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Full text of "Official documents relating to the recognition of French missionary and benevolent institutions in Turkey"

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inO V jl. 


Tewfik Pacha, Ottoman Minister of Foreign Affairs 
to M. Bapst, Counsellor to the Embassy of the 
French Republic at Constantinople. 

November 6, 1901. 

I have received the letter which you have addressed 
to me on the 2nd instant, communicating the new de- 
mands which the Government of the French Republic 
has decided to formulate as a compensation for the de- 
lay in the definitive settlement of the four claims which 
have been the object of the notes of H. E. M. Constans. 

These new demands of the Government of the Re- 
public, as formulated in the annexes of your communi- 
cation, contain the following four points : 

(i.) The recognition of the legal existence of the 
French schools, or those under French protection, re- 
spect for the freedom of operation, and the maintenance 
in their favor of the customs immunities accorded to 
religious orders. 

(2.) The recognition of the legal existence of the 
churches, chapels, hospitals, dispensaries, orphanages, 
asylums and other French establishments or those un- 
der French protection, their exemption from the real 
estate tax, and the maintenance in their favor of the 
customs immunities accorded to religious orders. 

(3.) The authorization of the construction and en- 
largement or repair of the establishments mentioned in 
the list annexed to your communication, and their legal 
recognition in their new dimensions. 


(4-) The adoption, for the future, of a new procedure 
for the formalities of the official authorization for such 
establishments, a procedure according to which the 
Sublime Porte should formulate its written objections 
with the reasons therefor during a delay of two months 
from the date of the official demand of the Embassy on 
this subject, failing which the authorization demanded 
and the exemptions consequent upon it shall be con- 
sidered as acquired. 

These new demands having been made the object 
of deliberations of the Council of Ministers, and the 
decision arrived at on this subject having just been 
sanctioned by Imperial Irade, I hasten, in reply to 
your above mentioned communication of the 2nd of 
November to let you know what has been adopted 
by the Sublime Porte : 

(i.) The Imperial Government pledges itself to con- 
tinue the recognition of the legal existence of such of 
the French schools, or those under French protection, 
mentioned in the list annexed to your communication 
as are already recognized in the Empire, and it will 
accord the same official recognition to those of these 
establishments which to the present time are unauthor- 
ized. It pledges itself also to extend to these establish- 
ments the benefits of customs exemptions in conformity 
with the regulations for customs immunities of such 

(2.) The Imperial Government pledges itself to con- 
tinue the recognition of the legal existence of such of 
the French churches, chapels, hospitals, dispensaries, 
orphanages, asylums, and other establishments, and 
those under French protection, mentioned in the list 
annexed to your communication, as are already offi- 


cially recognized, and it accords the same official recog- 
nition to those of these establishments which to the 
present time are unauthorized. It pledges itself fur- 
thermore to extend to these establishments the benefits 
of exemption from the real estate tax in conformity 
with established usage and precedents, and from cus- 
toms dues, in conformity with the regulations touching 
customs immunities for such establishments. 

(3.) The Imperial Government authorizes the con- 
struction, enlargement or repair of the establishments 
mentioned in the list annexed to your communication, 
and recognizes their legal existence in their new di- 

(4.) The adoption of a new procedure concerning 
scholastic, religious and other establishments to be 
created in the future, as also those for which enlarge- 
ments or repairs calling for special examination are 
proposed, the Imperial Government takes a formal 
obligation to confer on this subject with the French 
Embassy as soon as official relations shall be re-estab- 
lished between the two countries. 

Full satisfaction having thus been given to all the 
demands relating to French interests, the Sublime 
Porte does not doubt that the French Government 
will give to its Embassy at Constantinople the neces- 
sary instructions, so that the two countries, which have 
always been united by ties of sincere friendship, can 
resume without delay their official relations. 

Copy of a note addressed to the Ministry of Public 
Instruction. (Translation). 

25 Redjeb, 13 19. 
24 Teshrini Ewel, 131 7. 

A demand having been made for the recognition 
of the legal existence of the schools administered by 
private individuals and the clergy, which are placed 
under the subjection or the protection of France, and 
the application to the schools of the customs franchises 
already accorded to religious congregations : 

It results from an Irade of H. I. M. the Sultan, pro- 
mulgated in consequence of a decision of the Council 
of Ministers, that there is accorded to these establish- 
ments the official authorization ; it is natural to author- 
ize, after inquiry, and conformably to the usages and 
regulations, the schools, churches, and benevolent es- 
tablishments which shall be hereafter constructed ; the 
execution of these formalities will depend on subse- 
quent deliberations. 

By consequence, and on condition of the application 
of the above mentioned formalities to the establish- 
ments which shall be hereafter constructed : 

The schools placed under the subjection and pro- 
tection of France, already recognized by the Ottoman 
Government, and figuring on the list, of which a legal- 
ized copy is annexed, will continue to be legally recog- 

With respect to those figuring on the list which 



have not as yet obtained the authorization, they will 
be equally recognized officially in the above mentioned 
manner, and will enjoy the customs franchises, con- 
formably to the regulation existing in this matter. 

The necessary communications and instructions 
having been made to the Ministries of Foreign Affairs 
and of the Interior, to the Administration of the Indi- 
rect Contributions, and to the Imperial Divan, I beg 
that you will use the necessary haste in what concerns 
your honorable Ministry. 

(Conformed to the original). 


The Minister of Foreign Affairs. 

Tewfik Pacha, Ottoman Minister of Foreign Affairs 
to M. Bapst, Counsellor of the Embassy of the 
French Republic at Constantinople. 

November 9th, 1901. 

Following my letters of the 4th and 6th instant, 
relating to the last demands of the Government of the 
French Republic, and in conformity with the communi- 
cation which M. Rouet, First Dragoman of the Em- 
bassy made yesterday, I have the pleasure to inform 
you of the complete decision of the Sublime Porte, 
which has just been sanctioned by Imperial Irade. 

In that which concerns point 4 of my aforesaid 
letter of the 6th instant, relating to the procedure 
which will be followed in future for the construction, 
repair or enlargement of French establishments, or 
those under French protection, the procedure will be 
as follows : 

" Whenever in the future, there are to be founded 
or constructed scholastic religious or other similar es- 
tablishments by the French, or by French proteges, in 
places other than quarters exclusively inhabited by 
Mosl ems, the French Embassy will communicate to 
the Imperial Minister of Foreign Affairs, besides the 
regulation details, the name of the teachers and direc- 
tors (female teachers and directresses) and the object 
of the foundation. It will be the same whenever re- 
pairs or enlargements of the same establishments are 



to be undertaken. In case, after a delay of six months 
after the notice given by the Embassy, the Sublime 
Porte shall not have formulated in writing its objec- 
tions with reasons therefor, the authorization demanded, 
and the exemptions resulting from it, shall be con- 
sidered as acquired. If any opposition is made by the 
Sublime Porte during the delay above fixed, it shall 
be made the subject of a conference between the Em- 
bassy and the Imperial Minister of Foreign Affairs, 
who shall together seek to arrive as soon as possible 
at an agreement, taking into consideration all argu- 
ments pro and con. 

With respect to the Lorando claim, it has been de- 
cided to proceed, with reference to this claim, in the 
same manner and with the same conditions as those 
reached in the Tubini claim. 

I believe I ought to inform you at the same time, 
that, in order to follow up the agreement arrived at on 
points I, 2 and 3, mentioned in my letter of the 6th 
instant, the Grand Vizieriat has just addressed the 
necessary instructions to the Imperial Ministry of Fi- 
nances and of Public Instruction, as also to the Gen- 
eral Administration of Indirect Contributions, and to 
the Governors-General, so that they may conform to 
the agreement entered into on this subject. You will 
find annexed the copies of these grand-vizierial com- 
munications, also the three certified lists of these estab- 
lishments, conformed to those in my Department. 

Accept etc. . . . 


Copy of a note addressed to the Ministry of the Interior. 

25 Redjeb, 1319. 
24 Teshrini Ewel, 1317. 

A demand having been made for the recognition of 
the legal existence of the schools administered by priv- 
ate individuals and the clergy who are subjects and 
proteges of France, also of the hospitals and religious 
establishments placed under the subjection and the 
protection of France, for the delivery of the necessary 
Firmans for the repair and construction of the estab- 
lishments destroyed or damaged during the troubles, 
for the application to the schools of the customs fran- 
chises, already accorded to religious congregations, and 
the exemption from real estate tax of hospitals, dispen- 
saries, orphanages and asylums for the poor : 

There results from an Trade of His Majesty the Sul- 
tan, promulgated in consequence of a decision of the 
Council of Ministers, that there is accorded to these 
establishments the official authorization; it is natural 
to deliver, after inquiry, and conformably to usages and 
rules, the necessary authorization to the schools, churches 
and pious foundations which shall be hereafter con- 
structed ; the execution of these last formalities will 
depend on subsequent deliberations. 

By consequence, and on condition of applying the 
above mentioned formalities to institutions to be con- 
structed hereafter: 



(i.) The schools placed under the subjection or the 
protection of France, already recognized by the Otto- 
man Government, and figuring on the list, of which a 
legalized copy is annexed, will continue to be legally 

Those figuring on the list, which have not thus far 
received authorization, will be recognized officially in 
the above mentioned manner, and will enjoy the cus- 
toms franchises, conformably to the regulation. 

(2.) The churches, chapels, hospitals, dispensaries, 
orphanages and asylums for the poor whether placed 
under the subjection or the protection of France, al- 
ready officially recognized, and figuring on the list of 
which a legalized copy is annexed, will continue to be 
legally recognized. 

With respect to the establishments which have not 
thus far obtained authorization, they will be officially 
recognized in the above mentioned way, and will enjoy 
the customs franchises, by virtue of the rule for the 
franchise, and of the rule relating to real estate taxes, 
and conformably to the usages and precedents in force ; 

(3.) It is permitted to construct, enlarge or restore 
the establishments figuring on the list, of which a legal- 
ized copy is annexed, and the legal existence of those 
establishments will be recognized in the limits of their 
future dimensions. Vizierial orders will be given for 
the reeular issue of firmans to such of these establish- 
ments as, after inquiry, shall have been found not to 
have official authorization, and with respect to the 
others, the authorization demanded will be given. 

The necessary communications and instructions hav- 
ing been made to the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, of 
Public Instruction, and of Finances, to the Adminis- 


tration of Indirect Contributions and to the Imperial 
Divan, I beg you to use all necessary urgency in that 
which regards your honorable Ministry. 

(Conformed to the original.) 


The Minister of Foreign Affairs. 

Copy of a note addressed to the Administration of the 
Indirect Contributions. (Translation.) 

25 Redjeb, 1319. 
24 Teshrini Ewel, 1317. 

A demand having been made for the recognition of 
the legal existence of the schools administered by pri- 
vate individuals and the clergy, who are placed under 
the subjection and the protection of France, as also 
that of the hospitals and religious establishments placed 
under the subjection and the protection of France, for 
the delivery of the firmans necessary for the repair and 
construction of the establishments which have been 
destroyed or damaged during the troubles; for the 
application to the schools of the customs franchises 
already accorded to religious congregations, and the 
exemption from the real estate taxes of hospitals, dis- 
pensaries, orphanages and asylums for the poor; 

It results from an Irade of H. I. M. the Sultan, pro- 
mulgated in consequence of a decision of the Council 
of Ministers, that there is accorded to these establish- 
ments the official authorization ; it is natural to deliver, 
after inquiry, and conformably to the usages and rules, 
the necessary authorization to the schools, churches 
and pious foundations which shall be hereafter con- 
structed ; the execution of these formalities will depend 
on subsequent deliberations. 

In consequence, and on condition of the application 
of the above mentioned formalities to the establishments 
hereafter constructed : 


(i.) The schools placed under the subjection and 
the protection of France, and which have been recog- 
nized by the Ottoman Government, and figuring on the 
list, of which a legalized copy is annexed, will continue 
to be legally recognized. 

Those figuring on the list, which have not thus far 
obtained authorization, will be recognized officially in 
the above mentioned manner, and will enjoy the cus- 
toms franchises, conformably to the regulation. 

(2.) The churches, chapels, hospitals, dispensaries, 
orphanages and asylums for the poor, whether placed 
under the subjection or the protection of France, which 
have been already ofificially recognized, and which fig- 
ure on the list of which a legalized copy is annexed, 
will continue to be legally recognized. 

With respect to the establishments which have not 
thus far obtained authorization, they will be ofHcially 
recognized in the manner above mentioned, and will 
enjoy the customs franchises, by virtue of the regula- 
tion concerning the franchise, and of the regulation 
relating to the real estate taxes, and conformably to 
usages and precedents in force ; 

The necessary communications and instructions hav- 
ing been made to the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, of 
the Interior, of Public Instruction and of Finance, and 
to the Imperial Divan, I beg that you will use the 
necessary urgency in what concerns your honorable 

(Copy conformed to the original.) 


The Minister of Foreign Affairs. 

M. Bapst, Charge d'affaires of France at Constanti- 
nople to Tewfik Pacha, Ottoman Minister of For- 
eign Affairs. 

Pera, November loth, 1901. 

I have communicated without delay to Paris, to 
H. E. the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the contents of 
your letter of yesterday evening, and I have assured 
him at the same time that the official pieces annexed 
to that letter furnish all the desirable guarantees for 

In response to that communication, I am charged 
to notify your Excellency that the French Government 
takes note vis-a-vis with the Imperial Government : 

(i.) Of the recognition of the legal existence of the 
French schools, and schools under French protection, 
actually existing (list No i, certified by your Excel- 
lency) and the engagement to extend to them the bene- 
fit of customs immunities, conformably to the conven- 
tions in force relating to these immunities : 

(2.) Of the recognition of the legal existence of 
the French establishments, and establishments under 
French protection ; consecrated to beneficence or to 
worship, and actually existing (list No 2, certified by 
your Excellency) and of their exemption from the real 
estate tax, conformably to established usage and pre- 
cedents, and of the conferring on the aforesaid estab- 
lishments of the customs immunities foreseen by the 
conventions in force : 



(3-) Of the authorization to construct, enlarge, or 
repair a certain number of French establishments or 
those under French protection, mentioned in list No 3, 
certified by your Excellency, and of the recognition of 
their legal existence in their future dimensions : 

(4.) Finally the engagement to consider as legally 
authorized, with the benefit of all the exemptions and 
immunities flowing from this authorization, the future 
creations or constructions of scholastic, religious or 
other similar establishments, by Frenchmen or French 
proteges, in quarters other than those inhabited exclu- 
sively by Moslems, and also the repair or future en- 
largement of establishments analogous to those already 
existing, if within a delay of six months, to be reckoned 
from the notice given by the Embassy, the Sublime 
Porte has not formulated in writing its objections, with 
reasons therefor. 

These four points being definitely acquired, the 
French Government charges me to let your Excellency 
know that it is ready to re-establish diplomatic rela- 
tions, and it authorizes me to act hereafter in the ca- 
pacity of Charge d'affaires. 

I will, therefore, have the honor, unless your Excel- 
lency sends me contrary advices, to visit the Sublime 
Porte tomorrow, Monday, in the afternoon, to take the 
rank and quality of Charge d'affaires of the French 

As a consequence of the decision of the French 
Government, Monsieur the Rear Admiral Caillard has 
been invited to quit Mitylene.