb  hym  :  il  est  si  bien  du  roy  que  je 
ne  me  ose  poynt  mesler  à  luy,  loke  in  «  I 
iiam  in  favour». 

I  am  able  to  do  a  thynge.  Je  suis  puissant.  I  am 
able  to  beare  this  burthen  suis  puissant 
assez  pour  porter  ce  fayz,  and  somctymc 
they  leave  out  puissant,  as  I  am  able  to 
fyght  agaynst  suche  thre  suis  pour  com- 
hatre  a  telz  troys. 

I  am  heavy  or  sory  for  a  mater,  as  I  am  heavy 
for  bis  deth  :  sa  mort  me  pesé,  sa  mort  ma 
pesé,  peser,  and  in  tbis  sence  I  fynde  also 

sa  mort  me  deult,  conjugale  afore  in  «  it 
«  aketb  »  at  iength. 

I  am  horse  in  tbe  tbrote.  Je  suis  enroué,  jay 
esté  enroué,  enrouer,  prim.  conj.  I  am  so 
borse  tbat  I  can  nat  speke  :  je  suis  tant 
enroué  que  je  ne  puis  parler. 

I  am  bole.  Jay  chault,  joynyng  tbe  tenses  of 
je  ay  to  chault.  I  bave  so  great  heate  thaï 
I  can  nat  abyde  it  ijay  si  grant  chault  que 
je  ne  le  puis  endurer. 

lam  yll  to  kepe,  as  a  ihyng  ihal  can  nat  longe 
be  saved  from  rottyng  or  stynkyng.  Je 
suis  de  maluayse  garde.  This  peare  is  yll 
to  kepe  :  ceste  poyre  est  de  maluaise  garde. 

I  AMïNïSSHE ,  I  lessyn  or  make  lesse.  Je  amenuise, 
prim.  conj.  I  dare  nat  amyoysshe  it  for 
feare  I  marre  ail  togytber  :  je  ne  lose  pas 
amenuyser  de  paour  que  je  ne  gaste  tout. 

I  am  in  daunger  or  in  parayle  on  tlie  see.  Je 
naufrage,  prim.  conj.  But  je  suis  endanger 
de  tempeste  sur  mer  is  more  mete  for  tbis 

I  am  in  favour,  or  I  am  great,  or  in  conceyte 
witb  a  person ,  as  I  am  in  tbe  kynges  fa- 
vour :  je  suis  bien  du  roy,  iu  es  bien  du  roy, 
il  est  bien  du  roy,  noas  sommes  bien  du  roy, 
vous  estez  bien  du  roy,  and  so  forthe  :  je 
suis  bien  de  luy,  je  suis  bien  délie;  applyeng 
tbe  sensés  of  je  suis  bien  de,  and  expres- 
synge  tbe  person  ;  et  sans  plus  je  fusse  bien 
dclle.  And  in  tbe  contrarye  sence,  I  am  ont 
of  favour,  or  I  am  in  displesure  with  a 
|)erson  ;je  suis  mal  du  roy,  or  le  roy  est 
mal  de  moy,  madame  est  mal  de  moy,  je 
suis  mal  de  luy  or  je  suis  mal  délie,  lyke  as 
afore  I  bave  shewed  they  use,  in  tbe  same 
sensé,  je  suis  en  bonne  grâce  and  je  suis  en 
mallegrace,  as  «  I  am  in  thekingcs  favour  »  : 
je  suis  en  la  bonne  grâce  du  roy.  I  am  out 
of  tbe  kynges  favour  suis  en  la  malyrace 
du  roy. 

l  am  in  favour  or  conceyte  witb  one.  Je  sais  aa 
gré  de  luy^  am  in  favour  or  conceyte  with 
ail  roen:je  suis  au  gré  de  tous. 

I  am  in  sorowe  or  languyssbing.  Je  suis  en  lan- 
guevr,  and  jadoule,  adouler.  To  men  that 


be  in  sorowe  there  can  no  passetymes 


please  them  :  a  gens  adoalez  nul  dedayt  ne 
leur  peult  plaire. 

l  am  in  great  synne  for  a  thyng.  Jaygrant péché. 
Thou  arle  in  grëat  synne  to  suffre  him 
thus  to  perisshe:  tu  as  grant  péché  de  le 
souffrir  ainsi  périr. 

I  am  importunale  in  my  sute.  Je  sais  importuné. 
You  are  to  importunate  in  your  sute  :  vous 
estez  trop  imporluné. 

I  am  in  a  consumpcion.  Je  suis  éthique.  The  man 
is  incurable ,  for  be  is  in  a  consumpcion  : 
Ihomme  est  incurable  car  il  est  éthique. 

I  an)  gladde  or  conlented  that  a  thyng  shuldc 
be.  Je  suis  joyeux.  I  am  very  gladde  of 
your  welfare  :  je  suis  bien  joieux  de  vostre 
sanlè.  He  is  nat  so  gladde  as  you  wolde 
wene  for:  il  nest  pas  si  joieux  que  vous  pen- 
cericz  bien. 

I  am  lyke  to  one  in  favour  or  condycions.  Je 
rtsemble,  resembler,  prim.  conj.  dativojun- 

I  am  lyke  hym.  Je  luy  resemhle.  Thou  art  like 
my  falhcrs  olde  horse,  thou  wylte  nal  go 
tyll  thou  be  pricked  :  (a  resembles  au  viel 
cheual  de  mon  père,  ta  ne  vealx  poynt  mar- 
cher jusques  a  tant  que  ta  sojes  picqué. 

I  am  longe  aboute  doynge  of  a  thyng.  Je  mets 
longuement  a  faire  vue  chose.  I  am  but  a 
whyle  in  doyng  of  a  thyng  :  je  ne  mets 
guajres  a  le  faire.  Je  ne  suis  or  je  ne  mets, 
and  je  mets  is  conjugal  in  «  I  put  ».  Were 
you  longe  a  makyng  of  your  boke  :  misiez 
vous  longuement  a  faire  vostre  Hure?  I  was 
but  a  whyle  a  makynge  of  me  redy  :  je  ne 
mettoye  gaayres  a  mapprester. 

I  am  longe  in  doyng  of  a  thyng,  as  I  am  longe 
in  comynge,  in  spekyng,  in  makynge  of 
me  redy  and  suche  lyke.  Je  mets  longuement 
a  venir,  a  parler,  a  me  accouslrer,  jay  mis 
longuement,  mettre  longuement,  conjugate 
in  «  I  put  ».  And ,  in  lyke  wyse ,  I  am  but  a 
whyle  in  comyng  or  spekynge  :  je  ne  mets 
guayres  a  venir,  a  parler,  l  am  to  longe  in 
doynge  ne  mets  que  trop  a  le  faire. 

I  am  longe ,  I  am  cause  of  a  thing  or  Ihat  a  dede 

is  donc  or  nat  donc.  Il  tient,  conjugate 
lyke  the  thyrde  personcs  syngular  of  je 
tiens.  I  ara  longe  that  be  cometh  nat  :  il 
tient  a  moy  qail  ne  vient,  and  je  suis  en 
cause  que  or  de.  I  am  longe  of  ibis  stryfe: 
je  suis  en  cause  de  cest  esirif.  It  is  nat  longe 
of  me  that  thou  arte  thus  yvell  handled  : 
il  ne  tient  pas  a  moy  que  tu  es  si  mal  mené. 

r  am  lothe ,  I  am  sory  that  a  thing  is  or  shuldc 
be.  Je  suis  marry.  I  wolde  be  lothe  tobeate 
the:  je  seroys  marry  de  te  batre. 

I  am  maddc.  Je  suis  enragé.  Take  no  hede  to 
bis  sayenges  for  he  is  madde  :  ne  prennez 
poynt  de  garde  a  ses  ditz  car  il  est  enragé. 

I  am  man  good  ynough  to  cause  hym  to  be 
taken.  Je  suis  homme  pour  U faire  prendre- 
I  am  good  ynough  to  do  hym  a  displea- 
sure  :  je  suis  bon  assez  pour  luy  faire  des- 

I  am  mannysshe,  as  a  beest  is  that  is  accoustu- 
med  to  byte  or  devoure  men.  Je  sais  hu- 
main. It  is  a  mannysshe  beest  :  cest  vne 
beste  amorcée. 

1  am  maryed,  as  the  man  is.  Je  suis  marié,  or 
jay  vne  femme.  Are  you  maryed  yet:  estez 
vous  marié  encore,  or  auez  vous  poynt  de 
femme  encore? 

l  am  maryed,  as  tbe  woman  is.  Je  suis  mariée  or 
jay  vng  mary.  Blessed  lady,  whan  «hall  I 
be  maryed:  Nostre  Dame,  quant  seray  je 
mariée  ?  1  f  I  be  nat  maryed  the  soner,  I  wyll 
marye  m.y  selfe  :  si  je  nay  poynt  de  mary 
bien  tast,jc  me  marirc^  moy  mesmes. 

I  am  mêle,  I  am  convenable  or  syttyng  to  do  a 
thynge.  Je  suis  propice,  estre  propice,  and 
je  suis  séant,  jay  esté  séant,  estre  séant,  and 
je  suit  diùct..  Thou  art  as  mete  to  be  a  great 
mans  kerver  as  a  kowe  to  beare  a  sadie  : 
ta  es  aussi  propice,  séant,  or  daict  a  seruyr 
a  vng  grant  personage  descuyer  trenchant 
quest  vne  vache  a  porter  selle. 

I  am  meved  by  passyon.  Je  suis  esmeu,  and  je 
mesmoue.  If  he  be  meved  with  the,  come 
nat  in  bis  walke,  ladvyse  the  :  sil  seesmeut 
vnefoys,  osiez  vous  daapres  de  luy,  je  vous 




I  am  myscontent ,  I  am  displeased  with  a 
thynge.  Je  suis  mal  content. 

I  am  myscontent  with  a  person.  Je  suis  mal,  as 
I  am  rayscontented  with  hym  :  je  suis  mal 
de  lay.  And  it  is  used  also  passyvely,  as 
il  est  mal  de  moy,'he  is  myscontent  with 
me.  I  pray  you  be  nat  mysconlented  or 
displeased  :  ne  vous  dcsplayse. 

I  am  named.  Je  me  Jais  nommer  or  je  me  fais  ap- 
peller,  or  jay  nom  or  jay  a  nom.  I  hâve 
shewed  exemples  in  «  I  am  callcd  ». 

I  am  nerc  my  tyme,  as  a  woman  that  ioketh 
ghortly  to  be  delyvered.  Je  sais  près  den- 
fanter.  She  was  nerer  her  tyme  than  she 
went  for  by  vi  wekcs  :  elle  estoyt  plus  près 
de  son  temps  quelle  ne  cuydoyt  de  six  sep- 

1  AMONïSsnE,  I  warne  one  of  a  thyng.  Je  amo- 
neste,  prim.  conj.  I  hâve  amonysshed  hym 
of  this  faute  more  than  twenty  tymes 
lay  admonesté  de  ceste  Jaultc  plus  de  vingt 

I  am  oversene,  I  am  disceyved.  Je  suis  decea, 
OTJefaalx,jayfaHly,faillyr,  conjugate  in 
•  I  fayle».  I  fayth,  I  grauntc  you,  I  was 
oversene  therin:  mafoy,je  le  vous  concède, 
jefailloys  en  cela,  or  jestoys  decea  en  cela. 

I  am  of  dyverse  myndes.  Je  me  varie,  je  me  suis 
varié,  varier,  and  je  me  diuersite,je  me  suis 
diuersiié,  diuersiter,  verbum  médium  prim. 
conj.  I  woldc  be  glad  to  deale  with  hym, 
but  the  man  is  of  so  dyverse  myndes  that 
there  is  no  holde  at  hym  :  je  auroys  vou- 
lentiers  a  faire  a  luy,  mays  il  se  varie  si  sou- 
uent  (juil  ny  a  poynt  de  constance  en  son 
faict.  He  is  of  to  dyverse  myndes  for  me 
to  hâve  a  do  with  hym  :  il  se  diuersite  trop 
pour  moy  a  aaoyr  a  faire  a  luy. 

]  am  out  of  taste  ,  as  oncs  mouthe  is  that  hath 
no  savour  in  meate  nor  drinke.  Je  suis  de- 
ijouslé.  Proynes  be  good  for  you,  if  your 
mouthe  he  out  of  taste:  prunes  de  Damas 
vous  sont  bonnes  si  vous  estes  degoustè. 

I  am  out  of  temper,  I  am  in  a  heate  and  dis- 
posed  to  an  ague ,  or  I  hâve  a  greater  thrust 
than  I  vras  wonte  to  Lave.  Je  suis  désaltéré. 

jay  esté  désaltéré,  désaltérer.  Iperceyve  well 
by  your  great  heate  that  you  be  out  of 
temper:  je  voys  bien  avostre  grant  chaleur 
que  vous  estez  désaltéré. 

I  AMODNTE,  as  sommes  or  thynges  rekened  to  a 
certayne  nombre.  Je  amonte,  prim.  conj. 
and  in  this  sence  I  fynde  more  used  je  re- 
uiens,  conjugate  lyke  bis  symple  je  viens, 
I  come.  To  howe  moche  amountheth  ail 
togylher  :  o  combien  amonte  or  rcuient  le 
tout?  It  cometh  to  more  by  x''  than  I 
tbought  for  :  i7  reaient  a  dix  liures  plus  que 
je  ne  cuydoye. 

I  AM  pleased.  Je  suis  content,  jay  esté  content, 
estre  content,  and  il  me  plaist  bien.  I  am 
pleased  what  so  ever  he  do  in  this  matter: 
en  cest  affaire,  quelque  chose  quilface,  il 
me  plaist  bien.  I  am  contente  if  you  be 
pleased  :  je  me  contente  sil  vous  plaist. 

I  AMPLYATE  ,  f  niake  great.  Jagrandis,  jay 
agrandy,  agrandir,  sec.  conj.  Ile  hath  am- 
plyat  the  cloyster  of  his  churche  more  than 
fourty  foole  :  i7  a  engrandy  le  chyslre  de  son 
esglise  de  plus  de  quarante  pieiz. 

lamplyate,  I  make  large.  Jenlargis ,  jay  enlargy, 
enlargir,  sec.  conj.  He  hath  amplyale  the 
passage  of  ihe  water  tenue  foote  :  il  a  en- 
largy le  passage  de  leaue  de  dix  piedz. 

1  am  ravysshed  in  my  mynde.  Je  suis  raay.  The 
man  is  ravysshed  in  his  spyrite  :  Uiomme  est 
raay  en  son  espryt. 

I  am  ryght  naugbt  worthe.  Je  ne  vaulx  riens.  My 
penne  is  ryght  naught  worthe  :  ma  plume 
ne  vauU  riens. 

I  am  redy  to  lye  downe,  as  a  woman  is  that  is 
nere  her  tyme.  Je  sais  près  denfanter.  Is  she 
redy  to  lye  downe  yet  :  est  elle  preste  den- 
fanter encore? 

I  am  suer,  as  I  am  suer  that  this  or  that  thyng 
is  done,  or  is  so,  or  nat.  Je  me  fais  fort,  tu  te 
fais  fort,  il  se  fait  fort ,  nous  nous  faisons 
fort,  vous  vous  [aidez  fort,  Hz  se  font  fort, 
usyngjc  me  fais  lyke  a  meane  verbe,  and 
addyngybrf  to  his  nombres  and  persons. 
I  am  suer  he  dare  nat  saye  it:  je  mefays 
fort  quil  ne  lose pas  dire. 




I  am  suer.  Je  sais  seur.  I  am  suer  the  faulte  is 
nat  in  hym  :  je  me  Jais  fort  or  je  sais  sear 
que  lafaalte  nest  pas  en  luy, 

T  am  shorte,  I  do  a  thyng  shortJy  or  spedely.  Je 
le  fays  court.  Hâve  done ,  be  shorte  :  sus , 
faictez  le  court.  I  wjll  be  shorte  with  hym  : 
je  leferaj  court  anecqucs  luy. 

l  am  shorte  wynded.  Je  suis  poussif.  Se  this  gor- 
bely,  he  is  so  shorte  wynded  that  he  can 
scarsely  speke  :  agardes  ce  gourdy,  il  est  si 
poussif  qua  payne  peult  il  parler. 

I  am  skyiled ,  I  am  connyng  in  a  crafte  or  mays- 
tery,  as  I  am  skyiled  or  connynge  in  phy- 
sicke  orpaimestrye  or  massonnery.  Je  me 
congnoys  en  lart  de  médecine,  tu  te  congnoys 
en  palmestrie ,  il  se  congnoist  en  massonne- 
rie,  etc.  usyng  je  congnoys  lyke  a  meane 
verbe,  and  howe  he  is  conjugale  shali  he- 
rafter  apere  in  «  I  knowe  ». 

I  am  slowc  or  slackein  doyngeof  a  busynesse.  Je 
tarde,  prim.  conj.  By  my  souIe,  you  be  very 
slowe  :  sur  mon  ame,  vous  tardés  beaucoup. 

I  am  Bory.  Jesuis  doulent.  i  am  heavy  for  a  thyng, 
as  I  am  sory  for  his  detbe  :jV  sais  marry, 
jay  esté  marry,je  seray  marry,  estre  marry, 
joynyng  the  tenses  of  je  sais  to  marry, 
wbiche  is  altered  lyke  a  participie.  I  fynde 
also  il  me  poyse,  il  ma  pesé,  peser,  joynyng 
to  the  thinges  whye  I  am  sory  for,  as  sa 
mort  me  poyse.  I  bave  ben  sory  for  his  mis- 
aventure  :  sa  mesaduenture  mapesé.  I  fynde 
a\so  fait  mal,  as  sa  mort  mefaict  mal,  con- 
jugate  afore  in  t  it  ayleth  ». 

I  am  sorye  for  his  mischaunce.  Je  suis  dolent  de 
sa  mcsadaentare.  Arte  thou  sory  that  I  am 
merry  :  es  tu  marry  que  je  suis  joyealx?  I 
am  nothynge  sory  that  you  fare  weil  :  i7  ne 
me  poyse  guayres  que  vous  vous  portez  bien. 
I  am  sory  to  hère  thèse  reportes  of  you  : 
il  me  fait  mal  douyr  ces  rapors  de  vous. 

I  am  sonne  brunde  with  sonne.  Jesuis  halle,  etc. 
or  je  me  hasle.  Good  Lorde,  howe  you  be 
sonne  brunde  for  thre  or  four  dayes  ry- 
dynge  in  the  sonne  :  Jesu,  que  vous  estez 
haslé  pour  aaoyr  cheuauché  ces  htjyi  oa 
quatre  jours  au  soleil.  The  poore  men  of 

the  countrey  care  nat  to  be  sonne  brunde  : 
les  poures  paisans  nont  point  de  cure  de  eula 
hasler,  or  i7  ncn  chault  guayres  aux  poures 
paisans  deulx  hasler. 

I  am  speclielesse,  as  a  sycke  body  is  that  hath 
iost  the  use  of  his  speche,  or  one  that  is 
in  a  sodayne  passyon.  La  parolle  mcst  for- 
close, la  parolle  luy  est  forclose.  The  poore 
man  was  put  in  so  great  feare  that  he  was 
spechelesse  foure  dayes  after  :  on  bailla  si 
grant  paour  au  poore  homme  que  la  parolle 
loy  estoyt  forclase  quatre  jours  après. 

I  am  styll,  I  wepc  nat  or  make  no  strugglyng. 
Jcme  tiens  tout  quoy  or  je  me  tiens  a  reqaoy. 
I  am  as  styll  as  a  Ïambe  wban  I  se  my  mays- 
ter  :  je  me  tiens  aussy  quoy  qang  aigneau 
quant  je  voy  mon  maistre. 

I  am  straught.  Je  suis  enragé.  He  is  slraught, 
il  est  enragé. 

I  am  taken  fcrvently  or  sore  with  love  or  with 
a  sycknesse  or  such  lyke.  Je  suis  espris  or 
esprins,  esprendre.  He  was  so  sore  taken 
with  her  love  that  he  went  nerehande 
madde  for  her  sake:  il  estoyt  si  fort  espris 
de  son  amour  quil  estoyt  près  de  coarrir  les 
rues  pour  lamoar  délie. 

I  am  to  be  blamed.  Jay  tort.  I  am  greatly  to 
blâme  :jay  grant  tort.  By  the  faythe  of  my 
body,  you  are  to  blâme  to  tarry  thus  longe  : 
par  la  foy  de  mon  corps ,  vous  aaez  tort  de 
tant  attendre, 

I  am  to  blâme  and  am  in  the  faute  that  a  thyng 
is  a  mysse.  Jay  tort,  jay  eu  tort.  By  Our 
Lady,  I  am  sore  to  blâme  :  par  Nostre  Dame, 
jay  grant  tort.  Am  I  to  blâme  if  I  repente 
me  :  ay  je  tort  si  je  me  repens? 

I  am  to  be  blamed.  Je  sais  a  blasmer.  I  am  nat 
to  blâme,  I  am  nat  the  causer  why  a  thyng 
is  nat  done  :  il  ne  lient  pas  a  moy  qail  ne 

I  am  to  be  loved.  Je  suis  a  aymer.  I  am  to  be 
haled,  je  sais  a  hayr.  I  am  to  be  dradde, 
je  me  fays  craindre.  1  am  to  be  blamed, je 
me  suis  faict  mesfaire  or  je  sais  a  estre  blas- 
mi.  The  person  is  the  more  to  be  praised  : 
la  personne  est  en  faict  plus  a  louer. 



I  am  tourned  sycke,  as  one  is  that  is  tourned  so 
often  aboute,  that  he  woltetb  nat  wliere  he 
is,  nor  can  nat  stande  on  his  fêle.  Je  suis 
tout  bestourné.  They  hâve  made  me  tourne 
sycke  wilh  tournynge  me  so  ofte  aboute  : 
de  force  de  me  contourner  si  soauent  Hz  mont 
rendu  tout  bestourné. 

I  am  ware,  I  provyde  to  défende  myselfe  agaynst 
a  daunger  towarde ,  or  I  spye  a  thynge  at 
on  wares.  Je  me  donne  (jarde,  je  me  suis 
ionni  garde,  donner  garde,  anA  je  me  garde, 
verbum  médium.  Be  ware  of  hym,  I  woide 
avyse  thc  :  donne  loy  garde  de  lujtje  fadaise. 
And  as  I  was  rydynge  on  my  way,  I  was 
wara  of  two  great  wouives  comynge  out 
of  a  woddes  syde  :  et  comme  je  chetialchoye 
mon  chemyn,  je  me  donnaj  garde  de  deux 
grans  loups  sorlissans  a  lorrèe  dung  boys, 

I  am  ware  of  a  thyng  ihat  I  newiy  spye.  Je 
adttise,  prim.  conj.  I  was  a  ware  of  hym 
firstc  or  cver  he  spyed  me  :  je  laduisay 
premier  auant  (fuil  meust  choysy,  or  choysy 

l  am  ware,  1  forbeare  and  lye  in  wayte  of  my 
seife  that  I  do  nat  a  tliyng.  Je  me  garde, 
beware  nowe  thou  fyste  nat  :  or  le  garde  de 
vessir.  Beware  thou  leave  nothynge  be- 
hynde  :  garde  de  riens  laisser  derrière. 

I  am  ware,  I  do  nat  a  thyng.  Je  nay  garde.  He 
wyll  be  aware  to  say  agaynst  me  :  il  na 
garde  de  me  contredire. 

I  am  ware  from  a  daunger  or  inconvenyence 
that  is  towarde.  Je  me  donne  garde  or  je 
me  tiens  sur  mes  gardes.  Ware  ware ,  spoken 
ÏD  haste.  Garre,  garre  for  garde.  Thou 
wyhe  be  ware ,  I  am  certayne  :  tu  nas 
garde,  je  suis  certayn;  but  for  this,  it  is 
surer  to  use  ta  te  donneras  garde ,  je  suis 
certayn ,  or  tu  le  tiendras  sur  tes  gardes. 

I  am  wedded,  I  am  maryed.  Jay  vng  mary,jay 
vue  femme,  auoyr  vng  mary,  auoyr  vne 
femme,  OT  je  suis  marié,  jay  esié  marié,  je 
seray  marié,  estre  marié.  I  hâve  declared 
the  use  of  this  verbe  afore  in  «  I  am  ma- 

r  am  well  at  ease.  Je  suis  bien  ayse.  A  man  is 

well  at  case  to  do  for  suche  a  man  :  on  est 
bien  ayse  a  faire  pour  vng  tel  homme, 

I  am  weii  apayed.  Je  suis  bien  ayse,  jay  esté 
bien  ayse,  estre  bien  ayse,  and  je  suis  bien 
content,  je  seroys  plus  ayse,  I  am  well 
apayed  that  I  se  ail  thynges  go  so  well 
forwarde  with  you  suis  bien  ayse  tjuant 
je  voy  comment  toutes  voz  choses  saaancent. 

I  am  well  fetered  or  shapen  of  my  lymmes.  Je 
suis  bien  aligné,  jay  esté  bien  aligné,  estre 
bien  aligne,  joynyng  the  tenses  ofjc  suis  to 
aligné,  and  addyng  bien  or  mal,  or  suche 
other  worde  as  the  sentence  requyreth.  Jt 
is  as  well  fetered  a  chylde  as  cver  you 
sawe  :  cest  vng  des  mieulx  alignez  enfans 
(jue  vous  visiez  janiays.  You  neverset  your 
eye  upon  a  fayrer  fetered  woman  :  jamays 
ne  mistes  œil  sur  vne  femme  micnlx  alignée. 

1  an>  wery  for  any  bodely  labour.  Je  suis  las  de 
corjiorelz  besoignes. 

I  am  wery  for  occupyeng  of  the  mynde  to 
moche.  Il  me  tane,  il  ma  luné,  tuner,  prini. 
conj.  I  am  wery,  I  bave  studyed  so  moche  : 
je  me  tane,  jay  tant  estudié. 

I  am  wery  for  harkenyng  to  any  thyng  that  I 
lyst  nat  hère.  //  me  fâche,  il  ma  fâché, 
fâcher,  prim.  conj.  I  am  wery  to  hère  you 
bahyll  thus  out  of  reason  :  il  me  fâche  de 
vous  ouyr  cacquetler  ainsi  hors  de  raison,  I 
am  wery  to  tarye  hère  so  longe  :  il  mefache 
datlendre  icy  si  longuement. 

I  am  wyllyng  to  do  a  thyng.  Je  suis  entcdenté  de 
faire  vne  chose,  I  was  as  well  >vyllyng  to 
slepe  as  I  was  this  twelve  monlhes  :  je 
esloys  aussi  bien  entalenté  de  dormir  qnejes- 
toys  dung  an.  I  wolde  he  were  as  well 
wyllyng  to  gyvc  it  me  as  ever  he  was  to 
drinke  :  je  vouldroys  quil  fwt  aussi  bien 
entaient^  de  le  me  donner  comme  il  fust  ja- 
mays de  boyre. 

I  am  with  chylde ,  as  a  woman  is  onely.  Je  suis 
enceynte,  tu  es  enceynte,  elle  est  enceyntc, 
nous  sommes  enceyntes,  enceyndre.  l  durst 
laye  a  noble  she  is  with  chylde  :  je  oseroye 
gaiger  vng  angelot  quelle  est  enceinte. 

I  am  with  chylde,  or  I  am  great,  as  a  woman  or 



any  suche  beesl  is  that  beareth  yonge.  Je 
suis  grosse,  tu  es  grosse,  elle  est  grosse,  and 
je  suis  enceynle.  Beware  the  woman,  she  is 
with  cliylde  :  (/arfc  lajèmme,  elle  est  grosse. 
Se ,  ihis  sowe  is  great  with  pygge  :  agardez, 
ceste  truje  est  grosse.  But,  if  a  she  beest  be 
but lytie  goae ,  they  say  empraincte .je  gaige 
que  ceste  vache  soyt  empraincte. 

I  am  within  syght,  as  a  shyppe  is  that  cometh 
within  the  kennyng.  Je  blanchis,  jaj  blan- 
chj,  blanchir,  sec.  conj.  We  were  within 
syght  toward es  the  coste  of  Dover,  two 
heures  byfore  daye  :  nous  blanchissions  vers 
le  costé  de  Dover,  deux  heures  deuant  le 

I  am  wonte ,  I  am  accustomed  lo  do  a  thynge. 
Je  seulx,  nous  soûlons,  vous  soulcz,  ilz 
soûlent,  je  souloye,  je  soulus,  aiid  the 
saine  tence  in  the  subjunctye  mode  shulde 
beje  soalusse,  souloir:  I  do  nat  remembre 
that  I  bave  redde  it,  and  howe  he  is  a 
verbe  defectyve  and  hath  no  mo  tenses 
of  himselfe,  and  howe  the  other  tenses 
be  circumlocutcd,  I  bave  aU  redy  shewed 
in  the  seconde  boke.  For  €  I  bave  be  wont  • 
they  say  jaj  aprins.  I  hâve  be  wonte  to 
ryse  erly  '.ja-f  apprins  de  me  leuer  maùn  or 
je  souloye  de  me  leuer  au  matin.  He  was 
wonte  to  corne  every  daye  :  il  souloyt  venir 
tous  les  jours, 

I  am  wo,  1  am  heavy.  Je  suis  triste,  je  suis 
nuiriy.  I  am  wo  that  I  éln  nat  get  my  mo- 
ncy  suis  nuiny  que  je  ne  pais  rccouurer 
mon  argent. 

I  am  worse.  Je  raulx  pis.  It  is  worse  :  il  vault 
pis,  and  howe, je  vaulx,  is  conjugale  ape- 
reth  in  «  I  am  worth  ».  l  am  worse  nowe 
than  cver  I  was  :  je  vaulx  pis  maynlenant 
que  jamays.  He  is  worse  than  a  jewe:  il 
vault  pis  qung  juyf. 

I  am  worthe  in  price  or  estymacion.  Je  vaulx, 
nous  vcdons,  vous  valez,  ilz  valent,  je  valus, 
jay  valu ,  je  vauldray ,  que  je  vadle,  the  in- 
dilTynite  tence  afler  the  comen  rule  shnide 
be  que  je  valusse,  but  I  fynde  more  in  use 
que  je  vaulsisse,  vaulx,  valoir,  tert.  conj. 

and  il  monte,  as  he  wotteth  nat  what  con- 
nynge  is  worthe  :  il  ne  scait  que  science 
monte.  He  shall  sliortiy  be  naught  worthe: 
il  ne  vauldra  tantost  plus  riens.  He  is  nat 
wortli  two  pens  ail  men  payed,  and  yet 
he  kepeth  a  porte  lyke  a  lorde  :  il  na  pas 
vaillant  deux  deniers  chascun  ayant  le  sien, 
encore  tient  il  le  port  dung  seigneur. 
I  am  yonge  with  foie,  caulfe  or  other  suche  lyke, 
as  a  mare  or  cowe  or  bylche  is  whan  they 
be  covered.  Je  suis  empraynie.  This  mare 
is  with  foie  :  ceste  jument  est  empraynie  de 
poulayn.  This  kowe  is  with  caulfe  :  ceste 
vache  est  emprainte  de  veau.  This  bytche  is 
witli  welpes  :  ceste  lisse  est  empraynte  de 
jeunes  chiens,  nat  de  chiennetz.  This  hynde 
is  with  caulfe  :  ceste  biche  est  empraynte  de 

A    BÏFORE    N. 

1  ANEEL  a  potte  of  erthe  or  suche  lyke  with  a 
coloure.  Je  plomme,  plommer,  or  je  plom- 
mie,  prim.  conj.  An  erthen  potte  well 
anecled  is  the  holsomest  vessell  that  can 
be  to  boyle  meate  in  :  vng  pot  de  terre, 
quant  il  est  bien  plommé  or  plommié ,  est  la 
plus  saine  chose  que  pealt  eslre  pour  cuire 
de  la  viande  dedans. 

l  aneele  a  sicke  man,  I  anoynte  hym  with  holy 
oylc.  Jenhuylle,  prim.  conj.  I  lefle  hym 
80  farre  past,  that  he  was  houseled  and 
aneeled  :  je  le  laissay  si  auant  passe,  quit 
estoyt  communié  et  enhuylU. 

I  ANGLE  with  an  anglyng  rodde  to  catcfae 
fysshe.  Je  pesche  a  verge,  jay  pesché  u 
verge,  pescher  a  verge,  prim.  conj.  It  is 
but  a  sory  lyfe  and  an  yvell  to  standc 
anglynge  ail  day  to  catche  a  fewe  fysshes  : 
ce  nest  quune  meschante  vie  et  oyseuse,  que 
de  pescher  a  verge  toute  jour  pour  vng  peu  de 

I  ANGRE,  I  cbafe  or  bringe  out  of  pacience.  Je 
courrouce,  prim.  conj.  I  fynde  in  this 
senceje  ire,  whiche  I  fynde  also  often 
with  ab,  as  jabire,  prim.  conj.  Beware 
howe  you  anger  hym ,  I  wolde  advyse  yoii  : 




gardez  vous  de  le  corroucer,  si  vous  men 
croyez.  If  you  anger  hym,  you  are  lyke  to 
hère  tell  of  il  :  si  vous  le  irez  or  corroucez, 
vous  en  orrés  parler. 

I  ANGDTSSHE,  I  felc  of  anguysshe  or  payne.  Je 
angoysse,  prim.  conj.  This  woundo  an- 
guysshethme  more  than  ail  tbe  yvell  ihat 
ever  I  had  :  cesle  playe  me  angoysse  plus  que 
tous  les  maulx  que  jeus  jamays. 

I  ANNEXE,  I  joyne  one  tbynge  to  anotber  or 
knyt  thynges  togyther.  Jannexe ,  prim. 
conj.  They  be  so  fast  annexed  togytber 
tbat  tbey  can  nat  be  departed  a  sondre  : 
ilz  sont  si  fort  annexez  qaon  ne  les  pealt  sé- 
parer densemble. 

I  ANNULlE,  I  make  naught  or  of  no  value.  Je 
anulle,  prim.  conj.  and  je  anichile,  prim. 
conj.  Tbe  great  pardone  tbat  was  at  tbe 
grey  friers  is  anulled  :  les  grans  pardons 
que  estoyent  aux  frères  mineurs  sont  annul- 
iez or  anichilés. 

I  ANNOYE  or  grève.  Jennaye,  prim.  conj.  Tbe 
styncbe  tbat  cometb  ont  of  tbe  towne 
dytcbe  annoyetb  me  very  sore  :  la  punay- 
siequi  sort  hors  desfossez  delà  ville  mennuye 
tresfort.  « 

I  ANOïNTE  with  oyle  or  witb  any  otber  oynte- 
ment.  Je  oyngs,  nous  oyngnons,  vous  oygnez, 
ilz  oyngneni,  je  dyngs,  jay  oyngt,je  oyn- 
dray,  que  je  oyngne ,  oyngs,  oyndre,  tert. 
conj.  Whan  kynges  take  tbeir  dignyte 
upon  them  they  be  anoynted  :  quant  les 
roys  prennent  sur  eulx  leur  dignité,  ilz  sont 
oyncte:.  He  batb  anoynted  bis  Icggc  witb 
bores  grease  :  il  a  oincte  sa  jambe  de  sain 
de  pourceau. 

I  anoynt  with  holy  oyle.  Je  consacre, prim.  conj. 
Bycause  tbe  oyle,  tbat  princes  and  bysshops 
be  anoynted  witb,  isbalowed,tbeiroyutyng 
is  called  sacrynge  :  a  cause  que  lliuytle  dont 
les  princes  el  les  esaesques  sont  oynctz  est  con- 
sacrée ,  on  appelle  leur  oyngncmenl  consecra- 

I  anoynte  witb  baume.  Jenbaalsme ,  prim.  conj. 
To  préserve  bis  body  from  corruption 
he  was  anoynted  with  baume  :  pour  luy 

prescruer  le  corps  de  corruption  il  esttyt  en- 

I  anoynte  witb  hony.  Jemmielle,  prim.  conj. 
Tbere  is  notliynge  betteragaynst  the  scorfe 
tbat  cometb  upon  yongccbyldrens  beedes 
tban  to  anoynte  them  witb  hony  :  il  ny  a 
riens  meillieur  contre  la  roigne  que  vient  aux 
testes  dcspetitz  enfants  que  de  les  emmieller. 

I  anoynte,  I  disceyve  by  flatterynge.  Je  oyngs, 
conjugate  in  «  I  anoynte  ».  Tbis  felowc  can 
botbe  flatter  and  pricke  :  ce  gallant  scait 
oyndre  et  poyndrc. 

I  ANOCRNE,  I  beautyse  or  make  more  pleasaunt 
to  fhe  eye.  Je  aorne,  prim.  conj.  And  in 
ibis  sence  I  fynde  also  je  décore,  prim. 
conj.  Whan  a  woman  is  anourned  with 
ryche  appareyle,  it  setteth  out  lier  beauty 
double  as  mocbc  as  it  is  :  quant  vne femme 
est  aornée  de  ryches  habillemens,  cela  baille 
lustre  a  sa  beaulté  double  autant  quelle  ncst. 

I  anourne  witb  a  dyademe.  Je  diadème,  prim. 
conj.  It  is  a  goodly  syght  to  se  a  kyng  and 
bis  quene  anourned  with  tbeir  dyademes 
or  crownes  :  il  fait  beau  veoyr  ung  roy  et  sa 
royne  auec  leur  diadèmes,  or  porlans  leur 

I  ANSWERE  to  a  questyon  demaunded.  Je  res- 
pons,  nous  responnons ,  vous  responnés,  ilz 
responnent,  je  respondis,  jay  responna,  je 
respondray ,  que  je  responne,  respons,  res- 
pondre,  tert.  conj.  To  this  demaunde  I 
wotte  nat  wMIt  answere  to  make  :  a  cesle 
demande  je  ne  scay  que  respondre. 

I  answere,  as  one  thynge  dothc  to  anotber  that 
is  set  streyght  over  agaynst  it.  Je  corres- 
pons,  jay  corresponu,  correspondre ,  tert. 
conj.  Conjugate  as  bis  symple  je  respons, 
l  answere  to  a  questyon.  Tbis  pyller  within 
the  churcLc  answeretb  to  this  butteras 
witbout  forthe  :  ce  pilier  par  dedans  lesglise 
correspont  a  ce  portant  par  dehors. 

A    DYFORE   P. 

I  APPALE  ones  colour.  Je  appalis,  sec.  conj. 
This  sicknesse  hath  appaled  hyra  very 
»ore  :  cesle  maladie  la  appaly  tresfort. 



I  appalle,  as  drinke  dothe  or  wyne,  whan  it 
leseth  his  colour  or  aie  whan  it  bath 
stande  longe.  Je  appalys,  sec.  conj.  This 
wyne  is  appaled  ail  redy,  and  it  is  nat 
yetan  liour  syth  it  was  drawen  outof  the 
vessel  :  ce  vin  est  desja  appaly,  encore  nest 
il  pas  vng  heure  quon  laliré  hors  du  vaisseau. 

I  APAY,  I  content  or  suffyse.  Je  me  contente, 
je  me  suis  contenté,  contenter,  verbum  mé- 
dium prira.  conj.  I  sball  apaye  hym  if  it 
be  possyble  :  je  le  contenteraj  sil  est  pos- 
sible. I  am  well  apayed  :je  suis  bien  content. 

I  APPAïRE  or  waxe  worse.  Jempire,  prim.  conj. 
He  goeth  to  tbe  writyng  scolc,  but  his 
bande  appayrelh  every  daye  :  il  va  a  les- 
cole  pour  escripre,  mays  sa  lettre  sempire 
tous  les  jours. 

I  APPAYSE  or  content  or  styil.  Je  appaise,  prim. 
conj.  And  he  be  ones  angred,  you  sball 
bave  moche  a  do  lo  appayse  him  :  sil  est 
vne  Joys  courrouce,  vous  aurés  Jort  affaire 
de  lappaiser. 

1  appayse  or  quiet  a  person  from  his  dis- 
pleasure.  Je  desennuie,  prim.  conj.  He  is 
appaysed  nowe  for  al  bis  anger  :  il  est  ap- 
paise or  désennuyé  de  son  ire  asteure  non 
obstant  son  gran   courroux. 

I  APPARAïLE,  I  clotlie  or  decke.  Jappareille, 
prim.  conj.  He  was  rycbly  apparelled  Ihat 
day  :  il  esioyl  richement  appareillé  a  ce  jour 
la,  and  in  tbis  sence  I  fynde  je  accoustre, 
prim.  conj.  It  is  a  strange  thyng  ofhim, 
for  be  is  somtyme  apparaylled  gorgyously, 
and  somtyme  lyke  a  beggcr  :  cest  vne 
chose  estrange  que  de  lay,  car  aalcunesfoys 
il  sest  gorgiasement  accoustre,  et  par  Joys  il 
saccousire  en  blistre. 

I  APPARCEïVE  a  thynge,  I  begyn  to  understande 
il.  Jappercoys ,jay  apperceu,  apperceuoyr, 
conjugale  in  «  I  perceyve.  »  If  be  ones  ap- 
perceyve  you  howe  you  play  on  bothe  tbe 
handes ,  he  wyll  never  truste  you  aller  :  sil 
vous  appercoyt  vne  Joys  comment  vous  jouez 
a  deux  mayns,  il  ne  se  fiera  jamuys  en  vous 

I  APPELE,  I  apele  from  one  judge  to  anotber, 

thaï  is  supcryour.  Jappclle,  prim.  conj. 
And  je  me  porte  par  appellant,  prim.  conj. 
I  bave  appcaled  from  bis  courte  to  the 
parlyament  :  je  ay  appelle,  or  je  me  sais 
porté  par  appellant  de  sa  court  en  parlement. 

I  APPEASE  or  styil  a  chylde  tbat  cryelli.  Jaccoyse, 
prim.  conj.  Styil  the  chylde,  F  pray  you, 
it  grevelb  me  to  hère  hyni  krye  thus  : 
accoysez  lcnjant,je  vous  prie,  il  mejait  mal 
de  loayr  crier  aynsy. 

I  APECHE,  I  accuse.  Jaccuse,^m.  conj.Kursed 
be  the  preest  of  God  that  dyd  apecbe  me 
wrongfully  and  without  deservyng  :  maul- 
dit  soyt  le  prestre  de  Dieu  qui  maccusa  a 
tort  et  sans  riens  desseruyr. 

I  APPERE,  I  shewe  mysclfe  to  ihe  syght  of  any 
body.  Je  me  apers,  nous  nous  apparons,  je 
apparissoye ,je  maparus,je  me  suis  apparu, 
je  mapparray ,  que  je  me  appare,  appars,  ap- 
paroir and  apparoistre ,  verbum  médium 
tert.  conj.  Whicbe  I  l'ynde  in  m.iny  tenses 
used  without  a,  as  paroir,  perra,  parust, 
but  that  I  fynde  in  tlie  Romant  and  many 
tymes  cbaungyng  a  into  e,  as  appers,  ap- 
perra.  It  apereth  by  your  colour  that  you 
be  a  lover  :  il  appert  bien  a  vostre  couleur 
que  vous  estez  amoureux. 

I  apperc  byfore  a  judge.  Je  compare,  nous  com- 

parons, vous  comparez,  Hz  comparent ,  je 
comparus,  jay  comparu,  je  comparray ,  que 
je  compare,  comparoir,  and  ofle  tymes  com- 
paroistre,  lyke  his  symple,  bycause  com- 
paroir may  stande  for  lo  abye  :  orje  appars, 
but ,  lest  the  tenses  of  this  verbe  shuide 
be  lyke  the  tenses  of  je  compare,  1  com- 
pare, be  chaungelh  a  intoe,  as  I  bave 
sbewed  in  ihe  Ihirde  boke,  in  ail  bis  ten- 
ees,  save  in  the  diffynyle  tenses  and  tbe 
infjnityve  mode  and  présent  tenses. 

II  apperetb.  Il  appert,  aperoyt,  apparut,  il  a  ap- 

paru, il  apperra,  etc.  Lyke  the  ibirde  par- 
son  of  il  apere». 
[  appere,  I  am  somoned  by  a  sergent  al  armes 
to  apere  byfore  my  lorde  chaunceller  :je 
sais  semons  par  vng  sergent  darmes  pour  corn- 
paroyr  deuaat  monsyeur  le  chancellier. 




I  APPERTAYNE,  I  beloDgc  to  a  persou  or  tbyng. 
Jappartiens ,  nous  appartenons ,  vous  appar- 
tenez^ Hz  appartiennent,  je  appartins ,  jay 
appartenu,  je  appartiendra^ ,  que  jappar- 
tiengne,  appartiens,  appartenir,  tcrt.  conj. 
conjugale  lyke  his  symplejc  tiens,  I  holde. 
And  in  this  scnce  I  fynde  also  jaffere, 
priin.  conj.  and  il  uffiert,  Hz  ajjierent,  im- 
parsonall.  It  apcrtayneth ,  il  bclongeth ,  il 
appartient,  il  appartenoyt,  il  appartint,  il  a 
appartenu  ,d  appartiendra ,  quil  appar- 
tiemjne,  quil  appartinst,  il  ayt  appartenu,  il 
eust  appartenu,  il  appartiendroyt ,  il  auroyt 
appartenu,  appartenir,  verbum  imperso- 
uale  prim.  conj.  Of  lyke  signiûcalion  is 
il  afficri,  wherof  I  bave  made  niencion  ia 
tbe  seconde  boke.  Tbis  boke  apparlaynelh 
to  me  :  ce  liure  appartient  a  nioy.  It  apcr- 
tayneth to  wise  men  to  bave  sadde  appa- 
rayle  :  il  compete  a  saiges  gens  de  se  vestyr 
sobrement.  TUis  tbyng  belongelb  nat  unto 
tbe  :  cecy  ne  te  ajffiert  poynt. 

I  APPESE  (Lydgate)  loke  in  «I  appayse».  Je 
apaise,  prim.  conj.  and  there  be  also 

I  APPETïTE ,  I  desyre  or  covet  many  thynges. 
Jappete,  prim.  conj.  VVhat  tbynge  appe- 
,  tyst  thou  moste  :  quelle  chose  appelés  tu  le 

I  APPLYE  me,  I  baste  me  to  do  a  tbing.  Je  ma- 
uance,je  me  suis  auancé,  aaancer,  prim. 
conj.  Applye  you  in  ail  tbe  bast  you  may  : 
aaancez  vous  tant  que  vous  pouez. 

I  applye  one  Ibyng  to  another.  Je  applicque, 
prim.  conj.  Applye  tbeni  logytber  and 
iban  you  shail  se  there  is  a  great  différence  : 
Impliquez  les  ensemble  et  vous  verres  qaily  a 
bien  a  dire. 

I  applye  my  busynesse  or  occupaciou  as  a  good 
housbande  dotbe,  or  one  tbat  is  dilygent. 
Je  vacqae,  prim.  conj.  orjc/re^aen(e,prira. 
conj.  He  applyetb  his  crafle  from  morn- 
yng  to  nygbt  :  il  vacqae  a  son  meslier  des- 
puis le  matynjasques  au  soyr.  I  applye  my 
busynesse  vacque  a  mes  ajfayres,  or  a 
mes  besongnes. 

I  applye  me  to  a  mater.  Je  mattoumc,  je  me 
suisattoumé,  ottourncr,  verbum  médium, 
prim.  conj.  But  this  verbe  is  nowe  olde 
tbougb  Johan  de  Meun  use  hym  moche. 

I  applye  or  assyne  tbe  cause  of  a  mater  to  a 
persone.  Jattribue,  prim.  conj.  I  applye 
the  cause  berof  to  tbe  malyce  of  Saturne  : 
je  atlrthue  la  malice  de  cecy  a  Saturne.  I 
apply  ibe  cause  of  my  trouble  to  hym 
luy  attribue  la  cause  de  mon  mal. 

I  applye  or  cleave  a  tbynge  barde  togyther,  as 
giue  dolhe  to  a  tree  or  tbynges  that  bc 
glued.  Je  adhers,  nous  adherdons,  vous  ad- 
hcrdez,  Hz  adherdent,  je  adherdis ,  jay  ad- 
hert,je  adherdray,  que  je  adherde,  adhers, 
adherdre,  tert.  conj.,  a  verbe  used  of  tbe 
Romante,  formed  oui  of  a(//icreo,but  itis 
nat  nowe  used,  Ihoughc  it  be  moche  used 
of  Johan  de  Meun. 

I  applye  me  or  spede  me  in  a  journey  or  any 
other  tbyng  that  I  bave  to  do.  Jexploicte, 
prim.  conj.  And  they  applyed  them  selfe 
80  faste  that  within  fyftene  daycs  they 
came  to  Rome  :  e(  tant  se  exploicterenl  que 
dedens  quinze  jours  Hz  vindrent  a  Homme. 

I  applye  or  gyve  my  mynde  to  a  tbyng.  Je  ma- 
donnc,je  me  suis  adonné,  adonner,  verbum 
médium  prim.  conj.  And  I  applye  my 
mynde  to  it  ones,  I  sbali  sone  bave  it: 
se  je  me  y  adonne  vnejoys,  je  lauray  bien 
tost.  And  in  this  sence  I  fynde  je  me  metz, 
conjugale  in  «I  put».  Se  je  my  metz  vne 
Joys,je  lauray  bien  iost, 

I  apply  my  mynde  to  tbe  nttermost  of  my 
power  to  do  a  tbynge.  Je  me  esuertue,  je 
me  suis  esuerlué,  esuertuer,  verbum  mé- 
dium prim.  conj. 

[  APPOïNT  or  set  a  tyme  certayne  to  do  a  tbynge 
herafter.  Je  préfixe  or  je  propose,  prim. 

I  appoynte ,  I  set  a  man  to  do  a  certayne  tbynge. 
Je  députe,  or  je  destine,  prim.  conj. 

I  appoynte  or  selle  a  man  to  do  a  tbyng,  or 
ordayne  a  tbynge  to  be  done.  Je  appoincte, 
prim.  conj.  and  je  limitte,  prim.  conj. 

I    appoyote  or   decke   one   in   aparayle.   Ja- 


poincle,  etc.  In  tbis  sence  I  fynde  also  je 
accoustre,  prim.  conj.  Tbe  gentylman  is 
very  well  appoynted  :  le  gentylliomme  est 
très-bien  appoincté  or  accoustre. 

I  APOSTDME ,  as  a  sore  dothe.  Japoslume ,  piim. 
conj.  This  mater  appostumeth  very  daun- 
gcrously  :  cesie  matière  sappos lame  fort  dan- 

I  APBOCHE  or  drawe  nere  to  a  place  or  person. 
Japrouche.  prim.  conj.  I  dare  nat  apro- 
che  tbe  castell  no  ncrcr  for  feare  of  ordy- 
nauncc  :  je  nose  pas  aproucher  plus  près  du 
chasteau  de  paour  de  lartitterye. 

I  APBOPHE ,  I  gyve  a  person  or  place  a  proper- 
tye  in  a  tbyng,  or  gyve  to  a  thyng  a  pro- 
pertye.  Japroprie,  prim.  conj.  I  bave  ap- 
propered  my  benefyce  lo  your  colledgc  : 
Jajr  approprié  mon  benifice  a  vostre  coliege. 

I  apropre  a  thyng  to  anotber,  I  make  one 
tbyng  belonge  to  anotber.  Je  approprie, 
prim.  conj. 

I  aprove  or  alowe.  Jappreaue,  prim.  conj.  And 
in  tbis  sence  I  fynde  also  jaloue,  prim. 
conj.  I  aprove  thy  sayeng,  but  I  do  nat 
aprove  tby  dede  :  je  appreuue  ton  dict,  mays 
je  ne  aloae  poynl  lonfaict. 
APTE  or  frame  Ibinges  togytber.  Japte,  prim. 
conj.  I  bave  apted  tbem  togytber  tbe  fet- 
lyest  tbat  cver  you  sawe  lesafaptez  en- 
semble le  plus  gentiment  que  vous  vistez  onc- 


I  AQUAYNTE ,  I  bring  one  in  a  knowledge  by 
keping  company  witb  one.  Je  macquoynte 
de  luy,  tu  tacquoyntes,  il  sacquoynte ,  je 
me  suis  acquointé  de  hiy,  acquointer,  ver- 
bum  médium  prim.  conj.  If  you  be  ac- 
quaynted  witb  my  lorde,  1  praye  you 
helpe  me  to  speke  witb  bim  :  si  vous  estez 
accoynté  auecqae  monsyear,  je  vous  prie  de 
maider  pour  parler  a  luy. 

I  AQCïTE  or  demeane  or  bebave  myselfe.  Je 
macquitte,  je  me  suis  acquitté,  acquitter, 
prim.  conj.  verbum  médium.  And  in  tbis 
sence   I   fynde  somtyme    bis    symple  je 


quicte,  prim.  conj.  Hâve  I  nat  acqnit  me 
lyke  a  man  :  me  suis  poynt  acquitté  comme 
vng  homme? 
l  AQDTTE,  I  yelde.  Je  quite,  prim.  conj.  or  je 
rens,  conjugate  in  «I  yelde».  If  I  lyve,  I 
wyll  quyte  it  you  :  si  je  vis,  je  vous  laqui- 
leray  or  je  le  vous  rendray. 

A    BYFORE    R. 

I  ABACE,  I  scrape  ont  a  worde  out  of  writynge 
for  falsebode.  Je  faulce,  prim.  conj.  Me 
tbynk  tbis  writyng  is  araccd  :  (7  m'est  adais 
que  cesle  escriptureest  faulcée. 

I-  arace,  I  pull  a  tbyng  by  violence  from  one. 
Je  arrache,  prim.  conj.  I  araced  it  out  of 
bis  bandes  :  je  larrachay  hors  de  ses  mains. 

I  aiace,  I  scrape  out  a  worde  or  a  biotte 
meanyng no  disccyte.  Jeefface,  prim.  conj. 
Arace  out  tbis  worde  :  effaces  ce  mot. 

I  ARAïE  or  fyift  witb  myer.  Jemboue,  prim. 

I  araye,  I  apparayle.  Jaccousire,  prim.  conj. 
Sbe  goctb  farre  better  arayed  nowe  than 
sbe  was  wonte  to  do,  God  gyve  grâce  ail 
be  well  :  elle  va  beaucoup  mieulx  accoustrée 
asteure  quelle  ne  souloyt,  je  prie  a  Dieu  que 
son  cas  se  porte  bien. 

I  ABBïTBATE,  I  trowB  or  judgc.  Jiiriifre,  prim. 
conj.  I  bave  arbytrated  tbis  mater,  I 
truste,  well,  but  at  tbe  lest  I  bave  nat 
offended  my  conscyence  :  jay  arbitré  ceste 
matière  comme  jespere  tresbien,  au  moyns 
je  nay  pas  offencé  a  ma  conscience. 

I  ABCHE  abuyldyng  wilh  arches.  JeorcAe.prim. 
conj.  Tbis  buyldynge  is  arched  and  butte- 
rassed,I  wolde  myheedsbuldenotake  tyll 
it  began  to  fayle  :  ce  bastyment  est  arche  et 
supporté  de  portans,  je  vouldroye  bien  que 
ma  teste  ne  me  Jeisi  poynt  de  mal  jusques  a 
tant  quil  commencast  afaillyr. 

I  ARECHE  a  thing  to  one  touchyng  or  handiyng 
of  it.  Jattayns. 

I  ARGUE,  I  dispute.  Je  dispute,  prim.  conj.  and 

je  arque,  prim.  conj.  and  je  argumente. 

prim.  conj.  I  wyll  nat  argue  witb  you  for 

tbe  matter,  but  and  you  wyll  gyve  me 




leave,  I  wyll  lay  twenty  nobles  agaynst 
one  :  je  ne  disputcray  poynt,  or  je  ne  argue- 
ray  poynl,  or  je  ne  argumentera^  poynt  auec- 
ques  vous  pour  la  cause,  mais  si  vous  me 
voulez  donner  congé,  je  gaigeray  a  vous  vingt 
nobles  contre  vng. 

I  ARME  a  man  witb  armure  or  liarnesse.  Jarme, 
prim.  conj.  He  is  as  weii  armed  as  any 
man  that  [  knowe  :  il  est  anssy  bien  armé 
que  homme  que  je  saiche. 

I  arme  or  decke,  as  a  man  dothe  a  shyppe.  Je 
betresche,  prim.  conj.  Tliis  sbyppe  is 
armed  or  decked  poynte  devyse  :  cestc 
nauire  est  betreschée  en  tous  poynls. 

I  arme  a  speare  or  a  gonne  witb  any  tbing  for 
to  défende  them  witb.  Je  armoye,  prim. 
conj.  Tbis  gonne  is  well  armed  :  ceste 
pièce  est  bien  armoyée. 

I  ARRAYE  in  garmentes  or  clotbe.  Je  habille, 
prim.  conj.  He  is  passynge  well  arrayed: 
il  est  fnri  hien  habillé.  And  je  accoustre. 
And  je  adoube. 

I  arraye  or  fyle  witb  any  uncleniy  thyng.  Je 
gasie,  prim.  conj.  You  bave  arrayed  yonr 
gowne  agaynst  the  wall  :  vous  auez  gaslé 
vostre  robe  contre  la  paroy. 

I  arraye  witb  duste.  Je  empouldre,  prim.  conj. 
I  arraye  witb  assbes.  Je  encendre.  Your 
sboes  be  arrayed  witb  duste  :  vos  souliers 
sont  cmpoaldrez. 

I  arraye  or  spotte  witb  any  tbyng  wherby  tbe 
colour  or  glosse  of  a  tbing  is  soyled.  Jen- 
tache,  prim.  conj.  You  bave  arrayed  your 
purce  :  tous  aaez  entaché  vostre  bource. 

I  arraye,  I  fyle  witb  dyrte  or  myre.  Je  cmboue, 
prim.  conj.  Your  gowne  is  foule  arayed 
witb  tbe  borses  tbat  you  rode  witb  :  vostre 
rohhe  est  fort  embouée  des  chevaulx  qui  vin- 
drent  or  chcuaucherenl  en  vostre  compai- 

l  ARECTE,  I  adresse  up  or  set  up  a  tbyng.  Je 
metz  sus,  or  je  mctz  debout,  or  je  metz  a 
point.  This  banner  is  nowe  arrccted,  but 
it  batb  a  wbyle  lyen  alongc  :  cesi 
gonjannon  est  mayntenant  adressé,  mais  il 
a  esté  long  temps  couché  a  terre. 

I  arecte,  I  set  a  thynge  uprigbt.  Je  érige, 
prim.  conj.  Arecte  tbis  ymagc  tbat  lyeth 
bere  in  a  corner  :  érigez  ceste  ymage  qui 
est  couchée  a  terre  ycy  en  vng  coing. 

I  arecte ,  I  adresse  a  tbyng  in  tbe  rygbt  waye. 
Jadresse,  prim.  conj.  Be  nat  afrayde.  If 
tbou  be  out  of  tbe  waye,  tbou  sbalte  be 
arrecled  :  naies  poynt  de  paour,  si  tu  es  hors 
du  chemyn ,  tu  seras  adressé. 

I  arecte,  I  impute  a  tbynge  to  a  person.  Je 
impute,  prim.  conj.  Tbougb  tbe  fatber  do 
amysse,  tbou  mayest  nat  arrccte  it  to  bis 
sonne  :  pour  tant  si  le  père  commet  quelque 
offence,  tu  ne  le  doys  poynt  imputer  a  son 

I  AREST  a  maa  to  bringe  bym  to  bayle.  Je  ar- 
reste,  prim.  conj.  Beware,  comc  nat  in  bis 
walke  lest  be  arrest  tbe:  gardes  toy  de  te 
trouuer  la  ou  il  hante,  de  paour  quil  ne  te 
face  arrester. 

I  arest,  I  tarye  or  pause.  Je  arreste,  prim. 
conj.  Rest  a  wbyle  and  ronne  a  niyle  : 
arrestez  vng  peu  et  courez  vue  lieue. 

I  ARYSE  out  of  my  bedde  or  from  tbe  place 
where  I  sytte  or  lye.  Je  me  liesue,je  me 
suis  liesué,  liesuer,  wbicbe  I  fynde  written 
je  me  leue,  suis  leué,  leuer,  vcrbum  mé- 
dium prim.  conj.  Gyve  me  warnynge 
wban  be  dotbe  aryse  :  faictez  moy  scauoyr 
quant  il  se  liesue.  Wbat  up ,  beavy  arse  , 
cannest  tliou  nat  aryse  :  sus,  cul  pesant, 
ne  te  peulx  tu  leuer  ? 

I  aryse ,  I  sette  myselfe  uprigbt ,  where  I 
laye  nfore  alonge.  Je  madresse  sur  mon 
séant.  I  can  nat  ryse  alone  wban  I  am 
layed  alonge  witbout  I  bave  some  body 
to  belpe  me ,  I  am  se  faite  :  je  sais  si  gras, 
que  je  ne  puis  poynt  dresser,  quant  je  suis 
couché  tout  plat,  si  je  nay  quelqun  pour 
me  aider. 

I  aryse  upon  my  fête.  Je  madresse  debout,  or 
je  madresse  sur  mes  picdz. 

I  aryse,  as  a  storme  dothe.  Je  obscure,  prim. 
conj.  I  se  a  storme  arysynge  yonder  in  the 
west  :  je  le  voys  obscurer  la  vers  le  vvest. 

I  aryse ,  as  marchaundyse  do  by  derthe.  Jen- 



chéris,  ja/  enchery,  enchérir,  sec.  conj.  ît 
is  marvaylc  to  se  howe  wheatc  is  aryssen 
within  this  moneth  :  cesl  rng  (jrant  mar- 
uaille  que  de  vojr  comment  le  ble  sest  enchery 
de  pais  vng  moys. 

I  ARïVE  or  corne  newiy  to  a  porte  by  see  or  to 
anolher  place.  Janine,  prim.  conj.  We 
were  arryved  at  tlie  portï  fourc  houres 
soner  than  we  loked  for  :  nous  estions  ar- 
riaez  au  port  quatlre  heures  plus  tost  que 
nous  ne  cuidions. 

I  ARTE,  I  conslrayne.  Je  constrains,  conjugale 
in  «I  constrayne».  I  maye  be  so  arcted 
that  I  shall  be  fayne  to  do  it  :  je  pourray 
tellement  estre  constraynt  qail  me  sera  force 
de  le  faire. 

I  ARTYCLE,  I  put  in  artycles  against  one.  Je 
article,  prim.  conj.  He  hath  artycled 
agaynst  you  other  wyse  than  you  w<>ne 
of  :  il  a  article  contre  vous  aultremenl  que 
vous  ne  pences. 


I  ASCENDE,  I  go  up  to  a  place.  Je  monte,  prim. 
conj.  I  can  nat  ascende  up  tliis  hyll ,  it  is 
so  stepe  :  je  ne  puys  poynt  monter  sur  ceste 
montaiyne,  elle  est  si  droycte. 

I  ASHAME  me.  Jahontys,  sec.  conj.  médium. 
He  shall  ncver  thrive  that  assbameth  with 
his  crafte  :  jamays  ne  fera  son  proujjit  qui 
se  ahonlist  de  son  mestier. 

I  ASCRïBE  that  is  bappened  to  a  man  or  laye 
tbe  cause  or  occasyon  of  any  thyng  to 
one.  Je  attribue,  prim.  conj.  I  ascrybe  the 
cause  of  bis  dethe  to  thy  ronnyng  awaye  : 
je  attribue  la  cause  de  sa  mort  a  tafayie. 

I  ascrybe  to  him  my  displeasures.  Je  luy  attri- 
bue mes  maulx  :  construitur  cum  dativo. 

I  ASCRYVE.  Je  attribue,  prim.  conj.  Thou  doest 
me  wronge  to  ascryve  the  cause  therof 
unto  me  or  any  of  myne  :  tu  me  fais  tort 
de  attribuer  la  cause  dtce<y  a  moy  ou  a  nul 
des  miens. 

I  ASKE  or  dcmaunde.  Je  demande,  prim.  conj. 
Aske  what  you  wyll  of  me  save  tbat  and 
you  sliall  hâve  it  :  demande:  ceu  que  vous 

voulez  de  moy  fors  que  cela,  et  vous  laurez. 

I  aske  hym.  Je  luy  demande ,  construitur  cum 
dativo.  And  in  this  sence  I  fynde  also  je 
interrogue,  prim.  conj.  Aske  hym  if  you 
byleve  nat  me  :  interroguez  lay  or  deman- 
dez luy  se  vous  ne  vous  fiez  poynt  a  moy. 

I  ASKRY,  as  foreriders  of  an  armye  do  their 
enemyes  whan  they  make  reporte  where 
they  bave  sene  tbem.  Je  desconures ,  con- 
jugate  lyke  bis  syniple  je  couures,  I  cover. 
Whose  Company  dyd  askry  tbem  firsl  : 
quelle  compaignie  estoyt  ce  qui  les  des- 
couuryl  primier,  or  a  qui  estoyt  la  compai- 
gnie  qui  les  descouuryt  primier? 

I  ASPYE  or  beholde  a  thynge.  Je  voys,jay  vea, 
veoyr,  conjugale  in  «I  se».  If  I  may  as- 
pye  him  ooes,  I  aske  no  more  :  îi  je  le  puis 
vne  foys  veoyr,  je  ne  demande  riens  plus. 
And  je  aparcoys,  apparceuons ,  je  appar- 
ceu3,jny  apparceu,  apparccueray ,  que  je 
apparcoyue,  apparceuoyi,  tort,  conj.  con- 
jugale in  «  I  perceyvc  ». 

I  aspye,  I  se  a  thyng  sodaynly  at  unwares 
that  I  loked  nat  for.  Je  choysys,  jay  choy- 
sy,  choysyr,  sec.  conj.  And  as  I  loked 
backe  I  aspied  bini  comynge  :  el  en  re- 
gardant derrière  moy ,  je  le  choysis  comme  y 
sen  venoyt. 

I  aspye  or  pcrceyve  oui  a  mater.  Jespie,  prim. 

I  ASSAYE,  I  prove.  Jessaye,  prim.  conj.,  and  in 
this  sence  I  fynde  also  je  prouue,  prim. 
conj.,  and  of  some  auctours ,  j'a/iprcuiie , 
prim.  conj.  If  il  wyll  please  you  to  assaye , 
you  sball  wete  :  sil  vous  playt  dessayer, 
vous  le  cognoystrez. 

I  ASSAYLE  myne  enemy,  I  set  upon  hym.  Je 
assaulx,  assaillons,  assailhs ,  jay  assailly, 
assauldray  and  assaillcray,  que  je  assaille, 
assaillys,  conjugal  lyke  his  symple  je 
saulx,  I  skyppe.  Dare  you  assayle  hym 
and  he  is  counted  so  perlous  a  man  :  lose- 
riez  vous  assaillyr  et  on  le  tient  pour  si  dan- 

I  ASSADTE,  I  assiège.  Je  assaulx,  sec.  conj. 
conjugale  in  «I  assayle».  They  assaylcd 


the  tonne  tbryse  on  a  daye ,  and  yet  ihey 

coolde  nat  get  it  :  Hz  assaillirent  la  ville 

iroys  foys  pour  vng  jour  et  encore  Hz  ne  la 

poauoyent  gaigner. 
I  ASSEGE ,  I  beset  a  towne  aboute ,  I  besiege.  Je 

mets  le  siège.  TLey  were  assieged  vu  mo- 

nethes  or  ever  tbey  wolde  yel  de  :  Hz  estoyent 

assiégez  sept  mojs  aaant  cjuHz  se  voulurent 

rendre.  I  beset  a  man  rounde  aboute.  Je 

assaalx  de  toutes  pars. 
I  ASSEMBLE  or  gather  togylher  men  or  tbynges. 

Jassemble.  And  in  tbis  sence  thev  use  je 

conuienStjay  conuenu,  conuenir,  tert.  conj. 

conjugale   lyle    bis   symple  je  viens,  I 

corne.  Whan   tbey  be  asscmblcd,   tban 

gyve  me  knowicdge  :  quant  Hz  se  sont  as- 
sembles, alors  Jajtes  le  mov  scuuoyr.  Tbey 

wyli  assemble  in  ibe  cbapiter  bouse  aboute 

nyne  of  the  clocle  :   Hz   conuiendront  au 

chapitre  enuiron  neuf  heures. 
1  assemble,  as  roisruled  persons  do  in  routes 

or  companyes.  Je  arroute ,   prim.  conj. 

Tbey  assemWed  in  companyes  and  beselte 

hym  rounde  aboute  in  bis  bouse  :  Hz  se 

arroutcrent  et  se  mirent  tout  a  lentoar  de  sa 

I  ASSENDE,  I  go  upwarde.  Jascens,  nous  ascen- 

dons ,  jascendys ,  juy  ascendu ,  jascenderay, 

que  jascende,  uscendre,  terl.    conj.  The 

cburcbe  bonoreth  tbe  fcest  of  the  Ascen- 

cion,  bycause  ourLorde  ascended  up  into 

hevyn  :  lesglisc  a  en  grant  reuerence  le  jour 

de  lAscension,  a  cause  que  noslrc  Seigneur 

Oicendit  aux  cieulx. 
I  iLMCNT  or  agrée  to  a  thynge.  Je  massens,  nous 

nous  assenions,  vous  vous  asseniez,  Hz  se 

assentent,  jassentys ,  jay  assenty ,  jassenty- 

ray,   que  jassenle,  assens,  assentir,  tert. 

conj.  But  I  fyndc  bym  often  used  lyke  a 

meaue  verbe,  as  je  le  veulx  bien.  Ifother 

men  assent  theruuto,  I  am  agreed  :  sy  les 

(mitres  y  assentent,  je  le  veulx  bien. 
i  ASSEBTAYNE,  I  certyfye  a  person  of  a  ibyng. 

Jassertayne,  prim.   conj.   There  can   no 

man  assertayne  you  of  tbe  thynge  better 

tban  he  can  :   nul  ne  vous  peult  miealx 

asserlayner  or  certifier  de   cela   que   luy. 

I  ASSIGNE,  I  apoyote  a  man  to  a  tbing.  Je  as- 
signe, prim.  conj.,  and  in  tbis  sence  I 
fyndc  Je  limite,  prim.  conj.,  but  tbat  is 
properly  in  boundes.  I  wyil  apoynte  hym 
where  hc  sball  iye  :jc  lassigneray  ou  cest 
quil  couchera.  I  wyil  assigne  bym  tbe 
boundes  bowe  farrc  be  shall  bave  frec 
cbase  :  je  luy  limiteray  ses  bondes  combien 
aaant  il  aura  sa  chasse  franche. 

1  ASSïSTE,  or  stande  by,  or  mayntaync  a  person 
in  doynge  of  a  dedc.  Jassisie,  prim.  conj. 
Be  nat  afrayde  man ,  for  I  wyli  assyste  the  : 
nayez  poynt  de  paour,  car  je  tassisleray. 

I  ASSOïLE  a  liardc  questyon.  Je  souh ,  nous 
soûlons,  je  soiHus,  jay  soulu,  je  souldray, 
que  je  soylle,  souldre,  tert.  conj.  Assoyle 
me  my  questyon,  and  I  shall  gyve  the  a 
payre  of  hosen  :  soûls  ma  demande  or  ma 
question,  et  je  le  donneray  vne  payre  de 

I  assoyle  from  synne.  Jassouls ,  nous  assoahns  , 
vous  asoullez,  assoulenl,  jassouls,  jay  as- 
soulu,  jassouldray,  que  jassoylle ,  assouls, 
assouïdre,  tert.  conj.  Wbiche  I  fynde  aiso 
written  absoalx,  witb  ah  byfore  s  thorowe 
ail  his  lenses.  Thou  artc  assoyled  as  well 
from  ihrifte  as  from  synne  :  (u  es  absolu 
aussi  bien  de  non jamays  Jayre  du  bien,  or 
ton  proajit  que  de  tes  péchez. 

I  ASPynE  to  promocion,  I  applye  ail  my  wytte 
and  busynesse  to  corne  to  a  promocion  or 
a  dignyte.  Jaspire,  prim.  conj.  He  aspyreth 
dayly  to  promocion  more  and  more  :  il 
aspire  a  promocion  de  plus  en  plus  tous  les 

1  ASTERIE,  I  shonne  or  avoyde  from  a  thyng. 
Je  euite,  prim.  conj.  and  je  eschicue,  prim. 
conj.  I  can  nat  astarte  from  him  ne  le 
puis  eschieuer  or  cui(fr. 

I  asterte,  I  escape.  Jeschappe,  prim.  conj. 

I  ASTONNE.  Je  estonne,  prim.  conj. 

I  ASTONYSSHE,  I  dull  one,  I  take  from  him  the 
quicknesse  of  his  wytte.  Je  bestourne,fiira. 
conj.  You  béate  hym  so  moche  about  the 
beed  tbat  you  astonyssbe  bym  :  vous  le 


battez  tant  sar  la  teste,  que  vota  le  hestourncz. 

1  astonisslic,  I  aniase  one  by  some  sodayne 
cbaunce.  Jestonne,  prim.  conj.  This  ad- 
venture  hatli  astonyssed  me  :  cesle  aJuen- 
ture  ma  estonné. 

I  astonysshe  with  a  stroke  upon  the  heed. 
Jestourdis ,  jay  eslourdy,  estoardir,  sec. 
conj.  He  was  haife  astonyed  with  the 
stroke  :  il  estoji  a  dcmy  eslourdy  de  ce  coup. 

I  ASTORE,  I  purvaye  of  thynges  necessary,  as 
vitayles  or  other  thinges.  Je  foysonne, 
prim.  conj.  This  house  is  astored  of  ail 
thinges  plentuousiy  :  ceste  mayson  estfoy- 
soiméc  de  toutes  choses. 

I  AsswAGE  or  I  apease  ones  anguysshe  or  his 
greife.  Je  ramollie,  prim.  conj.  And  in 
this  seuce  I  fynde  je  mitigue,  prim.  conj. 
construitur  cum  dativo.  I  shall  asswage 
tlie  anguysshe  of  his  leggc  :  je  luy  ramol- 
lierai  langoysse  de  sa  jambe. 

I  asswage  his  anger.  Je  luy  ramollie  son  cour- 
roux, and  in  this  sence  I  fynde  aiso  jas- 
souage,  prim.  conj.  But  properly  it  signy- 
fyeth  to  asswage  acLe  or  payne. 

I  asswage ,  I  abate.  Je  rabas,  I  abate  his  corage  : 
je  luy  rabas  son  courage. 

I  ASSUME,  I  take  upoQ  me.  Je  assume,  prim. 
conj.  To  assume  upon  the  this  greal 
charge,  I  bolde  oat  with  the  :  mays  pour 
assumer  vne  si  grant  charge  sur  loy  ,je  nay 
pas  tonjaicl  aduoué. 

I  ASSDBE,  I  promesse  or  make  faste  :  je  assure, 
prim.  conj.  You  shall  never  fynde  faulte 
in  me,  I  assure  you  :  jamays  ne  trouuerez 
faulte  en  moy,je  vous  en  assure. 

A    BYPOBE   T. 

I  ATTAYNE ,  or  gette ,  or  corne  by  a  thynge.  Jat- 
tayngs,  nous  altayngnons,  vous  altayngncz , 
ilz  altayngnent ,  jattaingnis,  jay  atlaynct, 
jattaindray,  que  jaltaingne,  altayngs,  at- 
taindre,  terl.  conj.  And  in  this  sence  I 
fynde  also  used  je  paruiens,  nous  parue- 
noiu,  vous  paraenez,  ilz  paruiennent,  je 
paruins ,  jay  paruenu ,  je  paruiendray,  que 
je  paruiegne,  paraenir,  tert.  conj.  conju- 



gâte  iike  bis  sympleje  viens,  l  come.  If 
ever  I  atlayne  my  purpose,  thou  shalte 
knowe  tliou  haste  done  amysse  :  si  jamays 
jattayns  a  mon  propos,  ta  congnoysteras 
auoyr  failty.  Whan  I  bave  attayned  my 
desyres,  1  wyll  passe  tlie  reste  of  my  lyfc 
in  quyete  :  quant  je  seray  paruenu  a  met 
desyrs,je  passeray  le  reste  de  mes  jours  en 

I  attayne  or  get  to  the  knowledge  of  a  barde 
mater  wilb  great  studye  and  labour  of  the 
mynde.  Juniors,  nous  amordons,  etc.,  con- 
jugate  lyke  his  symple  je  mars,  I  byte. 
I  study  tyll  my  braynes  ake  to  perceyve 
this  mater,  but  I  can  nal  attayne  to  it  : 
je  csladie  tant  que  le  cerueau  mefaict  mal 
pour  concepuoyr  ce  mystère ,  mays  je  ne  y 
pais  amordre. 

I  ATTAME,  I  make  tame  from  wildnesse  or 
tttate  ones  corage.  Je  dompte,  prim.  conj. 
He  was  as  wyldc  os  a  hucke ,  but  I  bave 
made  hym  as  attamed  as  a  Ïambe:  ilc, 
toyt  aussi  farouche  qung  dayn,  mays  je  lay 
fait  aussi  dompté  qung  aigneaa. 

I  ATTEïNT,  I  byt  or  touche  a  thyng.  Jattayngs, 
jay  attainct,  attaindre,  conjugate  in  «I 
•  attayne».  It  is  weli  ronne,  for  he  attayn- 
ted  hym  upon  tbe  myddes  of  the  belmet  : 
cesi  bien  coarru,  car  il  lattaygnyl  sur  le  my- 
lieu  de  son  heaulme. 

I  ATTE.MPER,je  attrempe,  fTim.  conj.  Attemper 
this  slronge  wyne  with  water  ;  attrempez 
ce  fort  vin  deaue. 

I  ATTEMPT,  I  cnterprise,  I  take  in  bande.  Je 
attempte,  prim.  conj.  This  is  nowe  the 
tbirde  mater  that  you  bave  attempted 
agaynst  me  :  voycy  mayntenant  la  tierce 
matière  que  vous  auez  attemptée  contré 

I  ATTENDE  my  busynesse.  Je  vacque  a  mes  af 
fayres,  jay  vacqai,  vacquer,  prim.  conj. 
Leavc  your  bablyng  and  attende  to  your 
busynesse  :  laissez  vostre  cacqaet  et  vacqaez 
a  voz  besoignes. 
I  attende  or  gyve  bede  to  a  tbing.  Je  donne 
garde,  jay  donné  garde,   donner   garde. 



prim.  CODJ.  And  je  prens  garde.  Attende 
upon  this  gentylman  and  se  he  wante  no- 
thynge  :  donne  garde  sur  ce  gentylhomme , 
el  aduisez  quil  nayt  faulie  de  rien.  I  shall 
attende  upon  hym ,  and  you  wyll ,  and  se 
tliat  he  go  nat  away  :  je  prendray  garde 
sur  laj,  si  vous  voulez  ,et  verray  quil  ne  aille 
nulle  part. 

I  ATTENUATE,  I  makc  thynnc.  Jatlenue,  prim. 
conj.  He  bath  atténuât  my  power  :  il  ma 
atténué  mon  pouuoyr. 

I  ATTiER ,  as  a  woman  is  attyred  with  sucbe  ha- 
bylementes  as  belonge  to  ber  heed.  Je  al- 
tourne,  prim.  conj.  Se  bowe  tbis  lady  hatb 
her  heed  very  weli  attyred  :  agardcz  com- 
ment ceste  dame  a  son  chiej fort  bien  at- 

I  attyer,  I  decke  with  any  other  apparayle.  Je 
habille,  prim.  conj.  Tbis  gentyl  woman 
wasnevcrso  rycheiy  attyred:  ceste  damuj- 
selle  ne  fatjaway^  ci  richement  habillée. 

I  atirybcte,  I  ascrybe  the  cause  of  a  mater 
to  one  cause  or  other.  Tattribue,  prim. 
conj.  You  eau  nat  attribute  it  to  me  tbat 
an  other  bath  done  you  wronge  :  vous  ne 
le  poaez  poynl  atlribaer  a  moy  que  vng  auUre 
vous  afaict  injure. 

A   BÏFORE   V.    ' 

I  AVALE,  as  the  waler  dothe  whan  itgoeth  downe- 
wardes  or  ebbeth.  Jauale,  prim.  conj. 
The  water  avaleth  a  pace  :  leaac  se  auale 
fort.  It  is  avalyng  water,  let  us  départe  : 
leaue  se  ctaale,  que  nous  allons. 

1  «vAYi.E  or  profyle.  Je  vauhc,  conjugate  afore 
in  >  I  am  wortbe  ».  And  in  tbis  sence  I 
fynde  &ho  jauantaige,  prim.  conj.  and  je 
proujite ,  pnai.  conj.  Itavayleth,  ilvault. 
Riens  ne  luy  valloyt  son  excuse  :  nothyng 
avayied  bis  excuse.  Al  this  avayleth  you 
notbynge  :  tout  cecy  ne  vous  vaull  riens.  It 
can  nat  avayle  you  parde  tboughe  you 
crye  never  so  loude  :  pourtant  si  vous  criez 
si  hault  que  vous  est  possible ,  cela  ne  vous 
peult  adaantaiger,oT cela  ne  vous pealt proaf- 
jiter  de  riens. 

I  AVAUNCE,  I  put  fortbe  or  set  forwarde  a 
thyng,  or  baste  a  mater.  Je  auance,  prim. 
conj.  The  nian  is  well  avaunced  nowe 
within  a  wbyle  :  Ihomme  est  1res  bien  auancé 
despuis  naguayres.  Avaunce  tbis  journey 
80  faste  as  you  may:  auancez  ceste  journée 
tant  que  vous  pouez. 

I  AVADNTAGE ,  juJaanfajc,  prim.  conj.  This  can 
nothyng  avauntage  you  :  cecy  ne  vous  peult 
en  riens  aaantaiger. 

I  AVADNTMunE,  I  make  a  wali  byfore  the  walles 
of  a  townc.  Je  auant  mare.  This  lowne  is 
strongely  avauntmured  :  ceste  ville  est  for- 
tement auaninmrèe. 

I  AVADNTE  or  boste  myselfe.  Je  me  vante,  ver- 
bum  médium  prim.  conj.  Thougb  you 
do  ever  so  many  good  dedes ,  you  lèse  your 
mede  if  you  avaunte  you  of  them  :  tant 
facier  V0U3  de  bonnes  oeuures,  vous  perdez 
vostre  mérite  si  vous  vous  vantez  de  les  aaoyr 

I  AOCTORiSE,  I  put  in  auctorile.  Jauctorise, 
prim.  conj.  A  man  is  nat  knowen  tyll  he 
be  auctorised  :  len  ne  peult  cognoystre  que 
cest  que  dang  homme jusques  a  tant  quil  soyt 
auctorisé.  The  clerke  tbat  you  name  is  nat 
yet  auctorised  :  le  clerc  que  vous  nommez 
ncst  pas  encore  auctorisé. 

I  AVENOE  me ,  I  take  vengeaunce  of  a  displea- 
sure  that  is  done  unto  me.  Je  me  reuenche, 
je  me  suis  reuenche,  reuencher,  verbum 
médium  prim.  conj.  I  shaii  avenge  me 
on  them  unto  the  childe  tbat  lyeth  in 
the  cradle  me  reaencheray  sur  ealx  jus- 
ques a  lenfant  qui  gist  au  bers. 

I  AVENTDRE,  I  geopardo  or  put  in  daunger. 
Jauenture,  prim.  conj.  I  dare  nat  aventure 
it  for  feare  of  the  great  mastyfe  :  je  ne 
lose  pas  aaenturer  de  paour  du  grant  mas- 

l  AVERTE,  I  take  bede  of  a  thyng.  J«  aduertis, 
jay  aduerty,  aduertir,  sec.  conj.  and  je 
prens  garde,  jay  prias  garde,  prendre  garde, 
conjugate  in  «I  take  bede».  Nowe,  my 
yonge  cbyldren,  if  yOB  wyl  avert,  you 
«bal  hâve  the  frenche  tonge  moch  more 



easely  than  men  had  afore  your  daycs  : 
or,  mes  petit  enfans,si  vous  voulez  adueriyr 
or  prendre  garde,  vous  aurez  la  langue  fran- 
coyse  beaucoup  plus  aisément  cjuon  ne  la 
poynt  eue  deuant  voz  jours. 

I  ATERTE,  I  tourne  away  a  thyng.  Je  détourne , 
prim.  conj.  Whan  God  averteth  his  face 
from  the  prayer  of  a  nacion ,  than  alj 
tbynges  go  to  mischefe  with  them  :  quant 
Dieu  détourne  sa  face  des  prières  daulcune 
nacion,  alors  toatez  leurs  chosez  vont  au 

I  AVEBTïSE,  or  shewe  or  warne  a  person  of  a 
thyng.  Jaduertis,  jay  aduerly,  aduerlir,  sec. 
conj.  Of  your  newes ,  I  praye  you  adver- 
tyse  me  in  ail  the  haste  possyblc  :  de  voz 
nouuelleSyje  vous  prie  de  men  aduertyr  en 
toute  haste  possible. 

I  AVEWE ,  I  take  syght  of  a  thing.  Jauise  or  je 
prens  la  veae.  VVho  shal  avewe  the  party- 
cion  of  thèse  landes  :  qui  auisera  a  la  par- 
ticion  de  ces  terres,  qui  prendra  la  veue  de 
la  particion  de  ces  terres  ? 

1  ADGHENT,  I  increase  a  thynge.  Jaugmente, 
prim.  conj.  He  hath  augmenled  our  pri- 
vyleges  twyse  as  great  as  they  were  be- 
fore  :  il  a  augmenté  noz  priuileges  double  au- 
tant quilz  estoyenl  parauant  or  pardeaant. 

I  AVTSE,  I  rede  or  counsayle.  Jaduise.  I  avyse 
you,  bewarehowe  you  fall  in  his  daunger: 
je  vous  aduise,  gardez  vous  de  tumber  en  son 

I  AUNTER ,  I  put  a  thyng  in  daunger  or  adven- 
lure.  Je  aduenture,  prim.  conj.  It  is  nat 
best  to  aunter  it  :  ce  nest  pas  le  plus  seur 
de  laduenturer. 

I  AVOYOE ,  I  shonne  a  thynge.  Je  escheue  or  je 
euile,  prim.  conj.  Never  bave  to  do  with 
hym ,  if  tbou  mayst  avoyde  bym  :  nayes 
jamays  a  faire  a  luy,  si  ta  le  peals  escheuer 
or  eailer, 

I  avoyde,  I  escape  from  any  harme  or  daun- 
ger. Jeschappe,  prim,  conj.  That  was  wel 
avoyded  :  cela  esloyt  bien  eschappé. 

I  avoyde,  as  water  dothe  that  ronneth  by  a 
gutter  or  synke.  Je  me  me  sais 

vuydè,  vuydcr,  prim.  conj.  Tbis  water 
avoydeth  nat  well  by  lykelyhod,  the  gout- 
ter is  nat  courrant  :  ceste  eaue  ne  se  vuyde 
pas  bien,  ilfault  dire  que  la  gouttière  nest 
pas  courrante. 

I  ATOWE ,  I  make  God  a  vowe ,  or  I  make  a  pro- 
messe to  God  or  to  somc  saynt.  Jauoue, 
prim.  conj.  or  aduoue.  Also  they  use  je 
fays  veu,  tafays  vea,  ilfuit  veu,  etc.,  as  I 
make  avowe  to  God  and  to  our  Lady  :  je 
fais  vea  a  Dieu  et  a  Nostre  Dame.  I  bave 
avowed  my  pylgryma'ge  unto  our  Lady  of 
Waisyngbam  :  jay  tulaoué  mon  pèlerinage  n 
Nostre  Dame  de  TValsingham. 

I  avowe ,  I  warrant  or  make  good ,  or  upboldc 
as  in  marchaundyse  or  sucbe  lyke.  Je 
pleuuis,  jay  pleuuy,  plemiir,  sec.  conj. 
Take  this  clothe  of  my  worde,  I  avowe  it 
for  good  :  prenez  ce  drap  sur  ma  parolle ,  je 
le  pleuuys  pour  bon. 


I  AWAïTE,  I  lye  in  wayte  of  a  person  to  niarkc 
what  be  dothe  or  sayeth.  Je  aguayte,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  me  tiens  en  aguayt,  je  me  suis 
tenu  en  aguayt,  tenir  en  aguayt,  conjugate 
in  •  I  bolde  i.  Haste  thou  awayted  me  tbis 
tourne:  mas  ta  aguayté  ce  tour?  Let  him 
awayte  bardely,  for  whan  he  thynketh 
leste,  be  may  happe  to  be  taken  sieper: 
quil  se  tienne  sur  son  guayt  or  quil  se  tienne 
en  aguayt,  car  quant  il  pence  le  moyns,  on 
le  surprendra  par  aduenture  en  dormant, 

1  awayte  upon  one  to  do  bym  servyce.  Je  baille 
attendance ,  prim.  conj.  Howe  longe  bave 
you  waytcd  upon  this  man  :  combien  auez 
vous  baillé  attendance  sur  cest  homme  cy? 

I  awayte  ,  I  tarye  for  one.  Je  attens,  conjugate 
in  je  tens,  I  bende.  I  bave  awayted  hère 
for  you  this  boure  :  je  vous  ay  icy  attendu 
vne  heure. 

I  AWAKE  out  of  my  slepe.  Je  me 
suis  esueillé,  esueiller,  verbvmn  médium 
prim.  conj.  But  I  fynde  bym  used  as  verbe 
actyve ,  as  pour  largent  on  lesaeille.  I  fynde 
also  je  desueille,  prim.  conj.  I  awake  every 



night  juste  about  niydnyght:jc  me  esueille 
toatez  les  nuycfz  juste  enuiron  mynuyct.  1 
dare  nat  awake  hym ,  for  it  is  nat  yel  an 
hour  sythe  he  layde  hym  to  slepe  :  je  ne 
lose  poynt  esueiller,  car  il  nest  pas  encore 
vne  heure  qail  se  mist  a  dormir. 

I  AWE,  I  bring  in  subjection.  Je  subjecte,  prim. 
conj.  This  marchaunt  was  very  haute  at 
the  begynnyng,  but  he  is  awed  wcll  ynough 
nowe  :  ce  gcillant  esfoyt  tropjier  au  commen- 
cement, majs  il  est  assez  suhjecié  maynlenant. 

I  AWGMENT,  I  encrease.  Je  augmente,  prim. 
conj.  I  bave  awgmenled  his  iyvelode  a 
c  li.  by  yere,  and  he  conneth  me  no 
tbanke  ;  je  luj  ay  augmenté  ses  reuenues 
dung  cent  Hures  par  an,  encore  ne  me  scait 
il  poynt  de  gré, 
AWME,  I  gesse  by  juste  measure  to  hytte  or 
touche  a  thyng.  Je  esme,  prim.  conj.  and 
je  prens  mon  esme,  jay  prias  mon  esme, 
prendre  mon  esme ,  conjugate  ia  je  prens, 
I  take.  I  wyil  awme  to  hytte  yonder  bucke 
in  the  paunche  :  je  esmeray,  or  je  prendray 
mon  esme  de  frapper  ce  dayn  la  a  la  pance. 

I  AWNSWERE  to  a  questyon.  Je  respons,  conju- 
gate afore  in  «lanswere».  I  can  nat  ans- 
were  you ,  you  be  to  full  of  wordes  for  me  : 
je  ne  vous  puis  respondre,  vous  auez  trop  de 
parolles  pour  moy. 

A    BYFORE   X. 

I  AXE  or  demaunde  a  thynge.  Je  demande, 
prim.  conj.  nothyng  in  your  prayers, 
but  tbat  that  is  iefull  :  ne  demandez  rien 
en  voz  prières ,  forsifue  ceu  qui  est  licite. 

6    BTFORE   A. 

I  BAAKE  a  batcbe  of  breed  in  an  oven.  Je  four- 
nie, prim.  conj.  Hâve  you  baken  your 
breed  yet  :  auez  vous  fournie  encore  ? 

I  baake  a  pastye  or  any  suche  lykc  thynge.  Je 
cuis,  nous  cuisons,  vous  cuisez ,  Hz  cuysent, 
je  caysis,jay  cuyt,je  cayray,  que  je  cuyse, 
que  je  cuysisse ,  cuys,  cuyre.  This  pastye  of 
pygions  is  nat  baken  ynoughe  :  ce  pasti  de 
pigeons  nest  pas  assez  cait. 

I  BAÂRE,  I  uncovcr  a  thynge  or  mako  it  bare. 
Je  denue,  prim.  conj.  and  je  descouuers, 
conjugate  iyke  his  sympie,  je  couuers,  1 
cover.  What  barcst  thou  hîs  arse,  wcncsl 
thou  he,  hâve  an  eye  there  to  se  wilh  : 
que  demies  tu  or  descouuers  tu  son  cul,  pen- 
ces ta  quil  ayt  la  vng  oeylpour  regarder? 

I  BASTE  mpate  as  it  is  in  rostyng  at  the  fyre. 
Je  larde,  prim.  conj.  And  a  conny  be  nat 
well  basted,  it  is  but  a  drye  meate  ;  si  vng 
connyn  ne  soyt  bien  lardé,  ce  nest  qune  sei- 
che viande. 

l  baste  a  garment  with  threde.  Je  bastys,  jay 
basty,  bastyr,  sec.  conj.  This  dublet  was 
nat  well  basted  at  the  first,  and  that 
maketh  it  to  wrinkie  thus:  ce  pourpoynt 
nestoyt  pas  bien  basty  au  commencement ,  et 
cest  cela  que  le  fait  ainsi  froncer. 

I  BABYLL,  I  cialter,  I  am  full  of  wordes.  Je 
babille,  prim.  conj.  and  in  this  sence  I 
fydde  alsoj'e  râtelle,  prim.  conj.  I  fynde 
aiso  je  quucquette,  prim.  conj.  This  felowe 
babylleth  more  than  his  parte  cometh  to  • 
ce  compaignon  babille,  râtelle,  or  quacquette 
plus  que  ne  vient  a  sa  part. 

I  BACKE,  I  make  the  bake  of  a  knyfe  or  sworde 
or  other  toole.  Jendosse,  prim.  conj.  This 
sworde  is  well  backed  :  cest  espée  est  bien 

I  BACKEBYTE  or  sclaundre.  Je  diffame,  prim. 
conj.  and  in  this  sence  I  fynde  je  remorde, 
prim.  conj.,  though  mordre  be  of  the 
thirde  conjugacion.  I  knowe  nat  a  greater 
faute  than  to  backbyte  a  man  :  je  ne  scay- 
che  plus  grant  crime  que  de  diffamer  vne  per- 
sonne or  que  de  remorder. 

I  BAGGE,  as  a  doe  dothe  that  is  with  faune 
and  suche  Iyke.  Je  suis  emprainct.  Se  howc 
yonder  doe  is  bagged  :  agardez  comment 
ceste  dayn  est  emprayncle. 

I  BAïE,  I  barke,  as  a  dogge  or  hounde  dothe. 
Jaboye,  prim.  conj.  This  hounde  bayelh 
at  som what  :  ce  chycn  aboyé  a  quelque  chose. 

I  BAïNE,  I  bathe  in  water  or  in  a  bathe.  Je 
baigne,  prim.  conj,  It  is  holsome  somtyme 
tobayneone:  il  est  sayn  parfoysde  se  baigner. 


I  BATTE  a  beare  or  a  horce  or  any  other  beest 
with  dogges.  Je  tienne,  prim.  conj.  I  ne- 
ver  sawe  beare  better  bayted  in  my  iyfe  : 
jamajs  a  ma  vie  ne  vis  mieulx  venner  vng 

I  bayte  a  hoke  to  take  fysshe.  Je  amorse,  prim. 
conj.  Tbis  boke  h  nat  weli  bayted  to 
calche  roches  with  :  cest  hamasson  nest 
pas  trop  bien  amorcé  pour  prendre  des  gaer- 

I  bayte  myne  eares  (Lydgate) ,  I  appiye  thera 
to  herken  a  thynge.  Je  embats,  conjugale 
iyke  je  bas,  I  béate. 

I  bayte  a  horse  or  I  bayte  at  an  inné,  as  a 
man  whan  he  journayeth.  Je  repais,  ta 
repais,  il  repaist,  nous  repaissons,  vous 
repaissez,  Hz  repaissent,  je  repeus,jay  repea, 
je  repaislray,  que  je  repaisse,  que  je  re- 
pensse,  repais,  repaislre,  tert.  conj.  Tell 
me  where  you  wyll  bayte,  that  I  raay  aske 
for  you  at  yoiir  inné  :  dictez  moy  ou  cest 
que  vous  voulez  repaistre,  que  je  puise  de- 
mander pour  vous  a  vostre  hostellerie. 

I  BALLE ,  as  a  curre  dogge  dothe.  Je  hurle,  prim. 
conj.  and  in  this  scnce  I  fyndcj'e  detracle, 
prim.  conj.  VVhat  a  ballyng  this  curre 
maketh,  he  hath  balled  thus  almost  al 
night  :  quel  hurlement  fait  ce  maaldict 
chien,  il  a  aynsi  harlé  presque  toute  la  nuici. 

I  BANDE  a  garment  or  a  maser,  or  any  suche 
Iyke.  Je  bende,  prim.  conj.  Bande  your 
jacket,  it  shall  be  slrongar,  and  it  is  a 
good  syght  ;  bandés  vostre saton,  il  seraplus 
fort,  et  il  fait  beau  veoyr. 

I  bande  myselfe  or  take  parte  in  a  mater  with 
a  Company.  Je  me  bende,  je  me  suis  hendi, 
bender,  primt  conj.  and  je  me  ralye ,  je 
me  sais  ralyè,  ralyef,  prim.  conj.  I  muse 
at  it  to  se  howe  he  bandeth  hymselfe  with 
your  encmyes  :  il  méfait  penser  que  de  voyr 
comment  il  se  bende  avec  voz  ennemys.  He 
bandeth  with  tbcm  tliat  wyll  forsake 
bym ,  whan  he  hath  most  nede  :  i7  se  ralie 
a  eulx  qui  labandoneront ,  quant  il  aura  le 
plus  grant  mestier. 

I  BANKET  after  meates  or  I  baunte  bankettes. 


Je  bancquette,ipTim.  conj.  Let  us  go  banket 
at  my  lordes  bouse  :  allons  bancquetter  a  la 
mayson  monseignieur. 

I  BANTSsnE  a  chylde  within  âge  out  of  his  fa- 
thers  house.  Je  émancipe,  prim.  conj.  The 
ungracyouse  boye  is  so  kursed  that  his 
father  hath  banysshed  hym  out  of  his 
bouse  :  le  maaldict  garçon  est  si  mauluays, 
que  son  père  la  emancypé  et  luy  a  dépendu 
sa  mayson. 

I  banysshe  a  persone  out  of  his  countrey  or 
from  the  présence  of  a  body.  Je  bannys, 
jay  banny,  banayr,  sec.  conj.  The  kyng 
hath  banysshed  bym  out  of  his  reaime , 
and  ceased  ail  fais  goodes  :  le  roy  la  banny 
hors  de  son  royaulme  et  a  confisqué  or  saisy 
tous  ses  biens. 

I  BAPTYSE,  I  crysten  at  the  fonte.  Je  baptise, 
prim.  conj.  Christe  was  baptysedby  saynte 
Johan  in  the  ryver  of  Jordan  :  Christ  fust 
baptisé  par  monsyeur  suinct  Jehan  aujleaae 

I  BARBE,  as  a  forked  arowe  is  barbed  or  any 
suche  edged  thynge.  Je  barbelé,  prim. 
conj.  This  arrowe  is  barbed ,  it  wyll  make 
a  gret  wounde  :  ceste  flèche  est  barbelée , 
elle  fera  vne  grant  playe. 

I  BARDE  a  horse ,  as  men  of  armes  do.  Je 
barde,  prim.  conj.  Theirhorses  were  bar- 
ded  for  feare  of  arrowe  sliolte  :  leurs  che- 
aaulx  estoyent  bardez  de  paour  du  trayct  des 

I  BABGEN,  I  chepe,  I  bye  and  sell.  Je  mar- 
chande, prim.  conj.  I  fynde  aiso  je  ber- 
guygne  and  je  aconucnance ,  prim.  conj.  I 
never  bargayned  with  no  man  but  I 
wolde  we  sbulde  bothe  be  contented  :  je 
ne  marchanday,  or  je  ne  berguygnay  jamays 
a  nalluY  que  je  ne  voulsisse  que  nous  fuis- 
sions tous  deux  contens. 

I  BARKE,  as  a  dogge  dothe.  Jaboye,  prim.  conj. 
1  fynde  also  in  this  sencej'e  latre,  prim. 
conj.  This  dogge  barketh  agaynste  the 
moone  :  ce  chien  aboyé,  or  ce  chien  latre 
contre  la  lune. 

I  barke  a  trec ,  or  pyll  of  the  rynde  of  barke  of 



it.  Jescorche,  prim.  conj.  Ile  is  a  fooie 
that  wyll  sell  his  okes  for  fuell  a  fore  tbey 
be  barked  :  il  nest  qaïuj  fol  qui  veult  vendre 
ses  chesnes  pour  en  faire  du  Juaille  auanl 
quil  les  escorche. 

I  BARRE  a  doore  or  wyndowe  wilh  a  barre  or 
leaver.  Je  barre,  prira.  conj. 

I  barre  or  bynde  a  thyng  with  barres  of  yron. 
Je  barre,  prim.  conj.  Barre  fast  tbe  dore, 
lelte  no  man  come  in  :  barrez  lliuis  bien 
serré  que  nul  nentre.  Hc  hath  barred  bis 
wyndowes  witb  yron  in  stede  of  iattesses: 
[7  a  barré  ses  fenestres  de  fer  en  lieu  de 

J  BARTER,  I  cbaunge  ware  for  ware.  Je  change, 
prim.  conj.  And  in  lyke  sence  I  fynde  used 
jentrcchange ,  prim.  conj.  I  fynde  aiso  used 
in  tbis  sence ,  wbicbe  is  most  proper,  je 
trocqae,  Irocquer,  prim.  conj.  I  fynde  also 
in  tbis  sence  je  marchande,  prim.  conj. 
It  is  a  comen  feate  of  marcbaunles  to 
barter  ware  for  ware  :  cesl  vng  commun 
faict  des  marchans  qae  de  irocquer  marchan- 
dise pour  marchandise. 

l  BASSHE,  I  am  amased  or  astonyssbed.  Je  me 
desmaye,  je  suis  desmayé,  desmayer,  ver- 
bum  médium  prim.  conj.  Basshe  nat, 
man,  for  bis  wordes,  if  tbou  bc  clere  al  is 
safe  ynougb  :  ne  te  desmayes  pour  ses  pa- 
rolles,  si  tu  nés  pas  coulpable  tout  va  bien. 

I  BASKE,  I  batbe  in  water  or  any  lycour.  Je 
haiijne,  prim.  conj.  (Lydgate). 

I  BASSE  or  kysse  aperson.  Je  baise,  prim.  conj. 
Basse  bis  arce  and  scnde  me  borne  tbe 
paxe  :  baisez  son  cul  et  menuoyes  la  paix  a 
la  maison. 

I  BATE,  I  alowe  of  a  rekenynge  or  of  accompl. 
jabas,  conjugate  afore  in  «abalea.  Wbal 
wyll  you  bâte  and  I  wyll  take  ail  togytber: 
combien  me  vouliez  vous  abalre  et  je  prcn- 
dray  tout  ensemble. 

I  bâte  ones  courage  or  bringe  lowe  his  berte. 
Jabaisse,  prim.  conj.  I  sball  bâte  your 
pratynge  and  I  lyve  :  je  vous  abaisseray 
vostre  cacquet  si  je  vis. 

1  bâte  as  a  bauke  dotbe.  Je  bats,  conjugate  bere 

aller  in  «  I  bete  ».  Tbis  bauke  baleth  sore  : 
cest  oyseau  se  bat  fort. 

1  BATHE  or  wasslie  my  selfe  in  water.  Je  baigne, 
prim.  conj.  In  tbe  sommer  it  is  a  great 
plcasure  to  batbe  one  in  a  fayre  ryver  :  en 
temps  deslé  cest  vnçj  grant  plaisyr  qae  de  se 
baigner  en  vne  belle  riuiere. 

I  BATTAïLE,  jc  bataille  or  je  combas,  combalre. 
The  Troyans  and  tbe  Grekes  dyd  hatayle 
togytber  tenne  yeres  :  les  Trojans  et  les 
Grecz  bataillèrent  ensemble  dix  ans. 

I  BAUïDï  or  fyie,  or  soyle  with  any  fyltbe.  Je 
souylle,  prim.  conj.  Tbis  boy  must  bave 
bis  arme  stryken  of  witb  the  churcbe  dore 
keye,  bycause  be  hath  baudyed  his  slevcs 
on  this  facyon  ;  i7  fault  quon  couppc  le 
bras  a  ce  garçon  de  la  clef  de  la  porte  de 
lesglise  a  cause  qail  a  aynsi  soyllé  ses 

1  BAWME,  I  anoynt  with  bawme.  Je  enbausme, 
prim.  conj.  Whan  a  medicyn  is  bawmed 
it  hath  a  slronge  savour  :  quant  vne  méde- 
cine est  embaulmée  elle  sent  fort. 


Be  as  be  maye.  Vaille  que  vaille.  We  two  be 
ail  one  :  cest  tout  vng  qae  de  nous  deux. 

1  BEAssnïE,  I  fyle  with  asshes.  Je  enccndre.  You 
bave  beasshed  your  glovcs  :  vous  auez  en- 
cendré  voz  gans. 

I  BEACLTïFiE,  I  make  fayre.  Je  beaaltifie,  prim. 
conj.  and  in  this  sence  I  fynde  jembcllis, 
jay  embelly,  embellir,  sec.  conj.  The  Spay- 
nysshe  aparell  heautyfyeth  a  yonge  wo- 
man  very  moche  :  laltoar  dEspaigne  em- 
bellyt  or  beaaltifie  vne  jeune  femme  beau- 

I  BECKE.  Je  pointe  ou  fais  signe.  He  bccked  at 
me,  but  I  wyste  nat  wbat  he  ment  :  il  me 
fist  signe,  mays  je  ne  scaaoye  que  cestoyt 
quil  vouloyt  dire. 

I  BGCKEN  witb  the  beed  to  gyve  one  warnyuge 
of  a  thynge.  Je  fais  signe  de  la  teste,  tu  fais 
signe,  il  fait  signe,  etc.,  and  in  tbis  sence 
I  fynde  also,  je  soigne ,  jay  scigné ,  seigner, 
prim.  conj.  It  dyd  me  more  good  than  if 



one  had  gyvcn  me  twcnty  pounde,  tliat 
the  kyng  dyd  bccken  on  me  with  his 
heed,  as  lie  passed  by  me  to  daye  :  il  me 
fist  plus  granl  bien  que  si  vny  meust  donné 
vingt  limes  que  le  roy  me  fist  signe  de  la 
tesle  ainsi  quil  passa  par  dcuant  moy  au- 

I  BECLAPPE  or  BETRAPPE,  or  take  in  a  snare.  Je 
prens  en  vng  las  or  je  attrappe. 

It  BECOMETH,  it  becomclh  as  a  garment  or 
countenaunce  or  any  maner  or  condycion 
bccometb  a  person  and  maketh  bym  more 
commendablé  to  the  eye  or  eare.  //  siet, 
il  seoytj  il  seyt,  il  a  sye,  il  auoyl  sye,  il 
syera,  quil  sye,  quil  seysl,  quil  ayt  sye, 
quil  eust  sye,  quil  aura  sye,  il  syeroyt,  il 
aaroyt  syé,  sye,  seyr,  as  it  becometh  bym 
weil  ;  il  luy  siet  bien.  And  of  this  verbe  I 
spake  in  the  seconde  boke,  as  et  moult 
bien  lay  seoyt.  And  in  ibis  sence  I  fynde 
aiso  il  adulent,  il  a  aduenu,  aduenir,  con- 
jugale in  »  it  bappencth  ». 

It  becometb,  as  a  garment  becometh  one.  // 
siet.  This  bonet  becometh  you  very  well  : 
ce  bonet  vous  siet  fort  bien. 

It  becometh,  as  a  countenaunce  or  condycion 
becometh  one.  //  adaient.  This  counte- 
naunce becometh  hyni  as  well  as  of  any 
mau  that  ever  I  sawe  :  sa  contenance  lay 
adulent  aussi  bien  que  a  homme  que  je  ris 
jamays;  conslruitur  cuni  dativo,  bothe  il 
siel  and  il  adaient. 

I  BECOME,  I  waxe,  as  I  bccome  relygiouse  ;  I 
become  a  good  synger  or  any  other  suche 
thyng.  Je  deuiens,  nous  dcuenons,  vous  de- 
uenez,  ils  deuiennent,  je  deuins,  jay  de- 
uenu,  je  deuiendray,  que  je  deaiengne,  que 
je  dcuinsse,  deuins,  dcuenir,  tert.  conj.  Con- 
jugale lyke  his  symple  je  viens,  I  corne. 
Sythe  whan  is  it  that  you  are  bycome  so 
hoiy  a  man  :  despuis  quant  est-ce  que  vous 
estez  deucnu  si  sainct  homme?  But  for  so 
mocho  as  it  is  al  one  to  say  n  1  waxe  angry, 
«I  waxesory,  I  waxe  wysc,  I  waxe  folys- 
«she»  and  ni  become  angryc,  l  become 
" sory,  I  become  wyse,  I  become  folysshc  t, 

so  often  as  any  suche  verbe  cometh ,  letle 
the  lerner  loke  in  «I  waxe»,  for  there  he 
shall  fynde  one  worde  of  the  seconde 
coDJugacion  tbal  shall  countrevayle  both 
f  waxe  and  I  become  and  the  adjectyve 
folowyng,  and  it  is  ail  one  in  frenche  to 
use  the  one  or  the  other,  but  if  a  subs- 
tantyve  folowe  ibem,  ever  use  je  deuiens, 
as  I  become  a  foie  deuiens  fol. 

It  becometh ,  it  happenelh ,  it  chaunseth.  Il  ad- 
ulent, conjugale  hère  aller  in  «il  happe- 
•  neth  ». 

I  BE  DAGGE ,  I  araye  a  garment  aboute  the  skyr- 
tes  with  myre.  Je  crotte,  prim.  conj.  In 
dede ,  damoysell ,  you  be  daggcd  :  en  vérité, 
damoyselle,  vous  estes  crottée. 

I  BKDEWE,  I  wete  or  sprinkyll  with  dewe.  Je 
cnrouse,  prim.  conj.  In  Aprill  it  is  a  plea- 
saunt  syght  to  se  the  yonge  herbes  bede- 
wed  :  en  Apuiyl  il  fait  beau  leoyr  comment 
les  herbetles  sont  enrousées. 

I  BEDCSTE,  I  arrayc  with  duste.  Je  empouldrr. 

You  bave  bedusled  your  shoes  :  vous  auez 
empouldré  voz  soulliers. 

II  BEFALLETji,  it  happenelh.  //  adulent,  conju- 

gale in  «it  happenelh».  Il  befell  upon  a 
daye  :  il  aduint  a  vngjoar. 

I  BEFïLE  with  dusie.  Jenpouldre. 

I  befyle  with  asshes.  Jencendre.  You  bave  be- 
fyled  your  boscu  with  duste  and  you  bave 
bf'fouled  vour  cappe  with  asshes  :  vous 
auez  empouldré  voz  chausses  et  encendré 
vostre  bonnet. 

I  BEGET,  as  a  man  or  other  beest  begetlelh 
other  lyke  in  kynde  unlo  ihem.  Jengcn- 
dre,  prim.  conj.  He  hath  be  maryed  lo 
his  wy  fe  xxni  yeres ,  and  he  hath  begotten 
upon  lier  xxii  chyldre  :  il  a  esté  ntaryé  a 
sa  femme  vingt  et  Iroys  ans,  et  a  engendré 
en  elle  vingt  et  deux  enfans. 

I  beget  a  wuman  with  cbylde.  Jengrosse,  prim. 
conj.  VVotlesl  tliou  vvho  hath  begotten 
her  with  cbylde  :  scays  tu  qui  la  engrossée. 

I  beget  a  cbylde.  Je  fais  vng  enfant,  ta  fait  vng 
enfant,  il  fait  vng  enfant,  etc.  Is  it  nat  a 
wonder  to  se  a  boye  do  suche  a  dede ,  I 



went  he  had  nat  ben  abyll  to  begette  a 
cbylde  :  nest  ce  pas  vng  grant  cas  que  de 
veojr  vng  garçon  faire  vng  tel  tour,  je  ne 
penceye  pojnt  quil  eustsceufayre  vng  enfant. 

I  BEGGE  for  a  cburche  or  any  othcr  person 
that  bath  had  a  losse  or  sucbe  lyke.  Je 
qaesle,  prim.  conj.  I  begge  for  the  guyide 
of  saynt  Anthonye  queste  pour  la  con- 
frajrie  de  sujnt  Anlhojne. 

I  begge,  as  a  begger  dothe  from  doore  to  doorc. 
Je  belistre;  prim.  conj. For  which  in  fayrer 
termes  tbey  use  :  Je  demande  pour  Dieu, 
jay  demandé  pour  Dieu,  demander  pour 
Dieu.  Also  I  fynde  in  tbis  sence  je  mendie, 
prim.  conj.  I  fynde  alsoj'e  coquine,  prim. 
conj.  Hâve  I  nat  sene  tbe  begge  from 
doore  to  doore,  and  nowe  thou  arte  as 
prowde  as  if  tbou  were  a  iorde  :  tay  je 
poynt  veu  blistrer  or  coquiner  dhujs  en  hujs 
et  may  Menant  ta  es  aussi  fer  comme  se  ta 
fussez  vng  seignieur,  I  bave  sene  bym  a 
tbryfty  man  or  nowe ,  and  nowe  be  is 
compelled  to  begge  layveu  deaant  ceste 
heure  bien  riche,  et  maynienant  il  est  cons- 
traynt  de  demander  pour  Dieu. 

I  BEGYLE,  1  disceyve.  Je  trompe,  prim.  conj. 

I  begyle  by  craftes  and  wyles.  Je  rase,  prim. 
conj.  and  in  olde  Romant  je  lobe,  prim. 
conj.  I  fynde  also  in  tbis  sence  jajjînc, 
prim.  conj.  He  bcgyleth  no  mo  thao  hc 
medietb  with  :  il  ne  trompe  non  plus  de 
gens  que  ceutx  a  que  il  a  affaire.  He  wyll 
begyle  tlie  by  sleyghtes  ;  (7  te  rusera.  Thou 
arle  nat  wyiye  ynoughe  to  begyle  bym  : 
te  nés  pasfyn  assez  de  laffiner.  And  je  bar- 
ratie,  prim.  conj.  Komant.  I  fynde  also 
je  boulle,  prim.  conj.  Romant.  1  fynde 
also  je  caulelle,  prim.  conj.  and  jenguyne, 
prim.  conj.  But  je  lobe  ,  je  baratte  and  je 
boule,  be  olde  Romant  wordes  and  nowe 
waxe  out  of  use,  with  bis  wylcs  be  begy- 
ietb  the  :  par  ses  cautelles  il  te  caulelle. 

I  begyle  by  fayre  wordes.  Je  suborne,  prim. 
conj.I  bad  went  to  begyle  bym,  but  be 
halh  begyled  me  :  je  le  cuidoye  tromper, 
mays  il  ma  suborné. 

I BEGYN  awarke  or  any  tbyng.  Je  commence,  prim. 
conj.  and  on  commence.  I  fynde  often  also 
used  in  this  sence  the  tenscs  oCjeprens, 
whose  conjugatyng  dotbe  herafler  apere  in 
ai  take»,  put  byfore  the  infjnityve  mode 
ofother  verbes  betokenyng  passion  of  the 
mynde  or  body,  as  I  began  to  wepe  :  je 
me  prins  a  plourer.  He  sball  begyn  to  waxe 
angrye  :  il  se  prendra  a  munir.  And  ihey 
began  to  smyle  :  et  itz  se  prindrent  a  soubz- 
rire.  Il  se  prendra  a  donner  garde  a  ses 
besoignes  :  he  wyll  begyn  to  take  beed  of 
bis  busynesses;  usynge  je  prens  as  though 
be  were  a  meane  verbe.  But  in  this  sence 
I  fynde  bym  for  the  niost  parte  used  in 
tbe  indycatyve  mode  onely,  and  for  the 
présent  tence  of  je  prens,  in  this  sence 
tbey  use  the  présent  tence  of  je  men  vas, 
as  he  hegynncfh  to  wepe  ;  il  sen  va  plou- 
rer. He  begynnetb  to  dye  :  il  sen  va  mourir. 
But  of  thèse  propertics  of  the  tonge  I 
bave  spoken  in  my  tbirde  booke  at  lengtb. 
I  fynde  also  in  this  sence  j'enfomCj  as  who 
shal  begyn  the  justes  :  qui  entamera  le  pas  ? 
prim.  conj. 

I  begyn  a  thyng  agayne.  Je  renouuelle  or  re- 
commence, prim.  conj.  This  mischiefe  be- 
gynnelh  agayne  :  ce  meschief  se  renouuelle, 
or  se  recommence.  He  bath  begon  agayne 
the  olde  customes  ;  i7  a  renouuelle  les  vieuLc 

I  BEHAVE  or  demcane,  as  I  bebave  me  weii.  Je 
me  porte  bien.  She  behaved  lier  so  well 
that  it  was  a  wonder  :  elle  se  portoyl  si 
bien  que  mcruuilles.  I  bave  behaved  me 
well  :  je  me  suis  bien  porté,  verbum  mé- 
dium prim.  conj.  I  fynde  also  in  tbis  sence 
je  me  couliens,  je  me  suis  contenu,  conlenir, 
verbum  médium,  conjugatelyke  bis  simple 
je  tiens,  I  holde.  I  fynde  also  je  me  dé- 
mené, je  me  suis  démené,  démener,  verbum 
médium  prim.  conj.  He  behaveth  bym 
ryght  substancially  in  bis  offyce  :  il  se 
porte  or  il  se  contient  or  demene  très  saige- 
ment  en  son  ojfice. 

I  BEHEED  a  man.  Je  décolle,  prim.  conj.  But  I 



fynde  more  used  je  coa/ipe  la  teste,  as  I 
hâve  eut  of  his  heed ,  or  I  hâve  beheeded 
him  :  je  luj  aj  couppé  la  teste.  I  fynde  also 
je  décapite,  prim.  conj.  he  was  beheeded 
the  iaste  weke  :  i(  fast  décollé  or  décapité, 
or  on  lai  couppa  la  teste  la  sepmaine  passée. 

l  BEHEST,  I  promesse.  Je  prometz,  conjugale 
herafter  in  ol  promesse».  He  behested 
liym  many  great  thynges  :  (/  luj  promjst 
maintes  tjrans  choses. 

I  BEHTGBT,  I  promesse.  Je  promets,  conjugate 
in  «  I  promesse  ».  Behyght  hyra  fayrc  howe 
so  ever  thou  paye  hym  :  promettez  fort 
comment  quil  aille  du  payer. 

I  BRHOLDE,  I  loke  upon  a  tbyng  with  myne 
eyen.  Je  regarde,  jay  regardé,  regarder, 
prim.  conj.  In  wliicbe  sence  I  fynde  also 
je  spécule,  jay  spéculé,  spéculer,  prim. 
conj.  I  fynde  also  je  aduise ,  jay  adaisé, 
aduiser,  prim.  conj.  I  fynde  also  in  this 
sence  je  cerne,  jay  cerné,  cerner,  prim. 
conj.  It  is  a'  great  pytie  to  beholde  hym  : 
cest  vne  grant  pitié  que  de  le  regarder.  Who 
can  beholde  a  thynge  foure  myle  of  :  qui 
est  celuy  qui  peult  cerner  vne  chose  a  quatre 
lieux  loing? 

I  beholde  me  in  a  glasse.  Je  me  remire,  je  me 
suis  remiré,  remirer,  prim.  conj.  It  is  a 
goodly  syght  to  se  an  olde  ryddylled 
queene  to  beholde  herselfe  in  a  glasse  :  i7 
fait  beau  veoyr  or  regarder  vne  vielle  rydée 
se  myrer  en  vng  mirouer. 

I  beholde  by  contemplacion  of  the  mynde.  Je 
contemple,  jay  contemplé,  contempler,pTim. 
conj.  and  je  remire,  usynge  hym  as  an 
tictyve.  The  parfyte  men  beholde  the  joyes 
of  Paradyce  :  les  parfayti  contemplent  les 
joyes  de  Paradys.  Beholde,  he  wepeth  very 
tenderly  :  tenés,  il  pleure  a  chaalde  larmes  or 

It  behoveth,  it  is  nedefuU,  it  is  convenyent. 
/Z  conuient,  il  conuenoyt,  il  conuint,  il  a 
conuenu,  il  conuiendra,  quil  conaiengne , 
qtàl  conainst,  qail  ayi  conaenu,  quil  eust 
conuenu,  quil  aura  conuena,  il  conuien- 
droyt,  il  aaroyt  conuenu,  conaiengne,  con- 

uenir  impersonale,  sec.  conj.  I  fynde  also 
in  this  sence  il  fault,  conjugate  herafter 
in  «  I  must  »,  and  il  ajfierl,  Hz  ajfierent,  and 
no  more,  but  this  apereth  better  in  my 
thirde  boke.  It  behoveth  a  man  first  to  he 
a  scoler  and  tlian  a  maister  :  i7  conuient, 
il  fault,  il  ajjiert  a  vng  liomme  premierenunl 
estre  vng  escalier,  et  puis  après  vng  muistre. 

1  BELCHE,  1  voyde  wynde  out  of  my  stomake. 
Je  routte,  jay  routté,  routier,  prim.  conj. 
Harke  howe  the  churle  belcheth  :  escoulez 
comment  le  vilayn  routte, ov  roacle  by  cause 
o(  ructo  in  latyn. 

I  BELEVE ,  I  truste  or  trowe.  Je  croys ,  nous 
croyons,  vous  croyez,  ils  croyent,  je  crus, 
jay  créa,  je  croyray,  que  je  croye ,  croys, 
croyre,  tcrt.  conj.  conslruitur  cum  dativo. 
I  byleve  hym  nat  what  so  ever  he  saye  : 
je  ne  luy  croys  pas  quoy  quil  die. 

I  BELYE  another  or  makp  one  to  beare  anolher 
in  bande  he  is  a  lyer.  Je  démens,  nous  de- 
mentons,  je  dementys,  jay  demenly ,  je  de- 
mentiray,  que  je  démente,  démentir,  conju- 
gate lykc  his  symple  je  mens,  tert.  conj. 
construitur  cum  dativo.  He  lyeth  of  me 
but  it  maketh  no  mater  :  he  belyed  me 
yesterday  to  byfore  my  maister.  Il  a  menty 
parmy  sa  gorge,  mays  aussi  cest  tout  vng  :  il 
me  dementoyt  hyer  deaant  mon  maistre.  I 
shal  qnyte  him  and  I  lyve  :  je  le  lai  ren- 
dray  si  je  ris. 

I  BELLOWE  or  make  a  noyse,  properly  as  a 
caulfe,  kowe  or  oxe  dotlie  :  Je  mugis,  jay 
mugy,  mugir,  sec.  conj. 

I  BELONGE  unto  a  thyng  or  person  :  whiche  hatli 
many  verbes  in  the  frenche  tonge,  as  hère 
consequently  shall  apere.  I  belong  nat  lo 
hym  :  je  ne  luy  suis  riens.  He  belongeth 
nat  Dor  appertayneth  nat  to  me  :  i7  ne 
mest  riens,  and  je  affere ,  prim.  conj.  il 
affiert,  Hz  ajjlerent,  impersonale,  and  he 
hath  no  mo  tenses  but  tlie  présentes,  as 
je  afjiers,  tu  afficrs,  il  ajjiert,  nous  aff'e- 
Tons,  vous  afferez,  ils  ajjierent  and  que  je 
ajjîere,  and  je  attayns,  attayndre.  I  fynde 
alsoje  dépens ,  jay  dépendu ,  depeiulre,  con- 



jngate  lyke  his  symple  je  pens,  I  bange. 
And  je  appens,  I  belonge,  as  aparayle  of  a 
thing  belougeth  to  the  hole.  I  fynde  also 
in  this  sence  je  suu,  used  as  I  belonge  to 
hym  :  je  suis  a  Jay.  I  stall  belonge  to  bym 
or  it  beionge  lo  :  je  seray  a  luy  auant  quil 
soit  longtemps.  I  fynde  aiso  in  tbis  sence 
je  monte ,  as  I  wotte  wbat  belongeth 
therto  :  je  scay  combien  telle  chose  monte. 
It  belongeth  cest.  It  belongeth  to  me  : 
cest  a  moj,  cest  a  lay  affaire.  The  mater 
belongeth  to  me  :  la  matière  majftert,  la 
chose  mattaynt,  me  depent ,  me  appenl ,  la 
matière  est  a  moy.  ïlie  mater  belongeth 
nat  to  me  :  la  matière  ne  mest  riens ,  elle  ne 
mappartient  poynt. 

I  belonge,  y  appertayne.  Jappartiens ,  nous  ap- 
partenons, tous  appartenez,  ils  appartien- 
nent, jappartins,  jay  appartenu  ,  j appartien- 
dray,  qae  japparliengne ,  appartiens,  appar- 
tenir, conjugate  lyke  his  symplej'e  tiens,  I 
holde,  lert.  conj.  This  house  belongeth 
to  hym  :  ceste  mayson  lay  appartient,  or  o 
moy,  and  so  of  the  resydue,  mappartient, 
tappartient ,  appartient  a  moy  or'a  loy,  etc. 
And  in  this  sence  y  fynde  also  Jajjiere, 
prim.  conj, 

I  belonge  to  hym.  Je  lay  ajjiere,  dativo  jun- 
gitur.  I  fynde  also  in  tbis  sence  je  tens, 
jay  tendu,  tendre,  conjugat  in  «I  bende  a 
«bowei.  It  belongeth,  it  appartayneth ,  il 
appartient,  conjugate  lyke  the  thirde  per- 
sons  synguler  of  jappartiens,  to  fore  ajjiere. 

I  BENDE  ordonaunce  agaynsl  a  holde.  Jaffuste , 
prim.  conj.  Tbey  bended  agaynst  the  cas- 
tell  ten  courtaultes  and  fyftene  serpen- 
tynes  :  ils  affaslerent  contre  le  chasteaii  dix 
coartaaltez  et  quinze  serpentines. 

1  bende  a  bowe.properly  a  longe  bowe.  Je  tens, 
nous  tendons,  je  tendis,  jay  tendu,  je  ten- 
deray,  que  je  tende,  tendre,  terl.  conj.  I 
pray  the,  bende  my  bowe  :  je  te  prie,  tens 
mon  arc. 

I  bende  a  crossebowe  or  a  ionge  bowe.  Je 
bende,  prim.  conj.  Wherfore  doest  thou 
bende  thy  crosbowe  :  pour  quoy  bendes  tu 

ion  arc6a?e4(re?gyve  me  mywyndlas.lwyll 
bende  my  bowe  :  baille  moy  mon  guyndas, 
je  vueil  bender  mon  arc. 
I  bende,  I  bowe,  properly  a  yonge  spring  or 
suche  lyke  thynge  that  is  plyanlc.  Je  jle- 
chis,  jay  Jlechi,  Jlechir,  sec.  conj.  I  fynde 
also  je  plessie,  prim.  conj.  and  je  ployé, 
prim.  conj.  A  man  mey  bende  a  wande 
while  it  is  grene,  and  make  it  strayght 
though  itbe  never  so  croked  :  On  peulljle- 
chyr  or  plessier  vue  qaulle  nouuellement 
cueillie,  et  la  faire  droycte  tant  soyt  elle  tor- 
tue de  soy. 

I  bende  the  browcs,  as  one  dothe  ibat  is  angry. 
Je  sourcille,  prim.  conj.  Thou  bendest  thy 
browes  upon  me  as  thou  woldest  cale  me: 
(tt  te  sourcilles  sur  moy  comme  si  ta  me  voal- 
sissez  manger. 

I  BENOMME,  I  make  lame  or  lakc  awaye  the  use 
of  ones  lymmes.  Je  perclos,je  perclus,  je 
perclorray,  que  je  perclose,  que  je  perclo- 
sisse.perclorre,  conjugate  lyke  his  symple 
je  clos,  I  shytte.  I  bave  sene  hym  as  lustya 
man  as  any  was  in  Englande,  but  by  ryot 
and  to  moche  travayle  he  is  nowe  benom- 
me  of  his  lymmes  :  je  lay  veu  aussi  aleigre 
que  homme  qnijust  en  Engleterre,  mays  par 
maluays  goaaernement  et  trop  trauailler  il 
est  mayntenant  perclus. 

I  BEQCAïTHE,  I  gyve  by  testament.  Je  délaisse 
OT  je  cède,  prim.  conj.  My  grant  motber 
byquaythed  me  a  hundred  pounde  whan 
she  dyed ,  but  her  exécuteurs  kepe  it 
from  me  ;  ma  mère  grant  me  délaissa  or 
céda  en  son  testament  cent  liures  quant  elle 
mourut,  mays  les  exécuteurs  de  elle  le  me 

I  bequaythe  in  my  testament.  Je  donne  en  tes- 
tament, jay  donné  en  testament,  donner  en 
testament,  prim.  conj.  Hath  he  bequaythed 
you  nothynge  of  ail  his  goodes,  and  you 
hâve  done  hym  so  good  servyce?  Vous  a  il 
rien  donné  en  testament  de  tous  ses  biens ,  et 
vous  lui  auezjaict  de  si  bon  seraice? 

I  BERAY,  I  fyle  with  asshes.  Jencendre,  prim. 
conj. Exemples I  bave  sbewed  iuilaraye». 



1  beray,  I  fyle  ones  clothes  with  spottes  of 
rayer,  properly  aboute  the  skyrtes.  Je 
crotte,  prim.  conj.Also  I  fyndeje  emboue, 
prim.  conj.You  bave  berayed  your  gowne 
with  myer  :  vous  auez  emhoaé  vostre  robe. 

l  beray,  I  fyle  or  I  spotte  ones  clothes  with 
any  other  thynge.  Je  gaste,  prim.  conj. 
You  hâve  berayed  your  sleve  :  voas  auez 
gasté  voslre  manche. 

I  BEARE  a  burthen  or  any  thyng  upon  me.  Je 
porte,  prim.  conj.  Can  you  beare  this  far- 
dell  without  a  felowe.  Scaucz  voas  porter 
ce  fardeau  sans  vng  compaignon  ? 

I  beare  a  chyide.  Jenfante,  prim.  conj.  Dyd  she 
#      never  beare  chyide  yet  :  ne  enfanta  elleja- 
mays  encore  ,  or  neut  ellejamajs  encore  den- 
fans  ? 

I  beare  one  company,  I  enlretayne  him.  Jen- 
tretiens ,  jay  entretenu,  entretenir,  conjugale 
iyke  bis  sympleje  tiens,  I  holde.  Beare  hym 
Company  tyll  I  come  agayne  :  entretenez  le 
tant  lue  je  retourne, 

I  beare  me  bolde ,  as  one  dothe  on  bis  mayster 
or  one  that  wyli  mayntayne  hym.  Je  me 
tiens  fort.  They  knowe  well  they  do  agaynst 
the  lawe,  but  they  beare  them  bolde  of 
their  lorde  and  mayster  :  Hz  scauent  bien 
quilz  font  contre  la  justice,  mays  Hz  se 
tiennent  fors  de  leur  seignieur  et  maistre. 

I  beare  away ,  I  remove  a  thyng  from  one  place 
to  anotber.  Je  oste,  prim.  conj.  Wbo  halb 
borne  away  my  gowne  from  beace  :  qui  a 
osté  ma  robe  dycy?  I  beare  awaye  as  a  well 
wytted  chyide  dothe  bis  lesson.  Je  ap- 
prens,  conjugale  in  «I  lernet.  You  canne 
nat  lerne  bym  so  moche  as  he  wyll  beare 
away  :  vous  ne  lay  poaez  tant  enseigner  qnil 

I  beare  away  a  thyng  with  me.  Jemporle,  prim. 
conj.  The  kyte  batb  borne  awaye  your 
chickeus  :  lescoujle  a  emporté  voz  poucyns. 

1  beare  displeasureagaynst  one.  Je  inc/ijn?,  prim. 
conj.  nad  je  porte  malice,  oi  je  porte  hayne. 

I  beare  or  béate  downe  to  ibe  grounde.  Je 
porte,  prim.  conj.  Alexander  was  of  a 
marvaylouse  fortune,  for  be  bare  downe 

to  the  grounde  ail  the  armyes  of  his  ène- 
myes  tbat  durst  resysle  hym  :  Alexandre 
estoyt  dune  maraailleuse  fortune,  car  il  porta 
a  terre,  or  il  porta  par  terre  toutes  les  armées 
de  ses  ennemys  qui  se  estoyent  trouuez  deuani 

I  beare  downe,  as  stremes  of  water  dothe  the 
ertlie  afore  it.  Je  raualle,  prim.  conj.  Tbp 
streame  was  so  bygge  that  it  bare  downe 
ail  tbynges  afore  it  :  le  gourt  courroyt  si 
royde  quil  raaalloyt  toutes  choses  au  deuant 
de  luy. 

1  beare  downe  to  the  grounde,  as  a  nian  dotli 
his  enemye  or  his  horse  by  the  vyolence 
of  his  stroke.  Je  porte  par  terre,  jay  porté 
par  terre,  porter  par  terre,  prim.  conj.  and 
je  atterre,  prim.  conj. 

I  BEREDE,  I  advyse  or  counsayle.  Je  adaise, 
prim.  conj.  I  shall  l>erede  me  me  adui- 

1  berede  me ,  I  takc  advyse  or  counsayle.  Je 
madnise,  je  me  suis  adaisé,  adaiser,  or  je 
me  consaille,je  me  sais  consailU,  consailler, 
verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  I  wyll  berede 
me  fîrst,  and  than  you  shall  bave  your  ans- 
were  me  adaiseray  premier,  et  puis  vous 
donneray  responce. 

I  BEARE  frute  as  a  frule  tre  dothe.  Jefruictife, 
prim.  conj.  or jfe  porte  fraict,  prim.  conj. 
Wberto  shulde  a  man  norisshe  trees  tbat 
wyll  beare  no  frute  :  a  qaoy  noarriroyt  on 
les  arbres  qui  ne  vueillcnl  poynt  fruictijier? 

I  beare  good  mynde  to  aperson.  Je  affectionne, 
prim.  conj.  I  beare  hym  good  mynde  :je 
suis  affectionné  enuers  luy  or  o  luy.  It  is 
trewe  that  I  beare  bym  good  mynde  :  il 
est  vray  que  je  suis  enuers  lay  affectionné,  or 
a  lay  affectionné. 

I  beare  batred.  Je  porte  hayne,  and  je  indigne. 
Thou  arte  but  a  foie  to  beare  me  batred , 
for  I  care  nat  for  it  :  tu  nés  que  vngfol  de 
me  indigner,  or  de  me  porterhayne,  car  je  ne 
lestime  pas. 

I  beare  lowe,  I  behave  my  selfe  bumbly.  Je  me 
humilie  and  je  me  abaisse,  verbum  médium 
prim.  conj.  He  is  a  wyse  man  that  can 



beare  bym  selfe  lowe  in  tyme  and  in 
place  :'  il  est  saige  qui  se  peult  humilier  en 
temps  et  en  lieu.  i 

I  bere  grutclie  or  malyce  agaynst  a  person.  Je 
porte  malice,  jay  porté  malice,  porter,  etc. 
and  in  this  sence  I  fynde  je  indigne ,  jaj 
indigné ,  indigner,  prim.  conj.  If  be  bcare 
displeasure  agaynst  me,  I  can  nat  do  with- 
all  :  sil  indigne  contre  moy,je  ncn  puis  majs. 
He  hath  ever  borne  me  a  privye  grutcbe 
for  my  fathcrs  sake  :  Il  ma  tousjours  priuee- 
ment  porté  malice  pour  lamour  de  mon  perc , 
or  i7  sest  tousjours  celcement  indigné  contre 
moy:  usynge  indigne  lyke  a  meane  verbe  , 
if  the  sence  requyrc  so.  And  mon  cueurest 
mal,  as  I  beare  bym  a  grudge  :  mon  cuear 
luy  est  mal.  And  it  may  happen  tbat  he 
sbail  beare  bim  a  grudge  from  bis  cbylde- 
bodde  :  et  pealt  estre  des  son  enfance  que  le 
cueur  luy  fera  mal. 

I  beare  my  selfe  weli ,  I  am  of  a  good  demea- 
nour.  Je  me  gouacrne  bien. 

I  beare,  me  as  ones  legges  beare  up  bis  body.  Je 
soustiens,  conjugale  \yke  je  tiens,  I  bolde. 
My  legges  can  nat  beare  me  :  mes  jambes 
ne  me  peuuent  poynt  soustenir.  Tbis  axes 
hath  made  bym  so  weale  that  bis  legges 
wyll  nat  beare  bym  :  ces  fieures  lont  tant 
affoybly  que  set  jambes  ne  le  peuuent  poynt 

1  beare  in  bande,  I  tbrep  upon  a  man  that  be 
hath  done  a  dede  or  make  bym  byleve  so. 
Je  fais  accroyre  tert.  conj.,  conjugale  in 
the  seconde  boke.  I  beare  bym  in  bande: 
je  luy  fais  acroyre,  construitur  cum  da- 
tivo.  He  bearclb  me  in  hande  :  il  méfait 
acroyre.  I  shall  beare  them  in  bande  :  je 
leur  feray  acroyre,  and  so,  joynyng  the 
modes,  tenses,  nombres  and  persons  of 
je  fais,  unlo  tlie  pronowne  and  croyre. 
And  in  this  sence  I  fynde  alsoj'c  metz  sus, 
conjugale  herailer  in  «I  put» ,  as  I  beare 
bim  in  bande  it  was  he  that  stale  my 
horse  :  je  luy  metz  sus  que  ce  fut  luy  qui 
me  desroba  mon  chenal. 

1  beare  bym  in  bande  be  was  wode.  Je  hy  mctz 

sus  la  raige,  or  je  luy  metz  sus  quil  estoyl 
enragé.  What  crime  or  yveli  mayest  tbou 
beare  me  in  liande  of  :  quel  crime  ou  mal 
me  peulx  lu  mettre  sus?  He  ihal  wyll  kyll 
his  neyghbours  dogge  bearelh  foikes  in 
bande  he  is  niadde  ;  qui  veull  tuer  le  chien 
a  son  voysyn  luy  met  sus  la  raige, 

I  bcare  one  in  bande  ibat  a  tryfle  is  a  mater  of 
weygbt  to  bim.  Je  jonche,  prim.  conj.  Let 
me  alone  with  bym,  I  wyll  beare  bym  in 
bande  be  hath  done  a  great  faute  :  layssez 
moy  auoyr  affaire  a  lui,  je  le  joncheray 

I  beare  one  wronge  in  hande.  Je  jonche,  prim. 

I  beare  ones  costes,  or  I  paye  his  charges.  Je 
dejfroye,  prim.  conj.  You  ned(j  nat  make 
so  moche  a  do ,  your  costes  shall  he  borne 
perde  :  il  nest  ja  besoing  de  tant  harceler 
les  gens  or  de  faire  tant  a/faire,  on  vous 
deffroyera  cela  scauez  vous  bien. 

I  beare  one  out,  or  raayntayne  one  in  a  mater. 
Je  suporte,  prim.  conj.  he  careth  Hat  what 
mischefe  he  dotbc,  if  he  maye  bave  any 
body  that  wyll  beare  bym  out  :  il  ne  luy 
en  chault  quant  de  maux  il  fait,  sil  peult 
auoyr  quelcung  qui  le  veult  supporter. 

I  beare  out  a  man ,  or  défende  bim  in  a  quarell. 
Je  supporte,  prim.  conj.  and  in  this  sence 
J  fynde  je  comporte,  prim.  conj.  The  ma- 
ter was  borne  out  by  many  craftye  mea- 
nes  :  la  matière  estoyt  supportée  par  mayntes 
voyes  cautellcuses. 

I  beare  it  out  in  spendyng,  or  in  pride,  or  in 
porte  above  my  power.  Je  fays  du  grant. 
Tbis  felowe  bearelh  it  out,  as  be  were  a 
great  genlylman  :  ce  compaignon  faict  du 
grant,  comme  sil  fut  quelque  grant  gentyl- 

I  beare  the  name,  I  am  named  well  or  yvell. 
Je  porte  le  nom,  and  je  suis  renommé,  and 
on  me  donne  le  nom  or  le  bruit.  Of  ail  otber 
the  refuge  bearelh  the  name  :  e/i(re  tous 
les  aultres  le  refuge  est  le  plus  renommé,  or 
porte  le  nom,  or  le  bruyt. 

1  beare  the  wyte  or  the  blâme  of  a  ibyngc.  Je 



porte  la  coulpe,  or  le  blasme,  prim.  conj. 
Wbo  so  ever  do  amysse  in  ihe  house,  I 
beare  the  wyte  every  foote  :  qaoy  qui  face 
da  mal  a  la  mayson,je  porte  le  blasme  tous 
les  coups. 

I  beare  up  a  thing,  I  save  it  from  fallyng  or 
synkynge  downe.  Je  supporte,  prim.  conj. 
He  muste  nedes  swymme  thaï  is  borne 
up  by  the  chynne  :  il  Jaall  bien  quil  naige 
or  quiljlotte  qui  est  soustenu  par  le  menton. 

I  beare  wytnesse  or  testyfye.  Je  tesmoiyne,  prim. 
conj.  or  je  porte  tesmoing,  aport,  etc.  I 
fynde  also  je  conteste ,  prim.  conj.  Who 
wyli  beare  the  wytnesse  that  thou  wast 
there  ;  qui  tesmoignera  pour  toy ,  or  qui 
contestera  pour  toy,  or  qui  te  portera  tes- 
moing que  ta  y  estoyes? 

l  BEREVE,  I  take  awaye  a  thyng  from  one.  Je 
oste,  'prim.  conj.  I  fyude  also  jr'e  priue, 
prim.  conj.  and  je  despoaille,  prim.  conj. 
He  halh  byreved  me  of  ail  the  goodes  1 
bave  :  il  ma  osié,  or  il  ma  priué,  or  il  ma 
ilespouillé  de  tous  les  biens  que  jay. 

I  bereve  one  of  their  speche.  Je  forclos  la  pa- 
rolle,  conjugate  lyke  his  sympie  je  clos,  I 
shytte.  I  hâve  bereved  hym  of  bis  specbe  : 
je  luy  ay  forclos  sa  parolle, 

I  BEHi  a  dead  body  or  a  deed  corse.  Jenterre , 
prim.  conj.  and  howe  ensepaelir  is  a  verbe 
dcfectyve  I  bave  touched  in  the  seconde 
boke.  So  in  this  sence  I  fynde  also  je  sé- 
pulture, prim.  conj.  He  his  rychely  bur- 
yed  in  an  abbaye  of  bis  auncestours 
foundacyon  :  il  est  richement  enterré,  or 
enseuely,  or  sépulture  en  vne  abbaye  de  la 
fondacion  de  ses  ancestres. 

I  bery  or  hyde  in  the  grounde.  Jenfouys,  jay 
enfouy,  enfouir,  sec.  conj.  I  fynde  also  sé- 
pulture or  je  sépulture,  etc.  prim.  conj.  It 
is  the  properlye  of  a  dogge  to  burye  his 
meate  in  the  grounde  whan  he  lialh  caten 
ynoughe  :  cest  la  propriété  a  vng  chien 
denfouyr  sa  viande  quant  il  en  a  mangé  son 

1  BEBKE  as  a  dogge  doth.  Jaboye,  prim.  conj. 
conjugate  in  si  barke».  He  berketh  as  a 

woodde  dogge  dothe  ;  il  aboyé  comme  vng 
chien  enraigé. 

I  BESECHE,  I  pray.  Je  supplie,  prim.  conj.  and  in 
this  sence  I  fynde  je  deprie,  prim.  conj.  I 
bcseche  your  iordeshyp  to  take  my  poore 
servyce  in  good  worthe  supplie  a  voslre 
seigneurie  de  prendre  mon  seruice  en  gré. 

I  BESEGE  a  castell  or  any  slronge  bolde.  Jas- 
siege,  prim.  conj.  They  were  beseged  in 
the  castell  of  Hedyn  :  on  les  assiégea  au 
chasteaa  de  Hedyn. 

I  besegc  the  towne.  Je  .mets  le  siège  deuant  la 
ville,  and  howe  je  mets  is  conjugate  appe- 
reth  herafter  in  «I  put».  I  fynde  also  je 
plante  le  siège,  jay  planté,  planter,  pr.  conj. 

It  BESEMETH.  //  Semble,  il  appartient,  il  fouit , 
il  conuient.  It  besemcth  you  to  do  your 
dutye:  il  vous  aparlient  fayre  voslre  deuoir, 
or  il  VOUS  apartient  défaire  vostre  ojfice. 

I  BESETTE ,  I  bestowe ,  whose  signyfycacions 
apereth  in  «I  bestowe»  jemp/oye. 

I  BBSET  rouude  aboute,  as  folkes  do  a  man  or 
any  beest  that  tbey  wolde  bave ,  or  com- 
passed  aboute  with  any  thing.  Je  enui- 
ronne,  prim.  conj.  He  was  beset  rounde 
aboute  of  his  enerayes  on  every  syde  : 
i7  estoyt  enuironné  de  ses  ennemys  de  toutes 

I  BESY,  I  set  aworke  or  I  put  in  busynesse.  Jem- 
besoingnc,  prim.  conj. 

I  besy,  I  meddie  me  with  a  mater.  Je  mentre- 
metz,  nous  nous  entremettons,  vous  vous 
entrenuttez,  ils  senlremettent,  je  meniremys, 
je  me  suis  entremys,  je  meniremetteray,  que 
je  mentremette ,  entremetz,  entremettre,  ver- 
bum  médium  prim.  conj.  conjugate  lyke 
his  symple  je  mels,  I  put. 

I  BESiiREWE  one,  I  curse  hym.  For  this  verbe 
bave  they  no  verbe  propre  in  the  frenche 
tonge  excepte  we  wolde  use  je  mauldis,  I 
curse  :  and  than,  for  «I  beshrewe  your 
«herte»,  aflcrthe  frenche  tonge,  we  muste 
say  je  vous  mauldis  le  cueur,  I  beshrewe 
me  :  maaldict  soyeje.  I  beshrewe  him  for 
his  longe  taryeng  :  mauldict  soyt-il  pour  sa 
longue  demeurée. 




I  BESTYRRE  me,  I  haste  me  in  doynge  of  a 
thyng.  Je  mauance,  tu  te  anances ,  je  me  suis 
aaancé,  auancer,  prim.  conj.  Bestyrre  you 
shortly  :  auancez-vous  tost. 

I  bestyrre,  I  welde  my  bodyoranyofmylymmes. 
Je  contourne,  prim.  conj.  I  am  so  sore 
taken  of  my  lymmes  tliat  I  cannai  bestyrre 
me  :  je  sais  si  trcsiant  esprins  de  mes  mem- 
bres (jueje  ne  me  puis  contourner. 

I  BESTOWE,  or  ware  money  upon  a  marchandyse 
or  any  thyng  tbat  I  bye.  Jemploye,  prim. 
conj.  What  wyll  you  bestowe  and  1  shall 
bye  you  the  propyresl  horse  ihat  ever  you 
bad  :  combien  voulez  vous  employer  et  je  vous 
achapteraj  vng  des  mignions  cheuaulx  que 
vous  eustez  jamajs. 

1  bestowe ,  I  lay  up  a  thyng  in  a  place  conve- 
nient.  Je  rcboule,  prim.  conj.  Go  bestowe 
me  thèse  bagges  of  money  and  come 
agayne  :  allez  reboatez  ces  sachetz  dargent 
et  reuenez. 

I  bestowe  my  doughler  or  sonne  in  maryage, 
or  laye  up  a  thynge.  Je  colloque,  prim. 
conj.He  bath  bestowcd  his  doughter  well  : 
il  a  bien  colloque  sajille. 

I  BESTRïDE  one,  I  stryde  over  him,  or  I  bes- 
tryde  a  borse.  Jenjambe,  prim.  conj. 

I  BESY  my  mynde  in  vayne  or  aboute  a  tbynge 
of  no  value.  Je  mamuse,je  me  sais  amusé, 
amuser,  verbum  médium  prim.  conj.Thou 
busyest  tby  selfe  for  naught  :  (u  tamuses 
pour  rien, 

I  BETiKE,  I  yeide  up.  Je  rends,  rendre.  I  gyve. 
Je  donne,  jaj  donné,  donner.  And  in  this 
sence  I  fynde  je  rends  and  bis  compounde 
sarrens,  conjugale  herafter  in  «  I  yelde  ». 
I  betake  my  soûle  to  God  rens  or  je 
sarrens  mon  ame,  or  je  donne  mon  ame  a 

I  BETE,  I  BEATE  ,  I  Correct  or  strike.  Je  bats, 
nous  bâtons,  je  bâtis,  jay  balu,je  batray,  que 
je  batte ,  battre,  tert.  conj .  He  that  beatelh 
his  sonne  loveth  bym,  and  be  tbat  beateth 
bis  enemye  loveth  bim  nat  :  qui  bat  ton 
filz  il  ayme,  et  qui  bat  son  ennemy  il  ne 
tayme  poynt. 

I  béate,  as  a  vayne  dothe  in  a  person  that  is 
chafled.  Je  me  débats,  etc.  conjugale  lyke 
bis  simple  je  bats,  I  béate.  I  pray  the,  fêle 
bowe  my  vaynes  béate  :  je  te  prie,  taste 
comment  mes  vaynes  se  débutent. 

I  béate  or  brussbe  one  with  my  fyste  or  with  a 
staQe.  Je  loale,  prim.  conj.  This  is  an 
olde  Romant  worde. 

I  béate  or  drive ,  as  tlie  welher  dothe.  Je 
frappe,  OT  je  bats,  prim.  conj.  As  I  rode, 
the  rayne  bette  styll  in  my  face:  en  cheaau- 
chant,  la  pluye  mefrappoyt  or  me  batoyt  au 
visage.  He  bath  béate  his  wyfe  with  a 
slaffe  :  il  a  embattonné  sa  femme. 

I  béate  downe,  or  stryke  downe  to  the  grounde 
witb  a  stroke.  Jabats,  nous  abatons,  vous 
abatez,  Hz  abatent ,  jabatis ,  jai  abatu,  ja- 
batray,  que  j abatte ,  abatis,  abattre,  tert. 
conj.  conjugale  lyke  his  symple  je  bas,  l 
béate.  And  in  tbis  sence  I  fynde  alsojat- 
terre,  prim.  conj.  I  never  sawe  man  so 
handle  a  poHax ,  for  he  bette  downe  ai  1  that 
ever  stode  aforc  him  :  jamays  ne  vis  homme 
ainsi  manier  vng  bec  defaulcon,  car  il  aba- 
toit  or  il  alterroyl  tout  ce  que  estoit  or  se 
Irouuoil  deuant  lay. 

I  béate  downe  a  man  or  beast  with  a  stroke 
upon  the  beed.  Je  assomme,  prim.  conj. 
He  bette  downe  the  oxe  al  a  stroke  :  il  as- 
sommoyt  le  beufa  vng  coup. 

I  beale  downe  to  the  grounde,  or  I  béate 
downe  bande  smolbe,  or  make  a  thynge 
so  lowe  that  it  be  levell  witb  the  grounde, 
as  a  buylding  or  any  other  edyfyce.  Je  ar- 
rose, prim.  conj.  and  in  this  sence  I 
fynde  je  démolie,  prim.  conj.  Tbis  cas- 
tell  was  beale  downe  bande  smolhe  witb 
ordonaunce  :  ce  chasteau  fusl  arrosé  dartil- 
lerie,  or  démolie.  And  jabolys,  jay  aboly, 
abolyr,  sec.  conj.  And  je  demolys,jay  de- 
moly,  démolir,  sec.  conj. 

I  beale  with  a  hammer,  as  a  smyth  dothe  in 
bis  forge.  Je  martelle,  prim.  conj.  Thii 
smythe  is  a  good  housbande,  for  I  herde 
bym  beale  with  his  hammer  to  daye  afore 
foure  of  the  ciocke  :  ce  mareschal  est  vng 


bon  mesnaigier,  car  je  loays  marteller  de  ses 
marteaalx  aajourdliuj  deaanl  quatre  heures. 

I  BETHYNKB  me,  I  take  consyderacion  with  my 
seife  in  a  thyng  what  shulde  be  done.  Je 
me  surpense,  je  me  suis  surpensé,  surpenser, 
prim.  conj.  and  je  mappence,  je  me  sais 
appencé,  appencer,  prim.  conj.  I  fynde  also 
used  il  me  soanient,  il  me  soauenoyt,  etc. 
vcrbum  impersonale  sec.  conj.  conjugale 
herafter  in  ol  remembre  a.  I  fynde  aiso  je 
poarpense  ,jay  pourpensé ,  poarpenser,fTim. 
conj.I  fynde  alsoje  Diif,prim.  conj.  and  je 
aduùe.prim.  conj.  and  je  cogite,pT\m.  conj. 
I  fynde  ahojapence,  prim.  conj.  Wliau  I  be- 
thynke  meupon  his  goodnesse.methynke 
Ican  never  deserveit:  quant  je  me  surpence, 
quant  je  mappence,  quant  il  me  soauient, 
quant  je  pourpence,  quant  je  vise,  quant  je 
adaise,  quant  je  appence  a  sa  bonté,  il  mest 
aduis  que  je  ne  la  puis  deserayrjamays. 

It  BETïDETH,  it  chaunsetb ,  il  bappenetb.  Il 
aduient,  conjugale  herafter  in  «Il  bappe- 
onetht.  [  fynde  alsoused  intbesame  sence 
i7  eschiet,  conj  ugate  berafter  in  «  il  chaun- 
«  seth  •.  Betyde  what  maye  betyde  :  ad- 
uiengne  que  pourra  aduenir.  Il  betydelh  som- 
tymc ihat ibc  tbyng  whicbea man  thynketh 
lest  one  dothe  happen  :  il  aduient  aalcunes 
Joys ,  il  eschiei  aulcunes  joys  que  la  chose 
dont  on  pence  le  moyns  aduient. 

I  BETOKEN,  I  signyfye.  Je  signifie,  prim.  conj. 
And  in  this  sence  I  fynde,  je  dénote, 
prim.  conj.  I  fynde  also  je  désigne,  prim. 
conj.  Wbal  bctokenetb  il  whan  the  sonne 
gothe  down  reed  :  que  signifie  il,  que  de- 
note  il,  que  désigne  il,  quant  le  ciel  est 
rouge  autour  du  soleil  quant  il  va  coucher? 

I  BETRAV,  as  a  Iraytour  dothe  his  maysler  or 
soverayne.  Je  trahys,  jay  trahy,  trahyr, 
sec.  conj.  Written  wilb  h  for  a  dyCference 
bylwene  the  lenses  of  je  trays  I  drawe  or 
I  pull,  though  bis  latyne  verbe  be  traho, 
and  the  latyne  verbe  of  je  trahis,  trado.  He 
thaï  disobeyetb  his  fatbcr,  and  bealelb  his 
molher,  and  betrayelh  bis  mayster,  muste 
nedes  corne  to  an  yveli  cnde.  Celuy  qui 


desobeyt  a  son  père  et  bat  sa  mère,  et  trahyt 
son  maislre,  ilfault  quil  viengne  a  mauuayse 

I  BETBAïssHE  (Lydgale),  I  go  aboule  ihe  stretes 
of  a  townc  or  cytie.  Je  tracasse,  prim. 
conj.  This  verbe  is  nat  yel  taken  in  co- 
men  use. 

I  BETBAPPE,  1  take  in  a  Irape  or  in  a  snare.  Ja- 
trappe,  prim.  conj.  Il  shall  coste  me  a  fall 
but  I  wyll  betrappe  hym ,  if  lie  use  that 
liaunle  :  il  me  constera  du  bon  si  je  ne  la- 
trappe,  sil  sacoustume  dy  hanter. 

I  BEvvAïLE,  or  make  mone  for  any  losse  or  dis- 
plesure.  Je  playngs,  nous  plaignons, je  plai- 
gnys  ,  jay  plainct ,  je  plaindray ,  que  je 
plaigne,  plaindre,  tert.  conj.  I  fynde  also 
used  in  ibis  sence  je  pleure,  prim.  conj. 
and  déplore,  prim.  conj.  Il  is  naturall 
that  the  molher  bewayle  the  delhe  ol  lier 
chvlde  :  cest  chose  naturelle  que  la  mère 
playngne,  or  pleure,  or  déplore  la  mort  de 
son  enfant. 

I  bewayle  or  make  mone  for  any  losse  in  secret 
maner.  Je  me  gaermente,  verbum  médium 
prim.  conj.  He  bewayleth  bis  frendes 
cbaunce  secretly,  thoiighe  be  make  no 
great  countenaunce  outwarde  :  il  se  gaer- 
mente de  la  infortune  de  son  amy,  combien 
quil  ne  face  pas  grant  semblant  par  dehors. 

I  BEWYLDE  my  selfe,  1  styrre  my  selfe.  Je  me 
contourne,  je  me  suis  contourné,  contourner, 
verbum  médium.  Il  is  no  great  marvayle 
tboughe  slic  can  nat  bewelde  lier,  for  she 
is  great  with  chylde  :  ce  nest  pas  mar- 
aaille  selle  ne  se  pealt  contourner,  elle  est  si 
ires  grosse  denfant. 

I  BEWEPE,  I  slubber  a  thynge  with  wepyng. 
Jesploure,  prim.  conj.  It  is  a  pytie  to  se 
bowe  the  poore  woman  is  beweple  :  cest 
vne  pitié  que  de  veoyr  la  poare  femme  com- 
ment elle  est  esplourée. 

I  BEWRAY  ones  counsayle  or  his  secrètes.  Je  re- 
irais, nous  retrayons,  je  reirays,  jay  re- 
trayct,  je  retrayray,  relrayre,  lert.  conj. 
What  so  ever  faute  you  knowe  by  your 
maysler,  loke  you  bewraye  it  nal  :  quelque 



faute  que  vous  sachiez  de  voslre  maistre, 
gardez  vous  de  le  reirayre. 

I  bewray,  I  utter  or  shewe  ones  counsayle.  Jac- 
cuse,  prim.  conj.  In  whichesence  I  fynde 
also  je  descouaers ,  jay  descouuerl ,  je  ne  le 
'  descouariray  point,  descouurir,  tert.  conj. 
conjugale  lyke  bis  symple  je  couuers,  I 
cover.  I  fynde  also  je  reaelc,  prim.  conj. 
I  fynde  also  je  chalenie  (Romant).  I  fynde 
also  je  détecte,  prim.  conj.  I  fynde  also  je 
recelé,  prim.  conj.  and  je  dimilgae,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  relrays,  conjugale  lyke  his 
symple  je  trays,  I  drawe.  Wliat  so  ever  I 
knowe  by  hym ,  it  is  nal  my  parle  lo  be- 
wraye  it  :  quoy  que  je  saiche  de  luy,  il  nest 
pas  séant  a  moY  de  laccaser,  de  le  dcscoa- 
uryr,  de  le  reaeler,  de  le  receler,  de  le  diuul- 
guer.  As  for  je  chaleme  is  used  of  tbe  Ro- 
mani by  fygure. 

I  BEWREKE,  I  revenge  me  of  a  displeasure  donc 
unto  me.  Je  me  reuencke,  verbum  médium 
prim.  conj.  Beware  of  hym,  for  he  wyll 
bewrokcn  whan  you  shall  tbynke  lest  : 
garde:  vous  de  luy,  car  il  se  reuenchera  quant 
vous  y  pencerez  le  moyns. 

B   BÏFOHE    I. 

I  BICKER,  I  skyrmysshe.  Je  escarmouche,  prim. 
conj.  They  byclered  togyther  balfe  an 
houre  and  more  :  Hz  escarmoucherent  en- 
semble, or  ilz  escarmoachoyent  vne  heure  et 

I  FïDDE,  I  comraaunde.  Je  commande,  prim. 
conj.  and  somtymej'e  dis,  conjugale  in  «I 
osayn,  as  bydde  hym  thaï  bc  come  and 
speake  with  me  :  dictez  lui  quil  viengne 
parler  a  moy. 

I  bydde  one  farwell,  as  we  do  whan  we  dé- 
parte oui  of  bis  companye.  Je  dis  adieu. 
Wyll  you  départe  and  nal  bidde  hym  far- 
well: voulez-vous  partyrsans  luy  dire  adieu? 
1  wyll  byd  my  mayster  farewell  and  come 
by  and  by  diray  adieu  a  mon  maistre, 
et  viendray  tout  incontinent.  So  thaï  for  byd, 
in  this  sence ,  they  use  dis,  as  bydde  hym 
go  bence  :  dy  lui  quil  sen  aille,  etc.  Byd 

hym  tarye  a  wbyle  :  dy  luy  quil  attende  vng 
peu.  Yet  in  the  future  tence  they  use 
commanderay,  as  I  shall  bydde  hym  do  as 
you  say  :  je  lui  commandcrayjayre  ceu  que 
vous  dictez. 

I  bydde,  as  I  bydde  one  good  morowe,  or  I 
bydde  one  farwell.  Je  dis,  as  je  luy  dis  bon 
jour,  je  luy  dis  udieu. 

I  bydde ,  I  profre  money  or  any  olher  thyng 
in  recompence.  Je  offers,  nous  offrons, 
vous  offrez,  ilz  offrent ,  etc.  conjugale  be- 
rafter  in  «I  ofTcr».  You  bydde  me  well , 
for  you  bydd  me  money  and  fayre  wordes  : 
vous  me  offrez  bien  ,  car  vous  moffrez  de 
largent  et  de  belles  parolles. 

I  BYDE,  I  sulTre  or  endure.  Jendure  and  je  dure, 
prim.  conj.  I  can  nat  byde  ihis  payne  :  je 
ne  puis  durer  ceste  payne.  Abyde  a  wbyle 
longar  sytbc  you  bave  laken  al  this  payne  -. 
endurez  vng  peu  plus  longuement  puisque 
vous  auez  prins  tant  de  payne. 

I  byde,  I  tarye  for  one  in  a  place  or  conlynue. 
Jaltens ,  nous  attendons,  etc.  conjugale 
berafter  in  «  I  larye  ».  Abyde  al  home  tyll 
I  come  agayne  :  attens  a  la  mayson  tant  que 
je  reuiengne.  If  thou  wylle  abyde  me  hère, 
I  wyll  come  within  this  houre.  Si  tu  me 
v'eulx  ycv  attendre,  je  viendray  dedans  vne 

I  byde  sytU ,  I  tarye  or  remayne  in  a  place. 
Je  remayns,  je  remayndray ,  que  je  remai- 
gne,  remaindre  or  remanoyr,  preterilis  el 
indiUinitis  caret,  and  je  demeure,  prim. 
conj.  Where  abydeth  he  for  tbe  moste 
parte  :  ou  est  ce  quil  demeure ,  or  quil  re- 
mayne pour  la  plus  part  ? 

I  bydde  to  dynner  or  lo  a  feesl  or  to  a  banket  or 
any  assemblye ,  oulher  for  pleasure  or  for 
counsayle ,  or  I  sende  for  a  man  to  apere 
in  judgement.  Jesemons,  nous  semonons, 
vous  semonez,  ilz  scmonent,je  semons ,  jay 
semons,  je  semondray,  que  je  semonne,  se- 
mons, semondre,  tert.  conj.  In  this  sence 
I  fynde  also  je  invite,  prim.  conj.,  but 
properly  to  a  meales  meate ,  or  to  eale.  I 
was  bydden  to  dynner  ibre  dayes  a  go  i 



jfstoye  semons  or  itmité  a  diner  troys  jours 

I  BïE  and  sell  as  marchauntes  do.  Je  mar- 
chande, prim.  conj.  He  can  bye  his  wares 
as  wysely  as  any  marchaunt  within  Lon- 
don  :  il  scayt  aussi  bien  achapter  la  mar- 
chandise (jae  marchant  qui  soyt  dedans 

I  bye  any  ware  or  marchandyse  or  any  other 
thyng.  Je  achapte,  prim.  conj.  Nowe  that 
I  hâve  bought  my  meate,  I  wyll  go  bye 
breed  and  drinke  :  puisque  jay  achapté 
ma  viande ,  je  yray  achapter  du  paya  et  a 

I  bye  the  bargayne ,  or  I  fêle  iho  hurte  or  dis- 
pleasure  of  a  thyng.  Le  marché  me  cuit, 
me  cuysoyt,  me  cuisit,  me  cuyt,  me  cuira, 
que  le  marché  me  cuisse,  me  cuisist,  cuire, 
verbum  médium  tert.  conj.,  used  as  it 
were  an  impersonali ,  bycause  the  marché 
is  of  tbe  thirde  person  siuguler,  and 
tbat,  in  this  sence,  he  is  the  onely  sub- 
stanlyve  to  this  verbe.  Loke  afore  in  «I 
0  abye  ».  I  fynde  also  in  this  scnce je  hastis, 
jay  baly,  bâtir,  sec.  conj. 

I  bye  a  thynge  dere,  I  suffre  domage  and  dis- 
pleasure  for  a  mater.  Je  compare,  je  com- 
parus, jay  compara,  comparer  and  compa- 
royr,  prim.  conj.,  as  I  hâve  bought  this 
pleasure  dere  :  jay  chèrement  compara  ce 
plaisir.  Tbou  shalte  abye  for  it  :  (a  /«  com- 

I  BTLDE,  I  edyfye.  Je  édifie,  prim.  conj.  da- 
tivo  jungitur.  I  bylde  him  a  casteli  luy 
édifie  vng  chaslcau,  and  in  this  sence  I 
fynde  je  construys,  jay  construict,  cons- 
truire, conjugate  in  tl  constrewe».  He 
hath  byided  one  of  the  proprest  bouses 
thaï  is  in  ail  this  countrey:  il  a  édifié,  il  a 
basiy,  il  a  construict  vne  des  plus  mygnon- 
nés  maysons  qui  soyt  en  tout  ce  pays  cy 

I  bylde  a  worke  in  stone  worke,  or  with  ma- 
sonry.  Je  moiconne,  prim.  conj.  I  buylde 
hym  a  towre  :  je  luy  maçonne  vne  tour.  In 
olde  tyme  men  buylded  towres  of  lyme 

and  stone  :  jadis  on  maconnoyl  tours  de 
chaulx  et  de  pierre. 

I  bylde  with  any  other  maner  of  stuffe.  Je  bas- 
tis,  jay  basty,  bastir,  sec.  conj.  Hc  hath 
buylded  his  house  with  tymber  and  the 
chymneys  of  brike  :  il  a  basty  sa  mayson 
de  mesrayn  et  ses  cheminées  de  bricque. 

I  BïNDE,  I  make  fastwith  a  bande.  Je  lye,'pT{m. 
conj.  Bynde  this  sacke  with  a  corde  :  liez 
ce  sac  dune  corde. 

I  bynde  a  thyng  barde  togyther,  or  knyt  a 
knotte  faste.  Je  serre,  prim.  conj.  Bynde 
the  mouthe  of  this  sacke  faste  :  serrez  la 
geulle  de  ce  sac  bien  serrée. 

I  bynde  thynges  togyther.  Jannexe,  prim.  conj. 
Shall  I  bynde  pp  ail  this  scroUes  togyther: 
annexeray  je  tous  ces  rolles  ensemble? 

I  bynde  in  strayte  with  any  thyng.  Jenluce, 
prim.  conj.  Bynde  thy  brestes  in  with  a 
lace  for  shame  :  enlace  tes  mamelles,  tu  en 
doys  auoyr  honte. 

I  bynde  with  a  clotlie  as  a  cirurgyen  dothe 
his  pacyentes  sore.  Je  bende,  prim.  conj. 
Byndehis  leggc  fast,  lest  the  humours  fail 
downe  lo  it:  bendez  sa  jambe  bien  serrée, 
de  paour  que  les  humeurs  ne  se  viennent 
cheoyr  dedans. 

I  bynde  in  a  chayne  or  cbaynes.  Jenchaine, 
prim.  conj.  The  offence  of  the  man  was 
so  horryble,  that  he  was  judged  to  be 
bounde  in  cbaynes.  Lojfence  de  cest  homme 
estoyt  si  exécrable,  quil  esloyt  adjugé  destre 
enchayné  or  destre  pendu  en  chaynes. 

I  bynde  by  dede  or  by  promesse,  or  with  bene- 
fycial  1  dedes  or  obligacyon .  Je  oblige,  prim . 
conj.  I  am  bounde  therto  -je  y  sais  obligé. 
Heis bounde  in  an  oblygacion  :  i7  est  obligé 
en  obligacion.  Ihavenone  other  bande,  but 
abyll  of  his  bande:  je  nay  aultre  obligacion 
qune  cedule  de  sa  mayn. 

I  BYSET  rounde  aboute.  Loke  in  1 1  beset».  Jen- 
xùronne ,  prim.  conj. 

1  BYSYE  my  body  aboute  a  thing,  I  put  niysclfe 
in  butynesse.  Je  menbesongne,  je  me  sais 
enbesongné ,  enbesongner,  verbum  médium 
prim.  conj.  You  are  as  moche  busyed  for 



tbis  tryfle  as  a  wyse  man  wolde  be  for  a 
great  mater  :  vous  estez  autant  enbesoigné 
pour  cette  chose  de  rien  que  iinj  saige  homme 
seroyt  pour  quelque  grant  chose  (Impor- 

F  bysy  my  mynde  aboute  a  thing  in  vayne.  Je 
mamuse,je  me  suis  amusé,  amuser,  verbum 
médium  prim.  conj.  I  busy  my  mynde 
bere  about  naught  :  je  mamuse  ycy  pour 

I  BYSSHOP  a  chylde ,  as  a  byssbop  dotbe  wban 
be  confenneth  hym.  Je  conjerme,  prim. 
conj.  Tboughe  your  cbylde  be  cbristened, 
I  wene  be  be  nat  bysshoped  yet  :  combien 
que  vostre  enfant  soyl  baptizé,je  cuide  quil 
ne  soyt  poynt  conjermé  encore. 

I  byssboppe  a  chylde,  as  the  godfatber  and 
godmotber  dotbe.  Je  ayde  a  confernier. 

l  BïTE,  as  a  man  or  any  beest  doth  that  hath 
tethe.  Je  mors,  nous  mordons,  je  mordis, 
jay  mort,  je  morderay,  que  je  morde,  que 
je  mordisse,  mordre,  tert.  conj.  A  woman 
can  défende  her  selfe  no  better  tban  to 
scratche  and  byte  :  vne  femme  ne  se  peull 
mieulx  défendre  que  de  graligner  et  mordre. 

I  byle  on  the  bridell ,  as  a  borse  or  mule  do- 
the ,  whan  they  stande  bridelled.  Je  ronge, 
prim.  conj.  My  borse  byteth  bis  bridell  : 
mon  cheual  ronge  sonfrain,  and  deronge. 

1  byte  upon ,  as  a  weapen  or  tôle  dotbe,  wban 
it  cuttetb  a  barde  or  a  toughe  tbyng. 
Jamors  ,  nous  amordons  ,  jamordis  ,  jay 
amort,  etc.  lyke  bis  symple  je  mors,  I 
byte,  tert.  conj.  He  stroke  above  twenty 
strokes  at  my  sworde,  but  it  is  so  barde, 
tbat  bis  weapen  coulde  nat  byte  upon  it  : 
il  donna  plus  de  vingt  coups  sur  mon  espée, 
mays  elle  est  si  dure,  que  son  batton  ne  sceut 
amordre  dessus. 

I  BLASER ,  as  a  cbylde  dotbe  or  be  can  speake. 
Je  gasouille,  prim.  conj.  The  right  worde, 
after  the  lalyn,  shulde  be  je  garrouille, 
but  tbe  Parysyens  tourne  r  into  s,  whiche 
bytwene  two  vowels  batb  the  sounde  of 
z.  My  sonne  dotbe  but  blabber  yet,  be 
cao  nat  speke  bis  wordes  playne,  be  is 

to  yonge  :  mon  fdz  ne  fuyt  que  gasoailler 
encore,  il  ne  scayt  pas  former  ses  mot: 
playnement,  il  est  trop  jeune. 

l  blaber,  I  put  forthe  tbe  lyppe,  as  one  dotbe 
bis  tonge  in  bis  beed.  Je  baboye,  prim. 
conj.,  as  la  langue  lay  baboyt  en  la  teste: 
bis  tonge  blabred  in  bis  beed. 

I  BLACKE,  I  colour  witb  blacke.  Je  noyrcis ,  jay 
noyrcy,  noircir,  sec.  conj.  Who  batb 
blacked  bis  face  witb  a  cole  :  qui  lay  a 
noyrcy  sa  face  dung  charbon?  Blacke  it  witb 
yake,  for  kolcs  wyll  sone  be  wyped  out  ; 
noyrcissés  le  dencre,  car  on  effacera  les 
charbons  bien  lost. 

I  BLAME,  I  put  in  faute,  or  reprove.  Je  blasme, 
prim.  conj.  If  it  bc  any  more  so,  than 
blâme  me  for  it  :  sil  adaient  plus,  ainsi 
donques  blâmez  moy.  I  can  nat  blâme  you 
tboughe  you  wolde  be  glad  to  farewell  and 
spende  but  lyteH  money  :  je  ne  vous  puis 
pas  blasmer  si  vous  vouldriez  voulentiers  estre 
bien  traicté  a  table  et  ne  despendre  guayres 

I  blâme  him.  Je  luy  blasme,  dativo  jungitur , 
and  in  this  sence  I  fyndejV  reprouue,  prim. 
conj.  I  fynde  ai\so  je  vitupère,  prim.  conj. 
I  fynde  aiso  J«  increpe,  prim.  conj.  andjf 
acoulpe,  prim.  conj.  He  blamed  me  with- 
out  cause,  I  reporte  me  to  yourselfe  :  i7 
me  blasmoyt,  il  me  reprouaoyt ,  il  me  vitu- 
peroyt,  il  me  increpoyt,  il  me  acoalpoyl  a 
tort  et  sans  cause,  je  men  raporte  a  vous 

I  BLANCHE  almondes.  Je  pelle  des  amandes  : 
ioke  in  «  I  blaunche  >. 

I  BLANDYssHE,  I  flater  or  speke  fayre  to  one. 
Je  blandis,  sec.  conj.  He  can  blandysshe 
better,  whan  be  lyst,  than  blanche  ai- 
mondes:  il  scayt' mieulx  blandyr,  quant  il 
luy  playst,  que  peller  des  amandes. 

I  BLASE  armes  or  descryve  a  mannes  tytels  or 
a  place.  Je  blusonne,  prim.  conj.  He  can 
blase  armes  as  well  as  any  berault  or  of- 
fycer  of  armes  in  Englande  :  il  scayt  aussi 
bien  blasonner  des  armes  que  herault  ou 
officier  darmes  en  Angleterre. 



1  blase,  as  tlie  fyre  dothe.  Je  flamme ,  iptim. 
conj.  Tbis  fyre  blaseth  to  light,  outher 
tbrow  on  a  lylle  waler  or  eis  take  awaye 
some  of  the  styckes  :  ce  Jeu  flamme  or 
flambe  trop  clerc ,  jeclez  vng  peu  deaue  des- 
sus, ou  osiez  aulcans  des  ijrsons. 

I  BLAST8  or  blowe  as  a  man  that  bloweth  a 
home  orsucbe  lyke.  Je  sonne,  prini.  conj, 
He  blasled  bis  borne  so  liygb  tbat  ail  tbe 
woddedyd  sbake  :  ilsonnojlson  cor  si  haalt, 
que  tout  te  boys  en  trembbyyt.  As  for  je 
soujjle  is  to  blaste  with  ones  mouthe  or 
witb  beiowes. 

I  BLASPHEME,  I  speke  irreverently  of  God.  Je 
blasphème,  prim.  conj.  He  ibat  blaspbe- 
melb  God  and  denyeth  hym  is  more  lyke 
a  Sarazyne  tban  a  Cbristen  man  :  celaj 
qui  blasphème  noslre  Seujneur  et  le  renye 
est  plus  semblable  a  vng  Sarrazyn  que  a  vng 

I  BLADNCHE  almondes.  Je  pelle,  prim.  conj.  You 
bave  oaten  mo  bcanes  than  blauncbed  al- 
mondes  :  vous  auez  mangé  plus  de  feues  que 
des  amandes  pellées. 

I  BLECHE,  I  wbyle  clolbe.  Je  blanchis,  jay  blan- 
chy,  blanchir,  terl.  conj.  I  praye  you,  gyve 
me  leave  to  blechc  my  naperye  in  your 
garden  vous  prie  de  me  donner  congé 
de  blanchyr  mes  toylles  de  lyn  en  vostre 

1  BLEDE,  I  avoyde  bloode.  Je  saigne,  prim.  conj. 
He  biedetb  at  tbe  nose  moTe  tban  I  bave 
sene  some  do  tbat  lialb  been  tbruste  tlio- 
rowe  tbe  arme  :  il  seigna  plus  au  nez  que 
je  nay  veu  faire  alcun  qui  a  eu  vng  coup 
dune  dague  au  traaers  du  bras. 

I  BLEMYSSHE,  I  cbaunge  colour.  Je  mue  couleur, 
jay  mué  couleur,  je  mueray  couleur,  prim. 
conj.  Sawe  you  nat  bowe  he  blemyssbed 
at  it ,  whan  you  asked  him ,  wbose  dagger 
tbat  was  :  ne  visiez  vous  pas  comment  il 
mua  couleur  quant  vous  luy  demandaslez  a 
qui  estoyt  la  daggue. 

I  blemyssbe,  I  bynder  or  burle  tbe  beautye 
of  a  porson.  Jedefforme,  prim.  conj.  Tbis 
burnyng  thaï  sbe  batli  on  the  vysage  ble- 

myssbetb  her  very  sore  :  ceste  arsure  or 
larsure  quelle  a  au  visage,  la  difforme  beau- 

I  BLENNE,  I  myxte  Ihynges  togyther.  Je  mesle, 
prim.  conj.  and  je  mixdonne,  prim.  conj. 
Wyli  you  blenne  wyne  and  aie  togyther  ; 
voulez  vous  mesler  du  vin  et  de  la  goudalle 

1  BLEME,  I  lette  or  I  bynder.  Je  empesche,  prim. 
conj.  Tbis  terme  is  to  moche  northerne. 

I  BLEARE ,  as  ones  eye  dothe  that  is  nat  fuUy 
covered,  but  shewetb  tbe  reed  skynne  out- 
warde.  Jenraille,  prim.  conj.  His  eyes  he 
so  bleared  with  drinkyng  tbat  tbey  be  as 
reed  as  a  fyrrel  :  ses  yeuhc  sont  si  très  en- 
raillez,  or  esquarquillez  de  force  de  boyre, 
quilles  a  aussi  rouges  qung  furon. 

I  bleare  ones  eye,  I  begyle  him.  Jènguygne, 
prim.  conj.  He  is  nat  in  Englande  that 
can  bleare  bis  eye  better  than  I  can  :  il 
ny  a  nul  en  Englcterre  qui  le  scayt  mieulx 
enguyngner  que  moy. 

I  bleare,  I  begyle  by  dissymulacyon.  Je  de- 
fraude,  prim.  conj, 

I  bleare  witb  the  tonge.  Jetirela  langue.  I  gyve 
him  the  best  counsayie  I  can,  and  tbe 
knave  blearetb  his  tonge  at  me  :  je  luy 
donne  du  meillieur  consail  que  je  puis,  et 
le  villayn  ne  méfait  que  tirer  la  langue. 

I  BLESSE ,  as  God  dothe  his  cbosen  people ,  or 
as  a  bysshoppe  dothe  any  thing,  or  father 
his  cbildren ,  or  suche  lyke.  Je  benys,  jay 
bcny,  benyr  or  benoistre,  lert.  conj.  But, 
in  his  optatyve  passyve  voyce,  tbey  use 
benoyst,  as  blessed  be  God  :  benoyst  soit 
Dieu.  Blessed  be  you  for  your  good  coun- 
sayie :  benoist  soyez  vous  de  vostre  bon  con- 
sail. Blessed  be  sbe  amongest  ail  women: 
benoist  soit  elle  entre  toutes  les  femmes. 

I  blesse,  as  a  father  and  mother  do  their 
chylde.  Je  donne  ma  bénédiction ,  jay  donné 
ma  bénédiction,  donner  ma  bénédiction, 
prim.  conj.  I  gyve  bym  my  blessyng:je 
luy  donne  ma  bénédiction,  jungitur  cum 
dativo.  He  can  nat  do  amysse,  that  is  ber- 
tely  blessed  of  bis  father  and  niothcr  :  i7 



ne  peult  jamaysfaitlir  a  qui  le  père  et  mère 
donnent  leur  bénédiction  de  bon  cueur. 
I  Messe,  as  a  persone  dolhe  hymselfe  with  his 
ryght  bande.  Je  me  seigi\e,je  mesuis  seigné, 
seigner,  verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  Ile 
blessed  hym  on  his  forheed  :  i7  se  seigna 
au  front.  I  wyll  uever  medle  with  bym, 
if  I  may  blesse  me  from  hym  :  jtunajs  je 
naaraj  a  faire  a  Itty,  si  je  me  prnlx  seigner 
de  luy. 
I  BLEETE,  as  a  shepe  dolhe.  Jebasle,  prim.  conj. 
Aud  je  besle.  This  eavc   bicateth  for  her 
ïambe  ;    cesle  brebis  basle   pour  son  aig- 
1  BLYNDE  ones  syght.  Jaueugle ,  prim.    conj. 
This  great  light  blyndeth  my  sygbt  :  ceste 
grant  clarté  me  aueugle. 
1  BLïNDEFELDE  one,  I  cover  his  syght.  Je  bende 
hsyeulxjjay  bendé,  tcnder,  prim.  conj.  I 
blyndfelde  hym  :  je  luy  bende  les  yeulx.  I 
fynde  aisojaffuble,  prim.  conj.  Let  bym 
be  blyndfelde  :  quil  ajt  les  jeux  bende:, 
I  am  blyndefelde  :  jay  les  yeux  bendis.  As 
for  je  affuble  is  an  oldc  Romant  worde , 
and  rather  signyfyeth   to  put  on  a  gar- 
1  BLïNSE,  I  rest  or  I  cease  of  Je  cesse,  prim. 
conj.  He  never  felte  wo  or  never  sliall 
blyane,    that  hath    a   bysshoppe   to   his 
kynne  :  jamays  ne  sentit  mal  ou  jamays  ne 
cessera,  qui  a  vng  euesque  de  son  parentaige. 
I  BLOBER,  I  wepe.  Je  pleure,  prim.  conj. 
I  BLODYE,  I  spot  or  fyle  with  blood.   Jensen- 
glante,  prim.  conj.  This  parker  blodyeth 
his  clothes  more  than  he  nedeth  :  ce  ve- 
neur ensenglante  ses  habitz  plus  quil  na  6c- 
I  BLOME,  as  a  tree  dothe  byfore  he  beare  his 
tente  :  je  germe ,  prim.  conj.  and  in  this 
signyfycacion  I  fynde  also  used  jejleurys, 
jay  jleury ,  jleurir ,  iRC.   conj.  Thèse  trees 
blome  so  kyndely  that  I  truste  we  shall 
bave  a  good  frute  yere  lo  yere  :  ces  arbres 
germent  or  fleurissent  si  nayuement,  quejes- 
père  que  nous  aurons  desfruycts  ceste  année 
a  planté. 

I  BLONOEB.  Je  perturbe,  prim.  conj.  Who  hal 
blondred  thèse  thynges  on  this  facyon  : 
qui  a  perturbé  ces  choses  en  ceste  sorte? 
I  DLossoME,  as  a  Ire  dothe  before  lie  beare  his 
frute.  Je  Jleuris ,  jay  Jleuiy,  jleurir,  sec. 
conj.  and  of  lyke  sence  is  je  germe,  prim. 
conj.   Whan  shall  the  tree  beare  frute 
that   dothe   nat   blossome    tyll    August  : 
quant  portera  larbre  sonfrayct  que  ne  faict 
que  jleurir  au  moys  dAousl? 
I  BLOTTE,  as   a  writer  dothe   with  an   yvell 
penne.  Je  barbouille ,  prim.  conj.  You  hâve 
blotted  this  shete  of  paper  so  .sore  that  it 
is  marred  :  vous  auez  tant  barbouyllé  cesle 
fueyUe  de  papier  quelle  est  toute  gaslée, 
I  BEATE  or  slryke  ont  with  a  penne.  Jobliltere, 
prim.   conj.  and   in  this  sence   I  fynde 
jefface  or  defface,  prim.  conj.  Who  hath 
blotted  out  this  worde ,  by  al  symlytude,  he 
mente  no  good  fayth:  qui  est  ce  qui  a  oblit' 
teri  ce  mol,  il  faalt  bien  dire  quil  nattoyt 
pas  trop  bonne  intencion. 
1  BLOWE  with  my  mouthe,  or  with  a  payre  of 
belowes,  or  as  the  Wynde  dothe,  Je  souffle, 
prim.  conj.  Who  hath  hurte  thy  bande, 
let  me  blowe  upon  it,  my  sonne,  and  than 
it   shall    be   hole  :  qui    ta  blecé  la  mayn, 
laysse  moy  souffler  dessus,  mon  jilz,  et  elle 
sera  tantost  guerye.  Where  be  the  bellowes, 
I  praye  the,  blowe  the  fyre  :  ou  sont  les 
souffletz,je  te  prie,  souffle  le  feu  vng  peu. 
[  blowe,  as  a'man  or  a  beest  dothe  that  hath 
gone  or  ronne  fast.  Je  pousse ,  prim.  conj. 
He  bloweth  lyke  a  horse  that  came  newe 
from  galoppyng  :  il  pousse  comme  vng  che- 
ual  qui  vient  nouuellement  de  gallopper. 
I  blowe  abrode,  as  a  man  dothe  tydynges  or 
any  raaner  raporte.  Je  publie,  prim.  conj. 
It  is  a  marvayle  to  se  howe  some  tydynges 
be  blowen  abrode  :  cest  vng  cas  estrange 
que  de  veoir  si  soudainement  comme  nou- 
uelles  se  publient.  He  bloweth  abrode  ail 
that  he  knoweth  :  il   publie  tout  ce  quil 
I  blowe  a  home,  or  a  trompet,  or  any  sache 
lyke   thynges.  Je  sonne,  prim.    conj.   in 



which  sence  I  fyndc  also  je  corne,  prim. 
coDJ.  He  blowetli  a  liorne  wcll  :  il  sonne 
vng  cor  fort  bien. 

I  biowe  in  a  trompet.  Je  buissine,  prim.  conj. 
He  bloweth  in  a  trompet  the  best  that 
ever  you  herde:  il  bajssine  aussi  bien  cjue 
homme  que  vous  vistezjçanays. 

\  Wowe  away,  as  duste ,  or  fethers ,  or  any  suche 
iyght  tbynge  with  the  wynde.  Je  me  ven- 
tile, je  men  suis  ventillè,  ventiller,  prim. 
conj.  There  is  as  moche  holde  at  thy 
promesse  as  at  a  fether  that  bloweth 
awaye  with  the  wynde  :  il  y  a  autant  de 
seuretè  a  la  promesse  quil  y  a  a  vue  plume 
qui  se  ventillè  au  vent. 

I  BLDSSHE,  I  waxe  ashamed.  Je  menrougis,  je 
me  suis  enrougy,  enrougir,  verbum  médium 
sec.  conj.  and  other  wyse,  je  mue  couleur, 
jay  mué  couleur,  muer  couleur,  prim.  conj. 
I  fynde  alsoj'e  roit^M,  verbum  médium 
sec.  conj.  and  je  me  vergongne ,  je  me  suis 
vergongnè,  vergongner.  This  felowe  bluss- 
helh  lyke  a  bntchers  boHe  :  ce  compaignon 
senrougit  or  mue  couleur  comme  la  jatte 
dung  boucher. 

I  BLDSTER.  Je  souJle,pT\tt\.  conj.  andj'c  bouffe, 
prim.  conj.  He  blustereth  as  ihoughe  he 
had  laboured  sore  :  il  soujle  comme  sil  eust 
fort  trauaillé.  This  wynde  blustereth  a 
pace  :  ce  vent  bouffe  fort. 


I  BOBYLL,  as  water  or  any  other  lycour  doth 
upon  the  fyre,  whan  it  setheth.  Je  bouil- 
lonne, prim.  conj.  Whan  the  potage  be- 
gynnetb  to  bobyll ,  it  is  a  token  the  potte 
wyll  ron  over,  if  one  take  nat  hede  :  quant 
te  potage  commence  a  bouillonner ,  le  jfst 
senfuyra,  si  on  ny  prent  garde. 

I  BOOCE  or  to  boce  out,  as  workemeu  do  a  ho- 
iowe  thynge  to  make  it  semé  more  appa- 
rent to  the  eye.  Jenboce,  prim.  conj.  This 
broderer  hath  boccd  this  pece  of  worke 
very  well  :  ce  brodeur  a  enbocé  ceste  pièce 
douneraigc  fort  bien. 

I  BOCKG,  I  beiche.  Je  roucte,  prim.  conj.  He 

bocketh  lyke  a  churle  :  il  roucte  comme 
vng  villayn. 

I  bocke  upon  one,  1  loke  upon  hym  disdayn- 
fully  to  provoke  hym  to  anger.  Je  aposte. 

I  bocke,  as  a  tode  dothe,  I  make  a  noyse.  Je 
groulle,  prim.  conj. 

I  BOPPET,  I  gyve  one  a  blowc.  Je  baille  vue 
joée,jay  baillé  vue  joée,  bailler  vne  joie, 
prim.  conj.  and  of  lyke  signyfycacion  isjc 
(«■«^((f,  prim.  conj.  Cette  you  hence,  or  I 
shall  buBelyoutyllyourheed  shaîl  ake:oi- 
tez  vousdycy,oaje  vous  beujfetleray  tant  que 
rostre  teste  vous  fera  mal.  As  for  je  baille 
vne  joée  signyfyeth  I  gyve  one  a  clappe  on 
the  cheke. 

I  BOïi.E,  I  sethe,  as  water  or  any  other  lycoure 
dothe  by  reason  of  a  sharpe  fyre  Je  bouils, 
nous  bouillons,  je  bouilis ,  fay  bouily,  je 
bouilyray,  que  je  bouille,  que  je  bouilisse, 
bouillir,  tert.  conj.  The  potte  boyieth  a 
pace,  and  yet  J  wene  no  bodye  hath  skom- 
med  it  :  le  pot  bouilt  fort  el  ferme,  et  si 
croysje  quon  ne  la  pas  encore  escumé. 

I  boyie  up  or  burbyll  up ,  as  a  water  dothe 
in  a  spring.  Je  bouillonne,  prim.  conj.  It  is 
a  great  pleasure  to  se  liowe  the  water  of 
a  spring  boyleth  up  :  cesl  vng  granl  play- 
syr  que  de  veoir  comment  leaae  dane  source 

Iboke,  or  provoke,  or  set  aworke,  or  move  a 
man  to  anger.  Japoste,  prim.  conj.  What 
bokest  tliou  upon  me,  knave,  and  it  were 
nat  for  shame,  I  wolde  writhe  thy  necke 
a  sonder  :  que  me  apostes  tu,  villayn,  si  ce 
nesloyt  pour  honte,  je  le  tordroys  le  col. 

I  BOKYLL  a  shoe  or  any  other  tbinge  that  hath 
a  buckyll.  Je  bloucque,  prim.  conj.  Thou 
nedesl  nat  to  loke  thus  bye  ,  I  wolde  thou 
knewest  it,  I  thynke  scorne  thou  shuldest 
bokyll  my  shoe  :  il  nest  besoing  que  tu  re- 
gardes si  hault,  je  veubo  que  tu  saiches  que 
je  ne  daigne  pas  que  m  bloucquasses  mon 

I  BOLDEN  or  make  hardy.  Janlme,  prim.  conj. 
Jenhardys ,  jay  enhardy,  enhardir,  sec.  conj . 
[t  19  good  to  bolden  a  boye  in  bis  youth , 




and  to  acustome  a  gyrle  to  be  sbame 
faste  :  il  fait  bon  danimeroT  denhardyr  vny 
garçon  en  sa  jeunesse ,  et  daccoastamer  vne 
garce  destre  vergongncuse. 

I  BOLNE,  I  swell.  Jenjle,  prim.  conj.  Se  howe 
tbis  toode  boineth  :  agardez  comment  ce 
crapault  senjle.  My  bande  is  bolne ,  sytbe 
yesternygbt,  as  moche  agayne  as  it  is  wonte 
to  be  :  ma  majn  sest  enjlcc,  depuis  hier  au 
soyr,  presque  double  autant  quelle  sou- 

I  bolne,  I  puffe  up,  as  a  sore  or  any  sucbe 
lyke  tbynge  that  swelieth  unnaturaliy.  Je 
boursoufle,  prim.  conj.  This  wounde  is 
greatly  bolne:  ceste  playe  est  fort  boursouf- 

1  BOMME,  as  a  flye  dothe  or  busse.  Je  bruis, 
jay  bruy,  bruir,  sec.  conj. 

I  bomme,  as  a  bonibyll  bee  dothe  or  any  flye. 
Je  bruys,  sec.  conj.  Tbis  waspe  bommeth 
about  myne  eare  :  I  am  afrayed  leste  she 
slynge  me  :  ceste  mouche  guespe  brujt  au- 
tour de  mon  orcùïle,  jay  paour  quelle  ne  me 

I  BOUBDE  or  jape  with  one  in  sporte.  Je  truffe, 
prim.  conj.  and  in  this  sence  I  fynde  je 
bourde,  prim.  conj.  and  je  jounche,  prim. 
conj.  Borde  nat  witb  hym,  for  be  can 
abyde  no  sporte  :  ne  truffle  poynt  a  luy,  or 
ne  bourde  poynt  a  luy,  or  ne  lejounche  poynt, 
car  il  ne  peult  poynt  endurer  jea. 

i  borde  a  shyppe  or  sucbe  lyke.  Jaborde  vne 
nauire,jay  abordé,  aborder,  prim.  conj., 
addynge  tbe  vessell  that  is  borded.  Borde 
tbis  caracke  :  abordez  ceste  caracqae. 
Though  he  hâve  a  shyppe  of  a  bundred 
tonne,  I  dare  borde  hym  with  my  rowe 
barge  :  combien  quil  ayt  vne  nauire  de  cent 
tonneaux,  je  loseroye  aborder  de  ma  barge  a 

I  BOORDE  the  flouth  of  a  buyldyng  with  boor- 
des.  Je  planche,  prim.  conj.  Let  your  par- 
iour  be  boorded,  for  tbe  colde  grounde  is 
nat  holsome  :  que  vostre  parloyr  soit  planché, 
car  la  terre  ncst  pas  sayne. 

1  BORDER  a  garment,  or  I  compassé  a  tbyng 

aboute.  Je  horde,  prim.  conj.  I  wyil  bor- 
der my  kote  with  blacke  velvet  :  je  horde- 
ray  mon  saion  de  vellours  noyr. 

I  BORDER,  as  a  laude  or  countray  dothe  one 
upon  another.  Jajfronle,  prim.  conj. 
whiche  I  fynde  many  tymes  used  as  a 
meane  verbe.  Our  landes  border  one  upon 
an  otber  :  noz  terres  se  entre  affrontent. 

I  BOBE  tborough  with  a  percer,  or  wymbyll ,  or 
any  sache  lyke  thing.  Je  perce, prim.  conj. 
I  can  nat  bore  tbis  bogges  beed  of  wyne 
ihoroughe  :  je  ne  puis  pas  percer  oultre  ce 
muy  de  vin. 

I  BORNE,  as  the  fyre  dothe  or  any  sache  iyke 
tbyng.  Je  brusle,  prim.  conj.  In  whicbe 
sence  I  fynde  also  used  je  ars,  nous  ardons, 
je  ardis,jay  ars ,  jardray ,  quejarde,  ardre, 
tert.  conj .  Ookc  burneth  clerer  tban  elme  : 
boys  de  chesne  brusle  plus  cler,  or  art  plus 
cler  que  boys  dorme. 

I  borne  to  the  botome ,  as  a  potte  dothe  for 
want  of  lycour.  Je  aourse,  prim.  conj.  I 
wyll  eate  no  potage  to  day,  for  tbe  potte 
is  burned  to  tbe  botome  :  je  ne  veulx  poynt 
manger  de  potaige  aujourdhuy,  car  le  pot 
est  aoursé, 

I  borne,  as  a  mannes  or  beestes  eyes  dothe 
whan  they  be  chafed  by  anger.  Je  alume, . 
prim.  conj.  His  eyes  burned  in  bis  beed, 
as  lygbt  as  a  candell  :  sesyeulx  luy  alument 
en  sa  teste,  comme  si  ce  fut  vne  chandelle. 

I  BORNYSSH,  as  a  goldsmylh  dothe  plate  to 
make  it  semé  newe.  Je  burnys,  jay  burny, 
burnir,  sec.  conj.  He  burnysshed  a  newe 
ail  tbe  plate  in  his  bouse  agaynst  bis  wyfe 
went  to  charche  lo  be  puryfyed  :  il  burnit 
de  nouueau  toute  la  vaisselle  dargent  quil 
eust  a  sa  mayson  pour  lamour  de  sa  femme 
qui  se  leuoyt  de  gesine. 

I  BOROWE  of  trust ,  without  surety  or  oblyga- 
cion,  but  onely  upon  my  credence.  Jac- 
croys,jay  accru,  accroyre,  conj ugate  lyke 
his  symple  je  croys,  I  byleve.  Thou  lovest 
well  to  borowe  of  truste  so  longe  as  any 
body  wyll  lende  the.  Tu  aymes  bien  a  aller 
accroyre  tant  que  on  te  vueille  prester. 



borowe  money  or  any  other  thynge  that  I 
bave  nede  of ,  upon  a  pledge ,  or  seurtye. 
Jemprunte,  prim.  conj.  It  is  no  shame  to 
borowe  upon  a  good  pledge  :  ce  iicst  pas 
honte  dempranter  sur  vnij  bon  gaige. 
I  borowe  or  pledge  one  out  of  prison.  Je  pledge, 
prim.  conj.  If  thou  be  taken  prisoner  in 
this  quarell ,  I  wyll  nat  borowe  the,  I  pro- 
messe the  :  si  ta  es  prins  prisonnier  en  ceste 
querelle,  je  ne  te  pledgeray  point,  je  te  pro- 
I  BOSTE  or  crake  of  my  dedes.  Je  me  vante,  je 
me  suis  vanté,  vanter,  verbum  médium 
prim.  conj.  and  in  this  sence  I  fynde  also 
je  me  groje,je  me  suisgroyé,  prim.  conj. 
He  bosteth  him  as  moche  for  kyllyng  of  a 
snayle  as  some  man  wolde  do  for  kyllyng 
of  a  lyon  :  il  se  vante  autant  pour  auojr  tué 
vng  limaçon  que  aulcun feroyt  pour  auoyr 
tué  vng  lion.  He  bosteth  him  to  moche  :  il 
se  groye  trop. 

I  BOOTE  in  corsyng,  or  chaungyng  one  thyng 
for  an  olber,  I  give  money  or  some  other 
thynge  above  the  thyng.  Je  exchange,  je 
mets  daaanlage,  conjugate  lyke  «I  put», 
addyng  every  persone  of  je  mets  to  da- 
uantaige,  and  in  lyke  sence  they  use  je 
boute  dauantaige,  jay  boulé  dauantaige, 
bouter  dauantaige ,  prim.  conj.  addyng  da- 
uantaige to  bis  persons.  What  will  you 
boote  bytwene  my  horse  and  yours  :  qtu 
voulez  vous  mettre  dauantaige  entre  vostre 
cheual  et  le  mien  ? 

I  BOTCHE  or  bungyll  a  garment  or  thyng,  as  be 
dolhe  that  is  nat  a  perfyte  workeman.  Je 
fatre,  prim.  conj.  anà  je  fatrouille,  prim. 
conj.  ïhis  garment  is  but  botched  :  cest 
habit  nest  que  Jatiè  OT  fatrouille. 

I  botche  or  patche  an  olde  garment.  Je  ra- 
uaalde,  prim.  conj.  I  bave  botched  my 
hosen  at  the  heles  :  Jay  rauaaldé  mes 
chausses  aux  talions. 

I  BOWE,  I  stoupe  or  inciyne  with  the  heed.  Je 
Jlechis,  sec.  conj.  Haste  thou  eaten  a  stake, 
I  shall  make  the  bowe  :  as  to  mangé  vng 
espicu ,  je  tejeray  Jlechyr. 

I  bowe  or  bende  a  thyng ,  as  we  may  do  any 
thynge  made  of  metall  or  suche  lyke.  Je 
plye,  prim.  conj.  I  fynde  also  je  plessie, 
prim.  conj.  He  bowed  the  dysshe  one  syde 
to  an  other  :  il  pfyoyt  or  plessioyt  lescucUe 
lang  costé  a  lautre, 

I  bowe  downe  my  beed.  Je  mencUne  la  teste,  je 
me  suis  encline  la  teste,  pour  mencliner  la 
(Mte, verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  Christ, 
whan  he  was  stryken  by  Longius,  bowed 
downe  bis  heed:  Christ,  quant  il  fust  féru 
de  Longius,  senclina  la  teste. 

I  bowe  downe  with  my  bole  bodye.  Je  mencline, 
je  me  suis  encline,  encliner,  verbum  mé- 
dium prim.  conj.  He  boweth  downe  lyke 
a  monke  or  frère  :  il  sehcline  comme  sil 
esloyt  vng  moyne  ou  vng  religieux. 

I  bowe  forwarde  in  my  goyng.  Je  me  cambre,  je 
me  suis  cambré,  cambrer,  or  je  vas  en  cam- 
brant. She  boweth  forwarde ,  as  sbe  gothe, 
very  sore  :  elle  se  cambre  en  marchant  très- 

I  bowe  or  leane  out,  as  a  clyfTe  of  a  hyll  or  a 
thynge  that  hangeth  oulwarde.  Je  cliae, 
prim.  conj.  The  rockes  of  Dover  bowe  nat 
out  so  moche  to  the  see  warde  as  the 
rockes  of  Bretayn  :  les  roches  de  Doare  ne 
senclinent  pas  tant  deaers  la  mer  comme 
font  les  roches  de  Bretaigne  or  ne  se  cli- 
aent,  etc. 

I  bowe  or  bende  downwardes.  Je  décline , 
prim.  conj.  The  toppe  of  Charyng  crosse 
bath  bowed  downwardes  many  a  daye  : 
le  sommet  de  la  croix  de  Charing  se  est  dé- 
cliné mayntz  jours. 

I  bowe  or  bende  my  bodye  to  shorten  it.  Je  me 
courue,  je  me  suis  courue,  couruer,  ver- 
bum médium  prim.  conj.  I  bowe  my 
selfe  in  as  small  romme  as  I  can  :  je  me 
courue  en  aussi  peu  despace  que  je  puis. 

I  BOWLDEN ,  I  herten  or  coiu-age  one  to  a  pur- 
pose.  Jencoaraige ,  prim.  conj.  and  je 
anime,  prim.  conj.  and  je  baudis,  sec. 
conj.  and  je  esbaudis,  sec.  conj.  And  he 
were  boldened  a  lytle,  he  wolde  do  well 
ynough  :  mais  quilfust  vng  peu  esbaudi,  il 



feroyt  bien  assez.   The  feiowe  wolde  do 

well  ynough ,  and  lie  were  well  boldened  : 

le  gallant  feroyt  bien  assez,  silfust  bien  en- 

coUTttigé,  or  animé,  or  esbaudy. 
1   BOWLE,  I  throw   a  boule.  Je  boiiUe,  prim. 

conj.Wyii  you  boule  for  a  quarte  of  wyne  : 

voulez  vous  boaler,  or  jouer  aux  boulles 

pour  me  quarte  de  vin. 
I   bowle,  I   play  at  the  boules.  Je  joue  atuc 

boulles,  jay  joué  aux  boulles,  jouer  aux 

boulles,  prim.  conj.  I  bad  lever  boule  ihan 

shote  :  jayme  plus  chier  jouer  aux  boulles 

que  tirer  de  lare. 
I  BOWLNE  or  swell.  Jenjle,  prim.  conj.  declared 

in  <I  bolnei. 
I  bowlne,  I  puffe  up,  as  a  thyng  is  pufled  up 

with  ^vynde,  or  a  sore  ibat  is  greatly  rysen. 

Je  boursoufle ,  prim.  conj.  declared  in  -o  I 

•  bolne,  I  pufTe  up». 
1  BOCLTE  out  a  mater,  I  trye  eut  tfae  troutbe  in 

a  doulfull  thynge.  Je  saiche,  prim.  conj. 

1  wyli  boulte  out  this  mater  by  one  mea- 

nes  or  other  :je  saicheray  ceste  matière  par 

me  voye  ou  aullre. 
l  boulte  meale  or  any  otber  manerof  fleure  in 

a  boulter.  Je  balte,  prim.  conj.  Wc  wolde 

bave  breed»  if  our  meale  were ones  boul- 

ted  :  nous  aurions  du  payn  se  nostre  farine 

estoyt  vne  foys  bultée. 
1  BODSCHE  or  pussbe  ODC.  Je  pousse,  prim.  conj. 

Thou  buDchest  me  so  that  I  can  nat  syt 

in  rest  by  the  :  tu  me  pousses  ainsi  que  je 

ne  puis  estre  assis  auprès  de  toy  en  repos. 
I  BOWNOE ,  I  make  a  partycion  bytwene  place 

and  place.  Je  limite,  prim.  conj.  and  Je 

con^ne^prim.  conj.  Heboundeth  upon  my 

landes  towardes  the  east.and  upon  the 

kynges  hygh  waye  on  the  southe  syde  :  il 

limite  sur  mes  terres  vers  lorient,  et  sur  le 

hault  chemvn  vers  mydy. 
I  BOVVBDE  with  one  in  porte  or  tryfle  with  hym. 

Je  me  bourde  a  luy.  Bourde  nat  with  hym , 

for  he  playeth  ever  in  good  ernest  :  ne 

vous  bourdez  pas  a  Iuy,  car  il  joue  tousjours 

a  bon  escient. 

B  BïFOBt:  R. 

I  BBACE  in  my  armes.  Je  embrasse,  prim.  conj, 
It  was  a  grcat  comforte  to  ail  tbeir  frendes 
to  se  howe  the  one  ofthem  dyd  brace  the 
other  :  cesloyt  my    ijrant  comjorl  a  Ions 

amys  de  veoyi 

r  comment  Hz  se  entre 


I  brace,  I  tye  faste.  Jenlace,  prim.  conj.  This 
mayden  is  braced  so  barde  tliat  she  muste 
nedes  semé  small  ;  ceste  fille  est  si  estroycte 
enlacée  quilfaut  quelle  apare  ijresle. 

I  brace  or  face.  Je  brayyue,  prim,  conj.  He 
braced,  and  made  a  bracyng  hère,  afore 
the  dore,  as  thoughe  he  wolde  bave  kylled  ; 
God  hâve  mercy  on  his  soûle  :  il  braygoyt 
ycy,  deuani  Ihiiys,  comme  sil  cust  voulu  tuer  . 
Dieu  en  ayl  mercy  de  son  ame, 

I  BBAï  in  a  hraKe,  as  men  do  hempo.  Je  broyé, 
prim.  conj.  This  hcmpe  is  nat  halfe 
braycd  :  ceste  chamure  nest  pas  a  demy 

I  braye  in  a  morter.  Je  brise,  prim.  conj.  Braye 
ail  this  spyces  in  a  brasen  niorter  ;  brisez 
toutes  ces  espices  en  vng  mortier  darrayn. 

I  BBAïE,  as  deere  dotho  or  any  other  beest.  Je 
brays,  prim.  conj.  Thcre  is  a  deere  kylled, 
for  I  hère  hym  braye  :  on  a  tué  vnij  dayn, 
car  je  los  brayre. 

I  BBAïDE,  I  wynde  sylke,  orbeare,  or  beades. 
Je  tortille,  prim,  conj.  and  in  this  sencè  I 
fyndealsojV  lys,  il  tist,  nous  tyssons,je 
tissis,jay  tissu,  je  lystray  ,qiieje  tisse,  que 
je  lississe,  tisire,  terl.  conj.  She  braydeth 
his  poyntes  to  make  them  lastc  tho  longer  : 
elle  tyst  ses  estjuHlettes  pour  Us  faire  durer 
plus  longuement.  It  is  a  good  syght  to  se  a 
maydes  beare  brayded  '.fait  beau  veoir  les 
cheueulx  dune  fille  tortillez. 

I  brayde,  or  lay  the  wyte  of  any  faute  to  a  nians 
charge.  Je  reprouche,  prim.  conj.  Whv 
brayde  you  me  for  his  faute  :  pour  quoy  me 
repranchez  vous  pour  safaulte? 

I  brayde  beare  or  sylke  upon  braydes,  or  with 
bobyns.  Jcntrelasse ,  prim.  conj.  Brayded 
poyntes  he  nat  se  good  as  woven  :  esguiU 



lettes  entrelacées  ne  sont  pas  si  bonnes  que 

I  brayde,  I  passhe  or  slryke  out  the  braynes  of 
one»  heed.  Jesceruelle,  prim.  conj.  I  sawe 
Lym  whan  he  brayned  the  gentylman 
with  a  ciubbe  :  je  le  vis  quant  il  esceruella 
le  gentylhomme  dune  massue. 

l  BfiAKE  on  a  brake,  or  payne  baake,  as  men  do 
mysdoers  to  confesse  the  trouthe.  Je  ge- 
hynne,  prim.  conj.  whiche  I  fynde  also 
written  je  géhenne,  prim.  conj.  The  false 
murdrer  was  braked  thrise  or  ever  he 
wolde  confesse  the  trouthe  :  le  faulx 
meurtrier  fust  par  troys  foys  géhenne  auant 
quil  voulust  confesser  la  vérité, 

I  brake  hempe  or  Qaxe  in  a  brake.  Je  broyé  du 
chamare  ou  du  lyn,  jay  broyé,  broyer, 
prim.  conj.  This  flaxe  was  nat  weil  bra- 
ked :  ce  lyn  nestoyt  poynt  bien  broyé. 

I  BRAUDER,  as  a  brouderer  dolhe  a  vejtement 
or  any  other  garment.  Je  broude,  prim. 
conj.  His  gowne  whiche  he  had  on  the 
lasle  sondaye  was  richely  broudred  :  la 
robbe  quil  portoyt  dymenche  passé  estoyt 
richement  broudée, 

I  DRAUi.E,  I  skoldo  or  chyde.  Je  tence,  prim. 
conj.  Thèse  Iwo  queenes  never  ceased  to 
skolde  sythe  eyght  of  the  clocke  in  the 
mornynge  :  ces  deux  loudieres  ne  cessèrent 
de  tencer  despuis  huyct  heures  de  malyn. 

l  BRAUNCHE ,  as  trees  do  in  the  spring  of  the 
yere.  Je  jecte  hors  des  branches,  prim. 
conj.  or  je  mets  hors  des  branches,  conju- 
gale in  «I  put».  The  scason  of  the  yere 
is  corne  nowe  for  trees  to  braunche  :  la 
saison  de  lannée  est  venue  que  les  arbres 
doyuent  jecter  hors  leurs  branches. 

I  BBEDE.  Je  comnunce,  prim.  conj. This  scabbe 
dothe  but  brede  nowe  :  ceste  rongne  ne  fait 
que  commencer. 

I  brede,  I  bringe  up  any  yonge  tbyng.  Je  nour- 
ris, sec.  conj.  and  je  eslieiie,  prim.  conj. 
I  brede  as  many  pygges  aboute  my  bouse 
as  two  of  my  ncyhhbours  :  je  nounys , 
or  je  eslicue  autant  de  coychons  autour  de 
ma  mayson  comme  deux  de  mes  voysyns. 

I  brede  a  chylde,  or  brede  yonge,  as  a  vvoman 
or  any  otlier  suche  beest  dothe.  Je  suis  en- 
ceinte dcnj'ant.  Wlian  I  brede  chylde  I  am 
ever  heavy  :  quant  je  suis  de  nouueau  en- 
ceynclc  je  suis  tousjours  pesante. 

I  brede  tethe,  as  yonge  chyldren  do.  Les  den.* 
me  viennent,  les  dens  te  viennent,  les  dens 
luy  viennent,  les  dens  nous  viennent,  les  dens 
vous  viennent,  les  dens  leur  viennent,  and  so, 
joynyng  the  thyrdc  pcrsons  plurell  of  ali 
the  tenses  of  je  viens,  whose  conjugatynge 
shall  herafter  apere  whan  I  corne  unto 
the  other  wordes  hère  afore  rehersed. 
This  thynge  wyll  brede  to  a  scabbe  :  cestc  . 
chose  veult  engendrer  vue  roigne.  Whan 
yonge  chyldren  brede  tethe,  comenly  they 
he  waywarde  :  citant  les  dens  viennent  aux 
petis  enfans,  Hz  sont  tousjours  mal  play- 

I  brede  wormes  in  my  belly.  Les  vers  me  vien- 
nent au  ventre.  It  is  good  for  your  sonne  to 
drinke  a  courlesye  of  Malvcsye,  for  lieWe- 
deth  wormes  :  il  est  bon  pour  vostrejilz  de 
boire  vng  peu  de  Maluaisye,  car  les  vers  luy 
viennent  au  ventre. 

I  BREYDE,  or  take  a  thyng  sodayniy  in  baste.  Je 
me  mets  a  prendre  hastiucment. 

I  breyde,  J  make  a  brayde  to  do  a  thyng  so- 
dayniy. Je  mejforce,  prim.  Conj. 

I  breyde  out  of  ray  slepe.  Je  tressaulx  hors  de 
mon  somme. 

I  BREAKE  a  thynge  in  peces.  Je  romps,  nous 
rompons,  je  rompis,  jay  rompu,  je  rom- 
peray,  que  je  rompe,  rompre,  tcrt.  conj. 
Who  hathbrokcn  this  glaise  :  quia  rompu 
ce  voyrre? 

I  breake,  as  a  sore  dothe  whan  the  mattcr  of  it 
is  rype.  Je  jecte  de  la  boue ,  jay  jecté ,  jec- 
ter, prim.  conj.  Is  your  byie  broken  yel  : 
vostre  clou  jecte  il  de  la  boue  encore? 

I  breake  my  faste,  as  we  do  in  the  mornynge 
for  the  ayre.  Je  desjeune,  prim.  conj. 
Breake  your  faste  or  you  go  out  of  the 
dores  :  desjeuncz  auant  que  de  partyr  hors 
de  la  mayson.. 

I  breake  my  faste.  Je  desjune,  prim.  conj.  Hâve 



you  broken  your  faste  yet  :  aaez  vous  des- 
juné  encore  7 

I  breake  my  -faste  upon  a  fastyng  day.  Je  brise 
ma  jeune,  prim.  conj.Wyll  you  breake 
your  faste  to  daye  and  it  is  vigyll  :  voulez 
vous  briser  vostre  jeune  et  ccst  la  veille  dung 
aposlre  aujourdhuj. 

I  breake  my  mynde  lo  one,  I  shew  bym  my 
counsayie.  Je  déclare  mon  consail.  I  wolde 
breake  my  mynde  to  you,  and  praye  you 
of  your  counsayie  -je  vous  desclareroys  mon 
conseil  voulentiers,  et  vous  prieroys  de  vostre 

1  breake  ray  mynde  to  one,  I  sbewe  bym  my 
gryfe.  Je  me  descharge  le  cueur.  I  breake 
my  brayne  to  do  bym  good  and  be  can 
nat  se  it  :  je  trauaille  mon  entendement 
pour  lujr  fayre  du  bien,  et  il  ne  le  peult 
poynt  veoyr. 

I  breajte  my  promesse  or  my  maryage ,  or  any 
sache  lyke  thynge.  Je  faulce,  prim.  conj. 
joynynge  tbe  tcnscs  of  je  faalse  to  the 
wordes  tbat  folowe.  \nd  je  Jroysse,  prim. 
conj.  as  jay  Jroyssé  ma  promesse.  I  bave 
broken  my  promesse  :  jay  faulci  ma  pro- 
messe. Thou  baste  broken  tby  maryage  : 
tu  as  faulcé  ton  mariage.  He  hath  broken 
bis  relygion  :  i7  a  faulcé  sa  religion. 

I  breake  my  saperiours  commaundement.  Jen- 
frayns,  nous  enjraygnons,  jenfraygnis,  jay 
enfraynt ,  jenjraindray ,  que  jenjraigne ,  en- 
Jraindre,  tert.  conj.  and  in  this  sence  I 
fynde  je  transgresse,  prim.  conj.  and  I 
fynde  aiso  in  Ibis  sence  je  irrite,  prim. 
conj.\ou  bave  broken  your  princes  com- 
maundement :  vous  auez  enfraynt,  vous 
attez  transgressé ,  vous  auez  irrité  le  comman- 
dement de  vostre  prince. 

I  breake  a  mater  lo  a  person.  Je  entame.  I  dare 
nat  breake  the  mater  to  hym  first  :  je  ne 
luy  ose  pas  entamer  la  matière  premier. 

I  breake  or  bringe  up  a  yonge  person  to  serve 
me  lo  my  pleasure,  properly  soundyng  to 
yveli.  Ja.ff'aicle,  prim.  conj.  and  in  this 
sence  I  fynde  it  somtyme  used  to  bringe 
up  an  upiandysshe  person  in  better  ma- 

ners  or  more  townysshe  condycions,  as 
je  duile ,  prim.  conj.  and  je  dnise ,  prim. 
conj.  He  hath  broken  hym  for  the  nones  : 
il  la  affaictè  toute  a  propos.  This  woman 
is  broken  after  her  bousbandes  hande  : 
cesie  femme  est  toute  duicte  après  lesplaysyrs 
'  de  son  mary.  This  upiandysshe  felowe  is 
very  well  broken  within  a  vvhyle  :  ce  pui- 
sant est  fort  bien  affuiclé,  or  duict  en  peu  de 

I  breake  a  yonge  beest  from  bis  wylde  condys- 
cions,  and  make  bym  more  lame  and 
genlyll.  Je  priue,  prim.  conj.  in  whiche 
sence  I  fynde  slIso  japriuojse,  prim.  conj. 
You  can  nat  breke  a  yonge  colle  for  ones 
or  twyse  rydyng  :  vous  ne  pouez  pas  priuer 
or  apriuoyser  ung  jeune  poulayn  pour  le 
cheuaulcher  vnefoys  ou  deux  seullemenl. 

l  breake,  or  make  first  mencyon  of  a  mater  to 
any  person.  Jentame,  prim.  conj. 

I  breake  up  a  capon  or  sucbe  lyke  meate  at 
the  borde.  Je  entame.  Breake  up  this  ca- 
pon :  entamez  ce  chapon.  Breake  up  ihe 
faysante  and  let  the  quayles  alone  :  en- 
tamez lefaysant  et  layssez  les  quaylles. 

I  breake  a  ihyng  in  to  peces.  Je  despece,  prim. 
conj.  Breake  this  lofe  in  to  foure  peces  : 
despecez  ce  payn  en  quatre  pièces. 

I  breake  a  nul,  or  any  sache  thing  that  is  bri- 
tyll.  Je  casse,  prim.  conj.  VVho  hath  bro- 
ken the  gla3se  :  qui  a  cassé  le  voyrre?  I 
had  leaver  be  had  broken  me  a  noble  : 
je  aymasse  mieulx  quil  meusl  rompu  vng 

I  breake  up  a  siège  before  a  lowne  or  castell. 
Je  lieue  le  siège,  jay  lieuè,  leufr,  prim. 
conj.  We  brake  up  the  siège  a  lytyll  to 
soone,  for  foure  dayes  longer  had  goten 
the  castell  :  nous  leuasmes  le  siège  ung  peu 
trop  tost,  car  quattre  jours  plus  longuement 
eust  guigné  le  chasteau. 

I  breake  up,  as  a  pariyament,  or  an  assembly 
of  people,  or  ajustes  or  tournay,  or  suche 
lyke.  Je  dissolue,  prim.  conj.  and  je  faulx, 
conjugale  in  «1  fayle».  Whan  shall  the 
pariyament  breake  up  :  quant  se  dissol- 



uera  le  parlement?  Whan  dyd  thc  justes 
breake  up  at  Guynes  :  quant  f aillèrent  les 
joastes  a  Guynes? 

l  breake  of  a  pece  or  porcyoïi  of  a  thyng  from 
the  hole.  Je  desromps,  jay  desrompu,  des- 
rompre, conjugale  in  «I  breake».  Breake 
me  of  a  pece  :  desrompez  men  vne  pièce. 

I  breake  from  my  mater  and  tell  of  tbynges 
that  be  nothynge  to  the  purpose.  Je  me 
desbauche,je  me  suis  desbanché,  desbaucher, 
verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  You  breake 
from  your  mater  nowe  :  vous  vous  desbau- 
chez  mayntenant. 

I  breake  the  arraye  of  horsemen  or  fofemen 
in  a  felde.  Je  desarroye,  and  je  desroute, 
prim.  conj.  A  hundred  horsemen  mo  had 
utlerly  broken  tlieir  arraye  :  cent  hommes 
darmes  dauanlaige  les  eust  du  tout  desarroyés, 
or  desroutés. 

I  breake  the  rayns  of  ones  backe  with  strokes. 
Jame,  prim.  conj.  He  hath  broken  my 
backe  -.  i2  ma  amé. 

1  breake  from  ooe,  I  escape  from  hym  that 
hath  me  in  holde  or  in  daunger.  Je  es- 
chappe,  prim.  conj.  Howe  many  is  there 
that  bave  broken  the  prison  :  combien  en 
y  a  il  qui  sont  eschapez  de  prison? 

I  breake  of  from  my  purpose.  Je  désiste,  prim. 
conj.  If  you  wyl  nat  breake  of  from  your 
purpose  you  wyii  repent:«i  vous  ne  désistez 
de  vostre  entreprise  vous  vous  en  repentirez. 

I  breake  my  mynde,  or  breake  my  herte  to  a 
person ,  and  sliewe  hini  my  secrète  coun- 
sayle.  Jefays  ouuerlure  de  mon  secret,  faire 
ouuerlure  de  mon  secret.  I  brake  my  mynde 
to  hym  luy  fis  ouuerlure  de  mon  secret. 

r  breake  out  of  the  foide,  as  shepe  do  in  the 
nyght  season.  Je  deschampe,  prim.  conj. 
The  shepe  be  broken  out  of  your  folde  to 
nyght  :  voz  brebys  se  sont  deschampez  ceste 

I  breake  out,  as  one  dothe  ihat  waxetli  scabby. 
Je  deuiens  roigneux ,  conjagatc  iyke  bis 
sympleje  viens,  I  conie.  Melhynke  you 
breake  oui  tlie  wrestcs  :  il  mest  aduis  que 
vous  deuenez  royngneux  autour  des  poignelz. 

I  breake  oui  of  prison.  Je  eschappe  de  prison , 
prim.  conj. 

I  breake  out,  as  a  fyre  that  hath  longe  be  hydde, 
or  any  olher  thynge  that  sodaynly  cometh 
to  light.  Je  me  declaire,  verbum  médium 
prim.  conj.  Fyre  may  be  kept  down  for  a 
whyle,  but  it  wyii  breake  out  at  the  laste  : 
le  feu  se  peult  lien  sujfocquer  pour  vng  peu 
de  temps,  mais  a  lafyn  il  se  declairera. 

I  breake  up,  as  a  feest  or  Iryumphe,  pardon, 
or  terme,  or  suche  Iyke  thing  brekclli  up 
whan  it  endeth.  Je  faulx,  conjugale  in 
«  I  fayle  ».  The  feest  is  broken  up  :  la  (este 
est  faillie. 

I  breake  opcn  a  doore  or  a  cliest.  Je  ouure  or 
je  romps,  prim.  conj. 

I  BRENdE,  as  the  fyre  dothe  or  suche  Iyke.  Loke 
in  <I  burnei. 

I  BREST,  I  breake  a  sondre.  Je  me  fendis,  con- 
jugale in  ol  cleave  asonder».  And  Ihou 
woldest  wepe  tyll  thy  herte  burst ,  it 
shal  nat  avayie  the  :  si  tu  vouloys  plourer 
jusqûes  a  cueur fendre,  cela  ne  te  peult  rien 

I  BRETHE,  as  my  breathe  passeth  from  me  upon 
a  thynge.  Je  alayne ,  prim.  conj.  and  je 
respire,  prim.  conj.  Whan  thou  art  a  colde, 
brethe  upon  thy  handes  :  quant  tu  asfroyt, 
alayne  sur  tes  mayns ,  or  respire. 

I  BREWE  aie  or  beere.  Je  brasse,  prim.  conj. 
Suche  as  you  bave  brewed  drinke  hardeiy  : 
tel  que  vous  auez  brassé  buuez  hardyment. 

I  BRiBE,  I  puH,  I  pyll.  Je  bribe  (Romani),  jV 
derobbe,  prim.  conj.  and  je  emble ,  prim. 
conj.  He  bribelli ,  and  he  pollelh ,  and  he 
golhe  to  worke  :  i7  bribe,  il  derobbe,  il 
pille  et  se  met  en  oeuure. 

I  BRIDE,  I  play  the  bride.  Jefays  lespousée.This 
mayde  bridelh  very  well  :  cesle  pucellefaxt 
lespousie  Iresbien. 

I  BRIDELL  a  horse  or  suche  Iyke.  Je  bride,  prim. 
conj.  and  j'fn/rcnc ,  prim.  conj.  Bridell 
my  horse  and  forgelte  nat  to  courbe  hym  : 
brides  mon  cheual  et  noubliez  pas  de  le 

I  BRING  abedde ,  as  the  mydwyfe  dothe  a  wo- 




man  that  is  newe  delyvered.  Je  accouche. 
The  mydwyfe  saytlie  slie  trusteth  in  God 
10  bringe  her  abedde  or  mydnyght  :  la 
saige  femme  croisi  en  Dieu  de  laccoacher 
auant  que  soit  mynait. 
I  bringe  aboute,  I  bring  in  compassé  or  rounde. 
Je  compassé,  prim.  conj.  and  je  mayne  en 
I  bringe  aboule  my  purpose  ,  declared  in   I 
bringe  to  passe.  Je  viens  au  bout  de  mon 
I  bringe  downe.  Je  rabaisse  and  raualle,  prim. 
conj.  His  hygli  lokes  be  brought  downe 
wei   ynough  nowe  :  ses  haallz  regars  sont 
maintenant  assés  bien  rabaissez  or  raaallez. 
I  bringe  aslepe.  Jendors,  nous  endormons ,  jen- 
dormis ,  jay   endormy,   jendormiray,    que 
jendorme ,   endormir,   tert.    conj.    I    wyll 
bring  my  chylde  aslepe  and  conte  to  you  : 
jendormyray  mon  enfant  et  je  viendray  a 
I  bringe  a  thyng  to  one  tbat  can  nat  go.  Japorle, 
prim.  conj.  Bringe  nie  some  wyne  :  appor- 
tez moi  du  vyn. 
I  bringe  a  thyng  to  a  person.  Je  apporte ,  as  I 
bringe  tydynges  to  one  -.japporte  des  nou- 
I  bring  a  thynge  that  can  go  to  a  person.  Ja- 
mayne,  prim.  conj.  Bring  him  with  you, 
I  pray  you  :  amaynez  le  auecqaes  vous,  je 
vous  prie. 
I  bring  or  beare  tydynges  with  me.  Je  aporte, 
prim.  conj.  Je  luy  aporte  sa  robbe,  dativo 
jungitnr.  I  bring  hym  good  tydynges,  I 
thanke  God  :  je  luy  apporte  bonnes  nou- 
aelies.  Dieu  mcrcy.  He  knocketh  to  soone 
at  the  dore  that  bringeth  yvcil  tydynges  : 
trop  tost  heurte  a  la  porte  qui  mauluayses 
nouaelles  apporte. 
I  bring  a  thyng  in  to  a  place.  Je  emporte. 
I   bring  a  man   firste   aquaynted   or   in   ure 
with  a  thyng.  Japrime,  prim.  conj.  Who 
brought  hym  first  in  acquayntance  with 
her  :  qui  la  aprimé  auec  elle? 
I  bring  from  one  piace  to  an  other.  Je  confère, 
prim.  conj.  And  he  brought  his  house- 

holde  stuiTe  from   place  to  place  :  et  il 
conferoyl  ses  meubles  de  place  en  place. 
I  bring  forthe ,  as  a  femall  beest  dothe  tbeir 
yonge,  whan  ihey  be  deed,  byfore  their 
tyme.  Jauorie,  prim.  conj.  This  woman , 
by  reason  of  a  great  fail  she  had ,  was  de- 
lyvered  byfore  her  tyme ,  and  the  cbyide 
borne  deed  :  ceste  femme,  a  cause  quelle 
chcut  dangereusement ,  enfanta  deuant  son 
temps,  et  lenfant  mort  né. 
J  bring  forthe  a  chylde.  Jenfante,  prim.  conj. 
and  in  this  senee  I  fynde  jefays  vng  en- 
fant. Si  enfanta  la  royne  Heccuba  et  fit  vng 
beau  fdz. 
I  bring  forthe,  as  ail  femaies  do  their  yonge, 
or  as  ail  trees  do  their  frutes  or  cornes 
their  grayne.  Je  procrée,  prim.  conj.  The 
beestes  bring  forthe  their  yonge  :  les  besles 
procréent  leurs  jeunes.  The  trees  bring  for- 
the their  frutes  :  les  arbres  procréent  leurs 
I  bring  forthe  a  thynge  out  of  a  piace  that 
can  nat  go.  Japorte,  prim.  conj.   Bring 
forthe  the  cuppes  to  me  :  apportes  moy 
les  couppes. 
I  bring  forthe  wytnesse ,  as  one   dothe  that 
sueth  a  mater  at  the  iawe.  Je  produis  tes- 
moyngs,je  produisis,  Hz  produisirent,  nous 
produisons,  jay  produit,  je  produiray,  que 
je  produise,  produire,  tert.  conj.  Ile  batli 
brought  fortlie  syxe  suCTycient  wytnesses 
agaynst  you  :  il  a  produict  six  tesmoyngs 
dignes  defoy  contre  vous, 
I  bring  in  favour  by  my  reporte.  Je  recommande, 
prim.  conj.  I  pray  you  bring  me  in  his 
favour  :  je  vous  prie  me  recommander  a  luy. 
I  bringe  in  a  mater  in  coramunycacion.  Je  mets 
en  terme,  prim.  conj.  Conjugale  heraflor 
in  •!  put».  Lette  me  alone,  I  wyll  bring 
it  in  weil  ynoughe  whan  I  shall  se  my 
tyme  :  laissez  moy  fayre,je  le  melteray  en 
terme  bien  assez  quant  je  verray  mon  ten^s. 
I  bring  in  company  with  me.  Jamayne,  prim. 
conj.  whiche  I  fynde  somtymej'e  mayne, 
jay  mené,  mener,  prim.  conj.  I  praye  you 
bringe  hym  witU  you  whan  you  corne  to 


supper  :  je  vous  prie  de  lamener  auecques 
voas  quant  vous  venez  soapper. 

I  briog  in  dette.  Jendebte,  prim.  conj.  He  hath 
brought  me  farther  in  dette  than  ever  I 
was  :  i7  ma  endebtéplas  quejamajsje  ne  Jus. 

I  bring  in  one  mater  upon  an  other.  Je  infère, 
jay  inféré,  inférer,  prim.  conj.  And  in  this 
sence  I  fynde  je  induis ,  nous  induisons,  or 
jendais,  jay  enduict,  jenduiraj,  que  jen- 
duise ,  que  jenduisisse ,  enduire.  And  of 
lyke  sence  is  introduis ,  conjugale  lyke 
indais ,  and  déduis  of  lyke  conjugacions. 
Of  that  major  graunted  lie  brought  in 
foure  or  fyve  conclusions  :  de  ceste  major 
concédée  il  inferoyt,  il  induisoyt,  il  intro- 
duisait, il  déduisait  quatre  ou  cinq  conclu- 

I  bring  one  in  to  a  wronge  opinyon ,  or  I  bring 
him  out  of  ihe  trewe  way.  Je  séduis,  nous 
séduisons ,  je  séduis,  jay  seduict,  je  sedui- 
ray,  que  je  sedaise,  que  je  séduisisse,  sé- 
duire, tert.  conj.  and  je  desuoye,  prim. 
conj.  Sythe  be  batb  ever  ben  so  catbo- 
lyke  a  prince,  I  marvayle  bowe  he  was 
brought  in  to  this  wronge  opynion  :  puis- 
quil  a  tousjours  esté  vng  prince  si  catho- 
lique, je  men  esbahys  comment  il  est  ainsi 

I  bring  thynges  togylher  that  were  asonder. 
Jadune,  prim.  conj.  He  that  coulde  bring 
them  togyther  were  worthy  of  thankes  : 
qui  les  pourroyt  aduner  or  reconcilier  de- 
seruiroyt  bien  son  (jrant  mercys. 

I  bring  in  one  mater  upon  an  other,  or  alledge 
a  thyng  to  my  purpose.  Je  déduis,  jay  de- 
duict,  déduire,  conjugate  lyke  bis  symple , 
je  dais,  I  serve. 

I  bring  in  subjectyon.  Je  sujecte,  prim.  conj. 
wliiche  I  fynde  somtyme  jassabjecte,  prim. 
conj.  The  people  were  never  brought  bet- 
ter  in  subjectyon  than  they  be  nowe  :  le 
peuple  ne  fut  jamays  mieulx  suhjecté  or 
assabjecté  que  mayntenant. 

I  bring  in  a  bondage  or  thraldom  or  to  serve 
to  a  purpose.  J assers,  jay  asseruy,  asseruir, 
conjugate  lyke  his  simple  je  sers,  l  serve, 


or  je  subjugue,  prim.  conj.  We  were  neter 
brought  in  to  sache  thraldom  afore  his 
dayes  :  jamays  ne  fusmes  en  ce  poynt  asser- 
uy s  deaant  son  temps,  or  en  ce  poynt  sub- 

I  bring  in  to  perplexyle,  or  make  a  man  to  be 
in  doute  of  a  thyng.  Je  perplexité,  prim. 
conj.  He  was  brought  into  suche  a  per- 
plexité that  he  wyste  nat  in  the  worlde 
what  to  do  :  i2  estoyt  si  trestant  perplexité 
qail  ne  scauoyt  au  monde  que  faire. 

I  bring  my  mynde  to  passe.  Je  viendray  au  bout 
de  ce  (/ucjcnlens,  and  in  this  sence  1  fynde 
aiso  jajpne ,  prim.  conj.  and  jatiaings,  jay 
attaint,  attaindre,  conjugate  in  tl  corne 
a  toi,  as  iflmay  bring  my  desyres  topasse: 
si  je  puis  attaindre  a  mes  desyrs.  And  je 
cheuis,  sec.  conj.  Je  cheuis  de  mon  emprise. 
l  trust  to  bring  iny  mynde  to  passe  short- 
ly  .je  espère  de  venir  au  bout  de  mon  desyr 
en  brief ,  jespere  datlaindre  a  mon  desyr, 
jespere  daffyner  mon  désir,  jespere  de  che- 
uyr  a  mon  désir. 

l  bring  in  to  foly  or  in  to  a  foies  paradyce.  Je 
assotle ,  prim.  conj.  Be  ware  of  her,  i 
wolde  aduyse  you ,  for  she  can  bringe  a 
man  in  to  a  fooles  paradyce  as  soue  as 
any  woman  in  thèse  ten  townes  :  gardez 
vous  délie,  si  vous  me  croyez,  car  elle  scait 
aussitost  assolter  vng  homme  que  femme  qui 
soyt  en  ces  dix  villes  cy  entour. 

I  bring  in  ure  by  longe  accustomynge  of  a 
thyng  or  condycion.  Je  habitue ,  prim. 
conj.  It  is  displeasaunt  unto  you  for  a 
whyle,  but  and  you  were  ones  brought  in 
ure  withall ,  it  shulde  never  grève  you  :  il 
vous  faicke  encore  pour  vng  peu,  mays  si 
vous  estiez  une  foys  habitué,  il  ne  vous  fe- 
royt  poynt  de  mal. 

1  bring  in  to  frame.  Je  mets  en  bon  ordre,  jay 
bouté  en  bon  ordre,  bouter  or  mettre  en 
bon  ordre.  It  was  horrybly  oui  of  order , 
but  I  hâve  brought  it  in  frame  nowe,  I 
thanke  God  :  il  éstoyt  grcuidement  hors 
dordre,  mays  je  lay  mayntenant  mys  en  bon 
poynt,  or  en  bon  ordre.  Dieu  mercy. 



I  bring  in  lo  care  or  thouglit.  Jensoiyne,  prim. 
conj.  You  dyd  beare  us  in  bande  tbat  you 
wolde  comfort  him ,  but  you  bave  brought 
hym  more  in  care  Ihan  ever  I  knewe 
hym  :  vous  nous  fistez  a  croire  que  vous  le 
vouldriez  comjorler,  mays  vous  lauez  plus 
ensoygné  que  janiays  je  ne  le  cognus  dcuanl. 

I  bring  in  to  subjectyon.  Je  asseruis,  sec.  conj. 

I  bring  lowe,  I  make  leane,  as  sicknesse  or  fas- 
tynge  dothe  one.  Jaff'oybljs ,  jaj  affoyhly, 
affoyhlyr,  sec.  conj.  For  ail  bis  great  bely , 
this  syckenesse  bath  brouglit  bym  iowe 
ynoughe  :  quelque  grosse  panchc  qail  sou- 
loyt  auoyr,  cesie  maladie  la  assés  ajfoyhly. 

I  bring  iowe,  I  bringe  downe.  Je  abaisse, 
prim.  conj.  Je  rabaisse.  I  fynde  aiso  je 
raualle,  prim.  conj.  His  pride  is  brougbt 
lowe  ynougb  nowe  :  son  orgueil  est  assès 
abaissé,  or  rcbayssé,  or  rauallé  asteure. 

I  bring  my  mynde  to  passe.  Je  viens  au  bout. 
I  wyll  bringe  my  mynde  to  passe,  if  I 
may  :  si  je  puis,  je  viendray  au  bout  de  ma 

I  bring  one  on  the  wayne,  I  kepe  bym  Com- 
pany a  wbyle.  Je  conduis,  nous  conduisons, 
je  conduis,  jay  condaict,  que  je  conduisse, 
que  je  conduisisse,  conduire,  tert.  conj.  He 
brought  me  on  my  way  lenne  rayle  :  il  me 
conduisoyt  dix  mites  sur  mon  chemyn. 

I  bring  one  to  a  place  or  to  bis  journayes 
ende.  Jacconduis,  conjugate  lyke  je  con- 
duys,&ndje  conuoye,  prim,  conj.  I  brought 
hym  to  tbe  courte,  and  tbere  I  left  bim  ; 
je  le  acconduisoye,  ot  je  le  conuoyoye  jus- 
ques  a  la  court  et  la  je  le  layssay. 

I  bringe  one  in  the  displeasure  of  bis  frendes. 
Je  le  mets  en  mal  de  ses  amis. 

I  bringe  him  out  of  favour  or  eut  of  conceyle. 
Je  le  mets  en  malpoynt.  He  bath  brought 

•;.■     me  in  displeasure  with  my  mayster  :  (7 

1-  ma  mys  en  mal  de  mon  maistre.  He  bath 
brougbt  me  out  of  her  favour  quyte  :  il 
ma  mys  en  mal  poynt  délie. 

I  bring  one  to  hym  selfe  that  was  fallen  in 
swoune.  Je  reuigore,  prim.  conj.  He  fell 
in  so  great  a   swoune  tbat  we  ail   had 

ynoughe  a  do  to  bring  bym  to  hym  selfe 
agayne  :  il  sespausmoyt  si  très  fort  que  nous 
eusmes  trestous  assez  affayre  de  le  reui- 

I  bring  one  in  use  to  drinke  wyne.  Je  auine, 
prim.  conj.  It  is  nother  good  nor  bolsome 
to  bringe  yonge  folkes  in  use  to  drinke 
wyne  :  il  nest  ne  bon  ne  sayn  damner  les 
jeunes  gem. 

I  bring  out  of  taste ,  as  sicknesse  dothe  a  man 
tbat  bath  no  savour  in  nieate  and  drinke. 
Je  desgouste,  prim.  conj.  This  axes  bath 
brought  my  mouthe  quyte  out  of  taste  : 
ceste  fleure  ma  du  tout  desgouste. 

I  bring  out  of  array.  Je  desaroye,  prim.  conj. 
I  it  a  perlons  thyng  whan  an  armye  is 
brought  out  of  arraye  :  cest  vne  chose  bien 
dangereuse  quant  vne  armée  est  desarroyée. 

I  bring  out  of  order.  Je  desordonne,  prim.  conj. 
Sythc  this  thing  is  well,  it  shall  nat  be 
brougbt  out  of  order  for  me  :  puis  que 
ceste  chose  est  bien,  elle  ne  sera  pas  desor- 
donnée pour  moy. 

I  bring  out  of  rule.  Je  desrigle,  prim.  conj.  Se 
bowe  sone  suche  a  bouse  maye  be  brougbt 
out  of  rule  :  aduisez  comment  vne  telle 
mayson  peult  estre  desriglée  bien  lost. 

I  bring  one  out  of  the  waye.  Je  mayne  hors  du 
chemyn,  stni  je  foruoye. 

I  bring  forthe,  as  a  man  or  clerke  dothe  auc- 
toriles  for  his  mater.  Je  déduis,  conjugate 
in  «I  alledge».  He  brougbt  forthe  many 
auclorites  :  il  deduboyt  mayntcs  aucloritez. 

I  bring  out  of  pacyence,  I  anger.  Je  courouce, 
prim.  conj.  I  can  bring  hym  out  of  pa- 
cyence with  the  waggyog  of  a  strawe  :  je 
le  scay  couroucer  du  mouuement  dung 

I  bring  out  of  temper,  I  bring  one  in  to  a 
heate  and  dispose  hym  to  an  ague.  Je 
désaltère,  prim.  conj.  and  je  desalrempe, 
prim.  conj.  I  am  brought  out  of  temper 
with  this  great  travayle  and  watchyng  :  je 
suis  tout  désaltéré  pour  trop  trauailler  et 
veiller  en  ceste  sorte.  I  am  brought  out  of 
temper  by  drinkyng  of  hôte  wynes  :  je 



suis    desatrempé  par   trop    boyre  des  vins 
I  bring  out  of  shappe.  Je  déforme,  prim.  conj. 
His   great  crammyng  in  of  meate  hath 
brought  him  out  of  shape ,  where  I  hâve 
knowen  hym  as  smal  as  a  wande  :  sagrande 
(jonrmandise  la  ajnsi  difforme  la  ou  je  lay 
aultresjojs  congneu    aussi   gresle  que  vne 
I  bring  out  of  the  waye.  Je  desuoye,  prim.  conj. 
Who  halh  brought  hym  out  of  the  waye 
on  this  facyon  :  qui  la  en  ce  poynt  des- 
I  bringe  out  of  frame.  Je  mets  en  desordre , 
or  je  desordonne,  prim.  conj.  You  never 
sawe  house  brought  more  out  of  frame 
for  wanl  of  a  good  stewarde  :  jamajs  ne 
vistez  mayson  mise  en  plus  grant  desordre, 
or  plus  desordonnée  par  defaulte  dung  bon 
maistre  dhostel. 
I  bring  out  of  order  or  out  of  array.  Je  desar- 
roye,  prim.  conj.  and  je  desroule,  prim. 
conj.  This  armye  was  sone  brought  out 
of  order  :  ceste  armée  estoyt  bien  tost  desar- 
royée  or  desroutée. 
I  bring  out  of  order,  I  unsorte  thynges  that 
be  sette  in  their  ryght  order.  Je  desem- 
pare, prim.  conj.  Thèse  bokes  iaye  in  very 
good   order ,  who  so  ever  hath  brought 
them  thus  out  of  order  :  ces  liures  cstoyent 
mys  en  fort  bon  ordre,  quiconque  soit  qui 
les  a  aynsi  desemparés. 
1  bring  out  of  folye  or  pevysshenesse.  Je  desa- 
folle,  prim.    conj.  He   doled   upon    her 
excedyngiy,  but  I  hâve  brought  hym  out 
of  this  folye  :  il  sestoyt  assotté  délie  horri- 
blement, maysje  lay  desafollé. 
I  bring  out  of  pacyence.  Je  courrouce,  prim. 
conj.  (Loke  for  exemples  in  »  I  anger»  and 
«I  chafe».) 
I  bringe  thynges  with  me  that  bave  fête  and 
go  with  me.  Je  niayne,  prim.  conj.  Bring 
my  horse  with  you  :  amaynez  mon  cheaal 
auecques  vous. 
I  bring  thynges  that  hâve  no  fête  or  do  nat  go 
with  me.  Je  porte,  prim.  conj.  Bringe  my 

bootes  and  my  spores  also  :  apportez  mes 
hoaseaux  et  mes  espérons  aussi. 
I  bring  any  other  tliynges.  Je  mayne,  and  f 
bringe  to  confusyon  :  je  maync  en  confu- 
I  bring  thynges  with  me.  Je  aporle,  prim.  conj. 
I  bring  to  confusion.  Je  confande,  prim.  conj. 

or  je  mayne  a  confusion, 
1  bring  to  confusyon,  I  bring  to  naught.  Je 

mayne,  etc. 
I  bring  to  ende,  I  make  an  ende  or  eouclu- 
syon  of  a  thyng.  Je  mets  a  chiefe.  I  praye 
God  you  maye  bring  this  mater  to  good 
ende  :  je  prie  a  Dieu  que  vous  puissiez  bien 
mettre  a  chief  ceste  affaire,  or  matière. 
I  bring  to  ende  or  to  effecte.  Je  affine,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  acheue,  prim.  conj.  Je  viens 
au  bout,  and  je  viens  aa  chief.  You  begyn 
oft  tymes,  but  you  can  never  bring  il  to  a 
good  ende  :  vous  commencez  souuent,  mays 
vous  ne  le  pouez  jamays  bien  affiner,  or  bien 
achieuer,  or  vous  ne  pouez  jamays   bonne- 
ment venir  aa  bout,  or  uenir  ou  chief. 
I  bringe  to  naught ,  I  make  of  some  thyng  no- 
thyng.  Je  adnichile ,  prim.  conj.  and  in 
this  sence  I  fynde  also  je  anéantis ,  jay 
aneanty,  anéantir,  sec.  conj.  and  je  adnalle, 
prim.  conj.  Thoughe God  roade  ail  thinges 
of  naught,  we  rede  nat  that  the  worlde 
shall  be  brought  to  naught  by  fyre  :  com- 
bien que  Dieu  créa  toutes  choses  de  riens, 
nous  ne  lisons  pas  que  le  monde  sera  adni- 
chile, or  aneanty,  or  adnullé  par  feu. 
I  bring  to  naught,  as  an  untbrift  dothe  his 

goodes.  Je  despens  tout. 
I  bring  to  dethe,  I  kyll.  Je  amortis,  jay  amorty, 
amortir,  sec.  conj.  The  plaage  is  a  fear- 
full  thynge,  for  it  bringeth  to  dethe  man 
and  beest  :  cest  vne  chose  dangereuse  que  de 
la  peste,  car  elle  amortit  tant  hommes  que 
I  bring  to  or  leade  to.  Je  acconduys,  conjugale 
lyke  his  symple  je  duys,  I  become,  or  ad- 
mainer,  admener.  Byd  hym  bringe  me  my 
horse  :  dictez  luy  quil  mamayne  mon  cheual. 
Bring  hym  his    horse  ;   amayne  luy  son 



chenal.  I  wyil  bring  you  thyder,  and  than 
I  wyll  take  my  leave  of  you  :  je  voas  con- 
duyray  jasijnes  la,  et  puis  je  prendray  congé 
de  vous. 

I  briage  to  distructyon.  Je  destrays,  nous  des- 
traysonSfje  destruysis,jay  des- 
truyray,  ({ue  je  destmyse ,  que  je  destruy- 
sisse,  deslruyre,  tert.  conj.  He  bringeth  ail 
thynges  to  distructyon  that  he  medlelh 
withali  :  (7  destriiyt  tout  ce  de  quoy  il  se 

l  bring  to  lyghl,  as  a  mater  or  thyng  that  is 
kept  secret.  Je  manifeste,  prim.  conj.  Tyme 
bringeth  the  truthe  to  lyght ,  tboughe 
men  go  never  so  moche  about  to  cloke  it  : 
le  Ixmps  manifeste  la  vérité,  quelques  ruses 
quon  treutte  pour  le  celer. 

I  bringe  to  naught,  as  a  ryche  heyre  dothe  his 
patrymony  by  prodegalyte.  Je  dissipe,pTiin. 
conj.  He  hath  brought  his  fathers  goodes 
to  naught  :  i7  a  dissipé  les  biens  de  son  père. 

I  bring  to  the  bottome,  or  synke  a  thyng  downe 
to  the  bottome.  Jo^ondre,  prim.  conj  .Thou 
caunest  nat  bringe  this  leepe  downe  to 
the  bottome,  except  thou  tyea  stone  to  it: 
tu  ne  peulx  ajfondrer  ceste  nasse,  si  tu  ny 
lies  vne  pierre, 

I  bring  to  passe,  1  bring  my  purpose  or  entre- 
prise to  elTecte.  Je  acheuis,  jay  acheuy, 
acheuir,je  viens  au  bout,  je  suis  venu  au 
bout,  je  viendray  au  bout,  venir  aà  bout, 
eonjugate  in  «I  come».  I  wyU  bringe  my 
mynde  to  passe  :  je  viendray  au  bout  de  ce 
que  jentens,  and  je  viens  au  chief.  I  can  nat 
bringe  my  mynde  to  passe  :  je  ne  puis  poynt 
acheuyr  de  mon  entente,  je  ne  puis  venir  a 
chief  de  mon  entente. 

f  bring  to  passe  or  bring  a  thyng  or  emprise  to 
an  ende.  Je  paracheue,  and  je  ajjine,  prim. 
conj.  and  in  this  sence  I  fynde  aisojc 
cheuis,jay  cheuy,  cheuir,  sec.  conj.  I  hâve 
often  assayed ,  but  I  can  nat  bring  ft  to 
passe  :  jay  soudent  essayé,  mays  je  ne  le 
puis  poynt  paracheuer.  I  fynde  also  jay  ex- 
ploycté,  prim.  conj.  This  mater  dyd  coste 
me  a  great  deale  of  labour  or  I  coulde 

bringe  it  well  to  passe  :  ceste  matière  me 
cousla  beaucoup  de  labour  auant  que  je  la 
sceusse  bien  exploycter. 

I  bring  up  dayntely ,  as  some  mothers  do  their 
chyldren,  whan  they  fede  them  with 
daynety  meates.  Je  affriande,  prim.  conj. 
and  je  affrioUe. 

I  bring  up  iyke  a  cocknaye.  Je  mignotte,  prim. 

I  bring  to  outraunce  or  confusyon.  Je  maine  a 
outrance  ou  a  confusion.  By  misgovernaunce 
be  thynges  shortly  brought  to  confusyon  : 
par  nmuluays  gouuernement  sont  les  choses 
bien  tost  menez  a  confusion. 

I  bring  up  beestes  or  foules  whan  they  he 
yonge.  Je  esleue,  prim.  conj.  and  in  this 
sence  I  fynde  alsoj'c  nourris ,  jay  nourry , 
nourrir,  sec.  conj.  He  bringeth  up  moche 
poullayne  aboute  his  bouse  :  il  eslieue,  or 
i7  nourrit  force  de  poullaylle  autour  de  sa 

I  bring  up  or  norisshe  with  fode.  Je  alimente , 
prim.  conj.  He  brought  up  his  sonne  dayn- 
tely :  il  alimente  son  Jilzfriammcnt  or  frian- 

I  bring  under  subjectyon.  Je  assabjecte ,  prim. 
conj.  For  ail  their  stoburnnesse,  they  be 
nowe  brought  under  subjectyon  :  quelque 
mauluayses  lestes  quilz  aient  euz,  si  sont  Hz 
asteure  assubjectez. 

I  bring  under  the  foote,  1  bring  in  poverty  or 
dekaye  of  good  name,  or  as  men  in  a  felde. 
Je  metz  a  raual,  prim.  conj.  For  ail  their 
pride  they  be  nowe  brought  underfoote  : 
nonobstant  leur  grant  jierté  ilz  sont  maynte- 
nant  mys  a  raual. 

I  bring  up  a  newe  custome  or  newe  iawe.  Je 
mets  sus,  jay  mys  sus,  mettre  jiM,  eonjugate 
herafter  in  «  I  put».  He  hath  brought  up 
a  newe  custome  :  i7  a  mis  sus  vne  nouuelle 
coustume.  Reformacions  of  misgydyng  be 
very  necessary  in  a  comen  welth ,  but  to 
bringe  up  newe  lawes  is  a  perlous  worke  : 
reformacions  des  abus  sont  fort  nécessaires 
au  bien  publique,  mays  de  mettre  sus  nou- 
uelles  loyx,  cest  vne  dangereuse  besongne. 



I  bring  up  in  lernyng  or  in  goocl  maners.  Jins- 
trais,  nous  instruisons,  je  instruis,  jay  ins- 
truict,je  instruiraj,  que  je  instruise,  que  je 
instruisisse,  instruire,  tert.  conj.  This  yonge 
hian  hath  ben  very  wel  brdught  up  :  ce 
jeune  homme  a  esté  très  bien  instrujct. 
I  bring  up  in  maners.  Je  moriqine,  prim.  conj. 
Some    folkes  sende   their  doughters   to 
nonneryes  to  be  weli  brought  up  in  ma- 
ners :  aulcunes  gens  enaojent  leurs  JUles  aux 
maysons  des  religieuses  pour  y  estre  bien  mo- 
I  BRISE  herbes  or  sucbe  iyke  in  a  morter.  Je 
brise,  prim.  conj.  declared  in  «I  braye  in 
<  a  morter  i, 
I  BROCHE  an  otber  vesseil  with  a  spygot.  Je 
boute  en  broche,  jay  bouté  en  broche,  bouter 
en  broche,  prim.  conj.,  how  be  it  je  boute 
en  broche  serveth  for  any  vessel.  Broche 
the  barell  of  double  beere  that  came  in 
this  daye  thre  wekes:  mettez  en  broche  le 
baryl  de  la  double  bière  quon  apporta  cyens 
aujourdhuy  y  a  troys  sepmaynes. 
I  broche  a  wyne  wessel.  Je  perce,  prim.  conj. 
Broche  the  vesseil   that   lyeth  next  the 
wall  :  percés  le  vaysseau  qui  est  couché  au 
plus  près  du  mur. 
I  broche  meate.  Je  embroche,  prim.  conj.  Whan 
you  hâve  broched  Ihe  meate ,  Jette  the 
boye  tourne,  and  come  you  to  churche  : 
quant  vous  aaez  embroché  la  viande,  laissés 
tourner  le  garçon,  et  vous  en  venez  a  leglise. 
I  BROODE,  I  sytte  abroode,  as  a  henné  or  any 
other  foule  dothe  upou  their  egges,   or 
yonge ,  wban  they  be  brought  forthe.  Je 
couue, prim. conj.  I  pray  you,  fraye  nat  the 
henné  from  hence,  for  she  bredeth  tbere  : 
je  vous  prie,  nejroyez  pas  la  geline  de  la,  car 
elle  y  couue. 
I  BRODER ,  as  a  brouderer  dothe  a   veslement. 
Je  brode,  prim.  conj.  This  vesteraent  is 
ricbely  brodred  ^  ceste  chappe  est  richement 
1   BROYDE  heare,  or  a  lace,  or  sucbe  Iyke.  Je 
tortille,  prim.  conj.  Brayde  your  beare  up, 
and  let  it  nat  hange  downe  aboute  your 

eares:  tortillez  voz  cheueulx  et  ne  les  laissez 
pas  pendre  entour  de  voz  oreilles. 
l  broyde.  Jenlrelasse,  prim.  conj.  This  poyntes 
be  weil  broyded  :  ces  esguylletles  sont  bien 
I  BROTLE  upon  the   burnyng  coles.  Je  rostis 
sur  la  brayse,  jay  rosty  sur  la  brayse,  roslir 
sur  la  brayse,  sec.  conj.  Broyle  this  shepes 
foote  upon  the  coles  :   roslys  ce  pied  de 
mouton  sur  la  braize. 
I  broyle  upon  a  gredyron.  Je  roslis  sur  le  gril, 
jay  rosty  sur  le  gril,  rostir  sur  le  gryl,  sec. 
conj.  and  je  cuis,  as  it  isto  moche  broyled 
that  cleaveth   to  the  gredyron  :  trop  est 
cuit  qui  au  gril  tient,  so   that  I  fynde  gril 
and  grille.  And  je  cuis   is  comen  to  «I 
«sethe,  I  roste,  1  bake»  and  «I  broyle». 
I  broyle  upon  tbe  cole-s.  Je  rostis  sur  les  char- 
I   BROOKE  meate.  Je  digère,  digérer: je  auale, 
aualer.  I  can  nat  brooke  thij  pylles,  they 
wyli  nat  downe  with  me  :  je  ne  puis  pas 
aualer  ces  pilleuses.  He  hath  eaten  rawe 
quayles,  I  feare  me  he  shall  never  be 
able   to    brooke  them  :   il  a   mangé  des 
quaylles  creues,  jay  granl  paour  quejamavs 
naura  la  puissance  de  les  digérer. 
I  brooke,  I  ara  contented  or  can  awaye  with 
one.  Je  puis  durer.  He  can  nat  brooke  me 
of  ail  men  :  il  ne  me  peult  durer  entre  tous 
I  BROSE,  I  broyse  in  a  morter  or  sucbe  iyke. 
Je  debrise,  prim.  conj.  and  je  broyé,  prim. 
conj.  Let  tbe  herbes  be  brosed  very  small  : 
quon  debrise  or  broyé  les  herbes  fort  menues. 
I  brose  with  a  stroke  or  with  a  fall.  Je  froisse, 
prim.  conj.  I  fynde  also  je  contere,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  deffroysse,  prim.  conj.  I  bave 
broused  my  shoulder  with  fallynge  downe 
tbe  stayres  :  je  me  suis  frroyssé  lespaulle , 
je  me  suis  conteri ,  or  je  me  suis  defroyssi 
lespaulle  de  la  cheute  que  je  eus  aual  les 
I  brose  barnesse  or  ones    flesshe ,  wban   it 
synketh    in    witli   tbe  weyghtynesse   of 
strokes.  Jenfondre,  prim.  conj.  His  heed 



pece  was  brosed  with  the  stroke  that  a 
nian  myght  hâve  layed  his  bande  in  the 
hole  :  son  armet  estoyt  enjondré  du  coup,  de 
sorte  {/tton  eutsceu  mettre  la  mayn  dedans  le 

1  BRoi'SE,  as  a  beest  dothe  in  the  wynter  tynie, 
tliat  pyileth  of  the  barke  of  yonge  trees  or 
the  toppes  of  tbem.  Je  broute,  prim.  conj. 
Many  a  falowe  dere  dyeth  in  the  wynter 
for  faulte  of  maste ,  and  that  they  bave 
no  yonge  springes  to  brouse  upon  :  maynte 
besle  rousse  se  laysse  mouiyr  en  yuer  pour 
fouit  de  mast  et  quilz  nont  poynt  darbris- 
seaux  pour  brouter  dessus, 

1  BREWE.  Je  brasse,  prim.  conj.  As  he  batb 
brewed,  so  let  him  drinke  :  ainsi  quil  a 
brassé,  layssez  luy  boyre. 

l  BRI'SSHE  ciothes  witb  a  brussbe.  Je  nettoyé  de 
verges,  jay  nettoyé  de  verges,  nettoyer  de 
verges,  prim.  conj.  Brusshe  niy  gowne  : 
nettoie:  ma  robbe. 

I  BROL'DER  a  garment  with  brouderers  worke. 
Je  embrode,  prim.  conj. 


I  BOBBïLL  up ,  as  water  dothe  tbat  rysetb  out 
of  a  spring.  Je  bouillonne,  prim.  conj. 
declared  in  «I  bobyil». 

1  BDCKE  lynen  ciothes  to  scoure  of  their  fyltbe, 
and  make  theni  whyte.  Je  bu£,  prim.  conj. 
and  jefays  de  la  lessiue.  Bucke  thèse  shyr- 
tes ,  for  they  be  to  fouie  to  be  wasshed  by 
bande  :  buez  ces  chemises,  car  elles  sont 
trop  sallies  de  les  laaer  a  sauon. 

I  bucke,  as  a  kony  or  feret  or  such  lyke.  Je 
bouc<iuette,  prim.  conj.  Konyes  buck  every 
monetb  ;  les  connyns  boucquetlent  tous  les 

I  BODDE,  I  blossome  ,  as  a  tree  dothe.  Je  bou- 
tonne, prim.  cooj.  This  tree  buddeth  ail 
redye  :  cette  arbre  boutonne  desja. 

I  BOFPET,  I  stryke  with  my  fyste.  Je  buffette, 
je  daube,  je  boucle,  je  torche,  prim.  conj. 
I  shall  buQet  him  well  and  suerly  :  je  le 
huffetieray  Jort  et  ferme,  je  le  torcheray,  je 
le  dauberay,  je  le  boacleray. 

I  BUNCHE,  I  béate.  Je  pousse.  He  buncbelb 
me  and  beatetb  me  ;  il  me  pousse  et  me 

I  BUNGYLL,  or  do  B  thyng  untydyly,  or  lyke  an 
yvell  workeman.  Je  Jatrouille ,  prim.  conj. 
This  kote  was  never  made  of  a  workeman, 
it  is  but  boungied  up  :  ce  saion  ne  futja- 
maysfait  de  la  mayn  dung  ouurier,  il  nest  que 

I  BUBBYLL  or  spring  up,  as  water  dothe  out  of 
a  spring.  Je  bouillonne,  prim.  conj.  This 
water  burbylleth  up  prefyly  :  cesle  eaue 
bouillonne  bien  gentiment. 

I  iii'RGKN ,  I  put  forthe ,  as  a  tree  dothe  his 
blossomes.  Je  bourgonne,  prim.  conj. 
whicbe  I  fynde  somtyme  written  je  bour- 
geonne, lest  the  reder  shulde  sounde  the 
g  amyssc.  Thèse  trees  hurgen  a  monetb 
soner  tbat  I  loked  for  :  ces  arbres  bour- 
gonnent  tng  moys  plus  tost  que  je  ne  pen- 

I  Bcr.VE,  I  lay  a  deed  corse  in  the  grounde ,  or 
suche  lyke.  Jenterre,  prim.  conj.  and  the 
defectyve  je  ensepuelis,  whose  conjugating 
aperelh  in  the  seconde  boke.  He  is  buryed 
at  the  whyte  frères  in  London  :  i7  est  en- 
terré, or  cnsepuely  aux  Carmes  a  Londres. 

I  BtmNK.  Je  iriis/ej  prim.  conj.  declared  in  il 
«  borne  » . 

I  BDRST,  or  thrust  out  the  bowelies  of  a  mannes 
bely  or  beestes.  Je  acrauante,  prim.  conj. 
I  fynde  also  in  this  sence  je  crieue,  prim. 
conj.  and  jaccreue,  prim.  conj.  and  je 
agrauante,  prim.  conj.  The  dyvell  burst 
him ,  he  hath  eaten  ail  the  creame  n  ithout 
me  :  le  diable  le  crieue,  il  a  mangé  toute  la 
cresme  sans  moy,  or  le  diable  lacrauante, 
or  laccreue. 

I  am  burst  on ,  as  one  that  bath  liis  coddes 
out  of  their  place.  Je  suis  rompu. 

I  burste,  as  ones  herle  bursteth  for  sorowe. 
Je  feus,  conjugate  in  «I  cleave».  He  toke 
so  extrême  thought ,  tbat  bis  berte  dyd 
burste  a  sonder  :  il  print  vne  douleur  si  très 
excessiue,  que  le  cuevr  luy  fendit  en  deux. 

I  burst,  or  breake  a  thyng  in  peces.  Je  romps , 



conjugale  afore  in  «Ibreake».  He  lialh 
bufst  the  glasse  agaynst  wailes  :  il  a  rompu 
le  voyrre  contre  les  muraylles. 

I  BnsSE,  as  a  flye  dolhe.  Je  bruis,  nous  bruyons, 
je  brnys,jay  bray,je  bruyray,  que  je  bruye, 
bruyre,  tert.  conj.  Harke  how  this  fleshe 
flye  busseth  :  escoutez  comment  ceste  mouche 
a  cher  bruyt. 

I  BCTTE,  as  one  mannes  lande  dolh  that  lyeth 
nere  unto  ânother,  or  one  lande  or  coun- 
try  upon  an  otber.  Jajjronte,  prim.  conj.  I 
fynde  also  in  this  sence  je  marche ,  prim. 
conj.  I  fynde  also  je  confine,  prim.  conj. 
and  je  confronte ,  prim.  conj.  and  je 
marchis,  sec.  conj.  M.  Their  landes  but- 
ted  togyther  the  one  upon  the  other  : 
leurs  terres  se  affrontent  or  se  entreajfron- 
tent.  This  house  butteth  upon  Ihe  lordes 
landes  :  ceste  mayson  marche  sur  les  terres 
du  seignieur,  or  confine,  or  confronte, 

I  iUTTEBAs  a  buyldyng,  I  underset  it  with  but- 
teras to  make  it  strongar.  Je  sousliens  de 
portons.  This  buylding  is  butterassed  very 
wel  :  ce  hastiment  est  fort  bien  souslenu  de 

C   BYFORE   A. 

I  CABLE ,  I  store  a  shyppe  of  cables.  Je  accable, 
prim.  conj.  My  shyppe  is  as  wel  cabled  as 
any  in  ail  the  fleete  :  ma  nauire  est  aussi 
bien  accablée  que  pièce  qui  soyt  dedans  la 

I  CACLE,  as  a  benne  dothe,  whan  sbe  is  aboute 
to  laye.  Je  cacquette,  prim.  conj.  This 
benne  cackeleth  a  pace,  hath  sbe  layde 
an  egge,  trowe  you  :  ceste  geline  caquette 
fort,  ayt  elle  ponneu  vng  oeuf,  pences  vous? 

I  CADGE  a  garment,  I  set  lystes  in  the  lynyng 
to  kepe  the  plyghtes  in  order.  Je  metz  des 
lisières  aux  plies  pour  les  tenir  en  ordre. 

I  CAKïLL  or  clatter.  Je  caquette,  prim,  conj. 
Howe  thèse  women  cackyllnowe  they  bave 
dyned  :  comment  ces  femmes  cacquettenl 
mayntenant  quilz  ont  disnè. 

I  CALENGE  a  thyng  of  dutye  or  to  be  myne 
owne.  Je  calenge,  prim.  conj.  I   caienge 

nolhynge  but  my  ryght  :  je  ne  calenge  aultre 
chose  que  mon  droyt  or  chalenge. 

1  CALKÏLL,  as  an  astronoraer  doth  whan  he 
casteth  a  fygure.  Je  calcule,  prim.  conj.  l 
dare  nat  calkyll  for  your  horse  that  is 
stollen ,  for  feare  of  my  bysshoppe  nose 
pas  calculer  pour  vostre  chenal  qui  vous  est 
desrobé  de  paour  de  mon  esuesque. 

I  CALKE  a  shyppe  or  bote  with  towe  and  pylche, 
or  I  make  ihem  cleane.  Je  calfelre,  prim. 
conj.  This  shyppe  was  nat  so  wel  calked 
whan  sbe  wr.s  firste  made  :  ceste  nauire 
nestoyt  pas  si  bien  calfetrée,  quant  elle  fus I 
premièrement  faicte. 

I  CALL  a  person  that  is  absent,  to  bave  faym 
come  to  me.  Je  huische,  prim.  conj.  Wbere 
is  Richard ,  go  call  hym  to  me.  Ou  est  Ei- 
chart,  allez  le  huyscher  a  moj. 

I  call  upon  one  for  secour,  as  one  dothe  that  is 
in  distresse  upon  God ,  or  some  saynte ,  or 
some  erthly  body.  Je  reclame,  prim.  conj. 
Je  reclame  Dieu  et  Nostre  Dame  a  mon  ayde, 
et  je  inuocque,  prim.  conj.,  as  je  inuocque 
layde deDieu.  So  longe  as  the  storme  lasted 
be  called  upon  God  and  ail  bis  saintes  : 
si  longuement  que  la  tempesie  duroyt,  il  re- 
clamoyt,  il  inuocquoyt  Dieu  et  tous  ses 

I  call  upon  a  man  to  remembre  a  mater,  that 
I  bave  in  sute.  Je  sollicite,  prim.  conj.  I 
pray  the ,  if  thon  se  my  lerned  counsayle 
in  Westmynsler  hall ,  call  upon  them  to 
remember  my  mater  agaynst  Bulkyn  :  je  te 
prie,  si  tu  veoys  mes  aduocatz,  sergens,  et 
procureurs  en  la  sale  de  Westmynstre,  de  les 
solliciter  quilz  ayent  souuenance  de  mon  pro- 
cès contre  Bulkyn. 

I  call ,  I  name  a  thynge  by  bis  name.  .Je  me 
dis,\erb\im  médium  conjugate  in  «  I  say  ». 
Au  lieu  que  se  disait  Byzance. 

I  call  my  selfe  by  a  name.  Je  me  dis,  or  je  me 
nomme.  He  is  called  a  wyse  man,  but  be 
playeth  the  foie  :  i7  se  dit  estre  saige,  or  on 
lappelle,  or  on  le  tient  pour  saige,  mays  il 
faict  du  fol. 

I  call  one  agayne  that  is  goyng  awaye  or  de 



partyng.  Je  reuocque,  prim.  conj.  and  je 
rappelle.  If  my  cater  be  nat  gone,  call  liym 
agayne  :  si  mon  dcipencier  nesl  pas  encore 
en  voye,  reuocque  le,  or  rappelle  le. 

I  caH  one  up  that  lyelh  in  his  bedde.  Je  Jays 
leuer,  jayfaict  leuer,  faire  leuer,  conjugale 
in  the  seconde  boke.  If  the  cbyldren  be 
nat  rysen  yet,  go  cail  tbem  up  :  si  les 
enfans  ne  se  sont  poynt  tenez  encore,  allez, 
f aidez  les  leuer. 

I  cali  one  by  his  name.  Jappelle,  prim.  conj. 
and  Je  nomme,  prim.  conj.  Howe  cail  you 
my  tordes  servante  that  is  newe  come: 
comment  appeliez  vous,  or  nommez  vous  le 
seruileur  de  monsyeur  (/ai  est  nouuellement 

I  call  to  mynde.  Je  remembre,  prim.  conj.  and 
je  ramenteue,  tu  ramenteaes,  il  ramenteue , 
nous  ramenteaons,  vous  ramenleuez ,  Hz  ra- 
menleuent,  je  ramenieuay  and  je  ramenlus, 
jay  ramentUfje  ramenteaeray,  que  je  ramen- 
teue, que  je  ramenteuasse,  and  je  ramen- 
teusse,  ramenleuoyr,  unum  de  varie  conju- 
gationis.  Whan  I  call  his  goodnesse  to  my 
mynde  :  quant  je  me  remembre  de  sa  bonté, 
quant  je  ramenteue  sa  bonté. 

1  call  to  remembraunce.  Je  recongnoys ,  nous 
recongnoyssons ,  je  recongnus,  jay  recongnu, 
je  rtcongnoistray,  que  je  recongnoisse ,  re- 
congnoislre,  tert.  conj.  conjugate  iyke  his 
symple  je  congnoys,  I  knowe.  1  fynde  aiso 
je  remémore,  prim.  conj.  and  je  ramenteue, 
je  rameutas,  jay  ramentu,je  ramenteaeray, 
ramenlir.  I  call  his  dethe  to  remembraunce 
twenty  tymes  in  a  nyght  recongnoys , 
je  remémore,  je  ramenteue  sa  mort  vingt Joys 
la  nayct. 

I  call  to  sore  or  to  moche  upon  a  man  that  I 
bave  a  sute  to.  Je  importune,  prim.  conj. 
On  my  fay the ,  you  are  to  busye,  you  call 
to  moche  upon  me  :  sur  mafoy,  vous  estez 
trop  entremetteux,  vous  me  importunez  trop. 

1  ctll  to  wytnesse.  Japelle  en  tesmoing.  I  call 
God  and  ail  the  sayntes  in  heven  to  wyt- 
nesse :  je  appelle  en  tesmoing  Dieu  et  tous 
Ut  saintz. 

I  CAN,  I  maye.  Je  puis,  jay  peu,  pouuoir,  con- 
jugal in  the  seconde  boke.  No  man  can 
do  above  his  power  ;  nui  ne  peult  fayre 
oultre  son  pouuoyr. 

I  can,  I  knowe,  I  wolle.  Je  scay,  tuscais,  nous 
scauons,  je  sceus,  jay  sceu,  je  scauray,  que 
je  scaiche,  scauoyr,  tert.  conj.  Folowyng 
in  ail  his  tenses  the  gênerai  rules ,  save 
that  his  first  person  synguler  of  the  pré- 
sent tence  of  the  indycatyve  mode  endeth 
nat  in  s  but  in  ay.  This  thynge  can  nat 
be  amended  :  en  ceste  matière  ny  a  que 

I  can  away  with  a  thyng,  I  can  abyde  it.  Je 
puis  durer.  I  can  away  with  this  fare  'je 
puis  durer  auecque  ceste  diète, 

I  can  abyde  a  thyng,  I  can  away  withall.  Je 
puis  endurer, 

I  can  forbeare  a  thyng,  I  can  be  without  it.  Je 
me  passe,  je  me  suis  passé,  passer,  prim. 
conj.  I  can  forbeare  wyne  very  well  :je 
me  passe  de  vin  tresbien,  He  can  nat  for- 
beare me  an  houre  of  a  day  :  il  ne  se  peult 
passer  sans  moy  vne  seulle  heure  de  jour. 

I  CANKER,  as  an  olde  sore  dothe.  Jenchancre , 
prim.  conj.  This  sore  dothe  canker,  the 
deed  flesshe  musle  he  eatcn  out  :  ce  mal 
senchancre,  ilfault  que  la  chayr  morte  en 
soit  démangée, 

I  canker,  as  a  vessell  of  brasse  or  latton  dothe. 
Je  rauerdis,  jay  rauerdy,  rauerdir,  sec. 
conj.  This  latton  basen  cankeryth  for 
faulte  of  occupyeng  ;  ce  bassyn  de  laton  se 
rauerdit  par  faulte  désire  vsité, 

I  can  nat  do  withall,  a  thyng  lyeth  nat  in  me, 
or  I  am  nat  in  faulte  that  a  thyng  is  done. 
Je  ne  puis  mais,  je  nay  peu  mais,  je  ne  poa- 
ray  mais,  non  pouuoyr  mais.  Addynge,  to 
the  tenses  of  je  puis ,  ne  and  mais  togyther. 
Lay  nat  the  faulte  in  me,  for  I  can  nat 
do  withall  :  ne  mencoulpez  pas,  car  je  nen, 
puis  mays.  I  am  sory  for  it,  but  you  sel 
can  nat  do  withall  :  j'en  suis  marry  de  cela, 
mays  vous  voyez  que  je  nen  puis  mays. 

I  can  nat  wanle  a  thyng.  Je  ne  me  puis  passer 
sans,  je  ne  ay  peu  passer,  auoir  peu  passer. 



I  can  nat  waiit  my  glowes  :  je  ne  me  puis 
passer  sans  mes  gans. 

l  can  one  good  thanke,  I  am  well  pleased  with 
his  doynge.  Je  lay  en  scay  bon  gré.  I  hâve 
conned  hym  good  thanke  :  Je  lay  ay  sceu 
bon  gré  or  meilleur  gré. 

I  can  one  yvell  thanke.  Je  luy  scay  mauluais  gré, 
scauoyr  mauluais  gré,  or  sache  mal  gré. 

l  can  nat  abyde  it,  as  we  can  nat  suffre  or  away 
with  smert  or  payne.  Je  ne  pais  durer. 
I  can  nat  abyde  to  he  let  bloode  :  je  ne 
puis  endurer  de  estre  seigné. 

I  can  no  skyil.  Je  ne  me  congnoys,  or  je  ne  men- 
tens.  I  can  nat  skyll  of  physike  ne  me 
congnoys  poynt  en  medicine.  I  can  nat  skyll 
of  joynars  crafte  :  je  ne  mentens  poynt  en 

l  can  skyll  of  a  crafte  or  science.  Je  me  congnois, 
je  me  suis  congnu,  pour  me  congnoistre. 
Thou  cannest  skyll  of  crânes  dyrte,  thy 
father  was  a  poulter  :  tu  te  congnoys  en 
jient  de  grues,  ton  père  estoyt  poullayllier. 

I  can  skyll  of  physike.  Je  me  congnoys  en  me- 
dicine. I  can  nat  skyll  therof  :  je  ne  me 
y  congnoys  point.  I  can  nat  skyll  of  no 
laten  :  je  ne  me  congnoys  poynt  en  latyn. 
And  they  can  no  more  skyll  of  it  than  a 
meany  of  oxen  :  et  ny  entendent  ifne  des 

I  can  nat  be  amended.  il  ny  a  que  redire,  il  ny 
a  eu  que  redire,  il  ny  aura  que  redire,  na- 
uoyr  que  redire.  There  can  no  faulte  be 
founde  with  a  thynge  :  i7  ny  a  que  redire. 
There  can  no  faulte  be  founde  in  his 
doyng  :  il  ny  a  que  redire  en  sonfaict. 

I  can  nat  awaye  >yith  ones  condycions.  Je  ne 
puis  durer.  I  can  nat  away  with  my  wyfe , 
she  is  so  heedy  :  je  ne  puis  poynt  durer 
auecques  ma  femme,  elle  est  si  testue. 

I  can  nat  away  with  any  meateor  drinke,  by 
cause  it  lyketh  me  nat.  Je  ne  puis  gouster. 
I  can  nat  awaye  with  this  aie,  it  halh  a 
welfe  :  je  ne  puis  boyre  de  ceste  aile,  car 
elle  est  de  maulaays  goust. 

I  CANONïSE  a  saynte.  Je  canonise,  prim.  conj. 
Though   kyng  Henry  the   syxte  were  a 

holy  man ,  yet  he  is  nat  canonysed  :  com- 
bien que  le  roy  Henry  le  sijjciesme  estoyt  vng 
sainct  homme,  il  nest  pas  pourtant  encore 

I  CARDE  woll.  Je  peigne  la  laine,  prim.  conj. 
She  that  sytteth  cardyng,  from  syxe  to 
syxe,  getteth  scarsly  bastynge  to  wete  her 
lyppes  :  celle  qui  peigne  de  la  layne,  despuis 
six  heures  de  matyn  jusques  a  six  heures  de 
toyr,  a  payne  gayne  elle  de  quoy  a  mouyller 
ses  leares. 

I  CABE,  I  busye  my  mynde  with  a  thynge.  Je 
ay  cure,  je  me  soucie,  soucier,  je  prens 
soucy ,  je  porte  soyng,  je  soigne,  and  je 
ressoigne,  prim.  conjug.  I  take  thought 
where  I  shall  dyne  to  day  :  jay  cure,  je 
me  soucye,  je  prens  soucy,  je  porte  soyng, 
je  soigne,  je  ressoigne  ou  cest  que  je  dis- 
neray  aujourdhuy. 

I  care,  I  take  thought  for  a  tbing.  Je  me  adtile 
•  and  je  me  chagrine.  I  care  for  his  losses  : 
je  me  adole,  and  je  me  chagrine  de  ses 

1  care  nat,  I  regarde  nat  or  estyme  nat  a  thyng. 
Il  ne  men  chault ,  d  ne  men  ckaloyt,  il  ne 
men  a  chalu,  il  ne  men  chaaldra.  I  care 
nat  for  him ,  and  lie  were  a  better  man 
than  he  is  :  i7  ne  men  chault  de  luy  or  je  ne 
tiens  compte  de  luy  etjusl  il  vng  meilleur 
homme  quil  nest. 

I  care  nat,  I  recke  nat  for  a  ihing.  Je  ne  ay 
cure,  je  nen  ay  cure.  I  care  no  more  for 
hym  ne  me  est  plus  riens,  OT  je  ne  tiens 
pas  compte  de  luy. 

I  care  nat  for  your  threttes.  Il  ne  men  chault, 
je  nar  cure,  or  je  ne  tiens  compte  de  vos 
menaces,  quil  ne  men  chaille,  quil  ne  men 
chaulsist,  quil  ne  men  ayt  chalu,  quil  ne 
men  eust  chalu,  quil  ne  men  aura  chalu, 
qud  ne  men  chauldroyt,  quil  ne  men  auroyt 
chalu,  non  chaloyr,  verbum  impersonale 
sec.  conj.  And  that  is  never  used  but 
where  we  adde  nat  to  this  verbe  n  care  ».  I 
fynde  also  used  in  the  same  senceje  nay 
care,  tu  nos  cure,  je  nauoye  cure,  jeus 
cure,  jay  eu  cure,  etc.  joynyng  cure  to 



tbe  persons  of  je  aj:in  whiche  sence  I 
fynde  aiso  je  ne  tiens  compte,  etc.  Je  ne 
tiens  compte  de  vos  belles  parolles ,  and 
joynyng  the  tenses  of  je  tiens,  conjugal 
hère  afore  in  «  I  holde  » ,  to  this  worde 

I  CARY,  I  beare.  Je  porte,  prim.  conj.  Whan 
you  go  oui  of  the  lowne,  if  it  be  fayre 
wether,  carye  your  cioke  witb  you  :  quant 
vous  allés  hors  de  la  ville,  siljait  beau  temps, 
portés  vostre  manteau  auecqaes  vous. 

I  carye,  as  a  caryer  dothe  stufle  or  mar- 
cbandyse  by  lande.  Je  voictare ,  prim. 
CODJ.  It  is  no  marvayle  thougbe  he  knowe 
the  way  to  London ,  he  hath  caryed  mar- 
chaundyse  thyther  thèse  twenty  yeres  :  ce 
nest  pas  marueille  sil  scajt  le  chemyn  a 
Londres,  il  a  voycturé  des  marcliandises ,  or 
il  a  esté  vng  varycturier  de  ces  vingt  ans. 

I  cary,  as  a  man  or  beest  caryeth  a  tliyng  that 
they  beare.  Je  porte,  prim.  conj.  This  man 
caryeth  a  heavy  burthen ,  he  myght  be  a 
porter  :  cest  homme  porte  vng  pesant  faix, 
il  pourroyt  bien  estre  vng  porteur. 

I  carye ,  as  a  dogge  dothe  that  is  made  a  caryer. 
Je  porte. 

I  cary  awaye  or  beare  away  a  thynge  out  of  a 
place.  Je  emporte,  prim.  conj.  A  !  the  thefe 
caryed  awaye  my  bouget  with  hym  :  a!  le 
larron  emporte  ma  bougette  auecques  luy. 

I  cary  in.  Je  porte  dedans,  or  je  porte  ens,  or  je 
conuoye  dedans. 

I  cary  over  a  water  or  passage.  Je  passe,  prim. 
conj.  Cary  me  oyer  :  faiclez  moy  passer.  1 
praye  the ,  feryeman  cary  me  over  at  oues  : 
je  te  prie,  passeur,  jays  moy  passer  or  passes 
moy  viste. 

I  CARKE,  I  care,  I  take  thought.  Je  chagrine, 
prim.  conj.  and  je  ^orlc  soyng,  or  je  me 
ressoigne.  I  carke  for  our  Ihrifte ,  and  ihou 
carest  nat  whiche  ende  go  byfore:  je  cha- 
grine pour  nostre  oroujjit,  or  je  porte  soing  , 
or  je  ressoigne,  et  i  Ine  ten  cliault  quel  bout 
va  deuant. 

I  CARPE  (Lydgat).  Je  cacquette,  prim.  conj.  This 
is  a  farre  nortben  verbe. 

I  CARTE,  I  carye  or  lade  sluffe  on  a  carte.  Je 
charge,  prim.  conj.  I  bave  carted  more 
corne  to  day  than  I  did  yet  of  ail  this  yere  : 
jay  plus  chargé  des  bledz  aujourdhuyqueje 
nay  pas  faict  encore  de  toute  ceste  année. 

I  CARVE ,  as  a  carver  or  a  joyner  dothe  an  ymage, 
or  any  suclie  lyke  thyng  of  wood.  Je  me- 
nuyse, priva,  conj.  and  in  this  sence  I  fynde 
also  somtyme  used  je  taille,  prim.  conj. 
Biod  jentretaille ,  prim.  conj.  He  carveth  as 
fyne  worke  as  any  carver  hère  aboutes  :  i7 
menuyse,  or  il  taille,  or  il  eniretaille  ilaussi 
fyns  ouuraiges  que  nul  meiiuysier  de  ycy 

I  carve  afore  a  lorde  or  a  great  man  at  bis 
borde.  Je  trenche,  prim.  conj.  and  in  this 
sence  I  fynde  somtyme  used  je  sers  des- 
cuier  trenchant:  and  howej'c  sers  is  conju- 
gate  shall  hère  after  apere  in  «I  serve». 
I  fynde  also  in  this  sence  jentame ,  prim. 
conj.  My  father  was  chefe  carver  with  kyng 
Henry  the  seventh  :  mon  père  estoyt  premier 
escuyer  trenchant  au  roy  Henry  septiesme. 

I  carve  byfore  my  mayster  to  day.  Je  trenche 
deuant  mon  maistre  au  jourdhuy,  Carve  or 
beake  this  capon  :  entames  ce  chapon. 

1  carve  a  cockerell  to  make  bym  a  capon.  Je 
chaslre,  prim.  conj. 

I  CASTE  a  lyght,  as  a  candell  dothe  in  a  bouse, 
or  any  other  bright  thing  aboute  it.  Je  tres- 
luis,  nous  tresluissons ,  etc.  A  small  candell 
casteth  lyght  over  ail  a  great  house  :  une 
ped'te  chandelle  tresluyt  par  tout  vue  grande 

I  caste  afore,  as  wyse  folkes  do,  that  caste  afore 
what  shall  come  after.  Je  pourjecte,  prim. 
conj.  It  is  wysdome  to  cast  afore  what  may 
come  after  :  cest  saigesse  de  pourjecter  tout 
ce  qui  peult  aduenir  après. 

I  cast  an  accomptes  in  aulgorism,  with  a  penne. 
Jenchifre,  prim.  conj. 

I  caste  an  accomptes  with  counters ,  after  the 
aulgorisme  maner.  Je  calcule,  prim.  conj. 

I  caste  asyde ,  as  one  dothe  bis  eye  whan  he  lo- 
keth  nat  fuHy  upon  a  thyng.  Je  regarde  du 
coyng  de  loeil. 



caste  an  accomptes,  after  the  comen  maner, 
with    counters.  Je   com/Ae  par  ject,  jay 
compté  par  jccl,  compter  par  ject.  I  can 
caste  with  ihre  counters  ail  the  good  I 
hâve  .je  puis  compter  par  ject  a  troysjectons 
tous  les  biens  que  jay. 
I  caste  awaye,  as  a  man  dothe  a  thyng  that  he 
aetteth  no  store  by.  Je  dejecte,  prim.  conj. 
and  in  this  sende  I  {ynie  je  jecte  enfoyc, 
jayjecté  en  voye,jecter,  prim.  conj.  and  je 
guerpis,  jay  Cjuerpy,  guerpir,  sec.  conj. 
I  caste  a  compassé.  Je  jecte  ung  compas. 
I  caste  a  thiiig  in  a  printe  or  in  a  moulde.  Je 
jecte  en  moalle,  prim.  conj.  and  je  mouUe, 
prim.  conj.  This  is  nat  paynted  by  bande, 
but  it  is  caste  in  a  moulde  :  cecy  nest  pas 
painctpar  mayn,  maisjecté  en  moalh. 
I  caste  away,  I  distroye.  Je  gaste,  prim.  conj. 
Thou  wylte  caste  away  thyselfe  and  nede 
nat  :  tu  te  veulx  desiruyre  la  ou  il  nest  ja 
I  caste  away,  I  devyse  a  meanes,  to  do  a  thing. 
Je  pourjecle,  prim.  conj.  or  je  jecte  en 
chifre,  jay  jecté ,  jecter,  prim.  conj. 
I  caste  away,  I  undo  or  distroy  myselfe.  Je  me 


I  caste  by  or  I  cast  asyde.  Je  dejecte,  prim.  conj. 

Caste  that  by,  it  is  iytle  worthe  :  dejectes 

cela,  il  vault  peu  de  chose. 

I  caste  beames,  as  the  sonne  dothe.  Je  raye, 

prim.  conj.  The  soune  casteth  bis  beames 

in  a  moment  over  ail  the  worlde  :  le  soleil 

raye  en  vng  moment  par  tout  le  monde. 

I  cast  downe  from  a  bygb  place ,  to  make  bym 

bave  a  grevouse  fall.  Je  trebusclie,  prim. 

conj.  Fortune  bath  cast  hym  downe  from 

her  whele  :  Fortune  la  trebusché  de  sa  roue, 

I  caste  downe  or  throwe  downe.  Je  rue  jus,  jay 

rué  jus,  ruer  jus,  prim.  conj.  and  in  this 

sence  I  fynde  also  used  jcjecle  a  terre,  jay 

jecti  a  terre,  jecter  a  terre,  prim.  conj. 

Who  wolde  bave  thought  that  so  lytell  a 

felowe  coulde  bave  caste  bim  downe  :  qui 

eusi  pencé  <fue  vng  si  petit  homme  leust  sceu 

ruer  jus,  or  leust  sceu  ruer  par  terre? 

I  caste  downe  in  to  a  derkc  place,  as  hell  is,  or 

a  place  tbat  hath  no  bottome.  Je  jecte  en 
ahisme,  prim.  conj.  Lucyfer,  for  bis  pride, 
was  caste  out  of  paradyce  in  to  bell  :  Luci- 
fer, par  son  orgueil,  Just  geté  hors  de  para- 
dis, et  abismé  en  enfer. 
I  cast  doutes  in  a  mater.  Je  pourjecle  des  dangers, 
jay  pourjecté,  pourjecter,  prim.  conj.  He 
dyd  caste  mo  doutes  than  I  dyd  :  il  pour- 
jectoit  plus  de  dangiers  que  je  nefs. 
I  cast  forthe,  as  one  that  is  in  anger  dothe  bis 
dispyte  full  wordes,  or  as  a  venymouse 
beesl  doth  bis  venym.  Je  lance,  prim.  conj. 
She    dyd    caste    forthe    her    dispytefull 
wordes  :  ei(e  lancoyt  ses  parolles  despiteuses. 
This  venymous  beest  batb  caste  forthe  bis 
poyson  ;  ceste  beste  venimeuse  a  lancée  sa 
I  caste,  I  determyne ,  or  purpose  a  thyng.  Je  dé- 
termine, prim.  conj. 
I  caste  in  to  the  see ,  as  men  do  letters  tbat  they 
wolde  shulde  natbe  sene.  Jemmarre,prim. 
conj.  And  whan  he  sawe  noue  other  re- 
medy,  he  threwe  bis  packet  of  letters  into 
the  see  :  et  quant  il  ne  vit  poynt  daultre  re- 
mède, il  emmarra  son  pacquet  de  lettres. 
I  caste  in  my  mynde.  Je  reuolue,  prim.  conj.  j<y 
reuolué  en  mon  entendement.  I  bave  caste 
many  thynges  my  mynde ,  sythe  the  mater 
began  :  jay  reuolué  mayntes  choses,  or  pour- 
jecle mayntes  choses,  despuis  que  cesle  ma- 
tière commença. 
I  caste  in  tbe  tethe ,  or  I  caste  in  the  nose ,  as 
one  doth    that    reproveth   another  of  a 
faulte.  Je  reprouche,  prim.  conj.  He  caste 
me  in  the  tethe  or  in  the  nose  with  this 
mater  twenty  tymes  ;  il  ma  reprouche  ceste 
matière  plus  de  vingt foys. 
I  caste  lottes  fora  tbynge  tobejudgein  acause. 
Je  sortis,  jay  sorty,  sortir,  sec.  conj.  Sythe 
the  matter   is   so  doutfull,  let  us  caste 
lottes  :  puisque  la  matière  est  si  doubteuse, 
sortissons  entre  nous,  or  gelons  par  sort. 
I  caste  lottes,  I  drawe  lottes,  as  chiidren  do  for 
sporte.  Je  joue  au  court  festu,  jay  joué  au 
court  festu,  jouer  au  court  feslu.  Hère  be 
fayre  longe  russhes,  let  us  play,  or  caste  at 



the  lottes  :  voycy  de  beaux  joncx  et  longz, 
jouons  au  court  festu. 

I  caste  me  to  do  a  tbynge ,  as  I  caste  me  to  eate, 
to  sporte,  to  ryde,  to  make  thynges  redy 
or  suche  lyke.  Je  me  mets,  verbum  médium 
conjugale  in  «I  put».  And  je  me  délibère, 
verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  Whan  I  cast 
me  to  Write,  I  can  rydde  as  mocbe  as 
anotber  :  quant  je  me  mets  a  escripre,  jen 
puis  depescher  autant  que  vng  aultre. 

I  cast  my  syght  upon  a  thyng  to  beholde  it  wy- 
sheiy.  Je  lance  ma  vene,  jay  lancé,  lancer, 
prim.  coDJ.  Ând  sodaynly  he  caste  bis  sygbt 
wbysbeiy  upon  me  :  et  soudaynemenl  il 
lancoyt  sa  veue  sur  moy. 

I  caste  myn  eye  a  syde ,  I  spye  a  thing  sodaynly. 
Je  jecte  mon  oyel  de  cousté.  So  skornefuily 
as  she  dyd  cast  bcr  eye  a  syde  upon  me  : 
par  quel  grant  despil  elle  jecta  son  oeil  de 
cousté  sur  moy. 

l  cast  my  gorge,  as  a  haulke  dothe,  or  a  man  that 
parbraketh.  Je  desgorge,  prim.  conj.  and 
/e  vomis,  jay  vomy,  vomyr,  sec.  conj.  Me- 
tbynke  your  bauke  hatb  caste  ber  gorge  : 
il  mest  aduis  que  votre  oyseau  a  desgorgé.  It 
is  a  great  sbame  for  a  man  to  eate  so 
mocbe  that  be  muste  be  compelled  to  caste 
bis  gorge  :  cest  grant  honle  a  vng  homme  de 
tant  manger  que  lui  soyt force  de  vomyr,  or 
de  gomyr. 

I  cast  my  penyworthes.  Je  pourjecte ,  prim.  conj. 
Whan  I  bave  ail  caste  my  penyworthes, 
I  maye  put  my  wynnyngin  myn  eye  -.quant 
jay  pourjecte,  or  quant  jay  tout  pourjectees 
mes  denieries  ,je  puis  bien  mettre  mon  gayng 
en  mon  oeyl. 

I  cast  or  tbrowe  a  boule.  Je  boulle,  prim.  conj. 
Who  shall  caste  the  mayster  boule  :  qui 
boullera ,  OT  qui  jectera  la  maislresse  boulle? 

I  cast  or  tbrowe  with  the  arme.  Je  jecte,  prim. 
conj.  I  can  caste  a  stone  above  bande  as 
farre  as  anotber  :  je  puis  jecler  vne  pierre 
pardessus  le  bras  aussi  loyng  qung  aultre. 

I  cast  to ,  or  adde  one  tbynge  to  anotber.  Jad- 
joaste,  prim.  conj.  Cast  this  somme  to  it, 
and  loke  what  ail  cometb  to  :  adjouslez 

ceste  somme  a  cela,  et  regardez  a  combien  le 
tout  monte. 

I  cast  up,  I  forsake  a  thyng.  Jabandonne,  prim. 
conj.  She  hath  ben  bis  soverayne  lady,  this 
tenne  yeres ,  and  nowe  he  casleth  ber  up  : 
elle  a  esté  sa  dame  par  amour,  dix  ans-en  ca, 
et  mayntenanl  il  la  habandonnée. 

I  cast  up  a  thyng  a  bigh  in  to  tbe  ayer.  Je  jecte 
en  hault ,  jay  jecté  en  hault,jecterenhault, 
prim.  conj.  Caste  it  up,  and  loke  wbether 
it  wyll  breake  in  the  fall  or  nat  :  jectez  le 
en  hault,  et  aduisez  si  il  se  rampera  a  la 
cheute  ou  non. 

I  cast  up  my  eye,  or  beholde  a  tbynge  above.  Je 
jecte  mon  oyel  en  hault ,  jay  jecté  mon  oyel, 
jecter  mon  oyel,  prim.  conj.  As  I  caste  up 
myne  eye  unto  the  wyndowe ,  I  spyed  ber  : 
enjectant  mon  oeyl  en  hault  vers  lafenestre, 
je  ladaisay. 

I  CATCHE ,  or  bolde  faste  with  an  hoke  or  croke. 
Jaccroche,  prim.  conj.  I  coulde  nat  catche 
it  with  my  hoke,  the  streame  dyd  beare  it 
downe  to  faste  :je  ne  le  pouuoye  poynt  en- 
cracher,  le  fil  de  leaue  laualloyt  si  fort. 

I  catche  a  fysshe  with  a  bayte.  Jamorse,  prim. 
conj.  I  bave  angylled  liere  this  houre,  but 
I  can  catche  nothyngc  -.jay  icy pesché  vne 
heure,  maysje  ne  pais  riens  amorser. 

I  catche,  as  a  bounde  with  ronnyngcatcheth  bis 
game.  Je  affiche,  prim.  conj.  Tbe  grey- 
hounde  was  so  good  of  ronnynge  that  he 
wolde  catche  a  bare  at  two  myles  ende  : 
Je  leurier  estoyt  si  bon  de  course  quil  affi- 
cheoyt  vng  Heure  au  bout  de  deux  myles, 

I  catche  a  thyng  that  I  reache  afler.  Je  happe, 
prim.  conj.  Catche  that  catche  may  :  happe 
qui  happer  pourra.  ByGod,  thou  shaltabye 
and  I  catche  the  :  par  Dieu ,  tu  en  auras  si 
je  te  happe, 

I  catche  copper,  I  catche  arme.  Je  me  cndom- 
maige.  And  he  be  nat  tbe  wyser,  he  maye 
happe  to  catche  copper  by  tbe  meanes  :  sil 
ne  se  contregarde ,  il  se  pourra  endommaiger. 

I  catche,  I  laye  bandes  upon  a  tbynge.  Jem- 
poigne,  prim.  conj.  And  I  may  catche  hym 
ones,  I  shall  tell  hym  more  of  my  mynde: 



si  je  le  puis  empoigner  vite  fojs ,  je  lay  diray 
plus  de  mon  entente. 

l  catche  in  a  trayne.  Je  atrappe,  prim.  couj.  or 
je  prens  en  trace.  It  shai!  coste  me  a  fall  but 
1  wyll  catche  Lym  in  a  trayne,  if  he  use 
that  walke  :  je  fauldray  a  mon  esme,  si  je 
ne  latrappe  sil  hante  ce  lieu  la. 

1  catclie  harme  or  displeasure  by  a  mater.  Il 
me  prent  mal,  il  ma  prins  mal,  pour  me 
prendre  mal,  usyng  the  tbyrde  persons 
plureii  of  je  prens,  I  take,  lyke  a  verbe 
impersonall.  Wynne  who  wyn  sball,  I 
wotte  I  catche  harme  by  it  yet  :  gaygne 
qui  guigner  pourra,  il  men  prent  mal  encore, 

I  catche ,  I  gette  thynges  to  me  by  vyolent 
meanes.  Je  accroche,  prim.  conj.  AU 
that  he  may  catche  is  bis  :  tout  ce  quil 
peult  accrocher  est  a  luy, 

1  CAVE  corne.  Jescoux  le  grayn, 

I  CADSB  or  make  a  thynge  to  be  done.  Je  fais 
faire,  and  je  cause,  prim.  conj.  So  that 
jefays  in  this  sence  causeth  the  infiny- 
tyve  actyve  to  hâve  the  passyve  signyfy- 
cacion,  as  Alexander  caused  Troy  to  be 
buylded  agayne  :  Alexandre  jist  reedifier 

I  cause  to  synge,  to  wepe,  to  lyve  ,  to  dye, 
and  suche  lykc.  Je  jays,  jay  faict  faire, 
He  bath  caused  many  a  man  to  dye  for 
his  sake  :  il  a  faict  mourir  maint  homme 
pour  lamour  de  luy.  Faictez  Dieu  prier 
pour  moy ,  je  feray  Dieu  prier  pour  vous. 

C    BYFORE    £. 

1  CEASE  (Lydgal),  I  loke  from  doynge  of  a 
thyng.  Loko  in  «I  cease». 

I  CELE  a  hauke  or  a  pigyon  or  any  other 
foule  or  byrde,  whan  I  sowe  up  tbeir 
eyes  for  caryage  or  olherwyse.  Je  cile, 
prim.  conj.  And  this  pigyon  be  celed,  you 
sball  se  her  mounte  goodly  :  si  ce  pigeon 
soyt  cilé  vnefoys,  vous  le  verrez  monter 
bien  gentiment. 

I  CELEBRAiE,  I  halowe  a  feest  or  a  place.  Je 
célèbre,  prim.  conj.  The  feest  of  ail  hal- 
lowen  is  greatly  celebrate  ia  our  towne  : 

la  feste  de  tous  saynctz  est  gramment  cé- 
lébrée en  nostre  ville. 

I  CEABE  a  garment  of  sylke  or  velvet ,  as  a 
taylour  doth  with  a  ceryng  candell.  Jen- 
cire,  prim.  conj.  This  velvet  was  nat  well 
ceared ,  and  that  maketh  it  to  ryvell  ont  : 
ce  vellours  nestoyt  pas  bien  enciré,  et  cela 
le  faict  ainsi  raaeler. 

I  cere  a  thyng  or  person  in  a  cere  clothe. 
Je  enuelope  en  toylle  de  cire. 

l  CERTiFYE  or  assertayne  one  of  a  mater.  Je 
certifie ,  prim.  conj.  and  jasserlayne  or 
certiore,  prim.  conj.  I  pray  you,  if  there 
be  any  newes  in  your  quarters ,  to  cer- 
tyfie  me  of  tbem  by  your  letters  :  je  vous 
prie,  sil  y  apoynt  de  nouuelles  en  voz  quar- 
tiers, de  me  certifier,  de  me  assertener,  de 
me  certiorer  délies  par  voz  lettres, 

I  CEASE ,  I  ieave  of  from  doynge  of  any  thyng. 
Je  cesse,  prim.  conj.  Cease,  cease,  my 
frende,  from  this  folysshe  lyfe,  it  is  tyme 
and  more  ihan  tyme  :  cesses,  cesses,  mon 
amy,  de  ceste  folle  vie ,  il  est  temps  et  plus 
que  temps. 

I  cease,  I  Ieave  of.  Je  désiste,  prim.  conj.  He 
wyll  never  cease  tyll  he  catche  some  har- 
me :  il  ne  désistera  jamays  tant  quil  happe 
quelque  mal. 

I  cease  bolnyng  or  swellyng,  as  a  sore  dothe 
whan  it  goeth  in  agayne.  Je  desenfle, 
prim.  conj.  The  swellyng  that  I  had  upon 
my  bande  yesterdaye  is  ceased  nowe  : 
lenjleure  que  je  etis  hier  sur  ma  mayn  sest 
desenjlée  asteure. 


I  CHAFE  with  the  heate  of  fyre ,  or  I  provoke 
and  move  to  anger.  Jeschauffe ,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  rechauffe,  prim.  conj.  Go 
chafe  this  vaxe  agaynst  the  fyre  ;  alUz 
eschauffer  cesle  cire  contre  le  feu.  He 
cfaafed  very  sore  whan  be  herde  of  their 
disceyte  :  il  seschauffa  très  fort  quant  il 
ouyt  de  leur  tromperie. 

I  chafe ,  I  waxe  angry  or  moved.  Je  me  cour- 
rouce, je  me  suis  courroucé,   courroucer , 



verbum  médium  et  activum ,  as  the  sence 
requyreth ,  but  the  verbe  of  hym  selfe  is 
an  actyve.  I  chafe  hym  on  that  facion 
somtyme  that  he  is  redy  le  bepysse  him  : 
je  le  courrouce  aulcunesfoys  de  sorte  (juil 
est  prest  de  pisser  en  ses  chausses. 

I  chafe,  I  anger  one  or  vexe  one.  Je  abire, 
prim.  conj.  Beware  you  chafe  hym  nat 
to  moche  :  gardez  vous  de  le  trop  abirer. 

I  chafe,  I  ara  in  passyon.  Je  me  passionne, 
verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  He  wyil 
chafe  as  soone  as  any  man  in  this  towne  : 
il  se  veult  passionner  aussi  tost  que  homme 
qui  soit  en  ceste  ville. 

l  chafe,  I  rubbe  of  the  skynne  of  any  parte  of 
my  body.  Je  mescorche  la  peau,  je  me  suis 
escorché  la  peau,  escorcher  la  peau,  ver- 
bum médium  prim.  conj.  I  chafed  my 
leggc  within  thèse  thre  nyghtes,  and  nowe 
it  greveth  me  very  sore  :je  me  cscorchay 
la  jambe  trojrs  najrctz  passez,  et  mainte- 
nant il  me  faicl  grant  mal,  or  je  me  suis 
escorché  la  peau  de  la  jambe. 

l  chafe  the  shynne  of  my  bande.  Je  mescorche 
la  mayn.  I  chafe  the  skyn  of  my  hammes 
with  walkyng  :  je  me  escorché  les  jeretz 
par  force  de  cheminer. 

I  chafe,  I  rubbe  softly,  or  clawe.  Jadoulcis , 
jay  adoulcy,  adoalcir,  sec.  conj.  and  jap- 
planie,  prim.  conj.  Chafe  bis  iegge  a  ly- 
tell  with  this  oyntment  and  he  shaii  sone 
be  liole  :  adoulcissez ,  or  applaniez  sa  jambe 
vng  peu  de  cest  oyngnement,  et  elle  sera 
bien  tost  guerye. 

I  CHAFPER,  I  bye  and  sell  wares.  Je  mar- 
chande. I  bave  chatTered  in  this  bouse 
for  many  a  fayre  penny  :  jay  marchandé 
en  ceste  mayson  pour  maynt  beau  denier. 

l  CBALKE,  I  marke  or  whyte  a  tbyng  with 
chalke.  Je  craye,  prim.  conj.  It  is  good 
wearynge  of  whyte  bosen ,  for  whan  they 
be  soyled ,  they  may  be  cbalked  over 
agayne  :  il  fait  bon  vser  de  chances  blan- 
ches, car  quant  elles  sont  salîtes,  on  les 
peult  crayer. 

l  chalke,  as   a   carpenter   dotfae  his   tymber 

with  his  lyne  to  square  it.  Je  ligne  a  la 
cordelle,  jay  ligné  a  la  cordelle ,  ligner  a 
la  cordelle,  prim.  conj.  Howe  can   this 
pece  be  weil  sawed  in  twayne,  syth  it  is 
nat  chalked  yet  :  comment  peult  on  bonne- 
ment syer  ceste  pièce  en  deux,  puis  quelle 
nest  pas  encore  lignée  à  la  cordelle. 
I  CHALENGE,  I  provoke  to  fyght  or  I  reprove. 
Je  chalenge,  prim.  conj.  I  dare  cbalenge 
syxe  of  the  beste  of  you  :  je  ose  chalenger 
six  des  meilleurs  de  vous. 
I  chaienge,  I  reprove  one,  or  iay  a  thynge  to 
bis  charge.  Jattayne,  prim.   conj.  Why 
do   you    chalenge    me   for  this   mater  ; 
pour  qaoy    me    altaynez   vous  pour  ceste 
I  CHAMME  a  thyng  smali  bylwene  my  tethe  or 
champe.  Je  masche ,  frim.  conj.  Cbamme 
the  breed  in  your  mouthe  or   ever  you 
fede    your    byrde  :   maschés  le  payn  en 
vostre    bouche    auant  que   vous  apastellés 
vostre  oyscaa. 
1  champe  a  thing  small    bytwene  my  tethe. 
Je  masche ,  prim.   conj.    And   you   hâve 
no   knyfe,   champe  it   small   with  your 
tethe  :  si  vous  nauez  poynt  de  Cousteau, 
maschez  le  menu  entre  voz  dens. 
I  CHACNGE  one  thynge  for  another.  Je  change, 
prim.  conj.  Alsoj'e  eschange ,  prim.  conj. 
He  chaungeth  his  servauntes  every  day  : 
il  change  ses  seruiteurs  tous  les  jours. 
I  chaunge  a  pece  of  golde  in  to   small  mo- 
ney.  Je  baille  leschange.  Chaunge  me  this 
crowne,  I  praye  you  :  baillez  moy  leschange 
de  cest  escu ,  je  vous  prie. 
I  CHAPE  a  sworde  or  dagger.  I  put  a  chape  on 
the  shethe.  Je  mets  la  bouterolle.  What 
shall  I  gyve  the  to  cliape  my  dagger  :  que 
te  donneray  je  pour  mettre  ine  boutlerolle  a 
ma  dague? 
I  CHARGE  a  man  by  a  commaundement.  Je 
donne  en  commandement,  prim.  conj.  My 
mayster  hath  charged  me  to  be  with  hym 
to   morowe   by   noone  :  mon   maistre   ma 
donné   en    commandement    de    me    trouuer 
auecques  luy  demayn  a  myddy. 



I  charge  one  with  a  thyng ,  I  put  a  thynge  in 
lo  his  custodye.  Je  encharge.  I  am  charged 
with  ail  the  plate  in  his  house  :  je  suis  en- 
chargé  de  toute  la  vaisselle  en  sa  maison. 

I  charge,  I  lade  a  carte,  or  a  horse,  or  man 
with  a  bourthen.  Je  charge,  prim.  conj. 
Our  carte  was  charged  and  redy  to  set 
forthe  two  heures  byfore  daye  :  nostre 
chariot  estoyt  chargé  et  prest  de  partyr  deux 
heures  deuant  le  jour, 

I  charge,  I  put  a  man  to  coste  by  excessyve 
expenses  done  upon  me.  Joppresse,  prim. 
conj.  He  hath  charged  me  more,  for  thèse 
thre  dayes  that  he  was  with  me ,  thân  any 
gest  that  ever  I  had  :  il  ma  plus  oppressé, 
pour  ces  trojs  jours  quil  estoyt  auecqiies 
moy,  que  tous  les  hostes  que  je  eus  jamays. 

I  CBARME,  as  a  wytche  dothe  by  eochaunte- 
mentes.  Je  charme,  prim.  conj.  or  je  en- 
chante, prim.  conj.  Hâve  you  herde  that 
a  man  coulde  charme  a  horse  that  hath 
the  hottes  :  aués  vous  point  oay  quon  sceat 
charmer  vng  cheuid  des  auyues  ? 

I  CHASE  away,  out  of  présence,  or  folowe  a 
thyng  that  flyeth.  Je  chasse,  prim.  conj. 
I  chassed  hym  quyte  out  of  my  syght  : 
je  le  chassoye  tout  hors  de  ma  veue. 

I  cbase  away  from  me.  Je  déchusse,  prim.  conj. 
I  shall  chase  the  knave  away  from  me  : 
je  dechasseray  le  villayn  daaecques  moy. 

I  CHASTïSE,  I  correcte  or  punysshe.  Jechastie, 
prim.  conj.  Chastyse  the  yonge  folke  in 
thy  governaunce  with  discressyon  :  chas- 
tiez  les  jeunes  personnes  en  ton  gouucme- 
ment  par  discrétion. 

I  CHATTE,  I  talke  famyliarly,  as  one  frende 
wyll  do  with  an  other.  Je  deuise,  prim. 
conj.  We  chatted  to  gythcr  yesternyght 
tyii  il  was  almost  elevyn  of  the  clocke  : 
nous  deuisions  ensemble  hyer  au  soyr  tant 
quilfust  quasi  onze  heures. 

I  CHATTER  or  clatter,  as  one  dolhe  tbat  bath 
many  wordes.  Je  cacquette,  prim.  conj. 
This  felowe  chattereth  lyke  a  kempster: 
ce  gallant  cacquette  comnK  vne  piegneresse 
de  layne. 

I  cbatter,  as  ones  tethe  chatter  in  their  heed 
for  colde.  Je  cliquette,  prim.  conj.  I  was 
se  colde  yesterday  with  rydyng  that  my 
tethe  chattered  in  my  heed  anoys  si 
grantfroyt  hier  en  cheuauchant  que  mes 
dens  me  clicquetoyent  en  la  teste. 

I  chatter,  as  byrdes  do  or  they  begyn  to  speake, 
or  parfetly  to  synge  their  note.  Je  gariolle, 
prim.  conj.  But  the  Parisyens  chaunge  r 
into  s  OT  z,  and  sayeje  gasoille,  as  I  bave 
in  the  Crst  boke  touched. 

I  chatter,  as  byrdes  do  whan  many  be  togyther. 
Jejargonne,  prim.  conj.  Harke  howe  thèse 
byrdes  chatter  :  escoatez  comment  ces  oy- 
seaulx  jargonnent. 

I  CHAWE,  as  a  man  or  heest  doth  his  meate  or 
he  swalowe  it.  Je  masche,  prim.  conj.  l 
bave  the  tothe  ake  so  sore  that  it  greveth 
me  to  chawe  my  meate  :  jay  le  mal  aux 
dens  si  fort,  quil  méfait  mal  de  mascher  ma 

I  chawe,  as  a  kowe  dothe  her  cudde ,  after  she 
hath  pastured.  Je  rumine,  prim.  conj. 
There  be  mo  heestes  tban  the  oxe  that 
chawe  tlieir  cudde  :  il  y  a  plus  des  bestes 
que  de  beuft  qui  ruminent. 

I  CHAONCE,  1  happen.  Il  adulent,  verbum  im- 
personale,  thoughe  «e  use  this  verbe  as 
parsonall  ;  wherfore ,  accordyng  to  my 
rules  in  the  seconde  boke,  we  sbal  saye 
for  if  I  shall  happen,  sil  maduiendra.  If 
we  shall  happen ,  sil  nous  aduiendra.  And 
i7  atZaien/ is  conjugate  in  «it  bappeneth», 
or  <  it  cbaunceth  ».  And  of  this  sence  I 
fynde  also  il  eschiet,  il  escheoyt,  il  escheit, 
il  aescheu,  escherra,  quil  eschée,  quil  es- 
cheist,  quil  ayt  escheu,  quil  east  eschcu, 
quil  aura  escheu,  il  escherroyt,  il  auroyt 
escheu,  quil  eschée,  eschoyr,  verbum  imper- 
sonale  activum  sec.  conj.  I  chaunced  to 
daye  to  mete  a  man  that  I  sawe  aat  this 
sevyn  yere  :  il  mest  adaenu  aa  jourdhuy  de 
rencontrer  vng  homme  le  quel  je  ne  ay  point 
veu  de  sept  ans. 

It  chaunseth ,  it  bappeneth.  //  adulent  or  il  es- 
chiet, declared  liere  next  afore.  So  that 


sonityme  we  use  this  verbe  lyke  an  irapar- 
sonall  ,  as  the  frenche  tongc  dolhe.  It 
chauDseth  somtymc  so  and  somtymc  nat  : 
il  aduient,  or  il  eschiet  aulcunesfoys  aynsi 
et  aulciinesfoys  non ,  or  poynt. 

1  chaunge.  Jeschange,  je  mue,  prim.  conj.  By 
processe  of  tyme  we  chaunge  our  condy- 
cions  :  par  traict  de  temps  nous  changeons, 
or  nous  muons  de  condiscions. 

I  chaunge  colour,  as  one  dothe  that  begynnelh 
to  swoune.  Je  transmue  couleur,  prim. 
conj.  Take  hede  of  that  chylde,  for  he 
chaungeth  colour  :  prennez  garde  a  cest 
enfant  la,  car  il  transmue  couleur. 

I  chaunge  one  thynge  for  another.  Je  change, 
OTJe  entrechange,  prim .  conj .  They  chaunge 
for  their  wollen  clothes  lynen  clothe  : 
ilz  entrechangent  loylles  en  lieu  de  leur 

I  chaunge  a  mnn  from  his  purpose.  Je  destourne, 
prim.  conj.  or  je  change  pourpos.  He  was 
50  myuded  yesterday,  but  I  hâve  chaunged 
his  purpose  nowe  :  il  estoyt  aynsi  délibéré 
hyer,  mays  je  lay  destoarné  asteure,  or  je 
luy  ay  changé  son  propos. 

I  chaunge,  I  transpose  a  thyng.  Je  transmue, 
prim.  conj.  and  je  mue,  prim.  conj.  This 
worlde  is  chaunged  upsyde  downe  :  ce 
monde  est  transmué,  or  mué  cen  dessus  des- 

1  chaunge  in  to  dyvers  shappes  or  maners.  Je 
diuersijie,  prim.  conj.  and  je  transforme, 
prim.  conj.  Poètes  fayut  that  Protheus 
coulde  chaunge  hymself  in  to  dyvers  shap- 
pes: les  poètes  faignent  que  Protheus  sesccnt 
diuersifier,  or  transmuer  en  diaerses  figures. 

I  chaunge  oflen  or  contynually.  Je  treschange, 
prim.  conj.  The  worlde  chaungeth  and  of- 
ten  chaungeth  :  Je  monde  se  change  et  se 

I  chaunge  my  purpose  or  my  thought.  Je  me 
varie,  je  me  suis  varié  ,  varier,  verbum  mé- 
dium prim.  conj.  He  wyll  chaunge  his 
mynde  foure  tymes  in  an  hour  :  il  se  va- 
riera quattre  foys  en  vne  heure. 

I  chaunge  contenaunce,  I  chaunge  colour.  Je 


mue  la  couleur.  What  he  sayde  to  her  I 
can  nat  teil,  but  she  chaunged  counte- 
naunce  often  :  je  ne  scay  pas  que  cestoyt 
quil  disoyt  a  elle,  mays  elle  mua  de  couleur 
I  CHADNTE,  as  one  dothe  in  syngyng.  Je  grin- 
golte,  prim.  conj.  and  in  this  sence  I 
fynde  also  je  me  dehrise  la  voix,  je  me  suis 
debrisé  la  voix,  pour  me  debriser  la  voix, 
verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  and  je  de- 
goyse,  prim.  conj.  Harke  howe  this  lytie 
boye  eau  chaunte  :  escoustez  comment  ce  pe- 
tit garçon  scay  l  gringoller,  or  se  scay  t  debri- 
ser la  voix,  or  comment  il  se  scayt  des- 

CH    BYFORE    E. 

I  CHECKE,  I  take  np  or  reprove  a  man.  Je  re- 
prouche,  prim.  conj.  He  hath  checked  me 
thus  twyse  or  thrise  :  t7  ma  ainsi  reprouchi 
deux  ou  troys  foys. 

I  CHECKEii ,  I  make  a  garment  or  any  other 
thyng  of  party  couleurs.  Je  bigarre,  prim. 
conj.  Why  doest  thou  checker  thy  cote  on 
this  facion  :  pour  quoy  bigarres  tu  ton  saion 
en  ce  point,  or  en  ceste  façon  ? 

I  CHEïNE,  I  tye  or  fasten  a  thyng  togyther  in 
chaynes.  Jenchayne,  prim.  conj.  He  is 
safc ,  for  he  hath  put  hym  in  a  payre  of 
stockes  and  chayned  hym  faste  :  i7  est  en 
sauf,  car  il  la  mys  en  vngz  piedges  et  la  en- 
chayné  fort  et  ferme, 

I  CHEAPE,  I  demaunde  the  price  of  a  thyng  that 
I  wolde  bye.  Je  marchande,  prim.  conj.  Go 
cheape  a  cappe  for  me,  and  I  wyll  corne 
anone  and  bye  it  :  allez  marchander  vng 
bonnet  pour  moy,  et  je  viendray  tantost  pour 

I  CHERE,  I  feest  with  meate  and  drinke.  Je 
festye,  prim.  conj.  I  assure  you  he  chered 
us  hyghly:je  vous  assure  quil  nous  feslya 

I  chère  with  lovyng  countenaunce.  Je  luy  fais 
bon  recueil,  je  leur  fais  bon  recueil,  or  ac- 
cueil, il  méfait  bon  recueil,  il  te  fait  bon 
recueil,  il  luy  fait  bon  recueil,  il  nous  faict 


bon  recueil,  il  vous  fait  bon  recueil,  il  leur 
faict  bon  recueil i  chaungynge  the  tenses 
and  parsons  oijejays,  as  the  sentence 
dothe  requyre;  and  in  lyke  sence  they 
use  je  luy  Jcvys  bonne  chère.  Go ,  chère 
your  frendes  that  be  come  to  se  you  : 
allez ,  faictez  bon  recueil,  or  bon  accueil,  or 
bonne  chère  a  voz  amjs  qui  vous  sont  venus 

I  cherc,  I  make  gladdê.  Je  Jays  joyeulx,  or  je 
esgaudis,  jay  egaudy,  egaudyr,  sec.  conj. 
He  hath  nede  of  cherynge ,  for  he  hath 
ben  hcavy  many  a  daye  :  il  a  besoyng  des- 
tre  esgaudy,  quon  le  face  joieulx,  car  il  a 
esté  en  douleur  maynt  jour. 

I  chère,  or  I  comforte  a  person  that  is  in  syck- 
nesse  or  trybulacion.  Je  conforte,  prim. 
conj.  or  je  réconforte,  prirn.  conj.  I  pray 
the ,  go  chère  niy  brother,  he  is  nowe  weil 
amended  of  his  sycknesse  te  prie,  va 
réconforter  inon  frère,  il  est  mayntenant  bien 
amendé  de  sa  maladie. 

I  CHERYSSHE,  as  a  man  dothe  his  frende.  Je 
festoyé,  prim.  conj.  and  je  chéris, jay  chery, 
chérir,  sec.  conj.  He  hath  cherysshed 
me  as  moche  ^is  if  I  were  his  brother  :  il 
ma  autant  festoyé,  or  chery,  comme  si  je 
fusse  son  frère. 

I  chcrysshe,  as  one  dothe  a  yonge  person  that 
he  hath  in  specyall  favour.  Je  mignotte, 
prim.  conj.  You  cherysshe  this  chylde  so 
moche  that  you  sliai  marre  him  :  vous 
mignoltez  cest  enfant  si  tresfort  que  vous  le 

I  cherysshe,  as  a  womaii  dothe  her  chylde, 
whan  she  maketh  hym  daynty  mouthed. 
Jaffriande ,  prim.  conj.  She  hath  che- 
rysslied  }iyra  to  moche  ;  elle  la  trop  af- 

I  cherysshe,  I  bring  up  dayntyly,  as  a  mother 
dothe  her  chylde  that  she  loved  to  moche. 
Jaffriole,  prim.  conj.  You  cherysshe  this 
boye  so  moche  that  you  wyli  marre  him  : 
vous  affrioliez  cest  enfant  tant  que  vous  le 

I  cherysshe,  as  a  chylde  dothe  his  father  and 


mother.  Je  honore,  prim.  conj.  I  am  bounde 
to  cherysshe  my  father  and  my  mother  : 
je  suis  obligé  de  honorer  mon  père  et  ma 
I  CUERME,  as  byrdes  do  whan  they  make  a 
noyse  a  great  nomber  togyther.  Je  j<^r- 
gonne,  prim.  conj.  Thèse  byrdes  cherme 
goodly  :  ces  oyseletz  jargonncnt  gentyment. 
I  CHEBNE  butter.  Je  bas  le  beurre,  jay  buta  le 
beurre,  boire  le  beurr»,  and  howej'e  bas  is 
conjugate  I  hâve  afore  shevved  in  »  I  béate  ». 
You  are  no  good  house  wyfe,  for  you  bave 
nat  cherned  your  butter  to  daye  :  vous  nes- 
tez  pas  bonne  mesnaigiere ,  car  vous  nauez 
pas  batu  vostre  beurre,  or  le  beurre  aujour- 
I  CHESE,  conjugate  in  ol  chose».  Je  choysis, 
sec.  conj.  and  je  eslys-,  tert.  conj.  You 
shall  nat  chose.  For  this  sence  they  use 
vous  le  ferez  maulgré  vous,  and  nat  vous  ne 
choysyrez  pas. 
I  CHEVER,  as  onc  dothe  that  is  in  an  axes  whan 
the  colde  coraeth  on  hym,  or  for  any  colde 
otherwyse.  Jefrille,  prim.  conj.  Se  howe 
he  chyvereth ,  his  axes  wyll  come  upon 
hym  anone  :  agardez  comment  Hfrille,  la 
fleure  le  viendra  assaillyr  tanlosi. 
I  CHEVE,  I  bringe  to  an  ende.  Je  aschieue, 
prim.  conj.  God  graunte  that  you  may 
weli  achyve  your  purpose  :  Dyea  doynt  que 
vous  puissiez  bien  aschieuer  vostre  propos, 
I  CURWE  (loke  in  I  chawe).  Je  mâche. 
I  cbyde,  I  multypiye  langage  with  a  person. 
Je  tence,  prim  conj.  He  chydetli  with  me, 
and  I  gave  hym  no  cause  :  il  me  tencoyt,  or 
il  tencoyt  contre  moy,  et  je  ne  luy  donnay 
poynt  doccasion.  We  bave  chyd  togyther 
thèse  two  heures  :  nous  auons  tencé  lang 
contre  lautre,  or  nous  nous  sommes  entre- 
tencés  ces  deux  heures  longues. 
I  CHïLL,  as  one  dothe  for  colde.  Je  frissonne, 
prim.  conj.  My  bandes  chyll  :  mes  mayns 
me  frissonnent.  If  you  put  your  bandes  in 
the  water,  whan  il  fryseth,  or  hnndell 
snowe,  your  bandes  wyll  chyll  a  good 
while  aller  :  si  vous  mettez  voz  mayns  en 


leauc  quant  il  gelé,  or  si  vous  maniez  de  la 

neige,  voz  mayns  frissonneront  bonne  pièce 

f  CHYME,  as  men  do  belles.  Je  carillonne, ^nm. 

conj.  Itis  cliurche  hoiyday  to  morowe  by 

^1  lykelyhod  in  tbe  nexte  parysshe ,   for 

they  bave  cbymed  there  ail  this  after- 

noone  :  il  aperl  quil  soit  jour  dejeste  de- 

mayn  a  cealx  de  cesle  prouchajne  paroysse, 

car  Hz  Y  ont  carillonné  toute  cestc  apres- 

I  chyme,  as  a  chyme  dothe  at  a  certayne  heure. 

Je  sonne  la  gamme,  jay  sonné  la  gamme, 

sonner  la  gamme,  prim.  conj.  The  chyme 

gothe  at  Saynt  Magnus  :  la  gamme  sonne  a 

Sainct  Magnus.  I  passed  by  Saynte  Martyns 

churche,  whan  the  chyme  wenl:je  pas- 

s(^e  par  leglise  de  Saint  Martin,  quant  la 

gamme  sonnoyt. 
I  CHïNE,  as  Ihe  yerlhe  dothe,  vrhan  it  openetb 

in  tbe  sommer  season  for  great  drought. 

Je  me  fins,  conjugale  in  ilcleavei.  Se 

hoVfe  the  earlhe  chyneth  hère  by  reason 

of  tbis  drought  :  agardez  comment  la  terre 

sefent  icy  a  cause  de  ceste  grande  seicheur. 
CHYPPE  breed.  Je  chappclle  dupajn,jay  chap- 

pellé  du  pain,  chapelier,  and  je  descrouste  du 

pain,  jay  descrouste  du  pain,  descrouster, 

and  je  payre  du  pain  ,  jay  payri  du  pain  , 

payrer,  ail  of  the  fîrst  conjugacion.  Chyp- 

pe  tbe  breed  at  ones ,  for  our  gestes  be 

corne  :  chappellez  le  pain  viste,  carnoz  inui- 

tez  sont  venus.     -\ 
I  chyppe,  as  ones  bandes  do,  or  their  lyppes, 

with  tbe  Marcbewynde.  Je  garsche.  Tbis 

Marcbevvyode  >¥yH  chyppe  your  lyppes  : 

ce  veni  de  Mars  vous  garschera  les  leures. 
I  chyppe  wodde.  Je  coepelle,  prim.  conj.  Chyppe 

wodde  for  tbe  fyre  :  coepellee  da  boys  pour 

le  feu. 
I  CUYRCHE ,  as  a  wôman  is  chyrched  ader  she 

hath  lyen  in.  Je  purifie,  prim.  conj.  Whan 

sball  my  lady  be  chyrched  :  madame  quant 

se  purifiera  elle?  or  quant  sera  elle  purifiée  ? 
I  CHYAKE,  I  make  a  noyse,  as  myse  do  in  a 


I  CHYTTEB,  I  raake  a  charme,  as  a  flocke  of 
small  byrdes  do  whan  they  be  togytber. 
Je  jargonne,  prim.  conj.  Byrdes  chytter 
faster  in  Marche  tban  in  any  otber  sea- 
son :  les  oyseletz  jargonnent  plus  en  Mars 
quen  nulle  aultre  saison, 

I  chytter,  as  a  yonge  byrde  dothe  byfore  she 
can  synge  hcr  tune.  Je  patelle,  prim.  conj. 
This  lyteli  byrde  begynneth  to  cbitter, 
but  she  can  nat  synge  her  tune  out 
playnly  yet  :  ce  petit  oyselet  commence  a 
patcller,  mays  il  ne  scayt  pas  encore  chanter 
sa  lay  tout  a  playn. 

f  CHOKE  witb  meate ,  or  any  otber  tbynge  tbat 
stoppeth  the  brethe.  Jestrangle ,  prim, 
conj.  The  dyvell  cloke  hym,  he  hath 
eaten  ail  tbe  appels  alone  :  le  diable  les- 
trangle,  il  a  mengé  toutes  les  pommes  tout 

I  choke  with  a  bone.  Je  ennosse,  prim.  conj. 
He  was  almoste  cfaoked  with  a  bone  yes- 
terdaye  at  bis  dynner  :  il  estoyt  quasi,  or 
presques  ennossé  hyer  dang  os,  or  dune 
areste  en  disnant. 

I  CHOPPE  or  cutte,  or  bewe  any  thyng  in  to 
small  peces.  Je  dehache,  prim.  conj.  They 
chopped  hym  as  small  as  flessbe  to  potte  : 
Hz  le  dehachoyent  aussi  meneu  que  chayr 
au  pot. 

I  choppe  wortes  for  the  potte.  Je  hache  des 
porcaux,  or  de  la  porèe,  jay  haché,  ha- 
cher, prim.  conj. 

I  choppe  wodde.  Je  couppe  du  boys,  jay  coupé, 
couper,  prim.  conj.  Choppe  some  wodde 
or  tbou  go  :  coupe  da  boys  auant  que 

I  choppe  or  cbauuge.  Je  change,  prim.  conj. 
or  je  fays  eschange.  I  iovç  well  to  choppe 
and  chaunge  every  day  ijayme  bien  a  faire 
eschanges  tous  les  jours. 

I  CHOSE  or  electe  a  thing.  Je  choysis ,  jay 
choysi,  choisir,  sec.  conj.  And  in  tbis 
sence  1  fynde  also  jeslys,  nous  eslisons , 
jeslus,  que  jeslie,  que  jeslyse,  jay  esla, 
jeslyray,  que  jeslusse,  or  eslysisse,  eslyre , 
tert.  conj.  Howe  I  hâve  chosen ,  go  to  who 



wyile  ;  majntenant  que  jay  choysy ,  ap- 
proache  qui  voaldra.  He  was  chosen  by 
ali  our  consentes  :  il  estojt  choysy,  or 
esleu  par  le  consentement  de  nous  trestous. 

I  CïFER,  I  acompte  or  reken  by  algorisme. 
Jenchijre,  or  je  compte  par  chjfre,  prim. 
conj.  I  can  cyfer  weli  ynough  :  je  scaj 
enchifrer,  or  compter  par  chjjre  bien  assés. 

I  cïPTE  meale  with  a  syve.  Je  crible,  prim. 
conj.  This  meale  haJ  nede  be  cyfted 
agayne  :  il  serojt  mestier  de  cribler  ceste 
farine  de  rechief. 

I  CYBCUITE ,  I  compassé  a  thynge  aboute.  Je 
circujSj  nous  circayons  ,  je  circuis ,  jay  cir- 
cuit, je  circuiray,  que  je  circuye,  circuyre, 
tert,  conj.  I  bave  circuyted  the  countrey 
rounde  about  :  jay  circuit  le  pays  tout  a 
lenuiron,  or  alentour. 

I  CïBCULE,  I  compassé  a  thyng  aboute.  Je  cir- 
cuys,  and  je  circule.  I  bave  cyrculed  tbis 
ail  redy  :  jay  circulé  cecy  desja, 

I  CïBCCMSPECTE.  Je  regarde  a  lenteur.  I  loke 
rounde  aboute.  Thèse  tbre  tsrmes  go  nere 
the  latyn ,  and  be  nat  yet  used  in  our 
tonge,  ihoughe  Lydgate  bave  them. 

I  cïTE  a  person  to  apere  in  a  spyrituall 
courte.  Je  cyte,  prim.  conj.  I  am  cyted, 
I  muste  apere  to  morowe  :  je  suis  cyté, 
ilfault  qtieje  me  treuuc  a  la  court  demayn. 


I  CLACKE,  I  make  a  noyse,  as  the  clapper  of  a 
myll  dothe  or  any  other  stroke.  Je  clacque, 
prim.  conj.  The  myll  gotbe,  for  I  bere 
tbe  clacke  clacke  :  le  moulyn  va,  car  je  os 
le  clacquet  clacquer,  or  clacqueter. 

I  CLAïME,  or  calenge  or  make  tytell  properly  in 
a  thyng.  Je  reclaime,  prim.  conj.  and  je 
calenge ,  prim.  conj.  I  bave  claymed  tytle 
tberto  and  ray  auncestours  afore  rae  -.jay 
calengè,  or  jay  reclaymé  filtre  a  cela,  et  mes 
deuanciers,  or  ancestres  deaant  m.oy. 

I  clayme,  I  call.  Je  claime,  prim.  conj.  Upon 
the,  lady,  I  clayme  for  helpe  :  sur  toy, 
dame,  je  claime  pour  ayde. 

I  CLAMER  up,  1  clym  up  agaynst  a  streyghl 

thyng,  as  a  wall  or  suche  lyke.  Je  grimpe, 
prim.  conj.  I  bave  sene  hym  clamer  up 
agaynst  a  wall ,  as  it  were  a  caite  :  je  lay 
veu  grimper  contre  vng  mur  comme  silfust 
vng  chat. 

I  clamer,  or  clymme  up  upon  a  tree  or  any 
suche  thyng,  that  I  may  claspe  bytwene 
my  legges  ad  niyn  armes.  Je  grippe, 
prim.  conj.  I  bave  clamered  up  on  twenty 
trees  to  daye  :  jay  gryppè  plus  de  vingt 
arbres  aujourdhuy. 

I  clamer,  or  clymme ,  as  a  man  doth  upon  a 
stepe  byll ,  or  the  sbroudes  of  a  shyppe 
or  suche  lyke.  Jamonte,  prim.  conj.  Se 
bowe  be  clamereth  up  agaynst  the  hyll  : 
aduisez  comment  il  samonte  contremont. 

I  clamer,  or  krye  out  with  a  loude  voyce.  Je 
mescrye,je  me  suis  escriè,  escrier,  verbum 
médium  prim.  conj.  or  je  fays  exclama- 
tion. He  clamored  as  hygh  as  he  coulde 
krye  :  il  se  escrioyt  aussi  hault  qail  pouaoyt 

I  CLAPPB ,  I  stryke.  Jefrappe,  prim.  conj.  Clappe 
hym  on  tbe  backe  a  good  stroke,  there 
is  a  fysshe  bone  in  bis  throte  -.frappez  le 
sur  le  dos  vng  bon  coup,  car  vne  areste  luy 
tient  a  la  gorge. 

I  clappe,  I  make  noyse,  as  the  clapper  of  a 
myll.  Je  clacque,  prim.  conj. 

I  clappe  my  bandes,  asone  dothe  for  joy.  Je  me 
bats  les  punîmes,  je  me  suis  battu  les 
paulmes,  battre  les  paulmes  ;  conjugate  in 
je  bus,  I  bcale.  Tliey  clapped  their  bandes 
for  joye ,  whan  tbey  sawe  him  :  Hz  se  ba- 
tyrent  les  paulmes  de  joye,  quant  Hz  le 
virent.  x 

I  CLARïFY-,  I  pourge  or  çlense.  Je  clarifie,  prim. 
conj.  Clarifye  the  honye  :  clarifiez  le  miel. 

I  CLASPE  or  grapyil  fast  togyther,  as  men  of 
warre  do  their  shyppes.  Jagrappe,  prim, 
conj.  The  first  thynge  tbey  dyd,  they  clas- 
ped  their  shyppes  togyther  :  la  première 
chose  quilz  firent,  ilz  agrapperent  leur  na- 
uires  ensemble. 

I  claspe,  I  bolde  a  thyng  fast  bytwene  my 
legges  or  in  myn  armes.  Je  gryppe,  prim. 



coDJ.  If  I  may  claspe  him  ones,  I  doute 
nat  to  hold  hym  faste  :  si  je  le  puis  vne 
joys  gripper,  je  ne  men  double  pus  de  le 
tenir  senrement. 

I  CLATTER,  I  make  a  noysc,  as  harnesse  dothe, 
or  dysshes,  or  any  thynges  of  metall.  Je 
clicquette,  prim.  conj.  It  is  a  pleasure  to 
some  men  to  Lere  the  clatteryng  of  har- 
nesse :  ccst  vng  plaisir  a  auculnes  gens 
doujr  cUcquetter  des  harnoys. 

I  clatter,  I  babell,  I  am  full  of  wordcs.  Je 
quacquette,  etc.  and  je  bubille,  prim,  conj. 
and  je  râtelle,  prim.  conj.  and  je  verbie, 
prim.  conj.  He  cialtereth  to  moche  to  bc 
a  wyse  man  :  il  quacquette  trop,  il  râtelle 
trop  pour  vng  saige  homme, 

I  CLAWE,  as  a  man  or  a  becst  dothe  a  thyng 
softely  with  bis  nayies.  Je  grattigne,  prim. 
conj.  Clawe  my  backe  and  I  wyll  clawe 
thy  toe  :  gratigne  mon  dos  et  je  te  gratigne- 
ray  ton  orteyl. 

I  CLENCHE  a  nayle,  as  a  smyth  doth,  whan  lie 
settetb  on  a  borse  sboe,  or  as  a  carpenter 
dothe  a  nayle  in  a  doore  or  wyndowe. 

I  CLENSE,  -I  mage  cleane  a  thyng.  Je  nettoyé, 
prim. conj. Ciense  they  tcthe  often,  if  tbou 
wylt  nat  bave  tbe  totbe  ake  :  nettoyé  tes 
dents  souuent,  si  tu  neveulxpcynt  auoyrde 
mal  aux  dens, 

I  ciense  lycour  witb  straynyng  of  it.  Je  clarifie, 
prim.  conj.  Ciense  this  rose  water  :  clari- 
fiez ceste  eau  de  roses. 

I  ciense  a  chimnay  from  soote.  Je  ramonne  la 
cheminée,  prim.  conj.  I  bave  clensed  my 
cbymnay  to  day  :  jayfayt  ramonner  ma  che- 
minée aujourdhuy. 

1  CLEPE,  I  call.  Je  hiiysche,  prim.  conj.  This 
terme  is  farre  northerne.  Declared  in 
«I  call». 

I  clepe  aboute  tbe  necke.  JaceoHe,  prim.  conj. 
The  boye ,  as  yonge  as  be  is ,  if  he  lyste 
to  bave  a  thyng,  can  clepe  me  about  the 
necke  and  kysse  me  :  le  garson,  quelque 
jeunesse  quil  a,  sil  luy  plaist  auoir  quelque 
chose,  il  me  scaytaccoller  et  bayser. 

I  GLEBE  or  waxe  clere,   as  tbe   wether  doth 

after  a  storme  whiche  halh  covered  the 
ayre  with  blacke  cloudes.  Je  mesclarcys,je 
me  sais  esclarcy,  esclarcyr,  verbum  mé- 
dium sec.  conj.  Tbe  wether  cleretb,  or 
waxeth  clere  :  le  temps  sesclarcyt.  It  halb 
ben  a  sore  wether  thèse  foure  boures,  but 
it  clereth  nowe  agayne  :  il  afaict  vng  maul- 
uays  temps  ces  quattre  heures  longes,  mays 
il  commence  mayntenunt  a  esclarcyr. 
I  clere  one  that  was  thought  faulty  in  a  mater. 
Je  excuse.  As  for  hym,  I  dare  takeupon  me 
to  clere  hym  :  quant  a  luy,  je  ose  bien  entre- 
prendre de  lexcuser. 
I  clere  the  cosle  or  the  countrey.  Jescure.  The 
kynge  intendelh  to  go  to  Calays,  but  we 
muste  first  clere  the  costes  :  le  roy  a  en- 
tencion  de  aller  a  Calays,  mays  il  nousjaidl 
premier  escarer  les  costes  de  mer. 
I  CLEAVE ,  as  a  Ihynge  dothe  that  styketh  fast  to 
an  other.  Je  tiens,  conjugate  in  «  I  holde  t. 
My  shyrte  cleaveth  to  my  backe  :  ma  che- 
mise tient  a  mon  dos,  or  ma  chemise  me  tient 
au  dos,  and  je  adhcrs,  nous  adherdons,je 
adhérais,  jay  adhcrt ,  jadherderay ,  que  ja- 
dherde,  adlicrdre,  tert.  conj.  Tbough  I 
fynde  it  moche  used  in  Ihe  Bornante  of 
the  Rose ,  it  is  an  olde  Romant  worde  and 
nowe  lytlc  used.  Howe  be  it  it  maye 
stande  with  the  tonge  well  ynougbe  by 
cause  of  bis  latyn  worde  adhereo.  I  fynde 
also  je  hers,  jay  hert,  herdre,  and  je  me 
adhère,  verbum  médium  prira.  conj.  It  is 
to  moche  broyle  that  cleveth  to  the  gry- 
dyron  :  trop  est  cuit  qui  au  gril  tient,  or 
qui  au  gril  adhert, 
I  cleave  a  sonder,  as  wodde  is  clefte  or  any  other 
thynge  a  sonder,  défends,  nous  fendons  ,  je 
fendis  ,  jay  fendu  ,  je  fendray  ,  que  je  fende  , 
fendre,  tert.  conj.  You  can  nat  cleave  this 
blocke  without  wedges  :  vous  ne  poaez 
fendre  ceste  souche  sans  coings. 
I  cleave  in  twayne  or  a  sonder  in  to  two  peces 
or  mo.  Je  pourfens,  jay  pourfendu,  pour- 
fendre, tert.  conj.  conjugate  ly\e  je  fens, 
I  cleave.  Her  herte  clave  in  two  peces  : 
son  cueur  luy  pourfendit  en  deux  pièces. 



I  CLïHHE  upon  a  flatte  thyng.  Je  grimpe,  de- 
clared  in  «I  clamer». 

I  clyme  up  upon  a  Iree.  Je  grippe,  déclarée! 
afore  in  ai  clamer u. 

I  CLTMHE  (Ljdgate).  Loke  in  ol  clayme». 

I  clymme  a  ncst,  I  take  the  byrdes  oui  of  a 
nest.  Je  desniche,  prim.  conj.  I  hâve  clyra- 
med  twenly  nestes  to  day,  and  one  dawes 
nest  amongest  tbem  :  juj  desniché  vingt 
nydz  dojseaax  aujourday  et  entre  eulx  vng 
nyd  de  chouettes. 

I  cLYtiCHE  nayles,  as  a  carpenter  or  smythe 

I  CLYNGE,  I  cleave  faste  to. 

I  CLïPPB ,  or  shere  with  a  payre  of  sheres.  Je 
tons,  nous  tondons,  je  tondis,  jay  tondu,  je 
tondray,  que  je  tonde,  tondre,  tert.  conj.  As 
for  touse,  que  je  louse,  bc  olde  Romante 
wordes,  but  some  use  que  je  tonde  to  un- 
reasonable  beestes,  and  que  je  touse  by  rea- 
sonable  beestes.  I  bave  clypped  ail  my 
shepe  :jay  tondu  toutes  mes  brebis.  Ifitbe 
so  clyppe  my  heed  for  a  foole  :  sil  est  aynsi 
quon  me  touse  pour  vng  fol,  or  quon  me 
tonde  pour  vng  Jol. 

I  clyppe ,  I  take  in  myne  armes.  Jemhrasse, 
prim.  conj.  He  clypped  me  faste  in  bis 
armes  :  il  membrassoyt  bien  serré  entre  ses 

I  clyppe,  as  one  doth  money  that  dothe  dymi- 
nysshe  it.  Je  ronge,  prim.  conj.  This 
felowe  is  worthy  to  suffre  dethe,  for  he 
hath  clypped  the  kynges  quoyne  :  ce  com- 
paignon  est  digne  de  la  mort,  or  de  souffrir 
la  mort,  car  il  a  rongé  le  coignaige  du  roy. 

I  CLYSPE.  Jacole,  accoller.  I  clyp  aboute  the 
necke  -.jacolle  autour  du  col.  He  clysped 
me  aboute  the  necke  for  joye  :  il  me  accol- 
loyt  de  joye. 

I  CLïTTËB ,  I  makc  noyse ,  as  barnesse  or  peu- 
ter  dyssbes  or  any  sucbc  lyke  thynges.  Je 
cUcquette,  prim.  conj.  Tbese  peuter  pottes 
clytter  as  moche  as  if  they  were  of  sylver  : 
ces  potz  destayn  clicquettent  autant  comme 
silz  fussent  dargent. 

I  CLODDE.  Fige,  Jiger,  fortier,- congeler. 

I  GLODDER,  lyke  wbaye  or  bloode  whan  it  is 
colde  or  any  moysl  thing  dothe  that  ron- 
neth  togyther  on  a  heape.  Je  congelé, 
prim,  conj.  The  bloode  of  any  beest 
wyll  clodder  whan  it  waxetli  colde  :  le 
sang  de  quelque  heste  que  ce  soyt  se  con- 
gelé quant  il  deuient  froyt. 

I  CLOTE ,  I  charge  ones  stomacke  with  to  mo- 
che meate.  Jencharge  trop  lestomacq. 

I  cloye  with  excesse  of  meate.  Jengloatis,  sec. 
conj.  You  hâve  cloyed  hym  so  moche 
that  he  bis  sicke  uowe  :  tioiu  lauez  tant 
englouty  quil  est  malade  mayntenant. 

I  cloye  a  horse,  I  drive  a  Tiayle  in  to  the 
quycke  of  bis  foote.  Jencloae ,  frim.  conj. 
I  wolde  haverydden  todaye,  but  a  smyth 
bath  cloyed  my  borse  ije  eusse  voulentiers 
cheaaulché  aujourdhay,  mays  le  mareschal 
a  encloué  mon  cheual. 

I  CLOCKE,  as  a  benne  dothe.  Je  clocque,  prim. 
conj.  This  benne  clocketh  ,  she  bath 
yonge  chyckens  where  so  ever  she  hath 
hydde  tbem  :  ceste  geline  clocque,  elle  a 
des  jeunes  poucyns  quelque  part  quelle  les 
a  cachés. 

I  CLOKE ,  I  cover  a  mater.  Je  couners ,  jay 
couuert,  couurir,  tert.  conj.  conjugale  in 
«I  cover».  Why  cloke  you  this  matter 
byfore  me  :  pour  quoy  couurez  vous  ceste 
matière  deuant  moy? 

1  CLOSE  a  precyous  stone  or  any  suche  lyke 
thyng  in  golde  or  sylver.  Je  mets  en 
oeuure,jay  mys  en  oeuure,  mettre  en  oeaure. 
And  howe  je  mets  is  conjugate  sball  her- 
after  apere  in  «  I  put  9.  If  this  antique 
were  closed  in  golde  it  were  a  goodly 
thynge  :  si  ceste  antique  estoyt  mise  en  or, 
ce  seroyt  vne  belle  chose. 

I  close,  I  compassé  a  grounde  aboute  with  a 
wall  or  pale.  Jenceyngs,  nous  enceignons, 
jenceignis  ,  jay  enceingct,  jenceingdray,  que 
jenceigne,  enceingdre,  tert.  conj.  conjugate 
lyke  bis  symple  je  ceings;  I  gyrde  with  a 
gyrdell.  The  gardyne  is  closed  rounde 
aboute  with  a  stronge  wall  :  le  jardyn  est 
enceyngcl  de  tous  les  coustez  dvng  fort  mar. 



I  close,  I  fasten,  I  shytte,  or  I  lockc  in.  3c 
clos,  il  clost,  noas  closons  (but  ihe  Ro- 
tnant  clouons),  je  closys,jay  closy,je  clor- 
ray,  que  je  close,  que  je  closisse  ,  clorre. 
tert.  conj.  I  sball  close  hym  up  safe 
ynough  :je  le  clorray  bien  sauf. 
I  colse  up  in  a  wali  or  I  close  up  bytwene 
walles.  Jemmure ,  jay  emmuré,  emmurer, 
prim.  conj.  Cannest  thou  fynde  in  ihy 
herte  to  be  an  ancker  to  be  closcd  up 
in  a  wall  :  scays  tu  bien  trouucr  en  ton 
courage  destre  emmuré  entre  deux  murs? 

I  CLOTBE ,  I  gyve  clothynge  to  a  persone,  or 
put  a  clothynge  on  bis  backe.  Je  vests,  il 
vest,  nous  vestons,  je  vestys,  jay  vestu, 
je  vestiray,  que  je  veste  ,  que  je  vestisse  , 
vestir,  tert.  conj.  and  je  reuestis,  conju- 
gale lyke  bis  symple  :  and  je  pare,  jay 
paré,  parer,  prim.  conj.  Wban  I  was  na- 
ked,  you  wolde  nat  clotbe  me  :  quant 
jestoye  nad,  vous  ne  me  voulyés  point  vestyr. 

I  clotbe,  I  put  on  my  clotbyng  or  an  otber 
bodyes.  Jabille ,  prim.  conj.  and  jac- 
coustre,  prim.  conj.  and  je  me  vesiz.  I 
clotbe  me  in  sylke  :  je  me  vestz  en  soye. 
I  bave  clotbed  bim  froni  toppe  to  toe  : 
je  lay  habillé,  je  lay  accoastré,  and  je  lay 
vesta  de  depuis  le  coupeau  jusquez  a  lortail. 

I  CLORDE ,  I  go  in  to  beapes  or  in  to  peces,  as 
tbe  yertbe  dotbe.  Je  amoncelle ,  prim. 
conj.  This  yertbe  clotteth  so  faste  tbat 
it  muste  be  broken  :  cesie  terre  se  amon- 
celle si  fort  quil  lafault  rompre. 

I  CLODTE  a  sboe.  Je  carrelé,  prim.  conj.  Je  ra- 
tecelle  is  an  olde  Romante  worde.  I  bad 
nede  go  cloute  my  shoes,  tbey  be  broken 
at  tbe  heles  :  jay  bien  mestier  de  faire 
carreler  mes  souliers,  car  ilz  sont  rompus 
aux  talons. 

C    BÏFOnE   0. 

J  COARCTE ,  I  constrayne.  Je  coarcte ,  prim, 
conj.  or  je  constraings,  conjugale  in  tl 
•  constrayne».  He  tbat  wyll  nat  do  bis 
dutye  witb  good  wyll  muste  be  corrected  : 
qui  ne  venlt  faire  son  debuoyr  de  bon  gré. 

fault  quon   le  coarcte,   or  quon   le  cons- 

I  COHARTE  (Lydgat).  Loke  in  «I  coarcte».  In 
tbis  worde  tbe  prinlers  bave  corrupted 
tbe  trewe  ortbograpbye. 

I  COÏE,  I  styll  or  apayse.  Je  acquoyse,  prim. 
conj.  I  can  nat  coye  hym  ne  le  puis 
pas  acquoyser. 

1  coïPB,  I  put  a  coyfe  upon  ones  beed.  Je 
coyffe,  prim.  conj.  You  are  goodly  coyfed 
tbis  mornynge,  can  you  make  yourselfc 
redy  so  well  :  vous  estes  belleînent  coyffée 
ceste  matinée,  scauez  vous  si  bien  habiller 
vous  mesmes? 

I  coïNE  moaey.  Je  forge  île  la  monnaye,  jay 
forgé,  forger,  prim.  conj.  I  was  at  tbe 
Towre  of  London  yesterday,  wbere  I  sawe 
tbem  coyne  monaye  :  jestoys  hier  a  la 
Tour  de  Londres,  ou  je  vis  forger  de  la 

I  coïTE,  I  play  witb  a  coytyng  stone.  Je  joue 
au  palet ,  jay  joué  au  palet,  jouer  au  palet, 
prim.  conj.  Let  us  Icave  ail  boyes  games, 
and  go  coyte  a  wbyle  :  laissons  tous  jeux 
de  petiiz  garçons  et  jouons  au  palet  vng  peu. 

I  COKER,  or  cberyssbe  to  mocbe.  Je  mignotte, 
prim.  conj.  Tbis  boye  canne  never  tbrive, 
he  is  cokered  so  moche  :  ce  garçon  ne 
peult  pas  paruenir  a  bien,  on  le  mignotte 

I  coker,  I  bring  up  witb  daynty  meates.  Jaf- 
friande,  and  in  tbat  sence  I  fynde  som- 
tyme  used  je  affriolle,  prim  conj.  Coker 
bym  up  thus  in  bis  youthe,  and  you  sball 
bave  a  fayre  caulfe  of  bym  sbortly  :  af- 
fnandez  le,  or  affrioliez  le  ainsi  en  sa  jeu- 
nesse, et  vous  aurez  de  luy  vng  beau  veau 
en  brief. 

l  COLL  ,  I  take  aboute  tbe  necke.  Jaccolle , 
prim.  conj.  Come  colle  me,  Kate,  and 
thon  sball  bave  a  gaye  tbyng  :  viens  moy 
accoller,  Catelync,  et  tu  auras  je  ne  scay 
I  COMBE  ones  beed.  Je  piegne.  prim.  conj. 
combe  thy  beed  for  sbame  :  pigne  ta  teste, 
tu  doys  auoyr  honte. 


I  COOLE,  I  make  a  hôte  thynge  colde.  Je  re- 
JToydis,  jay  rejroydy,  rejroydir,  sec.  conj. 
Cooie  your  potage  or  you  eate  them ,  they 
be  to  hole  :  rejroydissez  vostre  potage  auant 
que  le  humer,  car  il  est  trop  chault. 

I  code ,  I  sobre  my  selfe  of  myne  anger.  Je 
mamodere,  je  me  suis  amoderi,  amoderer, 
verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  He  can 
cooie  hym  selfe  whan  he  is  moved  the 
best  that  ever  I  sawe  :  il  se  saict  modérer 
quant  il  est  esmeu  le  mieulx  que  je  vis 

I  COLER  a  mater,  or  cloke  it.  Je  alose,/pnin. 
conj.  This  mater  was  coloured  on  a  fa- 
cyon  :  cesie  matière  estoyt  alosée  de  mesmes. 

I  celer  a  thyng  with  layeng  any  mener  colour 
upon  it.  Je  coulourej  prim.  conj.  And  in 
that  sence  I  fynde  used  je  baille  couleur, 
jay  baillé  couleur,  bailler  couleur,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  depaings,  jay  depaingct,  de- 
paingdre,  conjngate  ly]ieje paings,!  paynte. 
I  hâve  coloured  the  tarte  with  saffrone  : 
jay  couloaré  la  tarte  de  sajfran,  or  jay 
donné  de  la  couleur  a  la  tarte. 

I  COMMAUNDE,  as  a  prince  dothe  bis  subjecte 
by  his  writyng  unto  hym.  Je  mande,  prim. 
conj.  My  prince  hath  commaunded  me, 
se,  hère  is  his  brode  seale  :  mon  prince 
ma  mandé,  regardez ,  voycy  ses  lettres  pa- 

I  COLODB  with  azuré.  Je  azuré,  prim.  conj. 
This  roufe  is  costly,  for  il  is  coloured 
with  azuré  :  ce  ciellement  est  fort  cousta- 
gieax,  car  il  est  fort  azuré. 

I  COLOWE,  I  make  blake  with  a  cole.  Je  char- 
bonne,  prim.  conj.  Colowe  thy  face  :  char- 
bonne  ton  visage. 

I  COME  aboute,  as  the  seasons  of  the  yere  come 
at  their  tyme,  or  as  a  thyng  cometh  in 
compassé.  Je  reuiens  a  mon  tour.  1  was 
borne  this  day  twenty  yeres,  as  the  ycres 
come  aboute  :  je  fus  né  ce  jour  y  a  vingt 
ans,  aiiisi  que  les  années  reuieiment  a  leur 

I  come  at  one  onwares  or  sodaynly  upon  one. 
Je  saruicns,  conjugale  lyke  his  symple  je 



viens,  I  come.  And  sodaynly  he  came  at 
on  wares  :  et  soudaynement  il  suruint. 

I  commaunde ,  I  byd.  Je  commande,  prim.  conj. 
I  commaunde  hym  :  je  luy  commande. 

I  commaunde  one  to  do  a  thyng.  Je  commande, 
prim.  conj.  dativo  jungitur.  I  commaunde 
hym  :  je  luy  commande, 

I  come  agayne.  Je  reuiens,  conjugal  lyke  je 
viens,  I  come,  by  pullyng  of  re  byfore 
je  viens:  forre,  in  composycion,  byfore  a 
verbe ,  in  frenche  signyfyeth  agayne. 

I  combe  with  a  combe  ones  heed.  Je  piegne  la 
teste,  prim.  conj. 

I  COMBÏNE,  I  joyne,  I  knyl  ibinges  logyther 
(Lydgate).  Jennoue ,  prim.  conj.  Thèse 
thynges  be  combyned  logyther  :  ces  choses 
sont  ennouées  ensemble.  And  Je  combine. 

I  COMBEH ,  I  paysler  with  over  many  clothes 
wearyng  aboute  one.  Jemmoufle ,  prim. 
conj.  He  is  so  combred  witb  clothes  thaï 
he  can  nal  styrre  hym  :  il  est  si  trestant 
emmoufflé  dhabillemens  quil  ne  se  peult 

I  comher,  I  let  or  hynder.  Jempeche,  prim. 
conj.  and  jencombre,  prim.  conj.  Thèse 
women  that  be  in  our  companye  shail 
combre  us  :  ces  femmes  qui  sont  en  nostre 
compaignie  nous  empescheront,  or  donne- 
ront encombre. 

I  COMMENDE  me  in  writyng  lo  one.  Je  me  com- 
mande, je  me  suis  commandé,  commander, 
verbum  médium  prim  conj.  I  bave  com- 
mended  me  lo  you  in  ihre  letlers  one 
aAer  an  other  me  suis  commandé  a  vous 
en  troys  payres  de  lettres  lune  après  lauire. 

I  commende  one,  I  prayse  hym.  Je  commande, 
prim.  conj.  He  halh  commended  you  to 
the  kyng  liyghly  :  il  vous  a  commandé  au 
roy  haultement.  And  je  prise.  He  commen- 
delh  hym  by  yonde  the  nocke  :  il  le  prise 
oaltre  bort,  or  oultre  mesure. 

I  commende  me,  I  make  my  recommendacyons 
to  a  person.  Je  recommande ,  prim.  conj. 
Moste  dere  father,  I  humbiy  commende 
me  unto  you  :  très  chier  père,  je  me  re- 
commande a  vous  humblement. 



I  corne  to  a  place.  Loke  in  «I  corne». 

It  cometh  to,  as  a  great  somme  made  of  many 
lytell.  /(  monte,  verl)um  impcrsonale  tert. 
conj.  What  cometh  our  sholte  to  :  a  com- 
bien monte  nostre  escot?  What  cometh  ail 
togylher  to  :  a  combien  monte  le  toat? 

I  COMFORTE.  Je  conforte,  priva,  conj.  Go  com- 
forte  hym  for  he  hath  nede  :  allez  le  com- 
JorUr,  car  il  en  a  mestier. 

I  comforle  by  any  pleasure  or  delectacyon.  Je 
soulace,  prim.  conj.  This  melodye  com- 
.  forteth  me  moche  :  ceste  mélodie  me  sou- 
lace beaucoup. 

I  corne  forwarde.  Je  viens  auant,  nous  venons 
auant  and  so  forthe,  joynyng  the  tenses 
of  je  viens,  I  come,  unto  auant.  Comc  for- 
warde, a  Goddes  name,  whye  dragge  you 
so  ever  behynde  :  venez  auant ,  de  par 
Dieu  ,  pour  tjuoj  faictez  vous  tousjours  la 
queue  en  ce  pojnt? 

I  come  in  ail  the  haste  to  a  place.  Je  conuole, 
prim.  conj.  They  came  in  ail  the  haste 
togythcr  in  to  the  castell  :  Hz  conaollerent 
au  'chasteau. 

I  commît  a  trespas,  or  I  commytte  a  thyng 
to  ones  custodye.  Je  commets  quelque 
crime,  nous  commettons  ,  je  commis  ,  jay 
commis  ,  je  commetray,  que  je  commette , 
commettre,  tert.  conj.  Conjugale  lyke  his 
symple  je  mets,  I  put.  I  fyade  aiso  je  per- 
pètre, and  je  trespasse ,  prim.  conj.  He  is 
worthy  to  dye  and  he  were  my  brother, 
for  he  hath  commytted  many  a  grevouse 
trespas  :  il  est  digne  de  mourir  et  fust  il 
mon  frère ,  car  il  a  commys,  or  il  a  per- 
pétré maynt  crime  hajneux,  or  il  a  ires- 
passé  maint  crime  hayneux. 

I  commytle  a  thynge  to  ones  custody  to  kepe. 
Je  commets,  etc.  Conjugale  hère  next 
afore.  I  commytte  my  worldy  trcasure 
in  to  your  keping  :  je  commets  mon  trésor 
mondayn  en  vostre  garde. 

I  commyt  advouitry.  Je  adultère ,  and  je  ad- 
uoystre,  prim.  conj.  He  hath  commytted 
advoultry  :  il  a  adultéré,  or  il  a  commis  le 
crime  dadaltere ,  or  i7  a  aduoystré. 

I  COMEN  or  taike  for  pastyme  with  one.  Je 
deuyse,  prim.  conj.  Go  comcn  with  him 
tyli  I  shew  my  lorde  of  his  comyng  :  allez 
deuiser  auecques  luy  tant  que  je  face  scauoyr 
a  monsieur  de  sa  venue. 

I  comen  of  a  weyghty  mater  in  counsayle.  Je 
parlemente,  prim.  conj.  and  je  relrays, 
conjugale  iyke  his  symple  je  trais,  I  drawe. 
They  hâve  comuned  of  this  mater  thèse 
fourtene  dayes  :  Hz  ont  parlementé  ensemble 
de  ceste  matière,  or  Hz  ont  relraicl  de  ceste 
matière  ces  quatorze  jours. 

I  comen  or  talke  in  company  of  a  mater.  Je 
tiens  mes  parolles  de  telle  chose.  Wherof 
comen  they  nowe  :  de  quoy  tiennent  Hz  pa- 
rolles mayntenant  ? 

I  comen,  I  parle  or  distrybule  a  thyng  to 
many.  Je  communicque,  prim.  conj.  He 
hath  communyed  his  trcasure  to  many  : 
il  a  communicque  son  trésor  a  plusieurs. 

I  comen  of  a  mater  wilh  a  man.  Je  mets  en  ter- 
mes, prim.  conj.  Wherof  shall  we  comen 
first  :  quelle  chose  metterons  nous  en  termes 

I  COMMÏTTE  or  do  a  vylianye.  Je  vilanie,  prim. 
conj.  I  wolde  bave  thought  fuH  lytell  that 
he  wolde  commytte  sache  a  vylianye  :  je 
neusse  guayres  pensé  quil  eust  voulu  faire 
vne  telle  vilanie, 

I  commytte ,  I  put  thynges  to  the  pleasure  or 
discrecyon  of  olher.  Je  commets,  conjugale 
lyke  his  sympleje  mets,  I  put,  dativo  jun- 

I  COMPACTE  a  thyng  shorte  togylher  to  make  it 
stronge.  Je  trousse,  prim.  conj.  Thisnagge 
is  well  compacte  :  ce  courtauU  est  bien 

I  come  oui  of  a  dore  or  place.  Je  sors,  conju- 
gale in  ol  go  oui,  I  issue  oui»,  I  issue 
outof  a  place,  aaà  je ys,  conjugale  in  •  I  , 

I  COMPANY  one ,  I  kepe  him  company.  Jaccom- 
paigne,  prim.  conj.  I  shall  companye  you 
to  the  nexte  towne:  j'ê  vous  accompaigneray 
jusques  a  ceile  ville ycy  près. 

I  company  wilh  a  woman  bodylye.  Je  habite  a 



femme,  hahiler,  prim.  conj.  Physiciens 
forbyd  noen  to  company  with  women  some 
seasons  of  the  yere  :  les  medicins  dépendent 
aux  hommes  deulx  habiter  a  femmes  en  aul- 
cunes  saisons  de  lannée. 

I  COMPARE  two  tliynges  togyther.  Je  compare, 
gritn.  conj.  I  may  compare  the  to  Salo- 
mon  for  thy  wysedome  :  je  te  puis  compa- 
rer a  Salomon  pour  ta  prudence. 

I  compare  tbynges  togyther.  Jaccompare,  prim. 
C(5nj.  and  jaccomparaige ,  prim.  conj.  I 
hâve  conipared  them  togyther,  and  they 
be  nat  moche  unlyke  :  je  les  aj  accomparés 
ensemble  or  accomparagiez ,  et  Hz  se  entre- 
ressemhlent  assés. 

I  COMPAS  a  thyng  rounde  aboute.  Jenuironne, 
prim.  conj.  and  in  tbis  sence  I  fynde  of- 
ten  tymes  used  je  compassé,  prim.  conj. 
àDàjecircuys,nous  circujons,je  circnys,jay 
circnyl  ,je  circujray,que  je  circuyc,  circuyre, 
andj«  compassé,  prim.  conj.  Tliey  compas- 
sed  him  rounde  about:  Hz  lenuironnerenl 
tout  a  lenlour.  Ahyghe  wall  compasselh  ali 
tbe  garden  :  vng  hault  mur  circuit  lejardyn 
de  toutes  pars,  or  compassé  le  jardyn. 

I  compassé,  I  caste  or  devyse  a  thynge  in  my 

myndc.  Je  pourjecle,  prim.  conj.  He  can 

^  compassé  a  mater  as  well  as  any  man  in 

tbis  lowne  :  il  scayt  aussi  bien  pourjecter 

vue  matière  que  homme  qui  soyt  en  ceste  ville. 

I  compassé,  I  go  rounde  aboute  a  thyng.  Je 
circuys,  nous  circuissons ,  je  circuis,  jay 
circnyl,  je  circuiray,  que  je  circuye,'circuire, 
tert.  conj.  M. 

I  compassé  in  my  mynde  to  bringe  a  tbynge 
to  passe  by  sleyght.  Je  me  suhtUle,je  me 
luis  snbtillé,  subtiller,  verbum  médium 
prim.  conj.  He  hath  compassed  in  bis 
mynde  to  begyle  him:  Use  est  subtillé  pour 
le  tromper. 

I  compassé  a  grounde  with  a  wall,  or  dytche, 
orbedge,  or  pale.  Jenceings ,  jay  enceingct , 
enceingdre,  conjugale  iyke  bis  simple  je 
ceyngs,  l  gyrde  with  a  gyrdell.  And  I 
compassé  with  a  wall.  Jemmure ,  prim. 
conj.  Tbis  relygyouse  house  is  compassed 

bothe  with  a  dytcbe  and  a  wall  :  ceste  mai- 
son de  religieux  est  ceyngcte,  or  enceyngcte 
dang  fossé  et  dung  mur,  or  elle  est  tout  en- 
tour  emmurée. 

I  COMPELL,  I  constrayne  to  do  a  thyng.  Jecons- 
trains,  conjugate  in  «I  constrayne»,  and 
je  compelle,  prim.  conj.  And  tbou  wylte 
nat  with  thy  good  wyll,  thou  shalte  be 
compelled  to  do  it  :  si  tu  ne  le  veux  point 
faire  de  ton  bon  gré,  ta  seras  contraint  de  le 
fayre,  or  tu  seras  compelle. 

I  COMPYLE ,  I  make  a  boke ,  as  an  auctour  dotbe. 
Je  compile,  prim.  conj.  The  auctour  that 
bath  compyled  tbis  boke  wolde  that  it  lay 
in  bim  to  do  a  more  thankefuU  service  to 
bis  countraye  :  laucteur  qui  compila  or 
composa  ce  liure  rouldroyt  quil  fusl  en  sa 

I  COMPIAYNE  of  one.  Je  me  plaings,je  me  suis 
plainct,je  me  plaindray,  que  je  me  plaingne, 
plaindre,  verbum  médium  tert.  conj.  in 
whiche  sence  I  fynde  alsoj'c  me  complains, 
je  mesttis  complainct,  complaindre ,  conju- 
gate lyke  bis  symple  je  me  plaings,  I  com- 
playne.  If  you  contynue  thus  to  do  me 
wronge,  I  wyll  complayne  of  you:  si  vous 
perseaerez  de  me  injurier  aynsi ,  je  meplayn- 
drayde  vous, or  je  me  complayndray  de  i  ous. 

I  complayne,  I  make  my  mone,  or  shewe  my 
griefe  to  a  parsone.  Je  me  compluyns,  nous 
nous  complayngnons ,  je  me  complaingnis , 
je  me  suis  complaingct,je  me  complaingdray, 
que  je  me  complaingne ,  complaingdre ,  ver- 
bum médium,  prim. conj.  Alas!  to  wbome 
sball  1  complayne  :  helas!  a  qui  me  playng- 
dray  je,  or  complayngdray  je? 

I  complayne,  I  morne  secretly.  Je  me  gucr- 
mente,je  me  suis  guermentè,  guermenter, 
prim.  conj.  verbum  médium.  He  beareth 
a  good  countenauDce,  but  he  complaynelb 
bim  secretly:  H  porte  bonne  mine,  may  s  il 
se  guermentè  en  secret. 

I  COMPLETE,  I  fulfyll.  Jaccomplis,  sec.  conj. 
Wbo  sball  complète  Ihis  worke  nowe 
be  is  dccd  :  qui  accomplira  cest  ouuraige 
mayntenant  quil  est  mort? 




I  complète,  I  fynisshe  or  performc  a  thyng. 
Je  parjinis,  sec.  conj.  and  je  parfournis, 
sec.  conj.  Who  shall  complète  ibis  worke: 
qui  accomplira,  qui  parfmira,  or  qui  par- 
fournira  cest  oauraige  ? 

I  COMPLYSSHE,  I  fulfyll.  Jaccomplis,  sec.  conj. 
He  sball  never  accomplysshe  il  :  il  ne  lac- 

I  corne  out  of  a  doore  or  house.  Je  sors,  nous 
sertissons, jay  sortj,jesorliraj,  que  je  sorte, 
sortir,  tert.  conj.  I  dare  nat  corne  out  :  je 
nosc  pas  sortir,  or  sordV  dehors. 

I  corne  out.  Je  viens  dehors  ,  or  je  suis  issu,  is 
conjugate  in  «I  go  out». 

I  come  ôut  hastyly.  Je  sauts,  nous  sadloHS,je 
saillis,  jajf  saiUy,je  saillerajr,  que  je  saille, 
saillir,  tert. conj. He  came  outingreatbas- 
te  :  il  sailljt  hastiuement ,  or  en  granl  haste. 

I  COMPODNDE,  I  make.  Je  com/joie, prim.  conj. 

I  compounde,  I  agre  witb  one.  Je  fais  mon  ap- 
poinctement.  I  never  bougbt  nor  solde  witb 
bym ,  but  yet  by  cause  I  was  an  otber  mans 
suerty  it  cost  me  an  c.  li.  to  compounde 
with  bym  -.jamays  je  ne  marchanday  a  luy, 
tonte  foys  a  cause  que  jcstoys  respondant 
pour  vng  aultre,  il  me  cousta  cent  Hures, 
pour  faire  mon  appointement  auecquez  luy. 

I  COMPBEBENDE,  I  contayne,  as  a  great  thynge 
dolbe  a  small.  Je  comprens ,  jay  comprins, 
comprendre,  conjugate  lyke  bis  symple  je 
prens,  I  take.  Twelve  comprebendetb  in 
it  selfe  twayne  syxe  tymes  :  douze  comprent 
eii  soy  mesmes  deux  foys  syx. 

I  comprebende,  I  parceyve  a  ibing  in  mynde. 
Je  comprens,  nous  comprenons,  je  comprins, 
je  comprendray,  que  je  compreingne ,  com- 
prendre, tert.  conj.  conjugate  lyke  bis 
symple  je  prens,  I   Iake,   thougbe   tbat 

,  after  tbe  rygbt  lalyn  formacyon  it  sbulde 
be  je  comprehens,  nous  comprehennons,  etc.; 
but  sucbe  ortbograpbye  is  never  used. 
This  mater  is  of  so  great  diflycultye  that 
I  can  nat  comprebende  it  :  cesle  matière  est 
de  si  grant  difficulté  que  je  ne  la  puis  poynt 

I  COMPRISE,   I  gatber  many  tbinges  in  one. 

Jasscmhle  or  je  prens  ensemble.  I  can  com- 
prise tbese  tbynges  or  one  can  tourne  bis 
hande,  :  je  puis  assembler  ces  choses  auant 
quon  scayche  tourner  la  mayn. 

I  comprise,  I  contayne,  as  a  great  tbyng  dotbe 
a  small  :  declared  in  «I  comprebende». 

I  come  to  a  place  or  pcrson.  Je  viens,  nous  ve- 
nons, vous  venez,  ilz  viennent,  je  venoye,je 
vins,  jay  venu^je  viendray,  que  je  viengne , 
que  je  vinsse  or  je  venisse,  vien,  venir,  tert. 
conj.  and  je  men  viens,  used  somtyme  lyke 
a  meane  verbe.  Tbynke  nat  tbat  be  tar- 
yelb  longe,  paradventure  be  sball  come  to 
sone  ;  ne  pensez  pas  quil  tarde ,  il  viendra 
par  aduenture  trop  tost. 

I  come  lo  a  place.  Loke  in  «  I  come  ». 

I  come  up  upon  a  stayre ,  or  ladder,  or  sucbe 
lyke.  Je  monte,  prim.  conj.  Come  up  to  me 
by  tbis  ladder ,  but  bolde  faste  :  montez  a 
moy  par  ceste  cschiele,  mars  tenez  ferme. 

I  CONGELE,!  cmbesyll  a  tbyng,  or  I  kepe  a 
tbynge  secret.  Je  garde  segret,  and  je  con- 
cele,  prim.  conj.  God  forbyd  I  sbulde  con- 
ceale  treason  :  a  Dieu  ne  plaise  que  je  con- 
celasse  trahison. 

I  CONCEÏVE ,  as  a  woman  dotbe  tbat  is  gotten 
witb  cbylde ,  or  as  a  man  conceyvetb  or 
understandeth  a  mater.  Je  concoys,  nous 
conccpuons ,  vous  concepuez,  ilz  concepaent, 
je  conceus ,  jay  conceu,  je  concepueray,  que 
je  concepue,  concepuoyr,  tert.  conj.  It  is  a 
wondrouse  tbingtbat  sbe  sbulde  conceyve 
and  is  above  tbrescore  yere  olde  :  cest  vnc 
chose  cslrange  quelle  deust  concepuoyr  et  elle 
passe  soyxante  ans.  I  can  nat  conceyve  tbis 
tliing,  it  is  to  barde  for  my  capacité  :  je 
ne  puis  pas  concepuoyr  cesle  chose,  elle  est 
tresdifficille  pour  ma  capacité. 

I  conceyve,  as  any  brute  Leest  conceyvetb  of 
yonge.  Jempreings ,  nous  empreignons,  j em- 
preignis, jay  emprainct ,  jempraindray ,  que 
jempreigne,  empreindre,  tert.  conj.  Some 
she  beestes  be  redye  to  conceyve  at  every 
monetbe:  aulcunes  femelles  sont  prestes  tous 
les  moys  désire  emprainctes. 

I  conceyve,  I  perceyve  or  understande  a  mater 



in  my  mynde.  Japparcoys ,  conjugale  in 
•  I  perceyve»;  and  je  concoys,  conjugale  in 
«  I  concey ve ,  as  a  woman  dolbe  » .  I  can  nat 
conceyve  the  subtyltie  of  lliis  mater  :  je  ne 
pais  pas  apparceaoyr,  or  conceacyr  la  sabtil- 
lité  de  ceste  matière. 

I  CONCLDDE,  I  determyne  upon  a  malcr  or 
fynisshe  a  mater.  Je  conclus,  jay  conclud 
(Wallon),  lïoui  concluons j  je  conclus,  jay 
conclu,  je  conclaeray,  que  je  conclase,  que 
je  conclusisse,  conclure,  terl.  conj.  I  sball 
conclude  Lym  :  je  le  conclaeray. 

I  conclude,  I  make  an  ende  of  a  mater  or  over- 
come  in  arguyng.  Je  conclus,  jay  conclu, 
nous  concluons,  je  conclus,  je  concluray, 
que  je  conclude,  je  concluderay,  que  je  con- 
clue, que  je  conclusisse,  conclure. 

I  CONDEUPNE  to  a  payne  or  dethe  (Lydgate). 
Je  condempne ,  andje  adjuge,  prim.  conj.  I 
liad  well  hoped  thaï  he  sbulde  bave  es- 
caped,  but  as  farre  as  I  can  pcrceyve,  he 
is  condempned  lo  dye  :  jauoye  bon  espoyr 
quil  deust  eschapper,  mays  pour  autant  que  je 
puis  apperceuoyr,  il  est  condempne  a  mort, 
or  il  est  jugea  mort. 

I  condempne ,  I  dampne  by  judgemcnt.  Je  con- 
dempne, prim.  conj.  and  jadjuge,  prim. 
conj.  declarcd  bcre  next  afore  in  «I  con- 

I  CONDESCENDE,  I  agre  to  a  maler.  Je  me  con- 
descens,  je  me  suis  condescendu ,  condescen- 
dre, verbum  médium,  conjugale  lyke  bis 
symple  je  descens,  I  go  downe.  I  sball  ne- 
ver  condescende  tberunto  -.jamays  ne  me 
condescenderay  a  cela. 

I  cONDïsciON,  I  graunle  a  tbyng  upon  cove- 
nauntes.  Jacondiscionne ,  prim.  conj.  He 
halb  condiscyoned  wilh  me  for  bis  bouse 
and  bis  wares  :  il  a  condiscionnè  aaecques 
moy  pour  sa  mayson  cl  ses  biens,  or  ses  mar- 

I  CONDDYTE,  I  bringc  or  lede  on  tbe  waye.  Je 
conduis,  nous  conduisons ,  je  conduis,  jay 
comluict ,  je  conduiray,  que  je  conduise,  que 
je  conduisse  or  que  je  conduisisse,  conduire, 
terl.  conj. I  bave  conducled  hym  onwardes 

on  bis  way  more  tban  thre  bundred  myle  : 
je  lay  conduyct  sur  son  chemyn  plus  de  trois 
cens  mylles. 

I  CONFEDER  logylber  in  any  alye.  Jalye,  prim. 
conj.  And  in  tbis  sence  I  fynde  je  confé- 
déré, prim.  conj.  They  be  alyed  and  con- 
federed  togytber  :  Hz  sont  alyez  et  confe- 
derez  ensemble. 

I  confeder  togytber  in  amytye  by  promesse  or 
treatye.  Je  con/edere  and  ja()'e,  prim.  conj. 
Declared  bere  neïte  afore, 

I  CONFERME  a  chylde,  as  a  bysshop  dotbe,  or 
upbolde  a  man  in  bis  sayeng.  Je  conjerme, 
prim.  conj.  My  sonne  was  confermcd  or 
he  was  Iwo  monetbes  olde  :  monjil:  estoyt 
confermé  auant  quil  eust  deux  moys  dage. 

I  confermé  my  selfe  in  condycions  or  maners 
to  a  person.  Je  me  conjerme,  verbum  mé- 
dium prim.  conj.  He  thaï  wyll  bave  bis 
maysler  good  to  bym  musle  confermé 
hym  selfe  to  bis  maners  :  qui  veull  guigner 
la  grâce  de  son  maistre  se  doybt  conjermer 
a  ses  condiscions. 

I  CONFERRE ,  I  Compare  or  I  joyne.  Je  confère, 
prim.  conj.  Conferre  tbem  togytber,  and 
tban  you  sball  se  ;  conferrez  les  ensemble, 
et  lors  vous  le  verrez. 

I  CONFESSE,  I  knowledge  a  ihing.  Je  confesse, 
prim.  conj.  I  sball  make  bym  confesse  il 
and  you  wyll  let  me  bave  tbe  bandlyug 
of  him  :  je  luy  feray  confesser,  si  vous  me 
voulez  laisser  auoyr  le  gounernement  de  luy. 

I  CONPÏSKE,  I  exchete  'for  tbe  kyng.  Je  con- 
Jisque,  prim.  conj.  It  is  a  shreade  token, 
for  be  is  fledde,  and  al  bis  goodes  be  con- 
fysked  to  tbe  kyng  ;  cest  vng  malaays 
signe,  car  il  sen  est  foay  et  tous  ses  biens 
sont  confisquez  au  roy. 

I  CONFORME  my  selfe  to  ones  maners  or  to  bis 
ordring.  Je  me  confermé,  prim.  conj.  de- 
clared in  «I  confermé». 

I  CONFORTE,  I  belpe  with  wordes  or  other- 
wyse.  Je  conforte,  prim.  conj.  I  tbanke 
you  humbly,  you  bave  comforled  me  well  : 
je  vous  remercie  humblement,  vous  mauez 
bien  comforté.  But  whan  we  use  lo  speke 


to  poore  men  thaï  aske  almesse  forGod, 
comforte  you ,  they  say  :  Dieu  vous  soyt  en 
ayde.  God  comforte  liym  :  Dieu  luy  soyt 
en  aide. 

1  conforte.  Je  conforte,  prim.  conj.  and  je  de- 
duii,  jay  déduit,  déduire,  conjugale  in  «  I 

I  cONFOtNDB,  I  dlslroye.  Je  conjons,  nou*  con- 
fondons, je  confondis ,  jay  confondu,  je 
confonderay,  que  je  confonde,  confondre , 
terl.  conj.  But  somlyme  I  finde  this  verbe 
uscd  as  though  he  were  of  the  first  con- 
jugacyon.  If  I  iye,  God  confounde  me  : 
si  je  mens.  Dieu  me  puisse  confondre. 

I CONPCSE ,  f  myste  tliynges  togyther  so  that  they 
can  nat  well  be  parled.  Jemhroaille,  prim. 
conj.andje  coii/iiie,prim.  conj.  You  bave  so 
confused  tbis  yerne  that  it  can  natbelosed 
asonder  :  vous  auez  idlemeni  embronyllé  cest 
escheueau  qaon  ne  !e  peultdesasscmbler, 

J  CONJECTE,  I  thynke  or  suppose.  Je  conjecle, 
prim.  conj.  I  conjected  as  moche ,  thougbe 
I  sayde  lylle  ije  conjectoye  autant,  combien 
que  peu  je  disoye. 

I  CONJECTCRE,  I  judge  a  thyng.  Je  conjecture, 
pr.  conj.  As  I  conjecture,  itwyli  be  founde  : 
aynsi  que  je  conjecture,  on  le  troimera, 

I  conjecture,  I  suppose,  I  conjecle,  or  I 
thynke  a  ihynge  in  my  mynde  to  be.  Je 
conjecture,  prim.  conj.  Dcclared  bere  next 
afore  in  ni  conjecture». 

I  CONJOYNE,  I  joyne  togyther  in  one.  Je  con- 
join3S,conjugate  Tyke  bis  simple  je  joyngs, 
I  joyne.  If  they  be  ones  severed ,  it  wyli  be 
luirde  to  conjoyne  them  :  si  on  les  sépare 
vue  foys ,  il  sera  forte  chose  de  les  con- 

I  cONJOcnE  with  holy  wordes.  Je  conjure , 
prim.  conj. 

I  CONJURE  a  spyrite,  or  any  other  thyng,  by 
iioly  wordes.  Je  conjure,  prim.  conj.  and 
je  adjure,  prim.  conj.  I  conjure  the  if 
thou  be  a  good  spyryte  te  conjure,  si 
tu  et  vng  bon  espiril. 

I  CONQDERE,  I  gct  laudes  or  possessyons  by 
sworde.   Je  conquiers ,  nous  conquérons , 


Hz  conqaeront,  conjugale  lykc  bis  symple 
je  quiers,  I  seke.  And  je  conquis,  jay  con- 
quis, je  conquerray,  que  je  conqueste,  que 
je  conquise,  que  je  conquisse  or  que  je 
conquisisse ,  conquerre,  terl.  conj.  conju- 
gale lyke  bis  symple.  I  fynde  aiso  je 
conqueste,  prim.  conj.  Arthur  conquered 
,  many  a  lande  by  bis  valyauntnesse  :  Ar- 
thur conquesta  or  conquist  maynte  terre  par 
sa  prouesse. 

I  CONSECRATE,  I  balowe,  as  a  bysshoppe  dothe 
a  thynge.  Je  consacre,  prim.  conj.  Thynke 
you  tbis  superallare  is  consecrate  :  pencez 
vous  que  ce  superallare  soyt  consacré  ? 

I  consecrate,  I  balowe  or  anoynt  with  holy 
oyle.  Je  consacre,  prim.  conj. 

I  CODNSAÏLE,  I  advyse.  Je  conseille,  prim.  conj. 
I  counsayle  you,  harken  wbat  this  man 
saylbe  vous  conseille,  escoutez  que  cest 
homme  dit. 

I  CONSENT,  I  agre  to  a  thyng.  Je  consens,  nous 
consentons,  je  consentis,  jay  consenty,  je 
consenlyray,  que  je  consente,  consentir,  terl. 
conj.  conjugale  lyke  his  symple  Je  sens,l 
fêle.  And  je  maccorde  and  jaccordc ,  verba 
média  prini.  conj.  If  ail  nien  consente 
therunlo,  I  wyll  nal  say  naye  :  si  tous  y 
consentent ,  je  ne  diray  pas  le  contrayre,  or 
se  tous  si  accordent. 

I  consent  or  agre  to  a  ibyng,  Je  suis  dacort.  If 
we  be  ones  agreed ,  he  wyll  sone  con- 
sent :  mays  que  nous  soyons  vne  foys 
agréables,  il  sera  bien  tost  daccort. 

I  CONSERVE,  I  kepe  from  peryssbyng.  Je  con- 
serue,  prim.  conj.  Nothyng  conserveth  a 
man  better  in  helth  than  walking  and 
good  dyet  :  il  ny  a  riens  qui  mieulx  con- 
serue  vng  homme  en  sa  santé  que  de  se  pro- 
mener et  viure  sobrement. 

I  conserve  or  kepe.  Je  garde.  God  conserve  you 
from  ail  yvels  :  Dieu  vous  conserue  de  tous 

I  CONSYDER ,  I  regarde  a  thyng  or  estyme  it  ac- 
cordyngly.  Jentens,jay  entendu,  entendre, 
conjugale  in  «I  understande  ».  It  is  well 
consydered  of  hym  :  cest  bien  entendu  a 



tuy.  It  is  yvell  consydered  of  hym  :  cest 
mal  entendu  a  luy.  He  consydrcth  as  well 
wbat  lie  halh  a  do  as  any  man  ihat  I 
knowe  :  il  entent  aussi  bien  que  cest  quil  a 
ajayre  que  homme  que  je  saiche. 

I  consyder,  or  I  hâve  regarde  to  a  Uiyng.  Je 
considère,  prim.  conj.  and  jentens,  jay 
entendu,  entendre,  conjugale  in  «I  un- 
ie derstande  ».  It  is  weli  consydred  of  you  : 
cett  bien  entendu  a  vous.  They  consyder 
thynges  the  worste  that  evcr  I  sawe  :  Hz 
entendent  les  choses  le  pis  que  je  vis  oncques. 
They  consyder  nat  howe  moche  I  liaYe 
done  for  them  :  Hz  ne  considèrent  poynt 
combien  cest  que  jay  faict  pour  eulx. 

I  CODNSAÏLE  imbcsyll  (Lydgat).  Je  conseille, 
prim.  conj.  Declared  in  »I  consayle». 

I  COIISPTRË,  as  rebels  do  agaynst  iheir  sove- 
rayne  or  superyor,  or  as  a  person  dothe 
ihat  entendeth  to  do  an  yvell  dede.  Je 
conspire ,  ^irim.  conj.  and  je  niuline,  prim. 
conj.  They  hâve  conspyred  agaynst  you 
some  great  treason  :  Hz  ont  conspiré  contre 
vous  quelque  grant  trahison.  As  for  je  mu- 
tine is  properly  «  I  rebell  »,  as  a  subjecle 
dothe  that  somtyme  wolde  be  under  one 
lorde  and  somtyme  under  an  other. 

I  cONSTr.AYNE,  I  force,  I  compeil  one  to  do  a 
tliynge.  Je  constraings,  nous  constraingnons, 
je  constraings,  je  conslraignis ,  je  constrai- 
gnoye,je  constraingdray,  que  je  constraigne, 
constraingdre ,  tert.  conj.  I  fynde  aiso 
jabstraings  and  jejforce ,  prim.  conj.  And 
thou  wylte  nat  do  it  witb  tby  good  wyll, 
tliou  shalte  be  constrayned  to  do  it  :  si  ta 
ne  le  veulx  faire  de  ton  bon  gré,  tu  seras 
conslrayncl  de  le  faire,  tu  seras  efforcé  de 
le  faire,  tu  seras  abslrainct  de  le  faire, 
but  tins  is  nat  comen. 

I  constrayne  one  by  an  othe  makyng  or  pro- 
messe. Je  astraings ,  conjugale  lyke  je 
constraings,  He  hath  constrayned  me  to 
Lepe  his  counsayle  by  a  boke  otlie  :  il  ma 
astrayncl  de  garder  son  conseil  par  mon 
serment,  or  sur  mon  sacrement,  or  par  mon 
serment  sur  vng  Hure. 

I  CONSTREWE,  as  a  grammaryen  dothe  a  sen- 
tence ,  whan  he  joyneth  the  partes  of 
speche  in  order.  Je  construis,  nous  cons- 
truisons,  je  construis,  jay  construit,  je 
construiray,  que  je  construise,  que  je  cons- 
truisisse, construire,  tert.  conj.  I  shall  be 
beaten  if  I  can  nat  constrewe  my  lesson 
whan  my  mayster  cometh  :  je  seray  batu 
si  je  ne  puis  construire  ma  leçon  quant  mon 
maistre  vient  But  berin  I  folowe  the  co- 
men use  of  speaking,  for  je  ordine  is 
properly  to  constrewe  on  this  mancr,  as 
cannesl  thou  constrewe  tby  lesson  :  scays 
tu  ordiner  ta  leçon? 

I  CONSOMM/ITE ,  I  make  a  full  ende  of  a  thyng. 
Je  consumme,  prim.  conj.  This  worke  ihat 
halh  ben  so  longe  in  bande  iï  nowc  at 
the  laste  consommate  :  ceste  ouaraige  qui 
a  si  longuement  esté  en  mayn  estmayntenant 

I  CONSUME ,  I  waste  or  dymynisshe  a  thyng.  Je 
me  consume,  prira.  conj.  and  je  men  me- 
nuise ,  prim.  conj.  and  janneantis  ,  jay 
anneanty,  anneantir,  sec.  conj.  AH  thyng 
consumetli  but  the  grâce  of  God  :  toute 
chose  se  consume  fors  que  la  grâce  de  Dieu. 
Se  howe  this  stone  consumelh  witb  the 
beatyng  of  the  water  :  agardez  comment 
ceste  pierre  se  amenuyse  par  le  battement  de 
leaae,  This  thyng  wyll  consume  to  naught 
at  the  length  :  ceste  chose  se  anneantyra 
au  longue. 

I  consume,  I  pyne  awS^  in  my  body  by  sick- 
nesse.  Je  langoure,  prim.  conj,  Some 
men  say  that  love  is  no  sycknesse,  but  1 
never  sawe  one  consume  on  this  facyon , 
and  can  wyte  nothynge  therof  but  love  : 
mayntes  gens  disent  que  ce  nest  pas  maladie 
que  destre  amoureux,  mays  jamays  ne  vis 
homme  en  ce  poynt  langourer  et  nous  ne  po- 
uons  riens  aultre  chose  coulperfors  que  seul- 
lemtnt  amours. 

I  consume,  I  waste  a  thyngc  by  moche  wearyng 
or  by  lyteil  and  lytell.  Je  me  vse,je  me 
suis  vsé,  vser,  verbum  médium  prim.  conj. 
This  knyfe  is  made  of  very  good  nictall. 


yel  by  lytell  and  tyteli  it  consumeth  to  tbe 

backe  ;  ce  cousleau  est  fait  de  fort  bon  mé- 
tal, mays  petit  a  petit  il  se  vsejusques  au 

I  CONTËÏNE,  I  forbeare  from  any  thyng.  Je  me 

contiens,  je  me  suis  contenu,  contenir,  ver- 

bum  médium.  It  is  an   easye  tbyog  to 

speke  of  abstynence ,  but  it  is  a  payne  to 

contayne  from  meate  :  cest  vue  chose  bien 

aysée  (jue  de  parler  dabstinence ,  mays  cest 

vne  grande  payne  que  de  se   contenir   de 

I  contayne,  I  bolde,  as  a  greatter  thyng  dothe 

a  lesser,  or  a  vesseli  that  hath  lycour  in  it. 

Je  contiens,  nous  contenons,  vous  contenez, 
.    tlz  contieneht,  je  contins,  jay  contenu,  je 

contiendray,  que  je  conliengne ,  contenir, 

conjugale  lyke  liis  syrapie  jV  tiens,  I  bolde. 

This  pot  contayneth  eyght  quartes  :  ce  pot 

contient  huict  choppines.  This  bouse  is  scar- 

sely  able  to  contayne  bis  plate  :  o  payne 

peult  cette  mayson  contenir  sa  taisselle. 
I  CONTEHNE  ,   I  dispyse.  Je   contempne ,  prim. 

conj.  If  thou  contenine  thy  father  and 

mother,  it  is  a  shreude  signe  that  thou 

wylte  obey  thy  mayster  :  si  tu  conlempncs 

tes  parent,  or  père  et  mère,  cest  mauluays 

signe  que  tu  vculx  obeyr  a  ton  maistre. 
I  CONTENDE,  I  slfyve  with  one.  Je  contens,  nous 

contendons ,  je  contenais ,  jay  contendu,je 

contenderay,  que  je  contende,  contendre , 

tert.  conj.  Conjugale  lyke  bis  sympleje 

teits,  I  bende.  I  wyll  never  contende  with 

my  superyour  uor  stryve  with  my  felowe  : 

je  ne  me  contenderay  jamiys  a  mon  supé- 
rieur, ne  nestriueray  a  mon  compaignon. 
1  CONTENT  my  selfc,  I  bolde  me  slyll.  Je  me  ac- 

quieste,  verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  In 

dede  I  was  somlhyng  amoved ,  but  nowe  I 

contend  my  selfe  ;  dejaict  jestoys  tng  peu 

esmeu,  mais  nmynlenantje  me  acquieste. 
I  content,  I  suflyse  ones  appetyte  or  bis  lust. 

Jassoams,jay  assouay,  assouuir,  sec.  conj. 

audje  complaySfjay  complea,  complaire, 

conjugale  lyke  bissymplejf  p/a)'S,  Ipleasc  : 

dativo  jungitur.  The  man  is  so  dyvers  I 

can  nat  content  hym  :  Ihomme  est  si  diuers 
que  je  ne  luy  puis  complaire,  There  was 
never  man  better  contented  of  bis  wyves 
Company  :  jamais  ne  fut  homme  mieulx 
assouui  de  sa  femme. 

I  content  ail  men ,  I  am  in  favour  or  conceyle 
with  ail  men.  Je  suis  au  gré  de  tous. 

I  content,  I  paye  or  satysfye ,  or  I  please.  Je  con- 
tente, prim.  conj.  Dativo  jungitur.  I  con- 
tent hym  :  je  luy  contente.  I  owe  hym 
nothynge  but  I  shall  content  hym  ne 
luy  doybs  rien  que  je  ne  lui  contenleray. 

I  content  oncsmynde  that  v/asmoted.Jappayse, 
prim.  conj.  Content  or  myscontent  yet 
mustc  he  nedes  go  :  quelque  bon  gré  ou 
malgré  quilayt,  sifault  il  quil  aille.  I  fynde 
also  je  luy  fais  son  gré,  I  content  hini  ; 
and  for  it  contenteth  my  mynde,  il  mu- 
grée,  usynge  agrée  lyke  a  verbe  imparso- 
nall.  And  il  méfait  mon  gré,  he  contenteth 
ijie.  And  je  leur  fais  leur  gré,  I  content 
them ,  or  I  please  them. 

I  content  ones  mynde,  I  do  as  he  wyil  bave 
me,  I  fulfyil  his  pleasure  or  apetyte.  Je 
luy  viens  au  gré,  je  luy  fays  son  gré.  Saye 
what  men  will ,  If  I  content  his  mynde  I 
care  nat  :  disent  ceu  quon  touldra,  si  je  luy 
viens  a  gré,  or  si  je  luy  fays  son  gré,  il  ne 
men  chaull. 

I  content  me  with  iesse  of  meate  or  drinke,  or 
clotbe ,  or  slepe  ihan  the  mosté  parte  do. 
Je  men  passe ,  je  men  suis  passé,  passer, 
verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  I  content  me 
with  lytell  meate  ;  je  men  passe  de  peu  a 
menger.  I  content  me  with  as  lytell  meate 
as  any  man  :  je  men  passe -daussi  peu  de 
viande  quhonime  qui  soyt. 

I  CONTEHPAYS  or  CODNTREPOYSE ,  I  make  one 
thyng  of  juste  vveyght  to  an  other.  Je  con- 
trepasse,  prim.  conj.  and  Je  contrepoyse. 

I  cONTYNiiE  in  a  custome  or  an  acte.  Je  continue, 
prim.  conj.  Wylte  thou  ever  contynuc 
thyn  olde  cuslomes  :  veulx  tu  tousjours 
continuer  tes  vielles  accoustumunces  ? 

I  contynue  in  a  purpose.  Je  perseuere,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  continue,  and  je  recontinue. 


prim.  conj.  Contynuest  thou  styll  in  ihis 
purpose  :  perseueres  tu  tousjours  en  ce  pro- 
pos, continues  tu  tousjours,  or  recontinucs 
lu  tousjours  en  ce  propos? 

I  CONTRACTE  matrymonye  with  one.  Je  méfiance, 
je  me  suis  Jiancé ,  fancer,  verbum  médium 
pria),  conj,  Sylhe  he  halh  conlracted  ma- 
trymony  without  my  consente,  I  shall 
serve  hym  on  the  same  sauce  :  puisqail 
se  estjianci  sans  le  sceu  de  moy,je  \uyferay 
de  tel  payn  soupes ,  or  je  lui  hailleraj  de 

I  contracte  matrymonye.  Je  contracte,  prim. 
conj.  I  can  nat  contracte  matrymonye 
without  my  fathers  consent  :  je  nepuù:  pas 
conlracter,OT  tracter  matrimoyne  sans  le  con- 
sentement de  mon  père. 

I  contracte,  F  covenaunt  with  one  upon  con- 
dyscions.  Je  conuenance ,  prim.  conj.  He 
hath  covenaunted  with  me  upon  cerlayne 
artycles  ;  il  a  conuenance  auecques  moy  sur 
cerlaynes  articles. 

l  CONTBABYE  a  man  in  his  sayeng.  Jaduerse, 
prim,  conj,  and  je  contrarie,  prim.  conj, 
Thou  contraricst  me  ever  what  so  ever  I 
say  :  ta  me  adaerses ,  or  tu  me  con  traries  tous- 
jours  quoy  (jueje  die. 

I  CONTREFAYTE,  I  dissymule  or  folowe  a  thyng. 
Je  contrefais,  jay  contrefaict,  contrefaire, 
conjugate  lyke  his  aymple  je  fais ,  I  do, 
in  the  seconde  boke.  Thou  cannest  wyn 
nothyng  to  countrefayte  with  me  :  m  ne 
peulx  rien  guigner  daynsi  contrefaire  auec- 
ques moy.  He  countrefayteth  a  foole  the 
best  that  ever  you  sawc  :  il  contrefaisoyt  le 
fol  le  mieulx  que  vous  visiez  oncques. 

I  contrefayte  a  thyng  that  is  nat,  I  make  as 
though  it  were  so  or  so.  Je  contrefiys ,  jay 
contrefaict,  contrefaire,  conjugate  lyke  his 
simple  je  fais ,  I  do.  And  in  this  sencc  I 
fynde  jaffaicte,  prim.  conj .  Trust  hym  nat, 
he  dolhe  but  countrefayte  :  ne  vous  jiez 
pas  a  luy,  il  nefait  que  contrefaire. 

I  contrefayte,  or  folowe  a  man  in  doyng  a 
thyng  or  in  his  condyscions  or  dealyng. 
Je  imite,  prim.  conj.  or  je  contrefays,  ccn- 



jugate  lyke  his  syniple  jefays.  He  coun- 
trefayteth suche  a  man,  but  he  hytteth 
hym  nat  :  i7  contrefaict  or  i7  imite  vng  tel, 
nmis  il  ne  lapprouche  poynt. 

I  CONTREVAYLE.  Je  equipolle ,  prim.  conj. 

I  CONTRYBDTE,  I  gyvc  of  my  substance,  I  parte 
with  other  men  to  do  a  thyng.  Je  contri- 
bue, prim^  conj.  It  is  a  manayle  to  se 
with  howe  good  wyli  they  do  contrybule 
their  money  for  this  purpose  :  cest  mer- 
ueilles  que  de  veoir  aaec  quel  bon  gré  Hz 
contribuent  leur  argent  a  ce  propos. 

I  contrybule,  as  a  multytude  gyve  their  por- 
cyons  to  their  prince ,  or  to  do  any  acte 
withall.  Je  contribue,  prim.  conj.  They 
contrybute  ail  maner  thynges  to  their 
prince  with  good  wyll  :  Hz  contribuent 
foutes  choses  a  leur  prince  de  bon  vouloyr. 

I  CONTREMADNDE,  I  discharge  a  commaunde- 
ment  that  I  hâve  gyven  afore,  or  I  gyve  a 
newe  commaundement.  Je  contremande, 
prim.  conj.  It  is  trewe  in  dede  the  coun- 
sayle  was  so  determyned ,  but  nowe  upon 
the  syghtof  newe  letters  they  bave  contre- 
maunded  hym  :  il  est  bien  vray  que  le  con- 
seil estoit  ainsi  délibéré,  majs  sur  la  veue 
des  nouaelles  lettres  on  la  contremande. 

I  CONTRTVE ,  I  bringe  to  passe  a  mater  by  sek- 
yog  of  my  wyttes.  Je  machine,  prim.  conj. 
It  shulde  bave  ben  this  seven  yei-e  or  I 
coude  bave  contryved  suche  a  mater  :  Hz 
eussent  bien  esté  sept  ans  passez  auant  que 
jeusse  sceu  machiner  vue  telle  chose. 

I  contryve  or  bringe  a  mater  to  passe  or  to  ef- 
fecte.  Je  parascheue,  prim.  conj.  I  wyll 
well  that  it  was  barde  todo,  but,  but  I 
bave  contryved  it  at  the  laste  :  je  veulx 
bien  que  cestoyt  chose  forte  a  faire  :  toutes- 
foys  a  la  fn,je  lay  parascheuée, 

I  coNVAïE  one  on  the  waye.  Je  conuoye,  prim. 
•conj.  I  wyll  convaye  you  a  lytell  waye  :je 
vous  conuoyeray  vng  peu  despace. 

I  convaye,  I  take  a  thyng  away  out  of  a  place. 
Je  oste,  prim.  conj.  Who  hath  convayed 
my  cappe  away  :  qui  a  ostè  mon  bonnet  hor.i 
de  la  voye? 




I  coavaye  a  mater.  Je  conaoye,  priai,  conj.  He 
convayeth  his  maters  as  wysely  as  any 
man  that  I  knowe  ;  il  coimoye  ses  aj- 
fcdres  aussi  saigemenl  que  homme  que  je 

I  convay  or  lede  one  to  a  place.  Je  mené,  prim. 
conj.  Convaye  tins  man  to  my  bouse,  tyll 
I  come  :  menés  oest  homme  a  ma  mayson, 
tant  que  je  viengne. 

I  convay  my  selfe ,  or  handyll  my  selfe  well  or 
yvell.  Je  me  porte,  je  me  suis  porté ,  porter, 
and  je  macquitte,je  me  suis  acquitté,  ac- 
quitter, verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  He 
batb  coDvayed  bim  selfe  in  bis  oQice  as 
wysely  as  any  man  I  sawe  thèse  seven 
yeres  :  Use  est  aussi  saigentent  porté,  or  aC' 
quitté,  en  son  office,  que  homme  que  je  vis  de 
sept  ans. 

I  convay  my  selfe  cradely.  Je  me  subtilk,  prim. 
conj.  Se  howe  craflely  the  felowe  con- 
vayeth bim  selfe  :  adaisez  comment  ce  com- 
paignon  se  subtille. 

I  convaye  one ,  or  lede  bim  on  tlie  way .  Je  con- 
duis, jay  conduyt,  conduire,  tert.  conj. 
conjugate  in  «  I  lede  »,  And  je  conuoye,  and 
je  raconaoye,  prim.  conj.  declared  afore  in 
«  I  convaye  one  on  the  waye  ». 

I  coQvay ,  I  set  a  syde  and  put  out  of  the  waye. 
Je  mets  a  part,  or  hors  de  voye,  jay  mis  a 
part  or  hors  de  voye,  mettre  a  part  or  hors 
de  voye,  conjugate  in  «  I  put»,  and  je 
conuoye,  prim.  conj.  I  dare  warante  you 
it  is  nat  stollen ,  it  is  but  convayed  a  syde  : 
je  vous  ose  guarantir  quon  ne  lapas  desrobbé, 
mays  on  la  mys  a  part,  or  on  la  mys  hors  de 

I  convaye  a  thyng  sodaynly  or  bastely  from 
one  place  in  to  an  otlier.  Je  transporte, 
prim.  conj.  Convaye  thèse  thynges  at 
ones  outofsygbt,  for  n:y  lorde  cometh  by 
and  by  :  transportez  ces  choses  acoaphors  de 
veue,  car  monsieur  vient  tout  asteure. 

I  CONVENADNT  with  one,  I  enter  in  to  a  bar- 
gayne  upon  condiscyons.  Je  acconuenance, 
prim.  conj.  I  bave convenaunted  with  hym 
for  10  bave  bis  bouse  :  jay   conuenancé 

auecques  luy  pour  auoyr  sa  mayson,  àadje 
conuenanle ,  prim.  conj. 

I  CONVERTE,  I  tourne  ones  mynde.  Je  conuertys, 
jay  conaerty,  conuertir,  sec.  conj.  I  bave 
donc  the  best  I  coulde  to  couvert  hym , 
but  it  wyll  nat  be  :  jay  faict  le  mieulx  que 
jay  peu  pour  le  conuertyr,  mais  il  ne  se  peult 

I  CONTÏNCE ,  I  overcome  by  reasonyng  or  dis- 
putyng.  Je  vaincs,  jay  vaincu,  vaincre,  con- 
jugale in  «1  overcome»,  and  je  conuaincs, 
jay  conaaincu,  conuaincre,  sec.  conj.  There 
bave  ben  twenly  doctours  to  dispute  with 
hym  and  above,  but  tliey  ail  can  nat  con- 
vince  bym  :  ily  a  eu  plus  de  vingt  docteurs 
qui  ont  disputé  contre  luy,  mays  tous  ealx 
ne  le  pouucnt  poynt  vaincre. 

I  COOLE,  I  make  warme  lycoure  colde  or  any 
other  thyng.  Jefjroydis,  jay  ejj'roydy,  ef- 
froydir,  sec.  conj.  and  je  rejroydis,  jay 
refroidy,  refroydyr,  sec.  conj.  He  was  as 
bote  as  a  toste,  but  I  bave  coled  bim  well 
ynougb  :  il  estoit  aussi  chault  que  vne  tos- 
iée,  mays  je  lay  effroydy,  or  refroydy  bien 

I  COYLE  with  money,  I  trye  the  currante  from 
the  badde.  Jestays,  jay  esluict,  esluyre, 
Coyle  out  the  dandyprattes  and  Yrissbe 
pence  :  eslisez  les  dandyprattes  et  les  deniers 
dirlande  hors  de  la  reste. 

I  coyle  ones  kote,  I  heate  hym.  Je  bastonne.  I 
bave  coyled  bym  as  he  sbulde  be  :  je  lay 
bastonne  aynsi  quil  appartient. 

I  COPE,  or  I  joyoe  with  myne  eneniye  to  figbt 
with  him.  Je  me  aborde  a  mon  ennemy  pour 
me  combatre.  And  I  coope  with  hym  aryght , 
he  sball  bearc  me  a  blowe  :  si  je  maborde 
a  lay  a  mon  desyr,je  luy  donneray  vng  sauf- 


I  coPï  or  close  in.  Jenclos,  or  je  copie. 

I  copy  a  boke  or  any  maner  of  writyng.  Je 
double,  prim.  conj.  and  je  copye,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  transcrips,jay  transcript,  trans- 
cripre,  conjugale  lyke  bis  symple jejcr/pi, 
I  Write,  and  for  brevyle  leavynge  out  e. 



Copye  this  boke  so  sone  as  you  can  :  dou- 
blez, copiez,  or  Iransciipuez  ce  liure  aussi 
tost  que  vous  pouez. 

I  conRECTE ,  I  amende  or  I  chastisc.  Je  corrige, 
prim.  conj,  I  hâve  corrected  hym  for  liis 
faulte  :  je  lay  corrigé  pour  sa  faulte.  Cor- 
recte this  boke ,  it  is  faice  writlen  :  corrigés 
ce  liure,  il  est  mal  escript. 

I  correcte,  I  punysshe  properly  a  relygyouse 
man.  Je  discipline,  prim.  conj.  He  hath 
ben  corrected  in  the  chapitcr  house ,  for 
breakynge  of  his  order  :  il  a  esté  discipliné 
au  chapitre,  pour  auoyr  offencé  contre  sa  re- 

I  coRnoPT,  I  distroye  or  infecte.  Je  corromps, 
nous  corrompons,  je  corrompis,  jaj  cor- 
rompu, je  corrompray ,  que  je  corrompe, 
corrompre,  tert.  conj.  conjugale  lyke  his 
sympleje  romps ,  I  breake.  Foule  wordes 
corrupte  good  maners  :  layz  motz  corrom- 
pent bonnes  meurs. 

I  COSTE,  as  a  thynge  dothe  whan  it  is  bought. 
Je  coaste,  prim.  conj.  Wbal  coste  your 
bonnet  :  combien  vous  cousta  vostre  bon- 
net? It  shall  coste  me  a  fall ,  but  1  wyll 
bave  my  niynde  :  i7  me  coustera  da  bon,  si 
je  nay  mon  entente. 

I  coste  a  countrey  or  a  place,  I  ryde,  or  go,  or 
sayle  about  it.  Je  cosiie,  prim.  conj.  and 
je  cosloye,  prim.  conj.  To  hym  Ihat  coulde 
coste  the  countray  there  is  a  nerer  way  by 
syïe  niyle  :  a  celluy  qui  sceust  costoyer,  or 
costier,  le  pays  il  y  a  vng  plus  court  che- 
myn  de  troys  lieas. 

l  COVEYTE  or  desyre  a  thynge.  Je  covuoyte, 
prim.  conj.  Thou  oughtest  nal  to  covet 
an  other  mans  goodes  :  (a  ne  doybs  pas 
covttoyter  les  biens  daultruy. 

I  COVER,  I  hyde  or  kepe  secrète  a  thynge.  Je  co- 
vuers,  nous  covuerons,  Hz  covurent,je  co- 
vuris,jay  covureray,  que  je  co- 
vure,  covurir,  tert.  conj.  Cover  your  heed: 
covurez  vostre  teste.  The  vvounde  is  so 
wyde,  I  wotte  nat  howe  one  mey  cover  it: 
la  playe  est  si  large  que  je  ne  scay  comment 
on  la  peult  covurir. 

I  cover  or  hyde  a  thyng  behynde  a  clothe  or 
behynde  a  hangyng,  or  1  cover  a  table 
with  carpettes.  Je  tapis,  jay  tapy,  tapir, 
sec.  conj.  I  covered  me  behynde  yonder 
hangyng  and  berde  ail  tbeir  counsayle 
me  tapyssoye  derrière  ce  tapys  la  et  ouys  tout 
leur  segret. 

I  cover  or  hyde  under  a  clothe.  Je  voille,  prim. 
conj.  but  properly  under  a  sayle.  He  was 
covered  under  a  clothe  and  that  saved  hym 
his  lyfe  :  on  te  voylloyt  et  cela  luy  saulua  la 

I  cover  over  with  sylver.  Jargente,  prim.  conj. 
He  bath  covered  his  dagger  shethe  with 
sylver  :  il  a  argenté  la  gayne  de  sa  daggue. 

I  cover  over  with  golde.  Je  aure,  prim.  conj. 
And  je  dorre,  prim.  conj.  Sayiit  Thomas 
shrine  is  covered  over  with  ;;oldc  :  la  clmsse 
de  sainct  Thomas  est  toute  dorrée. 

I  COONSAÏLE  or  advyse.  Je  donne  conseil.  Who 
gave  you  counsayle  to  go  forthe  this  tyme 
anygbt  :  qui  vous  donna  conseil  de  sortyr  a 
ce  temps  de  nuyct? 

I  CODNTE,  I  tell  or  reken  thynges  howe  manv 
they  be  in  nombre.  Je  compte,  prim.  conj. 
There  be  so  many  that  I  can  nat  counte 
them  :  il  y  en  a  tant  que  je  ne  les  puis 

I  counte,  I  reken  by  cyfers  of  agryme.  Je  en- 
chifre,  prim.  conj.  Counte  this  somme 
howe  moche  it  draweth  to  :  enchifrez  cesie 
somme  pour  scauoyr  a  combien  elle  monte. 

I  COOPLE  two  thynges  togyther.  Je  couple,  prim. 
conj.  1  shall  couple  them  togyther  and  i 
mayc  :  Je  les  coapleray  ensemble  si  je  puis. 

I  couple  thynges  togyther,  as  oxen  with  a  yoke, 
houndes  with  coupelles,  or  suche  lyke. 
Jaccouple,  prim.  conj.  and  j«  couple,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  accouplis,  sec.  conj.  Couple 
thèse  houndes  tyll  we.  come  in  to  the 
parke  :  accouplés  ces  chiens  tant  que  nous 
venons  au  parc. 

I  counTVNE  (  Lydgat) ,  I  hyde  under  or  behynde 
a  courtayne.  Je  encourtine,  prim.  conj. 
Wolde  to  God  I  were  a  mouse,  or  that  1 
coulde  courlaync  mysel  fe  yonder ,  I  sbulde 




here  many  tliynges  :  pleusl  a  Dieu  que  je 
fusse  vne  souris,  ou  que  Je  me  puisse  encour- 
tiner  la,  jorroys  mayntes  chosts. 

I  COUSTDME,  I  use  a  thynge.  Je  coustume,  prim. 
conj.  As  a  man  coustumeth  hyni  selfe  «itli 
clothes,  so  may  lie  abyde  heale  or  colde  : 
ainsi  que  vng  homme  se  coustume  de  porter 
habillemens,  ainsi  peull  il  endurer  le  chaalt 
ou  le  froyt. 

I  cot'NTEi.PLETE ,  as  a  mail  dotlie  tbat  pledeth 
igayost  an  other.  Je  contreplaide ,  prim. 
conj.  Whan  a  man  of  lawe  maketh  a  rea- 
son  peremtorie,  itcan  nat  be  contreplet- 
ed  :  quant  vng  adaocat  Jaicl  vne  raison  pe- 
remployre ,  on  ne  lapeult  conireplayder, 

I  COUCHE,  I  laye  in  order,  or  I  beapc  tbynges 
one  upon  anotber.  Je  couche,  prim.  conj. 
Wfao  batb  coucbed  tbesc  fagottes  so  fo- 
lysshly  :  qui  a  couché  cesfagolz  si  follement? 

l  covEïT,  conjugale  in  «I  covet». 

I  CODGH,  I  voyde  fleme.  Je  tousse,  prim.  conj. 
Men  cougbe  more  oftenner  in  wynter  than 
in  sommer  :  les  gens  toussent  plus  souuent 
en  yver  quen  esté. 

I  counle,  I  recken.  Je  compte,  prim.  conj.  de- 
clared  in  «I  counteu. 

I  counte  false  or  myssereken.  Je  mescompie, 
prim.  conj.  Howe  so  ever  you  paye  counle 
nal  falce  :  comment  quil  aille  du  payer  ne 
mescontez  pas. 

I  couBBE  a  borse,  I  faslen  ibe  courbe  under 
bis  chynne.  Je  courbe,  prim.  conj.  You 
bave  bridled  my  borse,  but  you  bave  nal 
courbed  bim  :  vous  auez  bridé  mon  cheual, 
mays  vous  ne  lauez  pas  courbé. 

I  cowRE  downe ,  as  a  man  or  woman  dolb  tbat 
sbrinketb  lowe  witb  ibeir  body.  Je  mac- 
croupis,  je  me  suis  accroupy,accroupir,\eT- 
'^ '•  .-  •  bùm  médium  sec.  conj.  Wbat  mcanelh 
yonder  feiowe  to  cowre  downe  nowe  ibat 
be  seelh  us  :  que  veult  dire  cest  homme  la 
de  se  accroupir  ainsi  puis  quil  nous  voyl. 

I  CRAKE,  I  bosle.  Je  me  vante, je  me  suis  vanté, 
vanter,  verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  and 
in  tbis  sence  I  fynde  also  je  me  groye,  je 
me  suis  groyé,  groyer,  prim.  conj.  Wban 

be  is  weli  wbyltciled ,  be  wyll  crakegoodiy 
of  liis  manliode  :  quant  il  a  bien  heu  ,  il  se 
vante  gorgiasement  de  sa  vaillantise,  or  i7  se 

I  cracke  or  breake  nulles,  or  any  sucbelbyng 
ibal  is  britell.  Je  casse,  prim.  conj.  I 
cracke  nulles  :  je  casse  des  noys.  And  in 
ibe  olde  Romance  longe  je  crochue,  prim. 

I  cracke,  T  make  a  noyse,  as  a  styfTe  tbyng  dolb 
wban  il  is  broken  asonder.  Je  clicquette, 
prim.  conj.  Howe  ihe  tre  craeked  whan 
ibe  wynde  brake  it  asonder  :  comment 
larbre  clicquettoyt  quant  le  vent  la  rompit. 

I  cracke,  as  drye  wodde  dolbe  wban  il  is 
buroed,  or  drye  styckes  olberwyse.  Je 
crespe,  prim.  conj.  Tliese  styckes  cracke 
a  pace  :  ces  bastons  crespent  fort.  Herke 
howe  bis  siyppers  cracke  :  escoutez  com- 
ment ses  pantoufles  crespent. 

I  cracke,  I  make  a  noyse  as  great  plenlye  of 
wodde  or  slrawe  dotbe  wban  il  is  set 
afyre.  Je  bruis,  sec.  conj.  I  liere  by  the 
crackynge  thaï  il  is  bealbe  Ibal  yonder 
men  of  tbe  counlrey  burne  os  bien  par 
le  bruyt  que  cest  bruyre  que  ces  paysans  la 

I  CRAFTE,  I  deale  crafteiy  or  subtelly  witb  one. 
Je  caulelU,  prim.  conj.  and  je  me  subtille, 
prim.  conj.  and  je  me  ruse,  prim.  conj. 
verba  média.  I  se  by  ibal  ibou  doesl  but 
crafte  witb  me  voys  bien  a  ta  façon  de 
faire  que  tu  nefays  que  cauleller  auecques 
moy,  or  que  tu  ne  fays  que  te  ruser,  or  te 

I  GRAMME  meate  in  to  my  moulb ,  as  one  dotbe 
gredyly.  Je  rijfle,  prim.  conj.  Se  liowe  be 
crammelli  in  bis  meate  lyke  a  lurcher  : 
agardez  comment  il  rijle  comme  vng  gour- 

I  CRASE,  as  a  lliynge  dolbe  tbat  is  made  of 
britell  sluffe.  Je  casse,  prim.  conj.  Dealp 
soilely  witball ,  a  lytell  thynge  wyll  crase 
it  :  maines  le,  or  manyes  le  tout  bellement , 
car  peu  de  chose  le  cassera. 

I  CBASSiiE  witb  niy  lelhe  logylher.  Je  grinche. 



prim.  conj.  I  knowe  a  foole  that  wyll 
crasshe  Lis  tellie  togyther  that  he  wyll 
inakc  one  afrayde  :  je  congnoys  vng  fol 
que  veult  tellement  gryncher  ses  dens  (juil 
bailleroyt  paottr  a  vng  homme. 

I  crasshe,  as  a  thyoge  dothe  that  is  cryspe  or 
briteii  bylwene  ones  tethe.  Je  crespe, 
prim.  conj.  Herke  howe  he  crasshetli 
thèse  grystels  bytweiie  his  tethe  :  escoutez 
comment  il  jayt  cresper  ces  tendrons  entre 
ses  dens. 

I  cnATCHE  violently  wilh  my  nayles.  Je  (jratigne, 
prim.  conj.  and  je  gratte,  prim.  conj.  It  is 
dogges  and  cattes  play  to  byte  and  crat- 
che  ;  cest  le  jeu  des  chiens  et  des  chatz  que 
de  mordre  et  gratigner,  or  gratter. 

I  CBATE,  I  demaunde  or  aske.  Je  demande, 
prim.  conj.  And  je  cocquine,  prim.  conj.  I 
am  content  that  you  shall  go  with  me, 
but  crave  nat,  I  warne  you  :  je  suis  content 
que  vous  yrez  auecques  moy,  mays  ne  coc- 
quinez  poynt ,  si  vous  men  croyez. 

I  CBAwtE ,  I  styrre  witii  my  lymmes ,  as  a  yonge 
chylde  dothe  or  any  becst  that  styrreth 
and  can  nat  go  nor  move  the  bodye.  Je 
crosle,  prira.  conj.  It  is  a  straunge  syght 
to  se  a  chycken  howe  it  craileth  first  out 
of  the  sheli  ;  cest  vne  chose  estrange  que  de 
leoyr  vng  jeune  pouceyn  comment  il  crosle 
premièrement  hors  de  lescalle, 

I  CBEATE,  I  make  a  thyng  of  nothyng.  Je  crée, 
prim.  conj.  God  created  ail  this  worlde 
of  nothyng  :  Dieu  créa  tout  ce  monde  de 

I  CREPE,  as  a  serpent  dothe.  Je  vas  par  terre,  or 
je  vas  glissant.  Though  this  adder  do  but 
crêpe  nowe,  if  you  anger  her,  she  wyll 
leape  :  combien  que  ceste  couleuure  ne  fait 
que  aller  par  terre,  or  aller  glissant ,  si  vous 
le  courroucez ,  tous  le  verrez  saillyr. 

I  crêpe,  I  steale  upon  one  sodaynly  as  âge 
dothe.  Je  surprens  a  dcspourueu.  Age  cre- 
peth  upon  us  or  we  be  ware  :  vieillesse 
nous  stirprent  a  despourneu  auant  que  nous 
y  donnons  garde. 

I  crêpe  upon  ail  four,  as  a  chylde  dotlie.  Je  vas 

sur  tous  les  quatire.  This  lytell  boye  wolde 
faynebe  at  home,  for  hecrepeth  upon  ail 
foure  bycause  he  can  nat  go  :  ce  petit  en- 
fant vouldroyt  estre  voulentiers  a  la  maison, 
car  il  va  sur  tous  les  qualtre  pour  ce  quil  m 
peult  aller. 

I  CBïE,  I  make  a  uoyse.  Je  crie,  prim.  conj.  I 
must  go  to  my  chylde,  I  hère  hym  crye  :  il 
fault  que  je  aille  a  mon  enfant,  je  los  crier. 
Ha,  syr,  I  crye  you  mercy  -.ha,  syre,laiostre 
mercy.  I  kry  you  mercy,  I  kylled  your  cus- 
sheyn  :  je  vous  crie  mercy,  jay  tué  vosire 

I  crye  out,  as  one  dothe  that  is  in  daunger.  Je 
mescrie,je  me  suis  escrié ,  escrier,  verbuni 
médium  prim.  conj.  He  cryedout  a  loude  : 
il  sescria  haultement.  My  molher  was 
afrayde  there  liad  ben  theves  in  her  bouse , 
and  she  kryed  out  haroll  alarome  :  ma  niert 
auoit  paour  quil  ny  eust  des  larrons  a  la 
mayson  et  elle  sescria  harol  alarme. 

I  crye  out,  as  a  beest  dothe  that  is  hurte.  Je 
braye,  prim.  conj.  and  je  braille,  prim. 
conj.  Yonder  swyne  cryelh  as  slie  were 
stycked  with  a  knyfe  :  ceste  Iruye  la  brayl, 
or  braille  comme  se  elleestoit  estocquée  dnng 

I  crye  out  a  lowde,  as  a  man  or  beest  dothe.  Je 
vocifère,  prim.  conj.  What  nedeth  yonder 
men  and  beestes  to  krye  out  a  this  facyon  : 
que  veult  il  dire  que  ces  hommes  et  hestes  la 
vocifèrent  ainsi  ? 

I  crye  warre.  Je  crie  la  guerre,  jay  crié  la  guerre, 
crier  la  guerre,  prim.  conj. 

I  crye  open  warre.  Je  sonne  la  guerre  au  feu  et  a 
sang,  jay  sonné  la  guerre,  sonner  la  guerre, 
joynyng  la  guerre  au  feu  et  au  sang  to  the 
tenses  and  persons  of  je  sonne.  The  greal 
Turkehathcryedopen  warre  agaynst  them 
of  Hongary  :  le  grant  Turc  afaict  crier,  or 
sonner  la  guerre  a  feu  et  a  sang  contre  ceulx 
de  Hongerye. 

I  CRYM  breed  into  a  dysshe.  Jesmve,  prim.  conj. 
Thou  arte  a  swyft  marchaunt,  tliou  haste 
eaten  thy  potage  or  I  can  crymme  niy 
dysshe   :    lu   es  vng  hastif  g  allant ,    lu   as 



mangé  ton  potage  auant  qaejay  peu  esmyer 
mon  escuelle. 

I  CBYSPE,  as  onrs  heare  dothe.  Je  crespelle, 
prim .  conj .  Your  heare  cryspelh  gorgyously 
after  this  washyng  :  voz  cheueulx  se  cres- 
petlent  gorgiasement  après  ce  laaement,  or 
après  que  tous  les  auez  si  bien  huez. 

I  CRYSTEN ,  I  baptyse  a  chylde  in  water,  as  a 
preest  dollie.  Je  bapiize,  prim.  conj.  [ 
crysten  a  chylde  :  je  baptize  rng  enfanl.  I 
can  as  well  crysten  and  burye  as  any 
parysshe  preest  in  tbis  towne  :  je  scny 
aussi  bien  baptizer  et  enterrer  les  mors  que 
prestre  parroysien  qui  soyt  en  cesie  ville. 

I  crysten  a  chylde,  as  tbe  godfathers  and  god- 
luothers  do.  Je  lieue,  prim.  conj.,  as  1  go 
to  crysten  a  chylde  :  je  men  vas  huer  vng 
enfant.  I  crysten  mo  chyldren  than  foure 
that  be  my  belters  :  je  lieue  plus  denjans 
or  je  lieue  du  font  plus  denjans  que  quatre 
aaltres  plus  riches  que  moy.  I  am  bis  gos- 
syppe-,  I  crystened  bym  a  man  chylde 
suis  son  compère ,  je  lay  ay  leué  vng  filz, 

\  CROOKE,  I  wrye  or  make  croked.  Je  crochue, 
prim.  conj.  and  je  courue,  pcim.  conj.  and 
je  descourue,  prim.  conj.Crooke  my  stycke 
a  lytell  aud  I  wyll  pull  out  Ibese  pygyons  : 
crochuez  or  coufnez,  or  descouraez  mon 
bastonvng  peu,  et  je  tireray  hors  ces  pigeons, 
VVhohÊth  croked  bis  neckeontbis  facyon: 
qui  luy  a  ainsy  tortillé  le  colle? 

I  CROSSE,  I  put  or  laye  Ihynges  a  crosse.  Je 
croise,  prim.  conj.  Crosse  your  legges ,  and 
I  wyll  teche  you  to  play  the  layllour  : 
croysez  voz  jambes,  et  je  vous  apprendray  a 
faire  le  cousturiér. 

I  crosse  over  the  vvaye ,  as  one  dothe  that  co- 
meth  from  tbe  one  syde  of  the  way  to  the 
other.  Je  trcnche  le  chcmyn,jay  trenché  le 
cheniyn,  trencher  le  chemyn.  Wban  I  sawe 
hym  crosse  over  the  waye  towardes  me, 
I  began  to  suspecte  bym  :  quant  je  le  vis 
trencher  le  chemyn  vers  moy,je  commencay 
de  me  doubter  de  luy. 

I  CROWE,  as  a  cocke  doth.  Je  chante,  prim. 
conj.  We  bc  nat  farre  from  a  towne,  I 

bere  a  cocke  crowe  and  dogges  barke  : 
nous  ne  sommes  guayres  loyng  de  quelque 
villaigr,  car  je  os  chanter  vng  cocq  et  les 
chiens  aboyer. 

I  CROWLE,  as  onesbely  doth  wh»n  it  maketh  a 
noyse.  Je  croulle,  My  bely  crowleth,  I 
wenc  there  be  some  padockes  in  it  :  mon 
ventre  croulle,  je  pence  quil  y  a  des  gre- 
nouilles dedans, 

I  CROWNE  a  prince  or  princesse  with  a  crowne. 
Je  couronne,  prim.  conj.  Me  thynketh  I 
never  sawe  so  fayre  a  syght  as  whan  I 
sawe  the  kynge  crowned  :  il  mest  aduis  que 
jamays  ne  vis  si  belle  chose  que  quant  je  vit 
couronner  le  roy. 

I  CROCSSHE,  I  brcake  a  thing  witb  thrusting 
it  barde  logylher.  Je  froisse,  prim.  conj. 
He  hath  cronssbed  bis  legge  with  the  fall 
ail  to  peces  :  il  a  froyssé  sa  jambe  de  la 
cheute  en  pièces. 

I  CROPTcnE,  I  make  humble  révérence.  Je  me 
humilie,  je  me  suis  humilie,  humilier,  ver- 
buni  médium  prim.  conj.  It  is  a  sporte 
to  se  hym  croutche  and  knele  :  cest  vng 
passetemps  que  de  le  veoyr  se  humilier  et  se 

l  croutche,  I  stoupe  lowc  with  my  bodye.  Je 
macroupis,  je  me  suis  accroupy,  accroupir, 
verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  I  croutched 
downe  iowe  bycause  I  wolde  natbe  sene  : 
je  me  acroupistout  bas  de  paour  désire  vea. 

I  CRUCiKï,  I  put  one  upon  a  crosse.  Je  crucife , 
prim.  conj.  The  most  vyle  dethe  that 
coulde  be  was  somlyme  to  crucifye  one  : 
la  plus  ville  mort  qui  pouuoyt  estre  estoyl 
jadis  de  crucifier  vng  homme. 

l  CBCME  breed  in  potage  or  any  other  lycoure. 
Jesmie,  prim.  conj.  declaredin  «  I  crymi. 

I  CRCSSHE,  I  thrust  togyther.  Je  froisse,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  démolie,  prim.  conj.  He  hath 
ail  to  croussbed  bis  arme  :  il  sest  tout 
froyssé  le  bras. 

I  CUFFE  one,  I  ])omell  hym  about  tbe  heed.  Je 
torche,  prim.  conj.  He  hath  ail  to  cuffed 
aboute  the  earcs  :  il  la  torché  de  mesmes. 

I  corne,  as  one  thynge  cometh,  growetb,  or  pro- 



cedeth  of  an  olher.  Je  najs,  conjugale  in 
«I  am  borne»,  in  the  seconde  boke.  This 
dysease  comclh  of  yvell  dyet  ;  cesie  mala- 
die vient,  or  nayst,  de  mauuajse  diette,  or 
mauuays  gouuemement. 

1  corne  bebynde  the  bande ,  as  a  marchaunt  do- 
'  the  by  losses  or  yvell  credytours.  Je  me 
apouris,  je  me  sais  aponry,  or  jappoaris, 
jay  appouiy,  appoarir,  sec.  conj.  The  man 
is  sore  come  bebynde  a  iate  :  Ihomme  est 
fort  apoury  despuis  naguajres;  and  in  tbis 
sence  I  fynde  je  viens  au  derrière  de  mes 
affaires.  I  wolte  natle  wbere  the  faulte  is, 
but  bc  is  corne  sore  behynde  the  bande  : 
je  ne  scay  pas  a  quoy  il  tient,  mays  il  est 
grandement  venu  aa  derrière  de  ses  affaires, 

I  come  by,  as  a  man  cometh  by  a  thynge 
wilh  difiycultie.  Je  paraiens,jay  paruena, 
paraenir.  Conjugate  iyke  bis  symple  je 
viens.  Counyng  is  a  great  treasure,  but  it 
is  barde  to  come  by  :  cest  vng  grant  trésor 
que  de  science,  mays  cestjorte  chose  que  de 
y  paraenir,  or  y  attayndre. 

I  comeat  on  wares,  or  sodaynly,  or  on  ioked  for. 
Je  suruiens ,  jay  suruenu,  suruenir,  conju- 
gate Iyke  his  symple  je  viens,  I  come.  His 
enemyes  came  at  ouwares  and  toke  bym 
slepyng  :  ses  enncmys  suruindrent  et  le  sur- 
prindrent  en  dormant. 

I  come  by  a  thynge.  Tbere  is  no  thyng  to  let 
me  to  come  to  it  :  je  ciens  la  ou  cest. 
I  wotte  wbere  is  money  ynough,  but  I 
can  nat  come  by  it  :  je  scay  bien  la  ou  ily 
a  de  largent  assez,  mays  je  ne  pays  poynt 
venir  la  ou  cest. 

I  come  by  a  tbing,  I  come  or  retche  to  the 
place  wbere  a  Ibyng  is,je  attaings,  con- 
jugate m  «  I  atlayne  ».  I  (vyll  go  felche  you 
a  propcr  glasse  if  I  can  come  by  it  vous 
yray  quérir  vng  mignon  mirouer  si  je  y  puis 

I  come  into  a  bouse  or  place.  Je  entre,  prim. 
conj.  Wyll  itplease  you  to  come  in,  syr; 
vous  plaisl  il  entrer,  monsieur.  Come  in 
bardely  :  entrez  hardyement. 

I  come  downe  from  a  hygh  place.  Je  descens. 

jay  descendu,  descendre,  conjugate  in  «  I 
«discende  ».  Christ  came  downe  from  he- 
vyn  and  became  man  for  our  sakes  :  C7ins( 
descendit  des  cieulx  et  deuinl  homme  pour 
lamoar  de  nous. 

I  come  forwarde.  Je  viens  en  auant,jay  venu  en 
auant,  venir.  Come  forwarde  bere  and 
shewe  your  selfe  :  venez  auant  et  vous 
monstrez  aux  gens. 

I  come  forlbe  of  a  dore  or  place.  Je  sors,  jay 
sorly,  sortyr.  Come  forth  at  ones  :  sertissez 

I  come  forthe,  as  one  dothe  that  standeth  be- 
hynde folkes.  Je  viens  auunt. 

I  come  in  dette.  Je  suis  endebté,jay  esté  endetté, 
eslre  endebté.  Auàje  viens  endebté. 

I  come  more  and  more,  as  a  company  dothe  to 
reskewe  or  to  beholde  a  tbyug.  Je  suruiens, 
jai  suruenu,  suruenir,  tert.  conj.  Conjugate 
Iyke  bis  symple  je  tiens,  I  come.  Let  us  go 
hence  bylyme,  for  tbey  come  more  and 
more  to  assayle  us  :  vuydons  nous  dycy 
bien  tost,  car  Hz  suruiennent  de  plus  en  plus 
pour  nous  assaillir. 

I  come  nere,  or  drawe  nere.  Japroche,  prim. 
conj.  àndje  arriu«,  prim.  conj. Come  nere, 
my  frende ,  I  wyll  speke  wilh  you  :  appré- 
ciiez, mon  amy,  je  veulx  parler  a  vous. 
Whan  wc  came  nere  to  tbe  towne  we  sent 
a  messanger  to  them  :  qaant  nous  apro- 
chasmes,  or  arriuasmes  près  de  la  ville,  nous 
envoyasmes  vng  mcssagier  a  eulx. 

I  comnaunt.  Je  conaenance,  prim.  conj.  Tbat 
that  I  comnaunt  with  you  shall  be  par- 
fourmed  :  ceu  que  je  conuenance  auecques 
vous  sera  tenu  bon. 

I  come  out  of  a  place,  I  issue  out.  Je  issis,jay 
issy,  issir,  sec.  conj.  After  tbey  bad  ones 
gottea  tbe  castell  tbey  durste  nat  come 
out  for  ail  tlie  tetbc  in  tbeir  lieed  :  puis 
quilz  aaoyent  vnesjois  gaigné  le  chasteau  ilz 
,    noserent  sortyr  sur  leur  vies. 

I  come  out  of  dores.  Je  sors,  nous  sertissons  ,  je 
sortis,  jay  sorty,  sortir,  tert.  conj.  I  in- 
tende  nat  to  come  out  of  dores  to  nyght  : 
je  nay  pas  entencion  de  sortyr  a  nayct. 



I  come  out,  as  of  one  mater  or  processe  there 
cometh   dyvers  olher.   Je  résulte,   prim. 
conj.  Out  of  the  syiine  of  pride  come  many 
other  vyces  :  hors  du  péché  dorgueil  résulte 
maynl  aultre  vice. 
I  compassé  a  thing  rounde  about.  Je  compassé, 
prim.  conj.  Who  hath  compassed  thèse 
men  on  this  facion  :  qui  a  compassé  ces 
gens  en  ce  poynt  7 
I  come  to  a  place.  Je  viens,  nous  venons,  vous 
venez,  Hz  viennent,  je  vins,  je  sais  venu, 
je  viendraj,  que  je  viengne,  (jueje  vinse,  or 
venisse,  venir,\etham  médium  tert.  conj. 
But  it  is  most  suer  to  use  hym  as  a  verbe 
actyve,  save  inhis  prétérit perfay te tenses; 
yet  I  fynde  them  used  lyke  neuters,  but, 
for  come  of  hastely  spoken ,  tbey  use  sus; 
And ,  for  nowe  come  of ,  or  come  on ,  or  ca. 
1  wyli  come  to  you  to  morowe  without 
fayic  :  je  tiendra)'  a  vous  demain  sansjaulle 
nulle.  In  tyme  lo  come  :  au  temps  aduenir. 
Come  of  than,  or  come  of  tberwith  :  mets 
sus  donques.  Come  of  al  ones  :  sus  a  coup. 
Come  of  tban  :  sus  donques.  Come  hyther  : 
venez  ca,  or  approchez.  Come  nere,  or  come 
nerer  :  vien  ca,  or  approche  plus  près. 
I  come  to  a  mans  place  onioked  for,  oubydden, 
onwelcome,  as  a  malapert  felowe  dothe. 
Jaccoquine,  prim.  conj.  If  you  use  to  come 
to  mennes  bouses  on  tbis  facyon  unbyd- 
den ,  other  men  wyll  call  you  a  bolde  beg- 
ger,  or  a  dysour  :  si  vous  vous  acoustumez 
dajnsi  accocquiner,  les  gens  vous  tiendront 
pour  vng  belistre  deshonté,  oTpour  vng  diseur. 
I  come  to  my  purpose  or  myne  entent.  Je  par- 
uiens,  conjugatc  lyke  bis  symple  je  viens, 
I  come.  If  I  may,  I  wyll  come  to  my  pur- 
pose  :  si  je  puis,  je  puruiendray  a  monpropos. 
I  come  to  lande,  as  a  sbyppe  or  man  doth  afler 
be  batb  sayled  a  journaye.  Je  arriue,  prim. 
conj.  We  departed  from  Calays  al  syxe  of 
tbe  clocke  in  the  mornyng  and  we  came 
to  Dover  by  noone  :  nous  partismes  de  Ca- 
lays a  six  heures  de  matin  et  nous  arriuasmes 
a  Doure  sur  le  point  de  mydy. 
I  come  to,  as  small  parcels  come  to  grelter 

some.  Je  monte,  prim.  conj.  Marke  well 
wbat  ail  togylber  cometb  to  :  aduisez  a 
combien  treslout  se  monte. 
1  come  to  my  fuU  grouthe  or  full  quantyte.  Je 
parcroys,  conjugale   lyke  bis  symple  je 
croys,  I  growe.  He  bis  nat  yet  come  to  his 
full  groweth ,   but  and  be  lyve  he  wyil 
make  a  tall  man  :  il  nest  pas  encore  par- 
creu,  mais  sil  vit  il  fera  vng  bel  homme. 
I  come  to  naught,  I  consume  to  nolbyng.  Ja- 
neantis ,  jay  aneanly,  anéantir,  sec.  conj.  I 
fynde  alsoje  dcuiens  a  rien,  conjugale  in 
«I  becomeu.All  thynges  come  to  naught 
savyng  tbe  grâce  of  God  :  toutes  choses  dc- 
uiennent  a  riens  Jorsque  la  grâce  de  Dieu. 
I  come  up  upon  a  stayres,  or  ladder,  orany  bye 
ihyng.  Je  monte,  prim.  conj.  And  je  viens 
en  haull,  je  suis  venu  en  hault ,  venir  en 
hault,  conjugale  in  «I  come».  I  wyll  come 
up  lo  you  by  and  by  :je  monteray  a  vous 
tout  asteure.  But  be  that  is  above  al  redy 
if  be  saye  to  One  come  up,  for  that  tbey 
say  :  venez  en  hault,  or  montez  en  hault. 
I  CURE,  I  heale  or  beipe.  Je  cure,  prim.  conj. 
Tbis  physicien  batb  cured  many  a  sycke 
man  in  his  dayes  :  ce  medicyn  a  curé  or  o 
gucry  maynt  malade  en  son  temps,  so  tbat 
je  gucris,  sec.  conj.  is  to  cure  or  helpc  as 
a  physicien  dolhe,  and  je  cure  is  I  cure  or 
belpe  as  a  surgyen  dotbe. 
I  CURLE,  I  tourne  up,  as  a  mannes  beare  dotbe. 
Je    recercelle,  prim.   conj.   Se  howe  bis 
heare  curletb  nowe  that  it  is  newe  was- 
shed  ;  aduisez  comment  ses  cheueuLc  se  re- 
cercellent  mayntenant  quil  a   nouaellement 
laué  sa  teste. 
I  CCHRY  or  beale.  Je  bas,  battre,  conjugale  in 
«  I  béate  •.  Tbis  is  a  hasty  felowe ,  he  batb 
ail  to  beaten  bis  wyfe  for  spekynge  but  of 
a  worde  :  ce  gallant  est  bien  hastyf,   H  a 
battu  sa  femme  pour  auoyr  parlé  vng  mot 
I  curry  witb  a  staffe.  Je  bastonne,  prim.  conj. 
Sbe  batb  curryed  hym  wilh  a  good  staffe  : 
elle  la  bastonne,  or  e(/e  la  batu  dan  bon  bas- 



I  curry  a  horse  with  a  horse  combe.  Jeslrille, 
prim.  conj.  Curry  my  horse,  hosleller,  1 
praye  ihe,  I  wene  tlie  jade  bath  nedc  of 
it  :  estrille  mon  cheaal,  hostellier,  je  te  prie, 
je  pense  que  la  charoigne  en  a  bien  mestier. 

ï  curry  leather.  Je  courroye ,  jaj  connoyé,  coar- 
roicr,  prim.  conj.  And  in  tbat  sence  I 
fynde  je  plaine,  prim.  conj.  Tbey  tbat 
currye  ledder  in  London  dwell  by  .sydes 
Loadon  wail  :  ceulx  qui  coiirroyent  le  cuyr 
dedans  Londres  demeurent  auprès  des  mu- 
railles de  la  ville. 

I  CORSE,  I  banne,  or  I  warry.  Je  mauldis,  con- 
jugale in  «laccurse».  It  isnonede  to  curse 
hym ,  lie  is  cursed  ynough  ail  redy  :  il  nest 
ja  mestier  de  le  maaldire,  il  est  nxauldit  assez 

I  curse  out  of  the  cburcbe  with  boke,  beH  and 
candell.  Je  anathematize ,  prim,  conj.  Me- 
dyll  nat  with  hym,  he  is  a  cursed  out  of 
the  cburcbe  wilb  boLe,  bel!  and  candell  : 
nayez  point  affaire  a  luy,  il  est  anathematize. 

I  curse,  I  excomunicale,  as  a  spyrytuall 
courte  dothe.  Jcxcommunie,  prim.  conj. 
The  offycial  hatb  cursed  hym  for  bis  con- 
tumacy  :  lojficial  la  excommunié  pour  sa 

I  CDSTOME,  I  use  a  thynge.  Jaccoustame,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  coastwne,  prim.  conj.  I  eus- 
tome  me  to  walke  cvery  daye  or  ever 
I  cate  any  meate  :  je  me  accoustume  de  me 
promener  tous  les  jours  auani  que  je  mange 
quelque  chose. 

I  custome  marcbandyse,  I  paye  for  the  custorae 
of  it  to  the  kynges  customers.  Je  acquitte, 
prim.  conj.  I  wyll  custome  the  great  packe 
or  I  go  bence,  as  for  the  otber  thynges 
roy  servaunt  shall  enter  them  acquitte- 
ray  ceste  grande  balle  auant  que  parlyr, 
quant  aux  aultres  choses  mon  seruiteur  les 

I  COTTE  a  tbyng  with  a  knyfe  or  otber  instru- 
ment. Je  couppe,  prim.  conj.  and  je  re- 
couppe,  etc.  Cuttc  me  some  breed  :  couppis 
moy  du  payn. 

I  culte,  as  a  karverdolbeasmall  pece  of  worke. 

Je  taille,  prim.  conj.  He  can  cutteas  fyne 
worke  as  any  karver  tbat  I  kuow  :  i(  scayt 
tailler  aussi  meneu  ouuraige  que  menuysier 
que  je  saiche. 

I  cuttc  asonder,  I  cutle  in  peces.  Je  detrenche, 
prim.  conj.  The  hangeman  bath  cutte  bym 
asonder  in  to  foure  quarters  :  le  bourreau  la 
detrenche  en  quattre  quartiers. 

I  cutte  a  two.  Je  couppe  en  deux.  Cut  this  ap- 
pell  a  two  :  coupez  ceste  pomme  en  deux. 

I  cutte  away,  or  I  cutte  quyte  ,  or  cleane  of.  Je 
decouppe,  prim.  conj.  and  je  couppe  tout 
net,jay  couppe  tout  net,  couper  tout  net.  He 
hatb  cutte  of  bis  bande  quile  and  cleane  : 
i7  luy  a  couppe  la  main  tout  net ,  or  tout  nette- 

I  cutle  a  wounde ,  as  a  cyrurgyen  dothe.  Jenscise, 
prim.  conj.  The  cyrurgien  dare  nat  cutte 
me  to  day  bycause  the  moone  is  nat  in  a 
good  signe  :  le  cirurgien  ne  me  ose  pnynl  ens- 
ciser  aujourdhuy  a  cause  que  la  lune  nest  pas 
en  rng  bon  signe. 

I  cutte  downe.  Je  decouppe,  prim.  conj.  And  he 
holde  on  ,  he  wyll  cutle  downe  ail  tbe 
wodde  afore  him  :  sil  perseuere  en  ce  poynt, 
il  decouppera  tout  le  boys  deuant  de  luy. 

I  cutte  in  to  smalle  peces.  Je  détaille,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  detrenche,  prim.  conj.  He  bath 
cutte  my  gyrdyll  in  to  twenty  peces  :  i7  a 
détaillé  ma  ceyncture  en  vingt  pièces. 

I  cutle  of  ones  lymmes.  Je  desmembre,  prim. 
conj.  Il  was  a  great  cruelly  to  cut  of  bis 
lymmes  whan  he  was  deed  :  ce  esloyt  vne 
grande  craaulté  de  le  desmembrer  quant  il 
fttst  morl. 

I  culte  of  ones  stones.  Jescouille,  prim.  conj. 
If  you  culte  of  bis  stones  he  shall  gel  no 
mo  fooles  :  si  vous  lescouyllez  il  ne  engen- 
drera pas  plus  defolz. 

I  cutte  of  ones  eares.  Je  desoreille,  prim.  conj. 
His  eares  be  cutte  of,  it  is  a  signe  hehalh 
ben  a  cut  purse  :  il  est  desoreillé,  or  on  luy 
a  couppe  les  oredles,  cest  signe  quil  a  esté 
ung  couppeur  de  bources. 

I  cutte  of ,  or  I  docke  an  horses  or  otber  beestes 
'    tayie.  Je  mouche,  prim.  conj.  I  wyll  culte 




of  my  borse  layle  and  make  hym  a  cour- 
tault  :  je  moucheray  la  queue  de  mon  c'ieual 
et  lejeray  vnij  courtault. 

I  cutte  or  iagge  a  garment.  Je  decouppe,  prim. 
conj.  He  is  outher  a  landed  man  or  a  foole 
that  cutteth  bis  garmentes  :  (7  a  des  terres 
ou  il  est  fol  qui  decouppe  ainsy  ses  habille- 

I  cutte  a  knotte  in  a  gardayne ,  I  make  therles 
lowe  with  a  payre  of  sberes  to  make  them 
growe  thicke  and  even.  Je  agence,  prim. 
conj.  I  wyll  bringe  my  sberes  with  me 
and  cutte  your  knol  to  morowe  :  je  aporle- 
ray  mes  forces  auecques  moy  et  agenceray  la 
deuise  a  voslre  jardyn  demayn. 

I  covBT,  I  desyre.  Je  couuoyte,  prim.  conj. 
I  never  covet  more  good  but  to  bave 
ynough  lo  paye  every  man  bis  -.jamais  je 
ne  désire,  or  je  ne  couuoyte  plus  de  biens  que 
dtuoir  assez  pourpaier  a  chascun  le  sien. 


I  DAGGYLL  or  I  DAGGE  a  ihing  witb  myer.  Je 
crotte,  prim.  conj.Take  in  tbis  lytell  boye, 
be  daggylletb  bis  kote  eut  of  measure  : 
prenez  ce  petit  enfant  en  la  mayson,  il  crotte 
son  saion,  or  sa  cotte  oaltre  mesure, 

I  DALYE,  I  playe  and  sporte  witli  one,  as  fren- 
des  do  in  gardens  or  otber  places.  Je 
degoyse,  prim.  conj,  Lette  us  take  our 
"wyves  with  us ,  and  go  dalye  and  suppe  at 
our  garden  :  prenons  noz  femmes  auecques 
nous,  étalions  degoiseret  soupper aujardyn, 

1  DAMAGE,  1  hurle  or  bynder  a  person.  .Ten- 
dammaige ,  prim.  conj .  Tbou  baste  damag- 
ed  more  than  a)l  tbe  frendes  thou  bast 
be  worthe  :  lu  mas  plus  endammaigé  que 
tous  tes  amys  nont  vaillant. 

I  DAMNE,  I  condenipne  lo  detbe  or  payne  by 
my  judgement.  Je  condampne,  prim.  conj. 
I  dampne ,  as  a  soûle  is  dampned  to  belle. 
Je  dampne,  prim.  conj.  God  bave  mercy 
upon  hym ,  he  is  dampned  lo  dye  :  Dieu 
oyt  mercv  de  luy,  il  est  condampne  a  mou- 
ryr,  or  o  la  mort.  His  lyfe  hatb  ben  so 
wretched,  I  fere  me  bis  sonle  be  dampn- 

ed :  sa  vie  a  esté  si  misérable  que  je  meu 
double  que  son  ame  ne  soit  dampnée. 

I  DAMME  or  make  tbe  beed  of  a  water. 

I  DANDYLi. ,  as  a  mother  or  nourryce  doth  a 
childe  upon  their  lappe.  Jengeronne , 
prim.  conj.  K.rye  nat  tyll  I  come  agayne, 
and  I  wyll  daudyll  tbe  upon  my  lappe  : 
ne  crie  pas  tant  que  je  reuiengne,  et  je  te 

I  DARE ,  I  bave  boldoesse  or  bardynesse  to  do 
a  thyng.  Je  ose,  prim.  conj.  But  I  fynde 
in  tbe  epystell  of  Medea,  ta  as  ausé  :  but 
John  le  Maire  useth  ose  moste  comenly, 
tboughe  ones  I  fynde  aase  used  *also  of 
bim.  He  durst  nat  be  so  bolde  :  il  ne  seroyt 
pas  si  osé.  I  wolde  go  with  a  good  wyll , 
but  I  dare  nat  for  my  maister  :  je  yroys 
voulentiers ,  mays  je  nose  pas  pour  mon 

I  dare,  I  prye  or  loke  aboute  me.  Je  aduise  alen- 
tour.  What  darest  thou  on  tbis  facyon,  me 
thynketh  thou  woldest  catche  larkes  :  que 
aduises  tu  alentour  en  ce  poynt,  il  mest  aduys 
que  tu  vouidroys  prendre  des  alouettes. 

I  OARK.E,  I  make  darke,  as  clowdes  make  darke 
tbe  wctbcr  wban  ibey  bange  bytwene  tbe 
sonne  and  us.  Je  obnubulc,  prim.  conj. 
Thèse  cloudes  darke  tbe  wetber  and  kepe 
tbe  lygbt  of  ibe  sonne  from  us  :  ces  nuées 
obnubulent  le  temps  et  nous  ostent  la  clarté 
du  soleil. 

1  darke,  I  make  darke  a  place  by  lakyng  away 
of  tbe  lygbt.  Je  obscurcis,  sec.  conj.  What 
thyng  hatb  darked  tbis  bouse  more  tban  it 
was  wont  lo  be ,  me  tbynke  ibey  bave  closed 
up  dyvers  wyndowes  :  quelle  chose  a  ainsy 
obscurcy  cesle  mayson  plus  quelle  ne  souloyt 
estre,ilmest  aduis  quilz  ont fremmé plusieurs 

I  DARnAïNE(Lydgat),I  cbaungeoraltera  ibing 
from  one  purpose  lo  anolber.  Je  transmue, 
prim.  conj  .Tbis  worde  is  nat  yet  admytted 
in  our  comen  spelche. 

I  DARTE,  I  perce  or  stryketborowewitb  a  darle. 
Je  dardoye,  prim.  conj.  Thèse  Yrisabe  men 
darle  best ,  or  throwe  a  darte  besl  of  ail 



men  :  ces  Yroys,  or  ces  Yrlandoys  dardent 
mieidx  que  nulz  aullres. 

I  DASSHE,  I  araye  with  myer.  Je  croUe,  prim. 
conj.  Your  horse  hath  ail  to  dasshed  me  ; 
vostre  chenal  me  a  tout  crotté. 

I  dasshe,  I  rubbe  against  a  thing.  Je  heurte, 
prim.  coDJ.  He  dasslied  my  heed  agaynst 
the  postes  :  il  me  heurtoyt  la  teste  contre  les 

f  dasshe  one  in  the  tethc  with  a  lye  or  a  glo- 
synge  taie.  Jembouche,  jtrim.  conj.Addyng 
the  thynges ,  as  I  dasshe  hym  in  the  tethe 
with  a  ieasynge  :  je  lembouche  dune  contre- 
vue.  What  nedcst  thou  to  dasshe  me  in  the 
tethe  with  the  uionaye  thou  haste  lente 
me  :  a  (juoy  est  il  besoing  de  me  emboucher 
de  largent  que  lu  mas  preste. 

I  dasshe  out  of  countenaunce  or  ont  of  con- 
ceyte.  Je  rensconf  us, jaj  rendu  confus,  rendre 
confus.  He  dasshed  hym  quytcoiitof  coun- 
tenaunce :  il  le  rendit  tout  confus.  And  je 
fays  perdre  contenance.  I  can  dasshe  him 
out  of  countenaunce  whan  me  lyst  :  je  le 
scay  faire  perdre  contenance  quant  il  me 

I  DA'YLL,  as  ones  eyes  do  for  lokyng  agaynst 
the  sonne  or  for  eyeng  any  thyng  to 
moche,  etc.  Je  mesblouys,  je  me  suis  es- 
blouy,  or  jay  esbloay,  esblouir,  verbum  mé- 
dium prim.  conj.  My  eyes  dasyll  :  mesyeulx 
mesblpuissent.  I  fynde  also  in  this  sence 
jesberlue,  prim.  conj.  Myn  eyes  dasyll  so 
moche  that  me  thynketh  I  se  the  sonne 
whan  I  wynke  :  mesyeulx  me  esbloayssent 
tant,  or  mes  yeulx  esberluent  tant  quil  mest 
aduis  que  je  voys  le  soleil  en  clygnant  mes 
DATE  a  letter  or  writynge  to  shewe  the  tynie 
and  place  wherc  and  whan  it  was  wrilten. 
Je  datte,  prim.  conj.  I  hâve  receyved  fyve 
letters  from  you,  but  bycause  you  use  nat 
todate  them ,  I  wotle  nat  whyther  to  sende 
to  you  :  jay  resccu  de  tous  cinq  payres  de 
lettres,  mays  a  cause  que  vous  ne  les  datiez 
poynt,  je  nescay  pas  ou  cest  que  je  doybz 
enuoYCr  vers  vous. 

I  DADBE  with  lyme  or  plaster.  Je  massonne, 
prim.  conj.  Daube  up  this  wall  a  pace  with 
plaster  :  massonnez  ce  muricy  viste  de  pias- 

I  daube  with  lome  that  is  tempered  with  heare 
or  strawe.  Je  placque,  prim.  conj.  A  wall 
well  daubcd  wyll  last  longe  if  it  be  kept 
drye  :  vue  muraille  bien  placquée  durera  lon- 
guement si  on  la  garde  seiche. 

I  daube  with  claye  onely.  Jari/iWe,  prim.  conj. 
I  am  a  poore  man,  I  muste  daube  my 
walles,  for  I  can  make  none  other  shyfle: 
je  suis  vng  poure  homme,  ilfault  que  je  ar- 
dille  mes  murailles,  car  je  ne  puis  aultrc- 
ment  cheuyr. 

I  DAWE  from  swounyng.  Je  reaiue,je  resuscite, 
prim.  conj.  Whan  a  dronken  man  swou- 
neth ,  there  is  no  hetter  medecyne  to  dawe 
hym  with  than  to  tlirowc  malvesy  in  his 
face  :  quant  vng  homme  yare  sespaume,  il 
ny  a  pcynt  de  meilleure  médecine  pour  le 
reuiuer,  reuigorcr,  or  resusciter  que  de  lay 
jecler  de  la  maluaysie  au  visaige. 

I  dawe,  as  the  daye  dothe.  Je  ajourne,  prim. 
conj.  The  day  daweth  :  il  adjourne,  \y\i.c  a 
verbe  impersonall ,  or  laabe  du  jour  se 

I  DAUNCE,  I  move  my  body  aller  the  tewnes  of 
a  mynstreil.  Je  dance,  prim.  conj.  and  in 
Wovnanlje balle,  prim.  conj.  Letus  daunce 
a  morrasse  this  Chrislmasse  :  dancons  vne 
morisque  ce  temps  de  Noael. 

I  dawe,  as  the  day  dothe.  Je  atljourne,  prim. 
conj.  I  fynde  also  for  the  day  daweth  : 
laube  du  jour  se  crieue,  joynyng  laube  du 
jour  to  the  thyrde  pcrsons  synguler  of  je 
crieue,  I  burste.  The  daye  begynneth  to 
dawe,  I  muste  départe:  laube  du  jour  se 
crieue,  il  mefault  partyr. 

I  DAWNE,  or  get  lyfe  in  one  that  is  fallen  in  a 
swoune.  Je  reuigore,  prim.  conj.  I  can  nat 
dawne  hym,  get  me  a  kaye  to  open  his 
chawes  :  je  ne  le  puis  point  reuigorer,  alez 
moy  quérir  quelque  clef  pour  lay  ouuryr  les 

I  DAWNTE,!  mate,  I  overcome.  Je moKe,  prim. 

-  64. 


conj.  (Lydgate).  This  terme  is  yet  scarsly 
admitted  in  our  comen  spelche. 

D   BYFORE   E. 

1  DEBATE  a  mater  in  counsaylc.  Je  consulte, 
prim.  conj.  They  hâve  debaled  upon  this 
mater  thèse  fiftene  dayes  :  l'k  ont  consulté 
sur  ceste  matière  ces  quinze  jours. 

I  debate,  I  stryve.  Je  me  estriue,je  me  suis  es- 
triué,  estriuer,  prim.  conj.  I  wyil  nat  de- 
bate witb  you  for  so  smali  a  mater  :  je  ne 
mestriueray  point  a  vous  pour  si  peu  de 

I  DEBATE,  or  reason  a  malter  to  and  ito.Jepour- 
parle,  prim.  conj.  and  in  this  sence  I 
fynde  alsoje  débats,  nous  débutons,  je  de- 
batis,  jay  debatu,jc  debateray,  que  je  de- 
bate, débattre,  tert.  conj.  conjugale  lyke  his 
sympleje  bats,  I  béate.  We  bave  debated 
this  mater,  my  frende,  or  you  corne  herc  : 
nous  auons  pourparlé  de  ceste  matière  auant 
que  vous  vinslez  ycy,  or  nous  auons  debatu 
ceste  matière. 

I  debate  ,  or  reason  a  mater  with  my  selfe.  Je 
rumine,  prim.  conj.  I  debate  this  mater 
by  my  selfe:  je  rumine  ceste  matière  a  par 
moy.  I  wyll  debate  this  mater  with  my 
selfe,  and  take  counsayle  of  my  pylowe, 
or  I  gyve  you  an  answere  :  je  rumineray 
ceste  matière  a  par  moy,  et  prendray  aduis  a 
mon  oreiller  auant  que  je  vous  baille  responce. 

I  DECEYVE,  I  hegyle  one.  Je  decoys,  nous  dece- 
puons,ilz  decoyuent,je  deceas,jay  deceu, 
je  deceu£ray ,  que  je  decoyue,  decepuoyr , 
tert.  conj.  If  you  trust  me,  I  wyli  nat  de- 
ceyve  you:  si  vovs  vous  fiez  en  moy,  je  ne 
vous  deceueray  poynt.  I  deceyve  hym 
luy  decoys,  and  for  dyvers  other  verbes  of 
tbis  signyfycaçion  loke  afore  in  o  I  begyle  », 
andje  bdle,  prim.  conj. 

J  deceyve  by  crafty  meanes.  Je  circumuiens , 
jay  circumuenu,  circumuenir,  conjugale 
lyke  his  symple  je  viens,  I  come,  and  je 
suborne.  Byleve  hym  nat,  be  wyll  deceyve 
tbe  :  ne  te  fie  poynt  en  luy,  il  te  circumuien- 
dra,  or  il  te  subornera. 


I  DECERNE,  orjudgebytwenethynges. Je tfecerti^ 
prim.  conj. 

I  DECEASE,  I  dye  or  départe  outofthe  worlde. 
Jedeoede,  prim.  conj.  andje  vas  de  vie  en 
trépas, aadje  deuie,  Romant.  For  deceased 
or  deparled  they  use /eu,  lyke  an  adjec- 
tyve,  as  by  the  slatutes  of  kyng  Henry  tbe 
sevenlli  laie  departed  :  par  les  ordonnances 
du  feu  roy  Henry  le  septiesme. 

I  OECKE ,  or  arraye  with  garmentes.  Jliabille, 
prim.  conj.  and  in  this  sence  I  fynde 
a\so  jadoube,  prim.  conj,  and  Je  décore, 
prim.  conj.  This  place  is  gayly  decked 
nowe  over  it  was  wonte  to  be  :  ceste  may- 
son  est  gorgiasemcnt  adoubée,  or  décorée  an 
pris  quelle  souloyt  estre. 

I  decke,  or  set  in  order  any  other  thyng.  Je  be- 
tresche,  prim.  conj.  and  also  I  fynde  je 
pare,  prim.  conj. I  muste  decke  my  house, 
for  I  sball  hâve  slraungers  :  ilfault  que  je 
betresche,  or  que  je  parc  mamaison,  carjan- 
ray  des  estrangiers. 

I  decke,  or  typpe  the  haft  of  a  knyfe  orsworde 
with  any  worke.  Jarmoye,  prim.  conj.  This 
staffe  is  well  decked  to  breake  a  lovedaye 
with  :  ce  baston  est  bien  armoyè  pour  rom- 
pre vngjour  de  treuues. 

I  decke ,  or  trymme  ones  heare  of  their  beed 
or  knottes  in  a  gardcn  :  Jagence,  prim. 
conj.  Let  me  decke  your  busshe  and  make 
you  fayre  or  you  shewe  yoursclfe  :  que  je 
vous  agence  voz  cheueulx  et  vous  face  beau 
flz  auant  que  vous  vous  jnonstrez  aux  gens. 

I  DECLARE  a  matter.  Je  déclare,  prim.  conj.  I 
déclare  him  my  mater  luy  déclare  mon 
cas.  Il  is  no  nede  to  déclare  it,  the  mater 
is  playne  ynoughe  :  ilnestja  besoing  de  le 
déclarer,  la  matière  est  clere  assés. 

I  déclare  any  thynge ,  I  bave  in  charge  in  se- 
crète maner  to  a  person.  Je  relate,  prim. 
conj.  1  praye  you  gyve  full  credence  to 
this  bringar,  he  shall  déclare  you  tbe 
playnesse  of  my  mynde  ije  vousprie,  don- 
nés créance  planiere  a  ce  porteur,  il  vous 
déclarera  la  somme  de  mon  vouloyr. 

I  DECLYNE,  I  bowe  or  go  downwardes.  Je  me 



décline,  verbum  médium  prim. conj.  Wlian 
thynges  beatthe  byghest,  thaii  they  begyn 
to  declyne  :  (juaiU  les  choses  sont  on  plus 
haultj  alors  commencent  Hz  a  décliner. 

1  DECORATE,  l'make  fayre  or  gay.  Je  décore, 
prim.  conj.  You  bave  Jecorate  our  assem- 
blye  witli  your  présence  :  vous  auez  décoré 
nostre  assemblée  de  vostre  présence. 

I  DEGRE,  I  gyve  a  judgement  or  a  sentence  in 
a  mater.  Je  décrète,  prim.  conj.  I  shall 
dccree  it  or  it  be  to  morowe  noone  le 
decreleray  auant  que  soyt  demayn  mydj. 

I  DECBEASE,  I  waxe  lesse,  or  vanysshe  awaye. 
Je  descroys ,  jay  descreu,  dccroistre,  conju- 
gate  iyke  bis  symple  je  croys,  I  growe. 
Ail  thynges  that  waxeattbelaste  decrease, 
and  ail  tbynges  tliat  decrease  vaxe  olde  : 
toutes  choses  qui  augmentent  a  la  jyn  se 
descroissent,  et  toutes  choses  qui  se  descrois- 
sent se  enuielissent. 

I  DEDYCATE,  I  offre  a  tbyng  to  a  saynte  or  boly 
place  whiche  is  nat  lefull  to  be  taken 
awaye.  Je  dédie,  prim.  conj.  He  hatb  de- 
dycate  a  bundred  raarkes  to  makc  a  newe 
pyje  for  tbe  sacrament:  il  a  dédié  cent 
marcs  pour  en  faire  vng  nouueau  tabernacle 
pour  le  sacrement. 

I  dedycate  a  churche ,  or  balowe  any  other 
thyng.  Je  dédie,  prim.  conj.  The  bysshop 
batb  dedycate  a  cbufcbe  in  tbe  namc  of 
Saynt  Laurence  :  lesuesque  a  dédié  vue 
esglise  au  nom  de  monsieur  Sainct  Lau- 

I  DEDUCE,  I  bringe  one  mater  upon  an  otiier. 
Je  deduys,jay  deduict,  déduire ,  conjugate 
Iyke  bis  symplejc  duis,  I  serve  to  a  pur- 
pose.  It  is  a  pleasure  to  hère  hym  in  tbe 
poulpet  deduce  one  mater  upon  an  other  : 
cest  vng  playsir  de  louyr  a  la  chaire  deduyre 
vne  matière  sur  vnc  aultre. 

l  DBDUCTE,  I  abate  partyculer  sommes  out  of 
a  great  somme.  Je  rabats,  jay  rabatu,  ra- 
batre,  conjugale  Iyke  bis  symplej'e  bats, 
I  beatc.  Deduct  me  thèse  parcels  out  of 
the  bole  somme,  and  loke  what  remay- 
neth  :  rabalez  ces  sommes  particulières  hors 

de  la  somme  totalle,  et  aduisez  que  est  la 
somme  qui  reste. 

I  DEEFFE,!  begyn  to  wante  my  beryng.  Jas- 
soardis,jay  assourdy,  assourdir,  sec.  conj. 
Thou  deeffest  me  with  thy  kryeng  so  loude  : 
ta  me  assoardys  par  ton  hault  crier. 

I  DEFACE.  Je  dejays,jay  defaict,  défaire,  con- 
jugate Iyke  his  iymp\»jefays,  I  do.  Tbe 
glosse  of  this  clothe  of  golde  is  defaced  : 
le  lustre  de  ce  drap  dor  est  deffaict . 

I  DEFALKE ,  I  demynyssbe ,  I  culte  awaye.  Je 
decroys,  ov  je  diminue.  I  wyll  nat  defalke 
you  a  peny  oîyour  bole  somme  ne  vous 
diminueray  vng  seul  denier  de  vostre  somme 
entière.  Tins  sball  be  defalked  froni  your 
somme  :  cecy  se  decroystera  de  vostre  som- 
me. Conjugate  Iyke  his  symple  je  croys, 
I  growe. 

1  DEFAME.  Je  diffame,  prim.  conj.  (jod  forbyd 
thaï  ever  I  sbulde  diffame  you  :  a  Dieu  ne 
plaise  quejamaysje  vous  deasse  diffamer. 

I  DEFENDE.  Je  defens ,  jay  défendu,  défendre, 
conjugate  Iyke  his  sy mplc je fens,  I  cleave. 
Loke  in  «1  forbydde».  God  dlffende  it: 
a  Dieu  ne  plaise.  I  shall  défende  your  qua- 
rell  agaynst  ail  men  defenderay  rostre 
querelle  contre  tous,  and  je  contregarde , 
prim.  conj.  Tbis  medecyne  wyll  défende 
youfrom  the  sycknesse:  cesie  medicine  vous 
contregardera  de  la  peste. 

l  DEFYE ,  as  a  man  dothe  his  enemye  or  one 
that  he  fallelh  out  with.  Je  dejffie,  prim. 
couj.  I  bave  defyed  hym  and  do  agayne: 
je  lay  dejjié  et  le  fays  encore. 

I  DEFïLE,  I  araye  or  soyic  a  thyng.  Je  salis,  jay 
saly,  salir,  sec.  conj.  and  je  contamine, 
and  Je  deturpe,  prim.  conj.  and  je  honnys, 
jay  honny,  honnyr,  sec.  conj.  Tbis  garmeni 
is  sore  defyled  :  cest  habit  est  fort  saly,  con- 
taminé, deturpé,  or  honny. 

I  defyle,  1  ravysshe  a  raayden  of  ber  mayden  , 
heed.  Je  viole,  prim.  conj.  As  for  polu, 
defyled,  thoughe  be  be  used  of  Johan  le 
Mayre,  there  is  no  verbe  used  in  tbis 
sence  in  tbe  frenche  tonge  as  yet.  God 
défende  that  1  sbulde  defyle  ber,  and  she 



a  mayden  :  a  Dieu  ne  plaise  que  je  la  deusse 
violer,  veu  quelle  est  encore  pucelle. 

1  DEFïNE  or  shewe  tlie  cause  of  a  thyng.  Je 
dijffine,  prim.  conj.  As  for  this  mater,  it 
lyeth  liât  in  me  to  diflyoe  :  quant  a  ceste 
matière,  il  nest  pas  en  moy  de  la  dijjiner. 

I  DEFLOwr.E,  I  lake  ones  mayden  heed  from 
her.  Je  defloure,  prim.  conj.  It  is  a  syurull 
acte  to  defloure  this  yonge  mayden  :  cest 
vng  (jrant  péché  de  dejlourer  ceste  pucelle. 

I  DEFORME,  1  myssliape.  Jedeforme,  prim.  conj. 
It  is  great  pytie  tl>at  this  cbylde  is  thus 
deformed  :  cest  grant  pitié  que  cest  enfant 
est  aynsi  dcjjormé. 

1  DEFODLE.  Je  deturpe,  prim.  conj.  Fye  for 
shame ,  howe  thou  haste  defyled  thy 
gowne  -.Jy  de  honte,  comment  lu  as  delarpc 
ta  robe. 

I  OEFR&UDE,  I  begyle  or  disceyve.  Je  deframle, 
prim.  conj.  You  raay  truste  me,  if  you 
lyste,  but  I  dyd  never  defraude  nian  of  a 
grote  in  niy  iyfe  :  vous  vous  pouei  fier  en 
moy,  si  vous  playst,  mays  je  ne  dejrauday 
jamays  homme  dung-  gros ,  jour  Je  ma  vie. 

I  DEJECTE,  1  caste  a  waye.  Je  dejecte,  prim.  conj. 
This  is  no  tliyng  to  he  thus  dejccted  :  ce 
nest  pas  chose  pour  estre  aynsi  dejectée. 

1  DEï  (Lydgate),  conjugate  in  n  I  dye  » ,  I  parte 
my  Iyfe.  Je  meurs. 

I  DEIFYE,  I  makc  an  erthly  nian  aGod,  as  the 
gentyilcs  dyd.  Je  déifie,  prim.  conj.  The 
Romayns  werc  called  wyse  men,  but  they 
were  sliamelesse  Datterers  to  deifye  their 
emperours  :  les  Romayns  estoyent  tenus  pour 
saiyes  gens,  mays  Hz  estoyent  Jlatteurs  sans 
toute  honte  de  déifier  leurs  empereurs. 

1  DELAYE  one,  or  déferre  hym,  or  put  hym  backe 
of  hispurpose.  Je  délaye,  prim.  conj.  You 
hâve  delayed  me  longe  ynoughe,  I  praye 
you ,  iet  me  bave  the  tliing  I  come  for  : 
vous  mauez  assés  délayé,  je  vous  prie  que  je 
puisse  auoyr  la  chose  pour  quoy  je  suis 

I  délaye  the  payne  or  atehe  that  one  sufiereth 
by  any  medycine.  Jassouaqe,  prim.  conj. 
This  is  a  soverayne  medyciue,  for  it  halh 

delayed  my  payne  in  iesse  than  halfe  an 
hour  :  ceste  medicine  est  fort  souuerayne , 
car  elle  a  assouagè  ma  peyne  en  moyns 
dune  demy  heure. 

I  DELATE  (  Lydgate),  conjugate  in  «Idylate». 

I  DEALE,  I  mcddyll.  Je  me  mesle,  verbum  mé- 
dium prim.  conj.  i  wyll  nat  mcdle  with 
hym  :  je  ne  me  mesleray  poynt  a  luy. 

I  deale,  I  havo  maters  lo  do  willi  one.  Jay 
affaire,  i  wyll  nat  deale  with  hym  noulher 
hole  nor  colde  :je  uauray  poynl  a  faire  a 
luy  ne  tant  ne  quant. 

I  DELEGATE  niyne  auctorite,  as  a  superiour 
judge  that  puttcth  an  inferyour  pcrsone 
in  his  auctorite.  Jt  délègue,  prim.  conj. 
The  bysshop  hath  delcgate  the  dcane  in 
this  mater  :  leuesque  a  délégué  le  doyfu  en 
ceste  affaire. 

I  DELïTE,  or  take  plcasure,  or  rejoyse  in  a  thyng. 
Je  me  délecte,  je  me  suis  délecté,  délecter, 
verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  I  delyte  as 
moche  in  your  communycacion  as  in  any 
mannes  that  I  knowe  me  délecte  autant 
en  voz  deaises  qnen  homme  que  je  sayche. 

I  DELÏVEH,  I  gyve  a  thyng  in  to  ones  bandes  to 
kepe.  Je  Hure,  prim.  conj.  1  delyver  hym 
my  gowne  :  je  luy  liuray  ma  robbe,  and  je 
baille  en  garde,  jay  baillé  en  garde,  bailler 
en  garde,  prim.  conj.  On  whome  shulde 
I  demaunde  it  but  on  you,  I  delyvered  it 
you  and  to  no  man  els  :  de  qui  le  deman- 
deroyejefors  que  de  vous,  je  le  baillay  a 
vous  en  garde  et  a  nul  aaltre. 

I  delyver,  1  hclpe  ont  of  daunger.  Jedeliure, 
prim.  conj.  Trust  in  God,  and  in  ail  thy 
troubles  he  shall  delyver  the  :  mets  ta 
fiance  en  Dieu  et,  en  toutes  tes  tribulacions , 
il  te  deliurera.  I  bave  delyvered  hym 
lay  deliuré. 

I  delyver  quickly,  as  one  dothe  in  syngyngé  that 
devydeth  small.  Je  diminue,  prim.  conj.  I 
never  berde  boye  in  my  Iyfe  delyver  more 
quyckely  :  jamays  a  ma  vie  ne  ouys  garçon 
diminuer  plus  legierement. 

I  delyver,  I  rydde  or  dispatcbe  thyngcs  sbortly 
out  of  bandes.  Je  despeche,  prim,  conj.  Hc 



is  worthy  lo  havc  maters  in  hande,  for  lie 
can  delyver  them  as  soone  as  any  man 
that  ever  I  sawe  ;  il. l'st digne  dauoyr  des 
matières  eu  mayn,  car  il  les  scajt  despcs- 
cher,  or  il  se  scayt  despescher  délies,  aussi 
lost  que  homme  (jue  je  visjamajs, 

I  delyver  me,  I  rydde  me  eut  of  suclie  Com- 
pany as  I  am  werye  of.  Je  me  deffais,je 
me  suis  dejfaict,  dejfaire,  verbum  médium , 
conjugale  lyke  liis  symple  je  Jais ,  I  do.  I 
was  wery  of  his  companye  longe  a  go, 
but  I  can  nat  delyver  me  of  hym  by  no 
meanes  :  je  esloye  las  de  sa  compaignie 
lon<i temps  passé,  majsje  ne  me  puis  dejfaire 
de  luy  par  nul  mojen. 

I  DF.i.DDE,  I  scorne  or  mocke.  Je  delude,  prim. 
conj.  I  tliought  full  lytell  that  you  wolde 
thus  bave  deluded  me  for  my  good  wyll  : 
je  ne  pencay  pas  que  vous  me  voalsissiez 
ainsi  deluder  pour  mon  bon  voulojr. 

i  DELVE,  I  dygge  with  a  spade  or  shovell.  Je 
fouis,  sec.  conj.  and  je  bêche,  prim.  conj. 
and  je  tourne  la  terre,  and  je  houe,  prim. 
conj.  When  Adam  delveth  and  Eve  span , 
who  was  tban  a  genlylman  :  quant  Adam 
Jouissoyt,  or  beschoyl,  or  toarnoyt  la  terre, 
or  houoyt,  et  EuefUoit,  qui  estoyt  alors  cjen- 

I  DEMADNDE,  I  aske  a  thyng.  Je  demande,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  inlerrogae,  prim.  conj.  da- 
tivo  jungilnr.  Whonic  dcmaundc  you  for  : 
pour  qui  demandez  vous  ?  Demaunde  of  liym 
selfe,  and  tban  you  shali  knowe  tlie  tru- 
the  :  demandez  a  luy  mesmes,  or  interroguez 
luy  mesmes ,  et  adonc  cognoislerez  vous  la 

I  DEME ,  or  judge  a  thynge.  Je  pense  and  /e  dime. 
As  forfortlie  as  I  deme,  il  shall  be 
founde  so  :  pour  autant  que  je  pense,  on 
le  trouuera  aynsi.  A  blynde  man  can  nat 
deme  no  couiours  :  vng  aaeugle  ne  peult 
poynt  juger,  or  dimer  les  couleurs. 

I  DEMEANE,  or  bebavc  my  selfe,  or  I  order  me 
in  a  mater.  Je  me  porte,  je  me  suis  porté, 
porter,  vcrbura  médium  prim.  conj.  and 
je  macquitte,je  me  suis  acquitté,  acquitter. 

verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  and  je  me 
demayne,  je  me  suis  demayné ,  demaynet, 
verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  I  never  sawe 
man  in  my  lyfe  demeane  liim  selfe  better 
tban  be  dyd  :  jamays  en  ma  vie  ne  vis 
homme  se  porter  mieulx,  sacquitter  mieuLc, 
se  demayner  mieulx  quiljist, 

I  DEMENE  (Lydgate),  idem. 

I  DENïE,  I  say  nay  to  a  tliynge.  Je  denye,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  nye,  prim.  conj.  and  je  re- 
nye,  prim.  conj.  1  denye  nat  but  I  was 
there,  but  I  sawe  no  gloves  than  ne 
denye  pas,  or  je  ne  nye  pas  que  je  y  estoys, 
mays  je  ne  vis  pas  de  gans  alors.  As  for  je 
renye  is  I  denye,  or  I  forsake  my  fautes 

I  denye  a  man  his  petycion  or  request.  Je 
refuse ,  prim.  conj.  und  jescondis ,  jay  es- 
condict ,  escondire ,  conjugale  lyke  bis 
sympleje  dis,  I  say.  I  thougbt  full  lytell 
you  wolde  hâve  denyed  me  so  small  a 
tbyng  :  je  ne  pensoye  poynt  que  vous  me 
voulsiisiez  refuser,  or  que  vous  me  voul- 
sissiez  escondire  si  peu  de  chose. 

I  denye  a  tbyng,  whan  I  am  asked  tbe  ques- 
tyon,  bycause  I  wyll  nat  abyde  by  it,j> 
desaduoue,  prim.  cônj.  He  sayd  be  wolde 
do  it  yesterdaye,  and  nowe  be  denyetli 
it  :  il  disoyt  hyer  qail  leferoyl,  et  mayn- 
tenant  il  le  desaduoue, 

I  denye  a  tbyng,  F  say  naye  to  a  thyng  that  a 
man  bath  sayd  to  my  burte  afore  a  judge. 
Je  mopose,  verbum  médium  prim.  conj. 
I  denye  nat  but  that  you  be  my  judge, 
but  tbat  you  shulde  gyve  sentence,  or  I 
be  laufuUy  warned ,  that  I  denye  ne  nye 
pas  que  vous  soyez  monjugc,  mais  que  vous 
deussiez  bailler  sentence,  auanl  que  je  soye 
deaement  admonesté,  a  cela  je  my  oppose. 

I  DENODNCE,  I  sbewe  or  déclare.  Je  dénonce, 
prim.  conj.  He  is  deuounced  a  cursed  : 
il  est  dénoncé,  excommunié. 

I  DENTE.  Jenfondre,  prim.  conj.  It  was  an  hor- 
ryble  stroke,  se  bowe  it  hatb  dented  in  his 
harnesse  :  ce  fust  vng  coup  horrible,  aqar- 
dez  comment  il  a  enfondré  son  harnoys. 


I  DEPARTE ,  I  devyde  thynges  asonder.  Je  dépars, 

nous  départons ,  je  départis,  jay  deparly , 

(jue  je  départe,  départir,  lert.  conj.  conju- 
gale lyke  his  symple  Je  pars,  I  parle.  And 

je  desassemble,  prini.   conj.  Depaile  ihis 

meate  a  sonder  :  départez,  or  séparez,  or 

desassemblez  ceste  pièce  de  viande. 
1  départe ,  I  distrybule.  Je  distribue,  prim.  conj. 

Deparle  lo  every  man  alyke  :  distribuez  a 

ckascun  sa  portion  egalle. 
I  départe  lliynges  asonder  that  bejoyned  togy- 

tlier.  Je  sépare,  prim.  conj.  No  man  can 

parthe  iheni  :  nul  ne  les  peull  séparer. 
I  deparle,  I  distrybule  ihe  partes  of  a  ihynge 

to  dyvers  persons.  Je  mespars,  conjugale 

lyke  his  sympie  je  pars,  I  parte.  He  hath 

quarlered  an  oxe  and  departed  him  unto 

foure  persones  :  i7  a  escartellé  vng  beuf  et 

la  mesparty  a  quatre  personnes. 
1  départe ,  or  devyde  thynges  asonder  that  were 

myxed  or  medlfd  togyther.  Je  desmesle, 

prim.   conj.   and  je  desjoings ,  conjugale 

lyke  his  symp]e  je  joints ,  I  joyne.  Deparle 

ihis  skayne  of  ihrede ,   we  can   nat  els 

wynde  il  up  :  desmeslez  cesie  pièce  dejil,  ou 

aultrement  nous  ne  scaurions  la  deuider. 
I  deparle  from  a  place  or  from  a  person.  Je  me 

pars,  nous  nous  partons,  je  me  partis ,  je  me 

suis  party,  je  me  parliruj,  (jueje  me  parte, 

de  me  partir,  verbum  médium  tert.  conj. 

Whan  departed   he   from  his  lodgyng  : 

quant  se  departist  il  de  son  logys?  They  wyl 

départe  wilhout  your  knowledge,  and  you 

be  nat  ware  :  Hz  se  partiront  sans  le  sceu, 

or  le  congé  de   tious,  se  vous  ny  prennez 

I  départe  from  a  place  to  gyve  an  other  man 

place.  Je  cède,  prim.  conj.  dativo  jungilur. 

And  Je  pars,  conjugale  in  «  I  parle  ».  I  am 

content  to  deparle  lo  gyve  him  place  :  je 

suis  content  de  luy  céder,  or  je  suis  content 

de  me  party  r  pour  luy  faire  place. 
I  départe  farre  oui  of  ones  companye,  properly 

in  displeasure  oulher  lo  hym  thaï  so  do- 

ihe  départe,  or  to  ihc  persons  he  so  depar- 

teth  from.  Je  mesloigne,je  me  suis  esloigné. 

esloigner,  verbum  médium  prim.  conj. 
Whiche  I  fynde  wrillen  somtymeje  me 
aloigne,  je  me  suis  aloigné,  aloigner,  ver- 
bum médium  prim.  conj.  0  Ihe  sorowes 
that  I  bave  for  my  lover  whiche  is  depart- 
ed from  me  :  o  les  regrelz  que  jay  de  ma 
mye  qui  sest  esloignée  .de  moy. 

\  départe  forthe  of  niy  lodgyng.  Je  me  desloge, 
je  me  suis  deslogé,  desloger,  prim.  conj. 
verbum  mcdium.  Whan  wyll  you  départe 
outof  thys  lodgynge  :  quant  vous  deslogerez 

I  deparle  from  my  wyfe  by  the  lawe  :  Je  me 
diuorse.  1  hâve  naughl  to  do  wilh  her,  we 
bc  departed  nay  riens  a  fayre  auec  elle, 
nous  sommes  diuorsez. 

I  départe  from  my  wyfe,  or  devorce  my  selfe 
wilhout  the  order  of  the  lawe.  Je  me  de- 
marie,je  me  suis  demarié ,  demarier,  ver- 
bum médium  prim.  conj.  He  is  departed 
from  his  wyfe  and  kepeth  another  wo- 
man  :  il  se  est  desmarié  et  entretient  vne 
aullre  femme.  Sbe  is  departed  from  her 
houshande  :  elle  se  est  desmarive. 

I  deparle  oui  of  the  woride  ,  I  dye  or  lele  my 
lyfe.  Je  trespasse ,  prim,  conj.  and  je 
desaie,  prim.  conj.  and  je  vas  de  vie  en 
trespas,je  men  suis  allé  de  vie  en  Irespas, 
aller  de  vie  en  trespas.  Whan  departed  he  : 
quant  trespassa  il,  quant  desaia  il,  quant 
alla  il  de  vie  a  trespas  ?  And  je  me  meurs. 
They  departed  in  that  lowne  Iwenly  on  a 
daye  :  Hz  sen  moururent  en  ceste  ville  la 
vingt  pour  vng  jour. 

I  DEPAïNlE,  I  coloure  a  thynge  wilh  colours. 
Je  depayngs,  conjugale  lyke  his  sympie  je 
payngs,  I  paynte.  This  terme  as  yct  is  nat 
admytted  in  comen  spetche. 

I  DEPENDE,  as  one  tbyng  hangeth  or  dependeth 
upon  an  other.  Je  dépens,  jay  dépendu, 
dépendre,  conjugale  like  his  sympie  je  pens, 
I  hange.  This  mater  dependeth  upon  the 
mater  written  hère  byfore  :  ceste  matière 
depent  sur.  la  matière  cscripte  icy  deuant. 

I  DEPOSE,  I  put  one  downe  oui  of  auctorile  and 
from  his  dignyte.  Je  dépose,  prim.  conj.  Il 



is  a  great  sorowe  to  be  deposed  worthyly. 
cest  vite  gmnt  douleur  que  désire  déposé  a 
jusle  cause,  or  a  bonne  cause. 

I  dépose  or  sweare,  as  wytnessc  do  byfore  a 
judge.  Je  dépose,  prim.  conj.  I  dare  dépose 
upon  a  booke  that  he  his  nat  gylty  in  tbis 
mater  ose  déposer  sur  vng  liure  quil  nesl 
pas  coalpable  en  ceste  matière  içy. 

I  DEPRAVE ,  I  raake  worse  the  estymacyon  of  a 
thynge  by  my  leporle.  Je  depraue ,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  deturpe,  prim.  conj.  It  is  an 
envyouse  mans  dede  to  déprave  a  man 
causeiesse  :  cest  le  faict  dan(j  enuieux  de 
dcprauer  vny  homme  sans  cause. 

I  OEPRESSE,  I  tbruste  downe,  or  kepe  iowe.  Je 
déprime,  prim.  conj.  It  is  no  honour  to 
depresse  a  good  man  :  ce  nest  pas  honneur 
que  de  déprimer  vng  bon  homme. 

I  DEPRIVE,  I  take  anay  a  thyng  from  one,  or  I 
put  one  downe  from  bis  oflice  or  dig- 
nyte.  Je  depriue ,  prim.  conj.  and  je 
priue,  prim.  conj.  He  is  deprived  of  his 
offyce  :  il  est  priaé  de  son  offce.  Wbo  hath 
deprived  hym  :  qui  la  depriué? 

I  DEPOTE,  I  appoynte  one  to  a  romme  or  of- 
fyce. Je  députe,  prim.  conj.  I  muste  nedes 
départe,  but  I  wyll  députe  some  bodye  in 
my  romme  :  il  me  Jault  deparljr,  mays  je 
deputeray  quelqun  en  mon  lieu. 

I  DERE ,  I  burte.  Je  nuys ,  conjugate  in  «I 
«  noyé  ».  I  wyll  never  dere  you  by  my  good 
wyll  -.jamays  je  ne  vous  nuyrajr  de  mon  bon 

I  dere,  I  grève.  Je  blece,  prim.  conj.  A  lytell 
tbynge  wyll  dere  bym  :  peu  de  chose  le 

I  OERKE.  Johscuns,  obscurir,  sec.  conj.  Thèse 
cloudes  derke  the  wether  sore  :  ces  nuées 
obscurisseni  le  temps  fort. 

I  DERïVE,  or  bringe  one  tbynge  ont  of  another, 
as  water  is  brougbt  whan  it  is  brought 
from  the  spring.  Je  deriuc,  prim.  conj. 
His  lynage  is  deryved  out  of  the  house  of 
Melysyn  :  son  lignaige  est  deriaé  hors  de  la 
mayson  Melysin. 

I  DESCENDE,  or  go  downe,  or  lyght  downe.  Je 

descens,  nous  descendons ,  je  descendis ,  jaj 
descendu ,  je  descendray,  que  je  descende , 
descendre,  prini.  conj.  Christ,  after  his 
passion ,  discended  downe  to  bell  :  Christ, 
après  sa  passion,  descendit  aux  enfers, 

I  DESCLABNDER,  I  hurte  or  hyndcr  ones  good 
name  by  reporte.  Je  scandalise,  prim. 
conj.  Why  bave  you  sclaundred  hym  thus  ; 
pour  quoy  lauez  vous  aynsi  scandalisé? 

I  DESCRYEE,  I  sette  fortbe  the  facyons  or  ma- 
ners  of  a  thyng.  Je  descrips,  nous  descrip-  descripuis,jay  descript,je  descrip- 
ray,  que  je  descripae,  descripre,  conjugate 
iyke  his  symple  jVjeri/)S,  I  write.  Pholo- 
mye  bath  discryved  the  worlde  best  of  any 
one  man  afore  our  tyme  :  Pholomye  a  des- 
cripl  le  monde  mieulx  que  nul  aultre  deuant 
noz  jours. 

I  DESCRTVE,  I  déclare  the  facyons  or  maners  of 
a  tbynge.  Je  hlasonne,  prim.  conj.  and  je 
descrips,  conjugate  in  «  I  descrybe  ». 

I  DESERVE,  I  earne  a  thynge.  Je  desers,  nous 
deseruons,je  deserays,jay  deseruy,je  deser- 
uiray,  que  je  deserue,  deseruir,  tert.  conj. 
and  je  mérite,  prim.  conj.  SLnàjemer)S,jay 
mery,  meryr,  sec.  conj.  I  bave  well  de- 
eerved  thankes  rjo)'  tien  mérité, jay  bien 
mery  des  grans  mertys. 

I  deserve ,  I  rewarde  ones  paynes  that  be  taketh 
for  me.  Je  gaerdonne,  prim.  conj.  I  thanke 
you  of  your  paynes  and  1  wyll  deserve  it 
to  you  :  je  vous  remercye  de  vos  paynes  et  je 
vous  le  deseruiray,  or  je  le  vous  guerdon- 

I  DESïRE,  I  covet  a  thyng.  Je  désire,  prim.  conj. 
dativo  jungitur.  I  desyre  nothyng  of  you 
but  my  ryght  :  je  ne  désire  aullre  chose  de 
vous  Jorsque  mon  droyt.  I  desyre  bym  :jc 
luy  désire. 

I  desyre,  I  pray  one  to  do  a  thing.  Je  prie,  prim. 
conj.  dativo  jungitur.  I  shall  desyre  hym 
to  do  so  moche  for  you  :  je  lay  prieray  de 
faire  autant  pour  vous, 

I  desyre  to  dynner,  or  to  a  feest,  or  any  repast. 
Je  semons,  jay  semons,  semondre,  conjugate 
afore  in  «  I  byd  lo  dyner  ».  I  wolde  be  glad 


lo  come,but  I  am  byd  to  dyner  els  where  : 

je  viendrojs  voulenllers,  majs  je  suis  semons 

a  disner  atillre  part, 
1  DESïSTE,  I  ieave  of  a  mater  or  a  purpose  and 

medyil  no  more  wilh  il.  Je  désiste ,  prim. 

conj.  I  counsayle  you  desyst  from  this pur- 
pose  :  je  vous  conseille  de  désister  de  ce 

I  DEsoLATE,  I  forsake  one  and  leaVe  hym  com- 

forllesse,  or  I  make  a  countrey  anhabyted. 

Je  désole,  prim.  conj.  This  countraye  is 

desolate  and  bath  no  body  to  dweil  in  it  : 

ce  pays  est  désolé  et  na  nul  qui  Ihabite. 
I  DESPAYRB,  I  am  in  wan  hope.  Je  despere,  prim. 

conj.  Dispayre  nat,  raan,  God  is  tbere  be 

was  wonte  to  be  :  ne  le  despere  pas.  Dieu 

est  la  ou  il  souloyt  estre. 
I  DESPYSE,  I  set  at  naught.  Je  contenme,  prim. 

conj,  Thou  haste  no  nede  to  dispyse  raen 

on  thismaner,  iflhoulokewcllaboutetbe: 

tu  nos  pas  mestier  de  contemner  les  (jens  en 

ce  poynl,  si  ta  regardes  bien  a  ton  cas. 
I  DESPOïLE  and  marre.  Je  gaste,  prim.  conj. 

This  meate  is  dispoyled  :  cesle  viande  est 

1  despoyie,  I  take  away  by  vyoience.  Je  desrobe. 

He  hath  dispoyled  hym  of  ail  the  goodes 

lie  had  :  i7  le  a  desrobbé  de  tous  les  biens 

quil  auojrl. 
I  DESTïTDTE,  I  forsake  or  Ieave  a  Ihyng  or  per- 

sone.  Je  destitue,  prim.  conj.He  is  desty- 

tuteofallthe  frendeshe  had:  ileal  destitué 

de  tous  les  amys  quil  a,  or  de  tous  ses  amis. 
I  DESTBAYNB  a  persoDe  of  bis  lybertye  (Lydgale), 

conjugale  in  «  f  dislrayne  p.  Je  reliens,  con- 
jugale in  «I  bolde».  I  intende  nat  to  dis- 

trayne  the  of  tby  lybertye  :  je  nay  pas  in- 

lencion  de  te  retenir  de  ta  liberté. 
I  DESTROïE ,  or  marre  a  tbyng.  Je  desiruys,  nous 

deslruysons ,  je  desiruysis,  jay  destruict,  je 

destruiray,  que  je  destruise,  que  je  destruy- 

sisse,  destruyre,  tert.  conj.  and  Je  démolie, 

prim.  conj.  He  halb  distroyed  me  :   il  ma 

desiruyt.  And  je  abolis,  jay  aboly,  abolyr. 

sec.  conj. 
i  destroye,  or  caste  away  my  sel fe,  as  one  dotbe 

Ibat  kylleth  hym  selfe.  Je  nie  deffays, 
conjugale  lyke  je  fays.  The  felowe  is 
maddc,  he  wyll  destroye  him  selfe,  if  he 
may  be  suffred  :  le  compaignon  est  hors  du 
sens,  il  se  veult  deffairc  si  on  luy  permet. 

I  destroye,  or  wasle  a  countray.  Je  depopule, 
prim.  conj.  He  hath  utterly  distroyed  his 
counlrayes  :  i7  luy  a  depopule  ses  pays. 

I  DETACTE,  I  sclaunder  or  backebyte.  Je  scan- 

1  DETECTE,  I  disclose  oncs  secrète  counsayle. 
Je  détecte,  prim.  conj.  He  hath  delecled 
hym  of  heresye  :  il  la  délecté  de  hérésie. 

I  DETERMYNE ,  I  make  a  conclusyon  in  a  mater. 
Je  détermine,  prim.  conj.  Theré  can  no 
raan  determyne  this  mater  so  well  as  you 
can  your  selfe  :  il  ny  a  nul  qui  scayt  si  bien 
déterminer  ceste  matière  que  vous  mesmes. 

I  determyne  wilh  my  selfe  to  do  a  thyng.  Je  me 
délibère ,  je  me  luis  délibéré,  délibérer,  ver- 
bum  médium  prim.  conj.  and  je  me  dé- 
termine, je  me  suis  déterminé,  prim.  conj. 
Whan  I  determyne  with  my  selfe  to  do  a 
thyng,  f  love  nat  to  be  lette  :  quant  je  me 
délibère  de  fayre  quelque  chose,  je  ne  ayme 
pas  que  nul  ne  menpesche. 

ï  DEVBR,  I  applye  my  mynde  to  do  a  ihing.  Je 
fays  mon  debaoir,je  me  applique,  etc.  I  shall 
devoyre  roy  selfe  to  the  besl  thaï  I  maye: 
je  Jeray  mon  debaoyr  au  moyns  mal  que  je 

I  DEVYDE,  I  parle  thyngcs  a  sonder.  Je  pars, 
nous  partons,  je  partys,  jay  party,je  par- 
iiray,  nous  partissons,  que  je  parte,  que  je 
purtysse,  partisisse,  partyr,  tert.  conj.  and 
je  deuise,  prim.  conj.  Devyde  this  same  in 
Iwayoe  :  partissez  cecy  en  deux,  or  deuisez 
cecy  en  deux. 

I  DEVïNE,  I  gesse  orymagyne.  Je  deuine,  prim. 
conj.  He  were  a  wyse  man  thaï  coulde 
devyne  vyhal  they  talke  of  uowe  :  ce  seroyt 
vng  saige  homme  qui  sceusl  denincr  de  quoy 
cest  qnilz  parlent  asteure. 

I  DEVYSE,  I  lalkc  or  fynde  comunycacion.  Je 
deuijc,prim.  conj.He  can  dcvyse  and  fynde 
comunycacion  the  beste  that  ever  I  sawe: 



i7  scayt  deuiscr,  or  commnmcijaer  le  mieulx 
que  je  vis  oncques. 
l  devyse,  I  discryve  or  yraagyn.  Je  deuise,  prim. 
conj.VVho  wolde  hâve  tlioughtthatever  be 
coulde  hâve  devysed  suche  a  mater  :  qui 
east  pencé  qiiil  sceuslymaginer,  or  machiner 
vne  telle  chose  ? 
I  DEVOïDE,  I  avoyde  or  shonne.  Je  eaite,  prim. 
cooj.  Il  shalbe  barde  to  devoyde  tbis 
mater  :  ce  seroyt  forte  chose  de  euiter  ceste 
I  DEVORCB,  I  départe  a  man  and  his  wyfe  a  son- 
der (Lyd.),  conjugale  in  •!  dyvorce». 
Syth  they  be  maryed  togyther,  they  can 
nat  be  devorced  withoul  a  reasonable 
cause  :  puisquilz  sont  maiyez  ensemble,  on 
ne  les  peall  deuorcer  sans  cause  raysonabte. 
I  DETOunE,  as  a  wylde  beest  dolh  his  praye.  Je 
deuoure,  prim.  conj.  Tbis  wolfe,  and  he 
were  let  lose,  wolde  devowre  a  hole  flocke 
of  shepe  in  a  nyghl  :  ce  loup,  sil  estoyt  mys 
au  larye,  deuourcroyt  vng  troupeau  de  brebis 
entièrement  par  vne  nujct. 
I  devoure  a  mayden  or  woman  agaynsl  her 
wyll.  Je  rauys,jay  rauy,  rauyr,  sec.  conj. 
and  Je  viole,  prim  conj.  He  hath  devourcd 
twenly  maydens  and  wyves  agaynst  their 
vvylles  in  bis  dayes  :  i7  o  rauy,  or  il  a  violé 
vingt  jilles  et  femmes,  contre  leur  gré,  en  son 

D    BYPOBE    I. 

I  DYCHE,  Imake  or  cast  a  dicbe  aboul  a  place.  Je 
jecte  desfossez,  prim.  conj.  He  hath  dycb- 
ed  his  bouse  substancially  :  il  a  jeclé  des 
fosse:  autour  de  sa  mayson  bien  parfondes. 

I  DTE,  I  parte  my  lyfc.  Je  me  meurs,  nous  nous 
mourons ,  je  nie  mourus,  je  me  suis  mort,  je 
me  mourray,  que  je  meure,  que  je  mourusse, 
mourir,  and  in  this  sence  y  fynde  also  je 
vas  de  vie  a  trespas,  aller  de  vie  a  trespas, 
aud  je  Irespusse,  prim.  conj.  and  je  vas 
mourir.  As  forjV  deuie  is  olde  Bornant.  Elle 
alla  de  vie  a  trespas.  And  for  I  sball  dye 
but  ones  :  je  ne  mourray  que  vne  foys,  je 
ne yray  de  vie  a  trespas,  je  ne  trespatseray, 
je  ne  deuieruY  que  vne  foys. 

I  DïE,  as  a  dyer  dolh  clothe  or  any  other  Ihing 
in  to  colour.  Je  laings,  nous  taignons,  je 
taignis,jay  taincl,je  laindray,  que  je  taigne, 
laindre,  tprt.  conj.  This  dyer  dyetli  none 
other  coloures  but  onely  scarlets  :  ce  tainc- 
turier  ne  tayngt  poynt  daultres  couleurs  fors- 
que  seullement  escarlattes. 

I  DYPFACE,  I  bring  out  of  order,  or  lèse  ihe 
beaulte  of  a  ibyng.  Je  defface,  prim.  conj. 
The  glossc  of  this  satyn  is  dyflaced  for  one 
dayes  wearyng  :  le  lustre  de  ce  satyn  est 
deffacé  pour  lusement  dung  jour  seulement. 

I  DïFFAUE,  I  slaunder.jfieJi^amc, prim. conj.  Il 
is  pytie  and  synne  to  diffame  any  person 
wrongfully  :  cest  pitié  et  pechié  que  de 
diffamer  vne  personne  a  tori  el  sans  cause. 

1  niFFF.NDE  (Lydgat),  conjugale  in  «I  de- 
«  fende  » . 

I  DiFFEu,  as  one  tbynge  differeth  and  is  dif- 
férent from  another.  Je  me  diffère,  prim. 
conj.  As  moche  differeth  a  wise  man  from 
a  foole  as  golde  from  leade  ;  autant  se  dif- 
fère vng  sage  dauec  vng  fol  que  lor  dauecques 
le  plomb.  They  differ  moche  :  Hz  se  entre- 
dijferent  beaucoup. 

I  dilFer  to  do  a  ihynge  unlo  an  other  tyme.  Je 
diffère,  prim.  conj.  Il  is  folye  to  differ  the 
Ibing  lyll  to  morowe  that  had  nede  to 
be  doone  by  and  by  :  cest  folye  que  de  dif- 
férer la  chose  jusques  a  demayn  qui  a  bien 
mestier  de  sefayre  tout  incontinent. 

I  DiFFïGDRK,  1  bring  out  of  knowlege.  Je  de- 
figure,  prim.  conj.  andjV  difforme.  (Lyd- 
gat). Loke  in  «  1  déforme  ».  Nolhyng  more 
diffygureth  a  man  than  folyssheapparayle: 
rien  ne  défigure,  or  ne  difforme  vng  homme 
plus  que  fol  uccoustrement. 

I  DiPFïNE,  I  delermyue  or  judge  in  a  thyng. 
Je  diffine,  prim.  conj.  and  je  diffinis,  sec. 
conj.  I  wyll  nat  take  upon  me  to  difTyne 
the  mater  ne  vculx  poynt  prendre  sur 
moy  de  deffiner,  or  de  dijjiner  ceste  ma- 
tière la. 

1  niFFYE,  I  set  at  naught.  Je  deffie,  prim.  conj. 
I  diffye  the,  I  set  nat  this  by  the  :  je  te  def- 
fie, je  ne  te  estime  pas  de  cecy. 




I  DiGEST  niy  meale  in  my  slomacke.  Je  digère, 
prim.  conj.  He  maye  boidely  eatc  well,  for 
he  dygesteth  well  :  i7  peall  haràimenl  bien 
manrjier,  car  il  digère  bien, 
1  DYGGE  in  tlie   grounde  witli  a  maltocke.  Je 
hoae,  prim.  coiij.  and  je  ahenne,  prim. 
conj .  Dygge  bereaboufcs  a  stroke  or  twayne 
witb  tby  maltocke:  houez,  or  aheiwez  icy 
en  drojt  vng  coup  ou  deiLt  de  ta  houe. 
I  digge  tbe  grounde  aboute  ibcrooles  of  trees. 
Je  cerjouis,  sec.  conj.  To  make  your  trees 
beare,  dygge  them  aboute  tbe  rootes  :  pour 
faire  porter  vos  arbres,  cerjouisscz  les. 
I  dygge  willi  a  spade  or  shovell.  Je  Jouis,  sec. 
conj.  I  bave  dygged  ail  this  quarter  of  my 
garden  to  day  :  jay  foay  tout  ce  quartier  de 
mon  jardyn  aujourdhuy. 
I  dygge ,  or  burye  in  tbe  grounde.  Jenfoays,jay 
enfouy,  enfouyr,  sec.  conj.   I  wyli  dygge 
this  dogge  in  to  tbe  grounde  somwbere 
for  feare  of  stynkyng  :je  enfouy ray  ce  chien 
quelque  part,  de  paour  qail  ne  pue,  or  de 
paour  qail  ne  face  de  panaysie. 
I  dygge  my  horse  in  tbe  sydes  witb  my  spores. 
Je  broche  des  espérons,  jay  broché  des  espé- 
rons, brocher  des  espérons,  prim.  conj.  or 
je  donne  des  espérons.  Dygge  tby  borse  in 
tbe  sydes,  if  tbe  jade  wyll  nat  go  ;  broche 
des  espérons,  or  donne  des  espérons  a  ton 
cheual,  si  la  charoigne  ne  veult  poynt  mar- 
I  dygge  in,  or  stabbein  witb  a  sbarpe  poynted 
weapen.   Jenfdle,   prim.   conj.   Ile   batb 
dygged  bym  in  nat  witbstandyng  bis  ai- 
mayne  ryvettes  :  il  la  enJUlè  ce  nonobstant 
ses  cuirasses. 
I  DïGHT,  I  dresse  a  thynge.  Jabille,  prim.  conj. 
and  in  tbat  sence  i  fynde  yacouifrCj  prim. 
conj.  A  foule  woman  rycbly  dyglit  seiiieth 
fayre  by  candell  iygbt  :  vne  femme  riche- 
ment acoustrée,  or  habillée,  semble  belle  a  la 
I  DYGBESSE  from  my  mater  and  talke  of  a  tbyng 
tbat  notbynge  belongelb  tberunto.  Je  me 
desbauche,je  me  suis  dcsbauché,  desbaucher, 
vcrbum  médium  prim.   conj.  and  je  di- 

gresse.  I  wyll  dygrcsse  from  my  mater  a 
wbyle  and  retourne  to  il  anone  agayne  ; 
je  me  desbaucheray ,  or  je  digresseray  de  ma 
matière  et  men  retourneray  tantosl  a  mon 

l  DYLATE  a  mater,  I  make  it  iongar  by  tbe  de- 
ciaryng  of  tbe  cyrcomslances.  Je  dilate, 
prim.  conj.  I  bave  herde  bym  dylatc  a  ma- 
ter of  tbre  wordes  tbat  hath  lasted  a  bole 
boure  :je  lay  ouy  dilater  vne  matière  de  trois 
parolles  qui  a  durée  plus  dune  heure  en- 

I  DïMiNïssHE,  I  make  lesse.  Je  diminue,  prim. 
conj.  and  in  tbis  sence  I  fynde  also  used 
jamenuyse,  prim.  conj.  By  often  dyminissb- 
vngofbis  treasure,  it  is  almost  corne  to 
notbyng  :  par  souaent  diminuer,  or  amenuy- 
ser  son  trésor,  il  est  presqaes  deaenu  a 

I  dimynyssbe  tbe  auctorite  of  a  judge  or  other 
person.  Je  derogue,  prim.  conj.  I  dymi- 
nysshe  bis  jurysdiction  :  je  lay  desroguesa 
jurisdiction,  dativo  jungitur. 

I  DTMME  tbe  coloure  or  beautye  of  a  tbyng.  Je 
obfusque,  prim.  conj.  Se  bowe  thèse  tor- 
ches bave  dymmed  tbis  gyiting  :  agardez 
comment  ces  torches  ont  obfusque  ceste  dor- 

I  dymme ,  I  blemyssbe  or  make  darke  tbe  lyght 
of  a  tbyng.  Je  obscurcys,jay  obscurcy,  sec. 
conj.  Tbe  lyght  of  tbe  sonne  is  never 
dymmed  by  tbe  moone,  but  at  tbe  con- 
junction  :  la  clarté  du  soleil  nest  jamays 
obscarcye  par  la  lane,  se  ce  nest  a  lacon- 

I  DÎNE,  I  take my  rcpaslat  noone.  Je dine,  prim. 
conj.  Wyll  you  dyne  so  soone,  it  is  nat 
yet  an  boure  sytbe  you  brak  your  fast  : 
voulez  vous  diner  si  tost,  il  ny  a  pas  vne 
heure  encore  depuis  que  vous  auez  des- 

1  DYPPE  in  tbe  water  or  any  other  lycour.  Je 
plonge  en  leaae,  jay  plongé,  plonger,  prim. 
conj.  I  fynde  a\sojentaings,jay  enlaynct, 
entayndre,  conjugale  lyke  bis  symple  je 
taings,  I  dye  in  colours.  He  dypped  bym 



in  the  waler  over  lieed  and  eares  :  i7  le 
plongea  en  leaue  pardessus  les  oreilles  et  le 
coiipeau  (le  la  teste. 

I  DïRECTE  a  letter  to  a  person ,  or  selle  a  tbyng 
in  the  strayght  ^yaye.  Jadresse,  prim.  conj. 
and  je  redresse,  prim.  conj.  Thèse  letters 
be  dyrected  to  me  :  ces  lettres  sont  adres- 
sées, or  radressies  a  moy. 

I  DYRKE,  I  make  dyrke  (Lydgat),  declared  in 
il  darke». 

I  DisACCSTDME,  I  disuse  a  ihyng  that  I  was 
wonte  to  use.  Je  me  desacoastume ,  je  me 
suis  desacottstumé ,  desucoustunier,  verbum 
médium  prim.  conj.  For  one  that  is  disa- 
custumed,  it  is  a  great  payne  to  be 
brought  in  good  order  :  a  vng  qui  scst  desa- 
coastume, cest  vne  grant  peyne  destre  ra- 
dressé  en  bon  ordre. 

I  DisALOWE,  or  holde  nat  with  a  person  in  his 
acte.  Je  dcsaloue,  prim.  conj.  I  iove  bym 
well,  but  1  disalowe  hym  beryn  :  je  le  loue 
bien,  maysje  ledesaloue  en  cecy. 

I  DISAPERE  (Lydgale).  Je  dispars,  conjugale 
lyke  je  appars,  I  apere.  The  vysion  dis- 
apered  incontynent  :  la  vision  disparut 
tout  incontinent, 

I  DiAspoïNTE,  I  breake  a  poyntcment  with  a 
person,  or  hynder  hym  of  his  purpose.  Je 
desappoincte ,  prim.  conj.  Thou  haddest 
thought  to  begyle  me,  but  I  shall  dis- 
apoynte  the  :  tu  pencoys  de  me  tromper,  mays 
je  te  desapoynteray. 

I  DiSARAïE,  I  bring  oui  of  araye  or  oui  of  or- 
der. Je  desaroye,  prim.  conj.  Who  bath 
disaraycd  yonder  bande  of  footemen  :  qui  a 
desaroye  cesle  bende  de  pieions  la  ? 

I  DISARME,  I  dymynisshe,  or  pat  of  ones  ar- 
moure.  Je  desarme,  prim.  conj.  Hc  was 
disarnied  al  the  first  course  ;  il  Just  dé- 
sarmé a  la  première  course. 

1  DISAVAYLE  006,  I  hynder  his  avauntage.  Je 
luy  porte  dommaige,  prim.  conj.  By  thaï 
onely  worde,  be  batli  disavayled  me  more 
than  an  hundred  pounde  :  par  cesle  seulle 
parotle  la,  il  ma  porté  dommaige  de  plus  de 
cent  Hures. 

I  DISAVAUNCE ,  I  disalowe  or  hynder.  Je  desau- 
ance,  prim.  conj.  I  shal  disauaunce  him 
more  in  an  bour  than  thou  shaite  be  able 
to  auaunce  hym  ail  thy  lyfe  after  le 
desauanceray  plus  en  vne  heure  que  ta  ne 
lauanceras  en  toute  ta  vie  après. 

I  DisDOURSE,  I  laye  money  oui  of  my  parce.  Je 
desbource,  prim.  conj.  I  bave  disboursed 
for  hym  above  a  hundred  pounde,  but  I 
can  gel  never  a  peny  :  jay  desbource  pour 
luy  plus  de  cent  Hures,  maysje  ne  puis  pus 
recouarer  vng  seul  denier. 

l  DiscENDE,  I  go  downe  from  a  hyghe  place. 
Je  descens,  nous  descendons ,  je  descendis, 
jay  descendu,  je  descenderay,  que  je  des- 
cende, descendre,  tert.  conj.  I  can  nat  dis- 
cende  without  I  hâve  some  helpe  :  je  ne 
puis  pas  d£scendre  sans  en  auoyr  quelque 

I  discende,  I  go  downe  (Lyd.).  Je  descens,  con- 
jugate  in  si  discende». 

I  DiscEASE,  I  dye  or  départe  outof  this  worlde. 
Je  vas  de  vie  en  trespas,je  men  suis  allé  de 
vie  en  trespas,  aller  de  vie  en  trespas.  He 
disceased  the  morowe  after  balowenday 
or  upon  alisoUenday  :  il  alla  de  vie  a 
trespas  lendemayn  de  la  Toussayncts ,  or  le 
jour  des  mors. 

I  DISCERNE,  I  judge,  or  put  a  dififcrencc  by- 
twene  ihynges.  Je  discerne,  prim.  conj.  I 
can  nat  discerne  that  thcre  is  any  diffé- 
rence bytwene  them  :  je  ne  puis  poynt  dis- 
cerner quily  a  rien  a  dire  entre  eulx. 

I  DiscnARGE  one  of  bis  offyce  or  busynesse.  Je 
descharge,  prim.  conj.  Whan  was  he  dis- 
charged  of  his  offyce  :  quant  fust  il  des- 
chargé de  son  ojfice  ? 

I  discharge  one  of  a  burlben  that  he  bearetb , 
or  a  carte,  or  hors,  or  bote,  or  any  suche 
lyke.  Je  descharge,  prim.  conj.  Discharge 
this  horse  of  his  burthen  :  deschargez  ce 
chenal  de  son  fuys. 

I  DISCLOSE  a  mater,  or  breake  my  mynde  to  a 
person,  Jejays  ouuerture ,  jay  Jaict  ouaer- 
tare,  faire  ouuerture,  I  disclosed  this  mater 
to  no  man  lyvyng  but  onely  unto  hym  : 


je  ne  Jls  ouuerture  de  cesie  matière  a  nul 

homme  viuantforscjue  a  lay  seulement. 
I  disdose,  I  uncover  a  ihing  ibat  is  liydde  or 

kept  secrète.  Je  desclos,  jaj  desclos,  des- 

clorre,  conjugale  in  je  clos,  I  close;  and 

descouuers,  conjugale  lyke  bis  sympieje 

couuers,  I  cover.  This  trcasure  shall  never 

be  disclosed  for  me  :  ce   trésor  ne  sera 

jamais  desclos,  or  descouaert  pour  moy. 
l  disclose,  or  bring  to  lygbl  treason.  Je  détecte, 

prim.  conj.   Who  disclosed  tbis  treason 

first  :  qui  détecta  premier  ceste  trahison  ? 
I  disclose,  I  betraye  ones  counsayle.  Je  descou- 
uers, conjugale  lyke  bis  symplej'e  couuers, 

I  cover.  I  wyll  never  disclose  your  coun- 
sayle whyle  I  lyve  xjamaysje  ne  descouure- 

ray  vostre  conseil  tant  que  je  viue, 
I  DiscOLODR,  I  cbaange  tbe  naturall  colour  of 

a  ibyng.   Je  descoaloure,  prim.   conj.   Se 

howe  sore  tbis  same  is  discoloured  nowe  : 

agardez  maintenant  comment  cecy  est  des- 

I  DiscOMFïTE,  I  pul  one  oui  of  comforte,  or 

overcome  bym.  Je  descends,  nous  dcscon- 

Jisons,  or  desconjlons ,  je  desconfis,  jay  des- 

conJlt,je  desconfiray ,  que  je  desconjie,  que 

je  desconfisisse ,  desconjire ,  lert.  conj.  He 

hatli  discomfyted  hym  in  playne  balayle  : 

il  la  desconfit  en  bataylle  rengée. 
l  DiscoMPOBT,  I  bring  one  oui  of  comforte.  Je 

descomjorte ,  prim.  conj.  He  is  in  sorowe 

ynougbe,  ibougbe  you  discomforle  bym 

nati  il  est  assés  doulent,  combien  que  vous 

ne  le  descomjortez  pas. 
I  DISCONSOI.ATE,  I  bring  oui  of  comforl.  Je  des- 

consolate,  prim.  conj.   This   terme  is  nat 

yet  comenly  used.   Who  hath  ihus  dis- 

consolated   bym  :  qui   la  ainsi  desconso- 

1   DISCONTENT,  I  displeasc.  Je  mescontente,  prim. 

conj.  I  bave  served  you  well  ail  my  lyfe, 

and  never  discontented  you  by  my  good 

wyll  :  je  vous  ay  bien  seruy  tout  le  long  de 

ma  vie,  et  jamays  ne  vous  mescontentay  de 

mon  bon  gré. 
I  DISCORDE,  I  mysgre.  Je  descorde,  prim.  conj. 

Their  Iwo  sayenges  discorde  greatly  :  les 
ditz  de  ces  deux  se  entre  descordent  beau- 

J  DisnovER,  1  open  or  uncover  a  thyng.  Je  des- 
couuers, jay  descouert,  descouurir,  conju- 
gale lyke  bis  symple  je  couures,  I  cover. 
Howe  longe  hath  this  vessell  standc  dis- 
covered  :  combien  est  ce  que  ce  vaisseau  a 
esté  descouert  ? 

I  DiscRESSE ,  I  growe  lasse  or  dymynyssbe.  Je 
descroys,  jay  descreu,  descroislre ,  conju- 
gale lyke  bis  symple /<>  croys,  I  growe.  His 
auctoryle  discreasetb  every  day:  son  auc- 
torité  descroyst  de  jour  en  jour. 

I  DiscRïE  an  armye ,  or  a  nombre  of  ones  ene- 
myes,  or  I  bring  to  lighl  a  mater  or  ones 
counsayle.  Je  descouures,  jay  descouuert, 
conjugale  lyke  bis  symple  je  couures,  I 
cover.  Wbo  discryed  yonder  horsemen 
Grsl  :  qui  descouuroyt  premier  ces  gens  a 
cheual  ta  ?  Saye  to  me  whal  you  wyll ,  I 
wyll  never  discover  or  discrye  you  :  dictez 
moy  cea  que  vous  voulez,  jamays  ne  vous 

I  DiscRïVE,  I  déclare  or  set  fortbe  a  mater.  Je 
descrips,  conjugale  lyke  his  simplej'c  es- 
crips,  \  Write.  I  can  discryve  ail  Ihe  facions 
of  his  bouse  as  well  as  thoughe  I  bad 
dwelled  wilb  bym  thèse  seven  yeres  :  je 
scay  aussi  bien  descripre  tout  lestre  de  sa 
mayson ,  comme  si  je  eusse  demouré  auec- 
qucs  luy  sept  ans. 

l  DtscuBE,  I  bewraye  one.  Je  détecte,  prim.  conj. 
I  never  discured  man  thaï  Irusted  me 
yel:  jamays  ne  detectay,  or  ne  descouurys 
personne  encore  qui  sejia  en  moy. 

I  discure,  I  shewe  or  déclare  a  thyng.  Je  dé- 
clare, prim.  conj.  I  can  discure  tbis  ma- 
ter my  selfe  scay  déclarer  ceste  matière 
moy  mesmes. 

I  DisccssE,  I  dcbale  or  reason  a  mater  or  con- 
clude  a  ihynge.  Je  discute,  prim.  conj. 
The  mater  is  liarder  to  discusse  than  you 
wene  of  :  la  matière  est  plus  difficilte  a  dis- 
cuter que  vous  ne  pencez. 

I  DISDATNE,  I  dispyte  or  selle  al  naughl.  Je  des- 



daigne,  prim.  conj.  and  je  contre  daigne, 
prim.  conj.  and  je  indigne,  prim.  conj. 
Why  disdaynest  tbou  me,  1  am  as  good  a 
mans  son  as  thou  :  pour  quoy  me  desdaygnes 
m,  or  coniredaignes  tu,  or  indignes  tu,  je 
suis  Jilz  daussi  bon  homme  que  toy. 

I  DiSEASE  or  noy  a  person.  Je  desayse,  prim. 
conj.  and  jennuye,  prim.  conj.  and  je 
inguiette,  prim.  conj.  and  je  moleste,  prim. 
conj.  Ifidysease  you,  I  pray  you  pardon 
me  :  si  je  vous  desayse,  si  je  vous  enuye, 
si  je  vous  inijaiette,  si  je  vous  moleste,  je 
vous  prie  le  me  pardonner. 

I  DISPAYRE,!  am  In  wan  hope.  Je  désespère, 
prim.  conj.  Never  dispayre,  man,  God  is 
ihereas  he  was  :  ne  désespérez  poynt,  car 
Dieu  est  la  ou  il  est  aprins  destre. 

I  DisPïGOUB,  or  déforme  the  shappe  of  a  thyng. 
Je  dejjigure,  and  je  dcfforme,  prim.  conj. 
He  is  the  sorest  diffygured  persone  that 
ever  I  sawe  :  cest  la  plus  dejigurée  personne, 
or  la  plus  deff'ormée  personne  que  je  vis  ja- 

I  DISGARNYSSHE,  I  onprovyde  or  I  ongarnysshe. 
Je  desgarnys,  sec.  conj.  This  liouse  is  dis- 
garnysshed  me  thynkc,  nowe  he  is  gone  : 
il  mest  aduys  que  ceste  mayson  est  desgarnyc, 
puis  quil  se  est  en  allé. 

I  DISGRADE  a  preesl  of  his  orders.  Je  dégrade, 
prim.  conj.  A  preesl  may  do  so  great  a 
faultc  thaï  he  shal  he  disgraded  ;  vng  pres- 
Ire  pcult  commettre  si  granl  crime  quil  sera 

l  DisGRE ,  I  agre  a  mysse ,  as  syngars  do ,  or  one 
note  with  an  other,  or  any  other  thyng.  Je 
mescorde,  prim.  conj.  andj«  me  entremes- 
corde.  Thèse  syngyng  men  disgree  ever  : 
ces  chantres  sentremescordent  tousjours. 

I  DisGïSE  a  thyng,  I  bring  it  out  of  knowledge 
by  dyvers  apparayle  or  alteryng  of  the  fa- 
cyon.  Je  desguyse,  prim.  conj.  and  je 
transforme,  prim.  conj.  This  man  hath 
disgysed  hym  selfe  a  purpose  bycause  he 
wolde  nat  be  knowen  :  cest  homme  cy  se 
est  desguyse,  or  transformé  tout  a  escient, 
a  cause  quil  ne  vouloyl  poynt  estre  cogneu. 

I  DiSHERïiE,  I  put  a  person  from  his  enhery- 
tauuce.  Je  déshérite,  prim.  conj.  I  wolde 
nat  diiheryle  the  ryght  heyre  for  ail  the 
good  in  ihc  worlde  :  je  ne  vouldroye  poynt 
déshériter  le  droit  hoyer  pour  tous  les  biens 
du  monde. 

I  DISHONEST.  Jauile,  prim.  conj.  and  je  aailene, 
prim.  conj.  and  je  deshoneste.  Thou  dis- 
honestes  al  ihy  kynne  :  tu  auiles,  tu  uui- 
lenes  or  tu  deshonestes  tous  tes  parcns. 

I  DiSHONODR  a  person.  Je  deshonore,  prim.  conj. 
The  lewdenesse  of  the  servaunte  can  nat 
dishoDour  the  lorde,if  he  be  nat  parte 
taker  :  la  simplesse  du  seruiteur  ne  peult 
poynt  déshonorer  son  seigneur,  sil  ne  soyl 
poynt  participant. 

I  DisiNHABYTE  a  couQlrey,  I  make  it  barayne 
of  dwellynge  people.  Je  depopule,  prim. 
conj.  This  countraye  is  utteriydisinhabyt: 
ce  pays  est  entièrement  depopule. 

I  DYSYN  a  dystaOe,  I  put  the  flaxe  upon  it  to 
spynne.  Je  charge  la  quenouille.  And  I  had 
disyned  my  distaffc,  I  durste  drinke  with 
the  hest  of  you  :  si  je  eusse  vne  foys  chargé 
ma  quenouille,  je  buueroys  a  qui  mieulx 

I  DisJOYNE,  I  descever  one  thing  from  another. 
Je  desjoings,  conjugat  lyke  his  symple 
jejoyngs,  I  joyne.  It  is  harde  to  disjoyne 
tbem ,  they  be  nayled  to  faste  therto  :. 
cest  forte  chose  de  les  desjoyndre,  Hz  sont 
trop  seurement  attachez  de  clous. 

I  DiSMAYE ,  I  put  a  person  in  fere  or  drede. 
Je  desmaye,  prim.  conj.  and  je  esmaye, 
prim.  conj.  I  never  sawe  man  in  my  lyfe 
sorer  dismayed  :  jamays  a  ma  vie  ne  vis 
homme  plus  grandement  esmayé ,  or  dis- 

I  DISMEUBER,  [  pull  the  lymmes  of  a  man  or 
beest  in  peces.  Je  desmembre,  prim.  conj. 
He  was  dismembred  with  wylde  horses  : 
ilfusl  desmembré  a  cheuaulx  sauaaiges. 

I  DISMYSSE,  Iput  downe  a  persone  from  his 
offyce,  or  discharge  a  person  of  his  awayt- 
yng.  Je  desmets,  jay  desmys,  desmettre, 
conjugate  lyke  his  symple  j>  mets,  I  put. 



He  was  dismyssed  of  his  ofiyce  and  an 
otiier  put  in  his  romme,  or  ever  I  knewe 
it  :  il  estoyt  desmjs  et  vng  aultre  mjs  en  sa 
place,  auant  (jaeje  sceusse  riens. 

l  DisoBEY  my  supérieurs  commaundement.  Je 
desobeys,  jaj  desobej,  desoheyr,  sec.  conj. 
I  wyll  never  disobey  my  prince  nor  my 
bysshoppe  :  jamays  ne  desobcyray  a  mon 
prince  ne  a  mon  euesque. 

I  DISOBDEH,  I  bring  out  of  order.  Je  desordre 
and  je  desordonne,  prim.  conj.  Who  halh 
disordred  my  bokes,  and  I  badde  nobody 
shuide  touche  them  lyli  I  came  agayne  : 
qui  a  desordonné  mes  liares,  or  mjs  en  de- 
sordre mes  liares,  et  je  commanday  que  nul 
ne  les  toiichast  tant  que  je  fusse  de  retour, 
or  retourné. 

I  DISPABKLE.  Jescarte,  je  desempare,  je  dcsas- 
semble,  and  je  disparse,  prim.  conj.  They 
be  disparkled  nowe  many  a  myle  a  son- 
der :  Hz  sont  desasscmblcz ,  Hz  sont  dispar- 
sez  maynte  myle,  or  lieue,  densemble. 

I  DisPARPïLi.  (Lydgate),  idem. 

I  DISPATCBE ,  I  rydde  maters  or  any  busynesse 
quyckly.  Je  despechc,  prim.  conj.  I  bave 
dispatched  thèse  four  felowes  quyckiy  : 
jay  despeclié  ces  qaattre  galans  vistemcnt. 
And  in  this  sence  I  fynde  je  ckeuis,  sec. 
conj.  We  shall  dispatche  us  of  hym  well 
ynoughe  :  nous  nous  chcuirons  de  lay  assez 

I  DisPAYRE,  I  am  in  wan  hope  aud  mystrust 
that  a  tbyng  shulde  be.  Je  désespère,  prim. 
conj.  and  Je  despere,  prim.  conj.  Dispayre 
nal,  man,  God  shall  sende  the  good 
ynoughe  for  ail  this  :  ne  te  despere,  or  dé- 
sespère poynt.  Dieu  tenuoyera  des  biens 
assez  non  obstant  tout  cecy. 
1  DISPENCE  with  one,  as  a  prelate,  whan  he 
releaseth  his  penaunce ,  or  dischargeth 
hym ,  thoughe  he  do  nat  the  thyng  he  is 
bounde  unto.  Je  dispence,  prim.  conj.  If 
thou  breake  tby  faste  heyng  thus  weyke, 
r  dare  dispence  with  the,  if  thou  bave  a 
good  wyll  to  faste  :  se  tu  romps  ta  jeune 
estant  sifoyble  que  tu  es,  je  ose  bien  dispen- 

cer  auecques  toy,  mais  que  tu  ares  le  voul- 
loyr  de  jeûner. 

I  DISPENDE,  I  laye  out  money  aboute  my  costes 
or  charges.  Je  despens,jay  despendu,  des- 
pendre, tcrt.  conj.  conjugate  lyke  his 
symple  je  pens,  I  liange.  If  thou  dispende 
thy  géodes  on  this  facion ,  thou  shall  sone 
be  poore  :  si  la  despens  tes  biens  en  ce  poyni, 
ta  seras  bien  tost  poure. 

I  DISPENDE,  1  consume  or  waste.  Je  consume, 
prim.  conj.  I  dispende  hère  my  tyme 
and  my  lyfe,  and  al  for  naught  :  je  con- 
sume ycy  mon  temps  et  nui  rie,  et  tout  pour 

I  dispende ,  I  bestowe  aboute  a  purpose.  Jem- 
ploye,  prim.  conj.  Thou  dispendest  thy 
money  about  naught  lyke  a  foole:  tu  em- 
ploys  ton  argent  pour  rien  comme  vng  fol. 

I  DlSPElîs,  I  sparkyll  a  brode.  Je  disperse,  prim. 
conj.  His  goodes  be  nowe  dispersed,  I 
feare  me  tbey  wyll  nat  so  soone  be 
brougbt  togythcr  agayne  :  ses  biens  sont 
mayntenanl  dispersez,  je  me  double  quHt 
ne  seront  pas  si  tost  rassemblez. 

I  DispYSE,  I  set  at  naught.  Je  contempne,  prim. 
conj.  He  that  dispyseth  ail  men  ail  men 
wyll  do  the  same  to  hym:  celay  qui  con- 
tempne tout  homme,  on  leseruira  de  mesmes. 

I  DISP1TE,  I  grutche  or  reprime  agaynst  a 
thing.  Je  me  despite ,  je  me  suis  despité , 
despiter,  verbum  médium  prim.  conj. 
You  never  sawe  man  dispyte  agaynst  an 
other  on  that  facyon  :  jamays  ne  vistez 
homme  se  despilcr  contre  vng  aultre  en  ceste 
facion  la. 

I  dispyte  a  person ,  I  sel  hym  at  naught,  or  pro- 
voke  hym  to  anger.  Je  despile,  prim.  conj. 

It  dispyteth  me  :  il  me  despile,  impersonale. 
It  dispyteth  me  lo  se  bis  facyons  :  il  me 
despite  de  veoyr  ses  façons  défaire. 

I  nisPLAYE ,  I  sprede  abrode  a  baner  or  suche 
lyke  thyng.  Je  desploye,  prim.  conj.  Saynte 
Cutbertes  banner  was  never  yet  displayed 
agaynst  the  Skottes  but  tbey  bad  the 
worse  '.jamays  jusques  a  ores  ne  fut  lestan- 
dart  de  saynct  Cathber  desployé  contre  les 


Escossoys  quils  nen  eussent  du  pire,  or  du 



I  DispLEASE,  I  miscontent  one.  Je  desplajs, 
jay  despieu,  desplaire,  conjugale  lyke  Lis 
sympleje  plays,  I  please,  and  je  mescon- 
tente,  prim.  conj.  Who  so  ever  be  dis- 
pleased  witball  :  a  qui  que  doye  desplaire. 
No  man  displeased ,  tliis  is  my  mynde  and, 
as  [  am  remembred,  tbe  civyle  lawe  bol- 
detb  with  me  :  mays  que  a  nulluy  ne  des- 
plaise, cecy  est  mon  opinion  et,  pour  autant 
quH  men  souuient,  le  droyt  ciuil  tient  pour 

I  DISPOÏLE,  I  robbe  or  marre  a  tbyng  by  tak- 
yng  away  some  portions  from  it.  Je  des- 
pouille,  prim.  conj.  Who  halh  thus  dis- 
poyled  bym  :  qui  ta  aynsi  despouillè  ? 

I  DISPOYNT ,  or  hynder  him  of  bis  purpose ,  or 
I  breake  a  poyntemenl  with  a  person.  Je 
desappoincte,  prim.  conj.  dativo  jungitur. 
I  sbali  dispoynle  him  for  ail  his  haste,  I 
holde  hym  a  peny  luy  desapoynleray,je 
gaige  vng  denier,  quelque  haste  quiljace. 

I  DISPORTE  me.  Je  me  eshas ,je  me  suis  esbatu, 
esbatre,  tert.  conj.  conjugale  lyke  his 
simple  je  bas,  I  béate.  Go  disporte  you 
with  ihem,  tliey  be  good  felowes:  allez  vous 
esbalre  auecques  eulx,  Hz  sont  bons  compai- 

I  DISPOSE  goodes  to  dyvers  folkes.  Je  distribue, 
prim.  conj.  He  halh  disposed  his  goodes 
lyke  a  wyse  man ,  and  halh  niade  his  tes- 
tament afterwarde  :  H  a  distribué  ses  biens 
comme  vng  saige  homme,  et  afaict  son  testa- 
ment après. 

I  dispose,  I  ordayne  or  dislrybute  a  tbyng  al 
my  wyll.  Je  dispose,  prim.  conj.  I  wyll 
dispose  ihis  mater  as  I  shall  tliynke  best: 
je  disposeray  de  ceste  madère  comme  il  me 
semble  le  mieulx. 

I  dispose  or  prépare  my  selfe  to  do  a  tbyng. 
Je  me  habilite,  je  me  suis  habilité,  habiliter, 
prim.  conj.  I  wyll  dispose  me  to  niorowe, 
to  juste  agaynst  al  corners  :  je  me  habili- 
teray  demain  de  jouster,  or  de  couryr  a  la 
lance,  contre  tous  venons. 

I  DISPODRVEY,  I  unprovyde.  Je  despouruoys, 
conjugale  like  his  symple  je  pouruoys,  l 
provyde.  They  be  dispourveyed,  I  knowe 
ilwell  :  Hz  sont  despouraeus,je  le  scay  bien. 

I  DISPRAYSE  a  person  or  a  tbyng.  Je  desprise, 
prim.  conj.  I  wyll  nouther  prayse  hym, 
nor  disprayse  hym ,  for  I  knowe  him  nat  : 
je  ne  le  priseray,  ne  je  ne  le  despriseray,  car 
je  ne  le  congnoys  pas. 

I  DISPUTE,  I  reason  or  argue  with  one.  Je  dis- 
pute, prim.  conj.  Me  thynke  I  durste  dis- 
pute in  this  mater  agaynst  ihe  greatest 
clerke  in  Englande:  il  mesi  aduis  que  je 
oseroye  disputer  de  ceste  matière  contre  le 
plus  grant  clerc  dAngleterre. 

I  DisQDïET,  I  trouble  one  of  his  rest.  Je  in- 
quiète, prim.  conj.  and  je  moleste,  prim. 
conj.  He  disquyeteth  me  liorrybly  a 
nygbtes  with  his  réveil  :  il  me  inquiète  hor- 
riblement toutes  les  nuycts  de  sa  mauluayse 

I  DisATSE  one,  I  put  hym  oui  of  possessyon.  Je 
dessaisine,  prim.  conj.  and  je  dessaisie, 
prim.  conj.  He  was  in  peasible  posses- 
sion ,  who  halh  dyseased  hym  nowe  :  il 
estoyt  en  possession  paisible,  qui  est  ce  qui 
la  mayntenant  dessaysiné ,  or  dessaysié? 

I  DissERNE  (Lydgat),  I  parceyve ,  conjugale  in 
dl  discerne». 

I  DISSERVE  a  rewarde  or  mede.  Je  mérite,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  dessers,  conjugale  lyke  his 
symple  je  sers ,  I  serve.  I  bave  deserved 
Iwenty  pounde,  gyve  me  wbal  you  wyll  ". 
jay  mérité,  or  jay  desseruy  vingt  Hures, 
donnez  moy  cea  que  vous  voulez. 

I  DissEVER,  I  parte  thynges  a  souder.  Je  sépare, 
prim.  conj.  And  you  wyll  knowe  tbe 
trutbe ,  dyssever  ibcm ,  ami  examyne  ihem 
straytly  :  si  vous  voulez  congnaystre  la  vé- 
rité, séparez  les,  et  les  examinez  estroyte- 

I  DissYMCLE  or  DISSEMBLE,  I  coiour  a  tbing. 
Je  dissimule,  prim.  conj.  Thou  cannest 
dissymule  as  well  as.any  felowe  in  this 
towne  :  tu  scays  aussi  bien  dissimuler  que 
homme  que  soyt  en  ceste  ville. 



I  dissymule,  1  make  in  counlenaunce.,  as  tbough 

a   tbyng  were  nat  that  is.  Je  dissimule, 

priai,  conj.  Loke  iipon  his  counteaaunce 

howe  he  dissyinuletli  :   auiscs  a  sa  conte- 
nance comment  il  dissimule, 
1  DISSOLVE ,  as  a  counsayle  or  assemblye  is  dis- 

solved.  Je  dissolue,  prim.  conj.  Tiiis  con- 

gregacyon  sliali  dissolve  to  morowc  :  cesie 

congrégation  se  dissoluera  demiijn. 
I  dissolve,  as  lieate  dothe  lyconr,  nhan  it  is 

frosen ,  or  I  iose  thynges  a  sonder.  Je  dis- 
solue, pvim.  con].  It  is  a  wonderouse  thyng 

of  ihe  fyre,  for  it  byudeth  .sooie  Ihynges 

and    dissoiveth   soine   tliinges  :   cesl  vne 

chose  maruaillease  que  da  feu,  caraulcunes 

choses  il  lye  et  les  aultres  il  dissolue. 
1  DisTAYNE,  I  cliaunge  the  coloure  ofa  thyng. 

Je  destaings,  conjugate  lyke  liis  sympleje 

taings,  I  dye  in  colours.  This  drinke  liatli 

dîstayned  niy  doublet  foule  :    ce  boyrc  a 

destaynct  mon  pourpoynt  mllaynement. 
1  DISTEMPER,  I  bring  into  heate  or  dispose  unto 

an  ague.   Je  désaltère,  prim.   conj.  This 

hôte  wether  hath  distempred  him,  I  feare 

me  he  shall   bave  an  ague  :  ceste  grant 

chaleur,  or  ce  cluialt  temps,  la  désaltéré ,  je 

me  double  quil  aura  vne  jieure. 
l  distemper,  I  bring  out  of  frame.  Je  desa- 

trempe,   prim.   conj.  Distemper  the   nat 

with  to  moche  drinke ,  for  a  dronkcn  man 

is  but  a  beest  :  ne  ie  desatrempe  poynt  par 

trop   hoyre,    car  vng  yaroingne   nest   gune 

I  DiSTïLLE,  as  watersbe  stylied  in  a  styllytorie , 

or  droppe  softely.  Je  distille,  prim.  conj. 

This   rose  water   distylleth    but  soflely; 

ceste  eaue  de  roses  ne  distille  que  tout  belle- 
I  DISTOCRBE,  I  trouble  or  bring  out  of  quyet- 

nesse.  Je  destourbe,  prim.  conj.  I  hâve  a 

sewte  to   you ,  but  J  dare  nat  distourbe 

you  .jay  vne  matière  dont  je  vous  vouidroye 

supplier,  maysje  ne  vous  ose  destourher. 
I  DiSTBAYNE  a  persone  of  his  lyberlye,  or  plucke 

some  thynge  from  hym  that  belongeth 

him.  Je  destraygns,  nous  destraygnons ,  je 

destraignis,jay  destraigncl,  je  destraindray, 
que  je  dcstraigne,  desiraindre,  tert.  conj.  I 
shail  distrayne  hym  of  his  lybertye  more 
than  ever  I  dyd  :  je  le  desirayndray  de  sa 
liberté  plus  que  je  ne  fis  jamuys. 

1  DISTRESSE ,  I  put  a  thynge  to  an  utter  profe  to 
trye  whether  it  wyll  liolde,  or  endure,  or 
nat.  Je  destraigns,  conjugate  hère  next 
afore.  He  djstrayned  it  so  sore,  that  I 
wente  he  wolde  hâve  liroken  it  :  il  le  des- 
trayngnoyt  si  fort  que  je  cadoye  quil  eust 
voulu  rompre, 

I  DISTRYBUTK  a  thynge  to  many  persoiis.  Je  dis- 
trybue,  prim.  conj.  and  je  commigne,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  communicque,  prim.  conj. 
and  je  impurtys,  jay  imparty ,  impartir, 
sec.  conj.  and  je  dispence,  prim.  conj. 
I  shall  distrybute  thèse  thynges  equally 
amongest  them  distribueray,  or  je  com- 
migneray,  or  je  commanicqueray,  or  je  im- 
parliray  ces  choses  entre  eulx  esgallement, 

I  DisTROBLE ,  or  disease  a  person.  Je  destourbe, 
prim.  conj.  and  je  trouble,  prim.  conj. 
declared  in  a  l  distourbe». 

I  DiSTROïE  a  countrey,  as  men  of  armes  do 
the  landes  of  their  enemyes.  Je  depopule, 
prim.  conj.  They  bave  distroyed  ail  the 
marches  with  their  horsemen  :  ih  ont 
depopule  toutes  les  marches  de  leurs  gens  de 

I  distroye,  I  breake  or  throwe  downe  a  thyng. 
Je  demolys ,  jay  demoly,  démolir,  sec.  conj. 
He  hath  distroyed  his  casteli  bande  mothe: 
il  a  demoly  son  chasteau  rasibus  de  terre. 

I  distroye,  I  marre  a  thyng.  Je  destruys,  nous 
desiruisons ,  je  destruysis ,  jay  destruyct ,  je 
destruyray ,  que  je  destruise,  deslruire,  tert. 
conj.  and  in  this  sence  I  fynde  jabolys, 
jay  aboly,  abolir,  sec.  conj.  and  je  deffays, 
jay  dejfuici,  dejfaire,  conjugate  lyke  fais 
symple  je  fays ,  I  do,  conjugate  in  the, 
seconde  boke,  and  je  dissipe,  prim.  conj. 
A  lyteil  thynge  wolde  make  me  to  dis- 
troye my  selfe  :  a  pou  que  je  ne  me  deffays. 
He  hath  distroyed  me  :  i7  ma  destruyct,  il 
ma  aboly,  il  ma  dejfaict,  il  ma  dissipé. 



I  distroye,  or  bring  a  thynge  to  endc  or  confu- 
syoïi.  Je  extermine ,  prim.  conj.  He  is  ut- 
terly  distroyed  for  this  woride  :  i7  est  du 
tout  exterminé  pour  ce  monde. 

I  DISTROUBE,  1  troubyli.  Je  destourbe,  prim. 
conj.  declarcd  in  «  I  dislourbe  ». 

1  DisusE.  Je  desusp,  and  je  ubuse,  prim.  conj.  I 
can  nal  shote  nowe  but  with  great  payiie, 
I  am  so  disused  :  je  ne  puis  mwynlenant  ti- 
rer de  lare  si  ce  nest  a  grant  payne,  je  suis 
tant  desusé. 

I  DTVE ,  or  douke  under  the  water,  as  a  man  or 
foule  dothe,  or  sny  sucbe  lyke.  Je  plinge, 
prim.  conj.  He  can  dyve  under  the  water 
as  lie  were  a  ducke  :  il  scayt  plinger  de 
soubz  leaue  comme  sil  estojt  ing  cannart. 

I  DïVERSE,  I  make  différence.  J«(iiucr<i/î«,  prim, 

I  DYVERTE,  I  tourne  fro  my  purpose  or  mater. 
Je  me  détourne,  prim,  conj.  and  je  me  di- 
uertis,  sec,  conj.  I  wyll  dyvert  from  this 
mater  :  /e  me  detourneray  de  cesle  matière, 
or  Je  me  diuertiruy. 

I  DiVYDE  a  thyng  in  to  many  peccs.  Je  des- 
pece,  prim.  conj.  I  wyll  devyde  this  apyll 
into  foure  :  je  despeceray  ceste  pomme  en 

I  divyde  a  sonder  thynges.  Je  diuide,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  destigne,  prim.  conj.  A  man 
may  devyde  a  small  thynge  in  to  a  great 
many  peces  :  on  peult  diuider  me  petite 
chose  en  beaucoup  de  menues  pièces. 

I  dyvyde,  or  parte  in  sonder  in  to  two  partes  of 
equall  quantyte.  Je  mespartys,  jay  mes- 
party,  m£spnrtir,  sec.  conj.  Let  us  flrst  de- 
vyde this  wcdge  of  golde  in  to  two  par- 
te» :  mespartissons  primier  ce  limjol  dor  en 

I  devyde  or  parte  thynges  a  sonder  tbat  were 
myxed  or  fastyned  togyther.  Je  desmesle, 
prim.  conj.  Let  us  devyde  this  skayne 
a  sonder,  or  els  we  can  never  wynde  it  : 
desmeslons  cest  escheueau ,  ou  aultrement 
nous  ne  le  deuijerons  jamays. 

I  DïVïNE,  I  gesse  or  ymagyne  whu  sbulde  do 
a  thynge  or  whal  is  done.  Je  deulne,  prim. 

conj.  F  shall  gyve  the  a  grote,  if  thou 
cannest  devyne  wbat  shall  corne  of  hym: 
je  te  domieray  vng  gros,  si  tu  scays  deuiner 
qui  deuiendra  de  luy,  or  quil  auiendra. 

1  DivYSE,  I  phantasy  of  a  thyng.  Jedeaise,  prim. 
conj.  I  can  devyse  a  thing  wel,  but  1 
can  nat  penne  it  :je  scay  bien  deuiser  vnc 
chose,  maysje  ne  scay  pas  bien  bcsoinijner 
de  la  plume. 

I  DïVoncE,  I  parte  a  man  nnd  his  wyfe  a  sonder. 
Je  diuorce,  prim.  conj.  Who  bath  dyvorsed 
tiiem  :  qui  les  a  diuorsès? 

I  DYVCLGATE  8  mater,  I  blowe  it  abrode.  Je 
diuulgarise,  prim.  conj.  I  thought  full 
lytell  he  wolde  bave  dyvulgate  this  mater: 
je  ne  pencay  poynl  quil  eusl  voulu  diualger 
ceste  matière,  or  diuulganser. 

D  BïFonE  O. 

I  DO.  Moche  good  do  it  you  :  bon  preu  vous 
face.  Lyttle  good  do  it  you  :  ha,  sire,  que  mal 
preu  vous  face.  He  tbat  dothe  well  bath 
well ,  and  he  tbat  dothe  amysse  shall  bave 
therafter  :  qaifaict  bien  bien  luy  en  preni, 
et  quifaict  mal  mal  luy  en  prendra. 

I  DOCKE ,  I  cutte  of  an  horses  or  beestea.  tayle 
to  the  rompe.  Je  nioucfte, prim, conj.  Docke 
yoiir  horse  tayle,  and  make  bym  a  cour- 
taull  :  mouchés  la  queue  de  vostre  cheual,  et 
faictez  de  luy  vng  coarlault. 

I  DOCTnYNE,  I  teache  one  on  any  maner  of  lem- 
yng.  Je  doctrine,  prim.  conj.  He  hath  ben 
well  doctryned  :  il  a  esté  fort  bien  endoc- 

I  DO,  is  a  verbe  moche  comenly  used  in  our 
tonge  to  be  put  byfore  other  verbes  :  as  it 
is  ail  one  to  soy  «  I  do  speke,  I  do  thynke, 
«I  do  Write,  I  do  conjecture»,  and  suche 
iyke,and  f  I  speake,  I  thynke,  I  write,  I 
«conjecture».  But  in  the  frencbe  tonge 
tbey  use  never  to  put  any  verbe  tbat 
countrevayletb  «Ido»  in  this  sence,  but 
use  tbc  verbe  selfe  onely,  lyke  as  for  n  I 
«  did  speake ,  I  dyd  thynke ,  I  dyd  write ,  I 
«  dyd  conjecture  »  they  use  ever  the  prêter 
imperfyte  tence  or  the  indiffynite  tcnce  of 



the  verbes  selfe  in  thcir  tonge,  and  never 

use  to  put  any  verbe  that  countrevayleth 

«Idyd»  in  this  sence.  And  hov/e,  je fays, 

signyfyeth  <  I  do  >  I  bave  ail  redye  shewed 

in  the  seconde  boke.  ïhere  were  no  more 

to  do  but  to  get  the  ditche,  and  ail  were 

safe:  il  nefaaldroyt  que  gaigner  U  fossé  et 

tout  seroyt  a  nous.  What  is  hère  a  do  : 

quest  cecyîho  me  rigbt  -.faitez  moj  rayson. 

I  do  well  :  je  me  porte  bien.  Ilowe  doest 

thou  :  comment  te  va?  Do  as  well  by  tbem , 

or  as  well  with  tbem,  as  you  can  (wbich 

we  use  to  spekc  in  oncs  favour)  :  faiclez 

lay  du  mieulx  que  pouez.  Do  your  worste, 

or  do  the  worste  you  can  :  faiclez  du  pis 

que  vous  pouez. 
I  do  amysse.   Je  meffais,  conjugate   lyke  bis 

symple  je  fais,  I  do.  If  I  bave  done  amysse 

pardon  me  :  sijay  meffaict  pardonnes  moy . 
I  do ,  I  fare.  Je  me  porte.  Howe  do  you  :  com- 
ment vous  portez  vous? 
I  do  dyligence  in  a  mater,  I  applye  it  dyligenl- 

ly.  Je  diligente,  prim.  conj. 
1  do  for  naught,  or  I  do  a  thyng  in  vayne.  Je 

mabuse,  je  me  suis  abusé,  abuser,  prim. 

I  DOCGE  one ,  I  folowe  hym  to  espye  wbyder  be 

gothe.  Je espie,  prim.  conj.  He  batb  dogged 

me  thèse  fourc  boures  wbat  so  ever  be 

mcanetb  by  it  :  il  a  espié  sur  moy  ces  quatre 

heures  quoy  que  soyt  qaily  entent. 
I  do  burte  or  dommage  to  a  person  or  thyng. 

Je  porte  dommaige,  prim.  conj.  He  batb 

doone  me  more  burte  than  he  weneth  of  : 

il  ma  porté  plus  de  dommaige  quil  ne  pense. 

I  do  hym   burte: je  luy  porte  dommaige, 

dativo  jungitur. 
I   do.   Je  fais,  jay  jaict,  faire ,  conjugate  at 

iength  in  the  seconde  boke.  I  do  al  that 

I  can  to  please  you,  but  me  thynke  it  wyll 

nat  be  :  je  fais  tout  ce  que  je  pais  pour  vous 

complaire,  mays  je  voys  bien  quil  ne  se  peult 
I  do,  I  fare  well  or  yvell  touchynge  my  hcltb. 

Je  me  porte,  je  me  suis  porté ,  porter,  ver- 

bum  médium  prim.  conj.,  as  [  do  well  : 

je  me  porte  bien.  You  do  yll  :  vous  vous  por- 
tez mal.  Howe  do  you  :  comment  vous  por- 
tez vous?  But  bowe  do  you  :  comment  vous 
est  il  or  comment  va  il,  be  used  as  impar- 
sonals,  as  il  nous  estoyl  bien,  il  nous  alloyt 
mal,  etc. 

I  do  myne  eascment.  Je  pisse,  prim.  conj.,  as 
I  wyll  do  myne  easement  and  come  agayne 
by  and  by  :je  yray  pisser  et  reuiendruy  tout 
incontinent.  For,  in  the  stede  of  «  I  pysse  », 
tbey  sayjefays  de  leaue.  As  I  wyll  go  pysse 
and  come  agayne  :  je  yray  pisser  de  leaue, 
or  faire  de  leaue  et  reuietulray. 

I  do  make,  I  let  make  or  ordayne.  Je  fais 
faire,  jay  faict  faire ,  faire  faire.  He  bath 
sent  for  masons  to  do  make,  or  to  lette 
make  a  castell  :  il  a  mandé  des  massons  pour 
faire  faire  vng  chasleau.  He  dotbe  won- 
ders  :  il  fait  raige.  Do  me  rygbt  :  faictez 
moy  rayson, 

I  DONGE,  as  a  borse  dotbe.  Je  fiente  and  je 
chie,  prim.  conj.  He  is  to  nyce  and  to  cu- 
ryouse ,  for  be  can  nat  suËfre  a  borse  to 
donge  in  bis  yarde  :  il  est  trop  nice  et  trop 
curieux,  car  il  ne  peult  point  souffrir  qung 
cheual  fiente  en  sa  court. 

I  donge  a  grounde  to  make  it  more  fertyll.  Je 
fiente,  prim.  conj.  If  your  grounde  be  well 
dongcd,  you  sball  bave  moche  corne  to 
yere  :  mays  que  vostre  terre  soyt  bien  fien- 
tée,  vous  aurez  beaucoup  de  bleez  ceste  an- 

l  DO  one  picasure,  I  folowe  ones  mynde.  Je 
fais  gré.  I  do  hym  rygbt  :  je  luy  fais  ray- 
son. Do  me  rygbt  :  faictez  moy  raison.  To 
do  you  pleasure,  I  am  content  to  lette 
hym  go  :  pour  vous  faire  gré,  je  suis  con- 
tent de  le  laisser  aller. 

I  do  one  to  understande.  Je  baille  a  congnoistre, 
jay  baiUé  a  congnoistre ,  bailler  a  congnois- 
tre, and  je  donne  a  entendre,  jay  donné  a 
entendre,  donner  a  entendre,  prim.  conj. 
and  je  ensuiuis,jay  ensuiuy,  ensuiuir,  sec. 
conj.  I  do  bym  to  understande  :  je  luy 
baille  a  congnoistre,  je  luy  donne  a  entendre, 
je  ensaiais,  dativo  jungitur,  After  my  bum 



ble  recommendacyons  to  do  you  to  under- 
stande  of  our  newes  in  thèse  parties: 
après  mes  humbles  recommendacions  poar 
vous  baillera  cont/nojstre,  or  pour  vous  don- 
ner a  entendre  de  noz  nouuelles  par  de  ca. 

I  do,  or  commyt  a  vylanye  to  a  persoii.  Jauilene, 
prim.  conj.  You  hâve  done  hytn  to  great 
a  vylanye  :  vous  lauez  trop  auilenné. 

I  do,  or  commyt  advoultrye.  Javoystre,  prim. 
conj .  Hc  hatli  done  advoultrye  :  ilaauoystré. 

Ido,  or  commyt  prejudyce  to  one.  Je  derogue, 
prim.  conj.  dativo  jungitur.  I  do  hym  no 
prejudyce  :  je  ne  luy  derogue  poynt. 

I  do  out,  or  put  oui  a  candell,  or  a  fyre,  or 
suche  lyke.  Jestaings,  nous  estayndons ,  jay 
eslainct,  estaindre,  conjugate  in  «  T  put  out 
«  a  candell  ».  But  for  «  I  do  out  a  candell  » , 
they  use  more  often  :  je  tue  la  chandelle, 
prim.  conj.  Put  out  the  candell  :  (ue  la 
chandelle.  Do  out  your  candell  or  you  go 
to  bedde  :  tués  vostre  chandelle  aaant  qae 
aller  coucher. 

I  do  révérence  to  one.  Je  fais  la  reaerence  a 
vng.  I  wyll  do  my  révérence  to  my  lorde, 
and  corne  to  you  agayne  :  je  feray  la  reue- 
rence  a  monsieur,  et  reuiendray  a  vous. 

I  do  ryght  to  one,  I  gyve  hym  that  he  shulde 
bave.  Je  fais  la  raison.  I  do  him  ryght  :  je 
luy  fais  la  raison.  Faictez  moy  la  raison  : 
do  me  ryght.  If  men  shulde  do  the  right, 
thou  shuldesl  be  in  a  worse  place  than 
tbis  :  si  on  te  ferait  raison,  tu  seroys  en  vne 
pire  place  que  ceste  cy. 

I  do  sacryfice.  Je  sacrifie,  prim.  conj.  and  je 
fays  sacrifice.  Do  sacrifyce  of  your  sclfe 
and  lette  your  calves,  and  sbepe  alone  :  sa- 
crifiez  vous  mesmes,  or  faictez  sacrifice  de 
vous  mesmes,  et  laissez  en  paix  voz  veaulx 
et  voz  moulons. 
I  do  serve  to  one.  Je  sers,  conjngatc  in  «I 
i  serve»,  dativo  jungitur.  I  bave  done  hym 
good  servyce  in  my  dayes  :  je  luy  ay  faict 
bon  seruice,  or  je  lay  bien  seriiy  en  mon  temps, 
or  en  mes  jours. 
I  do  tbe  best  or  the  worste  I  can  :  je  fays  du 
mieah;  ou  du  pis  que  je  puis,  Hc  thaï  do- 

the  the  best  he  can  blâme  him  no  man  : 
qui  fait  du.  mienlx  quil  peult  que  nul  ne 
le  blasme.  Do  the  worst  you  can,  I  care 
nal:  faictez  du  pis  que  vous  pouaez,  il  ne 
men  chault. 
I  do  the  worste  I  can.  Je  fais  du  pis  que  je  puis, 
faire  du  pis  que  je  puis.  Go  lowse  hym ,  he 
bath  done  bis  worste  :  quil  sepouylle,  il  a 
faict  du  pis  quil  a  peu. 
I  do  to  wyte.  Je  aduertis ,  jay  aduerty,  aduertir, 
sec.  conj.  and  jcm6ouc/ie,  prim.  conj.  and 
je  donne  a  entendre.  He  tbat  well  clothe 
shall  hâve  well,  and  he  that  dothe  yvell 
shall  bave  yll  :  qui  faict   bien    bien    luy 
en  prent,  et  qui  faict  mal  mal  luy  en  pren- 
I  DOTE  for  âge,  as  oide  folkcs  do.  Je  me  radote, 
je  me  sais  radoté,  radoter,  prim.  conj.  You 
muste  pardon  hym ,  for  the  poore  man  do- 
tetb  :  il  vous  fault   lay  pardonner,   car  le 
poure  homme  se  radote. 
I  dote,  I  playc  the  foole.  Je  délire,  priva,  conj. 
and^c  resue,  prim. conj.  Wby,  my  frendc, 
dote  you  nowe:  comment,  mon  amy,  délirez 
vous,  or  resuez  vous  ? 
I  dote,  I  waxc  fonde  upon  a  woman  for  love. 
Je  menamoure ,  je  me  suis  énamouré,  emi- 
moarer,  prim.  conj.  Il  is  a  grel  madnesse 
to  dote  upon  an  other  mans  wyfc;  cest 
vne  grant  resuerye  que  de  se  énamourer  de  la 
femme  daultruy. 
I  DOUBLE,  I  do  a  ihyng  twyse,  or  folde  a  thyng 
in  twayno.  Je  double,  prim.  conj.  Come 
double  this  same,  and  I  shall  gyvc  the  a 
grote:  viens  doubler  cecy,  et  je  te  donneray 
vng  gros. 
I  double,  I  varye  in  lellyng  of  my  taie.  Je  me 
double,  je  me  suis  doubla,  doubler,  verbum 
médium  prim.  conj.  or  je  me  varie.  Nay, 
and  you  double  ones,  I  bave  done  witb 
you  :  non,  si  vous  vous  doublez,  or  si  vous 
vous  variez  vne  foys,  jay  faict  de  vous. 
I  do  vyolence  to  a  persou.  Je  viole,  prim.  conj. 
It  is  a  damnable  tfayng  to  do  vyolence  to 
a  yonge  babes  :  cest  vng  cas  dampnable  que 
de  violer  vng  petit  enfant. 



I  DOUKE  under  ihe  waler.  Je  ploni/e  fn  Uuae,  or 
je  plonge  dcsoubz  leaue.  This  hoiinde  can 
douke  under  the  watcr  lyke  a  ducke  :  ce 
chien  scayt  plonger  dessoubz  leaue  comme 
vng  cannart. 

I  DOWKE,  I  stowpe  lowe  as  a  frère  dotli.  Je  me 
baysse,  verbum  médium  prim.  conj. 
Dowke,  frère,  that  Ihe  dyvell  se  you  nat  : 
bayssez  vous,  moyne,  que  le  diable  ne  vous 
voye.  Or  je  mencline,  prim.  conj. 

I  DOWTE,  I  stande  in  doute,  or  am  uncertayne 
of  a  thing.  Je  mcn  double,  je  men  suis 
doublé,  doubler,  prim.  conj.  I  doute  what 
I  niaye  saye  in  this  mater  :  je  men  double 
que  cesl  que  je  puis  dire  en  ce  cas, 

I  dowte,  I  feare  or  drcdea  person.  Je  cruings, 
nous  craignons ,  JOY  craint,  craindre,  con- 
jugate  in  «  I  drede  »,  and  je  redouble, prim. 
conj.  I  doute  liym  of  ail  tbe  mcn  lyvyngc: 
je  le  crayngs,  OT  je  le  redouble  par  dessus 
tous  les  hommes  du  monde, 

D  BïFonE  R. 

1  DRAGGE,  I  catcbe  fyssbc.  Je  pesche,  prim. 
conj.Canncst  thon  dragge  for  fysshe:  scays 
ta  bien  pescher  pour  les  poyssons  ? 

I  dragge,  I  come  behynde.  Je  fais  toasjours  la 
queue,  Thou  draggest  atvraycs  ;  lu  fais  tous- 
jours  la  queue. 

I  DBAWE  awaye  by  force,  or  pull  awaye  a  tbyng 
from  one.  Je  osic,  prim,  conj.  and  je  abs- 
trahys,  nous  abslrahisons ,  je  abslrahys, 
jay  abstrahy,  je  abstrahiray  ,  que  je  abstra- 
hye,  abstraire,  tert.  conj.  I  sball  drawe 
hym  awaye  wbetber  be  wyll  or  nat  :  je 
le  osteray,  or  je  labstrahyray  vueille  il  ou 

I  drawe,  I  pull,  I  baie.  Je  tire,  prim.  conj. 
and  je  trays,  nous  traions,je  trays,jay  Iray, 
je  trayeray,  que  je  iraye,  trayre,  tert.  conj. 
It  draweth  towarde  nyglit  :  il  vient  sur  le 
lart,  or  il  tire  sur  le  tari,  and  la  nuyct  sap- 
proche.  Drawe,  and  I  wyll  holde  it  :  lyrez, 
et  je  le  tiendray. 
I  drawe ,  as  a  workemao  dothe  a  patrone  with 
bis  penne  or  other  toole.    Je  pourtrais. 

jay  pouriraict,  pourtrayre,  conjugate  lyke 
bis  symple  je  Irays,  I  drawe.  He  draweth 
as  well  in  blackeand  whyte,  as  any  man 
-  in  Englande  :  il  pourtrayl  en  blanc  et  noyr, 
que  homme  qui  soyt  en  Engleterre. 
I  drawe  a  bowe  up  to  tbe  botome ,  as  farre  as 
be  maye  be  drawen.  Jenfonce,  prim.  conj. 
I  dare  take  upon  me  to  drawe  this  bowe 
up  to  myne  eare  :  je  ose  bien  entreprendre 
de  enfoncer  cest  arc. 
I  drawe  a  bowe  with  a  shafle  in  it  up  to  tbe 
eare.  Jenleyse,  prim.   conj.    He  toke   an 
arowe  and  drewe  liis  bowe  up  to  the  eare  : 
il  prenl  rnejlesclie  et  enleyse  son  arcjusqaes 
a  loreyllc. 
I  drawe  about,  or  trayle  a  thyng  aboute  upon 
the  grounde.  Je  troync,  prim.  conj.  I  wyll 
drawe  it  after  me  :  je  le  (rayneray  après 
I  drawe  at  a  horse  tayle,  or  on  a  hardell.  Je 
trayne,  prim.  conj.  He  was  drawen  upon 
a  hardell  at  a   horse  tayle  :  ilfust   trayne 
sur  vne  herce,  a  la  queue  dun  cheual. 
I  drawe   backe,   as  one  dothe  that  Dycth  or 
gothe  backcwarde  with  bis  face  lowardes 
one.  Je  recule,  prim.  conj.  He  drewe  backe 
and    defended   himselfe    as   well    as   bc 
coulde  :  il  se  reculoyt  et  se  dejfendoit  au 
moyns  mal  quil  pouuoyt. 
I  drawe  backe,  as  one  that  dothe  nat  dye    Je 
retrays ,  jay  relrayt,  retrayre ,  tert.  conj.  It 
shalbe  well  doone  for  us  to  drawe  backe 
for  a  wbyle  :  il  sera  bien  faict  de  nous  re- 
trayre pour  vng  peu. 
I  drawe  downe.  Je  tire  embas.  I  shall  drawe  it 

downe  :  je  le  tireray  en  bas. 
I  drawe  lottes,  or  drawe  cuttes  tojudge,  ortye 
bytwenc  partyes  for  a  mater.  Je  jecte  du 
sort ,  jayjeclé  du  sorl,jecter  du  sort,  prim. 
conj.  Let  us  drawe  lottes  who  shall  bave 
it  :  jeclons  du  sort  qui  laara. 
I  drawe  lottes ,  or  drawe  cuttes ,  as  folkes  do  for 
sporte.  Je  joue  au  court  feslu,  jay  joué, 
jouer,  prim.  conj.  Let  us  drawe  cuttes. 
jouons  au  court  festa. 
I  drawe  me  into  co.mpanye ,  as  one  that  hath 



ben  solytarye  afore.  Je  hanle  compai<jme , 
jay  hanté  conipaignie,  hanler  compaignic , 
prim.  conj.  He  begynneth  to  drawe  Lyni 
in  to  companye  nowe  :  il  commence  a  lian- 
ter  ks  gens  mayntenant. 

I  drawe  my  brethe,  as  man  or  beest  dotbe.  Je 
alêne,  prim.  conj.  and  jalayne,  prim. 
conj.  and  ic  tire  mon  alayne ,  jaj  tiré  mon 
alayne,  and  je  respire,  prim.  conj.  I  can 
nat  drawe  my  breth  for  iaughynge  :  je  ne 
puis  alainer,  or  trrer  mon  alayne  parjorce 
de  rire. 

I  drawe  nere,  I  corne  nye  to  ones  présence,  or 
to  a  place.  Je  maproche,  je  me  suis  appro- 
che, approcher,  verbura  médium  prim. 
conj.  But  I  fynde  it  often  tymes  used  as 
an  actyve.  So  sone  as  be  drewe  nere  unto 
tbe  towne ,  he  shot  bis  ordoiinaunce  :  aus- 
sihst  guil  se  approcha  de  la  ville,  il  tira  son 

I  drawe  nere,  as  a  sbyppe  dotbe  iande,  or  any 
otber  tbynges  wban  tbey  come  to  tbe 
metyng.  Je  iimhorde,  je  me  suis  abordé, 
aborder,  verbum  médium  prim.  conj. 
Wban  tbe  shyppes  drewe  nere  togylber  : 
quant  les  naaires  se  abordèrent,  or  sentre- 

I  drawe,  or  entyce  one  to  vyce ,  or  to  some  yvell 
purpose.  Jaleche,  prim.  conj.  A  yonge 
thynge  is  soone  drawen  to  vyce  :  un* 
jeune  fille  est  bien  tost  allecliée  a  vice. 

I  drawe,  or  put  a  tbyng  at  lengtb.  Je  ralongis, 
sec.  conj.  Drawe  out  tliis  corde  a  icngth  : 
ralongiei  ceste  corde. 

I  drawe,  or  stretcbe  a  tbynge  a  lengtb.  Je  ra- 
longie,  prim.  conj.  I  bave  drawen  tbis  sboe 
upon  tbe  lasl  a  hole  yncbe  :  jay  ralongié 
ce  soulier  sur  la  forme  rng  playn  poiilce. 

I  drawe  out ,  as  a  man  drawetb  out  bis  sworde 
or  weapea  out  of  tbe  shetbc.  Je  desgayne, 
prim.  conj.  He  was  aboute  to  drawe  out 
bis  sworde,  if  bc  bad  nat  spyed  my  iorde: 
il  taichoyt  a  desgayner  son  espée,  sil  neat 
espiè  mon  seignieur. 
I  drawe  out,  I  pull  out  a  tbyng  of  a  place.  Je 
OJ(c,  prim.  conj.  and  je  tire  hors ,  jay  tiré 

hors,lirerhors.l  drawe  out  oftbegrounde: 
je  tire  hors  de  la  terre. 
l  drawe  out  a  tothe  of  ones  bced.   Je  lire  vnr 
dent,  jay  tiré  vue  dent,  tirer  rne  dent.  Tbe 
barber  hatb  drawen  me  out  a  totbe,  but 
I  am  worse  tban  ever  1  was  :  le  barbier  ma 
tiré  vue  dent,  mays  je  suis  pis  que  deuani. 
I  drawe  to  ende  or  to  detlie.  Je  dijfmc,  and  je 
afyne,  prim.  conj.  Loke  in  je  tens,  1  drawe. 
Every  tbynge  at  tbe  laste  drawetb  to  bis 
ende  :  toutes  choses  a  lafyn  se  dejffinent,  or 
tirent  a  leur  j'yn. 
I  drawe  to  tbe  borders ,   or  utter  parte  of  u 
country,  or  any  otber  tbinge.  Je  mahorde, 
je  me  suis  abordé,   aborder,    prim.   conj. 
Wbal  nieaiie  tbe  Bourgonyons  to  drawe 
tliem  to  tlie  borders  of  Pyeardie  :  que  veul- 
lent  dire  les  Bourgoignons  de  se  aborder  a  la 
Picardie  ? 
I  drawe  to,  as  a   tbyng  drawetb    an  otber  to 
bym.    Jattire,  prim.    conj.   and  jatlrays, 
conjugale  bere  folowyng  in  «  I  drave  un- 
'to>.  Tbe  adamaut  stone  drawetb  yron  to 
bym:  la  pierre  de  adamant  attire  a  lav ,  or 
attrayct  a  lay  le  fer. 
I  drawe  togytber,  as  inen  drawe  tbem  togvtber 
in  Company.  Je  massemble ,  je  me  suis  as- 
semblé, assembler,  verbum   médium  prim. 
conj.  Tbey  drawe  theni   togytber  wliat  so 
ever   tbey    meane  :  il:  se  assemblrnt  (fuoy 
quilz  veuillent  dire. 
I    drawe    togytber,    as  lether    or    any    otber 
tbynge  that  shriugelb  togytber.  Je  me  re- 
tire, je  me  suis  retiré,  retirer,  verbum  mé- 
dium   prim.    conj.  His   skynae  drawetb 
togytber  lyke  burned  letlier  :  sa  peau  se 
retire  comme  le  cuyr  bruslé. 
1  drawe  togytber,  as  men  drawe   the  inoutlie 
of  a  bagge   or    purse     togytber  witb  a 
strynge.  Je  serre,  prim.  conj.  Drawe  your 
purse  faster  ;  serrés  plus  ferme  vostre  bource. 
I  drawe  my  purse  to  paye  mouey.  Je  tire  ma 
bource.  Drawe  nat  your  purse ,  you  paye 
nothynge  :  ne  tirez  pas  vosire  bource ,  vous 
ne  payerez  rien. 
1  drawe  to  reste,  as  beestes  do  towardes  oygbt. 


Je  vas  a  repos.  It  draweth  towardes  nyght, 
for  thèse  byrdes  drawe  to  rest  :  i7  tjre  vers 
la  nttjt,  car  ces  oyseaalx  vont  a  repos. 

I  drawe  water  out  of  a  well.  Je  puise,  prim. 
coDJ.  I  havc  drawen  Iwenty  buckettes  of 
water  to  daye  .jay  puisé  vingt  seaulx  deau 

1  drawe  water  out  of  a  ryver  or  out  of  the  see. 
Je  tire  de  leaue,jay  tiré  de  leaue ,  tirer  de 
leaue,  prim.  conj.  Go  drawe  water  at  tbe 
ryver  :  allez  iyrer  de  haue  a  la  rivière. 

I  drawe  unto,  as  the  sonne  draweth  to  him 
humours,  or  as  an  adamonde  stone 
draweth  to  hym  yron  or  sucbe  lyke.  Jat- 
trays,  nous  attraions  ,  jattrays ,  jay  attraici, 
jattrayray,  que  jalraye ,  attrayre,  tert.  conj. 
The  sonne  draweth  up  to  hym  ail  maner 
corrupcion  :  le  soleyl  atlrayt  a  luy  toute 
manière  de  corruption. 

I  drawe  up,  as  the  sonne  dothe  humours.  Jat- 
trays, conjugale  in  «I  drawe  untou. 

It  draweth  towarde  day.  Il  adjourne,  il  a' ad- 
journé,  adjourner,  verhum  impersonaic 
prim.  conj.  Go  we ,  it  draweth  towarde 
the  day  :  allons,  il  adjourne,  or  il  se  ad- 
journe. It  draweth  towardes  day  :  il  se 

1  draweth  towarde  nyght.  Il  anuyle,  il  a  anuyté, 
anuyter,  verbum  impersonale  prim.  conj. 
Whither  shall  we  go ,  it  draweth  towardes 
nyght  :  ouyrons  nous,  il  se  anuycte  maynte- 
nant.  It  draweth  towardes  nyght  :  il  se 
anuycte.  Use  anuytera. 

1  DREADE.  Je  craings,  conjugate  in  il  feare». 
I  drede,  je  double.  I  feare  my  supcriour  : 
je  redouble  mon  supérieur,  lie  shall  drede 
me  that  wyll  nat  love  me  :  il  me  craindra 
qui  ne  me  vouldra  poynt  aymcr. 

I  DBEAME  in  my  slepe.  Je  songe,  prim.  conj.  I 
dreamcd  to  uyght  that  I  was  at  Rome  :  je 
songeay  a  nuyct  que  je  estoys  a  Homme.  If  I 
bere  men  speake  of  wonders,  I  shall 
dreame  of  them  in  my  slepe  :  si  je  os  les 
gens  parler  de  maruailles  ,  je  songeray  délies 
en  mon  dormant. 

I  OBEDE,  I  feare.  Je  crayngs,nous  craignons. 


je  craingnus  (Romant),je  craignis,  jay 
craingnu  (Romant),  jay  craint,  je  crayn- 
dray,  que  je  craingne,  que  je  craingnusse 
(Romant),  que  je  craingnisse,  craindre,  et 
Romant  craingner,  tert.  conj.  I  feared 
bim  as  moche  whan  I  was  a  chylde  as 
any  man  in  the  worlde  le  craignys  au- 
tant quant  jestoys  vng  petit  enfant  que 
homme  du  monde. 

I  DREïNT  (Lydgate),  I  drownde.  Je  noyé,  prim. 
conj.  declared  in  «I  drownde». 

I  DRENCUE  or  drowne.  Je  noyé,  prim.  conj. 
declared  in  il  drownde». 

I  DRESSE  a  horse  or  mule.  Je  pense,  jay  pensé, 
penier,  prim.  conj.  Hosleller,  dresse  my 
borse  well,  and  thou  sbalte  hâve  a  penny  : 
hostellier,  pense  bien  mon  cheual,  et  tu  auras 
vng  denier. 

1  dresse  an  oide  garmeut ,  I  rayse  the  woll  of 
it  to  make  it  scme  ncwe  agayne.  Je  ra- 
bille,  prim,  conj.  or  je  radresse,  prim. 
conj.  I  wyil  dresse  myne  olde  gowne 
agaynst  Chrislmasse,  and  than  I  shall  be 
a  joiy  felowe  :  je  rabilleray,  or  radresseray 
ma  vielle  robbe  contre  Nouel,  et  adoncje  se- 
ray  vng  gentil  compaignon. 

I  dresse ,  I  make  redy  a  thyng  or  anowrne  it. 
Je  habille,  prim.  conj.  aità  jaccoustre , 
prim.  conj.  and  je  ^are,  prim.  conj.  I 
dressed  my  house  gayly  agaynst  my  bous- 
bandes  comynge  home  -.jay  habillé,  or  jay 
accoustré,  or  jay  paré  ma  maison  gorgiase- 
ment  contre  la  reuenue  de  mon  mary. 

I  dresse,  1  set  upryght,  or  selte  a  thing  strayght. 
Je  dresse,  prim.  conj.  Dresse  this  olde 
ymage  agaynst  the  wall  :  dressez  ceste  vielle 
ymage  contre  la  parroy. 

l  DBïE  any  tbyng  that  is  weate.  Je  seiche,  prim. 
conj.  Drye  my  shyrte  a  lytell,  or  I  put  it 
on ,  for  it  is  weate  yet  :  seychez  ma  chemise 
vng  peu,  auant  que  je  la  mette,  car  elle  est 
toute  moyste  encore. 

I  drye  up,  as  the  heate  of  the  sonne  dothe 
moyste  places,  or  as  motes  or  poudres 
waxe  drye.  Jasseiche ,  prim.  conj.  The 
sonne  dryeth  up  tbe  wayes  :  le  soleil  assei- 




che  les  chenvyns.  Thèse  pylics  drye  up  :  ces 
pilleuses  se  oseichenL 

I  drye  op,  as  mylke  dotlie  in  a  vvomans  brest, 
or  as  walcr  in  a  ryver.  Je  me  asseiche, 
verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  And  in  Ihis 
sence  I  fynde  /e  tarrys,jay  tarr)',  tarrir, 
sec.  conj.  Wbich  is  more  proper  in  this 
sence.  The  heale  was  so  grcat  that  ail  ihe 
ryvcrs  in  the  countraye  dryed  up  :la  cha- 
leur estoyt  si  grande  que  toules  les  riuicres 
du  pais  se  asseichercul ,  or  (arryerent. 

I  DRINKE  to  one,  to  hâve  him  pledge  me  of  as 
moche.  Je  boys  daulant.  My  frende,  I 
drinke  to  you,  and  you  he  hcrtely  wel- 
come  :  mon  umy,  je  boj  a  vous  daulant,  et 
vous  soyez  le  Ircsbien  renu.  Conjugale  in 
«I  drinke  wyne  orale». 

I  drinke  to  you.  Je  boys  a  vous.  You  hâve 
dronketome,  butyou  mustedrinkeagayne, 
for  you  toide  me  nat  whetber  you  dranke 
to  a  marke  or  els  al  out  :  roui  auez  heu  a 
moy,  mays  il  vousfault  boyre  de  rechicj,  car 
vous  ne  me  desicz  pas  se  tous  baviez  daatanl 
ou  tout  hors,  or  toute  la  reste. 

I  drinke  to  you.  Je  boys  a  vous.  And  in  this 
sence  I  fynde  je  propine,  prim.  conj. 

I  drinke  to  you.  Je  vous  propine.  But  this 
standeth  to  moche  to  the  latyne  speakyng, 
or  rather  the  greke  longe. 

I  drinke  wyne  or  aie,  or,  any  olher  lycour.  Je 
boys,  nous  bernons,  vous  heuvez,  Hz  boy- 
uent,je  beus,  jay  beu  (Pbil.),jc  buray, 
oTJe  boyray,  (]ueje  boyue,  boyre,  tcrt.  conj. 
and  je  bus.  M.  Bringe  us  some  drinke  :  ap- 
portez nous  a  boyre.  He  thaï  drinkcth  well 
and  pysselh  well  sball  never  he  greved 
wilh  thè  slone  :  qui  boyt  bien  et  pisse  bien 
ne  sera  jamays  tjreaé  de  la  gruaelle. 

I  drinke  up,  I  drie  up,  as  the  heale  of  the 
sonne  dothe  water,  or  as  the  yertbe  drin- 
keth  up  water.  Je  assorbis,  il  assorbist, 
nous  assorbons,  or  assorbisons ,  je  assorbis, 
jar  assorby ,  je  assorbiray ,  que  je  assorbe, 
assorbir,  tert.  conj.  and  je  asseiche,  prim. 
conj.  Ail  the  water  that  fell  yesterday  is 
dronke  up  nowe  as  thoughe  it  bat  nat 

rayned  this  moneth ,  the  yerthe  was  so 
drye  :  toute  leauc  qui  cheut  hier  est  mayn- 
tenant  assorbye  comme  sil  neat  point  plu  de 
ce  moys ,  la  terre  estoyt  si  seiche.  , 

I  drinke,  I  snffer  correctyon  for  a  faillie.  Je 
compaire,jay  compaini ,  compaircr,  verbum 
vari.  prim.  conj.  He  shall  drinke  for  it 
or  I  drinke  :  ayns  que  boyue  le  compaira, 
They  use  also  in  this  sence  the  future 
lence  ofj'e  ay,  asjeii  auray  :  I  shall  drinke. 
Tu  en  auras  :  thou  shalle  drinke.  //  en 
aura  :  he  shall  drinke.  Nous  en  aurons  :  we 
shal  drinke.  Vous  en  aurez  :  ye  shaW  drinke. 
Hz  en  auront  :  they  shall  drinke.  Thou 
shalle  drinke  for  il  and  I  catche  the  :  lu 
en' auras  se  je  tempoingne. 

I  drinke,  as  the  yerlhe  dothe  water,  or  as  blot- 
tyng  paper  dothe  ynke  or  suche  lykc. 
Jemboys,  jay  rmbeu,  emboyre,  conjugale 
lyke  bis  symple  je  boys,  I  drinke.  The 
yerthe  drinkelb  up  the  water  anone  :  la 
terre  emboyt  leau  tout  a  coup.  This  blot- 
tynge  paper  is  nat  good,  for  it  drinketh 
nat  :  ce  papier  brun  ne  vault  rien,  car  il 
nembo)'!  poynt. 

I  DRIVE  a  carie  or  a  wayne.  Je  charie,  prim. 
conj,  He  drivcth  a  carte  bélier  than  he 
handlelh  a  spere  :  i7  charie  mieulx  quil  ne 
manye  vue  lance. 

I  drive  a  thyng  abrode,  I  spred  it,  or  make  il 
larger.  Jeslargis ,  jay  eslargy ,  eslargir,  sec. 
conj.  Drive  Ihis  playster  abrode  :  eslar- 
gissez  cest  emplastre. 

l  drive  a  drifte  to  hring  my  purpose  abonte.  Je 
poarjecte,  prim.  conj.  and  je  me  sublille, 
je  me  suis  suhtillé,  subtillcr,  verbum  mé- 
dium prim,  conj.  Lel  hym  alone,  he  wyll 
drive  a  drift  for  it  :  laissés  le  faire  hardye- 
ment,  il  pourjeclcra  quelque  chose,  or  il  se 
sublitlera  de  quelque  chose  a  Icnconti^e. 

I  drive  a  thyng  afore  me.  Je  chasse  deuant  moy, 
jay  chassé,  chasser,  prim.  conj.  He  drave 
them  afore  bim,  as  they  had  ben  a  meyny 
of  shepe  :  il  les  chassa  au  deuant  de  lui, 
comme  silz  eussent  esté  vng  tas  de  brebis. 

I  drive  of  a  ihynge,  I  dyflar  it.  Je  differre, 



prim.  conj.  T liou  sbaltc  drive  of  this  ma- 
ter no  longer  :  (h  ne  différeras  pas  ccste 
matière  plus  loncjuemenl. 

I  drive  out,  or  I  drive  a  nian  or  beest  awaye  fro 
me  or  from  a  place.  Je  declmsse,  prim. 
conj.  He  drave  me  out  a  dore  at  nyne  of 
thc  clocke  at  nyght,  as  1  had  ben  a  dogge: 
il  me  dcchassa  hors  de  sa  mayson  a  neuf 
heures  de  najct,  comme  si  je  eusse  esté  vng 

1  drive  out  the  hced  or  ibe  bottome  of  any  ves- 
sell.  Je  effonce,  prim.  couj.  And  you  wyll 
bave  tbis  vessell  sbortly  dispalcbed ,  drive 
out  bis  beed  and  sette  hym  an  ende  :  si 
vous  voulez  quon  dcspcsche  ce  vaisseau  vis- 
lement,  ejfoncez  le  et  mêliez  le  debout. 

I  DRIVELL,  Tslavcr.  Je  baue,  prim.  conj.  Se 
tbe  knave,  lie  drivelctb  as  be  vvere  a  yonge 
cbylde  :  agardez  le  villayn,  il  baue  comme 
sil  fusl  vng  petit  enfant. 

1  DnOPPE ,  as  water  dolbe ,  or  any  otber  lycour 
vvban  it  falletb  by  droppes.  Je  dégoûte, 
prim.  conj.  and  je  distille,  prim.  conj. 
Water  by  often  droppyng  may  make  a 
hole  in  a  marbyll  stone  :  kaue  par  soutient 
dégoûter,  or  distiller,  peult  faire  vng  trou  en 
vue  pierre  de  marbre. 

l  droppe,  as  any  lycoure  dothc  tkat  roonetb 
small  and  eontynually.  Je  coule,  prim. 
conj.  Tbis  tappe  droppeth  styll  afler  a 
rate  :  ceste  chantepleare  coule  toasjours  tout 
dune  sorte,  or  dung  trayn, 

I  droppe  a  wyle,  as  a  crafty  man  dothe.  Jajfne, 
prim.  conj.  and  Je  cautelle,  prim.  conj. 
or  je  practique,  prim.  conj.  andjc  me  sub- 
tille, je  me  suis  subtillé,  subtiller,  verbum 
médium  prim.  conj.  and  Je  men  rase,  je 
me  suis  rusé,  riucr,  verbum  médium  prim. 
conj.  Let  me  alone  with  bym,  I  sball 
droppe  a  wyle  to  bcgyle  bim ,  I  trowe  : 
laissez  moy  faire  auecques  lui,  je  cautel- 
leray,je  praclicqueray,  or  je  me  subtilleraj, 
or  je  men  laseray  pour  te  tromper,  ce 
DBOWNE,  as  a  man  or  beest  is  drowned  in 
tbe  water.  Je  noyé,  prim.  cônj.andjeiufr- 

mcrge,  prim.  conj.  You  niayedrowne  bym 
a.s  well  in  tbis  sory  puddcll  as  in  tbe  see  : 
vous  le  pouez  aussi  bien  noyer,  or  submerger 
en  ce  meschunt  bourbier  que  en  la  mer. 
I  DROUPE,  as  a  man  or  dotbe  tbat  abatetb 
bis  countcnaunce  for  sycknesse,  or  otber 
displeasure.  Je  alangoure,  prim.  conj.  He 
droupeth  wbat  so  ever  the  maler  bc  :  il 
alangoure  quoy  que  soyt  qnil  y  a. 

D   BYFORE    U. 

I  UDBBE,  or  raake  a  knygbt.  Jadoube,  prim.  couj. 
I  was  présent  whan  tbe  kyng  duhbed  bim 
knygbt  :  je  estoys  présent  quant  le  roy  la- 
douba  et  le  jit  cheualier. 

I  DULLE  one,  I  make  bym  slowe  of  parceyving. 
Je  hebete,  prim.  conj.  You  béate  tbis 
cbylde  so  moche  aboute  the  beed  tbat 
you  dulle  bym  :  vous  frappez  tant  cest  en- 
fant sur  la  teste  que  vous  le  hebetez. 

l  dulle  one ,  I  amase  hym  witb  stryking  aboute 
the  heed.  Je  bestoume,  prim.  conj.  He 
duUed  me  on  tbat  facyon  that,  if  one  had 
spoken  to  me,  I  shulde  scarcely  hâve  herde 
hym  :  i7  me  bestoumoyt  tellement  que,  se  on 
eust  parlé  a  moy,  a  peyne  je  leusse  ouy. 

I  DDMPE,  I  fall  in  a  dumpe  or  musyng  upon 
thynges.  Je  me  amuse,  vei'bum  médium 
prim.  conj.  He  dumpetb  nowe  a  dayes 
more  tban  be  was  wont  to  do  :  il  samuse 
plus  en  ce  temps  icy  quil  na  aprins  de 

I  DORE ,  I  laslc ,  I  contynue  longe.  Je  dure,  prim. 
conj.  It  may  contynue  for  a  wbyle,  but  it 
is  to  bote  to  dure  longe  :  il  peult  bien  con- 
tinuer pour  vng  peu  de  temps,  mais  il  est 
trop  chaalt  pour  durer  longuement. 

I  DUSTE.  Jempouldrc ,  prim.  conj.  You  bave 
dusied  your  cappe,  let  one  go  brussbe  it  : 
vous  auez  empouldré  vostre  bonnet,  quon 
laille  nettoyer  des  verges. 

I  DWELL,  or  tarye  in  a  place.  Je  demeure,  prim. 
conj.  and  Je  habite,  prim.  conj.  You  were 
wonte  to  dwell  in  our  strete,  wheredwell 
you  nowe  a  dayes  :  vous  soulics  demourer 
en  nostre  rue,  ou  demeurez  vous  mayntenant? 




I  EASE,  I  quyete  or  bringe  to  reste.  Je  ayse, 
prim.  conj.  I  sliaii  ease  youof  this  mater: 
je  vous  ajseray  de  ceste  matière. 

I  ease  one  of  his  burllien,  1  helpe  to  make  his 
burtheo  more  lyght.  Je  soublage,  prim. 
conj.  or  je  soulage,  prim.  conj.  I  wyll  ease 
me  of  my  burtlien  :  je  me  soulaigeray  de 

I  EATE  meate.  Lokc  in  «  I  eale». 

I  eate,  as  a  corrosyve  dothe  deed  flesshe  out 
of  a  sore. 

[  ETCHE,  as  a  man  thaï  rubbeth  hym  sclfe.  7/ 
me  caitril  me  cuisoyt,  il  me  cuisyt,  il  me 
cuit,  il  me  cuira,  quil  me  cuise,  quil  me  cui- 
sist,  cuire,  verbum  impersonale  sec.  conj. 
Whan  I  ytche,  I  can  nât  chose  but  I 
muste  rubbe  it  :  quant  il  me  cuyt,je  ne  me 
puis  contenir  que  je  ne  le  frotte. 

I  ETCHE,  I  incrcase  a  tliynge.  Je  augmente. 

I  EBBE,  as  tlie  see  dothe.  Je  rejlolte,  prim.  conj. 
and  je  mauale,  je  me  suis  aaalè,  aualer, 
verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  and  la  marée 
sen  va.  It  begynnelb  to  ebbe,  lette  us  go 
hence  betyme  :  il  rejlotte,  leaue  se  aualle, 
or  la  marée  sen  va,  allons  de  bonne  heure. 

I  EC1.YPSE,  I  dyminysshe,  or  make  lesseathynge, 
or  wante  lyght,  as  tbe  sonne  or  the  moone 
dothe.  Jesclipse.  It  is  a  sore  thynge  to  se 
the  sonne  éclipse  at  noone  dayes  t  ce»f 
vne  chose  fort  estrange  que  de  veoyr  le  soleil 
éclipser  a  mydy. 

I  EDGE,  lyke  as  ones  tethe  dothe  after  gowre 
frute.  Je  magace,je  me  suis  agacé,  agacer, 
verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  My  tethe 
edge  witli  eating  of  thèse  codlynges  :  mes 
dens  se  agacent  par  manger  de  ces  pommes 

I  cdge  a  garment  with  velvet,  or  any  sylke,  or 
lyke  thyng.  Jescolle,  prim.  conj.  and  je 
ourle,  prim.  conj.  I  haveedged  my  jacket 
wilh  reed  velvet  -.jay  escollé,  or  ourlé  mon 
saion  de  vellours  rouge. 

I  EDYPYE,  I  buylde.  Jedijie,  prim.  conj.  He  is 
nat  wyse  that  edyfyeth  sumptuously  upon 

an  otber  mannes  grounde  :  il  nest  pas 
saige  qui  edijie  sumptueusement  sur  les  fans, 
or  terres  daultruy. 

I  EKE,  I  cncrease  or  augment.  Je  augmente, 
prim.  conj.  and  ralongys,  sec.  conj.  My 
gowne  is  to  shorte  for  me,  but  I  Avyil  eke 
it  :  ma  robbe  est  trop  courte,  maysje  la  ra- 

I  EMBELLisH,  I  make  fayre  (Lyd).  Je  embellys, 
sec.  conj.  This  terme  is  nat  yet  fully  used 
in  comen  spetche. 

I  EMBESïLL  a  thyng,  or  put  it  out  of  the  way.  Je 
sabstrays ,  jay  sabstraict,  substrayre,  con- 
jugal afore  in  je  trays,  I  drawe.  He  ihat 
embesylleth  a  thyng intendeth  to  steale  il, 
if  he  can  convaye  clcnly  :  qui  substrayt  vne 
chose,  or  qui  met  vne  chose  hors  deveue  a  in- 
tencion  de  lembler,  sil  le  peult  conuenable- 
ment  faire. 

I  EMBBASE,  I  take  in  myn  armes,  or  holde  a 
thing  faste.  Jembrasse ,  prim.  conj.  It  was 
a  worlde  to  se  lier  embrase  her  soune  for 
joye  ;  ccstoyt  vne  chose  estrange  que  de  la 
veoyr  embrasser  sonfilz  de  joye. 

I  EMPAYHE,  I  make  a  thing  worse.  Jempire, 
prim.  conj.  I  praye  God  amende  hym,  for 
he  can  nat  well  empayre  :  Dieu  le  vueille 
amender,  car  a  payne  peult  il  empirer. 

l  EMPEBYSSHE,  I  make  worse.  Jempire,  prim. 
conj.  Il  is  nat  utterly  marred,  but  il  is 
sore  emperysshed  :  il  nest  pas  du  tout  gasté , 
mais  il  est  fort  empiré. 

I  EMPESSHE,  or  let  one  of  his  purpose.  Jem- 
pesche,  prim.  conj.  Do  whal  thou  wylte, 
thou  sfaalte  nat  be  cmpesshed  for  rae  : 
fay  ceu  que  te  plaira,  tu  ne  seras  pas  em- 
pcsché  pour  moy. 

I  EMPLOYE,  I  beslowe  money  or  my  labour 
aboul  a  thing.  Jemploye,  prim.  conj.  I 
hâve  employed  tbe  greater  parte  of  my 
lyfe  in  bis  scrvyce,  and  al  for  naught  -.jay 
employé  la  plus  part  de  ma  vie  en  son  seruice, 
■et  tout  pour  rien. 

I  EMPOYSON  ,  I  intoiycate  with  venyme.  Jen- 
toxique,  prim.  conj.  and  je  empoysonne. 
He  was  empoysonned  withoul  doute  :  i; 



esloyt  enloxiqué,  or  empoysonné  sans  pojnl 
de  faulte. 

I  EMPODRYSSHE,  I  make  poore.  Japourisjjuj 
apoiiiy,  apourir,  sec.  conj.  He  is  sore  em- 
pouryssbetl  sy the  he  lette  of  his  marcbaun- 
dyse  :  il  est  fort  apoary  depuis  quil  laissa  sa 

I  EMPRESSE ,  as  people  do  wlian  tliey  gather  lo- 
gyther  on  a  prease  or  presse,  or  thrust  one 
harde  togylher.  Jcm/jrcjsCjprim.  conj.They 
he  so  liarde  emprcssed  togytiier  tbat  tliey 
can  nat  beparted  :  ih  sont  si  fort  empressez 
ensemble  quilz  ne  se  peujient  poynt  séparer. 

1  EMPBiNTE  a  booke,  or  emprint  a  tbyng  fasl  in 
my  mynde.  Je  imprime,  prim.  conj.  We 
can  nat  emprinle  this  boke  afore  Cbrist- 
masse  :  nous  ne  poaons  pas  imprimer  ce  Hure 
deaant  Nouel. 

I  EMPTïE  a  polie  or  a  vesseli ,  1  leave  notbynge 
in  it.  Je  uyde ,  prim.  conj.  or  je  vuyde, 
prim.  conj.  I  will  empty  al  myne  olde  ves- 
sels  and  fyll  thera  witb  mewe  wyne  ; 
je  vayderay,  or  uidcray  tous  mes  tieubc 
laisseaalx  et  les  empliray  de  vin  noauean. 

I  emplye ,  1  take  awaye  parte  of  the  iycoure 
ont  of  a  vesseli.  Je  desemplc,  prim.  conj. 
Emplye  this  loubbe,  or  tbis  water  wyll 
ronne  over  ;  desemplez  ceste  cuae,  oa  leaue 
se  passera  par  dessus  les  hors. 

I  EfiABt.E,  I  make  good.  Je  habiUle,  prim.  conj. 
I  dare  enable  bim  :  je  lose  habiliter,  or 
tenir  pour  bon. 

1  ENACTE  or  stablysshean  ordonnauncB.  Jenaefc, 
prim.  conj.  and  je  actise,  prim.  conj.  it 
was  enacted  al  the  last  partyament  :  il 
esloytaclisé,ar  emwtéa  ce  dernier  parlement. 

1  ENAMELL,  as  a  gotdsmytbe  doth  fais  worke. 
Jesmadlc,  prim.  conj.  This  broche  was 
nat  well  enamelled,  you  maye  se  the  ena- 
metiyng  falletli  of  ail  redy  :  c$sle  deuise 
nestoyt  pas  bien  csmailUe,  vous  pouez  veoyr 
comment  lesmailleure  deschiet  desja. 

I  ENAMODR,  I  bring  one  in  love  witb  a  persone. 
Je  énamoure,  prim.  conj.  She  bath  as 
mauy  craftes  to  enaraour  a  foole  apon  her 
as  any  quecne  in  this  lowne  :  elle  a  autant 

de  ruses  pour  énamourer  vng  sol  délie  que 
putayn  de  ceste  ville. 

1  EXARME,  1  serve  with  armour  (Lydgale),  or 
store  with  armoure.  Jenhamesche ,  prim. 
conj.  He  is  very  well  enarmed  with  ail 
sortes  of  armour  :  il  est  fort  bien  enharnes- 
ché  de  tou(es  sortes  de  armures. 

I  BNBATELL  a  wall ,  I  make  baslylmenles  upon 
it  to  loke  out  at.  Je  bastille,  prim.  conj. 
Tbis  wall  is  costyously  enbatelled  :  ce  mur 
est  fort  couslagieusement ,  or  sumptueuse- 
ment,  bastille, 

1  ENBAWME ,  I  anoynte  or  make  swete  witb 
bawtne.  Jenbaamc,  prim.  conj.  What 
avayietb  your  ofte  enbawmed  bodye ,  it 
stynkelb  nowe  worse  than  any  caryon  ; 
que  vous  vauU  vostre  corps  si  souaent  em- 
.  baume ,  il  put  mayntenant  pis  que  nulle 

I  ENBELifssHE,  I  make  fayre  (Lydgate).  Loke 
in  0 1  embelysshe  •. 

I  ËNBïSYE  my  selfc,  I  set  my  selfe  in  occupa- 
cion.  Je  me  mets  en  besoingne,  je  me  suis 
mys  en  besoingne ,  mettre  en  besoingne, , 
conjugal  in  je  mets,  I  put.  Whan  no  man 
setleth  me  aworke,  yet  can  I  enbusye  my 
selfe  :  quant  nul  me  met  en  oeuure,  me  scay 
je  bien  mettre  en  besoingne. 

1  enbysye  my  selfe  with  a  mater  tbat  I  bave 
nat  to  do  witb.  Je  menlremets,  je  me  suis 
entremis,  entremettre,  conjugale  lyke  bis 
symple  je  mets,  I  put.  You  enbysye  your 
selfe  witli  the  thynge  tbat  you  bave  naugbt 
to  de  witb  ail  ;  vous  vous  entremettez  de  la 
chose  dont  vous  nauc~  que  faire. 

1  ENBOLDEN,  or  make  bardye.  Je  baudis,jay 
baudy,  baudir,  sec.  conj.  and  je  enhar- 
dis, jay  enlmrdy,  enliardir,  sec.  conj^  Il  is 
good  to  enholden  a  boye,  but  loke  you 
do  it  nat  in  a  weucbe  :  il  faytbon  de 
haudyr,  or  denhardyr  tng  garçon,  mays 
gardez  vous  de  le  faire  a  vue  garce. 

1  ENBOLLE  ,  or  1  ENBOI.SE  or  swcll.  Jenjle , 
prim.  conj.  This  stroke  bath  so  cnbolned 
hb  face  tbat  he  hath  never  an  eye  lo  se 
wilb  :  ce  coup  luy  a  tant  enflé  le  visage  quil 


na  pas  vricj  ojrel  dont  il  se  peult  ayder  a  re- 

I  ENBOSSE,  \  make  thynges  lo  semé  great.  Je 
embosse,  prini.  conj.  His  ganiient  was  so 
cnbrodred  and  enbossed  that  it  seamed 
a  great  deale  more  rycher  than  it  was  : 
son  habit  estayt  tellement  embrodé  et  em- 
bosse quil  semhlojt  beaucoup  plus  riche 
quil  nestoyt, 

1  ENBRACE  (Lydgate),  conjugate  iu  i  I  embracea. 

I  ENBROWDER  a  garment  wilh  golde  or  sylver. 
Jembrode,  jirim.  conj.  Tbis  vestement  is 
farrc  raore  rycbely  embrodred  than  1 
went  /or  :  ceste  chappe  est  de  beaucoup 
plus  richement  embrodée  que  je  ne  peucoye. 

1  K.NBROWDË,  as  a  broudrer  dothc  a  garment. 
Je  embrode ,  frirn.  conj.  (Lydgate). 

I  ENCHACE,  I  drive  away.  Je  chasse,  prim. 
conj,  I  sball  encbace  bym  out  of  tbis 
quartcrs  :  je  le  chusseray  hors  de  ces  quar- 

\  ENCBAUNTE  onc  with  cbarmcs  or  vvytchcraf- 
tes.  J^nc/tanfe,  prim.  conj.  or  je  encherme. 
He  is  encbaunted  as  sure  as  God  is  in 
hevyn  :  aussi  vray  que  Dieu  est  aux  cieulx, 
il  est  enchanté,  or  enchermi. 

i  ENCUARGE  a  person  with  a  thing.  Jenchertje, 
prim.  conj.  I  was  cncharged  upon  my 
lyfe  to  kepe  it  secrète  :  jestoys  encheryé  sur 
ma  vie  de  le  tenir  en  secret,  or  de  me  tayre. 

I  ENCADSË  (Lydgate) ,  nat  yet  used  comenly,  but 
<I  cause  ». 

1  ENci.YNE,  I  applye  my  mynde  to  a  purpose, 
or  I  bowe  downe  witb  my  bodye,  or  make 
one  lowe  révérence.  Je  mencline,je  me 
suis  encline ,  eneliner,  verbuui  médium 
prim.  conj.  You  shail  never  get  bym  to 
enclyne  in  tbis  mater  -.jamays  ne  le  ferez 
encUn^r  en  ceste  matière.  He  dyd  cnciyne 
to  do  bym  révérence  so  farre  of  as  he 
niygbt  se  bym  :  il  se  cnclinoyt  pour  luy 
faire  la  reuerence  aussi  loing  de  luy  quil  le 
poauoyt  choysir  de  veae  or  de  loyl,  or  quil 
le  pouaoyt  veoir. 

1  ENCLOSE,  I  sbytte  in  a  tbynge  rounde  aboute. 
Je  enaironne,  prim.  conj..  Tbis  medowe 



grounde  is  enclosed  rounde  aboute  wilb 
a  bedge  :  ceste  praerie  fsl  enaironnée  tout 
alentour  dune  haye. 

I  enclose ,  I  sbyllc  a  tbyng  up  oi-  togjther.  Je 
clos,  conjugate  in  «1  close».  Oysters  open 
themseife  and  enclose  tbemselfe  :  les  oys- 
Ires  se  ouurent  et  senclosent  ealx  mesmes. 

I  ENCOMBRE,  I  troublc  ,  vexe ,  or  disquyele. 
Jencombre,  prim.  conj.  Tbis  felowe  en- 
combreth  me  more  than  ali  ihe  felowes 
tbat  ever  I  was  acquaynted  witb  :  ce  corn- 
paignon  mcncombre  plus  que  tous  ceuLc  dont 
je  eus  cocjnoissance  de  ma  vie. 

I  ENCODRAGE  a  man,  or  bolden  bim,  or  barteu 
bym  to  a  purpose.  Jencouraige,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  anime,  prim.  conj.  If  he 
be  encouraged,  he  wyll  do  well  ynouglie  : 
mays  quil  soyt  encouraigé,  or  animé,  it 
fera  bien  assez. 

I  ENCODNTEB,  I  mêle  or  go  agaynst  onc.  Je 
rencontre,  prim.  conj.  They  encountred 
togyther  on  tbe  playne  of  Salysburye  : 
ilz  se  rencontrèrent  sur  le  playn  de  Sulis- 

1  ENCREASE ,  I  waxe  more.  Je  augmente,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  surcrays,  jay  surcrea,  sur- 
croistre ,  conjugale  lyke  bis  symple  je 
croys,  I  growe.  Tbis  herbe  bath  giovven 
more  wilhin  tbis  monetli  than  I  dyd 
thèse  seven  yeres  :  ceste  herbe  sest  plus 
augmentée,  or  sest  plus  surcrae,  dedam  ce 
moys  que  je  ne  fis  de  ces  sept  ans. 

I  encrease,  as  a  nian  dothe  in  bis  substance. 
Je  accroys ,  jay  accreu,  accroistre,  conju- 
gate also  lyke  bis  sympleje  croys,  I  growe. 
And  je  engrege,  prim.  conj.  lie  is  encreas- 
ed  in  bis  subslaunce  marvaylously  witbin 
tbis  iytell  wbyle  :  il  est  accreu  en  ses  biens 
maruailleusement  en  peu  de  temps,  or  (7  est 
engregé ;  but  tbis  is  nat  moche  used. 

I  ENDE,  I  make  an  ende  of  a  tbing.  Je  para- 
Tctiieue,  prim.  conj.  or  je  achieae.  Tbis 
buylding  wyll  nat  be  ended  tbis  two  yeres  : 
ce  bastiment  ne  sera  pas  parachieué  de  ces 
deux  ans. 

I  ende,  I  fynysshe.  Je  fne,  prim.  conj.  and  je 



nffine,  prim.  conj.  and  je  dejfine,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  tlelermine,  pvim.  conj.  Nowe 
their  stryfe  is  ones  begon,  I  wenc  it  wyll 
never  ende  :  majntenant  que  leur  estrif  est 
vue  fors  commencé, je  pence  que  jamays  ne 
fmera,  or  jamais  najfinera. 

I  ESiDEWE,  as  a  liauke  dothe  her  gorge.  Je  di- 
gère, prim.  conj.  This  hauke  liatb  nat 
endewed  her  gorge  yet  :  cesl  oyscau  na 
pas  digéré  sa  gorge  encore, 

I  ENDOWE  with  any  maner  gyft.  Je  endoae , 
prim.  conj.  Cliarlemayne  endowcd  the 
cliurclie  of  Fraunce  with  many  great 
gyftes  :  Charhmaigne  endoua  lesglise  de 
France  de  mtijnt  riches  dons. 

I  endowe  a  religyouse  bouse  witb  revenewes. 
Je  rente,  prim.  conj.  Saynt  Denys  in 
Fraunce  is  greatly  endowed  with  reve- 
newes :  labbaje  de  Sainct  Denis  en  France 
est  grandement  reniée. 

I  ENDYTE  of  trespasse.  Je  treuae  coupable,  je 
condemne  par  enqueste,  jay  condemné  par 
enqueste,  condemner  par  enqueste,  prim. 
conj.  He  is  cndyted  alredy,  ibere  wanteth 
no  rtiore  but  judgement:  i7  est  desja  trouué 
coulpable  par  enqaeste,  ne  reste  il  seallenient 
que  son  jugement. 

I  endyte,  I  make  a  writyng,  or  a  mater,  or 
penne  it.  Je  dictie,  prim.  conj.  He  writeth 
no  verye  fayre  bande,  but  he  endyteth 
as  well  as  any  man  :  il  nescript  pas  trop 
belle  lettre,  mais  il  scayt  aussi  bien  dictier 
que  homme  que  je  saiche. 

I  endyte,  I  write.  Je  compose,  je  dicte,  andjV 
couche.  Write  tbou ,  and  I  wyll  endyte  :  tu 
escripras,  et  je  composeray,  or  je  dicteray, 
or  je  coucheray  le  langaige. 

1  ESDOSSE ,  I  Write  tbe  superscripcion  of  a  let- 
ter  on  the  backe  syde,  Jendosse,  prim. 
conj.  Sende  for  the  lelters  agayne,  my  se- 
cretaryc  hatli  wronge  cndosscd  theni  :  en- 
noyez  quérir  les  lettres,  mon  secretayre  les  a 
mal  endossez. 

I  ENDOWE  witb  goodcs,  or  any  otbcr  tbinges,  a 
woman  with  her  dowrie.  Jendoue ,  prim. 
conj.   Tbi»  wotnan  ioketh   to  be   bighiy 

maryed  agayne,  for  sbe  is  rychely  endow- 
cd :  cesie  femme  attent  a  estre  hauliemenl 
remariée,  car  elle  est  richement  endoaée. 

I  ENDROSSE,  I  multyplye.  Je  multiplie,  prim. 
conj.  (Lydgate). 

I  ENDCBE,  I  sufTre  payne  or  dispieasurc.  Jen- 
dure,  prim.  conj.  and  je  tollere,  prim. 
conj.  Ibave  endured  longe  ynoughe:yaj 
enduré ,  or  lolleré  longuement  assez. 

I  endure,  I  last  or  contynue  longe.  Je  dure, 
prim.  conj.  This  lyfe  can  nat  longe  en- 
dure :  ceste  vie  ne  peult  pas  longuement 

I  endure,  I  sufTer  ones  wordcs  or  condycions, 
Ihoughe  they  be  displeasaunt  to  me.  Je  tol- 
lere, prim.  conj.  and  in  this  sence  I  fynde 
alsojV  suporff,  prim.  conj.  What  thoughc 
be  be  somthyng  hastye,  you  must  endure, 
remembre  bc  is  your  father  :  quoy  quil  soyl 
quelque  peu  hastyf,  il  vous  faull  tollerer, 
il  le  vous  fuult  supporter,  souniegne  vous 
quil  en  vostre  père. 

I  ENFi.AME,  as  a  person  is  with  unkynde  heate 
or  anger,  or  as  a  ibyng  thaï  burncth.  Je 
enjlambe,  prim.  conj.  His  lyvcr  is  al  en- 
flamed  with  drinkyng  of  bote  wynes  :  son 
foye  luy  est  tout  enjlambe  par  force  de  boyre 
des  vins  chauldz. 

I  enflaunce  (Lydgat).  Jcn//amfcc. 

I  ENFORCE,  I  consti-ayue  one  to  do  a  thyng. 
Je  parforce,  prim.  conj.  aadjeff'orce,  prim. 
conj.  By  saynt  Marye,  and  he  wyll  nat  do 
it,  be  shall  be  cnforced  to  it  :  par  saincte 
Marie,  sil  ne  le  veult  poynt  faire,  il  y  sera 
forcé,  or  parforce  de  le  faire. 

I  enforce  my  selfe,  I  gathcr  ail  my  force  and 
my  strcngth  to  me,  to  do  a  thynge,  or  ap- 
plye  me  unto  the  ultermoste  I  may  to  do  a 
thyng.  Je  esucrtHf,verbum  medinm  prim. 
conj.  He  enforced  hym  selfe  so  sore  to 
lyftc  this  great  wayght  that  he  dyd  burste  ■ 
hym  scife  :  Use  esuertua  tant  pour  leuer  ce 
grant  pays  quil  se  rendit  arné. 

I  ENFOBME,  I  tcache  or  advertyse  one  of  a 
ibyng.  Je  enferme,  prim.  conj.  I  am  en- 
formed  it  is  so  :  wbetber  it  be  trewe  or 



liât  J  caa  uat  tell  suis  teHemcnt  cnjomw, 
sd  est  ainsi  ou  non  je  ne  scaj  pas. 

I  ENGAiGE,  I  laye  to  pledgc.  Je  engaige,  priin. 
conj.  He  hath  engaged  al  tlie  jowels  lie 
had  ;  il  a  engaigez  losis  les  joyauhc  quil 

I  ENGENDEB,  I  wa\c,  or  eucicasc,  or  beget.  Je 
engendre,  prim.  conj.  If  tlie  comeii  peojile 
speake  wysely,  so  sure  as  froste  engendreth 
hayle,  a  lycorouse  moiitbe  a  lyoorouse 
tayle  :  se  les  communes  gens  parlent  saige- 
menl,  aussi  vraj  ijue  de  la  gelée  sengendre  la 
gresle,  qui  estfriant  de  bouche  estaussifrianl 
de  queue. 

1  ENGLASSE  a  wyndowe  with  glassc.  Je  voyrryne, 
prim.  conj.  I  bave  englased  ail  thc  cham- 
bers  in  my  bouse  :  jaj  enunyrinéez  toutes 
les  chambres  de  ma  mayson. 

1  ENGLEWE,  I  glewe  or  make  tliynges  faste  to- 
gytlier  with  glewe.  Jenglae,  prim.  conj. 
Sonie  joyncrs  can  glewo  pcces  togytber 
tbat  sball  laste  as  longe  as  ibe  woddes 
selfe:  aulcuns  mesnuysiers  scauent  si  bien 
engluer  des  pièces  ensemble  quilz  endureront 
en  tel  poynl  aussi  longuement  que  le  boys 

I  EîiGOfiGE,  I  fyll  tbe  gorge  of  a  bauLe,  or  otbcr 
fowle,  witb  meatc.  Jcmplis  la  gorge,  and  je 
saouUe.  Il  is  no  tyme  to  studye  wban  a 
man  is  fully  engorged  :  il  nesl  pas  temps 
de  esludier  quant  on  a  du  tout  cmply  sa 

I  ENGRAVE,  as  a  goide  smythe,  or  other  worke 
men  do.  Jentaille,  prim.  conj.  Tbis  dag- 
gar  sbetbe  is  very  rycbely  engravcn  :  la 
gayne  de  ceste  dagguc  est  richement  entaillée. 

I  ENGHOSSE  up  cornc,  or  calell,  or  any  other 
marchaundyse.  Jengrossye,  prim.  conj.  It 
is  yll  doone  to  engrosse  tbe  tbynges  as  you 
do  :  cest  malfaict  que  de  engrossier  ces  cho- 
ses comme  vousfaictez. 

I  engrosse  up  a  writyng  of  a  recorde.  Je  gros- 
sye,  prim.  conj,  I  pray  you,  engrosse  my 
writynges  in  ail  tbe  kynges  courtes  of  re- 
corde :  je  vous  prie  de  grossier  mes  escrip- 
tures  en  toutes  les  cours  autentiques  du  roy. 

l  EMiABYTE  a  countrey,  I  instore  it  witb  dwel- 
Icrs.  Je  peuple,  prim.  conj.  Tbis  countrey 
laye  déserte  many  a  daye  and  tbe  landes 
untyllcd,  but  by  bis  great  poiycye  it  is 
nowe  well  enbabyted  :  ce  pays  estoyt  désert 
long  temps  et  les  terres  labourables  estoyenl 
en  frische ,  mays  mayntcnant  par  sa  granl 
police  il  est  bien  peuplé. 

I  enbabyte,  I  dwell  in  a  place,  or  replenysb  a 
place  witb  inbabytauntes.  Jenhabite,  imm. 
conj.  Tliis  bouse  is  yetall  desolate.but  I 
wyll  make  it  to  be  enhabyted  ;  ceste  may- 
son  est  encore  toute  désolée,  mays  je  laferay 

I  ENiiASTE  (Lydgate).  Je  haste,  or  je  auance , 
prim.  conj. 

I  ENHADNCE,  I  lyfte  up.  Je  esleiue,  prim.  couj. 
1  bave  sene  a  poore  man  in  my  dayes 
hygbiy  enbaunsed,  and  tbe  same  man 
brougbt  agayne  to  myserabie  estale  :  jay 
veu  en  mon  temps  vng  poure  homme  Jmulte- 
ment  esleué,  et  le  mesmes  homme  remys  en  es- 
tât misérable. 

1  ENHADNIE ,  I  baunte  ones  companye.  Je  hante, 
prim.  conj.  I  bave  sene  tbis  place  more 
enbauated  tban  it  is  nowe  :  jay  veu  ceste 
place  plus  hantée  quelle  nesl  asteurc. 

I  ENUERïTE  a  person ,  (  am  tbeir  heyre  in  tbeir 
gooJes  or  landes.  Je  hérite,  prim.  conj.  or 
je  suis  héritier.  Let  bym  dye  wban  be  wyll , 
I  wotle  who  sbalbe  bis  bejre  :  meure  quant 
il  vouldra,je  scay  qui  sera  son  héritier, 
or  qui  héritera  ses  bieiu. 

I  ENJOYE,  I  rejoyse  myselfe  in  a  thiog.  Je  mes- 
jouySfje  me  suis  esjouy,  esjouyr,  verbum 
médium  sec.  conj.  On  my  faythe,  I  en- 
jqye  as  moche  bis  goode  luckç  as  if  he 
were  my  brotber;  sur  mafoy,je  mesjouys 
autant  de  sa  bonne  fortune  comme  sil  estoyt 
mon  frère. 

I  enjoye  a  thyog,  I  bave  peasyble  possessyon 
of  a  tbynge  without  any  trouble  or  inter- 
rupcion.  Jejouys,  sec.  conj.  For  ail  bis 
stryvyng  tbat  he  maketb,  be  sbali  never 
enjoy  it  :  quelque  estriuement  quil  face,  si 
lejouyra  iljamays. 



I  ÈKJOYNE,  I  commannde,  or  charge  one  with 
a  maier,  as  penaunce  or  any  other  charge. 
Jeujojngs,  nous  enjoignons,  jenjoyn(jms,jay 
enjoynct ,  jei^oindray ,  que  jenjoY(jne,  en- 
jnjndre,  tert.  conj.  conjugale  tyke  his 
aimjAe  je  joyngs ,  I  joyne.  Dativo  jungitur. 
If  he  come  undcr  my  hande,  I  shall  cn- 
joyne  hym  penaunce  aftcr  my  conscycnce: 
sil  vient  mubz  ma  nuiyn,  je  luy  enjoindray 
pcnance ,  or  pénitence,  selon  ma  conscience. 

I  ENLARGe,  I  make  a  thyng  gretter.  Jagrandis, 
jav  agrandy,  agrandir,  sec.  conj.  Me  thynke 
this  passage  is  enlarged,  sylhe  I  sawe  it 
lasle  :  il  mest  aduys  que  ce  passaige  est 
agrandy,  despuis  que  je  le  vis  dernièrement. 

I  enlargc  a  thyng,  I  makc  it  lai-ger  or  wyder. 
■lenlargis ,  jay  enlargy ,  enlargir,  sec.  conj. 
and  je  cslargis,  jay  eslargy,  eslargir,  sec. 
tonj.  and  Je  amplie,  prim.  conj.  The  clyft 
in  yonderwall  is  enlarged,  sytheiwas  hère 
lasle ,  a  large  foole  on  eche  syde  :  la  fente 
en  ce  mur  la  est  enlargye,  or  eslargye,  des- 
puis que  jestoys  icy  dernièrement ,  dung 
ptayn  pied  de  chascun  costé. 

I  ESlïMNïE,  as  one  enlymnelh  a  boke.  Je  enla- 
"  mine,  prim.  conj.  This  boke  is  well  writ- 
ten  and  richely  enlymned  :  ce  liare  est 
liien  escript  et  richement  enluminé, 

1  ENLDMïNE ,  I  storc  or  fvll  with  lyght.  Jenlu- 
mine,  prJm.  conj.  AU  ihe  worlde  in  a  mo- 
ment is  enluniyncd  with  the  lyght  of  thc 
sonne  :  tout  le  monde  en  vng  moment  est 
enluminé  de  la  lumière  du  soleyl. 

I  ESOYNT  with  an  oynlement.  Je  oings,  declarcd 
in  «  I  anoynte*. 

I  ESNOBLïSSHE ,  I  make  nohyll.  Janoblis,  sec. 
conj.  Onely  vertue  ennoblyssheth  a  man  : 
seuïïe  vertu  ennoblit  vng  homme,  or  la  persone. 

1  ENNOYE,  I  make  yrkesonie.  Jennuie,  prim. 
conj.  If  I  ennoye  you,  I  praye  you  tell  me, 
for  it  shall  be  agaynst  my  wyll  :  si  je  vous 
ennuyé,  je  vous  prie  le  me  dire,  car  ce  sera 
contre  ma  voulenté. 

I  ENNOSE,  I  abuse  (the  monke  of  Berye,  Lyd- 
gate).  Je  abuse,  prim.  conj.  This  terme  is 
nat  in  use. 

I  E.NNEWE,  I  set  the  lasle  and  freshesl  coloure 
upon  a  thyng,  as  payniers  do  whan  their 
worke^hall  remayne  lo  déclare  their  con- 
nyng.  Je  renouuelle,  prim.  conj.  Your 
ymage  is  in  maner  done,  so  sonc  as  I  hâve 
ennewed  it,  I  >vyll  sende  it  you  home  : 
vostre  ymaige  est  quasi  paracheuée,  aussi 
tost  que  je  lanray  renomielléc,je  la  vous  en- 
uoyeray  a  la  mayson. 

I  EMPESHE,  I  let.  Je  empesche,  prim.  conj.  1 
wyll  gel  me  hence,  for  I  fcare  me  Ishail 
do  but  lelle  you  ;  je  me  osteray  hors  dicy, 
car  je  craings  que  je  neferay  que  vous  cm- 

I  ENPRiNT,  I  holde  a  thyng  in  my  mynde.  Je 

emprime.   Il  is  to  fasl   emprinled  in  my 

"mynde  to  bc  forgottcn  nowe  :  il  est  trop 

fermement  emprimé  en  mon  entendement  pour 

estre  mayntenant  mys  en  oubly. 

I  ESPRtsON,  I  put  one  in  prison.  Je  enprisonne, 
prim.  conj.  anàjenchartre,  prim.  conj.  He 
enprisoned  me  two  yere  and  never  wolde 
suflfcr  me  lo  come  to  myne  answere  :  il 
menprisonna  lespace  de  deux  ans  et  ne  me 
voulut  jamâys  souffrir  venir  a  ma  responce. 

I  ENPUGNE,  I  hynder  a  thyng,  or  holde  agaynst 
it ,  and  make  reasons  to  the  contrarye. 
Jenpugne,  prim.  conj.  Men  may  holde  the 
contrarye  opynion,  but  I  thynke  it  wyll 
be  harde  to  enpugne  my  reason  :  on  peult 
bien  tenir  opinion  au  contraire,  mays  je 
pence  quon  aura  fort  a  fayre  de  enpugner 
ma  raison. 

I  ENQOiEBE.  Je  menquiers,  verbum  médium,  con- 
jugale lyke  his  symp}e  je  quiers,  I  seke.  I 
shal  enquyre  of  his  condycions ,  and  sende 
you  jusl  worde  :  je  me  enquierray  de  ses 
condiscions ,  et  vous  enaoyeray  justes  nou- 

I  enquere.  Jenquiers,  jay  enquis,  enquerre,  and 
je  demande,  or  jenqueste,  enquester,  prim. 
conj.  Enquyre  in  every  towne  as  you  passe 
by  whether  he  came  there  or  nat  :  en- 
querez ,  or  demandez,  or  enquestez  en  chas- 
cune  ville  ainsi  que  vous  passez  a  scauoyr 
mon  sil  y  vint  ou  non. 



I  ENRïCHE,  I  make  a  tliyng  ryche.  Jenriche, 
prim.  conj.  Tliis  shrine  is  enryched,  sytbe 
I  knewe  it,  of  (lie  one  haife  :  ceste  chasse 
est  ennchée,  despuis  (lue  je  la  congnus  pre- 
mier, de  la  moytié. 

l  ENBOLLE,  I  fyxe  a  thynge  iu  my  mynde.  Jen- 
uolue,  prim.  conj. 

I  enroHe,  I  rolle  up  a  writyng,  or  any  other 
thyng  rounde,  or  I  wrile  a  tliyng  in  to  a 
roHe  of  a  courte,  to  remayne  for  recorde. 
Je  enrolle,  prim.  conj.  Be  tlie  evydences 
of  your  landes  enrolled  yet  in  the  courte  : 
si  les  dons  et  achatz  de  voz  terres  sont  encore 
enrollés  en  la  court. 

I  ENSERCHE.  Je  serche ,  prim.  conj.  He  that  en- 
sercheth  fyndeth  :  qui  serche  treuue. 

I  ENSEWE,  I  folowc.  Je  suys,  OTJensttjs,  conju- 
gale in  el  folowe».  Of  yveli  governed 
iyfe  repentaunce  must  nedes  folowe  :  de  vie 
mal  traynée  Jault  que  repenlance  ensuyue. 

I  EtiSPYBE,  as  the  holy  gojte  dothe  cliosen  per- 
sons.  Je  inspire,  prim.  conj.  Some  sayde 
lie  was  inspyred  witli  the  holy  goste,  and 
some  said  he  was  enspyred  with  the  spy- 
rites  of  the  buttery  :  les  vngz  le  disoyent 
estre  inspiré  du  Sainct  Esprit,  et  les  aultres  le 
disoyent  estre  inspiré  des  espirytz  du  cel- 

I  ENStJRE,  I  promysc.  Je  promets,  conjugale 
iyke  his  symple  je  mets,  I  put.  He  is  an 
honest  man ,  I  promyse  yon  :  cest  vng 
homme  de  bien,  je  vous  promets. 
■  I  ensure,  I  make  one  certayne  of  a  thyng  that 
I  say  to  him.  Je  luy  fais  promesse.  You 
dyd  ensure  me  of  this  thyng,  in  the  pré- 
sence of  Iwenty  credyble  personcs  :  vous 
me  jistez  promesse  de  ceste  chose  cy,  en  la 
présence  de  vingt  personnes  dignes  defoy. 

I  ensure,  I  trouthe  plyght  a  man  and  a  woman 
togyther.  Je  Jiance,  prim.  corlj.  I  herde 
saye  ihey  were  maryed,  or  ever  that  I 
knewe  ihey  were  ensured  togyther  :  je 
ouys  dire  quils  cstoyent  maryez  ensemble, 
auant  que  je  seusse  quilz  estoyent  fiancez. 

I  ENTAT  LE,  I  carve  or  culle  an  ymage,  or  any 
thynge,  as  a  mason  or  joyner  dotlie.  Jen- 

laille,  prim.  conj.  This  is  a  synguler  pece 
of  workeand  tliemostecuryouslyentaylled 
that  ever  I  sawe  :  voycy  vng  chief  doeuare 
et  aussi  curieusement  entaillé  que  pièce  que 
je  vis  jamays. 

I  ENTENDE  to  do  a  thyng  or  purpose.  Jay  in- 
tencion.  I  entende  to  be  hère  to  niorowe 
or  you  ryse  :  jay  inlencion  de  me  troauer 
ycy  ilemayn  auant  que  vous  vous  leaez, 

I  entende,  I  set  my  mynde,  or  appiye  my 
thought  aboute  a  thyng.  Je  suis  délibéré.  I 
intende  to  appiye  my  sludye  better  tban 
ever  I  dyd  sais  délibéré,  or  jay  intencion 
de  vacquer  a  mon  estude  niieulx  que  ja- 

I  ENTERMEDïLL,  I  myxte  togyther.  Je  entremets, 
nous  entremettons,  conjugale  lyke  his  sim- 
pleje  mets,  I  put.  They  do  nat  entremedyll 
togyther,  for  so  farre  as  I  knowe  :  Hz  ne 
se  entremettent  poynt,  pour  autant  que  je 

I  ENTER  in  to  covenauntcs  with  one  upon  cou- 
dyscions.  Je aconuenance,  prim.  conj.  Upon 
certayne  communycacions  they  be  entred 
in  to  covenauntes  :  sur  certaynes  communi- 
cations Hz  se  sont  entre  enconuenancez. 

I  enter  in  comens,  as  one  dothe  that  goth  to 
borde  in  a  place.  Je  fais  ma  table.  Hath  he 
entred  his  commyDS  with  you  yet -.faict 
il  sa  table  auecques  vous  encore  ? 

I  enter  in  commyns,  as  two  tenantes  do. 

I  ENTYCE  one,  I  move  or  styrre  one  lo  do  a 
thynge.  Je  incite,  prim.  conj.  It  is  a  great 
synne  and  shame  to  entyce  a  yonge  thyug 
unto  vyce  :  cest  vng  grant  péché  et  honte 
que  de  inciter  vne  jeune  jille  a  faire  folie. 

I  enlyse,  I  drive  or  slyrre  one  to  an  yveli  pur- 
pose.  Je  alechie,  prim.  conj.  A  yonge  per- 
son  may  soone  be  entysed  unto  vyciouse 
lyvynge  :  vne  jeune  personne  peult  bien  tost 
estre  alechiée  a  mauluaysc  vie. 

I  entyce  or  move  to  any  purpose  good  or  yveli. 
Je  suade,  prim.  conj.  and  je  atyce,  prim. 
conj.  He  is  sone  entysed  that  lysteth  lo 
berken  :  qui  est  content  descouter  est  bien 
tost  suadé. 




I  ENTYTELL  a  man  to  landes,  or  goodcs,  orany 
other  tliyng.  Je  iiuituh,  prim.  CODJ.  By 
what  meanes  is  he  entyteled  unto  tbesc 
landes  :  par  qael  moyen  est-il  inlUulè  a  ers 
terres  ? 

I  ENTRE,  I  go  into  a  place.  Je  entre,  prim.  conj. 
If  he  enter  ones,  you  shall  hâve  moche  a 
do  to  bringe  hym  oui  agayne  :  sil  entre 
vnefoys,  vous  aurez  fort  a  Jaire  de  le  faire 

I  enter  in  to  a  tbyng  by  strikyng  of  it  with  any 
weapen  or  toole.  Je  pénètre,  prim.  conj.  I 
strake  twenty  strokes  at  his  brest  with  my 
daggar,  but  it  wolde  nat  enter  in  to  hym  : 
je  lay  baillaj  vingt  coups  de  ma  dacjue  sur 
la  poictrine,  majs  elle  nj  pouuoyt  poynt 

I  ENTRELARDE.  Jentrelarde,  prim.  conj.  This 
beufe  is  very  well  enterlarded ,  se  howe 
the  strykes  of  faite  roune  amongest  the 
leane  :  ceste  chair  de  heuf  est  fort  bien  en- 
Irelardée,  agardez  comment  les  rayes  du  gras 
courrent  parmy  le  maigre. 

I  ENTREPYER,  as  a  horse  dothe  that  stryketh 
^  one  foote  against  an  other.  Je  entretaille, 
prim.  conj.  My  horse  entrefyereth  ail 
redy,  I  feare  me  the  jade  wyll  fayle  me ,  or 
I  come  lo  my  journayes  ende  :  mon  cheual 
entretaille  desja,  jay  grant  paour  que  la 
charoigne  ne  nie  faille  aaant  que  je  viengne 
aa  bout  de  ma  journée. 

I  ENTREPRISE ,  I  underlake  a  thing,  or  lakc  a 
thyng  in  bande.  Jemprens ,  and  je  entre- 
prens,  conjugale  lyke  his  sympleje  prens, 
r  take,  and  Je  enireprens,  I  underlake.  I 
wene  be  hath  entreprised  more  than  he 
can  be  able  to  parfourmc  :  je  pence  quil 
a  plus  entrepris  quil  ne  peult  poynt  paras- 

i  entbeatB,  I  make  intercessyon  to  one  for  a 
person  that  is  in  displcasure.  Je  intercède, 
prim.  conj.  Naye,  and  I  entreate  for  tbe, 
truste  me  no  more  :  non,  si  je  intercède 
pour  toy,  ne  me  croye  plus. 

1  entreate,  I  write  or  comen  of  a  mater.  Je 
traicte,  prim.  conj.  He  hath  intreated  this 

wrilynge  lyke  a  clerke  and  one  thaï  is 
skylled  :  il  a  traicté  ceste  escripture  comme 
vng  clerc  et  vng  qui  est  scauant. 

I  entreate,  I  handell  or  fare  with  one  weli  or 
yvell.  Je  parmamc ,  prim.  conj.  and  je 
tracte,  prim.  conj. 

I  entreate  one  ywell.  Je  le  mets  mal.  Neygh- 
hour,  you  he  very  yvell  cnlreated  :  voysin, 
vous  estez  trop  mal  mys. 

I  entreate  or  praye.  Je  supplie,  prim.  conj. 
and  je  requiers,  requière,  conjugale  lyke 
his  symplej'c  quiers,l  askc.  If  he  inlrete 
me,  I  wyll  do  the  worse  :  sil  me  requiert, 
jeferay  du  pis. 

I  entreate,  I  optayne  my  desyre.  Je  impetre, 
prim.  conj.  I  coulde  nat  intreate  him  by 
no  mauer  of  waies  :  je  ne  le  pouuoye  impe- 
trer  en  façon  du  monde. 

I  entrïke  ,  I  hynder  or  lette.  Je  empesche , 
prim.  conj.  He  that  bis  entryked  with 
wordly  husynesse  is  nat  mete  to  be  a 
studyenl  :  qui  est  empesche  des  afjfayres  sé- 
culières nest  pas  propice  de  sadonner  a 

I  entreate,  I  handell.  Je  traicte,  prim.  conj. 
You  havc  one  good  tourne,  thoughe  you 
paye  well,  you  shall  he  well  entrealed  : 
vous  auez  vng  grant  plaisir,  combien  quon 
votis  fera  bien  payer,  si  serez  vous  bien 

I  entdne,  I  set  an  in.strument  in  tune  or  a 
companye  of  syngars.  Je  entonne,  prim. 
conj.  Hâve  you  entuncd  thèse  organes  : 

auez  vous  entonné  ces 


I  ENVYE.  Jenuie ,  prim.  conj.  or  je  suis  en- 
uieuh;.  Why  do  you  envye  at  my  pros- 
peryle  ihus  :/)Our  quoy  enuiez  vous,  or  estez 
vous  enuieulx  de  ma  prospérité? 

I  ENVïRON,  I  compassé  aboute.  Jenuiroime , 
prim.  conj.  He  is  hardly  hysted  that  is 
envyronned  on  every  syde  :  il  est  mal  a 
poynt  qui  est  enuironné  de  toutes  pars. 

I  ENVOYE ,  I  sende.  Jenuoye,  prim,  conj.  Tbis 
terme  is  a  mère  frenche  worde,  thoughe 
Lydgate  use  it. 

I  ENVOLVE,  I  wrappe,  I  tumbyll  a  tbyng  in.  Je 



entwlae,  prim.  conj.  I  ara  so  soie  envolv- 
ed  in  businesses  thaï  I  wotle  nal  what 
to  do  :  je  sais  tant  enaolaé  en  matières 
dimportance  (jue  je  ne  scaj  que  faire. 

I  EQnATE,  I  make  evyn.  Je  fajs  esgal.  They 
were  notbyng  egali,  but  he  hath  nowe 
cquated  them  :  Hz  nestoyent  nullement  es- 
gaulx,  mays  il  les  ajayl  asteure  escjaulx. 

I  EQDIPOLLE,  I  am  lyke  to  one  in  a  thyog.  Je 
equipolle,  prim.  conj.  Tbis  equypoJlelb 
to  tbat  :  cecy  or  cela  se  equipolle. 

I  ERE  lande,  I  plougb  it  witb  tbe  plougbe  and 
other.  Je  are,  prim.  conj.  He  hath  ered 
bis  lande,  God  sende  bym  good  innyng  : 
i7  a  are  ses  terres,  Diea  luy  dnynt  quil  puisse 
bien  mettre  tous  ses  bledz  en  la  (jranche. 

I  ERBE,  I  go  out  of  tbe  waye,  or  erre  hova 
tbe  trutbe.  Je  erre,  prim.  conj.  You  bave 
erred  many  a  dere  daye,  God  sende  you 
ones  in  lo  tbe  ryght  way  :  vous  auez  erré 
maynt  jour.  Dieu  vous  mette  vne  foys  au 
droyct  chemyn. 

l  erre,  I  do  amysse.  Je  paruerse,  prim.  conj. 
It  is  more  easye  to  erre  tban  to  take 
tbe  ryght  waye  :  i7  est  plus  aysé  de  se 
paraerscr  que  de  prendre  le  droyt  chemyn. 

I  EBECTE  ,  I  set  a  thyngc  upryght  or  lyfte  a 
thynge  upwarde.  Je  dresse  en  hault,  or 
je  dresse,  prim.  conj.  Wlian  was  tbis 
statue  erected  :  quant  estoyl  ceste  statue 
dressée,  or  redressée? 

I  EBYE  tbe  erthe.  Je  laboure  la  terre,  prim.  conj. 
If  tbe  erthe  be  well  erycd,  it  bringeth 
forlhe  moche  corne  :  si  la  terre  est  bien  la- 
bourée, elle  porte  beaucoup  de  grain. 

1  ESCAPE,  I  avoyde  a  daunger.  Jeschappe,  prim. 
conj.  I  bad  never  so  moche  worke  to  es- 
cape -.jamays  je  neus  tant  affaire  deschapper. 

I  ESCHADNGE  one  tbyngc  for  an  other.  Je  es- 
change,  prim.  conj.  Though  you  say  my 
borse  is  worse  tban  yours,  yet  I  vvyll  uat 
eschaunge  witb  you  :  combien  que  vous 
ditez  que  mon  cheual  est  pire  que  le  vosli-e, 
toutesfoys  je  neschangeray  poynt  a  vous. 

I  ESCHAOFE,  I  make  boite  a  thing.  Jeschauffe, 
prim.  conj.  By  thaï  tyme  your  borse  be  a 

lylie  eschaufed ,  lie  vvyll  go  well  ynougbe . 
mays  que  vostre  cheual  soyt  eschauffé  vng 
peu,  il yra  bien  assés. 

I  ESCHEWE,  I  avoyde  a  tbyng  or  shonne  il.  Je 
escheue,  prim.  conj.  I  sball  never  meddyll 
witb  him,  norcome  in  bis  companye,  if  I 
maye  escbewe  bym  -.jamays  nauray  affaire 
a  luy,  ne  jamays  ne  viendray  en  sa  compai- 
gnie,  si  je  le  peulx  cscheuer. 

I  EsE  one,  I  quyele  bym.  Je  ayse,  prim.  conj. 
I  sball  ease  him  by  and  by  :  je  le  ayseray 
tout  asteure.  And  je  allège,  prim.  conj.  I 
sball  ease  him  of  bis  payne  :  je  lallegeray 
de  sa  payne. 

l  ESPïE  a  ibynge  by  chaunce,  as  I  caste  myne 
eye  a  syde.  Je  me  donne  garde  de.  As  I  cast 
mync  eye  a  syde,  I  spyed  bym  behynde  a 
tree  redy  to  lowse  at  me  witb  a  crosbowe  : 
en  jectant  mon  œil  de  costé  je  me  donnay 
garde  de  luy  derrière  vng  arbre  tout  prest  a 
desbender  sur  moy  de  son  arcbalestre. 

I  espye  out  a  ibynge  amongest  many,  or  caste 
myn  eye  upon  a  thing  at  onwares.  Je 
choysys ,  jay  choysy,  choysyr,  sec.  conj.  I 
spyed  bym  anone  amongest  tbe  Ibyckest 
of  tbe  prease  :  je  le  choysys  tantost  entre 
les  plus  drus  de  la  presse.  And  I  maye  ones 
espye  bym ,  I  care  for  no  more  :  si  je  le 
peulx  vne  fois  choysyr,  or  ckoisyr  doeyl ,  je 
ne  demande  non  plus. 

1  espye ,  I  spye ,  I  lye  in  wayte  to  knowe  se- 
crète thynges.  Jespie,  prim.  conj.  Haste 
thou  nolhynge  espyed  tbat  I  badde  tbe 
loke  for  :  nas  tu  riens  espié  de  ceu  que  je  te 
ay  commandé  de  regarder  après  ? 

l  espye,  I  parceyve  a  mater.  Jappercoys,  nous 
apperceuons,  dz  appercoyuent ,  japperceus , 
jay  apperceu,  japperceueray ,  que  japper- 
coyue,  apperceuoyr,  tert.conj.  At  tbe  last  1 
bave  espied  what  you  meane  :  a  lajynjay 
apperceu  que  cest  que  vous  voulez  dire. 

I  ESTEME  my  selfe  better  tban  I  am.  Je  me  oul- 
trecuide ,  je  me  suis  oaltrecuidé ,  oaltre- 
cuider,  verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  You 
esteme  your  selfe  lo  moche  :  vous  vous 
oultrecuidés  trop. 




I  esteme,  or  valewe,  or  selte  by  a  tliynge.  Je. 
tiens  compte  jjay  tenu  compte,  tenir  compte , 
conjugale  in  o  I  hotde  ».  A.aàjefais  compte, 
jayfait  compte,  faire  compte.  And  je  estime, 
prim.  conj.  And  je  acompte,  prim.  conj. 
Wene  you  that  men  shal  estyme  you  for 
yqur  fayre  cyes  :  pensez  vous  que  les  yens 
tiendront  compte  de  vous,  or  feront  compte 
de  vous,  or  vous  estimeront ,  or  vous  acon- 
teront  pour  voz  beaux  yeulx. 

I  esteme ,  or  value  what  a  thyng  is  worthe  to 
be  solde.  Je  raualac,  prim.  conj.  and  jap- 
precie,  andjapprise,  prim.  conj.  Al  liowe 
moclie  cslyme  you  your  newe  gowne  :  a 
combien  raualuez  vous,  appréciez  vous,  ap- 
prisez  vous  vostre  nouaelle  robe,  or  a  com- 
bien faictez  vous  vostre  nouuelle  robe? 

I  esteme,  or  valewe  one  thyng  above  an  other. 
je  préfère,  prim.  conj.  I  estyme  myne  lio- 
nestye above  ail  Iherychessein  iheworlde: 
je  préfère  mon  honneur  par  dessus  toutes  les 
richesses  du  monde.  And  je  estime  mon  hon- 

I  ESTHAONGE,  I  make  my  selfe  a  straunger  in  a 
place.  Je  mestrange,  and  je  me  aliène,  je 
me  suis  aliéné,  aliéner,  verbum  médium 
prim.  conj.  Estraunge  nat  yourselfe,  and 
you  maye  ever  be  of  bis  bousliolde  :  ne 
estrangez  pas  vous  mesmes,  ne  aliénez  pas 
vous  mesmes,  et  vous  pouez  tousjours  estre 
priué  en  sa  mayson. 

I  EATE  meate.  Je  mange  and  je  mengeue,  the 
indiflynil  lence  je  mangeas  and  je  man- 
geay ,  que  je  mangeasse  and  que  je  men- 
geasse,  the  preterparfyte  tence  jay  mangé, 
manger,  conjugale  lyke  the  firste  conju- 
gacion,  save  his  indifiynitc  tenses,  as  I 
hâve  louched  in  the  thyrde  rule  after  the 
conjugatyug  o( je  fais,  in  the  seconde  boke. 
But  his  complet  and  parfyte  conjugacion 
I  bave  in  my  thirde  boke,  in  my  annota- 
cyons  upon  the  thirde  rule  after  the  con- 
jugatynge  of^e/a^ij  declared. 

I  ete  meate  hasteiy  or  gredilye.  Je  briffe,  prim. 
conj.  Eale  nat  so  grcdyly,  for  your  meate 
shall  never  do  you  good  than  :  ne  briffez 

pas  ainsi,  car  vostre  viande  ne  vous  fera 
jamays  de  pronjfit  donques. 

I  ete,  as  a  canker  or  suche  a  sore  catetli  away 
ones  flesshe.  Je  démange,  or  je  demengeue, 
conjugale  lyke  his  simpleje  mange,  I  eale. 
This  canker  wyll  eale  your  legge  to  the 
bone  :  ce  chancre  vous  démangera  ta  jambe 
jusques  a  los. 

I  EVERSE,  I  overthrowe  (Lydgal).  Je  euerse, 
prim.  conj.  Fortune  bath  eversed  hi» 
chaunce  upsyde  downe  -.fortune  lui  a  euer- 
sée  sa  chance  ceu  dessus  dessoubz. 

I  EVYN ,  I  make  a  thyng  even ,  or  fytle  to  an 
other.  Je  adjousle,  prim.  conj.  or  je  fays 
propice.  Even  ibis  lynyog  lo  my  gowne: 
adjoustez,  or  faictez  propice  ceste  doubleare 
a  ma  robbe. 

I  EWRE,  I  make  happyeor  fortunate  (Lydgate). 
Je  eure,  prim.  conj.  or  je  fuis  eureux. 
Thoughe  Lydgate  use  this  verbe,  it  is  nat 
yel  comen. 

f  EXALTE,  I  lyfte  up.  Je  exalte,  prim,  conj.  and 
je  exalce,  prim.  conj.  I  bave  exalted  hym 
by  my  prayse  above  the  slerres  :  je  lay 
exalté,  or  exalcè  par  mes  louenges  par  dessus 
les  estoylles. 

I  EXALTATE  (Lydgate).  Je  me  exalte,  and  je 

I EXAMYNB  wytnesses ,  or  ensercbe  oui  the  truthe 
of  a  mater.  Jexamyne,  prim.  conj.  I  sball 
examyn  bym  strayghtly  ynougb  lexa- 
mineray  estroyctemenl  assés. 

[  examyne  a  person  byfore  ones  face,  or  I  briog 
hym  afore  bym,  or  I  examyne  contrarye 
wytnesses  or  contrarye  parties  byfore 
eche  other.  Je  confronte,  prim.  conj.  I 
sbali  eiamyne  the  byfore  his  face  :  je  te 
confronteray  a  luy. 

I  cxamyn,  or  way  a  thyng  lo  llic  just  examyna- 
cion.  Je  pondère,  prim.  conj.  But  wban  I 
examyn  the  thyng  with  my  selfe  indiffe- 
rently  :  mays  quant  je  pondère  la  chose  a 
par  moy  indifféremment. 

I  EXCEDE,  I  passe.  Jexcede,  prim.  conj.  and 
je  surpasse,  prim.  conj.  Yel  be  excedetb 
of  ail  thaï  ever  I  sawe  :  encore  il  excède. 



or  il  surpasse  entre  tous  ce  que  je  vis  ja- 
mcejrs,  or  pardessus  tous. 

I  excède  notaWy  ail  other  in  any  thing.  Je 
oultrepasse ,  prim.  conj.  and  je  sur- 
monte, prim.  conj.  Tbis  man  eicedeth  al 
olher  in  the  crafte  of  paynlynge  :  cest 
homme  y cj  oultrepasse ,  or  surmonte  tous  en 
lart  de  peynlare. 

I  EXCELLE ,  I  passe,  I  excède.  Je  excelle,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  oultrepasse,  prim.  conj.  She 
excelleth  in  naturall  beaulle  :  elle  excelle, 
or  elle  oultrepasse  en  beaulté  naturelle. 

I  EXECUTE,  I  put  a  ihyng  in  use  or  execucion. 
Je  mets  en  eJTect,  conjugal  in  »  I  put  •.  And 
je  exécute,  prim.  conj.  And  I  niay  ones 
knowe  your  pleasure,  I  shall  exécute  it, 
and  God  wyil  :  si  je  peulx  vue  Joys  cong- 
noyslre  vostre  plaisir,  je  le  metteray  en  ej- 
Ject,  or  je  lexecuteray,  si  Dieu  playst. 

I  EXERCYSB  my  body  for  hehh.  Je  me  exercile, 
prim.  conj.  and  je  exerce,  M.  prim. 
conj.  It  is  nat  good  to  cxercyse  tbe  bodye 
upon  a  fuil  stomacke  :  i7  nest  pas  sayn  de 
exerciter,  or  de  exercer  le  corps  quant  les- 
tomac  est  playn. 

I  exercyse,  I  haunte  a  crafte  or  occupacion.  Je 
hante,  prim.  conj.  Exercyse  tliy  crafte  bet- 
ter,  or  tbou  sha!  te  never  tbrive  :  hante  mieulx 
ton  mcsticr,  ou  tu  ne  vauldrasjamays  rien. 

1  exercyse,  or  use  tyrannye.  Je  tyrannise,  prim. 
conj.  This  skole  maysler  is  a  foole,  he 
exercyseth  tyranny  amongest  a  meynye 
of  poore  innocentes  :  ce  nuiistre  descelle 
est  vng  fol,  car  il  fyrannyse  entre  vng  tas 
de  poures  innocens. 

I  EXCHAONGE.  Jexchange ,  prim.  conj.  I  sball 
never  excliaunge  ber  for  none  otber  ly- 
vynge  :  jamays  ne  lexchangeray  pour  nulle 
aultre  uiuanfe. 

I  EXCHETE.  Je  confisque,  prim.  conj.  The  kynges 
ofTycers  bave  excbeted  ail  bis  goodes  :  les 
officiers  du  roy  luy  ont  confisqué  tous  ses 

I  EXCHEWE  or  avoyde.  Jeschieue ,  prim.  conj. 
This  daunger  can  nat  be  exchewed  : 
ce  dangier  ne  peult  poynt  estre   eschieué. 

I  EXCEPT,  I  out  take.  Je  excepte,  prim.  conj. 
andjV  mets  hors,  conjugale  lyke  bis  sym- 
ple  je  mets,  I  put.  He  is  the  best  of  al  his 
kynne ,  I  excepte  none  :  il  est  le  meilleur  de 
son  lignaige,  sans  nul  excepter,  or  sans  nul 
mettre  hors. 

I  EXCïTE,  I  styrre  one  to  do  a  tbing.  Je.xcite, 
prim.  conj.  ot  je  esmeus,  conjugale  lyke 
bis  symple  je  meus,  I  move.  Tbis  prayer 
excyletb  me  to  devocyon  :  ceste  prière  me 
excite,  or  me  esmeut  a  deuocion. 

I  EXCLCDK,  I  put  away,  or  put  out.  Jexclos,  con- 
jugal lyke  his  symple  je  clos,  I  shytle  ,  or 
jefremme  de  hors.  I  am  excluded ,  and  be 
is  let  in  :  je  suis  exclos,  or  je  suis  fremmé 
dehors,  et  on  le  laysse  entrer, 

I  EXCOMMDNïCATE.  Jexcommunie ,  prim  conj. 
They  that  be  excommunycat  be  in  barde 
case  :  cenlx  qui  sont  excommuniez  sont  en 
maluays  poynt. 

I  EXCDSE  one  of  a  defaulte  or  trespas  Jexcuse, 
prim.  conj.  and  je  desblasme,  prim.  conj. 
I  excuse  you  therof  :  je  vous  lacquitte.  Ex- 
cuse me  for  this  tyme  :  excusez  moy  pour 
ceste  Joys.  Howe  can  you  excuse  you  :  com- 
ment vous  pouez  vous  desblamer? 

I  EXECDTE,  I  fulfyll,  or  I  put  in  ure.  Jucom- 
plis,  sec.  conj.  I  sball  appiye  myselfe  to 
exécute  ail  yourcommaundementes:  je  me 
appliqueray  daccomplyr,  or  dexecuter  tous 
voz  commandemens. 

I  EXEMPLiFïR,  I  take  out  a  tbyng  by  exemple. 
Je  exemplifie,  prim.  conj.  This  is  exempli- 
fyed  according  to  tbe  trutbe  :  ceey  est 
exemplifie  selon  la  vérité. 

I  EXEMPT,  I  prevylege.  Je  exemple,  prim.  conj. 
Many  abbayes  be  exempted  from  their 
byssboppe  :  plusieurs  abbayes  sont  exempta 
de  leur  euesque. 

I  EXHORTE,  or  styrre  a  man  to  do  a  tbyng. 
Jenhorte ,  prim.  conj.  and  je  exhorte. 
He  was  exborted  by  dyvers  meanes  : 
il  fust  exhorté,  or  enhorté  par  plusieurs 

I  exhorle  on  Goddes  bcbalfe.  Je  adjure,  prim. 
conj.  I  exhorte  you  on  Goddes  behalfe 



tell  me  your  names  voai  adjure  au  nom 
de  Dieu,  dictez  ntoy  voz  noms. 
I  EXYLE,  I  banysshe  or  outiawe.  Jexile,  priiri. 
conj.  He  his  exyled  out  of  this  countrey 
for  ever  :  ii  est  exilé  hors  de  ce  pays  pour 
tout  jamays. 
I  EXPECTE,  I  tarye  or  abyde  for  a  tliyng.  Je 
expecte,  prim.  conj.  You  muste  expecte 
liere  a  whyle  :  il  vous  fault  expecler  icy 
vn(j  peu. 

1  EXPLEïT,  I  fynisshe,  or  niake  an  ende  of  a 
thyug.  Je  paracheue,  prim.  conj.  Thoughe 
it  be  longe  first ,  it  is  nowe  expleyled  : 
combien  qud  tarde  beaucoup,  si  est  il  asteure 

I  EXPLOïT,  I  applye  or  avaunce  my  selfe  to 
forther  a  busynesse.- Je  mexploicte ,  je  me 
suis  exploicté,  cxploicter,  verbum  médium 
prim.  conj.  Tbey  exployled  them  so  faste 
that  within  sliorte  space  tbey  came  to 
their  journaycs  eude  :  Hz  se  exploicterent 
tant  que  en  briejue  espace  ilz  vindrent  au 
bout  de  leur  journée. 

I  EXPOSE,  I  put  my  selfe  wyUyngly  lo  peryil. 
Je  me  mets  en  péril  voluntairement  :  and  je 
me  expose,  prim.  conj.  He  is  a  foole  that 
exposeth  hym  selfe  wylfully  unto  peryil  : 
il  est  fol  (fui  se  expose  tout  a  escient  a  peryl. 

I  EXPOWNE  (Lydgat).  Je  expose,  prim.  conj. 
Expowne  me  tbis  lesson  ,  and  thou  sbalte 
do  me  a  pleasure  :  exposez  moy  ceste  leçon, 
et  tu  me  feras  vng  playsir. 

I  BXPOWNDE,  I  déclare,  or  make  open  a  tbyng. 
Je  expose,  prim.  conj. 

I  EXPRESSE.  Je  expresse,  prim.  conj.  and  ^ex- 
prime, prim.  conj.  He  bis  connyng,  but 
be  can  nat  expresse  bis  mynde  :  ii  est  sa- 
uant,  mays  il  ne  scayt  poynt  exprimer  son 

I  BXPDRGE,  I  make  cleane.  Je  cxpurye,  prim. 
conj.  He  batb  nowe  expurged  bis  cons- 
cyence  :  il  a  mayntenanl  expuryé  sa  cons- 

I  EXTENDE,  1  stretcbe,  I  put  oui  a  tbyng.  Je 
estent,  conjugate  iyke  his  symple  je  tens , 
I  bende.  His  power  extendetb  nat  in  to 

thèse  partyes  :  son  pouuoyr  ne  se  extendoyt 

poynt  jusques  en  ces  partyes. 
I  EXTORCYON,  f  get  goodcs  by  extorcion.  Je  ex- 

tortionne.  prim.  conj.  What  goodes  hatli 

he  extorcioned  in  his  dayes  :  quant  biens 

a  il  extorcionné  en  son  temps. 

F    BIFORE    A. 

I  FACE  one,  I  loke  upon  one  stedfastly.  Je 
aduise ,  prim.  conj.  Tbis  felowe  faceth 
me  wei ,  what  so  ever  be  meanetb  :  ce 
compaiynon  me  aduise  bien,  quoy  que  cest 
quil  veult  dire. 

I  face ,  as  one  dothe  that  brauleth ,  or  falleth 
out  with  anotber  to  make  hym  a  frayde. 
Je  contrefays  des  mines,  jay  contrefait  des 
mines,  contrefaire  des  mines,  conjugate 
iyke  bis  symple  Je /oyi ,  I  do.  I  dare  nal 
passe  by  his  dore  be  facetb  and  braceth 
me  so  nose  pas  passer  par  deuant  son 
huys,  il  contrefayt  tellement  des  mines. 

I  face  one  with  a  iye,  I  make  bym  byleve  a  lye 
is  trewe.  Je  embouche  dune  mensonge,  jay 
embouché  dune  mensonge,  emboucher,  prim. 
conj.  I  sawe  bym  do  it  with  myne  owne 
eyes,  and  yethe  wolde  face  me  with  a  lyc; 
je  te  vis  fayre  de  mes yeulx  propres,  encore 
me  vouldroyt  il  emboucher  dune  mensonge. 

I  face  one  downe  in  a  mater,  thoughe  he  bave 
good  cause  to  be  angry,  1  beare  bym  in 
bande  he  batb  none.  Je  ruualle,  prim> 
conj.  and  je  baisse  le  quacquel,  jay  baissé 
le  quacquet,  etc.  I  face  bym  downe  luy 
rebaisse  son  quacquet,  or  je  luy  raualle  son 

I  FAADE ,  as  ones  beauté,  or  heare,  or  suche  Iyke 
thynge  of  a  person  dekayeth.  Je  euanouys, 
jay  euanouy,  euanouyr,  sec.  conj.  There 
was  never  créature  so  fayre  but  by  pro- 
cesse their  beaulte  dyd  fade  :  jamays  ne 
fut  créature  si  belle  que  leur  beaultè  par 
traict  de  temps  ne  se  esuanouyst. 
I  faade,  as  a  floure  dotbe  wban  he  drietb, 
and  leseth  his  savour  and  coloure.  Je 
fade,  prim.  conj.   and  /«  jlaytrys ,  sec. 


conj.  Thoiighe  flowers  in  sommer  loke 
never  so  fayre,  yet  longe  or  wynter  ihey 
fade  away  :  tant  sojent  les  fleurs  en  esté 
belles,  encore  longtemps  deuant  Uuer  elles 
fadent,  or  elles  flajtrissent. 
I  fade,  as  flowre  dolhe  in  wynter  whan  he 
wanysseth  ciere  out  of  syght.  Je  euanouys, 
and  je  abolie,  prim.  conj.  In  ihe  depc  of 
wynter,  ail  llowers  be  faded  quyte  awaye  : 
en  cuear  dhyuer,  or  au  fin  cueur  dhyuer, 
toutes  fleurs  sont  du  tout  euanouyes  or  ubo- 
I  FàDOME.  Je  embrasse,  prim.  conj.  You  can 
nat  fadom  tliis  tree  at  tiirise  :  vous  ne 
pouez  embrasser  ceste  arbre  y çy  a  troysfoys. 
I    PAGGE  from    the   trouthe    (Lydgate).  This 

terme  is  nat  in  our  conien  use. 
I  PAYLB  ,  I  myssc  of  niy  purpose  or  promesse. 
Je  Jaul.v,  ilfault,  nous  f aillons ,  je  faillys, 
jay  failly,je  fauldray,  tjue  je  faille,  que  je 
faillisse ,  faillir,  but  que  je  faulsisse  is  more 
in  use.  I  shal  fayie  of  my  purpose,  but  I 
shall  quyte  the fauldray  a  mon  pmpos 
si  je  ne  le  te  rens.  My  herte  faylleth  me  : 
le  cueur  me  fautt.  Wyll  your  herte  fayle 
you  for  two  wordes  :  vous  faaldra  le  cueur 
pour  deux  niotz  ? 
I  fayle,  I  do  amysse,  or  I  do  nat  the  thyng  aryght 
that  I  go  nbout.  Je  f aulx  and  je  defaulx, 
conjugate  lyke  bis  symplejc /au/a;,  l  fayle. 
Truly  I  bave  fayled  nowe,  I  graunte  it  : 
certes  jay  failly  asteure,je  le  vous  conceile. 
I  fayle,  I  make  a  lye  or  saye  untrewiy.  Je  con- 
trcuue ,  prim.  conj.  and  je  ments,  conju- 
gale in  «1  lye».  Nay,  nowe  you  fayle,  by 
yourleave  :  non,  mayntenant  vous faillei ,  a 
vostre  congé,  or  ne  vous  desplaise. 
I  fayle,  I  wanl  a  tbing.  Jay  faulte.  If  I  fayle  of 
suchc  tbynges  as  I  ha\e  nede  of,  whan 
1  nede ,  howe  can  I  do  it  :  si  jay  faulte  de 
telles  choses  dont  jay  me'stier,  quant  il  me 
seroytbesoing,  comment  le  pourray  je  fayre"! 
I  fayle,  I  come  to  an  ende.  Jejaulx.  In  conclu- 
sion ,  al  tbynges  fayle  save  the  "grâce  of 
God  :  en  ejfect ,  toutes  choses  [aillent  fors 
que  la  qracc  de  Dieu. 



I  faîne.  Je  faings,  nous  fuignons ,  je  faignis , 
jay  faint,  je  fiindray,  que  je  faigne , 
faindre,  tert.  conj.  He  can  fayne  a  lye  as 
well  as  any  boye  in  this  towne  :  il  scayt 
fayndre,  or  controuuer  vne  mensonge  aussi 
bien  que  garçon  en  ceste  ville. 

I  PAYNTE ,  as  one  dothe  for  sycknesse  or  âge. 
Je  suis  vayn.  I  musf  use  to  drinke  earlyer 
adayes,  for  I  faynt  every  niorning  :  ilfault 
que  je  boyue  plus  matyn  tous  les  jours,  car 
je  suis  vayn  chascan  matyn. 

I  faynte,  as  the  coloure  or  glosse  of  a  'byng 
fayntetb  orfadeth.  Je  fade. 

1  faynte,  as  ones  herte  fayntetb.  Le  cuear  me 
fault.  Wyll  your  herte  faynte,  or  wyil  your 
herle  fayle  you  ,  for  two  wordes  :  vous 
fauldra  le  cueur  pour  deux  mois? 

I  PALL  a  doynge  of  a  thyng,  as  I  fall  a  writyng, 
I  fall  a  redynge,  or  sucbe  lyke.  Je  me  mets, 
conjugale  in  «  I  put».  Fall  a  writyng  tyll  I 
come  agayne  :  mettez  vous  a  escripre  tant 
que  je  retourne. 

I  fall  downe  on  my  kne.  Je  magenonïlle,  prim. 
conj.  He  fell  downe  on  bis  knecs  inconty 
nente  :  i7  se  agenouilla  incontinent. 

I  fall  bebynde  the  bande,  I  ani  come  lu  dette. 
Je  suis  a  laricre  de  mes  affaires.  And  the 
worste  fall  :  au  pys  aller.  He  is  fallen  be- 
bynde the  bande,  witbin  this  thre  yere, 
more  than  be  came  afore  bande  this  seven 
yere  :  il  est  plus  au  derrière  de  ses  affaires , 
despuis  troys  ans,  quil  ne  proufjila  en  sept. 

I  fall  in  âge,  I  waxe  or  become  aged.  Je  me  en- 
ueillys,  sec.  conj.  It  is  tyme  for  you  nowe 
to  be  good ,  for  you  fall  in  âge  a  pace  :  il 
vous  est  temps  mayntenant  destre  bon,  car 
vous  enueillissez  fort. 

I  fail  in  a  swoune.  Je  meespaume,  verhnni  mé- 
dium prim.  conj.  or  je  me  esuanouys,  ver- 
bum  médium  sec.  conj.  It  is  a  straunge 
tbynge,  tbey  botbe  fell  on  a  swoune  at 
ones,  the  one  for  joye  and  the  olher  for 
sorowe  :  cest  vne  chose  bien  estrange,  car  Hz 
se  espausmerent  or  ilz  se  esuanouyrent  a  ung 
coup,  lung  de  joye  et  lautre  de  courroux. 

I  fall  awaye ,  as  heure  dotbc  of  ones  heed ,  or 



leaves  of  a  tree ,  or  feathers  from  a  byrde. 
Je  dechoys ,  conjugale  lyke  his  syinpie  je 
chojs,  I  fall.  Se  howe  his  heares  fall  :  a(jar- 
dez  comment  ses  clieueulx  lay  dechéent. 

It  falleth,  it  happeneth.  Il  aduienl.  It  falleth  in 
an  houre  tliat  happeneth  nat  after  in  se- 
ven  yere  :  il  aduienl  en  vne  heure  qui  nad- 
uient  pas  après  en  sept  ans. 

I  fall  awaye,  I  waxe  leane  of  flesshe,  or  syck- 
nesse,  or  otherwyse.  Je  descharne,  prini. 
conj.  ThougVit  causeth  a  persone  to  fall 
awaye  at  ones  :  chagryn  fait  la  personne  se 
descharner  tout  a  coup. 

I  fall,  as  an  offyce,  or  landes,  or  goodes  falleth 
in  to  the  kynges  handes  by  reason  of  for- 
fayture.  Je  eschoys ,  conjugale  lyke  his  sym- 
ple  je  choys,  I  fall.  His  landes  be  fallen  inlo 
the  kynges  bandes  :  ses  terres  sont  esclieues 
entre  les  mayns  du  roy. 

1  fall,  as  an  oB'yce  or  romme  ihat  falleth  voyde. 
Je  vacque,  prim.  csnj . So  sone  ets  thou  can- 
nesl  se  any  oDyce  fall ,  corne  aske  it  of  the 
kynge  :  aussi  tost  que  tu  puis  veoyr  nulle  of- 
fice vacquer,  viens  la  demander  au  roy. 

I  fall  ail  on  a  sweale.  Je  tressue,  prim.  conj.  He 
is  fallen  on  a  sweate  nowe  sodaynely  :  il 
tressue  mayntenant  tout  soudayn. 

1  fall  on  slepe.  Je  mendors,je  men  suis  endomiy, 
endormir,  conjugale  lyke  his  symple  je 
dors ,  I  slepe.  He  fell  a  slepe  openly  at 
ihe  boordè  :  i7  se  endormoyt  en  playne 

I  fall  downe ,  as  a  man  or  beest  falleth  downe 
to  the  grounde.  Je  tumhe,jay.  tumbé,  fum- 
ier, prim.  conj.  and  je  cheoys.  M.  il  chiet, 
nous  cheons,  je  cheys,jay  chea,  je  cheus, 
je  cherray,  que  je  cheoye,  cheoyr,  terl.  conj . 
and  je  decheoys,jay  decheu,  decheoyr,  con- 
jugale lyke  his  symple  je  cheoys,  I  fall. 
Andje  encheoys,jay  cnchea,  encheoyr.  And 
he  be  nat  holden  up,  he  wyll  fall  :  sil  nest 
soustenu,  il  cherra.  He  falleth  downe  :  il 
cheut  de  hault  en  bas.  Somtyme  they  un- 
derstande  ihis  verbe,  as  for  «I  wyll  nat 
«  do  but  as  it  falleth  in  my  brayne  »  they 
saye  :  je  neferay  qua  ma  teste.  - 

I  fall,  as  a  slone,  or  beavy  thyng,  oui  of  a  hye 
place.  Je  trébuche,  prim.  conj.  But  je 
tumbe,  je  cheoys,  je  trébuche,  be  used  ofte 
tymes  iudifferenlly. 

I  fall  in  acquoyotaunce  with  one.  Je  maccoynte, 
je  me  suis  accointé,  accointer,  verbum  mé- 
dium prim.  conj.  I  fall  in  acquoyntaunce 
with  hym  ;  je  maccoynte  de  luy. 

I  fall  away,  or  pyne ,  as  one  dolhe  for  sycknesse 
or  for  ibought.  Jalangore,  prim.  conj. 

I  fall  in  con\munycaciou  with  one.  Je  le  mets 
en  paroles. 

I  fall  in  comunycacion  of  a  mater.  Je  me 
mets  a  parler,  je  me  suis  mis  a  parler,  met- 
tre a  parler,  and  je  conuiens ,  jay  conuenu, 
conuenir,  conjugal  lyke  his  symple  je  vien.s, 
I  conie. 

I  fall  in  dalyaunce  with  one.  Je  me  joue,  je  me 
suis  joué,  jouer,  prim.  conj.  I  fall  in  da- 
lyaunce or  sporte  with  hym  :  je  me  suis 
joué  a  luy. 

I  fall  in  dispayre,  or  I  fall  in  wanhope.  Je  me 
désespère,  verbum  médium  prim.  conj. 
Though  a  man  bave  ben  never  so  synfuU , 
yet  let  hym  nal  fall  in  dispayre  :  tant  ayt 
vng  homme  esté  pécheur,  si  ne  se  doybl  il 

I  fall  in  love  with  one.  Je  me  énamoure,  je  me 
suis  énamouré,  énamourer,  verbum  médium 
prim.  conj.  I  shall  fall  in  love  with  her  : 
je  me  cnamoureray  délie. 

I  fall  in  bande  with  one,  I  meddyll  with  hym, 
or  lay  bandes  on  hym.  Je  me  prens.  If  I 
fall  in  hande  with  hym ,  he  shall  repente 
hym  ;  si  je  me  prens  a  luy.  Use  repentira. 

I  fall  on  my  knees.  Je  me  mets  a  genoalx,je  me 
suis  mys  a  genoulx,  mettre  a  genoulx ,  con- 
jugale in  «I  put». 

]  fallowe  lande.  Je  laboure  la  terre. 

I  fall  oui  of  flesshe  by  reason  of  sycknesse. 
Jahstiens,  or  otherwyse  je  deschairne,  prim. 

I  fall  oui  with  one,  I  ihwarte  with  one  or  mul- 
typlye  langage  with  hym.  Je  prens  noyse  or 
castille,  jay  prins  noyse,  prendre  noyse, 
conjugale  lyke  je  prens.  I  lake.  I  fall  out 



witli  liym  :  je  prens  noyse  or  conlens  a  luy. 
You  fail  out  wilh  your  frendes  :  vous  pre- 
nez noyse  a  voz  amjz,  Fall  nat  out  with 
your  frendes  for  a  thing  of  naught  :  ne 
prennez  poynt  de  noyse  a  voz  amys  pour  vne 
chose  de  rien,  and  in  Ihis  sence  I  fynde 
aise  je  me  argue,  je  me  suis  argué,  arguer, 
verbuin  médium  prim.  conj.  I  bave  fal- 
len  out  witb  bym  :  je  me  suis  argué  a  luy, 
and  also  jefays  noyse,  as  and  ever  tbey 
fa!)  out  with  women  :  et  font  tousjours 
noyse  aux  femmes. 

I  FALSE  my  promesse  or  my  maryage.  Jefaxilce, 
prim.  conj.  It  is  no  iessc  oCTencc  for  a 
maryed  man  to  false  bis  maryage  tban 
for  a  religyouse  man  to  false  bis  reli- 
gion :  ce  nesl  riens  moyns  doffence  a  vng 
homme  marié  de  fanlser  son  mariage  que  a 
vng  religieux  defaulser  a  sa  religion. 

J  FAtTEn  in  my  speakyng,  as  one  dotbe  that  is 
dronken.  Je  baboye,  prim.  conj.  His  tonge 
begynnelb  to  faltcr,  be  balb  dronle  a 
lyteil  to  mocbe  :  sa  langue  se  commence 
a  baboyer,  je  pence  quil  a  vng  peu.  trop 

I  FALL  to  ruyne  or  to  decaye.  Je  decheoys ,  jay 
dechea,  decheoyr,  conjugale  lyke  bis 
sytnplcj'e  cheoys,  I  fail.  Tbis  castell  fal- 
leth  to  ruyne  every  day  :  te  chasteau  de- 
chiet  de  jour  en  jour. 

I  fall  voyde,  as  an  offyce,  or  benefyce,  or  any 
other  roaime  dotbe.  Je  vacque,TpTitn.  conj. 

I  My  lorde  entendelb  to  gyve  bim  the  nexte 
benyfyce  tbal  falletb  voyde  ;  monsieur  est 
délibéré  de  luy  conférer  le  primier  benijice 
qui  vacquera. 

I  FAMYssHE  for  bouger.  Je  affame.  If  I  can  get 
tbem  none  otberwyse,  I  wyll  famyssbe 
tbcm  :  si  je  ne  les  puis  aultrement  gaigner,je 
les  affamcray. 

I  FANNE  witb  a  fanne.  Je  vanne,  prim.  conj.  A 
man  maye  fanne  more  corne  in  a  daye 
tban  be  can  tbressbe  in  twayne  :  vng 
homme  peult  vanner  plus  de  bled  en  vng  jour 
qail  ne  peult  batre  en  grandie  en  deux, 

I  FANTASYE  a  thyng  in  my  mynde.  Jefantasie, 

prim.  conj.  Wbat  so  ever  you  bere,  f 
wolde  nat  bave  you  fantasye  it  :  quoy  que 
vous  ouyez,  je  ne  vouldroyé  poynt  que  vous 
deussiez  fanlasicr. 

I  FARCE,  I  stoppe  meatc.  Je  farce,  prim.  conj. 
Farce  Ibis  conye,  and  tban  be  wyll  be  good 
meate  -.farcez  ce  connyn,  et  adonc  il  sera 
bonne  viande , 

I  farce,  I  stufle  meate  witb  herbes  or  sucbe 
lyke  tbinges.  Jefarcye,  prim.  conj.  Tbis 
conye  is  well  farced  :  ce  connyn  est  bien 

I  FABE  with  one,  or  enlreate  bym  well  or 
yvell.  Je  traicle,  prim.  conj.  He  faretb  yll 
willi  tbe  :  il  te  traicte  mal. 

I  fare  foule  witb  one,  I  mysentreate  bym.  Je 
oultrage,  prim.  conj.  Wbal  wborsbyp  can 
you  gct  to  fare  thus  foule  witb  bim  :  quel 
honneur  pouez  vous  gaigner  de  loutraigier 
ainsi  ? 

I  fare  fowle  witb  one,  I  béate  bym,  or  trayle 
bym  aboute.  Je  harie,  prim.  conj.  I  never 
sawe  man  fare  so  foule  witb  his  wyfe  :ja- 
mays  ne  vis  homme  aynsi  harier  sa  femme. 

I  fare,  I  go  a  journay.  Je  voiage,  prim.  conj. 
Wbyther  fare  you  nowe:  ou  est  ce  que  vous 
voyagez  mayntenant? 

It  faretb ,  it  bappenetb ,  or  is  lyke.  Il  aduienl. 
It  faretb  by  bim  as  it  doth  by  a  borse ,  be 
wyll  eate  be  he  never  so  sycke  ;  il  est  aynsi 
de  luy  comme  dung  chenal,  tant  soyt  il  ma- 
lade si  veult  il  tousjours  menger. 

I  fare,  I  playe  at  a  game  so  named  lat  tbe 
«dyse».  Je  joue  aux  dez, 

I  fare,  I  resemble,  or  semé  lyke  to  another 
thyng  in  my  dealyng.  Je  rcsemble,  prim. 
conj.  He  faretb  somtyme  lyke  a  madde 
man  :  il  resemble  aulcanesfoya  a  vng  homme 

I  fare ,  I  take  on ,  as  one  dotbe  that  is  in  sorowe. 
Je  chagrine,  or  je  prens  soucy,  and  je  me 
tourmente,  verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  I 
never  sawe  man  fare  on  tbis  facyon  :  j'o- 
mays  ne  vis  homme  se  chagriner,  or  prendre 
soucy,  or  se  tourmenter  aynsi. 

I  fare  well,  wbicbe  we  use  to  say,  wban  we 




lakc  oiir  leavc  of  3  person.  A  Dieu,  in 
whiche  wordes  the  freoclie  men  under- 
staodeje  vous  commande,  lyke  as  we  do  in 
fare  well ,  I  praye  you  may  fare  well. 

I  fare  well  at  ineale.  Jaj  bien  a  mengeT,jay  eu 
bien  a  menger,  auoyr  bien  or  mal  a  menger, 
and  je  suis  bien  traicté,jay  esté  bien  traicté, 
esti-e  bien  traicté,  traicter,  prim.  conj.  and 
je  me  suis  bien  repeu.  I  hâve  fared  well  to 
day,  I  tlianke  God  and  you  .jaj  bien  eu  a 
menger,je  me  sais  bien  traicté,  or  je  me  suis 
bien  repeu.  Dieu  mercy  et  vous.  You  shall 
fare  yvell  to  daye  :  vous  serez  mal  traicté 

I  fare  well  or  yvell ,  conccrnyng  tbe  Leitbe  of 
my  body,  or  olherwyse  concernyng  tbe 
(juycte  of  my  mynde.  Je  me  porte,  je  me 
suis  porté ,  porter,  verbum  médium  prim. 
conj.  Howe  fare  you:  comment  vous  portés 
vous  ?  I  bave  fared  well ,  tbanked  be  God  -. 
je  me  suis  bien  porté.  Dieu  mercy.  He  faretb 
as  well  as  is  possybte:  i7  se  porte  aussi  bien 
(fue  meraaylles.  And  in  this  sence  I  fynde 
aiso  il  mest  bien,  il  ma  esté  bien,  or  t7  ma 
esté  mal,  estre  bien  or  moi,  usynge  tbe 
tliyrde  persons  synguler  of  je  suis,  like  a 
verbe  imparsonall.  Fare  you  well  :  vous  est 
il  bien  ?  I  hâve  fared  yvell  sythe  I  sawe 
you  :  il  ma  esté  mal  depuis  que  je  ne  vous 
vis.  Howe  fsurest  thou  :  comment  te  va,  is 
Normante ,  and  so  is  howe  do  you  :  com- 
ment vous  va?  You  sball  fare  yvell  :  il  vous 
yra  mal,  usyng  va  lyke  a  verbe  impar- 

I  FARTE-  Je  petle,  prim.  conj.  1  muste  nedes 
farte  whan  I  am  pricked  :  il  mest  force  de 
petler  quant  je  suis  picqué. 

I  FASYLL  oui,  as  sylke  or  velvet  dotbe.  Je  ru- 
uele ,  prim.  conj.  My  sleve  is  fasylled  : 
ma  manche  est  rauelée. 

I  FASTE,  I  forbeare  from  meate.  Je  jeune,  prim. 
conj.  I  faste  to  day  our  Ladyes  faste  :  je 
jeune  aujourdhuy  la  jeune  Noslre  Dame. 

I  faste  hreed  and  watcr.  Je  jeune  en  payn  et  en 
eaae.  You  muste  faste  to  daye ,  if  you  wyll 
obey  thecommaundementof  thecburcbe  : 

il  vous  fouit  jeûner  aujtiurdhay,  se  vous  vou- 
lez obeyr  le  commandement  de  lesglise. 

I  FASTEN  a  tbyng ,  I  tye,  or  make  it  fast  with 
byndyng.  Je  lie,  prim.  conj.  Fasten  this 
cbyldes  gyrdell  betler  aboute  hym,  lest  il 
fall  from  hym  :  liez  mieutx  la  ceincture  a 
cest  enfant  autour  de  lay,  de  paour  quelle 
ne  lay  dechiée. 

I  fasten,  I  make  a  tbyng  fast  to  a  wall ,  or  su- 
che  another  sledye  thing.  Jatache,  prim. 
conj.  Fasten  this  booke  against  the  walle 
with  a  nayle  :  atackez  ce  crochet  a  ce  mur 
dung  clou. 

I  fasten  hy  the  roote,  as  thynges  do  that  be 
newe  planted ,  or  set  whan  they  lyke.  Jen- 
racine,  prim.  conj.  This  tree  can  nat  lyke 
well  yet,  for  it  is  nat  fastyned  by  tbe  roole  : 
cest  arbre  ne  peult  poynt  pourfiter  encore, 
car  il  nest  pas  enraciné. 

l  PATTE  a  beest,  or  othcr  thynge,  I  make  il 
fatte.  Je  engresse ,  prim.  conj.  He  fattetb 
bis  swyne  agaiiist  alhallon  tyde  :  il  en- 
gresse ses  pourceautx  contre  la  Toussayns. 

I  FAVOOR,  Je  fauourise,  prim.  conj.  He  favoii- 
reth  my  felowe  more  than  me  :  il  fauou- 
rise a  mon  compaignon  plus  qua  moy. 

I  PABLTB ,  I  my&se.  Je  f aulx  and  je  defaulx,  con- 
jugal in  «I  fayle,  I  mysse».  It  is  no  mar- 
vayle  thoughe  I  faulte  yet,  I  am  but  a 
begynner  :  si  je  faulx  encore  ce  nest  pas 
de  maruaiUe,je  ne  suis  qung  aprentys. 

I  FAWNB,  as  a  dere  bereth  a  fawne.  Jefaonne  , 
prim.  conj.  Hâve  your  dere  fawned  yet 
1102  biches  ont  elles  faonnez  encore? 

I  PAWNE,  as  a  dogge  doth  on  bis  maystér.  Je 
flatte,  prim.  conj.  Se  how  this  dogge  faw- 
neth  on  bis  master  :  agardez  comment  ce 
chien  flatte  son  maistre. 

F   BYFOBE   E. 

I  PEABLE,  PEBLïSSHE,  or  I  make  weake.  Je  af-  ■ 
foyblys ,  jay  affoybly,  affoyblir,  sec.  conj. 
This  sicknesse  hath  feabled  me  more  than 
I  was  tbis  seven  yere  :  ceste  maladie  ma 
plus  ajfoybly  que  je  ne  fus  de  sept  ans. 

I  FEEDE  a  man  with  meale,  or  any  beest  with 



such  meatc  as  is  mete  for  liym.  Je  pays, 
il  paisl ,  nous  paissons,  the  indiflynyte 
tence  and  ail  his  pretertenses  wante,  leste 
they  shulde  be  lyke  the  same  tenses  of 
je  puis,  1  may.  Je  paistray,  que  je  paisse, 
paistre,  verbum  defectivum.  Thèse  bcestes 
fede  meryly  towardes  nyght  :  ces  bestes 
paifsent  bien  et  beau  vers  le  soyr.  But  his 
compownde  bath  ail  his  tenses,  as  je  re- 
pays, il  repaysf,  nous  repaissons,  je  repeus, 
jay  repeu,  je  repaystray,  que  je  repaisse, 
que  je  repeusse,  repaistre,  tert.  conj. 

I  fede,  as  a  norse  fedeth  her  childe,  wban  she 
chaweth  the  meate  afore,  or  as  a  byrde 
fedeth  her  yonge.  Japastelle,  prim.  conj. 
Fede  your  childe,  nourycc,  you  knowe 
he  hath  no  tethe  yet  :  apaslellez  vosire 
enfani,  nourrice,  vous  scauez  bien  quil  na 
pas  des  dens  encore. 

I  fede,  as  nouryces  do  chyldren  with  mylke, 
or  any  she  beest  dotlie  her  yonge  whan 
she  gyveth  it  souke.  Je  alaicle,  prim.  conj. 
This  bytclie  fedeth  her  whelpes  :  ceste 
lysse  alaicle  ses  petis  chiens. 

I  fede,  I  eate.  Je  manye ,  conjugale  in  «  I 

I  fede,  as  one  dothe  that  eateth  a  large  meale. 
Je  me  repays,  conjugale  lyke  je  pays,  I 
fede.  I  hâve  fed  me  well  :  je  me  suis  bien 

I  fede  one  forthe  with  fayre  wordes.  Je  baiUe 
des  bourdes  en  payement.  Il  is  lymc  lo  be 
wyse,  I  trowe,  you  bave  fedde  me  forthe 
with  fayre  wordes  longe  ynoughe  :  il  est 
temps  désire  saige,  ce  croy  je,  asteure,  vous 
maues  donné  de  belles  parolles,  or  baillé  des 
bourdes  en  payement  long  temps  assez. 

1  FEDER  a  shafle,  as  a  fletcher  doth  whan  he 
gleweth  on  the  fethers.  Je  empenne,  prim. 
conj.  Felher  my  shafle  with  longe  fethers 
and  lowe  culte  :  empennez  ma  flèche  de 
lonqz  pennons  et  bas  coupez. 

I  PELE,  I  parceyve  by  any  of  my  wylles.  Je 
sens,  nous  sentons,  je  sentys,jay  senti,  je 
sentiray,  que  je  sente,  sentir,  tert.  conj.  I 
fêle  it  stynke  hère  by,  1  wene  it  be  some 

caryon  :  je  le  sens  puyr  icy  près,  je  pence 
que  cest  de  quelque  churoiyne. 

I  feie  wilh  my  bande  or  I  bandell.  Je  nmnye , 
prim.  conj.  Lel  me  fêle,  boye,  where  be 
hath  stryken  tbe ,  that  I  maye  blowe  it  : 
que  je  manye,  mon  enfant,  ou  cest  quil  ta 
frappé,  que  je  y  puisse  souffler. 

I  fêle,  I  grope,  as  one  dothe  that  can  nat  se, 
or  suche  lyke.  Je  laste,  prim.  conj.  Felc 
this  way  alonge  by  the  wall,  tyll  you  corne 
to  the  wyndowe,  and  than  you  shall  fynde 
it  :  tastez  par  cy  au  long  du  mur,  tant  que 
vous  venez  a  lafenestre,  ei  lors  vous  le  trou- 

I  PELL  a  man  or  beest  downe  to  the  grounde 
with  a  stroke.  J assomme ,  prim.  conj.  He 
felled  hym  at  the  first  stroke  :  il  lassom- 
myl  au  primier  coup. 

I  FEARB  me,  I  stande  in  doute  of  the  (rulhe  of 
a  Ihyng.  Je  men  double,  verbum  médium 
prim.  conj.  I  feared  me  alwayes  that  it 
wolde  be  se  :je  men  doubtay  bien  iousjours 
quil  seroyt  aynsi. 

I  feare ,  I  drede ,  or  stande  in  doute  of  a  thynge 
to  my  hurle.  Je  craings,  conjugale  in  «  F 
«  drede  >.  He  feareth  me  above  ail  the  men 
lyvynge  :  il  me  cnàngt  sur  tous  les  hommes 

I  feare  awayc,  I  skarre  away,  as  we  do  bees- 
tes  or  byrdes.  Je  déchusse,  prim.  conj. 
Feare  away  thèse  crowes ,  or  they  wyil 
marre  your  corne  :  dechassez  ces  comailles, 
ou  elles  gasteront  vostre  bled. 

I  feare  one,  I  make  hym  a  frayde.  Je  baillepaour, 
jay  baillé  paour,  bailler  paour.  I  make  hym 
afrayde  :  je  luy  baille  paour.  I  shall  feare 
him,  he  was  never  so  feared  in  his  lyfe  : 
je  luy  bailleray  paour,  il  nefust  jamays  si 
paouré  en  sa  vie, 

I  feare  with  a  love  and  révérence ,  as  a  subjecle 
dolhc  his  soverayne,  or  as  a  servaunte  do- 
the bis  lordc.  Je  redoubte,  prim.  conj.  Il 
is  tbe  olTyce  of  a  subjecte  to  feare  bis  so- 
/  '^erayne  and  to  love  him  :  cest  lojjice  dung 
subject  que  de  redoubler  son  souuerain  et 
laymer  aussi. 

-   69. 



1  FERYE  over  a  water.  Je  passe  leau.  I  liave  fe- 
ryed  over  tlie  water  :  jay  passé  leaue. 

I  FEïNE  a  mater  thaï  is  nat  trewe.  Jefaingz, 
conjugale  in  «I  fayne».  And  je  conireuue, 
prim.  conj.  He  can  fayne  a  mater  that 
was  never  tbouglil  nor  wrought  :  il  scayt 
Jayndre,  or  conirouaer,  vne  matière  cjui  ne 
fut  jamais  pencée  nejaicte, 

I  feyne,  I  disceyve,  I  double.  Je  faingz,faindre. 

I  feyne  a  false  mater.  Je  contreuue,  prim.  conj. 
Lel  hym  alone ,  he  can  fayne  a  false  ma- 
ter as  well  as  any  felowe  in  this  towne  : 
il  scayt  aussi  bien,  contreauer  vne  mensonge 
que  compaignon  de  ceste  ville. 

1  feyne  in  syngyng.  Je  chante  a  basse  voyx.  We 
maye  nat  synge  oui,  we  are  to  nere  my 
lorde,  but  lette  us  fayne  tfais  songe  :  nous 
nosons  pas  chanter  a  playne  voyx,  nous 
sommes  trop  près  de  monsieur,  chantons 
pourtant  ceste  chancon  a  basse  voyx. 

I  FEYNTE  (Lydgate).  Loke  in  il  fayate  for  la- 
»  heure  or  travayle».  Je  suis  vayn,  and  le 
tueur  me  fault ,  declared  afore  in  «  I 
«faynte».  .   1 

1  FELL.  Je  cheys.  Il  fell  ;  il  aduint,  declared  in 
il  befeil.  As  il  befell  upon  a  day  .'com- 
ment il  aduint  a  vng  jour. 

1  FENDE  (Lydgat),  I  défende.  Je  defens.,  nous 
défendons ,  je  defendys,jay  défendu,  je  de- 
fendray,  que  je  défende,  défendre,  tert. 
conj.  conjugale  iyke  bis  symple  je  fens, 
I  cleve.  And  je  garde ,  prim.  conj.  Fende 
thy  selfe  ;  defens  toy.  Fende  thy.beed,  I 
advyse  the  :  gare  or  garde  ta  teste,  je  lad- 
uise.  I  fende  to  Goddes  forbode  il  shulde 
be  so  :  a  Dieu  ne  playsc  quaynsi  il  ad- 
uiengnc.  ,< 

1  FEKME  an  other  mans  bouse  or  his  lande.  Je 
prens  a  ferme ,  conjugale  in  «I  take».  I 
bave  fermed  his  house  and  al  the  lande 
he  hath  in  this  lov/ae  :  jay  prins  a.ferme 
sa  mayson  et  toutes  les  terres  quil  a  en  ceste 

I  ferme  a  siège  or  privy.  Jescure,  prim.  conj. 
Never  come  to  your  newe  house  tyll  your 
seges  or  privyes  be  fermed  :  ne  venez  ja- 

mays  a  vostre  nouuelle  mayson  tant  que  vous 
ayez  curi  les  ortrays. 

I  FEEST,  I  make  cbere.  Je  festis,  or  je  festoyé, 
prim.  conj.  1  was  never  bélier  feested  in 
my  lyfe:jomajj  en  ma  vie  ne  fus  mieulx 
festié,  OT  festoyé. 

I  festen.  Je  lie,  prim.  conj.  Declared  in  a  1 
•  fasten  ». 

I  FESTïR,  as  a  sore  dothe.  Je  aposlume,  prim. 
conj,  and  je  pourrys,  sec.  conj.  and  je 
appourrys,  sec.  conj.  Though  this  wounde 
be  closed  above,  yet  il  feaslrelh  bynelh 
and  is  fuU  of  mater  :  combien  que  ceste 
playe  soyt  presque  close  par  dessus,  encores 
elle  se  aposlume,  or  elle  pourrit,  or  appour- 
rit  par  dessoubz. 

I  FETCHE  a  ihyng  thaï  I  or  other  bave  nat.  For 
this  worde  tbey  bave  no  propre  verbe  but 
use  to  joyne  the  lenses  of  je  men  vas,  con- 
jugale in  the  seconde  boke  to  quérir,  as 
je  men  vas  quérir,  je  men  suis  allé  quérir, 
je  men  iray  quérir,  aller  quérir.  Go  felche 
me  my  sworde  at  ones ,  I  sball  teache  the 
knave  good  :  f  o  me  quérir  mon  espée  a  coup, 
je  apprendray  le  villayn  de  mesmes. 

1  FET  (Lydgate),  I  fetcbe.  Je  vas  quérir. 

I  felche  a  gambolde  or  a  fryske  in  daunsyng. 
Jefays  vne  gambade  or  vne  f  risque.  Hoide 
me  a  cappe ,  I  wyll  fetche  a  gambalde  as 
hye  as  I  may  reache  :  tenez  moy  vng  bonnet, 
jeferay  une  gambade  atissi  hault  que  je  puis 
ultayndre  de  ma  mayn. 

I  FETHER  a  shaftc,  I  put  fethers  upon  a  steaie. 
Jempeimej  prim.  conj.  Fether  myshafles, 
1  praye  you ,  agaynsl  aflcr  noone ,  for  1 
must  shote  for  a  wager  :  empennez  mes 
flèches,  je  vous  prie,  car  après  disner  il  me 
fault  tirer  pour  vne  gaigeure. 

1  fether,  I  slycke  full  of  fethers,  or  fyll  fuU  of 
felhers.  Jemphime,  prim.  conj.  This  yonge 
pecocke  is  almoste  felbered  ail  redy  :  ce 
jeune  paon  est  quasi  tout  emplumé  desja. 

I  FETTEK  in  gyves.  Jcntraue,  prim.  conj.  He  is 
in  prison  and  fast  fettered  :  il  est  en  prison 
et  entraaé  bien  serré, 

I  fetter  a  man  in  fctlers.  Jenferre,  prim.  conj. 



Whal  nede  you  to  fetter  liym  seyng  he  is 
faBte  in  a  payre  of  stockes  :  a  qaoy  est  il 
besoing  de  lenferrer,  puisi/uil  est  bien  serré 
en  vngz  ceps? 

F   BÏFORE   I. 

I  FYCHE~(Lydgat),  I  stedye  or  make  ferme  or 
stedfaste.  Je  fiche,  prim.  conj.  This  terme 
is  nal  yet  admytted  but  for  exemple.  He 
that  hath  his  purpose  fyched  upon  any 
ooe  thyog  may  parchaunce  bring  it  to 
.     passe  ;  qui  a  son  cueur  fiché  sur  aulcun 

%  propos  vnicque,  il  le  peult  par  adaenture 

I  FïDDELL.  Je  joue  du  rebecq.  Can  you  fyddell 
and  playe  upon  a  tabouret  to  :  scaiiez  vous 
jouer  du  rebecq  et  sas  le  tabouiyn  aussi  ? 

I  fydell ,  I  tryfle  with  my  bandes.  Je  frétille 
mes  mayns.  Loke  you  fydell  nal  with  your 
bandes  wban  your  maister  speketh  to 
you  :  <^rdez  vous  de  frétiller  de  voz  mayns 
quant  vostre  niaistre  parle  a  vous. 

I  PïGHT  witb  myne  enemyes  in  a  batayle.  Je  ba- 
tailk,  prim.  conj.  But  1  fyndc  often  alsoj'e 
combats.  I  dare  fyglit  witb  bym  bande  to 
bande  :  je  me  ose  combattre  a  lay  mayn  a 
mayn.  The  two  hostes  foughl  togyder  from 
morowc  to  nygbt  :  les  deux  armées  se  com- 
batyrent  ensemble  despuis  le  tnaiyn  jusques 
au  soyr. 

I  fygbt  with  one.  Je  me  combats,  nous  nouscom- 
batons,  je  me  combalis,  je  me  sais  combatu, 
je  me  combalray ,  que  je  me  combate,  com- 
batre.  I  wyll  fygbt  with  bym  :  je  me  com- 
bateray  a  lay.  And  I  bad  any  body  to  fygbt 
witb ,  I  cared  nat  to  make  a  fraye  no  more 
tban  to  drinke  :  si  je  eusse  a  qui  me  com- 
batre.  il  ne  men  chauldroil  défaire  vng  hutin 
non  plus  que  de  boyre,  I  dare  nat  fygbt 
witb  him  bande  to  bande  :je  ne  mose  pas 
combatre  a  luy  mayn  a  mayn. 

1  FYEST,  I  stynke.  Jevesse,  prim.  conj.  Beware 
nowe  thou   fysthe  nat,  for  tbou  sbalte 
'     jmell  sower  tban  :  or  c/arde  toy  de  vesser, 
car  tu  sentiras  seur  donqaes. 

l  FYLB  or  araye.  Je  salis,  jay  sulyt  talir,  sec. 

conj.  or  je  ordoye,  je  entache,  je  souille, 
jemboue,  je  barboille,  je  honnye,  prim. 
conj.  Fyle  nat  your  newe  gowne,  I  pray 
you  :  ne  salissez,  ne  ordoiez,  ne  entachez, 
ne  souillez,  ne  embarboyllez ,  ne  honnyssez 
pas  vostre  neuue  robe,  je  vous  prie. 
I  fyle  or  araye  with  myer.  Je  emboue,  prim. 
conj.  You  bave  ail  to  fylcd  your  gowne 
witb  myer  :  vous  aaez  tout  emboué  vostre 

I  fyle  or  aray  witb  assbes.  Je  encendre,  prim. 
conj.  You  bave  fyled  your  sboes  with  as- 
sbes :  vous  auez  encendre  voz  souliers. 

I  FïLE  witb  a  fyle,  an  instrument.  Je  lime,prim. 
coDJ.  He  bad  fyled  this  barre  of  yron 
asonder  in  lesse  tban  halfe  an  boure  :  i7 
auoyt  lymé  ceste  barre  de  fer  en  d^ux  en 
moyns  dune  demye  heure. 

I  PïiL  drinke,  I  poore  drinke  in  to  a  potlc  or 
cuppe.  Je  verse  a  boyre,  jay  versé  a  boyre, 
uersero  6(yre,  prim.  conj.  nadje  propine, 
jay  propiné,  propiner,  prim.  conj.  Fyll  me 
some  drinke  in  to  this  cuppe  or  you  go  : 
versez  moy  a  boyre  en  ceste  couppc  auant  que 
vous  allez ,  je  vous  prie,  or  propinez  moy 
auant  que  vous  allez. 

1  fyll  an  emptye  vessell  witb  lycour,  or  auy 
other  sache  lyke  thyng.  Jemplys ,  jay  em- 
ply,  emplir,  sec.  conj.  But  ihey  use  more 
his  compounde  je  remplys ,  jay  remply , 
remplyr,  sec.  conj.  I  bave  fylled  ail  the 
vessels  in  my  bouse  with  wyne  this  yere  : 
jay  remply  tous  les  vaisseaux  de  ma  mayson 
ceste  année  de  vyn. 

1  fyll ,  I  stuffe  one  witb  the  savour  of  meate , 
or  wynes,  or  any  other  thynges.  Je  assou- 
uis.jay  assouuy,  assouuir,  sec.  conj.  You 
bave  fylled  me  so  moche  that  I  can  no 
jnore  :  vous  mauez  tant  assouuy  que  je  nen 
puis  plus. 

I  fyll  up  to  the  brimme  or  brinke,  as  we  do 
vesseis  or  mcasures  propcrly  witb  drye 
thynges,  as  corne  or  spyce,  or  auy  suche 
lyke  thyng.  Je  accomble,  prim,  conj.  Fyll 
your  bussbell  heape  full,  you  maye  vvell 
ynougbe ,   for  you  sell    dere  :  accomble: 



vostre  heysseaa,  vous  le  pouet  bien  assez, 
car  vous  vendez  chier. 

I  fyll  up  with  meate  lothethrote.  Je  rengorge, 
prim.  conj.  He  is  a  gret  gloUon,  he  fyl- 
leth  Limseife  tlire  or  four  lymes  a  daye 
up  to  the  llirote  :  cest  vng  grant  gloutton, 
il  se  rengorge  troys  ou  quatre  Joys  le  jour. 

I  FYNDE  a  faute  at  a  thing,  I  lacke  it  or  Jis- 
prease  il.  Je  trouue  a  redire,  jaj  trouué  a 
redire,  trouuer  a  redire,  prim.  conj.  Let 
me  se  fynde  you  any  faute  at  his  sayeng  : 
que  je  voye  Irouuer  vous  a  redire  en  son  dict. 

I  fynde  a  lacke  at  a  tliyng  (Lyd.).  I  can  fynde 
no  lacke  or  no  faute  at  tliis  tliynge  ne 
saicke  que  remordre,  or  je  ne  trouue  que  re- 

I  fynde  a  mater  to  fall  out  with  one  or  lo  breake 
hym  of  his  purpose  by.  Jachoysonne,  prim. 
conj.  It  shall  go  harde  but  1  wyll  fynde 
one  mater  or  other  to  breake  hym  of  bis 
purpose  :  ilyra  mal  si  je  ne  achojsonne  par 
quelque  moyen  de  luy  rompre  son  propos. 

I  fynde  a  thynge  thaï  is  wantenly  loste  or  by 
neglygence.  Je  trouue,  prira.  conj.  If  you 
fynde  my  boke,  I  praye  you  bringe  it  me 
agayne  :  se  vous  trouuez  mon  Hure,  je  vous 
prie  de  me  le  faire  raaoyr. 

I  fynde  comunycacion  with  one.  Je  entre  en 
deuiscs  auecque  vng,  entrer  en  deaises.  He 
dyd  fall  in  comunycacion  with  me  :  il 
entra  en  deuises  auccques  moy.  As  I  fynde 
comunycacion  with  hym ,  I  wyll  breake  to 
him  of  your  mater  :  ainsi  que  je  entreray 
en  deuises  aaecques  luy,jeluyferay  ouuer- 
ture  de  vostre  matière. 

I  fyndè  one  with  the  maner,  or  y  fynde  one 
doynge  of  a  thyng.  Je  sarprens,jay  sur- 
prins,  surprendre,  conjugale  in  je  prens, 
I  take.  And  je  trouue  sur  le  jaici,  jay 
trouué  sur  le  faict,  trouuer  sur  le  faict. 
Howe  canslo  thou  denye  it ,  wasl  thou 
nat  founde  with  the  maner  :  comment  le 
puis  tunyer,  nestoys  ta  pas  surprins  en  le 
faisant,  or  nestoys  lu  pas  trouué  sur  le 

I  fynde  or  fayne  a  mater  of  myn  owne  heed. 

Je  controuue,  prim.  conj.  If  I  hâve  no 
mater  agaynst  hym,  I  wyll  fynde  one  :  si 
je  nay  rien  contre  luy,  je  controuueray  quel- 
que chose. 

I  PTNE  or  pourge  metall,  or  trye  it.  Je  affine, 
prim.  conj.  He  can  fyne  metall  golde  or 
sylver  as  well  as  any  fyner  in  this  towne  : 
il  scayt  aussi  bien  affiner  du  métal,  soyt  or 
ou  argent,  que  fneur  de  ceste  ville. 

I  fyne  (Lydgat),  I  ende.  Je  parachieue,fTim. 
conj.  This  terme  is  nat  yet  admytled. 

I  FYNGER,  I  handell  an  instrument  of  musyke 
delyverly.  Je  diminue,  prim.  conj.  Wlro 
hath  laught  this  gentyll  woman ,  shc  fyn- 
gereth  very  well  :  qui  a  aprins  ceste  da- 
moyselle ,  elle  diminue  fort  bien. 

I  fynger,  I  laye  my  fyngars  or  my  bandes  upoa 
a  thyng.  Je  manie,  prim.  conj.  and  je 
empoigne,  prim.  conj.  Beware  of  hym,  for 
ail  that  he  can  fyngar  gothe  with  hym  : 
gardez  vous  de  luy,  car  tout  tant  quil  peult 
manier,  or  empoigner  va  auecques  luy. 

I  FïNissHE ,  I  bringe  to  ende  or  make  en  ende 
of  a  worke  or  any  suche  other  tbing.  Je 
oc/iieuc,-prim.  conj.  and  je  affine,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  paractiieue ,  prim.  conj.  Hâve 
you  fynysshed  your  mater,  you  bave  ben 
longe  aboute  it  :  auez  vous  acheui,  auez 
vous  affiné,  auez  vous  paracheué  vostre  ma- 
tière, vous  y  auez  esté  long  temps  entour. 

I  fynissb,  I  make  a  full  ende  and  conclusyon 
of  a  thynge.  Je  parfays ,  jay  parfait,  par- 
faire, conjugale  lyke  his  symple  jefays, 
I  do.  And  je  termine,  prim.  conj.  And  je 
accomplis,  sec.  conj.  The  housc  his  fynys- 
shed nowe  and  ail  redy  for  my  torde  lo 
come  to  :  ceste  mayson  est  mayntenant  par- 
faictc,  or  accomplie,  et  toute  preste  pour 
monsieur  quant  il  luy  pluyra  de  venir. 
I  fynisshe  ajustes ,  or  a  tournaye ,  or  sucbe  as  be 
kept  at  great  tryumphes,  or  for  exercysyng 
of  armes.  Je  clos  le  pas,  jay  clos  le  pas, 
clorre  le  pus,  conjugale  in  «I  close».  The 
justes  be  fynisshed  :  on  a  clos  le  pas  des 
I  FïER,  I  set  on  fyre.  Je  attise,  prim.  conj.  If 



strawe  be  oncs   fyred   it  wyll  burne  a 

pace  :  mais   <jue   le  foyrre    soji  me  fojs 

attisé,  il  brusleforL 
I  fyer,  I  burne.  Je  bmsle,  prim.  conj.  Conie 

out,  or  I  sball  fyre  tbe  oui  :  viens  dehors, 

ou  je  te  brusleray. 
I  Ivei-  a  gonne.  Je  ajfuste,  prim.  conj.  Fyer  this 

pece  and  shote  at  yonder  standarde  :  af- 
Juslei  ceste  pièce,  et  lyrez  a  cesi  cstandart  la. 
I  FvssHE.  Je  pesche  and  je  prens  dapoysson,jay 
prias  da  poysson,  prendre  du  poisson.  Ali 
tbe  botes  of  our  lowne  be  gone  a  fysshing 
in  tbe  see  :  tous  les  bateaujc  de  nostre  ville 
sont  allez  pcscher  en  la  mer.  Sball  we  go 
a  fyssbing  tbis  alïer  none  (meanyng  in  a 
ryver  or  in  a  flewe)  :  irons  nous  a  prendre 
des  poyssons  cest  après  dinée?  Howe  be  it 
they  be  used  indiflerently. 
I  FVSKE.  Je  frétille,  prim.  conj.  I  praye  you,  se 
howe  sbe  fysketb  aboute  vous  prie, 
agardez  comment  elle  frétille  deçà  et  delà. 
I  FïXE ,  I  set  my  myade  on  a  thing,  or  I  fasten 
a  thynge  in  tbe  grounde  of  otherwyse.  Je 
affiche,  prim.  conj.  If  I  fyxe  my  mynde 
upon  a  tbynge  ones,  I  shail  sone  get  it  : 
il  je  affiche  mon  intencion  sur  quelque  chose 
vne  foys ,  je  lattaindray  bien  tost.  I  can  nat 
remove  it,  it  is  fyxed  in  tbe  grounde 
ne  le  puis  remouuer,  il  est  affiché  en  terre. 

F    BÏFORE    L. 

I  FLAïE  oyle  witb  waler,  whan  it  boyielb,  to 
make  it  mete  to  frye  fysslie  willi.  Je  de- 
taingz  Ihuyle. 

I  Qame,  as  tbe  fyre  dotbe,  or  any  sucbe  lyke 
thynge.  Je  flamboyé,  prim.  conj.  Aod  je 
rejlamboye.  I  bave  sene  tbe  yerthe  flame 
a  nygbt  season  lyke  any  fyre  .jay  veu  la 
terre  flamboyer  de  nuyct ,  comme  si  ceut  esté 
de  feu. 

1  FLAPPE.  Je  frappe,  prim.  conj.  Beware,  or  I 
sbal  flappe  you  on  tbe  cbeke  :  ostez  vous 
dicy,  ou  je  vous  frapperay,  or  je  vous  don- 
neray  sur  lajoe. 

1  FLATTER,  I  glose  or  speake  fayre  to  one.  Je     ! 
Jlatte,  prim.  conj.  and  je  afjUlle,  prim.     ' 

conj.  I  flatter  hym  luy  afflalte,  and  Je 
blandiSfjay  blttndy,  blondir,  sec.  conj.  and 
je  aplanie ,   prim.  conj.  dativo  jungilur. 
He  can  flatter  as  well  as  any  boye  in  tbis 
towne  :  il  scait  aussi  bien  jlatter,  ajjlalter, 
or  blondir  que  garçon  de  ceste  ville. 
I  PLEY  (Lydgate).  Loke  in  «I  flye». 
I  FLEï  a  beest.  Je  escorche,  prim.  conj.  I  can 
fley  a  caulfe  as  wel  as  any  boutcber 
scay  escorcher  vng  teau  aussi  bien  que  nul 
I  FLïE  avaye  or  starte.  Jenfouys ,  jay  enfoay,  en- 
fouyr,  sec.  conj.  TIiou  were  good  to  sylte 
on  a  thackcd  bouse  to  flye  awaye  crowes  : 
tu  seroys  bon  pour  estre  assys  sur  vue  mai- 
son couuerle  de  chaulme  pour  faire  enfouyr 
les  cornilles. 
l  PLEEBB,  I  make  an  yvell  countcnaiince  witb' 
tbe  moutbc  by  uncoveryng  of  tbe  tethe.  Je 
ricanne,  prim.  conj.  The  knave  flearetb 
lyke  a  dogge  under  a  doore  :  le  villayn 
ricanne  comme  vng  chien  soubz  vng  hays. 
I  PLESSHE ,  as  we  do  an  hounde ,  whan  we  gy  ve 
hym  any  parte  of  a  wylde  beest  to  encou- 
rage hym  to  ronne  well.  Je  acharne,  prim. 
conj.  I  wene  this  dogge  wyll  prove  a  good 
dogge,  if  be  were  ones  flessbed  :je  pence 
que  ce  chien  seroyt  vng  bon  chien  sil  just 
vnefoys  acharné. 
I   PLETE  above  tbe  water,  as  a  borde  or  any 
lygbt  thyng  dotbe.  Je  flotte,  prim.  conj. 
and  jV  naije,  prim.  conj.  Ilis  cappe  Me- 
teth  above  tbe  water  yonder  a  farre  lience  : 
son  bonnet  flotte ,  or  naige  sur  leoue  la  loinq 

i  flete  niyike,  I  take  awaye  tbe  creame  that 
lyetb  above  it,  whan  it  hath  rested.  Je 
esbeurre,  prim.  conj.  Wyll  you  se  a  good 
sporte,  iet  us  go  flete  tbis  mylkfe  agaynsi 
she  corne  to  make  lier  butter  :  voidez  vous 
veoyr  vng  bon  tour,  allons  esbeurrer  ce  laict 
auani  quelle  viengne  fayre  le  beurre. 

I  flye,  a»  a  byrdc  flyetb  or  any  other  thynge 
that  hath  wynges.  Je  vole,  prim.  conj.  Of 
ail  fouies  tbe  egle  flyetb  hyghest  :  entre 
tous  les  oyseaulx  laygle  vole  le  plus  hault. 



1  flye  a  sonder,  as  bordes  doinashyp,wliantbey 
reft,  or  as  bordes  do  in  any  buyldyng, 
wlian  ihey  sliuldc  be  joyned  togytber.  Je 
dehiffe,  prim.  conj.   The  carpenter  dyd 
nat  joyne  thèse  bordes  well  at  the  begya- 
nyng ,  se  howe  they  flye  a  sonder  nowe  : 
le  charpentier  ne  joygnil  pas  bien  ces  ayes  aa 
commencement  j  agardez  comment  Hz  se  de- 
biffent  maynlenant. 
1  flye,  I  sbonne  or  avoyde  a  thing.  Je  eiiite, 
prim.  conj.  Sythe  thou  caonest  nat  flye  it, 
thou  muste  hâve  pacyence  :  pais  que  ta  ne 
le  pays  euyter,  il  tefault  auoyr  pacience. 
I  flye  from  myne  encmye,  or  I  flye  for  feare  I 
hâve  of  any  daunger.  Je  men  Juys,  noas 
nous  enJuions,je  menfuys,je  men  saisfuy, 
je  men  fuyray,  que  je  menfnye,fuyr  or 
/oHjr,  verbum  médium  tert.  conj.  Whiche 
thougbe  I  bave  writtcn  with  ii  only,  in  the 
seconde  boke,  lo  put  a  difTerence  in  or- 
thographye  bytvvene  tlie  tenses  ofjefoays, 
I  dygge,  yet  Alayne  Charlier  and  Johan 
le  Mayre  confounde  tbe  orthograpl)yc  in 
thèse  verbe». 
I  flye  away.  Je  me  mets  enfuyte,je  me  sais  mys 
enjuyte,    mettre   enjuyie,    conjugale   lyke 
je  mets,  I  put.  And  je  men  Juys,  conjugate 
bere  afore.  I  wylLjiever  flye  the ,  thougbe 
I  sbulde  dye  in  tliis  place  :  je  ne  men  fuy- 
ray point,  et  dcusse  je  moaryr  en  ceste  place. 
I  flye  to  a  place,  or  person ,  or  company  for  so- 
coure.  Je  me  ajfuye ,  je  me  suis  affuyé,  etc. 
verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  Thougbe  bis 
symple  be  tertie.  And  Je  maffays,  je  me 
suis  ajfuy,  affuyr,  4ert.  conj.  If  I  be  sore 
pressed ,  I  wyll  flye  to  you  for  socour  : 
iije  suis  fort  pressé,  je  me  affuyray  a  vous 
pour  aide  et  secours. 
I  flyckeH  ,  as  a  byrde  dotbe  whan  be  hovereth  , 
or  can  nat  yet  parfytely  flye.  Je  volette, 
prim.  conj.  I  wenc  yonder  byrde  be  but 
late  batched ,  for  sbe  can  nat  flye  yet  but 
flycker  :  je  cuide  que  cest  oyseau  la  ne  fait 
que  tenir  hors  de  lesqualk,  or  nest  que  nou- 
uellemenl  couué,  car  il  ne  fait  que  voVetter 

I  flycker,  I  kysse  logytber.  Je  baise.  Leave  your 
flyckeryng ,  I  set  no  store  by  il  :  laissez 
vostre  bayscr,je  nen  tiens  compte. 
I  FLYPE  up  my  sievcs,  as  onc  dotbe  tbat  ipten- 
detb  to  do  some  tliynge,  or  by  cause  bis 
sieves  sbulde  nat  bange  over  bis  bandes, 
or  I  tourne  up  tbe  flepe  of  a  cappe.  Je 
rebrouce   mes   manches,  jay  rebroucè,  re- 
broucrr,  prim.  conj.  Flyppe  up  your  sieves 
Crste,  I  wolde  advyse  you  :  rebroacez  vos 
manches  premier,  je  vous  aduise. 
I  FLYNG,  as  a  horse  dotbe.  Je  rue,  prim.  conj. 
You  never  sawe  jade  farte  and  fling  as  my 
courtault  dotbe  -.jamais  ne  visiez  charoigne 
ruer  et  petter  comme  faict  ce  courtault  que 
est  a  moy. 
I  FLOCKE,  I  slufle  a  beed,  or  sache  lyke  thyng 
with  flockes.  Jcstouppe  de  bourres,  prim. 
CODJ.  Flocke  your  matires  for  woll  is  dcre: 
estouppez  vostre  matras  de  bourre,  car  la 
foyne  est  chiere. 
I   flocke,   as  sbepe,  or  dere,  or  crownes  do, 
whan  tliey  galber  togytber  in  companyes. 
Je  assemble  en  troupeau,  prim.  conj.  or  je 
tropelle,  prim.  conj.  Thèse  sbepe  flocke, 
tbey  are   afrayed  by   lykelybodde   :    ces 
brebys  se   assembUnt  en   troupeau,   or  je 
troppellent ,  on  les  effraye,  ce  me  semble. 
I  FLORYSSHE,  as  a  fressbe  flower  dotbe  or  su- 
cbe  lyke.  Je  Jleurys,  jay  Jleary,  jleurir, 
sec.  conj.  Il  is  a  goodly  passelyme  to  se 
howe  tbe  herbes  and  trees  flourysshe  in 
Maye  :  cest  vng    beau  passetemps  que   de 
veoyr  comment  les  herbes  et  arbres  fleurissent 
en  May. 
I  FLOWE,  as  the  see  dotbe.  Jejlotte,  prim.  conj. 
Dotbe  tbe  see  at  Venys  flowe  and  ebbe  as 
our  see  doth  :  si  la  mer  a  Venys  flotte  et  re- 
flotte comme failnoslre  mer  icy.  And  la  marie 
vient,  and   la  marée   «en  va.    It  floweth 
novire  :  la  marie  vient.  It  ebbeth  nowe  -. 
la  marée  sen  ta  mayntenant. 
I  FLOWER,  as  a  flowre  dotbe,  or  as  aie  dothe  in 
a  cuppe.  Je  Jleurys,  sec.  conj.  Tbis  yerbe 
floureth   fressbly,   but  tbis   aie   flouretb 
better  in  a  good  drinkers  eye  :  ceste  herbe 



jlearist  fort  plaisamment ,   mays  a  la  veae    j 
dan<j  juroigne  cesfe  aile  Jlearist  beaucoup 

F   BYFORE   O. 

I  FODDER,  je/ourrajp,  pritn.  conj.  or  Je  donne 
du  fourraiije.  Fodcr  your  bcestes  and  gyve 
theni  haye  afler  :  donnez  a  voz  bestes  da 
fourraicje  premier,  et  puis  après  dujoyn. 
I  FOLDE,  I  bende  or  croke  a  thing.  Je  ployé, 
prim.  coDJ.  This  geare  is  to  styffe  lo  be 
folded  in  :  ceste  chose  est  trop  royde  pour 
esire  ployée, 
I   folde  clothes  togyther,  or  any  suche  lyke 
thing.  /epZic,  prim.  conj.  Folde  this  table 
clothe  or  you  go  -.pliez  ceste  nappe  auant 
que  vous  allés. 
I  folde,  or  put  shepe  in  folde.  Je  parque  les 
brebis j  jay  parqué    les    brebis,  parquer, 
prim.  conj.  And  you  had  been  a   good 
housebande  your  shepe   had   be   folded 
longe  a  go  :  se  vous  eussiez  esté  vng  bon 
mesnaitjier,  voz    brebis  fassent  parquez  de 
I  FOLOWB  one,  I  come  after  hym,  or  I  folowe, 
as  one  thynge  ensueth  after  another.  Je 
suis,  nous  saluons,  je  sujuis,  or  suyuy, 
jay  suyuy,  je  suyueray,   que  je  suyue , 
suyure,  terl.  conj.  But  for  «  hère  folowetb  » 
which  we  use  at  the  begynnynge  of  bookes 
or  accountes  or  suche  lyke,  as  hère  fo- 
loweth  ihc  lyfe  of  saynte  Margarete,  hcre 
folowetb  the  charges  of  the  house  for  this 
yere ,  they  say  :  sensuyl  la  vie  sainte  Mar- 
garite,  seitsuyt  les  despens  de  llioslel  pour 
cesie  année,  usynge  the  thyrde  persones 
of  this  verbe  onely  wilh  sen  afore  them. 
I  fyiide  also,  je  ensuis,  jay  ensuyuy,  en- 
suyuir,  conjugale  lyke  his  symple  je  suis, 
I  folowe.  Go  afore,  my  lorde,  I  wyll  fo- 
lowe you  :  allez  deuant,  monsieur,  je  vous 
1  folowe  the  chase,  as  a  hunter  folowetb  the 
cbase  of  a  wyldc  becst.   Je  me  mets  en 
quesle,  conjugale  in  «  I  put».  He  folowetb 
the  chase  after  the  lyon  :  il  se  mist  en 
quesle  après   le  lyon.  It  folowetb  :  il  sen 

suyt,  conjugale  lyke  the  thyrde  persons 
syngular  of  je  suis,  I  folowe. 
I  folowe  the  trases  of  the  steppes  of  a  beest  to 
fynde  hym  out.  Je  trace,  prim.  conj.  or 
je  suis  la  trace.  I  wyll  folowe  the  Irasses 
of  this  hare  tyll  to  morow,  but  I  wyll 
fynde  ber  out  :  je  suyueray  les  trasses  de 
ce    heure  jasques  a  demain,   si  je  ne   le 
I  POMË.  Jescume,  prim.  conj.  You  sbal  se  the 
see  fome  after  a  great  tempest  :  vous  voyrrés 
escumer  la  mer  après  vne  grant  tempeste. 
I  fome,  as  an  horse  or  the  see  dothe.  Je  escumc, 
prim.  conj.  It  is  a  good  sygne  in  a  horse 
whan   he  fometb  at  the  mouthe  as  be 
gothe  by  the  way  :  cest  vng  bon  signe  a 
vng  ctieual  quant  sa  bouche  luy  escume,  or 
quant  il  a   la   bouche   blanche   aynsi  quil 
trauaylU  par  le  chemyn. 
1  fome ,  as  a  bore  dothe  that  is  chafed.  Jescume, 
jay  escumé,  escumer,   prim.   conj.   Whan 
he  his  angrye,  he  fomelh  at  the  mouthe 
lyke  a  bore  :  quant  il  est  courroucé,  lescume 
luy  vient  a  la  bouche  comme  a  vng  sengljfr. 
I  FONDE ,  or  dote  upon  a  thyng  for  inordynate 
love.  Je  massotte,je  me  suis  assotté,  assot- 
ler,  prim.  conj.  And  je  menamoure,  je  me 
suis enamouré,enamourer,pr'im.  conj.  verba 
média.  Kwdje  me  infatué, je  me  suis  infatué, 
infaluer,  prim.  conj.  I  never  sawe  wyse 
man  fonde  so  moche  on  a  foule  beest  : 
jamays  ne  vis  saige  homme  se  assotter,  se 
énamourer,  or  se  infatuer  tant  sur  vne  layde 
I  FOOTE  a  daunce  or  morisque,  I  sbewe  my- 
selfe  to  be  delyver  of  my  lymmes  in  dauns- 
yng.  Je  me  debrise,je  me  suis  debrisé,  (fe- 
briser,  verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  And 
je  tripe,  prim.  conj.  And  j'c  (ri/)c((e,  prim. 
conj.  I  sawe  nat  a  wenche  this  twelve 
moncthes  foolle  it  better  ne  vis  jille 
de  cest  an  mieuLx  debriser,  mieulx  triper,  or 
mieulx  tripetter. 
I   FORAGE,  as  men  of  warre  do,  whan  they 
make  provysyoa  for  corne,  or  grasse,  or 
lytler,  or  suche  lyke  thinges.  Je  forage , 



prim.  coDJ.  As  we  wenl  a  foragynge  tlie 
laste  daye,  we  were  almosle  taken  tardy 
of  a  baode  of  horse  men  :  aynsi  que  nous 
allasmes  forager  laulre  jour,  nous  fasmes 
presque  surprins  a  depourueus  par  vue  hende 
de  gens  a  chenal. 

I  FOBBEARE ,  I  abstayne  from  iiieate.  Je  mabsliens, 
je  me  suis  abstenu,  abstenir,  verbum  me- 
dinm,  conjugale  in  «I  abstayne».  I  for- 
beare  from  ail  maner  flesshe  to  day  :  je 
me  abstiens  de  toutes  sortes  de  chayrs  au 

I  forbeare  is  a  generall  verbe ,  and  maye  be 
,  joyned  to  many  substantyves,  as  I  forbeare 
meate,  I  forbeare  slepc ,  1  forbeare  driake, 
I  forbea  re  pleasure  and  suche  iyke,  whicbe 
the  frencbe  tonge  expresseth  with  this 
verbe  je  men  passe,  je  nien  suis  passè,passer, 
verbum  médium  ,  and  tlie  infynytyve 
fnode  of  the  verbe,  if  any  suche  verbe  be 
in  the  tonge,  havyng  de  byfore  him ,  as 
je  men  passe  de  menger,  je  men  passe  de 
dormir,  je  men  passe  de  boyre,je  men  passe 
de  mes  playsirs.  I  may  use  also je  me  abstiens 
de  menger,  je  me  abstiens  de  dormyr.  I  can 
nat  forbeare  from  slepe  ;  je  ne  men  puis 
passer  de  dormyr.  I  forbeare  women  with 
lytell  payno  :  je  men  passe  de  femmes  a  peu 
de  payne.  He  shall  easely  forbeare  wyne 
tbat  hath  other  good  drinkcs  ynoughe  :  il 
senpassera  aysement  de  vin,  qui  a  desaultres 
bruuages  assés. 

I  forbeare  vyne,  or  meate,  or  any  other  plea- 
sures.  Je  men  passe,  je  men  suis  passé, 
passer,  verbum  médium  prim.  conj. 

I  forbeare  from  vyce  of  the  bodye.  Je  me  con- 
tiens, je  me  suis  contenu,  contenir,  verbum 
médium,  conjugale  in  «  I  contayne».  I 
hâve  forborne  from  ai  vyce  of  my  bodye 
this  seven  yere  me  suis  contenu  de  tous 
vices  chameuhc  depuis  sept  ans. 

I  forbeare  from  Ihe  doyng  or  havyng  of  any 
tbyng.  Je  contiens,  conjugale  iyke  liis 
symple  je  tiens,  I  holde.  I  slial  forbeare 
from  tbat  ihing,  and  God  wyii  :  je  me 
contiendray  de  cela,  se  Dieu  physl. 

J  forbeare  from  meate,  I  eate  no  meate  at  aJi. 
Je  jeune,  prim.  conj.  You  must  forbeare 
from  meate  four  boures  after  you  hâve 
taken  your  medecyne  :  il  vous  fault  jeûner, 
or  abstenir  de  toute  viande  quatre  heures 
après  que  vous  auez  prins  vostre  médecine. 

1  forbeare ,  I  sufier  a  tliynge  to  be  done.  Je 
soujfers,  jay  souffert,  souffrir,  conjugale 
in  «I  suffer».  I  can  nat  forbeare  hym  and 
I  shulde  dye  for  il  :  je  ne  le  puis  souffrir, 
si  je  deusse  mouryr  de  la  peyne. 

I  forbeare  one,  y  gyve  him  place  or  prehemy- 
nence  bycause  he  is  my  bélier.  Je  me  de- 
porte,  je  me  suis  déporté,  déporter,  verbum 
médium.  I  hâve  forborne  hym  :  je  me  suis 
déporté  de  lay.  And  je  tollere,  prim.  conj. 
If  he  had  forborne  and  made  no  suche 
pursule  of  love  towardc  me  :  Ji7  se  fut 
déporté  de  non  faire  enuers  moy  telle  pour- 
suite damours.  You  muste  forbeare  him  ; 
il  le  vous  fault  tollerer. 

I  FORBYD ,  I  commaunde  one  that  he  do  nat  a 
ihynge.  Je  defens,  nous  défendons,  je  dé- 
fendis ,  jay  défendu ,  je  defendray,  que  je 
défende,  défendre.  1  forbydde  liym  on  bis 
lyfe  thaï  he  passe  nat  this  way  :  je  luy  de- 
fens sur  Sd  vie  quil  ne  passe  poynt  par  icy.  I 
fynde  alsoj'epro/n7)C,prim.  conj.  God  for- 
bydde :  a  Dieu  ne  plaise.  No  man  forbyd- 
delh  me  but  that  1  may  go  tliis  way  and 
my  iyste  :  nul  ne  le  me  défend,  or  nul  ne  me 
prohibe  que  je  ne  passe  par  icy  sil  me  playst. 

I  FOBBnEÀKB  (Lydgat).  Je  deromps,  conjugale 
iyke  bis  symple  jV  romps,  I  breake. 

I  FORCASTE,  I  bethynke  me  or  devyse  a  thyug 
afore  the  bande.  Je pourjecie,  prim,  conj. 
Whal  a  foole  was  he  to  entreprise  suche 
a  mater  and  dyd  nat  forcaslc  what  sliulde 
conie  after  :  quel  fol  estoyt  il  dentreprendre 
vne  telle  matière  sans  pourjecicr,  or  sans 
aduiser  deuant  que  pourroyt  après  ensuiure. 

l  FORCE  a  man  to  do  a  thynge  by  imporlunate 
suie.  Je  importune,  prim.  conj.  Force  hym 
nat  to  moche ,  he  remembreth  your  mater 
well  ynoughe  :  ne  Umportunez  pas  trop, 
il  luy  en  souuient  de  vostre  matière  assez  bien. 



I  force ,  I  constrayne  one  to  do  a  thyng.  Jejforce, 
prim.  conj.  Wyll  you  force  me  to  speke 
for  you  whether  I  wyll  or  uat  :  me  voulez 
vous  efforcer  a  parler  pour  vous  veuille  ou 

I  force  my  selfe,  I  gather  my  force  or  strength 
to  me  to  do  a  thynge.  Je  me  esuerlue, 
prim.  conj.  I  shall  force  me  to  the  best 
I  may  :je  me  esuerlueray  au  mieulx  que  je 

l  force,  I  care  for  a  thyng,  or  take  ihouglit  for 
it.  Jay  cure,  jay  eu  cure,  auojr  cure.  And 
jaj  soing.  I  force  nat  for  the,  for  thou 
lovest  me  nat  :  je  nay  cure  de  loy,  or  je 
nay  soyntj  de  toy,  car  lu  ne  maymes  poynt. 

I  force,  I  regarde  or  estyme  a  thynge.  Je  tiens 
compte.  I  force  nat  for  hym  a  halpeny  :  je 
ne  tiens  compte  de  luy  pas  vne  maille, 

1  force  nat,  1  care  nat  for  a  thing.  Il  ne  men 
cAau2(,  conjugate  in  il  care  nati.  knàje 
ne  tiens  compte  de,  and  je  ne  donne  riens  de. 
I  force  nat  for  the  :  i7  ne  men  chauU  de  loy, 
je  ne  tiens  compte  de  toy,  je  ne  donne  riens 
de  toy. 

1  FORDE,  as  a  man  dothe  his  chaffer.  Je  vends, 
coDJugate  in  «I  sell  ».  Kndjojfers  a  vendre, 
conjugale  in  il  offen.  I  can  forde  it  no 
bettcr  cheape  ne  le  puis  vendre  a  meil- 
leur marché,  What  do  you  forde  it  hym 
for  :  pour  combien  le  lay  offrez  vous  a 

I  FOKDEB  one,  I  set  hym  forwarde.  Je  auance, 
prim.  conj.  and  jé  rauance,  and  je  pros- 
père, prim.  conj.  I  sliall  fordcr  hym  with 
my  good  worde  tlie  besl  I  can  :  je  lauan- 
ceray,je  le  rauanceruy,  de  ma  bonne  parolle 
le  mieulx  (jueje  pourray,  l  pray  God  forder 
hym  in  ail  his  entreprises  :  Dieu  le  veuille 
prospérer  en  toutes  ses  affaires! 

I  FORDEnKE,  I  make  derke.  Je  obscurcys.  And 
je  obnubule,  prim.  conj.  This  chamber  is 
sore  fordarked  for  wantyng  of  one  torche: 
ceste  chambre  est  fort  obscurcie  par  jaulte 
dune  torche.  The  wether  is  fordarked  :  le 
temps  est  obnubule. 

I  POBUBWE,  I  wele  or  sprinkell  with  dcwe.  Je 

enrouse,  prim.  conj.  Is  this  well  donc , 
you  hâve  ail  fordewed  your  clothes  nowe  ; 
est  cecy  pus  bienfait,  vous  auez  tout  enrousé 
voz  habitlemens  mayntenant. 

I  FORDO.  Je  défais,  jay  deffaict,  deffaire,  tert. 
conj.  What  so  ever  lie  do  on  the  one  day, 
on  the  morowe  I  wyll  fordo  it  :  (fuoy  quil 
face  lungjoar,  le  lendemayn  je  le  dejferay. 

I  FORDREïNT,  I  drowne  (Lydgat).  Je  noyé, 
prim.  conj. 

I  FORDRivE,  as  a  shyppe  is  fordriven  on  the 
see  whan  il  golhe  at  ail  adventures  and 
perysshelh.  Je  vas  a  toutes  adaenlures,  or 
je  vas  ans  nul  gouuerneur.  Yonder  shyppe 
fordriveth ,  God  helpe  them  ihey  be  in 
great  daunger  :  ceste  nauire  la  va  a  toutes 
aduenlures,  or  ions  nul  gouaerneur.  Dieu 
les  veuille  ayder,  car  Hz  sont  en  fort  yranl 

I  FORDDLL,  1  make  one  dull  of  wyt  and  perceyv- 
yng.  Je  bestourne.  The  boye  is  fordulled 
wilh  over  moche  bealiug  :  le  ijarcon  est 
tout  bestourne  par  trop  battre. 

I  FORFAYTE  ,  je  forfais  ,  jay  forfait ,  forfairc, 
tert.  conj.  What  bave  I  forfayted  agayust 
you,  I  never  dyd  you  displeasure  thaï  1 
wolte  of  :  quay  je  forfaict  contre  vous ,  ja- 
mays  ne  vousjis  desplaysir,  que  je  suiche. 

I  FORPENDE.  Je  defens,  tert.  conj.  conjugal  in 
«  I  défende  ».  God  forfende  it  :  a  Dieu  ne 
plaise.  Naye,  I  forfende  ihat,  for  thaï  is 
no  playe  :  non,  je  defem  cela,  car  cela  nesl 
pas  jeu. 

I  FORGE  a  false  mater  or  a  lye.  Je  controuue, 
jay  controuue,  controuuer,  prim.  conj.  God 
save  me  from  hym ,  he  can  forge  a  lye  and 
face  it  downe  whan  he  hath  done  :  Dieu 
me  garde  de  luy,  il  scayt  controuuer  vne 
mensonge,  et  si  scayt  raualer  tes  gens  quant 
il  a  fui  t. 

I  forge,  as  a  smythc  dolhe  any  yron  worke  in 
his  forge  and  suche  lyke.  Je  forge,  prim. 
conj.  This  smythe  forgelh  more  yron  tban 
any  man  thaï  I  knowe  :  ce  mareschalforge 
plus  de  fer  que  homme  que  je  saichc, 

I  FOnGET,  as  a  chylde  forgettetli  his  lesson 



for  wante  of  exercyse.  Je  desaprens,  jaj 
desapnns,  desaprendre ,  conjugale  iyke  his 
syinple  je  aprens,  I  lerne.  He  halh  but  a 
poore  wytte,  for  hc  wyl  forget  more  in  a 
day  than  lie  can  lame  in  thre  :  il  na  que 
vnq  poure  entendement ,  car  il  desaprenl  plus 
en  vnq  jour  quil  ne  raprent  en  troys. 

I  forget,  I  liave  loste  a  tliynge  out  of  remem- 
braunce.  Je  oublie,  prim.  conj.  and  je  mets 
en  oahly,jay  mis  en  oubly,  mettre  en  oabljr, 
conjugate  in  Je  mets,  I  put.  I  shall  never 
forget  his  genlylnesse  whyic  1  lyve  :  tant 
que  je  viucjje  ne  oublieray  poynt,  or  je  ne 
meUeray  en  oubly  sa  gentillesse,  or  sa  cour- 

i  FORGïVE,  je  pardonne,  prim.  conj.  1  forgyve 
you for  this  tyme,  butand  you  faute  agayne 
you  shall  drinke  for  bolhe  :  je  vous  par- 
donne pour  ce  coup  icy,  mays  se  vousfail- 
lez  de  rechief,  vous  en  aurez  pour  tous  les 

I  P0R60,  I  forsake.  Je  pers,  conjugale  in  «I 
«  lèse  ».  Shall  I  forgo  your  company  nowe  : 
perderay  je  vostre  compaignie  asteure? 

1  FORLYE,  as  a  nouryce  dothe  lier  chylde  whan 
she  kylleth  it  in  Ihe  nyght.  Je  tue  en  cou- 
chant dessus, 

I  FORME.  Je  boute  en  façon.  I  hâve  iayne  about 
it  this  houre,  but  I  can  nat  forme  it  to 
my  mynde  -.jay  esté  entour  cecy  près  dune 
heure,  mays  je  ne  le  puis  mettre  en  façon  a 
mon  désir. 

I  forme,  as  a  hare  dothe  her  selfe.  Je  me 
fourme.  This  hare  wyll  forme  hère  abou- 
tes  :  ce  Heure  se  fourmrra  icy  entour. 

I  FORSAKE.  Je  déserte,  je  désole,  or  je  desUtue, 
prim.  conj.  and  relinquis,  sec.  conj.  Wylte 
thou  forsake  me  and  I  hâve  done  so  moche 
for  the  :  me  veulx  In  déserter,  me  veulx  tu 
destituer,  me  veulx  tu  relinquyr,  et  jay  tant 
faict  pour  toy? 

l  forsake,  as  a  lover  forsaketli  the  company  of 
them  that  thcy  bave  loved  afore  tyme,  or 
as  one  dothe  an  otlier  comfortlessc  for 
unkyndenesse  or  displeasure ,  or  as  we  do 
the  thynges  we  care  nat  for  or  dispayre 

in  :  jhabandonne ,  prim.  conj.  and  je  relin- 
quis,jay  relinqui,  relinquir,  sec.  conj.  My 
lover  hatli  forsaken  me  and  I  never  gave 
liym  cause  :  mon  amoureux  ma  habandonné 
et  jamays  ne  lay  donnay  cause. 

I  forsake,  as  a  man  doth  his  wyfe,  whan  faeis 
parted  from  her  by  the  lawe.  Je  répudie, 
prim.  conj.  I  may  laufully  forsake  her 
and  takc  another  :  je  la  puis  légitimement 
répudier  et  en  prendre  vne  aultre. 

I  forsake ,  as  mcn  do  their  countrey,  whan  they 
wyll  110  longer  dwell  in  it,  but  scke  them 
a  newe  countrey  to  dwell  in.  Je  descrie, 
prim.  conj.  This  is  a  straunge  thyng  to 
se  men  forsake  thcir  countrey  wylfully  : 
voycy  vne  chose  estrange,  que  deveoyr  aal- 
canes  gens  déserter,  or  habandonner  leur 
pays  de  leur  propre  gré. 

1  forsake  God  or  my  faythe.  Je  renye.  prim. 
conj.  Wliiche  I  fynde  somtyme  written 
je  renoye,  etc.  and  je  recroys ,  jay  recreu, 
recroyre ,  conjugate  in  je  croys ,  I  hy- 
ieve.  I  forsake  God  if  evcr  I  was  a  coun- 
sayle  renye  Dieu  si  je  fus  jamais  priuc 
de  ceste  affaire.  Wylt  thou  forsake  thy 
faythe,  than  men  shall  saye  thou  arte  a 
rennegale  :  veulx  ta  recroyre,  or  renyer  ta 
foy,  les  gens  tappelleront  recréant  donqnes, 
or  renoyer  ta  foy. 

l  forsake  my  soverayne  lorde  that  I  am  sworne 
to,  or  I  forsake  my  word  or  my  faythe.  Je 
recroys,  and  /e  renye.  I  forsake  God 
renye  Dieu.  He  hatli  forsaken  liis  naturail 
lorde  that  he  was  sworne  to,  sucrly  lie 
can  nat  do  well  :  il  a  renyé  son  naturel 
seigneur  auquel  il  a  faict  son  serment,  certes 
il  ne  pealt  bien  clieuyr. 

I  forsake  or  leavc  of  my  purpose.  Je  délaisse, 
prim.  conj.  I  shall  make  the  forsake  thy 
purpose  :je  te  feray  délaisser  ton  propos. 

f  forsake,  as  two  persons  do,  whan  the  one  for- 
saketti  the  other.  Je  entrelaisse,  prim.  conj. 
or  Je  entrehabandonne ,  prim.  conj.  Whan 
they  forsake  eache  other  they  he  well 
agreed  :  quant  Hz  se  entrelaissent,  or  entre- 
habandonnent ,  Hz  sont  bien  daccort. 


1  FORSPEAKB  a  thyng  by  cnchauntementes.  Je 
enchante,  prim.  conj.  Some  wbytche  halh 
forspoken  him  :  quelque  vaadoyse  la  en- 

I  FORSWEARE,  I  sweare  falselye  or  conlrai-ye 
to  the  Iruthe.  Je  parjure,  prim.  conj.  I 
wyll  never  truste  hym  whyle  I  iyve,  for 
lie  dyd  forsweare  Lym  ones  upon  a  bookc  : 
jamays  ne  mefieray  en  hiy,  car  il  se  parjura 
vnefoys  sur  vng  Hure. 

r  PORTHÏNKE,  I  repente  me.  Je  me  repens,  con- 
jugale in  0 1  repent».  I  hâve  forthought 
me  a  hundred  tymes  that  I  spake  so 
roughiy  to  hym  :  je  me  sais  repenty  cent 
foys  que  je  lay  emparloye  si  rudement. 

I  forlhynkc,  I  bye  thebargayne,  or  sufler  smerle 
for  a  thyng.  Je  compare,  conjugal  in  «  I 
«bye  a  thing  dere>.  I  bave  forthought  it 
sylhe  lay  comparu  depuis.  Thoa  shalte 
forthynke  it  and  I  lyve,  I  promesse  the  : 
ta  le  comperras  si  je  vis,  je  te  prometz. 

It  forlhynketh  me.  Il  me  poyse,  verbum  im- 
personaie  prim.  conj.  or  il  me  repent.  It 
forthynketh  me  that  ever  I  sawe  him  :  il 
me  repent  que  je  le  vis  jamays. 

I  PonTTFïE,  I  make  stronge  a  thing  for  defence. 
Je  fortifie,  prim.  conj.  And  je  munis,  jay 
muny,  munir,  sec.  conj.  They  bave  forti- 
fyed  thcir  towne  stronger  than  it  was 
wban  I  knewe  it  first  by  ten  thousandc 
men  :  Hz  ont  fortifié,  or  ih  ont  many  leur 
ville  despuis  que  je  la  congnus  premièrement 
de  dix  mille  hommes. 

I  fortifye,  I  make  stronge  roy  rcason.  Je  corro- 
bore, prim.  conj.  He  hath  fortifyed  his 
reason  so  greatly  with  autorites  that  I 
thynke  he  can  nat  bc  over  come  :  il  a 
si  grandement  corroboré  sa  rayson  daucto- 
ritez,  que  je  ne  pence  point  quon  le  peult 

I  POBTKESSE,  I  make  stronge.  Je/or/rewe, prim. 
conj.  He  bath  fortressed  his  towne  very 
wel  :  il  a  forlressé,  or  il  a  muny  de  for- 
tresses  sa  ville  fort  bien. 

I  FOBWAYE,  I  go  out  of  the  wayc  (Lyd.).  Je  me 
foruoye ,  verhum  médium  prim.  conj.  In 


faylhe,  my  fronde,  you  are  forwayed  :  sur 
mafoy,  mon  amy,  vous  estez  foruoyé. 

I  FOHWEBYE.  Je  las  se ,  prim.  conj.  I  hâve  more 
forweryed  my  horse  this  journaye  thau 
ever  I  dyd  in  my  iyfe  'jay  plus  lassé  mon 
cheual  ceste  journée  icy  que  je  ne  fys  jamays 
en  ma  vie. 

I  fouïet  (Lydgate),  I  forget.  Je  oublye,  prim. 
conj.  Thoughe  I  tell  you  your  lesson 
twenty  tymes ,  yet  you  forget  it  cvery 
foote  :  combien  que  je  vous  monstre,  or 
enseigne  vostre  leçon  vingt  foys,  encore  vous 
lottbliez  tousjours. 

I  POSTER,  I  norisshe.  Jesleue,  prim.  conj.  And 
je  nourris,  conjugale  in  «I  nouryssbe». 
And  je  alimente,  prim.  conj.  You  were 
fostrcd  under  a  viliayne  and  that  niaketh 
you  so  courtesse  :  vous  estiez  esleaè  soubz 
vng  villayn,  et  cela  vous  faict  si  courtoys. 
He  is  betlcr  fostred  than  taught  ;  il  est 
mieulx  nourry,  or  alimenté  que  enseigné. 

I  FOWE  a  gonge.  Je  cure  vng  retraict,  or  vng 
ortrait.  Thou  shalte  cate  uo  buttered  fys- 
sbe  with  me ,  tyli  thou  vvasshe  thy  bandes, 
for  thou  hast  fowed  a  gonge  iate  :  ta  ne 
mangeras  poynt  de  poysson  heure  aaecques 
moy  tant  que  tu  auras  laué  tes  mayns,  car 
tu  as  curé  vng  relrayt  naguayres. 

I  FOWLE  aller  byrdes.  Je  vas  a  la  pipée.  Il  is  a 
good  sporte  to  fowle  ail  day,  but  a  man 
may  use  il  longe  or  be  he  wyse  :  cest  vng 
bon  passelemps  daller  a  la  pipée  tout  le  jour, 
mays  on  le  peult  longuement  vser  auuni  quon 
deaiengne  saige. 

I  FOWNCE  (Lyd.) ,  I  dent  a  thyng.  Je  fonce.  Tbis 
terme  is  nat  yet  in  comen  use. 

1  FOWNDE  a  byldyngc  or  place  whiclie  I  rent 
with  landes.  Je  fonde,  prim.  conj.  This 
place   vras  founded  by  a  good  bysshop 
ee.$(e  place fust  fondée  dung  bon  euesque. 

I  POWNDEB,  as  a  horse.  Je  tombe,  or  je  trébuche, 
prim.  conj.  My  horse  foundred  with  me 
and  almostc  fell  downe  ryght  :  mon  cheua, 
commença  a  trébucher  et  quasi  tumba  tout 
a  terre. 

l  rowBME,  I  shapc  a  thynge.  Je  forme,  prim. 



conj.  This  bricke  is  nat  well  fourmed  : 
ceste  brique  nés t  pas  bienformée. 
I  FOWBNissHE ,  I  store ,  or  fynde  one  ali  suche 
thynges  as  hc  nedeth  of.  Je  fonmys,  jay 
Joumy,  Journyr,  sec.  conj.  and  je  parjoar- 
nys,  jay  parfourny,  parfournir,  sec.  conj. 
And  I  were  fournysshed  of  al  thinges  ne- 
cessary,  I  wold  take  my  jouriiaye  lo  mo- 
rowe  :  si  jesloys  fourny,  or  parfouriiy  de 
toutes  choses  nécessaires ,  je  prendroys  ma 
joamée  demayn. 

F   BEFOHE    R. 

I  PRAï  one,  I  niake  him  a  frayde.  Jeffroye, 
prim.  conj.  and  jejjrayc ,  prim.  conj.  and 
in  this  sencc  I  fynde  also  je  baille  paour, 
jay  bayllé  paour,  bailler  paour,  prim.  conj. 
I  frayed  bim  as  sore  as  he  was  tliis  twclve 
monethes  :  je  luy  baillay  aussi  grant  paour 
ijuil  eust  de  cest  an.  He  was  sorcr  frayed 
than  hurl  :  il  esloytplus  ejf'royé  que  blecé. 

I  PBAï  with  one,  i  fall  eut,  or  fall  at  wordes 
with  one.  Je  hutine,  prim.  conj,  and  je 
prens  noyse,  conjugale  in  «  I  take».  Beware 
of  hym,  for  he  wyli  fraye  with  every  man 
he  meddieth  wilh  ;  gardez  vous  de  luy,  car 
il  hulinera,  or  il  prendra  noyse  a  tous  ceulx 
dont  il  a  afairc. 

I  PRAME  a  house  or  an  other  thing  of  tymber 
worke.  Je  c/i«r/jcn(f,  prim.  conj.  My  house 
is  framed  aii  redye,  it  wauleth  but  setling 
up  :  ma  mayson  est  desja  charpentée,  il  ne 
Jault  que  la  dresser. 

I  FREE  a  marchandysc  or  person  that  shulde 
paye  a  somme  or  taie.  Je  quitte.  He  freed 
nie  and  ail  my  company  and  oiir  mar- 
chaundyse,  it  costc  us  nat  a  penny  :  i7  me 
quitta  et  tous  mes  compagnons  et  noz  mar- 
chandises, il  ne  nous  cousta  pas  vng  denier. 

I  FRBYGHT  a  sliyppe  or  suche  lyke.  Je  charge 
vue  nauire,  prim.  conj.  and  je  esquippe, 
prim.  conj.  My  shyppe  was  freyghted  to 
go  in  to  Bordeaulx  more  than  fourtene 
dayes  passed  :  ma  nauire  estoyt  chargée,  or 
esquippée  pour  aller  a  Bordeaulx  plus  de 
quatorze  jours  passez. 

I  FRETE  by  anger.  Je  groygne,  prim.  conj.  or 
je  me  courrouce,  prim.  conj.  and  je  me 
consume  de  courroux.  He  freateth  at  al 
thynges  ibat  I  do  :  t/  groygne  a  tout  tant 
que  je  Jays.  Frète  nat  thus  for  a  Iryfyll  : 
ne  vous  courroucez  poynt  aynsi  pour  vue 
chose  de  rien.  He  freateth  hym  selfe  awaye 
with  anger  :  il  se  consume  de  courroux. 

I  FREETE,  as  a  corrosyfe  doth  upon  the  deed 
flesshe  of  a  sore.  Je  démange,  conjugale 
lyke  his  symple  je  mange,  I  eate.  This  cor- 
rocyfe  frealetli  me  lo  the  bone  :  ce  corro- 
cij  me  démange  jusqaes  a  los. 

I  FRETTE,  as  a  garmenl  or  jevell  of  golde  is 
fretle  or  wroughl.  Jejringolte,  prim.  conj. 
This  bracelet  is  fretle  and  enamelled  cos- 
tyously  :  ce  bracelet  est  fringotié  et  esmaillé 

I  FRETE  by  wearynge,  as  a  garmenl  dothe.  Je 
vse ,  prim,  conj.  Your  sworde  freateth 
the  plyghtes  of  your  chymer  :  voste  espéc 
vse  les  plies  de  vostre  chamniare. 

I  FRïE  liole  meate  in  oyle ,  or  butter,  or  suche 
lyke.  Je  Jrys,  nous  Jrions,  je  frys,  jay 
Jryt ,  je  friray,  que  je  j'ric ,  frire ,  tert.  conj. 
You  hâve  fryed  thèse  soles  lo  moche  : 
vous  auez  trop  frites  ces  «tflles. 

I  frye  meate,  that  is  hacked  smali,  in  oyle,  or 
butter,  or  suche  lyke.  Je  fricassc,  prim. 
conj.  Frye  this  frycasse  in  ail  the  haste, 
for  il  sbalbe  Crst  served  :  fricassez  ceste 
fricassée  en  toute  haste  possible,  car  on  la 
metlera  premièrement  a  la  table. 

I  FRïGGE  wilh  the  a  queene  dothe  whan 

she  is  in  japynge.  Je  fringue,  Frygge  on 
hardly,  my  lady  dothe  so  to  :  fringez  har- 
dyment,  ma  dame  lefaict  aussi. 

II  FBïSETH ,  as  the  water  doth  whan  water  do- 

tlie  congelé.  //  g  fie,  il  a  gelé,  geler,  priui. 
conj.  verbum  impersonale,  Itiscolde,  I 
wene  it  friseth  :  il  fuit  froyt,  je  pense  qmi 
It  fryseth  sodainiy  after  a  rayne  whiche  maketh 
the  waye  very  slypper  :  il  verglace,  il  a 
verglacé,  verglacer,  prim.  conj.  verbum 
impersonale.  Loke  well   lo  your  fêle,  I 



wolde  advyse  you,  for  il  fryseth  afresshe 
after  this  laste  rayiie  :  prennez  bon  reijard 
a  voz  piedz,  se  vous  men  croyez,  car  il 

I  FBÔWNE,  I  bende  iny  browes.  Je  refraigne, 
prim.  conj.  What  meaneth  he  lo  frowne 
Ihus  :  (jue  veult  il  dire  de  rejraygner  en  ce 
poynt?  And  je  Jraygne.  It  is  but  a  folysslie 
countenaunce  to  frowne  alwayes  :  ce  nest 
qaune  folle  contenance  que  defraygner  tous- 

I  pnoNTE  up,  as  a  woman  dothe  the  heare  of 
her  heed  with  a  fyllet.  Je  effronté,  prim. 
conj.  I  wene  you  be  bydden  to  some  bri- 
dale  to  daye,  you  be  so  weU  fronted  up  : 
je  pence  que  vous  estez  sommonce  a  qaelque 
nopces,  vous  estez  si  bien  effrontée  au  jour- 

I  PBDSSiiE  or  brose  a  tbing.  Je  brise,  prim. 
conj.  I  bave  wyst  bym  frussbe  a  barde 
•appeU  at  a  stroke  wilh  bis  fyste  :je  lay 
congneu  briser  vne  dure  pomme  dung  coup 
de  son  poyng. 

I  frussbe,  I  dynte  in  witb  a  stroke.  Je  enfondre , 
prim.  conj.  Se  bowo  bis  belmet  is  frus- 
sbed  with  slrokes  :  agardez  comment  son 
heaalme  est  effondré  de  coups. 

I  PULL  ciothes,  as  a  fuller  dothe.  Je  accoustre 
du  drap,  prim.  conj.  To  fui)  a  clotbe  well 
1  knowe  nal  bis  matche  bere  aboute  : 
pour  bien  accoustrer  du  drap,  je  ne  COH- 
gnois  pas  son  pareil  en  tout  ce  pays  icy 

I  pui.FïLL  ones  pleasure  or  desyre.  Je  accomplis 
son  désir,  sec.  conj.  and  je  luy  fais  son 
gré.  I  truste,  or  it  be  to  morowe  ihis  tyme, 
to  fulfyll  your  desyre  :  jespere ,  aaant  que 
soyt  demayn  asteare,  daccomplirvostre  desyr. 

I  fulfyll ,  I  fyll  plentuously,  or  to  tbe  full  witb 
any  tbyng.  Je  remplis,  sec.  conj.  Tbis 
vesscll  is  nat  yet  fulfylied ,  it  wantetb  a 
great  deale  :  ce  vaisseau  nest  pas  encore 
rcmply,  il  scn  fault  beaucoup. 

I  fulfyll,  or  supplye  ones  rommc.  Je  sapplye^ 
prim.  conj.  Thougbe  be  be  absent,  I  wyll 
fulfyll  bis  rommc  for  this  tyme  :  combien 

quil  soyt  absent,  je  sapplyeray  son  lieu  pour 
le  présent. 

I  PDMïGATE  a  place  witb  a  swete  fumygacion. 
Je  enfume,  prim.  conj.  or  je  parfume.  Let 
tbe  place  be  well  fumygate,  or  ever  ibey 
come ,  for  itis  a  daungerous  worlde  nowe 
a  dayes  :  quon  enfume,  or  parfume  birn  la 
place  aaant  qailz  viennent,  car  il  court  vng 
dangereux  temps  mayntenant. 

l  FDRBïssHE  barnessc,  or  any  weapen,  to  make 
it  brigbt.  Je  fourbys ,  sec.  conj.  Nowe 
tbis  almayne  ryvet  is  cleane  fourbissbed  , 
it  loketb  as  it  were  newe  :  mayntenant  que 
ceste  cuyrasse  est  bien  fourbie ,  il  semble 
quelle  soyt  toute  neufae. 

I  FORTHER  (Lyd.).  Loke  in  «I  forder». 

1  FDRRE  a  gowne.  Je/oarrc,  prim.  conj.  I  wyll 
furre  my  gowne  with  buggye ,  as  for  mar- 
tyrs and  sabyls  be  for  great  estâtes  :  je 
fourreray  ma  robbe  de  rommenys,  or  de 
peaulx  de  Lombardie,  car  martres  et  sables 
sont  fourreares  pour  gens  de  grani  estât. 

G   BEFORE   A. 

I  CADER.  Loke  heraftcr  in  <I  galber». 

I  GATHER  small  Ibynges  togylber  on  a  beape. 
Je  amasse,  prim.  conj.  Galber  up  tliese 
chyppcs ,  tbey  wyll  serve  to  kyndell  a 
fyre  :  amassez  ces  coeppeaux,  Hz  seruymnt 
bien  pour  allumer  du  feu, 

I  gatber  people  togylber.  Je  assemble,  prim. 
conj.  Wban  Ibey  be  gathercd  togylber, 
teli  me  :  quand  Hz  sont  assemblez  ensemble, 
faictez  le  moy  scaaoyr. 

I  gader  yerbes.  Je  cueils  des  herbes,  conjugale 
in  1 1  galber,  as  a  man  galberetli  yerbes  ». 

I  GAGGE  one,  [  put  a  gagge  in  bis  moutbe  tbat 
he  sbulde  nal  speke  nor  krye.  Je  embail- 
lonne,  prim.  conj.  Wban  the  theves  had 
robbed  hym  of  ail  thaï  ever  he  had,  tbey 
gaggcd  bym  by  cause  he  sbulde  natspeake  : 
quand  les  larrons  luy  auoyent  derobbé  tout 
tant  quil  auoyt,  Hz  lembaillonnerent  affyn 
quil  ne  parlast  ne  cryast. 

I  GAGTi.L,  as  a  goose  dothe. 

I  GAYNE.  F  wynnc.  Je  gayne,  prim.  conj.  Some 



men  gaync  more  of  a  thyng  of  naught 
tlian  many  marchauntes  do  that  ventore 
over  see  :  les  aulcuns  gaignent  plus  dune 
chose  de  rien  que  plusieurs  marchans  qui 
aduenturent  leur  biens  oultre  mer. 

I  CAYNESAï ,  I  say  the  coutrarye  of  a  thyng.  Je 
contredis,  conjugale  lyke  bis  symple,je 
dis,  I  say.  And  je  desdis, 

I  gaynesaye.  I  contrarje  ones  sayeng,  or  I  saye 
contrarye  to  the  thyng  that  I  hâve  sayde 
before.  Je  redis,  conjugale  lyke  his  symple 
je  dis^  I  say.  And  je  me  oppose,  verbum 
médium  prim.  conj.  Say  whatshall  please 
the,  I  wyll  never  gaynesay  the  :  dy  ce  que 
te  plaira,  jamays  ne  te  contrediray.  If  I  bave 
sayd  it  I  wyll  nat  gayne  saye  it  :  si  je  lay 
dit  je  rtc  le  desdiray  pas.  I  wyll  gayne  saye 
that,  or  I  wyll  say  agàynst  that  wbyle  I 
lyve,  or  so  longe  as  I  lyve  :  tant  que  je  viue 
je  me  opposeray. 

1  GAYNESTANDE ,  or  am  agaiust  ones  purposes. 
Jaduerse,  prim.  conj.  and  je  résiste,  prim. 
conj.  What  so  ever  [  am  about,  thou  gay- 
nestandest  me  ever  :  quoy  que  jav  intencion 
de  faire,  tu  me  adiicrses,  or  tu  me  résistes 

I  GALLE  a  borse  backe  with  sadell  or  otherwyse. 
Je  refouUc,  prim.  conj.  You  bave  gallcd 
your  borse  backe  by  cause  bis  sadell  was 
nat  wei  stuffed  :  vous  auez  refoulU  le  dos 
de  vostre  cheual  a  cause  que  sa  selle  nestoyl 
pas  bien  cmbourréc. 

I  gall ,  as  one  dothe  his  butlockes  with  rydyng. 
Je  me  escorche  les  fesses,  I  bave  galled 
myne  arsc  with  rydyng  so  faste  :  je  me  suis 
escorche  les  fesses  de  cheuaucher  si  fort. 

l  G.4NE  or  GAPE,je  oeuurc  la  bouche,  or  je  baille. 
He  gaoeth  as  he  had  nat  slepte  ynoughe  : 
il  baille  comme  sil  neust  pas  assez  dormy. 

I  gape,  1  open  my  mouthe.  Je  oeuure  la  bouche, 
conjugal  in  «I  open».  Open  ihy  mouth 
wyde  andi  wyll  throwina  plomme:oe«are 
la  bouche  fort  et  je  y  jecteray  vne  prune. 

I  gape,  I  gaspe,  or  yane.  Je  baille,  prim.  conj. 
There  is  never  uo  man  ihal  gapeth  but 
olher  he  is  wery  or  he  lacketb  somwbal: 

jamays  on  ne  balle  ou  quil  ne  luy  ennuie  ou 
que  rien  ne  luy  faille. 

I  gape,  as  a  beesl  dolhe  that  entendeth  to  byte, 
whiche  holdelb  his  moulbe  open  afore.  Je 
bée,  prim.  conj.  Beware  the  borse  that 
cometb  vonder,  se  howe  he  gapeth  :  gardez 
vous  du  cheual  qui  vient,  agardez  comment 
il  bée. 

I  gape ,  as  one  dothe  whan  he  loketh  for  a 
thyng,  or  I  loke  sledfaslly  upon  a  ibyng. 
Je  bée,  prim.  conj.  I  bave  slande  gaping 
hère  tbis  houre  to  loke  for  you  :  je  me 
suis  ttna  béant  ycy  vne  heure  dhorloge  pour 
regarder  après  vous. 

I  GARDE  a  garmente,  I  selle  oue  garde  upon 
hyni.  Je  bende,  prim.  conj.  Some  men 
garde tbeir  cooles  for  plesure,  but  I  garde 
my  hose  for  profyle  :  aulcunes  gens  ben- 
dent  leur  soyons  pour  leur  plaisir,  mays  je 
benJe  mes  chausses  pour  mon  proujfil. 

I  GAnNYssHE,  I  trynime  or  decke  a  thyng.  Je 
garnis,  sec.  conj.  She  halh  garnysshed  ber 
bonnet  rychely  to  day  :  elle  a  gamy  lac- 
couslrement  de  sa  leste  gorgiasement  aujour- 

I  GABTER  my  hose.  Je  lie,  prim.  conj.  Je  lie 
mon  gertier,  or  je  lie  ma  chause.  Garter  thy 
hose,  it  is  a  shame  to  se  the  go  so  :  lye  ta 
chause  or  lye  ton  gertier,  cest  honte  de  te 
veoyr  aller  aynsi. 

I  GASE,  I  starc  or  loke  ahoute  me.  Jenroullis  les 
yeuhc ,  sec.  conj.  and  je  regarde  toutentour. 
Se  howe  tbis  felowe  gaseth  :  auisez  com- 
ment ce  compaignon  regarde  tout  entour. 
My  Ihynke  bc  is  a  frayde  he  gaselh  so  : 
il  mest  aduis  quil  a  paour  il  enroullist  les 
yeuhc  tellement. 

I  GASPE,  I  gape  or  yane.  Je  baille,  prim  conj. 
Declared  in  «I  gape,  I  gaspe». 

I  GASTE,  1  fcare  (Lyd.).  Je  baille  belle  paour.  I 
gasted  hym  as  sore  as  he  was  thèse  Iwelve 
monethes  :  je  luy  baillay  aussi  belle  paour 
quil  eust  de  cest  an. 

I  GATHEB,  as  a  man  gathereth  flowers  oV  thyn- 
ges  oue  aller  an  olher.  Je  cueiLc,  nous 
cueillons,  je  cueillis,  jay  cueilly,je  cueilli- 



ray,  que  je  cueille,  cueillir,  tert.  conj.  De- 
clared  in  il  gather». 

I  gather  grapes,  as  they  do  in  Fraunce  of  their 
vynes,  whan  they  be  rypc,  lo  make  wyne 
of.  Je  vendenge,  prim.  conj.  or  jefays  la 
vendenge.  Whan  wyll  you  gather  your  gra- 
pes ,  they  be  rype  ail  redy  :  quant  venden- 
gerez  vous,  OT  ferez  vous  vostre  vendenge,  voz 
raysyns  sont  meurs  desja,  or  voz  grappes. 

I  gather  my  spyrites  to  me,  as  one  dothe  that 
hath  maters  layde  to  his  charge.  Je  mes- 
uertue,  verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  You 
bave  nede  to  gather  your  spiriles  to  you , 
for  you  are  lylte  to  hâve  somthyng  a  do  to 
day  :  il  vous  sera  mesder  de  vous  esuertaer, 
car  il  est  bien  possible  que  vous  pourrez 
auoyr  affayre  aujourdhay. 

I  gather  my  selfe  togyther,  as  a  nian  doth  whan 
be  intendeth  to  shewe  his  strength.  Je 
me  acueuib,  conjugal  iyke  his  sympie  je 
cueuib,  I  gather.  And  je  me  esuertue,  ver- 
bum médium  prim.  conj.  I  never  sane 
lyteli  felowe  in  my  lyfe  gather  hymseife 
better  togyther  than  he  dyd  to  caste  tbc 
barre  -.jamays  ne  vis  petit  homme  en  ma  vie 
mieuir  sa^cueuillir,  or  se  esaertuer  que  luy 
pourjecter  la  barre, 

I  gather  men  togyther  on  a  companye  or  any 
other  beestes  tbat  flocke.  Je  assemble,  and 
je  mets  ensemble,  and  je  congrege,  prim. 
conj.  Whan  they  be  galhered  togyther,  tell 
me  :  quant  Hz  sont  assemblez,  or  mys  en- 
semble, or  congregez,  diclez  le  moy. 

I  gather  thynges  togyther  on  a  faeape  that  hc  ail 
of  one  sorte,  as  gravell  atones  or  sucb  Iyke. 
Je  accumule,  prim.  conj.  Also  I  fynde  je 
entesc,  prim.  conj.  Gather  thèse  stones  on 
a  beape  out  of  the  viaye  :  accumulez  ces 
pierres  en  quelque  place  hors  de  la  voye,  or 
amassez  ces  pierres. 

I  gather  thynges  togyther  tbat  be  of  dyvers 
sortes,  or  lye  in  dy verse  places.  Je  amasse, 
prim.  conj.  and  je  assemble,  prim.  conj. 
I  bave  galhered  them  togyther,  but  I  had 
moche  a  do  firste  :  jay  amassé  or  assemblé 
ces  choses,  mais  jauoye  fort  a fayre  premier. 

I  gather  up  thynges  that  be  fallen.  Je  amasse, 
prim.  conj.  But  more  properly  is  je  re- 
cuettilx,  conjugale  Iyke  his  sympie  je 
cueuils ,  I  gather  as  a  man  gathereth 
floures.  Galber  up  my  beades,  my  slryng 
is  broken  :  amassez  or  recueuillez  mes  pâte- 
nostres,  ma  corde  est  rompeue. 

I  GAWANCE  a  horse  up  and  downe  upon  the  sto- 
nes and  make  bym  gambalde  and  flynge. 
Je  pourbondis ,  sec.  conj.  And  you  gaunce 
your  horse  up  and  downe  ihus  upon  the 
stones ,  be  wyil  be  naughl  within  a  whyle  : 
se  vous  pourbondissez  vostre  cheual  en  ce 
poynt  sur  le  paué,  il  ne  vauldra  tantost  plus 

I  GACRE,  I  krye.  Je  hae,  prim.  conj.  Howe  be 
gaureth  aller  his  hauke  :  comment  il  hue 
oprei  son  oyseau. 

G  BïFOr.E  E. 

I  GEU>E  a  man  or  a  beest,  I  culte  awaye  their 
slones.  Je  chastre,  prim.  conj.  and  je  es- 
couille,  prim.  conj.  Gelde  bym  for  gel- 
tynge  of  fooles  :  chastrez  le  or  escouillez  le, 
affyn  quil  nengendrc  poynt  defolz. 

I  GENDEB.  Jengendre,  prim.  conj.  In  Marche  Io- 
des and  frogges  begyn  to  gender  togyther: 
enuiron  le  moys  de  Mars  les  crapaulx  et  les 
grenouylles  commencent  a  engendrer. 

I  GEOPAnDE,  I  adventure.  Jaducnture,  prim. 
conj.  I  coulde  hâve  gotten  a  goodly  bolye 
one  daye,  whan  we  were  in  Fraunce,  if  I 
durst  hâve  geoparded  :  je  eusse  6ie»  guigné 
un  beau  bulyn  vng  jour,  quant  nous  estions 
en  France,  si  je  eusse  osé  aduenturer. 

I  GESSE,  I  devyne  or  conjecture  whata  thynge 
shulde  be.  Je  deuine,  prim.  conj.  Gesse 
wbal  we  were  lalkynge  of  afore  you  came 
in  a  dores  :  deuinez  de  quoy  nous  parlyons 
auant  que  vous  vinstez  entrer  a  Ihuys. 

I  gesse,  I  mente  or  ayme  to  hytte  a  thynge  that 
I  sbole  or  throwe  al.  Je  esme.  prim.  conj. 
Was  il  nat  metely  well  gessed  of  me  thaï 
never  sbotte  bere  in  this  grounde  afor*  : 
nestoit  ce  pas  assez  bien  esmé  a  moy  qui  nt 
tyray  jamays  en  ces  quartiers  deuant  ? 




I  6ESTB,  I  rayle  upon  one.  Je  rajfaràe,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  raille ,  prim.  conj.  I  love  nat 
his  condyscioDs,  for  hc  doth  but  jestc  upon 
other  men  :  je  nayme  pas  ses  condiscions , 
car  il  ne  fait  que  farder  les  gens,  or  i7  ne 
fait  que  railler  sur  les  gens. 

I  gest,  I  bourde  or  tryfyll  with  one.  Je  bourde, 
prim.  conj.  I  sayd  it  nat  in  gooj  ernest, 
I  dyd  but  borde  with  you  or  jeste  wilb 
you  :  je  ne  le  disoje  pas  a  bon  essiant,  je 
ne  faysoye  que  hourder  unecqnes  vous, 

I  gestyll  a  horse  to  and  fro  in  the  stabyll.  Je 
jance,  prim.  conj.  Ile  hath  geslylled  my 
horse  in  the  stabyll  tyll  he  hath  made 
hym  ail  on  a  water:  il  ajancé  mon  cheual 
a  lestable  tant  quil  la  mys  tout  en  eaue. 

I  gestyll  agaynstea  thynge,  I  louche  it  with 
movynge.  Je  heurte,  prim.  conj.  I  wente  in 
.  the  darke  by  the  wall  to  fynde  the  cham- 
bre dore,  and  sodayniy  I  gestylled  agaynst 
hym  men  allay  en  taslant  au  long  du 
mur  pour  trouuer  Ihnys  de  la  chambre,  et 
soabdaynement  je  heurtay  contre  lay. 

I  6BTHBR.  Je  cueulx.  Looke  in  «I  gather». 

I  GEI,  I  wynne  by  byeng,  sellyng,  or  otherwyse. 
Je  guigne,  I  gel  nolhynghcre  butstrypes: 
je  ne  gaigne  riens  icy  que  des  coups.  Get 
me  a  thing,  make  provisyon  that  I  bave  it, 
or  go  for  it,  whiche  kynde  of  speakyng 
we  use  in  the  imparatyve  mode  onely  : 
que  je  aye,  as  get  me  a  knyfe  :  que  je  aye 
vng  Cousteau.  Cette  me  some  drinke  at 
ones  :  que  je  aye  a  boyre  a  coup.  AIso  whan 
I  get  sygnyfyeth  «I  bave»  they  use  the 
tenses  of  je  ay,  as  he  getteth  no  good  ser- 
vaunt  of  me  a  whyt  :  a  moy  nauraja  bon 
varlet.  He  gettelh  no  more  of  me  but  a 
grote  :  il  naura  de  moy  qung  gros.  Get  the 
hence ,  whiche  maner  we  use  aiso  onely 
in  the  imperatyve  mode,  as  get  the  hence 
in  a  haste  :fuys  dicy.  Get  the  hence  or 
départe  in  haste  :  ostez  vous  dicy. 

I  get  agayne  a  tbynge  losle  or  hydde  away.  Je 
recouuers ,  jay  recouuerl,  recouurir,  conju- 
gate  lyke  his  symple  je  couuers,  !  cover. 

I  get  a  thyng  by  sute  or  petycion  that  I  make 

to  a  person.  Je  impetre,  prim.  conj.  I  bave 
get  it  at  the  last  :  je  lay  impetrè  a  la  fyn. 

I  get  a  wenche  with  chylde.  Je  engrosse,  prim. 
conj.  Wottest  thou  who  hath  gotten  this 
wenche  with  chylde  :  scays  tu  qui  a  en- 
grossé ceste  garce  ? 

I  get  a  woman  with  chylde.  Je  fays  vng  enfant 
a  vne  femme.  He  hath  gotten  my  syster 
with  chylde  :  il  a  fait  vng  enfant  a  ma  sear. 
I  wyll  get  her  with  chylde  :  je  luy  feray 
vng  enfant. 

I  get  byfore  one.  J anticipe ,  prim.  conj.  I  gatte 
byfore  hym  or  he  came  to  the  towne  ;  je 
lanticipay  auant  quil  vint  en  la  ville. 

I  get  me  hence.  Je  me  oste  dycy.  Get  you  from 
thence  :  osiez  vous  de  la.  I  get  me  hence 
in  ail  haste  possyble  :  je  men  fays,  and  for 
haste,  whan  we  use  hence  hence,  they 
say  hasty\y  fuy ,  fuy.  I  get  me  hence  :  je 
me  oste, 

I  get  me  out  of  the  waye.  Je  me  oste  de  ycy ,  or 
je  me  oste  hors  dycy, 

I  get  me  a  syde,  as  one  dothe  that  dare  nat  hc 
sene.  Je  me  esgarys,  sec.  conj.  And  he  to 
get  him  out  of  the  way  :  et  luy  de  se  esga- 
ryr,  as  one  dothe  that  is  in  great  feare. 
And  in  this  sence  I  fynde  used  je  me  oste 
and  je  men  fays.  I  wyll  get  me  hence  :  je 
me  osteray  dycy.  Hence  hence  :  fuy  fuy. 

I  get  goodes  by  extorcion  or  ravenyng.  Je  ra- 
pine, prim.  conj.  and  je  ea;tor(ionn«,prim. 
conj.  ànd  je  arable  (Romaut).  He  getteth 
his  goodes  by  cxtorcyon  :  il  rapine,  il  ex- 
tortionne,  il  arable  ses  biens. 

I  get  grâce,  I  oblayne  grâce.  Je  obtiens,  jay  ob- 
tenu, obtenir,  conjugat  lyke  bis  symple  je 
tiens,  1  holde. 

I  get  Jyfe  in  one,  I  dawne  one  that  is  fallen  in 
a  swounde.  Je  reuigoure,  prim.  conj.  We 
had  moche  a  do  get  lyfe  in  hym  :  nous 
eusmes  fort  a  faire  pour  le  reaigourer. 

I  get,  y  provyde  or  store  one  of  vytayle  or  other 
thinges  that  he  nedeth.  Je  pouruoye,  prim. 
conj.  or  je  fays  pouruoyance.  Get  fyre  and 
candell  thyder  :  pouruoyez  la  du  feu  et  des 
chandelles.  I  wyll  get  ail  thynges  my  selfe 


but  wyne  -.jeferayprouision  or  poaruayance 
de  toutes  choses  fors  que  de  vin. 

I  get,  I  wynne  above  my  stocke  or  porcion.  Je 
acquiers,  jay  acquis,  acquérir,  conjugale  in 
je  qaiers,  I  seke.  And  je  acqueste,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  gaiqne,  prim.  conj.  I  hâve 
gotten  twenty  marke  to  yere  clere  above 
ail  costes  '■  jajr  gaiqné,  jay  acquis,  jay  ac- 
queste vingt  mars  ceste  année  tout  quitte  par 
dessus  mesfrays,  or  despens. 

I  get  by  ravenynge  or  by  extorcion ,  nat  caryng 
howe  one  come  by  it.  Jarrabk,  prim.  conj. 
declared  afore. 

I  get  to  or  attayne  to  a  thyng.  Je  atlains,  jay 
altainct,  attaindre,  tert.  conj.  conjugale 
lyke  bis  symple  je  tayns,  I  dye  in  coiours. 
Yonder  be  fayre  appels,  but  I  can  natgette 
to  them  :  voyUi  de  belles  pommes,  mays  je 
ny  puis  poynt  atlayndre. 

I  get  to  a  thyng,  I  come  by  it,  or  I  come  to  tbe 
place  wbere  it  is.  Je  attayns,  conjugat  in 
«I  attayne»,  declared  afore  in  «I  get  to» 
or  «I  attayne  ton. 

I  get  or  obtayne.  Je  obtiens,  conjugale  lyke  his 
symple  je  tiens,  I  holde.  I  trust  in  God  I 
shall  get  my  desyre  of  hym  :  jespere  en 
Dieu  que  je  obtiendray  mon  désir  de  luy. 

I  get  or  snatche  by  stelthe.  Jacroche,  prim. 
conj.  And  you  can  get  it,  take  it  for 
naught:  se  vous  le  pouez  accrocher,  prennez 
le  pour  rien. 

I  get  out  tre  truthe  of  a  mater  tbat  is  in  doute. 
Je  saiche,  prim.  conj.  and  je  espluche, 
prim.  conj.  I  wyll  get  out  tbe  truthe  by 
one  meanes  or  otber  :  je  saicheray,  or  je 
esplucheray  la  vérité  par  quelque  moyen. 

I  get  me  to  the  vyce  of  my  bodye.  Je  me  appail- 
lardis,  sec.  conj.  He  gyvetb  hym  to  moche 
to  tbe  vyce  of  his  budye  :  il  se  appaillarde 

I  get  one  a  caste  witb  a  combe ,  I  flatter  hym 
to  begyle  hym,  or  I  gyve  one  a  slappe 
witb  a  foxe  tayle.  Je  donne  vny  coup  des- 
trille. He  bad  ihought  to  gyve  me  a  caste 
witb  a  horse  combe  :  il  me  cuida  donner 
vng  coup  destrille. 


I  get  the  upper  bande  of  myne  enemye.  Je  viens 
au  dessus  de  mon  ennemy,  je  suis  venu  oo 
dessus,  venir  au  dessus,  conjugale  in  «  I 
ncome».  If  ever  I  get  the  upper  bande  of 
hym,  I  shali  bandell  hym  therafler  :  si  je 
viens  jamays  au  dessus  de  luy  je  le  traicte- 
ray  de  mesmes. 

I  get  tbe  upper  bande  of  one,  I  overcome  bym. 
Je  vaincs,  jay  vaincu,  vaincre,  conjugale 
in  «  I  overcome  ».  You  sbal  overcome  al 
your  enemyes  :  vous  vaincrez  tous  voz  en- 

I  gel,  I  use  a  proude  counlenaunce  and  pace 
in  my  goyng.  Je  braggue,  prim.  conj.  Se, 
I  praye  the,  howe  ibis  counlrefayte  gen- 
tilman  gelteth  :  auise,je  te  prie,  comment 
ce  genlyllastre  braggue  en  se  promenant. 

I  get  witb  chylde.  Je  Jais  vng  enfant,  declared 
afore  in  «I  get  a  woman  witb  chylde». 

I  get  up  upon  a  ladder  or  any  bygbe  thyng.  Je 
monte,  prim.  conj.  I  wolde  come  to  the, 
but  I  wotte  nat  howe  y  maye  gel  up  :  je 
viendroys  a  toy  voulentiers ,  mays  je  ne  scay 
comment  je  pourray  monter. 

I  gel  up  and  dovvne,  I  loyter  as  an  ydell  or 
maslerlesse  person  dolbe.  Je  vilote,  prim. 
conj.  Tbis  is  a  goodly  lyfe  ibou  leadest  to 
gette  up  and  downe  on  tbis  facyon  ail  daye: 
cest  vne  belle  vie  que  tu  maynes  de  viloteren 
ce  poynt  toute  jour. 

I  GYVE  a  gyfte.  Je  donne,  prim.  conj.  I  gyve  hym 
my  landes  :  je  luy  donne  mes  terres.  But  in 
tbe  Ihyrde  person  synguler  of  the  présent 
tence  of  tbe  optalyve  mode  be  maketb 
doint  wheras,  afler  the  rule,  be  shulde 
make  donne,  lyke  unto  the  same  tence 
and  person  in  the  polencyall  mode,  as 
God  gyve  you  good  morowe  :  Dieu  vous 
doynt  bonjour. 

I  gyve  mylke ,  as  a  nourice  dolbe,  or  any  myiche 
beest.  Je  donne  du  layct,jai  donné  du  laycl, 
donner  da  layct,  prim.  conj.  The  kowe  is 
drie,  she  gyvelh  no  mylke  :  ceste  vaiche  est 
seiche,  elle  ne  donne  point  de  laid. 

I  gyve  one  parte  of  a  thynge.  Je  impartis,  jay 
imparty,  impartir,  sec.    conj.  Do  it  and 




I  wyll  gyve  you  a  ihyng ,  meanyng  a  tliyng 
uncertayne  :  fayclez-le  et  je  vous  donneray 
je  ne  scay  qiioy.  Wyll  you  hâve  the  appyll 
alone  and  g)ve  nobody  parte  with  you: 
voulez  vous  auoyr  la  pomme  tout  seul  saiis 
impartyr  délie  nuUuy. 

I  gyve.  Je  donne,  prini.  conj.  God  gyve  you  good 
morowe  :  Dieu  vous  doynt  bon  jour  ;  but 
lyke  as  we  use  to  ieave  out  the  verbe  in 
suche  maner  of  salutyng  and  saye  •  good 
«  morowe ,  good  evyn ,  good  nyght  » ,  so  do 
theyiu  comen  langage  and  saye:  bon 
jour,  bon  vespre,  bonne  nayct.  And  as  for 
bon  soyr  betokencth  «  God  send  you  a 
«  good  foreparte  of  the  nyght  » ,  and  this 
may  be  used  at  lengtfa ,  as  Dieu  vous  donne 
bon  respre. 

I  gyve  a  iyght,  as  a  caodell  dothe  in  house,  or 
any  other  lyghl  thing.  Je  tresluys,  and  je 
donne  lumyere.  This  candels  be  yvell  made , 
for  they  gyve  no  Iyght  at  ail  :  ces  chandelles 
ne  sont  pas  bien  faictes,  car  elles  ne  donnent 
pas  vng  grain  de  lumière,  or  ne  donnent 

I  gyve  a  man  an  appetyte  to  bis  meate.  Je  enta- 
lente,  prini.  conj.  And  you  bave  no  sto- 
niacke ,  looke  upon  me  howe  I  eate ,  and 
I  shall  gyve  you  an  appetyte  :  si  vous  nouez 
povnt  destommac,  regardez  sur  moy  quant 
je  mange  et  je  vous  entalenteray. 

I  gyve  a  name  to  a  thynge ,  or  I  name  a  thyng 
by  bis  name.  Je  nomme,  prim.  conj.  or  je 
baille  nom.  He  can  gyve  a  name  to  every 
thyng  in  latyn  :  il  scayt  nommer  toutes 
choses,  or  il  scayt  bailler  nom  a  toutes 
choses  en  latyn. 

I  gyve  attendaunce,  or  I  wayte  upon  one.  Je 
donne  attendance.  I  can  gyve  attendaunce 
upon  hyni  for  avauntage  :  je  scay  bailler, 
or  donner  attendance  sur  lay  pour  mon  ad- 

I  gyve  a  shryke,  I  krye  out  for  feare.  Je  me  escrie, 
verbum  mcdiuin  prim.  conj.  He  gave  a 
shrike  as  loude  as  be  myght  krye  :  il  sescria 
aussi  haullement  quil  pouist  crier. 

l  geve  a  thynge  in  gyfle  te  one.  Je  donne,  prim. 

conj.  Holde,  I  gyve  it  you  :  tenez,  je  le  vous 

I  geve  a  waroyng  unto  one  of  a  thyng.  Jadmo- 
neste.  I  wyll  gyve  him  warnyng  Crst,  but 
afterwarde  if  he  do  it  on  bis  pareil  :  je 
ladmonesleray  premier,  mays  sil  le  fait  après 
sur  son  péril. 

I  geve  credence  or  beleve  to  a  mater.  Jadjouste 
foy,jay  adjousti  foy,  adjouster  foy,  prim. 
conj.  It  is  a  great  folye  to  gyve  credence 
to  every  mans  sayeng  :  cest  vne  grant  folie 
que  dadjouster  foy  aux  ditz  dvng  chascan , 
or  de  toutes  gens. 

l  geve  hede  to  my  busynesse,  or  any  mater  tbat 
I  bave  in  hande.  Jentens  a  mes  affaires, 
jay  entendu,  entendre,  conjugale  in  •  I 
«understande».  And  je  vacque  a  mes 
affaires ,  jay  vacqué,  vacqaer  ,  prim.  conj. 
You  gyve  no  hede  to  your  lesson  :  vous 
ne  vacquez  pas,  or  vous  nentenJez  pas  a 
vostre  leçon. 

I  geve  no  force  of  a  thyng,  I  set  no  store  by  it. 
Je  ne  donne  riens,  or  il  ne  men  chault.  I  gyve 
no  force  what  I  do  :  je  ne  donne  riens  que 
cestquejeface,  or  je  nay  cure.  If  my  mayster 
be  angrye,  I  gyve  no  force  :  se  mon  maistrc 
se  courrouce,  je  ncn  donne  riens,  or  il  ne 
men  chault,  or  je  nen  ay  cure. 

I  geve  souke  to  a  chylde  or  beest.  Je  alaycte, 
prim.  conj.  You  gyve  your  chyide  souke  to 
long,  he  shulde  bave  ben  wrayned  or 
this  tyme  :  vous  alayctez  vostre  enfant  trop 
longuement ,  vous  h  deussiez  auoir  seuri  de- 
uant  cestc  heure. 

I  geve  backe,  I  go  backwarde.  Je  recule,  prim. 
conj.  It  is  wysedome  for  a  man  to  gyve 
backe  for  avauntage  :  cesl  saigesse  a  ung 
homme  de  se  reculer  pour  son  adaanlaige. 

I  geve  sentence,  or  I  gyve  a  jugement  in  a  mater 
or  cause.  Je  adjuge.  He  hath  gyven  a  jud- 
gement  in  my  cause  and  never  herde  me 
speke  nor  none  for  me  :  il  a  adjugé  ma  ma- 
tière et  ne  me  ouyt  jamays  parler  ne  nul  pour 

I  geve  audyence.  Je  donne  a  entendre. 

Igeve  counsayle  to  do  aroysse.  Je  saade,pTim. 


conj.  Who  geve  him  counsayle  to  do  it  : 
<fui  lay  suaJa  de  le  faire  ? 

I  geve  eare  to  one ,  I  harken  what  they  say.  Je 
apreste  lorciUe,  prim.  conj.  What  so  ever 
he  saythe,  gyve  him  no  credence  by  myne 
advyse  :  quoj  quil  die,  ne  luy  aprestez  poynt 
loreille  se  voas  men  croyez. 

I  geve  eare,  or  I  gyve  credence  to  a  mater.  Je 
adjoaslefoy,jay  adjousléjoy,  iidjonsterfoy, 
prim.  conj.  And  je  apprcste  loreille.  And 
you  wili  gyve  eare  to  hym  you  are  wyse 
ynoughe  :  se  vous  lay  vouliez  apprester  lo- 
reille, or  se  tous  lui  vouliez  adjousterfoy, 
vous  estes  saige  assez. 

I  geve ,  I  reache  ooe  a  ihyng,  or  delyver  it  in  to 
his  handes  or  to  a  nolher  hody.  Je  baille, 
prim.  conj.  Gyve  him  or  reche  him  his 
gowne  :  baille  lay  sa  robhe.  Gyve  him  a 
grote  more  for  the  bowe  and  you  shal  hâve 
it,  I  warrante  you  :  baillez  luy  vng  gros  da- 
uantaige  pour  lare  et  je  vous  ose  promettre 
que  vous  laurez. 

I  geve  or  aplye  my  mynde  to  any  ihynge.  Ja- 
donnc,  prim.  conj.  If  he  gyve  his  mynde 
to  it  ones,  he  wyli  hâve  it  anon  :  mays  quil 
se  y  adonne  vne  foys ,  il  y  attayndra  bien 

t  geve  or  graunte.  Jadonne,  or  je  prommais.  They 
gave  us  many  great  previleges  :  ilz  nous 
adonerent  de  grans  preuilieges. 

I  geve  one  wamyng  of  a  thyng.  Je  admoneste, 
prim.  conj.  I  praye  you,  if  you  shali  knovre 
any  faulte  by  me,  gyve  me  warnyng;  je 
vous  prie,  se  voas  congnoyssés  en  moy  quelque 
faulte ,  que  jen  puisse  estre  aduerfy,  or  admo- 

I  geve  one  for  his  labour.  Je  baille  pour payne , 
or  je  baille  vyn,  addyng  suche  proDownes 
as  the  sentence  dothe  requyre.  He  wolde 
bave  gyven  me  a  great  rewardc  for  my 
labour  :  il  me  voulust  bailler,  or  auoir  baillé 
vne  grant  chose  pour  ma  payne,  or  pour  mon 

I  geve  over,  as  a  man  dothe  that  is  overcome , 
I  yelde  in  a  mater.  Je  jucciim6f,prira.  conj. 
and  je  me  rens,  je  me  suis  rendu,  rendre. 


verbum  médium  sec.  conj.  conjugate  in 
•  I  yelde».  Fye,  coward,  gyvest  thou  over 
for  so  small  a  mater  -.fy,  couart,  te  suc- 
combes tu,  or  te  rens  tu,  pour  si  peu  de 
chose  ? 

I  geve  over,  as  physiciens  gyve  over  a  man  that 
they  wyll  no  more  meddie  with,  or  as  we 
do  thynges  that  we  hâve  forsaken.  Je  ha- 
bandonne,  prim.  conj.  If  thou  bave  ought 
a  do  with  hym,  it  is  tyme  to  go,  for  the 
physiciens  hâve  gyven  him  over  ail  redy  ; 
se  tu  as  riens  afayre  a  lay,  il  est  temps  de 
ten  aller,  car  les  médecins  lont  habandonné 

I  geve  over,  I  forsake  for  a  tyme,  or  leave  a 
tfaing.  Je  laisse,  prim.  conj.  and  je  délaisse. 
Lette  us  gyve  over  this  mater  to  the  nexte 
terme  :  layssons,  or  délaissons  ceste  matière 
jusques  au  prochayn  terme. 

1  geve  place  to  my  superyour.  Je  cède,  prim. 
conj.  I  gyve  hym  place  or  prehemynence  : 
je  luy  cède;  dativo  jungitur.  I  se  nat  why 
I  shulde  gyve  hym  place,  l  am  as  weil 
borne  as  ever  was  he  :  je  ne  voy  pas  pour 
quoyje  luy  cederoys ,  car  je  suit  daussi  bonne 
mayson  quil  fut  jamays. 

G    BTFOBB    I. 

I  GtDE ,  I  governe.  Je  guyde.  Gyve  hym  suche 
a  charge  to  governe?  gyve  hym  a  strawe, 
he  can  nat  governe himselfe  :  lay  baillervne 
telle  charge  a  gouaemer  nest  quabus,  car  il 
ne  se  scayt  pas  gouuerner  luy  mesmes, 

I  GYE,  I  gyde  (Lydgat).  Declared  hère  next  in 
f  I  gydei. 

I  GYTF,  an  answere  to  a  mater,  as  the  goddes 
were  wonte  lo  do.  Je  donne  responce,  and 
je  baille  responce,  prim.  conj.  After  the 
comyng  of  our  Savyour  the  false  goddea 
gave  no  more  answere  :  après  laduenement 
de  nostre  Seignicur  les  dieulx  des  gentilz 
ne  donnèrent  plus  de  responces. 

I  gyve  credence  or  byleve  a  thyng.  Je  croys,jay 
creu,  croyre,  conjugate  in  «  1  byleve».  And 
je  donne  crédit,  jay  donné  crédit,  donner 
crédit,  etc.  Let  hym  saye  what  he  wyll , 


I  gyve  no  credence  to  hym  :  die  ceu  quil 

vouldra,je  ne  lay  croyray  pojnt  (dativo  jun- 

gitur) ,  OT  je  ne  lay  donnieray  poynt  de  cré- 
1  gyve  evydence ,  as  men  do  that  enforme  men 

of  a  mater  or  an  enquest.  Je  donne  infor- 

macion  a  lenqaeste,jay  donné  informacion  a 

lenqueste,  donner  informacion   a  lenqueste. 

If  he  gyve  evydence  to  the  enquest  against 

you  it  wyll  be  a  sore  thyng  :  sil  donne  in- 
formacion a  lenqueste  contre  vous,  cela  vous 

sera  forte  chose. 
I   6TLL  fysshe.  Je  osle  h  branche.  Gyll  thèse 

fysshes  :  ostez  les  branches  de  ces  poissons, 
l  gyve  no  force,  I  care  nat  for  a  thyng.  Il  ne 

men  chault,  il  ne  men  a  chalu,  chaloyr,  ver- 

bum  impersonale ,  conjugale  in  1 1  care 

<  nat»  ,  il  ne  men  chault  and  je  nen  ai  cure. 

Let  hym  saye  what  he  lyste  I  gyve  no  force 

for  hym  :  dye  ceu  quil  luy  plaira,  il  ne  men 

chault  p<yynt  de  luy  or  je  nay  cure  de  ses 

I  gyve  one  my  bande,  as  one  dothe  that  wolde 

be  holpen  or  lyfte  up,  or  as  men  do  whan 

they  welcome  oue  another  or  wolde  make 

a  bargen.  Je  tens  la  mayn,  jay  tendu  la 

mayn ,  tendre  la    mayn ,  conjugat  in   <  I 

I  bende  ».  Gyve  me  thy  hande  :  tens  moy  ta 

mayn.  Gyve  me  thy  hande  and  I  wyli  helpe 

the  up  :  tens  ycy  (a  mayn  et  je  tayderay  a 

monter.  Gyve  me  thy  hande  nowe  by  this 

hande  I  lay  in  thyne  :  tens  ta  mayn  or  par 

ceste  mayn  que  je  te  baille. 
I  CTNeTLL,  I  make  a  noyse,  as  thinges  of  metall 

do   whan  they  be  shaked   togyther.   Je 

gingle,  prim.  conj. 
1  GTNNE  to  do  a  thyng,  for  whiche  we  use  nowe 

fl   begyn»,   as   I  begyn  to   laughe,  to 

speake,  to  eate,  or  suche  lyke,  declared 

in  «I  begyn». 
1  6TLTB  a  Ihynge  with  golde.  Je  dorre,  prim. 

conj.  This  cuppe  is  well  gylte  :  ceste  tasse 

est  bien  dorrée. 
I  GTLTB,  I  faulte  or  commyt  a  trespasse  (Lyd- 

gate).  Je  commets  vng  trespas. 
I  6YRDE  a  man  or  a  woman  wilh  a  gyrdell.  Je 

ceingns,  nous  ceyndons,  Hz  ceindent,je  cein- 
gnis.jay  ceyngt,je  ceyngdray,  que  je  ceigne, 
ceingdre,  tert.  conj.  But j«  saings  is  wronge 
written.  He  gyrdcth  him  selfe  above  the 
waste ,  whiche  is  a  straunge  syght  :  il  se 
ceingtpar  dessus  le  f aulx  du  corps,  ce  que 
fayct  layd  a  veoyr. 

I  gyrde  a  horse  or  suche  lyke  with  a  gyrthc.  Je 
cengle,  prim.  conj.  Gyrde  my  horse  well, 
for  he  casteth  bis  sadell  forwarde  :  cenglez 
mon  cheual  bien,  car  iljecte  sa  selle  tousjours 
vers  sa  teste  or  auanl. 

I  gyrde,  I  perce  or  strike  tborowe  with  a  speare 
or  weapen  (Lydgate).  Je  perce,  prim. 

I  gyrde  one  in  a  gyrdell  of  a  thonge  of  lelber. 
Je  courroye,  prim.  conj. 

I  gyve  a  chylde  souke.  Je  alaicte,  prim.  conj. 

I  gyve  a  thyng  in  a  gyfte.  Je  donne,  prim.  conj. 
God  gyve  you  yvel  chevyng  :  Dieu  vous 
met  en  malle  sepmayne. 

I  gyve  agayne,  or  I  yelde  a  thing  that  I  bave  had 
of  another  persons.  Je  rens,  jay  rendu, 
rendre,  conjugale  in  «1  yelde».  Gyve  him 
his  monaye  agayne  :  rendez  lay  son  argent. 

I  gyve  a  thing  agayne  ,  I  yelde  it.  Je  rens,  con- 
jugale in  «  I  yelde».  What  so  ever  you  laye 
oui  for  me ,  I  wyll  gyve  it  you  agayne  : 
quoy  que  soyt  que  vous  mettez  hors  pour  moy, 
je  le  vous  rendray. 

I  gyve  a  sownde,  as  a  borne  or  bcll  or  mannes 
woyce  whan  it  reboundeth  agayne.  Je  re- 
tentis, sec.  conj.  Hère  what  a  sownde  this 
borne  gyveth  :  escoustez  comment  ce  cor  re- 

I  gyve  a  henefyce  or  spyrituall  promocyon,  or 
other  benefyces  to  a  persone.  Je  confère, 
prim.  conj.  I  hâve  gyven  hym  a  henefyce  : 
je  lay  ay  conféré  vng  bénéfice.  Dativo  jungi- 

I  gyve  a  showle,  I  krye  oui  aloude.  Je  huppe, 
prim.  conj.  and  je  huline,  prim.  conj.  And 
whan  the  two  armyes  came  to  the  joyn- 
yngc,  they  gave  a  shoule  as  bevyn  and 
erthe  shulde  bave  gone  togyther  :  et 
quant  Us  deux  armées  se  vindrent  ajoyndre. 


Hz  huppereni,  or  hutinerent  si  haalt  comme  si 
le  ciel  et  la  terre  se  eussent  deu  confondre  en- 
semble, or  huèrent. 

I  gyve  a  shryke,  as  one  dotbe  that  is  sodaynly 
a  frayde.  Je  mescrie ,  verbum  médium 
prim.  conj. 

I  gyve  counsayle  that  a  thynge  shulde  nat  be 
done  that  men  are  mynded  to  do.  Je  des- 
conseille,  prim.  conj.  I  gave  hym  counsayle 
to  the  contrarye  so  moche  as  lay  in  me  : 
je  le  desconseillay  de  autant  que  en  moy  es- 

I  gyve  counsayle  in  a  substanciall  mater.  Je 
donne  conseil,  jay  donné  conseil,  donner 
conseil,  etc. 

I  gyve  kepe  to  niy  busynesse  or  the  thynges 
I  bave  in  bande.  Je  me  donne  garde  de 
mes  besongnes,  and  je  me  prens  garde  a 
mes  besongnes.  I  shall  gyve  you  somewhat 
for  your  paynes  :je  vous  donneray  quelque 
chose  pour  voz  paynes. 

I  gyve  my  selfe  to  vyce ,  as  comen  women  or 
vyciouse  persones  gyve  them  selfe  to  vy- 
ciouse  lyvyng.  Je  me  habandonne,  je  me 
sais  habandonne ,  habandonner,  prim.  conj . 
He  gyveth  hym  selfe  to  ail  untbriftynesse  : 
il  se  habandonne  a  tout  vice. 

I  gyve  me  to  do  a  thyiig ,  I  aplye  my  mynde 
therlo.  Je  me  adonne,  je  me  suis  adonné, 
adonner,  verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  and 
je  me  mets,  je  me  suis  mys,  mettre,  ver- 
bum médium  tert.  conj.  conjugate  in  <I 
•  put  ». 

I  gyve  one  a  clappe  on  the  cheke.  Je  luy  baille 
vne  joie. 

I  gyve  one  thankes  for  any  benefyte  he  bath 
shewed  me.  Je  regracie,  prim.  conj. 

I  gyve  no  force ,  I  care  nat.  Il  ne  men  chault. 

I  gyve  no  force  of  a  thing,  I  set  no  store  by  it. 
Je  ne  tiens  compte. 

I  gyve  one  a  good  appetyte  to  his  meate.  Je 
entalenie,  prim.  conj.  It  gyveth  me  a  good 
appetyte  to  my  meate  to  se  bym  eate  :  il 
me  enialente  de  le  veoyr  manger, 

I  gyve  one  corage  to  do  a  thyng.  Je  encouraige, 
prim.  conj.  Sythe  he  bath  gyven  me  co- 



rage,  I  am  bolde  ynoughe  -.puis  quil  ma 
encouraige ,  je  suis  hardy  assez. 

I  gyve  over  a  mater,  I  leave  of  and  wyll  no 
more  meddyll  in  it.  Je  désiste,  prim.  conj. 
Wyll  you  gyve  over  the  mater  nowe  : 
voulez  vous  désister  la  matière  mayntenant? 

I  gyve  over,  as  a  man  gyveth  over  bis  tytle 
that  he  bath  to  the  partye  that  sueth  witb 
bim.  Je  me  clame  quitte,  je  me  suis  clamé 
quitte,  clamer  quitte,  prim.  conj.  I  gyve 
over  this  mater,  I  wyll  sue  you  no  more 
for  it  :  de  ceste  matière  je  vous  clame  quitte, 
et  je  ne  vous  metteray  plus  en  procès  pour 

I  gyve  over  a  man,  I  wyll  no  more  meddyll 
witb  hym.  Je  me  quitte,  prim.  conj.  and 
je  me  suis  deffait.  I  gyve  bim  over,  I  wyll 
meddle  no  more  witb  bym  :  je  h  quicte, 
or  je  me  quitte  de  lay,  or  je  me  deffays  de 
luy,  je  nauray  plus  a  faire  a  lay. 

I  gyve  (Lydgat).  I  gyve  faythe  :je  adjoaste  foy. 

I  gyve  one  thankes  for  a  thyng.  Je  remercie, 
prim.  conj.  Whan  my  lorde  cometh,  he 
shall  gyve  you  thankes  for  your  gentyl- 
nessc  :  quant  monsieur  viendra,  il  vous  re- 
merciera pour  vostre  courtoysie. 

I  gyve  one  warnyng  to  appere  at  a  certayne 
place  and  tyme.  Je  somme,  prim.  conj. 
The  bedyll  gave  me  warnyng  yesterdaye  : 
le  bedeau  me  somma  hier. 

I  gyve  place  to  my  superyour,  or  better,  or 
otherwyse.  Je  cède,  prim.  conj.  I  gyve 
hym  place  :  je  lay  cède. 

1  gyve  to  or  I  caste  to.  Jadjoaste  or  jassigne , 
prim.  conj.  Gyve  no  credence  to  his 
sayeng  :  ne  adjoastez  poynt,  or  ne  assignez 
poynt  de  crédit  a  ses  dits. 

I  gyve  up  my  tytle,  as  a  man  dotbe  that  ma- 
kcth  a  release  of  his  ryght.  Je  sanends, 
conjugate  lyke  bis  symple je rend^,!  yelde. 
I  gyve  up  my  tytle  in  to  tbe  Lordes  ban- 
des :  je  sarrends  mon  filtre  entre  les  mayns 
du  Seignieur. 

I  gyve  up  an  offyce  or  a  dygnyte.  Je  decede, 
prim.  conj.  I  bave  gyveo  up  myne  offyce: 
jay  decedé  mon  o£ice. 



I  gyve  up  tbe  goste  (Lydgate).  Je  rends  mon 
ame.  or  je  rends  mon  esperit.  This  poore 
roan  lokelli  as  he  woide  gyve  up  tlie  goost 
by  and  by  :  ce  poure  homme  regarde  comme 
$il  vouldroyl  rendre  son  ame,  or  rendre  les- 
perit  tout  asteure. 


I  GLADOE.  Je  esjouys,  jay  esjouy,  esjouyr,  sec. 
conj.  and  je  haytie,  etc.  It  isa  good  thing 
of  him,  for  he  gladdeth  every  company 
tbat  he  cometli  in  :  cest  vne  bonne  chose 
que  de  hiy,  car  il  csjoayt,  or  il  haytye  tonte 
compaignie  la  ou  il  se  trouue. 

l  GLARE  or  glystre,  as  golde  dothe.  Je  reluys, 
or  je  tresluys,  nous  reluysons,  je  reluys, 
jay  reluy,  je  reluyray,  que  je  reluyse,  que 
je  reluysisse ,  reluyre,  tert.  conj.  Se  howe 
yonder  golde  glysterelh  agaynst  tbe  sonne: 
aqardez  comment  cest  or  la  reluyt  contre  le 
soleil,  or  les  rays  du  soleyl. 

1  GLASE  a  wyndowe.  Je  voerrine,  prim.  conj. 
I  wyU  glase  ail  tbe  wyndowes  in  my  par- 
loure  fîrst  :  je  vueulx  premièrement  voerri- 
ner  toutes  les  fenestres  de  mon  parlouer. 

I  glase  a  knyfe,  I  make  it  bright.  Je  fourbis, 
sec.  conj. 

I  GLEANE  corne.  Je  glenne ,  prim.  conj.  Put 
nat  your  horses  in  to  tbe  corne  felde  yet, 
for  my  folkes  bave  nat  gleaned  Ibere  yet  : 
ne  mettez  pas  voz  cheaaulx  en  ce  champ  de 
bled,  car  mes  gens  ny  ont  point  encore 

I  GLEWE  thynges  togytber.  Je  colle  and  je  recolle, 
prim.  conj.  You  muste  glue  them  togy- 
tber :  il  vous  fault  tes  coller  ensemble. 

I  6I.TDE,  I  slyde  or  go  smotbely.  Je  glysse,  and 
je  coule,  prim.  conj.  Sbe  glydetb  by  us, 
as  it  were  a  byrde  tbat  flewe  ;  elle  glisse,  or 
elle  coule  au  deuant  de  nous  comme  se  ce 
fat  vng  oyseau  qui  voile. 

I  glyde ,  as  an  adder  ur  snake  dothe.  Je  coule , 
prim.  conj.  Se  bowe  faste  tbis  adder  glyd- 
eth  towardes  the  bedge  :  agardezsi  vistement 
que  oestre  couleaure  coule  vers  la  haye. 

I GLTSTER,  I  sbyne,  as  dny  bright  metall  dotbe 

agaynst  tbe  bcanies  of  the  sonne.  Je  re- 
luys, nous  reluysons,  je  reluys,  jay  reluy, 
je  reluyray,  que  je  reluyse,  que  je  reluysisse, 
reluyre,  tert.  conj.  and  je  tresluis,  prim. 
conj.  declared  in  il  glare». 

I  GLYTTER,  I  sbyne,  as  any  bright  ihyng  dothe 
agaynst  tbe  sonne.  Je  reluys,  conjugatc  in 
il  glyster». 

I  GLOME,  I  loke  under  the  browes  or  make  a 
louryng  countenaunce.  Je  rechigne,  prim. 
conj.  It  is  a  ssower  wyfe,  sbe  is  everglom- 
yng  ;  cesl  vne  sure,  or  amere  femme,  elle 
rechigne  lousjours, 

I  GLOniFYE  my  selfe.  Je  me  glorifye,je  me  suis 
glorifia,  glorifier,  verbum  médium  prim. 
conj.  It  is  but  a  folye  for  a  man  to  glorifye 
in  bis  good  dedes,  for  tbey  come  nat  of 
bymselfe  :  ce  nest  que  folie  a  vng  homme 
de  se  glorijier  en  ses  biens  faictz ,  car  ilz  ne 
procèdent  poynt  de  luy. 

I  GLOSE.  Je  flatte,  prim.  conj.  and  je  glose, 
prim.  conj.  He  can  glose  as  well  as  any 
man  tbat  ever  I  sawe  :  il  scayt  aussi  bien 
gloser  quhomme  que  je  vis  oncques. 

I  GLUT  witb  meate.  Je  engloutie,  prim.  conj.  and 
je  saoule,  prim.  conj.  You  sball  glutte 
hym  and  you  fede  bym  on  tbis  facyon  : 
vous  lengloaterez ,  or  vous  le  saoulerez  trop 
se  vous  le  paissez  aynsi. 

I  glut  witb  slepe.  Je  assopis,  jay  assopy,  asso- 
pir,  sec.  conj.  and  je  assouuys,  sec.  conj. 
He  is  so  glutled  witb  slepe  tbat  bis  eyen 
be  swolne  :  il  est  tant  assopy,  or  assouuy  de 
dormir  que  les  yeulx  luy  sont  enflez. 

I  glut  one  witb  to  moche  aboundaunce  of  any 
tbyngc.  Je  assouuys,  jay  assouuy,  ussouuyr, 
sec.  conj.  There  is  no  carnall  pleasure  but 
a  man  may  be  glutted  in  it  :  i7  ny  a  nul 
playsir  charnel  dont  vng  homme  ne  se  y 
peult  ussouuyr. 

G   BÏFORE   N. 

I  CNASPE  at  a  thyng  to  catche  it  witb  my  tethe. 
Je  hanche,  prim.  conj.  He  gnasped  with 
bis  tethe  at  tbe  chery  to  catche  it  :  il  han- 
choyt  de  ses  dens  a  la  cerise  pour  la  happer 



I  GNARRE  in  a  halter  or  corde,  I  stoppe  ones 
breathe  or  snarie  one.  Je  estrangle,  prim. 
conj.  He  pulled  the  towel  so  strayte 
aboQt  my  necke  that  he  had  almoste 
gnarred  me  :  i7  (jrojt  la  touaille  si  serrée 
autour  de  mon  col,  quil  maaoit  presques 

I  GNAST  with  the  tethe.  I  make  a  noyse  by 
reason  I  thrusle  ooe  tothe  upon  an- 
other.  Je  grinse  des  dens,  prim.  conj.  He 
gnasted  with  the  tethe  that  a  man  myght 
bave  herde  him  a  slones  caste  :  il  gryn- 
soyt  les  dens  de  sorte  quon  hast  bien  ouy 
dung  ject  de  pierre  loing,  or  il  grinchojt 
les  dens. 

I  GNASSHE  with  the  tethe.  Loke  in  «I  gnast». 
Jaguise  les  dens. 

I  GNAWE,  as  a  dogge  gnaweth  a  hone.  Je  ronge, 
prim.  conj.  Fye  on  the,  vyllayne ,  thou 
gnawest  thy  mete  with  thy  tethe  lyke  a 
dogge  :fy,  villayn,  ta  ronges  ta  viande  de 
tes  dens  comme  se  tu  fusses  vng  chien. 

I  gnawe ,  as  wynde  or  the  colyke  gnaweth  one 
in  the  belly.  Je  trenchaysonne,  prim.  conj. 
The  colycke  gnaweth  me  by  the  belly  and 
by  the  stomacke  so  that  I  wotte  nat  where 
I  maye  become  :  ceste  colicqae  me  tren- 
ehaysonne  le  ventre  et  lestomac  de  sorte 
que  je  ne  scay  que  je  pealx  deuenir. 

G   BÏPORE   O. 

I  GO.  Je  men  vas,  conjugate  in  the  seconde 
boke.  And  note  that  lyke  as  it  is  comenly 
used  in  our  tonge  to  put  this  verbe  •  I  go  » 
byfore  oar  verbes,  where  we  use  no  mov- 
ynge  to  a  place,  so  use  they  to  put  the 
tenscs  of jV  men  vas  byfore  their  partyciples 
of  the  présent  tence,  as  the  Bornant,  et 
vont  chantons  for  chantent,  et  lors  va  dé- 
frisant les  dames  for  lors  desprise  les  da- 
mes, etc.  M.  Il  alla  mourir. 

I  go.  Je  men  vas,  verhum  médium  ont  of  rule, 
conjugate  at  the  length  in  the  seconde 
booke.  Go  forwarde  hence  and  chyde  me 
nat  :  prends  de  la  et  poynt  ne  me  tence. 
They  make  them  redy  to  go  their  wayes  : 

Hz  saprestent  pour  eulx  en  aller.  And  hé 
to  go,  whiche  sayeng  we  use  whan  we 
signyfye  a  great  haste  in  ronnynge  awaye  : 
et  luy  deuant. 

I  go  a  brode,  I  spredde  ahrode.  Je  me  respans, 
conjugate  ia  «  I  shede  ■>. 

I  go  abrode,  as  one  dothe  that  gothe  ont  of  his 
chambre  after  a  sicknesse ,  or  gothe  out  of 
his  house  to  be  sene.  Je  vas  dehors.  This  is 
the  firste  daye  that  I  wente  abrode  thèse 
two  moncthes  :  voiey  le  premier  jour  que  je 
suis  allé  dehors  de  ces  deux  moys. 

I  go  a  borowyng  of  trust,  as  yvell  housbandes 
do  thaï  pay  nat  by  and  by.  Je  vas  a  croyre. 
Ha,  wretche,  you  go  a  borowyng  in  ta- 
vernes :  ha,  chelij,  vous  allez  a  croyre  en 

I  go  abrode,  as  one  dothe  thaï  is  deiyvered  ont 
of  prison  and  set  at  lybcrtye.  Je  vas  au 
large.  He  gothe  abrode  nowe  with  a  kepar  : 
il  va  au  large  mayntenant,  mays  il  y  en  a  vng 
qui  prent  garde  sur  luy.  And  he  to  go  and 
I  after  :  et  luy  deuant  et  moy  après.  Howe 
gotb  the  worlde  :  comment  va,  or  comment 
va  le  monde? 

I  go  a  bcggyng.  Je  belistre ,  prim.  conj.  and 
je  demande  pour  Dieu ,  demander  pour 
Dieu,  etc.  I  hâve  sëne  hym  a  ryche  man 
and  nowe  he  gothe  a  beggyng  :  je  lay  veu 
vng  riclie  homme,  mays  mayntenant  il  va 
blistrer,  or  i7  va  demander  pour  Dieu. 

I  go  aboute  to  do  any  thyng ,  as  I  go  about  to 
disceyve  one ,  or  I  go  aboute  to  bring  my 
mynde  to  passe.  Je  tens,jay  tendu,  tendre, 
conjugale  in  «I  bende  a  bowe>.  And  je 
taiche,  prim.  conj.  He  gothe  aboute  to  dis- 
ceyve you  :  il  tent  a  vous  decepuoyr,  or  il 
taiche  a  vous  tromper. 

I  go  aboute  a  thyng ,  I  compassé  it.  Je  compassé 
and  je  enuironne,  prim.  conj.  I  hâve  gone 
aboute  the  wodde  thrise  this  mornyng  -.jay 
compassé,  ot  jay  enuironne,  OT  je  suis  allé 
entour  le  boys  par  troysjoys  ce  matyn. 

I  go  aboute ,  as  a  whele  dothe.  Je  rôtis,  jay  roty, 
rotyr,  sec.  conj.  Whan  the  whele  shall  go 
aboute,  kepe  you  out  of  the  waye  ;  quant 



la  nue  se  rotyra,  or  yra  en  compas,  gardez 
vous  hors  de  su  voye. 

I  go  a  foragyng,  as  men  of  warre  do  for  corne 
or  gresse  or  lytter.  Jefourage,  prim.  conj. 
He  was  taken  lardye  as  he  wente  a  forag- 
yng :  ilfust  surprins  en  allant  a  Jourager. 

1  go  a  gaddynge,  as  women  do  that  go  from 
place  to  place.  Je  tracasse,  prim.  conj.  It  is 
for  no  devocyon  that  they  go  thus  a  gad- 
dyng  ;  ce  nestpas  pour  nulle  deuocion  quelles 
vont  aynsi  tracasser. 

I  go  against  nature ,  or  do  a  thing  contrarye  to 
nature.  Je  desnature,  prim.  conj.  Il  is  a 
harde  thyng  to  make  a  foxe  do  agaynst  na- 
ture :  cest  chose  forte  que  défaire  un  regnart 
se  desnalurer, 

I  go  agaynst  one,  I  go  to  mete  liym.  Je  vas  au 
deuant,  or  je  vas  pour  rencontrer.  We  be 
ynowe  to  go  against  hym  :  nous  sommes 
assés  pour  aller  au  deuant  de  luj,  or  pour 
alkr  le  rencontrer. 

I  go  a  grasyng,  as  a  horse  or  beest  dothe.  Je  me 
pays  a  llierbe,  conjugale  in  «I  fede».  My 
horse  gothe  a  grasyng  :  mon  cheual  se  payst 
a  Iherbe. 

I  go  agaynst  one ,  I  go  to  mete  hym  on  ibe  waye. 
Je  men  vas  encontrer  and  je  encontre,  prim. 
conj.  Go  agaynst  him ,  I  pray  you ,  and  do 
hym  ail  the  révérence  you  can  :  allez  len- 
contrer,  or  allez  au  deuant  de  luy,  je  vous 
prie,  et  f aidez  luy  toute  la  reuerence  que 
vous  pouez. 

I  go  a  jettynge  or  a  ryotlynge.  Je  raude,  prim. 
conj.  Dothe  they  father  fynde  the  in  the 
unyversyte  to  go  a  jettynge  a  nyghteg  :  le 
baille  ton  père  exhibition  a  luniaersité  pour 
aller  rauder  de  nuyct  ? 

I  go  a  haukyng.  Je  vole,  prim.  conj.  or  je  vas  a 
la  volée.  Go  we  a  haukynge ,  it  is  a  fayre 
daye  :  allons  voler,  il  fait  beau  temps. 

I  go  a  hoore  huntyng,  or  I  go  aboute  with 
queenes.  Jopulaine,  prim.  conj.  oi  japail- 
lardis,  sec.  conj.  He  dothe  nanght  but  go  a 
hoore  huntyng  ali  daye  :  il  nefaict  aultre 
chose  qualler  putayaer,  or  paillardyr  toute 


I  go  aker  by  aker,  as  they  do  that  survaye  lande. 
Je  arpente,  prim.  conj.  I  se  they  be  vevyng 
of  my  maysters  landes,  for  they  go  aker 
by  aker  :  je  voy  quilz  prennent  la  veue  des 
terres  de  mon  maistre,i:ar  Hz  la  vont  arpen- 

I  go  amysse.  Je  vas  mal,  je  suis  allé  mal,  aller 
mal,  verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  If  I  go 
amysse,  tcU  me  :  si  je  vas  mal,  dy  le  moy. 

I  go  a  mysse,  as  a  mater  that  gothe  nat  forward. 
Je  vas  mal.  As  farre  as  I  can  se,  their  mater 
gothe  a  mysse  :  pour  autant  que  je  puis  veoyr, 
leur  cas  va  mal. 

I  go  a  mysse  in  a  cytie,  I  take  one  strete  or  lane 
for  another.  Je  me  desrue,  je  me  suis  des- 
rué,  desruer,  prim.  conj.  You  may  as  sone 
go  a  mysse  in  London  as  in  any  townc  that 
I  knowe  :  vous  vous  pouez  aussi  tost  desruer 
dedans  Londres  que  en  ville  que  je  saiche. 

I  go,  as  a  man  or  beest  gothe  on  the  waye  whan 
they  journaye.  Je  chemine,  prim.  conj.  This 
horse  gothe  well  and  I  bave  sene  hym  go 
belter  or  nowe  :  ce  cheual  chemine  bien  et  je 
lay  aultrefoys  veu  mieulx  cheminer. 

I  go  upon  a  mannes  enemye ,  or  assayle  hym.  Je 
assauls,  jay  assaly,  je  assaillys ,  je  assaul- 
dray,  que  je  assaille,  assalir,  terl.  conj. 
I  dare  nat  go  upon  them ,  we  be  to  weake  : 
je  ne  les  ose  pas  aisaillyr,  nota  sommes  trop 

I  go  a  softe  pace.  Je  marche,  prim.  conj.  Go 
softe  and  fayre  byfore  :  marchez  bien  et 
beau  deuant. 

I  go  as  softe  as  foote  maye  fali.  Je  men  vas  mon 
beau  bas  trac,  je  men  suis  allé  mon  beau  bas 
trac,  aller  mon  beau  bas  trac,  used  in  co- 
men  langage. 

I  go  a  sonder,  as  bordes  do  that  be  nat  well  fas- 
tyned.  Loke  in  «  I  flye  a  sonder  ».  Je  debiffe, 
prim.  conj.  The  bordes  of  this  tubbe  go  a 
sonder  :  les  ays  de  ceste  cuue  se  débitent.  . 

I  go  awaye,  as  a  tbynge  dothe  that  vanyssbeth 
or  passeth  away  by  him  selfe.  Je  me  passe, 
je  me  suis  passé,  passer,  verbum  médium 
prim.  conj.  Lawe,  a  man  maye  se  every 
tbynge  gothe  awaye  at  the  length  :  agarde:. 



onpenlt  bien  veoyr  que  toutes  choses  se  pas- 
sent a  lajyn. 
I  go  a  wrie ,  as  one  dothe  that  treadetb  nat  their 
shoe  a  ryght.  Je  marche  de  costf.  The  cor- 
dyner  had  nede  lo  underlaye  his  shoone,  se 
howe  he  gotbe  a  vrye  :  le  cordonnyer  auroyt 
mestier  de  luy  haulcer  ses  souliers  de  vng 
costi  plus  que  daultre,  agardez  comment  il 
marche  de  costé. 
I  go  backwarde.  Je  recule,  prim.  cônj.  Yonder 
men  go  bactwarde  :  ces  gens  la  se  reculent. 
I  go  backe,  I  go  backwarde.  Je  recule,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  rétrograde,  prim.   conj.  But 
tbat  is  properly  as  the  planètes  go  backe 
in  their  courses. 
I  go  backe  frora  my  worde  that  I  bave  sayd.  Je 
me  desdis,je  me  suis  desdit,  desdire,  conju- 
gate  inje  dis,  I  say.  It  is  no  bonest  mannes 
condiscyon  to  go  backe  from  his  worde  :  ce 
nest  pas  le  fait  dung  homme  de  bien  de  se 
I  go  backwarde,  I  fall  in   dette  or  behyode 
hande.  Je  viens  a  larriere  de  mes  affaires. 
Sythe  he  dyd  forswere  hym  selfe,  he  hath 
gone  backwarde  and  never  forwarde  :  des- 
puis quil  se  parjura,  il  est  venu  a  larriere  de 
ses  affaires  etjamays  de  puis  ne  prospéra. 
I  go  before  one.  Je  vas  deuant  and  je  procède, 
prim.  conj.  He  that  gothe  nexte  byfore 
faym  is  a  lorde  :  celuy  qui  va  deuant  le  plus 
près  de  luy,  or  qui  le  procède  le  plus  pro- 
chayn  est  vng  seignieur. 
I  go  behynde.  Je  viens  après,  or  je  viens  derrière. 
Go  you  byfore ,  for  I  will  go  behynde  :  allez 
vous  en  deuant,  car  je  veulx  aller  derrière. 
I  go  besydes  my  purpose.  Je  faulsc  a  mon  esme, 
or  entencion,  nous  faillons,  je  Jaillys,  jay 
failly,  je  fauldray,  que  je  faille  ,  faillyr,  sec. 
conj.  They  had  well  hoped  to  do  a  great 
acte,  but  they  wente  besydes  their  pur- 
pose  :  ils  estoyent  en  grant  espoyr  dauoyr 
faict  vng  grant  exployct,  mays  Hz  faillirent  a 
leur  esme,  otm  leur  intencion.  • 
I  go  darkelyng,  as  one  dotlic  that  gropeth  to 
fynde  walles  or  other  thynges  to  leade 
hym  by  in  the  darke.  Je  vas  a  taston,je  suis 

allé  a  iaslon,  aller  a  taslon.  Go  fette  me  a 
candell,  I  can  nat  go  darkelyng  in  tbis 
bouse  :  allez  moy  quérir  vne  chandelle,  car  je 
ne  puis  pas  aller  a  tastonycy  en  cesle  muyson. 

I  go  compassé  rounde.  Je  ras  en  circuit.  Tbis 
wali  gothe  compassé  rounde  aboute  the 
place  :  ce  mur  va  en  circuyt  tout  entonr  de 
la  place. 

I  go  downe ,  as  a  man  ^the  a  stayres  or  from  a 
hye  place.  Je  descens,  conjugate  in  «  I  dis- 
«cendeii.Letusgodowneby  tymes,  for  the 
lordes  wyll  ryse  from  counsayle  by  and  by  : 
descendons  de  bonne  heure ,  car  les  seignieurs 
se  lieueront  du  conseil  tout  asteure. 

I  go  downwarde,as  the  streame  of  a  ryver 
dothe.  Je  auale,  prim.  conj.  The  streame 
of  tbis  ryver  gothe  downe  this  waye  :  le 
gourt  de  ceste  riuiere  se  auale  par  icy. 

I  go  forlhe ,  or  I  go  out  of  dores.  Je  sors ,  con- 
jugate  in  ïl  corne  out  of  dores». 

I  go  forthe ,  or  I  go  on  the  waye.  Je  tyre,  prim. 
conj.  Forthe,  forth  hence  :  iyrez,  tyrez 

I  go  from  a  thynge ,  I  denye  a  tbing  that  I  bave 
ones  sayd.  Je  desauoue,  prim.  conj.  and  je 
desdis,  conjugate  lyke je  dis,  I  say.  By  God 
thou  shalt  go  from  the  worde,  or  thou 
shalte  se  tbat  it  sball  displease  me  :  par 
Dieu  tu  ten  desdiras,  ou  tu  voyras  quil  men 

I  go  from  one,  I  départe  from  hym.  Je  me  pars, 
nous  nous  partons,  je  me  partis,  je  me  suis 
party,  je  partyray,  que  je  me  parte,  partir, 
verbum  médium  tert.  conj.  I  go  from 
him  :  je  me  pars  de  luy.  Whan  wente  my 
lorde  from  your  place  :  quant  se  partit  mon- 
sieur de  vostre  mayson, 

I  go  from  oac,I  dweil  no  morewith  hym.  Je  me 
dépars  de  luy.  I  go  from  my  master  at 
Christmasse  :  je  me  dépars  de  mon  maistre  a 

I  go  from  a  ibynge  that  I  bave  sayd.  Je  desa- 
uoue, prim.  conj.  Wyll  you  go  fj'om  it  now  : 
le  voulez  vous  desauouer  maynienant? 

I  go  forwarde,  I  prospère.  Je  prospère  prim. 
conj.  andjfe  prvcedeypnxn.  conj.  We  bere 



many  dyvers  tydynges  of  him,  but  I  wotte 
well  he  gothe  forwarde  ever  :  nous  onjons 
mayntes  diuenes  nouuelles  de  luy,  mais  je 
scav  bien  qail  prospère,  or  procède  tousjours. 

I  go  forwarde,  I  avaunce  mysetfe.  Je  mauaiice, 
je  me  suis  auancé,  aiiancer,  verbum  mé- 
dium prim.  conj .  and  je  vas  auant.  He  gothe 
forwarde  slyll  :  il  va  tous  jours  auant.  And 
je  exp2oic(e,  Hegotlybut  casely  forwarde  : 
il  nexploicte  guayres. 

I  go  in  and  out  with  my  legges,  as  one  dothe 
for  nycenesse,  or  I  crosse  my  legges  ofte 
in  daunsyng.  Jejamboye.  Se  hovve  he  cros- 
seth  his  legges  :  agardez  comment  il  jam- 

1  go  madde,  I  go  up  and  downe  )yke  a  madde 
body.  Je  cours  les  rues.  He  is  so  in  amours 
with  her  that  he  is  lyke  to  go  madde  for 
her  sake  :  il  est  si  énamouré  délie  quil  est 
prest  de  courir  les  rues. 

I  go  out  of  a  doore  or  place.  Je  sors,  conjugale 
io  il  corne  outi.  And  je  is ,  conjugale  in 
il  issue 1. 1  dare  nat  go  out  of  dores  for 
hym  :  je  nose  pas  sortyr  pour  lamour  de  luy. 

I  go  out  of  kynde,  as  any  othcr  créature  that 
foloweth  nat  their  nature.  Je  me  desnature, 
je  me  suis  desnaturé,  desnatarer,  verbum 
médium  prim.  conj.  Of  ail  the  créatures 
that  ever  God  made  onely  man  gothe 
moste  out  of  kynde  :  enfrc  toutes  les  créa- 
tures que  oncques  Dieu  créa,  Ikomme  seule- 
ment se  desnatare  le  plus. 

I  go  out  of  kynde ,  as  a  man  or  a  woman  doth 
that  followeth  nat  the  condyscions  of  their 
lynage.  Je  me  abastardis,  je  me  suis  abas- 
tardy,  abastardir,  sec.  conj.  In  faythe  he  is 
gone  farc  out  of  kynde  in  this  mater  ;  sur 
majoy,  il  sestfort  abastardy  en  cesie  matière. 

I  go  overwharte  the  waye  to  stoppe  one.  Je 
tranche  le  chemyn.  He  wenle  over  the  waye 
to  stoppe  hym  :  il  trencha  le  chemyn  pour 

I  go  out  of  the  waye.  Je  me  foruoye ,  je  me  suis 
foruoyé,  Joruoyer,  prim.  conj.  and  je  me 
desttoye  ,je  me  suis  desuoyé,  desuoyer,  ver- 
bum médium  prim.  conj.  You  weate  out 

of  the  way  at  the  crosse  yonder  above  : 
vous  vous  estez  foruoyé  a  la  croyx  la  hault. 

I  go  out,  I  issue  out  of  a  place  or  thyng.  Je 
ys,  conjugale  in  1 1  issue»,  or  je  sors, 
nous  sortons,  je  sortys,jay  sorty,je  sorty- 
ray,  que  je  sorte,  sortyr,  lert.  conj.  They 
shall  nat  go  out,  I  trowe,  but  I  shall  se 
them  :  dz  nysteront  poynt,  or  ilz  ne  sorty- 
ront  point,  ce  croy  je,  que  je  ne  les  veoye. 

I  go  out  of  rule.  Je  me  desrigle,  je  me  suis  des- 
riglé;  desrigler,  verbum  médium  prim. 
conj.  You  are  gone  quyte  oui  of  rule  sy- 
the  your  lasle  maysler  went  from  you  : 
vous  vous  estez  du  tout  desritjlé  despuis  que 
vosire  dernier  maistre  se  partit  de  vous. 

I  go  oui  of  order.  Je  me  desroye,  je  me  suis  des- 
royé,  desroyer,  verbum  médium  prim. 
conj.  Walke  nat  to  moche  abrode  in  the 
parke ,  for  the  dere  wyll  go  oui  of  order 
anon  :  ne  vous  promuynez  pas  trop  en  apert 
au  parc,  car  les  dayns  se  desroyeront  tantost. 

I  go  out  of  a  place,  I  avoyde  out  of  il.  Jevuide, 
prim.  conj.  Go  out  of  ihe  chambre,  may- 
stcrs ,  the  kynge  comelh  :  vuydez  la  cham- 
bre, messieurs,  le  roy  vient. 

I  go  out  of  mesure.  Je  me  desmesure,  verbum 
médium  prim.  conj.  This  mater  gothe  oui 
of  mesure  :  ceste  matière  se  desmesure. 

I  go  quylc,  I  cscape  a  daunger  or  a  charge.  Je 
mcn  vas  tout  quicte,  aller  tout  quicte,  con- 
jugale in  the  seconde  boke.  And  je  «5- 
chappe,  prim.  conj.  Come  whal  you  wyll , 
I  holde  you  a  penny  you  shall  nat  go  ail 
quyte  :  venez  quant  vous  voulez,  je  gaige 
vng  denier  que  vous  nyrez  pas  tous  quites, 
or  vous  neschapperez  pas  tous. 

I  go  rounde  aboule,  as  a  ihynge  dothe  aboute 
an  other  Ihat  compasseth  il  rounde  aboute. 
Je  circuys,  conjugale  in  il  compassé  a 
ithing  rounde  aboute».  The  ayer  gothe 
rounde  aboute  the  erlhe  and  the  water:, 
layr  circuit  la  terre  et  leaue. 

I  go  roimde- aboule,  as  a  thynge  that  lourneth 
rounde.  Je  vas  en  compas. 

I  go  stoupyng  forwarde.  Je  vas  en  cambrant,  al- 
ler eu  cambrant,  conjugale  in  the  seconde 



booke.  Fye,  for  shame,  you  go  forwarde 
lyke  one  that  were  broke  backed  :  fy  de 
honte,  vous  allez  en  cambrant  comme  se  ce 
fnst  vng  qui  eust  les  rayns  rompus. 

I  go  to  hunle.  Je  vas  a  la  chasse,  prim.  conj. 

I  go  lo  beddc.  Je  vas  coucher.  And  je  me  couche, 
je  me  sais  couché,  coucher,  prim.  conj. 

J  go  to  bedde.  Je  me  vas  coucher,  je  me  suis  allé 
coucher,  aller  coucher,  conjugale  lyke  je 
vas  in  the  seconde  boke ,  addyng  to  cou- 

I  go  to  mete  one,  or  agaynst  one  upon  the  waye. 
Je  vas  a  lencontre ,  je  suis  allé  a  lencontre , 
aller  a  lencontre.  I  go  lo  mete  hym  luj 
vas  a  lencontre,  AIso  I  fynde  :  je  vas  au  de- 
uunj  de  luy.  I  go  to  mete  the  kyng  vas 
a  lencontre  du  roy.  I  go  to  mete  the  bys- 
shoppe  :  je  vas  au  deaant  de  leuesque. 

I  go  to  boorde,  as  one  dothe  that  sojourneth 
in  a  house  and  hath  his  meate  and  drinke 
dressed  there.  Je  fays  ma  table.  Where 
gothe  be  to  boorde  :  oufaict  il  sa  table? 

I  go  lo  wrake,  I  go  to  distruction  or  pardycion. 
Je  vas  a  perdition. 

I  go  to  wrake,  as  a  shyppe  dothe  on  the  see 
whan  sbe  is  in  daunger  of  lesynge.  Je  nau- 
frage, prim.  conj.  Our  shyppe  wente  lo 
wrake  open  upon  Donkyrke  :  noslre  nef  se 
naufragea  dcuant  Donkyrke,  or  5e  laissa  pé- 
rir tout  deuant  Donkyrke. 

I  go  with  chylde.  Je  suis  enceynte.  She  spedeth 
her  maters ,  slie  gothe  with  chylde  ail 
redy  :  elle  a  despesché  ses  matières,  elle  est 
enceyncte  desja. 

I  go  with  yonge,  as  any  she  beest  dothe  that  is 
conccyved.  Je  suis  empraincte ,  jay  esté  cm- 
prainte,  empraindre,  etc.  I  wene  this  bytche 
gothe  with  yonge  :  je  pence  que  ceste  lysse 
soyt  empraynte. 

I  go  up  and  downe,  I  walke  up  and  dowoe.  Je 
me  promayne,  je  me  suis  promené,  prome- 
ner, verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  I  bave 
gone  up  and  downe  in  Polies  thèse  two 
lioures  to  tarye  for  you  :  je  me  suis  pro- 
mené a  lesglise  Saynct  Pol  de  ces  deux 
heares  pour  vous  attendre. 

I  go  upright.  Je  vas  droict,  je  suis  allé  droict, 
aller  droict.  GrO  upright,  for  shame,  why 
go  you  stopynge  so  :  allez  droict,  vous 
debuez  aaoyr  honte,  pour  quoy  allez  vous 
aynsi  en  cambrant? 

I  GOVERNE ,  I  rule.  Je  goaueme,  prim.  conj. 
and  je  régis,  jay  regy,  regyr,  sec.  conj.  But 
he  makelh  regioyt  in  his  prêter  imparfyte 
and  nat  regissoyt.  And  je  modère,  prim. 
conj.  It  is  no  smali  mater  to  governe  a 
comunaltie  :  ce  nest  pas  peu  de  chose  que 
de  bien  gouuerner,  or  rejir,  or  modérer  vne 

I  GODLPE ,  as  drinke  dothe  in  ones  throte  that 
drinketli  hastely.  Je  crocque,  prim.  conj. 
and  je  engoule,  prim.  conj.  Take  hede  of 
this  glouton  what  a  goulpynge  he  maketh 
as  he  drinketh  :  aduisez  a  ce  glouton  com- 
ment il  crocque,  or  comment  il  engoule  en 

l  GOtissHE,  as  ones  nose  dothe  out  of  blood,  or 
as  water  dothe  that  ronneth  hastely  out 
of  any  thynge.  Je  glisse,  prim.  conj.  And 
sodayniy  his  nose  gousshed  out  of  blood  : 
et  soudaynement  le  sang  luy  glyssoyt  hors 
du  nez,  This  water  gussheth  a  pace  :  ceste 
eaae  se  glisse  fort. 

I  gowshe,  I  make  a  noyse,  as  water  dothe  that 
cometh  hastely  out.  Je  bruys,nous  brayons, 
je  bruis,  jay  bruy,je  bruyray,  que  je  bruye, 
bruyre,  tcrt.  conj.  And  je  grondctle,  prim. 
conj.  Herke  howe  this  water  goussheth 
with  strykynge  agaynst  the  stones  :  e5cou- 
tez  comntent  ceste  eaue  bruyt,  or  grondelle  en 
heurtant  contre  ces  pierres. 

G   BÏPOBE   R. 

I  eRASE,  as  a  horse  dothe.  Je  me  pays  a  Iherbe, 
conjugale  in  «I  fede  a  raan  with  meate». 
Howe  forluneth  that  you  lette  your  horse 
grase  this  tyme  of  the  yere,  it  were  more 
tyme  to  sette  hym  up  in  the  stabell  :  com- 
ment adulent  il  que  vostre  cheual  se  payst  a 
Iherbe  en  ceste  saison  de  lan,  la  sayson  re- 
quiert plus  de  le  mettre  a  lestable. 

I  GRAFFE  a  tree,   I  grafte  ayonge  sette  in  a 



stocke.  Je  ente,  prim.  conj.  andje  graffe, 
prim.  conj.  Of  ail  monethes  Marche  is  the 
metest  to  set  yonge  plantes  and  to  grafiie 
in  :  de  tous  les  moys  de  lan  le  moys  de  Mars 
est  le  plus  propice  pour  enter. 

I  GBAYNE  clothe  iu  the  dayeiig.  Jen^rajne ,  fùtn. 
conj.  A  man  maye  grayne  a  clothe  what 
colour  so  ever  it  be  dyed  in  :  on  peult  en- 
grayner  vng  drap  en  quelque  couleur  quil 
soyt  tainct 

I  grayne  ledder,  I  make  it  by  tannyng  crafte  to 
bave  a  grayne.  Je  besanne.  He  is  no  good 
tannar,  for  he  can  nat  grayne  bis  ledder  : 
il  nest  pas  trop  bon  tanneur,  car  il  ne  scayt 
besanner  son  cuyr. 

I  GSAPPELL,  I  fasten  two  shyppes  of  warre  to- 
gytber  witb  a  grappell.  Jagrappe,  prim. 
conj.  Their  shyppes  were  grappelled  so 
faste  togyther  tbat  one  chaunce  of  fyre 
burned  tliem  bothe  :  leur  nauires  estoycnt 
si  fort  agrappez  que  vne  mesme  chance  de 
feu  les  brusia  toutes  deux. 

I  6B.\TE  breed  or  spyce ,  or  any  sucb  lyke  tbyng. 
Je  gratc,  prim.  conj.  I  holde  a  penuy  tliat 
I  shall  grate  this  lofe  or  yen  can  grate  a 
ralyn  of  gynger  :  je  gaige  vng  denier  que  je 
auray  graté  ce  payn  auant  que  vous  ayez 
graté  vne  racine  de  gingembre. 

I  grate,  as  a  weapen  dotbe  upon  hamesse,  or 
any  sharpe  thynge  and  harde  upon  a  no- 
ther.  Je  amors,jay  amordu,  amordre,  con- 
jugate  in  je  mors,  I  byle.  I  gave  hym  above 
twenty  strokes  upon  bis  sworde,  but  I 
coulde  never  grate  upon  it  ije  luy  baillay 
plus  de  vingt  coups  sur  son  espée,  mays  je 
ny  pouuoye  jamays  amordre. 

I  GRATE  in  stone  or  in  any  metall ,  as  a  worke- 
man  dotbe.  Je  graue,  prim.  conj.  He  gra- 
veth  as  well  as  any  man  dotbe  in  ail  sor- 
tes of  metall  :  il  graue  aussi  bien  qahomme 
que  je  saiche,  or  aussi  bien  que  nul  liomme 
en  toutes  sortes  de  metaubc. 

I  GRACSTE ,  as  a  man  dothe  a  petycion  or  gyfte 
that  is  desyred  of  hym.  Je  octroyé.  The 
kyng  graunted  him  his  petycion  :  le  roy 
luy  octroya  sa  demande.  Aske  wbat  you 

wyll  that  is  reasonable,  and  I  wyli  graunte 
it  you  :  demandez  ceu  que  vous  voulez  qui 
est  raisonnable  et  je  le  vous  octroyeray. 

I  graunte  ,  as  a  man  graunteth  a  thynge  Ibat  is 
trewe,  or  graunteth  a  mater  by  waye  of 
comunycacion.  Je  concède,  prim.  conj.  I 
graunte  you  tbat  :  cela  je  vous  concède.  If 
you  graunte  me  that,  than  I  argue  thus  : 
se  vous  me  concédez  cela,  dont  je  argumente 

I  graunte  a  thing  under  condycion.  Je  accon- 
discionne,  prim.  conj.  I  am  content  to 
graunte  it  you  under  condycion  :  je  suis 
content  de  le  vous  accondiscionner. 

I  graunte  one  the  use  of  any  thing  that  is  myne 
as  frcly  as  thoughe  it  were  his  owne.  Je 
abandonne ,  prim.  conj.  I  graunte  you  my 
bouse  and  my  goodes  at  your  pleasure  ;  je 
vous  abandonne  ma  mayson  et  mes  biens  a 
vostre  playsyr. 

I  graunte  or  gyve  in  gyfte.  Je  donne  or  jadonne , 
prim.  conj.  As  for  my  gowne,  I  graunte  it 
you  but  nat  the  furre  :  quant  a  ma  robbeje 
la  vous  donne,  mays  non  pas  la  fourrure. 

I  graunte  or  gyve,  as  a  comen  woman  dothe 
lier  body.  Jhabandonne,  prim.  conj.  A 
lygbt  woman  graunteth  berselfe  anone: 
vne  femme  de  peu  destime  sabandonne  bien 

I  GRENN'E,  I  make  an  yvell  countenaunce.  Je 
grongne,  prim.  conj.  I  praye  yoo,  se  howe 
be  grennetb  :je  vousprie,  aduisez  comment 
il  groigne. 

I  GREASE  with  grease  or  falnesse.  Jengresse, 
prim.  conj.  Whan  a  poore  man  greasetb 
bis  bootes,  if  he  were  ryche  be  wolde  bye 
a  payre  of  uewe  :  quant  vng  poure  homme 
engresse  ses  hoUseaulx,  sil  estoyt  riche  assez 
il  en  aschapteroyt  des  nouueaalx. 

I  grease  or  talowe  a  tbyng  with  grease.  Je  en- 
gresse, prim.  conj.  He  greasetb  bis  carte 
to  make  it  go  the  better  :  il  engresse  son 
chariot  pour  le  faire  mieulx  aller. 

I  grease,  as  a  horse  dothe,  declared  in  <I 
«  grase  ». 

I  GRETE  one,  or  I  do  hym  révérence.  Je  salue. 



prim.  conj.  My  mayster  greteth  you  well  : 
mon  maistre  vous  salue. 

1  GREVE  my  selfe.  Jemagrieue,je  mesuisagrieaé, 
agrieuer,  verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  I 
grève  my  selfe  more  with  tlie  felowe  than 
he  is  worthe  :  je  magrieue  plus  de  ce  com- 
paignon  quil  ne  vault. 

I  grève,  I  vexe  or  anger  an  olher.  Je  greue, 
prim.  conj.  I  grève  him  :  je  Iwy  grieue. 
And  je  agrège,  etc.  And  je  nuys,jay  nuy, 
nuyre,  conjugate  in  «I  annoye».  Anà  je 
moleste,  prim.  conj.  This  mater  greveth 
him  sore:  ceste  matière  luy  grieue  or  agrège , 
or  luy  nuyt,  or  le  moleste  beaucoup. 

It  greveth  me.  Il  me  pesé,  il  me  pesoyt,  il  me 
pesa,  il  ma  pesé,  il  me  pèsera,  quil  me  pesé, 
quil  me  pesast,  peser,  verbum  impersonale 
prim.  conj.  This  mater  greveth  me  :  ceste 
matière  me  poyse.  And  il  mennuye,  il  mest 
enuyé,  ennuyer,  conjugal  lyke  the  impar- 
sonall  of  •  I  yrke  » ,  il  mefaict  mal.  It  hath 
greved  me  more  than  you  wene  of  :  il  ma 
ennuyé  plus  que  vous  ne  pencez. 

It  greveth  me.  //  me  faict  mal,  et  cuidez  vous 
quil  mefaict  mal.  I  grève  hym  ;  je  luyfays 
mal.  It  greveth  me  to  se  hym  in  this  case  : 
(7  méfait  mal  de  le  veoyr  en  ce  poynt. 

I  GftïFFB  a  gryffe.  Je  ente,  prim.  conj.  Declared 
afore  in  •  I  graffe  >. 

I  oniHME,  I  make  a  foule  countenaunce.  Je 
grongne.  Declared  in  «  I  grenne  ». 

I  GRiNNE,  properly  as  a  dogge  doth  whan  he 
uncovereth  his  tethe.  Je  rycanne,  prim. 
conj.  Ile  grynneth  lyke  a  dogge  under  a 
doore  :  il  ricanne  comme  fait  img  chien  des- 
soabz  vng  huys. 

I  GRYNDE  a  knyfe,  I  make  it  sharpe.  Je  aguise, 
prim.  conj.  Go  grynde  my  knyfe,  I  praye 
you  :  allez  aguiser  mon  Cousteau,  je  vous 

I  grinde  corne  or  any  other  thing  in  a  myll.  Je 
mouls  ma  mouture,  nous  moulons,  je  mou- 
lus, jay  moulu,  je  mouldray,  que  je  moulle, 
mouldre,  lert.  conj.  I  had  leaver  grynde 
my  corne  at  a  water  myll  than  at  a  wynde 
mille  :  jaymeroye  plus  chier  de  mouldre  mon 

bled  a  vng  moulyn  a  leaue  que  a  vng  moulyn 
a  vent. 

J  GRIPE,  as  a  man  grypeth  a  thing  in  his  bande. 
Je  empoigne,  prim.  conj.  And  je  estraings, 
nous  estraignons ,  je  estraignis ,  jay  estrainct, 
je  estraingdray ,  que  je  estraigne ,  estraindre , 
tert.  conj.  He  that  takelb  to  moche  ia  his 
bande  at  ones  grypeth  it  yll  :  qui  trop  em- 
poigne mal  estraingt. 

I  GROYNE,  I  grutche  or  murmure  agaynst  a 
ihyng.  Je  grongne,  prim.  conj.  and  je 
grommelle,  prim.  conj.  I  love  hym  nat,  he 
groyneth  at  every  thynge  I  do  :  je  ne  layme 
pas,  car  il  grongne,  or  grommelle  a  tout  tant 

I  GROONE,  I  grutche.  Je  grongne.  knd  je  grom- 
melle. And  je  gemys,  jay  gemy,  gémir,  sec. 
conj.  Thou  gronest  ever  whan  I  com  in 
adores  :  tu  grongnes,  or  tu  grommelles  tous- 
jours  quant  je  entre  a  la  mayson. 

I  GROPE  a  thyng  that  I  do  nat  se ,  or  prove  a 
thyng.  Je  taste,  prim.  conj.  Grope  nat 
where  you  can  nat  se  :  ne  tastez  pas  la  ou 
vous  ne  pouez  ifeoyr. 

I  grope ,  as  one  dothe  the  wail  or  place  whau 
he  gothe  darkelyng.  Je  vas  a  taston,je  suis 
allé  a  tasion,  aller  a  taston.  Grope  a  longe 
by  this  wall  and  you  shall  fynde  the  doore 
anon  :  allez  au  long  de  ce  mur  a  taston  et 
vous  Irouuerez  lliuys  tantost. 

I  GROSSE ,  I  take  or  heape  up  thynges  a  great. 
Je  engrosse,  prim.  conj.  This  man  groseth 
up  ail  the  market  :  cest  homme  cy  engrosse 
tout  le  marché. 

I GRODDGE ,  as  one  dothe  that  hath  a  groudgyng 
of  the  axes.  Je  frilonne,  prim.  conj.  and 
je  frémis,  sec.  conj.  Me  thynke  his  axes 
cometh  upon  hym,  for  he  groudgeth  ail 
redy  :  «7  mest  aduis  que  safeure  lui  renient, 
car  ilfrillonne,  or  ilfremyt  desja. 

I  groudge,  I  repyne  or  murmure  agaynst  a 
mater.  Je  margue,je  me  suis  argué,  arguer, 
verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  And  je  me 
despite,je  me  suis  despité,  despiter,  verbum 
médium  prim.  conj.  And  je  gruge,  prim. 
conj.  And  je  remors,  conjugate  lyke  hit 



symple  je  mors,  I  byte.  And  je  regimbe, 
prim.  conj.  Hc  groudgeth  alwaies  at  my 
dedes  :  i{  sargue  toiujoars,  il  se  despite,  il 
se  gruge,  il  se  remort,  il  se  regimbe,  il  se 
grommelle  tousjours  contre  mesfaitz. 

I  OROWE,  as  herbes  and  trees  do,  or  any  lyvely 
tbyng  that  waxelh  grater  in  quantyte.  Je 
croys,  il  croyst,  nous  croyssons,  je  créas, 
jay  créa ,  je  croystray,  qae  je  croysse, 
croystre,  terl.  conj.  And  in  ibe  tbyrde 
persone  synguler  he  hath  s  to  diOer  in 
writyng  from  il  croyl,  he  bylevelh.  It  is  a 
great  comfort  to  se  bowe  tbe  lytell  herbes 
begynne  to  growe  in  ihe  begynnyng  of 
the  yere  :  cest  vng  grant  comfort  que  de 
veoyr  les  herhettes  comment  Hz  commencent 
a  croystre  en  printens.  Tbis  mater  wyli 
growe  to  a  scabbe  :  or  de  ceste  chose  en 
prendra  mal.  As,  tbis  thynge  wyll  brede 
to  a  scabbe  with  bym  :  de  ceste  chose  il  luy 
en  prendra  mal.  Tbere  growetb  displea- 
snre  to  a  man  for  an  acte  tbai  be  batb 
doone  :  il  luy  en  prent  mal.  Tbere  wyll 
displeasure  growe  to  bym  :  il  lay  en  pren- 
dra nuil. 

I  growe  to  my  fuH  groutbe.  Je  parcroys ,  jay 
parcreu,  parcroystre,  conjugate  lyke  bis 
symple  je  crojs,  I  growe.  I  am  full  grow- 
en  :  je  sais  parcreu.  And  tbis  borse  were 
fuH  growen ,  he  wolde  be  a  comly  horse  : 
si  ce  cheual  estoyt  parcreu ,  il  seroytvng  très 
beau  cheual. 

I  growe  downewarde;  I  waxe  lesse,  or  drawe 
towardes  myn  ende.  Je  decroys,jay  de- 
creu ,  decroystre ,  conj  u  gâte  1  yke  bis  symple 
je  croys,  I  growe.  Whan  a  man  is  full 
growen,  he  begynnetb  to  grow  downwarde 
agayne  :  quant  vng  homme  est  parcreu,  il 
commence  a  se  descroystre. 

I  growe  downwardes,  as  an  aged  tbyng  dothe 
that  boweth ,  or  stoupeth  downwardes. 
Je  me  décline,  verbum  médium  prim.  conj. 
Whan  a  tbing  is  at  the  hyest  it  growetb 
downwarde  :  quant  vne  chose  est  au  plus 
hault,  elle  se  décline. 

I  CROWPE  (Lydgate) ,  sculpe  or  sucbe  as  coulde 

grave,  groupe,  or  carve  :  tbis  worde  is 
nat  used  in  comen  spetche. 

I  GBOWNDE ,  I  strykc  agaynst  tbe  grounde  as  a 
sbyppe.  Je  touche  a  terre.  Our  sbyppe 
grounded  tbrise  :  nostrc  nauire  toucha  a 
terre  par  troysfoys. 

I  grownde  my  selfe  upon  a  tbing  to  défende 
my  cause.  Je  me  fonde,  prim.  conj.  He 
groundeth  bis  mater  upon  good  reason  : 
il  se  fonde  touchant  son  cas  sur  bonne 

l  GncNTE ,  as  a  horse  dotbe  whan  he  bis  spor- 
ed ,  or  as  any  heest  dothe  whan  he  com- 
playneth.  Je  groigne,  prim.  conj.  and  je 
gronce ,  prim.  conj.  expressed  in  «  I 
<  grudge  i>. 

I  GRCTCHE ,  I  repyne  agaynst  a  tbyng.  Je  grom- 
melle, prim.  conj.  Grulcbe  nat  :  ne  grom- 
melle poynt. 

I  GDEnDON,  I  rewarde.  Je  guerdonne,pTim.  conj. 
God  rewarde  you  for  your  kyndenesse  : 
Dieu  vous  vacille  guerdonner  pour  vostre 

I  GCYDE,  I  leade  or  conduyte  one  on  tbe  waye. 
Je  conduys ,  conjugate  in  «  I  conduyt  ».  1 
pray  God  gyde  you,  or  I  praye  God  he 
your  gyde  ;  Dieu  vous  vueille  conduyre. 

l  guyde,  I  governe.  Je  gouueme,  prim.  conj. 
and  je  régis,  jay  regy,  régir,  sec.  conj. 
and  je  guyde,  prim.  conj.  I  can  nat  guyde 
tbem  tbey  be  so  stubbourne  :  je  ne  les 
puis  gouuemer,  or  regyr,  or  guyder,  ilz 
sont  si  rebelles. 

I  GDLi.E  in  drinke ,  as  great  drinkers  do.  Je 
engoulle,  prim.  conj.  Declared  afore  in 
•  I  goulpe  » . 

H    BEFORE   A. 

I  HAALE,  I  pull.  Conjugate  in  «I  balen. 

I  HABYLL,  as  a  man  to  do  a  tbyng,  1  make  him 
able,  or  thynke  him  suffycient.  Je  habilite, 
prim.  conj.  I  was  habylled  to  bandell 
tbis  mater  by  better  men  tban  you  be  : 
je  estoys  habilité  dauoyr  le  manyement  de 
ceste  affaire  par  gens  de  plus  grant  affaire 
que  vous  nestez. 



I  HABïTUATE,  I  rootc  in  a  custome.  Jhabilue, 
prim.  conj.  And  I  many  ones  habytuate 
hym  in  this  condiscyon,  ail  is  safe  :  si  je 
le  peaho  me  fojs  habituer  en  ceste  condis- 
cion,  toat  va  bien. 

I  HABODNDE,  or  I  have  plenty  or  store  of  any 
thyng.  Je  hahonde,  prim.  conj.  And  in 
this  sence  I  fynde  also  jV  redonde,  prim. 
coDJ.BiBàje  survnde.  \ndaiho  je, 
prim.  conj.  Paradyce  haboundelh  of  ail 
grâce  and  goodnesse  :  paradjs  hahonde, 
redonde,  survnde,  or  surhabonde  de  tout 
grâce  et  bonté, 

I  HACKE  small.  Jentailte,  and  je  hache,  and  je 
despece,  and  je  dthache ,  and  je  hacqae, 
prim.  conj.  Hacke  tbese  coiewortcs  small  : 
hachez,  despecez,  dehachez,  or  hacqaez  ces 
choux  bien  meneas. 

It  HAïLETH.  Il  gresle,  or  i!  greille.  Whan  it  hay- 
lelh  goslinges  be  afrayde  :  quant  il  gresle, 
les  petitz  ouaysons  ont  grant  paour. 

I  HAYLSE  or  greete.  Je  salue,  prim.  conj.  Haylse 
yonder  gentylman  :  saluez  ce  gentilhomme 

I  BAYTHE,  I  lyfle  on  beythe.  Je  hanlce,  prim. 
conj.  Hayth  tbis  testera  lytell  :  haulcez  ce 
ciel  vng  peu. 

I  RALE,  I  pull  or  plucke.  Je  tire,  prim.  conj. 
and  je  trays,  nous  trayons,  je  trays,  jay 
trayct,  je  trayray,  que  je  traye,  que  je 
traysse,  irayre,  tert.  conj.  and  je  halle, 
prim.  conj.  and  je  haile,  prim.  conj.  I 
baie  and  I  pull  haile  et  je  tyre. 

I  haie  a  tbyng  aboute  aller  me.  Je  trayne, 
prim.  conj.  Haie  hym  after  you  and  be 
wyll  nat  go  wilb  a  good  wyll  :  traynés  le 
après  vous,  sil  ne  veuk  aller  de  son  bon  gré. 

I  baie  in  the  sayle,  as  maryners  do  in  a  rougbe 
wcatber.  Je  calle  la  voyle,  prim.  conj.  Haie 
in  tbe  sayle  :  calte  la  voille. 

I  baie  up  the  ancre.  Je  haulse  lancre. 

1  HALSE  one,  1  take  bym  aboute  the  necke.  Je 
accolle,  prim.  conj.  Halse  me  aboute  tbe 
necke  and  kysse  me  :  accollés  moy  et  me 

I  HALOWE  a  churche.  Je  dédie,  prim.  conj.  Is  it 

longe  ago  sythe  tbis  cburcbe  was  halowed  : 
est  il  long  temps  despuis  que  ceste  esglisefust 
dédiée  ? 

I  halowe  a  saynt  in  the  nameof  God,  or  a  place. 
Je  célèbre,  prim.  conj.  You  be  bounde  to 
halowe  this  place  :  vous  estez  tenu  de  célé- 
brer ce  lieu. 

1  halowe  a  tbyng,  I  make  it  nat  mete  for  a 
laye  man  after  to  touche.  Je  sacre,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  consacre,  prim.  conj.  Touche 
nat  the  superallare  there,  for  it  is  ha- 
lowed :  ne  touchez  poynt  ce  superaltaré  la , 
car  il  est  sacré,  or  consacré. 

I  halowe  a  day  or  solempne  feest.  Je  célèbre, 
prim.  conj.  They  halowe  or  kcpe  saynte 
James  day  hye  and  boly  at  our  towne  :  Hz 
célèbrent  haaltemcnt  le  jour  saynct  Jacques 
a  notre  ville. 

I  halowe  boundes  with  a  krye.  Je  hue,  prim. 
conj.  Halowe  tbe  boundes  if  you  fortune 
to  spye  the  deere  :  s'il  vous  adulent  despier 
le  dayn ,  huez  aux  chiens. 

I  halse  one ,  I  take  hym  aboute  the  necke. 
Jaccole,  prim.  conj.  Halse  me  aboute  tbe 
necke,  my  soune,  and  thou  shalte  bave  a 
fygge  :  accoliez  moi,  mon  jilz,  et  lu  auras 
vne  figue. 

I  HALTE.  Je  cloche,  prim.  conj.  I  bave  setié  the 
daye  that  I  conlde  go  upright,  but  nowe  I 
am  fayne  to  balte  :  jay  veu  le  temps  que  je 
pouuoye  aller  droyt,  mays  mayntenant  il 
mest force  de  clocher. 

I  HALTEB ,  I  tye  in  a  halter.  Jencheueslre ,  prim. 

I  HAMTNE,  I  mynte,  as  one  dothe  to  hytte  a 
tbyng  (Lydgat).  «And  reasonlesse  gan 
«bamyn  at  bis  heed».  Je  esme.  Or  je  prens 
mon  aduis,  declared  in  il  ayme». 

I  HANDPASTE,  I  trouthe  plygbt.  Je  fiance,  prim. 
conj.  Whan  shall  they  be  maryed ,  they  be 
bandfasted  ail  redye  :  quant  seront  Hz  ma- 
riez, Hz  sont  desja  fiancez. 

I  HANDYLL  a  thynge  softely  and  tenderly,  as  a 
nouryce  dothe  any  parte  of  ayongecbylde. 
Je  applicque,  prim.  conj.  and  je  applique, 
prim.  conj.  She  is  worthy  to  be  a  nouryce , 




she  can  handeil  a  chylde  dayntely  :  elle  est 
bien  propice  de  estre  nourrice,  elle  scayt  si 
b  ien  apliquer,  or  appticqucr  son  enfant. 

I  haudell  one  accordynge  as  he  shulde  be  , 
meanynge  that  I  handeli  one  faardely.  Je 
luyfays  sa  rayson,  and  so  joynyng  the 
pronownes  tofays  rayson. 

I  handyll,  I  entreate.  Je  mayne,  as  lo  be  thus 
handled  afore  :  destre  aynsi  mené  par  de- 
uant.  To  be  so  yvell  handled  :  destre  si 
mal  niené.  Vous  me  baillez  belle  ;  you  ban- 
dell  me  fayre.  I  sliall  handeil  hym  on  that 
facyon  that  ail  Englande  shall  tate  exemple 
by  hym  :  je  le  traicteray  de  sorte  que  toute 
Engleterre  prendra  exemple  a  luy. 

I  handyll ,  I  mysenlreate  or  serve  one  a  mysse. 
Je  baille  belle.  You  bave  handled  me  rae- 
lely  fayre  or  metely  weil,  bave  you  nat  : 
vous  mauez  baillé  belle  assés,  nanez  vous 

I  handeil ,  I  touche  a  thyng  wilh  my  bande ,  or 
entreate  one  well  or  yvell.  Je  manye,  prim. 
conj.  I  promesse  you  on  my  faythe  I  hand- 
led it  nat  vous  promets  sur  ma  foy  que 
je  ne  lay  poynl  manyé. 

1  handeil  one  plesauntly,  as  a  bousbande  dothe 
bis  wyfe  in  the  nyght  tyme.  Je  le  layfays 
bien.  My  bousbande  handleth  me  plea- 
sauntly  :  mon  mary  le  méfait  bien. 

I  BANGE  a  halle  or  a  chambre  wilh  hangynges. 
Je  tapisse,  prim.  conj.  and  je  tends,  jay 
tendu,  tendre.  Conjugate  in  «  I  bende».  I 
hâve  hanged  ali  the  chambres  in  my  bouse 
with  tapesserye  :  jay  tapissé  toutes  les 
chambres  de  ma  mayson.  Hange  my  bouse 
with  my  best  hangynges,  for  I  shall  bave 
straungers  :  tendez  ma  maison  de  mes  meil- 
leurs tapys,  carjaaray  des  eslrancjiers. 

I  hange  a  thyng  agaynst  a  wall  or  suche  lyke. 
Je  appens ,  jay  appendu,  appendre,  conju- 
gate lyke  bis  simple  je  pens,  [  hange. 
Hange  tbis  boltell  upon  the  wall  :  uppen- 
dez  ceste  boutaille  contre  le  mur. 

I  hange  courtayncs  about  a  bed.  Je  encourline, 
prim.  conj.  I  bave  hanged  courtaynes  a- 
boute  my  bedde  :  jay  encourtinè  mon  lict. 

I  hange  downe  upon  the  grounde,  as  hangyn- 
ges do,  or  beddyng,  or  ones  clothes ,  or  any 
otber  thyng  that  trayletb  on  the  grounde. 
Je  pens  a  terre,  jay  pendu,  pendre,  terl. 
conj.    Your    kyrtell    hangetb    upon   the 
grounde  :  vostre  corpset  pent  a  terre, 
I  hange  forthe,  as  one  dothe  clothes  to  drie,  or 
baners  or  suche  lyke  thyng.  Je  tens ,  jay 
tendu,   tendre,    conjugat   in    «I   bendcn. 
Hange  forthe  your  shelcs  lo  drie  :  tendez 
voz  linceaulx  pour  seicher, 
I  hange  one  by  the  necke,  or  I  hange  a  thyng 
by  a  lyne  or  corde.  Je  pens,  notts  pendons, 
je  pendis,  jay  pendu,  pendre,  tert.  conj. 
What  wretches  be  tbey  that  saye  let  us 
make  merye,  to  nyght  we  shall  be  hanged 
to  morowe  :  combien  sont  Hz  misérables  qui 
disent  faisons  bonne  chiere  a  nuyct,  nous  se- 
rons pendus  demayn. 
I  hange  out  or  leane  out,  as  a  clifle  of  an  hye 
hyll  or  suche  lyke.  Je  cliue,  or  je  me  cline , 
prim.  conj.  Tbis  clyffe  hangetb  out  in  to 
the  see  warde  a  greal  waye  :   ce   roc  se 
cliue,  or  se  cline  vers  la  mer  vue  grant  espace. 
r  HANSELL  one,  I  gyve  bim  money  in  a  morn- 
yng  for  suche  wares  as  be  selleth.  Je  es- 
trene,  prim.  conj. 
1  HAPPE  (Lydgale).  Happe  that  happe  maye  : 
adaiengne  que  pourra  aduenir,  or  vaille  que 
vaille.  Happe  what  happe  shal  :  viengne 
que  vouldra.  And  the  worsle  happe  :  au 
pis  aller. 
I  HAPPEN,  I  chaunce.  Though  weuse  tbis  verbe 
as  a  personall  verbe,  in  the  frenche  tonge 
he  is  used  as  an  imparsonall ,  lyke  as  we 
say  fit  bappeneth»  or  «chaunsethi.  Ilad- 
uient,  il  aduenoyt,  il  adaint,  il  a  aduenu,  il 
adaiendra,  quil  adniengne,  quil    adainst, 
aduenir.  And  therfore,  accordyng  to  the 
ruies  touchcd  in  the  seconde  boke,  for  I 
happen  tbey  saye  il  manient,  and  for  we 
happen  i7  nous  adulent,  etc.  and  i7  suraient, 
conjugate  lyke  il  adulent.  If  we  happen  to 
comebetyme,  we  shall  fynde  hym  at  home  ; 
sil  nous  adulent  venir  de  bonne  heure,  nous  le 
trouuerons  a  la  mayson. 



It  HAPPENETH  nie  well,  whiche  sayeng  we  use 
whan  of  a  good  dede  goode  and  welthe 
hath  foiowed.  Ilmeprent  bien,  [t  hath  hap- 
pened  me  weH  :  il  mest  bienprins,\eTbum 
médium  impersonale,  conjugale  lyke  the 
thirde  person  synguier  of  je  prcns,  I  takc. 
He  that  dothe  well  wel  hath,  and  he  that 
dothe  yvell  shall  hâve  yll  :  qui  faicL  bien 
bien  luj  en  prent,  et  qui  fait  mal  mal  luy  en 

I  HAHBOROWE,  I  lodge  one  in  an  inné.  Je  her- 
berge,  prim.  conj.  l  intende  to  barborowe 
foikes  no  more  :  je  naj  poynt  dinlencion  de 
herberger  des  gens  djcy  en  auant. 

I  HABDEN.  .Jendarcis ,  jaj  endarcj,  endurcir,  sec. 
conj.  The  heate  of  the  sonne  shall  harden 
it  :  la  chaleur  du  soleyl  lendurcira. 

I  HARKEN ,  I  lysten ,  I  gyve  eare  to  a  thyng.  Je 
escoute,  prim.  conj.  And  je  oreille,  prim. 
conj.  I  hâve  harkened  as  dylygently  as  I 
can,  but  I  can  nat  hère  nothing:jay  aussi 
bien  escoulé  que  juy  peu,  mays  je  ne  pais 
nen  ouyr.  Harken  hère  at  this  hole  :  oreil- 
les icy  a  ce  perlais. 

I  HARYE,  or  mysse  entreale  or  haie  one.  Je  harie, 
prim.  conj.  Why  do  you  harye  the  poore 
felowe  on  this  facyon  :  pour  quoy  hariez 
vous  le  poure  compaignon  aynsi  ? 

1  HABME,  I  hurte.  Je  dommage,  prim.  conj.  or 
je  fais  dommage,  prim.  conj.  and  je  porte 
dommaige.  1  never  hurte  him  nor  harmed 
him  in  my  iyfe  that  I  wotte  of:  jamays  en 
ma  vie  ne  layfis  desplaysir,  ne  ne  luyportay 
poynt  de  dommaige  que  je  saiche. 

I  HARNESSE.  Je  arme  and  je  harneschc ,  prira. 

;:■  conj.  Be  ail  my  foikes  harnessed  yet  :  sont 
touts  mes  gens  armés  encore,  or  enhames- 
chés  ? 

I  harnesse  a  persone ,  I  put  harnesse  upon  hym. 
Jenharnesche ,  prim.  conj.  Harnesse  you, 
syres,  by  and  by  :  enharneschez  vous,  com- 
paignons,  a  coup. 

I  harnesse,  as  mcn  do  borscs  in  their  traces  to 
drawe  in  the  carte  or  ploughe.  Je  astelle, 
prim.  conj.  and  je  attelle.  I  fynde  aiso  je 
enkafnache  used  in   this  sence.  Be  your 

horses  harnessed  yet,  it  is  tyme  to  go  to 
ploughe  :  voz  cheuaulx  sont  Hz  encore 
atteliez,  il  est  temps  défaire  aller  la  charue. 

I  HAnowE,  I  go  to  harowe  or  bîirowe  lande.  Je 
herce,  prim.  conj.  He  that  sowelh  his  sc- 
des  muste  harowe  the  grounde  by  and  by, 
for  els  the  byrdes  wyll  eate  it  awaye  :  qui 
semé  semences faalt  incontinent  quil  herce  la 
terre,  car  aultrement  les  oyseaux  les  menge- 

I  HARPE  upon  a  harpe.  Je  herpe,  prim.  conj.  I 
never  knewe  none  harpe  so  well  as  mayster 
Moore  dothe ,  and  yet  he  is  blynde  -.jamays 
ne  congneus  homme  qui  herpast  si  bien 
que  fait  maistre  More,  et  encore  est  il 

I  HARRY,  or  carry  by  force.  Je  trayne  and  je  her- 
celle,  prim.  conj.  He  haryeth  hym  aboutc 
as  if  he  were  a  traytour  :  il  le  trayne  de  co 
et  de  la,  or  il  le  hercelle  comme  silfut  vng 

I  HARTEN ,  I  bolden  or  encourage  eue  to  a  pur- 
pose.  Je  encoaraige,  prim.  conj.  and  ja- 
nime,  prim.  conj. and  he  be  well  hartened, 
I  undertake  he  wyll  do  well  ynougb  :  mays 
quil  soyl  bien  encouraigé ,  or  bien  animé, 
je  lentreprens  sur  ma  charge  quil  fera  bien 

I  HASTE.  Je  haste,  or  je  despeche  andje  diligente, 
prim.  conj.  Haste  you  atones  :  despechez 
vous  a  coup.  You  haste  you  nat  :  vous  ne 
vous  basiez  pas,  or  diligentez  pas. 

I  HATCHE  yonge  byrdes.  Je  couue,  prim.  conj. 
I  bave  founde  a  byrdes  nest  with  syxe  eg- 
ges,  I  wolde  I  coulde  tell  whan  they 
shulde  be  hatched  :  jay  troaaé  vng  nyd  de 
quelque  petit  oyselet  et  six  oeufz  dedans,  je 
votddroye  bien  que  je  sceusse  quant  Hz  se- 
ront esclos. 

I  HATE  a  thyngc,  I  bave  it  in  hatred.  Je  hays, 
il  hayt,  nous  hayons,  ilz  heent,  il  heeyt,  je 
hays,  jay  hay,  je  hayeray,  que  je  herray, 
que  je  haye,  que  je  haysse,  hayr,  tert.  conj. 
He  gyveth  me  fayre  wordès  and  yet  he 
hateth  me  lyke  poyson  :  il  me  baille  de  belles 
parôlles  et  encore  il  me  hct  comme  poyson. 



He  hath  me  in  displeasure  :  (7  ma  en  maUe 

I  HAVE.  Je  ay,  conjugale  in  the  seconde  booke. 
You  shall  hâve  me  excused  tlierof  :  vous 
me  pardonnerez  de  cela.  He  hath  a  good 
nose  to  be  a  poore  mans  sowe  :  il  parle  vng 
bon  nez  pour  cstre  la  truye  de  vng  poare 

l  hav«  a  do ,  I  meddle  me  wilh  a  mater.  Je  men- 
tremets,  conjugale  lyke  his  sympleje  mets, 
I  put.  You  hâve  a  do  in  this  mater  and  no 
man  conneth  you  thanke  :  vous  vous  entre- 
mettez en  ceste  matière  et  nul  ne  vous  re- 
mercie, or  vous  en  scayl  yré,  and  je  ay  a 
faire.  What  hâve  you  a  do  wilb  my  brothcr  : 
qucaiez  vous  a  faire  aaecques  mon  frère  ? 

I  hâve  a  do  wilh  a  woman,  I  meddie  with  her 
bodely.  Je  me  niesle  a  vue  femme,  or  je  la 
congnoys  charnellement.  Hâve  you  had  a 
do  with  this  foule  beest  :  vous  estez  vous 
meslé  a  ceste  layde  beste,  or  auez  vous  congnu 
charnellement  ceste  layde  teste? 

I  hâve  alTectyon  unto  a  ihynge.  Je  suis  affec- 
ùonné,  Why  hâve  you  more  afieclyon  to 
hym  than  lo  me  :  pour  quoy  estez  vous  plus 
affectionné  a  luy  que  a  moy? 

I  hâve  a  greater  thrusle  than  I  was  wonte ,  as 
sycke  folkes  that  be  grutched  of  an  axes. 
Je  suis  désaltéré,  prim.  conj.  He  hath  a 
great  thrust  upon  hym  ;  il  est  fort  désal- 
téré, or  il  a  grant  soyf. 

I  hâve  a  luste  to  a  thyng ,  as  women  with  chylde 
hath.  Jay  enuie.  I  knewe  a  woman  thaï 
had  a  lusl  to  byte  her  housebande  by  the 
eare  :  je  congnus  vne  femme  qui  auoyt  enuie 
de  mordre  loreille  de  son  mary. 

I  bave  a  mynde  lo  one,  I  hâve  a  favoure  to 
hym.  Je  porte  faneur.  I  hâve  no  mynde  to 
hym  in  the  worlde  :  je  ne  luy  porte  poynt 
de  faueur  pas  vng  grain. 

I  hâve  a  pérson  or  a  beest  accordyng  to  my 
mynde,  I  bave  Ihem  in  suche  awe  as  I 
desyre.  Jay  bien  a  mayn.  I  bave  this  boye 
accordynge  to  my  mynde  :  jay  ce  garçon 
bien  a  mayn,  or  a  mon  intencion. 

I  bave  a  sbreude  chaunce  or  a  shreude  tourne, 

or  I  hâve  an  yvell  lucke.  Il  me  meschiet, 
conjugal  lyke  the  thyrde  persons  synguler 
of  je  cheys,  I  fall.  He  thaï  hath  a  shreude 
tourne,  or  he  that  halh  yvell  lucke  every 
man  offercth  hym  wronge  :  a  qui  il  mes- 
chiet chascun  luy  mesojfre. 

I  bave  a  sore  foote,  a  sore  bande,  or  any  other 
parte  of  the  bodye.  Jay  mal  au  pii ,  a  la 
mayn,  and  so  thorowe  ail  the  tenses  of  ;c 
ay,  joyned  to  mal  and  expressyng  the 
parte  that  is  sore.  I  bave  a  sore  foole  and 
Ibou  basle  a  sore  bande,  let  us  go  togy- 
ther  for  companye  :jay  mal  au  pied  et  tu 
as  mal  a  la  mayn ,  allons  ensemble  pour  com- 

I  bave  a  talenge  lo  my  meate,  I  am  well  wyi- 
lynge  to  eate  or  fynde  good  savour  in  my 
mete.  Je  suis  bien  entalentè.  Sytlie  my  lasl 
sycknesse  I  bave  a  good  talenge  to  my 
meate  :  despuis  ma  dernière  maladye  je  suis 
bien  entalentè. 

I  bave  displeasure  for  a  tbyng.  Il  me  prent  mal. 
I  feareme  1  shall  bave  displeasure  for  the  : 
je  men  doubte  qail  men  prendra  mal  pour 
lamour  de  toy.  You  are  like  lo  bave  dis- 
pleasure for  il  :  il  est  possible  quil  vous 
prendra  mal  de  cela. 

I  bave  domynacion.  Je  domine,  prim.  conj.  Tbe 
Great  Turke  halh  domynacion  upon  two 
empyres  and  ihurty  kyngdoms  bysydes 
Egypt  ■whicbe  was  Ibe  Soldans  :  le  Grand 
Turc  domine  sur  deux  empires  et  trente 
royauhnes  sans  Egypte,  lequel  estoyt  au 

I  bave  good  lusl  lo  worke  or  do  any  laboure. 
Je  suis  bien  auoyé,  I  hâve  nothynge  so 
good  luste  to  my  worke  as  I  had  yesler- 
daye  :je  ne  suis  pas  si  bien  auoyé  a  mes  bc- 
soignes  comme  jestoye  hyer. 

I  bave  in  accion  ,  I  sue  one  in  the  iawe.  Je 
ptede.  I  bave  him  in  accion  for  my  landes  :■ 
je  plcde  contre  luy  pour  mes  terres. 

I  bave  in  eslymacion ,  or  sel  store  by.  Jaccomple 
or  jacconle,  prim.  conj.  I  hâve  my  fatbtT 
in  greater  eslimacion  than  ail  my  other 
frendes  in  this  worlde  -.jaccomple,  or  ja- 



conte  plus  mon  père  <fue  tous  mes  aultres 
anvys  du  monde. 

I  hâve  in  indignacion.  Je  indigne,  prim.  conj. 
ovjeme  indigne.  You  hâve  had  me  in  indy- 
gnacion  for  his  sake  ail  this  twelve  moue- 
thes  :  vous  vous  estez  indigné  contre  moy 
pour  lamour  de  lujr  tout  le  long  de  ceste 

I  liave  in  remembraunce.  //  me  souaient,  con- 
jugal in  «I  remembre».  [  shall  bave  you 
in  remembraunce  so  longe  as  I  lyve  :  il 
me  souuiendra  de  vous  tout  que  je  viue. 

I  hâve  in  sute.  Je  ay  en  suite.  I  hâve  him  io 
sute  upon  his  obligacion  :  je  lay  en  suyte 
sus  son  obligation,  or  je  plede  contre  luy  a 
cause  de  son  obligation. 

1  iiave  lever.  Jayme  mieubt  or  jayme  plus  chier, 
and  jay  plus  chier,  conjugale  ihorowe  ail 
tfaeir  modes  and  tenses  with  mieukc  and 
plus  chier.  I  had  leaver  se  hym  hanged  :  je 
aymeroye  niieatx  le  veoir  pendre.  Many  men 
had  lever  se  a  play  than  to  bere  a  masse  : 
mayntes  gens  aymeroyent  mieuLc  or  ayme- 
royenl  plus  chier,  or  auroyent  plus  chier  de 
veoyr  vng  mistere  jouer  que  douyr  une  messe. 

I  bave  raarvayle  of  a  thyng.  Je  me  meruaille, 
verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  I  marvayle 
what  you  meane  me  meruaille,  otje  me 
donne  meruaille  que  cest  que  vous  voulez. 

i  hâve  uiercy  or  compassyon  of  a  persone.  Jay 
mercy  ou  compassion  dune  personne.  Good 
lorde,  bave  mercy  upon  me  :  mon  Dieu, 
ayés  mercy  de  moy. 

1  bave  naugbl  to  do  witb  you.  Je  ne  vous  de- 
mande riens,  or  je  nay  que  fayre  de  tous. 
Whether  he  ever  tbrive  or  never  I  hâve 
naught  to  do  :  sijamays  ilfaict  son  proujft 
ou  non  je  ncn  ay  que  faire.  God  be  with 
you,  God  bc  with  you,  I  bave  naught  to 
do  with  you  :  a  Dieu,  a  Dieu,  je  ne  vous 
demande  riens. 

I  bave  nede  of  a  thing.  Jay  faulte ,  jay  eujaulle, 
auoyrfaulte,  joynyng  the  tenses  of  je  ay  to 
fauUe,  as  I  bave  nede  of  monay  •.jayjaulle 
dargenl.  Knàjay  mcstier,  jay  besoing,  con- 
jugale in  je  ay,  I  bave.  And  in  tbis  sence 

ibey  use  il  me  fouit,  a  verbe  imparsonali, 
conjugale  in  <I  must». 

I  bave  naught  to  do,  or  I  bave  no  more  to  do«. 
but  this  or  that.  Une  mefaull.  Ali  is  redy 
you  bave  no  more  to  dobut  tosyt  downe: 
tout  estprest  desja,  il  ne  vous  faut  que  scoyr. 

i  hâve  naught  to  do  with  a  thyng,  I  bave  no 
cause  to  meddle  in  il.  Je  nay  que  fayre.  If 
I  jagge  my  cappe  thou  baste  naught  to 
do  :  Si  je  chiquette  mon  bonnet  lu  nen  as  que 

I  bave  on  ,  I  were.  Je  porte,  prim.  conj.  aud  je 
me  vests,  conjugale  in  «I  clothe».  Wliat 
bad  be  on  a  sondaye  :  quelle  chose  portail 
il  dymenche,  or  de  quoy  se  vestoyt  il  dy- 
menche  ? 

I  liave  pilye  or  compassyon ,  or  any  sucbe  lyke 
affection  towardes  any  thynge,  as  I  bave 
pylie  ofhym,  I  bave  compassyon  ofbym; 
jay  pitié  de  luy,  jay  compassion  de  luy,  and 
so,  usyng  the  other  tenses  and  persons  of 
je  ay.  I  fynde  aiso  used  in  this  sence  : 
pityé  me  prent  de  luy,  compassion  me  prent 
de  luy,  pitié  ma  prins  de  luy,  pitié  me  pren- 
dra de  luy,  etc.  Usynge  the  tenses  of  je 
prens\  I  take,  as  we  shall  bave  pylie  on 
ihem  :  pityé  nous  prendra  deulx. 

I  bave  plenty.  Jabonde,  prim.  conj.  We  bave 
plenty  of  ail  ibingeg  :  nous  abondons  en 
toutes  choses. 

I  bave  regarde.  Je  tiens  compte.  You  bave  no 
more  regarde  lo  my  wordes  :  vous  ne  tenez 
plus  compte  a  mes  parolles. 

1  bave  a  smacke ,  or  a  taste  in  a  ihyng.  Jagoustc, 
prim.  conj.  This  wyne  balh  a  smacke  of 
the  botell  :  ce  vin  agouste  de  la  bouteille. 

I  bave  taste,  or  l  take  taste  in  a  thyng.  Jeprens 
or  je  tiens  goust.  Tbis  appell  halb  taste 
lyke  cloves  :  ceste  pomme  a  vng  goust  qui 
resemble  aux  doux  de  girofjle,  or  semblable. 

I  bave  wronge,  a  person  dolbe  me  wronge  or 
injurye.  Un  méfait  tort.  I  can  nat  tell  wbo 
hath  ryght ,  but  I  bave  wronge  I  wolte  :  je 
ne  scay  a  qui  on  fait  droyt,  maya  a  moy  on 
fait  tort,  cela  scay  je  bien. 
I  bave  the  murre.  Jay  la  catarre,  tu  as  la  ca- 


tarre,  il  or  elle  a  la  catarre,  etc.  You  hâve 
the  murre  me  thynle,  by  my  faythe  yon 
caught  it  yesterdaye  standyng  bare  heed  : 
vous  aaez  la  catarre,  ce  me  semble,  cela  vous 
happa   hier  quant  vous  vous  tinstez  nude 

I  hâve  the  pose.  Jay  la  catarre,  or  je  suis  enrimé, 
tu  es  enrimé,  il  est  enrymé,  enrymer,  prim. 
conj.  You  hâve  the  pose  me  thinke,  for 
you  speeke  hoorse  :  vous  auez  la  catarre, 
or  vous  estez  enrimé,  ce  me  semble,  car  vous 
estez,  or  vous  parlez  tout  enroué. 

1  hâve  the  tothe  ake.  Jay  mal  aux  dens.  Me 
thynke  you  hâve  the  tothe  ake,  for  your 
cheke  is  swollen  :  il  mcst  aduys  que  vous 
auez  mal  aux  dens,  car  vostrejoe  est  enflée. 

\  bave  the  upper  hande  of  any  thynge.  Je  sais 
au  dessus,  jay  esté  au  dessus,  cstre  au  des- 
stu,  coDJugate  in  the  seconde  booke.  We 
hâve  the  upper  hande  of  our  enemyes  : 
nous  sommes  au  dessus  de  noz  ennemys. 

I  hâve  to  to  wilh  a  mater,  I  bave  cause  wby  I 
shnide  meddyll  in  it.  Jay  que  fayre.  You 
hâve  naiight  to  do  therwith  :  vous  nauez 
que  faire  de  cela.  I  hâve  to  do  withall  :  jay 
affaire  auec  cela,  or  a  cela. 

I  bave  to  do"with  a  woman  or  mayde.  Je  con- 
gnoys  charnellement.  I  bave  had  to  do  witb 
her  :  je  lay  congnue  charnellement. 

I  bave  well ,  as  be  that  dothe  well  sball  bave 
well.  Quifuict  bien  bien  luy  en  prent. 

I  lUCLTE,  I  go  nat  uprighl  of  one  of  my  legges 
or  of  bolhe.  Je  cloche,  prim.  conj.  De- 
clared  afore  in  «I  halte». 

I  HAi'HiE,  I  resorte  moche  to  a  place  or  in  to 
the  Company  of  any  person.  Je  hante, 
prim.  conj.  and  je  conuerse,  prim.  conj. 
and  je  fréquente,  prim.  conj.  and  je  cous- 
tume ,  prim.  conj.  and  je  repaire,  prim. 
conj.  He  that  baunteth  honest  mennes 
companyc  sball  bave  honestye  of  it  ;  qui 
hante  les  gens  de  bien,  or  qui  conuerse  auec 
Us  gens  de  bien,  or  qui  fréquente  les  gens  de 
bien,  or  qui  coustume  les  gens  de  bien,  or 
qui  repayre  es  places  ou  hantent  les  gens  de 

"  '  '     bien  emportera  tonsjoars  Ihonneur. 

I  haunte  hoores,  or  barlottes,  or  mon  of  yvell 
lyvyngc.  Je  paillardis ,  jay  paillardy,  pail- 
lardyr,  sec.  conj.  He  dothe  naught  but 
haunte  hoores  from  morowe  to  nyght  ;  il 
ne  faict  que  paillardyr  despuis  le  malynjus- 
ques  au  soyr. 

I  HAZARDE,  I  play  at  the  bazarde,  or  put  a  thynge 
in  daunger.  Je  hazarde,  prim.  conj.  It  is  a 
great  folye  for  a  man  to  hazarde  bis  lyfe 
for  the  mucke  of  this  «orlde  :  cest  vnc 
grant  folie  que  de  hazarder  la  vie  pour  le 
fiens  de  ce  monde. 

H    BÏFORE    E. 

I  HECKELL  flaie.  Je  cerunce,  prim.  conj.  and  je 
habille  du  lyn,  jay  habillé,  habiller,  prim. 
conj.  Am  nat  I  a  great  gentylman ,  my 
father  vvas  a  hosyer  and  my  mother  dyd 
heckell  flaxe  :  ne  suis  je  pas  vng  grant  sei- 
gnieur,  mon  père  estoyt  vng  chaussetier  et 
ma  mère  habilloyt  du  lyn,  or  cerancoyt  du 

I  HEODE  a  man,  I  eut  of  bis  heed.  Je  décapite, 
prim.  conj.  or  je  coupe  la  teste.  He  was 
heeded  at  Towrebyll  :  il  fust  décapité  a 
Tourhyll,  or  on  luy  coupa  la  teste  sur  la 
montaigne  de  la  Tour. 

I  heddc  a  poynte  or  lace.  Je  mets  le  fer,  jay 
mys  le  fer,  mettre  le  fer,  conjugate  in  «I 
«  put».  Hath  tbepoyntcr  heeded  my  poyn- 
tes  yet  :  lesgayletier  a  il  mys  les  fers  a  mes 
esguillettes  encore? 

I  bedde  a  shafte  or  a  speare,  I  set  on  the  heed 
of  any  suche  weapen.  Je  ferre,  prim.  conj. 
Heed  your  arowes  wilh  Strande  heedes 
for  they  be  beest  :  ferrez  voz  flèches  de  fers 
fuiclz  a  Strande,  car  itz  .sont  les  meilleurs. 

I  HEDGE.  Je  haye,  prim.  conj.  I  bave  hedged  al 
my  pastours  this  yere  :  jay  hayé,  or  jay 
clos  de  haye  toutes  mes  postcures  cette  année. 

I  HEYGHTEN,  I  set  np  a  heythe.  Je  exaise,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  eslieue  plus  hault.  This  balke 
is  heytbened  two  foote  :  ce  tref  est  exaisé , 
or  eslieué  plus  hault  de  deux  piedi. 

I  HEALE  one  of  any  sycknesse  or  disease.  Je 
guerySfjay  guery,  guérir,  sec.  conj.  I  can 


nat  faeale  you  afore  I  knowe  your  diàeasc  : 
je  ne  voas  puis  gueryr  auant  que  je  saiche 
vcstre  maladie. 

I  heale  one  by  mynyslrynge  of  medycines  to 
hym.  Je  medicine,  prim.  conj.  This  physi- 
cien hath  heaied  me  with  moche  a  do  :  ce 
medicin  ma  medicini  a  tirant  pajne. 

i  HELPE,  I  secoure.  Je  ayde,  prim.  conj.  I 
shaii  helpe  hym  with  ail  my  power  :  je 
lay  aideray  de  tout  mon  pouuoir.  And  je  pa- 
rayde ,  prim.  conj.  The  great  dyvell  be  his 
helpe  :  le  grant  diable  Iny  soyt  en  ayde. 
Helpe,  heipc,  as  mcn  kryc  that  be  in 
daunger  of  tbeves  or  any  other  peryll  ;  a 
layde,  a  layde.  God  helpe  you  :  Dieu  vous 
soit  en  ayde.  So  God  helpe  me  :  se  mayde 
Dieu,  or  se  mayt  Dieu. 

I  HEMME  a  shyrle  or  a  smocke,  I  make  a  seame. 
Je  ourle,  prim.  conj.  Hemme  my  kercher, 
I  praye  you  :  ourlez  mon  coeuurechief,  je 
voas  prie. 

l  hemme,  I  broder  a  garmenle  with  any  thing. 
Je  borde,  prim.  conj.  Who  hath  hemmcd 
your  kyriell  thus,  he  was  no  good  worke- 
man  :  qui  vous  a  aynsi  bordé  votre  corset, 
il  nestoyt  pas  trop  bon  ouurier. 

I  hemme ,  I  coughe.  Je  tousse ,  prim.  conj. 
Whan  you  hère  me  hemme  ihan  come  : 
quant  vcus  me  ouyez  tousser  adoncques  venez. 

I  HENTE,  I  take  by  vyolence  or  to  catche.  Je 
happe,  prim.  conj.  This  terme  is  nat  ut- 
teriy  comen. 

I  HEPE.  Je  amasse.  And  je  comble.  I  hepe  up  to 
the  brimme  accomble  and  je  amoncelle, 
prim.  conj.  Also  y  SyDde  jentasse ,  prim. 
conj.  He  heapeth  up  treasure,  but  he  wot- 
teth  nat  who  shall  be  his  heyrc  :  il  amasse, 
or  il  comble,  or  accomble,  or  entasse,  or 
amoncelle  da  trésor,  mays  il  ne  scait  qui  sera 
son  herilier. 

I  hepe  togyther.  Jaccomble,  prim.  conj.  and  je 
entasse.  Heape  this  busshell  as  hye  as  you 
can  :  accomblcz  ce  boysseau  aussi  hault  que 
vous  pouez. 

1  HEBAWDE ,  l  expresse  the  offyce  of  an  herawde. 
Jeharaude,  prim.  conj. 


I  iiERBonoWE  or  lodge.  Je  herberge,  prim.  conj. 
Declared  in  o  I  harborowe  ». 

I  HERE  a  voyce  or  a  souude  with  myne  care.  Je 
os,  il  ot,  nous  oyons,  vous  oyez,  Hz  oyenl, 
prétérit,  imperf.  je  oyoye,  nous  oyoyons, 
Hz  oyaient,  je  ouys,jay  ouy,je  orray,  que 
je  ouye,  ouyr,  tert.  conj.  I  can  nat  hère 
bycause  of  the  wynde  :  je  ne  puis  poynt 
ouyr  a  cause  du  vent.  He  that  dothe  other- 
wyse  than  he  ought  to  do  hereth  that  we 
wolde  be  iothe  of  :  qui  fait  aullremenl  quil 
ne  doybt  ot  des  parolles  qui  le  font  marry. 

I  hère,  I  harken.  Je  escoule,  prim.  conj.  Hère 
what  they  say  and  bring  me  worde  :  es- 
coustez  que  cest  quilz  disent  et  faictez  le  moy 

I  hère  tell.  Je  os  dire.  As  soue  as  he  herde  tell 
that  my  lorde  was  commyng  he  lefte  his 
dynner  to  go  and  mete  hym  :  aussi  lost 
quil  ouyt  dire  que  monsieur  venoyt  il  se  leua 
de  la  table  or  il  laissa  son  disner  pour  aller 
au  deuant  de  luy. 

I  iiETCHïLL.  Je  cerance.  Declared  in  •  I  heckell  ». 

I  HETE.  Je  chauffe,  prim.  conj.  and  je  eschauffe. 
Go  fet  the  chafyng  dysshe  to  heate  this 
meate  agayne  :  allez  queryr  le  rechaujfoyr 
pour  rechauffer  ceste  viande.  This  fyre  hea- 
telh  ail  the  house  :  ce  feu  eschauffe  toute 
la  maison. 

I  heale  a  thyng  upon  a  chafyng  dysshe.  Je  re- 
chauffe, prim.  conj.  Heate  my  potage  :  res- 
chauffez  mon  potage. 

I  HEWE,  as  a  carpenter  dothe  his  tymber.  Je 
charpente,  prim.  conj.  I  sawe  thy  father 
in  the  churehe  yerde  hewynge  a  pece  of 
tymber  :  je  vis  ion  père  au  cimetière  char- 
penter  vne  pièce  de  boys. 

I  hewe,  as  men  do  stones  at  the  quarrye  or 
roughe  worke.  Je  taille,  prim.  conj.  and 
je  entaille,  prim.  conj.  A  man  were  as  good 
to  hewe  in  a  rocke  as  to  hewe  in  this 
tymber  :  on  gaigneroyt  autant  de  tailler  en 
vng  rocq,  or  en  vne  roche,  que  de  tailler  en 
ce  mesrayn. 

l  hewe  a  thyng  a  sonder  with  an  edge  toole.  Je 
irenche,  prim.  conj.  You  shall  nat  hewe 



it  asonder  at  xx  strokes,  I  hoide  a  noble: 
je  gaige  vng  angelot  que  vous  ne  le  trenche- 
rez  pas  en  deux  en  vingt  coups. 

I  hewe  dowoe.  Je  ahas,  conjugate  lyke  his 
simple  je  bas,  I  béate.  Hewe  downe  this 
tree  :  abatez  cest  arbre. 

I  liewe  in  a  dere,  as  tbey  do  that  set  the  wynd- 
lesse.  Je  hue,  prim.  conj.  Go  hewe  the 
dere  whyle  I  seke  me  a  standynge  :  allez 
huer  les  dayns  tant  que  je  cerche  vne  place 

I  hewe  with  a  brode  axe.  Je  dole ,  prim.  conj. 
This  carpenter  heweth  very  well  :  ce  char- 
pentier dole  fort  bien. 

I  hewe  with  an  axe.  Je  couppe,  prim.  conj.  and 
je  hache,  prim.  conj.  Hewe  this  a  sonder  : 
coupez  cecy  en  deux. 

H    BTFORE    t. 

I  HïCE  upan  ancre.  Je  desancre,  priin.  conj.  or 
je  haulce  lancre.  Go  hyce  up  the  anker,  for 
J  wyll  be  gone  :  allez  desancrer,  or  haulcer 
lancre,  car  je  men  veulx  aller. 

I  hyce  up  any  heavy  thynge  by  crafte  of  en- 
gynes.  Je  haalce,  prim.  conj.,  but  properly 
je  gujde,  prim.  conj.  I  can  hyce  up  four 
tonne  weyght  at  ones  at  my  crâne  :  je  puis 
guyder  le  pays  de  quattre  tonneaubc  a  ma 

I  HIDE  a  thynge  from  the  syght  of  folkes,  or  put 
it  in  a  secrète  place.  Je  abscons,  nous  abs- 
consonSfje  abscondis,  jay  abscondy,je  abs- 
condray,  que  je  absconde,  abscondre,  and 
je  muce,  prim.  conj.  and  je  cache,  prim. 
conj.  aad  je  occulte,  prim.  conj.  and  je 
resconce,  prim.  conj.  and  je  voille,  and  je 
rescons  ,  conjugate  lyke  jaticons,  and  je 
escons,  conjugate  lyke  je  abscons.  Thou 
cannest  nat  hyde  thy  selfe  so  well  but 
I  sball  fynde  the  out  :  iu  ne  te  scays  si 
bien  cacher,  or  mucer  que  je  ne  te  trouueray. 

I  hyde.  Je  muce,  prim.  conj.  and  je  demuce,  or 
moche,  prim.  conj.  and  abscondre,  celer, 
cacher,  embuscher,  occulter,  rescondre,  re- 
postre  and  voilier.  The  frenche  tonge  hath 
tbus  many  diverse  verbes  for  1 1  hyde  >  dy- 

versely  used,  but  cbefely  for  «I  hyde» 
they  use  outherje  cacAe  or  je  muce. 

I  hyde  a  thyng  with  courtaynes  or  behynde  a 
courtayne.  Je  encoartync,  prim.  conj. 
Why  do  you  hyde  you  behynde  the  cour- 
tayne, are  you  a  frayde  :  pour  qaoy  vous 
encourtinez  vous,  auez  vous  paour? 

I  hyde  behynde  a  tappet  or  hangyng.  Je  tapis, 
jay  tapy,  tapir,  sec.  conj.  Go  hyde  you  be- 
hynde the  hangyng  tyll  lie  be  gone  :  allez 
vous  tapyr  derrière  ce  tapys  tant  quil  soit  en 

I  hyde  my  face  with  a  boode  or  otherwyse ,  as 
one  dothe  that  wolde  nat  be  knowen.  Je 
membronche ,  je  me  suis  embronché ,  embron- 
cher,  verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  Why 
hyde  you  your  face  on  this  facion,  it  is  no 
condiscyon  of  a  trewe  man  :  pour  quoy 
vous  emhronchez  vous  ainsi,  ce  nest  pas  le 
tour  dung  homme  de  bien. 

I  hyde  one  eyes  with  my  bande  or  with  a  clothe. 
Je  embranche,  jay  embronché,  embroncher, 
prim.  conj.  Hyde  bis  eyes  suer  :  emhron- 
chez lay  les  yeux  bien  serrez. 

I  hyde ,  or  cover  a  thing  behynde  a  clothe.  Je  ta- 
pis, jay  tapy,  tapir,  sec.  conj. 

I  HïE.  Je  haste,  ot  je  despeche ,  pnm.  conj.  Go 
and  hye  you  agayne ,  I  pray  you  :  allez  et 
despechez  vous,  je  vous  prie. 

I  IIYBE,  as  a  man  dothe  a  house,  or  a  horse,  or 
any  suche  lyke  thyng.  Je  loue,  jay  loué, 
louer,  prim.  conj.  I  wyll  hyre  a  house  for 
my  lorde  in  your  strete  and  I  can  :  je  loue- 
ray  vne  maison  pour  monsieur  en  vostre  rue 
si  je  puis. 

I  hyre  a  servaunt  or  a  workman  to  do  a  thynge 
for  wages.  Je  aloue,  prim.  conj.  andje  sa- 
lere,  prim.  conj.  I  hâve  hyred  hym  and 
gyven  hym  ernest  :  je  lay  loué,  or  je  lay  sa- 
laire et  lay  ay  baillé  arres. 

I  HïGHT,  I  am  called  or  named.  Je  suis  appelle 
andje  mejays  appeller.  The  best  horse  for 
the  tylte  that  ever  I  sawe  hyght  Lyarde 
Urbyn  :  le  meilleur  cheual  pour  les  lisses 
que  je  vis  jamays  sejist  appeller,  or  je  nom- 
moyt  Liart  Vrbyn. 


I  HYLDE ,  I  leane  on  the  one  syde ,  as  a  bote  or 
shyp  or  any  other  vessell.  Je  encline  de 
coustè,  jay  encline  de  coustè,  encliner  de 
coasté jprim.  conj.  Sylte  fast,  1  rede  you, 
for  ihe  bote  begynneth  to  hylde  :  seez 
ferme,  se  vous  men  croyez,  car  le  bateau 
commence  a  sencliner  de  coustè. 

I  HïLL,  I  wrappe  or  lappe.  Je  couuers,  couurir, 
conjugale  in  al  cover».  Youmust  hyll  you 
wel  nowe  anyghtes,  the  wether  is  coide  : 
il  vous  fault  bien  couarir  de  nuyct  mayate- 
nant,  car  iljaitfroyt. 

I  HïNDEH,  I  hurte.  Je  porte  dommage,  dativo 
jungitur.  Your  wordes  hath  hyndred  hym 
above  a  hundred  poundes  :  îjoj  parolles  luy 
ont  porté  dommage  de  plus  de  cent  Hures. 

I  hynder,  I  lot  a  man  of  bis  journaye  or  busy- 
nesse.  Jempesche,  prim.  conj.  and  je  desa- 
pointe,  prim.  conj.  If  other  men  forder 
hym ,  I  wyll  nat  hynder  hym  :  se  les 
aallres  lauancent  je  ne  lempescheray  poynt. 
He  hath  hyndred  me  sore  in  this  busy- 
nesse  :  il  ma  fort  desapoynté  en  cest  af- 

I  hynder  ones  promocion  by  my  mysse  reporte. 
Je  desaaance,  prim.  conj.  It  is  a  great 
synne  to  hynder  a  man  that  standeth 
upon  his  promocyon  upon  maiyce  :  cest 
vng  grant  péché  que  de  desauancer  vng 
homme  par  malice  qui  est  sur  le  poynt  de 
sa  promocion. 

I  hynder,  I  slacke  a  thynge  that  shulde  be  done  : 
Je  retarde,  prim.  conj.  You  bave  hyndred 
this  mater  more  than  this  twelve  monthes  : 
vous  auez  retardé  ceste  matière  plus  dung 

I  HYNNïE  or  nye ,  as  a  horse  dothe.  Je  hennis, 
jay  henny,  hennyr,  sec.  conj.  Me  thynketh 
this  horse  bynnyelh  for  yooder  mare  :  il 
mest  aduis  que  ce  cheual  hennist  pour  ceste 
jument  la. 

I  HïSE  up  the  sayle ,  as  shypmen  do.  Je  haulce , 
prim,  conj.  Hyse  up  the  sayle  :  haulce  la 

I  HYSSË,  as  adders  do.  Je  ciffe,  prim.  conj, 
I  hysse,  as  a  goose  dothe  or  as  a  bote 



thyng  whan  one  putteth  to  any  moysture. 
Je  hisse,  prim.  conj.  Bevvare  of  yonder 
adder,  I  hère  ber  hysse  :  gardez  vous  de 
ceste  cquleuure  la,  je  los  ci£ler.  I  feare  more 
to  hère  a  pece  of  yron  to  hysse,  whan  it 
cometh  newe  burnyng  out  of  the  forge , 
than  to  bere  a  goose  hysse  :  jay  plus  grant 
paour  douyr  hysser  le  fer  ardant,  quant  il 
vient  nouuellement  de  la  forge,  que  douir 
hisser  vue  ouaye. 

I  hysse ,  as  a  thyng  dothe  tbat  is  fyre  boote , 
whan  water  is  tbrowen  upon  it.  Je  hysse, 
prim.  conj.  Herke  howe  this  stone  bys- 
seth  :  escoutez  comment  ceste  pierre  hisse. 

I  iiïTTE  a  thyng  that  I  throwe  at.  Je  atlayns, 
jay  attaint,  allaindre,  conjugale  in  i  I 
«atlayne».  And  je  assené,  prim.  conj.  and 
je  touche.  I  holde  the  a  penny  I  bylte 
yonder  whyte  :je  gaige  a  toy  vng  denier 
que  je  toucheray  ce  blanc  la,  or  que  je 
attaindray  a  ce  blanc  la,  or  que  je  asse- 
neray  ce  blanc  la. 

I  hytte  a  thyng  that  is  flyeng  away  witb  the 
shotle  of  an  arowe  or  any  other  thyng.  Je 
aconsuys,jay  aconsuyay,  aconsuire,  or  acon- 
suyure,  conjugale  lyke  his  syrople  je  suis, 
I  folowe.  Make  redy  your  sholle  byfore  the 
bynde  come,  for  els  she  ronneth  so  faste 
you  sbali  nat  hytte  ber  :  apprestez  vostre 
traict  auant  que  la  bische  viengne,  car  aul- 
trement  elle  court  si  vistement  que  vous  ne 
laconsuyuerez  pas. 

I  hytte,  I  knocke  against  a  thing.  Je  heurte, 
prim.  conj.  I  Went  darkeiing  and  dyd 
hytle  agaynst  a  doore  :je  alloye  sans  chan- 
delle et  heartay  contre  vng  hays. 

I  hytte  witb  a  shotte  of  an  arowe,  quareli, 
darte,  or  witb  a  caste,  or  marke  a  thyng 
that  one  sbotelb  at  or  ihroweth  at.  Je  as- 
sené, prim.  conj.  Who  woide  bave  Iboughl 
that  he  couide  bave  hytte  me  so  farre  of  : 
qui  euit  pencé  quil  me  eus t  pu  assener  si 
loing  de  lay?  And  I  hytle  hym ,  I  warrant 
hym  for  ever  goynge  fartber  :  si  je  lassene , 
je  le  prens  sur  ma  charge  que  jamays  nyra 
plus  auant. 





H    BYFORE   0. 

I  HOBLE,  or  halte,  or  lomber,  as  a  horse  dothe. 
Je  cloche. 

I  hobie,  I  tranell  for  larkes.  Je  tremaille,  priai, 

I  HOLDE,  I  kepe  a  thyng.  Je  liens,  nous  tenons, 
vous  tenez,  ils  ùcnent,je  tins,  jay  tenu,  je 
tiendray,  qaeje  tiengne,  (foeje  tinsse,  tenir, 
tert.  conj. 

I  holde ,  as  one  dothe  his  ware ,  whan  he  setteth 
a  priée  on  it.  Je  fais,  thorowe  ail  his 
tenses.  You  holde  it  to  dere  :  vous  lefaictez 
trop  chier.  I  holde  it  as  good  cheape  as 
I  can  aforde  it  :  je  le  tiens  a  aussi  bon  mar- 
ché que  je  le  puis  vendre.  What  holde  you 
this  boke  at  :  a  combien  Jaictez  vous  ce  Hure  ? 

I  holdeathyng  in  my  hande,orin  my  custodye. 
Je.  tiens,  nous  tenons,  je  tins,  jay  tenu,  je 
tiendray,  que  je  tiengne,  tenir,  tert.  conj. 

I  holde,  as  a  sycknesse  holdeth  one.  Je  liens. 
Where  holdeth  it  him  :  ou  est  ce  quil  le 
tient?  It  holdeth  him  in  his  stomacke  :  il 
le  tient  a  son  estomac. 

I  holde  a  thyng  upright.  Je  tiens  debout,  jay  tenu 
debout,  tenir  debout,  conjugale  in  je  tiens, 

I  holde,  as  one  holdeth  a  wager.  Je  gaige, 
prim.  conj.  I  holde  you  a  noble  it  is  nat 
so  :  je  gaige  a  vous  vng  angelot,  or  je  gaige 
vng  noble  a  la  rose  quil  nest  poynt  aynsi. 
And  you  will  lay  it,  by  my  truthe,  I  holde 
it  :  se  vous  voulez  tenir,  sur  mafoy  je  le  gai- 

I  holde ,  as  a  vesscU  holdeth  lycoure.  Je  con- 
tiens, nous  conlenons,  etc.  conjugale  lyke 
his  syrapleje  tiens,  I  holde.  This  tubbe 
can  holde  notbynge  tyll  it  he  amended  : 
ceste  cuue  ne  peult  riens  contenir  jasques  a 
tant  quelle  soyt  amendée. 

I  boide  a  man  in  a  place  agaynst  his  wyll.  Jac- 
cable,  prim.  conj.  But  this  is  by  transla- 
cyon  spoken ,  but  ihe  ryght  worde  is  je 
tiens,  as  no  man  shal  holde  me  bere 
agaynst  my  wyll  ;  nul  ite  me  tiendra  icy 
contre  mon  gré. 

I  holde  at  a  baye,  as  boundes  do  a  dere  or  wylde 
beest,  whan  he  can  ronne  no  more.  Je 
aboyé,  prim.  conj.  and  je  abaye.  Yonder 
stagge  is  almoste  yelden,  I  bere  tbe 
boundes  holde  hym  at  a  beye  :  ce  cerf  la 
est  quasy  rendu,  je  os  les  chiens  laboyer 
or  le  tenyr  a  laboy. 

I  holde  fast,  or  catche  with  a  boke  or  suche  lyke. 
Je  acroche  ,  je  liens  fort  and  je  serre,  prim. 
conj.  What  so  ever  he  catcbetb  he  holdeth 
it  fast  :  quoy  quil  acroche  il  le  tient  fort,  or 
il  le  serre  fort. 

I  holde  for  good.  Je  approuue,  prim.  conj. 
I  holde  bh  opynion  for  good  :  je  approuue 
son  opinion. 

I  holde  fortbe ,  or  I  holde  out ,  as  one  holdeth 
forthe  his  bande  to  receyve  a  thyng.  Je 
iens  la  mayn,  jay  tendu  la  mayn,  tendre, 
conjugal  in  ol  bende».  Holde  forthe  thy 
hande,  lake  an  ernest  penny  or  a  Goddes 
penny  :  tens  la  mayn,  prens  vng  denier  en 
arres,  or  prens  vng  denier  a  Dieu. 

I  holde  house  holde ,  as  a  prince  dothe.  Je  tiens 
court  planiere,  declared  in  «I  kepe  open 

I  holde  houshoide,  as  a  meane  or  poore  man 
dothe.  Je  tiens  mesnaige.  God  spede  me, 
I  bave  helde  houaeholde  thèse  thre  mone- 
ihes  ;  Dieu  me  conduie,jay  tenu  mesnaige  de 
ces  troys  moys  en  ca. 

I  holde  il,  as  we  saye  whan  we  make  bargen. 
Je  le  tiens.  Lay  downe  your  nionaye,  I 
holde  il  :  sus  boulez  vostre  argent,  je  le  tiens. 

1  holde,  I  kepe  a  ihyng.  Je  tiens,  or  je  garde, 
prim.  conj.  If  you  bave  it,  holde  il  faste  : 
si  vous  lauez,  tenez  le  bien. 

I  holde  me  agreed  or  apayde,  I  am  content.  Je 
me  tiens  pour  content,  or  je  me  tiens  a  payé, 
conjugale  in  <il  holde».  What  so  ever  he 
saye,  I  holde  me  apayde  :  quoy  quil  die, 
je  me  tiens  pour  content,  or  je  me  tiens  pour 
a  payé, 

I  holde  me  styll ,  I  slyrre  nal.  Je  me  tiens  tout 
quoy.  Holde  you  styll  hère  awhyie,  and  you 
shal  se  a  good  sporte  :  tenez  vous  tout  quoy 
icy  vng  peu,  et  vous  verrez  vng  bon  jeu. 




I  holde  myselfe  in  a  place,  or  I  contayne,  as 
one  holdeth  or  contayneth  au  other  tbyng 
in  it.  Je  contiens,  jaj  contenu,  contenir, 
conjugale  lyke  his  symple  je  tiens,  I  holde. 
I  wyll  holde  my  selfe  at  home,  let  other 
men  do  as  they  lyste  :  je  me  coniiendray  a 
la  mayson,  facent  les  aultres  ceu  quilz 
veullent,  or  ceu  que  leur  plaira. 

I  holde  my  selfe  a  foote.  Je  me  tiens  debout,  etc. 
So  longe  as  our  capytayne  helde  hym  selfe 
a  foote ,  our  parte  had  the  mastrye  :  si  lon- 
guement que  nostre  capitajne  se  tenoit  de- 
bout, nostre  party  auojt  du  meilleur. 

I  holde  my  peace ,  I  speake  nothyng.  Je  me  tays, 
nous  nous  taysons,  je  me  teus  and  je  me 
taysis,je  me  suis  teu,je  me  tayray,  que  je 
me  tayse,  que  je  me  teusse  or  taysisse,  quil 
se  leust,  iayre,  verbum  médium  tert. 
coBJ.  Wyll  you  holde  your  peace  :  vous 
tayrez  vous  ?  Holde  your  peace  there  : 
faictez  paix  la.  Holde  thy  peace,  lour- 
dayne  :  tays  toy,  lourdault.  Holde  thy  peace  : 
ne  sonne  mot. 

I  holde  one  in  hande ,  I  beare  one  in  hande 
of  a  mater.  Je  luyfays  acroyre.  He  holdeth 
me  in  bande  that  he  wyll  ryde  eut  of 
towne  :  il  me  fait  acroyre  quil  veult  che- 
uaulclier  hors  de  la  ville. 

I  holde  one  a  foole.  Je  tiens  pour  fol.  Holde 
peace,  whicbe  sayeng  \ï«  use  whan  we 
commaunde  a  multytude  to  kepe  sylence  : 
paix,  OT  faictez  paix. 

I  holde  in,  or  holde  on.  Je  perseuere,  prim.  conj. 
He  holdeth  in  yet  so  as  it  wyll  be  :  il 
perseuere  encore  tant  que  ce  sera. 

I  holde  wilh  an  acte  or  with  ones  doynge.  Jay 
cefaict  aduoué  and  je  ay  sonfaict  adaoué. 
As  I  holde  nat  with  their  doyng  :  je  nay 
poynt  learfaict  aduoué.  It  maketh  no  ma- 
ter, for  what  so  ever  he  do ,  he  holdeth 
with  his  doyng  :  cest  tout  vng,  car  quoy 
quil  face,  il  tient  sonfaict  aduoué. 

I  holde  up  a  thing,  I  mayntayne  it.  Je  mayn- 
bens,  jay  mayntenu,  maintenir,  conjugate 
lyke  his  symple  je  tiens,  I  holde.  I  pray 
God  preservebym,  forhispolicy  upholdeth 

or  holdeth  up  our  bouse  :  Dieu  le  vueille 
preseruer,  car  sa  police  mayntient  nostre 

I  holde  up  a  thing,  I  save  it  from  fallyng.  Je 
soustiens,  conjugate  lyke  his  simple  je 
tiens,  I  holde.  Thougb  this  bridge  shake, 
it  wyll  nat  fall ,  it  is  well  holden  up  with 
great  tymber  :  combien  que  ce  pont  bransle, 
il  ne  cherra  pas,  car  il  est  bien  soustenu  de 
grant  boys. 

I  holde  one  with  a  taie,  I  fynde  one  super- 
fluous  comunycacion.  Je  tiens  playt.  The 
dame  shall  holde  hym  with  a  taie  :  la 
dame  luy  en  tiendra  playt.  This  is  a  joly 
pratyng  boye,  he  hatb  helde  me  with  a 
taie  hère  thèse  two  houres  :  ce  garçon  icy 
est  dung  joly  caquet,  il  ma  tenu  playt  icy 
ces  deux  heures. 

I  holde  one  with  a  taie,  tyll  a  shrude  tourne  be 
doue  hym.  Je  amuse.  The  one  helde  me 
with  a  taie,  tyll  the  other  pyked  my  purce  : 
lang  mamusoyt,  tant  que  laultre fouilloit  en 
ma  bource. 

I  HOWLE,  as  a  dogge  dothe.  Je  vie,  or  je  vlule, 
prim.  conj.  and  je  hurle.  This  great  luske 
wepetb  nat  whan  he  is  beaten ,  be  bouletb 
lyke  a  dogge  :  ce  gros  lourdault  ne  pleure 
pas  quant  on  le  bal,  mays  il  hurle,  or  vie, 
or  vlule,  comme  vng  chien. 

I  HONOUR ,  or  révérence,  properly  as  we  do  God. 
Jadore  and  jaoure,  id.  prim.  conj.  We 
ought  nat  to  bonour  no  créature  so  moche 
as  God  :  il  ne  nous  est  pas  licite  dadorer,  or 
daourer  nulle  créature  autant  que  Dieu. 

I  HOPE.  Je  espère,  prim.  conj.  He  that  hopeth 
in  vayne  boppelh  but  seldome  for  joye  : 
qui  espère  en  vayn  peu  souuent  sautelle  de 

I  HOOPË  a  lubbe  or  other  vessell.  Je  cercelle, 
prim.  conj.  Hoope  your  vessels  a  newe  or 
you  put  any  wyne  in  them  :  cercellez  voz 
raisseaulx  de  nouueaa  auani  que  vousy  met- 
tez du  vin. 

I  ROPPE,  I  skyppe  or  leape.  Je  sautelle,  prim. 
conj.  I  lyke  nat  his  daunsing,  he  boppeth 
and  tryppeth  lyke  one  of  the  countraye  : 




sa  manière  de  dancerneme  playst  poynt,  car 
il  sautille  et  tripette  comme  vnij  paysant. 

I  HOORDE ,  as  a  man  hordetb  goide  or  appels ,  or 
any  thyng  in  heapes  to  spare  for  store.  Je 
entasse ,  prim.  conj.  But  many  tymes  this 
verbe  is  named  after  the  thyng  that  men 
horde  up  thynges  in ,  as  I  hoorde  in  co- 
fers  :  je  encoffre.  I  hoorde  in  tonnes  :  je 
entonne,  etc.  Hoorde  nat  up  your  monay 
in  your  cofer,  lende  it  ralher  to  poore 
men  :  ne  entassez  pas  vostre  argent  en  voz 
coffres,  or  nencoffrez  pas  vostre  argent, 
prestez  le  plus  tost  a  voz  poures  voysyns. 

I  HOKLE,  I  throwe  a  thyngc.  Je  jecte,  prim. 
conj.  I  holde  the  a  peny  that  I  hurle  this 
stone  over  yonder  house  :  je  gaxge  a  toy 
vng  denier  que  je  jecteray  ceste  pierre  oultre 
ceste  maison  la. 

1  HOBSE  a  man ,  I  provyde  a  man  of  a  horse  to 
ryde  on.  Je  moule,  prim.  conj.  He  can 
horse  you  as  well  as  ail  the  corscrs  in 
this  towne  :  il  vous  scayL  aussi  bien  monter 
que  tous  les  courtiers  de  cheuaalx  en  ceste 

I  horse  a  mare ,  as  a  horse  dothe  to  beget  a 
coite.  Je  cheuauche  vne  jument.  I  truste  I 
shall  bave  a  coite  of  a  good  kyude,  for 
your  genêt  hath  horsed  my  mare  :  jespere 
que  jauray  vng  poullayn  dune  bonne  race, 
car  vostre  genêt  a  cheuaalché  ma  jument. 

I  HOSE.  Je  chausse,  prim.  conj.  It  costetli  me 
monaye  in  the  yere  to  hose  and  shoe  my 
servauntes  :  il  me  couste  de  largent  par  lan 
a  chausser  mes  seruiteurs. 

1  HOSSE,  as  a  bee  or  flye  dothe.  Je  bruys.  It  is 
a  perylous  noyse,  I  tell  you ,  to  hère  a  bee 
hosse  in  a  boxe  :  je  vous  dis  que  cest  vng 
bruyt  bien  périlleux  que  douyr  vne  mouche  a 
miel  brayre  en  vne  boette,  conjugate  in  «  I 
«hurle,  I  make  a  noyse  as  the  wynde  do- 

I  BOTER,  I  flyker.  Je  volette  axidjesoure,  prim. 
conj,  This  hauke  hovereth  to  longe  above , 
she  is  nat  di.sposed  to  stoupe  :  cest  oyseau 
soure  or  volette  trop,  il  nest  pas  délibéré  de 

I  HOCBDE.  Je  amasse,  prim.  conj.  Declared  in 
«I  hoorde». 

I  howle  as  a  dogge.  Je  hurle,  prim.  conj.  De- 
clared afore. 

I  howle,  I  make  a  noyse  as  any  other  beest  do- 
the. Je  vlule,  prim.  conj.  It  is  a  pytnouse 
noyse  in  a  famyne  to  hère  the  beestes 
howle  for  meate  :  cest  vne  noise  bien  pi- 
toyable que  douyr  en  temps  de  famine  les 
bestes  hurler. 

I  HDCEE,  as  one  dothe  that  wolde  bye  a  thing 
good  cbeapc.  Je  harcelle,  prim.  conj.  and 
je  marchande,  prim.  conj.  I  love  nat  to 
sell  my  ware  to  you ,  you  hucke  so  sore  : 
je  naynie  pas  vendre  ma  marchandise  a  vous, 
vous  harceliez  si  trestant. 

I  HCGGE,  I  shrinke  me  in  my  bed.  Je  me  cou- 
che. It  is  a  good  sporle  to  se  this  lytle 
boye  hugge  in  bis  bedde  for  colde  :  cest 
vng  bon  passetemps  que  de  veoyr  cest  enfant 
se  cacher  en  son  lict  defroyt. 

I  HUMME ,  I  make  a  noyse  lyke  one  that  lysteth 
nat  speake.  Je  fays  du  muet.  There  is  a 
mater  what  so  ever  it,  is  but  he  hummeth 
and  haetb  and  wyll  nat  come  out  withail  : 
il  y  a  quelque  chose  quoy  que  cest,  mays  il 
fait  du  muet  et  ne  le  veult  poynt  destourner. 

I  HUMBLE,  I  meken  or  make  meke.  Je  me  hu- 
milie, prim.  conj.  What  thoughe  you  bave 
displeased  hym,  humble  your  sclfe  to  hym, 
and  you  shall  fynde  him  good  agayne  : 
pourtant  si  vous  lauez  offiencé  or  despieu ,  se 
vous  vous  humiliez  a  luy,  vous  le  trouuerez 
bon  de  rechief. 

I  HONTE.  Je  chasse.  And  je  vene  le  senglier,  prim. 
conj.  I  vvyll  go  to  scole,  I  do  no  good  hère 
but  hunte  and  hauke  ail  day  :  je  yray  a 
lescolle,  je  ne  fays  rien  iiy  que  chasser  et 
voiler  toute  jour.  It  is  a  dangerouse  pastyme 
to  hunte  the  wylde  bore  :  cest  vng  dange- 
reux passetemps  que  de  vener  le  porc  senglier. 

I  hunte,  I  drive  awaye  byfore  me.  Je  chasse 
deuant  moy. 

I  HDRLE,  I  caste  a  thynge  with  myne  arme.  Je 
jecte  du  bras,  prim.  conj.  He  can  hurle  as 
farre  by  hande  as  some  man  can  do  with 


a  slynge  :  il  scaytjecter  aussi  loyng  da  bras 
que  vn<j  aultre  dune  fronde. 

I  HURLE,  I  make  a  noyse  as  the  wynde  dothe. 
Je  brays,  nous  bruyons,  nous  bruyrons,  je 
bruys,jay  bray,je  bruyray,  que  je  braye, 
brayre,  tert.  conj.  N.  The  wynde  hurled 
so  sore  thaï  none  of  us  coulde  nat  hère  an 
other  :  le  vent  bruyoyt  si  tresfort  que  nul  de 
nous  ne  pouuoyt  poynt  ouyr  lung  laullre. 

I  HURTE  one  with  a  stroke  or  fall.  Je  blesse, 
prim.  conj.  Hâve  you  hurle  you  nowe  : 
vous  estez  tous  blessé  maintenant? 

I  hurle ,  I  hynder  one  of  his  goodes.  Je  dam- 
mage,  prim.  conj.  and  Je  dommage,  prim. 
conj.  He  halh  hurle  me  more  ihan  you 
wolde  wene  for  :  i7  ma  dommage,  or  il  ma 
porté  plus  grant  dommage  que  vous  ne  pen- 

I  HDSTE,  I  styll.  Je  repayse  and  je  recoyse, frim. 
conj.  Declared  in  il  hushl>.  I  can  make 
my  chylde  hushte  whan  me  iyst ,  thougb 
he  krye  never  so  fast  scay  repaiser,  or 
requoyser  mon  enfant  quant  il  me  playst,  tant 
crie  il. 

I  HDSSE ,  I  homme  or  make  a  noyse ,  as  a  flye 
dothe.  Je  bruys,  jay  bruit,  bruyre,  tert. 
conj.  Declared  in  >I  hosse». 

1  BYFORE  A — N. 

I  JAGGË ,  or  cutte  agarment.  Je  chicquelte,  prim. 
conj. je  deschicquelle  axiAjedescoupe,  prim. 
conj.  I  jagge  nat  ray  hosen  for  ihrifle  but 
for  a  hragge  :  Je  ne  chicquelte  pas,  or  des- 
chicquetie  or  descouppe  mes  chausses  pour 
prouffit,  mays  pour  vne  braggue. 

1  JANGïLL.  Je  babille, je  cacquette  and  je  jangle, 
prim.  conj.  She  janglelh  lyke  a  jaye  :  elle 
jangle  or  cacquette  comme  vng  jay. 

I  JAPE  a  wenche.  Je  fous ,  nous  foutons ,  je  fou- 
tis,  jay  foutu,  je  fouteray,  que  je  foute, 
foutre,  tert.  conj.  And  je  bistocque,  prim. 
conj.  It  is  better  to  jape  a  wenche  than  to 
do  worce  :  il  vault  miealx  foutre  une  fille 
que  de  faire  pis.  As  for  bislocquer  is  but  a 
fayned  worde,  for  it  hetokeneth  properly 
to  stabbe  or  to  foyne.  Also  in  more  coverte 



langage  ihey  use  je  fays  cela,  as  I  jape  her 
whan  me  iyste  :  je  luy  fays  cela  quant  il 
me  playst.  Wyll  you  jape  :  voulez  vous  faire 
cela  ?  and  je  luy  fays  bien.  0  that  my  lover 
pleaseth  me  weil  :  o  que  mon  amy  le  me 
fait  bien. 

I  jape,  I  iryfle.  Je  truffe,  or  je  truffle  aad  je  me 
bourde,  prim.  conj.  I  dyd  but  jape  with 
hym ,  and  he  toke  it  in  good  ernest  :  je  ne 
mefys  que  truffer, OT  je  ne  me  fis  que  truffer, 
or  je  ne  me  fis  que  bourdera  luy,  et  il  le  print 
a  bon  csciant. 

I  ïE  a  thyng,  I  loke  upon  a  Ihing.  Je  spécule, 
prim.  conj.  and  je  aduise.  Yonder  felowe 
eyeth  me  faste ,  what  so  ever  he  meaneth  : 
ce  cornpaignon  la  maduise fort, or  spécule  fort 
sur  moy,  quoy  que  cest  quil  veult  dire. 

I  TELDE  agayne  or  quyte.  Je  acquicte,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  acquitte,  prim.  conj.  You 
bave  served  me  fayre,  but  it  maketh  no 
mater,  I  wyl  yelde  it  you  and  I  lyve  :  nous 
matiez  baillé  belle ,  mays  cest  tout  vng,  je  le 
vous  rendray  si  je  vis. 

I  yelde  ,  I  gyve  a  man  a  thyng  agayne.  Je  rens, 
nous  rendons,  je  rendis,  jay  rendu,  je  ren- 
dray, que  je  rende,  rendre,  tert.  conj.  I  am 
moche  bounden  unlo  you,  I  praye  God 
yelde  it  you  :  je  suis  fort  tenu  a  vous.  Dieu 
le  vous  vueille  rendre. 

I  JEPAHDB,  I  adventure.  Je  adacntare,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  hazarde,  prim.  conj.  Jeoparde 
nat  to  farre,  I  wolde  advyse  you  :  ne  aduen- 
tarez  pas  trop  auant,  se  vous  men  croyez,  or 
ne  vous  hazardez  pas  trop. 

I  JETTE  with  facyon  and  countenaunce  to  set 
forthe  my  selfe.  Je  braggue,  I  pray  you,  se 
bow  this  felowe  jelletli  :  jepous  priS,  adui- 
sez  comment  ce  cornpaignon  braggue. 

I  jette,  I  make  a  countenaunce  with  my  legges. 
Je  me  jamboye,  verbum  médium  prim. 
conj.  I  wolte  nat  what  his  herle  is,  but 
he  jetteth  horribiye  in  his  pace  :  je  ne  scay 
comment  ila  le  cucur,mays  il  se  jamboye  fort. 

I  ILLDSTRATE ,  I  bring  to  lyghl  or  make  noble 
or  wortliy.  Je  illustre,  prim.  conj.  This 
noble  acte  illustretb  your  famé  above  ai 



your  ancesters  :  ce  noble  act  illaslre  vostre 
renommée  par  dessus  tous  voz  ancestres. 

J  YMAGYNE,  I  présent  to  my  ymagynacion.  Je 
ymagine,  prim.  conj.  Ymagyne  nowe  that 
you  were  a  lorde,  tel  me,  I  pray  you, 
howe  wyseiy  you  wolde  governe  your 
house  :  ymaginez  mayntenant  que  vous  fus- 
siez vng  seignieur,  dictez  moy,  je  vous  prie, 
par  quelle  prudence  vous  mettryez  ordre  a 
vostre  maison. 

I  ymagyne  or  contryve  a  false  taie.  Je  con- 
treuue,  prim.  conj.  This  is  a  cbylde  for 
tbe  nones,  he  can  ymagyn  the  thing  that 
was  never  thought  nor  wrought  :  voycy 
vng  enfant  de  mesmes,  il  scayt  contreuuer  la 
chose  qui  ne  fut  jamays  pencée  nefaicte. 

I  lUBESELL,  I  hyde  or  consoyle.  Je  celé,  prim. 
conj.  Ha  ha ,  are  you  suche  a  one,  wolde 
you  embesyll  my  thynges  from  me  :  ha, 
ha,  estez  vous  tel,  voulez  vous  celer  mes 
choses  de  moy  ? 

1  iNCREASE.  Jaugmente,  prim.  conj.  We  muste 
nedes  waxeryche,  our  householdc  increa- 
seth  every  daye  :  il  est  force  que  nous  deue- 
nons  riches,  car  nostre  mesnayge  saugmcnte 
de  jour  en  jour. 

I  iNDEVEn  my  setfe  to  do  a  thyng,  I  payne  my 
seife.  Je  me  peyne,je  me  suis  pené,  pener, 
verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  I  indever  me 
to  do  the  best  I  can ,  and  I  hâve  no  thanke 
for  my  labour  :  je  me  pêne  a  faire  du  mieulx 
que  je  puis,  et  on  ne  me  scait  poynl  de  gré 
pour  mon  trauail. 

I  iMPALE,  I  close  a  grounde  or  a  parke  with 
pales.  Je  emparque  and  je  parque,  prim. 
conj.  I  bave  impaled  my  lytell  parocke  : 
jay  emparque  mon  petit  parqnet. 

I  iMPOYSON.  Jempoysonne,  prim.  conj.I  can  nat 
tell  wherof  he  dyed ,  but  some  thynke 
that  he  was  impoysonned  :  je  ne  scay  pas 
dont  il  mourut,  mays  les  aulcuns  pencent 
qail  estoyt  empoysonné. 

1  iMPORTCNE  one,  I  werye  bym  by  importunate 

sute  making  to  bini  for  a  mater.  Je  impor- 

,     tune,  prim.  conj.  On  my  faythe  you  are  to 

blâme,  you  importune  bym   beyond  ail 

rcason  ;  sur  ma  foy,  vous  auez  tort,  vous 
limportunez  oullre  toute  mesure, 

I  iMPRiNT,  I  borowe  (Lydgate).  Jemprunte, 
prim.  conj.  Declared  in  «I  borowe». 

I  IMPUGNK  a  mannes  opynion  with  a  contrarye 
reason.  Je  empugne,  prim.  conj.  Men  may 
saye  as  they  lyste,  but  I  knowe  no  man 
can  impugne  his  reason  :  len  peult  parler 
a  plaisance,  mays  je  ne  scaiche  homme  qui 
puisse  impugner  sa  raison. 

I    BÏFOHE   N. 

I  INNE,  I  put  in  to  the  berne.  Je  mets  en  gran- 
die. Hâve  you  inned  your  corne  yet  :  auez 
vous  encore  mys  voz  bledz  en  la  granche"^ 

I  INCLYNE,  I  bowedowne  orl  applye  my  mynde 
to  do  a  thyng.  Je  me  encline,  prim.  conj. 
If  you  wyll  nat  make  courtesye,  inclyne 
you  like  a  religyouse  man  :  se  vous  ne  vou- 
lez poynt  faire  le  petit,  enclinez  vous  au 
moyns  a  la  mode  des  religieux. 

I  iNCOHPORATE  a  man ,  I  make  him  of  crade  or 
faculté  to  be  sworne  to  it,  or  I  make  or 
forme  the  bodye  of  a  thyng,  or  forme  dy- 
verse  thynges  in  to  one  bodye.  Je  incor- 
pore, prim.  conj.  He  shall  be  incorporate 
to  morowe  unto  our  felowshyp  :  il  sem 
demayn  incorporé  a  nostre  mestier,  oa  a  nostre 

I  INCREASE,  as  frutes  do.  Je  fructifie,  prim. 
conj.  It  is  a  straunge  tbyngc  that  one 
grayne  shulde  increase  thurty  ;  cest  vne 
chose  estrange  qung  grayn  fructifie  trente. 

I  increase,  I  waxe  more,  as  any  lytell  thynge 
dothe.  Jaccroys,  conjugale  lyke  bis  sympic 
je  croys,  I  growe.  This  chylde  is  well  in- 
creased  sythe  I  sawe  hyra  lasle  :  cest  en- 
fant est  bien  accreudespuis  que  je  leveis  der- 

I  INDYTE  a  letter  or  a  wrightyng.  Je  compose  , 
je  dite,  prim.  conj.  He  wrighteth  no  very 
fayre  letter,  but  he  indyteth  passing  well  : 
il  nescript  pas  trop  belle  lettre,  mays  il  com- 
pose, or  il  dite  fort  bien. 

I  indyte  a  man  by  indytement.  They  bave  no 
suche  processe  in  tbeir  lawe. 


I  INDDCE  a  man  by  teachyng  of  hym  or  by  rea- 
sonnyng  with  hym  to  do  a  thyng.  Je  iii- 
days,  nous  indujsons ,  je  induisis,  jay  in- 
duytjje  indujray,  que  je  induise,  que  je  in- 
duisisse, induire,  tert.  conj.  I  coulde  nat 
induce  him  to  do  it  for  no  crafte  that  I 
coulde  use  ije  ne  le  pouuoye  poynt  induyre 
pour  le  faire  par  nulle  ruse  que  je  pouuoye 

I  INDUE.  Je  endoue,  prira.  conj.  Tbis  bouse  is 
rycbely  indued  :  ceste  maison  est  richement 

I  INDCCTE  an  abbot  or  snobe  lyke.  Je  conjerme 
vn<j  ahbé.  I  niuste  iuductan  abbolte  lo  mo- 
rowe,  or  eis  I  wolde  wayte  upon  you  :  il  nie 
fault  demayn  conjermer  vng  abbé,  ou  aultre- 
mentje  entenderoye  a  vous, 

I  INFECTE  tbe  ayre  or  a  person  with  yvell  sa- 
veurs or  corrupcion.  Je  empunaise,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  injecte  and  je  empoysonne , 
prim.  conj.  Come  nat  ibere ,  tbe  ayer  is  in- 
fecte :  ne  hantez  pas  la,  car  layr  est  empu- 
naysé,  infecté,  or  empoysonne. 

1  infecte.  Je  empoysonne ,  jentache,  and  je  infecte. 

I  INPLAME  with  heate  or  with  fyre,  or  I  sette 
a  fyre.  Jenjlamme ,  prim.  conj.  Tbis  wyne 
inflametb  my  lyver  :  ce  vin  me  enflamme  le 

I  ISFLATE.  Jenjle,  prim.  conj.  Connynge  infla- 
teth  excepte  a  man  bave  grâce  witbail  : 
science  enfle  se  on  na  pas  de  (jrace  aussi. 

I  INFORME.  Je  enferme,  prira  conj.  Who  so  ever 
bath  ioforaied  you  so  hath  nat  sayde  trutbe  : 
quiconques  vous  a  ainsi  enfermé  il  na  pas 
dit  la  vérité. 

I  INHABÏTE.  Je  habite,  prim.  conj.  Tbis  coun- 
tray  is  notbyng  so  weli  inbabyted  as  it 
hath  ben  witbin  tyme  of  mynde  :  ce  pays 
icy  nest  nullement  si  bien  habité  çuti  a  esté 
en  temps  de  memoyre. 

I INHERÏT.  Je  hérite,  prim.  conj.  He  pnrchaseth 
fast,but  he  is  a  wyse  man  that  can  teil  who 
sbali  inlieryt  hym  :  il  achapie  des  reuenues 
fort,  mays  si  est  il  sage  pourtant  qui  scau- 
royt  dire  qui  les  héritera. 

I  INHIBÏT,  I  forbydde.  Je  inhibe.  He  wolde  bave 



gyven  judgement  if  he  bad  nat  ben  inhy- 
byt  by  a  byer  courte  :  il  eust  donné  sen- 
tence sil  neust  esté  inhibé  par  vue  court  su- 
'  I  INJOÏNE  penaunce.  Je  enjoings,  or  je  charge  en 
penilance.  I  am  injoyned  in  penaunce  to 
faste  ail  lent  :  on  me  enjoingnyt,  or  me  char- 
gea en  penitance  de  jeûner  tout  le  quaresme. 

I  injoyne  thynges  togyther.  Je  conjoyngs,  nous 
conjoyngnons,  je  conjoygnis,jay  conjoynct, 
je  coujoyndray,  que  je  conjoygne,  con- 
joyndre,  tert.  conj.  Wban  it  came  to  the 
joynyng  tliey  fledde  away  :  quant  ce  vint  a 
conjoynJre  Hz  senfuyrent. 

I  injoyne  togyther.  Je  ajoyns  or  adjoyngs,  and 
je  conjoyngs,  conjugate  lyke  their  symple 
J^JoyS^-  They  be  joyned  togyther  to  faste 
by  maryage  to  be  severed  :  Hz  sont  trop 
fort  conjoings  par  mariage  pour  estre  sépa- 
rez densemble. 

I  INPABTE  (Lydgate),  I  myxte  thynges.  I  take 
parte  of  one  and  parte  of  another.  Je  mesle 
ensemble,  je  prens  part  dang  et  part  ddultre. 

I  INSENCE,  I  provoke  or  styrre  one  to  anger.  Je 
insence,  prim.  conj.  I  never  sawe  man  in 
my  lyfe  so  insensed  :  jamays  a  ma  vie  ne 
vis  homme  si  insensé. 

l  insence  with  folye.  Je  infatué,  prim.  conj.  She 
hath  so  insensed  bim  with  folye  that  he 
is  aimoste  as  wyse  as  an  ape  :  elle  la  telle- 
ment infatué  quil  est  presques  aussi  saige 
qung  singe. 

I  INSPYRE,  as  the  Holy  Goste  dothe  men  with 
bis  grâces.  Je  inspire,  prim.  conj.  Some 
saye  that  he  is  inspyred  with  tbe  Holy 
Goste,  but  I  wene  he  be  inspyred  with 
the  spyrites  of  tbe  buttery  :  les  aulcuns 
disent  quil  est  inspiré  du  Sainct  Esprit,  mays 
je  cuide  quil  est  inspiré  des  espirytz  de  la 

I INSTÏTOTE ,  I  ordayne  a  thynge  to  be  donc.  Je 
institue,  prim.  conj.  Who  dyd  fîrst  insty- 
tute  tbis  lawe  :  qui  institua  premier  ceste 

I  iNSTROCTE,  I  teacbe  or  bring  up.  Je  instmys, 
nous  instruysons,  je  instruysis,jay  instruyct. 



je  instruyray,  que  je  instruise,  que  je  instrui- 
sisse, instruyre,  tcrt.  conj.  He  instructeth 
a  chylde  as  well  as  any  man  that  I  knowe  : 
il  instrujl  vn<j  enfant  aussi  bien  que  homme 
que  je  saiche. 

I  INSDEB.  Je  promaytz ,  je  assure,  prim.  conj.  I 
iDsure  you ,  do  the  best  you  can,  you  gelte 
it  nat  vous  en  assure,  faytez  du  mieubc 
que  vous  pouez,  si  ne  laurez  vous poynt, 

I  insuer  a  man  or  vvoman  by  maryage.  Jejiance, 
prim.  conj.  Howe  saye  you  lo  tbis,  be  tbey 
maryedsosone,  I  wyste  nattbat  tbey  were 
iosured  yet  :  comment, or  quen  ditez-vous  de 
cecy,  se]sont  Hz  mariez  si  tost,je  ne  scauoye 
pas  quilz  estoyent  fiancez. 

I INTEMDE.  Je  propose,  prim.  conj.  or  je  suis  dé- 
libéré. I  intende  to  be  tbere  to  morowe 
and  God  wyll  propose,  or  je  suis  délibéré 
de  me  y  troauer  demayn  se  Dieu  playt. 

I  intende,  I  am  at  leyser  to  do  a  tbynge.  Je  suis 
a  loysir.  So  sone  as  I  can  intende  I  wyll 
rede  your  byli  :  aussi  tost  que  je  seray  de 
loysir  je  lyray  vostre  cedule.  I  praye  you , 
pardon  me ,  I  can  nat  inteade  it  nowe  : 
pardonnez  moy,je  vous  prie,  je  ne  suis  pas 
a  loysir  pour  asleure,  or  je  ne  y  pais  pas 

I  INTERDYTE,  I  cursB  a  lande.  Je  entredys,jay 
entredict,  entredire,  conjiigate  lyke  bis 
symple  je  dis,  I  say.  It  is  a  pytiouse  thyng 
whan  a  lande  is  interdycted  :  cest  vne  chose 
bien  pitoyable  quant  vne  terre  est  entre- 

I  INTERPRETE,  I  expownde  or  déclare  a  tbyng. 
Je  interprète,  prim.  conj.  Saynte  Jérôme 
dyd  intcrpret  tbe  Bybyli  out  of  bebreu  in 
to  latyne  :  saynct  Jerosme  interpréta  la  Bible 
dhebrieu  en  lalyn, 

I INIERRDPTE,  I  iet  or  bynder  one  to  do  a  tbing. 
Je  interrupte,  prim.  conj.  Wbat  so  ever  I 
enterprise  you  ever  interrupte  me  :  quoy 
que  je  entreprens  vous  me  interraptez  tous- 
jours.  And  je  entreromps,  conjugate  lyke 
bis  symple  je  romps,  I  breake. 

I  WTYSE  to  an  yveli  purpose.  Je  alechie,  priva. 
cooj.  À  yonge  persone  is  soone  iutysed  to 

yvell  :  vne  jeune  personne  est  bien  tost  ale- 
chée  a  mal. 

1  INTYTLE.  Je  intitule,  prim.  conj.  I  am  intytul- 
ed  to  thèse  landes  by  my  motlier  :  je  sais 
intitulé  a  ces  terres,  or  je  pretens  tiltre  a  ces 
terres  de  par  ma  mère. 

I  INTOXÏCAT,  I  poyson  with  venyme.  Je  ento- 
xiqae,  prim.  conj.  Thynges  intoxycate  witb 
poyson  waxe  poyson  also  :  choses  intoxi- 
quées de  poyson  deuiennent  poyson  aussi. 

I ISTREATE  one,  I  bandell  hym.  Je  traicte,  prim. 
conj.  I  praye  you,  intreate  bym  well,  he 
is  a  gentylman  :  je  vous  prie,  traictez  le 
bien,  il  est  gentilhomme. 

I  intreate,  I  praye.  Je  prie,  prim.  conj.  I  can 
nat  intreate  bym  :  je  ne  le  puis  pas  prier. 

I  INVADE,  as  one  prince  dotbe  a  nothers  couu- 
traye  whan  tbey  be  at  warre  togyther.  Je 
inuahys,  sec.  conj.  Tbe  two  kynges  dyd  in- 
vade  eache  other  and  made  sharpe  warre: 
les  deux  roys  se  entre  inuahyrent  et  Jirent 
aspre  guerre  ensemble. 

I    BEFORE    O V. 

I  JOGYLL.  Je  joue  de  pas  pas.  Mathewe  jogyled 
the  cleanest  of  any  man  in  our  dayes: 
Matieu  jouoyt  de  pas  pas  le  plus  nettement 
dhomme  qui  fat  en  nostre  temps. 

I  JOï.  Je  rejouis,  jay  rejouy,  sec.  conj.  and  je 
suis  joyeux.  I  joy  it  as  moche  as  it  were 
for  my  selfe  :  je  le  rejouy  s  autant  comme 
silfut  pour  moy  mesmes, 

I  JOYNTE,  I  eut  meate  Ly  the  joynlcs  to  make 
it  meter  for  the  potte  or  spytte.  Jejoinctys, 
jay  joincty,  joinctir,  sec.  conj.  Joynte  tbis 
meate,  or  you  put  it  in  the  potte  :  joync- 
tissez  cesle  viande  anant  que  la  mettre  au  pot. 

I  JOYNE  one  tbynge  to  an  other.  Je  adjoings, 
conjugal  lyke  bis  simplejcjo^njs.  Ijoyne. 
Who  can  joyne  two  hylles  togyther  :  qui 
peult  adjoyndre  deux  montaignes? 

Ijoyne  or  bring  in  one.  Jadune,  prim.  conj. 
The  ryver  of  Tames  begynneth  where 
Tame  and  Yse  joyne  togyther  :  le  fleaue 
de  Tamyse  commence  la  ou  Tame  et  Yse  se 
adunent,  or  se  conjoyngnent. 



I  joyne  tbynges  togyther.  Je  joynijs,  nousjain- 
gnons ,  je  jo'mgnys ,  jwyjoinct,  je  joindray, 
(jae  je  jo'mgne ,  joindre,  tert.  conj.  and 
conjoynys,  conjugale  iyke  bis  symple  je 
joinjî,  I  joyne.  And  je  reviiis,  sec.  conj. 
and  je  annexe,  prim.  conj.  He  that  coulde 
joyne  tbese  tbynges  togytber  were  a  con- 
nynge  workeman  :  qui  saurojt  joyndre , 
revnyr,  or  annexer  ces  choses,  seroyt  vntj 
expert  homme,  or  vng  maystre  oaarier.  And 
je  adnne.  And  je  adjoaste,  prim.  conj. 

I  joyne  togytber.  Je  conjoyngs,  conjugate  lyke 
bis  symple  je  joyngs,  I  joyue.  AU  the 
woride  can  nat  joyne  fyre  and  water  to- 
gytber ;  tout  le  monde  ne  peult  conjoyndre 
feu  et  eaue  ensemble. 

I  joyne ,  as  two  countreys  joyne  togyther.  Jaf- 
Jronle,  prim.  conj.  Pycardye  joynetb  upon 
Artoys  :  la  Picardie  se  affronte  a  Arloys. 

I  joyne  or  ciaspe,  as  a  shyppe  dothe  with  an 
other.  Jaborde,  prim.  conj.  They  sbotte 
ail  tbeir  ordonnauoce  thrise  or  ever  they 
joyned  :  Hz  tirèrent  toute  leur  artillerie  par 
tivys  foys  auant  que  aborder,  or  quih 

I  joyne  a  thynge  to  an  other.  Je  adjouste,  prim. 
conj.  Joyne  this  unto  it  and  than  it  wyll 
be  longer  :  adjouslez  cecy  a  cela,  el  adonc 
il  sera  plus  long. 

I  joyne  with  myn  enemye.  Je  me  aborde  a  mon 
ennemy.  Thougfae  he  be  called  never  so 
peryllous,  1  dare  joyne  with  hym  :  tant 
soyt  il  tenu  pour  dangereux ,  si  lose  je 

I JOLLE  one  aboute  the  eares.  Je soajjieile ,  prim. 
conj.  I  jolled  hym  aboute  the  eares  tyll  I 
made  my  fyste  sore  le  soujlettay  tant, 
que  le  poing  me  fist  mal. 

I  JORNEY  by  the  waye.  Je  chemine,  je  voyage, 
je  joumoye ,  prim.  conj.  This  borse  is  nat 
fayre,  but  he  journayetb  well  :  ce  cheaal 
nest  guayres  beau,  mais  il  chemine  bien, 
or  il  voyage  bien,  or  il  joumoye  bien. 

I  JOTTE,  I  touche  one  thynge  agaynst  another. 
Je  herce,  prim.  conj.  and  je  heurte,  prim. 
conj.  What  nedest  thou  to  jotte  me  with 

tbyne  elbowe,  thou  arte  disposed  to  pyke 
a  quarell  :  a  quoy  est  il  besoing  de  me 
hercer,  or  de  me  heurter  de  ton  coulde ,  ta 
es  délibéré  de  prendre  noyse  aux  gens. 

I  ïiiKE ,  I  waxe  werye ,  or  displeasaunte  of  a 
tbyng.  Je  me  ennuys,  nous  nous  ennuyons, 
je  mennuys,  je  me  suis  ennuyé,  je  mennuy- 
ray,  que  je  mennuye,  eimuir,  verbum  mé- 
dium tert.  conj.  I  yrke  me  more  with  bis 
servyce  than  of  any  thyng  that  ever  I  dyd 
in  my  lyfe  :je  mennuys  plus  de  son  seruice 
que  de  chose  que  je  jis  jamays  en  ma  vie. 

I  yrke,  I  waxe  werye  by  occupyeng  of  my 
mynde  aboute  a  thynge  that  displeaseth 
me.  //  me  tenne ,  verbum  impersonale 
prim.  conj.  And  il  me  ennuyé,  used  lyke 
a  verbe  imparsonall.  It  yrketb  me  to  bere 
hym  boste  thus  :  il  me  tenne,  or  il  me 
ennuyé  de  loayr  ainsi  vanter. 

I  ïsscE,  I  come  out  of  a  place,  or  of  a  thyng. 
Je  ys,  il  yst,  nous  issons,  je  yssys,  jay 
issy,  and  issu,  je  ystray,  que  je ysse,  que 
je  ysisse,  ystir,  tert.  conj, 

Is.  The  différent  maners  of  speakyng  by  this 
verbe  «  is  ».  What  is  the  let  :  a  quoy  tient 
il?  What  is  tbe  cause  :  a  quoy  tient  il? 
Where  in  the  faulte  :  a  quoy  tient  il? 
Where  in  is  the  faulte  :  a  quoy  tient  il? 
Who  is  hère ,  as  ve  saye  whan  we  knocke 
at  a  doore  :  hola.  Wbo  is  there ,  as  they 
use  to  answere  that  be  with  in  :  qui  est 

It  yrketh  me ,  I  waxe  wery,  or  displeasannt  of 
a  thyng.  72  me  ennuyt  and  so,  usyng  the 
thyrde  person  synguler  of  this  verbe  il 
me  ennuyé,  conjugate  in  «I  wery».  It  yr- 
keth me  of  this  longe  taryeng  :  il  nwnnayt 
de  ce  long  séjour.  And  in  this  sence  I  fynde 
also  il  mejaiche,  verbum  impersonale.  It 
yrketb  me  to  bere  you  prate  thus  :  il  me 
faiche  de  vous  oayr  aynsi  houbanser.  And 
in  this  sencc  I  fynde  also  il  me  tenue, 
verbum  impersonale.  It  yrketh  me  of  this 
playe  :  i7  me  tenne  de  ce  jeu. 

It  is  a  slepe,  as  oncs  bande,  or  foote  is,  whan 
be  can   nat  be   nsed  tyll  tbe  bloode  be 




corne  to  it  agayne.  Il  est  endormj,  or  il  est 
estoardy.  My  foote  is  a  slepe ,  I  can  nal 
go  yet  thoughe  I  wolde  never  so  fayne  : 
mon  pied  est  endormj,  je  ne  puis  pas  encore 
aller,  tant  le  vouldrojs  je  voulenliers  faire. 

It  is  better.  Il  vault  myealx,  il  valoyt,  il  vaul- 
droyl,  il  a  valu,  il  vauldra,  qail  vaille,  quil 
vaulsist,  Do/o)T,  joynyng  mieuhc  unto  every 
tence  of  t7  vault.  It  is  better  to  ytche  than 
to  sniarte  :  il  vault  mieulx  quil  te  cuyse  quil 
ne  fait  quU  te  mangue,  It  were  better  for 
the  to  ronnc,  I  holde  the  a  peny,  and  I 
corne  to  the  :  il  te  vauldroyt  mieux  courrir, 
je  yaige  a  toy  vng  denier,  si  je  viens  a  toy. 

Jt  sbali  be  better  to  speake  with  me  Crst.  Il  te 
vauldra  mieulx  parler  a  moy  premier.  Two 
wyttes  be  farre  better  than  one  :  double 
sens  vault  mieux  beaucoup  qung  seul. 

It  is  colde ,  as  tbe  weather  is.  Il  faictfroyt.  It 
is  colde  to  day ,  gel  me  my  furred  gowne  : 
il  fait  froyt  aujourdhuy ,  va  me  quérir  ma 
robe  fourrée. 

It  is  yveil  to  do  a  thynge.  Il  fait  malfaire.  It  is 
yveli  to  prate  moche  :  il  fait  mal  trop  cac- 

It  is  fayre,  as  the  weather.  Ilfait  beau.  It  is  fayre, 
let  us  go  sbote  this  aller  noone  :  il  fait 
beau .  allons  tirer,  de  lare,  or  (irer  ceste  après 

It  is  fautlesse.  //  est  sansfaulte ,  or  il  est  sans  sy. 
ïhis  golde  is  faulelesse  :  cest  or  est  sans 
faulte  nulle.  Ile  is  a  feiowe  fautelesse  :  cest 
vny  compaiçjnon  sans  sy. 

It  is  foule  under  foote.  Ilfait  lait,  or  ort.  It  is 
fouie,  go  nat  outto  day  :  ilfait  layt,  or  ort, 
nallez  pas  dehors  aujourdhuy. 

It  is  foule  in  the  stretes.  Ilfait  ort  en  my  les 
rues,  You  shall  daggyll  your  clothes  :  vous 
crotterez  voz  habiUemens. 

It  is  a  foule  weather,  as  whan  itrayneth  ,  snow- 
eth,  or  browelh,  or  any  otherwyse  storm- 
etb.  Ilfait  mauluais  temps.  It  hath  ben  a 
foule  weather  to  nyght  :  il  a  fait  vng  maul- 
uays  temps  a  nayt. 

It  is  a  good  thyng  to  se  tbcm  without  forthe  : 
il  les  fait  beau  voyr  par  dehors. 

It  is  good  to  do  a  thyng,  as  it  is  good  to  speake , 
or  holde  ones  peace,  to  journay,  to  rest 
and  suche  lyke.  Il  fuit  bon  parler,  de  se 
taire,  de  voiager,  et  de  se  reposer.  Whan 
the  pygge  is  profered  it  is  good  to  apen 
the  poke  :  quant  on  vous  offre  le  coychon  il 
fait  bon  ouurir  le  sac. 

It  is  bote,  as  the  weather  is.  Il  fait  chault.  It  is 
bote,  se  bowe  I  sweate  :  ilfait  chault, 
acjurdez  comment  je  sue, 

It  greveth  me,  or  wo  is  me  of  a  thynge.  Cepoyse 
moy.  Wo  is  me  for  it  :  ce  poyse  moy  de 
cela.  Wo  is  me  to  se  the  in  this  case  :  ce 
poyse  moy  de  te  voyr  en  ce  point.  And  i7  me 
fait  mal.  As  it  greveth  me  more  than  I  saye 
that.  I  can  do  the  no  good  in  this  mater  : 
il  méfait  plus  grant  mal  que  je  ne  dis,  que 
je  ne  te  puis  faire  nul  bien  en  cest  affayre. 

It  is  ynougb ,  as  meate  is  whan  it  is  sodden  or 
rosted,  baken  or  broyled  ynougb.  Il  est 
cuit.  Take  up  the  meate ,  it  is  ynoughe  : 
ostez  la  viande  du  feu,  elle  est  assez  cuyte. 

It  is  yll  to  kepe,  as  a  thynge  that  wyll  sone  be 
rotten  or  styuke.  //  est  de  mauluaise  garde. 
This  appell  is  yll  to  kepe  :  ceste  pomme  est 
de  mauluaise  garde. 

I  ITEH,  or  renewe,  or  do  a  thyng  agayne,  or  do 
a  thyng  ofte  tyines.  Je  itère,  prim.  conj. 
Thoughe  a  thyng  take  nat  eflecte ,  at  the 
first  with  ofte  iteryng  it  maye  come  to 
passe  well  ynoughe  :  combien  qune  chose  ne 
preigne  pas  son  effect  tout  au  premier,  par 
souuent  itérer  on  le  peult  mener  a  effect  bien 

It  is  no  holde  in  hym,  be  is  so  inconstante.  Il 
na  poynl  de  constance  en  hiy.  Tberc  is  no 
more  holde  at  hym  than  at  the  wavyng  of 
a  dogges  tayle  :  il  ny  a  non  plus  de  cons- 
tance  en  son  fait  quily  a  au  mouuement  de 
la  queue  dung  chien. 

It  is  nat  sodden  ynoughe.  //  nest  pas  assez  cuit, 
You  shulde  bave  had  a  podyng  to  daye  to 
dynner,  but  it  is  nat  sodden  ynoughe  :  vous 
eussiez  eu  vng  boudyn  aujourdhuy  a  disner, 
mais  il  nest  pas  assez  cuyt. 

It  is  pytie  thou  arte  onbanged.  Cest  dommaige 



que  tu  nés  pendu.  It  is  pytie  to  do  the  good , 
thou  arte  so  naughty  a  person  :  cest  dom- 
maige  de  te  aider,  ta  es  si  mauluays  garçon. 
It  is  rosted  sokyngly.  //  est  cuit,  or  rosty  tout  a 
loysir.  Tliis  pasty  is  nat  baken  ynouglie  : 
ce  posté  nesl  pas  assez  cuit. 
It  is  to  be  consydered.  Il  fait  a  considérer.  Me 
thynketh  many  thynges  were  to  be  consy- 
dered or  a  man  sliulde  take  in  bande  su- 
che  a  mater  :  il  niest  aduis  que  majntes 
choses  seroyent  a  considérer  anant  ifuon  en- 
treprint  vne  telle  affaire. 
It  is  to  ray  paye.  R  me  vient  a  gré.  I  payde  twelve 
pcns  to  day  for  my  dyner  wbicbe  was  but 
lyteli  to  my  pay  :  il  me  cousta  douze  deniers 
pour  mon  disner  aujourdhuv  ce  que  ne  me 
vint  guajrcs  au  gré. 
It  is  worse.  Il  vault  pis.  It  is  worse  to  be  a  bac- 
kebyter  tlian  a  lencbour  :  il  vaullpis  désire 
vng  détracteur  qung  padlart.  It  is  worse  now 
than  ever  it  was  :  or  va  Hl  pis  mayntenanl 
que  jamays. 
It  iTCHETn.  Il  me  cuit,  il  me  cuisoyl,  il  me  cui- 
sit, il  ma  cuit,  il  me  cuira,  quil  me  cuise, 
quil  me  cuisist,  cuire.  My  to  ytcbeth  :  mon 
orteil  me  cuyt.  Wban  thy  wounde  begyn- 
neth  to   heaie,  it   wyll  ytcbe   :  quant  ta 
playe  se  commencera  a  guayrir,  elle  te  cuyra, 
It  is  out  of  joynte,  as  my  foote  is  out  of 
joynte  :  mon  pied  est  hors  de  la  moaelle. 
Tbere  is  a  padde  in  the  strawe.  /(  y  a  de  loi- 
gnon.  Thougb  they  make  never  so  fayre  a 
face ,  yet  tbere  is  a  padde  in  tbe  strawe  : 
tant  tiennent  Hz  bonne  myne,  or  tant  facent 
Hz  bonne  mine,  si  ily  a  de  loignon. 
Tbere  is  difTerence  bytwene  tbynges,  tbe  one 
diOeretb  from  the  other.  Il  y  a  a  dire. 
Tbere  is  différence  bytwene  cbalke  and 
chcse  .ily  a  a  dire  entre  croye  et  Jrom- 
Tbere  is  great  différence  or  moclie  différence. 
Ily  a  bien  a  dire.  Tbere  is  a  great  diffé- 
rence bytwene  tbem  :  H  y  a  bien  a  dire 
entre  eulx. 
Tbere  is  no  différence.  Il  ny  a  point  a  dire,  or  il 
ny  a  riens  a  dire.  Tbere  is  no  différence 

bytwene  tbem  :  il  ny  a  riens  a  dire  entre 

Tbere  is  no  faute  in  bym.  //  ny  a  que  redire  en 

Tbere  is  no  hoide  in  one,  he  is  inconstante.  // 
ny  a  poynt  de  constance.  Tbere  is  no  more 
hotde  at  hira  tban  at  tbe  wavynge  of  a 
dogges  tayle  :  il  ny  a  non  plus  de  constance  en 
luyqaeaumouuementdela  queue  dungchicn. 

Tbe  faute  is  nat  in  me.  Il  ne  tient  pas  en  moy. 
Tbe  faute  was  in  bym  that  I  bad  nat  mync 
offyce  :  il  tint  a  luy  que  je  neus  pus  mon  of- 

Tbere  is  none  to  it.  Il  ny  a  que  redire,  or  i7  ny 
a  rien  qua  cela  se  compare,  or  il  ny  a  riens 
auprès  de  cela.  And  we  wolde  bandeli  tlie 
mater,  tbus  tbere  were  no  waye  to  it  :  se 
nous  pourrions  manier  le  cas  en  ce  poynl,  il 
ny  auroyt  riens  auprès  de  cela.  Howe  is  it 
with  you  :  comment  vous  est  il,  comment  va 
H,  or  comimentva,  or  comment  est  il?  Howe 
is  it  witb  the  man  :  comment  est  il? 

Wo  is  me,  it  grevetb  me  of  a  tbyng.  Ce  poyse 
moy.  Wo  is  me  to  se  tbe  in  tbis  case  :  ce 
poyse  moy  de  te  reoyr  en  ce  poynt. 

I  JDGE  or  gyve  sentence  of  jugement.  Jadjouge, 
je  sentencie ,  jadjuge,jarbitre,jejouge.  He 
is  juged  to  dye  :  il  est  adjugé  de  mourryr, 
il  est  sentencie.  The  mater  is  judged,  wbat 
wyll  you  nowe  do  :  la  matière  est  sentenciée, 
que  voulez  vous  mayntenant faire?  Tbis  ma- 
ter is  juged  in  tbe  hye  courte  :  ceste  ma- 
tière est  passée  par  arrest  de  parlement. 

I  JDGGYLL,  as  a  jugler  dotbe.  Je  jougle,  prim. 
conj.  Declared  in  «  I  joggyll  ». 

I  JOMBYLL,  I  make  a  by  removyng  of 
beavy  thynges.  Jefays  du  bruyi,  Tbey  bave 
jomhled  so  over  my  heed  to  nygbt  I  coulde 
nat  slepe  :  Hz  ont  fait  si  grant  bruyt  par 
dessus  ma  teste  que  je  ne  pouuoys  dormyr  a 

I  jumble,  as  one  dotbe  thaï  can  piay  upon  an 
instrument.  Je  brouille,  prim.  conj.  It 
wolde  make  one  pysse  to  hère  bim  jom- 
byll  on  a  lute  :  il  feroyt  vng  homme  pisser 
en  ses  chausses  louyr  brouyller  sur  vng  lus. 



I  JDPARTE,  I  put  in  daunger  or  adventure.  Je 
aduenture.  I  Lave  juparted  more  for  hyra 
than  ever  I  wyll  do  :  jay  plus  aduen- 
tari  ponr  lay  ijue  jamajs  ne  feroy  de  cy  en 

I  JDHPB,  as  one  dothe  that  holdeth  bothe  his 
fête  togyther,  and  leape  upon  a  thyng.  Je 
saalte,  prim.  conj.  or  je  pourbondis,  sec. 
conj.  I  holde  the  a  grotc  that  I  wyli 
jumpe  over  this  brooke  :  je  gaicje  a  toy  vng 
gros  (jueje  saulteray,  or  pourbondiray  oallre 
ce  ruysseau. 

I  JOSTE,  I  ronne  with  speares.  Je  jouste,  prim. 
conj.  Tbis  knygbt  jusleth  weli  :  ce  cheaa- 
lierjousle  bien,  or  contre  bien,  de  la  lance. 

I  JCSTiFïE.  Je  justijye,  prim.  conj.  I  bave  sayd 
notbynge  but  I  wyll  justifye  it  :  je  nay 
riens  dit  que  je  ne  vueille  justifier. 

K   BTFORE    A. 

I  KABAGE  a  deere.  Je  cabaiche ,  prim.  conj.  I 
wyll  cabage  my  dere  and  go  with  you  :  je 
cabacheray  ma  beste,  or  mon  dayn,  et  iray 
auecques  vous. 

I  KAOGE  the  plyghtes  of  a  garment.  Je  dresse 
des  plies  dune  lisière.  This  kote  is  yll  kadg- 
ed  :  ce  sayon  a  ses  plies  mal  dressés  dune 

I  KAKELL,  as  a  benne  dothe  afore  she  layeth 
egges.  Je  caquette.  This  benne  kakylletb 
fast,  I  wene  she  wyll  laye  ;  ceste  geline  cac- 
quettefort,je  croy  quelle  veult  pondre. 

I  KATCHE  a  tbyng,  I  laye  bandes  on  it  to  holde 
it  faste.  Je  happe,  prim.  conj.  And  I  catche 
you,  I  wyll  make  you  tell  me  anotber  taie  : 
si  je  vous  happe,  je  vous  feray  dire  vnij 
auhre  compte. 

I  KANKEH,  as  brasse  or  any  other  metall  can- 
kereth.  Je  vermoulys,  juy  vermouly,  ver- 
moulyr,  sec.  conj.  I  fynde  also  je  vermou- 
lus, for  the  présent  and  indiffynite  indy- 
catyvc,  and  jay  vermoulu.  This  potte  is 
kankred,  it  is  nat  bolsomc  to  sethe  meate 
in  :  ce  pot  est  vermoulu,  il  nest  pas  sayn 
pour  cuire  de  la  viande  dedens. 

I  KANTAS  a   doggc  or  a   mater.  Je  tra£icque. 

prim.  conj.  This  mater  hatli  be  canvasscd 
in  dede  :  de  fait  on  a  Irajjicqué  ceste  affaire 
de  mesmes. 

I  KAnvE  meate.  Je  trenche  viande,  jay  trenché, 
trencher,  and  je  entame,  prim.  conj.  Karve 
this  swanne  whyle  I  karve  to  thèse  ladyes  : 
entamez  ce  cigne  ce  pendant  que  je  trenche  a 
ces  dames. 

J  karve,  as  a  karver  dothe  yniages  or  suche 
iyke.  Je  entaille,  prim.  conj.  This  ymage 
and  ail  the  roode  loft  is  well  carved  :  ceste 
ymage  et  tout  le  beaujroy  est  bien  entaillé. 

K    BYFORE    E. 

I  KEELE  a  thing,  or  make  a  tbing  colde  tbat  is 
botte.  Je  rejroydis,  jay  rejroydy,  refroydir, 
sec.  conj.  Lawe,  you  began  to  hotte  but  me 
thynke  he  hatb  cooled  you  well  ynoughe  : 
agardez,  vous  commenciez  trop  chauldemenl , 
mays  il  vous  a  rejroydy  bien  et  beau. 

I  KEMBE  my  heed.  Je  me  peigne,  je  me  suis  pei- 
gné, peigner,  or  je  me  peigne  la  teste,  verhum 
médium  prim.  conj.  Howe  longe  are  you 
in  kembynge  of  your  heed  :  combien  mettez 
vous  a  peigner  vostre  teste?  K  l  kembe  ray 
heed  tyll  to  morowe  wbat  bave  you  to  do  : 
si  je  me  peigne  ma  teste  jusques  a  demayn 
quen  auez  vous  ajaire? 

I  KENNE,  I  knowe.  Jacongnoys,  conjugale  in  tl 
«knowe».  I  kenne  hym  well  ynoughe  by 
the  1  aste  tyme  :  je  le  congnoys  bien  assés  par 

1  KEPE  abstynence ,  I  forbeare  meate  and  drinke. 
Je  me  abstiens,  conjugale  Iyke  his  symple 
je  tiens,  I  holde,  verbum  mcdium  tert. 
conj.  You  do  nat  well  to  kepe  this  absty- 
nence in  myn  opinyon  :  vous  nefaictez  pas 
bien  de  vous  abstenir  en  ce  poynt  a  mafan- 

I  kepe  a  thyng  in  my  custody.  Je  garde,  prim. 
conj.  You  bave  my  herte,  kepe  it  well  : 
vous  auez  mon  cueur,  ganlez  le  bien.  Kepe 
your  hert  your  selfe  or  els  you  bave  but  a 
foolcs  heed  :  gardez  vostre  cueur  vous  mes- 
mes, ou  aullrement  vous  nouez  que  la  teste 



I  kepe  a  thynge  from  peryll  or  daunger.  Je 
contre  garde,  prim.  conj.  AH  the  frendes 
you  bave  can  nat  kepe  you  out  ofhis  han- 
des  :  tons  les  amys  que  vous  aucz  ne  vous 
peuuent  contregarder  hors  de  ses  majns. 

I  kepe  close,  dedared  in  «I  kepe  secrète». 

I  kepe  close,  as  a  man  dotlie  kepe  hym  selfe 
and  gotlie  nat  abrode  to  be  sene.  Je  garde 
ma  chambre,  OT  je  tiens  ma  chambre.  After 
you  bave  taken  your  medecyne  you  muste 
kepe  you  close  a  daye  or  twayne  :  après 
dauoyr  prins  vostre  medicine  il  vous  fault 
garder  vostre  chambre  pour  vngjour  ou  deux. 

I  kepe  counsayle,  declared  in  «I  kepe  secret». 
Je  garde  secret.  Your  servaunt  can  be  kepe 
counsayle  well  :  vostre  seruiteur  scait  il  bien 
garder  vng  secret  7 

I  kepe  bousebolde,  as  a  man  dotbe  tbat  pro- 
vydetli  for  meate  and  drinke  and  lyveth  at 
home.  Je  tiens  mayson,  conjugate  in  cl 
«  holde  ».  He  kepeth  as  good  a  bousebolde 
as  any  man  tliat  I  knowe  :  il  tient  aussi 
bonne  ntayson  que  homme  que  je  saiche. 

I  kepe  open  bouse,  as  a  prince  dotbe  at  a 
great  soicmnytie.  Je  tiens  court  planiere. 
Tbe  kyng  is  detcrmyned  to  kepe  bouse ,  or 
open  bouse  this  Cbrislemas  :  le  roy  est  dé- 
libéré de  tenir  court  planiere  ce  Noelqui  vient. 

1  kepe,  y  mayntayne,  as  I  kepe  my  selfe  wysely, 
clenly,  or  sache  like.  Je  me  tiens  and  je  me 
garde,  Kepe  tby  selfe  clenly  for  shame  : 
garde  toy,  or  tiens  toy  honnestement,  ta  doybs 
auoyr  honte. 

1  kepe  in  store,  as  one  dotbe  tbat  kepeth  a  ma  - 
ter  or  thynge  bebynde.  Je  reserue ,  prim. 
conj.  I  bave  kept  one  argument  in  store 
that  is  invyncible  :  jay  reseruè  vng  argu- 
ment qui  est  inuincible. 

1  kepe  in  tbraldome  or  in  subjection.  Je  sub- 
jecte,  prim.  conj.  and  je  soubtiue,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  assubjecte,  prim.  conj.  Tbe 
Great  Turkc  kepeth  bis  subjectesto  moche 
in  tbraldome  or  in  subjection  :  le  Grand 
Tare  subjecte  trop,  or  soubtiue  trop  ses  sub- 

I  kepe  me  within  my  bondes,  I  sober  my  selfe 

in  myne  actes.  Je  me  amodere,  verbum 
médium  prim.  conj.  and  je  me  amcsnre, 
verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  He  can  kepe 
bym  within  bis  boundes  as  well  as  any 
man  tbat  ever  I  sawe  :  il  se  scayt  aussi 
bien  amoderer,  or  amesurer,  quhomme  que  je 
vis  jamays. 

I  kepe  one  a  backe,  1  bynder  him  of  is  promo- 
cion.  Je  desauance ,  prim.  conj.  This  fyf- 
tene  yere  batb  be  kepte  me  backe,  God 
forgyve  hym  :  de  ces  quinze  ans  il  ma  desa- 
uance. Dieu  luy  pardoynt. 

I  kepe  one  backe,  I  bynder  bym  of  bis  journaye 
or  place  be  wolde  go  lo.  Je  retarde,  prim. 
conj.  I  bave  kepte  bym  backe  thèse  thre 
heures  :  je  lay  retardé  de  ces  troys  heures. 

I  kepe  one  companye,  I  enterlayne  one  witb 
my  Company  or  taikyng.  Je  entretiens. 
Kepe  this  gentylnian  company  tyll  I  come 
agayne  :  entretenez  ce  gentilhomme  tant  que 
je  reuiengne. 

I  kepe  one  company.  Jaccompaigne ,  prim.  conj. 
and  je  associe,  prim.  conj.  and  je  conuerse, 
prim.  conj.  and  je  laccompaigne ,  je  lasso- 
cie.  And  je  conuene  auecques  luy,  I  wyll 
kepe  your  company  wbytber  so  ever  you 
go  :  je  vous  accompaigneray ,  or  je  vous  as- 
socieray  quelque  part  que  vous  allez.  If  you 
kepe  ber  companye  you  sball  be  yveil 
named  :  si  vous  conuersez  auec  elle  vous 
serez  mal  renommé. 

1  kepe  one  shorte,  I  restrayne  hym  of  his  ly- 
bertye.  Je  tiens  court,  jay  tenu  court,  tenir 
court,  conjugate  in  «I  holde».  And  je  res- 
traings ,  jay  restrainct ,  je  restruindray,  que 
je  restraygne,  restraindre ,  tert  conj.  Lette 
men  holde  hym  very  shorte  :  qaon  le  tienne 
bien  court.  If  youth  he  nat  kepte  shorte  it 
wyll  be  marred  anone  :  se  on  ne  tient  jeu- 
nesse bien  court,  elle  sera  bien  tost  gâtée. 

I  kepe  one  witb  talke ,  or  passe  the  tyme  witb 
hym  tyll  he  be  begyled.  Je  amuse,  prim. 
conj.  He  kept  me  witb  a  talke  tyll  his  fe- 
lowe  pyked  my  purse  :  il  me  amasoyt  tant 
que  son  compaignon  fouiUoyt  en  ma  bource. 

I  kepe  one  witb  talke  for  passetyme.  Je  deuise. 



prim.  conj.  I  kepe  hym  with  talke  ;  je  de- 
uise  auecqucs  luy.  He  can  kepe  one  with 
talke  and  it  were  one  of  twenty  yere  olde  : 
il  scayl  aussi  bien  deuiser  comment  se  cejust 
viuj  de  loge  de  vingt  ans. 

I  kepe  one  in  a  place.  Je  tiens,  conjugale  in 
«  I  holde  B.  No  man  kepeth  the  here 
agaynst  thy  wyll  :  nul  ne  te  tient  icy  contre 
ton  gré. 

I  kepe  resydence,  I  abyde  contynually  in  a 
place.  Je  réside,  prim.  conj.  Where  ke- 
peth he  his  resydence  moste  :  ou  est  ce  quil 
se  tient  pour  le  plus  souuent  ? 

l  kepe  resydence  in  a  cathedrali  churche,  or  in 
a  place  where  I  tary  or  contynue  styll  in.  Je 
réside,  prim.  conj.  He  kepeth  resydence 
in  Yorke  Mynster  :  il  réside  au.  Monstier  de 
ï  orke. 

I  kepe  secrète',  or  I  kepe  counsayie ,  or  I  kepe  a 
mater  close.  Je  celle,  prim.  conj.  andjV 
tiens  secret,  jay  tenu  secret,  tenir  secret, 
conjugate  in  «  I  holde  ».  And  je  recelé,  prim. 
conj.  You  must  kepe  it  in  counsayie  :  i7  le 
tous  Jault  receler.  Kepe  nothynge  secrète 
from  me  -.  ne  me  celé  riens.  He  can  kepe 
secret  the  beste  that  ever  I  sawe  :  i7  scayt 
aassi  bien  celer  quliomme  que  je  vis  ja- 

I  kepe  under  a  multytude  from  rebellynge.  Je 
supprime,  prim.  conj.  And  I  had  nat  kept 
them  under,  they  bad  rebelled  or  this 
tyme  :  si  je  ne  les  eusse  supprimés,  Hz  se 
fussent  rebellés  deuant  ceste  heure. 

I  kepe  under,  I  kepe  in  awe.  Je  tiens  court,  con- 
jugate  in  •  I  holde».  Maydens  muste  be 
kept  under;  il  faut  quon  tienne  les  filles 

I  SERVE  ,  as  a  kerver  dotbe  an  ymage.  Je 
taille,  prim.  conj.  and  je  menuise,  prim. 
conj.  This  chayer  is  well  kerved  :  cesie 
chaire  est  bien  taillée,  or  bien  menujsée. 

I  kerve ,  as  a  lordes  karver  dotbe  at  his  table  : 
■  •  Je  trenche,  prim.  conj.  He  karvetb  byfore 
my  lorde  to  day  :  il  trenche  deuant  mon- 
sieur aujourdhay.  Karve  this  wylde  fowle  : 
entamé»  ceste  volaille. 

K    BYPORE    I. 

I  KYCKE,  as  a  borse  dotbe.  Je  regymbe,  prim. 
conj.  What  gyppe  gyll  with  a  galde  backe, 
begynne  you  to  kycke  nowc  :  hey,  de  par  le 
diable,  Gilotte  a  tout  voslre  dos  boursouflé, 
vous  mettez  vous  a  regimber  mayntenant  ? 

I  KïDDE  (Lydgate),  I  knowe.  Je  congnois.  This 
ternie  is  nat  yet  in  use. 

I  KYLL  a  man  or  beest.  Je  occis ,  nous  occisons , 
je  occis,  jay  occy,  je  occiray,  que  je  oc- 
cise OT  occie,  que  je  occisisse,  occire,  tert. 
conj.  and  je  tue,  prim.  conj.  The  poore 
man  was  kylled  shamefully  :  le  poare 
homme  fust  occy,  or  tué  honteusement.  He 
kylled  him  his  awno  bandes  :  il  le  tua  de 
ses  miiyns  propres. 

I  kyll ,  as  any  freatynge  medecyne  kylletb  deede 
(lesshe.  Je  mortifie,  prim.  couj.  and  je 
umorlis,  sec.  conj.  And  you  heale  his  legge 
up  afore  you  kyll  the  deed  flessbe  quyte 
you  marre  hym  for  ever  :  se  vous  luy  par- 
gucrissez  sa  jambe  auant  quauoyr  du  tout 
mortifié,  or  amorty,  la  chair  morte,  vous  le 
gastez  a  tout  jamays. 

l  kyll  up,  as  one  that  kylletb  the  resydewe  where 
inany  hâve  ben  kylled  afore.  Je  partue, 
prim.  conj.  Go  kyll  up  yonder  raskalles, 
let  nat  one  of  the  knaves  escape  your 
bandes  :  allez  partner  ceste  ribauldaillc ,  or 
canaille,  et  ne  laissez  pas  vng  des  villayns 
eschapper  de  voz  mayns. 

I  KYNDELL,  as  a  man  kyndylletb  a  fyre.  Je 
alume,  prim.  conj.  and  je  enflambe,  prim. 
conj.  Kyndeil  a  fyre  or  you  go  :  alume z 
du  feu  auant  que  vous  allez. 

I  KïNDYLL,  as  a  she  liare  or  cony  dotbe  wlian 
they  bring  forthe  yonge.  Jefays  despetis, 
or  jay  fait  des  petis.  A  konny  kyndyUetb 
every  moneth  in  the  yere  :  vng  connyn  a  des 
petis,  or  porte  des  petis  tous  les  moys  de  lan. 

I  kyndeli ,  I  set  abronde ,  or  poste  a  fyre.  Je  at- 
tise, prim.  conj.  Kyn  Jell  well  this  brande 
that  you  may  kepe  fyre  ail  nyght  :  attisez 
bien  ce  tison  affin  que  vous  puissiez  garder  du 
feu  toute,  la  nuycl. 



I  KïssE  one  with  my  inoutlie.  Je  baise,  prim. 
conj.  Kysse  me  oryou  go,  and  I  wyll  kysse 
you  wlian  you  conie  borne  :  bœysez  moy 
allant  que  vous  allez,  et  je  vous  huyseray 
quant  vous  retournerez. 

Ikïthe,  I  shewe  or  déclare  a  thyng,  as  he 
kythcth  from  wlience  1  am  (Lydgate). 
Je  demonstre.  This  terme  is  nat  used  in 
comen  spetclie. 

I  KïTTELL,  as  a  catte  dothe.  Je  chatonne,  prim. 
conj.  Gossyppe ,  whan  your  catte  kyteHetli, 
I  praye  you,  let  me  hâve  a  kytlynge  :  voj- 
syne,  quant  vostre  chat  chalonnera,  je  vous 
prie  que  jaye  vnq  de  voz  chattons. 

K  BYFOnE  N. 

I  KNEDE  paast.  Je  paistris,  sec.  conj.  And  you 
knede  your  paast  with  egges  and  butter  it 
shal  be  the  better  :  se  vous  paistrissez 
vostre  paste  auec  du  beurre  et  des  œujz,  elle 
en  vauldra  de  mieulx. 

I  knede  paast  to  niake  dowe  of  it.  Je  paistris, 
sec.  conj.  We  can  nat  knede  and  put  it 
into  the  oven  strayght  one  after  an  othcr  : 
nous  ne  pouons  paislrir  et  enfourner  tout  in- 
continent lung  après  laultre. 

I  KNEi.K  upon  buthe  tbe  knees.  Jeme  agenouille 
sur  tous  les  deux  (jenonlx,  or  je  me  age- 
nouille. Knele  downe  and  aske  me  bles- 
syng  and  you  shal  bave  a  fygge  :  agenouil- 
lez vous  et  nie  dcmimdez  ma  bénédiction  et 
vous  aurez  vne  figue. 

I  knele  upon  one  knee.  Je  me  agenouille  sur  vng 
genouil,  oTJe  me  mets  sur  mon  genouil.  The 
men  of  tbis  countray  knele  upon  one 
knee  wban  tliey  bere  masse,  but  tbe 
frenche  men  knele  upon  botbe  :  les  gens 
de  ce  pays  icy  sagenouillcnt  sur  vng  genouyl . 
mais  les  Francoys  sagenouillent  sur  tous  les 

I  knele  downe.  Je  me  agenouille,  verbum  mé- 
dium prim.  conj.  I  wyll  knele  downe 
and  reache  as  hyc  as  tbat  is  :  je  me  age- 
nouilleray  et  altuyndray  aussi  hault  que 

I  KNYTTE  a  knotte.  Je  noue,  prim.  conj.  Knytte 

your  purse  i'asle,  for  tbeir  be  sbrewes 
abrode  :  nouez  bien  vostre  bource,  car  il  y 
a  des  mauluaises  gens  par  le  monde. 

I  KNYT,  as  a  matte  maker  knytteth.  Je  tys,  jay 
tyssu,  tystre,  conjugale  in  «1  wayve».  He 
can  knyt  nettes  well  :  il  scayt  bien  tystre 
des  rayiz. 

I  knyt  bonetles  or  bosen.  Je  lasse,  prim.  conj. 
She  tbat  syttetb  knytiynge  from  morowe 
to  nygbt  can  skantly  vyyn  her  breed  :  celle 
qui  ne  fait  que  lasser  despuis  le  matin  jus- 
ques  au  soyr  a  grantpayne  peult  elle  guigner 
son  payn. 

I  knyt  one  up,  l  takehym  up,  I  reprove  bym. 
Je  reprouche,  prim.  conj.  In  dede  you 
knytte  me  up  at  your  pleasure  :  défait, 
uous  me  reprouchez  a  voslre  plaisir. 

I  knyt  tbe  browes.  Je  me  sourcille,  verbum  mé- 
dium prim.  conj.  Il  is  anangrye  syre ,  loke 
howe  he  knytteth  the  browes  :  cest  vng  gal- 
lant  bien  rechigneux ,  agardez  comment  il  se 

I  knytte  up  a  mater,  I  make  an  ende  or  con- 
clusyon  of  a  matter.  Je  détermine,  prim. 
conj.  He  can  knyt  up  a  mater  at  ones  :  il 
scayt  bien  tost  déterminer  vng  cas. 

I  knytte  up  a  mau ,  I  bolde  bym  shorte  or  kepe 
hyni  from  bis  lybertye.  Je  tiens  court.  By 
my  faytbc  you  rauste  knytte  bym  up,  there 
is  no  remedye  :  par  mafoy  il  le  vous  fuult 
tenir  court,  il  ny  apoyntde  remède. 

1  knytte  or  bynde  togyther.  Je  annexe,  prim. 
conj.  They  be  knytto  faste  togyther  to  be 
parled  a  sonder  :  Hz  sont  trop  annexez  pova- 
estre  séparez  denscmble. 

I  KNOCKE.  Je  hurte  or  heurte,  prim.  conj.  Go 
loke  wbo  is  tbat  knocketh  at  t)ie  dore  : 
alkz  veoyr  qui  cest  qui  heurte  a  Ihuys. 

I  knocke,  or  byt  agaynst  a  thing.  Je  aheurte, 
prim.  conj.  I  knocked  my  beed  agaynst 
the  poste  tbat  the  fyre  starte  out  of  myn 
eyes  :  je  aheurtay  de  ma  teste,  or  je  me 
lieurtay  la  teste  si  fort  contre  le  poste  que  le 
feu  me  sorlissoyt  des  yeulx. 

I  KNOLLE  a  belle.  Je  frappe  du  butant.  Go  wete 
wberfore  they  knolle  tbe  bell  ;  allez  veoyr 


pourquoy  ccst  quon  frappe  du  battant  a  la 

I  knowc  a  thing,  I  havc  knowledge  ofit.  Je  con- 
ynoys,  il  congnoyl,  nous  congnoissons ,  je 
congneus ,  jay  congneu,je  congnoislray,  que 
je  congnoisse,  qne  je  congnusse,  congnoys- 
tre,  tert.  conj.  andje  scay,  nous  scauons,je 
sceuijjay  sceu,je  scauray,  sayche,  que  je 
saiche,  que  je  sceusse,  scauoyr,  tert.  conj. 
His  partycipie  of  the  présent  teiice  sa- 
chant j  agaynst  the  rule,  for  scauant  is  a 
nowue  adjectyve.  I  knowe  the  weli 
yoough  te  congnoys  bien  assez.  I  knowe 
well  what  you  meane  :  je  scay  bien  que  cest 
que  vous  voulez  dire. 

I  knowe  a  thyng  by  layeng  it  hy  another.  Je  re- 
congnoySfjay  Tccongnu,  recongnoislre ,  con- 
jugate iyke  his  sympiejc  congnoys,  I  knowe. 
Lay  the  tone  by  the  tother,  and  you  shall 
sone  knowe  that  there  is  différence  :  con- 
Jerez  les  ensemble,  et  vous  verrez  bien  tost 
quily  a  bien  a  dire,  or  et  vous  recongnoys- 
terez  bien  tost  la  différence. 

I  KNOWLEDGE  hym  my  faulte,  or  I  knowledge 
my  faute  to  hym.  Je  lui  recongnoys  ma 
faulte  and  je  confesse,  prim.  conj.  If  thou 
knowledge  this  faulte  to  him ,  I  knowe 
well  he  wyll  forgyve  the  :  se  tu  luy  en  re- 
congnoys la  faulte,  or  se  tu  luy  confesses  ta 
faulte,  je  scay  bien  quil  te  pardonnera,  or 
quil  te  la  pardonnera. 

I  knowledge  my  faute ,  or  that  I  hâve  done  a 
trespace.  Je  recongnoys,  jay  recongnu,  re- 
congnoislre,  conjugale  Iyke  his  sympleje 
congnoys,  I  knowe. 

I  KNOWTH,  I  knowe  (Lydgate).  Je  le  congnoys. 

I  KONNE,  I  learne  or  knowe.  Je  scay,  conjugale 
in  il  knowe».  I  can  konne  more  by  herte 
in  a  daye  tfaan  he  can  in  a  weke  scay 
congnoyslre  plus  par  cueur  en  vng  jour  quil 
ne  scayl  en  vne  sepmayne. 

I  KORTE  (Lydgate),  I  karve.  Je  taille. 

L   BYFORE   A. 

I  LA^OE  water  with  a  scoup  or  any  other  thyng 
out  of  a  dytche  or  pytte.  Jepuyse  de  leaue. 


jay  puysé  de  leaue,  puyser  de  leaae,  prini. 
conj.  Lade  this  water  out  of  this  dytche, 
for  I  wyll  bave  it  scoured  :  puisez  leaue  hors 
de  ce  fossé,  car  je  veulx  quon  me  le  escare. 

I  LABOURE  by  the  way.  Je  chemine  par  le  chemyn. 
This  horse  is  nat  very  fayre,  but  he  labou- 
retii  well  on  the  waye  :  ce  chcual  nest  pas 
trop  beau,  mays  il  chemine  bien. 

I  laboure  the  yerthe ,  as  plowemen  or  garday- 
ners,  or  they  that  hâve  vynes  do.  Je  culliue 
la  terre,  prim.  conj.  Tullye  prayseth  the 
paslyme  to  labour  the  yerthe  above  ail 
other  exercyses  :  Tullie  loue  le  passe  temps 
de  culliuer  la  terre  par  dessus  tous  aultres 

I  laboure  with  my  body.  Je  laboure,  prim.  conj. 
I  waxe  holde  nowe ,  I  can  nat  laboure  so 
well  nowe  as  I  coulde  whan  I  was  yonge  ; 
je  deuiens  vieil,  je  ne  puis  pas  labourer  si 
bien  maynlenanl  que  je  pouuoye  quanljestoyc 

I  laboure  with  chylde,  as  woman  dotheaforeshe 
is  delyvered.  Je  trauaille  denfant ,  jay  tru- 
uaillé,  prim.  conj.  I  pray  God  sende  her  a 
good  hour,  I  hère  saye  she  labouretb  with 
chylde  nowe  :  Dieu  lui  enuoye  vne  bonne 
heure,  car  jay  oay  dire  quelle  trauaille  den- 
fant maynlenant. 

I  laboure  with  my  bandes,  as  a  craftesman 
dothe.  Je  besoigne ,  prim,  conj.  Laboure 
a  pace  this  workyng  daye,  for  to  morowe 
is  holydaye  :  besoigne  fort  ce  jour  doaurier, 
car  demain  est  jour  de  f es  te. 

I  LACE  a  garment  strayght  to  oae.  Je  enlace, 
prim.  conj.  Lace  your  brestes  strayght, 
for  they  begynne  to  growe  a  pace  :  enlacez 
fort  vot  mammelles,  car  elles  commencent  a 
croyslrc  fort. 

I  lace  a  garment  with  a  lace.  Je  lace,  prim. 
conj.  I  wyll  lace  my  doublet  first  for  tak- 
yng  of  colde  :  je  laceray  mon  pourpoynt 
premier  de  paour  de  prendre  froyt. 

I  LACKE  a  thynge,  I  fynde  faute  at  it.  Je  freiiue 
a  redire,  jay  trouai  a  redire,  trouuer  a  re- 
dire, prim.  conj.  I  thynke  there  be  no 
man   that   can   fynde  any   lacke   in    tliy 



worde  ne  pence  pas  qaily  ayt  homme 
qui  peak  trouaer  a  redire  en  ta  besoigne. 

I  lacke,  I  wante  a  thynge.  Jay  faulte ,  jay  ea 
faalte,  aunyrfaulte,  or  il  mefault,  conju- 
gale in  «I  muste»,  as  J  lacke  a  penne: 
jay  faalte  dune  plume,  or  il  me  fault  tne 
plume,  riacke  notliyng  :  il  ne  mefault  riens, 
or  je  nayfaulte  de  riens. 

I  i.ADE,  I  cliarge  a  thyng  with  a  bonrden.  Je 
charge,  prim.  conj.  I  wyU  iade  this  carte 
and  than  I  wyll  come  in  to  dynner  :  je 
ckargeray  ce  chariot  et  adonc  je  viendray 

I  Iade,  I  take  in  water,  as  a  shyp  or  bote  that 
is  nat  staunched.  Je  boy  de  Uaue.  Tbis 
bote  ladetli  in  water  a  pace  :  ce  hateaa  boyt 
de  leauefort. 

I  LAGGE  beliynde  my  felowes.  Je  trayne,  prim. 
conj.  or  je  fays  la  (jueae.  Why  lagge  you 
ever  behynde  on  this  facion  :  pour  qaoy 
faictez  vous  toujours  la  (jueue  en  ce  poynt? 
He  iaggeth  tbe  dogge  at  bis  horse  tayle  :  i7 
trayne  le  chien  a  ia  qaeue  de  son  cheual. 

1  LAïE  a  bayte  to  catche  fysshe  with.  Jappoyncte 
vng  mors,  jay  appoincté,  appoincter,  prim. 
conj.  I  hâve  layed  syxe  baytes  to  day,  but  I 
bave  caught  never  a  fysshe  :  jay  appoincté 
six  mors  aujourdhuy,  mais  je  nay  pas  prins 
vnçj  ical  poysson. 

I  laye  abrode  clothes  in  tbe  sonne  to  be  ayred 
or  dried.  Je  ayre,  prim.  conj.  and  je  tens, 
jay  tendu,  tendre.  In  Marche  is  good  ayr- 
inge  of  clothes  for  mothes  :  au  moys  de 
Mars  il  fait  bon  ayrer  les  draps ,  or  tendre 
les  draps  en  layr  pour  les  garder  des  vers. 

I  laye  afore  one,  as  a  man  dothe  a  thyng  by- 
forc  ones  syght,  or  layeth  bis  fautes  to  his 
charge.  Je  mets  au  deuant  de,  conjugale  in 
«I  put».  I  iayde  afore  him  al  tbe  artycles 
and  he  coulde  nat  saye  nay  to  never  a  one 
of  them  :  je  mys  au  deuant  de  luy  toutes  les 
articles  et  il  nen  pouuoyt  pas  denier  vne. 

1  laye  abrode,  as  huntcrs  or  fysshers  do  their 
nettes.  Je  tends,  conjugal  in  «I  bende». 
Lay  abrode  your  nettes  :  tendez  loz  retz. 

I  laye  abrode  monay,  or  vessell,  or  bookes  to  be 

vewcd.  Je  mets  au  large.  Laye  your  plate 
abrode  bere  :  mettez  icy  vostre  vaisselle  an 

I  laye  an  egge,  as  a  benne  or  any  oiher  foule 
dothe.  Je  pons,  nous  ponnons,je  ponnys , 
jay  ponnu  ,je  pondray,  que  je  ponne,  pondre , 
tcrt.  conj.  You  maye  knowe  whan  a  henné 
is  redye  to  laye  egges ,  for  she  is  reed 
aboute  thc  eyes  and  tbe  byll  :  vous  pouez 
congnoisire  quant  vne  geline  est  preste  de 
pondre  car  elle  deuient  rougeastre  autour  des 
yculx  et  du  bec. 

I  laye  upon  one,  I  béate  hym  or  bunche  hym. 
Je  charge,  prim.  conj.  I  laye  upon  hym  : 
je  charge  sur  luy.  She  Iayde  upon  liini  lyke 
a  maulte  sacke ,  and  tbe  poore  boye  durste 
nat  ones  quylche  :  elle  chargeoyt  sur  luy 
comme  sur  vng  sac  de  bled  et  le  poure  garçon 
nosa  pas  tynter.  Laye  on ,  lay  on  upon  tbe 
jade  :  chargez,  chargez  sur  la  charoigne. 

I  laye  a  faulte  to  ones  charge.  Je  charge,  prim. 
conj.  Why  laye  you  fhis  to  my  charge  : 
pourquoy  me  chargés  vous  de  cecy?  You 
Iayde  il  to  my  charge,  God  Ihanke  you, 
but  I  avoyded  il  well  ynough  :  vous  me 
chargiez  de  cela.  Dieu  mercy  et  vous,  mays 
je  me  suis  assez  bien  deschargé. 

I  laye  asyde  a  thyng.  Je  mets  a  part,  Laye  tbis 
monaye  asyde  tyll  I  eall  for  it  :  mettez  cest 
argent  a  part  jasques  a  tant  que  je  le  deman- 

1  lay  a  thyng  downe  thaï  I  weare  aboute  me,  or 
thati  bave  in  my  bande  upon  tbe  grounde. 
Je  mets  jus,  or  je  mets  a  terre,  conjugale  in 
«  I  put  ».  Laye  downe  your  weapen  :  mettez 
jas  vostre  baston.  I  Iayde  downe  my  gowne 
bere  and  one  hath  taken  il  awaye  :  je  mys 
jus  ma  robbe  icy  et  vng  me  la  oslée. 

I  laye  a  thynge  to  pledge.  Jeengaige,  prim,  conj . 
He  bas  Iayde  ail  his  plate  to  plegge  and 
nowe  he  drinketh  in  a  home  :  i7  a  engaigé 
toute  sa  vaisselle  dargent  et  mayntenant  ii 
boyt  en  vne  come, 

I  lay  a  thyng  downe  fro  me.  Je  mets  jus.  Lay 
downe  your  weapen ,  I  wolde  advyse  you  : 
mettez  jus  vostre  baston,  je  vous  conseille. 



I  laye  a  wager  with  one.  Je  gaige.  What  wyll 

you  lay  :  que  voulés  vous  gai(jer?  I    lay  a 

nobyll  agaynst  a  peny  tliat  it  is  nat  so  :  je 

gaige  vng  angelot  contre  vng  denier  quil  nest 

pas  ainsi. 
I  laye  upon  one  a  charge  or  a  burthen.  Je  im- 
pose, prim.  conj.  He  hath  layde  upon  me 

a   great  charge  :  il  ma  imposé  vne  grant 

charge.  And  je  lay  imposerajr,  dativo  jungi- 

I  laye  a  wager  with  one.  Je  gaige,  prim.  conj. 

By  my  trouth  I  wyll  lay  a  nobyll  with  you 

and  you  wyll  gyve  me  leave  :  sur  mafoy  je 

gaigeray  a  vous  vng  angelot  mays  quil  ne 

vous  desplaise. 
I  laye  in  water,  or  I  stepe  in  lycour.  Je  détrempe, 

prim.  conj.  Laye  your  saltfysshe  in  water 

against  frydaye  :   détrempez  vostre  morue 

contre  vendredy. 
I  lay  a  thyng  a  crosse.  Je  croyse,  Laye  your  leg- 

ges  a  crosse  and  I  wyll  teache  you  a  play  : 

croysez  voz  jambes  et  je  vous  aprendray  vng 

I  laye  for  me,  or  alledge  to  make  my  mater  good. 

Jallegue,  prim.  conj.  He  layde  the  beat  for 

bym  of  any  man  that  ever  I  sawe  :  il  alle- 

geoyl  le  mieulx  pour  luy  mesmes  qahomme 

que  je  vis  oncques. 
I  laye  for,  as  hunters  or  fysshers  layeth  his 

nettes  for  his  praye.  Je  tens.  I  hâve  layde 

for  a  pickrell ,  but  I  wene  I  sliall  catche  a 

frogge  :jay  tendu  pour  vng  brocheton,  mays 

je  pence  que  je  prcndray  vne  grenouylle. 
I  lay  handcs  upon   one  to  catche  hym  or  to 

holde  hym  faste.  Je  empoigne,  prim.  conj. 

Thou  shalte  drinke  and  1  lay  bandes  on 

the  :  ta  en  auras  si  je  te  empoigne.  Let  one 

laye  bandes  on  hym  :  quon  tempoigne. 
I  lay  holde  upon  one,  or  I  laye  hande»  upon 

hyni.  Jempoigne,  prim.   conj.  or  je  mets 

seure  mayn.  Lay  holde  upon  hym  :  em- 
poigne le.  And  you  laye  nat  good  holde 

upon  hym  he  wyll  do  some  mischefe  :  si 

vous  ne  mettez  seure  mayn  sur  luy  il  fera 

quelque  meschief. 
I  lay  in  soke  ,  as  we  do  breed.  Je  pétrie,  prim. 

conj.  Laye  some  breed  in  soke,  for  I  wyll 
bave  some  galantyne  made  :  petriez  du 
payn,  car  je  veulx  quon  me  face  de  la  ga- 

I  lay  in  stepe ,  as  we  do  breed  in  lycoure  or 
any  other  thynge  in  water.  Je  pétrie,  prim. 

I  lay,  I  put.  Je  mets,  conjugate  in  «  I  put». 
Where  shall  I  lay  tbis  boke  :  ou  est  ce  que 
je  metteray  ce  liure? 

l  lay,  I  siryke,  as  I  lay  one  on  the  face,  F  lay 
one  on  the  heed  or  any  other  parte.  Je 
baille,  prim.  conj.  I  lay  hym  on  the  face  : 
je  luy  baille  sus  le  visage.  I  layde  hym  by- 
twene  the  necke  and  the  shoulders  that  I 
made  hym  grone  luy  baillay  entre  le  col 
et  les  espaalles  tant  que  je  le  fis  gemyr. 

I  iay  nothyngto  your  charge.  Je  ne  vous  demande 

I  lay  one  in  prison.  Jemprisonne ,  prim.  conj. 
He  layde  me  in  prison  two  yeres  and,  at 
the  laste ,  layde  nothing  to  my  charge  :  il 
me  emprisonna  par  deux  ans  et  a  lafyn  il 
ne  me  demanda  riens. 

I  lay  one  in  bis  grave.  Jensepulture ,  prim. 
conj.  or  je  enseuelys,  one  of  the  verbes  de- 
fectyves  in  tbis  tonge.  Jay  enseuely,je  en- 
seuelyray,  que  je  enseuelissc ,  enseuelyr.  1 
bave  layde  him  in  his  grave  :  je  lay  ense- 
pulturi,  or  je  lay  enseuely. 

I  lay  out  money  out  of  my  purce  for  to  paye 
my  charges  or  expences.  Je  desbource, 
prim.  conj.  I  bave  layde  out  twenty  pounde 
for  bym  ail  redye,  and  he  conncth  me 
no  thanke  at  ail  :  jay  desbource  pour  luy 
vingt  liares  desja,  et  il  ne  men  scayt  poynt 
de  gré. 

I  laye  siège  to  a  towne  or  castell.  Je  plante  le 
siège,  jay  planté,  planter,  prim.  conj.  or  je 
mets  le  siège  deuant.  They  bave  layde  siège 
to  Vienne  :  Hz  ont  planté  le  .siège  deuant 
Vienne,  or  Hz  ont  mys  le  siège  deuant  Vienne. 

I  laye  the  blâme  of  an  oDence  to  ones  charge. 
Jimpute,  prim.  conj.  Why  lay  you  the 
blanie  of  tins  faute  to  me  :  pour  quoy  me 
imputés  vous  ceste  faalte?  I  fynde  also  ja- 



coulpe-,  and  je  encoulpe,  and  je  encharye, 
prim.  conj.  You  laye  tlie  blâme  upon  me 
and  I  am  nothynge  worthy  :  vous  maccoul- 
pez,  or  vous  me  encoulpez,  et  je  ne  lay  pas 
mérité,  or  vous  menchar^ez  de  ceslejaulte. 

I  laye  the  charge  of  a  mater  to  one,  I  put  hym 
in  charge  with  it  to  do  it.  Je  encharye , 
prim.  conj.  He  hath  layde  tlie  charge  on 
me  of  this  mater  :  il  ma  enchargé  de  cesie 

l  lay  the  faulte,  I  laye  the  wyte  or  the  blame  to 
a  person.  Je  luy  donne  tort.  I  iayed  the 
wyle  upon  hym  :  je  luy  donnay  le  tort. 

I  iay  the  table  for  folkes  to  sytte  downe  at  it  to 
cate.  Je  mets  la  nape,  or  je  mets  la  table,  jay 
mys,  je  iivettray,  mettre,  etc.  Lay  the  table, 
for  we  must  dyne  in  al  the  haste  :  mettez 
la  nappe  or  la  table,  car  il  nousjàult  diiner 
en  toute  haste. 

I  laye  the  wyle  of  an  offence  to  ones  charge.  Je 
encoulpe,  prim.  conj.  je  lencoulpe  and  je 
impale,  and  je  luy  impute,  and  jacoulpe, 
prim.  conj.  ;  as  I  laye  thefle,  or  treason ,  or 
any  other  trespas  lay  mets  sus  larcyn, 
trahison,  etc.  Wyll  you  laye  thefte  to  his 
charge ,  and  bave  no  better  a  grounde  :  luy 
voulez  vous  mettre  sus  larcyn  sans  en  aaoyr 
meilleure  cause? 

I  laye  to  niy  hande  to  helpe  that  a  thyng  maye 
be  doone.  Je  mets  la  nmyn.  Lay  to  thy 
hande,  good  fclowe  :  mets  la  ta  mayn, 

I  lay  to  ones  charge ,  as  he  dothe  that  wyll  nedes 
fyght  with  a  man  or  medyli  with  one.  Jap- 
presse,  prim.  conj.  aad  jempropere ,  prim. 
conj.  He  layde  so  sore  to  my  charge  I 
coulde  nat  chose  :  il  mappressoyt  si  fort  que 
je  ne  pouuoye  aultrement  cheayr. 

I  lay  to  morgage,  as  one  dothe  his  herytage.  Je 
metz  en  morUjaiye.  He  layde  his  landes  to 
morgage  ;  il  a  mys  ses  terres  en  mort<jaiye. 

I  laye  to  ones  charge  a  thynge  that  soundeth  to 
his  rebuke.  Je  luy  presse  de  son  honneur,  and 
je  impropere,  prim.  conj.  I  praye  you,  be 
content,  you  iay  to  sore  to  my  charge 
vous  prie  de  vous  contenter,  vous  mi  pressez 

trop  mayntenant  de  mon  honneur,  or  vous  me 
improperez  trop. 

I  LAMENTE,  I  make  mone  for  a  losse.  Je  lamente, 
prim.  conj.  And  in  this  sence  I  fyndejV 
guermente,  prim.  conj.  and  je  déplore, 
prim.  conj.  It  greved  my  herte  to  hère  hym 
lament  :  il  mefist  mal  au  cueur  de  louyr  la- 
menter, or  guermenter,  or  déplorer  sa  malle 

I  LANCE  a  sore,  that  mattereth  inwarde,  with  a 
lauiisyng  yron.  Je  encisc,  prim.  conj.  I 
dare  nat  iaunce  you  to  daye,  for  the  sygne 
is  in  the  arme  :  je  ne  vous  ose  poynt  enciser 
aujoardhuy,  car  le  signe  est  an  bras. 

I  LANCHE  a  shyppe  or  bote,  that  standeth  a  drie 
grounde,  in  to  the  water.  Je  lance,  prim. 
conj.  Let  us  go  helpe  to  launche  his 
shyppe  :  allons  layder  a  lancer  sa  naaire. 

l  LANGDïSSHE,  I  am  in  sorowe  and  pencifnesse 
of  the  mynde.  Je  languys ,  jay  languy,  lan- 
guyr,  sec.  conj.  and  jadole,  or  adoule, 
adoulé,  adouler,  prim.  conj .  Hélasse ,  poore 
woman,  howe  she  languyssheth  :  helas, 
poare  Jemme,  comment  elle  lanyuyst,  or 
comment  elle  sadoule. 

I  languysshe,  1  pyne  awaye  by  sicknesse  of  my 
body.  Je  langore,  prim.  conj.  and  je  enlan- 
gore,  prim.  conj.  He  languyssheth  away, 
he  hath  ben  so  longe  sycke  :  il  langore  de 
aaoyr  si  longuement  esté  malade. 

I  languysshe,  or  pyne  awaye  for  love.  Je  me 
énamoure ,  je  nie  suis  énamouré,  énamourer, 
verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  or  je  languys 
par  amour.  He  languyssheth  to  sore  for 
her  sake  :  il  se  énamoure  trop  délie,  or  il 
languyst  trop  pour  lamour  délie. 

I  LAPPE  in  clothes.  Jenueloppe  and  jaffuble, 
prim.  conj.  Lappe  this  chylde  wcll,  for  the 
weatber  is  colde  :  enuelopez  bien  cesl  en- 
fant, il  fait  Jroyt.  And  je  affuble,  but  that 
is  a  Rommant  worde  and  is  properly  ap- 
plyed  to  olde  folkes. 

I  lappe  a  garment  about  me.  Je  me  affuble  de 
cest  habit,  prim.  conj.  or  affale.  Lappe 
this  hoode  aboute  your  heed  :  affublez 
vous,  or  affulez  vous  de  ce  chaperon. 




I  lappe,  as  a  dogge  dotlie.  Je  lappe,  prim. 
conj.  You  maye  go  to  dyner  whan  you 
wyll ,  for  the  dogge  liath  lapped  up  ail  the 
potage  :  vous  poucz  aller  disner  quant  il 
vous  plaira,  car  le  chien  a  lappé  tout  le  po- 
tage entièrement. 

I  LARDE ,  I  pasle  meate ,  or  I  larde  it  with  lar- 
de. Je  larde,  prim.  conj.  If  a  cony  be  well 
larded ,  sbe  is  good  meate  :  cest  vne  bonne 
viande  que  dang  connyn,  mays  quil  soyt  bien 

I  LASTE,  I  endure.  Je  dure,  prim.  conj.  This 
gowne  bath  lasted  him  longe  :  cette  robe 
luy  a  duré  long  temps,  Blessed  ladye,  last- 
eth  this  worlde  yet  :  nostre  Dame,  dure  ce 
monde  encore? 

I  LATCHE,  I  lagge,  I  tary  beliynde  my  Com- 
pany. Je  tarde,  prim.  conj.  and  je  large, 
prim.  conj.  You  ever  latche  whan  you  be 
sente  upon  an  erandc  :  vous  targez  tous- 
jours  quant  on  vous  enuoye  dehors  quelque 

I  latche,  I  catche  a  thyng  tbat  is  tbrowen  to 
me  in  my  bandes  or  it  fall  to  the  grounde. 
Je  happe,  prim.  conj.  If  I  had  latched  the 
potte  betyme,  it  had  nat  falleo  to  tbe 
grounde  :  si  je  eusse  happé  le  pot  en  bonne 
heure,  il  ne  fut  pas  cheut  a  terre. 

I  latche  a  doore,  I  shytte  it  by  the  latche.  Je 
ferme  a  la  clicquette.  Latche  the  doore  or 
you  come  :  fermez  Ihuys  a  la  clicquette 
auant  que  vous  venez. 

I  LAWOE,  I  prayse  one.  Je  loue,  prim.  conj.  He 
laudeth  me  somtyme  beyonde  tbe  nocke: 
il  me  loue  aulcunes  foys  oultre  mesure.  And 
je  alose,  Rommant. 

I  LAWGHE,  I  make  a  mery  countenaunce.  Je 
men  rys,  il  sen  rist,  nous  nous  en  rions,  je 
men  risis,  je  men  sais  ry  ,je  men  rieray,  que 
je  men  rie,  que  je  men  risisse,  rire,  tert. 
conj.  I  se  no  thyng  to  laughe  at  :  je  ne 
voys  a  qui  rire.  But  this  verbe  it  nat  ever 
used  lyke  a  meane  verbe,  as  I  can  make 
hym  laughe  at  tbe  waggynge  of  a  strawe  : 
je  le  puis  faire  rire  au  mouuement  dung 

I  iawghe  to  scorne.  Je  mocque,  prim.  conj. 
and  je  me  mocque,  verbum  médium.  Me 
thynketh  that  you  laughe  nie  to  scorne  : 
i7  mest  aduis  que  vous  vous  mocquez  de  moy. 

I  LACNCE  a  sore,  as  a  cyrurgien  dotbe  with  a 
launsyng  yron.  Jenscise,  prim.  conj.  Your 
botcbe  shalbe  launced  to  morowe  :  voslre 
bosse  sera  enscisée  demayn. 

L    BYFOBE    E. 

I  LECHE,  I  heale  one  of  a  sore  wonnde,  as  a 
cyrurgyen  dothe.  Je  guéris,  jay  guery, 
guérir,  sec.  conj.  He  hatb  leched  me  as 
well  as  can  be  :  il  ma  guery  le  mieulx  du 

I  LEDE  a  bride  to  churche.  Je  mayne ,  prim. 
conj.  Who  shall  leade  our  bride  to  tbe 
churche  :  qui  maynera  nosire  espousée  a  les- 
glise  ? 

I  LEEDE,  I  cover  a  thing,  or  a  rofe  of  a  house, 
with  leede.  Je  plomme,  prim.  conj.  and  je 
couuers  de  plombe,  etc.  I  wyll  leed  no  rao 
wyndowes,  it  is  to  costely  ne  plom- 
meray  non  plus  defsneslres,  il  couste  trop, 
or  je  ne  couureray  non  plus  de  feneslres  de 

I  LEDE  a  horse  up  and  downe,  I  walke  hym  up 
and  downe.  Je  pourmayne ,  prim.  conj. 
Lede  my  borse,  I  praye  you,  up  and 
downe  a  wbyle  tyll  I  go  speake  with  my 
■  lorde  -.promenez  mon  chenal ,  je  vous  prie , 
vng  petit  tant  que  je  aille  parler  a  monsieur. 

I  lede  a  lyfe.  Je  mayne  vne  vie.  I  leade  my  lyfe 
in  joye ,  in  sorowe ,  in  pleasure ,  in  payne. 
Je  mayne,  or  demene  joye ,  dueyl,je  demene 
vie  playsante,  or  vie  douloureuse ,  joynyng 
je  demene  to  vie  with  an  adjectyve  expres- 
syng  the  qualyte. 

I  lede  a  man,  a  person,  or  beest,  awaye  with 
me.  Je  emmené,  prim.  conj.  Shall  I  leade 
him  away  with  me  :  lemmeneray  je  auecquez 

I  lede  a  man  or  tliynge  aboute  a  towne  upon  a 
hardell,  or  after  a  horse.  Je  Irayne,  prim. 
conj.  He  was  ledde  thorowe  the  towne 
upon  a  bardcli  and  so  to  the  galowes  :  on 



le  tmynoyt  trauirs  la  ville  sar  vne  herce  et 
de  la  au  gibet. 
1  lede  one  out  of  the  waye ,  or  bring  one  from 
the  trewe  opynion  by  misenformyng.  Je 
séduis,  jay  seduyt,  seduyre,  conjugale  in 
Il  I  bring  one  in  to  a  wronge  opynion  ».  A 
man  is  soone  ledde  out  of  the  \vaye  by  a 
crafty  ypocryte  ;  vng  homme  est  bien  lost 
séduit  par  vng  cautelleux ypocript. 
I  iede,  or  bringe  to.  Jaconduis,  aconduire,  and 
reconduire,  and  admener,  and  amayner,  and 
conuoyer  or  reconuoyer.  I  shali  leade  you 
thyder  :  je  vous  y  acondairay,  OT  je  rous  y 
conuoyeray,  or  ameneray. 
I  lede,  or  bring  witbin  company.  Janicne,  prim. 
conj.  I  praye  you,  leade  liym  to  the  chur- 
che  vous  prie  le  mener  jusques  a  lesglisc. 
I  LEY  a  brode.  Je  couche  au  large.  Leye  them 
abrode  one  by  an  other  :  couchez  les  au 
large  lung  auprès  de  laultre. 
I  leye  an  eare  to  one ,  I  herken  wbat  he  saythe. 
Je  oreille,  prim.  conj.  Leye  an  eare  to 
yonder  folkes  and  herken  what  they  say  : 
oreiUez  pour  escouter  que  cest  que  ces  gal- 
lons disent. 
I  leye  a  parte,  I  leane  of.  Je  lesse,  prim.  conj. 
Laye  this  mater  a  parte,   I  praye  you  : 
mêliez  a  part  ceste  matière,  je  vous  prie. 
I  ley  at  anker,  as  a  shyppc  dothc.  Je  ancre, 
prim.  conj.  We  lay  at  anker  ail  nyght  by- 
fore  Dover  :  nous  ancrasnus  toute  lu  nuyct 
ileuant  Doure. 
I  ley  away,  or  I  laye  asyde  my  worke  to  loyler, 
or  to  be  occupyed  aboute  a  tryfle.  Je  me 
desbauche,  je  me  suis  tleshauchc,  desbau- 
cher,  verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  Dyd  nat 
lie  laye  awaye  bis  workc  whan  he  shulde 
worke  :  ne  se  desbauchoyt  il  pnynt  quant  il 
devuiyt  besongnrr? 
I  ley  a  wager.  Je  gayge,  prim.  conj.  I  ley  a 

wager  with  you  :  je  gaige  a  vous. 
I  ley  styckes  or  brandes  togyther  to  make  a 
fyre.  Je  alise  lefeu,jay  atisé,  atiser,  prim. 
conj.  Laye  the  styckes  togyther,  I  praye 
you  :  attisez  le  feu,  je  vous  prie. 
I  leye  in,  or  lye  in  cbylde  bedde.  Je  couche. 

prim.  conj.  My  neyghbours  wyfe  dothe  lye 
in  :  la  femme  de  mon  voysin  est  accouchée. 
Wbat  if  I   lye  in  afore  :   quoy  se  je  me 
couche  deuant? 
I  ley  in  souce. 

I  ley  in  pickell.  Je  mets  en  saulmeure. 
I  ley  in  brine.  Je  mets  en  saulmeure.  Ley  this 
befe  in  brine  :  mettes  ce  beuf  en  saulmeure. 
I  ley  in  wayte  of  one  to  do  him  a  displeasure. 
Je  aguayte,  prim.  conj.  I  bave  layed  in 
wayte  for  him  thèse  ten  nyghtes  to  do  hym 
a  displeasure  lay  aguaylé  ces  dix  nuictz 
pour  lay  faire  quelque  desplaysir. 
l  ley  one  thyng  by  an  other,  or  I  lay  them  to- 
gyllicr.  Je  compare.  Lay  the  one  by  the 
other  and  than  you  shall  se  :  comparez  les 
ensemble  et  alors  verrez  vous. 
I  ley,  or  put  a  thing  in  a  place.  Je  mets,  conju- 
gate  in  «I  put».  Laye  my  gowne  in  the 
wyndowe  :  mettez  ma  robe  en  lafenestre. 
I  ley  out  money  for  one  oui  of  my  purse.  Je 
debource,  prim.  conj.  I  can  nat  hâve  niy 
money  agayn  that  I  layde  out  of  my  purse 
for  hym  Iwo  yeres  a  goo  :  je  ne  puis  pas 
rauoyr  mon  argent  que  je  debourcay  pour 
luy  deux  uns  passés. 
I  ley  the  wyte  of  a  faulte  to  one.  Je  impute, 
prim.  conj.  I  laye  the  wyte  on  hym  :  je 
luy  impute  la  faulte, 
I  ley  the  faute  upon  one.  Je  lencoulpe,  prim. 
conj.  He  layeth  the  faute  upon  me  that 
he  ran  away  :  il  mencoulpe  de  safuyte. 
I  ley  thynges  togyther.  Je  mets  choses  ensemble. 
I  ley  up  a  tbyng  to  kepe.  Je  mets  en  sauf,  jay 
mys  en  sauf,  mettre  en  sauf.  I  leave  my 
worldly  treasure  wilh  you,  lay  il  up  safe, 
I  pray  you  :  je  laisse  en  vostre  garde  mon 
trésor  mondayn,  mettez  le  en  sauf,  je  vous 
I  ley  one  thynge   upon  an   other  to  kepe  il 
downe.  Je  presse,  prim.  conj.  Laye  some 
thynge  upon  it,  I  praye  you  :  pressez  le 
de  quelque  chose,  je  vous  prie. 
I  ley,  as  a  benne  or  a  byrde  dothe.  Je  poiis, 

pondre,  declared  in  «  I  laye  egges  ». 
It  leyth  on  my  berte.  I  tell  you  as  it  lyeth  on 



my  herle  tous  dis  ainsy  que  jay  sur  le 

1  LEEKE,  as  a  shyppe  or  bote  dothe  that  taketh 
in  water.  Je  hojs  de  leaae.  Labour  weH , 
syrs,  at  tfie  pompe,  for  our  shyppe  ieaketh  : 
besongnez  bien,  gallons,  a  la  pompe,  car 
noslre  nauire  boyt  de  leaae. 

I  ieeke ,  as  a  vessell  dothe  tbat  ronneth  out.  Je 
decours,  jay  decoara,  decourir,  conjugale 
lyke  his  simple  je  cours,  I  ronne,  This 
hogges  heed  of  wyoe  Ieaketh  :  ce  pojncon 
de  vin  decourt,  or  degouUe. 

I  LEEiNE  with  my  backe  agaynst  a  thyng.  Je  ma- 
dosse,  je  me  sais  adossé,  adosser,  prim. 
conj.  I  leaned  with  my  backe  against  an 
oke  to  rest  me  ;  je  me  adossay  contre  vng 
chesne  pour  me  reposer. 

I  leene  with  my  elbowes  upon  a  thyng.  Je  mu- 
paye,  je  me  suis  apuyé,  apuyer,  verbum 
médium  prim.  conj.  As  I  leaned  in  a  wyn- 
dowe  and  loked  downe  in  to  the  strete,  I 
sawe  hym  conie  by  :  ainsi  gueje  mappuyoye 
en  vne.  fenestre ,  regardant  en  la  rue,  je  le 
vis  passer. 

I  LENDE  a  thyng  to  one  tliat  boroweth.  Je 
preste,  prim.  conj.  I  lende  hym  my  horse  : 
je  luy  prestay  mon  cheaal.  Lende  me  ycur 
knyfe  a  lytell ,  you  shall  hâve  il  by  and  by 
agayne  :  prestez  moy  vostre  coasteau,  vous 
laurés  tout  incontinent. 

l  lende  a  tliyng  a  trust  without  any  payment 
or  suertye.  Je  accrois,  joy  accrea,  accroyre, 
coDJugate  in  1 1  borowe  a  truste  >.  I  am  but 
a  fooie,  for  I  bave  lent  him  my  horse  a 
trust  and  I  never  sawe  hym  byfore  .je  ne 
sais  qungjol,  car  je  luy  ay  accreu  mon  che- 
nal et  je  ne'le  vis  jamays  deuant. 

I  LEMGTH  a  thyng,  I  make  it  longer.  Je  alongis, 
sec.  conj.  or  je  ralongys,  sec.  conj.  This 
is  a  good  sowter,  lie  hath  lengthed  my 
soole  halfe  an  ynche  with  his  tethe  : 
Voycy  vng  bon  sauetier,  il  a  ralongié  ma 
semelle  vng  demy  poulce  de  ses  dens. 

I  LEAPE  a  mare ,  as  a  horse  dolhe.  Je  cheuauche 
vue  jument.  Kepe  your  horse  in  the  sta- 
byll ,  for  and  lie  leape  a  mare  lie  wyll  be 

the  worse  lo  journey  a  good  wbyle  after  : 
gardez  voslre  clteual  en  lestable ,  car  sil 
cheuauche  vne  jument  il  vauldra  du  pis 
long  temps  après. 

I  ieape,  I  skyppe.  Je  sauls,  nous  saillons,  je 
saillis,  jay  sailly,  je  sailliray,  que  je  saillie, 
que  je  saillisse,  saillir,  tert.  conj.  and  je 
saalte,  prim.  conj.  I  can  leape  over  this 
ditche  witli  one  legge  scay  saillyr  oullre 
ce  fossé,  or  je  scay  saulter  dune  jambe. 

I  leape  out.  Je  sauls  hors ,  jay  sailly  hors,  saillir 
hors,  conjugale  lyke  his  symplcje  sauls, 
1  leape.  And  je  resuite,  prim.  conj.  and 
je  poarsaulx,  jay  poarsailly,  poursaillir, 
conjugale  aiso  lyke  his  syniple  je  saals,  I 
leape.  He  leped  out  of  dores  as  he  liad 
ben  a  madde  maa  :  il  saillit  hors  de  Ihays, 
or  i7  poursaillit  comme  sil  eust  esté  vng 
homme  hors  de  sens. 

I  LEAnE  or  iere ,  as  a  dogge  dolhe  underneth  a 
doore.  Je  regarde  de  longue  veue.  Beholde, 
I  pray  you,  howe  lie  leareth  :  aduisez,je 
tous  prie,  comment  il  regarde  de  longue 

I  LEBNE  one  a  lesson,  or  a  thynge  that  lie 
knoweth  nat.  Je  enseigne,  prim.  conj.  I 
lerne  hym  his  lesson  :  je  luy  enseigne  sa 
leçon.  And  je  endoctrine,  prim.  conj.  I 
lerne  hym  lo  the  beste  of  my  power  :  je 
[endoctrine  au  mayns  mal  que  je  pais,  so 
that  je  enseigne  is  construed  with  a  datyve 
case,  and  endoctrine  wilh  an  accusatyve. 

I  lerne ,  or  I  sludye  lo  knowe  a  thynge.  Je 
apprens,  conjugale  lyke  his  symple  je  prens, 
I  take.  Nous  upprennons ,  tous  apprennez, 
Hz  apprennent ,  je  apprins,jay  apprins,je 
apprendruy,  que  jappreingnc ,  que  je  ap- 
prinse ,  apprendre,  tert.  conj.  I  lerne  my 
lesson  :  japprens  ma  leçon.  I  wyll  lerne 
him  his  lesson ,  and  corne  lo  you  by  and 
by  :  je  luy  aprendray  sa  leçon,  et  je  vicn- 
dray  a  vous  tout  incontinent. 

I  LESE  a  thyng,  as  I  lèse  my  goodes,  or  my 
frendes,  or  any  suche  lyke  thyng  by  ne- 
glygence,  or  chaunce.  Je  pers,  nous  per- 
dons, je  perdis,  jay  perdu,  je  perdray,  que 


je  perde,  perdre,  tert.  conj.  Haste  thon 
lost  bothe  thy  wytte  and  thy  goodes  to  : 
as  ta  perdu  ton  entendement  et  tes  biens 

I  LESSEN,  or  make  lesse.  Jappelisse,  prim.  conj. 
and  jamenuyse,  prim.  conj.  and  je  dimi- 
nae ,  prim.  conj.  anà  jamoyndrys ,  sec. 
conj.  His  Ireasure  is  lessened  sythe  I 
knewe  hym  fîrst  :  son  trésor  est  apetissé, 
or  amenasse,  or  diminué,  or  amojndry 
despuis  que  je  le  congnut  premier. 

I  LET,  as  iet  me  speakc ,  letle  me  loke,  iet  me 
beware ,  and  suche  lyke.  For  «  iet  «  in  this 
sence  tliey  use  que,  as  I  liave  shewed  in 
the  seconde  boke,  as  que  je  parle,  que  je 
regarde,  que  je  me  regarde,  and  suche 
lyke,  so  that  que  servetli  to  expresse  the 
future  tence  of  the  imparatyve  mode , 
lyke  as  «iet»  serveth  for  the  same  pur- 
pose  in  our  tonge.  Lette  me  corne  to  hym  : 
que  je  viengne  a  tuy.  Let  hym  go  :  quil 

I  iet  a  man  from  his  entente  or  purpose.  Je 
engarde,  prim.  conj.  If  he  wyil  nedes  be 
gone ,  wlio  can  iette  hym  :  sil  sen  teult 
aller,  qui  le  pealt  engarder? 

I  let  be,  I  let  alone.  Je  laysse,  prim.  conj.  Let 
that  alone  :  laissés  cela.  Let  be  this  ny- 
cenessc,my  frende,  it  is  tyme,  you  be  nat 
yonge  :  layssès  ceste  niceté,  mon  amy,  il  est 
temps,  vous  nestez  pas  jeune, 

I  iet  be,  I  let,  or  sufTre  a  thyng  to  be  in  rest. 
Je  laysse,  etc.  Let  be,  or  let  alone  the 
same  :  laisse  cela.  I  wyll  let  that  be  tyll 
to  morowe  :  je  laisseray  cela  jusques  a  de- 

1  let  downe  from  a  hyghe  place  to  a  lowc,  or 
from  horsebacke  to  the  grounde.  Je  descens, 
conjugale  in  «  I  go  downe r>.  Corne,  let  me 
downe  from  myhorse:  tiens  moy  descendre 
jas  de  mon  cheual. 

I  let,  I  forbyd,  or  stoppe  one  to  do  a  thyng. 
Je  cohibe ,  prim.  conj.  and  je  empesche, 
prim.  conj.  if  I  be  disposed  to  do  it,  who 
shall  let  me  :  si  je  suis  délibéré  de  le  faire, 
qui  me  empeschera,  or  qui  me  cohibera? 



I  let  earable  grounde  lye  onlabourcd.  Je  desorte, 
prim.  conj.  and  je  laisse  enjrische,  prim. 
conj.  Whe  hath  let  this  earable  gronndc 
lye  onlaboured  :  qui  a  laissé  ceste  terre  en 

I  let  go  a  prisonner  upon  his  faylh.  Je  fiance 
vng  prisonnier,  prim.  conj.  I  muste  nedes 
in  to  Fraunce  agayne,  for  I  was  let  go 
but  upon  my  promesse  :  il  mest  force  de 
men  retourner  en  France,  car  je  ne  suis  que 

I  let  go ,  or  let  slyppe  that  was  afore  tyod.  Je 
lasche,  prim.  conj.  Let  go  your  capeslan  , 
and  some  be  lyke  to  hâve  a  knocke  :  laschez 
vostre  cabestan,  et  vous  verrez  que  quelqung 
gaynera  vng  heurt. 

I  let  lose.  Je  mets  au  large,  jay  mis  au  large, 
mettre  au  large.  Lette  lose  your  houndes , 
we  shall  go  hunte  the  foxe  :  mettez  au 
large  voz  chiens ,  nous  yrons  chasser  le 

I  let  make,  I  do  or  cause  a  thing  to  be  made. 
Je  Jais  faire.  Who  hath  Iet  make  yonder 
fayre  house  in  the  markelstede  :  qui  a 
fait  faire  ceste  belle  mayson  la  au  marché? 

I  lette  my  lyfe ,  I  départe  out  of  ihe  worlde.  Je 
trespasse,  prim.  conj.  and  je  desuie,  prim. 
conj.  (Romant).  My  father  let  his  lyfe 
upon  saynte  Bartylmewes  evyn  :  mon  père 
trespassa,  or  alla  de  vie  a  Irespas,  or  desuia 
la  veille  saint  Bartholmieu. 

I  let,  or  hynder  one  of  his  purpose,  or  any 
thyng  he  is  aboute.  J empesche,  prim.  conj. 
I  pray  you,  let  me  nat,  you  se  I  am  busye  : 
je  vous  prie,  ne  mempeschez  poynt,  vous 
voyez  que  je  suis  empesche,  or  embesogné. 

I  let  one  bloode  a  man,  or  a  horse,  or  any 
suche  lyke.  Je  seigne,  prim.  conj.  It  shall 
be  good  to  morowe  to  lette  you  bloode  : 
il  sera  bien  demayn  de  vous  seigner, 

I  letle  one  to  wyte.  Je  sinue,  prim.  conj.  In 
whiche  sence  I  fynde  je  fais  a  congnoistre, 
jay  fait  a  congnoistre ,  faire  a  congnoistre. 
And  je  donne  a  entendre,  jay  donné  a  en- 
tendre, donner  a  entendre,  conjugale  in  «  f 
•  do  >  and  1 1  gyve  ».  I  shal  let  hym  lo 



wyte  :  je  luj  insinueraj,  or  je  luy^  Jeray  a 
congnoistrc,  or  je  lay  donneray  a  entendre. 

I  ielte  passe  a  thyng,  I  let  it  go,  or  passe  on. 
Je  laisse  passer,  or  aller,  prim.  conj.  Let 
it  go  as  good  shall  corne  :  laissez  le  passer, 
or  laissez  le  aller,  aussi  bon  tiendra. 

I  let  slacke.  Je  lasche,  prim.  conj.  Let  siacke 
the  corde  :  laschez  la  corde. 

I  let  slyde.  Je  deslasche,  prim.  conj.  or  je  laisse 
glisser.  Let  the  cabeil  slyde  :  laissez  glisser 
le  cable,  or  lâchez  le  cable. 

I  let  slyppe,  as  a  bunter  dothe  bis  grayboun- 
des  out  of  hb  leashe.  Je  laisse  eschapper. 
Let  slyppe  your  grnyhoundes  at  the  great- 
esl  bucke  in  ail  the  herde  :  laissez  es- 
chapper voz  Icuriers  aa  plus  grant  dayn  de 
tout  le  troupeau. 

1  lette  slyppe  a  thyng  that  is  lyed  fast.  Je  de- 
lasche,  prim.  conj.  Let  it  slyppe  at  ones  : 
delasche  le  a  coup. 

l  lette,  I  suffer.  Je  laisse  and  je  delaysse,  prim. 
conj .  As  I  iet  make ,  or  I  do  to  make  :  je 
fais  fayre.  Wbat  letteth  it,  wbat  bynde- 
reth  it  that  I  do  it  nat  :  a  quoy  tient  il  que 
je  ne  le  fays?  Ihey  use  also  for  «let», 
whan  lette  is  but  a  signe  of  the  impera- 
•  tyvc  mode  with  us ,  as  for  «  let  me  se  it , 
«  let  him  come ,  let  bym  alone  »  and  suclie 
lyke,  tbey  say  :  que  je  le  voye,  quil  viengni , 
quon  le  laisse. 

I  lette  to  hyre ,  as  a  man  dothe  a  house ,  or  a 
liorse,  or  any  suche  lyke  thyng.  Je  loue, 
prim.  conj.  I  wyll  let  my  house  to  hyre 
and  ail  the  horscs  aud  cattell  I  bave  :  je 
loueray  ma  mayson  et  tous  mes  chcuauLv  et 
tout  le  bestial  quejay.  So  that  jV  loue,  be- 
tokeneth  bothc  actyvely  and  passyvely,  or 
at  the  leste  it  betokeneth  the  dede  of  the 
owner  and  hyrer. 

I  LEVE  on  alone,  1  forsake  hym.  Je  abandonne, 
He  hath  solde  awaye  ail  the  goodes  I  had 
and  nowe  he  leaveth  me  alone  :  it  a  vendu 
tous  les  biens  que  jauoye,  el  maynfenant  il 
me  abandonne. 

I  levé  alone,  I  let  aione,  or  leave  a  thyng  a 
parte.  Je  laisse,  prim.  conj.  and  je  délaye. 

prim.  conj.  (Uomant).  Tbere  is  notbyng 
lofte  :  il  ny  a  plus  riens. 

l  levé  alone ,  I  forsake ,  or  leave  without  Com- 
pany. Jasseule,  prim.  conj.  Wbye  leave 
you  bym  alone  :  pour  qaoy  lasseulez  vous? 
I  hâve  leftc  my  lytle  cbylde  alone,  I  ani 
suer  he  kryelh  out  for  me  ;  jay  assculè 
mon  petit  enfant,  je  scay  bien  quil  crie  après 

I  levé  asyde,  as  counsaylours  or  judges  leave 
ail  maters  asyde  for  the  spcdyng  of  some 
one  tbynge.  Je  postpose,  prim.  conj.  It  is 
the  kynges  pleasure  that ,  ail  otber  maters 
lefle  asyde,  tbis  man  be  outher  quyt  or 
condempncd  :  cest  le  plaisir  du  roy  que, 
toutes  aullres  choses  postposèes,  cest  homme 
soyt  deliuré  ou  condempné, 

I  levé  a  thyng,  I  forsake  it  I  let  it  alone.  Je  re- 
linquis,  sec.  conj.  Thoughe  ail  men  for- 
sake the,  I  wyll  nat  leave  the  :  combien 
que  tous  aullres  te  abandonnent ,  je  ne  le 
relinquiray  pas. 

I  levé  a  tbynge  ondone.  Je  ohnuts,  jay  ohmys, 
obmeltre ,  conjugale  lyke  bis  symple  je 
nuls,  I  put.  I  bave  lefte  some  thyng  on- 
done -.jay  obmys  quelque  chose.  Do  as  I 
comniaunde  you  and  loke  you  leave  no- 
thynge  ondone  :  faiclez  ainsi  que  je  vous 
commande ,  et  gardez  vous  de  rien  obniettre. 

I  levé  bebynde,  as  a  man  leaveth  parte  bebynd 
in  tellyng  of  bis  taie,  or  a  tbynge  that  be 
shulde  bave  caryed  with  hym.  Je  obmets, 
jay  obmys,  obmetire,  conjugale  in  «  I  put  > , 
je  mets.  You  hâve  nat  tolde  ail ,  you  bave 
lefte  somthyng  bebynde  :  vous  nauez  pas 
tout  dit,  vous  auez  quelque  chose  obmis. 

l  levé,  I  cease.  Je  cesse,  prim.  conj.  He  never 
lefte  callyng  upon  me  tyll  be  bad  bis  de- 
syre  -.jamays  ne  cessa  de  crier  sur  moy  tant 
quil  eut  son  désir.  \nd  je  Jinc,  prim.  conj. 

I  levé  of  a  tbynge  that  I  was  wonte  to  use.  Je 
me  desacoustume,  prim.  conj.  I  was  wonte 
to  kepe  me  very  warme,  but  I  leave  it  of 
now  :  je  me  souloye  tenir  fort  chauldement, 
maysje  me  desacoustume  mayntcnant. 

I  levé  of  a'mater  that  I  am  in  connyng  or  writ- 



yng  of,  and  begyn  to  talke  or  write  olher 
maters.  Je  me  déporte,  je  me  suis  départi, 
déporter,  verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  I 
ieave  of  to  speake  of  this  mater  :  je  laisse  de 
plus  en  parler  de  ceste  matière,  or  je  me  de- 
porte.  I  wyil  Ieave  of  to  speake  of  this 
mater  for  a  whyle  and  shewe  you  wliat 
I  herde  yesterday  :  je  me  deporteray  pour 
vng  peu  de  ceste  matière,  et  vous  compteray 
que  cest  que  je  ouys  hyer. 

I  levé  of  bolnyng  or  swellynge,  I  cesse  from 
boinyng  or  swellynge,  as  a  sore  dothe 
whan  if  gothe  away  or  gotbe  in  agayne. 
Je  me  désenfle,  verbum  médium  prim.  conj. 
The  knobbe  that  I  had  on  my  forbeed 
yesterday  of  my  fal  leavetb  of  swelling 
nowe  :  la  bigae  que  jauoye  au  front  hier  a 
cause  de  ma  cheute  se  désenfle  mayntenant. 

I  levé  of,  I  cease  my  busynesse,  or  any  mater 
tbat  I  bave  in  bande,  for  ail  togytber.  Je 
me  désiste,  verbum  médium  prim.  conj. 
Let  go  tbis  comunycacion ,  it  is  hye  lyme 
to  Ieave  of  :  laissez  passer  ceste  communica- 
tion, il  est  heure  de  vous  désister. 

I  levé  of ,  I  cease  of  my  busynesse  for  a  tyme. 
Je  délaisse,  prim.  conj.  Leave  of  your  bu- 
syncsses ,  and  lette  us  talke  a  wbyle  :  dé- 
laissez vostre  besongne,  et  deuisons  ensemble 
vng  peu. 

I  levé  of  my  busynesse,  I  bave  in  bande  and 
occupye  me  aboute  some  tryDyng  mater. 
Je  me  desbauche ,  je  me  suis  desbauché,  des- 
baucher,  verbum  médium  prim.  conj. 
Yonder  is  a  workeman  for  the  nones,  se 
howe  be  leavetb  of  bis  busynesse  :  voyez  la 
vng  ouuryer  de  mesmes,  aduisez  comment  il 
se  débauche. 

I  levé  of  my  sorowe  and  morne  no  more.  Je  me 
desdeulx ,  je  me  sais  desdoulu,  desdouloyr, 
verbum  médium ,  conjugale  in  «  I  sorowe  ». 
Tbere  was  never  woman  so  sorowfuil  for 
her  cbylde  but  at  tbe  laste  sbe  wolde  leave 
of  ber  sorowe  :  jamays  nefutjemme  si  dou- 
lente  pour  son  enfant  que  ne  se  desdoulut  a  la 


l  levé  one,  i  forsske  bym,  or  let  bym  alone 

without  ayde  or  comforte.  Je  destitue, 
prim.  conj.  and  je  désole,  prim.  conj. 
Wyll  you  thus  leave  me  comfortlesse  :  me 
voulez  vous  en  ce  poynt  destituer,  or  désoler? 

I  levé  swellyng,  as  a  sore  dothe  whan  it  swa- 
geth  and  waïeth  lesse.  Je  désenfle,  prim. 
conj.  declared  in  o  I  leave  of  bolnyng  ». 

I  levé  workc.  Je  cesse,  prim.  conj.  Leave  worke, 
it  is  almoste  nygbt  :  cessez  de  plus  besongner, 
il  est  presque  nuyct. 

I  LEVELL,  as  a  carpenter  or  mason  dothe  bis 
grounde,  or  their  tymber,  or  stones  or 
tbey  square  them,  with  a  lyne.  Je  ligne  a  la 
cordelle,jay  ligné  a  la  cordelle,  ligner  a  la 
cordelle ,  piim.  conj.  and  j e  aplanye,  prim. 
conj.  Tbis  worke  is  well  levelled  :  cest  oa- 
uraige  est  bien  lignée  a  la  cordelle.  This 
florthe  is  well  leavelled  :  cest  astre  est  bien 

I  ievell ,  as  we  do  a  gonne  or  a  crosse  bowe.  Je 
auise,  prim.  conj.  Se,  be  leavelleth  bis 
gonne  lo  shote  at  somwbat  :  aduisez,  il 
auise  de  son  cannon  pour  tirer  a  quelque 
chose.  He  leavelleth  bi»  crosse  bowe  lo 
shote  al  some  dere  :  il  auise  de  son  arc  ba- 
lestre  pour  tirer  a  quelque  dayn. 

I  LEVEN  breed  lo  make  it  more  savourye.  Je  fer- 

mente, prim.  conj.  This  breed  is  nal  well 
levened  :  ce  payn  nest  pas  bien  fermenté. 

II  levenelh,  as  Ibe  lygtenyng  dothe.  //  esclere, 

il  a  escleré,  esclerer,  verbum  impersonale. 
Dyd  you  nat  se  it  leven  right  nowe  :  ne  le 
visiez  vous  pas  esclerer  mayntenant  ? 

L    BTFORE    I. 

I  LYCKB  a  swete  thynge,  as  I  lycke  my  iyppes 
or  fyngers  afler  swete  meate.  Je  lèche, 
prim.  coDJ.  If  you  fall  a  lyckynge  of  your 
fyngers  al  ibe  borde,  lycke  my  fyngers 
to  :  si  vous  vous  mettez  a  lécher  voz  doytz  a 
la  table,  léchez  mes  doytz  aussi. 

I  LYCENCE,  I  gyve  leave  to  one.  Je  licencie, 
prim.  conj.  and  je  baille  congié.  If  you  wyll 
lycence  me,  I  wyll  go  se  hym  and  visyte 
bym  :  se  vous  me  voulez  licencier,  or  me 
bailler  congié,  je  liray  veoyr  et  visiter. 



I  LTE  a  bedde.  Je  me  tiens  au  lict.  Aryse,  man, 
thou  lyest  a  bed  al  daye  :  lieue  toy,  ta  te 
tiens  au  lict  toute  jour. 

I  lye  me  to  slepe.  Je  me  mets  a  dormir.  I  wyil 
lay  my  childe  a  slepe  and  come  to  you  :  je 
nietteray  a  dormir  mon  enfant  et  viendray  a 

I  lye,  as  a  corps  lyeth  in  his  grave,  or  as  one 
lyeth  alonge  upon  the  grounde,  or  as  any 
other  thyog  iicth  Dat  on  iLe  grounde.  Je 
gis,  il  gist,  nous  gisons,  je  geus,jay  geu,je 
gerray,  que  je  gisse,  que  je  gisisse,  gésir, 
tert.  conj.  as  I  am  in  cbylde  bedde  :je  suis 
au  lict  de  gesine.  Hère  lyelh  the  noble 
kyng  Henry  the  seventh  :  icy  gist  le  noble 
roy  Henry  le  septiesme. 

l  lye  at  an  anker,  as  a  shyppe  dothe.  Je  ancre, 
prim.  conj.  Where  wyll  you  lye  at  anker 
to  nyght  :  ou  voulez  vous  ancrera  nuyct? 

I  lye  at  a  siège  byfore  a  towne.  Je  me  tiens  dé- 
liant vne  ville,  or  je  assiège,  prim.  conj. 
How  longe  hâve  you  lyen  hère  at  siège  : 
combien  auez  vous  tenu  le  siège  deuant  ceste 
ville,  or  combien  est  ce  que  vous  avez  assiégé 
ceste  ville  ? 

I  lye  at  the  poynfe  of  dethe.  Je  suis  aa  point  de 
la  mort.  He  lyeth  at  the  mercy  of  God  :  il 
ne  fait  que  attendre  la  bonne  heure,  or  la 
mercy  de  Dieu. 

I  lye  bounde  in  chaynes.  Je  suis  lié  en  chaînes, 
or  je  suis  encliainé.  He  lyeth  faste  chayned  : 
il  est  enchayné. 

I  lye,  I  rest,  I  abyde.  Je  demeure,  or  je  me  tiens, 
as  le  roy  se  tenoyt  a  Paris.  Where  lyeth  the 
kyng  nowe  :  ou  est  ce  que  le  roy  se  tient 
mayntenant  ? 

I  lye  dovfne  in  bedde.  Je  me  couche,  anàje  me 
alicte.  Lye  downe ,  lye  downe  :  couchez- 
vous,  couchez-vous. 

I  lye  downe  a  thynge  from  me  that  I  holde  in 
my  bande.  Je  mets  jus,  conjugate  in  «I 
«put».  Laye  it  downe  from  you  and  saye 
you  sawe  it  nat  :  mettez  le  jus  et  dictez  que 
vous  ne  le  visiez  pas. 

I  lye  in  cbylde  bedde.  Je  suis  acoachée,  or  je 
sais  au  lict  de  gesine.  I  maye  nowe  go  a 


pylgrymage,  my  wyfe  lyeth  a  cbylde  bedde  : 
je  puis  maintenant  aller  en  pelerinaige ,  ma 
femme  est  accouchée,  or  ma  femme  est  en 

I  lye  in ,  as  a  woman  dothe.  Je  suis  en  gesine. 
She  can  nat  come,  she  lyeth  in:  elle  ne 
peult  pas  venir,  elle  est  en  gesine,  or  au  lict 
de  gesine. 

I  lye  in  a  traunce.  Je  transis,  jay  transy,  tran- 
sir, sec.  conj.  Se,  he  lyeth  in  a  traunce 
nowe  :  agardez ,  il  transit  mayntenant. 

It  lyeth  in  my  mynde  or  in  my  herle.  I  shewe 
you  as  it  lyelh  in  my  mynde,  or  I  shewe 
you  al  that  lyeth  in  my  mynde.  Je  vous 
compte  tout  ce  que  jay  sur  le  cueur. 

I  lye  in  wayte  of  my  selfe,  I  am  ware,  I  se  well 
that  I  do  nat  a  thyng.  Je  me  tiens  en  ayuayt 
de  moy  mesmes,  and  je  me  donne  garde.  Nowe 
lye  awayte  of  thy  selfe  that  thou  fyste  nat  : 
or  te  garde  donc  de  vesser,  or  sois  dessus  tes 
gardes,  or  tiens  toy  en  agaayt,  or  te  donne 
garde  de  vesser. 

I  lye  in  wayte  for  one.  Jaguaite,  prim.  conj. 
He  hath  lyen  awayte  for  me  this  hour  :  il 
ma  aguayté  vne  heure. 

I  lye,  I  say  nat  troulhe.  Je  mens,  nous  mentons, 
je  mentis,  jay  menty,  je  mentyray ,  que  je 
mente,  mentir,  tert.  conj.  and  Je  mensonge, 
prim.  conj.  Truste  hym  nat,  hewyil  lye  as 
fastas  adogge  wyll  trotte  :  ne  le  croyez  pas, 
or  ne  vous  fez  pas  en  luy,  car  il  veult  mentyr 
aussi  viste  que  vng  chien  trotte. 

I  lye  or  stande  in  the  shadowe.  Je  me  vmbroye, 
je  me  suis  vmbroyé,  vmbroyer,  verhum  mé- 
dium prim.  conj.  I  fêle  no  heate,  for  I 
lye  hère  in  the  shadowe  :  je  ne  sens  poynt 
de  chaleur,  car  je  me  vmbroye  i<>y, 

I  LYRE  a  thynge,  I  am  content  with  it,  it  is  to 
my  plcasure.  //  me  playt,  etc.  impersonale , 
or  il  me  vient  au  gré.  Sir,  if  it  lyke  you,  I 
will  tell  you  treuthe  :  monsieur,  sil  vous 
playt,  je  vous  diray  la  vérité.  This  lyketh 
me  well  :  cecy  me  vient  bien  au  gré. 

I  lyke,  as  a  heest  dothe  that  is  in  a  good  pas- 
ture ,  or  as  herbes  or  corne  sowen  on  a 
good  grounde.  Je  prospère,  prim.  conj. 



Thèse  beestes  lyke  well  :  ce  bestiayl  pros- 
père bien. 

I  LYLLE  out  the  tonge,  as  a  beest  dothe  that  is 
chafed.  Je  hallette,  prim.  conj.  Se  howe 
yonder  slagge  lyllelh  out  the  tonge ,  he  is 
almost  at  the  iasl  caste  :  agardez  comment 
ce  cerf  la  hallette,  il  nen  peult  guayres  plus. 

I  LYPT  an  heavy  thyng  to  puH  it  up.  Je  halle, 
prim.  conj.  I  bave  lyfted  at  this  same  this 
halfe  hour  ;  jay  haïlé  a  cecy  ceste  demye 

I  lyft  one  up  apon  a  horsebacke,  or  apon  a 
carte,  or  an  hye  place  to  se  a  thyng.  Je 
monte,  prim.  conj.  Conie,  hostler,  lyft  me 
up  :  hostellicr,  viens  moy  monter. 

I  iyfte  up  a  thynge.  Je  eslieue,  prim.  conj.  I 
wyll  iyfte  up  yonder  olde  man  that  is 
failen  :  je  esUeueray,  or  je  dresseray  ce  po- 
ure  viellart  qui  est  cheut. 

I  iyft  up  myne  eyes.  Je  lieue  mes  yealx.  Lyft 
thyne  eyes  towarde  hevyn,  beholde  the 
sonne  and  the  moone  :  lieue  tes  yeulx  vers 
le  ciel,  regarde  le  soleil  et  la  lune. 

I  Iyfte  up.  Je  haulse,  prim.  conj.  Lyft  hym  up, 
he  sball  drinke  :  haulce  le,  il  en  aura, 

I  LYGHT ,  as  a  byrde  or  foule  dothe  on  a  boughe 
afler  she  hath  made  lier  flyght.  Je  branche, 
prim.  conj.  Loke  vieile  where  yonder  fe- 
santc  lygbteth  :  auisez  bien  ou  ce  faisant  se 

I  lyght  a  candell.  Jallume,  prim.  conj.  I  wyil 
iyght  you  a  candell  or  1  go  :  je  vous  alta- 
meray  vne  chandelle  auant  que  je  aille. 

I  lyght  downe  from  horsebacke.  Je  descens. 
Come  lyght  me  downe  :  viens  moy  descen- 
dre, coDJugate  in  «  I  go  downe  ».  Whyle 
he  dyd  lyght  downe  to  mende  bis  slyr- 
roppe,  the  theves  set  upon  hym  :  pendant 
quil  descendit  pour  amender  son  eslrier,  les 
larrons  ruèrent  sur  luy. 

I  lyght  of  a  horse.  Je  descens.  He  can  lyght  up 
a  horsebacke  and  of  agayne  as  delyverly 
as  any  man  I  knowe  :  il  scayt  monter  a 
cheual  et  descendre  jus  de  son  cheual  le  plus 
habillement  que  homme  que  je  saichc. 

I  lyght  on  a  horse.  Je  monte  a  cheual,  prim.  conj. 

I  lyght,  I  make  gladde.  Je  fais  joyeuhc.  This 
tydynges  lygliteth  me  well  :  ces  nouuelles 
me  allègent,  or  mefontjoyeuLi:  beaucoup. 
I  LïGHTEN  a  man  of  bis  burden,  or  comforte 
in  distresse.  Jallege,  prim.  conj.  or  je  oie- 
gie,  and  je  soublage,  prim.  conj.  He  hath 
lyghtened  me  well  of  my  bourden  and 
with  bis  tydynges  :  il  ma  bien  allégé,  or  soub- 
lage de  ses  nouuelles  et  de  monfays  aussi. 
I  lygbten ,  I  fyll  or  store  a  place  with  lyght.  Je 
enlumine,  prim.  conj.  Se  howe  moche  this 
chambre  is  lyghtenned  by  meane  of  one 
torche  :  aduisez  combien  cesie  chambre  est 
enluminée  dune  torche  seullement. 
It  lyghtcneth.  Il  esclere.  Blesse  you,  sawe  you  it 
nat  lyghten  nowe  :  seynés  vous,  ne  le  visiez 
vous  pas  esclerer  mayntenant  ? 
I  lyght  up  a  horse  backe.  Je  monte  a  cheual,  jay 
monté  a  cheual,   monter  a  cheual,  prim. 
conj.  Declared  in  «I  lyght  on  a  horse». 
I  lyght  upon  a  bough ,  as  a  byrde  dothe  to  rest 
her.  Je  branche,  prim.  conj.  Declared  in 
«  I  lyght  as  a  byrde,  or  foule  dothe». 
I  LYGNE,  I  make  a  lyne,  or  marke  a  thyn  with 
a  lyne.  Je  ligne,  prim.  conj.  Hâve  you 
lyned  your   paper  yet  :  auez  vous   ligné 
vostre  papier  encore  ? 
I  lyke  well.  //  me  plaist  bien,  impersonale.  It 
lyketh  me  well  :  il  me  playt  bien.  I  lyke 
you  well  :  vous  me  plaisez  bien.  1  can  nal 
lyke  hym  better  than  I  do  :  il  ne  me  peult 
mieulx  plaire  quil  ne  fait.  So  thaï  in  the 
use  of  this  verbe  ihe  longes  dylfer,  and 
for  you  shall  lyke  me  well  they  say  :  il 
vous  plaira  bien  de  moy,  or  vous  me,  etc. 
1  LïKE  a  panne,    or  suchc   lyke.  Je  lèche.  Il 
becometh  you   better  to  lycke  a  panne 
than  to  synge  a  lesson  in  the  churche  : 
t{  vous  siei  mieulx  lécher  vne  poylle  que  de 
chanter  vne  leçon  au  cueur  de  lesglise. 
I   LYKEN.  Je  resemble  and  je  compare,  prim. 
conj.  I  lyken  the  to  a  sowe,  for  tbou  arte 
ever  chyding  at  meate  :  je  te  resemble,  or 
je  te  compare  a  vne  truye,  car  tu  lences 
tousjours  a  table. 
l  LYME  a  wall ,  or  rofe  with  whyle  lyme  to 




make  it  whyte.  Je  blanchis  de  chaux,  sec. 
conj.  I  wyll  lyme ,  or  whytelyme  ali  niy 
house  agaynst  Christmasse  :  je  blanchiray 
de  chaahc  tonte  ma  maUon  contre  ce  Nouel. 

I  lyme  twygges  with  birde  lyme  to  catche 
birdes  with.  Jenglue ,  prim.  conj.  I  hâve 
lymed  twenty  twygges  this  mornyng,  and 
I  had  an  owle  there  shulde  no  lytell  byrde 
scape  me  :  jay  englaé  vingt  vergettes  ce 
matyn;  si  je  eusse  vng  chathuan,  nul  petit 
oyselet  ne  me  escaperoyt. 

I  LYMITE,  I  apoynle  a  tliyng.  Je  limite,  prim. 
conj.  Let  me  iyniyte  the  boundes  bytwene 
them  indiCferently  :  que  je  limite  les  bondes 
entre  euLc  indifféremment. 

I  lymite,  I  set  the  boundes,  or  lymittes  by- 
twene two  places.  Je  contermine ,  prim. 
conj.  Ouf  groundes  were  lymyted  afore 
our  rathers  dayes  :  noz  terres  estoyent  con- 
terminées  deuant  les  jours  noz  pères. 

I  LYHE,  I  drawe  a  lyne  with  a  penne,  or  I  score 
a  thyng.  Je  ligne,  prim.  conj.  and  je 
aligne,  etc.  declarcd  in  o  I  lyne  ». 

I  lyne ,  as  a  carpenter  dothe  his  tymber  with 
a  coiourcd  lyne  byfore  he  square  it.  Je 
ligne  a  la  cordelle ,  jay  ligné  a  la  cordelle, 
ligner  a  la  cordelle,  prim.  conj.  I  praye 
you,  go  lyne  this  tymber  that  we  maye 
go  sawe  it  out  :  je  vous  prie,  allez  ligner 
ce  boys  a  la  cordelle  que  nous  le  puissions 
aller  sier. 

I  lyne,  as  a  doggc  dothe  a  bytche.  Je  lasse, 
prim.  conj.  I  trowe  your  mastyfe  bave 
lyned  my  bytche  :  je  croy  que  vostre  masfyn 
a  lassé  ma  lisse. 

I  iyncle  ihynges  togyther,  I  fasten  them  by  a 
chayne.  Je  enchayne,  prim.  conj.They  be 
so  faste  lynked  togyther  by  maryage  that 
it  wyll  be  barde  tosowe  a  discorde  bytwene 
them  :  Hz  sont  si  fort  enchaynez  par  mariage 
quon  auroyt  fort  affaire  de  mettre  aulcun 
discort  entre  eulx. 

I  LïNGAB  behynde  my  companye,  I  tarye  be- 
hynde  them.  Je  targe,  prim.  conj.  and 
je  fays  la  queue.  Corne  of,  come  of,  and 
thou    mayest  Jyngar  behynde  tbou   arte 

safe  :  sus,  sus,  vien  auant,  si  tu  peulx  tar- 
ger,  or  faire  la  queue,  ta  te  trouues  bien. 

I  LïSPB.  Je  grossie,  prim.  conj.  He  lyspeth  a  ly- 
tell ,  but  it  becometh  hym  well  :  il  grossie 
vng  petit,  mays  cela  luy  siet  bien. 

I  LYSTE,  it  pleaseth  me.  Il  meplaist,  il  ma  pieu, 
playre,  conjugale  in  «  it  pleaseth  me.  »  You 
can  hère  well  ynoughe  whan  you  lyste  : 
vous  pouez  ouyr  bien  assez  quant  il  vous 
playsl.  Aske  you  why  I  wyll  nat,  for  I  lyst 
nat  :  demandez  vous  pour  quoy  je  ne  le  veulx 
poynt,  car  il  ne  me  plais t  pos. 

I  lyste,  I  bave  a  great  wyll  or  desyre  to  do 
a  thynge.  Jay  fayn,  jay  eu,  fayn,  oaoyr 
fayn,  etc.  I  hâve  lyste,  or  I  lyst  to  drinke 
novie:  jay  fayn  de  boyre  mayntenant.  I  lys- 
ted  nat  so  well  to  slepe  this  twelve  mone- 
thes  :  je  nauoye  pos  si  grand  fayn  de  dormyr 
de  cest  an. 

I  LYSTE  a  garment ,  or  border  it  roonde  aboate 
with  a  lyst.  Je  bende  dune  lisière,  jay  bendè, 
bender,  prim.  conj.  I  bave  lysled  my  cote 
wilhin  to  make  it  laste  betler,  am  nat  I  a 
good  housebande  :  jay  bendè  mon  soion 
dune  lisière  pour  le  faire  plus  longuement 
durer,  ne  suis  je  pas  vng  bon  mesnaiger? 

I  LYSTEN ,  or  herken ,  I  gyve  eare  to  a  thyng. 
Jescoute,  prim.  conj.  and  je  oreille,  prim. 
conj.  Lysten  at  thecrevysseif  thou  cannest 
hère  any  by  steryng  :  oreillez  a  lafendace 
.ii  tu  peulx  ouyr  ame  moauoyr. 

I  LYVE,  I  contynue  my  lyfe.  Je  vis,  nous  viuons, 
je  vesquis,  andje  vescus,N.Ilz  ne  vescurent 
poyntt^.Jay  vesca,je  viueray,  que  je  viue, 
viurc,  tert.  conj.  Thou  lyvest  of  nothyng 
but  of  pollyng  :  tu  ne  ris  que  de  pillaige. 
I  hâve  lyved  as  sorye  a  lyfe  this  thre  yeres 
as  any  man  lyvyog  :  jay  vescu  ce  troys  ans 
vne  vie  aussi  misérable  que  homme  viaant. 

I  lyve  in  langour,  or  anguysshe,  or  sorowe.  Je 
langore,  prim.  conj.  To  lyve  in  langour  is 
no  lyfe,  but  a  longe  dyeng  :  pour  langorer 
ce  nest  pas  viure,  mays  est  vne  mort  traynèe. 

I  lyve  without  a  thyng.  Je  men  passe  sans.  I  shal 
lyve  well  ynoughe  without  you.  Je  men 
passeray  bien  assez  sans  vous.  I  hâve  lyved 



hither  to  without  wyne  :  je  men  suis  passé 
jusqnes  a  mayntenant  sans  vin,  usyng  je 
me  passe  de  and  the  substantyve.  Wenest 
thou  I  cannât  lyve  without  her  :  penses  ta 
ijue  je  men  puis  pas  passer  sans  elle  ? 

L    BYFOBE   0. 

I  LOCKE  up  a  thing,  I  put  it  under  a  locke  and 
keye  to  kepe  it  in  safetye.  Je  enferme,  prim. 
conj.  And  je  enserre,  prim.  conj.  Locke  up 
your  nnonaye ,  I  rede  you ,  servante»  were 
never  so  bad  :  enfermés,  or  enserrés  bien 
vostre  argent,  je  vous  aduise,  seraiteurs  ne 
furent  jamays  si  maulaajs. 

I  locke  one  in  a  dores.  Je  enferme,  prim.  conj. 

1  locke  a  cofer,  or  doore ,  or  any  other  thynge 
that  is  made  to  kepe  thynges  in.  Je  serre, 
prim.  conj .  Locke  ail  the  doores  and  cofers 
or  you  corne  :  serrez  tous  les  huys  et  les 
coffres  avant  que  vous  venez, 

I  locke  a  prisone  or  horse  in  fetters.  Je  enferre, 
prim.  conj.  He  his  lockcd  in  fetters  :  il  est 

I  LODE  a  carte.  Je  charge.  I  pray  you ,  helpe  me 
to  Iode  niy  carte  :  je  vous  prie,  aidez  moy 
a  charger  mon  chariot.  This  horse  is  nat 
halfe  loden  :  ce  cheual  nest  pas  a  demy 

Lo,  se,  or  beholde.  Aduisez,  or  agardez.  Lo 
hère,  you  maye  se  what  this  worlde  is< 
aaisez,  or  agardés  icy,pouez  vous  veoir  que 
cest  de  ce  monde  icy.' 

l  tODGE.  Je  loge,  je  couche  aad  je  herberge, prim, 
conj.  Where  lodge  you  to  nyght  :  ou  logez 
vous ,  or  ou  couchez  vous  a  nuyct  ?  This  man 
can  lodge  no  mo  gestes ,  his  house  is  fuil  : 
cest  homme  nepeultplus  herbergerdes  hostes, 
sa  mayson  est  toute  pleyne. 

I  LOïTER  about,  as  a  person  dothe  that  is 
maysterlesse.  Je  viloie,  prim.  conj.  and  je 
loricarde,  prim.  conj.  He  loytreth  aboute 
lyke  a  maysterlesse  hounde  :  t7  vilote,  or 
loricarde,  comme  vng  chien  que  napoyntde 
maistre,  And  je  vaguabonde,  prim.  conj.  It 
is  a  myserable  lyfe  to  loyter  :  cest  vne  vie 
■niserable  que  de  vaguabonder. 

I  loyter,  or  tarye  by  the  waye.  Je  me  amuse  par 
le  chemyn ,  je  me  sais  amusé  par  le  chemyn, 
amuser  par  le  chemyn,  verbum  médium 
prim.  conj.  And  you  sende  hym,  he  wyll 
sure  loyter  somewbere  by  the  waye  :  si 
vous  lenuoyez,  il  se  amusera  quelque  part 
par  le  chemyn, 

I  loyter,  wban  I  shulde  worke  or  go  aboute  ray 
busynesse  or  erande.  Je  truande,  prim. 
conjug.  Hâve  you  nat  doone  yet,  on  my 
faythe  you  do  but  loyter  :  naaez  vous  pas 
fait  encore,  sur  mafoy  vous  ne  jaictez  que 

I  LOKB  about,  or  1  loke  {hère  and  tliere  for  a 
thynge.  Je  vise,  or  je  raaise,  prim.  conj. 
What  is  it  hope  you  that  he  loketh  for  : 
quest  ce  pencez  vous  quil  vise,  or  rauyse? 

I  loke  aboute,  as  one  dothe  that  taketh  the  vewe 
of  a  place  or  countray.  Je  prens  la  veue. 
He  hath  loked  aboute  upoo  every  thyng 
hère  :  il  aprins  la  veue  de  toutes  choses  icy. 

I  loke  apon  a  thyng,  I  beholde  it.  Je  regarde, 
prim.  conj.  Why  lokest  thou  upon  me: 
pourquoy  me  regardes  tu  ?  And  loke  you 
hurte  me  nat  :  et  gardez  bien  de  me  blesser. 
Loke ,  be  is  there  :  tenez,  le  voy  la.  So  that 
in  the  imperatyve  mode  «  loke  »  may  beto- 
ken  «  beware  » ,  and  than  garde  signyfyeth 
«  loke  »  ;  but  for  «  beholde  a  imperatyve  they 
rauste  saye  regarde  ;  but  the  comen  spetche 
confoundeth  them,  and  tenes  is  holde  for 
«  loke  »,  for  they  use  one  verbe  for  another. 

I  loke  upon  a  thyng,  or  beholde  it  wysly.  Je 
aaisc,  prim.  conj.  He  loketh  wyshely  upon 
me  :  il  maduise  bien. 

l  loke  asyde  upon  one  by  disdayne.  Je  me 
guyngne.  1  praye  you ,  se  bowe  she  loketh 
upon  me  by  disdayne:  aduisez,  je  vous 
prie,  comment  elle  se  guygne. 

i  loke  asyde  by  chaunce,  or  caste  myn  eye 
asyde.  Je  regarde  de  couslé,  prim.  conj. 
As  I  loked  asyde,  I  spyed  hym  comyng 
after  :  ainsi  que  je  regardoye  de  coustè,  je 
laduisay  comment  il  vint  après  moy. 

I  loke  ashosshe ,  or  aswasshe,  as  one  dothe 
upon  a  thing  by  disdayne ,  or  mispride. 


Je  lorgne,  priin.  conj.  I  pray  you,  se  how 
she  loketb  ashosshe,  or  aswasshe,  is  she 
nat  a  prowdc  dame  :  je  vous  prie,  aduisez 
comment  elle  loryne  ;  nest  elle  pas  vne  jiere 

I  ioke ,  I  consyder,  or  bethynke  me  what  I  do. 
Je  me  vise,  je  me  sais  visé,  viser,  verbum 
médium  prim.  conj.  or  je  me  auise,  or 
aduise,  verbum  médium  prim.  couj.  Loke 
well  what  you  do,  I  wolde  advyse  you  : 
aduisez  bien  que  cest  que  vous  faiclez ,  je 
vous  vouldroys  aduiser. 

I  loke  in  a  glasse,  or  beholde  my  selfe  in  a 
glasse.  Je  me  remire,  je  me  suis  remiré, 
reniirer,  verbum  médium  prim.  conj. 

I  loke  upon  a  countraye,  I  loke  aboute  it  to 
vewe  it.  Je  pouijecte,  prim.  conj.  I  loke 
aboute  the  countraye  :  je  pourjecte  le  pais. 

I  LOLLE  one  aboute  the  eares.  Je  luy  tire  les 
oreilles.  I  shali  lolle  you  aboute  the  eares 
tyll  I  make  your  eares  cracke  :  je  vous  tire- 
ray  les  oreilles  tant  que  je  les  feray  cracquer. 

I  LONDE,  I  take  lande  at  London.  Je  prens  terre 
a  Londres,  and  je  descens,  conjugale  in 
«I  go  downe».  We  landed  at  Calays  the 
morowe  after  :  le  lendemayn  nous  prinsmes 
terre  a  Calays,  or  nous  descendismes ,  or 
descendismes  a  terre  a  Calays. 

1  LOUGE,  as  a  woman  with  chylde  longeth,  or 
iustcth  for  a  thynge  that  she  wolde  eate 
or  drinke  of.  Jay  enaie,  prim.  conj.  Wo- 
nieo  with  chylde  longe  for  many  straunge 
thynges  -.femmes  grosses  ontenuie  de  maynies 
choses  estranges. 

I  longe,  I  thynke  longe  to  hâve,  or  se  a  thyng. 
Il  me  tarde,  il  ma  tardé,  tarder,  imperso- 
nale  prim.  conj.  I  longe  to  se  bym  :  il  me 
tarde  que  je  ne  le  voye.  I  thynke  longe  to 
Chrismease:  il  me  tarde  que  Noelne  soytvenu. 

i  longe  to  one,  I  appartayne  to  hym.  Je  says, 
jay  esté,  estre.  I  longe  to  the  kyng  :  je  sais 
ou  roy,  and  je  appartiens  au  roy.  To  whom 
longeth  tbis  fayre  bouse  :  a  qui  est  ceste 
belle  mayson? 

I  LOPPE  a  Iree,  I  croppe,  I  polshred.  Je  de- 
branchis,  jay  debranchy,  debranchir,  sec. 


conj.  I  hâve  lopped  ail  the  trees  in  my 
grounde  this  Marche  :  jay  debranchy  louts 
les  arbres  de  ma  terre  ce  moys  de  Mars. 

I  LORNE,  I  lose  a  thyng.  Je  pers,  jay  perdu, 
perdre,  conjugale  in  ni  leset,  but  this 
terme  is  nat  in  use,  though  we  borowe, 
«I  forlore»  of  the  doutcbe  tonge. 

I  LOSE,  loke  afore  in  «I  lèse». 

I  LOTHE,  as  I  lolhe  my  meate,  or  ones  slut- 
tyshnesse.  Tbis  verbe  in  the  frenche 
tonge  is  ever  used  as  an  unparsonal. 

It  lotbetb  me.  Il  mcnnuyt,  or  il  me  faiche.  I 
lothe  his  villanye,  or  it  lotbetb  me  of  bis 
villanye  :  il  me  faiche,  or  il  mennuyl  de  sa 

I  LOVE,  I  beare  affection  to  one.  Jayme,  prim. 
conj.  I  love  hym  above  ail  tbe  men  in  tbe 
worlde  layme  par  dessus  tous  les  hommes 
du  monde. 

I  love ,  as  a  chapman  loveth  his  ware  that  he 
wyll  sell.  Je  fais.  Come  of,  howe  mocbe 
love  you  it  at  :  sus,  combien  lefaictez  vous? 
I  love  you  it  nat  so  dere  as  it  coste  me  : 
je  ne  le  fais  pas  tant  chier  quil  ma  cousté. 
I  wolde  be  gladde  to  bye  some  ware  of 
you ,  but  you  love  ail  thynges  to  dere  :  je 
achapleroys  voulentiers  de  vostre  marchan- 
dise, mays  vous  faitez  toutes  voz  choses  trop 

I  love,  I  prayse  one.  Je  loue,  prim  conj.  I  take 
the  worlde  as  it  comelh  and  love  God  of 
ail  :  je  prens  le  monde  ainsi  comme  il  va  et 
loue  Dieu  de  tout. 

I  love  one  tenderly  or  very  derely.  Je  chéris,  jay 
chery,  chérir,  sec.  conj.  I  bave  loved  hym  as 
derely  as  if  he  had  ben  my  sonne  :  je  lay 
autant  chery  comme  sil  eust  esté  mon  fUz. 

I  LOWER,  I  make  a  glomynge  counlenaunce./e 
reschigne,  prim.  conj.  What  so  ever  he 
meanelh  be  is  nat  contented ,  I  sawe  bym 
nat  lower  thus  this  great  whyle  :  quoy  quil 
veult  dire  il  nest  pas  content,  je  ne  le  vis  pas 
rechigner  en  ce  poynt  de  long  temps. 

I  LOWE,  as  a  kowe.  Je  bule,  prim.  conj.  Herke 
bowe  yonder  kowe  loweth  :  escoufez  com- 
ment cesle  vache  la  bulc. 



I  LOwsE ,  as  a  gonner  lowseth  a  pece  of  ordo- 
naunce.  Je  affustt,  prim.  coDJ.  and  je  de- 
clicqne,  prim.  conj.  He  lowsed  ail  tlie  or- 
donaunce  be  had  agayast  my  poore  house  : 
il  affusta,  or  il  decUcciua  toute  lartillerie  quil 
auoyt  contre  ma  poure  maison. 

I  lowse  a  boukyll.  Je  deshloucque  and  je  des- 
boacU,  prim.  conj.  Lowse  your  shoe  and 
gyve  hym  upon  the  heed  witliall  ;  des- 
bloucqués,  or  desbouclez  vostre  soulier  et  luy 
en  donnés  sur  la  teste. 

I  lowse,  as  an  archer  with  a  longe  bowe  dotLe 
his  shotte.  Je  Jejcocfte, prim.  conj .  I  tbouglit 
fuU  lytell  he  wolde  hâve  lowsed  at  me 
whan  I  sawe  hym  drawe  his  bowe  :  je  ne 
pencoys  poynt  quil  voulut  escocher  sur  moy 
quant  je  le  vis  tirer  son  arc. 

I  lowse,  as  one  dothe  the  shotte  of  a  crosse 
bowe.  Je  declicque,  prim.  conj.  He  hath 
lowsed  where  at  so  ever  he  hath  shotte  :  il 
a  declicque  a  quoy  que  soyt  quil  a  debendé, 
or  tiré. 

1  lowse  a  prisoner  or  a  horse  eut  of  his  yrons. 
Je  dejferre,  prim.  conj.  Lowse  tliis  prisoner 
from  his  yrones,  he  muste  be  removed 
from  this  gaylle  :  déferrez  ce  prisonnier,  il 
fault  quon  le  renieue  de  ceste  prison, 

I  lowse  a  sonder,  as  bordes  be  that  were  joyned 
togyther  and  nowe  gape.  Je  desempare, 
prim.  conj.  Se  howe  the  heate  hath  made 
thèse  bordes  to  lowse  asonder  :  agardez 
comment  ceste  chaleur  a  fait  desemparer  ces 

I  lowse  a  trec  or  herbe  from  the  roote.  Je  des- 
racine, prim.  conj.  Tboughe  a  tree  be 
nerer  so  great ,  if  he  be  lowsed  from  the 
roote  he  must  nedes  fall  :  et  tant  est  vng 
arbre  grande,  mays  quelle  soit  desracinée  il 
faut  quelle  se  laisse  cheoyr. 

I  lowse  a  person  or  a  garment,  I  take  lyce  or 
vermyn  out  of  it.  Je  pouilk,  prim.  conj. 
Beggers  bave  a  goodly  lyfe  in  llie  sommer 
tyme  to  lye  and  lowse  them  under  a 
hedge  :  cej  blistrcs  maynent  vne  belle  vie  en 
temps  desté  de  se  coucher  au  long  dune  haye 
et  pouiller  leurs  habillemens. 

I  lowse  or  onbynde  a  thynge  that  is  bounde.  Je 
deslie,  prim.  conj.  I  pray  you,  lose  my 
gyrdell,  I  bave  made  the  linotte  so  faste 
that  myne  nayles  ake  to  hopen  it  :  je  vous 
prie,  desliez  ma  ceincture ,jay  Jaict  le  neu  si 
serré  quil  me  fait  mal  aux  ongles  de  louwyr. 

I  lowse  or  open  a  knotte.  Je  desnoue,  prim.  conj. 
Lowse  the  knotte  of  my  garler  :  desnouez 
le  neu  de  mon  gertier. 

I  LOWTE ,  I  gyve  révérence  lo  one.  Je  me  cambre 
or  je  luy  fais  la  reuerence.  It  is  a  worlde  to 
se  him  lowte  and  knele  :  ce^f  vng  monde 
que  de  le  veoyr  se  cambrer  et  sagenoitler. 

I  lowte,  as  a  kowe  or  bull  dothe.  Je  bagle, 
prim,  conj.  And  je  bule,  and  je  besle, 
prim.  conj.  And  je  mugys,jay  mugy,  mugir, 
sec.  conj.  Some  men  thynke  it  is  a  goodly 
noyse  to  hère  a  borne  well  blowen,  but 
I  had  lever  bere  a  kowe  of  myn  awne 
lowte  :  autcuues  gens  pencent  que  cest 
vne  belle  chose  que  doayr  sonner  vng  cor, 
mays  jaymeroys  plus  chier  ouyr  vne  vache 
quefust  a  moy  bugler,  or  6u/er,  or  besler, 
or  mugyr. 

L    BYFORE   U. 

I  LDBBER,  I  playe  the  lubber.  Je  loricarde, 
prim.  conj.  You  lubber  as  well  as  any 
knave  in  this  towne  :  vous  loricardez  aussi 
bien  que  villayn  de  ceste  ville. 

I  LUCRE  one ,  I  make  hym  iuckye  or  happye.  Je 
heure,  prim.  conj.  He  is  a  happy  person, 
for  he  lucketh  every  place  he  cometh  in  : 
il  est  vng  homme  heureux,  car  il  heure  toutes 
les  places  ou  il  se  treuue. 

I  LDLLE  in  myne  armes,  as  a  nouryce  dothe  ber 
chylde  to  bringe  it  aslepe.  Je  berce  entre 
mes  bras.  Sbe  can  lulle  a  childe  as  han- 
somly  aslepe  as  it  were  a  woman  of  thurty 
yere  olde  :  elle  scayt  aussi  gentiment  bercer 
vng  enfant  entre  ses  bras  comme  si  ce  fut  vne 
femme  de  trente  ans. 

I  LDMBER,  I  make  a  noyse  above  ones  beed.  Je 
fais  hruyt.  I  beshrewe  you,  you  lumbred  so 
over  my  heed  I  coulde  nat  slepe  for  you 
to  nyght  :  mauldit  soyez  vous,  vous  faysiez 


si  grant  hruyt  par  dessus  ma  teste  que  je  ne 
pouoye  dormir  a  nayct  a  cause  de  vous, 

I  LDRE ,  as  a  falconer  dothe  for  bis  haulke.  Je 
leurre,  prim.  conj.  Lure  your  haulke  be- 
tyme,  I  wolde  advyse  you  :  leurrez  vostre 
oyseau  de  bonne  heure  si  vous  men  croyez. 

I  LDRKE,  I  hyde  my  selfe.  Je  me  musse.  Whan 
I  come  to  the  bouse,  you  lurke  ever  in  some 
corner  :  quant  je  viens  a  la  maison,  vous 
voai  massez  en  quelque  coyng. 

I  LORTCHE,  as  one  dothe  bis  feiowes  al  meate 
witb  ealynge  to  hastyly.  Je  briffe ,  prim. 
conj.  Syt  nat  at  bis  messe,  for  he  wyli 
lurtcbe  you  than  :  ne  vous  assiez  poynt  a 
son  plat,  or  ne  vous  faictez  pas  lanij  des 
quattre  a  son  plat,  car  il  briffe  oultre  me- 

I  LOST,  I  bave  an  appetyte  to  a  tbyng.  Jappette, 
prim.  conj.  Tbere  is  no  iyvyng  créature 
that  can  bave  ali  tbynge  be  iusteth  for  : 
il  nj  a  nul  homme  viuant  qui  peult  tout  auoyr 
quil  appel  te. 

I  iusteor  longe  for  a  tbyng,  as  a  woman  witb 
cbylde  dolhe.  Jay  enuic ,  prim.  conj.  I  bave 
a  luste  to  gyve  you  a  biowe  on  the  cheke: 
jay  enuie  de  vous  donner  vue  jouée,  or  vng 
sujjlet  sur  la  joe, 

I  LCTE,  I  play  on  the  lute.  Je  joue  du  lus,  He  is 
the  best  player  of  the  lute  in  ail  tbis 
reaime  :  cest  le  meilleur  joueur  du  lut,  or 
du  lus  qui  est  en  tout  ce  royalme. 

M   BYFORE   A. 

I  MACHYNE  a  grcat  persones  dethe  or  bis  burte. 
Je  machine,  prim.  conj.  He  hatb  natonely 
macbyned  agaynst  me  to  make  me  lèse 
my  good ,  but  also  be  bath  macbyned  my 
dethe  :  il  na  pas  seullement  machiné  contre 
moy  pour  me  faire  perdre  mes  biens,  mays 
il  a  aussi  machiné  nm  mort. 

I  MADDE,  I  waxe  or  become  mad.  .he  enraige, 
prim.  conj.  I  bolde  my  lyfe  on  it  tbe 
felowe  maddetb  :  je  gaige  ma  vie  que 
Ihomme  enrage. 

I  MiDDER  clothe  to  be  dyed.  Je  garence,  prim. 
conj.  Your  vyoiet  hatb  nat  bis  fuU  dye 


but  be  bis  maddered  :  vostre  violet  na  pas 
son  dernier  taynct,  mays  il  est  desja  garencé. 

I  MAGE  colle  (Lydgate),  I  make  false  brayes 
abouleatowne  wall.  Je  machecoalle,  prim. 
conj.  Wbiche  terme  Lydgate  borowed  of 
the  frenche  longe,  for  they  cali  vng  ma- 
checoulys  a  false  bray,  but  they  use  nat  the 

I  MAGYNE,  declared  in  «I  ymagyn». 

I  MAGNIFYG.  Je  magnifie,  prim.  conj.  He  ma- 
gnifyeth  sucbe  a  man  as  thoughe  be  were 
bis  God:  il  magnifie  vng  tel  comme  silfust 
son  Dieu. 

I  MAY.  Je  puis,  OT  je  peuLc,  pouuoir,  conjugale 
in  tbe  seconde  booke.  If  I  may,  I  wyll  do 
it  :  si  je  puis,  je  leferay. 

I  may  be  without  a  tbyng,  or  I  may  wanle  it. 
Je  men  puis  passer.  I  maye  be  as  longe 
without  siepe  as  an  othcr  man ,  I  thanke 
God  :  je  me  puis  passer  sans  dormyr  aussi 
longuement  que  vng  aultre.  Dieu  mercy,  usyng 
sans  witb  tbe  iufynityve  of  the  verbe  after 
je  men  puis  passer. 

I  may  do  a  tbyng  longe  ynough ,  wbiche  sayeng 
we  use  whan  we  signyfye  our  labour  to 
be  in  vayne,  as  I  may  pray  longe  ynougbe, 
I  may  tary  longe  ynougbe,  they  saye  :  jay 
beau  attendre,  or  jay  eu  beau  attendre, 
jauray  beau  attendre,  auoyr  beau  attendre, 
joynyng  beau  attendre  to  the  tenses  of  je  ay. 
And  thou  maye  krye  longe  ynougb  :  tu  as 
beau  braire. 

I  MAKE  joye ,  or  sorowe ,  or  noyse.  Je  mayne,jay 
mené,  mener,  prim.  conj.  joye,  dueuil,  hruyt, 
joynyng  the  suhstantyve  to  the  tenses  of 
je  mayne.  He  made  great  joye  at  bis  com- 
yng  :  il  mena  grant  joye  a  sa  venue.  I  make 
a  do  :  je  baille  a  faire.  He  maketh  sucbe  a 
worke  wban  he  cometh  that  ail  tbe  bouse 
is  wery  of  bym  :  il  baille  tant  a  faire  quant 
il  tient  que  toute  la  maison  se  faiche  de 

I  MAY  nat  do  witbail.  Je  nen  puis  mays,  je  nen 
pouoye  mais,  je  naypeu  mays,  je  ne  pouoye 
mays,  and  so  of  ihe  other  tenses  of  je  puis 
joyned  to  ne  and  mays.  If  he  do  amysse 



1  may  nat  do  withall ,  I  hâve  no  charge  of 
hym  :  sil  se  goauerne  mal,  je  nen  puis  mays, 
je  nay  pas  la  charge  de  luj. 

1  may  nat  wanle  a  thyng,  I  can  nat  be  without 
it.  Je  ne  men  puis  passer  sans ,  je  nay  peu 
passer  sans,  auoir  peu  passer  sans.  I  eau  nal 
want,  or  I  can  nat  be  without  a  cappe 
ne  me  puis  passer  sans  bonnet.  I  may  no 
more  wante  my  gloves  than  my  cappe  : 
autant  men  puis  je  passer  sans  gans  que  sans 
bonnet,  or  je  ne  puis  passer  sans  gans  non 
plus  que  sans  bonnet. 

I  MAYNE,  or  I  mayne  one,  I  Iake  the  use  of  one 
of  his  lymmes  from  hym.  Jaffolle ,  or  je 
matille,  and  je  mehaigne,  prim.  conj.  He 
halh  raayned  me  and  nowe  is  fledde  his 
waye  ;  il  ma  ajfollé,  or  mutillé,  or  mehaigne, 
et  maintenant  il  sen  estjouy;  but  mehaigner 
is  Normante. 

I  MAVNTAïNE.  Je  marnliens,  and  je  soubstietts, 
conjugale  lyke  his  simple  je  tiens,  I  holde. 
And  he  ones  saye  a  thyng ,  he  wyll  mayn- 
layne  it  to  dye  for  it  :  sil  le  dict  vnefojs,  il 
le  veult  majntenir  pour  moaryr,  or  deust  il 
mourir  a  la  peyne.  I  wyll  mayntayn  his 
quarell  so  longeas  I  lyve  vueil  soustenir 
sa  querelle  tant  que  je  viue. 

I  mayntayne,  I  behave,  or  demeane  my  selfe. 
Je  me  contiens,  verbum  médium  tert.  conj. 
Conjugate  lyke  his  simple,  je  tiens,  1  holde. 
You  shall  se  me  mayntayne  my  selfe  so 
honestly  that  you  shall  prayse  me  :  vous 
me  verrez  me  contenir  si  lioneslement  que 
vous  vous  louerez  de  moy. 

I  MAKE.  Je  fais,  nous  faisons,  vous  fuites,  Hz  font, 
}'f^>mfr<-^>i^S"^y'  qaejeface,  que  je 
fisse, faire,  conjugate  in  the  seconde  boke. 
I  make  hym  a  gowne,  a  house ,  a  cappe  or 
suche  lyke  :  je  luyfaisvne  robe,  vue  maison, 
vng  bonnet.  It  maketh  no  mater,  whiche 
sayeng  we  use  in  maner  of  a  threate  :  cest 
tout  vng.  It  maketh  no  mater,  but  I  wyll 
quyte  it  you  and  I  lyve  :  cest  tout  vng,  mays 
je  le  vous  rendray  si  je  vis. 
l  make  agcd.  Je  âge,  prim.  conj.  Thought  and 
imprisonment  wyll   âge  a  maa  anone  : 

chagryn  et  emprisonnement  agera  vng  homme 
bien  tost. 
I  make  a  bargayne  with  one.  Je  marchande  and 
je  bargaygne , prim.  conj.  And  I  makeabar- 
gayne  with  you,  you  knowe  I  must  make 
it  good  :  si  je  marchande,  or  si  je  bargaygne 
a  vous,  vous  scauez  quH  le  mefault  pleuuyr. 

I  make  a  bedde.  Je  fays  vng  lict.  Make  your 
bedde  a  dayes  or  you  go  out  of  your  cham- 
ber  :  faictez  vostre  lict  tous  les  jours  auant 
que  partyr  hors  de  la  chambre. 

I  make  a  booke ,  as  a  clerkc  dothe ,  or  any  mater 
in  whiche  lernyng  is  shewed.  Je  compile, 
and  je  compose,  prim.  conj.  As  I  make  a 
booke  :  je  compose  vng  liure.  Is  your  boke 
made  yet  :  vostre  liure  nest  il  pas  encore 
compilé,  or  composé? 

I  make  a  brablyng.  Je  barbouille,  prim.  conj. 
He  blotteth  so  the  parchement  that  I  love 
nat  to  meddyll  with  hym  :  i!  barbouille 
tant  le  parchemyn  que  je  nayme  pas  dauoir 
a  faire  a  luy. 

I  make  a  cherme,  as  byrdes  do.  Je  jargonne, 
prim.  conj.  What  a  cherme  thèse  byrdes 
make  :  comment  ces  oyseaux  jargonnent. 

I  make  a  do,  I  make  a  bablyng.  Je  fais  du  plait. 
You  make  ado  faere  for  a  thyng  of  naught  : 
vous  faictez  icy  du  playt  pour  vne  chose  de 

I  make  a  frayde.  Je  baille  paour.  You  shall  se  a 
good  sporte,  I  wyll  make  hym  a  frayde  : 
vous  verrez  vng  bon  jeu,  je  luy  bailleray 
paour.  Il  ma  baillé  beUe paour:  he  made  me 
a  frayde  in  dede. 

I  make  a  frayde.  Je  effraye,  prim.  conj.  He 
made  me  more  a  frayde  than  I  was  thèse 
twelve  monethes  :  il  meffroya  plus  que  je 
nestoye  de  cest  an. 

I  make  a  hole.  Je  troue,  prim.  conj.  or  je  fais 
vng  trou.  The  droppes  of  water  with  ofte 
fallynge  make  the  hole  in  a  marbyll  stone: 
les  gouttes  deau  par  souuent  cheoyr  trouent 
la  pierre  de  marbre,  or  fait  vng  trou  en  vne 
pierre  de  marbre. 

I    make  a  house  or  any  maner  byldyog.   Je 
construis,  conjugate  in  «I  constrewe».  He 


is  a  specyall  good  workeman ,  be  made  the 
halle  in  Yorke  place  :  cesl  vng  maistre  ou- 
urier,  il  a  construit  la  salle  de  la  maison  de 


I  make  alyve ,  I  revyve  a  thyng  that  was  deed , 
ihat  first  lyveth.  Je  viuifie,  priin.  conj, 
and  je  resuscite.  I  was  almoste  deed  for  sor- 
owe,  but  be  hath  made  me  alyve  agayne: 
jesioye  quasi  mort  de  dueil,  mays  il  ma  re- 

I  make  a  marke  or  a  token.  Je  marque,  prim. 
conj.  Make  a  marke  wbere  you  leave  : 
faictez  vne  marche,  or  marquez  la  ou  vous 

I  make  a  mater  to  one,  I  pycke  a  quarell  to 
him.  Je  prens  noyse,  conjugale  in  «  I  take  ». 
Wyll  you  make  a  mater  to  men  whiche 
make  no  mater  to  you  :  voulez  vous 
prendre  noyse  aux  gens  qui  ne  vous  deman- 
dent riens? 

I  make  a  mater  to  faym.  Je  prens  noyse  a  biy. 

I  make  no  mater  to  hym.  Je  ne  luy  demande 
riens.  He  drewe  bis  sworde  at  me  and  I 
made  no  mater  to  hym  :  il  desgayna  sur 
moy  elje  ne  luy  demandoye  riens. 

I  make  amendes ,  I  recompense  ones  servyce  or 
kyndnesse.  Je  recompence ,  prim.  conj.  Syr, 
I  thanke  you  of  your  great  goodnesse  to 
wardes  me  and  I  praye  God  I  maye  ones 
make  you  amendes  :  je  vous  remercie  de 
vosfre  grant  bonté  enuers  moy  et  je  prie  a 
Dieu  que  je  le  vous  puisse  recompencer  vne 

....    foys. 

I  make  amendes  for  a  faulte  or  trespas.  Je  fais 
lamende.  If  I  hâve  done  you  any  ofience  I 
am  redye  to  make  you  amendes  :  si  je  vous 
ay  fait  offence,  je  suis  prest  de  vous  faire 

T  make  an  acte.  Je  actijie,  prim.  conj.  He  hath 
made  an  acte  upon  it  and  sette  a  great 
payne  upon  them  tbat  shail  breake  bis 
acte  :  il  a  actijié  et  a  mys  vne  grant  peyne 
surceulx  qui  le  transgresseront ,  or  forfaicte- 

l  make  an  ende  or  a  conclusyon  of  a  mater.  Je 
détermine,  prim.  coDJ,  and  je  paracheae. 

prim.  conj.  and  je  diffine,  prim.  conj.  and 
je  cheuis,  sec.  conj.  and  je  accomplis,  sec. 
conj.  and  j'c  parfais,  jay  parfaict,  parfaire, 
etc.  conjugale  lyke  fays.  Hâve  you  made 
an  ende  of  il  yel  :  laue:  vous  paracheué  en- 
core ?  I  bave  made  a  fuH  ende  of  my 
worke  novre-.jay  mayntenant paracheué  mon 
oeuare,  or  accomply  mon  oeuure. 

I  make  angry.  Je  courrouce,  prim.  conj.  Make 
hym  nat  angrye.  I  praye  you  :  ne  le  cour- 
roucez poynt,je  vous  prie. 

I  make  a  noyse,  as  waler  dothe  thaï  strykelh 
against  stones.  Je  grondelle,  prim.  conj. 
What  a  noyse  tbis  waler  maketh  with 
ronnyng  upon  thèse  stones  :  comment  ceste 
eaue  grondelle  en  courront  sur  ces  pierres. 

I  make  a  noyse.  Je  mayne  noyse,  or  je  mayne 
bruit,  jay  mené,  mener,  prim.  conj.  What 
noyse  make  you  ibere  :  quelle  noyse,  or  quel 
bruit  maynez  vous  la?  Tbey  make  so  great 
a  noyse  in  the  scoole  tbat  one  can  nat  hère 
another  :  Hz  maynent,  or  mènent  si  grant 
hruyt,  or  si  grant  noyse  a  Icscolle  que  lung 
ne  peull  poynt  ouyr  laultre. 

I  make  an  uniefuU  assembly.  Je  me  arrouue, 
prim.  conj.  The  sowlers  made  an  unlefull 
assemblye  in  tlie  lowne  to  nyght  :  les  saue- 
tiers  sarroutterent  ennuyt  a  la  ville. 

I  make  noyse ,  as  a  fowle  dothe  with  bis  wynges, 
or  as  a  flye  dothe ,  or  the  wynde  whan  it 
blowelh  boystously.  Je  bruys,  jay  bray, 
bruir,  sec.  conj,  Herde  you  what  a  noyse 
the  wynde  made  to  nyght  :  ouystez  vous 
comment  le  vent  bruyoyt  a  nuycl  ?  What  a 
noyse  a  swan  maketh  with  her  wynges 
whan  she  flyeth  :  comment  vng  cygne  bruyt 
de  ses  esles  quant  il  vole. 

I  make  a  noyse,  as  the  water  dothe  tbat  hath  a 
great  fall,  or  as  the  leaves  do  on  a  Iree. 
Je  bruis,  conjugale  in  «  I  gousshe ,  I  make 
«  a  noyse  as  water  dolhe  ».  The  water  al  the 
lowe  ebbe  maketh  suche  a  noyse  at  London 
bridge  tbat  one  can  scarce  bere  an  otlier 
speke  :  quant  leaue  estpresques  tout  aualée, 
elle  bruyt  si  fort  soubz  le  pont  de  Londres  qua 
peyne  peult  on  ouyr  lung  laultre  parler. 



I  make  a  noyse ,  I  make  roumblyng  or  a  chat- 
tryng.  Je  mayne  grant  noyse,  or  je  mayne 
grant  bruit,  jay  mené,  mener.  You  make  a 
great  rumblyog  there  above  :  vous  menez 
grant  bruyt,  or  grant  noyse  la  hault. 

I  make  a  noyse,  as  folkes  that  speake  a  lowde. 
Je  mayne  grant  cacijaet,  or  grant  playt. 

I  make  an  out  krye.  Je  huline,  prim.  conj.  So 
soone  as  they  sawe  them  they  made  an  out 
krye  :  aussi  tost  quilz  les  virent  venir  ilz  se 

I  make  a  réveil,  I  make  a  do,  as  one  dothe  that 
is  misgoverned.  Je  mayne feste ,  prim.  conj. 
I  make  sucbe  a  réveil  with  them  of  our 
house  :  je  mayne  telle  feste  a  celuy  de  nostre 

I  make  a  saulte  to  a  towne.  Je  donne  lassaalt, 
prim.  conj.  or  je  tiare  lassaalt.  They  made 
foure  assaultes  at  the  towne  or  they  coulde 
gette  it  :  ih  donnèrent,  or  liurerent  quattre 
assauhx  a  la  ville  auant  tjuilz  la  puysseni  gai- 

I  make  a  sermonde,  as  a  prêcher  dothe.  Je 
prêche,  or  je  sermonne,  prim.  conj,  or  je 
fays  vng  sermon.  He  hath  made  a  clerkely 
sermonde  byfore  the  kynge  lo  daye  :  il  a 
Jayt  vng  sermon  playn  de  grant  clergise  de- 
aant  le  roy  aujourdhuy. 

l  make  a  shamed.  Je  ahontis,  sec.  conj.  You 
hâve  made  lier  ashamed  with  your  talk- 
ynge  :  vous  lauez  ahontye  de  vostre  playt. 

I  make  ashamed.  Je  baille  honte,  prim.  conj.  I 
make  hym  ashamed  :  je  luy  baille  honte. 
Oativo  jungitur.  And  je  vergoigne,  prim. 
conj.  He  made  hym  asliaraed  :  il  le  ver- 
goingna.  Accusativo  jungitur.  And  je  hon- 
tie,  prim.  conj.  and  je  ahontye.  I  shall 
make  him  ashamed  of  )iis  sayeng  or  1 
hâve  done  with  hym  :  je  luy  bailleray 
honte,  or  je  luyferay  anoir  vergoigne ,  or  je 
le  ahontiray  de  son  dict,  auant  que  je  aye 
fait  de  luy. 

l  make  a  signe.  Je  fais  signe,  prim.  conj.  Make 
hym  a  signe  with  your  heed  -.faictez  luy  si- 
gne de  vostre  teste. 

I  make  hym  a  signe  with  my  bonnet,  but  he 

toke  no  hede  of  it  :  je  luy  fis  signe  de  mon 
bonnet,  mays  il  ny  print  poynt  garde. 

I  make  at  debate.  Je  mets  en  hayne  ,jay  mys  en 
hayne,  mettre  en  haine,  and  je  mets  en  dé- 
bat, jay  mys  en  débat,  mettre  en  débat,  con- 
jngate  in  o  I  put».  Thou  hast  made  us  at 
debate  and  nowe  thou  syttest  in  a  corner 
and  langhest  us  bothe  to  scorne  :  tu  nous 
as  mys  en  hayne,  or  en  débat,  et  mayntenant 
tu  te  assies  en  vng  coyng  et  te  mocques  de 

I  make  a  thynge  by  craflc.  Je  artijie,  prim. 
conj.  A  man  may  make  a  thynge  so  craf- 
telye  that  it  can  nat  be  unsterdande  but 
of  great  clerkes  ;  on  peult  tant  arlifer  vne 
chose  quelle  ne  se  peult  entendre  que  des  grans 

1  make  a  thynge  convenyent  to  a  mannes  mynde. 
Je  duite,  prim.  conj.  If  there  be  any  man 
in  Engiande  that  can  make  this  thynge  to 
your  purpose  it  is  he  :  sil  y  a  homme  en 
Engleterre  qui  vous  puisse  duyter  en  cesl  af- 
faire cest  luy. 

I  make  a  thyng  levell  with  the  grounde,  I  béate 
downe  a  thyng  levell  with  the  grounde. 
Je  arrose,  prim.  conj.  He  hath  beaten 
downe  the  towne  walles  levell  witli  the 
grounde  :  il  a  arrosé  les  murailles  de  la  ville, 
OT  nies  a  demoliées  rasibus  de  la  terre. 

I  make  at  one,  J  agre  folkes  that  were  fallen 
out.  Je  rapaise,  prim.  conj.  and  je  recon- 
cile, prim.  conj.  Go  your  wayes,  I  pray 
you,  it  is  a  good  dede  to  make  them  at 
one  :  allez,  je  vous  prie,  cest  vne  bonne 
oeuure  de  les  rapaiser,  or  de  les  reconciler. 

I  make  a  vaunte,  I  boste  or  crake.  Je  me  vante, 
prim.  conj.  He  made  bis  vaunte  that  he 
wolde  béate  me,  but  I  bave  handied  hym 
lyke  a  knave  :  il  se  vanta  de  me  vouloyr 
battre,  mais  je  lay  manié  en  villayn. 

I  make  a  vowe,  I  promesse  to  God  or  to  some 
saynte.  Je  promets  ,  or  je  fais  promesse ,  or  je 
voue,  prim.  conj.  or  je  fais  vea  a  Dieu. 
I  make  a  vowe  to  God  and  to  Our  Ladye 
that  I  «hall  never  slepe  one  night  wbere 
I  slepe  an  other,  tyll  I  bave  sene  hym  : 



je  promets,  or  je  fais  promesse,  or  jevoue, 
or  je  auoue,  or  je  fais  veu  a  Dieu  et  Noslre 
Dame  qaejamajs  ne  coucheraj  lune  nujrct  la 
oujay  couché  laultre  tant  que  je  laye  veu, 

I  make  as  thoughe  I  were  aboute  a  thyng,  or 
that  a  thyng  were  in  me  whiche  is  oat  in 
me  in  dede.  Je pretens,  conjugale  lyke  his 
symple  je  lens,  I  bcnde.  Lelte  us  make  in 
our  comunycacion  as  thougli  we  were  men 
of  warre  :  tenons  termes  de  gens  de  guerre, 
He  maketh  as  thoughe  he  were  as  holy  as 
a  horse  :  il  prêtent  la  sainclelé  dung  cheual, 
or  ilpretent  qail  est  aussi  sainct  qung  cheual. 
He  maketh  as  thougho  butter  wolde  nat 
melte  in  his  mouthe  :  il  prêtent  vne  sim- 
plesse  comme  se  beurre  ne  luy  fondroyt 
poynt  en  la  bouche. 

I  make  as  thoughe  I  were  angrye,  gladde, 
wery,  sycke,  or  weil  at  ease,  or  suche  lyke, 
I  contrefayte  as  though  I  were  so  and  am 
nat  so  in  dede.  Je  contrefais  le  marry,  le 
joyeulx,  or  le  malade,  and  suche  lyke.  He 
maketh  as  thoughe  he  were  angrye,  but  it 
is  but  his  countenaunce  :  il  contrefait  le 
courroucé,  mays  ce  nest  que  sa  contenance , 
or  ce  nest  que  sa  manière  défaire. 

I  make  bare,  or  pourysshe,  or  I  make  poore. 
Japoaris,  jay  apoury,  appoutyr,  sec.  conj. 
I  shall  make  hym  as  bare  as  ever  was  Job, 
or  I  bave  done  with  hym  lapoutyray 
tant  que  oncquesfui  Job  auant  que  jaye  fait 
de  luy. 

I  make  bare  a  garment  with  over  moche  wear- 
yng.  Je  tse,  prim.  conj.  He  hath  made 
my  gowne  so  bare  that  a  lowse  can  get  no 
holde  on  it  :  il  a  si  trestant  vsé  ma  robbe 
qua  peyney  peult  vng  pouyl  trouuer  a  quoy 
se  tenir. 

I  make  bare,  I  open  or  uncover  a  tbing.  Je 
desnue,  prim.  conj.  Make  bare  your  beele 
and  we  wyll  kyss  it  for  a  relyke  :  desnuez 
vostre  talon  et  nous  le  baiserons  en  lieu  dune 

I  make  batayle.  Je  bataille,  prim.  conj.  He  made 
batayle  agaynst  hym  tenue  yeres  :  il  ba- 
tailla contre  luy  dix  ans. 

I  make  bytter  or  eyger.  Je  fais  egre  or  sure, 
prim.  conj.  And  you  put  wormwodde  in 
your  drinke  it  wyll  make  it  bytter  :  si  vous 
mettez  de  lalouyne  en  vostre  bruaage  elle  le 
vous  seurera ,  or  elle  le  fera  aigre. 

I  make  blacke.  Je  noircis,  sec.  conj.  Make 
blacke  your  face  and  corne  in  lyke  a  mo- 
rien  :  noyrcissez  vostre  visaige  et  entrez  de- 
dans comme  vng  more, 

I  make  blessed  or  happy.  Je  béatifie,  prim.  conj. 
Besydes  the  mekenesse  of  Our  Lady  the 
présence  of  Christ  dyd  make  her  blessed  : 
pardessus  Ihumilité  de  Nostre  Dame  la  pré- 
sence de  Christ  la  fit  bénir. 

I  make  blynde.  Je  aueugle,  prim.  conj.  or  je 
aaeuglis,  sec.  conj.  So  that  in  the  olde  ro- 
mant  tonge  they  use  this  verbe  of  iheir 
fyrste  conjugacion,  but  Johan  le  Mayre 
useth  hym  of  their  seconde.  Wene  you  to 
make  me  blynde  with  your  wyles  :  pencez 
vous  de  me  aueuglyr  de  vos  rases  ? 

I  make  blodye,  I  spotte  or  fyle  with  bloodc.  Je 
ensanglante,  prim.  conj.  Se,  I  pray  you, 
howe  blody  he  hath  made  my  sbyrte  :  ad- 
uisez  comment  il  a  ensanglantée  ma  chemise. 

I  make  blonte  the  poynte  of  any  weapen  or  any 
sbarpe  poynted  toole.  Je  rabats,  conjugale 
lyke  his  symple  je  bas,  I  béate.  Make  the 
poynt  of  your  dagger  a  lytell  blunter,  for 
you  may  happe  to  pricke  some  bodye  to 
farre  els  :  rabatez  la  poynte  de  vostre  daggue, 
car  aultrement  pourrez  vous  picquer  quelcun 
trop  auant, 

I  make  bonde  or  tbraule.  Je  achetiue,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  asseruis,  asseruir,  sec.  conj. 
He  dothe  al  that  ever  he  can  to  make  me 
bonde  to  him  :  il  fait  tout  tant  quil  peult 
pour  me  achetiuer  a  luy,  or  pour  masseruyr 
a  lay. 

I  make  hôtels  of  hey.  Je  botelle,  prim.  conj. 
Aske  you  for  the  hosteller,  he  is  above  in 
the  baye  lofle  makynge  botelles  :  demandez 
vous  pour  Ihosleillyer,  il  est  la  hault  en  la 
granche  dufoyn  la  ou  il  botelle. 

I  make  bolde  or  bardy.  Je  esbaadis,  sec.  conj. 
Never  care  to  make  your  womeu  chiidren 



bolde  lliey  wyll  waxe  bolde  fasle  ynoughe  : 
lie  vous  souciez  jamays  de  esbaudjrvoz  filles, 
elles  se  esbaudiront  tost  assez, 

I  make  cerlayne.  Je  certifie,  prim.  conj.  or  je 
certiore,  prim.  conj.  andje assertaine,  prim, 
conj.  I  shall  make  you  certayne  berof  by 
my  next  lelters  :  je  vous  certifierai  de  cecy 
par  mes  prouchaines  lettres,  or  je  vous  veuLc 
cerliorer.  Wyll  you  bave  me  make  you  cer- 
tayn  of  bis  coming  and  I  knowe  it  nat 
myselfe  :  voulez  vous  que  je  vous  assertayne 
de  sa  venue  et  je  ne  le  conynoys  poynt  moy 
mesmes  ? 

I  make  chere  to  one,  at  my  firste  melyng  with 
him.  Je  acueil,  or  accueils,  conjugale  lyke 
bis  symple je  cueib,  I  galber,  hndjaccueils 
signyfyelb  properly  I  galber  up,  for  it  is 
tbe  manner  of  tbe  Frenchmen,  whan 
frendes  mcte  and  tbe  one  makelb  curlcy- 
sie  to  tbe  other,  be  tbat  makelb  lowest 
curtesye  they  wyll  lyfte  bym  up,  and  tbat 
is  accuedlyr;  but  it  is  used  for  ail  tbe  cur- 
tesye used  to  a  person  at  bis  firsl  comyng. 
He  made  me  tbe  greatest  cbere  tbat  ever 
I  hade  in  my  lyfe  :  il  me  accueillit  le  plus 
hauUement  que  je  fus  oncques,  or  il  me  fit  le 
plus  grant  accueil  que  je  eus  oncques. 

I  make  cbere  to  one,  I  feest  bym  witb  meate 
and  drinke,  or  shewe  any  otber  pleasures. 
Je  festoyé,  or  je  festie,  jay  festié,  festier, 
prim.  conj.  and  je  traicle  bien  or  mal,  and 
je  fais  chicre ,  etc.  He  made  me  tbe  great- 
est cbere  fyftene  dayes  togytber,  as  well 
on  tbe  fyssbe  dayes  as  on  tbe  flessbe  dayes, 
tbat  ever  I  bad  in  my  lyfe  :  il  me  festoya  le 
plus  haultement  quinze  jours  de  long,  tant 
les  jours  maigres,  or  les  jours  de  poysson, 
que  les  jours  gras,  or  les  jours  de  chair,  que 
jeus  onques  a  ma  vie. 

I  make  ciayme  to  a  ihyng  by  processe  of  tbe 
lawe.  Je  querelle  vng  action,  jay  querellé 
vng  action,  quereller  tng  actioiijprira.  conj. 
or  je  querelle  par  action.  He  Iiatb  made 
claynie  to  my  landes  wbicb  I  bave  as  good 
lytle  to  as  to  tbe  gowne  on  my  backe  :  il 
a  querellé  vng  action  pour  guigner  mes  terres 

aux  quelles  jay  aussi  bon  iiltre  qua  la  robe 
que  je  porte  sur  mon  dos. 

I  make  clene  a  tbing,  I  clense  it.  Je  nettoie, 
prim  conj.  Make  clene  my  gowne  or  you 
go  :  nettoyez  ma  robe  auant  que  vous  aillez. 
Nowe  ihat  I  bave  made  cleane  my  mays- 
ters  chamber  I  wyll  make  cleane  my 
sboes  :  mayntenant  que  jay  nettoyé  la  cham- 
bre de  mon  maislre  je  nettoyeray  mes  sou- 

I  make  clere  a  mater  tbat  was  barde  and  darke. 
Je  delucide,  prim.  conj.  Tbis  auclour  was 
so  darke  tbat  I  coulde  nat  understande 
one  worde  in  bym ,  but  my  roayster  hatb 
made  bym  so  clere  tbat  I  understande  bym 
parfytely  :  cest  aucteur  estoyt  si  tresobscar 
que  je  ne  pouoye  entendre  vng  seul  mot  en 
luy,  mais  mon  maislre  la  si  tresbien  delucide 
que  je  lentens  asteure  patfaictemeni . 

I  make  clere  witb  lyght,  or  bring  to  lygbt  a 
tbing  tbat  vas  bydden  or  uuknowen.  Je 
esclercis,  sec.  conj.  \nd  je  enlumine,  prim. 
conj.  Tbe  présence  of  tbe  soune  maketh 
tbe  ayre  clere  :  la  présence  du  soleil  es- 
clercit  layr.  Tbis  wyndowe  maketh  ail  tbis 
bouse  clere  :  cèsie  fenestre  esclercyt,  or 
enlumine  toute  ceste  maison, 

I  make  cockes  of  baye.  Je  mctt?o;me,  prim.  conj. 
for  meulon  is  a  cocke  of  baye.  If  you  wolde 
speake  witb  my  fatber,  be  bis  yonder  in 
tbe  niedowe  makyng  of  cockes  of  baye  : 
si  vous  vouldriez  parler  a  mon  père,  le  voy 
ta  en  ce  pré  la  ou  il  meulonne. 

I  make  hoopes,  as  a  coper  dothe.  Je  cercelle, 
prim.  conj.  I  bave  commaunded  my  cou- 
per to  make  boopes  ail  tbese  tenne  dayes  : 
jay  commandé  a  mon  ceauelier  Je  cerceller 
tous  ces  dix  jours,  Haste  tbou  donc  no- 
tliyng  ail  day  but  make  hoopes  :  nos  tu  rien 
faict  toute  jour  que  cerceller,  or  faire  des  cer- 
ceaulx  ? 

I  make  cowardysshe,  I  make  one  faynte  herted. 
Je  accouardis ,  sec.  conj.  Some  thynke 
tbat  lernynge  dotbe  but  muke  one  cowar- 
dysshe, but  Âlexanders  and  Césars  actes 
prove  tbe  contrarye  :  les  aulcuns  pencent 



que  doctrine  ne  Jail  que  accouardyr  vny 
homme,  niays  les  actes  dAlexandre  et  de 
César  preauenl  le  contraire. 

1  make  courlesye,  as  a  yonge  childe  doth  whan 
he  is  first  tanght.  Je  fais  le  petit,  jay  fait 
le  petit,  faire  le  petit,  etc.  Make  courtesye, 
Jacke,  and  tliou  shalle  iiave  a  fygge  ■  fays 
le  petit.  Jacquet,  et  ta  auras  vne  fiyue,  O 
that  is  a  fayre  mayde,  se  liowe  prelyly  she 
can  make  courtesye  :  o  voiez  la  que  cest 
vne  belle  fille,  ayardez  comment  ellefaict  le 
petit  gentyment. 

I  make  courtesye  to  a  person  to  révérence  liym. 
Je  fais  la  reuerence ,  jay  fait  la  reuerence, 
faire  la  reuerence.  VVhat  man  Le  is  your 
father,  you  oughl  to  make  courtesye  to 
hym  ail  though  you  shulde  mete  Lym 
twenty  tymes  a  daye  :  comment  cest  vostre 
père,  vous  luj  deueriez  faire  la  reuerence  et 
le  deussiez  vous  rencontrer  vinqt  foys  pour 
vng  jour. 

1  make  darke ,  as  cioudes  make  tlie  weather,  or 
suche  lyke.  Je  obscurcis,  jay  obscurcy, 
obscurcyr,  sec.  conj.  Thèse  cioudes  hâve 
niade  the  weather  sodaynly  darke  :  ces 
nuées  ont  sodaynenunt  obscurey  le  temps. 

I  make  desolate,  I  make  a  countray  nat  inha- 
byted  of  people.  Je  désole,  prim.  conj. 
Wante  of  good  polycye  shail  in  conclu- 
syon  make  a  ferlyle  countraye  desolate  : 
faulte  de  bonne  police  désolera  a  la  fyn  vne 
terre  tant  soyt  elle  de  soy  fertile. 

I  make,  or  cause  a  thyng  to  dye.  Je  amorlys, 
sec.  conj.  This  froste  wyll  make  your  her- 
bes to  dye  ;  ceste  (jelée  amorlyra  voz  herbes. 

I  make  drie.  Je  assèche,  prim.  conj.  This  mar- 
che wynde  wyll  make  the  wayes  drie 
anone  :  ce  vent  de  mars  asséchera  les  che- 
myns  incontinent. 

I  make  dronken,  I  make  one  oversene  witii 
drinke.  Je  enyure,  prim.  conj. andje  jure, 
prim.  conj.  This  good  aie  wyll  as  sone 
make  you  dronke  as  the  best  malvesey  in 
this  towne  :  ceste  godale  vous  enyarera 
aussi  lost  que  la  meilleure  maluesye  de  ceste 

I  make  duU.  Je  hebete,  prim.  conj.  This  maner 
of  dealyng  with  this  chylde  wyll  make 
hym  dull  :  ceste  manieie  défaire  auec  cest 
eifanl  Ihebelera. 

1  make  eyger  or  bytter.  Je  aigris,  jay  aiyry, 
aigryr,  sec.  conj.  There  be  craftes  to 
make  wyne  cgyr  within  foure  and  twenty 
houres  :  il  y  a  des  polices  pour  aigryr  vin 
en  vingt  et  qualtre  heures. 

I  make  evyn  or  fyt.  Je  fais  jousie ,  conjugate  in 
«I  make».  This  dore  wyll  never  stande 
hère  lyi  it  be  rnade  more  fytter  :  cest  huys 
ne  peull  janiays  estre  icy  tant  quon  le  face 
plus  jouste,  or  plus  propice. 

I  make  evyn,  I  make  smothe.  Je  vnys,  sec. 
conj.  You  muste  make  this  boorde  as  evyn 
as  can  be  possyble  :  il  vous  fault  vnyr  cest 
ays  tant  que  est  possible. 

I  make  fayre  or  beautyfull.  Je  embellys,  sec. 
conj.  Fayre  clothes  make  a  fayre  woman 
be  she  never  so  foule  :  beaux  habillemens 
embellissent  vne  femme  tant  soyt  elle  layde. 

I  make  faynte  herted.  Je  accouardys ,  sec.  conj. 
I  am  suche  as  my  companye  is,  a  faynte 
herted  felowe  maketh  me  a  cowarde  ;  je 
suis  tel  quel  est  ma  compaignie ,  vng  lasche 
compaignon  maccouardist. 

I  make  faste,  or  I  stycke  a  thing  fast  in  a  wall 
or  in  tymbre.  Jaffiche,  prim.  conj.  and 
je  attache,  prim.  conj.  Make  this  hooke 
faste  in  the  wall  :  affichez  ce  crochet  en  la 
muraille.  Make  this  brotche  faste  in  your 
cappe  :  atachez  cest  ajficquet  a  vostre  bonnet. 

I  make  faste  a  thyng  with  byndynge  of  sure 
knottes,  or  with  pultyng  a  thyng  under 
locke  and  kaye.  Je  serre,  prim.  conj.  .Make 
faste  your  sacke  lest  your  pygge  ron  out  -. 
serrez  vostre  sac  de  paour  que  vostre  cOy- 
chon  ne  senfuye.  I  wyl  make  fast  this  bagge 
of  monaye  and  come  to  you  :  je  serreray 
ce  sachet  dargent  et  je  viendray  a  vous. 

I  make  fast  with  glewe  or  paste.  Je  colle,  prim. 
conj.  Make  faste  a  paper  hère  in  the  wyn- 
dowe  where  the  glasse  wantetli  ;  collez 
vng  papier  cy  en  lafenestre  la  ou  la  voyrrine 


I  make  fast  by  a  cable.  Je  acable,  prim.  conj. 
We  liave  inade  our  shyppe  faste,  I  trowe  ; 
nous  auons  acablé  nostre  nanire,  comme  je 

I  make  faste  one  thyng  to  an  other  with  a  nayle 
or  some  other  lyke  thyng.  Jatache,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  affiche,  prim.  conj.  and  je 
conjiche,  prira.  conj.  Make  them  faste  to- 
gytlier  with  a  nayle  :  affichez  les  dung  clou. 
I  can  nat  pull  it  awaye ,  it  is  made  faste 
with  a  corde  ne  le  pais  oster,  il  est  ata- 
ché  dune  corde. 

I  make  fatte.  Je  enyresse,  prim.  conj.  This 
chestnuttes  wyll  make  you  fat  :  ces  chas- 
taynes  vous  engrosseront. 

I  make  feble  or  poore.  Je  affoyhlys,  sec.  conj. 
and  je  apouris,  sec.  conj.  This  sicknesse 
hath  made  me  so  feble  that  I  can  scarce 
stande  on  my  legges  :  ces'.e  maladie  ma 
tant  affoyhly  que  a  peyne  me  puis  je  sous- 

I  make  a  frayde.  Je  baille  paour.  I  made  liym 
so  afrayde  that  he  wolde  hâve  creped  in 
to  a  mouse  hole  :  je  luy  haUlay  si  grant 
paour  qail  se  voulust  mascer  au  perluys  dune 

I  make  fyne ,  as  one  maketh  a  thyng  pure  or 
fyne.  Je  fine,  prim.  conj.  and  je  affine, 
prim.  conj.  A  seoyght  more  of  rest  wyll 
make  this  wyne  fyne  :  huyl  jours  plus  de 
repos  affinera  ce  vin. 

I  make  fylte.  Jadapte,  japproprie,  prira.  conj. 
He  can  make  them  fytte  as  well  as  any 
man  :  i7  les  scait  aussi  bien  adapter  que 
homme  qui  soyt. 

I  make  foule  a  thyng,  or  soyie  it.  Je  barboaylle, 
prim.  conj.  Who  hath  made  this  paper 
thus  foule  :  qui  a  ainsi  barbouillé  ce  pa- 

I  make  foule  a  persone,  I  decrease  or  take 
away  his  beautye.  Je  enlaidis,  sec.  conj. 
What  thynge  hatli  made  her  thus  foule, 
I  hâve  sene  the  tyme  whan  she  was  a  fayre 
woman  :  quelle  chose  la  aynsi  enlaydie ,  jay 
vea  le  temps  quelle  estoyt  vne  belle  femme. 

I  make  folysshe  or  bestysshe.  Je  assotis,  and  je 


abeslis,  sec.  conj.  She  can  make  hym  fo- 
lysshe whan  she  lyste  :  elle  le  scayt  assotyr 
quant  elle  veult. 

l  make  fonde.  Je  assotys,  sec.  conj.  It  is  a  syn- 
fuU  dede  to  make  this  poore  man  fonde 
upon  you  as  you  do  :  cesl  péché  que  de 
faire  ce  poure  homme  sassotyr  sur  vous 
comme  vous  Jaictez. 

I  make  free.  Je  affranchis,  sec.  conj.  What  kyng 
was  it  that  made  London  so  free  :  quel  roy 
esloyl  ce  qui  affranchit  Londres  en  ce  poynt? 

I  make  fresshe.  Je  acointe,  prim.  conj.  je  ajo- 
lys,  sec.  conj.  and  je  aorne,  prim.  conj. 
My  maystresse  maketh  her  fresshe,  Iwene 
she  go  ont  to  some  feest  to  daye  ;  ma  mais- 
tresse  se  acoynte,  or  se  ajolit,  or  se  aorne, 
je  pence  quelle  va  dehors  a  quelque  grant 
feste  au  jourdhuy. 

I  make  gayc.  Je  Jais  frisqiie ,  jaccoincle ,  je  es- 
gaye,je  acouslre,je  atourne,  and  Je  décore, 
prim.  conj.  The  Spanysshe  altyre  wyll 
make  you  gay  :  latour  dEspaigne  vous  fera 
frysque,  vous  accoyntera,  vous  esgayera,  or 
vous  décorera.  Make  you  gay  or  you  go  : 
acoustrez  vous,  or  atournés  vous  auani  que 

I  make  gaye.  Je  acoustre,je  csgaye,  je  pare, 
prim.  conj.  and  je  ujolys,  sec.  conj. 

I  make  good  a  thyng  by  myne  othe.  Je  ature, 
prim.  conj.I  wyll  make  good  upon  a  boke  : 
je  veulx  aaerer  sur  vng  Hure.  And  je  aaoue, 
prim.  conj.  and  je  affiche,  prim.  conj. 
Wyll  you  make  it  good  afore  a  judge  :  le 
voulez  vous  auoaer  deuant  vng  juge,  le  vou- 
lez vous  afficher  deuant  vng  juge? 

I  make  good,  as  one  that  selleth  any  thyng 
maketh  warantyse  that  it  is  good.  Je  pleu- 
uys,  jay  pleuuy,  pleaayr,  sec.  conj.  I  care 
nat,  he  made  it  me  good  whan  I  bought 
it,  if  ithave  any  faulte  he  shail  make  il 
me  good  :  il  ne  men  chault,  il  le  me  pleu- 
ttyt  quant  je  laschaptay,  sil  y  a  faulte  il  te 
me  fera  bon. 
I  make  good ,  I  mayntayne  or  justyfye  myne 
acte  or  promesse  or  of  an  other  person. 
Je  ratifie,  prim.  conj.  and  je  affiche,  and 



je  approuue,  prim.  conj.  If  he  hâve  pro- 
mysed  it  I  wyil  make  it  good  :  sil  la  promys 
je  le  l'ealx  afficher,  je  le  venhc  approauer, 

I  make  good  on  ones  bodye.  Je  <^rouue  sur  son 
corps.  It  is  so  and  I  wyii  make  it  good  on 
his  bodye  :  il  est  ainsi  et  je  le  veulx  approa- 
uer sar  son  corps. 

I  make  good,  I  alowe  on  the  thyng  that  he 
iayeth  out  for  me.  Je  aloue.  If  I  laye  out 
any  thing  wyll  you  make  it  me  good  :  si  je 
deshource  riens  le  me  voulez  vous  alouer. 

I  make  great  or  large.  Je  agrandis,  jay  agrandj, 
agrandir,  sec.  conj.  Wbat  thyng  hath  made 
it  so  great  :  quelle  chose  la  ainsi  agrandj  ? 

I  make  grevouse.  Je  agrège,  prim.  conj.  or  je 
agraue,  and  aggraue,  prim.  conj.  His  frow- 
arde  ans\Yer  made  the  mater  more  gre- 
vous  :  sa  responce  peruerse  a  de  plus  agregi, 
or  agraué  la  matière. 

I  make  happye  or  iucky.  Je  heure,  prim.  conj.  or 
je  Jais  heureux.  Blessed  bc  you,  your  good- 
nesse  hath  made  me  happye  or  iuckye  : 
benojst  soyez  vous,  carvosire  bonté  maheuré, 
or  mafaict  eurenx. 

I  make  harde.  Jendurcis ,  jay  endurcy,  endurcyr, 
sec.  conj.  Who  hath  made  your  herte  so 
barde  agaynst  me  :  qui  a  tant  endurcy  voslrc 
cueur  contre  moy?  ot  je  adare,  prim.  conj. 
901  a  tant  adaré  voslre  cueur  contre  moy? 
Great  heate  wyll  make  this  as  harde  as  a 
slone  :  grant  chaleur  endurcira  cecy,  or  adu- 
rera  cecy  aussi  dur  qune  pierre. 

I  make  hardy.  Je  enhardis,  sec.  conj.  and  je 
anime,  prim.  conj.  and  je  esbaudys,  sec. 
conj.  The  présence  of  a  vaiyaunte  capy- 
tayne  maketh  his  souldyers  hardy  :  la  pré- 
sence dung  vaillant  capitayne  enhardit,  or 
anime,  or  esbaadit  ses  souldurs. 

1  make  bote.  Je  chaujfe,  prim.  conj.  and  je  es- 
chauffe,  prim.  conj.  This  faste  goyng  wyll 
make  you  bote  anone  :  ce  fort  aller  vous 
chauffera,  or  vous  eschauffera  bien  tost. 

I  make  horse  in  the  throle.  Je  enroue,  prim. 
conj.  Drinke  no  reed  wyne,  for  it  wyll 
make  you  horse  :  ne  beuuez  pas  du  vin  ver- 
meil, car  il  vous  enrouera. 

I  make  joly  or  frcsshe.  Je  ajolys,  sec.  conj. 
She  maketh  ber  fressbe  wbat  so  ever  sbe 
meaneth  :  elle  se  ajolit  quoy  que  soyt  quelle 
veult  dire. 

1  make  it  coye ,  or  nyce ,  as  a  daungerouse  per- 
sou  dolb.  Je  fais  lestrange.  Whye  make  you 
it  so  coye ,  thynke  you  men  knowe  you  nat  : 
pour  quoy  fayclez  vous  lestrange  ainsi,  pen- 
ces vous  qaon  ne  vous  congnoysse  poynt. 

I  make  it  tough,  I  make  it  coye,  as  maydens 
do,  or  persons  that  he  strange  if  they  be 
asked  a  questyon.  Je  Jais  le  dangereux,  je 
me  fais  prier.  Mary,  you  make  it  toughe  : 
Marie,  vousfailez  le  dangenux. 

I  make  kynred ,  or  make  one  a  kynne  to  an 
other.  Jemparenie ,  prim.  conj.  They  were 
at  stryfe  many  a  day,  but  by  his  policy  he 
made  them  akynne  togyther  :  Hz  se  entre- 
estriuoyenl  vng  long  temps,  or  il  y  aaoyt  de 
lesirif  entre  eulx  vng  long  temps,  mays  par 
sa  police  Hz  estoyent  emparentés. 

I  make  a  knygbt,  or  I  dubbe  a  knyght.  Jadoube, 
prim.  conj.  Whan  was  he  made  knyght  : 
quant fust  il  adoubé? 

I  make  knavysshe.  Jaquoquine,  prim.  conj.  Kna- 
vysshe  company  wyll  make  one  knavysshe 
anone  :  compaignie  de  villaynes  gens  aquo- 
quinera  vng  homme  bien  tost. 

I  make  lame.  Je  affolle,  prim.  conj.  He  hath 
béate  me  so  outragyously  that  he  hath 
made  me  lame  :  il  ma  bâta  si  oultragieuse- 
ment  quil  ma  affolU. 

I  make  large.  Je  enlargis,  sec.  conj.  He  hath 
made  his  halle  larger  by  tenue  foote  than  it 
was  aforc  :  il  a  enlargy  sa  salle  de  dix  piedz 
plus  quelle  nestoyt  par  auant. 

I  make  leane,  I  make  one  bare  of  flessbe.  Je 
amaigris,  sec.  conj.  and  je  maigris,  sec. 
conj.  Love  and  emprisonment  wyll  make 
folkes  leane  as  well  as  fastyng  :  amours  et 
emprisonnement  amaigrit  les  gens  aussi  bien 
que  le  jeûner. 

I  make  lesse.  Je  apetisse,  je  diminue,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  anioyndris , je  menuyse  andje 
amenuyse,  and  je  minue,  prim.  conj.  I  in- 
tende nat  to  make  it  lesse  :  je  nay  poynt 


intencion  de  lapetisser,  de  le  diminuer,  or  de 

I  make  a  letter,  I  endyte  the  wordes  in  tfae 
letter.  Je  dicte,  pritn.  conj.  I  wyil  go  make 
a  letter  and  come  agayne  by  and  by  :  je 
yray  dicter  vues  lettres  et  remcndray  tout 

I  make  looke  warme.  Je  ateyde,  prim.  conj.  Tbe 
physicien  badde  you  shuldc  make  your 
drinke  looke  warme  or  you  toke  it  :  le  mé- 
decin vous  commanda  ateyder  vostre  hruaage 
auant  que  le  prendre. 

I  make  lytell.  Je  apetisse,  prim,  conj.  and  je 
amenayse,  prim.  conj.  and  je  diminue, 
prim.  conj.  So  tbat  properly  onely  je 
amoyndrys  is  to  make  lesse.  Nowe  that  you 
bave  stretcbed  it  out  you  can  nat  make  it 
lytle  agayne  :  puis  que  vaux  laaez  aynsi 
tendu  vous  ne  le  pouez  pas  apetisser.  Lelte 
me  bave  your  monaye  in  keping,  I  wyll 
make  it  lylell  ynough  :  que  je  aye  vostre  ar- 
gent en  garde  je  le  diminueray  bien  assez. 

I  make  longe  a  tbyng.  Je  alonye  and  je  ralonye, 
prim.  conj.  He  bath  made  it  longer  by  a 
foote  tban  it  was  byFore  :  il  la  ulongé,  or 
ralonijé  dung  pied  plus  quil  nestoyl  paraaant. 

I  make  lothsome,  I  make  a  tking  uglye  to  tbe 
sygbt.  Je  ajfetardis,  sec.  conj.  Thèse  co- 
men  beggars  make  them  seife  lothesome 
for  the  nones  :  ces  communs  belisires  se  affe- 
tardissent  tout  a  propos. 

I  make  lowe.  Je  obéisse,  and  je  baisse,  prim. 
conj.  You  are  on  tbe  toppe  of  the  whele 
be  you  nat,  I  wyll  make  you  bowe  well 
ynougb  :  vous  estez  au  plus  hault  de  la  roue, 
nestez  vous  poynl,je  vous  beisseray,  or  je 
vous  abeisseray  bien  assez. 

I  make  mencyon  of  a  mater  to  a  person  tbat 
bath  ben  donc  afore.  Je  remémore,  prim. 
conj.  It  is  nedelesse  to  make  mencyon 
bowe  moche  my  kynne  batb  donc  for  you  : 
il  nestja  besoyng  de  remémorer,  or  de  men- 
cionner  combien  mon  lignage  afaict  pour 

I  make  mencyon  of  a  thynge  or  mater.  Je  men- 
cionne,  prim.  conj.  He  made  no  mencyon 



to  me  of  no  sucbe  tliynge  :  il  ne  mencionna 
pas  a  moy  de  telle  chose. 

I  make  men  frendes  that  bave  ben  at  debate. 
Je  reconcile,  prim.  conj.  It  were  a  good 
dede  to  make  tbem  frendes  :  ce  seroyt  bien 
fait  de  les  reconciler. 

I  make  mery,  I  make  one  glad  witb  some  good 
tydynges  that  I  tell  hym.  Je  haytie,  prim. 
conj.  oT  je  fais  de  hait.  I  thanke  the  with 
ali  my  berte  thou  hast  made  me  very 
mery  witb  tby  tydynges  :  je  te  remercie  de 
tout  mon  cueur,  tu  mas  bien  haytié  de  tes  nou- 

I  make  mery.  Je  fais  bonne  chiere.  Make  mery, 
syrs ,  we  sball  go  hence  to  morowe  -.faictez 
bonne  chiere,  messieurs,  nous  partirons  de- 

I  make  mete ,  I  make  fytte ,  as  a  germent  to  a 
person  or  a  thynge  to  joyne  or  answere  to 
an  other.  Je  adapte,  prim.  conj.  A  connyng 
workeman  coulde  make  them  so  mete  that 
it  coulde  nat  be  spyed  :  vng  bon  oaurier  les 
pourroyt  si  bien  adapter  que  on  ne  laperceue- 
royt  poynt. 

I  make  mete  for  ones  necke.  Je  accolletle,  prim. 
conj.  Sbe  toke  a  cbayne  of  golde  and  made 
it  mete  for  her  necke  :  elle  printvne  chayne 
dor  et  laccolletta  a  son  col. 

I  make  my  mone.  Je  me  plaings,  noiu  nous  plai- 
gnons, je  me  plaignis,  je  me  sais  playnt, 
je  me  playndray ,  plaigne,  que  je  plaigne, 
playndre  ,  verbum  médium.  You  are  well 
occupyed  to  make  your  mone  to  hym  : 
vous  guignerez  beaucoup  de  vous  plaindre  a 

I  make  my  prayers ,  as  a  man  dotbe  to  God  or 
to  some  boly  saynte.  Je  adore,  or  je  fais 
ma  prière  enuers  Dieu ,  ou  a  aulcun  saincl. 
I  wyll  make  my  prayers  byfore  the  sacra- 
ment ,  or  to  the  sacrament ,  and  come  lo 
you:  je  adoreray  le  sacrament,  or  je  veulx 
faire  mes  prières,  deuant  le  sacrament,  et  je 
vicndray  a  vous. 

I  make  my  selfe  a  slraunger  for  leavyng  to 
resorte  to  a  place.  Je  me  aliène,  verbum 
médium  prim.  conj.  and  je  me  estrange, 



verbum  médium.  You  may  make  your 
selfe  a  straunger  and  you  lyst,  but  you 
shuide  be  as  welcome  hyder  as  to  your 
fathers  house  :  voas  vous  pouez  aliéner,  or 
estranger,  silvous  plaît,  mays  voas  seriez  aussi 
bien  venu  ciens  qua  la  mayson  de  vostre  père, 

I  make  my  selfe  a  relygiouse  man.  Je  me  rends 
religieux,  conjugale  in  «I  yelde».  Who 
wolde  ever  hâve  ibought  ihat  hc  wolde 
hâve  made  hym  selfe  a  relygyouse  man  : 
qui  eust  jamays  pensé  quil  se  voalsist  rendre 
religieux  ? 

I  make  moche  of  one,  I  cherysshe  hym.  Je 
chéris,  sec.  couj.  and  je  charie,  prim.  conj. 
She  made  as  moche  of  me  as  if  I  bad  ben 
her  sonne  :  elle  me  ckerissoyt  autant  comme 
si  je  eusse  esté  son  jilz.  So  that  nowe ,  je 
charie,  of  tbe  firsl  conjugacion,  is  nat  in 

I  make  moche  of  oue  by  flatteryng  or  glosyng 
maner.  Jejaysjeste.  I  make  moche  of  hym  : 
je  Iny  fais f este ,  orje fais/este  de  lay.  Sawc 
you  howe  moche  she  made  upon  her  bous- 
bande  whan  he  was  newe  corne  home  : 
vistez  vous  pas  quelle  feste  elle  jist  a  son 
mary  quant  il  estoyt  noauellement  reuenu  a 
la  mayson  ? 

I  make  moche  of  one,  as  a  dogge  dothe  on 
bis  maysler,  or  a  yonge  cbylde  of  bis 
frendes  thaï  hath  ben  absente.  Je  fais 
feste.  And  you  cherysse  hym  he  wyll  make 
moche  of  yoa  :  si  vous  le  chérissez,  il  vous 
fera  grand  feste. 

l  make  a  do ,  I  make  a  brablyng.  Je  harcelle 
les  gens.  By  the  faythe  of  ray  bodye ,  and 
you  make  moche  a  do  I  wyll  take  my 
fysie  from  your  cheke  :  par  lafoy  de  mon 
corps ,  si  vous  harceliez  trop  les  gens,  je 
partiray  mon  poyng  dauec  vostre  joe. 

I  make  moche  a  do  of  a  thynge  of  small  va- 
lue, I  prétende  to  estyme  it  very  moche. 
Je  fais  grant  compte,  or  je  fais  grant  feste, 
de  peu  de  chose.  This  felowe  can  make 
moche  a  do  of  a  thyng  of  naught  :  ce  com- 
paignon  scait  faire  grant  compte  dune  chose 
de  riens. 



make  mylde.  Je  aplanoie,  prim.  conj.  and 
je  adompte,  and  je  apayse,  prim.  conj. 
Whan  be  is  angryest  of  ail  I  can  make 
bym  as  mylde  as  a  Ïambe  :  quant  il  est  le 
plus  courroucé  je  le  scay  aplanoyer,  apaiser, 
or  adompter  comme  vng  aigneau. 

I  make  moyste  vjilh  water.  Je  arose,  and  Jf 
arouse,  prim.  conj  .  auà  je  fays  moyste. 

I  make  mone,  I  complayne  me  for  a  losse  or 
tbat  I  am  ont  of  présence  of  them  that  [ 
love.  Je  me  rcgrete,  verbum  médium  prim. 
conj.  and  je  me  guermenie,  This  laste  nyght 
paste,  as  I  walked  alone,  I  barde  a  lady 
make  ber  mone  :  ceste  nuyct  passée ,  en  me 
promenant  tout  seul,  je  ouys  vne  dame  se 
regreter,  or  se  gaermenter. 

I  make  more.  Je  augmente,  prim.  conj.  Je 
enqrege,  prim.  conj.  and  je  accroys.  No 
man  can  make  hymselfe  more  than  God 
hatb  made  bym  :  nul  ne  se  peull  augmenter 
or  engreger,  or  accroystre,  or  fayre  plus 
grant  que  Dieu  ne  la  fait. 

I  make  nyce,  quoy,  or  straunge.  Jeacointe.  And 
je  aqaoquine,  prim.  conj.  and  je  affaictie. 
She  wyll  marre  this  cbylde  she  maketh 
bym  to  nyce  :  elle  gastera  cest  enfant,  elle 
lacoynte,  or  aqaoquine,  or  affaictie  trop. 

1  make  no  noyse ,  as  one  that  is  aslepe ,  or  one 
tbat  is  in  feare  or  thretened  to  bave 
harme  if  he  speake.  Je  ne  sonne  mot ,  je 
nay  sonné  mot,  sonner  mot,  prim.  conj. 
Whan  I  sawe  hym,  I  durstmake  no  noyse 
for  my  lyfe:  quant  je  le  vis,  je  nosay  sonner 
mot  pour  ma  vie.  Maysters,  make  no  noyse, 
my  lorde  is  a  slepe  :  Messieurs,  ne  sonnez 
mot,  monsieur  dort,  or  monsieur  sen  dort. 

I  make  noble.  Janohlis,  jay  anobly,  anoblyr, 
sec.  conj.  I  (ynde  aiso  jennohlys ,  jay  en- 
nobly,  ennoblyr,  sec.  conj.  Connyng  and 
vertue  'shall  make  the  more  noble  than 
ail  the  rychesse  in  tbe  woride  :  science  et 
vertu  tanobliront  plus,  or  tennobliront  plus, 
que  toutes  les  richesses  du  monde. 

I  make  a  noyse.  Je  fays  bruit.  What  meane 
yonder  folkes ,  they  make  a  noyse  and  it 
were  at  a  berebaytyng  :  qae  veullent  dire 



ces  gens  la,  Hz  font  vntj  briiyt  comme  silz 
vennojent  vng  ours. 

I  make  nauglit,  as  a  yonge  wenche  is  mado 
naught,  or  a  youge  man  by  yvcU  company. 
Japaillardys ,  jay  apaillardy,  appaillanlyr, 
sec.  conj.  Go  to  hardely,  this  geare  wyl 
make  you  naught  :  besoignez  en  hardiment, 
ceey  vous  apaillardyra. 

I  make  one  afrayde.  Je  haille  paour,  jay  baillé 
paour,  bailler  paour,  prim.  conj.  I  wyll 
make  hym  afrayed  :  je  liiy  bailleray  paour. 
I  beshrewe  you ,  you  made  me  afrayde  ,  I 
wottc  well  :  mauldyi  soyez-vous,  vous  me 
bailliez  paoar,  cela  scay  je  bien, 

I  make  one  after  my  mynde,  as  folkesdo  yonge 
persons,  properly  soundyng  to  yvell.  Je 
affaicte,  prim.  conj.  I  bave  made  tbis  boye 
after  myne  avvne  mynde  :  jay  affaicte  ce 
garçon  a  mon  deuys. 

I  make  of  affynite  or  kynred.  JaJIinile,  prim. 
conj.  It  were  a  good  dede  by  policye  to 
make  them  of  aflynite  :  ce  seroyt  bienfait 
par  bonne  police  de  les  affnifer. 

I  make  of  a  frcnned  chylde  my  sonne  by  the 
lawe.  Je  adopte,  prim.  conj.  I  had  never 
no  wyfe  nor  chylde,  but  I  bave  made  tbis 
iytell  boye  my  sonne  by  tbe  lawe  wbiche 
is  notbyng  a  kyn  lo  me  :  je  neus  jamays  ne 
femme  ne  enfant,  mays  jay  adopté  ce  petit 
garçon  qui  ne  mest  riens.  This  maner  of 
adoption  is  a  poynt  of  the  civyle  lawe. 

1  make  one  bave  a  good  lust  to  eate  bis  meate , 
or  Imake  hym  bave  a  lust  orwylllo  doany 
other  thing.  Je  entatente,  prim.  conj.  If 
you  bave  no  stomacke ,  sytte  by  me  and  I 
wyll  make  you  bave  a  good  luste  to  your 
meate  :  si  vous  nouez  poynt  dappetit,  seez 
vous  auprès  de  moy  et  je  vous  enlalenleray. 

1  make  one  byleve.  Je  fais  a  croyre.  I  make 
byra  byleve  tbe  moone  is  made  of  a  calves 
skynne  :  je  luyfays  a  croyre  que  la  lune  est 
faycte  de  bezanne.  Ye  thou  makest  me  by- 
leve so  :  voyre  tu  me  fays  a  croyre  ainsi. 

l  make  one  daynety  mouthed.  Je  aff'riande. 
She  hath  made  bym  to  daynty  mouthed  : 
elle  la  trop  affriandé. 

I  make  one ,  I  joyne  dyvers  tbynges  in  lo  one. 
Je  avne,  prim.  conj. 

I  make  one  sliamelesse  or  to  be  paste  sbame. 
Je  desuergonde ,  prim.  conj.  Often  speak- 
yng  of  rybauldrye  wyll  make  a  yonge 
wenche  shamelesse  or  paste  shamc  a  none  : 
souuent  parler  de  paillardise  desuergondera 
vne  jeune  fille  bien  tost, 

1  make  one  sure  of*a  tbyoge  by  my  promesse. 
Jeaffie,  prim.  conj.  I  make  you  sure,  if 
you  paye  me  nat  my  monaye,  I  wyll  arrest 
you  :  je  vous  ajjie  que  si  vous  ne  me  payez 
mon  argent,  je  vous  feray  arrester. 

l  make  one  sycke.  Je  enfirme.  This  dyete  wyll 
make  you  sycke  if  you  use  it  :  ceste  diette 
vous  enfrmera  si  vous  lasez. 

I  make  one  tourne  sicke,  I  make  hym  amas- 
ed  in  the  heed.  Je  beslourne,  prim.  conj. 
This  tournyng  stayre  gothe  so  rounde  that 
it  maketb  me  tourne  sicke ,  if  I  go  up  has- 
tely  :  ceste  vis  va  si  ront  quelle  me  bestourne 
sije  monte  hastiuement. 

1  make  one  wery  by  Iravaylyng  of  bis  bodye.  Je 
lasse,  prim.  conj.  in  which  sence  I  fynde 
a.\so  je  fatigue,  prim.  conj.  This  trottyng 
borse  hath  made  me  as  wery  as  over  I 
was  in  my  lyfe  :  ce  trottier  ma  autant  lassé , 
or  autant  fatigué ,  que  je  fus  jamays  en  ma 

!  make  or  stablysshe  acte  of  parlyament.  Je 
actijie,  prim.  conj.  Tbis  lawe  byndeth  you 
nowe,  for  it  is  made  by  acte  of  parlya- 
ment: ceste  loy  vous  oublige  mayntenant, 
car  elle  est  actif  ée  par  le  parlement. 

l  make  olde.  Je  enuieillys ,  sec.  conj.  Sycknesse 
and  yvell  fare  wyll  make  a  man  olde  at 
ones  :  maladie  et  nmuluays  manger  enuieil- 
lera  vng  homme  bien  tost. 

I  make  pale ,  as  sycknesse  or  aoy  otber  thyng 
dothe  a  person.  Je  appallis,  sec.  conj.  I 
coulde  tell  hiœ  a  thing  in  his  eare  woide 
make  him  as  pale  as  asshes  :  je  luy  scau- 
roys  dire  vne  chose  a  loreille  qui  le  apally- 
royt  autant  que  cendres, 

l  make  parfyte.  Je  parfays ,  jay  parfaict,  par- 
faire, tert.  conj.  A  man  may  bongyll  it  up 




in  a  senyght,  faut  lie  canne  nat  make  it 
parfyte  in  lesse  than  a  monctli  :  on  le  peult 
barbouiller  tellement  qaellemcnt  en  huict 
jours,  mays  on  ne  le  peult  parfaire  en  moyiis 
dung  moys.  , 

I  make  playne  or  smothe.  Je  aplane,  prim.  conj. 
and  je  applanoie,  prim.  conj.  Great  is  his 
power  whiche  sball  fyli  up  valees  and 
make  liylies  playne  ;  grande  est  la  puis- 
sance de  luj  qui  rempljra  les  vallées  et  uplu- 
neru,  or  aplanoyera  les  monlaignes. 

I  make  poore.  Je  apourys,  sec.  conj.  I  was  well 
at  ease  or  I  went  to  lawe  with  hym ,  but 
he  hatb  made  me  as  poore  as  ever  was 
Job  -.jestoje  riche  assez  auanl  que  je  plai- 
dasse contre  lay,  mays  il  ma  autant  apoury 
quoncqaes  Just  Job. 

I  make  provysyon ,  as  a  good  bousbande  dothe 
for  bis  store,  or  as  great  mannes  oB'ycers 
do  for  suche  ibynges  as  be  requisyte.  Je 
fine,  prim.  conj.  If  I  make  provysyon  for 
ail  thynges  it  is  reason  I  bave  my  parte 
of  the  beste  :  si  je  fine  de  toutes  choses  cest 
raison  que  jaye  ma  part  du  meilleur. 

I  make  prowde.  Je  enorgueillys ,  sec.  conj. 
Woridely  goodes  make  fooles  proude  :  les 
biens  de  fortune  enorgueillissent  lesfolz. 

I  make  proper.  Jacointe,  or  jaffactie.  You  make 
you  proper,  you  intende  to  go  forthe  som- 
wbere  :  vous  vous  acoyntez,  or  affaictiez, 
vous  auez  intencion  daller  dehors  quelque 

1  make  proper,  or  decke  as  herbes  in  a  knotte, 
or  ones  heare  or  garmentes.  Je  agence, 
prim.  conj.  I  sball  make  tbis  knotte  as 
proper  as  ail  the  gardenars  in  tbis  towne  : 
je  vous  agenceray  ceste  deaise  aussi  bien 
que  tous  les  jardyniers  de  cesle  ville. 

I  make  proper  to  a  mans  awne  use.  Je  approprie, 
prim.  conj.  It  isno  reason  tbat  you  sbulde 
make  tbis  proper  to  yourselfe  scyng  tbat 
it  sbulde  be  or  ougbt  to  be  comen  :  ce  nest 
pas  rayson  que  vous  deussiez  approprier  cecy 
a  vous,  attendu  quil  deueroyt  estre  com- 

I  make  redy  a  thyng.  Je  apreste,  prim,  conj. 

and  je  habille,  and  je  acouslre,  and  je 
apure,  and  je  apareiUe,  and  je  adoube, 
prim.  conj.  Make  redy  our  dyner,  forour 
straungers  be  corne  :  aprestez ,  or  habillez, 
or  acoustrez ,  or  apurez ,  or  apareillez ,  or 
adoubez  nostre  disner,  car  noz  gens  sont 

I  make  redy  a  dyner  or  a  supper  for  gestes.  Je 
appareille  le  disner  on  le  soupper,  prim. 
conj.  I  bave  made  redye  tbeir  dyner, 
corne  wban  tbey  \vy\\:jay  appareillé  leur 
disner,  viennent  quant  Hz  vouldront. 

I  make  redy  a  sbyppe  or  bote  witb  aoy  maner 
of  tacklyng  belongyng  therunto.  Je  arme, 
prim.  conj.  Make  redy  our  sbyppcs,  for 
we  wyll  set  up  tbe  sayle  to  morovre: 
armez  noz  nauires ,  car  nom  haulserons  la 
voylle  demayn. 

I  make  relcase,  as  a  man  dotbe  tbat  gyvetb 
up  bis  tytle  or  ryglit.  Je  relaisse,  prim. 
conj.  I  release  bym  my  tytle  frely  luy 
relaisse  mon  liltre  franchement. 

I  make  resystence,  I  resyste  or  gaynestande  a 
tbyng.  Je  résiste,  prim.  conj.  or  je  fais 
resistence.  Agaynst  tbe  wyll  of  God  wbo 
can  make  resystence  :  contre  la  voulenté 
de  Dieu,  qui  peult  résister,  or  faire  resis- 
tence ? 

I  make  ryche.  Jenrichys,jay  enrichy,  enrichyr, 
sec.  conj.  You  maye  haunte  dysynge  and 
cardyng  longe  ynough  or  ever  it  make 
you  ryche  :  vous  pouez  hanter  les  dez  et  les 
caries  longuement  assez  auant  que  cela  vous 

l  make  rype  or  sofle.  Je  ameuris ,  jay  ameary , 
ameurir,  sec.  conj.  Some  saye  tlial  frutycrs 
put  tbeir  peeres  in  borse  donge  to  make 
tbem  rype  tbe  soner  :  les  aulcuns  disent 
que  ces  fruyctiers  mettent  leurs  poyres  en 
fiens  de  chenaux  pour  les  ameurir  plus 

I  make  rome ,  I  make  space  or  place.  Jefays 
place.  Make  romme ,  maysters ,  bere 
comctb  a  player  -.faictez  place,  messieurs, 
voicy  vetûr  vng  joueur, 

I  make  rounde.  Je  arondis,  sec.  conj.  And  you 


conlde  make  it  rounde  me  thynketh  it 
shuide  be  a  l)elter  syght  of  it  than  as  it  is 
nowe  :  si  vous  le  scaariez  arondyr  il  mest 
aduis  quilferoyt  plus  beau  veoyr  quil  ne 
fait  majntenant. 

I  make  rude.  Je  ariidjs,  sec.  conj.  Me  thynketh 
it  is  no  nede  to  make  him  rude,  he  is 
rude  ynough  alredy  :  il  mest  aduis  quil 
nest  ja  besoynrj  'de  larudyr ,  car  il  est  rade 
assez  desja. 

1  make  a  shamed.  Je  ahontis,jay  ahonly,  ahontjrr, 
sec.  conj.  I  wyll  make  you  a  shamed  of 
your  parte  and  you  holde  tbat  opinyon 
longe  :  je  vous  ahontiray  de  vostre  part  si 
vous  tenez  ceste  opinion  longuement. 

1  make  serche  for  a  ihynge.  Je  mênquiers,  con- 
jugale lyke  his  symple  je  quiers,  I  seke, 
and  je  serche,  prim.  conj.  I  hâve  made 
serche  for  Lukes  velvet  thorowe  ail  the 
towne  and  I  can  fynde  none  ije  me  suis  en- 
quis,  or  jay  serche,  par  toute  la  ville  pour 
velloars  de  Lacques,  mayt  je  nenpuis  poynt 

1  make  sure ,  or  certayne  a  person  of  a  thyng.  Je 
assertayne,  prim.  conj.  and  je  assure,  prim. 
conj.  I  make  you  sure,  if  you  do  it,  you 
wyll  repente  you  :  je  vous  assertayne,  or 
je  vous  en  assure  que,  si  vous  lejaictez,  vous 
le  repentirez. 

I  make  me  sure,  as  a  man  dothe  of  a  thyng 
that  he  is  in  certaynle  of.  Je  mejaysj'ort, 
addynge  JoH  to  the  tenses  of  je  fays  I  do. 
I  make  me  sure  it  is  nat  so  :  je  me  fays 
fort,  il  neslpas  ainsi. 

I  make  sure,  I  put  in  safetye.  Je  mets  en  saul- 
uegarde,  conjugale  in  «I  put».  Make  him 
sure ,  I  pray  you ,  for  be  is  a  stronge  thefe  : 
mettez  le  en  sauluegarde ,  je  vous  prie,  car 
il  est  vng  dangereux  larron.  I  wyll  make 
this  hagge  of  monaye  sure  for  ail  your 
haste  :  je  metteray  en  sauf,  or  en  saulue- 
garde, ce  sachet  dargent,  quelque  haste  que 
vous  faciez. 

I  make  sure ,  I  make  fast,  I  bynde  orlocke  faste. 
Je  fais  sear.  I  wyll  make  it  sure  for  my 
discharge  leferay  seurpour  ma  descharge. 


I  make  suyte,  I  make  so  moche  suyte  to  one 
tliat  1  werye  hyni.  Je  importune,  prim.  conj. 
I  saye  nat  nay,  but  it  is  reason  you  make 
suyte  unto  hym ,  but  to  make  to  impor- 
'  table  suyle  is  no  good  maner  :  je  ne  nye 
pas  quil  ne  soyt  bonne  raison  de  le  solliciter, 
majs  de  l'importuner  trop  est  contre  toutes 
bonnes  meurs. 

I  make  sbarpe.  Je  aguise,  prim.  conj.  He  inten- 
deth  to  do  some  hurle  to  day  al  dyner,  se 
howe  he  sharpetb  bis  knyfe  :  il  a  intencion, 
or  il  est  délibéré  de  faire  quelque  mal  au- 
jourdhuy  a  disner,  adcàsez  comment  il  aguyse 
son  Cousteau. 

I  make  shorte.  Je afire^e,  prim.  conj.  je  abriefue, 
and  je  aconrce,  prim.  conj.  1  wotte  nat 
howe  I  shuide  make  il  shorter  escept  I 
shuide  marre  al  togylher  :  je  ne  scay  pas 
comment  je  le  pourroys  plus  abréger,  or  plus 
abriefuer,  or  acourcer,  si  je  ne  le  debueroys 
gaster,  or  gaster  tout  tunt  quil  y  a. 

I  make  sleyghly  or  wyly.  Jaffine.  Put  your  sonne 
to  hym ,  he  wyl  make  hym  as  sleyghly  as 
an  other  :  mettez  vostre  enfant  chez  luy,  il 
laffinera  aussi  bien  que  vng  aultre. 

I  make  small.  Je  apetisse,  prim.  conj.  and  je 
amenuise,  and  je  menuyse ,  prim.  conj.  Il 
was  easye  to  make  this  brooke  larger,  but 
howe  can  you  make  it  small  agayne  :  ces- 
toyt  chose  bien  aysye  denlargyr  ce  ruysseau, 
mais  comment  le  pourrez  vous  rapetisser,  or 
ramenuyser,  or  menujser  mayntenant? 

I  make  smolhe  or  playne.  Je  polys,  sec.  conj. 
and  je  applane.  And  je  applanoie,  prim. 
conj.  Make  this  borde  as  smolhe  as  a 
dyce  :  polyssez,  or  aplanez,  or  aplanoyez 
cest  ays  comme  vng  dez. 

I  make  softe.  Jeamolie,  and  je  démolie,  prim. 
conj.  And  je  ameuris,  sec.  conj.  Though 
a  stockefysshe  he  never  so  barde,  yet  by 
longe  bealyng  upon  it  a  man  may  make 
it  softe  ynough  :  tant  soyt  vng  poysson  dis- 
lande dur,  encore  par  longuement  battre  des- 
sus le  pealt  on  amolier  bien  assez. 

I  make  softe,  or  apayse  one  of  his  anger,  or 
make  a  thyng  softe  that  is  barde.  <7e  amo- 



lie,  prim.  conj.  and  je  amolis,  jay  umolj, 
aniolir,  sec.  conj.  It  is  au  easye  mater  to 
chafe  bym,  but  to  make  softe  agayne  is 
ail  thc  mastrye  ;  cest  chose  bien  aisie  de 
leschaaffev,  mays  de  le  ramolier  voj  ta  toute 
la  maistrise. 

I  make  aoYfre.  Je  aigris,  jay  odgty,  sec.  conj. 
This  great  heate  wyll  make  our  driiike 
sower  aoone  :  ceste  grani  chaleur  aygrira 
nostre  boire  tantosl. 

I  make  slronge  or  styffe.  Jarroydys,  jav  arroydy, 
arroydyr,  sec.  conj.  This  journaye  to  Wal- 
■syngham  a  foote  hath  made  my  iegges  so 
starke  that  I  can  nal  styrre  me  :  ceste  jour- 
née H  pied  a  Nostre  Dame  de  Walsingham 
ma  tant  arroydy  les  jambes  que  je  ne  me  pais 
poynt  contourner, 

I  make  styll  a  chylde  that  wepeth.  Je  acqaoyse, 
prim.  conj.  Make  styii  your  chylde  :  ac- 
ifuoysei  vostrc  enfant. 

1  make  styll  one  that  is  angry.  Je  apayse,  prim. 
conj.  Thoughe  he  be  never  so  angrye,  I 
can  make  him  styll  shortly  :  mm  soyt  il 
courroucé ,  je  le  scay  apaiser  bien  tost. 

I  make  sture  or  rude.  Jarudys,  jay  arudy,  ara- 
dyr,  sec.  conj.  This  rubbyuge  of  your 
gowne  agaynst  the  woUe  wyll  make  it 
sture  to  the  syght  :  ce  frotter  de  voslre 
robbe  contre  la  layne  larudyra  quant  a  la 

l  make  strange.  Je  estrange,  prim.  conj.  and  je 
esiojnjne,prim.  conj.  anàjefays  lestrange. 
You  nede  nat  make  so  straunge  parde  : 
il  neit  besDing  défaire  lestrunge  pardicques. 
He  is  very  privy  nowe,  but  I  shal  make 
hyni  straunge  ynough  :  il  est  fort  priué 
mayntenant,  mays  je  le  esloyngneray,  or  es- 
trangeray  assez. 

I  make  stryfe  to  gette  an  offyce  that  gotlie  by 
élection.  Je  brigue,  prim.  conj.  And  you 
wyll  folowe  my  counsayle  you  shal  never 
make  stryfe  for  this  ofiyce  for  it  is  nat 
worth  the  havyng  :  si  vous  voulez  sayure 
mon  conseil  vous  ne  briguerez  janiays  pour 
cest  office,  car  il  ne  vault  point  laaoir. 

l  make  stronge  a  place  or  an  armye  with  newe 

byldynges,  or  sendyng  of  mo  men.  Je  ren- 
force, prim.  conj.  They  hâve  made  them- 
selfe  stronge  nôwe,  lot  hym  corne  whan 
he  wyll  :  Hz  se  sont  renforcez  mayntenant , 
quil  viengne  quant  il  vouldra. 

I-make  stronge,  I  fortyfye.  Je  fortifie,  prim. 
conj.  Make  stronge  your  towne,  your  en- 
nemyes  corne  :  fortifiez  voslre  ville,  voz  en- 
nemys  viennent. 

\  make  stronge  a  person  that  hath  be  weaked 
with  sycknesse.  Je  corrobore,  prim.  conj. 
You  hâve  nede  to  eate  good  meates  to 
make  you  stronge  agayne  :  vous  auez  mes- 
(1er  de  manger  de  bonnes  viandes  pour  vous 

I  make  subjeclc  unto  a  superyor.  Je  assubjectis, 
sec.  conj.  Methynketh  you  wolde  make 
me  subjecte  to  you  :  il  mest  adais  que  vous 
me  vouldrie:  assubjeclyr  a  vous. 

I  make  sure  or  cerlifye.  Jassertene,  or  jassure. 
Declared  in  «I  make  sure». 

I  make  swete.  Je  adoulcys.  You  muste  make  the 
drinke  swete  with  a  lytie  sugar,  for  els  he 
can  nat  downe  wilhall  :  i7  vousfault  adoul- 
cyr  le  bruuaige  dung  peu  de  sucre,  car  aul- 
Irement  il  ne  le  peult  pas  aualler. 

I  make  tame.  Je  apriue,je  apriuoise,je  assotte , 
and  je  adompte,  prim.  conj.  I  wyll  kepe 
this  fawne  and  make  hym  tame  :  je  vaeil 
garder  ce  faon  et  lapriaoiser.  A  man  may 
make  a  lyon  tame  be  he  never  so  wyidc  : 
on  peult  adompter  vng  lion  tant  soit  il  sau- 
uaige.  She  can  make  a  sparowe  tame  the 
pretyest  that  ever  you  sawe  :  elle  scayt  as- 
soller  vng  passerau,  or  vng  moyneau  le 
mieuLv  que  vous  visiez  oncques. 

I  make  temporate.  Je  attrempe,  prim.  conj. 
Rayne  and  donge  maketh  the  grounde 
temporate  for  the  plowemcn  :  pluye  et 
fens  attrempe  la  terre  pour  les  laboureurs. 

l  make  thc  backe  of  any  edged  tôle.  Je  adosse, 
prim.  conj.  You  bave  made  the  backe  of 
lliis  sworde  to  thycke  :  vous  auez  adossé 
ceste  espèe  trop  espesse. 

I  make  the  dytie  of  a  songe.  Je  dictie,  prim. 
conj.Who  so  ever  made  the  ditye,  I  can 


teil  who  made  the  note  :  qui  que  cest  qui 
dicda  ceste  chancon,je  scaj  dire  qui  fist  la 

l  make  thynne.  Je  Menue,  prim.  conj.  You 
muste  make  it  thynaer  or  els  you  can  nat 
make  it  serve  to  your  purpose  :  il  lefault 
plus  atenuer  ou  aalirement  vous  ne  le  pouez 
poynt faire  seruir  a  vostre  propos. 

I  make  thraule.  Je  achetiue,  prim.  conj.  I  do 
ail  that  I  can  to  rccover  my  fredome  and 
he  is  aboute  to  make  me  tbrall  :  jefays 
tout  tant  que  je  puis  pour  recouuryr  ma 
franchise  et  il  taiche  a  me  achetiaer. 

I  make  tliredebare.  Je  desnue  le  fil.  To  mocbe 
leanynge  wyll  make  your  gowne  tbrede- 
bare  at  tbe  elbowes  :  trop  apuyer  desnaera 
le  fil  de  vostre  robbe  aux  couldes. 

I  make  to  mocbe  of  one,  as  a  mother  or  to  ten- 
der  a  father  dotbe  of  bis  cliyide.  Je  mi- 
(jnotte,  and  je  ajpriolle,  prim.  conj.  She 
maketh  so  moche  of  hym  tbat  be  wyii  be 
marred  :  elle  le  mignotte,  or  laffriolle  tant 
quil  sera  gaité. 

I  make  to  tbe  bowe,  as  we  make  a  yonge  per- 
sone  to  our  mynde.  Je  duys,  conjugate 
lyke  hi»  corapounde  je  cotldnys,  and  je 
daite,  prim.  conj.  He  is  made  to  tbe  bowe 
as  be  shuldc  be  :  il  est  dayt  comme  il  deac- 
royt  estre, 

I  make  trewe,  I  juslifye  a  mans  sayeng.  Je  autre, 
prim.  conj.  That  wbicbe  I  saye  I  wyll 
make  it  true  :  cen  que  je  dis  je-  le  veulx 

I  make  warre,  as  oue  prince  dotbe  agaynst 
an  other.  Je  guerroyé,  prim.  conj.  They 
bave  made  warre  togytber  thèse  seven 
yeres  :  Hz  ont  guerroyé  ensemble  de  ces  sept 

I  make  water,  I  pysse.  Jefays  de  leaae,  or  je 
pisse  de  leaue.  I  wcnt  to  make  water  :  je 
men  allay  faire  de  leaue,  or  pisser  de  leaue. 

I  make  watche  for  a  thyng.  Je  gaayte,  prim. 
conj.  If  you  make  watche  for  hym,  tbis 
waye  wyll  be  come  :  si  vous  guaytés  pour 
Itty,  il  passera  par  icy. 

I  make  weyke.  Je  affbyblys,  sec.  conj.  Tbis 


sycknesse  hath  made  me  so  weyke  that  I 
can  nat  stande  on  my  legges  ;  ceste  mala- 
die ma  tant  ajfoibly  que  je  ne  me  puis  sous- 
tenir  sur  mes  jambes. 

I  make  wery  by  overmoche  studye  or  occupa- 
cyon  of  tbe  mynde.  Je  tanne,  prim.  conj. 
To  mocbe  studycng  by  nygbt  wyll  make 
you  wery  :  trop  estudier  par  nuict  vous  tan- 
nera, and  il  me  tanne  de  trop  esludier  pur 

I  make  wery  by  beryng  or  seyng  the  thing  that 
is  agaynst  ones  mynde.  Je  fâche,  prim. 
conj.  Tutle,  your  bablyng  maketb  me 
wery  :  pat,  vostre  cacquet  me  fâche.  H«5 
made  me  so  werye  with  bis  bablynge  tbat 
I  fell  asiepe  :  il  me  fachoyt  tant  de  son  ba- 
bil que  je  me  endormys. 

I  make  whyte.  Je  blanchis,  jay  blanchy,  blan- 
chyr,  sec.  conj.  You  shulde  make  your 
walles  wbyte  with  plaster  of  Parys  :  vous 
délieriez  blanchir  voz  marmites  du  piastre  de 

I  make  wylde.  Je  assauuagis,  sec.  conj.  Tbis 
ronnyng  out  abrode  wyll  make  him  wylde 
or  you  beware  :  ces  excursions  au  large  las- 
saauaigyront  auant  que  vous  en  prennez 

[  make  vyle.  Je  aduile,  anàje  aduilene,  prim. 
conj.  Vyle  condyscyons  make  a  man  vyle  ; 
viles  condiscions  aduilleronl  or  aduileneront 
vng  homme,  but  tbe  trewe  orthographye  is 
auile  and  aailener. 

I  make  vyle  or  lothsomc.  Je  aff'etardis,  sec. 
conj.  Tbis  sycknesse  hath  made  bym  so 
vyle  tbat  every  man  lothetb  bym  :  ceste 
maladye  la  iant  affetardy  que  tout  le  monde 

l  make  wylye  or  sieyght.  Je  affne,  prim.  conj. 
Mocbe  bauntyng  in  bis  companye  wyll 
make  your  sonne  wylye  :  souuent  hanter  en 
sacompaignic  afinera  vosireftlz. 

1  make  womannyssbc  or  of  womans  condis- 
cyons.  Jeffemine,  prim.  conj.  To  mocbe 
bauntyng  of  women  maketh  a  man  wo- 
mannyssfae  :  trop  hanter  les  femmes  efféminé 
la  personne. 



I  make  worthy  or  abie.  3e  digne,  prim.  conj. 
Thoughe  I  be  nat  worthy  you  maye  make 
me  worthy  :  combien  que  je  ne  sais  pas 
digne,  vous  me  pouez  digner  sil  vous  playt. 

I  make  uDholde  or  shamfull.  Je  desbaudis,  sec. 
coDJ.  The  counsayle  of  one  naughtypacke 
may  make  a  wenche  to  bolde,  but  twenty 
honest  women  can  nat  make  her  onbolde 
agayne  :  le  conseil  dune  ribauldc  pourra 
trop  esboMUiyr  vue  jille,  may  s  le  conseil  de 
vingt  preudes femmes  ne  la  pouuent  desbaul- 

i  make  up  in  cockes,  as  heymakers  do  their  hey. 
Je  mets  en  menions.  Nowe  that  I  hâve  raade 
up  my  cockes  I  wyll  carye  in  as  faste  as 
I  can  :  mayntcnanl  que  jay  mys  mon  Joyn 
en  meulonSjje  lejeray  mettre  aujoynner  le 
plus  tost  que  je  pourray. 

I  make  wrothe.  Je  courrouce,  prim.  conj.  I 
praye  you,  make  hym  nat  wrothe  with 
me,  we  be  nat  yet  frendes  sythe  the  iasl 
oyght  .je  vous  prie ,  ne  le  courroucés  point 
a  moy,  nous  ne  sommes  pas  amys  encore 
despuis  laultrc  nuycl. 

I  make  yonge.  Je  jeunis,  sec.  conj.  I  make 
yonge  agayne.  Je  rajeunis,  sec.  conj.  Har- 
tes  flesshe  wyll  make  one  yong  agayne  if 
some  men  say  trewe  :  chayr  de  cerf  rujeu- 
nyra  vng  homme  si  les  uttlcuns  disent  vé- 

1  MALYGNE,  I  slaunder  a  nian.  Je  scandalise, 
prim.  conj.  It  is  a  greatsynne  to  maiygne 
agaynst  byni  as  you  do  ;  cest  grant  pechié  de 
le  scandaliser  comme  vous  faictez. 

I  maiygne  agaynst  one,I  beare  hym  malyce. 
Je  maligne  contre  vng ,  prim.  conj.  He 
raaiygneth  agaynst  me  :  il  maligne  contre 
moy.  He  hath  malygned  agaynst  me  sythe 
we  fell  eut  beyonde  see  :  il  a  maligne 
contre  moy  despuis  que  nous  eusmes  noyse 
ensemble  de  la  la  mer. 

I  MALLE  with  a  hammer  or  a  mali.  Je  maiUe, 
prim.  conj.  If  he  mail  you  on  the  heed  I 
wyll  nat  gyve  a  peny  for  your  lyfe  :  sil  vous 
maille  sur  la  teste,  je  ne  donneray  pas  vng 
denier  pour  vostre  vie. 

I  mail  cloddes.  Je  mailloite,  prim.  conj.  Nowe 
that  he  hath  done  with  plowynge  of  our 
grounde  go  mail  .the  cloddes  :  mayntenant 
quil  a  fait  de  labourer  nostrc  terre,  allez  la 

I  MANACE,  I  thretten  a  person.  Je  menace,  prim. 
conj.  Doest  thou  manace  me,  I  defye  the 
and  thy  malyce  to  :  me  menaces  tu,  je  te 
dejjie  et  ta  malice  auec. 

I  HANAKYLL  a  suspecte  person  to  make  hym  to 
confesse  thynges.  Je  riue  en  aigneaux,  prim. 
conj.  And  he  wyll  nat  confesse  it  manakyll 
hym,  for  undouted  he  is  gylty  :  sd  ne  le 
veull  poynt  confesser,  riue  le  en  aigneaux, 
car  sansfaulte  nulle  il  est  coulpable. 

I  MANCHE,  I  eate  gredylye.  Je  briffe.  Are  you 
nat  a  shamed  to  manche  your  meate  thus 
iyke  a  carter  :  naaez  vous  point  de  honte  de 
briffer  vostre  viande  en  ce  poynt  comme  vng 

I  MANGLF,  a  thyng,  I  disfygure  it  with  cuttyng 
of  it  in  pecesor  without  order.  Je  man- 
gonne,  prim.  conj.  and  je  mutille,  prim. 
conj.  You  hâve  mangylied  this  meate 
horrybly,  it  is  nat  to  sette  aforc  no  honest 
man  nowe  :  vous  auez  fort  mangonné  ceste 
viande,  elle  nest  pas  en  poynt  mayntenant  de 
mettre  deuant  nul  homme  de  bien.  I  Irowe 
thcre  was  never  man  coulde  fynde  in  bis 
lierte  to  mangyll  an  other  on  that  facyon  : 
je  croy  que  jamais  ne  fut  homme  qui  sceut 
trouuer  en  son  cueur  daynsi  mutiller  vng 

I  MANGNYFYE.  Je  magnifie,  prim.  conj.  He  ma- 
gnyfyeth  my  actes  out  of  measure  :  il  ma- 
gnifie mes  actes  oultre  bort,  or  oultre  me- 

I  MANYFEST,  I  make  a  thyng  clere  or  open.  Je 
manifeste,  prim.  conj.  It  is  nat  for  ail  men  ■ 
to  manyfest  this  mater  :  ce  nest  pas  pour 
tous  hommes  de  manifester  ceste  matière. 

l  MARCHE ,  as  one  cuunlray  marcheth  upon  an 
other.  Je  murchys,  sec.  conj.  Their  coun- 
Irays  marched  the  one  upon  the  other: 
leurs  pays  marchoyent  lung  sur  laaltre. 

l  MARY,  I  take  a  wyfe  or  a  wyfe  a  houshande. 



Je  me  marie,  vcrbum  médium  prim.  conj. 
I  intende  nat  to  mary  this  two  yeres  :  je 
naypoynl  intencion  de  me  maryer  de  ces  deux 
ans.  What  preest  was  it  that  maryed  them 
togyther  :  quel  prestre  fut  ce  ifai  les  marya 
ensemble?  So  that  in  this  sence  je  marje  is 
no  meane  verbe. 

I  MAKKE,  or  I  beholde  or  note  a  thyng.  Je  note, 
or  je  vise,  prim.  conj.  Marke  weli  what  I 
saye  :  notez  bien  que  ceM  que  je  dis.  Marke 
and  he  go  in  tliyther  :  visez  sil  entre  la  de- 

I  marke  a  thynge  that  I  wyli  knowe.  Je  merche, 
prim.  conj.  and  je  merque,  prim.  conj.  Ail 
my  thynges  be  marked  with  this  marke  : 
taules  mes  choses  sont  merchées,  or  merquées 
de  ceste  merque,  or  merche. 

I  MARHE  a  thynge,  I  hurle  it  or  distroye  it.  Je 
gaste,  prim.  conj.  and  je  honnys,  sec.  conj. 
and  je  deyaste,  prim.  conj.  You  wyll  never 
leave  tyll  you  marre  ail  togyther  :  vous  ne 
cesserez  jamays  tant  que  vous  aurez  tout 
gasté.  You  raarre  your  gowne  :  vous  hon- 
nyssez  tostre  robbe. 

I  mary  with  a  person,  I  enter  into  the  bondes 
of  maryage.  Je  me  marie,  verbum  médium 
prim.  conj.  If  I  raarye  with  her  howe  shall 
we  lyve  togyther  :  si  je  me  marie  a  elle,  de 
quoy  viuerons  nous  ensemble?  I  wyll  nat 
mary  with  hym  and  there  were  no  mo 
men  in  the  worlde  :  je  ne  me  maricray 
poynt  a  luy  et  ny  eust  il  que  luy  seul  au 

I  marre  a  thyng,  I  soyie  it,  or  araye  it.  Je  hon- 
nys, sec.  conj.  You  hâve  marred  my  ker- 
cher  hère  :  vous  aucz  honny  mon  coeuure- 

I  MARTYR  a  person ,  I  put  hym  to  dethe  by  tur- 
mentynge.  Je  marlire,  prim.  couj.  and  je 
marlirise,  prim.  conj.  They  hâve  martyred 
hym  amongest  them  :  Hz  lont  martyre,  or 
martirizi  entre  eulx. 

I  MARVAYLE.  Je  me  esmerueille ,  aud  je  esmer- 
ueille,  and  je  me  merueîUe,  idem.  Sunt 
verba  média  prim.  conj.  f  marvayle  what 
you  meane  to  taryc  so  longe  whan  I  sende 

you  an  y  where  :  je  me  esmerueille ,  or  je 
me  merueillc,  or  je  me  donne  a  esmerueiller 
que  cest  que  vous  vouUs  dire  de  mettre  si 
longuement  quant  je  vous  enuoye  quelque 

I  MASE,  I  stonysshe.  Je  bestourne,  prim.  conj. 
You  mased  the  boye  so  sore  with  beatyng 
that  he  coulde  nat  speake  a  worde  :  vous 
bestourniez  tant  le  garçon  de  le  battre  quil  ne 
pouoyt  parler  vng  mot. 

I  MASHE,  I  brewe  aie  or  bere.  Je  brasse,  prim. 
conj.  Come  and  drinke  with  us,  we  mashe 
to  morowe  :  viens  boyre  auecqucs  nous, 
nous  brassons  demayn. 

I  MAïSTER  one,  1  bave  Ihe  maystry  or  the  upper 
hande.  Je  maistrise,  prim.  conj.  Be  he  ne- 
ver  so  stronge  I  put  no  doutes  to  mayster 
hym  :  tant  soyt  il  fort  je  ne  mets  poynt  de 
doubte  de  le  maistriser. 

I  MATCHE  one  with  a  felowe,  I  set  one  to  an- 
other  that  be  equall  of  power  and  strength. 
Je  sortys,  sec.  conj.  I  shall  matche  hym 
as  well  as  can  be  possyble  :  je  le  sortyray  le 
mieulx  du  monde. 

I  matche  the  maie  and  the  female  togyther  of 
any  kynde.  Je  payrie,  prim.  conj.  and  je 
apairie,  prim.  conj.  Ând  you  can  matche 
this  bitcbe  you  shall  havepretye  whelpes: 
si  vous  pouez  parier  ceste  chienne  vous  aurez 
des  beaux  petis  chiens. 

I  MATE  at  the  chesses.  Je  malte,  prim.  conj.  He 
matcd  me  or  I  coulde  drawe  thre  draugh- 
tes  ;  il  me  maila  auant  que  je  peusse  tirer 

I  mate  or  overcome.  Je  amatte,  prim.  conj. 
He  hath  utlerly  mated  me  :  il  ma  da  tout 

l  MATTYB,  as  a  sore  dothe  whan  it  is  bursten. 
Jejecte  de  la  boue,  jecter  de  la  boue,  jay 
jectc  Je  la  boUe,  prim.  conj.  Whan  tbynke 
you  that  your  byle  wyll  matter  :  quant  pen- 
sez vous  que  vostre  clou  bouera,  or  jectera 
de  la  boue. 

M   BÏFOBE   E. 
I  MEDYLL,  I  myxt  thynges  togyther.  Je  mesle, 



prim.  conj.  Medyll  them  nat  togyther,  for 
we  shall  hâve  moche  a  do  to  parte  them 
than  :  ne  les  meslez  pas  ensemble,  car  nous 
aurons  fort  a  faire  de  les  parlyr  doncques. 

I  medyli  me  with  a  thyng.  Je  me  mesle,  je  me 
suis  meslé,  mesler,  verhum  médium  prim. 
conj.  You  medyll  you  with  maters  that 
you  hâve  naught  to  do  with  :  vous  vous 
meslez  des  choses  qui  ne  vous  touchent  de 

l  medyll  in  a  mater  hytwene  partyes.  Je  me 
interpose,  je  me  sais  interposé,  interposer, 
verhum  médium  prim.  conj.  and  je  me 
mesle,  verhum  médium  prim.  conj.  It  is 
a  great  folye  for  the  to  medyll  with  those 
thinges  that  thou  liaste  naught  to  do  with- 
all  :  cest  vne  grande  Jolje  a  toj  que  de  te 
mesler  des  choses  dont  ta  nas  que  faire,  Me- 
dyll with  the  thynge  that  you  hâve  a  do  : 
meslez  vous  des  choses  dont  vous  auez  af- 
faire. I  wyll  never  medyll  hytwene  a  inan 
and  his  wyfe  :  je  ne  me  veulx  poynt  interpo- 
ser entre  vng  homme  et  sa  femme. 

I  medyll  with  a  persone  that  I  shulde  nat,  or 
that  wolde  let  me  alone.  Je  me  prens  a  luj, 
carpourqaoy  il  sen  suyueroyt  qung  meschant 
homme  se  pourront  prendre  aux  plus  sages. 
Vous  prennez  vous  a  moy  ?  medyll  you  with 
me?  Medyll  nat  with  me,  I  hâve  naught 
to  do  with  you  :  ne  vous  prennez  poynt  a 
moy,  je  nay  que  faire  de  vous. 

I  medyll  with  one,  as  a  man  dothe  with  a  wo- 
man ,  or  as  men  medyll  togyther  that  hâve 
thynges  to  do  hytwene  them.  Jay  affayre. 
Dydest  thou  -never  medyll  with  her  by 
thy  faylh  :  neus  tujamays  affaire  a  elle  par 
tafoy?  Medyll  nat  with  hyra,  I  wolde  ad- 
vyse  you,  for  he  wyll  begyie  you  than  : 
nayez  point  affaire  a  luy,je  vous  aduise,  car 
il  vous  trompera  doncques. 

J  MEKYN,  I  make  meke  or  iowlye.  Je  humylie, 
prim.  conj.  Thou  waiest  prowde,  doest 
thou,  I  shall  meken  the  well  ynoughe  : 
ta  deuiens  fier  fais  ta,  je  te  hamilieray  assès 
I  MELTEmetail,  or  gresse,  or  waxe,  or  any  suche 

lyke  thyage.  Jefons,  nous  fondons,  Hz  fon- 
dent, and  il  font,  je  fondis,  jay  fondu,  je 
fonderay,  que  je  fonde,  fondre,  tert.  conj. 
Go  melte  some  leede  whyle  I  go  melte  the 
talowe  :  allez  fondre  du  plomb  tant  que  je 
fonde  du  suyf. 

I  MENACE  or  threttcn.  Je  menace,  prim.  conj. 
Doest  thou  menace  me ,  I  wyil  take  suerty 
of  peace  on  the  :  me  menaces  tu,  je  pren- 
dray  la  sauuegarde  du  roy  contre  toy. 

I  MENDE.  Je  amende,  prim.  conj.  He  niendeth 
as  the  flctchcr  dothe  his  boite  :  il  samende 
comme  lartiller  faict  sajlesche. 

I  MENCïON ,  l  make  rehersall  or  remembraunce 
of  a  thyng  paste  or  a  person  absent.  Je  men- 
cionnejprira.  conj.  and  je  remémore,  prim. 
conj.  Andlwcreas  you.Iwolde  never  men- 
cion  the  mater  to  hym  :  sijestoyeque  devous, 
jamays  je  ne  lay  mencionneroys  la  matière, 
or  luy  rememoreroys  la  matière. 

I  MEANE  or  thynke.  Je  pense,  or  je  vealx.  Xsje 
ne  scay  que  cesl  que  vous  voulez  :  I  wot  nat 
what  you  meane.  Or  je  vealx  dire,  je  ne 
scay  que  cest  que  vous  voulez  dire.  I  se  hy 
hym  he  meaneth  somewhat  :  je  voys  bien 
a  luy  quil  veult  dire  quelque  chose. 

I  MENGLE,  or  myxte,  harde  thynges  togyther.  Je 
atfrempc, prim.  conj.  If  youmengyll  sande 
and  lyme  togyther  you  maye  make  comen 
mortyr,  but  in  olde  tyme  they  myxed  oxe 
bloode  and  other  thynges  with  their  lyme: 
si  vous  attrcmpez  ensemble  du  sablon  et  de  la 
chaalx  vous  ferez  du  mortier  a  la  mode  com- 
mune, mays  au  temps  jadis  Hz  souloyent  at- 
tremper  du  sang  de  beufet  aultres  choses  auec 
leur  chaulx. 

I  mengle  or  myxte  moyst  thynges  togyther.  Je 
mistionnc ,  prim.  conj.  whiche  I  wolde 
Write  je  mijctionne.  Oyle  and  water  wyil 
never  mengyll  togyther,  but  a  inan  may 
easely  mengyll  wyne  and  water  :  huylte  et 
eaue  jamays  ne  se  mixtionneront  ensemble, 
mays  on  peult  bien  aysement  mixiionner  en- 
semble vin  et  eaue. 

I  MENTE,  I  gesse  or  ayme  to  hyttea  thynge  that 
1  shote  or  throwe  at.  Je  esme,  prim.  conj. 



I  dyd  ment  at  a  fatte  bucke  but  I  dyd  hyt 
a  prickel  :  je  esmoye  a  vng  gras  dayn ,  majs 
je  assenaj  vng  saillant, 

I  MBRYTE,  I  descrvc.  Je  mérite,  prim.  conj.  and 
je  mens,  sec.  conj.  Some  man  maye  me- 
ryle  as  moche  to  driiike  small  wyne  as 
some  do  whan  they  drinkc  water  :  il  y  a 
des  gens  tfuimeriieroyent  autant  silz  beaaoient 
du  vin  de  conaent  comme  les  aaltres Jeroyent 
silz  beuuoyent  de  leaue. 

I  MBRKE  (Lydgate).  Loke  in  ni  markep. 

I  MESSE  meate,  I  sorte  it  or  order  it  in  to  mes- 
ses, as  cookes  do  whan  they  serve  it.  Je 
mets  en  plats.  Hâve  you  messcd  ail  the 
meate  that  sbalbe  served  for  the  first 
course  :  auez  vous  mis  en  plats  toute  la 
viande  qui  sera  seruie  pour  la  première  as- 

I  MESPmsE,  I  set  naught  by.  Je  ne  ay  cure,  or 
je  mespnse,  or  je  ne  tiens  compte.  He  that 
mesprisetb  his  betters  it  shalbe  longe  or 
he  thrive  :  qui  ne  tient  compte  de  ses  sape- 
rieurs,  or  qui  mesprise  ses  supérieurs,  or  qui 
na  cure  de  ses  supérieurs ,  it  sera  longtemps 
deaant  quil  face  jamays  son  proujfit,  or 
auant  quil  viengne  auant,  or  quil  viengne  au 
dessus  de  ses  affaires. 

I  MESt'BE.  Je  mesure,  and  je  amesare,  prim.  conj. 
By  the  same  mesure  that  you  mesure  to 
other  men  wyll  men  mesure  hy  to  you  : 
par  lu  mesme  mesure  dont  vous  mesurez  aux 
aaltres  on  mesurera  a  vous,  or  on  amesurera 
a  vous.  By  what  husshell  wyll  you  mesure 
your  wheate  :  par  quel  boysseau  mesurerez 
vous  vostre  bled? 

I  mesure  clothe  with  a  yerde,  or  mette  yerde. 
Je  mesure,  prim.  conj.  and  je  aulne,  prim. 
conj.  I  wyll  mesure  this  clothe  and  corne 
to  you  :  je  aalneray  ce  drap  et  viendray  a 

I  METE  a  man  as  I  go,  or  ryde  by  the  waye.  Je 
rencontre,  prim.  conj.  I  mete  him  :  je  luy 
rencontre.  And  je  encontre,  prim.  conj.  I 
mette  hym  a  myle  beyonde  the  towne  :  je 
le  rencontray  vue  lieue  de  la  ville.  Hylles  do 
never  mete,  but  acquayntaunce  dolhe  of- 

ten  :  montaynes  ne  sencontrent,  or  ne  se  en- 
trerencontrent  jamays ,  mays  gens  de  con- 
gnoissancc  sencontrent  soauent. 

I  mete  togyther  in  companye  with  other  men. 
Je  me  treuae  ensemble,  prim.  conj.  Whan 
they  mete  to  gyther  i  wyll  put  them  in 
mynde  of  your  maler  :  quant  Hz  se  treu- 
nent  ensemble  je  les  ramenteaeray  de  vostre 

I  mete  clothe  or  sylke  by  the  yerde.  Je  aulne, 
prim.  conj.  Whe  mette  this  clothe,  you 
hâve  skante  mesure  :  qui  vous  imlna  ce 
drap ,  a  peyne  auez  vous  vostre  mesure. 

I  mete  corne,  or  any  other  thyng,  by  mesure. 
Je  mesure,  prim.  conj.  I  wyll  nat  mete  by 
yonr  busshell,  for  it  is  more  than  ours 
that  I  bought  by  :  je  ne  veulx  pas  mesurer 
par  vostre  boysseau,  car  il  est  plus  grant 
que  nest  celuy  par  lequel  je  aschaptay  mon 

I  mete  face  to  face.  Je  affronte,  prim.  conj. 
Thou  darest  nat  mete  hym  face  to  face  for 
thy  iyfe  :  lu  ne  loses  pas  affronter  pour  ta 

I  METïB,  I  make  a  booke  in  verses  or  in  ryme. 
Je  compose  en  vers.  Many  a  man  can  ryme 
well ,  but  it  is  barde  to  metyr  weil  :  maynt 
homme  scayt  bien  rismer,  mays  cest  vue 
grant  difficulté  que  de  bien  composer  en 

I  MEVE  or  styrre  by  anger.  Je  esmeus ,  conju- 
gate  lyke  his  symplej'e  me  meus,  I  move. 
He  is  an  horryble  angry  felowe,  if  he  be 
moved  ones  :  d  est  horriblement  yreux  sil 
est  vnefoys  esmen. 

I  meve  or  styrre  from  a  place.  Je  meuue,  and 
je  me  momie,  verbum  médium  prim.  conj. 
I  dare  nat  styrre  for  my  iyfe  ne  me  ose 
pas  mouuoyr  pour  ma  vie. 

I  meve ,  or  I  entyce  one  to  do  a  thyng.  Je  atise, 
prim.  conj.  I  pray  you  ,  meve  hym  to  none 
yvell,  he  isyvell  ynoughe  of  hym  selfe  ail 
redy:  je  vous  prie,  ne  latysez  pas  a  nul  mal, 
il  est  mauluays  assés  de  soy  mesmes. 

I  meve ,  I  cause  a  thynge  to  be  donc.  Je  amo- 
neste,  prim.  conj.  I  shali  meve  hym  with 



a  good  wyll ,  but  I  can  nat  promesse  you 
it  shall  be  done  :  je  lamonesteray  voulen- 
tiers,  maysje  ne  toas  pais  pas  promettre  i/ue 
vostre  cas  serafaicl. 
I  meve,  or  styrre  a  man  to  do  a  thyng  by  my 
counsayle.  Je  exhorte,  prim.  conj.  and  je 
commouue,  prim.  conj.  and  je  iuade,  prim. 
conj.  What  meved  you  to  meve  hym  hère 
unto  :  qae  voas  esmeut  de  {exhorter,  or  de  le 
commoauer  a  cela,  or  de  luy  saader  cela  ? 

M    BYFORE    1. 

1  MYAB ,  I  beraye  with  myar.  Je  crotte,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  emboue.  Get  hym  a  fyre  at 
ones,  the  poore  man  is  myred  up  to  the 
knees:  qaonluyjace  dajeuviste,  lepoare 
homme  est  crotté,  or  enbové  jusques  aux 
I  MYLKE  a  kowe.  Je  tire  une  vache,  prim.  conj. 
It  becometh  the  better  to  mylke  a  kowe 
than  to  were  barnesse  :  il  te  siet  miealx  de 
tirer  vue  vache  que  de  porter  hamoys. 
I  mylke  a  womans  brest.  Je  tire  du  laid  dune 

femme,  prim.  conj. 
I  MYNDE  a  thyng,  I  make  mencyon  of  a  thyng 
or  mater.  Je  mencionne,  prim.  conj.  I  mar- 
vayle  what  moved  hym  to  mynde  that 
me   maruaiUe  qui  lesmeut    de   mencionner 
I  myndc  a  thynge,   I  regarde  it,   or  set  ray 
mynde  upon  it.  Je  mets  le  caeur  dessus,  or 
je  prens  au  cueur.  It  can  nat  go  forwarde 
with  the ,  for  thou  myndest  it  nat  :  il  ne 
peut  pas  prospérer  entre  tes  mayns,  car  tu 
ne  le  prens  pas  au  caeur,  or  m  ne  mets  pas 
le  cueur  dessus. 
I  MYNE   under  the  grounde.    Je  mine,   prim. 
conj.  There  be  many  polyces  to  parceyve 
whether  ones  enuemyes  myne  to  steale  in 
to  their  towne  or  nat  :  ily  a  mayntes  po- 
lices pour  entendre  se  les  ennemys  mynent 
pour  entrer  en  la  ville  a  lemblée  ou  non. 
I  MYNGELL.  Je  mesle ,  prim.  conj.  I  praye  you , 
myngell  them  nat  togyther  :  je  vous  prie, 
ne  les  meslez  pas  ensemble. 
1  MYNTSSHE  or  make  a  thing  lesse.  Jamenuyse, 

prim.  conj.  You  can  mynysshe  it  no  more 
without  you  wyll  marre  al  togyther  :  vous 
ne  le  pouez  pas  plus  amenuyser,  or  dimi- 
nuer, si  vous  ne  voulez  tout  gasler. 
r  MYNYSTER  comunycacion.  Je  araisoune,  prim. 
conj.  I  dare  nat  mynister  comunycacion 
unto  hym  in  this  mater  without  it  come 
of  hymselfe  :  je  ne  lose  pas  arraisonner  de 
ceste  matière  sil  ne  procède  pas  de  luy  mes- 
I  mynyster  tliynges  necessarye  to  a  person,  I 
serve  hym.  Je  administre,  prim.  conj.  da- 
tivo  jungitur.  Dyd  I  nat  receyvc  you  lov- 
yngly  in  to  myn  house  and  mynister  al 
thynges  necessarye  to  you  myne  owne 
bandes  :  ne  vous  prinsje  point  amiablement 
en  ma  maison,  et  vous  administray  toutes 
choses  a  vous  nécessaires  de  mes  propres 
I  MïRKE,  I  darke  or  make  darke  (Lydgat).  Je 

obscarcys,  sec.  conj. 
I  MYSSE ,  I  am  dispoynted ,  or  I  fayle  of  my  pur- 
pose.  In  this  sence,  they  leave  out  the 
verbe  and  use  to  expresse  the  verbe  folow- 
yng,  as  I  myste  but  a  iytle  that  I  toke  hym 
nat  :  o  peu  que  je  ne  le  prins,  andjefaalx, 
jay  J'ailly,  faillyr,  conjugal  in  :  «  I  fayle 
«of  my  purposea.  I  hâve  myssed  of  my 
purpose  as  for  this  tyme,  but  to  morowc 
I  truste  to  spede:  jay  failly  a  mon  propos 
pour  ceste  heure,  mays  ilemayn  je  espère 
dauoir  mon  desyr. 
I  MYSAGRE.  Je  mesagrée,  prim.  conj.  and  je  dis- 
corde,prim.  conj.  I  nevcr  wyst  tliem  mis- 
agrc  afore  in  my  lyfe  :  je  ne  les  congnus 
jamays  deuant  a  ma  vie  mesaijreer  or  dis- 
corder. So  that,  where  we  use  omys»  by- 
fore  our  verbes  in  our  tonge,   they  use 
mes  byfore  their  verbes  of  lyke  sence. 
I  MYSBEHAVE  me,  or  mysorder  myselfe.  Je  me 
mesprens,  conjugale   lyke   bis   sympleje 
prens,  I  take.  You  were  to  blâme  to  mys- 
hehave  you  to  hym  so  sore  as  you  dyd  : 
vous  auiez  tort,  or  vous  fustez  a  blâmer  de 
voas  mesprendre  enuers  luy  tant  que  vous 



It  MïSBECOMETH ,  as  a  garment  mysbecometh 
onc,  or  any  other  comunycacion ,  or  otlicr 
behavour.  U  mcjiicf,and  malsiet,  conjugale 
iyke  liis  sympie  il  siet,  it  becometh.  Put 
of  Ihis  chymraer,  it  mysbecometh  you:  os- 
iez ceste  chamarre,  elle  voas  messiet,  or  vous 
siet  mal. 

I  MYSSHAPPE  a  thynge.  Je  defforme,  prim.  conj. 
He  is  the  moste  mysshapen  slovyn  that 
ever  you  sawe  :  cest  le  plus  difforme  loar- 
daalt  que  vovs  visies  oncques. 

I  UYSCBEVE ,  I  distroyc.  Je  destruys,  conjugate 
in  «  I  distroye  ».  And  je  deffays,  conjugate 
lykc  hh  symp\e  je  Jays ,  \  do.  Beware  of 
yonder  horse,  for  he  wyil  myscheve  as 
many  as  corne  within  his  reache:  gardez 
vous  de  ce  cheual,  car  il  veult  deslruyre, 
or  deffaire  autant  des  yens  quil  peult  ai- 

I  MYSCONTENT.  Je  mescontente ,  prim.  conj.  I 
liave  servcd  hym  this  seven  yere,  and  I 
never  myscontented  hym,  I  thanke  God  : 
je  lay  seray  des  sept  ans ,  et  je  ne  luy  mes- 
contentay  jamays ,  Dieu  mercy.  Dativojun- 

I  MYSCODNSAYLE.  Je  mesconseilk ,  prim.  conj. 
and  je  desconseille,  prim.  conj,  You  wene 
you  take  ihe  ryght  waye,  but  you  are 
myscounsayled  :  vous  cuydez  prendre  le 
droyct  chcmyn,  mays  vons  estez  mesconseillé, 
or  drsconseillé, 

I  .MYSCODSTE,  I  mysreken  or  misestynie  one. 
Jemescompte,  prim.  conj.  Tell  it  agayne, 
you  hâve  myscounled  your  selfe ,  I  war- 
rant you  :  comptez  le  de  rechiej,  vous  vous 
estez  mescomplé,  je  gaige. 

I  MYSDEME,  I  mysse  judge.  Je  mescroys,  con- 
jugate iyke  his  sympie  je  croys ,  l  byleve. 
You  mysdeme  me  and  I  am  nothyng 
fautye  :  vous  me  mescroyez  et  je  ne  sais  en 
riens  coulpable. 

I  MYSDO.  Je  meffais,  conjugate  Iyke  his  sympie 
je  fais,  I  do.  I  noutber  mysded  hym  nor 
myssayd  him  :  je  ne  lay  ne~meffys  ne  mes- 

i  MysEKSE.  Je  mesaise ,  prim.  conj.  If  you  take 

this  waye ,  it  wyll  mysease  you  :  si  voas 
prennez  ce  chemyn,  il  vous  mesaysera. 
I  MYSENTSEATE  oue,  or  fare  foule  with  hym. 
Je  oullraige,  prim.  conj.  It  standeth  nat 
with  your  worshyp  to  sende  for  me  and 
thus  to  mysentreate  me  :  ce  ncst  pas  vos- 
tre  honneur  de  me  mander  et  mayntenant  de 
me  aynsi  ouliraigier. 
I  mysentreate.  Je  mené  mal,  prim.  conj,  It  is 
a  pytie  to  se  howe  he  mysentreateth  his 
wyfe  :  cest  vue  pitié  de  veoyr  comment  il 
mené  mal  sa  femme. 
I  MYSFALL.  Je  mescheoys,  conjugat  iyke  his 
sympie  je  cheoys,  I  fall.  Sythe  you  wyll  nat 
be  ruled,  if  it  mysfall  with  you,  you  caii 
blâme  no  body  but  yourselfc  :  se  vous  ne 
voulez  pas  suyure  conseil,  sil  vous  meschiet, 
vous  ne  pouez  nulluy  blasmer  fors  que  vous 
I  MYSGO,  I  go  out  of  the  waye.  Je  meforaoye, 
verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  By  my 
faythe,  my  frende,  I  se  you  be  miswent  : 
sur  mafoy,  mon  amy,je  voy  que  vous  vous 
I  MYS60VERNE,  I  mysrule.  Jf  fiieijouucnie,  prim. 
conj.  And  you  mysgoverne  your  selfe  it  is 
no  marvayle  though  you  bave  moche 
sickuesse  :  si  vous  voas  mtsgouuernez ,  ce 
nest  pas  de  maraaille  se  voas  estez  fort  mala- 
I  MïSHAPPE,  or  bring  out  of  facyon.  Je  déforme, 

prim.  conj.  declared  io  «  I  mysshappei. 
1  MYSHAPPEN.  Je  mescheoys,  conjugat  Iyke  his 
sympie  je  cheoys,  I  fall   downc.  And  il 
meschiet,  imparsonall.   It  is  no   wonder 
thoughe  he  myshappen ,   for  he  is   ever 
quarellynge  :  ce  nest  pas  maruaille  sil  lay 
meschiet,  car  il  est  toujours  noyseux. 
I  MYSHANDELL.  Je  mené  mal,  prim.  conj.  and  jt 
traicte  mal.   It  is   nat  well  done  to  mys- 
handell  hym  thus  as  you  do  :  ce  nest  pas 
bien  fait  de  le  maltraicter  ainsi  que  vous 
It  MYSHAPPENETU.   /(  mesoduient,  verbum  im- 
personale   tert.  conj.  conjugate  Iyke  bis 
sympie  il  aduieni,   it  happeneth.  And  i7 


meschiet,  impersonale  tert.  conj.  He  tbat 
trustetb  ever  to  happe  it  myshappenetb 
liym  somtyme  :  qui  se  jie  toasjours  en  for- 
tune, aulcunesfoys  il  luy  mesaduient,  or  il  luy 
I  MYSKEFE.  Je  mesgarde,  prim.  conj.  Tlie  beste 
tbyng  in  tbe  worlde ,  if  it  be  myskept ,  wyll 
marre  in  processe  of  tyme  :  la  meilleure 
chose  du  monde,  selle  est  mesyardée,  se  gas- 
tera  par  traict  de  temps. 
I  MtSKNOWE.  Je  mescongnoys,  conjugale  iyke 
bis  symple  je  congnoys ,  I  knowe.  Also  I 
fyndeje  descongnoys  in  tbe  same  sence. 
Wban  a  man  mysknoweth  bym  seife  it  is 
a  daungerouse  tbyng  for  bym  :  guant  on  se 
mescongnoist  cest  vne  chose  dangereuse  pour 
I  MTSOBDER.  Je  désordre,  and  je  desordonne, 
prim.  conj.  Wbo  batb  mysordred  tbese 
tbyn^es  sytbe  I  wente.  I  dyd  put  every 
tbyng  in  bis  rygbt  place  :  qui  a  désordre, 
or  désordonné  ces  choses  despuis  que  je  men 
sais  allé,  je  mys  toutes  choses  en  leur  pro- 
pres places. 
I  MVSPENDE,  I  dispende  in  vayne.  Je  mespens, 

conjugate  Iyke  bis  symple  je  pens,  I  hange. 

Myspende  nat  your  monay,  you  may  happe 

to  bave  nede  of  it:  ne  mespendez  pas  vos- 

tre  argent,  vous  poaez  par  aduenture  en 

attoyr  affaire. 
I  MYSREKEN ,  I  myscounte.  Je  mescompte,  prim. 

conj.  I  bad  ratfaer  paye  to  moche  tban  to 

be  mysrekened  -.jayme  plus  chier  trop  paier 

que  destre  mescompte. 
I  MYSRi'LE  myselfe.  Je  me  desrigle,'  prim.  conj. 

If  you   mysrule    your   selfe,    you  maye 

sbortly  catche  some  disease  :  si  vous  vous 

desrigkz ,  vous  pouex  bien  tost  happer  quel- 
que maladie. 
I  MY.ssAïE,  I  say  yvell  of  a  tbing.  Je  mesdis, 

conjugate  Iyke  bis  synjple  je  dis ,  I  say.  I 

never  myssayde  bym  wordc ,  and  he  toke 

on    with  me  Iyke  a  serpent  :  je  ne   luy 

metdys  pas  vng  mot,  encore  il  se  print  a  moy 

comme  a  vng  serpent. 
I  MYSSE  my  marke,  or  of  my  marke.  Jefaalx  a 

mon  esme.  If  I  mysse  nat  my  marke,  he  is 
a  busy  felowe  :  si  je  ne  Jaulx  a  mon  esme , 
cest  vng  entremetteux. 
l  mysse,  I  bave  uede  of  a  thyng  tbat  I  wolde 
occupye.  Jay  Jaulte  de,jay  eu  Jaulle  de, 
auoyr  Jaulte  de,  joynyng  Jaulle  to  tbe 
tenses  of  je  ay,  as  I  mysse  a  penne  yet  :  jay 
Jaulte  dune  plume  encore.  Mysse  you  no- 
thynge  Dowe  :  nauez  vous  Jaulte  de  riens 
mayntenant?  If  you  mysse  any  tbing,  tbe 
faulte  is  in  your  selfe,  for  my  lorde  batb 
commaunded  you  shulde  bave  al  tbynges 
necessarye  :  si  vous  auez  faulte  de  riens,  h 
Jaulle  est  en  vous,  car  monsieur  a  commandé 
que  vous  lUussiez  avoir  toutes  choses  que 
vous  seroyent  nécessaires,  or  que  vous  day- 

I  mysse ,  I  wante  a  thyng  tbat  I  seke  for.  //  me 
Jault ,  il  ma  Juin ,  Jaloyr ,  conjugate  in  «I 
omuste»,  as  I  mysse  a  noble  hère  :  d  nu 
fault  vng  angelot  icy.  You  sball  mysse  no- 
tbyng  tbat  you  leave  bere  :  riens  ne  vous 
Jauldra  que  vous  laisserez  icy. 

I  mysse  take  a  thynge,  I  understande  it  nat  a 
rygbt.  Je  me  mescoute,  prim.  conj.  and  je 
meseniens,  conjugale  Iyke  bis  symple  je 
entens,  I  understande.  I  se  by  it  yo  do 
mysse  take  tbe  mater:  je  voys  bien  que 
vous  vous  mescoulés  en  cesie  matière.  He 
batb  mysse  taken  me  or  els  be  wolde  nat 
do  as  be  dothe  :  il  ma  Tuesentendu,  aultre- 
ment  il  ne  me  feroyl  pas  ceu  quilfail. 

I  mysse  tell,  I  mysreken.  Je  mescompte,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  me  mesconte.  You  bave  mys- 
toldc,  for  tbere  was  no  lesse  in  the  purce  ; 
vous  vous  estez  mesconte,  car  il  ny  auoyt 
riens  mayns  en  la  bource. 

I  MYSTRCST  one,  I  bave  intrusle  in  bis  sayenges. 
Je  mescroys,  conjugate  Iyke  bis  symple  je 
croys,  1  byleve.  And  you  mystrusle  me 
commaunde  an  olber  to  serve  you  :  si  vous 
me  mescroyez ,  commandez  a  vng  aultre  quil 
vous  serue,  or  si  vous  vous  mesfiès  en  moy. 

1  mystrust  one  in  bis  actes  and  in  bis  dedes. 
Je  suspecte,  prim.  conj.  and  je  souspes- 
cionne,  prim.  conj.  and  je  me  mejfie,  ver- 



bum  médium  prim.  conj.  I  mystrast  bym: 
je  me  nieffie  en  lay,  and  je  me  dejjie,  verbum 
médium  prim.  conj.  as  je  me  dejjie  de  liij. 
I  mystruste  hym  for  my  gowne  :  je  le  sus- 
pecte, ot  je  le  suspescionne  de  marobbe.  I 
bave  good  cause  to  mystrust  bym,  he 
hath  so  often  bcgyled  me  :  jay  bonne 
cause  de  ne  mejier  poynt  en  lay,  il  ma  si 
sonuent  trompé. 

I  MïsnNDERSTANDE.  Je  mesentens,  and  je  nentens 
pas  bien.  He  tbat  mysverstandeth  a  man 
must  iiedes  make  a  foiysshe  answere  : 
qui  mesenlent  vng  homme,  il  fault  de  néces- 
sité qail  baille  vne  sotte  responce. 

1  MYSDSB.  Je  abuse,  and  je  amuse,  prim.  conj. 
A  tbyng  maye  be  mysused  tbougbe  itbe 
never  so  good  :  tant  soyt  vne  chose  bonne, 
tipeult  elle  estre  abusée. 

I  MYT16ATE  or  swagc.  Je  adoulcis,  sec.  conj. 
je  mitigue,  and  je  assouage,  and  je  attempre, 
prim.  conj.  I  dyd  mytigate  bis  payne  with 
a  plaster  f  gave  bym  yesterday  :  je  luy 
adoulcis  sa  payne,  or  je  luy  mitigaay,  or  as- 
souagay,  or  attempray  sa  peyne  dung  em- 
plastre  que  je  luy  baillay  hyer. 

I  MYXTE  witb  stèle ,  as  we  do  weapens  to  make 
tbem  sharper.  Je  aciere,  prim.  conj.  This 
sworde  is  well  myxte  witb  steie  :  ceste 
espée  est  bien  aciérie. 

I  myxte  dyverse  tbynges  togyther ,  as  potyca- 
ries  do  in  makyng  of  .salves,  oyntmenles, 
conserves,  and  suche  lyke  tbynges.  Je  confis, 
nous  confions ,  je  confis ,  jay  confit,  je  con- 
firay,  que  je  confie,  confire,  tert.  conj.  And 
if  your  ingredycntcs  be  nat  wel  myxt  to- 
gyther you  shal  never  make  good  emplas- 
tre  :  ^i  voz  drogues  ne  sont  bien  confites,  ja- 
mays  ne  ferez  bon  emplaslre. 

I  myxte,  I  temprc  metalles  togytber.  Je  trempe, 
prim.  ^conj.  Men  may  myxte  dyvers  me- 
talles so  well  togytber  tbat  they  sball  ail 
some  but  as  one  :  on  peuU  si  bien  tremper 
diaers  metaulx,  quilz  ne  resembleront  que  a 
vng.  And  je  détrempe,  prim.  conj. 

I  myxte,  or  myngell  barde  tbynges  togytber. 
Je  mesle ,  prim.  conj.  They  be  so  myxed 

togytber,  I  can  nat  parte  tbem  :  Hz  sont 
tant  meslez  ensemble,  que  je  ne  les  puis  des- 
I  myxte,  or  myngell  drinkes  or  iycours  to- 
gytber. Je  mistionne ,  prim.  conj.  Me 
tbynketli  you  myxt  aie  and  wyne  togyder;  ' 
il  mest  aduis  que  vous  mistionnez  du  vin  et  de 
la  goudale  ensemble. 

M   BÏPORE   O. 

I  MOCKE,  or  scorne  one  with  a  countenaunce 
makyng  of  my  mouthe.  Je  fais  la  moue. 
I  mocke  bym  :  j'e  luy  fais  la  moue,  dativo 
jungitur.  I  pray  you ,  se  bowe  tbe  knawe 
.mocketh  bym  :  agardez,  je  vous  prie,  com- 
ment le  villayn  luy  fait  la  moue. 

I  mocke,  I  scorne  one  witb  wordes.  Je  raffarde, 
prim.  conj.  and  je  lobe  (Rom.),  prim. 
conj.  and  je  me  mocque  de,  verbum  mé- 
dium. He  mocketh  bym  at  every  worde, 
and  yet  tbe  foole  perceyvetb  it  nat  :  il  le 
raffardea  chascun  mot,  encore  le  fol  ne  lap- 
parcoyt  poynt.  Howe  can  I  be  content  witb 
bym,  he  mocketh  me  at  every  worde, 
wban  I  speake  to  bym  :  comment  me  puis 
je  contenter  de  luy,  il  se  mocque  de  moy  a 
chascune  parolle,  quant  je  parle  a  luy. 

I  MODEn  ,  or  lemper  my  selfe ,  wban  I  am  pro- 
voked  to  any  passyon.  Je  me  modère,  ver- 
bum médium  prim.  conj.  And  je  me  tem- 
prise,  verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  He  is 
full  of  coler,  but  he  can  temper  bym  sclfe 
thebeste  tbat  ever  I  sawe  :  il  est  fort  chargé 
de  colère,  mays  il  se  scayt  le  mieulx  modé- 
rer, or  il  se  scayt  le  mieulx  temperiser  que 
homme  que  je  visjamays. 

I  HODYFIE,  I  temperate.  Je  me  modifie  and  je 
me  trempe,  verbum  médium  prim.  conj. 
Wbat  tbotigbe  be  speke  a  bastye  worde 
you  muste  modyfye  your  selfe  :  et  sil  parle 
quelque  mot  hastiuement,  il  vous  fault  modi- 
fier, or  il  vous  fault  atremper,  or  temperiser. 

I  MOYST  a  ibing,  [  make  it  moyst.  Je  moille, 
prim.  conj.  and  je  mouille,  prim.  conj.  I 
dyd  nat  drinke  to  day,  I  dyd  but  moyste 
my  lyppes  witb  a  quarler  of  wyne:  je  nay 



poynt  beu  aajourdhuy,je  ne  fysque  mouiller 
mes  leares  dune  quarte  de  vin, 

I  MOtDE,  as  breed  dothe  for  stalenesse.  Je  moi- 
sis, sec.  conj.  1  do  some  good  in  tbe  house, 
I  keep  brecd  from  moldyng  and  drinke 
from  sovrrytig:  je fays  quelque  peu  de  bien 
a  la  mayson,je  garde  le  payn  de  moysir  et  le 
boyre  de  seurer. 

I  MOLEST,  I  trouble  or  vexe.  Je  moleste,  prim. 
conj.  I  pray  tbe,  molest  me  nat,  I  bave 
ben  troubled  ynoughe  to  daye  :  je  te  prie, 
ne  me  molestes  poynt,  jay  esté  assez  enipeschc 

1  MONCHE,  I  eate  meate  gredyly  in  a  corner. 
Je  loppine,  prim.  conj.  It  is  no  good  fe- 
lowes  toucbe  to  stande  monching  in  a 
coroar  wban  he  bath  a  good  morcell  :  ce 
nest  pas  le  tour  dung  bon  compaignon  de 
loppiner  en  ce  poynt  en  vng  coyng  quant  il 
a  quelque  bon  morceau. 

I  MODE  for  my  frende  departed.  Je  me  com- 
playns ,  and  je  me  playns,  conjugale  in  «I 
«playne».  It  is  a  pytuouse  tbyngto  se  bim 
mone  for  bis  fatbers  detbe  :  cest  vne  chose 
pitoyable  que  de  le  veoir  complayndre  la 
mort  de  son  père,  or  de  le  veoyr  se  com- 
playndre, or  se  playndre  de  la  mort  de  son 

I  mone  for  one,  as  men  do  for  a  good  man 
tbat  is  deed  or  slayne.  Je  le  playns,  con- 
j agate  in  «I  playne».  Tbere  sball  never 
yvell  woman  be  moned  :  jamays  ne  sera  vne 
mauuaise femme  plainte.  He  was  tbe  moste 
moned  man  tbat  dyed  in  tbis  countraye 
tbis  twenty  yere  :  cestoyt  Ihomme  le  plus 
plavnt  quilommc  qui  mourut  en  ces  quartiers 
de  ces  vingt  ans.  He  monetb  hym  sore:  il 
le  playnt  fort. 

I  mone,  I  take  tbought  or  complayne,  as  a 
cbylde  dothe  for  tbe  wantyng  of  bis  nourse 
or  motber,  or  as  a  lover  dothe  tbat  is  ab- 
sent. Je  regrete.  He  monetb  for  bis  nourse 
or  bis  lover  :  il  regrete  sa  nourrice  ou  ses 
amours.  You  never  sawe  cbylde  mone  for 
bis  nouryce  as  he  dyd:  vous  ne  vistez  ja- 
mays enfant  tant  regreter  sa  nourrice. 

I  MONïSSHE,  or  warne.  Je  admoneste,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  intime,  prim.  conj.  I  mo- 
nyssbed  you  berof  two  monetbes  ago  :  je 
vous  admoneslay  de  ce  cy  deux  moys  passés. 
If  you  be  monysshed  to  come  to  tbe  spy- 
ritual  court,  you  must  nedes  apere  :  si  on 
vous  a  intimé  de  venir  a  la  court  desglise,  il 
vous  y  Jault  aller, 

I  MOO  or  mocke.  Je  fais  la  moue,  or  je  mocqae, 
prim.  conj.  declared  in  «I  mowei. 

I  MORFONDE ,  as  a  horse  dothe  tbat  waxetb  styffe 
by  taking  of  a  sodayiic  colde.  Je  me  mor- 
fons,nous  nous  morfondons ,  je  morfondis , 
conjugal  lyke  bis  syniple  je^bius,  I  melte. 
And  you  morfonde  your  horse,  be  wyll  be 
tbe  worse  wbile  be  lyveth  after  :  si  vous 
morfondez  vostre  cheual,  il  vauldra  du  pis 
après  tant  qail  viuera. 

I  MORTGAGE  lande ,  I  laye  it  to  pledge.  Je  en- 
gaige,  prim.  conj.  andje  mortgaige.  He  bath 
nat  solde  bis  lande  out  rygbt,  but  be  hath 
mortgaged  it  for  more  tban  it  i»  wortbe  : 
il  na  pas  vendu  ses  terres  tout  entièrement, 
mays  il  les  a  engaygées ,  or  mortgaigées  pour 
plus  quelles  ne  vallent. 

I  MORNE.  Je  lamente,  prim.  conj.  and  je  guer- 
mentc,  andje  me  dole,  and  je  mayne  dueil, 
and  je  regrete,  prim.  conj.  He  mornetb 
sore  for  tbe  losse  of  bis  father  :  il  lamente 
fort,  or  il  guermentefort ,  or  il  se  adolefort, 
or  il  mayne  grant  dueil  pour  la  mort  de  son 
père,  or  il  regrette  fort  la  mort  de  son  père. 

I  mome  for  a  deed  man,  f  weare  blacke  gar- 
mentes.  Je  porte  le  dueil,  prim.  conj.  Yon- 
der  gentylman  mornetb,  by  lykelybodde 
bis  father  is  deed  :  ce  gentilhomme  la  porte 
le  dueil,  ilfault  dire  que  son  père  est  mort. 

I  MORTAYSE  landes  to  tbe  churcbe.  Je  mortasie, 
prim.  conj.  He  hath  niortaysed  Iweoty 
pounde  a  yere  to  founde  a  cbaunterye  :  il 
a  mortasie  vingt  Hures  par  an  pour  fonder 
vne  messe  a  tousjours  mays. 

I  mortayse  a  thyng  in  byldyng,  as  a  carpenler 
dotbe.  Je  fais  vne  mortaise.  Mortayse  tbis 
study  in  to  tbis  princypall  :  faiclez  vne 
mortayse  icy  pour  mettre  vng  estude. 


I  MOiiTYFYE.  Je  morlifie,  prim.   conj.  and  je 


amortis,  sec.  conj.  It  is  a  great  crafle  to 
mortyfye  quicke  sylver  :  cest  vne  grande 
apertise  que  de  mortifier  le  vif  anjent. 

I  MORTMAïNE  landes,  I  gyve  landes  to  the 
churche  to  be  payed  for.  Je  amortjs,  sec. 
conj.  He  hatb  mortmayncd  his  chiefe  ma- 
ner  and  ail  the  lande  belongyng  therunto 
to  the  next  abbaye  to  hym  :  il  a  amortj  son 
premier  fief  et  toutes  les  terres  a  lenuiron  a 
la  plus  prochayne  abbaye. 

I  MOWE  downe  liaye  with  a  sytlie.  Je  fene, 
priva,  conj.  N.  It  is  more  tlian  ten  dayes 
sythe  I  raowed  my  medowes,  but  the 
weather  hath  ben  so  foule  that  I  can  nat 
make  it  up  in  cockes  yet  -ilj  a  plus  de 
dia;  jours  que  jay  fené  ma  praerie,  mays  le 
temps  a  esté  si  diuers  que  je  ne  lay  peu  encore 
mettre  en  meulons. 

I  MOVE,  I  styrre  my  bodye.  Je  me  meus,  nous 
nous  meuuonsije  me  meus ,  je  me  suis  meu, 
je  me  mouueray,qaeje  me  meaue,  moaucryr, 
verbum  médium  tert.  conj.  whiche  is 
seldome  used,  but  his  compounde ,  je  me 
esmeus.  He  is  so  sycke  that  he  can  nat 
move  bim  in  bis  bedde  :  il  est  si  malade 
quil  ne  se  peull  mouuoyr  en  son  lict. 

I  move,  I  styrre  or  provoke  one  to  a  thyng.  Je 
esmeus,  conjugate  lyke  his  syniple  je  meus, 
I  move.  I  wolde  be  lothe  to  move  bym 
toanger:jV  seroye  bien  marry  de  lesmou- 

I  move  warre,  as  one  prince  dothe  agaynst  an 
other.  Je  guerroyé,  prim.  conj.  I  intende 
nat  to  move  warre  agayne  durynge  my 
lyfe  ;  je  nay  pas  intencion  de  le  guerroyer 
tant  que  je  viue. 

I  moue  with  a  sythe.  Je  fauche,  prim.  conj.  Wyll 
you  mowe  this  corne  or  shere  it  :  voulez- 
vous  faucher  votre  bled  ou  le  fauciller  ? 

I  MOWE  with  the  mouthe ,  I  mocke  one.  Jefays 
la  moue.  He  useth  so  moche  to  mocke  and 
mowe  that  he  disfygureth  his  face  :  il  se 
mocque  tant  des  gens  et  fait  la  moae  si  sou- 
uent  quil  a  gastè  sa  contenance. 

1  HOWLDE  paste,  as  bakers  do  to  make  breed 

of.  Je  paytiys,  sec.  conj.  He  can  better 
eate  a  lofe  than  mowlde  it  :  il  scayt  mieulc 
manger  vng  payn  que  le  paytrir. 

I  mowlde  or  fust,  as  corne  dothe.  Je  moisii, 
sec.  conj.  It  is  tyme  to  eate  this  breed , 
for  it  begynneth  to  mowlde  :  il  est  temps 
de  manger  ce  payn,  car  il  commence  a  se 

I  mowlde  a  thyng  in  a  mowlde.  Je  moulle,prim. 
conj.  amd  je  jecte  en  moulle.  This  stone  is 
nat  carved  with  the  bande,  but  mowled  : 
ceste  pierre  nest  pas  tailUe  a  la  mayn,  mais 
jectée  en  moulle. 

I  MOULTïPLYE  in  nombre  or  in  quantyte ,  I 
make  thynges  more  or  encrease.  Je  aug- 
mente, prim.  conj.  and  je  multiplie,  prim. 
conj.  His  goodes  moultyplye  every  day  ; 
ses  biens  saugmentent,  or  se  multiplient  de 
jour  en  jour. 

I  moultipiye  langage  with  one,  as  folkes  do 
that  chyde  togyther.  Je  me  débats,  con- 
jugate lyke  his  sympleje  bats,  I  béate. 
I  moultipiye  langage  with  bym  :  je  me  dé- 
bats a  luy,  and  je  prens  noyse  a  lay.  I 
wolde  never  counsayle  you  to  moultyplye 
langage  with  hym  knowyng  hym  as  you 
do  :je  vous  conseilleroys  de  jamays  ne  vous 
debatre  a  luy,  or  ne  prendre  noyse  a  luy, 
tien  que  vous  le  congnoyssez  comme  vous 

I  MouNTE,  I  go  upwarde,  or  ryse  upwarde.  Je 
monte,  prim.  conj.  It  is  the  propertie  of 
some  haukes  to  mounte  so  hye  in  the  ayer 
that  shc  sbalbe  oui  of  syght  :  cest  la  pro- 
priété daulcuns  oyseaulx  de  monter  si  hault 
en  layr,  quilz  seront  hors  de  veue. 

M   BYFORE   U. 

I  MUCKE  lande.  Je  fiente,  prim.  conj.  If  this 
land  be  well  mucked,  it  wyll  beare  corne 
ynough  the  nexte  yere  :  mays  que  ceste 
terre  soyt  bien  fientée,  elle  portera  du  bled 
assez  lannée  qui  vient. 

I  MDFFYLL  ones  visagc  or  his  heed,  I  cover 
hym  with  clotbes  that  he  shulde  nat  be 
knowen ,   or   frora    colde.   Je  emmoajle , 




prim.  conj.  He  Lis  so  muffelled  that  I  can 
nal  knowe  hym  ;  il  est  si  emmoujjlé  que  je 
ne  le  puis  congnojslre. 

I  MDLTiPLYE.  Je  nia{t^2i«,  declared  in  a  I  moul- 
«  typlye  t. 

I  MDMBYLL  my  wordes,  as  one  doth  tbat 
speaketh  oat  out  playnly.  Je  murmure, 
prim.  conj.  He  mumbielh  his  wordes,  byd 
hym  speke  out  playnly  :  i7  murmure  ses 
parolles,  dictez  lay  qail  parle  plus  apertement. 

I  mumbyll ,  as  an  olde  pcrsone  dothe  whan  be 
eatetb  for  wante  of  tethe.  Je  masche  en 
belin.  Se  yonder  olde  trot  howe  sbe  mum- 
bletb  :  auisez  ceste  vielle  a  refondre  com- 
ment elle  masche  en  beljn. 

I  MCMME  in  a  mummynge.  Je  mumme,  prim. 
conj.  Lette  us  go  mummc  to  nyght  in 
womens  apparayie  :  allons  mummer  a  nuyct 
en  acoustremens  de  femmes. 

I  MCRDBE,  1  kyll  or  slee  a  man  in  his  bedde 
or  at  unwares.  Je  meurdiys,  jay  meardry, 
meurdryr,  sec.  conj.  and  je  meurdris,  and 
je  meurtris,  A.  He  was  murdred  tbe  shame- 
fuHest  that  ever  was  man  :  il  estoyt  meur- 
dry  le  plus  villaynemenl  que  oncques  fut 

1  MCRE  up  in  stonewall.  Jemmure,  prim.  conj. 
Jt  is  a  payne  to  be  mured  up  in  a  stone 
wali  lyke  an  anker  :  cest  vne  grand  peyne 
que  destre  emmuré  comme  vng  ancre. 

I  MDRMDRE,  I  grutche  orrepyne,  as  an  infe- 
rior  person  dothe  agaynst  the  actes  of  his 
superyor.  Je  murmure,  prim.  conj.  andjc 
me  argue,  verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  Go, 
lewde  person,  nat  so  hardy  thou  mur- 
mure agaynst  my  doyng  ;  va,  meschante 
créature,  si  hardy  que  tu  ne  murmure  contre 

I  murmure,  I  make  a  noyse,  I  bydde  the  dyveis 
Paster  noster.  Je  grommelle,  prim.  conj. 
It  is  a  good  sporte  whan  I  béate  the 
knave  howe  be  murmureth ,  whan  my 
backe  is  tourned  :  cest  vng  passe  temps, 
quant  je  bats  le  villayn,  que  de  louyr  grom- 
meller,  quant  jar  le  dos  tourné. 

l  MCSE.  Je  muse,  and  je  amuse,  prim.  conj.  He 
maketh  me  somtyme   to  muse  what  he 
meaneth  ,  bis  maner  be  so  straunge  :  il  me 
fait  aulcunesfoys  muser  que  cest  quil  veult- 
dire,  il  a  les  condiscions  si  estranges. 

I  muse,  1  stande  in  doute  of  a  thyng.  Je  re- 
soigne, prim.  conj.  Thi.s  mater  hath  made 
me  muse  more  than  ever  I  dyd  afore  in 
my  lyfe  :  ceste  matière  ma  faict  plus  re- 
soigner que  je  ne  fis  deuant  en  tout  ma 

I  MDSELi,  a  beare  or  a  dogge  for  bytynge.  Je 
amuselle,  prim.  conj.  I  wolde  advyse  you 
musyll  your  dogge,  for  he  is  called  peryl- 
lous:je  vous  aduise  damaseller voslre  chien, 
car  on  le  tient  pour  périlleux. 

I  MnsTE.  llmefault,  il  mefailloyt,  ilmefalut, 
il  ma  fala,  il  me  fauldra,  quil  me  faille, 
quil  me  faulsist,  falloyr.  I  must  speke , 
eate,  or  drinke,  or  sache  lyke  :  il  mefault 
parler,  menger,  boyre,  etc. 

I  muste  be  payde.  Il  fault  que  je  soye  payé.  1 
muste  go  lo  my  mayster  :  i7  fault  que  je 
aille  a  mon  maistre.  So  that  they  use  botbe 
thèse  maners  of  speakyng  with  this  verbe 
[/  mefault  parler  a  luy  and  il  fault  que  je 
parle  a  luy.  I  fynde  also  in  this  sence  i7  me 
conuient,  and  vous  conuient  il  rebeller,  con- 
jugate  in  oit  behovcth». 

I  MUSTE  or  foyste,  as  a  vessel  dothe.  Je  moy- 
sis,  sec.  conj. 

I  muste  as  breed  dothe.  Je  moysys,  sec.  conj. 
declared  afore  in  ol  mowlde». 

I  muste,  or  it  behoveth  me  to  do  a  thyng.  Il  me 
fault,  il  mefailloyt,  il  mefalat,  il  ma  fala, 
il  me  fauldra,  que  me  faille,  quil  me  faul- 
sist ,  faloyr,  verbum  impersonale  sec. 

I  muste  speake ,  drinke ,  eate ,  se ,  orsuche  lyke. 
Il  faut  que  je  parle,  boiae,  mange,  voye,  etc. 
or  il  me  fault  parler ,  boyre,  manger,  ueoyr, 
etc.  usyog  the  infynityvemode  of  the  verbe 
folovvyng,  and  i7  conuient  que  je  parle,  or 
il  me  conuient  parler. 

I  muste  he  prayed,  requyred ,  or  instaunsed  to 
do  a  thynge.  Je  me  vealx  prier.  She  muste 


be  prayed  a  Goddes  name  :  elle  se  veult 
prier  de  par  Dieu,  or  il  se  ceult  prier  de  par 
Dieu.  And  for  muste  you  be  prayed  :/oaft 


u  que  on  vous  prier 

I  muste  nedes  do  a  thyng.  I  am  compeiled  or 
constrayned  lo  do  il.  //  mest  force  de  faire 
cecy,  conjugalyng  the  lenses  of  i7  est  ]yke 
a  verbe  imparsoDall.  It  must  nedes  be 
done,  forwby  it  is  necessarye  :  il  est  force 
de  le  faire,  car  pour  quoy  il  est  nécessaire. 
You  muste  nedes  do  this  pleasure  for 
hym  seyng  be  hath  done  so  moche  for 
you  :  il  vous  est  force  de  faire  ce  plaisir 
pour  luy  veu  quil  a  tant  fait  pour  tous. 

I  MDSTEii,  as  men  do  that  sliall  go  to  a  felde. 
Je  me  montre.  I  wolde  be  gladde  to  go 
with  you,  but  I  muste  rauster  to  daye 
with  my  companye  :  je  yroys  voulentiers 
auecques  vous,  mays  ilfaalt  que  je  me  mons- 
tre aujouràhuy. 

I  moster,  I  take  the  muster  of  men,  as  a  ca- 
pytayne  doth.  Je  fais  les  monstres.  What 
place  wyli  you  sygne  to  muster  your  folkes 
in  :  quel  place  voulez  vous  signer  pour  faire 
les  monstres  de  voz  gens  ? 

1  MDTE ,  as  a  hauke  or  birde  dotbe  bis  fethers. 
Je  meuc.prim.conj.  Tbis  baukc  begynnetb 
to  mute  ber  fetbers  :  cest  oyseau  de  proye 
commence  a  muer  ses  plumes. 

I  mute,  as  a  bauke  dotbe  whan  sbe  hath  en- 
dued  ber  gorge. 

N    BTFORE   A. 

I  NAYLE  a  tbyng  witb  a  nayle.  Je  cloue,  and  je 
affiche ,  prim.  conj.  Nayle  this  same  with 
tbre  or  foure  nayles  and  than  it  is  sure  : 
clouez  ce  cy  de  troys  ou  quatre  clous,  et 
alors  sera  il  seur.  I  wyil  nayle  it  fasl  upon 
tbis  wall  with  a  nayle  :  je  le  veulx  afficher 
contre  ceste  paroy  dung  clou. 

i  nayle  in  a  thynge.  Je  encloue,  prim.  conj. 
You  muste  seke  some'otber  waye ,  for  tbis 
doore  is  nayled  up  :  il  vous  fault  trouuer 
quelque  aultre  chemyn,  car  cest  huys  est 

I  NAME  a  person  by  bis  name.  Je  nomme,  prim. 

conj.  and  je  dénomme.  I  love  hym  and  so 
dotbe  be  me ,  but  be  sball  neverbe  named 
for  me  layme  et  ainsi  fait  il  moy,  mais 
jamays  ne  sera  nommé  pour  moy. 

I  name  one  by  bis  surname.  Je  surnomme, 
prim.  conj.  Howe  is  be  named  raore  than 
Joban  :  comment  est  il  surnommé  plus  que 
Jehan  ? 

I  NAnnE,  as  a  dogge  dotbe  whan  be  is  angred. 
Je  rechine,  prim.  conj. 

I  NAPPE.  Je  me  assomme,  verbum  médium  prim. 
conj.  and  je  mendors.  It  is  tyme  to  nappe 
for  hym  that  slept  nat  thèse  thre  nyghtes  : 
d  est  temps  quon  se  assomme  qui  na  poynl 
dormy  de  ces  troys  nuycts.  It  is  bolsome 
for  olde  men  to  nappe  in  a  chayre  aller 
dyner  :  il  est  sayn  aux  vielles  gens  de  eulx 
endormyr  en  vne  chaiere  après  diner. 

I  NAWPE  one  in  the  necke,  I  stryke  one  in  tbe 
necke.  Je  accoUette,  prim,  conj.  and  je 
frappe  au  col.  Beware  of  hym,  he  wyll 
nawpe  boyes  in  the  necke  as  men  do  co- 
nyes  :  gardez  vous  de  luy,  car  il  accollettera 
les  garçons,  or  il  frappera  les  garçons  au 
col  comme  on  fait  les  connyns. 

N    BÏFORE    E. 

I  NEDE.  Jay  besoyng,  il  mejault.  It  nedeth  nat  : 
il  ne  fault  point,  il  nest  ja  besoyng.  It  is 
veryly  tbe  tbyng  that  we  nede  ;  cest  droic- 
tement  ce  que  nous  fault.  And  sball  we 
nede  an  babyt  or  a  cope  :  et  nousfauldra 
il  vne  chappe.  It  nedeth  nat ,  or  it  is  nede- 
lesse  to  speake  of  tbe  price  :  il  ne  fault 
poynt  parler  du  pris.  It  is  done,  we  nede 
but  to  sylte  :  cest  faict,  il  ne  fault  que  se 
seoyr.  It  is  nedelesse  to  speake  therof  :  ne 
fault  poynt  parler  de  cela. 

It  nedeth  nat.  Il  ne  fault  poynt,  il  nest  poynt  de 
besoyng,  or  il  nest  besoyng.  It  nedeth  me 
nat  a  whytte  to  speake  of  this  mater  any 
more  I  am  sure  suis  certayn  quil  ne  me 
Jault  ja,  or  il  ne  mest  poynt  de  besoing, 
or  il  nest  ja  besoyng  que  je  parle  plus  de 
ceste  matière. 

I  NEïE,  as  a  horse  dotbe.  Je  hannys,  sec.  conj. 


It  is  a  confortable  tliyng  to  hère  a  horse 
neye  whan  he  is  on  hisjournaye  :  cest  vng 
grand  coinfort  que  doayr  vng  cheaal  hannyr 
quant  il  voyage. 

I  NESE.  Je  esterne,  prlm.  conj.  The  physyciens 
saye  wban  one  nesetb  it  is  a  good  sygne 
but  an  yveil  cause  :  les  medicins  disent, 
quant  on  esterne ,  cest  bon  signe ,  mais 
maluayse  cause. 

I  NETTïLL.  Je  ourtie,  prim.  conj.  If  a  horse  b« 
well  neltelled  under  the  tayle  he  wyll 
kycke  jolyly  :  si  on  ourtie  bien  vng  cheual 
dessoubs  la  qaeae,  il  regimbera  gaiiardement. 


M    BYFORE   I. 

I  NYCKE,  I  make  nyckes  on  a  tayle,  or  on  a 
stycke.  Je  oche,  prim.  conj.  It  is  no  trewe 
poynte  to  nycke  your  tayle  or  to  hâve  mo 
nyckes  upon  your  tayle  than  I  hâve  upon 
myne:ce  nest  pas  le  tour  dang  homme  véri- 
table de  ocher  vostre  taille,  or  de  faire  plus 
doches  sur  vostre  taille  que  je  naj  sur  h. 

I  NïE,  as  a  horse  dothe.  Je  hannys,  hannyr, 
sec.  conj.  Thou  nyest  for  an  other  otes; 
wiche  vpe  expresse  by  thèse  wordes  «  thou 
«lokest  aller  deed  mens  shoes»  :  ta  te 
hannys  pour  lauoyne  daatruy;  itis  an  adage 
in  the  frenche  tonge. 

I  NlGHE,  I  drawe  nere  to  a  thing.  Je  approche, 
prim.  conj.  Or  it  be  nyght  we  shall  nyghe 
the  towne  :  auant  quil  soyt  encore  nuyct, 
nous  approucherons  la  ville,  or  nous  nous 
approcherons  de  la  ville. 

1  NïPPE.  Je  pince,  pincer,  prim.  conj.  He  hath 
nypped  me  by  the  arme  tyll  it  is  blacke  : 
il  ma  pincé  par  le  hnu  tant  quil  est  noyr. 

N    BYFORE    0. 

I  nODDE  with  the  hecd.  Je  fais  signe  de  la  teste. 
Whan  I  nodde  upon  the,  than  go  ;  quant 
je  tefays  signe  de  la  teste,  adonqaes  ta  ten. 

I  NOCKB  an  arrowe,  I  put  the  nocke  in  to 
the  strynge.  Je  encoyche,  prim.  conj.  He 
nocketh  bis  bowe,  by  ail  symylytude  he 


inlendeth  to  shoote  :  i7  encoiche  sajlesche, 
ilfault  dire  quil  a  intencion  de  tirer. 

l  NOYE,  1  yrke  one.  Jennuye,  ennuyer,  prim. 
conj.  We  noyé  you  paradventure  :  nous 
vous  ennuyons  paradueniure. 

I  noyé,  I  grève  one.  Je  niiys,  nous  nuysons,je 
nuys,  jay  nuy,  je  nuyray,  que  je  nuyse, 
que  je  nuysisse,  nuyre,  lert.  conj.  I  am 
soryc  to  noyé  you  thus  moche  suis 
marry  de  vous  nuyre  tant. 

I  NOYNT  with  an  oyntement.  Je  oyngs,  conjugal 
in  «  I  anoynt».  Noynt  your  bande  with  my 
noyntement  and  it  wyll  be  hole  by  and 
by  :  oygnez  vostre  main  de.  cest  oygnement, 
et  elle  sera  guerye  tantost, 

I  noyé,  or  hurte  one.  Je  nuys,  je  naysoye,  je 
nuysis,  jay  nuy,  je  nayray,  que  je  nuyse, 
que  je  naysisse,  nuyre.  This  felowe  is  so 
lolhsome  that  he  noyetb  me  horrybly  : 
ce  compaignon  est  si  trestant  fetart ,  qail  me 
nuy  t  fort, 

I  NOYSE  one ,  I  gyve  hym  a  name  or  brute , 
good  or  badde.  Je  donne  le  bruit.  He  bis 
noysed  to  be  an  yvelI  lyver  :  on  luy  donne 
le  brayt  de  mauluaise  vie.  J  bave  ben  yvelI 
noysed  :  on  ma  mal  renommé. 

I  NOMBRE,  as  an  astronomer  doth  bis  thing  by 
aulgorisme.  Je  calcule,  prim.  conj.  Hâve 
you  nombred  the  distaunce  bytwene  the 
sonne  and  tbe  moone  :  aaez  vous  calculé 
la  distance  entre  le  soleil  et  la  lune? 

I  nombre  a  somme ,  or  I  nombre  men ,  or  any 
other  thynges  lo  knowe  to  what  nombre 
they  come  unto.  Je  nombre,  prim.  conj. 
and  je  dénombre.  They  be  so  many  that  a 
raan  can  nat  nomber  them  :  ih  sont  tant 
quon  ne  les  peult  nombrer,  or  dénombrer. 

I  NOMME,  I  take  (Lydgate).  Je  prens.  This 
terme  i»  dawthe  and  nowe  none  En- 

I  NORïSSUE,  I  fede,  or  bringe  up.  Je  nourris, 
sec.  conj.  He  hath  norysshed  me  ail  my 
lyfe  hytherto ,  and  therfore  I  must  nedes 
love  him  ;  i7  ma  nourry  toute  ma  viejusques 
a  mayntenani ,  et  pourtant  fault  il  que  je 



I  norisshe  or  bring  up.  Jalinwnte,  prim.  conj. 
and  je  eslieac,  prim.  conj.  He  norissheth 
as  many  swyne  and  beestes  as  any  man 
in  al  tbis  counlraye  :  il  alimente,  or  il  es- 
lieue  autant  de  porcs  el  de  bestail  que  homme 
qui  demeure  icy  entour. 

I  NORICE,  as  a  norice  dothe  her  yonge  cbylde. 
Je  nourrys,  sec.  conj.  She  hath  norissbed 
ail  my  chyldren  :  elle  a  nourry  tous  mes 

1  NOSYLL,  as  a  swyne  dothe  in  tbe  yerth  with 
her  groyne.  Je  fouille  du  museau,  prim. 
conj.  Se  howe  tbis  sowe  nosylleth  in  tbe 
grounde  :  aaisez  comment  ceste  truye  fouille 
du  museau  en  la  terre. 

I  nosyll  a  yonge  thing,  I  bolden  it  fyrst  to  do, 
or  enterprise  a  tbynge,  wbere  afore  it 
wanteth  boldnesse.  Je  apprime ,  prim. 
conj.  I  hâve  nosylled  my  yonge  dogge  to 
daye  al  a  beare,  he  bis  raade  for  ever  : 
jay  of primé  mon  jeune  chien  aujourdhuy  a 
vng  oars,  il  estfoict  a  tousjours  mays. 

I  NOTE.  Je  note,  and  je  marque,  prina.  conj.  I 
note  his  maner  very  weil  :  je  note,  or  je 
marque  sa  manière  fort  bien. 

I  note,  or  I  ne  wote  (Lydgate).  Je  ne  scay. 

I  NOTTE  ooes  heed,  I  clyppe  it.  Je  tons,  con- 
jugate  in  il  clyppe».  I  bave  notted  my 
heed  nowe  that  sommer  is  come  :  jay 
tonsé  ma  teste  mayntenant  que  lesté  est 

O  BTFOnE  B. 

I  OBEï  (Lydgat).  Je  obeys,  sec.  conj.  He  that 
is  bounde  must  nedes  obey  :  qui  est  obligé 
fojilt  qail  obéisse.  And  je  obtempère.  He 
that  is  a  subjectc  muste  obey  to  his  su- 
peryours  :  qui  est  subject  fouit  quil  obtem- 
père a  ses  supérieurs. 

I  OBTEïNE,  I  get  the  thyng  that  I  sewe,  or  la- 
bour for.  Je  impetre,  prim.  conj.  and  je 
obtiens,  conjugate  lyke  bis  symple  je  tiens, 
I  bolde.  I  bave  sewed  for  bis  good  wyll 
thèse  four  yeres,  but  I  can  nat  obtayne  it 
by  no  meanes  possyble  :  jay  poursuyuy 
pour  estre  en  sa  grâce  de  ces  quatlre  ans. 

mays  je  ne  le  puis  impetrer,  or  obtenir  en 
focon  du  monde. 
I  OBSERVE,  I  kepe.  Je  garde,  frim.  conj.  and 
je  obserue.  Loke  that  you  observe  my  com- 

maundementes  ;  auisez  bien  obseruer,  or  de 

garder  mes  commandemens. 

O    BÏFORE    C. 

I  OCCDPYE.  Joccupie,  prim.  conj.  and  je  occupe, 
prim.  conj.  I  wyll  occupye  no  more  lodg- 
ing  than  I  can  nat  chose  :  je  ne  veulx 
poynt  occupier  plus  de  logis  que  me  sera 

I  occupye  a  tbyng.  Je  vsite,  prim.  conj.  for  je 
vse  is  to  weare.  I  praye  you  be  nat  angrye 
thoughe  I  bave  occupyed  your  knyfe  a 
lytell  :  si  jay  vng  peu  vsé,  or  vsité  vostre 
Cousteau,  ne  vous  courroucés  point  pourtant, 
je  vous  prie. 

O   BYFORE    F. 

I  OFFENDE,  I  trespas  agaynst  a  persone.  Je 
offends,  conjugate  lyke  his  symple  je/e;is, 
I  cleave  a  sonder.  And  je  offence,  prim. 
conj.  If  I  bave  aught  oDended  you,  I 
praye  you,  forgyve  me  :  si  je  vous  ay  en 
riens  offencé,je  vous  prie  me  pardonner. 

I  ofifende  my  conscyence.  Je  offence  a  ma  cons- 
cience. I  wyll  nat  offende  my  conscyence 
for  you  nor  no  man  lyvyng  :  je  nojfence- 
ray  pas  ma  conscience  pour  vous  ne  pour 
ame  viuant. 

I  ofiende  agaynst  my  snperyor.  Je  mesprens, 
jay  mesprins,  mesprendre ,  conjogate  lyke 
bis  symple  je  prens,  I  take.  God  forbyd 
that  I  shulde  oQende  agaynst  you  :  a 
Dieu  ne  playse  que  je  deusse  vers  vous  mes- 

I  OFFER  an  offryng,  or  sacrifyce,  or  I  profer 
a  thyng  in  recompence.  Je  offers,  nous 
offrons,jeoffrys ,  jay  offert, je  offriray,  que 
je  offre,  que  je  offrisse,  offrir,  tert.  conj.  I 
offer  bym  halfe  money  haife  ware  :  je  lay 
offers  moytié  argent,  moytié  marchandise: 
dativo  jungitur. 

I  offre  one  wronge,  or  do  hym  injury.  Je  mes- 



offre,  prim.  conj.  He  that  liathe  a  shrewde 
lourne  every  man  olTerith  hym  wronge  : 
u  qui  il  meschiel  chascan  luy  mesoffre, 

I  ofler  my  offryng.  Je  offers,  aho  je  baille  mon 
offrande.  I  wyll  offer  myne  offeryng  to 
Our  Lady  of  Walsingham  the  fyrst  thyng 
I  do  ;  je  veulx  offrir  mon  veu  a  Nostre 
Dame  de  Walsingham  a  la  première  chose 
ifue  je  face. 

I  offer,  I  présent  unto  one  a  thyng.  Je  présente, 
prim.  conj.  And  your  venayson  be  no 
bett,  if  I  were  as  you,  I  wold  never  offer 
it  liym  :  si  vostre  venayson  ne  vaalt  mieuLr 
tjae  ayiisi,  si  jestoje  que  de  vous,  jamays 
lie  le  laj  presenteroys. 

I  offer  a  thyng  to  a  saynt  whiche  caonot  after 
be  taken  awaye.  Je  dédie,  prim.  conj.  King 
Henry  the  VII  offeryd  uppe  liis  picture 
arniyd  in  harnesse  of  sylver  in  dyvers 
places  of  this  reaime  :  le  roy  Henry  sep- 
tiesme  dédia  son  ymage  armée  en  harnoys 
dargent  en  plusieurs  places  de  ce  roiaalme. 

O    BEFORE    I. 

I  oïNT.  Jeoyngs,  conjugate  in  «I  anoynt».  May 
butter  is  holsoni  to  oynt  niany  thynges 
witliall  :  le  beurre  qui  est  Jaict  au  moys  de 
may  est  sayn  pour  oyndre  plusieurs  choses. 

O   BEFOBE   N. 

I  ONBENOE  a  goD ,  or  any  artillary  ayenst  a  cas- 
tell.  Je  affusle,  prim.  conj.  I  entende  to 
onbende  fyve  hundretli  peces  small  and 
great  agaynst  them  in  an  houre  :  jay  in- 
tencion  daffuster  contre  euir  cin^  cens  pièces 
que  grandes,  que  petites,  dedens  vne  heure. 

I  ONBïNDE.  Je  deslie,  prim.  conj.  He  maye  do 
and  undo,  bynde  and  unbynde  in  that 
house  :  il  peull  faire  et  défaire,  lier  et  des- 
lier en  ceste  mayson  la,  So  that  for  «  on  > 
in  our  long,  put  before  our  verbes,  they 
use  de,  put  before  their  verbes,  for  the 
most  parte. 

I  ONBRAYDE  a  lace.  Je  délace,  prim.  conj. 

I  onbrayde,  I  twite  or  cast  in  the  tethe.  Je  re- 
prouche,  prim.  conj.  Thou  arte  nat  wyse 

thus  to  onbrayde  me,  for  nowe  hast  thou 
lost  thy  thankes  :  tu  nés  pas  saige  de  me 
ainsi  reproucher,  car  mayntenant  as  tu  perdu 
les  mercys. 

I  ONDOa  knotte.  Je  desuoae,  prim.  conj.  Ondo 
my  gyrdell ,  I  pray  you  :  desnouez  ma  ceyn- 
ture,  je  vous  prie. 

I  ondo,  I  opyn.  Je  oeuure,  prim.  conj.  Ondo 
your  dore  :  oeuurés  vostre  huys. 

I  ondo  a  man  by  takyng  of  his  goodes  from 
him ,  or  hurtyng  of  his  person.  Je  destruis, 
conjugate  in  «I  distroy».  God  forgyve 
hym,  he  hath  ondone  me  :  Dieu  lay  pur- 
doynt,  or  Dieu  lay  vueille  pardonner,  il  ma 

I  ondo  tbrede  or  syike  that  is  tangled  togyder. 
Je  demesle,  prim.  conj.  Ondo  this  thrcde 
that  y  may  wynde  it  up  on  a  bolome  : 
desmesle  ce  fd  que  je  le  puisse  devuyder  en 
vng  plotton. 

I  ONKNïTTE  a  knot.  Je  desnoue,  prim.  conj.  De- 
ciared  in  «I  ondo  a  knotte». 

I  ONLODE.  Je  descharge,  prim.  conj.  Oniode 
this  carte  or  you  go  :  deschargés  ce  chariot 
auant  que  partyr. 

I  ONPOnvEï.  Je  depourueoys ,  conjugate  lyke  his 
symplejc  veoys,  I  se.  If  you  be  unpurveyed 
of  any  thyng,  sende  to  me  and  you  shall 
bave  it  :  si  vous  estez  depoarveu  de  rien , 
envoyés  chez  moy  et  vous  laurez. 

I  ONSADYLL.  Je  dcselle ,  prim.  conj.  Onsadyll 
nat  your  horse  tyll  he  be  coldar  :  ne  de- 
sellez  point  vostre  cheual  tant  quil  soit  plus 

I  ONSORTE,  i  bring  thynges  out  of  their  place 
or  order,  after  that  they  bave  be  selte  in 
it.  Je  desempare,  prim.  conj.  Who  hath 
onsorted  thèse  thynges  on  this  facyon  sith 
I  went  :  qui  a  desemparé  ces  choses  en  ce 
poynt  despuys  que  je  sais  party  ? 

I  ONTWïNE  yarne  of  the  spyndel  or  blades.  Je 
deuyde ,  prim.  conj.  Ontwyne  this  yarne  : 
deuydés  ce  fd. 

I  ONWïNDE  yarne  of  the  spyndyll  or  blades.  Je 
deuyde,  prim  conj.  It  wyll  be  this  hour  or 
I  can  onwynde  this  skayne  of  yarne  :  il 


sera  iien  vne  heure  cmant  que  je  puisse  de- 
uider  ce  fd. 
I  OKV/ztVK.  Je  destys,  conjugale  iyke  his  symple 
je  tys,  I  weyve.  It  is  a  paynfull  thyng  to 
onweyvethethyngethatis  wovenall  redy: 
cest  vne  chose  pénible  que  de  destiire  la  chose 
qui  est  desja  tissue. 


I  OPïN  a  mater,  I  make  first  mocyon  of  it,  or 
breke  a  mater  to  one.  Je  entame,  prim. 
CODJ.  Wlio  shall  first  opyne  the  mater  to 
hym  :  qui  luy  entament  la  matière  primier  ? 
and  je  fays  ovuerture,  as  qui  luy  en  fera 
ovaerture  de  ceste  matière  premier? 

I  opyn,  as  men  of  warreopyn  the  felde  of  their 
enemyes  by  strength.  Je  entame.  Whose 
bande  dyd  fyrsl  opyn  their  array  :  a  qui 
estoyt  la  bande  qui  premier  entama  leur  ranc  ? 

I  opyn  a  dore,  a  chyst,  or  a  wyndowe,  or  any 
other  thyng.  J«  muers,  nous  ovnrons,je 
ovuris,jay  ovuert  ,je  ovuriray,  que  je  oevure, 
que  je  ovurisse,  ovarir,  tert.  conj.  I  hâve 
been  bere  this  halfe  hour  to  opynne  this 
doore,  1  wene  I  hâve  nat  the  right  key  : 
jay  esté  icy  vne  demye  heure  pour  ovurir 
cest  huis,  je  pence  que  je  nay  pas  la  droycte 

I  OPPOSE  one,  I  make  a  tryall  of  bis  iemyng, 
or  I  laye  a  thyng  to  his  charge.  Je  apose, 
prim.  conj.  I  ara  nat  to  ierne  nowe  to  op- 
pose a  felowe  :  je  ne  suis  pas  mayntenant  a 
apprendre  a  apposer  ing  gallant. 

I  OPPRESSE  (Lydgate).  Je  oppresse.  It  is  barde 
to  make  any  lawe  but  that  innocentes 
shal  be  oppressed  of  the  mightye  men  : 
cest  vne  chose  bien  dijficile  que  défaire  des 
loys  si  bonnes  que  les  innocens  ne  seront  op- 
pressés des  puissants.  And  in  this  scnce 
I  fynde  also  je  foulle,  prim.  conj.  The 
strongre  men  oppresse  the  resydewe  :  les 
plus  fors  foullenl  lesaultres.  I  fynde  also  je 
aggresse ,  prim.  conj.  It  is  a  pyte  to  se 
howe  he  oppresseth  his  commens  :  cest 
vne  pitié  que  de  voyr  comment  il  aggresse  son 
poure  commun.  Knà  je  opprime.  . 


I  oppresse,  I  thruste  downe,  or  beare  downe 
by  reason  of  a  grettcr  weight.  Je  opprime. 
His  owne  hurdeyn  oppressed  hym  :  son 
fays  propre  lopprimoyt. 

I  OPTlLYtiE.  Je  obtiens ,  conjugale  lyke  his  sympie 
je  tiens,  I  -hoide.  I  bave  but  small  com- 
forle  yet,  but  at  the  length  I  trust  to  op- 
tayne  my  desyre  :  je  nay  que  peu  de  confort 
encore,  mays  a  la  fyn  jespere  dohtenyr  mon 

O    BEPORE   R. 

I  ORDAYNE.  Je  ordonne,  je  institue,  je  prédestine, 
japoynte,  je  constitue,  je  pare,  je  préfixe, 
and  je  destine,  prim.  conj.  The  thyng 
that  God  hath  ordayned  muste  nedes  take 
effecte  :  la  chose  que  Dieu  a  ordonnée,  ins- 
tituée, prédestinée,  apoyntée,  constituée, 
parée,  préfixée,  destinée,  fault  quelle  preigne 
son  effect. 

I  ordayne  a  thynge  to  any  use.Japproprie,  prim. 
conj.  Wherfore  is  this  ordayned  :  a  quoy 
est  cecy  aproprié. 

I  ORDEYNE  (Lydgate).  Je  ordonne,  declared  in 
«  I  ordayne  ». 

I  ORDER,  I  couche  thynges  in  a  rowe  alength. 
Je  arrenge,  prim.  conj.  This  wodc  is  weil 
ordred  :  ce  boys  est  bien  arrengé. 

I  order,  I  set  order  in  thynges.  Je  mets  ordre, 
conjugale  in  «  I  pulle>.  And  ihey  wyll  nat 
be  ordred  I  shall  order  them  :  si  Hz  ne  se 
vuellent  poynt  rigler,  je  les  metteray  en 

0    BEFORE    U. 

I  OVERBÏE,  I  bye  a  thynge  above  the  price  it  is 
worthe.  Je  surachapte,  prim.  conj.  There 
is  nothing  so  good  but  it  may  be  over- 
bought  :  i7  ny  a  ryen  si  bon  quil  ne  pealt 
eslre  surachapte.  But  where  as  we  in  our 
longe  use  often  to  compounde  our  verbes 
wilh  over,  if  I  bave  nat  expressed  theverbe 
hère  in  order,  it  may  be  conlrevayled 
wilh  sur,  put  before  the  frenche  verbe, 
or  trop  after  bira,  as  I  overworke  my 
selfe  :  j«  hesoigne  trop. 


I  OVERGAST,  as  tbe  weatherdothewan  it  is  close 
or  darke  antl  lykely  lo  rayne.  Le  temps  est 
sombre,  or  il  fait  sombre.  VVe  sball  hâve  a 

*  rayne  a  none,  the  weather  is  sore  over- 
caste  sodayaly  :  nous  aurons  de  la  pluye 
tantost,  car  le  temps  dénient  sombre  sou- 
dainement, or  il  fait  sombre  soudajnement. 

I  overcast,  as  the  cloudes  do  the  weather.  Je 
obnuhule,  prim.  conj.  Se  howe  soone  the 
sonne  is  overcaste  for  ail  the  fayre  mor- 
nyng  :  auisez  comment  le  soleil  est  tost  ob- 
mibulé  pourtant  quil  faisoyt  si  beau  au 

I  OTERCHARGE.  Je  surcharge,  prim.  conj.  Thcre 
is  no  man  of  so  good  a  complexyon  hut 
he  may  overcharge  his  stomacke  if  he 
take  to  great  a  meale  :  i7  nj  a  nul,  tant 
soit  il  de  bonne  complexion,  qui  ne  peult  sar- 
chart/er  son  estomac  sil  prent  trop  grant 

I  OVEBCOME,  I  Vaynquysshe,  or  get  theuper- 
hande  of  one.  Je  vaincs,  nous  vainquissons , 
je  vainquys,jay  vaincu,  je  vaincray,  que  je 
vaincue,  que  je  vainquisse,  vaincre,  tert. 
conj.  And  je  surmonte,  prim.  conj.  And  je 
amatle,  prim.  conj.  And  je  conuaincs,  con- 
jugale iyke  liis  sympie. 

I  overcome  by  batayle.  Je  dételle,  prim.  conj. 
Truste  never  a  cowarte,  for  if  he  can 
overcome  the  he  halh  no  mercy  :  ne  te  fie 
jamajs  a  vng  couart,  car  sil  te  peult  vaincre 
il  na  poynt  de  mercy.  He  hath  overcome 
ail  his  ennemyes  at  one  batayle  :  il  a  de- 
belle  tous  ses  ennemys  a  vne  bataylle. 

I  overcome  or  oppresse.  Je  vaincs,  jagresse,  and 
je  matie.  I  ranne  so  faste  that  I  was  almoste 
overcome  with  ronnyng  :  je  courroye  si 
fort  que  jestoye  presque  matti  de  force  de 
l  OVERFHEÏT  a  shyppe.  Je  surcharge,  prim.  conj. 
Whan  a  shyppe  is  overfreyted  tliey  hâve 
no  remedye,  if  a  storme  corne,  but  to 
throwe  the  uppennoste  marchandyse  over 
the  borde  :  quant  vne  nauire  est  surchargée, 
il  ny  a  poynt  de  remède ,  si  vne  tempeste  de 
mer  leur  prent,  que  de  jecter  leurs  marchan- 


dises  qui  leur  viennent  premier  a  mayn  oullre 
I  OVERHYPPE  a  ihyng  in  rcdyng  or  suche  lyke. 
Je  trespasse,  prim.  conj.  You  bave  over- 
hypped  a  lyne  :  vous  auez  trespasse  vne 
I  OVEBGET  a  thyng  that  is  flyeng  away  with 
pursewyng  after.  Je  acconsuys,  conjugate 
lyke  his  symple  je  suis,  I  folowe.  I  made 
suche  dylygencethat  at  the  laste  I  overgate 
hym  :  je  fis  si  bonne  diligence  que  a  la  fyn 
je  lacconsuyuis. 

I  OVERGO.  Je  suruoys,  conjugale  lyke  his  symple 
jevoys,  I  go.  And  je  surpasse.  He  is  so  lyght 
a  man  that  he  wyll  sone  overgo  me  :  i7  est 
si  dcliure  qail  me  surpassera  bien  tost. 

I  overhyppe.  Je  trespasse,  and  je  passe,  prim. 
conj.  Loke  you  overhyppe  nothyng,  re- 
member  that  the  tbynge  that  is  well  doone 
is  Iwyse  donc ,  and  the  thyng  that  is  yvell 
doDe  muste  be  begon  agayne  :  auisez  que 
vous  ne  surpassez  rien,  et  vous  souuiengne 
que  la  chose  qui  est  bienfaicte  est  deaxfoys 
fajcte,  et  que  la  chose  qui  est  malfaicte  est 
tousjours  a  recommencer. 

I  OVERLABOUR.  Je  me  surlaboure,  prim.  conj.  or 
je  laboure  oultre  ce  que  je  puis  endurer,  or 
je  laboure  trop.  I  knowe  the  cause  of  his 
sicknesse,  he  overlaboured  hym  selfe 
yesterday  :  je  scay  bien  la  cause  de  sa  ma- 
ladie, il  se  surlabouroyt ,  or  il  labouroyt 
oultre  ce  quil  pouoyt  endurer,  or  il  labouroyt 
trop  hier. 

i  OVERLYE  (Lydgate).  Je  sarcouche,  prim. 

I  overlye,  as  an  overizne  noryce  dothe  her 
chylde.  Je  etains. 

I  overlye,  as  a  tyranne  or  niyghty  man  over- 
laycth  his  subjectes ,  declared  in  «  I  op- 
«  presse». 

[  OVEBLOOKB.  Je  regarde  par  dessus.  I  trowe 
you  wene  to  overloke  men  hère  as  you  do 
at  home  in  your  counlray  :  je  cuyde  que 
vous  pencez  a  regarder  par  dessus  les  gens 
icy  comme  vous  f aidez  a  voslre  pays. 

I  OVERMAÏSTER  (Lydgate).  Je  maislrise,  prim. 


conj.  I  wyll  beware  of  hym  weil  ynougli , 
for  and  he  myglit  overmaysler  me,  lie 
woide  undo  me  :  je  me  garderay  de  Iwy 
bien  assez,  car  sil  me  pourroyt  maistriser, 
il  me  destrayroyt. 

I  OVERPASSE,  as  a  man  dothe  a  mater  or  a 
companye  that  he  overtaketh.  Je  oultre- 
passe,  prim.  conj.  or  je  passe  oultre.  As 
for  the  mater  I  overpasse  it  :  quant  a  ceste 
matière, je  la  oaltrepasse. 

I  overpasse,  I  reroayne  besydes  the  juste 
nombre  and  quantyte  that  I  loke  for.  Je 
surabonde,  prim.  conj.  This  somme  is  nat 
just  yet  for  this  overpasseth  :  ceste  somme 
nest  pas  juste,  car  cecy  ta  surhabonde. 

1  overpasse,  I  excède  in  value  or  in  any  otfaer 
thyng.  Idem,  and  je  sannonte,  prim.  conj. 
and  je  oultrepasse.  So  moche  as  golde 
overpasseth  ail  metalles ,  so  moche  dothe 
he  overpasse  al  otber  in  wysdome  :  autant 
que  lor  surmonte  tous  uuUres  meiaulx,  au- 
tant surpasse  il  tous  aultrcs  en  prudence. 

I  ovERBOîiNE,  Idistroy,  as  an  armye  of  men 
do  tbeir  ennemyes  lande<.  Je  cours,  jay 
couru,  courir,  conjugate  in  «I  ronnei. 
And  Je  depopule,  prim.  conj.  Tbey  hâve 
overronne  the  countray  with  their  horse 
raen  :  Hz  ont  courru  le  pays  de  leurs  gens 
a  cheaal.  Ail  Pycardye  bath  dyvers  tymes 
ben  overcome  :  toute  la  Pycardie  a  sou- 
uenlesfojs  esté  depopulée. 

I  OVERSE,  as  an  oversear  or  offycer  dothe  that 
a  ttorke  go  forwarde,  or  that  a  thyog  take 
no  doniage.  Je  regarde  sus,  or  je  prens  re- 
gard. I  praye  you,  overse  my  workemen 
in  myne  absence  '.je  vous  prie,  regardez  sus 
mes  ouvriers,  or  prenez  regard  a  mes  ov- 
uriers,  tant  que  je  seray  dehors. 

I  overse  myselfe ,  I  advyse  nat  well  before 
what  sbulde  corne  after.  Je  aduise  mat ,  or 
je  me  suis  mal  aduisé,  or  je  ne  ay  point  regard 
au  temps  uduenir.  You  bave  oversene  your 
selfe  in  this  mater  very  sore  :  vous  vous 
estez  fort  mal  aduysé  e  ceste  matière.  You 
overse  your  thynges  vous  aduises  mal  a 
voz  choses. 



I  OVEBSETTE,  I  overcome ,  declared  in  «  I  over- 

0  corne». 

I  OVERSHOTE  my  selfe,  I  loke  nat  substancially 
upon  the  thynge  I  go  about.  Je  mé  aduise- 
mal,  je  me  suys  mal  aduisé,  verbum  mé- 
dium prim.  conj.  I  uever  wysie  wyseman 
overshote  hymselfe  thus  sore  :  jomars  ne 
vis  saige  homme  si  mal  aduisé. 

I  ovERSHAKE  (Lydgate).  Je  sccous. 

I  OVERSKYP,  as  one  dothe  in  redyng  or  sayéng 
of  a  thyng,  or  in  writyng  whan  he  leveth 
out  any  lynes.  Je  trcspasse,  prim.  conj. 
And  he  overskyp  any  thynge  of  his  matyns 
tell  me  :  sil  trespasse  riens  de  ses  matines 
dictes  le  moy. 

I  OVERSLEPE  my  selfe,  I  siepe  byonde  the 
houre  that  I  apoynted  to  ryse  at.  Je  dors 
trop  longuement,  conjugate  in  o  I  sIepe  ». 

I  overslepe  my  selfe ,  I  tary  to  long  or  I  do  a 
thynge.  Je  me  amuse  trop.  I  wene  I  bave 
overslept  my  selfe  in  this  matter  :  je  cuide 
que  je  me  suis  trop  amusé  en  ceste  ma- 

I  OVER8LYPPE  (Lydgate).  Je  surglice. 

I  OVERTAKE  a  tbyng  that  is  rennyng  away,  eyther 
with  any  shotte  or  rennynge  after  it.  Je 
aconsuyuis ,  jay  aconsuyuy,  aconsuyuir, 
conjugate  iyke  his  symple  je  says,  I  folowe. 

1  put  no  doutes  but  to  overtake  bim 
tbough  he  galoppe  :je  ne  men  doubte  point 
de  taconsuyair,  combien  quil  galloppe. 

I  overtake  one  that  is  goone  or  rydden  before 
me.  Je  ratuings,  jay  ratainct,  raltaindre, 
conjugate  Iyke  his  symple  je  attaings ,  I 
attayne.  I  wyll  overtake  hym,  I  trowe,  or 
be  corne  to  the  next  towne  :  je  le  ratain- 
dray,  ce  croyje,  aaant  quil  viengne  a  la 
prochayne  ville. 

I  ovERTiiKOWE.  Je  rue  en  bas,  or  je  renverse, 
prim.  conj.  and  je  subuertis,  sec.  conj.  and 
je  verse,  prim.  conj.  Pussbe  nat  so  harde, 
my  frende,  you  had  almoost  overthrowen 
me  in  :  ne  poussés  pas  si  fort,  mon  umy, 
vous  mauiés  presque  renuersé,  or  versé,  or 
tuè  bas. 

I  OVEBTDRNE.  Je  verse,  prim.  conj.  and  je  suh- 




uerùs,  sec.  conj.  There   he  becommeth 
he  overturneth  ail  togider  ou  il  de- 
uient,  il  verse  loul,  or  il  subuertit  tout. 
l   OVERWBELUE.  Je  renuerce.  And  je  subuertys, 
sec.  conj.  and  je  ragrauante,  prim.  conj. 

I  wyll  nat  curse  the,  but  an  olde  bouse 
overwbelrae  the  ne  te  veulx  point  maal- 
dire,  mays  vue  vieille  mayson  te  puisse  ren- 
uercer,  or  ragrauanter. 

I  ÔVERWORKE.  Je  oeuvre  trop  or  je  besoigne  trop. 
Whan  I  overworke  myselfe  I  anu  the  we- 
rier  two  dayes  aftcr  :  quant  je  besoigne  trop 
jeu  suis  plus  las  de  deux  jours  après. 

O    BÏFORE  W. 

I  OWE.  I  am  indelted,  or  I  behove  to  do  a  thyng. 
Je  doybs,  nous  deuons,  Hz  doybuent,  je 
deuSfjay  deu,je  deueray,  que  je  doye  and 
tjue  je  doyue,  debuoyr,  tert.  conj.  By  the 
faylhe  I  owe  to  Our  Lady  :  par  lafoy  que 
je  doy  a  saincte  Marie,  or  par  lafoy  que  je 
doy  au  roy  Jésus,  You  ought  to  luake  ré- 
vérence whan  you  se  your  betters  in 
place  :  vous  debuez  faire  la  reuerence  quant 
vous  voyez  voz  supérieurs  en  la  place, 

I  owe  dette.  Je  doibs,  conjugale  hère  before. 
Tell  me  trouthe ,  hownioche  owe  you 
bym  :  dictez  moy  la  vérité ,  combien  lay  deb- 
uez vous? 

I  oi'GHT,  declared  in  il  owe». 

I  ODTBEARE  one  in  bis  dede.  Je  supporte,  prim. 
conj.  W  ho  so  ever  saye  the  contrary,  I 
wyll  outbeare  the  :  quiconques  die  le  con- 
traire, je  te  veulx  supporter.  But  wbere  as 
in  some  frenshe  verbes  I  fynde/or  addid 
byfore  them  whiche  contrevaleth  «owt», 
whan  he  is  thus  compownde  with  verbes 
in  our  tong,  as  wbere  we  saye  «  I  owtcrye, 

I I  owteate,  I  owttake,  I  owlcept  »,  in  Alayne 
Chartier    tyme  tliey   used  je  forcrie,  je 

formangeus ,  je  forprens ,  je  forcepte.  Nowe 
tbe  frenshe  tonge  leveth  suche  maner  of 
composition,  savyug  in  one  or  two  hère 
expressed,  and  for  lowt»  they  use  oultre 
orpltts,  as  the  sentence  shall  require. 
I  OOTCEPTE.  Je  excepte,  prim,  conj.  He  is  the 

strongest  man  tbat  ever  I  sawe,  I  outcept 
none  :  il  est  le  plus  paissant  homme  que  je 
visjamays  sans  nul  excepter. 

I  OUTCRY.  Je  forcrie,  prim.  conj.  Lette  hym 
crye  as  loude  as  he  wyll,  yet  I  wyll  out- 
crye  hym  :  quil  crie  aussi  tiaultqad  vouldra, 
je  le  veulx  forcrier  or  oultrecrier. 

I  ODTEATE.  Je  formangeus ,  verbum  dcfectivuni, 
conjugale  in  je  mangeas,  I  eale.  My  borse 
wyll  outete  such  four  jades  as  thyne  is  : 
mon  cheual  formangera  quatre  telles  charoi- 
gnes  quest  la  tienne. 

1  ODTGO ,  I  go  oui  of  the  waye.  Je  foruoye.  He 
muste  nedes  go  out  of  the  way,  if  he  fo- 
lowe  bis  counsell  :  il  lay  est  force  de  se 
foraoier sil  besoigne  après  son  conseil. 

I  out  go  one ,  I  go  faslcr  than  he  can  go.  Je 
vas  plus  viste,  conjugale  in  «  I  go  ».  Though 
thou  be  goynge  an  bour  afore  me,  yet  I 
wyll  out  go  tbe  :  combien  que  tu  te  mets  a 
cheminer  vue  heure  deuant  moy  si  te  oultre- 
passeray  je ,  or  siyrayje  plus  viste  que  toy. 

I  ODTLAWE.  Jeforbannis,  sec.  conj.  Je  exile, 
prim.  conj.  For  bis  gret  trespasses  be  was 
oullawed  :  pour  ses  grans  crimes  il  estoyt 
forbanny,  or  exilé. 

I  ODTBAGE.  Je  oultrage,  prim.  conj.  I  never 
wysl  man  outrage  on  that  facyon  -.jamays 
ne  vis  homme  oultrager  en  ceste  manière. 

I  ODTRYDE.  Je  oultre  cheuauche ,  prim.  conj. 
anAje  surpasse  en  cheuaulchant.  Take  as 
swyfte  a  geldynge  as  thou  canste  fynde 
and  I  holde  tbe  twenty  nobles  I  outryde 
the  :  prens  aussi  viste  hongre  que  ta  peulx 
trouver,  et  je  gaige  a  toy  vingt  angelotz  que 
je  te  surpasseray  en  cheuaulchant. 

I  OCTRYHE.  Je  oultre  rysme,  prim.  conj. 

I  OUTHOWE  one,  I  row  faster  than  be.  Je  sur- 
passe a  lauiron.  I  wyll  oulrowe  tbe  or  Ihou  ' 
come  to  Westminster  for  xii  d  :  je  gaige 
douze  deniers  que  je  te  surpasseray  a  lauiron 
auant  ta  viengnes  a  Westmynstre. 

I  OCTSHOTE.  Je  oultretyre,  prim.  conj. 

I  ODTTAKE,  I  excepl.  Je  excepte,  prim.  conj.  I 
wyll  ron  as  swyftly  as  any  man  in  this 
townc,  I  outtake  none  for  a  bonettetje 



courray  aussi  viste  que  homme  de  ceste  ville, 
je  nexcepte  nul  pour  viig  bonnet. 
I  OUTBAY  a  persone  (Lydgate),  I  do  some  ou- 
trage or  extrême  hurt  to  hym.  Je  oulirage, 
prim.  conj,  declared  in  tl  outrage». 

P   BÏFORE   A. 

I  PACKE.  Je  fiacque,  prim.  conj.  I  wyll  packe 
•  up  my  stuffe,  for  the  fayre  is  done  •je 
pacqueray  mes  beso'gnes,  car  la  foire  est 

I  PADDYLL  in  the  myre,  as  duckes  do  or  yonge 
cliyidren.  Je  pestdle ,  prim.  conj.  I  pray 
tlie,  sehoweyonder  lytell  boye  padleth  in 
the  myre  :  je  te  prie,  adujse  comment  ce 
petit  enfant  la  pestille  en  la  boue. 

I  PAYE,  I  yelde  or  restoore.  Je  paye,  prim. 
conj.  I  paye  hym  his  money  :  je  luy  paye 
son  argent,  dativo  jungitur.  I  owe  no- 
thyng,  but  if  I  hâve  wherwithaH,  I  wyll 
pay  ii:je  ne  doybs  ryen,  sinon,  mays  que 
jaye  de  qttoy,je  le  poyeray. 

J  paye  a  inan  redy  money  for  a  dette ,  or  that 
be  batb  iayde  àoyiae.  Je  rembourse,  prim. 


I  paye  hym  his  money.  Je  luy  rembourse  ses 
deniers.  Nother  he  konneth  me  no  thanke 
for  my  labour,  nor  he  wyll  nat  paye  me 
agayne  tliat  I  bave  Iayde  out  of  my  purse 
for  hym  :  non  pas  seallement  il  ne  me  scait 
point  de  yre,  mays  aussi  il  ne  me  veult  poynt 
rembourser  largent  quejay  desboursè  pour 

I  paye  money  out  of  my  purse.  Je  débourse, 
prim.  conj.  I  hâve  payde  it  out  alredy, 
but  I  wolde  be  glad  to  receyve  it  this  day 
XII  moncthes  :je  lay  desboursè  desja,  mays 
je  le  vouldrvis  recepuoir  daujourdhuy  a  vng 

I  paye  one  his  costes,  or  his  charges.  Je  def- 
fraye,  prim.  conj.  I  wyll  paye  his  costes  : 
je  le  deffrayeray.  If  thou  wyite  ryde  with 
me  to  Rome,  I  wyll  paye  thy  costes,  it 
shall  nat  cost  the  a  peny  :  si  ta  veulx  che- 
uaulcher  auecques  moy  jusques  a  Romme,jc 
te  deffrayeray,  il  ne  te  couslerapas  vng  denier. 

I  paye  one ,  I  serve  hym  of  an  yvell  tourne.  Je 
baille,  vous  men  avez  baillé  aussi.  I  hâve 
payde  hym  every  peny  :  je  luy  ay  baillé 
il  ne  sen  fouit  rien.  Lette  hym  go,  I  holde 
a  penny  be  is  payde  every  peny  :  quil  sen 
aille  hardyment,  je  gaige  vng  denier  quoii 
luy  a  tout  baillé  il  ne  senfault  rien. 

I  paye  wages  to  workemen ,  or  suche  as  I  hyre. 
Je  donne  salaire,  prim.  conj.  Never  hyre 
a  poore  man  but  you  paye  hym  his 
wages  :  ne  loués  jamays  vng  poure  homme 
si  vous  ne  luy  donnés  son  salaire. 

I  PAYNE,  I  putte  to  payne.  Je peyne,  prim.  conj. 
It  paynelh  me  very  sore  to  speke,  I  ani 
50  horse:  <7  me  peyne  fort  de  parler,  je  suis 
tant  enroué. 

I  payne  me  to  do  a  thyng.  Je  me  Irauaille  and  je 
mejforce ,  prim.  conj.  If  you  wolde  payne 
your  selfe ,  though  it  were  never  so  lytell , 
ye  shuld  do  it  weli  ynougbe  :  si  vous  voul- 
liez  efforcer ,  tantfusl  il  peu,  vous  le  fériés 
bien  assez.  I  payne  me  day  and  nyght  to 
do  you  servyce  :  je  me  irauaille  nuyct  et 
jour  pour  vous  fayre  seruyce. 

I  PAYNTE,  as  a  paynter  dothe.  Je  puygns,  jay 
paynct,  je  payndray ,  que  je  paigne,  payn- 
dre,  tert.  conj.  and  je  depaigns  ,  conjugale 
lyke  his  symple  I  paynte ,  je  paings.  He 
can  paynte  and  portrer  as  wel  as  any  man 
in  al  this  countray  :  il  scayt  aussi  bien 
poindre  et  pourtraire  que  homme  qui  soit  icy 

I  PALi.E,  as  drinke  or  bloode  dolhe  by  longe 
standyng  in  a  ihynge.  Je  appallys,  sec. 
conj.  This  drinke  wyll  pall,  if  it  stande 
uncovered  ail  nyght  :  ce  boyre  sappallyra 
sil  se  tient  toute  la  nuyct  sans  estre  couuert. 

I  palle ,  I  fade  of  freshenesse  in  colour  or 
beautye.  Je  flailris,  sec.  conj.  This  floure 
begyoneth  to  palle-:  ceste  fleur  conanence 
a  flaitrir. 
I  PAMPER,  I  bring  up  dayntely,  as  a  mother 
that  loveth  inordynately  dothe  lier  chylde. 
Je  affriande,  prim.  conj.  She  batb  pam- 
perde  hym  so  that  he  is  marred  :  elle  la 
tant  affriande  quil  est  gasté. 



I  pampyr,  as  a  man  dolhe  tliat  bringetb  up  a 
horse  or  any  otiier  beest  whaii  he  fedeth 
hym  to  inake  byni  spedely  faite.  Jengresse, 
prim.  conj.  He  hath  a  great  nombre  of 
horses,  buthedotbe  no  good  with  them 
but  pampcr  them  up  in  the  stabyli  :  i7  a 
vng  grant  nombre  de  cheuaulx,  mays  il  ne 
fait  nul  bien  aaecqaes  eulx  forsque  Us  en- 
gresser  en  lestable. 
I  PANCHE  a  man  or  a  beest,  I  perysshe  his 
guttes  witb  a  weapeii.  Je  pance,  prim. 
conj.  I  l'eare  me,  I  hâve  paunched  bym  ; 
je  men  doabte  que  je  lay  pancé. 
I  PANELL  a  quest  of  men  after  the  lawes  of 
Englande  to  sercfae  out  the  treutbe  of  a 
thyng.  Je  charge  vne  enqueste.  Abyde,  man, 
tbe  enquest  is  natpanelled  yet:  attendez, 
tenqueste  nest  pas  encore  chargée. 

I  panell  a  horse,  I  put  a  pancll  upon  hym  to 
ryde  upon.  Je  mets  vng  bast.  Panell  my 
horse ,  I  wyll  ryde  to  roarket:  mettez  le  bast 
sur  mon  cheaal,  je  vealx  cheuaulcher  au 

1  PANTE.  Je  souffle,  and  je  suys  a  la  grosse 
alaine,  and  je  anhele,  prim.  conj.  je  pousse, 
1  pante  as  a  horse  dothe.  Harke  how  he 
panteth  for  ronnyng  :  escoutez  comment  il 
est  a  la  grosse  alajne  par  force  de  courryr. 
He  panteth  a  pace,  some  body  hath 
frayed  hyni ,  I  trowe  :  il  souffle  fort,  je 
croy  que  quelqun  luy  a  baillé  paour.  The 
horse  panteth  :  le  cheual  pousse. 

I  PARBOïLE,  I  sethe  venyson,  or  any  other 
flesshe  to  sucke  out  the  blode  of  it  that 
it  maye  be  the  lenger  kept.  Je  parboulx, 
conjugale  lyke  his  symple  je  boulx,  I  boyle. 
It  muste  be  parboyled  first  and  than  bak- 
en  :  li  le  fouit  parbouyllyr  premier  et  puis  le 
mettre  cuyr  au  four. 

I  PARBRAKE.  Je  vomis,  sec.  conj.  and  je  gomys, 
by  cbaungyng  of  v  into  j.  Il  is  a  shrcude 
token  that  he  parbraketh  ihus  :  cest  maul- 
uays  signe  quil  vomyt,  or  gomyt  aynsi. 

I  PARCEïVE,  I  underslande  a  thing.  Je  aparcoys, 
nous  aparceuons ,  je  aparceus ,  jay  aparceu, 
je  aparceaeray,  que-  je  aparceyae ,  aparce- 

uoir,  lert.  conj.  I  bave  kept  hym  company 
erly  and  laie,  but  I  coulde  never  parceyve 
no  suche  thyng  by  hym  :  je  luy  uy  tenu 
compaignie,  or  jay  hanté  sa  compaignie 
tost  et  tart,  mais  je  ne  poaoye  aparceuoyr 
telle  chose  en  luy. 

I  PAKCHE,  I  drye  as  a  thyng  drieth  agaynst 
the  sonne,  or  fyre  for  sodayne  hcale,  de- 
clared  in  «I  partche». 

I  parche  pesyn,  as  folkes  use  in  lenl.  Je  grusle 
des  pays. 

l  PARDON,  I  forgyve  a  trespas.  Je  pardonne, 
prim.  conj.  I  forgyve  hym  :  je  luy  pardonne. 
I  wyll  never  pardone  hym  whyle  I  iyve  : 
je  ne  luy  pardonneray  tant  que  je  viue. 

I  PARE  fruyte.  Je  pelle,  prim.  conj.  and  je  pare, 
prim.  conj.  Can  you  nat  eate  a  peere  on- 
pared  :  ne  scaaez  vous  pas  manger  vne  poyre 
sans  estre  parée? 

l  pare  my  nayles,  I  clyppe  them.  Je  couppe 
mes  ongles,  but  for  «I  cntte  my  nayles n 
they  saye  :  je  me  couppe  les  ongles.  You 
shail  nat  clawc  my  hacke  tyll  you  bave 
pared  your  nayles  :  vous  ne  gratignerez 
pas  mon  dos  tant  que  vous  aurez  couppi  voz 

I  pare  the  upper  parte  of  the  grounde ,  or  the 
outsyde  of  a  thynge  awaye ,  or  1  pare  a 
safTrone  grounde,  or  aley  with  a  paryng 
yron.  Je  houe,  prim.  conj.  He  hath  pared 
his  grounde,  be  loketh  to  bave  saffrone 
shortly  :  il  a  desja  houé  sa  terre,  il  attent 
dauoir  du  saffran  tantost. 

I  pare  the  cruste  of  a  lofe.  Je  decrouste  and  je 
pare  du  payn.  Pare  your  cruste  away  :  pa- 
rés la  crouste  de  vostre  payn. 

I  PARFORCE  a  man ,  I  constrayne  hym  to  do  a 
thyng.  Je  parforce,  prim.  conj.  If  you 
wyll  parforce  me  to  it,  than  I  bave  doone  . 
with  you  :  se  vous  me  y  voulez  parforcer, 
alors  ayjefaict  de  vous. 
I  PABFORMB.  Je  parforme,  prim.  conj.  and  je 
parfournys,  sec.  conj.  je  assouuis ,  sec. 
conj.  je  acheue,  prim.  conj.  je  acomplis, 
sec.  conj.  and  je  acqaytte,  prim.  conj. 
What  so  ever  lie  promesse,  I  wyl  par- 



forme  it  :  (fuoy  qail  promet,  je  le  veulx 
parformer,  or  parjournyr,  or  acheuer,  or 
acomplyr,  Qr  acquitter.  I  wyll  parforme 
ail  my  lustes  :  je  vaeil  assoauyr  tous  mes 

I  parforme  my  covenaunte.  Je  tiens  mon  conue- 
nant.  If  I  promesse  any  thyng,  I  wyll 
parforme  it  :  si  je  promets  quelque  chose, 
je  veulx  tenir  mes  conuenantes. 

I  PARGET,  or  whytelynie.  Je  vnie,  prim.  conj. 
and  je  blanchis,  sec.  conj.  I  wyll  parget 
my  walles ,  for  it  is  a  beltcr  syght  :  je  veulx 
bLmchir  mes  paroys,  car  il  fait  plus  beau 
les  veoir. 

I  PARTE  a  bulyne,  or  a  pray  taken  in  the  warre. 
Je  bulyne,  prim.  conj.  Let  us  go  parte 
our  butyn  :  allons  partir  nostre  batyn,  or 
allons  butyner.  I  wene  we  be  al  rychc  for 
ever  ;  jespere  que  nous  sommes  trestous 
ryches  ajamays. 

I  parte  a  rowte ,  or  company  of  men  asonder. 
Je  desroute,  prim.  conj.  They  came  tbycke 
togyther  but  a  pece  of  ordonaunce  parted 
their  companye  :  ilz  vindrent  serrez  en- 
semble, mays  me  pièce  dartiUerie  les  des- 
routa tout  soubdayn. 

I  parte  from  a  place.  Je  me  pars,  nous  parlons, 
je  parlys ,  jay  party,  je  partiray,  que  je 
pfirte,  partyr,yeTbum  médium  tert.  conj. 
I  pray  you ,  wlian  parted  he  from  his 
lodgyng  :  je  vous  prie,  quant  partit  il  de 
son  logyt  ? 

I  parte,  I  gyve,  or  devyde  iu  to  dyverse  partes. 
Je  esparcis,  sec.  conj.  Tboughe  an  appell 
be  never  so  grcat,  if  it  be  parted  in  to  so 
many  partes,  it  dothe  cbyldren  no  good  : 
tant  soyt  vnc  pomme  t/rande,  selle  est  esparcie 
en  plusieurs  pars,  il  ne  Jayt  poynt  de  bien 
aux  petis  enj'ans. 

I  parte,  or  devyde  a  tbyng  in  peces.  Je  despece, 
prim.  conj.  Départe  tbis  same  in  peces 
and  take  your  selfe  the  leste  parte  :  des- 
pecès  cecy  en  pièces,  et  prennez  voiu  mesmes 
la  moyndre  partye. 

I  parle  thynges  asonder  that  were  myxed  to- 
gytber.   Je   desmesle ,   prim.    conj.   Parte 

them  wbo  wyll,  I  wyll  nat  medyll  witli 
tbem  :  desmesle  les  qui  louldra ,  je  ne  men 
mesleray  poynt. 

I  parte  thynges,  I  gyve  their  parles  to  sondry 
pcrsons.  Je  partys,  sec.  conj.  and  je  dis- 
tribue, prim.  conj.  and  je  mcspars,  con- 
jugale iyke  liis  symple  je  pars,  I  parte. 
Nowe  parte  on  a  Goddes  name  :  or  par- 
tisse!. Dieu  y  ayt  part.  Loke  you  parte  this 
money  egallye  amongesl  them  :  aduisez 
que  vous  partissez ,  or  que  vous  distribuez, 
or  que  vous  mespartissez  cest  argent  entre 
eulx  esgallement. 

I  PARTCHE  by  heate  of  the  sonne ,  or  the  lyre. 
Je  me  retire,  verbum  médium  prim.  conj. 
Se  howe  this  bladder  is  parlcbed  agaynst 
the  sonne  :  aduisez  comment  ceste  vessie 
sest  retirée  contre  le  soleil. 

I  PABTDBBE,  I  trouble  (Lydgate).  Je  parlurbe, 
prim.  conj.  It  is  a  daungerousé  thing  lo 
parturbe  the  eslate  of  a  comen  welthe 
thougfa  it  be  nat  ail  the  best  :  cest  vne 
chose  bien  dangereuse  que  de  parturber  les- 
tât dune  chose  publicque,  combien  quelle  ne 
soit  poynt  des  meilleures. 

I  PASSHR  out  ones  braynes  with  a  stFoke.  Jes- 
ceraelle,  prim.  conj.  He  passhed  oui  his 
braynes  with  a  slone  :  il  lesceruella  dune 

I  PASSE,  I  go  forlhe  or  away.  Je  passe,  prim. 
conj.  As  the  honre  passcth  so  lliy  lyfe  les- 
seneth  ;  comme  Iheure  se  passe,  aynsi  se  di- 
minue ta  vie.  He  shall  passe  tbe  strayles  : 
(7  passera  le  pas. 

I  passe,  I  dye.  Je  trespasse,  prim.  conj.  He  pas- 
sed  al  onc  of  the  clocke  afler  mydnygbt  : 
il  trespassa  a  vne  heure  après  minuict.  The 
day  is  far  past  :  il  est  haulte  heure,  whiclie 
sayeng  servetb  for  the  fore  noonc.  At  af- 
ter  noone ,  for  «the  daye  is  for  paste  »  Ibey 
say  :  il  vient  sur  le  tart.  He  sball  passe  tho- 
rowe  fyre  and  water  or  he  get  i(  :  il  aura 
fort  afaire  auant  quily  attaingne. 

I  passe,  I  excède.  Jexcede,  prim.  conj.  and  je 
surmonte,  prim.  conj.  and  je  ouUrepasse, 
prim.  conj.  and  je  passe,  prim.  conj.  He 



passetb  ail  other  in  connyng  :  il  surmonte, 
or  il  oaltrepasse ,  or  il  excède  tous  aultres, 
or  i7  passe  tous  aultres. 

I  passe  further  forthe.  Je  vas  auant.  As  I  passed 
further  forlhe ,  I  spyed  a  great  denne  : 
aynsi  que  je  men  alloye  plus  auant,  je  me 
donimy  garde  dune  grande  cauerne. 

1  passe  fortlie,  as  a  man  doth  tbat  is  onwarde 
in  teiiynge  of  a  talc,  or  as  companye  passe 
forlhe  on  their  journay.  Je  passe  oultre, 
jay  passé  oultre,  prim.  conj.  and  je  tire 
oaltre,jay  tiré  oultre ,  tirer  oultre,  verbum 
médium  priai,  conj.  Go,  passe  forthe  on 
your  taie  :  allez,  passez  oultre  de  vostre 

I  passe  forthe,  I  go  forthe,  as  an  armye  whan 
it  is  removynge ,  or  a  company  byfore  a 
great  estate.  Je  marche,  prim.  conj.  and 
je  progrede,  prim.  conj.  And  incontynent- 
ly  bis  armye  passed  forthe ,  or  passed  on  ; 
et  tout  incontinent  son  armée  marcha  auant, 
or  progrcda  auanl. 

I  passe  forthe ,  as  men  do  tbat  procède  or  go 
furdcr  in  a  matter.  Je  tire  auant.  Let  us 
passe  over  :  tirons  auant. 

1  passe ,  1  go  over  or  passe  for  by.  Je  passe,  prim. 
conj.  Wylte  tbou  beare  nie  in  bande  I 
sawe  hym  nat  to  daye,  he  passed  forby 
evyn  nowe  ••  me  veulx  tu  faire  a  croyie  que 
je  ne  le  vis  pojnt  aujourdhuy,  il  passa  par 
icy  tout  asteure. 

I  passe  in  goodnesse,  or  excède.  Je  surmonte, 
prim.  conj.  Lyke  as  golde  passetb  ail  me- 
talles,  so  dothe  he  in  ail  verta  and  con- 
nyng :  aynsi  que  lor  surmonte  tous  me- 
laabc,  cànsi  fait  il  tous  aultres  en  vertu  et 

I  passe  my  boundes ,  I  over  esteme  my  selfe. 
Je  me  surcuyde,  prim.  conj.  and  je  me  mes- 
congnoys,  conjugal  lyke  his  symplejV  con- 
gnoys,l  knowe.  Holde  your  peace ,  I  pro- 
messe you,  you  passe  your  boundes  :  taysez 
vous,  je  vous  promets  que  vous  vous  surcuy- 
dez,  or  vous  vous  mescongnoyssez ,  or  vous 
estez  passé  trop  auant. 

I  passe  over,  as  men  passe  over  a  mater  lygbtly. 

Je  men  passe  de  legier,  anàje  oultrepasse, 
OT  je  passe  oultre.  And  je  tire  oultre,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  trespasse,  prim.- conj.  Passe 
over,  passe  over,  never  stycke  al  this  ma- 
ter :  passez  oultre,  passez  oultre,  or  tirez 
oultre,  ne  vous  tenez  jamays  a  cesle  matière. 

I  passe  over,  as  a  man  dothe  a  mater  tbat  be 
bath  spoken  or  writlen  of,  and  begynneth 
to  go  lo  an  otlier  mater.  Je  me  déporte,  je 
me  sais  déporté,  déporter,  verbum-medium 
prim.  conj.  and  je  me  devais,  je  me  suis 
dejfaict,  dejfaire,  conjugale  lyke  bis  symple 
je  fais,  in  ibe  seconde  boke.  I  passe  over 
ihis  mater  :  je  me  deffuis  de  ceste  matière. 
I  bave  many  mo  thynges  lo  saye  concern- 
ynge  ibis  purpose,  but,  for  faulte  of 
tyme,  I  passe  ihem  over  :  jay  mayntes 
aultres  choses  a  dire  concernons  ce  propos, 
mays ,  par  faulle  de  temps,  je  men  déporte, 
or  je  me  deffays. 

I  passe  lliorowe.  Je  transpasse,  sec.  conj.  He 
passed  thorowe  bis  harnesse  and  bis  bo- 
dye  al  one  sbolte  :  il  transpassa  son  harnoys 
et  son  corps  a  vng  traict. 

I  passe  thorowe  a  companye  of  myne  enemyes. 
Je  passe  parmy  mes  ennemys,  jay  passé 
parmy,  passerparmy,  addyng  to  passeparmy 
Ihe  persons  or  companye.  In  Ibis  sence  I 
fynde  also  je  desroate,  prim.  conj.  I  wyll 
passe  thorowe  ibem  or  I  wyll  dye  for  il  :  je 
passeray  parmy  eiilx  ou  je  mourraya  lapeyne. 

I  passe  thorowe,  as  spyce  dothe  thorowe  a 
sarce,  or  pepyr  thorowe  the  querne,  or 
meale  thorowe  a  boulier.  Je  susse,  prim. 
conj.  I  lefle  hym  passytige  of  synamon  : 
je  le  laissay  sassant  de  la  cynamome. 

I  PASTE  a  ibynge  wilb  paste.  Je  empaste,  prim. 
conj.  Paste  this  same  well  and  it  wyl  last 
the  longer  :  empastez  cecy  bien  et  il  endu-, 
rera  plus  longuement. 

1  pasture  or  fede,  as  beestes  do.  Je  pasture, 
prim.  conj.  I  pasture  mo  heed  of  neete 
than  any  one  man  in  this  shyre  ijepastare 
plus  de  besles  a  corne  que  nul  vng  en  ceste 

I  PATCHE  an  olde  garmenl.  Je  racaille,  prim. 



conj.  and  je  roaauWc,  prim.  conj.  Hethat 
hatb  DO  newe  clothing  must  often  patche 
bis  olde  :  (jui  na  poynt  dhabUlemens  nou- 
aeauxfaalt  quil  rauaulde  souaent  ses  viealx. 

I  PATYSE,  as  one  frontyer  towne  dothe  with 
an  other  in  tyme  of  warre  to  save  them 
bothe  haruilesse.  Je  patyse,  prim.  conj. 
In  tyme  of  warre  frontyer  townes  must 
nedes  patyse  togyther  sometyme  :  en  temps 
dé  guerre  il  est  force  que  les  villes  frontières 
patisent  entre  eulx  aulcunesfojs. 

i  PATTER  with  the  lyppes,  as  one  dothe  that 
raaketb  as  though  bc  praycd  and  dothe 
nat.  Je  papelarde,  prim.  conj.  He  dothe 
nat  praye,  be  dothe  but  patter  to  begyle 
the  woride  with  :  il  ne  prie  pas,  il  ne  fait 
que papelarjer pour  tromperie  monde. 

I  PAVE  a  strete  with  stone.  Je  paue,  prim.  conj. 
Our  strete  is  well  amended  sythe  it  is 
paved,  afore  no  man  coulde  passe  :  nostre 
rue  est  bien  amendée  de  puis  quelle  est  paaée, 
car  parauant  nul  ne  poaoyt  passer. 

I  PACSE,  I  rest  upon  a  thyng.  Je  snrreste,  prim. 
conj.  also  I  fynde  je  pause,  prim.  conj. 
Pause  bcre  awliyie  and  I  wyll  tell  you  a 
taie  hereby  :  pausez  vous  vng  peu  icy  el  je 
vous  compteray  quelque  chose,  or  surrestez 
icy  et  je  vous  diray  quelque  chose  de  non- 

P    BYFORE    E. 

I  PEASE,  I  styli  one.  Je  rapaise,  prim.  conj. 
Thoughe  be  be  never  so  angrye,  I  bave 
the  wayes  to  please  bim  -.'tant  soyt  il  cour- 
roucé, je  scay  la  façon  de  le  rapaiser. 

1  PEACïFYB.  Je  pacifie,  prim.  conj.  He  dothe 
good  servyce  to  the  commcn  weltbe  thaï, 
whan  the  conimcns  be  up,  can  with  bis 
wisdome  pacyfye  them  :  il  fait  vng  bon  ser- 
uice  au  bien  publicque  qui  scait  pacifier  vng 
populaire  quant  it  est  csmeu. 

I  PECE  a  thyng,  I  sette  on  a  pece.  Je  pièce, 
prim.  conj.  If  it  be  broken  it  rouste  be 
peced  :  sil  est  rompu  il  lefault  piecer. 

I  PECYFYE.  Je  pacifie,  declared  in  «  F  pea- 

I  PEYNE  an  olher  person ,  I  put  an  other  per- 
son  to  payne.  Je  pêne,  prim.  conj  I  peyne 
my  selfe  to  do  a  thynge.  Je  me  pêne,  ver- 
bum  médium  prim.  conj.  You  peyne  bym 
to  mucbe  :  vous  le  penez  trop.  1  shall  peyne 
ray  selfe  to  do  hym  thankefull  servyce  : 
je  me  peneray  de  luy  faire  seruice  agréa- 

I  peyne  myselfe  to  do  a  thynge.  Je  mefforcc  de 
faire  vne  chose,  or  je  me  pêne: 

l  PEYNT  (Lydgate)  with  colours,  asa  paynter 
dothe.  Je  poings,  declared  in  «  I  paynte». 

I  peynt,  I  glose  or  speke  fayre.  Je  adule,  prim. 
conj.  He  can  speake  fayre  and  paynte  as 
well  as  an  otber:  il  scait  parler  beau  et 
aduler  aussi  bien  que  vng  auUre. 

l  PEYRE,  I  waxe  worse.  Je  empire,  frim.  conj. 
God  make  him  better  for  peyre  he  can 
nat  :  Dieu  le  face  meilleur,  car  empirer  ne 
peult  il, 

I  PEYSE,  I  waye.  Je  poise,  prim.  conj.  Tell  nat 
me,  if  I  peyse  a  thing  in  my  bande  I  can 
teil  what  it  wayeth  :  ne  le  me  dictez  pas,  si 
je  peise  vne  chose  en  ma  mayn  je  vous  scay 
a  dire  combien  il  poyse. 

I  PEKE  or  prie.  Je  pipe  hors,  and  you  peke  ont 
a  doore  thus  you  shall  drinke  :  si  vous  pi- 
pez hors  Ihuys  en  ce  poynt  vous  en  aurez. 

l  PENETBATE,  I  perce  or  tbrill  thorowea  thyng. 
Je  pendre,  prim.  conj.  and  je  Irespcrce, 
prim.  conj.  This  is  a  daungerouse  weapen 
that  is  able  to  penetrate  thorowe  so  stronge 
a  harnesse:  voycy  vng  dangereux  baston  qui 
peult  pénétrer,  or  trespercer  vng  si  dur  har- 

I  PENNE  a  mater,  as  a  lerned  man  dothe  afore 
it  be  engrossed  or  writlen  fayre.  Je  dic- 
tie,  prim.  conj.  Your  mater  is  nat  written 
out  yet,  but  I  penned  it  or  I  wente  to  bedde 
yesternyght  :  vostre  cas  Rest  pas  encore  es- 
cript  au  net,  nuiys  il  esloyt  dictié  auant  que 
je  allay  coucher  hier  au  soyr. 

I  PEPLYSSHE,  I  fyll  or  store  with  people.  Je 
peuple,  prim.  conj.  The  towne  is  nat  ail 
thynge  so  bygge  as  is  Yorke,  but  it  is  bet- 
ter peoplysshed  :  la  ville  nest  pas  du  tout  si 


grant  quest  Yorhe,  mays  elle  est  mieubc  peu- 

I  PERCE ,  I  enter  iu  to  a  thyng ,  or  passe  thorowe 
it.  Je  perce,  prim.  conj.  and  in  this  sence 
I  fynde  a\so  je  pénètre ,  prim.  conj.  I  holde 
the  a  groote  thou  shalte  nat  perce  thorowe 
it  at  one  stroke  :  je  gaigc  vng  gros  que  tu 
ne  le  perceras  pas  a  vng  coup. 

I  perce  a  thynge  thorowe  bothe  the  sydcs.  Je 
transperce,  prim.  conj.  and  Je  trancys  oul- 
tre,  sec.  conj.  He  persed  hym  thorowe 
bothe  the  sydes  with  an  arowe  :  il  luy 
transperça  les  deux  coustez  dune  Jleche. 

1  PERCEYVE,  I  understande.  Je  appercoys,  nous 
apperceuons ,  je  apperceus  ,  jay  apperceu, 
japperceuray ,  que  je  appercoyue ,  que  je  ap- 
perceusse,  apperceuoyr,  tert.  conj.  I  wyii 
nat  byleve  il  yet,  but  and  I  perceyve  it 
ones  I  bave  doone  with  hym  :  je  ne  le 
vealx  point  croyrc  encore,  mays  si  je  le  puis 
vnesjoys  apperceuoyr  cest  fait  entre  nous 

i  PERCHE,  as  a  haule  or  byrde  percbeth  on  a 
boughe  or  perche.  Je  perche ,  prim.  conj. 
Me  thynketh  your  hauke  percbeth  :  i7  mest 
adais  que  vostre  oyscau  perche. 

I  PEHFORME  (Lydgat).  Je  achieue,  prim.  conj. 
deciared  in  «  I  parforme  ». 

l  PERïSSHE,  I  ara  distroyed  or  corne  to  naught. 
Je  péris,  sec.  conj.  and  also  je  dépéris, 
sec.  conj.  He  can  nat  prosper  at  the 
length,  be  muste  nedes  peryssbe  :  il  ne 
peult  poynt  prospérer  au  long ,  il  fault  de 
nécessité  qud  périsse,  or  quil  dépérisse, 

I  PERPETCATE,  I  contynuc  a  thing  for  ever.  Je 
perpétue,  prim.  conj.  I  am  conteated  to 
contynue  it  for  my  tyme,  but  to  perpe- 
tuate  it  lyeth  nat  in  my  power  suis  con- 
tent de  le  continuer  durant  mon  temps, 
mays  de  le  perpétuer  nest  pas  en  mon  pouuoyr. 

I  PERSEGDTE,  I  folowe ,  or  make  sute  after  one 
to  be  revenged  on  hym  or  to  put  hym  to 
detbe.  Je  persécute,  prim.  conj.There  was 
never  infydele  that  perseculed  men  worse 
than  he  doth  :  jamays  ne  fut  injidel  qui 
pis  persécuta  les  gens  quil  fait. 


I  PERCEYVE.  Japarcoys',  deciared  in  «I  par- 
«  ceyve  ». 

I  FERSEVER,  I  contynuc  styll  in  a  purpose.  Je 
perseuere,  prim.  conj.  It  is  nat  they  that 
begyn  weli,  but  they  that  persever  that 
shall  come  to  honour  :  ce  ne  sont  pas  ceubc 
qui  commencent  bien  qui  paruiendront  a  hon- 
neur, mays  ceubc  qui  perseuerent, 

I  PBRSWADE  a  man  by  my  reason  that  I  iay  to 
hym.  Je  persuade,  prim.  conj.  I  dyd  the 
best  I  coulde,  but  I  couide  nat  perswade 
hym  by  no  meanes  :  je  fis  du  mieulx  que 
je  pouoye,  mays  je  ne  le  pouoye  persuader 
en  façon  du  monde. 

I  PEBTEïNE,  I  belonge  to.  Juparliens,  deciared 
in  «I  apparlayne». 

I  PERTDRisE  (Lydgat).  Je  parturbe,  prim.  conj. 
deciared  in  «I  parturbe». 

I  PERVERTE,  I  mysse,  I  tourne  a  thyng  from 
the  ryght.  Je peruertys,  sec.  conj.  Thoughe 
a  man  saye  never  so  well,  by  myss  reporte 
bis  sayenges  maye  be  perverted  :  tant  tng 
homme  die  bien,  si  peuuent  ses  dis  pur  maul- 
uays  raport  estre  peruertys. 

P    BEFORE    I. 

I  PïCKE  me  fortb  out  of  a  place,  or  I  pycke  me 
hence.  Je  me  tyre  auant,je  me  suis  tyré 
auant,  tyrer  auant.  Come  of,  pycke  you 
hence  and  your  bêles  hytherwarde  :  sus, 
tyre  auant,  tyre  des  talions.  And  I  pycke  me 
hence:  et  je  me  prens  de  la.  But  get  the 
hence  and  cbyde  me  nat  :  mays  prens  de  la 
et  poynt  ne  me  tence. 

I  pycke  no  mater,  or  I  pycke  no  quarell  to  one. 
Je  ne  luy  demande  riens.  Fareweil ,  good 
felowe,  I  picke  no  mater  to  you  :  adieu, 
compaignon,  je  ne  vous  demande  riens. 

I  pycke  a  quarell.  Je  prens  noysc,  conjugale  in^ 
«  I  take  ».  I  pycke  a  quarell  to  him  :  Je 
prens  noyse  a  luy.  And  Je  hutine,  prim.  conj. 
He  muste  nedes  hâve  a  shreude  turne,  for 
he  wyll  picke  a  quarell  lo  every  man  he 
meteth  with  ;  il  fault  quil  ayt  quelque  maul- 
uays  tour,  car  il  prent  noyse  a  tous  cealx 
quil  encontre. 



I  PïCKE  a  slaffe  with  pykes  of  yron.  Je  eii- 
qtiantelle,  prim.  conj.  This  staffe  is  well 
pyketl  with  yron  :  ce  baston  est  bien  enquan- 
telle  de  fer. 

I  PYNE  for  sycnesse.  Je  consume,  prim.  conj. 
and  je  amaigris,  sec.  conj.  It  pytyetb  me 
to  se  the  poore  man  pyne  awaye  tlius  :  il 
me  fait  pitié  de  veoyr  le  poure  homme  con- 
sumer aynsi. 

I  PYCKE  a  purce.  Je  fouille  en  vne  bource,  prim. 
conj.  Whyle  I  talked  with  the  one  of 
them ,  the  other  pyked  iny  purce  :  pendant 
que  je  parlaj  a  long  deulx,  laultre  fouilloyt 
a  ma  bource. 

I  pyke  a  quareil ,  or  fynde  maters  to  fall  eut 
with  onc  for.  Jayasse,  prim.  conj.  and  in 
this  sence  I  fynde  also  jac/iojionne,  prim. 
conj.  and  also  je  prens  noyse,  jay  prins 
noyse,  prendre  noyse,  joynyng  the  tenses 
of  je  prens  to  noyse,  whiche  is  conjugale 
herailer  in  «  [  take  ».  He  wolde  fayne  hâve 
pyked  a  quareil  to  me  :  il  me  voulut  vou- 
lentiers  amasser,  or  achoysonner,  oi  prendre 
noyse  a  moy. 

I  pyke  or  make  clene.  Je  netloye,  prim.  conj. 
I  prye  you,  pyke  my  combe  :  je  vous  prie, 
nettoyez  mon  peigne. 

I  pyke  saffrone  or  any  floure  or  corne,  whan 
I  sorte  one  parte  of  tbem  from  anolher. 
Je  espluche,  prim.  conj.  AU  mon  can  nat 
pycke  safTron ,  some  men  mustpyke  pesyn  : 
tous  nepeuuent  esplacher  da  safran,  il  faut 
que  les  aalcuns  espluchent  des  pays. 

I  pyke  oui  ones  eye.  Je  creue  loeil.  You  had 
almoste  pycked  ont  myne  eye,  that  is  to 
saye  put  it  out  :  vous  mauiez  presque  creui 

I  pyke  out,  as  a  ravyn  dothe  a  deed  beestes 
eye.  Je  me  tire  hors.  Fyrst  they  wyll  pyke 
bis  eyes  out  of  bis  beed  :  premièrement  Hz 
luy  osteront,  or  tireront  les  yeulx  hors  de  la 

I  pyke  out,  I  trye  out  thynges.  Je  eslys,  con- 
jugale in  «  I  chose  ».  I  can  pyke  out  the 
best  and  I  were  blyndefelde  ;  je  scay  eslyre 
les  meilleurs  sijauoye  les  yeulx  bendez. 

I  pycke  with  an  arrowe.  Je  darde,  prim.  conj. 
I  holde  a  grote  I  pycke  as  farre  witli  an 
arowe  as  you  :  je  gaige  vng  gros  que  je 
darderay  dune  flèche ,  or  dang  dort  aussi 
auant  que  vous. 

l  pycke  an  axyltre.  Je  picque  de  lesieul.  He 
pycketh  an  axyitre  as  farre  as  any  man  : 
il  picque  de  lesieul  aussi  auant  que  nul 

I  PïLL  or  make  bare.  Je  pille,  prim.  conj.  Tbey 
can  never  waxe  ryche,  he  pylleth  them  so 
bare  :  Hz  ne  peuuent  jamays  deuenir  riches, 
il  les  pille  si  très  près. 

I  pyll  garlyke.  Je  pelle  des  aulx,  prim.  conj.  Go 
for  wyne  whyle  I  pylle  the  garlyke:  a/i«î 
au  vin  tant  que  je  pelle  les  aulx. 

I  pyll  an  onyon.  Je  escorche,  prim.  couj.  Pyll 
thèse  oignons  whyle  I  skurame  the  potte: 
escorchez  ces  oignons  tant  quejescume  le  pot. 

I  pyll  rysshes.  Je  pille  des  joncz.  In  winter  tyme 
good  houswyvès  pyll  risshes  to  burne  in- 
stede  of  candels  :  en  hyuer,  les  bonnes  mes- 
naigiercs  pillent  des  joncz  pour  les  brusler 
en  lieu  de  chandelles. 

I  pyll,  I  robbe.  Je  pille,  prim.  conj.  He  bath 
pylled  me  of  ail  that  ever  I  bave  :  il  ma 
pillé  de  tout  ce  que  jay. 

I  pyll  of  the  barke  of  a  tree.  Je  escorche,  prim. 
conj.  I  am  suer  he  is  to  wise  to  sel  his 
okes  tyll  be  bave  pylled  of  their  barkes  : 
je  me  fais  fort  quil  est  trop  saige  de  vendre 
ses  chesnes  tant  quil  les  ayl  escorchez. 

I  PYNCHE  a  thynge  with  my  fyngar  and  my 
thombe.  Je pinse,  prim.  conj.  I  praye  you, 
se  bowe  he  batb  pyncbed  me  by  the  arme  : 
je  vous  prie,  aduisez  comment  il  ma  pynsé 
par  le  bras. 

I  pynche  courtaysye,  as  one  doth  that  is  nyce 
of  condyscions.  Jefays  le  nyce.  Wliat,  you 
pyncbe  courtesye,  me  tbynke:  comment, 
vous  faicle:  le  nyce,  ce  me  semble. 

I  pyncbe ,  I  spare  as  a  nygarde  dothe.  Jefays  du 
chiche,  prim.  conj.  Fye  on  hym  wrelche, 
he  pyncheth  as  though  be  were  nat  worthe 
a  grote  :fy,  il  nest  qung  meschant,  ilfait  da 
chiche  comme  si  neut  vng  gros  vaillant. 




I  pïNE  awaye  for  love.  Je  énamoure,  prim.  conj. 
and  je  alanyourys ,  sec.  conj.  It  is  nat  love 
that  maketh  folkes  pyne  away,  but  the 
conceyvynge  of  a  faise  hope  :  ce  nest  pas 
amours  qui  fait  les  gens  alangourir,  majs 
vng  vayn  espoyr  quon  a  bouté  en  sa  teste.  I 
finde  alsoj'e  alangoure,  prim.  conj. 

I  pyne  one,  as  mcn  do  theves  or  mysruled  per- 
sons  to  confesse  tlie  trutb.  Je  riue  en  ai- 
gneaux,  prim.  conj.  If  be  wyll  nat  con- 
fesse it,  pyne  hym  for  hc  bis  mocbe 
suspected  :  sil  ne  le  veult  poynt  confesser, 
riaes  le  en  aigneaoj;,  car  on  le  tient  fort 

l  pyne  awaye  by  sycknesse.  Je  consume  and  je 
alanguore,  alanguorer.  This  longe  sicknesse 
hath  roade  hym  pyne  away  :  ceste  longue 
maladie  la  fait  aLmgoarer. 

I  PÏNitE. 

I  PïNNE  with  a  pynne.  Je  cheuille,  prim.  conj. 
I  shall  pynne  it  so  faste  with  pynnes  of 
yron  and  of  wodde  that  it  shall  laste  as 
longe  as  the  tymber  selfe  :  je  le  cheuilleray 
si  fort  et  ferme  de  cheuilles  de  fer  et  de  boys 
guil  durera  aussi  longuement  que  le  boys 

I  pynne  with  a  pynne  sache  as  women  use.  Je 
ataiche  dune  esplingue.  Pynne  your  jacket 
togytber  for  taking  of  colde  :  attachez  vostre 
saion  dune  esplingue  de  paour  de  prendre 

I  PYPB.  Je  flûte,  je  pipe,  pnm.  conj.  and  je  joue 
a  lafleute.  He  can  nat  playe  on  a  harpe 
but  he  can  pype  well  :  il  ne  scayt  pas  jouer 
a  la  harpe,  mays  il  jleute  bien,  or  i7  pipe 
bien,  or  il  joue  bien  a  lafleute, 

I  PYPPE  a  benne  or  a  capon,  I  take  the  pyppe 
from  them.  Je  prens  la  pépie  dune  geline 
or  dang  chapon.  Your  hennés  shall  never 
waxe  faste  tyll  tbey  be  pypped  :  voz  gelines 
ne  deuiendront  jamays  grasses  tant  que  vous 
leur  aurez  osté  la  pépie,  or  tant  que  vous 
prendrez  la  pépie  deulx. 

I  PYRLE  wyer  of  golde  or  sylver,  I  wynde  it  upon 
a  whele  as  sylke  women  do. 

I  PTssE.  Je  pisse,  prim.  conj.  I  bave 'the  stran- 

gurion ,  I  coulde  nat  pisse  thèse  two  dayes  : 
jay  la  chaulde  pisse,  je  ne  pouaoye  pas  pisser 
de  ces  deux  jours. 

I  PYTCHE  in  tbe  grounde.  Je  affiche  en  terre. 
The  strongest  men  of  ail  the  armye  be 
comenly  wbere  the  standarte  is  pytched  : 
les  plus  fortes  gens  de  toute  la  bataiUe  sont 
communeement  la  ou  on  fiche  lestandarl. 

I  pytche  a  tente  or  a  felde.  Je  assie,  or  assys, 
conjugale  in  «I  set  downe».  Tbey  dyd 
pytche  their  tentes  ail  a  rowe  :  ils  assey- 
rent  leur  tentes  tout  de  ranc. 

I  pytche  a  botteli ,  or  shyppe  with  pytche. 

It  PYTYETH  me.  Il  méfait  mal.  Il  pylyelb  me  to 
se  an  bonest  persone  fall  in  to  povertye  : 
[/  méfait  mal  de  veoyr  vng  honneste  homme 
cheoyr  en  poureté. 

P   BYFORE   L. 

I  PLAY,  I  sporte.  Je  joue,  prim.  conj.  Come  on , 
wbere  al  shall  we  playe  :  or  ca,  de  quoy 
jouerons  nous?  He  wyll  playe  me  a  pranke  : 
il  me  jouera  dune  bricolle.  It  is  nat  wysely 
donc  to  play  with  a  foole  :  ce  nest  pas  sai- 
gement  faict  de  se  jouer  a  vng  fol.  He  had 
ihought  to  playe  me  a  pagent  :  il  me 
cuyda  donner  le  bout. 

I  playe  a  caste  of  legyer  demayne.  Je  joue  vng 
tour  de  passe  passe.  Wyll  you  playe  a  caste 
of  legyer  demayne  with  me  nowe  :  voulez 
vous  jouer  vng  tour  de  passe  passe  auecques 

I  playe  at  the  tenys  with  a  bail.  Je  joue  a  la 
paulme.  I  love  nat  to  playe  at  the  tenys,  it 
chaffeth  me  to  sore  :  je  nayme  pas  a  jouer 
a  la  paulme,  car  il  me  eschauffe  trop. 

I  play  me,  I  sporte  me.  Je  me  esbals,  conjugale 
lyke  bis  sympleje  bats,  I  béate.  I  tbougbt 
but  to  play  me  with  hym  :  je  ne  me  pencay 
que  de  me  esbalre  auecques  luy. 

I  playe  me,  I  sporte  me  and  take  my  recrea- 
cion,  declared  in  ni  sporte». 

I  playe  with  company  or  with  anolher  al  my 
game.  Je  me  joue.  I  playe  with  hym  :  je 
me  joue  a  luy.  Playe  nat  with  hym  for  no 
more  tban  you  wyll  lèse  :  ne  vous  jouez 



poynt  a  luy  si  ce  ncst  pour  autant  que  vous 
voulez  perdre, 

I  playe  the  wanton.  Je  fajs  du  mignot.  You 
playe  the  wanton,  do  you  :  vous  f aidez  du 

I  playe  tbe  wyse  man ,  the  foole ,  the  dethe  man, 
the  dronkeo  man  and  suche  lyke ,  I  coun- 
a  foole,  a  dethe  man  ,  a  dronken  man.  Je 
fays  le  saige,  or  du  saige,  le  fol,  or  du  fol, 
le  sourt,  or  du  sourt,  liuroigne,  or  de  li- 
uroiijne,  joynyng  tbe  tenses  of  je  fais  to 
the  wordes  foiowyng.  I  play  the  lorde  :  je 
fais  du  seitjmear.  Dothe  he  nat  playe  the 
calfe  well  that  is  escaped  :  ne  fait  il  pas 
bien  le  veau  eschappé?  He  played  the  deefe 
man  :  iljisl  la  sourde  oreille.  But  I  shulde 
nat  play  but  the  wyse  man  :  majs  ne  fe- 
raye  je  point  que  saige.  You  played  the 
stoute  man  so  hyghiy  :  vous  faisiez  si  fort 
du  vaillant.  He  that  bath  money  ynoughe 
may  well  play  the  great  man  :  qui  a  de 
largent  assez  peult  bien  faire  du  grant. 

I  playe  the  iorde  or  the  mayster.  Je  fais  du 
grant  seigneur.  This  felowe  playeth  the 
lorde  me  thinketh  :  ce  compaignon  fait  du 
grant  seignieur,  ce  me  semble. 

I  playe  the  brothell  or  tbe  barlotle.  Je  paillar- 
dys,  jay  paillardy,  paillardyr,  sec.  conj. 
and  je  fais  da  paillart.  She  playeth  the 
harlot ,  yet  niaketh  she  ber  selfe  symple 
or  ignorante  :  elle  fait  la  paillarde,  encore 
fait  elle  ta  simple  ou  lignorante. 

I  playe  the  knave.  Je  cocquine,  prim.  conj.  and 
je  fais  du  vilayn.  You  playe  the  knave,  do 
you  :  vous  faitez  da  villayn ,  faitez  vous,  or 
vous  cocquinez ,  faitez. 

I  playe  the  cowerde.  Je  me  couardys,  sec.  conj. 
aad  je  fais  le  couart.  Play  you  tbe  cowerde 
or  you  se  a  cause  :  vous  couardissez  vous 
auant  que  vous  voyés  nulle  cause,  or  faictez 
vous  da  couart? 

I  play  tbe  foole.  Je  délire,  prim.  conj.  or  je  fays 
dafol.  Me  playeth  tbe  foole  in  bis  olde 
dayes  :  i7  délire,  or  il  fait  du  fol  en  ses 
vieulx  jours. 

I  play  the  lorell  or  the  loyterer.  Je  loricarde, 
prim.  conj.  It  is  a  goodly  syght  to  se  a 
yonge  lourdayne  play  tbe  lorell  on  this 
facyon  :  ilf ait  beau  veoirvng  jeune  loardault 
loricarder  en  ce  poynt. 

I  playe  upon  any  instrument  of  musyke.  The 
comen  worde  is  je  joue,  as  je  joue  sur  Us 
orgres,  je  joue  sur  les  espinettes.  And  je 
touche  bien  en  lucqae,  for  I  play  well  upon 
the  lute. 

I  playe  upon  a  tabouret.  Je  (atourc,  prim.  conj. 
and  je  joue  sur  vng  iabouryn.  Who  was  it 
he  that  played  upon  the  tabouret,  or  be 
that  played  upon  the  harpe  :  lequel  des 
deux  estoyt  celuy  qui  tabourinoyt,  or  qui 
jouoyt  sur  le  tabourin  ou  celluy  qui  herpoyt, 
or  jouoyt  sur  la  herpe  ? 

I  playe  upon  a  tymbre.  Je  tymbre.  Maydens 
playe  nat  so  moche  upon  tymbers  as  they 
were  wonte  to  do  :  les  fdles  ne  tymbrent 
poynt  tant  quelles  souloyent. 

I  PL*ïNE,  I  morne  secretly.  Je  me  guennente, 
prim.  conj.  He  playneth  bym  for  bis  fa- 
thers  dethe  :  il  se  gaermente  pour  la  mort 
de  son  père. 

I  playne  or  complayne.  Je  me  plains,  conjugate 
in  «  I  complayne  ».  I  bave  no  body  to  playne 
me  to  but  to  you  :  je  nay  nul  a  qui  me 
playndrefors  que  a  vous. 

I  playne,  as  a  borse  dothe  that  haltetli  nat 
downe  ryght  but  dothe  nat  sette  bis 
foote  barde  upon  the  grounde.  Je  dune, 
prim.  conj.  Me  thinketh  your  horse  play- 
neth on  bis  hyther  legge  :  i7  mest  aduis 
ooe  vostre  cheval  se  dune  de  sa  jambe  de 

I  PLANE.  Je  planisse,  prim.  conj.  and  je  planis , 
sec.  conj.  I  make  a  smothe  :  je  aplanois. 
This  boorde  is  nat  well  planed  :  cest  ays 
nest  pas  bien  plany.  As  for  je  planisse,  and 
japlanoys,  by  olde  Rommante  I  fynde  also 
je  planye,  prim.  conj. 

I  plane,  as  a  joyner  or  carpenter  dothe  bis 

tymber  or  bordes  with  a  plane  or  rabatte. 

Je  rabatte,  prim.  conj.  If  thèse  hordes  be 

no  better  planed,  you  sball  never  joyne 





them  well  togyther  :  si  ces  ays  ne  soyent 
mieukc  rabotiez,  jamay s  ne  les  joyndrez  bien 
I  PLASTER  a  wall  er  florthe  with  plaster.  Je 
piastre,  prim.  conj.  I  wyl  plaster  the  flor- 
the of  my  chambre  to  make  a  gernyer 
there  :  je  plaslreray  latre  de  ma  chambre 
pour  en  faire  vng  grenier. 

l  platte  with  claye.  Jardille.  I  platte,  I  stryke  a 
thyng  upon  another  as  clay,  or  butter,  or 
saulve.  Je  saulue,  prim.  conj.  He  platteth 
his  butter  upon  bis  breed  with  bis  thombc, 
as  it  were  a  iytell  claye  :  i7  saulae  son 
beurre  sus  son  payn  de  son  poulce  comme  si 
ce  fat  dardille,  or  dargille. 

I  PLEASE,  I  content  ones  mynde  by  flattryug 
maner.  Japplanie,  prim.  conj.  and  je  plays, 
il  plaist,  nous  plaisons,  je  pleus,  jay  pieu, 
je  plairay,  que  je  plaise,  plaire,  tert.  conj. 
and  je  complais,  conjugale  lyke  his  symple. 
Heased  or  displeased  :  quelque  bon  gré  ou 
mal  gré  quil  ayt,  He  must  nedes  go  pleased 
or  displeased  :  i7  faut  quil  aille  quelque 
bon  gré  ou  mal  gré  quil  ayt.  Aske  you  whye 
I  wyll  nat,  for  it  pleasetb  me  nat  :  de- 
mandez voas  pour  quoyje  ne  le  vealx  poynt, 
car  il  ne  me  playt  pas.  Wban  it  pleasetb 
God ,  it  sbalbe  better  :  quant  Dieu  plaira, 
mieulx  il  sera.  I  wyll  please  hym  and  he 
wyll  be  pleased  :  je  lay  veulx  complaire  sil 
le  veult  estre.  So  tbat  je  plays  and  je  com- 
plays  construitur  cum  dativo. 

I  PLEATE  a  mater  in  lawe  at  the  barre.  Je  plaide, 
prim.  conj.  Who  is  he  tbat  pleateth  by- 
fore  my  lorde  chaunceller  nowe  :  qui  est 
celay  qui  plaide  deuant  monsieur  le  chan- 
cellier  mayntenant? 

I  PLEDGE ,  or  borowe  one  out  of  prison  or  cap- 
tyvyle ,  or  redeme  a  thyng  out  of  pledge. 
Je  pledge,  prim.  conj.  To  my  great  coste 
and  charge  I  hâve  pledged  hym  out  of 
prison  :  a  mes  gransjrayz  et  despens  je  lay 
pledge  hors  de  prison. 

I  PLEYNE,  I  complayne,  or  make  my  mone.  Je 
complains,  declared  in  »  I  playne  ». 

I  PLïE  or  bowe.  Je  courue,  prim.  conj.  Better 

plye  tban  breake  :  il  vaall  mieulx  se  plier 
que  de  rompre. 
I  plye  to  ones  mynde.  Je  me  consens,  conjugate 
in  «I  consent».  And  je  me  accorde.  I  wyll 
never  plye  to  his  mynde  wbyle  I  lyve  : 
je  ne  me  consentiray  jamays  a  son  playsir, 
or  je  ne  me  accorderay  jamays. 

I  plye,  as  one  plyeth  his  busynesse.  Je  mauance, 
verbura  médium  prim.  conj.  He  hath 
plyed  hym  selfe  better  within  thèse  two 
houres  tban  be  hatb  done  ail  day  afore  : 
il  sest  mieulx  auancé  de  dans  ces  deux  heures 
quil  na  pas  fait  de  tout  le  jour  deuant. 

I  PI.Y6HT  or  folde.  Je  plie,  prim.  conj.  This 
kercher  is.wronge  piyghted  :  ce  coeuure- 
chief  est  mal  plié. 

I  plygbt  a  gowne,  I  set  the  plyghtes  in  order. 
Je  plye,  prim.  conj.  Plygbt  my  gowne  : 
pliez  ma  robe.  Plyght  my  gowne  well ,  I 
pray  the  :  plie  bien  ma  robbe,je  te  prie. 

I  plyght  my  trouthe.  Jepromés,  or  je  méfiance, 
prim.  conj.  He  hath  plyght  bis  trouthe  to 
a  woraan  and  he  knoweth  nat  her  nanie  : 
il  se  est  promys,  or  fiancé  a  vue  femme  et  il 
ne  congnoyst  poynt  son  nom. 

I  PLONGE  a  thyng  in  the  waler.  Je  plonge,  prim. 
conj.  He  plonged  her  thrise  in  the  water, 
bycause  she  was  suche  a  skolde  :  i7  la 
plongea  par  troys  foys  en  leau  a  cause  quelle 
estoit  telle  tenceresse. 

I  PLOCGHB.  Je  laboure  la  terre,  andjorc  la  terre, 
or  je  cultiue  la  terre.  I  wyll  plougbe  ail 
the  lande  I  bave  in  your  towne  to  yere  : 
je  veulx  labourer,  or  je  veulx  arer,  or  je 
vealx  cultiuer  cesle  année  toute  la  terre  que 
jay  en  voslre  ville. 

I  PI.DCKE  appelles.  Je  cueils  des  pommes,  con- 
jugate in  «I  gathern.  It  is  tyme  to  piucke 
your  appels,  for  they  be  rype  :  il  est  temps    ' 
de  cueillyrvoz  pommes,  car  elles  sont  meures. 

I  piucke  a  rose,  I  piucke  the  leaves  from  the 
stalke,  or  I  piucke  any  other  floure.  Je 
esphuche,  prim.  conj.  Piucke  thèse  roses 
whyle  I  piucke  thèse  vayntes:  esplouchez  ces 
roses  ce  pendant  que  je  esplouche  ce  pyment. 

I  piucke  a  thynge  in  peces.  Je  trespece,  prim. 



coDJ.  or  je  tyre  en  pièces.  I  prayed  you  lo 
stretche  it  out  a  lytell,  but  nat  to  plucke 
it  in  peces  :  je  vous  prie  de  lestendre  vny 
peu ,  majs  non  de  le  trespecer,  or  de  le  tirer 
ainsi  en  pièces. 

I  plucke  away  a  thyng  from  one,  or  a  parte  of 
a  thynge  from  the  hole  by  vyolence.  Je 
arrache,  prim.  conj.  The  dogge  caught 
the  hogge  by  the  eare  and  pJucked  it 
awaye  quyte  from  his  heed  :  le  chien  priât 
le  pourceau  par  loreylte  et  la  lui  arracha 
toute  nette  de  sa  teste. 

I  plucke,  I  haie  or  puH  at  a  thing.  Je  tire, 
prim.  coDJ.  and  je  halle,  prim.  conj. 
Plucke ,  syrs ,  for  shame  be  nat  you  syxe 
able  to  plucke  a  jade  out  of  the  myer  :  ty- 
rez,  or  hallez,  gallons,  naaez  vous  poyntde 
honte  (jue  vous  six  ne  pouués  tirer  vne  cha- 
roiyne  hors  de  la  fange. 

I  plucke  of  my  hosen.  Je  me  déchausse.  What, 
my  frende,  are  you  waxen  so  lordely  that 
you  can  nat  plucke  of  your  hosen  your 
seife:  comment,  mon  amy,  estez  vous  deuenu 
si  grant  seignieur  que  vous  ne  vous  pouez  pas 
déchausser  vous  mesmes  ? 

I  plucke  out  a  weapen  out  of  his  sheathe.  Je 
desgayne,  prim.  conj.  We  shall  bave  a 
fray,  I  wene,  yonder  is  one  hath  plucked 
oui  his  sworde  :  je  croy  que  nous  aurons 
quelque  escarmouche,  or  hutyn ,  voyla  quel- 
cun  qui  a  desgayne. 

I  plucke  out  by  vyolence.  Je  arrache,  prim. 
conj.  I  wyll  plucke  out  ail  the  lethe  in 
my  heed  ratlier  tban  I  vvolde  abyde  this 
payne  :  jeferay  plus  tost  arracher  toutes  les 
dens  de  ma  teste  auant  que  je  voulsisse  en- 
durer ceste  peyne. 

l  plucke  the  fethers  from  a  byrde,  or  from  any 
maner  wyide  foule.  Je  desplume,  prim. 
conj.  Plucke  thèse  partryches,  they  must 
be  spytted  byand  by  :  desplumez  cesperdrys, 
il  fouit  quon  les  enbroche  tout  asteure. 

I  plucke  up,  as  a  woman  dolhe  hcr  gowne  or 
kyrtell  in  the  foule  way.  Je  haulce  la  robe, 
or  la  cotte,  prim.  conj.  And  je  secource  la 
Tobbe,  prim.  conj.  Plucke  up  your  gowne     I 

whan  you  go  over  the  canoell  :  haulcez 
vostre  rohbe  quant  vous  passez  le  raysseau. 
Plucke  up  your  gowne  ahoute  you,  for 
you  bave  a  myle  to  go  :  secourcez  vostre 
robbe,  car  vous  auez  une  mile  a  cheminer. 

I  plucke  up  my  herte,  I  rejoyse.  Je  me  resjonis, 
sec.  conj.  Plucke  up  thy  herte,  man,  thou 
shalte  be  set  at  large  to  morowe  :  resjouis 
toy,  tu  seras  mys  au  large  demayn. 

I  plucke  up  my  herte ,  I  wase  hardy,  or  I  take 
good  herte  to  me.  Je  prens  couraige,  conju- 
gate  in  «I  take».  Plucke  up  thy  herte, 
man ,  for  Goddes  sake  :  prens  couraige  pour 
lamour  de  Dieu. 

I  plucke  up  trees  or  herbes  or  stakes  by  the 
roote.  Je  desracine,  prim.  conj.  He  hath 
nat  onely  gathered  ail  the  herbes  he 
coulde  fynde  in  my  garden  but  he  hath 
pulled  them  up  by  the  rooles:  il  na  pas 
seullement  cueilli  toutes  les  herbes  quil  pou- 
uoit  trouuer  en  mon  jardin ,  mars  il  les  a 
aussi  très  toutes  desracinées. 

I  PLOMPE  logyther,  as  men  do  that  gather  to- 
gyther  in  plumpes.  Je  arroute,  prim.  conj. 
What  meaue  yonder  men  to  plompe  togy- 
der  yonder;  que  veulent  dire  ces  gens  la  qui 
sarroulent  aynsi? 

I  PLUNGE,  as  a  borse  dothe.  Je  plonge,  prim. 
conj.  He  plunged  in  the  water  thrise  or 
he  coude  get  out  :  il  plongea  en  leaue  par 
troys  foys  auant  quil  peasi  sortir. 

P    BÏFORE    O. 

I  POïNTE  in  redyng.  Je  poinctc,  prim.  conj.  I 
parceyve  by  his  redyng  that  he  is  no  clerkc, 
for  he  can  nat  poynte  :  je  voys  bien  a  son 
lire  quil  nest  pas  clerc,  car  il  ne  scayt  pas 
punctuer,  or  poynter.  i 

I  poynte  or  shewe  a  thyng  with  my  fyngar.  Je 
monstre  au  doy,  jay  monstre  au  doy,  mons- 
trerau  doy,  prim.  conj.  Whye  wenest  thou 
that  he  is  so  farre  hence  that  dyd  it,  naye 
I  can  poynte  liym  with  my  fyngar  :  com- 
ment pences  tu  quil  est  si  loyng  dicy  qui  la 
faict,  non  je  le  puis  monsirer  au  doy. 



I  poynte,  1  shewe  one  howe  he  shall  knowe  a 
thynge.  Je  enseigne,  prim.  conj.  I  praye 
the ,  poyQte  ihis  poore  man  whicbe  way 
he  shali  go  :  je  te  prie,  enseigne  cest  homme 
par  ou  ilyra, 

I  poynte  with  my  fyngar.  Je poinclc,  prim.  conj. 
Me  tbynketh  he  poynteth  the  with  his 
fyugar  :  il  mest  adais  çoii  W  poynte  de  son 

I  POïSON  with  poysoD.  Je  empoysonne,  prim, 
conj.  It  semeth  that  he  was  poysoned,  for 
he  was  as  blacke  as  a  cole  whan  he  was 
deed  :  il  pert  qail  estoyt  empoysonne,  car  il 
estoyl  aassi  noyr  qang  charbon  quant  ilfast 

I  POLYSSHE ,  I  inake  a  thyng  slycker  and  smothe. 
Je  polys,jay  poly,  polyr,  sec. conj.  He  that 
wolde  wright  Greke  weil  muste  polysshe 
his  paper  fîrst  :  qui  vouldroyt  bien  escripre 
le  grec,  ilfault  polyr  son  papier  premier. 

I  POLLE  one,  I  get  his  monaye  or  any  olher 
thyng  from  bim  by  sleyght.  Je  extorcionne, 
prim.  conj.  He  bath  no  conscyence  to 
poiie  the  poore  peopie  :  il  napoynt  de  con- 
science dextortionner  les  poares  gens. 

1  poHe ,  I  shave  the  heares  of  ones  beed.  Je 
rays,  il  rayst,  nous  rasons,  je  rosis,  jay 
rasé,  je  raseray,  que  je  rase,  raire,  prim. 
conj.  I  holde  best  to  poiie  ray  beed  nowe 
agaynste  tbis  sommer  that  cometh  in  :  je 
pence  quil  sera  pour  le  mieukc  de  raire  ma 
teste  contre  cest  esté  qui  vient. 

I  POMELL ,  I  béate  one  aboute  the  eares.  Je 
torche,  prim.  conj.  and  je  rouille,  prim. 
conj.  He  pomelled  me  tyii  we  were  botbe 
werye  :  il  me  torchoyt,  or  il  me  rouilloyt 
tant  que  nous  estions  tous  deux  las. 

I  FONDRE,  I  way,  or  caste  a  thyng  inmy  mynde. 
Je  pondère,  prim.  conj.  And  if  the  mater 
be  well  pondred,  it  is  a  great  mater  : 
mays  que  ta  matière  soyt  bien  pondérée, 
elle  est  de  grant  importance. 

I  POPPE,  or  stryke  in  to  a  thyng.  Je  donne  de- 
dans, jay  donné  dedans ,  donner  dedans , 
prim.  conj.  He  went  so  nere  the  banke 
that  soudayniy  he  popped  in  to  the  water    ' 

over  beed  and  eares  :  il  alloyt  si  trespres 
du  riuaige,  que  soubdaynement  il  se  donnoyt 
dedans  leaue  oultre  le  coupeau  de  la  teste. 

I  POPPELL  up,  as  water  dothe,  or  any  other 
iycourc  whan  it  boyieth  faste  on  the  fyrc 
or  as  water  dothe  out  of  a  spring.  Je 
bouillonne,  prim.  conj.  This  water  popyl- 
ietb  a  pace  :  ceste  eaue  bouillonne  fort. 

I  POOBE  any  lycoure,  or  brothe,  or  sewet 
apon  meate,  or  sucbe  iyke.  Je  surfons, 
conjugate  Iyke  his  symple  jc/o;i5, 1  melte 
metail.  You  shulde  havè  powred  on  some 
butter  :  il  vous  falloyt  surfondre  du  beurre. 

I  poore  drinke  or  lycoure  in  to  a  cuppe  or 
vesseii.  Je  verse,  prim.  conj.  and  je  pro- 
pine,  prim.  conj.  Poore  me  some  drinke 
hère  or  you  go  :  versez  moy  a  boyre  auant 
que  vous  allez. 

I  poore,  I  prye,  or  Icoke  wysely  apoft  a  tbynge. 
Je  membats,  conjugat  iyke  bis  symple  je 
bats,  I  béate.  He  poretb  upon  bis  booke 
ail  daye  but  bis  mynde  is  nothyng  tliat 
waye  ;  il  sembat  sur  son  Uure  toute  jour, 
mais  son  intencion  nest  pas  a  cela. 

I  poore  in  bastelye,  as  a  dronkarde  dothe 
drinke  in  to  bis  throte.  Je  engoulle,  prim. 
conj.  Ho  drinketh  nat  as  other  m  en  do- 
the, but  pooreth  it  in  :  i7  ne  boyl  pas 
comme  font  les  aultres,mays  il  engottlle. 

I  poore  out  the  lycoure  that  is  in  a  vesseii.  Je 
vuyde,  prim.  conj.  as  vuyde  ce  vin  ou  eaue. 
And  je  effons,  conjugate  Iyke  bis  symple 
jefons,  I  melte.  Poore  out  this  water  tbat 
hath  stande  so  longe  :  vuydez  ceste  eaue 
qui  sest  tenue  icy  si  longuement ,  or-effondez 
ceste  eaue. 

I  POBTÏB ,  I  make  the  shappe ,  or  the  portra- 
ture  of  a  thynge.  Je  pourtrays  ,  conjugate 
Iyke  his  symple  je  trays,  I  drawe.  I  porter  ' 
a  tliynge  after  the  quycke  :  je  pourtrays 
au  vif  His  ymage  is  as  well  portred  after 
the  quycke  as  ail  the  worlde  can  devyse 
it  :  son  ymage  est  aussi  bien  pourtraitie  selon 
le  vif  que  tout  le  monde  le  scauroyt  deaiser. 

I  POSSEDE  (Lydgate).  Je  possède,  prim.  conj.  It 
is  no  felycyte  to  possède  great  substaunce 



but  to  use  it  well  :  ce  nest  pas  bieneareté 
que  de  posséder  grans  biens,  mays  de  les 
bien  vser,  or  employer, 


I  POTCHE  egges.  Je  poche  des  oeajes,  prim.  conj. 
He  that  wyll  potche  egges  well  muste 
make  bis  water  sethe  Crst  :  qui  veult  bien 
pocher  des  oeufes,fault  quil fasse  boullir  son 
eaue  premier. 

I  poTTE,  I  mocke  one  with  tnakyng  a  potte  in 
the  syde  of  my  moutb. 

I  potte ,  or  discey ve.  Jefaalce. 

I  PODRCHASSE  landes,  or  tenement,  and  I  pro- 
cure a  thynge  to  be  done.  Je  pourchasse , 
prim.  conj.  He  hath  pourchassed  mo  lan- 
des witbin  this  seven  yere  tban  bis  enbe- 
rytaunce  commeth  to  :  il  a  pourchassé 
plus  de  terres  dedans  ces  sept  ans  que  son 
héritage  ne  vionte. 

I  PODRE  lycore  out  of  a  vessell  (Lydgate).  Loke 
in  tl  poore». 

I  POcnYSHE,  or  make  poure.  Jappouris,  jaj 
appoury,  appourir,  sec.  conj.  To  be  a  ryot- 
tour  and  a  dyser  poveryssbeth  a  man  sore  : 
pour  eslre  vng  gaudisseur  et  vng  hazardeur 
apoaritfort  vng  homme. 

I  Poi]P.POSE,  I  entende,  and  I  pourpose  my 
mater  tbat  I  wyll  speke  of.  Je  propose, 
prim.  coDJ.  You  bave  pourposed  a  mater 
hère,  but  to  wbat  intent  I  can  nat  tell 
you  :  vous  auez  icy  proposé  vne  mattiere, 
mays  a  quel  propos  je  ne  scay. 

I  PODRVAïE,  I  provyde.  Je  pouruoye ,  jay  pour- 
uoyi,  je  pouruoiray,  M.  je  pouruoierray, 
M.  melius  pouruoier,  prim.  conj.  I  pour- 
vaye  bym  of  bis  dyner  luy  pouruoye  de 
son  disner.  I  pourvaye  bym  to  serve  you  : 
je  le  pouruoye  pour  vous  seruir.  And  je  poHr- 
uoys,  conjugate  lyke  bis  simple  Je  voys, 
I  se.  M.  But  in  bis  future  be  maketb ,  je 
pouruoiray  and  nat  pouruoierray. 

I  POCDER  witb  saite.  Je  salle,  prim.  conj.  This 
befe  is  to  moche  poudered  :  ce  benf  est 
trop  salle, 

1  pouder  witb  spyce.  Je  pouldre  despice,  jay 
pouldré   despice,  poaldrer  despice,  prim. 

conj.  Venayson  well  poudred  witb  pep- 
per  and  sait  wyll  last  longe  oncorrupted  : 
la  venayson  qui  est  bien  pouldrée  de  poyure 
et  de  sel  durera  longuement  auant  que  se 

I  POWNCE  a  cuppe,  or  a  pece,  as  goldesmythes 

I  PODNDE ,  I  put  horse ,  or  beestes  in  the  pyu- 
folde.  Je  prisonne  des  bestes,  or  je  mets  les 
bestes  en  la  prison.  You  bave  pounded  my 
catell  for  yvell  wyll  :  vous  auez  mys  mou 
bestail  en  la  prison  des  bestes  par  malice. 

I  poursewe,  I  folowe,  or  make  poursute  aller 
a  thyng.  Je  poursuis ,  jay  poursuyuy,  pour- 
sayure,  or  poursuyuir,  conjugate  lyke  bis 
symple  je  suis,  I  folowe.  And  je  ensays, 
conjugale  also  lyke  his  symple  je  suis, 
I  folowe.  He  hatb  poursued  me  frora 
Dover  hytber  wbat  so  ever  be  meaneth  : 
i7  ma  poursuyuy  despuis  Doare  jusques ycy, 
quoy  que  ce  soit  quil  veult  dire. 

P    BYPORE   R. 

I  PRATE,  I  bable.  Je  quaquette,  prim.  conj.  and 
je  bobance ,  Romant.  And  je  me  vante, 
verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  He  is  ever 
pratynge  :  il  quacquette  tousjours.  It  his 
a  worlde  to  bere  him  pratc  of  bis  kyn- 
red  :  cest  ung  passetemps  que  de  loair  se 
vanter  de  son  lignage. 

I  PBACTYSE,  I  exercyse  my  crafte  or  facultye. 
Je  practique,  prim.  conj.  He  bat  ben  a 
studyent  in  pbysycke  many  a  daye  and 
nowe  he  begynnetb  to  practyse  :  il  a  long- 
temps estudié  en  medicine,  et  mayntenant  il 
commence  a  practiquer. 

I  PRAYE,  I  requyre.  Je  prie,  prim.  conj.  I  praye 
bym  luy  prie  and  je  enprie,  prim.  conj. 
I  pray  you  to  belpe  me  :  je  vous  prie  de 
me  ayder.  Go  bence ,  I  praye  you  :  allez 
vous  en,  je  vous  en  prie. 

I  pray  for  one  to  God  in  my  prayers.  Je  prie 
Dieu  pour  luy.  Sythe  I  can  do  you  none 
other  servyce,  at  the  leest  I  wyll  praye 
for  you  :  puisque  je  ne  vous  puis  faire 
aultre  seruice,  je  prieray  Dieu  pour  vous. 



I  PBAYSE  a  thynge,  I  esteme  of-what  value  it 
is.  Je  aprise,  prim.  conj.  I  can  nat  prayse 
jusliy  howe  moche  it  is  worthe,  but  as 
I  gesse  :  je  ne  le  puis  poynt  apriser  com- 
bien il  rault,  mays  comme  je  diuine. 

I  prayse,  I  commende.  Je  prise,  prim.  conj.  I 
prayse  hym.  Je  luy  prise.  And  in  that  sence 
I  fynde  somtyme  used  je  alose ,  prim. 
coDJ.  and  je  recommende,  prim.  conj.  and 
je  reclame,  prim.  conj.  The  man  is  mar- 
v.aylously  praysed  of  them  that  knowe 
hym  :  Ihomme  est  meruailleiisement  prisé, 
alosé ,  recommende,  or  réclamé  de  tous 
ceulx  qui  le  congnoyssent. 

I  prayse  one  to  moche,  or  to  aflectyonatly.  Je 
blasonne,  prim.  conj.  What  you  prayse 
hym  beyonde  the  nocke  :  comment  vous  le 
blasonnez  oaltre  bort. 

I  PBAîiKE  ones  gowne,  I  set  the  plyghtes  in 
order.  Je  mets  les  plies  dune  robe  a  poynt, 
conjugate  in  «  I  put».  Se  yonder  olde 
man  ,  his  gowne  is  pranked  as  if  he  were 
but  a  yonge  man  :  aduisez  ce  veillart  la,  les 
plies  de  sa  robbe  sont  mis  a  poynt  comme 
sil  estoyt  vng  jeune  compuignon. 

I  prank  with  one,  I  use  craftye  and  subtyll 
maner  lowardes  hym.  Je  me  subtille,  ver- 
bum  médium  prim.  conj,  and  je  me  ruse, 
verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  It  is  nat  your 
honestye  to  pranke  with  me  on  this  maner  : 
ce  nest  pas  vostre  honneur  de  vous  subtiller, 
or  de  vous  ruser  auecques  moy  en  ce  point, 

I  PBAi'NCE  an  horse ,  I  make  hym  fetche  gam- 
boldes  and  to  flynge.  Je  pourbondys ,  jay 
pourbondy,  pourbondyr,  sec.  conj.  He 
praunsed  his  horse  byfore  the  iadyes  lyke 
a  yonkcr  :  il  pourbondit  son  cheual  deuant 
les  dames  comme  vng  rustre. 

I  PRECEDE,  I  go  byfore  another  to  a  place  or 
in  order.  Je  précède,  prim.  conj.  [n  myoe 
opynion  this  ought  to  précède  hym  :  a 
mon  aduis  cecy  le  doybt  précéder. 

1  PRECELLE.  Je  voys  deuant.  And  Jeprccelle,  prim. 
conj.  She  precelleth  ail  other  in  beaultye 
and  good  maners  :  elle  precelle  toutes  les 
aultres  en  beauté  et  bonnes  meurs. 

I  PREPESTYNATE,  as  God  dothe  suche  persoDS 
as  shaibe  saved.  Je  prédestine ,  prim.  conj. 
He  that  is  predestynale  is  written  in  the 
boke  of  lyfe  :  qui  est  prédestiné  est  escript 
au  liare  de  vie. 

I  PREESE.  Je  prise,  prim.  conj.  Conjugate  in 
»  I  prayse». 

I  PBEFERRE,  I  put  byfore ,  or  value,  or  esteme 
one  thyng  byfore  another.  Je  prejerre, 
prim.  conj.  I  knowe  no  rcason  why  you 
sbulde  preferre  him  byfore  me  :  je  ne 
saiche  poynt  de  raison  pour  quoy  vous  le 
deueriez  prejerrer  deuant  moy. 

I  PREPYcnRATE.  Je  préfigure,  prim.  conj.  Ail 
the  mystèryes  of  the  passyon  were  prefy- 
gurate  in  the  olde  Testament  ;  tous  les 
misteres  de  la  passion  esloyent  préfigurés  au 
vieulx  Testament. 

I  PREFïxE ,  1  set  or  apoynt  a  tyme  byfore  whan 
a  thyng  shall  be  doue.  Je  préfixe,  prim. 
conj.  The  tyme  is  prefyxed  ail  rcdy,  there 
is  no  remedy  nowe  :  le  temps  est  préfixé 
desja,  il  ny  a  poynt  de  remède  mayntenant. 

l  PREï,  I  requyre,  or  desyre.  Je  prie,  prim. 
conj.  Declared  in  ni  pray». 

I  PREVSE  (Lydgale).  Declared  in  tl  prayse». 

I  PREMEDïATE  for  him ,  I  am  mcane  for  one.  Je 
premedie,  prim.  conj.  It  shall  be  no  wyse- 
dome  to  put  thyselfe  to  moche  in  prease 
tyll  thou  bave  some  body  to  premedyat 
thy  cause  :  ce  ne  sera  pas  saigement  faict  a 
toy  que  de  le  mettre  trop  en  sa  présence, 
tant  que  ta  ayes  quelqun  qui  puisse  preme- 
dier  ton  cas. 

I  PREORDINAT.  Je  preordonne ,  prim.  conj.  Take 
this  thyng  in  worthe,  it  was  preordynat 
by  God  it  shulde  be  so  :  prennes  ceste 
chose  en  gré,  car  il  estoyt  preordonne  de 
Dieu  quil  seroyt  aynsi. 

I  PREPARE,  I  ordayne.  Je  prépare,  prim.  conj. 
Hâve  you  prepared  ail  thyng  redye  agaynst 
his  coniynge  :  auez  vous  tout  préparé  auaiit 
quil  viengne?  and  je  appreste,  prim.  conj. 
Prépare  you  against  to  morowe ,  for  than 
I  corne  without  fayle  :  appreslez  vous  pour 
demayn ,  car  adonc  je  viendray  sans  faulte 



nulle.  Ail  thyng  is  preparcd  as  it  ought  to 
be  :  tout  est  adoubé  comment  il  appartient. 

I  PRESENT  a  person,  or  a  tbyng  unto  ones  pré- 
sence. Je  présente,  prini.  conj.  I  may  nat 
come  unto  his  présence  alone,  I  must 
bave  some  body  to  présent  me  :  (7  ne  fanlt 
poynt  (jue  je  viengne  en  sa  présence  seallet, 
il  conuient  que  jaye  quelque  rng  qui  me 

I  PRESERVE,  I  save,  or  kepe  a  tbing  from  daun- 
ger.  Je  preserue,  prim.  conj.  and  je  con- 
tregardc ,  prim.  conj.  I  pray  Jesu  préserve 
you  :  Diea  vous  vueille  preseruer.  I  bave 
none  otber  tbyng  to  wright  at  tbis  tyme  : 
aultre  chose  je  naj  de  présent  a  escripre. 
Good  dyet  and  grcat  fiers  do  préserve  a 
inan  from  the  sickenesse  :  bonne  dietle 
et  grant  feu  contregardcnt  nng  homme  de 
la  peste, 

l  PRESSE  a  raan  by  importunate  sute  makyng 
to  bym.  Je  importune,  prim.  conj.  You 
maye  bappe  to  lèse  bis  favour  and  you 
presse  bym  to  mocbe  :  vous  vous  pouez 
parauenlurc  mettre  hors  de  sa  grâce  si  vous 
limporlunez  trop. 

I  presse  a  tbyng  downe,  or  kepe  it  downe.  Je 
astruse,  prim.  conj.  and  Je  déprime,  prim. 
conj.  You  can  ncver  presse  it  downe  so 
barde  but  it  wyll  ryse  agayne  :  jamays  ne 
le  pouez  tant  déprimer  quil  ne  se  relieue.  He 
pressetb  tliem  downe  so  that  tbey  can  nat 
ryse  :  il  les  a  aslrases  de  sorte  quilz  ne  se 
peuuent  releuer. 

I  presse,  I  tbrust  togytber  or  conslrayne,  or  I 
tbruste  downe  and  lay  to  ones  cbarge.  Je 
presse,  prim.  conj.  Also  I  fynde  je  oppresse, 
prim.  conj.  If  a  chese  be  wel  pressed  it 
sbal  bave  oo  boles  in  it  :  nur^s  qung 
frommage  soit  bien  pressé  il  naura  point 
de  trous. 

I  PREASE  in  to  a  place  by  vyolence.  Je  enpresse, 
prim.  conj.  and  je  me  empresse,  and  je 
me  fourre  dedens.  I  marvayle  you  be  nat 
asbamed  to  prease  in  to  tbe  kynges 
chaumber  on  tbis  facyon:je  me  meruaille 
que  vous  nouez  poynt  de  honte  de  vous  four- 

rer dedans  la  chambre  du  roy  en  ceste  fa- 

I  PRESDME,  I  waxe  prowde,  or  truste  to  mocbe 
tomyselfe,  or  I  suppose  upon  conjectures 
tbat  a  tbyng  shulde  be.  Je  me  présume, 
verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  Présume 
never  to  moche  upon  your  connyng  :  ne 
vous  présumez  jamais  trop  de  vostre  science. 
Beware  you  présume  nat  :  gardez  vous  de 
présumer,  l  wyll  nat  saye  precysely  that 
it  is  so,  but  as  I  présume  ne  veulx  pas 
dire  pour  tout  certayn  quil  est  ainsi,  mays 
comme  je  présume. 

I  PRESUPPOSE,  I  suppose  one  tbing  byfore  an 
otber.  Je  présuppose,  prim.  conj.  I  wolde 
rather  bave  presupposed  tbat  you  wold 
hâve  takyn  my  partye  :  je  eusse  plus  iost 
présupposé  que  vous  voulsissiez  prfndre  mon 

I  PRETENDE,  I  contrefayt,  or  make  as  though  a 
tbyng  were.  Je  prétende,  prim.  conj.  and 
je  prelens,  conjugate  lyke  bis  simple  je 
iens,  I  bende.  He  pretendith  to  be  my 
frynde,  but  be  doyth  tbe  worst  for  me  tbat 
he  can  :  il  prêtent  a  estre  mon  amy,  mays  il 
fait  du  pis  quil  peult  contre  moy. 

I  prétende ,  I  make  as  though  a  tbyng  were  so 
orso,  or  I  lake  upon  me  a  tbyng  tbat 
appartayneth  nat  to  me  by  ryght.  Je  pre- 
tens,  conjugate  iyke  bis  simple  j'e  tens,  I 
bende.  Wby  prétende  you  tytyll  to  my 
landes  and  bave  no  maner  colour  :  jDOur 
quoy  prétendez  vous  tiltre  a  mes  terres,  et  si 
naue:  poynt  de  couleur  en  façon  du  monde. 

I  PRETE  a  thyng,  I  assaye  it  or  attempt  it.  Je 
espreuue,  prim.  conj.  and  je  essaye,  prim. 
conj.  Prove  hym  and  than  you  shall 
knowe  :  espreuuez  le  et  par  aynsi  congnoiste- 
rez  vous.  Preve  tbis  meate  fyrst  :  essayés  de 
ceste  viande  premier. 

I  PRETENT  a  person  in  doyng  of  a  dede.  Je 
preuiens,  nous  preuenons,  vous  preucnez,  iU 
preaiennent ,  je  preutnoye,  je  preuins,jay 
preuenu  ,je  preuiendray,  que  je  preuiengne, 
preuenir,  tert.  conj.  conjugate  lyke  bis 
simple  je  viens,  I  come.  I  fynde  also  je  an- 



ticipe,  prim.  conj.  And  he  prevent  you 
than  you  are  begyled  :  sil  vous  preuient,  or 
sil  vous  anticipe,  alors  estez  vous  trompé. 

I  PBICKE  a  cuppe  or  suche  lyke  thynge  fuU  of 
floures.  Je  enjleure,  prim.  conj.  I  never 
sawe  man  love  to  hâve  his  cuppe  pricked 
fuU  of  floures  as  he  dothe  :  jamays  ne  vis 
homme  tant  aymer  dxiuoyr  sa  couppe  enjleu- 
rie  comme  luy. 

I  pricke  an  oxe,  or  any  other  beest  with  a  gade. 
Jaguillonne,  prim.  conj.  and  je  stimule, 
prim.  conj.  Whan  your  oxen  be  slowe, 
you  must  pricke  ihem  forwarde  :  ^uant  doî 
beafs  sont  iardyfs,  il  les  vous  faut  aguyl- 
lonner,  or  stimuler. 

I  pricke  fuH  of  bowes,  as  we  do  a  place  or  a 
horse  whan  we  go  a  mayeng.  Je  rame, 
prim.  conj.  ]n  slede  of  a  trapper  he 
pricked  his  horse  full  of  maye  bowes  : 
en  lieu  dvng  trappier  il  ramoyt  son  cheual 
tout  entoar  de  branches  de  moy. 

I  pricke  with  a  sharpe  nedeil,  or  pynne,  or 
thorne ,  or  any  suche  sharpe  thyng.  Je  pic- 
que,  prim.  conj.  I  pricke  my  horse 
picque  des  espérons.  I  beshrewe  it,  I  hâve 
pricked  me,  I  wotte  well-.  mauldit  soit  il, 
je  me  suis  picqué,  cela  scay  je  bien. 

I  pricke  with  the  poynte  of  a  weapen  or  with 
bytter  wordes,  or  as  any  displeasure  prick- 
eth  one  at  the  herte.  Je  poings,  nous  poi- 
gnons,  je  poyngnis,  Hz  peindront,  jay 
poynct,  je  poyndray,  que  je  poigne,  poyn- 
dre,  tert.  conj.  If  I  pricke  you  with  my 
daggar  you  bave  your  mendes  in  your 
bande  :  si  je  vous  poyngs  de  ma  dogue  vous 
eaiez  voslre  amende  en  vostre  mayn. 

I  PRIE,  I  pore  or  loke  wysely  a  thynge.  Je  mem- 
bats,  conjugale  lyke  his  symple  je  bats,  I 
béate.  He  prieth  after  me  wher  sb  ever  I 
become  :  il  sembat  après  moy  quel  que  parte 
que  je  deuiengne. 

I  PHINTE  abooke,  or  any  other  thyng,  by  im- 
presiyon.Jimprime,  jay  imprimé,  imprimer, 
prim.  conj.  Whan  wyll  you  printe  your 
booke  :  citant  voulez  vous  faire  imprimer 
vostre  Uure  ?  He  hath  the  fayrest  ietters  to 


printe  with  of  any  man  that  I  knowe  :  il 
a  les  plus  belles  lettres  pour  imprimer  que 
homme  que  je  saiche. 

I  printe,  I  make  the  printe  of  a  thyng  in  any 
mater  or  stulTe.  Je  empraygns,  jay  em- 
pramgt,je  emprayndray,  que  je  empruigne, 
emprayndre.  Lel  me  printe  your  seale  in  a 
pece  of  waxe ,  me  thynketb  it  is  antique  : 
que  je  empraigne  voslre  seaul  en  vng  peu  de 
cire,  il  mestaduis  que  cestvng  antique. 

I  printe  a  thyng  in  my  mynde ,  I  commende  it 
to  memorie.-Je  commande  a  memoyre.  Take 
good  hede  what  he  saythe  and  printe  it 
well  in  thy  mynde  :  prennez  bon  regarl 
a  ceu  quil  dit  et  commendez  le  bien  a  vostre 

I  print  the  fygure  or  symlytude  of  a  thing  into 
waxe,  or  metall,  or  suche  lyke.  Je  em- 
praings  ,  je  empraygnis ,  jay  empraynct,  je 
emprayndray,  que  je  empraigne,  empraindre, 
tert.  conj.  I  can  printe  thissame  iu  a  pece 
of  newe  breed  as  well  as  in  ail  the  waxe  you 
bave  :  je  scay  aussi  bien  emprayndre  cecy  en 

'  vne  pièce  de  payn  nouueau  cuit  quen  toute 
la  cire  que  vous  auez. 

I  PRISE  ware ,  I  selte  a  price  of  a  thyng  what  it 
is  worthe.  Je  aprise,  prim.  conj.  Medyll  of 
that  you  hâve  to  do  and  prise  nat  my 
ware  :  meslez  vous  de  ceu  quauez  afayre  et 
naprisez  pas  ma  marchandise. 

I  PRISON,  I  put  in  warde  or  in  duraunce.  Jem- 
prisonne,  prim.  conj.  It  is  a  sore  thynge  to 
prison  a  man  for  suertyshyppe ,  and  to 
compeile  hym  to  paye  the  thyng  be  never 
dranke  for  :  cest  vne  forte  chose  que  dem- 
prisonner  vng  homme  qui  nest  que  respon- 
dant  pour  vng  aultre  et  de  le  faire  payer  la 
chose  dont  il  neut  jamays  sa  part. 

I  PRiVïLEGE  a  person ,  as  a  prince  dothe,  whan 
he  graunteth  a  thynge  above  bis  comen 
lawe.  Je  preuilege,  prim.  conj.  For  cer- 
tayne  causes  the  kynge  hath  privyleged 
hym  :  pour  certaynes  causes  le  roy  la  preui- 

I  PROCEDE  and  go  forwarde,  I  go  forth  with 
any  mater  that  I  bave  to  speake  of,  or  as 


one  tliynge  cometb  oui  of  another.  Je 
procède,  prim.  conj.  I  am  sure  he  wyll 
procède  po  further  in  this  mater  tyll  he 
hère  from  me  :  je  sais  sear,  ot  je  me  Jais 
fort  quil  ne  procédera  pas  plus  aaant  en 
ceste  matière  tant  quH  orra  de  mes  nou- 

I  PROCLAME,  I  publysshe  any  ordoaauDce  or 
pleasure  of  the  kynge.  Je  publie  a  son  de 
trompe,  prim.  conj,  The  valuacyon  of  al 
peces  of  goide  was  proclaymed  yesterday  : 
la  valeue  de  chascune  pièce  dor  fust  hyer 
publiée  a  son  de  trompe. 

I  PBOCDRE,  I  cause  a  thyng  to  be  done,  or 
I  devyse  meanes  to  bringe  a  thynge  to 
passe.  Je  procure,  prim.  conj.  He  sware 
to  me  that  he  wolde  never  do  it  nor  pro- 
cure it  to  be  done  whyle  he  lyved  :  il  me 
jura  i/ail  ne  leferoyt  pas  ne  tu  le  procureroyt 
pas  quon  le  fit  tant  (juil  viueroyt. 

I  pnODDCE  wytnesses.  Je  produys  tesmoyngs , 
conjugale  in  •!  bringe  forthe  wylnesse». 
He  liath  produced  syxe  suffycient  wyt- 
nesses :  il  aproduyt  six  tesmoings  su^sans. 

(  PROFESSE,  as  a  relygyouse  man  dothc.  Je  pro- 
fesse ,  prim.  conj.  Wolde  to  God  every 
man  that  professeth  chastyte  coude  kepe 
it  well  :  pleut  a  Dieu  que  tout  homme  qui 
professe  chasteté  la  sceut  bien  garder. 

I  PROFFER  a  thynge  to  one  in  rccompence  of 
any  thynge  that  I  demaunde  of  hym.  Je 
offers,  conjugale  in  «I  ofTer».  I  profered 
hym  my  horse  and  x.^  s.  to  hoote  for  bis 
courtault  :  je  lay  offris  mon  cheual  et  vingt 
souldz  dauantaye  pour  son  courtault, 

I  PROFFET.  Je  prou^le,  prim.  conj.  I  bave  pro- 
fyted  more  in  my  lernyng  this  halfe  yere 
than  ever  I  dyd  in  my  lyfe  afore  -.jay  plus 
proujfité  en  mon  erudicion  despttis  vng  de- 
my  an  en  ca  que  je  ne  Jis  oncques  en  ma 

I  PBOHïBlT,  I  forbydde.  Je  prohibe,  prim. 
oonj.  and  je  defens,  conjugale  in  «I  for- 
•  bydde  >.  He  hath  prohybyt  me  his  bouse  : 
il  ma  prohibé  sa  maison,  1  prohybyt  hym  : 
je  luy  prohibe,  dativo  jungitur. 



I  PROLLE,  I  go  hère  and  there  to  seke  a  thyng. 
Je  tracasse,  prim.  conj.  The  felowe  prol- 
lelh  aboute ,  but  it  cometh  oat  to  effecte  : 
il  tracasse  de  ca  et  de  la  mais  il  ne  vient 
poynt  a  ejfect. 

I  PROLONGE  the  tyme.  Je  alonge,  prim.  conj. 
and  je  prolongue,  prim.  conj.  He  dothe 
naught  els  but  prolonge  the  tyme  :  il  ne 
fait  aultre  chose  que  alonger,  or  prolonguer 
le  temps. 

I  PROMESSE,  I  make  a  promesse.  Je  promets, 
nous  promettons,  je  promys ,  jay  promys, 
je  promettray,  que  je  promette,  que  je  pro- 
misisse,  promettre,  tert.  conj.  I  wyll  pro- 
messe the  notbyng  but  I  wyll  parfourmc 
it  and  God  wyll  :  je  ne  te  prometteray  riens 
que  je  ne  vueil  pas  faire  si  Dieu  playt. 

I  promesse  on  my  faythe.  Je  affie,  prim.  conj. 
I  promesse  the  on  ray  faythe  that  thou 
sbalte  so  fynde  il  in  conclusyon  te 
ajfie,  or  je  te  promets,  sur  mafoy  quaynsi 
le    troaaeras  a  lafyn. 

I  promesse  on  my  troulhe.  Je  créante,  prim. 
conj .  If  I  promesse  hym  on  my  faythe  and 
troulhe  to  be  Irewe  prisonner,  I  must 
nedes  kepe  my  promesse  :  si  je  luy  créante 
destre  loyal  prisonnyer,  il  faut  que  je  tiengne 
ma  promesse. 

I  PROMÎT,  I  promyse.  Je  promets,  conjugale 
lyke  bis  symplej'e  me(i,  Iput.  Thou  shalte 
never  hâve  it  whyle  I  ly ve ,  I  promyt  the  : 
tu  ne  lauras  jamays  tant  que  je  viue,je  le  le 

I  PROMOTE  unto  a  degré  of  the  scole.  Je  gradue, 
jay  gradué,  graduer,  prim.  conj.  Whan 
was  be  promoted  doctour:  quant  fust  il 
gradué  ? 

I  promole  unto  any  other  dignyte  or  promo- 
cyon.  Je  promoue,  prim.  conj.  Whan  was 
he  promoted  to  his  deanry  :  quant  fust  il 
promoué  a  sa  doyennerie  ? 

I  PROMPTE  one,  as  scolers  do  truandes,  or  whan 
they  tell  thcm  what  ihey  shulde  say.  Je 
enclouche,  prim.  conj.  If  thou  prompt  hym 
thou  were  bélier  go  a  myle  on  myne  er- 
rande:  si  tu  lenchuches,  or  si  tu  le  embou- 




ckes,  il  te  vauldroyl  mieulx  aller  vne  lieae 
a  mes  affaires. 

I  PHOMULGATE,  Ipublysslie,  or  déclare  openiy. 
Je  prowxlgne,  prim.  conj.  and  je  publie. 
Nowetliat  it  ispromulgale,  we  maye  bold- 
ely  speake  of  it  :  majntcnant  quil  estpro- 
uulgué,  on  en  peult  hardiment  parler. 

I  PRONOSTYCATE,  I  sliewe  tliynges  to  corne.  .Je 
pronostique,  prim.  conj.  I  hâve  sene  the 
booke  that  dyd  pronostycate  the  comyng 
of  Luther,  twenty  yere  or  he  was  borne  : 
jay  vea  le  tiare  qui  pronostiqua  laduenement 
de  Luther,  vingt  ans  auant  quiljul  né. 

I  PKONODNCE,  I  speke  a  thyng  in  opcn  au- 
dyence,  or  I  speake  out  my  wordes  that 
they  maye  be  harde.  Je  prononce,  prim. 
conj.  It  was  pronounced  and  it  had  ben 
byfore  al)  the  princes  christenned  :  Ufat 
prononcé  comme  se  ce  eut  esté  deuant  tous  les 
princes  chrcstiens. 

1  PHOPHECïE.  Je  diaine,  prim.  conj.  and  je  pro- 
phétise, prim.  conj.  I  can  nat  prophesye 
what  shaii  corne  of  this  geare,  I  am  no 
sofhesayer  :  je  ne  scay  pas  diuiner  qae'cest 
que  en  aduiendra  de  ces  choses,  je  ne 
suis  pas  diuinear.  The  holy  men  dyd  pro- 
phesye of  Christes  commynge  longe  tyme 
byfore  :  les  sajrntes  gens  prophétisaient  lad- 
uenement de  nostre  Seignieur  Jesu  Christ, 
long  temps  auant  qiiil  vint. 

I  PBOPORCTON  a  thynge,  I  make  it  of  juste  mea- 
sure  and  quantyte.  Jepro/)orcionne,  prim. 
conj.  The  thyng  is  very  well  proporcyon- 
ned  :  lu  chose  est  fort  bien  proporcionnée. 

I  pnoscBYBE  (Lydgate)  for  «I  prescryhe». 

I  PROSPER,  I  go  forwarde  in  any  busynesse.  Je 
prospère,  prim.  conj.  No  more  to  you  at 
this  tyme,  but  I  beseche  Jhesu  prospère 
you  in  ail  your  busynesses  and  sonde  you 
your  hertes  desyres  :  aultre  chose  nay  que 
etcripre  pour  le  présent,  sinon  Dieu  vous 
vueille  prospérer  en  tous  voz  affaires,  et 
vous  enaoye  les  desyrs  de  vostre  cueur. 

I  PROSTYTDTE,  as  a  comen  woman  dothe  her 
self  in  a  bordell  house.  Je  prostitue, 
prim.  conj.  It  had  ben  better  for  the  to 

lyve  in  wedlokc  after  the  lawe  of  God  ihan 
thus  to  prostytue  thy  selfe  and  be  at  com- 
maundementof  ail  comers:  il  te  eut  mieulx 
valu  dauoyr  vescu  en  mariage  selon  les  loix 
de  Dieu  que  daynsi  te  prostituer  et  .estre 
au  conunandement  de  tous  venans. 

I  PROSTRATE,  I  castc  my  selfe  grovelyng  on 
the  grounde  as  a  relygyouse  man  dothe. 
Je  me  prosterne,  verhum  médium  prim. 
conj.  So  soone  as  ever  lie  came  byfore 
the  sacrament,  he  prostrate  hym  selfe 
wilh  moost  hyghe  révérence  :  aussi  tost 
quil  vint  deuani  le  sacrament,  il  se/prosterna 
en  tresgrande  reuerence. 

I  PROTEST,  I  excuse  me  that  by  my  sayeng  or 
writyoge  I  entende  no  harme.  Je  proteste, 
prim.  conj.  But  or  ever  I  procède  any 
farther  in  this  mater,  I  protest  that  I 
wyil  nothyng  obstynatly  aflyrme  that  shall 
be  thbught  against  the  ordonnaunce  of 
holy  churche  :  mays  auant  que  procéder 
plus  auant  en  ceste  matière,  je  proteste  de 
riens  ne  vouloir  ohstinéemcnt  affirmer  qui 
sera  contre  lordonnance  de  saincte  esglise. 

I  PROVE  a  thynge,  I  assaye  it  or  attempt  to  do 
it.  Je  esprcuué,  prim.  conj.  I  wyll  prove 
hym  what  he  wyll  do  for  me  :  je  le  veulx 
esprouuer  que  cest  quil  veult  faire  pour  moy. 
I  wyl  prove  whether  the  sporte  be  good 
or  nat  :  je  veulx  essaier  si  le  jeu  est  bon  ou 

I  prove  a  thynge  to  be  trewc  by  shewyng  of 
it ,  or  by  wytncsse  or  reason.  Je  prcuue,jay 
prouué,  prouuer,  prim,  conj.  I  bave  sayd 
nothyng ,  but  I  wyll  prove  it  :  je  nay  rien 
dit  que  je  ne  vueille  prouuer. 

I  PHOVYDE ,  I  make  provysion  of  any  thyng  tbat 
is  nedefuU  or  wantynge.  Je  pouruoys,  con- 
jugale lyke  bis  symple  je  voys,  I  see.  I 
am  provyded  of  ail  thynges  necessarye, 
let  bym  corne  nowe  whan  he  wyll  :je  suis 
pourucu  de  toutes  choses  nécessaires,  viengne 
mayntenant  quant  il  vouldra. 

I  provyde  a  remedye  for  a  daunger  towardes. 
Je  ohuehys,  sec.  conj.  I  slial  provyde 
agaynst  this  daunger:  je  obuehyray  a  cest 



inconaenient.  It  is  a  wise  mans  parte  to 
provyde  for  tlaungers  or  cver  they  corne  : 
cest  le  faict  dang  saige  homme  dobaehir 
QUE  inconueniens  aaant  (juilz  adaiengnent. 
l  PROVOKE  one,  I  styrie  liym,  or  set  hym  on 
to  do  a  thyng.  Je  proiiocque,  je  aiicie,  je 
apposle,  je  stimate,je  irn'te,  prim.  conj. 
and  je  semons,  conjugale  in  elbydde  to 
«  dynera.  It  shall  be  twelve  monetbes  or  I 
wyll  medyll  with  you,  but  and  you  pro- 
voke  me ,  avyse  you  :  il  seroyl  vng  an  aaant 
que  je  me  meslasse  a  vous,  mays  si  vous  me 
prouocquez,  or  aticiez,  or  apposiez,  or  sti- 
mulez, or  irritez,  sur  vostre  péril  soyt  il. 

P   BYFOKE    U. 

I  PCBLYSSHE,  I  biowe  abrode  tydynges  or  any 
other  mater.  Je  publie,  pTUa.  conj.  and  je 
vulgarise,  prim.  conj.  Wban  a  mater  is 
ones  publyssbed,  ihan  every  man  niaye 
speake  of  it  :  quant  vue  matière  est  vnejoys 
publiée,  or  vulgarisée,  alors  chascun  en 
peult  parler. 

I  PDPFE,  I  blowe,  as  one  dothe  ibat  hath 
ronne  fast,  or  as  the  wynde  dotbe.  Je 
pouffe,  jay  pouffé,  pouffer,  prim.  conj. 
Harke  howe  the  fatte  carie  puffeth  :  es- 
coustez  comment  le  gros  vilayn  pouffe.  The 
wynde  pufled  and  blowed  so  faste  that  I 
durste  nat  go  out  of  dores:  le  vent  pouf- 
Joyt  el  souffloyt  si  fort,  que  je  nosoye  sorfyr 
hors  de  la  maison. 

I  puiTe,  I  make  a  noyse,  as  the  wyude  dothe. 
Je  brays,  conjugale  in  «I  hurle,  as  the 
•  wynde  dothe».  The  wynde  puITed  so 
barde,  that  I  durst  nat  take  the  see  :  le 
vent  brayoyt  si  fort,  que  je  nosoye  monter 
en  la  mer. 

I  pufTe  up  a  thynge,  I  make  it  sweil  with 
blowing  it  fuH  of  wynde  or  otberwyse.  Je 
boursouffle ,  prim.  conj.  Se  you  nat  how 
bis  chekes  be  pufled  up  with  drinkyng: 
ne  voyez  vous  pas  comment  il  a  les  joues 
boarsoujflées  par  force  de  boyre. 

l  POIX  downe.  Je  tire  embas,  prim.  conj.  If 
he  can  nat  answere  the,  pull  hym  downe 

out  of  the  tree  :  sil  ne  te  scait  respondre, 
tire  le  embas  hors  de  larbrc. 

I  pull  downe  byrdes  out  of  their  nestes.  Je 
desniche,  prim.  conj.  It  is  a  good  sporte 
to  puH  downe  pyesnestes  :  cest  vng  bon 
passetemps  que  de  desnicher  les  pies. 

I  pull  an  cdyfyce,  or  other  thyng  ,  downe,  and 
make  it  levell  with  the  grounde.  Je  ar- 
rose, prim.  conj.  or  je  desmolie  rasibus  de 
terre.  They  pulled  downe  bis  castel  bande 
smothe  :  itz  luy  ont  arrose  son  chasteaii', 
or  Hz  lont  desmolie  rasibus  de  la  terre, 

I  pull  from  the  roote.  Je  desracine,  prim.  conj. 
And  you  do  but  pull  thèse  dockes  from 
the  rotes  they  wyll  growe  agayne  :  si  vous 
nef  aidez  que  desraciner  ces  docques,  elles 
croysteront  de  rechief, 

I  pull,  I  plucke.  Je  tire,  prim.  conj.  and  je 
halle.  Nowe,  sirs,  pull  a  good  :  or,  mes- 
sieurs, tirez,  or  hallez  a  bon  escient. 

I  pull  or  plucke  a  thyng  to  me.  Je  ottrays, 
conjugale  lykehis  symplejc  trays,  I  drawe. 
The  adamant  stone  puUeth  yron  to  him  : 
la  pierre  de  dy  amant  altrayt  a  luy  le  fer. 

I  pull  a  thyng  asyde.  Je  destrays,  conjugale  in 
je  trays,  I  drawe.  Why  pull  you  it  asyde  : 
pour  qaoy  le  destrayez  vous?  I  pull  asyde 
or  out  of  the  waye  :  je  tire  hors  de  la 

I  pull  awaye  by  force.  Jabstrais  And  jarrache. 
Whye  bave  you  pulled  away  bis  appell 
out  of  bis  hande  :  pour  quoy  luy  aaez  vous 
arraché  sa  pomme  horz  de  sa  mayn? 

l  pull  awaye  a  thyng  out  of  the  waye  by  sleyght. 
Je  subslrays,  conjugale  lyke  bis  symple  je 
trays,  I  drawe.  He  dothe  nat  sleale  it,  he 
dothe  but  pull  it  out  of  the  waye  :  il  ne 
lemble  poynt,  il  ne  le  fait  que  substraire. 

I  pull  in  peces,  as  a  man  or  beest  is  wban  one 
lymme  is  pulled  from  another.  Je  desmem- 
bre, jay  desmembré,  desmemhrer,  prim. 
conj.  He  pulled  him  a  sonder  with  wylde 
horses  :  H  le  desmembra  a  cheuaulsc  sau- 

I  pull  in  ibe  sayle  of  a  shyppe ,  as  marryners 
do  in  a  roughe  wether.  Je  catte  la  voylle. 



prim.  conj.  PuH  in  the  sayie,  I  se  tbe 
stonne  corne:  collez  la  vaille, je  voyt  ve- 
nir lomige. 

Impoli  k>wer.  Je  baiue,  prim.  coDJ.  Pnli  yoor 
cappe  lower,  it  sUodetb  to  hj*  :  baissez 
voflre  bonnet,  il  esi  trop  hauU. 

I  pull  of  a  bridle.  Je  desbride,  prim. conj.  Hos- 
telier,  pull  of  my  borse  brideli,  be  il 
walked  ynough  uowe  :  hotuUier,  detbridez 
mon  cheual,  on  la  assez  promené  majrnte- 

1  pull  oat'a  totbe ,  or  pnll  a  tbyog  ont  by  vyo- 
lenoe.  Je  arrache,  prim.  coDJ.  He  ù  a  eon- 
oyage  felowe ,  he  batb  ptdled  me  out  a 
totbe  and  I  felte  no  payne  at  al  :  cest  vng 
muàstrt  oaarier,  il  ma  arraché  vne  dent  et 
je  nar  point  senia  de  peyne. 

I  pall  out  a  weapeo  ont  of  bis  sbethe.  Je  des- 
gaynt,  prim.  conj.  We  stui  bave  some 
tkynnyssbe  vonder,  tbey  begynne  to  pull 
oot  tbeir  swordes  :  noai  aarons  queifiu  et- 
carmoache  la,  Hz  commencent  a  desgainer. 
He  puiled  out  bis  sworde  at  me  Grst  :  il 
desgajrna  sur  moy  premier. 

I  pull  the  fetliers  ofbyrdes.  Je  plame,jtty  plu- 
mé, plumer,  prim.  conj.  Pull  thèse  partry- 
cfaes,  but  lette  tbe  quayles  alone  :  plantez 
ces  pardris ,  mays  laissez  en  paix  les 

I  poil  np,  as  an  archer  pulletb  ap  bis  bowe 
to  fais  eare.  Je  entoyu,  prim.  conj.  He 
polied  bis  bowe  op  to  bis  eare  aod  sbotte 
at  me  as  barde  as  he  mygfat  drive  :  il  en- 
toyta  ion  are  et  tyra  contre  moy  de  tout  $a 

J  pull  op  by  tbe  roote,  or  poli  out  by  Tyolence. 
Je  arrache,  arracher ,  jesrache ,  or  araser, 
»ni  je  deiracine.  Hercule»,  in  bis  furye, 
polied  np  gret  trees  by  tbe  rootes  :  Her' 
aàe»,  en  safureur,  arracha  Us  oHnret  hors 
de  terre,  or  esracha,  or  deiracina  les  ar- 

I  pall  np  thomes  or  briers  ont  of  tbe  grounde. 
Je  déserte,  prim.  conj.  Yoo  mustfyrst  pull 
op  the  bryars  and  tbe  thomes  ont  of  the 
gronade  or  ever  y«u  begyo  to  tjil  it:  il 

fouit  premier  déserter  ceste  terre  auaul  que 
la  labourer, 

I  POLLYSSBE  (Lydgate).  Je  polys,  sec.  conj. 
declared  in  •  I  polysshei. 

I  POMPE  np  water  by  a  pompe.  Je  tire  a  la 
pompe.  Pompe  a  pace,  for  our  sfayppe  lea- 
keth  :  lyrezjort  a  la  poniiie ,  iiostre  naaire 
prent  de  leaae. 

I  PoacHE.  Je  boulle,je  pousse,  prim.  conj.  Wbye 
punchest  thou  me  with  thy  fyste  on  this 
facyon  :  pour  qaoy  me  boalles  lu,  or  pour 
qaoy  me  pousses  tu  de  ton  poyng  en  ce 

1  PDRTSSHE.  Je/)iuiM,sec.  conj.  I  shall  punysshe 
bym  tbat  ail  othcr  sball  take  exemple  by 
bym  :  je  U  punyniy  de  sorte  que  tous  aaltres 
prendront  exemple  a  luy. 

I  punytehe,  I  stryke,  as  God  dothe.  Je  afflige , 
prim.  conj.  I  suppose  tbat  God  punis- 
shetb  tbem  tbr  tbeir  great  vyce  :  je  pence 
que  Dieu  les  afflige  a  cause  de  leur  grant 

I  pi/hcbase,  I  get  the  propertie  or  poisessyon 
of  a  thyng.  Je  pourchasse,  jay  pourchassé, 
pourchasser,  priva,  conj.  He  batb  purcbas- 
ed  more  landes  witbin  tbis  seven  yeres 
than  many  a  knyght  batb  in  Englande  : 
il  a  pourchassé  plus  de  terres  depuis  lespace 
de  sept  ans  que  maynt  cheaalier  na  en  Engle- 

I  PDROE ,  I  dense  or  make  deêne.  Je  parge  ,jay 
purgé, purger,  prim.  conj.  I  am  purged  as 
cleane  from  thrifte  as  from  synne  :  je  suis 
purgé  aussi  net  de  totu  mes  biens  que  de  mes 

I  POUPTE,  1  make  cleane.  Je  purifie,  prim. 
coDJ.  Tbis  hony  must  be  porifyed  or  you 
occopye  it  in  any  medecyne  ;  il  Jouit  quon 
purifie  ce  miel  auant  que  huer  en  nulle  mé- 

I  POWOSE.  Je  propose,  prim.  conj.  Maa  purpo- 
setii  and  God  disposetb  :  homme  propme  et 
Dieu  dispose. 

1  pcasce.  Je  pouisuis,  conjugale  lyke  bis  sym- 
p\eje  si^s,  I  folowe.  I  hare  pursned  bym 
from  the  oae  eode  of  Englande  to  the 



odier  :  ji«  Ury  {Manvrar  dk  !■■}  («■(  iSm- 
gktunjiofÊa  m  lamhn. 

I  PDRTATE  (LyJgafc).  J*  ftammys,  cooJDgate 
\'j\e  hn  svropieyr  ««vj,  1  sec.  I  hâve  pur- 
vayed  me  of  <i  llijii^  Becesaarre,  let 
hym  eome  nowe  wkut  ke  wjU  :  jrr  a*  «aïs 
fww  ^  iMttt  dtosa  amoMvn,  *«nt- 
jM  nçralkaant  f —t  U  t«mUtm. 

I  PcssHB  «my  ose  firom  me.  Jr  ttê^mlt,  pnin. 
conj.  uid^  rrpabr,  prim.  cooj.  I  came  to 
hym  for  good  «ry(i  and  he  possbed  me 
awaje  as  harde  as  he  coolde  :  j*  mt  a  h^ 
jMrtaawiMaar  «<  i7nr  rrtwrtB,  oraM  rr- 
jMitMi  thtrritn  hnt  tant  ftil/mt. 

I  pusshe  oDC  witb  my  fnte.  J*  ywi>,  prias, 
conj.  and/r  ioair,  prim.  eoDJ.  He  possMI 
me  on  the  breest  ao  harde  «hh  his  fyste 
that  be  made  me  ahmsie  sw«ane  :  il  mtt 
ptmttm  liffrt  àt  na  f<iyy>y  or  la  ^Mrfrtar 
fait  mut  jà  fn$fmi  tSfamsmur. 

I  pasahe  one  on  the  elbowe,  as  k«  his  writrng 
or  doynge  anT  worke  with  hi»  bandes.  Jt 
hfir,  prim.  conj.  Se  bere  came  one  and 
posshed  me  as  I  was  makynge  of  this  \tt- 
ier  :  *Mç^  ri^  fat  ami  rma  ^alrr  caaair 

I  POTKIPTE.  I  conrupte,  or  make  to  stynke,  as 
flesshe  or  f^psshe  Jotbr  whani  it  comp- 
tetb.  Jt  putrtjîr.  Tbis  flessbe  «n»ll  potrifpe 
if  we  taie  nat  hede  :  €*stt  c&aà*  s»  fmtri- 
jSrra  ji  rimu  mt  pnrnmomsfms  fwnU. 

I  PCT.  Jt  awtt,  (1  aift,  aoas  t»mot,J9  mijrs,  aaas 
ag'WKi,  A.  Jar  nvs,  jV  awflrrar,  f*  j* 
rnurn,  wtttm,  ter*,  conj.  and  as  for  the  in- 
d>'ffinYtes  j>  atiys  and  je  wuys»,  Ihooghe 
iber  be  moche  used  with  *,  Ihey  be  ont 
of  the  comen  ruie.  And  jr  rfpaaa#,prim. 
conj.  taàj*  Afw,  prim.  conj. 

1  put  a  backe,  a*  a  man  dothe  his  ennemjre 
that  be  putteth  to  Bigbt ,  or  a  suter  or  one 
that  praaseth  to  coaa»  i»to  a  place.  J*  re- 
laalr.jaf  niamtf,  nitmlir,  prim.  conj.  He 
bad  tboQgbt  lo  Iake  orders  at  tbis  tyme. 
bat  h«  was  pot  backe  :  U  cmidajt*  fr*»Jn 
«in  anb«s  a  tnlt  fyfs,  aiars  U  m  «W  tt- 

I  pat  a  backe  fiaaa  ptnaancjaa.  et  atwaaii 
/ar  dnaaaac^,  Asaancar>  pràai.  «aaj. 

I  pot  a  haaaer  or  stremer  npoo  th«  stafle.  Jt 
MMWMfv,  pnaa»  conj* 

1  pQt  a  wfftnBca  BR^twaMa«bya|{cs.  Jt  dutùtttt, 
prim.  conj.  and  jt  avtt  iifimmtt.  I  eaa 
pot  no  dilweace  faytwena  them  :/(  ar  paît 
pas  A'ia'aila  nuin  rafe,  or  j»  a»  fais  mttttrt 

I  pat  aay  Ayaf^  aboote  me  for  waimeaes$« 
over  the  clotbcs  that  i  arctastame  to 
w«we.  Jr  a^alr^pri».  cnaj.  Put  thn  asan- 
*M  alMote  ytmi^fklit  t*  aiiHiia.  ITte 
good  oMe  «M»  haA  pat  a  maalall  above 
hym  aad  hù  ^oae  lo  charge  :  i»  k«a  ttit- 
faut  stst  ^fmU  immg  wHUttfm  M  Ma  «si  M 
m  hsyUs*. 

i  pot  Dpoo  ooe  a  faute  or  trespas.  Jlt  aw<s  sbs> 
jay  mtjrs  sas.  awttr»  «as.  I  pat  apoo  bim 
lieasoa  :  jt  lav  iwts  sas  tnikisao.  Yoa  put 
opon  ase  tbat  I  bave  borle hym,  aad  I  ne- 
«w  aa«M  h^  in  wij  ijh  :  nms  m»  attUti 
sas^mjthyUiaiè.Hjt  m  k  fis  jamars  m 


I  p«*  aaoMicr,  I  dqiaite  asooder  fc&es;  Jt 
Jtujtnnttts,  coajagate  hfkt  his  v^mple  jt 
jtyufs,  l  joToe.  Sytbe  tber  be  ooes  put 
logfther  by  the  lawes  of  boiy  charcbe. 
i  wjii  nerer  put  them  asooder  :  piùs 
fsUs  saot  mjrs  saswiHr  par  trs  iars  Ut 
mmttt  asylbr,  jt  mt  1rs  itsjayadrat  ja- 

I  pat  mtmj*  from  me.  as  a  man  dothe  a  thjnj 
that  he  w\ll  nat  bave  net*  hpn.  Jt  ts- 
hrrfut,  pitm.  conj.  I  wrll  put  hi»  away 
as  farre  firoai  me  as  I  caa  :jt  Hsshijaiiai 
dt  mtr  tant  ^atjt  pais. 

I  put  awave  a  tfaya^  frsm  m«  that  I  lyst  do 
lenger  lo  k«p».  Jt  Jtjmtrpis,  sec.  conj. 
Aad  it  pieasa  yoa  to  put  il  awave  from 
yoa ,  yoo  shaii  frnde  ynow*  wyll  be  gkd 
to  take  il  Dp  :  sit  tams  jimyi  h  dtgmirpyi, 
(•os  tn  traaarrti  aases  faî  I»  racariUsfaat 

I  pat  away.  or  posaha  aaa  away  firom  aa*.  Jr 
rrtaaia,  prim.  cooj.  T  dyd  put  hyia  awaye 



y  as  barde  as  1  coulde  :  je  /«  nhoaXay  aassi 
rudement  ijueje  pouoye. 

I  put  awaye  from  me.  Je  aliène,  prim,  conj. 
Why  hâve  you  put  hira  awaye  from  you  : 
pour  qaoy  louez  vous  aliéné  de  vous? 

1  put  backe ,  I  set  asyde.  Je  mets  arrière,  con- 
jugale in  «1  put».  He  was  afore  whan  I 
sawe  hym ,  but  he  is  put  backe  nowe  : 
il  estojt  deuant  quant  je  le  vis,  mays  morn- 
tenant  oa  qui  soyt  il  est  mis  en  arrière. 

I  put  bces  in  to  their  hyve.  Je  enrouche,  prim. 
conj.  I  woide  be  loth  to  go  any  where 
tyll  I  had  put  my  bées  in  to  their  hyve  : 
je  nyroys  pas  voulenlicrs  nulle  part  jusqaes 
a  tant  que  je  eusse  enrouche  mes  mouches  a 

I  put  downe,  I  dépose,  or  deprive  a  man  from 
his  digayte.  Je  dépose,  jay  déposé,  déposer, 
prim.  conj.  and  je  depriue,  jay  depriaè, 
depriaer.  I  hâve  sene  as  great  a  man  as 
you  put  downe  from  his  dignyle  and  cre- 
Jyt  :  jay  veu  aussi  grant  homme  que  vous 
estez  déposé,  or  depriué  de  sa  dignité  et 

I  put  forthe  a  queslyon,  I  purpose  a  questyon 
to  one.  Je  propose,  prim.  conj.  He  hath 
put  forthe  a  questyon  whiche  no  man 
hère  can  assoyie  him  :  il  a  icy  proposé  vne 
question  que  nul  icy  ne  peult  assouldre. 

I  put  forthe,  as  a  tree  dothe  whan  it  burjonelh. 
Je  boute  hors,  or  je  bourjonne,  prim.  conj. 
This  eglantyne  tre  putteth  forthe  very 
tymely  :  cest  églantier  boute  hors,  or  bour- 
jonne  bien  matyn, 

I  put  forthe,  as  trees  do  whan  they  begyn  to 
budde.  Je  boutonne,  jay  boutonné,  bouton- 
ner, prim.  conj.  [  pray  you,  se,  this  peare 
Irè  putteth  forthe  ali  redye  :  aduisez,  je 
vous  prie,  ce  poyrier  boutonne  desja. 

I  put  forthe  my  bande,  as  one  dothe  that 
wolde  be  saved  from  failyng  or  holpen  if 
he  be  falien.  Je  tens  la  mayn,jay  tendu  la 
mayn,  tendre  la  mayn,  conjugale  in  Je  Icns, 
I  bende.  Thou  callest  upon  me  to  heipe 
the,  but  thou  wylte  nat  put  forthe  thy 
bande  :  tu  cries  sur  moy  pour  tayder,  mays 

tu  ne  daignes  pas  tendre  ta  mayn.  If  the 
bargen  shall  go  forthe  bytwene  us,  put 
forthe  ihy  bande  :  si  le  marché  se  fera  en- 
tre nous,  tens  la  mayn. 

I  put  forth  my  selfe,  as  one  dothe  that  hath  a 
good  holdnesse.  Je  mauance,  je  me  suis 
auancé,  nuancer,  verbum  médium  prim. 
conj.  Let  hym  atone,  he  can  put  forthe 
hym  selfe  as  well  as  any  man  in  this 
courte  :  laissés  le  faire,  il  se  scayt  aussi 
bien  auancer  que  homme  qui  soyt  en  ceste 

I  put  forthe  my  selfe  in  prease  amongest  my 
betters.  Je  me  ingère,  je  me  sais  ingéré,  in- 
gérer, verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  This 
is  to  boldely  done  to  put  your  selfe  for  the 
amongest  this  company  :  cecy  est  trop  har- 
dyment  fait  a  vous  de  vous  ingérer  en  ceste 

I  put  forthe,  or  expulse  one  out  of  a  place.  Je 
boute  hors,  jay  bouté  hors,  bouter  hors, 
prim.  conj.  and  je  expoulse,jay  expoulsé, 
expoulser,  prim.  conj.  I  shall  put  hym 
forthe  at  ail  adventures ,  put  hym  in  af- 
terwarde  who  wyll  le  bouleray  dehors, 
or  je  lexpoalseray  vne  fois,  mette  le  dedans 
après  qui  vouldra. 

I  put  in  adventure.  Je  mets  en  hazart,jay  mys 
en  hazart,  mettre  en  hazarl,  coujugate  afore 
in  «  I  put».  And  Je  aducnturc,  jay  aduen- 
taré,  aduentarer,  prim.  conj.  I  shail  put  it 
in  advenlure  whatso  evcr  corne  of  it  '.je  le 
metteray  enhazart,orje  laduenlureray,quoy 
quen  aduienne  après,  and  je  mets  en  aduen- 
ture,  conjugale  in  «I  put». 

I  put  in  custodye,  as  thynges  be  by  the  com- 
maundemenl  of  judges  tyll  it  be  tryed 
whether  of  the  partyes  bave  ryghl  to  it. 
Je  séquestre,  prim.  conj.  To  whome  is  she 
put  in  cuslodye  there  whyles  :  chez  qui 
est  elle  séquestrée  ce  pendant  ? 

I  put  in  faulte  or  in  blâme  of  a  mater.  Jen- 
coulpe,j(Vf  encoulpè,  encoulpcr,  prim.  conj. 
and  Je  blâme.  He  putteth  me  in  faulte  and 
I  can  nat  do  withall  :  i7  mencoulpe,  or  |7 
met  la  faulte  sur  moy  et  je  ne  puis  mays. 



I  put  in  mynde,  I  put  in  remembraunce.  Je 
ramenteue,  conjugate  in  «  I  cail  to  mynde  ». 
I  praye  you,  put  hym  in  mynde  of  my 
mater  as  he  gothe  to  beddc  to  nyght  :  je 
vous  prie  de  le  ramenteuojr  de  mon  cas  aynsi 
qiiil  sert  va  coucher  a  nuyct. 

I  put  in  order.  J assorte ,  prim.  conj.I  wyll  put 
thèse  thynges  in  order  and  come  to  you  : 
je  assortyray  ces  choses  et  viendray  a  vous. 
And  je  mets  en  ordre. 

I  put  in  possessyon.  Je  saisis,  sec.  conj.  He 
was  put  in  possessyon  or  ever  I  came 
awaye  :  il  estoyt  saisy,  or  mys  en  possession 
auant  que  je  men  vinsse. 

I  put  in  possessyon  of  any  tbing.  Jassaisonne. 
I  shal)  put  the  in  possessyon  and  I  can:je 
te  assaisonneray  si  je  puis. 

I  put  in  prison.  Je  emprisonne ,  jay  emprisonné, 
emprisonner,  prim.  conj.  He  hath  put 
hym  in  prison  for  yveil  wyll  :  il  la  empri- 
sonné du  mal  talent  qui  lay  porte. 

I  put  in  remembraunce,  as  one  putteth  a  man 
in  mynde  of  an  otbcr  mans  mater.  Je  ra- 
menteue, verbum  de  varie  conjugatis.  Con- 
jugate in  ol  call  to  mynde  >.  I  siial  put 
him  in  remembraunce  the  next  tyme  I 
melc  bym  le  luy  ramenteueray  quant  je 
le  rencontreray  prochuyncment. 

I  put  in  suerty  for  dette.  Je  treaue  des  respon- 
dans.  I  put  in  suerlye  to  answere  hym  at 
the  lawe,  and  yet  he  wyll  nedes  put  me  in 
prison  :  je  luy  ay  trouué  des  respondans  de 
liry  respondre  en  forme  de  loy,  encore  il  me 
veult  emprisonner  sans  nul  remède. 

I  put  in  the  stable,  as  a  man  dothe  his  horse 
or  any  other  beest.  Je  estuble,  and  je  mets 
en  lestable. 

l  put  in  wagcs,  as  workemen  he.  Je  salairie , 
prim.  conj.  His  worke  gothe  forwarde, 
for  he  hath  put  no  workemen  in  wages: 
ses  édifices  saaancent,  car  il  a  salairie  plus 

I  put  in  wrigblyng,  I  put  a  mater  in  wright- 
yng  for  a  more  suertye  for  to  remayne  by 
me.  Je  rédige  par  escript.  1  hâve  wytnesse 
yooughe,  but  yet  for   forgettyng  I  wyll 

put  it  in  writyng:jVy  des  tesmoyngs  assez, 
mays  de  paoar  quon  ne  loublie,je  le  veulx 
rédiger  par  escript. 

I  put  in  ure.  Je  mets  en  expérience,  or  je  mets  en 
trayn.  It  shall  be  put  in  ure  or  it  he  aught 
longe  '.je  le  meiteray  en  expérience ,  or  je  le 
metteray  en  trayn  (tuant  que  soyt  long  temps'! 

I  put  mcate  on  the  spytte.  Je  embroche,  jay 
embroché,  embrocher,  prim.  conj.  Put  on 
thèse  capons  firste,  the  quayles  wyll  be 
ynough  anone  :  embrochez  ces  chappons 
premier,  or  mettez  sur  la  broche  ces  chap- 
pons premier,  car  ces  quaylles  seront  assez 
caitez  tantost. 

I  put  my  trust  in  one  tbat  a  thyng  be  done. 
Je  maltens.  I  put  my  trust  in  you  or  in 
hym.  Je  maltens  a  vous  nu  a  luy,  conjugate 
lyke  his  symple  je  tens,  l  bende.  I  put  my 
truste  in  no  bodye  but  in  hym  and  he 
dyd  begyle  me  :  je  ne  mattendoye  qua  luy 
et  il  ma  trompé. 

I  put  of  a  bridell.  Je  desbride.  Put  of  his  bridell 
and  gyve  hym  a  locke  of  baye  :  desbridez 
le  et  donnez  luy  vng  peu  defoyn. 

I  putofa  gowne.  Je  me  desrobe,  prim.  conj. 
He  dyd  put  of  his  gowne  and  put  on  a 
cote  :  il  se  desroba  et  mit  sur  luy  vng  saion. 

I  put  of  any  thyng.  Je  déballe,  jay  deffuU, 
deffuler,  prim.  conj.  Ro. 

I  put  of,  I  déferre  to  do  a  thyng  to  another 
tyme.  Je  respile,jay  respité ,  respiter,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  délaye,  jay  délayé,  délayer, 
prim.  conj.  It  is  put  of  for  this  tyme  : 
on  la  respité,  or  on  la  délayé  pour  cestejoys, 

I  put  of  my  cappe.  Je  oste  mon  bonnet.  Put  of 
your  cappe  whan  the  gentylman  speaketh 
to  you  :  ostez  vostre  bonnet  quant  le  gentil- 
homme parle  a  vous. 

I  put  of  my  clothes.  Je  me  despouille ,  je  me 
suis  despouille,  despoidller,  verhuni  mé- 
dium prim.  conj.  and  je  me  déshabille , 
prim.  conj.  Content  you  put  of  your  clo- 
thes, for  I  promesse  you,  you  sball  be 
beaten  starke  naked  :  soyez  content  de  vous 
despouiller,  or  de  vous  déshabiller,  car  vous 
serez  batu  tout  nud,je  vous  promets. 




1  pul  of  my  liosen.  Je  me  deschausse.  Put  of 
yoar  hosen,  you  sball  saye  a  newe  payre: 
deschaucezvoas ,  or  ostez  voz  cluuices,  vous 
essayerez  vue  payre  de  neufaes. 

I  put  of  my  shoes.  Je  me  deschauce  or  je  oste 
mes  souliers, 

I  put  on  a  bonnet  or  a  lioode  on  my  heed.  Je 
affuble  or  affule.  Put  on  your  cappe  :  af- 
falés vostre  bonnet,  but  the  right  frenche 
isje  mets  mon  bonnet.  Put  on  your  cappe 
and  sytte  you  downe ,  I  praye  you  :  mêliez 
vostre  bonnet  et  sées  vous,  je  vous  prie. 

I  put  on  a  coyffe.  Je  me  cojffe,  prim.  conj.  Put 
on  your  coyffe  and  lot  nat  your  heare 
hangc  aboute  yoor  eares  :  coyjfez  vous  et 
ne  laissez  pas  voz  cheueulx  aller  au  vent. 

I  put  on  a  cote.  Je  me  cottie,  prim.  conj.  It 
shal  be  ynough  if  you  put  on  your  cote 
and  lette  your  gowne  alone  :  ce  sem  assez 
se  vous  vous  cottiez  et  laissez  vostre  robbe. 

I  put  on  a  garment.  Je  me  vests,  conjugate  in 
I  [  clothe  1.  What  garment  wyli  you  put 
on  to  daye  :  de  quoy  vous  vestirez  vous  aa- 
jourdhay  ? 

I  put  on  any  maner  garment  or  thyng  belong- 
yng  to  my  body  in  a  generall  worde.  Je 
mets,  as  I  put  on  my  gowne  :  je  mets  ma 
robe.  Put  on  your  cappe:  mc((ez  vostre  bon- 
net. Put  on  a  cleane  shyrte  :  mettez  vne 
nette  chemise. 

J  put  on  my  ciothes.  Je  me  vests,  nous  nous  ves- 
tons, je  me  ieslys,je  me  suis  restu ,  je  me 
vestiray,  (jueje  me  veste ,  vestyr.  Wyii  you 
put  on  your  ebamarre  to  daye  :  voulez 
vous  vestyr  vostre  chamarre  aujourdhuy? 

I  put  on  my  bosen.  Je  me  chausse,  je  me  suys 
chaussé,  chausser,  prim.  conj.  Put  on  your 
hosen  at  oncs  :  chaussez  vous,  or  mettez 
voz  chausses  viste. 

I  put  on  a  payre  of  sboos.  Je  chauce,  ot  je  mets 
vngz  souliers.  I  wyll  put  on  a  newe  payre 
of  sboos  and  corne  to  you  :  je  chansseray 
vngi  souliers,  or  vne  payre  de  souliers,  or 
je  metteray  rngz  souliers  et  viendray  a  vous. 

I  put  on  my  shoone  or  slyppers.  Je  mets  mes 
souliers,  je  mets  mes  pantoujfles ,  conjugate 

in  «I  put».  And  je  chauce  mes  souliers  or 
mes  pantoufles. 

I  put  one  backe,  or  I  put  out  of  companye.  Je 
repuise,  prim.  conj.  He  wotde  fayne  bave 
come  Wîtb  us,  but  for  bis  Icwdenesse  I 
bave  put  bym  baclce  :  il  fui  voulentiers  venu 
auecqaes  nous,  mays  pour  sa  vilUtnie  je  lay 

I  put  one  in  auctorite.  Je  auctorise,  prim,  conj. 
A  nian  is  never  knowen  tyll  be  be  put  in 
auctorite  :  on  nestjamays  congnujusques  au- 
tant quon  soyl  aaclorisé,  or  niys  rn  auctorite. 

I  put  one  in  fauite.  Jcreprouche,jay  reproaché, 
reproucher,  prim.  conj.  and  je  encoulpe, 
prim.  conj.  andje  impropere,  prim.  conj. 
and  iV  impute,  prim.  conj.  I  put  bym  in 
fauite  of  my  dellie  :  je  luy  reprouche  ma 
mort,  je  lencoulpe  de  ma  mort,  je  luy  im- 
propere ma  mort,  and  je  luy  impute  ma 

I  put  one  in  feare.  Je  baille  paour.  Hc  put 
bym  in  so  grcat  feare  tbat  he  wcnte  he 
shulde  never  bave  dyed  other  dctbe  :  je 
luy  baillay  si  grant  paour  quil  ne  cuydaja- 
mays  mouryr  daullre  mort. 

I  put  one  in  mynde  of  a  promesse  paste.  Je  ra- 
menteue  sa  promesse,  conjugate  in  tl  cali 
«to  mynde».  I  wyli  tarye  a  whyie,  but 
within  ibis  syxe  dayes  I  wyli  put  bym  in 
mynde  of  bis  promesse  :  je  attenderay  vng 
peu,  mays  auant  quil  soyt  six  jours  je  lay 
ramenteueray  sa  promesse. 

I  put  one  in  possession  of  a  bouse  or  lyvelodde. 
Je  assaisonne,  prim.  conj.  I  hâve  put  him 
in  possessyon,  I  can  do  no  more  :  je  lay  as- 
saisonné, je  ne  puis  plus  faire. 

l  put  one  in  suertye  tbat  stode  in  feare  of  any 
daunger.  Je  rassure,  prim.  conj.  He  was 
never  quyette  in  bis  mynde  tyll  I  dyd  put 
bym  in  a  sucrlye  :  il  ne  fust  jamays  a  re- 
pos en  son  cueur  tant  que  je  leusse  rassuré. 

I  put  one  out  of  a  place,  I  expulse  bym.  Je  ex- 
pulse, prim.  conj.  Wby  bave  you  put  bym 
out  of  bis  bouse  agaynst  ail  rygbt  and 
reâsou  :  pour  quoy  lauez  vous  expulsé  hors 
de  sa  mayson  contre  tout  drnyl  et  raison  ? 


f  put  one  to  charge  by  talynge  great  gyftes  or 
expeiises  of  hym.  Jopprcsse ,  jaj  oppressé, 
oppresser,  prim.  conj.  Be  never  to  bolde 
on  your  good  frende  to  put  liym  to  char- 
ges excedyngly,  for  he  maye  happe  to 
vaxe  werye  of  you  than  :  ne  soyez  jamays 
trop  hardy  sur  vosire  bon  amy  de  le  trop  op- 
presser, car  il  se  pourra  donc  paradaentare 
lasser  de  vous. 

I  put  out  a  scripture  or  any  thing  tbat  is  put 
but  with  the  weatlier  or  longe  processe  of 
tyme.  Je  obliltere ,  jay  ohlilteré,  oblitérer, 
prim.  conj.  There  was  a  writynge  upon 
his  grave,  but  the  weather  hath  put  it 
out  :  il  y  auoit  quelque  escripture  sur  sa 
tambe,  mays  le  temps  la  oblitteiée. 

I  put  out  a  thynge  paynled ,  or  suche  lyke  that 
it  can  nat  be  sene.  Je  defface ,  prim.  conj. 
Hère  was  a  horse  properiy  paynted,  but 
ail  his  heed  is  put  out:  icy  estoyt  enpainc- 
tare  vng  cheual  gentilment  faict,  mays  sa 
teste  est  deffacée. 

I  put  out  a  writynge.  Je  efface,  prim.  conj.  Put 
out  this  lyne  and  take  belter  hede:  effacés 
cette  ligne  et  prennes  meilleur  regart.  Hcre 
is  a  worde  put  out,  me  thynke  :  on  a  icy 
effacé  vng  mot,  ce  me  semble, 

I  put  out  a  wrilyng  with  a  penne.  Je  efface, 
prim.  conj.  It  is  put  oui  agaynst  niy  wyt- 
tynge  :  il  est  effacé  contre  mon  sceu. 

I  put  out  fyre  or  a  candell.  Jestayngs,  nous  es- 
tttindons,  jestayndis,  jay  estaynct,  jestain- 
dray,  que  je  estayngne,  eslayndre,  lert.  conj. 
I  fynde  also  for  to  put  out  a  candell.  Je 
tae,jay  tué,  tuer,  prim.  conj.  as  I  wyll  put 
out  the  fyre  :  jestayndray  le  Jeu.  Put  out 
the  candell  :  estayngs  la  chandeille  and 
tue  la  chandeille.  Bake  up  the  fyre  and 
put  out  the  candell  or  you  conie  to  bedde  : 
meste:  a  poynt  le  feu ,  or  couarez  le  fea 
et  tuez  la  chandeille  aaant  que  vous  venez 

I  put  out  of  auctorite.  Je  dépose,  prim.  conj. 
and  je  desauctorise ,  prim.  conj.  He  was 
baylyffe  of  the  towne,  but  the  lorde  liath 
put  hym  out  :  il  estoyt  baylif  de  la  ville. 



mays  le  seignieur  la  déposé,  or  desauctorise, 
or  mys  hors  de  son  office, 

I  put  out  of  doute.  Je  mets  hors  de  doubte.  To 
put  you  out  of  doute  it  is  so  in  dede  :  pour 
vous  mettre  hors  de  double  il  est  ainsi  de- 

I  put  oût  of  raynde,  or  put  out  of  remem- 
brauncc.  Je  mets  en  oubly,  prim.  conj. 
Whan  a  man  is  deed  ones,  he  is  sone 
put  out  of  mynde  :  quant  vng  homme  est 
mort,  il  est  bien  tost  mys  en  oubly. 

I  put  out  of  possessyon.  Je  dessaisis,  sec.  conj. 
Who  hath  put  hym  oui  of  possessyon  :  qui 
la  dessaysy?  Wbiche  I  fynde  ones  of  the 
first  conjugacion. 

I  put  out  of  the  rule.  Je  derigle,  prim.  conj. 
Whan  a  house  is  ones  put  out  of  rule,  it 
is  longe  or  it  can  be  brought  in  frame 
agayne  :  quant  vne  mayson  est  desriglée,  il 
est  long  temps  aaant  quon  la  puisse  mettre 
en  trayn. 

I  put  ont  of  the  waye.  Jabsentc,  prim.  conj. 
And  I  were  as  you,  I  wolde  put  my  selfe 
out  of  the  waye  for  a  whyle  :  si  jestoye 
que  de  vous ,  je  me  absenteroys  ,ot  me  met- 
teroys  hors  de  veue  pour  vng  peu. 

I  put  oui  ones  eye.  Jecrieue,jay  crieué,  crieuer, 
prim.  conj.  I  put  out  his  eye  :  je  luy  crieue 
loeyl,  He  putteth  out  mynç  eye  :  il  me 
crieue  loeyl. 

I  put  oui  ones  eyes.  Je  criue  les  yeulx.  I  put 
out  his  eyes  luy  creue  les  yeulx. 

I  put  oui  my  breathe.  Jalayne ,  prim.  conj.  I 
wene  be  be  deed,  he  putteth  out  no 
breathe  :  je  caide  quil  est  mort,  il  ne  alayne 

I  put  ïouldyers  or  men  of  armes  out  of  wages. 
Je  casse,  prim.  conj.  He  hath  put  an 
hundred  men  of  armes  out  of  wages  :  il 
a  cassé  cent  hommes  darmes.  AU  the  crewc 
that  was  al  Guynes  is  put  out  of  wages  : 
on  a  cassé  toute  la  creue  qui  estoit  a 

F  put ,  as  men  put  a  case  or  suppose  a  thyug 
to  be  in  the  waye  of  comunycacion,  impe- 
rativo.  Je  pose,  posons,  and  in  ihis  sencc 




I  fynde  prens ,  prennons ,  prennez,  So  that 
they  saye  nat  <  I  put  the  case  •  but  <  put 
«  tlie  case  »  or  «  let  us  put  the  case  » ,  ver- 
bum  defectivum  ;  usynge  in  the  imperatyve 
mode  onely.  Let  us  put  the  case  it  be  so , 
what  than  :  posons,  or  mettons  le  cas  quil 
soyt  ainsi,  qaay  donc  ? 

I  put  the  case,  as  men  say,  ^¥han  thcy  suppose 
in  communycacion  a  thyng  lo  be.  Je  prens, 
prenne! ,  prennons ,  and  no  more  in  this 
sence.  And  je  prens  le  cas,  and  posons,  and 
je  mets  le  cas. 

I  pat  the  towell  aboute  a  karver  or  servers 
necke  that  sball  serve  a  grcate  man  at 
hi»  table.  Je  encolle  la  touaylle.  I  pray 
you,  helpe  to  put  ihe  towell  aboute  my 
necke  vouspfie,  ajdez  a  mencoUer  ceste 

I  put  to  busynesse  ,  I  vexe  or  tioubie.  Je  baille 
a  faire.  I  put  hym  to  busynesse  :  je  lay 
baille  a  faire.  He  hath  put  me  to  more  bu- 
synesse than  bis  heed  is  worthe  :  il  ma 
baillé  plus  a  faire  que  sa  teste  ne  vault. 

I  put  togyther.  Je  rassemble,  prim.  conj.  He 
can  spell ,  but  he  can  nat  put  to  gyther  : 
i(  scait  espeller,  tnays  il  ne  peult  pas  ras- 

I  put  to  the  worse.  Je  baille  da  pire.  You  saye 
he  is  a  lall  man ,  but  ho  is  ever  put  to 
the  worse  :  vous  dictez  quii  est  vng  liardj 
homme,  mays  on  luy  baille  iousjonrs  du 

1  put  up  a  bare,  I  starte  a  hare. 

I  put  up,  as  a  man  putleth  up  bis  knyfe  or 
bis  sworde  in  to  the  shetb.  Je  engaigne, 
prim.  conj.  Put  up  your  sworde,  you  be 
man  good  ynoughe  :  engaignez  vostre  ra- 
pière, vous  estez  homme  hardy  assez. 

I  put  up  a  sv^orde  or  weapen  in  to  his  shethe. 
Je  mets  en  la  gayne.  Put  up  your  knyfe  : 
mettez  vostre  Cousteau,  so  that  j«  mets  is 
used  in  tbis  sence. 

I  put  up  a  byll  or  supplycacion  agaynst  one. 
Je  baille,  prim.  conj.  I  wyll  put  up  a 
complaynt  agaynst  the: je  bailleray  vne 
supplication,  or  vne  plainte  contre  toy. 

Q   BïFORE    U. 

l  QUAYLE ,  as  myike  dothe.  Je  quadlebotlc , 
qaaillebotter,  prim.  conj.  This  myike  is 
quayled ,  eate  none  of  it  :  ce  laict  est  qaail- 
lebotté,  nen  mangez  poynt. 

It  quayleth ,  as  a  mater  dothe  that  gothe  nat 
forwarde.  Il  va  mal.  This  mater  quayleth 
howe  so  ever  it  happeneth  :  ceste  matière 
va  mal  quoy  quil  aduiengne. 

I  QUAKE,  as  one  dothe  that  is  in  an  axes.  Je 
fremys,  sec.  conj.  Se  yonder  beggar,  he 
quaketh  whan  he  lyste:  aduisez  a  ce  blistrc, 
ilfremyt  quant  il  luy  playt.  Yonder  poore 
man, quaketh  for  colde  :  ce  poure  homme 
lafremyt  defroyt, 

I  quake  or  tremble.  Je  tremble,  trembler.  On 
my  faythe  ray  herte  quaketh  :  par  mafoy 
tout  le  coeur  me  tremble. 

I  quake,  I  tremble,  I  shake,  as  ones  bloode  or 
ones  herte  dothe.  Je  tressaals,  conjugate 
lyke  his  sympieje  sauls,  I  skyp.  It  is  nowe 
nat  used. 

I  QOAnELL  with  one,  I  pycke  a  mater  to  hym 
to  fall  out  with  hym.  Je  prens  noyse  aiid 
je  hutinc,  prim.  conj.  He  his  a  busye  fe- 
lowe,  he  quarelleth  with  every  man  he 
nietetb  :  cest  vng  entremetteur,  il  preni 
noyse  a  tous  ceulx  quil  rencontre,  conjugate 
in  al  take». 

I  QUADGHT,  I  drinke  ail  out.  Je  boys  doutant. 
Wyll  you  quawght  with  me  :  voulez  vous 
boyre  doutant  auecques  moy? 

I  QUEïTUE.  Je  délaisse,  or  je  donne  en  testament. 
Hath  he  queythcd  you  any  thyng  in  his 
testament  :  vous  a  il  riens  délaissé  en  son 
testament?  He  hath  be  queythed  me  in  his 
testament  his  best  gowne  ;  i7  ma  donné  en 
son  testament  sa  medleure  robbe. 

I  QDEME,  I  please  or  I  satysfye.  (Chauser  in  bis 
Caunterbury  taies.)  Tbis  worde  is  nowe 
out  of  use. 

I  QDENCHE  or  put  out.  Je  destains,  conjugate  in 
«  I  put  out».  The  water  that  boyleth  over 
wyll  quenche  the  fyre  :  leaue  qui  boult  par 
dessus  destayndra  lefea. 


I  QUESTïON  with  one  for  a  mattcr  to  kiiowe  the 
cause  why  lie  sliulde  reporte,  or  say,  or 
do  a  tliynge.  Je  arraisonne,  jay  arraisonné , 
arraisonner,  prim.  conj.  or  je  mets  a  rai- 
son, jay  mys  a  raison ,  mettre  a  raison, 
conjugale  in  o  I  put».  And  je  oppose,  prim. 
conj.  If  you  questyon  with  hym,  you  shal 
knowe  the  trouthe  :  si  vous  larraisonnez , 
or  .SI  vous  le  mettez  a  raison,  or  si  vous  lop- 
posez,  voas  congnoysterez  la  vérité. 

I  QorcKEN,  I  revyve,  as  a  thyng  dothe  that  fyrst 
doth  begyn  to  styrre,  or  that  was  wyd- 
dered ,  or  almoste  dced ,  and  retourneth  to 
lyfe  agayne.  Je  me  me  suis  viui- 
fié,  viuijier,  prim.  conj.  and  je  reuis,  con- 
jugatc  lyke  his  symple  je  vis,  I  lyve.  This 
plante  was  almoste  dced,  but  it  begynneth 
to  quicken  agayne  :  ceste  plante  estait  qaasi 
morte,  mays  mayntenant  elle  se  viaijie,  or 
elle  se  reait. 

i  quycken  or  revyve,  I  take  bert.  Je  deuiens  vif, 
conjugate  in  •!  corne  >.  Ile  was  almoste 
deed ,  but  he  begynnctli  to  quycken  :  i7  es- 
ioyi  presque  mort,  mays  il  deaient  vif  de  re- 

I  quycken  with  cbylde.  Je  sens  lenfant,  conju- 
gate in  ni  felc».  She  quickynned  on  al 
ballon  day  at  matyns  :  elle  sentit  son  enfant 
le  jour  de  la  tous  saints  a  matines, 

I  oiJïiCHE,  I  styrre.  Je  mouue,  prim.  conj.  I 
dare  nat  quynche  :  je  nose  mouuoyr. 

I  quynche,  I  make  a  noyse.  Je  tynte,  prim. 
conj.  I  dare  nat  quynche  :  je  nose  tynter. 

I  QOïTTE,  I  demeane  my  selfe.  Je  me  acquitte, 
verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  If  he  had  nat 
quyt  hym  lyke  a  man,  they  had  kylled 
hym  amongest  them  :  sil  ne  se  fut  acquitté 
comme  vng  homme  Hz  leusscnt  taé  entre 

I  QDïTE,  I  deiyver  or  set  fre.  Je  quicte,  jay 
quicté,  quicter,  prim.  conj.  I  quyte  hym  : 
j«  luy  quicte.  I  wyll  quyte  hym  for  a  grote 
of  ail  the  dettes  he  oweth  in  Englande  : 
je  luy  quicteray  pour  vng  gros  de  toutes  les 
debtes  quil  doybt  en  Engleterre. 

1  quyte,  I  yeldc  one  his  demeanour  towardes 


me.  Jacquicte,  jay  acquicté ,  acquicter, 
prim.  conj.  And  in  this  sencc  I  fynde 
somtyme je  quicte,jay  quicté,  quicler,  prim. 
conj.  andje  rens,jay  rendu,  rendre,  tert. 
conj.  conjugate  in  «I  yclde».  I  praye  God 
quyte  it  you  :  Dieu  le  volts  vueille  acquitter, 
or  rendre. 

I  QUYTCHE,  I  styrre  or  move  with  my  bodye,  or 
make  noyse.  Je  tinte,  jay  tinté,  tinter,  prim. 
conj.  I  dare  nat  quytche  for  hym  :  je  nose 
tinter  pour  luy.  His  mother  maketh  hym  a 
cokenay,  but  and  he  hère  me  he  dare  nat 
quytche  :  sa  mère  le  fait  vng  nyés,  mays 
qnant  il  me  o(  il  nose  tynter. 

I  QDYTER,  I  shake.  Je  tremble.  The  poore  boye 
quiveretb  for  colde:  lepoure  garçon  tremble 
de  froyt. 

I  quyver,  as  ones  heed  or  other  parte  dothe  for 
âge.  Je  crosle,  jay  croslé,  crosler,  prim. 
conj.  He  doteth  for  âge  and  his  heed 
quyveretb  :  il  se  radote  et  sa  teste  crosle  par 
force  dage. 

\  QDOD,  as  do  well  and  iave  well  quod  suche 
a  man.  Dit,  or  fait,  dit,  or  feil,  that  is  to 
say  the  thyrde  persons  synguleror  plureli 
of  the  présent  tence  and  indiffynite  lence 
of  the  indycatyve  mode,  and  no  more  in 
this  sence.  Prcve  at  the  partynge,  quod 
Rockicy  :  esprouuez  au  partemenl-,  fit,  or 
dit  Rochele^. 

R   BYFOnE    A. 

I  UABATE  a  porcyon  out  of  a  great  somme.  Je 
rabats,  conjugal  lyke  his  simple  je  bats,  I 
béate.  You  muste  rabate  my  costes  and 
themonaye  I  bave  layedout  of  rayneowne 
pursc  :  il  vousfault  rabatre  mes  despens  et 
largent  que  jay  debourcé. 

I  RACE  a  thynge  thaï  is  made  or  graven  out,  as 
the  weather  or  tyme  dothe.  Je  oblittere, 
prim.  conj.  Il  was  fayre  written  at  the 
fyrst ,  but  the  tyme  bath  raced  it  out  :  il 
estoyt  bien  escript  au  commencement,  mays 
le  temps  la  oblitleré. 

I  race  a  writynge,  I  take  out  a  worde  with  a 
pomyce  orpenknyfe,  so  that  I  may  write 



in  the  same  flace.  Je  efface  des  mol:, 
prim.  conj.  Race  out  this  worde  :  ejface: 
ce  mot.  AH  the  worlJe  maye  se  thaï  this 
writynge  halh  be  raced  :  tout  le  momie 
liealt  veoyr  quon  a  effacé  (juelque  chose  en 
ceste  escriptare. 

I  race  a  worde  out  of  a  writyng  by  falshodde.  Je 
faulce,  prim.  conj.  This  writing  is  raced: 
ceste  escriptare  estfaulcée.  This  indenture 
is  raced,  ail  the  worlde  may  se  it:  ceste 
iiulenture  estjaulcée,  tout  le  monde  le  peull 

I  race,  I  stryke  ont  a  worde  or  a  lyne  with  a 
pen.  Je  arraye,jay  arrayè,  arrayer,  prim. 
conj.  Race  oui  this  lyne  with  your  penne 
and  begynne  your  latyne  agayne  :  arrayez 
ceste  ligne  de  vosire  plume  et  commencez 
vosttv  matière  de  rechief. 

I  RAGE.  Je  me  affoUe,je  men  rage,  je  resue ,  je 
forcené,  prim.  conj.  I  never  sawe  man 
rage  on  that  facyon  :  jumays  ne  vis  homme 
senraijer,  or  affoller,  ovjamays  ne  vis  homme 
resuer,  or  forcener  aynsi. 

I  RAïGNE,  as  a  kyngc  dothe.  Je  règne,  jay  régné, 
régner,  prim.  conj.  l  sbail  rayue,  I  rayne, 
I  hâve  rayned ,  I  am  withoul  a  kyngdome  : 
je  regneray ,  je  règne,  jay  régné,  je  suis 
sans  règne. 

\  RAïLE,  I  jeste  meryly.  Je  me  gaudis,  gau- 
dissés,  gaudir,  verbum  médium  sec.  conj. 
He  speaketh  natin  good  ernest,  he  dothe 
but  rayle  :  il  ne  parte  poynl  a  bon  essient, 
il  ne  fait  que  se  gaudyr. 

I  rayle  upon  one ,  I  speke  shame  or  dishones- 
tye  by  hym.  Je  raille  and  je  raffarde.  Haste 
thou  naught  els  to  do  but  to  rayle  upon 
me  on  this  facyon  :  nos  tu  aullre  chose  a 
faire  que  de  railler  sur  moy  en  ce  poynt,  or 
que  de  me  raffarder  en  ce  poynt  ? 

i  rayle  in  bostyng.  Je  me  raille.  He  dolh  naught 
els  but  rayle  at  tbe  aie  house  ail  daye  : 
il  ne  fait  aaltre  chose  que  se  railler  a  la  may- 
son  la  ou  on  vent  de  la  goadale  toalejour. 

I  rayle,  I  straye  abrode.  Je  trace  and  je  tracasse, 
prim.  conj.  He  dothe  naught  els  but 
rayle  hère  and  there  ail  day  :  il  ne  fait 

aullre  chose  que  tracer,  or  tracasser  eu  et  la 
tout  jour. 

I  RAYNE  an  horse.  Jenresne,  enresner,  prim. 
conj.  As  sone  as  we  mette,  he  rayned  his 
horse  and  talked  with  me  a  good  while  : 
aussi  tost  que  nous  nous  entre  renconlrasmes, 
il  enresna  son  cheaal  et  paAa  a  moy  vne 
bonne  pièce. 

Itrayneth.  il  pleut,  ilpluuoyt,  il  pleut,  il  a  pieu, 
il  plouaera,  qail  pleuae,  quil  pleust,  plou- 
uoyr,  verbum  impersonale  tert.  conj. 
Who  wolde  go  out  of  dores  nowe,  seest 
thou  nat  howe  it  rayneth  :  que  iroyt  hors 
de  la  mayson  asteure,  ne  voys  lu  pas  com- 
ment il  pleut? 

I  RAYSON  with  one  in  a  mater,  or  coraen  with 
hym.  Je  araisonne ,  jay  araisonné,  araison- 
ner,  prim.  conj.  and  je  dispute,  prim. 
conj.  I  dare  reason  with  hym  by  waye  of 
comunycacion  :  je  lose  arraisonner,  or  je 
ose  disputer  a  lay  par  manière  de  communi- 

I  BAKB  up  the  fyre.  Je  ratisse  le  feu.  Rake  up 
the  fyre  and  come  to  bedde  :  ratissez  le 
feu,  or  couurez  le  feu,  et  vous  venez  coucher. 

I  rake  any  ihynge  with  a  rake.  Je  ratisse,  prim. 
conj.  Rake  this  corne  :  ratissez  ce  bled. 
Rake  nat  the  cannell  tyll  I  corne  :  ne  ratis- 
sez poynl  le  ruysseau  tant  que  je  viengne. 

I  rake,  I  covcr  a  thynge  in  the  fyre  with  asshes. 
Je  encendre,  prim.  conj.  Rake  this  podyng 
in  the  fyre  :  encendrez  ce  boitdyn  au  feu. 

I  RAMME,  as  workemen  ramme  in  pyles  for 
the  foundacyon  of  a  byidyng.  Je  ramme , 
prim.  conj.  They  bave  rammed  syxe  pyles 
this  mornynge  :  Hz  ont  ranimé  six  pilolys 
ce  matyn. 

I  RAMPE,  I  playe  the  catlet.  Je  ramponne,  prim. 
conj.  It  is  a  goodly  syght  to  se  the  rampe 
on  this  facyon  :  cest  vne  belle  chose  que  de 
te  veoyr  ramponner  aynsi. 

I  RANGE  men  in  a  felde,  or  sette  tbynges  togy- 
ther  on  a  rowe.  Je  arrange,  jay  arrangé, 
arranger,  prim.  conj.  Il  is  a  goodly  thyng 
lo  se  a  ranged  batayle  :  cest  vne  belle  chose 
que  de  veoyr  vne  bataille  arrangée. 



I  HANKER  by  wrathe  or  anger.  Je  rancune,  prim. 
conj.  Never  ranker  in  tby  herte  agaynst 
hyra  :  ne  rancune  jamays  en  ton  cueur  contre 

I  RANKYLL,  33  a  sore  dothe.  Je  apostwne,  prim. 
conj.  Take  good  hede  of  this  sore  that 
you  bave  on  your  Icgge,  for  if  il,  rankell 
on  this  facyon  longe ,  it  wyli  tourne  you 
to  dispieasure  :  prennez  bon  reyarl  a  ce  mal 
que  vaut  aaez  a  la  jambe,  car  sil  apostume 
longuement  a  ce  pojnt,  il  vous  fera  du  des- 

I  RANSAitE.  Je  fouille,  prim.  conj.  and  je  serche. 
He  bath  ransaked  ail  tbe  cbystes  I  bave 
for  bis  beades  :  il  a  fouillé,  or  serchéen  tous 
les  coffres  que  jay  pour  ses  patenostres. 

I  RANSOME  a  prisonner.  Je  rançonne,  prim. 
conj.  I  muste  be  fayne  to  prove  ail  tbe 
frendes  I  liave  or  I  can  ransonie  bym  :  i7 
mefauldra  esprouuer  tous  les  amjs  qaejay 
aaant  que  je  le  puisse  rançonner. 

I  RAPPE  or  knocke.  Je  heurte,  prim.  conj.  VVho 
is  tbat  wbicb  rappetli  at  tbe  doorc  on  tbis 
facyon  :  qui  est  cest  la  qui  heurte  a  lliuys  en 
ce  poynl? 

I  rappe  or  rende.  Je  rapine,  jay  rapine,  rapiner, 
prim.  conj.  and  je  arrable,  prim.  conj. 
Âll  tbat  ever  be  can  rappe  and  rende  is 
lytell  ynougbe  to  marye  bis  dougbter  : 
tout  tant  quil  peult  rapiner  ou  arrabler  est 
peu  assez  pour  marier  sa  fille, 

I  rappe  or  smyte.  Je  frappe,  prim.  conj.  I  sball 
rappe  you  on  tbe  costarde  if  you  playe 
tbe  Lnave  :  je  vous  frapperay  sur  le  coupiau 
de  la  teste  si  vous  faictez  du  villayn. 

I  rappe,  I  ravyssbe  (  Lydgale).  Declared  in  •  I 

T  RASSHE  a  tbing  from  one,  I  take  It  from  bym 
bastyly.  Je  arache,  prim.  conj.  He  rassbed 
it  oui  of  niy  bandes  or  I  was  ware  :  il  lar- 
racha  hors  de  mes  mayns  auant  que  je  men 
donnasse  garde. 

I  RASE.  Je  defface,  prim.  conj.  declared  in  «I 
«  race  », 

I  rase,  or  stryke  oui  witb  a  penne.  Jarraye,  prim. 
conj.  declared  in  «I  race». 

I  RATE  one,  I  set  one  to  bis  porcyon  or  slynte. 
Je  amesure,jay  amesuré,  amesurer,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  amodere,  prim.  conj.  He 
wolde  eate  more  iban  tbrc  and  be  migbt 
be  suDrcd,  but  [  sball  rate  bym  well 
ynougbe  :  |7  mangeroyt  plus  que  troys  uul- 
Ires,  si  on  le  vouloyt  souffryr,  mays  on  le 
umesurera  bien  assés,  or  on  tamoderera  bien 

l  rate  or  cbyde  one.  Je  harie,  prim.  conj.  and 
je  argue,  prim.  conj.  He  ratcd  me  beyonde 
ail  mesure  :  i7  me  haria,  or  i7  me  argua  onl- 
Ire  mesure. 

I  RATCHE,  I  slretcbe  oui  a  lengtb.  Je  estcnJs, 
conjugale  lyke  bis  symple  Je  teits,  l  bende. 
If  it  be  to  shorte  ratcbe  il  out  :  sil  est  trop 
court,  estendez  le. 

I  ratcbe,  1  catche,  I  bave  raugbt  (Lydgal).  Je 
altayns,  conjugale  lyke  bis  sympleje  tayiis, 
I  dye.  And  F  ratcbe  tbe  tbou  sball  bere 
me  a  blowe  :  si  je  te  penlx  attayndre  je  le 
donneray  vng  sonfflet. 

I  HATYFïE,  I  niaynlayne  or  upbolde  an  acte. 
Je  ratifie,  jay  ratifié,  ratifier,  prim.  conj. 
Wbat  so  ever  be  do ,  I  wyll|ratyfye  it:  quoy 
quil  face,  je  le  tenir  ratifier. 

l  RAVE,  as  a  madde  man  dotbe,  or  a  sycke  nian 
for  ydelnessc  of  bis  brayne.  Je  resue,juy 
resaé ,  prim.  conj.  and  je  me  resae,  ver- 
bum  médium  prim.  conj.  You  muste  bave 
bym  excused ,  tbe  man  ravetb  :  il  le  vous 
fault  excuser,  car  il  resue. 

I  RAVïNE,  I  eate  hastely  or  gredyly.  Je  briffe, 
prim.  conj.  He  is  an  horryble  lurtcber,  se 
bowe  be  ravyneth  :  cest  vng  horrible  gour- 
nianl,  aduisez  comment  il  briffe. 

I  ravyne,  I  take  away  by  force  (Lydgale).  Je 
rapine,  or  je  oste  par  rapine ,  declared  in 
»  I  rappe». 

I  RAVYSSHE  a  mayde  or  wyfc ,  I  take  them  by 
force.  Je  rauys,jay  rauy,  rauyr,  sec.  conj. 
tnd  je  entaille ,  prim.  conj.  and  je  viole, 
prim.  conj.  Some  sayd  she  was  ravysshed 
wilh  ber  wyll  :  les  aalcuns  disoient  quelle 
esloyt  rauie,  or  quelle  estoyt  violée,  or  ef- 
forcée de  son  bon  gré.  As  for  jrniaille,  a< 



pour  entailler  la  gracieuse  Helayne,  tbougbe 
I  fynde  it  in  tbe  epyslell  of  Œnone  to 
Parys,  it  is  nat  used  in  comcn  spetche. 

R    BÏFORE   E. 

I  REASON,  [  debate  a  mater  to  and  fro.  Je  pour- 
parle,  jay  pourparlé, pourparler,  prim.  conj. 
and  je  débats,  conjugate  afore  in  «I  de- 
<bate>.  Tbis  mater  bath  bcn  reasoned 
amongst  tliem  lo  tbe  uttcrmoste  :  cesle 
matière  a  este  pourparlée,  or  dcbatue,  entre 
eulx  en  parfection. 

r  reason ,  I  dispute  or  qucslyon  witb  oue  for  a 
n)ater.  3 arraisonne,  jaj  arraisonné ,  arrai- 
sonner, prim^conj.  or  je  mets  a  raison,  jay 
mys  a  raison,  meltre  a  raison,  tert.  conj. 
declared  in  ol  rayson». 

I  reason  witb  one  in  a  mater  to  fêle  bis  mynde 
in  it.  Je  arraisonne ,  jay  arraisonné,  arrai- 
sonner, prim.  conj,  and  in  this  sence  I 
fynde  je  mets  a  raison,  jay  mys  a  raison, 
mettre  a  raison,  conjugate  in  je  mets,  I 
put.  Declared  in  <  I  reason  witb  one  in  a 
«mater».  By  tliat  tyme  tbat  I  bave  rca- 
sonned  a  iylell  vvilb  hym  I  sball  soone 
fêle  bis  mynde  ;  mays  que  je  laye  vng  peu 
arraisonné,  or  mys  a  rayson,  je  enlenderay 
bien  tost  que  cest  quil  veult  dire. 

I  REBELL,  as  subjectes  do,  whan  tbey  disobey 
tbeir  soverayne.  Je  me  rebelle,  verbum 
médium  prim.  conj.  It  is  a  pytuouse  case 
and  tbeir  owne  distruction  wban  subjec- 
tes rebell  agaynst  tbeir  nalurail  lorde  : 
cest  vng  cas  pitoyable  et  leur  propre  confu- 
sion quant  aulcuns  subjectz  se  rebellent  con- 
tre leur  seiynieur  naturel. 

F  rebell ,  as  subjectes  tbat  late  were  under  one 
lorde  and  forsake  tbeir  newe  lorde  to  be 
under  bym  agayn.  Je  mutine.  The  cyte  of 
Mylan  batb  rebcUed  dyverse  tymes  in  my 
dayes  :  la  cité  de  Milan  se  est  mutinée  sau- 
nent Joys  en  mon  temps. 
I  liEBODNDE,  as  a  bail  dotbe.  Je  bondys,jay 
hondy,  bondyr,  sec.  conj.  I  never  sawe 
gonne  stone  skyppe  on  tbat  facyon ,  it  re- 
bounded  tbrise  one  after  an  other  .jamays 

ne  vis  pilot  ainsi  saullcr,  il  rebondit  par 
troys  foys  lunij  après  laatrc. 
I  rebounde,  as  tbe  sownde  of  a  borne,  or  tlje 
sounde  of  a  bell,  or  ones  voyce  dothe.  Je 
boundys,  sec.  conj.  and  je  resonne,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  retentis,  sec.  conj.  and  je  re- 
bomdyi,  sec.  conj.  N.  Agaynst  a  holowc 
place  voyce  or  noyse  wyll  rebounde  and 
make  an  eccbo  :  contre  vne  place  creuse,  or 
caucmeuse ,  la  voix  de  Ihomme  ou  qaelqm 
aultre  bruit  bondit,  or  resonne,  or  retentit , 
or  rebomdyt  voulenliers  et  fait  vng  eccho. 

I  REBGKE^  I  take  one  up.  Je  rcprouche,  and  jV 
vitupère,  prim.  conj.  Ile  rebuked  me  and 
£  bad  ben  a  dogge  :  i7  me  reprouchoyl ,  or 
il  me  vitaperoyt,  comme  si  jeusse  esté  iruj 
chien.  And  in  ibis  sence  I  fynde  je  ledengc, 
and  je  rcdargue,  and  je  défoule,  and  je  in- 
crepc,  prim.  conj.  Whye  rebuke  you  me 
tbus,  and  I  bave  nat  deserved  it:  pour 
quoy  me  ledengez  vous,  or  redarguez  vous, 
or  défoulez  vous,  or  increpez  vous  en  ce 
poynt  et  je  ne  lay  pas  desseruy? 

l  rebuke,  or  set  at  naugbt.  Je  défoule,  je  ledengc, 
and  je  redurguc,  prim.  conj. 

I  RECEYVE,  I  take  a  tbyng  tbat  is  delyvered 
me.  Je  recoys,  nous  recepuons,  je  receus , 
jay  recea,je  receueray,  je  recoy,  que  je  re- 
coyac,  reccpuoir,  tert.  conj.  I  receyved 
but  one  letter  from  my  father  sythe  be 
went  in  to  tbe  countraye  :  je  ne  receus  que 
vues  lettres  de  mon  perc  despuis  quil  sen  est 
allé  au  pays. 

I  receyve  one ,  I  welcome  a  frende ,  I  take 
bym  up  whan  he  cometli  to  make  me  ré- 
vérence after  tbe  mauer  of  Fraunce.  Je 
accueuilr,  jay  accueudly,  accueuillyr,  con- 
jugate lyke  bis  sympleje  cueuiljc,  I  gatber. 
He  receyved  me  after  tbe  gentyllest  maner  , 
tbat  ever  you  sawe  :  il  maccucuilUt  de  la 
meilleure  sorte  que  vous  visiez  jamays. 

I  RECHE.  Je  baille ,  prim.  conj. 

I  recbe  a  tbyng  witb  my  bande,  or  witb  a  wea- 
pen,  or  any  other  tbyng  tbat  I  bolde  in  roy 
bande.  Je  attayns,  nous  attayndons ,  je 
attayndys,  jay  attaynt ,  je  attaindray,  que 


je  attaynde,  attayndrc,  tert.  conj.  and  je 
rallayns,  conjugale  lyke  jV  attajns.  I  can 
nat  reache  it,  myne  arme  is  to  shorte  : 
je  ne  le  puis  pas  attajndre,  or  ratajndre, 
mon  bras  est  trop  court. 

I  RECYTE,  I  make  rehersal  of  ones  saycng.  Je 
récite,  prim.  conj.  He  hath  a  syngular 
memorie,  he  recyted  al  our  hole  comu- 
nycacion  and  myssed  nat  a  worde  :  (7  est 
dune  memoyre  singulière,  car  il  recitoyt 
toute  noslre  communycation  sansfaillyr  vng 

I  RECKE,  I  care  for  a  thynge.  Je  porte  soing.He 
is  the  most  neglygent  folowe  that  evcr  I 
sawe,  hereckelh  (or  nolhynge:  cest  le  plus 
négligent  gallant  que  je  vis  jamays,  il  ne 
porte  soing  de  riens. 

I  recke  nat,  I  care  nat.  Je  nen  ay  cure,  or  il  ne 
men  chault.  Lette  hym  say  what  he  wyll , 
I  care  nat  :  die  ceu  quil  voaldra ,  je  nen  ay 
cure ,  or  il  ne  mcn  chault. 

l  BECLAYME  a  hauke  of  her  wyidenessc.  Je  re- 
clayme,pTiin.  conj.  Is  your  hauke  reclaym- 
ed  80  sone  :  vostre  oyseau  est  il  reclaymé  si 

l  reclaymé,  I  bringe  under.  Je  rabaisse,  prim. 
conj.  He  was  the  stoburnest  boye  that 
ever  I  sawe,  but  I  bave  reclaymed  hym  : 
cestoyt  le  plus  rebel  garçon  que  je  vis  oncques, 

,         maysje  lay  rabayssé  bien  assez. 

I  RECOMFORTE,  I  comforte  agayne.  Je  recon- 
forte, prim.  conj.  I  pray  God  recomforte 
you  :  je  prie  a  Dieu  quil  vous  vueille  recom- 

I  RECOMMENDE  me  lo  a  person.  Je  me  recom- 
mande, prim.  conj.  I  bave  recommended 
me  in  my  letters  to  ail  myne  acquayn- 
taunce,  I  praye  you  do  the  same  forme 
by  mouthe  -je  me  suis  recommandé  en  mes 
lettres  a  tous  ceulx  de  ma  congnoissance ,  je 
vous  prie  de  le  faire  au  nom  de  moy  par 

I  RECOMPENCE  ones  servyce  or  a  good  tourne 
doone  tome.  Je  recompence ,  prim.  conj.  I 
wyll  recompence  your  paynes  and  I  iyve  : 
je  vous  recompenceray  voz  peynes  si  je  vis. 



I  RECORDE.  Je  me  recorde,  prim.  conj.  Whcn  I 
recorde  the  gentyll  wordes  he  hath  had 
unto  me,  it  maketh  my  berle  fuH  sorye 
for  hym  :  quant  je  me  recorde  des  amiables 
parolles  dont  il  a  vsè  par  deucrs  moy,  il  me 
fait  le  cueurfort  dolent  pour  lay. 

I  recorde,  as  yonge  byrdes  do.  Je  patelle.  Tbis 
hyrde  rccordeth  ail  rcdy,  she  wyll  synge 
wilbin  a  wbyle  :  cest  oyselet  patelle  desja, 
il  chantera  auant  quil  soyt  long  temps. 

1  RECOVER,  I  get  agayne  a  thyng  that  is  lost 
or  in  daunger.  Je  recouaers,jay  recouuert, 
recouaiyr,  conjugale  lyke  bis  synipleje 
couuers,  I  cover.  Tbis  tbing  is  recovred 
by  strengtb  of  bande,  but  it  vas  almost 
gone  :  ceste  chose  est  recouuerte  a  force  de 
bras,  mays  elle  estoyt  presques  enuoye. 

I  RECREATE  my  scife  with  some  pastyme  or 
sporte.  Je  me  recrée,  je  me  suis  recrée,  re- 
créer, verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  A 
man  muste  recreate  him  selfe  somtyme 
afterhis  labour  :  il  sefault  recréer  aulcunes- 
foys  après  ses  labeurs. 

I  RECDLE,  I  go  backe.  Je  recule,  prim.  conj.  Se 
howe  yonder  gonne  reculetb  or  ever  sbe 
lowse  :  agardez  comment  ceste  pièce  la  se 
recule  auant  que  de  lascher,  or  auant  quelle 
se  deslache. 

I  RECDRE,  I  get  agayne.  Je  recouuers,  conjugatc 
lyke  bis  sympleje  couuers,  I  cover.  I  bave 
recured  it,  but  it  was  with  niocbe  a  do: 
je  lay  recouuert,  mays  ce  fat  agrant  peyne. 

I  REDE  a  wrilyng.  Je  lis,  nous  lisons,  je  lis  or  je 
lisis,jay  leu,je  liray,  que  je  lise,  que  je 
lisisse,  lire,  tert.  conj.  I  rede  latyn  better 
nowe  than  I  wenc  I  shail  do  frenche 
bence  of  a  yere  :  je  lys  mon  latyn  viieuh) 
mayntenant  que  je  ne  liray  le  francoys  dycy 
a  vng  an. 

I  rede  or  advyse.  Je  conseille,  jay  conseillé,  con- 
seiller, prim.  conj.  and  je  aduyse,  prim. 
conj. Lokewbat you  do,  I  reàeyou-.agardez 
que  cest  que  vous  faictez,  je  vous  conseille, 
or  je  vous  aduyse, 

I  rede,  I  gesse.  Je  diuine,  jay  diuiné,  diuiner, 
prim.  conj.  Rede  wbo  tolde  it  me  and  I 




wyll  tel!  the  Irouthe  :  diuine  qui  cest  qui  le 
ma  dit  et  je  te  diray  la  vérité. 
I  BEDEME.  Je  rachatte ,  jay  rachaité,  rachatter, 
prim.  conj.  and  je  rcdime,  prim.  conj. 
Christ  redeined  us  by  liis  passyon  from 
our  goslly  ennemy  :  nostre  Seiyneur  Jesu 
Christ  nous  rachalta,  or  rackapta,  or  re- 
dima  par  sa  passion  de  noslre  ennemy  espi- 

I  BEDODNDE,  I  retourne  agayne,  or  I  sounde 
as  a  tliyng  toide  mayc  sounde  to  ones  dis- 
pleasure  or  dishonoure.  Je  redonde,  jay 
Ttdondi,  redonder,  prim.  conj.  I  can  nat 
sufier  to  hère  the  thyng  thaï  shulde  re- 
dounde  to  his  dishonour:  je  ne  puis  pas 
souffrir  douyr  la  chose  qui  redonde  a  son 

I  BEDRESSE.  Je  rabille,  and  je  refforme,  prim. 
conj.  It  is  so  farre  gone,  it  wyll  be  harde 
to  redresse  it  :  la  chose  est  si  très  auant  pas- 
sée qua  peyne  la  pourroyt  on  refformer,  or  ra- 

I  BEDODBLE,  as  ones  sorowe  or  a  newe  displea- 
sure  encreaselh.  Je  redouble,  jay  redoublé, 
redoubler,  prim.  conj.  Whan  I  thynke  upon 
his  dethe  my  sorowcs  redouble  :  quant  je 
pence  a  sa  mort,  mes  douleurs  se  redoublent. 

I  REDODBYLL ,  I  doubyli  agayne.  Je  redouble, 
prim.  conj.  It  is  a  sporte  to  se  an  hare 
doubyli  and  redoubyll  :  cest  vng  passe 
temps  que  de  veoir  vng  Heure  doubler  el  re- 

\  REDDCE,  I  bring  a  thing  to  purpose.  Je  ré- 
dige, jay  rédigé,  rédiger,  prim.  conj.  and 
je  reduys ,  nous  reduysons,  conjugale  lyke 
his  sympleje  duys,  I  serve  to  a  purpose.* 
AH  the  artycles  whiche  he  hath  laydè 
agaynst  nie  I  truste  to  reduce  theni  lo  my 
purpose  :  tous  les  articles  quil  a  mys  contre 
moy,  je  espère  de  les  rédiger,  or  de  les  réduire 
a  mon  propos. 

J  REFEi.L,  I  put  awaye.  Je  refelle,  prim.  conj. 
and  je  reboute.  I  can  nat  refell  your  argu- 
ment', it  is  so  evydent:  je  ne  puis  pas  re- 
feller,  or  rebouter  vostre  argument,  il  est  si 

I  RBFiECTE,  as  thcsonne  beamcs  do  tliat  strike 
upwarde  from  the  grounde  agayne.  Je  re- 
Jlecte,  jay  rejlecté,  rejlecier,  prim.  conj.  I 
fynde  also  je  reuerbere ,  jay  reuerheré,  re- 
uerberer,  prim.  conj.  I  can  nat  abyde 
bere,  the  sonne  beames  reflecte  so  sore  : 
je  ne  puis  pas  icy  endurer,  les  rays  du  soleyl 
se  rejlectent,  or  se  reuerberent  si  fort. 

I  REFORME  a  thyng  that  is  amysse.  Je  reforme, 
prim.  conj.  If  I  hâve  done  any  thynge 
amysse ,  I  wyll  reforme  it  :  si  jay  en  riens 
mal  fait,  je  le  veulx  reformer. 

I  REFRAïNE  from  my  pleasures,  or  from  doyog 
of  a  thing.  Je  refrayngs,  nous  refrénons, 
je  refraingnys,  Hz  refraindrent ,  jay  re- 
fraincl,je  refraindray,  que  je  refraigne,  re- 
fraindre,  tert.  conj.  and  refrenir;  one  of 
the  verbes  whiche  hath  a  double  infyni- 
tyve.  He  that  can  nat  refrayne  his  anger 
at  a  tyme  muste  nedes  bave  moche  busy- 
nesse  :  ccluy  qui  ne  peult  refrayndre,  or 
refrenyr  son  yre,  or  qui  ne  se  peult  re- 
fraindre  de  son  ire  en  temps,  faull  quil  ayl 
beaucoup  a  faire. 

I  REFRESSHE ,  I  comforte ,  or  I  renewe  agayne. 
Je  refreschys ,  jay  refreschy,  refreschir,  sec. 
conj.  I  was  very  faynte,  but  this  drinke 
hath  well  refresshed  me  :  jcstoye  fort 
vain,  mais  ce  boyre  ma  bien  refreschy. 

I  refresshe,  I  fede,  or  replenysshe  with  meate, 
and  drinke.  Je  refectionne ,  jay  refectionné , 
refeclionner,  prim.  conj.  and  je  refaytie. 
Whan  a  man  is  well  refresshed  with 
meate  and  drinke ,  he  maye  the  better 
endure  labour  :  quant  vng  homme  est  bien 
refectionné ,  or  bien  refaictié,  de  manger  et 
de  boyre,  il  peult  beaucoup  mieulx  endurer 
de  labour,  or  de  la  peyne. 

I  refresshe  me,  I  take  my  recreacyon.  Je  me 
embas,  conjugate  lyke  his  symple  je  bats, 
I  beale.  I  bave  studyed  sore  ail  this  fore- 
noone,  now  I  wyll  go  refresshe  me  -.jay 
fort  estudyé  ce  deuant  disner,  mayntenàntje 
me  veulx  aller  embatre. 

I  refresshe  my  .selfe  with  restyng  afore  my 
werynesse.  Je  me  deslasse,  prim.  conj.  I 


was  wery,  but  thanke  God  I  am  well  re- 
fresshed  -.jestoye  fort  las,  mays  je  me  suis 
bien  deslassé.  Dieu  mercy. 

I  REFRYNGE,  I  breake  up  agayne.  Je  infringe. 
I  am  nat  aboute  nor  never  was  to  re- 
frynge  your  lybertyes  :  je  ne  iaiche  poynl 
ne  ne  tachoye  jamays  diiijringer  voz  li- 

I  REFUSE,  I  denye  to  do  a  thyng.  Je  refuse, 
prim.  coDJ.  I  deny  bym  bis  request:je 
luy  refuse  ses  demandes.  If  you  offer  me 
reasoa  I  wyll  nat  refuse  it  :  si  vous  me 
offrez  la  raison  je  ne  la  refuseray  pas. 

i  REGARDE,  I  beholde  a  thynge.  Je  regarde ,  jay 
regardé,  regarder,  prim.  conj.  Regarde 
me,  I  beseche  you,  bowe  pytuously  I  am 
intrealed  :  regardez  moy,je  vous  requiers, 
comment  on  me  traicte  piteusement. 

I  regarde,  I  set  by  a  thynge.  Je  tiens  compte, 
jay  tenu  compte,  tenir  compte,  conjugale 
in  •!  holde».  Thou  regardest  no  more 
my  wordes  than  thou  doest  a  strawe  un- 
der  thy  footc  :  tu  ne  tiens  non  plus  de 
compte  de  mes  parolles  que  dung  féstu  sur 
lequel  tu  marches  de  tes  piedz. 

I  BEGïSTEH,  I  put  a  ihyng  in  writynge  in  a 
booke  of  recorde.  Je  registre,  prim.  conj. 
My  fathcrs  wyll  is  regystred  in  the  bys- 
shops  courte  ;  le  testament  de  mon  père  est 
registre,  or  enregistré  en  la  court  de  les- 
glise,  or  de  lesufsque. 

1  REHERCE  a  thyng  that  hath  ben  sayd.  Je  recite, 
and  je  reporte,  prim.  conj.  It  shall  never 
be  rehersed  for  me  whyle  I  lyve  :  jamays 
ne  sera  recité,  or  répété  pour  mojr  tant  que 
je  viae. 

I  REJECTE,  I  caste  awaye.  Je  rejecte,  prim.  conj. 
He  was  ones  rejected,  bowe  fortnuelh  it 
that  he  cometh  thus  in  favoure  agayne  : 
il  estoyt  vnesfoys  rejecté,  comment  aduient 
il  qail  reuient  en  ce  poynl  en  grâce? 

I  REiGNE,  as  a  kynge  dothe.  Je  règne,  prim. 
conj.  Dectared  in  «I  rayne». 

I  REJOïNE,  as  men  do  that  answere  to  the 
lawe  and  make  answere  to  the  byll  that 
is  put  up  agaynst  them.  Je  liticonteste , 


prim.  conj.  He  can  nat  forsake  bis  judge 
nowe,  for  he  halh  rejoyned  :  il  ne  peuU 
poynt  appeller  de  son  judge  mayntenant,  car 
il  a  liticonteslé. 

I  REJOYCE,  I  delyte,  or  am  gladde  of  a  thyng. 
Je  me  resjouis,je  me  suis  resjoay,  resjouyr, 
verbum  médium  sec.  conj.  and  je  me 
conjouys,  je  me  suis  conjouy,  conjouyr, 
verbum  médium  sec.  conj.  and  je  me 
esjouys,je  me  suis  esjouy,  esjouyr,  verbum 
médium.  I  bave  rejoysed  as  moche  at  bis 
prosperyte  as  if  hc  had  ben  my  father 
m£  suis  autant  resjoay,  or  conjouy,  or  es- 
jouy a  sa  prospérité  comme  sil  eut  esté  mon 

1  rejoyse  a  thyng  with  other.  Je  me  conjouys , 
je  me  suis  conjouy,  conjouyr,  sec.  conj. 
and  je  me  lie,  prim.  conj.  and  je  mayne 
joye.  He  rejoyseth  as  moche  at  bis  vyctorie 
as  though  he  had  ben  bis  proper  lorde  : 
il  se  conjouissoyt ,  or  il  se  est  autant  lié,  or 
i7  a  mené  autant  de  joye  comme  sil  eut  esté 
son  propre  seignieur. 

I  rejoyse  me  by  thynkyng  of  my  mysse  lyvyng 
paste.  Je  me  rebaudis.  Though  the  olde 
trot  can  do  no  more,  yet  her  lymmes  re- 
joyse to  thynke  upon  olde  pastyme  :  com- 
bien que  la  vieilU  loudiere  ne  pcult  rien  plus 
faire,  encore  ses  membres  luy  rehauldissent 
quant  il  luy  souuient  de  ses  vieulx  passe- 

I  REYSE  from  dethe  to  lyfe.  Je  resuscite,  prim. 
conj.  Christ  dyd  rayse  Laiar  from  deth  to 
lyfe  :  Nostre  Seignieur  Jesu  Christ  resuscila 
Lazare  de  mort  a  vie. 

I  reyse  one  out  of  bis  bedde.  Je  le  fays  leuer. 
conjugate  in  «I  do».  By  my  faylh,  if  you 
wyll  nat  ryse  I  vvyl  rayse  you  :  sur  ma 
foy,  si  vous  ne  vous  vouliez  point  leuer  je 
voasferay  leuer.  . 

I  reyse ,  or  ryse  up  whan  I  bave  lyen  downe. 
Je  me  lieue ,  verbum  médium.  I  ryse  up 
cvery  daye  at  syxe  of  the  clocke,  if  I  bave 
my  beale  :  je  me  lieue  tous  les  jours  a  «ir 
heures,  si  jay  ma  santé. 

I  reyse  a  thyng  a  heyght.  Je  eslieue,  prim.  conj. 



If  you  fall  you  shall  nat  be  reyscJ  for 
me  :  si  vous  chéèz,  vous  ne  serez  point  es- 
lieué  pour  moj. 

I  reyse  a  thynge  that  lyelh  on  thé  grounde.  Je 
relieae,  prim.  conj.  Reyse  tins  speare  and 
set  it  agaynst  tbe  wail  :  relieuez  ceste  lance 
et  mettez  la  contre  ce  mur. 
,  I  REKE,  as  a  horse  dothe  that  is  laboured.  Je 
fume,  prim.  conj.  Yonder  horse  bath  ben 
sore  rydden ,  se  bowe  he  reketh  :  ce  cheaal 
la  a  esté  fort  cheuaulché  x  adaisez  comment 
il  fume. 

I  reke ,  I  cover  a  thyng  with  asshes  in  tbe  fyre 
(Lydgat«).  Je  encendre,  prim.  conj.  Go 
reke  this  same  in  the  hotte  asshes  :  allez 
encendrer  cecy  en  la  breize. 

I  REKEN  false ,  or  I  reken  a  mysse.  Je  me  mes- 
contCjje  me  suis  mescontè,  mesconter,  prim. 
conj.  I  holde  you  a  grote  you  bave  rec- 
kened  false  :  je  gaige  a  vous  vng  gros  que 
vous  vous  estez  mescontè. 

I  reken ,  I  counte  by  cyfers  of  agrym.  Je  enchifre, 
jay  enchifre,  enchifrer,  prim.  conj.  I  shail 
reken  it  syxe  tymes  by  aulgorisme,  or 
you  can  caste  it  ones  by  counters  :  je  len- 
ckifreray  sixfoys  cuiant  que  vou)  le  puissiez 
compter  vnefoys  par  jectons. 

I  reken,  or  tell.  Je  acompte,  jay  acompte, 
acompter,  prim.  conj.  I  wyil  reken  ail  tbe 
mater  to  hym  as  it  vas  :je  luy  acompteray 
tout  le  cas  ainsi  quil  esloyt. 

I  RELATE,  I  make  relacyon  or  reporte  of  a  ma- 
ter. Je  relate,  prim.  conj.  I  wolde  nat  re- 
late the  mater  otherwyse  than  I  herde  it 
for  ail  the  good  in  the  worlde  nevoul- 
droye  point  relater  le  cas  aultrement  que  je 
ne  louys  pour  tous  les  biens  du  monde. 

I  RELE,  or  stagger  for  dronkennesse  or  febyi- 
nesse.  Je  chancelle,  prim.  conj.  It  is  a 
goodiy  syght  to  se  you  rele  on  this  facyon 
lyke  a  dronken  man  :  il  fait  beau  vous 
veoyr  ainsi  chancelier  comme  vng  yaroigne. 

I  rele  yarne  of  the  spyndeil  or  of  the  blades. 
Je  deuide  la  fusée,  prim.  conj.  and  je  jille 
ou  rouet.  1  wyll  rele  this  spyndeil  or  I  take 
up  my  chyide  :  je  veulx  deuider  ceste  fusée 

auant  que  je  lieue  mon  enfant.'  Rele  this 
skayne  of  the  blades  and  than  corne  dyne  : 
filez  ce  fl  du  rouet  et  adoncques  venez 

I  RELEACE  ,  I  gyve  over.  Je  relaisse,  prim.  conj. 
I  wyll  relece  the  my  rygbt  for  a  halfe 
peny  :  je  te  relaisseray  tout  mon  droyt  pour 
vne  maille. 

I  RELENT,  I  gyve  over.  Je  me  rends,  eonjugate 
in  «I  yelde>.  He  helde  styffe  agaynst  me 
a  wbyle,  but  at  the  laste  be  began  to  re- 
lente :  il  tint  fort  contre  moy  pour  vng  peu 
de  temps,  mays  a  lafyn  il  se  rendit. 

i  relent  or  melte.  Je  fonds,  conjugat  in  «I 
n  meltii.  Se  bowe  this  snowe  begynneth  to 
relent  agaynst  the  sonne  :  adaisez  com- 
ment ceste  neyge  commence  a  se  fondre 
contre  le  soleil. 

I  RELEVE,  I  helpe  or  secoure.  Je  relieue,  prim. 
conj.  It  grevetb  me  to  bere  a  poore  man 
make  bis  mone  whan  I  can  nat  relevé 
hym  :  il  méfait  mal  quant  je  os  vng  poure 
homme  se  playndre  et  je  ne  le  puis  relieaer. 

I  REMAïNE,  as  thynges  do  by  yonde  the  juste 
nombre  and  quantyte.  Je  reste,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  surabonde.  Howe  saye  you 
nowe  howe  moche  reraayneth  there  :  que 
dictez  vous  maynlenant  combien  y  a  il  qui 
reste  la,  or  combieny  a  il  qui  sarhabonde  la? 

I  remayne ,  I  tarye  by  hynde  or  I  tarye  styll  in 
a  place.  Je  remayne,  nous  remainons,  je 
remainys,  je  remayndray,  que  je  remaigne, 
que  je  remainysse,  remayndre,  tert.  conj. 
So  that  be  wànteth  bis  partyciple  prétérit, 
and  ail  the  tenses  that  cyrcumlocute  with  ■ 
the  tenses  of  je  ay.  Suffer  no  fyltbe  to  re- 
mayne on  tby  nayles  :  ne  laisse  nulle  ordure 
remayner  sur  tes  ongles. 

I  REMEDY  a  thynge  that  is  amysse.  Je  remédie, 
prim.  conj.  Whan  I  can  nat  remedye  it, 
whye  shulde  I  kyll  my  selfe  for  tbougbt  : 
quant  je  ne  le  puis  pas  remédier,  pourquoy 
me  taeroys  je  de  dueil? 

I  REMEMBER.  Il  me  souuient,  souuenir.  Je  re- 
membre, je  ramenteue,  and  je  me  recorde.  I 
remembre  vou.  //  me  souuient,  il  me  sou- 



ucnoyt,  il  me  souuynt,  il  mest  sounena,  il 
me  souuiendra,  quil  me  soauiengne,  quil 
me  soauinst,  soaiicnir,  verbum  imperso- 
nale.  I  remetnbcr  you  well  ynoughe  :  il 
me  soaaient  bien  assés  de  vous,  or  je  vous 
remembre  bien  assés.  Wlian  I  remember 
him  :  quant  de  luy  me  recorde,  I  shall  re- 
member hym  so  longe  as  I  lyve  :  je  me 
recorderay  de  lay  tant  que  je  viue. 

I  remembre  a  thyng.  Il  me  souuicnt,  verbum 
impersonaie  lert.  conj.  conjugale  iyke  the 
tbyrde  person  of  je  viens,  I  corne.  I  re- 
member you  well  :  il  me  souuient  bien  de 
vous.  And  je  me  recorde,  verbum  médium 
prim.  conj.  as,  I  remembre  your  sayenges 
well  ynoughe  :  je  me  recorde  bien  assés  de 
voz  dis. 

I  remembre  a  tbyng ,  I  call  a  tbing  to  my  re- 
membraunce,  or  put  an  otber  in  remem- 
braunce  of  a  thyng.  Je  ramenteue,  prim. 
conj.  conjugate  in  tl  call  to  mynde».  I 
shal  remembre  him  of  il  whan  he  gothe 
to  bedde ,  I  wyll  nat  fayle  ;  je  le  luy  ra- 
menteueray  quant  il  yra  coucher,  je  nefaul- 
dray  poynt, 

I  BEMEVE,  as  an  armye  or  the  trayne  of  a 
prince  or  gret  man  reniovclh  from  one 
place  to  an  otber.  Je  dentarche ,  démarcher, 
prim.  conj.  and  in  this  sence  I  fynde  also 
je  marche,  prim.  conj.  and  je  me  deslodge, 
^prim.  conj.  Whan  shall  the  armye  re- 
meve  :  quant  desmarchera  larmée?  Men 
sayethekynge  wyll  remeve  afore  sondaye: 
ilz  disent  que  le  roy  se  deslogera  auant  quil 
soyt  dymenche. 

I  remeve  a  tbing  froni  one  place  to  another. 
Je  transporte,  prim  conj.  and  je  remx>aue, 
prim.  conj.  and  of  this  sence  is  also  je 
transfère,  jay  transféré,  transférer,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  oste,  prim.  conj.  I  can  re- 
meve this  house  and  set  it  yonder  :  je 
scay  bien  transporter,  or  remouuoyr,  or 
transférer  ceste  mayson  et  la  mettre  la.  Re- 
meve this  thynges  ont  of  the  waye  :  ostez 
ces  choses  hors  de  la  voye, 

I  remeve  a  thing  eut  of  his  place.  Je  remue,  jay 

remué,  remuer  and  remouuoyr,  prim.  conj. 
and  je  oste,  jay  osté,  oster,  prim.  conj. 
and  je  bouge.  I  can  nat  remeve  il,  it  is  to 
heavy  :  je  ne  le  puis  pas  remeaer,  il  est  trop 
pesant.  Remeve  you  from  thence ,  my 
frende  :  ostez  vous  de  la,  mon  amy, 

I  remeve  my  selfe  out  of  the  place  I  am  in.  Je 
me  bouge,  je  me  sais  bougé,  bouger,  verbum 
médium  prim.  conj.  Let  no  man  remeve 
out  of  his  place  :  ame  ne  bouge  de  son  lieu. 
I  remeved  nat  forthe  of  this  place  sythe  I 
rose  :  je  ne  me  sais  pas  bougé  de  ceste  place 
despuis  qui  je  me  suis  lieaé. 

I  REHORCE ,  I  grutche  in  my  conscyence  for  a 
thing.  Je  remors ,  jay  remordu,  remordre, 
conjugate  Iyke  his  symple  je  mors,  I  byte. 
I  bave  remorced  more  inmy  conscyence 
than  ail  men  knewe  of  :  je  ay  plus  grant 
remors  en  ma  conscience  que  tout  homme  ne 

I  REMORDE,  I  grutche.  Declared  in  «I  re- 
•  morce  ». 

I  REMODME,  I  reyse  up  (Lydgat).  Je  monte, 
prim.  conj.  and  je  eslieue,  prim.  conj. 
Declared  in  «  I  rayse  up  ». 

I  RENDRE  my  lesson,  as  a  chylde  dothe.  Je 
remis,  and  je  répète  ma  leçon. 

I  rendre,  I  yelde  agayne.  Je  rens,  nous  rendons, 
je  rendys,  jay  rendu,  je  rendray,  que  je 
rende,  rendre,  tert.  conj.  Thou  cannest 
nat  be  assoyled  of  thefle  tyll  you  hâve 
rendred  the  thyng  agayne  :  tu  ne  peulx 
esire  absolu  de  larrecyn  tant  que  tu  auras 
rendu  la  chose. 

I  RENEWE  a  thyng  agayne.  Je  renouuelle,jay  re- 
nottuellé,  renoauellcr,  prim.  conj.  and  je 
reneue.  Spcke  never  of  that  thynge,  it 
shall  but  renewe  an  olde  grutche  agayne  : 
ne  parlez  poynt  de  cela,  il  ne  fera  que  re- 
nouueller,  or  reneuer  vue  ancienne  rancune. 

I  renewe,  as  ones  sorowe  whiche  increaseth. 
Je  redouble,  jay  redoublé,  redoubler,  prim. 
conj.  As  often  as  I  thynke  on  him,  my 
sorowes  renewe  :  tant  que  je  pence  a  luy 
mes  douleurs  se  redoublent. 

I  BENGE,  or  set  in  array,  or  in  order  one  by 


Je   arremjie ,    declared    in    «  I 

«  range  ». 

I  RENOCNCE,  I  forsake  niy  God  or  mayster.  Je 
regnie ,  jay  regniè,  regnier,  prim.  conj.  In 
what  case  stande  they  in  tbat  renounce 
their  faythe  and  go  to  the  Great  Turke  : 
en  quel  estât  sont  ceulx  qui  regnient  lear 
foy  et  vont  au  Grand  Turc  ? 

I  renounce,  I  forsake  my  ryght,  or  lytie.  Je 
renonce,  jay  renoncé,  renoncer,  prim.  conj. 
He  hatli  naught  to  do  withalï  nowc,  no 
more  than  you  bave,  he  hath  renounced 
his  lytle  :  il  na  riens  a  faire  de  cela  asteure 
non  plus  que  vous,  car  il  a  renoncé  son 

1  RENOUME  one,  I  gyve  hym  a  rcnoume.  Je 
renomme,  jay  renommé,  renommer,  prim. 
conj.  He  his  renoumed  for  his  vertue 
thorowe  out  ail  the  worlde  :  il  est  renommé 
pour  sa  vertu  par  tout  le  monde. 

1  HENOWHE  (Lydgate).  Declared  in  il  renou- 

I  RENTE,  I  paye  farme  hyre. 

I  RENT,  I  teare  a  thyng  asonder.  Je  dessire, 
prim.  conj.  and  je  arrable  (Romant), 
prim.  conj.  and  je  deschire,  prim.  conj. 
and  je  despece,  prim.  conj.  He  hath  rent 
my  gowne  :  il  a  dessiré  ma  robbe,  il  a  des- 
cfùré  (is  Pycarte),  and  il  a  despecé  ma 
robbe.  As  for  arrabler  is  nowe  out  of  use 
in  comen  spetche. 

I  REPAYE,  I  paye  agayne.  Je  repaye,  prim.  conj. 
What  so  evcr  you  lay  out  it  shalbe  rc- 
payed  you  :  qaoy  que  vous  debourcez,  il 
vous  sera  repayé. 

1  REPAïRE,  I  amende.  Je  repare,  prim,  conj. 
and  je  refays,  conjugate  lyke  his  symple 
je  fais,  I  do.  I  hâve  repayred  ail  my  houses 
for  thèse  halfe  dousayne  yeres  -.jay  réparé, 
OT  jay  refait  toutes  mes  maisons  pour  demy 
douzaine  données. 

I  repayre,  I  resorte  to  a  place.  Je  maddresse, 
prim.  conj.  and  je  me  treaue  par  deuers. 
Whan  wyll  you  repayre  towardes  the 
courte  agayne  :  quant  vous  voulez  vous 
addresser  vers  la  court?   I   wyll   repayre 

towardes  his  lordshyp  to  morowe  :  je  me 
trouueray  par  deuers  sa  seignieurie  demayn. 

I  REPAYSË  one,  I  slyll  hym  that  was  mowed. 
Je  repayse,  jay  repaysé,  repayscr,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  reqaoysc.  It  is  longe  or  he  he 
angred,  hut  if  he  be  chaffed  ones,  we 
hâve  moche  a  do  to  repayse  hym  :  il  est 
long  temps  auant  quil  se  courrouce,  mays 
sil  se  eschxmffe  vnefoys,  nous  auons  fort  a 
faire  de  le  repaiser,  or  de  le  reqaoyser. 

I  REPARELL,  I  clothe  one.  Je  habille,  prim. 
conj.  je  accous(re,  prim.  conj.  jV  aouriip, 
prim.  conj.  je  appareille,  je  arraye,  prim. 
conj.  Declared  in  <!  apparayle»,  whiche 
is  bct(er  Englysshe. 

I  REPE  corne  witb  a  syckell.  Je  faucdle,  prim. 
conj.  You  muste  repe  this  corne  wilh 
syckels  :  il  vous  fault  fauciller  ce  bled. 

I  repe  with  a  sythe.  Je  iie,  prim.  conj.  One 
may  repe  barlay  with  a  sythe  :  on  peult 
bien  cier  large,  or  faucher. 

I  REPELLG,  I  put  backe  (Lydgat).  Je  repalsc, 
prim.  conj.  He  shail  nat  be  repelled  for 
me  :  il  ne  sera  pas  repuisé  pour  moy. 

I  REPENTE  me,  I  forthynke  me.  Je  me  repens , 
nous  nous  repentons,  je  me  repentys,  je  me 
sais  repentu,  je  me  repcntiray,  que  je  me 
repente,  repentir,  verbum  médium  tert. 
conj.  I  repente  me  of  the  tyme  that  I 
bave  spent  in  his  servyce  :  je  me  repens  du 
temps  qvejay  employé  en  son  seruice.  • 

I  repent,  I  suffer,  I  smarle  for  a  dede,  or  I 
hyé  the  bargen.  Je  compare,  prim.  conj. 
conjugate  in  tl  bye  a  thyng  dere».  Thou 
shalte  repente  it  :  tu  le  comperras.  And  I 
lyve  tbou  shalte  repent  the  full  sore  :  si  je 
vis,  tu  le  comperras  bien  durement, 

I  REPETE,  I  reherce  my  lesson,  or  a  thynge 
that  I  hâve  berdc.  Je  répète,  jay  répété, 
repeter,  prim.  conj.  By  that  tyme  that  I 
bave  repeted  my  lesson  balfe  a  dosen 
tymes  upon  the  booke  I  bave  it  witbout 
booke  :  mays  que  jaye  répété  ma  leçon  vne 
demy  douzayne  de  foys  sur  le  Hure,  je  lay 
par  cueur. 

I  REPYNE,   or   murmure  agaynst  a  thyng.  Je 



iiiargue,je  me  suis  argué,  verbum  médium 
prim.  eonj.  and  je  me  despite,  je  me  suis 
despité,  despiler,  prim.  conj.  and  je  re- 
gimbe, prim.  conj.  and  Je  remors,  conju- 
gale lyke  his  .symple  je  mors,  I  byte,  Tbou 
repynest  agaynst  ail  thynge  Ihat  [  do  :  (u 
argues  a  tout  tant  que  je  Jajs,  and  tu  le 
ngymbes,  or  tu  remors. 

1  BEPLESïssHE,  I  fulfyil.  Je  remplis,  sec.  conj. 
She  is  replenysshed  with  ail  good  maners  : 
elle  est  remplie  de  toutes  bonnes  meurs. 

I  replenysshe,  I  store  a  grounde,  or  water.  Je 
instaure,  prim.  conj.  I  bave  replenysshed 
my  paslours  with  catall ,  and  my  pondes 
with  fysshe  :  jay  instauré  mes  pasturages  de 
bestail  et  mes  viuiers  de  poyssons. 

I  replenysshe  with  savoures.  Je  assouuys,jay 
assonuy,  assouuyr,  sec.  conj.  The  savour 
of  this  muske  is  so  stronge  tbat  I  am  al 
repleflyssbed  witball  :  lodeur  de  ce  musqué 
est  si  fort  quejen  suis  tout  assouuy. 

I  HEPLYE  agaynst  ones  sayeng.  Je  réplique, 
prim.  conj.  Nowe  you  tbynke  bis  sayeng 
is  trewe ,  but  by  that  tyme  you  hâve  berde 
me  replye  you  shall  tell  me  anotber  taie  : 
maintenant  vous  pences  son  dit  estre  véri- 
table, mays  des  que  vous  mourez  ouy  répli- 
quer, vous  me  direz  aultre  chose. 

I  BEPor.TE  me  to  one  for  recorde.  Je  me  ra- 
porte.  I  reporte  me  to  hym  wbelher  it  be 
so  or  nat  :  je  men  raporte  a  luy  sil  est  aynsi 
oa  non. 

I  reporte  a  thinge  agayne,  I  make  rebersall 
of  it ,  as  I  herde  it.  Je  fays  rapport,  and 
je  recense,  prim.  conj.  It  shall  nat  be  re- 
ported  for  me  :  je  nen  feray  ja  nul  rap- 
port, or  par  moy  ne  seraja  recensé. 

I  RÈPBEHENDE,  I  take  one  up.  Je  reprens,  con- 
jugate  lyke  bis  symple  je  prens,  I  take. 
He  reprehended  me  afore  al  the  compa- 
nye  :  il  me  reprint  deuant  toute  la  compai- 
gnie.  And  je  encoulpe,  prim.  conj.  Il  men- 
coulpa  deuant  toute  la  comptiignie. 

1  BEPRESENT,  I  s'ande  in  the  slede  of  a  person, 
or  thyng.  Je  représente,  prim.  conj.  Thoughe 
you  can  nat  fyndc  in  your  herte  to  honour 

hym  for  his  owne  sake,  yet  esleme  him 
for  the  parsounage  he  dothe  represent  : 
combien  que  vous  ne  daignez  pus  Ihonorer 
pour  lamour  de  luy  mesmes,  encore  estimez  le 
pour  lamour  du  personnaige  quil  représente. 

I  nEPBESSE,  I  put  under,  I  thrust  downe.  Je 
reprime,  prim.  conj.  And  this  geare  be 
nat  repressed  by  tyme ,  it  wyll  be  wronge  : 
si  on  ne  reprime  ces  choses  de  bonne  heure, 
il  yra  mal. 

I  BEPREVE  one.  Je  reprouche,  and  reprouve,  je 
attayns,je  chalenge,je  ledenge,je  càlenge, 
and  je  redargue,  prim.  conj.  And  you  loved 
him ,  you  wolde  never  bave  repreved  hym 
thus  sore  afore  folke  :  si  vous  leussiez  aymé, 
vous  ne  leussiez  jamays  tant  reprouche,  or 
rrprouué,  or  ledengé,  or  chalengé,  or  redar- 
gue deuant  les  gens. 

I  BEPUGNE,  1  gayne  say  a  thyng.  Je  répugne, 
prim.  conj.  1  wyll  never  répugne  agaynst 
hym,  wbyle  I  lyve  :  jamays  ne  repugneray 
contre  luy  tant  que  je  viue. 

I  BEPPTE,  I  estyme,  or  judge.  Je  repute,  jay 

réputé,  reputer,  prim.  conj.  I  ever  reputed 

hym  for  one  of  the  mosl  bonest  men  lyv- 

yng  ;  je  te   reputoye  tousjours  pour  vng  de 

'  plus  gens  de  bien  viuans. 

I  BEQDYRE,  I  desyre,  or  prayc  one  to  do  a 
thyng.  Je  requiers ,  conjugale  lyke  his 
symple  je  quiers,  I  seke.  I  pray  him  :  je 
luy  requiers.  I  requyre  you  for  Goddes 
sake  to  forgyve  me  :  je  vous  requiers  pour 
lamour  de  Dieu  de  me  pardonner. 

I  REQDEBE  (Lydgat)  in  «I  requyre». 

I  BEBE  up,  I  set  up  a  thynge.  Je  dresse,  priai, 
conj.  It  is  a  great  deale  longer  than  one 
wolde  bave  thought  it  afore  it  was  reared 
up  :  il  est  beaucoup  plus  long  quon  nrut 
pencé  aaant  quil  fut  dressé. 

I  BESCDE  one  out  of  daunger,  or  from  liis  ene- 
myes.  Je  secours,  conjugale  lyke  his  symple 
je  cours,  I  ronne.  And  he  be  nat  rescued, 
bc  shal  be  laken  prisonner  :  si  nest  poynt 
secouru,  il  sera  prins  prisonnier.  And  je 
rescous ,  rescourre,  and  no  more  of  this 



I  RESERVE,  I  kepe  a  thing  behynde,  or  in  store. 
Je  reseme,  jay  reseraé,  rcseraer,  prim. 
conj.  It  is  good  lo  be  lyberall  but  ever 
reserve  somwhat  to  your  selfe  :  il  fait  bon 
estre  libéral,  mais  resemez  tousjours  quelque 
chose  pour  vous  mcsmes. 

I  BESKEWE,  I  socourc  onc  from  daunger.  Je 
rescoae,  prim.  conj.  and  je  secours,  de- 
ciared  in  <  I  rescue  ». 

I  RESEMBLE,  I  am  lyke  to  one  in  sbappe,  in 
favoure ,  or  condiscyons.  Je  rcsfmble,  prim. 
CODJ.  It  is  nat  he  but  he  resembleth  hym 
moche  :  ce  nesl  pas  luj,  majs  il  luy  resemble 
fort.  I  resemble  bim  :  je  luj  resemble. 
Dativo  jungitur. 

I  RESïNE  up  my  rommc,  or  myne  oflfyce.  Je 
résigne,  prim.  conj.  He  balb  resyned  up 
bis  offyce  and  wyll  kepe  it  no  longer  :  i7 
a  résigné  son  office  et  ne  le  teult  plus  garder. 
He  is  contented  to  resyne,  but  be  de- 
maundetb  to  great  a  peucyon  :  il  est  con- 
tent de  résigner,  mays  il  demande  trop  grant 

I  RESysTE  a  thyng,  I  gayne  stande  it.  Je  résiste, 
jay  résisté,  résister,  prim.  conj.  I  bere 
say  be  intendetb  to  take  possessyon  liere 
agaynst  my  wyll ,  but  he  sball  be  resysted  : 
je  os  dire  quil  est  délibéré  de  prendre  pos- 
session icy  contre  mon  gré,  mays  on  luy 
résistera.  Dativo  jungitur. 

I  RESOLVE,  I  lose  thynges,  or  melte  them,  or 
parte  tbynges  asonder.  Je  résolue,  prim. 
conj.  This  métal  1  can  nat  be  resolved 
without  a  marvaylious  sharpe  fyre  :  ce  mé- 
tal ne  peult  estre  résolue  sans  vng  grant  feu. 

I  RESOBTE ,  I  come  often ,  or  I  come  agayne  to 
a  place.  Je  ressors,  nous  resortons,  je  re- 
soTtys,jay  resorty,  je  resortiray,  que  je  re- 
torte,  resortir,  tert.  conj.  and  je  repaire, 
jay  repaire,  repairer,  prim.  conj.  and  je 
conuerse,  prim.  conj.  and  Je  hante,  prim. 
conj.  I  wyll  resorte  thyder  no  more,  if 
the  bouse  be  no  bonestar  ne  y  resor- 
lyray  plus,  si  la  maison  ne  soyt  plus  ho- 
neste.  Hère  sbai  you  bere  of  hym ,  for  he 
resortetb  bytber  often  :  icy  orrez  vous  de 

luy  nouuelles,  car  il  repaire,  or  conuerse, 
or  repare  ciens  souuent. 

I  resorte  to  a  person,  I  go  to  him  for  maters 
I  bave  to  do.  Je  me  treaue  par  deuers ,  je 
me  sais  iromié  par  deuers,  trouuer  par  de- 
ners.  I  wyll  resorte  to  hym  to  morowe  for 
your  causé  :je  me  troaueray  par  deuers  luy 
demayn  pour  vostre  affaire. 

I  RESowNDE,  as  the  sounde  of  an  instrument, 
or  a  borne  soundeth  agayne  to  a  mannes 
eare.  Je  rcssonne,  jay  ressonné,  ressonner, 
prim.  conj.  Harkc  howe  this  borne  re- 
soundeth  :  cscoutez  comment  ce  cor  ressonné. 

I  RESPTTE  one,  I  gyve  hym  space,  or  I  diOer 
the  tyme  to  do  a  thyng,  or  put  it  for  a 
tyme.  Je  respile ,  jay  respitè ,  respiter, 
prim.  conj.  I  niaye  weli  respyte  hym  for 
a  whyle  but  he  shail  paye  it  every  penny  : 
je  le  pais  bien  respiter  pour  vng  peu,  mays 
il  le  payera  jusqnes  au  dernier  denier, 

I  RESTE,  as  a  sergente  dothe  a  prisoner,  or  bis 
goodes.  Je  arreste,  prim.  conj.  He  bath 
resied  me  for  a  mater  that  is  nat  worthe 
a  grote,  to  make  this  in  frenche  by  the 
sargent  that  dothe  the  acte  :  il  me  a  ar- 
reste: but  if  we  meane  hym  that  causetb 
it  to  be  donc  :  il  ma  fait  arrester  pour  vne 
matière  qui  ne  vaalt  pas  vng  gros. 

I  REEST,  1  waxe  of  yll  tasle,  as  bacon  dothe. 

I  REST,  I  ieane  upon  a  thing  wllh  myne  el- 
bowes.  Je  me  appuyé,  verbum  médium 
prim.  conj.  You  may  rest  you  bere  a 
while  in  this  wyndowe  :  vous  vous  pouez 
icy  appuyer  vng  peu  en  ceste  fenestre. 

I  rest,  I  leave  of  or  cease.  Je  cesse,  prim.  conj. 
and  je  me  acquieste,  verbum  médium 
prim.  conj.  The  felowe  bath  a  straunge 
disease ,  for  it  never  ceaseth  nouther  daye 
nor  nygbt  :  Ihomme  a  vne  estrange  maladye, 
car  jamays  ne  cesse,  or  jamais  ne  se  ac- 
quesle  ne  jour  ne  nuyct. 

l  rest,  I  leave,  or  remayne.  Je  reste,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  demeure,  prim,  conj.  Al  that 
resteth,  take  it  for  your  selfe  :  tout  tant 
qui  reste,  or  tout  tant  qui  demeure,  prenez 
le  pour  vous  mesmes. 


I  rest  me,  I  sytte  in  a  chayre,  or  seate.  Je 
massiege,  verbum    médium   prim.    conj. 
You  maye  rest  you  liere  tyll  he  come  : 
vous    vous   poucz    icy    assiéger    tant    qml 
I  rest,  I  take  my  rest.  Je  me  repose,  verbum 
médium  prim.  conj.  I  am  wery,  I  wyli 
rest  me  hère  tyll  to  morowe  suis  las, 
je  me  reposeray  icy  jusques  a  demayn. 
1  rest,  or  conclude,  or  byde  upon  a  thyng.  Je 
me  arreste.  Also  I  fynde  je  me  surreste, 
verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  Wyll   you 
rest  hère   upon  than  :  vous  voulez  vous 
arrester,  or  surrester  a  cecy  dongues. 
I  RESTïTOE,  I  restore.  Je  restitue,  prim.  conj. 
This  worde  is  nat   yet  used  in  comen 
I  RESTORE  a  mater,  or  processe  tbat  was  mysse 
handled  to  the  Crst  case  it  was  in,  or  a 
man,   that   is  deposed,  to   bis  formore 
eslate.  Je  réintègre,  prim,  conj.  His  pro- 
cesse wasalmoste  lost,  but  he  is  restored 
agayne  :  son  procès  estoyt  presgues  perdu, 
mays  il  est  a  ceste  heure  réintégré. 
I  restore ,  I  yeide  a  thing  agayne.  Je  rends, 
jay  rendu ,  rendre ,  conjugat  in  il  yclde». 
And  je  restitue,  prim.  conj.  He  sball  res- 
tore hym  ail  bis  goodes  agayne  ;  il  luy 
rendra,  or  restituera  tous  ses  biens.  Dativo 
I  restore  one   to  bis  strength  and  heltbe.  Je 
restaure,   prim.  conj.  and  je   reuigoure, 
prim.  conj.  The  man  is  brougbt  very  lowe, 
be   bad  nede  to  restore   hym  agayne  : 
Ihomme  est  fort  ajfoihly,  il  luy  est  bien  mes- 
tier  de  manger  de  bonneu  viandes  pour  le  res- 
taurer, or  pour  le  reuigoarer. 
I  RESTBAYNE  one  of  thcir  lybertye.  Je  restrains, 
conjugate  lykej'e  constrayns,  and  je  cohibe. 
It  is  a  sore  thyng  to  restrayne  a  man  of 
bis  libertye  :  cest  vne  dure  chose  que  de 
restraindre  vng  homm4  de  sa  liberté,  or  de  le 
cohibcr  de  sa  liberté. 
I  RESDME,  I  take  agayne.  Je  résume,  prim.  conj. 
I  wyll  résume  in  to  my  bandes  agayne  ail 
the  gyftes  tbat  niy  father  gave  two  yere 



afqre   be  dyed  :  je   resumeray  entre  mes 
mayns  tous  les  octroys  que  mon  père  jit  deux 
ans  aaant  quil  mourut. 
I  RETCHE  with  a  weapen  or  witb  my  bande. 
Je  attains,  attaindre,  and  je  ratayns,  de- 
clared  in  «I  reache  a  thynge». 
I  RETAïNE  one  in  my  servyce,  or  I  holde  hym. 
Je  retiens,  conjugate  iyke  his  sympleje 
tiens,  I  holde.  I  bave  retayned  hym  in 
my  servyce  lay  retenu  en  mon  seraice. 
I  RETOURNE,  I  come  agayne.   Je  me  retourne, 
je  me  suis  retourné,  prim.  conj.  He  is  gone, 
God  spede  hym ,  God  wotteth   wban  he 
sbal  retourne  agayne  :  il  sen  est  allé.  Dieu 
soyt  auecques  lay.  Dieu  scayt  quant  il  sen 
I  RETBEVE,  I  fynde  agayne,  as  boundes  do 
their  game,  or  suche  Iyke.  Je  retrouue , 
prim.  conj.  It  is  a  goode  hounde,  for  he 
wyll  retreve  the  best  that  ever  I  sawe  : 
cest  vng  bon  chien,  car  il  retrouae  le  mieabc 
que  je  vis  jamays. 
I  REVB,  I  take  awaye.  Je  oste,  prim.  conj.  and 
je  deprede,  prim.  conj.  and  je   desrobbe, 
prim.  conj.  He  robbeth  and  reveth  from 
ail  men  without  any  conscyence  :  il  de- 
robbe  et  oste  a  tous,  or  il  deprede  a  tous 
sans  nulle  conscience. 
I  REWE,  I  pytie  or  bave  compassion  on  one. 
Pityé  me  prent  de.  I  rewe  bim  as  moche 
as  any  man  that  ever  I  knewe  :  pitié  me 
prent  autant  de  luy  que  dhomme  que  je  con- 
gnus  jamays. 
I  REWALL,  I  governe  (Lydgate). 
I  REVELL ,  I  kepe  yll  rule  by  nygbt.  Je  me  re- 
ueille.  He  revelleth   every  nygbt  to  myd- 
nyght  :  il  se  reueille  toutes  les  nuycts  jus- 
ques a  mynuyct. 
I  réveil,  I  ryot  by  day  tyme.  Je  raude,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  brigue,  prim.  conj.  He  dotbe 
naught  els  but  réveil  ail  day  :  il  ne  fait 
riens  aultre  chose  que  rauder,  orque  briguer 
toute  jour, 
I  REVENGE  me  of  a  displeasure  donc  to  me.  Je 
me  reuenche,  verbum  médium  prim.  conj. 
and  je  me  reuenge.  Who  »o  ever  doth  me 


a  displeasure ,  I  wyll  revenge  me  and  I 
eau  :  qui  que  soit  qui  me  fait  vng  desplaisir, 
je  me  reuencheray,  or  je  me  reuengeraj  si  je 

I  REVERENCE  or  honour  one  properly  as  we  do 
God.  Je  adore,  prim.  conj.  It  is  a  joy  to 
aay  good  subjecl  to  se  bovve  our  prince 
reverenselh  almygthy  God  :  il  peult  faire 
joye  a  tous  bons  sabjecfz  de  veojr  leur  prince 
adorer  nostre  Seigneur. 

I  révérence,  or  do  obeyssaunce  or  bonour  to 
any  other  person,  or  niake  curtesye  to 
him.  Je  fais  la  reuerence  ,fajre  la  reuerence. 
And  je  reuerende,jaj  reuerendé,  reuerender, 
prim.  conj.  and  je  reuerendis,  sec.  conj.  1 
bave  ever  reverenced  him  accordyng  to 
mydutye,  but  I  coulde  never  be  in  bis 
favoure  :  je  luy  ay  tousjours  fait  la  reue- 
rence, or  je  lay  reuerendé,  or  je  le  reue- 
rendys,  mays  je  ne  pouoye  jamays  estre  en 
sa  grâce. 

I  REVERSE,  I  tourne  backwarde,  or  I  throwe 
backwarde.  Je  reuerse,  prim.  conj.  Tbe 
thynge  went  forwarde  a  whyle  marvayl- 
lously ,  but  nowe  it  is  reversed  we  wotte 
nat  bowe  :  la  chose  sauancoyt  pour  vng  peu 
de  temps  meraailleasemcnt ,  mays  mayntenant 
eUe  est  reuersée  et  nous  ne  saaons  pas  com- 

I  BEVET  a  nayle.  Je  riae,  prim.  conj.  Ryvet  tbis 
nayle  and  than  it  wyll  bolde  faste  :  riuez 
ce  clou  et  alors  il  tiendra  ferme. 

I  REVTLE  or  set  at  naugbt.  Je  vilipende,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  vilennye,  and  je  ledenge,  prim. 
conj.  He  is  a  marvayiouse  hastye  man  in 
bis  fume,  he  revyled  me  and  I  bad  ben  a 
dogge  :  il  est  horriblement  hastyf  en  son 
courroux,  il  me  vilipendoyt,  or  il  me  le- 
dengoyt  comme  si  je  eusse  esté  vng  chien. 

[  REVYVE,  I  corne  to  iyfe  agayne.  Je  reaiens, 
conjugate  lyke  bis  symple  je  viens,  l  come. 
And  je  me  viuifie,  prim.  conj.  andje  reuis, 
conjugate  lyke  bis  symple  je  vis,  I  lyve. 
He  is  in  suche  a  swounde  that  I  wene  be 
wyll  never  revyve  agayne  :  il  est  tellement 
espausmé  que  je  cuide  quil  ne  reuiendra  ja- 


mays,  or  quil  ne  se  viuijiera  jamays ,  or  quil 
ne  remuera  jamays. 

I  REVOKE ,  r  cali  my  dede  or  Vf orde  agayne.  Je 
reuocque,  prim.  conj.  I  am  but  a  poore 
man ,  but  and  I  saye  a  tbyng  I  wyll  never 
revoke  it  :  je  ne  suis  qung  poure  homme, 
mays  si  je  dis  vne  chose  ,  je  ne  la  reuocque- 
ray  jamays. 

I  REVOLVE  a  tbyng,  I  call  it  to  my  remem- 
braunce.  Je  reuolue,jay  reuolué,  reaolaer, 
prim.  conj.  I  am  sure  I  revolved  in  my 
mynde  that  nyght  a  bundred  sondrye 
thynges  :  je  me  fais  fort  que  je  reuolaay  en 
mon  entendement  ceste  nuyclée  la  cent  choses 

I  REWAivDE.  Je  guerdonne ,  jay  guerdonné ,  guer- 
donner,  prim.  conj.  and  je  rens  guerdon, 
and  je  rémunère,  andje  recompence,  and  je 
reguerdonne,  and  je  salière,  prim.  conj. 
Who  so  ever  do  for  hym  sball  be  byghiy 
rewarded  :  qui  que  soyt  qui  face  pour  luy, 
il  sera  haultement  guerdonné,  or  rémunéré, 
or  recompence,  or  saleré. 

I  rewarde  one  for  bis  labours  tbat  I  covenaunt 
witb.  Je  saUre,  prim.  conj.  I  graunte  you 
be  bath  laboured  sore ,  but  I  bave  well 
rewarded  bym  for  his  payne  ;  je  veulx 
bien,  or  je  vous  concède  quil  a  fort  trauaillé, 
mays  je  lay  bien  saleré  pour  sa  peyne, 

I  REWE,  I  repente.  Je  merepens,  conjugate  in 
«I  repenti).  Thou  shalte  rue  it  fuU  sore 
and  I  lyve  :  ta  ten  repentiras  très  durement 
si  je  vis. 

I  rcwe,  I  pytie  or  bave  compassion  of  one, 
declared  afore  in  kI  rewe,  I  pytie». 

R    BÏFORE   I. 

I  RYAT.  Je  me  gouuerne  mal,  andje  me  reueiUe, 
and  je  suis  de  mauluays  gouuernement.  He 
is  a  ryatouse  felowe  :  il  est  de  mauluays 
gouuernement,  or  il  se  gouuerne  mal. 

I  RïDDE  busynesse  tbat  I  bave  in  bande,  I  do 
it  quyckly.  Je  exploicte,  prim.  conj.  He  is 
a  quicke  workeman ,  be  can  rydde  more 
worke  in  an  boure  than  some  can  do  in 
twayne  :  il  est  vng  habille  ouurier,  il  peult 



plus  exployter  de  besoignes  en  vite  heure 
qung  aultre  ne  scayt  en  deux. 
I  RYDE  upon  a  horse  or  mule.  Je  cheuaulche, 
jaj  cheuaulché,  cheuaulcher,  fnm.  conj.  He 
rydeth  well  and  clene  :  il  cheuaulche  bien 
et  net,  How  farre  hâve  you  rydden  to 
day  :  combien  auex  vous  chevaulché  aujour- 
dhuy  ? 

I  RïDDE,  r  delyver  one  out  of  a  trouble  or 
daunger.  Je  ^ui'tfej  prim.  conj.  a-aà  je  de- 
liure,  prim.  conj.  I  was  lyke  to  corne  into 
a  greal  trouble,  but  I  thanke  God  ,  I  am 
rydde  of  it  nowe  :  jestoye  en  danger  de 
lumber  en  vng  grant  inconuenient ,  mais. 
Dieu  mercy,  je  suis  mayntenant  quitté,  or 

I  rydde  malcrs,  or  delyver  thynges  quickly.  Je 
despeche,  priai,  conj.  I  praye  you,  syr, 
i^ddc  me  Crste  :je  vous  prie  me  despecher 
premier.  And  in  this  sence  I  fynde  also 
je  mje  chcuys,  sec.  conj.  We  be  able ynough 
to  rydde  us  for  this  mater  without  the  : 
nous  sommes  gens  pour  nous  bien  cheuir  de 
ceste  affaire  sans  toy. 

I  rydde  me  of  a  parson  or  mater  that  I  wolde 
be  delyvred  of.  Je  me  deffais,je  me  suis 
deffaict,  deffaire ,  conjugale  lyke  je  fuis, 
I  do.  I  can  nat  be  rydde  of  hym  :  je  ne 
me  puis  deffaire  de  luy.  If  I  coulde  con- 
venyently  rydde  me  of  this  fclowe,  I 
wolde  go  with  you  with  ail  my  herle  :  si 
je  me  pouuoys  bonnement  deffaire  de  ce 
compaignon,  je  yroye  auecqaes  vous  vou- 

I  RïFELL  a  chyst,  a  cofer,  or  a  maie,  or  suche 
lyke  thyngc.  Je  fouille,  jay  fouillé,  fouiller, 
prim.  conj.  Is  it  well  done  to  riffeil  my 
cofer  whyle  I  am  absent  :  est  ce  bienfait 
de  fouiller  en  mon  coffre  pendant  (jueje  suis 
absent  ? 

I  RïFT ,  as  bordes  that  gape  a  sonder.  Je  me  des- 
brise, verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  This 
bordes  wyll  ryfte,  if  they  be  nat  taken  hede 
of  :  ces  ays  se  desbriseroni,  or  se  debifferont, 
li  on  nen  prent  garde, 

I  RYGGE  a  shyppe,  I  make  it  redye  to  go  to  (he 

see.  Je  cs'qaippe,  prim.  conj.  He  intendeth 
or  it  be  aught  longe  to   make  sayle,  for 
bis  shyppe  is  rygged  ail  redy  :  il  est  déli- 
béré, auant  quil  soit  long  temps,  de  haulser 
la  voille,  car  sa  nauire  est  esquippée  desja. 
I  RïME,  I  speke  or  write  in  ryme.  Je  risme, 
prim.  conj.  and  je  rymoye,  Romant.  That 
same  may  ryme  well,  but  it  agreeth  nat  : 
cela  se  peult  bien  rismer,  mays  il  ne  se  ac- 
corde pas. 
I  RïNCE  a  cuppe,  or  I  rynce  clothes.  Je  raince, 
prim.  conj.  I  wyll  rynce  up  the  clothes 
hère  in  thebolle,  and  than  I  wyll  drive 
my  bucke  rainceray  ces  drapeaulx  que 
jay  icy  en  la  jatte,  el  après  je  feray  la  les- 
I  RYNGE  a  bell.   Je  sonne,  jay  sonné ,  sonner, 
prim.  conj.  1  holde  the  a  penye  I  tell  the 
where  this  bell   ryngeth  ;  je  gaige  a  toy 
vng  denier  que  je  te  diray  ou  cest  que  ceste 
cloche  sonne.  They  rynge  at  our  churcbe  : 
ih  sonnent  a  nostre  esglise. 
I  rynge  aukewarde,  as  men  do  whan  houses  be 
afyre,  or  whan  ennerayes  be  comyng.  Je 
sonne  a  transie.  I  feare  me  some  house  he 
afyre  in  the  nexte  paryssbe,  for  they  rynge 
aukewarde  men  double  que  le  feu  ne  soit 
en  quelque  mayson  en  la prouchaine  paroesse, 
car  ilz  sonnent  la  bransle  la. 
I  RïPE,  as  fruytes  dothe  on  a  tre.  Je  meuris , 
sec.  conj.  and  Je  ameuris,  sec.  conj.  Therc 
be  some  fruytes  that  wyll  rype  soner  than 
some  other  wyll  :  il  y  a  daucuns  fruyctz  qui 
se  meuriront,  or  qui  se  ameurironi  plus  iost 
que  ne  feront  les  aultres, 
I  rype  in  âge.  Je  me  aage,  verbum  médium 
prim.  conj.  It  shall  be  well  done  for  hym 
to  make  bis  testament,  for  he  rypelb  a 
pace  :  il  seroyt  bien  fait  a  luy  défaire  son 
testament,  car  il  se  aage  fort, 
I  rype  in  olde  maters.  Jefouble. 
I  RïPPE  a  seame  that  is  sowed.  Je  decous,  de- 
coutre,  etc.   It  is  better  to   ryppe  ones 
clothes  and  sowe  them  agayne  than  to  be 
ydell  :  i7  rault  mieuh:  quon  découse  ses  ha- 
billements et  les  recoutre  que  destre  oyseux. 



I  RTSE  out  of  my  bedde.  Je  me  lieue,  verbum 
médium  prim.  conj.  I  holde  the  a  penye 
I  wyll  ryse  to  morowe  soner  than  I  dyd 
to  daye  :  je  gaige  a  (oy  vng  denyer  que  je  me 
lieueraj  plus  matyn  demayn  que  je   ne  fys 
aujourdhuy.  The  sonne  ryseth  ;  le  soleyl  se 
r  ryse,  as  commens  or  subjectes  do  agaynst  their 
prince  whan   they  rebell.  Je  mutine,  jay 
mutiné,  mutiner,  prim.  conj,  I  remember 
well  ynougb ,  whan  the  commens  of  Cor- 
newali  dyd  ryse  :  il  me  souuient  assis  bien 
quant  les  communs  de  Cornovvaille  se  muti- 
I  ryse  a  lofte  (Lydgat),  Je  monte  en  hault. 
I  ryse  from  bedde  or  from  a  seate.  Je  me  relieue, 
and  je  me  lieue,  lieaer,  and  je  me  descou- 
che. I  ryse  soner  than  you  do  a  dayes  :  je 
me  lieue,  or  je  me  descouche  plus  tost  que 
tous  tous  les  jours. 
I  ryse  from  povertye  to  rychesse.  Je  monte  en 
richesses.  He  is  weil  rysen  within  this  seven 
yeres  :  il  est  bien  monté  en  richesses  dedens 
ces  sept  ans. 
I  ryse  from  dethe  to  lyve.   Je  resuscite,  prim. 

conj.  declared  in  «I  reyse». 
I  ryse  out,  orspringe  out,  or  ryse  up,  as  wa- 
ter  that  springeth.  Jesoars,  nous  soardons, 
je  soardys ,  jay  sourdy ,  je  sourdyray,  que 
je  sourde,  sourdre,  tert.  conj.  It  is  a  ple- 
saunt  syght  to  se  the  water  ryse  up  or  ryse 
out  by  bubbeis  out  of  a  spring:  il  fait  beau 
veoyr  leaue  sourdre  par  bouyllons  hors  dune 
I  ryse  up  on  my  fête,  as  a  man  dolhe  that 
lyeth  alonge  on  the  grounde,  or  that  is 
felied  to  the  grounde.  Je  me  lieue  debout, 
tu  te  lieues  debout,  il  se  lieue  debout,  and 
so  forth,  usyng  je  me  lieue,  lyke  a  meane 
verbe.  I  fynde  also  uscd  in  the  same  sence  : 
je  madresse  sur  mon  estant,  ta  tadresses  sur 
ton  estant,  il  sadresse  sur  son  estant,  nous 
adressons  sur  notre  estant,  vous  adressez 
sar  vostre  estant,  Hz  sadressent  sur  leur 
estant,  or  je  me  lieue  sur  mon  estant,  usynge 
je  madresse  lyke  a  meane  verbe,  prim. 

conj.  and  je  me  lieue  debout.  He  rose  up 
on  bis  fête  quyckly  :  H  se  lieua  debout  vis- 
tement,  or  il  se  adressa  sur  son  estant  viste- 

It  ryseth,  as  ones  herte  ryseth,  whan  there  is 
a  sodayne  daunger  towardes  hym.  Le 
cueurluyabhomine.  My  herteryseth  agaynst 
him  whan  I  se  hym  :  le  cueur  me  ahhomyne 
quant  je  le  voys. 

I  RYSSHE,  I  gather  russhes.  Je  cueils  des  joncs, 
conjugale  in  «I  gather».  Go  no  more  a 
rysshynge  Malyn  :  nallez  plus  cueillyr  des 
joncs  Malyn. 

I  RïVE  wodde  in  to  bylleltes,  or  splentes,  or 
suche  lyke.  Je  fends,  conjugale  in  «I 
«  cleave  ».  I  woide  ryve  thi.s  blocke  or  I 
came  to  dyner  :  je  fendroye  ceste  souche 
vottlentiers  auant  que  je  vinsse  disner. 

I  ryve,  I  take  iande  at  a  porte  or  at  a  haven 
(Lydgat).  Je  arriue,  prim.  conj.  And  in 
shorte  space  they  ryved  at  Caiays  :  et  en 
peu  despace  Hz  arriuerent  a  Caiays. 

I  RïVET  peces  of  yron  togyther,  or  a  nayle.  Je 
riue,  prim.  conj.  I  shal  ryvet  this  nayle 
so  faste  that  it  shall  holde  for  ever  :  je 
rineray  ce  clou  si  fort  qail  se  tiendra  aja- 

I  RïVELL,  as  ones  vysage  dothe  for  âge.  Je  ride, 
prim.  conj.  You  waxe  aged,  your  face  be- 
gynneth  to  ryvell  :  vous  deuenez  viel,  car 
vostre  visaige  se  ride,  or  commence  a  auoyr 
des  ridées. 

I  ryvell  out,  as  sylke  dothe.  Je  riule,  prim. 

R   BTFORE   0. 

I  ROBBE  a  man  of  his  clothes.  Je  despouille, 
prim.  conj.  He  robbed  me  of  ail  the 
clotbes  I  had  to  myshyrte  :  il  me  despouylla 
de  tous  mes  habillemens ,  jusques  a  ma  che- 

I  robbe,  I  take  away  a  mannes  goodes  from 
hym  in  the  hyghe  way  or  abrode  from  hou- 
syng.  Je  destrousse,  prim.  conj.  Thre  the- 
ves  came  and  mette  hym  by  a  woddes  syde 
and  robbed  hym  of  ail  the  goodes  he  had: 




inyys  faeillars ,  or  trojs  larrons  vindrent  an 
deuant  de  lay  près  lorrée  dang  boys  et  le 
deslroasserent  de  tout  tant  quil  eut  vaillant. 

I  robbe,  or  peale  away  a  ihyng.  Je  desrobbe, 
prim.  conj.  I  robbe  bis  treasour  from  hym: 
je  luy  desrobbe  son  trésor,  and  Je  deprede , 
prim.  conj.  He  robbeth  tlie  kynges  sub- 
jectes  :  il  deprede  les  subjectz  du  roy. 

I  nocKE  a  chylde  in  a  cradeil.  Je  berse,  prim. 
conj.  Go  rocke  the  cbylde,  hère  you  nat 
howe  he  cryeth  :  allez  berser  lenfant,  nouyez 
vous  poynt  comment  il  crie. 

I  rocke,  as  a  tbynge  dothe  tbat  shaketh.  Je 
bransle,  prim.  conj.  I  love  nal  to  lye  in 
bis  house,  for  if;  there  be  any  wynde  styr- 
ryng,  one  shall  rocke  to  and  fro  in  his 
bedde  :  je  nayme  pas  coucher  en  sa  mayson, 
car  silfait  aulcun  vent,  on  branslera  de  ca 
et  de  la  en  son  Uct. 

I  noLLE  a  tbyng  aboute  an  olher.  Je  rolle, 
prim.  conj.  Rolle  tliis  lowayie  aboute  your 
legge  :  rollés  ceste  toaaille  autour  de  vostre 
jambe,  and  je  enrollc,  prim.  conj.,  His 
arme  was  rolled  aboute  with  grene  sarce- 
net  :  son  bras  esloyt  enrolléde  taffetas  vert. 
And  je  enaelope,  prim.  conj.  :  son  bras  es- 
toyt  enuelopé  de  taffetas  vert. 

I  rolle  a  tbyng  bytwene  my  bandes.  Je  roulle, 
prim,  conj.  Rolle  tbis  reed  waxe  :  rouliez 
ceste  cire  rouge, 

I  ROMBLE,  I  make  noyse  in  a  bouse  with  re- 
mevyng  of  heavy  thynges.  Je  charpente, 
prim.  conj.  and  je  groule,  prim.  conj.  and 
jefays  du  brayt.  Tbey  bave  rombled  over 
my  heed  ever  sythe  thre  of  the  clocke  : 
Hz  ont  charpenté,  or  Hz  ont  fait  du  bruyt, 
or  Hz  ont  groulé  par  dessus  ma  teste  dispuis 
troys  heures  au  matyn. 

I  BONNE,  I  walke  up  and  downc.  Je  me  pro- 
mayne,  je  me  suis  promené ,  promener,  ver- 
bum  médium  prim.  conj.  It  is  fayre  ron- 
nyng  bere  by  tbis  waters  syde  after  supper 
in  tbe  sommer  season  :  Hfayt  beau  se  pro- 
mener icy  au  long  du  riuage  de  ceste  eaae 
après  soupper  en  temps  deslê. 

I  ronne,  I  bye  me  faste.  Je  cours,  nous  cou- 

rons, je  cours,  jay  couru,  je  courray,  que 
je  coure,  courir,  tert.  conj.  I  can  nat 
ronne,  my  legge  is  sore  :  je  ne  puis  pas 
courryr ,  jay  mal  a  la  jambe. 

I  ronne ,  as  lycour  dothe  ont  of  a  vessell  by  a 
spigot,  or  faulsct  whan  it  ronneth  styll 
after  a  stynte.  Je  coule,  prim.  conj.  Tbis 
wyne  wolde  ronne  out  to  his  lyes  within 
an  houre  :  ce  vin  couleroyt  tout  jusques  a 
ses  lyes  en  moyns  dune  heure. 

I  ronne,  as  the  streame  of  any  ryver  or  water 
dothe.  Je  cours,  jay  couru,  courir,  and  j'a- 
ualle,  jay  auallé,  aualler,  prim.  conj. 
Severne  ronnetb  swyfler  than  Thames 
dothe  :  Seuerne  court  plus  viste  que  ne  fait 
la  Tamyse. 

I  ronne,  as  the  streame  dothe  of  a  ryver  whicbe 
never  gothe  up  agayne.  Je  me  aualle,  ver- 
bum  médium  prim.  conj.  The  water  of 
ail  ryvers  ronneth  downe  styll  and  never 
tourneth  upwarde  :  leaue  de  toutes  riuieres 
se  aualle  lousjours  et  ne  retourne  jamays 

I  ronne  baslely  to  a  persone  or  place.  Je  me 
accours,  je  me  suis  accouru,  accourir, 
conjugale  lyke  bis  symple  je  cours,  I 
ronne.  He  ronne  to  bym  in  ail  tbe  baste 
possyble  :  il  se  est  accourra  a  luy  en  toute 
haste  possible, 

I  ronne  in  âge  (Lydgate).  Je  deuiens  viel. 

I  ronne  over,  as  a  potte  dothe  tbat  boyletb  to 
faste.  Je  men  fuis,  conjugale  in  «I  flye». 
The  potte  ronneth  over  :  le  pot  sen  fuyt- 
Take  awaye  tbis  appell  from  the  fyre, 
the  beste  is  ronne  out  :  le  meillieur  de  la 
pomme  sen  estfuy,  osiez  la  du  feu. 

I  ronne  out,  as  a  vessell  doth  tbat  leaketh.  Je 
decours ,  jay  decourru,  decourrir,  conju- 
gale lyke  bis  symple  je  cours,  I  ronne. 
Tbis  tuhbe  runneth  out,  let  it  be  had  to 
the  coupers  :  ceste  ceuue  decourt,  quon 
lapporte  au  cuuetyer. 

I  ROOBE,  as  the  see  dothe  whan  there  bloweth 
any  storme.  Je  gronce,  prim.  conj.  Harke 
bowe  tbe  see  roretb  :  escoustez  comment  la 
mer  gronce. 



I  roore,  I  yell,  as  a  beest  dothe.  Je  hraye, 
prim.  conj.  The  luske  rored  and  he  had 
ben  a  bull  :  le  lourdaalt  brayoyt  comme  si 
ce  eut  esté  vny  torcau,  and  je  brays,  tu 
brays,  il  brayt,  in  the  indycatyve  présent, 
and  brayre,  in  the  infynityve. 

I  roore,  as  water  dothe  that  hath  a  fali  at  a 
myll  or  at  a  bridge.  Je  bruis,  nous  broyons, 
je  bruySj  jay  brayt,  je  bruyray,  (/ue  je 
braye,  bruyre,  tert.  conj.  Harke  howe  the 
water  roreth  at  London  bridge  nowe  : 
escoustez  comment  leaue  bruyt  au  pont  de 
Londres  mayntenant. 

I  roore,  as  water  dothe  in  a  ryver,  as  it  hytteth 
agaynst  the  stones,  or  rotes,  or  the  ryvers 
brinkes.  Je  ^rondelle,  prim.  conj.  and  je 
grandis,  sec.  conj.  and  je  groule ,  prim. 
conj.  I  hère  by  the  roring  of  the  water 
that  it  hath  nat  his  fuli  course  :  je  os 
bien  par  le  grondellement ,  or  grondissement, 
or  groulement  de  leaue  quelle  na  pas  son 
cours  de  playne  allée,  oi:  tout  hony. 

I  ROOTE  a  man  in  vyce  by  longe  usyng  of  it. 
Je  inuetere,  jay  inueteré,  inueterer,  prim. 
conj.  It  is  paste  tyme  to  byreve  hym  of  it 
nowe,  for  he  is  rooted  in  it  :  le  temps  est 
passé  pour  luy  oster  mayntenant,  car  il  en  est 
tout  inueteré.  Tbis  dronkennessc  is  roted 
in  hym  :  ceste  yuresse  luy  est  inueterée. 

I  ROSTE  meate  upon  a  spylte.  Je  rostys,  sec. 
conj.  I  wyil  reste  my  pygges  or  ever  I 
spytte  my  capons  :  je  rostyray  mes  cochons 
auant  que  je  broche  mes  chappons.  This 
wodcoke  is  nat  rosted  ynoughe  :  cesté  bec- 
quasse  nest  pas  assez  roslye. 

I  ROTTE,  as  an  appel!  or  a  peare  dothe,  or 
suche  lyke.  Je  pourrys,  sec.  conj.  This 
peare  wyli  rotte  if  you  eate  il  nat  be- 
tyme  :  ceste  poyre  se  pourryra  si  vous  ne  la 
mangés  de  bonne  heure. 

I  roote  in  custome  or  by  oft  using  of  a  thyng. 
Je  habitue,  jay  habitué,  habituer,  prim. 
conj.  If  a  vyce  be  ones  rooted  in  a  man, 
it  is  harde  to  get  it  away  :  mais  qung  vice 
soit  vnejoys  habitué,  on  aura  fort  a  faire  de 

I  roote,  I  take  rote  in  the  grounde,  as  an  herbe 
or  tree  dothe.  Jenracine ,  jay  enraciné,  en- 
raciner, priva,  conj.  This  verbe  is  nat  fuHy 
roted  yet  :  ceste  herbe  nest  pas  du  tout  en- 
racinée encore. 

I  ROWE  in  a  bote.  Jenaige,  prim.  conj.  and  je 
auironne,  prim.  conj.  1  can  nat  rowe  for 
wante  of  an  ore  :  je  ne  puis  pas  naiger,  or 
auironner  par  faulte  dung  auiron. 

I  ROCGHEHEAWE  a  pecc  of  tymber  to  make  an 
ymage  of,  or  to  put  to  some  byldyng.  Je 
charpis,  sec.  conj.  and  je  charpente,  prim. 
conj.  It  is  rough  hewen  ail  redy,  I  wyll 
nowe  fali  a  karvynge  of  it  :  il  est  charpy 
desja,  or  charpenté  desj  a,  mayntenant  je  me 
metteray  a  le  tailler. 

I  ROUNDE  ones  heed  with  a  payre  of  cysers.  Je 
roigne ,  prim.  conj.  You  muste  nedes 
rounde  your  heed  for  shame  or  you  go 
home  to  your  father  :  il  vous  est  force  de 
roygner  vostre  teste  auant  que  daller  chez 
vostre  père. 

I  rounde  in  counsayle.  Je  dis  en  secret.  What 
rounde  you  with  bim ,  I  wol  what  you 
meane  weli  ynough  :  que  luy  dictez  vous 
en  secret,  je  scay  bien  assés  que  cest  que 
vous  voulez  dire. 

I  rounde  one  in  the  eare.  Je  suroreille,  prim. 
conj.  Go  rounde  hym  in  the  eare  and 
bydde  him  corne  and  suppe  with  me  : 
allez  luy  surnreiller,  et  dictez  luy  quil 
viengne  soupper  auecques  moy, 

l  ROWNDE  (Lydgat). 

I  ROWSE,  I  stretche  my  selfe,  as  a  man  dothe 
whan  he  gothe  to  provc  a  maystrye.  Je 
me  coppie,je  me  suis  .coppié,  coppier,  ver- 
bum  médium  prim.  conj.  It  was  a  sporte 
to  se  him  rowse  him  seife  and  stretche 
out  his  armes,  or  ever  he  began  to  wres- 
tyll  ;  cestoyt  vng  passetemps  que  de  le  veoyr 
se  coppier  et  estendre  ses  bras  auant  quil  se 
myst  a  laycter. 

I  ROWTE,  as  one  dothe  that  maketh  a  noyse 
in  his  slepe,  whan  his  heed  lyeth  nat 
strayght.  Je  romjle,  jay  romjlé,  romjler, 
prim.  conj.  I  wyll  lye  no  more  with  ihe. 



thou  dyddest  route  so  fast  yesternyght 
that  I  coulde  nat  slepe  by  tbe  :  je  ne  cou- 
cheray  plus  auecques  toy,  tu  romjloys  si 
fort  hier  au  soyr  que  je  ne  pouuoye  pas 
dormyr  auprès  de  toy. 

l  rowte,  I  belche,  as  one  dothe  that  voydeth 
wynde  out  of  bis  stomacke.  Je  roucte,  jay 
Touctè ,  roucter,  prim.  coiij.  Arte  thou 
nat  ashamed  to  rowte  at  tbe  table  lyke 
a  villayne  :  nos  ta  poynt  de  honte  de  roucter 
a  la  table  comme  vng  villayn. 

I  rowte,  I  assemble  togyther  in  routes,  or  I 
styrre  aboute.  Je  me  arroute,  je  me  suis 
arrouté,  prim.  conj.  I  lyke  nat  tbis  geare 
tbat  tbe  coramens  begynneth  to  route  on 
tbis  facyon  :  il  ne  me  playt  yuayres  que  le 
commun  commence  a  se  arrouter  en  ce  poynt, 

R    BYFORE    U. 

I  HCBBE  a  ihyng  with  my  bande,  or  one  thynge 
agaynsU  an  other.  Je  frotte,  prim.  conj. 
Gefc  me  a  lytell  cloute  ,  I  rubbed  my 
legge  to  night  :  allez  moy  quérir  vng  drap- 
pellet,  jay  frotté  ma  jambe  a  nuyct. 

I  rubbe  soflly ,  as  nouryces  do  tbeir  chyldren 
wban  they  bave  an  ytche.  Japlanie,  apla- 
nier,  prim.  conj.  Rubbe  tbe  cbyldes  heed, 
nouryce,  to  briug  hym  aslepe  :  aplaniez 
la  teste  de  lenfant,  nourrice,  pour  lendor- 
myr,  or  pour  le  faire  dormyr. 

I  rubbe  tbynges  witb  a  cloute  to  make  tbem 
cleane.  Je  torche,  prim.  conj., 
rubbe  my  shoes  a  lytell  witb  a  cloute  : 
hay,  page,  torches  mes  souUers  vng  peu 
dung  hallion. 

I  nOBïFYB,  I  make  rééd.  Jeschaufe,  and  je  ru- 
bijîe,  prim.  conj.  This  terme  is  nat  yet 
admytted  in  comcn  spetche. 

I  HUE ,  I  ripent ,  I  am  sorye  of  a  tbyng.  Je  me 
repens,  conjugale  in  «  I  repent».  I  bave 
rued  it  a  faundred  tymes  sytbe  .je  me  suis 
repentu  centfoys  despuis. 

I  RUPFLE  clotbe  or  sylked,  I  bring  tbem  out  of 
tbeir  playne  foldynge.  Je  plionne,  prim. 
conj.  Se  howe  this  lawne  is  rufTylled  : 
aduisez  comment  ce  crespe  est  plionnd,  and 

jefroysse,  prim.  conj.  Tbys  sylke  is  foule 
rufiylled,  tbe  sale  is  marred  of  it,  I  wyll 
nat  take  it  agayne  :  ceste  soye  est  lourde- 
ment froyssée ,  la  vente  en  est  gastèe,je  ne 
la  veutx  poynt  reprendre. 

I  ROLE,  as  a  prince  dothe  ever  bis  subjectcs. 
Je  seignieurys,  sec.  conj.  Tbis  emperour 
roleth  upon  mo  regyons  tbàn  any  one 
man  hatb  doue  in  our  tyme  ;  cesl  empe- 
reur seignieurit  sur  plus  de  régions  que  nul 
aullre  seul  nafait  en  noz  jours. 

I  rule ,  as  a  lorde ,  or  prince  dothe  bis  posses- 
syons.  Je  domine,  jay  dominé,  dominer, 
prim.  conj.  He  ruleth  foure  counties  :  il 
domine  sur  qvuittre  comptées.  He  ruleth  as 
peasablye  in  bis  countrey  as  some  princes 
do  in  their  reaime  :  il  domine  aussi  pesi- 
blement  sur  sa  conté  que  aulcans  princes 
font  en  leur  royalmes. 

I  rule,  or  governe.  Je  gouuerne,  jay  goauernè, 
gouuerner,  prim.  conj.  and  je  modère, 
prim.'conj.  He  ruleth  al  men  in  the  sbyre 
be  dwelletb  :  il  gouuerne  toutes  gens  en  la 
conté  la  ou  il  demeure,  He  ruleth  bis  bouse 
wysely  :  il  modère  sa  mayson  saigement. 

I  rule  witb  a  ruler.  Je  rigle,jay  riglé,  rigler, 
prim.  conj.  Tbis  paper  is  nat  well  ruied, 
I  can  nat  pricke  upon  it  :  ce  papier  nest 
pas  bien  riglé,  je  ne  pais  noter  dessus, 

It  rueth  me.  Il  men  repent, 

I  RUNNE  awaye  from  myne  enemye,  or  any 
daunger.  Je  men  fuys,  conjugale  in  «  I 
«flye».  He  was  aboute  to  ronne  awaye, 
and  be  bad  donc  it  in  dede  if  1  bad  nat 
taken  tbe  better  bede  :  il  taichoyt  de  sen- 
fuyr,  et  il  leut  faict  de  fayt  si  je  ny  eusse 
prins  meilleure  garde. 

I  runne,  as  lycour  dothe  tbat  ronueth  small 
and  continually.  Je  coulle,  couller,  or  as 
the  matter  ronnetb  out  of  a  sore ,  or  as 
metall  ronnetb  whan  it  is  molten ,  and  as 
the  streame  of  a  ryver.  Je  coulle,  prim. 
conj.  Declared  in  i  I  ronne  as  lycour 
t  dothe  >. 

I  runne  upon  one ,  I  assayle  him.  Je  cours 
sur,  jay  couru  sur,  courir  sur.  He  came 



runnyng  upon  me  where  as  I  made  no 
mater  to  hym  :  il  me  vint  courrjr  sur  la 
ou  je  ne  luy  demandoye  riens. 

I  runne  upon  one,  as  a  man  doth  on  his  en- 
nemyes.  Je  luy  cours  sus.  He  shall  ronne 
upon  them  :  i7  leur  courra  sus. 

I  runne,  as  ones  eyes  dotlie  with  water,  or 
slyme.  Je  chassie,  prim.  conj.  I  lyke  hym 
nat ,  his  eyes  be  ever  ronning  :je  ne  lajme 
point,  ses  yeixlx  luy  chassient  tousjours. 

I  runne,  as  water  dothe  in  a  ryver.  Je  me 
aualle,  declared  in  «  I  ronne  ». 

I  runne  in  to  a  daunger,  or  to  an  inconve- 
nyence,  or  in  the  displeasure  of  a  per- 
sone.  Je  encours,  conjugate  lyke  his  sym- 
ple  je  cours,  I  ronne.- He  was  ronne  in 
to  my  iordes  displesure  or  ever  he  was 
aware  :  il  estoyt  encouru  en  la  malle  grâce 
de  monsieur  auant  quil  sen  donnait  garde. 

I  runne  eut,  as  lycoure  ronneth  ont  of  a 
vesseli  that  is  not  hole,  declared  in  «I 
t  ronne  ont  as  iycour  dothe». 

I  runne  to  a  man,  or  place.  Je  acours,  conju- 
gate iyle  his  symple  je  cours,  I  ronne. 
Declared  in  «  I  ronne  hastely  to  a  person  ». 

I  runne  aheed  to  any  purpose.  Je  me  aheurte, 
verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  He  ronneth 
aheed  as  his  fantasye  leadeth  hym  and 
taketh  no  hede  what  shall  come  after  : 
il  se  aheurte  et  ne  prent  pas  garde  que 
pourra  auenir. 

I  runne  over,  as  a  potte  on  the  fyre.  Je  men 
fuis,  and  je  cours,  declared  in  «I  ronne 
«  over,  as  a  potte  dothe  ». 

I  ROSSHE  in  to  a  place  by  vyolence.  Je  me  donne 
dedans.  He  russhed  in  spyte  of  them  ail  : 
il  se  donna,  or  il  se  fourra  dedéns  en  despit 
deulx  trestous, 

I  RDSTE,  as  a  knyfe  or  weapen  of  yron.  Je 
me  enroaille ,  verbum  médium  prim.  conj. 
Your  Inyfe  wyll  ruste,  and  you  wyppe 
it  nat  after  salte  meates  :  vostre  Cousteau 
senrouillera ,  si  vous  ne  le  nettoiez  après 
dauoyr  mangé  viandes  sallées. 

I  RCST,  as  a  benne ,  or  a  capon  dothe  at  nyght. 
Je  vas  a  joue.  Thèse  capons  ruste  whan  it 

draweth  towardes  nyghl,  they  be  wyser 
than  men  be  :  ces  chappons  vont  au  joue 
quant  il  vient  sur  le  tart,  ilzsont  plus  saiges 
que  ne  sont  les  hommes. 


I  SACKE ,  I  put  in  a  sacke.  Jensacque.  He  shall 
nat  bc  hanged ,  but  he  shall  be  sacked 
and  throwen  in  to  Seyne  :  il  ne  sera  pas 
pendu,  mays  il  sera  ensacqué  et  jecté  dedans 

I  SACRE,  I  halowe.  Je  sacre,  jay  sacré,  sacrer, 
prim.  conj.  Touche  it  nat,  it  is  sacred  : 
ne  le  touche  pas,  it  est  sacré. 

I  SADELL  a  horse  with  a  sadeil.  Je  selle,  prim. 
conj.  Sadeil  my  mare,  for  horse  bave  I 
none  :  sellez  ma  jument,  car  de  cheual  je 
nen  ay  poynt. 

I  SAY  yvell  of  a  person.  Je  mesdis,  conjugate 
lyke  his  symple  je  dis,  I  say.  And  je  dis 
mal.  To  saye  yvell  of  men  It  is  a  great 
faulte  :  de  mesdire  les  gens  est  ■9hg  grant 

I  saye,  I  tell  or  speake  a  thyng.  Je  dis,  nous 
disons,  vous  dictez,  je  dys,  nous  dismes,  A. 
que  disiez,  A.  j'c  diray,  que  je  die,  dissent, 
N.  dire,  tert.  conj.  I  say  to  hym  or  tell 
hym  luy  dis.  I  say  nothyng,  but  I  pray 
God  ail  maye  be  well  :  je  ne  dis  riens , 
mays  je  prie  a  Dieu  que  tout  se  puisse  bien 

I  SAYLE  in  a  shyppe.  Je  nauigue,  prim.  conj. 
nauigans,  N.  I  love  nat  to  sayle  by  see, 
but  whan  I  can  nat  chose  :  je  nayme  pas 
nauiguer  par  mer,  si  ce  nest  quant  je  ne 
puis  aaltrement faire. 

I  sayle,  as  a  shyppe  dothe  in  the  see  whan  she 
is  under  sayle.  Je  single,  prim.  conj.  Some 
shyppe  wyll  sayle  as  faste  with  a  syde 
wynde  as  some  wyll  with  a  full  wynde  : 
aulcanes  nauires  singleront  la  mer  aussi 
viste  quant  Hz  nont  que  le  vent  au  costé  que 
les  aullres  feront  quant  ilz  ont  le  vent  en 

I  sayle  nere  the  coste  of  a  countrey.  Je  costoye, 
prim.  conj.  We  bave  sayled  by  the  sbôre 




thcse  thre  dayes,  and  yet  we  se  no  haven  : 
nous  auoiis  coslojé  le  riaaige  ces  troys  jours, 
encore  ne  trouuons  nous  pojnt  de  port. 

I  saye  myne  opynion  to  a  mater  that  I  am 
asked  counsayle  in.  Je  opine,  prim,  conj. 
My  wytte  is  to  sklender  to  talke  of  so 
wayglity  a  mater,  but  I  shal  say  myne  opy- 
nion with  a  good  wyl)  :  mon  entendement 
est  trop  tenue  de  parler  dune  matière  de  si 
grant  importance,  mais  jopineraj  voulentiers. 

I  SAÏNTE,  I  beconie,  or  waxe  a  saynte.  Je  de- 
uiens  sainct,  conjugate  in  «  I  become».  I 
praye  God  I  saynte  than  :  je  prie  a  Dieu 
que  je  puisse  deuenir  saint  donques. 

I  saj  naye,  I  denye  a  thyng.  Je  nye,  or  je 
àenye ,  prim.  conj.  And  I  saye  naye  to  it  : 
et  je  le  nye,  OT  je  le  denye. 

I  saye  naye  to  the  thyng  that  I  bave  sayd  or 
spoken  byfore.  Je  desdis,  conjugale  lyke 
bis  sympie  je  Jis,  I  saye.  And  Je  desadaoue, 
prim.  conj.  Are  you  nat  ashamed,  wyll 
you  say  naye  to  it  nowe  :  nauez  vous  poynt 
de  honte,  le  voulez  vous  desdire  maynlenanl, 
or  le  voulez  vous  desaduouer? 

I  say  naye  to  a  mater  that  is  spoken  of  to  my 
byndraunce  byfore  a  judge,  or  open  au- 
dyence.  Je  mopose,  verbum  médium  prim. 
conj.  My  lorde,  no  displesure  taken,  I 
say  nay  therto  :  monsieur,  mays  que  ne  vous 
dcsptaise,je  me  y  oppose,  I  say  naye  therto 
or  to  that  :  je  me  oppose  quant  a  cela, 

I  saye  nothynge  to  one ,  as  they  do  that  wolde 
sylte  in  resl  whan  other  wolde  quareil 
with  them.  Je  ne  luy  demande  riens.  I  say 
nothyng  to  you ,  syr,  I  praye  God  make 
you  a  good  man  :  je  ne  vous  demande  riens, 
syre,  Diea  vous  face  preudhomme, 

I  saye  one  nay,  I  denye  hym  his  petycion ,  or 
request.  Jescondis ,  nous  escondisons ,  je 
escondis,  jay  escondit,  je  escondiray ,  que 
je  escondye,  escondire ,  conjugate  lykc  his 
symple  je  dis,  I  »ay.  Wyll  you  saye  me 
nay  in  it  and  tbis  is  the  Grst  thyng  that 
ever  I  asked  you  :  le  me  voulez  vous  escon- 
dire, et  voicy  la  première  chose  que  je  vous 
demanday  oncques. 

I  say  wonders ,  I  say  marvayles.  Je  dis  raige,  etc. 
Whan  the  felowe  falleth  a  pratyng,  you 
shall  bere  him  say  wonders  :  quant  le 
gallant  se  met  a  cacquetter,  vous  lorrez  dire 

I  SALTE  a  thynge  with  salte.  Je  salle,  prim. 
conj.  I  never  salte  my  befe  but  in  the 
potte  -.jamais je  ne  salle  mon  beuj  que  au 

I  SALVE,  or  playster  a  sore  bodye  with  salves. 
Je  cmplastre,  prim.  conj.  I  shall  salve  bym 
tyll  he  be  hole  :  je  lemplastreray  tant  qail 
soit  guery. 

I  SALVE,  I  grete  (Lydgate).  Je  salue,  prim.  conj. 
I  love  to  salve  the  people  or  ever  they 
salve  me  :  jayme  bien  de  saluer  les  gens 
auant  quilz  me  saluent, 

I  SALDTE,  I  grêle  one.  Je  salue,  prim.  conj. 
And  everlmay  se  tbeknave,  I  shall  sainte 
hym  for  the  nones  :  mays  si  jamays  je  voys 
le  villayn,je  le  lalueray  de  mesmes. 

I  SANTIFYE,  I  balowe,  or  make  bolye.  Je  sanc- 
iijie,  prim.  conj.  We  rcde  in  Scripture  that 
some  bave  ben  sanclyfyed  in  their  molhers 
wombes  :  nous  lisons  en  la  saincte  Escripture 
que  aulcuns  ont  esté  sanctijiez  au  ventre  de 
leurs  mères, 

I  SARCE,  as  a  grosser  dotbe  bis  spyce.  Je  sasse, 
prim.  conj.  Sarce  this  cynamone  after  you 
hâve  beaten  it,  for  I  muste  bave  it  fyne  : 
sassez  ceste  cynamome  après  que  vous  laurez 
battue  au  mortier,  car  il  faalt  quelle  soyt 

I  SARDE  a  queene.  Je  fous,  nous  foulons,  je 
foutis ,  jay  foutu,  je  fouleray,  que  je  foule , 
foutre,  tert.  conj.  They  say  there  was  a 
lorde  in  Englande  asked  a  spyrite  of  the 
ayre  if  she  was  nal  well  sarded  :  Ion  dit 
quun  seignicar  dAngleterre  demanda  a  me 
diablesse  aerine  si  elle  nestoyl  pas  bien 

I  SARVE,  I  do  servyce  to  one.  Je  sers,  nous  ser- 
uonStje  seruys ,  jay  seruy,  je  seruiray,  que 
je  serue ,  seruir,  tert.  conj.  I  bave  served 
bym  and  sball  do  lyll  I  dye  lay  seruy 
et  le  feray  jusques    a  la  mort.  You  bave 




served  me  fayre  [whan  we  meane  we  be 
begyled):  vous  mauez  baillé  belle. 

I  SATlïLL  ones  mynde,  or  sette  a  thyng  stcdy 
in  a  place.  Je  me  arreste,  verbum  médium 
prim.  conj.  The  mans  mynde  is  so  wan- 
dringe  that  he  can  satteli  hym  upon  no- 
tbyng  :  Ihomme  a  lentendement  si  volaige, 
quil  ne  se  pealt  arrester  sur  nulle  chose. 

I  sattyll ,  or  sober,  or  appayse  my  selfe  from 
myne  anger,  or  any  passyon.  Je  me  rassis, 
nous  nous  rossions,  je  me  rassis,  je  me  suis 
rassis,  je  me  rassieray,  que  je  me  rassie, 
que  je  me  rassisisse,  rassajr,  conjugale 
lykejojsjcs,  I  sytte.  And  je  rassaisie,  prim. 
conj.  I  bave  sene  hym  a  wylde  felowe  or 
this  tyrae,  but  his  wytte  is  well  sattylled 
nowe  ■■  je  lay  veu  aaltrefojs  auojr  la  teste 
legiere ,  mays  il  est  bien  rassys  mayntenant, 
and  so  for  wyne,  or  aie ,  or  any  thynge  that 
fyrst  swellelb  and  afterwarde  sattyllelb. 

I  SATYSFïE,  I  content,  or  suffyce.  Je  satisjie, 
prim.  conj.  and  je  satisfays,  conjugate 
lyke  his  syraple  fe  fays ,  I  do.  It  is  barde 
to  satisfye  ail  men  :  cest  forte  chose  que  de 
satisfaire  a  tout  le  monde,  or  que  de  satis- 
fyer  a  tout  le  monde. 

1  SADCE  meate.  Je  saulce,  prim.  conj.  Hère  is 
a  good  morcell  of  meate,  if  it  be  well 
saused  :  voycy  vng  bon  morceau  de  viande, 
mays  quil  soyt  bien  saulcé. 

I  SAVE,  I  kepe.  Je  sanlue,  prim.  conj.  God  save 
you ,  whiche  sayeng  we  use  whan  we 
come  firste  to  ones  présence  :  if  it  be  a 
meane  person  tbey  saye,  Dieu  vous  gart: 
if  it  be  a  great  personage,  honneur  a  vous, 
understandynge  Dieu  doynt,  He  was  in 
great  daunger,  but  God  and  good  prayers 
saved  him  :  il  estoyt  en  fort  granl  péril, 
nur^s  Dieu  et  bonnes  prières  lont  saulaé. 

1  save  one  from  daunger,  as  harnesse  dothe 
ones  persone,  or  as  medecyne,  or  preser- 
vatyve  dothe  ones  heltb.  Je  contregarde, 
prim.  conj.  This  medecyne  taken  fastyng 
shall  save  you  from  the  pestylence  :  ceste 
medicine  prinse  a  jeun  vous  contregardera 
de  la  peste.  Saving  your  révérence  :  sauf 

vostre  grâce,  or  saulae  vostre  grâce,  for  I 
fynde  bothe,  but  saulue  is  trewer  wrilten. 
God  save  the  kyng  :  viae  le  roy.  God  save 
ail  good  drinkers  :  vivent  tous  bon  beu- 
ueurs.  But  wbere  we  use  «savynge  your 
«  révérence  »  whan  we  speke  of  a  vyle 
thyng  in  the  présence  of  a  great  man ,  in 
frenche  they  saye  ne  vous  desplaise,  but 
tbey  use  saulue  vostre  grâce,  wban  they 
wolde  cootrarye  the  sayeng  of  tbeir  su- 
peryour,  and  meane  that  it  is  nat  so. 

I  SAV013R,  I  smell  well,  or  yvell,  as  any  swete 
floure,  or  spyce,  or  any  yll  thyng.  Je 
fleure,  prim.  conj.  and  Je  sens,  conjugale 
in  «I  fêle».  And  je  sauoure,  prim.  conj. 
Assay,  this  nosegaye  savouretb  swetely  ; 
taslez,  ce  boucquet  fleure  bien.  Our  noses 
agre  nat,  tbou  sayest  it  savoureth  wel, 
and  I  say  it  savoureth  yll  :  noz  nez  ne  sont 
pas  daccort,  car  ta  dis  quil  sent  bien,  et  je 
dis  quil  sent  mal ,  or  quil  sauoure  bien , 
or  mal. 

I  savour,  I  taste,  or  bave  a  judgement  in  meate 
and  drinke.  Je gouste,  prim.  conj.  and  joy 
goust,  and  je  sauoure,  prim.  conj.  His 
mouthe  is  out  of  tasle ,  he  savoureth  no- 
thyng  :  sa  bouche  est  hors  de  goust,  or  il 
ne  gouste  riens,  or  il  ne  sauoure  riens.  This 
potage  savoureth,  whiche  we  use  whan 
the  meate  is  sodden  to  the  polies  bottome  ; 
je  sens  a  ce  potage  que  le  pot  est  aoursè, 

I  savour,  I  taste,  or  smell  after  brimstone.  Je 
ensoulffre,  fTito.  conj.  Al  this  yerth,  sa 
farre  as  this  vayne  goth  ,  savoureth  of 
brimstone  :  toute  ceste  terre,  aussi  loing  que 
ceste  veyne  va,  est  ensoulffrée. 

I  SAWE  tymber,  or  stones  asonder  with  a  sawe. 
Je  lie,  prim.  conj.  Hâve  you  sawed  no- 
thyog  but  thèse  two  plankes  to  daye  : 
nauez  vous  riens  aultre  chose  sié  que  ces 
deux  planches  icy  aujourdhuy  ? 

I  SADLT  a  castell  or  slronge  holde.  Je  donne 
lassault,  prim,  conj.  AU  thyngcs  be  made 
redy,  let  us  go  sault  the  caslell  nowe  : 
toutes  choses  sont  apprestées,  allons  liurer 
lassault  au  chasteaa  maintenant. 



s    BYPORE   C. 

I  SCAALE  a  fysshe,  I  scrape  bis  scales  of.  Jes- 
calie,  priva,  conj.  You  are  a  cooke  for 
the  nones,  wyll  you  sethe  thèse  roches 
or  you  hâve  scaled  them  :  voas  estez  vng 
cwysinier  de  mesmes,  voulez  vous  cuire  ces 
guerdons  auant  que  les  escalier, 

I  SCALE  a  waile  with  a  scalynge  ladder.  Je  es- 
chelle,  prlm.  conj.  VVho  scaled  the  wail 
first  :  qui  eschella  le  mur  premier? 

l  SCALDE  with  scaldyng  waler  or  any  olher 
hôte  lycour.  Jeschaulde,  prim.  conj.  It  was  j 
scaulded  whan  I  was  yonge,  but  I  shall 
bcare  the  marke  so  longe  as  I  iyve;  il  es- 
toyt  eschauldé  quant  je  nestoye  qung  jeune 
enfant,  mays  je  porteray  la  marche  tant  que 
je  viue. 

I  SCAPE  a  daunger.  Jeschappe,  prim.  conj.  And 
X  scape  this  daunger  I  care  nal  :  ji  je  es- 
chappe  ce  danger,  il  ne  men  chault.  He 
scaped  as  hardeiy  as  any  man  ibat  ever 
you  sawe  :  il  eschappa  a  si  grant  peyne  que 
homme  que  vous  visiez  jamays. 

I  scape  or  slyppe  thorowe  a  narowe  place.  Je 
me  elapse,  verbum  médium  prim.  conj. 
What  a  vermyne  is  this  foxe  whiche  is 
scaped  hère  by  this  lytell  hole  :  quelle  ver- 
mine est  ce  que  de  ce  regnart  que  sest  elapsi 
par  ce  petit  trou. 

I  SCARRE  awaye,  or  fearc  awaye,  as  a  man 
doth  crowes  or  suche  lyke.  Je  escarmouche. 
This  is  a  mete  man  to  sytte  on  a  thacked 
house  to  scarrc  away  crowes  :  voicy  vng 
homme  propice  pour  se  tenir  assis  sur  vne 
maison  couuerte  de  chaulme  pour  escarmou- 
cher  les  cornailles. 

I  SCATTER,  I  go  out  of  order.  Je  me  desroye. 
It  is  a  foule  thing  to  se  yonder  men  scat- 
ter  as  they  do ,  and  kepe  none  order  :  cest 
vne  laide  chose  que  de  veoyr  ces  gens  la  se 
desroyer  comme  Hz  font  et  de  ne  tenir  poynl 

I  scatter  small  thynges  abrode ,  as  peasyn ,  or 
beanes,  or  suche  lyke.  Je  respans,  conju- 
gate  lyke  bis  symple  je  pens,  I  hange, 

savynge  that  he  kepeth  a  after  p,  as  jay 
respandu,  respandre,  and  je  espans  of  lyke 
conjugacion,  and  je  dispare,  prim.  conj. 
and  je  disparce,  and  je  dissipe,  prim. 
conj.  I  praye  you,  se,  he  bath  scaltred 
the  peasen  rounde  aboute  the  bouse  :  je 
vous  prie,  aduisez,  il  a  respandu  or  espandu, 
or  disparsé,  or  dissipé  les  pays  tout  au  tour 
de  la  mayson. 

I  SCODPE,  as  a  lyon  or  a  tygre  dothe,  whan  he 
doth  folowe  his  pray.  Je  vas  par  saultées. 
I  bave  sene  a  leoparde  scoupe  aller  a 
bucke  and  at  ones  rent  out  his  paunche  : 
jay  veu  vng  leopart  aller  par  saultées  après 
vng  dayn,  et  tout  a  vng  coup  luy  oster  la 

I  scoupe  out  water  out  of  a  dyke ,  or  any  suche 
lyke  ihyngc.  Je  puise  de  leau,  prim.  conj. 
Let  us  scoupe  out  the  water  out  of  this 
ponde  and  than  we  shall  se  what  fysshe 
is  in  it  :  puysons  leau  hors  de  ce  viuier,  et 
par  ainsi  verrons  nous  combien  y  a  de  poys- 
sons  dedans. 

1  SCOULE,  I  loke  under  the  browes.  Jay  le  re- 
gart  pesant.  Loke  howe  she  scouleth  :  ad- 
uisez comment  elle  a  le  regart pesant. 

I  SCOWLKE,  I  byde  my  selfe.  Je  me  couche, 
verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  A  daye  taie 
he  scoulketh  in  corners  and  a  nyghtes  he 
gothe  a  thevyng:  les  jours  il  se  cayche,  or 
(7  se  muce  en  coygnetz  et  les  nuyctz  il  va  de- 

I  SHALE  peasen.  Je  esplouche  des  pays,  je  pelle 
des  poys,  and  jescosse  des  pays,  prim.  conj. 
I  wyll  shale  peasen  whyle  thou  shalest 
the  beanes  :  je  esploucheray ,  or  pelleray, 
or  esçosseray  des  poys  ce  pendant  que  tu  es- 
plouches,  que  tu  pelles,  or  que  tu  escosses  1rs 

I  SHADOWE.  Je  yiyj  vmbre,je  vmbroye,  prim. 
conj.  je  vmbre,  prim.  conj.  and  je  obum- 
bre,  prim.  conj.  The  sonne  can  nat  comc 
hylher ,  yonder  house  shadoweth  me  :  les 
rays  du  soleil  ne  peuuent  poynt  attayndrc 
jusques  icy,  ceste  mayson  la  méfait  vmbre, 
or  me  vmbroye ,  oT  me  vmbre ,  or  me  obumhrr. 



I  shadowe  a  ihyng,  I  stoppe  il  Ihat  it  can  nal 
apere  clerely.  Je  fais  vmbrc  ,  conjugale  in 
the  seconde  boke.  Tlife  mater  had  be 
knowen  longe  ago  had  nat  you  ben ,  but 
you  shadowe  il  :  le  cas  cust  esté  congneu 
long  temps  passé ,  mais  vous  en  Jaictez 

I  shadowe ,  I  take  the  shadowe.  Je  me  vmbroye, 
prim.  conj.  and  je  me  obumbre,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  me  vmbre.  I  wyll  go  shadowe 
my  selfe  under  yonder  fayre  oke  :  je  me 
veubc  aller  vmbroyer  soubz  ce  beaa  chesne 

I  siiAYLE,  as  a  man  or  horse  dothe  that  gothe 
croked  with  bis  legges.  Je  vas  eschays.  It 
is  to  iate  to  béate  him  for  it  nowe ,  he 
shal  shayle  as  longe  as  he  lyveth  :  il  est 
trop  tart  de  le  batre  pour  cela  a  cesteure, 
car  ilyra  eschays  tant  quil  viuera. 

1  shayle  with  the  fête.  Jentrelaille  des  piedz.  I 
never  sawe  man  liave  a  worse  pace,  se 
howe  he  sbaylletb  :  jamays  ne  vis  homme 
auoyr  vng  pire  pas,  adaisez  comment  il  en- 
tretaille des  piedz. 

I  SHAAKE  a  thyng  with  my  bande.  Jescoue, 
prim.  conj.  and  je  secoue,  and  je  tremble, 
prim.  conj.  Shake  the  table  clothe  or 
you  laye  it  on  agayne  :  secouez  la  nappe 
auant  que  la  remettre.  He  shaked  me  so 
sore  that  I  coulde  nat  standc  :  il  me  es- 
couyt,  or  secouyt  tant  que  je  ne  me  pouuoye 
soustenir.  But  where  as  I  fynde  je  cscour- 
ray  for  je  escoueray,  and  je  escoux  (or  je 
escoue,  &nd  escouyr,  infynityve,  I  fynde 
them  in  the  Romant. 

I  shaake,  as  ones  heed  or  other  partes  dothe 
thaï  hath  the  palsye,  or  for  âge,  or  as 
any  thyng  that  growelb  and  sbakelh.  Jes- 
crole,  prim.  conj.  Alas,  poore  man,  se 
howe  bis  heed  shaaketh  :  helas,  poure 
homme ,  agardés  comment  la  leste  luy 

I  shake  for  feare.  Je  tremble,  prim.  conj.  He 
shaked  and  it  bad  ben  an  aspen  leafe  : 
(7  tremblait  comme  fait  lafueillede  tremble. 

I   shake  a  darle  or  a  speare.  Je  crosle  vng  dart,     \ 

ou  vne  lance.  He  shaketh  bis  darte,  he  in- 
tendelh  lo  ihrowe  at  somwbat  :  i7  crosle 
son  dart,  il  est  délibéré  de  lejecter  a  quelque 

I  shake,  as  a  tolbe  dolbc  in  ones  heed  that  is 
lose,  or  as  a  borse  sboe  that  standeth  nat 
faste,  or  sucbe  lyke.  Jeloche,  prim,  conj.  I 
bave  bad  a  tothe  ibal  balh  shaked  awbyle 
and  fastenned  aflerwarde  agayne  :  jay  eu 
vne  dent  qui  se  est  lâchée  pour  vng  peu  de 
temps,  et  après  qui  se  est  fichée  par  elle 

I  shake,  asone  dothe  a  Iree.  Je  housse,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  hosche,  prim.  conj.  Shake 
thou  ibis  plomme  tree,  and  I  wyll  galber 
up  al  ihe  plommes  save  them  ibat  I  eate  : 
hosche  ce  prunier,  et  je  cueilleray  toutes  les 
prunes  fors  celles  que  je  mangeray. 

I  shake  for  fehlenesse ,  or  as  a  bouse  or  tbing 
dothe  with  the  wynde.  Je  bransle,  prim. 
conj.  The  bouse  shaked  as  I  laye  in  my 
bedde  :  la  mayson  bransloyt  ainsi  que  je 
couchoye  a  mon  lyct. 

I  shake  of  the  axes.  Je  tremble  des  fleures,  and 
je  crosle,  prim,  conj. 

I  shake  of,  as  one  shaketh  of  or  awaye  from 
hyra  a  person  or  mater  Ibat  he  wolde  be 
rydde  of.  Je  me  deffays,  verbum  médium 
prim.  conj.  I  wolde  shake  him  of,  but  I 
can  nat  be  rydde  of  hyra  :  je  me  defferoye 
de  luy  voulentiers,  mays  je  ne  men  puis  des- 
pescher  ;    conjugale   lyke   bis    simple  je 

I  shake  or  shogge  upon  one.  Je  sache,  prim. 
conj.  He  shaked  upon  me  to  wake  me  :  il 
me  sachoyt  pour  me  esueiller, 

I  shake  with  the  hodye.  Je  tremble,  prim.  conj. 
Se  the  false  beggar,  be  sbaletb  as  though 
be  had  the  axes  :  aduisez  a  cefaulx  blistre; 
il  tremble  comme  sil  eut  les  fieures. 

I  SBAME,  I  waxe  a  sbanied.  Je  me  ahontis,  ver- 
bum médium  sec.  conj.  also  I  fyndé  in 
the  same  sence  je  me  vergoigne,  verbum 
médium  prim.  conj.  A  commen  brolhell 
sbamelh  al  nothyng:  une  putayn  publicqae 
ne  se  ahontit,  or  ne  se  vergoigne  de  riens. 



I  shame  one  by  myne  yvell  raporte,  I  cause 
one  to  ronne  in  a  sliame.  Je  hontoje, 
prim.  conj.  and  je  fais  auoyr  honte ,  dalivo 
jungitur,  and  je  kontis,  sec.  conj.  and  je 
ledenge,  prim.  conj.  I  was  of  good  name 
and  famé  afore  he  shamed  me  by  this 
yvell  reporte  :  jestoye  de  bon  renom  et  esll- 
mation  aaant  ijuil  me  hàntyst,  auant  quil 
me  honnyssjst,  or  auant  quil  me  ledengyst, 
but  ledenger  is  Romant. 

I  shame  one,  1  make  one  asbamed  of  some 
worde  tliat  I  speake,  I  make  one  chaunge 
coloures.  Je  vergoigne,  prim.  conj.  and  je 
fays  muer  couleur.  Slie  wyl  shame  anon  : 
elle  se  vergoygnera,  or  vous  la  ferez  auoyr 
honte  bien  tost. 

I  siiAPE  a  garment.  Je  taille,  prim.  conj.  He 
is  a  good  tayloure  and  shapeth  a  garment 
as  well  as  any  man  :  cest  vng  bon  cousta- 
rier  et  il  taille  vng  habillement  aussi  bien 
que  nul  auUre. 

I  shape,  I  fourme  or  make  a  thyng.  Je  forme, 
prim.  conj.  God  sbaped  ail  thynges  of 
naught:  Dieu  forma  toutes  choses  de  riens. 

I  shape  me  to  go,  or  ryde,  or  such  lyke,  I 
prépare  me,  or  make  me  redy  to  go  or 
ryde.  Je  me  apreste.  He  shapeth  him  to 
ryde,  God  sende  hira  good  spede  :  il  se 
appreste  pour  cheuaulcher.  Dieu  lay  doynt 
bon  encontre. 

I  SUARPEN  a  knyfe  or  an  edge  toole  to  culte 
the  better.  Je  aguyse,  prim.  conj.  I  wyil 
sharpe  my  knyfe  or  I  go  to  dinner,  for  I 
intende  to  fede  well  to  dayc  aguyse- 
ray  mon  coasteau  auant  que  daller  disner, 
car  je  suis  délibéré  de  bien  briffer  aujour- 

I  shfirpen  a  person ,  I  provoke  hym  to  anger 
or  to  bc  moved.  Je  instigue,  prim.  conj. 
Sbarpen  bym  nat  by  my  counsayle,  for 
you  shall  fynde  hym  a  combrous  felowe  : 
ne  linstiguez  point,  car  donc  vous  le  trou- 
uerezfort  encombrcux. 

I  sharpen  the  poynte  of  a  speare  or  dagger, 

or  any  poynied  thyng  to  make  it  enter  so- 

•    ncr.  Je  ajfdle,  prim.  conj.  This  dagger  is 

sharpenncd  for  the  nones  :  ce  poignart  est 
affilié  tout  a  esciant. 

I  SHAVE  a  berde,  or  ones  heed,  or  any  other 
thynge  with  a  raser.  Je  rays,  il  raist,  nous 
raysons,  je  rasys,  jay  rasé ,  je  rase,  je 
raseray,  que  je  rase,  rayre,  tcrt.  conj.  ver- 
bum  anormalum  in  preterilis  perfectis. 
But  for  «  I  sbave  my  berde  » ,  they  use 
more  je  fays  ma  barbe.  Let  us  go  sliave 
our  berdes:  allons  faire  la  barbe.  I  trowe 
he  bé  gone  to  thé  barbers  to  sbave  bis 
berde  :  je  croy  quil  sen  est  allé  chez  le  bar- 
bier fayre  sa  barbe.  The  preest  wyil  sbave 
bis  crownc  :  le  prestre  veult  faire  sa  cou- 

I  sbawe  awaye.  Je  rase,  prim.  conj.  He  bath 
shavyn  away  ail  the  heare  on  bis  heed  :  i7 
a  rasé  tous  les  cheueulx  de  sa  teste. 

I  sbave,  I  pare  away  any  thing  by  tliynne  por- 
cybns.  Je  ratisse,  prim.  conj.  Who  bath 
sliaven  this  shepes  skyn  so  smoth  :  9111  a 
ratissé  cesie  peau  de  mouton  si  honye  ? 

S    BTFORE    HE. 
I  SBE. 

I  SHEDE  any  maner  lycour  upon  a  tliyng.  Je 
rcspans,  nous  respandons,  je  respandis,  jay 
respandtt,je  respandray,  que  je  respande, 
respandre,  tert.  conj.  Ware  you  shede  nat 
your  potage  upon  the  table  clothe  ;  gar- 
dez vous  de  respandre  vostre  potage  sur  la 

I  shede  my  heare,  my  heare  falletb ,  I  waxe 
thyn  heared.  Je  tumbe,  prim.  conj.  Your 
hcares  shede,  you  wyil  waxe  balde  within 
a  whyle  :  voz  cheueulx  se  tumbent,  vous 
deuiendrés  chauue  auant  quil  soyt  long 

I  shede  ones  heed,  I  parte  the  heares  evyn 
from  the  crowne  to  the  myddes  of  the 
forheed.  Je  mespartis  mes  cheueulx,  sec. 
conj.  Shedde  your  beares  evyn  in  the 
myddest  :  mespartissez  voz  cheueulx  droyte- 
ment  au  milieu. 

I  shedde  out  lycoure  out  of  a  vessell.  Je  effons, 
conjugale  lyke  bis  symp\e  je fons,  l  melte. 


He  halh  shedde  out  ail  the  wyne  in  the 
tonne  :  il  a  effonda.  tout  le  vyn  hors  da  ton- 

I  shedde ,  as  an  hyll  dothe  slopewyse  down- 
wardes  to  the  valley.  Je  me  adosse,  ver- 
hum  médium  prim.  conj.  It  is  a  pleasaunt 
syght  to  se  howe  the  hyljes  shedde  on 
eache  syde  in  to  the  medowes  :  i7  fait 
beau  venyr  les  montaignes  sadosser  dung 
costé  et  daaltre  vers  la  praerie. 

I  SHENT  one,  I  blâme  hym  for  a  faulte.  Je 
blasme,  and  je  tence,  prim.  conj.  Who  so 
ever  dyd  it  1  shall  be  shent  :  qui  que  la 
Jait,  je  seraj  hlasmè  ,  or  tencé. 

I  SHEERE  a  shepe  or  any  suche  lyke  beest,  I 
clyppe  of  the  heare.  Je  tons,  nous  tondons, 
je  tondis,  jay  tondu,  je  tonderay ,  que  je 
tonde  ,  tondre.  As  for  je  touse,  and  que  je 
touse,  be  olde  Romant.  The  yere  passeth 
on ,  it  is  tyme  to  sheare  our  shepe  :  lan- 
née  saaance,  il  est  temps  de  tondre  noz  bre- 

I  shere,  as  a  hounde  dothe  his  iyme,  whan 
he  is  tyde.  Je  ronge,  prim.  conj.  Take 
hede  on  hym ,  for  he  wyl  sheare  his  Iyme  : 
prennez  garde  de  luy,  car  il  rongera  sa  lesse. 

I  SHROWDE,  as  beestes  do  whan  they  gather 
them  togyther  for  colde.  Je  me  Irouppelle, 
verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  Se  howe 
yonder  kyne  shrowde  to  gyther  for  colde  : 
aduisez  comment  ces  vaches  la  se  trouppel- 
lent  pour  lefroyt. 

I  SBETHE  a  kuyfe  or  a  sworde ,  I  put  them  in 
to  their  shethe.  Je  engayne,  prim.  conj, 
Shethe  your  sworde,  you  be  man  good 
ynoughe  :  engaynès  vostre  espée,  vous  estez 
homme  bon  assez. 

I  SHEWE  a  thynge.  Je  monstre,  prim.  conj. 
Shewe  me  where  he  dweileth  :  monstres 
moy  ou  cest  quil  demeure. 

I  shewe  abrode,  as  princes  do  suche  thynges 
as  they  wolde  their  commens  shulde 
knowe.  Je  vulgarise,  prim.  conj.  It  hath 
longe  be  kept  secret,  but  it  is  shewed 
abrode  now  :  on  la  tenu  en  secret  longue- 
ment, mays  il  est  mayntenant  vulgarisé. 


I  shewe  abrode  an  olher  mannes  secret.  Je  re- 
trays,  conjugale  lyke  hissympiejc  trays, 
I  drawe.  I  wyl  never  shewe  abrode  his 
counsayle,  whyle  I  lyve  :  tant  que  je  viue 
ne  retrayray  son  segret. 

I  shewe  abrode  or  publysshe  a  thyng.  Je  de- 
nonce,  prim.  conj.  It  is  shewed  openly  at 
Polies  crosse  :  on  la  dénoncé  a  la  croyx  de 
saint  Pol. 

I  shewe  a  mater  to  one,  I  advertyse  hym  of 
it.  Je  informe,  prim.  conj.  and  je  insinue, 
prim.  conj.  Your  mayster  shewed  hym  it: 
vostre  maistre  le  luy  informa ,  or  le  luy  in- 

I  shewe  a  thyng  to  one  by  some  tokens  or  si- 
gnes. Je  enseigne,  prim.  conj.  I  spake  no- 
thyng  to  him ,  but  I  shewed  hym  of  it  by 
signe  otherwise  ne  luy parlay  de  riens, 
miiysje  luy  enseignay  auUrement. 

I  shewe  a  thyng  openly.  Je  manifeste,  prim. 
conj.  He  shewed  it  openly  byfore  ail  the 
worlde  :  il  le  manifesta  deuant  tout  le 

I  shewe  my  secrètes  or  hydde  thynges  to  one. 
Je  reuele,  prim.  conj.  and  je  sermonne, 
prim.  conj.  If  he  shewe  you  his  mynde 
shewe  it  nat  :  sil  vous  déclare  son  secret  ne 
le  reuelez  pas. 

I  shewe  ones  mynde  to  a  persone.  Je  relate, 
prim.  conj.  Loke  what  he  telleth  me,  I 
shall  shewe  it  you:  ceu  quil  ma  compté  je 
le  vous  relateray. 

I  shewe  or  advyse  one  of  a  thing.  Jaduertys, 
jay  aduerty,  aduertir,  sec.  conj.  and  je 
remontre,  prim.  conj.  dativo  jungitur.  And 
you  come  to  nie,  I  wyil  shewe  you  as  I 
wold  do  my  brolher  :  si  vous  venez  a  moy, 
je  vous  aduertyray  comme  si  vous  fassiez 
mon  frère. 

I  shewe  or  alledge  to  make  my  mater  good. 
Jallegue,  prim.  conj.  You  hâve  shewed 
hère  many  thynges  for  your  purpose  : 
vous  aaez  icy  allégué  mayntes  choses  pour 
vostre  propos. 

I  shewe  or  bewraye  ones  counsayle.  Jaccuse, 
prim.  conj.  Do  what  you  wyll  for  me,  f 


wyll  shewe  no  bodye,  I  promesse  you  : 
faicfez  cea  que  vous  voulez  pour  moy,je  ne 
vous  accuseray  pas ,  je  vous  promets. 

I  shewe  or  déclare  my  mynde.  Je  déclare  mon 
intention,  prim.  conj.  and  je  monstre,  and 
je  annonce,  prim.  conj.  I  liave  shewed  you 
my  mynde  whcrto  you  shall  trust:  Je  vous 
ay  déclaré  mon  intencion  a  (fuoy  vous  vous 

1  shewe  or  put  one  to  a  thyng.  Je  monstre,  prim. 
conj.  je  luy  monstre  le  chemyn,  I  shewe  him 
the  way.  I  shewe  hym  to  ail  men:  je  le 
monstre  a  tout  le  monde,  and  je  remons- 
tre, prim.  conj.  and  je  demonstre,  prim. 
I  shewe  thynges  to  corne.  Je  pronostic<iae.  He 
is  a  marvaylouse  felovv,  he  can  shewe 
thinges  to  come  :  cest  vng  homme  estrange, 
il  vous  scayt  pronostiquer  des  choses  ad- 


I  8HÏPTE  from  a  place.  Je  me  remeue,  verbum 
médium  prim.  conj.  You  can  never  thrive, 
you  use  to  shift  so  often  :  vous  ne  pouez 
jamays  faire  proujjit,  vous  vous  remuez  si 

I  shyft  for  my  selfe.  Je  me  poaruoys,  verbum 
médium  prim.  conj.  conjugale  lyke  his 
syraplejc  voys,  I  se.  But  I  fynde  in  this 
terme  also  je  pouruoye.  Let  me  alone , 
I  shal  shyft  for  one  of  us,  I  trowe  :  lays- 
sez  moy  faire,  je  poaruoyeray  pour  vng  de 
nous,  ce  croyje, 

I  shyfte  garmentes.  Je  change,  prim.  conj.  In 
the  sommer  season  I  love  to  shyfte  me 
often  :  en  temps  desté  jayme  a  me  changer 

I  SHïNE,  as  the  sonne  dothe  or  any  starre.  Je 
luis,  nous  luisons,  je  luis,  jay  luyt,je  luy- 
ray ,  que  je  luyse,  que  je  luysisse,  luyre. 
But  his  compounde  je  reluys  is  more 
used,  but  jay  reluy,  with  ali  the  other 
tenses  cyrcumlocute  be  but  seldome  used. 
And  in  this  sence  I  fynde  je  refulge,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  rutile,  prim.    conj.    Thou 



thynkestit  is  nat  daye  yet,  but  the  sonne 
shyneth  meryly  :  ta  pences  quil  nest  pas 
jour  encore,  mays  le  soleil  luyt,  or  reluyt, 
or  refulge,  or  rutile  joieusement. 
I  shyne,  as  any  bright  thynge  shyneth.  Je  res- 
plendis, sec.  conj.  But  John  le  Mayre  useth 
je  resplens,  tu  resplens,  il  resplend , 
Aussi  respUnd  la  ducalle  haniere. 

But  ail  other  tenses  be  ever  used  of  the 
seconde  conjugacion,  and  in  his  first  booke, 
cap.  x.xii  : 

Et  la  noble  conqueste  de  Jason  en  Colcos 
prent  son  fondement  dung  mouton  a  la  toi- 
son dor  qui  resplend  maintenant  au  ciel, 
faisant  lung  des  douze  signes  du  zodiacqae. 

His  victoriouse  actes  shyiied  thorowe 
ail  the  worlde  :  ses  actes  victorieux  resplen- 
dissoyent  par  tout  le  monde. 

I  SHïPPE  marchaundyse  or  men,  I  bestowe 
suche  thynges  in  a  sliyppe.  Je  embarque, 
prim.  conj.  We  can  nat  go  hence  yet,  we 
bave  nat  ail  shypped  :  nous  ne  pouons  pas 
encore  partyr,  car  nous  nauons  pas  tout  em- 

1  SHYTE,  I  do  that  no  man  can  do  for  me.  Je 
chie,  prim.  conj.  I  wyll  go  shyle  firste  for 
ail  your  haste  :  je yray  chier  premier,  quel- 
que haste  que  vous  ayès. 

I  SHïTTE  or  close  up  a  thyng.  Je  clos,  nous 
closons,  jay  clos,  je  cloays,  N.  Je  cloray, 
que  je  close,  clore,  but  in  composycion 
the  prêter  perfyte  tence  bath  dus,  as  je 
forclos,  jay  forclus,  je  parclos,  jay  par- 
cltts,  je  enclos.  But  for  the  conjugatyng  of 
je  close,  loke  more  in  «I  close».  Though 
I  be  shytte  up  bylwene  stone  walles  for 
his  sake,  yet  wyll  I  love  hym  :  si  on  me 
clot,menclot,  or  combien  que  je  soye  close 
pour  lamour  de  luy  entre  les  murailles  de 
pierre,  si  laymcray  je? 

I  shytte  a  doore  or  a  wyndowe.  Je  ferme,  prim. 
conj.  But  ofte  tymes  I  fynde  the  letter 
chaungeth,  as  je  freme,  prim.  conj.  Go 
shytte  the  doore  and  I  wyll  shytte  up  the 
wyndowes  :  allez  fermer  Ihnys  et  je  yray 
fremer  lesfenestres. 




I  shytte  out.  Je  forclos ,  conjugale  lyke  his 
symple  je  clos,  I  sliyt.  And  je  Jreme  de- 
hors, whiche  is  more  commen.  Sbe  hath 
shytte  me  out  of  dores:  elle  ma  freiné  hors 
de  Ihajs. 
I  shytte  in  a  thyng.  Je  enclos  and  je  enferme, 
prim.  coDJ.  You  hâve  shytte  in  the  dogge  : 
vous  auez  enfermé  le  chien. 

I  shytte  up,  or  close  a  thyng  bytwene  walles. 
Jemmure,  prim.  conj.  He  hath  shytte  up 
bis  trcasour  in  a  wali  :  il  a  emmuré  son 

I  SHïVER  for  colde.  Je  tremble,  prim.  conj.  and 
je  frillonne ,  prim.  conj.  Se  howe  yonder 
poore  man  shyvereth  for  colde  :  agardez 
comment  ce  poure  homme  tremble,  or  fril- 
lonne defroyl. 

I  shyver  yfoode.  Je  fens ,  jay  fendu , fendre ,  etc. 
Conjugate  in  «  I  cleave».  I  whyl  shyver 
this  biocLe  inlo  small  chyppes  :  je  fende- 
ray  cesie  souche  en  petis  cojpeuux. 

\  SHOO  one ,  I  put  shoes  upon  his  fête.  Je  chausse, 
prim.  conj.  Je  chausse  mes  souliers.  He  is 
as  weil  shodde  as  any  man  that  [  knowe  : 
il  est  aussi  bien  chaussé  de  souliers  (juhomme 
que  je  saiche. 

I  shoo  an  borse.  Je  ferre  rng  cheual,  prim. 
conj.  I  shodde  my  borse  at  this  laste 
towne  and  nowe  bc  hath  caste  his  shoo  : 
je  ferray  mon  cheual  a  ceste  dernière  ville, 
et  mayntenant  il  ajecté  vng  de  ses  fers. 

I  SHOGGE,  as  a  carte  dothe.  Je  triboulte,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  hosche,  prim.  conj.  and  je 
escrobe.  The  carte  shogged  so  faste  that 
I  went  ever  I  shulde  bave  fallen  downe  : 
le  chariot  tribouloyt  si  fort,  or  hoschoyt  si 
fort,  or  escroboyt  si  fort,  que  je  cuydoye 
tousjours  cheoyr  a  terre. 

I  SHONNE  a  daunger,  I  starte  asyde  whaa  I  se 
a  thyng  comyng.  Je  me  guenchys ,  sec. 
conj.  And  I  bad  nat  sbonned  asyde,  be 
bad  hyt  me  in  the  eye  :  si  je  ne  men  fasse 
poynl  guenchy,  il  meut  frappé  en  loyel. 

I  shonne,  I  avoyde,  or  eschewe  a  thyng.  Je 
escheue,  prim.  conj.  and  je  euite,  prim. 
conj.  The   tbynge  that  a  man  can   nat 

shonne  it  is  wysdome  to  take  it  in  good 
worthe  :  la  chose  quon  ne  peult  poynt  es- 
cheuer,  or  euiler,  cest  saigesse  que  de  la 
prendre  en  bon  gré. 

I  SHonTEN  tyme.  Jabrege,  prim.  conj.  A  man 
maye  shorten  liis  lyfe,  but  he  can  nat 
length  il  :  on  peult  bien  abréger  sa  vie, 
mais  on  ne  la  peult  poynt  alongicr. 

I  shorten  my  mater,  I  make  it  shorte.  Jabrege, 
prim.  conj.  Shorten  your  mater,  for  it  is 
to  longe  for  this  audyence  :  abrégez  vostre 
matière,  car  elle  est  trop  longue  pour  ceste 

I  shorten  of  lengtlje.  Je  accourtis,  sec.  conj. 
and  je  abrège,  prim.  conj.  and  je  accoar- 
cys.  Mays  pour  le  faire  court.  It  maye  be 
shortenned  by  the  halfe  and  yet  serve 
well  ynough  for  our  purpose  :  on  le  peult 
accourtyr,  or  accourcyr,  or  abréger  de  la 
moytié ,  et  encore  sera  il  long  assez  pour 

I  shorten  my  selfe  hy  sbrinkyng  togyther.  Je 
me  courue,  verbum  médium  prim.  conj. 
A  tall  man  may  shorten  liym  selfe  so 
moche  that  he  shall  nat  serae  so  hye  as  a 
childe  :  vng  bel  homme  se  peult  tant  couruer 
qud  ne  appcrra  pas  si  hault  comme  vng 

I  siiOTEat  ail  adventurcs,  or  at  the  unhappyest. 
Je  tire  a  la  volée.  I  wyll  shoote  at  ail  ad- 
venturcs, bave  at  the  unhappyest  :  je 
tireray  a  la  volée,  que  le  plus  maleureu.r 
se  garde. 
I  sbote  in  any  howe ,  crosse  howe ,  or  longe 
bowe.  Je  tire,  prim.  conj.  I  shotc  in  a 
bowe  :  je  tire  de  lare,  l  shote  at  beestes  or 
foules  :  je  tire  aux  bestcs  ou  oysiaax.  As 
I  went  a  shotyng,  I  lost  my  purse  :  ainsi 
que  je  alloye  tirer  de  lare,  je  perdis  ma 
bource.  Go  we  a  shoottynge,  the  weatber 
is  fayre  :  allons  lyrer,  le  temps  est  beau. 

I  shote  gonnes,  or  any  artillerye  agaynst  a  for- 
tresse.  Je  trays,  conjugate  in  «  I  drawe». 
Tbey  bave  shotte  fourscore  peces  agaynst 
this  towre  in  Icsse  than  halfe  an  boure  : 
ilz   ont  tiré,  or  Hz  ont  truyt  quatre  vingtz 




pièces  dartilerie  contre  ceste  tour  en  moyns 
dune  demy  heure. 

I  sbote  up,  as  an  herbe  or  tree  dotlie  that 
springetli  up  a  heythe.  Je  boute,  prim. 
conj.  or  je  boute  hors,  OT  je  teyete,  prim. 
conj.  Se  howe  this  corne  is  sholte  up 
witbin  this  senyght  :  auisez  comment  ce 
bled  sest  bouté  hors  dedens  vne  sepmayne. 

I  SHOVE  one,  I  pusshe  hym.  Je  pousse,  frim. 
conj.  I  pray  ihe,  sfaoVe  nal  whyle  I  am 
wrilyng  :  je  te  prie,  ne  me  pousses  pas  tant 
que  ta  me  v(y^s  escripre. 

l  shove  one  downe.  Je  boule  a  terre,  or  je 
boute  en  bas.  Sliove  me  naf  downe,  I 
praye  you,  my  heles  be  shorte  :  ne  me 
boutez  pas  en  bas,  je  vous  Jirie,  jay  les  ta- 
lons cours. 

I  shove  downe  to  tlie  grounde.  Je  pousse  a 
terre.  And  he  ronne  at  me,  he  wyH  shove 
me  downe  :  sil  court  contre  moy,  il  me 
poussera  a  terre. 

I  shove  in  to  a  place,  or  in  to  a  great  thronge 
by  vyolencc.  Je  me  irrue,  verbum  mcdiuni 
prim.  conj.  ^ndje  nu  rue  dedens,  verbum 
médium  prim.  conj.  and  je  me  effondre, 
verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  It  is  no  good 
maner  to  shove  in  a  dores  a  this  facyon  : 
cest  contre  bonnes  meurs  que  de  vous  irruer, 
or  que  de  vous  ruer  dedens  en  ce  poynt. 

I  SHODLRE.  Je  devœroys , je  Jallis.  Sil  tousfalloyt 
aller  a  la  guerre.  But  J  siiulde,  moste 
comenlyi  is  ever  a  sygne  of  the  potencyali 

I  SHOOTE,  I  krye  oui  a  lowde.  Je  huppe,  prim. 
conj.  auAje  hue,  jay  haé,  huer,  prim.  conj, 
&nd  je  Juppé,  priJn.  conj.  Whan  the  two 
armyes  came  to  the  joynynge,  cache  of 
them  sbowted  a  londe  :  quant  les  deux  ar- 
mées vindrenl  ajoyndre,  ckascune  délies  al- 
lèrent hupper,  or  huer  a  haulte  voyx. 

I  SHOCGGE,  I  shake  upon  a  person.  Je  saches 
prim.  conj.  Shouggc  nat  so  upon  liim  to 
wake  hym  eut  of  bis  siepe  :  ne  saches  point 
sur  luy  ainsi,  je  rous  prie,  pour  te  euciller 
hors  de  son  someil. 

I  siiBEDDE  a  thyng  in  to  small  peces.  Je  taille. 

or  je  hache.  \  shredde  worles  :  je  hache  de 
la  porrée. 

I  SBBEWE  one,  I  besbrewe  bim.  Je  manldis, 
declaréd  in  ol  besbrewe». 

I  SHRiKE,  I  kry  out,  as  one  dothe  that  is  so- 
daynly  a  frayde.  Je  me  escrie,  verbum 
médium  prim.  conj.  She  shriked  so  loude 
that  a  man  myght  bere  ber  tenne  bouses 
of  :  elle  sescria  si  haultement  quon  leat  peu 
ouyr  dix  maisons  loyng. 

I  SHBiNE  a  saynie  that  dolhe  myracles  in  a 
shrine.  Je  enchâsse,  prim.  conj.  Saynte 
Thomas  of  Caunlcrburye  is  i-ychely 
shryned  :  saynct  Thomas  de  Cantorbrye  rsl 
richement  enchâssé. 

I  SBniNKE,  as  a  thyng  dothe  that  waxetb  lesse 
in  quantyte,  or,  as  a  man  dothe  for  feare 
of  any  daungerthal  he  withdrawetli  from. 
Je  me  retire,  je  me  suis  retiré,  retirer,  ver- 
bum niedium  prim.  conj.  My  leather 
purse  is  sbronke  :  ma  bource  de  cuyr  sesi 
retirée.  île  craked  afore  we  came  bylher 
that  he  wolde  do  marvaylles,  but  nowe  he 
is  shronke  asyde  no  man  can  teli  why- 
ther  :  il  se  vanloyl  auant  que  nous  vinsmes 
icy  quiljeroil  meraailles ,  mays  mayntenant 
il  sest  retiré  nul  ne  scayt  oa. 

I  shrinke,  as  bordes  do  whan  they  be  joyned 
togyther  one  from  another  for  wanle  of 
dewe  seasonyng.  Je  me  desbijfe,je  me  suis 
desbiûe,  desbiffer,  verbum  médium  prim. 
conj.  If  thèse  bordes  shrinke ,  ail  my 
purpose  is  marred  :  si  ces  ays  se  des- 
biffent, tout  mon  f^opos  est gasté. 

I  shrinke  a  sydé,  as  a  man  dothe  that  setbe  a 
strokc  comynge  lowardes  hym,  or  a  stoiie, 
or  a  shafte.  Je  me  guencis,  verbum  mé- 
dium sec.  conj.  And  I  liad  nat  sbronke 
a  syde  he  had  brayned  me  with  this  stone  : 
si  je  ne  mefttss»  guencé  il  meust  esceraellé 
de  ceste  pierre. 

I  shrinke  wilh  my  body  togyther,  as  a  man , 
or- beesl  dolhe  for  colde,  or  whan  Ihey 
stoupe  lowe.  Je  me  acroupis ,  sec.  conj. 
and  je  me  racroupis,  verbum  inedium  sec. 
conj.  Be  nat  a  frayde ,  I  shall  shrinke  so 




lowe  that  he  shall  nat  spye  me  :  nayez 
poynt  de  paour,  je  maccroupiray  si  bas 
qail  ne  me  verra  pas. 

I  SHRIVE  me  of  my  synnes.  Je  me  confesse, 
verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  I  wyli  sbrive 
me  this  lente  at  the  A^gustyne  fryres,  for 
there  is  pardon  ;  je  me  confesseray  aux  A  a- 
gastyns  ce  qaaresme,  car  il  y  a  du  pardon. 
Go  shrive  you,  for  you  liad  uede  :  allez 
vous  confesser,  or  allez  a  confesse,  car 
vous  en  auez  mestier. 

I  SHDGGE  upon  one,  I  sliake  one  that  is  aslepe 
tho  wake  him.  Je  sace,  prim.  conj.  Shugge 
nat  upon  bym ,  I  praye  you ,  he  layde  hym 
downe  to  slepe  but  evyn  nowe  ;  ne  le  sacés 
poyntfje  vous  prie.  Une  se  fit  que  couscher 
mayntenant.   . 

S   BïFOUE  CL. 

I  scLATE  a  house ,  I  cover  it  with  blewe  sclate. 
Je  couuers  dardoyse, conjugale  in  «  I  cover  ». 
Ail  the  foreparte  of  Grenewiche  is  covered 
with  blewe  sclate  :  tout  le  deuant  de  Gre- 
nemyche  est  couuert  dardoyse. 

I  sclate  a  bouse  with  stone  slates.  Je  couuers 
de  pierre,  conjugate  in  «I  cover».  [t  is 
better  to  sclate  a  house  with  stone  than 
to  tyle  it  :  il  vault  mieulx  coitbryr  vne 
mayson  de  pierre  que  de  tuylles. 

I  scLAUNDER  otie ,  I  hurt  bis  good  nome  with 
my  yvell  raporte.  Je  scandalise,,  prim. 
conj.  It  is  yvell  done  to  sclaunder  me  on 
this  maner  :  cest  malfait  que  de  me  scanda- 
liser en  ce  point. 

S    BYFORE    CO. 

I  .«iCOFFE,  I  bourde  or  jest  with  one.  Je  me 
bourde,  verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  I 
scoffe  with  hym  :  je  me  bourde  a  luy. 

I  scoffe,  I  jest  upon  one.  Je  jonche  and  je  larde. 
Hast  thou  naught  els  to  do  but  scoCfe  upon 
me  :  nos  ta  riens  aultre  chose  a  faire,  fors 
que  de  joncher,  or  de  me  larder  ainsi? 

I  scOMFYTE,  or  I  overcome.  Je  uayiicj,  conju- 
gate in  «  I  overcome  ».  He  bath  scoinfyt  ail 
bis  ennemyes  :  il  a  vaynra  tous  ses  ennemys. 

I  scoMME  tbe  potte,  I  take  of  the  scomme.  Je 
escnmme,  prim.  conj.  I  pray  you,  scomme 
the  Jotte  well  :  je  vous  prie ,  escùmés  bien 
le  pot. 

1  SCOHSE,  I  mocke  one.  Je  mocque,  and  je 
lobe,  and  je  me  mocque  ,  verbum  médium 
prim.  conj.  You  bave  nat  done  honestly 
to  scornc  me  on  this  maner  :  doii.'î  miuez 
pas  honcstementfail de  vous  mocquer  de  moy, 
or  de  me  mocqaer,  or  de  me  lober  ainsi  But 
je  lobe  is  olde  Romant. 

I  SCORE,  I  niarke  upon  a  tayle  or  score.  Je 
,  marque,  prim.  conj.  Score  it,  I  pray  you, 
for  forgettyng  :  marquez  le,  je  vous  prie, 
de  paour  de  loublier, 

I  SCOOBE  a  knyfe,  or  barnesse,  or  any  suchc 
thynge  lo  makc  it  briglit.  Je  escure,  priai. 
conj.  You  had  nede  to  scoure  your  knjfe, 
it  is  al  foule  :  vous  auez  mestier  descurer 
vosire  Cousteau,  car  il  est  tout  layd. 

I  scoore  potte,  or  panne,  or  any  maner  vessell. 
Je  escure,  prim.  conj.  Agaynst  this  Eester 
I  wyli  scoure  ail  the  vessel  in  my  bouse  : 
contre  ceste  Pasque,je  veulx  escurer  tonte 
la  vaisselle  de  ma  mayson. 

I  scoore,  as  carpenters  do  their  tymbèr  with 
a  lyne  or  they  heavve  it  or  sawe  it.  Je  ligne 
a  la  cordelle,  prim.  conj.  Whan  your  tym- 
bèr is  well  scoored ,  you  can  never  fayle 
to  sawe  it  right  :  quant  vostre  mesrayn  est 
bien  ligné  a  la  cordelle,  vous  ne  pouez  ja- 
maysfaillyr  a  le  bien  sier. 

I  scoore  on  a  tayle.  Je  taille,  prim.  conj.  Score 
it  upon  the  tayle  :  tet7/e  le  sur  la  taille. 

I  scoDLDE,  as  a  man  or  woman  dotlie  that 
chyde.  Je  tence,  prim.  conj.  He  chydeth 
me  and  I  gyve  hym  no  cause  :  il  me  tence 
et  je  ne  luy  donne  poynl  de  cause.  Tliey 
scolde  togyther  lyke  two  women  :  Hz  se 
eniretencent  comme  deux  femmes. 

I  SCOWLE,  I  loke  under  the  browes.  Je  me 
gaingnc,  verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  Se 
howe  this  wenche  scowieth  :  aduisea  com- 
ment ceste  garce  se  guyngne. 

I  s  COURGE,  r  béate  a  man  or  a  beest  with  a 
scourge.  Je /oue(p,  prim.  conj.  and  je  es- 



courge,  prim.  conj.  and  je  batz  dunes 
escourges,  conjugale  in  «I  beale».  Sylhe 
we  used  to  scourge  beggars  out  of  towne, 
we  hâve  ever  sythe  had  mo  and  mo  : 
depuis  que  nous  anons  aprins  de  fouetter, 
or  de  escourger,  or  de  battre  de  escourç/es 
les  blistres  hors  de  la  ville,  nous  en  auons 
eu  de  plus  en  plus. 

I  scourge,  I  punysshe,  as  God  punysslietb 
with  sycknesse,  famyne,  or  warre,  or  any 
other  adversyte.  Je  afflige,  prim.  conj.'God 
hath  scourged  tbe  lande  of  Italye  very 
sore  iji  our  tyme  :  Dieu  a  ajjligé  la  terre 
dYtalie  bien  fort  en  no:  jours. 

I  scouBE  vessel,  l  make  it  bright  and  deane. 
Je  escare,  prim.  conj.  declared  in  «I 


I  scHAPE  a  tliing  wilb  a  toole.  Je  ratisse,  prim. 
conj.  Scrape  tbe  knedynge  Iroughe  or 
you  put  in  the  meaie  :  ratissez  lauge  a  pé- 
trir aaant  que  dy  mettre  la  farine,  or  cver 
you  put  in  the  dowe  :  auant  que  dy  mettre 
la  poste. 

I  scrape  a  parchement  skynne  to  makc  it  the 
better  to  write  on.  Je  terme,  prim.  conj. 
I  havc  scrapedmy  parcbementsmothe  and 
prepared  a  good  penne,  I  am  nowe  redye 
to  Write  :  jay  terme  mon  parchemyn  bien 
hony  et  ay  apresté  vue  bonne  plume,  je  suis 
mayntenant  prest  a  escripre. 

I  srrape  out  a  writyng.  Je  oblitère,  prim.  conj. 
and  je  efface,  prim.  conj.  Scrape  out  this 
lyne ,  it  is  falscly  written  :  effacez  cette 
ligne,  or  oblitérez  cesie  ligne,  elle  estfaul- 
cement  escripte, 

I  scrape  with  my  nayles,  or  fêle,  as  any  foule 
dothe.  Je  gratte,  prim.  conj.  She  loved 
nat  her  housbande  wbyle  he  tyved,  and 
now  she  wolde  be  gladde  to  scrape  hym 
out  of  the  yerthe  with  her  nayles  :  elle 
naymoyt  point  son  mary  tant  quil  estoyt  en 
vie,  mays  mayntenant  elle  le  vouldroyt  grat- 
ter hors  de  la  terre  de  ses  ongles.  Yondcr 
dogge  scrapeth  to  make  a  hole  to  hyde 

bis  dyner  in  :  ce  chien  la  gratte  vng  trou 
pour  cacher,  or  mucer  son  disner  dedens. 

I  SCHATTE ,  as  a  beest  dothe  that  hath  sharp 
nayles.  Jegraligne.  The  catte  hath  scratte 
hym  by  tbe  face  :  le  chat  la  egratignè  par 
le  visaige. 

I  SCRATCHE  with  my  nayles  where  it  ylcheth. 
Je  gratte,  prim.  conj.  Corne,  scratche  my 
backe,  I  pray  the  :  viens  gratter  mon  dos,  je 
te  prie. 

l  SCRYVE  a  thyng,  I  discrybe  the  maner  of  it. 
Je  descris,  prim.  conj.  He  scryved  her  to 
the  nynthe  degré  :  t(  la  descriuit  jusques  au 
neufesme  degré. 

I  scROGGELL  with  one  to  gette  from  hym, 
or  by  cause  I  wyll  nat  obey  his  correc- 
tion. Je  mestriae ,  verbum  médium  prim. 
conj.  I  scruggell  with  hym  :  je  me  esiriue 
o  luy. 

I  SCDTTE.  Je  docque. 

S   BÏFORE   E. 

I  SEASON  meate,  as  a  coke  dothe.  Je  saysonne 
la  viande.  I  hope  you  shal  fynde  your 
venayson  as  well  seasonned  as  any  that 
you  dyd  eate  this  twelve  monethes  :  jes- 
pere  que  vonstronneret  vostre  venayson  aussi 
bien  saysonnée  que  pièce  que  vous  mangeas- 
•4ez  dung  an  en  ca. 

I  season  upon  a  thyngé,  as  a  hauke  dothe.  Je 
assaysonne,  prim.  conj.  She  saysonned 
upon  the  fesante  at  the  first  flyght  :  eHe 
assay sonna  sur  le  faisant  a  la  première 

I  SE  a  thynge  with  myne  eyes.  Je  voys,  nous 
voyons,  je  vis,  jay  vea,je  verray,  voyrray, 
A.  voyent,  N.  veysmes,  A.  que  je  voye  or 
vcy,  que  je  veisse,  A.  veoir,  tert.  conj. 
vise,  imperative,  A.  I  se  or  beholde  a 
thyng.  Je  «ij«,  prim.  conj.  For  «se»  or 
«beholde».  In  the  imperatyve,  they  us* 
tenez,  as  «se,  thèse  women  wepe  downe 
«  ryghti  :  tenez,  ces  femmes  pleurent  a  grosses 
larmes.  And  je  cerne,  prim.  conj.  Cursed 
be  the  lytcll  dogge  whiche  barketh  and 
seeth  nothing  :  maaldit  soyt  le  petit  chien 



(jui  abaye,  abaye,  abaye,  maldit  soit  le  petit 
chien  qui  abaye  et  si  ne  voyi  riens. 

1  se  alwute ,  I  loke  aboute ,  as  one  dotlie  thaï 
vewetli  a  countraye  or  a  place,  ihat  cas- 
leth  liis  eye  every  wherc.  Je  pourjecle  ma 
veue,  prini.  conj.  As  lie  save  or  loked 
aboute  the  countraye  :  comment  il  pourjec' 
toyt  le  pays. 

I  SEïLE.  Je  cingle,  prim.  conj.  And  they  sayled 
so  farre  tbat  they  came  to  a  wondrous 
ylande  :  et  Hz  cinglèrent  si  auunt  quilz  vin- 
drenl  a  vne  isle  meruaillease.  I  fynde  also 
je  naige,  prim.  conj.  as  ilz  naigereni  si 
anant  quilz  vindrenl  à  vne  isle  meruail- 
leuse.  But  naiger  is  properly  to  rowe  with 

I  SEJOl'RNE ,  I  boorde  in  anotber  mannes  housc 
for  a  lyme,  or  I  tarye  in  a  place  for  a 
season.  Je  séjourne,  prim.  conj.  Are  you 
myaded  to  séjourne  hère  longe  :  estez  vous 
délibéré  de  séjourner  icy  longuement? 

I  SEKE  in  a  cofer.  Je  fouille,  prim.  conj.  I  hâve 
sought  ail  the  cofers  I  bave  for  your  wril- 
ynge  :  jayjouyllé  en  tous  les  cojjres  qucjay 
pour  vostre  escripture.  For  ivvhat  seke 
<  you  i ,  as  we  demaunde  a  straunger,  they 
saye  que  demandez  vous  ?  and  for  a  wliome 
•  seke  you  » ,  après  qui  demandez  vous  ?  but 
this  verbe  may  be  used  ihorowe  out,  as 
we  wyll  seke  you  there  as  we  go  :  nous 
demanderons  après  vous  en  chemyn. 

I  seke.  Je  quiers,  or  enquiers,  I  serche  for  a 
thyng.  Je  quiers,  novs  querons,je  quis,jay 
quis ,  je  querray ,  qaier,  que  je  quiere,  que 
je  quisse,  quérir  and  querre,  tert.  conj. 
I  shall  seke  him  out  and  he  be  with  in 
London  :  je  le  querray  sil  est  dedens  Lon- 

I  seke  out  a  thynge,  I  serche  it  so  longe.  Jen- 
serche,  prim.  conj.  and  je  surquiers,  con- 
jugale lyke  bis  symple  je  quiers,  I  seke. 
The  good  wyfe  wulde  never  seke  her 
dougther  in  the  oven  and  she  had  nat  ben 
ihere  afore  :  la  bonne  femme  ne  serchernyt 
jamays  sa  file  au  four  si  elle  ny  eusl  esté 
paraaant  elle  mesmcs. 

I  seke  out ,  as  a  hounde  scketh  out  bis  game. 
Je  trace,  prim.  conj.  Seke  salten  seke, 
trace  satten  trace. Tlirow  your  glove  whcre 
you  wyl  and  niy  dogge  shal  seke  it  out  : 
jectez  vostre  gant  la  ou  il  vous  playra,  or 
ou  vous  voulez,  et  mon  chien  le  trouvera. 

I  SEKïN,  I  wa.xe  sycke  or  fall  sicke.  Je  deuiens 
malade.  My  falher  syckened  firsl  upon 
saynte  Bartylmewes  evyn  :  mon  père  deuint 
malade  premier  la  veille  saynct  Bartholemy, 
•conjugale  lyke  bis  symplc  je  viens,  I 

I  SEELE  a  letter  my  selfe  or  any  otber  vrityng. 
Je  selle,  prim.  conj.  and  je  enselle,  prim. 
CODJ.  I  wyll  seale  ibis  letter  and  than  I 
wyll  go  with  you  srlleray  ceste  payre  de 
lettres  el  adonc  je  iray  auecques  vous.  1 
hâve  sent  him  ail  bis  writynges  sealed  in 
a  bagge  :  Je  luy  ay  enuoyé  toutes  ses  escrip- 
tures  enscllces  en  vng  sachet. 

I  SELL  ware,  or  marchaundyse,  or  any  thyng.  Je 
vends,  nous  vendons,  je  vendis,  jay  vendu, 
je  vendray,  que  je  vende,  vendre.  1  wolde 
gladly  sell  ail  the  good  I  bave  for  a 
boundred  pounde  :  je  vendroye  voulenticrs 
tous  les  biens  que  jay  pour  cent  liares. 

I  SEME,  I  resemble  or  am  lyke  to  one  in  con- 
discyoïis  or  fygurc.  Je  resemble,  prim. 
conj.  The  covetouse  man  semelh  lyke  a 
man  in  a  dropsyc,  the  more  be  drinketb 
the  more  be  may  :  le  connoyteux  rcsemhle 
a  lidropique,  tant  plus  il  boyt  et  tant  plus 
il  veull. 

It  scmeth.  Il  me  semble,  prim.  conj.  Il  mcst 
aduis,  conjugale  in  o  me  ihynketb  ».  Il  est 
adais  a  ses  seignieurs,  il  me  est  aduis.  It 
semelh,  il  apperelh.  Il  me  semble.  Il 
semeth  me  thaï  he  byddelb  you  reason 
and  you  can  se  it  .je  me  semble,  or  il  mest 
adais  quil  vous  offre  raison  si  vous  le  pouez 

I  SENDE  a  man  worde  of  a  thyng  by  mtssage  or 
by  letter.  Je  luy  mande,  je  luy  ay  mandé, 
mander,  prim.  conj.  and  je  nonce,  prim. 
conj.  [  sende  bym  worde:  je  lay  mandé.  1 
scnde  for  a  man  by  message  or  letter  to 



come  and  spcake  wilh  me  :  je  mande.  1 
sentie  for  hym  htj  mande.  The  kyiigc 
sendeth  for  hym:  le  roy  le  manda.  If  I  be 
sent  for  I  wyll  go,  or  els  nat  :  si  on  me 
mande  je  yray,  unllrement  non ,  or  poynt. 
What  do  you  hère,  hère  is  no  hodye  sent 
for  you  :  qaejaictez  vous  icy,  il  nv  a  ame 
icy  qui  vous  mande. 

I  sende  a  thing  to  one.  Jennnye,  prim.  conj.  I 
senje  hyra  a  lelter  :  je  luy  enuoye  vnes 
leltns,  and  je  transmeU,  conjugate  lyke 
his  symple  je  mets,  l  put.  And  je  destine, 
prini.  conj.  God  sende  you,  as  we  use  to 
answcre  beggars,  whan  we  be  nat  mynded 
to  gyve  them  almesse  :  Dieu  vous  soit  en 
uyde,  God  sende  you  yvell  chevyng, 
•wbiche  is  a  nianer  of  cursing  :  Dieu  vous 
met  en  malle  sepmayne. 

I  sende  fortbe  a  leHer  of  marke,  as  one  prince 
dotlie  agayust  the  subjecics  of  an  olber 
countray,  bycause  his  peoj)le  caiv  bave 
nonc  otherjustyce  therc.  Je  lieue  marque , 
jay  lieué  marque ,  lieuer  marque,  prim. 
coBJ.  The  kyng  wàs  fayne  lo  sende  forthe 
a  lelter  of  marke,  whan  lie  had  ail  done: 
il  fat  force  au  roy  quant  il  auoyt  toutfaict 
de  lieuer  marque;  for  be  coude  otberwise 
bave  no  justyce*  car  il  ne  pouoyl  aultrement 
auoyr  justice.  God  sende  you  good  luckc 
in  your  journey  :  Dica  vous  doynl  bon  en- 
contre. God  sende  you  good  spede:  Dieu, 
votts  veuille  conduire.  God  sende  you  heith  : 
Dira  vous  doyn  t  la  santé. 

I  SEQUESTER,  I  pul  a  tbvng  frpm  the  posses- 
soure  by  the  auctorile  of  a  judge.  Je  sé- 
questre, prim.  conj.  Tbe  judge  hath  se- 
questred  her  lyil  it  Le  tryed  who  ought 
to  marye  her  •.  le  juge  la  séquestrée  tant  quil 
soyt  conqncu  lequel  des  deux  la  prendra  a 

I  SEKCHE,  1  sekc.  Je  serche  and  je  enserche, 
prim.  conj.  I  bave  serchcd  ail  the  cornars 
in  tbe  bouse  for  hym,  but  I  can  nat 
fynde  hym  :  jay  serche  tous  les  coyngz  de  la 
niayson  pour  luy,  mais  je  ne  le  penlx  pas 

I  serche  a  cofer  or  a  maale.  Je  fouille,  prim. 
conj.  Me  tbynkelh  it  is  no  good  maners  to 
serche  ones  cofer  whan  be  is  eut  of  the 
waye  :  l7  mest  aduis  que  cest  contre  bonnes 
meurs  de  fouiller  en  te  coff're  daullruy  quant 
il  est  hors  de  voye. 

I  serche  tlie  see  with  a  sowndyng  leade  to 
knowe  howe  depe  it  is.  Je  pilotte,  prim. 
conj.  It  is  daungerous  to  sayle  to  nere 
tbe  shore,  if  you  serche  nat  with  the 
sowndyng  leade  to  knowe  whether  tbe 
see  be  depe  ynough  :  il  est  dangereux  cin- 
gler trop  près  de  là  riue  si  on  ne  pilotte 
pour  chercher  si  la  mer  y  est  parfonde  assez 
ou  non. 

I  serche  the  actes  or  condyscious  of  a  person. 
Je  menqueste,  je  me  suis  enqaesté,  enquester, 
verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  and  in  this 
sence  I  fynde  je  inuestigue ,  jay  inaestiguè, 
inuestiguer,  prim.  conj.  1  shall  serche 
what  bis  conversacyon  hath  hen  :  je  me 
enqurslcray  comment  il  sesl  conaersé,  or  de 
quelle  vie  il  a  esté.  I  wyll  never  be  to  cu- 
ryouseto  serche  for  an  otber  mans  actes: 
jamays  ne  scray  trop  curieux  pour  inuesti- 
guer les  fais  daullruy^ 

I  SERE,  I  wydder  or  drie  up,  as  an  olde  Iree 
dotb.  Je  me  asseychis,  sec.  conj.  This  tree 
wyll  seere  wilhin  a  yere  or  twayne  :  cest 
arbre  se  asseichera  entre  cy  et  vng  an  ou 

1  sere  with  a  hoote  yron ,  as  a  smyth  or  cyrur- 
gien  dothe.  Je  hrusle  de  fer  chdult.  And 
you  wyll  make  hym  a  carte  horse,  culte 
ofajoyntor  twayne  ofhis  tayle  and  seere 
it  up,  whan  you  bave  done  :  si  vous  le 
roulez  faire  rng  cheual  pour  le  chariot, 
couppez  vne  joyncte  ou  deux  de  sa  queue  et 
bruslés  la  de  fer  chault  quant  vous  aue: 

I  «ère  with  waxe,  or  in  a  seere  clothe.  Je 
cncire  and  je  cire,  prim.  conj.  He  hath 
seered  his  boxe  of  letters  for  feare  of  the 
weather  :  i7  o  encyrè  sa  bouete  dune  toylle 
cirte  de  paour  de  maluays  temps, 
l  SERVR,  as  a  servaunt  dothe   bis  maysfer,  or 



suche  iyke.  Je  sers,  nous  seruons,  je  seritys, 
jay  serujr,  je  seruiray,  que  je  serue,  seruir. 
And  je  administre,  prim.  conj.  I  bave 
serveti  hym  trewiy,  I  take  God  lo  recorde, 
and  lie  deserveth  it  as  iytell  as  ever  dyd 
man:  Je  luy  ay  seray  loyallemenl ,  jappelle 
Dieu  en  temoing ,  et  il  la  rémunéré  aussi  peu 
i/ue  onqaes  jit  homme, 

I  serve  one  al  his  table.  Je  sers  a  la  table.  He 
cap  serve  at  a  table  wel  :  il  scayl  bien  ser- 
uyr  a  la  table. 

I  serve  ormynisler.  Je  administre ,  prim.  conj. 
I  serve  hym  of  as  many  commodyties  as 
.  any  one  man  :je  luy  administre  autant  de 
commoditez  que  nul  aaltre  vng  pour  vng. 

I  serve  one  well,  or  I  serve  one  fayre,  whiche 
kynde  of  sjjekyng  we  use  whan  one  halh 
dispoynted  us,  or  done  us  a  displeasure.  Je 
luy  baylle  belle.  You  liave  served  me  wel , 
or  you  bave  served  me  fayre:  vous  maués 
baillé  belle.  Serve  him  as  he  sbulde  be  : 
hayllei  luy  belle  comment  ilfault.  On  me  la 
bayllé  belle  assez,  usyng  the  tenses  of  je 
baylle,  and  to  them  joynyng  belle,  and  al- 
lerynge  the  pronowne,  as  the  sentence 
shall  requyre,asjV  te  baylle  belle , je  luy 
baylle  belle,  je  rous  baylle  belle,  je  leur 
baylle  belle,  tu  me  baylles  belle,  etc. 

I  serve  one  of  tlie  same  sauce,  whiche  we  use 
iu  manerofa  proverbe.  Jefdys  de  tel  pain 
souppes.  I  shall  serve  you  of  the  same 
sauce  :  je  vous  jeray  de  telles  souppes.  I 
shall  serve  hym  of  the  same  sauce  :  je  luy 
Jeray  de  tel  pain  souppet  and  je  baylh  de 
mesmes.  Care  you  nat,  I  wyll  serve  him 
on  the  same  sauce  :  ne  vous  chaille,je  luy 
bailleray  de  mesmes. 

I  SEASE,  or  take  possession  of  any  tbynge.  Jas- 
saisonne,  prim.  conj.  and  je  saysis,  jay 
saysy,  saysir,  sec.  conj.  I  wyll  sease  hym 
in  his  landes  :  je  lassaysonneray  en  ses 
terres,  or  je  le  saysiray  en  ses  terres. 

I  SESSE,  as  a  kynges  officers  do  a  kyrtges  sub- 
jectes  what  they  shall  paye.  Je  taille, 
prim.  conj.  but  je  tauxe  is  more  pro- 
per.  Howe  shall  the  people  be  sessed  at 

this  next  payment  :  comment  seronhles  gens 
taillez,  or  tauxez  a  ce  prouchayn  payement? 

I  SET  a  borde ,  as  men  be  sette  a  borde  in  the 
see  out  of  botes  in  their  shyppes.  Je  em- 
barque, prim.  conj.  Whan  ail  the  soul- 
dyers  be  set  a  borde,  let  me  hâve  worde: 
quant  tous  les  souldars  sont  embarque:, 
quon  le  mejace  scaaoyr, 

I  set  a  brande ,  or  a  poste  a  fyrc.  Je  atrse,  prim. 
conj.  Set  this  brande  afyrc,  if  you  intende 
to  kepe  fyre  ail  nyght  :  atisez  ce  tison,  si 
vous  estez  délibéré  de  garder  le  feu  toute  la 

I  sel  a  brodyng,  as  a  benne  dothe,  or  suche 
Iyke  that  sytteth  apon  their  yonge.  Je 
couuc,  prim.  conj.  I  wyll  set  sixe  bennes 
a  brodyng  agaynst  this  Marche  metlray 
coaaer  six  gelines  contre  ce  Mars. 

l  sel  a  fyre,  I  kyndell  or  makc  a  fyre  bronde. 
Je  alumr,  prim.  conj.  and  je  alise ,  prim. 
conj.  Set  this  faggot  a  fyrc  or  you  go  : 
alumez  ce  fagot  auant  que  daller. 

I  sel,  as  a  man  setteth  a  precious  stone  in 
golde.  Je  mets  en  œuure.  This  stone  is 
well  set:  ceste  pierre  est  bien  mise  en  oeu- 
vre. I  wyll  sel  my  rnbye  in  fyne  golde  : 
jeferay  mettre  mon  ruby  enfyn  or. 

I  set  a  gowne,  I  put  the  playtes  of  it  in  order. 
Je  plie,  prim.  conj.  And  je  mets  les  plies, 
jay  mys  les  plies,  mettre  les  plies,  etc.  I  can 
nat  sette  a  gowne,  I  was  never  no  tay- 
lour  ne  puis  pas  mettre  les  plies  dune 
robe,  je  nefusjamays  cousturier. 

I  set  a  haulce  on  her  perche.  Je  perche,  prim. 
conj.  Go  sel  my  hauke  on  her  perche  : 
allez  percher  mon  oyseau. 

I  set  a  housc  a  fyre.  Je  atise  vne  may.fon,  or  je 
boute  le  feu  dedens  vne  mayson,  I  can  do 
some  Ihyng,  for  I  can  set  a  house  a  fyre 
and  ronne  awaye  by  the  lyght,  whan  I 
liave  done  :je  scay  faire  quelque  chose,  car 
je  scay  bouter  le  feu  en  vne  mayson  et  men- 
fuyr  par  la  clarté. 

I  sel  a  yonge setteorplanle.Jc/)/an(f,prim.  conj. 
Who  dyd  set  this  plante  :  qui  m.  planté 
ceste  plante  ? 



I  set  a  lofte ,  as  a  man  is  vvhan  one  dothe  pro- 
inote  him.  Je  lieiie  sus.  Nowe  be  we  set 
a  lollt  :  majntenaiit  sommes  nous  huez  sus  ? 
l  wyll  set  byra  a  lofte  or  I  hâve  clone  wyth 
hym  :  je  le  lieueray  sus  auant  quejayefaict 
de  lay. 

J  set  an  instrument  of  musyke.  Jcnlonne,  prim. 
conj.  and  jaccorde,  prim.  conj.  and  iu 
this  sence  I  fynde  also  je  monte,  prim. 
conj.  Set  my  virgynalics  :  entonnez  mes  es- 
pxnetles.  Set  my  clarycordes  :  accordez  mes 
monocordes.  Set  my  lute  :  montez  mon  luz. 
So  that  every  of  thèse  verbes  is  proper  for 
the  sence  that  I  bave  gyve  exemple,  but 
accorder  is  comraen  the  settyng  of  ail  me- 
ner instrumentes. 

I  set  a  parte,  I  set  a  syde.  Je  mets  a  part.  And 
je  reposte,  conjugate  in  «I  put».  You  may 
setlc  this  a  parte  for  a  whyle,  for  we 
shall  nat  occupye  it  :  vous  pouez  mettre 
cecy  a  part  pour  vng  peu,  car  nous  nen  au- 
rons que  fayre. 

I  set  a  pycture  in  bordes.  Je  enchâsse,  prim. 
conj.  Nowe  that  my  picture  of  the  cru- 
cifyxe  is  set  in  bordes,  it  dot  h  moche 
hetter  tban  il  dyd  afore  ;  mayntenant  que 
jay enchâsse  mon  ymaigc  de  crucifix,  elle 
semble  beaucoup  plus  belle  quelle  nejaysoyt 
par  deiiant. 

I  sel  apon ,  as  a  man  dothe  on  bis  ennemy.  Je 
Uiy  rue  sus ,  je  lay  ay  rué  sus,  luy  ruer  sus, 
prim.  conj.  Ile  dyd  set  upon  me  in  the 
open  slreate  and  1  madc  no  mater  to  bim  : 
d  rua  sur  moy  en  playne  rue,  et  je  ne  luy 
demanday  riens. 

I  set  apon  hym.  Je  luy  rue  sus.  We  dyd  set 
apou  ihem  :  nous  leur  ruasmes  sus.  They 
shall  set  apon  us  :  Hz  nous  ruront  sus,  etc. 
and  in  this  sence  1  fynde  also  je  donne 
dedenstjay  donné  dedcns,  donner  dedens, 
prim.  conj.  But  it  is  properly  as  horse- 
men  selle  apon  thcir  ennemyes  in  a  felde. 
Whau  our  bande  sawe  that ,  we  dyd  sel 
upon  ihem  al  the  syde  of  ihem  :  quant 
naître  bande  vit  cela,  nous  donnasmes  de- 
dens de  cousté. 

i  scia  precyouse  stone  in  golde  or  sylver.  Je 
mets  en  œuure,  jay  mys  en  œuure,  mettre 
en  œuure,  conjugate  in  «I  pul»,jV  mets, 
and  je  enchâsse,  declared  afore  in  «I  set, 
«as  a  man  setteth  a  precyouse  stone  ». 

I  selle,  as  a  hunier  setteth  bis  bayes,  or  bis 
toyiles,  or  any  otber  ihinges  to  take  wyide 
beestes  with.  Je  tens,  conjugate  in  «I 
•  bende».  Go  sel  for  some  connyes  :  allez 
tendre  pour  prendre  des  connyns. 

I  set,  as  a  place  is  sel  in  good  or  badde  soyle, 
or  in  a  pleasaunle  or  displesauot  syte.  Je 
situe,  prim.  conj.  Rycbemonte  is  very 
weJl  set  in  my  mynde  :  Richemont  est  fort 
bien  situé  a  mon  aduis. 

I  set,  as  a  priuler  dothe  bislelters  inhis  forme. 
Je  compose,  prim,  conj.  Your  worke  must 
nedes  go  forwarde,  fgr  I  bave  foure  that 
do  notliyng  els  but  set  upon  it  :  it  est 
force  que  vostre  oeuure  sauance,  car  jay 
quattre  qui  ne  font  aultre  chose  que  com- 

F  sel  a  prisonner  to  bis  raunsome.  Je  rançonne, 
prim.  conj.  I  truste  to  go  home  shortly, 
for  I  am  sel  to  my  raunsome  ail  redy  : 
jespere  que  je  retourneray  a  la  mayaon  bien 
tost,  car  je  suis  rançonné  desja. 

I  set  a  siège,  as  a  prince  dothe  agaynst  a 
slronge  towne  or  bolde.  Je  plante  le  siège, 
prim.  conj.  Il  was  a  goodly  syght  to  se 
whan  the  kynges  good  grâce  dyd  set  his 
siège  byforc  Tournaye  :  il  faisoyt  beau 
veoyr  la  bonne  grâce  du  roy,  quant  il  planta 
son  siège  deuant  Tournay.   ■ 

1  set  a  syde,  as  counsaylours  or  judges  do  ail 
ibeir  maters  for  the  basly  spcdynge  of 
soine  one.  Je  poslpose ,  prim.  conj.  and  je 
mets  a  part.  The  kynge  wyll,  ail  other 
ihynges  sel  asydc,  that  you  cxamyne  this 
mannes  mater  and  that  you  make  hym 
breife  cxpedycion  ;  U  roy  vealt  que,  toutes 
choses  posipnsées,  or  mues  o  part,  que  vous 
examinés  la  cause  de  cestuy  et  que  vous  luy 
faciès  briefae  expédition. 

I  set  asyde,  I  set  ont  of  ihe  waye  or  from  the 
resydewe.  Je  mets  a  part,  and  je  reposte. 



prim.  conj.  and  je  mets  arrière,  conjugale 
in  ol  put».  Set  this  asyde,  tyil  I  call  for 
if.  reposiez  cecy,  or  mettez  cecy  a  part,  or 
mettez  cecy  arrière,  tant  que  je  demande 

I  set  as  moche  by  hym  as  he  dolhe  by  me 
donne  aatcuit  de  luy  quilfaict  de  moy. 

I  set  a  sonnyng.  Je  mets  au  soleil.  Go  sel  thèse 
glasses  of  rose  waler  a  sonnyng  :  allez 
mettre  ces  voyrres  deaue  rose  au  soleil. 

I  set  at  large,  as  men  do  yonge  folkes  or  hor- 
ses  to  lette  ihem  go  al  their  lybertye.  Je 
effréné,  prim.  conj.  And  you  sette  hym  at 
large  nowe,  Iwenty  to  oue  he  is  ondone 
for  ever  :  si  vous  leffrenés,  or  si  vous  le 
mettez  au  large  mayntenant,  vingt  contre  vng 
il  est  gasté. 

I  set  a  laske  ôr  Charge  upon  my  subjectes.  Je 
impose,  prim.  conj.  The  kynges  busynes- 
ses  be  so  great  thaï  we  muste  nedes  set  a 
laske  upon  llie  conimens  :  les  affaires  du 
roy  sont  si  tresgrandcs  quil  est  force  de  im- 
poser vng  taulx  snr  le  commun. 

i  set  at,  as  a  man  dolhe  tliat  setteth  a  price 
upon  a  Ihyng,  as  I  selle  my  horse  at  four 
pouode  :  je  Jays  mon  chenal  a  quattre 
liures.  Howe  moche  set  you  his  plate  at  : 

1.  ■  a  combien  mettez  vous ,  or  combien  Jaictez 
vous  sa  vaisselle -dargcnt? 

I  set  a  thynge  in  my  lappe.  Je  engeronne,  prim. 
conj.  Come  hyther,  Kale,  and  I  wyll  set 
the  on  my  lappe,  and  daunce  the  :  viens 
ca,  Kallieline,  et  je  te  engeronneray  et  te 
Jeray  dancer. 

I  set  at  one.  Je  Jays  daccort.  iNo  man  can  agre 
ihem  or  sette  them  al  one  :  nul  ne  les 
peult  agréer  ou  faire  daccort. 

I  set  at  naughi.  Je  desprise,  je  vilipende,  je 
mesprise ,  jadnichile ,  je  contempne  ,  je  post- 
pose, je  vitupère,  and  Je  adneantis.  VVotte 
you  whom  you  set  at  naught  :  scanez  vous 
quel  homme  cest  que  vous  deprisez,  or  qne 
vous  vilipendez,  or  que  vous  mesprisez ,  or 
que  vous  coittempnés ,  or  que  vous  postpose: , 
or  que  vous  vitupérez  ? 

I  set  at  naught,  I  eslyine  one  or  regarde  hym 

nothynge.  Je  vilipende,  prim,  conj.  and 
je  adnichile,  prim.  conj.  and  je  ne  donne 
riens  de,  or  je  ne  tiens  compte.  I  set  hym 
at  naught  :  je  ne  donne  riens  de  luy. 

I  sette  a  worke.  Je  melz  en  besongne ,  or  jemhe- 
soigne,  and  je  metz  en  oeuure.  Thèse  poore 
man  be  corne,  but  who  shali  sel  them  a 
worke  nowe  ces  poures  gens  -sont  venus, 
mays  qui  les  niellera  en  besongne  maynte- 
nant, or  qui  les  mettera  en  oeuure  mayn- 
tenant ? 

I  set  a  worke,  l  set  in  occupacyon,  or  busy- 
nesse.  Jembesoignr ,  prim.  conj.  I  hâve  set 
hym  a  worke  for  thèse  two  houres  :  je 
lay  embesoigné  potir  ces  deux  heures. 

I  sette  a  worke,  I  £ause  one,  or  styrre  one  to 
do  a  thynge.  Je  mctz  en  oeuure.  I  praye 
you,  sette  hym  nal  a  worke,  he  can  do 
yvell  ynoughe  ol  hymselfe  :  je  dom  pnV, 
ne  le  mettez  poynt  en  oeuure,  il  scayt  faire 
mal  assez  de  soy  mesmes. 

I  set  one  a  worke,  I  provoke,  or  counsayle  him 
to  do  à  shreude  tourne.  Je  aposte,  prim. 
conj.  If  I  kncwe  who  dyd  set  hym  a 
worke  ,  he  shulde  repenl  il  :  si  je  pouuoys 
congnoisire  qui  loposlu  premier,  il  sen  re- 

I  set  backewarde,  or  hynder  a  mater  thaï  il 
gothe  nàt  forwarde.  Je  desauance ,  prim. 
conj.  I  bave  sel  hym  backwarde  this  niorn- 
ynge  morè  than  he  shall  corne  forwarde 
thèse  seven  yeres  :  je  luy  plus  desauance 
ceste  matinée  quil  ne  se  nuancera  de  ces  sept 

I  set  by  a  thing.  Je  tiens  compte,  jay  tenu 
compte,  tenir  compte ,  etc.  I  set  as  moche 
by  hym  as  îs  worthe  :je  tiens  autant  de 
compte  de  luy  comme  il  vault.  1  wolde  ihou 
knewest  it  I  set  naught  by  tbe  :  je  voul- 
droye  bien  que  tu  le  sceusses  que  je  ne  tiens 
compte  de  toy. 

I  one,  I  estyme  hym,  or  regarde  hym. 
Je  tiens  compte ,  jay  tenu  compte ,  tenir 
compte,  and  je  donne  garde,  and  je  ac- 
compte.  I  set  moclie  by  him  :  je  tiens  grant 
compte  de  luy,  je  donne  beaucoup  de  lay.  1 



set  naught  hy  liym  :  je  ne  tient  compte  de 
luy,  or  je  ne  donne  riens  de  luy. 

I  set  by,  or  hâve  iû  estymacyon.  Jaconte,  or 
jaccompte.  The  man  is  hyghely  selte  by  in 
our  countraye  :  Ihomme  est  fort  accompté 
en  nostre  pays. 

I  set  downe,  I  rest  me  on  a  seate.  Je  massis, 
OT  je  massoys,je  me  assejs,je  me  suis  assis, 
je  massieray,  (jueje  massie,  que  je  masseisse, 
seoyr,  terl.  conj.  He  sytteth  with  bis  backc 
lo  Ibe  altare  :  il  sassiet  le  dos  vers  laultel. 
Syl  downe,  y  pray  you  :  séez  vous,  je  vous 
prie,  I  wyll  nat  syt  tyll  you  be  redye  :  je  ne 
me  seyeray  pas  tant  que  vous  soyez  prest.  In 
the  stede  of  a  good  man  we  set  a  shrewe 
upoD  the  benche  :  en  lieu  dung  preudhomme 
nous  mettons,  or  nous  seoas  vng  maalaays 
homme  sur  le  banc. 

I  sette  forthe,  as  a  man  setteth  forthe  the 
persone  he  is  disposed  to  avaunce,  or 
proraote.  Je  prejerre,  prim.  conj.  and  le 
caiance,  prim.  conj.  He  setteth  forthe  bis 
cfayidren  tbe  bcst  of  any  man  that  I 
knowe  :  il  prejerre,  or  il  auance  ses  enfans 
le  miculx  que  homme  que  je  saiche. 

I  set  forlbe,  as  a  company  dothe  whan  tbey 
begyn  to  go  forwarde.  Je  me  aaance,  vcr- 
bum  médium  prim.  conj.  and  je  marche. 
The  armye  setteth  forthe  al  redy  :  larmée 
sauance  desja,  or  je  aaance  desja. 

I  set  forlbe,  as  a  workeman  setteth  forthe  bis 
craft,  or  as  one  ihing  sheweth  the  beauite 
of  another.  Je  donne  lustre,  prim.  conj. 
This  biacke  veivet  gowne  setteth  fort  this 
lady  verye  well  :  ceste  robbe  de  velloars  noyr 
baille  fort  bon  lustre  a  ceste  dame. 

I  set  forthe  on  my  journay.  Je  me  mets  en  che- 
min. Whan  sette  you  forthe  on  your  jour- 
nay, and  God  wyll  :  quant  vous  méfierez 
vous  en  chemyn,  se  Dieu  playst? 

I  set  forlbe  the  qualylies  of  a  person,  or  ihe 
partyculer  thynges  contayned  in  a  great 
mater,  or  sucbe  lyke.  Je  singularise,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  descrips,  conjugale  in  «  I 
f  Write  I ,  je  escrips.  New  hâve  I  shewed 
you  in  a  generaltie  the  contentes  of  tbe 

chapiter,  but  to  sel  forlbe  the  partyculers 
requyreth  a  furlher  layser  :  or  vous  ay  je 
compté  en  somme  le  contenu  de  ce  chapitre, 
mays,  pour  le  singulariser,  demandez  vng 
plus  grant  loysyr. 

I  sel  forwarde  a  person,  or  avaunce  bira  to 
promocyon.  Jadaance,  prim.  conj.  De- 
clared  in  o  I  set  forthe ,  as  a  man  selleth 
«  forthe  the  person  he  is  disposed  lo 
•  avaunce  >. 

I  set  forwarde ,  1  further  hym ,  or  avaunce  hym. 
Je  lauance,  prim.  conj. 

I  set  forwarde ,  as  an  armye ,  or  great  company 
dothe.  Je  me  auance,  and  je  marche  auant, 
prim.  conj.  Whan  shall  tbey  set  forwarde: 
quant  marcheront  Hz  en  auant? 

I  set  fre,  I  set  one  clere  without  paycng  of 
any  money,  or  leavyng,  or  bearyng  of 
any  charge.  Je  qaictte  .1  wyll  set  you  fre  : 
je  vous  quictteray.  As  for  your  costes ,  lake 
no  thought  for,  l  wyll  set  you  fre  :  quant 
a  voz  despens ,  ne  vous  chaille ,  je  vous 

I  set  herbes,  or  trees.  Je  plante,  prim.  conj.  I 
bave  set  rosemarye  and  sage  ynougb  in 
my  gardayne  :  jay  planté  en  mon  jardin 
du  rommaryn  et  de  la  sauge  assez. 

I  set  hyest,  or  upper  moste  in  a  companye.  Je 
préside,  prim.  conj.  and  je  tiens  le  hault 
bout,  jay  tenu  le  hault  bout,  tenir  le  hault 
bout,  conjugale  in  «  I  holde  ».  He  beareth 
us  in  bande  that  he  was  al  the  feest,  but 
he  can  nat  tell  who  dyd  syt  hyghest,  or 
wbo  dyd  syt  uppermoste  :  il  nous  fait  a 
croyre  quil  estoyt  a  lafeste,  mais  il  ne  scait 
pas  qui  presidayt,  or  qui  tenoyt  le  hault 

I  set  in  order  one  by  another,  or  in  arraye. 
Je  arrenge,  prim.  conj.  and  je  arroye, 
prim.  conj.  I  bave  set  my  horses  in  or- 
der :  jay  arrangé  mes  cheuaulx. 

I  set  in  order  tbe  thynges  in  my  bouse  or 
sboppe.  Je  betreche,  prim.  conj.  I  wyll 
set  my  loles  en  an  order  and  come  lo 
you  :  je  betrecheray  mes  outilz  et  viendray 
a  vous. 




I  set  in  order  writynges,  or  suche lyke  tliynges. 
Jt  rédige  en  ordre,  prim.  conj.  I  wyll  set 
my  writynges  in  order  tliat  I  may  fynde 
them  whan  I  sliall  hâve  ncde  :  je  redigeray 
mei  escriptures  en  ordre,  ajin<jae  je  les 
puisse  trottuer  quant  je  en  aaray  besojng. 

I  set  yonge  ■  plantes.  Je  enle,  prina.  conj.  I 
gryrtethem.  Je  ente,  prim.  conj.  Declared 
in  «  I  gryffe». 

I  set  in  tune,  as  nien  do  syngers,  or  mynstrel- 
les.  Je  entonne,  prim.  conj.  Can  yon  nat 
set  tliese  syngyng  nien  in  tune  yct  :  ne 
pouez  vous  poynt  entonner  ces  chantres  en- 

I  set  in  tune ,  as  mynstrelles  do  their  instru- 
mentes of  musyke,  as  lute,  harpe,  virgy- 
nals.or  suche  lyke.  Je  monte,  prim.  conj. 
Declared  afore  in  «  I  set  an  instrument  ». 

I  set  in  to  the  oven,  as  bakers  do  their  breed, 
or  other  thyng.  Je  enfourne ,  prim.  conj. 
At  the  settyng  in  to  the  oven  folkes  make 
syde  loves  :  a  lenfourner  fait  on  les  pajns 
cornus?  We  shal  nat  set  in  tyll  to  morowe 
thre  of  the  clocke  :  nous  ne  enfournerons 
poynt  jusques  a  demayn  au  matjn  a  trojs 

1  set  in  worke ,  as  goldsmythes  dothe  their  pre- 
cyouse  stones  in  to  golde.  Je  mets  en 
oeaure,  conjugate  in  il  put»,  declared 

I  set,  I  ordayne,  as  I  set  a  lawe.  Je  mets  vne 
loy.  He  halh  sette  newe  lawes  upon  bis 
people  :  il  a  mys  des  loyx  nouuelles  sur  son 

I  set,  I  put  a  thyng  in  a  place.  Je  mets,  con- 
jugate in  «I  put».  Where  shall  I  set  this 
stoole  :  ou  est  ce  que  je  metteray  ceste  sca- 

I  «et  nien  in  araye  to  fyght,  or  on  arowe.  Je 
arrenge ,  fTim.  conj.  and  je  arroye,  prim. 
conj.  Setyour  men  in  araye,  our  enemyes 
be  comynge  ;  arrengez  voz  gens,  or  arroyez 
voz  gens,  noz  ennemys  viennent. 

I  set  myne  eye  upon  a  thyng,  I  beholde  it.  Je 
mets  mon  oeil.  As  sone  as  he  set  bis  eye 
upon  me  :  aussi  tost  qail  meist  loeyl  sur  moy. 

I  set  my  wordes,  as  one  dothe  that  spekelh, 
or  writeth  eleganllye.  Je  couche  mes  motz, 
jay  couché  mes  motz,  coucher,  prim.  conj. 
Beware  of  hym,  he  can  sette  bis  wordes, 
I  tell  you  :  gardez  vous  de  luy,  il  scait  cou- 
cher ses  motz,  je  vous  dis, 

I  set  more  by  my  selfe  than  I  ought  to  do.  Je 
me  oultre  cuyde,  and  je  me  estime  plus.  \ 
sette  more  by  my  selfe  than  ail  the  towne 
dothe  after  :  je  me  estime  plus  que  ne  fait 
toute  la  reste  de  la  ville. 

I  set  no  force.  Je  ne  tiens  compte.  By  my  faytbe 
she  setteth  no  force  by  it  :  par  mafoy  elle 
ne  tient  compte  de  cela. 

I  set  no  store  by  a  thing,  1  care  nat  for  it.  Je 
ne  tiens  compte,  declared  bere  after  in  «  I 
«  set  store  ».  I  set  no  store  by  hym  :  je  ne 
tiens  compte  de  luy. 

I  set  one  a  gogge  to  do  a  thyng,  or  I  set  one 

a  warke,  or  I  set.  one  on  to  do  a  thyng, 

.     as  «  who  dyd  first  set  hym  on  ».  Looke  for 

exemple  of  thèse  thre  verbes  afore  in  ■  I 

«  provoke  » . 

I  set  one  a  lyght  fyre.  Jalume,  prim.  conj.  But 
more  properly.  Jembrase ,  prim.  conj.  I 
set  on  a  lyght  (lame  enjlambe,  prim. 
conj.  They  dyd  sette  the  tovN're  on  a 
lyght  fyre  or  ever  they  departed  :  la  tour 
fut  par  eulx  toute  embrasée  auant  qailz  se 
partirent,  or  toute  enjlambée,  or  Hz  embra- 
sèrent la  tour  auant  que  partyr  de  la. 

I  set  one  a  heyght  amongest  the  starres.  Je 
stellifie ,  prim.  conj.  In  the  olde  tyme 
they  used  to  set  their  princes  amongest 
the  starres  :  au  temps  jadis  Hz  souloyent 
stellijier  leur  princes. 

I  set  on  edge,  as  sowre  frute  dothe  ones  tethe 
that  he  can  nat  endure  to  suffre  his  tethe 
to  mete.  Je  agace.  Thèse  crabbcs  bave  sel 
my  tethe  an  edge  :  ces  pommes  de  boys  me 
ont  agacé  les  dcns. 

I  set  on  an  agglet  upon  a  poynt,  or  lace.  Je 
ferre,  prim.  conj.  Wyll  you  set  none  ag- 
glettes  upon  your  poyntes  :  ne  vouliez  vous 
poynt  enferrer  voz  esguyllettes? 

I  set  one  in  auctorite.  Je  auctorise,  prim.  conj. 




And  I  be  set  ones  in  auclorite,  let  me 
alone  with  Ihe  resydewe  :  mays  que  je 
soye  vnefoys  auctorisé,  laissez  moy  faire  de 
la  reste,  or  mys  en  aactorité. 

I  set  ones  foote  ont  of  joynle.  Je  mets  son  pied 
hors  du  moulle.  Alas,  I  feare  me  he  bath 
sel  my  fote  out  of  joynle  :  helas,  je  men 
double  quil  a  mys  mon  pied  hors  du  moulle, 

I  selte  one  over  the  water,  as  a  fery  man  dolfae. 
Je  passe,  prim.  conj.  Ferye  man,  wbat 
shal  I  gyve  Ihe  lo  sel  me  over  the  water  : 
passeur,  que  te  donneray  je  pour  me  passer? 

I  set  one  lo  bis  taske  wbat  he  sball  do,  or 
wbat  he  sbal  pay.  Je  taxe,  prim.  conj. 
Nowe  you  knowe  your  payne ,  for  you  be 
«elle  to  your  taske  :  mayntenant  conynoyssez 
vous  vostre  payne,  car  vous  estez  taaxé,  or 

I  set  one  to  fais  taske,  or  apoynte  hym  wbat 
be  sbali  do.  Je  députe,  prim.  conj.  and  je 
taxe,  prim.  conj.  I  hâve  set  hym  to  overse 
my  workemen  -je  lay  député  pour  aaoyr 
loyel  sffs  mes  ouariers.  And  to  set  every 
man  to  bis  taske  :  et  pour  taxer  tout  le 

l  set  on  the  rygbt  bande  of  one.  Je  lay  adestre, 
Frossart.  And  je  adextre,  prim.  conj.  And 
wban  Ibey  were  sel  al  the  table,  the 
quene  dyd  set  on  bis  rygbt  bande  :  et 
quant  ih  estoyent  assis  a  la  table,  la  royne 
ladestroyt,  or  adexlroyt. 

I  set  out  of  the  way.  Je  desuoye,  prim.  conj. 
He  hatb  set  me  out  of  the  waye  with  bis 
teacliynge  :  par  son  enseignement  il  ma 

1  set  oui  a  ihyng  to  the  sbewe ,  F  niake  il  apere 
bélier  iban  il  is.  Je  donne  lustre,  prim. 
conj.  This  felowe  bath  set  out  bis  mar- 
chandyse  to  the  sbewe  :  cest  homme  a 
donné  lustre  a  sa  marchandise. 

1  set  rounde  aboute,  as  a  man  is  witb  bis 
enemyes  ,  or  a  beesl  with  huniers,  or 
any  olber  thyog.  Jenuyronne ,  prim.  conj. 
Wban  a  man  is  sel  for  rounde  aboute  of 
bis  ennemyes  ,  wbat  shuide  he  do  but 
playe  tbe  man  :  quant  vng  homme  est  en- 

uironnè  de  ses  ennemys ,  que  feroyt  il  que 
Jayre  de  Ihomme? 

I  set  store  by  a  tbynge,  or  iiave  it  in  esty- 
macion,  J acompte ,  and  jeslime,  je  tiens 
compte,  and  je  accompte,  I  set  no  more 
store  by  bym  :  il  ne  me  est  compte  de  luy. 
I  set  no  store  by  your  syngyng  :  je  ne 
donne  riens  de  vostre  chanter,  je  ne  tiens 
plus  compte,  or  je  ne  tiens  plus  de  compte. 

I  set  store  by  one,  or  bave  bym  iu  great  esly- 
macion.  Je  tiens  compte,  jay  tenu  compte, 
tenir  compte.  I  set  great  store  by  bym  :  je 
tiens  grant  compte  de  luy.  Women  set  no 
more  store  by  hym  :  femmes  ne  tiennent 
plus  compte  de  luy,  I  set  no  store  by  bym  : 
je  ne  liens  compte  de  lay, 

I  set  tbynges  alonge  by  a  rowe.  Je  renge,  prim. 
conj.  Nowe  tbe  tbynges  be  selte  alonge 
by  rowe,  tbey  be  tbe  more  easye  to  be 
tolde  :  mayntenant  que  les  choses  sont  ren- 
gées,  elles  sont  plus  aysées  a  compter. 

1  set  tbynges  nere,  or  juste  logylher.  Je  serre, 
prim,  conj.  And  you  wyll  sel  your  borses 
nere  togytber,  you  bave  rorame  ynough 
in  this  stabell  for  Iwo  mo  :  51  vous  voulez 
serrer  voz  cheuaulx,  vous  auez  de  lespace 
assez  en  ceste  eslable  pour  deux  dauantaige. 

I  set  tbynges  oui  of  order,  or  out  of  tbeir  place. 
Je  desempare,  prim.  conj.  Wbo  bath  sel 
my  bookes  oui  of  order  on  this  facyon , 
sythe  I  went  :  qui  a,  en  ce  poynt,  desem- 
paré mes  choses  depuis  que  je  suis  parly?  He 
is  well  set,  well  pygbt  :  il  est  bien  en- 
tassé, etc.  Tbe  felowe  is  well  selle,  or 
well  pygbt ,  it  shuide  semé  Ibat  be  is 
able  lo  beare  a  great  burlben  :  le  compai- 
gnon  est  bien  entassé,  il  fault  dire  quil  est 
paissant  asse^  pour  porter  vng  grant  fayz. 

I  set  a  price  upon  a  thyng  thaï  sbulde  be  solde. 
Je  apprise,  prim.  conj.  and  je  apprécie, 
prim.  conj.  And  you  set  nat  a  price  upon 
your  marcbaundyse ,  bowe  can  il  be 
bougbl  :  si  vous  napprisez,  or  appréciez 
vostre  marchandise,  comment  la  peult  on 

1  set  at  rest.  Je  mets  a  repos,  and  je  ayse,  or  je 




aysie,  prim.  conj.  Set  your  herte  atrest, 
you  wotte  wherto  you  shall  truste  so  longe 
as  I  lyve  :  mettez  vostrc  cœur  a  repos,  or 
aysez  vostre  caear,  vous  scauez  a  quoy  vous 
vous  ferez  tant  que  je  viue. 

I  sethe  nieathe.  Je  bouls,jay  boulj,  boulir.  Loke 
in  «  I  boyle».  Andjc  cuis,jay  cuit,  cuyre.  Is 
it  sodden  :  estil  cuyt?  \i'\t  ynoughe  :  est  il 
cuyt?  And  je  parbouls,  etc.  But  tliat  signy- 
fyeth  properly  to  parboyle. 

I  set  up  a  house.  Je  dresse  vne  majsoii,  or  any 
thynge  thaï  lyeth  a  longe.  He  hatli  set  up 
a  fayre  house  in  tbe  market  stede  :  i{  a 
dressé  vne  belle  mayson  au  marché. 

I  set  up  a  man ,  I  am  the  occasyon  of  bis  tbriv- 
yuge,  or  avauncement.  Je  auance,  prim. 
conj.  And  je  remets  sus,  conjugat  in  «  I 
■  |)ut».  I  shall  than  be  set  up  agayne 
seray  donques  remys  sus. 

1  set  up  a  newe  buyidyng,  or  a  newe  ordo- 
naunce.  Je  remets  sus.  He  hath  set  up  a 
newe  buyidyng  at  bis  ferme  :  il  a  mys  sas 
vng  nouueau  bastiment  a  sa  metayrie. 

I  set  up  a  thynge  that  lyeth  alonge.  Je  dresse, 
prim.  conj.  and  je  redresse,  prim.  conj. 
Set  up  tbis  ladder  agaynst  the  wall  : 
dressez  cette  échelle  contre  la  paroy,  or  ra- 

I  set  up  a  thyng,  I  lay  it  up  in  safe  kepyng. 
Je  mets  en  sauf.  Go,  set  up  tbis  bagge  of 
monaye,  tyll  I  call  for  it  :  allez,  mettez  en 
sauf  ce  scùchet  dargent  tant  que  je  demande 

I  set  up  a  thynge  apon  a  carte ,  or  apon  a  horse. 
Je  monte,  prim.  conj.  Set  up  thèse  heavy 
thynges  first  :  montez  ces  choses  pesantes 
premier.  Come,  set  me  up  upon  my  horse 
bere ,  herest  thou ,  wbicbe  properly  a  wo- 
man  may  say  :  viens  moy  monter  icy,  os  tu  ? 

I  set  up,  I  begyn  a  newe  buyldynge,  or  a  newe 
acte.  Je  commence,  prim.  conj.  and  je 
bastis,  conjugate  in  «  I  bylde>. 

I  set  upon ,  as  a  man  one  dothe  upon  bis  en- 
nemye.  Je  rue  sus.  They  dyd  sette  upon 
me  foure  to  one  :  Hz  ruèrent  sus  moy  eulx 
qualtre  contre  vng. 

I  sel  up  ryght,  as  one  syttetb  upryght  in  bis 
bedde,  or  sytteth  on  bis  buttockes.  Je  me 
lieac,  and  je  me  adresse  sur  mon  séant. 
Outber  you  must  syl  up  wbyle  you 
drinke ,  or  you  must  be  lyfte  up  :  ou  il 
vous  Jault  leuer  sur  vostre  séant  auant  que 
vous  boyuez,  ou  il  Jault  quon  vous  lieue  a 

I  set  upon  myne  ennemye.  Je  donne  sus,  and 
je  rue  sus.  Let  us  set  upon  them  :  donons 
sur  euhc,  ruons  sur  eulx. 

I  set  upwarde,  or  I  set  upright.  Je  dresse, 
prim.  conj.  Let  us  set  up  tbis  latber 
agaynst  tbe  wyndowe  :  dressons  ceste 
eschelle  contre  la  paroy. 

I  SETHE  meate.  Je  cuyts,  nous  cuisons,  je  cuy- 
sis,  jay  cuyt,  je  cuyray,  que  je  cnyse, 
cuyre,  terl.  conj.  I  wyll  sethe  my  meate 
and  take  it  out  of  tbe  potte  or  ever  I  go 
to  churche  :  je  cuyray  ma  viande  el  la 
prendray  hors  du  pot  auant  que  daller  a 

I  SEVER,  I  départe  ihynges  asonder.  Je  sépare, 
prim.  conj.  and  je  desjoings,  conjugate 
lyke  bis  symple  je  joings,  I  joyne.  You 
must  sever  them ,  or  sevour  them ,  for 
they  wyll  never  agre  els  :  H  les  vous  fault 
séparer,  or  desjoynqdre ,  car  aultrement  ja- 
mays  ne  se  entre  accorderont,  or  jamays  ne 
seront  daccorl. 

I  SEWE  at  meate.  Je  taste,  prim.  conj.  and  je 
sers  du  tastear,  or  je  prens  lassaye,  Sewe 
who  wyll ,  I  wyll  karve  ;  serue  du  tasteur, 
or  preigne  lessaye  qui  vouldra,  je  seruiray 
descuyer  trenchant. 

I  sewe,  I  make  sute  for  a  tbing.  Je  pourchasse , 
prim.  conj.  God  save  me  for  comyng  any 
more  byther,  I  bave  sewed  bere  tbis 
twelve  monethes,  and  I  am  as  nere  nowe 
as  I  was  at  the  first  3aye  :  Dieu  me  garde 
de  venir  icy  plus,  jay  icy  pourchassé  vng  an 
entier,  et  je  suis  aussi  prés  maintenant  de 
mon  entente  que  jestoye  au  premier  jour. 

I  sewe  one  in  tbe  lawe.  Je  mets  en  procès,  con- 
jugate in  (il  put».  Gyve  me  my  monaye, 
or  I  wyll  sewe  the  in  the  lawe,  I  pro- 


messe  tlie  :  baille  moy  mon  argent,  ou  je 
te  metteray  en  procès,  je  te  promets. 


s    DÏFORE    H. 

I  SHAME.  Je  hontis,  sec.  conj.  and  je  ahontys, 
sec.  conj.  SLod  je  honivys ,  sec.  conj.  What 
meane  you,  wyll  you  shame  me  :  qui 
voulez  vous  (lire,  me  voulez  vous  honlyr, 
or  ahontyr,  or  honnyr? 
I  SHAPE  a  coller  of  a  garmënt.  Je  accoUette, 

prim.  conj. 
I  SHABPEN  the  edge  of  any  Inyfe,  or  sworde, 
or  toole.  Je  agnyse,  prim.  conj.   Let  us 
sbarpen  our  swordes  :  aguysons  noz  espécs, 
I  sharpeo  tlie  poynte  of  a  speare,  or  dagger.  Je 
affilie,  prim.   conj.  He  hatli  sharpened 
his  dagger  poynte  :  il  a  affilié  la  poynte  de 
sa  daggue. 
I   SHAVE,  as  a  tanner  dothe  his   leather.  Je 
planie,  prim.  conj.  Nowe  that  liis  bydes 
be  tanned,  se  howe  easely  be shavetb  tbcm: 
mayntenant  que  ses  peauhv  de  beufz  sont  tan- 
nées, aduisez  comment  il  les  planye  a  son  aise. 
I  sbave  ones  berde.  Je  Jays  la  barbe,  conju- 
gale in    «  I  do  » ,   dcclared   afore  in  «I 
iscbave  ones  berde». 
1   SUEDE  any  maner  lycour.  Je  espcuis,  nous 
espandons,  je  espandys ,  jay  cspandu,  je 
espanderay ,  que  je  espande,  espandre,  and 
je  respans,  conjugale  lykej'e  espans,  Loke 
you  sbede  notbynge  :  gardez  vous  de  riens 
respandre.   I   bave   sbedde  more  bloode, 
for  your  sake,   than   ever  you  gave  me 
drinke  :  jay  plus  espanda  de  sang  pour 
lamour  de  vous  que  vous  ne  me  baillastez 
onques  a  boyre. 
I  sbede,  I  départe  tbinges  asonder,  as  tbe 
beare  of  ones  beed  in  partes,  or  beestes 
tbat  be  in  flocke  one  from  an  otber.  Je 
desmesle,  or  je  sépare,  prim.  conj.  Sbede 
them   asonder  :  demeslez  les,  or  séparez 
les.  Sbede  your  beare  that  hangeth  so 
yvell  favouredly  aboute  your  eares  :  des- 
meslés  voz  cheueulx,  or  séparez  voz  che- 
uealx  qui  vous  pendent  si  mal  a  poynt  au- 
tottr  de  voz  oreilles. 

I  SHENDE,  I  défende.  Je  defens,  jay  défendu, 
défendre,  conjugale   in   «  I   défende  ».   I 
sball  shende  bym  agaynsl    ail    men    so 
longe  as  I  lyve  :je  le  defemlray  contre  tous 
tant  que  je  viae, 
I  shende,  I  marre,  or  distroye.   Je  destruys , 
conjugale  in  ni  distroy».  This  geare  wyll 
shende  you  and  you  he  nat  ware  :  cecy 
vous  destruyra  se  vous  ne  vous  contre  gardez. 
I   shende,  or  fyle  clothes,  or  any  sache  lyke 
thyng.  Je  gasle,  prim.  conj.  Syt  bence, 
or  you  sbali  shende  your  clothes  :  sies 
vous  dycy,  ou  vous  gasterez  voz  habillemens. 
I  shende ,  I  forhyd.  This  verbe  tbey  use  onely 
in  the  potenciall,  or  optatyve,  as  «saye 
«you  so  Marye  God  shende»  :  dictez  vous 
aynsi  a  Dieu  ne  plaise, 
I  SHEWE  a  thynge.  Janwnstre,  prim.  conj.  and 
je  monstre,  prim.  conj.  He  sbewelh  nat 
bym   selfe   but   a    lioly   dayes  :   i7   ne  se 
monstre  quaux  jours  de  feste.  Shew  il  me , 
let  me  se  il:amonstrez  le  moy,  queje  le  voye. 
I  sbewe  tydinges,  or  a  message.  Je  annonce, 
prim.  conj.  I  wolde  say  he  were  a  bolde 
felowe  thaï  dursl  firsl  sbewe   bym   the 
tydynges  :  je  le  vouldroye  tenir  pour  vng 
bien  hardy  compaignon  qui  luy  oseroyt  pre- 
mièrement annoncer  les  nouuellcs. 
I  sbewe  my  selfe,  I  apere.  Je  apers,  or  je  me 
monstre.  Christ  sbewed  bim  selfe  dyvers 
tymes  after  bis  passyon  :  Nostre  Seigneur 
Jesu  Christ  se  monstra,  or  saparut  souuent- 
foys  après  sa  passion.  Je  apers,  nous  ap- 
paronsjje  aparoye,je  apuras,  jay  aparu, 
je  aperray,  queje  apere,  aparoyr,  lert.  conj. 
I  SHYNE,  as  the  sonne.  Je  luis,  declared  in  «  [ 

I  SHYT,  I  close  a  thyng.  Je  freme,  prim.  conj. 

declared  afore  in  «I  schytlev. 
I   SHORTEN.  Je  abrège,  prim.   conj.   declared 
afore  ia  <I  schorten». 

S   BYFORE    I. 

I  SYE  mylke,  or  clense.  Je  coulle  du  laict,  prim. 

conj.  This  terme  is  to  mocbe  northerne. 

I  sïFT  meale  thorowe  a  cyve.  Je  crible,  prim. 



conj.  I  wyll  nat  syft  my  meale  thorowe 
this  syve,  it  isto  course  ne  crybleray pas 
mafarynepar  cest  crible,  car  il  est  trop  gros. 

I  SYGHE.  Je  soaspire,  prim.  conj.  He  syghed 
tyli  his  herle  dyd  nerehande  bniste  :  il 
iouspira  presque  au  cueur  fendre. 

1  siGNïFïE,  I  betoken.  Je  signifie,  prim.  conj. 
and  je  désigne,  prim.  conj.  I  sawe  a  mar- 
vaylouse  thyng  in  the  ayre  yesterday  whal 
so  ever  it  dothe  signyfye  :  je  vis  hyer  vne 
chose  meruailteuse  en  lajr,  quoy  quil  signi- 
fie, or  quoj  quil  désigne.  And  je  dénote, 
prim.  conj. 

I  STGNE  with  the  syne  of  the  crosse.  Je  crojse, 
prim.  conj.  I  shall  syne  me  on  the  for- 
heed  from  tbe  dyvell  and  ail  bis  angeis  : 
je  me  crojseray  au  front  de  paour  du  diable 
et  de  tous  ses  anges. 

1  STLVER,  or  cover  vith  sylver.  Jargente.  I  wyll 
sylver  the  hafte  of  my  dagger  thorowe 
out  :je  argenteray  le  manche  de  ma  daggue 
tout  partout. 

1  sïMPER ,  as  lycour  dothe  on  tbe  fyre  byfore 
it  begynneth  to  boyle. 

I  SïNGE  with  fyre  the  beare  of  any  beest.  Je 
brusle  au  feu.  Take  away  this  candell,  I 
bave  synged  my  beare  :  ostez  ceste  chan- 
delle, jay  bruslé  mes  cheuenlx. 

I  synge  a  songe.  Je  chante,  prim.  conj.  I  synge 
bim  a  messe  or  a  balade  :  je  luy  chante 
vne  messe  ou  vne  balade.  I  synge  tbe  basse  : 
je  chante  la  basse,  etc.  I  synge  the  treble  : 
je  chante  le  dessus. 

I  synge  niasse.  Je  célèbre,  prim.  conj.  and  je 
chante  messe.  Frier  Nycolas,  wban  wyll 
you  synge  masse  :  yi-ere  Nicolas ,  quant 
voulez  vous  célébrer,  or  quant  chanterez 
vous  messe? 

I  synge  one  a  slepe.  Je  endors  par  chanter.  I 
bave  songe  thy  brother  aslepe  :  jayfaict 
dormyr,  or  jay  endormy  ton  frcre  de  mon 

I  synge  out,  or  I  synge  a  loude.  Je  chante  a 
playne  voix.  Synge  out,  man,  wby  fayne 
you  :  chantez  a  playne  voix,  mon  amy,  pour 
quoy  chantez  vous  a  basse  voix? 

I  SïNKE  in,  as  a  mans  barnesse  synketh  by 
vyolence  of  strokes.  Je  me  efondre,  verbum 
médium  prim.  conj.  Marye,be  balh  ben 
there,  se  howe  bis  beimet  is  sonke  in 
with  strokes  :  Marie,  il  a  esté  la,  aduisez 
comment  son  heaulme  est  effondré  de  coupz. 

I  synke  in ,  as  a  mans  eyes  sinke  in  to  bis  heed 
for  tbougbt,  or  sycknesse.  Je  menfonce,je 
nie  sais  enfoncé,  enfoncer.  This  sycknesse 
hath  helde  hym  sorc,  se  howe  bis  eyes 
be  sonke  in  to  his  heed  :  ceste  maladie  la 
fort  tenu,  aduisez  comme  les  yeulx  luy  sont 
enfoncez  dedens  la  teste. 

I  synke,  as  a  shyppe  dothe  in  tbe  see.  Je 
menfondre ,  verbum  médium  prim.  conj. 
and  effondre,  God  bave  mercy  of  the  fol- 
kes,  se  wbcre  yonder  shyppe  synketh  : 
Dieu  ayt  mercy  des  gens,  aduisés  comment 
ceste  nauire  la  se  enfondre,  or  effondre. 

I  synke  in,  as  a  beavy  thynge  dolb  in  a  ma- 
resse  grouude,  or  suche  lyke.  Je  me  en- 
fondre ,  je  me  suis  cnfoitdré,  enfondrer, 
verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  Foure  greal 
peces  of  artillery  be  sonke  in  yonder  ma- 
resse  :  quatre  grosses  pièces  dartillerie  se 
sont  enfondrez  en  cest  marrest  la. 

I  synke,  I  go  downe  to  thcbotonie,  as  a  thynge 
dothe  ihat  falleth  in  to  the  waler.  Je  me 
aJfonde,je  me  suis  affonàé,  affonder,  prim. 
conj.  And  in  this  sence  I  fynde  aiso  je 
emmarrc,  prim.  conj.  I  fynde  also  in  this 
sence  je  vas  au  fons,  je  men  suis  allé  au 
fons,  aller  au  fons.  Sonie  say  tbat  a  man 
shall  synke  thrise  or  ever  he  svnke  to  the 
bottome,  but  1  saye  and  be  synke  ones  to 
the  bottome  he  sbal  never  ryse  agayne  : 
les  aulcttiis  disent  que  vng  homme  se  affon- 
dera  par  troys  foys  auant  quil  aille  au  fons, 
maysje  dis  sil  saûonde  vne  joys  il  ne  se  re- 
lieuera  jamays.  Sythe  we  must  nedes  be 
taken  ,  let  us  synke  our  letters  :  puis  quil 
fault  que  nous  soyons  prins,  emmarrons  noz 

I  SïNNE,  I  commyt  a  synne,  or  a  trespas.  Je 
pèche,  prim.  conj.I  bave  synned  in  glo- 
tonny  to  night,  I  hâve  stolne  a  horse  -.jay 


péché  en  gourmandise  a  nujct,  jay  desrobbé 
vng  cheual. 

I  aynne  with  a  wedded  person.  Je  adultère, 
prim.couj.  Ail  sortes ofleclieryebenaught, 
but  specially  to  synne  with  a  wedded  wo- 
man:  toutes  sortes  de  paillardises  ne  voilent 
riens,  mays  par  dessus  toutes  cest  adultérer. 

I  SYPPE.  Je  gouste,  and  je  laste,  prim.  conj. 
Syppe  on,  Cysse,  and  tell  me  wbat  it  is  : 
goustez  en,  or  tastez  en,  Cicille,  et  dictez 
moy  que  cest. 

I  SYTTE  abrode.  Je  seoys  au  large,  conjugate 
io  «I  sette»,  and  je  mets  au  large.  Set 
thèse  thynges  abrode  that  we  may  loke 
upon  tbem  :  mettez  ces  choses  au  large, 
gae  nous  les  puissions  regarder. 

I  8yt  a  sonnyng.  Je  mets  aa  soleil,  conjugate  in 
«f  put».  Syt  thèse  glasses  of  rose  water 
a  sonnynge  :  mettez  ces  violles  deau  rose 
au  soleil. 

I  syt  downe,  I  rest  me  in  a  seate.  Je  massis , 
conjugate  in  «  I  syt  downe,  I  rest  me>. 
It  is  nat  syltyng  for  you  to  do  thus  ;  il  ne 
vous  est  pas  séant  défaire  ainsi. 

I  syt  hyest,  or  uppermoste  at  a  table,  or  in 
counsayle,  or  in  any  company.  Je  préside, 
prim.  conj.  Wbo  sytleth  hyest  in  Ihe 
counsayle  nowe  :  qui  préside  au  consilte 

I  syt  in  Company  amongest  other  folkes.  Je 
massis,  conjugate  in  al  sytte».  I  maye  syt 
amongest  thèse  men ,  paycng  for  that  I 
take,  as  well  as  an  other  :  je  me  puis  as- 
seoyr  entre  ces  gens ,  en  poyant  mes  despens, 
aussy  bien  gung  aultre. 

I  syt  styll,  I  remove  nat.  Je  ne  me  bouge,  ver- 
buni  médium  prim.  conj.  But  properiy 
je  me  tiens  tout  quoy.  Let  cvery  man  syt 
styll  on  payne  of  bis  lyfe  :  que  nul  ne  se 
bouge,  or  que  chascun  se  tienne  tout  quoy 
sur  sa  vie. 

I  syt  styll ,  I  styrre  nat  nor  medell  nat ,  but 
bolde  me  at  home  in  rest.  Je  me  a£qaieste, 
prim.  conj.  Go  to  the  warre  wbo  wyll ,  I 
wyll  sytte  styll  :  aille  a  la  guerre  qui  voul- 
dra ,  je  me  acquiesteray. 



I  syt  up  rygbt,  as  a  man  dothe  in  his  bcdde, 
or  as  oiie  dothe  that  lyfteth  up  bis  bodye 
that  laye  a  longe  byfore,  and  sytteth  upon 
his  buttockes.  Je  me  liéue  sur  mon  séant, 
tu  te  lieues  sur  ton  séant,  il  se  lieue  sur  son 
séant,  nous  nous  leuons  sur  nostre  séant, 
vous  vous  leuez  sarvostre  séant,  Hz  se  leuenl 
sur  leur  séant.  And  in  this  sence  I  fynde 
nsedje  madresse  sur  mon  séant,  ta  tadresses 
sur  ton  séant,  usyng  je  me  lieue  and  je 
madresse  lyke  a  meane  verbe  prim.  conj. 
I  fynde  also  dresser  used  in  this  sence 
wilhout  a.  And  you  wyll  take  your  niede- 
cyne  kyndely,  you  muste  sytte  upryght  in 
your  bedde  :  si  vous  voulez  prendre  vottre 
medicine,  ainsi  qud  appartient,  il  vousjault 
leuer  sarvostre  séant,  or  adresser  sur  vostre 

I  SYVE.  Je  crible,  prim.  conj.  You  can  never 
make  so  fyne  floure  whan  you  do  but 
syve  your  meale,  as  you  shall  do  whan 
you  boulte  it  :  vous  ne  poaez  jamays  faire 
sijinejleur,  quand  vous  ne  fuiclez  que  cri- 
bler vostre  farine ,  que  vous  ferez  quantvous 
la  bulterez. 

It  sytteth,  it  becometh.  Il  siet,  conjugate  in  «it 
«becometh  >.  It  sytteth  nat  for  your  estate 
to  weare  so  fyne  furres  :  il  ne  siet  poynt  a 
vostre  estât  de  porter  si  fynes  fourrures. 

S    BYFORE   K. 

I  SKTLl,  I  knowe.  Je  congnoys,  conjugate  in 
«I  knowe».  I  can  skyll  of  a  thynge.  Je 
me  congnoys,  declared  afore  in  •!  can 
«skyll».  You  sayd  treuthe,  you  can  well 
skyll  of  crânes  dyrte,  your  father  was  a 
poulter  :  vous  auez  dit  vray ,  vous  vous 
congnoyssez  bien  en  fient  de  grues,  car 
vostre  père  estoyt  poallaillier. 

1  siïPPE,  as  onc  dothe  in  daunsyng.  Je  sau- 
telle,  prim,  conj.  Are  you  nat  ashamed  to 
skyppe  thus  in  your  daunsynge,  iyke  a 
gyrle  of  the  countray  :  nauez  vous  poynt  de 
honte  de  sauteller  en  ce  poynt  en  dancant 
comme  vue  garce  du  pays  ? 

I  skyppe,!  leape.  Je  saulx,   nous  saillons,je 



saillySfjay  sadly ,je  sailliraj,  sailljr,  tert. 
conj.  and  je  saulte,  prim.  conj.  I  vaxe 
olde,  I  can  nat  skyppe  nowe  as  I  coulde 
do  whan  I  was  but  twenty  yere  olde  :  je 
deuiens  uiel,je  ne  pays  pas  sayllyr,  or  saal- 
ter  niayntenant  comme  je  pouoyc  tjaant  je 
nauoye  que  vingt  ans. 

I  skyppe,  1  leape.  Je  saulx,jay  sailly,  saillyr, 
conjugale  in  «I  leape».  And  je  sautelle, 
jay  sautellé,  sauteller,  prim.  conj.  and  je 
balle,  prim.  conj. 

I  sKïRMïssHE ,  I  fyglil  with  Diyne  ennemye 
that  cometh  out  from  his  companye.  Je 
escarmouche,  prim.  conj.  Tliey  dyd  skyr- 
myche  togyther  syxe  dayes  or  ever  the 
baaylesjoyned  :  Hz  se  entre  escarmoucherent 
syx  jours  auant  que  les  batailles  se  joyng- 

I  sKORNE  one  with  a  countenaunce  of  the 
moulhe.  Je  Jais  la  moae.  I  scorne  hym:je 
luyfais  la  moue. 

I  skorne  one  with  mockynge  wordes.  Je  raf- 
farde,  prim.  conj.  It  is  a  synne  to  scorne 
the  poore  man  as  you  do  :  cest  péché  de 
raffarder  le  poiire  homme  aynsi  que  vous 

I  SKOWLDE,  I  chyde.  Je  tence,  prim.  conj.  anJ 
je  prens  noyse,  conjugale  in  «I  take». 
And  je  riotie,  prim.  conj.  You  ought  to  be 
a  .shamed  to  skowlde  Ihus  as  you  do  :  vous 
deuez  auoyr  honte  de  tencer,  or  de  prendre 
noyse  aux  gens,  or  de  ryotter  aynsi  comme 
vous  Jaiclez. 

I  ssRATCHE,  as  a  mao  orbeest  dothe  with  his 
nayles  vyolently.  Je  graitigne ,  prim.  conj. 
Se  howe  she  hath  scratched  me  by  the 
face  :  aduisez  comment  elle  ma  grattigné  par 
le  visaige. 

I  skratche  softly  or  clawe  one.  Je  gratte,  'prim. 
conj.  Come  skratche  my  hacke  :  viens  grat- 
ter mon  dos,  or  me  viens  gratter  le  dos. 

I  SSDMME  a  potte  or  any  suche  other  lyke.  Jes- 
cume  vng  pot,  prim.  conj.  Skumme  the 
polie,  woman,  intendest  thou  to  poyson 
us:  escume  le  pot,  femme,  as  tu  intencion 
de  nous  enpoysonner? 

S   BTFORE   L. 

I  SLACKE  a  knotle,  or  I  slacke ,  I  iowse  a  thynge 
that  was  to  strayte  tyed.  Je  lasche,  prim. 
conj.  Slacke  his  gyrdcll,  the  man  is  lyke 
to  brust  :  laschez  sa  ceynctare,  il  apert  que 
Ikomme  se  va  creaer,  or  se  creuera, 

I  slacke,  I  drive  of  a  thing  longe.  Je  large, 
prim.  conj.  or  je  tarde.  You  hâve  slacked 
to  longe,  you  shulde  hâve  come  afore  : 
vous  aaez  trop  longtemps  targé,  or  tardé, 
il  vous  eut  bien  fallu  venir  deuant. 

I  slacke  my  busynesse,  I  folowe  il  nat  as  I 
shulde  do.  Je  laisse,  prim.  conj.  Whye 
slacke  you  your  busynesse  thus  :  pour  quoy 
laissez  vous  voz  affaires  ainsi? 

I  SLATE  a  house,  I  cover  it  with  slate ,  declarod 
in  «I  sclatea. 

I  SLAVEH,  I  drivell.  Je  bauc,  prim.  conj.  Fye 
on  the  knave,  arle  thou  nat  a  shamed  to 
slaver  lyke  a  yonge  chylde  :  Jy,  villayn, 
nos  tu  poynt  de  liante  de  baucr  comme  vng 
petit  enfant  ? 

I  SLAiiNDER  one,  I  gyve  hym  an  yvell  name.  Je 
cjc/anJre,  prim.  conj.  and  je  scandalize, 
prim.  conj.  Hâve  alwayes  a  good  longe  in 
your  heed ,  for  it  is  bolh  synne  and  shame 
to  slaunder  any  hodye  :  ayez  tousjours 
bonne  bouche,  car  cest  pechié  et  honte  que 
de  esclandrer,  or  scandaliser  nulluy. 

I  SLECKE,  I  quenche  a  fyre.  Je  estanche,  prim. 
conj.  Whan  you  slecke  a  hoote  fyre  with 
water,  it  maketh  a  noyse  lyke  thunder  : 
quant  vous  estanchez  vng  feu  qui  bruslefort 
auec  de  leaue,  il  fait  vng  bruit  comme  fait 
le  tonnoyrre. 

I  slecke  [lyme,  I  put  water  to  it.  Je  destayns, 
conjugal  lyke  eslayns  «I  put  oui». 

I  slecke,  I  make  paper  smothe  with  a  sleke 
stone.  Je  fais  glissant.  You  muste  sJ  ecke 
your  paper  if  you  wyll  write  Greke  well  : 
il  vous  fault  faire  vostre  papier  glissant,  si 
vous  voulez  bien  escripre  le  Grec. 

I  SLEYE,  I  kyll.  Je  tue,  prim.  conj.  and  in  tbis 
sence  I  fynde  also  somtyme  uscdjamorfii, 
jay  admorty,  admortir,  sec.  conj.  and  /e 



occis,  conjugale  in  «  I  kyll  ».  Stoppe  liym  , 
he  halh  slayne  a  man  :  arrestez  le,  il  a  laé 
vng  homme.  Tbis  burned  alume  wyll  slee 
it  if  any  thynge  do  :  cest  alun  bruslé  la- 
mortira  se  rien  le  fait. 

I  siEYGHT  with  pne,  I  deale  craftelye  or  sub- 
telly  with  bym.  Je  me  subliUe,  and  je  me 
cautelle,  and  je  me  ruse,  verba  média 
prim.  conj.  Truste  bym  nat,  he  sieyghtelh 
with  cvery  bodye  be  dealetli  with  :  ne  vous 
fiez  pojnt  en  luj,  car  il  se  subtille,  il  se 
cautelle,  or  il  se  ruse  auec  tous  ceulx  a  qui 
il  a  afaire. 

I  SLEPE,  I  take  my  rest.  Je  dors,  nous  dormons, 
je  dormys,jay  dormy,  je  dormiray,  (jueje 
dorme,  dormyr,  tert.  conj.  He  tbat  drink- 
etb  weil  slepeth  well,  and  be  tbatslepeth 
weil  thynketh  no  harme  :  qui  boyt  bien 
dort  bien,  et  qui  dort  bien  ne  pence poyat  de 

I  SLTDE,  as  one  dothe  upon  the  yse,  or  any 
slypper  place.  Je  glisse,  prim.  conj.  I 
hâve  sene  one  in  Hollande  slyde  as  faste 
upon  tlie  yse  as  a  bote  dothe  in  the  water 
whan  it  is  rowed  :  jay  veu  en  Hollande 
vng  homme  glisser  sur  la  glace  aussy  viste 
qung  batteau  peull  aller  par  ses  auirons. 

I  slyde  downe  of  a  hyll  or  bygh  thyng.  Je 
coule,  prim.  conj.  and  je  encoule,  prim. 
conj.  After  a  greal  shower  of  rayne  you 
sbal  se  the  water  slyde  downe  from  the 
hylles  as  tbouglie  there  were  a  menye  of 
brokes  had  tbeir  springes  there  :  après  vne 
grosse  pluye,  vous  terrez  leaue  couler  des 
montaignes  comme  si  ce  fassent  vng  tas 
de  ruisseaux  qui  eussent  la  leur  sources. 

I  slyde  or  glyde,  as  a  serpent  dothe  on  the 
grounde.  Je  coule,  prim.  conj.  It  is  a 
wondrouse  thyng  to  se  an  adder  or  a 
snake  slyde  so  faste  as  tbey  do  and  bave 
no  fête  :  cest  vne  chose  merucillable  que  de 
veoir  vng  aspic  ou  vne  couleuure  couler  si 
viste  quilzfont  et  si  nont  nulz  pieds. 

I  slyde  or  slyppe  ont  of  a  narowe  place.  Je  me 
e/opie,  verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  Who 
wolde    ever    bave   ihoughl   it,    tbat  he 

shulde  bave  siydden  oui  al  tbis  narow 
hole  :  qui  eut  jamays  pencé  quil  se  fast 
elapsè  hors  de  ce  petit  trou? 

I  slyde  with  one  of  my  fête  upon  a  slypper 
.  place.  Je  me  glince,  prim.  conj.  He  slydde 
and  botbe  bis  fête  folded  underneth  bim: 
il  se  glincoyt  et  tous  ses  deux  piedz  se  flé- 
chirent soubz  luy. 

I  SLYNGE  witb  a  slyng.  Je  jette  dune  fonde, 
prim.  conj.  I  bolde  tbe  a  penye  I  slynge 
as  farre  as  thou  gaige  a  toy  vng  denier 
que  je  jecteray  dune  fonde  aussi  loyng  que 

I  slyng,  [  caste.  Je  j'ecfej  prim.  conj.  And  thou 
medell  witb  me,  I  wyll  slynge  tbe  in  the 
fyre  :  si  tu  te  prens  a  moy,  or  si  tu  te  mesles 
auec  moy ,  je  te  jecteray  au  feu. 

I  SLYPPE  an  herbe  a  strykeslyppes  of  it,  or 
leaves  from  the  stalke. 

I  slyppe,  as  a  thyng  dothe  tbat  is  tbougbt  to 
be  tyed  and  boldeth  nat  faste.  Je  me  lasche, 
verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  Take  good 
bede  wbat  you  do ,  for  the  cable  slyppelb , 
I  tell  you  :  prennez  bien  garde  que  cest  que 
vous  faiclez,  car  le  cable  se  lasche,  vous 

I  slyppe ,  as  a  thyng  tbat  is  oyled  or  engreased. 
Je  glisse,  prim.  conj.  I  can  take  no  holde 
upon  faym ,  my  bandes  slyppeth  so  :  je  ne 
puis  pas  tenir  fermement  sur  lay,  mes  mayns 
glyssent  aynsi. 

I  slyppe  or  slyde  downe,  as  one  doth  of  a  hyll 
or  suche  lyke.  Je  coule,  prim.  conj.  Syt 
nat  there,  I  rede  you,  leste  you  slyppe 
downe  or  you  beware  :  ne  vous  seéz  pas  la, 
si  vous  me  croiez,  de  paour  que  vous  ne 
coulez  de  la  auant,  que  vous  en  donnez 

I  slyppe  oui,  or  scape  oui  of  a  narowe  place. 
Je  me  elapse,  verbum  médium  prim.  conj. 
Wbo  wolde  ever  bave  thought  tbat  a  thefe 
coulde  bave  slypped  oui  hère  :  qui  eut  ja- 
mays pencé  qung  larron  se  fut  elapsé  par 

I  SLïTTE  a  thyng^in  two.  Jefens,  conjugale  in 
«I  cleave».  Slytte  tbis  stycke  in  twaync 



and  make  a  payrc  of  tayles  :  fendez  ce  bas- 
ton  en  deux  et  faictez  en  vnes  tailles. 
I  slytte  the  belly  of  a  fysshe  or  any  beest.  Je 

oaaers,  conjugale  in  «  I  open  ».  Slyt  this 

pykes  belly  aud  take  out  this  ryvet  :  ouurez 

le  ventre  de  ce  brochelton  et  tirez  hors  sa 

I  SLïVE  a  gylowlloure  or  any  other  fleure  from 

bis  brauncbe  or  stalke. 
I  slyve  downe ,  I  faii  downe  sodayniy.  Je  coule, 

prim.  conj. 
I  SLOGGE,  I  waxe  slowe,  or  draw  behynde.  Je 

deuiens  paresseux ,  conjugale  in  ilbeco- 

tme».Whye  slogge  you  nowe  more  than 

you  bave  be  wont  to  do  :  pour  quoy  deue- 

nez  vous  majntenant  plus  paresseux  que  vous 

naaez  aprins  destre, 
I  SLOMBEn.  Je  sommeille,   prim.   conj.  and  je 

tomme,  prim.  conj.  He  dothe  nat  siepe 

nowe,  he  dothe  but  slomber:  [7  ne  dort 

pas  majntenant,  il  ne  fait  que  sommeiller. 

Wby  say  you  he  dothe  but  slomber,  he 

slepeth  harde  and  faste  :  pour  quoy  dictez 

vous  quil  ne  fait  que  sommeiller,  il  dort  fort 

et  ferme. 
SLCBBEH,  I   fyle  a  thyng  or  beray  it.  Je  bar- 
bouille, prim.  conj.  Fye,  howe  you  bave 

slubbred  your  geare  for  one  dayes  wear- 

yng  •■fy,  comment  auez  vous  barbouillé  voz 

habillemens  pour  les  porter  vng  jour  seul- 

lement  ? 

S    BTFORE  M. 

I  SMACKE,  I  taste  or  savoure  of  a  thynge.  Je 
gouste,  prim.  conj.  and  je  sens,  conjugate 
in  <  [  fele>.  This  veneson  smacketb  to 
raoche  of  the  pepper  :  ceste  venayson  gouste 
trop,  or  sent  trop  dupoyure. 

I  SHARTE,  I  fêle  a  smarte.  Il  me  mangent,  il 
me  mangeoyt,  il  me  mangea,  il  ma  mangé, 
il  me  mangera,  quil  me  mange,  or  quil  me 
mangeasse ,  quil  me  mangeas t,  manger,  ver- 
bum  impersonale.  If  thou  ytcbe,  care 
nat,butif  thou  smarte,  beware,  for  it  is 
better  to  ytcbe  than  to  smarte  :  sil  te  cuyt, 
ne  te  chaitle,  mays  sil  le  mangeât,  tiens  toy 

sur  tes  gardez,  car  il  te  vault  miealx  quil  te 
cuise  quil  ne  fait  quil  te  mangeue,  or  quil  te 
I  SMATTER  of  a  thyng,  I  bave  lytell  knowledge 
in  it.  Je  me  congnoys  vng  peu,  conjugate 
in  8 1  can  skyll  ».  He  smatleretb  a  lytell  of 
the  lawe  :  il  se  congnoyt  vng  peu  es  loyx. 

I  SMELL,  I  savour  well  or  yvell.  Je  oie,  prim. 
conj.  But  they  use  more  comenly  in  this 
sence  je  sens,  conjugate  in  «I  fêle».  Aud 
je  fleure,  prim.  conj.  Smell  at  my  coller, 
and  you  shall  parceyve  wbether  it  be  I 
that  stynke  or  nat  :  sentez  a  mon  collet  et 
vous  apercoyuerez  si  cest  moy  qui  put  ou 
non.  You  smell  swete  this  mornynge,  you 
bave  good  rose  water  :  vous  sentez  bien,  or 
vous  fleurez  bien  ce  matin,  vous  auez  de 
bonne  eaue  rose.  Take  away  this  fysslie , 
it  smelleth  nat  very  well  :  ostez  ce  poisson, 
il  ne  sent  pas  trop  bien.  Prowe  howe  this 
gylowfloure  smelleth  :  tastez  comment  cest 
oyllet  sent  bon,  or  fleure  bien.  It  smelleth 
well  :  il  oie  bien. 

I  smell  rammysshe.asa  comraen  woman  dothe. 
Je  sens  mon  faguenet,  conjugate  in  «  I 
«  smell  ».  The  harlate  smelleth  so  ram- 
myssbly  that  it  wolde  make  one  spewe  to 
kysse  her  :  la  pailliarde  sent  si  fort  son  fa- 
guenet quelle feroyt  vng  homme  gomyr  de  la 
bayser  seullcment. 

I  smell  swete,  as  any  spyce  or  herbe  dothe.  Je 
reflagre,  prim.  conj.  and  je  redole,  prim. 
conj.  andje  enjlaire,je  sens.  Qui  a  sent  bon 
en  tous  estatz  ,  et  fat  il  punays  ou  poussyf, 
•It  rejoyseth  my  berte  to  walke  in  my 
gardayne  in  Maye,  the  floures  smell  so 
swete  :  il  me  resjouyt  tout  le  cueur  de  me 
promener  en  mon  jardyn  au  mois  de  May, 
les  fleurs  rejlagrent,  or  redolent,  or  sentent 
si  bien. 

I  SMEBTE,  declared  in  «I  smarte». 

1  SMïLE,  I  make  a  countenauncc  lowarde 
laugbyng  and  laughe  nat  outryght.  Je  me 
soubzris,  je  me  suis  soubzris,  soubzrire, 
conjugate  lyke  bis  symple  je  menris,  I 
laugh.  Ând  balfe  smylyoge  he  made  me  a 



toLen  with  his  heed  :  et  en  me  souhzriant 
a  denry  il  me  fist  si(jne  de  la  teste. 

I  SMÏTE.  Je  frappe  and  je  fiers,  noas  fierons ,  je 
feras,jayfem,je  ferray,  que  je  fiere,  fe- 
nr,etc.  You  smyte  to  harde  :  vous  frappez 
trop  fort ,  but  frapper  is  properly  with  the 
bande  or  witb  a  ihing  tbat  dolhe  me 
great  hurte  :  ferir  is  to  stryke  with  a  wea- 
pen  or  lo  gyve  a  grevouse  stroke,  but  I 
fynde  them  ofte  confounded. 

I  smyte  dovvne  in  a  generaltie  any  thyng.  Je 
abats.  Conjugale  lyke  his  symp]eje6(u, 
I  béate.  This  wynde  hath  smytten  downe 
almost  ail  my  corne  ;  ce  vent  a  presque 
abatu  tout  mon  bled. 

I  smyte  downe  a  man  with  a  heavy  weapen, 
or  oxe,  or  any  beest  with  a  stroke  upon 
the  heed.  Je  assomme,  prim.  conj.  He 
smote  hym  downe  with  an  halbarde:  il 
Uissomma  dune  tialebarde. 

I  smyle  or  breake  in  pcces.  Je  frappe  ou  je 
romps  en  pièces,  conjiigate  in  »  I  breake». 
He  hath  smytten  his  barnayes  ai  to  pe- 
ces  :  il  a  rompu  son  harnoys  tout  en  pièces. 

I  SMOKE,  as  weate  woode  or  strawe  dothe.  Je 
fume.  This  woode  smokctb  to  moche, 
it  is  nat  drye  ynoughe  :  ce  boys  fume  trop, 
il  nest  pas  sec  assez. 

I  smoke  a  tbyng,  I  hange  it  or  bolde  it  over 
the  smoke.  Je  enfume,  prim.  conj.  I  wyll 
,  medyli  me  with  no  garmentes  tbat  were 
hi»  tyll  tbey  be  well  smoked  ne  me 
mesleray  point  de  nulz  habillemens  qui 
esloyent  a  luy  tant  qailz  soyent  bien  en- 

I  SMOLDER,  as  wete  wood  doth  tbat  smokelh 
and  burneth  nat  clere.  Je  songe.  This 
woode  burneth  nat  clere,  it  dothe  but 
smolder  :  ce  boys  ne  brusle  pas  cler,  il  ne 
fait  que  dormyr  or  songer.  But  properly  for 
€  I  smolder»  they  use  je  suce,  prim.  conj. 
As  this  woode  dothe  but  smolder  :  ce  boys 
ne  fait  que  sucer. 

I  smolder  one,  or  I  stoppe  his  brethe  with 
smoke.  Je  suffoque,  prim.  conj.  I  was  in 
tbe  house  to  helpe  them  lyli  the  smoke 

had  almost  smoldred  me  estoye  dedens 
la  mayson  tant  que  la  famée  maaoyt  presque 
suffoqué.  And  je  estayiis,  I  quenche.  This 
nouryce  hath  smouldred  lier  chylde  :  ceste 
nourrice  a  eslaint  son  enfant. 

I  SMORE  ones  face  with  any  grease,  or  soute, 
or  suche  lyke.  Je  barboaylle,  prim.  conj. 
Wbere  bave  you  ben,  you  bave  ail  to 
smored  your  face  :  ou  auez  vous  esté,  vous 
auez  tant  barbouyllé  vostre  visaige  ? 

I  smore,  I  strangle  one,  or  stoppe  bis  brethe. 
Je  suffoque,  prim.  conj.  I  was  almoste 
smored  in  my  bedde  to  nyght  :  je  estoye 
presque  suffocqué  en  mon  lict  a  nuyct. 

S  BïPORE  N. 

I  SNAPPE  at  a  thyng  to  catche  it  with  my  tetbe. 
Je  tens  a  happer,  conjugale  in  n  I  bende». 
His  borse  snapped  at  myne  arme  :  son 
cheual  tendit  a  happer  mon  bras. 

l  snapper,  as  a  borse  dothe  thaï  tryppeth.  Je 
trippelte,  prim.  conj.  My  borse  dyd  nat 
stumble,  he  dyd  but  snapper  a  lytell  : 
mon  cheual  ne  choppyt  poynt,  il  ne  fil  que 
tripetter  vng  petit. 

I  SNABRE,  as  a  dogge  doth  under  a  doore  whan 
he  sbeweth  bis  telhe.  Je  ricanne,  prim. 
conj.  Take  hede  of  your  dogge,  alwayes 
as  I  come  by  be  snarrclh  at  me  :  prennez 
garde  a  vostre  chien,  tousjours  quant  je 
passe  il  me  ricanne,  or  rechine. 

I  SNARLE,  I  strangle  in  a  halter,  or  corde.  Je 
esirangle,  prim.  conj.  My  grayhounde  bad 
almost  snarled  hym  selfe  to  night  in  his 
own  leesse  :  mon  leuryer  se  est<^t  presque 
estranglé  a  nuyct  en  sa  propre  lesse. 

I  SNARE,  I  catche  in  a  snare.  Je  prens  au  las. 

I  SNATCHE  at  a  ihynge  hastelye  to  take  it.  Je 
happe  après.  You  sbali  fare  tbe  worse  for 
your  snatchynge  :  vous  serez  du  pis  traictè 
pour  ce  que  vous  happés  après  les  choses 
aynsi,  or  pour  ce  que  vous  grippez  après  les 
choses  aynsi.  I  fynde  aiso  in  this  sence  je 
haue,  but  this  worde  is  olde  Romant. 

I  SNEVELL,  I  beraye  any  thynge  with  snyveil. 
Je  amorue,  prim.  conj.  Se  howe  this  boye 




snyvelieth  his  cote  :  adaisez  comment   ce 
garçon  a  amorué  sa  cotte. 

1  SNYTTE  my  nose.  Je  mouche ,  antl  je  torche 
mon  nez.  Snytte  thy  nose,  or  thou  shalte 
eale  no  bultered  fysshe  with  me  :  mouche 
ton  nez,  or  torche  ton  nez,  ou  tu  ne  man- 
geras point  de  poisson  beurré  aaecques  nwy. 

I  SNOFFE,  as  a  man  dotli,  or  a  Iiorse.  Je  re- 
nijjle,  prim.  conj.  This  boye  wyil  Le  of 
stubborne  herte  and  he  lyve,  herke  howe 
he  snoflfeth  :  ce  garçon  sera  dang  cueur 
rebel  sil  vit,  escoutés  comment  il  renijjle. 

I  snoffe  a  candell.  Je  mouche  la  chandelle, 
prim.  conj.  Snoffe  the  candell ,  I  can  nat 
se  to  Write  els  :  mouchez  la  chandelle,  je 
ne  puis  pas  aultrement  veoyr  a  escripre. 

I  SNOCGE.  Je  herisonne,  prim.  conj. 

I  SNORE,  or  snorte,  as  a  man  dothe  in  bis 
siepe,  or  as  a  horse  dothe.  Je  romjle, 
prim.  conj.  I  wylle  nat  iye  witb  hym,  he 
snoretb  so  in  his  slepe  ne  veulx  poynt 
coucher  aaecques  luy,  il  romjle  tellement  en 
son  dormant. 

I  SNOBTE,  as  a  borse,  or  man  dothe.  Je  romjle, 
prim.  conj.  This  jade  snorteth  as  were  a 
courser  of  ten  pounde  :  ceste  charoigne 
romjle  comme  si  ce  fut  vng  courcier  de  dix 

H  SNOWETH.  U  naige,  il  a  naigé,  naiger,  prim. 
conj.  In  wynter,  wban  it  snoweth,  it  is 
good  syttynge  by  a  good  fyre  :  en  yuer, 
quant  il  naige,  il  fait  bon  se  tenir  assis 
auprès  dung  bon  feu. 

I  SNDFPB,  as  a  man  or  borse  dothe.  Je  re- 
nifle. And  I  snafTe  a  candell  mouche, 
or  je  torche,  declared  in  «I  snoffe». 

S    BYFORE   O. 

I  soBBE,  as  one  dothe  in  weping,  wban  he 
farctb  as  though  bis  breathe  shulde 
stoppe.  Je  sengloutte.  The  poore  boye  sob- 
bed ,  as  bis  herte  shulde  brusl  :  le  poure 
garçon  sengloutloyt  comme  si  le  cucur  luy 
deat  fendre. 

I  SOBER  my  selfe,  I  asswage  myn  anger.  Je 
mamodfre,  je  me  suis  amoderé,  verbum 

médium  prim.  conj.  You  must  sobre  your 
selfe  betler,  or  it  wyll  be  wronge  with 
you  :  il  vous  fault  mieulx  amoderer  vous 
mesmes,  ou  vous  vous  irouuerez  mal. 
I  sober  my  selfe,  I  kepe  me  wilhin  my  boun- 
des,  and  excède  nat.  Je  me  amesure,  ver- 
bum médium  prim.  conj.  He  can  sober 
hym  selfe  in  bis  dyete  the  best  that  ever 
I  sawe  :  il  le  scait  le  mieulx  amesurer  en  sa 
dielte  qhomme  que  je  visjamays. 
I  soconn  one  tbat  is  towardes  a  daunger.  Je 
secours,  nous  secourons,  je  secouris,  jay 
secouru,  je  secourray,  que  je  secoure,  se- 
courrir.  A.  secourre.  N.  So  God  socour  me  : 
si  maide  Dieu,  or  si  maist  Dieu,  or  se  mayt 
Dieu.  And  jf  donne  secours,  prim  conj.  And 
he  be  nat  socoured  by  tymes,  he  is  in 
great  daunger  :  si  on  ne  le  secoure  de  bonne 
heure,  or  si  on  ne  luy  donne  secours  de  bonne 
heure,  il  est  en  grant  danger. 
I  SOFIEN  a  thyng,  I  make  it  sorte.  Jamolie, 
prim.  conj.  It  is  barde  yet,  but  I  shall 
soften  it  well  ynoughe  :  il  est  dur  encore, 
maysje  lamolieray  bien  assés. 
I  SOÏLE,  I  fyle  a  thynge  with  wearyng  so  that 
the  glosse  of  it  dothe  fade.  Je  salle,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  barbouille,  prim.  conj.  I  love 
to  weare  satten  of  Bruges,  but  it  wyll 
soyie  anone  -.jayme  bien  a  vser  du  sattyn 
de  Brugges,  mais  il  se  salle  bien  tost,  or  il 
se  barbouille  bien  tost. 
I  soyIe  from  synne.  Je  assouls,  conjugate  and 

declared  in  «I  assoyle». 
I  soJOCRNE,  I  go  to  boorde,  or  tarye  in  a  place. 
Je  séjourne,  prim.  conj.  Declared  in  «  I 
I  sojourne  (Lydgate).  Declared  in  «  I  séjourne  ». 
I  SOLACE,  I  sporte  me.  Je  me  soulace,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  me  déduis.  I  am  werye  of 
studyenge,  I  wyll  go  solace  a  lytell  :  je 
suis  las  destudier,je  men  vas  soulacer,  or  me 
déduire  ung  peu. 
I  SOLEMPNÏSE  a  feest  or  boly  day.  Je  solemp- 
nise,  prim.  conj.  The  bouchers  in  London 
solempnyse  saynte  Lukes  daye  above  ail 
feesles  in  the  yere  :  les  boachiers  de  Londres 



solempnisent  le  jour  de  sainct  Luc  par  dessus 
toutes  lesfêlrs  de  liinnée. 

I  SOLTCITE  one,  I  call  upon  him  to  remembre 
the  seule  I  makc  lo  him.  Je  solicite,  prim. 
conj.  I  shali  sollycile  him  as  dylygenlly 
in  your  case  as  il'  you  were  my  hrolher  : 
je  le  sollicileray  aussy  diligemment  en  vostre 
cause  comme  si  vous  fussiez  mon  frère. 

I  SOMME  an  accomptes,  or  caste  many  sommes 
togyther.  Je  somme,  prim.  conj.  Tarye  tyil 
I  bave  sommed  this  accomptc  and  I  wyll 
go  with  you  :  attendez  tant  que  je  aje 
sommé  cest  accompte,  ci  je  iray  auecques 

I  sOMMON,  as  a  sommoner  dothe  one  to  tbe 
courte.  Je  semons,  nous  semonnons ,  je  se- 
monnis,  jay  semons,  je  semondray,  que  ie 
semonne  ,  scmondre ,  tert.  conj .  and  je 
somme,  prim.  conj.  I  am  sommoned  to 
the  concystorie  :  on  ma  semons  au  concis- 

I  SONNE  BORNE,  as  oncs  face,  or  ibeir  bandes 
do  tbat  the  sonne  shyueth  moche  apon. 
Je  hasle.  I  sonne  burne  my  face  :  je  me 
hasle  le  visavje.  Good  Ladyc,  howe  you  be 
sonne  burned  for  one  dayes  rydynge  : 
Nostre  Dame,  que  vous  estez  haslé  pour 
auoyr  cheuaulché  au  soleil  vng  jour  seulle- 

I  SONDER  thynges,  I  parte  them  a  sonder.  Je 
sépare,  prim.  conj.  and  Je  pars,  conjugale 
in  <I  parte».  Lette  them  go  to  it,  they 
shali  nat  be  sondred  for  me  :  besoingnent 
hardiment,  Hz  ne  seront  pas  séparez,  or 
partys  pour  moy. 

I  SCORE ,  as  an  hauke  dothe. 

I  SOBOWE ,  I  am  in  sorowe ,  or  complayne  for 
the  iosse,  or  want  of  a  tbing.  Je  deuls, 
or  je  me  deubc.  M.  nous  nous  douions,  ilz 
se  doulent,je  me  doulus,je  me  suis  doulu, 
je  me  daeilleray,  que  je  me  dueille,  que  je 
me  doulusse ,  douloyr,  verbum  médium 
tert.  conj.  andj'e  mayne  dueil.  He  sorowetb 
for  bis  fathers  detb ,  and  nat  witbout  a 
cause  :  il  se  deult  pour  la  mort  de  son  père, 
et  non  pas  sans  cause.  Ând  in  this  sence 

I  fynde  je  me  lamente,  and  je  me  adoule, 
and  je  regrette,  anà  je  mayne  dueil,  and  je 
me  doulowe. 

I  SORTE  a  sonder  tbe  gobd  from  the  badde.  Je 
esplusche,  prim.  conj.  Sorte  this  wolle  : 
espluschez  ceste  layne. 

I  sorte,  I  put  thynges  asonder  one  from  an 
otber.  Je  assortis,  sec.  conj.  Sorte  thèse 
woHes  and  iaye  the  fynest  hy  it  selfe  ; 
assorlisscz  ces  layncs  et  mettez  tes  plui  fines 
a  part. 

I  socCE  a  thyng,  I  piynge  it  in  the  waler  or 
in  the  myer.  Je  submerge,  prim.  conj.  and 
je  plonge  en  leaue,  or  en  la  boue.  He  souc- 
ed  him  in  the  water  over  beed  and  eares: 
il  le  submergeoyt,  or  il  le  plongeoyt  en  leaue 
oultre  le  sommet  de  Ui  teste,  He  souced  bym 
in  tbe  mycr  tyll  be  bad  never  a  drie 
threde  :  il  le  plongea  en  la  boue,  tant  quil 
naaoyt  riens  sec  sus  luy. 

I  souce  meate,  I  iaye  it  in  some  tarte  tliynge, 
as  tbcy  do  brawne  or  suche  lyke. 

I  sowE  with  a  nedeli,  I  threde.  Je  cous,  nous 
cousons,  je  cousis,  jay  cousu,  je  coudray, 
que  je  couse,  coudre,  tert.  conj.  If  thou 
bave  naugbt  to  do,  ryppe  thy  clothes  and 
sowe  them  agayn  :  si  ta  nas  riens  affaire, 
descous  tes  habillemens  et  les  recous.  I  can 
sowe  as  fyne  a  seeme  as  any  wyfe  in  this 
towne  :  je  scay  coudre  vue  cousture  aussy 
fine  que  femme  qui  soyt  en  cesle  vilU. 

I  sowe  corne,  or  any  otber  seedes.  Je  semé, 
prim.  conj.  Whan  wyll  you  sowe  your 
wheate,  tbe  yere  passcth  on  apace  :  quant 
sèmerez  vous  vostre  bled,  lannée  sen  va 

1  SOWDER  a  metall  with  sowlder.  Je  soulde , 
prim.  conj.  I  wyll  sowder  this  pipe  of 
leede  soulderay  ceste  pipe  de  plomb. 
And  by  translation  je  cous,  conjugate  in 
«I  sowe». 

I  SOWKE  a  womannys  brest,  as  a  yong  cbilde 
doth,  or  any  yong  bcest  bis  dame.  Je  tette, 
prim.  conj.  Your  cbilde  sowketh  a  pace, 
God  save  him;.t'Oi(re  enfant  tette  fort. 
Dieu  le  gart. 



I  sowNDE ,  I  fall  downe  in  a  sownde  for  faynl- 
nesse ,  or  though.  Je  me  espaasme,  verbum 
médium  prim.  conj.  and  je  me  esaanoajs , 
sec.  conj.  Let  me  nat  be  by  whan  you  let 
hym  blodde,  for  I  shall  sownde  than  :  que 
je  ne  soje  pas  présent,  je  vous  prie,  quant 
vous  le  saignez,  car  je  me  espaumeray  donc- 
ques,  or  je  me  esuanoujray  doncques. 

I  sownde ,  as  a  taie  or  a  report  sowndeth  to 
ones  honesty  or  dyshonesty.  Je  redondc, 
prim.  conj.  I  promise  you  that  ihis  matter 
sowndeth  moche  to  your  dishonour  :  je 
vous  promets  que  ceste  matyere  redonde  Jort 
a  vostre  deshonneur. 

I  sownde  a  mys ,  as  thynges  do  tbat  agre  nat 
in  sowndyng.  Je  me  dissonne,  prim.  conj. 
This  beil  soundeth  a  mys  :  ceste  cloche  se 

I  sownde,  I  appartayne  or  belong.  Je  tens, 
conjugate  in  «I  bend>.  Tbis  ihyng  sown- 
deth to  a  good  purpose  :  ceste  chose  tent 
a  bonne  Jin. 

l  sownde,  as  a  schyppe  man  sowndeth  in  tbe 
see  with  bis  plommet  to  knowe  the  dep- 
peth  of  tbe  see.  Je  pilote,  and  je  pillottc, 
prim.  conj.  Sownde,  mariner,  let  us  se 
wbat  water  we  bave  to  spare  :  pilotez,  ma- 
rinier, vojons  combien  deaue  nous  auons 
sownde,  as  the  sownde  of  a  bell,  or  home 
whan  it  refleclcth.  Je  bonJjs,  jay  bondy, 
bondyr,  sec.  conj.  This  borne  sowndeth 
meryly  :  ce  cor  bondyt  gaillardement. 

I  sownde  schyrle,  as  a  mannes  or  womanncs 
voice  tbat  crieth  iowd.  Je  clicque,  prim. 
conj.  Harke  howe  ber  voyce  sowndeth 
scyrle  in  tbe  ayer  :  escoutez  comme  sa  voix 
clicque  en  lair. 

I  sowPE  at  nyght,  I  eate  mete.  Je  souppe, 
prim.  conj.  Hâve  you  sowpyd  yet,  tary 
halfe  an  bower,  and  I  wyll  corne  and 
sowpe  with  you  :  auez  vous  poynt  souppé 
encore,  attendez  une  demye  heure,  et  je 
viendray  soupper  auecques  vous. 

I  sovrpe  hoote  brolhe.  Je  hume,  prim.  conj.  I 
bave  berde  aaye  that  be  was  dede,  but 

he  wyil  sowpe  as  hoote  potage  as  you  : 
jay  ouy  dyre  quil  estoyt  mort,  mays  il  hu- 
mera aussi  chaalt  potage  que  vous. 

1  SOWPLE  a  thyng,  I  make  it  more  softe  and 
gcntyll  in  the  bandelyng,  or  weryng.  Je 
amolye,  prim.  conj.  I  shall  sowple  your 
gloves  vous  amolyeray  voz  gans. 

I  SOWSE  in  the  water.  Je  plonge  en  leaue.  You 
never  sawe  knave  better  plungyd  -.jamays 
ne  vistez  villuyx  mieulv  plongé  en  leaue.  I 
sowce  in  tbe  myar  :  je  verse  en  la  boue.  He 
threwe  hym  downe  and  ail  to  sowcyd  hym 
in  tbe  myar  :  i7  le  rua  jus  et  le  renuersa 
haull  et  bas  en  la  boue. 

I  sowse  fysbe,  or  flesbe,  I  laye  it  in  sowse  to 
préserve  it. 

S   BYFORE   P. 

I  SPAAnE  for  nigardise ,  or  warenesse.  Jes- 
pergne,  prim.  conj.  Yt  is  better  somtyme 
to  spende  than  to  spaare  :  i7  vaalt  mieuLc 
aulcunejoys  despendre  que  espergner. 

I  spaare,  I  forbere  from  a  thyng.  Je  espergne, 
prim.  conj.  and  je  me  garde.  Though  I 
bave  tbe  axis,  I  wyll  spare  no  metes  that 
my  hart  standeth  to  :  combien  que  jaye  les 
jleures,  si  nespergneray  je  nulles  viandes, 
or  si  ne  me  garderay  je  de  nulles  viandes  ou 
jay  le  cueur. 

I  SPARKYLL,  as  the  fyer  sparkylleth.  Jeslyncelle, 
prim.  conj.  Ware  your  face,  this  fier 
sparkilleth  apace  :  gardez  vostre  visaige, 
ce  Jeu  eslincelU  Jort. 

I  sparkyll  a  broode ,  I  sprede  thynges  a  sonder. 
Je  disparse,  prim.  conj.  and  je  dispare, 
prim.  conj.  andje  dissipe,  prim.  conj.  and 
je  espars,  il  Just  espars,  A.  Contra  regulam, 
Conjugate  lyke  bis  simple  je  pars ,  I  son- 
der, or  I  part.  Whan  tbe  sowdiersofa 
capitayne  be  sparkylled  a  brode ,  what 
can  he  do  in  tyme  of  nede  :  quant  les 
souldars  dung  capitayne  sont  disparsez,  or 
disparez,  or  dissipez,  or  espars,  que  peult 
iljaire  en  temps  de  besoing? 

I  SPAWNE,  as  fyshys  do.  Je  Jraye,  prim.  conj. 
and  je  engendre,  prim.  conj.  Never  use  to 



etefyschys,  whan  ihey  spawne,  for  tliey 
be  nat  holsom  ihan  :  ne  acoustumez  poynt 
a  manger  des  poyssons  quant  Hz  frayent,  or 
engendrent,  car  doncques  ne  sont  pas  sayns. 

I  SPECIFÏE,  I  make  pailyculer  mencion  of  a 
thyng.  Je  spécifie,  prim.  conj.  The  matter 
sball  neverbc  speciCedfor  me  :  la  matière 
ne  sera  jamays  specijièe  pour  moy. 

I  SPEDE  me ,  I  haste  me.  Je  me  haste  and  je  me 
depesche,  I  spede,  I  fordyr  :  jauance,  je 
diligente,  je  exploicte ,  frim.  conj.  Spede 
you  as  fast  as  you  can,  I  praye  you  : 
despechez  vous,  hastez  vous,  auancez  vous, 
diligentez  vous,  exploictez  vous  tant  que 
vous  poueZfje  vous  prie.  For  I  praye  God 
spede  you,  as  we  saye  to  one  thaï  is 
towarde  a  journay  ;  Dieu  vous  conduye.  I 
praye  God  spede  him  :  Dieu  le  vueille 

I  spede ,  I  atayne  my  purpose.  Je  paruiens  a 
mon  propos,  conjugale  lyke  bis  simple  je 
viens,  l  come.  And  y  maye  spede  of  this 
ones,  I  care  nal  and  I  never  sewe  lo  bim 
whyle  I  lyve  :  sijepeulx  vnefoys  paruenir 
a  cecy,  il  ne  men  chault  si  je  ne  pourchasse 
rien  de  luy  tant  que  je  viue  après. 

I  spede,  as  God  spedeth  one.  Je  conduys,  nous 
conduisons,  je  conduis,  jay  conduyt,  je 
conduimy,  que  je  conduyse,  que  je  conduy- 
sisse,  conduyre,  tert.  conj.  Serve  God  wcll 
and  he  sball  spede  you  in  ail  your  busy- 
nes  :  semez  bien  Dieu  et  il  vous  conduyra 
en  tous  voz  affairez. 

I  SPEKE.  Je  parle,  prim.  conj.  I  speke  lo  bim 
of  my  busynes  luy  parle  de  mes  affaires, 
and  je  parolle,  prim.  conj.  But  I  fynde  for 
•  I  speke  nat  a  worde»,  as  tbey  do  nat 
tliat  be  threlnyd,  if  tbey  speke,  or  make 
any  noyse  to  be  correcled,  or  thaï  be 
coinmandyd  to  kepe  a  matter  secret  :  je 
ne  sonne  mot,  je  nay  sonné  mot,  sonner 
mot,  prim.  couj. 

I  speke  a  pediars  frencbe,  or  a  gyberisbe,  or 
any  contrefait  langaige.  Jejargonne,  prim. 
conj.  They  speke  a  pediars  frencbe  amon- 
gest  tbem  selfe  :  Ht  jargonnent  entre  eulx. 

1  speke  fayre,  I  glose  or  flatter  one.  Je  jlatte, 
prim.  conj.  and  je  aplanie,  prim.  conj.  He 
can  speke  as  fayre  as  God  almygbty  tyll 
be  bave  bis  purpose  :  il  scayt  parler  aussi 
beau,  or  i7  scayt  aussi  bien  jlalter,  or  apla- 
nier  comme  vng  Dieu  tant  quil  ayt  son 

I  speke  yll  of  a  man ,  I  hurt  bis  name.  Je 
parle  mal  de,  and  je  départe.  Never  speke 
yl  of  men  behynde  their  backes  :  ne  parlez 
jamays  mal  des  gens  derrière  eulx. 

I  speke  of  a  matter  witb  a  princes  counsayll, 
or  at  a  parlement  assemblyd.  Je  parle- 
mente, prim.  conj.  And  wban  they  haddc 
spokyn  to  guyther  of  tbe  matter  sixe  dayes 
at  tbe  laste,  tbey  departyd  and  dyd  no- 
thyng  :  et  quant  Hz  eurent  parlementé  de  la 
matière  six  jours  ensemble,  a  la  Jin  ilz  se 
départirent  sans  riens  faire. 

l  speke  ofonetbat  is  absent,  I  talkeof  bym. 
Je  racompte  de  luy,  prim.  conj.  and  je  ré- 
clame, prim.  conj.  I  go  nowe  beyondsee, 
but  if  God  send  me  lyfe  you  sball  bere 
speke  of  me  vas  mayntenant  de  la  la 
mer,  mays  si  Dieu  me  donne  la  vie  vou< 
orrez  racompter  de  moy.  The  Emperour 
tbat  is  nowe  is  tbe  moste  spokyn  of  of 
any  man  tbat  I  knowe  :  lEmpereur  qui  est 
mayntenant  est  le  plus  reclamé  homme  que 
je  cangnus  jamays. 

I  speke  oui,  as  one  dotbe  tbat  wolde  be  barde. 
Je  parle  haall,  jay  parlé  haalt,  parler 
hault,  etc.  Speke  oui  tbat  a  man  may  bere 
you  :  parlez  haalt,  quon  vous  puisse  ouyr. 

I  speke  softe,  as  one  dotbe  tbat  wolde  nat  be 
barde  but  of  tbem  thaï  he  speketh  to.  Je 
parle  bas,  jay  parlé  bas,  parler  bas,  etc. 
Speke  soft,  my  husbande  is  asiepe  -.parlez 
bas,  mon  mary  sen  dort. 

I  speke  to  one,  I  reason  witb  one  iu  a  matter, 
Jarruysonne,  prim.  conj.  And  in  this  sence 
1  fynde  also  je  mets  a  rayson,  jay  mys  a 
rayson,  mettre  a  rayson,  conjugat  in  je 
mets,  I  put.  I  wyll  speke  to  bym  of  your 
matter  lo  morowe  :  je  larraysonneray  de- 
mayn  de  vostrt  matliere.  He  shalbe  spoken 



with  towcliyng  your  cause  :  on  le  meltera 
a  rajson  touchant  vostre  cas. 

1  SPELL,  as  chylder  do  whan  they  lerne  to 
rede.  Je  espelle,  prim.  conj.  He  hath  bene 
at  scole  tliys  halfe  yere  and  yet  he  can 
nal  spell  liis  pater  noster  :  il  à  esté  a  les- 
colle  vng  demy  an,  et  encore  ne  pealt  il  es- 
peller  sa  palenostre. 

I  SPENDE.  Je  despens ,  jay  despendu ,  despendre, 
conjugale  lyke  liis  symp\eje  pens,  I  hange. 
This  gère  can  nat  laste  longe,  for  he 
spendeth  a  pace  and  getlelh  nothyng: 
cecy  ne  peull  pas  longuement  endurer,  car  il 
dcspcnt  Jort  et  si  ne  gajgne  riens. 

I  spende,  as  men  spendeth  vytaile,  or  wastyth 
any  ihyng  in  vayne.  Je  consume,  prim. 
conj.  fle  hath  spent  a  great  dele  more 
wbeate  in  his  house  thys  yere  than  nedeth  : 
il  a  consumé  beaucoup  plus  de  bled  en  sa 
mayson  cesl  année  qui  nestoyt  besoing.  l 
fynde  also  in  this  sence  the  tensys  of  je 
faulx,  usyd  passyvcly.  As  whan  theyr  vi- 
taylles  were  spent  :  quant  leur  tiares  es- 
toyentfayllis,  Our  lenton  stuflc  shalbe  ail 
spent  long  afore  Ester:  nostre  poaruision  de 
qaaresme  sera  toute  despendue  deuantPasques. 

1  SPEHRE,  I  shytte.  Je  ferme,  prim.  conj.  andje 
clos,  conjugale  in  «I  close».  This  verbe  is 
of  the  northyrne  langaige  and  nat  com- 
niynly  in  use. 

I  sperre  out  of  a  place,  I  shytte  out.  Je  forclos, 
conjugale  lyke  his  symplejc  clos,  I  close, 
tert.  conj.  What  mcanyth  this  wotnan, 
shc  sperryth  me  out,  she  callyth  me 
agayne  :  que  veult  dyre  ccste  femme ,  elle  me 
forclost  et  elle  ma  reuocqué. 

I  SPERE,  I  aske.  Je  dentande,  prim.  conj.  This 
terme  is  also  fare  northyrne,  and  nat 
usyd  in  commyn  speche. 

I  SPEWE.  Je  gomys,  je  gomyssoye ,  gomyr,  and 
je  vomys ,  jay  vomy,  vomyr,  sec.  conj.  Get 
you  a  better  coke,  this  felowe  is  so  loth- 
some  that  he  wolde  roake  one  spewe  : 
trouuez  vng  aultre  cuisinier,  ce  compaignon 
est  si  abominable  quil  feroyt  vng  homme 
gomyr,  or  romir. 

I  SPYE  a  thyng  that  is  nere  bande.  Je  espie, 
prim.  conj.  and  je  a/iarco)',5,  conjugale  in 
0 1  perceyve».  Andje  aduise,  prim.  conj. 
and  je  me  donne  garde.  And  sodaynly  I 
spycd  hym  as  he  slode  in  a  wyndowe  :  et 
tout  subyl  je  lespiay,  or  je  luperceus,  OT  je 
laduisay,  et  je  me  donnay  garde  comme  il  se 
tint  a  vne  fenestre. 

I  spye  a  thynge  a  farre  of.  Je  choisis,  sec.  conj. 
andje  choysis  doeil.  And  at  ihe  last  f  spyed 
hym  coniyng  on  a  whyle  horse  :  et  a  la 
fyn,  or  a  la  parfinje  le  choysis,  or  je  le 
choysis  doeil  comme  il  venoyt  sur  vng  blanc 

l  spye  for  one,  I  lye  awayte  for  hym.  Je 
aguelte,  or  jaguaytté,  prim.  conj.  1  spye 
hcre  for  hym,  and  I  maye  oncs  spye  hym 
lelte  me  alone  with  hym  :je  laguaytte  icy, 
si  je  le  puis  vne  foys  choysir  laissez  moy 

I  SPYM.,  I  shede  lycoure.  Jerespans,  nous  res- 
pandons,je  respandis ,  jay  rcspandu,je  res- 
panderay ,  que  je  respande,  respandre,  tert. 
conj.  Wlio  hatli  spylled  his  potage  upon 
the  hoorde  clolhe  on  this  facyon  :  qui  a 
respandu  son  potaige  sur  la  nappe  en  ce 
poynt  ? 

I  spyll,  I  marre  a  thing.  Je  gaste,  prim.  conj. 
You  wyll  never  ceasc  tyll  you  hâve  spylled 
it  :  vous  ne  cesserez  jamays  tant  que  vous 
laurez  gasté. 

I  SPYNNE  threde.  Je  fille,  prim.  conj.  And  you 
wyll  speake  wilh  my  molher  she  spynneth 
nowe  at  home  :  si  vous  voulez  parler  a  ma 
mère,  elle  fille  maynienant  a  la  mayson. 

I  spynne  upon  a  rocke.  Je  ftlle  a  la  quenouylle. 
I  spynne  al  the  wbele.  Je  fille  au  rouet. 

I  SPïER,  as  corne  dotbe  whan  it  bcgynneth  to 
waxe  rype.  Je  espie,  prim.  conj.  This' 
wbeate  spyerclh  fayre,  God  save  it:  ce  bled 
espie  bellement,  or  bien  et  beau.  Dieu  le 

I  spïT  spitteil  out  of  my  mouthe.  Je  crache, 
prim.  conj.  It  is  a  foule  thyng  at  a  ser- 
monde  lo  hère  people  spytle  and  retche 
or  rougb  as  they  do  :  cest  vne  layde  chose 



^ue  de  oiyr  les  gens  a  vng  sermon  cracher 
comme  Hz  font. 

I  spytte  forthe,  or  spytte  out,  as  a  venytnouse 
beest  doth  bis  venyme,  or  as  a  lylber 
tonged  person  dotbe  their  dispyte.  Je 
lance,  prim.  conj.  andjevomjs,  sec.  conj. 
As  sone  as  bc  had  Iroden  upon  ber  tayle, 
the  adder  dyd  spylte  forthe  ber  venyme 
by  and  by  :  aussi  fost  quil  luy  eusl  marché 
sar  la  queue,  laspic  lança,  or  vomit,  tout  in- 
continent son  venin, 

I  SPÏT  meale  upon  a  spytte.  Je  embroche,  prim. 
conj.  I  vvyll  spylte my  meate  or  ever  I  wyi 
set  my  pyes  in  tbe  ovenijc  embrocheraj 
ma  viande  auant  que  mettre  mes  postez  au 
four,  or  auant  quenfourner  mes  postez, 

1  SPLETTE  a  fyssbe  a  sonder,  as  a  pyke,  or  lynge, 
or  sucbe  lyke.  Je  ouuers,  conjugale  in  «  I 
topcn».  Some  splct  their  pyckes  wban 
theybroyle  tbem,  but  I  woldebroyie  tbem 
bole  :  les  aucuns  ouurcnt  leurs  brochetons 
quant  Hz  les  rolisseni  sus  le  giyl,  niaysje 
les  rotiroye  sus  le  gril  tous  entiers, 

I  splctle  a  saulve  abrode  upon  a  clothc.  Je 
placqae,  prim.  conj.  Splette  tbis  dyacu- 
lome  upon  a  lynen  clotbe  :  placqaez  ce 
diaculum  sus  vue  toylle  de  lyn, 

I  SPOÏLE,  I  dislroye.  Je  gaste,  and  je  despouylle, 
prim.  conj.  Hc  bath  spoyicd  hym  of  ail 
Ihat  cver  hc  had  :  il  la  despouillé  de  tout 
tant  quil  aaoit,  Their  horse  men  bave 
spoyied  ail  the  countraye  :  les  gens  a  che- 
ual  ont  gastè  tout  le  pays, 

I  SPONGE  a  gowne  or  any  other  garment  to 
scoure  tbe  fyllhe  out  of  it.  Je  esponge , 
prim.  conj.  If  you  wyll  nat  bye  a  newe 
gowne  against  thèse  holy  dayes ,  let  one 
spongc  your  gowne  very  cleane  :  si  vous 
ne  vouliez  poynt  de  nouuclle  robbe  contre  ces 
festes,  au  moyns  quon  vous  esponge  la  vostre 
que  vous  auez  nettement, 

I  SPOBGE,  I  clcnse.  Jespurge,  prim.  conj.  I 
sball  do  the  best  I  can  to  sporge  it  :  je 
feray  le  mieuhc  que  je  pourray  pour  les- 

I  sporge,  I  hâve  a  greatlaxe.  Jay  lafoyre.  He 

sporged  goodly  after  hi&,comfytes  :  il  aaoyt 
lafoyre  gaillardement  après  sa  dradgée. 

I  SPORTE,  I  playe  or  take  my  recreacyon.  Je 
me  déduis,  conjugale  lyke  bis  symple  je 
duis,  l  serve  to  a  purpose.  And  je  me 
embas,  conjugale  lyke  bis  symple  /e  bas, 
l  béate.  And  je  me  esbas,  conjugale  also 
lyke  je  bas,  I  béate.  And  jV  me  solacc,  ver- 
bum  médium  prim.  conj.  and  je  me  sou- 
laceoye,  and  je  me  soulaceay,  wbere  e  is 
laken  lest  the  reder  sbulde  rede  hay  atoà 
koye,  I  wyll  go  sportc  me  in  ibis  gardayne 
for  an  houre  or  twayne:  je  me  deduiray, 
je  me  embateray,  je  me  esbateray,  je  me 
soulaceray  en  ce  jardin  pour  vne  heure  ou 

I  SPOTTE,  I  beraye  with  spoltes.  Je  tache,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  macule,  prim.  conj.  and  je 
honnys,  sec.  conj.  You  spotted  your  gowne  : 
vous  auez  taché,  vous  auez  maculé,  or  vous 
auez  honny  vostre  robbe.  And  je  entache, 

I  spolie  wilh  bloode.  Je  senglanle,  prim.  conj. 
and  je  ensenglante.  AH  thy  sbyrte  was 
spotted,  or  bcrayed,  wilh  blood  :  toute  ta 
chemise  estait  senglantée,  or  cnsenglantée. 

I  spotte ,  or  arraye  with  ynke.  Je  encre,  prim. 
conj.  Who  halb  spotted  your  shyrte  sleve 
wilh  ynke  :  qui  a  encré  la  manche  de  vostre 
chemise  ? 

I  SPRALLE,  as  a  yonge  thing  doth,  that  can 
nat  well  styrre.  Je  crosle,  prim.  conj.  He 
spraullclh  lyke  a  yonge  padocke  :  il  crosle 
comme  vne  jeune  grenouille, 

I  SPRAULE  wilh  my  legges,  struggell.  Je  me  dé- 
bats, conjugale  lyke  bis  symple  je  bats,  I 
béate.  And  you  spraule  on  tbis  facion  you 
shall  bave  tbe  lesse  favourc  :  si  vous  vous 
débutez  en  ce  poynt  vous  aurez  moyns  de 

I  SPREDE  a  brode,  as  a  shete  or  coveryng  is 
spredde  a  brode  apon  a  bedde ,  or  on  the 
grounde,  wban  they  be  layde  abrode.  Je 
estens,  nous  estendons,  je  estendis,  jay  es- 
tendu,  je  estcnderay ,  qve  je  estende,  es- 
tendre,  tert.  conj.  Sprede  tbis  pece  of  ta- 
pysserye  abrode ,  lette  us  se  what  worke 



it  is  of  :  estendez  ceste  pièce  de  tapisserie, 
laissés  nous  veoir  de  qael  otmraitje  cest. 

l  sprcdde  a  brode,  or  lajc  nettes  or  gynnes  to 
take  wylde  beestes  or  foules  in.  Je  tens, 
conjugate  in  «I  bende».  Sprede  abrode 
your  nettes  and  your  gyune  :  tendez  voz 
retz  et  voz  engjns. 

l  spredde  a  brode ,  as  a  ryvcr  that  breaketh  out 
of  bis  channell  or  any  suche  iyke  thyng. 
Je  me  espans,  nous  nous  espandons ,  je  me 
espandis,je  me  suis  espandu,je  me  espan- 
deray,  que  je  me  espande,  espandre,  ver- 
bum  médium  tert.  cod],  anà  je  me  espars, 
nous  nous  esparsons,jc  me  esparsis,  je  me 
suis  esparsé,  je  me  esparseray ,  que  je  me 
esparse,  esparser,  verbum  médium  tert. 
conj.  Temmys  is  sprede  abrode  to  oyght 
haife  a  mylc  on  every  syde  :  la  Tamise 
sest  espandae,  or  sesl  esparsée,  vue  demye 
lyeae  de  chascan  costé. 

I  sprede  the  namc  or  famé  of  a  person  abrode. 
Je  renomme,  prim.  conj.  Wber  so  ever  I 
become,  I  sball  sprede  thy  name  abrode 
as  thou  haste  deserved  towardes  me  ; 
quelque  part  que  je  deuiengue,je  te  renom- 
meray  comme  tu  as  deseruy  enuers  moy. 

I  sprede  thynges  a  sonder,  or  sparkell  them 
abrode.  Je  dispare,  prim.  conj.  Sprede 
your  corne  abrode ,  it  wyll  vaxe  musty  eis  : 
disparez,  or  disparcez  voslre  bled,  car  aal- 
trement  il  se  mojsira. 

I  SPRENKÏLL.  Je  jecte  au  large,  and  je  esparse, 
prim.  conj.  He  sprenkylietb  bis  monay 
abrode  as  thoughe  hc  cared  uat  for  it  : 
il  jecle  son  argent  au  large,  or  il  esparse  son 
argent  comme  sil  ne  luy  en  chailloyt. 

I  SPRINGE,  as  the  day  springeth  or  begynueth 
tospring./Jotl/ourne,  verbum  impersonale, 
and  le  jour  commence  a  venir.  I  wyll  take 
myjournay,  and  God  wyll,  to  niorowe  or 
the  day  spriog:  je  prendray  ma  journée  de- 
mayn,  si  Dieu  playst,  auant  quil  adjourne, 
or  auant  que  le  jour  commence  a  venir, 

I  spring,  as  waters  spring  out  of  a  well  heed 
or  spring.  Je  me  sours,  nous  nous  soardons, 
je  me  sourdis,  or  je  me  suis  sours,  je  sour- 


dray,   que  je  sourde,  sourdre,  tert.  conj. 

I  bave  sene  the  place  where  Temmes 
springeth  and  sene  kyne  drinke  there  ; 
jay  veu  la  place  ou  la  Tamise  se  sourt,  et 
ay  veu  des  vaches  boyre  la. 

I  spring,  I  begynne  or  encrease.  Je  sours, con- 
jugate  hère  afore.  The  tone  springeth  out 
of  the  tother  :  lung  sourt  hors  de  lautre. 

I  springe,  I  come  out  of  the  erthe  by  my 
sclfe,  as  yonge  springes  do  or  herbes.  Je 
najs,  conjugate  in  the  seconde  booke. 
Gather  nat  your  parsclay  yet ,  it  doth  but 
begya  to  spring  nowe  :  ne  cueillez  pas  vos- 
ire  persil  encore,  il  ne  fait  que  naislre  mayn- 
lenant.  Looke  in  «  I  springe  out,  as  a  floure 

I  spring,  I  leape.  Je  espingue,  prim.  conj. 
Marke  hym  whan  he  daunseth,  you  shall 
se  hym  springe  Iyke  a  yonckher  :  aduisez 
le  quant  il  danse,  vous  le  verrez  espinguer 
comme  vng  rustre. 

î  spring  out,  as  buddes  or  blossomes.  Je  bour- 
jonne,  prim.  conj.  This  yere  is  farre  forthe, 
the  liawthorne  buddes  be  spronge  forthe 
ail  redy  :  ceste  année  est  fort  auancée,  les 
bouttons  de  ceste  aulbe  espine  sont  desja 

I  springe  out ,  as  a  floure  dothe.  Je  boute  hors, 
or  put  out ,  as  a  tree  roote.  Je  végète,  and 
je  sors,  and  je  rejecte,  prim,  conj.  This 
floure  begynneth  to  springe  goodly  :  ceste 
fleur  commence  a  bouter  hors  gentiment,  or 
a  rejecter  gentiment,  or  a  végéter  genti- 

I  spring,  I  waxe.  Je  crojs,  conjugat  in  «  I 
«growe».  Jésus,  howe  you  be  spronge 
sythe  I  sawe  you  :  Jésus,  que  vous  estez  creu 
despuis  que  je  ne  vous  vis. 

I  SPROWTE  out,  or  spring  oui,  as  yonge  floures, 
or  buddes ,  or  the  grasse  doth.  Je  poings, 
conjugate  in  «I  pricke  with  the  poynte 
«  of  a  weapen  ». 

I  SPDE,  I  gyve  over  my  gorge.  Je  gomys,  sec. 
conj.  or  je  vomys,  deciared  in  «  I  spewe». 

I  SPURGE,  as  a  man  dothe  at  the  foundcment 
after  he  is  deed.  Je  me  espurge,  verbum 



médium  prim.  conj.  Thcre  is  nouthcr 
man  nor  wornan,  but  if  they  lary  long  un- 
buryed  and  hâve  no  remedy  provyded 
bat  they  spourge  whan  they  be  deed  :  i7 
ny  a  ne  homme  ne  femme  qui  demeurent  lon- 
guement ensepuelis  quilz  ne  se  espurgent 
quant  ilz  sont  mors. 

I  spurge,  I  clense,  as  wyne  or  aie  dothe  in 
tbe  vessell.  Je  mepurge,  verbum  médium 
prim.  conj.  This  aie  spurgeth  a  greal 
deale  better  for  tbe  cariage  :  ceste  aile  se 
purge  beaucoup  mieulx  pour  la  porter  par 
chariot  ou  par  mer. 

I  srDRRB,  I  aske  a  questyon.  Je  demande  vue 
question.  ïhis  terme  is  farre  northerne. 

I SPDRRE  my  hors,  or  my  mule,  wilh  the  spurres. 
Jepicque,  prim.  conj.  I  spurre  my  hors: 
je  picqae  mon  chenal  des  espérons,  or  je  es- 
peronne,  prim.  conj.  and  Je  donne  des  es- 
pérons. Spurre  your  hors  and  he  wyll  not 
go  :  picqués  vostre  chenal  sil  ne  veult  aller. 
Spurre,  spurre  :  picquez,  picquez  des  espé- 
rons. I  dare  not  spurre  my  hors,  he  is  so 
wylde  :je  nose  pas  csperonner  mon  chenal, 
il  est  si  farouche.  Spurre  a  good  hardely  : 
donnez  des  espérons  hardyment. 

S    BTFORE   Q. 

I  SQUARE  tymber,  I  bewe  it  fower  square.  Je 
esquarre,  prim.  cooj.  and  je  charpente, 
prim,  conj.  I  wyll  square  thyse  ookes  to 
make  tymber  esquarreray,  or  je  char- 
penteray  ces  chesnes  pour  en  faire  du  mes- 

I  square,  I  chyde  or  vary.  Je  prens  noyse,  con- 
jugale in  «  I  take  i.  Of  ail  the  men  lyvyng 
I  love  not  to  square  with  hym  :  entre  tous 
les  hommes  viuans,  je  nayme  pas  prendre 
noyse  a  luy, 

I  SQDARKYN ,  I  burne  the  utter  part  of  a  thyng 
agaynst  the  fyer,  or  roste  mete  unkyndly. 
Je  ars,  conjugat  in  «  I  burne  i.  This  mete 
is  nat  rostyd,  it  is  squarkynned  :  ceste 
viande  nest  pas  rostye,  elle  est  arse. 

l  SQDïER,  I  rule  with  a  squyer,  as  a  carpynter 
doyth  bis  worke  or  he  sawe  it  out.  Je  es- 

quarre, prim.  conj.  Squyer  this  borde  or 
you  sawe  it  :  csqaarrez  cest  ayz  auant  que  le 

l  SQDIER,  I  wayte  upon.  Je  baille  attendance.  Is 
he  your  servant,  he  can  squyre  you  as  well 
as  ever  you  were  in  your  lyfe  :  est  il  vostre 
seruiteur,  il  vous  scayt  bayller  attendance 
aussi  bien  quefd  nul  aultre  en  vostre  vie. 

1  SQDifRT,  I  bave  a  lax.  Jay  le  va  va.  I  holde 
the  a  grote  I  squyrt  over  yonder  hedge  : 
je  gayge  a  toy  vng  gros  que  jay  le  va  va  si 
bien  que  je  passeray  oullre  ceste  haye  la. 

I  SQDïRTE  with  a  squyrte ,  an  instrument.  Je  es 
clisse,  prim.  conj.  I  holde  the  a  grote  that 
I  squyrt  over  yonder  wall  with  my  squyrt: 
je  gayge  a  toy  vng  gros  que  je  esclisseray 
oultre  ce  mur  la  de  mon  esclissouere. 

I  SQOODRGEone  wilh  whyppys.  Je  fouette,  frim. 
conj.  declaryd  in  ol  scowrge». 

S   BTFORE   T. 

I  STABBE  in  wilh  a  dagger  or  any  other  scharpe 
wepyn.  Je  enferre,  prim.  conj.  and  je  en- 
fiUe,  prim.  cçnj.  He  stabbyd  hym  with 
a  daggar,  and  the  poore  man  thought 
no  harme  :  i7  lenferra,  or  d  lenfilla  de  sa 
daggue,  et  le  poure  homme  ne  pencoyt  nul 

I  STABLYSHE.  Je  establys ,  sec.  conj.  and  je  af- 
ferme, Hodje  préfixe,  prim.  conj,  Whan  a 
thyng  is  ones  stabiyschyd  il"  is  to  hard 
to  change  it  :  mays  que  vne  chose  soyt  vne 
foys  establie,  cest  forte  chose  que  de  la  chan- 
ger. What  so  ever  he  saye,  I  wyll  sta- 
hlysche  it  :  quoy  quil  die,  je  le  vealx  esta- 
blir,  or  je  le  veulx  affermer.  The  tyme  is 
stabiyschyd  ail  redy  :  le  temps  est  préfixé 

l  stablysbe,  I  make  by  acte.  Je  actijie,  prim. 
conj.  And  it  be  ones  stablischyd  by  act, 
it  is  harde  to  change  it  :  mays  quil  soyt 
vne  foys  actifié,  cest  forte  chose  de  le  changer. 

I  STAGGAR,  I  stande  nat  stedfast.  Je  bransle, 
prim.  conj.  This  bouse  staggareth  with 
every  wynde  :  ceste  mayson  bransle  de  chat- 
cuR  vent. 



I  staggar,  as  a  dronkyn  man  dothe.  Je  chancelle, 
prim.  conj.  Ar  you  nat  a  shamcd  to  stag- 
gar tbus  as  you  go  by  the  stretes  :  nauez 
vous  poynt  de  honte  de  chancelier  en  ce  poynt 
ainsi  que  vous  allez  par  les  rues  ? 
I  STATNE  a  thynge,  I  change  the  coiour  of  it 
with   shedynge  any  thynge  upon  it.  Je 
destajns ,  conjugale  lyke   his  symple  je 
tayns,  I  dye  in  colours.  Nowe  that  this 
sylke  is  stayned  it  is  nowght  worth  :  mayn- 
ienant  que  ceste  soye  est  destaynte,  elle  ne 
vault  plus  riens. 
I  STAKE  a  hedge.  Je  mets  des  espieus  en  vue  haye. 
Go  stake  yonder  hedge  where  you  shall 
se  nede  :  allez  mettre  des  espieux  en  cesle 
haye  la  ou  tous  verrez  quily  aura  besoing. 
I  stake  in  a  play.  Je  boule,  prim.  conj.  I  wyll 
nat  play,  except  every  man  stake  :  je  ne 
joueray  poynt  si  chascun  ny  boute, 
I  STAKKER.  Je  chancelle,  je  bransle ,  and  je  va- 
cille, prim.  conj.  declared  in  «I  staggar». 
I  STAALE.asa  hors  dothe.  Je  pisse,  prim.  conj. 
Tary  a  whyle,  yourhors  wyll  staale  :  at- 
tendez vng  peu,  vostre  cheual  veult pisser. 
I  STALKE ,  1  go  softly  aod  make  grcat  stridcs. 
Je  vas  a  grans  pas,  or  je  vas  pas  a  pas,  con- 
jugale in  «  I  go  ».  He  slalkcth  lyke  a  crâne  : 
il  va  a  grans  pas  comme  fait  vne  grue. 
1  STALL  a  prelate,  or  a  greal  eslate  in  his  seete. 
Je  entrosne,  prim.  conj.  I  never  sawe  bys- 
choppe  stallyd  but  one  :  jamays  je  ne  vis 
cnirosner  que  vng  esuesque. 
I  slall  an  ox  to  fede  him  fatle.  Je  mets  en  estai. 
Il   is  tyme  to  stall  your  oxyn   that  you 
entend  to  sel  after  Ester  :  il  est  temps  de 
mettre  voz  beujz  en   lestai  que   vous  auez 
intencion  de  vendre  après  Pasques. 
1  STAMER,  I  can  nat  speke  tretably.  Je  besgue, 
prim.  conj.  Il  is  a  worlde  to  hère  hym 
slammer  whan   be  is   angryd  :  cest  vng 
passe  temps  que  de  loair  besguer  quant  il 
est  courroucé. 
l  sTAMPE,  I  brose  herbes  in  a  morter.  Je  braye, 
prim.  conj.  Stampe  this  sorell  and  some 
violet  levés  togyther  :  brays  ceste  surelle  et 
vng  peu  defaeilles  de  violetes  ensemble. 

I  stampe,  I  stare,  as  one  doth  that  taketh  on 
in  his  angry.  Je  me  demayne,  prim.  conj. 
You  never  sawe  man  stampe  as  he  dyd  : 
jamays  ne  visiez  homme  se  démener  en  ce 
I  stampe,  I   trede  wilh  my  fête.  Je  lempeste, 
prim.  conj.   Stampe  wilh   thy  fête  and 
make  a  noyse  over  his  hedde  :  lempeste 
de  les  piedz  etjays  du  bruit  par  dessus  sa 
I  STANCHE  hlode,  y  make  a  wound  or  ones 
nose  to  cesse  hledyng.  Je  estanche,  prim. 
conj.  He  fell  a  bledyng,  but  none  coulde 
stancbe  bym  tyll  he  was  dede  :  il  se  myt  a 
saigner,  mays  nul  ne  le  peusl  estancher  tant 
quilfust  mort. 
I  STANDE  upon  my  legges  without  any  helpe 
of  slafle,  or  thynge  to  lene  by.  Je  me  sons- 
tiens,  conjugale  lyke  his  simple  je  tiens, 
I  holde.  I  can  nat  stande  upon  my  legges  : 
je  ne  me  puis  poynt  soastenir  sus  mes  jambes. 
I  stande  upryght,    or  I   stande  styfe  as 
ones  gère  doth  :  je  me  arrige.   My  gère 
slandeth  :  mon  vit  se  arrige  fort  et  ferme, 
or  je  marrige,  prim.  conj. 
I  stande  al  my  dcfence,  as  one  doth  that  other 
fyght  wilh.  Je  me  tiens  a  dejfence,  conju- 
gale in  «I  hold».  Let  them  come,  I  shall 
stande  at  my  defence  :  quilz  viennent,  je 
me  liendray  a  ma  deffencc, 
I  stande  upon  my  fête.  Je  me  tiens  debout,  je 
me  suis  tenu  debout,  tenir  debout,  verbum 
médium    prim.    conj.   conjugale    in   «  I 
d  holde  ».  But  for  stande  in  the  impara- 
live  mode ,  whan  it  is  spokyn  to  an  enemy 
or  in  haste,  they   saye  debout   only  and 
levé  oui  the  verbe.  I  fynde  also  usyd  in 
thys  sens  me  mets  sus  mon  estant,  je 
me  suis  mys  sus  mon  estant,  estre  mis  sus 
mon  estant.  But    where  as    we  use  this 
verbe  in  our  long  for  «  1  lary  »,  as  «  stande 
«  tbeir  » ,  or  «  lary  theyr  »  tyll  I  come ,  they 
use  je  me  tiens,  conjugale  in  «I  holde i. 
As  stande  theyr  tyll  I  come  agayn  :  tenez 
vous  la  tant  que  je  men  reuiengne. 
1  stande  a  strydlyng  with  my  legges  abrode.  Je 



me  esqaarqaUle,  verbum  médium  prim. 
conj.  Fy  on  thc,  beest,  tbou  standest  so  a 
strydlyng  that  a  man  may  dryve  a  cart 
betwene  thy  legges  -.Jy,  beste  que  ta  es,  ta 
te  csquarqailles  tant  qaon  peult  mener  vng 
chariot  entre  tes  jambes, 

i  stande,  as  the  water,  or  teres  stande  in  ones 
eyes  that  is  disposed  to  wcpe.  Je  larmoyé, 
prim.  conj.  and  les  larmes  me  viennent  aax 
yealx.  He  dyd  nal  wepe  that  I  sawe,  but 
the  walcr  stode  in  his  eycs  :  i7  ne plouroyl 
poynt,  mays  il  larmoyoyt,  or  les  larmes  luy 
venoyent  aux  yeulx. 

I  stande  by,  or  I  assyste  a  man  in  an  acte.  Je 
assiste,  prim.  conj.  Go  to  it,  man,  be  nat 
a  frayde,  I  wyll  stande  by  the  who  so 
ever  corne  :  va  hardyment ,  naye  poynt  de 
paour,je  te  assisteray  quoy  que  suruiengne. 

I  stande  fast  or  stedfast,  I  remove  nat.  Je  me 
tiens  ferme ,  je  me  suis  tenu  ferme,  tenir 
ferme,  conjugale  in  je  tiens,  I  holde. 
Stande  fast,  for  and  you  fail  you  ar  but 
gone  :  tenez  vous  ferme ,  car  si  vous  tumbez 
cestfait  de  vous. 

I  stande  in  dowt  of  a  tbyng.  Je  me  double, 
prim.  conj.  I  stande  in  dowt  whether  I 
may  beleve  you  or  nat  :  je  men  doubte  si 
je  vous  puis  croyre  ou  non. 

I  stande  in  geoparty.  Je  suis  en  dangier.  He 
standctb  in  jeoparty  to  lèse  ail  the  goodes 
he  hath  :  H  est  en  danqicr  de  perdre  tous  les 
biens  quil  a. 

I  stande  in  a  barde  case.  Je  suis  mal  mys. 
He  standeth  in  a  hard  case  that  boldeth 
uppe  bis  bandes  to  his  cneniy  :  il  est  mal 
mys  qui  lieue  ses  mayns  a  son  ennemy. 

1  slaiide,  ]  am  in  rest,  or  I  consyst.  Je  consiste, 
prim.  conj.  The  effect  of  this  matler  stan- 
deth in  thre  poyntes  :  leffecl  de  ceste  matière 
consiste  en  troys  poyncts. 

1  stande,  I  am  mayntaynyd  or  upholdyn.  Je 
me  mayntiens,je  me  suis  mayntenu ,  mayn- 
tenir,  conjugale  in  «I  mayntayne>.  This 
towne  standeth  by  artificers  :  ceste  ville  se 
mayntitnt  par  gens  mecanicques. 

I  stande  in   nede  of  a  tbyng.  Jay  affayre.  If 

you  stande  in  nede  of  me  you  shall 
fynde  I  am  your  frende  :  si  vous  aaez 
affayre  de  moy  vous  me  trouuerez  voslre  amy. 

I  stande  in  the  stede  of  another  parson.  Je 
représente,  prim,  conj.  Syns  my  lorde  can 
nat  be  hère  bim  selfe  to  day,  who  shall 
stande  in  his  stedc  :  puis  que  monsieur  ne 
peult  estre  icy  aujourdhuy  en  personne,  qui 
le  représentera? 

I  stande  long  walchyng  in  a  place.  Je  me  petie, 
verbum  médium  prim.  conj. 

I  stande  styll,  as  a  hors  or  cart  doelh  that  be 
journayng.  Je  jocque,  prim.  conj.  (  Ro- 

I  stande  styll.  Je  me  tiens  tout  quoy.  You  sball 
fynde  no  fault  in  me,  for  I  wyil  stande 
styll  :  tous  ne  trouuerez  poynt  de  fault  en 
moy,  car  je  me  tiendray  tout  quoy. 

I  stande  uppe  rygbt,  as  ones  hères  doelh  on 
tbeyr  hede  for  feare.  Je  nmdresse.  Or  as  a 
man  upon  his  feete ,  or  any  thing  that  is 
set  an  ende.  Je  me  dresse,  je  me  suis  dressé, 
dresser,  verbum  médium,  prim.  conj.  I 
fynde  also  je  me  tiens  droict,  and  je  me 
adresse  sur  mes  pieds.  Stande  uppe  ryght 
bere,  let  me  se  wbetber  of  you  twaine  is 
the  taller  man  :  dressez  vous  icy,  que  nous 
voyons  lequel  de  vous  deux  est  le  plus  hault, 
or  dressez  vous  sas  voz  piedz.  And  je  me 
mets  sur  mon  estant. 

I  stande  uppe  ryght,  as  ones  hères  doth  of  his 
bedde  for  feere.  Je  me  dresse,  ses  cheueulx 
se  dressèrent.  And  je  me  hérisse,  ses  che- 
ueulx se  hérissèrent.  And  je  me  Aerice,  prim. 
conj.  Whan  I  passed  by  the  churche  yarde 
my  heares  stode  upright  for  feare  :  quant 
je  passay  près  du  cymitiere  mes  cheueulx  se 
dressèrent  de  paour.  It  standeth  tbus  with 
me  :  ainsi  vont  mes  affaires,  or  ainsi  va  il 
auecques  moy. 

I  STARE,  as  a  mans  eyes  stare  for  anger.  Mes 
yeulx  salument,  usynge  je  me  alume  lyle  a 
meanc  verbe. 

I  stare,  I  loke  brode.  Je  regarde  asprement. 

I  sTARTE  a  bare  whan  I  set  her  Crst  on  foote. 

I  starte  asyde,  as  one   dolhe  that   shrinketb 



with  bis  bodye  whan  he  seeth  a  daunger 
towardes.  Je  me  guenchis,  sec.  conj.  Had 
I  nat  starte  asyde,  I  had  bad  a  shreude 
turne  :  si  je  ne  me  fusse  point  guenchy,je 
eusse  eu  vng  maluajs  tour. 

I  starte  backe.  Je  me  recule,  prim.  conj.  He  bis 
a  wel  proved  man ,  for  balfe  a  dosen ,  I 
warrant  bim  be  wyll  never  start  backe  : 
cest  vng  homme  bien  esprouné,  pour  vne  demy 
douzayne,je  mefaysfort  qail  ne  se  reculera 

I  STARTELL,  as  a  man  dotbe  tbat  is  amased  so- 
dayiily,  or  tbat  hatb  some  inwarde  colde. 
Je  iressaulx,  conjugate  lyke  bis  simple  je 
stt/xlx,  I  leape.  As  soone  as  be  sawe  me 
come  in  a  dores,  be  starteled  lyke  one 
tbat  sawe  tbe  tbynge  wbicbe  lyked  bym 
nat  over  well  :  aussi  tost  quil  me  vit  entrer 
dedans  Ihuys,  il  Iressaillyt  comme  cellay  que 
veoyt  la  chose  dont  il  nestoyl  pas  trop  content. 

I  STARVE,  I  dye  or  perysshe.  Je  perys,  sec. 
conj.  Wbat  bonour  is  it  to  you  to  sufier 
a  knygbt  to  starve  :  quel  honneur  est  ce  a 
vous  de  laisser  vng  cheualier  périr? 

1  starve  one  for  bonger.  Je  affame,  prim.  conj. 
Wyll  you  starve  bym  for  bonger  :  le  voulez 
vous  affamer? 

I  starve  for  colde.  Je  me  morjons,  conjugate 
lyke  bis  symple  je /oni,  I  meit  metall. 
And  you  stande  there  any  whyle  you 
sball  starve  for  colde  :  si  vous  vous  tenez 
la  quelque  peu  despace  vous  morjonderez. 

I  STAONCHE  bloode.  Je  estanche,  prim.  conj. 
declared  in  <I  stancbe  bloode  n. 

I  STAïNE  a  tbynge,  I  marre  tbe  colour,  or 
glosse  of  it.  Je  destayns,  conjugate  lyke 
bis  sympleje  tayns,  I  dye  in  colours.  And 
je  tache,  prim.  conj.  and  je  discouleure , 
prim,  conj.  I  bave  stayned  my  gowne  ijay 
destaynct  ma  robbe,  jay  taché  ma  robbe, 
and  jay  descouleuré  ma  robbe. 

I  STEDTE,  I  sattell,  or  set  fasle  a  tbing.  Je  me 
arreste ,  verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  I 
love  nat  this  waverynge  mynde  of  yours, 
I  wolde  bave  you  stedye  your  mynde 
upon  somwbat  :  je  nayme  pas  ce  vague 

entendement  que  vous  auez,  je  vouldroye  que 
vous  vous  arrestissiez  a  quelque  chose. 

I  STEALE  awaye  a  tbing  by  tbcfte.  Je  emble, 
prim.  conj.  and  je  desrobbe,  prim.  conj. 
If  I  can  nat  gef  bis  borse  by  no  other 
meanes,  I  wyll  steale  bim  :  si  je  ne  puis 
aaoyr  son  cheual  par  nul  aultre  moyen,  je 
lembleray,  or  je  le  desrobheray. 

I  steale  awaye,  I  convaye  my  selfe  prively  eut 
of  sygbt,  or  eut  of  company.  Je  me  des- 
robbe, verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  Il 
waxes  late ,  I  wyll  steale  awaye  :  il  deaient 
tart,  je  me  desrobheray. 

I  steale  upon  one,  1  come  prively  upon  bym. 
Je  viens  a  lemhUe.  He  stale  upon  me,  or 
I  was  ware,  lyke  a  coward  :  il  vint  sur 
moy,  or  il  rua  sur  moy,  a  lemblée  comme  vng 

I  STELLiFïE ,  I  sette  up  amongest  the  starres. 
Je  stcllijie,  prim.  conj.  Tbe  otde  panymes 
for  a  vayn  giory  dyd  stellyfye  their  kynges 
and  otber  persons  derely  byloved  :  les 
payeiis ,  pour  vne  vaine  gloire,  stellifierent 
leurs  rois  et  leurs  aultres  pcrsonnaiges  chie- 
remenl  aymez. 

I  STEPE,  I  laye  in  water,  or  lay  a  stepe  any  salte 
meate  to  take  out  the  brinc.  Je  destrempe. 
Stepe  this  sait  fyssbe  :  destrempez  ceste  mo- 

I  STEPPE  a  syde  out  of  the  way.  Je  me  desmarche, 
and  je  me  desroye,  prim.  conj.  Let  tbem 
lay  to  my  charge  wbat  they  lyste,  I  wyll 
never  steppe  a  syde  for  it  :  quilz  me  enchar- 
gent  tant  que  leur  playra,jamays  ne  me  des- 
marcheray  pour  tant.  Nowe  that  you  be  in 
good  order  loke  you  steppe  nat  asyde  ; 
mayntenant  que  vous  estez  mys  en  bon  ordre, 
ne  vous  desroyez  point. 

I  steppe  upon  a  thyng.  Je  saulx  par  dessus,  con- 
jugate  in  «  I  leape»,  or  je  monte  sus.  Steppe 
up  on  the  table  :  montez  sus  la  table.  Step 
to  it,  man  :  hardyment  a  cela.  Steppe  to  it 
agayne  and  take  better  bolde  :  encore  a 
cela  et  tiens  plus  fermement.  Let  me  steppe 
to  it,  for  I  am  the  man  :  que  je  y  viengne, 
car  je  suis  Uiomme. 



I  steppe,  I  treade.  Je  marche,  prim.  conj.  I 
stepped  upon  hym  or  I  was  ware  mar' 
chay  sur  luy  auant  que  je  mcn  donnaj 

I  steppe  over  a  thyng  with  one  of  my  legges. 
Je  agambe,  prim.  conj.  I  wil  steppe  over 
this  brooke ,  I  holde  the  a  peny  :  je  agam- 
beray  oultre  ce  rujsscau,  je  te  gaige  vng 
gros.  Whiche  I  fynde  writtenj'c  agembe. 

l  STEERE,  I  reraove  a  thyng.  Je  remeae,je  re- 
moaaaj,  jay  renieué ,  je  remeuray,  que  je 
remue,  remouuoir.  Tliis  ihyoge  is  onstyred 
or  onmedled  with  :  ceste  chose  demeure  en 
son  entier.  No  man  steere  nothyng  hère, 
tyll  I  come  agayne  :  que  nul  ne  remeae 
riens  icy  tant  que  je  retourne. 

1  stère,  I  move  a  persoii  to  do  an  acte.  Je  se- 
mons, conjugal  in  «I  hyd  la  dyner».  And 
je  incite,  and  je  enhorle,  prim.  conj.  I  shal 
stère  hym  to  it  as  moche  as  I  dare  le 
semondray,  je  linciteray,  je  lenhorteray  a 
cela  tant  que  je  oseray.  And  je  aticie,  prim. 

I  stère ,  I  remove  my  selfe  out  of  a  pJace.  Je  me 
bouge,  verhum  médium  prim.  conj.  No 
man  styrre  and  he  love  his  lyfe  :  que  nul 
ne  se  bouge  sil  a  sa  vie  chiere,  or  sil  ayme 
sa  vie. 

i  slcre  to  anger  or  lo  any  other  passyon.  Je  pro- 
aoque  a  ire,  a  dueil,  a  mercy,  etc.  and  je 
esmeus,  conjugale  lyke  his  simpleje  meus, 
I  meve.  Ile  is  soone  slcred  to  anger,  God 
belpe  hym  :  il  est  bien  tost  prouoqué,  or 
esmeu  a  ire,  or  a  courroux.  Dieu  luy  soyt 
en  ayde.  And  je  ire,  prim.  conj.  Beware 
thou  stère  him  nat  to  anger,  I  reade  the  : 
garde  toy  de  lyrer,jc  te  conseille. 

I  STEBTE,  1  styrre,  as  one  dothe  for  feare,  whan 
one  cometh  sodaynly  upon  hym.  Je  ires- 
saulx,  conjugale  in  je  saulx ,  I  skyppe.  I 
beshrewe  you,  you  came  in  so  softly  you 
made  me  sterle  :  mauldit  soyez  si  je  le 
veulx,  vous  vintez  sur  moy  si  secrètement 
que  vous  me  jislez  tressayllir. 

I  sterle  up  sodaynly  out  of  my  bedde  or  where 
I  lye  a  longe.  Je  tressaulx,  conjugal  lyke 

je  saulx,  I  skyp.  I  sawe  nat  a  felowe  sterle 
out  of  his  bedde  so  quickly  this  sevyn 
yeres  :  je  ne  vis  nul  tressayllir  hors  de  son 
lict  si  vistcmenl  de  ces  sept  ans. 

I  STERVE  one  for  honger.  Je  affame,  declared 
in  «I  sterve  one  for  honger». 

I  STEWE  wardens,  or  any  frutes,  or  meales.  Je 
esteuue,  prim.  conj.  They  muslc  stewe  your 
wardens,  can  you  nat  eale  them  rawe  : 
Jouit  il  quon  vous  esteuue  vozpoyres  de  garde, 
ne  les  pouez  vous  manger  crues? 

I  STYCKE,  I  fasten.  Jejiche,  and  jattache,  and 

jajfiche,  prim.  conj.  Go  stycke  this  shafte 
in  the  wall  :  allez  ficher,  or  ajficher  ceste 

Jlesche  en  la  paroy.  I  wyll  fasten  it  hère 
with  a  nayle  :  je  le  veulx  attacher  icy  dung 

II  slycketh,  as  a  mater  slyckelh  and  gothe  nat 

forward.  //  tient.  The  mater  slycketh  nat 
in  me  :  la  matière  ne  tient  pas  a  moy,  il  te- 
noyt,  il  tynt,  il  a  tenu,  etc.  after  the  thyrde 
persons  of  je  tiens. 

I  stycke  fast  in  a  myer  or  a  maresse.  Je  me  ar- 
reste,  verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  or  je 
me  tiens.  Your  carte  styckelh  fast  in  the 
myer  :  vostre  chariot  se  tient,  or  sarreste  la 
en  la  boue. 

I  stycke ,  I  kyll  one  with  c  daggar,  or  with  the 
foyne  of  any  sharpc  weapen.  Je  estocqae, 
prim.  conj.  Who  wolde  ever  bave  thought 
the  knave  wolde  bave  sticked  him  :  9111 
eut  jamays  pencé  que  le  villayn  leut  voulu 
eslocqaer,  crjicher  dung  coup  destoc. 

I  stycke  a  thyng  fuU  of  fethers.  Je  empenne , 
prim.  conj.  Stycke  me  full  of  fethers  and 
you  shaii  se  me  flye  ;  empennez  moy  et  vous 
ne  verrez  voiler. 

I  stycke  a  thyng  full  of  herbes,  as  we  do  meate 
that  shulde  be  rosted. 

I  stycke  full  of  bowes.  Je  rame,  and  je  larde, 
prim.  conj.  Stycke  your  shoulder  of  mou- 
ton with  herbes,  it  wyll  be  the  better  : 
romc2  vostre  espaulle  de  mouton ,  or  lardez 
la  dejleurs  et  elle  en  vauldra  mieulx. 

I  sticke  full  of  herbes,  as  we  do  a  cuppe,  or 
pot,  or  any  thyng  for  our  plesure.  Je  en- 



Jleare.  He  loveth  to  drynke  in  a  cuppe 
that  is  stickyd  fui  of  herbes  :  il  ayme  bien 
a  bojre  en  vne  couppe  qui  est  enjlcurée. 

I  STÏCKYLL  betwene  wrastellers,  or  any  folkes 
Ihat  prove  mastries  to  se  that  nonc  do 
otber  wronge ,  or  I  parte  folkes  that  be 
redy  to  fyght.  Je  me  mets  entre  deux, 

I  STYE,  I  assende,  or  I  go  upwarde.  Je  monte,  a 
farre  northerne  terme. 

I  STïLL  a  chylde  that  cryeth ,  or  pease  one  that 
is  angry.  Je  rapajse,  andjV  accoyse,  prim. 
conj.  Go  styll  the  chylde,  nourice,  you 
wyll  be  shente  els  :  allez  appayser,  or  ra- 
payscr,  or  accoyser  lenfant,  nourrice,  ou 
aaltrement  on  vous  tencera. 

I  STïLLE  water  in  a  styllytorie.  Je  distille,  prim. 
conj.  atodje  Jais  de  Icaue,  as  je  distille  de 
leaa  rose,  and  je  Jais  de  leau  de  roses.  Slylle 
some  Damaske  water,  for  it  is  good  :  dis- 
tillez, ot  faitez  de  leaue  de  Damas,  car  elle 
est  bonne. 

I  STTNGE,  as  a  serpent  dotb.  Je  pince,  prim. 
conj.  I  wene  this  adder  bath  styngyd  me  : 
je  cuyde  que  cest  aspic  ma  pincé,  or  picquè. 

1  slynge,  as  a  bee  or  suche  lyke.  Je  picque. 
Beware  that  this  waspe  styng  you  nat  : 
gardez  vous  que  ceste  cjaespe  ne  vous  picque, 
or  esguiUonne. 

I  sTïNKE,  as  carion  or  any  olher  thyng  that 
smellcth  yvell.  Je  pus,  nous  puons,  je  puis, 
jay  puy,je  ptieray,  que  je  pue,  puyr,  tert, 
conj.  His  brethe  stynketh  :  il  est  punays. 
Her  brethe  stynketh  :  elle  est  punayse.  Take 
it  away,  it  stynketh  :  osiez  le,  il  put.  Smell 
at  my  coller  if  it  be  I  that  stynketh  :  tas- 
tez  a  mon  collet  se  cest  moy  qui  put. 

I  STYNT,  I  cesse.  Je  cesse,  je  fine,  and  je  désiste, 
prim.  conj.  Let  hym  go  to  it,  I  praye  God 
he  never  stynt:  en  quil  besoigne ,  je  prie  a 
Dieu  quejamays  ne  cesse,  or  quejamays  ne 
fine,  or  que  jamays  ne  désiste. 

I  STÏRRE,  I  provoke.  Je  prouoque ,  and  je  alicie, 
and  je  enhorte,  prim.  conj.  Declared  aforc 
in  «I  stère,  I  move». 

I  STïTCHE,  I  fastyn  one  thyng  to  another  with 
stytches  of  nedyll  and  threde.  Je  affiche. 

Stytche  on  thys  claspe  better  :  affichez  cesie 
agraffe  mieulx. 

I  stytche ,  as  a  taylour  doth  a  garmenl,  or  as  a 
browderer  doth  any  thyng  upon  a  veste- 
ment  or  garment.  Je  broche,  prim.  conj. 
Thys  worke  is  fynely  slytchyd  :  cest  ou- 
uraige  est  bien  finement  broché. 

I  STOMBLE,  as  a  man  or  a  hors  dothe.  Je  choppe, 
prim.  conj.  Thou  lepest  over  a  bloke  and 
stomblest  at  a  strawe  :  tu  saalx  oultre  vne 
souche  et  choppes  a  vng  festa. 

I  STONDE.  Je  me  tiens  debout,  declaryd  in  «  1 

I  stond  at  dcfence,  I  prépare  my  selfe  to  défend 
me  from  myn  enemy.  Je  me  tiens  a  defence, 
verbum  médium.  Conjugale  in  «I  holdei. 
Declaryd  in  «I  stande  at  my  defence». 

I  STONE  to  dethe.  Je  lapide,  prim.  conj.  Saynt 
Stevyn  was  slonyd  to  dethe  :  Saynct  Ei- 
tiennefust  lapidé  a  mort, 

I  STONïSHE.  Jeslonne,  prim.  conj.  He  stonyshyd 
me  :  il  me  estonna. 

I  STOPPE  a  hoole,  or  a  botayll,  or  syche  lyke. 
Je  estouppe,  prim.  conj.  Stoppe  the  botayll  : 
estouppez  la  boulaille.  Stoppe  there  :  hola, 
for  cesse.  Stoppe  there  at  the  tenys  :  gar- 
dez la. 

I  stoppe  a  hoole  or  an  yerth  of  any  beest  in  tbc 
ground.  Je  bouche,  and  je  embouche,  prim. 
conj.  I  bave  stoppyd  ail  the  foxys  hooles 
and  therefore  he  can  nat  scape  us  :  jay 
bouché,  or  embouché  tous  les  trous  du  re- 
gnarl,  et  pour  tant  il  ne  nous  pealt  eschaper. 

I  stoppe,  as  a  hors  or  cart  doth ,  whan  they  be 
goyng  on  the  way.  Je  jocque,  prim.  conj. 
Romant.  And  je  me  arreste,  prim.  conj. 
Ryght  frenche.  The  carter  stoppeth  yonder 
afore ,  you  may  corne  tyme  ynoughe  yet  : 
le  charretier  jocque  la  deuant,  or  se  arreste, 
or  arreste  son  chariot  la  deuant,  et  pourtant 
poaez  vous  venir  en  temps  assez  encore. 

I  stoppe  a  thcfe  that  is  ronnyng  a  waye.  Je 
arreste,  prim.  conj.  Stoppe  the  thefe  for 
Godes  sake  :  arrestez  le  larron  la  pour 

I  stoppe ,  I  cover  the  mouthe  of  any  vesseil ,  or 



any  syche  lyke  tliyng.  Je  esloupe,  prim. 
conj.  Stoppe  the  bottell  with  a  corke  :  es- 
touppez  la  boutaille  dane  pièce  de  liège. 

I  stoppe,  I  hynder  or  let  one  of  any  purpose 
that  lie  is  about.  Je  empcsche,  prim.  conj. 
Let  him  go  wban  be  ^vyll,  he  sbali  nat  be 
stoppyd  for  me  :  quil  aille  quant  il  voaldra, 
il  ne  sera  pas  empesché  pour  moj, 

I  stoppe  ones  bretbe,  I  squarkyn.  Je  suffoque, 
prim.  conj.  The  smooie  hade  atlmost 
stoppyd  my  bretbe  :  la  fumée  mauoyt 
presqaes  suffoqué. 

I  stoppe  on  ones  syde,  as  one  ibat  is  a  stoppar 
in  a  tenes  play  or  at  tbe  foote  bail.  Je 
garde.  I  wyll  stoppe  on  your  syde  :  je  gar- 
deTay  de  vostre  costé. 

I  stoppe  ones  eyes,  I  cover  tbem  witb  my  bande, 
or  with  a  clotbe ,  tbat  he  sball  nat  se. 
Je  luy  bcTtde  les  jeulx,  and  je  embranche, 
prim.  conj.  Stoppe  his  eyes  and  tban  we 
sball  be  sewcr  he  sball  nat  se  :  hendez 
luy  les  yeulx  et  alors  serons  nous  seurs  quil 
ne  verra  pas.  We  must  stoppe  his  eyes  :  il 
luyjaut  emhruncher  les  yeulx. 

I- stoppe  ones  ^Yay,  I  crosse  on  bis  waye  that  hc 
can  nat  passe.  Je  trenche  le  chemyn,  prim. 
conj.  And  I  maye  knowe  when  he  is  go- 
yng,  I  wyll  stoppe  hym  of  his  waye  :  si  je 
pais  congnoysire  quant  il  est  sur  le  point  de 
partir,  je  luy  trencheray  le  chemin. 

I  STOHB  a  bclde  or  company  with  wepyns  for 
the  warre  or  to  fyghf  witb.  Je  emhaslonne , 
prim.  conj.  Tbis  castell  is  the  besl  storyd 
of  wepyns  of  any  place  in  ail  this  con- 
traye  :  ce  chastcau  est  le  mieuhc  embastonné 
que  nulle  place  encestc  contrée. 

I  store  a  bouse  or  a  castell  witb  vilaylle.  Je  ad- 
uitaylle,  prim.  conj.  We  be  well  storyd  of 
vitaylles,  let  tbem  come  wban  tbey  wyll  : 
noussommcs  bien  aAuitayllez,  viengnent  quant 
Hz  vouldront. 

I  store  a  house  with  housholde  stufle.  Je  meuble, 
prim.  conj.  Ue  hath  the  best  storyd  house 
of  good  housholde  slufle  of  any  marchant 
man  tbat  I  knowe:  il  a  sa  mayson  lamieuLc 
meublée  que  nul  marchant  que  je  sayche. 

I  store,  I  make  plenty  of  thynges  to  growc,  or 
brede  upe.  Je  peuple,  prim.  conj,  I  bave 
storyd  my  parkes  and  niy  pondes  :  jay 
peuplé  mes  parcs  et  mes  t>iuiers. 

I  store ,  I  make  provysyon  of  thynges  tbat  be 
necessary  wban  tbey  may  be  badde  in 
plenty.  Je  me  fine,  je  me  suis  fine,  prim. 
conj.  I  bave  storyd  me  of  corne  ynongb 
for  thys  tbre  yere  :  je  me  suis  fine  dusses 
de  bled  pour  ces  troys  ans. 

I  STOWPE  downe  to  take.  upe  a  thyng.  Je  me 
penche,  je  me  suis  penché,  pencher,  verbum 
médium  prim.  conj.  I  dare  nat  stowpe 
downe  nowe ,  for  I  am  with  cbylde  :  je 
ne  me  ose  pencher  maynlenant,  car  je  suis 

I  stowpe  lowe  for  révérence.  Je  me  humilie. 
Stowe  lowe  wban  you  se  him  :  humiliez 
vous  quant  vous  le  voyez. 

I  stowpe  downe  with  my  body  to  do  any  la- 
bour. Je  me  encline,  je  me  suis  encline,  en- 
cliner,  verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  And 
I  had  nat  stowpyd ,  tbe  gonne  stone  had 
passyd  ihorowe  me  :  si  je  ne  me  fusse  poynt 
encline,  la  pierre  de  fonte  eut  passé  a  trauers 
de  moy, 

I  stowpe  downe  or  bowe  my  selfe.  Je  mejlechys, 
sec.  conj.  Thought  you  be  never  so  prowde 
avarlet,  I  wyll  make  you  stowpe  or  you  go  : 
quelque  fier  villayn  que  vous  soyez,  si  vous 
feray  je  jlechyr  auant  que  vous  en  allez. 

I  stowppo  forwarde  in  my  goyng.  Je  me  cambre, 
je  me  suis  cambré,  cambrer,  prim.  conj.  and 
je  vas  en  cambrant.  He  stowpytb  very  sore: 
il  se  cambre  fort.  Scbe  is  but  a  yong  wen- 
cbe  and  yet  scbe  stowpytb  and  scbe  were 
an  owlde  woman  :  elle  ncst  qune  jeune 
garce,  encore  elle  va  en  cambrant  comme  si 
elle  fut  vne  vieille  femme. 

I  stowpe  lowe  for  by  cause  I  wolde  not  be  sene. 
Je  me  baisse,  prim  conj.  Stowppe,  frier, 
that  the  devell  see  the  nat  :  baysse  toy, 
frère,  que  U  diable  ne  te  voye,  or  de  paoar 
que  le  diable  ne  te  voye. 

I  stowppe  with  my  body,  or  bowe  my  bede  to 
my  knyes.  Je  me  courue,  je  me  suis  courue, 




courtier,  prita.  conj.  and  je  nejlexis,  sec. 
coDJ.  I  can  nat  stowpe  with  my  body  so 
myche  tliought  I  wolde  :  je  ne  me  puis 
tant  couruer  si  je  le  vouldroye. 

I  STBAY  about,  as  a  masterlesse  parson  dotb. 
Je  vagabonde,  prim.  conj .  Il  is  pyte  to  gyve 
hym  any  meate ,  be  dolh  noiigbt  but  stray 
abowt  and  wyll  do  noiabour  in  tbe  worlde  : 
cest  grant  pitié  de  luj  bayller  aulcune  viande, 
car  il  ne  fait  que  vagabonder  et  ne  veult faire 
nul  labeur  aa  monde. 

I  straye,  I  wander  about  and  wot  nat  whylher 
I  go.  Je  erre,  prim.  conj.  Hère  you  no  re- 
dynges  of  your  chylde,  yet  tbe  boye  stray- 
etb  alone  some  where,  God  gyve  grâce 
ibat  a  beggar  mete  nat  witb  him  :  ne  ou- 
yez  vous  poynt  de  nouuelles  de  vostre  enfant, 
le  garçon  erre  quelque  part  tout  seul.  Dieu 
face  que  nul  bllstre  ne  lencontre. 

I  STRAYGRT  a  thyug  tbat  is  crokyd  or  bendyd. 
Je  redrciie, prim. conj.  Strayghtmywande, 
I  praye  you  :  redressez  une  gaulle,  je  vous 

I  strayght,  I  make  narowe.  Je  estroysse,  and  je 
arcle,  prim.  conj.  [t  is  to  wydc,  you  muste 
straygbt  it  :  il  est  trop  large,  il  lefaalt  es- 
troysser,  or  arcter. 

I  STRAYNE,  as  a  hauke  dotb,  or  any  otber  sycbe 
iyke  fowle  or  beest  in  theyr  cla-wes.  Je  es- 
traings,  conjugate  Iyke  je  constraings,  and 
je  agrippe,  prim.  conj.  Were  a  good  glove 
I  reede  you,  for  your  bauke  straynetb 
barde  :  vsez  vng  bon  gant,  si  vous  men 
croiez,  car  vostre  oyseaa  estraingt  fort,  or 
grippe  foH. 

I  strayno  courteysie,  as  one  doetb  that  is  nyce. 
Je  fais  moalt  du  courtoys.  Tbynke  you  that 
it  is  good  maner  to  strayne  courteysie  on 
tbis  maner  :  pencez  vous  que  cest  ung  tour 
de  courtoysie  défaire  trop  le  courtois  comme 
vous  faictez? 

I  strayne  meate,  or  brade,  or  any  tbyng  thorowe 
a  strayner.  Je  passe,  prim.  conj.  Strayne 
your  pesyn  or  you  serve  tbem  :  passez  voz 
poyx  auant  que  les  seruyr. 

I  strayne  witli  tbe  bande.  Je  estrayngs,  conjugate 

iyke  je  conslraings  and  je  jerre, prim.  conj. 
Laye  bande  upon  hym  but  strayne  hym 
nat  :  mettez  la  mayn  sus  luy,  mays  ne  le  es- 
irayngnez  poynl,  or  ne  le  serrez  point. 

I  STRANGYLL,  I  stope  ones  brealb.  Jeestrangle, 
prim.  conj.  He  beld  me  so  barde  by  tbo 
tbroote  tbat  be  badc  alimost  stranglyd  me  ; 
il  me  tint  si  serré  par  la  gorge  quil  manoyt 
presques  estranglé. 

I  STRENGTH.  Je  renforce ,  àud  je  fortijie.sind  je 
corrobore,  and  je  munis ,  sec.  conj.  Thyse 
townes  be  greatly  streuglbyd  syns  I  knewe 
tbem  firsl  :  ces  villes  sont  grandement  ren- 
forcées ,  or  fortifiée,  or  corroborées  ,  or  mu- 
nies despuis  que  je  les  congnas  première- 

I  STRESSE ,  I  straygbt  one  of  bis  libcrty  or  tbrust 
bis  body  to  guyther.  Je  estroysse,  prim. 
conj.  The  man  is  stressyd  to  soore,  he  can 
nat  styrre  bim  :  Ihomme  est  trop  estroysse, 
il  ne  se  peult  remouuoyr. 

I  siRETCHE  a  tbyng  a  lengeth  or  I  laye  a  tbyng 
out  a  brode.  Je  estends,  nous  estendons , 
conjugate  iyke  bis  simpleje  tends,  I  bende. 
Stretche  it  fortb  and  it  is  long  ynowgbe  ; 
eslendez  le  et  il  est  long  assez. 

I  stretcbe  my  selfe,  I  rowse  me,  as  one 
dotb  bis  body  afore  he  sball  prove  a  mas- 
try,  or  put  bis  body  to  any  stresse.  Je  me 
copie,  je  me  suis  copié,  prim.  conj.  I  tbynke 
be  sball  thorowe  the  stone  next ,  for  be 
begynneth  to  stretche  hym  selfe  :  je  cayde 
quil  jectera  la  pierre  le  prochayn,  car  il 
commence  a  se  copyer. 

I  stretcbe  out  a  lengtb.  Jalonge,  or  je  alongie, 
prim.  conj.  Stretche  out  tbis  corde  a  leng- 
eth :  alongez  ceste  corde. 

I  STRïDE,  I  stond  a  stridlyng  witb  my  legges. 
Je  me  escarquylle,  prim.  conj.  Stryde  and  ■ 
f  will  dryve  thés  scbepe  betwene  tby  leg- 
ges :  escarquylle  toy  et  je  chasseray  ces  bre- 
bis entre  tes  jambes. 

I  stryde  over  a  brooke  or  tbe  caneli  or  any  fowle 
place  as  I  am  goyng.  Je  jamboye,  prim. 
conj.  You  ncde  nat  to  lepe  for  so  narowe  a 
ditche,  you  may  stride  ove  easely  :  il  nest 



pas  besoing  de  sajUirpour  rng  si  pelit  fossé, 
vous  poaez  assez  bien  jamhoyer  oultre. 

I  STRïKË  one  wilh  my  hand  or  with  a  wepyn. 
Je  frappe,  prini.  conj.  Teil  me  who  balh 
strykyn  the  :  di  moj  (jai  (a  frappé.  Slryke 
for  cockes  body  :  chargez  de  par  Dieu. 
Stryke  liim  and  spare  him  nat  :  chargez 
sus  luy  et  ne  lespergncz  pas. 

I  stryke  a  dere  or  any  ollier  wylde  beest,  as  a 
buutar  dotlie  wban  be  drawetb  parcy.  Je 
enferre,  prim.  conj.  I  bave  slrykyn  bim, 
let  go  your  blodbounde  :  je  laj  enferré, 
or jay  enferré  ce  dayn,  laissez  allervostre 

I  stryke  a  downerygbt  strooke  witli  a  wepyn. 
Je  lance,  prim.  conj.  He  strake  a  downe 
rygbt  strokc  at  bym  witb  bis  sworde  :  il 
le  lança  de  son  espée. 

i  stryke,  as  God  dothe  wban  be  punyscbetb.  Je 
punys,  sec.  conj.  and  je  afflige,  prim.  conj. 
\ou  sball  se  God  stryke  them  wban  be 
seys  liys  tyme  :  vous  verrez.  Dieu  les  punira, 
or  les  affligera  quand  il  verra  son  temps. 

I  slryke  a  tbyng  witb  bony,  I  lay  bony  a 
brode  upon  it.  Je  emmielle,  prim.  conj.  I 
hade  as  iefe  stryke  my  breed  witb  butter 
as  with  bony  :  je  ayme  aussi  ckier  embeur- 
rer  mon  pain  que  de  lemmieller. 

I  stryke  at  tbe  gaynest,  or  at  ail  adventures,  as 
one  dolbe  tbat  is  in  afraye  and  taketb  no 
hcde  wberenorbowebestryketh.  Je  frappe 
and  je  tue  a  tort  et  a  trauers.  l  toke  no  bede 
wbat  I  dyd  but  sirake  at  the  gaynest  or  at 
ail  adventures  :  je  ne  maduisuy  poynt  a  ccu 
qaejefaysoye,  mays  frappay,  or  ruay  a  tort 
et  a  trauers. 

I  stryke  downe  a  man  or  a  beest  witb  a  stroke 
apoQ  the  beed.  Je  assomme,  prim.  conj. 
He  was  stryken  downe  wilhin  a  foote  wbere 
I  stode  :  il  fust  assommé  dang  pied  près  de 
la  place  la  ou  je  me  tenoye. 

1  stryke  downe  to  tbe  grounde,  or  beare  downe 
to  tbe  grounde.  Je  atterre,  prim.  conj. 
I  never  sawe  man  fygbt  botter,  for  he 
strake  downe  to  Ibe  grounde  as  many  as 
durste  stande  afore  bim  :  jamays  ne  vis 

homme  mieulr  combattre,  car  il  atterrait 
tous  ceulx  qui  se  osoyent  tromier  an  deuant 
de  luy. 

I  stryke  handcs,  as  men  do  tbai  agre  apon  a 
bargcn  or  convenant.  Je  touche  la.  Stryke 
liandes  :  touche  la.  And  thon  wylt  kepe  thy 
promesse,  stryke  bandes  :  si  tu  veulx  tenir 
promesse,  touches  la. 

I  stryke,  I  bytle  or  béate  one.  Je  fiers,  ilfiert,je 
feins,  jay  féru,  que  je  jiere,  ferir,  tcrt. 
conj.  I  am  stryken  wilh  a  gonne  stone,  I 
am  but  deed  :  je  suis  féru  dune  boulle  de 
fonte,  je  ne  suis  que  mort.  He  was  stryken 
witb  the  plage  as  be  stode  in  bis  dore: 
il  fust  féru  de  la  peste  aynsi  quil  se  tenoyt  en 
son  huys. 

I  stryke,  I  let  downe  the  crâne.  Je  lâche, 
prim.  conj.  Slryke  lowe,  stryke  :  lâchez 
jusques  a  terre. 

I  stryke,  I  make  smothe.  Japlanis ,  sec.  conj. 
Stryke  over  this  paper  :  aplanissez  ce  pa- 

I  stryke  ones  foote  out  of  joynt.  Je  mets  son 
pied  hors  du  moulle.  I  am  but  undone, 
be  hath  stryken  my  foote  out  of  joynt: 
cest  fait  que  de  moy,  il  a  mys  mon  pied 
hors  du  moulle,  or  il  a  dénoué. 

I  slryke  ones  beed,  as  wc  do  a  chyldes  wban 
he  dothe  well.  Je  applanie,  prim.  conj. 
My  fatlier  sayetb  I  am  a  good  sonne ,  he 
dyd  slryke  my  beed  by  cause  I  had  conned 
my  lessoa  vvitbont  the  booke  :  mon  père 
dit  que  je  suis  bon  jilz,  il  mapplania  la  teste 
a  cause  que  je  auoye  sceu  ma  leçon  par 

I  slryke,  or  byt  agaynst  a  tbyng.  Je  heurte, 
prim.  conj.  Take  hcde ,  mayster,  our 
shyppe  bath  stryken  twyse  a  grounde  : 
prennez  garde ,  pilotle ,  nostre  nauire  a  heurté 
par  deux  foys  a  terre. 

I  stryke  out  a  tbyng  tbat  yt  may  be  sene  with 
a  penne.  Je  raye,  prim.  conj.  Stryke  out 
this  same  with  your  penne  and  begyn  a 
newe  lyne  :  rayez  cecy  de  voslre  plume,  e 
comnuncez  vue  nouuelle  ligne.  And  je  ar- 
raye,  prim.  conj. 



I  stryke  out,  or  blotte  out  with  a  penne,  so 
that  it  can  nat  be  sene.  JohliUere,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  efface.  It  is  so  strykcn  out 
that  it  can  nat  be  redde  :  il  est  tellement 
oblilteré  qnon  ne  le  peult  point  lire. 
1  stryke  eut  the  heed,  or  the  bottonie  of  a 
vesseil.  Jeffonce,  prim.  conj.  Stryke  out 
the  heed  of  your  vesselles,  our  men  bc 
to  thrustye  to  tarye  tyll  tbeir  drinke  bc 
drawen  with  a  fauised  :  ejjoncez  voz  vais- 
seaulc,  noz  gens  ont  trop  <jrant  soyj  pour 
attendre   tant  tjaon  leur  tire  a  bojre  a  la 
I  stryke  out  ones  tethe,  or  make  hlm   tothe 
lesse.  Je  edente,  prim.  conj.  Se  you  nat 
howe  he  halh  stryken  out  aU  my  tethe  : 
ne  voyez  vous  pas  comment  il  ma  cdenté? 
I  stryke  quyte  thorowe  a  thing.  Je  trauerse.  He 
strake  hym  quyte  thorowe  with  bis  dag- 
gar  :  il  lay  trauersa  le  corps  de  sa  dague. 
I  slryke    sayle ,   as    shypmen   do  wban   they 
drawe  nere  tlieir  porte.  Je  abats  la  voyle, 
conjugate  in   «  I   béate  downe  ».  Stryke 
sayle,  maryners,  we  shall  go  in  by  and 
by  in  to  the  havcn  :  abatez  la  voyle,  mary- 
nyers,  nous  entrerons  tout  asteare  au  port. 
I  stryke  soilely  with  my  bande,  or  rubbe,  as 
we  do  chyidrens  beedes  in  token  of  beyng 
contented  with  thejn,  and  as  norices  do 
yonge  cbildren.   Je  aplanie,  prim.  conj. 
and  je  aplanoye,  and  je  appligne,  prim. 
conj.  Stryke  the  chyides  beed,  nouryce, 
and  loke  if  you  can  bring  him  aslcpc  : 
uplanoyez,  or  applignez   la  teste,  noarice, 
a  vostre  enfant,  et  voyez  si  vous  le  poucz 
l  stryke  up,  as  a   man  dothe  bis  hosen.  Je 
anwnte ,  prim.  conj.   Stryke   my   hosen, 
hosyer,  they  be  to  shorte  yet  bytwene  the 
legges  :  amontez  mes  chausses,  chaussetyer, 
car  elles  sont  encore  trop  courtes  entre  les 
I  stryke  upwarde,  as  the  béate  of  the  sonne. 
Je  rejlecte,  prim.  conj.  The  heate  of  the 
sonne  stryketb   agaynst  the  yerthe  and 
tban  stryketb  upwarde  agayne,  and  that 

maketh  it  so  bote  :  les  rays  du  soleil  frap- 
pent contre  la  terre  et  de  la  rejlectent  contre- 
mont, et  cest  cela  qui  fait  la  grant  challeur. 

I  stryke  upwarde,  as  any  vapoure,  or  moyst- 
uesse ,  or  savour  doth  from  the  yerthe. 
Je  me  lieue  en  hault,  verbum  médium 
prim.  conj.  Wban  the  moyslure  of  the 
dewe  srtryketh  upwarde  agayne ,  it  maketh 
a  myste  :  quant  la  vapeur  de  la  rousée  se 
lieue  en  hault,  cela  fait  vng  brouillas. 

I  stryke  upwarde,  I  rebounde.  Je  rebondis, 
sec.  conj.  Whan  a  tbyng  faiieth  strayght 
out  of  the  ayre,  it  wyil  stryke  upwarde 
whan  it  falietb  to  the  yerthe  :  quant  vne 
chose  tumbe  droicl  hors  de  layr,  elle  rebon- 
dyt  quant  elle  frappe  a  terre. 

I  stryke  with  a  hammer.  Je  nmrlelle,  prim. 
conj.  The  poore  smyth  rysetb  at  foure  of 
the  clocke  to  stryke  with  bis  hammer 
upon  bis  anvelde  :  le  poure  mareschal  se 
lieue  a  quattre  heures  pour  marteller  sur 
son  enclume. 

1  strycke  with  a  mail.  Je  maillotte ,  prim.  conj. 
Beware  lest  he  stryke  you  with  bis  malle  : 
gardez  vous  quil  ne  vous  maillotte. 

I  STRïPE  a  man  of  bis  garmentes  or  clotbes. 
Je  despouille,  prim.  conj.  The  tbeves  bave 
taken  bis  monay  from  hym  and  strypped 
hyni  ont  of  bis  clothes  :  les  larrons  luy  ont 
osté  son  argent  et  lont  despouille  de  ses  ha- 

I  stryppe  roddes ,  or  the  leaves  of  any  bougbe. 
Je  desfueylle ,  prim.  conj.  Stryppe  thèse 
roddes  :  desfueyllez  ces  verges. 

I  strype,  I  béate.  Je  bals,  deciared  in  al 
«  béate  >. 

I  STRïVE  agaynst  one.  Je  me  estriue,je  me  suis 
eslriué,  and  je  recalcilre,  and  je  répugne  , 
and  je  contens,  nous  contendons,  je  con- 
tendis,jay  conlendu,je  contendray,  que  je 
conlende,  contendre.  Thou  stryvest  agaynst 
a  tbyng  that  is  evydent  :  tu  te  estriues ,  tu 
répugnes,  tu  contends  a  vne  chose  qui  est 
toute  euidente. 

I  slryve  to  gette  an  ofTyce  that  gothe  by  elec- 
tyon.  Je  estriue,  prim.  conj.  and  je  brygae. 



prim.  coDJ.  You  had  nede  stryve  wel  and 
you  sliulde  get  the  offyce  from  hym  :  vous 
auez  mestier  de  bien  briguer  si  vous  deuiez 
(faigner  lojjîce  de  lay. 
I  STROKE  ones  heed,  as  we  do  a  cbyldes  by 
flatterynge,  or  whan  hc  dothe  wcH.  Je 
applanie,  prim.  conj.  Come  byther,  good 
sonne,  lette  me  stroke  tby  heed  :  ca,  bon 
fdz,  que  je  le  applanje  la  teste. 
I  STBOGEix ,  I  murmure  with  wordes  secretly. 
Je  grommelle,  prim.  conj.  He  strogglelh 
at  every  thyng  [do  :  il  grommelle  a  tout 
tant  tjuejejajs. 
I  stroggell  witli  my  bodye,  as  one  dothe  that 
wolde  nat  be  holden.  Je  me  desrigle,  ver- 
bum  médium  prim.  conj.  So  God  helpe 
me,  and  you  stroggell  you  shall  bave  syxe 
slrypes  more  :  si  mayt  Dieu,  si  vous  vous 
desryglez,  vous  aurez  six  coapz  de  verge 
I  STBOWE  rysshcs  in  a  place.  Je  semé  des  joncz. 
Strawe   rysshes  agaynst  his  comynge  in 
every  place  of  my  bouse  :  semez  des  joncz 
contre  sa  venue  tout  partout  a  ma  mayson. 
I  strowe  outher  sedes ,  or  money,  or  any  thynges 
abrode  on  the  grounde.  Je  semé,  prim. 
conj.  Thou  playest  the  lorde  in   dede  to 
strowe  the  monaye  aboute  the  sretes  on 
this  facyon  :  tu  fais  du  seignicur  de  mesmes 
(jue  de  semer  ton  argent  parmy  les  rues  en  ce 
I  strowe  or  laye  fleures  with  carpettes.  Je  ta- 
pisse, prim.  conj.  Strowe  al  your  cham- 
ber  with  carpettes  agaynst  the  kyng  come  : 
tapyssez  vostre  chambre  tout  partout  contre 
la  venue  du  roy. 
strowe  spyces  apon  meates,  or  lloures  apon  a 
place  or  such   lyke.   Je  surseme,  prim. 
conj.   Strowe  ail    your    wyndowes    with 
fleures  :  sursemez   toutes  voz  fenestres  de 
Jleurs.  Strowe  one  suger  ynoughe,  for  he 
lovelh    svvete   meates  :  sursemez  force  de 
sucre,  car  il  ayme  doalces  viandes. 
I  STUDïE,  I  occupye  my  mynde.    Je  estudie, 
prim.  conj,  and  je  contemple,  prim.  conj. 
I  wolde  fayne  be  a  great  clerke,  but  I 

love  nat  to  sludye  :  je  vouldroye  estre  vou- 
lentiers  tng  grant  clerc,  mays  je  nayme  pas 
a  estudier. 
I  STUFFE  a  man  with  stynkynge  savour.  Je  em- 
punaysis,  sec. conj.  This  is  a  gentyll  break- 
fast  you  hâve  gyven   me,  to  stuffe  me 
with  this  caryon  thys  mornyng  :  voycy  vng 
gentil  desjcuner  que  vous  mauez  donné  ce 
matin   de  mauoir   empunaisi  de  ceste  cha- 
I  stuffe  an  bouse  with  suche  implementes  as 
is  neccssarye  for  it.  Je  estojfe,  prim.  conj. 
and  je  meuble.  His  bouse  isas  wel  stuffed 
as  any  house  that  I  knowe  in  this  towne 
of  his  degré  :  sa  mayson  est  aussi  bie'n  meu- 
blée, OT.estoJfée  que  maison  que  je  saiche  en 
ceste  ville  pour  son  estât. 
I  stuffe  a  podyng  or  suche  lyke.  Je  farce,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  farcie.  M.  orj'e  espessis,  sec. 
conj.  Stuffe  this  podyng  -.farces  ce  boudyn. 
Stuffe  this  breste  of  veale  and  make  a 
podyng  in  it  ■■farces  ceste  poictrine  de  veau 
et  f aidez  vng  boudyn  dedens. 
I  stuffe  a  sadell,  or  suche  lyke  thynge.  Je  es- 
toujfe,  prim.  conj.  and  je  embourre,  prim. 
conj.  The  saddeller  hath  stuffed  my  sad- 
dell  naught ,  it  is  as  barde  as  a  stone  :  le 
sellier  a  mal  embourre  ma  selle,  or  estoaffé 
ma  selle,  elle  est  aussi  dure  qune  pierre. 
I  stuffe  a  tycke  of  a  hedde  with  fethers.  Je  en- 
plume,  prim.  conj.  Stuffe  this  tycke  with 
the  fynest  feathers  you  can  get  :  emplumez 
ce  coutyldes  meilleures  plumes  que  vous  po- 
uez  Irouuer. 
I  stuffe,  I  fyll  with  the  savoure  of  meate,  or 
drinke,  or  any  suche  lyke  thyng  that  so 
daynly  fylletL  the  stomacke.  Je  assouuis , 
jay  assouuy,  assouuir,  sec.  conj.  I  am  as 
moche  stuffed  at  the  stomacke  with  the 
savour  of  this  meate  as  if  I  had  eaten  a 
great  meale  :  je  suis  autant  assouay  en  les- 
tomac  de  lodeur  de  ceste  viande,  comme  si 
jen  eusse  mangé  vng  grant  repas. 
I  stuffe  one  up ,  I  stoppe  his  breathe.  Je  suf- 
foque, prim.  conj.  I  wyll  take  the  ayre, 
I  was  almoste  stuffed  up  in  the  prease  : 



je yray  prendre  layr,  je  esloye  presque  suf- 
focqaé  en  la  presse. 

I  sluffe,  orstore  a  grounde  with  thynges  that 
growe  and  encrease.  Je  peuple,  priva,  conj. 
My  grounde  is  well  stuQed  of  ail  sortes  of 
good  frutes  :  ma  terre  est  bien  peuplée  de 
toutes  sortes  de  bons  frayctz. 

I  STDMBLE,  as  a  man  or  horse  dothe  downe 
riglit.  Je  choppe,  prim.  conj.  He  is  a  good 
horse  that  stumbleth  nat  sometyme  :  cest 
vng  bon  cheual  qui  ne  choppe  pas  aulcunes- 
Joys,  and  je  bronche.  Beare  your  liorse 
heed  better,  he  stombleth  ofte  tymes  : 
portez  mietdx  la  teste  de  vostre  cheual,  il 
bronche  souuent. 

1  ST0TTE ,  I  can  nat  speake  my  wordes  redyly. 
Je  besgue,  prim.  conj.  and  je  suis  besgu, 
I  love  nat  to  talke  with  hym,  he  stut- 
telh  :  je  nayme  pas  deuiscr  a  Uiy,  or  a 
elle,  car  il  besgue  or  il  est  besgu,  or  elle 
est  besgue. 

S    BYFOHE  U. 

I  sDBDDE  a  countraye  or  a  parson.  Je  subjugue, 
and  je  debelle,  prim.  conj.  and  je  assub- 
jeclis,  sec.  conj.  For  ail  the  resystence 
that  they  hâve  made  thcy  be  novve  sub- 
àvteà:  quelque  résistance  quilz  ont  fait,  Hz 
sont  mayntenant  subjuguez,  debellez,  or  as- 

I  SDBJECTE,  I  make  one  thrall  or  in  subjection. 
Je  subjecte,  prim.  conj.  and  je  souhtiue, 
prim.  conj.  They  be  nowe  subjected  to 
the  empereur  :  Hz  sont  mayntenant  subjec- 
tez,  or  soubtiuez,  a  Icmperear. 

1  .sGBJCGAT,  I  bring  under  yoke  or  obeysaunce. 
Je  subjugue,  prim.  conj.  For  al  their  bye 
mynde  they  be  now  subjugate  :  qucl^jue 
grant  couraige  quilz  ont,  si  sont  Hz  mayn- 
tenant subjuguez. 

I  soBMYT  my  selfe  to  ones  ordonnaunce  or  cor- 
reclyon.  Je  me  submets,  conjugale  lyke 
his  symple  je  mets,  I  put.  If  I  bave  ought 
sayd  a  roysse,  I  submyt  me  to  your  cor- 
rectyon  :  si  je  ay  en  riens  mal  dit,  je  me 
mbmets  a  vostre  correction. 

I  SDBVERT,  I  overthrowe  or  overwheime.  Je 
subuertis,  sec.  conj.  This  cursed  opynion, 
if  it  may  contynewe  a  whyle,  it  wyll  sub- 
vert ail  good  lawes  :  ceste  mauldicle  opi- 
nion, si  elle  peult  vng  peu  continuer,  elle 
subuertyra  toutes  bonnes  meurs. 

I  SDCCEDE  a  mau  in  an  offyce,  or  dignyte,  or 
inherytaunce.  Je  succède,  prim.  conj.  He 
were  a  wise  man  that  coude  tell  who 
shuld  succède  him  in  bis  oDyce  :  il  seroyt 
vng  saige  homme  qui  nous  scauroyt  dire  qui 
le  succederoyt  en  son  o£ice, 

I  sucKE ,  as  a  cbylde  dothe  his  nouryces  brcst. 
Je  telle,  prim.  conj.  Lette  hym  alone,  you 
shall  se  hym  sucke  him  selfe  aslepe  :  lais- 
sez le  faire,  vous  le  verrez  tant  tetter  quil 

I  sucke ,  as  any  olher  yonge  beest  dothe  his 
dame,  or  as  the  yerthe,  or  a  sponge  suc- 
keth  up  water,  or  any  such  lyke.  Je  succe, 
prim.  conj.  This  caulfe  sucketh  his  dame 
to  moche  :  ce  veau  sacce  sa  mère  trop. 

I  SDFFER  payne,  or  displeasure,  or  dothe  for- 
beare  one.  Je  souffers,  nous  souffrons,  je 
soujfrys ,  jay  souffert,  je  souffriray,  que  je 
souffre,  souffrir,  tert.  conj.  and  je  tollere, 
prim.  conj.  and  je  endure,  prim.  conj.  I 
knowe  no  man  that  coulde  suiler  the  in- 
jurye  that  I  do  :  je  ne  saiche  homme  qui 
sceut  souffryr,  or  tollerer,  or  endurer  /in- 
jure que  je  fais. 

I  suffer,  I  let  or  iycence  one  to  do  a  thynge. 
Je  permets,  conjugale  lyke  his  simple  je 
mets,  I  put.  Paradventure  he  wolde  do  it 
and  I  wolde  suffer  hym  :  il  leferoyt  parad- 
uenlure,  si  je  le  vouldroye  permettre. 

I  suffer,  or  let  one  alone.  Je  laisse,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  laisse  en  paix,  jay  laissé  en 
paix,  laisser  en  paix,  etc.  Let  us  suffer 
hym  and  se  what  he  wolde  do  :  laissons  le, 
or  laissons  le  en  paix  et  voyons  que  cest 
qud  voulJroyt  faire. 

1  SOFFÏSE,  I  am  ynoughe  or  suffycient.  Je  suf- 
fys,  nous  suffisons,  je  suffys,  jay  suffit,  je 
saffray,  que  je  suffse,  que  je  suffsisse,  suf- 
fire, tert.  conj.  To  an  insacyable  man  ail 



the  woride  dotlie  nat  suflyse  :  a  vng  homme 
insaciable  toat  le  monde  ne  suffit  pas. 

I  suffyse,  as  pientye  of  meate  and  drinke  suf- 
fyscth  one  that  seeth  it.  Je  assouays,  jay 
assouuj,  assounyr,  sec.  conj.  It  is  better 
to  suffyse  your  bellye  tban  your  eye  :  il 
vault  miealx  assoimir  vostreventre  que  vostre 

It  suffyselb. //iH^(,  conjugal  and  declaryd  in 
«  I  suffyse».  And  it  is  the  tbirde  parson 
of  je  saffjs.  Syth  he  hath  raade  bis  con- 
fessyon  witb  bis  awne  bande,  it  suffysetb, 
I  aske  no  more  :  puis  (/ail  a  faict  sa  con- 
fession de  sa  propre  majn ,  il  suffit,  je  ne 
demande  plus  riens. 

I  SUGER,  I  make  swete  witb  suger.  Je  sucre, 
prim.  conj.  1  love  well  a  flawnc,  but  and 
it  be  weil  sugred  I  iove  it  the  better  : 
jayme  bien  vngjlan,  majs  sil  est  bien  sacré 
je  layme  de  mieulx. 

I  SDPPE  boote  brotbe.  Je  hume,  prim.  coDJ.  Ye, 
ye,  men  saye  he  is  deed,  but  he  wyll 
suppe  as  botte'  potage  as  any  man  bere  : 
voyre,  voyre,  on  dit  quil  est  mort,  mays  il 
humera  daussi  chaalt  potaige  que  personne 
que  soyt  icy. 

l  suppe  at  nygbt.  Je  souppe,  prim.  conj.  I  bave 
so  well  dyned  to  day  that  I  inteade  nat  to 
suppe  to  nyght:j«y  si  bien  disné  aujour- 
dhuy  que  je  nay  poynt  intencion  de  soupper 
a  nuyct. 

I  suppe  up,  as  tbe  yertbe  dothe  moysture  or 
suche  lykc.  Je  assorhis,  sec.  conj.  Where 
is  be  come  ail  tbe  water  that  fell  ycsler- 
day,  the  yerthe  hath  supped  it  up  every 
whyt  :  qacst  deuenu  toute  leaue  qui  tumba 
hyer,  la  terre  la  toute  assorbye. 

I  SUPPLANTE,  I  undermyne  one  to  begyle  bym. 
Je  supplante,  prim.  conj.  It  is  none  honest 
mans  dede  to  supplante  bis  felow  :  ce 
nest  pas  le  fait  dang  homme  de  bien  de  sup- 
planter son  compaignon. 
I  snpPLïE,  I  praye,  or  I  fulfyll  a  spacc  or  a 
romme.  Je  supplie,  prim.  conj.  I  sball 
supplye  bym  tbe  humblest  that  I  can  : 
je  luy  sttpplieray  le  plus  humblement  que  je 

pourrny.  If  be  be  deed,  an   otber  shal 
supplye  bis  place  ;  sil  est  mort,  vng  aultrt 
suppliera  a  sa  place. 
I  SDPPORTE,  I  upholde  or  mayntayne.  Je  sup- 
porte,  frim,  conj.  He  is  mykynnesman, 
but  I  wyll  never  supporte  bym  in  his  yvell 
doynge  wbile  I  lyve  :  il  est  mon  parent, 
mays  je  ne  le  supporteray  jamais  en  son  mal 
I  SUPPOSE,  I  thynke  or  conjecture.  Je  suppose, 
and  je  conjecture,  prim.  conj.  I  can  nat 
tell  for  a  trutbe ,  but  I  suppose  it  be  so  : 
je  ne  scay  pas  dire  de  vérité,  mays  je  le  sup- 
pose estre  aynsi,  or  je  le  conjecture  estre 
I  suppose,  or  put  tbe  case.  Posé  ores  quilfust 
aynsi.  I  supposed,  I  thought  or  I  douted 
it  wolde  he  so  :je  men  doubtay  bien  quil 
seroit  ainsi. 
I  SDPPREssE,  I  kepe  under  or  iaye  downe  a 
moultytude.  Je  supprime,  prim.  conj.  It 
is  a  straunge  thynge  of  a  communaltie , 
whan  they  ones  assemble,  it  is  barde  to 
suppresse  them  :  cest  vne  chose  estrangc 
que  dune  communaulté,  quant  ilz  se  assem- 
blent vne  foys,  cest  forte  chose  que  de  les 
I  SURPET,  I  eate  to  moche  meate.  Je  surfays, 
OT  jefays  excès.  It  is  no  marvayle  thoughe 
you  be  sicke,  you  surfayted  yesternighl  at 
supper  :  ce  nest  pas  de  meraeille  si  vous  es- 
tez, malade,  car  vous  vous  surjistez  hyer,  or 
vousfistez  excès  hier  a  soupper. 
I  SDRMODNTE,   I  ovcrpasse  or  excède  anotber 
thynge.  Je  surmonte,  prim.  conj.  and  je 
passe,  prim.  conj.  and  je  surpasse.  Tbis  i» 
a  frenche  verbe,  but  of  late  laken  in  use 
in  our  tonge. 
I  stiRNAME,  I  gyve  one  a  surname   above  bis 
christenned  name.  Je  surnomme,  prim. 
conj.  I  knowe  well  ynougbe  bis  name  is 
Henry,  but  bow  is  he  surnamed  scay 
bien  quil  a  nom  Henry,  mays  comment  est  il 
surnommé  ? 
I  stRPBisE,  I  take  sodayniy.  Je  surprens,  con- 
jugale lyke  his  symplej'e  prens,  I  take. 



I  SCRRENOER,  I  yelde  or  gyve  upe.  Je  surrends, 
conjugale  lyke  his  sympleje  rends,  I  yclde. 

I  SDRVïVE  one,  I  overiyve  hym.  Je  saruis, 
conjugale  lyke  his  symple  Je  vis,  I  iyve. 

I  SDSPECTE,  I  doule  ihal  a  ibyng  be  so.  Je  me 
double,  verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  I 
wyil  nat  saye  it  is  so,  but  I  suspecte  il  be 
so  :  je  ne  vueyl  pas  dire  quil  est  ainsi,  mays 
je  men  double  quil  sojt  ajnsi. 

I  suspecte  aperson,  I  hdve  him  in  suspeclion. 
Jesuspecte,  prim.  conj.  and  je  suspessionne, 
prim.  conj.  They  bave  suspecled  me 
wrongefuHy,  I  lake  God  to  my  recorde  : 
ilz  mont  suspecté,  or  suspessionne  a  tort, 
jen  appelle  Dieu  en  tesmoyng. 

I  SUSPENDE  one  oui  of  tbe  cburcbe,  or  kepe  bis 
mynde  in  an  uncertaynlie.  Je  suspense, 
prim.  conj.  Wbo  hath  suspended  him  oui 
of  ibe  cburcbe  :  qui  la  suspense  hors  de 
lesglise  ?  but  in  tbis  sence  tbey  use  more 
je  excommunie. 

I  SDSTAYNE,  I  maynlaync  or  upholde.  Je  soubs- 
tiens,  conjugale  lyke  his  sympie  je  tiens, 
f  holde.  He  saythe  tbal  be  wyil  suslaync 
bis  opynion  unlo  tbe  fyre  :  il  dit  quil  veult 
soabstenir  son  opinion  jusques  au  feu. 

S   BTFORE   W. 

I  swADELL  a  cbyide.  Je  maillotte,  prim.  conj. 
and  je  amailliotte ,  prim.  conj.  Swadeli 
your  cbyide  well,  nouryce,  and  take  good 
hede  Ibat  his  legges  lye  strayghl  :  mail- 
lotlez  bien,  or  amaillottez  bien  vostre  en- 
fant, nourrice,  et  prenez  bien  garde  que  ses 
jambes  sojrent  droict  couchées, 

l  swàGCE,  as  a  faite  persons  beily  swaggelh  as 
he  gotb.  Je  assouage,  prim.  conj. 

I  swage,  I  abate  ihe  svvellyng  of  a  tbyng.  Je 
désenfle,  prim.  conj.  The  bolnyng  of  my 
wounde  is  wel  swaged  :  lenjleure  de  ma 
playe  sesl  bien  desenflée,  or  assouagée. 

I  swage  or  appayse  ones  anger.  Je  appaise, 
prim.  conj.  Je  mittigue,  prim.  conj. je 
amolye,  prim.  conj.  and  jamoUie.  Je  adoul- 
cys,  sec.  conj.  and  je  cesse,  and  je  amol- 
lys,  sec.   conj.    Though   he  be   never  so 

angry  whan  I  come  lo  hym ,  I  can  swage 
il  anon  :  tant  soyt  il  courroucé,  quant  je 
viens  a  luy  je  le  scay  appayser,  or  milligaer, 
or  amoUier,  or  adoulcyr,  or  cesser,  or 

I  swALOWE  downe  my  spytlell  or  my  meate.  Je 
aualle,  prim.  conj.  and  je  degloutis,  sec. 
conj.  I  bave  swalowed  downe  a  pyn,  I 
wene  il  wyil  be  my  dethe  :  jay  auallé  vne 
cspingue ,  je  men  double  quelle  ne  soyl  cause 
de  ma  mon,  or  jay  deglouty  vne  esplingue. 

I  swalowe  downe  any  medycyne  or  lycour  Ihat 
is  raoysle.  Je  assorbys,  sec.  conj.  Swalowe' 
il  downe  a  pace ,  and  than  ibe  savoure  of 
il  shall  not  slycke  in  your  throte  :  assor- 
hyssez  le  vislement,  et  le  goust  ne  se  tiendra 
pas  en  voslre  gorge. 

I  swalowe ,  as  a  man  dolhe  his  spytlell  or  his 
meate  whan  he  halh  chawed  il.  Je  des- 
ualle,  prim.  conj.  in  whiche  sence  I 
fynde  ahojauallc,  prim.  conj.  My  throte 
is  so  sore  I  can  nat  swalowe  downe  my 
spytlell  :  jay  tant  de  mal  a  la  gorge  que  je 
ne  puis  pas  aualler  mon  crachat. 

I  swalowe  in,  as  a  monster  of  the  see,  or  a 
wylde  beesl,  dolhe  his  pray  al  bok  wilh- 
oul  any  chawyng.  Jengloutis ,  jay  englouty, 
engloutir,  sec.  conj.  and  je  deuore,  prim. 
conj.  A  wliale  wyil  swalowe  in  a  bote  and 
ail  tlie  men  in  it  al  ones  :  vne  baleyne  en- 
gloalyra  vng  balteau  et  tous  les  gens  dedans 

I  swalowe  up  bastely.  Je  engorge,  prim.  conj. 
He  swalowelh  it  in  gredyly  without  any 
chawynge  :  il  Icngorgea  sans  le  mâcher. 

I  swalowe  up,  or  t  swalowe  in ,  as  the  yerlbe 
dolhe  any  thynge  whan  it  openetb.  Jab- 
sorbs,  nous  absorbons,  jabsorbis,  jay  ab- 
sorby,jabsorbiray,  que  jabsorbe ,  absorbre, 
tert.  conj.  And  je  degloutis ,  sec.  conj.  We 
rede  thaï  the  yerthe  halh  opened  and 
swalowed  up  great  cyties  :  nous  lisam 
que  la  terre  se  est  aultresfoys  ouuertc  et  a 
absorby,  or  deglouty  de  grandes  cytez. 
I  SWAPPE,  I  stryke.  Je  frappe,  prim.  conj.  He 
swapped   me  on  the  sboulder  wilh  bis 


bande  :  il  me  frappa  sur  lespaulle  de  sa 



I  SWABME,  as  bées  do  wban  they  begyn  to 
hange  togytber.  Je  me  esseme,  verbum  mé- 
dium priro.  conj.  Thèse  bées  begyn  to 
swarme  :  ces  mouches  a  miel  commencent  a 
essemer.  Theyr  is  a  fayre  swarme  of  bées  : 
vojr  la  vng  bel  essaym  de  mouches  a  miel. 

i  swART,  as  a  tbyng  dolhe  whan  it  begynneth 
to  burne.  Je  grésille,  prim.  conj.  Turne 
rounde,  you  bave  swartedtbis  meate  and 
yet  it  is  nat  haif  ynoughe  :  tournez  rond, 
vous  aaez  grésillé  la  viande,  encore  elle  nesl 
pas  a  demy  roslye. 

I  SWARVE,  I  starte  a  syde  out  of  tbe  waye.  Je 
me  desroye,  verbum  médium  prim.  conj. 
And  je  me  démarche,  prim.  conj.  And  you 
swarve  from  your  doyng  ones,  I  bave 
done  with  you  :  si  vous  vous  démarchez  de 
ceu  que  vous  aaez  fait ,  jay  faict  de  vous. 

I  SWELL.  Je  enfle,  prim.  conj.  This  is  a  straunge 
sore  that  I  bave  upon  my  bande,  som- 
tyme  it  swcllelb  and  somtyme  it  swagetb 
by  tbe  awne  accorde  :  voicy  vng  mal  es- 
trange  que  jay  a  h.  mayn,  aulcunesfoys  il 
se  enfle  et  aulcunesfoys  il  se  désenfle  et  tout 
a  par  soy. 

I  sweli  up ,  I  pufle  up ,  as  a  thing  ihat  is 
swollen  above  and  holowe  underneth.  Je 
boursoufjle ,  prim.  conj.  Se  howe  tbe  skyn 
is  swollen  up  :  aduisez  comment  la  peau 
est  boursoufflée. 

I  SWËPB  a  bouse  with  a  brome.  Je  nettoyé  dung 
ballay,  and  je  ballye.  Swepc  the  courte 
with  a  brome  or  I  come  agayne  :  nettoyez 
la  court  dung  ballay  auant  que  je  reviengne. 
And  je  balloye,  prim.  conj. 

I  swepe  a  cbymnaye.  Je  rammonne  vne  cheminée. 
We  be  swepars  of  chymnayes  al>ove  and 
byneth  :  nous  sommes  rammonneurs  de  che- 
minées hault  et  bas. 

1  swEAREaponabokeaswytnesses  do.  Je  dépose 
sur  vng  liure.  Thou  shalte  sweare  upon  a 
booke  for  the  mater  afore  a  judge  :  ta  dé- 
poseras sur  vng  liure  deuant  le  judge  pour  la 

I  sweare,  I  make  an  otbe.  J? jure,  prim.  conj. 
I  sweare  to  bym  on  my  faytbe  :  je  luyjure 
mafoy,  and  je  me  sermente ,  prim.  conj. 
Many  one  sweareth  by  his  faytbe  that 
lyeth  :  tel  jure  bien  safoy  qui  ment.  Sweare 
nat  for  so  smail  a  mater  :  ne  sermenlez  pas 
pour  si  peu  de  chose. 

I  SWEATB  on  my  face  or  bodye.  Je  sue,  prim. 
conj.  I  beshrewe  hym  I  bave  renne  so 
faste  after  bim  that  I  sweate  :  niauldil 
soyl  il,  jay  tant  courru  après  luy  que  je  sue. 
Butter  wyll  make  a  man  sweate  in  the 
sommer  tyme  :  le  beurre  fera  vng  homme 
suer  en  temps  desté. 

I  SWYLL,  I  rynce  or  clense  any  maner  vessell. 
Je  raince,  prim.  conj . 

I  SWÏMME  in  ibe  water.  Je  nage,  prim.  conj.  A 
man  shall  never  swym  well  except  be 
lerne  it  in  his  youthe  :  on  ne  nagera  jamays 
bien  si  on  ne  lapprenl  en  sa  jeunesse. 

I  swynime  cver  a  ryver  or  suche  lyke.  Je  irans- 
noue,  prim.  conj.  And  je  transnage,  prim. 
conj.  It  was  well  done  of  César  to  swymme 
over  a  ryver  with.  one  bande  :  cestoyt  bien 
fait  a  César  que  de  transnouer,  or  de  trans- 
nager,  vne  riuiere  a  vne  mayn. 

I  SWYNKE,  I  busye,  I  Iravayle  my  selfe.  Je  me 
soucie,  je  me  suis  soucié,  soucier,  verbum 
médium  prim.  conj.  I  am  but  a  foie  to 
swynke  for  other  men  ;  je  ne  suis  qung 
fol  de  me  soucier  pour  aultruy. 

I  SWÏNGE,  I  tourne  a  Ihynge  rounde  aboute  with 
myne  arme.  Je  tourne  du  bras  tout  entour. 

I  SWÏVE  a  wenche.  Je  bislocque,  prim.  conj. 
And  je  roussine,  prim.  conj.  And  je  hous- 
pille, prim.  conj.  And  je  hosche,  prim. 
conj.  I  wyll  nat  swyve  ber  and  she  wolde 
pray  me  :  je  ne  la  bislocqueray,  je  ne  la 
roassincray,je  ne  la  houspilleray,  or  je  ne  la 
hoscheray  ja  si  elle  me  vouloyt  prier  ;  but  ail 
thèse  wordes  be  but  used  of  pleasure ,  for 
the  very  worde  is,  je  fous,  conjugate  and 
decjared  in  «  I  sarde  ». 

I  SWODNDE.  Je  me  espaume ,  je  me  suis  espaumè, 
espaumer,  verbum  médium  prim.  conj. 
Andje  me  transis,  je  me  suis  transi,  transir, 




sec.  conj.  Lette  nie  nat  se  hym,  I  praye 
you,  whan  you  let  hym  bJoode,  for  I 
shal  swounde  than  :  que  je  ne  le  voye 
point,  je  vous  prie,  quant  vous  le  saignez, 
car  je  me  espasmeray,  or  espaumeray,  or  je 
me  transiray,  doncques. 

T    BÏFOBE   A. 

I  TABODRE,  I  playe  upon  a  tabouret.  Je  tabou- 
rine,  prim.  conj.  and  je  taboure ,  prim. 
conj.  I  will  tabour,  play  tbou  upon  the 
flûte  therwbyles  :  je  veulc  tabourer,  or 
tabourlner,  joue  sur  la  Jleute  dallemant  ce- 

I  TACHE  a  gowne  or  a  typpet  with  a  tache. 
Je  agraffe,  prim.  conj.  Tache  your  gowne  : 
affichez  vostre  rohbe ,  or  agraffez  vostre 

I  tache  a  thefe,  I  laye  bandes  upon  hym.  Je 
aprisonne,  je  fais  prisonner,  prim.  conj. 
and  je  mets  mayn  sur. 

1  TACKE  a  thyng,  I  make  it  faste  to  a  wall  or 
suche  lyke.  Je  attache,  prim.  conj.  Tacke 
this  same  upon  a  wail  :  attachez  cecy  sur 
vne  paroy. 

I  tacke  to  with  a  nayle.  Je  affiche,  prim.  conj. 
Tacke  it  faste  with  a  nayie,  and  than  ye 
maye  be  sure  il  wyll  hoide  :  affichez  cela 
dung  clou  et  alors  pouez  vous  estre  bien  seur 
quil  tiendra  ferme. 

I  TAKE.  Je  prens,  nous  prenons,  je  prins,  nous 
prismes,  or  prennismes ,  nous  prenismes,  jay 
prins ,  je  prendray,  pren.  K.  que  je  preignc , 
que  je  prenisse,  que  je  prennisse,  or  que  je 
prinsse,  prendre,  tert.  conj.  AIso  I  fynde 
jenprennis  in  the  same  sence.  I  shall  take 
hym  and  I  can  le  prendray  si  je  puis, 
The  dywell  take  ail  :  le  diabley  aytpart. 

I  take,  I  understande.  It  is  wel)  taken  :  cest  bien 
entendu.  It  is  yvell  taken  of  you  :  cest  mal 
entendu  a  vous.  The  dyveli  take  suche  a 
worke  :  le  diable  aytpart  a  la  besoigne.  Go 
we ,  the  dyveli  take  it  :  allons  men,  le  diable 
y  ayt  part.  The  dyveli  take  me  than  :  le 
diable  memporte  doncques.  Saulue  or  sauf. 
No  displeasure  taken  :  saH/'»oi(r«  jroce.  No 

displeasure  taken  to  you  agavne  :  saulue  la 
vostre.  Whiclie  sayeng  we  use  whan  we 
hoide  nat  with  ones  wordes. 

I  take  aboute  me,  as  one  dothe  a  hoode  or  a 
garment  for  colde  more  than  he  is  wont 
to  weare.  Je  affullc.  Take  this  mantell 
aboute  you  :  affaliez  ce  manteau. 

I  take  aboute  thenecke.  Je  accolle,  prim  conj. 
Wylte  thou  bave  me  take  hym  aboute  the 
necke  hère  in  the  open  strele  :  veulx  lu 
que  je  laccoUe  icy  en  playne  rue? 

I  take  a  breathe ,  I  counsayle  with  other  folkes 
in  a  mater.  Je  prens  aduis,jay  prins  aduis, 
prendre  aduis,  conjugate  hère  afore  in 
•  I  take».  As  touchynge  that  mater,  I  in- 
tende to  take  a  breathe  or  ever  F  gyvc  you 
an  answere  :  quant  a  ceste  matière  la,  jay 
intencion  de  prendre  aduis  auant  que  je  vous 
bayllc  responce. 

I  take  a  breathe  in  a  mater,  I  reason  a  thyng 
with  my  selfe.  Je  rumine,  prim.  conj. 
Take  a  good  breathe  in  this  mater  or  you 
gyve  an  answere,  for  the  mater  toucheth 
you  :  ruminez  bien  ceste  matière  auant  que 
bayller  responce,  car  la  matière  vous  touche, 

I  take  a  mater  dispytefolly.  Je  me  despite,je 
me  suis  despité,  despiter,  verbum  médium 
prim.  conj.  I  never  sawe  nian  take  a  thing 
of  naughl  so  dispytefully  -.jamays  ne  vys 
homme  tant  se  despiter  pour  vne  chose  de 

I  take  any  fysshe,  or  fowle,  or  wylde  beestes, 
with  nettes.  Je  prens  a  la  rets.  This  fea- 
saunt  was  taken  with  a  nette  :  ce  faisant 
fust  prins  a  la  rets. 

t  take  an  othe.  Je  sermenle,  prim.  conj.  and  je 
prens  serment.  Go  take  their  olhe  and  than 
exaniyne  them  :  allez,  sermentez  les  pre- 
mier, or  prennez  leur  serment  et  après  exa- 
minez les. 

I  take  apon  me  an  acte.  Je  entreprens,  jay  en- 
treprins,  entreprendre ,.  con]ugSLle  in  il 
«  undertake».  I  toke  apon  me  this  worke  : 
je  enireprins  cest  oeuure.  I  fynde  also  je 
prens  sus  moy,  jay  prins  sus  moy,  prendre 
sus   moy.    He    wyll   be  lothe   to   medle 



withall ,  but  and  lie  take  it  apon  bym  he 
wyll  do  it  :  enuys  il  sen  meslcra,  majs  sil  le 
entreprcnt  il  le  fera. 

I  take  apon  me  a  tbyng  tbat  of  rygbt  aper- 
tayneth  nat  to  me.  Je  pretens,  conjugale 
lyke  bis  symple  tens,  I  bende. 

I  take  apon  rae ,  iyke  a  lord  or  mayster.  Je  fais 
du  (jranl,  or  je  fais  du  seignieur. 

I  take  a  repaste.  Je  me  repais.  I  bave  taken  a 
good  repaste  hère,  God  tbankeyou  :je  me 
suis  bien  repeu  icj.  Dieu  mercy  et  vous. 

I  take,  as  a  youge  plante  or  selte  begynnetb 
to  take  wban  it  growetb  up.  Je  empraings, 
nous  empraignons ,  je  empmignis ,  jay  em- 
praynt  ,je  emprayndray,  lue  je  empraygne, 
emprayndre,  Your  plantes  be  nat  taken  yet 
as  farre  as  I  can  se  :  voz  plantes  ne  sont  pas 
empraynctes  encore,  pour  autant  que  je  puis 

1  take,  as  one  dotbc  a  tbyng  in  bis  fysl.  Je  em- 
poygne,  prim.  conj.  I  gyve  you  as  mocbe 
monay  as  you  can  take  up  in  your  fyst  at 
ones  '.je  vous  donne  autant  durgent  que  vous 
poaet  empoigner  a  vnefoys. 

I  take  a  tbyng  a  niysse.  Je  mcsprtns,  conjugale 
lyke  bis  symple  je  prens,  I  take.  You  bave 
mysse  taken  bym ,  or  taken  bym  a  mysse, 
I  am  sure  be  wolde  nevcr  say  so:  vous  lauez 
mesprins,  or  mal  entendu ,  je  me  fais  fort 
quil  ne  diroyt  jumays  aynsi. 

1  take  a  taste  to  one  afore  bym,  I  drinke  firste. 
Je  gouste  premier,  prim.  conj.  You  nede 
nat  to  doute,  I  wyll  take  a  taste  first  :  il 
ne  vous fault  point  doubler  de  riens,  je  goas- 
teray  premier. 

I  take  a  tbyng  wcll,  I  am  contented  witb  it.  Je 
prens  en  bonne  part,  l  bave  taken  great 
paynes,  but  if  tbey  be  well  taken,  I  aske 
no  more  :  jay  prins  beaucoup  de  peynes , 
mays  si  on  les  prent  en  bonne  part,  je  ne  de- 
mande plus  riens,  or  en  bon  gré. 

I  take  at  unwarcs,  I  take  one  sodaynly  or  on- 
provyded.  Je  surprens,  conjugale  lyke  bis 
symple  je  prens,  l  take.  It  is  a  cowardes 
dede  to  take  a  man  at  unwares  wban  be 
thynketb  noharme:  cesllefaict  dangcouart 

de  surprendre  vng  homme  quant  il  ne  se 
donne  poynt  de  garde. 

I  take  awaye  a  mans  wyfe  or  a  maydeby  force. 
Je  rauis,  sec.  conj.  Wbat  meanest  tbou, 
mao,  wylt  tbou  take  away  a  mans  wyfe  ; 
que  veulx  la  dire,  veulx  tu  rauyr  la  femme 
daultruy  ? 

I  take  awaye  a  tbyng  from  one.  Je  oste,  prim. 
conj .  and  je  priue.  I  take  awaye  bis  odyce  : 
je  luy  oste  son  ojjice,  or  je  le  priue  de  son 
ojjice,  and  je  tôles,  nous  tolons,  je  tolus , 
jay  tollu,  je  toaleray.  A.  que  je  tollisse.  N. 
elle  luy  lolut,  que  je  toile,  tollyr,  tert.  conj. 
Dativo  jungitur.  God  amende  him  ,  be 
batb  taken  away  my  goodes  and  kept  me 
in  prisooe  two  yeres  :  Dieu  le  vueille 
amender,  il  ma  osté  mes  biens,  il  ma  priué 
de  mes  biens,  or  il  ma  tollu  mes  biens,  et  ma 
gardé  en  prison  deux  ans,  or  par  lespace  de 
deux  ans. 

I  take  awaye  tbe  bones  from  flessbe  or  from 
fyssbc.  Je  désosse,  prim.  conj.  Take  awaye 
tbe  bones  from  tbis  venayson  :  désossez 
ceste  venayson. 

I  take  a  woman  agaynst  her  wyll.  Je  force  vue 
femme,  prim.  conj.  Wbat  meanest  tbou, 
man ,  wylt  tbou  take  me  agaynst  my  wyl  : 
que  veulx  tu  dire,  me  veulx  ta  efforcer? 

I  take  cbarge  of  a  tbing.  Je  men  charge,  ver- 
bum  médium  prim.  conj.  1  wyll  ioke  to 
tbe  cuppeborde  wilb  a  good  wyll,  but  I 
wyll  nat  take  no  charge  of  it  r  je  auray 
voulenticrs  loeil  sur  le  buffet,  mays  je  ne  men 
veulx  poynt  charger. 

I  take  cbarge  of  yoa  or  of  tbat  Ihynge.  Je  me 
charge  de  vous,  or  de  cela. 

I  take  counsayle.  Je  maduise,je  consulte,  anA 
je  délibère.  Toke  counsayle  bytwene  tbis 
and  to  morowe  :  aduisez  vous,  consultez, 
or  delibeiez  entre  cy  el  demayn. 

I  take  colde.  Je  me  morfons,  conjugale  lyke  bis 
&ymp\e  je  fons ,  I  melle.  Why  iet  you  tbis 
cbylde  play  in  tbe  strete  this  colde  wea- 
ther,  be  sball  take  colde  and  paradvenlure 
be  sycke  :  pour  quoy  laissez  vous  cest  enfant 
jouer  emmy  la  rae  cefroit  temps,  il  se  mor- 



fondera  et  par  aduenture   deuiendra  ma- 
I  take  downe,  I  take  one  downe  from  his  horse 

hacke  or  from  a  hygh  place.  Je  descens. 

Corne,  take  me  dovvn  hcre,  one  of  you  : 

viengne  ijuehjun  me  descendre.  Conjugal  in 

•  I  go  downe». 
I  take  from  one,  I  take  a  tliyng  from  him.  Je 

oste ,  prim.  conj.  I  take  his  gowne  from 

hym  :  je  lay  oste  sa  robbe.  He  hath  taken 

niy  goodes  and  estymacion  from  me  and 

lefte  me  nothyng  but  wretched  povcrtie  : 

it  ma  osié  mes  biens  et  mon  estimacion ,  et 

ne  ma  rien  laissé  fors  que  misérable  pourelé. 

Declared  in  «  I  take  awaye  a  tbyng  from 

I  take  forthe  a  man ,  I  avaunce  hym ,  or  set 

hym  forwarde.  Je  nuance,  prim.  conj.  I 

wotte  nat  what  maner  a  man  he  is,  but 

we  take  hym  forthe  amongest  us  as  he 

were  a  great  gentylman  :  je  ne  scay  pas 

quel  homme  cest,  mais  nous  lauancons  entre 

nous  comme  silfut  de  bonne  majson. 
I  take  forthe,  as  a  chiide,  or  a  scoler  dothe  a 

newe  icsson.  Je  apprens,  conjugale  in  «I 

«  leame  ».  Take  hym  forthe  a  newe  lesson  : 

apprenez  luy  vne  aallre  nouaelle  leçon. 
1  take  herte  a  gresse,  as  one  doth  that  taketh 

a  sodayne   courage  upon  hym.  Je  prens 

cueur  en  pance.  Thcy  lyved  a  great  whyle 

iyke  cowardes,  but  at  tbe  laste  they  toke 

herte  a  gresse  to  tbem  :  ilz  vesquirent  long- 
temps comme  couarts,  majs  a  la  fin,  ilz 

prindrent  cueur  en  pance. 
I  take   hede.    Je  me  prens  garde,   and  je  me 

aduise,  and  je  entends,  je  soigne,  je  me 

donne  garde,  and  je   men  sais   bien  prins 

garde ,  and  je  me  prennoye  garde. 
I  take  herte.  Je  prens  couraige.  Take  herte , 

man ,  to  the  :  prens  couraige,  mon  amy. 
I   take  his  parte.  Je  adhers  a  lay,  and  je  me 

bande,  je  me  suis  bandé,  bander,  and  je  me 

ralie,  je  me  suis  ralié,  prim.  conj.  verba 

I  take  it  on  my  charge.  Je  men  charge,  je  men 
suis    chargé,    charger,  verbum    médium 

prim.  conj.  smd  je  prens  sus  moy,  jay  pritu 
sus  moy,  prendre  sus  moy,  etc. 

I  take  heavyly,  as  a  man  dothe  a  chaunce  that 
is  displeasaunt.  Il  me  poyse.  He  taketh  it 
heavylyer  than  you  thynke  for  :  il  lay 
poyse  plus  que  vous  ne  cuydez. 

I  take  hoide  apon  one.  Jempoygne,  prim.  conj. 

I  take  in  to  favour.  Je  mets  en  grâce.  She  hath 
taken  him  in  to  her  favour  :  elle  la  mys  en 
sa  grâce, 

I  take  in  bande.  Je  enireprens,  and  je  emprens, 
conjugale  Iyke  tbeir  symple  je  prens,  I 
take.  And  /c  accepte  en  mayn,jay  accepté 
en  mayn,  accepter  en  mayn,  prim.  conj.  but 
je  emprens  in  okle  Romani.  If  he  take  it  in 
bande  ones,  iher  is  no  doute  but  he  wyll 
do  it  :  sil  le  entreprent,  or  empreni,  vnefoys, 
il  ny  a  point  de  double  sinon  quil  le  fera. 

I  take  one  in  myn  armes,  I  baise  hym.  Jem- 
brassc,  prim.  conj.  Take  hym  in  thyne 
armes,  woman,  he  is  thy  houshande  and 
thou  sawesl  him  nat  many  a  day  :  em- 
brasses le,  ma  mye,  cest  ton  mary,  et  tu  ne 
las  point  reu  de  long  temps. 

I  take  in  a  snare,  or  gynne.  Jattrappe,  prim. 
conj.  And  you  use  that  waye  often,  you 
wyli  be  taken  in  a  snare  at  the  laste  :  si 
vous  y  hantez  souuent,  vous  serez  altrappé  a 

I  take  in  worthe,  or  I  take  in  good  worlhe.  Je 
prens  en  gré,  and  je  supporte,  prim.  conj. 
I  take  in  wortlie  your  sayeng  :je  prens  en 
gré  voz  dis,  and  je  supporte  voz  dis.  Whan 
no  better  can  be  had,  we  must  take  in 
good  worthe  what  so  ever  cometh  :  quant 
on  ne  peult  myeulx  aaoyr,  on  doybt  prendre 
en  gré  tout  ce  qui  en  aduient. 

I  take  bote  to  go  in  to  the  water.  Je  me  em- 
barque, verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  Whe- 
raboutes  dyd  he  take  his  bote  :  ou  est  ce 
quil  se  embarqua? 

I  take  landyog,  as  men  do  Ihal  come  to  a 
place  by  sbyppe.  Je  arriue,  prim.  conj.  or 
je  prens  terre ,  jay  prins  terre,  prendre  terre, 
conjugale  in  «  1  take».  We  where  saylynge 
to  Dover,  but  we  were  fayne  to  lake  lande 


at  Calays  :  nous  allasmes  vers  Douer,  mays 
nous  fusmes  constrajns  de  prendre  terre  a 

l  take  me  to  my  legges,  I  Qye  a  waye.  Je  me 
mets  en  Jujte ,  conjugale  in  «I  put».  He 
toke  hym  to  bis  fête,  or  lo  his  legges,  and 
ranne  as  farre  as  London  :  i7  se  mjst  en 
fuyte  et  courrai jusqnes  a  Londres. 

1  take  me  to  a  wyfe.  Je  me  marie,  verbiim  mé- 
dium prim.  conj.  Haste  thou  passed  ail 
the  floure  of  thy  youthe  unmaryed  and 
nowe  wyll  take  the  to  a  wyfe  :  as  tu  passé 
toute  la  jlear  de  ta  jeunesse  sans  estre  marié 
et  majntenant  te  veulx  tu  marier? 

I  take  me  to  a  wyfe,  I  take  me  to  the  churche, 
J  take  me  to  relygyon ,  or  any  other  kynde 
of  lyvynge  wberin  I  must  conlyaue.  Je  me 
prens  a  famé,  je  me  prens  a  prestrise ,  je  me 
prens  a  religion,  or  au  clojstre,  conjugale 
in  «  I  take  » ,  je  prens, 

I  take  my  breathe.  Je  respire,  and  je  prens  mon 
alaine,  Lay  upon  hym,  whyle  il  is  hôte, 
suffer  hym  never  to  take  his  breathe  : 
donnez  sar  luy  tandis  qvil  est  chault,  ne 
le  laissez  jamays  respirer,  or  prendre  son 

l  take  my  horse  with  the  spores.  Je  donne  des 
espérons,  jay  donné  des  espérons ,  donner 
des  espérons,  prim.  conj.  and  je  broche 
des  espérons,  prim.  conj.  As  soone  as  hc 
sawe  me,  he  toke  his  horse  with  the 
spurres  and  to  go  as  faste  as  he  myght 
drive  :  aussi  tost  quil  me  veil,  il  donna  des 
espérons  a  son  chenal,  or  il  brocha  son  che- 
ual  des  espérons,  et  luy  deuant  tant  qud 
pouuoyt  picqncr. 

I  take  my  legges,  I  ronne  away.  Je  me  mets  en 
fuyle,  je  me  suis  mys  en  fuyle,  mettre  en 
Juyle,  verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  con- 
jugale in  «  I  put».  So  soone  as  ever  hc 
caste  his  eye  upon  me,  he  toke  hym  to 
his  legges  :  aassi  tost  quil  mist  loeyl  sur  moy 
il  se  niyt  enfuyte, 

I  take  my  leave.  Je  prens  congé,  and  je  dis 
adieu.  Wyil  you  go  hence  and  take  nat 
your  Icave  of  us  ;  voulez  vous  partyr  sans 



nous  dire  adieu,  or  sans  prendre  congé  de 
nous  ? 

I  take  my  recreacyon,  I  piay  me,  or  sporte 
me,  declared  in  «I  sporte». 

1  take  my  rest.  Je  me  repose,  verbum  médium 
prim.  conj.  They  make  suche  a  noyse  over 
my  heed  thaï  I  eau  nat  take  my  rest  a 
nyghtes  :  Hz  font  si  grant  bruyt  les  nuyctz 
par  dessus  ma  teste  que  je  ne  puis  poynt 

I  take  my  selfe  more  connyng,  or  more  wy- 
ser,  or  worthy  than  I  am.  Je  me  surcuyde, 
prim.  conj.  He  is  but  a  foole  lo  take  hym- 
seife  more  wyser  than  he  is ,  men  knowe 
hym  well  ynoughe  :  il  nest  qung  fol  de  se 
surcayder  en  prudence,  on  le  congnoyst 

I  take  of  ones  hsrnesse.  Je  desarme,  prim.  conj. 
Take  of  his  harnesse  :  desarmez  le. 

I  take  onne,  as  ouc  dothe  that  playelh  his 
sterakels.  Je  tempeste,  prim.  conj.  I  never 
eawe  felowe  take  one  of  that  facion  -.jamays 
ne  vis  homme  tant  se  tempester,  or  tellement 
tempester.  And  in  ihis  sence  I  fynde  aiso 
je  me  demene.  He  toke  on  lyke  a  mad  man  : 
i7  se  demenoyt  comme  vng  homme  enragé. 

I  take  on,  as  one  dotbe  thaï  lamenteth,  or 
sorowcth.  Je  me  guermente,  verbum  mé- 
dium prim.  conj.  and  je  mayne  dueil,  jay 
mené  dueil,  prim.  conj.  and  je  me  demayne. 
The  folysbhe  gyrie  toke  on  for  thought  as 
if  she  had  loste  her  falherslie  coulde  bave 
donc  no  niore  :  la  folle  garce  tant  se  guer- 
mentoyt,  or  menoyt  aussy  grant  dueil,  or 
autant  se  demenoit  comme  si  elle  eut  perdu 
son  père,  or  pour  la  perte  de  son  père  elle 
neust  sceu  plus  faire. 

I  take  one  dovvne  of  his  horse,  or  from  a 
hyghe  place.  Je  descens.  Corne,  take  nie 
downe  :  viens  moy  descendre. 

I  take  of  my  cappe.  Je  oste  mon  bonnet.  Howe 
oft  tymes  bave  I  commaunded  the  lo  lake 
of  thy  cappe  whan  thou  metest  thy  mays- 
ter  :  quantes  foys  lay  je  commandé  de  aster 
ton  bonnet  quant  tu  rencontres  ton  maistre? 
I  take  one  oui  of  the  yerlhe  that  w,is  buryed. 

Wf . 


Je  déterre,  prim.  conj.  He   was  buryed 

yesterdayc ,  but  they  hâve  taken  hytn  out 

of  tbe  yerthe  agayne  nowe  :  ilfust  enterré 

hyer,  mays  Hz  lont  déterré  mayntenant. 
I  take  one  up,  I  checke  bym,  or  laye  thynges 

to  bis  charge.  Je  reprouche,  prim.  coiij. 

It  pityed  my  lierte  to  bere  howe  he  toke 

bym  up  :  pityé  me  print  au  cueur  douyr 

comment  il  le  reprouchoyl. 
I   take  one  up ,  I  revyle  bym ,  or  set  bym  at 

naugbt.  Je  vilipende,  prim.  conj.  I  wyll 

that  you  knowe  it,  I  bave  no  joy  to  be 

taken  up  of  you  on  this  maner  :  je  veuhc 

bien  que  vous  le  saichez  que  je  nay  nulle 

joye  destre  aynsi  vilipendé  de  vous. 
I  take  on  lyke  a  madde  man.  Je  menraige, 

prim.  conj.  or  je  mayne  chère  enragiée,  or 

je  me  demene  comme  vng  homme  enruigé. 

He  toke  on  lyke  a  mad  man  for  anger  :  il 

senraigeoyt  de  ire,  or  il  se  demenoyt  comme 

vng  homme  enraygé. 
1  take  on  my  backe  a  burtben  to  beare.  Je 

charge.  You  muste  take  on  tbis  same  :  il 

failli  charger  cecy.  I  praye  you,  take  on 

this  iyteii  fardeil  of  myn  :  je  vous  prie, 

chargez  ce  petit Jaideau  qui  est  a  moy. 
I  take   one  tardy.   Je  surprens,  or  je  prens  a 

despourueu.  I  was  almost  Iaken  tardye  :  je 

estoye  quasi  surpris,  or  prins  a  despourueu. 
I  take  ones  parte,  I  holde  «ith  bym  in  a  ma- 
ter. Je  prcns partye,  conjugat  in  <I  take». 

And  je  me  adhère,  verbum  médium  prim. 

conj.  I  wyll  Iake  his  parte  :  je  prendray  sa 

partye,  and  je  me  adherray  a  luy. 
I  take  out  a  writyng,  I   coppy  a  mater  of  a 

boke.  Ject^ic,  prim.  conj.  Take  out  this 

same   as  soone  as  you  can  :  copiez  cecy 

aussi  tûst  que  vous  pouez. 
I  take  a  thyng  oui  of  a  place.  Je  oste,  prim. 

conj.  or  je  prens  dehors.  Take  bym  out, 

lette   me  se   hym   :  oste  le,  or  prens  le 

dehors,  que  je  le  voye. 
1  take   out  tbe   fatte  of  ones  hely.  Je  semé, 

prim.  conj.  You  muste  take  tbe  fatte  out 

of  his  belye  first  :  il  lefault  semer  premier. 
I  take  out  tbe  bones  from  any  llessbe.  Je  oste 

les  os,  prim.  conj.  or  je  désosse.  Take  out 
the  bones  out  of  tbis  venayson,  or  you 
baie  it  ;  estez  les  os,  or  désossez  cesfe  ve- 
nayson auant  que  la  mettre  au  Jour. 

l  take  out  the  bones  from  fysshc.  Je  desareste, 
prim.  conj.  He  wolde  hâve  me  take  out 
tbe  bones  from  this  turbotes  becd ,  or 
ever  I  bake  it,  and  the  bones  be  best  of 
ail  :  il  vouldroyt  que  je  desarcstasse  ceste 
teste  de  tourbot  auant  que  la  mettre  au  Jour, 
et  les  arestes  vaillent  miculx  qve  toute  la 

l  take  one  with  the  maner,  as  men  do  theves 
wlth  stealynge,  or  suche  lyke.  Je  attains, 
conjugale  in  «I  hyt».  And  je  prens  sur  le 
yaicf,  conjugale  in  «1  take»,  je  prens.  I 
toke  him  my  seife  with  the  faulte  :je  le 
jirins  moy  nwsmes  sur  lejayct,  or  je  le  at- 

l  take  on  with  my  seife.  Je  me  tourmente,  l 
never  sawe  man  take  on  with  hym  seife 
on  that  facyoD  ;  jamays  ne  vis  homme  tant 
se  tourmenter. 

I  take  parte,  or  holde  ofa  maus  syde.  Je  prens 
part,jay  prins  part,  prendre  part,  conju- 
gale iu  «I  take».  And  je  tiens  de  cousté, 
jay  tenu  de  couslf,  tenir  de  son  cousté,  as 
je  prens  sa  part,  and  je  tiens  de  son  cousté. 
I  fynde  alsoj'f  adhère,  nous  adhérons,  je 
adherdis ,  jay  adhcrt,je  adherderay,  que  je 
adherdc,  adherdre,  Icrl.  conj.  but  je  adJiers 
is  olde  Romani. 

I  take  pe])er  in  the  nose.  They  use  no  suche  ma- 
ner of  speakyng,  but  in  the  stade  therof 
use  je  me  couroace,  or  je  me  tempeste,  or 
suche  lyke.  You  maye  nat  take  pepper  in 
the  nose  for  a  worde  speakyng  :  il  ne  vous 
Jault  poynt  courroucer  pour  vng  mot  ou 

I  take  pytie  or  compiissyon  upon  one,  or  take 
thought  fur  one.  Pytié  me  prent.  He  takelh 
pytie  of  me  :  il  luy  prent  pytié  de  moy,  and 
il  luy  prent  pytié  et  compassion  de  moy,  or 
soac^  pour  moy,  il  luy  a  prins  pytie,  or 
compassion  de  moy,  or  soucy  pour  moy, 
pour  liiy  emprendre  pytié,  or  compassion  de 



mny;  usyngc  the  tliyrJe  persons  synguier 
of  il  prent,   lyke  as  llioughe  lie  were  a 
verbe  imparsonali. 
I  Iake  quayles,  as  a  fouler  dotlie  with  a  quayle 
pype.  Je  tens  aux  quaillez,  or  je  prens  a  la 
pypée,  conjugale  afore  in  «I  takeo. 
I  take   roote.  Je  menracine.  This   Iree   takelh 
roote  ail  redy  :  cest  arbre  senracine  desja. 
I  take  shyppe  or  the  see.  Je  monte  sur  la  mer, 
or  je  monte  en  mer.  Where  toke  thcy  shyp- 
pyng  :  ou  est  ce  quilz  montèrent  sur  la  mer, 
or  quilz  montèrent  en  mer  ? 
l  take  sodaynly  or  al  onwares.  Je  snrprens ,  con- 
jugale lyke  Lis  symplejV  prens,  I  take. 
They  were  laken  sodaynly  or  they  toke 
any  hede  :  Hz  Jurent  prins  souhdaynemeni , 
or  surprins  auant  quilz  sen  donnèrent  garde, 
or  sen  donnèrent  de  garde. 
I  take  the  see,  as  a  man  dothe  tbat  inlendelb 
to  sayle.  Je  monte  sur  la  mer,  declared  in 
tl  Iake  sbyppe». 
I  take  tbe  shadowe,  as  one  dothe  thaï  lyeth  or 
standeth  oui  of  the  sonne.  Je  me  vmbroye, 
verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  Go  wytber 
you  wyll ,  I  wyll  take  the  shadowe  hère , 
the  wcather  is  bote  :  allez  la  oa  il  vous 
playra  ,  je  me  veulx  icy  vmbroyer,  le  temps 
fait  chault. 
I  take  the  wayes  thaï  an  other  man  dothe,  I 
confyrme  me  to  bis  maners.  Je  me  con- 
forme OMX  voyes,  and  je  suys,  conjugale 
in  «I  folowea.   Ând  you  take  bis  wayes 
vou  wyll  oever  thrive  :  si  vous  vous  confor- 
mez a  ses  voyes,  or  si  vous  le  suyuez  vous 
ne  vaaldrez  jamays  rien. 
I  take  tbe  wynde,  as  a  dere  dothe  of  a  person. 
Je  assens,  conjugale  lyke   bis  symple  je 
sens,  I  fêle.  Lel  bym  take  good  hede  thaï 
they  take  nat  the  wynde  of  bim  :  qml  se 
donne  garde  quilz  ne  puissent  assenlir  de 
I  take  the  worde  oui  orones  moathc,  as  he  do- 
the thaï  hereth  one  tell  a  tbyng  wyll  tell 
il  bym  selfe.  Je  prens  la  parolle.  Il  is  no 
good  maner  to  take  the  worde  oui  of  my 
mouthe,  or  I  bave  made  en  ende  of  my 

taie  :  ce  nesl  pas  bonne  manière  de  prendre 
la  parolle  hors  de  ma  bouche  auant  que  je 
aye  paracheué  mon  compte. 
I  take  thoughl.  Je  me  chagrine,  je  me  soigne,  je 
me  regrette,  je  me  ressoigne,  je  me  soussie, 
and  je  me  soucie,  meane  verbes,  but  they 
may  be  used  as  actyves.  I  se  by  your  fa- 
cyon  you    take  thought  :  je  voy  a  vostre 
manière  que  vous  vous  chagrinez ,  or  vous 
vous   soignez,  or  vous  vous  regrettez,    or 
vous  î'OiM  ressoignez ,  or  vous  vous  soussie:, 
or  souciez. 
1  take  to  wytnesse.  Je  prens  a  tesmoing,  or  je 
tesmoigne,  prim.  conj.  I  take  God  to  wyt- 
nesse I  am  nat  gyltye  :  je  prends  Dieu  a 
tesmnyng ,  or  je  tesmoygne  Dieu  que  je  ne 
suis  pas  coulpable. 
I  take  truse  with  one.  Je  prens  treufaes.  They 
hove  taken  truse  for  two  monethes  :  les 
treufiies  sont  prinses  entre  eulx  pour  deux 
moys.  And  lyke  as  we  saye  shortly  truse , 
truse,  so  use  they  trcufues,  treujues. 
I  take  np,  as  a  man  takelh  up  bis  frende  thaï 
makelh  bym  curlesye,  as  tbe  frencke  men 
use  to  do.  Je  acueuls ,  jay  acueilly,  acueil- 
lir,  conjugale  lyke  bis  symple  je  cueuls,  I 
galber.  Declared  herafter  in  «I  welcome, 
il  take  one  up». 
I  take  up,  as  one  in  hye  place  takelh  a  person 
bylowe  up  to  bym.   Je  assumpte,   prim. 
conj.  But  il  is  properly  to  take  up  to  be- 
vyn  as  our  Ladye  was  assumptcd. 
Ilakeup,  I  galber  up  a  tbyng  thaï  is  fallen. 
Je  relieue,  prim.  conj.  Take  up  ibis  same 
and  gyve  il  me  :  relieuez  cecy  et  baillés  le 
I  take  up,  I  galber   up  many  small   ibynges 
ibal  be  fallen.  Je  recueils ,  conjugale  lyke 
bis  symplej'e  cueils,  I  galber.  Helpe  me  lo 
take  up  my  beades,  my  stryng  is  broken: 
uydez  moy  a  recueillir  mes  patenostres,  la 
cordelleest  rompue. 
I  take  up,  F  reprove  a  man  or  checke  bym.  Je 

reprouche,  prim.  conj.  declared  afore. 
I  take  up  my  borse,  I  make  bim  felcbe  gam- 
baldes  and  suche  liVo.  ,Jc  pourbondis  mon 


chenal,  jwy  pourbondj,  pourbondir,  sec. 

conj.  VVhan  thou  cometh  at  the  crosse  in 

Cheape,  take  up  lliy  borse  for  ihy  ladies 

sakc  :   fjuant   ta  viendras  a   la  yrant  croys 

de  Cliepe,  pourbondys  ton  cheual  pour  ta- 

mour  de  ta  dame. 
1  take  upon  me,  as  one  dotbe  tfaat  beareth  a 

counlenaunce  or  dolhe   above  bis  estate. 

Jejays  du  grant,  I  prayyou,  se  howe  this 

knave  taketh  upon  bitn  :  agardez,  or  adai- 

se:,je  vous  prie,  comment  ce  villayn  fait 

du  grant. 
J  take  with  the  maner,  as  a  thefe  is  taken  with 

thede,  or  a  person  in  the  doyng  oPany 

other   acte.  Je  prens  sur  lejaict.   K  one 

bad  nat  taken  him  with  the   maner,   he 

wolde  bave  faced  us  out  ail,  or  bave  borne 

us  downe  ail  the  meyny  of  us  :  si  on  ne 

leust prias  sur  le  faicl,  il  nous  eust  raaallé 

tous  tant  (jue  nous  sommes. 
I  TALKE  ,  I  use  my  communycacion  lyke  unlo  a 

purpose.  Je  tiens  termes.  We  wyll  talke,  or 

we  wyl  kepe  communycacion  as  we  werc 

men  of  warre  :  nous  tiendrons   termes  de 
gens  de  guerre. 
I  talke,  I  babyll  to  moche.  Je  cacquette,  prim. 
conj.  He  talketh  lo  mocbc  forawysenian  : 

i(  cacquette  trop  pour  vng  saige  homme. 
I  talke  for  pastyme  with  one.  Je  deuise,  prim. 
conj.  Lel  us  go  talke  a  lytell  ;  ai/0115  deuiser 
vng  peu. 
I  talke  with  one  lo  knowe  bis  mynde  in  a  ma- 
ter. Je  arraisonne,  prim  conj.  I  wyll  talke 
with  him  to  veulx  arraisonner  a  luy 
I  TAKYLL  a  shyppe.  Je  hetresche,  prim.  conj.  My 
shyppe  is  Iakylled  and  talowed,  and  redy 
to  boyse  up  the  sayle  :  ma  nauire  est  be- 
treschée  et  essuyée,  et  preste  a  haulcer  la 
I  TALLOWE  a  shyppe.  Jessuye,  prim.  conj.  Tal- 
lowe  your  shyppe  or  you  go,  il  sball  for- 
ther  you  moche  on  your  waye  :  essuyez, 
or  suyez  vostre    nauire    auant  que  partyr, 
cela  vous  auancera  beaucoup  de  chemyn. 
I  lallowe  or   greace   with    greace.   Jengresse, 

prim.  conj.  Tallowe  your  a.xyltree  or  you 
put  on  Ihe  wheles  :  engressez  rostre  ayseul 
auant  que  mettre  les  roues. 
I  TAME  a  wyide  beest,  I  make  bym  lame.  Jap- 
priuoyse,  prim.  conj.  and  je  dompte,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  appriue,  prim.  conj.  A  man 
may  tanie  a  lyon ,  bul  for  an  yvell  longe 
is   no  remedye  :  len  peult  appriuoyser,  or 
dompter,  or  appriaer  vng  lyon,  mays  pour 
vue  maluaise    langue   il  ny  a  point    de  re- 
I  TANKïLi. ,  I  comber  or  trouble.  Je  encombre, 
prim.  conj.   I  am  tangled  in  busynessc, 
and  can  nat  tel  howe  to  wynde  me  out  : 
je  suis  encombré  a  cause  de  mes  ajfayres  et 
ne  scay  comment  je  me  despescheray. 
I  tangcll  thynges  so  togylher  Ihat  they  can  nat 
well  be  parted  a  sonder.  Jembrouille,  prim. 
conj.  and  j>  englue,  prim.  conj.  You  bave 
tangled  ihis  tbrede  so  that  it  is  marred  : 
vous  auez  Icllement  embrouylU  ce  fyl  qail 
est  qasté. 
I  TANNE  in  the  sonne,  or  am  .sonne  brenle.  Je 
me  hasie,  verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  or 
je  hasIe.  You  sball  tanne  your  seife  more 
upon  the  see  than  upon  lande  ^  vous  vous 
haslcrez  plus  sur  la  mer  que  sur  la  terre. 
I  tanne   Icalhcr.  Je  tanne,  prim.  conj.  Il  is  a 
good  poore  mannes  crafte  to  tanne   lea- 
ther  :  cest    le   mestier  de  vng    bon   poure 
homme  que  de  tanner  le  cuyr. 
I  TAPPE  a  vessel,  I  set  it  a  brotchc.  Je  broche, 
prim.    conj.  Tappe  an  other  barell  ,  for 
this  is   naught:  brochez  vng  aultre  baril, 
car  cestay  cy  ne  vault  rien. 
I  TARYE,  I  abyde  in  a  place  or  for  one.  Je  al- 
tens,  conjugale  lyke  bis  sympleje  tens,  I 
bende.  Tarye  me  hère  tyll  I  come  agayne: 
attendez  moy    icy    tant   que  je  retourne.  I 
wyll  tarye  for  no  man,  folowe  me  who 
wyll  :  je  ne  attenderay  nulluy ,  suyue  moy 
qui vouldra. 
I  tarye,  I  dwell  contynualiy  in  a  place.  Je  de- 
meure, prim.  conj.  and  Je  me  liens,  conju- 
gal in  «  I  bolde».  Where  tary  you  mosl 
nowe  a  dayes  :  ou  est  ce  que  vous  vous  tenez 



le  plus  souuent  mayntenant ,  or  on  demou- 
rez  vous  pour  le  plus  majntenaiit? 

l  tarye  for  a  tyme  in  a  place,  I  séjourne  in  a 
pl^ee.  Je  séjourne,  prim.  conj.  I  wyll 
tarye  hère  for  tbese  sy^e  wekes  :  je  se- 
journcray  icy  pour  ces  six  sepmaynes. 

I  larye  for  a  thyng  in  vayne.  Je  mamuse,je  me 
suis  amusé,  amuser,  verbum  médium  prim. 
conj.  and  je  amuse.  You  hâve  made  me 
tarye  herc  thèse  two  houres  for  naught  : 
tous  maaez  faicl  icy  amuser  ces  deux 

I  tary,  I  slacke  or  hynder  one  of  his  jouroaye 
orpurposc.  Je  tarde,  and  je  retarde,  prim. 
conj.  You  wyll  tarye  me  hère  tyll  ihe 
tyde  shall  be  gone  :  vous  me  tarderez  icy 
tant  que  la  marée  sera  allée. 

I  tarye ,  or  resl ,  or  pause  upon  a  thyng.  Je  sur- 
reste, prim.  conj.  Rede  nat  over  this  ma- 
ter so  lyghlly,  tary  longer  upon  it  by 
myne  advyse  :  ne  lisez  pas  cesle  matière  si 
letjierement,  surrestez  vous,  or  surarrestez 
vous  plus  longuement  dessus. 

I  tary  styl) ,  [  abyde,  or  remayne  styil  in  a  place 
or  I  levé.  Je  remayns ,  je  remanoye,  je  re- 
mayndray ,  'jueje  remayne,  remayndre,  ver- 
bum dcfectivum,  caret  prcteritis.  There 
is  nolhynge  ihat  taryeth  wilh  hym,  he 
gpendeth  ail  :  riens  ne  luy  remaynt,  il  des- 
pent  tout. 

I  TASKE,  I  put  or  selte  one  to  his  taske  wbat 
laboure  he  shall  do  or  what  he  shall 
paye.  Je  tauxe,  prim.  conj.  We  vvorke  nat 
at  our  plesure,  every  man  is  sette  to  his 
taske  or  tasked  :  nous  ne  besoignons  poynt 
a  noslre  playsir,  cliascun  de  nous  est  tauxé. 

I  TASTE  a  thynge  in  my  mouthe.  Je  taste,  and 
je  gousle.  Taste  a  lylell  of  it  and  spyt  it 
eut  agaync  :  tastcz,  or  gouslez,  vng  peu  et 
crachés  le  dehors. 

I  TAWE  leatber,  as  a  curryer  doeth.  Je  coar- 
roye,  prim.  conj.  This  oxo  hyde  it  nat 
well  tawed  :  ce  cuyr  de  beuf  nest  pas  bien 

1  tawe  a  thyng  that  is  styfle  to  make  it  softe. 
Je  souple,  prim.  conj.  It  is  styffe  yet,  but 

tawe  it  a  lyteil  :  il  est  roydt  encore,  mays 
souple  le  vng  peu. 

l  TAWNT  onc,  I  checke  hym.  Je  farde,  frim. 
conj.  and  je  raffarde.  Hâve  you  naught  els 
a  do  but  to  tawnte  me  :  nauez  vous  riens 
aultre  chose  a  faire  fors  que  de.  me  farder, 
or  de  me  rajfarder  ? 

I  TAXE,  as  a  princes  offycers  dothe  the  sub- 
jectes  at  a  commen  payment.  Je  taille, 
prim.  conj.  and  je  tauxe,  pnm.  conj.  Me 
thynketh  this  man  is  nat  indylferently 
taxed  :  il  mest  aduys  que  cest  homme  icy 
nest  pas  taillé,  or  tauxé  indijferamment. 

T   BÏFORE   E. 

I  TEACiiE  one,  I  learne  him.  Je  enseigne,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  doctrine,  or  je  endoctrine, 
pr/'m.  conj.  audje  apprens,  conjugale  iyke 
his  symp\e  je  prcns,  I  take.  And  je  instruis, 
conjugate  in  ni  instructe».  I  hâve  taught 
hym  as  well  as  was  in  my  power  :  je  lay 
enseigné,  or  doctrine,  or  endoctriné,  or  ap- 
prins,  or  inslruyct  aussi  bien  quil  estoyt  en 
mon  pouoyr. 

I  TEEDE  hey,  I  tourne  it  afore  it  is  made  in 
cockes.  Jefenc,  prim.  conj. 

I  TELL  a  taie  or  a  mater  as  it  was  doue.  Je 
compte,  or  je  racomple,  or  je  accompte, 
prim.  conj.  aod  je  fays  le  compte.  It  is  a 
wonderto  bere  hym  tell  of  tbe  daungers 
that  he  hath  scaped  :  cest  vne  chose  esmer- 
uaillable  que  de  louyr  compter,  or  racomp- 
ter  les  dangiers  quil  a  eschappé,  or  de  louyr 
faire  le  compte  des  dangiers.  And  je  narre, 
prim.  conj.  He  shall  tell  you  wonders:  il 
vous  narrera  meruailles. 

I  tell,  I  say.  Je  dis,  nous  dissons,  vous  ditlez, 
Hz  disent,  je  dis,  jay  dict ,  je'diray,  que  je 
die,  que  je  disse,  dire.  I  tell  hym  trouthe: 
je  luy  dis  la  vérité.  Tell  hym  that,  and  I 
fetche  hym ,  he  were  better  go  fyve  myle 
on  myn  errande  :  dictez  luy,  si  je  le  viens 
quérir,  quil  luy  vauldroyt  mieux  aller  cinq 
milles  a  mon  messaige. 

I  tell ,  or  accounte  nombres.  Jacompte,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  dénombre.  I  holde  you  a  grote, 




I  wyH  tell  you  liowe  many  thousande 
brickes  wyll  make  this  wali  :  je  S^i'^e  a 
voas  vng  gros  ijiicje  vous  compteray,  or  je 
vous  denomhrcray  combien  de  milliers  de 
bricqaes  feront  ce  mar. 

I  TEMPER  any  metalles  togytlier.  Je  attrempe, 
prim.  conj.  and  je  trempe,  prim.  conj. 
Whaii  metalles  be  well  teinpered  togyther 
they  wyll  be  ail  as  one  :  quant  plusieurs 
meiaulx  sont  bien  attrempez  ensemble,  Hz 
^  seront  comme  silz  fassent  tous  que  vng  seul 


I  temper  a  weapen  or  harnesse  with  stèle.  Je 
aciere,  prim,  conj.  They  bave  a  great  ad- 
vauntage  in  Spayne,  to  temper  tbcir 
hiades  well,  bycause  of  the  nature  oftheir 
ryvers  :  Hz  ont  vng  grant  aduantaige  en  Es- 
paigne,  pour  bien  acierer  Iturs  alumelles,  a 
cause  de  la  nature  de  leurs  riuiercs. 

J  temper,  l  laye  breed  or  other  thynges  in 
stepe.  Je  pétrie,  prim.  conj.  You  musle 
temper  your  breed  in  vynayger  :  il  vous 
fouit  pelrier  vostre  paya  en  vinaigre. 

I  temper  my  selfe,  I  avoyde  to  be  angrye  or  be 
in  any  other  passion,  wban  I  amprovoked. 
Je  me  tempcrise,  verbura  médium  prim. 
conj.  and  je  me  amesure ,  verbum  médium 
prim.  conj.  He  can  temper  hym  selfe  as 
well  as  any  man  that  ever  you  sawe  :  H  se 
scait  aussi  bien  temperiser,  or  amesurer,  que 
homme  que  vous  visiez  jamays. 

\  TEMPEST,  I  storme.  Je  tcmpeste,  prim.  conj. 
Herde  you  nat  howe  it  tempcsted  to 
oyght  :  ne  ouitez  vous  point  comment  il  lem- 
pestoyt  a  nuyct. 

1  TEMPTE  one  to  synnc  or  to  yvelnesse.  Je  temple, 
prim.  conj.  He  hatb  tcmpted  me  many  a 
tyme  t6  go  a  thevynge  with  hym  :  il  ma 
tempté  souuentesfoys  pour  aller  larciner 
auecques  luy. 

1  TENDER  ones  mater  or  request.  Je  prens  au 
cueur,  conjugate  in  «  I  take».  On  my 
faythe,  I  tender  your  mater  as  moche  as 
if  it  were  myne  awne  :  sur  ma  foy,  je 
prens  vostre  matière  autant  au  cueur  comme 
si  se  fast  la  mienne  propre. 

I  TENT  a  sore  or  a  wounde,  I  put  a  tente  in  it. 
Je  mets  vne  tente.  You  shall  never  heale 
tliis  depe  wounde  if  you  tent  it  nat  :  vous 
ne  guérirez  jamays  ceste  playe  paifonde ,  si 
vous  ny  mettez  poynt  de  tente. 

I  TENTE  to  my  busynesse,  I  take  hede  to  the 
thinges  1  hâve  in  bande.  Je  me  donne 
garde  de  mes  besoignes,  and  je  prens  garde 
de  mes  besoignes.  Tente  to  thy  busynesse , 
and  let  me  alone  :  donne  toy  garde  de  les 
besoignes,  et  laysse  moy  en  paix. 

I  TERE,  I  rente  a  thyng  a  souder.  Je  dessire, 
prim.  conj.  gind  je  déchire,  Romant,  and 
je  romps:  conjugale  in  ol  breaken.  He 
batb  tome  my  gowue  a  foote  and  more  : 
il  a  dessiré  ma  robbe,  or  il  a  deschiré  ma 
robbe,  vng  pied  et  plus. 

I  TESTïFTE,  I  gyve  wytnesse.  Je  testijie,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  tesmoigne,  prim.  conj.  I  wyll 
testyfye  as  I  knowe  and  none  otberwyse  : 
je  teslifieray,  or  je  tesmoigneray  la  chose 
que  je  congnoys  et  non  aultrement. 

I  TEWE  leatber.  Je  jOtt/)ie,  prim.  conj.  declared 
in  «  I  tawe  ». 

T    BÏFORE   H. 

I  THACKE  a  bouse.  Je  couuers  de  chaulme.  I 
am  but  a  poore  man,  sythe  I  can  nat  tyle 
my  house,  I  must  be  fayne  to  thacke  it: 
je  ne  suis  que  vng  poure  homme,  puis  que  je 
nssuis  pas  riche  assez  pour  couuryr  ma  may- 
son  de  tuylles ,  ilfauil  que  je  la  couurede 

I  THANKE  one  for  a  pleasure  or  a  goodnesse 
doone  to  me.  Je  mercie,  and  je  regracie, 
and  je  remercye,  I  truste  to  thanke  you 
ones  and  I  lyve  :  je  espère  de  vous  mercyer, 
or  regracier,  or  remercyer  vncfoys  si  je  vis, 

I  thanke  God.  Dieu  mercy,  without  a  verbe.  1 
thanke  you:  la  vostre  mercy,  I  thanke  liim: 
la  sienne  mercy.  God  be  thanked  :  la  Dieu 
mercy.  At  the  leste  I  am  one  of  them, 
God  be  thanked  :  au  moyns  en  sais-je  vng 
de  eulx.  Dieu  mercy. 

It  THAWETH ,  as  the  weather  dothe ,  wban  the 
frost  breaketh.  lldesgele,  verbum  imper- 



sonaie.   It   thawetli    a    pace  :    i7   desgele 

1  thawe,  as  snowe  or  yce  dothe  for  lieate.  Je 
/onj,  conjugale  in  «I  mclte».  Sctle  thc 
potte  to  the  fyre  to  thawe  the  water:  met- 
tez le  pot  auprès  du  fou  pour  foadre  leauc. 

I  THVCKE  a  tliing,  I  make  it  thicke.  Je  espessis, 
sec.  conj.  Put  more  breed  in  your  potage 
to  make  it  tbycke  :  mettez  plus  de  pain  en 
vostre  potaige  pour  lespessjr. 

I  thycke  ctotheiii  thy  myll.  Jefoullonne,  prim. 

I  THYNKE  a  thynge  or  upon  a  thyng.  Je  pense, 
prim.  conj.  and  je  médite,  and  je  cogite, 
prim.  conj.  You  wotte  nat  whal  I  thynkc: 
vous  ne  scauez  pas  que  ccst  que  je  pense, 
or  que  je  nudité,  or  cogite.    ' 

I  tbynke  on  tbe  other  sydc,  as  one  dothe  that 
reasonneth  wiOi  bym  selfe.  Je  contre- 
pense.  Somtyme  I  tbynke  thus  and  som- 
tyme  I  thjnkc  on  the  other  syde  :  parfoys 
je  pense  ainsj,  et  parfoysjeconlre-pense, 
or  je  pense  a  lencontre. 

I  tbynke  byfore  what  sball  corne  after  or  fo- 
iowe  of  a  mater.  Je  prccogite,  prim.  conj. 
A  wyse  man  wolde  tbynke  byfore  what 
sball  come  after  :  vng  saige  homme  precogi- 
leroyt  la  chose  qui  pourroyt  aduenir. 

l  tbynke  scorne  to  do  a  thynge.  Je  ne  daigne. 
You  tbynke  scorne  to  come  whan  I  sende 
for  you,  do  you  :  tous  ne  daignez  pas  venir 
quant  je  vous  mande  , foliotez. 

I  tbynke,  I  muse  of  the  worlde.  Je  me  amuse, 
verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  and  je  me 
muse,  prim.  conj.  He  thynketh  of  tbe 
Worlde  that  is  to  corne  :  il  se  amuse  au 
temps  qui  est  aduenir.  Me  thynketh,  I  sup- 
pose or  conjecture  a  tbing  :  i7  mest  aduis, 
il  mesloit  aduis,  and  ce  mest  aduis,  etc. 
joynynge  tbe  thyrde  person  of  je  suis  to 
aduis;  and  in  lyke  wyse,  il  test  uduis,  il 
luy  est  aduis,  il  nous  est  aduis,  il  vous  est 
aduis,  il  leur  est  aduis,  etc.  And  il  me 
semble.  Me  thynkelli  the  more  1  pray  the 
frowarder  tbou  arte  :  il  mest  aduis,  or  il 
me  semble,  tant  plus  te  prie  et  plus  es  obstiné. 

I  thougbt,  I  supposed  it  wolde  beso:je 
men  douhtaj  bien  quil  scroyt  ainsi. 

I  tbynke  upon  a  thyng.  Je  me  surpence,  ver- 
bum médium  prim.  conj.  Whan  I  tbynke 
upon  bym  :  quant  je  me  surpence  a  luy. 

I  THHECHE,  I  pynche.  Je  pjnce ,  prim,  conj. 
Tbis  is  a  farre  northren  terme. 

I  THREDE  a  nedell  to  sowe  witb.  Je  en/îie,  prim. 
conj.  andj'e  affde,  prim.  conj.  Threde  my 
nedell  or  you  go,  I  praye  you:  enfdez,  or 
affilez  mon  esgaille aaant  que parlyr,jevous 

I  TRREPE  a  mater  upon  one,  I  beare  one  in 
bande  that  be  hath  doone  or  saide  a  ihing 
a  mysse.  Je  luy  foys  accroyre,  or  je  lay 
mets  sus.  Tbis  terme  is  also  farre  northren. 
He  wolde  threpe  upon  me  that  I  bave 
bis  penne:  il  me  vouidroyt foire  a  croyre, 
or  il  me  vouidroyt  mettre  sus,  que  jay  sa 

I  THRESSHE  corne  in  a  barne.  Je  bats  en  ta 
granche,  conjugate  in  «I  béate».  If  you 
wyll  any  tbyng  witb  my  father  he  thres- 
sbeth  in  the  barne  :  si  vous  voulez  rien  a 
mon  père,  il  bat  en  la  granche. 

I  THREETE ,  or  I  tbrctten  one  to  do  bym  barme. 
Je  menasse,  prim.  conj.  or  je  menace,  prim. 
conj.  Whye  doest  thou  threete  bym  :  pour 
quoy  le  menasses  tu,  or  menaces  tu? 

I  TiiRiLL,  I  perce  or  bore  thorowe  a  Ihyog.  Je 
pénètre,  prim.  conj.  Tbis  terme  is  olde  and 
nowe  lytell  uscd. 

I  THRDST  one  downe  from  a  bye  place.  Je  dé- 
boute, prim.  conj.  Tbrust  bym  downe, 
let  bym  nat  stande  thcre  :  déboulez  le,  quil 
ne  se  tienne  pas  la. 

I  tbrust  downe,  I  kepe  downe  a  tbyng.  Je 
presse,  prim.  conj.  and  je  (U(ru«e,  prim. 
conj.  I  wolde  ryse  very  fayne,  but  I  am 
so  tbrust  downe  I  can  nat  :  je  me  voul- 
droye  leuer  bien  voulentiers ,  mays  je  suis 
tant  pressé  que  je  ne  puis. 

I  THRivE,  I  go  forwarde  in  rychesse.  Je  vas  en 

auant,  and  je  proajite,  andje  deuiens  riche. 

He  was  a  great  hasarder  in  bis  youthe, 

but  he  thrivetb  well  nowe  :  il  estoyt  vng 



grant  hazardear  en  sa  jeunesse,  mays  il  va 
bien  en   auant,  or  deuient  riche  mainte- 
I  thrive,  as  a  tree  or  herbe  groweth  and  dothe 

well.  Je  végète,  prim.  conj.  This  tree  can 

never  tbrive  in  this  sandy  grounde  :  cest 

arbre  ne  pealtjamays  végéter  en  ceste  terre 

I  TBRONGE  in  amongest  a  preace.  Je  me  fourre 

dedans.  Thoughe  the  doore  be  never  so 

well  kept,  yct  shall  I  thronge  in  amon- 
gest them  :  pourtant  si  on  garde  Ikays  tant 

qui  est  possible,  si  mejourreray  je  dedans 

entre  eulx. 
I  THROWE  a  thyng  wyth  my  bande.  Je  jecte, 

priva,  conj.  And  he  threwe  hym  in  to  a 

well  :  et  lejecia  dedans  vng  puis.  I  threwe 

hym  an  appell  :je  layjectay  vne  pomme,  l 

threwe  a  potte  at  bis  bead  :  je  luy  jeclay 

vng  pot  a  la  teste. 
I  threwe  a  bowle.  Je  tire  a  la  boulle,  prim.  conj. 

1  holde  the  a  grote  that  I  wyll  throwe  a 

boule  as  farre  as  thou  :jie  gaige  a  toy  vng 

gros  que  je   tireray  a  la  boulle  aussi  loing 

que  toy. 
I  throwe  a  brode,  as  meo  do  corne  or  any 

tbing  that  tbey  sparkell  abrode.  Je  semé, 

prim.  conj.  Wbohath  throwen  this  corne 

abrode  on  this  maner  :  qui  a  semé  ce  bled 

en  ce  poynl  ? 
I  throwe  a  darte  or  any  longe  stealed  weapen. 

Je  darde,  prim.  conj.  I  can  throwe  a  darte 

as  far  as  thou  :  je  scay  darder  aussi  loing 

que  toy. 
I  throwe  a  man  on  bis  backe  or  uprigbt,  so 

that  his  face  is  upwarde.  Je  renuerse,  prim. 

conj.  Wrestell  nat  with  me,  for  I  wyll 

throwe  the  on  tby  backe  or  a  man  caa 

cracke  a  nutte  :  ne  laycles  pas  a  moy,  car 

je  tejecteray  sur  le  dos,  or  je  te  renuerseray, 

auant  que  on  sayche  casser  vne  noyx. 
I  throwe  a  thyng  at  one  by  vyolence.  Je  rue, 

prim.  conj.  Thynkeyou  it  was  well  doone 

of  you  to  throwe  a  potte  at  bis  hced  -.pen- 
sez vous  que  ce  fut  bien  fait  a  vous  de  luy 

ruer  vng  pot  a  la  teste? 

I  throwe  awayc,  as  we  do  thynges  that  we  care 
nat  for  nor  wyll  nat  kcpe  in  our  bouse.  Je 
déguerpis,  sec.  conj.  and  je  desjecte,  prim. 
conj.  and  j«  jecte  au  loyng,  prim.  conj. 
Me  thynke  I  do  you  no  wronge  if  I  ga- 
ther  up  ihc  thyng  that  you  bave  throwen 
awaye  :  il  mest  aduis  que  je  ne  vous  fays 
poynt  de  tort  si  je  recueils  la  chose  que  vous 
auez  degucrpie,  or  desjectée,  or  jeclée  au 

I  throwe  downe  heedlyng.  Je  précipite,  prim. 
conj.  Get  you  downe  the  stayres  at  ones, 
or  I  sbal  throwe  you  downe  heedlyng  ; 
descendez  les  degrezvisle,  ou  je  vous  preci- 

I  throwe  down  in  to  a  lowe  and  depe  place.  Je 
abysme,  prim.  conj.  For  his  pride  Lucifer 
was  throwen  downe  to  the  depest  pytte 
of  belle  :  Lucifer,  pour  son  orgueil,  fust 
ahysmé  au  fynfons  denfer. 

I  throwe  downe  of  a  borse  or  from  a  bye  place. 
Je  rue  jus.  God  save  the  man ,  his  borse 
bad  almoste  throwen  hym  downe  :  Dieu 
saulae  Ihonime,  son  chenal  lauoyt  presques 
raé  jus.  Shall  he  ryde  upon  the,  corne  of 
kycke  witch  thyn  arse  and  throwe  hym 
downe  :  te  cheuaulchera  il  sus,  regimbe  du 
cul  et  rue  le  jus. 

I  throwe  downe  to  the  grounde ,  or  distroye  a 
thynge.  Je  démolis,  conjugale  in  «I  dis- 
«troye,  I  breake  or  throwe  downe».  The 
castcll  whiche  men  wente  had  ben  inpren- 
nable  is  throwen  downe  nowe  :  le  chasteau 
que  oncuydoytestre  inprennable  on  la  mayn- 
tenant  démolie. 

I  throwe  in  to  the  sse.  Je  emmarre,  prim.  conj. 
Rather  ihan  our  enneniyes  shall  se  our 
letters  lelte  us  throwe  them  in  to  ihe  see  : 
plus  tôt  que  noz  ennemys  verront  noz  lettres 
emmarrons  les.  So  th;it<;mniarr«rsignyfyeth 
to  throwe  a  thyng  in  to  the  see  that  hath 
a  heavy  thynge  lyed  to  it,  lest  it  shulde 
flete  any  more  above  the  water. 

I  throwe  my  selfe  down  at  ones  fête  in  token 
ofbumylyte  or  of  great  adversyte.  Je  me 
prosterne,  prim.  conj.  There  is  nowe  no 


remedye  but  to  throwe  our  selfe  downe  at 
his  fête  and  submjt  us  lo  bis  mercy  :  il  ny 
a  point  daultre  remède  astearefors  que  de 
nous  proslemer  deuant  luy  et  noua  submettre 
a  sa  mercy. 
F  throwe  one  downe  by  vyolence.  Je  rue  jus, 
prim.  conj.  I  besbrewe  him   be  bad  al- 
moste  Ibrowen  me  downe  :  mauldit  soyt  il, 
il  mauoyl  presques  rué  jus. 
I  tbrowe  tbynges  a  sonder.  Je  dejecte,  prim. 
conj.  Who  batb  ibrowen  ihem  thus  a  son- 
der, I  dyd  leave  tbem  in  good  order  :  qui 
les  a  ajnsi  dejectez,je  les  hyssay  en  bon 
I  throwe  under  foote.  Je  suppedile,  prim.  conj. 
Whan  a  raan  is  tbrowen  under  tbe  foote 
ones ,  than  every  man  gothe  upon  hym  : 
quant  vng  homme  estvnefoys  sappedilé,  tout 
le  monde  adonc  luy  court  sus. 
I  THRDST,  I  want  drinke.  Jay   soyj.  Gyve   me 
drinke  for,  I  am  a  thrust  :  ca  a  hoyrt,  car 
jay  soyj ,  or  baillez  moy  a  boyre. 
I    THRDST  downe,  I  bringe  iowe.  Je  déprime, 
prim.  conj.  andjastruse,  prim.  conj.  and 
je  oppresse,  and  je  presse,  prim.  conj. 
I  thrust  in  to  a  place  tborowe  a  prease.  Je  me 
rue  dedens,  verbum  médium  prim.  conj. 
and  je  me  emprayns,  empraynons,  empray- 
nis,  empraynt,  queje  empraigne,  emprayn- 
dre.  l  dyd  thruste  in  to  tbe  prease  amon- 
gcst  tbe  tbickest  :  je  me  suis  rué  dedens  la 
foalle,  or  je  me  suis  empraynt  entre  les  plus 
1  tfarusie  my  selfe  in  to  a  prease  or  amongest  a 
Company.  Je    me  fourre  parmy.  And  he 
thrusted  in  amongest  tbem  :  et  il  se  fourra 
parmy  ealx, 
I  thrust  out  ones  gultes  or  burste  one.  Je  ac- 
creue,  prim.  conj.  and  je  accreuante,  prim. 
conj.  as  for  je  expaultre  is  Romant.  VVbat 
meanest  thou,  man,  lo  leane  so  sore  upon 
me,  wylte  tliou   ibrusle  out  my   gultes  : 
que  veulx  tu  dire,  me  veulx  lu  accreuer,  or 
I   thrust  togytber.  Je  compresse,  prim.   conj. 
He  hath  thrustthe  appell  so  moche  togyder 


that  it  is   naugth  :  il  a  tant  compressé  la 
pomme  quelle  ne  vault  plus  rien. 
I  tbruste  at  a  tbynge,  I  put  my  strength  toit 
to   remove  it,  or  sucbe  lyke.   Je  boute, 
prim.  conj.  Some  is  but  iytell  that  can 
thrust  barde  :  tel,  or  aulcun,  est  petit  qui 
bien  boute. 
I  THWAHTE,  I  fall  out  wltb  one.  Jeprens  noyse, 
or  castille,  declared  afore    in  «I  fall  out 
B with  one». 
I  thwarle  Ihe  waye ,  I  go  over  tbe  way  to  stoppe 
one.  Je  trenche  le  chemyn,  prim.  conj.  Wby 
doest  thou   thwart  tbe  way  whan  tbou 
syest  me  commynge,  I  wene  thou  taryest 
bere  for  some  purse  :  pour  quoy  me  tren- 
ches tu  le  chemyn ,  quant  tu  me  vois  venir, 
je  croy  que  tu  tamuses,  or  tarestes  icy,  pour 
quelque  bource. 
I  tbwarte  witb  one,  I   contrarye  Lim  in  his 
.sayengcsor  doynges.  Jaduerse,  prim.  conj. 
I  trowe,  and  thou  shuldest  kepe  Company 
witb    God     ill    myghty  ,    tbou    woldest 
thwarle  witb  hym  :  je  croy  que  si  tu  con- 
uersoys  auec    nostre  Seignieur  ta  laduerse- 
I  THWïTE  a  stycke ,  or  I  cutte  Iytell  peces  from  a 
tbynge.  Je  coypelle,  prim.  conj.  Haste  tbou 
naugth  els  to  do  but  to  whyte  tbe  table  : 
nas  ta  riens  aultre  chose  affayre  que  de  coy- 
peller  la  table. 
It  THl'NDERETH.   //   tonne,    il  a    tonné,  tonner, 
verbum  impersonale  prim.  conj.  Il  hath 
thundred  and  lyghtenned  ail  nygth  :  i7  a 
tonné  et  escleré  toute  la  nuyct. 

T   BÏFORE   I. 

{  TTCE  one  by  fayre  wordes  to  my  purpose.  Je 
office,  prim.  conj.  Do  other  men  as  they 
lyste,  but  I  wyll  nat  tyce  him  to  none  yll  : 
facent  les  aaltres  comme  Hz  veaUent ,  mays 
je  ne  latticeray  pas  a  nul  mal. 

I  TYE ,  as  a  man  tyeth  or  trusseth  up  his  hosen. 
Je  me  atache,  je  me  suis  ataché,  atacher, 
prim.  conj.  I  wyll  lye  me  Grst  :  je  me 
xeulx  atacher  premier. 

I  tye,  I  bynde  or  fasten  a  thyng.  Je  lie,  jay  lié. 



lier,  prini.  conj.  He  hatfa  his  fête  bounde 
under  his  horse  bely  :  il  a  lez  piedz  liez 
toubz  le  ventre  de  son  cheual, 

I  lye,  or  make  faste  by  a  cable.  Jaccable.  Tye  it 
with  a  cabylt  and  than  it  is  sure  :  accablez 
te  et  vous  Jerez  seur, 

I  tye  up  my  heare,  as  a  woman  dothe.  Je  me 
atoarne,  prim.  conj.  I  wyli  tye  up  my 
heare  Rnl:  jemevealx  alourner  premier. 

I  TïER  an  egge.  Je  accoustre,  prim  conj.  Let  me 
se  who  can  best  tyer  this  egge  :  que  je 
voye  (fui  scayt  le  miealx  accoustrer  cest 

I  tyer  a  borsc,  I  make  him  tliat  he  can  go  no 
fartber;  for  this  verbe  they  use  to  saye 
mon  cheual  est  recréant. 

I  tyer  with  garmeules.  Je  habille,  prim.  conj. 
and  je  accoustre,  prim.'  conj.  Il  is  a  fayre 
sygbt  of  a  woman  wban  she  is  vveli  tyred  : 
il  Jaict  beau  veoyr  vne  femme  quant  elle  est 
bien  habillée,  or  bien  accoustrce. 

1  TïFELL  with  my  fyngers,  or  busye  my  selfe 
longe  aboute  a  thyng  to  make  it  well  to 
the  countentyngc  of  my  mynde.  Je  tiffe, 
prim.  conj.  You  bave  spente  two  boures  to 
tytTellabout  this  thyng  :  vous  auez  employé 
deux  heures  pour  tijfer  entour  cesle  chose  icy. 

I  TYKELL  one  under  the  syde.  Je  gatlouille,  and 
je  catouille,  and  je  perpetulle.  And  you  ty- 
kell  me  thus  I  muste  nedes  laugbe  :  si 
vous  megattouillez,  or  catouillez ,  or  perpe- 
tuUez,  aynsi,  il  mest  force  de  rire. 

I  TïLE  a  bouse,  I  cover  it  with  tyles.  Je  cou- 
uers  de  tuylle,  conjugale  in  «I  cover».  I 
wyli  tyle  ail  the  barnes  1  bave,  for  thacke 
wyll  nat  endure  :  je  couureray  toutes  les 
granches  que  jay  de  tuylles,  car  le  chaulme 
ne  dure  gaayres. 

1  TïLL  lande.  Je  laboure,  and  je  are,  jay  are, 
arer,  and  je  cultiae  la  terre,  prim.  conj. 
Me  thynketh  it  is  tyme  to  lyil  your  lande 
nowe  :  il  mest  adais  quil  est  temps  de  labou- 
rer vostre  terre,  or  arer  vostre  terre,  or  de 
cultiuer  vostre  terre, 

I  TYMBER  ,  1  playe  on  an  instrument  or  a 
tyniber.  Je  timbre,  prim.  conj.  Tbe  may- 

dens  of  London  were  won  te  to  tymber 
more  than  they  do  nowe  :  les  filles  de 
Londres  souloyenl  plus  lymbrer  quelles  ne 
font  mayntenant. 

1  tymber  a  fyre.  Je  accoustre,  or  je  mets  a 
poynt.  I  can  tymber  a  fyre  no  nian  betler  : 
je  scay  accoustrer,  or  mettre  a  poynt,  vng 
feu.  aussi  bien  que  homme  qui  soyt. 

I  TïrpE  a  stade  with  yron.  Je  armoye,  prim. 
conj.  He  bath  typped  his  slaffe  with  yron  : 
i7  a  armoyè  son  baston  de  fer,  or  enferré. 

I  typpe  a  thyng  with  home.  Je  encorne,  prim. 
conj.  Tliey  beare  lytell  roddes  typped  with 
borne  byfore  the  judges  :  on  porte  des 
verges  encornées  deuant  les  judges. 

I  TYPE  over,  I  overtbrowe,  or  overwbclme. 
Je  renuerse,  prim.  conj.  His  carte  typed 
over  agaynst  a  banke  :  son  chariot  se  ren- 
uersa  contre  vne  tertre,  or  contre  vne  butte. 

I  TYTHE,  I  gyve,  or  pay  the  tytbe  of  thynges. 
Je  disme,  prim.  conj.  He  must  nedes  go 
forwarde,  for  bc  doth  tythe  well  :  ilfault 
bien  que  les  biens  luy  multiplient,  car  il 
disme  bien. 

T    BYFOnE   0. 

I  TOGGE,  I  pull.  Je  tire,  prim.  conj.  Yonder  is 
a  good  dogge,  se  bowe  he  toggelb  tbe 
sowe  by  tbe  eare  :  voy  la  vng  bon  chien , 
agardez  comment  il  tire  la  truye  par  loreille. 

I  TOïE,  or  tryfell  with  one,  I  dealc  nat  sub- 
stancyally  with  bym.  Je  me  truffe,  verbum 
mcdium  prim.  conj.  I  do  but  toye  with 
him  xje  nefays  que  me  truffer  de  luy. 

I  toye,  I  playe  with  one.  Je  me  joue.  He  dothe 
but  toye  with  you  ;  il  ne  fait  que  se  jouer 
auecques  vous. 

I  TOYLE,  I  stryve  to  gette  my  lyvyng.  Je  me 
estriue,  verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  He 
toyleth  to  sore  with  the  worlde  :  il  se  es- 
triue trop  au  monde. 

I  toyle,  I  laboure.  Je  me  trauaille.  You  toyle  to 
sore  :  vous  vous  trauaillez  trop. 

l  TOYNE.  Loke  in  (il  tune». 

I  TOKEN,  I  signyfye.  Je  dénote,  prim.  conj. 
What  tokeneth  it  wban  tbe  sonne  gotbe 



downe  reed  :  quesl  ce  qiiil  dénote  quant  le 

soleil  se  va  coucher  tout 

rouge  ! 

I  token ,  I  signe  with  tbe  sygne  of  the  crosse. 
Je  crojse,  prini.  conj.  I  wyll  token  me 
with  the  crosse  from  their  companye  :  je 
me  croyseray  de  leur  compaignie, 

I  TOLLE,  I  lake  the  toile,  as  a  baylyfe  dolhe  in 
a  fayre  or  market.  Je  lieue  les  drojctz  du 
seigneur.  He  tliat  tolieth  ig  a  bribour  : 
celluy  qui  lieiie  les  droictz  du  seigneur  est 
vng  briheur.  And  je  prens  le  tollyu. 

I  toile,  as  a  niyiier  dotb.  Je  prens  le  tollyu. 
And  as  they  tbat  corne  to  tbe  myli  ,je  paye 
le  tollyu.  You  sLai  lolle,  or  you  go,  or  I 
wyll  toHo  for  you  :  vous  payerez  le  tollyu 
auant  que  partir,  ou  je  prendray  le  tollyu 
pour  vous,  or  je  prendray  la  moulture. 

l  TONNE  aie,  or  wyne,  I  put  lycour  in  to  tonnes. 
Je  entonne.  Tonne  ihis  wyne ,  it  is  tyme  : 
entonnez  ce  vyn,  il  en  est  temps. 

i  tonne,  I  masshe  aie.  Je  brasse,  prim.  conj. 
Wban  tonne  you  and  God  wyll  :  quant 
brasserez  vous  au  playsir  de  Dieu? 

1  lOPPE  a  tre,  I  cutte  of  the  toppe.  Je  desbran- 
chis,  sec.  conj.  and  je  escoupelle,  prim. 
coDJ.  And  you  toppe  tbis  tree,  he  wyll 
never  growe  hyer  :  si  vous  escoapellez  ccst 
arbre,  il  ne  croystera  jamays  en  amont. 

1  toppe  towe.  Je  sortys  des  estouppes.  Toppe 
your  towe  :  sortyssez  voz  estouppes. 

l  TORKES,  I  aiter  the  shappe  of  a  tbyng.  Je  con- 
tourne, prim  conj.  anà  je  transmue,  prim. 
conj.  He  hatb  torkesscd  bis  house  quyte 
a  newe  :  |7  a  contourné  sa  mayson  tout  de 
nouueau,  or  il  a  transmué  sa  mayson. 

1  TORMENT,  I  punyssbe  tbe  body  of  a  person. 

Je  tourmente,  prim.  conj.  Tbis  sicknesse 

tourmentetb  me  more  than  ever  I  was  in 

'   my  iyfe  :  ceste  maladie  me  tourmente  plus 

que  je  ne  Jus  jamays  a  ma  vie. 

I  tonnent,  I  vexe  tbe  mynde.  Jangoysse,  prim. 
conj.  Tbis  tourmentetb  my  mynde  more 
than  ever  I  was  tourmented  in  my  mynde  : 
cecy  me  angoysse  plus  que  je  ne  fus  jamays 
angoyssé  a  ma  vie. 

1  TORNE  a  tbyng.  Je  tourne,  prim.  conj.  Tourne 

it  often  :  tourne  le  souuent.  He  tourneth 
bim  rounde  aboute  ;  il  se  tourna  tout  en- 

I  torne  aboute,  as  a  whcle  dothe.  Je  rôtis,  jay 
roly,  rôtir,  sec.  conj.  and  j'c  roue,  prim. 
conj.  Tbe  myller  is  in  tbe  myll,  for  bis 
wbele  begynoelb  to  tourne  aboute  :  le 
monnier  est  au  moulyn,  car  la  roue  com- 
mence a  rôtir,  or  a  roaer. 

I  tome  a  mannes  myude  tbat  was  purposed  to 
do  a  tbynge.  Je  desconseille,  prim.  conj. 
and  j'c  détourne,  prim.  conj.  My  lorde  was 
mynded  to  ryde  to  daye,  I  marvayle  who 
hatb  tourned  his  mynde  :  monsieur  estoyt 
délibéré  de  cheuaulcher  aujourdhuy,  je  me 
merueille  qui  la  desconseillé ,  or  détourné. 

I  torne  asyde,  or  eut  of  the  waye,  or  from 
oue.  Je  me  destourne,  verbum  médium 
prim.  conj.  Hâve  you  nat  the  wytte  to 
tourne  asyde  wban  you  se  a  horse  corne 
galoppyng  towerdes  you  :  nauez  uous  pas 
lentendement  de  vous  destourner  quant  vous 
voyez  venir  vers  vous  vng  cheual  gallopant? 

I  torne  aside  ont  of  the  hye  way  in  to  some  hye 
waye  orpalhc.  Je  diuertis,  sec.  conj.  and 
je  destourne,  prim.  conj.  I  wolde  advyse 
you  to  tourne  asyde  tyil  my  lorde  be  pas- 
sed  by  :  je  vous  vouldroye  aduertyr  de  vous 
diuertyr  tant  que  monsieur  soyt passé  oullre. 

I  tome  ofte  to  and  fro,  as  one  dothe  in  his 
bedde  tbat  can  nat  slepe ,  or  as  one  do- 
the tbat  ronneth  ofte  to  the  place  he  co- 
meth  fro.  Je  reuirc,  prim.  conj.  Wban  a 
man  can  nat  slepe,  he  tourneth  hym  ofte 
tymes  in  his  bedde  to  and  fro  :  quant  vng 
homme  ne  peult  dormyr,  il  se  reuire  en  son 
lict  soaaent. 

I  torne  one,  I  make  him  chaunge  his  purpose. 
Je  change  de  propos,  priai,  conj.  Tbou 
sbalt  nat  tourne  hym  thougb  tbou  woldest 
wepe  never  so  faste  :  tu  ne  luy  changeras 
pas  son  propos ,  tant  fort  deusses  tu  pleurer. 

I  torne  upwarde  ,  as  one  dothe  bis  sleves,  or  a 

woman  ber  gowne,or  a  man  tbe  necke 

,  of  bis  cappe  or  suche  lyke.  Je  rebrouce, 

prim.  conj.   My  ladye  tourneth  up  her 


sleves,  I  wene  she  wyll  playe  thc  cooke 
her  sclfe  :  madame  rebrouce  ses  manches,  je 
croy  que  elle  fera  du  cujsjner  elle  mesmes. 
i  tome  up,  or  croke  upwarde,  as  ones  heare 
dothe.  Je  relorliUe,  priai,    conj.   and  je 
recercelle,  prim.  conj.  Your  heare  was  not 
well  troussed  up  to  nyglit,  se   howe  it 
turneth  upwarde  :  voz  cheueulx  nestoyenl 
pas  bien  troussez  a  nayct,  aduisés  comment 
tlz  se  retorùllent. 
1  tome  upsyde  downe.  Je  subuertis,  sec.  conj. 
and  je  tourne    ceudessus   desoubz,  priia. 
conj.  AH  that  ever  his  father  dyd  he  Lath 
tourned  it  upsyde  downe  :  tout  tant  que 
son  père  ajaict,  il  la  tout  subuerty,  or  i7  a 
tourné  tout  ceudessus  dessoubz. 
I  TRANSFORME ,  I  chaunge  or  aller  the  shappe 
of  a  tliyngc.   Je  transforme,  prlm.  conj. 
Loties  wyfe  was  Iransformed  in  to  a  salte 
stone  :  la  femme  de  Loth  fust  transformée 
en  vue  pierre  de  sel. 
I  TOssE  a  balle ,  or  tourne  a  tbyng  oflen  in  to 
dyvers  places.  Je   ballonette ,  prim.  conj. 
1  had  as  levé  tosse  a  bail  bere  alone  as  to 
play  al  tbe  tenys  over  the  corde  wilh  the  : 
je  aymeroye  aussy  chicr  ballonetter  icy  a  par 
moy  que  déjouer  au  tripot  auecques  toy. 
I  TOOSE  woUe,  or  colton ,  or  sucbe  lyke.  Je  force 
de  la  laine,  and  je  charpis   de  la  laine, 
sec.  conj.  Il  is  a  grcal  craft  to  tosc  wolle 
wei  :  cest  vne  grande  aperlise  que  de  bien 
forcer  la  layne,  or  charpirla  laync. 
I  TOOSTE  bred.  Je  toste  du  pain,  je  fais  me  tes- 
tée. Toste  me  ihis  breed ,  for  a  ciippe  of 
aie ,  and  a  toste  is  holsom  in  a  morning 
for  a  mans  syght:  tostez  moy  ce  pain,  or 
faictez  menvne  tostée  de  ce  pain,  car  vne 
couppe  de  goodalle  a  tout   vne  testée   est 
bonne  et  saine  au  maiyn  pour  la  veue  dune 
I  TOTTEB  to  and  fro ,  as  chylder  do  whan  ihey 
play,  or  sache  like.  Je  ballance,  prim.  conj. 
Tôlier   nat  to  moche  leste  you  fall  :  ne 
ballancez  pas   trop   de  paour  que  vous  ne 
I  TODCHE  a  ihyng  wilh  my  bande  or  otber- 

wyse.  Je  touche.  It  toucbed  me  nat  :  il  ne 

ma  pas  touché;  or  je  attouche.  He  bcarcth 
me  in  bande  thaï  I  bave  bis  combe  and  I 
never  touched  il  Ibàt  I  wolte  of  :  il  me  met 
sus  que  jny  son  peigne  et  je  ne  le  touchay 
jamays  que  je  saichc. 
I  louche  tbe  grounde  witb  my  fête.  Je  touche 
des  piedz  a  terre.  He  wolde  Ireale  so  lygyliy 
ihat  be  wolde  nat  touche  ihe  grounde 
wilh  bis  fête  :  il  vouloyt  marcher  si  gen- 
timent quil  ne  toucheoyt  de  ses  piedz  en 

T    BÏFORE   R. 

I  TRACE  an  bare.  Je  trace,  prim.  conj.  It  is  for- 
bydden  to  trace  hares  in  snowe  lyme  :  il 
est  défendu  de  tracer  les  Heures  en  temps  de 

I  TRAïLE,  lyke  as  a  gowne  or  any  longe  gar- 
ment  dolhe  behynde  on  tbe  grounde.  Je 
trayne,  prim.  conj.  Her  gown  Irayneth 
aller  her,  as  she  were  a  ladye  :  sa  robbe 
luy  trayne  comme  si  elle  fut  vne  dame. 

l  trayle,a3  one  traylelb  an  other  behynde  or 
al  a  borse  layle  or  sucbe  lyke.  Je  delrayne, 
prim.  conj.  aod je  trayne,  prim.  conj.  He 
was  Irajled  upon  a  hardell  thorowe  al  tbe 
lowne  :  il  fust  trayne  sur  vne  hercepar  toute 
la  ville. 

l  THAïTE,  I  speake  or  comen  of  a  mater.  Je 
traicte,  prim.  conj.  We  bave  no  lyme  to 
Irayte  of  tbis  mater  nowe  :  nous  nouons 
poynt  de  temps  de  traycter  de  ceste  matière 

I  TRAMPELL  with  my  fêle.  Je  marche,  je  hur- 
telle,and  je  pétille,  prim.  conj.  Se  howe 
Ibis  way  is  Irampellcd  :  aduisez  comment  ce 
chemyn  est  marché.  The  boyes  trampell  so 
over  my  beed ,  that  I  can  nat  slepe  :  les 
garçons  hurtellent ,  OT  pétillent  tant  par  des- 
sus ma  teste  que  je  ne  puis  dormyr. 

I  TBANELL  for  larkes.  Je  trainelle,  prim.  conj. 

They  be  gone  a  Iranelling  for  larkes:  Hz 

sont  allez  trainer,   or   traineller   aux   al- 


I   TRANSFIGURE.   Je    transfigure,    prim.    conj. 



Christ  dyd  transfigure  hym  selfe  upon 
the  hylle  of  Tabor  ;  Nosire  Seigniiur  Jesu 
Christ  se  transfigura  sus  le  mont  de  Tabor. 

I  TRANSFORME ,  I  chaunge  a  thyog  in  to  dyvers 
shappes.  Je  transforme,  prim.  conj.  and  je 
diuersijie,  prim.  conj.  Poètes  fayne  tbat 
men  coulde  transforme  ihem  into  many 
shappes  :  les  poètes  feignent  que  aulcuns  se 
scaurojent  transformer,  or  diuersijier  en 
plusieurs  figm  es. 

I  TRANSLATE  a  thynge  from  one  tonge  in  to  an 
other.  Je  translate,  prim.  conj.  Whan  this 
booke  is  parfyt  il  shal  be  no  mastrye  to 
translate  out  of  englyssbe  into  frenche: 
mays  que  ce  Hure  soyt  vue  foys  paracheué, 
ce  ne  sera  pas  forte  chose  a  fayre  que  de 
translater  de  angloys  en  francoys. 

l  TRANSPOSE,  I  cbaungc  or  tourne  a  tbyng.  Je 
transmue,  prim.  conj.  and  je  contourne, 
prim.  conj.  He  hath  transposcd  his  bouse 
quytc  newe:  il  a  transmué,  or  contourné 
sa  mayson  tout  de  nouveau,  or  toute  neuue. 

I  TRAPPE,  I  take  one  by  sleyght,  or  take  any 
beest  in  a  trappe  or  snare.  Je  attrappe , 
prim.  conj.  and  je  trappe,  prim.  conj.  And 
you  take  nat  bede  you  shall  be  trapped: 
il  vous  ne  vous  donnez  garde  vous  serez  at- 
trappe, or  trappe. 

I  trappe ,  as  a  liorse  with  a  trapper.  Je  housse, 
prim.  conj.Your  horse  isrychely  trapped: 
vostre  cheual  est  richement  housse. 

I  TRAVAYLE.  Je  trauuUle,  prim.  conj.  I  bave 
travayied  so  moche  tbat  I  am  werye  :  jay 
tant  trauayllé  quejen  suis  las. 

I  travayle,  I  laboure  with  my  body.  Je  tra- 
uayllé, prim.  conj.  I  shall  travayle  as 
mocJie  in  your  cause  as  I  wolde  do  for 
myn  owne  fatlier  :  je  fraimylleray  autant  en 
vostre  affajre  comme  je  feroye  pour  mon 
propre  père. 

I  travayle,  I  labour  with  chylde,  as  a  woman 
dothe.  Je  enfante,  prim.  conj.  Our  Ladye 
helpe  her,  she  travayllelh  nowe  :  Nostre 
Dame  la  veuille  aider,  elle  enfante  maynle- 

I  travayle,  I  labour  by  the  way.  Je  achemine. 

prim.  conj.  and  je  voyage,  prim.  conj. 
My  horse  can  travayle  by  the  waye  as  well 
as  one  that  iokelh  mocbe  bélier  :  mon 
cheual  scait  aussi  bien  acheminer,  or  voya- 
ger, que  vng  aultre  qui  porte  beaucoup  meil- 
leur semblant. 

I  TRAVERSE,  I  go  from  one  mater  to  an  other. 
Je  trauerse,  prim.  conj.  Nowe  you  leave 
the  purpose  and  begyn  to  traverse  :  mayn- 
tenant  vous  laissez  le  propos  et  commencez  a 

I  TRAWNEE,  I  fall  in  a  traunce  or  .swounyng. 
Je  me  transis,  verbum  médium  sec.  conj. 
I  feare  me,  whan  ail  is  done,  be  wyll 
dye,  for  he  trauoseth  oflen  men  doute, 
quant  tout  estfayct,  quil  mourra,  car  il  se 
transit  souuent. 

I  TREADE  with  my  fête.  Je  marche,  prim.  conj. 
Treade  softe  and  fayre  for  wakynge  of 
hym;  marchez  tout  bellement  de paour quon 
ne  le  esueille.  You  bave  marred  it,  for  you 
bave  troden  upon  it  with  your  fête  :  vous 
lauez  gasté,  car  vous  aaez  marché  dessus  de 
voz  piedz, 

I  treade  under  the  foote.  Je  conculque ,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  défoule,  prim.  conj.  AU  the 
forewarde  is  strykcn  downe  and  troden  un- 
der the  foote  :  lauant  garde  est  toute  abat- 
tue et  défoulée.  This  yerthe  is  so  moche 
troden  under  the  foote  that  it  is  very  harde 
nowe  :  ceste  terre  est  tant  conculquée  des 
gens  quelle  est  fort  dure  mayntenant. 

I  treade,  as  a  cocke  dothe  an  benne.  Je  cauque, 
prim.  conj.  The  cocke  halh  troden  the 
benne  :  le  coq  a  cauquè  la  poulie. 

I  TREMBLE.  Je  tremble,  and  je  croule,  prim. 
conj.  On  my  faythe,  my  herte  trembleth  : 
par  mafoy  tout  le  cueur  me  tremble,  or  Je 
cueHr  me  croule. 

I  tremble,  as  one  dothe  that  is  in  an  axes.  Je 
me  frémis,  vcrhum  médium  prim.  conj.  f 
tremble  yet,  but  I  shall  be  marred  for 
heale  within  a  whyle  :  le  cueur  mefremyt 
encore,  mays  je  mourray  de  chault  tantost, 

I  TRENCHE  the  grounde.  Je  trenche,  prim.  conj. 
They  .hâve  trenched    a  large  myle  and 




more  :  ih  ont  tranché  vne  bonne  mjUe  et 

I  TRF.SPAS  agaynst  one,  I  do  liim  an  offencc  or 
trespas.  Je  offcnce,  prim.  conj.  and  je 
transgresse,  prim.  conj.  and  je  mesjais, 
conjugale  iyke  liis  symple  jefajs,  I  do. 
And  je  mesprens,  conjugale  Iyke  his  sym- 
ple  je  prens,  I  lake.  And  je  commets,  con- 
jugale Iyke  his  symple  je  mets,  I  put. 
And  je  fais  offence.  I  never  Irespassed 
agaynsl  hym ,  Ihal  I  wotle  of ,  in  my  lyfe. 
Jamays  ne  liiy  offencay ,  jamays  ne  lujr 
tTansgressay,jcanays  ne  luy  trespassay,  ja- 
mays ne  luy  mesfys,  jamays  ne  mesprins 
enuers  luy,  jamays  ne  commys  emiers  luy, 
and  jamays  ne  luyfys  offence,  ijueje  saichc, 
a  ma  vie.  So  ihal  al)  ihese  verbes  be  con- 
strued  wilh  a  dalyve  case ,  as  by  ihese 
exemples  may  apere. 

I  TREATE  of  a  mater.  Je  traicte,  prim.  conj. 
and  je  troife,  prim.  conj.  Wherof  Irealelh 
thi»  booke  bere  :  de  qaoy  traicte  cesl  Hure 

1  TRYFELL  or  toyc  with  one.  Je  joue,  je  truffe, 
je  me  gaudis,je  jonche,  and  je  me  truffle. 
You  may  well  parceyve  he  dolhe  but  try- 
fell  with  you  :  vous  pouez  bien  apperceuoyr 
quil  ne  fait  que  se  jouer,  or  que  truffer,  or 
se  gaudir,  or  se  joncher,  or  se  truffer,  or  se 
truffer  auecques  vous. 

I  TRïE  oui,  or  I  make  a  proufe  of  a  thing.  Je 
trie,  prim.  conj.  I  wyll  trye  il  oui  or  I 
hâve  doone  :  je  le  veulx  trier  aaant  quejaye 

I  trye  out,  or  serche  oui  the  truthe  of  a  ihyng. 
Je  inuestigue,  prim.  conj.  The  mater  is 
nat  so  doulefuli  but  thaï  the  truthe  maye 
be  tryed  oui  :  la  matière  nest  pas  si  doab- 
teuse  que  la  vérité  ne  puisse  être  inuestiguée. 

I  TBïLL  a  whirlygyg  rounde  aboutc.  Je  pirouette, 
prim.  conj.  I  bolde  the  a  peny  thaï  I  wyll 
tryll  my  whirlygyg  longer  about  ihan 
ihou  shalte  do  thyne  :  je  gaige  a  toy  vng 
denier  que  je  piroaetteray  de  ma  pirouette 
plus  longuement  que  ta  ne  feras  de  la  tienne. 

I  tryll.  Jejecte,  prim.  conj. 

I  TnYMME,asa  man  dolhe  his  heare  or  his 
busshe.  Je  agence,  and  je  betresche,  prim. 
conj.  Trvmme  my  busshe,  barber,  for  I 
intendc  lo  go  amongesl  ladyes  lo  day  : 
agencez,  or  hetreschcz  mes  cheuealx,  bar- 
bier, car  jay  intencion  de  me  trouuer  entre 
les  dames  aujourdhuy. 

I  trymme  one  in  apparayle,  I  make  thcm  lo 
be  proper  or  well  besene.  Je  acoynte, 
prim.  conj.  You  be  veiy  wel!  trymmed  to 
daye,  I  wene  you  go  a  woynge  :  foiis  estez 
fort  bien  accoynté  au  jourdhay,  je  croy  que 
vous  allez  amourescher. 

l  inYNDELt ,  as  a  boule  or  a  stone  dolhe.  Je 
rouUe,  prim.  conj.  Lette  a  stone  Irydcll 
from  the  toppe  of  the  hyll  to  the  botome 
of  the  vale  :  laissés  rouller  vne  pierre  da 
coapiau  de  la  montaigme  jusques  aufons  de 
la  vallée. 

I  TRïPPE,  as  a  dere  dolhe,  or  a  person  that 
gothe  lyghl  on  the  grounde.  Je  trippelte, 
prim.  conj.  She  hath  a  light  herte,  she 
tryppelh  and  il  were  a  doe  :  elle  a  le  cueur 
volage,  elle  tripette  comme  si  ce  fut  vng 

I  tryppe,  as  a  horse  dolhe  thaï  stombleth  nat 
out  ryght.  Je  douge,  prim.  conj.  and  je 
bronce,  prim.  conj.  My  horse  stombled 
nat,  he  dyd  but  tryppe  a  lytell  :  mon  che- 
ual'ne  choppyt  pas,  il  ne  fit  que  douger,  or 
bronccr,  vng  peu. 

1  tryppe ,  I  gyve  one  a  tryppe,  or  caste  my  foote 
byfore  hym  lo  gyve  hym  a  fall.  Je  tri- 
pette, prim.  conj.  Why  dyd  you  tryppe 
him  as  he  was  ronnyng,  you  mygh  bave 
done  hym  a  shreude  tourne  by  the  mea- 
nes  :  pour  quoy  le  tripettistez  vous  aynsi 
quant  il  estoyt  courrant,  possible  est  que 
vous  lay  eussiez  peu  faire  vng  maluays 

I  TRYCMPHE  for  a  conquest  or  a  victorye  got- 
len.  Je  triumphe,  prim.  conj.  Il  was  a  mar- 
vaylouse  syghl  to  se  the  Romaynes  try- 
umphe,  whan  ihey  had  the  vyctorie  of 
their  ennemyes  :  cestoyt  vne  chose  esmer- 
ueillable  que  de  veoyr  les  Romayns  trium- 


pher,  quant  Hz  auoyenl  la  victojre  de  leurs 

I  TROMPET,  I  blowe  or  sownde  in  a  trompet.  Je 
sonne  cne  trompette.  He  trompetteth  weil  : 
i7  sonne  bien  la  trompette. 

I  TROTTE  aboute  from  place  to  place.  Je  tra- 
casse les  rues,  prim.  conj.  I  hâve  doone 
iiaught  sythe  syxe  of  tlie  cloclie  in  the  mor- 
nyng  but  trotte  aboute  from  place  to  place  : 
je  nay  riens  fait  aultre  chose  despuis  six 
heures  au  malyn  sinon  que  de  tracasser  par- 
niy  les  rues. 

I  trotte,  as  a  horse  dotb.  Je  trotte,  prim,  conj. 
Trottetb  your  horse  or  dolhe  he  amble  :  a 
scaaoyr  mon  si  vostre  cheual  trotte  ou  ta  les 
ambles,  or  uo  la  hacquenée. 

I  TROUBLE.  Je  trouble,  je  moleste,  je  embrouille, 
je  perturbe,  je  solicite,  and  je  resoigne.  I 
wyll  nat  trouble  you  for  this  tyme  :je  ne 
vous  troubleray  pas,  OT  je  ne  vous  moleste- 
ray  poynl,  or  je  ne  vous  perturberay  point 
pour  cestefoys  icy. 

I  TROWE.  Je  pence,  prim.  conj.  and  je  cuyde, 
prim.  conj.  I  trowe  I  hâve  done  my  dutye: 
jepence, or  je  cuyde  que  jay  fait  mondebuoyr. 

I TBOCTHE  plyght,  I  hande  faste.  Je  fiance,  prim. 
conj.  Whan  shall  tby  suster  be  trouthe 
plyglrt:  quant  sera  ta  seur  fiancée? 

I  TRI  ssE  stuQe  to  cary  il.  Je  trousse,  prim.  conj. 
Trusse  up  al  my  bookes,  for  I  can  wante 
none  of  (hem  :  troussez  tous  les  liurcs  que 
jay,  car  je  ne  me  pays  passer  sans  ealr. 

i  trusse  in  a  maie.  Je  emmalle,  prim.  conj, 
Trusse  up  my  geare  in  the  maie,  for  I  wyll 
ryde  to  niorow  :  emmallez  mes  besoignes,  car 
je  veulx  cheaaucher  demayn. 

I  trusse  in  baies.  Je  balle,  prim.  conj.  I  hâve 
trussed  ail  myne  almondes  in  baies  •■  jay 
emballé  toutes  mes  ulmandes. 

I  trusse  in  cofers.  Je  encofjre,  prim.  conj.  Trusse 
up  your  geare  in  to  your  cofers  nowe 
you  be  at  leyser,  for  you  wolte  nat  howe 
soone  my  lorde  wyll  go  :  encoffrez  toutes 
voz  besoicjnes  maynlenant  que  vous  estez  a 
loysir,  car  uous  ne  scauez  pas  quant  mon- 
sieur se  partyra. 



I  trusse  up,  or  tucke  up,  as  a  woman  trusseth 
up  her  gowne.  Je  retrousse,  prim.  conj. 
Trusse  up  your  gowne  aboute,  you  shall 
go  the  belter  ;  retroussez  vostre  robbe,  vous 
yrez  de  mieulx;. 

I  TRDSTE,  I  hope.  J espère,  je  me  fe,je  me  confie, 
and  je  majfie.  I  truste  to  se  hym  a  man  or 
I  dye  :  je  espère  de  le  veoyr  homme  auant 
que  je  meure.  I  truste  in  you  :  je  me  fie  en 
vous,  and  je  majfie  en  vous.  It  is  nat  good 
to  truste  to  ail  men  :  il  nest  pas  bon  de  se 
confier  a  tous  hommes. 

I  truste  a  dettoure.  Je  accroys,  conjugale  lyke 
bis  symple  je  croys,  I  byleve.  You  shall 
pardon  me,  for  no  man  wyll  trust  me, 
except  I  bave  redye  money  :  vous  me  par- 
donnerez, car  nul  ne  me  teull  accroyre  si  je 
nay  argent  contant. 


I  TDCKB  up  my  gowne  byfore,  I  take  up  my 
gowne  afore,  as  a  woman  dothe  lo  go  the 
more  casyly,  or  whan  she  wyll  be  busye. 
Je  rebrousse,  and  je  retrousse,  prim.  conj. 
Tucke  up  your  gowne  afore  you  or  ever 
you  go  in  to  the  kytchyn  :  rebroussez  vostre 
robbe  auant  que  daller  a  la  cuisine. 

I  tucke  up  my  gowne  rounde  aboute  me.  Je  re- 
trousse, prim.  conj.  And  you  tucke  nat 
your  gowne  rounde  aboute  you  you  shall 
be  daggled  by  yonde  ail  mercy  ;  si  vous 
ne  retroussez  vostre  robbe,  vous  serez  crotté 
sans  pitié, 

I  TDHBLE,  as  a  tombler  dothe.  Je  tumbe,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  joue  vng  tour  de  souplesse. 
This  felowe  can  tomble  well  :  ce  compai- 
gnon  scuyt  bien  tamber,  or  jouer  vng  tour  de 

I  TORMENTE.  Je  tourmente,  prim.  conj.  Declared 
in  «I  lorment». 

I  TDNE  a  payre  of  virgynals  or  suche  lyke.  Je 
monte,  je  accorde,  je  acorde,  and  je  atempre. 
I  pray  you,  tune  my  virgynalles:  je  vous 
prie  de  monter  mes  espinettes,  or  daccorder 
mes  espinettes,  or  acorder  mes  espinettes,  or 




I  Tl'RNE  a  Ihyng.  Je  tourne,  prim.  conj.  Tourne 

the  :  lonme  toy. 

II  turnetli  to  good,  to  Larme,  to  honour,  to 

dishonnur,  and  suche  lyke.  Jl  lay  vient  a 
bien,  a  mal,  a  honneur,  a  deshonneur.  This 
mater  wyll  turne  you  to  displeasure  :  ceste 
matière  vous  viendra  a  desplaisir.  It  sball 
never  tourne  you  to  good  to  kepe  him 
companye  :  il  ne  vous  viendra  jamays  a  bien 
pour  luy  tenir  compaignie. 

I  turne  a  man  upwarde.  Je  renuerse,  prim.  conj. 
Tourne  this  man  upwarde,  iette  me  se  his 
face  :  rennersez  cest  homme  icy  (jueje  voye 
son  visaige. 

I  turne,  as  a  tourner  dothe  his  chayers  or  othe 
thynges.  Je  tourne,  prim.  conj. This  felowe 
lourneth  bowles  very  well  :  ce  compaignon 
tourne  des  bouUes  fort  bien. 

I  turne.  Je  contourne,  prim.  conj.  I  hâve  so 
moche  a  do  that  I  wotte  nat  where  to 
tourne  me  -.jay  tant  afayre  que  je  ne  scay 
ou  me  contourner. 

I  turne  an  herityke  ont  of  his  wronge  byleve. 
Je  conuertis,  sec.  conj.  I  wene  ail  the 
worlde  can  nat  tourne  this  herityke: je 
croy  que  tout  le  monde  ne  pourra  conuertir 
cest  hérétique. 

I  turne  upsyde  downe.  Je  tourne  cen  dessus  des- 
soubz.  He  hath  loumed  al  the  house  up- 
syde downe  :  il  a  tourné  toute  la  mayson  cen 
dessus  dessoubz. 

1  turne  up  and  downe,  as  we  do  a  man  or  fhynge 
that  lyeth  on  the  grounde  to  se  it  on  cvery 
syde.  Je  renuerce,  prim.  conj.  He  hath  ben 
tourned  up  and  downe  ynoughe,  I  trowe: 
i7  a  esté  assés  renuercé,  ce  croy  je. 

I  turne  up  agayne,  I  crooke  up  agayne.  Je  me 
retortille,  prim.  conj.  Se  howe  his  heares 
tourne  up  agayne  :  agardez  comment  ses 
cheueulx  se  retortillent. 

I  turne  upsyde  downe  (Lydgat).  Je  tourne  cen 
dessus  dessoubz,  declared  in  «I  tourne  up- 
•  syde  downe  ». 

I  turne,  as  a  man  dothè  in  a  daunce.  Je  me  ren- 
uoyse,  prim.  conj.  and  je  me  vire,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  me  reuire,  prim.  conj.  This 

terme  waxeth  out  of  commen  spetche  hy- 
cause  the  maner  of  daunsynge  is  chaung- 
ed;  howe  he  it  is  somtyme  used.  Marke 
howe  quicklye  he  tourneth  hym  in  his 
daunce  :  notez  comment  il  se  renaoyse,  or 
reuire,  or  vire  vistemenl  en  dansant. 

T    BYFORE   W. 

I  TWHïTE  one ,  I  caste  hym  in  the  telhe  or  in 
the  nose.  Je  luy  reprouche,  prim.  conj. 
This  terme  is  also  northren. 

I  TWYNE  threde,  I  double  it  with  the  spyndell. 
Je  retors,  nous  retordons,  je  retordis,  jay 
retors,  je  retorderay,  que  je  retorde,  re- 
tordre, tert.  conj.  Twyned  threde  is  stron- 
ger  than  syngell  -.fd  retors  est  plus  fort  que 
le  sengle.  I  wyll  twyne  this  threde  as  it 
shulde  be  retorderay  ce  fd  comme  il  de- 
ueroyt  estre. 

I  TWïNKELL  with  the  eye.  Je  clignetle,  and  je 
me  pétille,  prim.  conj.  Myne  eye  twynkleth 
somtyme  and  I  can  nat  cease  it  :  mon  oeil 
se  pétille  aulcunesfoys  et  je  ne  le  puis  ces- 
ser. You  twynkell  with  your  eye,  do  you, 
I  truste  you  never  the  bctter  :  vous  clignet- 
tez,faictez,je  ne  méfie  pas  mieubc  en  vous 
pour  cela. 

I  TWYST  threde,  I  twyne  threde.  This  terme  is 
northren;  declared  in  ol  twyne». 

I  TWYTCHE,  I  pull  a  thynge  sodaynely  or  has- 
tely.  Je  happe,  prim.  conj.  and  j«  arrache, 
prim.  conj.  He  twitched  il  out  of  my  ban- 
des or  I  was  ware  :  i7  larracha  hors  de  mes 
mains  auant  que  je  men  donnasse  garde. 

V   BYFORE   A. 

I  VAYLE,  I  profyte  or  advauntage.  Je  prouffitc, 
prim.  conj.  and  je  vaalx,  conjugat  in  «  I 
«  am  worthe  » .  What  vayleth  your  rychesses 
you  nowe  :  que  vous  proufjitenl,  or  vous 
voilent  voz  richesses  majntenant? 

I  TAYNQCYSSHE,  I  overcome.  Je  vaincs,  con- 
jugate  in  «I  overcome».  I  wyll  nastaye 
naye  but  that  he  may  waynquyssc  me, 
but  he  sball  fynde  other  men  or  he  bave 
dooue  ne  le  nie  pas  quil  ne  me  puisse 



vaincre,  mais  il  Irouuera  daahres  anant  cjuil 
ait  faict. 

I  VALDE,  or  estyme  llie  price  or  wortliynesse 
of  a  tbing.  Je  raualue,  prim.  conj.  and  je 
estime,  prim.  CODJ.  He  bath  a  jewell  that 
is  so  rycbe  tbat  I  can  nat  valewe  it  :  il  a  vne 
bague  tant  riche  que  je  ne  la  puis  point  ra- 
ualaer,  or  estimer. 

I  ïANTSSHE  out  of  sygbt,  I  départe  sodaynly 
from  ones  sygbt.  Je  me  esuanouys ,  verbum 
médium  sec.  conj.  and  je  me  despars,  con- 
jugale lyke  his  symple  je  pars,  I  parte, 
ibougb  his  fîrst  ietters  be  chaunged  in 
composicyon,  as  je  me  disparus,  je  me  suis 
disparu,  etc.  je  me  dispareray,  etc.  A  «py- 
rite wyll  vanysshe  and  corne  agayne  in 
the  twyniielyng  of  an  eye  ;  inj  esperit,  or 
ung  fantasme  se  esuanouyra,  or  se  disparera 
et  sen  retournera  en  vng  clyn  doeil. 

I  vanyssbe  awaye,  as  a  tbynge  dotbe  for  âge.  Je 
me  abolie,  verbum  médium  prim.  conj. 
And  a  woman  bc  ones  fourty,  her  beaulye 
wyll  vanisslie  awaye  :  si  vne  femme  a  vne 
foys  tjuarante  ans,  sa  beaullé  se  aboUera. 

1  VACNTAGE  one,  I  prcfyle  bym.  Je  vantaige, 
prim.  conj.  and  je  porte  prouffyt.  What 
dotbe  il  vauntage  you  to  go  so  often  over- 
see  :  ouest  ce  quil  vous  vantage,  or  aduan- 
tage,  or  porte  proujfit  pour  aller  si  souuent 
de  la  la  mer? 

I  VARïE ,  I  cliaunge  or  differ.  Je  me  varie,  and 
je  me  diffère,  and  je  diaersijie,  verba  mé- 
dia prim.  conj.  I  dare  promesse  you  our 
bookes  vary  nat  :  je  vous  ose  promettre  que 
noz  liares  ne  varient,  or  ne  5e  différent,  or 
ne  se  diuersifient  en  riens. 

I  VADNTE ,  I  boste ,  or  crake.  Je  me  vante,  and  je 
me  groye.  Il  is  no  wysdome  to  vaunte  you 
of  thaï  you  entende  to  do  :  ce  nest  pas  sai- 
gesse  que  de  vous  vanter,orqac  devons  groyer 
de  ce  que  vous  auez  intencion  défaire. 


I  VENGE  me  of  a  displeasure  done  unlo  me. 
Je  me  venge,  je  me  sais  vengé,  venger,  prim. 
conj.  Well  he  sayeth  but  lytie  yet,  but 

and  lie  lyve  he  wyll  venge  his  fathers 
dethe  :  il  ne  dit  guuyres  encore,  mays  sil 
vit  il  se  vengera  de  la  mort  de  son  père. 

I  VENTïLATE,  1  blowe  tydynges,  or  a  mater 
abrode.  Je  ventille,  prim.  conj.  andj'e  pu- 
Mie,  jo)-  publié,  publier,  prim.  conj.  He  is 
nat  worthy  to  be  a  counsaylour  that  venty- 
lateth  the  maters  abrode  :  il  nest  pas  digne 
destre  vng  conseiller  qui  ventille  lis  matières, 
or  qui  publie  les  matières  au  large. 

I  VERIFIE,  I  make  a  ihing  trewe.  Je  vérifie,  jay 
vérifié,  verifer,  prim.  conj.  And  of  the 
same  signyfycacion  is  je  auere,  jay  aueré, 
auerer.  I  veryfye  my  saycnges  to  hyiii  .je 
luy  verife,  or  je  luy  auere  mes  ditz.  He 
bath  nowe  verifyed  my  sayeuges  :  il  a 
mayntenant  vérifié,  or  aueré  mes  ditz. 

I  VERNTssHE  a  spurre,  or  any  yron  with  ver- 
nysshe.  Je  vernis,  sec.  conj.  Come  hyther, 
spnrryer,  bc  my  spurres  well  vernysshed  : 
viens  ca,  viens  ca,  esperonnier,  mes  espérons 
sont  ih  bien  vernis? 

I  VEXE,  I  grève.  Je  vexe,  jay  vexé,  vexer,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  greae,  prim.  conj.  anàjabire, 
and  jattayne,  and  jangoysse,  and  je  infeste, 
and  je  ressoigne,  and  je  persécute,  and  je 
solicite,  and  je  moleste,  prim.  conj.  This 
man  vexeth  me  sore  every  daye  :  cest 
homme  icy  me  vexe  fort,  or  me  greue  fort, 
or  me  abirefort,  or  me  attayne  fort ,  or  me 
angoysse  fort ,  or  me  infeste  fort,  or  me  res- 
soigne fort,  or  me  persécute  fort,  or  me  soli- 
cite fort,  or  me  moleste  fort  tous  les  jours. 

I  vexe  my  selfe.  Je  me  guermente,  verbum  mé- 
dium prim.  conj.  He  vexelh  hym  selfe 
more  than  he  nedeth  :  il  se  guermente  pins 
que  nest  besoing,  and  il  se  ve-re,  or  il  se 
greue,  usyng  those  verbes  as  meanes. 

V    BÏFORE   I. 

I  VYLE,  I  make  vyle.  Jauille,  prim.  conj.  Thou 
oughlest  to  be  a  shamed  to  vyle  thy  selfe 
with  thyn  yvell  longe  :  tu  doybs  auoyr 
honte  de  te  auiUer  de  ta  mauluayse  langue. 

I  vïSAGE,  I  make  contenannce  lo  oue.  Je  vi- 
saige,  prim.  conj.  This  in.-n  liath  vysaged 



me  well  sythe  I  came  in  a  dores  :  cest 
homme  icy  ma  bien  visaigé  despais  que  je 
suis  entré  en  la  mayson. 

I  vïsïTE  a  sicke  bodye ,  or  a  place.  Je  visite, 
prim.  conj.  It  is  an  almesse  dcde  to  visyte 
llie  poore  man,  he  hath  ben  longe  sycke  : 
cest  vng  oeuure  de  miséricorde  que  de  visiter 
le  poure  homme,  il  a  esté  long  temps  malade. 

I  VYTAïLE  a  casleil,  or  a  holde,  I  store  it  with 
vitayles.  Je  aduitaille,  prim.  conj.  andjc 
rauitaille,  prim.  conj.  We  havc  vitayled 
our  townes  for  thèse  two  yeres  :  nous 
auons  vitailU  noz  villes  pour  ces  deux  ans. 

U    BYFORE    M. 

I  cMBBAYDEone,  I  cast  one  in  the  tetlie  of  an 
ofTence  that  Le  hath  donc.  Je  reprouche, 
prim.  conj.  VVhat  though  he  hâve  done  a 
mysse,  it  was  nat  thy  parte  to  umbrayde 
hym  :  qaoj  quil  ayt  maljaict,  si  nest  ce  pas 
ta  part  de  luy  reproucher, 

U    BYFOHE    N. 

I  CNAGLBT  a  poynte,  or  lace.  Je  defferre,  prim. 
conj.  Hère  it  is  to  he  noted  where  we  use 
«  un  0  byforc  our  verbes  betokennyng  an 
undoynge  of  a  dede  ,  or  the  contrarye 
acte  that  the  verbes  selfe  sygnyfyeth,  the 
frenche  men ,  for  the  moste  parte ,  use 
to  put  de,  or  des,  byfore  their  verbes  of 
lyke  sence,  as  I  pray  you,  unaglet  ihis 
poynt  :  je  vous  prie,  defferrez  ceste  esguiU 

I  tJNARME  a  man.  Je  desarme,  prim.  conj.  Who 
hath  unarmed  hym  so  sone  :  qui  la  desarmé 

l  DMBARE  a  thyng.  Je  desnue,  prim.  conj,  Sythe 
I  se  the  vysage,  it  is  ynough,  I  wyil  un- 
bare  nothing  eh:puis  que  je  voys  le  visaige, 
cest  assez,  je  ne  veulx  riens  aultre  chose 

I  DNBENDB  a  bowe.  Je  desbende,  prim.  conj.  Un- 
bende  your  bowes,  syrs,  nowc  you  corne 
in  to  the  towne  :  desbendez  voz  arcz,  mes 
sieurs,  mayntenanl  que  nous  sommes  venus 
en  la  ville. 

I  UNBERYE  one ,  I  lake  hym  out  of  the  yerthe 
agayne.  Je  déterre.  It  shulde  semé  that 
he  hath  done  some  great  offence,  that 
they  unbury  hym  nowe  :  ilfault  dire  quil 
aylfayct  quelque  grant  offence  qailz  U  vont 
déterrer  maynienant. 

I  ONBYNDE,  1  losen.  Je  deslie,jay  deslii ,  deslier, 
prim.  conj.  He  shali  nat  be  unbounde  fbr 
me  :  il  ne  sera  pas  deslié  pour  moy. 

I  UNBOCKELL  a  thynge  that  was  boucled.  Je 
desboacle,  prim.  conj.  or  je  desblouque, 
prim.  conj.  Unboukeli  my  shoe,  I  pray 
you  :  desbouclez,  or  deblouquez  mon  sou- 
lier, je  vous  prie, 

I  UNBBIDEL ,  as  a  horse  or  mule  is.  Je  desbride, 
prim.  conj.  Unhridell  my  horse  and  gyvc 
hym  otes  :  desbridez  mon  cheual  et  lay  don- 
nez de  lauoyne, 

1  UNCEYLE  a  haukes  eyes,  or  other  byrdes,  [ 
eut  the  stytches  that  closed  his  eyes  to- 
gyther.  Je  desceille,  prim,  conj.  Unceyie 
your  pigyon  and  I  holde  you  a  grote  he 
wyll  go  frora  your  hauke  :  desceillez  vostre 
pijon,  et  je  gaige  a  vous  vng  gros  quil  es- 
chappera  de  vostre  oyseau. 

I  CNCLASPE  a  booke.  Je  dejferme,  prim.  conj.  I 
pray  you,  unclaspe  my  hoke,  for  I  am 
nat  stronge  ynough  vous  prie  de  dejfer- 
mer  mon  Hure,  car  ne  suis  pas  assez  fort. 

I  DNCLOSE,  or  make  open  a  thyng.  Je  desclos, 
jay  desclos,  desclorre,  conjugat  lyke  his 
symplejV  clos,  I  close.  Thèse  lotters  shall 
nat  be  unclosed  for  me,  I  wot  nat  from 
whence  they  corne  :  ces  lettres  ne  seront 
poynt  descloses  pour  moy,  je  ne  scay  pas 
dont  elles  viennent. 

I  DNCLOTHE  one  of  his  clothyng.  Je  despouille , 
prim.  conj.  and  je  desacsts,  conjugale  lyke 
bis  symp\e  je  vests ,  I  cloth.  Unclothe  you 
at  ones ,  for  you  shall  be  trymmed  starke 
naked  :  despoaillez  vous  a  coup,  or  desues- 
tez  vous  vistement,  car  on  vous  accoustrera 
bien,  or  vous  en  aurez  tout  nud. 

I  HNCOMBRE,  T  bring  out  of  combraunce.  Je 
descombre,jay  descombré,  descombrer,  prim. 
conj.  Alas,   good  man,  thou  haste  com- 



braunce   ynougli,  I  pray  God  unconibre 
the  :  helas,  poure  homme,  tu  as  de  leiicom- 
brance  assez,  je  prie  a  Dieu  quil  te  desen- 
combre, or  quil  te  descombre. 
I  DNCOVER  a  lliyng  Ihal  Is  co\ered.  Je descouures, 
conjugale  lyke  his  symple  je   couures,  l 
cover.  Uncover  this  man ,  take  awaye  the 
clothes  :  descouurcz  cest  homme,  ostez  les 
1  uncover  ones  heed.  Je  deffuble,  or  je  deffulle 
le  bonnet  (Romant),  prim.  conj.  aodjedes- 
couures,  ryght  frenche.  Wliy  do  you  Ihus, 
I  pray  you ,   be   nat  uncovered  for  me  : 
pour  quoy  faictez  vous  aynsi,  je  vous  prie, 
ne   vous  dejfublez  poynl  pour  moy ,  or  ne 
vous  descouarez,  or  dejfuUez  poynt  pour 
I  DNCCSTOME,  I   ieave  of  a  thyng  tbat  I  was 
wonte  to  use.  Je  desacoustume,  prim  .  conj. 
I  coulde  shoote  wilh  any  man  thaï  came, 
but  nowe  I  am    uncustomed  :  je  scauoye 
tirer  de  lare  a  tous  venans,  mays  maynte- 
nant  je  suis  desacoustume. 
I  UNDERMYNE  a  wall ,  or  any  thing  tbat  is  byl- 
ded.    Je  myne,  jay  myné,  myner,  prim. 
conj.  They  had  undermyned  the  wall  in 
lesse  than  halfe  an   houre  :  Hz  aaoyent 
myni   par  dessoubz  la  muraille  en  moyns 
dune  demy  heure. 
I  INDEBMYNDE  hy  craflc.  Je  suborne,  jay  suborné, 
suborner,  prim.  conj.  Mcdyil  nat  wilh  hym, 
I  reade  the ,  for  surely  he  wyli  under- 
mynde  the  :  naye  poynt  affayre  a  luy,  car 
cerfaynement  il  te  subornera. 
I    undermynde   one    by    glosynge   wordes  to 
knowe  his  mynde.  Je  suborne,  jay  suborné, 
suborner,  prim.  conj.   and  je  supplante , 
jay    supplanté,    supplanter,    prim.    conj. 
Take  good  hede  what  thou  sayestto  hym, 
for  be  cometh  for  naught  els  but  to  un- 
dermynde  the  :  prens  bien  garde  que  cest 
que  tu  luy  dis,  car  il  ne  vient  pour  aullre 
chose  fors  que  pour  loy  suborner,  or  sup- 
I  rNDEBSET  a  thyng,  I  put  a  thyng  under  it  to 
beare  it  up.  Je  estanchonne,  prim.   conj. 

Underset  your  house,  or  els  it  wyli  fait  : 
estanchonnés  vostre  mayson,  ou  aultrcment 
elle  cherra. 

I  DNDEBST ASDE ,  I  have  knowlcdge  of  a  thyng. 
Je  entenf,  nous  entendons ,  je  entendis,  jay 
entendu,  je  entenderay,  que  je  entende,  en- 
tendre, tert.  conj.  Thcy  understande  it  no 
more  than  a  maynye  of  oxen  :  Hz  ny  en- 
tendent non  plus  que  vng  tas  de  beufz.  I  un- 
derstande  me  congnoys.  I  understande 
no  iatyn  :  je  ne  me  congnois  pas  en  latin. 

I  understande.  Je  appercoys ,  nous  apperceuons , 
je  apperceus,jay  apperceu,je  apperceueray, 
que  je  appercoyue,  que  je  apperceusse ,  ap- 
perceuoyr,  prim.  conj.  For  as  farre  as  I  can 
understande,  it  is  so  :  pour  autant  que  je 
puis  apperceuoyr,  il  est  aynsi. 

I  ONDERTAKE ,  or  I  take  a  thyng  in  hande.  Je 
entreprens ,  and  je  emprens,  conjugale  lyke 
Iheir  symple  je  prens,  I  take.  As  touch- 
ynge  hym ,  1  dare  undertake  tbat  he 
halh  sayd  nolhynge  but  he  wyli  parforme 
il  :  quant  est  de  luy,  je  ose  entreprendre,  or 
emprendre,  qail  ne  dira  riens  quil  ne  veuille 
tenir  bon. 

I  DNDO  one  by  any  meane  or  hurt  done  to  lus 
person  by  reason  of  any  stroke.  Jaffole, 
jay  affolé,  affoler,  prim.  conj. The  man  is 
undone,  lie  shal  ncver  have  ihe  use  of  lus 
arme  whyle  be  lyveth  :  Ihommc  est  affolU, 
jamays  ne  se  aydera  de  son  bras. 

I  undo  one  by  takyng  away  bis  goodes  or  pos- 
sessyons.  Je  destruys,  jay  destruit,  des- 
truyre,  conjugale  in  al  distroye»,  and  je 
deffais,  jay  deffaicl,  deffaire,  conjugale 
{■jVc  je  fays ,  I  do,  in  the  seconde  booke. 
He  halh  undone  me  ,  I  am  worse  by  hym 
by  a  ibousande  markes  :  il  ma  destruyct, 
il  ma  deffaict,  or  il  nui  porté  dommaige  de 
mille  marcz. 

I  UNPOLDE  any  thyng  thaï  is  foldedup  togyder. 
Je  desploye,  jay  desployé,  desployer,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  desueloppe ,  jay  desueloppè, 
desuelopper,  prim.  conj.  Unfolde  ibis  clo- 
the,  and  than  we  shall  see  whether  Iherc 
be  any   hrakes  in  it  or  nal  :  desployez  ce 



drap,  or  desueloppe:  ce  drap,  et  alors  verrons 
nous  sily  a  point  de  renlrures  ou  non. 

F  unTolde,  1  put  shepc  out  of  the  folde.  Je 
deschampe,  juy  deschampé,  deschamper, 
prim.  îoiij.  It  is  tyme  to  unfolde  our 
shepe,  I  trowe  it  is  paste  eyght  of  tlie 
clocke  ail  redy  :  (7  est  temps  de  deschamper 
noz  brebis,  ce  croy  je,  il  est  passé  hujcl 
heures  desja. 

I  t'NGARNYSSHE.  Je  desyamis ,  sec.  conj.  Me 
tLyiike  my  cupborde  is  ungarnisshed  nowe 
I  wanle  my  salte  celler  :  il  niesl  adais  que 
mon  buffet  est  desgarny  mayntenant  que  ma 
salliere  est  enuoye. 

I  DNGYRDE  a  man  or  woman.  Je  desceings,  con- 
jugate  lyke  bis  syniple  je  ceyngs,  I  gyrde. 
He  shall  uat  be  ungyrde  for  me  :  il  ne  sera 
pas  desceingt  pour  moy, 

I  ungyrde  a  horse.  Je  descengle,  prim.  conj. 
Ungyrde  my  borse,  I  pray  the,  and  take 
of  bis  sadell  :  descenglez  mon  chetial,  je 
vous  prie,  et  osfez  luy  sa  selle. 

I  ONHOOFFE  a  borse,  i  puH  of  bis  booffe.  Je 
dessole,  prim.  conj.  And  you  unboofe  tbis 
bors  agaynst  wynter,  be  is  utterly  marred  : 
si  vous  dessolez  ce  cheual  contre  Ihyuer,  il 
est  pour  tout  jamays  gasié. 

I  DNHORSE  a  man ,  I  sette  hyra  bysyde  bis  borse. 
Je  desmonte,  prim.  conj.  Helpe  to  un- 
horsc  tbese  ladyes  :  aydez  a  desmonter  ces 

I  unhorsea  man  by  feates  of  armes  in  tbe  feide. 
Je  rue  jus.  He  was  unhorsed  at  tbe  seconde 
course  :  ilfust  rué  jus,  or  ilfust  rué  jus 
de  son  cheual  a  la  seconde  course. 

I  UNïTE,  I  bringe  dyverse  thynges  togytber  in 
one.  Je  vnis,  jay  vny,  vnir,  sec.  conj. 
Every  power  unyed  is  of  a  more  strengtb 
tban  wban  it  is  sparkied  abrode  :  toute 
force  vnie  est  plus  forte  quelle  nest  quant 
elle  est  disparcèe. 

I  DNKNïT,  I  unlose  a  tbynge.  Je  desnoue,  prim. 
conj.  Unknyt  my  gyrdell,  I  praye  you  : 
desnouez  ma  ceynclure,  je  vous  prie. 

I  DNLACE.  Je  me  délasse,  prim.  conj.  Unlace  tbis 
boyes  cote,  and  bringe  bym  to  bedde  : 

délassez  la  cotte  de  ce  garçon  et  aydez  le  a 
aller  coucher. 

I  DNLEnNE ,  I  forgette  tbe  tliynge  tbat  I  bave 
ierned.  Je  desaprcns,  conjugate  lyke  Je 
aprens,  I  lerne.  It  is  a  payne  to  lerne 
thynges,  but  a  man  may  unième  by  goyng 
a  huntyng  :  cesl  vue  payne  que  daprendre , 
mays  onpeult  desaprendreenallanlala  chasse. 

r  UNLOCKE  a  dore  or  cofer.  Je  defferme,  prim. 
conj.  and  je (/eiserrr,  prim.  conj.  No  man 
unlocke  my  cbamber  doore,  tyil  I  come 
agayne  :  que  nul  ne  dejjerme  Uiuys  de  ma 
chambre  tant  que  je  retourne. 

1  UNMAnYE  my  selfc.  Je  me  desmavie,  prim.  conj. 
I  can  nat  be  maryed  but  by  a  preest ,  but 
I  can  unmary  my  selfe  by  ronuyng  away 
in  to  an  otber  countray  :  je  ne  puis  eslre 
nmrié  sans  prestre ,  mays  je  mr  puis  desma- 
rier par  menfuyr  en  vng  aultrc  pays. 

I  DNNOCKE  a  shafte.  Je  descosche,  prim.  conj, 
Wbo  batb  unnocked  my  shaile  :  qui  a 
descosche  ma  jlesche? 

1  D.>iPnoVYDE.  Je  despouruoys ,  conjugate  lyke 
bis  symple  je  pouruoys,  I  purvaye.  He 
sbalbe  bertely  welcome,  but  I  am  yet  un- 
provyded  for  bim  :  il  sera  le  iresbien  venu, 
mays  je  suis  encore  despourueu  pour  luy. 

I  UNRAY  one,  I  put  bis  garmentes  from  bis 
backe.  Je  despouille,  prim.  conj.  Unraye 
your  selfe  as  faste  as  you  can ,  my  lorde 
wyll  go  a  fyssbing  :  despoudlez  vous  aussi 
lost  que  vous  pouez,  monsieur  vetdt  aller 

I  DNSHOO  a  borse.  Je  déferre,  prim.  conj.  Ryde 
no  farther,  your  borse  is  unshod  of  botbe 
bis  hynder  fête  :  ne  cheuuulcliez  pas  plus 
auant,  vostre  cheual  est  dejferré  de  tous  ses 
deux  piedz  de  derrière. 

I  DNSHOTE,  I  open.  Je  dejferme,  prim.  conj. 
Unsbote  tbe  doore  ;  dejfermez  lliuys. 

I  DNSTOPPE  atbing  tbat  is  stopped.  Je  destouppe, 
prim.  conj.  Unstoppe  nat  tbe  bottell  tyll 
we  shall  drinke  on  it  :  ne  destouppez  poynt 
la  boulaille  tant  que  nous  lentamerons. 

I  DNTBY,  I  losen.  Je  deslie ,  prim.  conj.  Untey 
my  hosen  :  desliez  mes  chausses. 



I  UNWERïR,  I  refresshe  one  aftcr  his  vvery- 
nesse.  Je  dehsse,  prim.  conj.  You  ha\e  res- 
ten  you  here  this  lioure,  you  be  anwcryed, 
I  trowe,  by  this  tyme  :  vous  vous  estez  icy 
reposé  vne  heure,  vous  eslez  délassé  maynle- 
nant,  ce  croyje. 

I  UNWBAPPE.  Je  desuelope,  prim.  conj.  Un- 
wrappe  this  same  and  looke  what  is  in  it  : 
desuelopez  cecy  et  regardez  que  cest  quil  y 
a  dedens. 

V  BÏFOHE  O  — •  U. 

I  VODCHESAOFE,  I  wytsaufe.  Je  daigne,  prim. 
conj.  Thoughe  you  prayc  hym  never  so 
moche,  if  he  wyll  nat  wouchcsaufe  to  do 
it,  you  iese  your  payne  :  j'a  soyt  tant  plus 
le  priez  vous,  sil  ne  le  daigne  faire,  vous 
perdez  voslre  payne. 

I  voïDE ,  I  emptye.  Je  vuyde,  prim.  conj. 
Voyde  this  water  :  vuydez  ceste  eaue.  He 
voydeth  wormes  :  les  vers  luy  sortent  du 

I  voyde  a  thyng  out  of  the  way,  or  out  of  syght. 
Je  oste,  prim.  conj.  or  je  mets  hors  de 
l'eue,  conjugale  in  •!  put».  Voyde  thèse 
foule  thynge.s  out  of  syght  :  ostez,  or  met- 
tez ces  hydes  choses  hors  de  veue. 

I  vomît,  1  spewc.  Je  vomis,  sec.  conj.  He  vomy- 
telh  oft,  and  that  I  lyke  nat  :  il  vomyt,  or 
i7  gomit  souuent,  et  cela  ne  me  plait  pas. 

I  VOWE.  I  raake  a  promesse.  Je  voue,  prim. 
conj.  If  a  man  bave  vowed  a  thyng  ones , 
never  let  hym  :  si  on  a  voué  quelque  chose 
vnes  foys ,  ne  lempeschez  pas. 

I  DPHOLDE.  Je  mayntiens,je  ratifie,  prim.  conj. 
je  soubtiens,  je  supporte,  and  je  afferme, 
prim.  conj.  Sythe  he  liath  sayde  if,  I  wyll 
upholde  it  -.puis  quil  la  dict,je  le  veulx 
maynienir,  or  ratifier,  or  soubstenir,  or  sup- 
porter, or  affermer. 

I  upholde  a  ware  or  marchaundyse  lo  be  good, 
as  they  do  that  warrant  their  stuffe  to  the 
byars.  Je  pleuuis ,  jay  pleuuy,  pleuuir,  sec. 
conj.  I  wyll  upholde  hym  for  as  soundea 
horse  as  any  is  in  Englande  le  veulx 
pleuuir  pour.vng  aussi  sayn  cheual  quily  a 

poynt  en  Engletcrrc.  I  upholde  my  ware 
that  it  is  good  :  je  pleuuys  ma  marchandise 
quelle  est  bonne. 

I  URE  one ,  I  acf  ustunie  hym  to  a  thyng.  Je  vse, 
prim.  conj.  or  je  vsile,  prim.  conj.  and  je 
accoustume ,  prim.  conj.  And  he  be  ones 
ured  to  it,  he  wyll  do  well  ynoughe  : 
mays  quil  soytvnefoys  vsité,  or  accoustume, 
or  vsé  a  cela,  il  fera  bien  assez. 

I  CSAGE.  Je  vsaigc,  prim.  conj.  Whan  a  man  is 
nal  usagcd  in  a  thyng,  it  is  no  marvayle 
though  he  can  nat  do  it  :  quant  vng  homme 
nest  pas  vsilé ,  or  vsaigé  a  vne  chose,  ce  nesl 
pas  de  merueille  sil  ne  la  peult  faire. 

I  DSE.  Je  vse,  prim.  conj.  and  Je  vsaige,  and  je 

I  use  opprobriouse  wordes  to  one.  Je  injurie, 
prim.  conj.  Why  hâve  you  used  thèse  op- 
probriouse wordes  unto  hym  :  pour  quoy 
lauez  vous  aynsi  injurié  ? 

I  use ,  I  wonle,  or  haunte  a  place  or  a  custume. 
Jevsitc,  prim.  conj.  and  je  accoustume , 
prim.  conj.  I  use  it  sonityme,  but  nal  al- 
wayes  lusite,  or  laccoustume  aulcune 
foys,  mays  non  pas  toujours. 

I  CSDRE.  Jevsure,  prim.  conj.  or  je  commetz 
vsure.  If  our  charyle  were  ullerlv  parfyle, 
one  chrislenned  man  shuldc  nat  usure 
wilh  an  other  :  si  nostre  charité  estoyt  du 
tout  patfaicte,  nul  chrestien  vsureroyt  aaec 
lung  laullre. 

I  usnBPE,  I  use  another  mannes  goodes  orpos- 
sessyons  wrongfully.  Jevsurpe,jay  vsurpé, 
vsurper,  prim.  conj.  llovve  longe  it  is  sythe 
he  began  Crst  to  usurpe  upon  you  :  com- 
bien y  a  il  despuis  qud  commença  première- 
ment a  vsurper  sur  vous? 

I  CTTEB  niy  langage  or  ray  voyce.  Je  profère, 
prim.  conj.  Afteryouraudyence  utteryour 
langage  :  selon  vostre  audience  proferez  vos- 
tre  langaige. 

I  uttcr  ones  counsayle.  Je  diuulgue  son  conseil, 
and  je  détecte,  prim.  conj.  Ile  that  uttercth 
my  counsayle  ones,  Iwyll  never  truste  hym 
whyle  I  lyve  :  qui  que  diuulgue  mon  conseil 
unesfoys,  jamays  ne  mefieray  en  luy. 



I  VOLGATE.  Je  vulgarise,  prim.  conj.  This  thyng 
is  vulgate  nowe  liowe  so  everit  happcneth  : 
ceste  chose  est  talgarisée  maynlenant  com- 
ment quil  soyt  aduenu. 

W   BYFORE   A. 

I  WADE  over  a  ryver.  Je  passe  la  gué  dune  riuyerc. 
The  ryver  is  nat  so  dcpe  as  you  take  it,  for 
a  man  maye  wade  it  over  :  la  riuiere  nest 
pas  si  parfonde  comme  vous  la  prennez,  on 
la  pealt  bien  passer. 
I    WAGE  souldyers.  Je  gaige,  prim.  conj.  He 
halh  waged  more  tban  a  thousaode  men 
to  go  with  him  :  i7  a  gaigè  plus  de  mille 
hommes  pour  aller  auecques  luy. 
I  WAGGE  a  thyng  up  and  downe.  Je  escoue, 
prim.  conj.  Do  you  nat  se  hym,  he  wag- 
geth   his  hande  at  you  :  ne  le  voyez  vous 
pas,  il  escoue,  or  il  scoue,  la  mayn  a  vous. 
I  WAY  a  thyng,  I  trye  howe  moche  a  thyng 
wayes  by  weyghtes.  Je  poyse,  jay  poysé, 
poyser,  prim.  conj.  or  je  pesé,  prim.  conj. 
whiche  is  more  used  in  commen  spetche. 
I  pray  you ,  go  way  this  angeil ,  and  tell 
me  and  he  he  vveygl  vous  prie,  allez 
peser,  or  poyser,  cest  angelot,  et  dictez  moy 
sil  «jt  de  poyx. 
I  waye,  I  value  a  mater,  or   consyder  howe 
moche  it  his  Vforthe.  Je  pondère,  jay  pon- 
déré, pondérer,  prim.  conj.  Let  hym  alone, 
he  wyll  way  the  mater  well  ynoughe  or 
he  gyve  judgemcnt  :  laysez  le  faire,  il  pon- 
dérera la  matière  bien  assez  auant  quil  donne 
I  WAYKEN  a  thynge ,  I  make  it  weake  or  feble. 
Je  inferme,  prim.  conj.  and  je  affoyblys, 
sec.  conj.  Their  power  is  waykenned  : 
leur  pouuoyr  est  affoyblié,  or  infermé. 
I  wayken  salte  meates,  I  lay  them  in  water. 
Je  attrempe  en  leaue ,  prim.  conj.  If  your 
salte  fysshe  he  nat  well  waykenned ,  ail 
is  marred  :  si  vostre  morue  nest  pas  bien 
attrempée,  elle  est  toute  gasiée. 
I  WATLE ,   I  make  mone.  Je  me  gaermente,  je 
me  sais  guermenlé,  guermenter,  prim.  conj. 
Whan   he  wayleth  ,  thus  I  must   pytie 


hym ,  though  lie  were  a  jewc  ;  quant  il 
se  guermente  aynsi ,  il  faull  que  jaye  pitié 
de  luy,  et  fust  il  vng  juyf. 
I  WAYNE  a  chyldc    from    soukyng.   Je  seure , 
prim.  conj.  Wayne  nat  your  chylde  yet , 
he  is  nat  twelve  monthes  olde  ;  ne  seurez 
pas  vostre  enfant  encore,  il  na  pas  vng  an. 
I  WAYTE,  I  lyeawayte  for  one  to  hurtc  hym, 
or   to    spye    what  he   dothe.  Je  guette, 
prim.  conj.  I  wyll  wayte  him  hcre   tyll 
to  morowe  but  I  wyll  bave  him  :  je  le 
guetteray  icy  jusques  a  demayn  si  je  ne 
le  ay. 
I  wayte  upon  one,  [  am  redy  at  his  hande 
to  do  hym  servyce.  Je  altens.  On  whom 
wayte  you  :  sur  qui  attendez  vous? 
I  WAKE  out  of  my  slepe.  Je  me  esueille,  or  I 
wake  an  othcr.  Je  esueille,  prim.  conj. 
I  wake  every  daye  at  syxe  of  the  clocke  : 
je  me  esueille  tous  les  jours  a  six  heures. 
Sythe  he  is  a  slepe ,  I  wyll  nat  awake 
hym  :  puis  quil  se  est  endormy,  je  ne  le 
esueilleray  pas. 
I  WALKE  by  the  way.  Je  chemyne ,  prim.  conj. 
I   can  endure  to  walke  by  the  waye  as 
well  as  an  other  :  je  puis  endurer  de  che- 
miner  par  le  chemin   aussi  bien  que  vng 
I  walke  toand  fro,  as  an  ydell  parson  dothe. 
Je  trasse,  prim.  conj.  In  dede  you  walke 
the  stretes  :  en  effecl  vous  trassez,  or  tra- 
cassez les  rues. 
I  walke  up  and  downe.  Je  promayne,  indje 
me  prommayne ,   etc.  Walke  ,  pyke  you 
hence  :  tire  auant.  I  hâve  walked  up  and 
downe  for  jou  hère  thèse  two  houres  ; 
je  me  suis  icy  prommené  ces  deux  heures 
pour  vous,  or  promené. 
I  WALL,  I  shytup,  or  close  up,  wilhin  walles. 
Je  mure,  prim.  conj.  anà je  emmure ,  prim. 
conj.   It  is   a   barde  relygyon  to  be  an 
anchre ,   for    they  be  shytle  up  within 
walles  and  can  go  no  farther  :  cest  vne 
dure  chose  que  désire  vng  ancre,  car  Hz 
sont   emmurez  el  ne   poauent  sortir  nulle 



I  WALLOWE ,  I  tourne  to  aod  fro.  Je  me 
voystre ,  verbum  médium  prim.  conj. 
What  wylte  thou  gyve  me ,  and  I  w)li 
walowe  from  this  hyll  toppe  down  to 
the  grounde  :  que  me  veuLc  tu  donner,  et 
je  me  voystreray  despuis  le  coupeau  de 
cesle  montaigne  jusifues  a  terre. 

I  WALTER ,  I  tumble.  Je  me  voystre,  prim.  conj. 
Hye  you ,  your  horse  is  walterynge  yon- 
der,  he  wyli  breakc  bis  saddell  but  more 
bappe  be  :  hastez  vous,  vostre  cheaal  se 
voystre  la,  il  rompera  sa  selle,  si  la  for- 
tune ne  est  meilleure. 

I.WAMBLE,  as  ones  stomacke  dotbe.  Je  allecte, 
prim.  conj. 

I  WANDER,  as  a  mastericsse  person  dotbe.  Je 
vagabonde,  prim.  conj.  How  sayest  thou, 
is  tbis  a  good  lyfe  to  wander  up  and 
downe  on  this  maner  :  qui  dis-tu,  est  ce 
vne  bonne  vie  que  de  vagabonder  en  ce 
poynl  hault  et  bas  comme  tu  fais? 

I  wander,  as  one  dotbe  that  bath  loste  bis 
waye.  Je  me  foruoye,  prim.  conj.  I  bave 
wandred  in  tbis  wodde  ail  nyght  :  je  me 
suis  foruoyé  en  ce  boys  toute  ceste  nayct, 
and  je  me  suis  desuoyé. 

I  WANTE.  //  me  fault,  il  me  falloyt,  il  mafalu, 
il  mefauldra,  and  jayjaulte  de.  It  wantcd 
but  a  lytell  tbat  I  was  nat  taken  :  a  pou 
que  je  ne  fus  prias.  Wbat  wante  you  :  que 
vous  fault-il?  There  lackctb  but  lytle,  1 
promesse  you  :  peu  sen  fault,  je  vous  pro- 
metz.  I  wante  nothynge,  I  tbanke  God  : 
riens  ne  me  fault.  Dieu  mercy.  Wbat  wante 
you  ;  vous  fault-il  rien? 

It  wantetb  but  a  lytell  that  suche  or  suche 
thynge  is  doone.  A  pou  que  telle  chose  ne 
soyt faite,  a  pou  que  ne  men  désespère,  mays 
a  pou  quelle  ne  me  brusla.  \nAjay  mestier. 
I  wante  a  gowne  :  jay  mestier  dune  robbe. 
I  wante  monaye  :  argent  me  fault.  I  wolde 
be  gladde  to  be  better  apparaylcd,  but  I 
wante  monaye  me  accoustreroys  vou- 
lentiers  mieulx  que  je  ne  suis,  mays  argent 
me  fault. 

I  WABRANTE.  Je  garante,  prim.  conj.    and  je 

garantis,  jay  garanly,  garantir,  sec.  conj. 
So  that  the  olde  Romante  tonge  uscd  this 
verbe  of  the  fîrst  conjugacion,  but  nowe, 
at  thèse  dayes,  he  is  used  of  the  seconde. 
I  wyll  gyve  hym  an  hundred  pounde  that 
dare  warrant  hym  luy  donneray  cent 
Hures  qui  lose  garantyr. 

I  warant,  as  a  marcbaunt,  or  seller  dotbe  bis 
ware  that  it  is  good.  Je  pleuuis,jay  pleuuy, 
pleuuir,  sec.  conj.  I  dare  warrant  the  ware 
for  good  :  je  ose  pleuuir  la  marchandise 
pour  bonne. 

I  WARBELL  with  the  voyce,  as  connyng  syngers 
do.  Jeverbie,  prim.  conj.  It  is  a  worlde  to 
bere  hym  synge,  whan  be  is  disposed  to 
warbell  :  cesl  vng  monde  que  de  louyr  chan- 
ter, quant  il  est  délibéré  de  verbier.  And  in 
this  sence  I  fynde  a\so  je  gringotte,  priva. 

I  ware,  I  bcstowe  monay,  or  laboure  upon  a 
tbyng.  Jemploye,  jay  employé,  employer, 
prim.  conj.  Ware  well ,  ye  hurte  me  nat 
gardez  bien  de  me  blesser.  I  bave  wared  ail 
tbe  monay  in  my  purse  to  daye  :  jay  em- 
ployé tout  largent  de  ma  bource  aujoardhuy 

I  WARTSSHE,  I  recover  my  heltb  after  a  syck 
ncsse  or  daungcr  (Lydgat).  Je  me  garis 
or  je  me  guaris,  verbum  médium  prim 
conj.  This  terme  is  nowe  lytel  used 
thougbe  Lydgale  batb  it  often. 

I  WABME.  Je  chauffe,  prim.  conj.  You  must 
warme  your  medecyne  or  you  drinke  it  : 
i7  vous  fault  chauffer  vostre  medicine  aaani 
que  la  boyre, 

1  WABNE,  I  monyssbe.  Je  admoneste ,  jay  ad- 
monesté, admonester,  prim.  conj.  I  warne 
hym  for  his  well  :je  luy  admoneste  pour  son 
bien,  and  je  aduertis,  sec.  conj.  He  was 
warned  bereof  afore  :  il  estoyt  aduerty  de 
cecy  deuant.  And  je  mets  en  soaaenance. 

I  warne,  I  défende  one,  or  commaunde  hym 
nat  to  do  a  thynge.  Je  deffens,jay  deffendu, 
deffendre ,  conjugate  in  «  I  défende».  I 
warne  you  do  it  nat  le  vous  deffens. 

I  warne  a  man  to  apere  ata  courte  in  judge- 
ment.  Je  somme,  je  adjoarne,  and  je  se- 




moni,  conjugale  in  il  bydde  to  dyner».  I 
am  warned  to  be  at  tbe  spyriluall  courte 
to  morowe  :  je  suis  sommé,  or  je  suis  ad- 
journé,  or  je  suis  semons  pour  estre  demajn 
a  la  court  desglise. 

I  warne  one  of  a  mater  in  processe.  Je  intime, 
prim.  conj.  No  man  halb  warned  me  yet: 
nul  ne  me  la  intimé  encore. 

I  WARRANT  one  to  save  him  harmiesse.  Je  ga- 
rantis, jay  garanty,  garantir,  sec.  conj.  I 
wyli  gyve  hym  twenty  pounde  that  dare 
warrante  me  :je  luy  donneraj  vingt  Hures 
qui  me  osera  garanfyr. 

I  WARPE,  as  bordes  do,  whan  they  croke  for 
want  or  good  seasonnyng.  Je  me  debiffe,je 
me  suis  debijp,  dehiffer,  prim.  conj.  Thèse 
bordes  ^vyll  warpe  by  cause  you  occupye 
them  or  they  be  well  seasonned  :  ces  ais 
se  dchijferont  parce  que  vous  les  occupés  de- 
uant  quilz  soient  bien  saisonnez. 

I  WABBE ,  I  make  or  kepe  warre  agaynst  one.  Je 
guerroyé,  prim.  conj.  and  je  maine  guerre. 
The  turkehath  warrcd  with  Christendome 
ail  my  dayes  :  le  granl  Turc  a  guerroyé  la 
Chrestyenté,  or  a  mené  guerre  contre  la  chres- 
tienté  toute  ma  vie. 

I  WARRYE,  I  banne  or  curse.  Je  maaWis,  con- 
jugale in  je  dis,  I  saye.  This  is  a  farre 
northren  terme. 

I  WASSHE  by  hande  willi  sope.  Je  laue  en  sauon. 
I  praye  you ,  wasshe  my  shyrte  by  hande  : 
je  vous  prie,  lauez  ma  chemise  en  sauon. 

I  wasshe  in  a  bucke.  Je  laue  la  lessiue.  I  wyll 
wasshe  ali  my  table  clothes  in  a  bucke  : 
je  laueray  toutes  mes  nappes  en  la  lessiue. 

I  wasshe.  Je  laue,  prim.  conj.  What  thynge  is 
that ,  the  more  men  wasshe  it  the  more  it 
styuketh  :  quelle  chose  est  cela  que  tant  plus 
on  la  laue  et  tant  plus  elle  put  ? 

I  WASTE.  Je  gaste,je  consume ,  je  diminue,  je 
vse,  and  je  amenuise.  AU  tliyng  wasteth 
but  the  grâce  of  God  :  toute  chose  se  gaste, 
se  consume,  se  diminue,  se  vse,  or  se  ame- 
nayse,fors  que  la  grâce  de  Dieu. 

I  WATCHE,  or  lye  in  awayte.  Je  guette,  prim. 
conj.  I  bave  watched  hym  hère  tbese  two 

heures  :  je   lay  guetté   icy  de   ces   deux 

I  watche,  I  forbeare  from  slepe.  Je  resueille.  He 
that  watcheth  al  nyght  and  slepeth  ail 
daye  is  mete  to  catche  a  purse  by  the  way  : 
celluy  qui  resueille  toute  la  nuyct  et  se  dort 
toute  jour  est  bien  propice  de  conquester  vne 
bource  par  le  chemyn. 

I  watche.  Je  veille,  or  je  vigille,  prim.  conj. 
I  can  nat  indure  to  watche  :  je  ne  puis 
pas  endurer  de  veiller,  or  de  vigiller. 

I  watche  for  a  thynge  in  vayne.  Je  me  amuse, 
prim.  conj.  You  hâve  made  me  watche 
hère  thèse  two  heures  :  vous  mauez  icy 
J'aict  amuser  ces  deux  heures.  I  bave  watch- 
ed hère  longe  for  naught  :  je  me  suis  icy 
longuement  amusé. 

I  WATER  a  horse.  Je  abreuue.  I  wyl  water  my 
horsc,  and  come  to  you  by  and  by  :jc 
abrcuueray  mon  cheual  et  viendray  a  vous 
tout  asteure.  My  tethe  waters  to  se  yonder 
fayre  appels  :  leaue  me  vient  a  la  bouche  de 
veoyr  ces  belles  pommes  la. 

I  water  yerbes.  Je  arrouse,  prim.  conj.  If  thèse 
herbes  be  nat  watered ,  they  wyll  be  mar- 
red  :  si  on  ne  me  arrouse  pas  ces  herbes,  on 
les  gastera. 

I  WAVE,  I  wagge  up  and  downe.  Je  ventille, 
prim.  conj.  anà  je  volette,  prim.  conj.  Se 
howe  yonder  baner  waveth  :  aduisez  com- 
ment ceste  baniere  la  ventille,  or  volette. 

I  wave,  as  the  see  dothe.  Je  vague,  or  je  vn- 
doye,  prim.  conj.  Aller  a  storme  the  see 
waveth  :  a/)res  vng  orraige  la  mer  se  vague, 
or  se  vndoye, 

I  WAVER  with  the  wynde.  Je  volette,  prim.  conj. 
Yonder  baner  wavereth  a  pace  :  ceste  ba- 
niere ta  volette  fort. 

1  waver ,  I  am  nat  stedfast  in  my  mynde.  Je 
vacille,  prim.  conj.  He  wavereth  in  bis 
faythe  :  il  vacille  en  safoy. 

I  WAXE,  I  begyn,  I  bccome,  or  1  make  fayre, 
foule,  wyse,  foolysshe,  great,  lytell,  or 
suche  lyke.  So  that  in  our  tonge  we  bave 
none  other  maner  to  expresse  inchoacion 
suche  as  the  latynes  cali  verbes  inchoaty- 



ves  but  by  pnttyng  one  of  ihese  verbes,  I 
waxe,  I  begyn,  I  become,  or  I  make,  byfore 
ouradjectyves.  Butthe  frenchemen  in  ma- 
ner  for  every  suche  verbe  forme  a  verbe 
out  of  their  adjeclyves  selfe,  whiclie  is 
of  their  seconde  conjugacyon  and  used 
lyke  meane  verbes;  as  je  embeUys,je  en- 
laydis,  je  assaygis,  je  enjollys,  je  agran- 
dys,  je  appetisis,  and  so  of  the  resydue. 
But  for  the  more  suertye  to  the  lernar, 
I  shall  eipresse  suche  verbes  of  this  sorte 
as  be  moste  used  in  the  franche  tonge 
after  the  order  of  A,  B,  C,  notynge  hère 
that  some  in  oui  tonge  write  I  waxe 
fayre  :  je  deuiens  bel,  conjugat  lyke  bis 
symple  je  viens,  I  come  :  and  the  substan- 
tyve,  as  for  I  waxe  folysse  deuiens  fol, 
or  the  adjectyve,  as  I  waxe  wyse  :  je  de- 
uiens saige. 

I  waxe  an  edge ,  as  ones  tethe  do  after  sowre 
frute.  Je  me  agace,  je  me  suis  agacé,  aga- 
cer, prim.  conj.  I  dare  cate  no  crabbes, 
for  my  tethe  wyli  waxe  an  edge  than 
nose  pas  manger  des  pommes  de  boys,  car 
mes  dens  se  agaceront  doncques. 

I  waxe  a  foolc  agayne.  Je  rajfolle,  prim.  conj. 
You  shalsebim  waxe  a  fooleagayne  :  vous 
le  verrez  raffoller. 

I  waxe  a  mased.  Je  me  eslonne,  verbum  mé- 
dium prim.  conj.  He  waxed  aœased  a 
whyle  with  the  stroke,  but  he  came 
shortly  to  bimselfe  agayne  :  il  deuint  es- 
tonné  vng  petit  du  coup,  mars  il  reuint 
bien  tost  a  soy  niesmes. 

I  waxe  angrye ,  I  chaufe.  Je  me  courrouce,  ver- 
bum médium  prim.  conj.  He  wyll  waxe 
angrye  anone ,  but  it  is  sonc  done  :  il  se 
courroucera  bien  tosl,  mays  son  courroux 
est  bien  tost  passé. 

I  waxe  beestysshe,  or  foiysshe  lyke  a  heest.  Je 
me  abestys,  sec.  conj.  A  man  by  misgovern- 
ing  may  waxe  a  bestysshe  :  vng  homme 
par  maulaays  gouuernement  se  pcult  abestyr. 

I  waxe  blacke.  Je  me  ennoyrcys,  vcrhum  mé- 
dium, sec.  conj.  and  je  me  noyrcis,yeT- 
bum  médium  sec.  conj.  Your  hande  shall 

waxe  blacke  after  this  stroke  :  vosfre  mayn 
se  ennoyrcyra,  or  se  noyrcyra  après  ce  coup. 

I  waxe  bolde,  I  waxe  hardye  to  assayle  myne 
ennemye.  Je  me  csbaudis,  sec.  conj.  He 
waxeth  bolder  every  day  than  he  was 
wonte  to  be  :  il  se  esbaudit  de  jour  en  jour 
plus  quil  ne  souloyt  estre. 

I  waxe  bright,  as  any  fhyng  that  shyneth  whan 
it  waxeth  cl  ère.  Je  me  resplendis,  verbum 
médium  sec.  conj.  The  sonne  waxeth 
bright,  we  shall  bave  a  fayre  day  :  h  soleil 
se  resplendit,  nous  aurons  vng  beau  jour. 

I  waxe  chyldysshe,  I  dote  for  âge.  Je  me  ra- 
dotte,  verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  Il  is 
pytie  of  this  poore  man,  he  waxeth  chil- 
dysshè  agayne  :  cest  pitié  de  cepoure  homme, 
il  se  radotte. 

I  waxe  clere,  I  waxe  bright  or  clene.  Je  me 
esclarcis,  verbum  médium  sec.  conj.  It 
waxeth  clerc  :  te  temps  se  esclarcit.  We 
maye  nowe  go  a  huntynge,  for  the  wea- 
ter  waxeth  clere  :  nous  pouons  maynte- 
nant  aller  a  la  chasse,  car  le  temps  se  esctar- 

I  waxe  colde.  Je  me  rcjroydis,  sec.  conj.  Call 
for  a  chafyngdysshc ,  for  your  potage  wyll 
waxe  colde  els  -.faictez  venir  vng  reschauf- 
foyr,  car  vostre  potaige  se  refroydira  aultre- 

I  waxe  cowardysshe,  or  faynte  herted.  Je  mac- 
couardis,  verbum  médium  sec.  conj.  I 
parceyved  by  bym  be  waxed  cowardysshe 
or  ever  they  came  to  hande  strokes  :  je 
men  apperceuoye  bien  qail  se  accouardissoit 
auant  quilz  se  vinssent  combatre  main  a 

I  waxe  crabbed ,  or  angrye  countenaunced. 
Je  me  rechigne,  verbum  médium  prim. 
conj.  I  love  nat  to  medell  with  her 
whan  she  waxeth  crabbed  :je  nayme  pas 
de  auoyr  affayre  a  elle  quant  elle  se  re- 

I  waxe  craftye.  Je  me  cautelle,  verbum  mé- 
dium prim.  conj. 

I  waxe  darke,  as  the  weather  or  the,  sonne 
dothe.  Je   me  obscure,  verbum   médium 



prim.  conj.  and  je  me  obscurcis ,  \eTbum 
mcdium  sec.  conj.  VVe  sliall  hâve  some 
sodayne  storme,  the  weather  waxeth  so 
darke  :  nous  aurons  quelque  orraige,  le 
temps  se  obscurcit,  or  se  obscure  ajnsi. 

l  waxe  disceytfull  or  craflye.  Je  me  rase,  ver- 
bum  médium  prim.  conj.  He  was  as  sym- 
ple  as  a  shcpe ,  whan  he  came  fyrst  hy- 
ther,  but  nowe  he  waxeth  as  disceytrull  as 
the  wylyest  of  us  :  il  ^  estoyt  aussi  simple 
qune  brebis  quant  il  vint  premièrement  icy , 
mays  mayntenant  il  se  enruse  auisi  bien  que 
le  plus  cautelleux  de  nous. 

I  waxe  deeOe,  my  heryng  fayleth.  Je  me  assour- 
dis, verbum  médium  sec.  conj.  Sythe  he 
had  his  great  stroke  upon  the  heed,  he 
waxeth  deeffe  every  day  more  and  more  : 
depuis  quil  eut  son  grant  coup  sur  sa  teste , 
il  se  est  assourdi  tous  les  jours  de  plus  en 

I  waxe  dere ,  as  thynges  do  that  be  solde  of  a 
hygher  price.  Je  me  renchiere,je  me  suis 
rencfcier^,rencAiercr,  verbum  médium  prim. 
conj.  andje  me  renchieris,  verbum  médium 
sec.  conj.  Me  thynketh  wheate  waxeth 
dere  agayn  :  il  mest  aduis  que  le  bled  se 

I  waxe  drie.  Je  me  reseiche,  verbum  médium 
prim.  conj.  I  must  drinke  a  syppet,  that 
my  lyppes  waxe  nat  drie  agayn  e  :  iljault 
me  boyre  vng  tantinet,  que  mes  leures  ne  se 

I  vaxe  duH.  Je  deuiens  pesant,  and  je  deuiens 
tout  betoumé,  andje  me  hebete.  He  waxeth 
as  duU  as  ever  he  was  :  il  se  hebete  autant 
que  jamais  il  fut. 

It  waxetb  day.  /{  se  adjourne,  or  laube  du  jour 
se  crieue.  Let  it  waxe  daye,  or  you  go,  for 
ail  your  haste  :  quil  se  adjourne,  or  que 
laube  du  jour  se  crieue,  auant  que  vous 
allez,  quelque  haste  que  vous  ayez. 

I  waxe  elvysshe,  nat  easye  to  be  dealed  with. 
Je  deuiens  mal  traictable,  conjugale  in  je 
viens,  I  come.  He  waxeth  so  elvysshe 
nowe  a  dayes  that  I  dare  nat  medell  with 
hym  :  i7  dénient  si  mal  traictable  tous  les 

jours  que  je  ne  me  ose  pas  mesler  auec 

I  waxe  fayre.  Je  me  embellis,  verbum  médium 
sec.  conj.  There  is  no  judgcment  in  a 
yonge  chylde,  for  youthe  waxeth  fayrer 
and  fayrer  every  daye  :  il  ny  a  nul  judge- 
ment  en  vng  jeune  enjant,  car  jeunesse  sem- 
bellit  de  jour  en  jour. 

I  waxe  faynte  herted.  Je  me  accouardis,  verbum 
médium  sec.  conj.  Fye  on  hym,  villayne 
that  he  is,  he  waxeth  faynte  herted,  and 
yet  he  seeth  no  bodye':j^  de  luy,villayn 
quil  est,  il  se  accouardit  et  si  ne  voyt  ame. 

I  waxe  fatte.  Je  me  engressis,  andje  men  en- 
gressis,  verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  There 
be  folkes  tbat  shali  waxe  fatte  with  so- 
rowe  '■  il  y  a  des  gens  qui  se  engressiront 
de  courroux. 

I  waxe  fell.  Je  deuiens  fol,  or  cruel. 

1  waxe  fethered ,  as  yonge  byrdes  do.  Je  deuiens 

I  waxe  folysshe.  Je  me  assoie,  verbum  médium 
prim.  conj.  He  is  a  madde  felowe,  he 
waxeth  folysshe  on  yondcr  wenche  :  il  est 
bien  fol,  il  se  assotie  de  ceste  garce  la. 

I  waxe  foolysshe,  I  dote,  as  olde  folkes  do.  Je 
me  raffolle,  verbum  médium  prim.  conj. 
He  waxeth  folysshe  agayne  :  il  se  raffolle. 

I  waxe  full.  Je  deuiens  playn. 

I  waxe  fumouse  or  angrye.  Je  deuiens  fameux, 
or  plain  de  rancune. 

I  waxe  good.  Je  deuiens  bon. 

I  waxe  great  in  quantyte.  Je  me  agrandis,  ver- 
bum médium  sec.  conj.  This  coite  is  well 
growen  nowe,  he  waxeth  great  every  day: 
ce  poullayn  est  bien  creu  desja,  il  se  agran- 
dit de  jour  en  jour. 

I  waxe  great  in  favoure  or  conseyt  with  one.  Je 
deuiens  en  grâce.  He  is  greatly  waxen  in  fa- 
veur nowe  a  late  :  il  est  grandement  venu  en 
grâce  despuis  naguayres. 

I  waxe  grene.  Je  me  verdoyé,  prim.  conj.  An 
herbe  that  is  ones  wyddred  can  never 
waxe  grene  agayne  :  Iherbe  qui  esi  vnefoys 
jlaylrie  ne  se  peult  jamays  reuerdoyer. 

I  waxe  grene,  as  the  feldes  and  trees  do  in 



springtyde.  Je  me  rauerdis,  verbura  mé- 
dium sec.  conj.  TLis  weather  dothe  me 
good ,  se  howe  ail  thinges  waxe  grene  :  ce 
temps  me  Jayt  grant  bien,  ac/arjez  comment 
toutes  choses  se  reaerdissent. 
I  waxe  grevouse,  or  paynfull,  as  a  sore  or  a 
wounde.  Je  me  aggrave,  or  je  me  agrège. 
His  wounde  waxeth  more  grevouset  han 
ever  it  was  :  sa  plaie  sagrege,  or  saggraue 
plus  que  jamays  fut. 

I  waxe  harde.  Je  mendurcis ,  je  me  endurcis,  en- 
durcir, sec.  coDJ.  Is  il  nat  a  woodrou» 
thynge  tliat  a  pece  of  yce  sbulde  waxe  as 
harde  as  a  stone  :  nest  ce  pas  vne  chose  es- 
meruaillable  gue  vne  pièce  de  glace  se  endur- 
cyra  comme  vne  pierre! 

I  waxe  iiasty.  Je  deuiens  hasljj. 

I  waxe  heavy,  or  soroufull.  Je  me  contriste,  ver- 
bum  médium  prim.  conj.  And  ibou  wylte 
foiowe  my  mynde,  never  waxe  heavy  for 
the  mater  :  si  tu  me  veulx  crojrre,  or  si  tu 
te  veulx  conseiller  a  moy,  tu  ne  te  contriste- 
ras  jamays  pour  cest  ajfaire. 

I  waxe  Loly.  Je  deuiens  sainct. 

I  waxe  hoorse  in  the  throte.  Je  me  enroue,  ver- 
bum  médium  prim.  conj.  Sofl  chese  is 
nat  good  for  you  ihat  hâve  the  coughe, 
for  it  wyll  make  you  waxe  horse  agayne: 
Jrommaige  mol  nest  pas  bonpourvous  guiauez 
la  loux,  car  il  vous  fera  enrouer  de  rechief. 

1  waxe  hotte.  Je  me  eschauffe,  verbum  médium 
prim.  conj.  Put  of  some  of  your  clothes, 
for  you  waxe  hotte  me  thynke  :  estez  aul- 
cuas  de  vo:  hahillemens ,  car  vous  vous  es- 
chauffez,  ce  me  semble. 

I  waxe,  I  become.  Je  deuiens,  conjugale  lyke 
his  symple  je  viens,  I  become.  And  howe 
«  I  waxe  11  and  «  I  become  »  be  used ,  it  ape- 
reth  afore  in  il  become». 

I  waxe  in  growynge.  Je  croys,  conjugale  in  «I 
«  growe».  This  chylde  is  well  waxen  syth  I 
sawe  him  last  :  cest  enfant  est  bien  créa  des- 
puis que  je  le  vis  dernièrement. 

I  waxe,  I  growe  unto  a  greater  quantyte  oulher 
in  heyth  or  in  breadetb.  Je  croys,  declar- 
ed  in  >  I  growe». 

I  waxe  yelowe.  Je  me  jaunis,  sec.  conj.  It  is  a 
straunge  sicknesse  of  the  jaundyce,  that  a 
man  shulde  waxe  so  yalowe  by  reason  the- 
rof  :  cest  vne  estrange  maladie  que  du  jau- 
nisse, quant  vng  homme  se  jaunyl  a  cause 
de  cela. 

I  waxe  yll  coioured.  Je  me  ternis,  verbum  mé- 
dium prim.  conj.  I  hâve  knowen  her  a 
fayre  woman  or  this,  but  loke  howe  she 
is  waxen  yli  coioured  nowe  :  je  lay  cong- 
nae  vne  belle  femme  aultrefoys,  mays  aduisez 
comment  elle  sest  ternye  mayntenant. 

1  waxe  yll  favoured.  Je  me  dejfigure,  verbum 
médium  prim.  conj.  He  waxeth  yl  favour- 
ed every  day  more  and  more  :  il  se  deffi- 
gure  journellement  de  plus  en  plus.  And  je 
me  enlaydis,  verbum  médium  sec.  conj. 

1  waxe  in  favour  with  a  lover.  Je  me  acointe, 
verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  I  am  waxen 
wel  in  her  favour  nowe  :  je  me  suis  bien 
accoynlé  délie  mayntenant. 

I  waxe  knavysshe.  Je  me  acquoquine ,  verbum 
médium  prim.  conj.  With  knaves  a  man 
shal  waxe  knavysshe  :  auec  des  cocquins  on 
se  acocquinera. 

I  waxe  leanc.  Je  me  amaigris,  verbum  médium 
sec.  conj.  He  shall  waxe  leane,  if  thèse 
axes  holde  him  longe  :  il  se  amaygrira  si 
ces  fiebures  le  tiennent  longuement. 

1  waxe  lesse.  Je  me  amendris,  or  je  amoyndris , 
verbum  médium  sec.  conj.  In  ail  ver- 
tueuse exercyses  with  the  tyme  tlie  payoe 
waxeth  lesse  :  en  tous  exercices  vertueux 
par  traict  de  temps  lapayne  se  amoyndrit. 

I  waxe  lytell.  Je  me  appetisse,  verbum  médium 
prim.  conj.  Some  men  waxe  greater,  but 
thou  waxest  lesse  every  daye  :  les  aulcuns 
se  agrandissent,  mays  tu  te  appetisses  tous 
les  jours. 

l  waxe  lothsome.  Je  me  affetardis,  verbum  mé- 
dium sec.  conj.  Fye,that  thou  arte  waxen 
lothsome  sythe  I  knewe  the  first  :  fy, 
que  tu  tes  affelardi  depuis  que  je  te  congaus 

I  waxe  madde.  Je  me  enraige,  verbum  médium 
prim.  conj.  Hewyll  waxe  madde  thismyd- 



sommer  moone ,  if  you  take  nat  good  hede 
on  hym  :  il  se  enraiyera  ce  moys  dejuyng, 
si  vous  ne  prennez  bonne  garde  de  lay,  or  i7 
senragera  ceste  Sainct  Johan  desté. 

I  waxc  meke.  Je  me  adoalcis,  sec.  conj.  Hc  was 
very  fyers  at  the  begynnyng,  but  lie  is  wa- 
xen  meke  nowe  :  il  estoylfortjjer  au  com- 
mencement, mays  il  se  est  adoulcy  maynte- 
nant.  And  je  me  suis  humilié. 

I  waxe  mery.  Je  me  esjouys,  verbum  médium 
sec.  conj.  You  waxe  mery  this  moroiag, 
God  gyve  grâce  yov  wepe  nat  or  nyght  : 
vous  vous  esjouissez  ce  malin.  Dieu  doynt 
que  vous  ne  pleurez  auant  quil  soyt  nuyct. 

I  waxe  mylde.  Je  me  humylie,  verbum  médium 
prim.  conj.  I  hâve  knowen  hym  a  heedye 
i'elowe,  but  be  is  waxen  mylde  nowe  :je 
lay  contjneu  vng  testart,  mays  il  se  est  bien 
humylié  mayntenant. 

I  waxe  more,  or  increase.  Je  me  accroys,  con- 
jugate  in  «  I  growe  ».  kndjengrege,  jay  en- 
9rcj^,prim. conj. This treeiswaien  a  great 
deale  more  than  it  was  whan  I  knewe  it 
first  :  cest  arbre  se  est  grandement  accreu  des- 
puys  que  je  le  coiigneus  premièrement, 

I  waxe  more ,  as  payoe  or  grefe  dothe.  Je  me 
aggrege.  His  botche  waxeth  more  :  sa  bosse 
luy  agrège. 

I  waxe  naugbt  in  maners.  Je  me  empire,  verbum 
médium  prim.  conj.  He  is  waxen  naught 
nowe  a  late  :  il  te  est  empiré  despuis  na- 
guayres.  / 

I  waxe  naught,  or  come  to  uothyng.  Je  me  adni- 
chiU.  It  came  of  nougbt,  and  it  is  waxen, 
or  waxed ,  to  naught  :  il  vint  de  rien  et  ilsest 
aynsi  adnichilé, 

It  waxeth  nyght.  Il  se  anaycte,  il  se  est  anuyclè, 
anuyc/er,  verbum  impersonale  prim.  conj. 
It  is  tyme  to  drawc  homewarde,  it  waxeth 
nyght  :  il  est  temps  de  se  retirer  a  la  mayson, 
car  il  se  anuycte. 

I  waxe  nymble,  or  delyver  of  my  joyntes.  Je  me 
assouplis,  verbum  médium  sec.  conj.  And 
you  exercyse  your  body,  you  shall  waxe 
nymble  :  si  vous  tous  exercitez  voslre  corps, 
vous  vous  assouplirez. 

I  waxeolde.  Je  me  enuieiUis,  sec.  conj.  and  je  me 
vieillys,  sec.  conj.  I  hâve  sene  her  a  fayre 
woman,  but  she  waxelh  oide  nowe  lay 
veue  in«  beUe  femme,  mays  elle  se  enuieillit 

I  waxe  out  of  flesshe.  Je  me  amaigris ,  or  amai- 
gris, verbum  médium  sec.  conj.  and  je 
me  ileschairne,  verbum  médium  prim. 
conj.  He  halh  some  secrète  sicknesse,  he 
waxeth  so  out  of  flesshe  :  il  a  quelque  ma- 
ladie segrete,  il  se  amaisgrit,  or  il  se  des- 
chairne,  tellement. 

I  waxe  pale  of  coloure.  Je  me  apalis,je  me  sais 
apuly,  apalir,  sec.  conj.  and  je  me  ternis, 
sec.  conj.  He  was  of  a  good  complexyon, 
but  he  waxeth  pale  nowe  :  il  estoyt  dune 
bonne  complexion,  mais  il  se  apalit,  or  il  se 
ternit  maynicnant. 

I  waxe  past  shame.  Je  me  ahonie,  verbum  mé- 
dium prim.  conj.  Whan  a  woman  waxeth 
paste  shame,  I  take  no  charge  on  her  : 
quant  vne  femme  se  desahonle,je  ne  prens 
poynt  de  charge  délie. 

I  waxe  pevysshe.  Je  me  peruerse,  verbum  mé- 
dium prim.  conj.  I  hâve  senc  you  a  good 
felow,  but  you  be  waxen  pevysshe  nowe  of 
late  :  je  vous  ay  congneu  vng  bon  compai- 
gnon,  mays  vous  vous  estez  peruerse  despuis 

I  waxe  pratye.  Je  me  amygnonne ,  verbum  mé- 
dium prim.  conj.  You  shall  se  me  waxe 
pratye  one  of  ihis  dayes  :  vous  me  verrez 
amignonner  vng  de  ces  jours. 

I  waie  prowde.  Je  me  enorgueillis ,  verbum  mé- 
dium sec.  conj.  I  knowe  no  cause  whye 
you  sliulde  waxe  thus  proude  ne  saiche 
nulle  cause  pour  quoy  vous  vous  deueriez 
ainsi  enorgueillir. 

I  waxe  rééd.  Je  menrougis,  verbum  médium  ' 
sec.  conj.  Jehan  le  Maire  useth  him  as 
an  actyve  :  el  rougist  le  jeune  Panthus.  But 
whan  the  acte  passeth  nat  from  the  doer, 
they  must  nedes  be  al  used  lyke  meane 
verbes.  A  ha,  you  waxe  reed,  there  is 
somthynge  a  mysse  :  ha  ha,  vous  vous  en- 
rougissez,  il  y  a  quelque  chose  qui  va  mal. 



I  vvase  reed  for  shame.  Je  me  rougis,  verbum 
médium  sec.  conj.  It  becometli  yonge 
folkes  to  waxe  reed  for  shame,  but  nat 
oldc  folkes  :  il  siet  bien  a  jeunes  gens  de  se 
enrougir,  mays  non  pas  aux  vieilles. 

I  waxe  ryche.  Je  me  enrichis,  verbum  médium 
sec.  conj.  He  is  vaxen  ryche,  sythe  I 
knewe  hym  firste,  by  more  than  I  bave  in 
my  purse  :  i7  se  est  enrychj,  despuis  que  je 
hxy  premièrement  congneu,  de  plus  que  je 
nay  en  ma  bource. 

I  waxe  rounde.  Je  me  rondis,  verbum  médium 
sec.  conj.  She  is  sure  with  chylde,  se 
how  her  bely  waxeth  rounde  :  sans  faalte 
nulle  elle  est  grosse  denf'ant,  agardez  com- 
ment le  ventre  luy  arrondit. 

I  waxe  sadde.  Je  deuiens  rassis. 

1  waxe  sycke.  Je  deuiens  malade,  conjugale  in 
il  corne». 

I  waxe  sycke  for  love.  Je  menamoure,  verbum 
médium  prim.  conj. 

I  waxe  shrode.  Je  deuiens  mauluajs,  or  je  em- 

I  waxe  slowe.  Je  me  retardis,  verbum  médium 
sec.  conj.  My  servauntes,  at  the  first,  be 
very  dylygent,  but  ihey  waxe  slowe  by 
lytell  and  lytell  :  mes  seruiteurs,  au  com- 
mencement, sont  fort  diligens,  mays  Hz  se 
retordissent  petit  a  petit. 

I  waxe  smalle.  Je  me  appetisse,  verbum  mé- 
dium prim. conj.  You  muste  driuke  syngle 
bere,  if  you  wyll  waxe  smali  :  il  vous 
fault  bayre  de  la  bière  sengle,  si  vous  vou- 
lez appelisscr. 

I  waxe  sorowfuli.  Je  me  centriste,  verbum  mé- 
dium prim.  conj.  To  waxe  sorowfuli  for 
tbe  thing  that  is  paste  remedye  it  is  but 
a  folye  ;  de  vous  contrister  pour  la  chose  qui 
est  sans  remède  ce  nest  quejolye. 

I  waxe  sowre,  as  drinke  or  lycoure.  Je  surys, 
and  jensurys,  sec.  conj.  This  milke  is 
waxen  sowre  :  ce  laict  se  est  ensury.  Aie 
wyll  waxe  sowre  in  sommer  anone  :  lalle 
sensuryt  en  temps  desté  bien  tost. 

I  waxe  starke  of  my  lymmes  or  styfFe.  Je  me 
morfons,  conjugate    lykc   bis    symple  je 

fons,  I  melt.  And  you  syl  hère  upon  the 
grounde,  you  wyll  waxe  starke  within  a 
while  ;  si  vous  vous  tenez  assiz  icy  sur  la 
ferre,  vous  vous  morjonderez  bien  tost. 

I  vaxe  straupge.  Je  meslrangis,  verbum  médium 
sec.  conj.  I  hâve  nat  sene  bis  matche, 
for  over  nyght  he  is  a  good  felowe,  and 
in  the  mornyng  he  waxeth  as  straunge  as 
thoughe  he  had  never  sene  one  afore  :  je 
nay  poynt  veu  son  pareil,  car  au  soyr  il  est 
bon  compaignon  et  au  matin  il  se  estrangit 
de  sorte  comme  sil  neut  jamays  vea  les  gens 
deuant.  • 

I  waxe  stronge,  as  one  dothe  that  is  recovered 
of  a  sicknesse.  Je  me  reuigore,je  me  suis 
reuigoré,  reaigorer,  verbum  médium  prim. 
conj.  and  je  me  renforce,  verbum  médium 
prim.  conj.  I  hâve  sene  hym  a  weake 
man,  but  he  waxeth  stronge  nowe,  I 
thanke  God  :  je  lay  veu  bienfeble,  mays  H 
se  rcuigore,  or  il  se  renforce,  mayntenant. 
Dieu  mercy. 

I  waxe  tall ,  as  a  person  dolhe.  Je  me  embellis, 
verbum  médium  sec.  conj.  He  is  waxed 
a  tall  man  sytlie  I  knewe  him  first:  il  se 
est  embelly  despuis  que  je  le  congnus  pre- 

I  waxe  tame.  Je  me  apriuoyse,  and  je  me  apriue. 
I  toke  thèse  byrdes  out  of  the  wodde ,  but 
they  wyll  waxe  tame  within  a  whyle  :  je 
prins  ces  oyseletz  hors  du  boys,  mays  Hz  se 
apriuoy seront,  or  Hz  se  apriueront  en  peu 

I  waxe  testy.  Je  deuiens  iestyf,  or  testa, 

I  waxe  thycke,  as  a  woman  dothe  that  bredeth 
chylde,  or  one  that  waxeth  fatte.  Je  men- 
grosse,  verbum  médium  prim.  conj.  and 
je  me  engrossis,  sec.  conj.  He  waxeth 
thycke,  he  fedcth  well  :  il  se  engrosse,  or 
i7  se  engrossit,  il  mangue  bien, 

It  waxeth  towarde  nyght.  Il  se  annuycte. 
Whan  it  waxeth  towarde  nyght,  ail 
maner  byrdes  go  to  rest  :  quant  il  se  an- 
nuycte, toutes  manières  doyseauLx  sen  vont 

I  waxe  vyle.    Je  me  auile,  verbum  médium 




prim.  conj.  I  hâve  knowen  hym  a  clenly 
felowe,  but  nowe  he  is  waxen  vyle  lay 
congncu  vng  mignon  gallant,  majs  mainte- 
nant il  se  est  auilé. 

I  waxe  vyciouse.  Je  me  appaillardys ,  verbum 
médium  sec.  conj.  If  she  haunte  her 
companye,  she  shall  waxe  vyciouse  within 
a  whyie  :  si  elle  la  hante,  elle  se  appaillar- 
dyra  bien  tost, 

I  waxe  wanne,  or  pale,  or  yvell  coloured.  Je 
me  ternys,  sec.  conj.  Whan  people  waxe 
olde,  they  waxe  wanne  :  quant  les  gens  de- 
aiennenl  vieulx,  Hz  se  temysent."" 

I  waxe  wery.  Je  me  lasse,  verbura  médium 
prim.  conj.  and  je  me  tanne,  verbum  mé- 
dium prim,  conj.  I  wolde  fayne  be  at 
home ,  I  waxe  werye  ail  redy  :  je  seroye 
voulentiers  a  la  mayson,  car  je  me  lasse,  or 
je  me  tanne  desja. 

I  waxe  wylde ,  I  become  wylde  agayne.  Je  me 
assattuagys,  verbum  médium  prim.  conj. 
Lel  your  bucke  go  in  to  the  parke  but 
thre  dayes,  and  he  wyll  waxe  wylde 
agayne  :  laissez  aller  vostre  dayn  au  parc 
troys  jours  seullemenl,  et  il  se  assaaaagira 
de  rechiej. 

I  waxe  wyse.  Je  me  assagys,  verbirai  médium 
sec. conj.  It  is  tyme  for  him  to  waxe  wyse 
nowe  :  il  est  temps  de  se  assagir  maynte- 

I  waxe  woode.  Je  me  enrage,  prim.  conj,  He 
waxed  woode  for  anger  :  il  se  enrageoyt  de 

I  waxe  worse.  Je  mempire,  verbura  médium 
prim.  conj,  and  je  me  despire,  verbum 
médium  prim.  conj.  and  je  me  empire. 
He  tbat  gothe  to  seke  the  thyng  he  wolde 
nat  fynde,  whan  he  knoweth  it  is  so,  bis 
griefe  waxeth  worse  : 

Qui  va  chercher  ce  ijae  tnnner  poynt  ne  detire. 
Quant  il  se  scayt  esirt  dejfayct ,  $ûn  mal  se  empire. 

I  waxe  with  waxe,  I  seare  with  asearyng  can- 
dell.  Je  encire,  prim.  conj.  It  muste  be 
well  waxed  :  ilfault  ijuil  soyt  bien  enciré. 

I  waxe  yalowe.  Je  me  jaunys,  sec.  conj.  His 
face  waxeth  yalowe  :  laface  luyjaunyt. 

1  waxe  yonge.  Je  me  enjeunis,  sec.  conj.  Use  to 
eate  hartes  llessbe,  and  you  shall  waxe 
yonge  agayne  :  accoustumez  vous  de  man- 
ger de  la  chayr  de  cerj,  et  vous  vous  enjeu- 

I  waxe  yonge  agayne.  Je  me  rajeunis,  verbum 
médium  sec.  conj. 

I  waxe  yrke.  Il  me  ennaye.  I  waxe  yrke  to  tarye 
hère  any  longer  :  il  me  ennuyé  de  denourer 
icy  plus  longuement. 

W   BÏFORE   E. 

I  WEBBE  a  clothe.  Je  ourdis,  jay  ourdy,  ourdir, 
sec.  conj.  I  bave  nat  yerne  ynough  to 
webbe  my  clothe  with  ail  :  je  nay  pas  du 
jil  assez  pour  ourdyr  mon  drap. 

I  WEDDE.  .Je  marye,  or  je  me  marie,  aaàje  prens 
a  femme,  or  je  prens  a  mary.  There  be 
seasons  forbydden  to  wedde  in  :  ily  a  des 
saisons  qaon  a  deffenda  de  se  maryer.  I 
wyll  never  wedde  her  whyle  I  lyve  -.ja- 
mays  ne  la  prendray  a  femme  tant  que  je 
viue.  Shall  I  wedde  my  gossyppe  :  pren- 
dray je  a  mary  mon  compère? 

I  WEDE  corne  feldes  with  a  wede  hooke.  Je 
cercle,  prim.  conj.  It  is  tyme  to  wede 
your  wheale  :  il  est  temps  de  cercler  vostre 

I  wede  a  gardayne,  I  plucke  up  the  wedes  from 
the  herbes.  Je  espluche  les  mauluaises  her- 
bes. Wede  your  gardayne  :  espluchez  les 
mauluaises  herbes  hors  de  vostre  jardyn. 

I  WEDGE  a  blocke,  I  put  in  a  wedge  to  cleave 
it.  Je  coigne,  prim.  conj.  Wedge  this 
blocke ,  it  wyll  ryve  the  soner  :  coignez 
ceste  souche,  elle  se  fendra  plus  tost. 

I  wedge,  I  lay  in  pledge.  Je  gaige,  prim.  conj. 
I  wedge  my  heed  it  is  nat  so  :je  ose  gaiger 
ma  teste  quil  nest  pas  aynsi. 

I  WAîE  a  thyng,  I  prove  what  it  wayeth.  Je 
poyse,  prim.  conj.  andje pesé ,  prim.  conj. 
Waye  this  noble,  loke  and  be  wayght: 
pesez  cest  angelot,  aduisez  sil  est  de  poyx. 

I  WELL  up ,  as  water  that  bobylleth ,  or  conieth 
out  of  the  yertlie.  Je  me  redonde,  prim. 
conj.   Se   howe   the  water   welleth  out 



hère  :  adaisez   comment  leaae  se   redonde 
I  WELTE  a  garaient,  I  set  a  welte  or  edge 
aboute  the  borders  of  it.  Je  escohe,  prim. 
conj.  Some  welte  their  kotes   for  pride , 
but  I  wyll  do  it  for  profyte  :  les  aulcuns 
escoUent   leurs   habillemens  pour   orgueil, 
mays  je  le  feray  pour  le  proujjît. 
I  WERYE  by  over  moche  labour  or  travayie.  Je 
lasse,  jay  lassé,   lasser,  prim.  conj.   This 
horse  trotteth  so  barde  that  be  liath  weryed 
me  more  than  I  was  a  gret  wbyle:  ce  che- 
ual  trote  si  dur  ^uil  ma  plus  lassé  que  je  ne 
fus  de  long  temps. 
I  werye  my  selfe  by  over  moche  occupyeng  of 
the  myode.  Je  me  tanne,  je  me  suis  tanné, 
tanner,  verbum   médium  prim.  conj.  He 
weryeth  hym  selfe  to  moche  with   over 
moche  studye  :  il  se  tanne  trop  par  trop  es- 
I  wery  a  persone  by  speakynge,  or  by  sbewyng 
of  any  tbyng  tbat  is  displeasaunt  to  the 
eare  or  to   the  eye.   Je  Jache,  jay  j'aché, 
fâcher,  prim.  conj.  Savynge  that  I  wolde 
be  lothe  to  werye  yen,  I  coulde  tell  you 
a  longe  mater  of  bis  faultes  :  si  ce  nesloyt 
de  paour  de  vous  Jacher,  je  vous  scauroye 
compter  vng  long  compte  de  ses  faultes. 
l  WEïVE  wollen  clotbe,  or  lynen,  as  a  weyver 
doth.  Je  tys,  il  tist,  nous  tissons,  je  lissis, 
jay  tissu,  je  tistray,  que  je  tissr ,  que  je 
tisisse,  tistre,  tert.  conj.  The  weyver  sayeth 
he  can  nat  wayve  my  clotbe  tyll  he  bave 
more  yarne  :  le  tisserant  dit  quil  ne  peult 
tistre  mon  drap  sil  na  plus  de  fil. 
I  well,  I  spring  plentuously.  Je  redonde,  jay 
redondé,  redonder,  prim.  conj.  declared 
afore  in  «I  well  up,  as  water  dothei. 
I  WELCOME  with  wordes  or  gentyll  intreatyng. 
Je  bienuiengne ,  bienuiengner,  prim.  conj. 
thoughe    bis    symple  be   of  the  thyrde 
coDJugacion  :  and  this  verbe  I  se  moste 
used  of  Frossarte.  Thoughe  be  be   nat 
your    frcnde,   yet  sylhe    he    cometh    to 
you ,  at  the  leest  you  ought  to  welcome 
him  :  combien  quil  ne  soyt  pas  vostre  amy. 

encore  puisquil  vous  vient  veoir,  au  moyns 
le  deueriez  vous  bienviengner, 

I  welcome,  I  take  one  up,  or  receyve  hym 
witb  myn  armes  that  maketb  courtesye 
tome,  as  the  Frenchemen  use  to  do, je 
accueuls,  jay  accueilly,  accueyllir,  con- 
jugale lyke  his  symple  je  cneulx,  1  gather. 
And  je  recueulx,  conjugale  lyke  his  symple 
je  cuculs,  I  gather.  Let  hym  come  whan 
he  wyli,  he  shall  be  welcomed  on  the 
best  facyon  :  viengne  quant  il  vouldra,  il 
sera  recueilty,  or  accueilly  de  la  meilleure 
sorte.  I  fynde  also  in  this  sence  je  re- 
coys,  conjugale  in  «I  receyve». 

I  WELDE ,  I  bestyrre  my  bodye ,  or  any  of  my 
lymmes.  Je  contourne ,  jay  contourné,  con- 
tourner, prim.  conj.  My  lymmes  he  so 
sore  I  can  nat  welde  me  :  mes  membres  me 
font  si  mal  que  je  ne  me  puis  contourner. 

I  welte,  as  a  garmenl  is.  Je  ourle,  prim.  conj. 
This  kyrlell  is  well  welled  :  ce  corset  icy 
est  bien  ourlé. 

I  WELTER.  Je  verse,  prim.  conj,  Thou  welterest 
in  the  myer,  as  thou  were  a  sowe:  tu  te 
versesen  la  boue,  commese  tufussesvne  truye. 

I  WEMENT,  I  make  mone.  Je  me  guermente,  je 
me  suis  guermente,  guermenter,  verbum 
médium  prim.  conj.  Il  dyd  my  hert  yll 
to  hère  the  poore  boye  wemenl  whan 
bis  mother  was  gone  :  i7  mejitmal  au  coeur 
douyr  le  poure  garçon  se  guermenter  quant 
sa  mcre  estoyt  en  voye,  or  allée. 

I  WENDE,  I  go.  Je  perge,  prim.  conj.  Whyther 
wende  you  :  ou  pergez  vous,  or  ou  allez 

I  wende,  I  turne,  as  a  shyppe  dothe  with 
the  tyde.  Je  me  tourne.  Be  the  shyppes 
wended  yet  :  les  nauires  sont  elles  tournées 
encore  ? 

I  WENE,  I  thynke.  Je  cuyde,  prim.  conj.  I 
wene  it  be  nal  so  :  je  cuide  quil  nest  pas 

I  WEANE  a  yonge  chylde.  Je  seure,  prim.  conj. 
I  wyll  weane  my  chylde,  he  is  more  than 
a  yere  olde  :  je  veulx  seurer  mon  enfant,  il 
a  plus  dung  a:i. 




I  WEPE.  Je  pleure,  prim.  conj.  and  je  larmoyé, 
prim.  conj.  He  laugheth  nowe,  but  lie 
shall  wepe  hère  afterryght  lenderly  :  Use 
tyt  maintenant,  mays  il  pleurera,  or  il  lar- 
moyera,  cy  après  bien  tendrement. 
I  wepe,  as  a  chylde  dolhe.  Je  pleure  comme  vng 

1  WEARE,  as  a  garment  or  any  other  ihyng  wea- 
reth  and  consumeth  \vith  llie  tynie.  Je  me 
vse ,    verbum    médium   prim.  conj.    AU 
thyng  weareth   save  the   grâce  of  God  : 
toute  chose  se  vseforsque  la  grâce  de  Dieu, 
I  weare,  as  a  man  weareth  his  garment  clenly, 
or  lyke  a  slut  upon  hym,  or  any  other 
thyiige  that  he  weareth  upon  liixa.  Je  porte, 
prim.  conj.  He  weareth  his  gère  well  :  î7 
porte  bien  ses  habillemens.  He  weareth  his 
geare  iyke  an  Almayne  :  il  parle  ses  habil- 
lemens en  Alemant.  What  weareth  my  lorde 
to  day  :  que  porte  monsieur  ajoiirdhuy?  He 
that  weareth  grene  in  wynter,  I  wyll  bo- 
rowe  no  monaye  of  hym  :  qui  porte  vert  en 
yuer,je  nemprunteray  poynt  dargent  a  luy. 
I  weare  awaye,  as  a  scrypture,  or  thyng  made 
for  remerabraunce   weareth  awaye  with 
the  weather  or  with  the  tyme.  Je  me  obli- 
tère, prim.  conj.  and  je  me  defface.  The 
scrypture  weareth  awaye  so  faste  you  can 
nat  rede  it  :  lescripture  se  oblitère  si  fort, 
or  se  efface  si  fort,  que  je  ne  la  puis  lire. 
I  weare  heare  nexte  my  bodye,  as  parfayte  fol- 
kes   do  to  chastyse  their  bodye.  Je  porte 
la  haire.   He  is  a  holy   man ,  he  weareth 
heare   nexte  his  bodye  :  cest  vng  saynt 
homme,  il  porte  la  hayre. 
I  weare  'out,  as  thynges  do  after  their  tyme 
prefyxed  is  passed.  Je  mefaulx,  conjugate 
in  f  I  faylei.  The  pardons  shall  weare  out 
within  thèse  thre  dayes  :  les  pardons  faul- 
dront  auanl  quil  soyt  troys jours. 
I  weare  out,  as  a  terme  of  a  pardon,  or  any  other 
.Tssemblye  weareth  ont.  Je  faulx,   conju- 
gate in  «I  fayle».  The  justes  begynne  to 
weare  out  a  pace  nowe  :  lesjousles  se  com- 
mencent fort  afaillir  mayntenant. 
I  werye  the  bodye.  Je  lasse,  or  je  fays  las,  or  je 

trauaille.  I  werye  the  mynde  me  mo- 

I  WËTE.  Je  moille,  or  mouille.  In"  the  begynnyng 
of  the  yere  the  dewe  weteth  the  grounde 
swelely  :  en  printemps  la  rousée  mouille  la 
terre  doulcement. 

I  wete  my  whysteU,  as  good  drinkers  do.  Je 
crocque  la  pie.  Wyll  you  wete  your  whys- 
tell  :  voulez  vous  crocquer  la  pie? 

I  WETHEU  a  thyng,  I  lay  it  abrode  in  open  ayre. 
Je  ayre,  jay  ayré,  ayrer,  prim.  conj.  It 
shall  be  well  donc  to  weather  your  gar- 
mentes  in  Marche  for  feare  of  mothes  :  il 
sera  bicnfaict  de  ayrer  vos  habillemens  au 
moys  de  Marche  de  paour  des  vers. 

I  WEVE,  declared  afore  in  «I  weyve». 

I  WEXE,  as  I  wexe  stronge,  I  wexe  weyke ,  and 
suche  lyke,  declared  afore  in  «I  waxe». 

W    BYFORE    H. 

I  WHELE ,  as  ones  handes  in  sommer,  whan 
they  brede  wheales  by  ytchyng  of  wormes. 
Je  vessie,  prim.  conj.  Oulher  you  hâve 
many  wormes,  or  elsyou  benat  well  in 
your  lyver,  for  your  handes  wheale  a 
pace  :  ou  vous  auez  beaucoup  de  cyrons,  ou 
vous  nestez  pas  bien  en  voslre  foye ,  car  voz 
mayns  vessient  fort. 

I  WHELME  an  holowe  thyng  over  an  other 
thyng.  Je  mets  dessus,  conjugate  in  «  I  put  ». 
Whelnie  a  platter  upon  it ,  to  save  it 
from  flyes  :  mettez  vng  plat  dessus  pour  le 
garder  des  mouches. 

I  WHETTE  a  knyfe,  or  any  weapen  or  toole,  to 
make  it  sharpe.  Je  aguyse,  prim.  conj.  I 
love  better  whettynge  of  knyves  afore  a 
good  dyner  than  whettynge  of  swordes 
and  bylles  :  jayme  mieulx  laguysement  des 
cousleaulx  auant  que  daller  a  vng  bon  disner  , 
que  je  ne  fais  laguysement  des  espées  et  voal- 

1  whette  my  tethe ,  I  gnasshe ,  or  grate  them  to- 
gyther  for  anger.  Je  grynse  des  dens. 
Herde  you  hym  nat  whette  his  tethe  :  ne 
louistez  vous  poynt  grynser  ses  dens? 

I  WHYMPEH,  as  a  cbylde  dothe,  that  is  disposed 



lo  wepe.  Je  fais  semblant  de  plourer,  or  je 
souspire,    prim.    conj.   The    poore    boye 
whympereth   a   iylell,  but  he  dare  nat 
wepe  for  bis  lyfe  :  le  poure  garçon  fait  sem- 
blant de  plourer  vng  peu ,  majs  il  ne  lose 
fayre  pour  sa  vie. 
I  WHïNYE,  as  a  borse  dotbe.   Je  hannis,  sec. 
conj.  My  borse  wbynyelb  cberfully  tbis 
mornyng  :  mon  chenal  hannist  joyeusement 
ce  malyn,  il  hannit  pour  lauoync  daultruy. 
I  WHïNE,  as  a   cbyide  dotbe,  or  a  dogge.  Je 
hoigne.  Whyne  you  nowe,  do  you,  bolde 
your  peace,  or  I  shall  make  you  :  hoignez 
vous  mayntenaiit ,  faiclez ,  taysez  vous  ou  je 
vous  feray  tayre. 
I  WHïPPE  with  a  wbyp.  Je  fouette,  jay  fouetté, 
fouetter,  prim.  conj.  and  je  donne  du  fouet. 
You  muste  be  wbypped  a  lytell  tbis  mor- 
nynge  or  you  can  do   no  good  :  il  fault 
quon  vous  fouette  ce  niatyn,  or  quon  vous 
donne  du  fouet,  ou  vous  ne  pouez  nul  bien 
1  whyppe  with  a  sbrode  tourne.  Je  baille  belle. 
He  hath  wbypped  me  in  dede:i7  ma  baillé 
belle,  or  il  ma  bailli  tout  de  mesmes. 
I    WHYssiiE,   I  covet,    or  desyre   a  tbyng.  Je 
souhaicte.  For  seven  yeres  togyllier  I  lyv- 
ed  in  gret  payne ,  but  nowe  I  lyve  as  well 
as  I  coulde  wyssbe  :  jay  vescu  sept  ans  tout 
du   long  en  grant  peyne,  mays  mayntenant 
je  vis  aussi  bien  comme  je  poufroye  souhai- 
tier,  or  souhaiter. 
I  WHTSTEix  in  a  wbystell ,  or  in  my  bande.  Je 
ciffle,jay  cijjlé,  ciffler,  prim.  conj.  Dolbe 
it  tbe  borse  any  good,  trowe  you,  wban 
the  carter  wbystelletb  :  fait   il  poynt  de 
bien  au  cheual,  pencez  vous,  quant  le  char- 
retton  cyfjle? 
I  WHïTE,  I  make  a  tbyng  whyte.  Je  blanchis, 
sec.  conj.  It  is  newe  whyled  :  il  est  iwu- 
uellement  blanchy. 
I  WHTTELïME  a  wall  or  a  roofe.  Je  blanchis  de 
chaulx,  or   de  piastre.   Whytelyme  your 
bouse  against  tbis  Ester  :  blanchissez  vostre 
mayson  de  chaulx,  or  de  piastre,  contre  ces 

I  WHITHDRAWE,  I  boldemy  selfe  from  a  tbynge. 
Je  me  retire.  Witbdrawe  your  seife  by 
tymes,  I  rede  you  :  retirez  vous  de  bonne 
heure,  je  vous  uduise. 

I  wbitbdraw,  or  pull  backe  atbing.  Je  retrays, 
conjugate  lyke  hissympleje  traji,  Idrawe. 
Let  bim  go  wban  he  vvyll ,  be  shall  nat  be 
witbdrawen  for  me  :  aille  quant  il  vouldra, 
il  ne  sera  pas  retraict  pour  moy. 

I  wiiiTiiSTANDE.  Je  résiste,  prim.  conj.  Agaynst 
tbe  wyll  of  God  no  nian.may  withstande  : 
confre  la  voulenléde  Dieu  nul  ne  peull  résis- 

I VVUOOPE,  I  call.  Je  happe, jay  huppé,  happer, 
prim.  conj.  Wbooppe  a  lowde,  and  thou 
shalte  bere  bym  blowe  bis  borne  :  huppe 
hault,  et  tu  lorras  corner, 

I  WHOBLE,  I  make  a  noyse,  as  the  wynde  do- 
tbe. Je  bruys,  nous  bruyons,je  bruis,  jay 
bruy,  je  bruyray,  que  je  bruye,  braire,  tert. 
conj.  This  wynde  wborleth  so  I  can  nat 
bere  :  ce  vent  bruyt  tellement  que  je  ne  puis 

W    BÏFORE   I. 

I  WYDDER,  as  a  floure  dotbe.  Je  me  amortys, 
enïdje  me  esuanouys,  sec.  conj.  Thèse  her- 
bes wydder  for  wante  of  wateryng  :  ces 
herbes  samortissent,  or  se  esuanouyssent  par 
faulle  darrouser. 

I  wydder,  I  drie  up.  Je  me  terris,  je  me  suis 
terry,  sec.  conj.  But  this  is  properiy  to  drie 
up  as  waters. 

I  WYLL.  Je  veulx,  conjugate  in  tbe  seconde 
booke.  Nous  voulons,  je  voulus,  jay  voulu, 
je  vouldray,  que  je  veuille,  que  je  voulsisse, 
vouloyr,  Whether  I  wyll  or  nat  :  veuille  ou 
non  veuille.  He  wyll  bye  my  ware  whether 
I  wyll  or  nat  :  il  veult  achapter  ma  marchan- 
dise veuille  ou  non, 

I  wyll  well  it  be  so.  Je  veulv  bien  quil  soyt  ainsy. 
Wyll  you  that  it  be  so,  saye  ye  or  naye  : 
voalés  vous  quil  soit  ainsy,  dite:  oay  ou  non. 
He  shall  bave  it,  whether  you  wyll  or 
nat,  what  say  yoif  nowe  :  il  laara,  veuil- 
lez ou  non,  quen  ditez  vous  asteure? 



I  wyll  well ,  whiche  saycug  we  use  whan  we 
suppose  in  comuuycacion  a  tbing  to  be 
so.  Je  le  veulx  bien.  I  wyll  well  that  he  be 
rycher  than  I,  yet  I  love  myne  houesty 
as  well  as  lie  doth  bis  owne  le  veulx 
bien  qail  soyt  plus  riche  que  moj,  encore 
je  ayme  mon  honnesteté  autant  quil  fait  la 

l  wyll  downe,  as  meatethat  we  swalowe.  Jauo/fe, 
priai,  conj.  This  meate  wyll  nat  downe  : 
je  ne  puis  pas  aualler  cesle  itumfc.Wolde  to 
God  il  were  eut  :  plust  a  Dieu  quiljust  de- 
hors. Ne  wyll  God  :  a  Dieu  ne  plaise. 

I  wyll  be  well  w^are  or  advysed,  or  y  do  a  tbyng. 
I  wyll  advyse  me  wbat  1  do.  Je  nay  garde 
de.  Hc  wyll  be  well  ware ,  or  be  come  hy- 
ther  :  d  na  garde  de  venir  icy.  He  wyll  be 
wel  ware  to  speake  agaynst  me  :  il  na  garde 
de  me  contredire.  Thou  wylt  be  better  ad- 
vysed, I  wotte  well  :  tu  nas  garde,  je  le 
scay  bien. 

I  WïNCHE,  asaborse  dothe.  Je  regymbe,  prim. 
conj.  Beware  bebynde  tbere,  Gyil  begyn- 
neth  to  wynche  :  gardez  vous  derrière,  la 
Gillote  commence  a  regymber. 

I  wynche,  orwynde  up  with  a  wyndlasse,  or  a 
crâne.  Je  guynde,  jay  guyndé,  guynder, 
prim.  conj.  You  sball  nevcr  gel  this  slryng 
in  to  the  nocke,  but  you  wynche  it  up  : 
jamais  ne  metterez  la  corde  en  loche,  si  vous 
ne  la  guyndez. 

I  WYNDE  out,  as  one  wyndeth  him  eut  of  busy- 
nesse.  Je  me  despcche,  prim.  conj.  and  je 
me  deliure.  I  am  tangled  in  busynesse,  and 
can  nat  tell  howe  I  may  wynde  me  out  : 
je  sais  encombré  a  cause  de  mes  affaires,  et 
je  ne  scay  comment  je  me  deliureray. 

I  wynde  yerne  of  the  blades.  Je  deuide  du  fil, 
or  vne  chaîne  de  jil,  prim.  conj.  This 
yerne  is  so  tangled  that  I  can  nat  wynde 
it  :  on  (i  si  trestanl  barbouillé  ceste  chaîne 
deflque  je  ne  lapuis  deaider. 

I  wynde  a  man  in  a  wyndynge  shele.  Je  enseue- 
lis,  jay  enseuely,  enseuelir,  sec.  conj. 
Where  haste  thou  ben  so  longe,  thy  fa- 
ther  is  ail  redy  wounde  in  bis  wyndyng 

shete  and  redye  to  be  buryed  :  ou  os  lu 
tant  demoari,  ton  père  est  desja  enseuely  et 
prest  a  estre  enterré. 

I  wynde,  as  a  beest  dothe  a  man  or  a  hounde. 
Je  assentis,  sec.  conj.  and  je  assens,  conju- 
gale lyke  liis  simple  je  sens,  I  felc,  as 
Whan  he  f'elelh  the  savour  of  him  :  quant 
il  assentit  de  luy.  And  the  bucke  wynde 
you  ones,  you  gel  him  nat  for  this  tyme  : 
il  le  dayn  vous  assent  vnesfois ,  vous  ne  lau- 
ret  pas  pour  ce  coup  icy. 

I  wynde,  or  wrappo  aboute.  Je  retortille,  prim. 
conj.  He  hath  wounde  a  kercher  about 
bis  heed  :  il  a  relortillè  rng  coeuurechief 
autour  de  sa  teste. 

I  wynde  up  with  a  puliy  or  crâne.  Je  guynde, 
prim.  conj.  Wynde  up  the  crâne  faster  : 
guyndez  la  grue  plus  vislement. 

I  WïNKE,  I  shyllc  myne  eyes  togyther.  Je  me 
clyngne  les  yeulx ,  \erbum  médium  prim. 
conj .  1  wynke  with  one  eye  :  je  me  clyngne 
loeil.  I  hoide  the  a  grote,  I  wynke  with 
bothc  myne  eyes,  and  yet  fynde  out  yon- 
der  tree  gaige  a  toy  vng  gros  que  je  clyn- 
gneray  de  tous  mes  deux  ieulx,  et  encore 
trouueray  cesle  arbre  la.  He  that  wynketh 
with  one  eye  and  lokelh  with  the  tother, 
I  wyll  nat  trust  hyni  and  he  were  my  bro- 
ther  :  qui  clyngne  dung  oeil  et  regarde  de 
laultre,  je  ne  me  fieray  pas  en  luy,  et  fut  il 
mon  frère. 

I  wynke  apon  one,  to  make  hym  a  privy  syne." 
Je  guyngne,  prim.  conj.  He  hath  wynked 
upon  me  thrise,  what  so  ever  he  meanetb  : 
il  a  guyngné  sur  moy  par  troysfoys,  quoy 
que  cest  quilveult  dire? 

I  WYNNE,  I  am  a  getter.  Je  guigne ,  jay  gaygné , 
guigner,  prim.  conj.  1  wotte  never,  but 
whose  ever  loseth,  I  gette  nat  '.je  ne  scay 
pas,  mays  qui  que  soyt  qui  pert,  je  ne  gui- 
gne pas. 

I  wynneto  a  tbing.  I  retche  to  il.  Je  attayns, 
conjugal  in  ol  attayne».  This  terme  is 
farre  northren. 

I  wïNNY,  as  a  horse  dothe.  Je  bannis,  sec.  conj. 
Declared  afore  in  «  I  whynnye». 



I  wïNNOWE  corne.  Je  vanne,  prim.  conj.  and 
je  lentille. 

I  WïPE  ones  face  tbat  swealeth.  Je  essaye. 
Holde,  hereis  a  bandekercber,  wype  your 
face,  for  you  sweale  a  pace  :  tenez,  voycy 
vng  moachouer,  essaiez  vostre  visaige,  car 
vous  suez  fort. 

I  wype,  I  make  cleane.  Je  nettoyé,  prim.  conj. 
Wype  your  gowne,  some  bodye  hath  spjt 
upon  it  :  nettoyez  vostre  robbe,  quelqun  a 
craché  dessus. 

I  wype  sboes  or  bootes  with  a  clowte.  Je  torche, 
prim.  conj.  Wype  my  sboes,  or  I  go  oui  ; 
torchez  mes  souliers  aaant  (jue  je  sorte. 

I  wype  my  nose  from  snyvell.  Je  mouche, 
prim.  conj.  I  wolde  wype  my  nose,  if  I 
had  a  bandekercber  me  moucheroye  si 
je  eusse  vng  moachouer. 

I  WYBKE.  Je  besoigne,  prim.  conj.  Declared  in 
«I  worke». 

I WTSSHE,  I  desyre.  Je  souhaitte,  or  je  souhayte. 
J  am  as  well  nowe,  I  tbankc  God,  as  I 
coulde  wysshe  :  je  me  treaue  aussi  bien 
mayntenant.  Dieu  mercy,  que  je  pourroye 

I  wïTE,  I  blâme,  or  put  one  in  faulte.  Je  en- 
coulpe,  jay  encoalpè,  encoulper,  or  je  re- 
prouche,  jay  reprouché,  reproucher,  prim. 
conj.  Wby  wyte  you  me,  and  I  am  nat  to 
blâme  :  pour  quoy  mencoulpez  vous  et  je  ne 
sais  pas  a  blasmer. 

I  wyte,  I  knowe.  Je  scay,  nous  scauons,  jesceus, 
jay  sceu,  je  scauray,  que  je  scaiche,  sca- 
uoyr.  He  is  nat  come  tbat  I  wotle  of  :  il 
nest  pas  venu  que  je  saiche.  Tbis  is  to  do 
you  to  wete  :  cecy  est  pour  vous  faire  sca- 
uoyr,  or  assauoyr. 

I  WITHDBAWE  a  tliyng,  I  plucke  it  backe.  Je  re- 
tire, and  je  sublrays,  conjugale  lyke  bis 
aymple  je  trays,!  drawe.  And  je  retrais, 
conjugale  lyke  bis  sayd  symple.  He  bath 
witbdrawen  bim  selfe  in  some  corner  :  il 
te  est  retiré  en  quelque  coing.  I  wyll  nat 
withdrawe  my  selfe  for  tbat  mater  ne 
me  subtrayray  poynt,  or  je  ne  me  reirayray 
poynt  pour  cela. 

I  WYTCHE  one  by  wytcbe  craft.  Je  enchante.  I 
wene  she  bath  wytcbed  me  :  je  croy  quelle 
ma  enchanté. 

ï  withdrawe  my  selfe  out  of  a  place  or  com- 
panye.  Je  me  retire,  je  me  sais  retiré,  re- 
tirer, prim.  conj.  Witbdrawe  your  selfe 
for  a  wbile  by  myn  advyse  :  relirez  vous 
vng  peu  a  mon  aduis. 

l  WITHHOLDE  a  tbynge ,  I  kepe  it  from  one.  Je 
détiens,  tert.  conj.  I  wyil  witbbolde  no- 
tbyng  from  you  :  je  ne  vous  detiendray 

I  wiTHSTANDE.  Je  fcsiste,  prim.  conj.  AU  tbe 
worlde  can  nat  witbstande  tbe  wyll  of 
God  ;  tout  le  monde  ne  peult  résister  la 
voulenté  de  Dieu, 

I  WYTNESSE.  Je  tesmoignc,  prim.  conj.  I  sball 
fynde  twenty  bonest  men  tbat  wyll  wyl- 
nesge  it  trouaeray  vingt  gens  de  bien 
qui  le  tesmoygneront. 

I  wiTHSAïE,  I  say  naye.  Je  desdis,  conjugale 
lyke  bis  symple  je  dis,  I  saye.  Sylbe  I 
bave  sayd  it,  I  wyll  never  witbsay  it  : 
puis  que  je  lay  dit,  je  ne  le  desdiray  ja- 

I  wïTHSAFE,  I  am  content  to  do  a  tbyog.  Je 
daigne,  jay  daigné,  daigner,  prim.  conj.  l 
was  wonte  to  croucbe  and  knele  to  hym, 
and  I  do  nat  witbsafe  to  iooke  upon  bym  : 
je  me  souloye  humdier  et  me  agenouyller  au 
deuant  de  luy,  mays  mayntenant  je  ne  le 
daigne  pas  regarder. 

I  withstande  by  force.  Je  résiste,  jay  résisté,  ré- 
sister, prim.  conj.  Whan  God  wyll  pu- 
nyssbe,  wbo  can  resyste  hym  :  quant  Dieu 
veult  punir,  qui  le  peult  résister? 

I  witbstande  a  tbynge  by  comunycacion.  Je 
répugne,  prim.  conj.  It  is  a  folye  to  witb- 
stande bym ,  for  he  is  belter  clerke  than 
thou  arte  :  ce  nest  que  folie  de  le  répugner, 
car  il  est  plus  grant  clerc  que  tu  nés. 

W   BÏFORE   O. 

I  wo  a  woman.  Je  amouresche,  jay  amouresché , 
amourescher,  prim.  conj.  and  je  prie  da- 
moars.  Tbou  arte  but  a  foole  to  wo  her. 



she  is  nat  for  the  :  tu  nés  qung  fol  (le  la- 
mourescher,  or  de  la  prier  damours,  elle 
nest  pas  pour  toy. 

I  wo  a  woman ,  to  mary  with  her.  Je  prie  de 
mariage.  I  never  woed  her,  howe  shulde 
we  be  agreed  :  jamajs  ne  la  priaj  de  ma- 
riage, comment  serions  nous  daccort  ? 

I  WONDER.  Je  me  merueille,  and  je  me  esmer- 
ueille,  verba  média  prim.  conj.  I  wonder 
wherof  it  may  corne  :  je  me  merueille  dont 
il  peult  venir.  Wonder  nal  tliat  whiche 
God  wyll  hâve  donc  :  ne  te  esmcrueylle  pas 
a  ce  que  Dieu  veult  auoyrfaict. 

I  WODNDE  with  any  weapen.  Je  naare,  prim. 
conj.  He  is  a  tall  man  of  his  handes,  I 
ara  sure  he  wounded  and  burte  above 
syxe  persons  :  cest  ung  habille  homme  de 
ses  mains,  je  sais  certayn  quil  a  nauré  et 
heurté  plus  de  six  personnes.  And  in  this 
sence  I  fynde  also  je  vaincre,  prim.  conj. 

I  WONTE  or  use.  Je  accoustume,jay  accoustumé, 
accousiumer,  prim.  conj.  It  is  no  wysdome 
to  wont  a  tbyng  tbat  is  nathonest:  ce  nest 
pas  saigesse  que  daccoustumcr  vne  chose  qui 
nest  pas  honneste. 

I  WORKE,  I  labour.  Je  oeuure,  prim.  conj.  and 

je  trauaille,  prim.  conj.  VVby  goesl  thou 

a  beggyng,  go  worke  for  thy  lyvyng:pour 

quoy  vas  ta  blistrer,  va  oeuurer,  or  lia  tra- 

'  uaillcr  pour  guigner  ta  vie. 

I  worke,  as  acraftesman  workelh.  Je  besoigne, 
prim.  conj.  He  worketh  as  well  as  any 
man  I  knowe  :  i7  besoigne  aussi  bien  que 
homme  que  je  saiche. 

I  worke  a  thyng  with  great  dylygence  or  la- 
boure. Je  laboure ,  prim.  conj.  Hâve  I  nat 
wrought  sore,  sytbe  1  rose  :  nay  je  pas 
fort  Utbourè  despuis  que  je  me  sais  leiié? 

1  worke  one  sorowe,  or  anger,  oranysucbelyke 
passion.  Je  luy  fais  de  mal  or  de  courroux, 
je  lay  ay  fait  de  mal  or  de  courroux ,  faire 
de  mal  or  de  courrou.r.  He  hatb  wrought 
me  more  sorowe  than  ail  the  men  lyv- 
ing  :  il  ma  faicl  plus  de  mal  que  tous  les 
hommes  viuans.  Thèse  women  worke  us 
so  mocbe  anger  and  say  so  moche  yll  to 

us  that  it  is  pytie  :  ces  femmes  nous  font 
tant  de  mal  que  cest  pitié.  I  worke  hyni 
payne  ynoughe  :  je  luy  fais  de  la  payne 

I  worke  secretly,  as  the  influence  of  heven 
dothe  in  thynges  hère  byiowe.  Je  me  in- 
flue, prim.  conj.  The  power  of  the  sterres 
worketh  secretly  upon  us  :  la  puissance  des 
estoylles  se  influe  secrètement  sur  nous. 

I  worke  treason.  Je  triche,  prim.  conj.  Thou 
arte  as  mete  a  man  to  worke  a  treason  as 
any  man  that  I  knowe  :  tu  es  aussi  propice 
de  tricher  que  homme  que  je  saiche. 

I  wonsHYP  a  man.  Jehonnore,  or  je  honore,  and 
je  porte  honneur,  prim.  conj.  I  hâve  ever 
worshypped  hym  for  his  great  vertues  :  je 
lay  tousjours  honnouré  pour  ses  grans  ver- 

I  worshyp  God.  Je  aoure,  prim.  conj.  Wor- 
shyppe  God  above  ail  thynges  :  aourez 
Dieu  par  dessus  toutes  choses. 

I  WOTTE,  I  knowe.  Je  congnoys ,  and  je  scay, 
conjugate  in  «I  knowe».  God  wolteth  I 
can  nat  do  withall  :  Dieu  le  scayt,je  nen 
puis  mais.  Wottest  thou  naught  els  to 
saye  :  ne  scais  tu  aultre  chose  que  dire  ? 

I  wotte  nat.  Je  ignore ,  and  je  ne  scay,  conju- 
gate in  «  I  can  nat  tell  ».  Whan  I  consyder 
botbe  the  parles  indifferently,  I  wot  nat 
what  to  say  :  quant  je  considère  toutes  les 
deux  parties  indifferamment ,  je  ignore,  or 
je  ne  scay,  que  dire. 

I  WPBnAYDE  one,  I  reprove  hym  for  a  tbing.  Je 
reprouche ,  jay  reprouchè,  reproucher,  priai, 
conj.  I  upbrayde  hym  :  je  luy  reprouche. 
Thougbe  be  hâve  doone  a  mysse,  yet  to 
upbrayde  hym  afore  folkes  is  none  ho- 
nestye  :  combien  quil  ayt  meffait ,  encore  de 
luy  reproucher  deaant  les  gens,  ce  nest  pas 
vostre  honneur. 

I  wounde.  Je  naure,  jay  nauré,  naurer,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  nauure,  and  affoller,  and 
saucier,  etc.  and  je  vaincre,  declared  afore 
0  I  wounde». 

I  WHOWLE,  as  a  dogge  dothe.  Je  hurle,  prim. 
conj.  I  wolde  gladly  yonder  dogge  hère 


hanged,  he  never  ceased  whowlyng  ail 
nyght  :  je  vouldroye  bien  que  ce  chien  la  fui 
pendu,  il  ne  cesse  de  hurler,  or  de  vUr  toute 
la  nnyct. 

W   BYFORE   R. 


1  WRAPPK,  I  folde  a  thyng  in  an  other.  Je  en- 
neloppe,  prim.  conj.  Wrappe  it  io  woH, 
if  you  wyli  kepe  it  warme  :  enueloppez  le 
en  lœyne,  si  vous  le  voulez  chauldement  gar- 
der. Knd  in  this  sence  I  fyndej'e  reaotne, 
prim,  conj. 

I  WRASTELL  with  one.  Je  luycte,  prim.  conj.  I 
dare  nat  wrastell  with  hym,  ieste  he  gyve 
me  a  fall  :  je  nose  pas  luycter  a  luy  de  paour 
qail  ne  me  face  cheoyr. 

I  WREAKE  myne  angcr,  or  revenge  me  of  a  dis- 
pleasure  that  is  done  me.  Je  me  reuenche, 
je  me  suis  reuenche,  reuencher,  verbum  mé- 
dium prim.  conj.  I  fynde  also  je  venge, 
jay  vengé,  venger,  prim.  conj.  If  ihou 
cannest  nat  wreake  the,  byte  the  poste: 
si  tu  ne  te  peulx  reuencher,  mors  le  poste. 

I  WBENCHE  with  the  bodye,  I  tourne  my 
bodye  a  syde.  Je  me  guynche,  prim.  conj. 
And  I  had  nat  wrenched  with  my  bodye, 
he  hadde  doone  me  a  shreude  turne  :  si 
je  ne  mefeusse  poynt  guynché  le  corps,  il 
meustfaict  vng  maulaais  tour. 

I  wrenche  my  foote,  or  any  lymme,  I  put  it 
out  of  joynt.  Je  estorte,  prim.  conj.  I  can 
nat  go,  I  hâve  wrenched  my  foote  ne 
puis  pas  aller,  jay  estortè  ma  jambe.  And 
in  this  sence  I  fynde  je  desjoyngs,  con- 
jugate  lyke  bis  sytnple  je  joyngs ,  I  joyne. 

I  WRESTTLL.  Jeluycte,  and  je  luyte,jay  luyté, 
luyter,fTim.  conj.  declared  bere  afore  in 
1 1  wrastell  ». 

I  WRETHE,  I  wringe  a  thynge  aboute  an  other. 
Je  teurs,  conjugate  in  «  I  wringe  •.  I  never 
sawe  withe  better  wrethed  :  jamays  ne  vis 
hart  mieux  tearse. 

I  wrethe  one  thyng  aboute  an  other.  Je  entor- 
tille, prim. conj.  He  had  a  kercher  wreath- 
ed  aboat  bis  heed  :  il  auoyt  vng  coeaure- 
chief  entortillé  autour  de  sa  teste. 

I  WRiNCHE,  declared  in  ol  wrenche». 

I  WRINGE  my  bandes,  or  a  ciothe  that  is  wele, 
or  suche  iyke.  Je  tors,  nous  tordons,  je  tor- 
dys,jay  tors,  je  tordray,  que  je  torde,  tor- 
dre, tert.  conj.  Thou  laughest  nowe  but 
thou  mayest  paradvcnture  wring  tby 
bandes  this  geare  at  the  length  :  (a  ten  rys 
mayntenant,  mays  tu  te  pourras  paraduen- 
ture  tordre  les  mains  a  cause  de  ces  choses 
auant  qui  soyt  longtemps. 

I  WRiNKELL ,  as  a  kercher  or  a  garment  dothe. 
Je  plionne,  prim.  conj.  Where  bave  you 
ben,  your  kercher  is  wrinkled  :  ou  est  ce 
que  vous  auez  esté,  vostre  coeuurechief  est 

I  wrinkeil,  as  ones  face  dotbe.  Je  ride,  jay  ridé, 
rider,  prim.  conj.  You  waxe  olde,  your 
face  begynnelh  to  wrinkeil:  vous  deuenez 
viel,  vostre  face  se  commence  a  rider. 

I  wrinkeil ,  as  ones  forheed  dothe.  Je  fronce, 
prim.  conj.  I  bave  sene  your  forheed  as 
smothc  as  coulde  be  possyble,  but  nowe 
it  is  wrinkled  :ja)'  veu  vostre  front  aussi 
délié  questoit  possible,  mays  maintenant  il 
est  froncé. 

I  WRITE  a  letter,  or  a  booke.  Je  escrips,  nous 
escripuons,  je  escrips  and  je  escripuis,jay 
escript,  que  escripsiei.  h.  je  escripray,  que 
je  escripue,  que  je  escripuisse,  escripre, 
tert.  conj.  I  write  no  very  fayre  bande, 
but  I  can  write  as  fast  as  an  other  :  je 
nescrips  pas  trop  belle  lettre,  mays  je  scay 
escripre  aussi  viste  comme  vng  aultre. 

I  Write  agayne.  Je  rescrips,  conjugate  lyke  his 
sympleje  escrips,  I  write. 

I  Write.  Je  escrips,  tert.  conj.  I  Write  the  super- 
scripcion  of  a  letter  :  jendosse,  prim. 
conj.  Howe  can  he  knowe  to  whome  he 
shall  delyver  your  letter,  and  you  hâve 
nat  written  the  superscrypcion  :  comment 
peult  il  congnoystre  a  qui  il  baillera  vostre 
lettre,  et  elle  nest  pas  encore  endossée. 

I  write  in  ryme.  Je  rimoye,  prim.  conj.  Write 
this  io  ryme,  I  praye  you:  rimoyez  cecy , 
je  vous  prie. 

I  write  out  any  thynge,  I  copye  it  out.  Je 




Iranscrips.  Go  Write  out  this  samc  as  faste 
as  you  can  :  allez  transcripre  cecy  aussi 
viste  que  vous  pouez. 

I  WBONGE  one,  I  do  him  injurye.  Je  injurye, 
priai.  coDJ.  He  shall  nat  wronge  tbe  so 
longe  as  I  )yve  :  il  ne  te  injurera  pas  tant 
que  je  viue. 

I  WBOOTE,  or  WROKTE,  as  a  swyne  dothe.  Je 
fouille  du  museau.  He  wroteth  lyke  a 
swyne  :  il  fouille  en  terre  comme  vng  pour- 


I  ïANE,  I  gaspe  or  gape.  Je  bailk,  prim.  conj. 

I  lELDE,  I  restore,  or  gyve  a  thyng  agayne.  Je 
rens,  nous  rendons,  je  rendis,  jay  rendu,  je 
rf.ndray,  que  je  rende,  rendre,  tert.  conj.  I 
shall  yelde  it  you  to  morowe  :  je  le  vous 
rendray  demayn. 

J  yelde,  I  acquyte.  Je  acqaite.  Wbere  I  can 
nat,  God  yelde  it  you  :  la  ou  je  ne  puis  pas. 
Dieu  vous  lacquitte,  or  Dieu  le  vous  ac- 
quitte. But,  for  God  yelde  you ,  whiclie  we 
use  by  maner  of  thankyng  of  a  person , 
they  use  Grant  mercy,  or  grans  mercys, 
understandynge  Je  vous  rens  grans  mercys. 

I  TELLE,  I  crye  out,  as  a  beest  dothe  Ihat  is 

hurte.  Je  braye,jay  hrayé,  brayer,  prim. 
conj.  and  je  braylle,jay  brayllé,  brayller, 
prim.  conj.  and  je  besle,jay  beslé,  beslcr, 
prim.  conj.  Harkehoive  yonder  beest  yel- 
leth  :  escoatez  comment  ceste  beste  la  braye, 
or  besle.  But  besler  is  properly  to  blete , 
as  a  shepe  dothe. 

I  ïssuE,  I  go  out.  Je  ys,  conjugate  and  de- 
clared  in  <I  go  out  of  a  place  •. 

I  ïESKE ,  I  gyve  a  noyse  out  of  my  stomacke. 
Je  engloute.  Whan  be  yeskelh  next,  tell 
hym  some  straunge  newes ,  and  be  shall 
leave  it  :  ^uanl  il  se  engloutera  de  rechief, 
dictez  luy  quelques  nouuelles  estranges,  et  il 
le  layssera. 

I  ïOKE  a  swyne.  Je  enquerquenne ,  prim.  conj. 
You  muste  yoke  your  bogge,  for  he  ron- 
neth  thorowe  every  hedge  :  i7  vous  fault 
enquerqucnner  vostre  pourceau,  car  il  court 
parmy  les  hayes  dung  chascun. 

I  yoke  a  couple,  'or  matcbe  togyther.  Jac- 
couple,  jay  accouplé,  accoupler,  prim. 
conj.  Yoke  the  oxen,  for  I  wyll  go  to  tbe 
plough  this  mornyng:  accouplez  les  beufz, 
car  je  veulx  aller  a  la  charue  ceste  ma- 

I  ïTCHE.  //  me  cayt,  declared  in  1 1  etche  ». 

Thus  endeth  the  table  of  Verbes, 

and  herafter  foloweth 

the  Partyciple. 



The  same  worde  in  our  tonge  whiche  endeth  in  «  ynge  «  maye  with  Régula  prima, 
us  bothe  be  a  substantyve  and  also  our  présent  partyciple  ;  onely  the 
use  and  sence  muste  shewe  the  différence,  as  in  thèse  two  sentences  : 
«  I  founde  hym  speakynge  with  her  » ,  and  «  we  wyll  to  morowe  bave 
«a  speaking  togyther  herof»,  whiche  in  frenche  may  be  expressed 
on  this  wyse  :  je  le  trouuay  parlant  auec  elle,  and  nous  aurons  demayn 
vng  parlement  de  cecy  ensemble.  In  whiche  two  sentences  in  oiu-  tonge, 
though  we  use  this  worde  «  spekyng  » ,  in  the  firste  as  a  présent  par- 
tyciple, and  in  the  seconde  as  a  substantyve,  the  frenche  tonge  hath 
two  distyncte  wordes,  as  hère  afoi'e  aperetb,  that  is  to  saye,  parlant, 
their  présent  partyciple,  and  parlement,  whiche  two  wordes  maye  be 
formed  out  of  their  preterimparfyte  tence ,  by  chaungynge  of  oye  in 
to  ant,  or  ement,  as  of  trompoye,  trompant,  trompement;  of  conaertis- 
soye,  conuertissant ,  conuertissement ;  oi  sentoye,  sentant,  sentement,  and 
of  verbes  that  bave  a  double  présent  partyciple  I  fynde  but  only  je 
appars,  whiche  maketh  apparant  and  apparissant,  by  cause  they  saye 
bothe  apparoye  and  apparissoye. 

If  the  sentence  fall  so  in  our  tonge  that  a  preposycion  corne  byfore  Régula 
our  partyciple  in  «  ynge  »,  the  frenche  men  in  the  same  sentence  use 
nat  their  partyciple  in  ant,  but  their  présent  infynityve.  As  for  be 
troubletb  me  with  bis  speakyng  to  bye;  what  bave  you  to  do  with  my 
speakyng  ;  be  was  kylled  for  speakyng  of  a  worde  ;  by  sore  laboring 
a  man  maye  get  to  connj'ng;  no  man  may  lyve  without  eatyng  and 
drinkyng,  they  say  :  il  me  trouble  de  son  trop  hault  parler;  quen  auez 
vous  ajfayre  de  mon  parler;  ilfust  tué  pour  aaoyr  parlé  vng  mot;  par  fort 
trauailler  peut  on  attayndre  a  sciences;  nul  ne  peult  viure  sans  boyre  et 


-Thoughe  the  partyciples  in  ant  serve  bothe  for  masculyn  and  fe- 



mynyne  substantyves  without  any  chaungyng,  as  in  Alayne  Chartiers 
exile  :  et  la  parolle  tremblant  et  baaboyant ;  idem,  elle  tenoyt  vues 
tressinglans  escourges;  idem,  recorde  toy  des  sciences  et  tu  les  troaaeras 
accordons ,  yet  suche  as  write  in  ryme  observe  nat  ever  this  rule. 
LEuesque,  in  Lis  epistels  of  Ouyde  : 

Je  estoye  encore  pour  certayne  ignorante 

Du  mal  que  seuffre  vue  femme  gisante; 

where  he  hath  used  gisante  for  gisant,  to  agre  with  ignorante,  the 
adjectyve.  But  this  uncertaynte  of  the  partycipie  apereth  more  playnly 
by  Guillaume  dAlexis,  en  son  grant  blason  de  faulses  amours,  speak- 
ynge  of  women  : 

A  tous  propos ,  Mayns  rauissantes , 

Sans  nul  repos ,  Rijflantes, 

Sont  demandantes ,  Puis  tournans  le  dos , 

Pour  tollir  las,  Aynsi  que  en  fables  élégantes 

Pour  rongyr  los,  Virgile  les  arpies  volantes 

Tresfort  instantes.  Descript  au  tiers  de  jEneidos; 

where  demandantes ,  rauissantes,  rifjlantes,  and  volantes  be  used  in  the 
femynyne  termynacion  to  agrée  with  instantes,  and  élégantes,  where  as 
in  comen  spetche  we  shulde  saye,  demandons,  rauissans,  rifflans  and 
volans,  for,  as  I  hâve  sayde,  partyciples  in  ant  hâve  no  feminynes,  as 
apereth  in  this  exemple  in  tournans  le  dos. 


Howe  the  passyve  partyciples  joyned  to  the  tenses  ofy'e  ay,  in  the 
conjugacion  of  verbes  actyves,  do  nat  alwayes  remayne  unchaunged, 
I  bave  ail  redy  declared  in  the  seconde  booke,  in  this  fyft  accydent; 
but  howe  thèse  passyve  partyciples  muste  somtyme  agrée  with  the 
antécédent  to  the  relatyve ,  or  with  the  pronowne  prymytyve  of  the 
accusatyve  case,  or  with  the  substantyve  that  cometh  after  the  verbe, 
especially  if  a  pronowne   deryvatyve  or  any  adjectyve  that  is  nat 


compared,  be  joyned  to  that  substanty ve ,  shall  hère  more  playnly 
apere  by  exemple. 


Alayn  Chartier  : 

De  la  douleur  que  jay  sujferte. 
Jehan  le  Maire  : 

Quant  elle  vit  lenfant  quelle  auoytfait  si  beau. 
LEuesque,  es  epistres  dOuyde  : 

Si  te  requiers  par  tes  secretz  dieux, 

Lesquelz  ta  as  portez  en  tant  de  lieux. 
Idem  : 

0  doulces  sears  que  tant  ay  regretées. 
Idem  : 

Ne  aussy  lamour  que  tauoye  partie. 

Voycy  vnes  bulles  que  je  tay  apportées. 

But  this  maner  of  speakyng  is  more  to  be  noted  : 

Ne  voys  ta  pas  que  Paris  a  laissée  - 
Celle  qui  sest  a  lay  tant  soalacée  ? 

And  where  as  the  same  auctour  saythe  in  the  epystell  of  Dido  to 
Eneas  : 

May  s  contre  moy  trop  grant  hayne  as  concea, 
Et  bien  desires  que  je  soye  deceu, 

but  for  the  kepyng  of  ryme  he  shulde  say  deceue. 





LEuesque  : 

Ta  mas  vayncue,  mays  qaoy!  jestoye  femme. 

LEuesque ,  Dido  a  Eneas  : 

Je  tay  recea  en  ma  grande  cyté. 

Helas,je  lay  aymé  bien  sept  moys  et  demy. 

Jehan  le  Mayre  : 

Faanus  lequel  ma  souaent  arraysonnée  damoars. 





Idem  : 
Idem  : 

Idem  : 

Si  que  pour  vray  soing  et  daeil  sansjapeaax. 
Mont  amaygri  et  desséchées  mes  peaulx. 

Et  quant  jay  bien  ces  choses  poarpencées. 

Et  pas  naaons  ceste  epistre  trassée. 

Jay  bien  tel  payne  ou  plus  grand  desseruie. 

Jay  son  image  payncte  au  vif  et  pourtraicte. 

Alayn  Chartier  :  Jay  bien  retenus  tes  enseignemens ,  jay  f aide  la  tra- 
hison, jay  vayncas  les  traistres. 
Idem  : 

Et  eussiez  vous  ma  mort  jurée. 


Alayn  Chartier  : 

Quant  ton  temps  perdu  auras 
Et  degastée  ta  jeunesse. 

Idem  : 

Et  pais  comme  preudhomme 
La  vie  lay  ay  ostée. 

Idem  : 

Il  a  tantost  prinse  vne  jlesche. 

So  that  in  this  later  maner  of  speakynge  I  fynde  nat  the  tonge 
utterly  and  thoroughly  certayne,  especially  bycause  that  suche  as 
Write  in  ryme  use  their  lybertye  as  maye  best  serve  for  their  pur- 

And  note  that  two  susbtantyves  synguler  muste  hâve  their  party- 
ciple  plureli ,  lyke  as  is  used  in  other  adjectyves.  Jehan  le  Mayre  : 
non  seuUement  Ytalie  et  Gaulle  furent  troublées. 

Note  also  that  thoughe  they  use  concepcion  in  their  partyciples,  as 
they  do  in  their  other  adjectyves ,  yet  suche  as  write  in  ryme  use  to 
agrée  their  partyciples  to  their  nexte  substantyves.  LEuesque  : 

Les  grans  trauaulx  et  les  paynes  porter 
Que  justement  chascun  a  méritées , 

joynyng  méritées  to  paynes,  and  nat  to  trauaulx. 

Note  aiso  that  partyciples  in  this  tonge  serve  to  make  comparacyon , 
lyke  as  they  do  in  latyn,  and  that  as  theyr  actyve  partyciples  as  pas- 
syves;  as  Hz  sont  aussi  aymans  que  vous  :  Hz  sont  plus  aymans  que  vous  : 
Hz  sont  les  plus  aymans  que  vous  visiez  jamays.  And  il  est  aussi  bien 
aymé  que  vous  :  il  est  mieulx  aymé  que  vous  :  il  est  le  mieulx  aymé 
dhommes  que  vous  visiez  Jamays. 

Hère  endeth  the  Partycipie ,  and  herafter  foloweth 
the  annotacyons  upon  the  Preposycion. 

Of  verbes 


with  re. 

Of  verbes 
with  entre. 


Upon  the  thyrde  accydent  is  to  be  not'ed  that  where  re  signyfyeth 
in  our  tonge  agayne,  he  is  very  moche  iised  in  this  sence  in  ihe 
composycion  of  verbes ,  as  :  I  shall  never  se  hym  agayne ,  je  ne  le  re- 
uerray  jamays.  He  wyll  nat  corne  agayne  this  houre ,  il  ne  reuiendra 
pas  dune  heure.  I  bave  lente  hym  my  money  and  I  can  nat  bave  it 
agayne,  ye  lay  ay  preste  mon  argent  et  je  ne  le  pais  pas  rauoyr.  So  that 
if  the  verbe  begyn  with  an  a,  the  e  of  re  is  taken  away  in  composy- 
cion, but  in  other  vowelles  I  fynde  it  nat  to  be  so. 

Note  also  that  entre  is  moche  used  in  composycion  in  the  frenche 
tonge ,  especially  of  suche  as  dyd  write  afore  Alayn  Chartiers  tyme , 
as  for  they  love  togyther,  they  se  togyther,  they  fyght  togyther,  they 
saye  :  Hz  se  entreayment ,  Hz  se  entreaeoyent ,  Hz  se  entrebatent,  usynge 
the  verbes  compounde  with  entre  lyke  meane  verbes. 

Of  verbes 


with  des. 


Where  we  use  to  adde  «  un  »  byfore  our  verbes  in  composycion , 
as  I  unarme,  I  undo,  I  unbynde,  the  frenche  tonge  useth  des,  as  je 
desarme,  je  desfays,  je  deslie;  whiche  apereth  more  at  length  in  the 
tables  of  verbe. 


De  is  also  added  after  moult,  as  moche  payne  :  moult  de  payne.  And 
howe  de  or  du  betokenneth  some,  as  auec  du  payn,  auec  du  vyn,  aaec 
du  sel,  auec  de  leaue,  auec  de  la  chayr,  and  suche  lyke,  for  :  with  some 
breed,  or  with  a  courtesye  of  breed,  I  bave  afore  declared  in  the 
chapyter  of  Pronownes. 

Note  also  that  whan  any  of  thèse  preposycions  près,  deuant,  dessus, 

dessoubz,  entour,  encore,  or  enuiron,  waxe  adverbes,  and  serve  to  niake 

answere  to  this  questyon  where  a  dede  is  done,  tban  bave  they  a 

and  to  put  de   ^nd  le  Dut  bvfore  them ,  and  de  put  next  after  them  and  byfore  the 

after  them.  t.  j  i  j 

place  or  person;  as  Euanderfut  trouué  au  près  de  Romrne.  A  celle  heure 
se  présenta  au  deuant  de  ma  pensée.  Il  dressa  vne  tour  au  dessus  de  Ba- 

Whan  they  use 
to  put  a  le, 

or  au 
byfore  theyr 


billone.  Il  dressa  vne  tour  au  dessoubz  de  Babillone.  Semiramis  fit  des 
muraylles  a  lentour  de,  or  autour  de  Babillone  :  elle  leua  vne  grosse 
armée  pour  aller  a  lencontre  de  Nineue;  elle  planta  le  siège  tout  a  len- 
uiron  de  Nineue;  and  in  lyke  wyse  whan  they  corne  byfore  a  per- 
sone,  as  au  près  de  luy,  au  près  du  géant;  au  deuant  de  luy,  au  deuant 
du  géant,  and  so  of  the  resydue.  And  after  this  maner  be  formed 
dyvers  other  adverbes,  as  Semiramys  dressa  vne  tour  au  meillieu  de 
Babillone,  a  vne  lieue  de  Babillone,  au  long  de  la  riuiere.  Hz  courroyent 
qui  miculx  mieulx  du  long>  or  au  long  de  la  prée.  And  as  for  vous  me 
faictez  des  biens,  et  vous  vsez  deuers  moy  des  grans  priuaultez ,  and  nous 
en  ferons  des  aultres.  And  of  Johan  le  Mayre  :  Hz  enuoyerent  quérir  du 
vin  dedens  des  peaulx  de  chieures.  Thèse  maners  of  addyng  of  de  be  to 
be  noted  and  folowed  1o  use  the  frenche  longe  parfetly. 

Note  also  that,  whan  any  preposycion  waxeth  an  adverbe  and  beto- 
kenneth  movyngè  to  a  place  and  ansvvereth  to  this  questyon  vvhyther, 
or  movynge  in  a  place ,  they  use  to  put  par  byfore  their  preposycions  : 
as  il  passa  par  deuant  lesglise.  Il  alla  par  deuers  son  maistre.  Les  cheueulx 
lui  vollettoyent  par  dessus  les  espaulles.  Pour  se  monstrer  par  deuant  les 
princes.  Il  le  frappa  parmy  la  poyctrine.  Dont  les  plumes  sont  disparsées 
par  dessus  Iherbe. 

Note  also  that,  for  the  leavyng  out  of  de,  I  can  fynde  no  generall 
certayntie  save  that,  whan  they  speake  of  a  ryver,  or  hyll,  or  forest, 
or  suche  lyke  of  a  countraye,  as  he  dwelled  nere  the  great  forest  of 
Yda  :  he  discended  from  the  hyghe  mountayne  of  Gordiens ,  they  say 
nat  :  il  demouroyt  près  la  grant  forest  de  Yda,  or  il  descendit  du  hault  mont 
de  Gordieus,  hul  près  la  grant  forest  Yda,  du  hault  mont  Gordieus.  Howe 
be  it,  I  hâve  nat  redde  il  approcha  la  riuiere  Sayne,  but  la  riuiere  de 
Sayne;  so  that  dylygent  ymytacion  muste  only  helpe  in  this  behalfe. 

Note  also  that  the  preposycions  in  this  tonge  maye  be  compared, 
as  they  be  in  our  tonge,  as  for  within  :  more  within,  moste  within; 
without:  more  without,  moste  without.  And  so  of  the  resydewe.  So 
say  they  dedens,  plus  dedens,  le  plus  dedens;  dehors,  plus  dehors;  and 
so  of  the  resydue. 

Whan  they  use 

to  put  par 

byfore  their 



may  be 




Hère  begynneth  the  table  of  Preposycions. 

The  table  of  preposycions  in  our  tonge  declared  by  exemples  in 
the  frenche  tonge  where  every  exemple  is  as  vayllable  to  the  ierner, 
as  thoughe  I  gave  a  rule. 

Notyng  first  that,  for  so  moche  as  the  preposycions  in  bothe  our 
tonges  maye  waxe  somtyme  adverbes  and  somlyme  be  used  as  con- 
junctions,  I  shall  gyve  exemple  of  al  their  dyversytes. 

Notyng  also,  as  I  bave  afore  sayd,  that  whan  a  preposycion  in  the 
frenche  tonge  hath  a  le  or  au  byfore  hym,  and  de  after  hym,  he 
serveth  to  make  ansvvere  where  a  dede  is  done  or  to  what  person. 
And ,  whan  par  is  put  byfore  a  preposycion ,  he  serveth  to  expresse 
movynge  in  to  a  place  or  in  a  place. 

Note  also  that  de,  comynge  other  afore  preposycions,  or  after, 
maketh  them  to  waxe  adverbes. 



SUS,  as  je  layme  sus  tous  les  hommes  viuans. 
DESSUS,  as  quoy  qui  eut  la  cheute,  il  estojt 

dessus.  Et  empoTtoyt  le  pris  dessus  ses  com- 

EU   UAULT,  as  montez  hardiement,  il  est  en 


DAVANTAGE,  as  il  ma  coastè  vingt  Hures  et 




KfiuiRON,  as  je  me  leuay  au  jourdhuj  enairon 
six  heures. 

I  LENUiRoy,  as  il  regardoyt  toute  la  pour- 
prise  a  lenuiron, 

ENTOUR,  as  je  me  y  trouueray  entour  le  mydy. 

A  LENTOVR,  as  et  Hfaisoyt  àsseoyr  deaant  luy 
et  a  lentour  ses  enfans. 

AUTOUR  DE,  as  il  luy  mylvng  bracelet  autour 
de  son  bras. 

APRES,  as  je  suis  après.  Auet  vous  faict?  — 
Nenny ,  mays  je  suis  après. 



AUANT,  as  nul  ne  doybt  estre  estimé  eureux 

auant  sa  mort. 
DEVANT,  as  monsieur,  vous  me  pardonnerez , 

je  nyray  pas  deuant. 
p/îE.w/ER,  as  lime  coustera  vingt  Hures  premier. 



APRES,  as  i7  parlera  a  vous  après  la  messe. 

JOVXTE,  as  jouxte  leaangille  saynt  Maiheu. 
Jouxte  ce  que  met  Virgille.  Whiche  may 
be  englysshed,  after  ihe  sayengof  Virgyle, 
or  accordyng  to  the  sayeng  of  Virgyle. 

SELON,  ai  il  estoytfort  gorgiasement  accous- 
trè  selon  la  mode  dadonques.  And  selon  mon 
opinion.  Selon  les  ordonnances  royauLx.  Nom- 
mé Cypsius  selon  les  aulcuns,  ou  Dymas  se- 
lon les  aultres. 

A ,  as  il  na  pas  trop  bienfait  a  mon  aduys. 



CONTRE,  as  et  luy  promyt  assistance  a  tous 



jours  et  de  toute  sa  puissance  enuers  tous  et 
contre  tous. 
A  LENCOPITP.E  DE ,  as  Hercules  nwsmes  ne peult 
endurer  a  lencontre  de  deux. 



ENTRE,  as  entre  deux  vertes  vue  meure, 

DENTBE,  as  mays  certes  les  langaiges  assez  le- 
giers  dentre  vous,jouuenceaulx,  nest  sinon 
vng  las  deceptif  pour  abuser  les  simples  da- 
moyselles.  Les  plus  anciens  et  les  plus  aagés 
dentre  les  pasteurs. 

PARMY,  as  comme  lefeu  gui  ne  cesse  deforcener 
parmy  les  bruyères.  Et  hastiuement  se  fourra 
parmy  eulx.  Et  se  jouèrent  parmy  les  prai- 
ries. Iljecta  son  poyng  playn  dargent  parmy 
les  poures. 

ENVERS,  as  ceste  chose  estoyl  en  grant  reue- 
rence  enuers  les  princes  dOrient. 

SUR  ENTRE,  as  au  temps  de  cestuy  roy  qui  auoyt 
commencé  a  régner  par  de  ca  sur  entre  les 
Gaulles.  So  thaï  to  joyne  thèse  two  prepo- 
sycions,  sur  and  entre,  togyther,  I  fynde 
nat  but  onely  in  this  mancr  of  speakyng. 

PAR  ENTRE,  as  (7  esl  passé parenire  vous,  mes- 
sieurs, je  ne  scay  si  nul  de  vous  la  veu. 



SUS,  as  il  est  commandé  sus  la  vie  de  se  trouuer 

deuant  le  conseil  demayn, 
AU  DESSUS  DE,  as  Hz  sont  desja  montez  au 

dessui  de  la  montaigne. 


^ ,  as  on  me  dit  guil  demeure  a  Londres,  Il  est 
allé  a  lesglise. 

A  this  syde. 

DEÇA ,  as  il  demeure  vng  peu  deçà  le  pont. 


PAR.   PAR  ICY.  DE  PAR.    AV  PRES  DE.  A    PAR. 

FAR ,  as  le  soigneux  marchant  tranaHlejusi/ues 

aux  plus  loyngtayns  des  indiens  par  mer, 
par  rochiers,  et  par  Jeu  pour  euiler  poureté. 
Je  vous  tireray  par  les  oreilles.  H  me  print 
par  la  mayn, 

PAR  ICY,  as  il  passa  par  icy  tout  a  ceste  heure. 

DE  PAR,  as  escripi  a  Londres  de  par  vosire  amy 
Andrieu  Baynton,  But  this  maner  of  sub- 
scribyng  waxeth  nowe  out  of  use,  for  nowe 
they  use  onely  to  write  vostre  amy. 

AUPRES  DE,  as  |7  demeure  auprès  de  mon 

A  PAR,  as  agardez  comment  il  se  joue  a  par  luy. 



DEVANT,  as  i7  ny  sera  pas  deuant  moy. 
AVANT,  as  nul  ne  doybt  eslre  estimé  eureux 

auant  sa  mort. 
PARDEVANT.  Ce  jourdhuy  sest   comparu  par 

deuant  nous  en  playne  court  Jehan  at  the 

AU  DEVANT  DE.  A  Celle  heure  se  présentèrent  au 

deuant  de  ma  pencée. 

By  yonde. 


DELA  ,  as  i7  est  allé  delà  la  mer. 

OULTRE,  as  il  se  courroucera  oullre  mesure.  Je 
gaige  que  je  tireray  oullre  ce  blanc  la.  Ton 
beau  corps  proporcionné  oullre  la  Jourme 
commune.  On  leur  fit  chiere  oullre  mesure. 



AU  DESSOUBZ  DE,  as  je  ne  disneray  plus  chez 

luy,  car  il  me  mit  au  dessoubz  du  plus  mes- 

chant  de  sa  table.  Le  grant  chemyn  va  la  au 

dessoubz  de  la  ville. 
EMBAS,  as  il  nest  pas  icy,  il  est  embas. 
DESSOUBZ,  as  il  a  tellement  gaigné  a  la  luycle 

comme  ceulx  qui  couchent  dessoubz. 

By  sydes. 


AUPRES  DE,  ai  venez,  vous  serez  assis  icy  au- 
près de  moy. 

5-'  ■• 



OVLTRE,  as  il  a  quelque  aultre  chose  dicte  oultre 

SANS,  as  il  auoyt  vingt  et  vng  hommes  en  son 

camp  sans  les  aduenturiers. 


EHTRE,  as  «?i(re  vng  saige  et  vngfol  il  y  a  bien 
a  dire.  Si  jestoje  couchi  entre  des  beaulx 
draps  je  donnyroye  Jort  et  ferme. 



POUR,  asfaictez  le  pour  lamour  de  moy.  Je  ne 

lejeray  pas  ne  pour  vous  ne  pour  homme  vi- 

POUR  CE  QUE.  Questyon  :  pour  quoy  ne  lefaic- 

tez  vous  ?  Aiiswcre  :  pour  ce  quil  ne  me  plaist 

CAR,  as  je  le  Jeray  voulentiers,  car  je  me  re- 

congnoys  estre  oblygé,  where  car  is  a  con- 

junction  casuall ,  and  contrevayletb  quia 

in  iatyn. 



DE ,  as  les  regretz  que  jay  de  mamye  qui  sest 

esloignée  de  moy. 
DES,  as  lange  Gabriel  descendit  des  cieulx  pour 

saluer  la  vierge  Marie, 
DAVEC,  as  qui  sépare  les  Normans  dauec  les 

Parisiens.  Et  sépare  Asie  dauec  Europe. 
ARRIERE  de',  as  Car  il  doyt  discerner  le  bon 

plantaige  arrière  du  mauluays. 


BAT,  or  ES.  A. 

EN,  as  il  nesl  pas  en  lesglise.  Il  est  en  vous  de 

sw  faire  autant  de  plaisyr, 
ES,  as  aynsi  que  expert  es  registres  du  Pape. 
A,  33  il  ne  tient  pas  a  moy.  But  that  is  a  phra- 

sys  of  the  tonge. 

In  lo. 

AILÉ,  or  AV.  EN. 

ALLÉ,  as  il  est  allé  aux  champs. 
AU,  as  mettez  le  au  sachet. 

EN,  as  il  nest  pas  entré  en  lesglise  encore.  Met- 
tez le  en  vostre  bourcc. 


AVPRES  de.  de  PRES.  PRES. 

AUPRES  DE,  as   tenez  vous  auprès  de  Ihuys 

quant  il  sorlyra. 
DE  PRES,  as  je  voys  mieulx  de  loyng  que  de  près. 
PRES,  as  de  son  grant  renom  ot  on  parler  et 

loing  et  près. 


DE ,  as  les  gens  ne  sont  poynt  faitz  de  fer  ne  de 



OULTRE,  asjectez  le  oultre  le  bort. 

DE  LA ,  as  il  est  allé  de  la  la  mer. 

TROP,  but  tban  he  is  an  adverbe  ofqualyte, 

as  be  is  but  overwyse  :  il  nest  que  trop 


Out  of. 


HORS  DE,  as  mays  pour  vous  mettre  hors  de 

PAR  DESSUS,  as  de  la  quelle  les  cheueulx  au- 

ricns  volettoyent  en  layr  par  dessus  ses  es- 



PARMY,  as  la  riaiere  de  Tamise  se  leua  hors  de 
son  canel  et  se  espardit  parmy  la  champaigne 
et  les  pries.  Et  ainsi  accouslrè  passa  parmi  la 
cité.  Et  je  ladttisay  parmi  les  saulx  et  les 
buissonnctz ,  comment  il  sejouoyt  a  par  luy. 
El  nous  vous  donnerons  leur  accès  parmy 
noz  lerriloyres. 


A,  as  il  est  allé  a  lesglise. 


ENUERS,  as  et  luy  promist  aide  et  assistance  a 



toasjours  et  de  toute  sa  puissance  emicrs  tous 
et  contre  tous.  Vous  auez  trop  vsé  de  rudesse 
enuers  mojr  pour  macquiler  de  mon  debuoir 
enuers  vous. 

VERS,  as  regardez  vers  lesglise,  or  le  suffise  a 
tanlj  et  me  laisse  aller  vers  mes  compaiqnons. 

DEVERS,  as  le  beau  Phebus  commençant  a  bais- 
ser son  chariot^  deaers  loccident. 



AVEC,  or  AUECQVES,bylyfeDe\thiche  I  fynde 
no  différence  nother  in  signyfycacion ,  nor 
in  use,  as  voulez  vous  coucher  auec  moj,  or 
auecques  moy  ?  Et  par  grant  curiosité  auec 
reuerence.  Mays  juuenille  honte  joincte  auec 
rusticité.  Pour  prendre  soûlas  auecques  les 
créatures  mortelles.  Et  faire  icy  son  gracieux 
séjour  auecques  moy  ton  humble  seruiteur. 
As  for  auec  du  pain,  auec  du  vin,  auec  du 
sel,  for  a  courtesy  of  breed,  etc. 

A  TOUT,  as  il  partit  dEgipte  a  tout  vne  grosse 
armée.  Et  a  tout  ceste  proye  se  partit  dillec- 
ques.  Et  vint  en  ceste  contrée  a  tout  sa  harpe 
dyuoyre.  Paris  a  tout  son  armée  pastoralle. 

A,  as  voulez  vous  jouer  a  moy?  El  luy  a  ces 
motz  commença  a  se  eschauffer.  Lequel  il  le 
receut  a  grant  joye.  Et  le  traicla  a  toute 
doulceur.  Et  enuahit  ses  terres  a  toute  puis- 

DE,  as  Venus  daigna  bien  saccointer  de  luy.  Il 
le  frappa  dung  marteau  de  mjÂreschal  et  loc- 
cist  de  ses  mayns.  Et  luy  promyst  aide  et 
assistance  a  tousjours  et  de  toute  sa  puis- 
sance, El  il  estoyt  sy  allumé  du  feu  da- 

snSEMBLE,  as  et  Hercules  au  contrayre  en- 
semble tout  leursequelle.Jayreceuvoz  lettres 
ensemble  vostre  enseigne,  but  enseigne  maye 
be  englisbed  and  aiso. 



DBDBUS,  nifremez  le  dedens  la  chambre  tant 

que  nous  reuenons. 
EN ,  as  sil  peult  estre  en  mon  pouuoir. 



DEHORS,  as  esloyl  ce  dedens  la  mayson  ou  de- 
hors ? 

SANS,  as  vous  ne  le  ferez  jamays  sans  ayde.  Ny 
allez  pas  sans  moy,  je  vous  prie, 



SOVfz,  as  soubz  vostre  correction, 
DESSOUBZ,  as  pissas  dessoubz  toy  a  terre, 

JVSQVES  A ,  as  prestes  moy  vostre  chenal  jus- 
ques  a  Pasques.  Sil  est  trop  chault,  mettez 
le  en  vng  puis  jusques  au  menton, 


EN  IIAVLT.  sus, 

EN  UAVLT ,  as  montez  en  haalt, 

sus,  as  sus,  messieurs.  Sus,  sus,  il  est  temps 
de  vous  leuer.  But  wbere  we  use  Uni,  the 
partyoiple,  in  tbis  englysse,  as  monsieur 
est  il  leué  encore:  is  my  lorde  uppe  yet; 
that  is  a  pbrasys  of  our  tonge. 



sus,  as  montez  sus  vostre  cheual  viste, 
AU  DESSUS  DB,is  Hz  sont  desja  montez  au  des- 
sus de  la  monlaigne. 

Up  to. 

JVSQVES  A,  as  il  monta  dembas  jusques  a  huait 
auant  quon  sceut  tourner  la  mayn. 

Hère  endeth  ihe  table  of  Preposycions  :  and  herafiter 

foloweth  the  annotacyons 

upon  the  Adverbe. 



Upon  the  thirde  rule  it  is  to  he  noted  that  for  questyons  de- 
niaunded  by  qui  who ,  and  que  what,  bycause  that  they  be  pronownes 
interrogatives ,  therfore  whan  they  come  after  any  preposycion ,  ad- 
verbe, or  conjunction ,  we  must  use  their  obhque  cases,  save  that, 
as  I  hâve  afore  shewed  in  the  seconde  booke,  qui,  the  pronowne, 
wanteth  his  obhque  case,  and  therfore  we  muste  say  for  in  whome, 
agaynst  whome,  with  whome  :  en  qui,  contre  qui,  auec  qui.  And  for 
in  what,  agaynst  what,  with  what  :  en  qaoy,  contre  quoy,  auec  qaoy. 
But  as  for  quest  deuena  Babilone,  for  where  is  Babylon  become,  or 
what  is  become  of  Babylon ,  that  maner  of  interrogacyon  is  to  be 
noted ,  and  also  agardez  quelle  est  petite,  for  se  howe  lytell  it  is.  And 
that  they  use,  whan  they  come  to  a  mans  doore,  to  aske  who  is 
there,  or  who  is  within,  he  that  standeth  without  sayeth  hola,  and 
suche  as  be  within,  for  who  is  there,  saye  qui  est  la. 


Where  as  the  adverbe  of  qualyte  in  the  frenche  tonge  moste  ge- 
nerally  is  formed  out  of  the  femynine  adjectyve  by  addyng  to  of 
ment,  yet,  as  I  bave  afore  said,  we  use  more  bien  and  mal  than 
bonnement  and  mallement,  and  oi  pire  we  say  nat  pirement ,  hut  pis. 

Note  also  that,  whan  the  femynyne  adjectyve  endeth  in  ante,  they 
forme  nat  their  adverbe  of  qualyte  in  antement,  but  in  amment,  for 
the  moste  parte,  as  o{  élégante,  triuniphante ,  meschante,  habundante, 
suffisante,  incessante,  ignorante,  they  forme  élégamment,  triumpham- 
ment,  meschamment,  habundamment ,  suffisamment,  incessamment,  igno- 
ramment.  But  whan  the  femynyne  adjectyve  endeth  in  ente  I  fynde 
their  adverbe  of  qualyte  endyng  somtyme  in  emment,  and  somtyme 
in  entement,  a.s  prudemment  and  prudentement ,  violemment  and  violente- 
ment,  paciemment  and  pacientement;  but  it  is  more  surer  to  use  the 
adverbe  in  emment. 

Note  also  that  I  fynde  fewe  adverbes  of  qualyte  formed  out  of  the 


présent  partyciples,  bycause  ihey  hâve  no  femynyne  in  ante,  but  ont 
of  the  femynines  of  preteryt  partyciples  I  fynde  dyvers  whiche ,  if 
their  thème  be  of  the  first  conjugacyon,  ende  in  eement,  as  assurée- 
ment,  ccléement,  vergondéement ,  and  suche  lyke.  I  fynde  aiso  conseqaam- 
ment  and  conseqaantement,  and  oï  forte  I  fynde  more  usyd  forment  than 

Note  also  that  by  adverbes  of  qualyte  we  may  make  comparation 
after  lyke  maner  and  forme  as  we  do  with  the  adjectyves,  as  forment, 
plus  forment,  le  plus  forment. 

Note  also  that  lyke  as  adjectives  may  bave  certayne  wordes  addyd 
unto  them  to  encrease  or  diminische  their  signification  witbout  niak- 
yng  of  any  comparation,  in  lyke  wyse  may  adverbes  of  qualité,  as 
cest  bien  saigement  parlé  :  it  is  very  vysely  spoken.  But  than  I  bave 
touched  in  the  seconde  booke  in  this  place  amongest  the  adverbes 
that  betoken  véhémence. 


The  adverbes  of  véhémence  rehersed  in  the  seconde  booke  maye 
thus  be  englysshed,  trop  to,  or  to  moche  ifort  very,  or  sore  :  moult 
moche  :  très  very  :  bien  very  :  peu  lytell  :  goutte  nat  a  whyt  :  tant  so 
moche  :  autant  so  moche  :  dauantaige  furthermore  :  si  so  :  tout  evyn, 
as  tout  maynlenant  evyn  nowe  :  tout  a  propos  evyn  a  purpose. 


Where  we  use  in  our  tonge  to  put  «  wyse  »  after  a  substantyve  beto- 
kennyng  a  lykenesse  or  symylitude,  unto  the  thyng  that  the  substan- 
tyve signifieth,  as  scryppe  wyse,  lyke  or  in  maner  of  a  scryppe  :  dya- 
mant  wyse,  lyke  or  in  maner  of  a  dyamant  :  slope  wyse,  al  suche 
expresse  they  in  frenche  by  addyng  of  en  byfore  that  substantyve ,  as 
en  escharpe,  en  diamant,  en  surquayne. 


Bisydes,  sus  and  faictez  le  court,  they  bave  also  tost,  whiche  beto- 
kenneth  anone  or  shortly,  and  or  ca  doncques. 




They  use  also  le  voycy,  se,  he  is  liera  :  le  voyla,  se,  he  is  there  :  la 
voycy,  se,  sche  is  hère  :  la  voyla,  se,  sche  is  there  :  and  les  voycy,  se, 
they  be  hère  :  les  voyla,  se,  they  be  there. 


They  use  somtyme  de,  in  the  stede  of^ue,  than,  as  sj  ne  sont  plus 
de  quinze  cens  :  and  yet  they  be  no  mo  but  fyftene  hundred. 


Whan  they  leave  out  sinon,  and  use  onely  que,  yet  the  verbe 
shall  hâve  ne  byfore  hym,  as  mon  entente  nest  que  de  jouer.  And  de 
paour,  as  je  ne  dis  riens  de  paour  qui  nauiengne.  And  note  that  ne , 
theyr  negatyve  adverbe ,  cometh  ever  afore  his  verbe ,  where  as  in 
our  tonge  he  cometh  ever  after ,  as  je  ne  le  dis  pas  :  I  say  it  nat. 


For  se  moche  as  it  is  barde  to  a  lerner  to  discerne  the  différence 
bytwene  an  adverbe  and  the  other  partes  of  spetche ,  and  that  as  well 
in  our  awne  tonge  as  in  the  frenche  tonge,  therfore  whan  so  ever 
they  hère  any  worde  or  wordes  whiche  may  serve  to  make  answere 
unto  any  of  thèse  twelve  questyons  folowyng,  demaundynge  of  the 
cyrcumstaunce  of  a  dede ,  let  the  lerner  resorte  unto  this  table ,  and 
seke  out  the  questyon  that  the  worde  or  wordes  serve  to  make  an- 
swere to,  and  under  it  after  the  order  of  a,  b,  c,  he  shall  fynde  out 
the  same  answere  set  forthe. 


HowE  OFTEN,  quantesfoys. 

HowE  MANY,  combien. 

HowE  FARRE  FORTH,  Combien  auant. 
From  whence  ,         doa. 
Sythe  whan,  despiiis  quant, 

Whye,  pour  quoy. 




ou,  or  oue. 

Whyther  , 

ou,  or  oue. 



How  moche, 


Howe  longe, 



But  by  exemple  to  déclare  more  playnely  what  I  meane,  if  a  lerner 
shall  stande  in  doute  what  parte  of  spetche  is  «  to  morowe  » ,  let  him 
loke  if  the  worde  serve  to  make  answere  to  any  of  thèse  twelve  cjues- 
tyons  demaunded  of  a  dede.  And  for  so  moche  as  this  worde  «  to 
"  morowe  »  may  serve  to  make  answere  to  this  questyon  «  whan  »;  as 
if  I  aske  «  whan  wyll  you  corne,  whan  wyll  you  paye  me  »,  I  maye 
make  answere  «  to  morowe  »  :  therfore  you  shall  fynde  «  to  morowe  » 
in  the  wordes  contayned  under  this  questyon  «  whan  ».  And  in  case 
that  you  happe  to  fynde  no  suche  wordes,  than  seke  out  every 
worde  by  hym  selfe  :  as  if  I  be  asked  whan  I  wyll  come,  y  maye 
make  answere  :  every  day  come  sommer.  Let  me  first  seke  in  the 
table  ofwHAN  if  I  fynde  out  thèse  wordes  :  every  day  come  sommer. 
If  I  shall  nat,  that  signyfyeth  that  the  frenche  tonge  hath  no  diffé- 
rent wordes ,  nor  dy verse  maner  of  phrasys  to  expresse  those  wordes 
by,  so  that  than  I  must  seke  out  «  every  »  amongest  the  pronownes  and 
«  day  »  amongest  the  substantyves,  and  «  come  »  amongest  the  verbes, 
and  «  sommer  »  amongest  the  substantyves,  and  saye  :  chascanjour  mays 
que  lesté  viemjne.  Yet,  for  the  more  ease  of  the  lerner,  I  bave  set  out 
a  great  nombre  of  answers  whiche  myght  be  made  takyng  every 
worde  by  it  selfe. 

And  note  that,  whan  the  frensche  tonge  hathe  many  adverbes  that 
contrevaile  one  adverbe  in  englyshe ,  I  shall  fyrst  reherce  howe  many 
sondry  wordes  they  hâve  in  frenche,  and  than  gyve  an  exemple  for 
every  one  of  them  whiche  shalbe  to  the  lernar  worth  a  lure  to  knowe 
howe  he  shulde  use  the  same  adverbe  :  and  in  case  that  I  gyve  none 
exemple  at  ail,  that  signifieth  that  I  suppose  it  is  not  requisyt. 





SNVIRON,  as  enuiron  ces  jours  arriva  a  Trojre 
la  royne  Pantkasilée. 

ENTOVR,  as  [7  se  leua  entour  mynttyct.  Aboute 
the  sonne  ryse  :  cntoar  le  soleil  leuant. 
About  noone  :  enuiron  nonne.  So  tbat  enui- 
ron and  entour,  in  this  sence ,  be  used  in  a 
maner  inditferently. 
A  day,  vng  jour. 

A  day  afore,  vng  jour  deuanl. 

A  day  byfore,  vng  jour  deuant. 

A  daye  after,  vng  jour  après. 

A  day  afore  the  fayre,  whicbe  we  use  for  an 
adage,  meanyng  tbat  one  cometh  tolate, 
wbicbethey  expresse  les  secours  dEspaigne. 
Afore,  AVANT,  prehier  que.  devant. 

AVANT,  as  nuvys  auant  je  vueil  descripre  ses 
riches  habillemens. 

PREMIER  QVE,  as  voire  mais  se  doybt  il  mesler 
de  parler  si  hastiuement  premier  que  moy, 

Afore  yeslerdaye,  deuant  hyer,  as  i7  esloyt  icy 
le  jour  de  deuant  hyer. 

Afore  mydnyght ,  deuant  mynuyct,  as  il  sera 
icy  deuanl  mynuyct. 

Afore  noone  ,  deuant  nonne,  as  t7  vint  icy  vne 
heure  deuant  nonne. 
Afore  season,  avltrbfoys.  davltrefoys.  pa- 


AVlTREFOYS,  as  en    laquelle    tant  de   gens 

auoyent  aultrefoys  exercé  leurs  prouesses. 

Comme  il  auoyt  Jaict  aultrefoys  aux  nopces 

de  Pirithous. 
DAVLTREFOYS,  as  i7  mest  aduis  que  jay  esté 

daaltrejoys  acoincté  auecques  vous. 
PARAVANT,  as  Troye  qui  parauant  se  disoyt 

AUPARAVANT,  as  les  gens  mengeoient  le  four- 

ment  toatcrad  comme  ilzfaiscyent  les  glandz 

Afore  tbat  tyme,  parauant,  as  car  parauant 

Us  gens  viuoyent  aux  champs. 
Afore  tyme ,  aultrefoys,  as  lesqaeh  luy  auoyent 

esté  aultrefoys  donnez. 

\ù.er,  APRES.    El  APRES.    DEPUIS. 

APRES,  as  i7  guigna  la  cité  après.  Mays  après  ce 

quilfut  adaerty  par  vision  nocturne. 
EN  APRES,  as  en  après  icellay  Euforhius. 
DEPUIS,  or  DESPUIS,  OU  licu  OU  depuis  fut 

fondée  Romme. 
Aller  day,  après  jour,  après  le  jour. 
Afler  day  ligbt ,  après  le  jour  cler. 
After  dyner  ,  après  disner. 
After  middaye,  après  mydy. 
After  mydnygbt ,  après  mynuyct. 
After  noone ,  après  mydy,  or  nonne. 
Mter  souper ,  après  sottpper. 
After  tbat,  APRES  que.  des  que.  depuis  qve. 
APRES  QUE,  as  el  après  que  les  eaues  furent 

DES  QUE,  as  il  besoigne  bien  tant  que  je  regarde 

dessus  luy,  mays,  des  que  jay  tourné  le  dos, 

il  ne  fait  que  se  jouer. 
DEPUIS  QUE,  as  despuis  que  discorde  y  auoyt 

mys  la  mayn. 
After  this  tyme  ,  après  comme  asleare,  as  je  y 

estoye  hyer  après  comme  asteure. 
Aflerwarde,  pi'vs.  depuis,  puys  après,  pvys 


PUYS,  as  si  se  leuerent  au  malyn  pour  cueyllir 
le  moy,  puis  sen  reuindrent  desjeuner. 

DEPUIS,  as  qui  depuis  a  esté  nommée  Jérusa- 

PUIS  APRES,  as  et  puis  après  le  beau  bancquei. 
Et  puis  après  les  quatre  dacz  sasseirent. 

Pt/lS  EN  APRES.  Mayns  se  sont  fort  resjouys  au 
jour  de  leurs  nopces  qui  puys  en  après  ont 
plouré  tendrement. 

APRES,  as  mayntenant  vous  me  pardonnerez, 
mays  après  je  le  vous  diray. 

PAR  APRES,  as  par  quoy  long  temps  on  nenjit 
nulle  mencion,  mays  par  après  la  chose  fut 
remise  sus  par  les  Francoys. 

EN  APRES,  as  en  après  je  te  conuoyeray  quel- 
que part  quil  te  playra  aller.  En  après  suc- 
céda ou  lieu  du  dict  prince  le  bon  roi  Bauo. 
Agaynsl  the  day  apointed,  encontre,  as  en- 
contre le  jour  appoincté. 
A  great  wbyle  after,  longtemps  après. 
A  great  whyle  a  go,  pieca.  de  pibca.  grant 




PIECA,  as  pieca  a  estéfaict  vng  nouuel  estatat. 
DE  PIECA,  M  je  les  congnoys  bien  de  pieca. 
GRANT  PIECE  i4 ,  as  e(  grant  pièce  y  aja  que 

les  Vénitiens  auojent  pour  cerlayn  signe. 
Aye,  ever,  tovsjouks. 
A  lytell  whyle  aller,  vng  peu  après  que  le  roy 

fut  venu. 
AH  in  tyme,  tovt  a  temps,  as  je  leferay  tout 

a  temps. 
Alredy,  JA,  dbsja. 

JA,  as  les  carollesja  deffailUrent. 

DESJA ,  as  estez  vous  desja  venu?  desja  et  deslors 

elle  le  tenoyt  pour  son  seignieur. 
AH  redye,  j'a,  deya,  declared  afore. 
AH  to  iale,  tout  a  tart,  as  vous  venez  tout  a 

Alwayes,  tovsjoubs.  Vous  ne  finez  de  me  her- 

celler  tousjours. 
Alwayp ,  TOVSJOVRS,  as  et  que  icelluy  la  senhay- 

toyt  en  tout  et  partout  et  tousjours. 
AmoDge,  PARFOïS,  ai  je  vous  verray  parfoys. 
An  boure  to  erly,  or  an  hour  to  sone,  trop  tost 

dune  heure. 
An  houre  to  late,  trop  tart  dune  heure. 
A  nyght  season ,  de  nvyct. 
A  nyghtertale,  de  nuyct. 
Anon ,  TANTOST,  as  et  elles  eurent  tantost  larmes 

a  commandement. 
Anon  anon ,  tout  mayntenant. 
Anone  afler,  tantost  après  la  royne  enfanta: 

and  TANTOST,  as  dont  il  deuint  tantost  yare. 
Anon  ryght,  tantost  après. 
Another  day,  as  thou  sbalte  repent  this  geare 

an  other  daye,  AV  temps  advenir,  as  ta 

te  repentiras  de  ces  choses  au  temps  adaenir. 
Aootber  evenyng,  or  evennyng  tyde,  vne  aaltre 

An  otber    mornyng,    or  moming  tyde,   vne 

aultre  matinée. 
An  other  nyght  tyde ,  vne  aultre  nuyctée. 
An  other  season ,  aultresfoys ,  as  reuenez  aultres- 

An  other  tyme,  aultresfoys ,  as  vnefoys  se  myl  a 

tirer  de  lare,  avltresfoys  semployoit  a  faire 

An  other  while,  AVLTREsfors,a»  one  whyle  he 

iaugbed,  an  other  whyle  he  wepte  ;  vnes- 

foys  sen  rioyt,  aultresfoys  il  plouroyt. 
As  erly  as  maye  he,  aufyn  matyn,  Hz  bruslerent 

les  cors  des  mors. 
As  hastely  as  I  can ,  en  aussi  grant  haste  que  je 

As  nowe,  a  présent,  pour  le  présent,  oren- 

a  présent,  as  car  a  présent  mes  motz  sont 

trop  scabreux. 
POUR  LE  PRESENT,  as  aultre  chose  ne  vous 

escrips  pour  le  présent. 
ORENDROYT ,  as  quelque  beaulté  que  elle  souloyt 

auoyr,  elle  est  orendroyt  aussi  noyre  qung 



AUSSI  TOST  QUE,  ai  je  viendray  aussi  tost  que 

je  pourray. 
SI  TOST  COMME,  as  si  tost  comme  le  fait  fat 

As  sone  as  may  be ,  aussi  tost  que  ce  peull  estre. 

As  sone  as  it  may  be  done ,  aussi  tost  que  ce  peuh 

As  sbortly  as,  aussi  tost  que  je  viengne  a  la  mai- 

As  spedely  as ,  en  aussi  grant  haste  que  je  pais. 

As  than  ,  pour  lors,  as  et  le  pape  se  tenoyt  pour 
lors  a  troys  lieues  près  de  Romme. 

As  well  at  nyght  as  in  the  mornyng ,  font  aa  soyr 
que  au  matyn. 

At  any  tyme,  quelque  foys,  as,  if  it  please  you 
at  any  tyme  to  come  to  my  poore  bouse, 
you  shalbe  welcome  :  sil  vous  plait  quelque 
fois  venir  a  ma  may  son,  vous  serez  le  très- 
bien  venu. 

And  A  TOUTES  HEURES  QUE,  as  come 
at  any  tyme  that  it  shal  please  you  :  venez 
a  toutes  heures  qail  vous  plaira. 

At  after  noone,  après  nonne,  après  nvydy. 

At  a  good  hour,  erly,  de  bon  matyn,  as  par 
quoy  Hz  arriuerent  de  bon  matyn.  Apres  les 
sacrifices  solempnellementfays  de  bon  matyn 

At  a  good  houre,  at  a  coavenyent  season,  de 
BONNE  HEURE.  Et  que  la  royne  eut  disné  de 
bonne  heure. 

At  ell  heures,  a  toutes  heures,  or  a  toute 
101  . 



HEVBE ,  as  a  toutes  heures,  or  o  toute  heure 

a  par  moi  me  soacje. 
At  ail  hallontyde,  a  la  tovs  saynctz. 
At  ail  halowmesse,  a  la  tous  saykctz. 
At  ail  tymes,  en  tovs  temps,  as  en  tous  temps, 

or  de  tous  temps  Irouueras  tu  a  la  court  la 

variableté  de  fortune. 
At  a   tryce,   tout  court,    tost  et  ùourt. 


tout  court,  as  si  je  le  eusse  trouué  tout  seul, 

je  leusse  prins  tout  court, 
tost  et  court,  and  je  le  vous  feray  auant 


At  banket  tyme,  au  temps  de  hancqaet. 

At  bedde  tyme,  au  temps  de  couclier. 

At  breakfast  tyme,  au  temps  de  desjeuner. 

At  breakc  of  daye,  a  laube  du  jour. 

At  brode  day  lyght,  en  playnjour. 

At  candelles  Ijgbt,  a  la  première  chandelle. 

At  Caudelmesse,  a  la  Chandelleur. 

At  Cbristmesse ,  a  Noël. 

At  Complyne,  a  Compile.  At  Compiyne  tyme,  au 

temps  de  Complie. 
Ât  courfewe  tyme,  au  coeuurefeu. 
At  Crowchmesse ,  a  la  saincte  Croyx. 
At  daye  breake,  au  jour  creuer. 
At  daye  pype ,  a  la  pipe  du  jour. 
At  darke  nygbt,  a  la  nuyct  obscure. 
At  departyng,  on  departyr. 
At  dyner,  a  disner,  or  au  temps  de  disner. 
At  dyverse  tymes,  a  diaerses  foys ,  a  plusieurs 

At  dômes  day,  au  jour  du  jugement,  or  au  jour 

du  grant  jugement. 
At  Easter,  aPasqufS. 

At  evynsong,  avespres,OT  au  temps  de  vespres. 
At  cvyn  tyde,  au  soyr. 

At  evyn  and  at  morowe ,  au  soyr  et  au  matyn. 
At  Fastyngonge ,  a  Quaresme  prennanl. 
At  gaogetyde,  aux  rouuaisons. 
At  hyghe  mydnyght,  a  playne  mynuyct,or  a  la 

At  hygbe  noone ,  a  playn  myjy. 
At  his  course,  A  SON  TOUn,  as  mais  quant  Paris 

deabi  parler  a  son  tour.  And  so  of  othcr  pro- 

nownes,  myne,  tbyne,  ours.yours,  theirs. 

At  his  comyng,  de  savenue,  or  a  sa  venue,  and 

so  of  the  other  pronowncs. 
At  his  tourne,  a  son  tour,  and  so  of  the  other 

At  layser,  au  loisyr. 
At  Lanimesse,  au  premier  jour  de  aoust,  or  « 

sainct  Pierre  aux  liens. 
At  last  conclusyon ,  en  la  parfin. 
At  laudes  of  matyns,  aux  laudes. 
At  Lent,  au  Quaresme. 
At  many  and  dyverse  tymes,  o  plusieurs  et  di- 

uerses  Joys. 
At  Martylmesse,  o  la  sainct  Marlyn. 


And  note  that,  in  ail  suchefeestes  na- 
de,  so  that ,  by  a  ia  saynct  Martin,  they  un- 
derstande  o  lafesle  de  saynct  Martin.  Note 
also  that  the  frenchmen  hâve  other  sayntes 
dayes  that  they  recken  by  for  paymcntcs , 
or  contractes,  than  we  bave,  as  a  la  saynct 
Remy,  whicbe  is  the  first  day  of  October. 
And  in  lyke  wyse,  wc  bave  feestes  that 
they  use  nat,  as  at  saynt  James  tyme,  or 
saynt  James  tyde,  at  Crowchemesse ,  al 
Lamessc  :  and  tbcrfore  in  suche  it  shal 
be  more  sure  lo  accounle  them  afler  the 
order  of  the  dayes  of  the  calender. 

At  masse  tyme,  au  temps  de  messe,  or  a  la  messe. 

At  matyns,  a  matynes. 

At  raattyns  tyme ,  au  temps  de  matines. 

At  myddaye ,  a  mydy. 

At  mydnyght,  a  mynuyct. 

At  Mychelmesse,  a  la  saynct  Michel,  or  le  jour 
de  sainct  Michel. 

At  mydsommcr,  a  la  sainct  Jehan  desté. 

At  morowe,  au  matyn. 

At  mornyng  tyde,  a  la  matynée. 

At  nede,  au  besoyng. 

At  newe  yeres  tyde,  le  jour  de  lan,  or  le  jour 
des  estrenes. 

At  nyght,  au  soyr,  and  a  la  nuyct,  as  la  nuyct , 
quant  ce  vint  au  coucher. 

At  ones,  a  coup.  tost.  a  la  foys. 




A  COUP,  as  amayne  les  icy  acoup,  or  TOST. 
A  LA  FOYS,  as  je  ne  joucray  qne  a  vng  a  la 

Ai ones,  at  ones,  a  coup,  a  coup. 

At  one  of  the  clocke,  a  vne  heure  dorologe,  or  a 

vne  heure, 

or   THE  CLOCKE. 

So  that,  for  at  one,  two,  tlire,  four, 
fyve,  syxe  of  the  clocke,  and  so  forlh 
lo  twelve  of  tlie  clocke,  the  frenche  men 
saye  :  o  vue  heure,  a  deux  heures,  a  troys 
heures,  etc.  Joynyng  a  and  the  nombres  to 

At  Pace,  a  Pasques. 

At  prime,  a  prime. 

At  prime  tyme,  a  Iheure  de  prime. 

At  saynte  James  tyde,  a  la  saynct  Jaques. 

At  Shroftyde,  a  Quaresme prennant. 

At  suche  tyme  as,  au  temps  que,  as  au  temps 
quc'^Engist  arriua premièrement  enBretaygne. 

At  supper ,  au  soupper. 

At  supper  tyme,  au  temps  de  soupper, 

At  that  tyme,  AioRS.  9ovR  j.ons.  a  celle  foys. 
ALORS,  as  et  plusieurs  des  enfans  de  Priam 
furent  occis  alors. 
POUR  LORS,  as  et  se  tenoyt  pour  lors  a  Vêtu- 

A  CELLE  FOYS ,  as  si  se  teusl  sans  dire  plus  mot 
a  celle  Joys, 

At  the  accountes,  aux  accomptes. 

At  the  Annuncyacion  of  oiir  Lady,  a  lAnnun- 
ciadon  Nnsirc  Dame. 

At  the  breake  of  dayc ,  au  jour  creuer,  or  au 
poynt  du  jour. 

At  the  brode  daye  lyght,  en  playnjonr. 

At  the  cocke  crowe ,  au  chant  du  coq. 

At  the  day  of  dôme,  an  jour  du  jugement. 

At  the  day  set,  whan  the  day  is  departed,  au 
département  du  jour. 

At  the  day  set,  at  the  daye  apoynted,  au  jour 
assis,  or  assigné. 

At  the  daye  appoynlcd,  aujourappoyncté. 

At  the  dawnynge  of  the  daye ,  au  jour  creué,  or 
au  poynt  du  jour. 

At  the  first,  AU  premier,  or  au  prîmes,  de 

PRIME  face. 

AU  PREMIER,  as  au  premier  il  luy  benda  les 

yeulx  et  puis  après  il  luy  couppa  la  teste. 
DE  PRIME  FACE,  as  si  VOUS  le  luy  demandez, 
il  le  vous  dira  de  prime  face. 
At  the  first  assault,  de  prinsault. 
At  the  first  brayde,  de  prime  face,  as  déposa 

tout  ce  que  sensuyt  et  déprime  face  nous  dit. 
At  the  firste  brunte,  de  prinsault,  as  la  bonne 
femme  nourrice  de  Paris  de  prinsault  se  layssa 
cheoyr  aux  pied:  du  prince  Hector. 
At  the  firste   choppe,  au  tout  premier,  or  de 

prime  face. 
At  the  first  rekenynge ,  aux  premiers  comptes. 
At  the  first  syght,  de  prime  face,  as  Mercure 
jectant  ses  yeulx  embas  choysit  de  prime  face 
le  beau  pasteur  Paris. 
At  the  first  vewe,  de   prime  face.  Je  ne  puis 

pas  juger  la  chose  de  prime  face. 
At  the  houre  of  prime,  a  prime. 
At  the  latter  cnde,  au  dernier,  or  a  la parfyn, or 

en  la  parfyn. 
At  the  last,  a  lafyn,  au  dernier,  or  au  derrayn, 

a  la  parfyn. 
At  the  last  conclusyon,  a  la  parfyn,  or  en  la 

At  the  length ,  au  long  aller,  or  a  la  longue. 
At  the  makynge  herof,  au  finisscment  de  cecy. 
At  the  next  accompt ,  au  prouchayn  compte. 
At  the  owie  flygbt,  a  la  volée  du  hyhou. 
At  the  poynt  of  dethe,  au  poynt  du  départir. 
At  the  retourning  of,  au  retour  de. 
At  the  same  season ,  a  la  mesme  sayson. 
At  the  same  tyme,  a  ce  mesme  temps,  and  a 
Iheure,  as  pleust  a  Dieu  que  les  treshaux  ro- 
chicrs  fussent  tumbés  sur  noz  deux  corps  a 
At  the  sclfe  hour,  a  la  mesme  heure. 
At  the  selfe  season,  a  la  mesme  saison. 
At  the  selfe  tyme ,  au  mesme  temps. 
At  the  sonne  gâte  downe,  sur  le  soleil  couchant, 
as  sur  le  soleil  coachant  se  retirèrent  en  leur 
fortes  nauircs. 
At  the  sonne  goyng  downe,  jur  le  soleil  cou- 



At  the  sonne  rysyng,  ou  soleil  leuant. 

At  the  sonne  set,  au  soleil  absconsant. 

At  the  poynte  of  the  daye,  sns  le  poynt  du  jour. 

At  the  tyme,  a  Ikeure,  au  temps. 

At  the  twye  lyght,  entre  la  nnyct  et  le  jour. 

At  the  two  dayes  ende,  au  chiej,  or  au  bout  de 

Al  the  very  dawnyng  of  the  daye,  a  lajine  aulbe 
du  jour.  So  that  jin,  andjine  hetokeneth 
verye  in  this  maner  of  speakyng. 

At  the  writyng  herof,  meanyng  a  letter  mys- 
syfe,  au  temps  quon  escripuoyt  ces  présentes. 

At  this  daye,  au  jourdhui ,  as  etfust  aussi  bien 
entretenue  aujourdhuj  comme  ellefust  alors. 

At  this  présent  tyme,  a  présent,  and  présente- 
ment. Quon  dit  présentement  la  Morée. 

At  this  season ,  a  phesent.  OREyoKorr. 

A  PRESEiST,  as  je  suis  venu  pour  veoyr  les 

grans  joustes  qui  se  font  a  présent. 
OREKDROYT,  as   treshumhlement  orendroyt  te 

At  this  tyme ,  A  présent,  a  ce  coup,  a   ce 


A  PRESENT,  as  car  tu  le  verras  aussi  souuent 

que  tu  fais  aprescnl  etenplus  grant  honneur. 

A  CE  COUP,  as  je  gaige  que  je  abalray  autant 

a  ce  coup  que  vous  aaezfait  deuant. 
A  CE  TOUR,  as  o  ce  tour,  or 
A  CESTE   FOïS,   M  VOUS  diray   riens   aultre 
At  this  tyme  présent,  a  ce  présent,  or  o  Uieure 
présente,  or  orendroyt,  as  si  ma  jeunesse  fut 
présente,  si  comme  la  vostre  orendroyt. 
At  tfaose  dayes,  pour  lors,  as  mays  pour  lors  il 

naaoit  gaaires  grant  bruyt. 
At  tymes,  A  la  foys,  as  a  la  foys  se  tirait  a 

part  pour  reformer  sa  contenance. 
At  Twelft  tyme,  le  jour  des  Roys,  or  le  jour  de 

la  Typhayne. 
At  Vhytsontyde,  a  la  Pentecoste. 

By.  — -  RcLE  OF  i  BY  »  pot  bïfore  answers  be- 


Note  that  as  many  wordes  servyng  to 
maie  answere  to  this  questyon  ■  whan  • , 

as  hâve  ben  afore  folowed  after  i  al  »,  as 
at  Ester,  at  Christmesse,  at  noone,  at 
night,  at  the  breake  of  daye,  at  the  sonne 
rysynge,  and  for  the  moste  parte  of  ail 
the  resydue,  ail  those  wordes  in  maner 
maye  folowe  after  iby».  As,  if  I  be  de- 
maunded  whan  a  thyng  shail  be  done,  I 
may  make  answere  by  Ester,  by  Christ- 
masse,  by  noone,  by  mydnyght,  by  the 
breake  of  day,  by  the  sonne  rysyng,  and 
so  in  maner  of  ail  the  resydewe  whcther 
they  be  but  one  worde  alone.  And  than 
«  by  1  in  our  tonge  couutrevayleth  in 
frenche  sur  le  poynt  de,  or  auant  quil  soyt, 
or  ayns  quil  soyt.  As  for  this  answere,  by 
Ester,  tho  frenche  men  say  :  sur  le  poynt 
de  Pasques,  or  auant  quil  soyt  Pasques,  or 
ayns  quil  soyt  Pasques,  which  differ  thus. 
•Sur  le  poynt  de  Pasques  signyfyeth  jusl 
by  Ester,  or  just  upon  ihe  tyme  of  Ester, 
but  the  olher  twayne  signyfye  thaï  or 
Ester  come  a  thyng  shalbe  done,  and  Ihis 
generall  rule  is  to  be  noled,  for  I  shall 
hère  folowynge  reherce  no  answers  be- 
gynnyng  with  obysf  excepl  ihey  be  suche 
as  this  generall  rule  can  uat  serve  for. 
By  and  by,  tantost.  a  coup  tout,  a  coup. 


TANTOST,  as  celluy  tanlost  le  tendit. 

A  COUP,  as  tu  congnoystcras   a  coup  et  sans 
séjour  que  nostrc  daeil  vient  deuant  son  jour. 

TOUT  A  COUP,  as  et  tout  a  coup  cela  consi- 
déré, mon  premier  sens  si  fut  délibéré. 

TOUT  ASTEURE ,  as  je  VOS  a  vous  tout  asteure. 

QUANT  ET  QUANT,  as  quon  le  face  venir  quant 
et  quant. 

TOUT  FYN  MAYNTENANT,  as  je  le  feruy  tout 
fin  mayntcnant. 

By  and  by  afler,  tantost  après. 
Byfore.  —  Rdle  of  byfore.  Note  Ihal  this  worde 
«  byfore  •  maye  in  maner  be  put  afore , 
as  many  wordes  as  bave  had  i  at  »  put  by- 
fore them,  and  than  he  counlrevaylelh 
in  frenche  deuant  or  auant,  as  for  byfore 
Ester,  byfore  Christmasse,  byfore  noone. 


they  say:  (/cHan(,  or  auant  Pasques,  de- 
vumt  Noël,  deuanl  nonne.  But  for  byfore, 
whan  he  hatb  none  olber  worde  folow- 
ynge  hym,  I  fynde  besydes  devant,  au 


DEVANT,  Aifayctez  le  aynsi  comme  jay  ditde- 

AV  DEVANT  DE,  as  VOUS  debucz  auoyr  honte 

de  vous  trouuer  au  deuanl  du  roy  en  ce  simple 

PAR  DEVANT,  as  de  sa  nature  ay  je  assez  parlé 

par  deuant. 
PARAVANT ,  as  car  parauant  que  je  commence 

riens,  je  veulx  veoyr  si  je  suis  assez  sujfisanl 

pour  porter  le  jay  s. 
AS  PARAVANT ,  as  et  auoyt  plus  grant  charge 

quil  nauoyt  au  parauant. 
Byfore  day,  auant  que  soytjour. 
Byfore  tbat  ever,   premier  que,  as  ta  belle 

forme  et  grande  valeur  fut  imprimée  par  rap- 
port en  mon  cuear,  voyrc  premier  que  ja- 

mays  en  ma  vie  mon  oeil  tcust  veue. 
Byfore  tbat,  avant  Qve  ,  as  ayns  que  je  dorme 

le  comperra. 
Byfore  tyme,  par  le  temps  de  devant,  as  et 

sil  en  eust  la  science  aussi  bien  par  le  temps 

de  deuant  quil  a  eu  despays. 
By  bis  lyfe  dayes,  DE  son  playn  vivant,  as 

et  comme  saige  de  son  playn  viuant  il  fit 

ordonner  son  testament. 
By  Ihose  dayes,  alors,  or  adoncqves.  Alors 

cstoyt  il  en  grant  estimation,  or 
AV  TEMPS  dadonqves,  as  il  estoytfort  estime 

au  temps  dadonques. 
By  tymes,  erly,  de  bonne  bsvre,  aademaynje 

me  leueray  de  bonne  heure.    By  tymes  in 

the  momynge  :  de  bon  matyn,  or  tempre. 

Dicy  en  auant  je  me  leueray  de  bon  matin, 

or  Je  me  lieueray  tempre,  or  bien  tempre. 
Bylwene  >ybyles,  entre  EVLX,as  après  longs  re- 

gretz  de  leur  infortune,  toulesfois  entre  eux 

Hz  se  entrebaisirent. 
Botli  erly  and  late,  et  tost  et  tart. 
Bat  a  lytell  byfore ,  naguayres,  as  Marius  qui 

naguayres  auoyt  vaincu  Jugurtha. 



But  an  ave  Marye  wbyle  ago,  tant  quon  diroyt 
vng  aué  Maria. 

But  a  pater  noster  while  a  go,  tant  quon  dirnyt 
sa  patenostre. 

But  a  pissynge  wbyle,  tant  quon  auroyt  pissé,  or 
ce  pendent. 

But  a  wbyle  a  go,  despuis  naguayres,  or  na- 

But  late  a  go,  naguayres,  as  naguayres  cheual- 
chant  pensoye  comme  homme  triste  et  dou- 

But  of  late  dayes,  DEiPvis  nagvaires,  as  ce 
clochier  a  esté  reedijié  despuis  naguayres. 

But  now,  or  but  evyn  now,  A  prime.  Voy  le  la 
ou  il  part  a  prime;  il  se  lieue  a  prime,  or  ne 
faict  que  se  leuer  a  prime. 

But  now  of  late,  despuis  peu  de  temps  en  ca, 
as  cest  despuis  peu  de  temps  en  ca  quon  a 
establi  ceste  ordonnance. 

But  very  late,  naguayres  despuis. 

Dayly,  journellement,  de  jour  en  jour,  tous  les 

Day  by  daye ,  de  jour  en  jour. 
Duryng  tbe  tymc  tbat,  as  pendant  quil  estoyt 

Duryng  tbe  wbicbe  tyme,  pendant  lequel  temps. 

Ere.  Note  tbat  Ere  maye  in  raaner  be  put  afore , 
as  many  sondry  wordes  servyng  to  make 
answere  to  tbis  questyon  o  wban  » ,  as  may 
at,  for  wc  say  ère  Ester,  ère  Cbristmasse, 
ère  noone,  ère  mydnigbt,  ère  tbe  breke 
of  day,  ère  the  sonne  rysyng ,  wbicbe 
the  Frenchmen  expresse  outher  by  ayxs 
QUE  SOYT,  or  AVANT,  as  ayns  que  soyt 
Pasques,  ayns  que  soyt  Noël,  ayns  que  soyt 
nonne,  ayns  que  soyt  mynuyct,  ayns  que  soyt 
laube  du  jour,  ayns  que  soyt  le  soleil  leuant, 
or  eis  by  auant;  as  auant  quil  soyt  Pasques, 
auant  quil  soyt  Noël,  etc.  And  therfore  to 
reherce  them  nowe  agayne  I  suppose  shuid 
bè  but  superfluous,  save  tbat  I  fynde  for 
ère  dyner,  erc  supper,  ayns  quon  disne,ayns 
quon  souppe. 

Ere  tbis,  aultres  foys.  Par  lexemple  de  ceulx 



a  <jm  il  eust  esté  aullresjoys  mescheu,  and 
au  queljay  aullresjoys  donné  puissance. 

Evyn.  Note  tbat  Evyn  niay  aiso  in  maner  )ie 
put  afore  al  other  maiicr  of  answers  to 
tbis  questyon  t  whan  » ,  as  evyn  at  Easter, 
evyn  at  Christmesse,  evyn  by  Ester,  evyn 
by  Cbristmessc,  evyn  by  and  by,  etc. 
Wbiche  the  Frencbmen  expresse  by  TOUT, 
or  TOVT  FYX,  as  tout  fyn  a  Pasques,  tout 
fin  a  Nouel,  tout  fyn  mayntenant, 

Evyn  very  now,  tout  fyn  mayntenant. 

Evyn  as,  aynsi  comme,  as  aynsique  Ihorologe 
sonna,  le  roy  alla  passer. 

Evyn  straygbt,  tout  a  coup. 

Ever,  TOVSJOUHS.  jamays.  oitQves,  wbicbe  in 
ryme  I  fynde  wrillen  oncQ. 
TOUSJOURS,  as  vous  me  harcelez  tousjours,  et 

si  ne  vous  donne  poynt  doccasion. 
JAMAYS,  as  comme  sujfira  ma  bouche  jamays 

a  dire  les  louenges  que  vous  auez  méritées. 
oyQUES,   as  par  aynsi  appert  que  ce  fut   le 
premier  que  Chamfit  oncques. 

Ever  after,  tousjours  despuis. 

Ever  byfore,  okcqves  jahays,  as  il  veit  la 
plus  belle  dame  quil  eust  oncques  jamays 
veae.  Si  esloyt  elle  plus  estendue  quonques 
jamais  laaoye  veue. 

Ever  sytbe ,  qui  tousjours  depuis  a  duré. 

Everlaslingly,  a  tout  jamais. 

First  of  ail ,  tout  premier. 

First  or  laste,  tost  ou  tart. 

For  longe  a  go,  Bi  pieca,  as  je  dis  que  mon  in- 
tendon  est  bien  fondée  de  pieca. 

For  this  tyme,  povh  le  présent,  as  néant 
moyns  pour  le  présent  il  vous  suffira  de  ce 
premier  Uurc,  and^  présent,  as  du  mantel 
me  deporleray  a  présent. 

Forthwitb,  tout  incoutinent,  as  il  sen  va 
tout  incontinent,  and  tout  ades,  as  Jout 
ades  il  le  print  pour  son  seruiteur.  And  a 
coup,  as  0  poures,  nous  mourrons  a  coup. 

Forth  withall,  QUAyr  et  quant,  tout  or  en- 
DROYT.  atant.  Et  quant  et  quant  on  le  mit 
TOVT  OR  ENDROYT,  as  il  sc  pense  a  faire  droyt 
aux  parties  tout  or  endroyt. 

ATANT,  as  atant  commença  il  a  faire  son  ser- 

Foure  monethes  a  go,  passé  a  quattre  moys.  And 
note  tbat  this  maner  of  speakyng  use 
Ibey  in  ail  lykc,  as  two  daycs  a  go,  two 
,  yeres  a  go ,  ten  yeres  a  go,  twenty  yeres  a 
go,  tbey  say  :  passé  a  deux  jours ,  passé  a 
deux  ans,  passé  a  dix  ans,  passé  a  vingt 

From  cbyldhodde,  denfance. 

From   hence  forthe ,   des   or,  and   des   or 


DES  OR,  as  je  metiray  tout  mon  paurpens  des 

or  a  bel  acueil  garder. 
DES  OR  MAIS,  or  DEsaORSMAYS,  as  de  cest 

affaire  plus  nen  parlerons  deshorsmays,  and 

de  cy  en  auant. 
From  _hence  forwarde,   dores  en  auant,  and 

dycy  en  auant,  and  cy  en  auant. 
From  liour  to  hour,  de  heure  en  heure. 
FuU  soone,  bien  tost, 
From  this  day  forth,  desaujourdhuy. 
From  tbis  présent  tyme ,  de  ceste  heure. 

Hère  after,  cv  après,  as  lesquelles  tu  congnoys- 

teras  miculx  cy  après. 
Hère  byfore,  par  cy  deuant,  as  vous  maucz 

dit  par  cy  deuant  plus  de  mille  foys. 

Yesterday,  hier. 

In  ail  the  hasie  you  may,  en  toute  la  haste  pos- 
In  brefc  tyme ,  en  briej  temps. 
In  conclusyon,   finallement,  or   finable- 
ment ,  but  finallement  is  most  used.   And 
en  la  PARFiy.  And  brief. 
FINALLEMENT,  as  mays  finallement  cellay  ora- 
cle saneanlist. 
EN  LA  PARFlN,  as  si  tumba   la  malle  fortune 

en  la  parfin  sur  la  belle  pucelle  llesionne. 
BRiBF,  as  brief  tout  son  accoastrement  estoyl 
Incontynent,  quant  et  quant,  incontinent. 


]         QUANT  ET  QUANT,  as  quon  le  me  face  quant 
j  et  quant. 



INCONTINENT,  et  disent  que  Cham  Zoroast  ri- 
sit  inconlinenl  au  partir  du  ventre  de  sa  mère. 
DES  INCONTINENT  QVE ,  as  des  incontinent 
quelle  fut  deliurée  de  son  filz, 

Immedyatly,  incontinent. 

Immedyately  aftcr,  incontinent  après . 

Immedyately  byfore,  incontinent  deuant. 

In  lesse  wbyle  thaa  in  tournyng  of  a  haode ,  en 
moyns  de  tourner  la  majn. 

In  lesse  wliyle  than  I  hâve  tolde  you  tlie  taie, 
en  mojns  de  vous  auoyr  racompté  le  compte. 
Undcrstandyng  temps  in  ali  suciie  an- 

In  olde  tyme,  jadis,  au  temps  jadis. 

JADIS j  as  et  au  lieu  quon  disoyt  jadis  Bysance 
fonda  la  jadis  tresjlourissant  et  mayntenant 
misérable  cité  de  Constantinohle. 
AD  TEMPS  JADIS,  as  et  Sur  ce  propos  est  a  no- 
ter que  au  temps  jadis. 

In  shorte  space,  en  peu  dheure. 

In  shorte  tyme,  en  peu  diievre,  de  bribf. 
EN  PEU  DiiEURE,  as  laquelle  il  acheua  en  peu 

DE  BRIEF,  as  jamais  neusse  penné  que  de  si 
hriej fut  enjlamhé  si  largement  damours. 

In  so  lylcll  space,  en  si  peu  dheure. 

In  so  short  whyle,  en  si  peu  de  temps. 

In  the  daye  tyme,  emmy  jour,  as  soyt  au  soyr, 
ou  au  matyn,  ou  emmy  jour,  ou  aullre- 

In  the  ende,  en  la  parfin. 

In  ihe  gange  weke,  lasepmaynedesronaaysons. 

In  the  meane  season,  entretant  que,  tan- 
dis QUE.  Mays  eniretant  quil  dormira  tan- 
dys  sen  ira  le  faulcon.  Tenez  mjtn  cheual 
tandis  que  je  soye  de  retour.  And  for  in  the 
meane  season  I  fynde  also  endemenliers , 
and  ce  pendant  que,  en  ce  pendant,  and  en 
ce  tandis,  and  pendant  que,  and  entandis. 

In  the  meane  whyle,  for  whichc  they  bave  as 
niany  sundry  wordes  in  the  frenche  tonge 
as  for  in  the  meane  season,  and  ce  temps 

In  the  mornynge,  au  aiATry ,  as  moult  eus!  au 
matyn  bon  encontre. 

In  the  nyght  season ,  de  nuyct. 

In  the  owle  flyght:they  hâve  nomanerorsuche 
speakyng  tliat  I  \Totte  of. 

In  the  Passyon  weke ,  a  la  sepmayne  Peneuse. 

In  the  Rogacyon  weke,  a  la  sepmayne  des  Rou- 
uaisons,  and  rogations. 

In  the  selfe  tyme,  ou  mesmes  temps. 

In  the  tyme  that  nowe  gothe,  au  temps  qui  court. 

In  the  tyme  thaï  nowe  is,  au  temps  de  maynte- 
nant. De  mayntenant.  Présentement. 

In  the  twye  lyght,  entre  le  jour  et  la  nuyct. 

In  those  dayes,  dadoncques.  pour  lors,  en 


dadoncques,  as  et  estoyt  gorgieasement  ac- 
couslré  selon  la  manière  dadoncques. 

POUR  LORS,  as  en  la  cite  auoyt  pour  lors  vng 

en  ce  temps  la  ,  as  et  certes  je  croy  quen  ce 

temps  la  nauoyt  homme  plus  renommé. 

In  tyme  pasie,  au  temps  passé,  autresfoys. 

as  vous  vous  pencez  aussi  puissant  quauet 

esté  au  temps  passé,  or  quauez  esté  aultres- 

In  tyme  to  comc,  au  temps  adaenir. 
In  Whytson  weke,  la  sepmayne  de  la  Penthe- 

Late  a  go ,  naguayres. 

Late  dayes  and  yeres,  naguayres  de  jours  ne 

Late  paste,  naguayres  passé. 

Late  pasle,  dernier.  And  note  that,  lyke  as  we 
maye  adde  thèse  wordes  last  paste  unto 
al  the  answers  to  this  questyon  i  whan , 
«whiche,  hath,  at»,  orauy  olher  addycion 
byfore  them,  so  do  the  frenchmen  use 
dernier  in  the  same  sence,  as,  for  at  Eas- 
ter  laste  paste,  they  saye:  a  Pasques  der- 
nier, auant  que  fut  Pasques  dernier,  deuant 
Pasques  dernier. 

Longe  a  fore,  longtemps  deuant. 

Longe  a  go,  pieca.  de  pieca.  ja  pieca. 
PIECA ,  as  nous  sommes  pieca  despcschez. 
DE  PIECA  ,  as  nous  lauons  de  pieca  requis. 
JA  PIECA,  as  i7  est  mort  et  enterré  ja  pieca. 

Longe  byfore ,  long  temps  deuant,  and  pieca,  as 
si  trouua  quil  estoyt  pieca  mort, 




Longe  byfore  that,  or  thaï  tyme,  loiifjtemps  par 

LoDge  sythe,  despieca  ,  as  jiisques  a  ce  que 
despiecaje  ne  scay  qui  la  conseilla. 

Longe  tyme  paste,  passé  a  LoycTBMPS,  as  je 
dis  que  passé  a  longtemps  qail  est  en  pai- 
sible possession. 

Longe  whyle  a  go,  longtemps  a. 

Many  a  day  a  go ,  maynt  jour  passé. 
Many  a  yere  a  go,  maynt  année  passée. 
Moche  soner,  moche  latcr,  beaucoup  plus  tost, 
beaucoup  plus  tart. 

Never,  jamays.  oncqves.  But  iLan  the  verbe 

muste  ever  hâve  ne  put  byforc  hym. 
JAMAYS  NE ,  as  car  elle  nauojt  jamays  eu  son 

affection  plus  encline  a  chose  du  monde. 
ONCQUBS  JVC,  as  le  roy  toyant  leur  pleur  ne 

peult  oncques  contenir  le  sien. 
Never  afore ,  jamays  deuant,  as  car,  que  je  scai- 

che,  jamais  ne  le  vis  deuant. 
Never  byfore,  oncques  iuays  ne,  as  et  disoyent 

que  oncques  mays  ne  nauoyent  veu  de  si  bel 

Never  more,  oncqves  mays  ne,  as  je  vous  dis 

le  long  adieu,  car  oncques  mays   ne  vous 

Never  sytbe,  oncques  despuis,  as  le  jour  de 

Noël  il  me  dit  adieu,  mays  oncques  despuis 

nouys  de  luy  nouuelles. 
No  tyme,  nvlie  foys,  as 

Eh  et  chemyn  que  je  vous  nommt 
Nentre  nnliefoji  ponre  homme. 

Not,  as  not  novve,  not  to  daye,  not  to  nyght, 
not  yet,  aud  suche  lyke.  In  ail  suche  an- 
sweres,  the  frenche  men  use  moste  co- 
menly  pas,  byfore  the  answcre  that  ser- 
veth  to  this  qucStyoo  «  whan  »  without  ne, 
as  pas  mayntenant,  pas  aujourdhuy ,  pas  a 
niiyot,pas  encore,  and  so  in  lyke  wyse  : 
pas  a  Pasques,  pas  deuant  Pasques.  Only 
I  niarke  for  uot  longe  a  go,  where  they 
use  pas  gramment,  and  no  pas  gramment: 
but  properly  no  pas  gramment  signyfyeth 
it  is  nat  longe  a  go. 


ASTEURE,  as  asteure  je  vous  monsireruy  ou 
cest  qail  est. 

MAYNTENANT,  as  laquelle  chose  on  ne  feroyt 
pas  mayntenant.  And  car  mayntenant  et 
aultrcsjoys  quant  tu  te  dilectoys  en  ma  pré- 

OB,  as  or  se  myt  le  jeune  roy  Priam.  And ,  or 
mon  chier  espoulx  et  amy,  si  le  cas  sem- 
blable adulent  a  toy.  And  or  recite  Bocace. 
And  or  (en  acquitte  en  façon  que  rapporter 
en  puisse  honneur.  And  or  oyons  maynte- 
nant. So  that  or  is  rather  an  adverbe  of 
exhortyngc  of  one  to  do  a  dede  than  an 
adverbe  of  tyme,  and  therfore  he  is  evcr 
put  in  the  begynnynge  of  the  sentence. 
And  as  for  or  ca,  for  corne  of ,  I  hâve  afore 

ORES,  as  et  aussi  scauons  nous  que  la  femme 
que  ta  as  ores  nest  pas  correspondante  a  ta 
dignité.  And  et  me  tiens  pour  bien  heureux 
de  ce  que  ores  il  escript  que  je  luy  puisse 
rendre  ceste  grâce.  And  posé  ores  que  lauez 
ainsi  promys  au  roy.  So  that  ores  muste 
comenly  hâve  for  sonic  other  wordes  by- 
fore hym. 

A  PRESENT,  as  a  présent  verrons  nous  son 
courraige.  And  for  as  nowe  they  saye  pour 
le  présent. 

And  note  that,  whan  we  use,  in  our 
tonge,  to  double  nowe ,  as  ever  be  doyng  of 
somthing ,  nowe  one  thing ,  nowe  an  other, 
in  this  sence  they  use  ades,  as  vous  aul- 
tres  hommes  aaez  voz  passetemps  ades  aux 
chasses,  ades  aux  champs.  And  in  lyke 
wyse  I  fynde  mayntenant  double,  as 
puis  baillent  leur  assaalt  mayntenant  dune 
part,  mayntenant  daullre.. knd  in  this  sence 
I  fynde  aiso  puis  double,  as  Parts  plus 
legier  qaung  serf  se  contourna  assez  de  li- 
gier  puis  ca  et  puis  la.  I  fynde  also  de  pré- 
sent, as  quant  de  présent  près  tous  ma- 
Nowe  a  dayes,  au  temps  qui  court,  and  au- 


AV  TEMPS  QUI  COURT,  as  au  temps  qui  court, 

qui  a  beau  nez  il  boyt  a  la  bouteille. 
AVJOvnonvY,  as  je  ne  saiche  ame  aujouràhuy 
viaant  qui  pujsse  porter  autant  que  commu- 
nément on  porlojt  au  temps  jadis. 

Nowe  and  than ,  parj'oys. 

Nowc  and  than  amonge,  PAitFOYS,Bs  il j  vient 
parJoys,mays  non  pas  trop  soauent.  And 
AVLCvnBS  FOYS,  as  dy  la  vérité,  ny  vient 
il  pas  aulcunesfoys  ? 

Nowe  and  from  hence  forthe,  dicy  et  desja, 
as  dicy  et  desja  moffre  de  vous  accompaiyner 
quelque  part  que  vous  allez. 

Nowe  at  erst,  au  primes,  as  mays  mayntenant  au 
primes  Un  ay  je  ouy  parler  de  vostre  cas, 

Nowe  at  tlie  Crste,  maintenant  au  primes. 

Nowc  conie  of  tlian  ,  or  ca  donques,  and  or  sus 

Nowe  Crste  of  ail,  mayntenant  au  primes. 

Nowe  ionge  is  go,  or  nowe  longe  a  go.ja 

Nowe  of  late,  naguaires.  Despais.  Nagnayres. 

On  ,  as  on  Easter  evyn ,  on  Easter  day,  la  veille 
de  Vasques,  le  jour  de  Pasqucs.  Sotbat,  in 
suche  maner  of  speakynge  wlierc  we  use 
«  on  »  or  (1  upon  «  byfore  the  evyns  or  fecstes 
in  theyere,  to  shewe  a  thyng  lo  be  dooe, 
as  on  thaï  daye ,  the  frencbemen  use  no 
worde  to  conlervayle  «  on  »  or  «  upon  » 
wilh  us.  And  it  is  lo  be  noted  ibat,  whan 
we  wyll  shewe  a  thyng  to  be  doue  upon 
any  feestes  evyn ,  let  us  Iicre  loke  the 
dayes  selfe,  and  chaunge  le  jour  into  la 
veille,  and  we  shall  expresse  on  Ihe  evyn, 
as  if  I  wolde  shewe  a  thyng  was  done  on 
Christmasse  evyn ,  lette  me  loke  hère  con- 
sequeiitiy  for  on  Christmasse  daye,  and  I 
shall  fynde  le  jour  de  Nuel,  than  for  on 
Christmasse  evyn  we  musie  say  Ui  veille  de 
Noël,  and  so  of  ali  other  feesies. 

On  a  daye,  vng  jour. 

On  a  day  amoogest  other,  vng  jour  entre  les 

On  ail  Hallon  daye,  le  jour  de  la  Tous  Sayncts. 

On  ail  Sollen  day,  le  jour  des  Morts. 


On  Ashe  Wediiysdaye,  le  jour  des  Cendres. 

On  Candelmasse  day,  le  jour  de  la  Chandeleur. 

On  Corpus  Chrisly  day,  le  jour  du  say  net  Sacre- 

On  Chrismasse  daye,  le  jour  de  Noël. 

On  Crowchemesse  daye,  le  jour  de  la  sayncie 

On  Ester  daye ,  le  jour  de  Pasqaes. 

On  Good  fryday,  le  Vendredy  auré. 

On  boly  Thursdaye,  le  jour  de  lAscention. 

On  Lammesse  day,  lasaynci  Pierre  aux  liens. 

On  Lowe  sonday,  le  dymenche  de  Quasimodo. 

On  Newe  yeres  daye,  le  Premier  jour  de  lan,  or 
le  jour  des  estrenes. 

On  our  Lady  daye,  le  jour  Nostre  Dame. 

On  our  Lady  daye  the  Annuncyalion,  le  jour  de 
lAnnuntiacion  Nostre  Dame. 

On  our  Lady  day  the  Assumpcion ,  le  jour  de 
lAssumption  Nostre  Dame. 

On  our  Lady  daye  the  Concepcion ,  le  jour  de  la 
Conception  Nostre  Dame. 

On  Palme  sonday,  le  jour  de  Pasques  Jleurie. 

On  saynt  James  daye,  on  saynt  Pailes  day,  on 
saynt  Margaretes  day,  on  saynle  Kathc- 
rynesday,  and  so  of  ail  other  comensayntes 
dayes  in  the  calender,  le  jour  saynct  Jac- 
ques, le  jour  saynct  Pol,  le  jour  suyiictc 
Margarile ,  le  jour  sayncte  Katherine,  and 
so  of  ail  the  other. 

On  Sherethursdaye,  lejeudy  Absolu. 

On  SbrofTe  sondaye,  le  dymenche  Gras. 

On  ShrolTe  monday,  le  lundy  Gras. 

On  Shrofle  tewisdaye,  le  mardy  Gras. 

Ou  Ténèbre  wednysdaye,  le  mercredy  des  le- 

On  the  Ascensyon  daye,  le  jour  de  lAsccnsion.  ' 

On  the  Gange  dayes,  les  jours  des  Bouaaysons. 

On  the  morowc,  le  lendemayn. 

On  the  morowe  afler,  le  lendemain  cq)res. 

On  the  next  morowe  afler,  le  lendemayn  pro- 
chain aj)r€S. 

On  the  rogacyon  dayes,  les  jours  des  rouuay- 

On  the  same  daye,  le  mesmc  j )ur. 

On  the  visytacyon  of  our  Lady,  la  visitacioa 
Nostre  Dame. 




On  Trinyte  sondaye ,  le  jour  de  la  Triniti. 

Od  Whyt  sondaye,  le  jour  de  Pcnlhccousle. 

Or,  els  or  evcr  it  be,  as  or  Ester,  or  evcr  it  be 
Ester:  or  Christmasse,  or  ever  il  be  Christ- 
masse.  So  ihat  we  in  our  tongc  use  ihese 
wordes  indiOerentiy,  afore,  byfore,  ère, 
or,  and  or  ever  that,  byfore  suche  wordes 
as  serve  to  make  answeare  to  ihis  question 
•  whan»;  whicbe  in  freiicbe  counlrc- 
vaylelh  auanl  que  soyt ,  or  ayns  que  soyt, 
as  for  be  wyll  be  bere  afore  Ksler,  be  wyil 
be  hère  byfore  Ester,  be  wyll  be  bere  ère 
Ester,  he  wyll  be  bere  or  Ester,  be  wyll 
be  bere  or  ever  that  it  be  Ester,  tbey  say  : 
il  sera  icy  audnt  qae  sojt  Pasques,  or  ayns 
qae  soyt  Pasques :  whicbe  is  tbe  Ircwer, 
for  soyt  must  hâve  il  byfore  hym,  and  so 
of  ail  suche  otber  wordes  whicbe  folowetb 
after  at,  or  els,  or  evcr  that,  auant  que, 
M  je  le  verray  auant  que  partir  dicy. 

Or  ever  it  be  a  yere  to,  deuant  que  soyt  jamays 
vng  an. 

Or  it  be  longe  to,  auant  quil  soyt  guayres  de 

Or  it  be  ought  longe,  auant  quil  soyt  long 

Or  it  vaxe  daye ,  auant  quil  soyt  jour  adjourné. 

Or  tbe  tournynge  of  a  hande,  ayns  que  tourner 
la  mayn. 

Or  thou  go,  or  thou  drinke,  or  thou  speake, 
or  thou  dyne,  aynsque  parlyr,  aynsque 
boyre  ,  aynsque  dormyr,  aynsque  disner, 
usyog  ever  tbe  iufyiiytive  mode,  as  je  le 
feray  aynsque  boyre.  Nous  le  ferons  ayns- 
que boyre,  vous  le  ferez  aynsque  boyre,  Hz 
le  feront  aynsque  boyre;  where  we  saye  or 
I  drinke,  or  thou  drinke,  or  bc  drinke, 
etc.,  usyng  the  verbes  selfe  and  nat  the 
infynityve  mode. 

Or  the  weke  be  donc,  auant  que  la  sepmayne 
soyt  passée. 

Or  ever  that,  aynsque.  avakt  qve,  AVficors 

AYNS  QUE,  as  ayns  que  je  boyve  le  comperra. 
AVANT  QUE,  as  il  auoyt  desja  commencé  sa 

Uttre  auant  que  laultre  commença  la  sienne. 

AlNCOYS  QUE  ,  as  le  jour  est  presques  passé, 

ayncnys  que  le  cerf  soyl  lassé. 
Au  DEVANT,  as  mays  uu  deuant  quil  mourust, 

il  fit  appeller  deuant  luy  ses  enfants. 
DEVANT  QVE,  as  il  je  puis,  je   viendray  au 
bout  deuant  quil  soit  vng  an. 
Outher  first  or  lasle,  tost  ou  tart,  and  ou  du 

premier  ou  du  derrayn. 
OtheT  whiles,  avculnesfoys,  or  parfoys. 

Ryght  aoone,  tantost,  or  bien  tost,  as  1/ 
serafaict  bien  tost, 

Ryght  ynoughe,  tost  assez. 

Ryght  nowe,  orayns,  Pycart,  as  pour  ce  que 
je  le  vis  orayns:  but  tbe  frenche  men  use 
rather  tout  asteure,  or  tout  mayntenant. 

Quyckly,  prestement,  soudayn,  vistement. 


prestement,  as  quon  le  me  face  prestement. 
sovDAY.y,  as  mamye,je  leferay  soudayn,  or 

VISTEMENT,  as  or  allez  et  reuenez  vistement. 
tout  A  COUP,  as  tout  a  coup  apportez   moy 

voslre  fusée, 
PROMPTEMENT ,  83  si  On  ne  le  relire  prompte- 

ment  tout  est  gasié. 
TOST,  as  vielles  gens  ont  tostfroyl. 

Shortly,  en  brief,  de  brief.  tantost. 

EN  BRIEF,  as  je  me  délibère  de  vous  veoyr  en 

DE  BRIEF,  as  jay  ouy  dire  quil  passera  par  icy 

de  brief,  and  bien  brief, 
tantost,  as  vous  le  verres  icy  venir  tantost. 
Shorliy  afler,  tantost  après, 
Suche  a  season ,  a  vue  telle  foys. 
Syns  the  worlde  heganne,  puis  le  commencement 

du  monde, 
Sythe  tbe  worlde  began,  de  puis  le  commencetnent 

du  monde, 
Syns  that  daye ,  puis  ce  jour  la. 
Sythen  that  tynie,  puis  ce  temps  la, 
Somtyme,  a  la  foys.  qvelqve  foys.  avl- 


A  LA  FOYS,  as  a  la  foys  doybt  le  temps  muer. 



QUELQUE  FOYS,  as  venez  nous  veojr  quelqae 

AVLCVXESFOYS,  and  AVLTr.ESFOYS  be  used, 
whan  we  double  sometjme  in  our  longe, 
as  for  somtyme  he  laughed ,  somtyme 
he  wept  ;  I  am  calied  somtyme  Pallas, 
somtyme  Minerve;  ihcy  saye  :  aulcunes- 
foys  il  sen  rioyl,  aullresjoys  il  sen  plou- 
royt  :  aulcanesfoys  on  mappelle  Pallas, 
aultresfoys  Mynene.  Howe  be  it  I  fynde 
somtyme  aulcanesfoys  used  in  both  the 
places;  as  for  somtyme  on  one  syJe, 
somtyme  on  an  olher,  I  fynde  :  aulcanes- 
foys dunii  costé,  aulcunes  foys  dang  aultrc. 
But  suche  as  be  éloquent  in  tbeir  tongc 
use  aulcanesfoys  and  aallresfoys.  I  fynde 
tbem  also  thus  used:  vncs  foys  and  laultre; 
as  for  whicbe  had  foiowed  me  somtyme 
nere  bande ,  (hcy  say  :  qui  mauoyt  suyuy 
vnesfoys  de  près  el  lautre  de  loyng.  I  fynde 
also  vne  heure,  and  lautre,  used  in  tbis 
sencc ,  as  vne  heure  pleure  et  lautre  chante, 

Somtyme  amonge ,  parfoys. 

Sone,  shortiy,  lost,  viste. 

Sone  berafler,  tantost. 

Sone  after  tbat,  tanlosl  après  cela, 

Sone  aficr,  tantost  après,  tost  après. 

Sone  after  thaï,  tantost  après  que, 

Sone  ynougbe  ,  assez  tost. 

Soner  than ,  plus  tost  que, 

Soner,  avant ,  as  auant  vouldroye  je  mourir, 
auant  que  me  creuer  le  cueur, 

Soner  than  evcr  byfore ,  plus  tost  que  onques 

Soner  than  se,  plus  tost  que  ainsi. 

So  sone  as,  des  qve,  si  tost  qve,  or  comme, 
DES  qve,  as  des  que  Paris  aaoyt  donné  sa 

SI  TOST  QUE ,  as  Si  tost  quil  le  vit,  il  com- 
mença a  crier,  whicbe  I  fynde  also  aussi 


SI  TOST  COMME ,  as  si  tost  comme  le  fait  fut 

So  sone  as  it  is  possyble,  si  tost  que  est  possible, 

or  tant  que  possible  est, 
So  sone  as  maye  be,  si  tost  que  faire  se  peult. 

Strayght,  a  coup,  as  et  desueloperent  a  coup  le 

Than,  LOBS,  alors,  dokcqves.    adoncques. 

LORS,  as  lors  comme  a  lors,  maynienant  comme 
a  maynienant,  and  lequel  estoyl  lors  appelle, 
and  je  qui  esloye  lors  simple  pucelle,  and 
lors  auras  souuenance  de  moy. 
A  LORS,  as  et  a  lors  tynt  court  ouuerte,  and 

alors  vne  des  plus  grandes  matrones, 
DONCQUES,  as  reuenant  doncques  a  nostre  pro- 
pos, and  il  sensuyt  doncques  que  tu  las  fait, 
ADONCQUES,  as  je  nauoye  esté  oncques  sigay 

comme  je  fus  adoncques. 
ADONC,  or  ADONCQ ,  as  adoncq  Mercure  va 
dire,  and  le  rossignol  adonc  sefforce  a  chan- 
DONC,  or  DONCQ,  as  ne  nous  tenons  plus 
doncq  icy,  but  donc,  and  adonc  be  moste 
used  in  ryme. 

Than  after,  après  doncques  ces  choses  faictes. 

Than  first  of  ail ,  au  primes,  as  et  commença  au 
primes  a  clerement  entendre  son  estât.  And 
tout  premièrement. 

Than  whan  lors  quant,  as  ce  fat  lors  quant 
(empereur  estoyt  icy, 

Tbat  ylkc  daye  (Northerne),  ce  mesmes  jour. 

The  day  byfore,  le  jour  deuanl. 

The  laste  daye,  laultre  jour. 

The  daye  in  any  weke  of  a  princypall  feest ,  as 
the  mondaye  in  Ester  weke,  ibe  tewysday 
in  Christmasse  weke,  the  wcdnysday  in 
Whytson  weke;  for  thèse  mancrs  of  spek- 
yng  tbey  use  to  say  :  le  landy  de  Pasques, 
le  marJy  de  Noël,  le  mercredy  de  la  Penthe- 
cousin,  or  le  manly,  or  mercredy  des  feries 
de  Penthecouste. 

The  morowe  afler,  le  lendemayn  après, 

The  next  daye  in  the  mornyng,  le  lendemayn  au 

The  next  mornynge  folowyogc ,  le  matyn  en 
suyuant,  or  le  lendemayn. 

The  soner  you  go ,  the  soner  you  sball  corne 
agayne,  tant  plus  tost  départirez  et  tant  plus 
tost  retournerez. 



The  sonest  that  I  may,  le  plus  tost  (fufje  puis. 

The  totbcr  day,  auant  hier,  laaltre  jour,  and 
laullre  hier;  hul  auant  hier  bctokcncth  the 
daye  byfore  yestcrdaye;  for  whicbe  we 
hâve  no  proper  wordc  in  our  tonge. 

There  withall,  A    tant,    toit  adonc.  toit 


a  tant,  as  et  a  lant  il  se  teut. 

TOUT  A  DONC,  as  toot  adonc  il  se  leut.  And 
TOIT  ADEZ  il  se  leut. 
This  day  Iwelvc  monlhes,  ajourdhuy  en  î-nj  an. 
This  daye  monlhe,  ajourdhuy  en  vhg  mojs. 
This  daye  senyght,  au  jourdhaj  en  huyct  jours. 
This  mornyng,  a  ce  malyn. 
This  other  daye ,  laullre  hier. 
This  same  day,  a  ce  jour  présent. 
This  sommer  Ihat  commeth ,  cesl  esté  (fui  vient. 
Tymcly,  tempre.  Malyn. 
To  day,  AVJOviiDUVY.  bvy,  mes  huy. 

AV  JOURDUVY ,  as  aujourdhny  ne  vis  créature 
plus  eareuse  que  moy. 

uvr,  as  car  vrayement  je  ne  vis  huy  homme. 

MESUvr,  as  si  meshuy  je  ches  en  voz  mayns, 
ne  me  croyez  jamays'. 
To  daye  in  Ihe  mornyng,  aajourdhuyau  malyn, 

and  huy  au  malyn. 
To  erly,  trop  malyn. 
To  laie,  TBOP  tadt,  or  a  tard,  as 

A  tard  vont  tn  rtptntirtz 
Quant  leur  malice  en  tentirtz. 

To  morowe ,  demayn. 

To  morowe  to  mowe,  a  grant  jamays. 

To  nyght,  ennuyct. 

To  sone,  trop  tost,  and  trop  a  coup. 

Very  erly,  bien  malyn. 

Very  erly  in  the  mornyng,  au  plus  matyn,  or  au 

Jin  malyn. 
Very  late,  bien  tari. 
Very  often,  bien  souuent. 
Very  sone,  bien  losl. 

Upon,  as  upon  Ester  daye,  upon  Christmasse 
daye,  le  jour  de  Pasques ,  le  jour  de  Nouel. 
So  that  ail  the  exemples  vvhich  I  hâve 
gyvcn  of  «  on  »  hère  byfore  maye  also  be 

uscd  with  «  upon  »,  for  we ,  in  our  tonge, 
use  «on»  and  lupon»  byfore  our  feestes 
Upon  a  daye ,  vng  jour. 

Whan  ail  is  doone  and  sayd,  pour  toutpotaige, 

a  phrasis. 
Whan  a)  is  done,  quant   tout  est  fait,  or  pour 

tout  polaige. 
Whan  ever,  quant  onc,  ai  je  fis  trop  granl/o- 

lie  quant  onc  mcnlremys  daymer. 
Whan  trowe  you ,  quant  a  vostre  aduis. 
Whan  than,  quant  doncqaes. 
Whan  that,  ions  que,  and  ov  poynt  que. 
LOHS  QUE,  as  en  May  lorsque  lesjleurs  com- 
mencent a  venir, 
ov  POINT  QUE,  as  ou  point  quamours  prennent 

le  péage. 
Whyle   eere,  orsAYN.  And  ohes.  Biît  Urayn  is 

ORES,  as  aynsi  comme  ores  les  visles. 
Whyles  thaï,  ce  pendant  que. 
Whyle  they,  lie;  or  she,  AY.ysi  que  ih,  as  aynsi 

quilz  parloyent  de  luy. 
Whyle   thcse  thynges  vvere  in  doyng,   en  ces 

entre  faytz. 
Whylome,  somlyme,  or  in  olde  i^me,  jadis. 
With  ail  spede  possyble,  en  toute  la  hasie  pos- 
Within  a  fewe  dayes  after,  peu  de  jours  après. 
Within  a  shorte  space  or  whyle ,  de  briei;  and 

TAN  TOST,  as  tanlost  ma  plume  ne  vauldra 

plus  riens. 
Within  syxe  yeres  afore  passed ,  de  puis  six  ans 

au  parauant 
With  that,  A  TANT,  as  congié  je  prens  et  men 

voys  a  tant. 

A  huntynge,  a  haukyngc,  a  walkyng,  a  drink- 
yng,  a  makyng  nicry,  etc.  allé  chasser,  allé 
voler,  allé  pourmener,  allé  boyre,  allé  faire 
bonne  chiere,  etc.  So  that  to  this  questyon 
«where  one  is»,  or  owhere  many  be»  if 
we  maye  make  answere  outher  by  the  par- 
tycyple  of  the  verbe  of  the  Ihynge  Ihey 


bc  gone  aboule ,  or  by  this  verbe  gone , 
and  the  sayde  partyciple,  they  use  to 
make  answere  by  ihe  infynityve  mode, 
and  allé,  or  allez,  allée,  or  alléez,  as  il 
est  allé  chasser,  ih  sont  allez  chasser,  elle 
est  allée  chasser,  elles  sont  allées  chasser, 
and  so  allons  chasser,  and  so  of  tbc  resy- 
due  of  the  tenses  ofjV  vas,  and  nottsyrons 
A  backe,  arrière,  as    tenez  vous  arrière  tant 

que  on  vous  huysche. 
A  bovc,  whan  \\e  demaunde  «bere  one  is,  eu 

HAULT,  as  Monsieur  est  il  en  haull? 
Above,  whan  \ve  answere  that  he  is  above,  la 

iiAULT,  as  ouy,  il  est  la  haull. 
Above,  whan  \ve  shewe  somtbyng  to  be  doone 
in  Ibe  upper  parle  of  a  thyng,  par  des- 
sus, and  than  by  nethe   is  par  dessoubz, 
and  paruavlt,  and  than  bis  contrary  is 
parembas;  as  sa  mayson  estoyt  couuertc  de 
cuyure  par  dessus  et  pauée  de  marbre  par 
dessoubz.  And  et  estoyt  son  manteau  ouuré 
parhaull,  et  sur  les  lisières  de  fin  or  battu, 
et  par  embas  de  riche  orfeuerie. 
Above  a  cytie,  or  a  place,  av  dessus  de,  and 
than  bis  contrarye  is  au  dessoubz  de;  as 
labbaye  de  fVestmestre  est  assise  au  dessus 
de  Londres,  et  la  tour  aa  dessoubz. 
Above  otherwyse,  lA  sus,  and  dessus. 

LA  sus,  ai  Jaictez  bien,  tandis  que  vous  estez 
icy,  et  vous  serez  rémunéré  la  sus  en  Pa- 
DESSUS,  as  je  ne  acay  que  cesl  quilz  firent, 
mays  je  vis  lung  dessus  et  laultrc  dessoubz. 
I  fynde  also  amout,  as  et  Bel  Acueil  est  en 
prison,  amont  en  la  tour  enferré. 
Above  upon   tbe  mydde  warde,  par  dessus  le 

Above  upou  ,  par  dessus,  ai  puis  eut  vne  ceync- 
lure  ceyncte  par  dessus  sa  vesture.  Kadjec- 
tez  voslre  manteau  par  dessus   voz   habille- 
mens,  île  paour  de  la  pluye. 
Aboute  within  forlhe,  parmy,  as  si  men  allay 

seul  escoutani  parmy  le  vergier  ca  et  la. 
Aboute  without  forthe,  au  tour  de,  as  qui  au 
tour  de  ion  col  pendoyent. 



Or  AUTOUR,   les  roussingnolz  chantoyenl  au- 
tour de  luy. 
Aboute  the  place  wbere  a  ihynge  is  done,  a 


TOUR,  and  eutour. 
A  LENDROYT  DE,  as  et  murmurant  donlcement 

a  lendroyl  des  riues.  Et  tant  cheminèrent  quilz 
furent  a  lendroyt  de  la  région  de  Troas. 
A  LENUIRON,  as  clos  alenutron  dung  haull  mur. 
ENUlRO.y,  si  fit  tendre  ses  las  enuiron. 
DEitToiR,  as  deux  des  principalles  damoyselles 

denlour  la  royne. 
ENTOUR,  as  enuironné  deaue  enlour.  I  fynde 

also  in   this  sence  aual,  as  saige  femme 

prendra  garde  que  riens  ne  périsse  aual  son 

hostel.  As  for  I  am  aboute  h,  je  suis  après, 

tbat   maner   of  spekyng   is  a   phrasis  in 

bothe  our  longes. 
Abrode  in  ibeworlde,  par  val  le  monde.  And  I 

fynde  auonl  le  monde  in  the  same  sence. 
A  farre  hence,  loing  diry. 

A  farre  of,  de  loyng,  as  je  ne  voys  pas  bien  de  Uiing. 
A  foole  bynelhc  the  sboulder,  vng  pied  bas  près 

de  lespaalle. 
Agaynst  a  thynge,  as  agaynst  the  wali  :  contre  le 

Agaynst  it,  A  lexcoxtre,  as  aynsi  comme  vng 

mirouer  monstre  les  choses  qui  sont  a  len- 

A  hye ,  en  hault. 
A  heythe,  en  hault. 
Ail  above,  tout  au  plus  hault,  as  je  le  voys 

la  tout  au  plus  hault  sur  le  bastiment. 
AU  aboute,  tout  partout,  tout  a  lentouh 

DE.     tout    ENTOUR.    PARTOUT.    PARTOUT 

TOUT  PARTOUT,  as  il  ny  a  mayson  ne  tour  ou 
Hz  ne  montent  tout  partout.  And  vous  estez 
dignes  de  régenter  tout  partout  la  ou  vous 

TOUT  A  LENTOUR  DE,  as  et  tout  a  Unlour  du 
bergier  esloyent  ses  chieures. 

TOUT  ENTOUR,  as  H  auoyt  la  face  rouge  et 
vermeille  tout  entour. 

PARTOUT,  as  si  fut  partout  dit  que  la  mynr 
auoyt  auorté. 



PABTOVT  A  LEKViRoy,  33  et  regarderont  par- 
tout a  lenuiron  ou  Hz  auront  chassa. 
And  A  LEiSTOlR,  as  (fuil  allume  les fneillettes 
gisantes  toat  a  lentour.  And  jV  congnoys  tant 
de  lestre  de  cellay  pays  et  de  lenuiron  que 
homme  que  je  scayche,' 

AH  alongesl,  tovt  dv  loxg  de,  or  toit  av 
LONG  DE,  as  et  salloyent  jouer  tout  au 
long  de  la  praerie ,  or  tout  du  long  de  la 
marine . 

AloDgest,  AU  LOKG  DE ,  as  qui  font  espannir  di- 
uerses  Jlourettes  au  long  des  riuaiges,  and 

Sit  y  a  poyl  ne  ptllet 
Tout  an  tong  de  cejilet. 

Alongest  and  overlwbart ,  db  long  et  de  tra- 
VERS,  as  sil  y  a  faulle,je  vous  la  laisse 
corriger  de  long  et  de  trauers. 

Ail  before ,  tout  deuant. 

AH  beyonde  tbe  sce ,  tout  de  la  la  mer. 

Ail  over^  tovt  partout,  as  il  vous  a  fait  cher- 
cher tout  partout. 

AH  redy  at  hande,  toat  prest  a  la  mayn. 

AH  without,  (ouf  dehors. 

A  lytell  fartber,  a  Ijlell  nerer,  a  lyteH  upper, 
a  lyteH  netherer,  vng  peu  plus  auant,  vng 
peu  plus  près,  vng  peu  plus  haull ,  vng  peu 
plus  bas,  and  so  of  ail  otber  jjkc,  as  a 
lytell  more  a  this  syde  :  vng  peu  plus 
de  ca. 

A  lylell  aforê,  vng  peu  deuant. 

A  lyteH  hère  bysyde,  vng  peu  cy  auprès. 

Amyddes  the  place,  emmy  la  place. 

Amongpsl ,   e.\tr£.  par  entre,  parmy.    en- 


ENTRE ,  as  mettez  vous  hardiment  entre  eulx. 

par  entre,  as  U  vent  se  bouta  par  entre  ses 
vestemens.  And  et  men  iray  jouer  par  entre 
Us  herbes  joliettes. 

parmy,  as  le  vent  se  bouta  parmy  ses  veste- 
mens. And  et  Hz  alloyent  coyement  parmy 
les  buyssons.  And  elle  alloyt  a  la  chasse 
parmy  les  boys  et  Joretz.  And  et  des  belles 
espices  parmy. 

entremy,  as  nous  meslerons  les  roys  Gallic- 
ques  eniremy  les  Troyans;  but  as  for  a  entre, 
as  et  voulons  notijier  a  entre  vous,  femmes. 

that  I  fynde  of  noue  auclour.  And  emmy, 
et  mener  les  leariers  emmy  les  boys,  signy- 
fyeth  rallier  in  thc  woddes  than  amongest 
the  woddes. 

Amongest  you  al ,  par  entre  vous  trestoas. 

Any  wliere,  nulle  part,  as  le  plus  despité  que 
nulle  part  on  trouue.  And  for  hc  put  byni- 
selfe  amongest  the  thyckcst  of  llie  prease, 
thcy  say  :  il  se  myt  au  plus  fort  de  la  presse. 

A  parte,  apart,  and  arrière. 

A  part,  as  mettons  les  archiers  apart  en  vue  bende. 
ARRIERE,  as  et  doyt  le  bon  pasteur  mettre  les 
brebis  saynes  arrière  des  aultres. 

A  syde  halfe,  or  a  syde,  dv  cousté.  de  les. 


' DV  COVSTÉ,  as  i7  demeure  du  cousté  plus  près 

de  Icsglise. 
DE  LES,  as  il  se  tint  assis   de  les  moy,  but 

that  is  olde  Rommant. 
A  COUSTÉ,  as  son  regart  nestoytjamays  esleue 

vers  les  cieuLc,  mays  derrière  et  a  cousté. 
PAR  LE  COVSTÉ,  as  par  deuaut,  non  pas  pur 
le  cousté. 

Asyde,  outofsyght,  or  from  the  resydewe ,  ^ 
PART,  as  mette:  cecy  a  part  tant  que  je  de- 
mande après. 

Asyde,  outoftheway,  as  a  nian  gcttelh  hym 
that  staudcth  in  feare,  A  lescart,  as  mon 
amy,  il  ne  sera  pas  mal  faict  si  vous  vous 
tenez  vng  peu  a  lescart. 

As  nere  as  can  be,  au  plus  près  de,  as  e( 
sasseit  au  plus  près  de  luy. 

A  sonder,  A  part,  densemble. 

a  part,  as  quon  les  mette  a  part  auant  que  les 

DENSEMBLE,  as  on  ne  les  verra  guayres  den- 

Away,  ENVOYE,  as  i7  est  alléenuoye.  And  avant, 
as  venez  auant  ou  vous  viendrez  trop  tart.  I 
can  nat  get  away  ne  me  puis  retirer  daaec 
eulx,  or  daaec  luy. 

He  isgone  awaye  from  me,  il  se  est  esloi- 
gné  de  moy. 

Atwcne  (Lyd.),  entre,  as  atwene  us  bothc  : 
entre  nous  deux. 

Atwyo  (Lydgat)  densemble. 


At  that  syde,  de  ce  coasté  la. 

At  the  churche,  at  the  market,  at  London  ,  at 
Wcstmynsler,  etc.  a  lesglise,  au  marché, 
a  Londres,  a  Wcsimestre,  and  so  of  ail 
otlier  namcs  of  places. 

At  my  foote,  a  mon  pied. 

At  home  with  you ,  at  home  with  me ,  the ,  us, 
them  :  at  my  housc ,  thy  house,  our  house, 
yourhouse,  iheir  house:  chez  moy,  chez 
toy,  chez  lay  or  elle,  chez  nous,  chez  vous, 
chez  eulx  or  elles,  and  in  lyke  wyse  chez 
monsieur,  chez  mon  père. 

At  the  borde,  or  sytiyng  at  the  horde,  das- 
SIBTTE,  a»  diuisons  nous  icy  dassiette. 

At  the  nether  ende ,  au  bout  demlas. 

At  the  upper  ende,  au  bout  damojit,  as  au 
bout  damont  petites  lettres.  And  qui  est  assis 
au  bout  damont.  Ce  nesi  pas  bien  Jaict  de 
vous  mettre  au  bout  demhas. 

At  the  botlom,  aajons  de  ce  grantjleuae. 

At  the  brinkc,  on  riuaige, 

At  this  syde,  DX  CA.  PAn  de  ca.  du  cousté  de 

DE  CA. 

DE  CA ,  as  tant  de  ca  que  de  la. 

PAR  DE  CA ,  as  jestoye  adoncqaes  vne  bonne 

pièce  par  de  ca  lesglise. 
DU  COUSTÉ  DE  DE  CA,  et  attoyt  trenché  les 

montaignes  du  cousté  de  de  ca. 



Bylwene ,  ektre,  as  séez  vous  entre  lay  et 

Bytwene  hothe  the  partyes  that  be  in  stryfe,  or 
fyght  togyther,  epitre  deux,  as  pardonnez 
moy,  je  ne  me  metlray  poynt  entre  deux 
quant  Hz  se  combatent.  And  et  myt  prompte- 
ment  entre  deux  son  auctorité. 

Bytwene  bothe  of  two  dyvcrse  places,  ektre 
DEUX,  as  el  nauoyt  que  vng  peu  de  mer  en- 
tre deux. 

Bytwyxt,  ENTRE,  as  bytwyst  them  bothe  :  en- 
tre ealx  deux, 

By,  DELES.  PRES.    PAR  MY. 

DELEs,  as  au  bcrç/ier  de  lez  sainct  Denis. 
PRES,  as  je  ne  vis  près  moy  nulluy. 
PAR  MY,  as  richesse    tint  parmy  la  mayn  vng 
juuenceau.  And  hrs  men  allay  par  my  vne 

petite  sente.  And  mieulx  aymasse  estre  féru 
dune  espee  par  my  le  corps. 
Byfore,  deuant,  par  devant,  au  devant,  au 


DEUANT,  as  son  habit  estoyt  froncé  deaant  et 

PAR  DEVANT,  as  elle possa par  deuant  luy.  And 
il  porta  sus  son  espaulle  vues  besaces  jlaynes 
par  deuant,  vuydes  par  deriere. 

AV  DEUANT,  as  Hjecta  son  espee  au  deuant  du 
coup.  And  Pegasis  Œnone  se  trouua  au  de- 
uant du  roy. 

AV  PARAUANT,  as  Car  au  parauant  estoyenl  Hz 
ailleurs  enterrés. 
Byfore  folkes,   or  hyfore  ones  face,   par  de- 
vant, as 

Par  deuant  dient  (juHz  mus  aiment. 
Par  derrière  putain  loue  clament. 


Car  qui  tcayt  par  deaant  oyndrt 
Scayt  auiti  par  tterriere  poyndre. 

EN  DEVANT,  as  et  en  derrière  sen  rigoUent , 
quelque  chiere  que  aux  dames  et  damoyselles 
facent  en  deuant. 
Behynde,  derrière,  par  derrière, 

DERRIERE  le  dos ,  as  pendant  derrière  le  dos. 
Metteray  je  ma  dague  derrière  ?  And  son 
regart  nestoyt  jamays  esleué  vers  les  cieulx, 
mays  derrière  et  a  coasté.  Kod  froncé  deuant 
et  derrière. 
PAR  DERRIERE,  as  playnes  par  devant  et  vui- 
des  par  derrière, 
By  hynde  folkes,  or  by  hynde  ones  backe ,  par 
derrière,  en  derrière,  of  whiche   I    bave 
shewed  exemples  in  «  byfore  folkes  », 
By  it  selfe,  a  syde,  or  alone,  apart,  as  mettez 
le  apart.  And  set  me  by  my  selfe  ;  lo  set 
the  by  thy  selfe,  etc.  mettez  moy  a  part: 
pour  te  mettre  a  part. 
By  yonde ,  de  la.  par  de  la,  as  il  est  de  la  la 
mer;  il  passe  par  de  la  la  mer.  And  i7  est  de 
la,  or  il  passe  par  de  la,  understandyng  {a 
OVLTRE ,  as  je  le  voy  la  oultre  la  haye.  And  il 

na  poynt  de  terres  oultre  cest  arbre  la. 
By  lowe,  la  bas,  as  quel  braytfaictez  vous  lu 





By  nethe,  EMBAS.  par  bas.  par  embas.  av 


MiiBAS,  as  monsieur  est  il  en  hault  ou  embas'^ 

PAR  BAS ,  3iS  ce  tapis  est  mangé  de  vers  par 
hault,  par  bas  et  par  mille  parcelles. 

PAR  EMBAS,  as  clos  de  murs  par  hault  de  cris- 
tal et  par  embas  de  marbre. 

AV  DESSOVBZ  DE,  as  la  Tour  est  assise  au  des- 
soubz  de  Londres. 
Bysyde,  LEZ.   de  lez.  covstb.  de  codste. 

AUPRES  de. 

LEZ,  as  quand  vous  gisez  lez  moy  en  mon  lict. 
DE  LEZ,  as  de  lez  Malle  Bouche  sassirent. 
COVSTE,  as  qui  couste  moy  sommeilloyt.  But 
ali  thèse  vvordes  be  ojde  Rommant,  so 
that  the  ryght  frenchc  wordes  be  avpbes 
DE,  or  DE  COUSTE,  as  venés  vous  seoyr  icy 
auprès  de  moy,  or  du  cousti  de  moy;  yet 
auprès  de  is  moste  proper. 
By  the  waye ,  por  le  chemyn. 
By  the  hye  waye  syde,  par  le  grant  chemyn,  or 
par  le  hault  chemyn. 

Downe  hère,  cv  bas,  as  séez  vous  cy  bas. 

El»  where,  ailuevrs.  avltrb  part,  davltre 


AlLLiEVRS,  as  et  disoyt  on  que  sa  mère  laaoyt 

emprunté  aillieiirs.  And  ce  nest  pas  a  moy 

que  sadressent  lelz  gallans.  Allez  de  par  Dieu 

prescher  aillieurs. 

AVLTRE  PART,  as  11  je  nos  en  brief  de  vot  nou- 

uelleStje  me  pouruoieray  aultre  part. 
DAVLTRE  PART,  as  o  Paris  par  especial,  et 
daultre  part  en  gênerai. 
Ever  behynde,  iousjoars  derrière. 
Eïcr  byfore,  tousjours  deuant. 
E\ery  y/here,  PARTOUT,  tovt  par   tout,  par 


PARTOUT,  as  VOUS  serez  partout  reclamé.  And 
et  quiycelluy  la  souhaytoyl  en  tout  et  par 
tout  et  tousjours.  And  depuis  Zelande  en 
Grenade  et  partout.  And  le  cocq  gratte  des 
piedz  partout  pour  trouuer  posture. 

TOVT  PAR  TOUT,  as  nostre  Dame,  ou  auez 
vous  esté,  je  tous  uy  serché  tout  par  tout. 

PAR  TOUS  ENDROYTZ,  as  par  tous  endroytt 

vous  bailleray  ce  bruyi. 


Et  en  lafacaltè  des  an 
Demande  leur  en  toatei  pan. 

Evyn  by,  tovt  auprès,  as  tout  auprès  estoyt 

Evyn  just  bysyde,  tout  au  plus  près  de,  as 

je  me  tyns  tousjours  tout  au  plus  près  de  luy. 
Evyn  hère ,  tout  icy. 
Evyn  strayght,  tout  droyt. 
Evyn  strayght  byfore ,   tout  droyt  deuanl.   So 

thaï  for  evyn  they  use  tout  in  this  sence. 

Farre  behynde,  farre  byfore,  farre  beyonde 
see ,  farre  on  this  syde ,  etc.  loing  derrière, 
loyng  deuant,  loing  de  la  la  mer,  loyng  de 
ca,  and  so  of  ali  other,  as  loyng  en  Turquie. 

Farre  hence,  loing  dycy. 

Farre  and  nere,  loing  et  près.  Et  tenoyl  on  pa- 
rolles  de  luy  loyng  et  près. 

Farre  a  sonder,  loyng  densemble. 

Farre  from,  arrière  de,  as  il  se  tenoyt  tout 
solitaire,  arrière  de  nulle  compaignie. 

Farre  a  twyn,  loing  densemble. 

Farre  wyde. 

Fast  by,  tout  au  plus  près  de,  as  il  demeure 
tout  au  plus  près  des  Carmes. 

From  towoe  to  towne ,  de  ville  en  ville, 

From  home,  hors  la  mayson.  dehors. 

hors  la  MAYSOy,  as  mon  maiy  est  pour  le 
présent  hors  la  mayson,  et  pourtant  je  ne 
vous  scay  que  dire. 
DEHORS,  as  sil  est  dehors,  dictez  luy,  quant 
il  reuient,  que  je  vouldroye  parlera  luy. 

Harde  by,  au  plus  près  de,  as  il  demeure  au 
plus  près  de  lesglise. 

Hère,  icy,  and  CYEys,  as  God  be  hère  :  Dieu 
soyt  cyens.  And  qui  sont  icy  presens.  And 
altens  icy  tant  que  je  retourne.  And  que  fayt 
tu  icy?  And  CY,  as  neferay  cy  pas  mencion. 

Hère  and  there,  ca  et  la,  as  Hz  sont  espars 
sans  ordre  ca  et  la.  And  par  lievx,  as 

Et  par  lieux  y  eut  entremesUet 
Feuille*  de  rvtei  jran»  et  lèts. 



Hère  and  every  wliere,  icy  et  partout. 

Hère  above,  cy  dessus,  as  comme  auons  desja 
dit  cy  dessas.  And  ICY  dessus,  as  il  est  icy 

Hère  aboules  ,  iCY  eudboyt.  cy  bkdroyt.  cy 
ENTOUR.  ICY  EyToun.  And  orendroyt. 
ICY  bndroyt,  as  si  viendront  Hz  deuers  nous 
icy  endroyt  a  ceste  table.  And  les  voulez 
vous  icy  endroyl  questionner?-  And  si  je  ne 
Jaulx  a  mon  esme,  il  doybt  demourer  icy 
CYEHDROYT,  as  Cy  endroyt  trespassa  Guillaume 

de  Lorrys,  qui  ne  fil  plus  pseaulme. 
CY  ENTOl'R,  as  non  obstant  que  les  voysyns  de 

cy  entour  me  coiignoyssenl. 
icr  EyTOVR,  as  mais  qui  vous  mayne  icy  en- 
ORENDROYT,  33  puys  que  Dedirjrt  est  orendroyt 
auec  sa  gent. 

Hère  a  lylell  besyde ,  tout  icy  près. 

Hère  at  bande  ,  icy  tout  prcs. 

Hcre  by,  cy  près,  as  le  gentilhomme  de  cy  près 
se  recommende  a  vous.  And  viens  ca,  ma  très 
doulce  jillt,  et  tassiés  près  de  moy. 

Hère  byfore,  icy  deuant,  or  cy  deuant. 

Hère  bynethe ,  icy  bas. 

Hère  bysyde ,  icy  prts. 

Hère  faste  by,  icy  tout  au  près. 

Hère  barde  by,  icy  tout  près. 

Hère  in  this  house,  cyens. 

Hère  in  tbis  place,  cy  endroyt,  as  je  le  laissay 
cy  endroyt  quant  je  parlys. 

Hère  in  my  house,  or  our  bouse,  cyens. 

Hère  without,  icy  dehors. 

Hère  undernethe ,  icy  dessoubz. 

In  ,  BJV.  ou.  ES.  EitIMY.  AMY.  ENS. 

EK,  as  mettez  le  sauf  en  toslre  coffre. 
OU,  as  ou  monde  na  plus  belle  créature. 
ES,  as  il  est  tumbé  es  mayns  de  ses  ennemys. 
eumy,  as  par  despit  on  luyjecta  du  sel  emmy 

les  yealx. 
AMY,  as  il  tenca  a  sa  femme  amy  les  rues. 
ENS,  as  entre  eus  sans  dire  mot. 
In  the  cburcbe,  in  my  bouse,   in  the  lowre, 

in   our  cbamber,  etc.  en  lesglxse,  en  ma 

maison,  en  la  tour,  en  ma  chambre,  etc.  So 
that  every  subslantyve  betokeuing  a  place 
may  serve  to  make  answere  to  tbis  ques- 
tyon  <i  wbere.  » 
In  any  tbynge,  en  riens,  en  quelque  chose. 
EN  RIENS,  as  si  je  vous  puis  en  riens  seruyr, 
nefaictez  que  commander. 

EN  QUELQUE  CHOSE,  aS  lauCZ  VOUS  mys  en 
quelque  chose  pour  le  yarder. 

In  dyverse  places,  en  plusieurs  endroytz,  and  en 
diaerses  places. 

In  every  place ,  en  tous  endroytz. 

In  many  a  stede ,  en  maynt  endroyt. 

In  many  stedes,  en  mayns  endroytz,  en  plusieurs 

In  my  bouse ,  Ihy  house,  bis  house,  her  bouse  ; 
in  our  house,  in  your  liouse ,  their  house  ; 
in  my  lordes  house  ,  in  my  mayslers 
bouse  :  chez  moy,  chez  toy,  chez  luy,  chez 
elle:  chez  nous,  chez  vous,  chez  eux,  chez 
elles:  chez  monsieur,  chez  mon  père,  etc.,  as 
allons  boyre  chez  Margot  la  librayre. 

In  my  swadlyng  cloutes,  en  caillot,  whiche 
mayebejoyned  unto  ail  the  pronownes , 
as  the  sentence  doth  requyre,  tboughe 
the  frencheraen  expresse  nat  the  pro- 
Downe ,  as  plus  roigneuses  en  culs  et  testes 
quenfans  mal  trayctez  en  maillot  :  in  their 
swadlyng  cloutes. 

In  open  audyence,  in  open  market,  en  pUxyne 
audience,  enplain  marché. 

In  or  out,  ENS  OU  hors.  Je  ne  scay  selle  est  ens 
ou  hors. 

In  our  quarters,  in  your  quarters,  en  noz  quar- 
tiers, en  voz  quartiers. 

In  playne  felde,  en  playn  champ  de  bataille, 
as  et  le  rua  jus  en  playn  champ  de  ba- 

In  suche  a  place ,  en  telle  place. 

In  that  place,  en  ceste  place  la. 

In  tbe  cbampayne ,  a  la  champaigne,  or  ou  plat 

In  tbe  depest  place ,  au  plus  parfond,  as  il  est 
mys  dedens  mon  cueur  au  plus  parfond.  And 
peschez  au  plus  parfond  de  leaue. 

In  the  bighest  parte  of,  au  plus  bavlt  de,  as 



ou  plus  hault  de  ta  hune  ne  te  chaille  de  tenir 

In  the  house  of,  chez,  as  chez  moy,  chez  mon 

maislre ,  allons  chez  mon  père,  and  il  fault 

auoyr  chez  le  Jrippier. 
In  the  mydde,  emmy,  as  i7  me  rencontre  emmy 

chemyn . 
In  the  myddest  of,  emmy ,  le,  la,  les,  and  ou 


gMMY  LE,  as  je  le  rencontre  emmy  le  marché, 

emmy  la  place.  And  vng  riche  pauillion  estoyt 

tout  emmy  la  praerie,  emmy  les  boys.  And 
OU  MILIEU  DU  marché,  ou  milieu  de  la  place, 

and  OH  milieu  des  hoyx.  And  so  of  al  suche 

lyke ,  as  aller  aux  champs,  ou  milieu  de  tes 

Jreres,  And  ou  milieu  de  leans. 
In  the  very  myddes,   or   moste    myddes  of  a 

thyng,  E3IMY  LE  MILIEU,  as  et  si  cheoit 

emmy  le  milieu  de  la  place. 
In  the  mydde  way,  emmy  chemyn. 
In  the  house  of,  cbez,  as  allons  chez  mon  père, 

chez  ton  père,  chez  son  père,  etc. 
In  the  moste  throngc,  ou  plus  fobt  de  la 

PRESSE,  as  luy  estant  ou  plus  fort  de  la 

In  the  nether  parte,  en  la  partye  dembas. 
In  the  open  strete ,  in  the  open  market  :  en 

playne  rue,  en  playn  marché,  and  amy  la 

rue,  amy  le  marclié. 
In  the  partyes  beyonde  see,  es  parties  de  par 

de  la. 
In  the  partyes  a  tbis  syde  the  see,  es  parties 

de  par  de  ca. 
In  the  playne  countray,  ou  plat  pays. 
In  the  playne  feide,  en  playn  champ. 
In  the  same  selfe  place,  sy  ce  droyt  lieu, 

as  en  ce  droyct  lieu  donna  Hector  la  chasse. 
In  the  thyckest  of  the  prcase,  ou  plus  fort 

DE  LA  PRESSE,  as  luy  estant  ou  plus  fort 

de  la  presse. 
In  the  toppe,  ou  CBIEF,  as  ce  cerf  est  troys  ou 

In  the  very  myddes,  ou  fin  milieu,  and  emmy 

le  milieu. 
In  the  upper  parte,  en  la  partie  de  dessus. 
In  chylde  bedde ,  en  gesine. 

In  the  worlde,  ou  monde,  as  il  ncst  ou  monde 
si  bon  lapidaire  qui  eut  sceu  estimer  la  ri- 
chesse de  sa  couronne. 

In  this  behalfe,  en  cest  endroit,  as  je  ne 
scay  aullre  chose  que  je  face  en  cest  endroyl 
sinon  de  rendre  grâces  immortelles. 
And  orendroït,  as  orcndroyt  se  joue  fortune 
et  se  mocque  de  nous  humaynes  créatures. 

In  this  house,  céans,  as  Dieu  soyl  céans,  and 
en  cesle  mayson. 

In  this  place  liere ,  a  ce  lieu  cy. 

In  thèse  partyes,  /cy  en  tour,  and  en  ces  quar- 
tiers, as  qui  vous  mayne  icy  entour? 

In  thèse  quarters,  ceste  part,  and  en  ces 
QUARTIERS,  as  quelle  chose  vous  mayne  ceste 
part,  or  en  ces  quartiers  ? 
And  par  de  ca,  as  qui  commença  a  reigner 
par  deçà. 

In  those  partyes ,  de  par  de  la  ,  and  celle 
PART,  as  selon  la  manière  des  marches  de 
par  de  la,  and  je  nay  que  faire  celle  part. 

In  what  partyes,  quelle  part  que. 

In  what^o  ever  place,  en  quelque  lieu,  or 
QUELQUE  PART,  as  faictez  le  venir  icy  a 
moy,  en  quelque  lieu  que  vous  le  trouuez,  or 
quelque  part  que  vous  le  trouuez. 

Juste  by,  coste  a  coste,  and  près  a  près,  as 

Si  tonl  si  prêt  a  près  chascnne 
Qae  toutes  sassemhlenl  a  vne. 

And  tout  AUPRES. 

Juste  by  syde  ,  au  plus  près,  as  il  sasseit  tout 

au  plus  près  de  luy. 
Yonder,  la. 

Lower  than,  plus  bas  que. 

Nere,  près,  près  de.  auprès  de.  empres. 
PRES,  as  car  je  ne  vis  près  moy  nuUuy.  And  je 

le  suis  et  près  et  loyng.   And  voyant  que  son 

frère  le  poursuyuoyt  de  si  près. 
PRES  de,  as  près  délie  pendoyt  son  manteau, 

and  gardez  vous  dapproucher  trop  près  des 

au  PRES  DE,  as  tenez  vous  tousjoars  auprès  de 

EMPRES,  as  jay  esté  empres  et  autour  délie. 



Nere  at  hande ,  bien  ires. 

Nere  at  home  ,  presques  a  la  mayson. 

Nere  by,  pbes  de.  av  près  de.  empres  de. 
PRES  DE,  AS  près  dEnuie  estojt  Tristesse. 
AUPRES  de,  as  auprès  de   luy  se  tenojt  sa 

EMPRES  DE,  et  vint  arriaer  empres  de  Co- 

Nei'e   bysyde,  près  dillecqves,  as  près  dil- 
leccjues  je  ouys  vne  Jonlayne  bruyre. 

Nere  hande,  au  près,  as  il  ne  tire  que  auprès. 

Nere  there  aboutes,  auprès  de  la,  enuiron  la  en- 

Nere  therby,  près  de  ta. 

Nere  unto ,  depres.  dempres.  bien  près  de. 
DE  PRES,  as  je  souloye  venir  de  près  quant  je 

DEMPRES ,  as  et  dempres  eulx  tu  voys  linfame 

BIEN  PRES  DE,  as  jauoyc  aussi  bien  près  de 
mes  oreilles. 

Next,  AiPRES,  as  auprès  de  luy  seoyt  le  secre- 
tayre.  And  auprès  de  luy  estoyt  son  herault. 

Next  to,  AU  PLUS  PRES  DE,  as  si  me  tapis  au 
plus  près  de  ma  guyde. 

Next  of  ail ,  as  et  au  plus  près  de  luy  marcheoyt 
la  garde  de  son  corps. 

No  fartber  of,  point  plus  loing  de  la. 

No  nerer,  poynt  plus  près. 

No  where,  nulle  part. 

No  where  but  there,  nulle  part  que  la. 

No  where  at  al ,  nulle  part  que  soyi. 

Not,  as  not  above,  not  aboute  our  quarter, 
net  amongest  us,  not  byfore  folkes,  not 
every  wbere ,  not  hère,  not  in  our  bouse, 
and  so  of  ail  tlie  resydewe  of  sucbe  an- 
swcrs  as  serve  to  ibis  question  »  where». 
Pas  enhault,  pas  entour  noz  quartiers,  pas 
entre  nous,  pas  dcuant  les  gens,  pas  tout 
par  tout,  pas  icy,  pas  chez  nous.  So  that, 
80  often  as  our  answere  to  this  questyon 
«  where  »  begynneih  witb  i  not  >  ,  the 
answere  in  the  frenche  tonge  must  begyn 
witb  pas. 
Not  onely,  but  also.  Not  only  bere,  but  also 
every  wher.  Not  oncly  above,  but  also 

bynethe.  Not  onely  afore,  but  also  be- 
hynde ,  and  so  of  the  resydue.  Non  seulle- 
menl  or  pas  seullement  icy,  mays  aussi  tout 
partout,  non  seullement  or  pas  seullement 
par  en  hault,  mais  aussi  par  embas.  Non 
seullement  or  pas  seullement  par  deuant, 
mays  aussi  par  derrière.  Aud  so  of  al  the 
otber  answers  to  tbis  questyon  on,  put- 
tynge  non  seullement  or  pas  seullement 
unto  mays  aussi.  And  note  that  suche 
lyke  maners  of  spekyng  as  I  bave  bere 
shewed  by  not ,  not  only  but  also ,  byfore 
answers  to  this  questyon  «where»,  suche 
like  maners  use  the  frenche  men  byfore 
al  their  answers  to  this  questyon  «  whan  » 
and  «wbyther,  bowe,  howe  moche,  bowe 
«  oflen  » ,  and  so  of  the  resydewe ,  as  pus 
asteure;  pas  seullement  asteure,nuiys  a  toutes 
heures  :  ne  asteure  ne  demayn  ;  pas  loing  ;  pas 
seullement  loyng  mays  aussi  près;  ne  loyng 
ne  près  ;  pas  bien;  pas  seullement  bien,  mays 
aussi  foi  t  bien  ;  ne  bien  ne  mal;  pas  beau- 
coup :  pas  seullement  beaucoup,  mays  aussi 
trop;  ne  beaucoup  ne  trop.  And  so  of  the 
resydewe  whiche  is  to  be  noted  for  the 
better  understandynge  of  the  conjunclyon 

Nother,  nor,  as  nother  above  nor  bynethe.  No- 
ther  byfore  folkes  nor  behynde  folkes. 
Nother  bere  nor  there,  and  so  of  ail  the 
resydewe.  Ne  enhault,  ne  embas,  ne  deuant 
les  gens  ne  derrière,  ne  cy  ne  la.  And  so  of 
the  resydewe  in  the-  frenche  tonge.  Ne 
dung  costé  ne  daultre, 

Nowe,  nowe,  as  nowe  bere  nowe  there;  nowe 
above  nowe  byneth;  nowe  on  this  syde 
nowe  on  that  syJc .  Mayntenant  icy,  mayn- 
tenant  la,  or  puis  icy,  puis  la;  mayntenant 
de  ca,  mayntenant  de  la.  And  pays  ca  puis 
la,  or  puis  de  ca  puis  de  la.  And  so  of  ali 
the  other  answers  doblyng  mayntenant ,  or 
puis,  byfore  tlicm. 

Nowhere,  nulle  part,  en  nul  endroyt. 

On  ail  sydes,  DE  tovtes  pars,  de  Toas  covs- 




DE  TOUTES  PARS ,  88  et  donnèrent  sur  enlx  de 

toutes  pars. 
DE  Tovs  COVSTEZ,  as  et  affiistettt  leurs  engyns 

sur  eulx  de  tous  coustez. 
On  every  syde,  de  toutes  pabs,  and  de  tovs 

COVSTEZ,  as  et  lassailloyenl  de  toutes  pars. 

And   que   le  sang  leur  rougissojt  de  tous 

One  from  aaother,  lung  dauec  laultre. 
On  that  syde ,  de  la,  as  tanti  de  ca  la  mer  He- 

lesponte  comme  de  la. 
Ou  the  contrarye  syde ,  as  et  Hercules  a  v  con- 
traire ensemble  toute  sa  séquelle. 
On  the  farlher  syde ,  du  couslé  de  de  la. 
On  the  left  hande,  a  sbxestre,  a  gavciie, 
A  SENESTRE,  as  la  tierce  table  qui  estoyt  a 

A  GAVCIIE,  as  et  laissèrent  la  grant  cylé  dYlion 

a  gauche.  And  tourne  donc  a  gauche. 
On  the  one  syde,  and  on  the  otbcr.  Dung  couslé 

et  daultre. 
On  the  other  syde, /)£  x.yii;iTi)i;  part,   davl- 

tre  part,  davltre  covsté. 
DE  LAVLTBE  PART,  as  le  ton  homme  se  rua  a 

terre  de  laultre  part. 
DAVLTRE  PART,  as  et  daultrc  part  il  enuoya 

quérir  tous  ses  parens. 
DAVLTRE  cousTÉ ,  asvenus  daultre  couslé. 
On  the  ryght  Lande,  A  destre,  as  par  ce  che- 

myn  icy  a  désire. 
On  the  ryght  syde,  au  costc  dexlre,  or  désire. 
3n  the  syde  that  is  hyther  warde ,  de  la  part 

de  deçà. 
On  the  syde  towardes  the  medowes,  de  cosle 

vers,  or  deuers  la  praerie. 
)n  the  syde  haife  of  hym,  du  couslé  de  luy, 

and  so  du    couslé  de  moy,  du   couslé  de 

toy,  etc. 
On  this  syde ,  de  couslé  par  de  ca.  And  de  ca, 

as  qui  est  vne  prouince  de  Greci  de  ca  la 

mer  Helesponte.  And  de  ca  lejleuue,  comme 

dessus  est  dit. 
On  this  syde  the  see,  de  ca  la  mer,  or  de  ca, 

understandyng  mer.  And  qui  habiloyenl  de 

ca  la  mer  et  de  la. 
On  the  upper  hande,  av  dessvs,  m  je  prie  a 

Dieu  quil  puisse  paruenir  au  dessus  de  ses 

ennemis.  And  au  dessvr,  olde  Rommant. 
Other  whcre,   aillievrs  ,   as    il   vous  Jauli 

doncques  faire  voz  prouisions  ailleurs. 
Over  agaynst ,  vis  a  vis,  as  i7  demeure  vis  a  vis 

des  Carmes. 
Over  ail  my  hodye ,  tout  par  tout  mon  corps. 
Overthwarte,  av  travers,  de  travers, 
av   travers  de,  as  e(   soudayn    il  luy^myt 

lespée  au  trauers  du  corps. 
de  travers,  as  Hz  sont  corrigez  de  long  et 

de  trauers. 
Out,   HORS,  as  il  est  allé  hors. 
Ont  of  the  townc ,  hors  de  la  ville. 

Redy  at  bande,  avakt  la  mayx,  stsquia  argent 
auant  la  maynjouyl  de  justice  et  damours. 

Redy  downe,  contant,  as  jc  ne  demanderay 
nul  terme,  mays  vous  payeray  contant. 

Ryght  aforc,  droyt  devant,  as  il  demeure 
droyl  dcaanl  lesglise. 

Ryght  in  the  niyddest,  dkoyt  av  milieu,  as 
droyt  an  milieu  dedens  la  tour. 

Ryght  nere,  très  près,  as  choses  mises  très 
près  de  la  veue,  combien  quelles  soyent 
grandes  et  grosses,  encores  a  payne  les 
peult  on  veoyr. 

Ryght  over  agaynsl,  vis  a  vis,  and  a  loppo- 
SITE,  as  il  demeure  vis  a  vis  des  Carmes,  il 
demeure  a  lopposile  des  Carmes. 

Ryght  there,  droyctement  la. 

Roundeabout,  tovt  a  lentovr.  tout  autour. 


tovt  a  lentour,  as  51  le  compassa  dung 
hault  mur  tout  a  lenteur. 

TOUT  autour,  as  colle  eut  cousue  de  sove 
tout  autour.  Puis  doybt  prendre  ta  jambe 
de  derrière ,  e(  lenciser  tout  autour  au  des- 
soubz  de  lajoyncte. 

A  LENUIRON,  as  si  regardoyt  toute  la  pour- 
prise  a  lenuiron.  And  quant  il  aaoyl  leu 
lescripture  qui  estoyt  a  lenuiron. 

Se  tbere,  voy  la. 

Syde  by  syde,  costé  a  costé,  as  Hz  se  pro- 
maynent  ensemble  costé  a  costé. 



Somwhere,  quelque  part,  as  et  se  saalaer 
quelque  part.  Aynsi  quejay  leu  quelque  pari. 
And  Elu  QUELQUE  ExnBOYT,  as  i7  fault 
quil  soyt  icy  près  en  quelque  endroyct. 

Some  where  els,  quelque  avltbe  part,  or 
AULTRE  PART,  as  allez  le  sercher  aultre 

Somwhytber,  quelque  part,  as  vous  allez 
quelque  part,  dictez  moy  oa  cest  que  vous 

Strayght  over  agaynste,  as  one  house  or  place 
is  strayght  over  an  other,  or  as  pcrsons 
syt  at  the  borde,  vis  a  vis,  as  il  demeure 
vis  a  vis  des  Cordeliers.  And  puis  que  nous 
sommes  assis  vis  a  vis  lung  de  laatre  beu- 
uons  ensemble. 

The  aider  neit,  au  plus  près  de,  as 

Et  fanent  Hz ,  par  le  sang  blea , 
Atii*  tout  au  plui  prêt  de  Dieu. 

Thyder,  la,  or  celle  part,  amayncz  le  la,  or 
celle  part, 

Tliere,  la.  y,  illec.  illecqves.  il, 

la,  as,  estez  vous  la,  mon  amy?  Il  nés t  pas 

Y,  as  et  nestoytplus  mencion  défaire  si  bonne 
chiere  que  par  aaant,  despuis  que  Discorde 
y  auoyt  mys  la  mayn, 
ILLEC,  as  illec  commencèrent  a  fonder  la  grant 
tour.  And  illec  attendit  Discorde,  lafaulse 
ILLECQUES,  as  pour  trouuer  aultre  resistence 

et  illecques  fonder  villes, 
IL,  as  la  ou  il  ne  repayre   que  des  benoysles 
ornes.  And  il  y  a  vng  la.  And  il  me  vient  en 

Tbere  above,  la  sus,  as  pour  esire  rémunéré  la 
sus  en  Paradys. 

Tbere aboules,  laektoub,  and  LA  exdroyt, 
as  si  alla  a  tous  ceulx  qui  estoyent  laentour. 
And  et  tant  icelte  comme  le  territoyre  de  la 
entour.  And  la  endroyt,  as  la  endroyt 
viennent  Hz  souucnt  jouer,  dont  il  faysoyt 
beaucoup  de  secours  aux  pasteurs  de  la  en- 
tour.  And  DROYT  LA ,  as  droyt  la  voit  on 
vng  trou  Tartaricqae. 

ILLEC  ENDROYT,  as   Hlec  endroyt  voit  on  le 

lieu  ou  le  saynt  martyr fast  décapité. 
PRESDE  LA,ets  tel  faulcon  sera  curé aa  poynt 
du  jour  ou  près  de  la. 

Tbere  as,  la  ou,  and  il,  as  pas  loing  de 
Danmarke  la  ou  esloyt  sa  demeure.  And 
il  alla  aussi  eu  Turquie  la  ou  il  laissa  de  ses 

Ther  away,  par  la.  près  de  la.  de  la  en- 
fault  aller  par  la  pour  le  plus  court. 

Tber  by .  la  près,  illec  près. 
la  PRES,  as  il  est  la  près. 
ILLEC  PRES,  as  mays  illec  près  trouaay  de- 

Tbere  bysyde,  la  apart,  la  ou  cousté. 
And  illec  delez  is  olde  Rommant. 

Tbere  in  ,  en  cela. 

Tbere  to,  or  tberunto.  a  cela.  And  y. 

y,  as  a  tout  le  moyns  vous  y  doyt  tirer  le  prouf 
Jit  qui  en  vient. 

Tbere  witbin ,  la  dedens.  And  leans. 

LA  DEDENS,àS  il  est  la  dedens.  And  mettez  le 

la  dedans, 
LE  ANS,  as   et  prinl  vne  aultre  femme  de  leans 
auec  elle.  And'  sa  grand  beaullé  excedoyt 
celle  de  tous  ceulx  de  leans.  And  i7  nest  pas 
leans,  je  le  vis  sortir  tout  asteure. 

Tborowe  ali  the  worlde,  par  tout  le  monde, 
as  et  fit  resplendir  son  nom  par  tout  le 

Thorough  ail  Fraunce ,  ail  Englande ,  par  tout 
France,  or  tout  le  royaulme  de  France. 
Par  tout  Engleterre,  or  par  tout  le  royaulme 

To  nygbe,  to  farre  of,  to  bygbe,  to  lowe  : 
trop  près,  trop  loing,  trop  hault,  trop  bas, 
and  so  of  tbe  resydewe. 

Very  bere,  very  ther,  droit  cy,  droit  la.  Fort, 
as  fort  près  :  fort  loyng. 

Wbere,  la  ou,  as  fa  ou  vous  plaira.  And  par 
ou,  as  voycy  le  chemyn  par  ou  on  entre. 
And  QUELLE  PART,  as  dictez  moy  quelle 
jmrl  vous  lauez  prias. 



Where  so  ever,  ov  qve,  and  qvel  que  part 


ov  QVE,  as  ou  qiu  je  soye,  mon  cueur  pense 

a  vous. 
QVELQVE  PART  QVE ,  as  Dieu  soit  auecques 
vous,  quelque  part  que  vous  allez. 
Where  as ,  la  ov,  as  vous  lé  trouuerez  la  ou 

vous  lauez  laissé, 
Under,  sovbz.  dessovbz. 

SOVBZ,  as  tenez  le  soubz  vostre  mayn. 

DESSOVBZ,  as  mettez  le  dessoubz  la  table.  Car 

elle  estoyt  la  plus  belle   dessoubz  la   lune. 

And  PAR  DESSOVBZ,  as  se  pounnenans  par 

dessoubz  les  arbres. 

Vnàerneiii,  DESSOVBZ,  as  tnettez  le  dessoubz  la 

Wyde,  de  cousté.  To  wyde,  trop  de  cousté. 
Wilhin,  DEDE.ys.  par  ens.  ens.  de  dedens. 


DEDENS,  as  et  se  tenoyent  dedans  leurs  tentes, 

sans  sortir  pour  ce  jour  la. 
PAR  ENS,  as 

Sijort  phantesmet  appurani 
A  ceals  qui  regardent  par  en», 

DE   DEDEKS,  as  si  vint  sortir  vng  de  dedens. 

And  lung  de  ceulx  de  dedens. 
EKS ,  as  plourez  ens  et  riez  dehors. 
A  LA  MAYSOX,  as  Monsieur  vostre  maistre  est 

il  a  la  mayson  ? 
Within  forthe,  par  dedens,  as  bien  garny  de 

riches  meubles  par  dedens, 
Within   or  without,  ens   ov  hors,  as  je  ne 

scaysiellc  est  ens  ou  hors,  or  dedens  ov 

DEBORS,  as  est  il  dedens  ou  dehors? 
Wilhin  and  without,  dedens  et  dehors. 
Without,  D£//o«s,  as  et  coaclierent  cesle  nuict 

en  leurs  tentes  dehors  la  cité.  And  lung  de 

ceulx  de  dehors. 
Without  forthe,  par  dehors,  as  et  par  dehors 

bien  reacstu  de  diaerses  arbrisseaulx.  And 

if  les  fait  beau  veoyrpar  dehors. 
DE  PAR  DEHORS,   as  par  les  signes    de  par 

dehors   on  juge    communeement  le  couraige 

des  gens.    And  selon  lordre  de   ceulx   de 

dehors,  I  fynde  also  in  tbe  Rommant  de 

FORES ,  as  ou  dedans  mirouers  ou  dejores. 


A  huntyng,  a  haukyng ,  a  byrdyng,  a  fysshyng, 
amowynge,  a  repyng,  a  makyng  of  haye, 
etc.  allé  chasser,  voiler,  prendre  des  oy- 
seletz ,  prendre  des  poyssons ,  faucher,  cicr 
des  blés,  fauciller,  foynner,  etc.  So  that 
for  our  partycipie  in  yng  tbey  use  their 
infynityve  mode  with  alU  allez,  allée  al- 
lées, as  the  substanlyve  requyreth.  But 
for  a  huntyng  they  say  a  la  chasse,  as  i7 
est  allé  chasser,  or  allons  chasser,  aod  i7  est 
allé  a  la  chasse,  and  allons  a  la  chasse, 
and  so  of  the  other  modes  and  tenses  of 
je  vas,  as  nous  yrons  chasser  demayn,  je 
vouldroye  aller  chasser  demayn. 

A  hrimmyng,  as  a  bore,  or  sowe  doth,  en 
ROVYT ,  as  cette  truye  est  en  roayt. 

A  backe,  arrière,  as  quant  vous  le  verrez 
venir,  mettez  vous  arrière  quil  ne  vous 

A  brode,  av  large,  as  il  jecloyt  son  oeil  au 

^  bulling,  as  a  cowe  doth,  en  chasse. 

Agaynst,  or  to  mete,  A  lencontre,  as  (/  est  allé 
a  lencontre  du  roy. 

Ail  a  backe,  tovt  arrière ,  as  mays  vous  re- 
jeclant  tout  arrière. 

A  iytell  farther,  vng  peu  plus  auant. 

A  iytell  nerer,  a  Iytell  higher,  a  lytel  iower, 
vng  peu  plus  près,  vng  peu  plus  hault,  vng 
peu  plus  bas ,  etc. 

A  lytel  upwardcj  vng  pev  plvs  havlt ,mje 
me  lyray  vng  peu  plus  hault. 

Alongest,  dv  long,  as  iljccla  son  oeil  du  long. 

Any  farther,  poynt  plus  auant,  hut  poynt  must, 
in  al  such  speking,  be  joynedto  the  verbe. 
Mauldil  soy  je  si  vous  me  conduyssez  pas, 
or  poynt,  plus  auant. 

As  farre  as,  avssi  loing  qve,  as  je  le  snyueray 
aussi  loing  que  le  roy  a  point  de  terre. 

As  farre  as  hence  lo  Rome ,  aussi  loyng  que  dicy 
a  Romme, 

As  farre  as  unto,  AVSSi  loyng  qve  jvsqves  a  , 
as  je  le  suyueray  aussi  loyng  quejusques  a 



As  farre  as  il  is  hencc  to  Kome,  aussi   loyng 

qail  y  a  à\cy  a  Romme. 
A  syde,   a  part,  and   a  lescart ,  as  allez  a 

part,  or  a  lescart  pour  vn(j  peu. 
Asyde  halfe,  dv  covsté,  as  allez  du  cousté  de 

ce  (jrant  arbre. 

A  that  syde ,  du  cousté  de  delà. 
A  this  syde ,  du  cousté  de  deçà. 
A  warre  fare ,  a  la  guerre. 
A  heryng  fare ,  pescher  des  hxtrencz. 

Backe,  ARRIERE,  as  mayj  admonesté  par  vision 
nocturne  il  retourna  arrière. 

Backwarde,  arrière,  a  la  renverse,  a  recu- 
ARRIERE,  ai  âpres  ijue  la  serpentine  fut  tou- 
chée du  feu,   elle  recula   arrière   bien  six 
pieds  auant  que  deslascher.   And  comme  le 
Jlot  arrière  se  tire. 
A  LA  REyuERSE ,  as  il  cheut  a  la  renuerse. 
A  RECVLOys,  as  dis  la  croix  de  par  Dieu  a  re- 
calons, et  je  te  donneray  vne  poyre.  Bnt  a  la 
renuerse,  and  a  reculons  answere  to  tliis 
questyon   «howe».  And  ex  decadexce, 
as  tousjoars  despuis  allèrent  en  décadence. 

Byfore,  au  devant  de,  as  si  enuoya  vng  bon 
nombre  de  gentilz  hommes  ou  deuant  de 
luy.  But  au  deuanl  de  signyfyeth  rather 
to  niete,  as  au  deuant  de  lay,  to  meta 

By  yonde,  delà,  ovltre. 
DELA ,  as  i7  est  allé  delà  la  mer, 
ovltre,  as  il  le  lenca  oullrc  mesure.  But  than 
oultre  answereth  to  this  questyon  ibowe 
<  moche  •. 

By  that  place,  par  la,  as  il  lefaalt  mener  par 

By  that  way,  par  la,  as  (7  faull  aller  par  la, 
si  vous  voulez  aller  le  plus  court  chemyn. 

By  this  place,  par  cy ,  as  ilfault  aller  par  cy 
pour  le  plus  court. 

By  this  waye  downwarde,  par  cy  aval,  as 
par  cy  aual  irez  vous  droyl  a  sa  mayson. 

By  this  waye  npwarde,  par  cy  amo-it,  as  par 
cy  amont  ra  on  au  chasieau. 

By  whiche  way,  par  ou,  as  par  ou  fouit  il  allei 
a  lesglise  saynt  Pol?  And 

lit  ne  icatteni  tract  tenir. 
Par  ou  sen  puietent  rtaenir. 

Downe,  bas,  embas.  jvs.  aval, 
bas,  as  daller  ca  et  la,  bas  et  sus. 
EiiBAS,  as  Mercure  jectant  lesyeulx  embas. 
JUS,  as  Pallas  ne  voulut  mettre  jus  sa  chemyse. 
And  mets  jus  ton  ignauité   ruralle.  And  je 
diroye   que  ne  prinssiez  pas  la  payne  de 
mettre  jus  voz  nobles  vestemens.  And  si  mi- 
rent jus  leurs  nobles  habillemens.  Et  mirent 
jus  leurs  fermeletz  et  cliaynes. 

AUAL,  as  qui  de  sa  tour  aual  regarde.  And 
laquelle  court  aaalla  praerie ,  tout  du  long 
de  la  vallée.  And  le  jleuue  Xanihas  cottloyt 
ses  vndes  aual.  But  aual  signyfyeth  downe 
by,  as  les  larmes  luy  couloyent  aaal  ses 

Downe  ryght ,  tout  droyt  embas. 

Downe  the  hyll ,  aaal  la  montaigne. 

Downwarde,  embas.  aval, 

EMBAS,  as  comment  me  voulez  vous  planter  lu 

teste  embas  comme  vng  poyrreau? 
AVAL,  as  leaue  court  tousjours  aual  et  ne  monte 
goutte  arrière. 

Estwarde,  Westwarde,  Northewarde,  South- 
warde,  vers  le  Est,  or  lOrient,  vers  le  Wesl, 
or  vers  lOccident,  vers  le  North,  or  vers  la 
Bise,  vers  le  Soulh,  or  vers  le  Mydy. 

Evyn  slrayght  to  the  churche,  to  the  scoole, 
to  the  marketstede,  (o«(  droyl  a  lesglise , 
a  lescolle,  au  marché,  etc. 

Evyn  strayght  on  the  ryght  hande  ,  tout  droyt. 
A  DESTRE,  as  lors  men  allay  tout  droyt  a  iles- 
Ire  parmy  vne  petite  sente. 

Evyn  strayght  forth,  tout  droit  devant,  as 
allez  tout  droyt  deuant  vous. 

Evyn  tliyder,  tout  jusques  la. 

Evyn  to  the  ende,  tout  a  chiej. 

Every  where,  partout,  as  depuis  Zelande  en 
Grenade  et  partout. 

Farre,  loyng,  as  et  fuysoyt  voiler  sa  renommée 
loing  et  près. 




Farre  hence ,  lojng  dycy. 

Farrc  by  yonde  the  see,  farre  byliynd,  farre 
byfore,  loyng  de  la  la  mer,  loiiifj  derrière, 
loing  deuant,  and  so  of  ail  otlicr.  As  farre 
on  this  syde ,  aussi  loyng  de  ca. 

Farther  than,  Plus  loikc,  qve,  plvs  ovltiie 
QVK,  ai  je  vous  comwyeray  plus  loyng  que 
vous  ne  pences,  or  oultre  ce  que  vous  ne 
pencez.  And  je  vous  promets  dame  ayns  que 
oallre  passer.  And  of  olher  comparalyves , 
as  nerer  tban ,  plus  près  que. 

Farre  of,  loyng  dycy, 

Farre  wyde,  loyng  de  costé. 

Forth,  DEHORS,  avâ/it.  oultre. 

DEHORS,  as  portez  le  dehors  quon  le  voye. 
AVANT,  as  venez  auant,  estez  vous  prest? 
OULTRE,  as  et  silz  nous  couppenl  le  chemyn, 
sans  faultc  Hz  passeront  oultre. 

Forthe  forthe,  auant  auant,  or  tyrez  tirez. 

Forthe  on  bis  way,  aaant  son  chemyn. 

Forthwarde,  dehors,  as  fy  il  est  villayn,  il 
mange  dehors  comme Jayt  \ng  foret. 

Forwarde,  eu  auant,  avant,  as  tyrez  le  auant, 
OT  faictez  le  aller  plus  aaant. 

From  to ,  as  from  London  to  Yorke ,  depuis 
Londres  a  Yorke,  orjusques  a  Yorhe.  De- 
puis Zelande  en  Grenade. 

From  dethe  to  lyfe,  de  mort  a  vie. 

From  dore  to  dore ,  dhuys  en  hays. 

From  bence,  dicy.  Allez  vous  endicy. 

From  one  syde  to  an  otber,  dung  costé  a 
laultre,  as  et  commença  a  saulter  dung 
costé  a  laultre, 

Hence,  dicy,  as  ostez  le  dicy.  And 

en ,  as  allons  nouf  en.  And 

avant,  as  tyrez  auant. 
Hygber  tban ,  phs  hault  que, 
Hytber,  ca  ,  as  daller  ca  et  la,  bas  et  sus. 
Hyther  bylowe,  cajus. 
Hytlier  downe,  par  cy  aaal. 
Hyther  agayne,  ca  de  rechief,  or  ca  encore. 
Hyther  and  thyther,  ca  et  la. 
Hytherwarde,  ceste  part,  and  dec-^  ,  as  tour- 
nez vous  deçà. 
Home  agayn,  retournez  a  la  maison. 

Home,  a  la  mayson. 

Home  warde,  tiers  la  mayson. 

In  lo,jusques  dedens,  as  he  convayed  him  in  lo 
bis  bouse  :  il  le  conuoya  jusques  dedens  .m 

Inwarde,  par  dedens,  as  quelque  semblant  quil 
fait  il  se  courrouce  par  dedens. 

A  katerwavynge ,  as  kaltes  do ,  en  jars. 

Morebylherwarde,  more  thytherwardes,  more 
upperer,  more  netherer,  or  more  uppcr- 
warde,  more  netherwarde,  etc.  plus  de  ca, 
plus  de  la,  plus  en  hault,  plus  embas.  And 
soofal  tbc  otber  answers  to  this"questyon 
«  wbytber.  » 

Nere  unto,  or  nerc  to,  près  de,  as  nere  unto 
the  cburehe,  nere  to  my  bouse,  nere  to 
the  marketstede,  près  de  lesglise,  près  de 
ma  mayson,  près  du  marché,  and  so  of  ail 

Nere  to  the  place  where,  av  près  ov,  as  et  le 
mènera  auprès  ou  le  cheualier  sera. 

Notber  nor,  as  nother  this  way  nor  that  wave , 
Dotber  upwarde  nor  downwarde  ;  ne  ca 
NE  LA,  NE  AMONT  NE  AVAL,  as  Sans  diuer- 
tyr  ne  ca  ne  la. 

Onwarde  on  bis  way,  vng  peu  sus  son  chemyn. 

Onto,  JVSQVES  A,dLS  il  est  allé  jusqucs  a  homme. 

On  the  left  bande ,  a  la  mayn  gauche. 

Onto  the  place appoynted.jui^aci  au  iicuttSiijH^. 

On  tbe  right  bande,  a  la  mnyn  droicte. 

On  tbe  othcr  syde,  de  laultre  covsté,  and 

DAVLTRE  PART,  as  après  par  especial  et 

daultre  part  en  gênerai. 
Onto  withiu  ,jusques  dedens.  But  for  this  worde 

we  use  in  or  into. 
0»er,  DE  LA,  and  oultre. 

de  la  ,  as  il  est  allé  delà  la  mer. 

OVLTRe  ,  as  battellier,  passez  moy  oultre;  si  fit 

passer  ses  gens  oultre  le  Jleuue. 
Over  my  beed,  oultre,  as  les  vndes  passoyent 

oultre  ma  teste,  and  par  dessvs  ma  teste. 



Out,  Hons.  DEiions. 

noBS ,  as  Xanlhus  se  hua  hors  de  ses  vndes. 
And  elles  sortirent  hors  du  parfont  de  leur 
sources.  And  elles  misrent  hors  leurs  belles 
DEHORS,  as  i7  est  allé  dehors. 
Outwarde ,  PAn  dehors,  as  ceste  chose  se  monstre 
bien  par  dehors. 

Plomme  downe,  bas  en  droycle  ligne. 

Ryght  downc ,  tout  drojt  emhas. 
Ryght  forthe,  tout  droyl  auant. 

Syde  warde ,  de  costé. 

So  farre  forthe  that,  si  auant  que. 

So  farre  that,  si  auant  que. 

Slepe  downe,  tout  bas  en  droycte  lygne. 

Strayglit  forthe  afore ,  tout  droyt  deuant. 

Strayght  on  the  ryght  hande ,  on  the  lefl  hande , 
upwarde,  or  downewarde,  etc.  droict  a  la 
droycte  inayn,  or  vers  la  droycte  mayn,  or  a 
la  mayn  droycte.  Droyct  a  yauchc,  or  vers  la 
mayn  gauche,  droyct  amont,  droyct  aual,  etc. 

Therby,  par  la  ,  as  en  passant  par  la.  And  la 

pr.ES,  as  allez  la  près  et  vous  le  Irouuerez. 
The  farther  I  go,  the  morebyhynde,  tant  plus 

maaance  et  plus  me  trouae  en  arrière. 
The  inorc  I  drinke,  the  more  I  may,  tant  plus 

en    boys   et  plus    en  puis.  But    this  shall 

be  moreplaynlyexpressed  in  the  conjunc- 

Thyder,  la.  celle  part.  y. 

LA  ,  ai  je  ne  scay,  maysje  croy  quil  est  allé  la. 
celle  PART,asne  allez  plus  celle  part ,  si  vous 

men  croyez. 
Y,  as  je  ne  scay,  mais  je  croy  quil  y  est  allé. 

And  je  me  offre  de  vous  y  conduyre, 
Thyder  lo,  jusqvbs  la,  as  je  vous,  conduyray 

jusques  la.  And  Y,  is  je  vous  y  conduyray. 
Thyderwarde ,  celle  part,  as  si  se  transporta 

promptement  celle  part.  Ne  allez  plus  celle 

This  waye ,  par  cy. 
This  waye  downe,  par  cy  auul. 

Thorowe  thycke  and  thynne ,  par  beau  chemyn 
et  par  combreax. 

Thoroughe,  ovltbe,  as  et  silz  nous  couppent  le 
chemyn,  sifaalt  il  passer  oallre. 

To  and  fro,  ca  et  la. 

To  an  other  place ,  en  aultre  part. 

To  farre,  trop  loyng.To  nere,  to  hye,  to  iovve,  etc. 
trop  près,  trop  haalt,  trop  bas,  and  so  of 
ail  other  that  maye  be  compared. 

To  farre  forthe,  trop  auant. 

To  the  brest,  to  the  bottome,  to  the  chyn,  to 
the  mydiegge,  to  the  naveli ,  jusques  a  la 
poitrine,  jusques  aufons,jasques  aamenton, 
jusques  a  my  jambe,  jusques  an  nombryl. 
And  so  of  ail  suche  lyke.  How  be  it  I  fynde 
oftentymes  jU5ijuf«  left  out,  as  to  the  very 
bottome  of  hell  :  aafinfons  denfer. 

To  the  churche,  to  my  house,  to  the  market, 
to  our  chamber  :  a  leglise,  a  ma  mayson, 
au  marché,  a  nostrc  chambre.  And  so  of  al 
other  names  of  places,  as  to  London,  a 
Londres  ;  to  Romme ,  a  Romme. 

To  mete ,  to  se ,  to  speake  with ,  to  comen  with , 
etc.  pour  rencontrer,  pour  visiter  or  pour 
veoyr,  pour  parler  auecques,  pour  diuiser 
auecques,  and  so  of  the  other  infynityve 
modes  of  verbes  with  pour,  as  il  est  allé 
pour  visiter  vng  malade;  but  for  to  mêle, 
as  be  is  gone  to  mete  the  king,  they  use 
more:  il  est  allé  au  deuant  du  roy,  au  deuant 
de  son  maystre,  etc.  ihan  pour  rencontrer  le 
roy,  or  pour  rencontrer  son  maystre. 

To  the  fynall  ende,  a  chief  de  pièce,  as  quant 
ce  vint  a  chief  de  pièce. 

To  the  resydewe,  au  surplus,  as  et  pour  pro- 
céder au  suiplas, 

To  this  purpose,  A  ces  fiks,  as  etjaysoyent  des 

veus  tendans  a  ces  fins. 
Towarde,  or  towardes,  vers,  deuers.  enuers. 


VERS,  as 

Aymans ,  ceit  exemple  apprenne! 
Qae  vert  voz  amy$  ne  mtiprennez. 

DEUERS,  as  cest  ascauoyr  deuers  Londres.  And 
pays  sest  tourné  deuers  sonfilz.  And  premier 
tourne  loy  deuers^destre. 




ENVSRS,  as  il  je  vis,  je  le  deseruiraj  enuers 
vous  et  enuers  tous  mes  aaltres  amys.  And 
gardés  que  tel  enuers  tous  soyez,  comme  tous 
enuers  vous  les  vouldrojrez. 

DE  DEVEKS,  88  et  puis  le  Vit  descendre  de  deuers 
les  montaygnes, 

Very  farre,  very  hye,  very  lowe,  de.  fort  loyng, 
fort  hault,fort  bas,  etc. 

Unto,  JVSQVES  A.  So  that  ail  suche  exemples 
as  I  hâve  gyven  by  «  to  »,  as  to  the  churche, 
tothe  brest,  etc.  may  hère  be  understandc 
agayne,  for  we  use  indyfferently  to  and 
unto  and  untyll,  but  it  is  notherne,  unto 
the  stede  or  place  wbere  a  thing  is  doue  : 
JUSQVES  AD  DROYT  DE,  as  if  a  substantyve 
folowe  :  as  jusques  au  droyt  des  lisses.  Els 
they  use  jvsqves  a  la  place  la  ov,  as  i7 
la  conuoya  jusques  a  la  place  la  ou  il  fat 

llp ,  AMOlfT.  svs. 

AMOKT,  as  si  rng  faulcon  est  jecté  amont, 
svs,  as  daller  ca  et  la,  bas  et  sus. 

Up  and  downe ,  amont  et  aual. 

Up  the  hyll  and  downe  the  vaie,  amont  et  aual. 

Upwarde,    amont,   buamout.    contre-VONt. 


AMONT,  as  sans  janiays  amont  retourner. 

ENAUONT,  as  despuis  lefaux  du  corps  enamont. 

CONTREMONT,  as  Hector  qui  dressoyt  contre- 
mont  son  fort  bras  a  tout  lespee. 

BNCOlfTRBMOHT,  Bs  Xanthus,  le  fleuue  cler, 
ira  encontremont. 

Whyther,  qvelqve  part  que,  as  et  les  conduyra 
quelque  part  quil  leur  playra  daller. 

Whyther  so  ever  that,  qvelqve  part  que,  as 
et  en  après  je  te  conuoyeray  saulaement 
quelque  part  quil  te  playra  aller. 

Whelher  you  wyll  or  nat,  vveillez  ov  non. 
But  this  isdeclared  amongest  the  conjunc- 

A  choyse,  A   ibslitb ,  as  une  drame  prinse  a 
leslyle  en  valoyl  bien  liure  et  demye. 

Accordyng  as  Homère  sayeth,  jouxte  ce  que 
dit  Homère.  Accordyng  to  the  Gospell , 
jouxte  leuangille. 

Accordyngly,  appoyxt,  as  lay  je  pas  bien  res- 
pondu  apoynt,  or  comme  il  appartient,  or 
comme  il  appartiendra,  chaungyng  the 
tence,  as  the  sentence  shall  requyre,  as 
quant  a  toutes  aultres  choses ,  je  espère  que 
vous  leferés  comme  il  appartiendra,  oraynsi 
comme  il  appartiendra. 

Afler,  SELON,  a. 

selon  ,  as  chascun  selon  sa  manière. 
A,  SlS  son  habit  est  taillé  a  la  mode  dAlle- 

Afler  his  maner,  chascun  a  sa  guyse. 

After  the  maner  of  the  Troyanes,  selon  la  mode 

After  a  dewe  order,  selon  lordre  appartenante. 

After  the  gyse  of  Fraunce,  a  la  mode  de  France. 
And  DE  GVïSE,  as  de  guyse  quamours  a 

Afier  the  maner  of  those  dayes ,  selon  la  ma- 
nière dadoncques ,  and  a  la  manière  de  ce 
temps  la. 

After  the  quycke,  AV  vif,  as  qui  estoycnt  bien 
poarlrays  au  vif,  and  après  le  vif ,  as  le 
simulachrc  fut  taillé  après  le  vif'. 

After  tlie  snperstycion  of  those  dayes ,  selon  la 
supersticion  dadoncques. 

A  foote ,  as  one  thaï  gothe  a  journay  a  foole ,  a 
PIED,  as  vous  yrés  a  pied  sans  chcual. 

A  foote ,  as  one  that  steppeth  on  his  foole  lo  do 
a  ihyng,  de  bout,  as  incontinent  il  se  myi 
debout.  Andje  ne  me  puis  pas  tenir  debout 
si  longuement ,  jay  maulaaises  jambes.  And 
les  quatre  seraynes  se  présentèrent  sur  le 
beau  bout. 

Agaynst  kynde ,  contre  nature, 

Agaynst  ones  wyll,  ennuys  or  enuys,  whiche 
serveth  to  ail  persones  and  nombres;  as 
je  le  fays  enuis,  lu  le  fays  enuys,  nous  le 
ferons  enuys,  Hz  le  feront  enuys,  etc. 

Agaynst  my  wyll,  contre  mon  gré,  contre 

TON    GRÉ,    contre    SON    GRÉ,     etc.     And 

OVLTRE  LE  GRÉ,  as  H  olloyt  oultre  le  gré 
de  son  père.  And  i7  me  veult  faire  demeurer 



oultre  montre.  And  MAULGRB  inoy,  toy , 
hxy,  elle,  etû. 

Agaynsl  ihe  heare,  frowardly,  or  arsewardly,  A 
REBOURS,  as  ail  tliat  ever  ne  goaboul  gothe 
agayust  the  heare  :  tout  tant  que  nous  en- 
treprennons  va  a  rebours.  He  shaveth  me 
a^ayosltheheire:  Urne  couppcconire  le  poyl, 

AgayQSt  tbe  wynde  and  the  rayne,  au  vent  et  a 
la  pluye,  or  contre  le  vent  cl  la  pluye. 

A  good  ,  Dal  in  sporte  or  a  tryall ,  A  Boy,  as 
auez  vous  tiré  a  bon  ou  pour  essaier  vosire 
arc?  And  iljault  (jue  je  vous  signe  a  bon. 

A  Goddes  name ,  de  par  dieu,  as /aidez  paix 
la  de  par  Dieu. 

A  good  pace,  BontiE  erre,  as  et  venez  après  moy 
bonne  erre. 

A  Goddes  halfe,  de  par  Dieu. 

A  goggell ,  EX  LOUCHET,  às  donnez  vous  garde 
de  ceuLr  qui  regardent  en  louchet. 

A  great,  £JV  bloc,  as  vous  vendez  voz  marchan- 
dises en  bloc.  And  en  GROS. 

A  greal  pace ,  A  GRAUT  erre,  as  si  vint  a  grant 
erre  vers  le  roy.  And  cl  si  party  du  mien 
pays  a  granl  erre.  And  A  GRANT  allecre, 
as  lors  men  allay  a  grant  alleure. 

A  horsebacke,  a  cbeual,  asuenez  vous  a  pied 
ou  a  cheual? 

A  katerwavyng,  acars. 

A  lyve,  EN  VIE,  as  est  il  en  vie?  Bring  hym  a 
lyve  or  dced ,  apportez  le  vif  ou  mort. 

Aione  alone,  tout  fin  seullet. 

Alone  without  company,  soutayre,  as  il  se 
tient  solitayre. 

Alone,  as  two  in  a  companye  be  alone,  seul  a 
seul,  as  puis  quilz  sont  en  vne  chambre  seul 
a  seul,  je  ne  prcns  plus  charge  deulx.  And 
EN  ATTENTE,  as  laissons  cela  vng  peu  en 
attente,  car  je  y  rctourneray  bien  assez  tan- 
tost  après  dauoyr  parlé  daullres  choses. 

Alone  for  the  hoie,  seul,  et  pour  le  tout  regtui 
sans  filz  en  Austruche. 

Alone  by  my  selfe,  tout  a  par  moy. 

A  longe,  AV  LONG  ESTB.tDU,  as  se  assiet  il  en 
son  lit,  ou  couche  il  au  long  estendu  '-' 

Alongest,  au  long  de,  as  alant  les  hirmes  deua- 
loyenl  au  long  de  sa  face. 

Alonge  and  overlwhart,  au  long  et  au  traiurs. 

A  lowde,  haultenient ,  as  il  se  escria  haulle- 

AU  agaynst  the  heare ,  tout  a  rebours. 

AU  a  great,  tout  en  gros,  as  veut  il  sa  mar- 
chandise tout  en  gros? 

Al  a  heed,  tout  a  heurt,  as  cesl  ong  homme 
testyf,  il  fait  ses  choses  tout  a  heurt. 

A!l  alone,  tout  solitayre,  and  tout  a  pur  moy,  as 
tout  a  par  moy  voys  vers  elle. 

Ail  a  lowde,  tout  haultement,  as  il  sescria 
tout  haultement. 

AU  alonge,  as  one  lyeth ,  tout  plat  estbsdv, 
as  il  cheut  en  Iherbette  tout  plat  estendu,  or 
tout  estendu. 

AU  arsewardly,  al  frowardly,  tout  a  rebours. 

AU  al  hasarde ,  tout  a  hazart. 

Ail  at  length,  tout  au  long,  as  je  vous  prou- 
ueray  tout  au  long  de  mon  intencion. 

AU  at  myn  awne  wyli,  tout  a  la  mienne  voa- 
lenté,  a  la  tienne  voulenté,  etc. 

AU  at  lyberlye,  tout  a  délivre,  as  aussi  lost 
que  je  eus  mes  mayns  tout  a  dcliure,  and 
TOUT  A  LIBERTÉ,  as  aussi  tost  que  je  seray 
tout  a  ma  liberté,  je  vous  viendray  veoyr. 

Ail  bare,  a  descouuert,  as  combien  quil  soyl 
bien  couuerl,  si  le  verray  je  a  descouuert. 

AU  bewept,  tout  esplovré,  ot  toute  esplonrée , 
as  je  la  trouvay  en  vng  coing  toute  es- 

AU  bcly  naked,  tout  fyn  mrre  nu. 

AU  bcrayed ,  tout  barbouillé,  or  tout  souylli. 

Ali  be  way  of  kynde,  tout  par  nature. 

AU  chafed  in  ber  bloode,  toute  sang  meslbe, 
as  Œnone  toute  sang  meslie. 
And  of  a  man ,  tout  sang  meslè. 

Ail  contrarye,  tout  contrayre,  or  tout  a 
REBOURS,  as  et  furent  transportez  tout  au 
rebours  de  mon  intencion. 

Ail  frowerdly,  tout  a  rebours,  as  comment 
peult  la  chose  prospérer  entre  voz  inayns, 
pais  que  vous  la  f aidez  tout  a  rebours  ? 

AU  in  somme,  en  toute  somme. 

AU  lyke  well ,  (ouf  sembhiblement  bien. 

Algatc-s,  TOUT  A  force,  as  wyll  you  algates 
do  it  :  le  voulez  vous  faire  tout  a  force? 



Ali  in  peces,  tout  par  pièces,  as  il  a  rompu 
le  voyrre  tout  par  pièces. 

AU  yll  faryngly,  (ouf  mausademenl. 

Almoste  evyniy,  airaoste  well ,  almoste  yll,  al- 
niost  to  folysshely,  fresques,  or  quasi, 
as  presques  esgallement,  or  <ïfiiasi  esgalle- 
ment  :  presques  bien,  or  quasi  bien  :  presqaes 
mal,  or  quasi  mal  :  presques  trop  follement, 
or  quasi  trop  follement. 

Almost  a  Iwayne,  presques  or  quasi  en  deux. 

Aimost  lyke,  presques  aynsi  que,  as  pres- 
ques ajnsi  que  vng  paradjs  terrestre. 

Almoste  in  lyke  case ,  presques  en  semblable  cas. 

AU  naked,  tout  nv,  as  je  liiy  veu  tout  nu,  and 
TOUT  a  NV,  as  je  les  vealx  veojr  descou- 
vertes tout  a  na,  OT  toutes  neues. 

AU  of  pleasure,  tout  a  playsier,  and  tout 
de  uayt.  He  is  ail  a  pleasure  :  il  est  tout 
de  hayt. 

AU  openly,  toit  en  apert,  as  je  ne  vous  diray 
riens  en  secret,  mays  tout  en  apert. 

AU  open  and  playne ,  tout  playnement-  et  ouuer- 
tement,  or  tout  a  playn  et  a  descouuert. 

AU  sodaynly,  tout  soudaynement. 

AU  to  torne,  tout  deschiré. 

AU  out  of  order,  pesle  mesle,  or  tout  sans  or- 

AU  togyther,  rorr  syseMOLE,  as  mettez  le  tout 

Ail  undcr  hande,   tout  dune  mayn.    DurtG 

MESitE    TRAYCT.   tout   DUNE  TIRE.    TOUT 

TOUT  DUNE  MAYN,  as  ct  tout  dunc  mayn  loi- 
lurent  a  la  vicontesse  les  villes  de  Selcre  et 
DUNG  MESME  TRAYCT,  as  depeschez  ceste  ma- 
tière tout  dung  mesme  truyct. 
TOUT  DUNE  TIRE,  as  allez  quérir  du  vyn  aussi 

tout  dune  tire, 
TOUT  DUNE  VOYE,  89  et  furent  aussi  enuoyez 
en  Thrace ,  affyn  defoumyr  tout  dune  aul- 
tre  voye  vne  aultre  légation  cedit  jour  dung 
mesme  Irayct. 
Alwaye  at  one ,  lousjours  en  r<ng  poynt. 
Alwayes  as  byfore,  tousjours  comme  deuant. 
AU  wylfuUy,  tout  a  playn  gré. 

Ail  wetyngly,  tout  a  escient^s  Marcus  laissa 

ses  gens  auoyr  soyf  tout  a  escient. 
AmyssCi  mai,  as  puisquil  a  mal  fuit,  si  le  rc- 

congnoisse,  ou  il  se  trouuera  mal. 
A  mynsynge  pace,  lE  pas  menu,  as  il  fait  bon 

veoyr  ces  amourettes,  quant  elles  vont  le  pas 

And  tbe  worste  fall,  aa  fort  aller,  and  au  pis 

A  newc  ,  de  nouueaii ,  as  commence   la  de  Itou- 

A  pace  fast ,  vjste,  as  mays  allez  viste. 
A  pace  softly,  le  pas,  as  vous  nyrés  que  le  pas, 
Âpon  payne  of  liangyng,  sur  payne  de  lahart, 

or  sur  payne  désire  pendu. 
Apon  a  mery  pynne,  de  hayt. 
A  purpose ,  A  escient,  tout  exprès,  de  mes- 

MES,  as  je  lay  fiyt  tout  a  escient,  or  tout 

exprès,  or  de  mesmes  pour  scauoir  que  cesl 

que  vous  voulez  dire. 
Aryght,  A  droyt,  as 

Dcduyt  fnt  bel  et  long  et  droyt 
Et  compaitc  trcibien  a  droyt. 

And  51  ye  puis  a  mon  droyt  premlre.  And  A 
DROYTURE ,  as  il  eut  le  nez  très  bien  fait  a 

Arme  in  arme,  bras  a  bras,  as  et  se  prome- 
nèrent ensemble  bras  a  bras. 

Arsewardly,  A  rebours,  as  quoy  quon  vous  die 
vous  respondez  tousjours  a  rebours. 

As  as,  as  as  slyll  as  a  stone:  as  wel  as  can  be, 
si  or  aussy  coy  comme  vne  pierre,  or  que  vne 
pierre  :  si  bien  or  aussi  bien  comme  peult  es- 
tre,  or  que  peult  estre.  So  thaï  for  thc  first 
as  tbey  use  si  or  aussi,  and  for  tbe  se- 
conde comme  or  que,  but  tbis  sball  more 
clerely  appere  in  tbe  conjunctyon.  I  fynde 
also  for  as  longe  as  large  :  autant  long 
comme  large. 

A»  well  as  well  maye  be,  aussi  bien  que  petill 

As,  COMME.  SI  co.MME.  QUE,  aller,  aynsi. 
COMME,  asfaictez  comme  je  vous  dis.  And  et 
puis  il  lejecta  en  leaue  comme  il  atioyt  fait 
du  sien. 
SI  COMME,  as  en   ordonnant  pour  gaerdons 



non  aullre  chose  (jue  conroimes  si  comme 
despines.  And  et  furent  des  lors  mys  en  auant 
pris  de  plus  grant  value  si  comme  or  el  ar- 
gent. And  cesl  a  dire  touruoys  si  comme  la 
course  en  lestade. 
QVB,  after  ajnsi,  as  aduisez  doncqucs  sil  nest 
aynsi  que,  or  ajnst  comme  je  vous  av  dit. 
As  byfore,  comme  devant,  and  comme  paua- 


COMME  DEVANT,  as  je  Itty  bien  presché ,  mais 

il  sera  comme  deuant  en  despil  du  diable. 
COMME  PAltAVANT,  as  et  ne  fut  plus  mencion 

défaire  si  bonne  chiere  comme  parauant. 
As  it   were  to  speake,   ajnsi  que  pour  parler, 

ayiisi  qur  pour  se  ayser. 
As  il  falleth  in  my  brayne,  or  in  my  lieed  :  a 

MA  TESTE,  as  je  feray  a  ma  teste  en  ilespil 

de  vous  et  de  tout  le  monde.  And  in  lyke 

wyse,  a  ta  teste,  as  it  falleth  in  Ihy  bray- 

nes  ;  a  (o  teste,  a  nostre  teste,  etc. 
As  one  wolde  wysslie  it,  a  souhayt,  or  a  chief 

de  pièce. 
A  scanche,  de  travehs,  bis  lokgnaxt,  as  par 

sa  grant  Jlerté  elle  me  regarda  de  trauers,  or 

elle  me  regarda  en  lorqnant. 
A  sliayle  with  the  knees  togyther,  and  thc  fête 

outwarde,  a  escuays. 
A  syde,  de  costé,  as  lajicschc  vola  de  costé  de 

A  syde  wyse,  a  costiere ,  as  i7  porte  le  honnel 

a  costiere. 
A  syt  purpose,  a  escient,  defayta  pensée. 
A  syde  Iialfe,  as  one  casteth  bis  eye  by  scorne, 

DE  travers  f  as  sa  reue  estoytfiere  en  re- 
gardant de  trauers. 
As  longe  as  God  made  liyni,  tout  plal  eslendu, 

or  aussi  long  que  Dieu  le  fit. 
A  sonder,  a  faut,  as  on  aura  fort  a  faire  de  les 

mettre  a  part. 
A  softe  pace,  le  beav  pas,  as  nallez  que  le  beau 

A  sosshe ,  as  one  wcareth  bis  bonnet,  a  gyn- 

cors,  as  i7  vous  fault  mettre  le  bonnet  a 

A  tquyoïe ,  en  lorgnant,  or  £.v  lovciiet,  as 
il  regarde  en  louchel. 

As  the  case  requyrelh,  comme  le  cas  le  requiert. 

As  tlio ,  as  ai  that  tyme ,  comme  alors. 

As  thonglie,  comme  si,  as  comme  sil  deueroyt 

As  well  as  is  possybie ,  aussi  bien  que  est  possi- 
ble, and  DV  possible,  as  je  vous  seruiray 
du  possible,  il  besoigne  du  possible. 

As  well  as  can  be  or  maye  be,  aussi  bien  que 
faire  se  peult,  or  faire  se  pourra. 

At  a  brayde , /arsanf  mon  effort,  ton  eff'orl,  son 
effort,  and  so  of  the  othcr  pronownes. 

At  ail  assayes,  en  tous  poynts,  or  a  tous 
poynts,  as  cest  vng  homme  a  tous  poynts. 

At  ail  adventures ,  as  a  man  shoteth ,  or  throw- 
cth  a  thyng,  or  speakelh  unadvysedly,  a 
la  volée,  as  il  parle  a  la  volée . 

At  ail  adventures,  as  one  stryketh  that  is  in  a 
fraye ,  a  tort  et  a  trauers . 

At  a  poynte ,  a  vng  poynt.  At  a  good  poynte,  a 
vng  bon  poynt. 

At  a  tryce,  a  vng  mouuement. 

At  commaundement,  au  commandement,  or 
EX  COMMANDEMENT,  as  elles  eurent  tanlost 
larmes  en  commandement.  Comme  celluy  qui 
les  a  toutes  en  commandement.  And  abandon, 
but  that  is  propcriy  as  a  mysse  womaii  is 
at  ones  commaundement;  as  et  son  corps  a 
abandon  luy  lyure. 

At  desyre,  a  talent ,  and  a  voulenté. 

At  easc ,  a  laise,  as  reposez  vous  tout  a  layse. 

At  fewe  w  ordes ,  *  hrief  dire,  as  a  brief  dire, 
je  ne  me  contente  pas  trop  de  vous. 

At  layser,  A  loysir,  as  sil  est  a  loysir  je  parle- 
roye  a  luy  voulentiers. 

At  large,  av  large,  as  il  est  mys  au  large. 

At  large  that  men  maye  take  «hat  tbey  wyll , 
A  abandon  ,  as  toute  planté  de  biens  y 
estoyent  a  abandon,  il  met  ses  dayns  a 

At  lyberte,  A  délivre,  propcriy  as  one  that 
is  nat  tyed  or  bonnde,  as  joy  mes  mayns  a 

At  length,  AU  LONG,  as  je  luy  ay  compté  mon 
cas  au  long.  Ail  at  length,  tout  du  long. 

At  onwares,  a  despovrvev,  as  et  print  Troye  a 



At  pieasure,  a  bakdok,  and  a  talent,  as  et 
que  le  voye  a  bandon,  and  ma  femme  ma 
ha(u  a  son  talent 

At  poynte  devyse,  A  devise,  as 

£(  (/nant  tu  aurai  femme  printe , 
Ta  le  scaums  a  deniâe. 

At  rest,  A  BEPOs. 

At  reste  for  a  tyme  in  a  place,  a  séjour,  as  je 

ne  vueil  point  estre  la  a  séjour. 
At  syie  and  sevyn ,  a  hazart,  as  i7  a  mys  sa  vie 

a  hazart. 
At  the  best ,  au  Jin  mieulx. 
At  the  fiill,  TOVT  A  playk,  as  je  le  voy  tout  a 

playn,  or  o  playn. 
At  the  first  choppe,  de  prime  face. 
At  the  first  syght ,  de  première  veue. 
At  the  last,  a  cuief  de  pièce,  as  a  chief  de 

pièce  luy  vint  vne  aduision. 
At  the  leste  way,  au  luorys,  as  au  moyns  pour 

autant  que  je  saicke  il  nest  pas  vray. 
At  the  syght  of  the  eye,  a  veue  de  loeil. 
At  tlie  worste  fall,  au  fort  aller,  or  au  pis  aller. 
At  the  worste ,  au  fort,  or  au  pis. 
At  wyl ,  a  gré,  as  il  a  les  choses  a  yrè. 
At  wysshe,  a  souhayt,  as  Hz  eurent  vent  a  sou-^ 

A  twyn  a  sondre,  apart. 
At  wyll,  a  thynge  that  is  natcared 

for,  eis  at  wyll,  as  avoulenté. 
A  trot  a  trot,  le  trac  du  chenal. 
Avysedly,  paradais,  or  auisègment. 
Awkewarde,  en  bransle,  as  belles  rynge  whan 

a   bouse  is  a   fyre,  as  le  feu  sest  boute 

en  quelque  mayson,  escoutez  on  sonne  en 

Awkewardly,  frowardly,  a  rebours. 
Awrie ,  a  mysse ,  Jf /li.,  as  nostre  cas  va  mal. 
A  worke,  en  besongne,  as  si  se  mirent  tantost 

en  besongne. 

Backwarde,  a  reculons,  a  la  renverse,  ar- 
A  RECULONS,  M  dis  la  cToyx  de  par  Dieu  a 
reculons [vihiche  I  fyndevvritten  a  reculant), 
as  Cacus  eut  bendé  ses  heufz  par  les  queues 
a  reculons. 

A  LA  RENVERSE ,  as  [7  cheut  a  la  renuerse. 
ARRIERE,  as  comme  le  flot  arrière  se  tire,  but 

arrière  signifyeth  bâcle. 
Bare  heed,  nue  teste,  as  je  ne  leseruiray  poynt, 

il  veult  que  je  me  tienne  na«  teste  tous  jours 

deuant  luy 
Bare  foote,  midz  piedz,  as  et  fut  condempné  a 

aller  nudz  pied:  sans  compagnie  par  my  lost. 
Bare  footc  and  bare  legged,  nvdz  piedz  et 

NUDZ   JAMBES,   as   en   pellerinage ,^  nud: 

piedz  et  nues  jambes. 
Bcly  naked,  tout  fut  nud,  or  tout  mcre  nud. 
Best  do  best  hâve,  qui  mieulx  mievlx,  as  et 

courroyent  qui  mieulx  mieulx  du  long  de  la 

Best  of  ail ,  le  mieulx  du  monde. 
Betler  and  bettcr,  de  mieux  en  mieulx. 
Better  than ,  worse  than ,  mieulx  que,  pire  que  , 

aud  so  of  al  other  compared  adverbes. 
Better  than  oiie  coulde  wysshe ,  mieulx  que   a 

Bctwyxl  ganic  and  eniest,  traçant  bourdant. 
Belwyxt  borde  and  ernest,  moytyé jeu ,  moytie 

bon  escient,  or  truffant,  or  bourdant. 
Bytwcne  bothe  ,  entre  deux. 
Bytwene  two,  entre  deux. 
By  sludyeng,  by  playenge,  by  rydyng,  etc.  par 

estudicr,  par  jouer,  par  cheuaucher,  etc.  So 

ihat  for  our  partyciple  they  use  tbeir  in- 

fynityve  mode,  and  in  lyke  vvise,  by  to 

moche  studycng ,  by  to  moche  playeng  : 

par  trop  estitdier,  par  trop  jouer,  and  by  to 

lytell  studyeng  :  par  trop  peu  estudier. 
By  ail  lykelyhode,  vray  semblable. 
By  any  meane  ,  or  by  any  waye,  par  aulcun  en- 

droyl  ou  moyen. 
By  couples,  payre  a  payre. 
By  chaunce,    dadventure,  as   et  daduenlurc 

suruint  il  pour  Iheure  que  la  bataille  se  don- 

By  counlenaunce,  par  semblant. 
By  course,  par  escot,  as  parlons  par  escot. 
By  bribery,  par  larcyn,  par  extorcion. 
By  cleane  sireiigih,  A  vive  force ,  as  cesl  vng 

puissant  homme,  il  a  rumpu  cecy  a  viue 



By  daye    de  jour,  as  il  vojt  aussi  cler  de  nujct 

cfue  de  jour. 
By  force,  a  forcb,  as  comment  me  losterez  vous 

a  force? 
By  force  of  armes,  a  juayn  armée,  or  a  vive 

FORCE,  as  je  laj  recouuert  a  mayn  armée. 
By  forehande,  avaut  la  mayn,  as 

Par  la  croy»  hiea  ,  vous  nanref  rien 
Sauanl  la  mayn  ne  jnû  poyé, 

By  good  ryght,  a  bon  droyt. 

By  good  ryght,  without  any  doute,  or  contro- 

vcrsye ,  de  playn  droyt. 
By  habbe  or  by  nabbe ,  par  vne  voye  ou  aultre. 
By  herle,  par  clelr,  as  je  scay  ma  leçon  par 

cueur,  and  je  scay  ma  patenostre  par  coeur, 

or  par  memoyre. 
By  heresay,  par   OVYr  dire,  as  riens  ne  scay 

forsque  par  ouyr  dire. 
Byhyndc  tlie  liande ,  a  larriere  de  ses  affaires. 
By  hookc,  or  by  croke,  o  tort  ou  a  trauers. 
By  it  selfe ,  a  part,  as  mettez  le  a  part. 
By  ynche  meale,  menuement ,  or  par  poulcées, 
By  layser,  a  loysir,  asfayctez  le  a  loysir. 
By  Icave  and  by  \ycence ,  par  congié  et  licence. 
By  legycr  demayne,  par  vng  tour  de  passe  pas. 
By  lyne  and  by  square,  par  cordelle  et  par  es- 

By  lyeng  in  awayte  for  onc,  a  guayt,ot  a  guayt 

a ppbnsée,  ai  il  le tuade guayt appensée.  And 

PUttrt  tU  femmes  ne  iont  ifoe  agayt. 

And  mays  dagayt  et  de  nuyct  comme  font 

By  lykclyhod,  rray  semblable. 

By  lykcwyse,  par  semblable  manière. 

By  lytell  and  lytell,  peu  a  peu,  as  peu  a  peu 
layr  se  esclarcissoyt.  And  petit  a  petit, 
as  et  boyue  petit  a  petit, 

By  longe  cootynuaunce,  par  longue  durée,  and 
par  longue  succession.  But  tbis  is  as  eu- 
herytaunce  contynueth,  or  sucfae  iyke. 

By  matter  in  dedc,  par  effect,  as  ce  ne  sont 
pas  seullement  parolles,  mays  on  la  prouué 
par  effecl. 

By  meane  of,  moyenhaxt ,  a»  moyennant  ccr- 
tayne  somme  de  pecune,  moyennant  sa  pro- 
messe, moyennant  lentreprinse  de  safoy. 

By  my  lyfe  tyme,  durant  ma  vie. 

By  my  lyfe  tyme,  moy  vivat^t ,  or  de  mou  vi- 
vant, or  de  mou  playx  yivaut,  as  et  luy 
viuant,  sa  chair  tourna  en  pueur  et  pourri' 
tare.  So  that  for  thy  lyfe  tyme  they  saye 
toy  viuant,  or  de  ton  viitant:  and  for  by  his 
lyfe  tyme  luy  viuant,  or  de  son  viuant,  or 
de  son  playn  viuant. 

By  my  selfe,  a  par  moy,  as  quant  je  considère 
a  par  moy  tes  grans  bienfaictz  eiiuers  moy. 
As  for  by  thy  selfe,  they  saye,  o  par  toy  : 
by  bym  selfe,  a  par  luy,  or  a  par  soy. 

By  moone  lyght,  par  la  lumière  de  la  lune. 

By  no  manerof  meanes,  nullement,  or  en  nulle 
manière,  OT  en  façon  nulle. 

By  no  meanes,  nvllement,  as  je  ne  le  puis 
nullement  reconforter. 

By  no  way,  par  nul  moyen. 

By  ones  selfe  alone,  a  part. 

By  our  selfe,  a  part  nous. 

By  over  moche  drinkyng ,  over  moche  eatyng , 
by  over  moche  slepyng,  por  trop  boyre, 
par  trop  mangier,  par  trop  dormir.  And  so 
of  ail  other  Iyke  partyciples,  or  por  auoyr 
trop  beu. 

By  payres,  paire  a  paire,  as  qui  tire  toutes 
verlus  ensemble  paire  a  paire. 

By  pece  meale,  pièce  a  pièce,  as  car  il  me 
couppera  pièce  a  pièce  et  puis  moccira. 

Bypollyng,  par  piller  les  gehs,  as  il  est  en 
brief  dcucnu  riche  par  piller  les  gens. 

By  processe  of  tyme,  par  traict  de  temps. 

By  proclamacyon ,  a  son  de  trompe;  that  is  lo 
saye  by  the  souiide  of  the  trompet,  by 
cause  there  is  no  proclamacion  made  but 
the  trompet  is  blowen  byfore  lo  wariie 
the  people. 

By  retayle,  as  men  sell  wares  that  they  sell 
nat  hole  or  by  greal. 

By  riglit  and  reason ,  par  droyt  et  par  raison. 

By  rote,  par  cvevr,  as  scays  ta  pas  encore  ta 


par  cueur.' 

By  symiytude,  par  semblant,  par  apparence. 
By  sieyght ,  by  craft,  par  finesse ,  par  ruse. 
By  sieyght,  by  falsehed,  par  fraude ,  par  mal 




By  shotte,  DV  traict,  as  le  mal  qui  fait  cest 
du  traict. 

By  some  meane,  par  quelque  ntojen. 

By  stronge  bande,  par  force,  as  je  le  luy  os- 
teray  par  force. 

By  the  bowe  lyne,  A  la  BOVUtiGUE,  as  ih  cjuyn- 
derent  leur  Irejz  et  cinglèrent  du  vent  a  la 

By  the  halfe,  la  moytib,  as  plus  belles  que 
moy  la  moytié. 

By  the  halfe  deale,  la  moytié  ,  as  cest  trop  de 
la  moytié. 

By  the  kynges  crye ,  par  la  proclamation  du 
roy.  And  o  son  de  la  trompe  ;  bycausc 
there  is  no  proclaniacyon  made  without 
a  trompet. 

By  the  meane  of,  au  moyex  de,  as  au  moyen 
dung  pillaige  par  eux  parpetré.  And  et  luy 
jit  on  plus  grant  honneur  au  moyen  du  roy 
son  maistre. 

By  the  myddest.  par  le  uiliei  ,  as  couppele 
par  le  milieu. 

By  this  meanes,  par  aynsi.   par  ce  poynt. 
PAR  CE  moyeu,  a  ce  moyeh. 
PAR  AYNSi,  as  par  aynsi  régnèrent  ensemble 
daccord.  And  et  par  aynsi  serez  vous  tous- 
jours  maistres. 
PAR  ce  poynt,  as  par  ce  poynt  tu  auras  gui- 
PAR  ce  uoYE.y ,  as  et  par  ce  moyen  le  roy  Ar- 

ilms  le  deliura  a  son  parent. 
A  ce  moyeu,  as  ace  moyen  des  a  présent jen- 
tens  quilfatilt  saigement  besoigner, 

By  this  way ,  par  ce  moyen. 

By  wronge  doynge,  par  tort  faire. 

By  yonde  measure,  oultre  mesure. 

By  yourleave,  par  vostre  congié.  But  whan  we 
passe  nere  by  one,  or  do  any  thynge  tbat 
we  stande  in  doute  whether  our  bctter 
wolde  be  cootented  with  it  or  nat,  they 
saye,  for  by  your  leave,  ne  vous  desplaise, 
as  ne  vous  desplaise  si  je  passe  si  hardiement 
deaant  vous.  But  commeniy  they  saye  but 
ne  vous  desplaise  and  no  more. 

Blyndlyng,  as  one  gothe  in  tbe  darke  that 
seketh  his  way  with  his  bandes,  A  tas- 

ton,  as  qui  na  de  chandelle  en  place  obs- 
cure il  fault  quil  aille  a  taston. 

Blyndefelde ,  as  one  that  hath  a  thyng  afore 
his  cyes,  les  yeulx  bendez. 

Blontly,  mouche. 

Boystyously ,  rudement. 

Body  for  body,  corps  a  corps,  as  il  dejfia  les 
princes  de  Grèce  vng  pour  vng  a  batailler 
corps  a  corps. 

Boldly,  hardiment,  baudement. 

Boit  upryghte,  droyl  comme  vng  jonc,  or  tout 
droyt  debout,  or  royde  comme  vng  vit. 

Brimmeful,  playn  res  a  res  le  bort. 

Cawselesse,  sans  cause,  as  a  tort  et  sans  cause. 
Cbawflyd  in  mode ,  sang  meslé. 


MBSMEMENT ,  as  attendu  mesmemcnt  quil  na- 
ttoyt  aultre  secours  au  monde  que  luy,  il  se 
deuoyt  déporter. 
PR1NCIPALLE.11ENT ,   as  OU  doyt  monstrer  sa 
charité  a  tout,  mays  principallement   aux 
S0UUERAYNE3IENT,  as  il  estoyt  déduit  a  plu- 
sieurs choses,  mays  souueraynement  a  tirer 
de  lare. 

Cheke  by  cheke,  joe  ajoe. 

Clerely,  cleremen't,  as  il  voyt  clerement. 

Cierely,  as  one  gyveth  a  gyfle,  en  PUR  don,  as 
je  le  vous  donne  en  pur  don. 

Ciene  contrary,  a  rebours,  tout  au  contrayre. 

Closely,  as  one  goeth  that  wold  nat  be  sene,  a 
RECELA,  as  et  sen  va  bien  a  recelé.  And 
celéement ,  as  besoigne  celéement,  quil  ne 
le  voye. 

ComeVj ,  bien  aduenant. 

Conimynly,  communément ,  as  pourlire  a  tous 

Confusydly,  par  confusion,  as  non  peu  par  or- 
dre, mays  par  confusion. 

Convenyenlly,  bonnement,  as  vous  ne  vous 
pouuez  bonnement  passer  sans  vostre  robbe. 

Consequentiy,  consequentement. 

Contrarye,  au  rebours,  as  mays  ce  fut  au  re- 
bours de  leur  intencion. 



Croppe  and  roote,  de  plante  et  de  layct,  as  nous 

scauons  de  plante  et  de  layct  ton  origine. 
Costumably,  coustamierement. 
Cuttedly,  frowardly,  caaesne. 

Doubly,  redoubléement,  as  Troye  doncques  redou- 

hUement  fortifiée. 
Drie  shodde,  A  sec,  as  le  peuple  disrael  passa  la 

mer  a  sec  qui  par  infidélité  noya  les  Egyptiens. 

Easely,  bien  ayse,  as  rous  y  viendrez  a  nuict 

bien  ayse.  Que  je  viengne,  je  le  feray  bien 

ayse.  And  de  legier  ,  as  cela  ne  se  faict 

pas  de  legier. 
Eche  byotlier,  lung  après  laultre. 
Eche  unto  other,  lung  a  laultre. 
Endlonge,  de  bout,  as  mettez  le  de  haut. 
Endlonge,  de  lokgelr,  as  de  la  longcar  dang 

Entyerly ,  holy ,  entièrement. 
Entyeriy,  hertyly,  affectueusement. 
Especyall  and  otiier  in  gênerai,  as  commandez 

moy  a  tuy  en  especial  et  auhc  aultres  en  gê- 
Ever  botter  and  better,  tousjours  de  mieulx  en 

Every  waye ,  de  rois  poyntz ,  as  il  taiclie  de 

tous  poyntz  a  vous  faire  desplaysir. 
Evyll ,  mal ,  as  il  se  porte  mal. 
Evyll  bystedde ,  mal  a  poynt. 
Evyll   faryngly ,  mal  a  droyt,  or  mausadement. 
Evyn,  A  DKorT,  as  si  je  te  assené  a  drovt. 
Evyn  a  purpose,  tout  a  escient. 
Evyn  a  sel  purpose,  a  escient,  or  de  guayi  ap- 

pensè,  or  de  fait  appensé. 
Evyn  by  the  yerthe ,  res  a  res  Ui  terre,  or  rasibus 

de  la  terre. 
Evyn  barde  by  the  shuiders ,  Rss  A  «ES  des  bs- 

PAVLLES,  as  il  luy  couppa  la  teste  res  a  res 

des  espaulles. 
Evyn  so,  tout  aynsi,  as  tout  aynsi  va  le  monde. 
Escedynge  well ,  fort  bien. 
Excedyng  yvell,  terriblement  mal. 
Expressely,   tout  exprès,  as  il  fut  commandé 

tout  exprès  de  non  aller  par  Flandres. 
Fayre  and  soft,  or  softiy,  tout  bellement. 

or  TOUT  BEAU  ET  BELLEMEKT,  aS  faictez 
tout  bellement ,  vous  nyrez  que  le  pas. 
Allons  tout  beau  et  bellement,  le  jour  est 
a  nous. 

Fayre  and  well,  bien  et  beau,  aije  lajr  guigné 
bien  et  beau,  je  lay  fayt  bien  et  beau. 

Faster,  a  faster  pace,  plus  yiste,  faster  a 
fore,  my  lordes  :  plus  viste  deaant,  mes- 
sieurs. And  PLUS  tost,  as  puis  senfuit 
plus  tost  qung  aigle. 

Fastynge  without  eatynge  of  any  meate,  ai 

Qui  naistera  $ur  Loym  a  Meurt , 
Lequel  a  saoul  et  a  jeun 
Me  eervyra  toute  ta  vie. 

Fermely ,  fermement. 

Fedy,  bien  a  poynt,  as  aduisez  que  ses  souliers 

lay  soyenlfais  bien  a  poynt. 
Feynyngly,  fayntement,  or  fiction. 
Fynally,  fynablement  ,  as  fynablement  pour 

FlocLmeale,  par  troupeaux. 
For  a  very  certaynie,  pour  tout  certayn. 
For  a  Irouthe,  de  vbay,  as  de  vray  tu  es   bien 

coulpable.  '' 

F'ortunatly,  de  Boy  evr,  as  cela  nous  vint  de 

bon  eur. 
For  the  nonest,  de  iuesves.  Cest  vng  gallant 

de  mesmes.  And  défait  apencé. 
Foote  by  foote,  pas  a  pas  ,  as  Hz  vont  ensemble 

pas  a  pas. 
From  bande  to  bande,  de  mayn  en  mayn. 
From  poynte  to  poynte,  de  poynt  en  poynt. 
From  tbe  lowesl  to  the  greatest,  despuis  le  moyn- 

dre  jusques  au  plus  grant. 
From  tbe  one  ende  to  the  tolher,  de  bout  en 

From  the  crowne  of  the  heed   to  tbe  sole  ol 

tbe  foote,  despuys  le  coypiau  de  la  teste 

jusques  a  la  plante  du  pied. 
From  toppe  to  toe  ,  despuis  le  haalt  jusques  itu 

Frowardly,  a  rebours. 
FuUy,  A  PLAYN.  And  dassez. 

A  PLAYN,  as  je  ne  le  puis  pas  veoir  a  playn. 

And  il  nestoyt  pas  deliuré  a  playn,  mays 

demoura  comme  ostagier. 




DASSsz,  as 

Qui  nanoyt  encore  daesez , 
Comme  je  croy,  douze  ans  patsez. 

FuH  well,  full  wysely,  full  discretly,  très  bien, 
très  saigement ,  très  discrètement. 

Fully  at  whysslie,  entièrement  a  souhayt. 

FuH  busyly,  ires  soigneusement. 

FuJl  easely,  bien  ayse ,  or  1res  a  mon  ayse,  ton 
ayse,  etc. 

Full  fayne ,  très  voulentiers. 

Fully  fedde,  nal  fastyng,  A  SAOVL,  as  le  trouniez 
vous  a  saoul  ou  a  jeun? 

Gastly,  espoimenteuscment. 

Gapyng  a  wyde ,  a  bouche  toute  ouuerie. 

Gyngerly,  a  pas  menu,  as  allez  a  pas  mena,  majille. 

Gladly ,  VOULENTIERS,  as  je  leferay  voulentiers. 

Gyltlesse,  sans  coulpe. 

Gredyly  as  one  that  eatetb  hastely ,  fameillease- 

Gredyly,  covetously,  aaaricieusement. 

Grynnyngly ,  a  layde  grimmacc. 

Grisely,  hydeusement,  as  hydeusement  pour  re- 

Gronyngly,  en  gémissant. 

Grovelyng,  a  deks,  as  il  le  fit  cheoyr  a  dens  de 
sa  haultear  tout  plat  estendu.  And 

Vne  heure  enuere  et  laaître  a  dent. 

Halfe,  halfe,  moytiè  moytié,  as  Hz  le  receurent 
moytiéenjoye  moytié  en  doubtc.  And  il  passa 
lejleuue  moytié  desaalt  et  moytié  de  non.  And 
et  se  fait  faire  presse  parmy  lepeuple  moytié 
force  moytié  reqaeste.  But  lliis  shall  more 
playnly  apere  in  tbe  conjunctyon. 

Halfe  waye,  my  chemyn,  or  emmy  chemyn. 

Halfe  with  my  wyil,  halfe  agaynst  my  wyll, 
moytiè  voulentiers ,  moytié  cnuys. 

Haode  overheed,  confusedly,  withoutany  order, 

PESLE  ET  MESLE ,  or  PESLE  MESLE ,  aS  et 

cueillerent  tout  le  bestail  pesle  et  mesle.  And 

Dariillerie  grotte  et  gretle , 
Vaut  euisiez  ony  pette  mette, 
Tip  tap,  tip  tap. 

Handeto  bande,  m  aï  y  a  mayn  ,  as  ilzsecom- 
batoyent  mayn  a  mayn. 

Happcly,  luckely,  par  eur,  par  bon  eur,  bien  eu- 

Hardc  by  the  grounde,  rasibus  la  terre. 
Harde  to  do,  harde  to  byleve, ybrt  a  faire,  fort 

a  croyre,  etc. 
Harde  by  tlie  sliulders,  res  a  res  des  espaulles. 
Hardly,  with  diflyculte,  en^uys,  as 

Ennuit  penlt  a  granl  chote  altaindre 
En  ce  tiecle  çBi  Diea  veull  crayndrt. 

A  GRANT  PAYNE,  or  A  PAYNES,  as  a  grant 

payne  lappayserez  vous,  or  apaynes  lappay- 

serez  vous. 
Hardly,  nygardly,  seichement. 
Hastely,  with  haste,  hastiuement. 
Hastely,  sbortly,  prestement. 
Hedyiy,  teslifuement. 
Hcape  fui,  a  comble  mesure,  as  vous  achap- 

tez  le  boysseaa  a  comble  mesure,  et  vous  le 

vendez  res  a  res  le  bort. 
Heaped  measure,  comble  mesure. 
Herewitb ,  a  tant,  as  or  te  suffse  a  tant.  And 

mays  a  tant  délie  me  tayray. 
Hole  and  safe ,  sayn  et  sauf. 
Homely  in  condyscyons,  mal  apert. 
Homely  in  apparayle,  simplement. 
Holdyng  up  bothe  my  bandes,  tby  bandes,  bis 

bandes ,  ajoyncles  mayns, 

m  bysene ,  mal  accoustré. 

In  any  wyse,  sur  toute  riens. 

In  ail  condiseyons,  en  tous  endroïtz,  as 
je  tay  loyallement  seruy  en  tous  endroylz. 

In  ail  dylygence,  A  toute,  or  en  toute  di- 
ligence, as  a  toute  diligence  voasfault  al- 
ler a  Ivy. 

In  ail  the  bastc  possyble ,  en  toute  la  hasts 
POSSIBLE,  as  despeschez  vous  en  toute  la 
haste  possible. 

In  ail  maner  poyntes ,  en  tous  endroytz,  or  en 
touspoyntz,  and  en  tout  et  partout. 

In  ail  tliat  I  may,  en  tout  ce  que  je  puis. 

In  ail  maner  tbynges,  en  tout  et  par  tout 
et  tousjours ,  as  je  suis  a  vostre  comman- 
dement en  tout  et  par  tout  et  tousjours. 

In  ail  maner  wyse ,  sur  toutes  riens,  par  toutes 
voyes  possibles. 



In  an  yll  houre ,  en  mal  heure. 

In  any  wyse,  AVicurtEMEyr,  as  majs  ih  nen 

osoyent  fayre  semblant   ne  les  arraysonner 

aalcanement.  And  mllemext,  as  sans  les 

courroucer  nullement. 
In  a  pylales  voyce,  a  liaalte  voyx. 
In  a  redynessc ,  es  poyxt,  as  si  se  mirent  en 

poynt  pour  aller  au  palay  s  du  roy, or  A  POY  KT. 
In  clere  gyfte,  en  pvr  don,  as  il  le  me  donna  en 

pur  don.  And  cela  est  a  moy  qui  mest  donné 

en  pur  don. 
In  comen ,  en  commun,  as  les  religieux  doyb- 

uent  vivre  en  commun  sans  propriété. 
In  comparyson  of,  au  pris  de.  quant  a.  en- 

UERS,  mon,  ton,  son,  etc.  au  regard  de. 
AU  PRIS  DE,  il  nest  que  vng  ponre  homme  au 

pris  de  luy. 

QUANT  À,  as 

Lort  In  diras  que  Ion  pevple  et  ta  ^ent , 
Quant  a  ceulx ,  est  poare  et  indigent. 

BNUERS,  as  de  ces  boutons  jen  vis  vng  si  ires  bel 
quenucrs  celluy  nul  des  aullres  riens  ne 

AU  REGARD  DE,  as  il  nest  que  vng  poare  homme 
au  regard  de  mon  maistre. 
In  conclusyon ,  au   paraller.  par  effect. 

AU  PARALLER,  as  au  parolier  il  ny  a  que  luy. 
PAR  EFFECT,  as  et  dit  par  effect  quejamays 

ne  fut  coulpable  en  ce  crime. 
BRIEF,  as  briefil  est  dayct  a  tout  noble  passe 

FINABLEMENT,  as  jinabkment  il   mourut  de 

mort  misérable. 
EN  EFFECT,  as  en  effect  il  me  doybtetje  ne 
luy  doybs  riens. 
In  daunger,  en  dangibr,  as  en  dangier  de  la 

In  dede,  de  faict,  as  et  defaict  le  print  sur  le 
PAR  EFFECT,  as  Ce  quil  fit  par  effect. 
In  derysyon ,  en  dérision. 

In  dispyte  of ,  as  il  le  veult faire  malgré  mes  dens. 
In  dispyte  without  of,  A  despit,  as  901  ses 

oeuares  eut  a  despit. 
In  dotage,  par  folie,  par  radolaige. 

In  doute,  en  dovbte,  and  en  balance,  as  en 
balance  estoytHelayne  destre  liarèealamort. 
In    effecte,    en    effect.    par    effect.    do 
EN  effect,  as  je  ne  voys  aultre  chose  en  ef- 
fect que  belles  parolles  sans  effect. 
PAR  effect,  as  ce  quil  fit  par  effect. 
EN  compte  ,  03  pour  dire  la  vérité,  cest  tout 
vng   en   compte.  And   en  somme,  as   en 
somme,  jay  tout  ce  faict  que  je  debueroye. 

In  ernest,  a  escient,  a  certes,  as  je  le  vous 
dis  a  escient,  or  je  le  vous  dis  acertes. 

In  every  poynte,  de  tous  poynts. 

In  every  behalfe,  en  tous  endroyts. 

In  fewe  wordcs,  a  brief  dire,  as  a  briefdireje 
ne  visjamays  son  pareil. 

Infortunately,  maUureusement. 

In  gênerai ,  en  General,  as  o  Paris  par  especial 
et  aux  aullres  par  en  gênerai. 

In  good  case,  bien  apoynt,  or  en  bon  poynt. 

In  Goddes  behalfe ,  de  par  Dieu ,  or  au  nom  de 
Dieu,  as  je  vous  conjure  de  par  Dieu. 

In  good  ernest,  a  bon  escient,  a  certes. 

In  good  maner,  en  honneur,  or  en  tout  hon- 
neur, as  je  seray  a  vostre  commandement  en 
tout  honneur. 

In  good  order,  en  bon  ordre,  and  bien  a 
poynt,  as  premièrement  nous  conaient 
mettre  nôtre  parchemin  bien  a  poynt. 

In  good  worthe ,  en  bon  gré. 

In  grcat  haste,  en  grant  haste,  and  A  graht 
erre,  as  quant  il  vint  en  grant  haste,  or  il 
vint  a  grant  erre. 

In  grosse ,  en  gros. 

In  bazarde ,  en  hazart,  en  balance. 

In  baste,  EN  haste,  or  A  haste,  as  cest  vng 
escuyer  fait  a  haste. 

In  bis  best  luste,  en  fleur  de  saison. 

In  bis  best  lykyng,  en  fleur  de  sayson. 

In  jape,  enjeu,  or  en  boarde. 

In  japery,  enjeu. 

In  lyke  maner  as,  tout  aynsi  que,  as  faictet 
tout  aynsi  que  je  vous  ay  dit. 

In  lykcwyse  as ,  tout  aynsi  que. 

In  maner  of,  A  manière  de  ,  as  a  manière  dune 



In  many  sondrie  wyse,  en  mayntes  et  diuerses 

In  my  name,  in  thy  name,  in  his  name,  etc.  de 
pcLT  moy,  de  par  toy,  de  par  Iwy,  or  ou  nom 
de  moy,  ou  nom  de  toy,  ou  nom  de  luy,  etc. 

In  my  consayte,  a  mon  aduis. 

In  mockage,  par  mocqucrie. 

In  naked  bedde ,  au  lict  couché  tout  nud. 

In  naked  bedde,  couchez  nvd  a  kvd,  as  on  les 
trouaa  couchez  ensemble  nud  a  nud. 

In  no  maner  wyse,  nullement ,  as  voas  ne  le 
Jerez  nullement,  si  men  croyez. 

Inoogh,  ASSEZ,  as  bien  assez,  mal  assez,  riche- 
ment assez,  pourement  assez,  etc. 

In  nothynge,  en  riens,  as  de  joye  en  riens  ne 
luy  chailloyt. 

In  no  wyse ,  ja.  nullement,  ne  aulcunement. 
en  façon  nulle  ne. 
ja,  as  je  ne  le  feray  ja.  And  joy  mayntes  rai- 
sons que  ja  ne  conaient  reciter.  And  ja  nest 
besoing  que  je  me  vante. 
nullement,  as  toutes  femmes  sont  bénignes  et 

gracieuses  et  nullement  malicieuses. 
NE  aulcunement,  as  il  nefault  aulcunement 
doubter.  And  ne  souffre  aulcunement  que  cecy 
se  face.  So  that  the  verbe  muste  bave  ne. 
EN  FAÇON  NULLE,  as  et  enfacon  nulle  ne  se 
pouoyt  garder. 

In  play,  en  jeu,  as  est  ce  en  jeu  ou  en  bon 
escient  ? 

In  partyculer,  en  particulier. 

In  reproche,  enreprouche. 

In  rest,  en  quoy,  allons  men,  laissons  les  en 

In  safty,  ASSEun,  as  mettez  le  asseur. 
And  EN  SAUF,  as  mettez  le  en  sauf. 

In  saufgarde,  en  saulue  garde,  en  sauf,  asseur, 
and  a  garant.  But  en  saulue  garde  betoke- 
neth  rather  under  the  kynges  protectyon , 
as  il  est  en  la  saulue  garde  da  roy. 

In  scorne,  en  mocquerie. 

In  secret  \fyse,  en  secret,  a  privé. 
EN  secret,  as  je  le  luy  ay  dit  en  secret. 
a  priué,  as  si  je  le  tiens  a  priué. 

In  sporte,  EN  -jeu,  as  a  escient,  non  pas  enjeu, 
je  ne  le  dis  pas  que  en  jeu. 

In  stede  of,  en  lieu  de.  en. 

EN  LIEU  DE,  as  cn  lieu  des  chantres  on  y  ol  des 
chalz  hnans. 

EN,  as  i7  baille  bourdes  en  payement. 
In  suche  wyse  as,  de  sorts  que.  en  façon 

COMME  SI.   EN    tel   BNDROYT.   EN   FAÇON 

DE  SORTE  QUE,  as  ilsest  acquicU  de  sorte  qaon 

le  doybt  tenir  pour  homme  de  bien. 
EN  FAÇON  COMME,  enfucon  comme  si  ce  fut 

vng  aultre  chose. 
EN  TEL  ENDROVT,  as  en  tel  endroyl  osta  lire 

de  Dieu. 
EN  FAÇON  QUE,  as  or  tcn  acquicter  enfacon 

que  rapporter  en  paissez  honneur. 
EN  SORTE  QUE,  as  je  te  traicteray  en  sorte 

que  tu  te  loueras  de  moy. 
TELLEMENT  QUE,  as  il  se  ucquicta  tellement 
que  tout  le  monde  en  rapporta  honneur. 

In  sondrie  wyse,  en  plusieurs  et  diuerses  ma- 

In  that  bchalfe,  en  cest  endroyt. 

In  the  dy  vels  name ,  de  par  le  diable. 

In  the  kyuges  name,  de  par  le  roy. 

In  the  maner  of ,  a  manière  de. 

In  the  stede  of ,  cn  lieu  de. 

In  the  twenty  devyJl  way ,  au  nom  du  granl  dia- 

In  the  way  of  good  hansell ,  de  bonne   erre  , 
as  et  le  denier  a  Dieu  de  bonne  erre. 

In  the  waye  ofyour  good  spede,  que  Dieu  vous 
doynt  bon  encontre. 

In  this  behalfe,  orendroyt,  en  cesie  endroyl, 
as  ta  querelle  est  trop  juste  orendroyt. 

In  this  case ,  en  ce  poynt. 

In  this  wyse ,  en  ceste  manière. 

In  two  maner  wyse ,  en  deux  endroytz. 

In  vayn,  en  vayn. 

Inwardly,  pardedens. 

In  wasl,  en  gast. 

In  writynge,  par  escript,  or  en  escript. 

In  worth ,  en  gré. 

Irusly ,  iréement. 

lust  by  the  grownde,  res  a  res  la  terre,  or  rasi- 
bus  de  la  terre. 



Knavishely,  villaynement. 

Lawghyngly,  en  riant. 
Layseriy,  tout  a  loysir. 
Leweil  with  Ihe  grownde ,  res  a  res  la  terre. 
Lcvvdly ,  meschamment. 

Lyglilly,  DE  LEGiEn,  as  mays  sen  passoyt  de  te- 

Lyke,  A    SEMBLAfiCE  DE.  COMME.  EN. 

A  SEMBLANCE  DE,  as  fayt  a  semblance  dung 

COMME,  as  comme  puis  ou  comme  fontayne. 

And  comme  cetuy  qui  tant  estoyt  ahuzé  de 

son  amour  que  plus  ne  pouuoyt. 
EU ,  as  Vlysses  se  habilla  en  mercier.  And  il 

porte  les  cheueulx  en  Allemant.  Kndje  vous 

traicteray  en  homme  de  bien, 
Lyke  as,  aynsi  que,  or  aynsi  comme,  as 
Jaictez  aynsi  que  je  vous  ay  dit,  or  faiclez 

aynsi  comnuje  vous  ay  dit. 
Lyke  as  byfore,  comme  devant,  or  comme 

AVANT,  as  si  comme  aaant  il  auoyt  eu. 
Lykely,  vray  semblable,  as  il  nest  pasvray  sem- 
Lyke  me ,  the,  him ,  her,  us ,  you ,  tbem ,  comme 

moy,  toy,  luy,  elle,  nous,  vous,  euLx,  etc. 
Lytell  and  lytell ,  petit  a  petit. 
Lyvysshcly,  au  vif. 
Luckely ,  par  eur,  or  par  bon  eur. 
Luckely ,  to  passe ,  bien  a  point. 
Luskyssliely,  en  lourdaalt. 

Man  for  man,  iwmme  a  bomme,  as  il  combate- 
royt  vng  géant  homme  a  homme. 

Marvaylonsly,  A  mebveilles.  But  the  order  is 
chaunged  bytwene  us  and  them ,  for, 
where  we  sayc  marvaylous  colde  and  fres- 
she,  marvaylous  great  and  prowde,  tbe 
hyll  Pelyon  ismarvaylous  bye  and  straygbl, 
wbiche  was  marvaylousiy  rycbe,  they  say 
froyde  etjresche  a  merueilles.  Grant  et  or- 
gueilleux  a  merueilles.  Le  mont  PeUon  est 
hault  et  droyt  a  merueilles.  Qui  fut  riche  a 

Matcbe  Ipssc  ,  non  pareil. 

Maulgre  my  beed,  inauigrc  fortune,  maulgre 

bis  tetbe,  maulgré  moy,  for  maalgré  ma 
teste.  They  saye  nat  maulgré  fortune ,  but 
maulgré  ses  dens.  And  maulgré  toy,  maulgré 
tesdens.  And  nat  maulgre  my  herte,  maul- 
gre thy  berte. 

Marvayllous  well,  marvayllous  yll,  etc.  tien  a 
merueilles,  or  si  bien  que  merueilles,  or  fort 
bien,  or  moult  bien,  or  merueilleusement 

Mennly,  moyennement.  Assez.  Par  raison. 

Mengied  togyther,  par  meslée. 

Mcry\y ,  joyeusement ,  de  hayt. 

Metely,  moyennement,  assez,  pah  bayson. 
passablement,  as  moyennement  bien.  Assez 
bien.  Bien  par  rayson.  Passablement  bien. 

Mockyssbly,  par  mocquerie. 

More  wysely,  more  discretly ,  more  honestly, 
etc.,  plus  saigement,  plus  discrètement,  plus 
lionneslement ,  etc. 

More  playnety,  Pivs  A  playn,  as  pour  en  sca- 
uoir  plus  a  playn  la  vérité. 

Naked ,  nvd,  as  je  tay  veu  nud,  demi  nud. 

Namely ,  principallement.  mesmement. 
principallement,  as  je  le  fais  pour  leur  ar- 
gent, mays  principallement  pour  lamour  de 
mesmement,  as  attendu  mesmement  que  mon- 
sieur en  personne  la  commandé. 

Naugtbely ,  mallement. 

Nedes,  a  force,  as  si  vous  voulez  a  force  aller, 
or  sil  est  force  que  vous  aillez.  So  that  for 
nedes  they  use  il  est  force  qve,  as  I 
muste  nedes  go  :  il  est  force  que  je  aille. 
And  il  est  force  que  nous  y  allons. 

Never  tbe  nerer-,  de  riens  avancé.  .4.nd  never 
tbe  nerer  :  de  riens  auancé. 

Newly ,  de  noaueau. 

Nycely,  straungly,  coyement,nicement. 

Nyccly  ,  fetly ,  coyntement. 

Nygardly,  scichement. 

None  otherwyse ,  pas  aultrement. 

Notber  better  nor  wors,  ne  mieulx  ne  pis. 

Notber  better  nor  wors,  but  evyn  so,  ne  mieuLx 
ne  pis,  mays  tout  aynsi. 

Notber  well  nor  yll,  ne  bien  ne  mal. 


Not  wel,  Dot  wysely,  uot  soberly  :  pas  lien, 

pas  saigemtnt,  pas  sobrement. 
Not  very    honestiy,    mojns   honnestement ,  pas 

trop  honnestement. 
Not  very  well ,  pas  trop  bien. 
Not  wel  at  ease,  pas  bien  a  layse. 
Nowe  up,  nowe  downe  :  aulcanesfoysenprosperité. 

Obslynatly ,  obstinéement. 

Of  a  lykelybode,  vray  semblable. 

Of  equyte,  deqvité,  as  aynsi  comme  il  est  de- 

Of  good  rygbt,  de  bon  drop. 

Of  lenglh  and  of  bredeth ,  du  long  et  du  large. 

Of  lyke  sorte,  de  mesmes,  as  assez  déclaré  que 
jay  lajfection  de  mesmes  a  luy. 

Of  rygbt ,  de  droyt. 

Of  rygbt  and  reasoo,  de  droyt  et  de  raison. 

Oftbe  resydewe,  du  surplus. 

On  a  beape ,  en  vng  las. 

Oncovered,  adescouaert. 

One  by  one ,  lung  après  laultre. 

One  for  one,  vng  pour  vng. 

One  from  an  otber ,  lung  dauec  laultre. 

On  every  bebalfe ,  de  tous  poynts. 

On  foote,  A  piÉ,  as  et  luy  mesmes  doyt  chasser 
a  pié. 

On  Goddes  bebalfe,  de  par  Dieu. 

On  beed,  soubdttyn,  sans  aduis. 

On  bcapes,  a  tas,  or  a  monceaulx. 

On  my  bebalfe,  on  tby  bebalfe,  on  bis  bebalfe, 
on  our  bebalfe,  on  your  bebalfe,  etc., 
endroyt  moy,  endroyt  toy,  endroyt  soy,  en- 
droyt  nous,  endroyt  vous,  or  en  mon  endroyt, 
en  son  endroyt,  and  de  la  part  de  ,  as  pour 
le  sommer  et  re<juerir  de  la  part  du  ditPriam. 

Onluckely,  de  grant  mallieur. 

On  tbe  conlrarye  parte,  au  contraire. 

On  tbe  contrarye  syde ,  au  contraire. 

On  tbe  conlrarye  wyse,  au  contraire. 

On  tbe  otber  syde,  D autre  part.  And  a  len- 
cofiTRE,  as  je  compare  a  lencontre. 

On  tins  maner,  en  ce  point,  en  cesle  manière. 

Onwarly,  a  despouruea. 

Onwares,  au  despouruea,  en  surpense.  And  sans 
le  sceu  de. 

One  witb  an  otber,  pesle  mesle. 
Oawysely,  imprudemment. 
Openly,  ouucrtemcnt,  tout  a  playn,  en  apert. 
Onwetyngly ,  sans  y  prendre  garde. 
Olberwysse,  aultrcment. 
Overlbwarle ,  aa  traaers  de.  Tout  a  trauers. 
Overthwartly,  puruersement. 
Ont  of  araye,  en  desordre. 
Out  of  joynte ,  hors  de  la  mouelle. 
Ont  of  ordcr,  en  desordre. 
Out  of  mesure ,  hors  de  mesure,  or  oultre  me- 

Paradventurc,  paraduenture. 

Parcbaunce,  paraduenture. 

Parte,  en  partie,  as  je  scay  enpartie  que  cest 
tjue  vous  voulez  dire. 

Parte  witb  parte  witb  :  qve  que.  moytié  moy- 
TIÉ.  ES  partie  en  PARTIE.  As  Paris  que 
voulenliers,  que  emiys.  Moytié  voulenliers , 
moytié  enuys.  Un  partie  voulentiers  et  en 
partie  enuys,  etc. 

Parlly  partly,  en  partie  en  partie,  as  et  est 
en  partie  montuenx  et  en  partie  planier. 

Particulcrly,  £.v  particulier,  par  le  menu,  as 
si  dirons  parle  menu  comment  il  conquisl  le 
monde  plus  par  amour  que  par  force. 

Passyng  good,  passyng  wyse,  passynge  bote, 
etc.,  bon  par  excellence,  saige  par  excel- 
lence, chault  par  excellence,  etc. 

Passyngly,  exccdyngly,  par  excellence. 

Passyngly ,  nat  taryeng  upon ,  en  passant. 

Pcce  for  pece,  or  pece  by  pece,  pièce  a  pièce, 

Mienlx  vonldroye  de  couiteanlx  dacier 
Pièce  a  pièce  ettrc  dcspec^. 

Pevyssbely ,  vergonneusement. 
Pypyng  bote,  tout  chault. 
Pleasauolly,  playsamment,  dehayt. 
Pleasauntly  disposed,  dehayt,  as  ne  vous  chaille, 

nous  sommes  dehayt,  or  tout  deliayt. 
Playnly,  playnement,  a  playn,  tout  a  playn. 

As  je  le  vous  nye  tout  a  playn. 
Pleiituously ,  planlureusement.  A  comble. 
Porissbly,  as  one  loketb  tbat  can  nat  se  well, 




Poorely ,  pourement. 

Poynte  devyse ,  lien  a  poynt. 

Poynt  by  poynt,  de  pojnt  en  poynl. 

Principally,  principallement. 

Privy ,  or  perte ,  en  priué  ou  en  apert. 

Prively,  that  it  be  nat  knowen ,  secrètement. 

Prively,  as  one  that  wolJe  nat  be  sene,  a  recelé, 

or  en  recoy. 
Prodygaily,  prodigaement. 
Properiy,  proprement. 
Properly,  featly,  a  point. 

Quayntly,  cojnctement. 

Quyckly,  promptement ,  de  legier. 

Quycke  and  quaything,  sayn  et  en  bon  poynt. 

Quyte,  du  tout,  entièrement. 

Quyte  thorowe,  tout  oultre. 

Rather  than,  auant  que,  plus  tost  qae. 

Redyly,  promptement,  prestement. 

Ryght  well,  ryght  yll,  ryght  wysely,  ryglh  sym- 

ply  :  1res  bien,  très  mal,   très  sainement, 

très  simplement,  etc. 
Ryght  as  byfore  is  sayd ,  comme  par  auant  est  dit. 
Ryght  as,  ryght  so,  tout  aynsi  comme,  or 

AYNSi  QUE ,  as   tout  ajnsi  comme  le  soleil 

nestjamays  sans  clarté,  aynsi  nestjamais 

Dieu  sans  bien  faire. 
Ryght  so  as,  tout  aynsi  comme,  or  que,  as  il  a 

fait  tout  aynsi  que  je  vous  ay  dit. 
Ryght  naught ,  très  mal. 
Ryght  thus,  tout  aynsi,  or  droyctement. 

Sadly,  sorowfully,  douloureusement. 

Sadly,  vfyicly ,  demeurement. 

Safe  and  hole ,  sauf  et  sayn. 

Save ,  ASSEVRÉ ,  as  peult  elle  estre  bien  asseurée 

Savely,  in  safty  ,  en  sauf. 
Savely,  suerly,  hardiment,  as  vous  le  pouez 

hardiment  dire, 
5carsely,>4  PAYyES.ENvrs. 

a  PAïKBs,  or  A  GRANT  PAYME ,  as  a  paynes 

peult  il  eschapper,  or  a  cjrant  payne. 
E.1VIS,  as  enuys  les  doulces  eaaes  touchent. 
And  Enuys  dang  payn  a  aultre  viennent. 

Scornefully,  desdayneasement. 

Scripwyse,  as  men  were  any  Ihing,  as  pylgry- 
mes  do  their  scryppe,  ex  escharpe,  as 
il  met  sa  chayne  sur  son  espauUe  senestre 
pendant  en  escharpe,  and  il  porte  son  cor  en 

Secretly,  a  secret,  as  il  fault  quil  parle  au 
roy  a  secret,  or  a  recoy. 

Seyng,  VEu,  asveu  la  payne  que  jay  prinse. 

Selfwyliedly,  testyfuement. 

Semelyto  se,  bien  aduenunt  a  la  veue. 

Shaylyng  with  the  knees  togyther,  and  the 
fête  a  sonder,  a  eschais. 

Shortly  ,  DE  LEGIER.  EN  COURT  TOUR. 

DE  LEGIER,  as  il  les  fit  de  Ugier  voyre,  et  en 

brief  les  surmonta. 
EN  COURT  TOUR,  as  il  destoumera  bien  son 

chariot  en  court  tour. 
Shorte,  as  one  holdeth  one  shorte  from  iheir 

iyberty,  court,  as   et  quon  le  tienne  bien 

Shrewdly,  mauuaysement. 
Sydelyng,  de  cousté,  a  costiere. 
Synce  on  the  one  syde,  synce  on  the  olher, 

puis  dung  cousté,  puis  de  laullre, 
Syttyng,  convenyent,  aduenant. 
Sytlyng,  fytte,  aduenant,  séant. 
Syttyngly,  conaenablement, 
Slowly,  lentement,  tardifaement. 
Smali,  MENUEMENT,  as  Ion  doybt  coupper  me- 

Small  small,  menu  menu. 
So  hardly ,  so  wysely ,  so  hastyly ,  si  durement , 

si  saigement,  si  hasiiuemeni, 
So,  AYNSI,  as  faictez  aynsi  tousjours.  And  la- 

noyentfait  aynsi  jaunir.  And  si,  as  puisque 

tous  me  offrez  si  granl  dons,jeferay  tout 

ce  que  vous  me  commanderez. 
So,  in  suche  wyse,  tellementqve,  as  amours 

me  ont  constrainct  tellement  que  je  pers  lu- 

saige  de  raison. 
Soas,  AYNSI  COMME,  or  AYNSI  QUE,  as  je  lay 

gouuerné  aynsi  que  jay  pu. 
So  as  byfore  is  saide,  ainsi  que  deuant  est  dit. 
Soberly,  sadly,  meurement,  as  vous  debuez  mettre 

tout  vosire  cueur  a  vous  contenir  meurement 



So  as  it  wolde,  tellement  quellement,  as  nous  le 

/eûmes  tellement  quellement. 
Sodaynly,  soudajnement ,  soudain. 
So  emestly,  siacertes,  si  a  escient. 
Softe  and  fayre ,  tout  bellement. 
Softe,  BAS,  as  parlez  bas  pour  mon  mary. 
Soft  fordasshyng,  tout  bellement  quon  ne  crotte 

les  gens. 
Softly,  bellement,  or  doulcement. 
Sommaryly  and  playnly ,  ad  judgcmentes  som- 

tyme  be  gyven  ,  sommairement  et  de  playn. 
So  narowly,  si  ESTROYCTEUEyi ,  de  si  près, 

as  et  estoyt  le  palais  si  estroictement  gardé 

que  nul  nyenlroyt. 
So  nere,  de  si  près,  as 

Sur  tons  attUrts  me  nuyt  et  tue 
Lordt  vieille  puante  matsae , 
Qui  de  $i  prêt  le  doybl  garder , 
Quil  nose  nul  regarder. 

So  nece  the  quycke,  si  très  au  vif,  as  on  la 

painct  si  très  au  vif. 
So  nye ,  si  près  ,  as  il  alloyt  si  près  de  leaue. 
Sore,  FORMENT,  OT  FORT,  as  il  me  blesse  fort. 
Sore  agaynst  my  wyll,  thy  wyll,  his  wyil  : 

moult  enuys,  isje  le  fais  moult  enuys,  ta  le 

fais  moult  enuys,  il  le  fait  moult  enuys. 
Sore  and  styfly,/or(  etfern\e. 
So  sueriy,  tant  a  certes,  as  il  fut  prins  au 

cueur  damoars  si  a  certes.  And  si  seure- 

So  slowly,  SI  A  tart,  as  vous  venez  tousjours 

si  a  tort,  and  iardifaement. 
So  80,  tellement  qvellement,  ai  je  me  porte 

tellement  quellement. 
Sothely,  verilablem£nt. 
So  well,  so  yll,  so  wysely,  etc.  tant  bien,  tant 

mal,  tant  saigement,  etc. 
So  well  as,  si  bien  que. 
Specially  wel,  specially  yl,  etc.  fort  bien, fort 

mal,  fort  saigement, 
Spedely ,  en  diligence. 
Spyte  of  my  tethe,  ihy  tethe,  his  tethe,  etc. 

maulgré  mes  dens,  tes  dens,ses  dens,  etc. 
Starke  bely  naked ,  toutfn  mère  nud. 
Starke  deed,  tout  mort,  as  il  le  tua  tout  mort 

dung  coup  sans  parler  a  homme. 

Starke  deed,  tué  tout  royde,  as  il  le  tua  tout 

royde.  Il  est  mort  tout  royde. 
Starke  naked,  tout  fin  nud. 
Slepe  downe,  tout  droit  en  bas. 
Styll,  quoyement,  and  quov,  as  il  mefauldra 

tenir  tout  quoy. 
Stylly,  quoyement ,  as  Hz  alloyent  quoyement. 
Stone  styll,  de  pied  quoy. 
Stowpyng ,  a  teste  enclynée. 
Stowpynge  forwarde ,  as  one  tbat  gothe  stowp- 
yng, EN  CAMBRANT ,  as  agardez  comment 

elle  va  en  cambrant. 
Stowpyngly,  en  cambrant. 
StraygUt  forthe,  tout  droyt,  as  allez    tout 

Strayght ,  nat  crokedly,  droyt. 
Strayght  fortbe,  afore  heed,   tout  droit  deuant 

les  yeulx. 
Strayght  up,  en  estant,  debout,  as  mettez  le 

en  estant ,  or  mettez  le  debout. 
Strayght  upright ,  dnyt  debout. 
Strongly,  forciblement ,  as  forcibUment  vous 

fault  résister  et  forment. 
Swetely  of  taste ,  doucement,  and  doulcettement. 
Swetely  of  savoure,  souef,  as  il  sent  souef. 
Swappe  for  swappe ,  coup  pour  coup. 

The  best  I  can ,  au  mieulx  que  je  peulx. . 

The  best  that,  du  mieulx  que. 

The  poynt  upwarde,  en  contremont  la 
poynte,  as  et  prent  lespée  et  la  dresse  en 
contremont  la  pointe  soubz  ses  mamelles. 

The  raore  easely,  plus  a  coup,  as 

Quant  la  te  veulx  a  tel  dangier  liurer. 
Pour  plut  a  coup  de  moy  te  deliurer. 

The  soner,  plus  lost,  OT  plus  a  coup. 

The  tone  with  the  lother,  lung  aaec  laullre,  or 

pesle  mcsle. 
The  worst  that ,  du  pis  que,  asfays  du  pis  que 

tu  peulx,  il  ne  men  chault  pour  toy. 
Therwithall,  A  tant,  as  et  a  tant  se  lent. 
,  Thorowe ,  as  thorowe  your  goodnesse  I  am  sav- 

ed,  moyennant  vostre  bonté  je  suis  saitué. 
Thorowe  my  praycrs,  moyennant  mes  prières,  etc. 
Thorowe  and  thorowe,  tout  ovltre,  as  si 

nommeray  le  mot  toutoultre. 


Thorowe  ihycke  and  thyn ,  par  beau  chemyn  et 
par  combreux. 

Thns,  AYNSi,  as  i7  parla  ajnsi,  faictez  aynsi. 
And  par  aynsi,  as  par  aynsi  pouez  venir 
au  dessus  dé  voz  desjrs. 

To  well,  to  yll,  to  strongly,  etc.  trop  bien, 
trop  mal,  trop  forment ,  etc. 

To  an  ende,  a  chief,  as  sil  me  face  mourir  je 
ne  viendray jamays  a  chief, 

To  a  good  ende ,  A  bon  chief,  as  si  a  bon  chief 
vous  voulez  venir. 

To  wonderly  well ,  to  wonderly  wysely ,  par 
trop  bien  a  merueilles,  par  trop  saigement  a 

To  wonderly  faste,  par  trop  vistement  a  mer- 

To  make  fewewordes,  a  hnef  dire. 

To  my  desyre,  A  cvevr.  a  sovbait. 

A  CVEVR,  as   lequel  mestoyt  a   cueur,  lequel 

testoyt  a  cueur,  lequel  lay  estoyt,  etc. 
A  sovHAïT ,  as  lequel  me  vient  a  souhayt. 

To  my  knowledge,  a  mon  eicien'. 

To  my  mynde ,  a  mon  gré,  a  ton  gré,  a  son  gré,  etc. 

To  my  wyttyng,  to  tby  wyttyngc,  lo  bis  wyt- 
tyng,  a  mon  escient,  a  ton  escient,  a  son 
escient,  etc. 

To  my  thynkyng,  to  thy  tliynking,  etc.  a  mon 
cuyder,  a  Ion  cuyder,  a  son  cayder,  etc. 

To  quyckiy ,  trop  de  Ugier. 

Topsy  tyrvy ,  ceu  dessus  dessoubz. 

Tosoone,  (rop  tost. 

To  tliebest  of  my  power,  aumiealxqaeje  puis, 
au  moyns  mal  que  je  puis,  au  mieulx  que 
je  puis,  ay  peu,  or  pourray,  as  tbc  sen- 
tence falieth,  etc. 

Tothc  conirarye,  au  contrayre. 

Towardly ,  bien  adroyt ,  bien  sadement. 

Trewly,  AV  vray,  as  quant  je  le  vis  si  au  vray 

Two  and  two  togyther,  devx  a  devx  sy sem- 
ble, as  Hz  heurtoyent  leurs  mayns  deux  a 
deux  ensemble. 

Two  folde,  doublement.  very  well,  very  ivysely,  etc.  For  this 
worde  «very»  ibey  bave  bien,  moult,  and 

FRANCOySE.  843 

fort,  but  nat  indifferently.  So  that  I  shall 
bere  set  forth  dyvers  accordyng  as  I  marke 
them  dyfier,  but  it  is  moste  sure  to  use 
bien  for  very. 

Very  gladly,  moult  voulentiers. 

Very  bardly,  a  payées,  as 

Qai  a  baytcrpettlt  attayndrt. 
A  payitet  penlt  atanl  rtmayndrt. 

Very  seldome ,  peu  souuenl. 

Very  sorowfully,  bien  douloureusement. 

Very  strçngly,  moult  forment. 

Very  scarcely ,  a  grant  payne. 

Very  tenderly,  moult  tendrement. 

Very  well  ,fort  bien. 

Villaynously,  villaynement. 

Under  this  condyscion ,  por  vng  tel  si ,  or  par 
tel  si,  as  je  leferay,  mays  ce  sera  par  vng 
tel  si  que  vous  me  donnerez  vostre  bracelet. 

Under  the  colourc  of  goodnesse ,  en  espèce  de 
bien,  or  soubz  vmbre  de  bien. 

Under  the  kynges  protection,  en  la  saulae garde 
du  roy. 

Unnelh,  scarsely,  a  grant  payne. 

Unwysely,  undiscrelly,  unbonesliy,  etc.  peu 
saigement,  peu  discrètement ,  peu  honneste- 
ment,  or  moyns  saigement,  moyns  discrète- 
ment ,  moins  honneslement. 

Unlustely,  peu,  or  moyns  courraygeusement. 

Untydyly ,  peu  sadement. 

Unluckely,  maleureusement ,  and  moyns  eureuse>- 

Unwarely,  sans  y  prendre  garde ,  or  sans  y  ad- 

Unwyttyng,  sans  riens  scauoyr. 

Unwyttingly,  sans  ce  que  je  sceusse  riens. 

Up  and  downe,  AinoivT  et  aval,  and  je  me 
prommayne  :  I  walke  up  and  downe.  And 
JVS  et  svs,  as  qui  ne  le  toumasljus  et  sus. 

Uprigbt,  EWERS,  as  vne  heure  enaert  et  laullre 
adens.  And  '  "     ■''  '  ; 

TOVT  ENVERS,  as  donct  il  cheut  puiV  mort 
tout  enuers.  And  '  ' 

A  leuvers,  as  il  cheal  a  lenuers.  And 
EN  estant,  as  be  standetb  upryght  :  il  se 
tient  en  estant.  And  debout,  as  mettez  ceey 




Upsyde  downe ,  ceu  dessus  dessovbz  ,  as 
tournés  sont  ceu  dessus  dessoubz. 

Up  the  liyll,  coyTREMONT,  as  lune  partie  de  la 
salle  va  conlrenwnt  et  lanllre  aual. 

Upwarde,  contremoxt,  as  et  mettre  le  ventre 
contremont.  And  il  leua  son  espée  contre- 

Upon  payne  of  hangyng,  snrpaynede  la  hart. 

Upon  payne  of  my  lyfe,  thy  lyfe,  etc. 

Upon  peryll  of  my  lyfe ,  tliy  lyfe,  etc. 

Upon  a  mery  pynne,  de  uayt,  as  il  a  le  cuear 
de  hayt. 

Upon  ihese  wordes,  sur  ces  motz. 

Utlerly,  du  tout,  de  tous poynt:. 

Utterly  undone,  du  tout  deffait. 

WaUeryng ,  as  a  shyppe  dotlie  at  tlie  anker,  or 
one  tbat  tournelh  from  syde  to  sydc,  en 

Warely,  nygardly,  seichement. 

Warely,  wysely,  prudemment. 

WastefuUy,  prodiijuement ,  en  gast. 

Wel,  bien,  and  bien  a  point,  or  bien  aise. 

Weil  and  clerely,  tout  bien  a  playn. 

Well  and  suerly.Jbrt  et  ferme. 

Weil  a  payed,  bien  a  payé. 

Well  apoynted  ,  bien  apoynt. 

Well  at  ease ,  bien  ayse. 

Well  bygone,  bien  a  poynt,  or  bien  ayse. 

Well  bysene ,  bien  accousiré. 

Well  in  worlhe,  bien  en  gré. 

Well  gotten ,  de  son  acqvest. 

Jayme  miealx  quatre  $ontdz  de  hou  acijxuet 
Qae  ion  regard  ne  son  cacifuet. 

Well  wbyrled,  nere  drooken,  besyn,  or  hebeti. 
Weather  beaten ,  as  men  bc  tbat  bave  lyen  in 

the  felde  cr  see. 
Weather  driven ,  as  a  shyppe  is  tbat  is  let  go  at 

ail  adventures,  abandonner. 
Whatgladly,  what  against  my  wyll,  que  vou- 

lentiers  que  enuys, 
Wbat  wilb  my  wyll,  wbat  agaynst  my  wyll, 

que  voulentiers  que  enuys.  And  moytié  vou- 

lentiers  moytié  enuys. 
Wbyppyngly,  bastely,  hastiuement. 
Whyppingly,  gorgyasly,  gorgiasement. 

Whelber  I  wyll  or  nat,  vueille  ou  non. 

Whether  we  wolde  or  nat,  voulsissions  ou  non, 
joynynge  the  verbe  as  the  sence  is. 

Wyde  and  brode,  de  long  et  de  large. 

Wyde  open,  a  lenvers,  as  lung  couche  adent 
et  laultre  a  lenuers. 

Wyckedly,  iniquement. 

Wylfully,  de  playn  gré,  a  escient. 

Wylfully,  a  escient,  de  playne  voalenlé,  voulen- 

Wyttyngly,  a  escient. 

Wyse,  as  scryppe  wyse,  sloppe  wyse,  dyamant 
wyse,  loserige  wyse,  trewlove  wyse,  etc. 
en  escharpe,  en  surquayne,  en  diamant,  en 
losengc,  en  neu  damours,  but  for  in  ail 
goodly  wyse,  bonest  wyse,  discret  wyse, 
and  sucbe  lyke,  puttynge  wyse  afler  an 
adjectyve,  or  an  adverbe,  they  use  mode, 
or  GUYSE,  or  roYE,  as  en  toute  bonne  voye, 
en  toute  mode  honneste,  en  toute  voye  dis- 
cretle,  etc. 

Wysely,  saigcment,  prudement. 

With,  AVEC.  Where  as  it  faappennetb  often 
tyme  in  our  tonge  that  this  preposycion 
«witb»,  and  bis  substantyve,  or  els  his 
substantyve  and  an  adjectyve  joyned  unto 
hym ,  maye  serve  to  make  answere  to  this 
questyon  «howe»  demaunded  of  a  verbe, 
as,  if  I  demaunde  howe  I  dyd  a  tbyng,  I 
maye  be  answered  with  payne  or  witb 
great  payne,  witb  al  his  might,  and  sucbe 
lyke,  the  frenche  men  use  for  within  tbis 
maner  a,  or  de,  with  tbis  différence  : 
whan  the  substantyve  belokenneth  the 
instrument  wberwith  the  dede  is  doone , 
they  use  a,  orels  they  use  de,  but  this  is 
nat  thorowe  generall ,  and  therfore  exemple 
must  chefely  helpe ,  and  also  by  cause  the 
wordes  do  oft  tymes  differ,  as  shall  hère 
consequently  apere  by  dyverse.  Notyng 
iirsl  that  by  cause  o  for  with ,  as 

Bien  vonl  o  elle  vnj  lai  doiseaalx  rapieart. 

And  et  vinst  maistre  Argus  o  ses  dixjigurea. 
By  cause  it  is  olde  Rommant,  and  nat 
used  but  of  suche  auctours  as  write  in 
ryme ,  I  bave  nat  accompted  o  for  with , 



»     in  the  preposycion  amongest  the  otlier, 


With  a  drawcn  sworde,  A  lespée  traicte  , 
as  et  chassa  les  ambassadeurs  de  deuant  sa 
présence  a  lespèe  Iraicle.  Notyng  also  that 
for  with  ealing,  with  drinkyng ,  with 
siepyng,  with  waling,  they  say  :  de  man- 
ger, de  hoyre,  de  dormyr,  desueiller,  etc. 
And  for  with  to  moche  eatynge  they  say  : 
de  trop  manger,  etc. 

With  a  good  wyll,  de  B0!Sne  vovlekté,  and 
de  bon  GTié ,  as  ayns  cajdojt  qui  vinsl  de 
bon  gré. 

With  ail  dylygence ,  o  toute  diligence. 

With  ail  my  herte,  thy  hert,  his  hert,  etc.  de 
tout  mon  cueur,  ton  cueur,  son  cueur,  etc. 
DE  PlAYN  GRÉ.  Je  te  requiers  de  playn  gré, 
tu  me  requiers  de  playn  gré,  il  me  requiert 
de  playn  grc, 

With  a  moche  better  wyll ,  en  plus  grant  gré, 
or  de  plus  grant  gré. 

Wiih  a  lowe  voyse,  a  basse  voyx, 

With  ail  tliat  ever  he  maye,  a  tout  tant  que  il 
peult,  a  toat  tant  que. 

With  a  pryvy  meyny,  a  priué  mayné  se  retira  au 
chasieau  de  Cleues. 

With  a  small  companye ,  o  peu  de  compaignie , 
and  a  peu  de  trayn. 

With  ail  ray  myght,  thy  myght,  his  myght,  de 
toute  ma  puissance,  de  toute  ta  puissance, 
de  tout  mon  pomioyr,  son  pouuoyr,  etc. 

With  bothe  my  handes,  A  JOYfiCTBS  may.vs, 
as  a  joyncles  mayns  vous  supplie ,  belle 

With  drie  eyes,  a  yeulx  secz. 

With  drie  foote,  A  sec,  as  vous  y  passerez  bien 
a  sec. 

With  full  course,  de playne  course. 

With  good  herte,  de  bon  cueur. 

With  good  ryght,  de  bon  droyt. 

With  great  dilTyculte ,  a  grant  payne. 

With  great  grefe,  o  grant  grief. 

With  groat  feare ,  a  grant  p'aour. 

With  hounde  and  horne,  a  cor  et  a  cry. 

With  holding  up  bothe  my  handes,  A  joynctes 
MAYKS,  as  a  joynctes  mayns  vous  supplie. 

With  yll  wyll,  enuys,  agaynst  ones  wyll. 

With  yll  wyll  ynough,  assez  enuys. 

With  my  hare  fyst,  de  piayn  poyxg,  as  aussi 
tost  aurez  vous  cassé  vng  enclume  de  playn 
poyng  :  with  your  bare  fysle,  etc. 

With  moche  a  do,  a  grant  payne. 

With  my  good  wyll ,  thy  good  wyll ,  his  good 
wyll,  de  ma  bonne  voulenté,  and  de  Gsé, 
as  je  le  Jais  de  gré,  tu  le  fais  de  gré,  etc. 

With  my  selfe,  with  thy  selfe,  a  par  moy,  a 
par  toy,  etc. 

With  one  assent,  dung  accord, 

With  one  voyce,  dune  voyx. 

With  open  or  bare  face,  a  playne  face. 

With  open  mouthe,  A  cueille  bée,  as  pour 
vray  il  ment  a  gueule  bée.  Ând  son  chenal 
court  après  les  gens  a  gueulle  bée.  And 
faictez  la  prononcer  a  gueulle  bée. 

Without,  SANS.  For  without  they  use,  for  the 
moste  parte,  sans  byfore  their  substanty- 
ves  ,  or  adjectyves,  with  substantyves  to 
make  answere  to  this  questyon  «howe»; 
as  howe  were  you  intreated  to  nyght , 
and  I  wolde  answere  without  fyre,  with- 
out candell,  they  saye  :  sans  feu,  sans 
chandelle.  But  howe  they  saye  :  sans  feu 
ne  chandelle,  for  without  fyre  or  candell, 
usynge  ne  for  «or» ,  shall  hère  after  apere 
in  the  conjanctyon.  And  for  without  eat- 
yng,  without  drinkyng,  without  speakyngc, 
and  suche  lyke,  they  use  :  sans  manger, 
sans  boyre,  sans  parler,  and  sans  manger 
ne  boyre,  using  their  infynityve  mode  for 
our  partyciple,  and  ne  also  for  non  in 
this  scnce.  And  of  suche  as  dyOer  in  bothe 
the  tbngcs  I  bave  hère  noted  certayne. 

Without  a  cause,  sans  cause. 

Without  any  ihyng  sayeng,  doyng,  etc.  sans 
riens  dire ,  fayre ,  parler,  etc. 

Without  any  more,  sans  plus. 

Without  any  more  a  do,  sans  plus  fayre. 

Without  any  maner  thynge  in  the  worlde,  sans 
riens  que  snyt,  or  sans  riens  du  monde. 

Without  any  fayle,  any  doute,  any  harme, 
etc.  sans  poynt  defaulte,  point  de  double, 
poynt  de  mal,  etc. 





Without  any  maner  faulte,  any  mauer  doute, 
any  maner  harme,  sans  faulle  nulle,  sans 
double  nulle,  sans  nul  mal,  sans  nul  aduis. 
So  that  hère  ihe  gender  cbaungetli  the 
order  of  nul  and  nulle. 

Without  comparyson ,  sans  comparaison.  And 


Faulte  darjent  cett  douleur  non  pareilb. 

Without  doute,  sans  doubte. 

Without  ever  eatyng-,-  or  drynkyuge ,  or  slep- 

yng ,  scms  jamajrs  mangier,  ne  boyre,  ne  dor- 

Without  fayle,  sans  faulle. 
Without  my  knowledge,  thy  knowledge,  his 

knowledge,  etc.  sans  le  sceu  de  moy,  sans 

le  sceu  de  toy,  sans  le  sceu  de  luy,  or  sans 

mon  sceu,  ton  sceu,  son  scea:  or  sans  que 

jen  sceusse  riens,  sans  que  tu  en  sceusses 

riens,  or  sans  quilz  nen  sceussent  riens,  as 

the  sence  requyreth. 
Without  removyng  hence,  sans  aloyngner  di- 

Without  payne ,  saks  pa  yne,  as  nul  bien  sans 

payne.  —  Not,  pas.  Not  without  payne,  nat 

without  travayle,  nat  without  daunger: 

pas  sans  payne,  sans   trauayl,   sans  dan- 

gier,  etc. 
With  some  payne,  some  iosse,  some  harme, 

etc.  A  quelque  payne,  quelque  perte,  quelque 

With  spede ,  a  diligence. 
With  stronge  hande ,  a  mayn  armée. 
With  the  brideil  in  the  necke,  as  horses  hâve 

whan  they  ronne  a  gailoppe,  a  bride  aba- 

With  the  dede ,  SHr  le  fait. 
With  the  hande,  a  la  mayn. 
With  the  heare,  nat  agaynst  the  heare,  aa  long 

du  poyl . 
With  the  maner,  svn  le  fayct,  as  Hz  furent 

prins  sur  le  fayct  a  leur  mal  aduenture. 
With  the  streame ,  aual  leaue. 
With  the  wynde,  aual  le  vent. 
With  very  moche  payne,  a  bien  grant  payne. 
Wetyngly,  a  escient. 
Wo  by  gone ,  mal  a  poynt,  mal  ayse. 

Wolwarde,  without  any  lynncn  nexle  ones 
body,  sans  chemyse. 

Wonderously  yil ,  terriblement  mal. 

Wonderousiy  weii,  merueilleasement  bien. 

Worde  by  worde,  de  mot  en  mot. 

Worde  for  worde,  mot  a  mot,  and  de  mot  en 

Worse  and  worse ,  de  pis  en  pis. 

Worse  than,  pis  que,  as  pis  que  deaant. 

Worse  than  the  iaste  yere,  pis  que  laultre  an- 

Wottyngly,  a  escient. 

Wrongously,  a  tort,  as  a  tort  et  sans  cause. 


For  ones  as  moche,  twyse  as  moche, 
thrise  as  moche,  ten  lymes  as  moche, 
twenty  lymes  as  moche ,  a  hundrcd  tynies 
as  moche,  etc.  they  saye  :  vnefoys  autant, 
deux  foys  autant,  troys  foys  autant,  dix 
foys  autant,  vingt  foys  autant,  cent  foys  au- 
tant and  so ,  joynynge  ail  the  numeralies 
of  the  thyrde  sorte  to  autant.  And  for  ones 
moré,  twyse  more,  thrise  more,  fourtyraes 
more,  ten  tymes  more,  twenty  tymes 
more,  a  hundrcd  tymes  more,  they  saye: 
vues  foys  plus,  deux  foys  plus,  troys  foys 
plus,  quatre  foys  plus,  dix  foys  plus,  cent 
foys  plus,  etc.;  as  Je  layme  cent  foys  plus 
que  je  ne  fis  jamays  parauant.  But  as  for 

tu  tant  donner  ne  teurent 
Que  cil  cent  tans  nen  donnaet . 

that  I  fynde  in  the  Romant,  whiche  is  nat 

nowe  to  be  folowed. 
Above,  in  ali  answers  to  this  queslyon  «howe 

■  moche»  is  par  dessus,  or  davantaige , 

as  dix  liures  et  dauanlaige. 
Above  ail  men,  par  dessus  tous  hommes. 
Above  ail  other,  par  dessus  tous,  or  toutes  aul- 

Above  my  pleasure,  thy  pleasure,  hb  pleasure, 

etc.  oultre  mon  gré,  ton  gri,  son  gré. 
Above  ail  thynges,  par  dessus  toutes  choses. 
A  great  dealeof,  force,  or  a  grant  planté, 

as  allez  quérir  force  de  boys,  force  de  rin. 



or  allez  quérir  da  hoys  a  grant  planté^  or 

du  vin  a  grant  planté. 
Ail  but  this  or  tbat,  or  a  lytell,  tout  forsque 

cecy,  or  cela,  or  inj  peu. 
AH  except  this  or  that,  or  a  lytell,  tout  excepté, 

or  forsque  cecy,  or  cela. 

A  lytell ,  VNG  PEU.  QUELQUE  PEU. 

VKG  PEU,  as  pour  appaiser  vntj  peu  leur  mal. 

And  en  faisant  vng  peu  da  seigneur. 
QUELQUE  PEU,  as  Or  auons ,  se  me  semble, 
quelque  peu  proufjlté.  And  et  aussi  fut  il 
quelque  peu   instruict  en  layture  et  escrip- 
ture.  And  cest  quelque  peu  de  playsir. 

A  lytell  courtesye,  nnj  tantinet,  as  donne  moy 
vng  tantinet  de  sel. 

AU  and  some,  tout  entièrement. 

AH ,  TOUT,  as  baillez  luy  tout  et  quil  se  tayse. 

Ail  my  best,  ail  tby  best,  tout  mon  meillieur,  tout 
son  meillieur. 

Almosleall,  almoste  halfe,  almoste  ynougbe, 
almoste  to  moche,  etc.  quasi,  fresques, 
as  quasi  tout,  quasi  la  moytic,  quasi  assez, 
quasi  trop,  etc.  And  presques  tout , presques 
la  moytié ,  presques  assez,  presques  trop, 
presques  trop  peu.  And  for  almost  atone, 
quasi  or  presques;  aijay  quasi,  or  presques 
faycl.  And  a  peu  près,  as  si  suis  je  si  es- 
troyt  lacée  qua  peu  près  la  layne  ne  me  fouit. 
And  a  bien  peu  près. 

Almost  aH  tbat  ever  tlicre  is,  quasi,  or  presques 
tout  tant  quil  y  a. 

Almoste  ail  tbat  is  iefte,  presques,  quasi  tout  ce 
qui  est  demeuré. 

Almost  every  whyt,  quasi  presque  tout,  or  quasi 

Almoste  nothyng,  qua^i  riens,  presques  riens. 
And  COMME  POYKT,  as  jay  pour  ma  part 
comme  poynt. 

Almoste  nothyng  at  ail ,  quasi  riens  que  soyt, 
presques  riens  que  soyt,  comme  poynt  que 

Almoste  ryght  nowgbt,  quasi  riens  du  monde, 
presques  riens  du  monde. 

Almoste  so  moche  as,  quasi,  presques  autant 

Almoste  as  moche  to  do,  presques  autant  a  faire. 

Almoste  well,  almoste  yll,  almoste  best,  almoste 
worste,  etc.  quasi,  or  presques  bien,  mal, 
le  mieulx,  le  pis  du  tas. 

AU  onely,  seullemext,  tant  seullbmeut; 
as  je  nen  demande  qang  tantinet  seullement. 

Ail  that,  al  this,  tout  cela,  tout  cecy;  as 
tout  cela  ne  vaaldroyt  pas  deux  festus. 

Ail  tbat  ever,  tout  taut  que ,  as  ne  nous  celez 
riens,  car  nous  voulons  ouyr  tout  tant  que 
vous  scauez.  As  for  quanque  and  tout 
QUAyQUE,  as  mays  elle  va  manger  tout 
quanque  elle  peult  trouuer,  be  nal  so  co- 
men.  And  tout  le  tant  combien  que  peu  du 
laict  qui,  etc.  I  shall  dyffer  to  speake  of 
that  maner  of  éloquence  tyll  I  come  to 
the  conjunctjon. 

AU  tbat  was  within,  rotT  ie,  as 

ilaynt  huys  y  fut  nmpu  et  maynt  coffre  effondré , 
Et  le  dcdent  exposé  a  pillaige. 

Ail  thing,  TOUTE  RIENS,  as  en  celluy  temps  ou 

toute  riens  daymer  sessoye. 
AU  logytber,  tout  ta^tquil  r>4,and  le  tout, 

as  néant  moyns  il  quicta  le  tout.  And  TRES- 
TOUT,  as  aduisez  bien  que  trestout  monte. 
AU  to  moche,  par  trop,  as  il  la  vng  peu  par 

trop  battu. 
A  myle  abrode,  vng  mille  large. 
Any  deaie,  goutte,  as  si  en  vous  goutte  de  sens 

Any  more,  mays,  and  plus  mays,  as  peu  me 

puis  mais  soustenir.  And  je  ne  me  puis  plus 

mays  soustenir. 
Any  thyng,  rieks,  as  vous  a  il  riens  donné?  And 

scait  il  riens  faire  ? 
Any  thyng  at  ail ,  riens  qui  soyt. 
Any  ihynge,  de  biexs,  or  Ey  biehs,  as  tay  je 

en  riens,  or  de  riens,  offencé? 
Any  whyt,  riens  que  soyt,  or  goutte  que  soyt. 
As  farre  as  the  golde  passeth  chafle,  autant,  or 

aussi  loing  que  lor  passe  la  paille. 
As  farre  forthe  as  I  se,  pour  autant  que  je  voys, 

or  a  ce  que  je  puis  veoyr. 
As  full  as  it  can  be  thrust,  a  comble,  as  iU 

chargèrent  leur  naaires  de  riches  espices  a 

As  yet  nothyng,  encore  riens. 



As  lytell  as ,  as  moche  as,  aussi  peu  que,  mitant 

As  ijtell  or  lesse,  as  mocbe  or  more,  aussi 
peu  ou  mojns,  autant  ou  plus. 

As  moche  as,  autant,  as  de  long  vng  pied,  et 
de  large  autant.  Autant  dis  je  quant  a  moy. 

As  moche  as,  avtant  commb ,  as  autant  en 
puissance  et  vigueur  comme  en  beaulté  cor- 
porelle. And  ayns  layme  autant  comme  sil 
fut  parly  de  mon  ventre.  And  autant  que, 
asjejeraypour  vous  autant  quil  esl  possible. 

As  moche  as  is  in  me,  in  the,  in  him,  etc. 
autant  que  est  en  moy,  en  toy,  en  luy,  etc. 

As  moche  or  more,  avtant  ou  plus,  as  elle 
est  autant  ou  plus  amoureuse  de  vous  coinnie 
vous  estez  délie,  or  que  vous  estez  de  elle. 

As  moche  as  is  possible,  autant  que  est  possi- 
ble, le  possible,  or  du  possible. 

As  moche  as  a  thyng  of  uaught,  autant  comme 
vue  chose  de  riens,  or  vne  chose  de  néant. 

.\t  moche,  al  sorathvng,  at  nolhyng,  at  lytel  : 
a  beaucoup,  a  quelque  chose,  a  riens,  a  peu, 
a  riens  du  monde,  etc. 

At  ihe  full  as  moche,  tout  entièrement  autant. 

At  the  hardest,  au  fort,  au  fort  aller. 

At  the  leste,  au  moyns,  as  au  moyns  ne  luy 
voulut  octroyer,  and  A  tout  le  moyns. 

At  the  leste  waye,  A  tout  le  moyns,  as  com- 
bien que  la  dignité  ou  vous  estez  ne  vous  fait 
poynt  prendre  garde  a  vostre  honneur,  a  tout 
le  moins  honte  vous  debueroyt  retirer. 

At  the  moste  nat  passing  tbus  moche,  au  plus 
non  pas  par  dessus  cela,  or  autant. 

A  very  lytell ,  vng  bien  peu. 

A  worde  or  two ,  vng  mot  ou  deux. 

Be  it  never  so  lytell ,  tant  soyt  peu. 

By  a  great  dealc  more  stronger,  more  wyser, 
more  hygher,  more  iower,  etc.  de  beau- 
coup plus  fort,  plus  saige,  plus  hault,  plus 
bas.  And  dassez  plus  fort,  plus  saige,  plus 
haalt,  etc. 

By  a  lytel  more  stronger,  more  wyser,  etc. 
dung  peu  plus  fort,  plus  saige. 

By  so  moche,  davtant,  as  il  est  plus  hault  que 
vous  dautanl,  or  dung  tant. 

By  so  moche  more,  by  so  moche  lesse,  by  so 
moche  hygher,  by  so  moche  iower,  dau- 
tant  plus,  daulant  moyns,  dautant  plus 
hault,  dautant  plus  bas. 

By  the  halfe ,  de  la  moytié,  or  la  moytié,  as 
mieulx  le  prisera  la  moytié. 

By  the  heed,  de  la  teste,  or  de  toute  la 
TESTE,  as  qui  surpasse  les  aultres  de  la 

By  yoade,  OVLTRE,  as  il  auoyl  oiiltre  cent  mil 
hommes  en  son  armée. 

By  yonde  ail  measure ,  oultre  tout  mesure. 

By  yonde  measure,  oultre  mesure. 

By  yonde  my  pleasure,  thy  pleasure,  bis  plca- 
sure ,  etc.  oultre  mon  gré,  ton  gré,  son 
gré,  etc. 

By  yonde  the  nycke,  oultrb  Bonr,  as  la  ri- 
chesse inestimable  et  le  roy  triumphant  oultre 

By  yonde  this,  or  that,  or  ail  that,  etc.  oultre 
ce,  oultre  cecy,  oultre  cela,  oultre  tout.  Et 
-  oultre  ce  il  eut  daultres  diaerses  femmes. 

Bothe  two,  tout  deux,  a»  Hz  en  seront  punis 
tout  deux. 

Brimmc  full,  toutfyn  playn. 

But  a  lytell ,  qung  peu,  or  que  vng  petit. 

But  a  lytell  bowlke  or  quantyte,  qung  peu  de 

By  a  lylcU  plesure,  but  a  lytell  -joy,  but  a 
lytell  gayne,  etc.,  ne  byfore  the  verbe, 
and  QUE  QUEL  que  peu  de,  or  peu  de.. 
leavyng  ont  quelque;  as  Je  nay  eu  que  quel- 
que peu  de  playsir,  or  que  peu  de  plaisir, 
peu  dejoye,  peu  de  gayng  puis  qUe  sommes 
mariez  ensemble. 

But  a  lytell,  QUE  vng  petit,  as  ne  men  donne 
que  vng  petit. 

But  a  fewe  crownes  of  the  sonne ,  que  vng  peu 
des  esculz  au  soleil.  And  il  ne  vous  coustera 
que  vng  peu  de  grans  blancz. 

But  a  pretye  dealc,  qung  bien  peu. 

But  of  a  lytell,  que  de  guayrbs,  as  il  demande 
la  chose  qui  ne  vous  sert  que  de  gaayres. 

Dowble  as  moche  as,  deuxfoys  autant  que,  or 
double  autant  que,   or  doublement  autant 



que,  as  quon  lay  baille  deux  foys  autant, 
or  double  autant,  or  doublement  autant  quil 
auoyt  par  auant. 

Every  deale,  tout  tant  quily  a. 

Every  peny,  fout  chascun  denier,  or  jusques  au 

dernier  denier. 
Every  soope,  tovt  tant  qvil  y  a,ot  auoyt, 

or  AUBA  AV  POT,  OT  AV  BARIL,  etc.  As  ly- 

aroigne  a  beu  tout  tant  quily  auoyt  au  pot, 

or  TOUT  noRS,  as  il  a  beu  tout  hors. 
Every  whyt,  toit  tant  qvil  y  a,  auoyt,  or 

AUBA,  etc.,  as  apportez  tout  tant  quily  a, 
Evyn  as  niocheas,  tout  autant  que,  or  comme, 

as  tout  autant  de  dis  de  bonté  comirie  de 

beaulté  vous  ay  compté. 
Excedyng  great,  excedynge  moche,  excedyng 

lytell ,  par  excès,  excessiuement  grant,  or 

petit,  or  grant  par  excès. 

Farre  more,  farre  lesse,  farre  greater,  farrc 
smaller,  etc.  de  beaucoup  plus,  beaucoup 
moyndre,  beaucoup  plus  grant,  de  beaucoup 
plus  petit,  etc.  Barbe  de  lyeure  et  de  reg- 

Great  plenty  of,  fobce,  or  a  force,  a  grant 
PLANTÉ,  as  Hz  ont  force  de  vinres ,  force  de 
vin,  force  de  bled;  or  du  vin  a  force,  des 
viures  a  force,  du  bled  a  force;  or  du  vin  a 
grant  planté,  des  viures  a  grant  planté. 

Habundantly,  habundamment. 
Halfe,  DEMy,A  demy.  moytié. 

DEMY.  as  demy  nud,  demy  vestu. 

A  DEMY ,  as  en  me  soubzriant  a  demy.  And 

Elit  ttra  coynele  ttjolit. 
Et  ttra  a  demy  paitlurde. 

MOYTIÉ,  as  il  senclina  a  terre  comme  cstonné 

et  moytié  rauy  dejoye. 
Halfe  halfe,  moytié    moytié,  as  qui  estoyl 

moytié  homme    moytié  cheual.  And    moytié 

par  prières  moytié  par  menaces. 
Hardc  and  scanlc,  o  grant peyne  assez. 
Harde  and  scanlc  ynouglie ,  a  bien  grant  peyne 


Heape  full,  or  heaped  full,  A  comble,  as  et 

charqerent  leur  nauires  a  comble. 
Holly  as  moche  as,  entièrement,  autant  que. 

In  ail  thyng,  en  tout,  as  et  en  tout  estoyt  si 
propre  et  si  élégant  que  riens  plus. 

In  ail  that  ever  I  maye,  en  tout  tant  que  je 

In  ail  that  I  maye,  en  tout  ce  que  je  puis.  And 
in  lyke  wyse,  in  ail  that  ever  he  sayeth 
or  dothe,  or  commaundeth ,  or  I,  or  thou, 
or  he  :  as  en  tout  tant  quil  fait,  quil  dit, 
quil  commande,  or  en  tout  ce  que  je  com- 
mande, lu  command£s,  il  commande. 

la  a  maner  nothyng,  quasi  or  presques  riens, 
or  comme  poynt. 

In  as  moche  as,  en  autant  que ,  or  selon  ce, 
as  car  selon  ce  quelle  pourroyt.  And  de 
TANT  QUE,  as  de  tant  quelle  peult  les  justes 
auec  les  pescheurs. 

Ynowghe,  assez,  as  baille  luy  assez,  and  de  ce 
compte  rirent  assez  les  dieux. 

Yet  ynoivghe,  encore  assez. 

Ynowghe  and  ynowghe,  assez  et  plus. 

Ynowghe  and ,  assez  et  dauantaige. 

In  nothyng,  en  riens. 

In  nothyng  al  ail,  EN  RIENS  QviQV0NQUEs,a% 
je  ne  vous  crayns  en  riens  quiquonques. 

In  80  moche  as  I  sayd  I  hâve  promisyd,  etc. 
en  autant  que  je  dis  jay  promys  ,  etc. 

In  80  moÈbe,  en  tant,  as  en  tant  que  cestoytvne 
des  principalles  citez  du  monde. 

In  to  a  lylyll,  A  peu  pbes  ,  as  je  suis  si 
estroyct  lacée  que  a  peu  près  laluyne  me 

Il  wanlelh  but  a  lityl ,  peu  sen  fault,  as  peu 
sen  fault  que  je  naye  tout  paracheué.  But  as 
for  par  vng  peu  que  ne,  as 

Et  a  tel  daeil  quant  gens  hienfont , 
Que  por  vny  /)ea  ijaelle  ne  font. 

And  près  que  ne,  as  près  quil  ne  chiét  en  re- 
pentance.Tliesu  he  used  of  ihe  Rommanl, 
and  nowc  eut  of  commen  use. 

Largely  more,  dabondant  plus.' 

Lesse,  moyns,  as  sil  a  trop,  baillez  luy  moyns. 




And  MOYns  DE,  as 

Si  cent  y  en  allttmtroyent . 

Ja  moyn$  âefen  ne  (ronncrojrenl. 

Lesse  than,  moïks  que,  as  il  vescut  moyns  que 
son  père. 

Lessc  and  lesse,  de  moyns  en  moyns. 

Leste  of  ail ,  le  moyns  de  tout,  or  de  tous,  etc. 

Lyteli ,  PEV,  as  en  vostre  garde  peu  mejie.  And 
lytell  other,  peu  aultre  chose.  And  bien 
PEU ,  as  je  men  double  que  bien  peu  vauldra 
vostre  labeur  et  trauayl. 

Lytell  lesse,  guayres  moyns,  peu  moyns. 

Lytell  or  nothynge ,  peu  ou  rien,  or  néant. 

Lytell  or  smally,  peu  ou  gvaykes,  as  mes  hum- 
bles prières  vallent  ou  peu  ou  guayres. 

My  rest,  thy  rest,  bis  rest,  ma  reste,  ta  reste, 
sa  reste. 

Moche,  BEAUCOUP,  MOVLT,as  il  est  moult  tenu 
a  moy,  il  est  beaucoup  tenu  a  moy. 

Moche  better,  moche  worse,  moche  more,  mo- 
che lesse,  beaucoup  mieulx,  beaucoup  pis, 
beaucoup  plus,  beaucoup  moyns,  etc.  And 
trop  mieulx,  trop  pis,  trop  plus,  trop  moyns, 
etc.,  as 

Trop  moy  ni  fat  il  (Ucea  . 
SU  tenfnt  deflon  appareea. 

And  trop  plus  que  nul  aultre  varlel  de 

Moche  the  better ,  beaucoup  de  mieulx. 

More  and  more ,  de  plus  en  plus,  and  de  plus 
FORT  EN  PLUS  FORT,  as  et  saugmenta  ce 
désir  en  luy  journellement  deplusjorl  en  plus 
fort.  And  qui  de  plus  en  plus  se  redoubloyt. 

\loTe  ni  liTge,  plus  au  large. 

More  by  the  halfe,  more  by  a  thyrde  parte, 
more  by  a  fourth  parte ,  more  by  a  syxle 
parte,  etc.  plus  de  la  moytié,  plus  dung 
tiers,  plus  dung  quart,  plus  de  la  cinquiesme 
partie,  plus  dune  sixiesme  partie,  etc. 

More  than,  plus  que,  as  plus  que  je  ne  dis. 

More  than  a  pace,  plus  que  le  pas. 

More  than  byfore,  plus  que  deuant,  or  plus  que 

.More  tha:i  ever  byfore,  plus  que  oncques  mais, 
or  plus  que  jamais  deuant. 

More  than  halfe,  plus  qva  demy,  as  il  lapa- 

racheué  plus  qua  demy. 
More  than  me  lyketh ,  ouhre  mon  gré 
More  thankfully,  en  plusgrant  gré. 
Moste,  leplus,  as  ilaura  leplus. 
Moste  of  ail ,  le  plus  de  tout. 

Naught,  riens,  néant. 

Naught  at  ail ,  riens  que  soyt. 

Nerehande  ail,  a  bien  peu  près  que  tout,  or  a 

bienpeu  près  tout  tant  que. 
Never  so  great ,  never  so  lytel ,  tout  soyt  grant, 

petit,  etc. 
Never  so  lytell ,  si  petit  que  non,  as  posé  que 

nen  donnasses  si  petit  que  non. 
Never  but  ones ,  jamays  qunefoys. 
Never  a  deale,  riens  qui  soyt. 
Never  a  droppe,  pas  vue  goutte. 
Never  more ,  jamays,  a  grant  jamays. 
Never  a  sope,  pas  vng  grain,  or  brin. 
Never  the  more  for  that,  de  riens  plus  pour  cela. 
Never  a  whytte,  goutte,  isje  ne  voys  goutte, 

riens  qui  soyt  au  monde. 
Neverso  barde,  never  so  softe,   lanl  soyt  dur, 

tant  soyt  mol. 
Never  so  well,  never  so   yll,   saye  or  do,  or 

synge,   etc.    tant  die  bien,  tant   die  mal; 

tant  face  bien,  tant  face  mal;  tant  chante 

bien,  tant  chante  mal,  etc. 
Nyfels  in  a  bagge',  de  tout  nifles,  as  baille 

luy  de  tout  nyjles. 
No  maner  thynge ,  ii/£jvs  quelconques,  as  je 

ne  vous  mentiray  poynt  en  riens  quelconques. 

And  NULLE  RIENS,  as   il   ne  se  soucie  de 

nulle  riens. 
No  more  at  this  tyme ,  non  plus  a  cestefoys ,   or 

non  plus  pour  le  présent. 
No   more   than   the   other,    non   plus   que   les 

No  more  than,  ,V0JV  plus  que,  as  je  ne  me  fie 

poyM  en  luy  non  plus  que  en   mon  ennemy. 

And  NEANT  plus,  as  je  ne  vous  assureray 

poynt  néant  plus  que  jay  fait  les  aaltres. 
_But  as  for  amplas,  and  ne  que,  and  ne  mays 

que,  used  of  the  Rommant,   waxe  nowe 

ont  of  use. 


Nother  lesse  nor  more,  ne  plus  ne  moyns. 
Nother  more  nor  lesse ,  ne  plus  ne  moyns. 
Not  a  gygot.  pas  vng  nycquel. 
Not  a  balfpeny,  pas   vue  maille,  as  je  nen 

donneray  pas  vne  maille. 
Not  a  whyt,  jouHe,  and  pas  vng  brin  de.  And  ja, 

as  ja  nejault  esbahyr. 
Nother  moche  nor  lytell,n«  tant  ne  quant. 
Nother  this  nor  that,  ne  tant  ne  quant. 
Nother  more  nor  lesse,  ne  plus  ne  moyns. 
Nothyng,  rieas,  and  néant. 
Nothyng  al  ail ,  riens  qui  soyt. 
Nothyogbut,  r>E  s/AO.v,  as 

En  tes  diiz  et  pantlet 
Jij  a  sinon  mensonges  eifrimollet. 

And  riens  sinon  que. 
Notbing  in  a  maner,  comme  poynt,  as  U  ny  a 

comme  poynt. 
Nothyng  save  only,  riens  fors  tant,  as  rieas 

fors  tant  de  retourner  a  sa  dame. 
Nought ,  riens.  Néant. 
Nought  at  ail,  riens  qui  soyt. 

Of  nought,  DE  RIENS,  as  tout  cela  ne  tousser- 

uira  de  riens. 
Of  nothyng ,  de  riens. 
Of  the  mosle  parte,  de  la  plus  pari. 
Of  the  rcsydue ,  du  surplus. 
Onely,  seulement,  or  tant  sbullement,  as 

je  ne  demande  que  tant  seuUement,  or  tant, 

tant  seullemenl. 
Over  and  ahove,  dabondant,  as  cela  je  vous 

proniés  dabondant  oullre  et  par  dessus. 
Over  and  ahove  that  ithiche  rOVLTRE  ce  que, 

as  tenez  cecy  je  vous  donne  oullre  ce  que  je 

vous  ay  promys. 
Over  lytell,  trop  peu,  as  vous  me  baillez  Irop 

Over  moche ,  trop,  as  ne  luy  baillez  pas  Irop. 
Owght,  caoSE,  as  sil  scayt  faire  chose  qui  soyt 

bonne,  si  le  face.  And  riens,  as  a  riens 

meffait  ton  humble  secretayre. 
Ont  and  out  as  moche,  de  tout  en  tout  aulanl. 
Outryght,  trestovt,  as  je  le  lueray  trestout  de 



Parlly,  en  partie,  as  jay  suyuy  en  partie  ce 
Ires  eleijant  aucteur  Appuleius. 

Passyng  greatly,  passyng  lytell, passyng  moche, 
grandement  par  excès,  peu  par  excès,  beau- 
coup par  excès. 

Plentyusly,  a  foyson,  as  je  luy  fais  de  la  payne 
afoyson,  and  pUntureusement. 

Ryght  lytell ,  ryght  moche ,  bien  peu,  beau- 

Ryght  ynougbe,  droyctement  asses. 

Ryght  naught,  riens  qui  soyt,  pas  ung  brin, 
as  je  ne  gaigne  icy  riens  qui  soyt. 

Scarsly,  a  paynes.  a  peu.  ' 

A  PA  ynes,  as  a  la  bataylle  fayt  on  si  grant 
bruyt  que  a  paynes  y  pealt  on   ouir  Dieu 
A  peu,  as  trestous  ces  maris  sont  a  peu  loyaulx. 

Scarsely  ynoughe,  a  paynes  assez. 

So  farre  forth  that ,  si  très  auant  que. 

So  great,  so  harde,  so  moche,  so  lytell,  etc. 
si  granl,  si  dur,  si  tresiant,  si  peu.  And 
lant  grant,  tant  dur,  tant,  tant  peu. 

Some  grâce,  some  pleasurc,  some payne, some 
joye,  some  sorowe,  etc.  quelque  peu  de 
grâce,  de  playsir,  de  payne,  de  joye,  de 
douleur,  etc.  But  of  tbynges  that  may  be 
devided  they  use  de,  onely  for  more  hre- 
vyle,  as  baillez  moy  du  paya,  du  vin,  de 
lencre,  de  la  goodalle.  And  il  y  a  quelque 
peu  de  fiction  poelicalle. 

Some  and  it  be  never  so  lytell ,  or  some  if 
or  thowghe  it  be  never  so  lytell ,  etc. 
quelque  peu,  tantsoyl  il  peu,  or  petit. 

Somedele  great,  soniedele  small,  soniedele 
wyse,  somedele  folishe,  etc.  aulcun  peu, 
or  quelque  peu,  or  aulcunement  grant,  pe- 
tit, saige,  sot,  etc. 

So  moche  as,  avtant  que,  as  et  prinl  pour  son 
exemplayre  autant  que  luy  fut  nécessaire. 
And  avtant  comme,  as  autant doubteuse 
comme  esmerueyllable. 

So  moche,  avtant,  as 

Et  ce  qnil  aara  dit  a  lane 
Autant  en  dira  a  chascane. 




And  TANT,  as  (/  a  iantjayl  de  maulx.  Il  est 
tant  hay.  Il  y  fréquenta  tant,  etc. 

So  moche  as  is  possible,  avtaut  qve  est  pos- 
sible, and  DV  POSSIBLE,  as  je  nous  serai- 
ray  du  possible. 

So  moche  onely,  tant.  Tant  scullenient. 

So  moche  the  more  as,  so  moche  ihe  lesse  as, 
de  tant  plus  commt,  or  que  :  de  tant  moyns 
comme,  or  que.  But  this  I  wyll  déclare 
by  exemples  in  the  conjunclion. 

Somcdele,  quelque  peu  ,  or  auculnement. 

Some  what,  qvelque  peu,  or  qvelqve  cbose, 
as  mettez  quelque  peu  icy.  And  baillez  moy 
queljue  chose.  And  avlcvneme.\t,  as  sil 
est  auleunement  infect. 

So  farre,  si  auant,  or  si  loyng. 

So  farre  forth ,  si  auant. 

Sorc,  rOBT,  as  balles  le  fort.  And  il  se  esbahit 
fort  destre  aynsi  menasse. 

Slarke  dede,  tovt  mobt,  as  et  le  tua  tout  mort 
dung  coup  sans  parler  a  homme. 

Superhabundantly,   superhabundamment. 

The  betler  part,  la  meilleure  part. 

The  better  half ,  la  meilleure  moitié. 

The  farder  I  go,  the  more  I  am  behynde, 
tant  plus  me  auance  et  plus  me  trouue  der- 

The  fowrth  part ,  le  quart. 

The  fyfte  part,  le  quint. 

Thelialfe,  la  moyiié. 

The  lest  that  can  be ,  le  moyns  du  monde. 

The  lest  part,  ta  moyndre part. 

The  moiitenance  of  a  bande  brede,  the  mon- 
tenance  of  an  ynche,  la  grandeur  et  la 
largeur  dune  paulme ,  la  grandeur  dung 

The  montonance  of  a  myle,  of  halfe  a  myle  , 
lespace  dune  myle,  or  dune  demye  myle. 

The  more  the  more,   de  ta^t  de  TAifT.  de 

tant    PLVS     tant    PLtlS.    TANT    PLUS    ET 
PLVS.  tant  PLVS    TANT   PIVS. 

De  iani  eit  la  chotc  terne. 
De  tant  etl  voslre  kontc  ère  ne. 

DE  TANT  PLVS  TANT  PLVS,  de  tant  plus  que 

les  prosperitez  des  hommes  sont  hauliesleuées, 
de  tant  tumbent  elles  en  plus  grant  ruyne. 
TANT  PLVS  ET  PLVS,  as  tant  plus  le  laueet 
plus  il  put.  And  tant  plus  maaance  et  plus 
me  trouue  en  derrière. 
PLVS  ET  PLVS,  as  plus  venoyten  auant  et  plus 

croi.isoyt  en  beaullé. 
TANT  PLVS  TANT  PLVS,  as  tantplus  le  mal  men- 
goyssoyt,  et  tant  plus  ma  voulenté  croissoyt. 
But  the  englishe  is  «the  more,  so  moche 
I  more  ».  But  this  I  shal  speke  of  agayné  in 
the  conjunclion. 

The  more  the  lesse,  tant  plvs  tant  moyns, 
as  tant  plus  luy  dit  on  et  moyns  entent. 

The  more,  tant  plvs,  as  si  vous  me  tencez 
ainsi,  je  feray  tant  plus  pour  vous  courrou- 

The  more  foleis  be,  tantplus  sot  est  il. 

The  mostpart,  la  plvs  part,  as  je  vous  donne 
la  plus  part. 

The  most  that,  AV  plvs  qve,  as  néant  moyns 
il  dissimuloyt  son  courroux  au  plus  quil 

Theone  halfe,  la  moytié,  or  lvne  moytié, 
as  payez  lune  moyiié  et  je  payeray  laullre. 

The  over  plus,  le  svbplvs,  as  baillez  me  par- 
tie avoz  ainys  et  le  surplus  pour  voslre  ame, 
or  pour  prier  Dieu  pour  vous. 

The  residewc,  la  reste,  le  demovrant.  le 


LA  RESTE ,  as  mays  que  je  puisse  gaygner  la 
grâce  délie,  de  la  reste  ne  me  soucie  guayres. 
LE  nEMOVRANT ,  as  or  me  laisse  auoyr  la  sol- 
licitude du  demourant. 
LE  RESIDV,  as  sus  nosire  maistre  au  résidu. 

The  rest,  la  reste,  le  demovrant,  as  on  ma 
poyé  la  moytié,  mays  qui  me  payera  la 
reste,  or  le  demourant. 

The  surplussage,  le  svrplvs ,  as  qui  est  celluy 
qui  me  baillera  le  surplus,  or  qui  est  celluy 
qui  me  baillera  le  demourant? 

To  excedingly  grcat,  lo  escedingly  lyteli,  etc. 
par  trop  grant,  par  trop  petit,  par  trop 
saige,  etc. 

To  great,  trop  grant,  as  trop  grant  araire. 

To  lytelt ,  (rop  peu,  as  beaulté  trop  peu  se  garde. 



To  long  a  date,  trop  long  terme. 

To  moche,  to  lytell,  etc.  trop,  trop  peu,  and 
so  to  great,  to  lytell,  trop  grant,  trop  petit. 

To  moche,  rr.op,  as  ne  traaaillez  pas  trop.  And 
PAlt  TROP,  as  celltij  qui  par  trop  croyt  sa 
femme  souuenlse  trouue  bien  decea. 

To  moche,  or  to  lytell,  trop,  or  trop  peu. 

To  moche  by  ihe  halfe,  trop  de  la  moytié, 
as  je  ne  scay  que  trop  de  la  moytié. 

To  to  moche,  par  trop,  as  car  Hz  sont  par  trop 
curieux  eljacicux, 

To  to  moche,  to  to  lytell,  to  to  great,  to  to 
smali,  etc.  par  trop  trop,  as  par  trop 
trop  peu,  par  trop  trop  grant,  par  trop 
trop  petit. 

Tothe  uttermoste,  au  plus  haalt  quonpealt,  or 
au  plus  quonpeult,  or  ou  plus  que  ce  peull 
'  To  the  uttermoste,  as  folkes  fyght  who  shall 
hâve  the  mastery,  A  ovltraxce,  as  et  com- 
mande a  son  jilz  Pépin  de  leur  faire  la 
guerre  a  oultrance. 

To  the  utterance,  a  loultrance, 

Twyse  so  moche,  twyse  so  great,  twyseso  ly- 
tell ,  twyse  so  farre,  etc.  double  autant,  or 
deux  foys  autant;  doublement  si  grani,  or 
deuxfoys  si  grant,  deux  foys,  or  double- 
ment si  petit;  deuxfoys  si  loyng,  or  double 
si  loyng. 

Vere  lytell,  vere  scharpely',  \cre  soore,  vere 
strongly,  bien  peu,  moult  asprement,  moult 
fort,  moult  forment,  Very  wckely ,  moult 
foyblcment.  So  ihat  moult  contrevaylelh 
very,  saving  in  bien  peu. 

Very  moche,  par  trop  gramment,  or  par  beau- 
coup trop. 

Unneth,  a  payne,  or  a  grant  payne. 

Utlerly,  de  tout,  or  de  tous  poynts,  or  du  tout  en 

Wellny,  presques,  as  presques  mort. 
Within  a  lytell ,  a  peu  près,  as 

5i  tuitjt  (I  ettroyt  lacie 

Qat  a  peu  prêt  ialayne  mefautt. 


.Abowt  an  hower,  abowt  halfe  an  hower,  abowt 
a  daye,  etc.  enuiron  vne  heure,  enuiron  vue 
demye  heure,  enuyron  vngjour. 

Ahove  ail  other,  par  dessus  tous,  as  et  lafayre 
de  nuyct  veiller  et  eslardir  par  dessus  tous, 

A  mynut,  an  hower,  a  daye,  a  weke,  a  fourt- 
nyght,  a  moneth,  a  yere,  etc.  vne  minute, 
vne  heure,  vng  jour,  vne  sepmayne,  quinze 
jours,  vng  moys,  vng  an, etc.  So  that  every 
substantive  betokenynge  lyme  mayc  serve 
to  make  answer  to  this  question  <howe 
•  long». 

A  good  wliyle,  ronne  pièce,  or  bonne  espace 
DE  TEMPS,  as  je  vousay  icy  attendu  bonne 

A  great  whyle,  grant  pièce ,  as  y  auez  vous 
demouré  grant  pièce?  And  vne  grant  pièce. 

A  yere  a  go,  two  ycres  a  go,  a  moneth  a  go, 
etc.  passé  vng  an,  passé  deux  ans,  passé 
vng  moys,  etc. 

A  yeres  space,  two  yeres  space,  thre  yercs 
space,  etc.  vng  an  durant,  deux  ans  du- 
rant, Iroys  ans  durant,  or  lespace  dung  an, 
lespace  de  deux  ans. 

Ail  daye  long,  toute  jour,  and  tout  du  long  de 
la  journée. 

A  lytell  whyle,  vng  peu,  as  attens  vng  peu,  maul- 
uaise  créature. 

Ail  daye  and  ail  nyght,  toute  jour  et  toute  nuyct. 

Ail  daye  aller,  toute  jour  âpres. 

Allmost  an  hower,  a  daye ,  a  moneth ,  etc.  près 
dune  heure,  près  dung  jour,  près  dung  moys. 

Allmoste  ail  daye,  ail  moste  ail  ihys  hower, 
etc.  près  de  tout  le  jour,  près  de  toute  ceste 

Ail  my  lyfe  dayes,  tous  les  jours  de  ma  vie. 

Ail  my  lyfe  lyme,  thy  lyfe  tyme,  bis  lyfe  tymp, 
etc.  tout  du  long  de  ma  vie,  tout  du  long 
de  ta  vie,  tout  du  long  de  sa  vie,  etc. 

A  long  whyle,  longtemps,  as  y  auez  vous  de- 
mouré longtemps  ? 

AU  the  daye,  toute  jour. 

Ali  the  lyQong  daye,  tout  au  long  du  jour,  or 
tout  du  long  de  la  journée. 


AU  the  dayes  of  my  lyfe,  ihy  life,  his  iyfc, 

tous  les  jours  de  ma  vie,  tous  Us  jours  de 

ta  vie,  tous  les  jours  de  sa  vie. 
AH  the  lyflong  daye,  tout  au  long  du  jour  Li 

Ail  the  mean  whyle,  tout  le  temps  pendant. 
AU  the  whyle,  tout  le  temps. 
Ail  the  whyle  that,  TAyoïs  QVE,  as  tandis  donc- 

ques  que  le  beau  Paris  sappresta. 
Ail   waye,  tousJOVRs,  as  et  tousjours  vous  ser- 

uiray  de  mon  possible. 
Any  longer,   mays ,  as  a  paynes  me  puis   mays 

Any  more,  mays,  as  mauldit  soyl  il  qui  se  jie 

mays  en  vous,   or  plus    longuement.    And 

PLUS  MAYS,  as  mauldit  soyt  il  qui  le  ser- 

uira  plus  mays. 
A  preaty  start  a  go ,  vne  petite  espace  de  temps. 
A  preaty  whyle  a  go ,  vng  peu  de  temps  passé. 
A  saison,  iitc  temps,  as  et  demoura  vng  temps 

sans  dire  mot. 
As  y  et,  encore. 
As  long  as,  tant  et  si  longuement ,  as  tant 

et  si  longuement  que  vous  vous  gouuernez 

aynsi  vous  naurez  que  honte  et  reprouche. 
As  long  as  thebrcth  Is  in  my  body,  tant  que  mon 

ame  me  bat  au  corps,  tant  que  ton  ame  te  bat 

au  corps,  tant  que  son  ame  hiy  bal,  etc. 
At  ail  tymes,  de  tous  temps. 
At  the  lengeth ,  au  par  aller,  or  a  la  longue  allée. 
A  whyle,  Vkg  peu,  as  vng  peu  despace. 
A  yere  a  go,  des  ahten,  as  vraynient  vous  dic- 
tez vray ,  je  suis  marié  des  anten. 

By  an  huwers  space,  by  a  dayes  space,  by  a 
yercs  space ,  etc.  par  lespace  dune  heure , 
lespace  dung  jour,  lespace  dung  an,  etc. 

By  the  space  of  a  yere,  par  lespace  de  vng  an. 

By  so  many  yeres,  par  tant  dans. 

But  a  lytell  whyle,  guaykes,  que  peu  de 
temps,  as  jc  nay  guayres  attendu. 

But  a  lytell  whyle  after,  puis  guayres  après. 

But  an  ave  Mari  whyle,  que  tant  quon  die  son 
aué  Maria. 

But  a  Pater  noster  whyle,  que  tant  quon  die  sa 
pâte  nostre. 

But  a  pissing  whyle,  que  tant  quon  aye  pissé. 
But   a  throwe  (Chaucer),  guayres,  or  que  bien 

peu  de  temps. 
Buta  whyle,  guayres. 
But  a  whyle  after,  puis  guayres  ne,  as  puis 

guayres  ne  sommeilla,  ayns  se  ariua  pour 

aller  encontre,  aud  que  peu  despace  après. 
But  to  long,  QUE  TROP,  as  je  nay  que  trop  mys 

en  son  seruice. 

Ever,  TOUSJOUBS,  a  jamays,  whan  the  verbe 
hath  nol  ne,  as  je  vous  seruiray  a  jamays. 
But  if  the  verbe  hâve  ne,  Ûtan  jamays  sy- 
gnideth  never,  3i  jamays  ne  vous  seruiray , 
or  poynt  ne  vous  seruiray  a  jamays. 

Ever  after,  tousjours  depuis. 

Ever  lastyngly,  a  tout  jamays ,  or  a  tousjours 
mays,  and  perpétuellement. 

Ever  more,  o.vC(;»t/£S  mays,  as  mauldit  soyt  il 
qui  se  jie  a  vous  oncques  mays.  And  a  tous- 
jours,  as  et playndras  a  tousjours  ta  nation. 
And  tout  temps  mays,  as  et  tout  temps  mays 
seront  amys. 

Ever  syns,  tousjours  depuis. 

For  a  daye,  pour  vng  jour,  as  combien  prennent 
Hz  pour vng  jour? 

For  a  great  whyle  a  go ,  de  pieca  ,  as  je  lay 
congnu  de  pieca  et  lay  fort  hanté. 

For  ail  wsiyes,  pour  tout  jamays. 

For  ail  ever,  pour  tout  jamays. 

For  a  lytell  tyme  ,  pour  vng  peu  de  temps. 

For  a  sayson,  pour  aulcun  temps,  or  pour  vng 
peu  de  temps. 

For  a  whyle,  pour  aulcun  temps. 

For  ever,  pour  jamays.  A   tousjours.  And  a  ja- 

For  ever  more,y4  tousjours  mays.  a  tous- 
jours  PARDURABLEMENT.  a  tout  JA.VAYS. 
A  TOUSJOURS  MAYS,  as  a  lousjours  mays  vous 
suis  attenu. 

A    TOUSJOURS    PARDURABLEMENT,    as    H    est 

damné  auecques  les  diables,  a  tousjours  par- 


A  TOUT  JAMÀYS ,  as  il  ma  abandonné  a  tout 

A  PERPÉTUITÉ,  as  et  sur  le  mesme  lieu  a  fondé 
vng  monastère  et  la  richement  rente  a  per- 
A  JAMAYS,  as  tant  que  eulx  et  les  leurs  en  fu- 
rent riches  a  jamays. 

For  ever  and  a  daye,  a  grant  jamays.  And  A 
TOUS  TEMPS  ET  A  JAMAIS,  as  dont  il  Sera 
mémoire  a  tous  temps  et  a  jamays. 

For  this  nyght,  poun  avr  mats,  as  allons  nous 
coucher  pour  huy  mays. 

For  this  tyme,  pour  le  présent,  as  aultre 
chose  ne  vous  escrips  pour  le  présent.  And 
quant  a  ores,  as  aultre  chose  ne  vous  es- 
crips quant  a  ores. 

For  that  tyme,  pour  ceste  heure  la. 

From  daye  lo  daye ,  from  hower  to  bower,  from 
moneth  to  moneth ,  from  yere  to  yere ,  de 
jour  en  jour,  de  heure  en  heure,  de  moys  en 
moys,  dan  en  an,  de  temps  en  temps,  etc. 

From  to  morowe  to  to  morowe ,  de  demayn  a 
DEjUAYii,  as  tenez  le  en  balance  de  demayn 
a  demayn. 

From  hensforth ,  de  ores  en  auant,  as  donnés 
vous  de  garde  de  luy  de  ores  en  auant. 
DiCY  EN  AUANT,  85  tenez  voz  filles  a  counert 
dicy  en  auant,  or  tenez  les  a  requoy  desor- 
mays . 

From  hens  forward,  dores  en  auant. 

From  hens  to  the  spryng  of  the  daye,  dicy 
jusques  au  poynt  du  jour. 

From  hence  to  noone,  from  hence  to  nyghjt, 
from  hence  to  Easter,  from  hence  to 
Christmcsse,  etc.  dicy  a  nonne,  or  jusques 
a  nonne:  dicy  a  nuyct,  or  jusques  a  nayct: 
dicy  a  Pasques,  oT  jusques  a  Pasques,  etc. 

From  tlie  sonne  rysyngto  the  sonne  gale  do«-ne, 
de  soleil  leuant  jusques  a  soleil  couchant. 

From  the  springlyde  to  the  ende  of  August, 
despuis  primtemps  jusques  a  la  fin  daatonne, 

From  that  tyme,  des  ores. 

From  that  tyme  hyther  to,  de  lors  en  ca,  and 
des  adoncq  jusques  a  mayntenant. 

From  the  tyme  of  his  byrthe,  or  that  he  was 
borne,  de  Iheure  quilfut  né. 


From  thence  forwarde ,  de  lors  en  auant. 
From  this  tyme  forward ,  deshoresmays. 

Halfc  an  hoar  ago,  demy  heure  passée. 

Hence  over  a  yere,  dicy  a  vng  an  passé.  And 

dourn  danten,  Normant. 
Howe  longe  is  it  a  go,  combien  y  a  il  despuis? 

In  shorte  tyme,  en  peu  de   temps ,  and  de  hrief 

In  the  meane  lyme,  en  dementiers. 
In  the  meane  whyle,  tandis  que,   or  pendant 

It  was  nat  longe  after,  ce  ne  fut  guayres  après. 
Yet,  encore,  encores. 
Yet  on  to  this  daye,  encores  jusques  a  aujour- 

Yet  to  this  daye,  encores  jusques  au  jourdhuy. 

Late  ago,  NAGUAYREf,,  as  naguayres  es  cronicques 

Longe,   REAUCOUP,  as  il   tarde  beaucoup.   And 

LONGUEMENT,  as  il  met  longuement  a  venir. 

And  guayres,  as  mistez  tmus  guayres  a 

lapprendre  ? 
Longe  a  go,  long  temps  y  a.  And  ja  pibca. 

And  guayres,  tisy  a  il  guayres  que  vous 

vinstez,  or  despuis  que  vous  vinstez. 
Long  tyme  after,  long  temps  après,  and  a  des 

long  temps. 
Longer  than ,  plus  longuement  que. 

More  than  to  longe,  assex  plus  que  trop 
LONGUEMENT,  as  et  ce  fut  la  cause  qui  leur 
fit  tenir  Helayne  assez  plus  qite  trop  longue- 
ment sans  marier. 

Nat  longe,  pas  longuement. 

Nat  so  longe  as ,  pas  si  longuement  que, 

Nat  in  a  great  whyle,  empiece,  as 

Empiece  nanront  dicl  la  Bible 
Se  nom  vonlont  toaêjonrt  ttncfr, 

Nat  fully  a  daye,  au'  home,  halfe  a  daye,  halfe 
an  houre,  etc.  pas  entièrement  vng  jour, 
vne  heure,  vng  demy  jour,  vne  demye 
heure,  etc. 



Nal  longe  afler,  et  puis  ne  tarda  tjuayres  après. 
And  et  ne  tarda  guayres.  And  si  ne  tarda 

Nat  longe  a  go,  na  pas  long  temps.  And  ^^4 
PAS  GRAMMENT,  as  na  pas  gramment  es 
cronicqnes  lisoye.  And  naguayues,  as  na- 
guayres  en  cheuaalchant  pencoye. 

Of  a  longe  season ,  de  long  temps.  And  de 
pieca.  But  the  tone  signyfyeth  the  tyme 
paste  and  the  other  tlie  tyme  to  corne, 
as  vous  ne  le  verrez  pas  de  longtemps.  And 
je  ne  lay  poynt  veu  de  pieca. 

Of  a  chylde,  of  a  lityll  boye,  of  a  sory  gyrlt , 
of  a  pore  scoler,  of  a  page,  dung  enfant, 
dung  petit  garçon,  dane  meschante  garce, 
dung  poure  escollier,  dung  paige,  etc.  And 
so  of  ail  other  estâtes  or  condiscyons  of 
any  parson  in  tyme  past ,  as  je  lay  congnu 
dung  petit  enfant. 

Of  a  long  tyme  past,  j'a  pieca,  or  de  pieca. 

Of  long  tyme,  de  long  temps. 

Of  olde,  DE  temps  passé  ,  as  je  vous  ay  congnu 
assez  de  temps  passé. 

Of  so  long  tyme,  de  si  longtemps. 

Of  small  durance ,  de  peu  de  durée. 

Ontyll  I  come,  ontyll  I  speke,  ontyll  I  bave 
wryltyn,  ontyll  I  hâve  maydc,  etc.  tant 
gueje  viengne,  tant  que  je  parle,  tant  que 
jaye  escript,  tant  que  jaye  fait,  and  so 
byfore  ail  other  verbes,  as  tant  que  je 
auray  paracheué,  tant  que  je  auray  di- 

Ontyll  to  morowe,  ontyll  nyght,  ontyll  Ester, 
ontyll  Cbristmesse,  etc.  jusques  a  demayn, 
jusques  a  nuyct,  jusques  a  Pasques,  jus- 
ques a  Noël,  and  so  of  ail  other  substan- 
tives  or  adverbes  of  tyme. 

Ontyll  to  daye,  jusques  a  aujourdhuy. 

Ontyll  anon ,  jusques  a  tantost. 

Ontyll  nowe,  jusques  a  mayntenant,  or  jusques 
a  ores,  or  jusques  a  or,  in  ryme  usyng 
e\eT  a  beiwene  jusques,  and  the  adverbe 
or  the  substantive ,  but  they  saye  more 
jusques  cy  than  jusques  a  icy. 

Ontyll  that,  tant  Qve,  ocjvsqves  a  ce  que. 

as  attendez  icy  tant  quil  viengne,  or  jbj- 

ques  a  ce  quil  viengne. 
Onto  suche  tyme  as,  ju.^ques  autant  que,  as 

je  ne  bougeray  pas  jusques  autant  que  jaye 

fayt,  and  jusques  a  ce  que. 
Onto  .sone,  jvsqves  a  tantost,  as  garde  le 

jusques  a  tantost. 
Onto  the  selfe  tyme,  jusques  au  temps  mesmes. 
Onto  ihe  tyme  that,  jiu^ufj  autant  que,  ov  jus- 
ques a  cç  que. 
Onto  this  daye,Jiwf^«es  a  aujourdhuy. 
Onto  this  tyme,  jusques  a  cesteure ,  jusques  cy, 

jusques  a  ores. 
Onto  this  présent  tyme,  jusques  a  présent. 
Over  long,  trop  longuement. 

Perpetually,  perpétuellement. 

Syns  the  begynnyng  of  the  world,  syns  the  in- 
carnacion  of  Christ,  syns  Barnet  felde, 
syns  kyng  Edwardes  dayes,  etc.  depuis, 
or  puis,  or  des  le  commencement  du  monde. 
Depuis,  or  puis,  or  des  lincarnation  Nostre 
Seigneur.  De  puis,  or  puis,  or  des  la  jour- 
née de  Bernet,  or  a  Barnet.  De  puis,  or  puis, 
or  des  les  temps  du  roy  Edouart. 

Syns  Caynies  tyme,  de  puis,  or  puis,  or  des  le 
temps  Cayn  :  levynge  out  de,  and  so  of 
other  proper  names,  as  depuis  or  puis  le 
temps  Julius  Cœsar. 

Syns  the  laiiyire,  des  lannée  passh. 

So  lityll  whyle  a  go ,  si  peu  de  temps  passé. 

So  long,  TAyr,  and  si  longuement. 

tant,  as  il  y  fréquenta  tant  quil  fut  a  lajin 
prias,  and  qui  eut  pencè que  cesle  pluye  eust 
tant  duré? 
SI  LONGUEMENT,  as  i7  y  fréquenta  tant  et  si 
longuement,  or  si  longuement. 

So  long  a  go ,  si  long  temps  passé. 

So  long  as,  TANT  QUE,  tandis  que. 

TANT  QUE,  as  tant  que  Troylus  seroyt  en  vie. 
TANDIS  QUE,  as  to  nyras  jamays  auant  tandis 
que  tu  maynes  ceste  vie. 

So  long  whyle,  si  long  temps  or  tant. 

So  schort  tyme,  si  peu  de  temps. 

So  schort  whyle ,  si  peu  de  temps. 

Terme  of  my  lyfe,  tant  que  je  viue,  or  durant 
ma  vie. 

This  day,  this  howre,  tbis  senyght,  this  fourl- 
nyght,  this  moneth ,  tbys  yere,  this  x  yere, 
this  XX  yere,  as  1  ete  nat  this  day,  I 
stered  nat  this  hower,  I  sawe  him  nat 
this  senigbt ,  etc .  :  je  naj  poynt  mangé  au 
jourdhuy,  je  nay  point  bougé  de  ceste  heure, 
je  ne  le  vis  pas  de  ceste  sepmaine,  and  so  of 
the  residewe,  de  ces  quinze  jours,  de  ce 
moys,  de  cesle  an,  de  ces  dix  ans,  de  ces 
vingt  ans.  But  if  the  verbe  be  affirmatyve, 
than  they  use  :  tout  ce  jour,  toute  ceste 
heure,  toute  ceste  semayne,  as  je  seray  icy 
tout  ce  jour,  or  toute  ceste  heure,  etc. 

That  lasleth  ever,  de  perpétuel,  as  de  perpé- 
tuel ny  a  riens  soubz  le  ciel. 

The  most  parte  of  the  tyme,  le  plus  de  temps, 
or  la  pluspart  du  temps. 

Tyll,  JVSQVES  A,  or  jvsqves,  as  tyll  to  daye, 
tyll  to  raorowe,  tyll  aflerward,  tyll  that, 
tyll  a  great  wbyle  :  jusques  au  jourdhuy, 
jusques  a  demayn,  jusques  après ,  jusques 
que  je  viengne,  jusques  a  grant  pièce.  For 
jusques  a  I  fynde  aho  jusques ,  in  thys  sens 
somtyme  understande.  As  lie  syghid  tyl 
fais  bert  dyd  aimost  brast  :  il  souspira 
presqucs  au  cueur  fendre.  He  playcd  so 
long  tyll  be  hade  nerehande  brokyn  the 
glasse  :  il  se  joua  si  longuement  que  presque! 
dauoyr  rompu  le  royrre ,  or  jusques  quil 
auoyt  presques  rompu  le  voyrre. 

Tyll  at  the  last,  tant  que  a  la  fm,  or  jinalle- 

Thythcr  to,  Jusi^Hcs  la. 

Tbis  great  whyle,  de  long  temps,  or  en  long 
TEMPS,  as  je  ne  le  vis  pas  de  long  temps. 

Tbis  III  monetbe»,  dbvt  en  vtrG  an,  as  Hz 
nyront  poynt  au  muguet  dhuy  en  vng  an. 

Tbus  long,  si  longuement. 

To  this  daye,  jusques  a  ores,  asjusques  a  ores 
parle  on  dHomere. 

To  long ,  par  trop  long,  or  trop  longuement. 


Unto,  deelared  afore  in  onto,  for  we   be  nat 
certayne     in    the     wrigbtyng    of   tbyse 

Untyli,  or  unto,  be  expowndyd  afore  in  ontyll 
and  onto. 


Welnye  ail  daye,  ail  nyght,  presques,  or  quasi 
toute  jour,  toute  nuyct. 

Whyle,  as  whyle  I  corne  agayne,  whyle  I 
drynke,  elc.  tant,  as  tant  que  je  reuiengne, 
tant  que  je  boyue. 

Whyle  to  morowe,  whyle  soae,  jusques  a  de- 
mayn, jusques  a  tantost. 

Whyle  the  sege  was  at  Tournaye,  whyle  thyse 
tbynges  wcre  in  doyng  ,  durant  que, 
PENDANT  QUE,  as  durant  que  le  sie  e  se 
tenoyt  deuant  Tournay;  or  pendant  ces  en- 

Wytbin  schorle  tyme  after,  peu  de  temps 
APRES,  as  peu  de  temps  après  vint  le  roy. 

With  tbe  tournyng  of  a  band ,  aaant  quon  ayt 
sceu,  or  scaura  tourner  la  mayn;  chaung- 
yng  tbe  verbe  as  is  nede. 


Agayn ,  encore,  derecbief.  re. 
ENCORE,  as  dictez  le  encore. 
DE  RECBIEF,  as  elle  fut  grosse  de  rechiefdung 

aultre  enfant. 
RE,  whyche  onely  is  usyd  in  composition 
afore  werbes,  as  veoyr,  reueoyr;  dire,  re- 
dire; doubler,  redoubler,  etc.  So  tbat  bere 
the  order  is  ever  changyd  bctwene  our 
tong  and  the  frcnshe  long  :  for  where  as 
re  commeth  ever  before  theyr  verbes  at 
tbe  begynnyng,  agayne  in  our  tong  is  a 
worde  by  bymselfe,  and  folowclh  our 
verbes ,  as  I  wyl  come  agayn  anon  :  je 
retourneray  tantost. 

Agayne  and  agayne,  encore  derechief  And  yet 
agayne  ;  et  encores  derechief.  A  dowsayn 
tymes  a  daye  :  vue  douzaine  de  foys  par 

Agayne  warde,  encore  derechief. 

An  other  tyme,  vne  aultre  foys. 

A  score  of  tymes  a  daye,  vnevingtayne  de  foys 
par  jour. 




As  many  tymes  as,  autant  dejoys  que. 

As  many  tymes  mo,  autant  de  Joys  plus. 

As  many  mo  tymes ,  encore  autant  de  foys ,  or 
aultre  tant,  or  autant  défais. 

As  often  as,  qvaktesfoys  QVE,  as  vous  serez 
le  treshien  venu  quantes  foys  quil  vous 
playra  venir.  And  toutes  foys  et  qvan- 


VOUS  serez  le   tresbien  venu  toutes  foys  et 
quantes,  or  toutes  les  foys  et  quantes  quil 
vous  playra  venir. 
As  oflen  and  as  many  tymes,  toutes  et  quantes 

As  often  and  as  often  agayne,  aussi  trestant 
sovuE.iiT  QUE,  as  venez  aussi  trestant  sou- 
tient quil  vous  playra. 

At  ail  tymes  whan,  toutes  et  quantes  foys 
QVE,  as  je  suis  prest  toutes  les  foys  et 
quantes  quil  luy  playra. 

At  startes,  par  foys. 

\ilymes,  par  foys. 

By  so  many  tymes,  par  tant  défais. 

By  so  many  sondry  tymes ,  par  tant  de  diuerses 

By  tymes ,  par  foys. 
By  startes,  paryiyi. 
But  ftir  ones,  que  pour  vnes  foys,  or  pour  vues 

foys  seuUement. 
But  ones,  but  twyse,  but  tbryse,  etc.  que  vnes 

foys ,  que  deux  foys,  que  troys  foys,  etc. 
And  so  of  ail  the  other  numeralles  of  the 
thyrde  sort. 
But  ones  that  daye,  qunefoys  a  ce  jour  la. 
But  ones  a  daye,  qunefoys  par  jour. 

Consequently,  consequemment. 

Davly,    JOURNELLEMENT.    DE    JOUK    EN     JOUR. 

tous  les  JOURS ,  as  tous  les  jours   nous 
vient  veayr. 

Eftsones ,  encore  de  rechief. 

Every  day,  tous  les  jours,  as  auquel  il  fail- 
loyt  donner  tous  les  jours  vng  enfant.  And 
chascun  jour.  And  par  chascun  jour.  And 

in  lyke  wyse  every  weke,  every  moneth  , 
every  yere ,  etc.  toutes  les  sepmaynes,  tous 
les  moys,  tous  les  ans,  or  par  chascune 
sepmayne,  par  chascun  moys,  par  chas- 
cun an. 

Every  daye  one  after  an  other,  tous  les  jours 
lung  après  lautre. 

Every  daye  that  commeth  to  man ,  tous  les  jours 
du  monde. 

Every  foote ,  tous  les  coups. 

Ever  tbe  longer  the  wors ,  tousjoars  de  pis  en  pis. 

For  ones,  for  twyse,  for  tbryse,  for  fower 
tymes,  ft>r  fyve  tymes,  for  vi  tymes,  etc. 
pour  vne  foys,  pour  deux  foys,  pour  troys 
foys,  pour  quattre  foys ,  etc. 

For  the  most  part ,  pour  le  plus  souuent. 

Full  oft,  très  souuent,  bien  souuent. 

Full  seldome  tymes,  peu  souuent. 

FuH  often,  très  souuent,  bien  soauent. 

Howe  many  lymes,  combien  de  foys. 
Hovpe  often  tymes,  quanlesfoys. 

Yet,  encore,  encores. 

encore  ,  as  et  encore  lappclle  on  aynsi. 
ENCORES,  as  si  ne  scauoit  on  encores  mouldre 
le  bled. 
Yet  more,  yet  lesse,  etc.  encore  plus,  encore 

Yet  agayne ,  encore  derechief. 
Yet  better,  yet  wors,  etc.  encore  mieuLv,  encore 

Yet  ones  agayne ,  yet  t>vyse  agayne ,  encore  vne 

foys,  encore  deux  foys. 
Yet  ones  agayne  more,  encore  vnesfoys  plus. 

Many  a  tyme  and  ofte,  par  maintes  et  soauentes- 

Many  a  tyme,  MAYNTESFOYS.  plusieurs  foys. 

As  je  vous  lay  dit  mayntes  foys  deuant. 
Many  tymes,  mayntesfoys,  souuentesfoys.  And 

bien  souuent.  Xod  plusieurs  foys. 
Many  a  sondry  tyme,  moult  souuentesfoys.  Maynt 

et  diuerses  foys. 



Not  ones,  not  Iwyse,  not  thryse,  etc.  ne  vne 
foys,  ne  deux  Joys ,  ne  troysjoys,  etc. 

Nother  oncs,  nor  twyse,  nother  thrise,  nor 
fower  tymcs  :  ne  vnefoys,  ne  deux  Joys,  ne 
troys  foys,  ne  quattre. 

Ofle,  SOUVEKT,  as  venez  nous  veoir  souuent. 

Oftesythes,  souuenlesjoys. 

Ofte  ynow  ght ,  assez  souuent.  Assez  de  Joys. 

Often  tymes,  souuent.  Bien  souuent.  Souuentes- 

Onely,  seullement  vne  foys,  or  deux  foys. 

Ones,  twyse,  thryse,  fower  tymes,  fyve  tymes, 
six  tymes,  etc.  vne  foys ,  deux  foys ,  troys 
foys,  quattre  foys ,  cinq  foys.  Andscofall 
othcr  Duraeralles  of  the  thyrd  sorte. 

Ones  a  daye ,  ones  a  weke ,  ones  a  monetfa , 
ones  a  ycre,  ones  in  two  yere,  in  m  yere, 
etc.  vne  foys  le  jour,  vne  fois  la  sepmaine, 
vnefoys  le  moys,  vnefoys  lan,  vne  foys  en 
deux  ans,  vnefoys  en  troys  ans,  etc. 

Ones  upon  a  daye,  vnefoys  le  jour.  And 
JOVB,  as  vngjour  aduint. 

Ones  agayne ,  encore  derechief. 

Ones  for  ail ,  vne  rors  povr  tovt,  as  vnefoys 
pour  tout  croyez  que  vous  demourez  escondit. 

Passyng  often ,  par  trop  souuent. 

Ryght  fewe  tymes,  bien  peu  de  foys. 
Ryght  many  tymes,  bien  souaentes foys. 
Ryglit  often,  bien  souuent. 
Ryght  seldomc ,  bien  peu  de  foys. 

Scantly  ones,  scantly  twyse,  scantly  thryse, 

etc.  o  paynes  vne  foys,  a  paynes  deux  foys, 

a  paines  troys  fois. 
Scarsly  ones,  Scarsly  twyse,  etc.  a  paynes  vne 

foys,  a  paynes  deux  foys. 
Seldome,  peu  souuent. 
Seldom  tymes ,  peu  de  foys. 
Seldom  whan ,  peu  souuent,  guayres  souuent. 
So  fewe  tymes,  si  peu  de  foys. 
So  ofte,  si  souuent, 
So  often,  li  souuent.   Tant  de  foys.    Par  tant  de 

foys.  Tant  souuent. 

So  often  tymes ,  si  souuentesfoys. 

So  many  tymes,  tant  de  foys.  Par  tant  de  foys. 

So  seldom ,  si   peu  souuent. 

The  most  parte ,  le  plus  souuent. 
To  many  tymes,  trop  de  foys. 
To  often  ,  trop  souuent. 
To  to  often  ,  par  trop  souuent. 

Very  often ,  moult  souuent. 
Very  seldome ,  peu  souuent. 


One,  two ,  thre ,  fower,  fyve,  six,  sevyn,  etc. 
vng,  deux,  troys,  quattre,  cinq,  six,  sept,  etc. 
Six  and  a  bowe,  halfe  a  douzayn  and 
abowe,  xii  and  a  bowe,  a  dousayn  and 
a  bowe,  xx  and  above,  a  score  and  a  bove , 
a  c.  and  above,  etc.  six  et  au  dessus,  vne 
demye  douzayne  et  au  dessus,  vingt  et  au 
dessus,  vne  vingtayne  et  au  dessus. 

A  fewe,  as  a  fewe  roses,  a  fewe  bokes,  etc. 
quelque  peu  de  roses,  quelque  peu  de  liures, 
etc.  And  vng  peu  de  roses,  vng  peu  de 
liures.  As  dont  on  ne  voyt  aujourdhuy  si- 
non quelque  peu  de  ruyne. 

A  fewe  other,  quelque  peu  daultres,  or  vng  peu 

A  great  meny,  «ouf  plain,  or  beaucoup. 

A  great  meny  of,  tout  playn  de,  as  Hz  auoyent 
au  chasteau  cinq  cens  assuillans  et  en  dessus. 
And  dont  chascun  debuoyt  attendre  six  as- 
suillans et  en  dessus. 

Ail  in  elTect",  tout,  tovte,  tous,  or  toutes, 
EN  SOMME,  as  Hz  sont  tous  en  somme  deliurez. 

Ali  most  ail,  fresques  tout,  toute,  .tous, 
toutes,  as  Hz  sont  presques  tous  tuez.  And 
il  a  perdu  presques  tous  ses  enfans.  And  que 
presques  toutes  sont  tes  parentes. 

AH  that  e»er,  tout  tant  que,  or  tout  qvah- 
que  (Frossart) ,  as  tous  tant  que  se  tenoyent 
sur  le  pont  sont  noyez. 

AH  the  remenant,  tout  le  demourant. 

Ail  the  resideue,  tout  le  deihovkaht,  as 
tout  le  demourant  a  mort. 




As  many  as,  avtant  QVE,  as  si  brasla  de  ces 
Uures  autant  quil  en  peast  trouuer. 

By  yonde,  oultre,  as  il  aaoyt  en  son  armée 
oultre  cent  mille  combattans. 

By  sydes,  sans,  as  il  auojt  enson  armée  cent  mille 
hommes  sans  les  Veniciens. 

Bothe  two,  Tovs  DEUX,  as  Hz  sont  tous  deux 
condempnez  a  mort. 

Buta  fewe,  gvayres,  as  ilnya  guaires  des 
gens  qui.  And  il  ny  a  gaayres  de  cheuaubc 
qui  feraient  ce  tour  la. 

But  one,  two,  thre,  fower,  fyve,  etc.  que  vng, 
deux,  troys ,  quattre ,  cinq,  tant  seullement , 
or  sinon  vng,  deux,  qualtre,  cijiq  or  fors 
vng,  etc. 

But  of  one,  two  :  but  agaynsl  one,  two  :  but 
witbone,  two,  etc.  que  dung,  or  sinon 
dung  :  que  de  deux,  or  sinon  de  deux,  or 
sinon  que  de  deux  :  que  contre  vng,  or  sinon 
contre  vng,  or  iinon  que  contre  vng  :  orfors 
que  dung,  fors  que  de  deux,  etc. 

But  to  many,  que  trop.  Sinon  trop.  Fors  que  trop. 

Every  body,  tout  le  monde. 

Every  body  without  exccplyon,  tout  le  monde, 

or  vng  chascun  sans  nul  excepter 
Every  uian,  tout  chascun. 

Fewe,  PEi;  de,  as  for  fewe  men ,  -fewe  women  : 

peu  dhommes,  peu  de  femmes.  Fewe  folkcs: 
peu  de  gens.  And  guayres  de,  as  guayres 
de  gens,  etc. 
Fewe  ynowghe ,  jDCU  assez  de,  or  assez  peu  de, 
as  vous  auez  peu  de  gens  assez  pour  cesie 
entreprinse,  or  vous  auez  assez  peu  de  gent 
pour  ceste  entreprinse. 

Howe  fewe ,  combien  peu. 
Howe  many,  combien. 

Howe  many  mo,  combien  plus,  or  combien  da- 

Ynowe ,  assez. 

Ynowe  and  ynowe ,  assez  a  soujfisance. 

Ynowe  and  more  than  ynowe.assez  elplusquassez. 

Largely  ynowgbe,  largement  assez. 

Many,  beaucoup  de.  plusieurs,  maiht. 
BEAUCOUP  DE,  as  VOUS  auez  beaucoup  daultres 

plusieurs,  as   vous   auez   plusieurs  aultres 

lUAYNT,  as  vous  auez   mayntes  aultres  exem- 

Many  a  man,  maynt  homme  est,  maint  homme 
fut,  maint  homme  sera,  as  the  sentens  re- 
quireth.  As  many  a  man  shall  abye  tbys 
bargayoe  :  maynt  homme  est  a  qui  ce  mar- 
ché cuyra,  or  maynt  homme  sen  repentira.  . 

Many  a  man  wonder  on  tbe,  maint  homme  te 
puisse  veoyr  a  reprouche. 

Many  a  one,  MAY.yr  homme,  as  maint  homme 
est  passé  par  icy  aujourdhuy. 

Many  man ,  maynt  homme,  or  maints. 

Many  mo,  maynles  aultres. 

Many  mo  than ,  maynt  aultre  que. 

Never  a  one,  pas  vng. 
Neverso  vaany ,  jamays  tant. 
Never  mo,  jamays  plus. 
Nat  one,  pas  vng. 
Nat  so  many ,  pas  tant. 
Nat  ma  than ,  pas  plus  que. 

One  for  one,  vng  pour  vng. 

Seldome  wban ,  guayres  souuent. 

So  many  as ,  tant  comme. 

So  many  that ,  tant  que. 

Somany,  tarif  de. 

So  many  and  mQ,  tant  et  plus. 

The  fewer  parte ,  la  moyndre  phrtie. 
The  greater  parte,  la  plus  grant  partie. 
The  lesser  parle,  la  moyndre  partie. 
The  more  parte,  la  plus  part. 
The  most  part,  la  greignieure  part. 

Very  fewe ,  bien  peu. 

Very  many,   force,  or  beaucoup  de,  as  il  y 
aforce  gens,  or  beaucoup  de. 




By  tbis  questyon  we  desyre  to  be  certifyed  otber 
howe  farre  forthc  any  worke  or  busyncsse 
is  ihat  is  in  bande ,  or  howe  farre  forlb 
a  person  is  on  his  journey.  We  may  ther- 
fore  makes  answeres  as  folowclh  ;  but 
hère  is  to  be  noted  that  where  we  reken 
by  myles,  as  a  myle,  two  myle,  tbre 
myle,  etc.,  they  reken  by  lieues,  as  tiiç 
lieue,  deux  lieues,  troys  lieues,  etc.,  of 
wbicbe  every  lieue  contaynetb  two  englys- 
she  myles. 

Agood  waye  hence,  loyng  dicy. 

A  good  waye  onwarde,  bien  auant. 

A  good  way  on  my  waye,  thy  way,  etc.  bien 
AVANT  EN  CHEMYN,  as  il  est  bien  auant  en 
son  chemyn  :  be  is  a  good  waye  on  bis 

Àlmoste  at  a  poynte,  qnasy  a  vng  point. 

Almoste  doone,  quasi,  or  presques  fait. 

Almoste  clerc  done,  quasi  tout  fait. 

Almoste  balle  done,  quasi  ademyfait. 

Almoste  balfe  waye,  quasi  en  tir  cbsmyn,  as 
il  est  desja  quasi  en  my  clicmyn  de  Paris. 

As  good  as  doone,  quasi,  or  presques  fayt. 

As  good  as  at  an  cnde ,  comme  a  la  fin,  or  comme 
presques  a  la  fin, 

At  a  syde ,  mys  a  part. 

At  my  journaycs  ende  thy,  jouruayes  ende ,  etc. 
ou  bout  de  ma  journée ,  de  ta  journée,  etc. 

At  my  wayes  ende,  ou  bout  de  mon  chemyn. 

At  ibe  begynnyng,  au  commencement. 

At  tbe  ende ,  o  la  fin. 

At  the  myddes,  au  milieu. 

By  yonde  tbe  one  balfe ,  passé  la  moyiié. 

By  yonde  tbe  niydde  waye ,  oultre  le  my  che- 

But  evyn  nowe  gone,  que  mayntenant  party,  or 
il  ne  fait  que  parlyr  tout  mayntenant. 

But  a  lytel  way  onwarde,  qae  bien  peu  auant. 

But  a  lytell  waye  bence ,  que  bien  peu  dicy. 

But  nowe  begoUj  on  ne  fait  que  commencer  tout 

But  a  pretye  starte  bence ,  qung  pea  dicy. 

But  a  very  lytell  way  bence,  qang  bien  pea  dicy. 
But  newely  parted,  que  tout  mayntenant  party, 
or  il  ne  fait  que  parlyr  tout  asteure. 

Evyn  at  the  very  begynnynge,  tout  au  commen- 

Evyn  at  the  very  begynnyng,  tout  au  fin  com- 

Farfortbe,  bien  auant. 

Farre  byfore ,  loyng  deuant. 

Farre  from  begynnyng,  loyng  du  commencement. 

Farre  behynde ,  loyng  derrière. 

Far  from    makyng  ofan  ende,  bienhynq  de 

mettre  fin  a  la  besoinne. 
Farre  onwarde ,  bien  auant. 

Greatly  bebynde ,  grandement  en  arrière. 
Greatly  bykre,  grandement  auancé. 

Halfe  done,  o  demy  fait. 
Halfewaye,  au  milieu  du  chemyn,  or  a  my  che- 

Lytell  more  tban  balfe  doone,  vng  peu  plus  qae 

demy  fait, 
Lytell  more  than  halfe  way,  gaayrei  plus  que 
a  my  chemyn. 

More  than  balfe  doone,  plus  qua  demy  fait. 
More  than  past  halfe ,  plus  que  passé  la  moytié. 
More  tban  a  myle  hence,  plus  dune  mile  dicy. 
More  tban  a  myle  bebynde,  plus  dune  mile  der- 
More  tban  a  myle  byfore,  plus  dune  mile  deuant. 

Nerehande  doone ,  presques  paracheué. 
Nerehande  at  my  journayes  ende,  presques  au 

bout  de  ma  journée, 
Never  the  nere,  de  riens  auancé. 
Never  the  nerer,  de  riens  auancé. 
Never  nere  done,  pasfaict  de  beaucoup  près. 
Not  at  a  poynt  yet,  pas  encore  paracheué, 
Not  yet  done,  pas  encore  fait. 
Not  farre  from   the  begynnyng,  pas  loyng  da 




Not  past  the  halfe,  pas  passé  la  moylié. 
No  whyt  nere  done,  pas  paracheué  de  beaucoup 

Onwarde  on  my  waye  ,  thy  waye,  his  way,  etc. 
Eff  CBEMYX,  as  demayn  comme  asteare  je 
seray  en  chemjm,  and  il  est  desja  en  chemyn. 

Over  a  myle  waye,  oultre  vue  mile,  or  plus 
loyng  dune  mile. 

Pasle  the  worsle ,  passé  le  dangier. 
Paste  the  tnyddes,  passé  le  milieu, 

Scante  begon ,  o  paynes  commencé. 

Scante  selte  forthe  yet ,  a  paynes  se  sont  mys  en 

chemyn  encore,    A   paynes  me  suis  mys  en 

chemyn  encore,  etc. 

There  wanteth  yet  moche,  il  senfault  encores 

Thus  faire  forthe,  aussi  auant. 

WeU  forwarde,  bien  auant. 

Within  a  iytell  of  the  eode,  the  noyddes,  etc. 
a  bien  peu  près  de  lajin,  du  milieu. 

Within  a  lyteil  of  the  mydwaye ,  a  peu  près  du 
milieu  du  chemyn,  or  il  ne  cen  Jault  guayres 
du  milieu  du  chemyn. 

As  for  any  other  answers,  the  icrncr  maye 
make  them  hym  selfe,  partye  by  the  exem- 
ples of  thèse  hère  reherced,  and  partye 
seLynge  out  the  wordes  partyculerly  by 
them  selfe,  as  more  than  twenty  myles 
OD  his  journaye  :  plus  de  vingt  myles  en  sa 


A  farre  of,  de  lomng,  as  on  ot  de  loing  les  clic- 
quetlis  de  voz  harnoys. 

At  hande,  A  mayn,  as  qui  sceut  mieuLx  com- 
battre de  loyng  que  a  mayn. 

Farre  from  hence,  fcy^3  dicy. 
Faire  from  thence,  loyng  dillecques ,  ot  delà. 
Farther  of,  de  plus  loyng,  de  plus  loyng  delà. 
From  a  farre  hence ,  de  bien  loyng. 

From  a  hove,  DEynAVLT,  as  entre  lous  qui  estes 
enhault  descendes  emhas. 

From  byneth,  dembas,  as  vous  qui  estes  cmhas 
venez  ca  enhault. 

From  els  where,  dallievrs,  as  neantmoyns 
jay  ouy  murmurer  en  secret  quil  na  pas  prias 
sa  naissance  céans,  ayns  vous  a  esté  porté 

From  London ,  from  Yorke ,  from  by  yonde 
see,  de  Londres,  de  Yorke ,  de  delà  la  mer. 

From  farther  of,  de  plus  loyng,  as  et  se  myt 
sur  vng  hault  tertre  pour  choisir  de  plus 
loyng  les  venans. 

From  dyverse  places,  de  diuerses  places. 

From  many  places,  i)£  plvsievjis,  or  de  beau- 
coup DE  places,  as  je  sais  allé  ca  et  la, 
hault  et  bas,  de  plusieurs  places  en  beaucoup 
de  lieux. 

From  nowhere  els,  but  ne  byfore  the  verbe  of 
movyng,  dallievrs  que,  as  je  te  dis  que 
cela  ne  descend  dallieurs  que  de  Jupiter. 

From  slepe,  from  bathynge,  from  wasshyoge, 
from  writynge,  etc.  de  dormyr,  de  bai- 
gner, de  lauer,  descripre,  etc. 

From  souper,  de  souper,  as  je  viens  de  souper 
de  la  mayson  de  mon  aicul  (ceste  a  dire  père 
de  la  mère). 

From  thence,  D/ii£c,  dillecques.  delà. 
DILLEC,  as  et  au  commandement  de  Dieu  se 
vuyda  dillec.  And    le  beau  Paris  se  vuyda 
DILLECQUES,  as  dUlecques  me  partys  atant. 
DELA,  as  et  de  la  se  print  a  voyaiger.  And  et  se 
misrent  en  chemyn  vers  Troye,  qui  nestoyt 
que  a  quattre  ou  cinq  petites  lieues  de  la. 

From  ibc  halfe  waye,  depuis  le  milieu  du  che- 
myn, and  DEMY  cuEMYii ,  as  dcmy  chemyn 
souuent  retourne. 

From  without  forthe,  de  dehors. 

From  within  forthe,  de  dedens,  as  je  viens  de 
dedens  ma  mayson. 

From  wbence,  dou,  as  dou  est  venu  la  guyse? 
and  mon  fils,  de  quelle  part  viens  tu? 

Outof  towne,  de  dehors,  as  il  vient  de  de- 
hors; il  ne  fait  quarriuer  tout  asteare. 



Oui  of  the  depest  of,  lions  du  paufokt  de,  as 
hors  du  parfont  de  leurs  sources. 


But  a  whyie  a  go,  guayres  de  temps  passé. 

But  laie  a  go ,  naç/uajrcs ,  or  despuis  peu  de  temps 
en  ca. 

But  sythe  Ester,  but  sythe  Christmesse,  etc. 
que  despuis  Pasques,  que  despuis  Noël,  etc. 
And  so  of  ali  the  other  feestes  and  sea- 
sons  of  the  yere. 

But  two  dayes  a  go,  but  sythe  two  dayespaste, 
but  thre  dayes  ago,  or  but  sythe  thrc 
dayes  past  :  que  deux  jours  passez,  or  que 
puis  deux  jours  passez  ;  que  troys  jours  pas- 
sez ,  or  que  puis  troys  jours  passés. 

From  chyldehodde,  des  EypAivCE,  as  je  lay 
congnu  des  son  enfance.  Il  ma  nourry  des 
mon  enfance. 

From  Christmesse ,  from  Easter,  from  wynter, 
from  sommer,  etc.  despuis  Noël,  despuis 
Pasques,  despuis  yucr,  despuis  esté,  etc. 

From  Christmesse  iaste  paste,  from  Easter  laste 
paste,  from  wynter  laste  paste,  from  som- 
mer laste  paste,  etc.  despuis  Noël  dernier 
passé,  despuis  Pasques  dernier  passé,  despuis 
yuer  dernier  passé ,  etc. 

From  Christmesse  hytherto,  from  Ester  hy- 
therto,  from  wynter  hytherto,  or  from 
Cbrisluiessc  hytherwarde ,  etc.  despuis 
Noël  en  ca,  despuis  Pasques  en  ca,  despuis 
yuer  en  ca,  etc. 

From  day  to  daye,  de  jour  en  jour. 

From  hense  (oTlhe , DOnESEXAVAi\T,  as  mays  de 
luy  nen  sera  plus  doresenauantfaicte  aulcune 
mencion  And 
DESOKIUAYS,  as  11011$  parlerons  desoTmays  des 

Francoys  orientaalx.  And 
DES  on,  as 

Des  or  mon  dueil  ii  tnjona, 

but  ihis  is  nat  used  but  in  ryme. 
From  hence   forwarde,  dcsormays  and  dores- 

From   youthe  to  olde  .Tge,   de  jelsesse  en 


as  je  lay  seruy  de  ma  jeunesse  jusqaes  en 
vieillesse,  or  jusqucs  a  ma  vieillesse. 

From  yonge  âge ,  des  jeunesse,  or  des  ma  jeu- 
nesse, ta  jeunesse,  etc. 

From  our  Ladyes  daye,  from  saynte  Thomas 
daye ,  des  la  Nostre  Dame,  des  la  sainci 

From  mans  state,  des  aige  pareaict,  as  je 
lay  seruy  des  mon  âge  parfaict,  or  des  la 
jleur  de  mon  âge. 

From  mydell  âge,  des  la  moytié  de  mon  âge. 

From  that  lyme,  despuis  ce  temps  la.  des- 
LOnS.  DES  adonc. 
DESLORs,  as  et  deslors  firent  Hz  vne  grosse 
aliance  ensemble.  And  deslors  le  print  en 
telle  amour  quelle  délibéra  de  le  marier. 
DES  ADoyc,  as  et  estoyent  des  adonc  destruytz 

From  that  tyme  forthe,  des  lors  en  auanL 

From  that  tyme  forwarde,  desormays.   des 


DESOn.\iAYS,aspuis  se  délibéra  daller  en  Ytalie, 
et  illec  se  reposer  desormays  auprès  de  son 
DESLORS  EX  AUANT,  as  tellement  que  deslors 
en  auant  il  le  tenoyt  pour  son  chier  amy. 

From  that  tyme  hytherto,  despuis  ce  temps  la 
en  ca,  or  despuis  ce  temps  lajasques  a  ores. 

From  the  begynnyng  of  the  worlde,  de^e  com- 
mencement du  monde. 

From  the  begynnyng  of  the  worlde  to  this 
daye,  des  le  commencement  du  monde  jus- 
ques  a  aujourdkuy. 

From  the  coronacyon,  t/ei  la  coronation. 

From  the  daye  of  my  byrthe ,  des  le  temps  de 
ma  natiuité,  ta  natiuité,  sa  natiuilé,  etc. 

From  the  tyme  of  bis  chyldehodde,  or  youthe, 
etc.  des  le  temps  de  son  enfance,  or  jeu- 
nesse, etc. 

From  the  tyme  that,  despuis  le  temps  que. 


DES  QUE,  as  la  OU  ma  dame  nostre  mère  men- 
voya  des  que  je  fus  né.  And  et  dit  quU  le 
congnul  des  quilfut  petit,  and  deslors  que, 
and  de  puis  que. 



From  thence  forthe ,  delors,  and  deslors  en  auant. 

From  thence  forwarde,  deslors  en  avant, 
and  DE  LA  EX  AVANT,  as  cest  ascauo^r  que 
le  premier  enfant  qui  de  la  en  auant  naistcrojt. 

From  this  tyme  forwarde ,  dicy  en  auant. 

From  tbis  présent  tyme,  de  présent,  and  de 
CESTE  HEURE,  as  si  ne  mejaictez  droit,  jen 
appelle  de  ceste  heure  Jormellcment. 

From  this  daye  forthe,  or  this  daye  forwarde, 
de  ce  jour  en  auant,  and  des  aujourdhuy. 

From  thy  maryage ,  from  thy  first  messe  syng- 
ynge,  from  thy  goynge  over  in  to  Fraunce, 
etc.  despuis,  or  des  ton  manage;  despuis, 
or  des  ta  première  messe:  despuis,  or  des  ta 
journée  en  France. 

From  this  tyme  forwarde,  des  le  présent.  Des 

From  a  yere,  two  yere,  thre  yerc ,  four  yere 
hyther  to,  etc.  despuis,  or  puis  vng  an, 
deux  ans,  troys  ans,  quatre  ans  en  ca,  etc. 

Of  a  late,  or  of  late,  nagaayres.  Despuis  peu  de 

temps  en  ca. 
Of  late  a  go ,  despnis  vng  peu  de  temps  passé. 
Of  late  yeres,  de  peu  dans,  and  de  peu  dannées. 
Of  late  whyle,  depuis  naguayres. 
Of  late  tyme,  despuis  peu  de  temps  en  ca,  or  de 

pea  de  temps. 
Of  longe  a  go,  de  long  temps,  de  pieca,  as 

^^7  auoyt  de  pieca  mys  a  poynl. 
Of  longe  tyme ,  de  long  temps  passé,  de  pieca. 
Of  many  yeres,  de  beaucoup  dans,  de  mayntes 

Of  nowe  a  dayes,  dv  temps  présent,  or  de 

mayntenant,  as  cest  la  façon  de  maynte- 
Of  olde  tyme,  du  temps  jadis,  or  de  jadis.  De 

tous  temps. 
Of  tyme  past,  ccr  temps  passé,  de  jadis, 

as  elle  vit  son  seignieur  et  mary  de  jadis. 
Of  shorte  tyme,  de  brief  temps. 
Of  those  dayes,  dadoncqvbs,  as  il  esloyt  ac- 

coustrè  a  la  mode  des  princes  dadoncques. 

Syns,  despcis,  as  mays  plus  tost  des  réedif  ca- 
tions qui  depuis  ont  estéfaictes. 

Sythe  ycsterdaye,  despuis  hier,  or  de  hier. 

Sythe  ycsterdaye  in  the  mornyng,  puis  hier  au 
matyn ,  or  de  hier  au  matyn. 

Sythe  Ester,  Christmesse,  Candelmesse,  etc. 
puis  Pasqaes,  or  despuis  Pasques,  Noël,  la 
Chdndelleur,  and  so  of  tlie  other  feesles 
and  tymes. 

Sythe  than,  despuis  adoncques ,  or  adonc. 

Sythe  than  that ,  despuis  adoncques  que. 

Sythe  that  tyme,  depuis  ce  temps  la. 

Sythe  the  lastc  yere,  sythe  the  laste  tyme, 
sythe  the  other  yere,  sythe  the  other 
tyme,  des  lan  passé,  or  des  la  dernière 
année,   puis    laultre    année,    puis    lanllre 

Sythe  the  tyme  of,  depvis  le  temps  de,  oc 

DES  LE  TE.VPS  DE,  as  despuis  le  temps,  or 

des  le  temps  des  Danoys. 
Sythe  those  daics,  despuis  ces  jours  la,  du  temps 

Sythe  whan ,  despuis  quant. 


A  good  cause  whyc,  ily  a  bien  pour  quoy.  And 

et  a  bon  druyt. 
AH  for  the  best,  tout  pour  le  meillieur. 
Apon  a  good  consyderacyon,  sur  vng  bon  motif, 

or  consideracion. 
Apon  a  good  grounde,  sur  vne  bonne  fonda- 

A  purpose ,  a  escient,  or  tout  a  escient. 

Bycause  that,  povr  tant  que.  pour  ce  que. 


POURTANT  QUE ,  as  je  lay  tellement  uccoustré 
pour  tant  quil  me  voulut  battre,  or  pour  ce 
quil  me  voulut  battre,  or  a  cause  quil  me 
voulut  battre. 
By  cause  of,  a  cause  de,  as  je  lay  bâta  a  cause 
de  sa  mauluayse  langue. 

For ,  as  for  he  bath  well  deserved  it  :  for  I 
coulde  do  no  lesse  :  and  suche  lykc  ;  car  il 
la  bien  desseruy  :  car  je  ne  pouuoye  moyns 
faire,  etc.  So  that,  by  cause  for  is  a  con- 


junction  causale ,  he  musle  nedes  havc  a 
hole  sentence  folowyng  hyni  to  déclare 
the  cause  of  the  sentence  that  vvente 

For  a  ly  tell  occasyon ,  a  petite  achoyson,  or  o  peu 

For  a  small  cause,  pour  peu  de  chose.  De  legier. 

For  a  tliynge  of  nauglit,  pour  vng  beau  néant. 
And  pour  vne  chose  de  riens. 

For  a  tryfell ,  ponr  me  chose  de  petite  value. 

For  avauntage,  pour  anantaiije,  or  pour  faire 
mon,  ton,  son  prouffit,  etc. 

For  a  very  iyglit  cause,  pour  «ne  achoison  bien 

For  by  cause  that,  povn  ce  que.  And  a  cavse 
QVE,  and  POUtt  LAMOVR  QUE,  as  o  cause 
tjttil  estoyt  malade,  pour  ce  quil  estoyt  ma- 
lade, pour  lamour  quil  estoyt  malade. 

For  Goddes  sake,  povn  lamovr  de  Diev,  or 
POUR  Diev,  as  pour  Dieu,  dame,  hola,  lais- 
sez le.  And  je  le  demande  pour  Dieu.  And 
pour  Dieu,  attens  vng  peu. 

For  hatred,  for  malyce,  for  rancour,  for  love, 
for  frowardnesse ,  for  yre,  for  wratlie ,  etc. 
pour  hayne,  pour  malice,  pour  rancune, 
pour  amour,  pour  peruersité ,  pour  yre,  pour 
courroux,  etc.  Howbeit  I  fynde  scm- 
tyme  de  uscd  for  pour,  as  de  hayne,  de 
malice,  etc. 

For  inany  causes  and  consyderacions,  pour 
plusieurs  causes  et  raisons. 

For  many  sondry  causes,  pour  plusieurs  et  di- 
uerses  causes  et  raisons. 

For  my  myndes  sake ,  pour  satisfaire  a  ma  phan- 

For  moche ,  pour  beaucoup. 

For  moonc  shyne  in  the  water,  pour  vne  chose 
de  riens,  or  pour  vng  beau  néant. 

For  nauglit,  en  vayn,  pour  riens,  pour  rng  riens, 
pour  néant. 

For  nolhyng,  pour  néant,  pour  riens. 

For  no  good,  pour  nulle  riens  ,  as  il  est  trop 
homme  de  bien,  il  ne  le  feroyt  pas  pour 
nulle  riens.  And  for  no  good,  pour  nul 
BIEN.  Vous  nestez  venu  pour  nul  bien,  cela 
scayje  bien. 



For  sonie  consyderacion,  pour  quelque  conside- 

For  so  moche  as,  entant  que.  And  pour  au- 
tant que,  as  mays  pour  autant  que  vous 
estez  beau  filz  vous  serez  auprès  de  nous. 

For  slarke  nede ,  for  starke  povertie,  foi- 
starkc  madnesse,  etc.  pour  viue  nécessité, 
pour  viue,  or  vraye  poureté,  pour  viue  raige, 
tripetter,  etc. 

For  that,  pour  ce.  And  pour  ce  que. 

For  ail  that,  pour  tout  cela. 

For  that  cause,  pour  cela,  pour  tant. 

For  that  consyderacion ,  pour  ceste  cause  la. 

For  that  entent,  for  that  purpose,  etc.  pour 
ceste  intencion  la,  pour  ce  propos  la,  etc. 

For  the  bcst,  pour  le  mcillieur. 

For  the  nones,  a  propos.  A  escient. 

For  thy,  pour  ca.  Pour  tant. 

For  ihis  cause,  o  ceste  cause. 

For  why,  la  rayson.  car  pour  quoy. 

LA  RAYSON,  as  il  ncst  plus  en  la  grâce  des  da- 
mes, la  raison  car  il  ne  vault  plus  riens  en 
basses  oeuures. 

Si  ut  il  force  de  le  faire  , 
Car  pour  qaoy  il  ett  neceeiairt. 

In  vayne ,  en  vayn. 

In  so  moche  as ,  en  tant 


Lest,  DE  pAOun,  as  il  le  fit  de  paour  que  nul  m- 
conuenient  nen  aduint. 

So  that,  affin  que. 

The  cause  why,  la  rayson  pour  quoy. 

The  cause  was  by  cause  that,  la  cause  pour  quoy 

cestoyt  a  cause  que. 
Therfore,  pour  tant,  pour  ce. 

pourtant,  as  Hz  ont  grant  paour  destre  as- 
saillis, pourtant  se  sont  Hz  fait  cueillir. 
pour  CE,  as  et  pour  ce,  enfans,  retenez  a  bien 
Therof,  de  cela. 

To  hcre,  to  se,  lo  make,    to   governe,    etc. 
affyn  de,  as  affyn  douyr,  affyn  de  teoyr, 



affn  défaire,  affin  de  goutterner,  etc.  So 
that  lyke  as  thcy  put  pour  byfore  their  in- 
fynityve  modes ,  wban  they  make  answere 
to  this  queslyoD  o  wherfore  » ,  as  je  suis 
venu  pour  parler  auecques,  so,  whan  thcy 
answere  to  this  question  o  whye  » ,  they 
put  a^n  de  byfore  their  infynytyves. 

To  tbe  entent,  a£in  que ,  or  a  celle  jin. 

To  that  purpose,  a  celle  jin. 

To  tbe  ende,  affyn  qvs,  a  celle  Fin  qvb, 
as  a  celle  jin  quon  se  recoeuure  de  la  perte 
(juon  nous  a  fait, 

To  the  intent,  a  celle  fin  que,  as  que  je  le 
voye  a  celle  jin  que  je  y  pouruoye. 
AYNSi  (iVE,  as  vous  ne  mettez  pas   les  mayns 
en  oemire  aynsi  que  je  soye  secourue. 

VVhat  to  do,  a  quoyfayre. 

Wherfore,  POVR  Qvov,  as  pour  quoy  lay  estoyt 
force  de  se  descharger. 

Why  nat,  pour  quoy  non. 

Whye  take  you  it  nat,  whyc  conie  you  nat,  etc. 
pour  quoy  ne  tenez  vous  pas  ?  and  QUE ,  as 
que  ne  venez  vous  pas  ?  pour  quoy  ne  le  pren- 
nez  vous  pas  ?  and  que  ne  le  prennez  vous  pas? 

Whye,  POUR  quoy,  as  et  cesl  la  raison  pour  quoy. 


Allgates  it  is  so,  toutesfoys  il  est  aynsi, 

Ry  my  sowle,  by  God,  par  mon  ame,  par  Dieu. 

But  as  we  use  by  cockes  body,  by  cockes 

llesshe ,  they  saye  :  par  le  corps  bieu ,  par 

la  chair  bieu,  par  la  mort  bieu. 
Christ  helpe,  as  we  say  lo  one,  whan  he  ne- 

seth ,  Dieu  vous  soyt  en  ayde. 
Cerlayniy  it  is  so,  certes  il  est  aynsi. 
For  a  treuth  itisso,  de  vray  il  est  AYysi,  !\s 

Saichcz  de  vray  ouantje  loaii 
Grandement  je  me  rtsjouis. 

For  a  very  truthe,  pour  tout  fin  vray. 

For  sothe ,  certes.  Pour  certayn. 

Ye,  OVY,  as  je  toy  que  ouy.  And  VOYre  ,  as  il 

surmonte  le  roy  Arthus,  voyre  Alexandre. 
Good  ynougbe ,  bien  assez  . 

Ye  suerly,  ïo^e  certes. 

Ye  trewiy,  voyre  vrayemeni.  But  as  for  voyr  vray- 

mecques  is  but  a  countrefayte  terme  for 

nycenesse,  lyke  as  ouy  en  da,  and  non  en 

da,  lyke  as  ouy  dea  is  used  of  the  Nor- 

It  dothe  so,  ce  fait  mon  que  chascun  se  taise. 
It  is  so,  cest  mon  sans  comparaison. 
It  is  surcly  so,  sans  poynl  defaulte,  or  sansfaalte 

nulle,  pour  tout  certayn   il  est  aynsi,  or 

pour  tout  vray  il  est  aynsi. 
Yes  that  do  you,  yes  that  bave  you  :  yes  that 

dyd  you,  yes  that  had  you,  etc.  si  faiclez 

si,  si  auez  si;  sifstez  si,  si  auiez  si,  or  si 

faictez,  or  si  auez,  etc. 
In  faylhe ,  parfoy. 
In  good  faythe ,  en  bonne Joy. 
It  is  so  surely,  i7  est  aynsi  certainement. 
Juste,  tout  juste  par  mon  ame. 
Suerly,  certes. 
Sykerly,  vrayemenl. 
So  God  helpe  me,  si  mayt  Dieu. 
That  sball  you ,  si  ferez  si. 
That  shal  nat  skyll,  de  cela  ne  peult  riens  cha- 

Their  of  no  force ,  de  cela  ne  vous  chaille. 


Naye ,  non. 

Nay  truely,  non  certes ,  non  vrayemenl. 

Alas  naye ,  helas  nenny. 

But  why  nat,  mays  pour  quoy  non? 

Naye,  nenny. 

Nay  nay,  nenny  non. 

Nay  nay,  non  non,  ceste  responce  estfaulce. 

Savyng  your  révérence ,  sauf  vostre  grâce. 

Nor  no  more  I  do,  aussi  ne  fais  je. 

No  more  can  I ,  aussi  ne  scais  je  moy. 

No  more  be  we ,  aussi  ne  sommes  nous  pas. 


Good  morowe ,  bon  jour. 



God  gyve  you  a  good  morow,   Dieu  vous  dojnt 

God  gyve  you  a  good  morowe   and   well   lo 

fare,  Dieu  vous  doynt   bonjour  et  bonne 

Good  e\yD,  bon  vespre. 
God  gyve  you  a  good  evyn ,  Dieu  vous  doynt  bon 

Good  nyght ,  bon  soir  et  bonne  nujct. 
God  gyve  you  good  nyght  and  good  resl.  Dieu 

vous  doynt  bon  soyr  et  bon  repos. 
Ail  niyglity  God  préserve  you ,  Dieu  vous  vueille 

garder  de  mal. 
God  kepe  you ,  Dieu  vous  ayt  en  sa  garde. 
God  kepe  you  from  yll ,  Dieu  vous  garde  de  mal. 
God  blesse  you  and  ail  your  companye,  Dieu 

vous  bénie  et  toute  la  compaignie. 
God  gende  you  good  Company,  Dieu  vous  doynt 

bon  encontre. 
God  havc  you  in  bis  kcpyng.  Dieu  vous  ayt  en 

sa  garde.  And  Dieit  vous  ayt  en  sa  tuytion. 
God  be  tliankcd,  I  ain  in  good  case,  Dieu  mercy, 

je  suis  en  bon  poynt. 
God  sende  you  good  lyfe  and  longe,  Dieu  vous 

doynt  bonne  vie  et  longue. 

God  sende  you  ihe  desyres  of  your  herte ,  Dieu 
vous  doynt  les  desires  de  vostre  cueur. 

Farewell,  adieu. 

I  betake  you  lo  God,  j«  tous  recommande  a  Dieu. 

I  take  my  leave  of  you,  je  prens  congiè  de  vous. 

Farewell ,  tyll  I  se  you  agayne ,  or  conae  agayu , 
adieu ,  jusques  au  reueoyr,  or  o  reuenir. 


La  malle  bosse  le  puisse  estrangler. 
Le  feu  saint  Anthoyne  larde. 
La  malle  mort  le  puisse  abatre. 
La  fleure  quartayne  le  puisse  espouser. 
Le  grant  diable  luy  rompe  le  col  et  les  deux  jam- 
bes si  souldra. 
Le  diable  temporte,  corps  et  ame,  tripes  et  boyaux. 
Dieu  le  met  en  mal  sepmayne. 
Dieu  le  met  en  mal  an, 
La  mal  encontre  le  puisse  encontrer. 
Tous  les  diables  denfer  le  puissent  emporter. 
Allez,  villayn,  de  par  tous  les  diables. 
Aaant,  villayn  cocqyn  que  vous  estez. 
Va,  villayn ,  va. 




MANERS    OF    EXHORTTNGE    TO    DO    A    DEDE , 



Corne  away,  tieru  auant. 

Corne  awaye  at  oneg,  viens  auant  viste. 
Corne  of,  my  frende,  or  ca,  mon  amy. 
Corne  of  than,  sus  doncques,  or  mets  sas  donc- 

ques.  Tost,  sbortW.  Viste,  anone.  A  coup, 

at  ones,  etc. 

Here  ende  the  dyverse  phrasys  and  maners  of  speakyng 

used  bothe  in  our  longe  and  the  frenche 

tonge  by  reason  of 

the  adverbes. 




Howe  hâve  we  by  Goddes  favoure  brought  our  vvorke  hytber  to 
in  whiche,  though  any  fewe  wordes  amongest  so  many  thousandes 
shaH*forlune  in  their  dewe  places  to  be  vvantyng,  with  moste  humy- 
lyte  I  beseche  ail  maner  persones  which  shall  take  pleasure  or  delyte 
in  ihese  my  pooi-e  labours  to  consyder  the  ample  largenesse  of  the 
mater  whiche  I  hère  entreate ,  and  the  great  diffyculte  of  myne  en- 
trepryse  :  whiche,  if  I  hâve  for  the  chefs ^effecte  brought  to  passe, 
that  is  to  say,  redused  the  frenche  tonge  under  a  rule  and  grammer 
certayne ,  the  wantynge  somtyme  of  a  worde  is  nat  of  so  great  im- 
portance, for  it  may  soone  be  gotten,  and  ones  had,  maye  easyly 
be  set  in  bis  dewe  place,  so  the  lerner  be  ones  acquaynted  with 
thèse  tables;  but  yet  tyll  he  be  somthyng  well  acquaynted  wilh  them, 
the  thynge  maye  parchaunce  be  in  dede  in  bis  place,  whiche  he,  for 
wante  of  dewe  knowledge,  shall  suppose  to  be  wantyng.  But  in  effecte, 
if  any  suche  worde  be  wantyng  in  dede ,  if  it  shall  than  lyke  hym 
to  seke  out  an  other  of  lyke  signyfycacion,  or  nere  unto  it,  than  may 
he  be  satysfyed,  and  this  booke  unto  hym  shall  be  a*  great  deale 
bothe  the  more  profytable  and  also  pleasant. 

But  nowe  to  contynewe  in  the  table  of  conjunctyons  suche  lyke 
order  as  I  bave  used  in  the  adverbe,  I  thynke  it  first  requisyte  to 
gyve  the  lerner  some  generall  rules  howe  he  maye  knowe  a  conjunc- 
tyon  from  the  other  partes  of  spetche ,  for  els  it  shall  be  the  longer, 
or  this  table  can  stande  hym  in  any  stede. 


First,  if  the  lerner  hère,  or  fortune  to  rede  a  worde  in  our  tonge 
used  twyse  in  one  sentence,  as  what  for  love  wliat  for  feare  :  halfe  for 
love  halfe  for  feare  :  parte  for  love ,  parte  for  feare  :  nother  for  love 
nor  for  feare  :  as  well  for  love  as  for  feare ,  and  suche  lyke  :  if  he 
can  nat  fynde  them  under  no  questyon  belongyng  to  the  adverbe , 


let  hym  loko  for  ail  suche  wordes  hère  in  this  table  of  conjunc- 


Whan  he  shall  hère  or  rede  any  of  thèse  ihre  wordes ,  as  «  that  » 
or  «than»,  folowyng  after  any  one  worde  or  many,  as,  «  so  as,  so 
«  farforlhe  as,  ail  be  as,  ail  be  it  that,  ail  thoughe  that,  more  than, 
«  more  farvently  than  »,  or  suche  lyke,  if  he  can  nat  fynde  the  selfe 
wordes  under  none  of  the  tables  belongyng  to  the  adverbe ,  let  hym 
seke  for  thèse  wordes  hère  in  this  table  of  conjunctyons. 

But  hère  is  to  be  noted  that  where  as  que  betokenneth  with  us 
bothe  as,  that  and  than,  whan  he  signifyeth  that,  he  is  oft  tymes 
lefte  out  in  our  tonge ,  where  the  frcnche  tonge  never  leaveth  hym 
eut.  This  thyng  must  be  noted,  for  que,  whan  he  signyfyeth  that, 
causeth ,  for  the  moste  parte ,  the  verbe  foiowynge  to  be  of  the  sub- 
junctyve  mode.  But  this  thyng  may  be  knowen ,  if  the  lerner  wyll 
marke  whyther  the  sentence  shalbe  ail  one  in  our  tonge,  if  that  be 
put  in  or  lefte  out  ;  as  sythe  it  is  ail  one  to  saye ,  tary  tyll  I  come , 
or  tarye  tyll  that  l  come;  this  is  done  sythe  I  was  hère,  and  this  is 
doone  sythe  that  I  was  hère;  ail  be  it  I  se  it,  I  wyll  nat  se  it  :  al- 
ihoughe  I  se  it,  I  wyll  nat  se  it  :  and  ail  thoughe  that  I  se  it,  yet  I 
wyll  nat  se  it  :  ail  be  it  that  I  se  it,  yet  I  wyll  nat  se  it  :  so  I  se  it ,  I 
care  nat,  and  so  that  I  se  it,  I  care  nat;  and  this  thyng  muste  the  ler- 
ner specially  observe,  for  so  often  as  he  shall  se  that  written  in  the 
table  of  conjunctyons,  he  shall  parceyve  that  our  tonge  may  suffer 
to  use  the  worde  byfore  and  leave  out  that,  but  so  as  I  bave  sayd, 
may  nat  the  frenche  tonge  leave  out  their  que,  and  yet  nat  ever  que, 
thus  foiowynge  other  wordes  maketh  his  verbe  to  be  the  subjunctyve 
mode,  and  therfore  the  exemples  hère  gyven  in  this  table  of  conjunc- 
TiONS  be  most  chefely  to  be  noted.  And  yet  I  note  that  where  we 
joyne  that  wilh  if,  as  if  that  I  come,  if  that  you  do ,  if  that  I  se  hym, 
where  the  Frenche  men  .saye  nat  :  si  que  je  viens,  si  que  je  fays,  si  que 
je  le  voys,  but  leave  out  que  in  this  place. 


Note  aiso  that  I  fynde  somtyme  the  modes  chaunged  in  our  tonge 
and  in  the  frenche  tonge,  where  we  use  that,  by  reasone  of  différent 
phrasys  in  the  tonges,  as  where  we  saye,  after  that  he  had  reygned 
twenty  yere,  after  he  had  dyned,  or  after  that  he  had  dyned,  after 
that  he  had  savoured  the  noble  lycour,  after  that  he  had  called  in 
the  names  of  the  hye  goddes  :  in  the  frenche  tonge  1  maye  chose 
me  whether  I  wyll  saye  :  après  qail  aaoyt  régné  vingt  ans,  or  après  auoyr 
régné  vingt  ans,  and  so  of  the  resydewe,  après  qail  aaoyt  disné,  or 
après  aaoyr  disné.  And  contrarye  wyse  for  our  infynityve  mode  the 
frenche  men  use  que  with  their  subjunctyve  mode,  as  it  is  best  to 
holde  your  peace  :  the  greatest  joye  that  can  be  is  to  bave  a  quiet 
herte  :  it  is  a  mortall  payne  to  bave  an  yll  wyfe,  etc.  :  they  say  :  il 
vaalt  miealx  de  voas  tayre,  or  il  vault  mieulx  quon  se  tayse,  or  els  they 
use  que  byfore  de,  moi-e  than  we  bave  in  the  same  sentence,  as  la 
plus  grant  joye  que  pealt  estre  cest  qae  dauoyr  le  caear  appaysé  :  cest 
vne  payne  mortelle  que  dauoyr  vne  mauluaise  femme. 


Thyrdly  and  chefely,  if  the  ierner  outher  hère  or  rede  a  worde 
in  a  sentence  whiche  muste  nedes  bave  an  other  worde  and  also  a 
sentence ,  or  at  the  lest  an  other  sentence  to  folowe  the  first  sentence 
whiche  wente  byfore  or  ever  he  can  be  fuUy  satysfyed  what  is  ment 
by  the  firste  sentence,  let  hym  seke  for  ail  suche  wordes,  as  well 
them  that  come  byfore  in  the  first  sentence  as  them  that  folowe  in 
the  latter  sentence  hère  in  this  table  of  conjunctions. 


This  sentence  is  of  it  selfe  parfyte  :  you  bave  broken  covenant  with 
me.  But  if  1  put  byfore  it  any  of  thèse  wordes ,  ail  be  it  that ,  ail  though 
that,  in  so  moche  as,  onlesse  that,  and,  by  cause,  bothe  for,  nat  onely 
for,  or  any  suche  lyke ,  thèse  wordes  requyre  an  other  worde  to  answere 
them,  and  a  sentence  also  to  folowe;  as  ail  be  it  that  you  bave  broken 
covenaunt  with  me,  yet  I  forgyve  you,  or  never  the  lesse  I  forgyve 


you,  or  els  a  sentence  without  any  suche  worde,  as  if  you  hâve  bro- 
ken  covenaunt  with  me,  I  forgyve  you.  And  herin  I  hâve  ben  som- 
thynge  the  more  longer  to  helpe  suche  as  be  nat  lerned  in  the  laterî 
tonge,  that  ihey  myght  by  some  generall  meanes  deserne  a  conjunc- 
lion  from  an  other  parte  of  spetche  :  but  unto  suche  as  be  lerned  in 
fewe  wordes  to  expresse  this  mater  hère  consequently  shall  folowe 
the  table  of  conjunctyons,  nat  so  precysely  as  the  latynes  use  them, 
for  I  bave  reduced  a  great  meyny  of  them  under  the  generall  ques- 
tyons,  but  specyally  copulatyves,  and  disjunctyves ,  causales,  collec- 
tyves,  adversatyves ,  etc.  :  remyttyng  the  lerner  chefely  to  the  exemples 
to  khowe  howe  thèse  conjunctions  shulde  be  used. 

Hère   endeth   the  proheme   with  the   rules 

and  hère  after  foloweth  the  table 

of  Conjunctyons. 





Ail  be  it  thaï,  coMDiEy  que.  jasoyt  cb  que. 

And  COMME. 

cOMBiEy  QUE,  as  combien  lue  je  ne  suis  pas 
en  riens  sujfisant  pour  vous  admonnester,  at- 
tendu les  grâces  singulières  i/ue  Dieu  vous  a 
données,  toutesjoys,  etc.  And  Cham,  com- 
bien quil  ne  fut  en  la  grâce  de  son  père,  si  ne 
fut  il  pas  fraudé  de  Iheritage,  ayncoys  ob- 
tint, etc. 
JASOYT  CE  QUE,  as  josojt  Ce  (fue  la  saincte  es- 
cripture  nous  admonneste  tout  a  plajn  et  en- 
tièrement comment  il  fauldroyt  viure  pour 
venir  a  la  vie  pardarable,  neanlmoins ,  etc. 
And  seignieurs  vertueux ,  jasoit  ce  que  le 
volume  entier  des  illustracions  de  Gaulle, 
toutesfoys,  etc. 
COMME,  as  car  comme  il  sentit  sa  façon  pasto- 
ralle,  neanlmoyns  portoyt  il  ou  visaigc  vne 
manière  de  générosité  royalle. 

AU  be  it  so  that,  combien  que.  Aynsi  soyt  que, 
or  jasoyt  ce  que  aynsi  soyt  que.  Aod  to 
thèse  wordes  niaye  answere  in  the  sen- 
tence folowyng  toutesfoys ,  and  neant- 
moyns,  and  ai  bringynge  in  mays,  or 
ayncoys,  as  I  bave  shewcd  in  ail  be  it 

AU  onely,  tant  seulkmenf. 

Also,  AUSSI,  as  aube  aultres  et  a  vous  aussi. 

Althoughe,  combien  que.  Jasoyt  ce  que.  Declar- 
ed  in  «ail  be  it>.  \ndpour  tant  que,  de- 
clared  hère  nexte. 

Althoughe  that,  combien  que.  Jasoyt  ce  que. 
Declared  in  «ail  be  it  that».  tovt,  as 
tout  nen  fusse  je  mie  digne,  encores  il  vous 
eiut  esté  séant  de  me  faire  la  reuerence.  And 
POUR  TArtT  QVE,  as  pour  tant  que  je  ne  suis 
pas  des  plus  riches,  si  suis  je,  la  Dieu 
mercy,  bien  aymé  et  en  crédit  de  plusieurs 
grans  seigneurs  et  maistres. 

AU  under  one,  bysydes  the  sygnyfycacions 
declared  in  «how>  I  fynde  also  tout 
DverG  TENANT,  as  par  aynsi  tout  dung  te- 
nant furent  transportez  au  ciel. 


ET,  wherof  nedcth  no  exemple,  for  il  is  in 
maner  ever  generall  thatctcountrevayletli 
and,  and  thèse  other  bc  but  seldome  used. 
SANS,  as  I  can  do  that  and  nat  styrre  ray 
foote  scay  faire  cela  sans  remuer  mon 
pied.  Je  ne  demande  que  troys  sans  plus, 
where  sans  maye  be  englysshed  without. 
ENSEMBLE ,  as  jay  receu  voz  lettres  et  vostre 
enseigne  ensemble  voz  instructions  pour  vng 
tel  affaire,  etc.  And  et  produit  en  tesmoi- 
gnaige  ce  bercelet  ensemble  ses  accouslre- 
mens.  And  et  luy  fit  bailler  possession  en 
toutes  ses  terres  et  luy  deliura  tous  ses  meu- 
bles ensemble  sa  couronne.  So  tliat  ensemble 
signyfyelh  also  QUE,  as  bothe  men  aiid 
women  :  et  hommes  et  femmes,  and  tant 
homnus  que  femmes. 

But  hère  is  to  be  noted  that,  wbere  as 
we  use  raany  tymes  «and»  in  the  stede 
of  if,  we  maye  in  no  wyse  thcrforc  use 
et  in  the  sledc  of  si,  but  evermore  si, 
whan  we  use  «  and  » ,  in  this  sence.  Note 
also  that  dyverse  tymes  we  use  n  and  » 
whan  the  frenchnien  use  nat  et ,  as 
maye  apere  in  the  table  of  adverbes ,  as 
and  the  worste  fall  :  au  pis  aller. 

And  also.  et  aussi.  Whiche  in  mosle  generally 
in  use  for  ensemble,  for  also  is  nat  used 
but  as  maye  apere  in  the  exemples  hère 
afore  declared. 

And  by  this  meanes,  et  aynsi. 

And  eke  ihcrto,  et  ainsi  aussi. 

And  as  for,  et  quant  est  de.  And  et  quant  (^.  And 
et  au  regard  de.  Declared  in  «as  for». 

And  as  touchynge,  et  quant  a,  et  quant  de,  de- 
clared in  «as  loucliyng».  And  et  quant  est 

And  farthermore,  et  dauantaige.  Et  oultre  ce. 
Et  oultre  plus.  Et  en  oultre.  Et  dabondant. 
Declared  in  «  farthermore  ». 

And  for  by  cause  that ,  et  pour  ce  que.  Declared 
in  iforby  cause». 



And  hère  wilball ,  et  a  taxt,  as  et  a  tant  suffise 

parler  de  nostrc  premier  roy. 
And  I  shuide  nat  lye ,  sans  que  je  mente. 
And  on  ihe  otLer  parte ,  et  daultre  part. 
And  on  the  otlier  syde,  et  daultre  part,  or  et 

daultre  couslé. 
And  so  it  was  tbat,  et  aynsi  aduint  que,  or  et  si 

estoyt  que. 
And  so  it  bappened  ihat,  et  aynsi  aduint  que. 
And  to  saye  trullie,  et,  au  vray  dire,  estoyt  vng 

beau  jeu  de  Jorlune  que  de. 
And   therfore,    et   par   ayksi,  and   et  pak 


ET  PAR  AYNSI,  as  et  par  aynsi,  si  vous  faictez 
cela,  vous  vous  trouuerez  mal. 

And  iherto,  et  par  dessvs  cela,  as  car  il  es- 
toyt hardy  et  vaillant ,  et  par  dessus  cela  es- 
toyt sai(je  au  temps  de  conseyl. 

And  iherto  fartliermore ,  et  par  dessus  cela, 
oullre  plus. 

And  iherlo  more,  et  par  dessus  cela  daaantaige. 

And  therwitli  ail,  et  aita\t,  as  et  autant  il 
se  teut  et  ne  dit  plus  riens. 

And  tbougbe  tbat,  et  qvoy  que,  as  et  quny  que 
les  contesses  ne  soyent  mie  nommées  prin- 


COMME,  as  comme  lor  surpasse  tous  aultres 
metaulx,  aynsi  surmontez  vous  toutes  les 
aultres  Jenimes.  So  tbat  aynsi  answercth  to 
comme,  wban  tbey  be  put  in  dyverse  sen- 

SI  COMME ,  as  le  roy  Priam  auoyt  plusieurs 
aultres  bastardz  aussi,  si  comme,  etc. 

QVE,  as  tant  comme  je  puis,  and  tant  que  je 
puis.  Aussi  bien  comme  je  puis,  and  aussi 
bien  que  je  puis.  So  tbat,  wban  we  double 
«as  B  in  our  tonge,  we  may  use  for  tbclat- 
ler  botbe  comme,  and  que,  but  most  suerly 
que.  But  que  can  never  be  in  stede  of  tbe 
firsl  «as»,  nor  begyn  a  sentence. 

QVASI,  as  Jupiter  qui  est  ainsi  dit  quasi  Janus 

paler.   But  quasi  signyfyeth   there   as    il 

were,  or  suche  lyke. 

As  as,   aussi  comme,   or  aussi  que,    or  autant 

comme,  or  autant  que,  or  tant  comme ,  or 

tant  que.  So  tbat,  wban  we  use  to  double 
«as>  in  our  tonge,  comparynge  tbynges 
togyther,  or  makyng  of  any  symylitude  of 
one  thynge  to  an  otber,  for  the  firste  «  as  » 
tbey  use  aussi,  autant,  or  tant,  and  for  tbe 
latter  comme,  or  que,  as  for  as  small  as 
flesshe  to  potte,  they  saye  :  aussi  menu 
comme,  or  que  chair  au  pot;  autant  mena 
comme,  or  que  chair  au  pot;  tant  menu 
comme,  or  que  chair  aa  pot.  And  in  lyke 
wyse,  as  styll  as  a  stone;  as  wyse  as  a 
wispe;  as  wyse  as  a  goose;  as  mery  as  a 
cricket  :  as  mery  as  a  popyngaye  :  as  longe 
as  large  :  autant  long  comme  large.  But 
wher  as  there  be  dyverse  otber  phrasys 
U3cd  by  «as«  somtyme  alone,  and  some- 
tynie  doubled,  tbey  shall  bere  conse- 
quently  apere  by  order. 
As  farre  as,  a  ce  que.  eu  tant  qve.  avtakt 


A  CE  QVE,  as  a  ce  que  je  puis  veoir,  il  est 

EM  TANT  QVE,  ES  en  tant  que  je  puis  veoyr. 

AVTANT  QVE,  as  il  le  surpasse  autant  que  lor 
surmonte  la  paille. 

POVR  AVTAKT  QVE,  as  fi  est  aynsi  pour  autant 
que  je  puis  veoyr.  But  if  as  farre  as  bave 
an  otber  sentence  folowyng  witb  so  farre 
or  so  mocbc,  than  we  muste  tbus  expresse 

theni;  EN    TANT    QVE    £.V    TANT,    Or     AV- 

TANT  QVE  AVTAKT;  as  en  tant  que,  or 
autant  que  lor  surpasse  tous  aultres  metaulx, 
en  tant,  or  autant  surpassez  vous  toutes  aul- 
tres femmes. 
As  farre  forthe  as,  A  ce  qve,  en  tant  qve, 
Aa  a  ce  que  le  cueur  me  donne,  cest  homme 
cy  est  coulpable,  or  en  tant  que  le  cueur  me 
donne,  cest  homme  cy  na  riens  deseruy. 

As    for,  QVAXT  EST  DE,  QVAKT  A,  AU  REGARD 

DE,  as  as  for  nie  I  care  nat  :  quant  est  de 

moy,  quant  a  moy,  au  regard  de  moy,  il  ne 

men  chault.   And   so    quant    est  de  vous, 

quant  est  de  mon  père,  etc. 
As  full  as  they  coulde  be  tbrusle,  A  comble, 

as  leurs  nauires  esloyent  remplies  a  comble. 
As  in  lyke  raaner,  comme  en  semblable  ma- 




.IBMBLABLEMENT,  as  commc  les  mouches  a 
miel  cherchent   partout  les  souejues  herbes 
pour  en  mettre  du  meilleur  dedeits  leurs  ru- 
ches, en  semhlahle  manière,  or  fout  aynsi, 
cherchent  les  clers  par  tous  les  bons  aucteurs 
pour  composer  leurs  Hures. 
As  moche  as,   avtakt  çve,  a»  jay  fait  autant 
que  je  vous  ay  promys.  And  autant  comme, 
wlian  olher  wordes  corne  bylwene  :  as  ou- 
tant    en   puissance    et    uij/HCur    comme    en 
beaulté  corporelle.  And  combien  que  ceste 
ttduentare  te  soyt  autant  doahtease  comme 
esmerueillable ,  etc. 
As  tbougbe,   comme  .ç;,  as  regardez  sus  luy 
comme  si  vous  ne  sceussiez  riens  qail  fut 
icY.  Aod  aynsi  que,  as  regardez   sus  luy 
aynsi  que  si  vous  ne  sceussie:  riens  quil  fut 
As  louchynge,  quant  a,  quant  est  de, .au 
BEGARD  DE,  as  quant  a  moy ,  quant  est  de 
moy,   au   regard  de   moy,  de  toy,   de  luy, 
quant  a  cecy,  quant  a  cela.  And  EN  tant 
çvjs  TOVCBB,  as  en  tant  que  touche  a  moy, 
loY,  luy,  etc.  quant  aux  honneurs. 
As  toucbyng  the  resydewe,  quant  an  surplus. 
As  to  the  resydewe ,  quant  au  surplus. 
As  well   as,  aussi  bien  que ,  or  aussi  bien 
COMME,  as  vous  faictez  aussi  bien  quil  est 
possible,  or  aussi  bien  comme  il  est  possible. 
But    wban    any   wordes   or    a    sentence 
corne  bytwene   as   well  and  the  as  fo- 
lowynge,  tban  for  as  well  as,  they  saye, 
TANT  QUE ,  or  COMME,  as  tant  villayns  que 
gentilz   hommes.  Tant  masles  que  femelles. 
Tant  pour  la  saluation  du   genre  humayn 
comme  des  aullres  créatures.  Tant  en  allant 
comme  en  reuenant.  Tant  enuers  Dieu  comme 
enuers  le  monde.  Tant  de  sa  merueilleuse  élo- 
quence comme  de   sa  souuerayne   beaulté. 
Tant  pour  ce  que  cestoit  vng  simple  peuple 
comme  pour  ce  que  la  nécessité  les  y  contrui- 
gnoyt.  Howe  be  il  I  fynde  avssi  bien  and 
comme  devyded ,  as   et  prindrent  les  Cebri- 
noù  tout  le  bestail  de  la  enuiron,  aussi  bien 
celluy  des  pasteurs  comme  celluy  des  aullres. 

But  he  miglit  bave  used  tout  and  que,  or 

comme,  and  sayd  :  tant  celluy  de^  pasteurs 

comme  celluy  des  aultres. 
As  well  for  as  for,  tant  pour  comme  pour, 

as  tant  pour  leur  beaulté  singulière  comme 

pour  ce  qmlz  sont  si  très  bien  endoctrinez. 
As   well   on  tbeir  bebalfe  as,   tant  de  la  part 

deulx  comme  de  ma  propre  uuctorité  pri- 

At  tbe  moste  nat  above  tbus  moche,  tout  au  fyn 

plus  non  pas  pardessus  cela. 

Better  naye  than  ye,  miealx  vault  non  que  ouy. 
Bycause  that,  pour  autant  que.  Pour  ce  que.  A 

cause  que. 
Bysydes,  nere  untoa  persone  or  a  place,  près 
DE ,  as  séez  t>ous  icy  près  de  moy.  And  i7 
demeure  près  des  Augustins,  or  oh  près  des 
Augustins.  And    de  les,  as  il  demeure  de 
les  le  Président. 
Bysydes  by   yonde,    ovi.tre  ,  as    il  auoyt  dix 
mille  escutz  en  bel  or  oullre  sans  son  argent 
et  aullres  bagues.  And  oaltre  la  quelle  chose 
je  ne  demande  plus  riens.  And  il  auoyt  oultre 
les  dessus  ditz  plusieurs  aultres. 
Bysydes  over  and  above,  sans,  as  il  auoyt  en 
son   armée  cent  mille   combatlans  sans   les 
pionniers  et  aultres  gens  suiuans  le  baggaige. 
And  oultre.  And  EjN  oultre. 
Bysydes ,  as  F  shall  put  hym  bysydes  bis  pur- 
pose  or  inteat,  arrière  de,  as  Je  le  met- 
teray  arrière  de  son  propos. 
By  80  moche  as,  en  tant  que,  or  dautant 
QUE,  as  en  tani,  or  daulant  que   vous   la- 
uez  faict  sans  le  sceu  de  moy,  je  ne  men 
veuls  poynt  mesler. 
By  so  moche ,  by  so  moche  :  as  by  so  moche  as 
he  is  stronger  tban  I ,  by  so  moche  am  1 
rycher  than  he  :  en  tant  que,  or  daulant 
quil  est  plus  fort  que  moy,  en  tant,  dautant 
suis  je  plus  riche  que  luy. 
By  »o  moche  tbe  more  I  praye  hym  ,  by  so  mo- 
che the  lesse  be  dotfae  for  me  :  en  tant 
plus,  or  dautant  plus,  que  je  le  prie,  dautant 
nioyns  fait  il  pour  moy. 
Botbe,   TANT  and  QiE,  as  bothe  men  and  wo- 



meii  :  tant  hommes  que  femmes.  And  AUSSI 
aiEN  COMME,  or  QVE,  as  aussi  bien  hommes 
que  femmes.  And  jaj  mys  entre  ses  mayns 
tant  mon  honneur  que  ma  vie,  or  aussi  bien 
mon  honneur  comme  ma  vie.  But  for  verbes 
joyned  togyther  in  our  tonge  wiA  bothe 
and,  and  as,  I  do  bothc  love  hym  and 
trust  him ,  they  use  nat  tant  and  que,  but 
outber  aussi  bie.w,  and  que  ,  or  comme, 
or  els  double  et,  as  aussi  bien  layme  je 
comme  me  fie  en  luy ,  or  je  layme  et  je  me 
fie  en  luy.  , 


And  s/.  Of  thc  whiche  seven  que,  sinon, 
and  fors  maye  be  used  in  a  sentence 
atone,  whicfae  nouther  dependeth  of  any 
sentence  goynge  byfore  ,  nor  bringeth  in 
no  sentence  to  foiowe,  but  with  this  dif- 
férence. For  QUE  is  used  wban  we  use 
but  after  a  verbe,  byfore  any  one  parte 
of  spetche  alone.  As  for  be  is  but  a  foole; 
slie  is  but  a  beest  :  my  wyfe  is  but  blacke  : 
I  aske  but  the  :  I  bave  but  l'oure  ;  they 
saye  :  il  nest  que  vng  fol  :  elle  nest  que 
me  folle  :  ma  femme  nest  que  noyre  ne 
demande  que  toy  :  je  nay  que  qualtre.  S.o 
tbat  que  causelb  bis  verbe  to  liave  ne  by- 
fore hym,  tbougb  our  verbs  hâve  nat  not 
byfore  hym  in  our  tonge ,  accordynge  as 
I  bave  touched  in  tbc  seconde  rule  upon 
the  accydentcs  par(ycuier  of  adverbes  in 
the  seconde  booke. 

sixox  is  used  whan  we  use  but ,  a  prcposy- 
cion,  and  bis  substantyve,  outher  alone 
or  wilh  bis  adjectyve,  where  we  use  not, 
,  afore  the  verbe  in  our  tonge,  or  some 
maner  negacion ,  as  la  quelle  elle  ne  porte, 
sinon  aux  nopces,  and  je  nen  doibs  prendre 
garde  (si  je  suis  saige).  Sinon  par  mesure 
lunyte.  And  je  ne  baillêray  sinon  a  la  plus 

Fons  is  used  whan  we  except  nat  a  tliyngc 
ntterly  from  the  signyfycacion  of  the 
verbe ,  as  et  nauoyl  fors  vng  petit  de 
barbe,  etc. 

But   as  for  AYifs,  wrfCOYS,  and  mays 

requyre  an  otber  sentence  to  folowethem, 
l)ut  with  this  différence  : 

AYys,  or  AYKCOYS,hytviene  wbiche  I  fynde 
no  différence.  But  suche  as  is  bytwenc 
aaec  and  auecques,  requyre  a  sentence  to 
folowe  tbem  of  contrarye  sence  unto  tlie 
sentence  that  they  be  in,  and  we  use  aiso 
not  byfore  the  verbe  in  our  tonge,  or 
some  maner  negacyon  that  cometh  byfore 
them  :  as  si  ne  scauoyt  on  encores  mouldre 
le  bled  ne  cuyre  le  payn,  ayns  cuyde,  or 
ayncoys  cuyde  je  que  les  gens  mengeoyent 
lefourment  tout  crad.  And  a  la  quelle  auc- 
toritè  de  Berosas  nous  ne  nous  sommes  pas 
arrestez  simplement ,  ayns,  or  ayncoys  la- 
uons  corroboré, 

MAYS,  whan  be  signyfyetb  but,  is  ever  the 
firste  worde  of  a  sentence,  whiche  hath 
respecte  to  tlie  sentence  nexte  goynge 
byfore  in  suche  wyse  that,  if  the  cbiefe 
verbe  of  the  sentence  byfore  be  affyrma- 
tyve ,  thanne  tbe  verbe  folowynge  mays 
musie  be  negatyve.  And  contrarye  wyse, 
if  the  verbe  in  the  formore  sentence  be 
negatyve,  than  the  verbe  also  where  mays 
is  muste  be  negatyve,  or,  al  the  leste, 
the  verbes  muste  be  of  contrarye  sence, 
as  je  ne  lay  pas  faict  encore,  mays  je  le 
feray  tantost.  And  en  vostre  présence  il  re- 
semble a  vng  aigneau,  mays  arrière  de  vous 
il  fait  le  dcable. 

But  for  so  moche  as  I  fynde  fewe  grea- 
Icr  diffycultes  in  tliis  tonge  for  us,  I  shall 
hère  gyve  dyvers  exemples  to  prove  my 
ruies  taken  out  of  ihe  cheffest  auctours, 
and  especially  Jehan  le  Mayre,  nat  intend- 
yng  to  prove  that  they  can  nat  be  olher- 
wyse  used,  for  tbe  voulgar  people  be  nat 
so  utterly  precyse  in  this  thynge  as  the 
lerned  men  be,  but  for  to  shewe  that  they 
be  so  used  as  I  bave  hère  taught,  ànd  to 
gyve  tbe  lernar  a  more  ample  occasyon 
to  be  more  cyrcumspecte  as  he  sball 
rede  auctours  in  this  tonge  to  marke  the 




//  nest  qung  cuydereau.  Il  nesl  tjung  fol. 
Il  nest  (jue  brun.  Je  ne  parleraj  (jue  a  toy, 
where  the  verbe  is  negatyve  :  I  wyll  nat 
speake.  Je  ne  viens  que  de  boyrc.  Je  ne  le 
scauoye  qaasteure.  Je  ne  demande  qung  peu. 
Je  ne  le  vis  qunesfojs.  Qui  ne  contient  que 
le  quart  de  la  terre.  Nous  ne  pensions  a  ce 
malynjaire  les  nopces  que  dune  de  noz  filles. 
Et  nauoyt  que  peu  de  mer  entre  ealx.  Il  ne 

Jault  qune  dague.  Posé  quilz  ne  fussent  que 
quattre.  Je  ne  feruy  qua  ma  teste.  Je  nay  eu 
que  quelque  peu  de  playsir  de  puis  que  nous 

fusmes  mariez  ensemble. 

EXEMPLES    OP    S/A'0,V    FOR    BOT. 

Elle  nestoyt  absconsée  de  la  vcue  de  Paris 
sinon  de  linterpos  dune  fine  toylle.  Il  ne  sca- 
uojrt  que  faire  pour  en  scauoyr  plus  a  playn 
la  vérité,  sinon  de  se  jecter  aux  piedz  délie. 
But  where  as  I  fynde  :  et  ne  doubta  sinon 
que  Mars  ne  troublast  la  f este,  that  is  to 
be  noted.  Je  ne  dis  riens  sinon  pour  vostre 


Attendu  que  le  dit  Grec  nesioyt  aultre 
chose  fors  vng  pirate.  Il  ne  pencoyt  a  aultre 
chose  fors  a  jouer.  Je  congnoys  ores  que 
cealx  de  ta  mayson  ne  sont  nez  fors  a  me 
faire  injure.  Tu  scays  que  le  comble  de  mes 
soahaytz  na  lousjours  esté  fors  de  réduire 
céans  mon  tresaymé filz  Paris.  But  in  this 
two  laste  sentences  the  verbe  is  also  in 
our  totige  negatyve. 

EXEMPLES    OP    AYyS    FOB    BUT. 

Il  demoara  troys  ans  sans  auoyr  nom  de 
roy,  ayns  souffrit  paciemmcnt  sa  fortune 
présente.  Si  vostre  différent  gisoyt  sans  plus 
en  vne  sealle  chose,  je  diroye  que  ne  prins- 
siez  pas  la  payne,  mais  non,  ayns  consiste 
en  troys  poynctz  de  grant  difficulté.  Il  nauoyt 
robbe  de  soye,  ayns  auoyt  robbe  de  fleu- 
rettes. Voyant  doncques  ny  pouuoyr  alléguer 
resistence,  aynsfault  que  je  fleschysse  soubz 
le  joug,  etc. 


Vray  est  que  Anlhoyne  Volst  le  dit,  mays 
il  ne  me  semble  poynt  vray  semblable,  ayn- 
coys  me  arreste  sur  le  dit  dung  tel.  Car  je 
nay  cure  deulx,  quelque  dieux  ou  déesses 
quilz  soyeilt,  ayncoys  quant  je  seroye  aul- 
cunement  délibéré,  ayncoys  tout  pour  néant 
la  donneroye  pour  en  auoir  depeschement. 


Vous  ne  faictez  pas  comme  font  commu- 
nément lesfuissans  daujourdhuy,  a  qui  il  nen 
chault  de  riens  comment  Hz  guignent  leur 
auoyr,  mays  comme  vertueux  signeur  et 
bening  mayntenez  tousjours  équité  et  justice. 
Je  nay  pas  regardé  encore,  mays  je  y  pren- 
dray  garde  demayn.  Encore  estez  vous  bien 
aymée  de  tous,  car  vous  estez  en  fleur  de 
jeunesse,  mays  quant  les  rides  vous  vien- 
dront au  visaige  on  ne  tiendra  plus  compte 
de  vous. 

And  hère  is  to  be  noted  that  I  fynde 
often  tymes  que  after  si  non,  and  after 
fors,  wban  they  bothe  signifye  but.  But 
or  els  vvhan  que  signyfyelh  that,  as  je  nar 
mal  si  non  que  je  tremble.  Aultre  chose  nay 
que  cscripre  pour  le  présent,  si  non  que  Dieu 
vous  ayl  en  sa  sayncte  garde.  At  the  worste 
it  is  but  of  drinkyngé  :  au  fort  ce  nest  que 
de  boyre,  or  ce  nest  fors  que  de  boyre.  But 
ayns  que  signyfyeth  or  ever  that,  as  I  hâve 
declared  in  «whan».  knifors  ^ue  signy- 
fyeth mosle  comenly  savynge  or  save 
onely,  as  shall  hère  after  apere.  Hère  is 
also  to  be  noted  tliat  where  as  we,  in  our 
longe,  use  somtyme  but,  in  the  stede  of 
excepte,  as  l  wyll  nat  corne  but  he  be 
their  :  you  get  none  of  my  ware  but  I  se 
redy  monaye:  for  but,  in  this  sence,  the 
frenche  tonge  uselh  si,  whicbe  maketh 
the  verbe  in  frenche  to  hâve  ne,  m  je  ne 
viendray  pas  sil  ny  soyt.  Vous  naarez  poynt 
de  ma  nmrchandise,  si  je  ne  voye  argent 
But  a  iytell  pleasure,  but  a  lytell  payne,  but 
a  lytell   brced,  but  a  lytell   wyne,   etc. 


que  quelque  peu  de  plaisir,  que  quelque  peu 
de  payne,  que  quelque  peu  de  payn,  que 
quelque  peu  de  vyn.  But  as  I  hâve  sayd , 
where  no  sentence  gothe  afore,  sinon  aynsi 
que  jay  dict,  as  je  neferay  aultre  chose  si 
non  aynsi  que  jay  dict.  But  if  an  other  sen- 

tence go  afore  mays  aynsi  que  jay  dit. 
But  as  touching,  mais  au  regard  de. 
But  at  niy  pleasure,  qva  mon  playsir,  as  je 

ne  besoiqne  qua  mon  playsir  :  and  je  ne  he- 

soiqne  poynt  si  non  a  mon  playsir. 
But  evyn  as ,  si  non  tout  aynsi  que. 
But  if,  SI,  and  mays  si. 

SI,  as  je  suis  destruictsil  ne  mayde. 
MAYS  SI ,  as  mays  si  vous  lejaiciez,  etc. 
But  in  no  wyse  for  ali  that ,  mays  ja  pour  tant 

ne  seront  poynt  monstrez. 
But  in  as  moche  as,  nio^^  dautanl  que,  or  mays 

pour  autant  que. 
But  yet  alwayes,  mays  encore  toutesuoys. 
But  yet  no  force,  mays  encore  ne  peult  challoyr. 
But  yet  for  al)  that,  mays  non  pour  tant  elle  le 

garde  aulcunesjoys  de  tresbucher. 
But  never  the  lesse,  mays  toutesjoys. 
But  aoyie,  UAYS  ores,  as 

Iljnt  aUez  deaant  irouhU, 
Mayt  ores  soit  mal  est  dcuhU. 

But  onely  daye  and  space,  il  ne  luy  fault  seul- 
lement  que  temps  et  heure. 

But  onely,  fors  sevllement,  as  pour  riens 
aultre  chose  sais  venu  fors  seullement  pour 
tout  playsir  parfayre.  And  AY.ys  SANS  plus, 
as  non  pour  semblable  cause,  ayns  sans  plus 
pour  veoyr  le  comble  de  sa  misère:  or  sans 
Plus  QUE,  as  je  ne  demande  sans  plus  que 
sa  bonne  voulentè. 

But  onely  for  that,  si  non  entant  çve,  as 
je  ne  suis  pas  obligé  a  vous  en  riens,  si  non 
entant  que  je  vous  ay  auUresJoys  congnu. 

But  rather  than ,  mays  plus  tost  que. 

But  what,  mays  quoy  non  obstant  lapoureté. 

Ilowe  he  it  ail  thèse  parlyculer  exem- 
ples whiche  I  hâve  hère  gyven  dépende 
upon  the  rules  whiche  I  hâve  hère  afore 


Consydering  that,  attendu  que,  as  attendu 
quil  nauoyt  aultre  secours  que  luy. 

£ke  also,  aussi. 

Els,  AVITREMENT,  as  Car  aultremenl  je  ne  scay 

que  faire. 
Evyn  lyke  wyse  as  evyn  so,  tout  aynsi  QVB 


Ton!  aynsi  ijae  la  lumière 
Les  ienehres  deaant  toy  chasse, 
Toat  aynsi  doulx  refjart  dejface 
Les  ténèbres  ou  le  coeur  gist, 

Evyn  lyke  wyse,  tout  aynsi,  as 

Comme  le  venl  tnuhle  la  mer. 
Aynsi  fait  amours  la  pencèe. 

Evyn  nowe,  somtyme  :  as  for  I  wasshed  evyn 
nowe,  thcy  saye  :  je  viens  de  lauer  tout  as- 
teure.  And  so  for  I  dranke  evyn  nowe,  je 
viens  de  boyre  tout  asleure.  I  dranke  but 
evyn  now  e  :  je  ne  fays  que  venir  de  boyre 
tout  asteure. 
Excepte,  excepté,  forsque.  si. 

EXCEPTÉ,  as  et  vindrent  toutes  excepté  Dis- 
corde. And  et  aaoyt  la  chair  blanche  comme 
neige,  excepté  ce  quil  auoyt  [esté  au  hasle. 
And  et  auoyt  tous  mes  biens,  excepté  lanseul- 
lemenl  deux  cheuaulx  et  vng  manteau. 

FonsQVE,  as  jay  tout  guigné  forsque  vng. 

SI,  as  je  suis  destruict  sil  ne  me  ayde.  And  je 
neferay  riens  si  monsieur  ne  le  me  commande 
de  sa  bouche.  And  je  ne  viendray  pas  si  vos- 
tre  père  ny  soyt. 

Farthermore,  ovltre.   en    oultre.   ovltre 


OULTRE,  as  et  oultre  il  luy  donna  vne  grant 
somme  dargent.  And  suppliant  oultre. 

EN  OULTRE,  as  et  en  oultre  la  déesse  Pallas 
partit  d Athènes.  And  et  en  oultre  sur  cette 
matière  examinée  par  quelle  raison,  etc.  And 
et  en  oultre  lassemblée  de  tant  de  dieux. 

OULTRE  PLUS,  as  oultre  plus  le  bon  père  com- 
mença. Aud  et  oultre  plus  porta  tant  dhon- 
neur  a  son  père.  And  et  oultre  plus  Jist  aussi 
tuer  sa  mère.   And  mays  oultre  plus  je  te 



supplie  me  vouloyr  dire.  And  elle  estoyt  oul- 
tre  plus  armée. 
DAVAHTAIGE ,  as  dauantaige  je  lay  donne  tous 

mes  cheaauLz  et  mon  harnoys. 
OABONDAyT,  as  et  dahondant  luy  apprint  a 

toucher  de  la  harpe. 
AVEC  CE,  as  et  auec  ce  je  dis  quil  nest  pas 

digne  dauoyr  si  grant  ojjice. 
AU  SURPLUS,  as  et  aa  surplus  Hz  la  festoyèrent 
a  leur  pouuoyr. 

First  and  above  ail  other  thyiiges,  premièrement 
et  deuant  toutes  aultres  choses. 

First  on  the  one  syde  and  sythe  on  the  other, 
premier  dung  costé  et  puis  de  lautre.  And 
puis  dung  costé  et  pais  de  laultre. 

First  of  ail ,  tout  pnmierement. 

Fynally,  finahlement. 

For  (tbe  conjunction,  quia],  car,  as  je  ne  le 
feray  poynt,  car  je  ne  suis  pas  obligé.  And 
je  ne  vous  fais  poynt  de  tort  se  je  tous  aban- 
donne, car  vous  mauez  premièrement  aban- 
donné. And  so  gencrally,  so  ol'len  as  we 
use  t  for  »  in  our  tonge  in  tbis  sence  and 

For  as  moche  as  I  can  se,  car  pour  autant  que 
je  puis  veoyr. 

For  as  I  hâve  said  by fore,  car  comme  jay  deuant 

For  ail  that,  pourtant,  as  je  ne  le  feray  pas 
pourtant.  And  wiial  though  I  chyde  you 
yet  am  I  never  the  more  angrye  with  you 
for  ail  that  :  pour  tant,  si  je  vous  tence,  si 
ne  suis  je  en  riens  plus  courroucé  auecques 
vous.  And  combien  quil  ne  mesprisa  poynt 
pour  tant  les  aultres.  And  mays  ja  pourtant 
ne  seront  par  moy  monstrez. 

For  as  moche  as,  davtakt  que.  pour  autant 

QUE.  COMME.  DE  TANT,  Or  DAVTANT,  aS  de 

tant  or  dautant  que  vous  me  promistez  que 
je  seroye  le  premier  despcsché,  je  me  suis  | 
arresté  sus  cela  ;  or  pour  autant  que  vous  me 
promistez  que  je  seroye  le  premier,  etc. 
COMME,  as  comme  auoyt  esté  ordonné  et  esta- 
bly  par  nostre  sire  le  roy  a  son  dernier  parle- 
ment tenu  a  fVestmestre  que  reformation  se 
fit  de ,  etc. 

For  ail  tbis,  povk  tant,  as  je  ne  prens  pour 
tant  ire  ne  passion,  combien  que  vous  me  dic- 
tez tout  playn  dinjurcs. 

For  ail  tbis  boste  you  w  yll  be  better  advysed  : 
non  obstant  ceste  vanterie,  vous  vous  aduise- 
rez  mieulx,  or  quelque  ranterie  que  tous  fa- 
ciez,  si  vous  vous  atluiserez  mieulx.  So  that 
for  ail  this  boste,  for  al!  tbis  tfaonder,  for 
ail  tbis  raync ,  for  al  tbis  wratbe,  etc., 
tbcy  sayc  :  non  obstant  ceste  vanterie,  non 
obstant  ce  grant  tonnoirre,  non  obstant  ceste 
grant  playe,  non  obstant  ce  grant  courroux. 
And  quelque  grant  tonnoirre  quil  a  fait, 
quelque  grant  pluyc  quil  a  fait,  si  nest  [a 
terre  de  riens  plus  moysle. 

For  bycause-that,  a  cause  que.  Pour  ce  que. 

For  els,  car  Ai:i.TnEMBNT,  asfaictez  le  aynsi, 
car  aukrement  tout  est  gasté. 

For  lyke  as  so,  car  tout  aynsi  comme,  or 
QUE,  AUSSI,  or  AYNSI ,  as  car  tout  aynsi 
comme,  or  que,  la  mer  ne  se  peult  tenir  quoy 
quant  il  fait  grant  vent ,  aussi,  or  aynsi,  ne 
se  peult  appaiser  Ihomme  qui  est  entré  en  vng 
grant  courroux. 

For  on  my  bebaife ,  car  endroyt  moy. 

Forsene  that,  pourveu  que,  as  pourueu  que 
par  vertu  de  ce  don  pour  terme  de  vie  vous 
ne  faciez  nulle  deuastacion,  etc. 

For  surely,  car  certainement. 

For  so  moche  as,  pour  autant  que,  as  pour 
autant  que  vous  auez  enfrainct  mon  comman- 
dement,je  vous  descharge  de  vostre  ojjice  et 
vous  rens  rncapablc,  etc.  And  dautant 
QUE,  as  mays  dautant  quil  est  meilleur  faire 
plaisir  a  son  seigneur,  etc. 

For  the  resydewe,  du  surplus,  ou  surplus. 
DU  SURPLUS,  as  voicy  tout  tant  que  je  cong- 
nois  du  surplus  en  me  ^rapportant  aux  escrip- 
OU  SURPLUS,  as  ou  surplus  vous  emioyant  a  la 

For  whye,  car  pour,  as  ostez  ce  coustcaa  a 
lenfant,  car  pour  quoy,  sil  se  blesse,  de 
cela  je  ne  me  prendray  que  a  vous. 

From  no  wbere  els  but  :  de  nulle  aultrc  part 
forsque,  as  vous  aiez  tiré  ceste  jlesche ,  car 


elle  ne  vint  de  nulle  aultre  part  forsque  de 


From  the  leste  to  tlie  grcatcst  or  most  :  des- 
puis le  moyndre  jusques  au.  plus  qrant. 

From  ibe  toppe  to  tbe  toe,  despuis  le  coupeaa 
de,  or  le  sommet  de,  la  teste  jusques  a  la 
plante  du  pied. 

Halfe  siepyng  balfe  wakyng,  moyti^  dormant 
moytié  esneillanl. 

Halfe  clolhcd,  halfe  naked,  demy  vestu ,  demy 
nud.  So  ibat  of  a  tbyng  that  the  bole  bo- 
dye  dothe,  they  use  moytié  and  moyjié, 
for  a  thynge  that  any  parte  of  the  bodye 
or  thynge  demy,  etc. 

Hère  withall,  avec  ce  ,  as  et  anec  ce  je  vealx 

Howe  be  it  that,  for  ail  be  il  that,  declared 
afore  in  «ail  be  itthat». 

HoHC  be  it,  tovtb.^foy.s.  And  than  be  ever 
foloweth  some  other  sentence  as  I  hâve 
nat  deserved  that  you  sbulde  tbus  ban- 
dell  me,  howe  be  it  sball  nat  skyll  :  je 
nay  pas  desseray  destre  aynsi  traicté devons, 
toutesjoys  cest  tout  vng.  And  il  est  bien 
rray  quil  la  fait,  loulesfoys  je  luy  commun- 
day  If.  conirayre. 

Howe  so  ever  it  be,  comment  quil  soit. 

ïlowe  80  ever  it  happen ,  comment  quil  aille,  or 
comment  quil  aduirngne. 

Howe  so  ever  that  I  fare,  comment  que  je  soye 


E.yconB.s,asje  ne  voys  riens  encores  dont  je 
me  doibs  esbahir.  Attendez  je  nay  pas  fait 
encorrs.  As  for  encor  and  encore  be  nsed 
in  ryme,  and  Johan  le  Mayre  aseth  en- 
coyres,  as  Dauid  encoyres  exerçant  lestât 
de  berqerie.  And  orme  dictez  encoyres,  etc. 

AYNCois,  as  si  je  vous  ay  aulcanement  ojfencé, 
ayncoys,  attendu  mon  jeune  aige,  vous  me 
debuiez pardonner.  But  I  fynde  seldomc  ayn- 
cois  in  tbis  sence. 

NOK  POURTANT,  as  combien    que  mon  cheual 

est  bien  maiyre  et  malotreu,  non  pour  tant 
il  me  porte  aulcanesjoys  hors  des  fanges. 

POUR  TANT,  as  si  je  me  courrouce  contre  vous 
pour  vous  corriger,  pourtant  je  ne  vous  hays 
poynt,  mais  vous  veuil  du  bien. 

TOVTESFOYS,  as  Combien  que  je  ne  suis  pas 
des  plus  saiges,  loulesfoys  il  ne  vous  appar- 
tient poynt  de  me  traicter  si  rudement. 

SI,  as  oa  silz  demourerent  aulcun  temps  en  vie, 
si  furent  ili  nourris  obscurément.  And  com- 
bien que  Dagobcrt  ne  fat  pas  en  la  grâce  de 
son  père,  si  ne  fut  il  pas  fraudé  de  la  cou- 
ronne de  France.  And  pour  tant  que  je  vous 
admoneste,  or  pour  tant  si  je  vous  admo- 
neste pour  voslre  bien,  si  ne  suis  je  pus  cour- 
roucé aaecques  vous.  And 

Pour  lant  ti  elle  est  belle  et  gente  . 
Si  est  elle  dijfamce  et  meschantc. 

Yet  never   the   lesse ,    mays,  as  nniys   toules- 

Yet  afterwarde,  encore  despuis. 

Yet  agayne,  encores  de  rechief. 

Yet  and  tbe  worste  fall,  encores  aujori  aller. 

Yet  never  the  lesse,  ce  non  obstant.  tovtes- 

FOYS.  non  POVR  tant. 

CE  NON  OBSTANT,  as  combien  que  vous  lauez 
grandement  ojfencé  et  aultrement  faict  que 
ne  vous  appartenait,  ce  non  obstant,  or  (ouf 
cecy  non  obstant  vous  le  trouaerrz  bon  si 
vous  luy  voulez  promettre  desormays  devons 

NON  POURTANT,  as  combien   que  vous    Iduez 

grandement ,  etc.  non  pourtant  vous  le  trou- 

uerez,  or  toutesjoys  vous  le  trouuerez,  etc. 

Yet  nat  vvithstandynge,  ce  non  obstant,  non. 


Ft  si  neuxt  ne  force  ne  sens 
Non  plus  (jue  lenfant  de  deux  ans  . 
iVo/i  pourtant ,  comme  peu  conanoistre  , 
Aaoit  esté  tressaige  maistre. 

ce  non   obstant,   comme   peu    congnoistre , 

auoit  esté  Iressaige,  etc. 
Yf,  SI,  as  si  vous  le  fuictez,  or  si  vous  faictez , 

vous  vous  repentirez. 
Yf  it  so  be  that,  si  aynsi  soit  que,  or  sil  est  aynsi 




Yf  so  be  tliat,ii  ajnsiestque,OTsilestayiisi(jue. 

In  as  moche  as,  en  tant  que. 

In  coDciusyon ,  briej.  El  défait.  Au  par  aller.  Fi- 

nablement.  En  ejfect.  Declared  in  «howe*. 

In    comparison ,   declared  in   «hovve».  But  I 

fynde  atso  au  près  de,  as  atlenda  qaeje  ne 

suis  qang  riens  auprès  de  ta  grande  noblesse. 

In  lyke  maner  as  so,  tout  aynsi  que.  Comme  ajmsi. 

In  lyke  maner,  as  tout  aynsi  comme   les  pépins 

produisent  les  vignes,  et  les  vignes  les  raisins, 

et  les  raisins  le  vin,  aynsi  pareillement ,  or 

en  semblable  manière,  or  par  semblable,  ont 

produyt  les  roys  et  les  empereurs,  etc. 

In  iyke  maner,  ayssj,  toit  ayxsi ,  as  comme 

le  moust  se  boult  en  tonneau,  quant  il  y  est 

nouuellement  mis,  aynsi,  or  tout  ainsi  fait 

le  cueur  dung  fol  mis  en  auctoritè  et  ne  se 

peult  contenir  de  dcns  ses  limites  en  sembla- 

,    ble  manière. 

In  fyke  wyse,  pareillement.  Semblablement.  Tout 

In  lyke  wyse  also, /xirci/iemait  aussi. 
In  no  wyse  in  the  worlde,  en  manière  du  monde, 
en  manière  que  soyt,  pultyng  ne  byfore  their 
In  no  wyse  for  ai  that,  ja  pour  tast,  as  com- 
bien quil  y  fut  moult  instamment  requis  par 
tous  les  grans  princes,  ja  pour  tant  ne  voulut 
il  riens  faire. 
In  80  mocbe  as,  pu  (ont  quejay  atlempté  chose  a 
moy  non  pertinente.   And  entant  que  vous 
dictez  aynsi. 
In  so  moche  that,  extakt  que,  as  entant  que 

je  cuidoye  quil  deut  mourir. 
In  suche  wyse  that,  teliemext  que,  as  telle- 
ment que  deslors  en  auant. 
In  suche  wyse  as,  declared  afore  in  «  howe  ». 
It  wanteth  but  a  iytell,  peu  senfault  que,  peu 
senfault,  and  a  peu  que  nen  desespoyr,  and 
par  peu  que  chascun  ne  se  effronté. 

Leste  QUE  ne  ,  as  ayez  bon  oiel  quil  ne  viengne. 
Leste  that,  de  paour  que,  ai  fuyez  dicy  de  paour 

que  on  ne  vous  voye. 
Lest  paradventure,  que  ne.  ke  par  adven- 


QUE  NE ,  as  je  double  quil  ne  face  aalcun  des- 
plaisir a  voslre  personne. 

NE  PARADVENTURE ,  as  gardez  vous  par  ad- 
uentare  quil  ne  vous  blesse. 

DE  PAOUR,  as  aussi  je  te  admoneste  par  granl 
attencion  que  tu  ne  fréquentes  ens  ces  fo- 
res tz  présentes  sans  bonne  compagnie ,  de 
paour  que  daduentare  le  hault  dieu  Jupiter  te 
face  rauir  et  emporter  aux  dieiuc.  And  dont 
le  roy  Jupiter  se  donna  garde  de  paour  quil 
ne  sommeillast.  And  et  si  men  doubtay  fort 
et  estoye  en  grant  esmoy  de  paour  que  Uierbe 
poignant  nojfensast  leurs  plantes  tendres. 
And  je  vous  aduise  de  le  faire  de  paour  de 
pis  auoyr.  And  de  paour  de  dire,  etc. 
Lyke  as  so,  aynsi  comme,  or  tout  aynsi 
COMME ,  or  tout  aynsi  que,  aynsi,  or 
AUSSI,  as  aynsi  que,  or  tout  aynsi  comme 
it  estoyt  le  premier  qui  troaua  la  vigne, 
aynsi,  or  aussi  fut  il  le  premier  qui  sentit  ta 
force  de  son  bruuaige. 
Lyke  as ,  in  iyke  wyse,  or  in  lyke  maner,  rorr 


Car  tout  aynsi  (juc  la  lumière 
Let  Unebres  dcuant  $oy  cAaile. 
Toat  aynti  doalx  regard  dcjface 
Lit  tenehres  on  le  ctlenr  gttt. 

or  semblablement,  or  en  semblable  manière , 
or  pareillement  doulx  regard  dejface,  etc. 
Lyke  wyse ,  tout  aynsi. 

More  a  do  for  than  for,  plus  grant  compte ,  or 
plus  grant  esté  pour  que  pour,  as  vous  faic- 
tez  plus  grant  compte  de  vostre  cheual  que 
je  neferoye  pour  quattre. 

Namely,  mesmement,  as  veu  quil  ma  com- 
mandé si  esiroyctement  et  mesmement  sur 
ma  vie,  il  mest  force  de  le  faire.  *' 

Nerehande,  almoste,  quasi,  fresques ,  as  je 
estoye  presques  tumbéen  leaue. 

Nere  that  (Chaucer) ,  for  were  nat  that,  ne 
FUST  CELA,  as  si  neust  esté  cela,  je  fusse 
mort  long  temps  a. 

Never,  as   never  the  wyser,  never  tiie  better, 



nevcr  llie  nerer,  etc.  de  riens,  or  en  riens 
plus  saitje,  de  riens  meilleur,  de  riens  or  en 
riens  plus  près. 

Ncver  a  whyt  tbe  wyser,  never  a  whyl  the  bet- 
ter,  never  a  whyt  the  nerer,  etc.  de  pas 
vng  yrayn  plus  saige ,  de  pas  vng  brin 
meilleur,  de  pas  fng  gruyn  plus  près. 

Never  a  whyt  ihe  more  therfore ,  pas  vng  grayn, 
oi  pas  dung  brin  plus  pour  cela,  pas  vng 
brin  mieuLc  de  cela,  etc. 

Neyther  nor,  ne  ne,  as  1  hâve  neylher  meate 
nor  money  :  je  nay  ne  viande  ne  monnaye. 
I  can  neyther  go  nor  stande  :  je  ne  puis  ne 
aller  ne  me  soustenir.  Je  nay  ne  du  boyx  ne 
des  charbons,  etc. 

Never  ihe  lesse,  tovtbsfoys.  néant  moyns. 


TOUTESFOYS,  as  et  toulesjoys,  pour  le  vray 
dire.  And  mays  toulesjoys,  sans  mon  ayde 
ny  peulx  poynt  paraenir.  And  combien  que 
toulesjoys,  etc. 

NEANT  MOYNS,  as  combien  que,  or  jasoyt  ce 
que,  néant  moyns,  etc. 

TOVTESUOYES,  as  toustesuoies  il  régna  pai- 
siblement. And  sans  toatesuoys  riens  aliéner 
ni  estrunger.  And  sans  toutesuois  en  oser 
Jaire  aalcun  semblant  da  monde.  And  non 
ignobles  toutesuoyes  mays  assez  liberalles. 
And  toutesuoyes  de  ce  ne  te  Jault  poynt 

POUR  TANT,  as  Dieu  luy  pardoynt  pour  tant. 
And  mays  je  le  Jeray  pour  tant. 
No  more  do  I ,  aussi  ne  Jaysje  pas  moy.  And  la 
ou  vous  dictez   que  vous  nestiez  pas  obligé 
de  le  Jaire,  aussi  ne  le  sommes  nous  pas. 

Nor,  JVB.  NY.  AYNS.   NE  AUSSI. 

NE ,  as  je  ne  le  voys  poynt  ne  il  ne  men  chault 
aussi.  Ne  pour  ettre  ensepuelis,  ne  pour  estre 
NY,  as  car  il  ne  le  Jaictpas  ny  aassijamays  ne 
lejera  tant  que  je  viue.  And  ny  aultrement 
ne  veulx  estre  adoré.  And  car  a  ce  ne  suffi- 
royt  ton  industrie  ny  aussi  te  temps  qui  re- 
quiert plus  longue  délibération. 

Nor  aiso ,  ny  aussi,    as  hère  afore  apercth. 

Nor  no  more  I  do,  et  aussi  ne  Jais  je. 

Nor  none  other  thynge,  ne  aultre  riens. 

Not,  PAS.  POYNT,  or  MYE,  as  I  hâve  afore  de- 
claredinthe  seconde  booke,  in  the  nyn- 
the  accydent  bclongyng  to  verbes.  But 
hère  is  to  be  noted  that,  whan  so  ever  we 
make  answere  by  not  unto  any  preposy- 
cion,  or  any  questyon  of  adverbes,  the 
frenchmen  use  for  not  pas,  as  pas  pour 
moy, pas  en  moy,  pas  asteure,  pas  icy,  etc. 
as  whan  cometh  he?  not  yet:  pas  encore. 
Where  is  he  ?  nat  hère  :  pas  icy ,  as  I 
hâve  touched  in  «Nor»,  in  this  questyon 
«  where  ».  Note  also  that  suche  maner  of 
usyng  «notonely  but  also>,  and  «nou- 
1  ther,  nor  »,  as  I  bave  sfaewed  in  this  ques- 
tion «where»  ,  the  same  maner  may  be 
used  by  ail  the  other  adverbes  what  ques- 
tyon so  ever  they  answere  unto. 

Not  al  only  but  also,  non  sans  plus.  And 
NON  PAS  SEVLLEMENT,  as  non  pos  seulh- 
ment  aux  princesses  et  dames,  mais  aussi 
generallement  a  toutes  Jemmes. 

Not  as  but  as  ,  non  pas  comme  mays  comme, 
as  lum  pas  comme  de  chose  Jriuolle,  mays 
comme  vtille. 

Not  onely,  but  also,  non  sevllement,  mays 
AUSSI,  as  cest  bien  raison  que  non  seulle- 
ment  nous  mettons  payne  a  lexercer  deue- 
ment,  mays  aussi  que  noas  mettons  payne  a 
ce  que  noz  postérieurs  la  mayntiennent.  And 
non  scullemcnt  vainquit  mays  aussi  dompta. 
And  et  non  seullement  estendit  il  son  royaume 
en  terre  Jerme ,  mays  aussi  bien  auant  en 
mer.  mays  aussi,  as  par  quoy  il  estoyl 
aymé  parjaictement ,  non  sans  plus  de  ceubc 
qui  le  nourrissoyent ,  mays  aussi  de  tous 
ceulx  qui  le  voyaient  et  congnoissoient. 

Not  but,  NE  SINON,  as  et  ne  veoyt  on  reluyre 
Uans  sinon  par  vne  lumière  obscure. 

Not  onely  nat  but,  non  seullement  non  mays, 
as  elle  estoyl  non  seullement  non  courrou- 
cée, mays  très  àyse.  And  in  this  maner  of 
speakyng  the  verbe  is  allyrmalyve. 

Not   so  moche  for  to  as  to,   non  tant  pour 
COMME  POUR,  as  non  tant  pour  se  monstrer 
comme  pour  donner  occasion  aux  aultres,  elc . 



Nother  backwarde  nor  forwarJe,  ne  auanl  ne 

Nother  lesse  nor  more,  ne  plus  ne  mojns. 
Nother  nor  :  declared  hère  afore  in  neyther  nor  : 

tellement  que  ne  lung  ne  laultre  ne  trouaojt 

jamays  occasion  de  se  mescontenter. 
Nother  ihis  nor  that ,  ne  tant  ne  quant. 
Nother    nor  nor  ne  prens  pourtant  ire  ne 

passion.  And 

Ne  ijucjamays  ne  tet  dieax  ne  ton  père 
Neurent  par  toy  d«Uaraiu«  prvtpere. 

Not  witbstandyng,  j>o;v  povj\  takt.  Koy  obs- 


NON  POUR  TANT,  as  non  pour  tant  la  robe  ne 
fait  point  le  moine.  And  non  pour  tant  nul 
ne  scayt  respondre.  And  non  pour  tant 
alors  comme  alors.  And  majs  non  pour  tant 
il  nen  fait  force. 
NON  OBSTANT,  83  non  obstant  que  vous  me 
f aidez  beaucoup  de  rudesses,  toutesfoys  je 
les  passeray  au  moyns  mal  que  je  pourray. 
And  mays  non  obstant  la  rigueur  de  froi- 
dure. And  non  obstant  sa  viellesse.  And  et 
non  obstant  aulcun  mot  ne  sonnoye. 

Nowe,  as  we  use  to  say  to  one,  whan  we  hâve 
sent  hym  on  our  erandc,  or  els  mete  one 
that  we  be  disposed  to  talke  with  :  et 
pvrs,  as  nowe  what  tydynges  :  et  uis  que 
nouuelles?  or  et  puis  que  dit  on  de  nouueau? 
and  et  puis  que  dit  on  de  bon? 

Nowe  nowe ,  as  nowe  on  one  syde ,  now  on  an 
other  :  puis  puis,  as  puis  dung  costé,  puis 
daultre.  And  mayntenant  iHArNTENA.\T, 
Sismayntenant  il  pleure,  mayntenant  il  chante. 

Nowe  up  nowe  downc,  aalcunesfoys  amont, 
aulcunesfoys  anal. 

Onlesse,  si  and  ne,  hyfore  the  verbe,  as  si  je 
ne  lay  au  jour  appoyncté,je  suis  destruict. 

Onlesse  that,  si  with  ne  hyfore  the  verbe,  as 
si  vous  nestez  mayntenant  mon  bon  seignieur 
je  suis  destruit.  And  si  ce  nbst  que,  as 
si  cè-nest  que  vous  me  soyez  bon  eignieur, 
je  suis  destruict. 

Onlesse  this  be  done ,  si  ce  nest  que  cela  se  face, 
tout  estgasté. 

Oneiy,  sevllemext,  tout  seullement,  a  je 
ne  demande  seullement  or  tant  seallemeni 
que  vostre  bon  vouloyr.  And  SANS  PLUS,  as 
si  vostre  différent  gisoyt  sans  plus  en  vue 
sealle  chose,  je  ne  diroye  que,  etc. 

On  that  other  syde,  de  laultre  part. 

On  the  other  syde,  OAtirnE  part,  as  daultre 
pari  vecy  que  je  dis.  And  daultre  part  se 
vng  homme  se  aaance  de  vouloyr  trouuer 
quelque  bien. 

On  the  contrarye  syde,  av  contraire.  Et  au 
contraire  si  vous  faiclez  mal  mal  vous  em- 

Onwarde,  desja.  en  partie. 

DESJA,  as  pour  le  commencement  il  est  desja 

EN  PARTIE,  as  je  vous  donneray  vingt  Hures 
en  tout,  et  en  partie  vous  en  aurez  dix. 

One  whyle  he  wepelh ,  an  other  be  iangbeth , 
vnesfoys  il  pleure,  vng  aullre  il  chante. 

Or,  OU.  NE. 

ou,  as  parlez  ou  je  vousferay  parler.  And  ne  , 
as  et  se  doubtoit  comment  ne  par  quelque 
moien  il  se  pourrait  faire.  Las  que  ferons 
nous  ne  comment  pourrons  nous  endurer 
ceste  payne?  And  sans  boyrc  ne  sans  nmn- 
ger.  And  comment  ne  par  quelle  manière. 
And  quelle  hardiesse  te  meut,  o  jeune  ado- 
lescent royal,  ne  de  quelle  fiance  présumes  tu 
a  mettre  ta  mayn  aux  nymphes?  ki\d  la  plus 
recommandée  en  beaulté  que  oncques  fut  née 
de  mère  ne  que  jamays  sera.  And  si  vous 
auez  prias  douleur  ne  payne  pour  Iny.  And 
deuant  puisse  mourir  a  douleur  que  je  le 
mette  en  oubly  ne  si  je  le  laisse  pour  vng 
aultre.  And  car  je  vouldroye  congnoisire 
quil  est  ne  de  quel  lieu  il  est. 

Or  at  the  leste,  ov  a  tout  le  moins,  as  ou 
qui  linrast  toute  larmée  des  Grecz  es  mayns 
du  dit  Hector,  ou  a  tout  le  moins  luy  bail- 
lust  quatire  des  principuulx  personnages. 

Or  els,  OU  aultrement,  as  ou  aultrcment  sans 
achoyson  perdroyt  temps  et  saison,  je  vous 

Or  els  that,  ou  aultrement  que. 

Or  ever   that,   ayns    que,    as  il   luy   cousteru 


de  la  payne  ayns  quil  aura  paracheixé  son 
emprinse.  And  majs  ayncoys  me  laisseroye 
prier  ayns  que  me  abandonner.  And  ArNCOïS 
QVE,  as  uyncoys  quil  eust  ce  pourpencé  es- 
toyt  ilja  troys  ans  passez.  And  avaxt  que, 
as  auant  que  parlyr,  vous  me  direz  aultre 

Or  rather,  ou  plus  tost,  as  et  selon  les  cerimo- 
nies  ou  plus  tost  superstition  de  ce  temps  la 
firent  priué  sacrifice. 

Olher  or  ,  ou  ou,  as  je  ne  scay  lequel  ce  a  esté, 
mays  ce  a  esté  ou  luy  ou  vous.  And  ou  je 
vousferay  taire,  ou  je  verray  lequel  de  nous 
deux  sera  le  plus  fort, 

Outher,  or  at  tbe  leste ,  ou,  ou  A  tout  le 
MOYXS ,  as  ou  vous  estez  perconnier  de  son 
faict,  ou  a  tout  le  moins  vous  lauez  aydé 
et  secouru. 

Outher  that  or  els  that ,  ou  cela  ou  aultre- 
MENT  cela,  as  ou  vous  ferez  cela  ou  vous 
passerez  par  les  picques. 

Over  and  above,  pak  dessus  ce.  oultre  plus. 


PAR  DESSUS  CE,  as  par  dessus  ce  se  disoyt  es- 

tre  messacjier  de  Dieu. 
oultre  plus,  as  et  oultre  plus  fit  aussi  tuer  sa 

dauoxdast,  as  et  dabondant   luy  apprint  a 

toucher  de  la  harpe. 

Paradveuture,  paraduenture ,  m  paraduenlure 
aussi  le  fait  il  pour  essayer  ta  constance. 

Parte  parle,  que  que,  and  moytié  moytiè, 
as  parte  vvith  my  wyll  parte  agaynst  my 
wyll  :  que  voulcnticrs  que  enuys  :  moytié 
voulentiers,  moytié  enuys. 

Partly  partiy,  £.v  partie  eih  partie,  as  et  est 
le  pays  en  partie  montueux  en  partie  plai- 

Provyded  alwayes,  pouruea  loutesfoys  que. 

Provyded  tbat,  pourueu  que,  as  pouruea  que 
espoyr  ne  me  decoyue  et  trompe.  And  /jour- 
a«u  quil  luy  donast  ses  deux  coursiers. 

Quyte  and  clene,  de  tout  en  tout. 


Ratber,  plus  tost,  as  mays  ceulx  ne  portoyeni 
poynt  paie  mays  plus  tost  guerre.  And  plus 
tost  mourir.  And  plus  Chier,  aajayme  plus' 
chier  mourir  que  vàus  offencer.  And  MIEULX, 
asjayme  mieulx  mourir  que  vous  ojfencer. 

Raihcr  to  dye  tban  to  do  so,  plus  tost  mourir 
que  défaire  aynsi. 

Rather  tban,   plus   tost    que.   plus    chier 

PLUS  TOST  QUE ,  jayme  plus  tost  mourir  que 

vous  offencer. 
PLUS  CIIIER  QUE,  asje  ayme  plus  chier  mourir 

que  vous  ojfencer. 
MIEULX  QUE ,sisjayme  mieulx  mourir  que  vous 

AUANT  QUE,  is  jayme  auant  mourir  que  vous 
Rather  better  tban  ^vorse ,   ratber  vvorse  tban 
better,  etc.  plus  tost  mieulx  que  pis,  plus 
tost  pis  que  mieulx. 
Ratber  tban  ibal,  ayns  que,  as  je  ayme  mieulx 
mourir  tout  présentement  ayns  qaon  me  laysse 
en  ce  lieu  tout  seul. 
Ratber  to  day  tban  to  morow ,  plus  tost  aujour- 

dhuy  que  demayn. 
Rygtas,  ryghtso,  tout  aynsi  que,  or  comme. 
TOUT  aynsi,  as 

Silz  prennent  celte  ckose  Jaicte. 
Car  tout  aynti  ijac  Iheure  ajfaicle 
Et  faict  venir  toyr  et  malyn 
Le  gentil  espreuier  a  maya  , 
Tout  aynsi  Mont  ajj'aietiez  dons 
A  donner  grâces  et  pa'dont. 
Les  portiers  aux  fins  amoureux 
Tvst  se  rendent  vaincus  par  eulx. 

Save,  as  he  hatb  taken  al  my  good  from  me, 
save  my  weai-ynge  genre  :  fors,  excepté, 
SAUF,  as  il  ma  osté  tous  mes  biens  fors,  ex- 
cepté, sauf  mes  habillement. 

Savyng, ybrs,  excepté,  sauf. 

Save,  or  savyng  ail  -onely,  excepté  tant  seulle- 
ment.  Fors  tant  seuUement.  Sauf  tant  sealle- 
ment.  And  si  ce  nest  tant  seullcment. 

Save  onely,  fors  seuUement.  Excepté  seullement. 
Sauf  seullement  Si  ce  nest  seullement. 

Save,  or  savynge  tbat,  forsque,  excepté 



()VE,  SAVF  QUE,    and  SI  CE  KEST  QUE,  aS 

certes  je  ne  scay  que  repondre  forsque  tel 
déception  vient  de  lafauLe  vision,  or  excepté 
y  ne  tel  déception,  etc. 
Save  hère   in  that,  or  savynge  hère  in  that, 

FOnS  TAUT  QUE,  33 

One  ne  fut  komme 

Qui  de  luy  mat  entendit 

Fore  tant  tjue  Malle  bouche  dit. 

Save  onely  that  excepte  and  reserved ,  ^or$  tant 
seuUement  cela  excepté  et  reserué. 

Seyng  that,  vejj  que.  attendu  que. 

VEV  QUE,  as  veu  que  je  vous  ay  fait  les  ser- 
ttices  possibles.   And  veu  que  tant  tay  par 
mer  et  par  terre  suyaie. 
ATTENDU  QUE,  89  attendu  que  on  vous  a  par 
tant  defoys  admonnesté,  vous  auez  tort. 

Sythe,  PUIS,  DESPUIS,  as  combien  est  il  despuis? 
And  pais  vng  an  en  ca.  And  est  il  long 
temps  despuis?  So  that  despuis  is  used  in 
the  ende  of  a  sentence,  and  puis  in  the 

Syns  on  the  one  sydc  and  sythe  on  the  other, 
puis  de  vng  cosié  et  puis  de  laultre. 

Sythe  it  is  so ,  pvis  que  ayxsi  est,  and 
COMME  AYxsi  SOYT,  03  puis  que  aynsi  est 
que  vous  auez  mis  ordre  en  ce  cas.  And 
comme  aynsi  soyt  que  vous  auez  mis  ordre 
en  ce  cas.  So  that  the  firste  is  indycatyve 
and  the  other  potencyall. 

Sythe  that,  puisque,  que. 

PUIS  QUE,  as  puisque  nous  auons  satisfait  ace  . 
poynt.  And  combien  que  cest  aduenture  te 
soyt  autant  doubteuse  comme  esmerueillable, 
néant  moyns  puis  quil  a  pieu,  etc. 
QUE,v/haB  they  understande  pais,hy  éclipses, 
as  dy  moy  combien  a  que  lempereur  fut  cour- 

So  ,  whichc  we  use- moche  in  tellyng  of  a  taie, 
at  the  begynnyng  of  a  mater  whiche  fo- 
lovyeth  upon  the  thynges  tolde  afore ,  si. 
Butyet  the  frenche  tonge  useth  this  worde 
si  very  often  and  very  differenlly  from  our 
tonge,  so  that  somtyme  si  semeth  to  sig- 
nyfye  nothynge  wilh  us,  or  at  the  leste 
we  hâve  no  worde  to  counlravayle  it. 

So ,  A  YNSI ,  and  y4  ussi  a  yxsi  ,  as  faictez  aynsi  et 
aynsi,  et  gardez  de  faire  aynsi  :  whan  so  is 
doubled,  and  for  so  as  so. 

So  as  so,  AYiysi  que,  ayxsî,  or  aussi,  as  mays 
aynsi  quil  fut  le  premier  qui  trouua  la  vigne, 
aussi,  or  aynsi,  fut  il  celluy  qui  sentit  pre- 
mièrement la  force  de  son  bruuaige. 

So  so  as,  SI  si  que,  as  qui  ne  refusasl  vnc  si 
pesante  et  si  dangereuse  charge  que  ceste  cy. 
And  iloncqves  si  je  suis  si  temerayre  que  de 
la  cuyder  mettre  afin.  And  le  jugement  de 
si  bas  homme  comme  moy.  So  that  for  so, 
byfore  our  adjectyves,  they  use  indifle- 
rently  si,  and  taxt,  as  qui  esloyt  tant 
vaillant,  tant  bel  et  tant  saige.  But  si  is 
moste  comen  and  moste  sure. 

So  as  so,  TOUT  AYNSI,  Or  AYNSI  QUE,  or 

car  tout  aynsi  comme  la  mer  se  trouble  quant 
il  fait  grant  vent,  tout  aynsi  se  trouble 
Ihomme  vicieux  et  nest  jamays  a  repot. 

So  farre  forthe  as ,  en  tant  que,  or  comme. 

So  farre  forthe  that,  en  tant  que,  or  si  auant 

So  it  happencd  that,  aynsi  aduint  que. 

So  it  was  that,  aynsi  aduint  que. 

So  moche  as,  de  tant  que,  ot  comme,  as  et 
leur  fait  de  tant  facillement  que  ame  ny 
auoyt  qui  print  suspection  sur  luy. 

So  moche  as  so  moche,  davtant  que  dau- 
TANT,  as  doutant  que  lor  passe  les  aultres 
metaulx  en  pureté,  doutant  surmonte  elle 
toutes  femmes  en  pureté.  And  dautànt 
AUTANT,  as  dautant  que  Gauayn  eut  le 
pris  comme  courtoys  et  bien  aprins,  autant 
eut  Kaew  de  villanie.  And   dautant   de 


So  moche  as,  so  moche  the  more,  so  moche 
the  lesse,  so  moche  the  easylyer,  etc.  de 
tant  que,  tant  plus,  tant  moyns,  tant  plus 
facillement,  or  dautant  que,  dautant  plus, 
doutant  moyns ,  and  dautant  plus  facille- 

So  moche  the  more,  so  moche  the  more,  en 
tant  plus,  dautant  plus. 

Some   saye  so,  some  saye   the  contrarye,  les 



rngi  disent  aynsi,  les  auUres  disent  le  con- 

trayre.  Déclarée!  in  the  Pronowne. 
Sone  hotte  sone  colde ,  tosl  ckault  tost  froyt. 
Somtyme  helaughetb,  andsomtymehewepeth, 

tmlcunesjoys  il  rit,  et  aullresjoys  il  pleure. 

Declared  in  «wban  s. 
So   moche   with  the  better   wyll,  dautant  de 

meilleure  voulenlé. 

So  that,  SI  QUE.  MAYS  QUE.  MOYENlllAKT  QUE. 

SI  QUE,  as  si  que  lajleury  pert  son  estre. 

MAÏS  QUE,  as  mays  que  nous  ayons  premier 
parlé  a  luy.  And  cela  ne  vous  touche  de  riens 
mays  que  vous  ne  soyez  pas  coulpable.  And 
i{  ne  men  chault  mays  que  de  toy  oye  souuent 

MOYBKfiAfiT  QUE,  as  moyennant  que  le  roy 
Jupiter  interposast  son  décret.  And  a  moy 
aurez  vous  bien  lost  fait  moyennant  que 
monsieur  le  me  commande. 

Than ,  que,  aller  cotnparacions ,  as  better  than , 
worse  than,  more  than,  Icsse  than,  etc., 
as  mieulx  te  vauldroyt  estre  mort  né  que  de 
me  toucher  de  ton  doy,  etc. 

Than  was  llian ,  a  lors  comme  a  lors. 

Than  was  than,  and  nowe  is  nowe,  as  a  lors 
comme  a  lors,  mayntenant  comme  maynte- 

That,  que,  declared  at  the  length  in  the  two 
notes  after  the  seconde  rule  hère  put  next 
afore  tbis  table. 

That  nat  with  standynge,  ce  koh  obstant,  as 
mays  ce  non  obslant  elle  ne  jit  quelque  sem- 

The  farthcr  the  more  :  declared  in  ihowe 
t  moche». 

Therfore,  pour  cela. 

The  more  the  more ,  tant  plus  tant  plus, 
as  lant  plus  en  boys  et  plus  en  pais. 

The  more  the  better,  tant  plus  tant  mieulx, 
as  tant  plus  seront  ensemble  le  maisire  et  le 
limier,  tant  mieulx  scaura  lang  les  coustumes 
de  laultre. 

The  mo  the  meryer  ;  the  fewer,  the  better 
fare  :  tant  que  nous  sommes  plus  en  nombre, 
tant  serons  nous  plus  joyeaix ;  tant  que  nous 

sommes  en  plus  petit  nombre,  tant  aurons 
nous  mieulx  a  manger. 
ThertO,     DAUANTAGE,    PAR    DESSUS    CELA,    aS 

he  was  well  lerned  and  therto  wyse  ;  il 
estoyt  bien  apprins  et  dauantaige,  or  et  par 
dessus  cela,  saige. 
This  nat  witbstandynge,  ce  non  obslant. 


COMBIEN  QUE,  as  combien  que  je  ne  sais  pas 

suffisant,  toulesjoys,  etc. 
POUR   TANT   SI,  as  pouT   tant  si  je  deffens 

yuresse,  si  ne  vueil  je  poynt  deffendre  le 

boyre.  And 

Poar  tant  si  elle  at  ï>elli!  et  gente. 
Si  est  elle  dtjfamèe  et  meichante. 

Thns,  AYNSI,  asfaictiz  aynsi  :  dô  thus« 

Thus  by  this  meanes,  par  aynsi,  as  thus  was 

Troye  distroyed  :  par  aynsi  Jast  Troye  des- 

To  begyn  with,  pour  commencement,  as  et 

pour  commencement  il  est  dcsja  régent. 
To  say  the  trulhe,  A  dire  veoyr,  aa  et  a  dire 

veoyr,  le  commencement  de  ceste  sapersticion 

vient  du  diable  comme  tous  aaltres  mau/c. 
To  the  ende,  affin  de,  as  affin  doncques  de 

redresser  et  resourdre  la  dicte  noble  histoyre. 
To  the  ende  that,  ajjin  que,  and  a  ce  que. 
To  the  intent  that,  a  ce  que.  a  celle  fin 

que.  affin  que. 
A  ce  que,  as  i7  nous  faall  mettre  payne  a  ce 

que  on  ot  de  nous  bon  rapport.  And  >a  ce 

que  par  ejfect  je  désirasse,  etc. 
A  CELLE  fin  que,  a  Celle  fin  que  on  se  re- 

coeuure  de  la  perte  quon  nous  face. 
AFFIN  que,  as  cest  assauoyr  affn  que  on  le 

puisse  veoyr  de  plus  loyng. 
To  whete  whether,  ascauoyb  mon,  as  asca- 

noyr  mon  le  quel  iroyt  ou  demoureroit.  And 

ascauoyr  mon  laquelle  des  troys  guignerait. 

And  examine  a  scauoyr  mon  sil  congnoyl 

poynt  le,  etc. 

Whan  than  after,  quant  doncques  après  la  mort 

du  dit  tirant  Sylla. 
Were  it  nat  thaï,  et  ne  fut  ce  que. 
Were  nat  that,  ne  fut  ce  que. 



What  gladly  what  agayjisl  my   wyll,  que  vcu- 

lentiers  (jue  eimys. 
What  one  (hynge ,  wliat  other  ,  que  vue  chose 

que  aultre. 
What  for  one  ibyng  what  for  other,  que  pour 

rnf  chose  que  pour  aultre. 
What  se  ever,  qvoy  que,  as  el  se  détermine  de 

parler  a  elle  quoy  que  deust  aduenir.  And  je 

le  Jeray  quoy  que  aduienyne. 
Whatlhoughe,  POinr^.VT  si.  QVOï  qve. 
POUR  TAUT  SI,  as  pour  tant  si  je  suis  noyre , 

si  ne  suis  je  pas  U  diable.  And  pour  tant  si 

je  vous  tence,  fi  ne  vous  ayme  je  pour  tant 

en  riens  moyns. 
QVOY   QVE,  as   el  quoy  que   toute  personne 

mortelle  soit  par  lutiire  enclinée  a  péché. 

Aad  et  quoy  que  les  conlesses  ne  soycnt  mye 

nommées  princesses.  And  et  quoy  que  le  juge 

What  with   niy  wylj   what  agaynst  my  wyll , 

que  voulentiers  que  enuis.  Moytié  de  mon 

louloyr,  or  moytié  de  ma  voulenté,  moytié 

contre,  etc. 
Where,  ov.  qve. 
ov ,  as  ou  estez  vous? 
QUE,  as  where  is  the  cbylde  become  :  quest 

deuenu  lenfanl  ?  qucst  deuenu  Babilone  ? 
Where  aboutes,  ou  EXDitOYT,  as  where  about 

abydelh  he  :  ou  endroyt  se  tient  il? 
Where  apon ,  as  where  apon   rydeth  he  :  sur 

quoy  cheuauche  il? 
Where  upon,  as  where  upon  the  people  tokc 

indignacion,  etc.  sur  quoy,  or  a  cause  de 

quoy,  or  par  quoy  les  gens  se  indignèrent. 
Where  as,  betokenyng  place,  la  ou,  as  la 

ou   il  fut  amoureux  premièrement   de    la 

Where  as,  by  whiche  wordes  we  use  to  dylate 

our  maters,  and  use  them  comcniy  in 

letters  missyves  or  commyssyons,  or  su- 

che  lyke  :  comme,  as  comme  nostre  sire  le 

roy  a  esté  dcuement  informé  de  ce,  etc.,  il 

est  pourtant  délibéré  pour  y  mettre  ordre  et 

remède,  etc. 
Where  as  you   saye  this  or  that,  la  ou  vous 

dictet  cecy  ou  cela. 

Where  as  on  the  contrarye  syde ,  la  ou  au  con- 

Wherby,  do«t,  as  dont  il  est  destruyct.  And 

PAR  qvoy,  as  par  quoy  il  est  destruyct. 
Wherby  it  happeneth ,  dont  il  adaieni,  or  par 

quoy  il  adulent. 
Wherfore,  povh  qvoy.  povr  tant.  si. 

POVltQVOY,  as  pour  quoy  je  te  prie,  mon  très- 

doute  cueur.  And  par  quoy  appert  quil  ne 

Jaull  aulcunement  doubler. 
POVR   TAXT,   as  pour  tant    le  Pape  y   veult 

si,  as  si  se  transporta  promptement  celle  pari. 

And  et  pour  ce  que,  et  puis.  Si  prie  deuo- 

temenl  a  Noitre  Seignieur. 
Wherfore,  pour  çuojy  non. 
Whcrio,  eu  qvoy,  as  en  quoy  le  metterayje? 
Wherof,  DE  qvoy.  And  dout. 
DE  quoy,  as  de  quoy  est  ceci  fait. 
Doyr,  as  dont  vient  cela. 
Wherupon,  deciared  in  «where  upon». 
Wherwith,  de  quoy.  dont. 
DE  QUOY,  as  de  quoy  fil  il  cela? 
DONT,  as  dontjit  il  cela? 
Why,  POUR  QUOY,  as  pour  quoy  faiclez  vous 

Why  nat,  pour  quoy  non? 
Whyle,  PENDANT,  as  tenez  cecy  pendant  que  je 

aille  quérir  mon  escriployre. 
Whyther  so  cyer  that ,  quelque  part  que. 
Whether   that,  ascavoyr  mon  si,  as  Je  vous 

deiiiande  ascauoyr  mon  si  Icufful  deuant  la 

poulie  ou  la  poulie  deuant  leuf. 
Whether,  si ,  as  je  vous  ilemande  si  vous  lauez 

faict  ou  non. 
Whether,  ascauoir  mon,  as  je  vous  demande 

ascauoyr  mou  quelle   loy  peult  déterminer 

cette  question.  And  je  vous  demande  oscar 

uoyr  mon  lequel  des  deux  estoyt  plus  digne. 

And  ihis  phrasys  is  to  be  notcd. 
Whyther  goest  thou,  ou  vas  lu? 
Wbyther  go  you,  ou  allez  vous? 
Whyther  trowe  you ,   ou  pencez  vous  ?  ou    a 

voslre  aduis? 
Whether  you  wyll  or  nat,  veuillez  ou  non. 
Whether  so  you  wyll  or  nat,  veuillez  ou  non. 



Wbether  Ihey  wolde  or  nat,  voulsissent  ou  non. 
Whether  I  wyll  or  nat,  veuilje  ou  non. 
Whether  we  wyll  or  nat,  veailtons  ou  non. 
Whose  or  who  so  ever,  qu/coxques  ,  as  qui- 

conques  cuyde  ne  qui  die. 
With  cul,  s  A  fis,  as  vous  parlez  sans  cesser. 

Without  fortbe. 

Without  more,  sahis  plvs,  as  je  ne  quiers  sans 

plus  que  la  Bible. 
With  that,  4TAXT,  as  atant  il  se  leul. 

Yet  for  ail  that,  non  pour  tnnl. 


Hère  endeth  the  table  of  Conjunctyons  and  suche  otlier  partes 

of  spetche  as  be  twyse  used  bothe  in  our 

tonge  and  in  tbe  frenche  tonge , 

with  ail  suche 



phrasys  as  is  bytwene  the  tonges 

by  reason  of  them  :  and 

bere  foloweth  the 





Of  the  In TERJECTYON ,  in  a  generaltie,  I  hâve  ail  ready  intreated 
in  the  latter  ende  of  the  seconde  booke,  but  hère  more  playnly  to 
déclare  them  by  exemples. 


I  fynde  hay,  or  kav. 

HA  Y,  as  vien  ca  hay.  Jacquay  hay. 

HAV ,  as  dy  hau,  fais  tu  le  sourt?  Hau,  pely 
Jehan,  apportez  mon  arc.  So  that  hay  is 
used  whaii  they  call  one  that  is  in  their 
syght  or  nere  them  :  hau  to  one  that  is 
farther  of,  or  out  of  syght.  Aiso  whan 
they  cali  at  ones  doore  standyuge  without, 
they  saye  hola,  and  they  within  forthe 
answere  :  qtd  est  {a?  as  I  hâve  afore  de- 


Haa,  as  haa,  que  dis  tu?  And  as  ta  dit  cela, 

intebjectyons  of  pahceyvin6. 
Haha.  ATAT.  ' 

Il  An  A  ,  as  haha,  maistre  chien,   vous   auez 
mangé  le  lart.  And  haha,  viUayn,  hantez 
vous  la? 
ATAT,  as  atatjcest  cela.  And 
HADEA,  as  hadea,  je  scauoye  bien  quil  estoyt 


Habo,  as  haro,  a  larme,  irahy,  trahy. 


BOVISCBE,  as  houische,  ne  sonnez  mot. 

MOM ,  as  mom ,  ne  parlez  plus. 
PAIX,  as  payx,  paix,  monsieur  vient. 


Garde,  as  garre,  garre. 

HeLAS.  las.  LASSE.   IIEE.  HEMY. 

HELAS,  as  helas,  que  ferons  nous,  poures  gens 

LAS,  as  las,  qui  eut  jamays  cuydé  que  celafusl 

LASSE ,  as  lasse  moy  dolente  créature. 
HEE ,  as  hee  moy,  misérable. 
HEMY  is  used  rather  in  the  doutchc  lande, 

and  wherc   they   speake   Rommant  and 

Wallon  than  in  Fraunce. 


Ha.  oya.  dieulx.  dea,  and  bay  dieu. 

II A ,  as  ha  Noslre  Dame  de  Ctery,  qui  leust 

pencé ? 
OYA,  as  oya,  vray  Dieu,  quest  cecy  a  dire? 
DIEVLX,   as  Dieulx,  auoii   il  tout  eschuppé 

forsque  cela  et  encore  fat  happé. 
DEA,  as  a  il  batu  sa  femme  desja? 


0,  as  je  meurs  si  on  ne  maide. 


Fï,  Mfy,  lourdault  que  vous  estez,  villayn. 

And  note  that,  bysydes  thèse  dyvers  sortes  of  interjectyons  re- 
hersed  in  the  seconde  booke,  I  fynde  also  certayne  of  other  sortes  , 
for  some  be  interjectyons  betokenyng  warnyng  to  cesse.  Ho,  as  ho, 


de  par  le  diable,  ho.  And  hola,  cest  assez.  And  some  be  interjections 
of  indignacion  :  trut,  as  trat  auant,  trat.  And  some  be  interjectyons 
betokenyng  mockyng  :  boo,  as  hoo,  boo,  on  le  scait  assez.  And  boo,  il 
suffit.  And  HAY,  as  hay,  Jehan  Jennin,  ta  dis  vray. 

Note  aiso  that  there  is  no  nacion  tbat  more  useth  to  fayno  wordes 
of  imytacion  to  expresse  the  thynge  whiche  they  wolde  discribe  than 
the  frenche  men  do  :  as  to  expresse  the  sounde  of  fyghtyng,  I  fynde 
petif  petaf,  clif  claf.  And  to  expresse  the  sounde  of  gonne  shotte,  l 
fynde  tip  tap,  sip  sap.  And  to  expresse  the  sounde  of  horse  men,  trie 
trac.  And  by  lyke  reason  forme  they  tintouin,  chariuaris,  and  suche  lyke. 

Note  also  that  there  is  no  tonge  more  haboundaunte  of  adages  or 
darke  sentences  comprehendyng  great  wysdome.  But  of  them  1  differ 
at  this  tyme  to  speake  any  more ,  intendyng  by  Goddes  grâce  to  make 
of  this  adages  a  booke  aparté  ;  fynysshyng  hère  our  thyrde  and  laste 
booke  of  this  présent  treatyse,  whiche  I  bave  uamed  Lesclarcissement 
de  la  langue  francoyse.  Besechyng  God  that  thèse  my  labours  maye 
nat  onely  be  commodyouse  and  profylable  unto  the  nobybte  of  this 
reaime  (the  more  soner  by  the  meanes  herof  in  their  tender  âge  to 
attayne  unto  the  knowledge  of  this  tonge)  but  also  maye  be  moche 
vayilable  unto  ail  other  persones  of  this  noble  reaime,  of  what  estate 
or  condyscions  so  ever  they  be.  For  than  shall  I  nat  onely  thynke 
my  labours  well  bestowed,  but  also  take  it  for  a  recompence  of  ray 
displeasurs  endured  otherwyse. 

Thus  endeth  this  booke  called  Lesclarcissement  de  la  langue  francoyse, 

whiche  is  very  necessarye  for  ail  suche  as  intende 

to  lerne  to  speke  trewe  frenche. 

The  imprintyng  fynysshed  by  Johan  Haukyns 

the  xviii  daye  of  July.  The  yere 

of  our  lorde  God 

M.   ce.  ce.  G. 

and  XXX. 











L'auteur  de  cette  Grammaire  ayant  apporté  un  soin  extrême  à  marquer 
la  prononciation  par  l'accent,  on  a  dû  s'attacher  à  reproduire  scrupuleu- 
sement les  accents  du  texte  original. 

Mais  il  faut  savoir  que  Du  Guez,  par  un  système  particulier,  emploie 
l'accent  placé  sous  la  voyelle.  Nous  avons  reporté  l'accent  au-dessus ,  con- 
formément à  l'usage  moderne. 

Cette  substitution  a  d'autant  moins  d'inconvénient,  que  nulle  part  Du 
Guez  n'emploie  l'accent  supérieur;  par  conséquent,  il  n'y  a  point  de  con- 
fusion k  craindre.  C'est  un  très-petit  détail  dont  il  suffit  que  le  lecteur  soit 

F.  G. 


FOR    TO    LERNE    TO    REDE , 



•  Grâce  of    God     ihat   I  love  so  moche 

G   race  de  Dieu  que  jayme    tant 

I    your    requier     ryght   humbly 
I     e  uous  requier    IreshumbJement 

^,  tlie  gift    of  love  without  any  further 

C"         Le    don  damour  sans  plus  auant 

jyj  of  it  le  make  any  refuco 

E    n       faire  aulcun  refusement 

If  ve  do    fynde        in  any  wise 
S    e  uous  trouués  aulcunement 

of  me    service  ,  but  in     Iroutli 
D    e  moy  seruice  quen  loyaulté 

I  gyve  you   levé  ulterly 

U    DUS  habandonne  entièrement 

to  wyll       at  ail     at  your  wyll 
U    oulloir  du  tout  a  uoulenté 

toward  me  to  use   of    great    rigour 
U    ers     moy  user  de  grant  rigeur 

and  me  to  banysshe  from  ail   good    liap 

c/5         Et     me     bannir      de  tout  bon  beiir 

wilhoul  more  of  me  to  hâve     pite. 
S    ans     plus    de  moy  auoir  pité. 

Sola  salas  seruire  Deo,  sunt  cetera  fraudes. 



TO    THE    LADY    MARY. 

For    the  hoiiour  of    Mary 
Pojur  Ihonneur  de  Marye 

God  doughter  to  saynt    Mary 
filleule  a  saynte  Marye 

virgin  and  molher    Jesu     Christ 
vierge  et   mère  Jhesuh  Crist 

hâve  thèse  verses  ben    wrillen. 
ont    ces  verse  esté  escripts. 














tliat  can  nat  vade 








for  eYCr  more 

be  j-e 

a  tousjours  mais 




well  smellyng 




benye.       Amen. 


How   beil    tliat  I  do  nat,  nat  knowe  how  that    many   as  well     lerned    in        good 
Combien  que    ne    ignore    point    que  pluisieurs  tant  qualifiez  es  bonnes 

lettres  as     also  well  spoken  in  the     frenche  tonge       (  at     the     lest      nat     beyng 

lectres  corne  aussy  élégant  en  la  langue  francoise  (au  moins  pour  non  estre 

naturall  and  borne  of  the  lande  and  countrey)  hâve  composed,  and  writlen   rules   and 
naturel  et  natif   du   territoire  et  pais)  ont  composés    et  escripz  régies  et 

principles      for      introduction     in  ihe  sayd     tonge  the  whicho  par  aventure,  as 

principes  pour  introduction  en  la  dicte  langue  les  quelz  peult  estre ,  corne 

witnessed        saint      Hieronie  to    Paulin,  hâve      tought       before  that  they  hâve  ben 
liesmoigne  saint  Hierome  a   Paulin,  ont  ensegnés   auant  que  auoir  esté 

conynge,    for  how  beit  that  arte    is      folower      of  nature     folowyng    her  right  nygh, 
scauantz,  car  ja  soit  que  art  soit  imitatrice  de  nature  lensuiuant  de  bien  près, 


yet  neuerthelesse  can   nat  slie   ouertake   lier.     Wlierfore     ihe    sayd      composytours 
sy  ne  la  peult  elle  toutefois  aconsuiuir.    Pourquoy  les  ditz  compilateurs 

ali  togyder  leaiiyng  to  tlie  same  ben  by    nature    in   sondrie  places    checked   reproued 
du  tout  adherens  à  icelle  sont  par  nature  en  diuers  lieux  cancellés    repris 

and  corrected.  Shulde  il  nat  seine   a      thynge  selde  and  strange   to   se  a    Frencliman 
et  corrigez.  Ne  sembleroit  ce  point  chose  rare  et  estrange  ueoir  ung  François 

endeuoir      and  inforce  himself  to  lèche  unie  the  Germayns  tbe  langage  of  Almaine  : 
se  ingérer  et  efforcer     dapprendre      aux  Allemans   la     lange  tyoise, 

ye      and  that  more  over  is,  upon  the  same  to  compyle    rules  and  principles,    how  beit 
uoire  et  qui  plus   est,      sur    icelle    composer  régies  et  principes,  combien 

that      agaynst     me      and    my     reason  some       body     myght       say ,    that   one 

que     contre    nioy    et    ma   rayson     quelque   ung  pourroit  dire  que   on 

shulde  fynde  no  body  whiche  shulde  lèche  Hébreu ,  Greke,  nor  Laten,  if  it  were  nat  laufull 
ne  trouueroit  ame  qui  ensegneroit  Hebrieu,  Grec,  ne  Latin,  sil     ne    loisoit 

to   any  body   so   to  do    but    to    him  which  shulde  bave  it  of    nature  :  to   whom     I 
a  auscun  de  ce  faire  sinon  a  celui  qui        laroit        de  nature  :  a  quoy   je 

answere     that    it  is  ariother  thyng      to   teche     and    instrucl        bv     the     principles 
respons  que  cest  aidtre  chose  densegnér  et  daprendre  par  les  principes 

and  reules  made    by    divers  well  experlz   auclours,    by  great  space  and  longe  procès 
et    régies  faictz  par    diuérs     expertz  aucteurs ,  par  interualle  et    diuturnité 

of  longe    tyme     well      approved ,        than   at   the    fyrst    metyng  and  nat  havyng    a 
de  long  temps  bien  approuuéez,  que  de  première  abordée  et     nauoir  ung 

language  but      meaneiy        and     as     a  thynge  borowed  to  be  wyllyng  by       and        by 
langage  que  moienement  et  come   par   emprunt,  en  uoulloir  cy  pris  cv  mis, 

nat         oniy  instructe  the  olher»,      but     also    to  compyle  upon  the  same  reules 

non  seullement  ensegnér  les  aultres,  maisaussy  composer  sur      ce      régies 

certayne,        the   whiche    doyng   is     nat  graunted  but  unto  ryght  few  of  them  whiche 
infallibles,  ce  que  scauoir  faire  nest    ottroie   a        bien  peu  de  ceulz     qui 

ben  borne  of  the  sayd  langage ,  for    louchyng    my      self     to  whom  the  sayd 

sont  mesme  natif  du  dict  langage,  car  touchant  moy  mesmes  a  qui  la  dicte 

tongc       is      maternall      or     naturall ,   and    whiche    by    the  space    of  iherty  yeres 
langue  est  maternelle  OU  naturelle,' et  '-qui     par  lespase    de  trente    ans 

and  more     bave    besyed     nae    ■    how   beit    that    I  am  ryght    ignorant,       to      lèche 
et    plus  me  suis   entremis  (combien   que    soie  très  ignorant)  densegnér 


and   inslruct         iiiany  great      princes   and   princesses,  as        lo  decessed  oi 

et  apprendre  pluisieurs  grandz  princes  et  princesses,  comme  a  feu  de 
noble  and  recomended  memory  the  prince  Arthur ,  llie  noble  kyng  Henry 
noble  et  recommandée  mémoire  le  prince  Arthur,  le  noble  roy   Henry 

for      the  présent         prosperously  regnyng,   to  whom    God      gyve    lyfe     perpe- 

pour  le  présent  prospereusement  régnant,  a    qui    Dieu   doint  uie  perpé- 
tuai!:    the  quenes  of  France  and  Scollande,  with  the  noble   marquis  of  Excestre , 
tuelle  :  les  roynes  de  France  et  dEscosse,  auec  le  noble  marquis  dExcestre,  etc. 

for      the  whiche  thynge   to    fulfyil    I  hâve  donc  my  power  and    dever   to  serche 

pour  la  quelle  chose  accomplir  jay  fait  mon  pouoir  et  debuoir  de  perscruter 

and  seke  ail  ihal  which  hath  senied  me  to  ihis  purpose  te  serve  :  I  hâve  nat  never- 
et  cercher  tout  ce   qui   ma   semblé   a    ce  propos  seruir  ;  sy  nay  je  toutes- 

thelesse  founde  rules  infallybles,  bycause  that  it  is  nat  possyble  to  fynde  anv 
uois  peu  trouver  l'égles  infalibles,    pour  ce  qui!  nest  possible  de  telles  les 

suche,       that  is  to  say,  suche  whiche  may  serve  without  any  faulte,  as  do 

trouuer,  cest  a  dire,  telles  que  puissent  seruir  infalliblement,  comme  font 

the  rules  compiled  for  to  lerne  Lalen ,  Greke  and  Hébreu  and  other  suche 
les  régies  composéez  pour  apprendre  Latin ,  Grec  et  Hebrieu  et  autres   tel/. 

knguages  :  the  whiche  nevertheless  the  sayd  compilateurs  bave  overtaken , 
langages  :    ce     que     neantmoins    les    ditz     compilateurs    ont    entrepris 

te  ibe  ende  that  1  ne  say  presumed  lo  do,  how  beit  ihey  bave  nat  ben  but  lytell 
(afliiT  que  ne  die  présumés)  de  faire,  ja  soit  quilz  naient  esté  que  petit  de 

tyme  lo   lerne    it,       but    now   beit  se     that  suche  rules  and  techyng  ben 

temps  a  laprendre  ,  mais  or  soit  ainsy  que  telz  régies  et  ensegnementz  soient 

sufficient  and   farre  above         my  .    workes,       by  cause      nevertheless    that 

tressuffisans     et  loing    par  desus  mes  œuures,    pour   ce   toutes  fois  que 

now  nalwitbstandyng  myn  ignorancy,  1  am  agayne  by  my  most  redoubte<l 
maintenant  (nonobstant  mon  ignorance)  suis  derechief  (par  mon  très  redoublé 

lorde  and  prince  the  kynge  above  named ,  ordayned  to  administre  myn  ac- 
seigneur  et  prince  le    roy  dessus  nommé)  ordonné  dadministrer  mon  ac- 

customed  poore  and  unworthy  servyce  to  most  illustre,  ryght  exellente  and  ryght 
coustumé  poure  et   indigne  seruice  a   très  illustre ,  très   exellente  et    très 

vertuouse  lady  my  lady  Mary  of  Englande  bis  ryght  entierly  well  beloved 
uertucuse  dame  ma  dame  Mary  dEngleterre  sa  très  entièrement  bien  aymée 


doughter,  the  whiche  right  specially  and  straylly  hath  me  commandée!  and 
fille,         laquelle  très  espécialement  et  estroitement  ma     comandé         et 

encharged  to  rediice  and  to  put  by  wriltynge  the  maner  how  I  hâve  proceded 
enchargé  de  réduire  et  mectre  par  escript  la  manière  coment  jay  procédé 

towarde  her  sayd  progenitours  and  predecessours ,  as  that  same  also  by  ihe  which 
enuers  ses  dictz  progeniteurs  et  prédécesseurs,  come  celle  aussy  par  laquelle 

I    hâve    her       so       so  taught ,  and  do  lèche  dayly         whiche  to  refuse , 

je  lay  tellement  queliement  instruit,  et  instruis  journellement,  ce  que  refuser 

nat  wilhstandynge  the  reasons  above  sayd  alleged,  I  durst  nat,  nor  wolde  nat 
(nonobstant        les  raisons  dessus  dictes  alléguée)  noseroie   ne   uouldroie, 

how  beit  that  I  am  ryght  well  assured  to  mérite  more  for  and  by  cause  of  myn 
combien  que  soie    très    asseuré    de  plus  mériter  pour  et  cause    de  mon 

obédience  llian  by  any  seruice  or  sacrifyce  that  to  lier  I  may  do ,  ful- 
obedience  que  par  aulcun  seruice  ou  sacrifice  que  luy  puisse  prestér,  ac- 

fyllyng  her  most  noble  and  gracions    comandement ,     gratious     say  I ,   by  cause 

complissant  son  tresnoble  et  gracieux  comandement,  gracieus  dis  je,  pour  ce 

that  her  beniuolence  and  good  wyll  is  to  proffite  to  olhers  as  to 
que  sa  beniuolence  et  bon  uoulloir  est  de  prouffiter  aux  aultres  come  a 

herselfe ,  wherfore     I  supplie  and  require     ail     reders     the    causes  and  reasons 

elle  mesme,  pourquoi  je  suplie  et  requier  tous  lecteurs  les  causes  et  raisons 

aboue  sayd  contempled  and  consydered  to  bave  me  for  to  be  excused ,  and  ther 
dessus  dictes  contempléez  et  consideréez    mauoir  pour   excusé,       et      la 

where  they  shall  se  the  good  Homer  hâve  ben  aslepe  to  be  wyllyng  by  good  ma- 
OÙ  ilz  verront  le  bon  Homère  auoir  dormy  le  uoulloir  par  bonne  ma- 
ner to  wake  him,  in  correctyng  the  fautes  in  the  whiche  by  cause  of  the  same  he  is 
niere  esueiller  en  corrigeant  les  faultes  esquelles   a  cause  de     ce     il     est 

fallin,  the  whiche  doyng  they  shall  deserve  nat  only  to  be  lauded  and  pray- 
encouru ,  ce  que  faisantz  ilz  mériteront  nonseuliement  destre  loués  et  pri- 

sed ,  but  also  in  theyr  worke»  and  opérations  taxed  and  estimed  of  maner 
ses ,  mais  aussy  en  leurs  euures  et  opérations  taxés  et  estimés  de  manière 

lyke,  and  to  the  same  answeryng. 

reciprocque  et  corespondent. 





This  lyrie  worke  shalbe  devided  in  two  bokes,  wherof  the  fyrst  shal  hâve 
two  partes. 

In  the  fyrst  part  shalbe  treated  of  ruies,  that  is  redyng  frenche,  and 
what  Jettors  shall  be  lefte  unbesounde,  and  the  cause  therof. 

The  seconde  parte  shalbe  of  nownes,  pronownes,  adverbes,  participles, 
with  verbes,  prépositions,  and  conjunctions. 

Also  certayne  rules  for  conjugations. 

Item  fyve  or  six  maners  of  conjugations  with  one  verbe. 

Item  conjugations  with  two  pronownes  and  with  thre  and  fynally  com- 
bining  or  joinyng  ii  verbes  togeder. 

The  second  boke  shall  be  of  lettres  missyves  in  prose  and  in  ryme. 

Also  diuerse  comunications  by  way  of  dialoges,  to  receyve  a  messager 
from  the  emperour,  the  frenche  kynge,  or  any  other  prince. 

Also  other  comunications  of  the  propriété  of  mete,  oflove,  of  peas,  of 
warres,  of  the  exposicion  of  the  masse,  and  what  mannes  soûle  is,  with 
the  division  of  tyme,  and  other  conseites. 



The  ihynges  that  directely  expressed  maye  nat  be  ought       fo  be       declared 

Les  choses  qui  a  droit  exprimer  ne  se  peuuent  doibuent  estre  declareez 

by  syncopation  of  sylence,  by  cause  that  by  sylence  one  dolh  answer  to  many 
par  sincopacion  taciturne ,  pour  ce  que  par  silence  on  respond  a  pluisieurs 

ihynges.  Syncopation  is  none  other  thyng  but  abréviation  of  ienglh,  and  pro- 
choses. Sincopation  nest  aultre  chose  quabreuiacion  de  prolixité,  et  pro- 
lixité is  superfluitie  of  wordes  in  declaryng  a  thyng.  Wherfore  in  ail 
iixite  est  superlîuite  de  paroles  en  déclarant  une  chose.  Pourquoy  en  toutes 

workes  one  ought  lo  be  shorle.  VVe  shall  begynne  this  boke  ihan  in  the  name 
oeuures  on  doibt  estre  brief.  Nous  commencerons  ce  Hure  doncques  ou  nom 

of    God     ail       mighty    and  shall  ende  it  with  ihe  helpe  ofhym,     procedyng    by  the 
de  Dieu  tout  puissant  et  lacheuerons  a   laide  diceluy ,     procédant  par  le 
counsayle  of  Orace ,  whiche  is         as      shorte    as      possible  shalbe. 
conseil     dOrace,   qui   est  le  plus  brief  que  possible  sera. 




is  howe  the  fyve  vowels,  that  is  to  saye  a,  e,  i,  o,  and  v,  shalbe  sounded 
in  redyng  french. 

Ye  shal  pronounce  your  a,  as  wyde  open  mouthed  as  ye  can;  your  e, 
as  ye  do  in  iatyn,  almost  as  brode  as  ye  pronounce  your  o  in  englysshe; 
your  i,  as  sharpe  as  can  be;  o,  as  ye  do  in  englyssli,  and  v  after  the  Skottes, 
as  in  this  worde  gad.  Thèse  fyve  uowels  be  consonantes  when  they  receyve 
nat  their  full  sounde,  as  in  this  worde  jamais  the  fyrst  a  is  a  uowell ,  and 
the  seconde  is  a  consonant. 

Example  of  e,  as  déité  and  magestc,  where  bothe  ees  of  deite  be  uoweis, 
and  the  fyrst  of  magesté  is  a  consonant  and  the  seconde  is  a  uoweil.  Wher- 
fore  ye  shail  understande  that  the  moste  parte  of  ees  in  french  be  conso- 
nantes, save  fewe  with  suche  wordes  as  come  out  of  Iatyn.  Example  of 

me,  the,  hym,  that,  of,  ihe,   do,   to  say,  toput,    oure ,    your, 
consonantes  me,  te,    se,    que,  de,  le,  faire,  dire,  mectre,  nostre,  rostre ,  wher 

is  never  a  uowel.  AU  the  ees  that  shalbe  uowels  in  this  présent  boke  shalbe 
marked  as  the  dyptong  is  in  Iatyn,  thus  é. 


Also  in  redyng  frenche  ye  shall  leave  the  last  letter  of  every  worde 
unsounde,  endyng  in  s,  (,  and  p,  save  of  the  same  worde  wherupon  ye 
do  pause  or  rest,  for  if  ye  do  pronounce  every  worde  by  hymselfe,  that 
is  to  say,  restyng  upon  the  same,  ye  ought  for  to  pronounce  and  soimde 
him  thorowe.  And  if  any  word  endyng  with  an  s,  bave  the  next  worde  folow- 
yng  begynning  with  a  uowell,  than  shall  ye  sounde  the  said  5,  lyke  a  z, 

never     others 
as  in  thèse  wordes  j'amaw  aultres  ye  shai  rede  jamaiz  aultre,  as  it  were  but 

one  worde,  but  if  the  next  worde  commyng  after  the  5  be  a  consonant, 

never  shall  ye  hâve 
ihan  shall  the  said  s  remayne  unsounde,  as  in  thèse  wordes  j'amaw     narés, 

the  s  of  jamais  shall  nat  be  sounde.  Provyded  alwayes,  as  is  sayde  before , 
that  ye  do  nat  pause  nor  rest  upon  the  worde,  for  so  doyng  ye  must  sounde 
it  parfilely. 


Whan  one  worde  doth  ende  with  a  uowell ,  arid  the  next  folowyng  after 



begyn  with  another,  tban  the  fyrste  shalbe  unsounde,  as  in  thèse  wordes, 
but  in    you  I  nie  hâve    I  the  hâve   I  him  hâve 

que  en  nous,  ye  shall  rede  quen  mus,  and  je  me  ay,  je  te  ay,  je  le  ay,  ye 
shali  rede  je  may,  je  tay,je  lay,  and  so  of  ail  suche  lyke,  excepte  some 
wordes  whiclie  be  nat  used  in  Fraunce,  as  ta  as,  thoa  hast.  Where  bothe 
uowels  must  be  sounde,  bowbeit  the  Picardes  sounde  it  after  the  sayd 
rule ,  sayeng  tas  for  ta  as,  tes  for  ta  es,  thou  arte.  And  if  ye  fynde  two  ees 
endynge  and  begynnynge  a  worde,  ye  shall  leave  the  tone,  as  in  thèse 

il  is  with  the  wcll 
wordes,  il  te  est  bien,  ye  shali  rede  il  test  bien.  And  of  e,  and  a,  as  in 
thèse  wordes  que  a,  but  te,  ye  shall  rede  qua.  Of  e,  and  o,  as  in  thèse 
wordes,  que  on,  but  one,  ye  shal  rede  quon.  Of  a  and  o,  as  in  thèse  wordes, 
pourra  on,  may  one,  ye  shall  rede  poarran.  And  in  lyke  maner  of  ail  other 
of  that  termynation. 


An  s,  in  the  begynnynge  of  a  worde  hath  bis  fuU  sounde,  as  dothe 

wyse      wylde 
appere  by  thèse  wordes  folowyng,  sage,  saunage,  sapient,  etc.  but  in  the 

myddes  beynge  eyther  before  a  consonant  or  a  uowell,  shall  be  sounded 

I  sayde    I  dyd   I  brake   I  holde  peace. 
lyke  a  z,  as  in  thèse  wordes  disoie ,  faisoie ,  brisoie,  taisoie,  etc. 


Whan  st  dothe  corne  togider  in  a  worde  hauing  a  uowell  before  it,  than 
the  sayde  s  shall  remayne  unsounde,  but  it  shall  encreace  the  sounde  of 

■  to  wast  to  taste  to  hasle , 
the  sayde  uowell,  as  in  thèse  wordes  gaster,  tasler,  haster,  ye  shall  rede 

myne  hoste  come  agayne  anone 
gaater,  taater,  haater.  And  mon    hoste    reuenes   tantost  :  ye  shall  rede  mon 

hoote  reuenes  tantoot  :  ye  shall  nevertheles  except  al  those  that  be  nyghe  the 

to  prolest      to  shewe 
latyn,   as  protester,   manifester,    contester,  to  withstande  :  and  suche  lyke, 

whiche  must  hâve  the  sayd  s,  well  and  parfitly  sounded  and  pronounced, 
for  it  is  nat  possyble  to  fynde  a  rule  so  generall  and  infallibie  to  seriie  for 
euery  worde  as  was  said  aboue  in  the  prologue. 


There  is  in  french  dyuers  wordes,  whiche  for  denotalion  or  signifycation 



of  plurarite  dothe  ende  with  an  s,  or  with  a  z,  for  without  he  same  they  be 

worde  fyste  wrile  a  lefe 
synguler  nombre,  as  thèse  wordes  and  such  lyke  mot,  paing,  escript,feallet, 
whiche  be  ail  synguler  nombres  :  and  if  ye  do  adde  a  z,  at  the  iatter  ende 
of  them,  than  are  they  plurell  nombres,  as  motz,  paingz,  escriptz ,  fealletz  : 
and  than  shall  ye  nat  sounde  the  letter  before  the  sayd  z,  redynge  mos , 
puins,  feallés.  And  lyke  wise  whan  a  worde  halh  a  p,  or  b,  in  the  myddes 
endyng  the  syllable,  ye  shall  leaue  them  unsounde,  as  in  thèse  wordes  and 

dewtie      dette     to  wrile 
suche  lyke,  debaoir,  dehte,  escripre  :  ye  shal  rede  deaoir,  det,  escrire.  But 

whan  they  do  begyn  the  worde  or  the  syllable,  than  shall  they  be  pronounced, 

putte  away  debated  to  breke 
as  thèse  wordes,  déboute,   debatu,  debriser,  etc. 


There  is  two  maner  of  wordes  harde  for  to  be  pronounced  in  french. 
The  fyrst  is  written  with  a  double  II  whiche  must  be  souned  togider,  as  lia, 

gave      culte     gader      lefe      bayly    fayle 
lie,  lly,  llo,  lia,  as  in  thèse  wordes,  bailla,  tailla,  ceulle ,  feulle ,  bally,fally, 

white  knele         a  tymer  hamer  full  of  leaves 

moallet ,  engenoullet ,  mallot,  feulla,  fcouiZu.  The  seconde  maner  harde 
to  pronounce  ben  written  with  gn,  before  a  uowell,  as  gna,  gne,  gni,  gno, 

wan     dyd  blede  lyne    combe    vyne    scabbe     felowe 
gna.  As  in  thèse  wordes  gagna,  saigna,  ligne,  pigne,  uigne,  tigne,  compagne, 

swell     wanton       wanton 
laigne,  mignon,  mignardc,  ye  shal  except  many  wordes  that  be  so  written 

worthy  swanne  hyghe  corage 
and  nat  so  pronounced ,  endyng  specially  in  e,  as  digne,  cigne,  magnanime,  etc. 

They  that  can  pronounce  thèse  wordes  in  latyn  after  the  Italians  maner, 
as  [agnus,  dignus,  magnas,  magnanimus)  hâve  bothe  the  understandyng  and 
the  pronouncynge  of  the  sayde  rule  and  of  the  wordes.  Ye  shall  fynde  many 
suche  among  the  nownes,  uerbes,  and  adverbes  that  herafter  be  folowynge, 
the  whiche  shall  hâve  the  double  /,  thus  written  II,  besyde  the  worde  and 
gn,  besyde  the  tother. 


tlie  heed  or  chyfe  the  scoull  the  heeres 

le  chief  la  leste  les  cheueulz 




womens  heares 

the  nether  chekes 

tbe  hole  of  tbe  iiecke 

les  tresches 

les  bajoes 

la  fosse  du  col 

tbe  bossbe 

the  eare 

tbe  kenei  of  the  necke 

la  cheuelure 


la  canol  du  col 

the  perwyke 

the  eares 

the  sbolder 

la  perrucque 

les  oreilles 


the  heares 

the  mowth 

the  armes 

n.  la  cheuechalle 

la  bouce 

les  bras 

the  forhed 

beastes  mowthe 

tlie  eibowe 

le  front 

la  geule 

la  coude 

the  temples 

the  lyppes 

the  elbowes 

les  temples 

les  leures 

les  coudes 

the  browes 

the  tonge 

the  fysie 

les  sourcilr. 

la  langue 

le  puing 

the  visage 

the  rouf  of  the  mowlh 

the  fystes 

le  visage 

le  palais 

les  puingz 

the  berde 


tbe  bande 

la  barbe 

ou  palet 

la  main 

the  face 

the  teeth 

the  bandes 

le  viaire 

les  dentz 

les  mains 

the  face 

tbe  gommes 

the  bat  of  the  bande 

la  face 

les  genciues 

le  dos  de  la  main 

tbe  eye  or  eyes 

the  jawes 

the  balle  of  the  bande 


les  mâchoires 

la  paulme 

the  eyes 

the  inward  jawes 

tbe  balles 

les  yeux 

les  mandibulles 

les  paulmes 

the  lydde 

the  chynne 

the  finger 

la  paulpiere 

le  menton 

le  doigt 

the  lyddes 

the  throte  booie 

tbe  fîngers 

les  paulpieres 

le  gosier 

les  doigz 

the  bail  of  the  eye 

the  gorge 

tbe  tbombe 

la  pupille 

la  gargate 

le  poulce 

the  nose 

the  gorge 

tbe  tbombes 

le  naes 

la  gorge 

les  poulces 

the  Dose  thrilies 

the  necke 

tbe  jointe 

11.  les  narilles 

le  col 

la  joincte 

the  cbekes 

the  knot  of  the  necke 

tbe  joyntes 

les  joes 

le  neu  du  col 

les  joinctes 




the  naile 

tbe  nether  beerde 
la  penilliere 

tbe  soole 
la  plante 

the  nayle» 
les  ongles 

the  thighe 
la  cuisse 

the  sooles 
les  plantes 

the  brest 
la  poiclrine 

tbe  tbighes 
les  cuisses 

the  great  too 
le  graunt  orteil 

the  forke  of  the  brest 
la  fourcelle 

the  knee 
le  genou  il 

the  toes 
les  orteilz 

tbe  breste 
la  mamelle 

the  knees 
les  genoulz 


the  brestes 
les  mamelles 

the  bamme 
le  jaret 

the  braine 
'  le  cerueau 

the  body 
le  corps 

the  hammes 
les  jarelz 

the  hering 

the  wast 

le  fauz  du  corpz 

the  iegge 
la  jambe 

tite  sigbt 
la  ueue 

the  holes  ooder  th«  armes 
les  esselles 

the  legges 
les  jambes 

the  smeliyng 

the  bely 
le  uenlre 

the  chyne  boone 
la  greue 

the  smeliyng 
le  flairer 

the  nauyl 
le  nombril 

or  the  backe  of 
ou  le  dos  de 

the  taste 
le  goust 

the  backe 
le  dos 

tbe  Iegge 
la  jambe 

the  telynge 
le  tasie 

the  chyne 

the  calfe  of  the  Iegge 
le  pomeau 

tbe  chawyng 
le  macer 

the  rayns 
les  rains 

the  ancie 

H.  la  cheuille 

the  swalowyng 

the  buttockes 
les  fesses 

the  ancies 

11.  les  cheuilles 

the  hert 
le  ceur 

the  buttocke 
la  fesse 

the  hele 
le  talon 

the  stomake 

tbe  hippe 
la  hanche 

the  foote 
le  pied 

the  galle 
le  feil 

the  hiupes 
ItA  hanches 

the  feetes 
les  piedz 

the  ieuer 
le  foie 

tbe  grynes 
les  âmes 

the  back  of  tbe  foote 
le  dos  du  pied 

the  lyver 
le  gisier 




the  ionge 
le  poulmo 

the  rybbes 
les  costes 

the  hardynesse 
la  hardiesse 

the  mylte 

the  hones 
les  os 

the  cowardnesse 
la  couardise 

or  the  royltc 
OU  la  rate 

the  brethe 

feblenesse  of  corage 
la  lâcheté 

or  mylte 
ou  râtelle 

the  spyttell 
la  saliue 

the  feare 
la  peur 

the  hiedder 
la  uessie 

the  spyttyng 
le  crachat 

the  truthe 
la  uerité 

the  kydneys 
gn.  les  rognons 

IN    MAN. 

the  leasyag 
le  mensonge 

the  uryne 

the  soûle 

the  drede 
la  crainte 

the  guttes 
les  boiaulz 

the  spyrite 

the  ferefulnesse 

the  small  guttes 
les  intestins 

the  wytte 
le  sens 

the  strength 
la  force 

thiaward  part  of  the  bely 
11.  les  entrailles 

the  wyll 
le  uoulloir 

the  feblenesse 
la  foiblesse 

the  gader 
la  coree 

the  wyll 

la  uoullenle 

the  mansuétude 
la  debonaireté 

the  hlode 
le  sang 

the  rayson 
la  raison 

the  angrefuU  disposition 
la  félonie 

the  coller 
la  colère 

the  memory 
la  mémoire 

the  malyce 
la  malice 

the  melancoly 
la  melencolie 

the  anderstandyng 

the  cruelnesse 
la  cruaulté 

the  fleame 
le  flegme 

the  thought 
la  pensée 

the  goodnesse 
la  bonté 

the  senewes 
les  nerfz 

the  ymagination 

the  frowardnesse 
la  mauuaisté 

the  ueynes 
les  uaines 

the  jugement 
le  jugement 

the  peace 
la  paix 

the  ueynes  of  the  puis 
les  artères 

the  opynyon 

the  rest 

le  repos               '• 

the  puise 
le  puise 

the  stomake 
le  courage 

the  trouble 
le  (rouble 


the  labour 
1).  le  trauaill 

the  stedfastnesse 
la  constance 

the  UDgtedfastnesse 
la  uariableté 

the  hatered 
la  hayne 

the  frendship 

the  joye 
la  joye 

the  sorowe 
la  tristesse 

the  heuyoesse 

the  rejoysyng 

le  rejouissement 

the  aogre 
le  corous 

the  sporte 

the  wrath 

the  pacyeace 
la  pacience 

the  pride 

the  mekenesse 

the  envy 

the  charyte 
la  charité 

the  dilygence 
la  deligence 

the  lytell  corage 
la  pusillanimité 


the  glolony  the  wysdome 

la  glotonnie  la  sagesse 

the  sobernesse  the  byrth 

la  sobriété  la  neissance 



the  chastyte 
la  chasteté 





to  go  about  rychesse 

wylfull  pouertie 
uoluntaire  poureté 

la  uantance 


the  truthe  in  lyueng 
la  preudomie 

the  falsehed 
la  faulceté 

the  lyfe 

la  uie 

the  dethe 
la  mort 

the  youthe 
la  jeunesse 

the  âge 

11.  la  uiellesse 

the  ignorauncy 

the  chyidbode 

the  fehienesse 
la  débilité 

the  manhood 
la  uirilité 

the  foulenesse 
la  turpitude 

the  honeste 

the  insolency 

the  stablenes 
la  fermeté 

Ihe  bondage 
la  seruitude 

the  fredome 
la  liberté 

the  honoure 

the  shaïue 
la  honte 

the  rychesse 
la  richesse 

the  nedynes 
la  poureté 

the  sikenes 
la  maladie 

the  helth 
la  santé 

the  poureté 

the  pi  ente 
la  plenté 



the  plenty 

tbe  neesyng 

the  gussettes 
le  goucerons 

the  nigardnes 
la  cliicelé 

ll>e  snowring 
le  ronfler 

tbe  surfyls 
les  ourletz 

the  rudenes 
la  rudesse 

the  syghynges 
le  souperer 

tbe  seames 
les  couslures 

the  swyftness 
la  promptitude 


the  kyrtell 
le  corset 

the  inclynation 
la  propension 

tbe  yexynges 
les  sanglous 

the  kyrtell 
la  coltelette 

facyle  inciynation 
la  procliuité 

the  spyttyng 
le  cracher 

the  petycote 
la  coite  simple 

the  desyre  to  slepe 

to  blowe  tbe  nose 
le  moucher 

the  gowoe 
la  robbe 

the  quyckenesse 
la  uiuacité 

tbe  siepynge 
le  dormir 

the  placbarde 
le  plaça rt 

the  grauDt 

tbe  walchyng 
le  ueillier 

tbe  cuffes 

les  bonbardes 

the  dcDyeng 
le  dcniement 

the  slepe 
le  sompne 

the  purfyll 
la  bordure 

the  heate 
la  challeur 

tbe  dreamyng 
le  songer 

tbe  lynynge 
la  doublure 

the  coldnesse 

tbe  drinkyng 

the  filtre 

la  froydure 

le  boire 

la  fourrure 

the  drynesse 
la  seicheur 

the  eatynge 
le  mengcr 

the  under  gyrdeii 
le  demy  chaint 

tbe  moystnesse 
1  humidité 

the  sacyate 
le  saoul 

ihe  gyrdell 
la  chainture 

the  laughyng 
le  rire 

the  hungry 
le  famillens 

tbe  purse 
la  bourse 

the  wepyDg 


the  pyocase 

le  plourer 



Ibe  complaynyng 

tbe  smocke 

or  the  case  for  pynncs 

le  playndre 

le  chcmisse 

ou  lespinglier 

tbe  lamentyng 
le  lamenter 

the  coler 
le  colel 

tbe  beed  atayre 

tbe  yexyog 

the  sleves 

the  frenche  hode 

le  sangloiiler 

les  manches 

le  chapperori  a  plis 


the  bonette 
le  bonnet 

the  bone  grâce 
le  moulHet 

the  showes 
les  soliés 

the  crispynes 
les  crespines 

the  knyves 
les  coulleaiis 

the  buskyns 
les  brousequins 

the  frontier  of  velvet 
11.  les  beatilles 

the  beedes 

les  patenoslres 

the  slyppars 
les  pantouffles 

the  (emplettes 
les  templettes 

the  bande  kercher 

the  sheres 
les  forces 

the  partelet 
le  gorgias 

the  bande  kercher 
OU  mouchoir 

the  small  sheres 
ou  forcettes 

the  necke  kerchef 
la  colerelte 

the  lace 
le  lacz 


the  kercher 
le  ceuurechief 

the  small  lace 
le  lacet 

the  sherte 
la  chemisse 

the  partelet 
le  colet 

the  partelet 
le  colier 

the  combe 
le  pigne 

the  lye 
la  lessiue 

the  doublet 
le  pourpoint 

the  coote 

le  seon  or  say 

the  bracel 
le  bracelet 

the  gloves 
les  ganlz 

the  jacquete 
la  jacquete 

the  tache 

the  tymble 
le  does 

tbe  jacquete 
le  hecqtieton 

the  ringes 
les  aneaulz 

the  nydel 
il.  lesguille 

the  gowne 
la  robbe 

the  owcbe 
la  bague 

tbe  pynnes 
les  espingles 

the  partelet 
le  colet 

to  close  the  necke  kercher 
11.  le  fermall 

a  broche 

tbe  brussbe  to 
les  espoussetles , 
la  uerge  a 

the  bat 
le  chapiau 

lappe  of  man 
la  tocque 

an  image 


tbe  cappe 
le  bonnet 

the  gabardine 
la  gauardine 

the  booses 
les  chausses 

tbe  boode 
le  chaperon 

the  tipet 
la  cornette 

the  garters 
les  jartiers 

the  gyrdel 
la  cbainture 

the  cloke 
le  manteau 

the  pynson  showes 
les  eschapins 

the  sworde 




the  spaaische  sworde 
la  rapière 

or  packes 
ou  uoiture 

that  one  can  nat 
quon  ne  peult 

the  dagar 
la  dague 

hâve  nede 
ont  mestier 

make  nor  forge 
faire  ne  forger 

the  bagge 
la  gibessiere 

of  packe  sadyls  or  of 
de  batz            ou  de 

without  the  anuyie 
sans  lenclume 

the  purse 
la  louiere 

saddyls,  the  whiche 
selles,    les  quelles 

the   fyle   the 
la  lime,  le    • 

the  purse 

hâve  a  pomeil 
a  pommeau 


the  bootes 
les  botes 

backe  and  boweth 
dos      et  archons 

the  pyncettes 
11.  les  tenailles 

the  bootes 
les  houseaus 


the  coles 
les  charbons 

the  spores 
les  espérons 

and  pannels 
et  paneaus 

wilh  the  fyre 
auec  le  feu 

the  shylde 

than  the  heed 
puis  la  testier 

ayre,  water,  and 
aire,  eaue  et 

the  paueys 
la  parme 

stall,  reyne,  and 
-re,   resne,  et 

erlhe,  with  the 
terre,  auec  le 

a  great  buccler 
la  taloche 

byttes,  make  the 
mors  font  la 


the  buccler 
le  bouclier 


or  locker 
ou  serrurier 

the  cameii 
le  camiau 

the  petrell 
le  poitral 


the  drommadary 
le  dromadaire 

the  gyrthes 
les  sengles 

the  bedde 
le  lict 

the  asse 

the  styroppes 
les  estries 

the  bolster 
le  trauersin 

the  horse 
le  cheual 

the  slyrop  iedders 
les  estriuieres 

or  the  bolster 
ou  le  chauet 

and  ail  beestes 
et  loutles  bestes 

the  crouper 
la  croupière 

the  pyllowes 
U.  les  oreilliers 

faearyng  sadyls 
portant  selles 

the  buckctes 
les  boucles 

the  blankettes 
les  blanchetz 

or  fardels 
ou  fardeau 

and  the  nayles 
et    les  clous 

the  shetes 
les  linceulz 



the  couerlette 
le  couuerloir 

the  sait  saler 
la  salière 

the  confittes 
la  dragerie 

the  sparuer 
le  ciel 

the  chafyng  dysshe 
la  chauffetie 

the  confections 
les  confitures 

the  sparuer 
11.  le  pauilion 

the  spones 
les  cuillieres 

the  coup  borde 
le  bufifet 

the  curtyns 
les  courtines 

the  trenchers 
les  trenchoirs 

the  pottes 
les  potz 

the  hangyog 
la  tapisserie 

the  platters 
les  platz 

the  (lagons 
.     les  flagons 

the  carpettes 
les  tapis  uelus 

the  dysshes 
les  escuelles 

the  couppes 
les  couppes 

the  quyishens 
les  carriaus 

the  sawcers 
les  saussiers 

the  boies 
les  tasses 

ali  one 
les  coissins 

the  bred 
le  pain 

a  génial  name  for  eu 
les  hanapz 

the  bedde  portatyve 
le  lict  de  camp 

the  fleshe 
la  cher 

the  gobbelettes 
les  gobeletz 

the  bedstede 
le  chalict 

the  butter 
le  beurre 

the  glasses 
les  noires 

the  borde 
la  table 

the  cfaese 
le  fromage 

and  the  water 
et  leau 

the  trestels 
les  tresleau» 

the  egges 
les  oeufz 

for  to  washe  them 
pour  les  rincer 

the  forme 
le  banc 

the  whyte  wyn 
le  uin  blanc 

the  bacin 
le  bacia 

the  chayres 
les  chaieres 

the  claret 
le  claret 

the  ewer 

the  stooles 
les  escabelles 

the  rede  darke 
11.  le  ucrmeill 


the  forte  stoole 
le  marce  pied 

the  wyne  red 
le  uin  rouge 

the  maysler  coke 
le  sommelier 

the  table  cloth 
la  nape 


the  yoman  coke 
les  cuisinies 

the  napkyns 
les  seruietles 

the  waffers 
les  oubliez 

gromes  of  the  kechin 
uarletz  de  cuisin 

the  sait 
le  sel 

the  succades 
la  succad 

tume  broches 
les  galopins 


1                              AN 


the  pottes 
les  potz 

the  shoider 

the  pygge 
le  cochon 

the  pannes 
les  poelles 

the  gygot,  a  brest 
le  gigot 


the  caudroiis 
les  chaudrons 

the  chyne 

the  egle 

the  spyttes 
les  hastiez 

the  rybbes 
les  costes 


the  spyttes 
les  broches 

the  necks 
le  colet 

the  tercell 

the  morters 
les  mortiers 

the  trotters 
les  trottins 


the  pesteis 
les  pestiaus 

the  Ïambe 
gn.  lagneau 

the  tercell 

the  serces 
les  tamis 

the  heed 
la  teste 


the  stamels 
les  estamines 

the  gader  or  nombles 
la  couree 

the  tercell 

the  instrument  for  to  larde 
le  lardeur 

the  skynne 
la  piau 


the  bacon 
le  lard 

the  ramme 
le  belin 


the  mustarde 
la  moustarde 

the  ewe 
la  brebis 


il.  esmerillons 

the  grene  sauce 
la  sausse  uerde 

the  he  gotte 
le  bouc 


the  gambon 
le  jambon 

the  she  gotte 
la  chieuure 


the  befe 
le  beuf 

the  swyne  or  hogge 
le  pourceau 


the  bull 
le  tor 

the  boore 
le  uerrarl 


the  cowe 
la  uache 

the  boore 
le  uer 


the  calfe,  veie 
le  uean 

the  wylde  boore 
le  senglier 


the  rautlon 
le  mouton 

the  sowe 
la  truye 

the  thrusshe 


the  cocowe 




the  blewe  kyte 
faulz  perdrier 



greater  than  the  egle 

the  ducke  ouïe 
le  duc  chahuan 

the  ouïe 
le  chahuan 

the  lytell  ouïe 
la  chouette 

the  ravyn 
le  corbiau 

the  crowe 
In  cornaille 

the  highwale 

the  unthatche 
le  picmars 

the  dawe 
le  canne 

the  pye 
la  pie 

the  pye 

the  jaye 
le  jay 



the  henné 
la  poulie 

the  crâne 
la  grue 

the  henné 
le  geline 

the  bustarde 

the  chekyns 
les  poucins 

ihe  pecoke 
le  paon 

the  cocke 
le  coc 

the  swanne 
le  signe  ■ 

the  capon 
le  chappon 

the  goosc 

the  partryche 
la  perdris 


the  yong  partryches 
les  pertriaus 


the  fesaunt 
le  faisant 

the  barnacle 
le  barnacle 

the  dove 
le  coulomb 

the  gander 
le  jar 

the  rynged  dove 
le  ramier 

the  goslynges 
les  oisons 

the  stocke  dove 
le  creuset 

the  heyron 
le  héron 

the  turtle  dove 
la  tourlrelle 

the  shoveler 
le  trublet 

the  pygions 
les  pigeons 


the  cormorande 
le  cormorain 

the  byttour 
le  bulo 

the  wodcocke 
la  bécasse 

the  storke 
la  cigoin 

the  quayle 
la  quaille 

the  malarde 
le  malard 

the  larke 

the  malarde 
le  canart 

the  plouuer 
le  pluuier 

the  ducke 
la  canne 

the  lapwyng 
le  uaniau 

the  ducke 




the  ducklyas 
les  anneton» 

the  nyghtyngale 
gn.  le  rossignol 


the  coote 
la  joudeile 

rocyn  redbrest 
la  robaille 


the  coote 
la  blarie 

the  wrenne 
le  rotelet 


the  teyie 
le  cercelle 



the  starlyng 



the  star 

the  felde  fare 
la  griue 

the  osyli 
le  merle 

smail  cherys 

great  cherys 

smail  cherys 




gn.  chatangnes 

the  sparowe 
le  passereau 



the  sparowe 
le  moisson 


nois  franches 

the  fynche 
le  pinchon 


smail  nottes    • 

the  blewe  back  and  redbrest 
la  pioue 

the  wagtayle 
la  bergieronnet 

gose  berrys 




the  wagtayle 
le  hochecul 



the  grene  fynche 
le  frion 



the  grene  fynche 
la  verdiere 


pas  tés 

the  gold  fynche 
la  cardinotte 

prunes  de  damas 


the  lynnnet 
la  linotte 



the  coldmouse 
la  messange 


the  harte 
le  cerf 



the  byndc 



la  biche 



the  bucke 

haddock es 


le  dain 



the  doe 

myllers  thombes 


la  daine 



the  robuckc 



le  saillant 



the  robuckc 


the  see  swyne 

la  capreolle 



the  robucke 



le  cheuriau 



the  hare 

dogge  fysshe 


le  leurs 

chien  de  nier 


the  watte 



le  leurart 



the  conys 


ray  or  thornbacke 

les  connis 



the  rabetles 



les  lapriaus 

daulphin                    » 


the  rabetles 



les  lapins 








idose  or  shaddes 

creuice  deau  douce 







sol les 

H.  anguilles 




crevyce  of  the  see 






whyte  heryng 



harenc  blanc 



reed  heryng 



harenc  sor 



















cbcstayne  tree 

raspis  tre 


chery  tree 



honysocle  tre 

small  chery  tre 

the  almande  tre 

ail  one 

the  same  agayne 


tylier  of  a  crosbowe 

wylde  cherys 

hau  tfaornc  bea- 
auhespin  por- 


11.  cornillier 

great  chery  tre 

ring  tlic  beris 
tant  curelles 

oke  beryng 
chesnes  portant 

gowsbery  tre 

wodde,  tomber 
bois,  iîist 


grenade  tre 

tymber  fewell 

cipre  tree 


niairien  laigue 



faceaus,  fagofz 

quyne  aple  tre 
■!  coingz 

the  pocke  tre 
gaiaqz  ou  eban 



holy  or  holme 

kyodlyng  fagotte» 




tbornes  blacke 
espines  noire 



and  whyte 
et  blanche 




firres  or  gost 


biche  or  the  tre 
fou  ou  haitre 

ou  rauenelles 


that  beareth 

the  hay  tre 


qui  porte 


a  place  full  of  liasels 

the  maste 

more  hery  tre 


figge  tre 



opyners  Ire 


ail  one 

walnot  tre 

serues  tre 





base!  s 

eider  tre 


oliue  tre 


hempe  sede 

wyiows  or  osiers 

tron  a  lytell  tre 

line  side 

orange  tre 


râpe  side 



mostard  syde 

aple  tre 



peerre  tre 


seigle                           » 

straw  or  hay 

plomme  tre 



pèche  tre 

ail  one 

litter  or  chaff 

pinaple  tre 

ail  one  or  zizany 

pease  strawe 



mêle         flour 
farine      fleur 

poplar  tre 

bariey         myM 
orge       "^myll 




aile  one 





great  peescs 

paste        levyn 
pasle     letiain 


small  peeses 
11.  lentilles 

to  knede 

the  place  of  wilowes 

small  beanes 



to  put  in  the  ouuen 

/  white 

brede  |  blacke 
pain  I  bis 



the  great  niaster 
le  grand  maistre 

ibe  steward 

le  maistre  dhostel 

the  great  chamberlayn 
le  chambrier 

the  second  chambeHin 
le  Chamberlain 

the  cuppe  bearer 
le  echansoii 

the  seuer 
le  pannetier 

sergeantes  o(Iiccr& 
le  somellier 

m  aster  of  horses 
le  grant  escuicr 

the  squier  under  hini 
lescuier  descurie 

the  great  hownler 
le  grant  ueneur 

ihe  master  of  liawkes 
le  grant  faulconner 

Ihe  master  of  the  foresl 
le  verdier 

the  sce 
la  mer 

of  the  see 
la  marinne 


of  the  see  in  the  masculin 

the  tyde 





the  shawre 
ri  ne 

a  furde 
le  gué 

the  pooie 
le  uiuier 

the  great  poole 

the  hole 
la  fosse 

the  dykes 
les  fosses 

the  broke 
le  rieu 

the  broke  or  dicnell 
le  ruisseau 

cy  sterne 

a  shyppe 

a  harge 

a  shyppe  bote 

a  lytell  bote 

a  ferry  bote 

a  square  bote 

a  lytell  barge 

ail  onc 

a  whery 

to  suche  flocke 
a  tel  aumaille 

suclie  shepherde 
tel  bergier 

of  shepe 
de  brebis 

flockel  of  gotes 
l'ng    I  de  chieures 
trop-  I  ofkyne 
-eau  I  de  uaches 

of  mares 
\  de  jumentz 

sloude  of  stalons 
haras  destalons 

of  coites 
de  poulains 


a  man  dothe  syng 
ung  homme  chante 

an  asse 

ung  asne  recane 

a  cowe  lowes 

une  uache  mugist 

a  shepe  bletes 
une  brebis  besle 

a  wolfe  and  a 
ung  loup  et  ung 


dogge  houles 



chien  hulent 

brief,  briefue 


tbe  cat  and  the  lyon 



le  chat  et  le  lion 

grand,  grande 




ynough  iylcH 


gros,  grosse 

assés  pou 

a  hogge 


ail  one 

ung  pourceau 

groset,  grosselte 

assés  petit 


sniall  or  sclender 

to  m:chc 




a  chorle  honimetk 


more            lesse 

ung  uillain 

gras,  grasse 

plus             moins 

or  grudgeth 




délié  tenue 

escars,  escarse 

a  dogge  barketh 



ung  chien  abaie 

menu  menue 

mol  molle 

a  foxe  and 



ung  renart  et 

espes  espesse 

dur  dure 

an  otter  panteth 

thycke  or  rype 

duret  durette 

ung  putois  glatissent 

drue  drue 

the  serpentes  hysses 



les  serpens  siblent 

iegier  legiere 

menteur  mentress( 

the  byrdes 



les  oiseauz 

pesant  pesante 

douls  doulce 

cbermes  and  cbattereth 



jargonent  et  degoisent 

creu  creuse 

amer  amere 

the  mau  is  well 

holc  or  soundc 


Ihomme  est  bien 

entier  enliere 


sbaped ,  that  hath  the 



fourme ,  qui  a  le 

massif  massifue 

ord  orde 

troncke  ryght,  and  the 



tronc  droit,  et  le 

eslroit  estroite 

sal  salle 

remenaunt  lyke 



tige  semblable 

large  largeur 

souillé  souillée 




long,  longue 


villain  villaine 


ail  onc 


court,  courte 


truand  truande 


i                             A 



belilre,  belitresse 


mignon  mignart 


pouacre  infect 

wanlon  woman 

bore  moDger 




coquin  coquine 

mensongier  mensongiere 



kemand  ketnande 

j ester 

bourdeur  bourderesse 

boore  moDger 

boy               gyrle 



garçon      garce 

trompeur  trompeuse 


boy             gyrle 
hardeau    hardele 


cacqueteur  cacquetresse 


macreau  macquerelle 


gourmand  gourmande 

.  ramponeur  ramponeresse 

a  Ihefc 

cocard  cocarde 

bore  luonger 

a  sbe  thefe 

friand  friande 





good  morowe 
bon    jour 

good  yere 
bon    an 

good  evenyng 
bon  vespre 

good  evyn 
bon  soir 

good    nygbt 
bonne  nuyt 

good  meetyng 
bon  encontre 

good  joye 
bon  joie 


me                 good    Ijfe  and  longe  me 

me              bonne  vie  et  longue  me 

the                good      fortune  the 

te                bonne  fortune  te 

God    hym  gyve      good  prosperyte     and  to    you  bim   gyvc     God 

Dieu  luy  doint  bonne  prospérité  et  a  vous  luy  doint  Dieu 


well  to  prospère 



bien  prospérer 



good  lucle 



bon  heur 



good  begynnyng 



bon  commencement 

good  meane 
bon  moien 


good  ende,  and  well  to  fynissbe 
bon  fin  ,  ou  bien  acheuer 

well  to  tyve,  well  lo  dye 
bien  uiure,  bien  mourir 

good  belthe 
bonne  santé 

paradyge  at  tbe  ende 
ptu-adis  en  la  fin 

the  hole,  or  tbe  fulfyllyng 
lentier  ou  laccomplissement 

of  your  desyres 
(le  vos  désirs 

God   kepe,       God    blesse,         God     save ,         God  gyde   you. 
Dieugarl,     Dieu  bénie,        Dieusauue,     Dieu  uous  conduye. 

God     be    witbin,   God     be      your    lielpe,      Godbe  wyllynge  tobelpeyou,  God     kepe     you 
Dieu  soit  céans,  Dieu  vous  soit  en  aide.  Dieu  vous  veuHe  aider,     Dieu  vous  garde 

from  yvell  and  trouble,  I  bydde  you  farwell,  Godbe  witbyou,  Itakemy leaveofyou,farwell 

de      mal  et  dencombrier,  a  dieu  vous  dis,      a  dieu  soiez,      adieu  sans   adieu,   adieu 

tyll         vve  se  agaync. 
jusques  au  reueoir. 




Colour  is       lygli'      incorporale    in      a     body  visyble  pure  and  clene.  There 

Coulleur  est  lumière  incorporée  en  ung  perspectif  pur    et   nect.       Hz 

ben  hvo  dyfference  of  perspecty ves ,  the  one  is  pure,  separate  of  erthlynesse, 
sont  deux  différence  de  perspectifz,     lung  est  pur,  séparé  de  terrestréité , 

and  the  tother  is  spolled  by  the  same  and  myxed  lyght  is  devyded  in 
et       lautre    est  coinquiné  par    icelie     et   mixtioné  lumière  est       quadri- 

four  partes ,  ihat  is  to  say  clere ,  darke  plenluous  or  scanl,  whiche  is  to  under- 
partite,       cest  a  dire  clere,  obscure  habondante  et  rare,     qui  est  a      en- 

slande  great  or  small.  Wherfore  it  appereth  that  thre  tbynges  dolhe  cause 
tendre  grande  ou  petite.  Pourquoy  il  appert  que  trois  choses         causent 

the  essence  of  whylhnesse,  that  is  lo  say,  clerenesse  with  habundaunce  of  the  same, 
lessence   de  blancheur,  cest  a  scauoir,   clarté    avec  multitude  dicelle, 

and  a  body  visyble  clene  and  pure.  And  thre  thynges        lykewyse  ben   cause    of 

et  ung  perspectif  pur  et  nect.  Et  trois  choses  semblablement  sont  cause  de 

blacke  colour,  it  is  to  say,  lyght,         darke      with  scarsnesse     of  it,       and 

'coulleur  noir,  cest  a  scauoir,  lumière,  obscure  auec  paucite   dicelle,      et 

perspeclyve  unclene.  And  by  this  is  open  the  sayeng  of  Arystolell,  and  of  Aven- 
perspectif  impur.  Et  par  ce  est  esclarcy  le  dict  dAristote  et  de  Aven- 
rois,  whiche  hâve  put  blacknesse  for  privation  and  wliytnesâc  for  habytude 
rois,   qui    ont  mis  noircheur  pour  priuacion  et  blancheur  pour  liabitudc 

or    forme.  And  knowe  ye  that  in  thèse  two       colours       lyeth       ali       the    others. 
ou  forme.  Et  saches     quen   ces  deux  couUeurs  gisent  toutes  les  aultres. 





















darkc  blewe 










blody  colour 



flour  of  pèche  tret 
fleur  de  pescier 






darke  colour 

deed  colour 
coulleur  morte 

horse  flcsshe 
cher  de  cheual 



Out     setle       the  hevynesse  of     siepe    vayne  and  longe ,  a      quyete         slepe 

Hors  mis  lentommissement  du  somne  vain  et  long,  ung  taisible  dormir 

is    right    necessary   and  delycious. 
est  très  nécessaire  et  delicieus. 

A  man         doutfuU    and  suspect  of  jelous    is    sone  converled  and  lounred  in 

Ung  homme  doubteus  et     soupeconeus    est  tost  conuerty  et  tourné  en 




A  man       alredy  luke  warme  in      deedly  hete,        kyndled      of      angre  and 

Homme  desja      tiède      en   mortelle   chaileur,  embrasé   de  corous   et 

madde    of     dispayre. 
forsené  de  désespoir. 

A   goodly    lady ,         meke ,    Irymmed ,  currteyse  :     damosell      stedfast ,      symple , 
Dame  gaillarde ,  bénigne,  cointe ,  courtoise  :  damoiselle  constant ,  simple, 

chaste,    shamefast  and  honest. 

chaste,  pudique  et  honeste. 

A  woman     dishonest,       redy  lo  fall,  shamelesse,      wanton,         subtyle,   payuted 
Femme  impudicque,  lubricque,  affrontée,    mignarde,    affaitée,   fardée 

and  disceyvable. 

et        rusée. 

A        gyrle  havyng  laughyng  eyes ,       fiill    of  swele     promyse,     bearyngwytnesse 
Une  garce  aiant  yeulx  rianlz,  plains  de doulx  promettre,  faisant         foy 

of  a       wanton       wyli. 
dung  voulloir  féminin. 

He  is  worthy  of    prayse ,   whiche  enforceth  him     to  gete      by   verlue  greater 

Il  est  digne  de  iouenge ,  qui     senforce     dacquerer  par  vertu  plus  hauite 

lyght ,         for     of  it  to  sparcle  ihe  beames  through     ail  the  worlde. 
lucence  pour  en   espandre  les    rais       par     tout  le  monde. 

It  is     folly  to  set  our  trust  in  thynges  whiche  shall  fall  sythe       ihal       .     we  knowe 
Cest  folie  de  nous  fier  ez  choses     qui       cherront     puisque  cognoissons 

selfely  the    soveiaygne         lyghlnesse         to  be       darked         of  a      lygbt  cloude. 
neiz    les  souuerains  resplendisseurs  estre  obscurciez  dune  legiere  nuée. 

O    fortune ,     sorowe     encreasyng ,  and  slombryng     ail      delyces  wilh  great  blâme 
O  fortune,  doulleur  aggrauant,  et  soupissant  tous  délices,  a   grant  tort 

a  body         by      a      lytell       immoderate  colère,       doth  angre  hyœself  agaynst 

une  personne  par  ung  petit  de  colère  immodérée,   se        indigne      contre 

his   frende,  at  the    lest     wilhout  a  faule  goyng  before. 

son  amy,      au   moins   sans    préalable  offence. 

It  is    shame  to     a      noble     person        with  his  slrenglh   to  darke    his         honour 
Cest  honte  a  une  noble  personne  selon  sa    force  obscurcir  son  honneur 

by      his   shame. 
par  ses  hontes. 


If   ihe  humayne   inclynation,    whiche  is  wonl    for     ihe  most   parte    to  refuse  ihat 
Se   Ihumaine   propension,    qui     seult   pour   la  plus   part   refuser   ce 

which  one  to  him  doth  ministre     for   most    necessary,  is  nat      somwhat     restrayned , 
quon  luy  administre  pour  plus  nécessaire  nestaulcunementcohibée, 

scanle     shalbe  able  in    any       scyence    to  profyte. 
a  paine  pourra  en  aulcune  science  prouffiter. 

We  be     right    nygh    clevyng        the  one  to  the     olher,     bycause    of    natu- 

Nous  sommes  de  près  adhérentes  les  ung    des   aultres,  a  cause  de  natu- 

rall      inclynation,     specially     havyng  symilytudc  of  maners      togyder. 
relie  procliuitë,  signament  aiantz  confirmité  de  meurs  ensemble. 

Those  whiche  by    dignyties   ben         shewed        above    others    oughl        to  then- 
Ceulz    qui   par  dignités  sontprééminence  par  dessus  les  aultres  deueroient 

sample  of  God ,  to  put  downe  their    pride  and   highnesse. 
selon  Dieu,     rabaisser    leur  crestes  et  haultesses. 

To  do  the     contrary     is    an  infortunale   accident      springyng     of     malyce,     and 
Faire  au  contraire  est  ung  fortuit     accident  procédant  de  malice,     et 

yeidyng       a         man     right     dull,        wherfore       for      nat     to  be  gainsayeng  and 
rendant  ung  homme  fort  empos,  pour  quoy  pour  non    estre     restif        et 

refusyng        good  counsayle  :    it  is  farre    botter       to     sustayne       a  good        quarell, 
oppugnant  bon   conseil ,      trope  mieulx  vault  soubstenir  bonne  querelle , 

than  to  yelde  hymselfe  in  suche  trouble, 
que  de  soy  rendre  en  telle  berelle. 

Pronownes  devyded  by  the  sixe  articles  of  declynation,  both  synguler 
and  plurell  nombre.  And  thèse  that  ende  in  a,  as  ma,  ta,  sa,  la,  ben  ail 
feminyn.  And  ail  those  that  dothe  ende  in  on,  and  in  e,  as  mon,  ton,  son; 
me,  te,  se,  le,  ben  ail  masculyne.  And  mien,  tien,  sien,  synguler  nombre  and 
masculyn,  miens,  tiens,  siens;  mes,  tes,  ses,  plurell  nombre  and  masculyn. 
Mienne,  tienne,  sienne,  singuler; miennes,  tiennes ,  siennes,  plurell  nombre  and 
feminyn.  Butthere  ben  certayne  names  of  the  femynyn,  whiche  do  requyre 
the  pronownes  masculyns  that  rnust  be  excepted,  as  mon  ame,  mon  hôtesse, 
and  suche  lyke  :  where  both  ame  and  hôtesse  ben  femynyn  gender,  and  mon 

he  (she) 

masculyn.  And  me,  te,  se,  ben  indiffèrent,    as  in  thèse  wordes  :  il  [elle) 
sayth  to  me,  he  (she)  saith  to  the,  he  (she)  saith  to  him; 

me  dit,         il  [elle)     te  dit,      il   {elle)     se  dit;      where   me,   te,   se,  serve 



I ,     of  me ,     to  me ,  at  me ,  o  me , 

bothe  for  the  masculyn  and  femynin.  Je,  de  moy,  a  m<^,  a  me,  a  moy,  o  moy, 
for      me,    tome,     ofme.  our,     we,       ours;  ofours,       tous,       by 

pour  moy,  a  moy,  de  moy.  Plurell,  nos,  nous,  nosires;  les  nostres,  a  nous,  par 
our.  for  Thou,  ofthe,  tothe;  by  the  :  o  (hou, 

nos.  O  nous,  o  nos,  pour  nous.  Ta,  de  toy,  a  toy;  par  te,  par  toy  :  o  tu,  o  toy  : 
by  the.  your,  you,      ofyours;      loyou,    by  your,    o  ye  :        by  you.    He 

par  toy.  Plurell  ,    vos,  vous,  des  vostres;  a  vous,  par  vos,  o  vous  :  pour  vous.  Il 
she,    he,  him  ;     that  same         the  same,       that  same,  Ihat  or  this.  They ,  they, 
elle;  cil,  luy;  celuy,  celle,  icelle,  icelluy,    cestuy,        ceste.        Hz ,  cealx ,  elles , 
them,  those.  What ,  howe ,  which ,  the  which ,  of  whom,  tohave. 

celles,  icelles,  euh,  iceulz.  Que,    qui,    quel,    lequel,   laquelle,  de  qui,    a  oui, 
by  whom,  the  whiche.  My,    myne  :  lo  my,       ofmy,     myne  :       for 

par  quel,  quelz,    laquelle,  lesquelles.  Mon,  mien  :  a  mon,  de  mon,  mien  :  pour 
me,     for  my  :        for  myne  :  o  my,    o  myne,  forme,        for 

me ,  pour  mon  :  pour  le  mien ,  par  le  mien  :  o  mon ,   o  my,   o  mien  :  pour  me ,  pour 
myne ,  for  Plurell  nombre ,  Thy,    my,  his  :  thy,    my,    his  : 

mien,  pour  mon.   Mes,  miens,   mienne,  miennes,  Ta,  ma,  sa:  tes,  mes,  ses  : 
thyne,  myne,    his  : 
tiens ,  miens ,  siens  :  miennes ,  tiennes ,  siennes. 

Example  for  the  femynin  : 

Ma  mère,  ma  seur,  ma  maistresse,  ma  cousine  ; 

Ta  mère,  ta  seur,  ta  maistresse,  ta  cousine  : 

Sa  mère,  sa  seur,  sa  maistresse,  sa  cousine  : 

La  mère,  la  seur,  la  maistresse,  la  cousine. 

Example  howe  the  pronowne  masculyne  shal  be  applyed  as 

Mon  père,  mon  frère,  mon  maistre,  mon  cousin  : 

Ton  père,  ton  frère,  ton  maistre,  ton  cousin  : 

Son  père,  son  frère,  son  maistre,  son  cousin  : 

Le  père,  le  frère,  le  maistre,  le  cousin, 
and  mes,  tes,  ses,  les,  for  bothe  plurell. 

Also  there  be  two  pronownes,  that  ben  pronounced  in  french  by  syn- 
ihe  same  and  that  same  :  for     the     femynine  : 
copation,  as  cesluy  cy  et  cestuy  la  :  ceste  cy  et  ceste  la:  where  ye  shall  take 

but  the  last  syllable  of  them,  sayeng  staicy,  stayla  :  stecy,  stela. 


Nyghe,  uyghe  :   towarde,  towarde  :     for,      by,     up.downe,   above,  under 

Près,  joucte  :  enuers,  deuers  :  pour,  par,  sus,  jus,    dessus,  dessoubz  : 


afore,       before,      agaynst,  with,       to,  to  the,  of  the,  of,  at  ihissyde, 

auant,  deuant,  contre,    en   contre  :  auec,     a,     au,      du,  de,  deçà, 


If,     if,    and, 

Sy,  se,  et,   etc. 
Hère  folowelh  the  adverbes,  and  howe  ye  shall  tiu>n,  and  forme  an 
adverbe  from  englisshe  into  frenche ,  and  speciaUy  those  that  signifye  qua- 
lifies,  takyng  this  syllable  ly  from  them,    and  addyng  ment  for  it,  as  in 
thèse  wordes  folowynge  : 


yester  day 

but  lylel  agone 
depuis  nagarez 






before  yester  day 
auant  hier 

the  tother  day 
lautre  hier 

/  lytel 

sith      1  lytel 
depuis]  pou 


to  morowe 



ment             the  day  after 

of  tyme 

]y               lendemain 

de  temps 


after  to  morowe 



appres  demain 

from  hens  forth 


anone  or  sone 


ones  agayoe 



from  bens  forth 

by  and  by 

compendieuse    , 

dicy  en  auant 

cy  pris  cy  mis 


from  hens  forwarde 



de  la  en  auant 


this  day 

tbis  yere 

/  »P 



1  sus 

ail  this  day 

al  this  yere 

now        )  hère 



ore           ca 

in  this  day 

not  long  a  gone 


au  jourdbuy 


l  la 



yere  while 

wfayle  it  was 

in  maner 
en  sorte 



in  a  facyon 
en  fachon 

at  this  tyme 
a  ceste  heure 


of  facyon 
de  fachon 



in  suche  wyse 

tyme  pastc 
temps  fust 

for  ever 
a  jamais 

as  il  was 


never  syns 
oncques  puis 


from  than 
des  lors 

never  more 
oncques  mais 


at  that  tyme 



for  that  tyme 
pour  lors 

at  that  tyme 

non  pourtant 

for  ail  that 


nat  nevcrthelesse 
non  pourquant 


unto  this 
jusques  cy 

néant  mains 

many  tymes 

unlo  that 
jusques  la 




ail  beit 
ja  soit 

at  somtyme 
a  la  fois 

right  or  most 


many  tymes 
pluisieurs  foi» 

in  maner 
de  manière 

howe,  and  howe  moche 


in  so  moche 
en  tant 



in  the  meane  whyle 

to  what 
a  quoy 

in  the  meane  tyme 

duryng  that  tyme 
ce  pendant 

of  what 
de  quoy 

duryng  the  tyme 
en  tandis 

of  maner 
de  sorte 

in  what 
en  quoy 


for  4¥hat 
pour  quoy 

upon  wbat 
sur  quoy 

as  what 
corne  quoy 



a  loDge  wbyle 

more  late 
plus  tard 

to  soone  or  lymeiy 
trop  tempre 


i,  so 
ouy,  sy 

no,  nay 
non,  nenny 

in  earnes 
a  certes 

for  earnes 
pour  certes 

of  earnes 
de  certes 

io  certayne 
a  certain 

for  certayne 
pour  certain 

of  certayne 
de  certain 


in  trewth 
en  uerité 


in  sothe 
en  uray 

for  truthe 
pour  uerité 

for  sothe 
pour  uray 

of  truthe 
de  uerité 

of  sothe 
de  uray 



in  my  God 
en  mon  Dieu 

in  good  lucke 
en  bon  omen 

by  tbe  faitb  of 
par  la  foy  de 

fayre  women 
belles  femmes 

I  you  assure 
je  vous  asseure 

I  promyse  you 
je  vous  promeclz 

I  certifye  you 
je  vous  certifie 

withoat  any  faute 
sans  faulte 

in  my  trewth 
en  ma  uerité 

in  my  loyaltie 
en  ma  loyaullé 

in  my  worthynesse 
en  ma  prudommie 

by  my  hoiynesse 
par  ma  saincteté 

ENCH  TREWL\.      927 

trewe  man 
preud  homme 

trewe  woman 
preude  femme 

yare  so 
aincois  ainsy 








at  tbe  prick  of  the  day 
au  point  du  jour 

the  dawing  of  tbe  day 
a  laube  du  jour 

at  tbe  dayeng 
a  lajourner 

at  tbe  cockes  crowynge 
au  chant  du  coc 

at  pryme 
a  prime 

at  thirde  hour 
a  heure  de  tierce 

at  noone 
a  nonë 

at  mydde  day 
a  mydy 

at  evynsoog 
a  vespre 



at  evenyng 
au  soir 

betwene  iyght  aod  dark 
entre  chien  et  ioup 

at  the  sonne  settynge 
a  soleil  couchant 

at  the  nygbt 
a  la  nuyt 

at  mydnyglit 
a  mie  nuyt 

at  the  day 
au  jour 




fyrst,  fyrst, 

emprent,  premier 

fyrstly,  one 

premierment,    ung,  une 

onely,  evyn , 

unie,  unicque,  uniement,  uny, 

union ,  unie ,  uniement ,  unité , 

ofooevoyce.of  variable  signification, 
uniuocque,         equiuocque. 

onely  ail  onely 

seul,  seulle,  seulement,  seullet, 

seuHette,  solitaire. 

seconde ,        seconde , 
deusiésme  :  second ,  seconde , 

double,   doubled, 
double,  doublé,  doublée, 

dualité,  duplicité,  doublement, 

secondary ,         parted  in  two. 
secondement,      bipartit. 

thyrde,  thirdly, 

tiers,  tierce,  tiercement, 

tbe  tbirde, 
troisième,  trinité, 

ail  one, 
ternil ,  triangle ,  triplicilé , 

triple,  terciane,  tripartit. 


fourth ,     tbe  fourth , 

quart,  quarte,  quatriesme, 


quartement,  quaternité, 

the  fourth  parte,  square, 
quadril,  quarré,  quarrée, 

foure  cornarde, 
qtiadrangle , 

foure  double,  a  crosse  way, 
quadruple ,     quarefour , 

the  quartayne ,        forthy, 
quartaine ,     quarantaine , 

forthy  or  lect,  lent, 

quadragesime,  quaresme. 


fyfth,  fyfthly, 

quint,  quinte,  quintement, 

the  fyfth,  of  fyve, 

cinquiesme,  quintupHoe, 

pentecost,  whit  sonday. 


the  sixte  sijtely 

sixt,  sixle,  sixtement, 

of  sixe,      sixe  cornarde 
sexlil,  sextangle,  sisiéme, 

SEPT  vu 

ihe  seventh     seventhly, 
septiesme,  sepliesmement, 

ones  sevyn,  in  sevyn 
seplaine,  septuplice, 

sevyn  corners, 
septangle ,  septuagesime. 


ihe  eiglit 
huitaine,  huitiésme 

the  nynth  nyne 

neuuiésme,  neuuayne, 



dix,  disiésme, 

is  he  that  hath  charge  of  x  men. 
desinier,  disayne. 


onsiéme     onsaine. 


dousiéme,  dousaine. 


the  thirlenth 


the  fourtenth 


the  fyftenth 


the  sixtenth 

DIX  SEPT  xvir 

the  sevententh 
dix  septiesme 


the  eightenth 


the  nyntenth 


twenty       the  twenteth 
vintaine ,    vingtième 


the  thirteth ,     thirtie 
trentiesme,  trentaine 


the  fourteth 


acompte  of  fyftie  the  fyfleth 

cincquanlaine,    cincquanliésme. 




the  sisteth  threscore. 

soissantieme ,  soisantaine. 


the  sevynteth 


the  eightetli 


the  nynteth 

huudreth,  ibehuudreth, 
centaine ,   centiésme , 

the  hundredeth ,    lykewyse 
cenleniér,         centurion. 





QDATRE   CENTZ            CCCC 


V.  c. 


VI.  c. 


VII.  c. 


TIII.  C. 


IX.  C. 

MIL.            A 



X.  H. 


C.  M. 


M.  M. 


Hère  after  foloweth  the  maner,  howe  one  shall  make  and  fourme  the 
présent  of  the  indicatyve  or  shewyng  mode,  of  the  verbes  folowyng. 

The  maner  to  fourme  the  présent  of  the  verbes  infynity ve  mode ,  hère 
after  folowynge,  is  ;that  ail  those  that  ende  in  er,  puttyng  the  r  away,  and 
makyng  the  e  a  consonant,  ye  .shall  hâve  the  présent  of  the  indicatyve,  as 
in  thèse  wordes  :  parler,  appeller,  appaiser,  appuier,  etc.;  puttyng  r  away,  ye 
bave  :par/e,  appelle ,  appaise ;  appuie  :  say eng,japelle,  ta  appelle,  il  appelle,  nous 
appelions,  vous  appelles ,  Hz  appellent.Ye  shall  neverthelesse  except  some  verbes 
defectyves,  as  aller  that  do  make,  je  vay,  tu  vas,  in  the  présent,  and  such 

Also  ail  suche  as  hâve  d  in  the  last  syllable,  ye  shall  leave  ail  the  letters 
commynge  after  the  d,  and  shall  adde  s,  or  z  to  il  :  ye  shall  bave  the  plurell 
nombre  of  them,  as  in  those  wordes  tordre,  mordre,  prendre,  attaindre, 
auaindre,  and  such  lyke,  puttynge  5  or  z  to  the  (/  :  ye  shall  bave  tordz,  mordz, 
prendz,  attainz,  auamdz  :  howbeit  that  ye  shall  nat  sounde  the  sayde  d, 
accordynge  to  the  sixte  rule  in  the  begynnyng  of  this  worke. 

Also  ail  those  that  doth  ende  in  iV,  as  tenir,  uenir,  witb  ail  them  that  be 
dirivate  of  them  :  as  contenir,  maintenir,  soabstenir,  preuenir,  reuenir,  paruenir, 
deaenir,  and  such  lyke,  must  be  ail  ended  in  iens,  as  tiens,  viens,  contiens. 


maintiens,  soubstiens,  preuiens,  reuiens,  paraiens,  deaiens.  Sayeng  :  /e  tiens,  ta 
tiens,  il  tient,  nous  tenons,  vous  tenes,  Hz  tienent.  There  is  another  sorte  endyng 
in  ir,  as  conuerlir,  assoupir,  appourir,  attendrir,  bénir,  bannir,  etc.  the  whiche 
chaungynge  the  rin  s,  ye  hâve  conuertis,  assoupis,  appouris,  bénis,  bannis; 
sayeng  bannis,  ta  bannis,  il  bannist,  nous  bannissons,  vous  bannisses,  Hz 
bannissent;  and  lykewyse  of  the  tothers.  Also  there  must  be  many  except, 
as  consentir,  assentir,  mourir,  quérir,  dormir,  whiche  do  make  their  présent  : 
je  consens,  je  assens,  je  meurs,  je  dors,  tu  dors,  il  dort,  nous  dormons, 
vous  dormes,  Hz  dorment. 

Also  there  is  two  other  that  doth  ende  in  oir,  the  tone  hath  an  a,  in  the 
penuityme  syllable,  as  auoir  and  scauoir;  whiche  do  make  ay  antl  scay  in 
the  présent.  The  tother  maner  hath  lyke  termynation  withoiit  an  a,  as 
apperceaoir,  deuoir,  pouruoir,  concepuoir,  decepuoir,  whiche  do  make  their  pré- 
sent, japercoj,  je  doy,  je  pouruoy,  je  concoy,  je  decoy;  how  be  il  ualloir  and 
uolloir  must  be  except  which  do  make  in  the  présentée  vaalz,  and  voalloir, 
jeveulz,  tu  aeulz,  il  ueult,  nous  uoulons,  uous  uoules,  Hz  ueulent. 


Aiso  there  is  another  sorte  endynge  in  e,  in  the  infinitive,  as  dire, 
laughyng,  redyng,  frieng,  say,  laugh,  rede, 

rire,  lire,     frire,  etc.   which  make  in  their  présent,  dis,    ris,       lis, 

fris;  sayeng,  je  lis,  ta  lis,  H  list,  nous  lisons,  vous  lises,  Hz  lisent. 

Aiso  there  ben  others  endyng  in  ore,  as  clore,  shitte,  with  ail  bis  com- 
post, that  is  to  saye,  disclore,  unshitte,  forclore,  shitte  out,  etc.  whiche 
do  make  ie  their  présent,  clos,  declos ,  forclos ,  etc.  and  for  cause  that  rules 
ben  infinités,  and  that  they  ben  more  necessary  for  the  teacher  than  for 
the  lernar,  I  suppose  that  those  above  sayd  ben  sulTicyent  for  the  indicative 

It  is  to  be  noted  that  in  the  frenche  tongue  is  but  Iwo  cojugacions  :  the 
first  shal  be  discerned  and  knowen  by  the  first  persone  plurel  nombre  of  the 
présent  in  the  shewynge  moode,  for  where  the  sayd  fyrst  persone  hath  no 
s  in  the  seconde  sillable  before  his  termination  or  ende,  than  it  is  of  the 

we  love,  we  hâve,  we  bette,  we  gyve, 
first,  as  in  thèse  verbes,  aymons,   auons,    bâtons,    donons,  with  such  lyke; 

and  where  there  is  an  .s  begynning  the  last  syllable  of  the  forsayd  fyrst  per- 
sone, than  it  is  of  the  second,  as  in  thèse  verbes,  baisons,  taisons,  brisons, 
faisons ,  disons ,  lisons ,  pensons ,  etc. 



Ye  shai  note  lykewyse  that  in  the  indicative  mode  ye  hâve  for  the  moste 
parte,  foure  preterites,  that  is  to  say ,  the  imperfect,  parfect  and  indiffinitive 
with  the  piusperfect ,  whiche  ben  communeiy  founde  in  ail  verbes  save  in 

I  say,  thou  sayest, 
them  that  ben  defectives  ,  asit  apereth  by  this  verbe,  je  dis,      ta  dis,     wher- 

I  dyde  say;  I  say  de, 

fore  the  prétérit  imperfyte  is  :  je  disoie;  the  perfect,  ^e  dm/theinditFynitive, 
I  hâve  sayd;  I  liad  sayd. 

jay  dit;        the  piusperfect,  jauoie  dit. 

Nevertheles  for  the  most  part  there  is  no  différence  in  englysshe  betwene 
the  perf.  and  imperf.  that  is  to  say,  betwene  /  dyd  say,  and  /  sayd  :  but  by- 
cause  it  is  otherwise  in  french,  I  must  use  the  said  différence. 


Ye  shall  forme  the  prétérit  imperf.  in  ail  verbes  of  both  conjugations  by 
the  fyrst  person  plurell  nombre,  turnyng  thissyllableoni,  whiche  is  in  every 
verbe,  in  oie  for  the  fyrst  conjugation  :  and  sons  in  soie,  in  the  second, 
soundynge  s,  lyke  a  z,  as  zons,  ^oie. 

Example  for  the  fyrst  conjugation  as  in  this  verbe  aymons ,  whiche  is  the 
fyrst  person  plurell  nombre  ofjaime,  chaungyng  this  syllable  ons  in  oie,  ye 
hâve  aimoie;  of  aaons,  ye  bave  aaoie;  of  donnons,  donnoie. 

Example  for  the  seconde  conjugation ,  as  in  thèse  worde  :  baisons,  turnynge 
the  last  syllable,  whiche  is  sons  in  soie,  ye  bave  of  brisons,  brisoie;  of  faisons, 
faisoie;  of  disons,  disoie;  and  the  seconde  persone  shall  terniyne  in  ois,  the 
thirde  in  oit;  the  fyrst  plurell  nombre  in  ions  for  the  fyrst,  and  sons  for  the 
seconde,  as  it  shall  appere  clerely  in  the  conjugations  herafter  folowing, 
and  this  nile  is  infallyble  for  ail  preterites  imparfyte. 


The  prétérit  parfyte,  as  well  of  the  fyrst  as  of  the  seconde  conjugation 
hath  dyvers  termy nations ,  but  there  is  four  speciall,  thatis  to  say  in  us,  in 
is,  in  ins  and  in  ay. 

Example  of  us  :  as  je  bas,  je  fus,  je  leus,je  congneus,  etc. 
of    is  :  as  je  escripais ,  je  deis,je  mis,  je  feis. 
of  ins  :  as  je  tins,  je  prins,  je  uins,  japrins. 
of  ay  :  as  jaimay,  je  donnay,  je  baisay,  je  prisay,  je  laissay. 


And  so  the  verbe  thaï  ende  in  ns  shalbe,  Je  bas,  ta  bas,  il  but,  nous  bûmes, 
vous  bâtes,  Hz  burent. 

Example  of  is  :  asjefeis,  tafeis,  ilfeist,  nousfismes,  vousfeistes,  Hz  firent. 
of  ms;  as  je  ains,  tu  ains,  il  uint,  nous  aimmes,  uoas  uintes,  Hz 

of  ay  :  as  je  donnay,  ta  donnas,  il  donna,  nous  donnasmes,  vous 
donnastes,  Hz  donnèrent. 


Ye  sball  ever  fourme  the  prétérit  indiffynityve  with  the  thre  persons, 
both  singuler  and  plurell  nombres  of  this  verbe  (bave)  in  the  présent  tensis, 
saying,  jay  aymé,  I  bave  loved;  ta  as  aymé ,  tbou  hast  loved;  il  a  aymé,  nous 
auons,  uoas  aues,  Hz  ont  aymé;  and  likewise  of  ali  other  verbes  with  the 
sayd  bave,  as  jay  dit,  jay  ba,  jay  lu,  jay  fait. 


The  prétérit  most  parfect  is  ever  formed  with  the  prétérit  imperfyte  of 
the  foresayd  verbe  (bave)  as  the  indiffynityve  is  with  the  présente,  sayeng 
I  bave  done,  tbou  baddest  donc,  that  is  to  say,  jauoie  dit,  jauoie  aymé ,  jaaoie 
bus ,  jaaoie  requis;  and  so  thorowe  the  thre  persons,  never  chaungynge  the 
terminacion  of  the  verbe,  as  jauoie  dit,  ta  aaols  dit,  il  auoit  dit,  nous  auions 
dit,  nous  aaies  dit,  Hz  uaoient  dit;  and  so  of  ail  other  lyke. 


Ye  sball  understande  that  ail  maner  verbes  in  generall  ben  termyned 
in  their  thre  persons  synguler  and  plurell  nombres  after  this  wayes  :  ray, 
ras,  ra:  rons,  res,  ront,  so  that  ye  sball  take  the  verbe  in  the  présent,  and 
put  the  s  away  at  the  later  ende,  if  it  be  of  the  seconde  or  the  fyrst  con- 
jugacion,  and  adde  therto  the  foresayd  terminacyon  :  as  in  this  worde  dis, 
I  saye;  ye  sball  take  awaye  s  and  adde  ray,  sayeng  diray,  diras,  dira,  dirons, 
dires,  diront.  Jaimeray,  ta  aymeras,  ilaymera,  nous  aymerons,  uous  aymeres,  Hz 
aymeront.  There  be  some  verbes  must  bave  more  addicion,  as  dors,  I  slepe, 
wbicbe  must  hâve  mi,  added  unto  it,  sayeng,  dormiray,  and  boy,  drinke, 
which  sygnify  I  drinke;  ye  shal  nat  say  boiray,  but  buaeray,  I  sball  drinke; 
and  so  of  some  other,  as  doy,  ought;  and  mètre,  I  put.  How  be  it  tbey  be 
ail  termined  with  theabove  sayd  termination. 



The  imperative  for  the  most  parte  is  ever  iyke  the  verbe  présent  tensis  ol 
the  indicatyve  moode,  leavyng  the  fyrst  persone  and  puttyng  the  pronowne 
after  the  verbe,  for  it  differs  nat  :  save  in  the  thyrde  persone  synguler, 
and  plurell  nombre  of  some  verbes,  asjaj,  whiche  doth  make  in  the  thirde 
person  synguler,  il  a;  and  the  thirde  persone  of  the  imperatyve  is  cjail  ayt, 
or  ayt  cil,  ou  celay;  and  lykewyse  of  scay.  But  of  the  inoste  parte  of  others, 
it  is  Iyke  the  présent,  leavyng  the  fyrst  persone,  whiche  is  nat  in  the  im- 
peratyve synguler  nombre,  as  in  this  verbe jazme,  ta  aime,  il  aime,  nous 
aimons,  uoas  aimes,  Hz  aiment;  which  his  présent  is  that  is  a  Iyke  in  the  im- 
peratyve, leavynge  the  fyrst  persone,  sayeng  aime  ta,  aime  cil,  aimons  nous, 
aimes  uoas,  quilz  aiment;  puttyng  ever  the  pronowne  after  the  verbe. 

The  sayde  imperatyve  hath  tvvo  futures,  the  tone  alfyrmatyve,  and  the 
tother  negatyve,  whiche  bave  evermore  thèse  frenche  wordes  going  before 
do ,      kepe ,     se ,  Se  tlial  tliou  speke  ;     loke 

every  person  -.faitz,  garde,  voy,  as  in  this  exampie  :  Voy  que  tu  parle;  garde 
that  he  move  uat; 
quil  ne  se  meaae ;  prenons  garde  que  nous  ne  moaaons,  que  vous  ne  moaues;  prenez 

garde  quilz  ne  se  meuuent;  and  iykewise  of  the  alfyrmative,  leavyng  this 
worde  ne. 


After  the  olde  grammer  was  wonte  to  be  ail  one  wilh  his  prétérit  imperf 
but  we  shall  make  hym  différent  from  hym ,  puttyng  before  the  verbe  ihis 
worde  oh.,  or  je  vous  prie,  sayeng,  oh  que  je  boiue,je  te  prie  que  ta  boiue,  etc. 

The  sayd  optatyve  hath  thre  preterites,  that  is  to  say,  imperf.,  parfyte, 
and  plusperf. ,  puttynge  alwayes  a  ma  aoallenie,  or  plust  a  Dieu  before  the 
verbe.  The  prétérit  imperf.  is  moost  termyned  in  usse,  inse,  and  in  asse, 
whiche  may  serve  lykewyse  for  the  présent,  as  in  thèse  verbes  :  Pleust  à 
Dieu  que  jaimasse;  a  ma  uoallente  que  tu  me  congneusse;  pleust  a  Dieu  que  tu 
prinsses  courage.  The  parfyte  is  moche  Iyke  the  prétérit  indiffynityve  of  the 
indicatyve,  as  a  ma  uoallente  que  j aie  aimé.  The  plus  perfyt  hath  ever  this 
verbe  j'eusse  (I  had)  before  hym,  as  j'eusse  aimé,jeasse  dit,  etc.  His  présente 
doth  serve  for  his  future,  addyng  either  tantost  or  demain,  sayeng  pleust  a 
Dieu  que  je  aoise  demain  auec  uous;  a  ma  uoullente  que  deuiegne  bon,  a  ma 
uoullente  quil  soit  tantost  corrige. 




The  conjunctive  is  lyke  the  optative  in  his  présent  and  preterittes,  save 
that  vve  say  in  stede  of  pleast  a  Dieu,  a  ma  aoullente;  sy,  corne,  quant,  or 
uea,  sayeng  for  the  présent,  sy  je  fuisse  maintenant,  comme  jay  congnea,  quant 
j eusse  senta. 

The  sayd  conjunctyve  hath  two  futures,  the  tone  hath  aiwayes  this  worde 
mais,  goyng  before  the  verbe,  as  mais  que  je  soie  joiculz,  etc. 

The  tother  is  borowed  of  the  potenciali  mode,  and  hath  for  his  termy- 
nation,  roy,  rois,  roit  :  rions,  ries,  voient,  as jaimeroie,  tu  aimerais,  ilaimeroit, 
nous  aimerions,  aous  aimeries,  Hz  aimeroient;  and  iikewyse  of  ail  others.  The 
tennination  of  the  infinityve  shaJl  appere  in  the  verbes  hère  after  folowyng, 
wherfore  in  eschewyng  prolixité,  I  will  no  further  speke  of  it.  The  prétérit 
must  ever  hâve  this  verbe  infynity  ve  moode  :  auoir,  before  hym ,  as  amir 
parlé,  auoirdit,  auoir  mordz,  etc. 

The  gerundyve  is  formed  of  the  infinityve,  and  of  the  participle  présent 
tensis,  as  de  parler,  pour  conférer,  en  communicant,  etc.  The  overthrowen  or 
supins  which  ben  calied  reaerses,  ye  shall  ever  put  the  prétérit  parfit  or  the 
second  futur  of  the  conjunctive  before  him,  sayeng  te  uoalsisse,  or  je  te 
uouldroye  bien  aimé  de  Dieu ,  etc. 


Ail  maner  verbes  infinitive  mode  endyng  in  er,  takyng  the  r  away,  ye 
bave  the  prétérit  masculin,  and  addyng  an  e  to  the  e  that  remaine,  ye  bave 
the  participle  féminin  of  the  prétérit  tensis,  as  in  this  verbe  enseigner,  take 
away  the  r,  ye  bave  enseigné,  which  is  masculin,  and  addyng  another  e  to 
it,  ye  hâve  enseignée,  which  is  the  prétérit  féminin,  soundyng  the  first  e  as 
a  uowel,  and  if  ye  adde  ment  to  it,  ye  shal  bave  enseignement,  which  is  an 
adverbe,  and  putlyng  both  es  away,  and  addyng  ant,  ye  bave  the  participle 
présent,  whiche  is  enseignant,  and  this  rule  is  generall  for  the  termination. 

Also  ail  verbes  endyng  in  ir,  as  uenir,  and  such  as  corne  of  him  must  al 
change  ir  in  u  for  the  prétérit  masculyn,  and  addyng  an  e  to  the  sayd  a  for 
the  féminin.  Exemple  for  the  masculin,  if  ye  take  ir  away  from  uenir,  tenir, 
soaaenir,  soubstenir,  maintenir,  and  adde  u  for  it,  ye  shall  bave,  aenu,  tenu, 
souaenu,  maintenu,  and  addyng  an  e  to  it,  ye  shall  bave  the  féminin,  whiche 



be,  aenae,  tenue,  soaaenae,  maintenue,  etc.  and  if  ye  put  away  the  sayd  u 
and  e,  and  put  ant  for  it,  ye  shall  hâve  the  participle  présent  tensis,  as 
aenant,  tenant,  soauenant,  maintenant.  There  ben  other  verbes  ending  in  ir, 
whiche  must  chaunge  the  r  in  e  for  the  féminin ,  and  without  the  e  for  the 
masculin,  as  bénir,  take  away  the  r,  ye  hâve  beny,  which  is  prétérit  mascuhn, 
and  adde  an  e  to  it,  yc  hâve  bénie,  whiche  is  the  féminin,  and  Jykewyse 
of  bannir,  banni,  bannie;  rauy,  rauie,  and  adding  ssant  to  the  masculin,  ye 
hâve  banissant,  bénissant,  raaissant.  Mourir  and  quérir  must  be  excepted  : 
for  mourir  hath  mort  for  his  masculyn,  and  morte  for  the  femynyn,  and 
quérir,  quis  and  quise;  mourant  and  querant  for  the  participle  présent  tense. 
Also  those  wherof  the  infynityve  termyne  or  ende  in  tre,  or  in  dre,  the 
e  beyng  a  consonant,  as  batre,  abatre,  combatre,  rabatre,  debatre  :  pendre, 
fendre,  deffendre,  tendre,  rendre,  uendre,  must  ail  chaunge  re  in  u  for  the 
masculyn,  sayeng  batu,  abata,  combata,  pendu,  fendu,  deffenda,  uendu,  tondu, 
addyng  an  e  to  it  for  the  femynyn,  sayeng  batae,  uendue ,  fendue ,  tondue; 
ye  must  except  prendre  with  ail  his  dirivatives,  and  make  pris,  prise;  repris, 
reprise;  compris,  comprise;  mespris,  mesprise.  There  ben  other  that  ende  in  e, 
as  mectre,  with  ail  that  of  hym  ben  diryvate,  whiche  must  foiowe  the  sayd 
ruie,  as  permis,  permise;  mis,  mise;  demis,  démise;  commis,  commise;  promis, 
promise;  remis,  remise;  compris,  etc.  and  by cause  they  be  noted  for  the 
most  parte  among  the  Catalogue  of  verbes,  and  howe  ye  shall  fourme  ly- 
kewyse  both  nownes  and  adverbes  :  and  also  that  it  is  barde  for  to  fynde 
a  rule  generall  and  infallyble,  I  do  hère  termyne  the  sayde  rules. 



to  water 

to  dresse  or  to  order 

to  cast  do* 


to  make  a 

foie  or  beest 

to  wame 




ta  barke 

to  abuse 

to  touche 




to  stoupe 

to  leane  the  backe 

to  auowe 




to  araye 

to  distroy 

to  wyne  or  to  adde 




■■     adjouter 

to  bourde 

to  make  swete 

to  swere 







to  go  out  of  the  way 

to  make  fast 

to  make  leane 




lo  clyppe 

to  make  feble 

to  make  smale 




to  pacifyc 

to  make  fre 

to  heape 




to  tryme  a  woman 

to  dresse 

to  drye 




to  agre 

to  tache  with  a  hoke 

to  arnat  or  prépare 




to  aquent 

to  make  more  greuous 

to  gyve  sucke 




to  gader 

to  tache 

to  kyndei 




to  bow  downe,  croked 

to  knele 

to  al ter 




to  accepte 

to  flatter 

to  waste 




to  bye 

to  cherysshe 

to  anounce 




to  harken 

to  gader 

to  appere 




to  certyfye 

to  wrappe 

to  pacify 




to  cache  witb  a  hoke 

to  tye 

to  aparel 




to  directe 

to  wake 

to  call 




to  mynisler 

to  leade 

to  perceyve 




to  ordre  at  pleasure 

to  mende 

to  make  redy 




to  makc  onc  lame 

to  love 

to  learne 




to  make  «harpe 

to  make  lesse 

to  flatre  with  myrth 




to  put  on  a  mantel 

to  make  softe 

to  aproche 







to  waxe  poore 

to  resemble 

to  gyve  auctorite 




lo  tame 

to  fali  in  Company 

to  somen 




to  appoint 

lo  helpe 

to  dawne 




to  leane  upon 

to  reste  a  man 

to  jeopard 




to  go  before 

to  enquere  one 

to  swalow  or  go  downe 




to  make  propre 

to  come  or  to  lande 




to  assemble 

to  ronde  or  go  about 





to  assigna 

to  water  or  sparcle  water 

to  buylde 




to  assure 

to  M  in  the  Company 

to  cast  butter  upon  rost 




to  kyl  with  a  clubbe 

to  tyc 

to  banysshe 




to  fuify) 

to  tary  or  abyde 

to  bast  tbe  roste 




to  make  one  bownde 

to  dresse 

to  stoupe 




to  assople 

to  catche  subtelly 

to  kysse 




to  make  gadde 

to  bitte  or  ouertake 

to  mocke 




to  invade 

to  reche 

to  barre  a  dore 




to  consent 

to  take  hede 

to  barter 




to  flatter 

to  go  about 

to  gape 




to  make  to  swere 

to  auance 

to  gape 



il.  basllier 

to  make  subget 

to  havc 

to  blote 



11.  barbouHer 




to  bable  lyke  a  dnck 

to  juste 

lo  bribe 

to  plee  tbe  folp 

to  bargayne 

to  hurte 

to  béate  at  ars 

to  blâme 

to  selhe  or  boyle 

to  shake  a  swerde 

to  swere 

to  delve 

to  brew 

to  yexe 
11.  balliér 

to  tourne  away 
bes  tourner 

lo  bragge 

to  bable 
11.  babiller 

to  dounse 

to  stulte 

to  swepe 

to  eut  busshes 

to  ete  lyke  a  gote 

to  stut 

to  hurne 

to  brawle  or  to  wage 

lo  lyspe 

to  stutte 

to  rocke  ihe  cradel 

to  shave 

to  brunishe 

to  hante  beres 


to  blasonne 


to  blysse 

to  drinke 

to  play  at  cardes 

to  begge 

to  eate  gredely 

to  trille 

to  bourde  or  jape 

to  springe 

to  hide 

to  bathc 

to  budde 

to  breke 


to  set  a  broche 

to  hunte 

to  crye  or  wepe 

to  brldel 

to  spit 

to  breke 

to  worke 

to  chope  brede 

to  speke  fayre 

to  blotte 

to  clatter 





to  rele 

to  tame 

to  compassé 




to  sbake 

to  take  right  away 

to  nayle 




to  tickel 

to  cleyme 

to  contryve 




to  danse 

to  shit 

to  whelpe 




to  cloute  showes 

to  halte 

to  tourne  to  a  purpose 




to  charme 

to  cover 

to  reken 




to  hewe 

to  guyde 

to  comprehende 




to  carie 

to  knowe 

to  slrive 




to  put  on  hoses 

to  runne 

to  make 




to  caJFe  or  warme 

to  counsell 

to  compile 




to  charge 

to  ronne  togider 

to  discerne 




to  do  révérence 

to  correcte 

to  kepe 




to  over  charge 

to  speke  togider 

to  comaonde 




to  cherisshe 

to  situât 

to  fortyfye 




to  shyfte 

to  stoupe 

to  constrayne 




to  geder 

to  constrayne 

to  grannt 




to  certify 

to  reduce  narowly 

to  suffre 




to  walke 

to  confounde 

to  forgyve 




to  somme 

to  go  about 

to  conceyve 





as  liker  throw  a  clolh 


to  spende 

to  corrumpe  or  corrupt 

to  smarte 

to  unhange 




to  shrive 


to  dye 

to  deffende 

to  dampne 

to  purpose 

to  conforte 

to  danse 

to  unbynde 

to  ayde 

to  date 

to  dévore 

to  be  ydel 

to  cast  a  dart 

to  takc  away 

to  be  suerte 

to  aske 

to  distrempe 

to  sowe 

to  pay  the  costes 

to  disloge 

to  resyste 

to  disconGt 

to  deuine 

to  lye 

to  défende 

to  bacbite 

to  besbitte 

to  unnayle 

to  deceyve 

to  winke 

to  owe 

to  gyve  sentence 

to  drede 

to  debate 

to  discusse 

to  feare 

to  overcome 

to  dislroy 

to  burste 


to  distourbe 

to  farte  or  to  burste 

to  begile 

to  untrusse 

to  afferme 

to  go  out  of  the  way 

to  deliver 

to  crye 

to  denye 

to  unneste 



to  préjudice 

to  put  downe 

to  unbende  a  crosbowe 




to  put  of  rementes 

to  denye  sayeng 

to  ctatter  out 

11.  despouHér 



to  disprayse 

to  put  out 

to  unhose 




to  devise 

to  uncover 

to  spoyle 




to  corne  downe 

to  take  away  lande 

to  unbende 




to  unfolde 

to  disenherite 

to  unlace 




to  déprave 

to  breke  faste 

to  make  myrth  as  byrdes 




to  put  downe 

to  distroy 

to  deserve 




to  make  fowle 

to  dishonoure 

to  delate 




to  unknowe 

to  defyle 

to  distroy 




to  forsake 

to  go  from  mérite 

to  dispute 




to  devoure 

to  unpurvey 

to  dispeuce 




to  sease 

to  rele 

to  say 




to  robbe 

to  discorage 

to  bave  lordeshippr 




to  go  out  of  order 

to  put  out  of  the  place 

to  gyve 




to  teniper 

to  distroy  tbe  people 

to  siepe 




to  unbridel 

to  take  awaye  maydenhed 

to  tame 




to  discbarge 

to  spoyle 

to  display 




to  discorde 

to  set  forth  and  go  back 

to  unarme 





to  sporte 

to  basbe 

to  be  bawide 

to  blussbe 

to  hère  or  barken 

to  set  upon  the  spit 

to  teche 

to  kepe  skowte  wache 

to  scarche 

to  make  softe 

to  wexe  barde 

to  wrappe 

to  fol  de  up 

to  put  in  tbe  ovyn 

to  esteme 

to  cromme 

to  spare 

to  sparcle 



to  sparcle  about 

to  lyght 

to  enforce 

to  scape 

to  hunt  away 

to  skyrmysshe 

to  lyghten 

to  quarler 

to  byde  away 

to  mocke 

to  escbewe 

to  make  afrayde 

to  sbake  of 

to  be  marveyled 

to  bringe  to  passe 

to  gete  corage 

to  be  dellvered  of  a  childe 

lo  prove 

to  brcke 

to  spurre 

to  sinke 

to  understande 

to  sinke 

to  cancre 
11.  enrouillér 

to  set  togider  narowly 

to  waxe  madde 

to  go  out  of  the  way 

to  waxe  riche 

to  put  or  biol  out 

to  breake 

to  go  oui  of  the  way 

to  put  in  prison 

to  waxe  greal 

to  grynde 

to  move 

to  stoupe 

to  clyppe 

to  sette  at  large 




to  selte  up 

to  hope 

to  strive 

to  exalte 

to  enmayle 

to  sparcle 

to  styre  one 

to  stère  out  the  brain 

to  inforce 

to  put  oui  of  order 

to  clene  the  nose 

to  take  corage 

to  be  buse 

to  waxe  a  slepe 

to  encrease 

to  take  without  ryght 

to  wake 

to  seta  stringe  upon  a  bowe 

to  distroy 

to  invade 

to  Write 

to  excuse 

to  presse  ou 

to  curse 

to  shake  of 

to  kyndle 

to  undertake 
-  enprendre 

to  say  nay 

to  teche 

to  undertake 

to  déclare 

to  iauncb  a  bote 

to  stretche 

to  déclare 

to  shake 

to  tye  with  a  chayae 

to  go  about 

to  set  a  tbyng  in  the  wynde 

to  close 

to  serche  nygb 

lo  drye  uppe 

to  raete 

to  poyson 

to  be  abasshed 

to  borowe 

to  wrappe 

tu  put  liker  in  a  vessel 

to  bury 


to  put  in  the  case 

to  move 

to  spye 


to  quenche 

to  waxe  riche 

to  plue  away 

to  stablisshe 

to  put  in  the  grounde 



to  stanche 
es  tancer 

to  pluck  up  parforce 

to  lede  away 

to  kyndle 

to  eschew 

to  waxe  fayre 

to  set  upon  a  hepe 

to  spotle  wlth  myre 

to  eut 

to  beshytte 

to  folow 

to  scalde 


to  chafTe 

to  kyndle 

to  plue  froDi  the  shelle 

to  lette 

lo  make  worse 

to  enbrace 

to  set  in  presse 

to  make  thicke 

to  except 



to  ladle 

to  hanishe 

to  bere  away 

to  brekc  a  dere 

to  exorte 


to  nese 

to  talke 

to  sende 

lo  forge 

to  scratche 
esgra  tignér 

to  go  about  nou;^ht 

to  geve  the  Grst  bansel 

to  fantesy 

to  stoppe 

to  mow 

TREWLY.      0/i5 

to  pénètre 

to  make  false 

to  fayle 

to  do 

to  paint  as  women  do 

to  wrappe 

to  piay  or  mocke 

to  sluffe  mete 

to  feyne 

to  facion  a  fhynge 

to  helpe 

to  make  one  wery 

to  fawne 

to  swadel 

to  make  fertii 

to  cleve 

to  strike 

to  make  bay 

to  make  feste 




to  pul  the  levain 

lo  iay  out 

lo  bow 




to  show  horse» 

to  shitte  out 

to  florissbe 




to  shytt 

lo  furbisabe 

to  hauate 




to  forme  or  shape 

to  banissbe 

to  (^uake 




to  Kpinne 

lo  forfect 

to  frye 




lokasten  a  tiiyngeontbe  grounde 

lo  draw  from  another 

to  frye 




le  congelé 

to  forswcre 

lo  play  the  galant 




to  mette 

to  scourge 

lo  shake  of  the  ague 




to  forge 


lo  bruse 




to  hurte  or  to  dresse  elotb 

lo  fetche  vilail 

to  rubbe 




to  serche 

to  go  from  the  lyne 

to  breake 

H.  fouUer 



to  furre 

lo  enforce 

lo  ronne  away 




to  provaiie 

to  sbape 

to  assyst 




to  go  out  of  the  yiaj 

lo  use  idel  wordes 

lo  tbretten 




to  waxe  madde 

lo  flatter 

to  fume 




to  be  killcd  witb  tempest 

to  smell 

to  disceyve 




to  play  the  foie 

to  tormente 




toconforta  membre  with  a  bathe 

to  pipe 

to  mocke 




to  doDge 

to  wade 

to  lay  a  wayes 






TREWLY,      947 

to  gage  a  vessell 

to  tourne 

to  sclyde 



H.  griller 

to  distroy  any  tbyng 

to  discryve  thc  world  or  thorth 

to  sclyde 

garçon  nér 



to  kepe 

to  springe 

to  scratche 




to  garnysshe 

to  eate  as  a  glotton 

to  grynne 



gn.  grigner 

to  graunt 

to  say  meate 

to  gryppe  or  to  clyme 




to  galope  a  horse 

to  droppe 

to  grudge 



gn.  grongner 

to  lette  blode 

to  governe 

to  curie  as  a  cattc 




to  clatter 

to  parbifke 

to  beale 




to  waste 

to  barke  as  a  fulmer 

to  rewarde 




to  rejoise 

to  gleanc 

to  forsake 




«0  make  mery,  or  to  prike 

to  glorifye 

to  caste 




to  wynne 

to  glose 

to  make  warre 




to  lye  downe 

to  folde  togyder 

to  complayne 




to  dresse 

to  giew 

to  voyde 




to  frese 

to  clawe 

to  lyfte  up 




to  tunnente 

to  grave  or  sculpe 

to  gyde 




to  coufesse 

to  Doy 

to  watche 




to  playne 

to  grese  botes 

lo  loke  with  one  eye 




to  double 

to  hayie 







to  succède  to  héritage 

to  chatter  as  byrdes 




to  ieave  alone 

to  move 

to  folowe 




lo  hâve  plentie 

te  be  wery 

to  trouble 




to  cutte  small 

to  spotte 

to  say  unto 




to  haunte 

to  make  one  asbame 

to  injury 




to  be  sonne  burnde 

to  grudge 

to  put  upon 


gn.  hongner 


to  plucke  up 

to  put  on  botes 

(0  call 

il.  haller 



to  rele  threde 

to  wynde  up 

to  bringe  in 




to  catcLe 

to  caile 

to  stablysh  a  bisshop 




to  barpe 

to  suppe 

to  put  in  parforce 




to  hâte 

to  hamme 

to  enquere 




to  pyke  a  quarell 

to  stryke  with  horns 

to  teache 


hurler  . 


to  pyke  a  quarell 

to  be  meke 

to  attempte 




to  ryse  up 

to  burlel  togider 

lo  fiude 




lo  play  at  dyce 

to  make  a  creste  lyke  a  coke  figh  ting 

to  make  un  happe 




to  harborowe 

to  houle  as  a  dogge 

lo  move  ~ 




to  lodge 

lo  set  up  the  hères  as  a  hedge  dog 

lo  reprove 




to  harowe 

to  wrappe 





to  ney  as  a  horse 

to  boost 

to  sacrify 






to  invade 

to  fast 

to  stèle 




to  iotoxicat 

to  juge 

to  sile  a  wale 




lo  be  importunât 

to  swerc 

to  complayne 




to  require 

to  justify 

to  drioke  as  a  dogge 




to  call 

to  do  justice 

to  wepe 




to  gete 

to  angre 

to  wepe 




to  put  on 

to  winter 

to  stone  to  deth 




to  jeopart 

ta  go  out 

to  larde 




to  inspire 

to  eut  tbe  trouth 

to  lathe  with  latbes 




to  roone  upon  one 

lo  wache 




to  printe 

to  use  dronkeosbip 





to  cal  to 

to  lyfte 




to  ordenne 

to  labour 

to  lure,  as  a  bawke 





to  lace 

to  tye 




to  induce 

to  lose  or  let  go 

to  fyle  as  a  smyte 




lo  teche  or  bringe  in 

to  provokc 

to  deliver 




to  juste 

to  leave 

to  rede 




to  play 

to  wery 

to  hère 




to  joine 

to  lance 

to  lawde 







to  shine 

to  marke 

to  asswage 




to  wreslell 

to  hamer 

to  shewe 





to  putte 

to  mortifie 

(0  cfaewe 

to  begge 

to  grounde 

to  mary 

to  muse 

to  move 




to  angre 

to  eate 

to  make  a  molde 




fo  blaspLeine 

to  tbanke 

to  wite 



11.  mouller 

to  barguine 

to  backebyte 

to  mue  as  a  hawke 

to  martir 

to  medyll 

to  bide 




to  martir 

to  rekeo  falce 

to  fortify 




to  mastry 

to  do  a  mysse 

to  multiply 

to  waxe  leane 

to  disprease 

to  go  to  bervest 




to  worke  as  a  mason 

to  murdre 

ail  one 

mas  sonner 


.  messonner 

to  mainteyn 

to  lye 

to  playe  tbe  husbande 




to  curse 

to  deserve 

to  byte 




to  liandle 

to  mysknowe 

to  dye 




to  maie  foule 

to  ioke  in  a  giaste 

to  mounte 




to  make  blacke 

to  dyg  in  the  grounde 

to  swepe  the  aose 




to  trede 

to  lede 

to  morfouade 







to  mocke 

to  swimmc 

bloted  forgotten 




lo  put  one  yvell 

to  drowne 

to  forgetle 




to  mysdo 

to  nombre 

lo  witlistande 




ali  one 

to  notte 

to  darken 





lo  nourishe 

to  oflende 



to  swym 

to  sfaade 

to  oBrende 




to  shewe 

to  make  black 

to  kyll 




to  serve  at  tennes 

to  certify 

to  bide 




to  give  posession 

to  name 

to  make  foie 




to  wounde 

to  hurt 

lo  ordayne 




to  be  borne 

to  strive 

to  levé 




to  make  mattes 

to  hurte 




to  set  sinewes  on  a  sadie 

to  obaye 

to  uttre 




to  make  clene 

to  be  ocupyed 

to  obtaine 




to  denye 

to  darken 

to  graunte 




to  bride 

to  say  yvell 

to  constrayne 




to  SDuf  with  tbe  nose 

(0  obtaine 

to  opose 




to  becke  with  hedde 

to  bynde 

to  wene 




to  knytte 

to  binde  is  ail  one 

to  oppresie 








to  dare 

to  perce 

to  walkc 




to  pray 

to  perceyve 

to  prove 




to  cnoisel  as  a  bauke 

to  suffre 

to  wepe 




to  warye 

to  waye 

to  dowke 




to  worke 

to  tbynke 

to  lye  down  as  a  bore 




to  open 

lo  do 

lo  brynge  forthe 




to  take  awaye 

lo  perysshe 

to  shuldre 




to  hère 

lo  synne 

to  powie 




to  graunte 


to  bowe 




lo  preache 

lo  foie  as  a  mare 




to  forgyve 

to  pénètre  or  ihrowe 

lo  pygge  as  a  sowe 




to  prépare 

to  présente 

to  selle 




to  speke 

to  contynew 

lo  playde 




to  painte 

lo  lose 

to  please 




to  forswere 

to  farte 

to  plane 




lo  parforme 

lo  knede 

to  Diake  even 




to  make  ao  ende 

to  warantise                  , 

lo  lay  a  ihynge  downe  or  lo  rest 




lo  lèse 

to  bere 

lo  combe  Ibe  bedde 



gn.  pigner 

to  passe 

to  tbynke 

to  pysse 





to  prycke 

to  stampe 

to  robbe 
11.  piller 

to  take  awaye 

to  banyssbe 

to  présuppose 

to  beare 

to  défende 

to  procure 

to  say  before 

to  prayse 

to  make  poudre 

to  multiply  as  birdes 

to  purchase 

to  polissbe  as  siiver 

to  caste  dowDe 

to  publysshe 

to  sounde 

to  coniplavne 


to  lade  out  water  to  bring  agayne 

puiser  ramener 

to  suffre  to  gyve  yii  wordes 

permectre  ramponer 

to  ravvsshe 

Q  • 


to  take  away  ail 

to  double  furre 

to  square 

to  square 

to  stoupe 

to  douke 
ou  coitir 

to  sertche  or  demande 

to  pyke  a  quarell 

to  begge  as  a  pardoner 

to  move  a  questyon 

to  begge 

to  quyte 

to  begge 

to  play  the  foie 

to  bring  lovrer 

to  bâte  of  a  somme 

to  rauDsome 

to  overtake 

to  rake  with  a  rake 

to  rampe  as  a  cat 

to  remembre  agayne 

to  alowe  it 

to  refresshe 

to  recréa te 

to  spyll 

to  answere 

to  rejoyce 

to  refuse 

to  feare 

to  reduce 

to  refuce 




to  lament 

to  revoke 

to  rewarde 

to  restore 

to  restore  in  agayne 

to  reise  agayn 

to  rebounde 

to  restrayne 

to  bye  agayne 

to  reprove 

to  robbe 


to  rest 

to  cancre 
11.  rouiller 

to  salle 

to  grudge 
gn.  recigner 

to  stare 
11.  rouUer 

to  sainte 

to  eate  at  after  noon 

to  rôle 

to  lepe 

to  restore 

to  snore 

to  ken 

to  reherce 

to  gnawe 

to  blede 

to  resygne 

to  ruffle 

to  yelke 

to  go  backe 

to  take  ail  away 

to  save 

to  reforme 

to  ryme 

to  tast 

to  sbave 

to  rowe 

to  heale 





to  woe  a  woman 

to  balowe 

to  relevé 

to  speke  in  ones  ère 

to  sacrify 

to  bewray 

to  use  subtilte 

to  wede  yvel  herbes 

to  reberce 

to  répète  by  him  self 

to  grave 

to  répète 

to  strike  agayne 

to  saciate 

to  répugne 

to  shine 

to  satisGe 





to  syghe 

to  be  sodenly  afraide 




to  somme 

to  beare  or  staye 

to  sufTice 




to  serve 

to  remembre 

to  withdrawe 




to  prêche 

to  come  sodenly 

to  begyle 




ta  sojourne 

to  swete 

to  calcule  or  nombre 




to  dévide 

to  set 

to  bc  delygent 




to  devyde 

to  sowke 




to  gyve  jugement 

to  folow 

to  blot  or  spote 




to  signe 

to  succède 

to  go  about 




to  sporte 

to  take  sodenty 

to  tabure 




to  suffre 

to  ayde 

to  prike  with  heles 




to  suspecte 

to  rone  over 

to  syfte 




to  sawe 

to  soupe 

to  dye 




to  wysshc 

to  kare 

to  dresse  ledder 




to  ovcrcome 

to  sumame 

to  pike  quarel 




to  subdue 

to  helpe  up 

to  grope  or  taste 




to  dreame 

to  strayne 

to  ta\e 




to  slombre 

to  flater 

to  eut 



11.  tailler 

to  assoyle 

to  over  wene 

to  taxe 







to  bende  or  go  about 

to  swepe 

to  begyle 




to  shere 

to  bete 

to  trusse 




to  ley  a  tente    • 

to  take  away 

to  eut  in  gobettes 




to  tempte 

to  medie 

to  falie 


)i.  touller 


to  abide 

to  coughe 

to  kylie 




to  make  besynesse 

to  wip 

to  mocke 




to  tempre 

to  traite 

to  tormente 




to  hoide 

to  go  ovcrlhwarde 

to  just  or  fyght 




to  make  one  wery 

to  forshape 

to  begge 




to  vade 

to  trace ,  as  a  hare 

lo  go  thorow 




lo  ende 

to  strike  or  biot  out 

to  expownde 




to  karve 

lo  sounde 

todrawe  orto  milke  a  cowc 




to  chide 

to  sende 

to  crye 




to  plat  here> 

to  transporte 




to  draw 

to  betray 

to  varye 




to  slyrre  the  fyre 

to  tremble 

to  vayncquysshe 




to  dresse  a  woman 

to  draw 

to  be  worthe 




to  clyppe  heares 


to  fanne  corne 




to  tourne 

to  travayle 

to  boste 


il.  Irauaiiler 



lo  varye 

to  bc  avenged 

to  go  aboute 

to  selle 

to  comme 

to  fysel 

to  uernysshe 

to  boxe 

to  verifyc 

to  make  verses 

to  serche  the  uttermosle 

Hère  consequently  foloweth  the  conjugations  wherof  the  fyrst  shalbe 
tourned  in  one  tens ,  synguler  nombre  and  plurell,  sixe  and  thirty  maner 
awaye,  every  person  sixe  maner  wayes,  that  is  to  say ,  the  atFyrmatyve  thre 
wayes  and  the  negatyve  lykewise;  as  whan  I  say  :  I  hâve,  which  is  affyrma- 
tion  or  grauntyng,  if  ye  do  turne  it,  ye  shall  hâve,  hâve  I.  And  if  ye  put 
this  worde,  why,  before  it,  ye  shall  hâve  a  questyon,  as  :  why  bave  I,  and 
lykewyse  of  the  négation  or  denying,  whiche  is,  I  bave  nat;  turne  it,  ye 
bave,  hâve  nat  I  :  and  puttyng  why  before  it,  ye  bave  a  question,  whiche 
is  :  why  bave  nat  I.  And  in  lyke  maner  thorowe  every  persone  synguler 
and  plurell;  and  so  shali  it  be  sixe  and  thirty  wayes  in  one  tens,  and  this 
rule  is  generall  for  every  verbe. 

Also  there  is  another  maner,  whiche  shall  serve  for  every  verbe  lykewyse, 
and  shalbe  turned  in  one  tens  an  hundred  and  eyght  wayes,  with  thre  pro- 
nownes,  that  is  to  say  :  me,  the,  hym. 

Example  for  the  fyrst  persone  :  I  hâve  me,  I  hâve  the,  I  bave  hym.  And 

to  lye  on  the  bely 

to  fil  the  cup 

to  make  wynde 

to  sbyt  the  boite 

to  make  grene 

to  shame 

to  fysell 

ail  one 

to  watche 
11.  uellier 

to  se 

to  musc 

to  vysyte 

to  live 

to  turne 

to  shame 

to  pisse 

to  put  out 

to  devoure 

lo  gather  grapes 

to  make  shadowe 


we  tourne  it,  we  shail  hâve  :  hâve  I  me,  bave  I  the,  hâve  I  hym.  Than 
puttyng  why  before  it,  we  sball  bave  :  Why  bave  I  me,  wby  bave  I  the, 
wby  bave  I  hym;  and  this  is  nyne  wayes  in  tbe  affyrmatyve. 

Nowe,  if  ye  do  iykewise  in  the  negatyve,  ye  shali  bave  other  nyne 
wayes,  as  wban  ye  say  :  I  bave  nat  me,  I  bave  nat  tbe,  I  bave  nat  him,  and 
tournyng  it ,  ye  bave  :  bave  I  nat  me ,  bave  I  nat  the ,  bave  I  nat  hym  ;  and 
puttyng  why  before,  I  bave  :  wby  bave  nat  I  me,  wby  bave  nat  I  the,  why 
bave  nat  I  hym.  And  doynge  iykewise  of  the  seconde  persone  and  tbe 
tbyrde,  and  consequently  with  the  plureil  nombre,  ye  sball  bave  syx  tymes 
eightene  variable  and  sondry  wayes,  which  do  amount  to  an  bundred  and 
vin  wayes  in  one  tense,  and  may  be  Iykewise  of  every  verbe;  and  if  ye  do 
take  but  the  fyrste  worde  of  every  persone,  ye  sball  bave  a  syngle  conju- 
gacion ,  as  :  I  bave ,  thou  hast ,  be  bath  :  we  hâve ,  ye  bave ,  tbey  bave ,  etc. 

Hère  after  foloweth  the  fyrst  conjugation  whiche  is  sixe  and  thyrty  wayes 

in  the  présente,  and  lykewyse  of  every  preteryte  and  future, 

in  every  tense  and  mode ,  except  ail  the  imperatyves  the 

présent  of  theoptatyves.  Andbycause  we  can  nat  specifye 

by  our  wordes  any  of  our  dedes,  signyfyeng  action, 

without  tbis  verbe  (hâve)  we  shall  begyn  with 

the  same,  addyng  to  it  a  worde  or  two  for 

to  shewe  an  example,  howe  one  may 

make  dyverse  and  raany  sentences 

with  one  worde ,  and  percon- 

sequent  come  shortely 

to   the   french 





I  hâve 

great  desyre 



hâve  I 

grant  désir 


hâve  I 



I  hâve  nat 


je  nay  pas 


hâve  nat  I 

great  desyre 


nay  je  pas 
thou  hast 

grand  désir 


tu  as 

hast  thou 

good  appetyte 

as  tu 

bon  appétit 


hast  thou 


as  tu 

thou  hast  nat 


lu  nas  pas 

hast  thou  nat 

good  appetyte 

nas  (u  pas 

bon  appétit 


hast  thou  nat 


nas  tu  pas 
he  bath 


il  a 

hath  he 





hath  he 



he  hath  nat 


il  na  pas 

hath  he  nat 


na  il  pas 



hath  he  nat 


na  il  point 





we  hâve 


'  nous  auons 


hâve  we 


auons  nous 



hâve  we 


auons  nous 
we  hâve  oat 


nous  nauons 


hâve  nat  we 


nauons  nous 




hâve  nat  we 


nauons  nous 
ye  hâve 



uous  auéz 

hâve  ye 


auéz  uous 



hâve  ye 


auéz  uous 
ye  hâve  nat 


uous  nauéz  point 

hâve  ye  nat 


nauéz  uous  point 



hâve  ye  nat 


nauéz  uous  point 

they  liave 


ilz  ont 

hâve  they 


ont  ilz 



hâve  they 


ont  ilz 

they  hâve  nat 


ilz  nont  pas 

hâve  they  nat 


nont  ilz  pas 



hâve  they  nat 


nont  ilz  pas 





I  dyd  bave ,  or  I  was  havyng ,  or  I  had 





good      hope 


auoy  je 
I  had  nat 

bonne  espérance 


je  iiauoy  point 

had  nat I 

good       hope 

nauoy  je  point 

bonne  espérance 


had  nat I 


nauoy  je  pas 
thou  haddes 


lu  auois 

haddest  thou 

great  feare 

auois  lu 

belle  peur 


haddest  thou 


auois  tu 

thou  haddest  nat 


lu  nauois  mie 

haddest  nat  thou 

great  Teare 

nauois  tu  mie 

belle  peur 


haddest  nat  thou 


nauois  tu  mie 
he  dyd  hâve  or  had 


il  auoil 

had  he 


auoil  il 



had  he 


auoil  il 
he  had  nat 


il  nauoit  pas 

had  nat  he 


nauoit  il  pas 



had  nat  he 


nauoit  il  pas 



we  had 


nous  auions 

had  we 


auions  nous 



had  we 


auions  nous 
we  had  nat 


nous  nauions  pas 

had  nal  we 


nauions  nous  pas 



had  nat  we 


nauions  nous  pas 

ye  had 


nous  auiez 

had  ye 


auiéz  uous 



had  ye 


auiés  nous 


ye  had  nat 


uous  nauiéz 


had  nat  ye 


nauiéz  uous 




had  ye  nat 


nauiéz  uous 
they  had 



ilz  auoient 

had  they 

weil  sayd 

auoient  ilz 

bien  dit 


had  they 


auoient  iiz 
they  had  nat 


ilz  nauoient 


had  they  nat 

well  sayd 

nauoient  ilz 


bien  dit 


had  they  nat 


nauoient  ilz 







I  had 


je  eus 


fayre      pastyme 

eus  je 

beau  passe  temps 


had  I 


eus  je 
I  had  nat 


je  neus  pas 

had  oat  I 

fayre      pastyme 

neus je  pas 

beau  passe  temps 


had  nat  I 


ne  eus  je  pas 
thou  hsddest 



lu  eus 

haddest  thou 

moche  a  do 

eus  tu 

a  besongnier 


iiaddcst  thou 


eus  tu 

thou  haddest  nat 


tu  neus  point 

haddest  nat  thou 

moche  a  do 

neus  tu  point 

a  besongnier 


haddest  nat  thoo 


neus  lu  point 
he  had 


il  eust 

had  be 

that  that  he  sought 

eust  il 

ce    quil  cerchoit 


had  he 


eust  il 
he  had  nat 


il  neusl  pas 

had  nat  he 

that  that  he  sought 

neust  il  pas 

ce    quil  cerclioit 


had  nat  he 


neusl  il  pas 



we  had 


nous  eusmes 

had  we 

good  corage 

eusmes  nous 

bon  courage 


had  we 


eusmes  nous 
we  had  nat 


nous  neusmes  pas 

had  nat  we 

good   corage 

neusmes  nous  pas 

bon  courage 


had  nat  we 


neusmes  nous  pas 
ye  had 


uous  eustes 

had  ye 

the  prise 

eustes  uous 

le    pris 


had  ye 


eustes  uous 

ye  had  oal 

uous  neusles  pas 

had  nat  ye 

the  prise 

neustes  uous  pas 

le  pris 


had  nat  ye 


neusles  vous  pas 
they  had 


ilz  eurent 

had  they 

the  auauntage 

eurent  ilz 



had  they 


eurent  ilz 
they  had  nat 


ilz  neurent  pas 

had  they  nat 

the  aduauntagt 

neurent  ilz  pas 



liad  they  nat 
neurent  ilz  pas 




I  bave  had 


jay  eu 

hâve  I  had 

to  drinke 

ay  je  eu 

a  boire 


hâve  I  had 



ay  je  eu 

I  hâve  nat  had 


je  nay  pas  eu 

hâve  nat  I  had 

to  drinke 

nay  je  pas  eu 

a  boire 


hâve  nat I  had 


nay  je  pas  eu 
thou  hast  had 


tu  as  eu 

hast  thou  had 


as  tu  eu 



hast  thou  had 


as  tu  eu 

thou  hast  nat  had 


lu  nas  pas  eu 

hast  thou  nat 


nas  tu  pas  eu 



hast  thou  nat  had 


nas  lu  pas  eu 
he  bath  had 


il  a  eu 

hath  he  had 

to     eate 

a  il  eu 

a  manger 


hath  he  had 


a  il  eu 

he  hath  nat  had 


il  na  pas  eu 

hath  he  nat  had 

to     cate 

na  il  pas  eu 

a  manger 


hath  he  nat  had 


na  il  pas  eu 



we  hâve  had 


nous  auons  eu 

hâve  we  had 


auons  nous  eu 



hâve  we  had 


auons  nous  eu 
we  hâve  nat  had 


nous  nauons  pas  eu 

hâve  we  nat  had 


nauons  nous  pas  eu 



hâve  we  nat  had 


nauons  nous  pas  eu 
ye  hâve  had 

,           ^^ 

nous  auez  eu 

hâve  ye  had 


auéz  uous  eu 



hâve  ye  had 


auéz  uous  eu 

ye  bave  nat  had 
uous  nauéz  pas  eu 

hâve  ye  nat  had 


nauéz  uous  pas  eu 



hâve  ye  nat  had 


nauéz  uous  pas  eu 
they  hâve  had 


ilz  ont  eu 

hâve  they  had 

their  wages 

ont  ilz  eu 

leur  gages 


hâve  they  had 


ont  ilz  eu 

they  hâve  nat  had 


ilz  nont  pas  eu 

hâve  they  nat  had 

their  wages 

nont  ilz  pas  eu 

leur  gages 


hâve  they  nat  had 


nont  ilz  pas  eu 





I  had  had 


jauoy  eu 


bad  I  had 

the  payne 

auoy  je  eu 

la  paine 


had  I  had 


auoy je  eu 

I  bad  nat  bad 
je  nauoy  pas  eu 

had  Dat  I  had 

the  payne 

nauoy  je  pas  eu 

la  paine 


had  nat  I  had 


nauoy  je  pas  eu 
thou  haddest  had 


tu  auois  eu 

haddest  thou  had 


auois  tu  eu 



haddest  thou  had 


auois  tu  eu 

thou  haddest  nat  had 
tu  nauois  pas  eu 

haddest  thou  nat  had 
nauois  lu  pas  eu 



haddest  thou  nat  had 


nauois  tu  pas  eu 
he  had  had 


il  auoit  eu 

.,  .^y. 

had  he  had 


auoit  il  eu 



had  he  had 


auoit  il  eu 
he  had  nat  had 


il  nauoit  pas  eu 

had  he  nat  had 


nauoit  il  pas  eu 



had  nat  he  had 


nauoit  il  pas  eu 









we  had  had 
nous  auions  eu 

had  we  had 
auions  nous  eu 

had  we  had 
auions  nous  eu 

we  had  nat  had 
nous  nauions  pas  eu 

had  we  nat  had 
nauions  nous  pas  eu 

had  we  nat  had 
nauions  nous  pas  eu 

ye  had  had 
uous  auiéz  eu 

had  ye  had  losse 

auiéz  uous  eu  perte 

had  ye  had 
auiéz  uous  eu 

ye  had  nat  had 
uous  nauiéz  pas  eu 

had  ye  nat  had  losse 

nauiéz  uous  pas  eu  perte 


had  ye  nat  had 


nauiéz  uous  pas  eu 
they  had  had 


ilz  auoient  eu 

had  they  had 

their  pleasure 

auoient  ilz  eu 

leur  plaisir 


had  they  had 


auoient  ilz  eu 


they  had  nat  bad 
ilz  nauoient  pas  eu 

had  they  nat  had 
nauoient  ilz  pas  eu 

had  they  nat  had 
nauoient  ilz  pas  eu 

their  pleasure 
leur  plaisir 





I  shall  hâve 


je  aray 

shall  I  hâve 

better     fortune 

aray  je 

meilleur  fortune 


shall  I  hâve 


aray  je 

I  shall  nat  hâve 


je  naray  pas 

shall  nat  bave  I 

better     fortune 

naray  je  pas 

meilleur  fortune 


shall  nat  I  hâve 


naray  je  pas 
thou  shalte  hâve 


tu  aras 

shalte  thou  hâve 

mocbe  a     do 

aras  tu 

bien  a  faire 


shalte  thou  hâve 


aras  lu 

thou  shalte  nat  hâve 
tu  naras  pas 

shalte  thou  nat  hâve 

mocbe  a     do 

naras  tu  pas 

bien  a  faire 


shalte  thou  nat  hâve 


naras  tu  pas 
he  shall  hâve 


il  ara 

shall  he  hâve 

a     strawe 

ara  il 

ung  festu 


shall  he  hâve 


ara  il 

he  shall  nat  bave 


il  nara  pas 

shall  he  nat  hâve 

a     strawe 

nara  il  pas 

ung  festu 


shall  he  nat  bave 


nara  il  pas 



we  shall  hâve 

■  ^^ 

nous  arons 

shall  we  hâve 

that  that    we       wene 

arons  nous 

ce   que  nous  cuidons 


shall  we  hâve 


arons  nous 

we  shall  nat  hâve 

^  — 

nous  narons  pas 

shall  we  nat  hâve 

that  that  we        wene 

narons  nous  pas 

ce  que  nous  cuidons 


shall  we  nat  hâve 


narons  nous  pas 
ye  shall  hâve 


uous  aréz 

shall  ye  hâve 

your    purpose 

aréz  uous 

uostre  purpose 


shall  ye  hâve 


aréz  uous 

ye  shall  nat  hâve 


uous  naréz  point 

shall  ye  nat  hâve 

your    purpose 

naréz  uous  point 

vostre  purpose 


shall  nat  ye  hâve 


naréz  uous  point 
they  shall  hâve 


ilz  aront 

shall  they  hâve 

tbe  goyng  for  the  comming 

aront  ilz 

laler  pour  le  uenir 


shall  they  hâve 


aront  ilz 

they  shall  nat  hâve 


ilz  naront  pas 

shall  they  nat  hâve 

thegoing  for  the  commyng 

naront  ilz  pas 

laler  pour  le  uenir 


shall  they  nat  hâve 


naront  ilz  pas 



Hâve  thou  sclfe, 

hâve  Ihe  selfe, 

bave  he, 

Ay     tu  mesme, 

ay    toi  mesme , 

ayt  il, 

Hâve     him , 

Lave     she.  —  hâve     we, 

hâve      ye. 

Ayl     celuy , 

ayl     celle.  —  aions  nous  , 

aiéz  nous. 

Hâve     they. 

Aient  ceulz,  ou  celles. 


Loke    that  ihou  bave,  that  he  bave,  that     we     bave,    that     ye     bave,     that  they  bave. 
Garde  que  tu     aye,     quil    ait,     que  nous  aions ,  que  uous  aiéz ,     quilz  aient. 


Do  that  thou  bave    nat,    do  that  he  hâve  nat,  do   that    we  bave  nat,         that     ye     bave    nat. 
Fais  que  lu  naye  point,  quil  nait  pas,       que  nous  naions  mie,       que  uous  naiéz  pas, 

that  they  hâve  nat. 

quilz  naient  pas.  ^ 

The  optatyve  whiche  is  syngle  lykewyse,  the  which  shail  serve  for  a  fu- 
ture, with  an  addicion  of  the  tyme  to  come,  as  tanlost  or  demain,  etc. 

I  praye  you  lliat  I  bave,     that  thou  bave,     ihat  he  hâve, 

Je  uous  prie       quejaye,        que  tu  aie,  quil  ayt, 

With  my  wyll  that  we    bave,  that  ye  bave,         that  they  hâve. 

A  ma  uoullenlé    que  nous  ayons,     que  uous  aiéz,  quilz  aient. 

The  prétérit  imparfyte ,  whiche  tnay  serve  lykewyse  for  the  présent , 
after  the  olde  grammer. 

Wolde     God     thaï     I     bad,  ibal  thou  hadesl,   that  he  bad. 
Pleusl  a  Dieu  que  je  eusse,  que   tu    eusse,    quil  enst. 

Wolde     God     that     we  "     bad,  that     ye       had,        that  they  had. 

Pleust  a  Dieu  que  nous  eussions  ,  que  uous  eussiez ,  quilz  eussent. 


Wolde     to    God     that  I  bave  bad,      that       thou,     tliat       he. 
A  ma  uoullenlé   quejaye  eu,  que  tu  aie  eu,  quil  ait  eu. 

Wolde     to     God     that    we    bave  had,     that   ye  bave  had ,     that  they  bave  had. 
A  ma  uoullenlé    que  nous  aions  eu,  que  uous  aiez  eu ,     quilz  aient  eu. 



O  if     I  had  bad,     thou  badest  bad,     be  bad  bad. 
O  sy   jeusse  eu ,     tu    eusse    eu,      il  eust  eu. 

O  if     we      bad      bad,  ye      bad      bad,       they    bad   had. 

0  sy  nous  eussions  eu,     uous  eussiés  eu,     ilz  eussent  eu. 

The  subjunctyve  is  lyke  the  optatyve  save  the  future  sayeng,  comme  or 



I  bave 


thou  bave 

of    custome 

tu     aye 

de  couslome 

he     bave 

il     ayt 

we     bave , 


bave,          tbey  liave. 

nous  aions , 

uous  aiéz,      ilz  ayent. 


As         I  had     or  dyd  bave,        as     tbou       haddcst,  as        bc       bad,  as 

Comme  jeusse  ou  jauois,     comme  tu  eusses  ou  auois,  comme  il  eust  ou  auoit,  comme 

we        bad        or  dyd  bave ,     as       ye  bad ,  as      ihey  bad. 

nous  eussons  ou  auions ,  comme  uous  eusséz  ou  auyés ,  comme  ilz  eussent  ou  auoient. 

as  we      bave  bad, 

comme  nous  ayons  eu , 


As  I    hâve  had,       as       tbou  hast  had,       as       be  bath  bad. 

Comme  jaye     eu ,       comme    lu    aye  eu ,  comme  il    ayt   eu , 

as  yc    bave  had,       as        tbey  bave  bad. 

comme  uous  ayez  eu ,    comme  ilz  ayent  eu. 


If  I   bad  had,      if  tbou  badest  had ,     if  he  had  had,     if  we  had   had,  if      ye  bad 

Se  jeusse  eu,      se   tu   eusse  eu,     se  il  eust  eu,  se  nous  eussions  eu,    se  uous  eussiez 

bad,     if  tbey   had   had. 
eu ,      se  ilz  eussent  eu. 

The  fyrst  future ,  which  may  be  tourned  xxxvi  maner  of  wayes  as  the 

As  I  shulde  bave,  thou                     be 

Comme  jaroie ,  tu  arois ,           il  aroit , 

ye  shulde  bave,  tbey  shuide  bave. 

uous  ariez,  ilz  aroient. 


nous  arions, 



So  that  I  bave,  thatthou  hâve,  that  he  hâve,  that  we  hâve,         tbat  ye  hâve,       that  they  hâve. 
Mais  que  jaye,  que  tu  ave,      quil  ayt,        que  nous  aions ,  que  vous  ayes,    quilz    ayent. 

To  hâve. 

THE  PRETERIT.  To  have  had. 

Âuoir  eu. 

6ERDNDITES.  Tohave,   for  to  have,     in  havynge. 

Dauoir,   pour  auoir,  en  ayant. 

THE  OTERTHBOWEN  of     I  you  woide  had,  I  you  désire  liad. 

SUPINS.  Je  uous  uouldroie  eu,    je  vous  désire  eu. 

And  thus  endeth  the  conjugation  of  this  verbe ,  have. 

Hère  foloweth  a  conjugation  of  an  hundred  and  eight  wayes  in  one 

tence  onely,  wher  ye  shali  relierce  tv^fise  the  interrogatyves 
'"  of  bothe  the  afïirmatyve  and  negaty ve  :  the  fyrst 

tyme  as  it  standeth  written ,  and  the  seconde  tynne , 
puttinge  outher  why  or  howe  before  it. 


I  knowe  me,  Iknowethe,  I  knowe  hym. 

Je  me  congnoy,       je  te  congnoy,  je  le  congnoy. 

Why  knowe  I  me,  why  knowe  I  the,  why  knowe  I  hym. 

Pourquoy  me  congnoy  je ,  pourquoy  te  congnoy  je,    pourquoy  le  congnoy  je. 

I  knowe  nat  me,  I  knowe  nat  the,  I  knowe  nat  hym 

Je  ne  me  congnoy  pas,     je  ne  te  congnoy  pas,     je  ne  le  congnoy  pas 

Howe  knowe  nat  I  me,  howe  knowe  nat  I  the,  howe  knowe  nat  I  hym.- 

Corne  ne  me  congnoy  je  pas,    come  ne  te  congnoy  je  pas,    come  ne  le  congnoy  je  pas 


Thou  knowest  me ,         thou  the ,         thou  him. 

Tu  me  congnois ,        tu  te  congnob ,         tu  le  congnois. 

How  knowest  thou  me ,         how      thou  the,     howe       thou  hym. 

Come  me  congnois  tu ,      come  le  congnoys  tu ,     come  le  congnoys  lu. 


Thou  knowcsl  Dat  me,  thou  nat       the,     thou  nat         liym. 

Tu  ne  me  congnois  pas,    tu  ne  te  congnois  pas,     tu  ne  le  congnois  pas. 

Howe  knowest  thbu  nat  me,  howc  tbou  nat  the,     howe  tbou  nat  hym. 

Corne  ne  me  congnoys  tu  pas ,    come  ne  le  congnois  tu  pas ,    come  nelecongnoistupas. 


Hekneweme,  he  the,  he  him. 

Il  me  congnoit ,  il  te  congnoit ,  il  le  congnoit. 

Howe  knewe  he  me,  howe  he  the,       howe  he  him. 

Come  me  congnoit  il,    come  le  congnoit  il,     come  le  congnoit  il. 

He  knewe  nat  me,  he  nat  the,        he         nat     him. 

Il  ne  me  congnoit  pas,  il  ne  te  congnoyt  pas,     il  ne  le  congnoit  pas. 

How  knewe  nat  he  me,  howe  nat  he  the,      howe  nat  he  him. 

Come  ne  me  congnoit  il  pas,    come  ne  te  congnoit  il  pas,     come  ne  le  congnoit  il  pas. 


We  knowe  us,       we  you ,  we  them. 

Nous  nous  congnoissons,     nous  uous  congnoissons ,     nous  les  congnoissons. 

How         know         we         us,       how  we         you,     how  we       them. 

Come  nous  cognoissons  nous,  come  uous  cognoissons  nous ,  come  les  cognoissons  nous. 

We         know  us         nat,      we  you         nat,  we  them        nat. 

Nous  ne  nous  cognoissons  pas,  nous  ne  nous  cognoissons  pas,  nous  ne  les  cognoissons  pas. 

Why  do     we     nat     know     us,         why     do     we     nat  you, 

Pourquoy  ne  nous  cognoissons  nous  pas,     pourquoy  ne  uous  cognoissons  nous  pas, 

why     do     we     nat  them. 

pourquoy  ne  les  congnoissons  nous  pas. 


Ye       us       know,  ye       you       know,  ye     them     know. 

Uous  nous  cognoissés ,     uous  uous  cognoissés ,     uous  les  congnoissës. 

Howe-        know  ye  us,  how  you  us,       how  they     us. 

Come  nous  congnoissés  uous ,  come  uous  congnoissés  uous ,  come  les  congnoissés  uous. 

Ye     know     us     nat,  ye  you  nat,  you  them 

Uous  ne  nous  congnoissés  pas ,  uous  ne  uous  congnoissés  pas ,     uous  ne  les  congnoissés 



How     know     ye     nat     us,  how  ye  nat  you,  how 

Come  ne  nous  cognoissés  uous  pas ,     come  ne  uous  congnoissés  uous  pas ,     come  ne  les 

ye     nat     them 
cognoissés  uous  pas. 



They     know     us,  they  you,  they  them. 

Hz  nous  congnoissent ,     ilz  uous  congaoissent,     ilz  les  congnoissenl. 

How     know     they     us ,  how  they     you ,  how  they  them. 

Come  nous  congnoissent  ilz,     corne  uous  congnoissent  ilz,     corne  les  congnoissent  ilz. 

They     dyd     nat     know     us,     they     dyd     nat  you,       they     dyd     nat  them. 

Ilz  ne  nous  cognoissent  pas,   ilz  ne  uous  congnoissent  pas,    ilz  ne  les  congnoissent  pas. 

How     know     they     nat     us,  how     they     nat  you,  howe       they 

Come  ne  nous  cognoissent  ilz  pas,      come  ne  uous  cognoissent  ilz  pas,       come  ne  les 

nat     them. 
cognoissent  ilz  pas. 


I    dyd    koow    me,        I     dyd  the,         I     dyd  him. 

Je  me  cognoissoie ,    je  te  cognoissoie,     je  le  cognoissoie. 

How     dyd     I     know     me,  how     dyd     I     the,  how     dyd     I     him. 

Come  je  me  cognoissoye  je,     come  te  cognoissoie  je,     come  le  cognoissoie  je. 

I     dyd     nat     knowe      me,      I     dyd     nat  the,  I     dyd     nat  him. 

Je  ne  me  cognoissoie  pas,     je  ne  te  congnoissoie  pas,     je  ne  le  conguoissoie  pas. 

Wby     dyd     nat     I     know     me,  how     dyd     1     nat  you,  how 

Pourquoy  ne  me  cognoissoie  je  pas,     pourquoy  ne  te  cognoissoie  je  pas,      pourquoy 

dyd     nat     I  him. 

ne  le  congnoissoie  je  pas. 


Thou  dydest  knew  me  ,  thou  dydest     the ,  thou  dydest     him. 

Tu  me  cognoissois ,  lu  le  cognoissois ,  tu  le  cognoissois. 

How  dydest  thou  know  me,     howe  dydest  thou      the,       how  dydest  thou  him. 

Come  me  cognoissois  tu,    come  te  cognoissois  tu,     come  le  congnoissois  tu. 

Thou  dydest  nat  know  me,         thou  dydest  nat  the,        thou  dydest  nat         him. 

Tu  ne  me  cognoissois  pas,    tu  ne  te  cognoissois  pas,     tu  ne  le  cognoissois  pas. 

How  dydest  thou  nat  know  me,  how     dydest     thou     nat         the,  how     dydest 

Come  ne  me  congnoissois  tu  pas ,  come  ne  te  congnoissois  lu  pas ,  come  ne  le 

thou  nat         him. 

congnoissois  tu  pas. 


He  dyd  know  me,  he  dyd  the,  he  dyd         hym. 

Il  me  cognoissoit,      il  te  cognoissoit,       il  le  cognoissoit. 


Howe  dyd  he  Inowe  me,         how  tlyd  he  the,        howe  dyd  lie  'lym. 

Corne  me  cognoissoit  il,     corne  le  cognoissoit  il,     come  le  congnoissoit  il. 

He  dyd  nat  knowe  me,  hc  dyd  nat  the,         he  dyd  nat  hym. 

11  ne  me  cognoissoit  pas,     il  ne  te  cognoissoit  pas,     il  ne  le  cognoissoit  pas. 

How  dyd  nat  he  know  me,  howe  dyd  nat  he  the,  how       dyd      nat      he 

Come  ne  me  congnoissoit  il  pas,  come  ne  te  congnoissoit  il  pas,  come  ne  le  congnois- 
soit  il  pas. 


We     dyd     knowe     us,  we     dyd  you,  we     dyd  them. 

Nous  nous  congnoissions,     nous  uous  congnoissions ,     nous  les  congnoissions. 

Howe     dyd     we     knowe     us,         howe     dyd     we  you,  kow  dyd  we 

Come  nous  congnoissions  nous ,    come  uous  congnois.sions  nous ,    come  les  congnoissions 



We     dyd     nat     know       us,  we     dyd     nat  you,  we       dyd  nat 

Nou.s  ne  nous  congnoissions  pas,     nous  ne  uous  congnoissions  pas,     nous  ne  les  con- 

gnoissions  pas. 

Wliy        dyd        nat        we       know       us,  why  dyd        nat        we  know  you, 

Pourquoy  ne  nous  congnoissions  nous  pas,     pourquoy  ne  uous  cognoissions  nous  pas, 

why     dyd     nat     we     know     them. 
pourquoy  ne  les  congnoissions  nous  pas. 


Ve     dyd     knowe     us,         ye     dyd     knowe     you,       ye  dyd  knowe  them. 
Uous  nous  cognoissés ,     uous  uous  cognoissés,     uous  les  cognoissés. 

Howe  dyd  ye  knowe  us,  howe  dyd  ye  knowe  you,  how  dyd  ye  know  them. 

Come  nous  cognoissés  uous,    corfe  uous  cognoissés  uous,    come  les  congnoissés  uous. 

Ye     dyd     nat     know     us,  ye     dyd     nat     know     you,        ye    dyd    nat    know    them. 

Uous  ne  nous  congnoissés  pas ,  uous  ne  uous  cognoissés  pas  ,  uous  ne  les  congnoissés  pas. 

Howe     dyd     ye     nat     knowe     us,  how     dyd     ye     nat     know      you,  how  dyd 

Come  ne  nous  cognoissés  uous  pas,      come  ne  uous  cognoissés  uous  pas,       coinc  ne 

ye     nat     know     them, 
les  cognoissés  uous  pas. 


They    dyd    know    us,  they     dyd  you,  they  dyd  them. 

Hz  nous  cognoissoienl,     ilz  uous  cognoissoient ,     ilz  les  cognoissoient. 

I  23 


How   dyd   they    know    us,  Low     dyd     they  you,        how    dyd    thcy  tliem. 

Corne  nous  congnoissoient  ilz,  corne  uous  congnoissoicnt  ilz,  come  les  cognoissoient  ilz. 

They     dyd     nat     know     us,       they     dyd     nal  you,         they     dyd     uat  them. 

Ilz  ne  nous  cognoissoient  pas ,   ilz  ne  uous  cognoissoient  pas ,  ilz  ne  les  cognoissoient  pas. 

How     dyd     they     nat     know     us,  how     dyd     they     nal  you,  how  dyd  they 

Corne  ne  nous  cognoissoient  ilz  pas ,     come  ne  uous  cognoissoient  ilz  pas ,     come  ne  les 

nat  them. 

cognoissoient  ilz  pas. 


I     knew     me,  I  the,  I  him. 

Je  me  cogneus,         je  te  cogneus,         je  le  cogneus. 

How     knew     1     me,  how  I  the,  how  [  him. 

Come  me  cogneus  je,         come  le  cogneus  je ,         come  le  cogneus  je. 

I  knewe     nat     me,  I     nat  the,  I     nat  him. 

Je  ne  me  cogneus  pas,       je  ne  le  cogneus  pas,       je  ne  le  congneus  pas. 

Howe     knew     nat     I     me,  howe  nat  I  the,  howe  nat  I  him. 

Come  ne  me  cogneus  je  pas ,     come  ne  le  congneus  je  pas ,     come  ne  le  cogneus  je  pas. 


Thou  kncwest  me,         thou  the,  thou  him. 

Tu  me  cogneus,  tu  le  cogneus,  tu  le  cogneus. 

Why     knewest     the     me,         wby  the     the,  why  the     him. 

Pourquoy  me  cogneus  tu ,     pourquoy    le  cogneus  tu ,     pourquoy  le  cogneus  lu. 

Thou  knewest  nat  me,         thou  nat  the,         thou  nat  him. 

Tu  ne  me  cogneus  pas,     tu  ne  te  cogneus  pas,     tu  ne  le  cogneus  pas. 

How  knewest  thon  nat  me,  how  thou  nat  the,         how  thou  nat  him. 

Come  ne  me  cogneus  tu  pas ,     come  ne  te  congneus  tu  pas ,     come  ne  le  cogneus  tu  pas. 


He     knew     me,  he  the,  he  him. 

II  me  congneut,  il  le  congneut,  il  le  cogneut. 

How  knew  he  me,  how  he  the,       how  he  him. 

Come  me  cogneut  il,     come  te  cogneut  il,     come  le  cogneut  il. 

He     knew     nat     me,  he  nat  the,         he  nat  him. 

Il  ne  me  congneut  pas,     il  ne  le  congneut  pas,     il  no  le  cogneut  pas. 

Wliy      knew      nat      he      me,  wliy  nat  he  the,  why 

Pourquoy  ne  me  cogneut  il  pas,       pourquoy  ne  le  cogneul  il  pas,       pourquoy  ne  le 

nat  he  him. 
cogneut  il  pas. 



We         knew  us,  we  you,  we  them. 

Nous  nous  cogneusmes,     nous  uous  cogneusmes,     nous  les  cogneusmes. 

How       knew       we       us ,  how  we  you ,  how  we 

Come  nous  cogneusmes  nous ,     come  uous  cogneusmes  nous ,     corne  les  cogneusmes 


We       knew       nal       us,  we  nat     you,  we  nat 

Nous  ne  nous  cogneusmes  pas,    nous  ne  uous  cogneusmes  pas,  nous  ne  les  cogneusmes 



How       knew       we       nat      us,  how  we     nat     you,  how 

Gome  ne  nous  cogneusmes  nous  pas,     come  ne  uous  cogneusmes  nous  pas,     come  ne 

we     nat     them. 
les  cogneusmes  nous  pas. 


Ye      knew       us,  ye  you,  ye  them. 

Uous  nous  cogneusles,     uous  uous  cogneustes,     uous  les  cogneusies. 

How       knew       ye       us,  how  ye     you,  how  ye     them. 

Come  nous  cogneusles  uous ,     come  uous  cogneustes  uous ,     come  les  cogneustes  uous. 

Ye       knew       nat      us ,  ye  nat     you ,  ye  nat 

Uous  ne  nous  congneustes  pas,    uous  ne  uous  congneusies  pas,    uous  ne  les  cogneusles 


How       knew       ye       nal       us,  how  yc     nat     you,  how 

Conic  ne  nous  cogneustes  uous  pas,      come  ne  uous  cogneusles  uous  pas,      come  ne 

ye     nat     them. 
les  cogneustes  uous  pas. 


They     knew     us,  they  you,  Ihey  them. 

Dz  nous  cogneureni,     ilz  uous  cogneurent,     ilz  les  cogneurent. 

How     knew     they     us,  how  they  you,  how  they  them. 

Come  nous  cogneurent  ilz,     come  uous  cogneureni  ilz,     come  les  cogneureni  ilz. 

They     knewe     nat     us,  they  nat  you,  they  nat  them. 

Hz  ne  nous  congneurenl  pas,     ilz  ne  uous  congneurent  pas,     ilz  ne  les  cogneurent  pas. 



Howe     kncwe     they     nat     us ,  how  they     nat     you ,  liow 

Come  ne  nous  cogneurent  ik  pas,      come  ne  uous  cogneurent  ilz  pas,      come  ne  les 

they     nat     them. 
cogneurent  ilz  pas. 


I  hâve  knowen  me,  I  havé  ihe,  I  hâve  him. 
Je     may     cogneu,           je     tay     cogneu,           je     lay     cogneu. 

How  hâve  I  knowen  me,  how  hâve  I  the,  howe  hâve  I  him. 

Come    may    je   cogneu,  come  tay  je  congneu,         come  lay  je  cogneu. 

How  hâve  nat  I  knowen  me,       how  hâve  nat  I  the,       how  hâve  nat  I  him. 

Come  ne  may  je  pas  congneu  ,    come  ne  lay  je  pas  cogneu ,     come  ne  lay  je  pas  cogneu. 


Thou  hast  knowen  me,  thou  hast  the,  thou  hast         him. 

Tu     mas     cogneu,  tu  te  as  cogneu,  tu     las     cogneu. 

How  hast  thou  knowen  me ,       how  hast  thou  the,         how  hast  thou       faim. 

Come  mas  lu  congneu,       come  tas  lu  congneu,       come  las  tu  cogneu. 

Thou  hast  nat  knowen  me,         thou  hast  nat  the,         thou  hast  nat  him. 

Tu  ne  mas  pas  cogneu,       tu  ne  tas  pas  cogneu,       tu  ne  las  pas  cogneu. 

How  hast  nat  thou  knowen  me,     how  hast  nat  thou  Ihe,      how  hast  nat  thou  him. 

Come  ne  mas  tu  pas  cogneu ,     come  ne  las  lu  pas  cogneu ,     come  ne  las  lu  pas  cogneu. 


He  liath  knowen  me,  he  hath  the,     he  hath  him. 

II  ma  congneu,         il  la  congneu  ,        il     la     congneu. 

How  hath  he  knowen  me,  how  hath  he  the,  how  halh  he         him. 

Come  ma  il  cogneu         come  ta  il  cogneu,     come  la  il  cogneu. 

He  hath  nat  knowen  me ,  he  hath  nat  the ,  he  hath  nat  him. 

Il  ne  ma  pas  congneu ,  il  ne  la  pas  congneu  ,       il  ne  la  pas  congneu. 

How  hath  nat  he  knowen  me,        how  hath  nat  he  the,      how  hath  nat  he  him. 

Come  ne  ma  il  pas  cogneu,      come  ne  ta  il  pas  cogneu,       come  ne  la  il  pas  cogneu  ; 


We      hâve       knowen       us,      we  hâve  you,     we  hâve  them. 

Nous  nous  auons  cogneu,     nous  uous  auons  cogneu,     nous  les  auons  cogneu. 

Howe      hâve      we      knowen       us ,      how  hâve  we  you ,      how       hâve      we 

Come  nous  auons  nous  cogneu,     come  uous  auons  nous  cogneu,     come  les  auons 


nous  cogneu. 


We       hâve       nat      knowen       us,      we       hâve  nat  you,      we        liave         nat 

Mous  ne  nous  auons  pas  cogoeu,     nous  ne  uous  auons  pas  cogneu,     nous  ne  les  ations 


pas  cogneu. 

How      hâve      we      nat       knowen       us,      Low      hâve  we  nat  you,  how 

Coaie  ne  nous  auons  nous  pas  cogneu,    come  ne  uous  auuns  nous  pas  cogneu,     coine 

hâve       we  nat  them. 

ne  les  auons  nous  pas  cogneu. 


Ye      hâve      knowen      us,      ye  hâve  you,      ye  bave  knowen  them. 

Uous  nous  ,Tues  cogneu,     uous  uous  aues  cogneu,     uous  les  aues  cogneu. 

Howe     hâve      ye      knowen      us,      hâve  ye  you       ,        hâve  ye 

Come  nous  aues  uous  cogneu,     cotfie  uous  aues  uous  cogneu,     come  les  aues  uous 


Ye      hâve       nat       knowen        us,      ye  hâve  nat  yo»,      yc         hâve         nat 

Uous  ne  nous  aues  pas  cogneu,     uous  ne  uous  aues  pas  cogneu,     uous  ne  les  aues 

pas  cogneu. 

How      hâve       nat      you       knowen       us,      how  bave  nat  ye  you,         how 

Come  ne  nous  aues  uous  pas  congneu,    come  ne  uous  aues  uous  pas  congneu,     come 

hâve         nat     ye  them. 

ne  les  aues  uous  pas  cogneu. 


They  hâve  knowen  me,     they   hâve        you,      they      hâve      them. 
Hz   me   ont   cogneu,     ilz  te  ont  cogneu  ,     ilz  les  ont  cogneu. 

How  hâve  they  knowen  me ,      how    hâve      they        the ,      how     havc  they        lliem. 
Come  mont  ilz  cogneu,     come  te  ont  ilz  cogneu,     come  les  ont  ilz  cogneu. 

They  bave  nat  knowen  me ,     they      hâve     nat       you,     they     hâve     nat        them. 
Hz  ne  mont  pas  cogneu ,     ilz  ne  tont  pas  cogneu ,     ilz  ne  les  ont  pas  cogneu. 

How  bave  they  nat  knowen  me,      how      hâve     they  nat  you,      how       bave       they       nat 

Come  ne  mont  ilz  pas  cogneu ,     come  ne  tont  ilz  pas  cogneu ,     come  ne  les  ont  ilz  pas 



I  had  knowen  me,   I  bad       the,   I  had      him. 
Je  mauoy  cogneu ,  je  tauoy  cogneu ,  je  lauoy  cogneu. 


How  had  I    knowen    me,       how  had  I  the ,       how  had  I  him. 

Come  mauoy  je  cogneu,     corne  lauoy  je  cogneu,     come  lauoy  je  cogneu. 

I    had    nat    knowen     me,  I  had  nat  the,      I  had  nat  him. 

Je  ne  mauoy  pas  congneu,     je  ne  tauoy  pas  cogneu,     je  ne  lauoy  pas  cogneu. 

How  had   nat  I  knowen  me,  how  had  nat  I  the,  how     had      nat     I 

Come  ne  mauoy  je  pas  cogneu,       come  ne  lauoy  je  pas  cogneu,       come  ne  lauoy  je 


pas  cogneu. 


Thou  hadest  knowen  me ,  thou  hadest  the,  thou  hadest  him. 

Tu    mauoys    cogneu,  tu  tauoys  cogneu,  tu  lanoys  congneu. 

How  hadest  thou  knowen  me ,       how  hadest  thou  the ,       how  hadest  thou         him. 

Come  mauoys  tu  cogneu ,     come  fauoys  lu  cogneu ,     come  lauoys  lu  cogneu. 

Thou  hadest  nat  knowen  me,       thou  hadest  nat  the,      thou  hadest  nat  him. 

Tu  ne  mauoys  pas  cogneu,     lu  ne  tauoys  pas  cogneu,     lu  ne  lauoys  pas  cogneu. 

How  hadest  thou  nat  knowen  me,         how  hadest  thou  nat  the,       how      hadest      thou 

Come  ne  mauois  lu  pas  cogneu  ,     come  ne  lauoys  tu  pas  cogneu ,     come  ne  lauoys  tu 

nat  him. 

pas  cogneu. 


He  had  knowen  me,  he  had  the,         he  had  him. 

Il  mauoit  cogneu ,  il  tauoit  cogneu ,  il  lavoil  cogneu. 

How  had  he  knowen  me,      how  had  he  the,       how  had  he  him. 

Come  mauoil  il  cogneu,     come  tauoy l  il  cogneu,     come  lauoy l  il  cogneu. 

He  had  nat  knowen  me,         he  had  nat  the,       h e  had  nat  him. 

Il  ne  mauoit  pas  cogneu,     il  ne  tauoyl  pas  cogneu,     il  ne  lauoy t  pas  cogneu. 

How  had  nat  he  knowen  me,  how  had  nat  he  the,         how  had  nat  he 

Come  ne  mauoyt  il  pas  cogneu ,     come  ne  tauoit  il  pas  cogneu ,     come  ne  lavoit  il  pas 



We     had     knowen     us,  we     had  you ,  we     had  him. 

Nous  nous  auions  cogneu,     nous  uous  auions  cogneu,     nous  tes  auions  cogneu. 

How     had     we     knowen     us,  how     had     we  you,  how       had      we 

Come  nous  auions  nous  cogneu,     come  uous  avions  nous  cogneu,     come  les  auions 

nous  cogneu. 


We     had     nat     knoweii     us  ,  ivc     liatl     nal  you ,  wc   liad    nat 

Nous  ne  nous  auions  pas  cogneu ,       nous  ne  nous  auions  pas  cogneu ,       nous  ne  les 
auions  pas  cogneu. 

Howe     bad     nat     we     knowen     us,  how     had     nat     we  you, 

Corne  ne  nous  auions  nous  pas  cogneu  ,       come  ne  uous  auions  nous  pas  cogneu , 

how     had     nat     we  them. 

come  ne  ies  auions  nous  pas  cogneu. 


Ye     had     knowen     us,  ye     had  you,         ye     had  them. 

Uous  nous  auies  cogneu,     uous  uous  auies  cogneu,      uous  les  auies  cogneu. 

How     had     ye     knowen     us,  how     had     ye  you,  how     had     ye 

Come  nous  auies  uous  cogneu,     come  uous  auiez  uous  cogneu,     come  les  auies  uous 

Ye     had     nat     knowen     us,  ye     had     nat  you,         ye      had  nat 

Uous  ne  nous  auies  pas, cogneu,      uous  ne  uous  auies  pas  cogneu,     uous  ne  les  auies 
pas  cogneu. 

How     had     nat     ye     knowen     me ,  how     had     nat     ye  you ,  how 

Come  ne  nous  auies  uous  pas  cogneu,     come  ne  uous  auies  uous  pas  cogneu,     come 

had     nat     ye  them. 

ne  les  auies  uous  pas  cogneu. 


They     had     knowen     us,       they     had  you,       thcy     had  them. 

Hz  nous  auoient  cogneu  ,     ilz  uous  auoient  cogneu,     ilz  les  auoient  cogneu. 

How     liad     they     knowen     us ,         how     had     they  you ,       how    had    they 

Come  nous  auoient  ilz  cogneu,      come  uous  auoient  ilz  cogneu,      come  les  auoient  ilz 

They  had  nat     knowen     us ,  they     had     nal  you ,  they        had       nat 

Hz  ne  nous  auoient  pas  cogneu,      ilz  ne  uous  auoient  pas  cogneu,      ilz  ne  ies  auoient 
pas  cogneu. 

How     had     they     nat     knowen     us ,  how     had     they     nat  you ,  how 

Come  ne  nous  auoienl  ilz  pas  congneu,  come  ne  uous  auoient  ilz  pas  congneu,  come 

had    they     nat  them. 

ne  les  auoient  ilz  pas  cogneu. 




1    sbafl    know    me,  1  sliall  the,  I  shall  bin). 

Je  me  cognoisiray,  je  te  cognoislray ,  je  le  cognoistray. 

How    shall    I    know    me,        how  sliall   I  thc,       how  shall   [  him. 

Come  me  cognoistray  je,     come  le  cognoistray  je,     corne  le  cognoislray  je. 

I    sholl     nat     know     me,  I  shall  oat  the,  I  shall  nat  him. 

Je  ne  me  congnoistray  pas,     je  ne  te  congnoistray  pas ,     je  ne  le  congnoistray  pas. 

How    shall    nat    I    know    me,  how  shall   nat  I  the,        how         shall  nat 

Come  ne  me  cognoistray  je  pas,     come  ne  te  cognoistray  je  pas  ,     come  ne  le  cognois- 

I  him. 

Iray  je  pas. 


Thou  shalt  know  me,  thou  shalt  the,  thou  sbalt  him. 

Tu  me  cognoistras,  tu  te  cognoislras,  te  le  cognoistras. 

How  shalt  thou  knowe  me,       how  shalt  thou  the,      how  shalt  thou  him. 

Conae  me  cognoistras  tu,     come  te  cognoistras  lu,     come  le  cognoislras  tu. 

Thou  shalt  nat  knowe  me,  thou  shalt  nat  the,  thou  shalt  nat  him. 

Tu  ne  me  cognoistras  pas,     tu  ne  le  cognoislras  pas,     tu  ne  le  cognoistras  pas. 

How  shalt  thou  nat  knowe  me,  how  shalt  thou  nat  the,        how    shall    thou    nat 

Come  ne  me  cognoistras  tu  pas,     come  ne  le  cognoistras  tu  pas,     come  ne  lé  cognois- 


Iras  tu  pas. 


He  shall  know  me. 
Il  me  cognoislras, 

How  shall  he  knowe  me, 
Come  me  cognoisira  il, 

He  shall  nat  knowe  me , 

he   shall  the, 

il  te  cognoistras, 

how  shall  he 

come  te  cognoisira  il , 

he  shall  nat  the  , 

he  shall  him. 

il  le  cognoistras. 

the,         how  shall  he  him. 

come  le  cognoisira  il. 

he  shall   nat  him. 

il  ne  le  cognoistras  pas. 

the,        how  shall  nat  he 
Come  ne  me  cognoisira  il  pas,     come  ne  le  cognoisira  il  pas,     come  ne  le  cognoisira 

il  pas. 


Il  ne  me  cognoistrai  pas,     il  ne  le  cognoislras  pas 
How  shall  nat  he  knowe  me,  how  shall  nat  he 

We     shall     know     us, 
Nous  nous  cognoistrons , 

we  shall  you , 

nous  nous  cognoistrons. 

we  shall  thetn. 

nous  les  cognoistrons. 


How     shall     we     know     us,  how  shall  we  you,  how  sliall  we 

Corne  nous  cognoistrons  nous,     come  uous  cognoistrons  nous  ,     come  les  cognoislrons 



We     shall     nat     knowe     us,  we    shall    nat  you,  we   shall    nat 

Nous  ne  nous  cognoislrons  pas,     nous  ne  uous  cognoistrons  pas,     nous  ne  les  cognois- 

Irons  pas. 

How     shall     nat     we     knowe     us ,  how     shall     nat     we  you ,  how 

Come  ne  nous  cognoistrons  nous  pas,     come  ne  uous  congnoislrons  nous  pas,    come 

shall  nat  we  them. 

ne  les  congnoislrons  nous  pas. 


Ye     shall     know     us,  ye  shall  you,  yc  shall  them. 

Uous  nous  cognoistres,       uous  nous  cognoistres,       uous  les  cognoistres. 

How     shall     ye     know     us,        how  shall  ye  you,         how  shall  ye  them. 

Come  nous  cognoistres  uous,    come  uous  cognoistres  uous  ,     come  les  cognoistres  uous. 

Ye     shall     nat     knowe     us,  ye    shall    nat  you,         ye    shall    nat 

Uous  ne  nous  cognoistres  pas,      uous  ne  uous  cognoistres  pas,      uous  ne  les  cognois- 


très  pas. 
How     shall     ye     nat     know     us ,  how     shall     ye     nat  you ,  how  shall 

Come  ne  nous  cognoistres  uous  pas,      come  ne  uous  cognoistres  uous  pas,      come  ne 

ye      nat  them. 

les  congnoistres  uous  pas. 


They    shall    know    us,  they  shall  you,  they  shall  them. 

Hz  nous  cognoistront ,         ik  uous  cognoistront,         ilz  les  cognoislront. 

How    shall    they    know     us,  how    shall  they  you,       how  shall  they 

Come  ne  nous  cognoistront  ilz,  come  ne  uous  congnoistront  ilz,  come  ne  les  congnois- 


Iront  ilz. 

Thev    shall    nat    know    us,  they  shall  nat  you,         they  shall  nat  them. 

Hz  ne  nous  cognoistront  pas,     ilz  ne  uous  cognoistront  pas,     ilz  ne  les  cognoislront  pas. 

How    shall    they    nat    know    us,  how  shall  they  nat  you,         how        shall 

Come  ne  nous  cognoistront  ilz  pas ,     come  ne  uous  cognoislront  ilz  pas ,      come  ne  les 

they  nat  them. 

cognoistront  ilz  pas. 





Know     tliou ,        know  be  or  faim , 



Cognoys  toi, 

cognoisse  soy 

eulz  ou  elles. 

cognoissons  nous, 


know       ye , 
cognoisses  uous, 


Loke    tliat    thou     know    the,  that  he  himseife,  thaï         vte         know         us, 

Garde  que  tu  te  cognoisse,  quii  se  cognoisse,  que  nous  nous  cognoissons , 

Thaï     ye  you,  that  ihey  themselfe. 

que  uous  uous  cognoissez,       quilz  se  cognoissent. 

Do  that   thou  knoweth  nat , 
Faitz  que  lu  ne  cognoisse , 

that  ye  nat , 

que  uous  ne  cognoissez, 


that  he  knoweth  nat, 
qui!   ne   cognoisse , 

that  they  nat. 

quilz  ne  cognoissent. 

that      we      knoweth      nat, 
que  nous  ne  cognoissons , 


I  pray  you   that   I   may   knowe. 
Je  uous  prie  que  je  congnoisse. 

that  ihou  know. 

que  tu  congnoisse,  etc. 

lyke  ihe  imperatyve. 

yf     we     knew , 
se  nous  cogneussions , 


O      yf      I       knew,  yf  thou  ,  yf  he  , 

O  se  je  cogneusse,  se  tu  congneusse,       se  il  cogneusse, 

yf  you  ,         yf     tbey     knew. 

se  uous  cogneussies,       ilz  cogneussent. 


Wilh  my  wyli  that  I  hâve  kuowen ,  that  thou  hast  ,  that  he  hath         ,  thaï 

A  ma  uouUente  que  jaye  cogneu,        que  tu  aye  cogneu,         quil  ayt  cogneu,         que 

we  bave  ,      that  ye  bave  ,       that  they  bave  knowen. 

nous  ayons  cogneu,     que  uous  ayez  cogneu,     quilz  ayenl  cogneu. 


Wold    to  God  tliat   I  bad    knowen ,  that  thou  hadest  ,  that  be  had  , 

Pleusl  a  Dieu  que  jeusse  cogneu ,  que  tu  eusse  cogneu  ,  quil  eust  cogneu  . 

ibat  we  liad  ,  that  ye  bad  ,         ihat  tlicy  had  knowen. 

que  nous  eussions  cogneu,       que  uous  eussiez  cogneu  ,       quilz  eussent  cogneu. 


The  subjunctive  présent  and  thre  preterites  is  lyke  the  optative,  puttyng 
before  the  verbe ,  uea ,  or  corne ,  etc. 


Whan    1    shall    knowe ,       thou  shall  ,       he  shall  know  ;        we  shall  , 

Mais  que  je  cognoisse ,      que  iu  ,       quil  cognoisse;      que  nous  cognoissons, 

ye  shall  ,         they    shall    know. 

que  uous  cognoisses,       quilz  cognoissent. 


Whan  I  sbulde  knowe ,     thou  shulde  ,      he  shulde  we  shulde  , 

Quant  je  cognoistroye,  que  tucognoistrois,  quil  cognoistroit  :    que  nous  cogiioistrions , 

ye  shulde  ,         they     shuld     know. 

que  uous  cognoistriez,       quilz  cognoistroient. 

to  know.  to  hâve  knoweii.  to  know, 

THE  INFINITIVE,  cognoistre.    THE  PRETERIT,  auoir  cogneu.     THE  GERUNDiF,  a  cognoisire, 

for  lo  knowe,     in    Lnowyng.  I    the    wyshe 

pour  cognoistre,  en  cognoissant.   the  supin  or  overthrowen,    je  te  souhaite 


And  so  ende  this  conjugacion. 

Hère  doth  folowe  the  conjugation  of  this  verbe  am,  the  which  is  as  an 

instrument  wherby  we  do  expresse  by  our  w  ordes  ail  verbes  passives , 

fewe  except,  and  ail  that  we  do  sutTre,  the  whiche  may  be  turned 

lyke  the  verbe  précèdent,  as  je  me,  je  te,  je  le  sais. 

But  for  to  eschewe  prolixité ,  we  shal  tourne 

him  but  VI  maner  ways  in 

every  persone. 

I      am,  why         am     I. 

Je  suis,     pourquoy  suis  je. 

I       am        nat,       why      am      nat      I. 
Je  ne  suis  pas ,     corne  ne  suis  je  pas. 

Thou  arte,       why  art         thou. 
Tu      es ,         come     es     tu. 

Thou  art  nat ,       why  art  nat  thou. 

Tu    nés  pas,      pourquoy  nés  tu  pas. 



He  is,       why       is       he. 
Il  est,     pourquoy  est  il. 

He  is   nat,       why    is    he    oat. 
Il  nesl  pas,     come  nest  il  pas., 


We     be,  wLy  be  we. 

Nous  sotnes,     pourquoy    somes   nous. 

We     be     nat,  why     be     nat     we. 

Nous  ne  somes  pas,     pourquoy  ne  somes  nous  pas. 

Ye     be,  why  be       ye. 

Uous  estes,     pourquoy  estes  uous. 

Ye      be       nat,  why     be     ye     nat. 

Uous  nestes  pa.<,     pourquoy  nestes  uous  pas. 

They  be,         why         bc     they. 
Hz     sont,     pourquoy  sont  ilz. 

They      be     nat,      why     be     nat     they. 

Hz  ne  sont  pas,     pourquoy  ne  sont  ilz  pas. 


Note  that  ihe  prétérit  imperfct  and  perfet  hâve  but  one  exposicion 
in  this  verbe. 
1  was  beyng,  why     was     I. 

Jesloie ,  pourquoy  estoye  je. 

I  was  nat,  why     was     nat     I. 

Je  nestoy  pas ,    pourquoy  nestoy  je  pas. 
Thou  was,      why     was     ihou. 
Tu  eslois,     pourquoy  eslois  lu. 

Thou    was    nat,      why  was  nat  thou. 

Tu  nestois  pas,     pourquoy  nestois  tu  pas. 

He  was,        why     was     he. 
H  estoit,     pourquoy  estoit  il. 

He    wa»    nat,        why     was     nat     he. 

II  nestoit  pas,     pourquoy  nestoil  il  pas. 


We     were,  why     were     we. 

Nous  estions,     pourquoy  estions  nous. 

We     were     nat,  why     were     we     nat. 

Nous  pestions  pas,     pourquoy  neslions  nous  pas. 


Ye  werc,  vvhy     were     ye. 

Uous  estiez,     pourquoy  estiez  uous. 

Ye     were     nal,  why     were     ye     nat. 

Uous  nestiez  pas ,     pourquoy  nestiez  uous  pas. 

They    were ,      why     were     tbey. 
Hz  estoient,     pourquoi  estoient  ilz. 

They    were    nat,        why     were     they     nal. 
Hz  nestoient  pas,     pourquoy  nestoient  ilz  pas. 


I  was,       why     was     I. 
Je  fus ,     pourquoy  fus  je. 

I     was     nat,  why     was     nat     I. 

Je  ne  fus  point,     pourquoy  ne  fus  je  point. 

Thou  was,      why     was     thou. 
Tu    fus,       pourquoy  fus  tu. 

Thou  was  nal,       why     was     nat     thou. 
Tu  ne  fus  pas,     pourquoy  ne  fus  tu  pas. 
He  was ,     why     was     he. 
Ilfust,     pourquoy  fust  il. 

He    was    nal,        why     was     nat     Le. 
H  ne  fust  pas,     pourquoy  ne  fust  il  pas. 


We     were,  why     were     we. 

Nous  fusmes ,     pourquoy  fusmes  nous. 

.  We     were     nat,  why     were     nat     we. 

Nous  ne  fusmes  pas ,  pourquoy  ne  fusmes  nous  pas. 

Ye     were,  why     were     ye. 

Uous  fustes,     pourquoy  fustes  uous. 

Ye     were     nat,  why     were     nat     ye. 

Uous  ne  fustes  pas ,     pourquoy  ne  fustes  uous  pas. 

They     were     nat,       why     were     they     nal. 

Hz  ne  furent  pas,     pourquoy  ne  furent  ilz  pas. 


Ihaveben,      why    hâve    I    ben. 
Jay     esté,     pourquoy  ayje  esté. 


I  hâve  nat  ben,        why     hâve     nat     I     ben. 
Je  nay  pas  esté,     pourquoy  nay  je  pas  esté. 

Tbou  hast  ben ,     why    hast    ihou    ben. 
Tu  as  esté,        pourquoy  as  tu  esté. 

Thou  hast  nat  ben ,     why  hast  nat  thou  ben. 
Tu  nas  pas  esté,     pourquoy  uas  tu  pas  esté. 

He  hatb  ben,     why  hath  he  ben. 

II  a  esté,        pourquoy  a  il  esté. 

He  hath  nat  ben ,     why  hath  nat  he  ben. 
H  na  pas  esté,       pourquoy  na  il  pas  esté. 


We    hâve    ben ,  why     bave     we     ben. 

Nous  auons  esté,     pourquoy  auons  nous  esté. 

We    bave    nat    ben ,  why     bave     we     nat     ben. 

Nous  nauons  pas  esté ,    pourquoy  nauons  nous  pas  est*: 

Ye    hâve    ben,         why     bave     ye     ben. 
Uous  auez  esté,     pourquoy  aués  uous  esté. 

Ye    bave    nat    ben,  why     bave     nat     ye     ben. 

Uous  naués  pas  esté,     pourquoy  naués  uous  pas  esté. 

They  bave  ben,      why    bave    tbey    ben. 
Ilz  ont  esté ,  pourquoy  ont  ik  esté. 

They  bave  nat  ben,     why  bave  nat  tbey  ben. 
Hz  nont  pas  esté,     pourquoy  nont  ilz  pas  esté. 


I  had  ben,        why    had    I    ben. 
Jauoy  esté,     come  auoy  je  esté. 

I  bad    nat    ben,  why    had    nat    I    ben. 
Je  nauoys  pas  esté ,     come  nauoy  je  pas  esté. 

Thou  hadest  ben,     why  hadest  tbou  ben. 
Tu  auoys  esté,     come  auois  tu  esté. 

Thou  hadest  nat  ben  ,     why  hadest  nat  thou  ben. 
Tu  nauois  pas  esté ,     come  nauois  tu  pas  esté. 

He  bad  nat  ben ,  why  had  nat  he  ben. 

II  nauoit  pas  esté,     come  nauoit  il  pas  esté. 



We         had     ben ,       why       had       we       ben. 

Nous  auions  esté,     pourquoy  auions  nous  esté. 

We       had     nat     ben,     why       had       nat       we       heii. 

Nous  nauions  pas  esté,  pourquoy  nauions  nous  pas  esté. 

Ye        had      ben,      why  had       ye     ben. 

Uous  auiez  esté ,     pourquoy  auiez  nous  esté. 

Ye         had     nat     ben,      why  had  nat       ye       ben, 

Uous  nauiez  pas  esté,     pourquoy  nauiez  uous  pas  esté. 

They    had   ben,        why     had     they     ben. 

Us  auoient  esté,     corne  auoient  ilz  esté. 

They    had    nat    ben,        why     had     they     nat     ben. 
Hz  nauoient  pas  esté,     corne  nauoient  ilz  pas  esté. 


I  shali  be ,     why  shal  I  be. 
Je  seray,     corne  seray  je. 

I  shaJl    nat    be,      why    shall    nat   I    be. 
Je  ne  seray  pas,     come  ne  seray  je  pas. 

Thou  shalt  be,     why  shalt  thou  be. 

Tu     seras,        pourquoy  seras  tu. 

Thou  shalt  nat  be,     why    shalt    thou    nat    be. 

Tu  ne  seras  pas,     pourquoy  ne  seras  tu  pas. 

He  shalbe,     why  shall  be  be. 

H    sera,       pourquoy  sera  iJ. 

He  shall  nat  be ,       why    shall     nat     he     be. 

II  ne  sera  pas,     pourquoy  ne  sera  il  pas. 


We     shalbe,        why     shall     we     be. 
Nous  serons,     pourquoy  serons  nous. 

We    shall    nat    be,         why     shall     we     nat     be. 
Nous  ne  serons  pas ,     pourquoy  ne  serons  nous  pas. 
Ye     shalbe,       why     shall     ye     be. 
Uous  seres,     pourquoy  seres  uous. 

Ye    shall    nat    be,         why     shall     nat     ye     be. 
Uous  ne  serés  pas,     pourquoy  ne  serés  uous  pas. 


They  sball  nat  be,     why     shail     nat     they     be. 
Hz  ne  seront  pas ,     pourquôy  ne  seront  i)z  pas. 


Be  thou ,      be  he ,     be         we ,  be     ye ,  be  they. 

Sois  toy,    soit  il,    scions  nous,    soiéz  nous,    soient  ilz. 


Do  that  thou  be ,        thaï  he  be ,      thaï     we     be ,  that     ye     be ,  thaï  ihey  be. 

Fais  que  tu  sois,     qnil  soyt ,     que  nous  scions,      que  uous  soyez,     quilz  soient. 

Do    that    thou    be    nat,  that    he    be    nat,        that     we     he     nat,  thaï      ye      be 

Fais  que  lu  ne  sois  pas,     quil    ne  soit  pas,       que  nous  ne  soyons  pas,     que  uous  ne 

nat ,  that    they   be    nat. 

sciez  pas,     quilz  ne  soient  pas. 


I  pray  you  that     I  be,        that  thou  be,      that  he  be,      ihal    we    be,  lliat        ye       he , 

Je  uous  prie  que  je  soie,  que  tu  sois,     quil   soit,     que  nous  soions  ,     que  uous  soyez, 

that  they  be. 
quils  soyent. 


Woid  to  God  that  I  were,         that  thou  ,  that    he     , 

Pleust  a  Dieu  que  je  fusse ,     que  lu  fusse,     quil    fusse. 

That     we  ,     that     ye  ,      thaï  they  were. 

0'  Que  nous  fussions ,     que  uous  fusses,     quilz  fussent. 


With  niy  wyli  thaï  I  bave  ben,     that  thou  ,       that  he  ,      that  we  , 

A  ma  uoullenté  que  jaye  esté,     que  lu  aye  esté ,     quil  ayt  esté,     que  nous  ayons  esté, 

that  ye  ,        that  they  bave  ben . 

que  uous  ayez  esté,     quilz  ayent  esté. 


Oh  if  1  had  ben,  if  thou  baddest  ben ,  ifhe  ,  ifwehadben, 

O  sy  jeusse  esté ,  se  tu  eusse  esté ,  sil  eust  esté ,  se  nous  eussons  esté  , 

if  ye  ,  if  they 

se  uous  eusses  esté ,         silz  eussent  esté. 

The  conjunctive  is  both  in  the  présent  and  preterites,  lyke  the  optatyve. 


Whan   I   shalbe,        thou  ,      he  :  we 

THE   FYBST  FUTURE.  Mais  que  soie,     que  tu  sois,     quil  soit  :     mais  que  nous  soyons, 

ye  they  shalbe. 

que  uous  soyez ,     quilz  soient. 


I  shulde  be,     thou  shulde  be,     he  shuld  be  :     we  shulde  be,     ye  shulde  be,     they  shulde  be. 
Je  seroye,       tu  serois,  il  seroit  :  nous  serions,    uous  sériés,     ilz  seroient. 

to  be.  hâve  ben.  for  to  be,      in  beyng. 

THE  INFINITYVE,  estrs.   THE  PRETEBiT,  avoir  esté.  GERUNDiF,  pouf  estre,  en  estant,  etc. 

And  thus  finishe  this   conjugation. 

Also  it  is  to  be  noted  that  there  ben  certayne  answeres  bothe  in  the 
afTyrmatyon ,  and  négation  of  a  thyng  :  as  whan  one  doth  say ,  /  am  :  and 
they  may  say ,  ye  be  nat  :  where  he  may  answere  agayne ,  /  am  :  and  the 
other  grauntyng  the  same  shall  say ,  so  are  ye.  And  lykewise  whan  one 
doth  affirme  a  thyng  by  way  of  négation  :  as  whan  he  doth  say ,  /  am  nat , 
if  any  wyli  deny  the  same,  he  shail  saye,  ye  he,  and  if  he  wyil  graunt  unto 
it,  he  shall  saye,  no  more  are  ye.  For  example  of  the  whiche  I  wyll  make 
therof  a  conjugation  full  requisyte  and  necessary  to  the  frenche  tonge.  But 
ye  shall  understande  that  thre  verbes  onely  shail  serve  you  to  this  pur- 
pose  :  that  is  to  say,  hxive,  do,  and  am  :  for  if  one  say  I  am,ye  may  say,  ye 
he  nat  :  I  hâve ,  ye  hâve  nat  :  and  I  do,ye  do  nat  :  the  whiche  thre  ben  prin- 
cipall  in  this  rule. 


I  am. 

thou  art. 

he  is. 

Je  suis. 

tu  es. 

il  est. 

I  am  oat, 

thou  art  nat , 

he  is  nat. 

Non  suis. 

non  es. 

non  est. 

But  I  am , 

But  thou  arte, 

but  be  is. 

Sy  suis. 

Sy  es. 

sy  est. 

So  am  I , 

So  arte  thou , 

so  is  he. 

Ce  suis  mon , 

ce  es  mon. 

ce  est  mon 

We  be. 

ye  be. 

they  be. 

Nous  sommes. 

uous  estes, 

Hz  sont. 

We  be  nat, 

ye  be  nat. 

they  be  nat. 

Non  sommes. 

non  estes , 

non  sont. 




But  we  be,  but  ye  be,  but  they  be. 

Sy  sommes ,  sy  estes ,  sy  sont. 

So  we  be,  so  be  ye,  so  be  they. 

Ce  sommes  mon,         ce  estes  mon,  ce  sont  mon. 

And  so  forth  thorow  al  ihe  tenses  and  modes  of  ail  the  tother  twayne,  as  : 

I   was,  I  was  nat,  but  I  was  :     so  was  I.  1  sayde,  I  dyd  nat,         but  I  dyd, 

Jestoye,     non  esloye,     sy  estoie  :     cestoie  mon.     Jedysoie,     non  faisoie,     syfaisoie, 

so  dyd  ].  f  had,       1  bad  aat,         butihad,      so  had  I: 

ce  faisoie  mon.  Jauoie,    non  auoie,     sy  auoie,     ce  auoie  mon  :  je  eus,     non  eus  : 

I  shai  bave,      I  sball  nat,     but  I  sball,      so  shall  I. 
jaray,  non  aray,       sy  aray,  ce  aray  mon. 

Which  thre  wordes  shall  serve  you  to  any  verbes  signifieng  either  doinçj 
or  saffryng. 


I  ani  nat  :  but  I  am.  I  am  nat  :  no  more  am  I. 

Je  ne  suis  pas  -.        sy  suis.  non  suis  :  ce  ne  suis  mon. 

I  do  nat  :  but  I  do.  I  do  nat  :  no  more  do  I. 

.le  ne  fay  pas  :  sy  fay.  non  fay  :  ce  ne  fay  mon. 

I  hâve  nat  :  but  I  hâve.  I  bave  nat  :  no  more  bave  I. 

^',     Je  nay  pas  :  sy  ay.  non  ay  :  ce  nay  mon. 

Thou  hast  nat  :  but  thou  hast.  thou  hast  nat  :  no  more  hast  thou. 

Tu  nas  pas  :  sy  as.  non  as  :  ce  nas  mon,  etc. 

Touchyng  the  conjugation  interrogative ,  as 

Am  I  :  do  I  :  hâve  I  : 

or  no. 

Suis  je  :  fays  je  :  ay  je  :  ou  non , 

ye  shall  answere,  oay,  nenny,  non  :  and  to  the  interrogation  negatyve,  as, 

Am  nat  I ,  do  nat  1 ,  bave  nat  I , 

Ne  suis  je  pas ,  ne  fay  je  pas ,  nai  je  pas , 

f  ye  shai  answer  as  is  said  before  in  thexample  of  the  négation,  wherfore 

this  is  sufficient  for  this  présent  rule. 

Another  conjugation  of  thèse  two  verbes  in  latyn  uado  and  eo,  whiche 
both  verbes  of  onc  signify cation  signifyelh  in  englyssh,  /  go,  the  which  i/o 
is  defectyve  in  the  frenche  tonge,  wherfore  the  tone  must  helpe  the  other. 



I     go.  why  go      r. 

Je  uoy  ,  pourquoy  uoy  je. 

I     go      nat,  why        go  nat  I. 

Je  ne  uoy  poynt,      pourquoy  ne  uoy  je  point. 

Thou  goest,       why  goest  thou. 

Tu  uas,  pourquoy  uas  tu. 

Thon  goest  nat,       why         goest    thou     nat. 
Tu  ne  uas  pas ,       pourquoy  ne  uas  tu  pas. 
He  goeth,         why       goeth  he. 
Il  ua ,  pourquoy  ua  il. 

He  goeth  nat,  why  goeth  nat  he. 

Il  ne  ua  pas,        pourquoy  ne  ua  il  pas. 


We     go,  why  go       we. 

Nous  allons ,     pourquoy  allons  nous. 

We      go    nat,  why  go  nat  we. 

Nous  nallons  pas,     pourquoy  nallons  nous  pas. 

Yc        go,  why  go        ye. 

Uous  ailes,      pourquoy  ailes  nous. 

Ye       go     nat,  why  go       nat       ye. 

Uous  nalles  point,     pourquoy  nalles  uous  point. 
They  go,  why  go  they. 

Hz  uont,         pourquoy  uont  ilz. 

They     go     nat,  why  go  nat  they. 

Hz  ne  uont  mie,       pourquoy  ne  uont  ilz  mie. 


I  dyd  go,       why  dyd  I  go. 
Jaliois,         pourquoy  allois  je. 

I  dyd  nat  go,       why    dyd    nat    I    go. 
Je  nallois  pas,    pourquoy  nallois  je  pas. 

Thou  dydest  go ,     why  dydest  thou  go. 
Tu  allois,  pourquoy  allois  tu. 

Thou  dydest  nat  go,     why  dydest  thou  nat  go. 
Tu  nallois  point,      pourquoy  nallois  tu  point. 





He  dyd  go,       why  dyd  he  go. 
Il  alioit,         pourquoy  alloit  il. 

He  dyd  nat  go,      why  dyd  nat  he  go. 

11  nailoit  pas,      pourquoy  nalloit  il  pas. 


Wedydgo,  why     dyd     we     go. 

Nous  allions,     pourquoy  allions  nous. 

We  dyd  nat  go,  why  dyd  nat  we  go. 

Nous  nallions  mie ,    pourquoy  nallions  nous  mie. 

Ye  dyd  go,  how  dyd  ye  go. 

Uous  alliez,       cornent  alliez  uous. 

Ye  dyd  nat  go,  how     dyd     nat     ye     go. 

Uous  nalliés  point,     cornent  nalliéz  uous  point. 

They  dyd  go,     how  dyd  they  go. 
Hz  alloient,     corne  alloient  ilz. 

They  dyd  nat  go ,       how  dyd  they  nat  go. 
Hz  nalloient  pas,    come  nalloient  ilz  pas. 


I  went,       how  went  I. 
Jalay,        cornent  alay  je. 

I  went  nat,  how     went     nat     I. 
Je  nallay  pas,      cornent  nallay  je  pas. 

Thou  wenst,      how  wenst  thou. 
Tu  alas,  come  alas  tu. 

Thou  wenst  nat,     how  wenst  nat  thou. 
Tu  nalas  mie,      come  nalas  tu  mye. 

He  went,       how  went  he. 

II  ula ,  cornent  ala  il. 

He  went  nat,         how  went  nat  he. 
11  nala  point,       cornent  naia  il  point. 


We  went,  how     went     we. 

Nous  alasmes,    come  alasmes  nous. 

We     went     nat,  howe     went     we     nat. 

Nous  nalasmes  point,     come  nalasmes  nous  point. 



Ye     vrent,  why  went       ye. 

Uous  alastes,    pourquoy  alastes  uous. 

Ye       went         nat,       why     went  ye     nat. 

Uous  nalastes  pas,     pourquoy  nalastes  uous  pas. 

They  went ,       why  went     they. 

Hz  allèrent,     pourquoy  allèrent  ilz. 

They  went  nat,  why     went     nat     they. 

Hz  nallérent  mie ,      pourquoy  nallérent  ilz  mye. 


I  have  gone,     how  hâve  I  gone. 
Jay  allé,         cornent  ay  je  allé. 

I  have  nat  gone ,       how  have  nat  I  gone. 
Je  nay  pas  allé,     cornent  nay  je  pas  allé. 

Thou  hast  gone,     why  hast  tbou  gone. 
Tu  as  allé ,  pourquoy  as  tu  allé. 

Thou  hast  nat  gone,     why  hast  thou  nat  gone. 
Tu  nas  pas  allé,        pourquoy  nas  tu  pas  allé.  ' 

He  hath  gone,     why  hath  he  gone. 

II  a  allé,  pourquoy  a  il  allé. 

He  hath  nat  gone ,     why  hath  nat  he  gone. 
Il  na  point  allé,      pourquoy  na  il  point  allé. 


We  have  gone,  why  have     we  gone. 

Nous  auons  allé,     pourquoy  auons  nous  allé. 

We  have  nat  gone ,  why  have  we       nat  gone. 

Nous  nauons  pas  allé,     pourquoy  nauons  nous  pas  allé. 

Ye  have  gone,         why  have     ye     gone. 

Uous  aues  allé,     pourquoy  aues  uous  allé. 

Ye  have  nat  gone,  why         have      nat     ye     gone. 

Uous  naués  pas  allé,     pourquoy  naues  uous  pas  allé. 

They  have  gone,     how  have  they  gone. 
Hz  ont  allé,  conae  ont  ilz  allé 

They  have  nat  gone,     how  have  they  nat  gone. 
Ilz  nont  pas  allé ,       come  nont  ilz  pas  allé. 



1  bad  gone,     how         bad     I  gone. 
Jauoy  allé ,     cornent  auoy  je  aJIé. 

I  had     nat     gone,        how     bad  nat       I  gone. 
Je  nauoy  point  allé,     cornent  nauoy  je  point  allé. 

Thou  hadest  gone ,     why    hadest    thou    gone. 
Tu  auois  allé ,  pourquoy  auois  tu  allé. 

Tbou  badest  nat  gone,     why     hadest     thou     nat     gone. 
Tu  nauois  point  allé,    pourquoy  nauois  tu  point  allé. 

He  had  gone,     how  bad  be  gone. 
H  auoit  allé ,      come  auoit  il  allé. 

He  had  nat  gone,       how  bad  nat  he  gone. 

II  nauoit  pas  allé,      come  nauoil  il  pas  allé. 


We     had     gone,        bow       had       we      gone 
Nous  auions  allé,     cornent  auions  nous  allé. 

We      had      nat       gone,   how       bad       we       nat       gone. 
Nous  nauions  point  allé,  cornent  nauions  nous  point  allé. 

Ye     had     gone,        why       bad       ye       gone. 
Uous  auiez  allé,     pourquoy  auiez  uous  allé. 

Ye     bad     nat     gone,      why       had       nat       ye       gone. 
Uous  nauiez  mie  allé,    pourquoy  nauiez  uous  mie  allé. 

They  had  gone,       why        bad         they     gone. 
Ils  auoient  allé,     pourquoy  auoyent  ilz  allé. 

They   bad  nat    gone,        why  had      they      nat     gone. 

Ilz  nauoient  point  allé ,  pourquoy  nauoient  ilz  point  allé. 


I  shall  go,     why    shaii    I    go. 
Jeyray,       pourquoy  y ray  je. 

I  shall  nat  go,       why  shall  nat  I  go. 
Jenyraypas,      pourquoy  niray  je  pas. 

Thou  shalt  go ,     howe  shalt  tbou  go. 
Tu  yras,  cornent  yras  tu. 

Thou  shalt  nat  go,     howe  shalt  nat  thou  go. 
Tu  niras  pas ,  cornent  niras  tu  pas. 


He  sball  go,     liowe  shall  he  go. 
Il  yra,  cornent  yra  il. 

He  shal)  nat  go,     howe  shall  nat  he  go. 
Il  nira  point,       comment  nyra  il  point. 


We  shall  go,      why    shall    we    go. 
Nousyrons,     pourquoy  yrons  nous. 

We  shall  nat  go,         why      shall    nat     we     go. 
Nous  nirons  pas,     pourquoy  nirons  nous  pas. 

Ye  sball  go,      why  shall  ye  go. 
Uous  yrés,      pourquoy  yrés  uous. 

Ye  shall  nat  go ,       why    shall    nat    ye    go. 
Uous  nirés  pas ,     pourquoy  nirés  uous  pas. 

They  shall  go ,       howe  shall  they  go. 
Hz  yront,  cornent  yront  ilz. 

They  shall  nat  go ,      howe  shall  they  nat  go. 
liz  niront  mie,         cornent  niront  ilz  mie. 


Go  thou ,       go  he ,  ail  one  ;  go  we ,  go  ye  go  they. 

Ua  loy,        aylleluy,       uoiseluy;      alons  nous,      allés  uous,    uoisent ou aillenteulx. 


Do    that    thou    go,  that     he     go,  that     we     go,  that       ye       go. 

Fais  que  tu  uoyse  ou  aylle,     qui]  uoise  ou  aille,      que  nous  allons,       que  uous  allés, 

Ihat     they     go. 

quilz  uoisent  ou  aillent. 


Kepe     that     thou     go     nat,  ail     one  ,  that    he    go    nat,  ail    one 

Garde  que  tu  ne  aylle  point,       que  lu  ne  uoise  point,       quil  naiie  poynt ,       quil  ne 

that     we     go     nat,       that     ye     go    nat,         that       they       go      nat, 

uoise   point:      que  nous  nallons,       que  uous   nallés,       quilz  ne  aillent  point, 

ail  one. 
quilz  ne  uoisent  point. 


Wold    to    God,  or   I  pray    you   that   I   go,  that  thou  go ,       that  he  go  :       that 

Pleust  a  Dieu,  ou  je  uous  prie  que  jaille  ou  uoise,      que  tu  aille,       que  il  aille  :      que 

we     go ,  that     ye     go ,         that     they     go. 

nous  allons,     que  uous  allés,     quilz  aillent  ou  uoisent. 



With  my  wyll  that  I  went,  that  thou  went,  that  he  went  :         that        we        went  , 

A  ma  uoullenté  quejallasse,     que  tu  allasse,       que  il  allast  :       que  nous  allissions, 

that     ye     went,  that  they  went. 

que  uous  allissiez,       quilz  allassent. 


Wolde    to    God    that    I    hâve    gone,         that  thou  hâve  gone,  that  he  hâve  gone  ;  that 

A  la /nienne  uoullenté  que  jay  allé,       que    tu    aie    allé,  quil    ayt    allé:         que 

we    hâve    gone,         that    ye    hâve     gone,         that  they  hâve  gone. 
nous  ayons  allé,       que  uous  ayés  allé,         quilz  ayent  allé. 


O  if  I  had  gone ,       if  thou  had  gone ,      if  he  had  gone ,       if    we    had     gone ,  if      ye 

0  sy  jeusse  allé,      se  tu  eusse  allé,      se  il  eust  allé,     se  nous  eussons  allé,      se  uous 

had  gone,  if  they   had   gone. 

eusses  allé ,       se  ilz  eussent  allé. 

Ye  may  make  a  future  of  the  présent,  sayenge  : 

With     my    wyll     that  I  may  go  anone,  etc.  ail     one. 

A  ma  uoullenté  que  je  aylle  tanlost,  etc.  que  je  uoise  tantost,  etc. 

The  conjunctif  présent  and  thre  preterites  is  lyke  the  optatif,  sayeng  : 
as  whan  wolde     to     God 

corne  or  quant,  before  the  verbe,  ieuyng  a  ma  aoullenté,  etc. 

The  future  boroweth  of  the  potentiall  moode  whiche  may  be  tourned 
six  maner  of  wayes  after  the  indicatif,  or  elles  xviii,  after  the  seconde 
conjunction  : 

1  shuld  go,  thou        ,  he  :  we  shuld  go,         ye  shuld  go,         they  shiild  go. 
Je  yroie,         tu  yrois,        il  yroit  :        nousyrions,         uous  yriez,         ilz  yroient. 


Whan  I  shali  go,       ail         one,       whan  thou  shalt  go,       ail  one    ,     whan  he  shuld  go , 

Mais  que  je  aille,     que  je  uoise,     que   tu  aille,  que  tu  uoise,     que    il  aille, 

ail     one  ,     whan  we  shuld  go,     whan  ye  shali  go ,     whan  they  shal  go ,    ail  one. 
quil  uoise,    que  nous  allons,     que  uous  allés ,      quilz  aillent,         quilz  uoisent. 

to  go.  to  be  gone.  goyng. 

THE  iNFiNiTïVE,  aller.     THE  PRETERIT,  estre  allé.     THE  GERUNDiF,  allant.  Finis. 


Here  foloweth  another  conjugation,  whiche  may  be  turned 

XXXVI  maner  wayes  iyke  the  précèdent,  or  els  xii  in  every 

person,  addyng  me,  te,  le  :  Iyke  the  fyrst  conjugation, 

but  for  to  eschewe  prolixité 

it  shalbe  syngle. 

I  se, 
Je  uoy, 

thou  seesl, 
tu  uois, 

he  seeth ,             we  se , 

il  uoit                 nous  ueons, 


ye  se, 
uous  uoiez, 

they  se. 
ih  uoient. 

{  dyd  se, 
Je  uéoie. 

tbou  dedest  se , 
tu  uéois, 

,     he  dyd  se  :          we  dyd  se , 
il  uéoit  :           nous  uéions, 


ye  dyd  se , 
uous  uéiez. 

they  dyd  se. 
ih  uéioient. 

I  saw. 
Je  ueis , 

thou  saw , 
tu  ueis. 

he  saw  :             we  saw , 

il  uefst  :           nous  ueismes. 

ye  saw, 
uous  ueistes, 

they  saw. 
iiz  ueirent 


I  hâve  seoe,  thou  hast  sene,  he  hath  sene  :   we  hâve  sene,        ye  bave  sene,      they  hâve  sene. 
Jay  ueu,       tu  as  ueu,         il  a  ueu  :         nousauons  ueu,   uous  aués  ueu,  ilz  ont  ueu. 


I  had  sene ,  thou  hadest 

Jauoie  ueu ,        tu  auois  ueu , 

they  had  sene. 

ilz  auoient  ueu. 

he  had 

il  auoit  ueu  : 

we  had  sene, 
nous  auions  ueu, 

ye        had  , 

uous  auiez  ueu , 


I  shall  se, 

thou  shalt 

,  he  shalt 

:  we  shal  se , 

ye  shall          , 

they  shall  se. 

Je  uoiray , 

tu  uoiras. 

il  uoira 

:        nous  uoirons. 

uous  uoirés. 

ilz   uoiront. 


Se  thou  or  he ,  se  we ,  se  ye ,  se  they. 

Uois  toy  ou  luy,         uoionsnous,         uoiésuous,         uoient  eulx ,  elles ,  celles. 


Do  that  thou  seest,  or   that  thou  sest  nat ,  that  he  seeth  or  that   he   seeth    nat  :        that 

Fais  que  tii  uoie,  ou  que  tu  ne  uoie  point,      qui!   uoie      ou  quil  ne  uoie  point  :     que 

we  se,       or  that  we       se         nat,  that     ye     se        or  that       ye  se 

nous  uoions,  ou  que  nous  ne  uoions  point,  que  uous  uoiéz  ou  que  uous  ne  uoiez 

nat,  that  they  se,     or  that  they  seeth  nat. 

point,       quilz  uoient,  ou  quelles  ne  uoient  point. 





Wolde  to  God,  or  I  pray  you  that  I  may  se,     that  thou  mayst  se,   that  fae  may  se  : 

A  la  mienne  uouHenté,  ou  je  nous  prie  que  je  uoie,    que  lu  uoie,  quil  uoie: 

that  we  may  se,  that  ye  may  se,  that  they  may  se. 

que  nous  uoions ,  que  uous  uoiez ,  quiiz  uoient. 

that  we  coude   se, 
que  nous  ueissions, 


Wold  to  God  that  I  coud  se,  that  thou        ,  that  he 

Pleust  a  Dieu  que  je  ueisse,        que  tu  ueisse,       quil  ueisse 

that  ye  ,  that  they 

que  uous  ueissiez,       quilz  ueissent. 


With  my  wyll  that  I  hâve  sene ,       that  thou  ,      that  he  that    we    hâve    sene , 

A  ma  uoullenté  que  jaie  ueu ,     que  tu  aie  ueu ,     quil  aie  ueu  :     que  nous  aions  ueu , 

that  ye  ,  that  they 

que  uous  aiéz  ueu ,       quilz  aient  ueu. 


O  if  I  had  sene ,      if  thou  hadest     ,      if  he  had  sene  :     yf  we  had  ,     if  ye  had  , 

0  se  jeusse  ueu ,     se  tu  eusse  ueu ,     sil  eusse  ueu  :     se  nous  eussions ,    se  uous  eussiez, 

if  they  had  seae. 
silz  eussent  ueu. 

The  subjunctif  is  lyke  the  optatif. 

The  fyrste  future  of  the  subjunctyve  is  : 

1  shulde. 

Je  uoiroie,     uoirois,     uoiroit,     uoirions,     uoiriéz,     uoiroient. 

whan   I  shail  se  thou  he  we 

THE  SECONDE  FUTUR  :  mais  que  je  uoie,     que  tu  uoie,     quil  uoie  :     que  nous  uoions, 
you  they. 

que  uous  uoiéz,     quilz  uoient. 

to  se.  to  hâve  sene,       seyng. 

THE  infinitif:  ueoir,       prétérit:  auoir  ueu,       uoiant. 

Another  conjugation  upon  howe  do  you,  and  how  do  ye  fare  :  and  if  ye  do 
take  the  verbe  after  the  fyrst  conjugation,  sayeng  :  je  porte,  porte  je ,  pour- 
(juoy  porte  je,  etc.  and  lykewise  oî  je  fay,  fay  je,  etc.  ye  shai  tourne  it  xxxvi 
wayes  in  one  tense,  and  if  ye  turne  it  after  the  seconde  conjugacion,  ye 

shall  hâve  an  hundred  and  vui  wayes  in  one  tense,  addyng  to  it  me,  te,  le, 

nous  nous,  uoas  aous,  Hz  se. 

Howe  do  I  fare,  or  beare  me,       how  dost  thou  fare,  or  bere  ihe ,       howe  dothe  te  fare  : 
Cornent  me  porte  je ,  cornent  te  porte  tu  ,  cornent  se  porte  il  : 

howe       do       we       fare,  howe     do     ye     fare,  howe     do     they     fare. 

cornent  nous  portons  nous,     cornent  uous  portés  uous ,     cornent  se  portent  ilz. 


Howe     dyd     I  ,       howe    dedest    thou      ,        howe    dyd    he  ,  howe  dyd  we 

Cornent  me  portoy  je,      coment  te  portois  tu,      cornent  se  portoit  il ,      cornent  nous 

bere     us ,  how     dyd     ye  ,  howe     dyd     they 

portions  nous,     coment  uous  portiez  uous ,     coment  se  portoient  ilz. 


Howe     dyd     I  ,  how?  dedest  thou        ,  howe    dyd    he        ,  howe   dyd  we 

Corne  me  portay  je,        coment  te  portas  tu,  coment  se  porta  d,        coment  nous 

beare     us,  how     dyd  ye     beare     you ,  how  dyd  they  beare  them. 

portasmes  nous  ,     coment  uous  portaste  uous ,       coment  se  portèrent  ilz. 


Howe  hâve  I  borne  me,        howe  bave  I  ,  howe  hath  he  howe        bave 

Coment  may  je  porté,        coment  tay  je  porté,       coment  sa  il  porté  :        coment  nous 

we     borne     us ,  howe     bave     ye     borne     you ,        howe  bave  they  borne  them. 

auons  nous  porté,     coment  uous  aués  uous  porté,     coment  se  sont  ilz  porté. 


Howe  had  I  borne  me ,  howe  badest  thou  ,  howe  had  he  borne  him ,  howe 

Coment  mauoy  je  porté,     coment  tauois  tu  porté ,     coment  se  auoit  il  porté,     coment 

had  we  borne  us,  howe  had  ye  borne  you,  howe  had  they  borne   them. 

nous  auions  nous  porté,  coment  uous  auiéz  uous  porté,  coment  se  auoient  ilz  porté. 


Howe  shall  I  beare  me,      howe  shalt  thouberethe,      howe  shall  be  beare  hym :  howe     shaii 
Coment  me  porteray  je,    coment  te  porteras  tu ,     coment  se  portera  il:      coment  nous 

we  beare  us,  howe  shall  you  beare  you ,  howe  shall  they  beare  them. 

porterons  nous,     coment  uous  porlerés  uous,     coment  se   porteront  ik. 

The  imperatyve,  optatyve,  and  conjunctyve  may  nat  serve  with  this 



worde,  cornent,  save  onely  the  future  of  the  potentiali  mode,  whiche  is  : 

l  shulde  beare   ,  thou  shuldest     ,  he  shulde    :  we  shulde  bere ,     ye  shuld    ,     they  shulde  bere. 
Porleroie,  porterois,  porleroil:     porterions,  porteriez,    porteroient. 

And  if  ye  wyll  go  ihorowe  the  sayd  modes,  ye  shall  folowe  the  termi- 
nation  of  this  verbe,  I  go,  whiche  is  sette  before. 

And  touchyng,  howe  ào  yoa,  ye  shall  ever  put  le  before  the  verbe, 
sayeng  : 

Howe  do  I ,  howe  dost  thou ,  howe  dothe  he  :  howe  do  we , 

Cornent  le  fay  je,        cornent  le  fais  tu ,        cornent  le  fait  il  ;        cornent  faisons  nous, 

do  ye,  do  they. 

faictes  uous,     font  ilz  ou  elles. 

And  lykewise  of  ail  the  preterites ,  sayeng  : 

Howe  dyd  I ,  etc.  howe  dyd  I ,  howe  hâve  I  done ,       howe  had  I  done , 

Cornent  le  faisoi  je,  etc.     cornent  le  feiz  je,     cornent  lay  je  fait ,     cornent  lauoy  je  fait, 

howe  shall  I  do,  howe  shulde  I  do,  etc. 

cornent  le  feray  je ,     cornent  le  feroy  je,  etc. 


Hère  foloweth  the  conjugation  of  a  verbe  defectyve  in  frenche , 

whiche  is  /  am  wont,  because  it  is  a  verbe  rare 

and  syldome  used. 

lamwont,     thou  art      ,   he  is  wont:       webewonte,  yebewonle,  they  be  wonle. 

Je  seulz,       tuseulz,       il  seult  :  nous  seulmes,        uous  seuUes,       ilz  seulent. 


I  was  ,      thou  ,        he  :        we  >        y^  .       they 

Je  soulloie,      tu  souUois,      il  souHoit  :      nous  soûlions,     uous  soûliez,     ilz  souloient. 

I  was     , 

Je  seulz ,     tu  seulz,     il  seult  :     nous  seulmes ,     uous  seultes ,     ilz  seuirent. 

There  is  nomore  of  this  verbe,  for  if  we  procède  any  further,  we  do  say  : 
I  hâve  ,   I  had   customed,  I  shall       cusiome. 

je  ay  de  coastame,  jaaoy  de  coustame,  and  jaray  de  coustame,  and  so  forth. 

Anoder  verbe  defectif  which  is,  it  is  lawful  to  me  :  this  verbe  may  be 
tiu-ned  XXXVI  wayes,  accordyng  to  the  fyrst  conjugation. 

It  is  to  me  laufull ,     it  is  to  the   ,  it  is  to  him    ,  il  is  to  us    ,  it  is  to  you    ,  it  is  to  them  laufull. 
Dmeloise,  il  te  bise,     illuyloise,    il  nous,       il  uous,         ilz  leur  loise. 



It  was  to  me  laufali ,     to  ihe  ,        to  him  laufull  :     to  us  ,       to  you  ,     to  them  laufull  or  licite. 
Hmeloisoit,  il  te  ,  il  luy  loisoit  :     il  nous,    il  nous,    ilz  leur  loisoit. 


Jt  was  , 

Il  me  loisit,       il  te,       il  luy  loisit  :       il  nous,       il  uous,       ilz  leur  loisit. 


IthatLben  tomeiauful) ,  to  the,       to  him,    to  us,         to  you,       to  them  laufull,  or  behovable. 
Il  ma  esté  loisible ,        il  ta  este,  il  luy  a,   il  nous  a,  il  uous  a,  ilz  leur  a  este  loisible. 


It  had  ben  to  me ,  or  els  it  had  behoved  me. 

Il  mauoit  esté  loisible,  il  tauoit  este  loisible,       il  luy  auoit  este  loisible, 

il  nous,   il  uous,     ilz  leur  auoit  este  loisible. 
,  It  sfaalbe  to  me , 

THE  FUTURE  is  :  Il  me  loysera ,  ou  il  me  sera  loisyble. 

Loke  that  it  be  nat  iaufull  to  the. 
THE  FUTURE  OF  THB  IMPERATIF ,  whichc  is  négatif  is  :  Garde  ou  failz  quil  ne  te  loise. 

That  it  were  to  me  laufull. 
THE  OPTATIF.  Quil  me  fust  loisible. 

THE  PRETERIT  IMPARFET.  Quil  me  loisisse. 

That  it  hâve  ben  to  me ,     that  it  bave  bcn  to  him. 
THE  PARFET.  Quil  maie   esté,  quil  luy  ayt  esté  loysible,     and  so  forih. 

That  it  had  ben  to  me  laufull. 
THE  PLUS  PARFET.  Quil   meust   esté   loysible. 

THE  suBJUNCTiF,  is  lyke  tbe  optatyve,  Iaking  ihe  présent  for  the  seconde  future. 

How  it  shulde  be  laufull  to  me, 
THE  FïRST  FUTURE.     Come  il  me  loiseroit,     come  il  te  loyseroit,     come  il  luy  loyseroit  ; 
come  ilz  nous  loiseroit,     come  ilz  uous  loiseroit,     come  ilz  leur  loiseroit. 


A  conjugation  of  this  verbe  care,  which  for  the  most  parte  is  negatyve, 
as  /  care  nat,  and  if  ye  wyll  adde  this  worde  it  unto  the  same,  sayeng  : 
/  care  nat  for  it  :  ye  shall  put  an  n  after  every  pronown ,  as  :  il  ne  men  chault, 
il  ne  ten,  il  ne  lay  en,  il  ne  nous  en,  il  ne  nous  en,  il  ne  leur  en  chault. 

I  care     nat ,  thou  carest  nat ,         he  we  ye  thçy. 

II  ne  me  chault,    il  ne  te  chault ,   il  ne  luy  :    il  ne  nous,    il  ne  uous,   ilz  ne  leur  chault. 



I  dyd  nat  care ,  yc  they 

H  ne  me        ,  il  ne  te,   il  ne  luy  chaloit  :    ilznenous,    ilzneuous,    ilz  ne  leur  clialoil. 


I  cared  nat, 

II  ne  me,     il  ne  te,     il  ne  luy  chalut  :     ilznenous,     ilzneuous,     ilz  ne  leur  chalut. 


I  hâve  nat  cared. 

II  ne  ma  chalu ,  etc. 

I  had  nat  cared ,  ye  they 

Ilnemauoit,     ilnetauoit,     il  ne  luy  auoit  :      ilznenous,     ilzneuous,     ilz  ne  leur 
avoit  chalu. 


I  shall  nat  care, 

II  ne  me  chauldra,    il  ne  te,    il  ne  luy  :    ilz  ne  nous,    ilz  ne  uous,    ilz  ne  leur  chauldra. 


Care  thou  nat,      him  care  we  nat,      care  ye ,  care  they  nat. 

Ne  te,  ne  luy  chaille  :     ne  nous,  ne  uous,        ne  leur  chaille. 


Se  that  thou  care ,  that  thou  care  nat.      Se    we    that    we    care ,  that    we     nat 

Garde  qui!  te  chaille,      quil  ne  te  chaille.      Gardons  qui!  nous  chaille,      quil  ne  nous 

care.         Se    ye    that    ye    care  ,  that    ye    nat    care.        Let  them  se  that  they  care. 

chaille.    Gardés  quil  uous  chaille,    quil  ne  uous  chaille.    Gardent  quil  leur  chaille , 

that  they  nat  care. 

quil  ne  leur  chaille. 


With    my    wyll    that    I    care ,  that  thou  care  ,     that  he  care  :  that  we  care  , 

A  ma  uoullenté  quil  me  chaille,     quil  te  chaille,     quil  luy  chaille  :     quil  nous  chaille, 

that    ye    care,  that  they  care. 

quil  uous  chaille,     quil  leur  chaille. 


Wold  to  God  that  I  care,  that  thou  ,  that  he  ,  that  we, 

Pleust  a  Dieu  quil  me  chalusse ,       quil  te  chalusse ,      quil  luy  chalusse ,       quil  nous 
that  ye  ,        that  they  care. 

clialusse,     quil  uous  chalusse,     quil  leur  chalusse. 



With  my  wyll  that  I  hâve  ,        ihat  thou  hast      ,  that  he  hath  care  :        that  we 

A  ma  uoullenté  quil  maie  chalu  ,      quil  taie  chalu,      quil  luy  ayt  chalu  ;      quil  nous, 

that  ye       ,      that  they  hâve  care. 
quil  uous,     quil  leur  ayt  chalu. 


O  if  I  had  care, 

if  thou  hadest 

,  if  he  had  care  : 

if  we  , 

if  ye. 

if   they 

0  sil  me  eust. 

sil  teust, 

sil  luy  eust  chalu  : 

sil  nous, 

sil  uous , 

sil  leur 

had  care. 

eust  chalu. 

The  futur  is  lyke  the  présent  as  : 

I  praye  to  God  that  I  care  nat ,         or  that  I  care. 

Je  prie  a  Dieu  quil  ne  me  chaille ,  ou  quil  me  chaille. 

The  subjunctif  is  Jyke  the  optatif. 

Whan  I  shall  care. 
THE  FUTURE  :  Mais  quil  me  chaille,  and  so  fortli. 

I  shulde  nat  care  ,        thou  shuld  nat  care ,     he  shuld  nat  care. 
THE  SECONDE  FUTURE  :  H  ne  me  chauldroit,    il  ne  te  chauldroit,    il  ne  luy  chauldroit,  etc. 

It  maketh  no  matter,  or  it  skylleth  nat. 
THE  INFINITIVE  :     Il  ne  peult  chaloir. 

Note  that  if  ye  levé  this  worde ,  ne ,  whiche  is  before  every  pronowne , 
it  is  affirmative,  and  if  ye  do  put  it  unto  the  sayd  pronowne  it  is  négative. 

Ânother  conjugation  of  two  verbes  together,  that  is  to  say,  /  serche  in 
englishe ,  and  because  I  wyll  eschewe  prolixité ,  I  wyll  touche  but  the  syn- 
guler  nombre  of  every  tense. 

I  seke,  ali  one,         thou  ,  he  :  we  serche. 

Je  cerchej    jequiers,     tucerche,     tuquiers,     ilcerche,     ilquiers  ;  nous  cerchons, 

ye  they 

nous  quierons,     uous  cerchés,      uous  quieres,     ilz  cerchent,     ilz  quierent. 

I  dyd  seke ,  or  serche. 
Je  cerchoie ,  ou  querois. 

I  sauht. 
THE  PRETERIT  PARFET.         Je  cerchay,  ou  quis. 


I  hâve  sought. 
THE  PRETERIT  INDIFFINITIF.     Jay  cerché,  ou  quis. 

I  had  sought. 
THE  PRETERIT  PLUS  PARFET.     Jauoie  cerchc  ,  ou  quis. 

I  shall  serche. 
THE  FUTURE.     Je  cercheray,  ou  quereray. 

Seke  thou ,       or  seke  the ,  seke  we , 

THE  iMPERATiVE.     Cerche  toy,  ou  quiers  toy,         querons  nous,         cerchons  nous, 
seke  ye ,  seke  they. 

querés  uous ,     cerches,     quierent  euk,     cerchent  eulz. 
Se  that  thou  seke ,  that  thou  serche. 

THE  FUTURE.     Garde  que  tu  cerche,     que  lu  quiere. 

Loke  that  thou  serche  nat. 
THE  SECOND  FUTUR.     Garde  que  ne  cerche ,  ou  quiere. 
With  0iy  wyll ,      that  I  serche  or  seke. 
THE  OPTATIF.     A  ma  uouUenté,  que  je  cerche  ou  quiere. 

Wold  to  God  that  I  dyd  serche. 
PRETERIT  IHPARFET.     Pleust  a  Dieu  que  je  cerchasse,     pleusl  a  Dieu  que  je  quisse. 

With    my    wyll    that    I    hâve    sought. 
THE  PRETERIT  PARFET.     A  ma  uouUenté  que  jaie  cerché  ou  quis. 

O  if  I  had  sought,  if  thou  had    ,  if  he  had,  etc. 

THE  PRETERIT  PLUS  PARFET.     0  se  jeusse  cerché  ou  quis,     se  tu  eusse,    sil  eust,  etc. 

The  subjunctif  is  lyke  the  optatif,  with  his  thre  preterites. 

Whan  I  .shall  serche. 
THE  FYRST  FUTURE.     Mais  quc  je  cerche,  ou  quiere. 

I  shulde  serche. 
THE  SECONDE  FUTURE.     Je  cercheroie,  ou  quereroie,  quererois,  roit:  rions,  riez,  roient. 

To  seke  and  to  serche. 
THE  INFINITIF.     Cercher  et  quérir. 

Note  that  this  conjugation  may  be  turned  six  and  thirty  maner  wayes 
I     seke,       seke     I  :       vfhy  seke     I  :    I  seke  nat, 

after  the  fyrst  sayenge  :  je  cerche,  cerche  je  :  poarquoy  cerche  je  :  je  ne  cerche 

seke    nat    I  ,  why     seke     nat     I. 

pas,  ne  cerche  je  pas,  pourqaoy  ne  cerche  je  pas,  etc.  or  elles  an  hondred  and 

I  seke  me,      I 
vni  wayes  in  one  tense,  sayeng  after  the  n  conjugation  me  quiers ,  je  te 
seke  the ,  I  seke  him. 
quiers,  je  le  quiers,  and  so  forth ,  turninge  it  with  the  questions.  (Loke  upon 

the  seconde  conjugation.) 


A  conjugation  of  a  verbe  that  must  be  pronounced  with  double  U,  ac- 
cordyng  to  the  seventh  rule  that  is  immediatly  after  the  prologue  whiche 
shalbe  a  patron  and  example  for  ail  suche  verbes,  the  which  conjugation 
may  be  turned  syx  and  thirty  wayes  after  the  fyrste,  or  an  hundred  and 
vin  after  the  seconde. 

I     knele,  I     blotte,  I    wyte,    make  foule, 

The  verbes  ben  je  mengenoulle ,  je  broalle,  je  toalle,  je  moalle,  je  sonlle, 
I  slare,  1      eut,  I   gyve,    I    gape,      I 

je  roalle,je  catoalb ,  je  fatroulle ,  je  barbouUe ,  je  talk  ,  je  halle ,  je  Basile,  je 
ralle,  and  suche  lyke. 

I  knele,  ihou  knele,  he  knele:  we  knele. 

Je  mengenouUe ,  tu  tengenoulle,  il  sengenoulle  :  nous  nous  engenouHons  , 

you  knele,  they  knele. 

uous  uous  engenouliés ,       ilz  sengenoullent. 


I  dyd  knele,  thou  ,  he  :       we  , 

Je  mengenoulioie,       tu  tengenoullois,      il  sengenouUoit  :      nous  nous  engenoullions , 

you  ,  they 

uous  uous  engenoulliez,     ilz  sengenouHoient. 


I  dyd  knele,  thou  ,  he  :  we  , 

Je  mengenoullay ,       tu  tengenouUas ,       il  sengenoulla  :       nous  nous  engenouHames , 

you  ,  they 

uous  uous  engenoullates ,     ilz  sengenouHerent. 


r     hâve     kneled,  thou  hast  kneled,  he  hath  :  we  hâve 

Je  may  engenouUé,         tu  tas  engenoullé,         il  sa  engenoullé  :         nous  nous  auons 

you  ,  they 

engenoullé,     uous  uous  aues  engenoullé,     ilz  se  sont  engenoullé. 


I  had  kneled,  thou  ,  he  :  we  , 

Je  mauoie  engenouUé,      tu  te  auois  engenoullé,     il  se  auoit  engenoullé  :     nous  nous 

you  ,  they 

auioDS  engenouliés,    uous  uous  auiei  engenoullé,     ilz  se  auoient  engenouliés. 




I   shall   knele,  thou  ,  he  ;  we  , 

Je  mengenoulleray ,    lu  tengenoulleras ,   il  sengenoullera  :    nous  nous  engenoullerons , 

you  tliey 

uous  uous  engenouUerés,     ilz  sengenoulleront. 


knele         thou     or  he,        knele  we,         kneie  ye,  let  tbem  kneie. 

Engenoulle  loy  ou  soy,     engenoullons  nous ,     engenouHés  uous ,    quilz  sengenouUent. 


Se     that     thou     knele,  that     thou  knele  nat  :        that     he     knele,         that   he 

Garde  que  tu  tengenouUe ,      que  tu  ne  tengenoulie  pas  :      quil  sengenoulle ,     quil  ne 
knele  nat,     That     we     knele,  that     wc  knele  nat  , 

sengenoulle  pas.  Que  nous  nous  engenoullons ,  que  nous  ne  nous  engenoullons  pas, 
that     ye     do     knele,  ye     do     nat     knele.  Do    that   they 

que  uous  uous  engenoullés,       que  uous  ne  uous  engenoullés  pas.     Faicles  quilz 
knele,  do     that     they     knele     nat. 

sengenouUent,      faicles  quilz  ne  sengenoullent  pas. 


With     my     wyll,  or    I    pray    you    that    I    may    knele,  that    thou  , 

A  la  mienne  uouUenlé,  ou  je  uous  prie  que  je  mengenoulle,  que  tu  tengenoulie, 
he     or     she                     :               that     we                                 ,  you  , 

quil  ou  quelle  sengenoulle,    que  nous  nous  engenoullons,  que  uous  uous  enge- 

nouHéz ,     quilz  ou  quelles  sengenouUent. 


Wold  to  God  that  I  dyd  knele,  that  ,  that 

Pleust  a  Dieu  que  mengenouUasse ,       que  tu  tengenouUasse ,        quil  ou  quelle  senge- 
that  we  ,  that  ye  ,  that 

noullast  :    que  nous  engenoullissions  ,     que  uous  uous  engenoullissiéz ,     quilz  ou 


quelles  sengenouUassent. 


That  I  hâve  kneled,  that  thou  ,  that  he  : 

A  ma  uouUenté  que  maie  engenoulle ,       que  taie  engenoulle ,       que  laie  engenoulle  : 
ihat  we  ,        that  ye  ,  that  they 

que  nous  aion»  engenoullés ,  que  uous  aies  engenoullés ,  quilz  se  aient  engenoullés. 



O  and  I  had  kneled,  if  thou  hadest  ,  if  he  had 

0  se  je  meusse  engenoullé,       se  tu  te  eusse  engenoullé,       se  il  se  eust  engenoullé  : 

if     we  ,  if     you  ,  if  they. 

se  nous  nous  eussions  engenouUés,    se  uous  uous  eusses  engenoullés,     silz  se 
eussent  engenouUés. 

The  subjunctif  is  lyke  the  optatif,  saieng  corne  or  quant  before  the  verbe. 


Whan  I  shall   l^nele,  tliou  ,  he  whan     we       , 

Mais  que  je  mengenouUe ,     que  lu  lengenoulle ,       quil  sengenouHe  :       mais  que  nous 

whan  ye  ,  whan  they 

nous  engenouUons ,     que  uous  uous  engenouUés ,     quilz  sengenoullent. 


1  shuld    knele,  thou  ,  he  we 

Je  mengenouneroie ,        tu  tengenoullerois  ,       il  sengenoulleroit  :        nous  nous  enge- 

ye  ,  they 

nouUerions,     uous  uous  engenoulieriéz ,     iiz  sengenoulleroient. 

To  knele.  To  hâve  kneled.  For 

THE  INFINITIF.   EngenouUcr.     the  prétérit.   Auoir  engenoullé.      the  gerundif.   Pour 

to  knele,  in   knelyng. 

mengenoullér,  de  mengenouUér ,  en  mengenoullant. 

I  wysshe  the  kneled. 
THE  ovERTHROWEN  or  SUPIN.     Je  te  souhaite  engenoullé. 

And  lyke  wyse  of  ail  the  other  verbes  above  rehersed. 


A  conjugacion  combinyng  or  joynyng  two  verbes  togyder,  that  is  to  say 
I  am  and  I  do,  takynge  the  présent  onely,  in  eschewyng  prolyxite. 

Whan    I    am  at    scole,     I    do     my      deuer         to  lerne      my  lesson. 

Quant  je  suis  a  lescole,  je  fais  mon  debuoir  daprendre  ma  lesson,  ou  leçon. 

Whan  thou  art  at  scole,  thou  doest  thy    deuer       to  lerne      thy  lesson. 

Quant   tu   es  a  lescole,  tu    fais  ton  debuoir  daprendre  la  lesson  ,  ou  leçon. 

Whan  he   is  at   scole,    he  doeth  his     dever        to  lerne      his  lesson. 
Quant  ii  est  a  lescole,  il    fait    son  debuoir  daprendre  sa  lesson. 




Whan     we  be        at    scole,       we       do  our       dever      to  lerne        our 

Quant  nous  sommes  a  lescolle,  nous  faisons  noslre  deuoir  daprendre  nostre  leçon. 

Whan     ye       be     al    scole,      ye        do       your     dever     to     lerne         your 

Quant  uous  estes  a  lescole ,  uous  festes  uostre  deuoir  dapprendre  uostre  lesson. 

Whan  they  be    at    scole,  they  do    theyr  dever       to     lerne       theyr 
Quant  \h.  sont  a  lescolle,  ilz  font  leur  deuoir  dapprendre  leur  leçon. 

And  so  forth  thorow  al  the  conjugation  of  /  am,  above  written,  and  of 
this  verbe  /  do,  whiche  is  in  ihe  prétérit  imparfet  je  faisoie. 

I  dyd. 
PAKFET.     Je  feis. 

I  hâve  done. 

THE  PRETERIT  INOIFINITIF.       Ja^    fait. 

I  had  done. 
PLUS  PARFET.     Jauoie  fait. 

I  shall  do. 
THE  FUTURE.     Je  feray.  „  i 

Do  thou. 

THE  IMPERATIF.       Faitz. 

Loke  that  thou  do. 
THE  FUTURE.     Garde  que  tu  face. 

Let  me  do. 
THE  OPTATIF.     Que  je  face. 

Thad  I  dyd. 
iMPARFET.     Que  je  feisse. 

That  I  bave  done. 
THE  PRETERIT  PARFET.     Quc  jayc  faict. 

That  I  had  done. 
PLUS  PARFET.     Que  jeusse  fait. 

THE  SUBJUNCTYF.  Whan  I  shall  do  lyke  ihe  optatyf. 

THE  FYRST  FUTURE.      Mais  que  je  face- 

I  shuld  do, 
THE  SECONDE.     Je  fepoye,  rois,  roit  :  ferions,  riez,  roient. 

To  do. 
THE  INFINITIF.     Faire. 

To  bave  done. 
PRETERIT.     Auoir  fait. 


In  doyng,     to  do,      for  to  do. 
GERONDIF.     En  faisant,  a  faire,  pour  faire. 

THE  orERTRROWEN.     To  be  donc. 
LE  BENOEBSE.  Estre  fait. 

Note  that  for  to  ieme  frenche  quickely,  ye  must  turne  the  sayd  con- 
jugation  iiii  maners  of  wayes,  tat  is  to  say  affirmatyve,  and  interrogaty  ve , 
and  negatyve,  and  interrogaty  ve ,  as  it  hath  ben  plainly  shewed  hère  before. 


Another  conjugation  by  way  of  combination  Jyke  the  tother  before 
rehersed.  And  fyrst  of  the  présent. 

Whan  I  repute  me  vile  and  unclene,  by  humilité,       I  am  dene  and  pure 

Quant  je  me  repule  uii  et  ord,  uile  et  orde,  par  humilité,  je  suis  nect  et  pur,  necte  et 
by  goodnes. 
pure,  par  bonté. 

Whan  thou  repute  the  ,         by  goodnes,  thou  art 

Quant  tu  te  repute  uil  et  ord,  uile  et  orde,  par  bonté ,  lu  es  nect  et  pur,  necte  et  pure, 

par  humilité. 
Whan  he  him  repule  ,  he  is 

Quant  il  se  repute  uil  et  ord,  uile  et  orde,  par  bonté,  il  est  pur  et  nect,  pure  et  necte, 

par  humilité. 
Whan  we  us  repule  ,  we  be  , 

Quant  nous  nous  repuions  uilz  et  ordz,  uiles  et  ordes,  par  humilité,  nous  sommes  purs 

el  nectz  par  bonté. 
Whan  ye  you  repule  ,  ye  be  , 

Quant  nous  uous  reputez  uilz  et  ordz,  uiles  et  ordes,  par  humilité,  uous  estes  purs  et 

nectz,  etc.  par  bonté. 
Whan  they  them  repule  ,  by    mekenes,       they 

Quant  ilz  ou  elles  se  reputent  uilz  et  ordz,  uiles  et  ordes,  par  humilité,  ilz  ou  elles  sont 

purs  et  nectz ,  pures  et  nectes ,  par  bonté. 

And  so  forth  unto  the  innperatif,  makyng  other  verbes  by  patron  of 
the  same. 

Aiso  another  conjugation  with  two  verbes  togeder  every  of  them  twyse 
rehersed,  and  the  verbe  repeted  ever  in  the  prétérit  parfet,  and  the  fyrst 
and  last  goyng  through  ail  the  modes  and  tenses  :  the  whiche  ben  thiis. 
Whan  I  se  that  I  never  saw,  I  thinke  that  I  never  thought. 

Whan  I  se  that  whiche  I  never  saw,     I   thinke   that   I   never   thought. 
Quant  je  uoy  ce  que  ne  ueis  jamais ,  je  pense  ce  que  ne  pensay  oncques. 


Whan  thou  seest  ihat  that  thou  ,     ihen 

Quant  tu  uois  ce  que  tu  ne  ueis  jamais ,  tu  pense  ce  que  ne  pensas  oncques. 

Whan  he  selli  ,       he  tLiake  that 

Quant  il  uoit  ce  quil  ne  ueist  jamais,  il  pense  ce  quil  ne  pensa  oncques. 

Whan     we     se     that     that     we  ,  we 

Quant  nous  uoions  ce  que  nous  ne  ueismes  jamais,  nous  pensons  ce  que  ne  pensâmes 

Whan    ye    se    that    that    ye    never    sawe .  ye 

Quant  uous  uoyez  ce  que  ne  ueistes  jamais ,  uous  penses  ce  que  ne  pensastes  oncques. 

Whan  they  se  ,  they 

Quant  ilz  uoient  ce  quiiz  ne  ueisent  jamais,  iiz  pensent  ce  que  ne  pensèrent  oncques. 

And  so  through  till  the  impératif,  than  ye  may  turne  the  verbes  if  ye 
lyste,  sayeng  :  «Whan  I  tliinke  that  I  never  thought,  I  se  that  I  never 
«  sawe  ;  Quant  je  pense  ce  que  ne  pensay  jamais ,  je  uoy  ce  que  ne  ueis  oncques ,  » 
and  so  forth. 

Another  conjugation  joynynge  tvvo  verbes  together. 

Whan    I    am    ydell,  I     worke     nat  :  whan     I     worke,         I  am  nat  ydell. 

Quant  je  chonime,  je  ne  besongne  pas  :  quant  je  besongne,  je  ne  chomme  pas. 

Whan  thou  art  ydeil ,  thou    workest    nat:        whan  thou  workest,    thou  art  nat  ydeii. 
Quant  tu  chomme,  tu  ne  besongne  pas  :  quant  tu  besongne,  tu  ne  chomme  pas. 

Whan  he  or  she  is  ydell,  he    or    she    worketh    nat:     whan  he  or  she  doeth  worke,  he  or 
Quant  il  ou  elle  chôme ,  il  ou  elle  ne  besongne  pas  :  quand  il  ou  elle  besongne ,  il  ou 

she    is    nat    ydell. 

elle  ne  chomme  pas.  .  , 

Whan  we  he       ydel,  we    do    nat    worke  :  whan     we     worke,  we     he 

Quant  nous  chommons,  nous  ne  besongnons  pas  :  quant  nous  besongnons,  nous  ne 

nat  ydet. 

chômons  pas. 

Whan     ye     he     ydel ,       ye     worke     nat  :  whan     ye      worke ,  ye       he       nat 

Quant  uous  chommés,  uous  ne  besongnés  pas  :  quant  uous  besongnés,  uous  ne  chom- 


mes  pas. 

Whan     they     ben     ydel ,  they     worke     nat  :  whan     they     worke , 

Quant  ilz  ou  elles  chomment,  ilz  ou  elles  ne  besongnent  pas  :  quant  ilz  ou  elles  besongnent, 
they     he     nat     ydel. 
ilz  ou  elles  ne  chomment  pas. 

I  was  ydel , 
And  so  forth  till  the  impératif,  saieng  in  the  prêtent  imparfet  :  çhomoie, 


I  dyd  worke.  I  was  ydel.  wlian     1 

hesongnoie,  etc.;  in  the  parfet  :  chommay,  hesongnay;  the  indifinitif  :  (juantjay 
hâve  ben  ydel ,  I  hâve  nat  worked.  whan  I  had  ben  ydel ,  I  had  nat 

chommé,    je  nay  pas  besongné;  the  plus  parfet  :  quant  jauoie  chômé,  je  nauoie 

worked.  whan  1  shalbe  ydel,  I  shall  nat  worke. 

pas  besongné;  the  future  :  quant  je  chommeray,  je  ne  besongneray  pas. 

Another  conjugation  accordynge  to  the  précèdent. 

Whan  I  am  possessed ,  I  hâve  good  earnes  :   whan    I  hâve    non    earnes ,   I    am    nat 

Quant  je  suis  nantis  ou  nantie,  jay  bonnes  arres  :  quant  je  nay  nulles  arres,  je  ne  suis 


point  nantie. 
Whan  thou  art  possessed,  thou  hast  good  earnes  :  whan  thou  hast  non  earnes,  thou   art  nat 
Quant    tu    es    nantis,   tu  as  bonnes   arres:  quant  tu  nas  nulles  arres ,  tu  nés  point 

Whan  he  hath  good  earnes,  he  is  :  whan   he   is  nat  possessed,  be  hath  none  eiirnes. 

Quant  il  a  bonnes  arres,  il  est  nantis  :  quant  il  nest  point  nantis,  il  na  nulles  arres. 
Whan     we     he     possessed,       we     hâve     good     earnes:     whan     we     hâve     good     earnes, 
Quant  nous  sommes  nantis,  nous  auons  bonnes  arres  :  quant  nous  auons  bonnes  arres, 

we       be       possessed. 

nous  sommes  nantis. 
Whan     ye     be  ,     ye     bave     good  :  whan     ye     bave  ,     ye 

Quant  uous  estes  nantis ,  uous  aues  bonnes  arres  :  quant  uous  aues  bonnes  arres ,  uous 


estes  nantis. 
Whan  they  be  ,  ihey  bave  :  whan  they  hâve  ,  they  be 

Quant  ilz  sont  nantis  ,  ilz  ont  bonnes  arres  :  quant  ilz  ont  bonnes  arres,  ilz  sont  nantis. 

I  am 
And  so  forth   after  the  verbe ,  je  sais ,  sayeng  in  the  prétérit  imparfet , 
whan     I  was 
quant  jestois ,  etc.  (  Loke  above.  ) 

I  understande  ,  thou  understande  ,  he  or  she  understandeth ,  we  us    understande  , 

Jentens ,  je  mentens  :  tu  entens,  tu  tentens  :  il  ou  elle  senlend  ;     nous  nous  entendons, 

ye  understande  you ,  they     understande. 

uous  uous  entendes ,     ilz  ou  elles  «entendent. 


Understand  I  me,         understande  thou,        understande  he  or  she  :         understande      we     us, 
Mentens     je ,  tentens     tu  ,  sentend  il  ou  elle  :  nous  entendons  nous, 

understande  ye  you  ,  understande  they  them. 

uous  entendes  uous,       sentendent  ilz  ou  elles. 



I  understande  nat  ine ,     tliou  understande  nat  the,     he  or  she  understande  nat  him  ;      we     do 
Je  ne  mentens  pas,     tu    ne    tentens    pas,         il  ou  elle  ne  sentend  pas  ;     nous  ne 

nat    understande   us,     ye    do    nat    understande    you ,    they  do  nat  understande   them. 

nous  entendons  pas,  nous  ne  nous  entendes  pas,    ilzou  elles  ne  sentendent  pas. 


Do  nat  1  understande  me ,     do  nat  thou  understande  the,     do  nat  he  understande  him  or  she  : 
Ne  mentens  je   pas ,        ne    tentens    tu    pas ,  ne    sentend    il    ou    elle    pas  : 

do    we    nat    understande  us ,      do    ye    nat    understande   ye ,      do  nat  they  understande 

ne  nous  entendons  nous  pas,  ne  uous  entendes  uous  pas,    ne      sentendent      iiz 


ou  elles  pas. 

Dyd  I  understande,  understande  I,  I  hâve  understande,  I  had  understande,  I  shall  understande. 
entendoie ,     entendis,       jay  entendu,  jauoie  entendu ,         entenderay. 

Thus  endeth  the  fyrst  boke. 



An     answere  lo  the         correclers         and     of         ail  vvorkes  reprouers. 


Grosc       folke     of    rude       alTection 
G      rosses     gens   de   rudes    affections 

dronkerdes,  baiiysslied  of  trewe       felyng; 
I       urongnes ,     bannis    de    ui-ay  sentement 

lubbers,         knaves,    private     of  understandyng 
C"  L      ourdaukz,  cocardz,  priucs    dentendement 

^  in  their  moutlifull  takyiig  réfection 

E      n  leur   gueulée  prenant  réfections 
fulfylled  of  oprobre  and  of  delraction 
S      aoule       doprobes     et  de  detractions 

Shall  say  of    me  as         they  do  of  olher  folkes 

u  D     iront        de  moy  comme      ilz  font  daultrc  gent 

^  behoide  bere,  wbat  a  maker  fayre  and  genlyl 

V      oies         icy,    quel  facteur    bel     et     gent 
trewe  it  is  for     eertayne,   that  1  am  ignorant 
U      ray    est  pour    certain,  que  suis  ignorant 
wyllyng     I     ought     nat     to    leavc    therfore 
U      oulloir    je  ne  doy  pas    laisser  pour  tant 
to  undertake  Ihyng  that  ought  to  be  prayse 
^  E      mprendre    chose    qui    fait       a      priser 

without  takyng  hede  to  their  disprayse. 
S      ans  garde  prendre  a  leur  despriser. 
Some     shall     say  this  is       yvell   writte 
A      ulcun  diront    cecy    est     mal  escript 

the  others  aftervarde,  beudyng  the      browes 

j^  L      es  auitres    appres,    bandant  lez    sourcilz 

p<  shall  there  fynde  right  great  faute  of  spirite 

r^  I      trouueront       tresgrant     faulte    desprit 

Cfi  otlicr     shall    wey    ail ,       as        folkes  subtyles 

A      ultres  pèseront  tout,  comme  gens   subtilz 

upon  this  gyveng  their  sentence  and  advyse. 

S      ur    ce    donnant  leur  sentence    et    aduis. 

Say  every  one  what    so    ever    he     wyll 
D      ie  ung  chescun  ce  que  dire  uouldra 
2  in  the  spite  of  the  dyvell,  and  of  yvel       wyll. 

£      n    despit    du       diable,  et    de  mal  uoulloir. 

Se       they       may,     that   I  bave  put  me  in  dever 
U     eoir  ilz  pouront,    que  ma     mis  en  debuoir 

to  do  well,     do     betler     that     can 
i      bien   faire,  face  mieulz  qui  scara 
of  me     certes  nat  reproved  he  shalbe. 
Q  De  moy  certes  ja    reprins  nen  sera. 

^  Jésus         than         us     graunt     well  to  do 

I       hesus  doncques  nous  ottroy    bien   faire 

without  willyng ,  neither  hiui  nor  other  displease. 
S      ans       uoulloir,    na    lui    na     auitre  desplaire.  . 

ENDE    OF    THE     FYRST    BOKE. 



of  this  lytell  worke ,  in  the  whiche 

shalbe  treated  of  communyca- 

tions,  and   other  thynges 

necessary  to  the  lernyn 

of  the  sayd  French 


A     LAUDE     AND     PRAYSE 

TO    THE    KYNGE,    THE    QUENE,    AND    TO    THE    PRINCESSE 




To  the  right    hye,       right  chrislen ,  and  mosl    redouted     imperiail       myght,     and 
A  la  treshaulte  ,    trescrestien ,    et  tresredoutée  imperialle  puissance ,  et 

soverayne       majesty   o(    you,      Henry    by  ihe  grâce    of     God,      lyveng  kyng  vic- 
souueraine  maiste  de  uous,  Henry  par  la  grâce  de  Dieu,  uiuant  roy  uic- 

lorious,     and  monarcion   of       ail  E^glande,  ll>e  VIII      of  that  name  ;     be 

torieux ,  et  monarque  de  toute  Engieterre  ,    huitiesme  de   ce  nom  :  soit 

laude  everlaslyng,       honour   without  ende  :    alwayes      lastynge   lyfe  prospérons 

louenge  perpétuelle  ,  honneur  sans    fin  :  tousjours   durant  uie  prospère 

and  good     félicite, 
et   bien   heurée. 

And  to    you    most    illustre,    rigbl    excellente,    and  right    magnanime       lady    and 
Et  a  uous    tresillustre ,    tresexcellente ,     et    tresmagnanime    dame    et 

princesse,      my     lady     Anne     by   the  grâce    of    God    quene    of  Englande   and  of 
princesse ,  ma  dame  Anne  par  la  grâce  de  Dieu  royne  dEngleterre  et  de 

France  :      wilh  right  noble  and  most  vertuouse     yours    right    dere  and  well  beloved 
Fraunce  :  auec  très  noble  et  très  uertueuse  uostre  très  chiére  et  bien  aimée 

doughter  Elizabeth,   princesse    of  Englande   and  of    Wales  :    be    lyfe     everlastynge 
fille       Elizabeth,  princesse  dEngleterre  et  de  Galles  :  soit  uie  pardurable 

and  joye  without  ende.      Amen    amen, 
et  joye   sans     fin.      Amen  amen. 

Ee  dicat  omnis  populus  amen. 


1020  AN   IN 

Wolde  to  God 
A  ma  uoullenlé 

that  the  Godbeed 
que   la     deité 

fui)        of  goodnesse 
plaine  de    bonté 

had  grauDled  to  me 
sy  meust  ottroié 

whiche  am  counterfait 
qui      suis  contrefait 

of  ignorancy,  and  undone 
dignorance,   et  desfuit 

koning    and  knowledge 
science  et     scauoir 

with       the  power 
auecques  pouoir 

can  déclare 

scavoir  déclarer 

and  to  manyfeste 
et      manifester 

after      my      power 
selon  mon  possible 

the  grâce  that  can  nat  be  saide 
la   grâce         indicible 

of  the  right  christen  kyng 
du       trescrestien  roy 

whiche  in   noble  aray 
qui      en  noble  aroy 

is         tbis  day       lyvyng 
est  aujourdhuy  uiuant 

prospérons    and  reignyng 
prospereus  et   régnant 

whiche  ail  the       men 
qui    tous  les  hommes 

howe    great   that   we  ben 
come  grans  que  sommes 

as  well  clerkes  and  lays 
et  clercz    et  laiz 


by    his     faire    dedes 
par  ses  beaulz  faitz 

hath  over  comen 
a       surmontés 

and  excclled 
et    excelles 

wherfore    the  mosl 
pourquoy  le  plus 

parfait  hère  heneth 
parfait  ca     jus 

baving  power 
ayant  pouoir 

and  tlie  knowyng 
et     le    scauoir 

shulde  fayle  right  weli 
il       fauldroit  bien 

that  his  mainleynyng 
que  son  maintien 

that    his    sperit 
que  son  esprit 

of   wyt  kyndled 
de  sens  esprit 

might  ones  begyne 
peult    entamer 

for     to  déclare 
pour  déclarer 

as  it  hapened 

comme  il  adulent 

whan      a  man  doth  come 
quant  homme   uient 

to  the    great    see 
a    la  graunt  mér 

for       to  lade    it 
pour  lespuisér 


that     he     doth    se 
quil  uoit  comment 


his  entreprise 
son  entreprise 

whiche  to  that  him  lychyt 
que      ce  lalise. 

hath  made  bim  do  amysse 
la       fait    roesprendre 

wiilyng  to  take  in  bande 
uoulloir  emprendre 

a  tbinge  unpossible 
chose   impossible 

he  that  rigbt  feble 
luy     qui     débile 

is,  and     fraile 
est,  et  fragille 

and  lytell  able 
et    peu  abiile 

as  a       man     dronke 

comme  ung  homme  yvre 

whicbe    lytell  to  lyve 
quy       guère  uiura 


may  nat        goodiy 
ne  peull  bonnement 

he  him  withdrawetb 
il    se        retire 

pluckyng  him  selfe 
et  se  detire 

him  complainynge 
soy  doulousant 

that   nat   knowyng 
que  non  scauaunt 

he  hath  undertake 
il     a       empris 

to  wyn  the  prise 
gagner  le   pris 

wyllyng   for   to    do 
pour  uoulloir  faire 


the  whidie  to  parforme 
ce     que  parfaire 

no   man    migbt 
nul  ne  poulroit     . 

where  he  nover 
tant  ne  seroit 

man     so  myghty 
home  puissant 

alwaies         livyng 
tousjours  uiuaunt 

oeither  more  nor  lesse 
ne  plus  ne  moins 

to  put   his   bandes 
meclre  ses  mains 

or  hesy  bim  selfe 
ou  sempeschér 

wyllyng  to  prayse 
uoulloir  priser 

prince  without  père 
prince  sans     pér 

and   nat  to  erre 
sans  point  errer 

sbuid  be  to  lade 
seroit  puisser 

the  water  out  of  the  se  ^ 

leaue      hors  la  mér 

wberfore   in  now 
pourquoy  a  tant 

me  withdrawyng 
me     retirant 

of  myn  enterpryse 
de  mon   emprise 

I  aay  without  fiction 
dis      sans  faintise 

during   my  lyfe. 
durant  ma  uye. 

Be  it  sadde  or  mery 
Soit  triste  ou  lye 



I  sbali  never  cease 
ne  cesseray 

nor  shal!  leave 
ne  laysseray 

in      every    place 
en  chascun  lieu 

to    laude    Gôd 
de  Jouér  Dieu 

and  also  to  crie 
et    de      crier 

and  to  supply 
et       supliér 

his  magestie 
sa  m âges  té 

and  godheed 
et      deilé 

to  be  wyllyng  to  kepe 
uouUoir         garder 

and  to  préserve 
et    preseruér 

the  noble      lorde 
le  noble  seigneur 

t'roDi  ali     unbap 
de    tout  malheur 

also    the    lady 
aussi  la  dame 

whicbe  lyved  without  blâme 
que       uist     sans    blâme 

I  understande  tbe  quene 
jentens  la  royne 

whiche  never  doth  ende 
qui       point   ne  fine 

to      do      honour 
de  faire  honneur 

to  the  maker 
au  créateur 

witb  sbe 

auec[que]  celle 


that  hath  no  père 
qui  non  pareille 

in    this     worlde 
est  en  ce  monde 

rigbt  pure  and  cleoe 
trespure  et  monde 

it  is  the  princesse 
cesl  la  princesse 

halfe  a  goddesse 
demie  déesse 

leavyng  them  to  us 
les     nous  laissans 

hère  lyvyng 
icy   uiuans 

right  longe     space 
très  longue  espace 

with  his  grâce 
avec  sa  grâce 

than    whan  shall  corne 
puis  quand  uiendra 

that  it  shall  nede 
quil  conuiendra 

at  the  later  ende 
a    la     parfin 

that  they  take  an  ende 
quilz  prengnent  fin 

without  bytternesse 
sans      amertune 

or  payne      any 
ne  paine  aulcune 

they    be        sette 
ilz  soient  posés 

and  bestowed 
et   colocqués 

in     Heven 
en  Paradis 

where  as  ever 
la  ou  tondis 


they  niay  laude 
puissent  louer 

and  exalte 
et    exahér 

with  the  saintes 
auec  les  sainctz 

wherof  there  is  many 
dont    y   a     maintz 


tlie  blessed    Trinité 
la   benoîte  Trinité 

lljre     persones     in  unité 
trois  personnes  en  unilé 

tlie  whiclie  for  ever  without  décline 
laquelle     a  jamais   sans     déclin 

reigne      alwayes       witbout     ende. 
i"egne  a  tousjours  sans  prendre  fin. 



From  wens  come  you,  my  frende. 
Dou    uenes  nous,  mon  amy. 

I  corne  from  the  court. 
Certes ,  madame ,  je  iiiens  de  la  court. 

How  doth  fare         the  Kyng  my    father  and  the  good      lady     my  mother. 
Cornent  se  porte  le  Roy  mon  père  et   la  bonne  dame  ma  mère.' 

In     truthe,  madame,  they         dyd  right  well  at   my        partyng,        or     whan 

En  uerité,  madame,  ilz  se  portoient  tresbien  a  mon  département,  ou  quant 

I     came  thens. 
je  men  partis. 

I      am  right     glad    of  their    good     prospérité ,  and  pray    Our      Lorde       always    so 
Je  suis  tresjoieuse  de  leur  bonne  prospérité,  et  prieNostre  Seigneur  tousjours 

to  maintene  them  :  do  nat  yoa  bryng  me  some      remembraunce    or  token 

ainsy  les  maintenir  :  ne  maportés  uous  quelque  souuenance  ou  enseigne 

from   them. 
de  par  eulz, 

I  do  présente  unto  you ,  in  the  name  of  the    good      grâce  of  the  Kyng  your  father,  this 
Je   uous   présente ,  ou    nom   de    la  bonne  grâce  du  roy  uostre  père ,  ce 

herte  of  golde ,  amelde    cf  trewe       hope ,       whiche  is     russet  couHer,   and  from 
ceur     dor,  esmaillé  de  uray  espérance ,  qui  est  couileur  grise ,  et  de  par 


ihe  good        lady       your  mother,     a      flour   of  forget  me  nat,  with  the 

ia  bonne  dame  uostre  mère ,  une  fleur  de  ne  moubiiez  mye ,   auec  la 

blessyng  of    God,    gyven    to  Jacob, 

bénédiction  de  Dieu  donnée  a  Jacob. 

What        blessyng  do  ye  speke  to  me  of. 

Mary.         Quelle  bénédiction  me  mectés  uous  en  termes. 

The  same  that  Abraham      gave     to   Isaak ,  and  Isaak   lo  Jacob,  and  Jacob  to    Judas, 
Le  mes.'        Celle   que   Abraham  donna  a  Isaak,  et  Isaak  a  Jacob,  et  Jacob  a  Judas, 

the  whiche  is  suche  that  ail  they  that  shall  blesse  you,  shalbe  blessed. 

laquelle  est  telle  que  tous  ceulx  qui  uous  benyront  seront  benyes. 

Blessed    be    God  and  blessed       be     the  Kyng  and  the  Quine  and    ail  créatures 

Ma.  Benoit  soit  Dieu  et  benoitz  soient  le  lloy  et  la  Royne  et  touttes  créatures 

of    good         wyll  :  now  tell  me  what  newes  bringe  ye  to  me. 

de  bonne  uouUenté  :  orsus  die  moy  quelles  nouuelies  maportés  uous. 

Trewly  ma  dame ,     I    do  know  none  other  thyng  ihal  I  may  say  openly , 

Le  mes.        Ueritabiement,  madame  ,  je  ne  scay  aultre  chose  que  puisse  dire  en  appert, 

but      that  the  Kyng     is  a  knyght. 
sinon  que  le  Roy  est  cheuailier. 

For  soth ,  or  in  my  God  :  ther  be  fayre      tidynges,       ye       may         go  whan 

Ma.  En        mon        Dieu,   vas  les  belles  nouuelies ,  uous  uous  poués     en  aller 

shall      please     you. 
quant  uous  playra. 

Wherfore        madame. 
Le  me.s.         Pourquoy  ,  madame. 

Because  that  ye  bave  done  your  arande. 

Ma.  Pource  que  fait    aués  uostre  message. 

I     pray     you     how     do  myne  uncle,  myne  ante,      my  lorde , 

Je  uous  prie  comment  se  porte,  se  portent  mon  oncle,  ma  tante,  monsieur, 

my    lady,  my  my 

madame,  maistre,  maistresse,  mon  cousin,  mes  cousins,  ma  cousine, 

neigh  bour,  my 

mes  cousines ,  mon  uoisin ,  mes  uoisins ,  ma  uoisine ,  mes  uoisines ,  mon 

God  father,  my  God  mother,  gospy , 

parin ,    ma    marine ,    mon  compère ,  ma  commère ,  maistre ,  maistresse , 


women ,  the  men  :       and  ail        my 

les  damoiseHes,.les  gentilz  femmes,  les  gentilz  hommes  :  et  tous  mes 
good  fryndes. 
bons  amis. 

He  or   she  they  an  hondred  times, 

Il  ou  elle  se  recommande ,  ilz  ou  elles  se  recommandent         cent      fois , 

a  thousand  times ,  to  your      good     grâce,  to   your     highnesse,  to   your      excel- 
mille  fois ,    a  uostre  bonne  grâce,  a  uostre  haultesse ,  a  uostre  excel- 

.    lency,   to   your      lordshyppe. 
lence,  a  uostre  seigneurie. 

I      am     glad,  thaï  he     do       well,      that  she  .that 

Je  suis  joieus,  je  suis  joieuse,  quil  se  porte  bien,  quelle  le  fait  bien,  quilz 

they  do 

le  font  bien,  quelles  se  portent  bien. 

Whan       shall  ye  retourne,       whan      prétende       you  or        purpose        ye       le 

Quant  retournerés  uous,  quant  prétendes  uous,  quant  proposés  nous  de 

returne         toward  ihe  court,    toward  the  Kyng ,  theQuene,  my 

retourner  deuers  la  court,  deuers  le  Roy,  deuers  la  Royne,  devers  mon- 

lorde  my  lady. 

sieur,  devers  madame,  etc. 

Certainly  to  morow  ,  after  to  morow,  within  this  two  dayes  ,     wilhin 

Certainement,  madame,  demain,  appres  demain,  dicy  a  deux  jours,  dicy  a 

vin     claies,    within      this     moneth  :  will  it  please  you    to   commande    me    any 
huit  jours,   dicy  a  ung  mois  :  uous  plaist  il  me  commander   aulcun 


I      you      pray  to     do       my  most    humble     recommendations     to  the  good      grâce 
Je  uous  prie  de  fayre  mes  très  humbles  recommandations  à  la  bonne  grâce 

.   of  the  Kyng  my    father,  and  the    good      lady     my    mother,  and  to  save  to  them 
du      Roy  mon  père,    a     la  bonne  dame  ma   mère,    et        leur      dire 

that  I  them  pray    aiwayes      of  their    blessynges. 
que  je  les  prie  tousjours  de  leurs  bénédictions. 



MOMCIOK     TO    THE     LADY     MARY,    BY     THE   LADY    OF    MAL 




I  you  hâve  herde  say 
Madame,  je  uous  ay  ouy  dire 

thaï     by  the  lowne  golhe  hère  say 
que  par  uille  ua  ouyr     dire 

wherfore        I     you    say,  and  for    Iroulh 
pourquoy  je  uous  dis,  et  pour  uray 

that   if    ye  ne  do     other      dever 
que  sy  ne  faictes  aultre  debvoir 

ye     shall    fynde  that  one  hath  missaide 
uous  trouuerés  quon     a     mesdict 

in  that  which  of    you  one  hath  saide 
en  ce  que  de  uous  on    a     dit 

that    you  dyd  speke  ryght  good  frenche 
que  uous  parliez     tresbon    François 

passed  allredy  more  than  six  monethes 
passes  desja  plus   de  six     mois 

wherfore,       for     the  love    that  I  you  owe 
pourquoy  pour  lamour  que  uous  doy 

and  that  to  you  hâve  gyve  my  fayth 
et  que  uous  ay  donné  ma  foy 

I     you     requyre  and    monishe 
je  uous  requier  et  admoneste 

as  she  whiche  is    redy 

comme  celle  qui  e§t  preste 

to      serve  you    and  worshyppe 
de  uous  seruir  et  honqrej" 

that  it  please  you  to  remember 
quil  uous  plaise  remémorer 


that  whiche  more   louche     your      lionour 
ce     qui     plus  touche  uostre  honeur 

for  if  it  dyd  please      our         iorde 
car    sil    plaisoit  nostre  seigneur 

that    you       might  ones  corne  le 
que  uous  peussiéz  ja  paruenir 

where  your    herl  hath  his  désire 
OU    uostre  cœur  a  son  désir 

without  knowyng  the  frenche  speche 
sans       sauoir     parler  François 

ye  shulde  be  forced  to  lake     by  élection 
il  uous  faudroie  prendre  par  chois 

a        faire    lady    and  mynyon 
une  belle  dame  et  mignonne 

for  to   assiste     your      persone 
pour  assister  uostre  personne 

and  also      for  to  interprète 
et  aussy  pour  interpréter 

that  whiche  it  shulde  please  you  to  déclare 
ce    qui!    uous    plairoit         déclarer 

to   your  husbande  and   lorde, 
a  uostre  mary      et  seigneur, 

were  he  either  kyng  or    emperour. 
fust    il    ou    roy  ou  empereur, 

whiche  might     be      occasyon 
qui  poulroit  estre  occasyon 

'o     Sy*^       y^        suspicion 
de  uous  donner  suspicion 

puttyng       you     in  jaiousye 
uous  mectant  en  jalousie 

wherfore   howe  be   it  that    I    am    nat 
pourquoy  combien  que  ne  soie  mye 

wise  yuough  nor  discrète 
asses  sage    ne  discrète 


for       of    you     to  be   secrète 
pour  de  uous  estre  secrète 

faithfulnes  nevertheles  bynde  me 
loiauJté  neantmoins  me  lie 

the  whiche     huœbly        supplye 
le  quel  humblement  suplie 

to  your-      hygh     excellency 
a  uostre  hauite  exellence 

to     do       dever     and  delygence 
de  faire  debuoir  et  diligence 

to      lern       of     ail      your      power 
daprendre  de  tout  uostre  pouoir 

to  the  ende  that  ye  may  can 
affin  que  uous  puisses  scauoir 

at  the  commyng  of     your    father 
a    la    uenue    de  uostre  père 

speke      frenche    in  sache      wyse 
parler  francois  de  telle  manière 

thaï   Jesu   be  therof  worshypped 
que  Jesu  en  soit      honoré 

and  the  noble  Kyng  contented 
et    le  noble  Roy  contenté 

and  that  it  tourne  you   to  honour 
et    quil  uous  tourne  a  honeur 

and  in   proffit   to  the    servant 
et     a  prouffit  au  seruiteur 

whiche  for   to  serve    your     grâce 
qui    pour  seruir  uostre  grâce 

nothyng  is   possyble   that  he  ne  do 
nest  rien  possible  quil  ne  face 

the  whiche  God  be  wyllyng  to  kepe 
laquelle  Dieu   ueulle  garder 

and  in  suche  wyse  to  enlumine 
et      tellement       enluminer 


that    you  may  hâve  at  the  later  ende 
que  uous  puisses   auoir   en   fin 

the  joy  that  last  without  ende. 
la  joie  qui  dure  sans     fin. 



God     save     you  good     life  and  honour      gyve     you     God. 

Dieu  uous  sauue,  madame,  bonne  uie  et  honneur  uous  doint  Dieu,  madame. 

Ye   be    welcome        my  frende,  my  lorde. 

Bien  soiez  uenu,  mon  amy,  mamie,  monsieur. 

The  empereur  your      cosin  recommande   to  your        good      grâce,   to      your 

Lempereur  uostre  cousin  se  recommande  a  uostre  bonne  grâce ,  a  uostre 

,    or  the  Kyng  niy     maistre    or     your    father  grete  you  weH. 

celsitude,  ou  majesté,  le  Roy  mon  maistre  ou  uostre  père  uous  salue. 

How  doth  his    good     grâce,  his   lordshyp.  ^ 

Comment  le  fait  sa  bonne  grâce,  sa  seigneurie. 

he    doth         as       the  prince   of  this  worlde,  thaï  most  desyre 
Certes,  madame,  il  se  porte  come  le  prince  de  ce  monde  qui  plus  désire 

your     welth,    your     honour,  and  for  the    maintenyng       of  the  whiche  he  wolde 
uostre  bien ,  uostre  honeur  et  pour  le  maintenement  du  quel  il  uouldroit 

bestow         body  and  richesse,  or    richesse, 
emploiér  corps  et    auoir,  ou  cheuance. 

I         thanke         him       hertely ,        for     I  do   holde   him   for   suche ,    and 
Certes  je  le  mercie  de  tresbon  cœur,  car  je     le     tiens    pour  tel,       et 

I  do  certifye  you  that  of  my    parte     I       wolde     do     lykewyse 

uous    certifye  que  de  ma  parte  je  uouldroie  fayre  le  pareil ,  le  semblable 

for     him.  Now  rise  up  I  shall  beholde  your  letters,  than   I   shall  gyve  you 

pour  luy.  Or  sus  levés  uous ,  je  regarderay  uos  lettres,  puis  je  uous  donerai 

an  answere. 

Le  mes. 


Le  mes. 



At   your    good  pleasure.  Wyll  it  please  to  your  grâce ,       your      higlinesse, 

A  uostre  bon  playsir,  madame.  Plaist  ii  a  uostre  grâce,  a  uostre  haultesse, 

to       comande      me  any   servyce  to  the  of    your      co.sin  the  Empereur, 

me  comandér  aulcun  seruice  a  la  majesté  de  uostre  cousin  iempereur, 

or  of  the  Kyng  my     maistre. 
OU  du    Roy  mon  maistre. 

I    praye    you       to     recomende  me  to  liis  majestie ,      as        she     that     Ls  glad 

Je  nous  prie  de  me  recomandér  a  sa  majesté,  corne  celle  qui  seroit  joieuse 

of    his  welth,  honour    and  prospérité.  Ând  forthewhiche   or      to  encrease 

de  son  bien,  honneur  et  prospérité.  Et  pour  laquelle  ou  lequel  encroistre 

I        wolde         do       my     power. 
je  uouldroie  faire  mon  pouoir. 

1  shall  fulfyll    your       commandement  with  the  helpe  of    God  ,     madame. 
Jacomplyray  uostre  commandement  a    laide     de  Dieu,  madame. 

I  pray  you  therof     my   frende  :  and       fare  well. 

Je  uous  en  prie,  mon  amy,    et  a  Dieu  soiez,  etc. 

A    PRESENT    SENDE    TO    THE    LADY    MABY. 

God      save     you      or    préserve  you  from  evyl  and  mishap 
Le  mes.         Dieu  UOUS  garde  ou       présente  de  mal     et  dencombrier,  ma  dame. 

Ye  be  righl  well     corne ,      my      genlylman. 

Mary.  Vous  soiéz  le  tresbien  uenu ,  mon  gentilhomme. 

My    lorde      of      Worcestre     and    my       lady     his       wyfe  recomende  them 

Le  mes.        Monsieur    de   Worcestre    et    ma    dame    sa    femme     se      recomandent 

humbly,  mekely,  to   your      good      grâce,  and   doth  send  you    this  lytell    présent 
humblement      a  uostre  bonne  grâce ,  et  uous  enuoient  ce  petit  présent 

of    suche  comodilies     tbal  it  hath  pleased  Our        Lorde     to  sende  them. 
de  telles  comodités    quil     a     pieu  Nostre  Seigneur  leur  envoiér. 

Forsolh  I  tiianke  them  hertely  :     it      is       nat  the  fyrst 

Ma.    -        En  bonne  uerité  je  les  mercye  de  bonne  amour  :  ce  nest  pas  la  première 

goodnesse.  and  courlesy       tbat  ihey  bave  donc  to  me  :        how  doth  he, 

bonté        et  courtoisie  quilz       mont       faicte  :    comment    se    porte  il , 

I    pray   you,    and       how       doth     the     good     lady     his     wyfe. 
je  UOUS  prie,  et  comment  le  fait  la  bonne  dame  sa  femme. 


Certaynly,  madame,         they  do,  or       tliey  fare       as       they     thaï    beii 

Certainement,  madame,  ilz  se  portent,  ou  Hz  le  font  corne  ceulz  qui  sont 

ail        yours. 
tous  uostres. 

Forsoth  I  am  glad  iherot,      for  he    is  a  noble  lorde, 

En  mon  Dieu,  jen  suis  bien  joieuse,  car  il  est  noble  personne,  seigneur, 

man  :         and  she    is    a  good  and    vertueuse     lady,  trewe, 

homme  :  et  elle  est  bonne  et  uertueuse  dame,  honeste,  preude,  gen- 

lady,  woman,  I     pray     you 

tille     dame,   damoisel,  femme  de  bien,  je  uous  prie  ou  requier  de 

to         thanke     her,  to      thanke      them,       and   to  them       say  that     I 

me    la     remercier,     de  me  les  regraciër,  et  leur  ou  luy  dictes  que  je 

shalbe  glade,  to     remembre     the  honour  ihat  he  they 

seray  joieuz,  joieuse  de  recognoistre  Ihoneur  quil  ou  quelle,  quilz  ou 

do  to  me  whan  oportunite  or  tyme  shalbe. 

quelles  me  fait  ou  font  quant  temps  oportun  ou  oportunite  en  sera. 

I  shall  cndever  me  with  ail  my  power  fo  "fulfyll        your       comandement,     madame. 
Je  menploiray  de  tout  mon  pouer  a  accomplir  uostrecommandement,  madame. 



Gyve     him         fifty       crownes. 
Dones  luy  cinquante  escus. 

It  shalbe  done,  madame. 

II  sera  fait,  madame. 


What  please  your     grâce. 

Que  plait  il  a  uostre  grâce. 

Go      and  brynge  this       gentiiman     to  the  seller  and  make   him   good      chère ,   and 
Allés  et  menés  ce  gentil  homme  au  celiér  et  luy  faictes  bonne  chière ,  et 

loke  that  he  lake  no  thinge. 

regardés  que  riens  ne  luy  faille. 


I  shall   fulfyll     your    pleasure,  madame. 
Lluis.  JaccompHray  uostre  plaisir,  madame. 




Hère  lyeth  the   frenche  ouerthrowen 
Cy    gist     le  francois  renuersé 

as  ye         se    and  cast  downe 

come  uous  uoiéz  et      abatii 

the  wliiche  is  more  than  a  yere  a  gone 
lequel    plus  dung  an  a  passé 

ihat  he  came  among  us; 
quauec  nous  sest  embatu; 

wold       to         God     that  lie  had  lyved 
pleust  ore  a  Dieu  (juil  eust  uescu 

reignyng    alwayes         as      ^e  was  wont 
régnant  tousjours  come   il   souHoit 

sith    that  no  man  he  wolde  none  vvell 
ueu  qua  nulluy  mal   ne  uouUoit 

Aias,     at  his         begynnyng 
Helas,  a  son  commencement 

he  was  so  right  well.accepted 
il  fust  sy  tresbien  accepté 

*  of  his  lady  and  of  her  people , 

de  sa  dame  et  de  sa  gent, 

but      at  the  ende  dere  it  hath  coste 
mais  en  la    fin  chiere  a   cousté 

for  he  halh  ben       slayne 
car  il   a   esté   assomme 

and  cast  downe  by  stronge  warre 
et    rues  jus  par  forte  guerre 

and  now  lyeth     deed  in  the  grounde 
et  maintenant  gist  mort  en  terre 


In  dyeng      made  his  complainte 

En  se  mourant  fist    sa  complainte 

against    thre       man       of  this  house 
contre  trois  hommes  de    céans 

wherof  one    of  them  hath  deceived  many 
0      dont  long  diceulz    a     diceu  maintes 

as  ben  customed    ail      phisiciens 
come    seulent  tous  phisiciens 

for  I  hâve  herde  say  to  the  ancien  tes 
car  jay    ouy  dire  aux    anciens 

that  with  our  péril  they     lerne , 
qua  nos  perilz  font  discipline , 

that  which  may  be  proved    by    Plyny. 
ce  qui  se  peult  prouuer  par  Pline. 

The  other  whiche  was  his      enemy 
Laultre    qm    fiist  son  ennemy 

is  called    maistre         amener, 
sapelle  monsieur  laumosnier, 

whiche  at  ihe  fyrst  to  him  was  lovyng 
qui  au  premier  luy  fust  amy 

cherisshyng  him     as     a  frynde  dere , 
le    festoiant     come  amy  chiér, 

but     at  the  ende  of  a     hert    of  steie 
mais  en  la    fin  dung  cœur  daciér 

him  renouncynge  put  him  in  oblivion , 
le    renonçant  mist        en  oubly, 

wherof    he    died    for    great  thought. 
dont  il  mourust  par  grant  soucy. 

The  thirde  that  best  him  dyd  mainten 
Le   tiers  qui  mieulz  le  maintenoit 

had  it  nat    ben    for      his    absence 
se  neust    este  pour  son  absence 



one  liim  dyd  naïue 
Jehan  ap  Morgan  on   le   nonmoit 

the  whiche  halh  hini  put  in  forgelyng, 
lequel  la  mis  en  non  chalance, 

for      howbeit    that   great  knowyng 
car  combien  que  grant  science 

V     to  him  mainteyn        he  had  nat, 
a    le  soubstenir  point  nauoit, 

by     him    nevertheles  over  al  he  dyde  lyve. 
par  luy  neantmoins  sur  tous  uiuoit. 

But      silh     that  il     issohapned, 
Mais  puis  quainsy  est  aduenu , 

it  must  be   Iake       pacienlly 
prendre  le  fault  paciamment 

prayeng  for    him  and  his  salvalion 
priant  pour  luy    et  son    salu 

sens    that  it  may  nat  be     otherwyse. 
ueu  questre  ne  peult  aultrement. 

that  it  please  lo  God      aimyghty 
quil   plaise  a  Dieu  omnipotent 

of  him  and   us    to  hâve  mercy 
de  luy  et  nous  auoir  mercy 

whan      by  ihe  delh  we  shalbe  passed. 
quant  par  la  mort  serons  transy. 





Tomylady,    my  lady      Mary      of  Englande,  doughter  of  the  most  cristen  Kyng, 
Madame,    madame  Marye  dEngleterre,     fille     du    roy      trescrestiien , 


my  mosl  redoubted      lady  and  maslresse,  grotyng  witli      renowne  immoiiall. 

ma  tresredoubtée    dame  et  maistresse,  salut  auec   renommée  immortelle. 
Consideryng      that     bere  before  I  bave  adverlysed  you ,  most 

Considérant  que  deuant  ores ,  ou  par  ce  deuant  uous    ay    aduerty ,  très 
illustre  and  rigbt  excellent       lady,       bow         we      bave    the  deth     before  us, 

illustre  et  très  excellente  dame,  coment  nous  auons  la  mort  deuant  nous, 
to  tbe  whicbe  by  the   wyll   of    God      we  haste  us    of      ail         our  strengtb 

a  la  quelle  par  le  uoulloir  diuin  nous  nous  basions  de  touttes  nos  forces 
to  come.      The  whicbe  in  my     memory       revolving        about         my  partyng , 

parvenir.  Ce  quen  ma  mémoire  reuoluant  enuiron  mon  parlement, 
nat  knowyng  if  I  sball  bave  grâce  to  retourne  in  your  servyce  or  no  : 
ignorant  se  jaray  grâce  de  retourner  en  uostre  seruyce  ou  non  : 
hâve  advised  me  of  herte  trewe  and  contrit  in  ail  mekenesse  to  requyie 
me  suis  aduisé  de  cœur  loyall  et  contrit  en  toutte  humilité  uous  requérir 
you  forgyvenes  and  pardon  of  tbe  rudenesse  tbat  I  y vel  manerd  bave  used  loward 
mercy  et  pardon  de  la  rudesse  que  (je  mal  morigére)  ay  usé  enuers 

your        byghnesse,  administryng  you   my  pore      and  unwortby     servyce, 

uostre   haultesse ,    uous   administrant    mon  poure    et    indigne    seruyce  , 

supplyeng  you  bumbly  tbat  specially  for       tbe  love     of  him  < 

uous   supliant    humblement    quespeciallement    pour    lamour    de   celluy 

pltase  you  to  pardone  me,  for  the  wbiche  willyng  to  serve,  I  bave  right  often  passed 
me  ueulles  pardoner,  pour  lequel  uoulloir  seruir  jay  souuent  transgressé 

the  markes  and  lymytes  of  reason,  having  coniidence  assuredly  that  the  syngular 
les  limites  et  bournes  de  raison ,  me  confiant  asseuréement  que  la  singulière 

mekenes      of    your     excellency ,       joined  with  the  fulfullyng  of     ail  olher 

bénignité  de  uostre  excellence  conjoincte  auec  le  comble  de  toutes  aultres 

grâces  shall  nat  rejecte  nor  refuse  this  my  lyltell  request ,  and  for  a  token 
grâces  ne   rejectera  ne  refusera  ceste  ma  petitte  requeste,  et  pour  signe 

of  tbe  graunt  of  tbe  same,  shal  please  you  benignely  to  rede  and  understande  this 
de     lotroy       dicelle      uous  plaira  benignement  lire     et    entendre  ceste 

rude  and  unwortby  letters,  the  whicbe  (as  I  bope)  shall  nat  do  you  lytell 
rude  et    indigne  lettres,  la  quelle  (come  jespoir)  ne  uous  sera  point  petit 

prijffit  with  tbat  tbat     by  this  meane  ye  shall  restore  and     excuse         myn 

de  proufïit  auec  ce  que  par  ce  moien  uous  suplérés  et  excuserés  mon 




absence,      prayeng    our        Lorde         thus   naost     hye,       most   illustre,   and  most 
absence ,  priant  nostre  Seigneur  a  tant  très  haulte ,  très  illustre ,   et   très 

excellente      lady  ,     to    gyve    you    rest     pleasant  and   slepe       délicat. 

excellente  dame ,  uous  donner  repos  plaisant  et  sompne  delicieuz.     Amen. 

Written     by     your    unwortliy    servant    tlie  nyght  that    he  toke  levé    of        your 
Escript  par  uostre  indigne  seruiteur  la  nuyt  que  prins  congie  de  uostre 




To  the  right   hygh ,     right  excellente  and  right  magnanyme   my  right      redouted 
A         très  haulte ,  très  excellente  et  très  magnanime  ma  très  redoubtée 

lady      my    lady      Mary    ofEnglande,     my  lady  and  mastresse,  grettyng  wilh  joye 
dame  ma  dame  Marye  dEngleterre,  madame  et  maistresse,  salut  auecjoye 

sans  fm. 

The    tribulations     of  this  worlde    most      grevons       and  most    intoUerable    •to 
Les  tribulations  de  ce  monde  plus  angoisseuses  et  plus  intollerables  a 

bere  and    suffre,      right  illustre  and    prosperous       lady,      ben     whan         a 

comporter  et  souffrir,  très  illustre  et  bien  heurée  dame,  sont  quant  une 

body  desiryng  to      salisfie     and  to  obtemperate  to  his  pleasur  and  affection     is  , 

persone  désirant  de  satisfaire  et    obtempérer   a  son  plaisir  et  affection  est 

conirained     by       strength     and  inforced    to  the  contrary ,    wherof    I    may   of    my 
contrainte  par  uiue  force  et  efforcée  au  contraire,  de  quoy  je  puis  de  ma 

part     bere     trew         wilnesse,        for  of  the  one  side   I     am  holde  and  bounde   aller 
part  porter  uray  tiesmoygnage,  car  dung  costeje  suis  tenu  et  obligé  selon 

Ihe  lawe  divyne  to  entertaine  my      wyfe    and  espouse,     nat         onely      of  the  lytell 
la    loy  diuine  dentretenir  ma  femme  et  espouse,  non  seuUement  des  petis 

goodes  temporals   ihat  it  hath  pleased  to    God    to  sende  me,    but      also      of        my 
biens  temporélz  qui!    a        pieu    a  Dieu  menuoyér,  mais  aussy  de  mon 


owne       body      in      ail      her  necessities  and  busenes ,  to  ayde   and  lene  unlo  :  wilh 
corps  mesme  en  toutes  ses  négoces  et  affaires ,  suffultér  et   assister  :  auec 

that  that  of  the  other  part    your      excellency ,  to  the  whiche  I    ani  bounde  by    nature 
ce  que    daultre   part  uostre  excellence ,  a  laquelle  je  suis  obligé  par  nature 

and  by      othe ,      doth   styre       and  move  me    continually    to  desyre  the  of 

et  par  serment  me  instique  et  esmeult  incessament  désirer  la  fruicion  de 

your        présence      for     the  more  and  more  to  consider  and  beholde     the         indi- 
uostre  présence  pour  de  plus  en  plus  ruminer    et  spéculer  les    incon- 

cible  vertues ,  of  the  whiche      our        Lorde      of  his  grâce      infinit        hath 

prehensibles  uertus ,   desquelles  nostre  Seigneur  de  sa  grâce  inmense  nous 

you  above  ail         other      ladyes    of  this  worlde,      as     ihe     sone  above 

a  pardessus  touttes  aultres  dames  de  ce  monde,  come  le  soleill  par  dessus 

ail  the   slerres      of  Heven  made  to  shine  and   glistre  :  but     sens  that  none 

touttes  les  estoilles  du  ciel      fait  luire      et  resplendir  :  mais  ueu  que   nul 

may  to      the  Créateur      salisfy     without  kepyng  the  faith  promised ,  I  bave  suche 
ne  peult  au  Créateur  satisfayre  sans    garder  la    foy   promise,  jay  tel 

hope     and       trust  in     your      hygh  that  this  mekely 

espoir  et  confidence  en  uostre  haulte  circonspeccion ,  que  ce  bénignement 

considred,      shall  holde  me  in    myne     absence       for      excused  :       cerlifyeng   you 
consydéré,  me   tiendra   en   mon  absence    pour   excusé  :  nous  certifiant 

Irewly  that   it  were  nat  for  to  pray  and  requyre       our       lady     of     Ma- 

ueritablement  que  se  ne  fust  pour  prier  et  requérir  nostre  dame  de  Ma- 

theley    that     it     please  her  to  sende   you  or  to   gyve  to  fare  well  again  and  helth 
theley  qui  luy  plaise    uous  donér  conualescence  et  santé 

to  recover,    wilh     longe       youth     and         âge  of  Nestor,  I  had    lefle        my 

recouvrer,  auec  longue  jeunesse  et  uiellesse  Nestorienne,  jeusse  laissé  mon 

hert       ail  togyder    with     you,      as  in  the  place  of  this  worlde ,  where  lieth  ail 

cœur  totallement  auec  uous,  come  ou  lieu  de  ce  monde  ou  gisent  touttes 

bis  thoughles  and    affections    most   desired,   praieng  the  swete      Jesu       thus,moste 
ses  pensées    et  affections  plus  desiréez,  priant  le  doulz  Jhesus  a  tant,  très 

hygh ,      most  illustre  and  most  excellente     lady    Mary ,  to  gyve  you  the  hole  fulfillyng 
haulte,  très  illustre  et  très  excellente  dame  Mary,  uous      donér        lentiér 

of  your   nobles   désirs. 

de  uos  nobles  désirs.     Amen. 



How  ye         shew  well     that  ye  hâve     greal    cure  and   care      to 

Mary.  Comment,  Giies,  uous  montrés  bien       quaués       grant  cm-e  et  seing  de 

teche      me      when   ye  do  you      absente      se     from    me. 
maprendre  quant  uous  uous  absentés  ainsy  de  moy. 

Trewly  me      thiuke     ihal  I  am       continually         hère. 

Gyles.  Certes,  madame,  il  me  semble  que  suis  continuellement  icy. 

Ye,       and  where  were      ye    yester  daj  at  soupper ,  I  praye  you. 
Ma.  Uoire,  et    ou    estiés  uous     hier     a  soupper,  je  uous  prie. 

Trewiy  ye     liave  reason,    for   I  forgate  myselfe  yester    night, 

Gyl|».  Ueritablement,  madame,  uous aues  raison,  car  je    mentroubliay         ersoir 

bycause   of    company     and  of 
a  cause  de  compagnie  et  de  comiimnication.  ' 

I     pray     you,   faire   sir,     inake       us  parlener        of    your 

Mar.  Je  uous  prie ,  beau  sire ,  faictes  nous  parconniere  de  vostre  communication , 

for  I  suppose    that     it  was   of      some      good   purpos. 
car  jestime  quelle  estoit  de  quelque  bon  purpos. 

Trewly  it     was     of  the  peas ,  the  whiche  (  as  they  sayde)     is     proclamed 

Gyl.  Certes,  madame,  elle  estoit  delà  paix,  laquelle  (comeondisoit)  est  proclamée 

by      ail    this  reaime. 
par  tout  ce  royaume. 

Of     whal       maner,       I  praye    you,  and  of    what  lastyng. 
Mar.  De  quelle  manière,  je  uous  prie,  et  de  quelle  durée. 

Of  the  lastyng  shall  God  answere    you ,  but     of  the   forme  and      maner 

Gyl.  De  la  durée  uous  respondera  Dieu,  madame: mais  de  la  forme  et  manière 

can  I  shew  and  report ,  the  whiche  is  cried  as  wel  in  this  reaime  of  En- 
uous  scay  je  bien  rapporter,  laquelle  est  criée  tant  en  ce  royaume  dEn- 
gland  as        of  France,    so  longe   as   the   noble  Kyng  your    father 

gleterre  come  de  France,  et  tant  que  le  noble  roy  Henry  uostre  père 
(whiche  God       préserve)  shall  lyve  and  the  frenche  Kynge    lykewyse         with 

(que     Dieu  ueulle  garder)  uiura     et  le  roy  François  pareillement  auec 

the  addicion  of  a   day. 
laddicion  dung  jour. 


Must       that        day         be       anexed  to  il  and  comprehended. 
Fault  il  que  ce  jour  y  soit  anexé  et    compris. 

Ye      verily 

Ouy  certes,  madame. 

Wherfore         me  thynke        thaï  il  is  but 

Pourquoy  il  me  semble  que  ce  nest  que  superfluité. 

Nat  so,       save      your  for  ihe  addicion  of  a    day  yelde  the  lyme     infinil, 

Non  est,  sauue  vostre  grâce,  car  laddiction  dung  jour  rent  le  terme  infiny, 

for  the  laslyng  of  the  worlde     is      but   a  day. 
car  la  durée     du  monde  nest  qung  jour. 

I  wolde  fayne    understande     how         that    may      be,      how    be   it   I  love      belter 
Jentenderoie  uoullentiér  cornent  cela  peultestre,  toutesuoiesjayme  mieulx 

that     for    this  lyme       you  do  déclare  unto  me  what    is     of     peas. 
que  pour  le  présent  uous    me    déclarés     que  cest  que  paix. 

Well  I  shall  kepe  to  you  the  exposicion  of  that  day      for      whan  1  shall 

Bien,  madame,  je  uous  garderay  lexposicion  de  ce  jour  poiu-  quant  uous 

teche     you     ihe  spere  the  whiche  parleine  and  serve  to  that  purpos,  and  touchyng 
apprendray  lespére  laquelle       duit     et    sert  a  ce  propos ,  et  touchant 

the  peas,   howbeit     that,   after  the   holy       lectres,     it     excède  and      surmonte 
la  paix,  combien  que,  selon  la  saincte  lectre,  elle  excède  et  sourmonte 

ail     the  wyttes,   I  shall  recite  you   neverlheiesse  that  that  of  it  saint 

tous  les  sens,  je  uous  reciteray  nonobstant  ce  que  dict  monsieur  saint 

Austin  saytli ,  spekyng  of  the  worde  of    God ,    in  his  nynty     and    seven      omelye , 
Augustin     parlant  de  la  pacoUe  de  Dieu ,  en  sa  nouante  septiesme  homélie, 

howbeit      that  it  shulde  be  necessary  lo  make    you   understande  first 

combien  quil  seroie  nécessaire  uous  donnera  entendre  premièrement 

how  many  kyndes    or    maner      of    warres    ben. 
quantes  espèces  ou  manière  de  guerres  sont. 

How  is  there  more  than  one  maner. 

Cornent,  en  est  il  plus  dune  manière. 

there  is  warre  betwene    reame     and    reame,    belwene  town  and 
Certes,  madame,  ii  y  a  guerre  entre  royaume  et  royaume,  entre  uiile   et 

towne,  belwene  parishe  and  parishe,  belwene  linages,  betwene  neygbours ,  betwene 
uille,    entre  paroisse  et  paroisse,  entre  lignages,  entre    uoisins,       entre 


the  man  and  the    wyfe,     and  belwene  the  body  and  ihe  soûle,  the  whiche  is  ihe 
ihome    et   la  femme,  et    entre     le  corps  et    lame,      laquelle     est  la 

worste,  and  more  dangerous    oftheothers,      but      touchyng       the  peas,     saint 
pire ,      et  plus  dangereuse  des  aultres ,  mais  quant  est  de  la  paix ,  saint 

Austin,       in  the  place  above     alleged,     sayth  that    it  is  clennesse    of    thought, 
Augustin,  ou   lieu   dessus  allégué,  dict  que  cest  sérénité  de   pensée, 

peas  of    corage,       simplenesse  of  hert,    bonde  of  love,      feliship         of 

tranquilité   de  courage,  simplesse  de  cœur,  lien  damour,  compagne  de 

charité,  breker  ofstrife,       pacifier        of  molifiyng         of 

chary té ,  destruiseresse  destrif ,  apaiseresse  de  batailles ,  moHifîeresse  de 

angre,  vainquisshyng    proude    men,  love       of  humilité,  asswagyng 

couroux,  uainqueresse  des  orguilleus,   amour  dhumilité,   en   mitigant 

discorde ,        and    agreyng       ennerays ,    nat      sekyng      but  bis ,    that    can     nat 
les  discordz  et  concordant  ennemis ,  non  cerchant  laultruy ,  non  scachant 

hâte ,    callyng     nothyng      his ,      that  can    nat    exalte      him     nor     be     proude  ^ 
hair,  rien  ne  reputant  sien,  non  scauant  soy  exaultér  ne  enorgueillir, 

techyng     to     love ,    pleasante  to  every   body ,   be   that  had  it  let  him   kepe  it , 
ensegnant  aimer,  plaisante  a    chescun ,    quil   la    tient    sy    la     garde , 

he  that  lèse  it  let  him  seke  it,  for  he  that  in  it  shall  nat  be  founde,    God   the  father 
qui  la  pert  sy  la  cerche ,  car  qui  en  elle  trouué  ne  sera ,  Dieu  le  père 

him  shal  pluck  out  of  bis  roote,  and  ihe  Sonne  him  shal  disenherite,  and  of  the  Holy 
le  disracinera,  et    le   Filz     le    deshéritera,     et  du   Saint 

Goost   shalbe    unknowen  ,   wherof  the  same  be  willyng  us   to  défende  and 

Esprit  sera  descongneu,  dont     icelle  Trinité  nous   ueuUe   deffendre  et 


In      my      God     it  is  a  great  thyng  of  peas;     I    requyre  the   swele      Jhesus 

Ma.  En  mon  Dieu,  cest  grand  chose  que  de  paix;  je  requiér  le  doulz  Jhesus 

to      mainteyne      it      to      us. 
la  nostre  uouUoir  maintenir. 




To  you,   most  soverayn,  y 

«  Auous,  tressouueraine  maistresse, 

I  sende  thèse   vers,     wyllyng   to  signifie 
jenvoy  ces  uerse ,  uoullant  sinifiér 

my    great      dolour    and  that  more  me  oppresse 
ma  grand  douiieur  et  que  plus  mopresse 

ihat   I    may    nat  you  serve  and       teche 
ne  uous  pouoir    seruir    et  enseygnér 

than  for  to  suffre  sekenesse  and  danger 
que  de  souSrir  maladie  et  dangiér 

wherfore ,    if  it  please  so  moche  do  to  your     grâce 
pourquoy,  sil  plaist  tant    faire  a  uostre  grâce 

them  for  to   rede      some      lyllell      space 
les  uouUoir  lire  quelque  petitte  espace 

my        hope     is    that    better       therof  ye  shalbe 
mon  espoir  est  que  mieulz  uous  en  vauldrés 

and  by  that  point    abc  shall  excuse  me. 
et  par  ce  point  aussi  mescuserés. 

Me  thinkelh       that  other  than  you    ought  nat 

II  me  semble  quauitre  que  uous  ne  doibt 

to   be  judge  of   my  greuous  payne 
estre  juge  de  ma  griéfue  payne 

bycause     also   that  other    myght  nat 
pource  aussy  quauitre  ne  pouroit 

nat         knowyng    the  whiche  lede       me 

non  congnoisant  la  cause   qui   me  maine 

but         as     for  you ,  1  know  that  ye       be 
mais  quant  a  uous,  say  questes  certaine 

ofthegood      wyll       and  great 

du    bon  uouUoir   et  grande  affection 


1042     •  AN  INTRODUCTORIE 

that  I  hâve  lo  serve,  and  the 

quay    de   seruir,    et     la  déuocion 

to  fulfyU       of    hert   and  of   power 

pour  accomplir  de  cœur  et  de  pouoir 

ail     ihat  whiche  please  lo  the  noble  kynge  to  wyll. 
tout  ce    quii    plaist    au   noble  roy  uouUoir. 

Amonge  the  monethes  which  fulfyH    the  yere 

Entre    les    mois      qui  accomplissent  lan 

two     there  ben       specially 
deux  en  y  a  espéciallement 

whiciie  hâve  done  me  y  vell ,   great  sorowe  and  harme 
qui         mont  fait  deul ,  grant  ennuy  et  ahan 

it  may    nat  be   that    I  say      otherwyse 
estre  ne  peult  que  je  die  aultrement 

often        1  hâve  sene  iheyr    maner    and       how 
souvent    ay  ueu  leur  manière  et  comment 

they  me  hâve  entreated ,  without  any  deservyng 
ilz     mont     traicte ,     sans  lauoir  deseruy 

bycause      they    ben    of    courage  bounded 
pour  ce  quilz  sont  de  co\irage  asseruy 

never        lovyng  the    workes  of  the  springe  of  the  yere 
naimant  jamais  les  œuures        de  printemps 

rather  without  cesse  than  doth  yvell  at      ail     tymes. 
ains     sans  cesser  leur  font  mal  en  tous  temps. 

The  principall  of  the  whiche  more  I  me  compiayne 
Le  principal     duquel      plus  je  me     plains 

in    his    blason  him  doth       name 

en  son  fait  nommer  Décembre 

by    him  I  hâve  made  weppyng  and  syghes     many 
par  luy  ay-         fait  pleiu-s     et  soupirs  mains 

never     shall      it     be      but     I     shall 
ja  ne  sera  que  ne  men  remembre 


lie    and  '    me  hâve  ravyshed  a 

luy  et  Januiér  mont    toliu  ung  membre 

whiche  me  shall  make  thaï  so  longe  as   I  shall  lyve 
qui        me        fera  que     tant    que  je  uiuray 

in    greal       sorow     fromhensforth  shall  go 
en  grant  douileur  doresnauant     iray 

wherfore        I  drede    ihat'  in  great     melancoly 
pourquoy  je  crains  quen  grant  merencolie 

al  the  lalter  ende  shall  behove  that  therof  I    lose    my    iyfe. 
en  fin     fauldra         que     jen  perde  la  uie. 

If     il      hap     nat   thaï   ihe  springe 

Sansy  naduient,  que  printempz  gracieuz 

to  his  commyng  ihe  whiche  is         nygh  ' 

a  sa    uenue     laquelle  est  prouchaine 

beholdyng    me  and   seyng   so    pitious 
me  regardant  et  uoiant  sy  piteuz 

to    heale    me,  put    him    nat    in    paine 
de  me  guérir  ne  se  mecte  en  paine 

for  trewly,       1  know  well  Ihal  he  love  me 

car  pour  certain,  bien  je  scay  quil  mayme 

by    him      firsl       in  ihis  worlde  was  I  put 
par  luy  primiér  en  ce  monde  fus  mys 

with  thaï      always     he  halh  him    indever 
auec  ce  tousjours        sest       entermys 

duryng     his    tyme,  to  do  me  somme  good 
son  temps  durant,  de  me  faire  du  bien 

wherof  from  ever   I  shall  yeide  me     for      bis. 
dont  a  jamais  je  me  tiendray  pour  sien. 

Whiche  I  requyre    that  il      may       hap 
Ce  que  requiér  ainsy  puist  aduenir 

lo  ihe  ende  that  to  God   I  may  crie      mercy 
affin  qua  Dieu  puisse  crier  mercy 


of     my    synnes ,  and  to  go  and  conoe 
de  mes  pechéz,  et  aller  et  uenir 

in     servyng     you,    for    to  satisfie    aiso 
en  uous  seruant,  pour  satisfaire  aussy 

fo  your  good  dedes ,  that  do  enlreale  me    so 
a  uos  biens  faitz ,  qui  me  traictéz  ainsy 

wherfore   next     Good,     I   am   more  bounde 
dont     appres  Dieu,  je  suis  plus  obligez 

10    your    grâce,    ihan   to  any  under       heven 
a  uostre  grâce,  qua  nul  dessoubz  les  cielz 

wherfore     in  the  meane  tyme  that  I  shalbe  in  ihis  worlde 
pourquoy  tandis  que  seray  en  ce  monde 

I  shall  him  requyre    to  kepe  you     pure  and   clene. 
luy  requerray     uous  garder  pure    et  monde. 



Ah,      maister         Amener,         I      had       nat    wened  that     ye  had     so     forgotten 
Mary.  Ha,  monsieur  lAumosnier,  je  neusse  pas  cuidé  que  meussés ainsy       mise 

en  oubly. 

Howe,         madame. 
Laum.  Cornent,  madame. 

Bicause    that    ye  well  knowe  that   I       solytarle    and  of      ail         company         des- 
Ma.  Pource  que  bien    scaués    que  moy  solitaire    et  de  toutte  compagnie  des- 

tytute,      ye       hâve     me  forsaken  and     lefte. 
tituée,  uous  maués  relenquie    et    laissée. 

God  forbede,     madame ,  that  it  be      as       ye       say,      for  it  b     nat    to      you 

Lau.  Ja  Dieu  ne  ueuUe,  madame,  que  soit  come  uous  dictes,  car  il  ne  uous  est  point 

unknowen       that     I    must       nede    be  wilh  your  counsayle,  leavyng  to  them  of 
incongneu  quii  ne    me  faulle  estre  auec  uostre  conseil,  les  assistant  de 
my       power. 
mon  pouoir. 


I  had     wened  neverthelesse  ihat     for  the  regarde   of     me   and  of    your        profyte, 
Jeusse  cuide  toutesfois  que  pour  le  regard  de  moy  et  de  uostre  prouffit, 

ye    had       inade      you    dispensed. 

uous  uous  eusses  fait  dispenser. 

Trewly,  madame ,  there  is  nothyng  in   my     power    ihat  I   ne    dyd      for   the  honour 
Certes,  madame,  il  nest  chose  en  mon  pouoir  que  je  ne  feisse  pour  Ihonneur 

of    you,    how  be  it     thaï  I  do  nat  undersiande  well   what    thyng     ye  do  ihynke, 
de  UOUS,  combien  que  je  nentens  pas  bien  quelle   chose    uous   pensés 

spekynge  of  dispence  and   of    profyte. 
parlant  de  dispense  et  de  prouffit. 

I  undersiande  by  the  dispence,   that     ye     myght  excuse  you  from  ihe  counsayle     for 
Jentens       par  la  dispense,  que  uous  uous  pouiéz  escusér  du  conseil  pour 

a  tyme,    and    touchyng  the  profyte,      ye      knowe    that  whan    I  dyd  prayse 

ung  temps,   et  touchant  le  prouffit,  uous  scaués  que  quand  je   prisoie 

your        frenche,       ye    dyd  warant  me  that  whithin     a    yere  I  shulde  speke        as 
uostre  francois,  uous   masseuriez   que  dedans  ung  an  le  parleroye  aussy 

good    or     better  ihan     you,     wherfore         by    suche    condycion       that  so 

bon   ou    meilleur   que   uous,   pourquoy  par  telle   condicion    quainsy 

myght     be ,     trusting      more   of  the  power  of  the  Kyng  my  falher,  and  of  the  good 
peult  estre ,  me  confiant  plus  du  pouoir  du  Roy  mon  père ,  et  la  bonne 

iady     my  mother  than  of  myn  owne,   dyd    promis  you  a  good     benefyce,         for 
dame  ma   mère  que  du   mien,  uous  promis  ung  bon     bénéfice,  pour 

the  impetration  of  the  whiche  me  thynkelh  that  ye  ought  to  do  some         dylygence. 
lympetracion  duquel  il  me  semble  que  deueriez  faire  quelque  diligence. 

Trewly,  madame,   that   whiche   me   moved  so       to    assure  you  was  especially 

Certes ,  madame ,  ce  que  me  meult  a  uous  ainsy  asseurér  fut  especiallement 

by  cause  of    your     synguler     undentandyng,  for  tlie  whiche     ye      ought      weJi 
a  cause  de  uostre  singulier  entendement,  pour  lequel  uous  debuézbien 

to    thanke    God ,     and  for   that   also    that   after  the  phylosopher,  the  soûle  of  the 
Dieu  remercier,  et  pour  ce  aussy  que  selon  le  philosophe,   lame  de   la 

person        is         as     the    table  planed,  or      as      the    perspectif      or  glasse 

person€  est  come  la  table  rasée,  ou  corne  le  perspectif   ou   mirouer 

in  the  whiche  the  kindnes    and    symilitudes     of      ihynges     ben  shewed , 

ouquel         les   espèces  et  similitudes   des  choses    sont  représentées, 


spiritually         duryng  the     tyme    that  the  sayd     glasse      or     table       is  nat 

signanment  durant   le   temps  que   le  dict  mirouer  ou  table  nest  point 

infected,  deturpat,     normade  foule    by    synne,     wherfore         conlemplyng 

contaminée,  deturpée,  ne  maculée    par  péché,  pourquoy  contemplant 

the  same  similitude  to  bave  confirmite  and       agreyng,     to  your     grâce,       migbt 
icelle  similitude  auoir  conformité  et  conuenience  a  uostre  grâce,  ne  peuz 

nat      say  that  that    I  sayd. 
non  dire  ce  que  je  diz. 

In      good     fay     I    thanke      our         Lorde      and  shall  thanke         duryng     my  lyfe 
Ma.  En  bonne  foy  je  mercye  nostre  Seigneur  et     merciray       tant  que  uiuray 

of       ail       the  that     it     hath  pleased    to  him  to  gyve  me,    howbeit    that 

de  touttes  les  grâces  qui  luy     a     pieu  me  donner,     combien  que 

of    suche     wherof    ye      me  praise     I     bave  no         knowlege,  but 

de  telles  dont   uous  me  louez   nay  je  point  de    congnoissance ,    mais 

ail  suche      worde.s  set         asyde,     I  shall  nat  be  nevertheless  of 

toutes  telles  parabolies  arrière   mises,  je  ne  seray  touttes  uoiez  ja  de 

•  you       content     without    mende. 
uous  contente    sans  amende. 

Without  faute ,         ma  dame,  the  mende  shalbe  made  at  your         jugement,        for 
Lan.  Infailliblement,  ma  dame,  lamende     sera  faicte  a  uostre  arbitrement ,  car 

I     bave    me    exyled     and  banyshed  from       ail        lybertie     for      the  love       of 
je   me  suis  exillé     et     banny     de     toutte  liberté  pour   lamour     de 

your       service,     wherfore     nothynge  to  me  shalbe  possyble,  that  havyng      your 
uostre  service,  pourquoy  rien   ne  me    sera  possible,  que  aiant  uostre 

I  do  nat  fulfyll     to     my     power. 
comandement,   je  nacomplisse  a  mon  pouoir. 

Trewly,     I  thanke      you,        mayster         Amener,         certifyeng  you  surely 

Mar.  Certes,  je  uous  mercye  ,  monsieur  lAumosnier,  uous  asseurant  tresacertes 

that  suche    is    my    trust     in    you. 
que  telle  est  ma  fiance  en  uous, 

Trewly,  madame,       ye  may  therof  well       be     assured, 

Lau.  Pour  certayn,  madame,  uous  en  pouéz  bien  estre  asseurée. 

Now  than  I  comande     you         that  ye  visite  me    as     often  as 

Mar.  Or  bien  doncques  je  uous   comande  que  me  uisités  le  plus  souuent  que 


goodiy  and  convenienlly  may       .  do ,        and       specially  at     dinner, 

bonnement    et    licitement   faire  pouirés,   et  especiallement  a  disnér, 

to  the  ende    to  lalke  and       lo      speke      with     me. 

affin  (le  confabulér  et  comunicquér  auec  moy. 

Il  shalbe  done ,  madame  ,    if  it  please    God. 

Il   sera  fait,  madame,  se   Dieu  plaist.  • 

Se  ihan         that  ihere  hâve  no  faute. 

Uoiéz  doncques  quil  ny  ait  point  de  fauite. 

Nomore    shall  hâve. 

Non  ara     il,  madame. 





SOLITARY,    BY     CAUSE     OF    THE    DETH, 



Amour.  •  Of  love. 

In      good    faith,  my    husband,  I  can  nat    me  mervaile  ynough,       how      I     hâve 
En  bonne  foy,  mon  mary,  je  ne  me  puis    asses     esbahir  cornent  je    nay 

no  more   comfort    of    you,     for  in  ihat  Ihat  I    may      se,        ye      lake         greal 
plus  de  confort  de  vous,  car  en  ce  que  je  puis  veoir,  vous  vous  souciez 

care    of     your      goule     ihe  whiche  one  hath  tolde  me  that     ye     hâve,  than  ye 
plus  de  vostre  goûte   (la  quelle  on        ma   dit    que  vous  avés)  que  ne 

do  of     your       wyfe. 

faictes  de  vostre  femme. 

Cerlainly,  ma   dame ,    your     grâce  hath  sayd  trulhe ,    howbeit     that  it     is     agaynst 
Certes,    ma  dame,  vostre  grâce   a     dit  uerité,  combien  que  ce  soit  contre 

my        wyii       and    by     force, 
ma  vouUenté  et  par  force. 


In       my      God     wilh  great    payne   may    1     beleve   that  the  goûte  myght  withholde 
Ma.  En  mon  Dieu,    a   grant  paine  puis  je  croire  que  la  goûte  peult    retenir 

a        good   husbande  havyng       some  love     to  his     wyfe,  speciallv 

ung  bon      mary     aiant     quelque  amour  a   sa  femme,  especiallement 

beyng    so  nygh  ofher,     but  he  shulde     more         offener    lo  visyte  her. 
estant  sy  près  dellje,  qui  ne  la  uinst  plus        souuent     uisyter. 

Without  faulte      it  is  an  barde  thyng  and  dyffuce     to  go  to  hym  that  halh  neither 
Le  tre.         Infailliblement  cest   chose  ardue     et  difficiile  daller    a        qui  na  ne 

foie      nor     legges,      nevertheles  as  your     grâce  halh  sayd,        love 

piedz  ne  jambes,  nonobstant  que  comme  uostre  grâce    a     dit,    amour 

dolhe  moche.  > 

fait    moidt. 

1       pray    you ,    good   syr,    to    déclare     me      what   it  is    of         love.        For        ye 
Ma.  Je  uous  prie ,  beau  sire ,     déclarés  moy  que  cest  que  damour.  Car  uous 

be  a    doctour  and  well    ietired ,  with  that  that   a     good  husbande  ought     to     te- 
estes  docteur  et  bien  lettres ,  avec  ce  que  ung  bon    mary     doibt  endoc- 

che       his      wyfe,        wherfore       I  ^pray  you       to     do         your      devour  to 

triner  sa  femme,  pourquoy  je  uous  prie  de  faire  [uostre]  debuoir  den- 

teche  yours. 

doctriner  la  uostre. 

Infallibly,  madame,  the   mater      is       lo  hyghe         for      my  symplenesse,      but 

Le  tre.         Sans  faulte ,  madame ,  la  matière  est  trop  haulte  pour  ma  simpiesse ,  mais , 

for       nat  be  wyHyng  to  disobey  you,  wilh   my     power    I  shall  shewe  you  of  it 
pour  non  uous  uouUoir  desobair      a    mon  pouoir    je    uous    en    diray 

willyngly       that     I  therof  can. 
uolentier  ce  que   jen  scay. 

I  requyre  you  therof ,    my  good  husbande,  for      I  knowe  you     suche  thaï  ye     cannât 
Ma.  Jevousenrequier,  monbon     mary,    car  je  vous  congnis  tel  que  ne  scariez 

say  y  well. 
mal  dire. 

Now  than  silh     that  il  please  you  so ,       trewitis      that    I     fynde     thre 

Le  tre.         Or  SUS  doncques,  puis  quainsy  vous  agrée,  il  est  vray  que  je  treuue  trois 

maners        of  love ,   that  is  to     say  and  the 

manières  damour,  cest   a  scavoir  fdialle ,  malrimonialle ,  et  animaile  :  a 


is  that  same  whicli  the  fatlier  and  the  mollier  hâve  to  tbeir  chylde,  ihe 
filialie  est      celle  que        le    père    et     la    mère    ont    a  leur  enfant,  la- 

whiche    is       nat  nor    easy    to     your      grâce    to  understande,  nnlo 

quelle  nest  pas  facile  ne  aysée  a  uostre  grâce     dentendre,     jusques  a 

that  that  he  picase  God  (hatye  understande  il  by  experiens,  for  the  childe 
ce    quil    plaise  a  Dieu  que    lentendes    par  expérience ,  car  ienfant  ne 

know  never     the  love  that  the  father  and  mother  hâve  toward  bim ,         _  unto 

cognoist  jamais  lamour  que   le  père   et   mère  ont  vers    luy,  jusques  à 

the  tymelhathebemadefalher  or  moiber,  bycause  that  suche  love  is  nat  re- 
ce    quil    soit    fait    père  ou  mère,  pour    ce  que  telle  amour  nest  pas  re- 

ciprocque  or  retorning,  but  ralber  comyng  from  God  to  tlie  firsle  father  or  pro- 
ciproqiie,  ains    uenant        de  Dieu  au  premier  péreoupro- 

thoplauste  it  goeth  and  retourne  to  God  from  father  to  the  sonne.  The  seconde 
thoplauste  sen  va    et    retourne  à  Dieu    de    père    en   fdz.    La  seconde 

love  is  calied  malrimoniall  the  wbicbe  is  of  mervellouse  strength  and 
amour  est  dicte  matrimonialle ,  la  quelle  est  de  merveilleuse  énergie    et 

vertu,  specially  whan    the    mariages   ben    made  after   the  ordynance    of 

vertu,  especialiement  quant  les  mariages  sont  faitz  selon  lordonance  de 

God,  that  is  to  say,  by  true  love  and,  if  it  were  nat  to  eschewe  pro- 
Dieu,  cest  a  dire  par  uray  amour,  et,  si  ce  nestoit  pour  non  estre  pro- 
lixité, I  myght  recite  you  of  many  women  whiche  ben  deed 
lix,    je  vous  poulroie  réciter  de  pluisieurs  femmes     qui    sont  mortes 

and  perished  for    the  love  of  theirhusbandes,  and    many  men  Ivl^e- 

et    perie    pour  lamour  de  leur    maris,    et  pluisieurs  hommes  semblable- 

wyse  for  the  love  of  tbeir  wyves.  And  touchyng  to  the  thirde ,  that  is  sayde 
ment  pour  lamour  de  leur  femmes.  Et    quant    a  la  tierce  qui  est  dicte 

animalle,  she  is  without  conparacion  stronger  than  the  others,  bycause 
animalie,  elle  est   sans    comparacion  plus  forte  que  les  aultres,  pour  ce 

it  is  the  love  that  the  soûle  hath  to  his  body  the  whiche  is  so  great  that 
que  cest  lamour  que    lame  a        a  son  corps,  laquelle  est  sy  grande  que 

nothyng  is  so  moche  loved  in  this  worlde,  that  the  man  ne  renounce  and  re- 
riens nest  tant  aymé  en  ce  monde  que  Ihomme  ne  renounce  et  re- 
fuse, flrst  that  he  suffre  his  soûle  to  départe  from  his  body,  nornothing 
fuse,  premier  quil  soud're  son  ame  départir  de  son  corps,  ne  riens 
♦  l32 


is        so      lerrible       painfull   nor     dangerons,    ihat     tlie  man    ne   shulde  stifTre, 
nest  sy  terryble ,    pénible  ne  dangereus,  que   Ihomme   ne        tollerast, 

before  or  ralher  ihan  lo  suffre  devorce    or     departyng  belwene   his  soûle  and  his 
auant  souffrir    diuorce  ou  séparation   entre   son  ame  et  son 

body,     bycause     that  nofhyng  is  so  more  lo  be      drede       than  the    delh  :      never- 
corps,  pour  ce  que    rien    nest  plus     a     craindre  que  la  mort  :  neant- 

theles        ail     thèse  prémisses  sel  aside ,  God  ihe  crealour    hath  loved  us 

moins  toutes  ces      prémisses ,       madame ,  Dieu  le  créateur  nous  a  aimé 

above  ail       llie    above       sayd      loves.     For    touchyng    ihe    filiall,     he 

par  dessus  toutes  les  dessus  dictes  amours.  Car  touchant  la  filiaile,    il 

halh  sende    his     dere  sonne  here  benelh ,    for      lo  redeme  us    and  from  ihe  paines 
a     envoie  son  chier   filz    ca     bas    pour  nous  redimér  et    des      paines 

ofhell    lo  deliver,  makyng  him   of    a  lorde   a  servant  and  of   immortail    mortall , 
denfer  deiiurer,    le  faisant    de  seigneur    serf    et  de  immortel  mortel, 

suffring   him        rather         lo  dye       for         us      than    in    havyng    pyle    of    him 
le  souffrant  plus  tost  mourir  pour   nous   que  en    aiant    pité   de  luy 

lo     levé     us    in     periclitation.     And    louchYog   the  howbeit 

nous  laisser  en  periclitation.   Et  touchant   la    matrimonialle ,  combien 

ihal  he  had     love       inestimable    to  his    swele     mother  the    virgyn    Mary,     that 
quil  eubt  amour  inestimable  a  sa  doulce  mère    la    vierge  Marie,     ce 

nalwilhstandyng  he  halh      chosen  rather      to   dye      for        us,      leavyng  her 

nonobstant        il    a    préesleu  plus  tost  mourir  pour  nous,  la  laissant 

désolât     and     desconforled     than  in  her  comfortyng   lo  leave  us    in       perdicion. 
désolée   et    desconfortée  que  en  la  consolant  nous  laisser  en  perdicion. 

And  as  touching  to  ihe  animalle,   what  so  ever  great  feare  Ihal    he  bave   had    to 
Et     quant        a     lanimalle,    quelque     grant  pour     quil     ayt   eubt    de 

dye  and  what  so  ever  love    that  he  halh  had  to  his  soûle ,  yel  hath  he  neveriheles 

mourir  et  quelque  amour  quil  ayt  eu  a  son   ame ,  sy  sest  il  touttes  fois 

made  himselfe   for        us       obedient        unlo      the     delh     of  the  crosse  :  ther  is, 
faict  pour  nous  obedient  jusques  a  la  mort  de  la  croix  :  vesla, 

madame,    that  that    I    can       oflove:     howbeil      neveriheles    that    the    worlde 
madame,  ce  que  je  scay  damour:  combien  touttes  fois  que  le  monde 

doth  use  of    dyverse     other       maner       oflove,  as      of    richesses  and    tem- 

use       de  dyuerses  aultres  manières  damours,  come  de  richesses  et  biens 


porall  goodes  and  other  folishe       love    whiche  do  mérite  bellre    lo  be  called 

temporelz     et  aultres  folles  amours    qui  méritent  mieulzdestreappellées 

folyes  than     love ,  wherfore    1     love     them ,       so     prayeng  your      noble     grâce 
foliez  quamour  :  pourquoyjemen  passe,  a  tant  priant  uostre  noble  grâce 

to    pardone    me    in    ihat  ihat  I    hâve    sayd. 
me  pardonner  en  ce   quejen  ay  dict. 

In       good       soth        my  husbande,  I    thanke      you        of    good    herl,     for        ye 
En  bonne  uerité,  mon    mary,    je    uous    mercie  de  bon  cœur,  car  nous 

hâve     you         ryght  truly         acquiled  toward     your        wyfe. 
uous  estes  tresloialiement  acquité  enuers  uostre  femme. 

I       requere    to     God,      madame,    that  it  may  lo  you  in  suche  wyse      profiîte        that 
Je  requier    a   Dieu,   madame,   quil  uous  puisse  tellement  prouffitér  que 

in     lovyng     God         above  ail       ihynges,  and  ihe    good    grâce ofthe Kyng 

en  aymant  Dieu  par  dessus  touttes  choses    et    la  bonne  grâce    du  Roy 

your      father,   and  ihe       good      lady      your       mother    of   trewe      love  filiall 

uostre  père ,    et    la     bonne  dame  uoslre    mère    de  uraie  amour  filialle , 

ye  may         love        your     husband     whan     God     shall    gyve    you    one,     of 

uous  puisses  aimer  uostre     mary,     quant  Dieu  uous  en  donra  ung,  de 

good       and     trew        love  in  suche  wyse   that  il  may  be  to  llie 

bonne    et   loialle  amour  matrimonialle ,      de  sorte    que  ce    soit         au 

helth  of     your     soûle, 
salut  de  uostre  ame. 

So  plcased  our         Lord        by    bis  goodnes  lo  graunt  me. 

Ainsy  le  me  ueuUe  nostre  Seigneur  par  sa    bonté     ottroiér. 

l32  . 


WHAT    IT    IS    OF    THE    SOULE    IN    GENERALL    AND    SPECIALL , 




Anima  quid. 

Afler     thaï      well     I  me  remembre ,      I  hâve  herde  hère  above       speke  of  the  soûle , 
Mary.  Selon  que   bien   me     recorde,    je  uous  ay  ouy  cy  dessus  parler  de  lame, 

but   neverthelesse  ye         bave  nat      declared  wbat  it  is ,  wberfore    I    wolde    of    it 
mais  toutes  fois  UOUS  naues  point  déclaré  quecest.pourquoy  jen  uouidroie 

faille  bere         somwhat. 

bien  ouir  quelque  chose.  * 

Trewly,  madame ,   il  sbuld  be  necessary     to  be     better      lerned     in     good       letlres 
GH.  Certes ,  madame ,  il  seroit  nécessaire  destre  mieulz  qualifiez  ez  bonnes  lettres 

tban    I     am      for     lo  salisfy  to    your      question. 
que  ne  suis  pour  satisfaire  a  uostre  question. 

It    is    nat    to    me    unknowen    ibat  ye    be    nat     of    tbe  besl  letlred  of  ihe   vvoride, 
Ma.  Il  ne  mest  point  incongneu  que  nestes  pas  des  mieulz  lectrés  du    monde , 

howbeit      ihat  I    doubt    nal  but   of  il   ye       can  somwbat,  wberfore 

combien  que  point  ne  doubte  que  nen  scaues  quelque  chose,  pourquoy 

take  bede  that  tbe  lytell  tbat     ye     Iherof  oan  ,  be    nat    bydde     to   me. 
gardés    que  le  petit  que  uous  en  scaués  ne  me  soit  point    celé. 

Trewe        it        is   thaï  the  pbilosophers  bave  spoken  iherof,  albeit  tbat  it  batb  nal  ben 
Gyl.  Il  est  bien  uray  que  les  philosophes  en     ont    parlé,  ja  soit  que  pas  na  esté 

suÉfycienlly  speciaiiy  loucbyng  tbe  soûle    resonable ,       for  some 

souffisanment,  cspeciallement  touchant  lame  rationnelle,    car   aulcuns 

of  tbem  bave  it  esleme    mortall ,  as     Pliny  among    otber  that  saytb  that  suche 

deulz     lont    estimé  mortelle ,  come  Pline  entre  aultres  qui  dit  que     tel 

slialbe  tbe  soûle  after  tbe  detbe  of  the  body,       as        sbe      was       before   the  lyfe 
sera      lame  appresla  mort  du  corps,  quelle  elle  estoit  deuaunt  la  uie 

of  ihe  same,  and   it     is        nal  yet         come    to    my         knowlege  that 

dicelluy,       et   il  nest  point    encore    uenu   a   ma   congnoissance   que 

tbe     holy     scripture  dotb  make  of  it  any  mention  ;    but    sylh  that       your 

iescripture  saincte  en  face  mention  aulcune;  mais  puisque  uostre 

*  ♦         •  1 

•  * 



pleasure  is  suche,  I   shall   recyte    you  (submyllyng       me  lo  tlie    correclion      of 
plaisir  est  tel,    je  uous  réciteray  (me  soubmelant  a  la  correction  de 

your       grâce,  and  of     ail       persons      connyug)  that  whiche  lhavetherof  gathered 
uostre  grâce,  et  de  toute  persone  scauante)  ce    que    jen  ay  peuceulliér 

from  ihe philosophers ,  and  of ihe  holy  s.  Isodore,  wherfore  it shall  please you toknowe 
des       philosophes,  et  de  saint  Isidore  ;  pourquoy  il  uous  plaira  scauoir 

that      ail     ihyngescreated  of  God   under  ihe  moone   ben   or       elemented 

que  touttes  choses  créez  de  Dieu  soubz  le  globe  lunaire  sont  ou  ellementées 

onely,  as       precious  slones  and    other      with     ail      metlalles,     or 

seullement,  corne  pierres  précieuses  et  aultres  auec  tous  metaulz,  ou 

be         elemenled  and  vegetables ,       as       herbes,     trees,  and     ail  maner 

sont  eiiementées  et  uegetabies,  corne  herbes,  arbres,  et  touttes  manières 

of     plantes,     or     ben      elemented       vegetables    and  sensytyves,  as        ben 

de  plantes,  ou  sont  elementées   uegetabies   et   sensitiues ,   come  sont 

ail  beestes,     byrdes,       fyshes,      reptyll  ihem    movyno;  from  place  lo     other, 

touttes  bestes.oiseauiz,  poissons, reptiles  se  mouuant  de   lieu  aaultre, 

or      ben     elemented        vegetables     sensytyves  and   reasonable,     as         ben    the 
OU  sont  elementées  uegetabies  sensitiues   et  racionelles ,  come  sont  les 

men  whiche    bave  in  them      ail       the    foure     proprietees    above      sayd; 

hommes  lesquelz  ont  en  eulz  touttes  les  quatre  propriétés  dessus  dictes; 

for  as  touchyng  the  body  (which  is      a      masse     elemented)    it      is     but         a 
car       quant    au  corps  (qui    est  une  masse  eiementée)  ce  nest  que  une 

conglutination       and  combination    of  the    foure     clémentes  in  thewhiche       our 
conglutinalion ,  et  combination   des   quatre  clémentes    ezquelz    nostre 

Lorde       hath  planled  thesoule  vegelable    by   the  whiche  it  groweth    in       length. 
Seigneur  a    planté  lame    uegetabie  par  laquelle  il  croist   en  longeur, 

„ ^K         largenes,  and     depnes       (whiche  one  calle  thre     dimensions)    by  cause    that  the 
largeur   et  profundité  (quon  dit  trois  dimensions)  a  cause  que  la 

sayd    vegetable  halh  in  her     foure      verlues ,    by   the  whiche    she    subsiste  and 
dicte  uegetabie   a   en  soy  quatre  uertus,  par  lesquelles  elle  subsiste   et 

groweth, thatisto   saye,  the  atractyve  or    appetityve,  the  retenlyve,  the     digestyve, 
croist,  cest  a  scauoir,  latractiueou  appetitiue,  laretentyue,  ia  degestiue, 

and  expulsive;       a         body       may        nat        ete  without  appétit,  nor  may  net 
et  expulsiue  ;  une  personne  ne  peult  menger    sans   appétit ,  ne  ne  peult 


degeste  wilhoul  holdyng  ihal  niete,  or  keping  in  his  slomake  ihat  which  is  e(en  , 
degérér    sans    retenir  ce  qui  est  menge , 

nor  may  nal  grow  by  the  verlue  of  such  degestion  wilhoul  expulsion  or 
ne  ne  peult  croistre  par  la  uertu  de  telle  degestion  sans   expulsion  ou 

évacuation,        for  it    is  nede         or       lo  desiroy     the    meate  receyved  in 

euaccuacion ,  car  il  est  de  nécessité  ou  de  destruire  la  uiande  receue  en 

thestomake,  or  to  be  destroied  by  ihe  same;  but  to  be  wyliyng  to  warne  your 
lestomac ,   ou  eslre  destruit  par  icelle  ;    mais    uoulloir    aduertir  uostre 

grâce  of  ail  that  which  doth  dépend  lo  this  purpos,  shulde  be  lo  be  wyllyng  lo 
grâce  de  tout  ce  qui  dépend  a   ce   pourpos,   seroit      uoulloir  de- 

declare  ail  the  philosophy  nalurall  wilhe  ail  phisyque  and  aslro- 
clarér  toutte  ia  philosophie  naturelle  auec  toutte  phisycque  et  astro- 
logie in  shewyng  wiih  ail  ail  the  movyng  of  nature,  wherof  procède 
logie  en     comprenant  tous  les  mouuemens  de  nature ,  dont  procèdent 

and  sprynge  ail  corruption  and  génération expoundyng  what  itis  of  the  xii 
et  puhillent  toutte  corruption  et  génération  déclarant  que  cest  des  douse 

signes  of  the  Zodiacque  wilh  the  seven  planettes  and  ail  the  starres 
signes    du   Zodiacque  auec  les  sept  planettes  et  touttes  les  esloielles 

lixe,  and    to  shew  how  the  sayd      xu      signes   havyng  relacion,   and  si- 

fixe,  et  monstrér  comment  lesdictz  douse  signes  aiantz  relacion,  et  si- 
militude to  ihe  foure  ben  devided  by  foure  triplicites  the 
militude  aux   quatre  elementz  sont  distinguez  par  quatre  triplicites  ies- 

whiche    up  holde  and  kepe  up  the     fore      sayd      foure         might       and 

quelz   sufFultent  et    maintiennent  les  deuant  dittes  quatre  puissances   et 

to  the  whiche  one  oughl  lo  hâve  recourse  for  to  put  them  agayn  in  ordre  by  me- 
auxquelz      on  doibt  auoir  recours  pour  les  remectre  en  ordre  par  me- 

decync  whan  by  some  accident  they  ben  altérai.  But  for  to  eschew  so 
decine  quant  par  aicun  accident   ilz    sont  altérés.  Mais  pour   euitér   sy 

wondrefull    prolixité   and  ihat  I  hâve    hope  hère  and  there  therof  lo  talke 

énorme     prolixité  et  que    jay   espoir  cy    et     la     den    communiquer 

somtyme         wilh      your     grâce,  wilh  that  thaï ofit  ye hâve       somwhat  tasted 

alcune  fois  auec  uostre  grâce ,  auec  ce  quen    aues   quelque  petit  gousté 

in       lernyng     the  Ephemerides  I    shall     passe       it    so. 
en  apprenant  lEphémérides  je  men  passeray  a  tant. 


Now   Inrnyng  agayn  to  our   porpos  the  soûle  vegetable,        as        I   liave  lokle  you,    is 
Or  retournant  a  nostre  pourpos  lame  uegetable ,  conie  je  uous  ay  dit ,  est 

selted       within  Ihe     myght        elemenled,    ihe  whiclie  tlolh  upliolde  her    as     ihe 
plantée  dedans  la  puissance  ellemenlée,  la  quelle  la  soubstient  corne  le 

vessell     dolh  tlie    lyker,  andthe  sensytyve  nothermorenolesse  is     selled       within 
uaisseau  fait  la  liqueur,  et  la  sensitiue  ne  plus  ne  moins  est  plantée  dedens 

the    vegetable,   as         the     ratyonell    is     wilhin    the  sensylyve,  the  whiclie ye  may 
la  uegetable,  come  la  racionelle  est  dedens  la  sensitiue,  ce  que   pouéz 

clereiy  parceyve       by  that  that  whan  the  body       begynneth    to  fayle 

cltrement  apercepuoir  par  ce  que  quant  le  corpz  commence  a  deflaillir 

by         âge  or      olherwyse,     the    vegetable  lyfe  herselfe  by  and  by,       bycause 

par  uiellesse  ou  aultrement,  la  uegetable  se  pert  incontinent,  pour  ce 

that  thappetile  begyn  to  fayle  whilh  retayning  and      voyding ,  which  make  lo  perish 
que  lappetit     se     pert  auec  retencion  et  euacuacion,  qui  fait         périr 

the  sensytyve ,  for     as     the  persone  lèse  the  luste,  and  the  dygestion,  aiso        soone 
la  sensitiue,  car  come  la  persone  pert  lappetit  et  le  degérér,  tout  aussy  tost 

begynne        he  to  juge  the  switte  bytter,  and  thebytter  swele ,  and  sayth  that  he  seeth 
commence  il  a  juger  le  doulz  amer,   et  lamér  doulz ,  et    dit  quil     uoit 

that  whiche    other     may  nat  se.andalso     of    ail     bis    fyve  wyttes,and 

ce  que  les  auitres  ne  peuuent  ueoir,  et  ainsy  de  tous  ses  cincq  sens,    et 

lykewyse  thintellectyve    lèse  the  reason  and  the    jugement        of  thynges, 

par  conséquent  lintellectiue  pert  la  reason  et  le  discernement  des  choses , 

for    she    beynge    in  ihebody  humayne  eau     nal       attayne     to      any  kno- 

car  elle  estant  ou    cors   humain  ne  peult  paruenir  a  aulcune  cognois- 

lege      (nat  beyng  inspyred       ghoslly)       wilhout  it  be  by  the  meane  of  ihe     fyve 
sance  (selle  nest  inspirée  diuinement)  ce  se  nest  par  le  moien  des  cincq 

wytles  aparteyning  to  ihe  sensytyve ,    for     before    thaï     ye  do  understande  any 

sens  apartenant  a  la  sensitiue ,  car  deuant  que  uous    entendez   aulcune 

thyng,     itbehoved  fyrst  that  it  be  to  you   shewed        by  the  syght,      by 

chose,  il   faut    premièrement  quil  uous  soit  monstre  par  la  ueue,  par 

meane     of    colours ,     or    by  the  hering  by  the  meane  of  sound  or  voise ,   or      by 
moien  de  coulleur,  OU  par    louye      moiennant       son     ouuoix,oupar 

smelyng,  goustyng  and  tastyng,  the  whiche  thyng     so       perceved     by    the      fyve 
flairer,    goustér    et    tastér,  laquelle  chose  ainsy  aperceue  par  les  cincq 

1056  AN  INTRODUCTORIE  sende  lo  the  comon  witt  whicli  Heth  in  )he  formest  parle  of  the 
sens,  est  enuoiée  au  commun  sens  qui  gist  en  la  partie  anteriore     du 

braine,      the  whiche    goelh     incontinently  lo  ihe       roemory  in  thewhiche  he 

cerueau,     lequel    sen  ua  incontinent  a    la  remembrance  en  laquelle   il 

fynde  what  thynge  it  is  after  ihat  ono  liave  him  somlyme  sayd  andlhought, 
treuue  quelle  chose  cest  selon   quon   Iny       a  aultrefois  dit   et    appris, 

wlierfore  it  appere  cleriy  that  thèse  thre  myghtes  beyng  in  man 
pourquoy  il  appert  clérement  que  ces  trois  puissances  estant  en  Ihome 

and    named  onely         by  the  name  of  soûle    resonable,   in    takynge     deno- 

et  nommée  sullement  par  le  nom  de  ame  raisonable ,  en  prenant  déno- 
mination of  the  most  noble,  that  is  to understaude of  her  which  doth discesse, 
mination  de  la  plus  noble,  qui  est  a  entendre  de  celle  qui       discerne, 

ben  hankyng       the    one  of  the  others ,  and  we        juge       clerely         that  the 

sont  dépendantes  les  unes  des  aultres,  et  dijudicons  clérement  que  la 

sayd  intellcctyve  or  resonable  is  without  comparation  more  excellent  than 
dicte  intellectiue  ou  racionelle  est  sans   comparation  plus  excellente  que 

the  others ,  wherfore  we  juge  her  a  thoughtorunderstandyngeincarnate, 
les  aultres ,  pourquoy  nous  la  jugeons  une  pensée  ou  intelligence  incarnée , 

the  whiche  is  perpetuell  and  immorlall,  by  cause  that  she  is  created  lo 
laquelle     est   perpétuelle  et    inmortélle,    pource    quelle    est    crée    a 

thymage  of  God  almighty,  and  if^  you  aske  me  of  what  substaunce 
limage  de  Dieu  tout  puissant,  et  sy  uous  me  demandés  de  quel   matière 

she  is,  I  may  say  ihat  il  is  fyre  spirituel!  as  ben  the  angels  of  God, 
elle  est,  je  puis  dire  que  cest  feu  espirituél  come  sont  les  angeles  de  Dieu, 

the  whiche  shalbe  in  her  hyghe  strength  and  prosperitie ,  whan  she  shalbe  se- 
iaquelle     sera  en  sa  haulte  uigueur  et  prospérité,  alors  quelle   sera  se- 

parate  from  her  body,  by  the  meane  of  the  whiche  she  is  infatuate ,  for  by 
parée  de   son  corps,  par  le  moien     duquel      elle  est  infatuée,  car  par 

the  vegetable  myghl,  wilh  thewhiche  she  is  bounde,  she  thynkelh  day 
la    uegetable  puissance,  auec  laquelle  elle  est    liée,    elle    pense    jour 

and  nvght  to  serve  her  body  of  drinke  and  meate,  and  by  cause  of  the  sen- 
et    nuyt  a  seruir  son  corps  de  boire  et   menger,   et  a  cause  de  la  sen- 

sityve,     with  the  whiche  she    is         lykewyse  alyed,    she  hath  her      syght    to 

sitiue,  auec  laquelle  elle  est  semblablement  aliée,  elle   a   son  respect  a 


génération,      to    pride    of  lyfe,  and  to     ail     lyfe    sensyble,   ihe  whiche  yeldelier 
generacion,  a  orgeul  de  nie,  et  a  toutte  uie  sensuelle,  qui       la       rend 

blunt,       rude  and  forgetefull,  and  by  llie  whiche  she  becomed    spotted  and  can- 
obtuse,  rude  et  ygnorante,  et     pourquoy    elle  deuient   tachée  et    en- 

cred,  as         a      harneys    or    clere    glasse      dolh   cancre   by     humydile     of 

roullé,  corne  ung  harnois  ou  clér  mirouer  senroullist  par  humidité  de 

rayne  or    olher  moystnesse ,  in  suche  wyse  that  by  ihis  meane  she    is    ail  logeder 
pluie  ou  aultre  moisteur,  tellement    que  par  ce  moien  elle  est  du     tout 

blynded ,       and  hath  no       knowlege       of  lier  pasture      wherby      she  becometh 
aueuglée,  et  na  nulle  cognoissance  de  sa  pasture  par  quoy  elle  deuient 

lene        and     folyshe;       for       as       t lie  wyse  man  saith,    truth     is  the  fote      of 
mesgre  et  ignorante;  car   corne   dit       le       sage,  uerité  est  le  past  de 

the  soûle.  Aristolel  sailh  that  the  soule  is      as         a     table  made  euyn  and  clere, 
iame.     Aristotle  dit  que    lame  est  come  une  table         rase    et  clére, 

polished,  in  the  whiche  ail  maner  shape  and  effigiation  doth  shyne      clerely         so 
polie,     en    laquelle  toutes  formes  et    effigie    reluysent  clérement  sy 

well     corporates       as      incorporâtes,    by  cause    iherof       we     understande  with 
bien  corporéez  come  incorporéez,  a  cause  de  quoy  nous  entendons  auec 

the   angels,    that  is  to  saye,  in  the  meane  tyme  that  she  is   nal        cancred  by 

les  angeles,  cest   a   dire   tandis       quelle      nest      pas    enrouyllée  par 

synne,       as     I  bave  sayd  before.     Hère  myght  I    opeii     unfo     you,    what    it    is 
péché,  come  jay     dit  deuant.   Icy    uous   poulroy  je  ouurir   que   cest 

of  understandyngactyve  and  passyble,     but  in  ihis  doyng    I   shulde  be  to  tedyous. 
dentendement  agent  et  passyble,  mais  en  ce  faisant  je  seroietrop  tedieus. 

Trewly ,  Gyles ,    I  laude  your      persuacion ,     for   by  that  that    ye    hâve  sayde  of   it 
Certes,  Giles,  je  losuostre  parsuasion,  car  par  ce  quen        aués  dit 

I  parceyve     clerelye      that  it  is  nat   possyble  to   déclare    it,    the  whiche  one  may 
japarcoy  clérement  quil     nest  possible  a  la  déclarer,  ce      quon    peult 

conjccle  by   that   thaï  she   doth     resemble    unto   God   and   to   be    wyllynge 

conjecturer  parce        quelle  resemble     a    Dieu  et  uoulloir 

to  déclare   his  ymage  shalde  be  wyllyng  to  do  a  thyng  impossyble,  bycause  that  lie  is 
déclarer  son  image  seroit  uoulloir  faire    impossible,        pource  quil  est 




Trewly,    madame ,      ye      saye  the  trulhe ,  neverllielesse  tliat  the  scriplure    wylnessed , 
Gil.  Certes ,  madame ,  uous  dicte  la  uerité ,  nonobstant  que  lescripture  tiesmoigne 

that  Moyses   by  Uie  graunt  of  God  dyd  merit  to    se   his   posterioritie,  ihe  whicheis 
que  Moyse  par   lotroy  de  Dieu  mérita  de  ueoir  sa  postériorité ,  qui       est 

to  undersiande  his  workes,     ofthewliiche     knowlege,       llie  cabalysles  dolh  make 
a   entendre  ses  œuures,  delà  quelle  cognoissance  les    cabalistres  font 

fyftie  gales        that       they     naine         of  intelligence,   sayeng  that  the  sayd 

cinquante  portes  quilz  sournomment    dintellygence ,  disant  que  le     dit 

Moyse    had   nat    but    fourly  and  nyne ,  by  cause  thaï  ihe    first         is       to     knowe 
Moyse  nen  eust  que  quai'ante  neuf,  parce  que  la  première  est  congnoistre 

God   from  the  begynnyiig,  which  is   impossyble  :      but   he  may  be  knowen 

Dieu  par       prius,      ce  qui  est  impossible  :  mais  il  est  bien  cognoissible 

by     postcrius,  whiche  is  to  undersiande  by    his   operacions ,       as  knowlege 

par  posterius,  qui  est  a   entendre  par  ses  operacions,  come  cognissance 

comunely         cometh  unlo  us  for  bycause  tliat    we     do      serche     ihe  causes      by 
comunement  nous    uient    pour  ce  que  nous  perscrutons  les  causes  par 

the     dedes   oflhem,  and  nat       to     the   conlrary.  From  hensforth   I  shall  tell  you 
les  eflectz  dicelles,  et  non  point  au  contraire.   Désormais     jeuousdiray 

of  the  philosophers  of  the  whiche  some  bave  sayd  that  it  is     nombre  movyng  him 
des  philosophes  desquelz  les  ungz  ont  dit  que  cest  nombre  soy  mesme 

selfe  others         that  it    is    niade    of   almos  which  ben  parties    nat  possible 

mouuant  les  auitres  quelle  est  faicle  de  atmos  qui  sont  partiez        indiui- 

lo  divide  or      indivisible  :       others     tbal  il  is  fyre,  ihe  others    that  il  is  ayr,   the 
duez      ou  indiuisybie  :  auitres  que  cest  feu,  les  auitres  que  cest  air,  les 

others    bave  sayd  that    it  is      a        maner       of  armonie   with     others       infinités 
auitres  ont  dit  que  cest  une  manière  darmonie  auec  daultres  infiniez 

opinions  :     but  levyng  them  there ,         the  prophète  spekyng  in      our  Lorde 

opinions  :  mais  les  laissant  la ,  Isaie  le  prophète  parlant  en  nostre  Seigneur 

sayd  :  AU  bretbyng  bave  I  made,  whiche  is  to  undersiande  oflhe  soûles  that        our 
dit  :  Omne  Jlatum  ego  feci,    qui  est  a    entendre    des  âmes  que  nostre 

Lorde   bave     ail       created,  and  the  spekyng  of  tho  se  soûles   sayth  : 

Seigneur  a  touttes  créez ,    et   le  psalmistre  parlant       dicelles  dit: 

He   that  created  ail   hertes  :   whiche  is  to  undersiande  the  soûles,  for  the  hert      is 
Qaijinxit  singulatim  corda  :  cest  a  dire  les  âmes,  car  le  cœur  est 


the  principall     membre    of  ihe  man ,  the  wbiche  is  the    candelstyke   of  llie  soiile 
le  principaii  membre  de  Ihomme ,  lequel     est  le   chandelier  de       lame 

susteynyng  lier     by     maner      of  spekyng,     as     the  candelstyke     dotl»  the       can- 
la  soustenant  par  manière  de  parler,  come  le  chandelier    fait  Ja  chan- 

dell,     llie  whiche    be^g     racionelle    and  quycke   dolhe  quicken   invisible        and 
délie,  laquelle  estant  racionelle  et  sensible       uiuifie       inuisiblemeïit , 

spiritualiy  and         mervellously  ail      ihe     membres    and    inward  of  the 

spirituellement  et  merueilleusement  tous  les  membres  et  entrailles  du 

body      by  the     comandement  of  the  ,  as  well  by  within      as       by     without, 

corpz  par  le  comandement  du  canter,  tant  par  dedens  come  par  dehors, 

in     minislring       of  onespecable   maner  to  the  fyve  wyttes  iheir  power,     for    she 
en  administrant  de  manière  indicible  aux  cincq  sens  leur  pouoir,  car  elle 

seeth  by  the  eyen  and  heer  by  the    eeres ,    she  mel  (smele)  and  by  the  nosse  trilles, 
uoitparles  yeulz  et  oyt  par  les  oreilles,  odore  et  flaire  par  les     narilles, 

and  discerne  the    savours       by  the        ,        by  the  feelyng  she   renie  and      governe 
et  discerne  les  scaueurs  par  le  goust,  par  le  tacte  elle  règle  et  gouuerne 

ail       the    membres  of  the  body     in     generall,     she  and     slande        by 

tous  les  membres  du  corps  en  generall,  elle  subsiste  et  demeure  par 

foure        maner        of    reasons,    by    wit,     sapience,  and  wyli, 

quatre  manières  de  raisons,  par  sens,  sapience,  cogitacion  et  uoullenté, 

ihî  wit  dolh  parteyne  to  the  lyfe,  the  sapience  to  the  understandyng,  ihe  cogitation 
le  sens  appartient  a    lauie,    la  sapience  a  lentendement,     la  cogitacion 

to  the  counsel ,  the     wyll  to  the    defence.    And   howbeit     thaï  tlie  sayd    soûle 

au      conseil,  la  uoullenté  a  la  deffence.  Et  combien  que  la  dicte  ame 

be         one,         she  hath  neveriheles      many         kyndes  and     rayment       in    her,. 
soit  unicque,  elle  a  touttes  fois  plusieurs  espèces  et  aornament  en  soy, 

for  wher  she    doth    brethe     she     is      called       sperit,       whan     she     fêle         one 
car   la    ou   elle    espire  elle  est  appelée  esperit,  quant  elle  sent  on  la 

do  call  lier  wit,  and  whan     she     take     strength   one  call  her  corrage,       wlian     she 
nomme  sens,  et  quant  elle  prent  uigueur  on  la  dit  courrage,  quant  elle 

understande,  she   is      named     understandyng,     whan    she    discusse,  one  call  her 
entend ,       elle  est  nommée  entendement ,  quant  elle  discerne  ,  on  lapelle 

reason,     whan    she     consente,  one     call  her  wyll,        and    whan     she    re- 

raison,  quant  elle  consent,  on  la  nomme  uoullenté,  et  quant  elle  re- 



membre      she    is    sayde     memory ,  and  wlian  she  doth  grow  and         encrease 
membre  elle  est  dicte  mémoire ,  et  quant   elle  uegéte   et  croist  en  multi- 

the  verlue,   she     is      called    the  goule,  the  whiche  lyveng        justely  is 

pliant  la  vertu,  eile  est  appellée  lame,      laquelle  uiuant  ioiallement  est 

ihe  ymage  of  God,       so     pleasant  ihat  he  of  her  make  is  chare  and  his     temple, 
limage     de  Dieu,  tant  pleasant   quil      en     fait  sa  chare  et  son  temple, 

as  wylnesselli     my  lorde     saynl  Poule  sayeng. 

come  le  tiesmoigne  monsieur  saint  Paul  disant  :  Templum  Dei  qaod  estis 

The  beau  lie  or  raymenles  of  her  ben,  ihat  by  heryng  shebeleveth,  she  serchelh 
VOS.  Les      aornementz     dicelle  sont  que  par  louye  elle  croist,  elle  cerche 

by    desyre ,  and  fynde     by     sapyence ,    she       aske         by     prayers ,  and  receyve 
par  désir,  et  treuue  par  sapience,  elle  demande  par  oraison,  et    reçoit 

by     grâce,       she     kepe      by     mekenes,    and     helpe        by  mercy,  by 

par  grâce,   elle  garde  par  humilité,  et  sequeure  par  miséricorde,  par 

bénignité      forgyve,    and  aquiere     by   teachyng,    she     worke       by      peuaunce, 
bénignité  pardonne ,  et  acquiert  par  doctrine ,  elle  compose  par  pénitence , 

by      examples ,    the     faire  thynges ,  and  by    connyng  the    clere  and  fayre ,       she 
par  exemples,  les  belles  choses,  et  par  sciences  les  cléres  et  nectes,  elle 

is         fre  by     onely   goodnes,    and  by  sodnes,  mansuétude,   and    swetenes 

est  franche   par  seulle  bonté,     et  par  leintz  mansuétude  et  doulceur 

plaine,     she     is     by     prudence       discrète,         and  by    symplenes    hoole,        by 
playne,  elle  est  par  prudence  circonspecte,  et  par  simplicité  entière,  par 

subtillie     sobre,  and  by   justice     ryghtfull,      she    is     nat  hasly      by  impacience, 
subtilité  sobre,  et  par  justice  droituriére,  elle  est  longanime  par  pacience, 

and  by    obédience      redy ,      by  good  doyng  pure  and  clene ,   and  by  hope 

et  par  obédience  preste,  par  bien  faire  pure  et  monde,  et  par  espérance 

abydyng,         by      abstinence      tempérât,     and   by     chastyte     holy,        by      re- 
attendable,  par  abstinence  altrempée,  et  par  chasteté  saincte,  par  res- 

joissyng  spirituall  and   mery,    and  by    confession      open,       by  martirdom 

jouissement  spirituelle  et  joieuse,  et  par  confession  ouuerte,  par  martire 

aornat,      and  by     unité  catholicque,   by     concorde      peasyble  :  and  by         love 
aournée,  et  par  unité  catolicque,  par  concorde  pacificque ,  et  par  amour 

and  deleccion     of  her    neyghbour  largo  and  lyberalle  :    by    charité    parfect 
et  deleccion  de  son  prouchain  large  et  lyberalle,  par  charité  parfaite. 


Trewly  I    am  ryghl  glade    lo        hère       you,andyouliavegyveme 

En  bonne  uerité,  Giles,  je  suis  tresjoieuse  de  nous  auoir  ouy,  et  maués  donnés 

in  your    wordes      solas  and  récréation  :     but     I    praye  you,   good    syr,        tell 
en  uos  parolles  soûlas  et  recréation  :  mais  je  uous  prie,  beau  sire,  dites 

u»  somwhal         of  the  body  and  of  his     worckes. 

nous  quelque  chose  du  corps  et  de  ses  opérations. 

Cerlainly  the   body,    as       I    hâve    tolde   you  hero  before,    is  the 

Certainement,  madame,  le  corps,  corne  je  vous    ay    dit   cy  deuant,  est  le 

vessell       of  the  souîe,  and  doth  serve  ofnone  olher  ihynge  but    to    beare  the  soûle, 
uaisseau  de    lame     et    ne     sert     daultre    chose  que  de  porter    lame, 

howbeit       thaï    some    sayen  thaï  the  soûle  doth  beare  him,  by  cause  thatvfithout 
combien  que  alcun  dient  que        lame         le  porte,  pour  ce  que     sans 

her,     he  his   deth  and  may  nat     slyre      ne      move.         But     settyng  asyde 

icelle  il  est  mort  et  ne  se  peult  bouger  ne  mouuoir.  Mais    postposant 

suche     reasons ,   trew      it      is  thaï   in  his  nécessite     he  niust  he  liolpen  by  him 
telles  raisons ,  il  est  ueray  quen  ses  nécessités  le         fault         secourir 

thaï     wyll       kepe     the  soûle  hole    in      a      hole  body,      in  his  hungre  one  musl 
qui    ueult  garder    lame  saine    en  ung  corps  sain,  en  sa     fain  lui  fault 

gyve  him    meate,    and   in  his  ihurst  drinke ,    in      labour      rest,        slepe         in 
donner    iiiande,    et   en  sa  soif  a  boire,  en  iabeure  repos,  sompne  en 

werinesse,      in      tristes     and    hevynesse     myrth,       in       sorow        confort     and 
fatigacion,  en  tristesse    et      ennuy     armonie,  en  doulloir  comfort     et 

hellh ,    in    sekenesse  strenglh  and    vertue,    in    drede    socour    and   in    darkenes 
salut,  en  foibl esse    force     et   uertue ,  en  crainte  refuge    et   en  ténèbres 

lyglil,        and    in      bataill     peas ,  and     lykewyse     as     the     body  may      nat 

lumière    et    en    bataille  paix,  etc.  et   tout  ainsy  que   le    corps  ne  peult 

lyve      without   that  whiche  to  him  is    necessary,    nother  more  nor    lesse     may 
uiure     sans     ce  qui  luy  est  nécessaire,      ne    plus    ne  moins    ne 

nat      the  soûle  by     ,.  procès       of    tyme     contynewe  without  her   propre         nor- 
peult    lame    par  diuturnité  de  temps  subsister    sans     sa   propre  nour- 

singe,       for   her    meate      his  the  dyvyn    commandement,    her      drinke  is 

riture ,  car   sa   uiande   est  le  diuin  comandement ,  son  beuurage  est 

pure         praier,    her    bath      is    fastyng       trew       and     ryghlwyse,    her        clo- 
oraison    pure,   son  baing  est   june    légitime    et    droituriére,  sesueste- 


thyng  almesses         of    her  propre  goodes,  lier    songe  and    melody     is  the 

mentz  sont  aulmosne  de  son        propre,       son  chant  et  mélodie  est  la 

conlynuall  laude  of  God,  her  rest  is  parfait  poverle,  her  helth 
continuelle  louenge  de  Dieu,  son  repos  est  parfaitte  poureté,   sa   santé 

is  the  sekenes  of  ihe  body,  her  socour  is  pure  penaunce ,  her  peace  is 
est  la  maladye    du    corps,  son  refuge  est  pure  pénitence,  sa  paix  est 

charité  plentyfull,  wherfore  we  ought  well  to  folow  our  crea- 
charité  habondante,  pourquoy  nous  debuons  bien  ensuiuir  nostre  créa- 
teur Jesu  Christ,  and  the  saintes  fathers  whiche  hâve  ben  before  us  in 
tour  Jhesu    Crist,      et    les  saintz    pères    qui   nous    ont   précédés  en 

lernyng,  mekeness  of  Jesu  Christ,  devotyon  of  saynt  Peler,  charitie 
apprenant  humilité  de  Jhesuh  Crist,  deuotion  de  saint  Pierre,  charité 

of  saynt  Jehan,  obedyence  of  Abraham,  hospitalytie  of  Loth,  longe  abidyng 
de  saint  Jehan,  obédience  dAbraham,  hospitalité  de  Loth,  longanimité 

of  Isaac,  sufferaunce  of  Jacob,  pacit-nce  of  Job,  chastitic  of  Joseph, 
de  Isaac,   tolérance   de  Jacob,  pacicnce  de  Job,  chasteté  de  Joseph, 

soflnesse  of     Moyses,  stedfastnesse  of      Josue,     benignylie     of      Samuell, 

mansuétude   de   Moyse,   constance    de   Josue,    bénignité    de    Samuel, 

mercy  of     Davyd,      almysdede      of    Tobye,     abslynence     of    Danyell , 

miséricorde  de  Dauid ,    aulmosne     de  Tobie,   abstinence  de  Daniel, 

spéculation  of  Hely,  expérience  of  saynt  Paule,  penaunce  soroufull  of 
theoricque  de  Helié,  practicque  de  saint   Pol,    pénitence  lacrimeuse  de 

Mary  Magdaleyne,  pure  coufessiyon  of  the  thefe,  martiyrdome  of  saynt 
Marie  Magdalaine,   pure  confessyon  du     laron ,         martire      de  saint 

Stéphane,  and  lyberalytie  of  saynt  Laurence.  Ye  may  se,  right  noble  lady,  ail 
Eslienne    et   libéralité  de  saint  Laurens.    Vesla,    très  noble  dame,  tout 

that  I  hâve  founde  se  well  of  the  soûle  resonable,  as  of  the  vege- 
ce  que    jay    peu  trouuer  tant  de    lame    raisonable  come  de  la  uégé- 

table  and  scnsyfyve,  howbeit  that  I  hâve  hère  touched  no  thyng  but  the  out- 
table  et  sensitiue ,  combien  que  nay     icy     rien     touché  sinon  la  super- 

syde,  for  I  to  yen  dare  well  say,  that  every  worde  hère  doth  coinprehende 
ficie,  car  je  uous  ose  bien  dire  quechescune  parolle  icy  comprent 

a  great  boke  in  his  déclaration ,  Iruslyng  that  whiche  rudely  I  bave 
ung  grant  liure  en  sa  declaracion  ,  espérant  que  ce  que  rudement     jay 


here  putte  in  termes  shalbe  occasyon  Ihat  in  lyme  to  corne  ye  shalbe 
icy  mis  en  termes  sera  occasion  que  ou  temps  aduenir  nous  seres 
moved  for  to  serche    the     remenaunt,     prayeng  the   swete    Jésus,  ihat      it 

instiguée  de  perscrutér  le   demeurant ,    priant  le  doulx  Jhesuh  que  ce 
be  to    tlie  honour  of     God    and  to  the  helth  of      your    souie. 
soit  a  Ihonneur  de  Dieu   et     au    salut  de  uostre  ame. 

God     graunt  ihat  so  may      it       liappen. 

Dieu  ueuHe  que  ainsy  puist  aduenir. 





I  hâve  good   memory,      maistre         Amnere,  how         ye  sayd       one    day    that 

Jay  bonne  mémoire,  monsieur  lAumosnier,  cornent  uous  disiez  ung  jour  que 

we     ought         nat         to     pray  at     masse,     but   rather   onely   to  here  and 

ne  debuons  point  orér  ne  prier  a  la  messe,  ains  seullement      ouir       et 

harken,      and  dyd  prove  it    by  that   one    say      comunely  :       I  go  here 

accoutér,  et  le  prouuez  par  ce  quon  dit  comunement  :  je  men  uoy  ouir 

masse,  whiche  my  lorde  the  Président  fortifyng  sayd  that  we  be  nat 
messe,  ce  que  monsieur  le  Président  corroboroit  disant  que  ne  sommes 

bounde  by  the  lawe  to  say,     but        onely       to  here,     is     it  nat  trewe  ? 

point  obligés  par  la  loy  de  dire,  mais  seullement  douir,  nest  il  pas  utay? 

Ye ,     verely,    madame. 
Ouy,  certes,  madame. 

Wherfore         than       say th  the   preest      after  the  oflytorie,  in  hym  tournyng  to   the 
Pourquoy  doncques  dit    le  prestre  après  loffertoire,  en  soi  tournant      au 

people,  pray  for  me,  etc.  and  our  Lorde  al  his  passyon  sayd  to 
peuple,  priez  pour  moy,  etc.  et  Nostre  Seigneur  a  sa  passion  disoit  a 

his  discyples,  watch  and  pray,  that  ye  entre  nat  in  temptation,  wilh  that 
ses  disciples,  ueillés  et  orés,  affin  que  nentrés  en  temptation,  auec  ce 

that    if     our  Lorde        wolde     nat    our    prayers,  why         had  heniade 

que  sy  Nostre  Seigneur  ne  uoulloit  nos  prierez ,  pourquoy  eust  il  fait 


le  Pater  noster. 


Certaynely  ihal  whiche  I  shewed  you  was  naf       onely         bul         for 

Lau.  Certainement,  madame,  ce  que  uous  disoie  nestoit  seullement  que  pour 

to      shew      you     how       you     ought     to     maintene    you   at  the  masse,         spe- 
uous  monstrer  cornent  uous  uous  debués  contenir  a  la   messe,   espe- 

cyally  unto         thaï  that  one   monys?he  you     for  to  pray. 

ciallement  jusques  a  ce   quon  uous  admoneste  de  prier. 

In     niy     God,     I  can   nat  se   what  we   shall  do  at  the  masse,  if  we    pray    nat. 
Ma.  En  mon  Dieu ,  je  ne  puis  uéoir  que  nous  ferons  a  la  messe  se  nous  ne  prions. 

Lau.  Non,  madame. 

No ,      Irewly. 
Ma.  Non ,  certes. 

Ye    shall  thynke  to  the  mystery    of  the  masse  and  shall  herken  the     wordes    that  the 
Lau.  Uous  penserés   au   mistére  de  la  messe  et  accouterés  les  paroUes  que  le 

preest     say. 
prestre  dit. 

Yee,    and  what  shall    do  they  whiche  understande   il   nat. 
Ma.  Uoir,  et   que  feront  ceulz     qui  point  ne  ientendent. 

They  shall  beholde,  and    shall  hère,    and  thynke,    and  by  that  they  shall  understande. 
Lau.  Ilz    regarderont,  et  accoutteront,  et  penseront,  et  par  ce      lentenderont. 

I     pray     you ,  good    syr,      tell       me    what  they  shall    thynke ,        so    that     I     may 
Ma.  Je  uous  prie ,  beau  sire ,  dictes  moy  a  quoy  ilz  penseront,  affin  que  puisse 

se      where  lyeth  that  that  ye  tell  me. 
ueoir  ou    gist   ce  que  me  dictes. 

1  shall  shewe  it  you    of  good    herle  but      if        il       please      you       it 

Lau.  Je  ie  uous  diray  de  bon  coeur,  madame,  mais   si!  uous   uient   a   plaisir 

shalbe    at    soupper,    for     your      diner      is     ended. 
ce  sera  a  souppér,  car  uostre  disnér  est  acheué. 

Well  at  soupper  be  it. 
Ma.  Bien  a  souppér  soit. 


New ,  maistre         Amener,       I  hâve  herd  say    that     promysse     is     dette. 

Marv.  Or  SUS.  monsieur  lAmosniér,  jay   ouy  dire  que  promesse  est  debte. 


Trewiy  it  his    trew,  specially         of  ihe  aioutli  of  a  faithfuU  inan. 

Certes,  madame,  il  est  certain,  especiallement  de  bouche  de        fidél 

Do  ye  nat  hoide  you  for  suche?  •■ 

Ne  uous  tenes  pas   itél? 

Ye  verely.  '  ^ 

Sy  fay  certes,  madame. 

Now       acquite       you       ihaii  and  kepe     promis,       for  lo  kepe   promys    comelh  of 
Or  uous  acquités  doncques  et  tenés  promesse,  car  tenir  promesse  vient  de 


Well,    sith     it    is     so    ihat  ye  do  comande  it,  it  sliall  please  you  lo  know     ihat  llie 
Bien  puisquainsy  est  que    le    comandés,   ii  uous    plaira    scauoir   que    la 

masse     is  ihe  testament ,  the  which    our         Lorde  made    before 

messe  est  le  testament,  le  quel  Nostre  Seigneur  Jhesu  Christ  fist  deuant 

his  deth  and  passyon ,  whiche  is  none  other   thynge  (as    ye   weli   know)    but   the 
sa  mort  et  passyon ,   que    nest    aultre  chose  (come  bien  scaués)  que   la 

lasle  wyll  of  a     parson,     louchyng  the    disposicion      of    is  goodnes 

darniére  uoullenté  dune  parson ,  quant  a   la  disposition  de  ses   biens 

after       his  deth ,      wherfore        our        Lorde         wyllyng     lo    dye    for  ihe  hu- 
appres  sa  mort,  pourquoy  Nostre  Seigneur  uoullant  mourir  pour  Ihu- 

maine  kyndred,  dyd  ordayne  ihat  his    preciou»     body    shuld  be  put  to  deth      for 
main  legnage,    ordonna  que  son  precieuz  corps  seroit  mis  a  mort  pour 

our    synnes,    in     memory   and  wytnesse      iherof     he    lefle    us    and  ordayned 
nos  péchés,  en  mémoire  et  tiesmoing  de  quoy  il  nous  laissa  et  ordonna 

us  the  sacramenl  of  theaulter  in     remembraunce      of  his  sayd  passyon ,  to  the  ende 
le  sacrement  de   lautél  en  commemoracion  de  sa  dicte  passion,         afiin 

that  every  one  whyche  shal  beleve  in  the   sayd  mislery,  that  is  lo   know    in      his 
que  chescun  que  croira  ou  deuant  dit  mistére,  cest  a  scauoir  en  son 

incarnation,       passyon  and  résurrection    represented  in    the  foresayde    sacramenl 
incarnation ,  passion  et  resurection  représentez  ou  deuant  dit  sacrement 

shuld  be  made  partener     of  the  mérite  of  tlie  same ,  which  is     our        rédemption, 
seroit     fait  participant  du  mérite     dicelle,     qui  est  nostre  redemcion. 

Now  it    is      so        that     we      may      make      no       greatter     honour      to      God 
Or  est  il  ainsy   que    ne   pouons   faire    plus   grand    honneur   a    Dieu 



tlian  lo  estymat  him  trew.  vhere  as  lie  is  trew  lyfe,  aor        grealler        dishonour 
que  lestimér  uéritable  (la  ou  il  est  uray  uerité)  ne  plus  grand  deshonneur 

than  to  mystnist  hym.  He  hath  lefl    us    ihe  sayd  sacrament      by        way  of 

.  que  de  le  mescroire.  Il  nous  a  laisse  le    dit  sacrement  par  manière  de 

testament,  to  the  ende  thaï      every     one     of      us    may  be  proved  by     his  faytli  : 
testament,     alTm     que  tmg  chescun  de  nous  soit  prouué  par  sa    foy  : 

for  so  moche  as    ihe    parsone     beleved ,    so  moch  she  shall  receyve  :    the    masse 
car    autant  que   la  personne  croyt,   tant        elle       rechoit  :   la   messe 

than  is       rehersyng         of  his     glorious     passyon ,    in  the  whiche  lyeth  the 

doncque  est  recapitulation  de  sa  glorieuse  passyon,  en  laquelle    gist    la 

remjssyon    of      synnes,  and  where  one  ought  to  seke  it,  and  nat  elswhere,    for 
remission  des  péchez,  et  la  ou  on  la  doibt  cerchér,  et  non  ailleurs,  car 

the    gyveng    remyssyon  dolh  ralify  and  approve  the  repentaunce     and    contrityon 
le  donnant  remission   ratisfic    et  approuue  la  compunccion  et  contricion 

of  the  synner,      askyng        pardone   hy   ihe  meryte  of  the  said  passion,  the  whiche 
du  pécheur,  demandant  pardon  par  le  mérite  dicelle    passion ,  la  quelle 

is    nat        goten      in  angre  agaynst     Anna,     Caiphas,    Pylate,    He- 

ne  saquiert  pas  en  ce  courouceant  encontre  Anne,  Caiphe,  Pilate,  He- 

rode  and  the  turmentours  whiche  dyd  put     our        Lorde      to  dethe,  and   to   be 
rode  et        satellittes        qui  meirent  Noslre  Seigneur  a  mort ,  et  destre 

soroufull        thaï     our        Lorde  hath  so  moche  suflFred   for       us,     rather  is      ail 
desplaisant  que  Nostre  Seigneur  a  tant    souffert  pour  nous,  ains  est  tout 

the  contrary,       for   he   it     defended,    where  he  said  :  doughler    of      Jérusalem 
le  contraire,   car  il  le   defendist,  ou    il    dist  :      fdle       de  Jhrusalem 

wepe  nat  upon  me,    but  rather  upon  you  and         your  chyldren ,  as 

ne  plourés  point  sur  moy,  mais     sur      uous  et  sur  nos  enfans ,  come 

he  wolde  hâve  sayd  :    ye    and  they    ben     cause  of    my  deth ,     for    I     dye        in 
si!   uoulsist  dire:  uous  et  eulz  sont  cause  de  ma  mort,  car  je  meurs  en 

salisfaccion      of  your  synnes.    In    approbation  of  the  whiche    our     molher   holy 
satisfaccion  de  uos  péchez.  En  approbacion  de     quoy  nostre  mère  saint 

Ghurche  make  myrth  andherrejoysein  suche  wyse,  thaï  she  is  nat   aferde  to  say  ; 
Eglise        exulte     et  se  resjouist  tellement  quelle  ne craind  point  adiré: 

0     happy       synne,   which  hath  deserved  suciie  a  redemer!      Ye,     and  that  more 
O  heureulz  péchez,  qui    a     mérité    tel  rédempteur!  Voire,  et  qui  plus 


is,     she  dolh  callthe  crosse  swete,    and  the  nayles  tlie  whiche  were    ryght    swete 
est,  elle  appelle  la  croix  doulce,  et  les  clouz  lesquelz  furent  bien  doulz 

for         us,       but    nat  for    hym,  for theyhym    peerced     his  glorious       fête 

pour  nous ,  mais  non  mie  pour  luy ,  car  ilz  luy  percèrent  ses  glorieus  piédz 
andhandes,  in  shedyng  his  sacred  and  blessed  blode,  with  ineslymable 
et  mains,  en  respandant  son  tressacre  et  benoitsang,  auec  inestimable 
payne  and  sorowe.  We  shall  leave  hère  tyll  to  morowe  or  anotber  tyme, 
paine  et  doulieur.  Nous  laisserons  icy  jusques  a  demain  ou  une  aultresfois, 
if  it  so  please  lo  your  good  grâce, 
sy  ainsy  plaist  a  uostre  bonne  grâce. 

The  pieasure  of  God  be  donc,  maister         amner,        the  whicbe   wyli    rewarde    you 
Ma  Le   plaisir  de  Dieu  soit,    monsieur  laumosnier,  lequel  uous  ueuHe  remu- 

of  your  good  wordes. 
nerer  de  uos  beauiz  diz ,  etc. 





Your  hignes      was  wont       hère       before      to  begynne       altercation    betwene 

amener.      Uostre    celsitude    souloit     par  cy  deuant  commencer  laltercation    entre 

us        twayne,     but    bycause  that    1  se     you     sadde      and     hevy      more    than 
nous    deux,  mais  pource  que  uous  uoy  pensive  et  remyse  plus   que 

ye  haye      of       custome ,     I  shall  inhardysshe      and  put  me  in  prease  at  ihis  tyme 
naués     de  coustome,  je     menhardiray     et  ingereray     a     ceste      fois 

to    move       you       and     provoke        to  wyliyng  to  hère  thexposition  of  the  cere- 
de  uous  instiguér  et  prouocquér  a  uoulloir  ouir  lexposition  des  ceri- 

monyes     of   the   masse. 
meniez   de   la  messe. 

Without    faite        ye  shall   do   to   me     servyce     agréable,     wherfore  begynne 

^^-  Infailiblement     uous    me  ferés       seruice  agréable,  pourquoy    comencés 

whan     ye      shall  thinke  best. 
quant  bon  uous  semblera. 



I     suppose     Ihat     your  halh     nat     forgotten  that     which    hère         before 

^•"-  Je  suppose  que  uostre  grâce    na    point  oublié     ce      que  par  cy  deuant 

I  hâve  shewed  you    ofthe  masse,      wherefore    in    procedyng       further,         il     is 
uous  ay  dit  de  la  messe,  pour  quoy  en  procédant  plus  oultre,  il  est 

irew  ihat  the     clolh     or  the     first        lynyne  that  the    preest      put   upon 

bien  uray  que   le   uoille  ou  la  primiér   linge  que  le  prestre  mect    sur 

his  heed  in  niakyng  him  redy  al  ihe  masse,  dolh  signifie  the  clolh  wherof       our 
sa  teste  en    se    préparant  a    la  messe,  signifie         ie  drap  dontNostre 

Lorde  had     his     eyen     byndod ,      whan      the    tormenlours    gyvyng       him 

Seigneur  eubt  les   yeulx  bendés,    quant    les    satellites      luy   donnant 

blowes  dyd  say  :     prophecy     who  hath  stroke  the.  Than  he     put 

des  buffes  et  soufTletz  disoient  :  prophétise  qui    ta      frappé.   Puis  il  veste 

on  the  aube    white     that  signifye  the  gowne  whiche  gave     him       repulyng 

^  iaube  blance  qui  signifie  la  robbe  que  Herode  lui  donna  lestimant 

him  a  foie,  bycause    that    he    beyng    in  his    présence    wold  nat         do  some 

fol ,  pour  ce  que  luy  estant  en  sa  présence  ne  uoullut  faire  aulcun 

miracle.     She     do  sygnifye    also     that  se    well     the  herer    of  the  masse  as 

miracle.  Elle     signifie     aussy  que  sy  bien   lauditeur  de  la  messe  come 

the       saier,     ought        to  be     chaste,    or    they  be  nat       worthy     to  be    to 

le    diseur,  doibuent  estre  chaiste ,  ou  ilz  ne  sont  point  dignes  destre   a 

I  suche    misteris.    The       gyrdell  lykewyse       sygnifye      chastité,    for         our 

tel      mistére.   La    chainture  pareillement  signifie   chasteté ,  car  Nostre 

Lorde  in  apperyng       to    his     prophètes      was  wonl   to  say  :    gyrle     thy 

Seigneur  en    apparoissant  a   ses   prophètes      seult     dire  :    chains   tes 

raynes       as  a  man ,         for  the    vertu     of     the  man  lyelh    in  his  rains; 

rains     come   ung  homme,  car  la   vertu   de    Ihome    gist     ez      rains; 

than    the  stole  that  he   put       about      his  necke       and  of    his    body,       signifielh 
puis  lestolle     que   mect  entour  de  son  col   et  de  son  corps ,      signifie 

the  corde  wherof     his      precious    body    was  tyed  to  the  pylar     by    Pylate.  The 
la   corde    dont    son  precieus  corps  fut  lie     au    pilier  par  Pilate.    Le 

manypule    doth  sygnifye  the  same  wherof  his    preciouse      bandes  were      bounde , 
manipule      signifie      celle      dont    ses  précieuses  mains  furent      léez , 

and  the    cheasuble    doth  représente  the    pylard  and  the  crosse  that    Pylate  dyd 
et     ie     chasuble   représente        le    pilier    et    la   croix  que  Pilate  luy 


charge       upon    liis       precious    slioldres       afier  that     he  liad  juged  liim     lo  be 
chergea    sur    ses   espaules  précieuses  appres       lauoir   jugés      destre 

for         us     crucified;     than     after       in     lyke  maner       as        in       beryng 

pour  nous  crucifiez  ;  puis  appres  ne  plus  ne  moins  corne  en   portant 

ihe  same    crosse,  he    went    to  his    deth    and    passyon,      in  lyke  wyse       come 
icelle        crois,   il    alloit   a   sa   mort   et   passion,      tout  ainsy     uient 

the    preest      for      to  begynne  the       memory  of  the  same ,   in      himselfe 

le     prestre  pour  comencér  la    remembrance      dicelie,       en  se 

fyrsl  shrivyng      lo     us ,  where  as  prayeng  to  God   to  be  wyllyng  hini 

premièrement  confessant  a  nous,  la    ou    priant    Dieu      luy     uoulloir 

to  forgyve,       we  confesse  us        to  him       lykewyse,       the  whiche  praieng 

pardonner,  nous  nous  confessons  a  luy  pareillement ,  le     quel    priant 

for  us ,       doth    gyve  us         absolucion ,     than  goth  he  to  the  auter.  1 

pour    nous ,   nous     donne     absolucion ,   puis  sen   ua   a  lautél ,  etc.  Je 

bave  declared  to  you  the  signification     of  the  raymentes      beiongyng       to  the  ser- 
uous    ay  déclarés  les  signifiances  des  abillementz  appartenant    au     ser- 

vyce    of  the  masse,     unto  the  introite   of  the  same,  the  whiche  with  the 

uice  de  la  messe ,  jusques  a     lintroite         dicelie,      le     quel    auec  le 

overplus     shalbe  to  you  declared  an       other  tyme  at     your     good  pleasure  and 
sourplus   nous  sera  épilogue  ung  aultre  fois  a  uostre  bon  plaisir     et 


I      agre  iherto,       maisire  amener,         thankyng      you      with  ail     my     herte 

Je  my  acorde ,  monsieur  laulmosniér,  nous  remerciant    de  tout  mon  cœur 

of    your       good      techyng. 
de  uostre  bonne  doctrine. 

To  good  and    honour        may  il  tourne  to  you ,      madame. 
A    bien   et   honneur   nous  puist  il  tourner,  madame. 







Moche  good  do  it  you ,     madame. 
Lau.  Bon  prew  uous  face,  madame. 

Ye  be  well    come,     maistre         Amener. 
Ma.  Bien  soiéz  uenu ,  monsieur  lAumosniér. 

Whal?  is     it  so     late.     Trewly    I        thought        nat         that  the   horde    was 

Lau.  Comment?  est  il  sy  tard.   Certes  je  ne   cuidoie    point  que  la   table  fust 

covered       nor  tlie  clolhe     layde,  and    ye  hâve     alredy     ealen     your       porage. 
couuerte   ne  la  nappe   mise,    et  uous  aués  desja  mengé  uostre  potage. 

How  knowe  ye  the   same,    paraventure  that   I  hâve  nat. 
Ma.  Cornent  le  scaues  uous,  peult  estre  que  non  ay. 

It    is  well     possyble,    how  be  it  that       I  wolde  parswade  you     to  eate  of  it 

Lan.  Il  est  bien  possible,  combien  que  uous  uouldroie  persuader     den  mengér 

quelque  petit. 

Why,  I    pray     you. 

Ma.  Pourquoy,  je  uous  prie.  » 

Bycause  that       physicions      ben  of  Opynyon  that  one  ought     to  begyn    the       meate 
L«u.  Parce    que  les  médecins  sont  dopinion     quon    doibt  comencér   le  mengér 

of     vitayle  to  ihende  that     by     that     meane      to  gyve  direction 

de  uiandes  liquides     aiïin       de     par   ce     moieu   donner       direccion 

to  ihe  remenant, 
au      sourplous. 

How  are     you    a  physicion ,    I    thought     that      ye     had  ben  a  lawyer. 

Ma.  Cornent  estes  uous   médecin,  je  cuidoye  que  vous  fusses   légiste. 

Trewly  men  ben  wont  to  say    every  man         to  be  a  phisycion ,     but     he 

Lan.  Certes,  madame,  on    seult      dire    ung  chescun   estre    médecin,  synon  le 

that  is  sycke. 


And    ye        Le       nat       sicke ,       wherfore       ye         hâve         concluded  you    a  phi- 
Et  uous  nestes  point  malade,  pourquoy  uous  uous  estes  conclue!  me- 

sycion ,  déclare  me  therfore  ihe  qualylies  and  properlies  of  thèse  meates 
decin.declarésmoydoncques  les  qualités  et  propriétés  de  ces  uiandes 
that     I  may     knowe  the   whiche     ben     most         liolsome    for      me ,   and 

que  puisse  congnoistre   lesquelles  sont  les   plus   saines  pour  moy,    et 

I   sliall  alowe       your      phisycke. 
japprouueray  uostre  médecine. 

Cerlaynly ,  madame ,      I  shall  shewe  you       gladiye         ail    that     I     can.      I     hâve 

Certes,     madame,  je  uous  en  diray  uouUentiér  ce   que  jen  scay.  Je  vous 

tolde    you  alredy  myne    advyse  of  the    porage,    and    touchyng   the     befe  :        I 

ay    desja    dit    mon     aduis     du     potage,    et    touchant   le    beuf:   je 

do  estymate  him  of  nature  melancolyke  and  engendre  and  produce  grose 
lestime  de  nature  melancolyque    et   engendre  et  produit   gros 

blode  well     norisshyng     folkes  and     of  stronge   complexion,    whiche 

sang  bien  nourissant  gens    robustes    et     de   forte   complexion ,      qui 

occupy  them  in  great  busynesse  and  payne;  the  moton  boyied  is  of 
se   exercent  en  grand  trauaill    et   labeurs;    le  mouton  bouilly  est  de 

nature  and  complexion  sanguyne ,  the  whiche ,  to  my  jugement ,  is  holsome 
nature  et  complexion  sanguine,    lequel     a  mon  jugement  est        sain 

for        your      grâce;        capons        boyied     and     chekyns     ben  lykewyse 

pour  uostre  grâce  ;  chappons  boullis    et    poucins  sont  semblablement 

of  good  nourysshyng  and  doth  engender  good  blode,  but  whan  they  ben 
de  bonne  nourriture   et   engendrent     bon   sang,  mais  quant   ilz   sont 

rosted ,  ihey  ben  somwhat  more  colloryke ,  and  ail  maner  of  meates 
rostiz ,  ilz  sont  ung  tantet  plus  colericques ,  et  toutte  manières  de  uiandes 

rosted  the  tone  more  the  tother  lesse.  And  ail  foules  and  byrdes 
restiez     lune       plus       laultre     mains.  Et  toutz  uollatilles  et  oyseaulz 

of  water  as  ben  swannes,  gese,  malardes,  teales,  hérons,  bytters, 
de  riuiéres  come  sont  cignes ,  oiez ,  malartz ,  cercelies ,  hairons ,    butors , 

and  ail  suche  byrdes  ben  of  nature  melancolyke,  lesse  neverthelesse 
et   tous   telz   oyseaulz  sont  de  nature  raelancolicques ,  moins   touttesfois 

rosted  than  boyied.  And  conys,  hares,  rabettes,  buckes,  does,  hartes, 
rostis  que  boullis.  Et    conins,  Heures,  laperaus,  dains,   daines,  cerfs, 


hyndes,    robuckes       or     lepers         liolde         also       ail     of     melancoly,  but 

biches,  cheureus    ou  saillantz  tiennent  aussy  tous  de  melencolie,  mais 

of       ail       meales  the      best       and  most  utille  to  the  body       of  man       is     of 
de  touttz  uiandz  la   nieillure   et   plus   utille    a     corps    homain    est  de 

capons,  chyckyns ,  faisantes  ,  partricbes,  yonge  parlriches , 

chappons,  poucins,    faisans,    perdris,      perdreaus,  plouuiers,  pi- 

quailles,    suites,         wodcockes,  lurtell  doves,    knyghtes,  stares, 

geons,  calles,  bécasses,   uidecocz,  tourterelles,  cheualiers,estourneauz, 

sparo»  s ,       or  ,     finches ,  ,  gold  finches , 

moinons ,  ou  passeriauz ,  pinchons ,  uerdieres ,  frions ,  cardinotes ,  linotes , 

thrushe      felde  fare,     and      ail  kyndes    of   small  byrdes,      (wherof         the 

maluis       griues,        et  touttes  espèces  de  petis  oiseletz,   (desquelz  les 

names  ben  without  nombre)  ben    metes         norisshyng      and  of    lilell     deges- 
noras  sont  infinitz  )  sont  uiandes  nourrissantes   et  de  facille  diges- 

tion,    and  that     engendre       good    blode,     howbeit      Ihat  in      Spaine     and      in 
tion,    et   qui  engendrent  bon  sang,    combien    quen    Espagne    et  "en 

Fraunce  the  use  of  suche  metes       i»  more  to  be    commended    than  ours. 

France   lusage  de  télz  uiandes  est  plus  comendable  que  le  nostre. 

Why,  I     pray    you,  bave  ye  nat  haboundance  of  sucbe    ganie     in  tliis 

Ma.  Pourquoy,  je  uous  prie,  nauons  nous  pas  plenté  de   tel    gibier  en  ce 

reaime        as      tbey  bave  there.  ' 

roialme  come  ilz    ont   la. 

Ye  forsotb,  madame,      but         we  do  nal  use  it  so  weli,  for  tbey       be- 

f<aa.  Sy  auons  certes,  madame,  mais  nous  nen  usons  point  sy  bien,  car  ilz  com- 

g\'nne      alwayes    witb  the  best    and     ende     witb  tbe  most  grosse    whiche  tbey 
mencent  tousjours  la  meillure  et    finissent  a  la  plus  grosse  quilz 

ieave  for    the     servantes,  where  as  we      do  al   the  contrary. 

laissent  pour  les  seruiteurs,  la  ou  nous  faisons  tout  le  contraire,  et  cetera. 

Ifitpleaseto    your     grâce,      we      shall  make  ende  of     our  comunicalion , 

Sil  plaist  a  uostre  grâce ,    nous     ferons     fin  de  nostre  comunicacion , 

unto     soupper,  at  ihe  whiche,   if     ye    thynke     best,         we     shail  make  an  ende. 
jusques a souppér,  auquel,  se  bon  uous  semble,  nous     paracheurons. 

Se  be    it       as        ye  wyll. 
Ma.  Ainsy  soit  come  le  uoullés. 



Do  ye   remembre,     maistre         amener,        ihat  ye  hâve  nat       yet     satisfyed  of  the 
Uoussouuient  il,  monsieur  laumosnier,  que  naues  pas  encore  satisfait   des 

complexions      and   propertes  of     meates     that  whiclie   hâve    begonne,   and    nat 
complexions    et     nature   de  uiandes    que    uous  aues  entaméez ,  et  non 

Trewly,  madame,     ye     hâve   reason,    wherfore    in     fulfyllyng       ihatwbiche  Ibave 
Certes,  madame,  uous  auéz  rayson,  pourquoy  en  accomplissant  ce  que        jay 

begon,  I       do  warne  yon     ihat     ail  maner      meates       sodden  what 

encomencé,  je   uous  aduertis   que  touttes       uiandes  bouilliez  quelles 

so  ever  il  be,  holde       more   of  ihe  ayre  and  of  the  water  (whiche  ben     two 

quelles  soient,   tiennent  plus  de      lair    et  de      leau    (qui  sont  deulx 

elementes  wherof  doih     come        and     springe     blode  and    fleame  :  underslande 
elementz  dont  procèdent   et  pullulent  sang  et  fleugme  :  nentendes 

nat  neverthelesse  but  ail  maner  of  meale     bolde      oflhe       foure       complexions, 
pas  touttes  fois  que  touttes  uiandes  ne  tiennent  des   quatre  complexions , 

the   one  more  and  the other    lesse,  for   if  I    be    weli  enformed,  ihe     complexion 
lesunesplus  et  aultres  moins,  car  se  je  suis  bien  aduerty,   la  complexion 

of      thynges      take     denomynalion     of  the  qualytes     principall      domynant     in 
des  choses   prent  dénomination  de  la  qualyté  principalle  dominant  en 

the  same)     than  they  do      of  the  other      twayne.    But    of  ail  maner       ofmeate, 
icelle)     quelles  ne  font    des    aultres    deux.  Mais  de  touttes      uiandes, 

the  moost  daungerous  it  that  whiche  is  of  fruités ,  as       chères ,  small  cheryse, 

la   plus    dangereuse  est  celle        de  fruitzcrudz,comecherises,guingues, 

■  great  cherise,    strauberis,      fryberis,  mulberis ,  preunes,   ches- 

gascongnes,     freses,        framboises,   moures,   cornelles,    prunes,  chas- 

tay nés  nattes,        fylberdes,  walnultes,  cervyse,     mediers,  aples , 

taignes,  nois    franches,   grosses   nois,   cerues,    mesles,    pommes, 

père»,       pèches,     melons,  and     ail         other         kyndes       of 

poires,  pesches,  melons,    concombres,     et  touttes  aultres  espèces  de 


1074  .         AN  INTRODUCTORIE 

fruités,  howbeit  thaï  youth,       bycause  of    heate  and  moysliiesse ,  doth  dygest  them 
fruitz ,  ja  soit  que  jeunesse ,  a  cause  de  challeur  et  moisteur,  les  digère 

better     ihan       âge         do  the. 
mieuiz  que  uiellesse  ne  fait. 

Howe,  mayster        amener,         this     meale     that    we     do  eale         do    ihey  en- 

Ma.  Cornent,  monsieur  laumosnier,  ces  uiandes  que  nous  mangeons  engendrent- 

gendre  the  blode  ;   I     ihoughl    that      we         had  our      blode  from        our 

elles    le   sang;  je   cuydoie  que   nous  eussions  nostre   sang   des  nostre 


Trewly,  madame,    so     hâve       we,       but      we     do  norysshe  liym  and  en- 

Lau.  Ueritablement ,  madame ,  sy  auons   nous,  mais  nous  le  nourissons  et  en- 

crease  of       meate,      for       as         a     phylosopher  sayth  :     sache        as      the 

croissons  des  uiandes,  car  come  dit  ung  philosophe  :  quelles  sont  les 

mete    is,   suche    is    the  blode,   and  suche    as    the  blode  is,  suche    is     the  sprit, 
uiandes,    tel    est    le   sang,    et   quel    est   le  sang,    quel   est  lespérit, 

and  suche  as  the  sprit   is  suche  is  the  wyt,  and  suche    as  the  wyt  is  suche    is  the 
quel    est     lespéril,  tel   est    le  sens,   et   quel  est  le    sens,  telle    est   la 

reason.      Wherfore      ye         se  clerely  that  the  good       mete     cause 

rayson.  Par  quoy  uous  uoiez  manifestement  que  la  bonne  uiande  faict 

the  good    uiiderstandyng   and     good      reason  ;     holde      you  than       to  ihe 

le   bon    entendement     et   bonne  rayson;   tenés   uous   doncques  a     la 

beste  and  Iake  nat  to  moche  therof 

meilleure  et    nen  prenés   pas    trop. 

In       my       God,      I     wene       that      my     physicien         whan       I  shall  hâve      one 
Ma.  En   mon    Dieu,   je    cuide    que   mon    médecin     quant    jen     auray   ung 

shall  scante  mende      your     reasons,  wherfore         I  pray  you       lo     pro- 

pouldra  a  paine  amender  uos  raysons,  pourquoy  je  uous  prie  de  pro- 
cède    that  I  may       knowe  my    complexion. 
céder  que  puisse  congnoistre  ma  complexion. 

If  it  pleaseyou,  madame,      we  shall  abyde  tyll  another        tyme, 

Lau.  Si!  uous  uient  a  plaisir,  madame,  nous  différerons  jusques  a  une  aultre  fois, 

bycause  that     your     supper       is  almost  ended. 
pource  que  uostre  souppér  est  quasy  acheué. 


Well,  lo  morowe    be  it. 
Bien,  a  demain  soit. 


Trewiy,     maysler  amener,     I  ihinke  it  longe  to  hère  the  ende  of      our  be- 

Certes,  monsieur  laulmosnier,    il  me  tarde  douir    la   fin  de  nostre  enco- 

gonne       communycation. 
mencée  comunicacion. 

In  good  solh,  madame,    I     am     redy   lo      acquyte      me,  howbeit    that  I  make  pro- 
En  uerité ,   madame ,  je  suis  prect  de  me  acquictér,  combien  que  je  proteste 

testation  before       your    grâce  ibat  I  shall  speke  therof     as       a     clerke  of  armes , 
deuant  uostre  grâce  que  jen         parleray  come  ung  clerc  darmes, 

for  I  knowe  nothyngof  it  but    by    hère    say. 
car  je  nen  scay  rien  que  par  ouir  dire. 

Well,    well,   care       ye        nat. 
Bien,  bien,  ne  nous  chaille. 

It         is         trouth,  madame,  ihat  there  is  foure     elementes,    that  is     lo  say  :    the 
H  est  bien  uray,  madame,   que  sont  quatre  elementz,  cest  a  scauoir  :  la 

erthe.thewater, thayre,andthefyre,lhewhichehave      eche      oneaqualytie    proper 
terre,  leau,     lair,     et  le  feu,  lesquelz  ont  chescun  une  qualité  propre 

and  one       folowyng.     The  erthe    is      drie     of  her    proper  qualytie,  and    colde 
et  une  cocomitante.  La  terre  est  seiche  de  sa  propre  qualité ,  et  froide 

by     nature     folowynge,    the  whiche  comethof  the  water  that    to  her   is       nyghe: 
par  nature  cocomitante,  laquelle  uient  de  leaue  quiluy  est  prouchayne : 

the  water  is    colde    of  his    propertie,     but     for  the neighbourhode that shehatliof 
leau        est  froide  de  sa  propriété ,  mais  par  la    contiguité    quelle  a  de 

theayre.she  is    moyst:  the  ayre  of  his  proper    qualytie  is    moyst,   but     by    the 
lair,     elle  est  moiste  :    lair   de  sa  propre  qualité  est  moist,  mais  par   la 

concordence      that  he  hathto  the  fyre,  he  is      hole:     the  fyre    is      hole      of  his 
simbolisacion  quil      a      au    feu,  il  est  chault:   le  feu  est  chault  de  sa 

proper     nature  and  drie   by  the  erthe,  to  the  whiche  he  is     very       nyghe;        of 
propre  nature  et  sec  par  la  terre,  a  laquelle  il  est  concomitant;   des- 

the  whiche    foure     qualyties       naturall    and       folowyng  dothe  springe  to  us 

quelles     quatre   qualités  naturelles  et  concomitantes       nous  résultent 
\  .  '35. 


foure       complexions ,    for  of     liealc     dolh  springe  tlie  colerike  whiclie  is         hôte 
quatre  complexions,  car  de  challeur    pululle     collericque  qui  est  chault 

and  drie,   of  moyslnesse  is  sayde  ihe  sanguyne  hoole  and  moyst,    of  colde, 

et     sec,  de  humidité  est  dit       sanguine  chault  et  moiste ,  de  froydure, 

and     flumatyke    colde  and  moyst,    of  drinesse,   (lie     melancolyke  coldeanddrie. 
le  flegmaticque  froit  et  moiste ,  de  seicheur,  le  melancolicque  froit  et  sec. 

Trewly,  if  I  liave  well  reœembred ,    ye     bave  sayde  here  above    tliat        ail       thynges 
Ma.  Certes,  se  jay  bien     retenu,    uous  aués  dict  cy  dessus  que  touttes  choses 

•  elemented      bave     al!       ibe     foure     complexions. 

eiementéez  ont  toutte  les  quatre  complexions. 

There  is  notbyng  more  trewe ,   madame. 
Lau.  Il      nest    riens  plus  uray,  madame. 

Tban  bave    I     foure       complexions. 

Ma.  Doncques  ay  je  quatre  complexions. 

It    is      so,       but        as     1  bave  sayde  to  you  bere  before ,    ibey    lake         ever     the 
Lau.  Il  est  ainsy,  mais  come  je   uous   ay    dit    cy  deuant,  on  prent  tousjours  la 

dénomination       of  tlie  quaiylie     principall   and  bavyng  domynion. 
dénomination  de  la  qualité  principalle  et     dominante. 

Of      wbat      complexion  do    ye    take    me    by     your  fayth. 
Ma.  De  quelle  complexion  me  dictes  uous  par  uostre  foy. 

In      good    faylb ,  madame ,    of  the       best. 
Lau.  En  bonne  foy,  madame ,  de  la  meilleure. 

'Ha,    beware  of  flatery,         for  bowbeit     tbat   I  am  yonge  of  yeres ,  yel  bave 

Ma.  Ha,  gardes  uous  dadulation ,  car  combien  que  soyejeune  de  ans,   sy    ay 

I  berde  say  neveribelesse  ibal  every  body  balh  a  frende  tliat  dare  bim  shewe  bis 
je  ouy  dire  toutesfois  que    chcscun    a    ung   amy  qui  luy  ose  dire   ses 

fautes ,       save      princes  and    princesses ,    for  tbe  most  parte  dotbe  synge   of   pla- 
faultes,  synon  princes  et  princesses,  car  la  plus  part     jouent     de  pla- 
cebo,  and      few         of   dilexi. 
cebo ,  et  bien  peu  de  dilexi. 

Trewly,     madame,     your      reason     is       good     and  trewe:  natwilbstandyng         ail 
Lau.  Certes,  madame ,  uostre  rayson  est   bonne   et  uraye  :    nonobstant    toutte 

flatery  and  adulation  sette    a   syde,  1  bave  sayd  tbe  trulbe,   for  to  tbe  reporte  of 

adulacion  et    flaterie  ariere  mise,    jay    dit   la  uerité,  car  au  report  de 


any     connynge     man     ye     hâve    complexion    sanguyne.whiche  is  the  best 

toutliommescauantuous  aués  complexion  sanguine,  qui  est  ia  meilleure 

of  the     four,      bycause  that  ihe    others      holden     more  of  exiermiles,    for     in 
des     quatre ,  a  cause  que  les  auitres  tiennent  plus  dextermités,  car  en 

hete         and  moisture  lyeth  the  lyfe  of  ihe  man ,  and  the      more  thathe  declyne  lo 
challeur  et  moisteur  gist  la  uie  de  Ihome ,  et  quant  plus  quil  décline  a 

coldenes  and   drinesse,  whiche  ben  diametrally  opposite  and  contrary   lo 

froideur  et  seicheur,    qui    sont  diamétrallement  opposite  et  contraire  a 

hete  and  moisture,     the  more he  goelh  to  corrupcion ,  whiche  is  the  deth  :     I 

chaleur  et  moisture,  tant  plus  il  ua  a  corrupcion,      qui  est  la  mort  :  je 

myght     prove     to     you  by  reason    unpossible    lo    withslande  thaï   this        your 
uous  poulroie  prouuér  par  irréfragable  etsoiides  oppinionsqueceste  uostre 

complexion       is  ihe     besle,       bul      for     nat     tobe   ledious  nor  maipleasant,  I 
complexion  est  la  meilleur,  mais  pour  non  estre  tedieus  ne   facheus,  je 

remitle       il  to    an     other  tyrae. 
le  remectz  a  une  aultre  fois. 

Forsoth  il    displease    me     ihat    my      dyner     is     ended ,     for  I  hâve    taken       great 
Certes  il  me  desplaist  que  mon  disner  est  acheué,  car  jay    priens  grand 

pleasure  to    your       communication ,  and  howbeil     thaï    my      body      is      sufii- 
plaisir    a  uostre  communicacion,  et  combien  que  mon  corps  est  suffi- 

cienlly  saciate    and  fedde,  yet    remayne    my    soûle  neverlheles  hongry 

samment  refocillé  et  repus,  sy  demeure  mon  ame  touttes  fois  familleuse 

and  full  of  appétit  of  suche  mêles    as  ye  hâve  hère  administred. 
et  esuriente  de  telles  uiandes  que  iuy  aués  administré. 

In     good     irewth  I  do  rejoise  me  to  se      your     grâce    so        incUned 

En  bonne  uerité,  madame,  je  me  resjouis  de  ueoir  uostre  grâce  tant  propense 

and  disposed  to  be  wyllyng  to  knowe  and      can ,  wherfore     I  shali  be       glad 

et  procliue  a  uouUoir   scauoir  et  cognoistre,  pourquoy  je  seray  joieulz 

to     fulfyll        your     good  wyll  where  il  shall  please  you  to  commande  me. 
daccomplir  uostre  uouUoir    la  ou  vous    plaira  me  comander. 

I    praie  to  God    to    rewarde    you   of    your    labour  and  good  instruction ,       maistre 
Je  prie  a  Dieu  uous  rémunérer  de  uostre  paine  et  bonne  doctrine,  monsieur 




God       préserve         you     in       ail        good      prospérité. 
Lati.  Dieu  nous  maintiegne  en  toutte  bonne  prospérité,  madame.      Amen. 


Of      atmos     ben  made  the   momentes,    of     momentes  ben  made  the    mynutes, 
Des  atomes  se    font  les  momentz,  des  momentz  se   font  les  minutes, 

of      mynutes  ben  made  the  degrees,   of    degrees  the  quarters  of  houres ,   of  quarters 
des  minutes  se  font  les  degrés,  des  degrés  les  quartz  dheures,  des  quartz 

of  houres  the     haif       houres ,     of       half      houres    the   houres ,  of  the  houres    the 
dheures  les  demye  heures,  des  demy    heures  les  heures,   des   heures  les 

dayes  and  Ihe  nyghtes  of  the  whiche  ben  made        wekes ,        of         wekes  the  monthes , 
jours  et  les   nuitz    desquelles  se  font  les  sepmaines ,  des  sepmaines  les  mois , 

of  the  monthes  the    foure     tymes  of  the  yere  whiche  ben  the  springe,  somer,     harvest, 
des       mois    les  quatre  temps  de    lan  qui  sont  printemps,  este,  autumne 

and     wynter.  Of  the  foure      tymes  ben  made  theyeres,  of  yeres  ben  made  the  whiche 
et        iuer.  Des   quatre  temps  se   font  les  ans,  des  ans  se   font  les    olim- 

last  four  yeres  and  lustres  fy ve ,  of  lustres  ben  made  the    fyftene  yeres ,  of 

piades  et  lustres,        des  lustres  se  font  les      indicions,  des  indicions 

ben  made  the  c  yeres ,  of  ben  made  the  tyme ,  whiche  is  sayd  a  m.  yeres.  Of 

se  font    les  siècles,  des  siècles  se    fait   le  temps,  qui  estdict   evum.    De 

is  made  the  tyme  wiche  is    sayd  xv  thousande  yeres. 
evum  se  fait  le  temps  qui  est  dict       parigeneses. 

The  tyme  is  none    olher    thyng    but     nombre     of         movyng,  movyng 

Le  temps    nest   aultre  chose  que  nombre  de  mouuement,  mouuement 

is  cause  of  lyfe  worldly ,  and  lyfe  everlastynge     is       our         Lorde       Jesu  Christ;  for 
est  cause    de     uie,  et  uie  pardurable  est  Nostre  Seigneur  Jesu  Crist;  car 

who  so  evershallworshyppehymand   drede       perpetually,     in  the  lande  of         lyvers 
quiconques        Ihonorera        et  craindra  a  perpétuité  ,  en  la  terre  des  uiuantz 

shall  lyve. 

This  letler  A,  in  latyn,  is  as  moche  tp  saye  as  without,  and  tomos  is 
divysyon,  than  Atomos  is  without  divisyon. 

Ye  shail  note ,  that  atmos  is  a  thyng  so  lytell  that  can  nat  be  devyded , 
as  a  letter  whiche  is  atmos ,  in  grammer,  oui,  is  atmos  in  arismetry,  a  pricke 
is  atmos  in  geometry,  and  the  duste  that  flyeth  in  the  sonne  beame  ben 
atmos,  and  a  twynciyng  of  an  ey  whiche  may  be  taken  hère  ibr  atmos. 

The  Greeks  were  wont  to  reken  by  Olympiades,  whiche  ben  four  yere; 
the  Romayns  by  lustres ,  whiche  ben  fyve  yeres  :  and  by  indicions  that  ben 
made  of  thre  lustres ,  which  ben  fyftene  yeres  :  a  secle  is  an  hundred  yere , 
and  taken  for  a  mannes  lyfe.  Evum  is  take  lykewyse  for  a  mannes 
âge ,  and  for  a  thousande  yeres ,  and  Parigeneses  for  fyftene  thousande  yeres, 
and  tyme  is  taken  for  the  lastyng  of  ail  the  worlde. 

Thus  endeth  the  seconde  and  laste  boke  of  this  introduction. 
Printed  at  London  by  Thomas  Godfray. 




A;  sa  prononciation,  2. — Sup- 
pression de  l'a,  dans  certains 
cas,  à  la  fin  des  mots,  42. — 
Devant  un  M  ou  nn  A'.  — Sa 
prononciation,  p.  xvii.  —  o 
long,  53. —  Ne  termine  ja- 
mais un  nom  substantif  sin- 
gulier, p.  XXVI  ;  ni  un  nom 
adjectif  singulier  masculin, 

p.  XXVII. 

A  abandon,  83 1. 
Aage, 3. 
Aager,  3. 
Aaige  (je),  à  18. 
Aayder,  3. 
Abandon,  833. 
Abandonnement ,  222. 
Abaye  (je) ,  586. 
Abeisse,  4i4. 
Abeisse  (je),  626. 
Abestis  (je),  623. 
Abbominable,  3o5. 
Abhominableté ,  ig3. 
Abhomination,  188. 
Abhomine  (je),  4i9' 
Abillcment ,  206. 
Abilleté,  266. 
Abire  (je),  43i. 

Abisme,  172. 

Ablatif,  327. 

A  bon  chief,  843. 

Abreuoyr,  222. 

A  brief  dire,  83 1. 

Abriefue  (je),  629. 

Abscons  (je),  584. 

Absconsse,  216. 

Absente  (je),  4i5. 

Absolut,  3o5. 

Absorbs  (je),  744. 

Abstiens  (je),  544. 

Abstrahys  (je),  52  6. 

Abstrais  (je),  669. 

Abuse  (je),  639. 

Abusion,  245. 

A  cause  que,  865. 

Accable  (je),  473,  586. 

Accent-,  signification  de  ce  mot 
accent  en  français ,  46. — Vé- 
ritable accentuation  en  fran- 
çais, p.  XX,  48,  49,  5i. 

Accointée,  290. 

Accointement,  218. 

Accoler,  28. 

Accollee,  228. 

AccoUette  (je),  625,  643. 

Accomble  (je),  549. 

Accompaigne  (je),  597. 

Accomparaige  (je),  491. 

Accompare  (je),  491. 

Accompte  (je),  4 16. 

Accondiscionne  (je),  574. 

Acconduis  (je),  468. 

Acconsuys  (je),  648. 

Accords  ;  rf^gles  des  trois  accords 
en  français ,  pag.  xxxviii. — 
Accord  de  l'adjectif  et  du 
substantif,  70. 

Accors  (je) ,  4oo. 

Accouardis  (je) ,  621. 

Accouardys  (je),  4 16. 

Accouplis  (je),  499. 

Accourcys  (je),  704. 

Accourtis  (je),  704. 

Accoustre  (je),  433. 

Accoynte  (je),  4 16. 

Accreue  (je),  472. 

Accroys  (je),  606. 

Accustume  (je),  417. 

A  celle  fin,  866. 

A  celle  foys,  8o5. 

A  certes,  887. 

Achapt,  198. 

Achapte  (je),  455. 

Acheison,  287. 

Achemine  (je),  761. 

Achetiue  (je),  620. 

Acheuis  (je),  470. 

Acheuissance,  217. 

•  Cette  table  n'existe  pas  dans  l'édition  anglaise  :  elle  comprend ,  outre  les  mots  tombés  en 
désuétude,  tous  ceux  qui  offrent,  pour  le  sens  ou  l'ortbograpbe ,  quelque  différence  avec  l'usage 
actuel  de  notre  langue. 




A  chief,  843. 

A  chief  de  pièce,  827. 

AcboisoD,  2o5. 

Achoysonne(je),  55o. 

Aciere  (je),  689. 

Acoincte,  261. 

A  comble,  847. 

Acompte  (je),  54o. 

Acondiscionne  (je),  igS. 

Aconduis  (je),  6o5. 

AcoDsuys  (je),  585. 

Aconuenance  (je),  443. 

A  costiere,  83 1 ,  84 1. 

Acoucbement,  239. 

Acoulpe  (je),  456. 

Acoulpe  (je),  601. 

A  coup,  8o4. 

Acource  (je),  629. 

Acquest,  289. 

Acqueste  (je),  563. 

Acquierge,  397. 

Acquiete  (je  me),  4 18. 

Acquisitjf,  3i3. 

Acquoquine  (je),  417. 

Acquoyse  (je),  488. 

Acquoyse  (je),  63o. 

Acrauante  (je),  472. 

Acru ,  3 1 1 . 

Actente ,  2  4o. 

Actif,  verbe  actif,  p.  xxx,  83. 

Actifie  (je),  618. 

Actise  (je),  53a. 

Actraict,  21 5. 

Acueils  (je  me),  56 1. 

Acusement,  igS. 

Acustumance,  242. 

Adens,  836. 

A  despit,  887. 

Adcstre  (je),  7» 5. 

Adextre  (je),  715. 

Adhère  (je),  434. 

A  dire  veoyr,  885. 

Adjectifs;  ont  trois  genres  :  mas- 
culin,  féminin ,  commun,  pag. 
xxTii.  —  Ont  deux  nombres, 
le  singulier  et  le  pluriel,  pag. 
XXVIII.  — Ont  trois  degrés  de 

comparaison ,    mais    formés 

autrement  qu'en  latin,  pag. 

XXVIII.  —  Les    adjectifs    ont 

sept  accidents,  69.  —  Accord 

des  adjectifs,  297. 
Adjouge  (je),  595. 
Adjouste  (je),  417. 
Adjoyngs  (je),  591. 
Adjuge  (je),  498. 
Adjutoire,  280. 
Admainer,  469. 
Admonestement,  286. 
Adnicbile  (je),  469. 
Aduile  (je),  63 1. 
Aduilene  (je) ,  63i. 
Aduoystre  (je),  490. 
Adnulle  (je),  469. 
Adole  (je),  6o3. 
Adole  (je  me),  475. 
Adompte  (je),  6a6. 
Adoncques,  794. 
.\dorne  (je),  417. 
Adosse  (je),  63o. 
Adoube  (je),  417,  5o8. 
Adouicer,  28. 
Adoulcis  (je),  4 80. 
Adoulcyr,  108. 
Adoulcys  (je),  63o. 
Adoule  (je),  426. 
Adresse  (je),  436. 
Adresse  sur  mon  séant  (je  me) , 

A  droyture,  83o. 
Adultère  (je),  490. 
Adultre,  193. 
Adune  (je),  467. 
Aduance  (je)  ,417. 
Aduantage  (je),  44o. 
Aducnant,  807. 
Aduenanteté,  229. 
Aduenlureux,  8o5. 
Aduenue,  207. 
Adverbes,  1 4 1.  —  De  qualité, 

leur  formation,  p.  xxxviii. 
Advercité,  178. 
Aduers,  3o8,  252. 
Aduerse  (je),  422. 

Aduertence,  igS,  286. 

Aduerteure,  286. 

Aduertis  (je),  44o. 

Aduienant,  3o8. 

Aduiengne  (quil),  i3i. 

Aduision,  2  85. 

Aduitaille  (je),  766. 

Aduocatte,  290. 

Aduoue  (je),  4i5. 

Aduoye,  829. 

.E,  10. 

Aelle,  289. 

Aerin,  3o5. 

A  escbays,  881. 

AfFaicte  (je),  464,  627. 

Affaire  (un  ou  une) ,  160. 

Affectif,  3o5. 

Affcre  (je),  434. 

Afferendons,  208. 

Affermer,  849. 

Affetardis  (je),  625. 

Affiche  (je)',  478,  55),  628. 

Ailîchet,  25o. 

Affichez,  746. 

Afficquet,  201. 

Affiert  (il),  i34,  4i3. 

Affie  (je),  667. 

Affde  (je),  755. 

Aflin,  286. 

Affme,  286. 

AflSne  (je) ,  420 ,  446 ,  469. 

Affinité  (je),  627. 

Affinitif,  806. 

Afilatte  (je),  55). 

Affolle  (je),  23,  617. 

Affolle  (je  me),  678. 

Affonde  (je  me),  718. 

Affondre  (je),  470. 

AffrioUe  (je),  470. 

Affronte  (je),  46o. 

Affule  (je) ,  6o3. 

Affuste  (je),  448. 

Affuye  (je),  895. 

Affuys  (je  me),  552. 


A  force,  833. 

Agache,  254. 


Âgambe  (je),  785. 

Âgardez,  i46,  &06. 

Agars,  829. 

Agassc,  3o6. 

Agasselé,  199. 

Agassure,  199,  216. 

Age  (je),  617. 

Agence  (je),  5o6. 

Aggreuer,  23. 

Aggresse  (je) ,  647. 

Agitance,  287. 

Agousle  (je),  58i. 

Agout,  21 5. 

Agouttys,  2  33. 

A  grant  erre,  887. 

Agrappe  (je),  485,  674. 

Agrauante  (je),  47J. 

Agrée  (je  me),  4 16. 

Agricole,  233. 

Agrieuc  (je  me),  576. 

Agu,  3o2. 

Aguayt,  833. 

Aguayt  appensée,  833. 

Aguaytance,  289. 

Aguayte  (je),  6oô. 

Aguilie,  247. 

Aguiser,  228. 

Aguiseté,  266. 

Aguyilier,  202. 

A  gueuile  bce,  845. 

AguyiloD,  16. 

A  hazart,  832. 

Ahenne  (je) ,  5 16. 

Aheurte  (je),  599. 

Aheurte  (je  me) ,  696. 

Ahonte  (je  me),  776. 

Ahonter,  19. 

Ahontis  (je),  619. 

Ahontye  (je),  619. 

Ai ,  sa  prononciation  ,  xvtli  ,12. 

Ai  a  nom  (je) ,  424. 

Aielle,  317. 

Aigneau,  67. 

Ai  grant  péché  (je) ,  427. 

Aigrure,  216. 

Aiguier,  217. 

Aillieurs,  818. 



Aincoys,  28. 

Ainsclioys,  64. 

Aiscelle,  igS. 

Aisceul ,  195. 

Aisément,  216. 

Aisne,  3i  1. 

Aixeul,  196. 

Aixseul,  ig6. 

Ajeunir,  1 1 . 

Ajolys  (je),  623. 

Ajourne  (il) ,  4i2. 

A  joynctes  mayns,  845. 

Ajoyns(je),  691. 

Alabastre,  ig3. 

A  la  boulingue,  83/|. 

Alaicte  (je),  547- 

Alaigre,  io-j. 

Alaine,  201. 

Alaisne,  194. 

A  la  mynuyct,  8o4. 

Alangore  (je),  544. 

Alangoure  (je),  53o. 

Alangourys  (je) ,  658. 

Alant,  227. 

A  la  pipe  du  jour,  8o4. 

A  ta  première  chandelle ,  8o4. 

Alayne  (je),  465. 

Alecbe  (je),  527. 

Alechie  (je),  537. 

.élégant,  289. 

Alegeraent,  207. 

Alemant  (en),  i4i. 

A  lemblée,  784. 

A  lenuiron,  794. 

A  leslite,  628. 

Alesne,  216. 

A  lespée  traicte ,  845. 

Alicte  (je  me)  ,610. 

Alien,  194. 

Aliette,  269. 

AUecte  (je),  771. 

Allons  men,  746. 

Almoircs,  194. 

Aloigne  (je  me),  5i  2. 

Alone  (je),  435. 

Alose  (je),  489. 

Aloue  (je) ,  624. 

Alouuance,  ig4. 
Alqucnemie,  210. 
Altère  (je),  421. 
Altitonant,  281. 
Alum,  194. 
Alume  (je),  46o. 
Alumpne,  2  23. 
Aluyne,  246. 
Alys,  324. 

Amailliotte  (je),  744. 
Amatiste,  19). 
Amatte  (je),  633. 
Amatye  (je),  421. 
A  mayn,  862. 
Amayne  (je),  466. 
Ambicieux,  3o5,  3 10. 
AmbicioD,  63. 
Ambigueui ,  3 1 1 . 
Ambles,  424. 
Ambroyse,  278. 
Ameisgrir,  108. 
Amenée,  277. 
Amende,  211. 
Amendrir,  3. 
Amenée,  24  1. 
Amenement,  238. 
Amenuise  (je),  426. 
Amer  (une) ,  166. 
Amesure  (je  me) ,  597. 
Amenront,  4oi. 
Ameuris  (je),  691. 
Ammonester,  23. 
Amodere  (je  me),  489. 
Amolie  (je),  629. 
Amoneste  (je),  635. 
Amonstre  (je),  717. 
Amonte  (je) ,  428,  485. 
Amoreux,  3o5. 
Amors,  196. 
Amors(je),  439,  57'i. 
Amors  (je),  574. 
Amorse,  290. 
Amorse  (je) ,  443. 
Amortis  (je) ,  46g. 
Amourée,  290. 
Amourescher,  762. 
Ampliez,  409. 



Amplitude,  287. 

Amuselle  (je),  64 a. 

Amy,  819. 

Aniyabieté,  189. 

Amygnonne  (je  me),  776. 

Anathematize  (je),  5o5. 

Ancelle,  lii. 

Ancestes,  182,  257. 

Anet,  21 5. 

Angelin,  3o5. 

Anglesche,  217. 

Angiet,  2  4o. 

Angoysse  (je),  432. 

Angoisseuseté ,  194. 

Angoisseux,  3o5. 

Anhele  (je),  652. 

Anichile  (je),  432. 

Anneantis  (je) ,  495. 

Annel,  263. 

Annuiete  (il),  4i2. 

Anomal.  Verbe  anomal,  pages 


Ante,  196. 

Anticipe  (je) ,  562. 

Antiesme,  194,  279. 

Antonnoyr,  an. 

Anuyte  (il),  528. 

Aoure  (je),  687,  784. 

Aourner,  417. 

Aourse  (je) ,  46o. 

Apaillardis  (je),  570. 

Apairie  (je),  633. 

A  par,  795. 

Aparance,  194. 

Aparant,  64. 

Aparcoys  (je) ,  437. 

Apare  (je) ,  628. 

A  par  moy,  5o8 ,  54o,  833. 

Apastelle  (je),  547. 

A  paynes,  836. 

Apeisement,  276. 

Apellance,  202. 

Apers  (je);  irrégularités  de  ce 

verbe,  io4. 
Apert,  322. 
Apertement,  642. 
Apertise,  64 1. 

A  plaisance,  690. 
Aplane  (je),  628. 
Aplanoie  (je) ,  626. 
Aplanois  (je),  ôSg. 
A  playn,  835. 
Aport,  277. 
Aposte  (je),  469. 
Apostume  (je),  548,  679. 
Apothecaire,  187. 
Apothccayre,  194. 
A  pou  que,  622,  771. 
Apouris  (je),  532. 
Apouris  (je  me) ,  5o3. 
Appaillardis  (je  me) ,  563. 
Appalis  (je),  432. 
.\pparant,  G4. 
Appareil,  206. 
Appareille  (je),  433. 
Apparissoye  (je),  787. 
Appars  (je),  787. 
Appellance,  247. 
.Appence  (je  me) ,  453. 
Appencement,  280. 
Appendence,  257. 
Appens  (je),  448. 
Appensement,  198. 
Appent,  p.  xLViii. 
Apperceuance ,  253. 
Appertise,  242. 
Appetc  (je) ,  434. 
Appetisis  (je),  773. 
Appelle  (je),  6x6. 
Applanie  (je),  48o. 
Applicquc  (je),  434,  577. 
Applicque  (je),  577. 
Appligne(je),  740. 
Appoincte  (je),  434. 
Appoinlement,  24 1. 
Apposle  (je),  669. 
Appourrys  (je),  548. 
Appoynl,  828. 
Apprent,  p.  xltiii. 
Apprentis,  5i. 
Apprenlisse,  2  58. 
Appresse  (je),  6o3,  665. 
Appreuue  (je)",  435. 
Apprime  (je),  645. 

Apprise  (je),  54o. 
Approucher,  109. 
Appuial,  238. 
Apreste  loreille  (je) ,  565. 
Apreslz,  242. 
Apries,  64- 
Aprime  (je),  466. 
Aprise  (je),  664. 
Aprisonne  (je),  746. 
Apriue  (je),  63o. 
Aproprie  (je),  435. 
Aprouche  (je),  435. 
Apte  (je),  435. 
Apuril,  194. 
Aputaine  (je),  570. 
Âpuye,  259. 
Aquaire,  194. 
Arable  (je) ,  562. 
Araigne,  274. 
Araignie,  274. 
Arain,  200. 
Araisonne  (je) ,  636. 
Arbitre  (je) ,  435. 
Arbilrement,  igS. 
Arcbalestre  ,211. 
Arcbalestrier,  211. 
Arcenic,  igS. 
Arche,  2o5. 
Arche  (je) ,  435. 
Archediacre,  195. 
Archeduc,  igô. 
Archeduché,  195. 
Archée,  200. 
Archelet,  240. 
Archeprestre ,  igS. 
Arcise,  307. 
Arcte  (je),  788. 
Arctiller,  200. 
Arcure,  197. 
Ardans,  61. 
Ardant,  807. 
Ardille  (je) ,  507  ,  660. 
Ardure,  202, 
Are  (je),  539. 
A  recelé,  84i. 
Areneux,  3i4. 



Aresté,  Sai. 

Argue  (je me),  545. 

Armature,  igS. 

Armigere,  229. 

Armonicque,  3 18, 

Armonie,  22  g. 

Armoye  (je),  436. 

Ame,  307. 

Ame  (je),  465. 

Arogance,  258. 

Aronde,  278. 

Arondelle,  278. 

Aroodis  (je),  628. 

Arpilleux,  322. 

Arquemie,  igS. 

Arrable  (je),  679. 

Arraignée,  216. 

Arrange  (je) ,  678. 

Arrase  (je),  45a. 

Arraye  (je),  678. 

Arre,  175. 

Arrenge  (je),  647. 

Arrengie  (je),  686. 

Arreste,  3o8. 

Arrière  de,  874. 

Arrigateur,  2  1 5. 

Arrouser,  2  3. 

Arrousouer,  287. 

Arroute  (je),  438. 

Arroutte  (je me),  618. 

Arroydys  (je) ,  63o. 

Ars  (je),  460. 

Arsenicq,  195. 

ArsoQ,  264. 

Arteriquc,  32  4. 

Article  (je),  437. 

Articles;  deux,  ung  et  te,  xxiv, 

65,  i52. 
Articque,  2  48. 
Artifie  (je),  61g. 
Artiliier,  121. 
Arudys  (je) ,  62g. 
A  saoul,  836. 

A  scauoyr  mon  si ,  1 42 ,  886. 
Ascens  (je) ,  438. 
Aschayme  (je),  4 16. 
Aschieue  (je),  4 16. 

A  semblance  de,  83g. 
Asne,  i55. 
Asnesse,  i55. 
Aspergoyr,  228. 
Aspicq,  ig5. 
Aspre,  54. 
Asprement,  733. 
Aspresse,  ig8. 
Assagys  (je  me),  778. 
Assaier,  4i6. 

Assaisonne  (je),  673,  710. 
Assaulï  (je),  SgS. 
Assauuagis  (je),  63 1. 
Assauuagys  (je  me),  778. 
Assauoyr,  783. 
Assaygis  (je) ,  773. 
Assaysonne  (je),  707. 
Asseant,  270,  3o8. 
Asseiche  (je),  528. 
Assené  (je),  585. 
Assens  (je),  782. 
Assens  (je  me) ,  438. 
Assentis  (je),  782. 
Assendent,  270. 
Assers  (je) ,  467. 
Assertayne  (je) ,  438. 
Asseule  (je) ,  608. 
Asseur,  4 18,  838. 
Asseurance,  270. 
Asseurë,  326. 
Assez  plus  que  trop,  855. 
Assie  (je),  658. 
Assiège  (je  me) ,  689. 
Assiete,  270. 
Assigne  (je),  438. 
Assistence,  278. 
Assistent,  ig5. 
Assomme  (je  me) ,  643. 
Assopis  (je),  568. 
Assorber,  3o. 
Assorbis  (je),  529. 
Assorbys  (je),  744. 
Assorte  (je) ,  678. 
Assotis  (je),  623. 
Assotte  (je) ,  467,  63o. 
Assotte  (je me),  553. 
Assouagist,  396. 

Assouldre ,  35  ,  672. 
Assouis  (je) ,  4i5. 
Assouuis  (je),  496. 
Assouuys  (je) ,  568. 
Assubjecte  (je),  467. 
Assumpte  (je),  751. 
Assurément,  195. 
Assys  (je),  658. 
Astelle  (je),  579. 
Asteure,  36,  i42. 
Astiliier,  286. 
Astraings  (je),  4g5. 
Astre,  229. 
Astrologien,  igS. 
Astronomien,  igS. 
Astruse  (je),  665. 
Astruser,  36. 
Astrusse  (je),  756. 
Atache,  279. 
Ataiche,  201. 
A  talent,  832. 
Atant,  808. 
A  tard,  8i4. 
Aut,  149,  888. 
Atellée,  27g. 
Ateyde  (je),  625. 
Aticie  (je),  66g. 
Atise  (je),  635. 
A  tousjours  mays,  645. 
Atrappe,  272. 
Atrempance,  27g. 
Attaue,  227. 
Attayne,  217. 
Attayne  (je),  765. 
Altayneux,  319. 
Attayngs  (je),  43g. 
Attediation,  2  35. 
Attemperance,  279. 
Altempte  (je),  489. 
Attendance,  ig5. 
Atténue  (je),  44o. 
Atterre  (je),  44g. 
Attourne  (je),  44o. 
Attourne  (je  me) ,  434. 
.\ttrament,  199. 
Attrays  (je),  528,  669. 
Attrempance,  36o. 



ÂUrenipe  (je) ,  àao,  63o,  634. 

Attrenipé,  837. 

Atyce  (je),  SS;. 

Au;  sa  prononciation,  p.  .wiii, 

Aube  creuant,  201. 
Aubespin  ,316. 
Aubin,  388. 
Au  bout  damont,  817. 
Aucteur,  p.  xltiii. 
Auctorise  (je),  44o. 
Auctorité ,    auctorisation ,   etc. 

Au  departyr,  8o4. 
Au  derrayn ,  8o5. 
Au  dessur,  83X. 
Auditoir,  310. 
Au  fin  fons,  827. 
Au  lînissement,  8o5. 
Augorisme,  196. 
Au  jour  assis,  8o5. 
Auicun  peu,  83 1. 
Aulbergon,  329. 
Auicun,  p.  .\xix,  83. 
Aulcuneroys,  i42. 
AulGn,  194. 
Auimaire,  196. 
Aulmoires,  182. 
Auimosae,  94,  173. 
Auimosnier,  194. 
Aulne,  316. 
Aulne  (je),  635. 
Au  long  aller,  8o5. 
Aultre,  p.  .\LViii. 
Aultres  foys,  8o3. 
Aune  (je),  627. 
Aâner,  11,  i4. 
Âunon,  338. 
Au  paraller,  837. 
Au  plus  parfond,  819. 
Au  premier,  8o5. 
Au  primes,  8o5. 
An  pris  de,  837. 
Aure  (je),  499. 
Auré,  336. 
Au  regard  de,  887. 
Au  résidu,  852. 

Aurien,  817. 

Auriflamc,  172. 

Aurillon,  357. 

Ausë,  5o6. 

Au  soleil  absconsant,  806. 

Aussi  bien  comme,  874. 

Austrucbe,  3  33. 

.autant  comme,  848. 

Autel,  tel,  82,365. 

Autentique,  3o5. 

Auton,  229. 

Autumpne  ,329. 


Auale  (je),  4âo. 

Auale  (je  me),  53 1. 

Auant  danceur,  288. 

Auant  mure  (je) ,  44o. 

Auant  quon   scayl  tourner   la 

mayn,  8o4. 
Auec  ce,  878. 
Auecques,  4. 
Aueleine,  227. 
Auenture  (je),  4  4o. 
Auere  (je) ,  628. 
Aueuglerie,  199. 
Aueuglis  (je),  620. 
Auilement,  2 14. 
Auilene  (je) ,  13,519. 
Auille  (je) ,  765. 
Auine  (je),  468. 
Avint,  64. 
Auironne  (je),  694. 
Auise  (je) ,  609. 
Auisement,  196. 
Auoistre,  198. 
Auortin,  2o5. 
Auortyne  ,11. 
Auost,  10 ,  55. 
Auoue  (je)  ,  44i. 
Auoyé,  58o. 
Auoyr,    conjugaison    du  Yerbe 

auoyr,  107. 
Ay  cure  (je) ,  476. 
Ay  faulte  (je),  548. 
Ay  le  vava  (je),  781. 
Ayncoysque,  812. 
Aynesse,  249. 

Ayns,  p.  XLViii. 
Aynsque,  812. 
Ayre  (je),  419. 
Ayse  (je) ,  53 1,  715. 
Aysie  (je),  716. 
Ayt  (me),  898. 
Azart,  229. 
Azurin,  3o6. 


B;  sa  prononciation,  36.  — 
Ne  termine  jamais  un  nom 
adjectif  singulier  masculin , 


Babeure,  288. 

Babillant,  8o5. 

Baboye  (je) ,  456. 

Baboye  (je),  546. 

Bacon,  196. 

Baggue,  188. 

Baguenaulde,  34 '1. 

Babus,  19. 

Baille  a  congnoistre  (je),  524. 

Baille  du  pire  (je),  676. 

Baille  honte  (je),  619. 

Baille  paour  (je),  547. 

Baing,  196. 

Baie,  196. 

Balé,  170. 

Balenchoeres,  282. 

Balengier,  196. 

Balerie,  212. 

Balle  (je),  607,  720,  768. 

Ballonette  (je),  760. 

Balloyc  (je) ,  745. 

Ballye  (je),  745. 

Bambelottter,  201. 

Bancquet,  285. 

Bande  (je  me),  748. 

Bancquette  (je) ,  443. 

Banerolle,  3  53. 

Baniere  (je) ,  671. 

Baguaige,  196. 

Baptisme,  172. 

Baratier,  3 18. 

Barbedieu,  321. 


Barbele  (je),  443. 
Barbeu,  i5. 
Barboille  (je),  549. 
fiarboyllement,  27a. 
Barat ,  31 3. 
Barc,  21g. 
Barde  (je),  443. 
Barette,  202. 
Bargaygne  (je),  617. 
Bargerel,  a36. 
Bargeronnette,  ï66. 
Barnaige,  207. 
Barocquin,  226. 
Barrattc  (je),  446. 
Bas  (je),  87. 
Basine,  283. 
Basie  (je),  458. 
Basset,  317. 
Basseur,  24i. 
Bastier,  2i3. 
Bastile,  277. 
Bastille  (je),  532. 
Bastillon ,  8. 
Baston,  276. 
Bastys  (je),  442. 
Bataillereui,  3 10. 
Batelieur,  334. 
Balre,  26. 
Battouer,  197, 
Battouer,  287. 
Batz,  2  5o. 
Baubeurre,  175. 
Bauboyaot,  788. 
Baudis  (je),  46i,  532. 
Baudrier,  242. 
Baueresse,  21 5. 
Baufre,  247. 
Bauldray,  4oi. 
Bauiieure,  23g. 
Baulsme,  172,  197. 
Baulpré,  264. 
Béatifie  (je),  620. 
Beaufroy,  197. 
Beaulté,  4. 
Beaultifie  (je),  444. 
Becq,  3oi. 
Becq  de  faulcon,  69. 

Becqu,  3oi. 
Becquasse,  694. 
Bedon,  21 5. 
Béer,  5. 
Beguyne,  198. 
Behourdis,  19g. 
Behours,  19. 
Belances,  182. 
Belisteresse,  i55. 
Beiistre,  68. 
Belistre  (je),  440. 
Belistresse,  68. 
Bellement,  835. 
Bellet,  3o3. 
Bellette,  288. 
Beilicq,  3o3. 
Bellin,  197. 
Bendayge,  188. 
Bende,  198. 
Bende  (je),  56o. 
Benêt,  220. 
Benign,  3o6. 
Beniuolence,  197. 
Benoist,  3o6. 
Benoistier,  328. 
Bercelet,  872. 
Berguygne  (je),  443. 
fieril,  197. 
Bemac,  197. 
Bernago,  283. 
Bers,  2 10. 

Bersault,  178,  189,  260. 
Berse(je),  692. 
Berseau  ,210. 
Besache,  386. 
Besaoe,  274. 
Besasse,  286. 
Bescousse,  198. 
Besgu,  743. 
Besgue,  277. 
Besgue  (je),  782. 
Besle  (je),  458. 
Besoigne  (je) ,  600. 
Besoigne  (il),  147. 
Beste,  54. 
Besterie,  197. 

Bestourne  (je),  43  i- 
Bestournement ,  278. 
Betreche  (je),  71 3. 
Betresche  (je) ,  436. 
Beugle,  201. 
Beurrette,  2o4. 
Beuryau  ,11. 
Bichet ,  2  3 1 . 
Bidault,  285. 
Bidaulx,  277. 
Bien  a  droyt,  843. 
Bienereux,  3i3. 
Bieneure,  3o6. 
Bieneuré,  3o6. 
Bien  euré,  329. 
Bieneureté,  663. 
Bieneureui,  3o6. 
Bienheureté,  222. 
Bienuiegner,  109. 
Bienuiengne  (je),  779. 
Bienuueiliance,  226. 
Bigarre  (je),  482. 
Biguarrure,  246. 
Bigne,  2  36. 
Bigorneau,  253. 
Biliart ,  8. 
Biquoquet,  253. 
Bisexte,  238. 
Bissine,  209. 
Bistocque  (je),  36,  589. 
Bieure ,  1 98. 
Blanc  esterlin,  270. 
Blancbet,  253. 
Blanchir,  43 1. 
Blancbisseure,  252. 
Blandice,  220. 
Blandis  (je),  456. 
Blasme,  172. 
Biasonne  (je),  664. 
Blaspbemeur,  198. 
Blece  (je),  5i3. 
Blesme,  3o6. 
Blisterie,  197. 
Blistreux,  3o5. 
Bloucque  (je),  439. 
Biouque,  199,  201. 
Blouquier,  199. 



Bobaocier,  ig3,  aïo. 

Bobant,  356. 

Bobin,  199, 

Bocquage,  g. 

BocquilloD,  289. 

Boe ,  27Ï. 

Boiselier,  ï8à. 

Bombance,  aSti. 

Bon,  336,  245. 

Bondeau,  199,  »o>. 

Bondei,  302. 

Bondes ,  438. 

Bonet,  XL. 

Boneur,  166. 

Bonnaire,  160. 

Bonne  erre,  829. 

Bonne  pièce,  1 44 ,  853. 

Bonnin,  317. 

Bont,  261. 

Bon  vespre,  867. 

Borache,  199. 

Bort,  2  3o. 

Boscaigc,  280. 

Botteau,  200. 

Bolelie  (je) ,  620. 

Botelleltes,  356. 

Boubans,  2  63. 

Boubette,  288. 

Boucclettes,  281. 

Boucle  (je),  472- 

Boucque,  247. 

Boucquet,  248. 

Boucquette  (je) ,  472. 

Boudayn,  269. 

Boue,  463. 

Boueau,  377. 

Bouffe  (je) ,  459. 

Bouffée,  2o5. 

Boufilée,  259. 

Bougée,  370. 

Bougueram,  199. 

Bouille,  25 1. 

Bouils  (je)  ,  459. 

Boulengier,  186. 

Boulle  (je),  446,  462,  670. 

BouUiau,  198. 

Boully,  238. 

Boundys  (je),  680. 
Bourcëe,  377. 
Bourcettes,  228. 
Bourcier,  259. 
Bourde,  266. 
Bourde  (je),  46o,  562. 
Bourde  (je  me),  462. 
Bourdeau,  199. 
Bourdican,  339. 
Bourdin  ,316. 
Boure,  200. 
Bourgois,  3o. 
Bourgoisie,  275. 
Bourgon,  3o. 
Bourgonne  (je),  472. 
Bourjon,  1 1. 
Bourne, 200,  217. 
Bourse! ,  222. 
Boursette,  206. 
Bous ,  276. 
Bousseu,  i5. 
Boutailier,  202. 
Boutaillis,  164. 
Boute  (je),  732. 
Boute  hors  (je),  706. 
Bouteillis,  199. 
Bouteliier,  200. 
Bouterolle,  204,  48o. 
Bouticle,  171,  267. 
Boutiliere ,  279. 
Boyëe,  199. 
Boyilon,  244. 
Boys,  12. 

Boys  dautant  (je),  529. 
Boytelette,  187. 
Boytte,  283. 
Boyx,  i4,  200. 
Brace,  200. 
Brachet,  200. 
Bracquemart,  339. 
Braggarde  ,  i55. 
Braggart,  i55,  2  34. 
Braggue  (je),  589. 
Brague,  3o6. 
Braierie  ,210. 
Braiette,  206. 
Branche  (je  ) ,  611. 


Brand  de  Judas,  223. 
Brandureau,  199. 
Bransle,  275. 
Bransie  (je),  693. 
Brase,  22  g. 
Brasier,  242. 
Brasselet,  200. 
Braye,  200. 
Braye  (je) ,  5oi,  732. 
Brayes,  182. 
Brays  (je),  462. 
Brebiette,  187. 
Brehaing,  297. 
Brehayng,  3o5. 
Breif,  307. 
Breneux,  3o6. 
Bretif,  5i. 
Breze,  39 ,  2o5. 
Breîil,  2  43. 
Bribe  (je) ,  465. 
Briberie,  201. 
Bribeur,  201. 
Bricoteau,  206. 
Bricque,  286. 
Briesveté,  267. 
Briffaut,  344. 
Briffe  (je),  54o,  616. 
Briffre,  227. 
Brigandines,  sSi. 
Brigue  (je),  689. 
Brise  ma  jeune  (je) ,  464. 
Briton,  343. 
Broche  (je),  5i6,  752, 
Brocquart,  248. 
Broderesse,  i54. 
Broillerie,  199. 
Bronce  (je),  762. 
Broude  (je),  463. 
Brouëe,  262. 
Brouillas,  2  45. 
Brouille  (je) ,  595. 
Brouticque,  2  46. 
Brouyllas,  4 12. 
Brunette,  319. 
Brusles  (tu),  xli. 
Bruste,  807. 
Bruyte  (je) ,  4o3. 


Bryme ,  2  65. 
Bubette,  202 ,  287. 
Bue  fje),  472. 
Buflee,  201. 
Buffelte  (je),  47». 
Bugle  (je),  61 5. 
Buissioc  (je),  45y. 
BuissoDDct,  796. 
Bule  (je),  61  à. 
Bulle  (je),  465. 
Burjon,  200. 
Burnys  (je),  46o. 
Busine ,  270. 
Bussine,  286. 
Butarin,  312,  3i6. 
Butyne  (je) ,  653. 
Bygoe,  2  23. 

C;  sa  proDODciation  ,  27. 
Cabache,  222. 
Cabaiche  (je),  596. 
Cabain,  203. 
CabestaiD,  267. 
Cableau,  306. 
Cacque,  236. 
Cacqueteur,  198. 
Cacquetic  (je) ,  473. 
Caflîgnon,  254. 
Cailliou,  32  1. 
Caisier,  30 4. 
Calamente,  232. 
Calamint,  203. 
CalculatioD,  209. 
Calcule  (je),  478. 
Calefaction,  3o4. 
Calendre,  388. 
Caienge  (je),  473,  087. 
Calenge  (je),  687. 
Caifetre  (je),  478. 
Caiietle,  228. 
Caiieu,  286. 
Galion,  286. 
Caliou,  202. 
Camaaiille,  202. 
Cambrant,  326. 
Camfre,  176,  202. 



Canart,  2  1  5. 
Cannart,  i55. 
Canneau,  2^7. 
Cannette,  21 4. 
Cannetton,  21 4. 
Canooaier,  226. 
Cannyuet,  253. 
Caqueteux,  307. 
Car,  216. 
Carcas,  260. 
Carelleur,  262. 
Camie,  202,  307. 
Carniau,  268. 
Carolle,  2o3. 
Carpendu,  i54. 
Car  pourquoy,  865. 
Carquant,  197. 
Carquas  ,211. 
Carrelé  (je),  488. 
Cartal,  220. 
Cas  dans  les  pronoms , 

XÏX,  77. 
Casse  (je) ,  675. 
Casure,  218. 
Casy,  3 1 1 . 
Catarre  (la),  58 1. 
Caterre,  267. 
Catoille  (il),  349- 
Catouille  (je),  768. 
Catuilleux,  827. 
Caulme,  807. 
Cauque  (je),  761. 
Cautelle,  2o3. 
Cautelle  (je) ,  446. 
Cautelleus,  3o5. 
Cauesne,  835. 
Cauesot,  256. 
Cauillation,  248. 
Cayguon,  23 1. 
Cayndre,  28. 
Ce  et  cest,  81. 
Cèdre,  269. 
Ce  fait  mon  ,  866. 
Ceinct,  225. 
Ceincture,  226. 
Ceincturelte ,  2  4o. 
Ceingns  (je),  566. 

Cciugturier,  226. 
Celée,  281. 
Celëement,  799. 
Celerier,  2(>3. 
Celestialeté,  28 1. 
Celestiel,  807. 
Celestre,  3i5. 
Celle  part,  828. 
Celique,  81 5. 
Cemitiere,  174. 
Cenciere,  262. 
Cen  dessus  dessoubz,  764. 
Ccngle,  171 ,  224. 
Cengle  (je),  566. 
Ce  non  obstant,  879. 
Ceps,  280. 
Ceptre,  208. 
Cerancc  (je),  582. 
Cercelle  (je),  587. 
Cercler,  778. 
p.  lixix,     Cerclier,  287. 
Cerfoil,  20 5. 
Cerfouis  (je)  ,  5i6. 
Cerimooie,  208. 
Cerne,  207,  281. 
Cerne  (je),  707. 
Certaineté,  208. 
Certifie  (je),  621. 
Certiore  (je) ,  479- 
Cescy,  81. 
Cesla,  81. 
Cestela,  81. 
Cestecy,  81. 
Cest  mon,  866. 
Cesluy,  82. 
Ceuuetier,  621. 
Ceyncture,  27. 

Ch.  Comment  ch  se  prononce 
en  français ,  1  9. — Ne  termine 
jamais  un  mol  français ,  20. 
Chable,  202. 
Chafrayn,  280. 
Chagrineux,  807,  32  5. 
Chaiere,  2o4. 
Chaillist,  4>3. 
Chaize,  84. 
Chalant,  822. 



Chaleme  (je),  454. 
Chalemeau,  a4o,  266- 
Chalenge,  169,  202. 
Chaleage  (je),  48o,  687. 
Chalereux,  3i  2. 
Cbaline,  31 5. 
Cbaliant,  2o4- 
Cbamahieux,  202. 
Chamberetle,  206. 
Cbampaigne,  796. 
Cbanipestre ,  3 13. 
Cbamure,  176,  380. 
Cbancon,  28. 
Cbaoconnelte,  i55. 
Cbandeille,  20. 
Cbaneu,  3i5. 
Cbanfrain,  ao4. 
Cbanse,  22g. 
Cbanteau,  2  2  5. 
Cbantepelleuse,  274. 
Cbantepleure ,  279. 
Cbanteresse,  290. 
Chanterie,  2o4. 
Cbapele,  276. 
Cbapellct,  2o4- 
Cbapellys,  252. 
Cbapiau ,  229. 
Cbappelain,  20 i. 
Chappelle,  ao6,  376. 
Chappelle  (je),  484. 
Cbappelis,  ao5. 
Cbapplys,  3o5. 
Charboncie,  157. 
Charbonnée,  275. 
Cbardonnereau ,  226. 
Cbareue,  236. 
Cbarge  (je),  601. 
Cfaargeux,  307. 
Chariage,  219. 
Charie  (je),  52g. 
Chariottier,  286. 
Cbarlante,  i56. 
CharoigDe,  8. 
Cbarpente  (je),  BgS. 
Cbarpis  (je),  694. 
Cbarrecton,  2o3. 
Charrjere,  2o3. 

Cbarriuaris,  268. 
Cbarruier,  256. 
Charlée,  3o3,  24o. 
Cbarue,  2  56. 
Cbascun,  xxix. 
Cbasaie  (je),  696. 
Chassieux,  3o6. 
Cbassouer,  220. 
Cbastelayn,  235. 
Cbastereux,  224. 
Cbastilé,  2o4. 
Cbastoiemeut,  2o4. 
Cbateuoison,  3o3. 
Chathuan ,  2  33. 
Cbatoaae  (je),  599. 
CbaUemcnt,   236. 
Cbatle  pelleuse ,  2o3. 
Cbatton,  25 1. 
Chauce  (je),  674. 
Cbaulde  colle,  201,  223. 
Chaulderon,  190. 
Cbaulderon  de  mer,  2o3. 
Chaulderonnier,  281. 
Chaulmc,  263. 
Chaulsist,  4i3. 
Cbault,  i3o. 
Chaulue,  3o5. 
Cbaulueté,  197. 
Chaulx,  166. 
Chause,  56o. 
Cbausée,  2o3. 
Cbausettier,  282. 
Cbayre,  3/i. 
Chayrnure,  30. 
Chefgros,  289. 
Cbeuee,  228. 
Cbcnnu,  829. 
Cbereté,  238. 
Cherue,  229. 
Chestaigne,  2o4. 
Cbeslaignier,  3o4. 
Cbesuble,  170. 
Chettron,  281. 
Cheute,  218. 
Cheualereux,  3o2. 
Cbeualet,  i55. 
Chcualin ,  294. 

Cheuance,  263. 
Cbeuaucbe  (je),  588. 
Cbeuecei,  19g. 
Cbeuenne,  ao5. 
Cbeuereau,  236. 
Cheuereul,  i55. 
Cbeueron,  260. 
Cheuerotin,  2o5. 
Cbeuesance,  267. 
Cheuestre,  228. 
Cbeuelain,  2o4. 
Cheueul,  2  3o. 
Cheueulu,  3oi. 
Cbeuis  (je),  52o,  618. 
Cheuisance,  2o5. 
Chicheti5,  248. 
Cbicquenode,  220. 
Cbicqueteux ,  3i6. 
Chicquelte  (je),  58g. 
Cbicqueture ,  233. 
Cbief,  chiefue,  0  2  5. 
Chief  deuure,  270. 
Cbief  gros,  268. 
Cbienin,  3 10. 
Chiennaille,  207. 
Chier,  cbiere,  3 10,  317. 
Chiere,  55. 
Cbierlé,  21 3. 
Cbiet,  62. 
Cbieurc,  i55,  226. 
Cbiminëe,  2o5. 
Cbion,  2ii. 
Cbosctle,  2  4o. 
Cboysys  (je),  487. 
Choysys  doeyl  (je)  ,  539. 
Clirislyen,  6, 
Cie  (je),  686. 
Ciellement,  489. 
Ciercle,  27,  2o3. 
Cime  (je),  585,  781. 
Cilleure,  23 1. 
Cigoigne,  272. 
Cil,  XLvni. 
Cile  (je),  479. 
Cilement,  283. 
Cincelle,  2  2  5. 
Cinge,  194. 

Cinquantainier,  872. 
Circuition,  207. 
Circule  (je) ,  485. 
Circumbages ,  207. 
Circumference ,  sSo. 
Circumsicion,  3o5. 
Circumspection ,  33. 
Circumstance,  2o5. 
Circumniens  (je) ,  5o8. 
Circumuoisin ,  280. 
Circuys  (je),  485. 
Cirurgien,  278. 
Cbterne,  3o3,  269. 
Ciue,  2o5. 
CiuoI,  2o5. 
Clacquet,  2o5. 
Claime  (je),  485. 
Clame  quitte  (je  me),  667. 
Clappier,  2o5. 
Claret,  807. 
Clendre,  327. 
Cler,  307. 
Clere,  49. 
Clerë,  49,  2o5. 
Clergie,  170. 
Ciergise,  206. 
Cleron,  2o5,  288. 
Clichette,  229. 
Clicque  (je)  ,  726. 
Clicquetiere ,  289. 
Clicquette,  206,  287,  6oi. 
Clignetle  (je),  764. 
Cline  (je  me),  578 
Cliquette  (je),  48 1 
Cliue  (je),  461. 
Cliuité,  276. 
Clochant,  3i4> 
Cloche  (je),  677. 
Clochier,  276. 
Clocque  (je),  487. 
Cloistrier,  206. 
Ciorre,  109. 
Clos  le  pas  (je' 
Closture,  206. 
Clouons  (nous 
Coarcte  (je),  488 
Cocatris,  206. 


dans    les     noms    adjectifs 


,  55o. 


Cochet  (ung)  au  uent,  xi.. 
Cocq,  i55,  i8i. 
Cocquart,  210. 
Cocquelourde,  207. 
Cocquet,  206,  287. 
Cocquyn,  188. 
Cocquynaille,  188. 
CoepeHe(je),  484. 
Coessyn  ,211. 
Coeste,  260. 
Cogitation ,  280. 
Cogite  (je),  453,  755. 
Cognoissance,  57. 
Cohertion,  208. 
Cohibe  (je) ,  607. 
Coiche,  229. 
Coing,  209. 
Coint ,  3 1  2 . 
Cointerie,  2  48. 
Cointeux,  3o8. 
Cole,  207. 
Colëe,  2o5. 
Colericq,  3i5. 
Collège,  169,  207. 
Colier,  207. 
Colire,  174. 
Collegat,  219.- 
Colomb,  27. 
Colombette,  254- 
Colompne,  254. 
Colubrin,  824. 
Columbier,  2 1 5. 
Columpne,  2  54. 
Colyn,  289. 
Combateur,  220. 
Combien  que,  872. 
Combrance,  207. 
Comli,  3o8. 

Commande  (je  me),  489. 
Comme  aynsi  soyt,  884. 
Commedie,  207. 
Commendable,  3o8. 
Commentaire,  377. 
Comme  poynt,  847. 
Commigne  (je),  522. 
Commun;  genre  commun  dans 
les  noms    substantifs,    \xv; 

Communalté,  207,  578. 

Communicque  (je),  490. 

Communité,  207. 

Comodité,  207. 

Compaigne,  i54. 

Compaignon,  i54. 

Compaire  (je) ,  529. 

Comparaison.  Degrés  de  com- 
paraison dans  les  adjectifs, 
XXVIII,  71. 

Comparation,  207. 

Compare  (je),  455. 

Comparison,  207. 

Comparoyr,  898 . 

Compassé  (je),  466. 

Compassible,  820. 

Compelle  (je),  491. 

Compendieux,  808. 

Compete  (il) ,  484. 

Complains  (je  me),  491. 

Compiaioz,  35 1. 

Composition  ,  cinquième  acci- 
dent des  noms,  68;  —  dans 
les  pronoms,  xxix. 

Compte,  279. 

Compte  par  ject  (je) ,  477. 

Comyn,  207. 

Concele  (je) ,  492. 

Concitation,  245. 

Conclave,  284. 

Concord,  207. 

Conculque  (je),  761. 

Condamne  (une),  279. 

Condampne  (je),  5o6. 

Condempne  (je),  498. 

Condesccns  (je  me) ,  498. 

Condigne,  826. 

Conditionnel  (mode) ,  85. 

Condntï,  299. 

Conduycte,  208.  >- 

Conestable,  208. 

Conestablée,  208. 

Confère  (je),  466. 

Conforme  (je  me)  ,419. 

Confesse  (une),  267. 



Confite,  aog,  278. 

Conflict,  220. 

Conforte  (je),  ,'i83. 

Confrairie,  joi. 

Confricatioo,  264. 

Confronte  (je),  473. 

Confuge,  272. 

Confunde  (je) ,  &6g. 

Confuse  (je) ,  494. 

Congyc,  170. 

Conin,  208. 

Conjoings  (je),  49 i. 

Conjonctions  :  copulatives,  dis- 
jonctives,  continuatives,  sub- 
conlinuatives,  1  48. 

Conjouys  (je  me],  683. 

Conjugaison  :  première,  88;  se- 
conde, 90;  troisième,  93. — 
Trois  conjugaisons  du  verbe 
actif,  p.  sxx. 

Conquesta  (il)  ,161. 

Conqueste  (je) ,  494. 

Conqucsteur,  208. 

ConsauU,  183. 

Consequantement,  79g. 

Consequens,  207. 

Consergerie,  221. 

Consierge,  235. 

Consonnes;  leur  prononciation, 
2  1.  —  Prononciation  des 
consonnes  quand  il  y  en  a 
plusieurs  entre  deuxvoyelles, 
\\\,  23,  24. 

Constraint,  3o8. 

Constraintif,  3i3. 

Contamine  (je),  5og. 

Contant,  822. 

Conte,  157. 

Conté,  I  "7,  20g. 

Contempne  (je),  496. 

Contemple  (je),  42 1. 

Contenenient,  208,  211. 

Contens,  208,  212. 

Contens  (je),  421. 

Contente  (je) ,  4g6. 

Contenue,  208. 

Contere  (je) ,  471. 

Contermine  (je)  ,  612. 
Conterquarre ,  256. 
Conlerquayre,  257. 
Contesse,  209. 
Conteuer,  209. 
Contourne  (je  me),  453. 
Contraincte,  208. 
Contraintif,  3o8. 
Contrarieuseté ,  208. 
Conirarieux,  3o8. 
Contrecueur,  1 96. 
Contredaigne  (je),  5ig. 
Contredaing,  228. 
Contrediction ,  224. 
Contrefaict,  3o8. 
Contrefaicture,  20g. 
Conlregarde  (je),  Sog,  597. 
Contremaistre ,  aSg. 
Conlremont  ,628. 
Contrepasse  (je),  4g6. 
Contrepense  (je),  755. 
Contreplaide  (je),  5oo. 
Conlrepoys,  209. 
Contrepoyse  (je),  496. 
Contreuue,  239,  607. 
Contreyman,  20g. 
Contribue  (je),  497. 
Contristation ,  23 1. 
Controuersie,  284. 
Contumelie,  21 3. 
Contumelieux ,  3 10. 
ConturbatioD ,  a84' 
Convenance  (je),  497. 
Conuenant,  207,  653. 
Conuerse  (je),  58i. 
Conuertée,  convertie,  xxxvii. 
Conuerlisscmcnt,  igo,  787. 
Conuerlisseur,  18g. 
Conuiens  (je)  ,  438. 
Conuole  (je),  490- 
Conuoye  (je),  468. 
Conuoyement,  208. 
Copeav  ,211. 
Coppeau,  267. 
Coppie  (je  me) ,  694. 
Coquarde,  2  4o. 
Coquatris,  237. 

Coquemert,  2o3. 
Coquine  (je) ,  446. 
Coral,  208. 
Coralin,  3o8. 
Corbeillon,  229. 
Corbineau,  291. 
Cordaige,  68. 
Cordialleté,  ajg. 
Cordouanerie,  267. 
Cordouanier,  209. 
Corduain,  208. 
Corduanier,  208. 
Corlaire,  208. 
Cormerande,  i55. 
Cormerant,  i55. 
Cornardie,  221. 
Coriiemusier,  196. 
Cornetlier,  232. 
Comiile,  23o. 
Corone,  20g. 
Coronement,  20g. 
Coronet,  274. 
Corporeau,  20g. 
Corpsage,  ig8,  273. 
Corpset,  187. 
Corpsu,  2g2 ,  3o8. 
Corret,  ig3. 
Corroucer,  27. 
Corrumpable,  3o8. 
Corsu,  Soi,  3o8. 
Coruscation,  23g. 
Coste,  27,  4g. 
Costée,  260. 
Costie  (je),  4g9. 
Coielle,  236. 
Cottie  (je  me) ,  674. 
Cotton,  209. 
Couardaylle,  188. 
Couche  (je),  534. 
Coulde,  168. 
Couldëe  ,2)1. 
Couleresse,  207. 
Couleurinier,  229. 
Coulomb,  2  i5,  2  33. 
Couloure  (je) ,  48g. 
Coulpable,  3o6. 
Coulper,  4g5. 



Coultre,  2  11. 
Couoiteux,  3o8. 
Coupiau,  2o5. 
Couple  (je),  499. 
Couppe,  211,  275. 
Couppe  (je),  5o5. 
Couppeure,  ai  1. 
Couraieur  ,211. 
Couraige,  XLViii. 
Couraigieux,  3o8. 
Courayeur,  208,  310. 
Courbe  (je) ,  5oo. 
Couretier,  201. 
Courretir,  310. 
Courroye  (je)  ,  5o5. 
Courser,  217. 
Court  (une),  164. 
Court.  Faictei  le  court,  i46. 
Courlault,  68. 
Courtaulx,  5. 
Courteur,  J67. 
Courtil,  287. 
Courue  (je),  5o3,  660. 
Courue  (je  me),  à6i. 
Cousevr,  273. 
Coustage,  209. 
Couste,  209,  262. 
Cousle  (je),  499. 
Cousteau,  236. 
Cousteillier,  210. 
Coustengeux,  3o8. 
Cousticre,  209. 
Cousiomable,  309. 
Coustre,  281. 
Coustume  ,211. 
Coustume  (je),  5oo. 
Coustumier,  211. 
Coustumiere,  290. 
Coustumierement,  835. 
Cousturier,  68. 
Cousturiere,  68. 
Coustz,  209. 
Coutcllier,  209. 
Coutlepointier,  260. 
Couttepoynte,  260. 
Couueleque,  209,  239. 
Couuertoir,  209,  232. 

Couuoitise,  209. 
Couurcure,  280. 
Couurier,  281. 
Couerleque,  2  36. 
Couert,  3o8. 
Couertevre,  221. 
Coulent  (il),  4. 
Coy,  3o8. 
Coychon,  254. 
Coyement,  839. 
Coyfue ,  206. 
Coygnetî,  699. 
Coynctement ,  84  1 . 
Coypeav,  210, 
Coypelle  (je) ,  757. 
Coyschon,  187. 
Coyschonet,  187. 
Crachart,  249. 
Cracquelin,  210. 
Craings  (je) ,  526. 
Craintiuité,  219. 
Cramosyn ,  309. 
Cranequin  ,210. 
Gravasse,  210. 
Craye  (je),  48o. 
Créante  (je) ,  667. 
Credable,  33o. 
Credo  (la),  i63. 
Creinu,  3 18. 
Cremeu ,  3 1 1 . 
Cremenr,  219. 
Cremilliere,  267. 
Creroye,  394. 
Cresay,  236. 
Cresme,  210. 
Cresmeau,  2 1  o. 
Crespe,  174,  23i,  Sog. 
Crespe  (je) ,  5oo. 
Crespeleux,  309. 
Crespelle  (je) ,  5o2. 
Crespelleux,  307. 
Crespine,  173. 
Crespure,  211. 
Cressant,  210. 
Creste,  210. 
Cresy,  2o3. 
Creurent,  61. 

Creuseté,  2  32. 

Crîcquet,  210. 

Crierie,  210. 

Crieue  (je) ,  472  ,  675. 

Crine,  242. 

Crinet,  229. 

Crisolite,  210. 

Crislien,  6,  3og. 

Cristienneté,  211. 

Cristoire,  226. 

Crochette  ,211. 

Crochue  (je),  5o2. 

Crochuseté,  23 1. 

Crocq  ,211. 

Crocque  (je),  5oo,  573. 

Grecque  la  pie  (je) ,  780. 

Croissement,  234. 

Cronicques,  60. 

Croq  ,221. 

Croquailles,  202. 

Crosle  (je),  5oi ,  677,  700, 

Crouiiere,  260. 

Croullc  (je),  5o2. 

Crouste,  211. 

Croyoye,  11. 

Croyse  (je  me) ,  718. 

Croysée,  273. 

Croyst,  i3. 

Crualté,  54. 

Crudesse,  261. 

Crueur,  261. 

Crueux,  309. 

Cueils  (je) ,  569. 

Cueilx  (je) ,  56o. 

Cueur,  xLviii,  166. 

Cuidance,  280. 

Cuiderie,  280. 

Cuillier,  274. 

Cuisement,  235. 

Cuisseltes,  266. 

Cuisseyn,  260. 

Cuisure,  271. 

Culpableté,  225. 

Cultiueure,  287. 

Cultre,  266. 

Culuerine,  211. 

Curace,  25 1. 



Cure  (je),  5o4. 
Curial,  3og. 
Curieusité  ,211. 
Curlieu,  211. 
Curlis,  211. 
Curre,  176,  2oi. 
Custode,  202,  210. 
Cuydereau,  876. 
CuyU(je),  716. 
Cy,  818. 

Cyens,  ii3,  818. 
Cyrcuite,  177. 


D;  sa  pronoQcistion,  28. 

Dabondaot,  85 1. 

Daguet,  287. 

Dalle,  209. 

Damaige  ,212. 

Damars  ,212. 

Dammage,  9. 

Dammaige,  266. 

Dampnable,  525. 

Dampoation  ,21a,  348. 

Dance  ,212. 

Dancerie,  212. 

Danceur,  212. 

Dandelion,  212. 

Dangereuselé,  212. 

Dangiers,  60. 

Darde  (je),  667. 

Dardoye  (je),  5o6. 

Dariolle,  211. 

Dart,  21. 

Dassez,  835. 

Dassiette,  817. 

Datte  (un) ,  167. 

Datte  (je),  507. 

Dautant,  848. 

Day,  4o2. 

De  (beaucoup  de  peine,  etc.), 


Dea,  149,  888. 
Déambulatoire,  286. 
Deannerie  ,212. 
Debelle  (je),  742. 
Debiffe  (je),  552,  691. 

De  bon  acqucst,  844. 

Debonaire,  3og. 

Debonaireté,  226. 

De  bon  eur,  835. 

De  bonne  erre,  838. 

Debout,  206. 

Debranchis  (je),  6i4. 

De  brief,  809. 

Debrise  (je)  ,471. 

Debrise  (je  me) ,  553. 

Debte,  21 3. 

Debteur,  21 3. 

Decede  (je),  667. 

Deceptif,  3 10. 

Deceptif,  795. 

Decesse,  309. 

Decessc,  309. 

Deceuable,  309. 

Deceuableté,  21  3. 

Deceuance,  212. 

Deceueur,  212. 

Deceueui,  iog. 

Dechasse  (je) ,  48i  ,  53o. 

Dechiet,  62. 

Dechoys  (je),  544. 
Declaire  (je  me),  465. 
Deciarance,  212. 
Declareur,  212. 
Déclinaison ,   sixième  accident 
des  noms,  69. — Dans  les  pro- 
noms, XXIX. — De  trois  sortes, 
pag.  XXIX,  x.\x. — Déclinaison 
personnelle  dans  les  temps 
des  verbes,  pag.  xxxii. 
Décline,  212. 
Décline  (je),  46i. 
Décline  (je  me),  509. 
Declicque  (je),  61 5. 
Décolle  (je),  446. 
Decoutre,  691. 
Decourrable,  3o8. 
Decours  (je),  606. 
Decouert,  319. 
Decoys  (je) ,  5o8. 
Decrepitement,  234. 
Decrepte,  281. 
De  demayn  a  demayn,  855. 

Dcdens,  824. 

Déduis  (je  me) ,  724. 

Déduit,  346. 

Defaulte  ,212. 

Defaulti,  2  5. 

Defccteux,  3 12. 

Défectif.  Verbe  défectif,  xxx, 


Defence,  2  i  2. 
Defensable,  309. 
Defface  (je) ,  458. 
DeOaict,  21 3. 
Dcffaicte,  285. 
Deffailance,  2  18. 
Deffays  (je  me) ,  477. 
Deffens  (je) ,  XLi. 
Defferme  (je) ,  766. 
Deffermure,  285. 
Deffiance,  i85. 
Deflîe  (je),  Sog. 
DcfTinement,  217. 
Defforme  (je),  457. 
DefTraye  (je),  65 1. 
Deffroye  (je),  45o. 
DelTroysse  (je),  471 . 
Défoule  (je),  680,  761. 
Defraude  (je) ,  457. 
Defunct ,  212. 
Degioutis  (je),  744. 
Degoyse  (je),  482. 
Déguerpis  (je),  67  1 . 
Débâche  (je),  484,  577. 
Dehonter,  ig. 
Dehouser,  19. 
Deificque,  3j4. 
De  jadis,  864. 
Dejecte  (je),  4i5  ,  477. 
Dejoincture,  290. 
De  la  entour,  82  3. 
Délaisse  (je) ,  448. 
Délation,  213. 
Délaye  (je),  5 10. 
Delectabletë ,  212. 
De  legier,  835. 
Deles,  817. 
De  lesgier,  353. 
Deleî,  818. 


1 095 

Délibère  (je  me) ,  /178. 
Delicatte,  212. 
Delicte,  282. 
Delievre,  267. 
Deliteux,  Sog. 
Deliure,  817. 
Deliverance,  212. 
Delot,  220. 
Delucide  (je),  621. 
Delude  (je),  5i  1. 
Demaiue,  24o. 
Démange  (je),  54o,  558. 
Demangeare,  233. 
Démarche  (je) ,  685. 
Demarie  (je  me  ) ,  5 1  2 . 
Demaync,  173. 
Demene  (je),  6o4. 
Demeur,  iSg. 
Demeurcment,  84 1. 
Demieté,  228. 
Dcmion,  318. 
Démolie  (je) ,  452. 
Demonslrable,  Sog. 
Demonstrance,  267. 
Demourauce,  27g. 
Demeurant,  262. 
Demourroyt,  4oi. 
Demyceinct,  21  2. 
Demye  douzaine,  859. 
Denaire,  174. 
Denieries,  478. 
Dénomme  (je) ,  643. 
Dcnoue  (je),  739. 
Denteux,  327. 
Dentour,  81 5. 
Denue  (je) ,  442. 
Denye  (je  ) ,  5 1 1 . 
Depainctz,  63. 
Depaings  (je),  489. 
De  par  Dieu,  837. 
Deparle  (je),  727. 
Dépars  (je),  5 12. 
De  pieca,  802. 
De  plante  et  de  layct,  835. 
De  playn  poyng,  845. 
Deploration,  198,  27?. 
Depraue  (je) ,  5i3. 

Deprecation,  197. 
Deprede  (je),  C89. 
Deprie  (je),  45 1. 
Déprime  (je),  5i3,  665. 
De  prime  face,  8o5. 
De  prinsault,  8o5. 
Depriue  (je) ,  5i3. 
Depopule  (je) ,  5i4. 
Déporte  (je  me) ,  554. 
Depourueoys  (je) ,  646. 
Depuisnagayres,  i42. 

Desceiiie  (je),  766. 
Descendue,  226. 
Descengle  (je),  768. 
Deschairne  (je),  544. 
Deschampe  (je),  465,  768. 
Descliarne  (je),  544. 
Deschausse  (je  nie),  674. 
Dcschicquetle  (je) ,  589. 
Dcschire  (je),  686. 
Desclos  (je),  5 18,  766. 
Descoche  (je),  61 5 

Dérivation ,  quatrième  accident     Descognoissance,  2  45. 

des  noms  substantifs,  68. — 
Sixième  accident  des  adjec- 
tifs, 73. 

Deriue  (je),  5i3. 

Derogue  (je) ,  4i5. 

Deromps  (je) ,  554. 

Deronge  (je),  456. 

Desacoustume  (je  me) ,  017. 

Desaduoue  (je) ,  5i  1 . 

Desafolle  (je) ,  469. 

DesahoDte  (je  me) ,  776. 

Desaloue(je),  517. 

Désaltère  (je) ,  468,  622. 

Desancre  (je) ,  584. 

Des  anten,  854. 

Desappoinctc  (je),  02  1 . 

Desaprens  (je),  556. 

Desareste  (je),  750. 

Desaroy,  21 4. 

Desarroye  (je),  465. 

Desassemble  (je),  5i2. 

Desassemblcr,  494. 

Desatemperance,  21 4. 

Desatrempe  (je),  468,  52  2. 

Desauctorise  (je),  675. 

Desauance  (je),  517. 

Desayse  (je),  5 19. 

Desbauche  (je  me) ,  5 1  6. 

Desbaudis  (je),  632. 

Desbaulï,  21 4. 

Desblasme  (je) ,  54  1. 

Desbloucque  (je),  61 5. 

Desboucle  (je),  61 5. 

Desbource  (je),  517,  602. 

Desbranchis  (je) ,  709. 

Dcscombrc  (je) ,  766. 
Dcscomfiture,  190. 
Desconi forte  (je),  5 18. 
Desconfeture,  2  i3. 
Desconfort,  21 3. 
Desconfys  (je) ,  5i8. 
Descongnoys  (je) ,  638. 
Desconseille  (je),  56/. 
Dcsconsolate  (je) ,  5 18. 
Descord ,  2 1 4. 
Descorde  (je),  5 18. 
Descosche  (je),  768. 
Descoucbe  (je  me),  692. 
Descouloure  (je),  5 18. 
Descoupe  (je),  589. 
Descourue  (je),  5o2. 
Descouuers  (je),  442. 
Descrips  (je),  5i3. 
Descrist,  64. 
Descrouste  (je),  484. 
Descroys  (je),  509. 
Desdaigneux,  3 10. 
Desdaing,  5i,  214. 
Desdeulx  (je  me) ,  609. 
Desempare  (je),  469. 
Desemple  (je),  532. 
Desennuie  (je) ,  433. 
Desercion,  222. 
Desers  (je),  5i3. 
Déserte  (je),  670. 
Désespérance,  21 4,  28(1. 
Deseureté,  285.    ■  '  '^  •■ 
Desfortunf ,  245. 
Desgarnys  (je),  5i^,  -Jéfe. 
Dcsgaync  (je),  5!i7.  ■    '    ■' 



Desgeie  (il),  i3o,  764. 
Desgorge  (je),  478. 
Desgouste  (je),  468. 
Desguyse  (je),  5 19. 
Desharncsché,  3a8. 
Deshoncst,  189. 
Deshonesle,  3io. 
Oesboneste  (je) ,  5 1 9. 
Deslionté,  5o4. 
Desbonter,  3o. 
Oesbomiays,  i43,  80S. 
Deshouser,  3o. 
Des  incontinent  que,  80S. 
Desirance,  î02. 
Désiste  (je),  465. 
Desjoings  (je),  5 12. 
Desjoyncts  (je) ,  671. 
Desjune  (je),  463. 
Deslas(he  (je) ,  608. 
Deslie  (je),  61 5. 
Desiodge  (je  me),  685. 
Desloge  (je  me),  5i  j. 
Deslogement,  285. 
Desloiaulté,  249. 
Desiorsenca,  28. 
Desiors  en  auant,  863. 
Desmarche  (je me),  734. 
Desmarcber,  62. 
Desmaye  (je) ,  519. 
Desmaye  (je  me)  ,444. 
Desmembre  (je),  5o5. 
Desmesie  (je) ,  5 1 2 ,  653. 
Desniesure  (je),  572. 
Desmesurce ,  63. 
Desmets  (je),  519. 
Desmonte  (je),  768. 
Desnature  (je),  570. 
Desnaturel,  280. 
Desnicbe  (je),  487. 
Desnoue  (je) ,  6i5. 
Désole  (je),  556. 
De  son  playn  vivant,  807. 
Des  or,  808. 
Desordonnance,  245. 
Desordre  (je),  52c,  638. 
Desoreille  (je) ,  5o5. 
Des  or  mais,  808. 

Desorte  (je),  607. 
Despans,  260,  269. 
Despccer,  27. 
Despendre,  iSg. 
Despendu,  35o. 
Despens,  23,  21 4. 
Despensaleur,  202. 
Despensation ,  214. 
Despere(je),  5i4. 
Desperé,  42  5. 
Despieca,  810. 
Despitaire,  3 10. 
Despile  (je),  52o. 
Despiterie,  219. 
Despiteuseté,  274. 
Despiteux ,  3 1  o. 
Desplays  (je),  52 1. 
Desplaysir,  2  i4. 
Desploye  (je),  52o,  767. 
Despoiile,  274. 
Despouruoys  (je  ) ,  5  2 1 . 
Desprise  (je),  621. 
Despuis,  802. 
Despuis  Nouei  en  ca,  863. 
Desrigle  (je) ,  468. 
Desri^le  (je  me),  572. 
Desrobe  (je),  5i4. 
Desroute  (je),  653. 
Desroy,  2  45. 
Desroye  (je  me) ,  734. 
Desrue  (je  me),  570. 
Dessaisie  (je) ,  62  1. 
Dessaisina  (je),  52  1 . 
Desserre  (je),  768. 
Desseruir,  383. 
Dessier,  21 3. 
Dessire  (je) ,  686. 
Dessus,  794. 
Destaings  (je) ,  52  2. 
Destains  (je),  676. 
Destigiie  (je),  523. 
Destinable,  3 10. 
Destine  (je),  434. 
Destitue  (je),  556. 
Destoubz  estraine ,  277. 
Destouppe  (je),  768. 
Destour,  2  30. 

Destourbe  (je),  522. 
Destourbier,  284. 
Destourmicr,  2  1 4 . 
Destraygns  (je),  622. 
Destrays  (je) ,  669. 
Destre  (au),  i44. 
Deslresse,  214. 
Destribuer,  383. 
Destroilz,  63. 
Destrousse,  279. 
Destruys  (je) ,  470,  5i4. 
Destys  (je) ,  647. 
Desueloppe  (je) ,  767. 
Desuere,  2  43. 
Desucrgonde  (je),  627. 
Desuerie,  261. 
Desuoye  (je),  467. 
Detaingz  Ihuile  (je),  55 1, 
De  tant,  de  tant,  852. 
De  tant  plus,  tant  plus,  852. 
Délecte  (je),  454,  5i4. 
Détection,  198. 
Determinable ,  3;o. 
Dc'tcrmine  (je),  534. 
Delcrminement,  57. 
Detcrraineur,  21 3,  220. 
De  tout  nifles,  85o. 
De  tout  en  tout,  883. 
Dctracte  (je),  443. 
Detractoirc,  3 10. 
Detraync  (je),  760. 
Detrenche  (je),  5o5. 
Detrier,  276. 
Delurpe  (je) ,  509. 
Deuis  (je  me) ,  4ig. 
Deureur,  280. 
Deusiesme,  83. 
Deuxiesme,  73. 
Deuantbyer,  i43. 
Deuantcier,  223. 
Deuide,  228. 
Deuideresse,  a8i. 
Deuidouer,  264. 
Deuie  (je),  5o8. 
Deuination,  21 3. 
Deuinement.  324 
Deuis,  385. 



Deuorce  (je),  5i5. 
Deuoure  (je),  5i5. 
De  vray,  835. 
Dextre,  j3. 
Deyl,  280. 
Diaculum,  729. 
Diadème  (je) ,  432. 
Dictée,  21 4. 
Dictie,  2i4. 
Dictie  (je),  534,655. 
Didier,  21 4. 
Dictz,  2  5. 

Dicy  en  auant,  855. 
Dicy  et  desja  ,811. 
Die  (que  je) ,  96. 
Diette,  21 3. 
Diffame,  172 ,  21 3. 
Diffamement,  21 3. 
Diffère  (je  me),  5i5. 
Diffcrre  (je) ,  629. 
Difficulté,  229. 
Diffioe  (je),  5 10,  5i5,  618. 
Diffmissement,  2i3. 
Diffinition ,  2  i3. 
Difforme  (je),  5i5. 
Diffuse,  3 10. 
Digne  (je) ,  632. 
Digresse  (je),  5i6. 
Dilate  (je),  5 16. 
Diligente  (je) ,  bii. 
Dimanche  de  blanches,  25  1 . 
Dime  (je),  5i  1. 
Dimenche,  278. 
Dimention,  2  44- 
Diminue  (je),  5 10,  55o. 
Disauantaige ,  23 1. 
Discention,  21 3,  2  i4. 
Discipline  (je) ,  499. 
Disconfiture ,  2 1 4  ■ 
Discort,  2  i4. 
Discouleure  (je) ,  734. 
Diseteux,  319. 
Diseur,  5o4. 
Dishoneur,  2 1 4- 
Dishonneur,  166. 
Disme,  2i3,  279. 
Disme  (je),  758. 

Disner,  2  i3. 
Dispare  (je),  36,  726. 
Dispars  (je) ,  517. 
Disparse  (je),  36,  520. 
Dispence  (je) ,  5 20. 
Dispeus,  182. 
Dispertion,  273. 
Dispriser,  35o. 
Disputation,  21 4. 
Disraige  (je),  697. 
Dissention,  277. 
Dissolue  (je),  464. 
Dissolutione,  328. 
Dissonne  (je  me),  726. 
Distille  (je),  53o. 
Distincte  (je),  36,  671. 
Distributifs.  Noms  distribulifs, 

p.  XXIX,  359. 
Diulurne,  817. 
Diuerseté,  2i4,  272. 
Diuersite  (je  me) ,  428. 
Diuertis  (je  me),  523. 
Diuide  (je),  523. 
Diuine  (je),  668. 
Diuineur,  273. 
Diuorse,  175,  2  i3. 
Diuulger,  ii  1. 
Diziesme,  60. 
Docque ,  2 1 4. 
Doeque  (je) ,  707. 
Doctrine  (je),  52  3. 
Dole  (je  me) ,  64o. 
DoUe,  228. 
Dolouere,  193,  201. 
Domageux,  3 10. 
Domagyable,  3>o. 
Domesche,  326. 
Domesticque,  242. 
Domicilie,  216. 
Dominateresse ,  290. 
Dommagieux ,  3 1 4. 
Dommaigiable,  3 16. 
Donee,  2i4. 
Dongon,  3o. 

Donne  attendance  (je),  564. 
Donne  garde  (je),  489. 
Donne  le  boni  (je) ,  688. 

Donne  lustre  (je),  713. 
Donront,  4oi.  ' 

Dorre  (je) ,  499. 
Douaigière,  237. 
Double  (je),  498. 
Double  (je  me),  525. 
Double ,  26,  2 1 5 . 
Double  (je),  61,  528. 
Douen  danten,  855. 
Douge  (je),  762. 
Doulant,  60,  32  5. 
Doulcaïnes,  356. 
Doulcement,  16. 
Doulcereux,  3 10. 
Doulcelé,  272. 
Doulcilocque,  218. 
Doulphin,  21/1,  223. 
Dousayne,  373. 
Doutance,  21 5,  275. 
Doy,  661. 

Doybs  (je),  xxxii,  65o.  —  Con- 
jugaison du  verbe  debuoyr, 
Doynl,  393. 
Draconique ,  3 1  1 . 
Dracque,  21 5. 
Draggce,  2o3. 
Dragme,  2  i5. 
Dramme,  21 5. 
Drappeur,  206. 
Dresseure,  21 5. 
Dressouer,  211. 
Drogges,  261. 
Droict,  xLViii,  3i  1. 
Droicteur,  277. 
Dromedaire,  21 5. 
Druge ,  2 1 5 . 
Dubitation,  21 5. 
Dueil,  60,  272. 
Dueils  (je  me) ,  4io. 
Duicl,  3 12. 
Duise  (je),  464. 
Duisible,  3o3. 
Duile  (je),  464,  619. 
Duite  (je)  ,619. 
Du  long,  82  i. 
Dune  (je),  659. 


Du  possible,  83 1. 
Du  surplus,  878. 
Du  traict,  834. 
Duysant,  3o5. 
Dy.  97- 


E  ;  sa  pronoDciatiou ,  3,  54.  — 
Devant  un  m  ou  un  n,  xvii. 

—  E  final  ;  sa  prononcia- 
tion, XXI,  4i,  42,  44,  45. 

—  Dans  te,  ce,  de  et  dans 
el,  em,  en,  xxiii.  —  Termi- 
naison de  tous  les  adjectifs 
féminins ,  xxvn. — Figura- 
tive du  thème  de  la  première 
conjugaison  des  verbes  actifs, 


Easy,  3 1 1 . 

Eaue,  1 1. 

Eaueui,  1 1,  339. 

Eauyer,  270. 

Eayge,  3,  63. 

Eayger,  3. 

Eburnin,  33o. 

Eccbo,  273. 

Echaufoison,  229. 

Eflassable,  63. 

EfTection,  xlviii. 

Effonce  (je),  53o. 

Effondre  (je  me),  705. 

EBbns  (je),  662. 

Efforcé,  42  4. 

Efforcement,  206,  207. 

Efforcer,  747. 

Effraieux,  3o5. 

Effréné  (je),  771. 

Effronté  (je),  559. 

Effroydis  (je),  498. 

Effroye  (je),  4i8. 

Egripe,  228. 

Ei ,  dipbtbongue  ;  sa  prononcia- 
tion, i3. 

El,  final  dans  les  adjectifs,  de- 
vant un  nom  substantif  fé- 
minin, 43. 


Elapse  (je  me),  699. 

Elebere,  216. 

Eliphant,  216. 

Elucidalion,  21  2. 

Emancipe  (je),  443. 

Embages,  226. 

Embaiilonne  (je),  669. 

Emba.s,  iSg,  i43,  825. 

Embassade,  216, 

Embats  (je),  4i5. 

Embats  (je  me),  666. 

Embattonné,  452. 

Embesoigne  (une),  3o6. 

Embcsoigné,  3o6,423. 

Embesoingne  (je),  45 1, 

Emble  (je) ,  784. 

Embler,  3. 
Embosse  (je) ,  533. 
Embouche  (je),  607. 
Emboucbe  (je),  736. 
Emboucheur,  279. 
Emboue  (je) ,  435. 
Emboys  (je),  529. 
Embrabile,  307. 
Embrode  (je) ,  472  ,  533. 
Embrouche  (je  me),  584. 
Embruncbe  (je),  737. 
Embûche  (un),  167. 
Emmarre  (je),  477. 
Emmeroides,  216. 
Emmouflle  (je),  489,  64 1. 
Emmurer,  108. 
Emmy,  819. 
Emparente  (je),  624. 
Emparle,  3 12. 
Emparié,  329. 
Emparque  (je),  590. 
Empenne  (je) ,  547. 
Empennon,  219. 
Emperieie,  2j6. 
Empesche,  3o6. 
Empescbeur,  238. 
Empiece,  855. 
Emplaistre,  255. 
Emplaslre  (je),  697. 
Employement,  198. 
Emplume  (je),  741. 

Empouldre  (je),  436. 

Empouldrer,  108. 

Empraignant,  32 1. 

Empraincte,  43 1. 

Empreings  (je),  492. 

Emprens,  396. 

Empres  de,  82  1. 

Empresse,  216. 

Empresse  (je),  532. 

Emprime  (je) ,  536. 

Emprimeur,  2  58. 

Emprinse,  217. 

Empropere  (je),  6o3. 

Empugne  (je),  690. 

Empunaise  (je),  591. 

Empunaysis  (je),  741. 

En ,  devant  les  verbes ,  il  sen  est 
enjuy,  XLi;  —  il  sen  est  en 
allé,  il  sen  est  enjouy,  110. 

Enamoure  (je  me),  425. 

Enbaulsme  (je),  432. 
Enboce  (je),  459. 
Eu  cambrant,  842. 
Eu  ce  droytlieu,  820. 
Encendre  (je),  436. 
En  ce  tandis,  809. 
Enceyngs  (je),  127,  487. 
Encbancre  (je),  474. 
Encharge  (je),  48i,  6o3. 
Encbartre  (je),  536. 
Encbarlrure,  234. 
Encherge  (je) ,  533. 
Encherme  (je),  533. 
Encheuestre  (je),  677. 
Euchifre  (je),  476. 
Encire  (je) ,  70g. 
Encise  (je),  6o3. 
Encline  (je  me),  46 1. 
Enclos  (je),  498. 
Eucloucbe  (je),  667. 
Encolle  (je) ,  676. 
Encombreux,  3o8. 
Encontre,  241  • 
Encontrer,  570. 
Encorne  (je) ,  758. 
Encoule  (je)  ,721. 
Encoulpe  (je),  6o3,  783. 



Socourtine  (je),  479,  578. 
En  court  tour,  84 1 . 
Encoyche  (je),  644. 
Encre  (je),  729. 
Encrocher,  478. 
Encroissement,  216. 
Encuse  (je),  417. 
Endammaige  (je),  5o6. 
Endebte  (je),  467. 
Endementiers,  3,  382. 
Endentures,  i83,  442. 
Endosse  (je),  534. 
Endoue  (je),  534. 
En  droit  moy,  362. 
Endroyt  moy,  878. 
En  estant,  842. 
En  façon  comme  si,  838. 
Enfant  de  cueur,  260. 
Enfermerie,  219. 
Enfermier,  235. 
Enferre  (je) ,  6i3,  739. 
EnClle  (je),  5i6. 
Enfirme  (je),  627. 
Enfirmité,  269. 
Enflaire  (je),  72a. 
Enflambe  (je) ,  534. 
Enfleure  (je) ,  666. 
Enfollys(je),  773. 
Enfondreure,  271. 
Enforcement,  217. 
Enferme  (je),  534. 
Enfrayns  (je),  464. 
Enfrene  (je),  465. 
Engaigne,  271,  289. 
Engaigne  (je) ,  676. 
Engarde  (je),  607. 
En  gast,  844. 
Engelé,  426. 
Engendreure,  68. 
Eogendrure,  190. 
Engeronne  (je) ,  5o6,  711. 
Engigneur,  2  42. 
Engloutc  (je),  786. 
Engloutis  (je),  487. 
Engloutie  (je) ,  568. 
Englue  (je),  535. 
Engorge  (je),  744. 

Engoulle  (je),  576. 

Engrandy,  428. 

Engratie,  2  34. 

Engrayne  (je),  574. 

Engrege  (je),  533,  626,  776. 

Engresse  (je) ,  546. 

Engrcssis  (je  me),  774. 

Engrosse  (je),  575. 

Engrossye  (je),  535. 

Enguygne  (je),  457. 

Enguyne  (je),  446. 

Enhabite  (je),  19,  535. 

Enhanter,  1 9. 

Enharnescbe  (je),  53 1. 

Enhazarder,  19. 

Enbort,  193. 

Enhorte  (je),  54 1. 

Enhorter,  19. 

Enhuylle  (je),  43 1. 

En  jars,  826. 

Enjeu,  838. 

Enjoyngs(je),  536. 

Enlace  (je),  600. 

Enlangaigé,  329. 

En  la  parQn,  8o4,  808. 

En  la  parGn ,  808. 

Enlargis  (je) ,  536. 

En  louchet,  829. 

Enlumine  (je),  611. 

En  mal  heure,  887. 

En  malle  sepmayne,  709. 

En  mal  poynt,  468. 

Enmarre  (je) ,  756. 

Ennoue  (je),  489. 

Ennoyrcys  (je  me),  778,  774. 

Ennuys,  828. 

Ennuys  (je  me),  598. 

Ennuyse  (que je),  397. 

Enordonné,  3 16. 

En  peu  dheure,  809. 

Enplumé,  774. 

Enprennis  (je),  746. 

Eupresse  (je) ,  665. 

Enprisonne  (je),  536. 

Enpugne  (je) ,  536. 

Enquantelle  (je),  65-j. 

Enquerquenne  (je) ,  786. 

Enquisilion,  234. 

En  quoy,  838. 

Enrage  (je  me),  778. 

Enragerie,  24 1. 

Enraille  (je),  457. 

En  recoy,  84 1. 

Enresne  (je),  678. 

Enreue,  291. 

Enricbe  (je),  537. 

En  riens  quiconques,  849. 

Enrimé,  583. 

Enrolle  (je) ,  537,  693. 

Enrouche  (je) ,  672. 

Enroueure,  232. 

Enrougis   (je  me) ,  55  ,    iSg  , 

Enrouille  (je  me),  696. 
Enrouilleurc,  364. 
Enrouilis  (je) ,  56o 
Enrouse  (je),  445. 
Ens,  8:9,  824. 
Ensacque  (je),  696. 
En  sauf,  838. 
Enscise  (je) ,  5o5,  6o4. 
Enseigne,  3o6. 
Enseigné,  3o6. 
Enselle  (je),  708. 
Ensemble,  797. 
Ensens,  2o3. 
Ensensier,  2o3. 
Enserche  (je),  708. 
Enserre  (je) ,  6i3. 
Enscuelir  ;  conjugaison  de   ce 

verbe,  io3. 
Ensigne,  2o3. 
Enseigne  (je),  468. 
Ensoulffre  (je),  698. 
Ensuiuis  (je),  52  4. 
Ensurys  (je),  777. 
Ensuys  (je),  537. 
Entache  (je),  436. 
Entaille  (je),  679. 
Entalngs  (je),  5 16. 
Entalente  (je),  564. 
Entalenté,  43o. 
Entandis,  809. 
Enlendible,  3 18. 

1100  TABLE 

Entensa  (je),  56&. 
Entent,  xltiii,  i3à. 
Entente,  800. 
Ententif,  39g,  3o5. 
Entpntion,  3  34. 
Enterin,  3i5. 
Entese  (je),  56 1. 
Enteyse  (je) ,  526. 
Entiereté,  232. 
Entonne  (je) ,  538. 
Enlour,  802. 

Entoxique  (je),  53 1,  Sgi. 
Entoyse  (je) ,  670. 
Enirechangement ,  2o4. 
Entredenl,  273. 
Entredys  (je) ,  692. 
Entre  en  deuises  (je),  55o. 
Entrehabandonne  (je),  556. 
Entre  hantent  (ils  se) ,  4^5. 
Entrelaisse  (je),  556. 
Entrelasse  (je) ,  40ï. 
Entremescorde  (je),  519. 
Entremetteux,  3o6,  676. 
Entremy,  8 1 6. 
Entrencu,  2  36. 
Entreneue,  a5o. 
Entreprenneurs,  61. 
Eiitreromps  (je),  Sga. 
Enlresayn ,  239. 
Entresourcii,  278. 
Entrespaule,  273. 
Entretaille  (je),  476,  700. 
Entrctdnt  que,  809. 
Entretencés,  483. 
Entretenement,  334- 
Entrbabiter,  i4o. 
Entroeyl,  i38. 
Entrosne  (je)  ,  732. 
Enuyce,  24). 
Ennycuseté,  235. 
Enuyt  (il  me),  693. 
Enueillys  (je  me) ,  543. 
Enuieillys  (je),  627. 
Enuolue  (je),  537,  538. 
Euuoye,  269,  816. 
Enuoyrine  (je) ,  535. 
Enactc  (je),  532. 


Epcsseur,  280. 

Epidimie,  253. 

Epistolier,  217. 

Epistre,  2  3. 

Eqùalité,  217. 

Equiperalion ,  317. 

Eqnipoilance ,  3 16. 

Equipolle  (je),  4»5. 

Equiualence,  217. 

Erre,  287. 

Es,  quelquefois  terminaison  de 
la  première  personne  du  plu- 
riel  dans  les   verbes ,   page 


Es,  60,  i4i ,  819. 

Esbahys  (je  me),  conjugaison 

de  ce  verbe,  117. 
Esbanoy,  267. 
Esbas  (je  me) ,  53i. 
Esbatement,  262,  383. 
Esbaudis  (je),  46i. 
Esbaudis  (je  me),  773. 
Esberlue  (je),  507. 
Esbeurre  (je) ,  55i. 
Escacfae,  376. 
Escade,  202. 
Escaille,  233. 
Escale,  265. 
Escalerie,  265. 
Escalie  (je),  699. 
Escalure,  229. 
Escarceur,  265. 
Escarlattc,  265. 
Escarmouche  (je) ,  69g. 
Escarmuche,  271. 
Escarquyile  (je  me) ,  788. 
Esca;te  (je) ,  620. 
Escerueillons,  35o. 
Esceruelle  (je),  462. 
Escbafiture,  23 1. 
Eschallier,  276. 
Eschampignon ,  281. 
Eschangc,  169. 
Eschanson  ,311. 
Eschanlillon,  265. 
Eschappe  (je),  44i. 
Escbarboncle,  19S,  2o3, 

Escharcete,  j66. 
Escharfault,  265. 
Escbarme,  372. 
Eschars,  323. 
Eschaude,  288. 
EscbauQe  (je),  479. 
EschaulTette,  2o3. 
Escliauffelure,  2o4. 
EscbaulToison,  2o4. 
Eschaulde  (je),  699. 
Eschauldë,  5o,  168. 
Eschecquier,  2o4. 
Escbelle  (je),699. 
Eschellon,  265. 
Escheue  (je),  44i. 
Escheueau,  271. 
EscbitS,  425. 
Escbiecz,  355. 
Eschiel ,  337. 
Esckieue  (je),  438. 
Esclamme,  384. 
Esclande,  168. 
Esclandre  (je),  730. 
Esclarcys  (je  me)  ,  486. 
Esclat,  274. 
Esclendre,  32  3. 
Escler,  225. 
Esclercis  (je),  631. 
Esclere  (il),  i3o,  609. 
Esclerement,  3  35. 
Esclisse  (je) ,  731. 
Esclipse  (je) ,  53i. 
Escloy,  354,  275. 
Esclou,  3  58. 
Escluse,  312,  32  1. 
Escole,  22 ,  268. 
Escolier,  268. 
Escolte  (je),  53 1 . 
Esconiuoimcnt,  211. 
Escondict,  21 3. 
Escondis  (je),  5i  i,  697. 
Escondisscur,  212. 
Escons  (je),  584. 
Escorce,  233. 
Escorche,  263. 
Escorpion,  36,  i65. 
Escosse,  2  33, 



Escot ,  2/11. 
Escoue  (je) ,  700. 
Escoufle  ,171. 
Escouille  (je) ,  5o5. 

EsCOult,  311. 

Escoupelle  (je) ,  769. 
Escourge  (je),  707. 
Escourgez,  182. 
Escout,  23  g. 
Escoute,  22g,  366. 
Esco'jx  (je) ,  à-jg. 
Escoyssoys,  268. 
Escrayn,  338. 
Escreuice,  201. 
Escrie  (je  me) ,  5oi. 
Escripre,  22. 
Escripteau,  268. 
Escriptoyres ,  183. 
Escripuayn,  187. 
Escrobe  (je),  704. 
Escrole  (je),  700. 
Escnielles,  260. 
Escry,  264,  267. 
Escrye,  271. 
Escu,  22 ,  311. 
Escuelle,  2i4. 
Escuireau,  275. 
Escuisson,  200. 
Escume,  268. 
Escume  Je  saulmon,  303. 
Escumette,  268. 
Escure  (je),  486,  548,  706. 
Escureul,  376. 
Esgart,  34o. 
Esgarys  (je me),  562. 
Esgaudis  (je) ,  483. 
Esguiiietier,  3  56. 
Esguillette,  356. 

EsguilloO,  2  23. 

Esguissouere ,  376. 

Eshonter,  3o. 

Esjouys  (je  me) ,  535 ,  683. 

Eslargis  (je),  52g. 

Esle,  173. 

Esleu,  24  g. 

Esleue,  57. 

Eslonguer,  218. 

Esloyngne  (je),  io8,  4i5. 
Esluys  (je),  498. 
Eslys  (je),  483. 
Esmael,  194. 
Esmaille  (je),  43  5. 
Esmailleure,  194. 
Esmayé,  4o5. 
Esme,  173,  ig6. 
Esme  (je),  419. 
Esmeraulde,  216. 
Esmerueiliable ,  884. 
Esmolu,  228. 
Esmolument,  224. 
Esmouuemeat,  286. 
Esmoue  (je  me),  427. 
Esmoy,  3 1 4. 
Esmye  (je),  5oi. 
Espace  (la),  349. 
Espaigne,  36. 
Espalleron,  25 1 . 
Esparcis  (je) ,  653. 
Espargoutle,  219. 
Espars  (je) ,  726. 
Espaulle,  267. 
Espaultre  (je),  757. 
Espaume,  273. 
Espaume  (je  me) ,  543. 
Espaumure,  278. 
Espaumy t  (  il  se  ) ,  417. 
Especial ,  36 ,  297  ,  3 1 1 . 
Especiallcté,  274. 
Espee,  22. 
Espergne,  282. 
Espergne  (je),  726. 
Esperon  ,274. 
Esperonnier,  274. 
Espes,  294,  337. 
Espessis  (je) ,  741. 
Espices,  274. 
Espie  (je),  524. 
Espier,  275. 
Espinars,  274. 
Espinces ,  198. 
Espine,  i54. 
Espinettes,  65g. 
Espingue  (je),  730. 
Espirit,  22,  336. 

Espirituel,  3i4. 
Espiriluelleté,  236. 
Esplang,  371. 
Esplenc,  274. 
Espiinguette,  354. 
Esplinguier,  2o3. 
Esplinguier,  2o3. 
Esplinguiere,  354. 
Esplouche  (je),  6g9. 
Esploure  (je) ,  453. 
Esplouré,  32  4. 
Espounge,  274. 
Espourge,  274. 
Espourgement,  257. 
Espouser,  44. 
Espouuenteusemeiit ,  836^ 
Espouentable,  3 12. 
Espovenlail,  265. 
Esprcuue,  177,  257. 
Espreuier,  273. 
Espuisment,  21 5. 
Espurge  (je),  729. 
Espy,  217. 
Espye,  274. 
Esquaille,  266. 
Esquarre  (je)  ,731. 
Esquarquille  (je  me),  733. 
Esquarquillez,  457. 
Esquierre,  275. 
Esquippaige,  279. 
Esquippe  fje),  558. 
Esrache  (je) ,  670. 
Esseme  (je  me),  745. 
Essiant,  289. 
Essoine,  218. 

Estable,  22,  170,  275,  325. 
Eslable  (je),  673. 
Estableté,  276. 
Eslablissement,  275. 
Estache,  254. 
Estade,  j68  ,  222. 
Estaige,  2  4o. 
Estaings  (je),  02 5. 
Estai,  253  ,  275,  732. 
Estalleure,  278. 
Eslamine,  275. 
Estanche,  3x5 



Estanchonne  (je),  767. 
Estancon,  275. 
Estandart,  fjS. 
Estant,  32  2. 
Estaple,  275. 
Eslardir,  853. 
Estât,  275. 
Estatut ,  296. 
Estatute,  275. 
Estaye,  269. 
Estayngs  (je)  ,  674. 
Esté,  5o. 
Esteos  (je),  542. 
Eslerne  (je),  644. 
Esternuement,  247. 
Esteuue  (je),  785. 
Esteuues,  182 ,  282. 
Esticquelte,  206. 
Estincelle,  273. 
Estocque  (je),  735. 
Estofie,  277. 
Estoille,  22 ,  275. 
Estolle,  276. 
Estomach,  20. 
&tomachier,  276. 
Estonnissemeat,  igS. 
Estorte(je),  785. 
Estouble,  277. 
Estouffe  (je)  ,741- 
Estouillon,  218. 
Estoupayl,  276. 
Estoupeau,  276. 
Estouppe  (je),  552. 
Estour,  282,  286. 
Estourdisseure ,  277. 
EstourgioD,  i65. 
E^tradiot,  36. 
Estraings  (je),  575. 
Estranc,  268. 
Estrane,  271. 
Estrange,  38o. 
Estrange  (je  me) ,  54o. 
Estrangerie,  277. 
Estrangier,  277. 
Estrangis  (je  me) ,  777. 
Estrangle  (je),  484. 
Eslranguiiloa ,  i54,  2o5. 

Estrayndre,  22. 

Estrayne,  229. 

Eslrene  (je),  578. 

Estreissenr,  347. 

Estricquoires,  182. 

Estrier,  276. 

Eslrif,  277. 

Estriquoires ,  2  5 1 . 

Estriue  (je  me),  5o8. 

Estriue  a  lestriuee,  277. 

Eslriuee,  277. 

Estriuier,  276. 

Estriuieres,  276. 

Estron,  21 4. 

Estroysse  (je),  788. 

Estroysseur,  277. 

Estude,  276. 

Estudiant,  277. 

Estudier,  22. 

Estnrgion,  277. 

Estuuier,  232. 

Estuy,  2  35. 

Esueille  (je  me),  44 1. 

Esueilier,  287. 

Esuertue  (je me),  434. 

Etains  (je),  648. 

Et  par  aynsi,  878. 

Et  par  quoy,  873. 

Erige  (je),  436. 

Eu,  diptlhongue  ;  sa  pronon- 
ciation ,  1 4  ;  —  à  la  fin  des 
mots ,    1 5. 

Eulx,  44. 

Eur,  34j. 

Eure  (je),  54o. 

Eureusetë,  229. 

Eureux,  i5,  61. 

Euangille  (un  ou  une),  160; 
au  pluriel  toujours  du  fé- 
minin, 161. 

Euerse  (je),  54o. 

Euesché,  5o. 

Euesque,  9. 

Euissant  ,217. 

Exalce  (je),  54o. 

Exaise  (je),  582. 

Examination,  217. 

Excède  (je) ,  653. 
Excelse,  3 18. 
Exchange  (je),  54 1. 
Exclos  (je),  54 1. 
Excommenge,  218. 
Excusa  tion  ,218. 
Exemplifie  (je),  54 1. 
Exercitation,  218. 
Exercite,  162. 
Exercite  (je  me) ,  54 1  • 
Expccte  (je),  542. 
Expences,  2 18. 
Esperiment,  218. 
Exploicte  (je) ,  434. 
Exposeur,  212,  318. 
Expositeur,  218. 
Expresse  (je) ,  542. 
Expurge  (je),  542. 
Extermine  (je),  523. 
Extorce,  218. 
Extortionne  (je),  542. 
Exultation,  225. 
Ez,  terminaison  de  la  seconde 

personne    du    pluriel    dans 

les  verbes,  xxxiii. 

F,  sa  prononciation,  29. 
Face  (que je),  96. —  Conjugal 

son  du  verbe/aire,  97. 
Facer,  234. 
Fachieux,  3io. 
Facil,  3i  1 . 
Facion,  665. 
Facteur,  2  43. 
Pactise,  2  58. 
Facund ,  3 1 1 . 
Facnnditë,  216. 
Facyon,  242. 
Fade  (je),  542. 
Faëe,  219,  3o6. 
Faguenet,  722. 
Faiche  (il  me),  593. 
Faictei,  659. 
Faicte-;  paix,  587. 
Faictisse,  2  58. 
Faicty,  3 12. 



FaicU,  2  5. 
Faille,  218. 
Pain,  i85. 
Faincte,  219. 
Fainctif,  3i2. 
Faingdrent  (ils),  897. 
Faings  (je),  543. 
Faintif,  3o8. 
Faintise,  219. 
Faisante,  219. 
Faiselle,  270. 
Fais  frisque  (je),  628. 
Fais  gré  (je),  bii. 
Fais  lameode  (je),  618. 
Fais  la  queue  (je) ,  526. 
Fais  le  petit  (je) ,  622. 
Fais  les  monstres  (je),  643. 
Fais  ma  table  (je),  537. 
Fait,  feit,  677. 
Falace,  218. 
Falcement,  24i. 
Fallis  (je),  706. 
Fallot,  2o3,  210. 
Falsemeut,  199. 
Famé,  336. 
Fameilleusement ,  836. 
Famileux,  3i4. 
Faut,  219. 
Fantasie  (je),  545. 
Faonoe  (je) ,  546. 
Far,  198. 
Farce  (je),  545. 
Farcement,  25i. 
Farcye  (je),  545. 
Fardage,  277. 
Farde  (je),  753. 
Farfelue,  283. 
Fascherie,  235. 
Fasse,  277. 
Fastige,  23o. 
FatigatioD,  288. 
Fatiste,  i43. 
Fatre  (je) ,  46i. 
Fatrouille  (je) ,  46i. 
Faucet,  219. 
Faucille  (je),  686. 
Faulce,  270. 

Faulce  (je),  435. 

Faulcetë,  218. 

Faullourde,  197. 

Faulsit  (qu'il),  4i3. 

Fault  (il),xLViii. 

Faulteuï,  809. 

Faulx,  270,  3i2. 

Faulx  a  mon  esme  (je)  ,671. 

Faulx  bourg,  277. 

Fauteuï,  309. 

Fautuseté  ,219. 

Faueau  ,211. 

Fauourise  (je),  546. 

Fay,  97. — Conjugaison  du  verbe 
faire,  97. 

Fayn,  282. 

Fayndre,  23. 

Paysans,  420. 

Faysaat,  i55. 

Faysante,  i55. 

Pays  court  (je  le),  429. 

Pays  de  leaue  (je) ,  524. 

Pays  de  tel  pain  souppes  (je) , 

Fays  du  chiche  (je) ,  657. 

Pays  du  grant  (je) ,  45o. 

Pays  du  mignot  (je) ,  ôSg. 

Fays  du  muet  (je),  588. 

Pays  propice  (je),  54o. 

Fays  une  frisque  (je),  548. 

Peactise,  219. 

Peaul,  327. 

Peaulté,  218. 

Feble,  3i2. 

Fecundilé,  255. 

Feii,  287. 


Felonneux,  309. 

Felonnie,  210. 

Pemetoyre,  219. 

Peminal,  829. 

Féminin;  raisons  du  genre  fé- 
minin, p.  XXV,  66.  — Termi- 
naison du  féminin  dans  les 
adjectifs,  70. — Comment  il 
se  forme  dans  les  adjectifs, 

Femmelte,  68,  187. 

Fendasse,  206,263. 

Fendis  (je  me),  465. 

Pendure,  206,  263. 

Pener,  2  3o. 

Feneur,  280. 

Fenoil,  219. 

Perdin,  218,  219. 

Permable,  3o2. 

Permaii,  2o5. 

Fermouer,  2o5. 

Perron,  2  35. 

Ferruge,  235. 

Peste  (un,  une) ,  157. 

Pestijer,  6. 

Festiual,  3 12. 

Pesliuité,  245. 

Festoyer,  6. 

Pestu  ,211. 

Pestye  (je),  482. 

Petart,  188,  24i. 

Peterdise,  220. 

Pettart,  271. 

Peuaille,  220. 

Peuillart,  280. 

Peultre,  2  19. 

Feusiere,  219. 

Fiable,  827. 

Fian,  21  i. 

Fiance  (je),  607. 

Pianceailles,  278. 

Fiant,  21 4. 

Fie  (je  me)  ;  conjugaison  de  ce 

verbe ,  1 1 4. 
Piens,  63o. 
Fiente  (je),  64i. 
Fiere,  254.  -> 

Fiers,  fîerse,  81 5. 
Fiers  (je),  728. 
Filace,  277. 
Fil  darcal,  288. 
Fileresse,  274. 
Filetle,  220. 
Fillace,  221. 
Pillé,  49,  157. 
PillioUe,  226. 
Pilosomie,  220. 




Filure,  280. 
Finablenieiit,  808. 
Fine  (je),  533. 
Fine  (je  me),  787. 
Fine,  383. 
Firraement,  57. 
Flaccon,  220. 
Flacquet,  255. 
Flaiau,  2o3. 
Flambe,  120. 
Fiamescbe,  ito. 
Flamette,  171. 
Flamme  (je),  457. 
Flanche,  220. 
Flanet,  221. 
Flaon  ,321. 
Flaston,  220. 
Flaleur,  220. 
Flauelle,  283. 
Flaytrys  (je),  542. 
Fleal,  173. 
Flebesse,  219,  287. 
Flet,  281. 
Fleume,  221. 
Fleure  (je),  698. 
FleuremenI,  271. 
Fleurissant,  63. 
Fliuste  dalemant,  278. 
Flexis  (je  me) ,  738. 
Floc  ,221. 
Flocquon,  2  4o. 
Flondre,  221. 
Floque  ,221. 
Florissant,  57. 
Floron,  221. 
Flûte  (je),  658.     . 
Fluue,  221. 
Fluuiau,  202. 
Foeille,  238. 
Foeillet,  238. 
Foirre,  176,  277. 
Folage,  21 5. 
Folteur,  221. 
Fome,  262. 
Fonde,  271. 
Fondrier,  21 3. 
Fons,  221. 

Fourcclle,  2o5. 
Forbannis  (je),  65o. 
Force  (je),  760. 
Forcené  (je),  678. 
Forcennerie,  24 1. 
Forcepte  (je) ,  65o. 
Forcettes,  261,  266. 
Forciblement,  842. 
Forclorre,  109. 
Forcluse,  429. 
Forcrie  (je) ,  65o. 
Forest,  164. 
Forffis,  53. 

Formangeus  (je) ,  65o. 
Forment,  799. 
Formiliere,  2  54. 
Formosilé,  218. 
Formys,  i64. 
Forprens  (je),  65o. 
Forsenerie,  289. 
Forsque,  i46. 
Fors  que,  847. 
Forlier,  487. 
Fortresse  (je),  557. 
Fortuné,  42  1. 
Foruoye  (je),  468. 
Foruoye  (je  me) ,  557. 
Fosselu,  320. 
Fossetterie,  256. 
Fosselteux,  321. 
Fosseur,  2i4. 
Fossoir,  278. 
Fouble  (je) ,  691 . 
Fouete  (je),  706. 
Fougiere,  219. 
Foullonoe  (je) ,  755. 
Foundriere,  260. 
Fourbyschcr,  222. 
Fourcbc,  307. 
Fourcbeu,  i5. 
Fourme,  287. 
Fourme  (je  me),  556. 
Fournie  (je) ,  442. 
Fourniture,  268. 
Fournoise,  271. 
Fourraige,  269. 
Foyeur,  21 4. 

Foylle,  285. 
Foyilet,  266. 
Foyng,  242. 
Foynnes,  221. 
Foysonne  (je),  489. 
Fraelle,  3 16. 
Fraicli,  209. 
Frailie,  807. 
Frain,  456. 
Francbaisier,  286. 
Franc  encens,  222. 
Frangible,  3i3. 
F'raygne  (je) ,  559. 
Frect,  228. 
Freme  (je),  708. 
Fremme  (je) ,  54 1- 
Fremys  (je  ),  676. 
Frenge,  228. 
Freppier,  186. 
Fresc,  296. 
Frescheur,  207. 
Fresleté,  222. 
Fresseure,  267. 
Fretillon,  282. 
Freie,  277. 
Friamment,  470. 
Friandement,  470. 
Friant,  809. 
Frille  (je) ,  483. 
Frilleux,  807. 
Friilonne  (je),  704. 
Frilonne  (je),  575. 
Frinct,  188. 
Frinctaige,  188. 
Fringotte  (je) ,  558. 
Fringue  (je) ,  558. 
Fringuereau,  200,  225. 
Fringuerie,  2  25. 
Frisque,  86,  3i3. 
Fritier,  228. 
Friuolle,  286. 
Frocq,  228. 
Froissis  ,201. 
Froissure,  228. 
Froit,  209,  3o8. 
Fromaige  dengelon,  289. 
Fronde,  198. 


Frote  (je),  342. 

Froysse  (je) ,  464. 

Fructueuseté ,  228. 

Fruictage,  2  2  3. 

Fruictifie  (je),  449- 

Frument,  208. 

Frumentee,  2  23. 

Frustralif,  3 10. 

Fruyctier,  209,  2  23. 

Frys  (je),  558. 

Fuaille,  444. 


Fueillée,  200,  24o. 

Fueillu,  3oi. 

Fueiliure,  820. 

Fuier,  229. 

Fuillart,  280. 

Fumeuseté  ,271. 

Fumeux,  774. 

Fumiere,  271. 

Funde,  271. 

Fundement,  a  2  3. 

Funeralle,  269. 

Fureux,  3i3. 

FuroUe,  228. 

Furon,  457. 

Fusiere,  200. 

Fust,  266. 

Fustailies,  248. 

Fuy,  149. 

Fuys  (je  m'en);  conjugaison  de 

ce  verbe,  1  19. 
Fuytif,  10,  3 12. 
Fyeble,  3i2. 

G;  sa  prononciation,  29. 
Gaigne,  des  deux  genres,  174  , 


Gaignier,  266. 
Gallant,  681. 
Gaillart,  8. 
GaiDiarde,  829. 
Gajer,  1 1 . 
Galëe,  63,  2o4. 
Galier,  2  33. 
Galifiire ,  i4 1  ■ 

Gaillarde,  32 1. 
Gallicq,  3o3. 
Gallon,  224. 
Gambaulde,  224. 
Gamboye,  283. 
Gamme,  224. 
Garante  (je)  ,771. 
Garconet,  187. 
Garde,  274. 
Gardian,  235. 
Gardianne,  290. 
Garence  (je),  616. 
Gargoille,  224. 
Garguillon,  288. 
Gariolle  (je),  48i. 
Garis  (je  me)  ,771. 
Garnacbe,  2  2  3. 
Garnement,  224. 

Garnier,  280. 
Garnissement ,  224. 

Garroier,  35 1. 

Garrot,  259. 

Gars,  i55. 

Garsche  (je),  484. 

Garson,  287. 

Gart,  893. 

Gason,  22,7. 

GasouiMe  (je),  i56. 

Gast,  54,  287. 

Gasteau,  2  35. 

Gattouille  (je),  758. 

Gauche,  271 ,  290. 

Gaucbeté,  238. 

Gaudine,  290. 

Gaudisseur,  268,  663. 

Gauge,  224. 

Gaugeur,  224. 

Gaule,  3i3. 

Gaulle,  24o. 

Gaultiere,  260. 

Gaune,  108. 

Gauoir,  108. 

Gauerdine,  228,  2  43. 

Gauion,  282. 

Gayne  (je) ,  569. 

Gays,  gayse,  3i3. 

Ge  pour  je,  43. 


Gect,  281. 

Géhenne  (je) ,  463. 

Gehynne  (je) ,  463. 

Geleux,  81 3. 

Gemme,  258. 

Genetoire,  242. 

Geneure,  224. 

Génial,  819. 

Géniteur,  2  1 8. 

Génitif.  On  supprime  quelque- 
fois le  de  en  français,  XL, 

Génitrice,  246. 

Genoul,  180. 

Genres;  trois  en  français,  mas- 
culin, Jéminin  et  commun, 
XXIV,  i5g.  —  Deux  en  fran- 
çais, masculin  et  Jéminin,  66. 

—  Incertain,  160. — Genres 
dans  les  adjectifs,  xxvit,  70. 

—  Dans  les  pronoms,  xxix. 
— Dans  les  substantifs,  i53, 

Gent;  des  deux  genres,  162. 
Gentian,  224. 
Gentilesse,  224. 
Genuflection,  236. 
Germain,  201. 
Germandre,  2  24. 
Geron,  271. 
Gersure,  2o5. 
Gesante,  290. 
Gesine,  610. 
Get,  234. 
Getz,  224. 

Gentyl  femme,  178,  190. 
Geu,  394. 
Geulle,  280,  455. 
Giande,  290. 
Gibbesiere,  267. 
Gibbesierier,  257. 
Gibissiere,  196. 
Gietz,  i83. 
Gingle  (je),  566. 
GiroufQée,  225 
Gis  (je),  610. 
Giste,  177. 




Glanceur,  î25. 
Glanders,  287. 
Glandres,  i83. 
Glenne  (je),  568. 
Glette,  233,  23i. 
Gleu,  i53. 
Gleue,  jSg. 
Gliceau,  200. 
Glince  (je  me),  721. 
Glorieuseté,  2  25. 
GloriGance^  2  2  5. 
Glorifijer,  6. 
Glose  (je),  568. 
Gloteron,  202. 
Gloutonie,  2  25. 
GlouttOD,  225. 

Gna ,  gne ,  gno  ;  leur  prononcia- 
tion, 8. 
Gobe,  319. 
Goblin,  23 1. 
Godia ,  309. 
Godinet,  3i  2. 
Gojon,  326. 
Gomys  (je),  478,  652. 
Gont,  33o. 

Gorgias,  247,  294,  307. 
Gorgiasement,  844. 
Gormant,  227. 
Gorre,  2  23. 
Gorrier,  3i4 ,  329. 
Gort,  244,  286. 
Goublin,  248. 
Goudale,  193. 
Gouernail,  276. 
Goujons,  220. 
Gouoystre,  gouistre,  287. 
Gourdy,  429. 
Gonrment,  225. 
Goumault,  238. 
Court,  377,  449. 
Goust,  361. 
Gouster,  279. 
Goûte,  210. 
Gouttier,  228. 
GouuernaDce,  226. 
Gouuernat,  226. 
Gradale,  237. 

Graffe  (je),  574. 
Grageur,  227, 
Grajouer,  360. 
Gramarien,  227. 
Gramnient,  60. 
Granadier,  2  56. 
Granche,  197,  2o3. 
Grandet,  73,  3o3. 
Grandgore,  2  56. 
Grans,  xlviii. 
Grant,  61. 
Grant  pièce,  853. 
Grant  pièce  a,  802. 
Grassie  (je),  612. 
Grat,  gratte,  3 16. 
Grateux,  3 16. 
Gratiguer,  338. 
Gregois,  389. 
Gregoyr,  2  53. 
Greigneur,  72. 
Greille  (il),  577. 
Grenetier,  211. 
Grenoille,  223. 
Grésille  (je),  746. 
Gresiilon  ,210. 
Gresle,  172. 
Gressé,  21 5. 
Gressieur,  239. 
Greuable,  3i4. 
Greuance,  227. 
Greuain,  3i4. 
Greuayn,  334. 
Greue,  267,  349. 
Greues,  239. 
Greuelure,  ï4i. 
Greuer,  386. 
Greueux,  3i4. 
Griache,  2  46. 
Griasche,  329. 
Griefz,  i65. 
Griesue,  237. 
Grieux,  380. 
Grimmeux,  3i4. 
Grimneuseté,  228. 
Grinche  (je),  5oo. 
Gringotte  (je) ,  482 ,  77 1 . 
Grinse  (je),  569. 

Gripe,  2o5. 
Grippe  (je),  485. 
Grisellé,  3i4. 
Griseté,  237. 
Gronce  (je),  27,  693. 
Grondelle  (je),  573. 
Grondellcment,  4o3. 
Grondis  (je),  694. 
Grongne  (je),  674. 
Grosset,  3o3. 
Grossier,  2  44. 
Grossye  (je) ,  535. 
Groule  (je),  693. 
Groye  (je  me),  46i,  765. 
Groygiie  (je),  558. 
Groyng,  238. 
Gruge  (je),  575. 
Grusle  (je) ,  652. 
Guailter,  10. 
Guarenuier,  286. 
Guaris  (je  me)  ,771. 
Guarraut,  10. 
Guayct,  287. 
Guayres,  i44. 
Gûe,  177. 
Gué  (la),  770. 
Guecteurs,  275. 
Guedde,  x68. 
Guencbys  (je  me),  70/1. 
Guencis  (je  me),  706. 
Guerdon,  i65. 
Guerdonne  (je),  5i3. 
Guerissement,  2  3o. 
Guermente  (je  lue) ,  453. 
Guerpis  (je),  477. 
Guespe,  10,  387. 
Guigueron,  226. 
Guille,  289. 
Guimple,  172. 
Guinche,  278. 
Guingne  (je  me),  706. 
Guiserne,  2  2  5. 
Gulosité,  2  2  5. 
Guyndas,  289. 
Guynde  (je) ,  782. 
Guyngne  (je  me),  6i3. 


H,  aspiration  ,  consonne,  signe 
orthographique  ,  xxiil ,  i  7. 
— Tableau  de  tous  les  mots 
français  commençant  parune 
h  aspirée,  18. 

Haa,  149,888. 

Habandonée,  38o. 

Habilite  (je) ,  53a. 

Habilite  (je  me) ,  55  1 . 

Habilité,  228. 

Habille  du  lyn  (je),  582. 

Habitacion,  399. 

Habitacle,  216. 

Habile  a  femme  (je)  ,491. 

Habitue  (je),  694. 

Habundance,  128. 

Habyl,  3o5. 

Hacbet,  18,  229. 

Hacque  (je),  577. 

Hacqnebutte,  366. 

Hacquenée,  18. 

Hadea,  888. 

Ha  ha,  ilig. 

Haile  (je),  577. 

Haiilion,  266. 


Halberde,  32g. 

Halcret,  25 1. 

Halebarde,  18. 

Halelter,  18. 

Halion,  206. 

Halle  (je),  18,  677. 

Hallette  (je),  611. 

HamacoD,  38. 

Hamasson,  18. 

Hameux,  18. 

Hanap,  18,  54,  211. 

Hanche  (je),  568. 

Hanetton,  18. 

Hannys  (je),  18,  643. 

Hanse,  281. 

Haotel,  275. 

Haras,  275. 

Haraude  (je),  583. 

Harcelle  (je),  588. 


Harceller,  18. 
Hardillon,  18. 
Harenc,  18,  280. 
Harengiere,  i8,  290. 
Harengue,  18,  249. 
Harias,  18. 

Harie  (je),  18,  545,  579. 
Haro,  888. 
Harol,  5oi. 
Harper,  3o. 
Harpeur,  229. 
Harpoy,  18,  256. 
Hasart,  18. 
Hascerell,  229. 
Hasche,  229. 
Hasle,  272. 
Haste,  218,  229. 
Haslee,  274. 
Haster,  18. 
Hastereau,  18. 
Hastif,  3 13. 
Hastiuement,  836. 
Hastiuité,  229. 
Haterel,  18. 
Hatifue,  10. 
Hau,  149,888. 
Hauberjon,  18. 
Hauboys,  286. 
Haue  (je),  723. 
Hauet,  227,  228. 
Haulberjon,  11,  229. 
Haulbert,  229. 
Hault,  i8. 
Haulte  heure,  653. 
Haultesse,  61. 
Haulteur,  18. 
Hay,  149,888. 
Haye  (je),  582. 
Hayneuseté,  249. 
Hayoye,  1 1. 
Haytie  (je) ,  568. 
Haytyer,  18. 
Hazardeur,  663. 
Heaulme,  18. 
Heaulme,  18. 
Hebraicque ,  3 1 1 . 
Hebrieu,  216. 

Hecq,  229. 
Hee,  149,  888. 
Heer,  5. 
Helle,  289. 
Hemee,  18. 
Hemy,  888. 
Henny,  149. 
Hérault,  18. 
Herbegerie,  255. 
Herberge,  169,  229. 
Herbergier,  18. 
Herce,  18,  229. 
Herce  (je),  18,579,  593.. 
Hercelle  (je),  679. 
Hercié,  18. 
Hercier,  18. 
Herdre,  18. 
Heremite ,  23i. 
Heretage,  8. 
Hericon,  18. 
Herigne,  274. 
Heritique  23 1. 
Heronceau,  187. 
Herpe,  18. 
Hers  (je),  486. 
Hestre,  18. 
Heurcque,  233. 
Heure,  46. 

Heure  (je),  61 5,  624. 
Heuree,  278. 
Heuse,  18. 
Heuser,  18. 
Hideur,  282. 
Hideuseté,  281. 
Hierre,  228. 
Hobbyn,  18. 
Hober,  18. 
Hobreau,  18,  281. 
Hobyn,  281. 
Hoche,  3  2  4. 
Hochette,  18,  2o5. 
Hochqueteur,  196. 
Hocquet,  291. 
Hocqueton,  18. 
HoUelte,  18,  271. 
Home,  7. 
Homonceau,  187. 



Homonymes  qui  ne  se  distin- 
guent que  par  la  place  de 
l'accent,  49. — Qui  changent 
de  genre  selon  leur  sens, 

Honeste,  /|. 

Hongner,  1  8. 

Honnesteté,  232. 

Honnieur,  271. 

Honnorér,  61. 

Honnys  (je),  Sog. 

Honourable,  78. 

Honourant,  78. 

Honter,  18. 

Hontie  (je),  619. 

Hontoye  (je) ,  701. 

Hony,  324. 

Horiloge,  206. 

Horilogier,  206. 

Horribleté,  232. 

Hors  dordre,  467. 

Hosche  (je),  700,  745. 

Hostagier,  282. 

Hotte,  i55,  279. 

Hostelaige,  229. 

Hostelerie,  260. 

Hostesse,  i55. 

Houe  (je),  10,  5i6. 

Houet,  280. 

Houische,  888. 

Houller,  18. 

Hours,  18. 

Hourt,  18. 

Hous,  18,  282. 

Hoaseau,  18. 

Housette,  18. 

Houspailler,  18. 

Houspaillier,  282. 

Houspille  (je),  745. 

Housse  (je),  700,  761. 

Housser,  18. 

Houssettes,  25 1. 

Housseure,  18. 

Houysche,  149. 

Hoyer,  5 19. 

Huan,  18. 

Hucher,  18. 


m  et  ign;  leur  prononciation 
devant  a,  e,  0,  xtii. 

lUa,  nie,  illo;  leur  prononcia- 
tion, 8. 

IHec  endroyt,  828. 

Illecques,  828. 

Il  mest  force  de ,  880. 

Il  ne  sen  fault  rien,  65 1. 

Huchier,  18. 

Hucque,  18. 

Huée,  228. 

Hueur,  281. 

Huiboust,  18. 

Huier,  18. 

Uuiile,  249. 

Huische  (je),  478. 

Humaige,  278. 

Humain,  427. 

Humblesse,  2  44- 

Humee,  278. 

Huppe  (je),  18,566,  706. 

Hurte  (je),  18,  699. 

Hurtebiller,  18. 

Hurtelle  (je),  760. 

Husche,  179. 

Huline  (je) ,  566. 

Hutyn,  2  5o. 

Hutyner,  18. 

Huy,  i48. 

Huyct,  867. 

Huys,  196. 

Huysche  (je) ,  486. 

Hydeusement,  836. 

Hyerre,  18. 

Hyf,  284. 

Hyre,  18. 

Hysse  (je),  SgS. 


I;  sa  prononciation,  6,  55. 

I  et  Y,  figurative  du  thème  de 

la  deuxiëme  conjugaison  du 
verbe  actif,  xxxi.  —  Pro- 
nonciation de  l'i.mêmequand 
il  n'est  pas  écrit  dans  te  mot, 
7.  —  Distinction  de  1  voyelle 
et  de  i  consonne ,  10,  81.  — 
Différence  de  prononciation 
entre  1  et  y,  16. 

Icy  endroyt,  819. 

Icy  entour,  819. 

Ignoramment,  798. 

Illec,  828. 

II  fait  a  noter,  4i2- 

Il  y  a  de  loignon,  595. 

Imparfect,  828. 

Irapartys  (je),  622. 

Impersonnel.  Verbe  imperson- 
nel, XXX,  83,  129.' — Con- 
jugaison du  verbe  1/  adaient, 

Impetre  (je),  538. 

Impiteahle,  826. 

Impréparation,  284. 

Imprimeure ,  258. 

Impropere  (je),  6o3. 

Impugny,  828. 

Impurité,  285. 

Inamoure ,  807. 

Inamouré,  807. 

Incerteinté,  285. 

Incitatif,  821. 

Incitation,  276. 

Incite  (je) ,  587. 

Inclinement,  284. 

Iccogneu,  828. 

Increpe  (je),  456,  680. 

Indentures,  2  34. 

Indcur,  286. 

Indifférant,  816. 

Indigne  (je),  449. 

Indole  ,  62  ,  289. 

Infelicité,  284- 

Infatué  (je  me),  553. 

Inferme  (je),  770. 

Infertil,  3o5. 

Infertille,  8o5. 

Infertyl ,  3  00. 

Infeste  (je) ,  766. 

Infinitif,  828. 

Inflation,  200. 

Influe  (je  me),  784. 

Infortune  (un),  178. 



Infiringe  (je),  683. 
Ingéniosité,  261 . 
Inhayr,  1  2. 
Inhibe  (je),  Sgi. 
Inprennable,  3 16. 
Inquietle  (je) ,  519. 
Insaciabic,  63. 
Insence  (je),  Sgi. 
instaure  (je),  109,  687. 
Instigue  (je) ,  701. 
Intellectif,  3o6. 
Intellecture,  285. 
Intencionei,  3 16. 
Interdict,  211. 
Interdisscment,  234. 
Interjections,  lig. 
Interpos,  262 ,  876. 
Interruple  (je),  692. 
Intime  (je),  64o. 
Intitulation,  234. 
Intitule  (je),  538. 
Intrinsique,  3 16. 
Introduis  (je),  467. 
Introite,  217. 
Inundation,  25o. 
Inuader,  1 39. 
Inualiys  (je),  592. 
Inuasible,  362. 
Inuestigue  (je),  37,  762. 
Inuetere  (je),  694. 
Inuisibleté,  234. 
louocque  (je),  473. 
Ire  (je) ,  43i. 
Ireément,  838. 
Ireux,  1 5,  3 16. 
IrrisioD,  237. 
Irrite  (je) ,  464. 
Irrue  (je  me),  705. 
Isnel,  294. 
Issis  (je),  5o3. 
Itère  (je),59i. 

Ja,  i46. 
Jacincte,  233. 
Jacq,  Jacque,  383. 
Jaet,  224. 

Jaihant,  225. 

Jambet,  283. 

Jamboye(je),  672,  738. 

Jamboye  (je  me),  589. 

Jangle  (je),  589. 

Janglerie,  233. 

Jangleur,  2  33. 

Japeaux,  790. 

Ja  pieca,  809. 

Jaquecueur,  233. 

Jargonne  (je),  48 1. 

Jarretier,  224. 

Ja  soyt  ce,  i48. 

Ja  soyt  ce  que,  872. 

Jaspre,  233. 

Jaunastre ,  3o6. 

Jaunice,  233. 

Jaunis  (je  me),  775. 

Jaueleyne,  2  38. 

Jaye,  248. 

Je  compère,  4oo. 

Ject,  2o3. 

Jecton,  209. 

Je  mesmes,  376. 

Je  me  veulx  prier,  64 i. 

Jenneure,  235. 

Jeuedy  absolu,  266. 

Jeueur,  54. 

Jeusier,  225. 

Jeussouer,  264 

Jocque  (je),  733,  736. 

Joe  de  poisson,  2  2  5. 

Joieuseté,  219. 

Joinctys  (je) ,  592. 

Joliveté,  235. 

Jonche  (je),  45o,  706. 

Joncherie,  200. 

Jomée,  235. 

Jorroise,  2  32. 

Joue  de  pas  a  pas  (je) ,  592. 

Jouée,  199. 

Joueur  de  souplesse,  283. 

Jouge  (je),  595. 

Jougle  (je),  595. 

Joumarin,  220. 

Jour  de  ma  vie,  5 10. 

Journée,  235. 

Journel,  3o9. 

Journoye  (je),  593. 

Jousier,  244. 


Jouste, jousteur,  235. 

Jouxte,  38,  187,  794. 

Jovien,  3 16. 

Joynct,  joyncture,  235. 

Joyr,  I  2. 

Judicalion,  235. 

Jueudy,  178. 

Juing,  235. 

Junonien,  3o6. 

Jus,  825. 

Jus  et  sus,  843. 

Jusques  a  tant,  jusques  a  ce, 

Jusques  cy,  6. 
Juvenil,  33o. 


K ,  souvent  employé  dans  le 
vieux  romant,  32.  —  Rare- 
ment employé  dans  la  langue 
françoise  ,  xxiii.  —  Ne  ter- 
mine jamais  un  nom  subs- 
tantif singulier ,  XXVI;  ni  un 
adjectif  masculin  singulier, 
Xxvi.  — Sa  prononciation,  3i. 

Kalende,  3i. 

Kalendrier,  3 1 . 

L;  sa  prononciation,  3:. 

La ,   le ,  devant    un    mot   qui 

commence  par  une  voyelle  , 

Laboriosité,  237. 
Lacquet,  222. 
Lacteux,  3 18. 
Laderye,  274. 
La  Dieu  mercy,  754. 
Ladresse,  266. 
La  endroyt,  823. 
La  greignieure  part,  860. 
Laidengeux,  32  2. 
Laideté,  222. 



Laideure,  22:. 

Lais,  2  38. 

Laite,  274. 

La  malle  bosse,  867. 

Lame ,  276. 

Lance  (je),  789. 

Lancequenet,  237. 

Langeur,  269. 

Langore  (je) ,  6o3. 

Langoure  (je),  ÂgS. 

Languercuse,  169. 

Lanifice,  290. 

LaperiaS,  291. 

Lapprcau,  260. 

La  rayson  car,  865. 

Larde  (je) ,  706. 

Largesse,  287. 

Laronceau,  187. 

Larrecyn ,  i65. 

Larronnesse,  iS5. 

Lanx>yt,  4oi. 

Las,  lig. 

Lasche,  3i  2. 

Lasdre,  237. 

Lasdriere,  287. 

Lasniere,  287,  280. 

Lasy,  149. 

Lasse  (je),  699,  61  J. 

Lasseresse,  236. 

Latiesme,  172. 

Laton,  287. 

Latre  (je  ) ,  443. 

Latz,  199,  237. 

Laureoie ,  2 1 3. 

LauemeDt,  5o2. 

Layn,  324- 

Layrra ,  4o 1 . 

Layt,  70. 

Leans,  823. 

Lecherie,  338. 

Leciteté,  2  38. 

Le  cœur  luy  abhomine,  692. 

Lectus,  2  38. 

Ledenge  (je),  680. 

Legier,  317. 

Lembic,  i63,  238. 

Len  ou  on,  xxix,  77. 

Leouceau,  68. 

Leooesse,  289. 

Leoparde,  i55. 

Le  pas  menu,  83o. 

Les  aulcuns,  36o. 

Les  jours  noi  pères,  612. 

Les  plusieurs,  366. 

Lesse  (je),  6o5. 

Let,  33o. 

Letanye,  238. 

Letice,  289. 

Leliere,  282. 

Lettres;  il  y  en  a  vingt-lrois  en 

français,  xxiii. 
Leueton,  291. 
Leuriere,  i55. 
Leyrot,  21 4. 
Lci,  818. 
Liart,  288. 

Liberaleté,  289.  ' 

Libidinosité,  284. 
Lice,  271. 
Licitité,  287. 
Lict,  197. 
Lie  (je  me) ,  683. 
Liesne  (je  me),  436. 
Lieue  marque  (je) ,  709. 
Lieuseté,  21 5. 
Lieux,  3i  1. 
Ligne  (je),  61 1. 
Limignon,  243,  272. 
Limitte  (je),  434. 
Lineature,  269. 
Linette,  2  38. 
Lingiere,  266. 
Lingnée,  336. 
Lioiere,  231. 
Lisarde,  lizarde,  239. 
Lisse,  271. 
Lit  de  cbamp,  283. 
Liticonteste  (je),  683. 
Liuerée,  2  4o. 
Lobe  (je),  446,  689. 
Lobes,  64. 
Loche  (je) ,  700. 
Locquet,  287. 
Locution,  274. 

Loetic,  220. 
Logitien,  240. 
Loingtain,  57. 
Loisibletë,  228. 
Loissebietë,  288. 
Longe  temps,  4i8. 
Longeur,  288,  270. 
Longtemps  a,  810. 
Longuet,  249. 
Loppine  (je),  64o. 
Loricarde  (je),  61 3. 
Loricart,  24 1. 
Lormier,  242. 
Lors  quant,  818. 
Los,  4o2. 

Louche  (une),  167. 
Louchet,  249. 
Loudier,  260. 
Londiere,  21 5. 
Louenge,  257. 
Louier,  228. 
Loule  (je),  452. 
Loupin,  267. 
Loupue,  i55. 
Lourdault,  216. 
Lourdesse,  277. 
Lourt,  3o6. 
Louue,  266. 
Loygnet,  8o3. 
Loyng,  109. 
Loyngtain,  812. 
Luberdine,  25o. 
Lucque,  24i ,  659. 
Luicter,  28. 
Luisance,  201. 
Luissance,  267. 
Luminure,  174. 
Lunettier,  274. 
Lus,  24i. 
Luycte  (je) ,  785. 
Luyte,  290. 
Lyens,  i48. 
Lyette,  281. 
LymoD  ,271. 
Lyonaesse,  i55. 


M;  sa  prononciation,  xix,  22, 

24,  32. 
Mace,  206,  24 1. 
Machecouile  (je),  616. 
Machouere,  20  4. 
Macier,  269. 
Macquereau,  i55,  242. 
Macquerellc,  i55,  289. 
Macule,  274. 
Magicque,  24  1 . 
MagniCcq,  78. 
Magnifie  (je),  6,  616. 
Magnifijer,  6. 
Maige,  287. 

Maigreté,  maigresse,  238. 
Maille  (je),  632. 
Maillotte  (je),  632,  744. 
Maine  guerre  (je),  77». 
Maioent,  i85. 
Maintenement,  24i. 
Maintiengne,  8. 
Mais  (je  ne  puis  mais)  ,  XLii. 
Maisgre,  263. 
Maisne,  sgi. 
Maisrien ,  227. 
Maistre,  xlviii. 
Maistrise  (je),  648. 
Mal  (adjectif),  mal  engin,  76. 
Mal  a  droyt,  835. 
Maladuenant,  3^8. 
Maladuenture ,  245. 
Maladaisé,  328. 
Malan,  287. 
Malandre,  242. 
Malapert ,  3 1 5. 
Mal  a  poynt,  835. 
Maldire,  109, 
Maldisant  ,217. 
Malendre,  176. 
Malengin,  210. 
Maletot,  270. 
Malette,  262 ,  268. 
Maleur,  166,  217. 
Maleurette,  285. 
Malforlune,  3 16. 



Maligue  (je),  632. 
Maliuoleuce,  217. 
Malle,  3ii. 
Malle  heure,  62. 
Mallement,  i45,  798. 
Malliet,  238. 
Malotreu,  879. 
Mal  sainct  Jeban  ,218. 
Malsiet  (il),  637. 
Malsoigneux,  3 19. 
Maltalent,  217. 
Maluré,  328. 
Maluais,  309. 
Maluatie,  270. 
Maluays,  71. 
Mamellette,  24o. 
Manchet,  3»5. 
Mancipe,  174,  269. 
Mandeglaire,  176,  242. 
Mandiance,  195,  197. 
Mangent  (il  me),  722. 
Mangoyre,  2  43. 
Manifeste  (je) ,  632. 
Manoyr,  398. 
Manquet,  3i5. 
Mantien,  267. 
Marchage,  282. 
Marchalcée,  2  43. 
Marche  (je),  i-j'S. 
Marche  coulys,  257. 
Marchepié,  222. 
Marchié,  49. 
Marchis  (je) ,  473. 
Marchys  (je),  682. 
Marcque,  274. 
Mardaille,  207. 
Margeline,  2  43. 
Marguy,  219. 
Marichal,  283. 
Maritain,  3o6. 
Marie,  172,  243. 
Marmixteux,  242. 
Marmoset,  243. 
Maronniere,  290. 
Marpault,  262. 
Marrastre,  246. 
Marre,  276. 

Marris,  164. 
Marrisson ,  2 1 4  • 
Marsage,  282. 
Martelas,  244. 
Martelle  (je),  452. 
Martinet,  217. 
Martire  (je),  633. 
Maruaillable,  329. 
Maruaillant,  290. 
Maruaille  (je  me),  xxxv,  83 
Maruailieux,  162. 
Mascq,  282. 
Masculin.    Raisons    du 
masculin,  xxiv,  66. 
Masiere,  243. 
Masle,  24i ,  242. 
Masrayne,  281. 
Masson,  243. 
Massonne  (je),  607. 
Masson  nerye,  243. 
Mast,  53. 
Mastic,  243. 
Mastin  ,211. 
Mat,  3 20. 
Mathematicque ,  20. 
Matineux,  322. 
Matire,  276. 
Matrimoyue,  497. 
Matteras,  198. 
Mattes  ,211. 
Mauetle,  260. 
Maufle,  23 1. 
Maufle,  290. 
Mauidict,  309. 
Mauldis,  53. 
Mauldission,  i65. 
Mauldisson,  211. 
Maulgraneux,  817. 
Maulgre ,  274. 
Maulgré  mes  dens,  842. 
Maulplaisant,  3 10. 
Mauluaiseté,  289. 
Mauluis,  281. 
Mausade,  328. 
Mausoigneux,  822. 
Mauuaysement,  84 1. 
Mauue,,  268. 




May  (un),  igS. 

Mayn  a  mayn,  836. 

Mayne  (je),  466. 

Mayne   chère    enragiée    (je)  , 

Mayniau,  273. 
Maynie,  i33. 

Mayntenant  mayntenant,  882. 
MayDt  homme,  860. 
Mays,  85i. 
Mays  que ,  885. 
Mecredy,  280. 
Medicinable ,  3 18. 
Medicine  (je),  583. 
Medicyne,  2M. 
Meflaict,  2  45. 
MefTais  (je),  5î4. 
Mehaigne  (je),  617. 
Mehaygnetë,  237. 
Meisgre,  108. 
Melancboiieui,  3 18. 
Melcncolie,  2  44- 
Melle.  280. 
Mellé,  i44. 
Memore,  298. 
Menasse  (je),  755. 
Menasses,  280. 
Menchonges,  64. 
Menchongier,  64. 
Mencionne  (je),  625. 
Mendicant,  244. 
Mené  mal  (je),  637. 
Meneu,  296. 
Mengeue  (je],  54o. 
Mengeus,  mengeusse,  29. 
Mengeut  (il  me),  333. 
Menje  (je),  10». 
Menu  menu,  84i. 
Menuement,  833,  8ii. 
Menuserie,  234. 
Menuyse  (je) ,  476. 
Menye,  2  44. 
Mercerot,  253. 
Merche  (je),  633. 
Mercie  (je) ,  754. 
Mercrcdy  de  la  cendre,  195. 
Merde  fin,  253. 

Meregrant,  179. 
Meretrice,  229. 
Meritable,  3 18. 
Meritrice,  4oi. 
Merlus,  2  44. 
Merque  (je) ,  633. 
Mersouyn,  2  56. 
Merueillable,  3 18. 
Merys  (je) ,  5i3. 
Mes ,  344. 

Mesaduient  (il),  637. 
Mesagrëe  (je),  636. 
Mesaise  (je),  637. 
Mescant,  396. 
Meschance,  2  45. 
Mesche,  272. 
Mescheoys  (je),  687. 
Meschief,  245. 
Meschiet  (il) ,  58o. 
Meschine,  21 5. 
Mcscompte  (_ie),  5oo,  637. 
Mescongnoys  (je),  638. 
Mesconseille  (je),  637. 
Mescontente  (je),  5 18. 
Mescordc  (je) ,  519. 
Mescoute  (je  me),  638. 
Mescreance,  2  45. 
Mescroys  (je),  687. 
Mesdire,  109. 
Mesdis  (je) ,  638. 
Mcseau ,  2  44. 
Mesentens  (je),  638. 
Mesfaire,  109. 
Mesgarde  (je) ,  638. 
Mcsgouuerne  (je),  637. 
Meshuy,  16,  i43. 
Mesmes,  il  mesmes,  79. 
Mesnagerie,  233. 
Mesnagier,  2  33. 
Mesnaige,  277. 
Mesoffre  (je) ,  645. 
Mespars  (je),  5i  2. 
Mespartys  (je),  523. 
Mespens  (je),  638. 
Mesple,  244. 
Mesplier,  244. 
Mesprens  (je  me) ,  636. 

Mesprison,  i65,  ^45. 

Meterie,  213,  219. 

Mets  a  chiefe  (je),  469. 

Mets  en  effect  (je),  54i. 

Mets  en  sauf  (je) ,  6o5. 

Mets  en  termes  (je) ,  490. 

Mets  hors  (je),  54 1- 

Mets  jus  (je)  ,601. 

Mets  longuement  (je) ,  427. 

Mettier,  290. 

Metz,  Sg. 

Metz  a  ravai  (je),  470. 

Metz  suz  (je  luy) ,  45o. 


Meue,  345. 

Meuf,  246. 

Meulle,  245. 

Meulonne  (je),  621. 

Meurdre,  27  1. 

Meure,   11. 

Meureté,  2  44- 

Meurier,  1 1. 

Meuris  (je),  691. 

Meurray  (je),  4oi. 

Meurs    (mœurs),   61.  —  Des 

deux  genres,  161. 
Meurtressouere ,  2  55. 
Meuue  (je) ,  635. 
Meylieur,  364. 
Meynte,  2  2  4. 
Mez,  64. 
Michelle,  i56. 
Mieulx,  i45. 
Mieulz,  147. 
Mignonncrie,  257. 
Mignot,  otte,  286. 
Mignotise,  2  45. 
Mignotte  (je),  470. 
Mignotterie,  212. 
Miliaire,  245. 
Milion,  245. 
Minière,  226. 
Ministration ,  245. 
Minques,  2  45. 
Minue  (je),  624. 
Mirabolan,  245. 
Mirouer,  225. 



Misté,  37. 

Mistion,  87. 

Mistionne  (je),  634. 

Milaigue,  220. 

Mitigue  (je),  689. 

Mitiguer,  Sdg. 

Mixt,  243. 

Mocquerie,  268. 

Mocqueur,  268. 

Modes.  Il  y  en  a  six  :  Vindicatif, 
VimpéraiiJ,  V optatif  o\i  poten- 
tiel, le  sabjonctif,  le  condi- 
tionnel, l'infinitif,  xxii. 

Moe,  2  46. 

Moeau,  2g I. 

Moette,  268. 

Moille  (je),  639. 

Moillé,  329. 

Meilleure,  288. 

Moisture,  246. 

Mol,  202. 

Mol  de  ioraylle,  289. 

Moleste,  227. 

Molet,  318. 

Molinet,  360. 

Mom,  149. 

Mommeur,  247. 

Mon  :  cest  mon,  ce  fait  mon, 
i46; — ascuauoir  mon,  i^g. 

Monaye,  206. 

Monayeur,  206. 

Monition,  286. 

Monnier,  75g. 

Monosyllabes;  n'ont  pas  d'ac- 
cent en  français ,  47- 

Monslier,  2o5. 

Monstrance,  267. 

Monstre  (une),  157;  —  unes 
monstres,  i83. 

Monstrer,  XLVili. 

Montaignette ,  282. 

Montance,  278. 

Montjoy,  327. 

Montjoye,  218. 

Mordacité,  262. 

More,  247. 

Moreue,  36S. 

Morier,  347. 
Moriginë,  32g. 
Morseau,  2  46. 
Mortasie  (je),  64o. 
Morigaige  (je),  64o. 
Mortpou,  252. 
Morueuseté,  372. 
Motif,  motifue,  3 18. 
Motion,  245. 
Moton,  283. 
Mouceau,  288. 
Mouche  (je),  5o5. 
Mouchet,  247. 
Mouchelte,  2  4o. 
Mouchouer,  229. 
Mouelle,  343,  265. 
Moufle,  380. 
Mouicture,  38. 
Moulle,  346. 
Mouls  (je),  576. 
Moult,  i45,  3oo. 
Moullitude,  246. 
Mountarde,  247. 
Mourine,  246,  264. 

Mourre,  247. 

Moune  (je  me) ,  635. 

Moyen.  Verbes  moyens  ,  xxx  , 

XXXIII ,  83 ,  1 11  ;  —  leur  si- 
gniGcation,  leur  circonlocu- 
tion dans  les  temps  prélërits , 
leur  déclinaison  personnelle,     Nau,  267. 

XXXIV.  Naufrage  (je),  426. 

Murmuralion,  228. 

Musangere,  281. 

Musardie,  221,  243. 

Muse  (je),  642. 

Musnier,  3  45. 

Musqué,  177,  247. 

Musquet,  289. 

Musquin,  267. 

Musse  (je  me),  616, 

Mutilateur,  24i. 

Mutille  (je)  ,617. 

Mutine  (je),  496. 

Muy,  381,  460. 

Mye,  pour  pas  ou  point,  vieux 
mot  romant,  xli.  —  N'est 
plus  d'un  bon  français,  1 10. 


N;  sa  prononciation,  xix,  32, 

24,  33. 
Nacion,  247. 
Nacle,  243. 
Naguayres,  807. 
Naiscance,  198. 
Na  pas  gramment,  856. 
Naquair,  247. 
Nasillation,  375. 
Nasselle,  200. 
Nassellette,  24 o. 
Natier,  2  48. 

Moyeul,  247,  291. 
Moyile,  8. 
Moy  mesmes,  345. 
Moyne,  282. 
Moyson,  198,  270. 
Muance ,  2o4,  284. 
Muce,  272. 
Muce  (je),  584. 
Muche,  221. 
Mue  couleur  (je 
Mues,  i85. 
Muette,  21 4. 
Multicolore,  a42. 
Mumme  (je),  642. 
Murmuratif,  819. 


Naufraige,  68. 

Naure  (je),784• 
Nauiere,  267. 

Nauigaige,  364,  880. 

Navire,  des  deux  genres ,161. 

Nays  (je)  ;  conjugaison  du  verbe 
naître,  i  27. 

Nayntre  ,316. 

Ne  aprës  que  ;  plus  que  je  ne  dis, 
XLiii,  147.  —  Ne,  devant  une 
négation,  je  oe  le  verraj  ja- 
mais, XLIIl. 

Néant  plus,  85o. 
Ne  bien  ne  mal,  889. 
Neement,  5. 



Ne  fefoyejepointquesaigeîGSg. 

Neffle,  làg. 

Mefllier,  itig. 

Ne  fust  cela,  880. 

Ne  mieulx  ne  pis,  SSg. 

Nenny,  1  à 6,  866. 

Nenny  non,  866. 

Nessung,  nessune,  83. 

Ne  tant  ne  quant,  5 10. 

Neu ,  206. 

Nen,  neue,  3ig. 

Neu  damours,  283. 

Neudi,  2  5. 

Neufiesme,  372. 

Neueux,  317. 

Nicement,  839. 

Nicelë,  248,607. 

Nicquet,  233. 

Nieble,  245. 

Niée,  joi,  2o3. 

Niepce,  2^7. 

Niet,  270.  ji 

Nieux,  3o5. 

Nigromancien,  248. 

Nigromanlie,  5  48. 

Nimphette,  2  4o. 

Niuiau,  257. 

Noiret ,  325. 

Noisif,  268. 

Nombres ,  on  pourrait  en  comp- 
ter trois  en  français,  xxvi. — 
Deux  nombres,  le  singulier 
et  le  pluriel  ,67.  —  Dans  les 
adjectifs,  xxxiii. —  Dans  les 
pronoms,  xxix. 

Noms.  Substantifs,  adjectifs,  66. 
Six  accidents  du  nom,  66. — 
Nom  substantif,  xxiT. — Noms 
substantifs  qui  s'écrivent  de 
même,  mais  sont  de  genre  dif- 
férent, 1 57.  —  Formés  d'ad- 
jectifs, 1 89. — De  verbes,  1 89. 

Nonce  (je),  708. 

Nonchaillance,  247. 

Non  en  da,  866. 

Non  pourtant,  879. 

Notte,  248. 


Nt,  terminaison  de  la  troisième     Oche,  2  48. 
personne  du  pluriel  dans  les 

verbes,  xxxin. 
Nourice,  2  48. 
Nouueau,  212. 
Nouueaulté,  248. 
Nouuelleté,  248. 
Noneau,  3i3. 
Nouicerne,  248. 
Noyf,   i63. 
Noynce,  236. 
Noyrastre,  3o6. 
Noyseux,  268,  3o6. 
Nuisance,  246. 
Nuissance,  227. 
Nullefoys,  i44. 
Nulle  riens,  85o. 
Nulluy,82,  362. 
Nupces,  201. 
Nyes,  319. 


O  ;  sa  prononciation,  6,  55.  — 
Devant  m  ou  n,  sa  prononcia- 
tion, XVII.  —  Ne  termine  ja- 
mais un  nom  substantif  sin- 
gulier, XXVI. — Ni  un  adjectif  Oppresse,  249- 
singulier  masculin ,  xxvii.         Oppresse  (je),  48 

Oche  (je),  644. 

Odoratif,  3o6. 

œ,  10. 

Œufes,  663. 

OEuffre,  249. 

Oeuue,  264. 

Oeuure(je),  646,  784. 

Offence,  249. 

Offencion,  63,  249. 

Offends  (je),  645. 

Offention,  21 4. 

Offers(je),  645. 

Offretoire,  174- 

Oi;  sa  prononciation,  xviii. 

Ole  (je),  722. 

Oleur,  2  65. 

Olipbant,  249. 

Oncques  jamays,  808. 

Onques  [ever) ,  i43. 

0ns,  terminaison  ordinaire  de 
la  première  personne  pluriel 
dans  les  verbes,  xxxiii. 

Opaceté  ,212. 

Oportun,  3o5. 

Oppose  (je),  677. 


Obedicnt,  319. 
Obfusque  (je),  5 16. 
Obhumbration,  239. 
Oblittcre  (je),  458. 
Obliuieux,  3i3. 
Obmets  (je) ,  608. 
Obnubule  (je),  5o6. 
Obscurcer,  37. 
Obscure  (je),  436. 
Obscuris  (je),  5i3. 
Obscurté,  63. 
Obstant,  37. 
Oblempere  (je),  645. 
Obumbration,  266, 
Obumbre  (je),  699. 
Obuebys  (je),  668. 
Occulte  (je),  584. 
Occultation ,  249. 
Occupie  (je),  645. 

Opprime  (je),  647. 

Opprobrieuse ,  348. 

Optatif  (mode),  84,  85. 

Optatif,  329. 

Graille,  4 60. 

Ordoye  (je),  549- 

Ordre,  septième  accident  des 
adjectifs,  73.  —  Sixième  ac- 
cident des  pronoms,  78. 

Oreille  (je),  579,  6o5. 

Oreilliere  ,216. 

Orendroyt,  8o3. 

Orengier,  249. 

Ores,  62. 

Orfeueric,  226. 

Orgre,  2  5o. 

Orgres,  538. 

Orgueilleuseté,  259. 

Oriere,  290. 



Ortiegriache,  179, 
Ort,  Sgi. 
Ort ,  orde ,  3 1 3. 
Ortraict,  21 5. 
Oruier,  27a. 
Os  (je),  335,  583. 
Ossu ,  3o6. 
Ostade,  269. 
Ostadine,  265. 
Oste  (je),  449. 
Ostenter,  37. 
Ostruce,  37. 
Ostrnche,  2  5o. 
Ostyi,  281. 
Ot  (eut),  64. 

Ou ,  diphtboDgue  ;  sa  pronon- 
ciation, i5. 
On  (dans  le),  67,63,  1 85, etc. 
Oubliance,  322. 
Ou  chief,  820. 
Oudeur,  249. 
Oue,  800. 
Ou  endroyt,  886. 
Ouert,  320. 
Oultraige,  63. 
Oultre,  xLViii. 
Oultrebort ,  848. 
Oultrecheuauche  (je) ,  65o. 
Oultrecrier,  65o. 
Oullrecuidance,  63. 
Oultrecuider,  139. 
Ouîtrecuyde,  3 19. 
Oultrepasse  (je),  54i. 
Oultre  plus,  877. 
Oultrerysme  (je),  65o. 
Oultre  sans,  874. 
Oultretyre  (je),  65o. 
Ou  mesmes  temps,  809. 
Ou  monde,  820. 
Oureiet,  287. 
Oureieure,  23o,  287. 
Ourllet,  23o. 
Ourse,  i55. 
Ourtie,  19g. 
Ourtie  (je),  644. 
Oustii,  2  5o. 
Ou  surplus,  878. 

Ouueraige,  290. 
Ouueriere,  290. 
Ouuers  (je) ,  647. 
Ouuragerie,  288. 
Ouyen  da,  866. 
Ouyei,  545. 
Ouyoye  ,11. 

Oy,  diphthongue;  sa   pronon- 
ciation, i3. 
Oya,  149,888. 
Oyel,  45,  201. 
Oyliet,  224,  225. 
Oyncture,  249. 
Oyngs  (je),  432. 
Oysiau,  2  3o. 
Oystre,  249. 
Oysyau  ,11. 

Pallette,  2  36. 
Palomme,  267. 
Palu,  i63. 
Palustre,  202. 
Pan,  i55. 
Pance,  201. 
Pance  (je),  652. 
Panchc,  468. 
Panesse,  253. 
Panne,  25 1. 
Pannesse,  i55. 
Pannettiere,  2  36. 
Panniau,  266. 
Pantier,  186. 
Paonnet,  2  52. 
Paour,  i45. 
Paoureux ,  3 1 1 . 
Papegault,  256. 
Papelarde  (je),  655. 
Papephis,  24 1. 

P;  sa  prononciation,  33.  — Ne 

termine  jamais  un  nom  ad-     Paracheuer,  423. 

jectif    singulier     masculin,     Paraduenture,  i46,84o. 


Paces,  i83,  261. 
Pacience,  2  5o. 
Pacient,  260. 
Pacque  (je),  65o. 
Pacquet,  2  5o. 
Pagee,  270. 
Paillardif,  3o5. 
Paillardyr,  570. 
Paillardys  (je),  669. 
Pailliardiau ,  232. 
Pailliette,  273. 
Paillietterie,  273. 
Paillieur,  280. 
Paire  a  paire,  833. 
Pairrayn,  i53. 
Pais,  208. 
Faisant,  233. 
Palet,  263. 
Palfrenier,  29 1 . 
Palfronier,  232. 
Palis,  25 1. 
Palisseur,  25 1. 
Palle,  171,  202. 
Pal  leteau  ,201. 

Paragon,  242. 
Parascheuer,  352. 
Parastre,  218. 
Parauant,  803. 
Parayde  (je),  583. 
Par  ce  poynt,  834. 
Parcité,  220. 
Parconniner,  2  52. 
Parcroys  (je),  5o4. 
Par  cy  amont,  825. 
Par  cy  aual,  825. 
Par  cy  deuant,  808. 
Pardicques,  63o. 
Pardonalif,  3i3. 
Pardonnance,  261. 
Pardonnier,  ïSi. 
Pardoynt,  646. 
Pardris,  i64. 
Pardu,  36o. 
Pardurablement,  854- 
Pare  (je),  647,  662. 
Parecien,  262. 
Parement,  206. 
Paremptoire,  244. 
Par  ens,  824. 


Par  escot,  832. 
Par  especial,  818. 
Par  eur,  839. 
Parfait.  Verbe  parfait,  xxx. 
Parfect,  3  20. 
Parflni»(je),  492. 
Parfont,  232  ,  Sog. 
Parforce  (je),  534,  652. 
Parforme  (je),  662. 
Parfournis  (je),  492. 
Parfournys  (je),  558,  652. 
Pariforme,  3:7. 
Paris.  Prononciation   de   IV  à 
Paris,  34.  —  Supériorité  du 
dialecte  de  Paris  sur  tous  les 
autres,  34-35. 
Parjurement,  38o. 
Par  la  chair  bieu,  866. 
Par  la  mort  bieu,  866. 
Par  le  corps  bieu,  866. 
Parle  menu,  84o. 
Parmanie  (je),  538. 
Par  mesiée,  839. 
Par  my,  817. 
Parocbialle,  252. 
ParoUe  (je),  727. 
Paroquel,  2  56. 
Par  poulcées,  833. 
Parquet,  267. 
Par  rayson,  839. 
Pars  (je  me),  5i2. 
Parsil,  2  52. 
Parsin,  aSu. 
Parsomner,  200. 
Parsonnage,  2  55. 
Parsonnier,  252. 
Participes.  Il  y  en   a   de  deux 
sortes ,  le  participe  présent  ac- 
tif, et  le  participe  prétérit  pdis- 
sif  ;  tous  deux  avec  genres  et 
nombres,  xxxvii,  i34' 
Partie ,  elle  s' en  fut  partie ,  4 1 . 
Parties  du  discours.  Trois  fois 
trois,  xiiv. — Variables  et  in- 
variables, 65. 
Partitifs.  Noms  partitifs,  xxix, 


Payngdrent  (ils) , 
Payre  (je),  484. 
Payrie  (je),  633. 

Partue  (je),  SgS. 

Parturbe  (je),  653. 

Parung  tel  si,  843. 

Paruerse  (je),  539. 

Paruersement,  84o. 

Par  vostre  congié,  834. 

Pascient,  320. 

Pasmoison,  273. 

Pasques,  i56. 

Passeron,  278. 

Passif. Verbe  passif,  xxx.xxxiii, 

J24.  —    Conjugaison    d'un 

verbe  passif,  126. 
Paste,  49. 
Pasté,  49. 
Pasteux,  307. 
Pastisaige,  252. 
Pastisier,  252. 
Pasture  (je),  654. 
Pasturiau,  2  53. 
Pasturon,  252. 
Pas  ung  nycquet ,  85 1 . 

Patelle  (je),  484,  681. 
Patenostre,  i63. 
Paternostres,  25 1. 
Patessoucr,  2  54. 
Paticier,  2  54. 
Patinier,  252. 
Patiue,  252. 
Patois,  261. 
Patoys,  257. 
Paltyn ,  271. 
Patyse  (je),  65&. 
Paulme,  280. 
Paulpiere,  239. 
Paupier,  2  1 9. 
Pause  (je),  655. 
Pautonnier,  226. 
Pauais,  252. 
Paueillon,  252. 
Pauiment,  25i. 
Pauorette,  187. 
Paygns  (je),  65i. 
Payncte,  169. 
Payndre,  23. 
Payne,  i58,  227. 


Peaultricr,  2  53. 
Peautraylle,  188. 
Pechié,  270. 
Pecunial,  32o. 
Pedisseque,  2o4. 
Pel,  i64. 
Pelicon,  224. 
Pelle  (je),  457. 
Pelle,  254. 
Pellerin,  2  54. 
Peilice,  25 1. 
Pellier,  271. 
Pellu,  3o2. 
Pellure,  252. 
Pelote,  280. 
Peltier,  288. 
Penance,  2  53. 
Pence  (je),  1 12. 
Pencif,  3i8. 
Pencifueté,  2  53. 
Pencion,  253. 
Pencionaire,  342. 
Pené,  4oi. 
Peneuse,  280. 
Penibleté,  253. 
Penitance,  591. 
Penitancier,  253, 
Pennet,  221 . 
Pensement  ,212. 
Pensifuesse,  280. 
Pentecoste,  i56. 
Peramour,  2  5 1 . 
Perboulx  (je),  652. 
Perceuerance,  2  53. 
Perclos  (je),  448. 
Perdurable,  3o8. 
Peré,  49. 
Peregrant,  227. 
Perfect,  32o. 
Perfyn,  i64. 
Perge  (je),  779. 
Perjure,  174. 
Permanableté,  275. 
Permy,  137. 


Perpetulle  (je),  758. 

Perplexe,  21 4. 

Perplexité  (je),  467. 

Perreucque,  309. 

Pers,  3o6. 

Pers  (je),  606. 

Persin,  253., 

Personnes.  Les  noms  substan- 
tifs sont  tous  de  la  troisième 
personne,  xxvii,  68. —  Dans 
les  pronoms,  xxix. 

Persorcille,  217. 

Persouer,  2 5 2. 

Perspectif,  3  20. 

Perspicasité ,  270. 

Perturbe  (je),  458. 

Peruertys  (je),  656. 

Pescbe  a  verge  (je),  43 1. 

Peschement,  220. 

Pescheur,  220. 

Pesible,  320. 

Pesibleté,  262. 

Pesiere,  252,  275. 

Pesie  et  mesie,  836. 

P«stail,  2  53. 

Peslille  (je),65o. 

Pelie  (je  me),  783. 

Pétille  (je),  761. 

Pétille  (je me),  764. 

Petitoye,  224. 

Pétrie  (je),  602. 

Peult  (il),  xLviii. 

Peyne  (je  me) ,  4oi. 

Ph.Comment/)/i  se  prononce  en 
français,  ig. 

Pfaanlasie,  20. 

Phantasticq ,  32  0. 

Phantosnie,  172. 

Pliisonomie,  62,  2  54. 

Phrenaisie,  222. 

Plirenesie,  222. 

Picq,  244 ,  274. 

Picque,  246. 

Picque  de  lesieul  (je) ,  667. 

Picqueteure,  2  56. 

Picquotin,  2  44. 
Picquotterie,  258. 
Picquotteure,  256. 
Pië,  49. 
Pieca,  28,  802. 
Pièce  (je), 655. 
Piedges  (uogz),  482. 
Piegne  (je),  488. 
Piegneresse,  48 1. 
Piengne,  207. 
Piengnier,  207. 
Pignolle,  2  54. 
Pigon,  254. 
Pille,  254. 

Pille  des  joncz  (je),  657. 
Pilleur,  254. 
Pilleure,  254. 
Pilleuse,  254. 
Pilleuses,  471. 
Pilot,  254. 
Pinse  (je),  657. 
Pinsure,  198. 
Pipe  (je) ,  658. 
Pipeur,  197. 
Piteable,  3 18. 
Piteuseté,  2  54. 
Pjacque  (je),  607. 
Placqueur,  212. 
Plaige,  169,  223. 
Plaigne,  2  55. 
Plain,  307. 
Plainct,  207. 
Plaine  lune,  223. 
Plaingt,  246. 
Plainte,  255. 
Plait,  247. 
Planche  (je),  46o. 
Planché,  49. 
Planere,  2  23. 
Planeur,  255. 
Planier,  2  55. 
Planiere,  2  23. 
Planis  (je),  659. 
Plauisse  (je),  659. 
Planteureui,  3i4. 
Planteyne,  2  55. 
Planye  (je),  669. 


Piastres,  2  63. 

Piastre,  255. 

Plastreur,  plastrier,  2  55. 

Plate,  245. 

Platin,  2o3. 

Platine,  252. 

Platleur,  255. 

Piatteure,  220. 

Playngs  (je) ,  453. 

Playt,  255. 

Plede  (je),  58o. 

Pledge  (je),  46 1,  660. 

Pleige,  169,  200. 

Plentureuseté,  255. 

Plessie  (je),  448. 

Pleuuis  (je),  628. 

Plies,  473. 

Plignon,  279. 

Plinge  (je),  523. 

Plinget,  279. 

Plionne  (je) ,  695,  786. 

Ploianteur,  2  55. 

Plombée,  226. 

Plomme,  253. 

Plomme  (je) ,  43i. 

Plommée,  2  56. 

Plommeur,  256. 

Plotte,  196. 

Plotlon,  200. 

Pleurons  (  nous  ) ,  io4. 

Plouuier,  2  56. 

Ploy,  63. 

Pluest,  385. 

Plumacier,  260. 

Plumart,  202. 

Plumetle,  2  4o. 

Plumeu,  3 12. 

Plumeuseté  ,221. 

Plummart,  2  56. 

Plummee,  317. 

Plummeux,  3i  7. 

Pluriel.  Dans  les  noms  substan- 
tifs, 67,180. — Danslesnoms 
adjectifs,  70,  296.  —  Noms 
substantifs  qui  n'ont  que  If 
pluriel,  182. 

Plurier,  pluriere,  3  2 1 . 



Plus  chier  que,  883. 
Plutonique,  3o6. 
Poetical,  32 1. 
Poictral,  î5i. 
Poictrel,  j53. 
PoiHe,  XL,  îo6. 
Poillon,  i4,  271. 
Poincte  (je),  66î. 
Poincture,  67. 
Poings  (je) ,  666. 
Poissonnette ,  s4o. 
Poil,  326. 
Poliayn,  207. 
Polu,  309,  4oi. 
Pomendier,  266. 
Pomeu,  32  1. 
Pommeau,  202. 
Pomme  dorenge ,  i^g. 
Pomys,  257. 
Pondère  (je) ,  54o. 
Pondereux,  329. 
Ponneu,  473. 
Pons  (je),  601. 
Populosité,  a55. 
Porc  espin,  266. 
Porchier,  278. 
Porchierie ,  278. 
Porcion,  256. 
Poree,  290. 
Porette,  2  56. 
Porranl,  202. 
Porret,  249. 
Porte  a  terre  (je) ,  449. 
Porte  ens  (je),  476. 
Porte  malice  (je),  449. 
Portenseigne ,  276. 
Portescuelle ,  21 4. 
Porte  soyng  (je) ,  476. 
Porteuolanl,  267. 
Portraicture ,  21 5. 
Pose,  i46. 
Possette,  267. 
Poîté,  257. 
Posterne,  i6i,  218. 
Postille,  37. 
Postpose  (je),  608. 

Pottin,  273. 
Pou,  3l2. 
Pouer,  347. 
Pouffe  (je),  669. 
Pouille  (je) ,  6 1 5. 
Poul,  180. 
Poulaine,  267. 
Poulce  (un,  une) ,  i58. 
Poulcier,  220,  sSg. 
Poulciere,  259. 
Pouldre,  2 16. 
Poullaille,  257. 
Pouilain,  209. 
Poallane,  259. 
Poullaylle,  470. 
Pouluereux ,  3 1 1 . 
Pour  autant  que  ,865. 
Pourbondis  (je) ,  56i,  696. 
Pourbondys  (je) ,  664. 
Pour  ce  que,  865. 
Pourchas,  269. 
Pourchasse  (je),  421,670. 
Pourcif,  32  1. 

Pour  commencement,  885. 
Poure,  1 1 . 
Pouretë,  5o. 
Pourgation,  259. 
Pourgez,  166. 
Pour  huy  mays,  855. 
Pourjecte  (je),  476. 
Pour  lamour  que,  865. 
Pourmayne  (je),  60.I. 
Pournulle  riens,  865. 
Pourparle  (je),  5o8,  680. 
Pourpens,  259. 
Pourpense  (je),  453. 
Pourpos,  269. 
Pourprise,  2o5,  23 1. 
Pour  quoy,  866. 
Poursaulx  (je) ,  606. 
Pourselayne,  259. 
Pourtant  que,  864. 
Pourtente,  269. 
Pour  tout  fin  vray,  866. 
Pourtraicte,  169. 
Pourtrais  (je),  526. 
Pour  ung  beau  néant,  865. 

Pourueance ,  257. 

Pouruiance,  276. 

Pouruoyance,  259. 

Pousse  (je),  458,  652. 

Poussein,  2o4. 

Pouste,  196. 

Poutee,  236. 

Pouuoir.  Conjugaison  du  verbe 

pouvoir,  io5. 
Pouuoire,  267. 
Poux,  269. 
Pouylle  (je  me),  525. 
Poyement,  147- 
PoyHe(un),  i58. 
Poylle  (une),  i58. 
Poyllu,  3oi. 
Poynson,  i65,  199. 
Poynté,  2  56. 
Poyrette,  197. 
Poyse  (je) ,  770. 
Poix  (un),  i58. 
Poix  (une),  i58. 
Practique,  218. 
Practique  (je),  53o. 
Praerie,  206. 
Praierie,  244. 
Praye,  257. 
Precelle  (je),  664. 
Precbe.  266. 
Precogite  (je) ,  755. 
Prée,  159. 
Preferre  (je),  664- 
Préfigure  (je),  664. 
Préfixe  (je),  434,  647. 
Preheminence,  2i3,  24 1. 
Preignent,  97. 
Premier,  794. 
Premier  que,  802. 
Pren,  97. 
Prennes,  i46. 
Prennez  (vous),  94. 
Prennons  (nous),  94. 
Prens  a  mary  (je) ,  778. 
Prens  castille  (je),  544. 
Prens  cueur  en  pance  (je),  748. 
Prens  de  la  (je  me) ,  656. 
Prens  la  vue  (je),  44 1. 



Prens  mon  esme  (je) ,  442. 
Prens  noyse  (je),  421. 
Prens  regard  (je),  649. 
Prenunciateresse ,  189. 
Preordonne  (je) ,  664. 
Preparatiue,  268. 
Prépositions,  187.  —  Leurs  ac- 
cidents, i38-i4i. 
Presbitoire,  174. 
Presbitoyre,  252. 
Presseur,  268. 
Pressouer,  268. 
Prest,  62,  821. 
Preste  (je),  606. 
Presteté,  afii. 
Prestres,  221. 
Preslresse,  2  58. 
Présume  (je  me),  665. 
Presumptueux,  325. 
Prétende  (je),  665. 
Preu,  284,  523. 
Preud,  XLViii. 
Preude  femme,  226. 
Preudhomme,  226. 
Preudhommie,  232. 
Preuf ,  258. 

Preuue  (je) ,  4oi,  668. 
Preux ,  preuse ,  33o. 
Preueance,  222. 
Preuilege,  258. 
Preuilege  (je),  666. 
Prieuré  (une),  176. 
Prieuresse,  258. 
Prinierolle,  2  58. 
Primier,  349. 
Primicre,  160. 
Primierement,  17. 
Prin-,  274. 
Pringalle,  217. 
Prins.  De  prendre,  xxxi,  87, 

Prioré,  258. 
Pris,  224. 
Prisonne  (je),  663. 
Priuat,  32». 
PriuauUë,  218. 
Priuaultez,  798. 

Priue  (je),  464. 
Priueur,  279. 

Priuosté,  235. 

Proaieul,  227. 

Procède  (je) ,  671. 

Procure  (je) ,  667. 

Prodicieux,  827. 

Prodiguement,  861. 

Proesme,  172. 

Proesse,  259. 

Profiindité,  218. 

Progrede  (je),  654. 

Prolation,  286. 

Prolongue  (je) ,  667. 

Promaine  (il  se) ,  844. 

Promayne  (je) ,  770. 

Promaytî  (je),  592. 

Promes  (je),  660. 

Prommais  (je),  565. 

Promouue  (je),  667. 

Pronoms.  Trois  sortes  princi- 
pales :  primitifs,  dérivatifs, 
démonstratifs,  xxix.  —  Trois 
autres  :  relatifs,  interrogatifs , 
numéraux ,  xxix.  —  Ont  six 
accidents  :  le  genre,  le  nom- 
bre, la  personne,  les  cas,  la 
déclinaison  et  la  composition, 
XXIX. — Leur  division,  74. — 
Huit  primitifs,  74,  88i-346. 
—  Douze  dérivatifs,  7  4,34  6- 
35o. — Troisinterrogatif8,74, 
35o.  —  Deux  relatifs,  76. — 
Un  démonstratif  simple  et  six 
composés,  75.  —  Partitifs  et 
distribulifs,  75. — Numéraux, 
75,  867. — Accidents  des  pro- 
noms, 76,  83. 

Pronunciation ,  286. 

Prophecie,  259. 

Prophesie,  ao. 

Propine  (je),  629. 

Proporcion,  259. 

Propose  (je),  484. 

Propriaitaire ,  2  5o. 

Prore,  222. 

Prose.  Manière  de  lire  la  prose 

française   à  haute  voix,  56, 

Prospère  (je),  555,  668. 
Protcruité,  228. 
Prothonotaire,  259. 
Prouffit,  ig5. 
Prouende,  259. 
Prouulgue  (je) ,  668. 
Ps.  Comment  ps  se  prononce  en 

français  ,21. 
Psalme,  21. 
Psaltere,  21. 
Psaltier,  265. 
Psealme,  172. 
Publique,  3o8. 
Publique  (bien),  207. 
Pucbe,  221. 
Pugnition,  2  56. 
Pugnii,  229. 
Pùisne,  291. 
Pulpitre,  269. 
Punaisie,  276. 
Punaysie,  482. 
Punctuer,  661. 
Purge  (je) ,  670. 
Purifie  (je),  484. 
Pus  (je),  786. 
Putairie,  812. 
Putayner,  670. 
Putaynier,  282. 
Puteau,  2o3. 
Putelle,  287. 
Putte,  160. 
Puiz,  547. 


Q;  comment  il  se  prononce ,  34- 
Quacquet,  196. 
Quacquette  (je),  486. 
Quadrant,  218. 
Quaille,  259. 
Quaillebolte  (je) ,  676. 
Quanque,  364. 
Quant  de  foys,  i42. 
Quant  Dieu  plaira,  6C0. 
Quantesfoys,  800. 
Quantesfoys  que,  858. 


Qualités  gens,  352. 

Quant  et  quant,  lii. 

Quant  onc,  8i4. 

Quaresme,  g,  î38. 

Quaresme  pregnant,  267. 

Quarreau,  3 a 3. 

Quarriere,  sôg. 

Quarron,  ï88. 

Quarte,  J57. 

Quasi,  873. 

Que  (qui),  64. 

Que  grandes  que  petites,  646. 

Quelconques  au  singulier,  queli 
conques  au  pluriel,  82,  298. 

Quelcun,  82. 

Queileconques,  quellesconques, 

Quelqun,  xxix. 

Quenoille,  263. 

Quere,  346. 

Querelle  ung  action  (je),  621. 

Qneste  (je),  446. 

Questueux,  37,  3i3. 

Queuue  ,318. 

Queuue,  queuuette,  2  36. 

Queux  (une) ,  166. 

Queuercbief,  309. 

Que    uoulentiers    que    enuy», 

Qui  (que),  i85,  Sgo. 
Quiet,  3i3. 
Quiers  (je),  708. 
Quieté,  276. 
Quil  (qui  il),  883. 
Quit,  3  s  3. 
Quitance,  360. 
Quite  (je),  435. 
Quitte  (je  me),  667. 
Quocquetier,  333. 
Quocqueu,  207. 
Quocquille,  8,  266. 
Quoquetiere,  290, 
Quoqz,  2  5. 
Quoye,  383. 
Quoyeraent,  842. 
Quoyn,  260. 
Quoynier,  260. 


R;  sa  prononciation,  xu, 
2  4,  34. 

Raal,  363. 

Rabatu,  3o6. 

Rabbler,  36. 

Rabetture,  260. 

Rabille(je),435.  683. 

Rabilleur,  2 1 5. 

Racaille  (je),  654. 

Racbatte  (je),  682. 

Raconvoye  (je) ,  498. 

Racquassure,  260. 

Racquet,  260. 

Racroupis  (je  me) ,  705. 

Radote  (je me),  525. 

Radresse  (je),  628. 

Raflarde  (je),  639,  678. 

Raffoilc  (je),  778. 

Ragrauante  (je) ,  65o. 

Raigcs,  290. 

Raillieux,  3o6. 

Raince  (je),  691. 

Raine,  31. 
Raise  (que  je),  397. 
Ralias,  363. 
Rallion,  301. 
Ralongie  (je) ,  537. 
Ralongis  (je) ,  537. 
Rame  (je),  666,  735. 
Ramenteuoyr,  893. 
Ramentus  (je),  SgC. 
Raramc,  263. 
Ramme  (je),  678. 
Ramollie  (je),  439. 
Ramon,  >97. 
Ramponne  (je),  678. 
Ramposne,  260. 
Ranc,  194 ,  260. 
Rancune  (je),  679. 
RandoD ,  385. 
Rane,  j. 
Ranuere,  289. 
Rap,  261. 
Rapeissure,  252. 
Rapineux,  3i4. 

Rapteur,  261. 

Rasibus,  669. 

Rasibus  la  terre,  836. 

Rasierse,  286. 

Rasisse  (que je),  397. 

Rasouer,  261. 

Rassis  (je  me),  698. 

Rassiseté,  264. 

Rataings  (je),  649. 

Rate,  266. 

Râteaux,  257. 

Ratecelle  (je),  488. 

Râtelle  (je),  442. 

Ratillier,  260. 

Ratisse  (je),  678. 

Ratisseur,  1 15. 

Ratissouer,  207. 

Rattayns  (je),  681. 

Ratte,  339. 

Rattelet,  290. 

Raude  (je),  670  ,  689. 

Raume,  221. 

Raualle  (je),  449. 

Raualue  (je) ,  54o. 

Rauance  (je),  555. 
Rauaulde  (je) ,  46 1,  655. 
Rauele  (je),  546. 
Rauerdis  (je),  474. 
Rauerdis  (je  me) ,  775. 
Rauissâble,  323. 
Rauissaige,  361. 
Rauyn,  280. 
Ray,  272. 
Rayant,  32  3. 
Raye  (je),  477. 
Rayere,  277. 
Rayne,  261 . 
Rayns,  i83. 
Rays  (je),  662. 
Rebauldis  (je  me) ,  683. 
Rebecq,  211. 
Rebecquet,  220. 
Rebellerie,  261. 
Rebomdys  (je),  680. 
Rebout,  259. 
Reboute  (je)  ,671. 
Reboutement,  269. 



Rebras,  i/i-;. 
Rebrouce  (je),  552. 
Rebroucé, 337. 
Recelée,  281. 
Recept,  261. 
Recepte,  a6i. 
Recepueur,  261. 
Recercelle  (je),  5o4,  760. 
Rechief  (de),  i45. 
Recbigae,  3  2  5. 
Rechigne  (je),  568. 
Rechigne  (je  me),  778. 
Rechignée,  sdi. 
Rechine  (je),  643. 
Rcciteur,  261. 
Reclame  (je),  ^■J3. 
Reclayme  (je),  681. 
Rcclice,  289. 
Recognoissance,  286. 
Recomfort,  272. 
RecommeodatioD,  219. 
Reconciie  (je),  619. 
Recongnoys  (je),  i-]lt. 
Recontinue  (je),  496. 
Rcconuoyer,  6o5. 
Recordation,  262. 
Recort,  261. 
Recouppe  (je),  5o5. 
Recouuerance ,  261. 
Recouuers  (je),  562. 
Recoyse  (je),  589. 
Rccrastiner,  87. 
Recreance,  263. 
Recréant,  768. 
Recroys  (je),  556. 
Recueil,  889. 
Recueilt,  894. 
Redargue  (je),  4 1 5,  680. 
Redicte,  2i3,  334. 
Rédige  (je),  683. 
Redimc  (je) ,  682. 
Redis  (je) ,  56o. 
Redolent,  833. 
Redonde  (je),  577,  682. 
Rcdonde(je  me) ,  778. 
Redouble  (je),  683. 
Redoubléenicnt,  885. 

RedoubtaLle ,  3 1 1 . 
Reraytie(je),  682. 
Refectionue  (je),  682. 
Refectoyr,  222. 
Refelle(je),  683. 
Reflagre  (je),  722. 
ReQamboye  (je),  55 1. 
Reflecte  (je),  683. 
Refleetion,  261. 
Reflotte  (je),  53 1. 
Refouleure,  2o4. 
Refoulle  (je),  56o. 
Refraigne  (je) ,  559. 
Refraygnaige,  261. 
Refraynt,  261. 
Refrayloir,  222. 
Rcfrenir,  682. 
Refreschys  (je),  682. 
Refroidure,  209. 
Refroigneure,  24 1. 
Refulge  (je),  708. 
Regalitë,  278. 

Regarde  par  dessus  (je),  648. 
Regibemenl,  289. 
Reginal,  821. 
Registre  (je),  683. 
Regnardie,  310. 
Regnart,  310. 
Regnateresse ,  290. 
Regnateur,  361. 
Regnette,  2  4o. 
Regnie  (je),  686. 
Regracie  (je),  567. 
Regrete  (je  me),  626. 
Regreleur,  31 5. 
Reguerdonne  (je),  690. 
Reigle,  364. 
Rejecte  (je),  688. 
Reiaisse  (je),  638,  684. 
Relaueur,  387. 
Relieuement,  268. 
Relinquis  (je) ,  556. 
Relucence,  267. 
Remanant,  262. 
Rcmanoyr,  89J. 
Rcmayne  (je),  684. 
Remembre  (je),  474. 

Remembrauncc ,  362. 
Remercys,  280. 
Remire  (je),  447. 
Remire  (je  me) ,  447. 
Remord,  remorde,  3i4- 
Remorde  (je),  442.    " 
Remors  (je),  685. 
Remort,  228. 
Remotion,  262. 
Remouuement,  290. 
Remouuer,  55 1. 
Renchiere,  i65. 
Renchiere  (je  me) ,  77!. 
Reneuer,  685. 
Renfroigne,  24 1. 
Reng,  260. 
Rengoiserie,  2o4. 
Rengorge  (je),  55o. 
Renoiant,  81  2. 
Renomme  (je) ,  780. 
Renoye  (je),  556. 
Rentreture,  200. 
Renuerce  (je) ,  65o. 
Repaire  (je),  583. 
Repais  (je),  443. 
Repast,  244. 
Repaye  (je),  686. 
Repayse  (je) ,  589. 
Rcpel,  262. 
Repent  (il  me),  557. 
Repentence,  262. 
Repentin,  824- 
Repeue,  196. 
Reposte  (je)  ,711. 
Repostaille,  280. 
Reproiicliable,  822. 
Reprouche,  62 ,  261. 
Reprouche  (je),  4i5. 
Reproué,  822. 
Répugne  (je),  687. 
Repulce,  359. 
Repuise  (je),  671. 
Repulsé,  821. 
Requereur,  218. 
Requeste,  54. 
Requireur,  263. 
Requoy,  268. 




Requoy  (à) ,  iag. 
Res  a  res,  835. 
Res  a  res  le  bort,  834. 
Rescliigne  (je),  6i4. 
Rescoace  (je),  584. 
Rescons  (je),  584. 
Rescoue  (je),  688. 
Rescoas  (je) ,  687. 
Rescousse,  261. 
Rescoux,  3ii. 
Resce,  aSg. 

Reseiclie  (je  me),  774. 
Resemblable,  317. 
Resemble  (je) ,  4»7. 
Resent,  3ig. 
Resistence,  3]4,  6a8. 
Resjoyr,  u. 
Resne,  360. 
Résolue  (je) ,  688. 
Resonnableté ,  16t. 
Resort,  36,  262. 
Respandeur,  î66. 
Respit,  23. 
Respite  (je),  678. 
Resplens  (je) ,  703. 
Responce,  194. 
Respondant,  278. 
Responde,  337. 
Responsir,  3o5. 
Ressigner,  286. 
Ressoigoe  (je),  476. 
Ressonne  (je),  &88. 
Ressers  (je) ,  688. 
Restarderie,  268. 
Reste,  261. 
Restif,  3ii. 
Résume  (je),  689. 
ResuscitatioD  ,21a. 
Resue  (je),  678. 
Resueil,  287. 
Resuerie,  291. 
Retardis  (je  me) ,  777. 
Retenance ,  23i. 
Retours,  283. 
Retors  (je),  764. 
Retortille  (je),  760,  782. 
Relraict,  268. 

Retrais  (je),  453. 

Retributeur,  262. 

Retz,  167,  202. 

Reuencbe  (je  me),  44o,  689. 

Reuenue  (je),  528. 

Reuenues,  210. 

Reueration,  2  32. 

Reuerdoyer,  77''i. 

Reuerende  (je),  690. 

Reuerendis  (je),  690. 

Reuerse  (je),  690. 

Reiiestoir,  384. 

Reuigore  (je),  417,  007. 

Reuileraent,  260. 

Reuire  (je) ,  759. 

Reuiue  (je) ,  307. 

Rouocquc  (je),  474. 

Reuoluc  (je),  477. 

Rbiotte,  263. 

Riagal,  261. 

Ribaudaille,  8. 

Ribauldaillc,  68. 

Ribauldeau  ,371. 


Ricaldcs,  209. 

Ridées,  692. 

Riens,  71,  i44. 

Riens  fors  tant ,  85 1 . 

Riens  qui  soyt,  85 1. 

Rifflanles,  788. 

Riffle  (jc),5oo. 

RilHeur,  227. 

Rigeur,  277. 

Righeur,  263. 

Rigle  (je),  695. 

Riglet,  2  56. 

Rigolle  (je  me) ,  817. 

Rigoreux,  3 12. 

Rigoulaige,  277. 

Rigouraige,  277. 

Rime,  263,  272. 

Rioteux,  32  3. 

Riotte  (je),  720. 

Risnie,  263. 

Risme  (je) ,  69». 

Riue  en  aigneaux  (je),  632. 

Riuierelte,  24o. 

Robbe ,  .\L. 
Roberie,  203. 
Rochiers,  63. 
Rocquet,  274. 
Rocquette,  263. 
Rodelle,  264. 
Roelle,  264. 
Roialme,  286. 
Roid,  33  3. 
Roigne,  265. 
Roigneure,  266. 
Roigneuseté,  265. 
Roigneux,  323. 
Roisine,  264. 
RoUe,  171,  263,  268. 
Rolle  (je),  693. 
Romant,  21 3. 
Romfle  (je),  694. 
Romlleure,  264. 
Rommario,  264. 
Rommenye,  264. 
Rompera  (il),  xLi. 
Rondelle,  264. 
Rondesse,  264- 
Rendis  (je) ,  777. 
Rongeur  dor,  206. 
Rengeure,  198. 
Rongne,  463. 
Rongnieure,  267. 
Rongyr,  788. 
Ronnelle,  2  2  5. 
Rosaicque,  823. 
Rosette,  198. 
Rosne,  i56. 
Rosticeur,  208. 
Roucyn,  282. 
Rouille  (je),  662. 
Roul(!t,  263 ,  277. 
Reulliz,  282. 
Reuseau,  261. 
Rousee,  218. 
Rousette,  2  33. 
Roussine  (je),  745. 
Routte,  264. 
Routte  (je) ,  447. 
Routtement,  199. 
Rouuayson,  211. 


Royaulnie,  173. 
Royere,  222. 

Royne,  xxv. — Prononcez reyne, 

Royngneuii,  465. 
Roysin,  i54. 
Ruant,  275. 
Riibant,  idi. 
Rubifie  (je)  ,696. 
Rubricbe,  263. 
Rudeur,  264. 
Rue  en  bas  (je),  64g. 
Ruejus(jc),  477. 
Ruelletle,  24o. 
Ruisselet,  24o. 
Rus,  271. 
Ruse  (je  me) ,  5oo. 
Ruslerie,  4o3. 
Rustric  (je),  4o3. 
Rutile  (je),  703. 
Rymoye  (je),  691. 

S;  sa  prononciation,  24,  36. — 

Comme  terminaison  du  plu- 
riel ,  XXVI ,  xxviii.  —  Comme 

figurative  des   verbes  de  la 

troisième  conjugaison,  xxxi. 

— Comme  terminaison  de  la 

seconde  personne   singulier     Sasse,  307. 

dans  les  verbes,  ,\xxiii.  Sassé,  307. 

Sables,  264. 

Saigefol,  2  t4. 
Saigement,  i45. 
Saincleté,  232. 
Saincturc  a  ecourser,  280. 
Saisis  (je),  675. 
Saisonnez,  772. 
Sajctte,  195. 
Salcre  (je),  584,  690. 
Salle  (je) ,  663. 
Salière  (je),  690. 
Sallette,  252. 
Sally ,  3o5. 
Salouer,  257. 
Saluable,  323. 
Saluation,  265. 
Salva  (il  se),  161. 
Saluegarde,  159. 
Sammedy,  265. 
Sancté,  232. 
Sanglout,  272,  291. 
Sangloutement,  272. 
Sanguineur,  205. 
Sang  mesié,  829. 
Sans  plus,  872. 
Sansue,  232. 
Sans  sy,  594. 
Saoulle  (je),  535. 
Sarazinesme,  23 1. 
Sarbatane,  283. 

Sace  (je),  706. 
Sache  (je) ,  700. 
Sacieté,  223. 
.Sacquement,  364- 
Saci,  2  5. 
Sadcment,  843. 
Saffre,  286,  3o8. 
SalTronneux,  323. 
Safre,  176. 
Sagitlation,  267. 
Saicfaant,  i35. 
Saicbe,  268. 
Saicbe  (je) ,  462,  563. 
Saige,  76. 
Saige  cocque,  357. 

Satlielile,  265. 
SatisGe  (je),  698. 
Saucier,  784. 
Saulce,  265. 
Saulcier,  265. 
Saulge,  264. 
Saulmeure,  201 
Saulmon,  222. 
Sauls  (je),  492, 
Saulture,  291. 
Saultz,  2  5. 
Saulue  (je) ,  698. 
Saulueconduyt,  179. 
Saulueur,  265. 
Sautellc  (je),  587,  719. 
Sautreau,  227. 




Sauuaigeté,  289. 

Sauuance,  265. 

Sauagine,  255. 

Saueté,  2  65. 

Saiiine,  265. 

Sayette,  202. 

Sayne,  i56. 

Se,    comment  il   se  prononce 

dans  scavoir,  22. 
Scavance,  236. 
Scay  (je) ,  474. 
Scileuce,  168. 
Scopuleux,  32  2. 
Scoulpture,  23. 

Se,  conjonction  devant  un  mot 
qui     commence     par     une 
voyelle,  45. 
Seanteté,  269. 

Sechesse ,  2 1 5. 

Secheur,  269. 

Secource  (je) ,  661 . 

Secretie,  268. 

Secz,  39. 

Segret,  268. 

Segrelte,  202,  268. 

Seiche  (je) ,  628. 

Seicheur,  484. 

Seigne  (je) ,  444. 

Seignée,  239. 

Seigneuriaige,  235. 

Seigneurieux ,  317. 

Seignicurys  (je),  695. 

Seignorieuseté,  2  4o. 

Sejourneur,  272. 

Selle  (je) ,  708. 

Selle  a  ribauldes,  211. 

Sellier,  205. 

Semblableté,  239. 

Semblance,  239. 

Semé,  265. 

Scmitiere,  2o5. 

Semons,  433. 

Semons  (je),  419,  454. 

Sendal,  2o3. 

Sene, 323. 

Senestre  (au),  i44. 



Seoglante  (je),  729. 

Sengie,  270. 

Sengloutte  (je),  724- 

Senil,  3o5. 

Sente,  ig8. 

Sentement,  219. 

Sentencie  (je),  SgS. 

Sentu,  670. 

Seoyr,  109. 

Sep,  275. 

Separaison,  i65,  196. 

Septier,  260. 

Septre,  269. 

Sépulcral ,  3o6. 

Sépulture  (je),  45». 

Serain,  307. 

Serancq,  iSi. 

Serant,  23 1. 

Serayne,  2  44- 

Serche  (je) ,  537. 

Sercheur,  269. 

Serieuselé,  269. 

Serment,  211. 

Sermente  (je  me),  745. 

Sermcnte  (je) ,  746. 

Sermonne  (je) ,  702. 

Serot,  242. 

Serpente  (une),  i55. 

Serpilon,  287. 

Serre,  265. 

Sers  du  tasteur  (je),  716. 

Serurgien  ,  2  38. 

Serue  (une),  i55. 

Seruiabletë,  269. 

Sery,  307. 

Seuls  (je),  I  won(,  xxxvi.  — 

Conjugaison    de   ce    verbe, 

Seur,  270. 
Seurcot,  286. 
Seure  (je),  620. 
Seurlimé,  261. 
Seuroorge,  201. 
Seurs,  62. 
Seurté,  i85,  269. 
Sellerie,  26g. 
Sexfier,  244- 

Seyn,  269. 
Si,  si  fait  si,  i46. 
Si  a  escient,  842. 
Si  aynsi  soit  que,  879. 
Siceaux,  266. 
Si  comme,  83 1,  873. 
Sidère,  175. 
Sie,  22g. 
Sieur,  262. 
Sieure  dais,  265. 
Sieute,  278. 
Signacle,  281. 
Signeau,  224. 
Signifiance,  270. 
Si!  ny  »oyl,  876'. 
Si  mayt  Dieu,  866. 
Siminiau,  270. 
Simoniacq,  270. 
Simplesse,  270. 
Sinelle,  23o. 
Sinestre,  1  Sg,  817. 
Singalle,  2  25. 
Single  (je),  696. 
Singularise  (je),  713. 
Singulier  (nombre),  (17. 
Sinue  (je),  607. 
Sion,  i65. 

Si  petit  que  non  ,  85o. 
Si  que,  885. 
Siseau,  2o4. 
Siseletz,  182. 
Si  très,  453. 
Si  trestant,467. 
Si  très  au  vif,  84  2. 
Si  Iresfort,  483. 
Sobersault,  272. 
Sobresse,  272. 
Sobretë,  272 
Socourans,  61. 
Soing,  2o3. 
Solace,  272. 
Solail,  246. 
Solas,  272. 
Solayl,  272. 
Solempnellement,  8o3. 
Solenipnise  (je) ,  72 't. 

Solempnité,  271. 
Solier,  272. 
Sotie,  272. 
Sonibresault,  179. 
Sombreuseté,  24 1. 
Sombreui,  817. 
Sommage,  2  48. 
Sommaige,  282. 
Somme  (je) ,  725. 
Sommeilleux,  824. 
Somme],  271. 
Sommier,  272. 
Somneil,  271. 
Songe  (je),  728. 
Songeart,  216. 
Sonne  a  bransle  (je) ,  6g  1 
Sonoreux,  817. 
Sophisterie ,  272. 
Sorcerie,  272. 
Sorcerye,  289. 
Sorrel,  272. 
Sorte  (un),  i58. 
Sortis  (je),  477. 
Sortisement,  291. 
Sorlissans,  43o. 
Sortys  (je),  633. 
Sotoual,  269. 
Sottie  ,221. 
Soublage  (je) ,  53i. 
Soubstrayre,  26. 
Soubtiens  (je),  769. 
Soubtil ,  3 1 2 . 
Soubtillitë,  271. 
Soubtiue  (je) ,  597. 
Soubz,  2  5. 
Soubi  brun,  807. 
Soubzdoyen,  278. 
Soubzris  (je  me),  722. 
Soubzterraine,  828. 
Soucye,  226. 
Soudeur,  278. 
Souef,  824. 
Souffers  (je),  554- 
Souffrettë,  247. 
Soufisant,  826. 
Soufraité,  247. 
Souilliart,  271. 



Souillon,  2  1 4. 
Soulace  (je),  490. 
Souldain,  2  3. 
Soulde,  278. 
Souldoier,  278. 
Souldure,  208. 
Souidî,  266. 
Seuls  (je),  438. 
Souple  (je) ,  353. 
Sourcille  (je  me) ,  699. 
Sourdesse  ,212. 
Soure  (je) ,  588. 
Souré,  261. 
Souris,  201. 
Sours  (je),  692. 
Soarsault,  278. 
Sousbasse,  122. 
Sousie,  243. 

Souspescionne  (je) ,  638. 
Souspir,  270. 
Soustiens  (je),  âi5. 
Soutif,  324. 
Souuentes  fois,  i44. 
Souuentes  foys,  858. 
Souueraigne ,  33 1 . 
Souuerainté,  278. 
Souuiegne  vous,  534. 
Souyilart,  434. 
Souerain,  807. 
Souerayn  liège,  288. 
Spaciositë,  287,  278. 
Sparme,  172. 
.Spécieux,  3 12. 
Specifijer,  6. 
Speciosité,  63,  198. 
Spécule  (je) ,  589. 
Spiquenardc,  274. 
Spiritual,  3i4. 
Splendeur,  22. 
Sponde,  197. 
StacioD,  262. 
Stellifie  (je),  714. 
Stoiidité,  221. 
Stomachation ,  2o4,  228. 
Strayne,  j4o. 
Strideur,  22,  278. 
Studiosité,  24g. 

Suade  (je) ,  587. 

Suasion,  284. 

Subdiacre,  278. 

Subject,  826. 

Subjecte  (je),  442. 

Subjugation,  278. 

Sublim,  3i5. 

Substancieux ,  81 3. 

Substentacle ,  87,  280. 

Substrays  (je),  53 1. 

Subtille  (je  me),  491. 

Snbtillité,  21 5. 

Subuercion,  282. 

Subuertion  ,  2 1 4. 

Subuerlis  (je),  649. 

Succe  (je),  742. 

Succint,  828. 

Suce  (je) ,  728. 

Sueuf,  826. 

Snffert,  60. 

Suiflet,  199. 

Suffocquer,  465. 

SulTragan,  278. 

Suffrance,  278. 

Suffreteux,  819. 

Suis  (je) ,  conjugaison  du  verbe 

être,  1  25. 
Suis  bien  de  (je),  426. 
Suis  désaltéré  (je) ,  58o. 
Suis  mal  de  (je),  438. 
Suis  suffisant  (je) ,  421. 
Suis  vayn  (je),  543. 
Sujecte  (je),  467. 
Sulplire,  176. 
Sumiterre,  278. 
Summation,  286. 
Summitë,  280. 
Sumptueux,  28,  3o8. 
Sumtuosité,  278. 
Superaltare,  494. 
Superfice,  2  5o. 
Superficialité ,  278. 
Superbabundamment,  852. 
Suppedite  (je),  757. 
Supportation ,  285. 
Supporte  (je) ,  65o. 
Supprime  (je) ,  598. 

Suracliapte  (je),  647. 
Surcoucbe  (je),  648. 
Surcroys  (je),  588. 
Surcuyde  (je  me),  654. 
Sur  entre,  795. 
Surfays  (je) ,  748. 
Surfons  (je),  662. 
Surgerie,  278. 
Surglicc  (je),  649. 
Surhabunder,  19. 
Surlaboure  (je  me),  648. 
Surmonte  (je),  54  1. 
Suroreille  (je),  694. 
Surot,  274. 
Surpence  (jeme),  755. 
Surponse  (jeme),  453. 
Surquanie,  288,  285. 
Surquayne ,  2  8  r . 
Surre,  820. 
Surrends  (je),  567. 
Surrens  (je),  452. 
Surreste  (je),  655. 
Surreste  (je  me) ,  689. 
Sursault,  i38. 
Surseme  (je),  741 . 
Sur  toute  riens,  836. 
Surunde  (je),  577. 
Suruenue, 211,  278. 
Suruoys  (je) ,  648. 
Sus,  216,  794,  797. 
Suspecon,  28,  245. 
Suspecion,  278. 
Suspeconeux,  826. 
Suspecticn,  2i5,  884. 
Suspense  (je) ,  744. 
Suspicieux,  826 
Suyerie,  278. 
Suyeux,  825. 
Suyez,  752. 
Sydere,  275. 
Sygoygne,  277. 
Syment,  270. 
Synnelle,  280. 

T;  sa  prononciation,  87. 
Tableau  auxeschecî,  2o4. 

1126  TABLE 

Tahour,  279. 

Taboure  (je),  659. 

Tabourin,  279. 

Tabourine  (je)  ,746. 

Taiclie  (je),  569. 

Taillée,  579. 

Taincture,  21 3. 

Tainclurier,  11 3,  sSS. 

Taings(je),  5i5. 

Taisniere,  208. 

Talpe,  ï4(). 

Tandis  que,  856. 

Tanne  (je  me) ,  778. 

Tanny,  2. 

Tanny  garensé,  21 3. 

Tant  que,  856. 

Tant  seullement,  847. 

Tanurc,  210. 

Tapis  (je).  499. 

Tappis,  279. 

Tapynet,  276. 

Tardifueté,  271. 

Targe,  279. 

Targe  (je),  6iï. 

Targue,  279. 

Tarrys  (je).  529. 

Tart,  i43. 

Tartaricque,  3i5. 

Tastement  ,219. 

Tatin,  270. 

Tauldis,  25 1. 

Tauli,  279. 

Tauje  (je) ,  710. 

Tayche,  208. 

Taye,  200. 

taye  (un),  i58. 

Taylies,  ^S^. 

Tays  (je  me) ,  087. 

Tect,  23 1. 

Tecteur,  226. 

Teignon,  265. 

Tcmperise  (je  me),  639. 

Tcmperure,  279. 

Temple  (une),  1  58. 

Templete,  279. 

Temprif,  3o6,  327. 

Temps.  Dans  les  verbes  il  y  en 


a  si.x  :  le  présent,  le  parfait , 
le  futur,  et  les  trois  divi- 
sions du  parfait,  l'imparfait, 
l'indéfini,  le  plus  que  par- 
fait, xxxii.  —  Formation  des 
temps,  xxxiî. 

Temptation,  279. 

Temptatoire,  279. 

Tence  (je),  463. 

Tencercsse,  68,  i54. 

Tenceric,  200. 

Tenceur,  68,  i54. 

Tenchc,  279. 

Tencon,  28,  200. 

Tend,  280. 

Tende,  280. 

Tendron,  228. 

Tenement,  4. 

Tenne  (il  me),  4 1 4,  SgS. 

Tenneure.  280. 

Tenue,  280. 

Terciennes,  280. 

Teriloire,  208. 

Ttrrae  (je),  707. 

Terminance,  21 3,  220. 

Terrienne,  63. 

Terrification  ,219. 

Terris  (je  me) ,  781. 

Terroucr,  S72. 

Terslet,  279. 

Tesmoignage,  261. 

Tesmoigne  (je),  45 1. 

Teste,  54. 

Teste  (un),  i58. 

Testiere,  2  3o. 

Testifuenient,  836. 

Teslu,  307. 

Testyf,  777. 

Teurs  (je) ,  785. 

Th;  comment  (A se  prononce  en 
français,  19. 

Théorique,  274. 

Thesme,  281. 

Thoreau,  20,  i55. 

Throsne,  67. 

Thyeme  ,173. 

Thyme,  281. 

Tiens  en  aguayt  (je  me) ,  4  i  1 

Tiens  fort  (je  me),  449. 

Tiens  playt  (je),  587. 

Tiercellet,  280. 

Tieule,  281. 

Tieulle,  281. 

Tieulx,  82. 

Tiffe  (je),  758. 

Tigncuj,  265. 

Tiliac,  229. 

Tiltre,  23. 

Tintyn,  281. 

Tirant,  281. 

Tire,  382. 

Tire  auant  (je),  654. 

Tirouer,  24o. 

Tisanne,  281. 

Tissulier,  209. 


Tôles  (je),  747. 

Tollere  (je),  534. 

Tollyu,  759, 

Tonliu,  281. 

Tonnelet,  187. 

Tonnement,  280. 

Tonnoyrre,  175. 

Tonse  (que  je),  397. 

Tonsë  (j'ay),  645. 

Toppée,  2o3. 

Tor,  202. 

Torche  (je) ,  662. 

Torconnier,  218. 

Toreau ,  20. 

Tormenle,  63. 

Tormentée,  5. 

Torneur,  284. 

Torterelle,  281. 

Torteu,  i5. 

Tortemoue,  290. 

Tortfait,  291 . 

Tost,  812. 

Toste  (je),  760. 

Testée,  282. 

Touaille,  1176. 

Touaylle,  282. 

Touche,  282. 

Touche  la  (je) ,  789. 



Toult,  25. 

Toupin,  282. 

Touque,  202. 

Tourbiginaulx,  290. 

Tourmentine,  28/1. 

Tournay,  282. 

Tournement,  282. 

Tournettes,  i84. 

Tournoire,  267. 

Tourquois,  282. 

Tout,  872. 

Tout  a  deliure,  Sjg. 

Tout  ades ,  808. 

Tout  adei,  81 4. 

Tout  a  force,  81g. 

Tout  a  heurt,  829. 

Tout  asteure,  877. 

Tout  a  tart,  8o3. 

Tout  aynsi  que,  877. 

Tout  defaayt,  83o. 

Tout  dune  tire ,  83o. 

Tout  dung  tenant,  87J. 

Toute  jour,  298. 

Tout  en  apert,  83o. 

Toute  riens,  298,847. 

Toutes  foys  et  quantes,  858. 

Toutesuoyes,  881 . 

Tout  fin  mayntenant,  806. 

Tout  Gn,  808. 

Tout  hony,  694. 

Tout  hors,  539. 

Tout  mort,  842. 

Tout  onltre,  842. 

Tout  playndinjures,  878. 

Toutquanque,  809. 

Toye,  287. 

Trac,  276. 

Trace  (je) ,  678,  708. 

Traclif,  326, 

Tradicque,  210. 

Traicl,  21 5. 

Traict  de  temps,  278. 

Traicte,  3  34. 

Trainelle  (je) ,  760. 

Traire,  64. 

Tranchafon,  200. 

Tranehayson,  i65. 

Trancys  (je) ,  656. 
Transis  (je  me),  745. 
Translate  (je)  ,761. 
Traiismonlaigne,  280 
Transnage  (je) ,  745. 
Transnoue  (je),  745. 
Transpasse  (je),  654. 
Trappe  (je),  761. 
Trappier,  666. 
Trasse,  265. 
Trasse  (je) ,  770. 
Trasser,  389. 
Trauaille  denfant  (je) 
Trays,  282. 
Trays  (je),  526. 
Trebouchet,  254. 
Trebusche  (je),  477. 
Trecherie,  282. 
Tref,  228. 
Trelis,  227. 
TremaiHe(je),  586. 
Trempe  (je  me) ,  ôSg. 
Trenchant,  216. 
Trencbaysonne  (je),  Sôg 
Trenche  (je),  5o2,  761. 
Trencbe  le  cbemyn  (je) , 
Trenchëe,  282. 
Trencbouer,  282. 
Trenteyne,  282. 
Trepude,  212. 
Treschange  (je) ,  482. 
Tresluis  (je) ,  476. 
Tresluys  (je),  564. 
Tresourier,  282. 
Trespas,  21 3. 
Trespasse  (je),  648. 
Trespece  (je) ,  660. 
Trespercc  (je) ,  655. 
Tressaulx  (je) ,  463. 
Tressouere,  200. 
Tressue  (je) ,  544. 
Tresteau,  269. 
Treslont,  82,  847. 
Treté,  282. 
Trelte,  283. 
Treuue  (je),  io4. 
Treuues,  283. 

Treuaige,  283. 
Triade,  283. 
TribouHe  (je) ,  704. 
Trilis,  227. 
Tripe  (je),  553. 
Tripette  (je) ,  553. 
Trippes,  273. 
Trippette  (je),  723. 
Triumpliamment,  798. 
Triumphe,  174,  225. 
Trocque  (je) ,  444- 
Troignette,  2  4o. 
600.  Troignon,  208. 

Trompeteur,  2  83. 
Tronchet,  199. 
TronsoD,  209. 
Trop  mieulx,etc.  390,  85o. 
Tropeile  (je),  552. 
Troppeau,  2  3o. 
Trottier,  283. 
Trousse  (je),  763. 
Troussure,  2  83. 
Truaige,  23o. 
Truandailie,  277. 
Truandeu,  2  4o. 
572.      Truffant  bourdant,  832. 
Truffe,  233,  281. 
Truffe  (je) ,  589. 
Truffle  (je),  46o,  589. 
Trumeau,  282. 
Trumpette,  288. 
Tue  la  chandelle  (je) ,  525. 
Tugurion,  378. 
Tuismes  (nous) ,  396. 
Tumbe,  2  83. 
Tumbe  (je) ,  544- 
Tumbeau,  382. 
Tumber,  37,  147. 
Tumbreau,  283. 
Turbateur,  283. 
Turbillon,  279. 
Turtereile,  i55. 
Turtre,  i55. 
Tuytion  ,  867. 
Tyltre,  281. 
Tymbre  (je), 639. 



Typliayiie,  283. 

Tyrannise  (je) ,  54i. 

Tyre  (je),  671. 

Tyie  des  talions  (je) ,  656. 

Tyreur  de  iayne,  289. 

Tys  (je),  462. 

Tysceu ,  33o. 



L  ;  sa  prononciation  ,  7 .  — 
Distinction  de  u  voyelle  et 
de  u  consonne,  10.  —  Après 
f,  g,  q,  XVII.  —  Prononcia- 
tion de  l'u,  même  quand  il 
n'est  pas  écrit  dans  le  mot, 
9.  —  Ne  se  prononce  pas 
dans  quelques  mots  où  il  se 
trouve,  9. 

Ui,  diphthongue;  sa  pronon- 
ciation, XTIII,  16. 

Lie  (je),  587,  785. 

Llulation,  210,  2  33. 

Ulule  (je),  587. 

IJmbrageux,  333. 

Umbraige,  266. 

Umbre,  176. 

(jmbre  (je),  699. 

Umbroye  (je  me),  610. 

Umhroye  (je),  699. 

Undee,  11 5. 

Undette,  239. 

Ijne  foys  pour  tout,  SSg. 

Unes:  unes  cliauces,  unes  te- 
nailles, unes  lunettes,  .\xvi. 
—  Unes  nopces,  unes  lettres, 

Unesfoys,  8o3. 

Ung  petit,  875. 

Ung  pour  ung,  710. 

Ung  tantinet,  774. 

Ung  tour  de  passe  pas,  833. 

Ungle,  247. 

Ungz  :  ungz  sufllets,  ungz  cise- 
letz ,  XL.  —  Unes  heures , 
i52.  —  Ung  ame,  i53. 

Uppic,  289. 
Usaige  (je),  769. 
Use,  286. 
Usité  (je),  645. 
Ustencille,  277. 
Usure  (je),  769. 
Util,  281. 


U;  sa  prononciation  ,  38. 

Uacabond,  284. 

Uacillation,  375. 

Uacque  (il  me),  423. 

Uaguabonde  (je),  6i3. 

Uague  (je),  772. 

Uaincs  (je)  ,  648. 

Ual,  des  deux  genres,  161. 

Ualee  ,211. 

Ualereux ,  3 1  o. 

Ualeton,  291. 

Ualiance,  284. 

Ualitudc,  2  3o. 

Uallelon,  291. 

Ualue,  284. 

Uantaige  (je),  765. 

Uanlance,  210,  284. 

Uante,  210. 

Uanteur,  aie. 

Uariableté,  267. 

Uariance,  21  3. 

Uariant,  3 10. 

Uarie  (je  me) ,  4î8.  " 

Uariement,  2o4. 

Uarlet,  228. 

Uas  (je  men).  Conjugaison  de 

ce  verbe,  ii3. 
Uas  a  joue  (je) ,  696. 
Uas  a  repos  (je) ,  528. 
Uas  en  compas  (je) ,  572. 
Uas  escbays  (je) ,  700. 
Uas  mou  beau  bas  trac  (je  men), 

Uas  par  saultées  (je) ,  699. 
Uaudoyse,  289. 
Uauldrée,  3  2  3. 


Uaua,  275. 

Uaylable,  3o5. 

Uaynes,  349* 

Uecbe,  219. 

Uecy,  i46. 

Uefue,  387. 

Uegete  (je),  706. 

Ueillart,  8,  249. 

Uela,  i46. 

Uellu,  3oi. 

Ueloustier,  284. 

Uendaige,  269. 

Uendenge  (je),  56 1. 

Uendible,  3o3. 

Ueodredi  aurë  ,811. 

Uenemeux,  327.  —^ 

Uenne  (je),  443. 

Uentdaumon,  273. 

Uentile  (je  me),  459. 

Uentille  (je),  766. 

Uenturier,  243. 

Uenuste,  3o5. 

Uerart,  i55. 

Uerbes.  Deux  sortes  :  person- 
nel et  impersonnel.  Trois 
sortes  de  verbes  personnels  : 
parfait  ,  anomal  ,  défectif. 
Trois  sortes  de  verbes  par 
faits:  actif,  passif,  moyen. 
Trois  sortes  de  conjugaisons 
du  verbe  actif,  xxx.  —  Dé- 
finition ,  83.  —  Division ,  83. 
—  Accidents  des  verbes,  83- 

Uerbie  (je),  771. 

Uerdier,  222. 

Uerdoye  (je  me),  774. 

Ueredicque,  327. 

Ucresimilitude,  239. 

Uerges,  i84. 

Uerglace  (il),  558. 

Uergoigne,  8. 

Uergoigne  (je),  619. 

Uergoigneux,  i85. 

Uergondeement,  5. 

Uergongne  (je  me),  459. 


Uermiliet,  3o3. 
Uermolu,  3i6. 
Uermoulys  (je),  696. 

Uernal,  3o6. 

Uerrot,  278. 

Uers.  Manière  de  lire  des  vers 
français  à  haute  voix ,  60 , 

Uesperée,  188. 

(Jespilion,  i65. 

Uespillon,  228. 

Uespre,  5i. 

Uesquirent,  61. 

Uessaiile,  J70. 

Uessie  (je) ,  780. 

Cests(je),  488. 

Uesture,  206. 

Oeu,  de  veoyr,  xxxi. 

Uiaige,  2  84. 

(jibriqnet,  253. 

Uiconte,  285. 

Uidance,  285. 

Uidecoq,  289. 

Uiel ,  3o5. 

Uielle,  249. 

(Jiellesse,  249. 

Uiens  au  dessus  (je),  563. 

IJicul,  uieuile,  319. 

Uieulx,  249. 

Uieusc,  320. 

L'igeur,  285. 

Uigiile,  288. 
Uigille  (je),  772. 
Uilanie  (je),  490. 
Uilcnnye  (je),  690.; 
Uilipendence,  269. 
CillaiDe,  63. 
Uillainie,  2o5. 
Uillayn,  307. 
Uillement,  285. 
Uiilenastre,  224. 
Cillennye,  285. 
Uilote  (je),  563,  61 3. 
Uilotiere,  2i5,  271. 
Uimpilon,  277. 
Uineau,  353. 
Uincltier,  285. 

Uingt  et  ungiesme,  372. 

Uiole,  285. 

Uirsoet,  218. 

Dis  (un),  i58. 

Uisaige  (je),  765. 

Uise,  i85. 

Uise  (je),  453,  633. 

Uise  (je  me),  6i4- 

Uisitance,  285. 

UiUille,  285. 

(Jiuille  (je),  766. 

UitaiHcr,  285. 

Uitupere,  176,  261. 

Uilupere  (je),  456,  680. 

Uiuandier,  285. 

Uiuifie  (je  me),  677. 

Unismes  (nous) ,  396. 

Uocifere  (je),  5oi. 
Uoicture,  2o3. 

Uoicture  (je) ,  476. 

Uoicturier,  2o3. 

Uoidure,  273. 

Uoierreux,  3i4. 

Uoiile,  8. 

Uoille  de  sorbe,  2  2  5. 

Uoirier,  2  a  5. 

Uoiriere,  2  2  5. 

Doirra,  4oi. 

Uoisineté,  247. 

Uol,  207. 

Uolenté,  289. 

Uolentif,  329. 

Dolet,  221. 

Colette  (je),  55s. 

Uoluotaireté,  23o. 

Uoluntarieux,  329. 

Uoue  (je),  619. 

Uouge,  198. 

Uoulaige,  249. 

(Joulenté,  159. 

Uoulge,  169,  198. 

Uouloir.    Conjugaison     de    ce 

verbe,  io4. 
Uoulsiit.  Voulsist  Dien  ,  wxvi, 

Uoult,  4o2. 
Uous  est  il  bien?  546. 


Uoyagier,  199. 

Uoyelles.  Toute  voyelle  se  pro- 
nonce, 17.  —  Uoyelles  lon- 
gues et  brèves  ,62. 

Uoyezcy,  i46. 

Uojezla,  i46. 

Uoylable,  3o5. 

Uoyr  vraymecques,  866. 

Uoyre,  i46,  866. 

Uoyre  vrayement,  866. 

Uoyroyseté,  2  25. 

Uoyrrc,  175,  225. 

Uoyrryne  (je),  535. 

Uoyst,  4 10. 

Uoystre  (je  me),  771. 

Uueil,  62,  255. 

Uueille.  Yueille  Dieu,  xxxvi, 

Uueille  ou  non,  844. 

Uulgarise  (je) ,  669. 

Uulnere  (je),  784. 

Uuyde,  3 10. 

Uyder  ou  uuyder,  12. 


Wallon,  2  2  3. 

X;  sa  prononciation,  22,  24, 
38  ,  39.  —  Comme  ter- 
minaison du  pluriel,  xxvi, 
xxviii.  —  Comment  il  se 
prononce  au  commencement 
des  mots,  22. 

Xenotrophe,  22. 

Xylobalsome,  22. 

y  supprimé  par  ellipse,  4i3. 


Yceluy,  82. 

Ycestuy,  82. 

Ydropisie,  2  i5. 

Yeman,  291. 


Yeulx,  62.  Ytel,  82.  ^ 

Yndeux,  32  8.  Yueresse,  21 5. 

Ypocript,  6oâ.  Yuernaige,  289.  Z  comme  terminaison  du  plu- 

Ypocrite,  177.  Yure (je),  622.  riel,  ixvi,  .xxviii.  —  Ne  ter- 

Y're,  235.  Yurer,  12.  mine  jamais  un  adjectif  sin- 

Yronde,  278.  Yuresse,  i55.  gulier,  xxvii,  xxvni. 

Ys  (je) ,  786.  Yuroignc,  i55.  Zelotipie,  a33. 





Épître  de  l'auleur  au  roi i 

Privilège  du  roi x 

Lettre  d'Audré  Baynlon xi 

Introduction  pour  l'intelligence  des  deux  premiers  livres xv 

Introduction  au  livre  second xxiii 

Table  des  chapitres  du  premier  livre xlv 

Livre  1",  sur  la  bonne  prononciation  du  français 1 

Livre  II ,  où  il  est  traité  des  neuf  parties  du  discours 65 

Livre  III,  qui  contient  des  développements  sur  les  deux  premiers 151 

Table  des  substantifs 193 

des  adjectifs 305 

•  des  pronoms 374 

de  certaines  locutions 375 

des  verbes ^1^ 

des  prépositions • 794 

des  adverbes 800  et  802 

des  conjonctions "72 

- — —  des  interjections °88 


i^i  . 



Acrostiches  formant  le  nom  de 
Giles  du  ÏVes,  898,  1017. 

Adverbes  (liste  d'),  529,  col.  1. 

Adverbes  de  nombres,  avec  les 
substantifs  et  adjectifs  qui 
en  dérivent,  928. 

Aller  (verbe)  conjugué,  996. 

Avoir,  conjugué,  960. 

Chercher  et  quérir,  conjugués, 

Chault  (il  ne  m'en),  conjugué, 

Conjonctions,  925. 

Conjugaisons,  969. 

Conjugaison  (exemple  d'une) 
conduite  à  travers  une  phrase, 
101 1  à  1016. 

Connaître ,  conjugué  avec  le 
pronom  réfléchi,  974. 

Consonnes  qui  s'eflacent  dans  la 
prononciation,  899, 900, 90 1 . 

Couleurs  (génération  et  blason 
des),  920. 

Dialogues  :  entre  la  princesse 
Marie  et  un  envoyé  du  roi, 
1023.  —  Entre  la  même  et 
un  envoyé  de  l'empereur  ou 
d'un  souverain  quelconque, 
1029.  —  La  même  et  G.  Du 
Guez,  sur  la  paix,  io38. — 
La  même  et  son  aumônier, 
dans  le  parc  de  Tewkesbury, 

loàli. —  La  même  et  le  tré- 
sorier de  sa  chambre,  son 
mari  d'adoption ,  sur  l'amour, 

1047.  —  ^*  même  et  G.  Du 
Guez  sur  l'âme,  loSa.  —  La 
même  et  son  aumônier  :  ex- 
position de  la  messe,  io63. 

—  Les  mêmes ,  sur  les  noms 
et  propriétés  des  mets,  1070. 

Division  du  temps,  1078. 
Engenouiller   (se),   conjugué, 

Etre,  conjugué,  987. 
Faire,  conjugué  parallèlement 

avec  être,  1011. 
Faire  (le) ,  conjugué,  ioo4. 
Futur  de  l'indicatif,  gSS. 
Impératif,  gSi. 
Indicatif  présent  (formation  de 

Le  faire,  ioo4. 
Ll;  comment  se  prononce,  901 . 

—  Dans  les  verbes,  1009. 
Lettres  —  à  la  princesse  Marie 

pour  s'excuser  d'uncabsence, 
io3i;  —  à  la  même  au  nom 
de  Jean  Ap.  Morgan  ,  son 
écuyer  tranchant ,  io36. 

Loist  (il  me) ,  conjugué,  looi. 

Mots  et  locutions,  921. 

Nomenclatures,  voy.  Substantifs. 

Optatif,  934. 

Participes,  adverbes  ,  noms  ti- 
rés des  \ orbes,  règle  pour 
les  former,  gS."). 

Plan  de  la  Grammaire  de  Du 
Guez,  8g8. 

Porter  (se),  conjugué,  ioo3. 

Prépositions,  gai- 

Prétérit  imparfait,  932. 

Prétérit  indéfini,  gîS. 

Prétérit  parfait,  932. 

Prétérit  plus  que  parfait,  933. 

Prologue  du  premier  livre,  8glt  ; 

—  autre ,  898  ;  —  du  second 
livre,  1019. 

Prononciation    (règles  de   la), 


Pronoms,  923. 

Quérir,  conjugué,  1007. 

Salutations  (formules de),  918. 

Seulz  (je),  conjugué,  ioo4. 

St:  comment  se  prononce,  900 

Subjonctif,  g35. 

Substantifs  (liste  de),  901. — 
Parties  du  corps  humain  , 
901.  —  Qualités  métaphy- 
siques ,  904.  —  Toilette  des 
femmes,  gofl.  —  Mobilier 
d'une  chambre,  908.  —  In- 
térieur d'une  cuisine,  gog. 

—  Noms  des  oiseai(x,   910. 

—  Fruits,    912.   —   Mets 



friands,  gij    — Venaison,  Verbes  (liste  alphabétique  de), 

912.  —  Poissons,   91 3.  —  986. 

Noms  des  arbres,   91/I. —  Verbes  (deux),  par  exemple,  e(rc 

Oflicicri    royaux,    916.  —  et /itirc,  combinés  dans  une 

Ois  des  animaux,  916.  conjugaison  parallèle,  1011. 

Table  of  this  présent  Trealyse ,  Vers  de  Du  Guezi  893,  894, 

898.  1017,  lOîO;  —  au  nom  de 

U  élido  par  les  Picards  dans  lu  lady  Maltravers,  sur  un  pro- 

iis,  III  es,  900.  verbe,    1026.  —  Épitaphe, 

io3a  —  Vers  d'excuse  à 
propos  d'une  indisposition , 

Voir,  conjugué,  1001. 

Voyelles;  règles  de  leur  pro- 
nonciation, 899  et  suiv. 

Z,  ajouté  au  singulier  pour 
former  le  pluriel ,  90 1 . 


Afin  de  mettre  le  lecteur  en  garde  contre  les  inadvertances  de  la  typo- 
graphie anglaise,  inadvertances  que  nous  étions  obligé  de  reproduire 
dans  l'intérêt  même  de  l'intégrité  et  de  l'autorité  du  texte ,  nous  signalerons 
ici  trois  fautes  d'impression  grossières  dans  une  seide  page,  et  très-peu 

Dans  les  distiques  latins  de  Léonard  Coxe,  imprimés  au  verso  du  titre 
(voy.  le  fac-similé),  vers  premier: 

Gallica  quisquis  amas  axactè  verba  sonare, 
il  faut  lire  exacte. 

Dans  les  Phaleuques  à  Geoffroy  Tory,  vers  8  : 

Nec  Grœcis  meliu.s  putato  Gazam 
Instruxisse  suos 

lisez  Greecos. 

Et  deux  vers  plus  bas  : 

Seu  quolquot  prœtio  priùs  fuêre 
La  quantité  veut  qu'on  rétablisse  pretio,  par  e  simple. 

On  pourrait  voir  une  quatrième  faute  d'impression  dans  le  vers  suivant  : 

Haec  evolve  mei  Palgravi  scripta  diserti. 
Aucune  règle  ne  prescrivant  la  suppression  de  \'s  dans  le  nom  latinisé  de 
Palsgrave,  cette  altération  de  forme  doit  être  le  résultat  d'une  inexactitude 
typographique;  le  manuscrit  donnait  sans  doute  Palsgravi. 

Les  imprimeurs  de  Du  Guez  ne  méritent  pas  plus  de  confiance  que  ceux 
de  Palsgrave.  Par  exemple,  à  la  page  928 ,  vous  verrez  l'adverbe  de  nombre 
fyrst  traduit  en  français  emprent,  comme  s'il  s'agissait  de  la  3'  personne  de 
l'indicatif  du  verbe  emprendre,  il  emprent. 

Il  est  indubitable  qu'il  faut  lire  en  prea,  apocope  de  en  pre  [mier] ,  ou  tout 
d'un  mot,  empreu.  Le  drapier,  parlant  des  six  aunes  de  drap  que  lui  de- 
mande Pathelin,  dit  à  ce  brave  chaland,  en  lui  présentant  son  aune  à  tenir: 
Prenez-la  :  nous  les  aulneron  ; 
Si  sont  elles  cy  sans  rabattre. 
(Il  mesure  le  drap.) 
EmpT'ea,  et  deux,  et  trois,  et  quatre, 
Et  cinq,  et  six. 


Selon  toute  ajiparence ,  l'acteur  prononçait  empirât,  avec  un  t  euphonique 
final,  comme  il  est  figuré  dans  le  texte  de  Du  Guez  :  ainsi  la  versification 
de  Pathclin  no  contenait  pas  dans  ce  passage  l'hiatus  que  l'œil  croirait  y  sur- 
prendre. On  ne  saurait  trop  répéter  que  l'écriture  est  un  faux  témoin, 
surtout  par  rapport  h  l'ancien  langage,  et  que  la  comparaison  des  erreurs 
peut  conduire  à  la  vérité. 

Palsgrave,  en  vingt  endroits,  tombe  avec  ime  roideur  impitoyable  sur 
les  pauvres  imprimeurs  français  : 

Il  Telle  est  l'ignorance  de  ces  imprimeurs,  qui  ne  connaissent  pas  leur 
propre  langue.»  (P.  298.) 

"Mais  c'est  plutôt  par  l'ignorance  des  imprimem's,  qui  ne  connaissent 
pas  leur  propre  langue.»  (P.  3oo.) 

En  parlant  de  la  perfection  de  la  langue  française  :  «  Elle  a  été  singuliè- 
rement corrompue  par  la  négligence  de  ceux  qui  se  mêlent  de  l'art  d'im- 
primer. »  (P.  1  63.) 

«I Et  combien  le  français  est  défiguré  par  la  négligence  des  im- 
primeurs. »  (P.  i6a.) 

Il  .T'en  accuse  la  négligence ,  ou ,  pour  mieux  dire ,  l'ignorance  des  impri- 
meurs. »  (P.  181.) 

Le  patriotisme  de  Palsgrave  lui  multipliait  les  fétus  dans  l'œil  de  nos 
imprimeurs,  et  lui  dissimulait  les  poutres  dans  l'œil  des  imprimeurs  anglais. 
Nous  ne  voulons  pas  ici  récriminer,  autrement  il  serait  permis  de  deman- 
der où  Palsgrave  prend  le  droit  de  se  montrer  si  rigoureux,  et  quels  typo- 
graphes illustres  TAngleterre  du  xvi°  siècle  peut  mettre  en  concurrence  de 
nos  Vérard,  Estienne,  Simon  de  Colines,  François  et  Sébastien  Gryphe, 
Vascosan .  et  tant  d'autres.  Le  moins  inconnu  qu'il  fût  possible  de  leur  op- 
poser est  justement  ce  Pynson ,  qui  a  imprimé  la  première  partie  du  livre 
de  Palsgrave  avec  quatre  fautes  dès  la  première  page. 

Réimprimer  Palsgrave,  c'est  reconnaître  la  valeur  de  son  témoignage  en 

général  ;  par  conséquent,  il  devenait  nécessaire  de  protester,  lorsque,  sxir  un 

point  de  fait  aussi  important,  son  témoignage  passionné  pouvait  induire  en 


F.  G. 


'*  '*":  f^. 



PC  Palsgrave,  John 

2103  L'écleiircis sèment  de  la 

f35  langue  française 


I    .    ,  ,,)  t^    j, 

',  .    •      .  ^