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1955, °955 

Owned and Published by 


Printed by 
James J. Gillick & Company 

Berkeley, California 

Vol. VII ; No. 1 



Recent Additions tothe Known Flora of Arizona . . . i 


Some Places Where PhaceliasGrow . .... . . II 

Joun THomas HOwELL 
A New Sisymbrium from Arizona. . . . . . . . J5 




FEBRUARY 28, 1953 

GA KK 4) 


A publication devoted particularly to the native and naturalized 
plants of western North America and to the cultivated plants 
of California, appearing about four times each year. Subscrip- 
tion, $2.00 annually. Cost of back files or single numbers fur- 
nished on request. Address: John Thomas Howell, California 

Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco 18. 

Cited as 
LEAFL. WEsT. Bor. 

Owned and published by 



California Academy of Sciences; University of Arizona 

“Arizona Flora”! was published in September, 1951. In the 
little more than a year that has since elapsed, some 15 species 
have been added to the recorded flora. Among them are repre- 
sentatives of 4 genera not known previously as occurring in 
Arizona, Beckmannia, Fumaria, Pholisma, and Cordia. The 
additions have resulted from extensive collections by the junior 
authors of this paper, as well as by Chester F. Deaver of Arizona 
State College at Flagstaff, Rose E. Collom of the Grand Canyon 
National Park Herbarium, Walter S. Phillips of the University 
of Arizona, Gale Monson of the Havasu Lake Refuge of the 
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and others. Thanks to these 
collections, the geographical and altitudinal ranges of many 
species have been extended. The exploration, in 1952, of Grand 
Canyon National Monument by Elizabeth McClintock, accom- 
panied by Dr. and Mrs. Walter P. Cottam, resulted in the inclu- 
sion of Mohave County in the geographical distribution of 
numerous Arizona plants. 

The limits of this article do not allow mention of these ex- 
tensions of range, except for a few of the rarer species. Nor is 
it practicable to discuss here the numerous corrections and 
modifications of the keys necessitated by the information now 
available. Fortunately, most of these are of a very minor char- 


_ BECKMANNIA. A genus, new to Arizona, which should come 
next to Spartina in the key to the genera of Gramineae (p. 73, 
paragraph 61). It differs from the latter in having broad, boat- 
shaped glumes of equal length, whereas in Spartina the glumes 
are narrow and unequal. Beckmannia syzigachne (Steud.) Fern., 
widely distributed in North America and Asia, was collected 

1Arizona Flora, by Thomas H. Kearney, Robert H. Peebles, and Collaborators, University 
of -California Press, 1951. (1032 pages, 33 plates, 1 map). 

2The page references, in parenthesis, are to ‘“‘Arizona Flora,’’ unless noted otherwise. 
Leaflets of Western Botany, Vol. VII, pp. 1-16, February 28, 1953. 


in 1951 at Greenland Lake, on the North Rim of Grand Canyon, 
at an elevation of 8500 feet (Merkle 411).8 

ERIOGONUM ParisHil Wats. was found at Crown King, Yavapai 
County, elevation 6000 feet (A. Beaty in 1951). In the key to 
the species of Eriogonum (p. 232), it would appear immediately 
after second paragraph 19, differing from E. pusillum and 
E. reniforme in having the basal leaves hirsute, not white-lanate, 
beneath. In second paragraph 13 of the key the words “(except 
in E. Parishii)’ should be inserted after “Leaves.” This species 
was known previously only from southern California and Baja 

FumariA. This genus of Papaveraceae, subfamily Fumariot- 
deae, differs from Corydalis (see key to the genera p. 322, first 
paragraph 1) in having globose, 1-seeded, indehiscent fruits and 
whitish or purplish, crimson-tipped corollas. Fumaria parviflora 
Lam., a Eurasian species sparingly naturalized in California, 
was discovered recently in waste land at Tucson, Pima County 
(K. F. Parker 8016). 

MATTHIOLA BICORNIS (Sibth. & Smith) DC. was noted in Ari- 
zona Flora (p. 354) as having disappeared from the mesas near 
Tucson, but it is still common there and has been collected also 
near Holbrook, Navajo County. In the key to the genera of 
Cruciferae (p. 327), Matthiola would appear next to Chorispora 
(first paragraph 16), differing from that genus in having the 
herbage pubescent with forked or stellate hairs (glandular hairs 
few or none), and capsules with a much shorter beak, this bifur- 
cate at apex and the body not or scarcely torulose. 

ASTRAGALUS COccINEUS Brandeg. This very handsome plant 
of the section Argophylli, known previously only from southern 
California, has been collected inthe Kofa Mountains, Yuma 
County, on sandy slopes at an elevation of about 3000 feet (H. 
B. Crandall in 1952). In the key to the species of Astragalus 
(p. 447), it would be entered next to A. Newberry: (first para- 
graph 20), having densely silky-villous pods; but it differs from 
that and all other North American species of Astragalus in the 
brilliant scarlet color of the very large corollas (35 to 40 mm. 

8See Madrono 12:32 (1953). 


CALLITRICHE. Norman C. Fassett, in his revision of the New 
World species of this genus (Rhodora 53: 137-222), recog- 
nized two species as occurring in Arizona, C. heterophylla 
Pursh (emend. Darby) and C. verna L. (emend. Kiitz.). The 
latter, which is the C. palustris of Arizona Flora (p. 521), was 
distinguished by Fassett as having the fruits distinctly longer 
than wide, with carpels winged at apex, whereas, in C. hetero- 
phylla, the fruits are not or but slightly longer than wide and 
the carpels are not winged or very obscurely so. A collection in 
northern Gila County (Peebles & Smith 13296) was referred to 
C. heterophylla var. heterophylla by Fassett (ibid. p. 176), and 
the Eastwood collection in Sabino Canyon, Pima County, men- 
tioned in Arizona Flora, apparently also belongs there. Fassett 
cited no Arizona specimens of C. heterophylla var. Bolanderi 
(Hegelm.) Fassett. He mentioned (ibid. p. 171) two Arizona col- 
lections of C. verna, at Flagstaff (Greene in 1889), and at Tucson 
(Lemmon in 1881). 

ABUTILON ParisHu Wats. In Arizona Flora (p. 539) this species 
was erroneously reduced to synonymy under A. Palmeri Gray, 
from which it is amply distinct, in having corollas only about 
10 mm. long (15-25 mm. in A. Palmeri), a more paniculate in- 
florescence, strongly discolorous and usually more acuminate 
leaves, and the longer stem-hairs mostly reflexed. In addition 
to the type-collections in the Santa Catalina Mountains (Parish, 
Pringle, in 1884) it was collected in the same mountains by 
Lemmon in 1883, and by Eastwood (No. 17736); also in the 
Mazatzal Mountains, Gila County (Eastwood 17497). The spe- 
cies is known only from these Arizona localities. 

SIDA RHOMBIFOLIA L. Bear Valley (Sycamore Canyon), Santa 
Cruz County, 3500 feet, rocky slopes (Darrow & Haskell 2223), 
noted by the collectors as a shrub 6 feet tall. This species is 
widely distributed in the warmer parts of both hemispheres, 
but it had not been reported previously from Arizona. In the 
key to the species of Sida (p. 550) it would be placed between 
S. spinosa and S. tragiaefolia (paragraph 6), differing from the 
former in being perennial and having more numerous carpels 
(16 or more, as compared with 5 in S. spinosa). From S. tragiae- 
folia, which also has fruits with 10 or more carpels, S. rhombi- 


folia differs in the rhombic-cuneate leaves, these more finely 
dentate or serrate. 

OENOTHERA PTEROSPERMA Wats. This species of subgenus 
Chylismia, known previously from southern Utah to eastern 
Oregon and southeastern California, was collected in Grand 
Canyon National Monument, northeastern Mohave County, at 
elevations of 4500 to 5000 feet (McClintock 52-173, 256, 382a). 
In the key to the species of Oenothera (p. 595) it would be en- 
tered under second paragraph 26, preceding first paragraph 32. 
It is a small, delicate annual, distinguished from all the other 
species of subgenus Chylismia by the winged seeds and flowers 
solitary in the axils, not in racemes or panicles. The pinkish 
petals are barely 2 mm. long. 

PHOLISMA ARENARIUM Nutt. Another genus was added to our 
flora with the finding of this curious parasitic plant on sand 
dunes near Parker, Mohave County, by Mrs. Hugh Cowan. Our 
attention was called to this discovery by Gale Monson, Super- 
intendent of the Havasu Lake Wildlife Refuge. This plant be- 
longs to the small family Lennoaceae (p. 629), differing from 
Ammobroma in having the flowers in a dense, ovoid or cylindric, 
sometimes branched spike, instead of a saucer-shaped head, and 
in having glabrous, linear sepals (these plumose and filiform 
in Ammobroma). Pholisma arenarium was known previously 
only from southern California and Baja California. 

FRAXINUS (pp. 641, 642). Elbert L. Little, Jr., in a paper en- 
titled “Notes on Fraxinus (Ash) in the United States” (Jour. 
Wash. Acad. Sci. 42:369-380, 1952) has described a new species, 
F. Gooddingii Little (ibid., p. 373), designating as the holotype 
a specimen collected in Bear Valley (Sycamore Canyon), Santa 
Cruz County, Arizona, by L. N. Goodding in 1936. In Arizona 
Flora this collection was cited under F’. Greggii Gray (species 
no. 4). The present writers agree that the Arizona plants are 
specifically distinct. Little cited several other collections of F. 
Gooddingii from Santa Cruz County and one from northeastern 

Specimens (5 collections) from the Chiricahua, Huachuca, 
and Santa Rita mountains were referred by Little (ibid., p. 378) 
to F. papillosa Lingelsh. This species had been recognized by 


Alfred Rehder (Proc. Amer. Acad. 53:200, 210) but he did not 
include Arizona in its range. It is distinguished from F. velutina 
Torr. (F. Standleyi Rehder) by the minutely papillose, whitish 
or glaucous lower surface of the leaflets. 

Little (ibid., p. 370) reduced F. Lowellit Sarg. (species no. 2 
in Arizona Flora) to varietal status as F. anomala Torr. var. 
Lowellii (Sarg.) Little. The present writers reserve judgment as 
to whether this reduction is justified. 

ae ee A mm 1m > 2 ER CEES on co ER ERAEES Y 


Please replace line 15, page 4, Vol. VII, No. |. Leaflets of West- 
ern Botany with this gummed label 

by a collection in Greenlee County (Maguire et al. 11805) and 
by one in Cochise County (Blumer 1796), occurring also in 
western Texas and northeastern Mexico. The range of L. viride 
as given by Johnston is Texas to Arizona and northeastern 
Mexico, but he cited no collections in our state. He informs us, 
however, that this plant has been collected in Guadalupe Can- 
yon, in the southwestern corner of New Mexico, so its occur- 
rence in southeastern Arizona is very probable. The following 
key to the five Arizona species is abstracted, with slight modifi- 
cation, from Johnston’s key (ibid. pp. 317-320): 

1. Flowers (the showy ones) heterostylic or dimorphic, the 2 types of flowers 

differing in the height at which the stamens are affixed in the corolla- 
tube. Cleistogamous flowers usually wanting (2). 


folia differs in the rhombic-cuneate leaves, these more finely 
dentate or serrate. 

OENOTHERA PTEROSPERMA Wats. This species of subgenus 
Chylismia, known previously from southern Utah to eastern 
Oregon and southeastern California, was collected in Grand 
Canyon National Monument, northeastern Mohave County, at 
elevations of 4500 to 5000 feet (McClintock 52-173, 256, 382a). 
In the key to the species of Genothera (P- ee) it would be en- 


ee wewne aewe~wn~ See — - ---K- 

Wash. Acad. Sci. 42:369- 380, 1952) has described a new species, 
F. Gooddingii Little (ibid., p. 373), designating as the holotype 
a specimen collected in Bear Valley (Sycamore Canyon), Santa 
Cruz County, Arizona, by L. N. Goodding in 1936. In Arizona 
Flora this collection was cited under F. Greggit Gray (species 
no. 4). The present writers agree that the Arizona plants are 
specifically distinct. Little cited several other collections of F. 
Gooddingii from Santa Cruz County and one from northeastern 

Specimens (5 collections) from the Chiricahua, Huachuca, 
and Santa Rita mountains were referred by Little (ibid., p. 378) 
to F. papillosa Lingelsh. This species had been recognized by 


Alfred Rehder (Proc. Amer. Acad. 53:200, 210) but he did not 
include Arizona in its range. It is distinguished from F. velutina 
Torr. (F. Standley: Rehder) by the minutely papillose, whitish 
or glaucous lower surface of the leaflets. 

Little (ibid., p. 370) reduced F. Lowellit Sarg. (species no. 2 
in Arizona Flora) to varietal status as F. anomala Torr. var. 
Lowelli (Sarg.) Little. ‘The present writers reserve judgment as 
to whether this reduction is justified. 

CorpDIA PARVIFOLIA A. DC. (C. Greggit Torr.) represents a 
fourth genus new to the known flora of Arizona. The identifi- 
cation was confirmed by Ivan M. Johnston. In the key to the 
genera of Boraginaceae (p. 707), Cordia belongs with Coldenia 
under first paragraph 1, having a cleft style and distinct stig- 
mas; but in Cordia the style is twice cleft, with 4 branches and 
stigmas. Also C. parvifolia is a much larger shrub than any of 
the species of Coldenia, with much larger, white corollas, and 
the fruit is drupaceous. Only a single plant is known in Ari- 
zona, discovered by C. F. Altfillisch in 1951, on a gravel ridge 
among Larrea bushes, about 17 miles south of Tucson, Pima 
County. It is an old, many-stemmed shrub about 6 feet high. 
There is no evidence that it had been planted at this station. 

LITHOSPERMUM. In his recently published Survey of the 
Genus Lithospermum (Jour. Arnold Arboretum 33:299-366), 
Ivan M. Johnston assigned 5 species to Arizona, L. confine 
Johnst. and L. viride Greene having been added to the 3 species 
in Arizona Flora (p. 724). Lithospermum confine is represented 
by a collection in Greenlee County (Maguire et al. 11805) and 
by one in Cochise County (Blumer 1796), occurring also in 
western Texas and northeastern Mexico. The range of L. viride 
as given by Johnston is Texas to Arizona and northeastern 
Mexico, but he cited no collections in our state. He informs us, 
however, that this plant has been collected in Guadalupe Can- 
yon, in the southwestern corner of New Mexico, so its occur- 
rence in southeastern Arizona is very probable. The following 
key to the five Arizona species is abstracted, with slight modifi- 
cation, from Johnston’s key (ibid. pp. 317-320): 

1, Flowers (the showy ones) heterostylic or dimorphic, the 2 types of flowers 

differing in the height at which the stamens are affixed in the corolla- 
tube. Cleistogamous flowers usually wanting (2). 


1. Flowers (the showy ones) not heterostylic, monomorphic (3). 

2.Stems not arising from a leaf-rosette, the lower cauline leaves very much 
smaller than the middle and upper ones; corolla-tube glabrous within 
Eh rahiray statahe iba levers hears aicunin mun/ohan fais sofa Ba, eats, 3) Bis RRC Eora eae L. multiflorum 

2.Stems arising from a well-developed leaf-rosette, the basal leaves much 
larger than the middle and upper cauline ones; corolla-tube hairy 
within, at least in the long-styled flowers............... L. cobrense 

3. Pollen ellipsoidal or subglobose; cleistogamous flowers absent; stem-leaves 
10-35 mm. wide, evidently veined. Corolla yellow or yellowish, with 
entire, spreading or recurved lobes :\.).....0% 0.5.00. 1.645 \ eee L. viride 

3. Pollen perfectly globose; cleistogamous flowers always present; stem-leaves 
not more, usually less than 10 mm. wide, obscurely veined (4). 

4. Corolla-lobes erose or fimbriate; fruiting calyx usually nutant or cernuous; 
cleistogamous flowers abundant... 0... 2.054006 s0000mage L. incisum 

4. Corolla-lobes entire; fruiting calyx erect; flowers commonly nearly all 
CLEISEO GATIONS. 5 bss si <is avis bares Ne a de se eo L. confine 

STACHYS AGRARIA Cham. & Schlecht. This species, previously 
known only from ‘Texas, Mexico, and Guatemala, was collected 
by Verl Rhoton in 1950, in the region of McNary and Lakeside 
(southern Apache and Navajo counties), the precise locality not 
recorded. Dr. Carl Epling, who identified the specimen, com- 
mented: “It is the relatively broad-leaved form of this widely 
distributed species which M. E. Jones called S. camporum.” It 
differs from the other species of Stachys in Arizona (see key p. 
739) in having much smaller flowers, the corolla-tube being not 
more than 4 mm. long. The verticillasters are very numerous, 

LINARIA DALMATICA Mill. was found by Kittie F. Parker, grow- 
ing without cultivation on the campus of Arizona State College, 
at Flagstaff. It is a handsome plant from the Mediterranean 
region, sometimes grown in flower gardens. Doubtless it was 
merely a casual escape, so the species cannot yet be included in 
the flora of Arizona. The flowers are yellow, but this species 
differs from L. vulgaris (see key p. 764) in having broader, ovate 
or ovate-lanceolate, cordate-clasping leaves and much larger 
flowers, the corolla 3.5-4 cm. long. 

ANTIRRHINUM Kunci Wats. (see p. 766) is now definitely a 
member of the Arizona flora, specimens of var. Kingz having 
been obtained in Toroweap Valley and the inner gorge of the 


Colorado River on cinder soil at about 4500 feet elevation 
(McClintock 52-424, 556). Var. Watsoni (Vasey & Rose) Munz, 
which differs from the typical variety in its longer pedicels and 
larger calyx, has been collected in northwestern Sonora and may 
be looked for in southwestern Arizona. 

Mimutus Tixinci Regel. A collection on “Smith Creek,” pre- 
sumably Smith Spring on the San Francisco Peaks, Leiberg 5721, 
was referred to this species by Gloria R. Campbell (El Aliso 
2:324). The characters she gave for distinguishing this species 
from M. guttatus (Arizona Flora p. 781) seem not very clear cut, 
however. Campbell (ibid. p. 331) referred several collections of 
M. guttatus in Arizona to var. gracilis (Gray) Campbell, the 
variety being characterized by recurved pedicels, commonly 
geniculate stems, and frequently scorpioid young inflorescenses. 

NEMACLADUS GRACILIS Eastw. Recorded (p. 827) as a doubtful 
member of the Arizona flora, this Nemacladus may now be in- 
cluded without reservation. It was collected in 1947 near Yucca, 
western Mohave County, in the Joshua Tree association, at an 
elevation of 2300 feet (Gould & Darrow 4311, part, and 4312). 
The specimens were identified by G. T. Robbins. 

PSATHYROTES ANNUA (Nutt.) Gray. Specimens collected in To- 
roweap Valley, northeastern Mohave County, 4000 to 5000 feet 
(McClintock 52-589a, Cottam 13340) established this species as 
a component of the Arizona flora (see p. 943). 

Cirsium RypsBercii Petrak has been collected on Black Mesa, 
northern Apache County, 6000 feet (Deaver 3675). Previously 
the species was known only by a few collections in southeastern 
Utah. In the key to Cirsium (p. 951), it comes nearest to C. bi- 
pinnatum (second paragraph 7), differing in the glabrous or 
glabrescent herbage, rounded and clasping leaf-bases, and outer 
phyllaries appressed or ascending (widely spreading or deflexed 
in C. bipinnatum). 

CiIRSIUM VULGARE (Savi) Airy-Shaw. The occurrence of this 
species in Havasu Canyon, western Coconino County (see p. 
954), was confirmed by the collection by Nina Eloesser of speci- 
mens in a more advanced stage of growth, although still without 



Portulaca coronata Small (p. 291) is a synonym of P. umbrati- 
cola H.B.K., according to Legrand (Comunic. Bot. Mus. Hist. 
Nat. Montevideo 2 (24):2). According to that author the species 
ranges from the southern U.S.A. to Argentina. 

Arenaria confusa Rydb. and A. saxosa Gray (pages 296, 297) 
have been reduced to synonymy under A. lanuginosa (Michx.) 
Rohrb. subsp. saxosa (Gray) Maguire, in a recent paper by Bas- 
sett Maguire (Amer. Mid]. Nat. 46:493-511, see p. 498). 

Prunus virens (Woot. & Standl.) Shreve (p. 394) was reduced 
to a subspecies of P. serotina Ehrh. in a revision of this group 
by Rogers McVaugh (Brittonia 7:279-315). Two varieties of the 
subspecies, var. virens and var. rufula (Woot. & Standl.) Mc- 
Vaugh were distinguished, the latter confined in Arizona to the 
region south of the Gila River. 

Astragalus didymocarpus Hook. & Arn. var. dispermus (Gray) 
Jeps. (p. 469). Astragalus dispermus Gray was restored to specific 
rank by Lois E. James in her revision of subgenus Hesperastra- 
galus (Contrib. Dudley Herbarium 4:67), although Barneby (El 
Aliso 2:212) preferred the varietal status. 

Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst. (p. 783). The correct 
name of the Arizona plant probably is B. Eisenit (Kellogg) Pen- 
nell (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 98:96), B. rotundifolia appar- 
ently being limited to the eastern and central United States. 
Bacopa Eisenii is known otherwise only from Nevada and cen- 
tral California. 

Plantago eriopoda Torr. (p. 804). The Arizona plants previ- 
ously referred to this species are certainly nearer P. Tweedy 
Gray and should be placed there provisionally, although not 
quite typical of that species either. 

Galium Watsoni (Gray) Heller. This species apparently does 
not occur in Arizona, the plants referred to it in Arizona Flora 
(p. 811) representing a glabrous form of G. Munzi Hilend & 
Howell according to Dr. F. Ehrendorfer (personal communi- 

Valeriana (pp. 818-820). Frederick G. Meyer in a recent re- 
vision of the North American valerians (Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 
38:377-503) treated the species occurring in Arizona as follows: 
V. edulis is represented by subsp. edulis; V. sorbifolia is repre- 


sented by var. sorbifolia; V. arizona the most widely distributed 
and abundant species, has, as a synonym, according to Meyer, 
V. ovata Rydb.; V. acutiloba becomes V. capitata Pall. subsp. 
acutiloba (Rydb.) F. G. Meyer; V. occidentalis Heller retains its 
specific status but only one Arizona collection (Collom 1056) 
was cited by Meyer. 

Pinaropappus roseus Less. (p. 962). Lloyd H. Shinners (Field 
and Laboratory 19:48) referred all Arizona specimens to var. 
foliosus Shinners, type from the Chiricahua Mountains (Blumer 
1571). He characterized the variety as having the stems leafy 
to above the middle and leaves up to 12 cm. long. Typical P. 
roseus, according to Shinners, occurs only east of the Continen- 
tal Divide. 


Phalaris canariensis L. (p. 131). Tucson, Pima County (K. F. 
Parker 8028). 

Carex oreocharis Holm (p. 162). Escudilla Mountain, Apache 
County, 9500 feet (Parker & McClintock 7598, det. J. T. Howell). 

Carex curatorum Stacey (p. 162). Near Toroweap Point, 
northeastern Mohave County (McClintock 52-539, det. J. T. 

Pistia Stratiotes L. (p. 165). This plant was reported by Mrs. 
Charlotte Reeder in 1944 as having become so abundant in irri- 
gation canals in Yuma County as to constitute a nuisance. 

Tillandsia recurvata L. (p. 166). Galiuro Mountains, Graham 
County, 4000 feet, growing on a fallen log (V. Ramsdell in 1951). 

Polygonum ramosissimum Michx. (p. 248). Near Ganado, 
Apache County, 7500 feet (Deaver 4100). 

Atriplex elegans (Mogq.) D. Dietr. var. Thornberi Jones (p. 
258). This variety also occurs in Santa Cruz County (A. Henson 

Stellaria longifolia Muhl. (p. 293). Reported by Dr. F. W. 
Gould from the Sierra Ancha, Gila County (No. 3802). 

Delphinium tenuisectum Greene var. amplibracteatum 
(Wooton) Ewan (p. 310). Escudilla Mountain, Apache County 
(Parker & McClintock 7552). 

Astragalus amphioxys Gray var. vespertinus Sheldon (p. 458). 
Kanab Plateau, northeastern Mohave County (McClintock 52- 


Astragalus albulus Woot. & Standl. (p. 461). Richville Valley, 
Apache County (Richey in 1950); Black Mesa, Apache County 
(Deaver 3914); Black Mountain, Navajo County (Deaver 3882). 

Geranium lentum Woot. & Standl. (p. 485). Near Sprucedale, 
Greenlee County, 7500 feet (Parker & McClintock 7644). In this 
collection the petals were reflexed and of a pale lavender color. 

Croton ciliato-glandulosus Ortega (p. 504). Collected at the 
locality mentioned in Arizona Flora also by Dr. Walter S. Phil- 
lips (No. 3468). 

Elatine americana (Pursh) Arn. (p. 557). North Rim of Grand 
Canyon (Collom 2778). 

Petalonyx nitidus Wats. (p. 564). A second collection of this 
species in Arizona was made in 1952 on Vulcan’s Throne, north- 
eastern Mohave County, 4500 feet (Cottam 13,345). 

Oxypolis Fendleri (Gray) Heller (p. 621). Escudilla Moun- 
tain, Apache County, 8500 feet (Parker & McClintock 7481). 

Gilia filiformis Parry (p. 690). Toroweap Valley and Colorado 
River Canyon, northeastern Mohave County, up to 4500 feet 
(McClintock 52-199, 546). 

Phacelia demissa Gray (p. 701). Between Pinion and Salina 
and on Black Mountain, Navajo County, about 6500 feet 
(Deaver 3485, 3881, det. J. T. Howell). 

Phacelia glechomaefolia Gray (p. 701). Grand Canyon Na- 
tional Monument, Mohave County (McClintock 52-163, 279, 
346, det. J. T. Howell). By far the finest material of this hand- 
some species that has been collected. 

Phacelia neomexicana Thurber var. alba (Rydb.) Brand (p. 
704). Escudilla Mountain, Apache County, 8500 feet (Parker & 
McClintock 7635). 

Tricardia Watson: Torr. (p. 706). Grand Canyon Nationed 
Monument, northeastern Mohave County, 4000-5000 feet (Mc- 
Clintock 52-323, 474). 

Cryptantha recurvata Coville (p. 719). Grand Canyon Na- 
tional Monument, 4500 feet (McClintock 52-420). 

Molucella laevis L. (p. 739). Benson, Cochise County (Grant- 
ham in 1951). 

Scrophularia californica Cham. (p. 767). Blue Mountains, 
Greenlee County, 10,000 feet (Parker & McClintock 7661). 

Limosella aquatica L. (p. 783). Buggeln Ranch, South Rim of 


Grand Canyon, Coconino County (Collom 2378). 

Castilleja lineata Greene (p. 788). Escudilla Mountain, Apache 
County (Parker & McClintock 7499). 

Solidago graminea (Woot. & Standl.) Blake (p. 858). Black 
Mesa, Navajo County (Deaver 3715); between Tuba and Oraibi, 
Coconino County (Deaver 3763). 

Achaetogeron chihuahuensis Larsen (p. 867). Escudilla Moun- 
tain, Apache County (Parker & McClintock 7628). 

Ratibida Tagetes (James) Barnhart (p. 899). Ganado Dam, 
Apache County (Deaver 3991). 

Helianthus Nuttallii Torr. & Gray (p. 903). Escudilla Moun- 
tain, Apache County (Parker & McClintock 7632). 

Achillea lanulosa Nutt. var. alpicola Rydb. (p. 936). Escudilla 
Mountain, Apache County (Parker & McClintock 7615). 

Euryops multifidus (L. £.) DC: (p. 950). Near Safford, Graham 
County (Montierth in 1952), where it was an escape from plant- 
ings by the U. S. Soil Conservation Service and bids fair to be- 
come naturalized, as in the Tucson area. 

Centaurea solstitialis L. (p. 955). Waste places and lawns at 
Tucson, Pima County (K. F. Parker 7463). 



Although my 1952 field trip through Oregon and Washing- 
ton was planned primarily for the study of thistles, I also hoped 
to find certain annual species of Phacelia about which I had 
written but which I had never seen growing. Of the five I hoped 
to discover, I found only three: P. Greenei J. T. Howell, P. 
Peckii J. T. Howell, and P. verna Howell. Along the road to 
Hat Point on the rim of the Grand Canyon of the Snake River 
I expected to find P. minutissima Henderson, since it was known 
in Idaho across the canyon to the east and in the Wallowa Mts. 
in Oregon to the west, but diligent search in several likely habi- 
tats did not discover it. The second species I failed to find was 
P. Leibergiu Brand, an attractive plant which I was all-too-cer- 
tain I would collect on the sagebrush flats or alkali dunes in 
southeastern Oregon where it has been collected a number of 


times by Prof. M. E. Peck; but all I could find in my brief three- 
day journey across that fascinating region was the related, small- 
flowered P. glandulifera Piper. The three phacelias I did find, 
however, were the ones I wanted especially, not only because so 
little has been written of the places where they grow, but also 
because, until now, P. Greenei and P. verna have not been rep- 
resented in the herbarium of the California Academy of Sciences. 

Although the locality datum accompanying the type of P. 
Greenei in the Gray Herbarium is given as near Yreka, Cali- 
fornia, the locality named on the isotype in the Greene Her- 
barium specifies Scott Valley. It was on the east side of Scott 
Valley, Siskiyou County, where I first found the plant on June 
14, and later on the same day, I made a second collection along 
the road between Callahan and Gazelle, also in Siskiyou County 
(Howell 28340, 28351). At both places the plants were locally 
common but were restricted to a thin gravelly scree overlying 
open serpentine slopes. The herbaceous parts of the phacelia 
were glandular and the secretion was distinctly malodorous. 
The corollas, which are rotate-campanulate or saucer-shaped, 
were a deep purple-violet except for the white center. 

The first station, which could be the type-locality of the spe- 
cies, was about 9.5 miles from Fort Jones on the road to Callahan 
at an elevation of about 2800 feet. The common woody plants 
in the vicinity of the serpentine barren were Pinus ponderosa, 
Juniperus occtdentalis, and Ceanothus cuneatus, and, among 
the herbaceous plants associated with the phacelia, the follow- 
ing were collected or noted: Festuca reflexa, Scribneria Bolan- 
deri, Sitanion jubatum, Stellaria nitens, Arabis subpinnatifida, 
Epilobium minutum, Androsace elongata subsp. acuta, Cryp- 
tantha flaccida, Crocidium nudicaule, Lagophylla ramosissima, 
Lessingia nemaclada var. mendocina, and Madia exigua. At the 
second station, about 7 miles from Callahan on the road to 
Gazelle at an elevation of about 3700 feet, Quercus Garryana 
occurred in the nearby pine-juniper woodland, and among the 
annual and perennial herbs the following may be listed: Ony- 
chium densum, Agropyron saxicola, Stipa Thurberiana, Erio- 
gonum ovalifolium, E. vimineum, Polygonum majus, Lewisia 
rediviva, Arenaria Douglasii, Cryptantha trifurca, Penstemon 


parvulus, and Eriophyllum lanatum var. achillaeoides. 

The finding of P. Greenei on two serpentine slopes in the 
Klamath area of northwestern California leads one to expect 
its discovery in still other similar places which are to be found 
in the petrologically and geologically complex mountains of 
that region. 


The Oregon highway, which extends westerly from Klamath 
Falls to Ashland, traverses a fine coniferous forest inter- 
spersed by a series of beautiful flowery meadows. Just before 
the road begins its long winding descent into the valley where 
Ashland is situated, it crosses the 4500-foot summit of Green 
Spring Mountain. Here, on July 8, in a forest of yellow pine, 
Douglas fir, and incense cedar, on a gentle open meadowy slope, 
I saw and collected Phacelia Pecki for the first time (Howell 
28772). The little herb grew in heavy clay soil mixed with 
basalt fragments and was locally restricted to the low middle 
part of the meadow where water had seeped longest. The stems 
and leaves were glandular but not at all odorous. The corollas 
were an attractive lavender-blue, becoming nearly white in the 
center, and were so shallowly saucer-shaped as to be almost 
flatly rotate. Among the numerous annual herbs that grew in 
the meadow with the phacelia, the following may be noted: 
Bromus racemosus, Deschampsia danthonioides, Polygonum 
sawatchense, Lotus Purshianus, Gilia capillaris, Navarretia 
intertexta, Nemophila pedunculata, and Madia gracilis. 

The sight of these living specimens of P. Peckii in Jackson 
County, Oregon, less than a month after making my field ac- 
quaintance with P. Greenei in Siskiyou County, California, 
reminded me of the apparent relationship between the two as 
evidenced by a similarity in habit and in the broadly rotate 
corollas (cf. Amer. Mid]. Nat. 30:18; Leafl. West. Bot. 4:26). 
The adequate morphologic differences between the two have 
already been pointed out; now can be added their differentiat- 
ing physiologic and ecologic peculiarities which can be learned 
only from field observation. In the paragraphs above I have 
described the malodorous character of the glandular secretion 
of. P. Greenei and recorded the apparent preference of that 
species for sterile serpentine gravels. In contrast, P. Peckii is 


much less distinguished in both its choice of habitat and char- 
acter of glands; but, although its glandular secretion does not 
possess the biological interest of being offensive, this physiologic 
lack really adds to the over-all attractiveness of one of Oregon’s 
most interesting endemics. 


Many people, impressed by the volcanic character of the Cas- 
cade Range and recalling the lava escarpments of the Columbia 
Plateau east of the mountains, regard the chocolate-brown or 
blackish bluffs of the Umpqua River Valley in Douglas County, 
Oregon, as basaltic in character. ‘These massive outcrops, how- 
ever, are sedimentary in origin and consist of water-deposited 
sands and gravels of Eocene age. It is on the open faces of these 
steeply sloping or vertical bluffs where Phacelia verna grows. 

1 almost did not find this rare plant. Search of the bluffs near 
Canyonville, Roseburg, and Wilbur on three different days 
failed to disclose even the summer-dried remains of the 
ephemeral vernal herb. Disappointed that so desirable a plant 
should have eluded me, I finally left Roseburg July 10 on my 
return trip to California, traveling westward toward the Oregon 
coast. Near Tenmile, about 15 miles southwest of Roseburg, 
some of the Eocene cliffs again beckoned. This time, my scram- 
ble up the steep slopes was crowned with success. The plants 
had matured and dried but they still carried ripe capsules and 
seeds. Not only had I found the elusive phacelia, but I had found 
it at a station new for the species! 

The rock face on which my treasure dwelt had a southwestern 
exposure, and adjacent, soil-covered slopes that were less steep 
supported an open woodland of Douglas fir, Garry oak, bigleaf 
maple, and madrono. The phacelia did not even deign to grow 
in the thin fringe of soil at the edge of the rock surface but re- 
stricted itself to mossy cushions of Rhacomitrium canescens and 
Selaginella Wallacet which formed low mounds and narrow 
shelves on the nearly vertical open rock face. Everything was 
dry now, but it was evident that water had seeped or trickled 
down the rocks during the rainy season. A few other herbs, also 
desiccated, were noted as venturing into this highly specialized 
habitat: Festuca dertonensis, Trifolium microdon, Mimulus 
guttatus, Plantago erecta, and Micropus californicus; but only 


the money-flower seemed to be truly at home with the phacelia. 

But what a home for a phacelia! Whatever could have hap- 
pened in eons past to strand this little herb, so far from kith and 
kin, on the Eocene bluffs of the Umpqua! 


Gray Herbarium, Harvard University 

The generic line between Sisymbrium and Thelypodium, so 
far as the American species are concerned, was somewhat altered 
by Payson!: 2, who treated these genera monographically about 
twenty years ago. A number of species previously referred to 
Thelypodium, such as T. elegans, T. aureum, etc., were trans- 
ferred to Sisymbrium. Later Schulz? similarly shifted the Mexi- 
can T. versicolor and T. Purpusw of Brandegee to Sisymbrium. 
Whether these are the ultimate rearrangements required to 
place the species of these genera into their proper relationships 
cannot be properly judged without a very comprehensive study 
and a much larger amount of data than is at present available. 
However, the plant with which we have to deal is most closely 
related to Sisymbrium Purpusii and on that basis it seems logi- 
cal at this time to place it in Sisymbrium, following the lead of 
Payson and of Schulz. I take pleasure in dedicating it to Dr. 
T. H. Kearney, veteran of the flora of Arizona. My thanks are 
due Miss Elizabeth McClintock of the California Academy of 
Sciences for sending the specimens. 

Sisymbrium Kearneyi Rollins, spec. nov. Herba annua; caulibus erectis, 
glabris, ramosis, 3-5 dm. altis; foliis radicalibus petiolatis pinnatifidis glabris; 
foliis caulinis amplexicaulibus pinnatifidis vel integris glabris; sepalis gla- 
bris; petalis albis vel roseo-albis; pedicellis fructiferis divaricatis glabris 4-6 

mm. longis; siliquis tenuibus teretibus 4.5-5.5 cm. longis, circa 0.75 mm. 
latis; stylis circa 1 mm. longis; stigmatibus integris; seminibus oblongis im- 


Annie), herb, glabrous throughout, glaucous; stem single from base, 
divaricately branched, beginning near base, with each branch producing an 
inflorescence, 3-5 dm. high; basal leaves petiolate, dentate to pinnately lobed, 
2-10 cm. long, 8-20 mm. wide, mostly oblong in outline, varying greatly in 

1University of Wyoming Publications in Science 1:1~27 (1922). 
2Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 9:233~324 (1923). 
8Das Pflanzenreich IV. 105:57—58 (1924). 


size and shape; lowermost cauline leaves petiolate and pinnately lobed, 
similar to adjacent basal leaves, overlapping, gradually becoming sessile, 
auriculate and entire above, the upper being sagittate, clasping and pro- 
gressively reduced up the stem; pedicels (in fruit) slender, straight, divari- 
cately ascending, 4-6 mm. long; sepals hyaline-margined, narrowly oblong, 
non-saccate, 4-5 mm. long, 1-1.5 mm. wide; petals nearly white, becoming 
light purplish upon drying, spatulate, gradually narrowed from apex to 
base, 6-8 mm. long, 2-2.5 mm. wide; stamens erect, filaments of uniform 
diameter from base to apex, those of paired stamens about 5 mm. long, 
anthers oblong, 1-1.25 mm. long; pollen tricolpate, 26x 17.54; glandular 
tissue continuous around the receptacle, subtending filaments of paired 
stamens and surrounding filaments of single stamens; siliques sessile or nearly 
so, terete, slender, divaricately ascending, nearly straight, 4.5-5.5 cm. long, 
about 0.75 mm. in diameter, valves nerved from base to apex; styles thick, 
only slightly less in diameter than the siliques, about 1 mm. long; stigma 
entire; seeds oblong, wingless, immature. 

Type in the Gray Herbarium, collected along trail into S. B. 
Canyon, Grand Canyon National Monument, Arizona, May 8, 
1952, Elizabeth McClintock 481a. Another collection (in flower) 
from the same locality but found growing under shelter of over- 
hanging cliffs is Elizabeth McClintock 52-481 (GH). Duplicates 

in Herb. Calif. Acad. Sci. 

Superficially, in flower, plants of S$. Kearney: resemble some 
forms of Caulanthus lasiophyllus, but it can be readily dis- 
tinguished by the slender ascending pedicels, lack of pubescence 
and glaucous appearance. As in many annual plants of desert 
areas that go through their life-cycles in a relatively short period, 
S. Kearneyi is quite variable as to size. On most of the flowering 
specimens, a transition from nearly entire small first-formed 
leaves can be traced through a series becoming larger and pro- 
gressively more highly pinnatifid, then in the reverse direction 
toward entire and smaller sessile leaves as one proceeds up the 
stem of the plant. The lobes of the pinnatifid leaves are at right 
angles or may be somewhat reflexed. In the most highly divided, 
the incisions extend to the mid-axis of the leaf. 

Although definitely related to S. Purpusii, our species differs 
in having broadly spatulate instead of linear petals, much 
larger flowers, and subclavate instead of tapering styles. Sisym- 
brium Purpusii is known only from the type-collection made in 
the Sierra Pata Galeana, Coahuila, Mexico. 





; 3 Ly} aL 

Vol. VII 



No. 2 



Notes on Specimens of American Plants 
in European Herbaria 

Pugillus Astragalorum XV: Four New Species . 


New Records of Western Weeds . 
Joun THomas HowELi 


May 13, 1953 




_ of 

A publication devoted particularly to the native and naturalized 
plants of western North America and to the cultivated plants 
of California, appearing about four times each year. Subscrip- 
tion, $2.00 annually. Cost of back files or single numbers fur- 
nished on request. Address: John Thomas Howell, California 

Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco 18. 

Cited as 
LEAFL. WEsT. Bor. 

Owned and published by 
Joxun THomas HowELi 


New York Botanical Garden 

During 1951 and 1952 I had the opportunity to examine a 
number of type-specimens of American plants (chiefly Com- 
positae) at the British Museum of Natural History, the Royal 
Botanic Gardens at Kew, and the Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle 
at Paris. I am grateful to the curators and personnel of these in- 
stitutions for their courtesy and helpfulness. In most instances 
the examination of the type merely confirmed the current appli- 
cation of the name. In a few cases, however, a change appears 
to be necessary. 

Astragalus miser Doug]. ex Hook. (Fl. Bor. Am. 1: 153,—1831) 
was based on a Douglas collection from the “Spokan River, sixty 
miles from its confluence with the Columbia.” ‘The name has 
subsequently sometimes been applied to A. microcystis Gray and 
to A. obscurus Wats., the latter a more southern species, not 
otherwise known to occur within two hundred and fifty miles 
of the type-locality of A. miser. The improbability of the latter 
interpretation was pointed out to me by Dr. Marion Ownbey, 
and the type was accordingly examined when the opportunity 
arose. In publishing Douglas’ description of A. miser, Hooker 
noted that he had not seen the specimen himself. The type was 
found at the British Museum. It proves to be a small specimen 
of what has recently been passing as A. decumbens var. serotinus 
(Gray) Jones. The specimen has linear, acute leaflets nearly 1 
cm. long and about 1 mm. wide, the terminal one barely or 
scarcely articulate to the rachis. The herbage is rather thinly 
strigose. The specimen is merely in bud, but even in the absence 
of well-developed flowers and fruit there seems little likelihood 
of error in its determination. Although it approaches the more 
southern A. decumbens var. decumbens in appearance, it is less 
rigid than that variety, and is better matched by some of the 
more depauperate specimens of A. decumbens var. serotinus, 
within the range of which it was collected. On the basis of a 
photograph of the type, deposited at the New York Botanical 
‘Garden, Mr. Rupert C. Barneby concurs in the foregoing inter- 
pretation. Since the name A. miser antedates Homalobus de- 

Leaflets of Western Botany, Vol. VII, pp. 17~40, May 13, 1953. 


cumbens Nutt. (the basonym of A. decumbens) by seven years, 
a new series of varietal combinations is necessary. 

Astragalus miser var. decumbens (Nutt.) Cronq., comb. noy. 
Homalobus decumbens Nutt. ex T. & G., Fl. N. Am.. 1: 352 (1838). 
A. campestris var. decumbens Jones, Rev. N. Am. Sp. Astr. 74 (1923). 
Astragalus miser var. crispatus (Jones) Cronq., comb. nov. 
A. campestris var. crispatus Jones, op. cit., 75. 
Astragalus miser var. oblongifolius (Rydb.) Cronq., comb. nov. 
Homalobus oblongifolius Rydb., Bull. ‘Torrey Club 34: 50 (1907). 
A. hylophilus var. oblongifolius Macbr., Contr. Gray Herb. II. 65: 37 
Astragalus miser var. decurrens (Rydb.) Cronq., comb. nov. 
Homalobus decurrens Rydb., Bull. ‘Torrey Club 31: 563 (1904). 
A. decumbens var. decurrens Cronq., Leafl. West. Bot. 3: 255 (1943). 

Except for Astragalus miser, all the species on which I wish to 
comment are Compositae. These follow in alphabetical order. 

Antennaria carpathica B. pulcherrima Hook. was differenti- 
ated from typical A. carpathica Wahl. by its larger size and more 
conspicuous pubescence. The involucral bracts might by impli- 
cation be expected to be dark as in A. carpathica. The apparent 
type at Kew bears out this assumption. The involucral bracts 
are brownish with pale tips, the outer wholly brownish. Since 
Hooker states that his variety pulcherrima is a foot or sometimes 
a foot and a half high, while the specimen found at Kew is 
scarcely 9 inches high, some doubt might be cast on its authen- 
ticity as the type. The only other specimen found which might 
possibly represent the type is a specimen 3 dm. tall in the Hooker 
herbarium at Kew without indication of collector. This speci- 
men also has dark bracts. It therefore seems reasonable to con- 
firm the traditional interpretation of A. pulcherrima (Hook.) 
Greene as a dark-bracted species. The related, chiefly more south- 
ern, largely white-bracted species is A. anaphaloides Rydb. 

Antennaria parvifolia Nutt. has been variously interpreted 
by different authors, most of whom have not had access to the 
original material. In my discussion of the application of this 
name (Rhodora 48: 120,—1946), I neglected to point out that 
Piper (Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 11: 605,—1906, and subsequent 
works) and later St. John (Fl. S.E. Wash. and adj. Ida. 415,—1937) 
had used it for the species described by Greene as A., aprica. 
Partly due to my negligence, Boivin has recently been misled 


to state (Can. Field Nat. 65: 12-13,—1951) that the identification 
of A. parvifolia with A. aprica has never been accepted by any- 
body, and that Rydberg in 1918 was the first to suspect that the 
two might prove to be the same. 

Dr. Boivin further misinterprets my remarks to arrive at the 
conclusion that I do not consider A. parvifolia (A. aprica) dis- 
tinct from A. rosea Greene (including A. microphylla Rydb.). 
Thus my conclusion that the name A. parvifolia Nutt. ap- 
plies to the species that has been called A. aprica Greene, 
rather than to the species that has been called A. microphylla 
Rydb., A. rosea Greene, and various other names, is considered 
by Boivin to be “un exercise intellectuel de peu de consé- 
quence’. That it would certainly be did I consider A. aprica to 
be taxonomically identical with A. rosea and A. microphylla. 
Upon rereading my comments in Rhodora, I do not believe they 
can properly be so interpreted. 

As I previously pointed out, the isotype material of A. parvi- 
folia at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia is 
taxonomically identical with A. aprica Greene, a fact first called 
to my attention by Dr. S. F. Blake. My examination of the type 
material of A. parvifolia at the British Museum does not bear 
out the statement made to me in a letter by Professor Fernald 
that A. rosea and A. microphylla, as well as A. aprica, are repre- 
sented in Nuttall’s original material. The material at the Brit- 
ish Museum consists of five specimens, with three labels, evi- 
dently representing three collections, which together make up 
the type. All of the specimens are unsatisfactory, being young 
and hardly developed. The fact that the heads, even though im- 
mature, are as large as in characteristic A. rosea (including A. 
microphylla) suggests that at maturity they would be larger and 
of the proper size for A. aprica. The close aggregation of the 
heads in all the specimens is characteristic of A. aprica rather 
than of A. rosea, although similarly capitate forms of A. rosea 
also exist and one cannot be certain that this feature would have 
persisted until maturity anyhow. Two of the collections, con- 
sisting of one and two plants each, are staminate, with slightly 
_ yellowish, blunt involucral bracts. The third collection consist- 
ing of two plants, is pistillate, with pinkish, blunt involucral 
bracts. The immaturity of all of the specimens makes certain 


identification difficult, but I believe that they all represent the 
same ultimate taxon, which is identical with A. aprica Greene. 
Certainly there is nothing that can clearly be identified with 
A. microphylla or with A. rosea in either the restricted or the ex- 
panded sense. The pink color of the bracts is insufficient basis 
for referring a specimen to A. rosea, since the same color is 
found, less commonly, in A. aprica and in some other species as 
well. The slight yellowish cast of the involucral bracts of some 
of the original specimens of A. parvifolia is probably a post 
mortem characteristic related to the manner of preparation of 
the specimens. A related species, A. wumbrinella Rydb., charac- 
teristically has more or less yellowish-brown to partly blackish 
involucral bracts, but there the cellular structures of the in- 
volucral bracts is different, being more or less intermediate be- 
tween the closely striate type of A. parvifolia and A. rosea, and 
the open lattice-work type of A. alpina. I am thus led to main- 
tain my earlier conclusion that the name Antennaria aprica 
Greene should give way to A. parvifolia Nuttall. 

One may perhaps digress at this point to note that Boivin 
apparently interprets A. microphylla Rydb. quite differently 
from the way I do, with the statement that “Quant a A. micro- 
phylla sensu Cronquist, je ne suis pas certain de quelle plant il 
s'agit”. My interpretation of A. microphylla is based on the type 
of the species at the New York Botanical Garden. From his com- 
ments, and from the fact that he synonymizes A. nitida Greene 
with A. microphylla Rydb., I suspect that A. microphylla sensu 
Boivin may be part of the widespread and variable species for 
which I believe the oldest name is A. wmbrinella Rydb. It 
would not seem to be A. microphylla Rydb. sensu Rydb. 

Artemisia desertorum y. Scouleriana Bess. in Hook. (FI. Bor. 
Am. 1: 325,—1833) is represented in the Hooker herbarium at 
Kew by Scouler 16, which is evidently the type. The specimen is 
a robust, evidently perennial plant, with rather open inflores- 
cence. It appears to be the same as A. pacifica Nutt. (1841) and 
has been so annotated without signature. Those who accept A. 
campestris in the wide sense of Hall and Clements and of Hegi, 
and who use variety as the most common intraspecific category, 
will find the following new combination necessary. 

Artemisia campestris var. Scouleriana (Bess.) Crong., comb. nov. 
A. desertorum y. Scouleriana Bess. ex Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. 1: 325 (1833). 



I consider this, as well as most of the other native American 
forms of A. campestris, to belong to the subsp. borealis (Pall.) 
Hall & Clem. Ariemisia campestris is one of the species in which 
two levels of infraspecific categories (a hierarchy) are necessary 
to express adequately the natural relationships. 

To avoid possible further nomenclatural confusion I should 
point out that the Hooker material of A. desertorum 8. Hooker- 
tana Bess. in Hook. seems to include both var. borealis and var. 
Scouleriana as I interpret them. To the extent that var. Hooker- 
tana is typified by its Scoulertana element, the var. Hookeriana 
must be reduced to the var. Scouleriana. 

The specimen of Artemisia pacifica Nutt. that bears Nuttall’s 
asterisk is labeled “Sea[wall?] of the Columbia”. It is apparently 
a perennial, with loosely sericeous leaves, the basal ones well 
developed. I see no reason to challenge the customary inter- 
pretation of its identity. As noted above, A. desertorum var. 
Scouleriana is the same as A. pacifica, and the epithet Scoulert- 
ana has priority in varietal rank. 

The name Aster subspicatus Nees (1832) has recently been 
taken up by Hultén (Fl. Alas. & Yukon. Vol. 10, 1950) for Alaska 
materials that have previously been treated as two different 
taxa, A. Douglasii Lindl. (1834) and A. foliaceus Lindl. (1836) 
sens. strict. I have not seen Nees’ type, but the unusually clear 
and detailed description leaves no doubt that it is the same as 
the Alaskan element of A. Douglasii. I have examined Dr. 
Hultén’s specimens and discussed the problem with him. There 
is no doubt that the two taxa intergrade freely along the Alas- 
kan coast, even to the point where in consideration of that re- 
gion alone one might defensibly treat them as conspecific. 
When one considers also the material from the rest of western 
North America, however, I believe it remains more satisfactory 
to continue to treat the low, mostly single-headed, broader- 
leaved, more often entire-leaved Alaskan plants with more leafy 
involucre as A. foliaceus sens. strict., and to regard the taller, 
more branched plants with mostly narrower and serrate leaves 
and with less leafy involucre as another species, which now takes 
the name A. subspicatus Nees. My plans for examination of the 
type of A. foliaceus Lindl., from Unalaska, did not materialize, 
but Dr. Hultén assures me that only the low form, ie. A. 


foliaceus as it has traditionally been interpreted, occurs on 
Unalaska. It therefore seems unlikely that the customary ap- 
plication of the name A. foliaceus need be disturbed. 

In my revision of the Aster foliaceus group (Am. Midl. Nat. 
29: 429_-468,—1943), I took up the name A. oregonus (Nutt.) T. 
& G. for a common western species which had also been known, 
in part, as A. Eatoni (Gray) Howell. The type of Tripolium ore- 
gonum Nutt. (the basonym for Aster oregonus 'T. & G.) was 
stated by Nuttall to have been taken on the banks of the Willa- 
mette River, in western Oregon. Aster oregonus sensu Cron- 
quist 1943 is rare or probably wholly absent in that area, but 
the unreliability of Nuttall’s localities is well known. The type, 
at the British Museum, proves to be an entire-leaved form of A. 
subspicatus Nees (A. Douglasii Lindl.), a species which ts com- 
mon in the Willamette Valley. The type has the discolored mar- 
gins and bases of the involucral bracts so characteristic of A. sub- 
spicatus, and the reddish pappus so often found (apparently as 
a post mortem feature) in herbarium specimens of that species. 
The stem is glabrous, save for some lines of pubescence in the 
inflorescence, a condition frequently found in A. subspicatus, 
but quite foreign to A. oregonus sensu Cronquist 1943. The fact 
that the leaves are entire, rather than toothed as in the majority 
of specimens of A. subspicatus, is unimportant, since entire- 
leaved forms of the species are far from rare. Aster oregonus 
(Nutt.) T. & G. must therefore be placed in the synonymy of 
A. subspicatus Nees, along with A. Douglasii Lindl. The oldest 
available name for the species which I had treated as A. ore- 
gonus is A. Eatont (Gray) Howell. 

The name Aster longifolius Lam. has recently gone out of 
use, as being of doubtful application. The only specimen of A. 
longifolius in the Lamarck herbarium at Paris appears to be a 
form of A. novi-belgit L. The specimen is immature, with only 
two rather small heads having reached the flowering stage. In 
these the involucre has narrow, more or less herbaceous, more 
or less recurved involucral bracts and looks quite normal for A. 

The type of Chaenactis Douglasit (Hook.) H. & A. is a very 
robust specimen with densely glandular-puberulent involucres 
up to 13 mm. high. The specimen has no root. The plant came 


from along the Columbia River a short distance east of the 
Cascade Mountains, near what are now known as Celilo Falls. 
In this area the species is characteristically more robust and 
larger-headed than it is farther east, and is often perennial. The 
name C. Suksdorfit Stockwell applies to what I believe to be the 
same ultimate taxon. The type of C. Suksdorfii, from western 
Klickitat Co., Washington, was taken only about 25 miles (or 
less) west of the stated type-locality for C. Douglasii. It should 
be noted that I do not propose to restrict the name C. Douglasii 
to the C. Suksdorfit phase of the species. Several varieties, in- 
cluding a number of segregates as well as C. Douglasii sensu 
Stockwell, are to be recognized. 

The type of Chrysothamnus pumilus Nutt. consists of two 
specimens, each with a label, obviously representing two collec- 
tions. Only one of the labels bears Nuttall’s asterisk. The speci- 
men associated with it has the leaves l-nerved, 1-2 cm. long, 
barely 1 mm. wide, and glabrous except for the irregularly 
scabro-ciliate margins. The other specimen has the leaves a bit 
wider, up to about 1.5 mm. wide, and mostly 3-nerved. It also 
has a little obscure scabrous puberulence on some of the twigs. 
I believe the name can stand in its present interpretation, not- 
ing that most botanists now consider it to represent only a vari- 
ety (or subspecies) of C. viscidiflorus (Hook.) Nutt. 

Those of us who utilize the variety as the principal infra- 
specific category are also faced with the problem of the identity 
of Chrysothamnus pumilus B. euthamioides Nutt. The type is 
a fragment some 5 inches long, with the inflorescence in early 
bud, and with some of the inflorescence of the previous year still 
persistent. The principal leaves are about 1—1.5 cm. long, 1- 
nerved, and barely 1 mm. wide. The leaves and twigs are sparse- 
ly, minutely, and irregularly scabrous-puberulent, not suff- 
ciently obviously so for good var. puberulus (Eat.) Jeps., but 
more so than in good var. pumilus (Nutt.) Jeps. In view of the 
intermediate nature of the specimen, and in view of the dubious 
biological basis of the presently recognized varieties of C. vis- 
cidiflorus, I think it unwise to take up the epithet euthamioides 
for any of the varieties at this time. 

The name Chrysothamnus nauseosus subsp. albicaulis, based 
on C. speciosus B. albicaulis Nutt., was used by Hall and Clem- 


ents (1923) for a sporadic variant, commonest in eastern Wash- 
ington, which differs from C. nauseosus subsp. speciosus (Nutt.) 
Hall & Clem. in the more copious and conspicuously whiter to- 
mentum of its leaves and twigs. In my opinion the subsp. albi- 
caulis as defined by them does not merit taxonomic recognition, 
and should be included in their subsp. speciosus. The type of 
C. speciosus B. albicaulis has the tomentum of the twigs white, 
but that of the leaves is thin and therefore gray. The specimen 
does not give the strikingly white appearance of the specimens 
referred to subsp. albicaulis by Hall and Clements. Those who 
wish to continue to recognize the most pubescent extreme as a 
separate taxon will have to find another name for it; albicaulis 
does not apply. Those (including myself) who recognize the 
subordinate taxa of C. nauseosus as varieties will have to take up 
the name C. nauseosus var. albicaulis (Nutt.) Rydb. for the 
plant otherwise known as C. nauseosus var. speciosus (Nutt.) 
Hall, or C. nauseosus subsp. speciosus (Nutt.) Hall & Clem. 

The proper application of the name Cirsium brevifolium 
Nutt. has long been uncertain. The type consists of two frag- 
ments, each apparently representing part of a single branch. 
They nicely match Nuttall’s description, except that the flower- 
color (given as white by Nuttall) can neither be verified nor re- 
futed. The shortness of the leaves noted by Nuttall in the de- 
scription and in his choice of specific epithet is due merely to 
the fact that only the upper part of the stem (or branches), with 
its normally reduced leaves, is represented. ‘The aspect of the 
specimens, and the technical characters, so far as they are repre- 
sented, are those of the white-flowered species later described as 
Carduus palousensis Piper. 

Dr. Gerald Ownbey has recently noted (Rhodora 54: 34,— 
1952) the resemblance of C. brevifolium to C. Flodmani (Rydb.) 
Arthur, while reserving judgment as to its actual identity. Aside 
from the fact that Nuttall described the flowers of C. brevifo- 
lium as white, while those of C. Flodmani are typically purple 
and only rarely white, examination of the type discloses some 
features not readily compatible with C. Flodmani. The leaves 
are glabrate above, as in C. palousense, rather than persistently 
pubescent as in characteristic C. Flodmani. One of the two speci- 
mens retains a very thin coating of arachnoid tomentum on the 


upper surface of the leaves, but even here the contrast between 
the green upper surface and the white-tomentose lower surface 
of the leaves is striking, and what little pubescence remains on 
the upper surfaces of the leaves looks as if it was about ready to 
fall off. The achenes are sufficiently immature so that they are 
bent and partly collapsed, but even so they are 44.5 mm. long, 
about the normal upper limit for mature achenes of C. Flod- 
mani, At maturity they would more likely be within the charac- 
teristic size-range (5-6 mm.) of C. palousense. From his study 
of Nuttall’s itinerary and the species involved, Dr. Ownbey tells 
me that Nuttall probably passed out of the range of C. Flodmani 
shortly before that species ordinarily comes into flower, while 
he passed through eastern Oregon during the proper season for 
C. palousense. Although C. palousense is commonest in the 
Palouse region of southeastern Washington, it also extends well 
down into eastern Oregon, south of Nuttall’s route. I am satis- 
fied that the name Czrstum brevifolium Nutt. properly applies 
to the species now commonly known as C. palousense (Piper) 

John Thomas Howell has recently pointed out (Am. Midl. 
Nat. 30: 29-31,—1943) that two distinct species have been passing 
under the name Cirsium edule Nutt. He restricted the name C. 
edule to the widespread phase which has a very slender corolla 
with a relatively very long tube and short lobes, and has the 
style included or barely exserted. He took up the name C. 
Macounii (Greene) Rydb. for the plant occurring from the Cas- 
cade Mts. of Washington to the Pacific coast, which has a coarser 
corolla with relatively shorter tube and longer lobes, and has 
the style conspicuously exserted. Other, mostly less tangible 
differences exist between the two species. Howell’s typification 
was logical and reasonable, especially in view of the fact that 
the type of C. edule was supposed to have been collected in the 
Blue Mts. of eastern Oregon, beyond the range of C. Macownit. 
Unfortunately, the type itself, at the British Museum, proves to 
be the same as C. Macounit, and no original material of Nut- 
tall’s species has been found in the other herbaria (Gray Her- 
barium of Harvard University, and Academy of Natural Sci- 
ences of Philadelphia) where it might reasonably be sought. A 
single dry corolla from the type showed a tube 8 mm. long, the 


throat 4.5 mm. long, and the lobes 4-5 mm. long, and had the 
style exserted 4 mm. Cirsium edule sensu Howell, on the other 
hand, has the tube 12-18 mm. long, the throat 4-6 mm. long, 
and the lobes 2-4 mm. long, with the style included or exserted 
only about 1.5 mm. A single dry corolla of C. edule sensu How- 
ell was laid alongside that of the type for comparison; the char- 
acteristic difference in coarseness was conspicuous, the corolla 
of the type being much coarser. Another corolla extracted from 
the type specimen showed no significant differences from the 
first one. Although the corolla-throat on the type material is 
unusually short, the corolla and style are otherwise characteris- 
tic of C. Macounii, and wholly incompatible with C. edule 
sensu Howell. It therefore seems necessary to identify C. edule 
Nutt. with the later C. Macounii (Greene) Rydb., and to sup- 
pose that here, as in a number of other cases, Nuttall’s geograph- 
ical data are incorrect. 

So far as I am aware, there is no name available for Cirsiwm 
edule sensu Howell. A new one is therefore proposed. 

Cirsium brevistylum Cronq., spec. nov. Planta robusta, usque ad 2.5 m. 
alta, caulibus crassis subsucculentis plus minusve arachnoideo-villosis, sub 
capitulis moderate attenuatis; foliis parum spinosis, viridibus vel subtus 
tenuiter floccosis; capitula plerumque aggregata, involucro 2-4 cm. alto, 
bracteis eglutinosis plus minusve arachnoideis paulum imbricatis; corollis 
(siccatis) purpureis, tubo tenuissimo 12-18 mm. longo, fauce 4-6 mm. longa, 
lobis aequalibus vel subaequalibus 2-4 mm. Jongis; stylo incluso vel usque 
ad 1.5 mm. exserto. 

Type: A. A. & E. G. Heller 3963, near Montesano, “Chehalis” 
(Gray’s Harbor) Co., Washington, June 27, 1898; deposited at 
the New York Botanical Garden. 

The type sheet of Grindelia nana Nutt., at the British Mu- 
seum, bears two collections, each with a label, representing two 
different phases of the species. One of these has relatively short- 
tipped involucral bracts and conspicuously toothed leaves, thus 
matching Nuttall’s description of G. nana. It is labeled “Fort 
Vancouver & c.’’ The other specimen has longer-tipped, more 
conspicuously squarrose bracts, and seems to correspond, as to 
the involucre, to Nuttall’s @. integrifolia. Its leaves, though less 
strongly toothed than those of the other specimen, are not, how- 
ever, “nearly entire” as described by Nuttall. The label for this 
specimen reads “Vancouver”. No other Nuttall material of G. 


nana was found, and neither of the specimens is marked as being 
B. integrifolia, If we assume that in describing the leaves of var. 
integrifolia as “nearly entire’, Nuttall was merely contrasting 
them to the leaves of the other and presumably typical speci- 
men, the potential difficulty is resolved. Although it is now wide- 
spread in the United States as a sporadic introduction, G. nana 
sens. lat. is probably native only from the eastern edge of the 
Cascade Mts. to western and northern Idaho and western Mon- 
tana; I doubt that either of Nuttall’s collections came from the 
vicinity of Fort Vancouver on the west side of the Cascades. I 
propose to typify G. nana Nutt. by the short-bracted specimen, 
which is taxonomically identical with the plant described as G. 
integerrima Rydb. and treated by Steyermark as G. nana var. 
integerrima. Grindelia nana B. integrifolia would correspond- 
ingly be typified by the long-bracted specimen. I would reduce 
G. Brownii Heller and G. Paysonorum St. John to G. nana var. 

Steyermark (Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 21: 548,—1934) notes that 
the apparent isotype of G. nana at the Gray Herbarium is short- 
bracted and closely resembles G. integerrima Rydb. He then 
goes on to say that “Granting that Nuttall’s specimen was a 
depauperate individual of the common form in the vicinity of 
Fort Vancouver and adjacent area and that his 8. integrifolia 
has the longer bracts typical of the G. nana form common in 
that portion of Oregon and Washington, we should take for the 
historical G. nana the common plant of that portion of Oregon 
and Washington with longer-tipped bracts, similar to Nuttall’s 
G. nana 8. integrifolia. .. .” We are thus evidently agreed as to 
the typification of G. nana and G. nana £. integrifolia, and fur- 
ther agreed as to the biological nature of 8. integrifolia. We 
differ as to which intra-specific population with which to asso- 
ciate the agreed type material of G. nana. In contradiction of 
his stated reason (geographical distribution) for associating 
the type with the population which it does not morphologically 
resemble, Steyermark’s own statement (p. 542) of the range of 
G. nana sens. strict. would seem to exclude the whole Willa- 
mette Valley and Puget Sound area, and with this restriction 
(save for casual introductions) I would wholly agree. In view 
of the known unreliability of Nuttall’s geographical data, and 


in view of the fact that there is no form of the species which is 
or can be assumed to have been “common .. . in the vicinity of 
Fort Vancouver and adjacent area’, I believe that the type of 
G. nana should be associated with the population which it mor- 
phologically resembles, namely the phase described by Rydberg 
as G. integerrima. Grindelia nana sensu Steyermark will ac- 
cordingly take the name G. nana var. integrifolia Nutt. 
Several years ago (Rhodora 48: 122—125,—1946) I reduced a 
number of supposed species to varietal status under Petasites 
frigidus (L.) Fries. For the phase with distinctly but not deeply 
lobed leaves I adopted the name var. corymbosus (R. Br.) Cronq., 
following the interpretation of the identity of Tussilago corym- 
bosa that had been made by Hooker and later by Herder. This 
interpretation of Tussilago corymbosa was questioned by Pro- 
fessor Fernald, on the basis of a photograph at the Gray Her- 
barium of supposedly authentic material of T. corymbosa R. Br. 
Since the leaf in the photograph did not match Brown’s de- 
scription, and since it was not organically attached to the stem, 
I maintained Hooker’s interpretation of the name in spite of 
the evidence of the photograph. I have now studied two sheets 
at the British Museum and one at Kew, all of which appar- 
ently represent original material of Tusstlago corymbosa R. Br. 
All of these specimens are labeled as coming from Melville 
Island. The one at Kew is indicated as having been collected 
by Sabine; one of the specimens at the British Museum is 
marked as having been collected by Sabine; the other, segre- 
gated in the institutional type collection, is marked as having 
been collected by Capt. Parry. (Brown cited no specimens, but 
the introduction of his paper indicates the plants to have been 
collected on Melville Island by Parry, Sabine, et al.) None of 
these sheets has a basal leaf organically attached to the stem, 
but all of their basal leaves are clearly of P. frigidus var. frigidus, 
the phase of the species with merely coarsely and irregularly 
toothed, scarcely lobed leaves. The statement in the original 
description that the leaves are lobed can perhaps be explained 
by assuming that Brown was attempting to emphasize their 
angularly sublobed outline. It is furthermore doubtful that the 
lobate phase which I treated as P. frigidus var. corymbosus ex- 
tends as far north as Melville Island. Hultén is quite positive 


on this matter in the Flora of Alaska (vol. 10, p. 1583,—1950) 
and has vigorously maintained the point in conversation. I 
therefore now accept the conclusion of Fernald and of Hultén 
that Tussilago corymbosa R. Br. is a synonym of Petasites 
frigidus sens. strict. 

Hultén has also maintained in the same work that P. hyper- 
boreus Rydb. should be held as specifically distinct from P. 
frigidus, in spite of the extensive hybridization between the two. 
Personal conversation with Dr. Hultén and examination of his 
specimens confirm the impression gained from his published 
discussion that our difference is one of taxonomic philosophy 
rather than one of understanding of the biological situation. 
We are agreed that the difference in leaf-outline is so striking 
that one is at first encounter impelled to consider that two spe- 
cies are represented. We are agreed that the hybridization be- 
tween the two is so extensive that the obvious influence of P. 
hyperboreus on P. frigidus extends far beyond the geographic 
limits of pure P. hyperboreus. We are agreed that hybrids be- 
tween P. sagittatus and P. frigidus (either sens. strict. or sens. 
ampl.) are relatively rare. We differ in that Dr. Hultén main- 
tains that the amount of morphological difference between P. 
frigidus and P. hyperboreus is so great as to prevent their being 
considered conspecific, while I maintain that the extensive in- 
tergradation and admitted close relationship between the two 
necessitates their inclusion (as varieties) in the same species. I 
would further point out that the morphological differences, 
although conspicuous, concern only the size and outline of the 
leaves, and might be due to only a very few genes. Florally, and 
in other vegetative respects save for mere vigor, they are iden- 
tical. There are some genera, notably Aster and Senecio, in 
which it may become necessary to treat as distinct species taxa 
which are no more distinct than P. frigidus and P. hyperboreus, 
because otherwise one would have to include such a large num- 
ber of very diverse entities in the same species as to render the 
concept of species practically meaningless. This is not the case 
in Petasites. By expanding the limits of P. frigidus as I have 
done (and as Herder did before me, under another generic 
name), one arrives at a coherent, sharply definable unit. I there- 
fore maintain my previous definition of the species. 


It now becomes necessary to provide a varietal name for the 
plant which I treated as P. frigidus var. corymbosus and which 
Hultén treats as P. hyperboreus. I concur in Hultén’s conclusion 
(1950) that P. frigidus var. hyperboreoides Hultén (Fl. Aleut. 
Isl]. 1937) is morphologically intermediate between P. frigidus 
sens. strict. and P. hyperboreus. Characteristic P. hyperboreus 
is not known to occur in the type region of P. frigidus var. 
hyperboreoides, although P. frigidus proper is there. This name 
therefore cannot be used for P. hyperboreus. The oldest name 
for the taxon in question is apparently P. palmatus var. frigidus 
Macoun (1886), based on specimens from British Columbia, 
but obviously Macoun’s variety cannot be transferred without 
change of name into P. frigidus (L.) Fries. The next oldest name 
is P. nivalis Greene, based on plants from Mt. Rainier, Wash- 
ington. It is thought best to adopt Greene’s epithet in varietal 
status, in spite of the fact that some of the more recent ones are 
more familiar. 

Petasites frigidus var. nivalis (Greene) Cronq., comb. nov. 
P. nivalis Greene, Pitt. 2: 18 (1889). 

The three varieties of P. frigidus, as I understand them, may 
be characterized as follows: 

Leaves merely coarsely toothed, scarcely or barely lobed; characteristically 
arctic, extending south, uncommonly, to central Washington...... 
var. frigidus 
Leaves evidently lobed. 
Leaves palmately or more often pinnipalmately lobed and veined, the 
lobes ordinarily not extending more than half way to the base 
(or often deeper in western specimens, which are distinctly 
pinnipalmate); leaves seldom more than 2 dm. wide, seldom 
evidently wider than long; characteristically subarctic or of 
boreal forests, extending south to the Gaspé Peninsula of 
Quebec, northern Minnesota, and at high elevations in the 
mountains to northern Oregon .........-........ var. nivalis 
Leaves palmately lobed and veined, the lobes Saat extending well 
over half way to the base (or in western specimens often only 
about half way to the base); leaves tending to be broader than 
long, often very large (up to 4 dm. wide); more southern than 
the other varieties, extending south to California, Minnesota, 
Michigan, jand Massachusetts i. 2,0.ct. = 's:2p 00 «at var. palmatus 

Eastern materials of both var. nivalis and var. palmatus vary 
about slightly different norms from what their western counter- 


parts do, without any of the differences being sufficiently con- 
stant to warrant taxonomic segregation. The var. palmatus in 
eastern America has more deeply lobed leaves, with fewer small 
callous teeth than it has in western America; the leaves of var. 
nivalis in western America may be more deeply lobed than in 
the east, but they are also more constantly pinnipalmate instead 
of palmate. Thus in eastern America the two varieties are more 
consistently distinguished by the depth of the lobes of the leaf, 
while in western America they are best distinguished by the 
outline of the leaf and orientation of the lobes. 

Senecio bivestitus Cronq., described in 1950 from specimens 
from the Beartooth Mts. of Wyoming, proves to be identical 
with S. fuscatus Hayek, a species otherwise known from widely 
disjunct areas in central Europe, Siberia, and Alaska and adja- 
cent Yukon. The Beartooth Mt. station is more than 1500 miles 
from the nearest presently known locality for the species, which 
is well represented with Alaskan materials in the Museum of 
Natural History at Stockholm. 

The type of Senecio cordatus Nutt., bearing the data “Colum- 
bia plains and woods”, is a robust specimen of S. ntegerrimus 
Nutt. sens. lat., quite possibly the var. ochroleucus (Gray) 
Crong. as suggested by Gray (sub S. lugens var. ochroleucus) 
in the Synoptical Flora. ‘The leaves are only deltoid-subcordate, 
rather than truly cordate. The original color of the rays is now 
difficult to determine, but it seems probable that they were not 
strictly white. 


Wappingers Falls, New York 

Astragalus Waterfallii Barneby, spec. nov., A. tephrodem var. brachylo- 
bum (Gray) Barneby habitu toto simulans, sed imprimis legumine triquetrim 
compresso 2-loculari graviter discrepans. 

Herba perennis humilis subacaulescens vel breviter caulescens e radice 
lignosa valida, pilis rectis appressis nonnullisque adscendentibus basifixis 
fere undique strigulosa, praeter foliolorum paginam superiorem glabram 
viridem cinerea vel canescens; caulibus e radicis collo vel e caudice breviter 
furcato ortis ad 5.5 cm. usque longis diffusis, internodiis 2-10 mm. longis 
Sstipulis imbricatis saepe occultis; stipulis membranaceis pallidis ovato-tri- 


angularibus -lanceolatisve 3-8 mm. longis, petiolo breviter adnatis, caulem 
semiamplectentibus inter se liberis; foliis petiolatis 3-10 cm. longis; foliolis 
4_12-jugis ellipticis ovalibus ovato-oblongis oblanceolatisve obtusis vel acu- 
tiusculis 3-10 mm. longis; pedunculis (1.5) 3-11 cm. longis, ad anthesin 
adscendentibus fructiferis prostratis; racemis breviter laxeque (4) 6—-17-floris, 
floribus adscendentibus patulisve, axi fructifero parum elongato (0.5) 1-4 
cm. longo; bracteis 2-7 mm. longis pedicellos ad anthesin 1-2 mm. fructi- 
feros 1.5-2.5 mm. longos fere semper superantibus; bracteolis setaceis lan- 
ceolatisve rarius 0; calyce 10-14 mm. longo, albo- vel nigro-striguloso- 
pilosulo, tubo late cylindrico 8-11.6 mm., dentibus subulatis vel triangu- 
laribus 1.3-3 mm. longis; petalis roseo-purpureis, carinae apice saturatius 
maculato; vexillo sensim per 40° recurvo oblanceolato vel ovato-cuneato 
19-23 mm. longo, (6.4) 8-10.3 mm. lato; alarum vix breviorum unguiculis 
9-11.4 mm., laminis anguste lanceolato-oblongis obtusis supra medium 
paulo incurvis 10.2-12.8 mm. longis, 2.1-3.5 mm. latis; carinae 16.6-19 mm, 
longae unguiculis 9-10.9 mm., laminis lunatim oblanceolatis 7.7-9.3 mm. 
longis, 2.9-3.5 mm. latis, per 85°-95° in apicem valde obtusum incurvis; 
legumine adscendenti (humistrato) sessili, cum receptaculo demum articu- 
lato, anguste oblongo-ellipsoideo subrecto vel leviter incurvo (1.7) 2-3 cm, 
longo, 5-8 mm. diametro, basi cuneato, apice abrupte acuto cuspidato, de 
latere atque triquetrim compresso, angulis ventrali sutura prominula cari- 
nato lateralibus obtusis, facie dorsali sulcata, valvulis strigulosis maculatis 
primum carnosis demum coriaceis brunneis dorsaliter late inflexis septum 
completum 34.2 mm. latum efformantibus; ovulis 28-38; seminibus maturis 

New Mexico: 21 miles west of Artesia, Eddy County, April 
12,1952, U. T. Waterfall 10615 (type in Herb. Oklahoma A. & M. 
College, Stillwater!); Hope, Eddy County, June, 1917, Marion 
L. Campbell (CAS); 46 miles east of Cloudcroft, Chaves County, 
Waterfall 10606 (OKLA). Trxas: Hueco Mts., alt. 4000 ft., El 
Paso County, Ripley & Barneby 4207 (in the writer’s collection). 
Stony slopes and open hillsides in desert grassland, locally plen- 
tiful on the easterly foothills of the Sacramento Mountains, 
southeastern New Mexico, south toextreme northwestern Texas. 

Flowering plants of A. Waterfallii resemble to an extraordi- 
nary degree some forms of the variable and polymorphic A. 
tephrodes Gray, and it seems manifestly referable to Sect. Ar- 
gophylli, in spite of its obtusely triquetrous, fully bilocular pod. 
Interestingly enough, the flower is that of the geographically 
distant A. tephrodes var. brachylobus (Gray) Barneby, which 
ranges from southwestern New Mexico into southern Nevada, 

1Several isotypes will be distributed by the collector. 


rather than of var. tephrodes, whose range nearly approaches, 
and in western Texas perhaps overlaps, that of A. Waterfallii. 
Typical A. tephrodes has, in the rare A. feensis Jones of north- 
central New Mexico, its own mimetic relative, again so similar 
in general habit of growth that flowering specimens (between 
Albuquerque and Cerrillos, McKelvey 2373, GH, as amplified 
by a fruiting collection from nearly the same locality, Ripley & 
Barneby 7558, CAS) were, I think pardonably, listed as A. 
tephrodes in my revision of the section (Amer. Midl. Nat. 37: 
465); and this again has a triquetrous, bilocular legume. ‘Thus 
we find two nearly monomorphic species localized at or near 
the distributional limit of an apparently closely related, vari- 
able and widely diffused species differing from both in the lack 
of septum in the pod, a situation repeated in southern Califor- 
nia, where the bilocular A. leucolobus Jones, endemic to the 
San Bernardino and Santa Rosa mountains, has unquestionably 
arisen at the edge of the vast range of closely related A. Purshit 
Dougl. And it may be relevant here to adduce the case of A. 
anisus Jones”, for which no satisfactory place in the genus has 
hitherto been found. Associated by Jones and Rydberg, on 
account of its obliquely globose-ovoid, nearly beakless, bilocular 
pod, with Sect. Crassicarpi, or Sect. Mollissimi, where its habit 
or growth and dolabriform vesture are wholly anomalous, it 
falls easily and naturally into Sect. Argophylli and finds close 
resemblances among several species (A. castaneiformis Wats., 
especially) with unilocular pod. 

These various examples of twin or at least related species 
differing so sharply and consistently in the presence or absence 
of septum provide evidence of the low systematic value of this 
character above the specific rank. In Sect. Argophylli the sep- 
tum seems to be a derived and relatively recent acquisition; but 
this is probably not the case in the genus as a whole. 

As will be apparent from the context, A. Waterfalli is named 
in honor of Prof. U. T. Waterfall, to whom the writer is in- 
debted for much finely prepared material of New Mexican and 
Oklahoman Astragali. 

2Known since 1892 from the type only, this supposedly collected near Pueblo, Colorado, 
A. anisus was rediscovered as lately as 1949 by William A. Weber near Gunnison. It has since 
been traced along the Gunnison Valley for a distance of about 40 miles upstream from the 
Black Canyon. 


Astragalus Harbisonii Barneby, spec. nov., inter Phacae ser. Candidissimas 
Rydb. ob stipulas contra folium concretas atque legumen vesicario-inflatum 
1-loculare juxta A. anemophilum Greene collocanda, sed ab hoc legumine 
subdimidio minori striguloso nec tomentello, vexillo alas multo superanti 
(nec subaequilongo) minus recurvo, dentibus calycinis elongatis, foliolisque 
ellipticis acutis absimilis. 

Herba verosimiliter perennis (radice ignota) omnibus fere partibus pilis 
basifixis plerisque brevissimis crispulis paucisque longioribus rectiusculis 
adscendentibus (ad 0.4—0.6 mm. usque longis) commixtis dense villosulo- 
tomentuloso et sericeo-canescens; caulibus gracilibus ut videtur assurgenti- 
bus erectisve 2.5-3 dm. longis, basi tantum pauciramosis; stipulis subherba- 
ceis demum chartaceis late triangularibus 3-5 mm. longis amplexicaulibus, 
imis contra petiolum per 1-2 mm. inter se concretis; foliis 5-9 cm. longis, 
summis brevissime petiolatis; foliolis (6) 8-ll-jugis ellipticis acutis vel 
acutiusculis 3-11 mm. longis; pedunculis erectis strictis 5.5-10 cm. longis; 
racemis densiuscule 13-23-floris, floribus adscendentibus, axi fructifero 
parum elongato 1.5-3.5 (5.5) cm. longo, leguminibus confertis; pedicellis 
adscendentibus rectis, fructiferis persistentibus 1.2-1.4 mm. longis; bracteolis 
2 minimis; calycis 5.2-6.6 mm. longi tubo campanulato 3.5-4.1 mm. longo, 
dentibus subulatis 1.7-2.5 mm. longis; petalis albidis pallide violascentibus, 
carina saturatius maculata; vexillo per 45° recurvo rhombico-elliptico circa 
12 mm. longo, 6.5 mm. lato; alis paulo brevioribus, unguiculis 4.6 mm., 
laminis oblongo-oblanceolatis obtusissimis subrectis 7.3-7.9 mm. longis, 
2.4-3 mm. latis; carinae 9.2-9.9 mm. longae unguiculis 4.7-6 mm., laminis 
semiobovatis 5.15.5 mm. longis, 2.6 mm. latis, abruptiuscule in apicem 
obtusum incurvis; legumine erecto sessili demum cum receptaculo articu- 
lato oblique ellipsoideo vesicario-inflato 2 cm. longo, 8-9 mm. diametro, 
ventraliter obscure sulcato, apicem versus in rostrum brevem triangularem 
compressum leviter incurvum contracto, suturis filiformibus, valvulis mem- 
branaceo-chartaceis subdiaphanis immaculatis subappresse strigulosis nullibi 
inflexis; ovulis 24-27; seminibus maturis ignotis. 

Mexico: Baja California (northern district): Punta Baja, 6 
April 1950, Charles F. Harbison. Type in Herb. San Diego Soc. 
Nat. Hist., No. 43872; isotype, kindly communicated by Mrs. 
Ethel Bailey Higgins, in the writer’s collection. 

The combination of connate stipules with sessile bladdery 
pod is not a common one in the genus, and is known so far from 
southern Alta and Baja California only in the case of A. anemo- 
philus Greene, to which A. Harbisonii is closely related. Greene’s 
species is locally abundant on the dunes bordering San Quintin 
Bay, of which Punta Baja forms the southern extremity, and 
a question arises as to whether A. Harbisonit may represent no 
more than a form of it. However the vesture of A. anemophilus 
is tomentose throughout, composed of fine curly entangled and 


a very few longer ascending hairs, while the large pods, 3.5—-4 
cm. long and 1.5-2 cm. or more in diameter, are finely woolly; 
whereas in A. Harbisonii the stems and leaves are both villous 
and tomentulose and the pods, about 2 cm. long and | cm. or 
less in diameter, are merely strigulose. Furthermore the petals 
of A. Harbisonii are strongly graduated, with banner longer 
than the wings and recurved through only 45° (through 85°, 
and equaling or a trifle shorter than the wings in A. anemoph- 
ilus), the calyx-teeth are subulate (not broadly triangular), 
the ovules 24-27 (not 32-38), and the leaflets elliptical and acute 
(not broadly obovate to suborbicular and obtuse). It seems hard- 
ly possible to extend the concept of A. anemophilus, an appar- 
ently stable species, to include so great a latitude of variation 
in so many directions. 

In the size and vesture of the pod and in the proportions and 
curvature of the petals A. Harbisonii closely resembles A. mag- 
dalenae Greene, likewise a maritime species, but ranging much 
further south on the Peninsula. Here, however, the stipules are 
free, and the lustrous satiny vesture of the herbage (to which 
Bentham’s original epithet candidissima is so appropriate) is 
composed of nearly straight appressed hairs. 

Astragalus monumentalis Barneby, spec. nov. A. desperato Jones et A. 
deteriori (Barneby)3 habitu similis et manifeste affinis, ab illo legumine 
erecto multo angustiori biloculari striguloso nec patule villoso, ab hoc 
stipulis omnino liberis atque legumine magis compresso in receptaculo arcte 
sessili (nec in gynophoro insidenti), petalis purpureis, aliisque notulis dis- 

Herba pumila depressa caespitosa, perennis sed verosimiliter primo anno 
florens, pilis basifixis appressis subappressisque ad 0.7 mm. usque longis 
fere undique striguloso-cinerea; caulibus e collo radicis verticalis gracilis 
vel apud plantas vetustiores e caudice breviter ramuloso ortis 1-3 cm. longis 
prostratis, internodiis congestis stipulas vix duplo superantibus; stipulis 
submembranaceis late ovatis vel triangularibus 2-5 mm. longis, imis am- 
plexicaulibus sed haud connatis; foliis 1.5-5.5 cm. longis, petiolo rachique 
gracilibus inferne nonnumquam persistentibus; foliolis (2) 4—7 (8)-jugis 
obovatis oblongo-ellipticis vel ellipticis obtusis leviter retusis acutisve 3—9 
mm. longis, plerisque conduplicatis extrorsus falcatis demum facile deciduis; 
pedunculis 1.5-5 cm. longis, fructiferis reclinatis; racemis laxe 3_8-floris, 
floribus adscendentibus, axi fructifero 8-15 mm. longo; bracteis membrana- 
ceis lanceolatis 1.5-5 mm. longis, pedicellum rectum circa 1] mm., fructiferum 

Astragalus deterior (Barneby) Barneby, stat. nov. A. naturitensis var. deterior Bar- 
neby, Leafl. West. Bot. 5: 33 (1948). Cf. discussion below. 


ad 1.7 mm. longum superantibus; bracteolis 0; calycis pilis albis vel non- 
nullis pullis adspersis strigulosi tubo campanulato 3.7-4.5 mm. longo, den- 
tibus subulatis 1-2 mm. longis; petalis purpureis; vexillo ultra unguiculum 
flabellato-cuneatum ovato 8.5-13 mm. longo; alis 8.1-12 mm. longis, laminis 
lunatim oblongo-ovatis obtusis 5.4-8.5 mm. longis; carinae 7.8-11 mm. 
longae laminis semiobovatis subrectis 5.3-6 mm. longis, circa 2.3 mm. latis, 
abrupte per 100° in apicem deltoideum obtusum incurvis; legumine adscen- 
denti arcte sessili cum receptaculo demum articulato ambitu lineari-lan- 
ceolato sensim incurvo 1.8-2.5 cm. longo, 3.5-4 mm. lato, basi obtuso, apice 
abrupte acuto et cuspidato, triquetrim compresso, sutura ventrali leviter 
concava acutissima, faciebus lateralibus latis planis dorsali angustiori et 
anguste sulcata, valvulis chartaceis viridibus lutescentibus purpureo-guttula- 
tis vel immaculatis, pilis appressis 0.3-0.4 mm. longis strigulosis, profunde 
inflexis septum completum vel fere completum efformantibus; ovulis circa 
16; seminibus (submaturis) brunneis scrobiculatis circa 2 mm. longis. 

Uran: White Canyon, 25 miles north of Hite, Garfield 
County, alt. 5000 ft., May 18, 1950, B. F. Harrison 11595. Type 
in U. S. Nat. Herb., No. 2006332. Arizona: 12 miles north of 
Kayenta, Navajo County, alt. 5300 ft., Peebles & Fulton 11928 
(U. S. Nat. Herb.). 

Astragalus monumentalis has been known for several years* 
in the form of fragmentary specimens collected near the south 
entrance to Monument Valley (whence the epithet), but was 
left undescribed until further material could be secured. ‘The 
fine specimens now at hand, kindly communicated by Mr. C. V. 
Morton, permit a clear, if still not quite complete view of a 
striking novelty related to A. desperatus Jones and A. deterior 
Barneby. Similar in general habit to both, it is readily dis- 
tinguished from the former by the erect, linear-lanceolate, 
shortly strigulose (and not declined, obliquely ovoid, villous- 
hirsutulous) pod, and from the latter, to which it seems more 
directly allied, in the following characters: 

Stipules all free, the lowest amplexi- Stipules, at least near the base of the 
caul but not embracing more than stem, shortly connate opposite the 
3% the stem’s circumference. petiole 
Petals bright pink-purple, drying Petals ochroleucous, tinged with sor- 
violet did purple 
Keel 7.8-11 long Keel 5—7.5 mm. long 

Pod strictly sessile on the receptacle, Pod sessile but elevated on a slender 

4Tt is the A. ensiformis of Kearney & Peebles, Fl. Pl. Ariz. 488. 1942, as to the collection 
oe fom eoyenta (not Jones), later recognized by them as an undescribed species, in FI. 
riz. 470. 1951. 


the body narrowly and deeply in- stipelike gynophore 0.2-1 mm. long 
flexed as a complete or nearly com- and jointed to it, the body shal- 
plete septum 1.2-2 mm. wide lowly and openly sulcate dorsally, 
the valves inflexed as a rudimen- 
tary septum 0.2-0.6 mm. wide 
Ovules about 16 Ovules 8-10 

The type-specimens are labelled as having been found in 
“wet sand at bottom of a narrow wash,” but this is unlikely to 
prove a characteristic habitat. Considerations of general growth- 
habit and analogy with its close allies suggest that A. monumen- 
talis is normally xerophytic, and is probably to be classed among 
the “‘ledge-pavement” species alluded to in an earlier paper 
(Leafl. West. Bot. 5: 82, sequ.). 

Since A. deterior was first described I have seen more of it 
(J. T. Howell No. 24756, CAS) and now believe it to be so far 
distinct from A. naturitensis Pays. as to deserve specific status. 
The gynophore and incipient septum of the pod, and the con- 
nate lower stipules, when added to the characters already 
emphasized (Leafl. West. Bot. 5: 89, in key), are abundantly 
distinctive. There seems to be no valid reason for excluding 
A. naturitensis from Sect. Argophylli; whereas A. deterior be- 
longs to a small section endemic to the Colorado Basin of which 
A. desperatus may be considered typical. 

Astragalus carminis Barneby, spec. nov. affinitatis dubiae, A. madrensi 
Jones floribus mediocribus et legumine lineari-oblongo biloculari haud 
absimilis, sed legumine manifeste stipitato (nec more Hamosae sensu Rydb. 
arcte sessili) aliisque compluribus notulis abhorrens. 

Herba perennis gracilis pluricaulis, caulibus simplicibus pauciramosisque 
e caudice breviter ramuloso adscendentibus 1.5-5 dm. longis, cum inferiori 
foliolorum pagina pube appressa basifixa adspersim strigulosis; stipulis 
deltoideis vel lanceolato-acuminatis hyalino-marginatis 1.5-3 mm. longis 
inter se liberis; foliis 3-8 (10) cm. longis breviter petiolatis; foliolis 6—-13- 
jugis oblongo-obovatis vel obovato-cuneatis retusis bicoloribus, inferne palli- 
dis; pedunculis gracilibus adscendentibus 4-9 cm. longis; racemis laxe (4) 
6-10 (12)-floris, floribus patulis, axi fructifero 1-5 cm. longo; pedicellis ad 
anthesin vix 1 mm., fructiferis 1.5-2 mm. longis, adscendentibus; bracteolis 
0; calycis parce nigro- et albo-strigulosi tubo campanulato antice subgibboso 
1.62.3 mm. longo, dentibus lanceolatis vel triangulari-subulatis 1.6-3 mm., 
rarius ad 4 mm. usque longis; petalis pallide purpurascentibus vel sub- 
coeruleis; vexillo abrupte per angulum rectum recurvo obovato-cuneato 
circa 10 mm. longo, 4.5-5.5 mm. lato; alis vexillo subaequilongis, unguiculis 
2.5-3 mm., laminis anguste oblongis obtusis leviter incurvis circa 8 mm. 
longis, 1.8 mm. latis; carinae circa 7.5 mm. longae unguiculis 3 mm., laminis 
4_4.5 mm. longis, 2.2-2.5 mm. latis, per angulum rectum in apicem triangu- 


larem acutum abruptiuscule incurvis; legumine patulo vel laxe adscendenti 
lineari-oblongo gradatim incurvo vel falcato 12-20 mm. longo, 2.5-3 mm. 
lato, basi in stipitem brevem 1-2 mm. longum calyce haud rupto persistenti 
indutum contracto, triquetro-compresso, dorso sulcato, valvulis chartaceis 
transverse reticulatis glabris introflexis septum completum circa 1.6 mm. 
latum efformantibus; ovulis circa 12; seminibus brunneis 2-2.5 mm. longis. 

Mexico. Coahuila: Cafion de Sentenela on Hacienda Piedra 
Blanca, Sierra del Carmen, Municipio de Villa Acuna, 6 July 
1936, F. Lyle Wynd & C. H. Mueller 556. Type in U. S. Nat. 
Herb., No. 1639958. Hillcoat Mesa, west of Encantada Ranch, 
E. G. Marsh 1488 (this and the following in herb. Gray.); Sierra 
del Pino, near La Noria, Johnston & Mueller 513, 689; Canon 
de Ybarra, Sierra del Pino, R. M. Stewart 1867; Sierra Almagre, 
near the Chihuahua boundary, Johnston & Mueller 1137 —Moist 
streamsides, canyons and open slopes among pines and scrub- 
oaks, apparently not uncommon in the mountains of north- 
western Coahuila south of the Big Bend of the Rio Grande. 

The type of A. carminis has been referred to A. madrensis 
Jones, a species of the Sierra Madre in central Chihuahua not 
unlike it in general habit but characterized by deflexed sessile 
pods. The natural affinities of A. carminis are unclear, and can- 
not be profitably explored against the disorganized background 
of our present knowledge of the genus in Mexico. It must suffice 
here to point out that the combination of free stipules, loose 
racemes of spreading (and not abruptly deflexed) flowers, and 
shortly stipitate, triquetrous, bilocular legume is peculiar to 
A. carminis in the Texano—Mexican region. 

The writer is indebted to Dr. Ivan M. Johnston for the loan 
of the fine series of specimens in the Gray Herbarium, these 
fully confirming the distinctness of the type, by which the char- 
acters of A. carminis were first recognized. 

During the summer of 1952 I collected a number of Old 
World plants occurring as weeds in Oregon and California. The 
following seem to represent new records for the states where I 
found them. 


AGROPYRON TRITICEUM Gaertn. This annual Russian wheat- 
grass was locally common along the highway 4.5 miles east of 
Baker, Baker County, Oregon, July 4, Howell 28615. According 
to Agnes Chase in Hitchcock’s Manual ed. 2, the grass is spar- 
ingly introduced but is reported from stations in Montana, 
Wyoming, Idaho, and Washington (p. 232). It promises to be- 
come a widespread and common grass on western range lands. 

ALOPECURUS PRATENSIS L. Meadow foxtail was found growing 
with Glyceria and Carex in marshy ground along the highway, 
2 miles north of Castle Crags, Shasta County, California, June 
13, Howell 28328. Fifty years ago Howell reported this European 
grass as naturalized in the range of his northwestern flora, so it 
is not surprising that it has at last appeared in northern Cali- 
fornia. According to Mrs. Chase, the meadow foxtail is known 
to grow spontaneously in the western states only in Oregon and 
Idaho. Robbins has stated that it “is sparingly naturalized in 
California” but cites no locality (Univ. Calif. Agr. Exp. Sta. 
Bull. 637: 18,—1940). The meadow foxtail is not listed, how- 
ever, by Robbins, Bellue, and Ball in their Weeds of California 
(1941, 1951). 

MALCOLMIA AFRICANA (L.) R. Br. This mauve-flowered annual 
mustard was collected 8.3 miles southwest of Wagtontire, Lake 
County, Oregon, July 6, Howell 28730. At this place it grew on 
a sandy alkaline flat together with Phacelia glandulifera Piper 
and Cryptantha Watsonii (Gray) Greene between shrubs of 
Sarcobatus vermiculatus (Hook.) Torr. and Artemisia triden- 
tata Nutt. I had seen the plant near Burns, Harney County, but 
I had not collected it, thinking it must be as well known in 
Oregon as it is in Utah, Nevada, and Arizona. Only an irre- 
sistibly attractive specimen caused me to collect it when I did! 

MEDICAGO MINIMA (L.) Grufberg. Mats of this bur-clover grew 
on shaded banks 2.7 miles from Gold Hill on Sams Valley road, 
Jackson County, Oregon, July 9, Howell 28805. It had been 
found in the same region by M. E. Peck, May 22, 1948 (road- 
side, 4 miles northeast of Central Point, Jackson County, No. 
24852). In the western United States the species has been re- 
ported from Texas, Arizona, and California. 

CHRYSANTHEMUM Batsamita L. The costmary of Europe 
was rare in low ground along Table Rock Road in the Rogue 


River Valley not far from the Table Rock historical monument, 
Jackson County, Oregon, July 9, Howell 28792. The flower- 
heads were only in bud but the plant was unmistakable because 
of the minty fragrance of the herbage. The only other reports 
for costmary in the western states of which I know are St. John’s 
for Washington (Fl. SE. Wash. Adj. Idaho, p. 436) and Cron- 
quist’s for Idaho (Leafl. West. Bot. 5: 72). 

grassy slope near the southeastern base of Table Mountain, 
Jackson County, Oregon, I found Navarretia heterandra Mason 
(Howell 28800) growing with N. pubescens (Benth.) H. & A. and 
N. tagetina Greene. Mr. Beecher Crampton confirmed my de- 
termination as well as my opinion that the plant has apparently 
not been reported before from Oregon. Mr. Crampton has not 
checked my determination of the following Oregon collections, 
but they also seem referable to N. heterandra: roadside hollow, 
8 miles south of Trail, Jackson County, Howell 6755 in 1931; 
near Trail in the Rogue River Canyon at Elk Creek, Jackson 
County, Howell 6762 in 1931; 9 miles north of Grants Pass, Jo- 
sephine County, Eastwood & Howell 2811 in 1936. It was at the 
Elk Creek station where I also found the rare N. subuligera 
Greene (Howell 6778), apparently the only reported collection 
of that species from Oregon (cf. Jepson Fl. Calif. 3:150). 

The type of N. heterandra was collected in Tehama County, 
California, on the south side of Cottonwood Creek, across the 
creek from the town of Cottonwood, which is in Shasta County. 
The plants grew on a dry grassy flat together with N. pubescens, 
N. tagetina, N. viscidula Benth., and Lagophylla glandulosa 
Gray. The collection number is Howell 12233, not 12223 as 
given in the original description (Madrofo 8:197). — JOHN 

Errata. The following corrections must be noted to rectify 
two egregious errors in LEAFLETS OF WESTERN BoTANy, Volo7; 
No. 1: 

Line 15, page 4, should read: flora with the finding of this 
curious parasitic plant on sand; and, 

Line 33, page 15, should read: Annual herb .. ., not Perennial 
herb. . ..—JOHN THomAs HowELL. 

oo 307 

i a Gea 
Vol. VII No. 3 


In Commemoration of the 
Centennial of the 
California Academy of Sciences 

1853 —1953 

Aucust 28, 1953 


A publication devoted particularly to the native and naturalized 
plants of western North America and to the cultivated plants 
of California, appearing about four times each year. Subscrip- 
tion, $2.00 annually. Cost of back files or single numbers fur- 
nished on request. Address: John Thomas Howell, California 

Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco 18. 

Cited as 
LEAFL. WEsT. Bort. 

Owned and published by 

Joun Tuomas HowELi 


ae eS a ee 


Botany at the Academy 
from the 

Days of Gold 


a Symposium 
in the Centennial Year 
of the 
in honor of its 



San Francisco, California 

August 28, 1953 

Gifts from the following have made possible this 
commemorative issue of LEAFLETS OF WESTERN BOTANY 



ANNA M. HoweELu 
Epcar M. KAHN 
Grecory S. LYon 
H. D. Ripley 

Lewis S. ROSE 

Botany at the Academy in the City 
of the Golden Fifties * 


Tulane University, New Orleans 

When the five doctors, a real estate man, and a school super- 
intendent met informally on April 4, 1853, to consider organ- 
izing an academy to bring together persons with a collecting 
urge, or a curiosity to know the singular forms of life that they 
noticed were different from those “back home,’’ there could have 
been little notion of the expeditions, comprehensive collections, 
and reference libraries in the natural sciences that would follow. 
Though we know little about some of the men who met that 
day to speak quite honestly, they must have had something of 
the spirit of the Salem merchants who while they spent most of 
their time vending staples and making money always took time 
to remind their friends the sea captains to watch for big conch 
shells on the next voyage, a nice perfect shell of a Galapagos 
tortoise, or a better tail feather of the Australian lyre bird than 
Nicholas Titcomb down the way just acquired. 

Lewis W. Sloat, the real estate man in whose office the found- 
ers of the California Academy of Natural Sciences met on old 
Montgomery Street, was an amateur conchologist and had a 
cabinet of shells in his office. 

- Colonel Thomas J. Nevins must certainly have been an 
idealist! For it was Nevins who persuaded the Common Council 
of San Francisco to establish a free public school system against 
considerable opposition. This was in 1851. After the first meet- 
ing the Academy repaired to Col. Nevins’ office at 622 Clay 
Street, and they continued to meet there for many years. It was 
not until 1874 that the Academy moved to larger quarters in 
Dr. Stone’s old brick church at California and Dupont streets. 
Of two of the five physicians we have little knowledge. Dr. An- 
drew Randall was selected chairman of the first meeting, and 

*This account of botany and botanists in the early decades of the California Academy of 
Sciences (the name of the institution since January, 1868) has been generously furnished for 
this occasion from a full account of California naturalists, both zoologists and botanists, that 
will be published in the near future. 


elected president of the Academy three successive years. He was 
shot by a gambler on July 24, 1856, and the murderer hanged 
five days later by the Vigilance Committee. But what may have 
been Dr. Randall’s natural history interest I do not know. Nor 
do I know the interests of Dr. Charles Farris, who attended the 
first and third meetings of the Academy but left the state in the 
summer of 1853 and was lost track of. The other three physi- 
cians were well-known citizens of the city and left a distin- 
guished record. The youngest of the three was Dr. Trask, 29, 
then Dr. Kellogg, 40, and Dr. Gibbons, 41, at the founding of 
the Academy. It is Dr. Kellogg the botanist to whom we are 
attentive here. 

Born in New Hartford, Connecticut, educated in medicine 
at Charleston, South Carolina, and Transylvania College, Lex- 
ington, Kentucky, Albert Kellogg came to California in 1849 
and evidently first engaged in business. He had practiced in the 
South but those who knew him say he was never known to re- 
quest a payment. Never blessed with a strong constitution, Dr. 
Kellogg returned to his New England home and soon joined 
a party bound for California by way of the Horn. He arrived 
at Sacramento on August 8, 1849. The plant collections he 
had made along the west coast of South America at ports of 
call were destroyed in a flood at Sacramento soon after his ar- 
rival. He was associated in Sacramento with the Connecticut 
Mining and Trading Company, but removed to San Francisco 
about the year of the Academy’s founding and established a 
pharmacy business there with some medical practice on the 
side. He entered into the spirit of the Academy from its very 
inception, and seems especially to have stimulated the members 
and visitors to the city to communicate specimens to the Acad- 
emy for study and identification. One of the most prominent 
of these participants was Dr. John A. Veatch, of whom we shall 
have more to tell directly. Dr. Kellogg’s personal botanizing 
began in earnest in the summer of 1867 when he accompanied 
Professor George Davidson of the United States Coast Survey 
and W. G. W. Harford to Alaska. Several hundred species were 
collected in triplicate, one sheet going to the National Her- 
barium at Washington, one to the Philadelphia Academy, and 
one remaining in the growing collection of the Academy. George 
Davidson described this Alaskan trip thus: 


We lived in the same contracted temporary deck cabin for four or five 
months under many trials and inconveniences, and the sweetness of [Kel- 
logg’s] character was as pervading and refreshing as the beauty and fragrance 
of the flowers he gathered. . .. He was completely absorbed in his duties; he 
knew no cessation to the labor of collection and preservation; his genial 
nature attracted assistance from every one, and all learned to admire and to 
love him. 

Davidson continues, 

[Kellogg] worked for the [Academy] and believed in its success when the 
number of members could have been counted on one’s fingers, and when 
the means of supporting such an institution and publishing its results came 
wholly from their professional earnings. 

From 1867 to 1870 Dr. Kellogg visited localities from Donner 
and Cisco, to Ukiah, Red Mountain, Cahto, and Santa Cruz 
Island. Some of his local trips recall the days when the geog- 
raphy of California was quite different from today: “Lobos 
Creek, near San Francisco!” These collections often though not 
always carried collection numbers but a new series was evi- 
dently initiated every year. His last decade was pretty con- 
stantly spent drawing trees and shrubs. More than 400 of these 
drawings “including all the oaks, all the coniferous trees, pop- 
lars, many of the willows and ceanothi, dogwoods, and many 
herbaceous species’ were left with his friends Dr. W. P. Gibbons 
and Mr. Harford to be disposed of as they might think best. 
The oak drawings were published with commentary by Pro- 
fessor E. L. Greene as “West American Oaks,” under a subven- 
tion from Capt. James Monroe McDonald, 1825-1907, pioneer 
capitalist and philanthropist. Capt. McDonald was one of the 
three donors of the Ricksecker collection of Coleoptera to the 
University of California in 1881. Kellogg’s drawings showed 
“the very faithfulness of detail with the taste of an artist,” yet 
“the botanist may rely upon the scrupulous exactness of every 
minute line and dot.” Kellogg would not have claimed the rank 
of scientific botanist but rather a nature lover in the true and 
full sense. Kellogg lived in the early years at San Francisco with 
Harford in a small place on Telegraph Hill where they kept 
“batchelor’s hall.’”” He never married and died at the home of 
his very dear friend Harford in Oakland in 1887. William H. 
Brewer tersely summarized his role when he wrote, “no name 


is more intimately associated with the botany of the state dur- 
ing this period” than Kellogg’s. 

John Allen Veatch was one of those early collectors whose 
specimens engaged Kellogg’s attention. Veatch lived in Texas 
from 1836 until 1845, during which years he had met the en- 
thusiastic botanical collector Charles Wright. Veatch left a 
wife and five children in Texas to join the Gold Rush, and when 
his wife Ann failed to hear from her husband as the months 
stretched into years she filed a petition for divorce on the 
grounds of continued abandonment. It is not certain just when 
Veatch first contacted the Academy but in 1855 he was elected 
a corresponding member and he later served as Curator of 
Conchology. During these years Dr. Veatch — for he had certi- 
fied for practice in the custom of those days — travelled from 
Red Bluff to the Salton Sea where he carefully inspected the 
mud volcanoes and wrote his observations. In 1858 Veatch was 
on Cedros (written “Cerros Island’ in contemporary accounts) 
Island, where he was preceded only by the surgeon aboard 
H.M.S. Herald, Mr. J. Goodridge. Veatch’s collections were by 
far the most extensive yet made on the island, though often 
scrappy specimens by our standards, and Dr. Kellogg published 
his discoveries in the San Franciscan weekly The Hesperian, 
illustrating many of his novelties with drawings. Kellogg’s poetic 
soul is laid bare in the vernacular names that he gave the new 
species. One of Veatch’s plants appeared, for example, as the 
“hummingbird’s dinner horn.” Kellogg’s scientific names were 
not infrequently hyphenated words of curious construction that 
some botanists felt obliged later to edit or disregard altogether. 

Though not a founder in the strict sense of being present at 
the meeting of April 4th, Dr. Hans Herman Behr joined the 
Academy on February 4, 1854, to launch a lifetime of service to 
the young organization. Dr. Behr was thirty-six when he joined 
the Academy. He was born at Colthen, Duchy of Anhalt, Ger- 
many, and took his medical degree at Berlin in 1843. His com- 
ing to the feverish San Francisco of 1850 was the outcome of his 
participation in the Revolution of 1848. In temperament, then, 
Behr easily adjusted to the rough manners of the frontier city, 
and took up practice at once. But he allowed plenty of time 
to collect plants and these he sent to Hamburg, St. Petersburg, 
and elsewhere. Fortunately Dr. Behr has narrated his experi- 


ences of these early years in two articles on botanical reminis- 
cences (Zoe 2: 2-6,—1891; Erythea 4: 168-173,—1896). Behr’s 
copy of Endlicher’s “Genera Plantarum” was the chief resource 
for the study of the troublesome specimens that were brought to 
the Academy at this time. He taught classes at the California 
College of Pharmacy and prepared his “Flora of San Francisco,” 
a rare book today, for the use of the pupils. But Behr’s interests 
were much broader than botany alone. He wrote poetry, humor, 
and travelogues — his account of two years spent in the Philip- 
pine Islands appeared in the Atlantic Monthly. His writings 
were warmly acclaimed in Germany. It is natural that his spir- 
itual link was with Alexander von Humboldt, Schlechtendahl, 
Ferdinand von Mueller, Hillebrand, Louis Agassiz, and Max 
Miiller. Those who came to San Francisco from afar were sure 
to find Dr. Behr a hearty host, and it would be difficult to know 
how important was his influence in the lives of the many scien- 
tists and others that he chanced to meet. A man of good will and 
generous spirit, he died at the age of eighty-six at his home at 
1215 Bush Street, in the city with which he had been identified 
for fifty-four years. 

Hiram G. Bloomer first set out for California in 1849 but had 
to turn back on reaching Panama because of sickness; he suc- 
cessfully tried again in 1850. I’ve no information on his prin- 
cipal occupation but he was devoted to botany from the first of 
his California residence, and participated in the life of San Fran- 
cisco, serving as a member of the Committee of Vigilance and 
of the Fire Department. He was active, too, in the Lincoln presi- 
dential campaign. He was generous in presenting books to the 
Academy’s library in its early years. It is important to recognize 
that Bloomer introduced James Lick, the philanthropist, to the 
needs of the Academy. It will be remembered that the Acad- 
emy built new quarters on Market between Fourth and Fifth 
streets in 1891 upon property deeded to it by James Lick. Lick 
also made the Academy one of two residuary legatees, each re- 
ceiving one half of his estate after all other bequests had been 
paid. Bloomer’s botanical interests centered around the Lili- 
aceae, and he grew many of the native species in his garden. 
Kellogg named a flower found by Dr. Veatch at New Idria 
Bloomeria in his honor. Bloomer’s herbarium of several thou- 
sand sheets was evidently lost soon after its presentation to the 


Academy but duplicates had been sent to Asa Gray and others 
during the State Survey period. 

William G. W. Harford was one of those Academy members 
who could be expected at every meeting. ‘Six feet in height, of 
a Lincolnian gauntness, with a pioneer style of luxuriant beard 
and bushy eyebrows,” he was even more shy and retiring than 
his friend Kellogg. Like Kellogg, he was of a simple manner, of 
a deeply religious nature, and devoted to the beautiful. Con- 
chology was perhaps Harford’s special interest, and he served as 
the Academy’s curator in that field in 1867, 1868, 1874, and 
1875. He was Director of the Academy from 1876 to 1886. Spi- 
ders and beetles also interested Harford, along with botany. He 
and Kellogg made up sets of Oregon and California plant col- 
lections in 1868 and 1869 and these reached the herbaria of 
Europe, as well as the herbaria of Engelmann, Torrey, and 
Gray. Greene and Parry dedicated the polygonaceous genus 
Harfordia to his memory in 1886. He was a close associate of 
George Davidson, with whom he travelled to Alaska in 1867 as 
naturalist on the United States Coast Survey. Like so many of 
his cronies at the Academy, Harford lived to be an octogenarian. 

In the national perspective 1853 saw the beginning of the 
Pacific Railroad Surveys under Secretary of War Jefferson Davis. 
For two years these surveys reconnoitered so thoroughly and 
efficiently that the railroad routes of today were laid out along 
essentially their original markers. These surveys covered the five 
transcontinental routes traversed today from the Northern 
Pacific Railroad to the Southern Pacific Railroad via the Gila 
route. Each of the five field parties included a surgeon-naturalist 
or “botanist” who collected as opportunity afforded. The pub- 
lished reports arising from these surveys served as reference 
works for the first residents of California, as many copies of the 
“Pacific Railway Reports’ to be seen in second-hand book- 
shops today will attest. Three physicians attached to these sur- 
veys, John Milton Bigelow, Adolphus L. Heermann, and John 
Strong Newberry, all visited San Francisco during this period 
and must have been welcome wayfarers for Dr. Kellogg in the 
city. Dr. Bigelow’s collections were the most extensive for cen- 
tral California and over 1100 collections were enumerated in 
volume four alone of the Reports. Though Dr. Heermann col- 
lected in nearly all fields, he was particularly interested in birds 


and birds’ eggs. He introduced, in fact, the word “‘oology’ into 
ornithological literature. Heermann came to California in 1849 
but his activities prior to the Pacific Railway Surveys are un- 
known. The beautiful Heermann gull places his name in Cali- 
fornia skies. 

What appears to be wholly sound scientific progress was the 
subject of satire by Lieut. George Horatio Derby, graduate of 
West Point in the Class of 1846, who wrote a book “Phoenixiana 
or Sketches and Burlesques’” under the nom de plume of John 
Phoenix (New York, 1903). Derby’s burlesque on the surveys 
is entitled “Official Report of Professor John Phoenix, A. M., 
of a Military Survey and Reconnaissance of the route from San 
Francisco to the Mission of Dolores, made with a view to ascer- 
taining the practicability of connecting those points by a rail- 
road.” His scientific corps included “Dr. Abraham Dunshun- 
ner, Geologist; Dr. Targee Heavysterne, Naturalist; Herr von 
der Weegates, Botanist, and Dr. Fogy L. Bigguns, Ethnologist.” 
Kearny Street is described as “densely populated, and smells of 
horses. Its surface is intersected with many pools of sulphuretted 
protoxide of hydrogen, and we found several specimens of a 
vegetable substance, loosely distributed, which is classed by 
Mr. Weegates as the stalkus cabbagiensts.” One footnote tells 
of a “curious antique, to which I have given the name of the 
‘Dunshunner Vase,’ has singularly the appearance of a wash 
basin! When the drawings are completed, it is to be presented 
to the California Academy of Natural Sciences.” Derby’s satire 
is dated Feb. 15, 1855. He did not remain in California to write 
more burlesques but died on the Florida coast in 1861. In the 
same volume appears “The San Francisco Antiquarian Society 
and California Academy of Arts and Sciences.’ In this sketch 
Derby patently parallels the founding of the Academy, begin- 
ning with a committee to draw up the constitution consisting 
of “Dr. Keensarvey, A. Cove, and James Calomel, M.D.’’ Who 
these characters equate to in real life may test the historic senses! 

The California State Legislature established the State Geo- 
logical Survey on April 21, 1860. Josiah D. Whitney was selected 
as State Geologist and William Henry Brewer, botanist. Rather 
later J. G. Cooper was prominent as a zoologist. Thus just seven 
years to the month came the second organized institution for 
the promotion of natural sciences on the Pacific Coast. It was 


fortunate, too, that Whitney and Brewer were destined to work 
together on this survey for they proved a well-matched team. 
Whitney stayed on with the State Survey until 1874, taking 
the Sturgis-Hooper Professorship of Geology at Harvard the 
next year which he held until his death in 1896. “Honors did not 
come to him as abundantly as to many perhaps less worthy,” 
concludes the historian of geology G. P. Merrill. Some strong- 
worded opposition to the State Survey came even from scien- 
tists. Dr. William P. Gibbons wrote in the Overland Monthly: 
as to any report on botany, or any collection of California plants, three sets 
have been made up: one for the California Academy of Sciences; one for the 
University of California; while one has been sent out of the State, and east- 
ern botanists have the credit of devoting their time to working it up, in 
occasional paroxysms, without remuneration. It would have been far better 
for the interests of the State and of science had this [California Geological] 
commission never existed. 
Dr. Gibbons evinced more local pride than imagination when 
he said, 
California scientists would have accomplished more work, without aid from 
the State, than has thus far, to all practical purposes, been achieved by the 
Gibbons’ assessment appeared in August, 1875. The first volume 
of the “Botany Report’ was published the following year, and 
the second volume, in a necessarily smaller edition, four years 
later. Kellogg, Bolander, Behr, and perhaps a few others, might 
have eventually described the greater part of the California 
flora, but the number of avoidable synonyms may well have in- 
creased thereby from the inability of the resident botanists to 
check against the existing specimens in eastern herbaria. 
Thirty-two-year-old William Henry Brewer accompanied 
Whitney and his family from Massachusetts to California via 
Aspinwall. When the party stepped ashore from the Golden 
Age, November 14, 1860, they were greeted by Mr. S. Osgood 
Putnam of the California Steam Navigation Co. who had backed 
the State Survey appropriation in the legislature. Brewer had 
finished at the Sheffield Scientific School at Yale in 1852 —a 
member of its first class — and had studied abroad under the 
chemists Liebig and Bunsen. Along the academic way he had 
acquired a lively taste for botany and a near dead shot judg- 
ment in geology. He had applied for a post on Capt. Gunnison’s 
expedition but had been turned down; Gunnison and his party, 


it will be remembered, were massacred by a band of Indians in 
Utah. Brewer was “fond of travel, not for rest, but for the rec- 
reation which he found in careful observation and record of 
facts in all departments of human interest.” No botanical col- 
lector in California up to his time made as careful field tickets 
as did Brewer; fortunately, too, his field book is preserved at 
the Gray Herbarium. His journal, edited by F. P. Farquhar and 
first published in 1930 under the title “Up and Down Califor- 
nia in 1860-1864,” is a rich but unscheduled dividend of the 
State Survey! 

Asa Gray wrote in 1868 that “for the last few years no one has 
done so much as Mr. Bolander for developing the botany of his 
adopted State, and perhaps no one is likely to do so much here- 
after.” At that time he dedicated the pretty genus Bolandra of 
the Saxifrage Family to him. Henry Nicholas Bolander came to 
Columbus, Ohio, at the age of fifteen, from Schleuchtern, near 
Frankfort, Germany, his birthplace. In Columbus he came under 
the influence of Leo Lesquereux, the bryologist, and from this 
early contact persisted a life-long interest in mosses. Bolander 
arrived in San Francisco December 5, 1861, to find the State Sur- 
vey staff assembled in the city. Dr. Kellogg and other members of 
the Academy became intimate friends of his. It is singular that 
there is no mention of Bolander in Brewer’s letters, at least 
insofar as edited by Farquhar. Bolander became State Botanist 
at the close of the State Survey late in 1864 on the resignation 
of Brewer. Between 1864 and 1873 Bolander botanized over 
nearly all parts of the state, his ramblings being exceeded per- 
haps only by those of Brewer himself: from Ukiah and Red Mt. 
to Mt. Dana, Mono Lake, and south to Cuyamaca Mountain 
and San Felipe Canyon. Bolander’s most serious interest was in 
grasses, about which he wrote briefly in the Academy’s Proceed- 
ings. Lesquereux wrote in 1869 that Bolander had in less than 
one year collected as many species of mosses as all the other col- 
lectors together. The San Francisco publishing firm of Anton 
Roman & Co. published Bolander’s slim quarto volume in 
1870 entitled “Catalogue of the Plants growing in the Vicinity 
of San Francisco, embracing the Flora within 100 miles of the 
City.’’ Between 1871 and 1875 he served as State Superintendent 
of Schools, and during this period his botanical activities began 
to wane. His plant collections were well known in Europe, 


deCandolle reporting the herbarium at Geneva as containing 
1156 species of his gathering, and his specimens were also re- 
ceived at Kew and Leipzig. His death occurred at Portland, 
Oregon, August 28, 1897, by which time his name had quite 
disappeared from current botanical literature. 

On the morning of October 21, 1868, a destructive earthquake 
shook the city of San Francisco. As Bret Harte remarked, 
“enough that we know that for the space of forty seconds — some 
say more — two or three hundred thousand people, dwelling on 
the Pacific slope, stood in momentary fear of sudden and mys- 
terious death.” Bret Harte chastises the citizens for trying to 
hide the seriousness of the earthquake lest the reports have an 
unfavorable effect on tourist interest in the city, and adds, “‘it is 
surprising how little we know of the earth we inhabit. Perhaps 
hereafter we in California will be more respectful of the calm 
men of science who studied the physique of our country without 
immediate reference to its mineralogical value. We may yet 
regret that we snubbed the State Geological Survey because it 
was impractical.’’ The earthquake and its economic reverbera- 
tions threatened the Academy’s income at this time, and it was 
Whitney and R. E. C. Stearns, in particular, who stood behind 
its survival. 

Though not realized at the time, an important stimulus to 
the promotion of the natural sciences in California was the for- 
mal charter granted the University of California on March 23, 
1868, with Henry Durant installed as its first president. Prac- 
tically from the beginning the university worked along with 
the Academy across the bay in many matters of mutual scientific 

1869 was a critical year in California history, for that year 
brought the completion of the transcontinental railroad. ‘Sir: 
we have the honor to report that the last rail is laid, the last 
spike is driven. The Pacific Railroad is finished,’’ read the 
telegram sent from Promontory Point, Utah, to President Grant, 
on May 10, 1869. It was not long before there set in a growing 
feeling against the large land holdings under the monopolistic 
control of the few wealthy men or corporations — such as the 
very group that had won the railroad triumph. “Out of three 
drops of rain which fall in the San Joaquin Valley, two are 
owned by Collis P. Huntington.” The big strikes of the early 


years of the gold rush were stories now; the whale oil industry 
began its steady decline. New industries came with the advent 
of the railroad. Fruit culture soon became the first agricultural 
interest of the state. This period of economic transition, like 
the earthquake of 1868 and its consequences, brought financial 
restrictions on the Academy. 

Gustavus Augustus Eisen, born in Stockholm, Sweden, came 
to the United States in October, 1872, after taking his Doctor 
of Philosophy degree at Uppsala earlier that year. He appar- 
ently headed for California, for he soon settled at Fresno, then 
a pioneer community. Eisen’s most important work was in hor- 
ticulture. By lectures and pamphleteering Eisen fostered the 
introduction of the Smyrna fig and avocado into the state. He 
joined the Academy in 1874 and served as a curator from 1893 
to 1900. From time to time he collected plants in Fresno Coun- 
ty; for example, Phacelia Eisenii, named by Brandegee. Eisen 
must be credited, too, for his part in the creation of Sequoia 
National Park by executive decree. Mt. Eisen, elevation 12,000 
feet, in the park, perpetuates his name. Dr. Eisen led Academy 
expeditions — apparently the first under its sponsorship — to 
Lower California in 1892, 1893, and 1894. During those years 
his interests included helminthology, archaeology, and geology, 
in addition to botany. 

It was during late February or March in 1874 that Rev. 
Edward Lee Greene first came to California from Colorado. An 
enthusiastic field collector, his coming rather initiated a botan- 
ical revival. In Colorado his duties as Episcopalian rector were 
light and he had filled his days with botany. “But my new par- 
ish at Vallejo is too much for me,” he wrote Ludwig Kumlein 
back in Wisconsin. “I have a large congregation and good sal- 
ary, but with all that, so much pastorial work, that my scientific 
studies are interfered with not a little.” Napa Valley in the 
spring! — it must have set Greene’s botanical senses atingle. Al- 
ways aware of the importance of the written record against 
which discoveries must be checked, he repaired to the Academy 
across the bay and conferred with Dr. Kellogg. Greene stayed 
at Vallejo about a year, then returned to Colorado in 1875. He 
filled the pulpit at Georgetown until March, 1876, then returned 
to California, this time to Yreka. Along with his shepherding, he 
found time to botanize on the Humbug Hills that first year and 


in other directions away from town. On January 21, 1877, he 
set off for New Mexico and another charge at Silver City, taking 
his time along the way to collect plants. For the next few years 
he explored the mountains of western New Mexico and in 
1882 returned to California as pastor of St. Mark’s Episcopal 
Church on Bancroft Way in Berkeley. From this time forward 
Greene took an intense interest in the California flora, and it 
is agreed that his best work was done with that subject. He spent 
much of his time at the Academy both while at St. Mark’s and 
after becoming the first Professor of Botany at the University 
of California. It was during this period that he founded the 
botanical journal Pittonia, and together with Jepson, Erythea. 
He continued his field work in California, and in Lower Cali- 
fornia, and from his own and the collections of others described 
hundreds of new species. The pages of the Academy’s Bulletin 
bear witness to his driving capacity for work. The appearance of 
the “Botany of California’ posed a challenge for Greene and 
some other resident botanists like him to extend the boundaries 
of our knowledge. With Greene’s coming to California as pro- 
fessor of botany was initiated a program of local exploration 
into the more remote parts of the state by his students and cor- 

During the decade of 1875-85 with its delays in the publica- 
tion of the Academy’s Proceedings, internal dissensions raked 
the organization. “It might be supposed that the Academy of 
Sciences was an important element in my career [in California],” 
said Joseph LeConte, “but not so. It had little effect in deter- 
mining my scientific activity. I read many papers there, to be 
sure, and several of them were published in their Proceedings, 
but I always reserved the right to publish them elsewhere also.” 
He remarked further that “under the presidency of J. D. Whit- 
ney the Academy was prosperous and held a high position 
among the scientific institutions of our country; but from that 
time, because of internal dissensions, it dropped lower and 

The “internal dissensions’”’ of which LeConte speaks were 
compounded of petty jealousies and institutional politics. Jep- 
son contended that these dissensions were “‘engineered”’ by Mrs. 
Mary K. Curran. Harford served as Director of the Museum 
from 1876 to 1886, but he “resigned” in altercation. The able 


Prof. George Davidson was replaced as president by Dr. H. W. 
Harkness. It is clear from Setchell’s biography of Mary Kath- 
arine Layne Curran Brandegee that he admired her generous 
qualities and judged her actions as disinterested. On the con- 
trary, Prof. Jepson looked upon her activities as scheming and 

In the professional sense Mrs. Brandegee showed penetrating 
insight in botanical judgment, as abundantly demonstrated in 
reviews she prepared for the journal Zoe. Though she recorded 
only the briefest data on her collection labels — as if she in- 
tended to stymie another collector revisiting her station! — she 
made excellent series of specimens illustrating the ecologic 
variations to be found within a species. As Mary K. Curran she 
joined the Academy around 1880, after taking her M.D. degree 
two years before in the University of California, and began 
studying botany under Dr. Behr. A widow, without heavy finan- 
cial obligations, she was able to devote her time and resources 
to the Academy’s Department of Botany fully, and she was made 
Curator of the Herbarium in 1883. There is no doubt but that 
she did important spade work for the herbarium, which she 
described as “in a shocking condition” when she assumed the 
curatorship. She also became acting editor of the Academy’s 
Bulletin. Mrs. Curran’s marriage to Mr. Brandegee was felici- 
tous for botany, as for the couple. Marcus Jones remarked to me 
on one occasion, ““Brandegee should have been born a woman 
and Mrs. Brandegee should have been a man. So their marriage 
could hardly help being a success!” 

‘Townshend Stith Brandegee came into the Academy’s orbit 
soon after his first visit to California in 1886-87. It was the win- 
ter he came to collect tree trunks for the Jesup collection of 
woods at the American Museum of Natural History. A student 
of Daniel Cady Eaton in botany at Yale, where he graduated in 
engineering, Brandegee went as a young man to Colorado to 
carry on surveying. He took the opportunity to botanize widely 
over southern Colorado, as his surveying duties took him to 
remote districts, and what is more important he had the acumen 
to recognize the value of his discoveries and to communicate 
them to eastern botanists who were in the best position to assist 
him. Brandegee’s self-effacing reticence won him warm friend- 
ship from Asa Gray, C. S. Sargent, and others, though his in- 


creasing deafness isolated him more and more after he came 
to live in California. From 1884 to 1890 Mr. Brandegee visited 
several of the Channel Islands, one of the most ambitious trips 
being that to Santa Cruz and Santa Rosa islands in 1888. In 
1889 the Academy sent its Curator of Birds, Walter E. Bry- 
ant, and an assistant, Charles Haines, to Magdalena Bay, and 
Brandegee joined the party at his own expense, collecting a 
large series of plants in Lower California that season. It was 
following this first trip to Lower California that the Brandegees 
were married, on May 29 in San Diego, after which they set out 
on foot overland to San Francisco on a botanical honeymoon! 
For five years thereafter the Brandegees made their headquar- 
ters at the Academy, until 1894 when they moved to San Diego. 
A modest and unassuming man, Brandegee expressed himself 
crisply on occasion. On one of the several trips to San José del 
Cabo, when he attended the church there more out of deference 
to the prevailing mores than to his own beliefs, he quipped: 
“Religion sits very lightly on the males — they think it good for 
women and children.” 

William C. Bartlett of the San Francisco Bulletin remarked 
in an article published in the Overland Monthly for December, 
1875, that “through the munificence of a single citizen, the Acad- 
emy of Sciences has been handsomely endowed, and will soon 
be equipped for effective work.” The benefactor will be recog- 
nized as James Lick, who gave the property for the erection of 
the new building for the Academy on Market Street, between 
Fourth and Fifth streets. This new center of activity, with its 
fine display features for museum exhibits, was the parent of the 
California Botanical Club, founded on March 7, 1891, “in re- 
sponse to a call’ from seven Academy members — something still 
miraculous about that number seven! — Harkness, Behr, Eisen, 
the Brandegees, Townshend and Kate, Mrs. Mary W. Kincaid, 
and Miss Agnes M. Manning, to bring the Pacific Coast botanists 
closer together. Ninety-nine signatures appeared on the charter 
roll, from Carl Purdy on the north to Cleveland, Parish, and 
Hasse, from southern California, to mention only a few well- 
known figures. C. F. Sonne, G. P. Rixford, (Mary) Elizabeth 
Parsons, and Alice Eastwood were among the charter members 
resident in San Francisco. Miss Eastwood early assumed leader- 
ship in the club, the meetings being held nearly every week “to 


study living plants, both native and exotic.” From this more or 
less informal study group has come valuable collections for the 
Academy’s herbarium. In this connection the collections of 
Evelina Cannon, Caroline L. Hunt, Mary C. Bowman, Dorothy 
(Mrs. E. C.) Sutliffe, Ella Dales Cantelow, and others across the 
years, are notable. 

Alice Eastwood first visited California in 1890 as a tourist, 
then returned the next year for a brief but active visit engaged 
in Academy affairs. In 1892 she joined the Academy staff as 
joint Curator of Botany with Mrs. Katharine Brandegee. Fol- 
lowing Mrs. Brandegee’s taking up residence in San Diego in 
1894, Miss Eastwood became the Academy’s Curator and head 
of the Department of Botany. ... Dux femina fact. 

aT | 

The Eastwood Era at the California 
Academy of Sciences 


San Francisco 

_ Anew era destined to bring world-wide fame to the California 
Academy of Sciences in San Francisco began one morning in 
mid-May of 1891. That morning a 32-year-old former school 
teacher from Colorado climbed the marble stairs to the sixth 
floor botany workrooms of the new Market Street Academy 
building to call on Townshend Stith Brandegee, who had been 
botanist on Hayden’s Exploring Expedition to southwestern 
Colorado in 1875. Alice Eastwood was ambitious to become a 
botanical writer. She laid her carefully marked specimens of 
California plants gathered during the previous winter in San 
Diego and Santa Cruz on the table of the little office to which 
Brandegee invited her to meet his wife, Katharine, at that time 
Curator of Botany at the Academy. 

The fact that Mrs. Brandegee was probably the first woman 
in history to hold a senior curatorial position in such an insti- 
tution did not concern Alice Eastwood at the moment. She had 
never heard then of the resolution offered by Dr. Albert Kel- 
logg, one of the founders of the Academy, on August 3, 1853: 
“Resolved that we highly approve the help of females in every 
department of natural history and earnestly seek their coopera- 
tion’; nor did she dream that those words would help to shape 
her own destiny. 

The important thing to her was to hear the pleased exclama- 
tions of these two scholars over her specimens. As they talked, 
her eye caught the glint of sunshine (Baeria) on the slopes of 
Twin Peaks glimpsed above the blue eucalyptus that filled the 
vacant lot next door to the Academy. She looked longingly 
across the intervening sand dunes at the patches of yellow daisies 
glowing among the other flowers that carpeted the peaks. 

An invitation from the Brandegees to join their Sunday col- 
lecting excursions was eagerly accepted. She stayed in San Fran- 


cisco long enough to join Mr. Brandegee on a trip up Mt. Tam- 
alpais, little guessing how closely her own name would later be 
identified with that peak which stands sentinel above the Gold- 
en Gate. But she was rewarded even on that first climb by shar- 
ing a discovery with the scientist she had come so far to meet. 
The parasite, Boschniakia, which they found that day on the 
roots of a manzanita was considered so important that Mrs. 
Brandegee made a note of it in Zoe, the natural history maga- 
zine the Brandegees published in those early days, coupling 
Alice Eastwood’s name with Mr. Brandegee’s in the credit. 

Miss Eastwood began shortly to contribute to Zoe. Although 
she returned almost immediately to Colorado, her descriptions 
of the plants and shrubs of southeastern Utah and western 
Colorado and her essay on the mariposa lilies — “so distinct, so 
individual that each seemed to say, ‘I am myself; there is no 
other like me’”’ — intrigued not only the readers but also the 

In the winter of 1891-92, she was invited to return to help 
Mrs. Brandegee bring order out of the chaos of unmounted 
specimens recently moved to the new building. She became a 
member of the Academy on April 18, 1892, and a few days later, 
April 26, presided for the first time over a meeting of the Cali- 
fornia Botanical Club, the activities of which she was to direct 
for more than sixty years. Spring and summer, however, found 
her back among the columbines and Indian paintbrushes of 
her beloved Rockies. Then Mrs. Brandegee offered to donate 
her services to the Academy if Alice Eastwood would come back 
to. California as joint-curator, receiving all of the $75-a-month 

She came, in December, 1892. The January issue of Zoe 
named her as Mrs. Brandegee’s successor, both as Curator and 
Editor. With assumption of that responsibility, she then com- 
menced the years of service, broken temporarily by the San 
Francisco earthquake and fire of 1906, which gives her the 
longest record of any staff member in the hundred-year history 
of the institution. 

Beginning in the spring of 1893, collecting trips took her 
across the deserts and valleys and up the mountain peaks that 
bloomed with treasures hidden from the less adventurous. She 
reveled in the vast sheets of wildflowers in the San Joaquin 


Valley. Ignoring advice from old settlers, she made her way 
across the cattle trails of the Santa Lucia Mountains and up 
the forbidding coast from Pacific Valley to Monterey, accepting 
rides from rural postmen and borrowing horses from remote 
ranchers. Once she was lost among the pines above the shore- 
line and slept alone by her fire of sugar and yellow pine cones. 

She loved the moisture-drenched forests of Mendocino Coun- 
ty and tramped long miles through the neighboring counties 
of Lake, Sonoma, and Napa. Sometimes she joined the Bloch- 
mans of Santa Maria on adventurous horseback trips across the 
mountains of San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara counties into 
the Carrizo Plain. In those last years of the old century, she be- 
came an authority on the manzanitas (Arctostaphylos species) 
of Mt. Tamalpais. Herbarium cases filled with rare specimens 
collected and often named by the intrepid woman who shared 
her knowledge and enthusiasm with her fellow workers and 
her companions in the Bontanical Club. 

Alice Eastwood was the only woman ever invited to member- 
ship in the Cross Country Club, a group of masculine hikers 
who spent their Sundays exploring the trails of Marin and San 
Mateo counties. Soon she joined other mountain-minded men 
on longer treks, once going as far as Tehipite Dome on the 
Middle Fork of the Kings River. She even climbed to the head 
of Canyon Creek in the Trinity Alps with three men in the hot 
August of 1901. 

But she did not need to go so far from home to collect in- 
teresting plant life. In Laurel Hill Cemetery in San Francisco, 
she found and named a new species of trailing manzanita, 
Arctostaphylos franciscana. Her paper on the flora of the Nob 
Hill cobblestones was published in Erythea, the botanical jour- 
nal of W. L. Jepson of the University of California. 

Then, one April morning in 1906, she could not stop to watch 
the new flowers poking through the cobbles as she hurried down 
Taylor Street. Frightened citizens were dragging trunks over 
the stones as they fled earthquake-shaken homes, and she hast- 
ened on toward Market Street. She was ahead of all the Acad- 
emy staff. By the time someone arrived with a key to the Mu- 
seum entrance, the Fuller Paint Works on Mission Street, south 
of their building, was bursting into flames. Sparks were igniting 
awnings on nearby Fifth Street. The marble staircase was de- 


molished, but she climbed to the botany workroom, fitting her 
feet cautiously into the bronze bannisters. Quickly she assem- 
bled the types she had segregated from the general herbarium in 
alphabetized boxes, and making an improvised “‘lift’’ of her 
work apron and the string she had squirreled away for emer- 
gencies, she clambered back down the ruined stairs. Her com- 
panion, Robert Porter, stayed above to lower the treasures, 1497 
irreplaceable specimens! She also had her Zeiss lens which she 
had tucked into her pocket as she passed her desk, the only per- 
sonal possession she saved. Even the autographed copies of her 
new book, ““A Handbook of the Trees of California,” stacked on 
the floor by her desk, were left to the flames. 

In the closing words of that book lies a clue to Alice East- 
wood’s life philosophy. In explanation of its simple diction, she 
stated her purpose: “‘to help rather than to shine.” Consistently 
she has lived out that motto all of her long life. 

Following six years of homeless wandering, during which she 
increased her knowledge and capabilities by work and study 
in the Gray Herbarium and Arnold Arboretum in Cambridge, 
Massachusetts, the National Herbarium in Washington, D.C., 
and ten months of study at Kew Gardens, British Museum, and 
Cambridge in England, and at Paris in France, she returned to 
San Francisco in May of 1912. 

The Academy was still in temporary quarters on Sansome 
Street when she undertook once more to bring order out of a 
chaotic jumble of gift collections stored in the basement and 
to rebuild a botanical library. Her own copies of the Botany of 
the Geological Survey of California and Gray’s Synoptical Flora 
had been saved because she had loaned them to out-of-town 
botanists. With these and gift books she had the nucleus of the 
library that in the succeeding years she was going to do so much 
to help rebuild. 

Before the Academy’s North American Hall was completed in 
Golden Gate Park, she spent some months in the Yukon in 1914 
at the instigation of Professor C. S. Sargent of the Arnold 
Arboretum, bringing back rare specimens from the northern 
lands to add to the increasing collections of California plants 
she was assembling for the Academy. 

She had written in an article in Science in 1906, “my own 


destroyed work I do not lament, for it was a joy to me while I 
did it, and I can have the same joy in starting it again.”’ 

That joy was shared by all whose lives she touched, plant- 
lovers and Botanical Club members in particular. John 
McLaren, Superintendent of Golden Gate Park, told her that he 
consented to the building of the new Academy Museum in the 
park largely because it would bring her and her work closer 
to him, so that they might cooperate in making the park an 
educational as well as a recreational area for the people. 

First to profit by her generosity of spirit were the park garden- 
ers. She gathered these men into evening classes so full of in- 
terest that the superintendent himself came often. He even gave 
examinations to his men, raising the pay of those who did well, 
from laborer to gardener status. 

For the opening of North American Hall in 1916, Miss East- 
wood had shelves installed at the entrance, and started a flower 
show, now the longest continuous exhibition of its kind in the 
world. Week after week she named and labeled the specimens 
she collected on Sunday hikes, as well as those brought her by 
Botanical Club members, horticulturists of the Bay area, and 
park gardeners. 

Gradually the botany room above the exhibition halls became 
a center of scientific learning. When world-famed herbariums 
learned that Alice Eastwood was in charge again, gift and 
exchange collections poured in to augment her own. She was 
hostess to visiting celebrities who came to see her specimens and 
stayed to enjoy tea and cheese crackers while they lunched on 
workroom tables spread with newspapers for tablecloths. 

She again began to write as well as to collect. A bibliography 
published on her 90th birthday reveals more than 300 articles 
from her pen, most of them published after she was 50. Honors 
have been heaped upon her through her advancing years. 
Flowers and shrubs bear her name, both botanic and common. 
Her influence has widened with the many organizations she has 
helped to form or nurture. The California Spring Blossom and 
Wildflower Association has, since 1923, spread love of flowers 
and lessons in conservation among the school children of the 
state. Alice Eastwood is Honorary Life President of this group. 
She is the “Sweetheart of the Business Men’s Garden Club.” 
The American Fuchsia Society exists because of her devotion 


to the cause. The California Horticultural Society has relied 
upon her knowledge and shared enthusiasm. Nurserymen of 
the state have a catch phrase: “If you do not know what it is, 
send it to Miss Eastwood.” ‘The San Francisco Garden Club has 
established two perpetual scholarships in Floriculture at San 
Francisco City College in her name. As former president and 
a moving spirit in the Tamalpais Conservation Club, she shares 
the credit for saving “the Mountain” as a State Park. 

Up the Redwood Highway, where she was wont to wander 
alone in the ‘nineties in search of rare plants, she has long been 
a prime mover in the Save-the-Redwoods League. The Azalea 
Preserve near Arcata resulted from a trip she made with her 
friends, Mrs. Philip Van Horne Lansdale and Miss Isabella 
Worn in 1942. 

But her vision is world-wide. Under her curatorship, the 
Academy herbarium was reestablished and developed on a 
world-wide basis. As she has said: “Looking forward to the 
future greatness of San Francisco, I wanted this new herbarium 
to be a great one, founded on a broad basis, a herbarium con- 
taining not only plants of North America, but of the whole 

Since she was official hostess to the members of the Interna- 
tional Phytogeographic Excursion on Mt. Tamalpais in 1913, 
her friendships among botanists have spread around the globe. 
She was welcomed as a delegate from the California Academy 
at the Fifth International Botanical Congress in Cambridge, 
England, in 1930, and again in 1935 at Amsterdam when she 
took her young assistant, John Thomas Howell, with her. Then 
in 1950, after her retirement at the age of ninety, she was invited 
to Sweden to be an Honorary President at the Seventh Congress. 
Flying to Stockholm alone, she symbolized for all who know 
her the truth of Dr. Carl Wolf’s praise in a letter written for 
the Academy celebration of her 80th birthday: “No better plant 
than Eastwoodia could have been selected to bear your name, 
since it so aptly expresses your exceptional botanical career, 
exploration and study of plants in hard-to-get-at areas of the 
West. . .. Had Brandegee selected a plant from the protected 
forests or from some other region of sheltered habitat, he would 
of course, have honored you. But by selecting a plant from the 
arid foothills of the inner South Coast Ranges of California 


where every plant must possess exceptional ability to with- 
stand the rigors of an unfavorable environment, he honored 
you to a far greater degree.” 

At the postponed 94th birthday party sponsored by the Cali- 
fornia Spring Blossom and Wildflower Association on April 13, 
1953, a project was launched to place the name of Alice East- 
wood on a redwood grove. Aubrey Drury, responding to the 
announcement, carried Dr. Wolf’s thought farther, for, he said, 
“the giant sequoia most aptly symbolizes your spirit of strength 
and longevity.’ As the Academy celebrates its hundredth an- 
niversary, the life and philosophy of its Curator-Emeritus of 
Botany permeate plans for an Alice Eastwood Hall of Botany, 
which a grateful community proposes to erect in the park she 
loves so well. 

These tangible tributes will keep her name alive for future 
generations, but she leaves a richer heritage for those who know 
her best. With a heart tuned from childhood to the message 
God has revealed through the order and system of nature she 
says in calm words of faith: ‘““The older I grow the more certain 
I am of immortality. I am convinced that body and soul are 
two different entities. My spirit grows stronger with the years, 
but my legs won’t take me where I want to go.” 

She has, however, started many others to carry on her quest. 
Alice Eastwood’s greatest contribution to the world is not lim- 
ited to specimens stacked in herbarium cases, nor to the accu- 
mulation of rare botanical books on the Academy Library 
shelves, nor even to the carefully written pages of her books and 
articles. It is in the thousands of lives who have been inspired 
to more constructive living through contact with a woman 
whose vital purpose, driving force, and acceptance of circum- 
stances have made growing old a continuing proof of Robert 
Browning’s prophecy, “the best is yet to be.”’ 


A Partial Gazetteer and Chronology 
Alice Eastwood’s Botanical Explorations 

San Francisco 

The data assembled here are chiefly from types in the Califor- 
nia Academy of Sciences, as well as from field note books kept 
by Miss Eastwood and Mr. Howell from 1906 to 1941. All of 
Miss Eastwood’s notes and collections made prior to 1906 were 
destroyed in the San Francisco Fire of April, 1906, with the ex- 
ception of the specimens that she saved or that were on loan, 
miscellaneous plants she had distributed to other institutions, 
and a Colorado collection now in the herbarium of the Univer- 
sity of Colorado at Boulder. During the summers of the eighties 
she collected in the vicinity of Denver, Morrison, Georgetown, 
Grays Peak, Pikes Peak, Durango, Silverton, Ouray, Wet Moun- 
tain Valley, La Plata Mts., Mancos, and other places in Colo- 
rado. The most notable of these early expeditions was made in 
the summer of 1887 when she acted as guide for Alfred Russel 
Wallace in the ascent of Grays Peak. 

The first section of the chronology and gazetteer, from 1890 
to the San Francisco Fire, is presented chronologically; the sec- 
ond section, from 1906 to the outbreak of World War II when 
active collecting ceased, is presented geographically in a much- 
abbreviated form. 


1890. CoLorapo: Durango (June). CALIForNIA: San Diego, Coronado 

189]. CaLirorniA: San Diego and vicinity (January to March); Los Angeles, 
Pasadena, Sawtelle (April); Santa Cruz, San Francisco, Mt. Tamalpais,* 
(May). CoLorapo: Gunnison (May); Denver and vicinity (June); Steamboat 
Springs, Flat Top Mts., Arkansas River Canyon above Canon City (July). 
CALIFORNIA: San Francisco (December). 

1892. CALIFORNIA: San Francisco and vicinity (January to May). UTAH: 

from Thompson’s Springs through Montezuma Canyon to the San Juan 
River, stopping at Moab and Monticello (May and June). CoLorapo: Navajo 

*Trips to Mt. Tamalpais were so frequent that they will not be noted separately. 


Canyon, Mesa Verde, Mancos (May and June); Johnson Canyon (August). 
CALIFORNIA: San Francisco (December). 

1893. CALIFoRNIA: Bakersfield, San Emidio (March); Huron, Alcalde, Lewis 
Creek, Warthan (Waltham) (May); Hood Mt. near Santa Rosa (with Luther 
Burbank), King City to Jolon, Pacific Valley, Big Sur (June); Mt. Shasta 

1894. CaLiForNIA: San Francisco (April); between Sanger and Sequoia 
Mills, Millwood (May); Ft. Bragg to Glen Blair, Pudding Creek (June); 
Mountain Lake in San Francisco (July); San Francisco Presidio (August); 
Colfax, Newcastle, Tehachapi, Lake Merced near San Francisco (September); 
San Emidio Canyon (October). 

1895. CALIFORNIA: Kaweah, Fairfax (April); Laurel Hill Cemetery in San 
Francisco (May). Ura: San Juan River, Barton’s Range, Willow Creek, 
Butler Springs, Epsom Creek (July). 

1896. CALIFORNIA: Cuyama, White Hills, Carrizo Plain, Dutard’s Ranch, 
La Graciosa, Casmalia, Alamo Creek (May). 

1897. CALIFORNIA: San Miguelito Ranch, Santa Lucia Mts., Stony Creek, 
San Antonio River (to collect ‘flowers” of Santa Lucia fir for Prof. Sargent) 
(May). CoLorapo: Cripple Creek (August). 

1898. CALIFORNIA: South San Francisco (March); San Francisco (May). 

1899. CALIFORNIA: Bodega Point (April); Point San Pedro, New Idria (May); 
South Fork of Kings River to Bullfrog Lake and Harrison Pass (July). 

1900. CALIForNIA: Clear Lake to Bartlett Springs (February); Pacific Grove 
to Cypress Point, Altruria, Mt. St. Helena (April); Calistoga (May); Bodega 
Point (July). 

1901. CALIFORNIA: Pt. Reyes, Little Carson Creek (May); Redding to the 
head of Canyon Creek (July). 

1902. CALIFORNIA: between Cahto and the Eel River (May); Carrizo Plain 
(June); Wawona, Snow Flat, Tioga Road (July); Laytonville, Red Mt., Men- 
docino Co. (August). 

1903. CALIFORNIA: Mt. Diablo (February); Mt. Diablo, Alcalde (May); 
Mineral King and vicinity (July). 

1904. CALIFORNIA: San Diego County, Santa Barbara County (April); 
Santa Catalina Island (May); Desolation Valley (July). 

1905. CALIFORNIA: Smith River, Del Norte County (May); Rodeo Lagoon, 
Marin County (July). 


Part I: Counties of California where plants have been col- 
lected by Alice Eastwood, and, from 1933 to 1941 by Alice East- 
wood and J. T. Howell jointly, the years of joint collecting in- 
dicated with an asterisk. 

ALAMEDA: 1915, 1921, 1922, 1926, *1935, *1938. 
ALPINE: *1939, *1940. 

Amapor: 1921, 1924, *1940, *1941. 

CALAVERAS: *1940, *1941. 


Co.usa: 1921, 1922, *1936, *1940. 

Contra Costa: 1914, 1915, 1921, 1922, 1923, 1927, 1931, *1935, *1936. 

Det Norte: 1907, 1912, 1923, 1928, *1934, *1936. 

Exvporapo: 1906, 1909, 1927, 1934, *1935, *1940. 

Fresno: 1925, 1926, *1935, *1938. 

GLENN: 1921, 1922, *1934, *1941. 

Humpo tpt: 1907, 1923, *1934, *1936, *1937. 

Inyo: *1940, *1941. 

Kern: 1913, 1914, 1917, 1926, *1935, *1937, *1938, *1940, *1941. 

Kincs: 1914, *1935. 

LAKE: 1924, 1925, 1927, *1938. 

LASSEN: *1940. 

Los ANGELEs: 1906, 1913, 1915, 1917, 1919, 1920, 1922, 1928, *1937. 

Mapera: 1924, *1938, *1941. 

Marin: 1906, 1912, 1913, 1914, 1915, 1918, 1923, 1924, 1925, 1926, 1934, *1936, 
*1937, *1938, *1939. 

Mariposa: 1907, 1915, *1938, *1941. 

MENDOcINO: 1912, 1913, 1922, 1923, 1924, 1928, 1932, *1934, *1936, *1937, 
*1938, 1939, *1941. 

MeErceED: 1915, 1927, 1930, *1938, *1941. 

Mopoc: *1940. 

Mono: 1909, 1939, *1941. 

Monterey: 1912, 1913, 1915, 1926, *1935, *1936, *1937, *1938. 

Napa: 1915, 1918, 1922, 1923, *1935, *1937, *1938, *1939. 

Nevapba: 1912, 1913, 1932, *1937. 

ORANGE: *1937, 1939. 

Piacer: 1912, 1922, *1937. 

PiLumas: 1918, 1927. 

RIVERSIDE: 1913, 1919, *1937. 


SAN BENITO: 1917, 1918, 1919, *1936, *1937, *1938. 

SAN BERNARDINO: 1913, 1916, 1931, 1932, *1938, *1940, *1941. 

San Disco: 1913, 1920, 1932. 

SAN Francisco: 1912, 1914, 1927, *1937. 

SAN Joaquin: 1917, 1921, *1935, *1938. 

San Luis Optspo: 1926, 1927, 1928, 1929, 1935, *1935, *1936, *1937, *1938, 

San Mateo: 1912, 1914, 1915, 1922, 1937, *1937, *1938, *1939, *1941. 

SANTA BARBARA: 1906, 1907, 1916, 1917, 1926, 1929, *1937, 1939, 1940. 

SANTA CLARA: 1921, 1922, 1923, 1924, 1927, *1935, *1937, *1938, *1941. 

SANTA Cruz: 1916, 1922, *1935, *1938, *1939. 

SHASTA: 1912, 1923, *1934, *1936, *1940. 

Srerra: 1918. 

Siskiyou: 1912, 1917, 1921, 1922, 1923, *1934, *1936, *1937, *1940. 

SoLANo: 1913, 1920, 1921, *1940. 

Sonoma: 1915, 1921, *1934, *1936, *1937, *1938, *1939, *1940. 

TEHAMA: 1912, *1934, *1940, *1941. 

Trinity: 1921, *1937. 


TULARE: 1914, *1938. 

TuOLUMNE: 1907, *1939, *1940, *1941. 
VENTURA: 1916. 

Yoo: 1927. 

YuBA: 1913, 1921. 

Part II: States and provinces in Canada, Mexico, and United 
States (except California) where Alice Eastwood has collected 
and where Alice Eastwood and J. T. Howell have collected 
jointly, the years of joint collecting marked by an asterisk. 

ALASKA: 1914. 

ARIZONA: 1913, 1916, 1917, 1919, 1928, 1929, 1930, 1931, *1933, *1938, 1940. 
British CoLumsia: 1914, 1920. 

CoLorapo: 1910, 1916, 1918, *1938. 
IDAHO: 1925, *1936. 


NevaDA: 1927, *1933, *1938, *1940, *1941. 
NEw Mexico: 1916, 1919, 1928, *1938. 
OreEGON: 1914, *1934, *1936, *1940. 
Uran: 1918, *1933, *1938, *1941. 
WASHINGTON: 1914, 1920, 1925, *1936. 
YuKon: 1914. 


A Century of Achvevement 


Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden, Claremont 

On page one of volume one of the Proceedings of the Califor- 
nia Academy of Sciences* was reported the meeting of Septem- 
ber 4, 1854. This was not the first meeting of the Academy, that 
having been held on April 4, 1853, but in this first one described 
in the Proceedings it was stated that Dr. Albert Kellogg exhib- 
ited a drawing and specimens of a wild plant, Frankenia grandi- 
folia, and that Mr. W. J. Steene presented a curious specimen of 
cabbage, which, “instead of a head formed of leaves in the usual 
manner, has a globular head formed by an enlargement of the 
top of the main stock, five inches in diameter, and weighing 
some two pounds or more.” To me it is significant that from 
the beginning the interest of the members of the Academy ex- 
tended both to native and introduced plants. The Academy’s 
first president, Dr. Andrew Randall, for example, offered a 
prize of fifty dollars as early as July, 1853, for the best essay on 
trees and plants suitable for cultivation in California. I empha- 
size this, since the tradition has continued to the present. Miss 
Eastwood and, more recently, Miss McClintock, have devoted 
considerable time to the study of exotic plants. Thus, botan- 
ically the California Academy has maintained a broad interest 
in plants through the entire century of its activity. 

In the present paper I shall confine my attention to two as- 
pects of this century of achievement: (a) contributions to botan- 
ical literature and (b) expeditions and field work. It is my inten- 
tion to report on these together in chronological order, since 
the two topics are closely interwoven. From the first, Dr. Kellogg, 
Mr. H. G. Bloomer, Mr. H. N. Bolander, Dr. John A. Veatch, 
and other members were active field men. They either brought 
in to the meetings material they collected themselves or that 
which was sent to them. Dr. Veatch lived at Red Bluff, Wm. A. 
Wallace in Los Angeles, J. N. Hume at Humboldt Bay, Henry 
Bates at Shasta City, C. D. Gibbes at Stockton, Joel Clayton in 

*Known as California Academy of Natural Sciences until 1868. 


Mariposa County, J. G. Swan in Washington Territory. They 
could easily pick up new and interesting plants almost at their 
very door. Dr. Kellogg was the principal student of these collec- 
tions and described many new species, although new names 
were proposed also by Dr. H. H. Behr and by Bolander. Natur- 
ally enough, many of these new names later fell into synonymy, 
since with inadequate library and herbarium, it was impossible 
always to know what had been discovered earlier. But any mod- 
ern book on the California flora shows a large number of names 
still in use, which originated in the early numbers of the Pro- 
ceedings of the California Academy, for examples: Liliwm par- 
dalinum, L. parvum, L. Washingtonianum, and L. maritimum; 
and Lupinus luteolus, L. citrinus, L. Stiversi, L. confertus, L. 
caudatus, L. cervinus, and L. sericatus — to name but a few in 
two genera. 

In addition to such local plants more distant species came 
in for study by members of the Academy. Dr. Veatch was a 
geologist and in 1854 visited Lower California as well as Cedros 
Island off the coast, collecting plants and sending them to Dr. 
Kellogg. Many of these were new to science and were published 
from time to time in the Proceedings. They included among 
others the remarkable new genus /dria, a relative of Fouquieria. 
While Dr. Veatch’s journey to Lower California was not an ex- 
pedition financed by the Academy, his collections came to that 
institution and thus interest in that region began early, as did 
that in the islands off the California coast. In fact the first new 
species that I find described in the Proceedings of the Academy 
is Lavatera assurgentiflora Kellogg from Anacapa Island (1: 

In 1860 Kellogg began publishing illustrations with the de- 
scriptions of many of his new species. I am sure that many re- 
cent botanists have found these drawings useful, even though 
they seem quite stylized as judged by our present standards. A 
somewhat later development in the Proceedings of the Acad- 
emy was papers of a more inclusive nature, for example, “Dif- 
ferent varieties of Eucalyptus, and their characteristics” by Kel- 
logge (6: 30-38,—1875), and a series by Bolander: “Enumeration 
of shrubs and trees growing in the vicinity of the mouth of San 
Francisco Bay” (3: 78-83,—1863), “Remarks on California trees” 
(3: 225-232,—1866), ““The genus Melica in California” (4: 101- 


104,—1870), “The genus Stipa in California” (4: 168—170,—1872), 
and “Remarks on the genus Lilium” (5: 204—208,—1874). Ar- 
ticles began also to appear that were written by botanists from 
outside California. The first of these which I find is Asa Gray’s 
“Descriptions of new Californian plants—No. 1” (3: 101—103,— 

The first series of the Proceedings ran through seven volumes 
and covered the years from 1854 through 1876. From 1877 to 
1884 there was no regular publication, but in February of that 
year was issued number | of the Bulletin of the California Acad- 
emy of Sciences. On pages 4 and 5 was a short paper by Asa Gray 
entitled “Veatchia nov. gen. Anacardiacearum” for Veatchia 
cedrosensis which had been described in the Proceedings (2: 24) 
as Rhus Veatchiana by Kellogg. Gray wrote, ““We may dedicate 
this genus to the memory of its discoverer, the first and perhaps 
still the only botanical explorer of Cedros Island.” 

The Bulletin did not report the meetings of the Academy as 
had the earlier Proceedings, but consisted entirely of scientific 
papers. During the years of no publication there had been a 
great change in the personnel connected with the Academy; 
and the Bulletin, while containing a few short articles by Behr 
and by Kellogg, is mostly devoted (so far as botanical contents 
go) to the writings of E. L. Greene, Mary K. Curran, T. S. Bran- 
degee, and H. W. Harkness. Greene’s first paper (11: 7-12) is 
entitled “New plants of the Pacific Coast,’ in which are de- 
scribed twelve new species. Some of these had been proposed 
by, or at least collected by, Kellogg; others were his own. Erio- 
gonum arborescens, for instance, was based on specimens taken 
by Kellogg and Harford on Santa Cruz Island in 1874. Brickel- 
lia multiflora had been collected by Kellogg in Kings River Can- 
yon in 1866. Gilia heterodoxa was taken by Greene himself at 
Calistoga in 1881 and 1883. All this goes to show that by 1884 
the Academy must have accumulated a considerable herbarium 
rich in types and historical collections. 

Greene’s first paper was followed by a short one by Mrs. 
Curran (11: 12-13), describing three new species of flowering 
plants, and by the first in a new series in mycology. These were 
by Dr. Harkness in collaboration with several specialists: M. C. 
Cooke and H. W. Harkness, “Fungi of the Pacific Coast” (11: 
13-20); William Phillips and H. W. Harkness, “Fungi of Cal+ 


fornia” (11: 21-25); C. B. Plowright and H. W. Harkness, “New 
species of Californian fungi” (11: 26); J. B. Ellis and H. W. Hark- 
ness, ‘““New Californian fungi” (11: 26-29), and H. W. Harkness, 
“New species of Californian fungi” (11: 29-47). In 1885 ap- 
peared E. L. Greene’s “Studies in the botany of California and 
parts adjacent” (1°: 66-127), giving synopses of a number of 
genera like Sidalcea and Mimulus. Mrs. Curran (1: 128-151) 
summarized the species that had been proposed by Kellogg, 
Behr, and Bolander and gave her opinion as to their identity. 
Subsequent workers may not always agree with her opinions, 
but the paper is valuable, since she had before her the original 
material on which the species had been based. She published 
also for the first time a number of Kellogg’s illustrations. 

Following Mrs. Curran’s paper is a long series of important 
contributions to western botany by Curran, Greene, Brandegee, 
and Harkness. In many cases the species described, especially by 
Greene, were not accepted by Gray and later writers. It is in- 
teresting to note, however, that with the more intimate knowl- 
edge of the California flora that has been developed in recent 
years and with the growing awareness of local subspecies and 
ecotypes, many of Greene’s proposed species are found to have 
some status, if not always specific. 

The two volumes of the Bulletin covered the years 1884 to 
1887. Notable articles in 1887 are by Joseph Le Conte on “The 
flora of the coast islands of California in relation to recent 
changes of physical geography” (2: 515-520), by C. C. Parry on 
“The Pacific Coast alders’” (2: 351-354) and “Californian man- 
zanitas” (2: 483-496), and by Francis Wolle on “Desmids of the 
Pacific Coast” (2: 432-437). 

In 1889 the Proceedings of the Academy were resumed as 
Series II, which ran through six volumes, 1889 to 1897. Known 
by this time as the outstanding scientific institution of the West, 
the Academy published not only papers by its own staff and 
members (Behr, Brandegee, Curran, Harkness) but by several 
eastern American and European specialists. We find contribu- 
tions by William Trelease, “Synoptical list of North American 
species of Ceanothus” (1: 106—118,—1889); by C. F. Millspaugh, 
“Contributions to North American Euphorbiaceae” (2: 217- 
230,—1889); by L. H. Bailey, “New Californian Carices” (3: 104— 
106,—1891); by D. H. Campbell, “Prothallium and embryo of 


Marsilea vestita” (3: 183-203,—1893); by A. Cogniaux, “Cu- 
curbitacearum novum genus et species” (3: 58-60,—1891); by 
M. E. Jones, “Contributions to western botany, No. VII” (5: 
611~732,—1896); and by Dr. Stizenberger, “A list of Lichens col- 
lected by Mr. Robert Reuleaux in the western parts of North 
America” (5: 535-538,—1896). 

The last papers that I find by Mrs. Curran (by that time Mrs. 
Brandegee) were in volume 4: “Studies in Portulacaceae” (pp. 
86—91,—1894) and “Studies in Ceanothus” (pp. 173-222,—1894). 
The first one by her successor, Alice Eastwood, appeared in the 
same volume (pp. 559-562,—1895) and was on ““I'wo species of 
Aquilegia from the Upper Sonoran Zone of Colorado and 
Utah.” From that time forward her articles on western plants 
formed an important part of the Proceedings. 

Series III of the Proceedings were divided into fields of sci- 
ence, Botany having two volumes, the first from 1897 to 1900 
and the second from 1900 to 1904. This botanical series was 
edited by Profs. Dudley and Campbell of Stanford University 
and by Prof. Setchell of the University of California. The papers 
range widely as to subject: on morphology and anatomy by D. 
H. Campbell, W. A. Cannon, and G. J. Peirce; on cytology by 
E. S. Byxbee, H. T. Hus, A. A. Lawson, and W. J. V. Osterhout; 
on algae by H. T. A. Hus, C. P. Nott, and D. A. Saunders; on 
fungi by H. W. Harkness; on lichens by G. J. Peirce; and on 
flowering plants by A. Eastwood, S. B. Parish, and C. Purdy. 
Having used some of the above papers, especially those by Purdy 
and Eastwood, I knew something of the content of these two 
volumes, but I must confess that until now I have had no real 
concept as to their scope and diversity of subject. 

Series IV of the Academy Proceedings reverted to the more 
general scheme used in Series II and has contained papers in 
many fields of natural science. It began after the fire of 1906 
which virtually wiped out the Academy’s library and natural 
history collections. It differs from the earlier series in consisting 
largely of reports on exploring expeditions sent out by the 
Academy, particularly to the islands off the coast of Mexico and 
as far south as the Galapagos Islands. Apparently the first such 
expedition was in 1903 in a small schooner, the Mary Sachs. It 
went along the west coast of Lower California and to the Revil- 
lagigedo Islands. A botanical collector, Frederick E. Barkelew, 


accompanied the expedition and got some material, but with 
rather uncertain geographical data, so that these specimens, as 
reported by I. M. Johnston (20: 14,—1931), were of questionable 

In 1905-06 the Academy sent the first of its expeditions to the 
Galapagos Islands, on the schooner Academy, with Alban Stew- 
art as botanist. The group of eleven men left San Francisco on 
June 28, 1905, and spent a year in the archipelago. Stewart later 
idenified this collection at the Gray Herbarium. He contributed 
three papers to the first volume of the fourth series of the Acad- 
emy’s Proceedings: “A botanical survey of the Galapagos 
Islands” (pp. 7-288), “Notes on the botany of Cocos Island” (pp. 
375-404), and “Notes on the lichens of the Galapagos Islands” 
(pp. 431-446). In his botanical survey of the Galapagos Islands 
he not only catalogued the plants known to occur and described 
newly discovered species, but discussed the botanical regions of 
the islands, the origin of the islands and of their remarkable 
flora, and gave a bibliography. Thus he established the knowl- 
edge of this flora on an entirely new basis. 

In 1921 the Academy dispatched an expedition to the Gulf 
of California on the gasoline schooner Silver Gate, with I. M. 
Johnston as botanist. Work began April 17 on San Pedro No- 
lasco and continued until July 10 when the party reached Guay- 
mas. Various spots on the coast of Sonora, on the peninsula of 
Lower California, and on the islands in the Gulf of California 
were visited. In 1924, the botanical results of the expedition 
were embodied in papers by W. A. Setchell and N. L. Gardner 
on “The marine algae” (12: 695-949) and by I. M. Johnston on 
“The vascular plants” (12: 951-1218). Very little had been 
known about the marine algae of the Gulf. The Setchell-Gard- 
ner report covers an 1890 collection made for the Academy by 
T. S. Brandegee and W. E. Bryant and another by Dr. and Mrs. 
Marchant in 1917, as well as the very large 1921 collection by 
Johnston. One hundred forty-four species and varieties were 
treated, of which one hundred eleven were new to science. 
Johnston’s paper gave an account of the history of botanical 
work in the area and discussed the geology, climate, phytogeog- 
raphy, ecology, and origins of the biota. His catalogue of the 
plants gave in many cases a revaluation of the species covered. 
The paper is an important contribution to the botany of this 
and of adjacent areas. 


Another ambitious Academy undertaking was the expedition 
to the Revillagigedo Islands off western Mexico in 1925 on the 
U.S.S. Ortolan. Leaving San Francisco on April 15, the party 
worked on these islands from about April 26 to May 24. The 
botanist was H. L. Mason. Miss Eastwood published on the col- 
lections made at various points visited other than the Revil- 
lagigedo Islands, such as Guadalupe Island, ‘Tres Marias Islands 
(Maria Madre, Maria Magdalena, and Isabella islands), as well 
as some localities on the mainland. Her paper (18: 393-484,— 
1929) is divided into sections: one for Guadalupe Island, includ- 
ing a consideration of the Hanna and Slevin specimens of 1923; 
one for Cedros Island; one for Tres Marias Islands; others for 
Cape San Lucas, Magdalena Bay, Turtle Bay, San Quintin, and 
San Martin Island. It sums up what was known of the botany 
of each place. The collections from the Revillagigedo Islands 
were reported by Setchell and Gardner: “Marine algae’ (19: 
109-215,—1930), and by I. M. Johnston: “The flora of the Revil- 
lagigedo Islands” (20: 9-104,—1931). These islands had not pre- 
viously had a detailed floristic study. Johnston reported one 
hundred twenty-one species and subspecies of vascular plants, 
of which thirty-seven were endemic. He made an analysis of the 
non-endemics and their affinity and of the origins of the flora 
as a whole. 

The most recent great expedition in behalf of the California 
Academy of Sciences was the Templeton Crocker Expedition to 
the Galapagos Islands in 1932. It left San Francisco March 10 
on the yacht Zaca and returned September 1. John Thomas 
Howell was botanist. So far it has led to seventeen botanical 
papers in the Academy Proceedings: those on flowering plants 
by A. S. Hitchcock, J. T. Howell, and H. K. Svenson; on bryo- 
phytes by E. B. Bartram, Lois Clark, and M. A. Howe; on lichens 
by O. V. Darbishire and D. H. Linder; on fungi by Lee Bonar; 
and on algae by Setchell and by Setchell and Gardner. 

A less important Crocker expedition to western Polynesian 
and Melanesian islands in 1933 led to a short report by Setchell 
on some marine plants (21: 259-276,—1935). 

Outside of the various reports mentioned above, Series IV of 
the Proceedings contains a number of other papers that should 
be mentioned as botanical or as having botanical implication. 
Of these, several are by Miss Eastwood: “New species of Ceano- 


thus” (16: 361-364,—1927); “The escallonias in Golden Gate 
Park, San Francisco, California, with description of new species” 
(18: 385-392,—1929); “New species of plants from western North 
America” (20: 135-160,—1931). Others were by writers not on 
the staff of the Academy, but were usually based at least in part 
on the collections of the Academy: A. W. Evans, “‘Notes on the 
Hepaticae of California” (13: 111-136,—1923); H. M. Hall and 
J. Grinnell, “Life-Zone indicators in California” (9: 37-68,— 
1919); P. A. Munz, “The Antirrhinoideae-Antirrhineae of the 
New World” (15: 323-398,—1926); D. D. Keck, “A revision of 
the genus Orthocarpus” (16: 517-572,—1927); E. Walther, “A 
key to the species of Eucalyptus grown in California” (17: 67- 
88,—1928); R. C. Barneby, “A revision of the North American 
species of Oxytropis DC.” (27: 177-312,—1952). 

Volume 25 of Series IV was dedicated to Alice Eastwood in 
honor of her completion of a half century of devoted and able 
service to the California Academy. In addition to a biography 
of Miss Eastwood it contains a bibliography of her writings to 
1949. This list is notable in revealing the large number of 
papers contributed by Miss Eastwood while a staff member of 
the Academy to journals not published by that institution, in- 
cluding West American Scientist, Zoe, Erythea, Bulletin of the 
Torrey Botanical Club, Botanical Gazette, Torreya, Muhlen- 
bergia, Contributions of the Gray Herbarium, National Horti- 
cultural Society Magazine, and others. These papers are a part 
of the achievement of the Academy, a contribution to botanical 
science made possible by its funds and collections. To a lesser 
extent the same is true of the writings of Mr. Howell and Miss 
McClintock in more recent years, as evidenced by “The Marin 
Flora’ of the University of California Press, and by papers in the 
Wasmann Journal of Biology, Journal of the California Horti- 
cultural Society, and American Midland Naturalist, to mention 
only three. 

The Eastwood Semi-centennial volume consists of eighteen 
papers by as many botanists (mostly western): Babcock, Barne- 
by, Benson, Campbell, Ewan, Goodspeed, Howell, Keck, Mc- 
Minn, Mason, Munz, Peirce, St. John, Setchell, G. M. Smith, 
Stebbins, Wiggins, and Wolf. The wide variety of subjects cov- 
ered deal with: endemism in Crepis, Astragalus, Arizona cacti, 
relations of temperate floras of North and South America, 


Datura, Nicotiana, Phacelia, Artemisia vulgaris complex, hy- 
brids in Ceanothus, paleobotany, Fuchsia, water and plant anat- 
omy, endemism in Hawaii, Ruppia, marine algae of Monterey, 
hybrids in Bromus, Drymaria, and a hybrid oak. 

From time to time, as a distinct series, the California Acad- 
emy has published “Occasional Papers.’ From the botanical 
standpoint the most notable of these was number 9 by Alice 
Eastwood, entitled “A Handbook of the Trees of California” 
(pp. 1-86,—1905). Issued just before the fire of 1906, it has be- 
come almost a collector’s item since most of the stock was 

One of the most important botanical contributions of the 
Botany Department of the Academy in recent years has been the 
journal, LEAFLETS OF WESTERN Borany. Privately published by 
its founders and editors, Alice Eastwood and John Thomas 
Howell, and more recently by the latter alone, and receiving 
some financial help from the California Botanical Club, it has 
nevertheless for the outside world a definite connection with 
the Academy. Founded in 1932, it is now in its seventh volume 
and consists of about 1600 pages, mostly on western plants, 
native and cultivated. There is a vast amount of material in 
these pages, especially in the way of distributional and nomen- 
clatorial notes and of short revisions. ‘The papers are by many 
authors as well as by Miss Eastwood and Mr. Howell. 

All told, the California Academy of Sciences has lived through 
a century characterized first by botanical exploration of Cali- 
fornia and the West, later of regions farther to the south, where 
the concentration has been on Lower California, adjacent 
islands, and the Galapagos Islands. A number of expeditions 
has assembled materials and numerous papers have reported 
the findings. Those collections made during the past half cen- 
tury are still intact and are available at the Academy for study 
and consultation. Duplicate specimens have enriched the col- 
lections of many other institutions. Printed volumes have gone 
over all the world and made available a tremendous body of 
knowledge concerning the botany of vast stretches of the Pacific 
Coast. This knowledge is important to the monographer, to the 
geographic botanist, and to workers in other fields. Meanwhile 
the Academy has built up a library and an herbarium of out- 
standing importance. These are visited by botanists from near 


and far, for shorter or for longer periods, who use the materials 
and consult the curators, always to gain information or help in 
one way or another. The Academy is also the chief botanical 
headquarters for a small but important group of botanists not 
on its payroll, who find there a place for work and who add 
greatly to its contribution to science. I refer to such men as the 
late J. W. Stacey, Eric Walther, Lewis S. Rose, Dr. T. H. Kear- 
ney, and younger students who get inspiration and training, 
like Peter Raven and Peter Rubtzoff. 

Finally, brief mention should be made of botanical activities 
by members of the Botany Department staff for the Bay region 
communities, such as lectures to garden clubs and other organi- 
zations, radio programs, identification of specimens for garden- 
ers and others, and classes in plant taxonomy. These efforts, as 
well as the research and publications of the staff, all combine to 
make the California Academy of Sciences an important botani- 
cal center and one that well maintains the tradition of a cen- 
tury of great accomplishment. 


Horticulture and the California 
Academy of Sciences 


San Francisco 

It is somewhat presumptive for a layman only half the age of 
the California Academy of Sciences to present an evaluation of 
the Academy’s contribution to his professional field. But, in a 
way, an impression may best be presented by one not too closely 
associated with the botanical activities of the Academy. 

Ornamental horticulture is a field which stems from practical 
applications of many arts and sciences, not the least of which 
is botany. Since basically it is an art that deals with plants, and 
botany is the science dealing with plants, it logically follows 
that horticulture must consider botany as one of its cornerstones. 
Every plant cultivated can be traced back to some wild form 
somewhere in the world. Indeed, even our most accursed weeds 
must be considered as plants in the wrong place. If we want to 
study any of these garden plants, good or bad, we must turn to 
the classification of plants in botany or we find only chaos. 

The writer having been a nurseryman for many years has been 
aware of the misconceptions about plants in the minds of the 
average person. Having been engaged in growing plants often 
without common names, he knows how correct botanical ter- 
minology can create laughter and even criticism. The attitude 
that Latinized names are amusing and that their use is a stilted 
pose is fortunately waning, but we still have a sprinkling of 
those good citizens who mistrust anything as technical as the 
botanical names of plants. 

If nurserymen have recognized this attitude of mistrust for 
botanical terms, the professional botanist must certainly have 
his problems when translating his field for lay consumption. 
Winning over the layman to the commonplace use of botanical 
terms is essential to botanical and horticultural education. The 
awareness by the Academy’s Department of Botany of this need 
for talking down to the lay level has helped tremendously in 


popularizing correct nomenclature. In the author’s lifetime he 
has seen geraniums become Pelargonium, cranesbills become 
Geranium, syringas become Philadelphus, and lilacs become 
Syringa. Indeed, all of California’s ornamental horticulture has 
undergone an inspiring metamorphosis in his lifetime, thanks 
to the influence of scientific organizations with enough public 
confidence to influence the lay outlook. 

The purpose of this paper is not to trace the development of 
ornamental horticulture in California but rather to recognize 
the contribution of the California Academy of Sciences to that 
development. Personally the writer believes that the Academy 
has contributed its full share to this progress in the past and 
that it is singularly equipped and staffed to continue its task of 

In all probability the early influence of the Academy on orna- 
mental horticulture was slight. The primary botanical task in 
a new country is the classification and the recording of the dis- 
coveries in the native flora. In a new community ornamental 
horticulture is usually primitive compared with its agriculture 
and economic horticulture. The aesthetic refinements grow 
with the maturity and the leisure of the community. Yet, if it 
were not for the pioneering vision of such venerable institu- 
tions as the Academy, the precious scientific data essential to 
progress would not be in readiness when the community attains 
a sufficient development to need this knowledge. 

We know that there was considerable interest in plants from 
1860 to 1890 and that many of our finest garden subjects had 
already been introduced from the far corners of the earth before 
1900. Outstanding private collections of exotics were grown 
and the traveler today can still see old specimens of the early 
importations scattered over the state. 

The Academy from its inception had a share in this early in- 
terest in exotics but it was not until Alice Eastwood became head 
of the Department of Botany that ornamental horticulture had 
its champion. We know from her notes that Miss Eastwood was 
interested in cultivated exotics “before the fire” (1906), but in 
1915 as Curator of Botany in the Academy’s new home in Gold- 
en Gate Park, she was able to make this interest a special feature 
in developing the new herbarium. It is this valuable herbarium 
collection that is so important to California horticulture today. 


The major botanical role of a California institution should 
be the study of the native flora, but to those in horticulture the 
cultivated flora of gardens (which for the most part is exotic) 
is of primary importance. The native flora has certainly not 
been neglected at the Academy, but the addition of this broad 
interest in cultivated exotics has been a unique and valuable 
boon for the plant-conscious California gardener and it has 
welded the common interests of local horticulture and botany 
much more intimately. 

Highly specialized botanical workers sometimes become so 
engrossed in their own narrow field that they lose touch with 
wider horizons and with the public. Fortunately for all of us, 
Miss Eastwood, a specialist in certain aspects of the California 
flora, was able to see beyond her immediate specialty and to 
initiate an important service to horticulture. Not only did she 
establish the herbarium of cultivated exotics but she was able 
to accumulate a library which includes many books necessary 
for their study. The present facilities, although crowded, have 
the essentials of a fine horticultural study center. Suffering from 
financial limitations and the inconvenience stemming from in- 
adequate housing, the Academy’s facility remains one of the 
best in the West. Certainly there is nothing to equal its her- 
barium of cultivated plants west of the Rockies and perhaps 
west of the Atlantic seaboard. 

Isolated in a remote wing of the Academy buildings and de- 
signed for professional research rather than public participa- 
tion, this priceless equipment has not served on as broad a base 
as it deserves. Few people are aware of the constant plant identi- 
fication service that goes on here and of the slow gradual accre- 
tion of plant knowledge being sifted and classified for future 
workers. Under Miss Eastwood’s guidance the Academy has 
built a horticultural herbarium of the first rank. Miss Elizabeth 
McClintock has been in charge of this collection since Miss 
Eastwood’s retirement and the same appreciation of its import- 
ance is accorded it by this new curator. Horticulturists are en- 
couraged to see the high professional standards continued in the 
maintenance and expansion of this work. 

In stimulating the union of horticulture with botany an 
awareness of the need for this union had to be created by the 
participation of the Botany Department in activities beyond its 


normal sphere. Not only did Miss Eastwood recognize and assist 
groups in horticulture but it is encouraging to note that the 
program she established is being continued since her retirement. 
Since 1892 Miss Eastwood has been leader of a study group, the 
California Botanical Club, and was a founder of the California 
Spring Blossom and Wildflower Association. The writer, who 
is a fuchsia breeder, is keenly aware of the importance of Miss 
Eastwood’s work in putting on firm foundation the American 
Fuchsia Society and of the stature that the society gained 
through its contact with the Academy. During its incubating 
period (1933), the California Horticultural Society held its sec- 
ond meeting in the herbarium of the Academy. ‘Today, the so- 
ciety is fortunate in having Mr. Howell assist in maintaining 
the botanical accuracy of its Journal, while Miss McClintock, 
who is also serving at present as secretary of the society, keeps 
the names listed in its monthly Bulletin correct. 

Flowers have been exhibited in the foyer of the Academy’s 
North American Hall since its opening in 1916. At that time 
Miss Eastwood began to display vases of cut flowers with botani- 
cal as well as common names affixed. Among those drawn to 
these exhibits was Mr. Eric Walther, the present Supervisor 
of the Strybing Arboretum in Golden Gate Park. Mr. Walther 
subsequently became one of Miss Eastwood’s staunchest stu- 
dents and one of the leading horticultural authorities of the 
Pacific Coast. The liaison between the park’s plantings and the 
Academy’s botanical facilities has always been close. Until 1931 
Miss Eastwood conducted classes for the park gardeners, an un- 
dertaking which fell to Mr. Walther in later years. When funds 
for the Strybing Arboretum were left to the city it was specified 
that the plantings should be in close proximity to the Academy, 
a fortunate stipulation. The work of the arboretum would be 
very materially handicapped without the technical facilities 
available at the Academy and the horticultural herbarium of 
the Academy has profited from its proximity to the rare plant- 
ings of the arboretum and of Golden Gate Park generally. The 
convenience of having a reference library near the actual grow- 
ing plants has been a tremendous stimulus. The beautiful color 
plates in the volumes of the Academy’s botanical library have 
inspired Mr. Walther and others to acquire many of the plants 
pictured and our park as well as California gardens are showing 


the influence of this library in their richer plantings. While the 
horticultural specimens in the herbarium have been collected 
by a number of people, the largest proportion of them have been 
collected by Mr. Walther, not only in San Francisco and the 
Bay area but also in southern California. 

Then, too, Miss Eastwood has published papers and articles 
on various groups of cultivated plants whose nomenclature was 
confused, such as those dealing with the bottlebrushes, escal- 
lonias, and pittosporums. These papers, published in LEAFLETS 
oF WESTERN Botany, have often exposed plants masquerading 
under wrong names, bringing to light the absence of the true 
varieties in our collections and making it possible to import 
them. More recently, Miss McClintock has contributed a series 
of articles to the Journal of the California Horticultural So- 
ciety which deal with perplexing problems in California horti- 

The unusual combination of interests in both the native flora 
and in horticulture that Miss Eastwood has shown has been a 
real influence in the development of the use of California na- 
tives in gardens here and elsewhere. The professional and horti- 
cultural relations between such institutions as the Rancho 
Santa Ana Botanic Garden, the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, 
and the Strybing Arboretum have been intensified by Miss East- 
wood’s association and friendship with the staffs of these insti- 
tutions. That the garden value of native plants has not been 
overlooked and smothered. by the formal botany essential to 
the scientist is something for which horticulturists should be 
grateful. This appreciation of California natives for Califor- 
nia gardens which Miss Eastwood has always had is beginning 
to bear fruit. 

In recent years publicly supported institutions such as our 
universities and colleges have taken over many orphan activi- 
ties like botanical gardens, plant testing, and training of horti- 
cultural personnel; and even state tribute on horse racing has 
been turned to flower show support. In the face of all these 
diverse activities deriving funds from public sources, privately 
endowed institutions with their spartan budgets find it hard to 
be heard over the din of publicity accorded the state-supported 
giants. Yet when we see, as at the Academy, the development of 
a facility so valuable to horticulture, one carried on with such 


a small staff and at so little cost, we wonder if the community 
fully appreciates the service it has been getting. 

Here in San Francisco we have the finest horticultural her- 
barium in the West, the botanical library necessary for its proper 
utilization, a personnel qualified to carry on the program, and 
the tradition of a fine institution. All of this is centered in 
Golden Gate Park which contains one of the richest and most 
diversified collections of living plants in the country. Certainly 
these facilities deserve all the support that the horticultural 
community of the San Francisco Bay area can give them and in 
return I am confident ornamental horticulture will benefit 


Books and Botany 


San Francisco 

It is most proper to give the major credit for the development 
and growth of the outstanding collection of botanical books in 
the California Academy of Sciences Library to Miss Alice East- 
wood. For fifty-five years she worked with a single objective in 
mind, to make it the best possible tool for her purpose, and she 
continues to have a keen interest in it to the present time. The 
Academy was forty years old when she came to it, drawn from 
her beloved Colorado chiefly because of its great book collec- 
tion. When she came within the influence of this lodestone of 
books which had been gathering for four decades from all parts 
of the scientific world, she settled down for her life work, and 
her precise knowledge of source material broadened with her 
association with Mr. and Mrs. Brandegee, who were far ad- 
vanced in a knowledge and appreciation of botanical literature. 

There is little evidence left of the holdings of the Academy’s 
botanical books before 1906. Perusal of a short list in the “Cata- 
logue of the Library .. .” and its supplement issued in 1889 
gives an inadequate picture of what eye-witnesses assure us was 
a great library for its time. Our knowledge of its strength of 
holdings in the reports of voyages, in the great monographic and 
floristic classics, and in the proceedings of learned societies, is 
largely based on Miss Eastwood’s memory of them. She has often 
_ mentioned books or sets which have never been replaced, and 
she has expertly compared the merits of the collection before 
and after the fire. The interests of the history of botany must 
have been well served by the great pre-Linnean library owned 
by the Academy and conceded to have been the greatest in 
North America. Miss Eastwood never grieved over its loss as 
some of us do today, for she was completely immersed in her 
own work in West American botany and the literature that 
would contribute directly to it. Between 1902 and 1906 she was 
active in library organization when a Library Committee was 
functioning. The fabulous 1902 library budget of $2200 was 


due undoubtedly to her aggressive policy in a cause in which 
she believed so fervently. 

In little more than a decade after her coming to the Academy, 
the first results of her efforts were wiped out by the fire of 1906. 
Shortly thereafter she set out on her travels and in the course 
of her research while the Academy was re-organizing she came 
to know intimately great botanical libraries on the east coast 
and in Europe. Upon her return to San Francisco in 1912 she 
had a well-defined plan and renewed enthusiasm for rebuild- 
ing the library. 

At this time Miss Eastwood was appointed Academy Librarian 
and she gave unstintingly of her time and energy to forward 
her charge. In the mornings she came long before opening time 
for her own department in order to lay out work for her library 
assistant. Doctor Emmet Rixford and perhaps others too were 
present early and late unpacking and arranging the shipments 
that were pouring in. Societies and governments were replacing 
their sets of journals and reports. Sympathetic authors and 
publishers were sending their works. One of these most treas- 
ured to this day by Miss Eastwood was the replacement of 
Engler and Prantl by the publisher, Wilhelm Engelmann of 
Leipzig. The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia sent 
its duplicates in generous quantities, and the same is true of the 
American Academy in Boston, and of others. 

Friends and admirers of Miss Eastwood have found her devo- 
tion to books infectious, and by her example or through her 
influence have presented valuable gifts to the Academy library. 
Through Miss Eastwood’s good offices, Lindley’s magnificent 
folio Sertum Orchidaceum was given to the Academy by Mrs. 
Karl H. Karg as a memorial to her husband. More recently the 
botanical library of Mrs. Dorothy Sutliffe was willed to the 
Academy and to the California Botanical Club. It was Miss East- 
wood who attracted the princely bequest of the late William F. 
Herrin which included among other things complete sets of 
Curtis’s Botanical Magazine and Loddige’s Botanical Cabinet. 

Similarly Miss Eastwood influenced the purpose to which the 
income from the Mrs. William Hinckley Taylor Fund of the 
Academy is to be devoted. This fund was raised for the Acad- 
emy by the San Francisco Garden Club in honor of its founder 
and first president, Mrs. William Hinckley Taylor, and at the 


suggestion of Miss Eastwood the garden club board directed 
that the income be used to purchase books for the Botany 
Department. Several works of great beauty and worth have 
already been acquired by this means, the outstanding one being 
Elwes’ Monograph of the Genus Lilium, complete with its seven 
supplements (which, as a further gift from the fund, have been 
handsomely bound to match the binding of the original). 

Miss Eastwood has been the inspiration and directing force 
in building up the library of the California Botanical Club 
which is shelved in the Botany Department. This library she 
developed along two lines: one of popular or semipopular works 
on botany, horticulture, and botanical travels primarily for 
the use of the club; the other of more technical taxonomic 
works, such as Sweet’s Geraniaceae and Millais’ Rhododen- 
drons, primarily for reference in the Botany Department. From 
time to time she has had the club present to the Academy one 
of its more valuable works as a token of appreciation to the 
Academy for what that institution does to foster and further 
the aims of the club. 

With the exception of other special gifts, the regular exchange 
accounts, and some meager purchases, the costs of developing 
the botanical library over the years have been met by Miss 
Eastwood. She has lived frugally, and sometimes austerely, in 
order to meet bills for rare books. She has often made the re- 
mark, “Save in order to be generous’; and this motto she has 
carried out implicitly. She has always had cash on hand when 
a book, long sought after, has appeared on the market. She has 
had an uncanny ability as a book-buyer. True, she might gamble 
and bargain and at length compromise rather than lose an op- 
portunity, but she never allowed price to defeat her great objec- 
tive, namely, to acquire at the first reasonable opportunity 
literature which she could not work without. 

Today the entire botanical book collection numbers some 
5000 volumes. It covers the field of color-plate magazines, the 
great color-plate books of the eighteenth and nineteenth cen- 
turies, the classic monographs, such as, Ruiz and Pavon, Hum- 
boldt, Salm-Reifferscheid-Dyck, Plumier, Rumphius, Lamarck, 
Flora Braziliensis, and the important regional floras of the 
world, with appropriate emphasis on those of western America. 
While the botanical library represents the accretion of many 


purchases and gifts, the crowning gift of all is Miss Eastwood's 
own library, given by her on the day she retired, to remain as 
a perpetual monument for the benefit of those who follow after. 

Books are the most remarkable creation of man. 

Nothing else he builds ever lasts. 


The Botanical Collections of the California 
Academy of Scvences 


San Francisco 

The present herbarium of the California Academy of Sciences 
dates not from the Academy’s founding in April, 1853, but rather 
from the San Francisco earthquake and fire on April 18, 1906. 
On that fateful day, as Miss Eastwood and her helpers rescued 
the last bundle of specimens and turned their back on the old 
Academy building, already threatened by flames, the new her- 
barium of the new Academy was begun. The 1497 specimens in 
the wagon rattling over the cobblestoned streets towards Rus- 
sian Hill was the herbarium pro tempore, and it is from that 
relatively small but important collection that the present her- 
barium of about 370,000 specimens has grown. 

Those 1497 specimens were the choicest part of the old Acad- 
emy herbarium, the types and isotypes and other critical speci- 
mens that had been segregated from the general herbarium by 
Miss Eastwood because she had felt they were deserving of 
special care and attention. From that auspicious beginning in 
April, 1906, the collection of types and isotypes of the Academy 
herbarium has grown until now it is more than twice as large 
and is maintained in special cases apart from the general her- 
barium. During the past decade, the type herbarium has been 
expertly curated by Dr. Thomas H. Kearney, under whose 
supervision a card catalogue of types of spermatophytes has been 
prepared. This catalogue is now being published in install- 
ments.* A published catalogue covering the cryptogamic types, 
which will list the important collections of algae and furnish a 
much-needed list of the types of Harkness fungi, is planned to 
follow the present phanerogamic series. 

By good fortune, several taxonomic groups in the general 
herbarium were saved because they were on loan to specialists 

*Plant types in the Herbarium of the California Academy of Sciences. The Wasmann 

Collector, vol. 7 (1949); Wasmann Journal of Biology, vol. 8 (1950), vol. 9 (1951), vol. 
10 (1952), vol. 11 (1953). 


at the time of the San Francisco disaster. Specimens of Lupinus 
were in Cambridge, Massachusetts, being studied by Prof. B. L. 
Robinson for his treatment in a part of Gray’s Synoptical Flora 
that was never published. The collection of Eschscholzia was 
still in Washington, D.C., where it had served as the basis of 
Greene’s revision of the genus in Pittonia, vol. 5. The third 
large loan then outstanding was a comprehensive collection of 
Polemoniaceae which, in the hands of the German botanist, 
August Brand, was perhaps the principal western American 
basis for his revision of that family in Das Pflanzenreich. The 
character of the material in these general collections that were 
saved furnishes some slight insight into the richness and diver- 
sity that must have characterized the old Academy herbarium 
that was consumed in the holocaust of that dread day of de- 

Two:other collections belonging to the Academy at the time 
of the earthquake and fire but, fortunately, not yet in the Acad- 
emy museum, should be noted here: the 1905 collections of 
A. A. Heller and the invaluable collections of the Academy expe- 
dition to the Galapagos Islands. Through arrangement with 
Miss Eastwood and in consideration of financial assistance ex- 
tended to him, Heller had agreed to deposit in the Academy 
herbarium the types and first set of specimens of his 1905 field 
trips, which were among the most profitable botanically that 
he ever made. Reference to these facts is made in the opening 
pages of Muhlenbergia, vol. 2, where it can be ascertained that 
some 35 types came to the Academy through the arrangement. 

The expedition to the Galapagos Islands had spent one full 
year in the islands, from Sept. 23, 1905, to Sept. 25, 1906, making 
the most complete natural history studies that have ever been 
made in that famous archipelago. The treasure trove of scien- 
tific specimens from the expedition became destined to form one 
of the chief building blocks on which the new Academy museum 
was to arise and to regain world renown in scientific circles. ‘The 
botanical collections of that expedition, together with those 
obtained in 1932 on the Templeton Crocker Expedition, make 
the Academy the world’s chief source of information on the 
plant life of the Galapagos Islands. 

Following the earthquake and fire, several herbaria owned 
by individuals were donated to the Academy and gave to the 


present herbarium some of its most valued collections. Miss 
Eastwood has already recounted the importance of these her- 
baria in LEAFLETS OF WESTERN Borany, volume 5, pages 45 to 
48, where she describes the collections of Evelina Cannon, Wil- 
liam W. Carruth, George R. Kleeberger, and E. K. Abbott. 
More recent gifts have included the herbarium of Ella Dales 
Cantelow (also mentioned by Miss Eastwood in the article re- 
ferred to) and the Hubby Herbarium. The latter was presented 
to the Academy by the Ojai Branch of the Ventura County 
Library, where it had been stored for many years and where 
it was discovered by Mr. Henry M. Pollard. The Hubby Her- 
barium is chiefly important because of the large number of 
specimens collected in the 1890’s by Frank W. Hubby and Miss 
Nora Pettibone in the vicinity of Ojai, Ventura County, Cali- 
fornia. These collections are an important complement to the 
large and exhaustive collections Mr. Pollard made in the water- 
shed of the Ventura River while a teacher at the Ojai School for 
Boys in the Ojai Valley. ‘The first set of Mr. Pollard’s collections 
are also deposited in the Academy herbarium, a gift from Mr. 
Pollard. It is hoped that the Hubby and Pollard collections will 
some day furnish the basis for a local flora of the Ojai region, 
where desert, coastal, montane, and cismontane phytogeo- 
graphic factors bring together in a restricted area one of the 
most interesting plant assemblages in California. 

Mr. Lewis S. Rose, over a period of more than twenty years, 
is the one who has given more specimens than anyone else to the 
Academy herbarium. An honorary member of the herbarium 
staff, he has devoted himself to the collection and distribu- 
tion of western American plants, chiefly Californian. The first 
set of his plants has always been available to the Academy, 
where most of his material has been identified. His duplicates 
have been offered for exchange on all of the six continents, and 
the rich returns from this extensive activity have been deposited 
as a gift in the Academy herbarium under the stamped designa- 
tion, “Collection of Lewis S. Rose.” In 1942, when I dedicated 
in his honor Senecio Lewisrosei, I estimated that he had given 
to the Academy some 53,000 specimens. Now the number is 
more nearly 70,000, and I am certain it would be even larger if 
the facilities of the Academy herbarium were commensurate 
with the activity and ambition of our friend and benefactor! 


H. D. Ripley and R. C. Barneby, now residents of New York 
(State) but formerly of England and of California, have, through 
their wide and diligent field labors in the western United States, 
and particularly in the Great Basin area, contributed more tax- 
onomic and phytogeographic knowledge than most other con- 
temporary workers. Since 1941, when the two began a systematic 
field study of arid parts of the American Southwest, they have 
deposited in the Academy herbarium the choicest parts of their 
collections, under the appropriate label-head, Plantae Selectae 
Occidentales. Very early in this field work, Mr. Barneby began 
his revolutionary studies on the North American species of the 
genus Astragalus, and one by-product of his intensive field and 
herbarium researches is the development of an outstanding col- 
lection of this genus in the Academy herbarium. The gifts of 
Ripley and Barneby to the herbarium total more than 4000 
specimens, of which 50 represent types of taxa proposed by Mr. 
Barneby, while still other specimens are types or isotypes of taxa 
by other workers based on Ripley and Barneby specimens. ‘The 
names of these brilliant and indefatigable collectors will be 
forever associated with the twentieth century botanical ex- 
ploration of our Southwestern deserts in the names of such 
plants as Eriogonum Ripleyi, Lesquerella Barnebyt, Gilia Rip- 
leyi, Phacelia Barnebyana, and Castilleja Barnebyana, and by 
the superb plant collections they have deposited in the Academy 
herbarium and elsewhere. 

Another noteworthy collection from the Great Basin that has 
been given to the Academy is the Linsdale collection from the 
Toiyabe Mountains in central Nevada. The set numbered 1000 
specimens and was prepared by Jean M. and Mary Ann Lins- 
dale during the course of Dr. Linsdale’s field work on the verte- 
brates of the Great Basin. The collection is one of the most 
complete ever made in the Toiyabe Mountains and was the 
basis of a report on the plants of the range (Wasmann Journal 
of Biology 10:129—200). The Great Basin collections of the Lins- 
dales, of Ripley and Barneby, and of Eastwood and Howell, to- 
gether with extensive Basin material received by exchange from 
the Utah State Agricultural College in Logan, give to the Acad- 
emy an outstanding research collection pertaining to a large and 
interesting part of the western United States. 

Over the years, two other botanists have been generous in 


their donations to the Academy herbarium, Milo S. Baker and 
Robert F. Hoover, although with both, the first sets of their 
specimens are to be found elsewhere. It is Mr. Baker who first 
brought the Pitkin Marsh in Sonoma County to the attention 
of botanists generally and it is he who was foremost in the 
botanical rediscovery of Lake County. Mr. Baker has supplied 
the Academy with duplicates of most of his interesting dis- 
coveries, including many isotypes of new taxa based on his 
collections. Through Dr. Hoover’s continued generosity, the 
Academy has received many isotypes and other valued speci- 
mens and has thus been able to keep abreast of the advance of 
floristic knowledge to which his many important and critical 
discoveries have contributed. 

Now that I have begun as an Academy project a flora of the 
Sierra Nevada, the Academy collections from that range are 
assuming ever greater value as taxonomic and phytogeographic 
studies proceed. The first intensive collecting I did as a novice 
in botany was in the Sierra Nevada in the summers of 1923 to 
1925; and, from 1940 to 1949, I was offered unsurpassed oppor- 
tunities to collect in the higher parts of the range by the Sierra 
Club through its Base Camp outings under the leadership of 
Oliver Kehrlein. Since 1949, Peter Raven has carried on this 
work under the auspices of the Sierra Club and his collections 
are deposited in the Academy herbarium. For about twenty 
years, Clarence R. Quick has collected plant specimens as he 
has gone about the Sierra Nevada in connection with his work 
on the white pine blister rust control program, and the larger 
part of the first series of his well-prepared specimens has been 
given to the Academy. Many hundreds of Sierran specimens 
came to the Academy when Mark Kerr gave his herbarium, 
which was devoted chiefly to Inyo County. The Plumas and 
Sierra County collections of Ella Dales (Mrs. H. C.) Cantelow, 
of Anna Head, and of Dorothy (Mrs. E. C.) Sutliffe are particu- 
larly valuable, while the collections of Henry M. Pollard from 
the regions around Huntington Lake and the Mammoth Lakes 
give the Academy reference material from those parts of the 
range. Among others whose Sierran collections (complete or 
partial) are a valued part of the Academy herbarium, the fol- 
lowing should also be mentioned: Mrs. H. P. Bracelin, A. East- 
wood, Roxanna S. Ferris, M. S. Jussel, David D. Keck, Hans 


Leschke, Elsie Zeile (Mrs. W. R.) Lovegrove, Enid (Mrs. Charles 
E.) Michael, Anita Noldeke, F. W. Peirson, L. S. Rose, C. W. 
Sharsmith, and G. L. Stebbins, Jr. 

The specimens of many other collectors have also been given 
to the Academy, sometimes as single large collections, but gen- 
erally in small lots from time to time over the years. While it is 
not possible to discuss these collections in detail here, it is de- 
sirable to record the names of some of these collectors since 
their specimens have frequently furnished material on which 
new taxa have been based and have added many plants of 
value for systematic and phytogeographic studies. Among the 
collectors who should be noted here are: Drs. Fred and Char- 
lotte Baker, Marian L. Campbell, T. D. A. Cockerell, Chester 
Dudley, W. I. Follett, G. Dallas Hanna, J. K. Henry, William 
F. Herrin, Junea W. (Mrs. G. Earle) Kelly, J. August Kusche, 
Gregory S. Lyon, E. P. Meincke, C. Hart Merriam, Frances 
Payne, Carl Purdy, G. P. Rixford, Lester Rowntree, Peter 
Rubtzoff, L. E. Smith, Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Van Dyke, E. R. Wes- 
ton, and Ynez Whilton Winblad. 

Of the nonvascular cryptograms, the Academy herbarium 
boasts only of its bryophyte collection and of the hundreds of 
specimens of algae and fungi in the type herbarium. The gen- 
eral collection of Musci numbers about 11,000 specimens and, 
though world-wide in compass, it is chiefly valuable for the Cali- 
fornia section, which was used to advantage by Dr. L. F. Koch 
in the preparation of his catalogue of California mosses (Leafl. 
West. Bot. 6:1-40). Since the completion of that work, Mrs. 
Fay A. MacFadden has presented the Academy with nearly a 
thousand selected specimens of Musct, filling many gaps in our 
California series. 

Even more important than the Academy collection of Musct 
is our collection of Hepaticae. It numbers only about 4000 speci- 
mens but contains what is probably the largest collection of 
California hepatics in the world. The assembling and care of 
this important collection was the devoted task attended to over 
several decades by Mrs. Dorothy Sutliffe, who donated to the 
Academy everything that went into her work. As in all groups, 
the Galdpagean collections of bryophytes are outstanding. 
Through the Kleeberger Herbarium (noted above), the Acad- 
emy acquired the Coe F. Austin distributions and, in the Prager 


Herbarium (noted below), are some classical collections from 
Germany and elsewhere. 

Some of the most important sections of the herbarium have 
been developed because of the special interest of members of 
the staff in certain groups of plants. Thus Miss Eastwood’s in- 
terest in the lupines, manzanitas, and paintbrushes over many 
decades led to the accumulation of large series of critical speci- 
mens in the genera Lupinus, Arctostaphylos, and Castilleja, 
while the same can be said to have resulted from my interest in 
Eriogonum, Phacelia, and Cirsium. The largest single collec- 
tion in the entire herbarium is probably that of North American 
Carex, which was developed through the critical and energetic 
interest of J. W. Stacey, who for a number of years was a Re- 
search Associate of the Academy. Mr. Stacey inspired me with 
his enthusiasm, and I am happy to state that now a keen and 
discerning interest is being shown in California’s largest plant 
genus by still younger botanists, by Peter Rubtzoff in his work 
on the Sonoma County marshes, and by Peter Raven in his 
field work in Napa County and in the Sierra Nevada. For more 
than a decade, Dr. Hans Leschke has contributed to our un- 
derstanding of the genus through his discriminating field work, 
but his gifts to the Academy herbarium are not restricted to 
Carex alone. 

The most recent notable development of a special group in the 
herbarium is that of the New World Malvaceae, due to the criti- 
cal studies of Dr. Thomas H. Kearney, who, since his retirement 
from a position in the U. S. Department of Agriculture, has 
been an honorary member of the herbarium staff. Under Dr. 
Kearney, the Academy’s Malvaceae have tripled or quadrupled, 
and although an enviable collection of New World plants is 
being assembled, the vast development of the family in Latin 
America leaves much yet to be accomplished in that direction. 
When not working with Malvaceae, Dr. Kearney is busy with 
Arizona plants sent him for determination, and the Academy 
has him to thank chiefly for the large collections from that state 
which augment an already-outstanding regional representation 
that resulted from the field work of Miss Eastwood. 

It is generally agreed that one of the most valuable parts of 
the Academy herbarium is its horticultural collection. These 
collections are distributed through the general herbarium, but 


are set apart from specimens of non-cultivated plants by the 
orange genus-covers in which they are filed. It is not easy to 
estimate the size of the horticultural collection, but it prob- 
ably exceeds 50,000 specimens. The largest part of this collec- 
tion has been obtained from California gardens, parks, and 
nurseries, and more of these plants have been collected by Mr. 
Eric Walther, Supervisor of the Strybing Arboretum, than by 
anyone else, although Miss Eastwood collected a great number. 
Other important collections of California garden specimens 
have come from Miss Elizabeth McClintock and from Mrs. H. 
P. Bracelin. Extensive collections of horticultural material from 
outside California have come from the Arnold Arboretum 
and from the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew, England. The 
Prager Herbarium, discussed below, also contains many speci- 
mens of plants cultivated in the botanic gardens of Germany. 
Sometimes these Prager specimens represent quite ordinary 
plants, but at other times, as in the case of Polygonum argyro- 
coleon Steudel ex Kunze which I discussed in this journal in 
1934, the cultivated plant may be as important as the type-col- 
lection itself. 

The Herbarium of Albert Prager of Leipzig, referred to in 
the preceding paragraph, was purchased by the Academy at the 
insistence of Miss Eastwood and through the generosity of 
seven Academy members. The size of the herbarium may never 
be known since there is no record of an actual count of speci- 
mens,—for instead of the number of specimens, Prager kept ac- 
count only of the number of species, and these totaled almost 
26,000. It seems safe to assume that the number of specimens 
would be at least double the total number of species in Prager’s 

The outstanding riches of the Prager Herbarium have been 
described before (Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., ser. 4, 11:625—-627; 
Leafl. West. Bot. 6:205-207) and their importance in adding 
to the prestige and usefulness of the Academy herbarium can- 
not be overestimated. What of import might turn up in any 
particular group of plants can scarcely be foretold, so varied are 
the collections and so diverse the sources from which Prager ob- 
tained them. Who, for example, would have expected to find 
among the Prager grasses a part of the type-collection of An- 
thochloa lepida obtained by Meyen at 15,000 feet in the Peruvian 


Andes, the collection from which Nees and Meyen described 
their species and on which they based their genus? Yet there it 
is in the Prager Herbarium, and, so far as I have been able to 
ascertain, it is a collection otherwise represented in America 
only by a fragment (ex herb. Berol.) in the Grass Herbarium of 
the U. S. National Herbarium. 

Academy collections from the far north also constitute one 
of its outstanding sections, not so important as the Galapagean 
and western North American collections certainly, but notable 
nevertheless. Here we find first or original sets by Alice East- 
wood, George Haley, Edward Johnston, Ynez Mexia, Malcolm 
Smith, Harry Swarth, and others from northwestern Canada, 
Alaska, and the Aleutian and Pribiloff islands, and those by 
Louise A. Boyd, George Haley, and H. J. Oosting from the 
eastern Canadian Arctic, Greenland, and Europe. From Eyer- 
dam, Hultén, G. N. Jones, H. L. Mason, M. P. Porsild, and many 
others have been obtained extensive collections by exchange or 
by purchase. And again in the Prager Herbarium there is a 
wealth of northern European collections, with a generous 
sprinkling of Greenland plants by J. Vahl and not a few frag- 
ments from classic collections made by Russian collectors in 

Collections resulting directly from the field work of the 
curators account for about one-fifth of the entire herbarium. 
Miss Eastwood and I, individually and jointly, have collected 
approximately 60,000 numbered specimens of vascular plants. 
When I joined the staff in June, 1930, I brought with me my 
herbarium of about 8000 specimens which I gave to the Acad- 
emy; and, in 1949, on joining the curatorial ranks of the 
Department of Botany, Miss Elizabeth McClintock presented 
her personal collections, particularly rich in plants cultivated in 
southern California and in material of Hydrangea. Miss Betty 
Hammerly, while a member of the department, accompanied 
an entomological expedition under the direction of A. E. 
Michelbacher and E. S. Ross to the Cape region of Lower Cali- 
fornia and obtained many desirable specimens. 

The expeditions of the Academy have brought into the her- 
barium some of its most valuable collections. Although a num- 
ber of expeditions have been sponsored by the Academy, the 
most important from a botanist’s viewpoint have been: the 


expedition to the Galapagos Islands in 1905-06, Alban Stewart, 
botanist; the expedition to the Gulf of California in 1921, Ivan 
Johnston, botanist; the expedition to the Revillagigedo Islands 
in 1925, Herbert L. Mason, botanist; the Templeton Crocker 
Expedition in 1932, J. T. Howell, botanist. Among the chief 
contributions made by the Academy to systematic botany and 
phytogeography are the assembling of the plant materials of 
these expeditions and the publishing of reports on the expedi- 
tions and collections. 

Belonging to the Department of Botany are numerous objects 
of both scientific and popular interest, mostly valuable for mu- 
seum exhibition purposes. ‘The Dennison, Fauntleroy, and Vos- 
burg collections of water color paintings of California wild flow- 
ers and the Pollard carvings from the woods of California plants, 
particularly from manzanita burls, may be noted in this regard. 

Also to be included as a unique museum object is the her- 
barium of Anders Beckman that was completed in 1752. Made 
up like a scrap-book and containing specimens of several hun- 
dred pressed Swedish plants, this old collection was presented 
to the Department of Botany by Mrs. H. P. Bracelin to whom it 
had been given by Sara Beckman Eichorn, a direct descendant 
of the man who had prepared the specimens so long ago and so 
far away. Dr. Carl Skotsberg, on examining this botanical heir- 
loom, remarked that Anders Beckman was probably a German 
who went to Sweden to study under Linnaeus. The Beckman 
Herbarium is perhaps one of the oldest plant collections in 

One more botanical collection of the Academy must be noted, 
although it is not in the Department of Botany: the very im- 
portant collection of diatoms which is in the Department of 
Paleontology. The basis of the collection is the material of Wil- 
liam H. Norris, one of the founders of the San Francisco Micro- 
scopical Society, but other collections are included, notably 
the numerous specimens that have been prepared or acquired 
by Dr. G. Dallas Hanna in connection with his geological work. 
There are several thousand slide preparations in the diatom 
herbarium, of which 600 slides (including 200 holotypes) are 
segregated in the type collections of the department. In connec- 
tion with his research in this field, Dr. Hanna has gathered to- 
gether an outstanding library on diatoms which includes the 


important pamphlet collection of Pantocsek, well-known Hun- 
garian diatomist. 

And so in large part, the botanical collections of the Califor- 
nia Academy of Sciences stand before the scientific world after 
one hundred years. Repeatedly Miss Eastwood has asserted that 
the present herbarium is much better and much more useful 
than the one that was lost in 1906; but she always adds her re- 
grets at the irreparable loss of Philippi’s collections from Chile, 
of Hillebrand’s from Hawaii, and her own from Colorado and 
Utah, to mention only three. 

The growth of the present herbarium has been impressive,— 
from a few hundred specimens in 1906 to over 370,000 in 1953. 
But knowledge (scientia), not size, is the end for which we strive. 
Unless an herbarium serves as a basis for study and for published 
research, it is little more than a well-ordered hay-stack. In its 
first hundred years, the Academy herbarium has met and an- 
swered the challenge of the science it serves. In 1953, it enters 
upon its second hundred years with the expectation and hope 
that its scientific usefulness will be augmented and ever more 
fully realized. 

With Ulysses’ gray spirit we must ever yearn 

To follow knowledge like a sinking star 
Beyond the utmost bound of human thought. 


Appendix 1: Notes on the Plates 

Plate 1. Looking southward over the museum buildings of 
the California Academy of Sciences in Golden Gate Park, San 
Francisco, in 1953. The Department of Botany occupies the 
western half of the second floor of the wing on the extreme right. 
The proposed Alice Eastwood Hall of Botany will be erected 
in the court immediately to the left of this wing according to 
current plans. The Strybing Arboretum lies a short distance to 
the west of the Academy buildings beyond the right edge of the 

Plate 2. The First Congregational Church of San Francisco on 
the southwestern corner of Dupont Street (the present Grant 
Avenue) and California Street. After the church moved to 
newer quarters, the California Academy of Sciences occupied 
this building from 1874 to 1891. Our picture, from the files of 
the Society of California Pioneers, is a detail from an old pic- 
torial entitled the “San Francisco Rose,’’ Frederich Hess, San 
Francisco, publisher. Petal fragments of the “rose” show in the 
lower part of the reproduction. 

Plate 3. The facade of the Academy’s combined office and 
museum building on the south side of Market Street between 
Fourth and Fifth streets in 1893. This imposing building, which 
was erected on land deeded to the California Academy of Sci- 
ences by James Lick and built with money from his estate, was 
occupied by the Academy from 1891 until it was destroyed by 
the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire in 1906. Stores and offices 
fronted on Market Street, while the natural history exhibits 
and research departments occupied the museum quarters which 
adjoined to the rear. The California Academy of Sciences, a 
tax-free California corporation, still derives its chief income 
from the James Lick bequest. 

Plate 4. View of the court, the glass roof, and the sixth floor 
gallery in the Academy’s museum building on Market Street. 
According to Joseph R. Slevin, the doors on the right led to the 
rooms of the Botany Department and he recounts that Miss 
Eastwood used the iron railing along the balcony for drying 


plant blotters. The Department of Entomology occupied the 
sixth floor rooms on the left, while the offices of the Academy, 
the library, and other research departments were on the two 
galleries below. The ground floor and the two lowest galleries 
were devoted to the public museum. 

Plate 5. Albert Kellogg’s original water color drawing of his 
species, Viola purpurea, which, together with a specimen, was 
exhibited at the meeting of the California Academy of Sciences 
on May 28, 1855. This drawing and an herbarium specimen 
constitute the type of the species which was described in the 
Proceedings of the Academy (1: 56,—1855), and they were among 
the specimens saved by Miss Eastwood from the 1906 fire. Be- 
neath the drawing in Kellogg’s script we read “Viola purpurea 
Kellogg from a spm. [specimen] of Placerville.” In the original 
description the type-locality was given vaguely as “from the in- 
terior’ of California. This picture, which is not only of import- 
ance as an aid in the proper interpretation of Kellogg’s species 
but also as an excellent example of the “primitive” style that 
distinguished his botanical art, has not before been published. 

Plate 6. Alice Eastwood at her desk in the Botany Department 
on July 19, 1948. Six months later, on her ninetieth birthday, 
January 19, 1949, Miss Eastwood retired as curator of the de- 
partment, the position she first assumed in December, 1892. 

Plate 7. The dedication monument in the Strybing Arbore- 
tum and Botanical Gardens, of which Mr. Eric Walther is 
Supervisor. These gardens are in Golden Gate Park adjacent to 
the buildings of the California Academy of Sciences and furnish 
the Botany Department of the Academy with the botanical 
garden complement that is so desirable for a well-rounded 
botanical institution. The Strybing monument was formerly 
a part of the Donahue Monument at the intersection of Market 
and Bush streets and was procured for the Strybing Arboretum 
by Mr. Walther when that famous landmark had to be shifted 
to make way for a modern traffic arterial. 

Plate 8, fig. 1. Templeton Crocker’s yacht Zaca at anchor in 
Academy Bay, Indefatigable Island in the Galapagos. Mt. 
Crocker, the highest point on the island, is seen on the skyline 
near the right edge of the picture. The first natural history 
specimens from the summit of the mountain were obtained in 
May, 1932, by the Academy party, which, headed by Mr. Crocker, 
made the first ascent. 


Plate 8, fig. 2. An Eastwood and Howell expedition in the 
field: Monument Valley on the Arizona-Utah line, September 
14, 1938. For nine years, from 1933 to 1941, numerous field trips 
by automobile were made jointly by Alice Eastwood and J. T. 
Howell in California and other western states. More than 10,000 
botanical specimens and innumerable duplicates were collected 
on these outings, which ranged from short excursions around 
San Francisco to long expeditions across mountains and deserts. 
The reports on these trips were, for many years, one of the chief 
burdens of LEAFLETS OF WESTERN Botany, while the plants dis- 
covered were yet another contribution to the Academy’s Depart- 
ment of Botany. 


Appendix 2: 
List of Persons Mentioned in Text 

Abbott, E. K., 91. 

Austin, C. F., 94. 

Babcock, E. B., 76. 

Bailey, L. H., 72. 

Baker, F. and C., 94. 

Baker, M. S., 93. 

Barkelew, F. E., 73. 

Barneby, R. C., 76, 92. 

Bartlett, W. C., 56. 

Bartram, E. B., 75. 

Bates, H., 69. 

Beckman, A., 98. 

Behr, H. H., 46, 50, 55, 70-72. 

Benson, L. A., 76. 

Bigelow, J. M., 48. 

Bloomer, H. G., 47, 69. 

Bolander, H. N., 50, 51, 69, 70, 72. 

Bonar, L., 75. 

Bowman, M. C., 57. 

Boyd, L. A., 97. 

Bracelin, Mrs. H. P., 94, 96, 98. 

Brand, A., 90. 

Brandegee, Mr. and Mrs., 85. 

Brandegee, Mrs. M. K. L. C., 55, 58, 

Brandegee, Mrs., see also Mrs. 

Brandegee, T. S., 53, 55, 58, 59, 71, 
72, 74. 

Brewer, W. H., 45, 49. 

Bryant, W. E., 56, 74. 

Burbank, L., 66. 

Byxbee, E. S., 73. 

Campbell, D. H., 72, 73, 76. 

Campbell, Mrs. M. L., 94. 

Cannon, E., 57, 91. 

Cannon, W. A., 73. 

Cantelow, E. D. (Mrs. H. C.), 57, 91. 

Carruth, W. W., 91. 

Glark, EB. 75: 

Clayton, J., 69. 

Cleveland, D., 56. 

Cockerell, T. D. A., 94. 

Cogniaux, A., 73. 

Cooke, M. C., 71. 

Cooper, J. G., 49. 

Crocker, T., 101. 

Curran, M. K.., 54, 71, 72. 

Darbishire, O. V., 75. 

Davidson, G., 44, 48, 55. 

Derby, G. H., 49. 

Drury, A., 64. 
Dudley, C., 94. 
Dudley, W. R., 73. 
Durant, H., 52. 
Eastwood, A., 56-69, 73, 75-77, 80-91, 
94, 95, 97, 99, 101, 102. 
Eichorn, Mrs. S. B., 98. 
Eisen, G. A., 53, 56. 
Ellis, J. B., 72. 
Engelmann, W., 86. 
Evans, A. W., 76. 
Ewan, J., 76. 
Eyerdam, W. J., 97. 
Farquhar, F. P., 51. 
Farris, C., 44. 
Ferris, Mrs. R. S., 94. 
Follett, W. I., 94. 
Gardner, N. L., 74, 75. 
Gibbes, C. D., 69. 
Gibbons, H., 44. 
Gibbons, W. P., 45, 50. 
Goodridge, J., 46. 
Goodspeed, T. H., 76. 
Gray, A., 51, 71. 
Greene, E. L., 45, 53, 71, 72, 90. 
Grinnell, J., 76. 
Gunnison, Capt., 50. 
Haines, C., 56. 
Haley, G., 97. 
Hall, H. M., 76. 
Hammerly, B., 97. 
Hanna, G. D., 75, 94, 98. 
Harford, W. G. W., 44, 48, 54, 55. 
Harkness, H. W., 71-73. 
Harte, B., 52. 
Hasse, H. E., 56. 
Head, A., 93. 
Heermann, A. L., 48. 
Heller, A. A., 90. 
Henry, J. K., 94. 
Herrin, W. F., 86, 94. 
Hitchcock, A. S., 75. 
Hoover, R. F., 93. 
Howe, M. A., 75. 
Howell, J. T., 63, 65, 66, 68, 75-77, 81, 
97, 98, 102. 
Hubby, F. W., 91. 
Hultén, E., 97. 
Hume, J. N., 69. 
iavint, G) E57. 
Huntington, C. P., 52. 


Hus, H. T., 73. 

Jepson, W. L., 54, 60. 

Johnston, E., 97. 

Johnston, I. M., 74, 75, 98. 

Jones, G. N., 97. 

Jones, M. E., 55, 73. 

Jussel, M. S., 94. 

Karg, Mrs. K. H., 86. 

Kearney, T. H., 78, 89, 95. 

Keck, D. D., 76, 94. 

Kehrlein, O., 93. 

Kellogg, A., 44-46, 50, 51, 53, 58, 
69-72, 101. 

Kelly, Mrs. J. W., 94. 

Kerr, M., 93. 

Kincaid, M. W., 56. 

Kleeberger, G. R., 91. 

Koch, L. F., 94. 

Kumlein, L., 53. 

Kusche, J. A., 94. 

Lansdale, Mrs. P. V. H., 63. 

Lawson, A. A., 73. 

LeConte, J., 54, 72. 

Leschke, H., 94, 95. 

Lesquereux, L., 51. 

Lick, J., 47, 56, 100. 

Linder, D. H., 75. 

Linsdale, J. M., 92. 

Linsdale, M. A., 92. 

Lovegrove, E. Z. (Mrs. W. R.), 94. 

Lyon, G. S., 94. 

MacFadden, Mrs. F. A., 94. 

Manning, A. M., 56. 

Marchand, Dr. and Mrs., 74. 

Mason, H. L., 75, 76, 97, 98. 

McClintock, E., 69, 76, 81-83, 96, 97. 

McDonald, J. M., 45. 
McLaren, J., 62. 
McMinn, H. E., 76. 
Meinecke, E. P., 94. 
Merriam, C. H., 94. 
Merrill, G. P., 50. 
Mexia, Y., 97. 

Michael, E. (Mrs. C. E.), 94. 
Michelbacher, A. E., 97. 
Millspaugh, C. F., 72. 
Murmyz, P. A., 76. 
Nevins, T. J., 43. 
Newberry, J. S., 48. 
Noldeke, A., 94. 
Norris, W. H., 98. 
Nott, C. P., 73. 
Oosting, H. J., 97. 
Osterhout, W. J. V., 73. 
Parish, S. B., 56, 73. 
Parry, C. C., 72. 
Parsons, M. E., 56. 
Payne, F., 94. 

Peirce, G. J., 73, 76. 
Peirson, F. W., 94. 

Pettibone, N., 91. 
Phillips, W., 71. 
Plowright, C. B., 72. 
Pollard, H. M., 91, 93. 
Porsild, M. P., 97. 
Porter, KR. 612 

Prager, A., 96. 

Purdy, C., 56, 73, 94. 
Putnam, S. O., 50. 
Quick, C. R., 93. 
Randall, A., 43, 69. 
Raven, P., 78, 93, 95. 
Ripley, H. D., 92. 
Rixford, E., 86. 
Rixford, G. P., 56, 94. 
Robinson, B. L., 90. 
Rose, L. S., 78, 91, 94. 
Ross, E. S., 97. 
Rowntree, L., 94. 
Rubtzoff, P., 78, 94, 95. 
St. John, H., 76. 
Sargent, C. S., 61, 66. 
Saunders, D. A., 73. 
Setchell, W. A., 55, 73-76. 
Sharsmith, C. W., 94. 
Skotsberg, C., 98. 
Slevin, J. R., 75, 100. 
Sloat, L. W., 43. 

Smith, G. M., 76. 
Smith, L. E., 94. 
Smith, M., 97. 

Sonne, C. F., 56. 
Stacey, J. W., 78, 95. 
Stearns, R. E. C., 52. 
Stebbins, G. L., 76, 94. 
Steene, W. J., 69. 
Stewart, A., 74, 98. 
Stitzenberger, Dr., 73. 
Stone, Dr., 43. 

Sutliffe, D. (Mrs. E. C.), 57, 86, 93, 94. 
Svenson, H. K., 75. 
Swan, J. G., 70. 
Swarth, H., 97. 

Taylor, Mrs. W. H., 86. 
Trask, J. B.,.44: 
Trelease, W., 72. 

Vahl, J., 97. 

Van Dyke, E. C., 94. 
Veatch, J. A., 44, 46, 69, 70. 
Wallace, A. R., 65. 
Wallace, W. A., 69. 
Walther, E., 76, 78, 82, 83, 96, 101. 
Weston, E. R., 94. 
Whitney, J. D., 49, 52, 54. 
Wiggins, I. L., 76. 
Winblad, Y. W., 94. 
Wolf, C. B., 63, 76. 
Wolle, F., 72. 

Worn, I., 63. 

Wright, C., 46. 


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Plate 2. The old First Congregational Church building which housed the 

Academy from 1874 to 1891 after the church had moved to a newer edifice. 
Contemporary print, from the files of the Society of California Pioneers. 

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The California Academy of Sciences, San Franctsco. 

office and museum building on Market 

Plate 3. The Academy’s combined 

es Lick. 

bequest of Jam 

Street, the princely 
From the California Illustrated Magazine, 

January, 1893. 

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Upper Floor, devoted to Library, Curator’s Rooms, etc,, showing Court. 

Plate 4. The sixth floor gallery of the Academy’s Market Street museum; the 
doors on the right open into the Department of Botany. 
From the California Illustrated Magazine, January, 1893. 

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Plate 5. Viola purpurea: Albert Kellogg’s 1855 water color of his new species, 
“of Placerville.” 
From a photograph of the original in the Academy’s Department of Botany. 

‘OJUaUDAIvE “YOH ‘q Sumy kq ydvisojoyd 
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Plate 8, fig. 1. Templeton Crocker’s yacht Zaca in Academy Bay, Galapagos 
Islands, May, 1932. 
Photograph by Toshio Asaeda. 

Plate 8, fig. 2. An Eastwood and Howell expedition in the field: Monument 
Valley on the Arizona-Utah line, September 14, 1938. 
Photograph by J. T. Howell. 


Pore che tora of Oregon. tc olka aed ¢ EOS 

Hasseanthus, a Subgenus of Dudleya . . . . . . 110 
Rem Moran ’ 

A New Ceanothus from San Luis Obispo County, 
NIMMREEMNIRTAN oe scleral Mia) A827 alal Gh Atha eae ea Re: eke 


\ DECEMBER 3, 1953 


A publication devoted particularly to the native and naturalized 
plants of western North America and to the cultivated plants 
of California, appearing about four times each year. Subscrip- 
tion, $2.00 annually. Cost of back files or single numbers fur- 
nished on request. Address: John Thomas Howell, California 

Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco 18. 

Cited as 

LEAFL. WEsT. Bort. 

Owned and published by 



University of Idaho, Moscow 

Since the last report on plant records for Oregon(2), the fol- 
lowing represent the author’s collections which are either new to 
the state or are extensions in range of sufficient interest to war- 
rant further discussion. All of the specimens are deposited in 
the Herbarium of the University of Idaho or remain in the per- 
sonal herbarium of the author. Duplicates have been distributed 
as indicated. For assistance in making determinations, apprecia- 
tion is expressed to the following specialists: Dr. Lincoln Con- 
stance, Dr. Arthur Cronquist, Dr. F. J. Hermann, Mr. John 
Thomas Howell, Prof. Morton E. Peck, and Mr. J. R. Swallen. 

AGROSTIS VARIABILIS Rydb. Dry hillside, north of headquarters, 
Crater Lake National Park, Cascade Mountains (6476 feet), 
Klamath County, No. 6413 (US). Duplicate identified by J. R. 
Swallen. This plant has a wide distribution along rocky creek 
banks and on mountain slopes from British Columbia to Cali- 
fornia and eastward through Idaho, Nevada, Utah, and Colo- 
rado. It has been apparently confused with A. Rossae Vasey in 
the floras covering our area. 

Cyperus Eracrostis Lamk. Roadside ditch at Cherry Flat (W. 
A. Cochran place), 4 miles north of Agness, Curry County, No. 
4614; along the shores of the Rogue River at Cherry Flat, same 
locality, No. 4679. To our knowledge this is the first record of 
the plant from Curry County. John Thomas Howell(5) lists it 
from Marin County, California. This is a widespread species 
extending from California southward as far as western South 
America. It is of local distribution in our area and may be in- 

Carex 1nops Mkze. Dry open woods, Sand Ridge, along Lake 
Mountain Trail, Oregon Caves National Monument, Siskiyou 
Mountains, Josephine County, Baker & Ruhle No. 885 (CAS). 
The presence of this plant in the Siskiyou Mountains of Ore- 
gon is noted here because its chief distribution is in the Cascade 
Mountains and eastward. It has been reported as far south as 
the Siskiyou Mountains of California. 

JuUNcUs MARGINATUS Rostk. Wet ground edge of Fern Ridge 
Reservoir, No. 2415; roadside near Fern Ridge Reservoir, about 
8 miles west of Eugene, Lane County, No. 2385. F. J. Hermann 

Leaflets of Western Botany, Vol. VII, pp. 105-112, December 3, 1953. 


(personal correspondence) regards this station for J. marginatus 
in Oregon as quite a novelty, as it is so far northwest of any other 
record of this species. The westernmost previously known limit 
for it has been from Nebraska and Kansas to Texas. He suggests 
that presumably it may have been accidentally introduced at 
Fern Ridge. 

Juncus xipHiomeEs E. Mey. Along the edge of Willamette 
Highway, summit of Pengra Pass (5281 feet), Cascade Moun- 
tains, Klamath County, No. 2358; moist banks at Vidae Falls, 
Crater Lake National Park, Cascade Mountains, Klamath 
County, No.7107. Duplicate identified by F. J. Hermann. Peck(6) 
records this plant as occurring along the lower Umatilla River 
in northeastern Oregon and southward to Arizona and Lower 
California. Our two collections are intermediate stations for the 
plant in the Cascade Mountains which help to indicate its dis- 
tribution. It is found but sparingly in Oregon. 

ALLIUM ANCEPS Kell. Dry situations 10 miles southeast of 
Princeton, Harney County, No. 1672. This plant has been pre- 
viously collected by Peck(7) in Malheur County and by Leach in 
Lake County. Our record for Harney County completes its oc- 
currence in southeastern Oregon counties and fills in the gap 
in distribution of a species which has only been collected a few 
times in Oregon. It had long been considered to be limited to 
the eastern base of the Sierra Nevada. 

CLEOMELLA Hit_MANI A. Nels. Clay hillside above Trout 
Creek, Trout Creek Mountains, southeastern Harney County, 
No. 1745. Peck(7) has collected this species in the Sucker Creek 
country and about Adrian and Rome in Malheur County. Our 
record is believed to be the first for Harney County. It increases 
the Oregon range of this rare species considerably. The distribu- 
tion, as hitherto known, was limited to northwestern Nevada. 
The type was obtained at Reno, Nevada. 

CERCOCARPUS LEDIFOLIUS Nutt. Dry, rocky summit of Sugar- 
loaf Peak, Siskiyou Mountains, Josephine County, Baker & 
Ruhle No. 848. Benson(3) lists this species from Steve Peak and 
the author has noted it on Whiskey Peak in the same general 
vicinity. Although it occurs widely in the Rocky Mountains and 
as far northwest as southeastern Washington, the species seems 
to be of very local distribution in the Cascade and Siskiyou 
mountains of Oregon. 

POTENTILLA FRUTICOSA L. Moist grassy meadow on the north 


side of Grayback Mountain, Siskiyou Mountains, Josephine 
County, Baker & Ruhle No. 923. A fairly common species in the 
Blue Mountains and in eastern Oregon. Apparently the first 
record for the Siskiyou Mountains of Oregon. Benson(3) reports 
its occurrence in the Siskiyou Mountains of California and 
states that it will probably be found in southwestern Oregon. 
Of wide distribution from Alaska to Labrador south to Califor- 
nia, New Mexico, and New Jersey. It also occurs in Europe and 
Asia. Oftentimes it is an indicator of overgrazing on some range 
lands of the western United States. 

ASTRAGALUS MALACUS T. & G. Dry sandy soil, along roadside, 
5 miles north of Andrews, Harney County, No. 1719. This spe- 
cies has been collected once before in Oregon, also from Harney 
County. It should be looked for in other southeastern counties, 
when a thorough investigation of these areas is undertaken. It 
occurs as well in Idaho, Nevada, and California. 

‘TRIFOLIUM ERIOCEPHALUM Nutt. var. Prperi Martin. Edge of 
woods, Blue Mountains, about 22 miles north of Enterprise, 
Wallowa County, No. 6046; moist open meadow at Flora Junc- 
tion, Blue Mountains, Wallowa County, No. 6760; moist mead- 
ow, near Sled Creek Ranger Station, Blue Mountains, about 20 
miles north of Enterprise, Wallowa County, No. 6771 and 7672; 
moist meadow along a stream about 28 miles north of Enter- 
prise, Wallowa County, No. 7668. During the past several years 
the writer has collected a nice series of this variety in the Blue 
Mountains of Oregon and adjacent Washington. It is also known 
from Idaho County, Idaho. 

LomatiuM NELSONIANUM Macbr. Dry hillside along the Rogue 
River, Rogue River Canyon, 5 miles east of Illahe, Curry Coun- 
ty, No. 3610 (WSC, UC, CAS). Lincoln Constance (personal 
correspondence) regards this as the only good collection of the 
plant he has ever seen; the type is a mixture of this and L. dis- 
sectum. It is certainly the least-collected species in the genus. 

Asclepias cryptoceras Wats. var. Davisii (Woods.) W. H. Bak- 
er, comb. nov. Asclepias Davisti Woods., Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 
26:261(1939). Dry sandy slope in the canyon of the Imnaha 
River, at Imnaha, Wallowa County, No. 9038. This collection 
has well-developed fruits. Reported previously by Peck(7) from 
Malheur and Baker counties. Woodson(8) records it from Grant 
County. Our station in Wallowa County completes its exten- 
sion northward in Oregon. Its general distribution includes 


eastern Oregon and southwestern Idaho. Asclepias Davisii was 
considered by Dr. R. E. Woodson to differ from A. cryptoceras 
in having larger flowers and corona-hoods more abruptly apicu- 
late and somewhat shorter than the anthers (while in the latter 
they are considerably longer). Upon examination there seems 
to be some variation in the length of the corona-hoods and size 
of flower from specimen to specimen. All the material from 
Oregon has the abruptly apiculate corona-hoods. Since the simi- 
larities in appearance and distribution indicate a close relation- 
ship of the two entities, it is thought best to consider them as 
parts of a single species. 

PHACELIA CORYMBOSA Jepson. Open rocky slopes, along the 
Big Tree Trail, Oregon Caves National Monument, Siskiyou 
Mountains, Josephine County, Baker & Ruhle No. 201; open 
dry hillside along the Marial-Illahe trail, Rogue River Canyon, 
at Clay Hill on Rogue River, Curry County, No. 3878 and 4390; 
dry open hillside, south slope of Iron Mountain, Curry County, 
No. 5645. The last is the most northern locality record the au- 
thor has seen to date, being several miles north of the Rogue 
River. The plant is restricted to the Klamath-Siskiyou region of 
southwestern Oregon and northern California and, according 
to J. T. Howell (personal communication), to the northern 
Sierra Nevada of California. 

PHACELIA FRIGIDA Greene. Dry pumice slopes, near summit 
of Lao Rock (8100 feet), No. 6255; dry pumice slopes, inside the 
rim near the summit of the Devil’s Backbone, No. 6238; Cloud 
Cap, No. 2568, Crater Lake National Park, Cascade Mountains, 
Klamath County. Ranges from Crater Lake in the Cascade 
Mountains southward to the southern Sierra Nevada. 

PHACELIA MUTABILIS Greene. Edge of open woods, Munson 
Meadow below headquarters, Crater Lake National Park, Cas- 
cade Mountains, Klamath County, No. 6155 (UC, UW, CAS, 
WSC, NY). Duplicate identified by Lincoln Constance. Addi- 
tional collections have been made in the same locality at Vidae 
Falls, No. 2532, and along the trail down to Crater Lake, No. 
1973. It has a distribution from Mount Rainier to California. 
Apparently previous collections of the plant in Oregon have 
often been confused with other species of Phacelia. 

CASTILLEJA PAYNEAE Eastw. Dry pumice soil, edge of Munson 
Meadow below headquarters, Crater Lake National Park, Cas- 
cade mountains, Klamath County, No. 6143 (NY, UW, CAS, 


WSC, UC). One of the commonest species in the park, abundant 
on all dry pumice slopes. It is found from the Three Sisters area 
in Oregon southward to Mount Lassen in California. 

CENTAUREA PRATENSIS Thuill. Common along the roadside to 
Oregon Caves National Monument just east of Cave Junction, 
Josephine County, No. 6119 (NY, CAS, WSC, UC). Identified 
by J. T. Howell who notes that this plant is a derivative of the 
complex resulting from the hybridization of C. Jacea L. and C. 
nigra L. It was first known in western Europe but is now rather 
widespread in the United States and southern Canada. 

inner slopes of the caldera at Cloud Cap (8000 feet), Crater Lake 
National Park, Cascade Mountains, No. 6291. A depauperate 
variety 1 to 4 dm. tall with margins of the involucral bracts 
dark brown to blackish. Found only on dry pumice slopes in this 
area. Of local distribution from moderate to high elevations in 
the mountains. 

ARNICA NEVADENSIS Gray. West slope of Hillman Peak (8000 
feet), No. 6401; Wizard Island, along rim of the crater, No. 6387; 
Garfield Peak, growing under Tsuga Mertensiana near the 
summit (8000 feet), No. 6184. All of the above numbers were ob- 
tained at Crater Lake National Park, Cascade Mountains, Klam- 
ath County. Another collection of this plant was made at the 
summit of Bohemia Mountain, Calapooya Range, Lane County 
(5967 feet), No. 5573. Identified by Arthur Cronquist. This spe- 
cies apparently ranges from the Olympics and Cascades of Wash- 
ington to the Sierra Nevada of California and Nevada. In Cali- 
fornia, it is recorded by Jepson(4) as montane, 5000 to 7600 feet, 
from Inyo and Mariposa counties to Modoc County. Our col- 
lection from the Calapooya Mountains, southeastern Lane 
County, western Oregon, is an outlying colony which extends 
its known range. 

ARNICA SPATHULATA Greene. East slope of Iron Mountain near 
the summit, Rogue River Mountains, southeastern corner of 
Coos County, No. 3185. Identified by Arthur Cronquist. Our 
station in Coos County appears to be the most northern record 
collected to date. 

ANTENNARIA UMBRINELLA Rydb. Reflection Point, No. 2556; 
Munson Meadow below headquarters, Crater Lake National 
Park, Cascade Mountains, Klamath County, No. 6142. Resem- 
bles A. alpina var. media from which it differs by having blunter 


involucral bracts and the base of the plants often more woody. 

It is often associated with the latter in the park. Local at high 

elevations in the Cascades and widely distributed in western 

mountains. Its occurrence in Oregon is not mentioned in any 

of the works dealing with the flora of the state. 


1. ABRAMS, LERoy. An Illustrated Flora of the Pacific States. Vol. III. Stan- 
ford Univ. Press. 1923. 

2. BAKER, WILLIAM H. Plant Records from Curry County, Oregon. Leafl. 
West. Bot. 6(4): 82-84 (1950). 

3. Benson, G. T. The Trees and Shrubs of Western Oregon. Contr. Dudley 
Herb. Stanford Univ. vol. 2 (1930). 

4, Jepson, W. L. A Manual of the Flowering Plants of California. Associated 
Students Store, Berkeley. 1923-1925. 

5. HOWELL, JOHN THomas. Marin Flora. Manual of the Flowering Plants and 
Ferns of Marin County, California. Univ. of California Press. 1949. 

6. Peck, Morton E. A Manual of the Higher Plants of Oregon. Binfords 
and Mort. 1941. 

7.——. Some Interesting Plants of Malheur County, Oregon. Leafl. West. 
Bot. 4(7): 177-186 (1945). 

8. Woopson, R. E. Two New Asclepiads from the Western United States. 
Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 26:261-264 (1939). 


A cytotaxonomic study* has shown that Dudleya and Has- 
seanthus are closely related. Hasseanthus is now transferred to 
Dudleya, as follows: 
Dudleya subgenus Hasseanthus (Rose) Moran, stat. nov. 
Hasseanthus Rose in Britton & Rose, Bull. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 3:37 (1903). 
Dudleya Blochmaniae (Eastwood) Moran, comb. nov. 
Sedum Blochmanae Eastwood, Proc. Calif. Acad. II, 6:422 (1896). 
Dudleya Blochmaniae subsp. brevifolia Moran, comb. nov. 
Hasseanthus Blochmaniae subsp. brevifolius Moran, Desert Pl. Life 22:80 
(1950). . 
Dudleya Blochmaniae subsp. insularis Moran, comb. nov. 
Hasseanthus Blochmaniae subsp. insularis Moran, Desert Pl. Life 22:78 
Dudleya multicaulis (Rose) Moran, comb. nov. 
Hasseanthus multicaulis Rose in Britton & Rose, Bull. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 
3:38 (1903); H. elongatus Rose but not Dudleya elongata Rose. 
Dudleya nesiotica Moran, comb. nov. 
Hasseanthus nesioticus Moran, Desert Pl. Life 22:99 (1951). 
Dudleya variegata (Watson) Moran, comb. nov. 
Sedum variegatum Watson, Proc. Amer. Acad. 11:137 (1876). 

*Charles H. Uhl and Reid Moran. The Cytotaxonomy of Dudleya and Hasseanthus. Amer. 
Jour. Bot. 40:492-502 (1953). 



California State Polytechnic College, San Luis Obispo 

Ceanothus maritimus Hoover, spec. nov. Frutex prostratus late tegeticu- 
latus caulibus ramosis rigidis crassis usque ad 1 m. longis; foliis oppositis, 
stipulis parvis suberosis, petiolis 1-2 mm. longis, laminis anguste vel late 
oblongis vel obovatis interdum latioribus quam longioribus, 8-20 mm. longis, 
5-17 mm. latis, glabris nitentibus atrovirentibus supra, subter albo-tomento- 
sis, margine perrevolutis integris vel 1-3 dentibus utrinque praeditis, apice 
mucronatis truncatis emarginatis obcordatisve; floribus pallide vel valde 
caeruleis; capsula appendicibus 3 erectis brevibus ornata. 

Stems rigid, stout, prostrate, branching, up to 1 meter long, forming 
extensive mats; leaves opposite; stipules small, of corky texture; petioles 
1-2 mm. long; blades varying from narrowly to broadly obovate or oblong 
or even broader than long, mucronate, truncate, emarginate, or obcordate 
at apex, 8-20 mm. long, 5-17 mm. wide, dark glossy green and glabrous 
above, white-tomentose beneath (often darkened by a mold), the margins 
distinctly revolute, with one to three teeth on each side or entire; flowers 
light to deep blue; capsule with 3 short erect appendages (“horns”). 

Originals of all collections except the last following are in the 
herbarium of California State Polytechnic College, San Luis 
Obispo, California. All localities mentioned are in San Luis 
Obispo County, California: 1.8 miles north of Arroyo de la 
Cruz on State Highway No. 1, January 24, 1948, Hoover 7411 
(type, in flower), April 14, 1948, 7448 (in fruit), May 16, 1948, 
7529 (in flower); mouth of Arroyo de la Cruz (just south of, on 
hilltop), January 15, 1950, Hoover 7759 (in flower), March 5, 
1950, 7767 (in flower); San Simeon, K. Brandegee in 1889 (Uni- 
versity of California Herbarium). Recent search in the immedi- 
ate vicinity of San Simeon has failed to disclose this species. 
Mrs. Brandegee may have made her collection from one of the 
two presently known colonies and given the nearest town as the 
locality — a common practice of the nineteenth-century (and of 
some contemporary) collectors. 

At the first locality cited above, the plants grew on an ocean 
bluff with no other Ceanothus adjacent except typical C. thyrsi- 
florus Esch. At the second locality a remarkable association of 
low-growing shrubs was present, including another prostrate 
Ceanothus apparently referable to C. dentatus T. & G., a strictly 
prostrate form of Arctostaphylos Hookeri Don, and low mound- 
like clumps of a manzanita which resembles the description of 
Arctostaphylos Andersonii Gray var. pajaroensis Adams.1 

1. Published by McMinn, Illustrated Manual of California Shrubs, p. 418. 


The Brandegee collection was described by McMinn (Ceano- 
thus, p. 232) is minor variation 1 of Ceanothus crassifolius 
Torr. The specimen lacks flowers and is accompanied by no 
notes as to flower color or manner of growth. The prostrate 
stems and blue flowers which are now found to characterize 
C. maritimus seem adequate to separate it from all forms of 
C. crassifolius. The leaves of C. maritimus are quite variable, 
even on the same branch, but are prevailingly smaller than those 
of C. crassifolius (as noted by McMinn in the reference cited), as 
well as being more often entire and frequently broader in pro- 
portion to length. 

Merely as a speculation, it may be suggested that C. maritimus 
originated as a hybrid between C. crassifolius and some blue- 
flowered species of northern origin (such, for example, as C. 
gloriosus J. T. Howell). Credibility is given to this suggestion 
by the occurrence close by of Baeria macrantha Gray, a species 
otherwise unknown south of Marin County, and by the fact that 
at least two other plants of northern distribution, Calochortus 
uniflorus H. & A. and Godetia amoena (Lehm.) Lilja, reach their 
southern limit in the same vicinity. Consideration of the nu- 
merous species reaching their southern limit elsewhere in north- 
western San Luis Obispo County would make the relationship of 
C. maritimus to some northern form seem even more probable. 
Genetic experiments on this group of species should be under- 
taken by those having facilities for such work. In the meantime, 
it is clear that C. maritimus, whatever its origin, is well stabilized 
genetically. No other form of the subgenus Cerastes occurs near 
it, and there is no indication of hybridization now taking place. 
Ceanothus maritimus may therefore be a relic persisting from a 
time when the two species suggested above as parents ranged 
more widely along the coast and even possibly grew together, 
though now they are separated by more than three hundred 

This species should be a desirable one in cultivation where 
a prostrate blue-flowered shrub is desired. Probably it will thrive 
in warmer climates than will other species of similar appearance. 
Shrubs transplanted to San Luis Obispo, where high tempera- 
tures are much more frequent than in its native habitat, have 
done well. 

Vol. VII No. 5 

7] ee 


Notes on Western Antirrhineae . 113 
Notes on Malvaceae V 118 
A Tentative Key to the North American Species 

of Pavonia, Cav. . 


FEBRUARY 19, 1954 


- J 

2526 855 



Greifswald, Germany 

In preparing a monograph of the genus Antirrhinum I have 
‘been able to base my work on the excellent studies of Munz 
(1926), but, considering the whole genus in the world, I also 
have had to revise the American species. I found that there are 
some deficiencies in the study of the American material. First I 
will indicate the items not sufficiently mentioned in the studies 
and herbaria of America. 

The European student of western material will first observe 
that the indications about habitat and ecology are very rare 
and insufficient, and the same must be said about the geo- 
graphic notes on site, soil, altitude, and plant communities. 
Labels containing only the name of a small town without the 
indication of district or state, with the date of collection and 
perhaps the name of the collector are frequent. Because of this 
lack of data, a monographer finds it very difficult to make a 
profound study: and this precisely in California, the land with 
the most important tradition of ecology in the world. 

Modern taxonomic study needs these data for good work. New 
methods and investigations of morphologic-geographic relations 
cannot be pursued, while maps of isoporic lines (E. Hofmann, 
1873; Rothmaler, 1938) and isopsepheric lines (Rothmaler, 
1938) are often impossible to construct. It must also be said here 
that the floristic study of California and the adjacent lands must 
be intensified, as some authors have done, e.g., in the genera 
Delphinium or Quercus. 

Especially in Antirrhinum have data been ignored about the 
biology of the American species, matters that are better known 
in European material. About many species we do not know 
whether they are annual, biennial, or perennial. The time of 
flowering is not indicated in the revision of Munz. About the 
visitors (insects) that pollinate the flowers I have found no indi- 
cation. Nothing is known about the fertility, whereas European 
species are known as self-sterile in the major part. Some Ameri- 
can species of Antirrhinum also seem to be self-sterile, others 
doubtlessly are self-fertile, and a few are certainly autogamous 
or cleistogamous. There are no indications at all about the 
chromosome numbers of the American species. 

Leaflets of Western Botany, Vol. VII, pp. 113-132, February 19, 1954. 


It is easy to find that even in this genus there is much room 
for exploration and important study. With the few notes and 
the material sent to me through the kindness of J. T. Howell 
and of the New York Botanical Garden I find it necessary to 
make some observations, partly published, partly unedited, 
about the Antirrhineae. In 1934 I proposed to modify the sys- 
tem of this group respecting the American species in the follow- 
ing manner: 


1. Subtribe MAURANDYINAE Rothm. 
R. atrosanguineum (Zucc.) Rothm. 
L erectum (Hemsley) Rothm. (Maurandia erecta Hemsley) 
L. scandens D. Don (Maurandia Lophospermum Bailey) 
L. erubescens D. Don 
L. Purpusii (Brandegee) Rothm. (Maurandia Purpusii Brandegee) 
EPrxIPHIUM (Engelm.) Munz 
E. Wislizeni (Engelm.) Munz 
. scandens (Cav.) Pers. (M. semperflorens Ortega) 
. Barclaiana Lindl. 
. acerifolia Pennell 
. geniculata Rob. & Fern. 
Rosei Munz 
. flaviflora Johnst. 
. petrophila Brandegee 
MAURANDELLA (A. Gray) Rothm. 
M. antirrhiniflora (HBK.) Rothm. (Antirrhinum maurandioides 
A. Gray) 
M. hederaefolia Rothm. 
2. Subtribe GAMBELIINAE Rothm. 
G. fruticosa Gmel. 
G. Ballii Munz 
S. juncea (Benth.) Rothm. (S. Veatchii Kell.) 
S. glabrata (Brandegee) Rothm. 
S. rupicola (Brandegee) Rothm. 
G. speciosa Nutt. 
3. Subtribe LINARIINAE Rothm. 
C. muralis G. M. Sch. (Antirrhinum Cymbalaria L.) 
Kickx1A Dum. (1827). Tursitis Raf. (1840); Elatinoides Wettst. (1891) 
K. spuria (L.) Dum. 
K. Elatine (L.) Dum. 

a eee ee 


LinariA Mill. 
. canadensis (L.) Dum. 
. foridana Chapman 
. repens (L.) Mill. 
. sepium J. G. Allm. 
vulgaris Mill. 
. pinifolia (Poiret) Munz 
. purpurea (L.) Mill. 
. spartea Link & Hoffgg. 
. dalmatica (L.) Mill. 
. genistifolia (L.) Mill. 
C. minus (L.) Lange 
(The species see below.) 
(The species see below.) 
N. strictum (Hook. & Arn.) Rothm. (Maurandia stricta Hook. & Arn.; 
Antirrhinum strictum A. Gray, non Sibth. & Sm.) 
N. filipes (A. Gray) Rothm. (Antirrhinum filipes A. Gray) 
PsEUDORONTIUM (A. Gray) Rothm. 
P. cyathiferum (Benth.) Rothm. (Antirrhinum chytrospermum A. 
M. Orontium (L.) Raf. (Antirrhinum Orontium L.) 
4. Subtribe MOHAVEINAE Rothm. 
Mounavea A. Gray 
M. confertiflora (Benth.) Heller (M. viscida A. Gray) 
M. breviflora Coville 

Sewell a le ce Ne ola teen! 


Considering this system of the tribe and the relations of the 
different genera of the world, I am obliged to publish a new 
genus that is closely related to Antirrhinum sect. Saerorhinum. 
But while the other genera of the subtribe Linariinae seem to 
have originated from ancestors now much transformed or ex- 
tinct, the ancestor of the new genus, I suppose, can be precised 
in the series Axilliramulosa of this section Saerorhinum: 

Howelliella Rothm., nov. gen. (Antirrhinum sect. Eastwoodiella Munz.) 
Affinis gen. Antirrhini sect. Saerorhini ser. Axilliramulosis, a qua differt 
corolla aperta (haud palato fauce clausa), tubo basi angusto, gibba saccata 
fere calcarato, dein inflato ventricoso infra intraque lineis duabus longi- 
tudinalibus gibboso-elevatis brunneis signato, labiis late apertis, superiore 
lobulis duobus erectis, inferiore longiore lobulis tribus reflexis praedita. 

Typus et species unica: Howelliella ovata (Eastw.) Rothm., nov. comb. 
(Antirrhinum ovatum Eastw., Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 32: 213,—1905.) 

Hab. California: San Luis Obispo County; Monterey County. 


The new monotypic genus is closely related to Antirrhinum 
and only differs by the wide open corolla; with the little branch- 
es in the axils of the leaves and the inequality of the sepals it 
seems to be a species of Axilliramulosa. The characters of the 
corolla are important in the whole tribe, so I am of the opinion 
that this plant must be considered a genus by itself. I dedicate 
this genus to John Thomas Howell, who studied specially this 
species and who forwarded some seeds to me. Thus I was able 
to become acquainted with this species. More data about the 
unique species, H. ovata, first discovered in 1902 and rediscoy- 
ered in 1948, will be found in Howell’s account, The rediscov- 
ery of Antirrhinum ovatum, Leafl. West. Bot. 5:184, 185 (1949). 


The genus Antirrhinum is composed of two sections, one of 
which we find only in Europe (especially western Mediterra- 
nean), the other exclusively in America. 

Sect. ANTIRRHINASTRUM Chavannes. Two species of this Euro- 
pean section are also observed subspontaneously in America: 

ANTIRRHINUM TORTUOSUM Bosc. (A. montevidense Martius). 
This species I saw from America only in f. glandulosum with 
glandular inflorescence (while the typical f. tortwosum is always 
glabrous). Antirrhinum tortuosum is akin to A. majus from 
which it differs by linear and generally opposite leaves; also the 
mostly larger, purple or white flowers are generally opposite. 
The species, originally spontaneous in the southwestern Med- 
iterranean Basin, was cultivated in Roman times and distributed 
subspontaneously in the whole Mediterranean. By the Spanish 
colonization of America, the plant was brought to the New 
World. I have seen material from Chile, Uruguay, Brazil, and 
Mexico (Uhde, B; Aschenborn, B; Queretaro, Arsene 10,520, 
NY); also from Havana and Santiago de las Vegas, Cuba (Van 
Hermann 846, 5154, NY); and from Florida (Cabanis, B). 

ANTIRRHINUM MAJus L. em. Mill. In America this species is 
cultivated and subspontaneous in its ssp. majus var. majus. The 
leaves are lanceolate to ovato-lanceolate, and the upper ones, as 
also the flowers, are generally alternate. The flowers are large, 
purple in the wild forms in the Pyrenees Mts. and in the culti- 
vated and subspontaneous forms, but frequently the latter are 
also of different colors. This species was cultivated in medieval 
times but was introduced to America probably much later than 


A. tortuosum. Today it seems to be the only cultivated species, 
but is frequent in the United States. 

Sect. SAERORHINUM A. Gray. The indigenous American species 
of this genus form the section Saerorhinum differing from Antir- 
rhinastrum (with longer upper and shorter lower lip) in the 
notably longer lower lip with the middle lobe longer than the 
lateral ones. These species are treated by Munz in his revision 
and my own opinion does not essentially differ from that treat- 
ment. Here I only want to note that the series Axilliramulosa 
needs a more intensified study in the field. 

Series AXILLIRAMULOSA A. Gray. This series is characterized 
by the unequal sepals, the upper greater than the others, and by 
the little lateral branches in the floriferous axils of the leaves. 
The chorologically, ecologically, and morphologically character- 
ized species of this series are: A. subcordatum A. Gray from the 
interior of central California with large ovate or cordate-ovate 
leaves and bracts; A. vexillo-calyculatum Kellogg (A. vagans A. 
Gray) with lanceolate leaves and bracts from the littoral of 
central California; 4. Brewer: A. Gray with fine and velutinous 
pubescence and lanceolate or ovate leaves from Oregon, north- 
ern California, and continental central California; and a new 
species, A. Elmeri* Rothm., glabrous with linear leaves and 
bracts from the southern littoral of central California. 

In this series it may be possible to discover some new forms; 
this will depend on profound field-work. The differences be- 
tween the form of the leaves in A. vexillo-calyculatum and A. 
subcordatum (very similar in their indumentum) need to be 
confirmed in the field, but the other species, by indumentum 
and by form of leaves, bracts, and sepals, are plainly limited 

I hope that these notes will promote a more intense study of 
this group by the botanists of western America. 

HOFMANN, E. 1873. Isoporien der europdischen Tagfalter. Jena. (Diss.) 
Munz, P. A. 1926. The Antirrhinoideae-Antirrhineae of the New World. 
Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., ser. 4, 15: 323-397. 
ROTHMALER, W. 1938. Systematik und Geographie der Subsektion Calycan- 
thum der Gattung Alchemilla. Fedde’s Rep., Beih. 100: 59-93. 
1943. Zur Gliederung der Antirrhineae. Fedde’s Rep. 52: 16-39. 
1950. Allgemeine Taxonomie und Chorologie der Pflanzen. Jena (Gronau). 

*Antirrhinum Elmeri Rothm., nov. spec. Caulis glaber. Bracteae et folia linearia, 1-2 
(raro 4) mm. lata. Sepala lanceolata acuta, 4 mm. longa, postico oblongo obtuso, 8 mm. longo. 

Typus: Contra Costa Co., Mt. Diablo, Elmer 4809 (B, CAS, W, NY), Co-typi: Santa 
Clara Co., Loma Prieta, Elmer 4983 (B, NY); New Almaden, Torrey (NY). 



Pavonia Rhizophorae Killip, spec. nov. Frutex usque ad 1.2 m. altus vel 
fortasse aliquando arborescens; caulibus supra ramosis, breviter stellato- 
pubescentibus mox glabrescentibus; foliis et pedunculis, atque involucellis, 
calycibus, et petalis extrinsecus, parce et breviter stellato-pubescentibus; 
petiolis quam lamina multo brevioribus; foliorum laminis lanceolatis, ovato- 
lanceolatis, vel ellipticis, aliquando subobovatis, usque 14 cm. longis, basi 
subcuneatis, apice gradatim vel abrupte acuminatis, parce dentatis vel 
denticulatis, e basi 3-nervatis, crassiusculis, fere concoloribus; floribus in 
racemis terminalibus elongatis dispositis, inferioribus paulo longe peduncu- 
latis; pedunculis validis, non manifeste articulatis; involucello calyce 
breviore, 5-8 phyllis composito, phyllis fere distinctis, lanceolatis, acutiuscu- 
lis usque ad acuminatis, 6.5-10 mm. longis, basi 1.5-3 mm. latis; calyce 
campanulato, intus subtiliter tomentoso, 10-15 mm. longo, fere ad medium 
partito, lobis deltoideo-ovatis, acutis; corolla paulo anguste campanulata, 
20-25 mm. longa, albo-viridi vel roseo-aurea; petalis erectis, convolutis, an- 
guste obovatis, gradatim contractis in unguibus longiusculis, insigniter 
plurivenosis; tubo stamineo et corolla subaequilongi, tubo valido, breviter 
pubescente, filamenta pauca versus apicem gerente, antheris flavo-viridibus; 
stigmatibus magnis, discoideis, concavis; carpellis anguste obovoideo-trigonis, 
valde carinatis, paulo obscure transverso-rugosis, glabris vel glabriusculis, 
fere 8 mm. longis, cuspidatis, cuspe valida, triangulare, usque ad fere 3 mm. 

A shrub, up to 1.2 m. high, or perhaps sometimes arborescent; stems 
branched above, shortly stellate-pubescent, soon glabrescent; leaves, pedun- 
cles, and the outer surface of the involucel, calyx, and corolla sparsely and 
shortly stellate-pubescent; petioles up to 4 as long as the leaf-blade, the 
blades lanceolate, ovate-lanceolate, or elliptic, sometimes slightly obovate, 
up to 14 cm. long, 44-%4 as wide as long, subcuneate at base, attenuate-acu- 
minate or sometimes shortly and somewhat abruptly acuminate, sparingly 
dentate or denticulate, 3-nerved from the base, thickish, nearly concolorous; 
flowers in elongate terminal racemes, the lower flowers rather long-peduncu- 
late, the peduncles stout, enlarged at apex, not evidently articulated, up to 
2 cm. long; involucel about 34 as long as the calyx, composed of 5-8 bractlets, 
these nearly distinct, lanceolate, acutish to acuminate, 1.5-3 mm. wide at 
base; calyx campanulate, finely tomentose within, 10-15 mm. long at an- 
thesis, cleft to about the middle, the lobes deltoid-ovate, acute; corolla 
rather narrowly campanulate, 20-25 mm. long, greenish-white or pinkish- 
yellow (collectors’ notes), the petals erect, convolute, narrowly obovate, grad- 
ually contracted into a rather long claw, conspicuously many-veined; stamen- 
column nearly or quite as long as the corolla, stout, shortly pubescent, the 
relatively few filaments subapical, the anthers yellowish-green; stigmas 
large, discoid, concave; carpels narrowly obovoid-trigonous, strongly cari- 
nate, rather obscurely transverse-rugose, glabrous or nearly so, the body 
about 8 mm. long, with a single stout, triangular, apical cusp up to nearly 
3 mm. long and about 1 mm. wide at base, the dorsal keel of the carpel 
extending to the base of the cusp, the latter probably splitting into 2 cusps 
at full maturity, when the carpel seemingly dehisces along the ventral suture. 


Known only by the following collections in Colombia: De- 
partamento E] Valle, Buenaventura Bay, Killip & Cuatrecasas 
38834, U.S. Nat. Herb. No. 1856344, the type, isotype in Herb. 
Calif. Acad. Sci. No. 380374; Killip 33007. Departamento Choco, 
banks of Quebrada Togoroma, Killip & Cuatrecasas 39131. 
Grows in coastal thickets and forests that are inundated at high 

Pavonia Rhizophorae evidently is related to P. spicata Cav., 
and forms with it a very distinct group in Section Eupavonia. 
The new species differs from P. spicata in its much narrower leaf- 
blades, these contracted and subcuneate (not broad and shallow- 
ly cordate) at base, and 3- (not 5—7-) nerved from the base. The 
two species are also strikingly different in the carpels, those of 
P. Rhizophorae having a single (finally splitting?) stout apical 
cusp instead of the 3 apical crests of P. spicata. Also the involucel 
is shorter, relative to the calyx, than is usual in P. spicata. Ap- 
parently these are the only American species of Pavonia that 
grow in association with mangroves. 

PAVONIA ALBA Seem., Bot. Voy. Herald 81 (1853). Malache 
panamensis Standley, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 18:116 (1916). 
Pavonia panamensis (Standley) Standley, Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 
17:168 (1927). 

Through the courtesy of the directors of the Royal Botanic 
Gardens, Kew, and the U. S. National Herbarium, the type of 
Pavonia alba (Seeman 90 in 1846) and that of Malache panamen- 
sis (Standley 26846), both from Panama, were made available to 
mie for comparison. They proved to be conspecific, the two type 
specimens being so similar, in fact, that they could be taken for 
duplicates of the same collection, were not the Seemann speci- 
men so much older. This species, of Section Ewpavonia, is not- 
able in having a smaller corolla than any other of the American 
species of Pavonia, this being only 4—5 mm. long. The species is 
unusual also, although not unique, in the white color of the 

BoGENHARDIA vs. GAyoIEs. Ingr. Antonio Krapovickas has 
brought to my attention the fact that there are two older names 
—Herissantia Medik. (1789) and Bogenhardia Reichenb. (1841) 
—for the small genus that has been known in recent years as 
Gayoides, J. K. Small (1903).1 Herissantia was not effectively 

1See Kearney, Thomas H. The American genera of Malvaceae. Amer. Mid]. Nat. 46:115 

(1951). I am indebted to Mr. C. V. Morton and Dr. S. F. Blake for appraisal of the validity 
of publication of the names Herissantia and Bogenhardia, respectively. 


published under the International Rules, Medikus having mere- 
ly cited, as synonym, Sida crispa Cav. (sic), without a word of de- 
scription. The name Bogenhardia, on the other hand, appears to 
be valid. In pt. 1, p. 200 of his “Repertorium Herbarii sive No- 
menclator Generum Plantarum,” Reichenbach stated merely 
‘7636. Bogenhardia Rchb. Pulchra Sida crispa L.’’; but in pt. 2 
of the same work, under the heading “Synonymorum Reducta,” 
p. 48, he cited “Gayoides Endl. Bogenhardia Rchb.” Referring 
to Endlicher’s “Genera Plantarum,” p. 986 (1839) we find, under 
Bastardia, two sections described as follows: 

qa. Abutiloides. Capsula haud inflata. Semen suspensum. Sida bivalvis Cav. 
Dissst-o la. 2. 

8. Gayoides. Capsula vesicularis. Semen adscendens. Sida crispa Linn. Cav. 
Diss tees sts Ly Vk. Woon, 2. 

This description of Gayoides (as a section), brief although it 
is, with citation of a previously published specific name, would 
seem to validate Reichenbach’s publication of the generic name 
Bogenhardia. He made no specific combination, although “Bo- 
genhardia crispa Reichb.” is listed in Index Kewensis as a 
synonym of A. (Abutilon) crispum. I am therefore publishing 
the appropriate combination, as follows: 

Bogenhardia crispa (L.), comb. nov. Sida crispa L., Sp. Pl. 685 
(1753). Abutilon crispum (as cryspum) Medik., Malvenfam. 29 
(1787); Sweet, Hort. Brit. 1:53 (1826). Gayoides crispum Small, 
Fl. S.E.U.S. 764 (1903). Pseudobastardia crispa Hassler, Bull. 
Soc. Bot. Genéve, ser. 2, 1:211 (1909). 

Sida Killipii nom. nov. S. ramosissima Killip & Cuatrecasas, 
Rev. Acad. Colomb. 4:347 (1941), non (Presl) D. Dietr.? 

This species is related to S. spinosa L., but differs in its pro- 
fusely branched stems, much smaller leaves (less than 2 cm. long 
and not more than 3 mm. wide), smaller flowers (calyx 3-4 mm. 
long and the corolla not longer), and smaller fruits (carpels 
about 2 mm. long). Also the filiform peduncles are longer than 
is usual in S. spinosa, except in the Galapagos Islands, where a 
form superficially somewhat similar to S. Killipii (S. tenuicaulis 
Hook. f.) seems to be common. The flowers of S. Killipii are 
relatively few and are strictly solitary, whereas, in S. spinosa, 
some of them frequently occur in small axillary and terminal 

2 Sida ramosissima D. Dietr. (1847) was based on Abutilon_ramosissimum Presl (1835), 
which generally is regarded as synonymous with A. incanum (Link) Sweet. 


Hibiscus Brittonianus, nom. nov. H. bahamensis Britton, 
Bull. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 4:120 (1906), non Mill. (1768). 

It is impossible to determine, from Miller’s brief description 
(Gard. Dict. ed. 8, Hibiscus No. 14) what his plant was, but it 
could not have been the same species as H. bahamensis Britton. 
Hochreutiner, in his monograph of Hibiscus (Ann. Conserv. et 
Jardin Bot. Genéve 4:140) cited H. bahamensis Mill. doubtfully 
as a synonym of H. palustris L., in which species he included H. 
Moscheutos L., but Urban (Repert. Sp. Nov. 16:33) concluded 
that the identity of Miller’s plant “kann bei der Kiirze der Diag- 
nose nur durch einen Vergleich des Originals entschieden wer- 
den. In letzterem Falle miisste die Brittonsche Pflanze einen 
neuem Namen erhalten.” Miller gave no indication of locality 
except in the specific name, and H. bahamensis Britton is the 
only species of Hibiscus listed in Britton and Millspaugh, The 
Bahama Flora (1920, p. 272). 

Sia TuLta Ulbrich, Notizbl. Bot. Gart. und Mus. Berlin 11: 
534 (1932). This interesting plant apparently is known only by 
the type collection at Santa Ana on the Urabamba River, Dep. 
Cuzco, Peru (Cook & Gilbert 1505, U. S. Nat. Herbarium No. 
604683). The specimen has excellent leaves and flowers but no 
fruit. It bears a remarkable resemblance to the likewise Peru- 
vian, hitherto monotypic genus, Tetrasida, Ulbr. (T. polyantha 
Ulbr.) in its thickish, strongly discolorous, ovate-lanceolate, cor- 
date, attenuate-acuminate, entire-margined leaves, laxly panicu- 
late flowers, and somewhat unequally 4-lobed, rounded-cam- 
panulate calyx. In S. Tulla, however, the leaves are broader, 
with a more open basal sinus, their stellate hairs are somewhat 
longer, and the flowers are larger in all their parts. The globose 
flower buds, deeply reniform anthers, and large, capitate stigmas 
are especially noteworthy. The plant, like Tetrasida, is probably 
a large shrub or a small tree. 

The calyx of S. Tulla is so different from all other American 
species of Sida as to exclude it from that genus. This plant may 
prove to be a second species of Tetrasida, but until fruit is avail- 
able, the relationship remains uncertain. The type of S$. Tulla 
came from much farther south (lat. about 13°S.) than the 4 col- 
lections of Tetrasida polyantha recorded by Ulbrich (Bot. Jahrb. 
Beibl. 117:68 and Notizbl. Berlin 11:533) which all came from 
iat" to.6° 5. 




This key to the North American species of Pavonia, Cav., is 
presented in the hope that it may prove useful in identifying 
specimens of this large genus. With this end in view, it has been 
based mainly upon easily ascertainable characters, and there- 
fore it is largely an artificial key. Whenever possible, the charac- 
terizations have been drawn from herbarium specimens, sup- 
plemented by published descriptions; but not a few of the spe- 
cies are little known, and in these cases, such descriptions have 
been the main, or even the only source of information. This 
is always unsatisfactory, as authors often omit in their diagno- 
ses the very characters which have been relied upon, chiefly, in 
formulating the divisions of the key. The West Indies and Pan- 
ama are included in the area covered. 

1. Involucel-bractlets 7-12, stipe-like, more or less rigid, expanded abruptly 
at apex into a thickish, often reflexed, usually more or less peltate 
bladelet. Flowers subtended by large, foliaceous bracts; corolla yellow, 
15-20 mm. long; carpels broadly obovoid-trigonous, muticous or very 
nearly so, carinate (2). 

1. Involucel-bractlets sometimes spatulate but not stipe-like and expanded 
at apex as above (3). 

2. Leaves 7-9-nerved, more or less tomentose; carpels glabrous. Costa Rica 
and Panama; northern South America.......... P. sessiliflora H.B.K. 

2. Leaves 3-5-nerved, puberulent or sparsely rough-pubescent; carpels pu- 
bescent. Panama; northern South America. P. Preslii Standley. Note 1? 

3. Carpels aristate or cuspidate, the awns or cusps usually retrorsely hispid 
or pilose: Section TyPHALAEA (4). 

3.Carpels (except sometimes in P. paniculata?) muticous or merely mu- 
cronate or crested: Section EupaAvonta (18). 

4. Apical awn or cusp single, but accompanied by 2 subapical tubercles. 
Leaves velutinous beneath; bractlets 5, shorter than the calyx; petals 
30-50 mm. long. Cuba ..¢ . ojos «5 «si00e ates clo v's s 80 ae 
Sinks are Grenete P. achanioides Griseb. var. tuberculata R. E. Fries. Note 2 

4. Apical awns or cusps 3, these (in P. cancellata) sometimes nearly obso- 
lete (5). 

5. Bractlets 5-7 (rarely 87), less than twice as long as the calyx, commonly 
long-ciliate (6). 

1Information is lacking for including in this key: P. glandulosa Pres] (Mexico), P. 
heterophylla Turcz. (Mexico), P. hispida Wright (Cuba), and P. urticaefolia Presl (Mexico). 
Pavonia glandulosa was referred in Index Kew. to P. hirtiflora Benth., but the descriptions 
indicate quite different plants. 

2 Notes will be found in the section following the key. 


5. Bractlets generally 8 or more (7). 

6. Petals 2-4 cm. long, yellow; leaves cordate to rounded at base, broadly 
ovate to ovate-lanceolate; bractlets nearly distinct, narrowly oblanceo- 
late; flowers solitary; carpel-awns variable in length, the lateral ones 
often strongly divergent. Southeastern U. S., West Indies, and Mexico 
RR SIRE ER: PUIMET DES ofan neice pl oveisis fens. cheis sfeo - Sqn ', .P. Spinifex (L.) Cav. 

6. Petals less than 2 cm. long, white (or pink?); leaves cuneate to rounded 
(exceptionally subcordate) at base, oblong-elliptic or obovate; bract- 
lets united about 14 (rarely 14?) of their length, broadly lanceolate 
to ovate, commonly 2-4 mm. wide; flowers mostly in dense, subcapitate 
terminal inflorescences; carpel-awns subequal, usually elongate, the 
lateral ones erect or ascending. West Indies and Mexico to South 
PRRCNNOD 0 Share) ava shvLs vies sin 3 P. fruticosa (Mill.) Fawc. & Rend. Note 3 

7. Involucel shorter than to equaling the calyx. Bractlets 8-10 (8). 

7. Involucel longer than the calyx (11). 

8. Bractlets united well above the base; leaves entire or nearly so, oblong- 
oblanceolate, cuneate at base, short-acuminate; flowers umbellate- 
cymose, the slender peduncles (always?) longer than the leaves, the 
pedicels also elongate. Herbage glabrescent; carpels carinate, obscurely 
veined, glabrous except the awns. Mexico, Guatemala.............. 
RMR ROM fed ILA Sih aliat aio of ehctsrel whe ngsha, whois! 65s P. integrifolia Standley 

8. Bractlets distinct or united only at base, subulate, linear, or narrowly 
spatulate; leaves not entire; flowers solitary in the axils (9). 

9. Flowers pendulous; leaves elliptic, elliptic-oblong, or obovate, serrate, up 
to 15 cm. long. Corolla pink, 12 mm. long; carpels coarsely reticulate, 
the awns little more than 14 as long as the body. Known only from 
MPAMIAMMEA GS Sc i fo a uae tol P. penduliflora (Standley) Standley. Note 4 

9. Flowers not pendulous; leaves linear-lanceolate, denticulate, up to 5 cm. 
long. Cuba (10). 

10. Stems subtrigonous, subtomentose with stellate hairs; leaves coriaceous; 
petals 20)(P) mm: longs. oe en. fee es P. linearis A. Rich. Note 5 

10. Stems terete, puberulent and with a line of tomentose pubescence; petals 
about 10 mm. long. Carpel-awns shorter than the body.............. 
See ens arse ae ae e oy idateeie tela a/o.ce meta te oie ch aale P. intermixta A. Rich. 

11. Leaves not more than 6 cm. long. Flowers solitary, the peduncles usually 
elongate; bractlets numerous, filiform, conspicuously hirsute; carpel- 
awns short and relatively stout (12). 

11. Leaves normally more than 6.5 cm. long (13). 

12. Stems erect; leaves ovate or ovate-lanceolate, rounded or subcordate at 
base, long-acuminate, serrate; bractlets fewer than 14, 3-4 times as 
long as the calyx; petals about 12 mm. long, yellow. Southern Mexico 
KGUCLLELO) Riacriaara isei Miia eS einaie Se aoe ws thle ae P. arachnoidea Presl 

12. Stems prostrate; leaves subdeltoid, often shallowly lobed, deeply cordate 
or hastate-cordate, obtuse or acute, crenate or crenate-serrate; bract- 
lets usually 14 or more, up to about twice as long as the calyx; petals 
18-25 mm. long, yellow with a dark purple basal spot. Southern Mex- 
ico (Oaxaca); South America .......... P. cancellata (L.f£.) Cav. Note 6 

13. Bractlets united well above the base, often at least 14 their length, the 
involucel considerably longer than the calyx. Leaves more or less 
















obovate; flowers mostly in terminal corymbiform or subcapitate in- 
florescences (14). 

Bractlets distinct, or (except sometimes in P. rosea?) united not more 
than 14 their length (15). 

Middle awn of the carpel about equaling the body; leaves coarsely and 
irregularly dentate, 10-20 cm. long; bractlets 9 or 10. Trinidad (?), 
SOUCMETMM TAM ian ner crore P. castaneaefolia St. Hil. & Naud. Note 7 

Middle awn shorter than the carpel body; leaves crenulate or serrulate, 
up to 30 cm. long, glabrous above, sparsely puberulent beneath; bract- 
lets about 8. Peduncles (flowering branches?) up to 35 cm. long; petals 
purple. Costa Rica, Panama... 220260255. 0 ncn P. longipes Standley 

Stems hirsutulous with short, whitish, forked or stellate hairs; flowers 
mostly in short, more or less dense corymbiform or subcapitate ter- 
minal clusters. Involucel of usually 8-10 linear or narrowly lanceolate 
bractlets, these united toward base, 0.5-2 mm. wide, 1-3-nerved; petals 
10-15 mm. long, pink or white. West Indies and Mexico to Colombia 
Aha Rea BES oor ot agin h adcho naetes Gotu einer P. rosea Schlecht. Note 8 

Stems copiously hirsute or hispid with yellowish or fulvous hairs; flowers 
solitary, binate, or in clusters of 3 or 4 (16). 

Leaves obovate or oblanceolate; petals pink. Flowers solitary; bractlets 
of the involucel 10—12. Costa Rica, Panama .......... +c cnc eee 

Ra eehe nies Pees a, ae ie atelier Tete oe P. Maxonii (Standley) Standley 

Leaves oblong-elliptic or elliptic-lanceolate (exceptionally lgnas obo- 
vate); petals white (17). 

. Stipules 8-10 mm. long; flowers solitary or in corymbose clusters of 3 or 

4; bractlets 10, about 114 times as long as the calyx; fruit unknown. 
Jamaica (?), Colombia .......... P. pseudotyphalaea Planch. & Lind. 
Stipules 3-5 mm. long; flowers solitary (rarely binate?); bractlets 11 
or more, 2-4 times as long as the calyx; carpel-awns subequal, spread- 
ing, longer than the body. Costa Rica, Panama, Peru............... 
sieis Sil 4 Min ane, 36 mete abeecihe Se ee eoere P. oxyphyllaria Donn. Smith. Note 9 

Bractlets 5 or 6. Flowers mostly solitary in the axils (19). 

Bractlets (except occasionally in P. alba, P. chiapensis, P. paniculata, P. 
spicata, and (?) P. troyana) more than 6 (31). 

Leaves not lobed above the base or obscurely angulate-lobed. Bractlets 
distinct or nearly so (20). 

Leaves, all or some of them (except in P. cryptocalyx and P. hotteana) 
often more or less deeply lobed above the base. West Indian species 

Bractlets ovate or obovate, not longer than the calyx. Herbage finely 
stellate-canescent; carpels reticulate, strongly carinate (21). 

Bractlets subulate to narrowly oblanceolate, longer than the calyx. Leaves 
ovate to lanceolate, cordate at base; corolla 12—20(25?) mm. long, 
mauve or pale purple; carpels glabrous, lightly reticulate (22). 

Leaves usually oblong-lanceolate and more than twice as long as wide, 
sagittate or hastate at base. Corolla purplish-pink, usually with a con- 
spicuous dark center. Georgia, naturalized from South America...... 
nina eleva lel tereve stsreerelerele cuenshaieae asnagedetenats peloton tonnes P. hastata Cav. 















Leaves deltoid or deltoid-oblong, deeply cordate or subsagittate. Northern 
NEGO Gio. o baad be donor P. nepetaefolia (Standley) Standley. Note 10 

Herbage without glandular hairs, subvelutinous; leaves coarsely toothed, 
acutish; corolla without a conspicuous dark center, the petals ciliate 
on the claws; stamen-column not appendaged. Southern Texas to 
northeastern and (?) central Mexico....P. lasiopetala Scheele. Note 11 

Herbage glandular-pilose, and with non-glandular pubescence; leaves 
crenate, long-acuminate; corolla with a conspicuous nearly black 
center, the petals glabrous on the claws; stamen-column, near the 
base, bearing numerous thin, spatulate to broadly obovate, erose, dark 
colored appendages (a character that may be unique in the genus). 
ROMURETA MICRIO® <6 6a 5:5 cane 5c P. melanommata Robins. & Greenm. 

Involucel-bractlets united well above the base, the lobes triangular, 3-5 
mm. wide at base. Leaves 24-34 as wide as long; calyx only slightly 
longer than the involucel; petals 10-12 mm. long, about twice as long 
as the involucel, purple when dry; carpels strongly tuberculate, dense- 
lyshort-pilose. Hispaniola 3). oe .\0 a0 6s eeaiss os P. cryptocalyx Urban 

Involucel-bractlets (in P. achanioides?) distinct or nearly so, and (except 
in P. hotteana) much narrower (24). 

Bractlets not or but slightly more than 14 as long as the calyx, linear or 
narrowly linear-lanceolate. Plants shrubby (25). 

Bractlets much more than 1% as long as the calyx (28). 

Corolla up to 5 cm. long, tubular below, the petals spreading or re- 
flexed above, scarlet or crimson. Leaves about 24 as wide as long, the 
lateral lobes short, obtuse, the mid-lobe elongate, acuminate; carpels 
winged dorsally toward apex and with wing-like lateral tubercles. 
WS SAMIR ps6 ais o\ 9,5 = ys Dh Sines Hk ip nwivinww 2s P. coccinea Cav. Note. 12 

Corolla much less than 5 cm. long, the petals (so far as is known) not 
reflexed (26). 

Petals not more than 15 mm. long, red; leaves small, up to 3 cm. long. 
Herbage very finely and densely stellate-tomentose, with a few longer, 
few-armed, setose hairs; leaves thickish, discolorous, mostly 3-lobed, 
crenate-dentate, the veins very prominent beneath; carpels strongly 
carinate, very rugose-tuberculate. Cuba. .P. calcicola (Britton) Ekman 

Petals 25-30 mm. long, pink or purple; leaves larger. Stems with 2—4- 
armed, setose hairs, also tomentulose in lines (27). 

Androecium and styles not, or barely, surpassing the campanulate corolla; 
leaves 5-10 cm. long, Y% to 14 as wide, sometimes lobed nearly to the 
middle, sometimes ovate-lanceolate and merely crenate, cordate or 
subcordate at base, attenuate-acuminate, sparsely appressed-pubescent 
on both surfaces with setose hairs; carpels smooth, glabrous. Bractlets 
reflexed; corolla rose or scarlet. Hispaniola........ P. leiocarpa Urban 

Androecium and styles much surpassing the funnelform corolla; leaves 
up to 5.5 cm. long, nearly as wide, irregularly crenate-dentate, some- 
times shallowly 3-lobed; carpels rugose, puberulent. Bractlets some- 
BARES Go EAS ATHLON GR chsh icing ah pi, «vi bye WN a0 caletn > P. Ekmanii Helwig 

Bractlets 2.5-3 mm. wide at base, usually longer than the calyx. Plant 
shrubby, divaricate-scandent (Note 13); leaves ovate-lanceolate, trun- 
cate or subcordate at base, long-acuminate, deeply and irregularly 









serrate, sparsely and shortly stellate-pilose, with a few longer, setose 
hairs beneath; corolla tubular, yellowish-red, about 3 cm. long; 
androecium long-exserted; carpels dorsally subcarinate. Hispaniola... 
ee ee re wt ere re RUE WETS Vir ere P. hotteana Helwig 

Bractlets much narrower (29). 

Corolla purple, less than 15 mm. long, the petals shortly lobed on one 
side, much shorter than the androecium. Herbage densely velutinous 
with very short hairs; leaves 24-44 as wide as long; flowers solitary in 
the axils; bractlets sometimes 6; stamens dimorphic, some with longer, 
erect filaments, others with shorter, reflexed filaments; carpels glab- 
rous, obliquely costate on the sides, the nerves sometimes cristate. 
Se Se Oe Bh shy Sire Acar os OE EOD AD P. heterostemon Urban 

. Corolla red or orange-scarlet, 35 mm. or longer, the petals not (?) lobed, 

nearly or quite as long as the androecium (30). 

. Carpels dorsally carinate, reticulate-veiny, puberulent; leaves 5-7.5 cm. 

long; :3—5-lobed) Guba. nici a-iel m2/eis = P. achanioides Griseb. Note 14 

.Carpels winged or crested dorsally; leaves 3.5-5 cm. long, 3-lobed, im- 

pressed-punctate beneath. Hispaniola............ P. punctata Urban 

. Bractlets 15 or more. Stems hirsute with long, simple hairs; leaves round- 

ed-angulate or ovate-deltoid; flowers mostly solitary, long-peduncu- 
late (32). 

Bractlets 12 or fewer (33). 

Leaves acute at apex, about 3.5 cm. long and wide, deeply cordate; 
bractlets about 16, filiform, 15-20 mm. long and about twice as long 
as the calyx, hirsute with very long, simple hairs; calyx cleft nearly 
to the base; petals 20 mm. long, yellow (?) with a dark purple basal 
spot; carpels obovoid-trigonous, carinate, slightly notched at apex, 
rugose. Costa Rita. 2025 5. haces P. guanacastensis Standley. Note 15 

Leaves long-attenuate-acuminate, up to 10 cm. long, rounded, hastate, or 
cordate at base, often shallowly 3-lobed; bractlets 18-20, subulate, 
about 10 mm. long, copiously long-ciliate; calyx cleft to the middle; 
petals 30-35 mm. long, lilac; carpels not carinate. Flowers often 4- 
merous. Mexico (Michoacan, Guerrero). .P. Langlassei Hochr. Note 16 

Flowers axillary, mostly solitary (34). 

Flowers in racemose, corymbiform, or paniculate terminal inflorescences 

Petals 35-50 mm. long. Cuba (35). 

Petals not more than 30 mm. long (36). 

Leaves 3—5-lobed; bractlets 5-7, linear. (See also first paragraph 30.)...... 
Ba wy ered tw aban conju rans eas Seto ae ae eee te oe P. achanioides Griseb. 

Leaves not lobed; bractlets 8, spatulate....... P. speciosa H.B.K. Note 17 

Petals 4-5 mm. long, white. Stems cinereous-puberulent; leaves ovate to 
lanceolate, rounded or shallowly cordate at base, long-acuminate, 
crenate-serrate, nearly concolorous; flowers numerous, the inflores- 
cence an elongate, much-branched, leafy panicle; peduncles elongate, 
very slender; bractlets 6-8, linear, hirsute-ciliate; carpels subrotund, 
muticous, carinate, smooth and nearly glabrous, thin-walled, very 
dehiscent. Panama and Colombia............. P. alba Seem. Note 18 

Petals 15 mm. or longer (37). 


37. Herbage glabrous or nearly so; leaf-margins entire or merely sinuate; 
androecium greatly surpassing the corolla; carpels 2-lobed and with 
a central crest. Plants shrubby or arborescent; petals about 20 mm. 
lone. Bahama Islands... 6S ete P. bahamensis A. S. Hitche. 

37. Herbage more or less puberulent; leaf-margins serrulate to coarsely 
toothed; androecium (in P. chiapensis?, P. Purpusii?) not surpassing 
the corolla; carpels otherwise (38). 

38.Stems densely glandular-pilose, also more or less hirsute with long, 
spreading hairs; carpels very pubescent, lightly rugose-veiny. Leaves 
thin, ovate, up to 12 cm. long, 44-34 as wide as long, cordate, long- 
acuminate, sometimes very shallowly 3-lobed; petals purplish, 15-20 
mm. long. Southern Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras................. 

— 3 ARE Seen ion ei ae P. Purpusii Brandegee. Note 19 

38. Stems not glandular or somewhat so in P. chiapensis; carpels (except in 
P. subpandurata?) not very pubescent (39). 

39. Leaves oblong-lanceolate, very slightly contracted above the base (sub- 
panduriform), rounded or subcordate at base, serrulate. Herbage (es- 
pecially the stems) tomentose; petals 20-30 mm. long. Cuba.......... 
Me ie a Alaee ins Saale ae bila sista ¢, value dels P. subpandurata Wright. Note 20 

39. Leaves ovate, cordate, more coarsely toothed. Petals 15-20 (25?) mm. 
long (40). 

40. Herbage not glandular; leaves with an open basal sinus; involucel some- 
what longer than the calyx; corolla mauve; carpels glabrous. (See also 
first paragraph 22.) Texas and Mexico......... P. lasiopetala Scheele 

40. Herbage somewhat glandular; leaves with a usually closed basal sinus; 
involucel about twice as long as the calyx; corolla yellow with a purple 
center; carpels scabrous, rugose-veiny on the sides. Southern Mexico. . 
Meee ctere sie ctese (a cane tte coe corel oe P. chiapensis (Standley) Standley. Note 21 

41. Inflorescence an open, usually leafy panicle, the flowers often subcorym- 
bosely clustered at ends of the branchlets. Herbage usually glandular- 
pilose, the stems with or without long, spreading hairs; leaves (usually 
broadly) ovate, often more or less trilobate; bractlets 6-12, subulate or 
filiform, much longer than the calyx; petals yellow; carpels obovoid- 
trigonous, normally muticous, rugose. West Indies and Mexico to 
Sine Te tae ee A a eee ene P. paniculata Cay. Note 22 

41. Inflorescence otherwise, the flowers mostly in simple terminal racemes or 
corymbs (42). 

42. Leaves not lobed or angulate. Plants shrubby or arborescent, up to 6 m. 
high; involucel somewhat shorter than the calyx, of 6-10 rather 
broad bractlets; petals yellowish or greenish (43). 

42. Leaves 3-7-lobed or -angulate (44). 

43. Bractlets (occasionally 10), lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, 2-3.5 mm. 
wide at base; carpels not wing-margined. Herbage stellate-tomentose, 
then glabrescent; leaves broadly ovate or suborbicular, more or less 
cordate, the margins entire or denticulate; racemes usually elongate 
and very open; carpels elongate, rather narrowly trigonous, lightly 
reticulate, with a prominent keel and 3 thick, triangular, apical crests, 
these sometimes obscure. Florida, West Indies, Central America; 
norco seuth Ameries 2... 22.22. cs eles so P. spicata Cav. Note 23 


43. Bractlets oblong or elliptic-oblong, up to 5 mm. wide at base; carpels 
more or less broadly wing-margined. Jamaica ...............++0005 
ROE ma mcladhtas Mame aieines ae P. troyana (Urban) Urban. Note 24 

44. Herbage glabrous or nearly so; bractlets narrowly spatulate. Leaves sub- 
orbicular, 25 cm. or longer and equally wide, rounded at apex, deeply 
cordate at base, 5-lobed with broad, triangular lobes; flowers in elon- 
gate terminal racemes; bractlets about 10, somewhat longer than the 
calyx; petals 12-14 mm. long; carpels glabrous, strongly carinate, 
transversely rugose dorsally. Mexico (Nayarit).................-..6- 
SOC OCC Boman hae on ae eee P. Ortegiana (Standley) Standley 

44. Herbage more or less pubescent; bractlets linear or narrowly lanceolate 

45. Involucel shorter than the calyx; petals 35-40 mm. long. Herbage copi- 
ously stellate-pubescent; leaves thickish, suborbicular, deeply cordate, 
obtuse to subacuminate, crenate or crenulate, up to 15 cm. long; in- 
florescence shortly racemose or corymbiform. Mexico (Jalisco)....... 
ile a Spaunnin Wom ee eke Re eis wap amar ee P. firmiflora Schery. Note 25 

45. Involucel equaling or longer than the calyx; petals (in P. racemifera?) less 
than 25 mm. long. Carpels strongly carinate (46). 

46. Terminal raceme short (?), the lower flowers axillary, their peduncles 2-3 
times as long as the petioles of the subtending leaves; bractlets about 
8, linear-subulate; leaves 5-angled, cordate, much less (?) than 30 cm. 
long; carpels pubescent. Mexico (Tepic)...P. racemifera Hook. & Arn. 

46. Terminal raceme elongate, up to 30 cm. long, many-flowered, dense to- 
ward apex; bractlets 9 or 10, narrowly linear-lanceolate, often spread- 
ing or recurved at apex; leaves shallowly angulate-lobed, up to nearly 
30 cm. long and wide, deeply cordate; carpels strongly carinate, other- 
wise smooth, obscurely puberulent. Petals yellow, about 15 mm. long. 
Mexico:(Jaliseo) «5.55.5 sx0gas exes P. Palmeri (Baker f.) Schery. Note 26 


1. Synonyms: Malachra ovata Presl, Peltaea ovata (Presl) Standley. 

2. Fries (K. Sv. Vet. Akad. Hand. ser. 3, 242:26,t.3) thought this might be a 
distinct species, typical P. achanioides (first paragraph 30 of this key) having 
muticous carpels. Fries figured but did not describe the central awn or cusp. 

3. Synonym: P. Typhalaea Cav. 

4. Basonym: Malache penduliflora Standley. Only the type (Pittier 3118) 
was cited by the author of the species (Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 18:117) but 
this is so poor a specimen that other material must have been the basis of 
Standley’s detailed description. 

5. Characters of P. linearis and P. intermixta mainly from A. Richard’s de- 
scriptions (Essai Fl. Cuba, pp. 127, 128). In a collection by Roig & Acuna in 
1940, identified as P. intermixta, the calyx is about 5 mm. long and the car- 
pels are glabrous and longitudinally veiny. 

6. A collection at Santa Lucrecia, Oaxaca (Conzatti 366114), affords what 
seems to be the first record for North America. 

7. It is doubtful that the Trinidad plant described under this name by 
Grisebach (Fl. Brit. West Ind. p. 82) is the same as the plant of southern 


Brazil. Grisebach described the leaves as elliptic-lanceolate and the number 
of bractlets as 9-14. 

8. Very like P. fruticosa in general appearance, differing chiefly in the 
more numerous, less united, narrower bractlets. Synonym (fide Fl. Bras.), 
P. nemoralis St. Hil. & Naud. 

9. Synonyms: P. costaricensis Hochr., P. fulva (Standley) Standley. 

10. This is very like, if not identical with, P. hastata var. pubescens Giirke 
f. brevifolia Giirke of southern South America. A collection on Socorro 
Island (H. L. Mason in 1953) seems to be the same. 

11. Synonyms: P. Wrightii Gray and (?) P. hirtiflora Benth. If the type of 
the latter, insufficiently described species came from Aguascalientes, as 
stated by Standley (Trees & Shrubs Mexico p. 773) and if it is really synony- 
mous with P. lasiopetala, the latter species ranges farther south than here- 
tofore recorded. 

12. Characters chiefly from Cavanilles’ description and illustration (Diss. 
3:140, t. 47, f. 1). Urban (Symb. Antill. 5:420) did not mention the reflexed 
petals but stated that the calyx is 2 or more times as long as the involucel. 

13. As described by R. M. Moscoso, Cat. Fl. Doming. 363 (1943). 

14. Bractlets 7 mm. long, calyx 11-12 mm. long, fide Helwig (Repert. Sp. 
Nov. 24:235). For other characters of P. achanioides see Urban (Symb. Antill. 
7:280). The carpels are presumably muticous in typical P. achanioides, 
whereas in var. tuberculata (see first paragraph 4 of this key) they are apically 
cuspidate and bituberculate. The type of P. achanioides is C. Wright 2066. 
A specimen with this number in Herb. Univ. Calif. is Hibiscus brasiliensis L. 

15. Evidently related to P. cancellata (L.f.) Cav., but the carpels are mu- 
ticous and the plant was described as ‘“‘elata.” Compare second paragraph 
12 of this key. 

16. Hochreutiner suspected that the 4-merous condition is abnormal. 
There is no mention of long, simple stem-hairs in his description, although 
they are very conspicuous in the isotype at the University of California. 

17. Synonym: P. cordifolia Wright, which is referred in Fl. Bras. (123:495) 
to P. speciosa H.B.K. var. Hostmannii (Miq.) Giirke. 

18. Synonyms: Malache panamensis Standley, Pavonia panamensis (Stand- 
ley) Standley. 

19. Synonym: P. Liebmannii Ulbr. 

20. Synonym: P. speciosa H.B.K. ssp. genuina Giirke var. subpandurata 

21. Resembles and is perhaps not specifically distinct from the South 
American P. sidifolia H.B.K. 

22. Synonyms (?): P. scabra Presl, described from Mexico, and Malache 
fonsecana Standley. According to Fawcett & Rendle (Fl. Jamaica 5*:131), the 
carpels of P. paniculata have sometimes a short weak spine at apex. 

23. Synonyms: P. racemosa Sw., P. scabra (B. Vog.) Cif., non Presl. 

24.Synonym: P. spicata var. troyana (Urban) Fawc. & Rend. Probably 
not more than a variety of P. spicata. 

25. Known by only one collection (Pringle 5447). Schery (Ann. Mo. Bot. 
Gard. 29:228) suggested that this plant may be a hybrid between P. Palmeri 
and some species of Malvaviscus. 

26. Synonyms: Malvaviscus Palmeri Baker f., Pavonia amplifolia Standley. 


Pavonia Palmeri is very close to, if not identical with, P. racemifera of the 
adjacent state of Tepic. The description of the latter in Bot. Beechey’s 
Voyage (p. 277) is too meager for a definite conclusion. 

(The numbers refer to paragraphs of the key) 

achanioides 30, 35 linearis 10 

var. tuberculata 4 longipes 14 
alba 36 Maxonii 16 
arachnoidea 12 melanommata 22 
bahamensis 37 nepetaefolia 21 
calcicola 26 Ortegiana 44 
cancellata 12 oxyphyllaria 17 
castaneaefolia 14 Palmeri 46 
chiapensis 40 paniculata 41 
coccinea 25 penduliflora 9 
cryptocalyx 23 Preslii 2 
Ekmanii 27 pseudotyphalaea 17 
firmiflora 45 punctata 30 
fruticosa 6 Purpusii 38 
guanacastensis 32 racemifera 46 
hastata 21 rosea 15 
heterostemon 29 sessiliflora 2 
hotteana 28 speciosa 35 
integrifolia 8 spicata 43 
intermixta 10 Spinifex 6 
Langlassei 32 subpandurata 39 
lasiopetala 22, 40 troyana 43 

leiocarpa 27 

Two Matiows New To Cattirornia. Abutilon Palmeri Gray, 
apparently not previously recorded as a member of the Cali- 
fornia flora, was collected in 1941 near Vallecito Station, San 
Diego County, at an elevation of 750 m. (Frank F. Gander 9276). 
The species is not uncommon in southwestern Arizona, north- 
western Sonora, and Baja California. 

Another species of Malvaceae, presumably new to California, 
is Sida rhombifolia L. It was growing as a weed in a cotton field 
in Madera County, where it was discovered by Farm Adviser 
Clarence E. Johnson, in 1952. The identification was made by 
Prof. John M. Tucker of the University of California College 
of Agriculture at Davis. This species is widely distributed in the 
tropical and subtropical parts of both hemispheres. 

—T. H. Kearney. 


John Thomas Howell called my attention to the fact that I had, 
for some unknown reason, overlooked the name Lathyrus poly- 
phyllus var. insecundus Jepson (Man. FI. Pl. Calif. 585,—1925) 
in “A revision of the North American species of Lathyrus” 
(Univ. Wash. Publ. Biol. 15:1-104,—1952). 

Through the kindness of Dr. Rimo Bacigalupi, Curator of 
the Jepson Herbarium at the University of California, the type, 
collected by W. L. Jepson at Olema, Marin Co., California, on 
March 28, 1907, has been borrowed for study. The specimen, 
described by Jepson as having “Raceme not one-sided, the subu- 
late calyx-lobes very prominent in bud,” is rather copiously 
pubescent on stems and calyx and sparsely hairy on the leaflets. 
It has prominent lanceolate-acuminate lateral calyx-lobes that 
are very noticeably widened above their bases. In all these re- 
spects it is totally unlike L. polyphyllus Nutt. ex T. & G., but, 
as in all other characteristics it is referable to L. vestitus ssp. 
puberulus (White ex Greene) C. L. Hitchcock, op. cit. 18. 

The type is very closely matched in the University of Wash- 
ington Herbarium by a collection made by Michener and 
Bioletti in April, 1891, in the Oakland Hills.—C. Leo Hitch- 
cock, University of Washington, Seattle. 

ing account of Dyer’s Woad from Tehama County, California, 
is taken from a recent letter from Beecher Crampton who has 
given me permission to publish his record here: 

“TI collected Isatis tinctoria along roadbank of highway U. S. 
99, 5 miles north of Red Bluff, Tehama County (B. Crampton 
1204). Supposedly this European weed is localized in Scott Val- 
ley, Siskiyou County, but it appears to be moving southward. 
Perhaps other collections have been made outside that area, but 
I thought you might be interested in its appearance beyond its 
range as reported for California.” 

In 1948, I. tinctoria was collected by H. M. Pollard on the 
Klamath River about 3 miles west of Orleans near the mouth of 
Camp Creek in Humboldt County. Mr. Pollard reports that the 
plant is not uncommon on sand- and gravel-bars for several 
miles along the Klamath River both above and below Orleans. 
—J. T. Howe. 


TRIFOLIUM GLOMERATUM IN TEXAS. On May 1, 1953, I received 
for identification two plants of an unfamiliar clover from Mr. 
W. L. Smith, Soil Conservation Service agent at Wills Point, 
Texas, with a note that they “may have been introduced with 
hop clover seed from Australia.” The specimens were from a 
yellow hop planting in sandy soil 4 miles north of Fairfield, 
Freestone County, in east-central Texas. ‘They proved to be 
Trifolium glomeratum L., a native of southern and western 
Europe, naturalized in South Australia, but not reported from 
the United States in any of the current regional manuals (Fer- 
nald’s Gray, Gleason’s Britton & Brown, Small, Abrams, or 
either flora by Rydberg). Doubtless the plant will appear again 
in this country. It is easily recognized by the small heads of rosy 
lavender flowers sessile in upper leaf axils.—Lloyd H. Shinners, 
Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas. 

This attractive annual chamomile first came to my attention 
when I identified a specimen for M. S. Baker, his No. 9505, col- 
lected May 18, 1940, along the Redwood Highway near Asti. On 
Mar. 23, 1952, it was found in the same place by P. A. Munz, his 
No. 17351. The plant, which is a native of the western Medi- 
terranean region, was included by Mr. Baker in his 1941 (and 
later) mimeographed lists of Seed Plants of the North Coast 
Counties of California. I have seen no other report of the plant 
in North America.—J. ‘T. HOWELL. 

gion, whence comes the majority of our California weeds, has 
now contributed a distinctive new pea to our flora, Lathyrus 
sphaericus Retz. This annual, which differs from all others in 
the state in the bifoliolate leaves and in the solitary brick-red 
flowers borne on abbreviated peduncles, has recently been 
found abundantly naturalized on the south slope of Mt. St. 
Helena in Napa Co. by Peter H. Raven, his No. 2902. C. L. 
Hitchcock (Univ. Wash. Publ. Biol. 15:9,—1952) reports this 
species in the Pacific states only from western Oregon.—J. T. 




Vol. VII No. 6 



Beitrage zur Kenntnis von Rumex XII: Some New 
American Species of Rumex 133 
A New Lewisia from Nevada . 135 
A New Mimulus from Nevada ..... . . 137 
A Tentative Key to the North American Species 
: 138 

of Sida, L. . 

Apri 16, 1954 

NEW - 


A publication devoted particularly to the native and naturalized 
plants of western North America and to the cultivated plants 
of California, appearing about four times each year. Subscrip- 
tion, $2.00 annually. Cost of back files or single numbers fur- 
nished on request. Address: John Thomas Howell, California 

Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco 18. 

Cited as 

LEAFL. WEstT. Bort. 

Owned and published by 


te a 




Vienna, Austria 

Rumex tomentellus Rech. f., spec. nov. Certe perennis. Caulis vero- 
similiter elatus, stricte erectus. Tota planta imprimis ad petiolos et ad 
paginas inferiores foliorum indumento denso tomentello e papillis albidis 
in sicco hyalinis compressis composito tecta. Folia basalia petiolo crasso 
dimidia laminae longitudine breviore instructo; lamina in sicco crasse 
membranacea subcoriacea plana, e basi profunde cordata oblonga, in 
tertia circiter parte latissima inde apicem valde acutam versus sensim 
attenuata, 25-30 cm. longa, 7-11 cm. lata, subtus dense tomentella, supra 
papillis brevioribus laxius dispositis scabrida; nervi secundarii numerosi 
tenues, a costa mediana angulo fere recto abeuntes. Folia caulina ignota. 
Inflorescentia ad minimum 45 cm. longa, axi stricta vel subflexuosa, in- 
ternodiis infirmis elongatis, ramis inferioribus fasciculatis elongatis superi- 
oribus singulis simplicibus tenuibus flaccidis erecto-patentibus, paniculam 
ineunte fructificatione laxiusculam subapertam formantibus. Florum glo- 
meruli multiflori, inferiores et medii plus minusve remoti, superiores ap- 
proximati; rami infimi tantum foliis diminutis breviter petiolatis e basi 
cuneata lineari-lanceolatis suffulti. Pedicelli ineunte fructificatione fili- 
formes, prope basin vel in tertia circiter parte inferiore tenuiter articulati, 
ad basin perigonii subito valde saepe subangulato-incrassati, longitudine 
variabiles, perigonio immaturo sesqui- raro usque duplolongiores. Perigonii 
foliola exteriora lanceolata linearia acuta, marginibus inferiorum arcte 
appressa, plus minusve 2 mm. longa. Valvae in statu immaturo ovato- 
oblongae, basi rotundatae, apice acutiusculae vel obtusiusculae, integrae, 
nervo mediano saepe aliquantum longitudinaliter incrassato nec autem 
callifero, nervatura ceterum tenuiter reticulata.—Verosimiliter ad subsec- 
tionem Aquatici pertinet, indumento tomentello insignis; ceterum foliorum 
nervis numerosis subrectangularibus, pedicellis ad basin perigonii valde 
incrassatis, valvarum nervo mediano longitudinaliter subincrassato (nec 
autem callifero) memorabilis. 

New Mexico: 18 miles east of Mogollon on Willow Creek, 
7640 feet elevation, Mogollon Mts., Catron Co., July 14, 1928, 
C. B. Wolf 2640 (CAS, typus; BH isotypus). 

More complete material of this interesting plant is urgently 
needed. Papillosity is a character which occurs, however much 
less pronounced than in this new species, only in two other 
species of the arctic-circumboreal subsect. Aquatici: R. fene- 
stratus Greene subsp. puberulus Hultén in the eastern Pacific 
Coast district of Alaska and R. aquaticus L. subsp. Schischkinii 
Rech. f. in the Altai Mts. of Siberia. 

Leaflets of Western Botany, Vol. VII, pp. 133-152, April 16, 1954. 


Rumex nematopodus Rech. f., spec. nov. Radix verticalis perennis, caulem 
singulum proferrens. Caulis 85 cm. altus, stricte erectus, a tertia parte inferi- 
ore ramosus et fructifer, internodiis elongatis, tenuiter sulcato-striatus, 
brunnescens; panicula ramis tenuibus erectis plurimis singulis simplicibus 
angusta laxiuscula subaperta. Folii basalii petiolus 74 laminae longitudinem 
aequans, 22 cm. longus, subcarnosus; lamina 34 cm. longa, 9 cm. lata, basi 
leviter cordata, plana, in sicco tenuiter membranacea flavescenti-viridis 
glabra laevis, nervis lateralibus numerosis tenuibus subrectis a costa mediana 
angulo circa 80°-90° abeuntibus; lamina a basi usque ad 34 superiores circi- 
ter aequilata, demum sensim attenuata, valde acuta. Folia caulina petiolo 
brevi latiusculo quartam usque quintam partem laminae latitudinis aequante 
suffulta; lamina in sicco crassiuscule membranacea sordide flavescenti-viridis, 
glabra laevis fere plana, e basi breviter saepe suboblique cuneata late lineari- 
lanceolata valde acuta; nervi laterales tenues numerosi, angulo 70°—-80° a 
costa mediana abeuntes; lamina folii caulini infimi 21 cm. longa, vix 3 cm. 
lata, a basi usque ad 24-34 longitudinis vix, deinde sensim attenuata; folia 
caulina superiora sensim decrescentia. Rami infimi tantum foliis diminutis 
suffulti. Florum glomeruli inferiores remoti, superiores contigui. Pedicelli 
tenuissime filiformes gracillimi prope basin tenuiter articulati, omnes valde 
elongati, sed longitudine variabiles, perigonio maturo 3 (-4)-plo longiores, 
ad basin perigonii abrupte saepe subangulato-incrassati. Perigonii foliola ex- 
teriora circa 1.5 mm. longa, lanceolato-linearia acuta dorso carinata basibus 
valvarum appressa. Valvae fructiferae 4-5 mm. longae, 3-4 mm. latae, ambitu 
ovato- vel subcordato-triangulares, basi truncatae vel leviter late cordatae, 
apice acutae, consistentia tenuiter membranacea, colore in statu submaturo 
olivascente, omnes ecallosae, tenuiter elevate reticulato-nervosae, margine 
indistincte subsinuato-denticulatae vel integrae. Nux submatura brunnea, 
circa 3 mm. longa et 1.5 mm. lata, vix infra medium latissima. — Inter 
species subsectionis Aquatici foliis angustis basi cuneatis, pedicellis longis- 
simis perigonio 3 (—-4)-plo longioribus, valvis parvis acutiusculis excellit. 

Arizona: Huachuca Mts., 7000 ft., Sept. 4, 1903, M. E. Jones 
(DS, ty pus); Ramseys Canyon near Fort Huachuca, 9000 ft., Sept., 
1882, Lemmon 2879 (GH). Phillips 3230 (CAS) and Phillips & 
Kearney 3403 (CAS) from the White Mts., Apache County, men- 
tioned in Kearney and Peebles, Arizona Flora, 245 (1951), swb 
R. occidental, possibly belong here, but they are very immature. 
The leaves are exceptionally long and narrow. 

New Mexico: White Mts., 6800 ft., Lincoln Co., July 31, 
1897, E. O. Wooton 624 (NY, US). 

CuinuAnua, Mexico: near Colonia Garcia in the Sierra 
Madre, 7400 ft., July 5, 1899, Townsend & Barber 82 (NY, sub 
R. salicifolio). 

X Rumex pseudoorbiculatus Rech. f., hybr. nov. (R. obtusifolius subsp. 
agrestis x R. orbiculatus.) Elatus erectus, infra inflorescentiam non ramosus. 

Folia caulina subcoriacea fere plana, lanceolata, prope basin latissima, apicem 
acutam versus longe sensim attenuata; nervi secundarii angulo circa 70°-80° 


a costa mediana abeuntes. Panicula sat ampla, e ramis arcuato-erectis simpli- 
cibus constituta, inferne paucifoliata, fructificatione manca laxiuscula. Pedi- 
celli tenuiter filiformes longitudine variabiles, fructu usque plus quam 
duplo longiores. Valvae magnitudine et forma valde variabiles: aut ovato- 
oblongae aut late lingulatae aut late rotundato-cordatae; maiores callum 
elongato-fusiformem dimidia longitudine valvae longiorem ferentes; valvae 
minores subintegrae, maiores imprimis basin versus acute pluridentatae. 
Nuces plurimae steriles.— R. orbiculato Gray habitu, foliorum consistentia ac 
forma, valvis maioribus cordato-orbiculatis callis elongato-fusiformibus simi- 
lis, ab eo autem valvis acute pluridentatis foliis basi magis dilatatis diversus. 
Evolutio irregularis valvarum et fructificatio manca originem hybrida plane 

MassaAcuuseETTs: brook, Purgatory Swip, Norwood, Aug. 3, 
1895, J. R. Churchill (MO, typus). 

The plant is similar to R. orbiculatus Gray. That it is a hybrid 
is proved by the very irregular development of valves and by 
the nuts usually being compressible and sterile. Only a species 
with toothed valves can be assumed as the other parent. There 
is hardly any doubt that this was R. obtusifolius subsp. agrestis, 
a weed of western European origin, well established for many 
years all over the United States, the more arid areas excepted. 

Only very few natural hybrids by indigenous American species 
of Rumex are known, none of them between two American 
species. The only hybrid of R. orbiculatus known up to the 
present time is R. crispus x R. orbiculatus (syn., R. Britannica 
x R. crispus, Rechinger, Field Museum Bot. 17:147,—1937). 


Utah State Agricultural College, Logan 

The high mountains of south-central Nevada have rewarded 
Dr. Bassett Maguire and me with several new species and hold 
much promise for future expeditions. Our brief survey of the 
Quinn Canyon Range in 1945 brought us a new Lewisza that has 
stimulated the writer to begin a study of this beautiful genus of 


Bracts linear-lanceolate, attenuate ... 0)... ccc ns deeds be eee 1. L. rediviva 
Bracts ovate to ovate-oblong, obtuse. 
PAOWETS SOMIALY SE PAIN I Hee e ona eee rete Mss ao tee es 2. L. disepala 

Flowers cymose, usually 3 or 2, rarely only 1; 
BEPIAIE TS OU te ey eae Pe eee Sitio a elas hw Grane Ghee al 3. L. Maguirei 


1. LewisiA REDIVIVA Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept. 358 (1814). 

la. LEWISIA REDIVIVA subsp. REDIVIVA. L. alba Kellogg, Proc. Calif. Acad. 
2:115 (1861). 

Plant usually with linear, subterete leaves; sepals more than 15 mm. 
long; pedicels more than | cm. long. 

Open rocky soil; British Columbia to California and east to Montana, 
Colorado and northern Arizona. 

1b. Lewisia rediviva subsp. minor (Rydb.) Holmgren, comb. nov. L. minor 
Rydb., N. Amer. Fl. 21:327 (1932); L. rediviva var. minor (Rydb.) Munz, Man. 
South. Cal. Bot. 158, 598 (1935). 

Plant with clavate leaves; sepals less than 15 mm. long; pedicels less 
than 1 cm. long. 

Dry rocky ridges and exposed places; from Tooele County, Utah, and 
the Quinn Canyon Range, Nevada, to western Nevada and southern Cali- 

2. LEWISIA DISEPALA Rydb., N. Amer. Fl. 21:328 (1932). L. rediviva yosemi- 
tana K. Brandeg., Proc. Calif. Acad. IT. 4:89 (1894). Not L. yosemitana Jepson, 

Known only on summits around Yosemite Valley, California (J. T. Howell 

3. Lewisia Maguirei Holmgren, spec. nov. Perennis; radicibus paucira- 
mosis; caudicibus brevibus crassis; foliis numerosis rosulatis, 1-2 cm. longis, 
1.5-3.5 mm. latis, lineari-oblanceolatis, obtusis, carnosis; scapis 1 vel pluri- 
bus, plerumque 1.5-2 cm. longis; cymis 3-floribus, raro 1- vel 2-floribus; 
bracteis 3, verticillatis, oblongo-ovatis, 3-5 mm. longis, 2.5-3.5 mm. latis, 
scariosis, subcarnosis ad basin; pedunculis articulatis, supra bracteas demum 
disarticulatis, cymis maturatis deciduis; pedicellis 3-9 mm. longis, singulis 
bractio scarioso 8-10 mm. longo suffultis; sepalis 3 vel 4, imbricatis, inte- 
gris vel emarginatis, petaloideo-scariosis, 8-12 mm. longis, 4-8 mm. latis, late 
ovatis, basi latis, in unguem angustatis; petalis 7-9, albis vel roseis, oblance- 
olatis, obtusis, 8-12 mm. longis, 4-6 mm. latis; staminibus 7-9, filamentis 
circa 1 mm. longis, alatis, apice filiformibus; antheris circa 1 mm. longis, 
sagittatis; stylis 4-6, connatis subter; capsulis membranaceis, conico-ob- 
longis, 7-10 mm. longis, basi circumscissis etiam dehiscentibus longitudi- 
naliter; seminibus 5-8, aliquando 10, 1.5-2.5 mm. latis, laevibus. 

Perennial from a fleshy, branched, taproot; caudex short, thick, bearing 
at its crown numerous rosulate leaves, the older ones marcescent and erect; 
herbage and inflorescence rose-suffused; leaves 1-2 cm. long, 1.5-3.5 mm. 
wide, linear-oblanceolate, obtuse, fleshy, mid-rib prominent; scapes 1 to 
several, usually 1.5-2 cm. long, bearing a 3-flowered cyme, frequently 2 
flowers present, rarely only 1; bracts 3, whorled, oblong-ovate, 3-5 mm. 
long, 2.5-3.5 mm. broad, completely scarious, subfleshy towards the base; 
the peduncle jointed and disarticulating immediately above the bracts, the 
complete cyme falling at maturity; pedicels 3-9 mm. long, each subtended by 
a linear-oblong, scarious bract 8-10 mm. long; sepals 3 or sometimes 4, 
entire or sometimes emarginate, petaloid-scarious, 8-12 mm. long, 8-14 mm. 
wide, broadly ovate, the base broad, narrowed into a very short claw, imbri- 
cate; petals 7-9, white to pinkish, oblanceolate, obtuse, 8-12 mm. long, 4-6 


mm. wide; stamens 7-9, filaments about 1 cm. long, winged, filiform only 
below the anther, anthers about 1 mm. long, sagittate; styles 4-6, united 
below; capsule membranous, conic-oblong, 7-10 mm. long, circumscissile at 
the base, also dehiscing lengthwise; seeds usually fewer than 10, 1.5-2.5 mm. 
wide, smooth. 

Type: Maguire & Holmgren 25346, the plants frequent in 
loose denuded soil derived from limestone, associated with pin- 
yon, juniper, and sagebrush, on south facing ridge above Cherry 
Creek Summit, 7500 feet, Quinn Canyon Range, Nye County, 
Nevada, June 8, 1945 (New York Botanical Garden). Isotypes: 
Intermountain Herbarium, Logan, Utah; United States Na- 
tional Museum; University of California; California Academy 
of Sciences; Missouri Botanical Garden. 

Cotype: Maguire & Holmgren 25542, the plants frequent on 
raw gravelly clay slope in open pinyon-juniper country, ridge 
north of Cherry Creek Pass, Quinn Canyon Range, Nye County, 
Nevada, June 20, 1945 (New York Botanical Garden and Inter- 
mountain Herbarium). 

By virtue of the broad petaloid sepals and disarticulating 
peduncles, L. Maguirei belongs to the subgenus Eulewisia, as 
distinguished from the subgenus Oreobroma in which the sepals 
are not petaloid and the peduncles are not jointed. Lewisia 
Magutrei is most closely related to L. disepala. The characters 
which readily separate these species are featured in the above 


Beltsville, Maryland 

Mimulus (subgen. SyMpLacus, sect. StmIoLus) brachystylis Edwin, spec. 
nov. Folia ovata suborbiculata vel reniformi-orbiculata, usque ad 1.6 cm. 
longa, plerumque aequilata vel latiora, undulata, subintegra vel leviter 
irregulariterque dentata, folia inferiora longe petiolata subtus pilis brevibus 
albisque paucis, folia superiora subsessilia, suprema sessilia, plus minusque 
villosa; corolla vix exserta, usque ad 1.4 cm. longa, calycem paulo superans; 
stylus laevis, staminibus parvioribus multo brevior, vix 3-3.5 mm. longus; 
stigmata subaequalia peltata; fructus lanceolato-ovoideus, tubo calycis 

Annual; stem glabrous, upright, simple or little branched from the base, 
four-angled, up to 22 cm. high; leaves ovate, suborbicular, or rotund with 
reniform bases up to 1.6 cm. long, mostly as broad or broader than long, 
undulate, subentire, or weakly and irregularly dentate, lower leaves long- 
petiolate with a few short white hairs below, upper subsessile, uppermost 


sessile, more or less villous; pedicels longer below, shorter above than the 
subtending leaves and calyces; calyx up to 1.2 cm. long, 0.7 cm. wide, tinged 
with red, especially along the ribs, tube densely or lightly villous (occasion- 
ally glabrous), teeth short, obtuse, blunt, scarcely one-quarter as long as the 
tube; corolla narrow, exserted, up to 1.4 cm. long, little longer than the 
calyx, tube short, narrow, glabrous without, the throat almost completely 
closed by the hairy ridges (palate) within; stamens included, anthers glab- 
rous or bearing a few cilia, filaments glabrous or rarely with a few short 
glandular hairs; style much shorter than the shorter pair of stamens, scarcely 
3-3.5 mm. long, glabrous; stigmas subequal, peltate; fruit lanceolate-ovoid, 
shorter than the calyx-tube; seeds many, ovate, lightly reticulate, occasion- 
ally apiculate at one end or both ends. 

Type: Kay H. Beach & Laura E. Mills 881, from moist loam 
around a spring on a steep north slope in Sunnyside Canyon 
about 5 miles north of Ione, 7000 feet elevation, Nye County, 
Nevada, July 14, 1930 (U. S. National Herbarium, Smithsonian 
Institution, Washington, D.C.). 

Mimulus brachystylis is apparently most closely related to 
M. gutiatus DC. but differs from the latter in the extremely 
short style, broader than long leaf, shorter blunter calyx-teeth, 
and narrower very little-exserted corolla. 

U. S. National Arboretum Herbarium 
Bureau of Plant Industry 
Beltsville, Maryland 



This is an artificial key and juxtaposition of the species does 
not always indicate close relationship. Many of the species are 
little known and in such cases the characterizations in the key 
have been drawn mainly from published descriptions. These 
are often vague and omit the characters upon which the divi- 
sions of the key are based. Whenever possible, however, exam- 
ination of herbarium specimens has been the basis of the charac- 
terizations. ‘““North America” is interpreted as including the 
West Indies and Panama. The notes will be found at the end 
of the paper. Note 1. 

1. Leaves deeply palmately lobed, the lobes attenuate-acuminate, coarsely 
and irregularly serrate-dentate. Plants herbaceous, the herbage glab- 


no — 


rate; flowers in long-peduncled corymbose or subracemose clusters, 
these forming an ample leafy panicle; petals white; carpels 10. East- 
Bia Wniked States 5.56 heels Sa aes S. hermaphrodita-(L.) Rusby. Note 2 

. Leaves not lobed or obscurely so (2). 
. Plants arborescent, up to 8 m. high. Leaves long-petiolate, up to 15 cm. 

long, broadly ovate, truncate to cordate at base, subvelutinous (al- 
most lepidote) on both surfaces with very minute, stellate hairs; in- 
florescences axillary, subpaniculate; calyx 10-14 mm. long; petals 
somewhat longer, yellow; carpels 5 or 6, short-cuspidate, pubescent. 
Virgin: Islands, Culebra Island.......0......55... S. Eggersii Baker f. 

. Plants herbaceous or shrubby, much smaller (3). 
. Peduncles adnate to the petiole of the subtending leaf or bract. Leaves 

sparingly serrate toward apex, mostly narrow, often wedge-shaped; 
flowers mostly in dense but few-flowered apical clusters, these as if 
involucrate by the upper leaves and the conspicuously hirsute-ciliate 
stipules; carpels 5-8, reticulate-rugose and muricate, rostrate or 
shortly aristate (4). 

. Peduncles not so adnate (6). 
. Leaves hirsute on both surfaces with very long, fine hairs; petals yellow. 

Stems diffusely branched from the base; leaves oblong, elliptic, or 
obovate; carpels spinose-muricate. Cuba ........... S. Brittoni Leon 

. Leaves glabrous (rarely appressed-pubescent) above; petals commonly 

pink or purple (5). 

. Stems procumbent to ascending, diffusely branched from the base; leaves 

narrowly oblong to obovate or (rarely) suborbicular; petals 6-10 mm. 
long; carpels with usually short murications. Florida, Texas, Baja 
California, and West Indies to South America. ...S. ciliaris L. Note 3 

. Stems erect or ascending, sparingly branched; leaves linear; petals 10-15 

mm. long; carpels with long, spinose murications. Texas to South 
PRIMI CHI GAMES oc eee a ieee aio ei ome S. anomala St. Hil. Note 4 

.Involucel present, or the herbage silvery-lepidote, or the leaves wider 

than long. Flowers axillary, solitary or very few in the axils; carpels 
muticous or short-beaked: Section Pseudo-Malvastrum. Note 5 (7). 

.Involucel none; herbage not silvery-lepidote; leaves mostly longer than 

wide (10). 

. Plants herbaceous, the flowering stems from creeping rootstocks; leaves 

very asymmetric at base; flowers distinctly pedicelled, the pedicels often 
more or less flexuous and decurved; petals white or whitish; carpels 
6-10 (8). 

. Plants suffrutescent; leaves (in S. Helleri?) not noticeably asymmetric; 

flowers subsessile; petals yellow or copper-colored; carpels normally 
5. Involucel none; herbage stellate-tomentulose or -tomentose (9). 

. Herbage densely stellate-canescent; leaves wider than long, suborbicular 

or somewhat flabelliform, rounded at apex, rather regularly denticu- 
late or dentate; involucel, of 1-3 subulate bractlets, usually present 
but very caducous; carpels indehiscent. Western United States, Revil- 
lagigedo Islands, northern Mexico. .S. hederacea (Dougl.) Torr. Note 6 

. Herbage closely silvery-lepidote; leaves mostly longer than wide, acutish 

to acuminate at apex, often subhastately toothed or lobed at base 


(in var. sagittaefolia A. Gray, Note 7); involucel rarely, if ever, pres- 
ent; carpels dehiscent at apex. Southwestern United States and north- 
Of MERICO (05% 2005 Pe sds ore Sawienis eee a S. lepidota A. Gray. Note 8 
9. Leaves flabelliform, more or less cuneate at base; calyx not surpassing 
the fruit; carpels acuminate and becoming 2-beaked. Southern Tex- 
AB Ne eer aie ie ater ee isi em claus delocale ates S. Grayana I. D. Clement* 
9. Leaves suborbicular, rounded or truncate at base; calyx surpassing the 
fruit; carpels obtuse, apiculate. Southern Texas ...... S. Helleri Rose 
10. Calyx greatly accrescent, enclosing the fruit, membranous and veiny, the 
broad lobes overlapping. Plants herbaceous above ground; flowers 
solitary in the axils; petals yellow or whitish (11). 
10. Calyx otherwise, only moderately accrescent (12). 
11.Stems more or less decumbent from a long, tuber-like caudex, rather 
loosely pubescent with mostly few-rayed hairs; leaves symmetric or 
nearly so and usually subcordate at base, rounded to acutish at apex, 
oval, ovate, or suborbicular, coarsely crenate-dentate; calyx 10-15 mm. 
long, strongly plicate-angulate, the lobes deeply cordate; petals 12-20 
mm. long; carpels 10-14, firm-walled, coarsely reticulate, with a long, 
horizontal beak, black at maturity. Texas to Arizona and northern 
Mexico; southern South America ..... S. physocalyx A. Gray. Note 10 
11. Stems procumbent or prostrate, often rooting at the nodes, very slender, 
minutely stellate and with long, simple hairs; leaves very asymmetric 
and cordate at base, acute or acuminate at apex, ovate, thin, shallowly 
dentate or crenate; calyx 5-7 mm. long at maturity, the lobes scarcely 
cordate; petals 6-7 mm. long; carpels 5, thin-walled, smooth or ob- 
scurely reticulate, muticous or nearly so. Southern Mexico to Panana; 
South Amenta s.ncas cts aaeos S. decumbens St. Hil. & Naud. Note 11 
12. Inflorescences apical or subapical, corymbiform or short-racemose, the 
small subulate bracts caducous; leaves with entire margins, mostly 
linear or lanceolate, elongate, sharply attenuate-acuminate, short- 
petiolate or subsessile. Stipules conspicuous, subulate, rather per- 
sistent; calyx campanulate, pilose or villous; petals white or whitish, 
often purple at base, 7-10 mm. long; carpels 7-9, muticous or nearly 
so, glabrous. Mexico and West Indies to South America.............. 
FOO IEP Pe oe ome ns S. linifolia Juss. Note 12 
12. Inflorescences otherwise, or the leaves not entire (13). . 
13. Flowers closely subtended by several subulate or filiform, hispid or hirsute 
bracts (reduced leaves and stipules) much longer than the calyx, the 
flowers thus appearing involucellate. Herbage copiously hirsute with 
yellowish, stellate hairs; leaves oblong-lanceolate to narrowly ovate, 
crenate-serrate; flowers in dense axillary clusters and in leafy, spike- 
like, apical inflorescences, the individual flowers subsessile; corolla 
yellow, slightly longer than the calyx; carpels 7-10, apiculate. Pan- 
ama; northern South America ....S. quinquenervia Duchass. Note 13 
13. Flowers not so subtended (14). 
14. Flowers mostly in open (or sometimes thyrsoid) more or less leafy pan- 

1Sida Grayana I. D. Clement, nom. nov. Sida cuneifolia A. Gray, Bost. Jour. Nat. 
Hist. 6:165 (1850), non Roxb., 1832. Note 9. 


icles, numerous or many, usually long-pedicellate. Petals less than 
10 mm. long; carpels few (15). 

14. Flowers not in many-flowered panicles, or, if so (in-S. micrantha and 
occasionally in S. aggregata, S. cordifolia, and S. urens) then short- 
pedicellate and crowded, or if paniculate and long-pedicellate (some- 
times so in S. glabra), then the flowers few and scattered (20). 

15. Petals pink, purple, or dark red; glandular hairs none. Peduncles fili- 
form (16). 

15. Petals yellow or orange; glandular hairs present (except sometimes in 
S. pyramidata) (18). 

16. Leaves narrowly lanceolate, cuneate at base, attenuate-acuminate at 
apex, serrate or serrulate, glabrous or glabrate above, up to 11 cm. 
long, the upper ones greatly reduced. Inflorescence-branches simply 
racemose; petals about 4 mm. long, pink or salmon-colored; carpels 
5, obtuse, puberulent. Mexico (Sinaloa) ....... S. lodiegensis Baker f. 

16. Leaves ovate or ovate-lanceolate, cordate or rounded at base. Flowers 
numerous, in very open panicles, the peduncles filiform, elongate (17). 

17. Herbage sparsely to copiously stellate-pubescent; leaves crenate-dentate; 
petals 3-5 mm. long, dark red or dark purple, often reflexed; carpels 
5, muticous to cuspidate, finely reticulate. West Indies, southern 
Texas, and Mexico to South America ........ S. paniculata L. Note 14 

17. Herbage glabrate; leaves sharply serrate; petals up to 8 mm. long, bright 
purple; carpels 6 or 7, muticous. Southern Mexico (Puebla) ......... 
MPT o crake 5s Siete weds cto RTA wh Ge Stare ne dees S. tehuacana Brandeg. 

18. Carpels aristate, the awns slender, antrorsely pilose, much shorter than 
to nearly as long as the carpel-body. Herbage copiously glandular- 
pilose and with fewer long, spreading, simple hairs; inflorescence 
branches elongate, rather lax, the flowers rarely solitary in the axils, 
the pedicels short or elongate; leaves long-petiolate, ovate, cordate, 
finely dentate or crenate; calyx at maturity rounded at base; peta!s— 
5-8 mm. long; carpels 5. West Indies and Mexico to South America... 
Mea A Nea As Sane Na hada ts con el, ote « S. glutinosa Commers. Note 15 

18. Carpels muticous to cuspidate. Leaves broadly ovate (19). 

19. Inflorescence-branches mostly elongate and more or less racemose or 
subpaniculate, slender, not rigid; herbage sparsely to copiously stel- 
late-puberulent, usually with few or no glandular or long, simple 
hairs; leaves long-petiolate, thin, green; calyx rounded at base, not 
angulate; carpels 5-8, thick, cuspidate to muticous, pilosulous, the 
firm lateral walls smooth. Plants suffruticose or shrubby; petals yel- 
low or orange, sometimes red at base, 6-8 mm. long. Mexico and West 
Indies to northern South America. ..S. pyramidata Desportes. Note 16 

19. Inflorescence-branches mostly short and corymbiform, rather stout and 
rigid; herbage tomentose and more or less glandular; leaves thickish, 
velutinous-canescent; calyx angulate; carpels 5, mucronulate, the thin 
lateral walls finely reticulate. Revillagigedo Islands ................ 
Meares clara Hale AVES eee take ed Ba ae He S. nesogena Johnst. Note 17 

20. Carpels 5 (21). 

20. Carpels more than 5 (32). 

21. Flowers very small, the petals 2-3 mm. long, not or barely surpassing the 












calyx; inflorescence an elongate, leafy thyrse with suberect, very 
many-flowered branchlets. Herbage rather roughly stellate-tomentose; 
leaves broadly ovate or suborbicular, cordate to truncate at base, up 
to 12 cm. long; calyx rounded at base, not angulate; petals yellowish 
or pink; carpels short-cuspidate (to muticous?), puberulent apically. 
Cuba and South America ............. S. micrantha St. Hil. Note 18 

Flowers larger, the petals slightly to considerably surpassing the calyx, or, 
if sometimes not surpassing it (in S. alba?, S. jamaicensis, S. spinosa, 
and S. urens) then the inflorescence not as in S. micrantha and the 
flowers much less numerous (22). 

Pedicels very slender, usually elongate. Calyx more or less angulate-tur- 
binate; petals yellowish to orange (23). 

Pedicels relatively stout, usually very short, the flowers often subsessile 

Inflorescence, when well developed, forming an open, leafy, long- 
branched, relatively few-flowered panicle; stems erect to weak and 
sprawling; leaves up to 8 cm. long. Herbage glabrate to rather copi- 
ously pubescent with mostly simple, often somewhat glandular hairs; 
leaves rather long-petiolate, ovate or ovate-lanceolate, cordate at base, 
acuminate, crenate to serrate, thin, nearly concolorous; petals about 
6 mm. long (24). 

Inflorescence not paniculate, the flowers solitary in the axils; stems de- 
cumbent to prostrate; leaves seldom more than 2.5 cm. long. Carpels 
3-4 mm. long, mucronate to aristate (25). 

Carpels narrow, usually finely reticulate, pilose toward apex, with long 
or short, antrorsely pilosulous awns. Mexico and West Indies to 
road eda sored oy Weeale oo sogoopsouasoeeoouc S. glabra Mill. Note 19 

Carpels round, smooth and nearly glabrous, truncate or merely apiculate 
at apex. Mexico (Chihuahua, Sonora, Morelos) .:.). 022.9 
shoe a ss hea ape hase Wis wists eprenivan Stee fete meee S. alamosana Wats. Note 20 

Stems creeping and often rooting at the nodes, hirsute or hirsutulous 
with mostly branched hairs, often very sparsely so; leaves orbicular or 
broadly ovate, deeply cordate, coarsely crenate; carpels opening ir- 
regularly below. West Indies ........... S. hederaefolia Cav. Note 21 

Stems decumbent to prostrate, seldom, if ever, rooting at the nodes, 
usually sparsely hirsute with long, simple hairs in addition to the 
short, stellate and glandular pubescence; leaves ovate to lanceolate, 
shallowly cordate or truncate at base, obtuse or rounded at apex, 
finely to rather coarsely crenate; carpels opening at apex. Calyx 
puberulent, usually also long-hirsute. Southern United States and 
West Indies to northern South America ...S. procumbens Sw. Note 22 

Leaves dorsiventrally distichous (in one plane). Herbage seldom con- 
spicuously pubescent; stems erect or ascending; stipules conspicu- 
ous, persistent, up to 4 mm. wide, lanceolate, attenuate-acuminate, 
several-nerved, ciliate; leaves lanceolate, somewhat rhombic, rounded 
or cuneate at base, acutish to acuminate at apex, sharply serrate, 
short-petiolate or subsessile, the upper surface with rather long, ap- 
pressed, simple hairs; flowers mostly in small, axillary glomerules, 
sessile or very shortly pedicellate; petals yellow or whitish, usually 


little surpassing the calyx; carpels muticous or apiculate, glabrous. 
West Indies and southern Mexico to South America................ 
Weck aseiat Ghia kiss a wip SSM SHA LEYS S. glomerata_Commers. Note 23 

26. Leaves not distichous or (in S. jamaicensis) obscurely so (27). 

27. Flowers in dense, several-flowered, axillary and terminal glomerules or 
racemes, these sometimes constituting a leafy panicle. Leaves mostly 
long-petiolate, cordate; calyx angulate-turbinate in bud, hirsute or 
villous; carpels muticous or apiculate (28). 

27. Flowers axillary, solitary or in few-flowered glomerules, the inflorescence 
not at all paniculate (29). 

28. Stems herbaceous, hirsute with long, simple or few-armed spreading 
hairs; leaves ovate to lanceolate, usually considerably longer than 
wide, acuminate at apex, rather coarsely dentate or serrate, nearly 
concolorous, hirsute beneath with long, simple or few-armed hairs; 
petals 6-8 mm. long, about equaling the calyx; carpels 5, glabrous or 
nearly so. West Indies and southern Mexico to South America....... 
Based Beer Beats tase nas thee wh Sertich © lea he SRE lappa ale S. urens L. Note 24 

28.Stems somewhat woody, finely stellate-tomentose, with or without long, 
spreading, yellowish hairs; leaves broadly ovate, usually nearly as 
wide as long, cordate, obtuse to subacuminate at apex, denticulate 
or rather finely dentate, more or less discolorous, velutinous on both 
surfaces with short stellate hairs; petals (7) 10-12 mm. long, surpass- 
ing the calyx; carpels 5-7, puberulent, rounded-trigonous, muticous, 
lightly or obscurely reticulate. West Indies and Mexico to northern 
OWE PNITICINGR Sets ci saialtivla ayolei dels ane 2 S. aggregata Presl. Note 25 

29. Calyx with a broad, rounded base. Stems suffrutescent, these and the 
leaves and calyx densely pubescent with minute, stellate, yellowish 
hairs; leaves very shortly petiolate, the blades lanceolate, up to 6 cm. 
long, cuneate at base, acute, serrulate, thickish, 3-ribbed from the base 
and pinnately veined, the veins very prominent beneath; flowers 
axillary, solitary or loosely clustered on axillary branchlets, the pe- 
duncles 1 cm. long or less; calyx-lobes acute; petals yellow, about 4 
mm. long, slightly longer than the calyx; carpels apiculate. Mexico 
SUSAN a ROPE) ie o5 o's i. sSismitinre Sua wise nis S. stricta Standl. Note 26 

29. Calyx turbinate-angulate. Corolla (in S$. alba?) little if any longer than 
the calyx (30). 

30. Carpels opening irregularly below by a white membrane, shortly ros- 
trate. Leaves roundish-ovate to lanceolate, subcordate to rounded at 
base, serrate, minutely stellate-pubescent, sometimes densely so be- 
neath; flowers solitary in the axils but becoming racemosely crowded 
at apex; peduncles much shorter than the subtending leaves; petals 
white or whitish. West Indies and (?) South America .............- 
REIS aair. He Stowe daw tiety Sst og. sabe S. alba L. Note 27 

30. Carpels opening regularly at apex, more or less aristate, the awns and 
apex of the carpel-body pilousulous with antrorse or spreading hairs. 
Leaves rounded, truncate or subcuneate (rarely obscurely cordate) 
at base (31). 

31. Herbage finely soft-tomentose; stems herbaceous or somewhat woody, 
often decumbent, without infrapetiolar tubercles; leaves oblong or 














subrhombic to suborbicular, rounded or obtuse at apex, nearly con- 
colorous; corolla whitish, buff, or pale yellow. West Indies and (?) 
southern Mexico to South America......... S. jamaicensis L. Note 28 

Herbage minutely stellate-puberulent; stems herbaceous, erect, often 
with more or less spinose infrapetiolar tubercles; leaves ovate or 
oblong to (in var. angustifolia (Lam.) Griseb.) narrowly lanceolate, 
obtuse or acutish at apex, usually discolorous; corolla normally yellow. 
Central and southern United States and West Indies to South Amer- 
a, PE RO RPE oP me Sante S AI AL gr Ak ect noe Sy S. spinosa L. Note 29 

Corolla violet-purple. Stems woody, stellate-pubescent; leaves linear to 
oblong, mostly 3 or more times as long as wide; flowers solitary; 
peduncles slender, articulated toward apex, elongate (often surpass- 
ing the subtending leaves); carpels 7-10, prominently rugose-reticu- 
late (33). 

Corolla whitish to orange or pink, sometimes drying red (34). 

Leaves discolorous, whitish-tomentose beneath, the upper ones sub- 
sessile; petals 4-5 mm. long; carpels apiculate or muticous. Texas and 
northeastern Mexico. 255.52. 0s-'nane a. S. filipes A. Gray. Note 30 

Leaves nearly concolorous, densely and finely stellate-pubescent on both 
surfaces, all distinctly petiolate; petals 8-12 mm. long; carpels short- 
aristate. Mexico (San Luis Potosi)........ S. Palmeri Baker f£. Note 31 

Leaves (in S. turneroides?) distichous (Note 32). Plants herbaceous or 
nearly so; herbage sparsely (rarely copiously) pubescent to nearly 
glabrous; flowers solitary in the axils or in few-flowered axillary and 
terminal clusters; petals (in S. twrneroides?) yellow or whitish (35). 

Leaves not distichous (36). 

Stipules lanceolate or subulate, often falcate, conspicuous, persistent, 
prominently 3-nerved; leaves narrowly lanceolate to ovate, often 
somewhat rhombic; petals little surpassing to about twice as long as 
the calyx; carpels 7-12, more or less divaricately cuspidate or short- 
aristate (exceptionally nearly muticous). Southeastern U. S., Ber- 
muda, West Indies, Mexico, and southward; Old World tropics...... 
sition Salata Nas keiG ale Se pre aang aa aie yuan te cate SeeneNS S. acuta Burm. Note 33 

Stipules filiform; leaves narrowly oblong or oval-oblong; petals about 
twice as long as the calyx; carpels 7, aristate. Northeastern Mexico. .. 
=: Menileile, Hae S waele, ale, a exe Mioeie wise yawn ame S. turneroides Standl. Note 34 

Corolla very small, little surpassing the calyx, the petals 5 (—7?) mm. long, 
pink with a dark basal spot (sometimes yellow when fresh?); flowers 
mostly in short-pedunculate, subumbellate or subracemose, few- 
flowered axillary clusters; plants shrubby or suffruticose. Herbage 
stellate-tomentose; leaves short-petiolate, ovate to lanceolate, often 
subrhombic, cuneate, rounded, or subcordate at base, obtuse to subacu- 
minate at apex, rather finely crenate or dentate; calyx densely to- 
mentose, the lobes acutish; carpels about 10, muticous or mucronu- 
late, with thin, finely reticulate, lateral walls. West Indies and South 
America®: G05 ike ce eels Cea ee eee ees S. acuminata DC. 

Corolla larger, or the petal color or inflorescence otherwise, or the plant 
herbaceous (37). 

Stems prostrate; leaves less than 1 cm. long, ovate, serrate, discolorous. 


Calyx angulate, the lobes acuminate; petals yellow; carpels 6, mu- 
ticous. West Indies (Isle of Pines) ....S. nummularia Baker f. Note 35 

$7. Stems normally erect or ascending; leaves mostly larger (38). 

38. Carpels normally long-aristate and the awns retrorsely hispid; leaves 
not rhombic. Stems usually herbaceous, occasionally with long, spread- 
ing, simple hairs in addition to other pubescence (39). 

38. Carpels (unknown in S. corymbosa) not long-aristate or if sometimes so 
(in S. rhombifolia) then the awns not retrorsely hispid and the leaves 
usually more or less rhombic (41). 

39. Herbage minutely canescent; leaves mostly linear or narrowly oblong 
(the lowest sometimes ovate), rounded or subcuneate at the narrow 
base, denticulate or serrulate; inflorescence of solitary or binate axil- 
lary flowers, these somewhat crowded and subracemose at apex of the 
stem and branches; calyx 5-6 mm. long, not noticeably plicate, the 
lobes not subcordate; petals whitish or cream-colored, brownish at 
base, sometimes with pink veins, little if any longer than the calyx; 
carpels 6-8 (10), narrow, conspicuously muricate. West Indies and 
Mexico to northern South America...... S. salviaefolia Presl. Note 36 

39. Herbage velutinous, often rather loosely so, the hairs fine and rather 
long; leaves oblong-ovate to broadly ovate or suborbicular, cordate 
or truncate at the broad base, dentate or serrate; inflorescence more 
or less paniculate, usually many-flowered, the flowers mostly corym- 
bosely or subracemosely crowded on the branchlets; calyx 6-8 mm. 
long, plicate-angulate, the lobes broad, subcordate; petals yellow or 
yellowish; carpels 7-12, rather broad at base, prominently reticulate 
but seldom muricate, the awns often surpassing the calyx but occa- 
sionally short and with non-retrorse hairs (40). 

40. Petals up to 10 mm. long, little if any surpassing the calyx, not spotted. 
Florida, Texas, West Indies, and Mexico to South America ......... 
EP eee Re vsiene aio a Les tae bie eye aes ae che SCONALOLA A. a NOE 3 

40. Petals up to 14 mm. long, much surpassing the calyx, with a red basal 
spot. Hispaniola and (?) Cuba.............. S. maculata Cav. Note 38 

41. Peduncles usually equaling or surpassing the subtending leaves, these 
often much reduced in the inflorescence; flowers solitary in the axils; 
leaves not rhombic. Carpels about 10 (42). 

41. Peduncles shorter (usually much shorter) than the subtending leaves, 
except occasionally in S. rhombifolia, S. tragiaefolia, and S. Elliottii 

42. Leaves (at least the lower ones) ovate to broadly lanceolate, crenate or 
crenate-serrate (43). 

42. Leaves all linear-lanceolate or narrowly oblanceolate, crenulate or ser- 
rulate. Petals yellow or orange, 12-14 mm. long (44). 

43. Inflorescence appearing racemose because of the great reduction of the 
upper leaves; herbage more or less glandular; lower leaves prevailingly 
ovate- or oblong-lanceolate, up to 10 cm. long; peduncles up to 5 cm. 
long; petals white or salmon-colored, 15-25 mm. long. Baja California 
AAI RANGER eS acta isnlatetialanigd Gis KO ofsldbabovie rae. S. Xanti A. Gray 

43. Inflorescence not at all racemose, the flowers few, solitary in the upper 
axils; herbage not glandular; leaves all ovate or oval, up to 4 cm. long, 














the upper ones not greatly reduced; peduncles up to 10 cm. long; 
petals yellow, about 7 mm. long. Mexico (San Luis Potosi)........... 
hatte aed he Ae SSG eet Gore eee a teie ome S. potosina Brandeg. 

Peduncles up to 5 cm. long, articulated considerably below the apex; 
carpels cuspidate, puberulent or glabrate, prominently rugose-retic- 
ulate. Louisiana and Texas to Guatemala ....-- >... 2s eee 
Lape non wae SU te mass Leas S. Lindheimeri Engelm. & Gray. Note 39 

Peduncles 7.5-15 cm. long, articulated near apex; carpels muticous, glab- 
rous. Western Texas, northeastern Mexico, and (?) New Mexico..... 
Piles Ren aie eee eee e eters eas ache ne ciotale eiektmtatone S. longipes A. Gray 

Plants more or less woody (46). 

Plants (except sometimes in §. rhombifolia and S. tragiaefolia) herbace- 
ous above the caudex (51). 

Flowers in dense, several-flowered, axillary and terminal glomerules or 
racemes, these sometimes constituting a leafy panicle, the peduncles 
shorter than the flowers; carpels 5-7. (For other characters see second 
paragraph 28.) West Indies and Mexico to northern South America... 
SUD ON OP O55 od CCI oe DIOL LOO OS II om po Bfa.c S. aggregata Pres] 

Flowers solitary or geminate in the axils, often more or less aggregated 
at apex of the stem and branches; carpels seldom fewer than 8 (47). 

Carpels 7 or 8. Stipules long-ciliate; leaves narrowly oblong or lanceolate- 
oblong, rounded at base, dentate above the middle, green and sparsely 
pubescent with long, appressed, simple hairs above, paler and copi- 
ously stellate-pilose beneath; calyx turbinate, 10-nerved, the nerves 
thickened at base, the lobes long-acuminate; corolla about equaling 
the calyx; mature fruit unknown. Mexico (Tepic to Vera Cruz) ...... 
site Love sadts wits e radatauerele oN a nn Rete Tae S. corymbosa R. E. Fries. Note 40 

Carpels (8) 10-12 (48). 

Leaves broadly oval or oblong-oval, obtuse or subcuneate at base, sparse- 
ly pilose on both surfaces; carpels subacute, about 2.5 mm. long. 
Calyx about 7 mm. long, the lobes acuminate; petals about 11 mm. 
long, yellow, fading pink. Mexico (Michoacan)..................4.. 
Bi SSIs he Reale Seabees Pee eateries taal ae S. Woronovii Ulbr. Note 41 

Leaves lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate to ovate-oblong; carpels shortly 
beaked or aristate (49). 

Upper and lower leaf-surfaces soft-pubescent. Leaves serrate, rounded or 
subcordate at base; calyx about 6 mm. long, the lobes acute or sub- 
acuminate; petals longer than the calyx; carpels 10-12, cornute, 
reticulate laterally. Central America (El Salvador) ................. 
Phaiidn ns Cee ts ee Meee ea AE as eres S. Barclayi Baker f. Note 42 

Upper leaf-surface glabrous or glabrescent (50). 

Calyx 5-8 mm. long, the lobes acute or short-acuminate; carpels with 
subapical awns up to 1.5 mm. long, thin-walled, reticulate. Plant 
suffruticose; corolla 11-12 mm. long, white or pale reddish-yellow. 
West Indies (Cuba, Jamaica, Leeward Islands, Trinidad) ............ 
s ahafaideiheata Paes saicieng Seas cies Meee ets S. antillensis Urban. Note 43 

Calyx 3-3.5 mm. long, the lobes subulate-acuminate; carpels with beaks 
0.5 mm. long. Corolla unknown. Jamaica. .S. troyana Urban. Note 44 

Leaves normally more or less rhombic and cuneate at base, lanceolate to 


ovate or obovate, finely serrate, discolorous, short-petiolate. Plants 
herbaceous or suffrutescent, rarely shrubby; herbage and calyx finely 
stellate-pubescent or glabrate; stipules more or less persistent; flowers 
axillary, solitary or more or less aggregated at ends of the branchlets, 
the peduncles much shorter than to nearly equaling the leaves; petals 
somewhat longer than the calyx, yellow or whitish, sometimes pur- 
plish at base; carpels mostly 10-14, nearly muticous to long-aristate 
with glabrous or antrorsely pilosulous awns. Southern United States 
to Arizona (introduced in California) and West Indies to South Amer- 
Nils AOI AV OFLE ERO PICS 6.5 coe espe win ds oem S. rhombifolia L. Note 45 

51. Leaves not rhombic or cuneate, serrate or crenate. Species difficult to 
distinguish (52). 

52. Upper leaves often greatly reduced and the inflorescence appearing elon- 
gate-racemose; peduncles often longer than the subtending leaves; 
leaves prevailingly ovate or oblong-lanceolate, truncate or subcordate 
at base, crenate or crenate-serrate, often coarsely so; plant often suf- 
frutescent. Calyx puberulent to villous; petals orange or yellow, 10-15 
mm. long. Southern Texas, southern Arizona, and northern Mexico. . 
Rae iciohe foe Minahat asians Sleials.cin! « S. tragiaefolia A. Gray. Note 46 

52. Upper leaves usually not greatly reduced; peduncles shorter (usually 
much shorter) than the subtending leaves; leaves narrower, rounded 
or subcuneate at base, finely serrate or serrulate; plants herbaceous 

53. Flowers relatively large, the petals about 15 mm. long (54). 

53. Flowers mostly smaller, the petals usually less than 15 mm. long (55). 

54. Calyx finely pubescent; leaves oblong-lanceolate, elliptic, or narrowly 
obovate; petals orange; carpels usually aristate. Seeds pubescent at the 
LTT 2) 59 20 cd bk ne S. rubromarginata Nash. Note 47 

54. Calyx usually more or less villous-hirsute at base; leaves lanceolate or 
linear-oblong; petals yellowish; carpels more or less bidentate, strongly 
incurved. Southeastern Virginia............. S. inflexa Fern. Note 48 

55. Stems several or numerous, low (exceptionally 75 cm. long), spreading or 
ascending from a woody caudex (or rootstock?); petals drying pink 
(orange when fresh?). Flowers mostly in few-flowered terminal clus- 
ters; leaves linear-lanceolate or the lower ones oblong or elliptic, the 
upper leaves not greatly reduced; stipules conspicuous, persistent. 
Western Texas to southern Arizona and Mexico... .....5...5...055 
negocuebeboncuoouco ve guanggasmouucenbuace S. neomexicana A. Gray 

55. Stems few, more erect; petals yellow or orange (56). 

56. Leaf-blades narrowly linear, these and the calyx-lobes often red-mar- 
gined; pedicels often much longer than the calyx; stems up to 50 cm. 
long; carpels (always?) cuspidate or shortly aristate. Southeastern 
Oe te A OEE ee ee ET ee S. Elliottii Torr. & Gray. Note 49 

56. Leaf-blades linear-lanceolate, oblanceolate, or the lowest elliptic, these 
and the calyx-lobes not red-margined; pedicels not longer than calyx; 
stems up to 130 cm. long; carpels rounded at apex, mucronate to 
nearly muticous. Southeastern U.S. ............ S. leptophylla Small 



1. The following species (?), some of which may not belong to the genus 
Sida as now restricted, have not been identified: S. amatlensis Sessé & Mog. - 
(Mexico), S. Anoda Sessé & Moc. (Mexico), S. bicallosa Raf. (U. S. A.), S. 
bicolor Cav. (Mexico), S. brachystemon DC. (Mexico), S. cardanisea Raf. 
(U.S.A.), S. coerulea Sessé & Mog. (Mexico), S. collina Schlecht. (Mexico), 
S. conferta Sessé & Mog. (Puerto Rico), S. costata Schlecht. (Mexico), S. de- 
flexa Cav. (Cuba), S. gracilis Rich. non Ell. (West Indies), S hastifolia Sessé 
& Moc. (Mexico), S. hermanniaefolia Willd. (Mexico), S. hibisciformis Bertol. 
(Guatemala), S. integrifolia Sessé & Moc. (Cuba, Mexico), S. Kunthiana Pres] 
(Mexico), S. mexicana Scop. (Mexico), S. parviflora Sessé & Mog non Willd. 
(Cuba), S. repens Sessé & Mog. (Cuba), S. Schmitzii Turcz. (Mexico), S. triloba 
Sessé & Moc. (Mexico). 

2. Synonym: S. Napaea Cav. 

3. Synonyms: S. erosa Salzm., S. fulva St. Hil., S. muricata Cav.; and per- 
haps S. plumosa Cav. and S. tridentata Cav. Three varieties are distinguished 
in Fl. Bras. (123:284, 285). 

4. Synonyms: S. fasciculata Torr. & Gray non Willd., S. anomala var. 
mexicana Moric. (a very narrow-leaved form with leaves dentate only at 
apex), S. ciliaris var. anomala (St. Hil.) Hochr., S. ciliaris var. mexicana 
(Moric.) Shinners.—Intergrades, apparently, with S. ciliaris. 

5. A heterogeneous and poorly defined section. 

6. Synonyms: S. leprosa var. hederacea K. Schum., S. obliqua Nutt. The 
involucel-bractlets are attached slightly below (or sometimes on?) the calyx- 

7. Synonym: S. sagittifolia (A. Gray) Cory. 

8. Possibly hybridizes with S. hederacea. 

9. Dr. Clement has kindly given permission to publish this new name. 

10. Synonym: S. hastata St. Hil., non Willd. R. E. Fries (Sv. Vet. Akad. 
Hand. ser. 2, 42(12):35) distinguished two varieties (as of S. hastata), var. 
glabriuscula in North America and var. tomentosa in South America. 

11. Synonyms: S. stolonifera Salzm. ex Turcz., Anoda decumbens Hochr. 
Because of the hyaline lateral walls of the carpels, Hochreutiner transferred 
this species to Anoda, but it was retained in Sida by Rodrigo and by Mon- 
teiro f. 

12. Synonyms: S. angustissima Migq., S. campi Vell., S. longifolia Brandeg., 
S. viminea Fisch. 

13. Synonyms: Sida guianensis K. Schum., Sidastrum quinquenervium 
Baker f. 

14. Synonyms: S. alpestris St. Hil., S. atrosanguinea Jacq., S. capillaris 
Cav., S. floribunda H.B.K., S. Humboldtii D. Dietr., etc. 

15. Synonyms: S. Endlicheriana Presl, S. insperata Standl. & Williams, S. 
nervosa DC., and S. pannosa Turcz. 

16. Synonyms: S. dumosa Sw., S. cinerea Baker f., S. glanduligera Benth., 
S. leiophylla Spreng.; and perhaps S. Hilariana Presl. 

17. Johnston compared this species with S. glutinosa, S. glabra, and S. 
alamosana, but it seems quite distinct from any of these. 

18. Synonyms: S. buettneriacea Klotzsch, S. phlebococca Griseb. 

19. Synonyms: S. arguta Sw., S. ulmifolia Cav.; and perhaps S. verruculata 


DC.—S. glabra var. setifera Helwig from Hispaniola has the stems and 
petioles copiously hirsute with very long (up to 3 mm.), very fine hairs, and 
awns about as long as the body of the carpel. i 

20. Very similar, except in the remarkably different carpels, to S. glabra, 
of which it was cited as a synonym by Standley (Trees & Shrubs Mexico, p. 

21. Perhaps not specifically distinct from §. veronicaefolia Lam. It is S. 
veronicifolia var. hederifolia K. Schum. Synonym (?): S. humilis Cav. (See 
Jennings, Ann. Carnegie Museum 11:179). 

22. Synonyms: S. diffusa H.B.K., S. filicaulis Torr. & Gray, S. filiformis 
Moric. non Jacq., S. ovata Cav., S. pilosa Cav., 8. supina L’Her.; and perhaps 
S. caespitosa Helwig.—Sida filiformis is a narrow-leaved form with no long 
hairs on the stems. 

23. Synonym: S. mollis Rich. non Ortega. Mexican specimens previously 
identified as S. glomerata were referred by Standley (Trees & Shrubs Mexico, 
p. 766) to S. corymbosa R. E. Fries, with 7 or 8 carpels. 

24. Synonyms: S. breviflora Steud., S. debilis G. Don, S. sessiliflora G. Don 
non D. Dietr., S. verticillata Cav. 

25. Synonyms: S. savannarum K. Schum., S. ampla M. E. Jones; and per- 
haps S. arguta Pres] non Sw. and S. setifera Presl. 

26. This very distinct species superficially resembles narrow-leaved forms 
of Sphaeralcea angustifolia. 

27. Characters from Fl. Jamaica 5(3):114. S. alba is given as a synonym of 
S. spinosa by Baker f. and in FI. Bras. This species (?) is inadequately known. 

28. Synonyms: S. alnifolia Pres] non L. (fide Fl. Jamaica), S. hermannioides 
H. B. K., S. tristis Schlecht. 

29. Synonyms: S. alnifolia L., S. angustifolia Lam., S. heterocarpa Engelm., 
S. hyssopifolia Presl, S. linearis Cav., $8. minor Macf., S. pusilla Cav., S. 
tenuicaulis Hook. f.; and perhaps S. subdistans St. Hil. & Naud. 

30. Synonym (?): S. venusta Schlecht., an older name. 

31. Synonym: Sphaeralcea ? fruticosa Brandeg. In publishing this species 
Brandegee questioned its position in Sphaeralcea. 

32. This, in S. acuta, usually apparent even in dried specimens. 

33. Synonyms: S. Berlandieri Turcz., S. carpinifolia L. f., S. frutescens Cav., 
S. Garckeana Polak., S. glabra Nutt. non Mill., S. jamaicensis Vell. non L., 
S. obtusa A. Rich. non Cav., S. planicaulis Cav., S. stipulata Cav., S. trivialis 
Macf., S. ulmifolia Mill., etc. 

34. Perhaps not specifically distinct from S. acuta. Leaves “probably dis- 
tichous” fide Standley (Field Mus. Bot. Ser. 22:90). 

35. Although Baker gave the number of carpels as 6, it cannot be deter- 
mined from his brief description whether S. nummularia is distinct from S. 
procumbens Sw. (Compare second paragraph 25.) 

36. Synonyms: S. Holwayi Baker f. & Rose, S. erecta Macf., S. angustissima 
St. Hil. var. Mortiziana K. Schum., S. spinosa L. var. salviaefolia (Presl) 
Baker f. 

37. Synonyms: S. althaeifolia Sw., §. hamulosa Salzm., S. herbacea Cav., 
S. micans Cav., S. pellita H.B.K., 8. portoricensis Spreng., S. pungens H.B.K., 
S. rotundifolia Lam., S. suberosa L’Hér., S. truncata Cav., etc. In var. altheae- 
folia (Sw.) Griseb., the carpels are short-awned to nearly muticous. 


38. Usually cited as a synonym of S. cordifolia but Urban (Symb. Anitill. 
8:417) recognized it as a species, although he mentioned no distinguishing 

39. Synonyms: S. Elliottii var. texana Torr. & Gray, S. texana Small. Seems 
very close to S. Elliottii (first paragraps 56) except in its longer peduncles. 

40. Synonym: S. glomerata Hemsl. non Cav. Leaves described by Fries as 
spirally disposed. See also S. glomerata, first paragraph 26. 

41. Perhaps not specifically distinct from S. rhombifolia. 

42. Doubtfully distinct from S. rhombifolia. 

43. Considered by Urban (Symb. Ant. 5:418) to be intermediate between 
S. rhombifolia and S. spinosa but if Broadway 2593 from Trinidad (U. S. 
Nat. Herb. 1047692) is typical of S. antillensis it is distinct from either of 
those species. It is certainly not S. carpinifolia (S. acuta) to which it was 
reduced by Britton & Wilson (Sci. Surv. Porto Rico and Virgin Islands 5:552). 

44. “Perhaps a depauperate form of S. rhombifolia” (F1. Jamaica 53:120). 

45. Synonyms: S. alba Cav. non L.,, S. canariensis Willd., S. hondensis 
H.B.K., S. rhomboidea Roxb., S. ruderata Macf., S. scoparia Vell., S. sur- 
inamensis Migq., S. trinervia Splitg.; and perhaps S. callifera Griseb., S. 
Haenkeana Presl, and S. Kohautiana Presl. 

46. Apparently rather closely related to S. Xanti (first paragraph 43). 

47. The seed-character was pointed out by Hochreutiner (Ann. Genéve 
6:35) who stated that in the related S. Elliottii the seeds are completely 
glabrous. Seeds not described for S. inflexa and S. leptophylla. 

48. The calyx in Fernald & Long 11372, cited by Fernald in his description 
of this species (Rhodora 42:463-465), is not as characterized in the key. It 
is so, however in Fernald & Long 11077. 

49. Synonym: S. gracilis Ell. non Rich. 


(The numbers refer to paragraphs of the key) 
acuminata 36 Grayana 9 paniculata 17 
acuta 35 hederacea 8 physocalyx 11 
aggregata 28, 46 hederaefolia 25 potosina 43 
alamosana 24 Helleri 9 procumbens 25 
alba 30 hermaphrodita | pyramidata 19 
anomala 5 inflexa 54 : quinquenervia 13 
antillensis 50 jamaicensis 31 rhombifolia 51 
Barclayi 49 lepidota 8 rubromarginata 54 
Brittoni 4 leptophylla 56 salviaefolia 39 
ciliaris 5 Lindheimeri 44 spinosa 31 
cordifolia 40 linifolia 12 stricta 29 
corymbosa 47 lodiegensis 16 tehuacana 17 
decumbens 11 longipes 44 tragiaefolia 52 
Eggersii 2 maculata 40 troyana 50 
Elliottii 56 micrantha 21 turneroides 35 
filipes 33 neomexicana 55 urens 28 
glabra 24 nesogena 19 Woronovii 48 
glomerata 26 nummularia 37 Xanti 43 

glutinosa 18 Palmeri 33 


1953, while traveling along.the Oroville road 3.3 miles from 
Bangor, Butte County, I noticed along the roadside in the oak 
woodland what appeared to be an erect clover with bright 
strawberry-red corollas. Upon further examination, it has proved 
to be Trifolium incarnatum L., a native of middle and southern 
Europe. While this striking clover has been reported from north- 
ern California a few times previously (e.g., Weeds of California, 
1951 ed., p. 268), this is probably the first record for the Sierra 
Nevada, my No. 5458. It is occasionally utilized as a forage crop 
in the northern Sacramento Valley. 

But this was not the only unusual clover at this station. 
Some plants a short distance removed have since proved to be 
Trifolium hirtum All. (5456). This interesting annual is a native 
of the Mediterranean region of Europe and North Africa. It 
may be distinguished from the other Californian species of 
Trifolium by the conspicuous involucre, the 20-nerved villous 
calyx, the elongate purplish banner, and the linear appendages 
of the stipules. The remarkable involucre, which is penciled 
with pink and purple, is formed by the expanded stipules and 
leaf-bases of the uppermost leaves. While this clover has not 
yet been reported from western North America, Fernald (Gray’s 
Manual of Botany, ed. 8, 1950, p. 893) and others record it as a 
weed in Virginia. It may turn up elsewhere in the United States, 
the plants growing from seeds imported from Europe as mix- 
tures in commercial clover seed. 

‘In a nearby stream bed grew the rarely reported rubiaceous 
weed, Crucianella angustifolia L. (5442A ), growing with Hedyp- 
nois cretica (L.) Willd. (5452) and Dianthus prolifer L. (5460). 
The Crucianella was observed to be fairly common in the oak 
belt of Butte and Yuba counties. This is the second collection 
I know of from California. The first was collected on the west 
side of the Sacramento Valley by A. A. Beetle in 1944 on dry 
hills near Igo, Shasta County. This collection was reported 
(Leafl. West. Bot. 4:64) as from Tehama County. This plant is 
also a native of the Mediterranean region of Europe and North 

And so a natural-appearing hillside in Butte County yielded 
several interesting weeds.—Peter H. Raven. 


matian toadflax, Linaria dalmatica (L.) Miller, has escaped from 
cultivation and may be reported in California, Oregon, and 
Washington as shown by the following records in Herb. Calif. 
Arad Sc 

CatiFornia: Vista, San Diego Co., Munz 15571 in 1938; Sati- 
coy, Ventura Co., Holmer in 1952. 

OreEcon: Burns, Harney Co., J. T. Howell 28660 in 1952; 4 
miles south of Condon, Gilliam Co., Cronquist 6713 in 1950; 
garden escape in empty lot, Klamath Falls, Klamath Co., M. S. 
Baker 11459 in 1946; dry roadside, Brothers, Deschutes Co., 
Peck 25841 in 1949. 

WASHINGTON: east of Easton, Kittitas Co., Ricker 6319 in 1946. 
In 1952, I saw the plant along the highway between Davenport 
and Spokane but I made no collection. 

The species has recently been reported from Flagstaff, Ari- 
zona, where it is also an escape from cultivation (Leafl. West. 
Bot. 7:6).—JoHN THomMAs HowELt. 

number of years I have attributed the name Antennaria rosea 
to “(D. C. Eat.) Greene,” but in a recent letter, Dr. Arthur Cron- 
quist of the New York Botanical Garden tells me why I have 
been wrong. He gives me permission to publish the following: 

“My attribution of Antennaria rosea to Greene rather than to 
(D. C. Eaton) Greene was intentional and I think entirely legal. 
Antennaria dioica var. rosea D. C: Eaton (1871) was a nomen 
nudum, not validly published, as was also A. parvifolia var. rosea 
Greene (Pitt. 3:175, 281—1897). Since the Rules state that names 
which are not validly published ‘have no status under the Rules, 
and no claim to recognition by botanists,’ these names should 
not be referred to in the author-citation. So far as I am aware, 
the first valid publication of the epithet rosea for the plant in 
question is that given by Greene in Pittonia 3:281 (1898), where 
he used the binomial, Antennaria rosea. The technically proper 
citation of the name is thus A. rosea Greene, not A. rosea (D. C. 
Eaton) Greene.” —J. ‘T. HOWELL. 

rey ae oe 


Vol. VII No.7 


Rene Mmuer, VW hen 1 Dime 2527 cs NT eS 
Joun THomas HOWELL 
Further Additions to the Known Floraof Arizona. . . 165 
Concerning Fruit-color in Dirca occidentalis . . . . 176 

Joun THomMAs Howe. 

This number published with funds from 

Aucust 26, 1954 


MAK % 



A publication devoted particularly to the native and naturalized 
plants of western North America and to the cultivated plants 
of California, appearing about four times each year. Subscrip- 
tion, $2.00 annually. Cost of back files or single numbers fur- 
nished on request. Address: John Thomas Howell, California 
Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco 18. 

Cited as 

LEAFL. WEsT. Bor. 

Owned and published by 





It was early in 1924 when I first saw Miss Eastwood. At the 
time, I was on a field trip of the Calypso Club, the students’ 
botanical club at the University of California, and a group of 
us were on our way from Mill Valley to the north side of Mt. 
Tamalpais under the leadership of Herbert Mason. When we 
were about to pass the gate marked “Eastwood” on the upper 
part of Summit Avenue, Herbert suggested that we stop and 
say “Good morning” to the head of the Botany Department of 
the California Academy of Sciences, if she was at home. She was, 
and welcomed us into her garden. There she showed us the un- 
usual exotics and rare Californians she had brought together, 
and told us about them with that enthusiasm for plants which 
over the years attracted so many plant-lovers to her. 

How well I remember that morning at the Eastwood place 
above Mill Valley! A beginner in Botany, I trailed along after 
Miss Eastwood and Herbert, in awed admiration at the learned 
remarks that passed between them. Little did we suspect then 
that five years later fire would sweep down the chaparral-cov- 
ered slopes of Mt. Tamalpais, leaving the Eastwood place in 
ashes; nor did we foresee that in May of that same year, 1929, 
I would begin work at the Academy under Miss Eastwood. 

My first strictly botanical visit to the Academy was in the 
fall of 1926, after I had begun work in Lessingia under Dr. 
Willis Linn Jepson as partial fulfillment of requirements for a 
master’s degree at the university. There in the Academy’s flower- 
show, then as now displayed in the foyer of the North American 
Hall, were the first living specimens I ever saw of L. germano- 
rum. I hurried up to the herbarium to introduce myself and 
my problem to Miss Eastwood and to inquire the place where 
the Lessingia had been found. She told me she had picked it 
that very morning from the sand hill just east of St. Ignatius 
College (now the University of San Francisco) where she had 
spotted them from a McAllister Street trolley when on her way 
to the Academy. 

She took a real interest in my problem and spared no trouble 
to make that first and subsequent visits to the Academy her- 
barium pleasant and profitable. Dr. Jepson, in a remote sort of 

Leaflets of Western Botany, Vol. VII, pp. 153-176, August 26, 1954. 


way, was probably just as keenly interested, but he did not seem 
to have the same personal regard for my problems. His distant 
supervision of my work, it is true, promoted self-reliance and 
initiative, but precluded any sociable intercourse that would 
have made study under him more pleasurable. Is it any wonder 
then that later, whenever I revisited the Bay region from my 
first botanical positions at the University of California in Los 
Angeles or at the Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden, I visited 
the Academy as faithfully as I did my alma mater. And it was 
natural that, on the termination of my work at the Rancho Santa 
Ana, I should turn to the Academy for employment since, at the 
time, there was none to be had in Berkeley. 

It is interesting to compare Miss Eastwood and Dr. Jepson, 
since both have had so great an influence on California Botany 
over approximately the same period of years. As a student under 
Jepson, I gave him the adulation of a hero-worshiper, though 
now I wonder how I could have been quite so extravagant with 
so reserved a person. I still think that Jepson’s magnetic per- 
sonality attracted me, but undoubtedly it was my love of plants 
and desire to learn about them that exalted, in my mind, the 
person who knew so much. I was like one starved and waiting 
for food, and was filled with gratitude when the master let fall 
a crust of knowledge or a crumb of wisdom. With Miss East- 
wood, nothing of knowledge or wisdom was reserved—her table 
was a veritable feast spread out for any who wished to sample 
or to partake deeply. Only an intimate few came to know Jep- 
son (I count myself fortunate to have been among them); but 
anyone with a sincere love of flowers or beauty could have 
known Miss Eastwood. 

I believe a reason for Jepson’s reserve and Miss Eastwood’s 
openness is to be sought in their different approaches to truth. 
Both wished to arrive at a true exposition of the plants they 
studied: Jepson, after prolonged deliberation, strove to arrive 
without making a mistake; Miss Eastwood was much more hasty 
and did not fear to express almost precipitately what she was 
convinced of at the time. On a field trip, Jepson would rarely 
express his opinion on a critical species; Miss Eastwood was 
most expressive on a trip, giving names to the most puzzling 
plants or making remarks about them. Fear of making a mis- 
take was undoubtedly a causative factor in Jepson’s reserve; 
freedom from fear was part of Alice Eastwood’s strength. 


The Jepson and Eastwood concepts of species were so far 
apart that the two botanists could never have been close sci- 
entifically — he conservative, with a broad concept reminiscent 
of George Bentham, Asa Gray, and Joseph Dalton Hooker; she 
sympathetic with the proposals and outlook of Edward Lee 
Greene. Jepson would never accept any plant as a species unless 
he was persuaded that it was a good species and, since he dis- 
agreed with Miss Eastwood’s view of specific limits, he either 
ignored or reduced most of her specific proposals. Miss East- 
wood, on the other hand, would never discard another botanist’s 
proposal until she was persuaded it was not good, so hesitant 
was she of wronging the opinion of a fellow-worker. Miss East- 
wood would maintain a species until it was proved false; Dr. 
Jepson would accept no species until it was proved good: Miss 
Eastwood’s approach to plants was essentially analytic; Jep- 
son’s approach, conditioned by his life-work on his Flora of Cali- 
fornia, was definitely synthetic. Miss Eastwood’s power of ob- 
servation and discernment of differences were greater; Jepson’s 
ability to evaluate characters and delineate a hierarchy of taxa 
was outstanding. Small definite differences would delimit an 
Eastwood taxon, and with Miss Eastwood, most delimitable en- 
tities were proposed as species. That so many of her proposals 
are proving of critical interest to students with training in 
genetics attests the keen discrimination Miss Eastwood has 
shown. Miss Eastwood could never have written a manual on 
California plants; Jepson could never have plumbed the taxo- 
nomic depths of California Arctostaphylos. 

Among their friends and acquaintances, Miss Eastwood and 
Dr. Jepson were not always cordial in their remarks about each 
other, but that is understandable when one recalls how diver- 
gent were their botanical opinions. Dr. Jepson never directly 
disclosed to me his real feelings when I accepted a position under 
Miss Eastwood at the Academy, but from friends who were 
working in his laboratory, I learned that he declared that I had 
deserted to “the camp of the enemy!”’ (It was at that time I had 
to relinquish my position as Secretary of the California Botani- 
cal Society, of which he was still president, and it was several 
years before I could pay my respects personally to my former 
Professor of Botany.) Miss Eastwood, on her side, put on the 
appearance of broad-mindedness by expressing her admiration 
for Jepson’s beautiful literary style and by acknowledging his 


ability to organize material and publish books, but then she 
would add devastatingly, that as a botanist, he was a “muddle- 

Little wonder, is it, that out of this divergence of personality 
and scientific outlook the legend developed that Miss Eastwood 
and Dr. Jepson were unfriendly, but such was not exactly the 
case. It will be remembered that in the ’90’s, Miss Eastwood was 
an assistant editor of Jepson’s journal, Erythea, and she was a 
faithful contributor to many of its pages. Then, in 1935, at 
Kew, I saw and heard how cordial and congenial the two Cali- 
fornia botanists could be when Miss Eastwood and I were in- 
vited by Dr. Jepson to have lunch with him. Four years later 
he accepted the Academy’s invitation to sit at the head table 
at the luncheon honoring Miss Eastwood on her eightieth birth- 
day. And once, I have heard, he even accepted an invitation to 
address a meeting of the California Botanical Club, which was 
to be more closely identified with Miss Eastwood than was the 
California Botanical Society with Jepson. 

While I have been at the Academy, the exchange of cor- 
respondence between Miss Eastwood and Dr. Jepson was slight, 
but what there was was usually maintained at a decorous and 
dignified level. I do not recall any letter in which he expressed 
what his real feelings, botanical or otherwise, may have been; 
but I do recall once when Miss Eastwood sent him a note that 
must have given him a twinge. Early in 1946, fifteen years after 
LEAFLETS OF WESTERN Botany had been founded, it suited Dr. 
Jepson’s convenience to recognize the existence of the journal 
by submitting to Miss Eastwood and me a note for publication. 
Naturally Miss Eastwood and I were very happy, but she did 
not tell Jepson so. Instead she sent him a brief note accepting 
the manuscript and thanking him for his “tacit approval” of our 
journal! I can well imagine that on the receipt of that note, Jep- 
son may have wished he had again resurrected his own journal, 
Erythea, for the publication of Habenaria Greenet, instead of 
presenting the “enemy’s camp” with so vulnerable an opening. 

Miss Eastwood lived with the better things of life and what 
was to her ugly or sordid had no place. So accustomed had she 
become to looking on the good side of things, she seemed at 
times to lose the ability to perceive evil. In this regard, I recall 
the time I went to see Alfred Lunt and Lynn Fontanne in Mol- 
nar’s ‘““The Guardsman,” a film which Miss Eastwood recom- 


mended as something not-to-be-missed. Afterwards, wondering 
how she could be so positive and naive in her belief in the 
wife’s virtue, I told her that the plot, to me, could lend itself 
to quite a different interpretation, no more complimentary to 
the wife than to the husband. Immediately she saw the point, but 
would have none of it: “Only a person with an evil mind could 
look at it that way,” said she! (Miss Eastwood was a staunch fem- 
inist, and her reaction to ““The Guardsman” might well have 
resulted from her conviction of feminine virtue and masculine 

Although Miss Eastwood was almost puritanical in her moral 
outlook, she took delight in flouting trivial social conventions, 
acts that showed both her disregard for convention as such and 
her independence in thought and action. Because I was not yet 
around, I can’t remember her daringly short ankle-length skirts 
which she persisted in wearing, though fashion of the ’90’s de- 
creed “‘street-sweepers’’; but I do recall the touch of pride in 
her voice when she recounted her audacity in ignoring the so- 
called dictates of fashion. Another infringement of custom oc- 
curred when she, a lady, drank beer at a luncheon in the main 
dining room of the Hotel Amstel in Amsterdam because the 
day was warm and she wanted it — and how delighted she was 
when the late Dr. H. A. Spoehr, in fun, chided her for her in- 

When it came to conversation, she had no hesitancy in de- 
scribing matters that would be banned from parlor conversa- 
tion by such people who would call a “leg’’ a “limb” to be 
polite. One of her most dramatic and annihilating remarks in 
this way came when she was addressing her many friends and 
admirers at a luncheon given by the San Francisco Garden 
Club in the ballroom of the Fairmont Hotel on the occasion of 
her ninetieth birthday. She had arrived at the luncheon in good 
spirits but a trifle shaken because she had had a fall at her home 
that morning. Word of the tumble had got around through the 
throng, and too many were tiringly solicitous as to how she was. 
When she arose to speak, before extending her appreciation 
and thanks for the luncheon, she quieted all further remarks 
“from the floor’? — not by telling in polite terms that she had 
had a slight tumble, but rather that she had lost her balance and 
had ‘“‘sat down hard on my rump, and, of course, that wouldn't 
hurt anyone!” I can still remember how delightfully shocked 


the ladies of the audience were — Alice Eastwood, the unconven- 
tional and unpredictable, had scored again. 

Another incident will not only illustrate Miss Eastwood's 
disregard for trivial conventions, but also her lack of concern 
about her clothes, just so they were neat and appropriate. In 
June, 1937, Miss Eastwood, Dr. Isabel McCracken, and I were 
preparing to leave for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. James K. Mof- 
fitt at their ranch near Yorkville in Mendocino County, when 
Miss Eastwood slipped on one of the paths in Golden Gate 
Park and sat down in a puddle. Her skirt was a sight with mud 
and water, and though it was too late for her to return home for 
a change of clothes, she was quite equal to the situation. Back 
in the Academy, off came her skirt which she cleaned with gen- 
erous applications of fresh water, and she left on the journey 
wearing her petticoat as an outer skirt, while the wet overskirt 
was draped on the back of the car seat to dry en route! 

Miss Eastwood’s disregard for the appearance of her clothes 
reminds me of the story told of a prominent San Francisco 
banker, who, when urged by an acquaintance to dress better 
and more in keeping with the position he occupied, replied: 
“Why should I be bothered? When I am here in San Francisco, 
everybody knows who I am, and when I am elsewhere, nobody 
cares who I am.” 

Miss Eastwood liked the good and the beautiful in their many 
manifestations, but things that were complex, overly ornate, or 
ostentatious did not appeal to her or might even repel her. ‘This 
preference for what was simple applied not only to art and music 
but also to such essentials as food and clothes. A simple French 
dressing on a salad was preferred to mayonnaise; butter, pepper, 
and salt enhanced the flavor of good vegetables that would, for 
her, be ruined by an elaborate sauce; gum drops were her 
favorite candy. In the matter of clothes she was more frugal than 
simple in her choice, but certainly she never indulged in any 
fastidious furbelow merely to be in fashion. Love for what she 
called ‘“‘pure music’ led her to prefer chamber music to operatic 
or even symphonic works, and a composer like Haydn was pre-_ 
ferred to Wagner or Richard Strauss. In painting and sculpture 
the love of what was good but simple could also be noted — 
when she and I visited the Louvre in 1935, she took me to see 
Mona Lisa and Whistler’s Mother rather than to see Reubens; 


the Winged Victory and Venus de Milo were sought out among 
the sculptures. She was fond of poetry and the works of the Eng- 
lish and American nineteenth century writers were her delight 
and joy. “Best sellers’ were rarely her choice; she preferred, 
rather, to reread an old work which was tried and true. Among 
the novels, those of Henry James were perhaps her favorites. She 
liked to read mystery novels for pleasure and relaxation and 
never missed one that might be serially published in her favorite 
magazine, “The Saturday Evening Post.” 

Food is an essential matter in the life of everyone, but with 
Miss Eastwood it could also furnish an absorbing topic for con- 
versation as well as an important part of social and family cor- 
respondence, while the preparation of food in her kitchen nook 
at home partook of a recreational activity. Almost invariably 
the Thursday afternoon meetings of the California Botanical 
Club would begin with Miss Eastwood’s recital of what she had 
had for lunch, told with such vividness and attention to detail 
that one could not help but be interested, if not entertained. Not 
infrequently she would go back years or decades to some meal 
that was particularly memorable and would recount with all 
the gusto of a recent occurrence a mushroom soup prepared after 
a long trek over Coast Range hills, a trailside picnic lunch rel- 
ished on a walking trip in the mountains, or an omelette en- 
joyed at a little restaurant in Paris. 

Her memory for details was most impressive, and in her let- 
ters, accounts of food at some dinner party were related at 
length whether the party was at the home of a friend or was 
hostessed by Miss Eastwood at her favorite restaurant, the Fly- 
trap, in San Francisco. The preparation of food was not an irk- 
some task to be performed because of necessity, but rather an 
adventure to be anticipated with enjoyment and performed 
with spirit. For many years, as an octogenarian or older, she did 
most of her own cooking, and one of her chief means of recrea- 
tion and relaxation evenings after work was to prepare jellies, 
preserves, and pickles for herself or her friends. Certainly in the 
manner of living, the matter of food was much more important 
than the matter of clothes to Alice Eastwood. 

As a teacher, Miss Eastwood proceeded in much the same way 
as she did as a cook — she would follow a set course or a given 
recipe to a degree, but would vary it enough to make the pro- 


cedure experimental and, at least for her, interesting and adven- 
turous. That is the way she would cook, and that, according to 
her account, is the way she taught school. Certainly that is the 
way she taught the rudiments of systematic botany to the mem- 
bers of the California Botanical Club and the taxonomy of cul- 
tivated ornamentals to the class of Golden Gate Park gardeners. 
Her manner of presentation was picturesque and lively and, be- 
cause of frequent anecdotes or appropriate allusions to litera- 
ture and the arts, highly entertaining. Neither teacher nor pupil 
had a dull time in Alice Eastwood's class. 

No matter where she might be, in a palace or humble home, 
Miss Eastwood was democratically interested in people and her 
grasp and appreciation of human nature made her the friend of 
anyone she might be with. She could appreciate the lofty aspira- 
tions of the soul and could comfort the heartaches of the afflicted. 
She could make herself at home in such an antiquated inn as the 
one where we stopped at Bell Springs on our way to Red Moun- 
tain in Mendocino County; or she was equal to the elegance of 
Colonel Stephenson Clarke’s English estate where, she later re- 
counted gleefully, she had had no chance to keep the prim and 
proper maid from unpacking her disheveled traveling bag and 
getting her ready for bed! Because her contacts with people 
everywhere were so real and sincere, she counted her friends by 
hundreds — from station houses in the Yukon to isolated ranches 
in California and Indian agencies in the Southwest, thence to 
the Atlantic and across to Europe. Alice Eastwood was a real 
person and was appreciated by real people regardless of social 

As a conversationalist, Miss Eastwood was probably not what 
one would call “brilliant,” but certainly she was delightful and 
adequate company — whether she was in a dingy lamp-lighted 
dining room at Bell Springs, in an oak-paneled drawing room in 
Sussex, or with a group of congenial friends in San Francisco. 
She was an excellent story-teller and, with a keen sense of humor, 
could be highly entertaining, but she also liked more serious 
conversation and would openly express her opinion on contro- 
versial topics of current interest. Sometimes, as I have already 
indicated, she could be outspokenly frank about matters not 
generally discussed, and at times in her frankness she would 
express opinions about herself or her friends or acquaintances 


or Academy affairs that might better have been left unsaid. Cer- 
tainly conversation was not dull when Miss Eastwood was in the 

On our field trips, Miss Eastwood occupied the back seat of 
the car and from there directed the procedure of the expedition 
and took care of pressing the plants. We would drive along 
slowly until some plant would attract us and we would then stop. 
If the location proved particularly favorable, Miss Eastwood 
would collect in the vicinity of the car while I would go farther 
away in search of other plants. On our trips I was always more 
interested in collecting intensively in a restricted area, Miss East- 
wood desired to collect extensively over more territory: if only 
we could stop longer, I was certain I would discover another 
treasure; Miss Eastwood was just as certain that the treasure was 
up the road and around the next bend. So we did well together: 
Eastwood and Howell covered much ground intensively! 

Besides being a good scientist, Miss Eastwood was a good 
business woman. When she was young she knew the hardships 
of poverty and learned the value of money the hard way. In Den- 
ver she worked to help herself through high school and it wasn’t 
until after her graduation when she was assured a smal] but regu- 
lar income from teaching that she could feel she had what we 
now glibly speak of as “security.’’ From her youthful experiences 
and memories together with that courage that was native to 
her, she knew she would be equal to any emergency that might 
arise and was never fearful of what the future might hold in 
the way of business or financial reverses. ““The trouble with 
people,” she would often remark, “‘is that they don’t know how 
to be poor.” In all her business dealings she had several dicta 
that governed her activities: “a state of debt is a state of danger’; 
“don’t put all your eggs in one basket’’; and “don’t be afraid to 
take a loss if you dispose of something undesirable.’ Because 
she was alert to current events and trends, she was an astute se- 
curity investor and knew when and how to heed advice on sales 
and purchases. When her estate was entered for probate, it was 
valued at more than $89,000. 

This substantial fortune was not amassed by miserly saving. 
She was extravagantly generous, but she was also frugal. “Save 
in order to give,’ was one of her frequent remarks, and the way 
she saved was to cut out expenses she considered unnecessary — 


costly food, costly clothes, costly living, but enough of everything 
for good and adequate keep. With what she saved she showered 
her relatives, her friends, the Academy, and her favorite philan- 
thropies with frequent and generous gifts. Her gifts to the Acad- 
emy came chiefly as supplementary support for activities in the 
Botany Department and as gifts of botanical books to the Acad- 
emy Library. 

How many thousands of dollars she gave to the Academy will 
never be known since her gifts went back “‘b.c.,” and continued 
‘‘a.d.”’ — “before the conflagration” and “after the disaster” of 
1906. Just as examples of Eastwoodian generosity to the Acad- 
emy I might cite a few specific instances: following the 1921 
expedition of the Academy to the Gulf of California, she divided 
her salary over an extended period with Ivan M. Johnston so 
that he could work on the collection while studying at the Uni- 
versity of California; in 1935 she paid my round trip transpor- 
tation (as well as her own) to the Sixth International Botanical 
Congress in Amsterdam and, while we were away, she employed 
Mrs. H. P. Bracelin to help in the Botany Department; and 
among outstanding gifts of books may be mentioned the com- 
plete set of Gardeners’ Chronicle and Humboldt, Bonpland, 
and Kunth’s Nova Genera et Species Plantarum, each costing 
several hundreds of dollars. 

Another way in which Miss Eastwood was indirectly generous 
to the Academy was in her support of our journal, LEAFLETS OF 
WESTERN Borany, a responsibility in which I also shared. Short- 
ly after I came to the Academy, when it became apparent that, 
under Dr. Jepson’s editorship, the pages of Madrofio would no 
longer be open to my papers, I suggested to Miss Eastwood the 
idea of having a journal of our own. At first she was against the 
idea and gave for her reason the great expense involved in sub- 
sidizing a scientific botanical magazine. In this she was much 
more practical than I, because my only concern over such a proj- 
ect was: where would we get enough material to fill even four 
small issues each year. Late in the summer of 1931, her attitude 
changed and on January 16, 1932, Vol. 1, No. 1, of our journal 
was issued. Through the years our project was constantly sub- 
sidized by both of us, but up to the close of Vol. 5 in 1949 when 
Miss Eastwood withdrew her connection with the journal, she 
had contributed more than half the amount of subsidy. No exact 


figure is available, but it is likely that she contributed more than 
$2000 over the years to the support of a journal that has brought 
inestimable benefit to the Academy’s Botany Department. The 
only major editorial change ever suggested for the journal was 
proposed by the late John W. Stacey, who offered to develop it 
into a larger botanical magazine; but neither Miss Eastwood 
nor I wanted to change our editorial policy, and I did not wish 
to undertake expanded editorial responsibilities. 

Because she had learned the real value of money, Miss East- 
wood ran her department as frugally as her home and stretched 
a meager budget phenomenally far. Not many administrators 
could show the results Miss Eastwood obtained as a consequence 
of her business-like management and personal generosity. She 
was not a gambler and instinctively shunned chances that might 
involve financial loss, but by a combination of good business 
foresight and by gambling on the value of the German mark 
after World War I, she acquired for the Academy Library Mar- 
tius’ Flora Brasiliensis for about $50 in American money. She 
would boast that no organization in which she was an officer 
was ever insolvent; in her clubs and societies the annual finan- 
cial statements always showed a balance in black. 

It was in her field work where she was especially generous to 
her department and the Academy. During all her years at the 
Academy she never submitted an expense account for a collect- 
ing trip taken to obtain specimens for the herbarium and for 
distribution to other institutions and botanists. When it is re- 
‘membered for how many decades she was curator of the Botany 
Department, one can realize how many hundreds of longer or 
shorter field excursions she took and how many hundreds of 
dollars she devoted to the cause. In 1931, Miss Eastwood and I 
together bought an automobile which we used on field trips, but 
two other cars purchased later were bought for field work by 
Miss Eastwood alone. Expenses on field trips were paid almost 
entirely by Miss Eastwood or were shared by friends who went 
on trips with us. Miss Eastwood’s statement in her departmental 
report, reiterated each year, “all expenses for field work paid by 
the curator,’ indicates, over the years, a most generous gift to 
the Academy and to Botany. 

Alice Eastwood was a memorable botanist but probably more 
people remember her because in some way or other she revealed 


herself to them as a great person. Her philosophy of life was 
broad and good and over the years she exhibited most of those 
virtues that have been designated by Archbishop John Ireland 
as “the abiding wisdom of life”: 

“To be content with one’s lot, to keep a rein upon passion, to be the 
thing one seems, to look for happiness within, not without, to be patient 
with the patience that makes all things easy, to face danger with dauntless 
front, to retain a calm mind under the frowns as well as the smiles of for- 
tune, to be ready to forego all in order to be free in thought and act, to 
make the golden mean one’s rule of life, to love peace . . . Such virtues are 
the abiding wisdom of life.” 1 

The Eastwoodian character measures up well with most of 
these attributes, but she certainly did not have “the patience 
that makes all things easy.” Her impatience could be as violent 
as her kindness and generosity were great, and the force and bite 
of that impatience were dreaded by all who ever encountered it. 

Francis Meehan has defined a “character” as “a man with 
enough character to be himself, to do things in his own dramatic 
way, to revel in poetry, imagination and wit, and to be bliss- 
fully unaffected by what people think about him.”? By all these 
criteria, Miss Eastwood was a “‘character,”’ and a rare one, too. 

Because in all phases of her life Alice Eastwood sought out 
the better things and continually reflected the inspiration and 
true pleasure she herself derived from the works of the great, I 
believe it is fitting to close these sketchy and halting reminis- 
cences with words from Goethe, who has expressed sentiments 
so congenial to the spirit of our dear friend and mentor: 

“Men are so inclined to content themselves with what is commonest; the 
spirit and the senses so easily grow dead to the impressions of the beautiful 
and perfect, that every one should study, by all methods, to nourish in his 
mind the faculty of feeling these things. For no man can bear to be entirely 
deprived of such enjoyments: it is only because they are not used to taste of 
what is excellent, that the generality of people take delight in silly and in- 
sipid things, provided they be new. For this reason, .. . one ought every day 
at least to hear a little song, read a good poem, see a fine picture, and, if it 
were possible, to speak a few reasonable words.’’3 

1. Introduction to the Odes and Epodes by Archbishop Ireland, in The Odes and Epodes 
of eloare, edited by Clement Lawrence Smith; issued by The Bibliophile Society. Boston. 
1 i 

2. From the book, ‘Living Upstairs,’ by Francis Meehan, copyright, 1942, by E. P. 
Dutton & Co., Inc. 

3. Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship [Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre], translated from the 
German of Goethe by Thomas Carlyle, Book 5, Chapter 1. Chapman and Hall. London, 1871. 




A paper entitled “Recent Additions to the Known Flora of 
Arizona,” by Thomas H. Kearney, Elizabeth McClintock, and 
Kittie F. Parker, was published in LEAFLETs OF WESTERN Bot- 
ANY, February 28, 1953 (vol. 7, pp. 1-11). This paper enumerated 
4 genera and about 20 species discovered after the publication, 
in September, 1951, of Arizona Flora, by Kearney and Peebles. 
Also, additional collections of rare taxa already included in 
the book were recorded in the paper cited. 

The present contribution is designed to bring our knowledge 
of the state flora further up to date by: (1) listing the genera 
and species brought to light since publication of the previous 
article in LEAFLETS; (2) presenting further distributional rec- 
ords of rare taxa; and (3) calling attention to changes of taxo- 
nomic status as indicated in recently published monographs 
and revisions. 

The taxa added in the present paper to the recorded flora 
of the state number 3 genera and 11 species, making the total 
number of additions in the two articles 7 genera and 31 species. 
There has also been a great accumulation of new data on the 
geographical and altitudinal distributions in Arizona of less 
rare taxa, but limitations of space preclude the presentation 
here of this information. 

The figure in parenthesis after the name of a genus or species 
at the beginning of each paragraph of the present article refers 
to a corresponding page in Arizona Flora. 


EQUISETUM Funston! A. A. Eaton (p. 30). Sycamore Canyon, 
near Ruby, Santa Cruz County (Phillips et al. 3467), identified 
by W. S. Phillips and confirmed by C. V. Morton. Mr. Morton 
wrote, however: “I am not at all sure of the proper status of this 
species. It seems to merge with E. laevigatum.” As compared 
with E. laevigatum A. Braun (E. kansanum Schaftn.), E. Fun- 
stoni was characterized by W. R. Maxon (in Abrams, Ill. Fl. 
Pacific States 1: 39) as having rougher stems with sharply pro- 


jecting silica-bands, a more strongly incurved limb of the sheaths, 
and, usually, a basal tuft of many-branched sterile stems. 

HorpdEuM VULGARE L., cultivated barley (p. 96). This was re- 
ported by Kittie F. Parker as a common roadside weed near 
Casa Grande, Pinal County (Parker 8241). From the other an- 
nual species of Hordeum in Arizona it is distinguished by the 
combination of very long leaf-auricles, a continuous rachis, and 
sessile lateral spikelets. 

PENNISETUM CILIARE (L.) Link (p. 140). Near Oracle, Pinal 
County, apparently self-seeding from a Soil Conservation Serv- 
ice Planting (K. F. Parker 7752), introduced from India. Differs 
from P. setaceum in its shorter panicles (2-10 cm. long), and 
shorter bristles subtending the spikelets (5-10 mm. long). 

ANDROPOGON ISCHAEMUM L. (p. 141). Santa Catalina Moun- 
tains, 7500 feet, apparently self-seeding from a Soil Conserva- 
tion Service planting (K. F. Parker 8093), native of the Old 
World. Differs from our other species of Sect. Amphilophis (A. 
barbinodis, A. saccharoides) in having the pedicellate spikelets 
as large as the sessile ones and the panicle usually dull purple, 
not silvery-white. The nodes of the culm are glabrous. 

QuERcus AJOENsIs C. H. Muller. This oak, apparently en- 
demic to the Ajo Mountains, western Pima County, at eleva- 
tions of 2500 to 4000 feet, has been described recently by Pro- 
fessor Muller (Madrono 12: 140-145). Of the species previously 
recorded from Arizona its closest relative is Q. turbinella 
Greene (p. 218), from which it differs in the longer spinose teeth 
and waxy glaucous-whitish surface of the leaves. Specimens 
more or less intermediate between Q. ajoensis and Q. turbinella 
were recorded by Muller as occurring at lower elevations in the 
Ajo Mountains and in the Castle Dome and Kofa mountains, 
Yuma County. | 

RUMEX NEMATOPODUS Rech. f. (Leafl. West. Bot. 7: 134,— 
1954). This recently described species is known from Arizona 
by two collections in the Huachuca Mountains, Cochise County, 
7000 to 9000 feet (Jones in 1903, the type-collection, and Lem- 
mon 2879), and has been collected also in New Mexico and Chi- 

SISYMBRIUM KEARNEYI Rollins (Leafl. West. Bot. 7: 15, 16). 
This species is known only by 2 collections in Grand Canyon Na- 
tional Monument, northeastern Mohave County (McClintock 


52-481, 481a, the latter the type-collection), growing under over- 
hanging cliffs, flowering April and May. In the key to Sisym- 
brium (p. 336) it would come nearest to S. elegans, distinguished 
therefrom by its whitish (not purple) petals and straight anthers 
only about 1 mm. long (anthers in S. elegans about 2 mm. long 
and more or less curved and twisted). 

ASTRAGALUS ARGOPHYLLUS Nutt. (p. 458). This species is now 
established definitely as a component of the flora of Arizona, 
specimens collected in the Grand Canyon National Monument, 
Mohave County, in the ponderosa pine belt, elevation about 
7000 feet (Cottam 13690) having been identified by Mr. Rupert 
C. Barneby as A. argophyllus var. pephragmenoides Barneby. 

ASTRAGALUS MONUMENTALIS Barneby (Leafl. West. Bot. 7: 35). 
This is the species described without name in the paragraph in 
small type (p. 470) and is known only by the type-collection from 
Garfield County, Utah, and the collection from near Kayenta, 
Navajo County, Arizona (Peebles & Fulton 11928). The position 
of this species in the key to Astragalus (pp. 446-456) cannot be 
determined until more and better material is available. Of spe- 
cies previously recorded from Arizona, Mr. Barneby thought A. 
desperatus Jones to be nearest A. monumentalis. 

LATHYRUS LATIFOLIUS L. (p. 478). Prescott, Yavapai County 
(Kuntze in 1896), cited by C. Leo Hitchcock (Univ. Wash. Publ. 
Biol. 15: 11, 64), a European species that is naturalized exten- 
sively in the United States. It is readily distinguished from all 
other species of Lathyrus reported from Arizona by the broadly 
winged stems. The leaves are bifoliolate, with well-developed 
tendrils and very large stipules; the reddish or white corolla is 
15-20 mm. long. 

LATHYRUS PAUCIFLORUS Fern. (p. 478). Carrizo Mountains, 
Apache County (Standley 7383). ‘The Arizona collection was 
referred by Hitchcock (ibid. pp. 26, 69) to subsp. pauciflorus var. 
utahensis (Jones) C. L. Hitchc. The species as a whole ranges 
from Idaho and Washington to Colorado, Utah, northeastern 
Arizona, and California. It differs from the other large-flowered 
species of Arizona (L. eucosmus, L. zionis), with corolla 20 mm. 
or longer, in having broader, ovate or ovate-lanceolate leaflets, 
these usually at least one-half as wide as long. 

MENYANTHES TRIFOLIATA L. Discovery of this semiaquatic 
plant of the Gentianaceae in Woolsey Lake, southern Apache 


County, about 8000 feet (Rhoton in 1952) adds another genus to 
the known flora of Arizona. The plant is readily distinguished 
from all other Arizona Gentianaceae (pp. 645-650) by its tri- 
foliolate, long-petiolate, basal or alternate leaves, and racemose 
flowers. The genus, which is monotypic, is often placed in a 
separate family, Menyanthaceae. 

ROTHROCKIA CORDIFOLIA Gray (Matelea cordifolia Woodson). 
Canyon Diablo, Ajo Mountains, western Pima County, 5000 
feet (Supernaugh in 1952, identified by Kittie F. Parker). This 
plant is now to be included in the flora of the state. Some of the 
characters by which it is distinguished from the related Lachnos- 
toma arizonicum were mentioned in Arizona Flora (p. 666). 

Lycopus AMERICANUS Muhl. Lakside, southern Navajo Coun- 
ty, 7000 feet, in wet soil (Rhoton in 1952). This species, which 
occurs almost throughout the United States and Canada, is 
characterized by petiolate, deeply incised or pinnatifid leaves, 
and nutlets with entire apex. The Palmer collection in 1869 
mentioned in Arizona Flora (p. 747) under the name L. lucidus 
Turcz. evidently belonged to a different species, having sessile, 
merely serrate leaves and nutlets corky-winged at apex. There is 
no satisfactory evidence, however, that Palmer’s specimens were 
collected in Arizona. 


ANACHARIS DENSA (Planch.) Marie-Victorin (p. 70). St. David, 
Cochise County, in fresh water ponds (Goodding 74-53). 

ANACHARIS CANADENSIS (Michx.) Planch. Big Lake, Apache 
County (Peebles 15155). 

STIPA LOBATA Swallen (p. 117). Huachuca Mountains, Cochise 
County (Goodding 952-49, identified by Peter Raven, referred 
previously to S. columbiana Macoun). The latter species (p. 118) 
apparently is limited in Arizona to the northern portion, the 
specimen on which was based its reported occurrence in the 
Santa Catalina Mountains (Gentry 3953) having been re-identi- 
fied by Peter Raven as Stipa Pringlei Scribn. 

St1pA LETTERMANI Vasey (p. 118). North Rim of Grand Can- 
yon, 8500 feet (Merkle 621). 

PHALARIS MINOR Retz. (p. 131). Near Casa Grande, Pinal 
County (K. F. Parker 8243). 

ERIOCHLOA ARISTATA Vasey (p. 133). Castle Dome Mountains, 


Yuma County (Crandell 57). 

PANICUM ANTIDOTALE Retz. (p. 137). Tucson, Pima County, 
“now common at roadsides” (K. F. Parker 7750). 

ELEOCHARIS CARIBAEA (Rottb.) Blake (p. 154). Near Tempe, 
Maricopa County (Blakely 12a, 1798). 

Carex Rossii Boott (p. 162). North Rim of Grand Canyon, 
8500 feet (Merkle 483, 500, identified by J. T. Howell). 

ERIOGONUM FLAVUM Nutt. (p. 240). South entrance of Grand 
Canyon National Park, Coconino County, about 7000 feet (K. 
F. Parker et al. 6168). 

RUMEX MEXICANUS Meisn. (p. 244). Point of Pines, Graham 
County, 6000 feet, in ponderosa pine forest (Bohrer 449). 

KocuIA scoparRIA (L.) Schrad. (p. 261). What is presumably 
var. subvillosa Mog. has been collected also near Peach Springs, 
Mohave County (Macfarland in 1952), where it was reported to 
be “very common in deep, disturbed soil.” 

STELLARIA UMBELLATA Turcz. (p. 293). North Rim of Grand 
Canyon, 8000 feet, in a wet meadow (Merkle 556). 

SAGINA SAGINOIDES (L.) Karst. (p. 295). Kaibab Basin and North 
Rim of Grand Canyon, Coconino County, 8000 to 9000 feet, in 
wet places (Merkle 586, 601). 

RANUNCULUS OREOGENES Greene (p. 316). Mount Trumbull, 
Mohave County, in pine forest (McClintock 52-367). 

RORIPPA CURVISILIQUA (Hook.) Bessey (p. 340). Point of Pines, 
Graham County (Bohrer 431). This, like the other Arizona speci- 
mens, is not typical R. curvisiliqua. They may represent an un- 

_ described species. 

DRABA ASPRELLA Greene (p. 346). Northwestern Gila County 
(Parker & McClintock 6852). This collection is of var. asprella 
(var. typica C. L. Hitchce.). 

CHORISPORA TENELLA (Pall.) DC. (p. 355). Cottonwood, Yava- 
pai County, “‘sometimes a bad weed in grain fields” (Zaleski in 

SEDUM STENOPETALUM Pursh (p. 359). Kaibab Basin, Coco- 
nino County, 8000 feet (Bryant in 1952). 

CERCIS OCCIDENTALIS Torr. (p. 404). Toroweap Valley, Mo- 
have County (McClintock 52-358, 550). 

LUuPINUs BICOLOR Lindl. (p. 417). Santa Catalina Mountains, 
Pima County, 7500 feet (Strickland 6). 

Lupinus OsTERHOUTIANUS C. P. Smith (p. 418). North Rim of 


Grand Canyon (Merkle 696). 

Lupinus LemMmonii C. P. Smith (p. 419). What seems to be 
this species has been collected at Point of Pines, Graham Coun- 
ty, 6000 feet (Bohrer 308). 

MELILOTUS OFFICINALIS (L.) Lam. (p. 422). This species oc- 
curs also at Montezuma Well, Yavapai County, and Point of 
Pines, Graham County. 

CALLITRICHE (p. 521). The following collections, in addition 
to those cited by Fassett and mentioned in the earlier paper 
(Leafl. West. Bot. 7: 3), apparently represent the two species 
now recognized as occurring in Arizona: C. verna L. emend. 
Kiitz, Chuska Mountains, Apache County (Monson 43, in 1937); 
Santa Catalina Mountains, Pima County (Goodding in 1943). C. 
heterophylla Pursh emend. Darby var. heterophylla, Kaibab 
Plateau, Coconino County, 8000 feet (Goodding 257-48); Sabino 
Canyon, Pima County (Thornber in 1903, 1904, and 1907, East- 
wood in 1930). 

ELATINE BRACHYSPERMA Gray (p. 557). South Rim of Grand 
Canyon (Collom in 1952). 

VIOLA UMBRATICOLA H.B.K. (p. 561). Collected in the Santa 
Catalina Mountains also by K. F. Parker (No. 8109). 

CrrCAEA PACIFICA Asch. & Magn. (p. 604). Escudilla Moun- 
tain, southern Apache County (Parker & McClintock 7511). 

PTERYXIA Davipsoni (Coult. & Rose) Mathias & Constance (p. 
619). Between Diamond Creek and White River, southern Nay- 
ajo County, about 6000 feet, abundant in sandy soil among pines 
(Rhoton in 1952). 

LAMIUM AMPLEXICAULE L. (p. 739). Cottonwood, Yavapai 
County, a weed in grain fields (Zaleski in 1953). 

PENSTEMON BARBATUS (Cav.) Roth (p. 772). Subsp. trichander 
(Gray) Keck has been collected also near Keam’s Canyon, north- 
ern Navajo County (Deaver 3802). 

GALIUM BIFOLIUM Wats. (p. 812) has been found at another 
station on the North Rim of Grand Canyon, Walhalla Plateau, 
8500 feet, in open, grassy places (Merkle 506). 

LOBELIA CARDINALIS L. (p. 828). In lines 1 and 2 delete “ex- 
cept the low western portion,” this plant (subsp. graminea) hav- 
ing been collected in Havasu Lake Wildlife Refuge on the Colo- 
ado River (Monson in 1953). 

DicoriA BRANDEGEI Gray (p. 893). The range has been ex- 


tended definitely to Apache County by a collection in the north- 
eastern corner of the state (Deaver 4048). 

CorEOPSIS CARDAMINEFOLIA (DC.) Torr. & Gray (p. 908). Delta 
of Williams River, Mohave County, 350 feet (Monson in 1953). 

BIDENS HETEROSPERMA Gray (p. 911). Escudilla Mountain, 
southern Apache County (Parker & McClintock 7609). 

HYMENOXYS ARGENTEA (Gray) K. F. Parker (p. 927). Northwest 
of Pinedale, southern Navajo County, 6500 feet (Parker & Mc- 
Clintock 6830). 

PSATHYROTES RAMOSISSIMA (Torr.) Gray (p. 943). Near Ajo, 
western Pima County (Fouts in 1952). 


PsEUDOTSUGA TAXIFOLIA (Poir.) Britton (p. 55). The botanical 
name of the Douglas-fir of the Rocky Mountain region (includ- 
ing Arizona), as accepted by Elbert L. Little, Jr. (Check list of 
native and naturalized trees of the United States. Agric. Handb. 
41, U. S. Dept. Agric. 1953, p. 307) is Pseudotsuga Menziesti 
(Mirb.) Franco var. glauca (Beissn.) Franco. 

Bromus sect. BRomopsis (pp. 77—78, species 5 to 10). A revision 
of the North American species of this section by H. Keith Wag- 
non (Brittonia 7: 415-480,—1952), would alter considerably the 
status of species occurring in Arizona. Bromus ciliatus, B. tex- 
ensis, B. anomalus, and B. Orcuttianus (species 6, 7, 8, and 9 in 
Arizona Flora) were excluded, the species recognized by Wagnon 
as found in this state being: B. inermis (No. 5), B. lanatipes 
(Shear) Rydb. (included in Arizona Flora as a variety of B. 
anomalus, No. 8), and B. frondosus (No. 10), also B. Porteri 
(Coult.) Nash (in Arizona Flora as synonym of B. anomalus 
Rupr.), B. mucroglumis Wagnon, and B. Richardsoni Link (in 
Arizona Flora as synonym of B. ciliatus L.). Identifications by 
Wagnon of specimens in the herbarium of the University of 
Arizona indicate the following ranges: B. lanatipes, Coconino 
and Yavapai counties; B. frondosus, Yavapai and Santa Cruz 
counties, in addition to the counties enumerated in Arizona 
Flora; B. Porteri, Apache and Coconino counties; B. mucroglu- 
mis (“identified as B. anomalus in most herbaria’), Graham, 
Cochise, Santa Cruz, and Pima counties; B. Richardsoni, 

1Jn bringing to attention the views of other authors concerning various components of the 
Arizona flora, the present writer does not necessarily accept their conclusions. 


Apache, Coconino, Yavapai, Graham, Cochise, and Pima coun- 

POA LONGILIGULA Scribn. & Williams (p. 85). This taxon was 
reduced to synonymy under P. Fendleriana Steud. by V. L. 
Marsh (Amer. Midland Nat. 47: 232, 235,—1952). 

Yucca (p. 185). J. M. Webber, in a publication entitled “Yuc- 
cas of the Southwest’’ (Agric. Monogr. No. 17, U. S. Dept. Agric. 
1952, 79 pp., 70 plates), differs in many particulars from the 
treatment by Mrs. McKelvey that was followed in Arizona Flora. 
Yucca Thornberi and Y. confinis were thought to have originat- 
ed as hybrids between Y. baccata and Y. arizonica (Webber p. 
29). Yucca Newberryi was reduced to synonymy under Y. Whip- 
plet (p. 33). Yucca Harrimaniae was given as a synonym, in part, 
of Y. neomexicana Woot. & Standl., which does not occur in 
Arizona (p. 43). The plant referred to Y. Harrimaniae in Ari- 
zona Flora is probably Y. Batleyi Woot. & Standl., of which Y. 
Standleyi McKelvey was cited by Webber as a synonym (p. 49). 
Yucca navajoa was reduced to a variety of Y. Baileyi (p. 51). 
Yucca utahensis, Y. verdiensis, and, perhaps Y. kanabensis were 
considered by Webber to be products of hybridization between 
Y. elata and some other species (p. 62). 

RUMEX OCCIDENTALIS Wats. (p. 245). The specimens from the 
White Mountains, doubtfully referred to as R. occidentalis, are 
believed by Wm. A. Weber (personal communication) to be R. 
densiflorus Osterhout. Professor Weber pointed out that they 
have the rootstock horizontal, black, and covered with rootlets 
as in R. densiflorus, rather than vertical and carrot-like, as in 
R. occidentalis. 

POLYGONUM AVICULARE L. (p. 247). Specimens with relatively 
broad, mostly obtuse leaves are referable to P. buxiforme Small, 
which was cited by Fernald (Gray’s Man. ed. 8, p. 580) as a 
synonym of P. aviculare var. litorale (Link) W. D. J. Koch. A 
specimen from Sunset Crater, Coconino County (Eastwood & 
Howell 6941) has been identified by J. F. Brenkle as P. buxi- 
forme. ( 

STELLARIA LONGIFOLIA Muhl. (p. 293). The specimen from 
Sierra Ancha, Gila County (Gould 3802) cited in Leafl. West. 
Bot. 7: 9, proves to be a form of Arenaria saxosa Gray. 
2A. specimen, previously identified as Bromus catharticus Vahl of Section Ceratochloa 

(p. 77), has been referred by G. Ledyard Stebbins, Jr., to B. Haenkeanus Pres]. It is from 
Houserock Valley, Coconino County (Darrow 3017). 


CERASTIUM ADSURGENS Greene (p. 295). This appears to be a 
narrow-leaved form of C. nutans Raf., to judge from a specimen 
from New Mexico identified by Greene himself as C. adsurgens. 

Myosurus (pp. 313, 314). As treated by Gloria R. Campbell 
(The genus Myosurus in North America. E] Aliso 2: 389-402,— 
1952), only three species were recognized as occurring in Ari- 
zona. These are M. minimus L., M. cupulatus Wats., and M. 
nitidus Eastw. (M. Egglestonii Woot. & Standl.). Myosurus mini- 
mus is represented in this state by subsp. minimus, recorded by 
Campbell for Navajo, Coconino, Yavapai, and Pima counties; 
and by subsp. montanus G. R. Campbell, given by her only for 
Coconino and Mohave counties in Arizona, but probably more 
widely distributed in the state. To the latter subspecies prob- 
ably belong specimens that were referred in Arizona Flora to 
M. aristatus Benth., a species not recognized by Campbell as 
occurring in Arizona. 

LaTHyYRUs (pp. 477-479). “A Revision of North American Spe- 
cies of Lathyrus” by C. Leo Hitchcock (Univ. Wash. Publ. Biol. 
15: 1-104,—1952) necessitates some modification of the treat- 
ment by the same author in Arizona Flora. In the description of 
the genus, line 2, insert “(except in the introduced L. lati- 
folius)’ after the word “‘species,’’ and in line 5 insert “or red” 
after “purple.” Lathyrus latifolius L. and L. pauciflorus Fern., 
not previously recorded as occurring in Arizona, were men- 
tioned on a preceding page of this article. The name Lathyrus 
leucanthus Rydb. should be substituted for L. laetivirens Greene 
(No. 3 in Arizona Flora, p. 478). This is represented in Arizona 
by L. leucanthus var. laetivirens (Greene) C. L. Hitchc., which 
differs from var. leucanthus in having more numerous leaflets 
and usually well-developed but often unbranched tendrils. 
For L. brachycalyx Rydb. (No. 2 in Arizona Flora) substitute 
Lathyrus zionis C. L. Hitchce., deleting the reference to occur- 
rence in the Dos Cabezas Mountains. The remaining species 
(L. arizonicus, L. graminifolius, and L. eucosmus) are unchanged 
from the treatment in Arizona Flora. 

VIOLA PURPUREA (p. 561). Delete and substitute: 
7. Viola aurea Kellogg. Gila County, North Peak, Mazatzal 
Mountains, 6000 feet (Collom 48 in 1933) and Sierra Ancha 
(Crooks et al. in 1939). Nevada, California, and central Arizona. 

The species is represented in our state by ssp. arizonensis 


Baker & Clausen (Madrono 12: 11) which is known only by these 
two collections, that by Crooks et al. being the type. 

CLARKIA AND GODETIA (pp. 592, 593). Godetia has been merged 
with Clarkia in a recent paper by Harlan Lewis and Margaret 
Lewis (Madronio 12: 33-39). If this point of view is accepted, the 
two species treated in Arizona Flora under Godetia would be re- 
spectively, Clarkia purpurea (Curtis) Nels. & Macbr. subsp. 
ined., and C. epilobioides (Nutt.) Nels. & Macbr. 

DODECATHEON (p. 638). From a paper by H. J. Thompson en- 
titled “The Biosystematics of Dodecatheon” (Contr. Dudley 
Herb. 4: 73-154), a revised key to the Arizona species is ab- 
stracted and should be substituted for the one in Arizona Flora. 
1. Stigma enlarged, more than twice the diameter of the style; flowers 4- 

merous; filaments very short, free or united by a thin membrane. 
Leaves linear to linear-oblanceolate, gradually tapering into the 

petiole; corolla-lobes magenta or lavender ............ 3. D. alpinum 
1. Stigma not enlarged; flowers 5-merous; filaments free or united into a 
tube (2). 

2. Leaf-blades thickish, oblanceolate, tapering into the petiole; corolla-lobes 
pink or pale purple; filaments united, the tube 1.5-3.5 mm. long; 
anthers '3=5°5 mim lone) a. 2h. erasiene a 4s. =) star etsval fells Oe 2. D. radicatum 

2. Leaf-blades thin, ovate or oval, abruptly contracted into the petiole; 
corolla-lobes white; filaments free or slightly united, less than 1 mm. 
long; anthers 6.5-8 mat. 1ONg 6. 5... a5 oss ssn eae 1. D. Ellisiae 

DopECATHEON ELLIsIAE Stand]. (p. 639) was reduced by 
Thompson (ibid. p. 151) to a subspecies of D. dentatum Hook., 
but it would seem that the characters given for distinguishing 
it from subsp. dentatum (ibid. p. 150), and the wide geographical 
separation of these taxa, would justify maintenance of D. Ellisiae 
as a species. 

DoDECATHEON ALPINUM (Gray) Greene (p. 639). The Arizona 
plants belong to subsp. majus H. J. Thompson (ibid. pp. 142, 

POLEMONIUM (pp. 694-696). A monograph of this genus by 
John F. Davidson was published in 1950 (Univ. Calif. Publ. 
Bot. 23: 209-282). In this paper, P. albiflorum Eastw. and P. fili- 
cinum Greene were reduced, with reservations, to synonymy 
under P. foliosissimum Gray (ibid. pp. 226-229). No mention 
was made of P. flavum Greene. 

Mo.pavica (p. 737). The proper name of this genus would 
appear to be Dracocephalum and the species (p. 738) would be 


D. parviflorum Nutt. (Moldavica parviflora Britton). 

DRACOCEPHALUM (p. 738). The name Physostegia for this 
genus has been proposed for conservation by Elizabeth McClin- 
tock (Leafl. West. Bot. 5: 171, 172). 

VALERIANA (pp. 818-820). Changes in the treatment of the 
Arizona species indicated by Frederick G. Meyer in a revision en- 
titled “Valeriana in North America and the West Indies” (Ann. 
Mo. Bot. Gard. 38: 377-503,—1951), were mentioned in the ear- 
lier paper (Leafl. West. Bot. 7: 8, 9). The most important of 
these changes was the reduction of V. acutiloba Rydb. to sub- 
specific status as V. capitata Pall. ssp. acutiloba (Rydb.) F. G. 
Meyer and the reduction of V. ovata Rydb. to synonymy under 
V. arizonica Gray. In Arizona Flora V. acutiloba was treated as 
a species and V’. ovata as a variety thereof. Characters (taken 
from Meyer’s descriptions) that differentiate these taxa are: 

Basal leaves usually undivided and mostly oblong- or oblanceolate- to 

obovate-spatulate; corolla 4-8 mm. long..... V. capitata ssp. acutiloba 
Basal leaves mostly undivided and ovate to suborbicular, but sometimes 
punnate; corolla 5—15 mm long 6 oa... coke. oo 2 eee V. arizonica 

Meyer (ibid. p. 408) cited, under V. capitata ssp. acutiloba, a 
collection in the White Mountains (Apache County) and one 
on the San Francisco Peaks (Coconino County). Under V. ari- 
zonica, the most widely distributed species in Arizona, he cited 
(ibid. p. 410) collections in Navajo, Coconino, Yavapai, Green- 
lee, Graham, Gila, Maricopa, Cochise, and Pima counties. 

PLUCHEA CAMPHORATA (L.) DC. (p. 884). The Arizona speci- 
mens have been referred by R. K. Godfrey to P. purpurascens 
(Sw.) DC. var. purpurascens (Jour. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 68: 

ARTEMISIA (pp. 938-942), Section Seriphidium (species allied 
to A. tridentata). The North American species of this section 
were the subject of a cytotaxonomic study by George H. Ward 
(Contr. Dudley Herbarium 4: 155-205,—1953). The only im- 
portant change from the treatment in Arizona Flora is the re- 
duction of A. nova (No. 12) to subspecific status, as A. arbuscula 
Nutt. subsp. nova (A. Nels.) G. Ward (p. 183). 

SENECIO NEOMEXICANUS Gray (p. 950). Insert at end of para- 
graph 3: “It is very like the type of S. Metcalfet Greene, which 
was referred by Greenman (Ref. 362, 3: 179) to S. tridenticulatus 




In the spring of 1953, Hubert Vogelmann gave a good ac- 
count of the genus Dirca in the Asa Gray Bulletin (n. ser. 2: 
77-82), but his description of D. occidentalis followed details 
given in California manuals and floras where a fruit red in 
color is attributed to the plant. Since a note that I published in 
1930 on the fruit-color of our western leatherwood has been 
generally overlooked, I am printing here the letter I wrote Mr. 
Vogelmann in May, 1953, about it. 

I first came to work in the herbarium of the California Academy of Sci- 
ences about 24 years ago, and then, as now, I devoted most of the daylight 
hours of my recreational time to botanical field work (the main difference 
being that then I seemed to have an abundance of relatively free and unen- 
cumbered time, whereas now I seem to have no time at all). I was happy to 
have an excuse to go into the field and invited projects that today, unfor- 
tunately, I would not have time to pursue. 

One of these projects, early suggested to me by Miss Eastwood, was the 
investigation of the fruiting condition in Dirca occidentalis, our western 
leatherwood. Since the occurrence of this shrub in the Berkeley Hills above 
the University of California was well known to me, I had no difficulty in 
finding shrubs in fruit on June 15, 1930. In August of the same year, I pub- 
lished a short account of what I had found (Madrono 2:13). 

It is scarcely surprising that this brief note, buried under so general a 
title as “Plantae Occidentales,”” should have been overlooked by Abrams 
and McMinn, but, when I recall how assiduously Prof. Jepson culled Erythea 
and Madrofio for references for his Flora of California, I am surprised that 
my former Professor of Botany also overlooked my report in his 1936 ac- 
count of Dirca (Fl. Calif. 2:556,—1936). I do not believe the oversight was 

When finally I came to write my own flora, I went out of my way to men- 
tion the color of the fruits (cf. Marin Flora, p. 196,—1949). But here, too, 
alas, the fact is all but lost, for who would think to look for a fact almost 
unknown to science in a flora so provincially restricted! It would seem as if 
I had sought to conceal from you what you wished to know. After reading 
your excellent account of the genus Dirca in the recent Asa Gray Bulletin, 
I hasten to write to tell you I have not purposely tried to by cryptic! 

The color of the fruit, incidentally, is yellowish-green. 


Vol. VII No. 8 


Notes on Certain Oregon Plants with Descriptions 
Panta NeW IV ations” 6 1+ )622 Sema Saute: Rhee Nee 
Morton E. PEcK 

#-Mew; Calochortus from Oregon’... 2) se 190 
Morton E. Peck 

Pugillus Astragalorum XVI: Minor Novelties from 
EMM MAN Hs EN San reese BR gael ee ste Opens Wet EOD 

Observations on the Genus Solivain California . . . 196 

DECEMBER 10, 1954 





A publication devoted particularly to the native and naturalized 
plants of western North America and to the cultivated plants 
of California, appearing about four times each year. Subscrip- 
tion, $2.00 annually. Cost of back files or single numbers fur- 
nished on request. Address: John Thomas Howell, California 

Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco 18. 

Cited as 
LEAFL. WEsT. Bot. 

Owned and published by 
Joun Tuomas HowELL 



Willamette University, Salem, Oregon 

It may be worth while at this time to place on record certain 
facts and observations concerning a variety of Oregon plants 
that have not to our knowledge been adequately published. To 
these records we would add some comments on several specific 
and subspecific entities that have been assigned to the state, 
and finally, include brief diagnoses of several varieties not to 
our knowledge hitherto recognized. We have then the follow- 
ing to offer: 

RHYNCHOSPORA ALBA (L.) Vahl. Found in a sphagnum bog 
about 5 miles north of Florence, Lane Co., Sept. 8, 1921 (Peck 
26438), associated with Darlingtonia and Drosera. It was once 
collected by Henderson near Florence. 

CAREX PAUCICOSTATA Mack. A Carex, now in the herbarium of 
Willamette University, collected by Dr. G. C. Bellinger of Salem, 
near the summit of Mt. Ashland, Jackson Co. in Aug., 1952, was 
identified as this by Mr. J. T. Howell. This is seemingly the 
first record for the state. 

ALLIUM PENINSULARE Lem. We collected material of this in 
southeastern Jackson Co. (Peck 16745) and have no other record 
of its occurrence in the state. 

ALLIUM ROGUENSE Peck. In a sense this is a nomen nudum, but 
almost too “nudum” to be decently discussed. The trouble be- 
gan with the type collection, which consisted of several plants 
of A. Bolanderi without the bulbs, but mixed with some bulbs 
of a Brodiaea. Dr. Ownbey easily convinced us that such was the 
case, which we were already suspecting. So vanishes another 

Our knowledge of this plant in Oregon is very scant. On May 10, 
1946, we were shown a specimen in flower, in a garden at Galice, 
Josephine Co., by a Mrs. Lewis, owner of the garden, who told 
us she had transplanted it from a boggy depression on Peavine 
Mountain, about four miles southwest of Galice. 

Corallorhiza maculata Raf. var. immaculata Peck, var. nov. A specie caule 

Leaflets of Western Botany, Vol. VII, pp. 177-200, December 10, 1954. 


graciliore, segmentis perianthii angustioribus 10-12 mm. longis, labro albo 
immaculato differt. 

Stem averaging more slender than in the species, the perianth-parts, 
except the lip, averaging longer and decidedly narrower, the lip pure white, 
wholly unspotted. 

The type, in the herbarium of Willamette University, was 
sent us for determination several years ago, by Mr. Howard Tay- 
lor, an amateur collector, who found it in low woods along 
Mosby Creek 10 miles east of Cottage Grove, Linn Co., Oregon. 
The plant was plentifully distributed over several acres. 

ALNUS RHOMBIFOLIA Nutt. The northernmost record we have 
of this species west of the Cascades, is that of a considerable col- 
ony, narrow and parallelling the Willamette River, some 6 or 
7 miles long and quite including the city of Salem, and sharply 
islanded by A. rubra territory. 

terial (Peck 22003) of this from a seemingly isolated colony at 
an altitude of about 5000 ft. on the eastern slope of the Cascade 
Mts. in extreme northwestern Klamath Co. This is a consider- 
able southward extension of the known range, hitherto termi- 
nating with Clackamas Lake, eastern Clackamas Co. 

Quercus GARRYANA Dougl. The invasion by the Oregon Oak 
of the region east of the Cascades is of some interest. A little way 
east of The Dalles, Wasco Co., on the Columbia River, the oak 
leaves off in that direction but continues southward in sporadic 
patches on bold eastward slopes and in shallow depressions. 
This succession continues to about Tygh Valley. For several 
miles to the northward of that point, the growth is exceptionally 

POLYGONUM PERSICARIOIDES H.B.K. Several examples of this 
were collected by Dr. R. C. Erickson on Malheur Wildlife 
Refuge, Harney Co., and sent us for determination. Probably 
the species is adventive from far southward and eastward. 

ERIOGONUM FLAVISSIMUM Gdgr. This has had a somewhat con- 
fused history. In his Manual, the author passed it is E. Cusickit 
Jones, a very obvious error, due mainly to the fact that, while 
working on this section of the genus at the Gray Herbarium, he 
came upon a fragment of what he here recognizes as E. flavisst- 
mum, bearing the label E. Cusickii Jones and agreeing perfectly 
so far as comparison was possible with material he had in hand, 
both from the same general locality. Eriogonum Cusickiu Gdgr. 


did not help the case, being only a synonym of E. strictwm 

Benth., or no more than a subspecies. Miss Stokes reduced E. 
flavissimum to subspecific rank under E. ovalifolium Nutt., in 
which she was followed in Abrams’ Flora. Eriogonum flavissi- 
mum is on the whole a clearly marked species, apparently very 
local in distribution, 8 to 20 miles west of Burns (Peck 19377, 
21484, 25405, 25406). 

ERIOGONUM PYROLAEFOLIUM Hook., as we know it, is a highly 
variable species, often with a much-elongated caudex deeply 
buried with the last season’s growth at ground level densely 
clothed with old leaf-bases, with the peduncles seldom over 6 
cm. long, and with rays of the umbel 6 mm. or less. The vari- 
ability is mainly in the pubescence of the leaves, which varies 
from short and scant to densely villous-hirsute. The least pu- 
bescent material is mainly from south of our territory but we 
have it from Crater Lake, but beyond this point to the north- 
ward there is a regular gradation to the very pubescent form. 
This has long been known with us as var. coryphaeum T. & G., 
a variant for which there seems no good reason to continue to 
maintain. However, near the jagged summit of Broken-top Mt. 
in southwestern Deschutes Co., there occurs a form fairly well 
set off by characters unrelated to pubescence. This we would 

Eriogonum pyrolaefolium Hook. var. Bellingeranum Peck, var. nov. A 
specie pedunculis gracilioribus laxis 10-12 cm. longis, radiis umbellae 
gracillimis 15-18 mm. longis, dentibus involucri latioribus quam longioribus 
vix acutis, differt. 

’ Type in the herbarium of Willamette University, collected 
Sept. 10, 1951, by Dr. and Mrs. G. C. Bellinger near the summit 
of Broken-top Mountain, southwestern Deschutes Co., Oregon. 
The new variety is clearly marked by the relatively long and 
rather lax peduncles, the much longer and more slender rays 
of the umbel, and the broader and scarcely acute teeth of the 

Mont1a Hai (Gray) Greene. A plant of somewhat uncer- 
tain status, the type collected by Elihu Hall in 1870 somewhere 
in the Willamette Valley, but like much of Hall’s material with- 
out definite locality record. We have examined the type in the 
Gray Herbarium. It is scant and poorly preserved, but appears 
more closely related to M. Chamissoi (Ledeb.) Dur. & Jack. than 
to M. fontana L., to which it has sometimes been referred. In 


vegetative characters our material more closely resembles the 
latter, but the corolla, though small, is markedly larger, well 
deveoped, and quite regular. Collected on a seepage bank, 3 
miles north of Medford, Jackson Co., March 30, 1940 (Peck 

ARENARIA RUBELLA (Wahl.) Sm. A dwarf, densely cespitose 
and pulvinate Arenaria with rather thick obtusish leaves about 
5 mm. long that has puzzled several taxonomists to whom ma- 
terial has been submitted occurs on the exposed outermost point 
of The Heads, near Port Orford, Curry Co. Finally Dr. Bassett 
Maguire referred it without comment to this polymorphic spe- 
cies. Arenaria rubella, as now accepted in many quarters, is 
more often a high-mountain plant, occurring in two or three 
forms in the mountains of Oregon as well as sometimes at much 
lower elevations, but none of which seems to match this phase 
very Closely. We hope some good arenariologist will assign it a 
respectable subspecific status. 

STELLARIA HUMIFUSA Rottb. Quite plentiful on grassy tide 
flats near Garibaldi on the northern Tillamook Co. coast (Peck 
24182), and once from Waldport on the southern Lincoln Co. 
coast (Peck 13496). Abrams’ Flora would exclude the species en- 
tirely from our territory. 

CERASTIUM SEMIDECANDRUM L. This small European species is 
established along the immediate coast of extreme northern Lane 
Co. (Peck 20719). 

MOoENCHIA ERECTA (L.) Gaertn., Mey. & Schreb. Found grow- 
ing rather plentifully on gravelly flats in central Jackson Co. 
(Peck 24833). An anomalous European genus apparently now 
established with us. 

SILENE OREGANA Wats. var. FILISECTA (Peck) Peck. This has 
no raison d’etre, being a rather extreme form of S. oregana, and 
was originally described by the writer as S. filisecta, a name we 
now find in Abram’s Flora in synonymy under S. montana, 
doubtless an error. 

SILENE ORARIA Peck of the Manual is reduced to S$. Douglasit 
var. oraria (Peck) Hitchc. & Mag. for doubtless sufficient reasons. 
In Abrams’ Flora it is in clean synonymy under S. Douglasit. 

ANEMONE, Tribe ANEMONANTHEA DC. There is some confu- 
sion as to the proper status to be assigned to most of the familiar 
entities of this tribe occurring in Oregon, the only species ac- 


cepted unquestioningly being 4. deltoidea Hook. and the others 
often treated as varieties of the eastern A. quinquefolia L. or 
quite ignored. On the whole we consider Fernald’s treatment of 
this group, with its key (Rhodora, vol. 30, Sept., 1928), far clearer 
and more logical. In our territory each of the entities involved 
has a fairly definite range, as follows: Anemone oregana, dry 
meadows and open slopes along the coast and eastward nearly 
through the Canadian Zone on the western slope of the Cas- 
cades, but the distribution through much of the Willamette 
Valley discontinuous. Anemone felix is found sporadically in 
and about the margins of sphagnum bogs on the coast of south- 
ern Lincoln Co. and northward apparently beyond our terri- 
tory. Anemone Lyallii in Oregon occurs mainly in the Hudson- 
ian Zone of the Cascades. Anemone Piperi occupies parts of the 
middle eastern slope of the Cascade Mts. northward, and also, 
at nearly equivalent elevations, ranges through the Blue and 
Wallowa mountains and beyond. Anemone deltoidea ranges the 
length of the state and from the Coast Mts. to the lower slopes 
of the Cascades. Clear specific characters for each member of 
the group are not difficult to find and were used by Fernald 
in his key. The only exception being 4. felix, which had not 
been described at the time the key was published. Of the last- 
named species no mention is made in Abrams’ Flora, not even 
a relegation to synonymy. 

DELPHINIUM ULIGINOSUM Cur. This was collected on a stony 
seepage flat near the head of Chewaukan River, Lake Co., in 
July, 1927 (Peck 15411a), which is our only record for the state. 

BERBERIS PINNATA Lag. We have material of this from the ex- 
treme southwestern corner of Curry Co., collected by Mr. Oliver 
Matthews, in March, 1937. 

LEPIDIUM LATIFOLIUM L. A European immigrant established 
in moist slightly alkaline soil near Columbia River, 6 miles 
east of Umatilla, Umatilla Co. Collected in June, 1944 (Peck 

LEPIDIUM OBLONGUM Small. Collected and seemingly well es- 
tablished on a high bank of Columbia River, near Arlington, 
Gilliam Co. (Peck 22829). Probably native of South America. 

ARABIS MODESTA Roll. Found rather plentiful on a damp cliff 
at Galice, Josephine Co. (Peck 24055), near Hellgate, on Rogue 
River, the type locality. The large brilliantly colored flowers 


mark this as one of our finest as well as rarest species of the genus. 

TELLIMA ODORATA How. In Abrams’ Flora this is relegated to 
synonymy under T. grandiflora. Even in the field the distinctive 
features of the species seem sufficiently clear. It occurs nearly 
through the Columbia Gorge and at various points down the 
immediate coast line as far as Coos Co. It averages taller, more 
robust and more coarsely hirsute than T. grandiflora, with the 
herbage uniformly a deeper green. The petals average longer 
than in T. grandiflora and are usually pure white in early an- 
thesis instead of greenish tinged. As the specific name implies, 
the flowers are very fragrant, the odor persisting throughout the 
day. We have grown the two species side by side for many years, 
and believe our observations are correct. 

HEUCHERA MERRIAMI Eastw. We found this strongly marked 
and seemingly rare Heuchera on a dry but well-shaded cliff 
about 2 miles south of Bolan Lake in extreme southern Jose- 
phine Co., July 20, 1947 (Peck 13547). Rosendahl et al. (Mono- 
graph of the Genus Heuchera) assume that this is a hybrid, H. 
pilosissima F. & M. X H. rubescens Torr. This seems scarcely 
probable, at least in this case, since the former of these species 
is not known to occur within less than 40 miles of our locality, 
and the latter not within a much greater distance. 

RIBES DIVARICATUM Dougl. is a somewhat variable species in 
the matter of pubescence, but otherwise commonly quite stable. 
A form occurs, however, on the Oregon coast, southward, that 
differs markedly from all other examples we have examined. 
This we would designate 

Ribes divaricatum Dougl. var. rigidum Peck, var. nov., ramulis crassis 
rigidis primo puberulis dense canescentibus; spinulis permultis magnis 
interdum 2 cm. longis basi 6 mm. latis; foliis crassiusculis firmis supra sparse 
puberulis venis crassis subtus prominentibus; tubo calycis minute puberu- 
lenti vel glabro. 

Branchlets stout and rigid, the younger shoots canescent with a dense 
fine pubescence; prickles numerous, straight or slightly curved, large, often 
2 cm. long and 6 mm. thick at base; leaves thick and stiff, the veins deeply 
impressed above, stout and prominent beneath, the upper surface sparsely 
strigose, the lower with a short dense velvety pubescence. 

Type, Peck 23968, in herbarium of Willamette University, 
collected in a moist thicket near Goldbeach, Curry Co., Oregon, 

July 24, 1945. 
Ribes inerme Rydb. var. subarmatum Peck, var. nov. A specie baccis 
aculeis 12-20 gracilibus armatis differt. 


Differs from the species in having the berries armed with 12-20 slender 
prickles more than half as long as the diameter of the fruit. 

Type, Peck 16729, from a moist bank along Dead Indian 
Road, 12 miles northeast of Ashland, Jackson Co., Oregon, July 
7, 1931. This locality is well outside the regular range of typical 
R. inerme. The variety would have more weight, if more ma- 
terial were available from the same general area. 

POTENTILLA PARADOXA Nutt. We have this from the bank of 
the Snake River in northeastern Malheur Co. (Peck 23997) and 
from Hart Lake, Lake Co. (Peck 26841). 

POTENTILLA INDIGES Peck. ‘Though not so much as recognized 
even in synonymy in Abrams’ Flora, this still seems to us worthy 
of specific standing. We have seen nothing from our territory at 
least, to match it in leaf-characters and in the small relatively 
abundant flowers. We know it only from damp meadows along 
John Day River, near John Day, Grant Co., where at least for- 
merly it was quite plentiful. 

POTENTILLA MACROPETALA Rydb. We have material of this 
seemingly little-known species from the summit of Saddle Moun- 
tain, Clatsop Co., collected by Mr. John Davis, State Entomolo- 
gist of Oregon, June 10, 1952. It seems amply distinct from P. 
gracilis Dougl., to which it has recently been relegated in syn- 

POTENTILLA ANOMALIFOLIA Peck. In Abrams’ Flora this name 
appears in synonymy under P. Drummondii. So far as we know, 
it has been collected only in the type locality, where it was 
found in some abundance. The two species are very unlike both 
in leaf-characters and inflorescence as well as in habit. 

POTENTILLA VERSICOLOR Rydb. This is given “‘fine-print” rec- 
ognition in Abrams’ Flora, with the type locality, Gearhart Mt., 
Lake Co. We have in the herbarium of Willamette University 
two or three specimens from about Fish Lake, Steens Mts., and 
one from Mirror Lake, Wallowa Mts. (Peck 17790). 

Rusus BarTonianus Peck. The total range of this, perhaps 
the most strikingly beautiful species of the genus west of the 
Rocky Mts., consists only of the lower walls of Hell’s Canyon 
of the Snake River Gorge. It forms huge erect clumps often 6 
to 10 ft. high, which when in bloom resemble over-sized rose 
bushes densely clothed with white flowers as large as those of 
thimble berry. The proposed Hell’s Canyon Dam, when and if 


it materializes, will probably lead to the complete extermina- 
tion of this noble shrub, unless it is rescued by domestication. 
This is another species that escaped Abrams’ Flora. 

SoPpHORA LEACHIANA Peck. We described this interesting plant 
some years ago (Madrono vol. 6, Jan., 1941) from inadequate 
material collected by Mrs. Lilla Leach at Rand Ranger Sta- 
tion, near Galice, Josephine Co. The diagnosis is faulty and 
somewhat misleading, but in May, 1946, we secured good speci- 
mens (Peck 24076), and would now amend the description to 
read as follows: 

Stems mostly arising singly from elongated rootstocks, usually branched, 
sometimes from the base, 3-4 dm. high, finely grayish-tomentose; leaves 
several, somewhat crowded above, 1-2 dm. long, the leaflets 19-33, broadly 
oblong, rounded at both ends, 1-2 cm. long, thin, villous-tomentose and 
paler beneath, thinly appressed-pubescent above; raceme usually solitary 
and terminal, 7-15 cm. long, the flowers 20-50, on pedicels 5 mm. long or 
less; calyx broadly cylindric-campanulate, strongly gibbous above, 7-9 mm. 
long, the teeth short and broadly triangular; petals greenish-white, 9-12 
mm. long; fruit (immature) strongly curved upward, on a stipe 3-4 mm. 
long, several-seeded, constricted between the seeds, densely short-villous- 
tomentose and silvery. 

We have seen no mature fruit of this species. Most of the 
flowers wither and fall entire following anthesis, but a few 
legumes undergo at least partial development, though we find 
no evidence that any reach maturity. We have no record of the 
plant except from the type locality and immediate neighbor- 
hood. It is one of the most remarkable of that group of narrowly 
localized endemic species occurring in Josephine and Curry 
counties south of the great canyon of Rogue River. 

LUuPINUS UNCIALIS Wats. We reported this diminutive lupine 
several years ago from extreme southern Malheur Co. We have 
since taken it (Peck 25263) from a good-sized colony 18 miles 
north of Frenchglen, Harney Co. 

MEDICAGO MINIMA Guffb. var. PUBESCENS Webb. Well estab- 
lished on gravelly flats, central Jackson Co. (Peck 24852). Native 
of Europe. 

ASTRAGALUS LYALLII Gray. We collected this near Adrian in 
eastern Malheur Co. (Peck 25926), the only record we have for 
the state. 

ASTRAGALUS TYGHENSIS Peck. In Abrams’ Flora this is relegated 
to synonymy under A. Spaldingit. It is clearly a quite distinct, 
as well as an apparently strongly localized species. Of the two 


species in question, A. tyghensis has somewhat stouter and more 
coarsely villous stems, leaflets mostly broader, elliptic or elliptic- 
oblong, and the distinctly larger corolla clear light yellow, in- 
stead of white or ochroleucous. The known range of A. tyghensts 
covers high open slopes above Deschutes River in central Wasco 
Co. from Maupin to Tygh Valley, and a few miles in the op- 
posite direction. 

AsTRAGALUs PEckil Piper. Hitherto this seems to have been 
recorded only from the neighborhood of the type station, north- 
western Deschutes Co. Material collected on pumice sand 10 
miles south of Chemult, Klamath Co. (Peck 29131), gives a clear- 
er idea of the vegetative characters of the species than do any 
of the examples previously examined by us. The prostrate stems 
above the short woody base sometimes reach a length of 3 dm. 
and live over to. the second or probably the third season and 
remain more or less clothed with the persistent, indurated, and 
very acute rachises of the dead leaves, which thus take the form 
of long needle-like spines. This is another of the “fine-print” 
species of Abrams’ Flora. 

OXYTROPIS DEFLEXA (Pall.) DC. var. seRICEA ‘T’. & G. was col- 
lected in the deep canyon of Hurricane Creek, Wallowa Co., 
july 24, 1944 (Peck: 25574). 

OXALIS OREGANA Nutt. It has long been recognized that this 
species as it occurs in the more northerly portion of its range 
differs in several particulars from that of the more southerly 
portion, mainly California, the latter being O. Smallii Knuth, 
which is not recognized by Jepson as being distinguishable from 
the typical form. The two are almost identical morphologically. 
The northern form averages a little smaller, with white or pale 
pinkish petals usually under 2 cm. long, while the southern 
plant has bright lavender or rose-colored petals 2-3 cm. long. 
The above facts were pointed out by Lewis S. Rose (Leafl. West. 
Bot. 1:49,50,—1933), but the suggested nomenclatorial combina- 
tion was not actually made, which we now propose: 

Oxalis oregana Nutt. var. Smallii (Knuth) Peck, comb. nov. 
O. Smallii Knuth, Notizbl. Bot. Garten Berlin 7:308,—1919). 
We have no record of this variety in Oregon except that of a 
considerable colony near the mouth of Galice Creek in the can- 
yon of Rogue River, northwestern Josephine Co. (Peck 24087). 

ELAEAGNUS ANGUSTIFOLIUS L. Extensively planted as a roadside 


shade tree in northern Oregon east of the Cascades. It has freely 
escaped and become rather widely established in parts of north- 
ern Malheur and southeastern Baker counties. 

MENTZELIA CONGESTA (Nutt.) T. & G. This seems not to have 
been hitherto recorded from Oregon. Specimens were collected 
by Mr. John Davis ‘‘along Crooked Creek,” Malheur Co., in 
July, 1952, and are now in the herbarium of Willamette Uni- 

ARCTOSTAPHYLOS VISCOSISSIMA Peck, of our Manual, is better 
considered a well-marked variety of A. hispidula How. 

Gentiana Sceptrum Griseb. var. cascadensis Peck, var. nov., caule robus- 
tiore pallido; foliis latioribus elliptici-lanceolatis vel ovatis sursum paulo 
redactis; corolla latius infundibuliforme 3.5-4 cm. longa. 

Stem stout, pallid; leaves broader than in the species, elliptic-lanceolate 
to ovate, little reduced upward; corolla more broadly funnelform. 

Type, Peck 19817, from a damp grassy swale, 5 miles south- 
east of Silver Creek Falls, Marion Co., Oregon, August 8, 1937. 

A strikingly handsome plant, very unlike the typical form 
of the species, which in Oregon at least is found mainly in bogs 
along the immediate coast and on the lower Columbia. The 
type was from ‘Fort Vancouver,” collected by Douglas. Speci- 
mens from farther north than the type locality of the variety, 
e.g., J. W. Thompson 3649, from Lost Lake near Mt. Hood, 
and one from Clackamas Lake, eastern Clackamas Co., by Mrs. 
R. D. Cooper, show intergradation between the two, especially 
in leaf-characters. 

CuscuTa Gronovil Willd. Material of this dodder was brought 
us from cultivated areas about Ontario, Malheur Co., by Mr. 
John Davis, of Salem, and is now in the herbarium of Willa- 
mette University. It is doubtless adventive from far eastward, 
where it is extensively distributed. 

LINANTHUS BOLANDERI (Gray) Greene. Collected from a con- 
siderable colony on the south slope of Sexton Mountain, in 
northeastern Josephine Co., in May, 1948 (Peck 24791). This is 
the only positive record we have for the state, reports to the con- 
trary notwithstanding. 

CRYPTANTHA FRAGILIS Peck. Many years ago material later 
described under this name was examined by Dr. Ivan Johnston 
and annotated as undescribed, and we acted accordingly. The 
specific characters seem fairly distinctive in the light of Dr. 


Johnston’s work, though the matter seems to have been lost 
sight of completely. It is apparently a rather local plant of dry 
stony ground, northern Josephine and Curry counties (Peck 
3995, 23782). 

PLAGIOBOTHRYS ASPER Greene. A Plagiobothrys, such as one 
we have from central Wasco Co., is what we are rather assuming 
Greene had in hand when describing the above. We have not 
been able to fit our material into P. tenellus (Nutt.) Gray, to 
which P. asper has been referred, speaking of P. tenellus as we 
commonly find it. We hope that our single gathering (Peck 
26179) may encourage some other collector to be on the lookout 
for something to match it. 

PENSTEMON BaARRETTAE Gray. The type locality of this fine 
Penstemon, and seemingly the only one known in the state, has 
been almost at the vanishing point for some years past, until 
recently recovered by Mr. John Davis, a Penstemon enthusiast 
but not an exterminator. Mr. Davis shared his scanty collections 
with us. 

PENSTEMON HESPERIUS Peck. This tall Penstemon of boggy 
meadows is apparently known from but two or three stations in 
the state, besides the type locality, these in Washington and 
Clackamas counties. 

PENSTEMON SUBSERRATUS Penn. Another rare and local Pen- 
stemon hitherto known south of Columbia River only on the 
lower north slope of Mt. Hood, has recently been taken by Mr. 
Davis at two or three points southward in Wasco Co., nearly as 
far as Tygh Valley. 

MIMULUS JUNGERMANNIOIDES Suksd. Taken on damp cliffs 
along Deschutes River near Maupin and at Sherar’s Bridge, 
Wasco Co., the latter on June 7, 1950 (Peck 26230). So far as we 
know these are the only records of the species south of Columbia 

VERONICA SHERWOODII Peck. Dr. Pennell rejected this, refer- 
ring it to V. peregrina subsp. xalapensis. Veronica peregrina is 
definitely an annual and usually short-lived. The type of V. 
Sherwoodti, now in the herbarium of the University of Oregon, 
was collected in late May, in the canyon of Imnaha River, Wal- 
lowa Co., at an altitude of little under 5000 ft. It is a small, some- 
what matted plant with almost filiform branches, the basal por- 
tion semiwoody and persistent and bearing dead, empty and 


discolored capsules of the previous season. These are hardly the 
marks of an annual. 

Penn. The two plants were found growing plentifully and indis- 
criminately intermingled over a considerable area of open woods 
along Imnaha River, 23 miles above the town of Imnaha, Wal- 
lowa Co., March 25, 1934. The assumed hybrids were unmistak- 
able. The stems of these were relatively taller and more robust 
than those of S. missurica and the leaves relatively longer, and 
both intermediate between those of the parent species; many, 
perhaps half of the flowers of the hybrid were apetalous, while 
in those that were petalous, the corolla was smaller and more 
unevenly cut than in what we were satisfied was the Synthyris 
parent. Other characters were not closely noted, and unfortu- 
nately most of our material of the hybrid was later lost. 

CASTILLEJA TAEDIFERA Penn. So far as the writer is aware, the 
type specimen of this species is the only one in any collection. 
This he secured in the extreme northeastern corner of Wallowa 
Co. By some ill luck only enough material was preserved for a 
single herbarium sheet. This was later submitted to Dr. Pen- 
nell for study, but not as a duplicate, but it was not returned 
and is doubtless safely reposing today in the herbarium of the 
Philadelphia Academy. Further examination of the neighbor- 
hood of the type locality is to be desired. 

CasTILLEJA Drxoni Fern. Material of this species now in the 
herbarium of Willamette University was taken by Mr. John 
Davis of Salem, in June, 1953, on Saddle Mountain, Clatsop 
Co. So far as we are aware this is the first record of the occur- 
rence of this species in Oregon. What has been previously re- 
ported and has been described under this name in our Manual, 
is the more recently described C. litoralis Penn. 

PLANTAGO MACROCARPA C. & S. A considerable detached col- 
ony of this more northerly plantain occurs in a boggy meadow 
at Yachats, in extreme southwestern Lincoln Co. (Peck 20162, 

would thus dispose of several specimens now in the herbarium 
of Willamette University, collected by Mr. Oliver Matthews at 
the following points in northwestern Oregon: 5.5 miles north 
of Linnton, May 8, 1939; near Corbett, June 18, 1940; Holbrook, 


June 17, 1940; 1 mile north of Globe, May 8, 1939. The last of 
these stations is in Columbia Co., the others in Multnomah Co. 
The examples are all from tall shrubs or small trees, approach- 
ing S. glauca in size and well above the usual size of S. callicarpa. 
The inflorescence is intermediate in form, being broady coni- 
cal or strongly convex. The fruit is deep reddish-purple, not at 
all glaucous. Both of the supposed parent species are plentiful 
along the lower Columbia. Sambucus callicarpa regularly flow- 
ers much earlier in the season than S. glauca, but due, perhaps, 
to the relatively uniform conditions as to temperature and 
moisture in the Gorge there is a certain overlapping in the 
flowering periods of the two species, naturally favoring hybridi- 

ERIGERON AUSTINAE Greene. In his “Revision of the North 
American Species of Erigeron,” Dr. Arthur Cronquist assigns 
this to subspecific status under E. chrysopsidis Gray, which in 
most respects it closely resembles, except that in the common 
form the plants average somewhat smaller with the herbage 
more condensed and the ligules entirely undeveloped or only 
barely indicated. On June 11, 1948, we collected on Hart Moun- 
tain, Lake Co., specimens (Peck 25791) that seemed in every re- 
spect the ordinary E. Austinae, except that the ligules were 
well developed and up to 5 mm. long and the color instead of 
the bright yellow of those of E. chrysopsidis, was very pale yel- 
low or cream or sometimes light lavender. In the same general 
area was found a variety of intergradations between the wholly 
rayless and wholly radiate phases. From these observations it 
appears (and with this Dr. Cronquist has expressed himself as 
willing to agree) that E. Austinae is a sufficiently well-marked, 
though in respect to the ligules a highly variable, species. 

type collection of this and copious material transplanted and 
grown from the same gathering comprise all the examples we 
have seen of the variety, as well as of the species west of the Cas- 
cade Mts., with the exception of those from the Siskiyou Mts. 
Dr. Cronquist, doubtless on sufficient grounds, finds the variety 
too weak to merit recognition, with which we do not disagree. 

BAERIA MARITIMA Gray. This plant, occurring on headlands 
above the sea reportedly from Vancouver Island to California, 
is certainly rare with us. The only Oregon example we have 


seen, now in the herbarium of Willamette University, was 
brought in from Otter Crest, Lincoln Co., many years ago, by 
a student. 

CHAENACTIS SuKspDORFII Stockwell. A local species closely re- 
lated to C. Douglasii (Hook.) H. & A. but readily distinguish- 
able in the field. It seems hitherto to have been recorded only 
from southern Washington, but on June 29, 1951, we collected 
it (Peck 26336) near Boardman, Morrow Co. It was growing 
abundantly over a limited and apparently sharply defined area. 

CHAENACTIS STEVIOIDES H. & A. This has been previously re- 
ported from Oregon, but we had seen no specimens from the 
state until June 16, 1949, when we found it (Peck 25724) scat- 
ered over a considerable sandy area a few miles southwest of 
Rome, Malheur Co. 

ACHILLEA LANULOSA Nutt. var. ERADIATA (Piper) Peck. The 
type of this was collected by J. C. Nelson at the western base of 
Mt. Jefferson, Linn Co., in August, 1919, and so far as we know, 
the entity has not been reported since. The characters as set forth 
in Piper’s description of A. eradiata seem rather distinctive and 
may be worth further investigation. 

MATRICARIA CHAMOMILLA L. A considerable colony of this 
familiar European herb was found June 27, 1951 (Peck 26341) 
along a field border, apparently well established, 8 miles west 
of Langdon Lake, Umatilla Co. 

LACTUCA SALIGNA L. Within the past three or four years, this 
lettuce has become thoroughly established and is spreading 
freely in southwestern Marion Co. 

LACTUCA MURALIS (L.) E. Mey. This delicate attractive plant 
has become thoroughly established in deep coniferous woods in 
the neighborhood of Silver Creek Falls, Marion Co., and has 
spread extensively within the past few years. 


Willamette University, Salem, Oregon 

In May, 1948, the writer collected at the foot of the western 
slope of Sexton Mt. in northeastern Josephine Co., Oregon, 
specimens of Calochortus superficially resembling C. wniflorus, 
and at the time taken for that species. A hasty comparison later 


with a series of C. uniflorus proved this to be an error. Circum- 
stances, however, prevented a more detailed study at the time, 
and no more was done until Dr. Marion Ownbey in 1953 made 
a brief stop in Salem and went over the specimens more care- 
fully, pointing out the more salient features in which they dif- 
fered from C. wniflorus. Later this material was sent to Dr. Own- 
bey with a request that he describe the new species, and this he 
consented to do. But in the pressure of affairs, this was delayed 
until the end of June, 1954, the eve of his departure for a year’s 
absence in Europe, when he returned the material to me to do 
with as I saw fit. After further delay, when the case seemed 
rather urgent (the more so since it is something of an event for 
a new Calochortus to turn up north of the Mexican border); I 
drew up the following, with the hope that it will meet with 
Dr. Ownbey’s approval, especially as the main points in the 
description as well as the specific name are his own suggestion: 

Calochortus indecorus M. Ownbey & M. E. Peck, spec. nov. Bulbo ovoideo 
2-2.5 cm. longo tunica crassa rigida; caule modo crasso erecto vel adscen- 
denti non bulbifero 8—12 cm. longo ad inflorescentiam folio basali 2—2.5 
dm. longo, 8-10 mm. lato, longo-acuminato inflorescentiam aequante, folio 
secundo inflorescentiam subtendente prope 1 dm. longo et 3 mm. lato; um- 
bellis 1-3-floris plerumque binis umbella tertia interdum in caule gracile ex 
axilla folii basalis; bracteis prope 2.5 et 6 cm. longis; pedicellis 4-5 cm. 
longis, modo crassis; sepalis late lanceolatis, petalis brevioribus, colore non 
notabile; petalis clare lavendulaceis late obovatis breviter purpureo-barbatis 
super ad glandulam aliter glabris; glandula paulo depressa subter mem- 
brana minute denticulata marginata aliter nuda; antheris oblongis acutis 
vel obtusis, filamentis multo brevioribus; capsula ovoidea 1.5-2 cm. longa 
anguste 3-alata valde cernua. 

Bulb ovoid with thick dark coat, 2-2.5 cm. long; stem rather stout, not 
bulbiferous, erect or ascending, 8—12 cm. high below the inflorescence; basal 
leaf 2-2.5 dm. long, 8-10 mm. wide, long-acuminate, the single cauline leaf 
closely subtending the inflorescence, 8-10 cm. long, about 3 mm. wide; 
umbels commonly 2, 2- or 3-flowered, with sometimes a third umbel on a 
slender stalk from the axil of the basal leaf; bracts about 2.5 and 6 cm. long; 
pedicels rather stout, 4-5 cm. long; sepals broadly lanceolate, somewhat 
shorter than the petals and without distinctive coloring; petals broadly 
obovate, finely erose apically, bright lavender, glabrous on the inner face 
except for a scant zone of short purple hairs above the gland; gland little- 
depressed, covered below by the minutely denticulate membrane, but other- 
wise naked; anthers oblong, acutish or obtuse, much shorter than the slender 
filaments; capsule ovoid, 1.5-2 cm. long, narrowly 3-winged, strongly nod- 

Type: Peck 24790, foot of west slope of Sexton Mt., Josephine 
Co., Oregon, May 20, 1948. Not otherwise known. 


The new species falls in the subsection Nudi of Eucalochortus. 
Its nearest known relative is doubtless C. uniflorus H. & A., from 
which it differs, as Dr. Ownbey emphasizes, in the absence of 
basal bulblets on the stem and in the much greater length of 
the latter, which is moderately stout and usually erect. 


Wappingers Falls, New York 

The four varieties described below are published here in 
order to make the names available for a treatment of Astragalus 
in Nevada to appear in “Contributions toward a Flora of Ne- 
vada,” a series of mimeographed papers initiated by the Bureau 
of Plant Industry, under the direction of Dr. W. Andrew Archer. 
The four nomenclatural combinations appended have been 
found necessary in the course of extensive studies of taxonomi- 
cally complex groups not exclusively and in two cases only 
marginally involved in the Nevada flora; they will be more 
fully discussed elsewhere. 

Astragalus convallarius Greene var. finitimus Barneby, var. nov., a var. 
convallario, cui caeterea persimilis, legumine oblongo breviori ac latiori, 
1.3—2.4 cm. longo, 3.4—4 mm. lato, distincta. 

Uran: 3 miles south of Enterprise, Washington Co., 11 June, 
1942, Ripley & Barneby 4967; type in Herb. Calif. Acad. Sci. 
No. 300426. Nevapa: Highland Range, west of Caliente, Lin- 
coln Co., Ripley & Barneby 3487, 6407. 

The present variety was interpreted by the writer (1947, p. 28) 
as an individual variation of var. convallarius, about coordi- 
nate with A. junceus var. attenuatus Jones, but representing 
the short as opposed to the long extreme in size of the pod. But 
whereas the pod of var. attenuatus, in the type-region near Price, 
Utah, varies greatly in length in one collection (from 2.5—4.5 
cm., for example, in Ripley & Barneby 8638), that of var. fini- 
timus is absolutely shorter and broader than anything seen from 
elsewhere in the range of var. convallarius. In fact it more nearly 
resembles the pod of the related A. diversifolius Gray, to which 
I wrongly referred the type (Barneby, 1944, p. 148), before the 


true characters of the latter species had been appreciated (Bar- 
neby, 1947, p. 27). It might be added that although the flower 
of var. finitimus stands at or below the small extreme of var. 
convallarius, and its pod is smaller, the ovules (18-26) are at or 
above the extreme number for the species. The var. finitimus 
appears to occupy a restricted island at the southeastern edge of 
the widely dispersed var. convallarius, with which it can be con- 
trasted as follows: 

Pod elongate, linear or linear-lanceolate, 2.5-5 cm. long, 2.5-3.3 mm. wide, 
8-18 times longer than its greatest diameter; ovules 13-20 ............ 
Mires state Ahi teats tose baa. neha te ate ecw Wine, oe hana aains var. convallarius 

Pod shorter, narrowly oblong, 1.3-2.4 cm. long, 3.44 mm. wide, 4-6 times 
as long as its greatest diameter; ovules 18-26 ............ var. finitimus 

AsTRAGALUS OOPHORUS Wats. The plentiful material of this 
species now available provides a distinct picture of racial dif- 
ferentiation within it, and it is now possible to make out four 
varieties neatly separated geographically, two of them new: 

Calyx-tube broadly campanulate, 4-6.5 mm. long, 2-5 mm. in diameter, over 
half as wide as long; claws of the wings and keel 6-9 mm. long; blades of 
the keel half-obovate or -circular, abruptly incurved through 90°—100° 
to the blunt deltoid apex; gynophore (apparent stipe of the pod) 3.5—8 
(10) mm. long. 

Petals bicolored, the banner and keel pink-purple, the wing-tips white; 
pod subsymmetrically ellipsoid, both sutures convexly arched; south- 
ern and central Nevada, southeastern California and southeastern 

Flowers large, the calyx 7-12 mm., the banner 16-23 mm. long; ovules 
41-53; range as given, but not of the Charleston Mts............... 
eit Gots 5 McA en ee te RAGA On CIS ain ice Pore aoe rae a. var. oophorus 

Flowers small, the calyx 6-7 mm., the banner about 11 mm. long; ovules 
23-28; Charleston Mts., Clark Co., Nevada ...... b. var. Clokeyanus 

Petals ochroleucous, concolorous, the banner rarely tinged with pale lilac; 
pod strongly asymmetric, half-ovoid or -ellipsoid, the ventral suture 
straight or a trifle concave, the dorsal one gibbous-convex; east-cen- 
tral Nevada to northern Arizona and western Colorado.............- 
Sees eet erie Gee Soca Be Sosa organs cc Pgs Wi head Minis BPs Slaps d. var. caulescens 

Calyx-tube cylindric, (7.8) 8—8.5 mm. long, 3.6—4.4 mm. in diameter, about 
twice longer than wide; claws of the wings and keel 10-12 mm. long; 
blades of the keel lunately half-elliptic, gently incurved through about 
45° to the triangular apex; gynophore 10—11 mm. long; local in south- 
GASUERAD EVA is. sit And, ce As cals ia Loti Geko 6 c. var. lonchocalyx 

The synonymy and distribution of var. oophorus (here modi- 
fied only by the exclusion of the Charleston Mt. material) and 
of var. caulescens have been discussed in an earlier paper (Bar- 


neby, 1944). The var. caulescens, formerly known only from 
mountains surrounding the Colorado Basin, has now been 
traced westward into extreme eastern Nevada (Becky Mt., White 
Pine Co., Train 3888, NA). The new varieties are local modifi- 
cations, apparently endemic to Nevada: 

Astragalus oophorus Wats. var. Clokeyanus Barneby, var. nov., a var. 
oophoro, cui leguminis florumque structura persimilis, floribus multo mi- 
noribus, calyce (dentibus inclusis) 6 mm. tantum, vexillo circa 11 mm., 
carinaque 9.5 mm. longis, habitu toto graciliori, ovulisque minus numerosis 
(23-28) diagnoscenda. 

NevapaA: Lee Canyon Pipe Line Ridge, Charleston Mts., 
Clark Co., alt. 9000 ft., Percy Train 2141; type in Herb. National 
Arboretum, isotype UC. Known only from the east slope of 
Charleston Peak, where fairly abundant in yellow pine forest 
between 8100 and 9100 ft. (La Rivers & Hancock 513, NA; Rip- 
ley & Barneby 4979). 

The type-collection was listed by Clokey (1942, p. 216; 1951, 
p- 130) as A. artipes (a synonym of A. oophorus var. caulescens 
Jones) and was interpreted by the writer (1944, p. 152) as a 
small-flowered state of var. oophorus, but the discontinuity in 
variation between the smallest flowers of var. oophorus and the 
largest of var. Clokeyanus is marked. The entire plant presents 
a more slender and delicate appearance than var. oophorus, 
the pod averages smaller (about 2—2.5 cm. as opposed to 3.5-5.5 
cm. long), and the ovules are considerably fewer. Presumably 
var. Clokeyanus has been enabled to accumulate small differ- 
ences in its isolated station, and belongs to the endemic ele- 
ment of the Charleston Mt. flora. 

Astragalus oophorus var. lonchocalyx Barneby, var. nov., a var. oophoro 
calyce cylindrico longiori et pro rata angustiori, carinae laminis oblique 
ellipticis per 45° tantum in apicem angustiorem sensim incurvis, gynophoro 
leguminis longiori, ovulisque minus numerosis (34-38) absimilis. 

NeEvapDA: Fay, 3 miles east of Deer Lodge, Lincoln Co., alt. 
6000 and 6800 ft. in the limestone mountains about the head of 
tional Arboretum. Apparently local, known only from between 
6000 and 6800 ft. in the limestone mountains about the head of 
the Muddy River, Lincoln Co., Nevada (Highland Range, Rip- 
ley & Barneby 3486; 24 miles north of Pioche, Ripley & Barneby 

The remarkable modification of the flower entitles var. lon- 
chocalyx to systematic recognition. The cylindric calyx-tube 


and long narrow petals resemble those of A. megacarpus (Nutt.) 
Gray; but in growth-habit and in the pod it has everything in 
common with 4. oophorus. 

Astragalus Serenoi (O. Kze.) Sheld. var. sordescens Barneby, var. nov., a 
var. Serenoi racemo contractiori, petalis sordide stramineis (alis carinaque 
tantum purpurascentibus), calyce angustius cylindrico, necnon legumine 
oblique ovoideo subuniloculari (septo vix 0.5 mm. lato) separanda. 

Nevapa: foothills of the Toquima Range, 7 miles south of 
Belmont, Nye Co., alt. 6800 ft., Ripley & Barneby 3673, flor, 
4000, fruct. Cotypes in Herb. Calif. Acad. Sci. Nos. 289610 and 
292817. Known only from this locality. 

This is the plant which I wrongly identified (1942, p. 113) 
with A. Shockleyi Jones, now believed to represent no more than 
a form of A. Serenoi with relatively narrow pod. An ample series 
of collections from western Nevada now links up Shockley’s 
type from Fish Lake Valley (probably Esmeralda Co.) with the 
plumply broad-fruited extreme described as A. canonis Jones, 
and I now consider both of these supposed species as minor 
variants of var. Serenoi, from which var. sordescens stands out 
sharply in the following particulars: 

Peduncles and axis of the raceme together 15-40 cm. long, the pods and 
usually the flowers far exserted from the leaves; calyx-tube 3-4 mm. in 
diameter; petals lilac or purple with white wing-tips, strongly graduated, 
the banner 17-26 mm. long, 4.5-8.5 mm. longer than the keel; pod oblong 
or oblong-ellipsoid, broadest near the middle, semibilocular, the septum 
well developed, 2-3 mm. wide .............00020000eeeees var. Serenoti 

Peduncles and raceme-axis 6-15 cm. long, the flowers and pods exserted only 

just beyond the leaves; calyx-tube narrowly cylindric, 24—2.8 mm. in 
diameter; petals sordid straw-color, the keel and wing-tips tinged with 
dull lilac, the banner 14.5-16 mm. long, only 1.5-2.5 mm. longer than 
the keel; pod obliquely ovoid, broadest near the base, subunilocular, 
the septum subobsolete, 0.5 mm. wide or less............ var. sordescens 

Astragalus miser Doug]. var. tenuifolius (Nutt.) Barneby, stat. nov. Ho- 
malobus tenuifolius Nutt. ex T. & G., Fl. N. Amer. 1:353 (1838). 

Astragalus bisulcatus (Hook.) Gray var. nevadensis (Jones) Barneby, comb. 
nov. A. Haydenianus var. nevadensis Jones, Zoe 2:241 (1891). Includes A. 
Jepsoni Sheld., based on A. demissus Greene, not Bss. & Heldr.; Diholcos Jep- 
soni (Sheld.) Rydb. : 

Astragalus calycosus Torr. var. mancus (Rydb.) Barneby, stat. nov. Hamosa 
manca Rydb., Bull. Torr. Club 54:17 (1927). A. mancus (Rydb.) Wheeler, 
Rhodora 40:136 (1938). 

Astragalus nyensis Barneby, nom. et stat. nov. A. Nuttallianus var. piliferus 
Barneby, Leafl. West. Bot. 3:110 (1942). 



Barnrsy, R. C. 1942. Pugillus Astragalorum Nevadensium. Leafl. West. Bot. 
a: 92-114. 

——1944. Pugillus Astragalorum Alter. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. IV, 25:147-170. 

——1947. Pugillus Astragalorum VIII. Leafl. West. Bot. 5:25-35. 

CLokey, I. W. 1942. Notes on the Flora of the Charleston Mountains IV. 
Astragalus. Madrono 6:211-222. 

——1951. Flora of the Charleston Mountains. Univ. Calif. Pub. Bot. 24:1-274. 


University of California, Davis 

The appearance of Cabrera’s (1949) treatment of the genus 
Soliva led to the investigation of some Californian collections 
in the University of California Herbarium at Berkeley to deter- 
mine whether species other than Soliva sessilis R. & P. occur in 
this state. 

Soliva sessilis is fairly well known in California as a diminu- 
tive, weedy annual, occurring at low elevations in the Coast 
Ranges from Del Norte County southward to Santa Barbara 
County. The typical achenes of this species have broad entire 
wings, each wing projecting above the body of the achene, usu- 
ally as an incurved tooth 1 mm. long (Fig. 1B). 

Two conspicuous variations were found in the Californian 
collections bearing the name S. sessilis. The first difference was 
noted in several collections on the immediate coast: Humboldt 
County, J. P. Tracy 1069; Mendocino County, Les Koch 812, 
Lewis §. Rose 39154; San Mateo County, Iva L. Wiggins 12352; 
Santa Barbara County, Alice Eastwood 143. The achenes of 
these plants are destitute of wings but occasionally bear a minute 
tooth on each margin, little or not projecting above the body 
of the achene (Fig. 1A). Nuttall (1841) named a plant from in 
and around Santa Barbara as S. daucifolia and described the 
achenes as “obovate, scabrous, slenderly margined, convex ex- 
ternally, and minutely bidentate at the summit.” The author 
has not examined the type but the Eastwood collection (No. 143) 
of May 16, 1908, from Santa Barbara corresponds to Nuttall’s 
description and closely approximates the other coastal collec- 
tions listed above. The body of the achenes of these cited col- 


lections measure 2 to 2.25 mm. in length, whereas the achene 
body of S. sessilis measures 3 mm. or more in-length. 

Soliva daucifolia Nutt., as interpreted here, bears striking re- 
semblance to S. valdiviana Phil., a species, according to Cabrera 
(1949), endemic to the Provinces of Valdivia and Llauquihue in 
Argentina, but adventive in New Zealand. Both species lack 
wings on the achenes, but S. daucifolia has pubescent achenes 
while in S. valdiviana they are glabrous. Philippi (1864-5) recog- 
nized the similarity of his plant to Solzva sessilis in general ap- 

Figure 1. Achenes of Soliva, x 10. A. S. daucifolia Nutt. (Eastwood 143). 
B. S. sessilis R. & P. (Crampton 1223). C. S. pterosperma (Juss.) Less. (Cramp- 
ton 1121). 

pearance, but owing to lack of wings on the achene, named it 
as a new species. Cabrera (1949) readily accepts S. valdiviana as 
a distinct species. 

Previously, botanists have generally referred S. daucifolia to 
S. sessilis, but the author feels there is sufficient difference in 
achene morphology to reéstablish Nuttall’s plant as a valid 

A second series of distinctive plants in California has been 
confused with S. sessilis. The achenes of this group have very 
broad, membranous wings (to 1 mm.) with a conspicuous notch 
indented 0.5 to 0.75 mm. in the lowest third above the base. Each 
Wing is supplied with a tooth which projects above the body of 
the achene and usually curves outward (Fig. 1C). These plants 
agree with S. pterosperma (Juss.) Less. in Cabrera’s Sinopsis 


(1949). From what material I have examined, S. pterosperma has 
been collected in the foothills on western slope of the Sierra Ne- 
vada, from Tuolumne County north to Eldorado County. The 
species also occurs in southern Oregon. 

The following key is presented for the known specite of Soliva 

in California: 

Achenes with broad, membranous wings, each wing projecting above the 
body of the achene as a tooth 1—-1.5 mm. long. 
Wings conspicuously notched toward the base.......... 1. S. pterosperma 
Wines ONO s. s.6 55... oics'a> Se Woe nae Sete nee hips: ae 2. S. sessilis 
Achenes with wings reduced to a hardened marginal callus, or if toothed, 
the teeth minute and little or not at all projecting above the body of 
thevachene: 2. oo), 614, hte. cd ek Seo ore eae 3. S. daucifolia 


CaprerA, A. L. 1949. Sinopsis del Genero Soliva (Compositae). Univ. Nacional 
de la Plata; Notas del Museo de La Plata, Botanica, 14:123-129. 
NUTTALL, T. 1841. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, new 
series, 7:403. 
Puivippl, R. A, 1864-65. Linnaea 33:168—169. 
Agronomy Herbarium, College of Agriculture 
University of California, 
Davis, California 

gust 27 to September 2, 1954,-it was my pleasure to accompany 
John O’Rourke, amateur student of geology, on a trip to the 
vicinity of Greenhorn Creek, south of Nevada City, Nevada 
County, California. A spring-fed lake at Buckeye Ridge, a for- 
mer hydraulic mining area at about 3200 feet, between Chalk 
Bluff Ridge and Greenhorn Creek, about two miles southeast 
of Quaker Hill, proved to be a very interesting spot to explore 
botanically. The rarely reported sedge, Rhynchospora capitel- 
lata (Michx.) Vahl, was common in a colony about the north 
side of the lake (my No. 8056), and also along an intermittent 
stream about one-half mile to the northeast. According to Gale 
(Rhodora 46:115-121,—1944), this species ranges from Nova 
Scotia and New England southward to Florida and west to the 
Mississippi River, ‘Texas, and Oklahoma. She also cites collec- 
tions from the following western localities: Curry County, Ore- 
gon; Trinity County, California; and Pitkin Marsh, Sonoma 


County, California. Thus it might be expected in the northern 
Sierra, and more extensive collecting there may-serve to fill in 
the gaps in its distribution. 

Nearby grew several shrubs of Spiraea Douglasti Hook. (8052), 
known from several stations in Plumas and Butte counties, but 
not reported heretofore from so far south. Associated with the 
Rhynchospora and Spiraea were Eleocharis Engelmanni Steud. 
(8053), Panicum occidentale Scribn. (8054), Andropogon vir- 
ginicus L. (8055), and Juncus dubius Engelm. (8058). 

On the flood-plain of Greenhorn Creek at 2500 feet, I found 
several plants of Hemicarpha micrantha (Vahl) Pax var. minor 
(Schrad.) Fried. (8029). This plant has been previously known 
to occur in the Sierra foothills in Calaveras and ‘Tuolumne 
counties. It may also be reported here from Eldorado County, 
on the basis of a collection in the herbarium of the California 
Academy of Sciences: river’s edge, North Fork of Cosumnes 
River 6.5 miles north of Plymouth, at about 800 feet elevation, 
Eldorado County, October 12, 1930 (J. T. Howell 5586).—PETER 

MEDICAGO PRAECOX DC. Now In Catirornia. In April, 1954, 
the precocious bur-clover was found twice in northern Califor- 
nia: flood plain of the Feather River at Oroville, Butte Co., 
Raven 6615; flood bed of Dibble Creek, 1.5 miles north of Red 
Bluff, Tehama Co., Howell 29188. At the latter station, it was 
conspicuous because of the bright yellowish-green foliage of the 
maturing plants; M. hispida growing with it was quite immature 
with herbage still succulent and dark green. 

Among the bur-clovers naturalized in California, M. praecox 
resembles M. arabica and M. minima in having the spines chan- 
neled or grooved. From the former, M. praecox differs in its 
smaller immaculate leaflets and profoundly laciniate stipules 
as well as in the venation on the face of the pods, while from the 
latter M. praecox differs in its sparse, more strigose pubescence, 
in the laciniate-divided stipules, and in the venation on the face 
of the pods (the face of the pods being nearly smooth in M. 
minima). Medicago praécox is indigenous to southern France 
and the islands of Corsica and Sardinia.—J. T. HoweEtt. 


I found growing as a weed in an orchard at Penryn, Placer Coun- 
ty, California, an annual species of Ambrosia (Raven 7957). This 
has since proven to be Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., a species 
which is native to the eastern United States and has been spar- 
ingly reported from California. Robbins, Bellue, and Ball 
(Weeds of California, p. 423, 1951) list it from California but 
without definite stations. At Penryn, which is at the lower edge 
of the oak belt, this species grew in association with such weeds 
as Ipomoea purpurea L. (7963) and Physalis ixocarpa Benth. 
(7961 ).—PETER H. RAVEN. 

A Hysrip-SusPECT IN THE INULEAE. On June 14, 1953, while 
botanizing on the Hastings Reservation in the Santa Lucia 
Mountains, Monterey County, California, I was attracted by 
some plants growing with Psilocarphus tenellus Nutt., which I 
took to be Stylocline amphibolus (Gray) J. T. Howell. In habit 
these plants resembled Micropus californicus F. & M., which 
also grew in the vicinity, but they could not belong to that well- 
known species since the fruiting pales were spirally, not rotately, 
arranged. Since the occurrence of S$. amphibolus in the Santa 
Lucia Mountains would represent a notable range extension 
for a rather rare plant, the collection (No. 29070) has been care- 
fully studied. 

Now it would seem that the plant which so closely simulates 
_ S. amphibolus probably represents a bigeneric hybrid between 
Micropus and Psilocarphus. It cannot be S. amphibolus because, 
among other differences, the fruiting pales lack the broad apical 
and marginal membrane characteristic of that species. Instead, 
the suspected hybrid combines structural features characteristic 
of the two Inuleae with which it grew: the erect habit and in- 
durate fruiting pales with low gibbosity as in M. californicus; 
the spirally arranged pales with reticulate venation as in P. 
tenellus. The leaf-arrangement, which in Micropus is alternate 
and in Psilocarphus is opposite, is also intermediate in the sus- 
pected hybrid: the lower cauline leaves are alternate or occa- 
sionally opposite, while the upper leaves are generally opposite 
or subopposite. About two dozen plants of the suspected hybrid 
were seen, and all appeared to be quite sterile —J. T. HOWELL. 

By? 2. 

Vol. VII No. 9 




| tee ? Ae 


Check List of Ferns and Seed Plants of Frances Simes 
Hastings Natural History Reservation . . . . 201 
RPT Lea dT Get I FOUT IS Pe hk A ee te ay ee ee 
A New Variety of Stipa Lemmoni. . . . . . . . 220 
A New Species and New Variety of Mimulus from ae 
DAE Cer. CPi hes ee ge ek Day rola Daan ee eee 
Pane Mie VMictittiaGsPass 6) 330); ge. aN ieee, See a ee 

C. Leo HitcHcock 

FEBRUARY 28, 1955 

NEW * 


A publication devoted particularly to the native and naturalized 
plants of western North America and to the cultivated plants 
of California, appearing about four times each year. Subscrip- 
tion, $2.00 annually. Cost of back files or single numbers fur- 
nished on request. Address: John Thomas Howell, California 
Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco 18. 

Cited as 

LEAFL. WEsT. Bot. 

Owned and published by 

Joun THomas HOWELL 




The Frances Simes Hastings Natural History Reservation was 
established in 1937 to preserve an area in California’s coastal 
region where native plants and animals may live undisturbed by 
agricultural use of the land, and to provide for continuous study 
of vertebrate animals, especially their numbers and relationships 
to their surroundings. The 1600-acre tract of land provided to 
the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology of the University of Califor- 
nia by Mrs. Hastings is near Jamesburg in the northern part of 
the Santa Lucia Mountains, Monterey County. The Pacific 
Ocean is less than 20 miles distant on the west, the distance to 
Point Sur being nearly 20 miles and that to Point Lobos about 
25 miles; Point Lobos is 24 miles west and 8 miles north of the 

The Reservation contains parts of sections 4, 8, 9, 16, and 17, 
T 18S,R4E, M.D.M., Jamesburg Quadrangle, Monterey Coun- 
ty. The lines 36° 23’ N lat. and 121° 33’ W long. meet on the 
Reservation not far from the headquarters where observations 
and collections have been most. concentrated. The site lies on 
the upper border of an area of grassland, being included in the 
drainage of the Carmel River though not in the immediate 
vicinity of that stream. Altitudinally the Reservation extends 
from about 1500 feet up to around 2750 feet. 

Nearness to the sea ordinarily would give the site a coastal 
climate, but a high range of mountains intervenes. This cuts off 
much of the ocean’s effect. Proximity to the sea does affect the 
site by stabilizing the temperature, increasing the rainfall, tem- 
pering the aridity of the summer, and reducing the evaporation. 
Only a few miles farther inland this influence is lost and in 
general character the land is much more like the desert. The 
summer fog blanket rarely reaches the Reservation, but fog 
distinctly affects the weather there. High ridges protect the site 
from the characteristic, strong winds of the region. 

The aim to protect the soil, the plants, and the animals on the 
area is for the purpose of discovering and recording how all the 
plants and animals can maintain their species. This involves also 

Leaflets of Western Botany, Vol. VII, pp. 201-224, February 28, 1955. 


the detection and tracing of the multitude of responses that are 
made between organisms as well as between organisms and the 
environment. For this reason we need suitable names for the 

One of the first undertakings was to collect and preserve speci- 
mens of the kinds of plants that occur within the boundaries 
of the Reservation. Collections were made of the fungi, lichens, 
liverworts, mosses, ferns, and flowering plants. The ferns and 
flowering plants have been given the most attention. The her- 
barium of these higher plants consists of 3138 mounted speci- 
mens on standard sheets and represents 586 kinds. We have 
assembled a separate collection of seeds that represents most of 
the species. A major undertaking in recent years was the prep- 
aration of a collection of samples of leaves of the plants cleared, 
stained, and mounted on microscope slides. This part of the col- 
lection provides materials for the identification of fragments of 
leaves, and especially the small pieces of food obtained from the 
digestive tracts or droppings of birds and mammals. For each 
species a photomicrograph was made which shows many of the 
leaf structures. 

The numbers in this list serve as codes, for the species and 
families, for the sorting of the plants by means of Uni-sort cards 
used in identifying the leaf characteristics. 

The persons listed below have taken part in the collecting of 
plant specimens, in the microtechnical preparations, and in the 
curatorial work required in the establishment and maintenance 
of the collection: Janet F. Cahoon, Lydia J. Cahoon, Sunny 
Cook, Wilma Cook, Floyd E. Durham, Gretchen Graves, John 
A. Gray, Henry A. Hjersman, Art Holman, John Thomas How- 
ell, Beatrice F. Howitt, Enid A. Larson, Mary Ann Linsdale, 
Jean M. Linsdale, Thomas Morley, Florence Morrow, G. Thom- 
as Robbins, G. Ledyard Stebbins, Jr., Lloyd P. Tevis, Jr., P. 
Quentin Tomich, and Josephine Zane. 

I am grateful to the following authorities who have identified 
specimens of plants collected on the Hastings Reservation: 
Carleton R. Ball, Alan A. Beetle, Annetta Carter, Lincoln Con- 
stance, Ethel K. Crum, Carl Epling, Roxanna S. Ferris, Robert 
F. Hoover, John Thomas Howell, Beryl S. Jesperson, Peter 
Kamb, David D. Keck, Howard E. McMinn, Herbert L. Mason, 
Mildred E. Mathias, Francis W. Pennell, Clarence R. Quick, G. 
Thomas Robbins, Helen K. Sharsmith, G. Ledyard Stebbins, 
Jr., and Louis C. Wheeler. 


GoM OR Oo tO 











. CYSTOPTERIS FRAGILIS (Linnaeus) Bernhardi. Bladder Fern. 

. DRYOPTERIS ARGUTA (Kaulfuss) Watt. California Wood Fern. 

. POLYSTICHUM MUNITUM (Kaulfuss) Presl. Sword Fern. 

WoopwaRDIA FIMBRIATA J. E. Smith. Chain Fern. 

POLYPODIUM CALIFORNICUM Kaulfuss. California Polypody. 

PITYROGRAMMA TRIANGULARIS (Kaulfuss) Maxon. Goldback Fern. 

ADIANTUM JORDAN C. Mueller. California Maidenhair. 

PTERIDIUM AQUILINUM (Linnaeus) Kuhn var. PUBESCENS Underwood. 

. PELLAEA ANDROMEDAEFOLIA (Kaulfuss) Fée. Coffee Fern. 

. PELLAEA MUCRONATA (D. C, Eaton) D. C. Eaton. Bird’s-foot Fern. 

. EQUISETUM TELMATEIA Ehrhart var. BRAUNII (Milde) Milde. Giant Horse- 
. EQUISETUM FUNSTONII A. A. Eaton. California Scouring-rush. 
. EQUISETUM HYEMALE Linnaeus var. ROBUSTUM (A. Braun) A. A. Eaton. 
Giant Scouring-rush. 

AZOLLA FILICULOIDES Lamarck. Duckweed Fern. 


SELAGINELLA BIGELOVII Underwood. Bigelow Moss-fern. 



PINUS PONDEROSA Douglas. Yellow Pine. 
PINUS COULTERI D. Don. Coulter Pine. 

TYPHA DOMINGENSIS Persoon. Cat-tail. 


BROMUS CARINATUs Hooker & Arnott. California Bromegrass. 
BROMUS GRANDIs (Shear) Hitchcock. 

BROMUs GRANDIS (Shear) Hitchcock X BROMUs LAEVIPES Shear. 
BROMUs LAEVIPES Shear. Woodland Bromegrass. 

BROMUS MOLLIs Linnaeus. Soft Chess. 

BROMUS ARENARIUS Labillardiére. Australian Chess. 

BRoMUs RIGIDUs Roth. Ripgutgrass. 

BROMUS RUBENS Linnaeus. Red Brome. 


. FESTUCA OCTOFLORA Walter. Six-weeks Fescue. 

. FESTUCA MEGALURA Nuttall. Foxtail Fescue. 

. FESTUCA DERTONENSIS (Allioni) Ascherson & Graebner. 


30. FEstucA MyuROs Linnaeus. Rat-tail Fescue. 
31. FESTUCA PACIFICA Piper. Pacific Fescue. 
32. FESTUCA CONFUSA Piper. Hairy-leaved Fescue. 
33. FESTUCA REFLEXA Buckley. Few-flowered Fescue. 
34. FESTUCA ELMERI Scribner & Merrill. 
35. POA ANNUA Linnaeus. Annual Bluegrass. 
36. PoA HOWELLII Vasey & Scribner. Howell Bluegrass. 
37. POA PRATENSIS Linnaeus. Kentucky Bluegrass. 
38. POA SCABRELLA (Thurber) Bentham. Malpais Bluegrass. 
39. BRIZA MINOR Linnaeus. Little Quakinggrass. 
40. DISTICHLIs spIcATA (Linnaeus) Greene. Saltgrass. 
41. LAMARCKIA AUREA (Linnaeus) Moench. Golden-top. 
42. MELICA IMPERFECTA Trinius. California Melic. 
43. MELICA CALIFORNICA Scribner. Western Melic. 
44. AGROPYRON DESERTORUM (Fischer) Schultes. Crested Wheatgrass. 
45. AGROPYRON ARIZONICUM Scribner & Smith var. LAEVE Scribner & Smith. 
J. G. Smith. 
46. ELyMus TritTicomEs Buckley. Beardless Wild-rye. 
47. ELYMUS CONDENSATUS Presl. Giant Ryegrass. 
48. ELyMUs GLAUCUS Buckley. Western Ryegrass. 
= SITANION HANSENII (Scribner) J. G. Smith. 
49. SITANION JUBATUM J.G. Smith. Big Squirreltail. 
50. HORDEUM CALIFORNICUM Covas. Meadow Barley. 
51. HORDEUM HystTRix Roth. Mediterranean Barley. 
52. HORDEUM LEPORINUM Link. Barnyard Foxtail. 
53. HORDEUM STEBBINSII Covas. Stebbins Barley. 
54. HORDEUM VULGARE Linnaeus. Barley. 
55. LOLIUM PERENNE Linnaeus. Perennial Ryegrass. 
56. LOLIUM MULTIFLORUM Lamarck. Italian Ryegrass. 
57. LOLIUM TEMULENTUM Linnaeus. Darnel. 
58. SCHISMUS BARBATUs (Linnaeus) Thellung. 
59. KOFLERIA CRISTATA (Linnaeus) Persoon. Junegrass. 
62. DESCHAMPSIA ELONGATA (Hooker) Munro. Slender Hairgrass. 
63. AIRA CARYOPHYLLEA Linnaeus. Silver Hairgrass. 
64. AVENA FATUA Linnaeus. Wild Oat. 
65. AVENA BARBATA Brotero. Slender Oat. 
66. AVENA SATIVA Linnaeus. Cultivated Oat. 
67. CALAMAGROSTIS RUBESCENS Buckley. Reedgrass. 
68. AGROSTIS SEMIVERTICILLATA (Forskal) C. Christensen. Water Bentgrass. 
69. AGROSTIS EXARATA Trinius. Western Bentgrass. 
70. AGROSTIS EXARATA Trinius var. PACIFICA Vasey. 
71. POLYPOGON MONSPELIENSIS (Linnaeus) Desfontaines. Beardgrass. 
72. POLYPOGON INTERRUPTUS Humboldt, Bonpland & Kunth. Ditch Poly- 
73. GASTRIDIUM VENTRICOsUM (Gouan) Schinz & Thellung. Nitgrass. 


74. MUHLENBERGIA RIGENS (Bentham) Hitchcock. Deergrass. 
75, STIPA CORONATA Thurber. Large Needlegrass. 

76. STIPA PULCHRA Hitchcock. Purple Needlegrass. 

77. STIPA CERNUA Stebbins & Love. Nodding Needlegrass. 

78. STIPA LEPIDA Hitchcock. Foothill Needlegrass. 

79. CYNODON DACTYLON (Linnaeus) Persoon. Bermudagrass. 
80. PHALARIS PARADOXA Linnaeus. Gnawed Canarygrass. 

81. PHALARIS MINOR Retzius. Smaller Canarygrass. 

82. ECHINOCHLOA CRUS-GALLI (Linnaeus) Beauvois. Watergrass. 


83. ELEOCHARIS MACROSTACHYA Britton. Creeping Spikerush. 
84. SciRPUS CERNUUs Vahl. Slender Clubrush. 

85. ScIRPUS MIcRocaRPUS Presl. Panicled Bulrush. 

86. CAREX ALMA Bailey. 

87. CAREX LEPTOPODA Mackenzie. 

88. CAREX BOLANDERI Olney. Wood Sedge. 


90. CAREX SERRATODENS W. Boott. Bifid Sedge. 

91. CAREX BARBARAE Dewey. Santa Barbara Sedge. 

92. LEMNA MINOR Linnaeus. Smaller Duckweed. 


93. JUNCUS EFFUsUs Linnaeus. Bog Rush. 
94. JuNcUS PATENS E. Meyer. Common Rush. 
95. JUNCUS MEXICANUs Willdenow. Mexican Rush. 
96. JUNCUs BALTICUs Willdenow. Wire Rush. 
97. JUNCUS OCCIDENTALIS (Coville) Wiegand. Western Rush. 
98. JUNCUS BUFONIUs Linnaeus. Toad Rush. 
99. JUNCUS RUGULOsUs Engelmann. 
100. JuNcUs xIPHIOWES E. Meyer. Iris-leaved Rush. 
101. LuzuLA MULTIFLORA (Retzius) Lejeune. Common Woodrush. 


102. CHLOROGALUM POMERIDIANUM (De Candolle) Kunth. Soaproot. 

103. ALLIUM PENINSULARE Lemmon. Wild Onion. 

104. BLOOMERIA CROCEA (Torrey) Coville. Golden Bloomeria. 
105. BRODIAEA IxIowEs (Aiton f.) Watson. Golden Brodiaea. 
106. BRODIAEA PULCHELLA (Salisbury) Greene. Blue Dicks. 
107. BRopIAEA LAXA (Bentham) Watson. Triteleia. 

108. BRODIAEA JOLONENSIS Eastwood. Jolon Brodiaea. 

109. FRITILLARIA LANCEOLATA Pursh. Checker Lily. 

110. CALocHorTUus ALBUS (Bentham) Douglas. White Globe Lily. 
111. CALOCHORTUS SPLENDENS Douglas. Lilac Mariposa. 

112. CaLocHorTUus LUTEUS Douglas. Yellow Mariposa. 

113. SMILACINA SESSILIFOLIA (Baker) Nuttall. Slim Solomon. 

114. SisyRINCHIUM BELLUM Watson. Blue-eyed Grass. 



115. HABENARIA ELEGANS (Lindley) Bolander. Slender Rein-orchis. 


116. SALIX HINDSIANA Bentham. Sandbar Willow. 

117. SALIX LASIOLEPIS Bentham. Arroyo Willow. 

118. SALIX LASIOLEPIS Bentham var. B1GELOvu (Torrey) Bebb. 
119. SALIX LAEVIGATA Bebb. Red Willow. 

120. SALIX LAEVIGATA Bebb var. ARAQuUIPA (Jepson) Ball. 

121. PopuLUs TRICHOCARPA Torrey & Gray. Black Cottonwood. 

122. ALNUS RHOMBIFOLIA Nuttall. White Alder. 


123. QUERCUs KELLOGGII Newberry. California Black Oak. 
124. QUERCUS AGRIFOLIA Née. Coast Live Oak. 
== QUERCUs CHASEI McMinn, Babcock, & Righter. 
125. QUERCUS LOBATA Née. Valley Oak. 
126. QUERCUS poUGLAsII Hooker & Arnott. Blue Oak. 
127. QUERCUS CHRYSOLEPIS Liebmann. Maul Oak. 

128. JUGLANS HINDsII (Jepson) Jepson. California Black Walnut. 


129. URTICA HOLOSERICEA Nuttall. Hoary Nettle. 
130. URTICA URENS Linnaeus. Small Nettle. 

131. PHORADENDRON VILLOSUM Nuttall. Common Mistletoe. 



133. LASTARRIAEA CHILENSIS Remy. Lastarriaea. 

134. CHORIZANTHE STATICOIDES Bentham.. Turkish Rugging. 


136. CHORIZANTHE MEMBRANACEA Bentham. Spine Flower. 

137. ERIOGONUM ANGULOSUM Bentham. Angled-stemmed Eriogonum. 





142. ERIOGONUM NUDUM Douglas. Tibinagua. 

143. RUMEX crispus Linnaeus. Curly Dock. 

144. RUMEX CONGLOMERATUS Murray. Green Dock. 

145. RUMEX SALICIFOLIUS Weinmann var. DENTICULATUS Torrey. Willow 

146. RUMEX PULCHER Linnaeus. 










RUMEX ACETOSELLA Linnaeus. Sheep Sorrel. 
POLYGONUM AVICULARE Linnaeus. Wire Grass. 

CHENOPODIUM MURALE Linnaeus. Nettle-leaf Goosefoot. 
CHENOPODIUM ALBUM Linnaeus. White Goosefoot. 


AMARANTHUS RETROFLEXUS Linnaeus. Rough Pigweed. 
AMARANTHUS ALBUS Linnaeus. Tumbleweed. 
AMARANTHUS GRAECIZANS Linnaeus. Prostrate Amaranth. 



CALANDRINIA CILIATA (Ruiz & Pavon) De Candolle var. MENZzIEsII (Hooker) 

Macbride. Red Maids. 
MONTIA FONTANA Linnaeus. Water Chickweed. 
MONTIA PERFOLIATA (Donn) Howell. Miner’s Lettuce. 
MONTIA SPATHULATA (Douglas) Howell. Pale Montia. 
PORTULACA OLERACEA Linnaeus. Common Purslane. 


STELLARIA MEDIA (Linnaeus) Cyrillo. Common Chickweed. 
STELLARIA NITENS Nuttall. Shining Chickweed. 

CERASTIUM GLOMERATUM Thuillier. Mouse-ear Chickweed. 
SAGINA APETALA Arduino var. BARBATA Fenzl. Dwarf Pearlwort. 
SAGINA OCCIDENTALIS Watson. Western Pearlwort. 


ARENARIA CALIFORNICA (Gray) Brewer. California Sandwort. 
SPERGULA ARVENSIS Linnaeus. Corn Spurry. 

SPERGULARIA BOCCONI (Scheele) Foucaud. Sand Spurry. 
SPERGULARIA RUBRA (Linnaeus) J. & C. Pres]. Purple Sand Spurry. 
POLYCARPON DEPRESSUM Nuttall. California Polycarp. 

SILENE ANTIRRHINA Linnaeus. Sticky Catchfly. 

SILENE GALLICA Linnaeus. Windmill Pink. 

SILENE VERECUNDA Watson. Coast Pink. 


AQUILEGIA FORMOSA Fischer var. TRUNCATA (Fischer & Meyer) Baker. 
Woodland Columbine. 

DELPHINIUM DECORUM Fischer & Meyer. Woodland Larkspur. 

DELPHINIUM CALIFORNICUM Torrey & Gray. Coast Larkspur. 


CLEMATIS LIGUSTICIFOLIA Nuttall. Yerba de Chivato. 

CLEMATIS LASIANTHA Nuttall. Pipe-stem. 

RANUNCULUs CALIFORNICUS Bentham. California Buttercup. 


184. RANUNCULUS HEBECARPUs Hooker & Arnott. Downy Buttercup. 
185. THALICTRUM POLYCARPUM (Torrey) Watson. Foothill Meadow Rue. 

186. BERBERIS PINNATA Lagasca. California Barberry. 


187. UMBELLULARIA CALIFORNICA (Hooker & Arnott) Nuttall. California 


189. MECONELLA LINEARIS (Bentham) Nelson & Macbride. Narrow-leaved 

190. MECONELLA DENTICULATA Greene. White Meconella. 
191. ESCHSCHOLZIA CALIFORNICA Chamisso. California Poppy. 
192. EsCHSCHOLZIA CAESPITOSA Bentham var. HYPECOIDES (Bentham) Gray. 
Slender California Poppy. 
193. STYLOMECON HETEROPHYLLA (Bentham) G. Taylor. Wind Poppy. 
194, PAPAVER SOMNIFERUM Linnaeus. Garden Poppy. 


195. THELYPODIUM LASIOPHYLLUM (Hooker & Arnott) Greene. Cut-leaved 

196. STREPTANTHUS GLANDULOSUS Hooker. Jewel Flower. 


198. LEPIDIUM NITIDUM Nuttall. Common Peppergrass. 

199. LEPIDIUM PUBESCENS Desvaux. Wayside Peppergrass. 

200. SISYMBRIUM OFFICINALE (Linnaeus) Scopoli. Hedge Mustard. 
201. SIsyMBRIUM ALTISSIMUM Linnaeus. Tumbling Mustard. 

202. DESCURAINIA SOPHIA (Linnaeus) Webb. Flixweed. 

203. DESCURAINIA PINNATA (Walter) Britton subsp. MENzIEsII (De Candolle) 

Detling. Tansy Mustard. 
204. BRASSICA KABER (De Candolle) L. C. Wheeler. 
205. BRASSICA GENICULATA (Desfontaines) J. Ball. 
206. BRASSICA NIGRA (Linnaeus) Koch. Black Mustard. 
207. BRASSICA CAMPESTRIS Linnaeus. Yellow Mustard. 
208. BARBAREA AMERICANA Rydberg. Yellow Rocket. 
209. RAPHANUs SATIVUS Linnaeus. Wild Radish. 

210. RoRIPPA NASTURTIUM-AQUATICUM (Linnaeus) Schinz & Thellung. Water 

211. CARDAMINE OLIGOSPERMA Nuttall. Hill Cress. 
212. DENTARIA CALIFORNICA Nuttall. Milkmaids. 
213. TROPIDOCARPUM GRACILE Hooker. Dobie Pod. 
214. CAPSELLA BURSA-PASTORIS (Linnaeus) Medicus. Shepherd’s Purse. 
215. ATHYSANUs PUSILLUs (Hooker) Greene. Sandweed. 
216. THYSANOCARPUS CURVIPES Hooker. Fringe Pod. 
217. THYSANOCARPUS ELEGANS Fischer & Meyer. Lace Pod. 
218. THYSANOCARPUS LACINIATUS Nuttall. Narrow-leaved Fringe Pod. 
219. ARABIS GLABRA (Linnaeus) Bernhardi. Tower Mustard. 
220. ERYSIMUM CAPITATUM (Douglas) Greene. Wallflower. 





TILLAEA AQUATICA Linnaeus. Water Pygmyweed. 
TILLAEA ERECTA Hooker & Arnott. Sand Pygmy. 
ECHEVERIA LAXA Lindley. Rock Lettuce. 

SAXIFRAGA CALIFORNICA Greene. California Saxifrage. 


225. LITHOPHRAGMA HETEROPHYLLUM (Hooker & Arnott) Torrey & Gray. Hill 







RIBES GRACILLIMUM Coville & Britton. Golden Currant. 
RIBES MALVACEUM Smith. California Black Currant. 
RIBES DIVARICATUM Douglas. Straggly Gooseberry. 
RIBES SERICEUM Eastwood. Lucia Gooseberry. 
RIBES MENZIESII Pursh. Canyon Gooseberry. 
RIBES CALIFORNICUM Hooker & Arnott. Hillside Gooseberry. 
RIBEs SPECIOSUM Pursh. Garnet Gooseberry. 

PLATANUS RACEMOSA Nuttall. Western Sycamore. 


HOLopIscus DISCOLOR (Pursh) Maximowicz var. FRANCISCANUS (Rydberg) 

Jepson. Creambush. 


Lallement) Wolf. Sticky Cinquefoil. 
SANGUISORBA MINOR (Linnaeus) Scopoli. Burnet. 
ADENOSTOMA FASCICULATUM Hooker & Arnott. Chamise. 
RUBUs URSINUS Chamisso & Schlectendal. California Blackberry. 

ROSA CALIFORNICA Chamisso & Schlectendal. California Wild Rose. 

Rosa GYMNoOCARPA Nuttall. Wood Rose. 

PRUNUs DEMISSA (Nuttall) Walpers. Western Chokecherry. 
PRUNUS ILICIFOLIA (Nuttall) Walpers. Islay. 

OSsMARONIA CERASIFORMIS (Torrey & Gray) Greene. Oso Berry. 
PHOTINIA ARBUTIFOLIA (Aiton) Lindley. Toyon. 


THERMOPSIS MACROPHYLLA Hooker & Arnott. False Lupine. 

LUPINUS DENSIFLORUS Bentham. Gully Lupine. 

Lupinus concINNus Agardh. Bajada Lupine. 

LUPINUS SUCCULENTUs Douglas. Arroyo Lupine. 

LUPINUS HIRSUTISSIMUS Bentham. Stinging Lupine. 

LUPINUS TRUNCATUS Nuttall. Wood Lupine. 

LuPINUs NANUS Douglas. Sky Lupine. 

LUPINUS MICRANTHUs Douglas. Field Lupine. 

LUPINUs BICOLOR Lindley. Dove Lupine. 

LuPINUs FORMOSUs Greene vat. BRIDGEsII (Watson) Greene. Lunara 

CyTISUS MONSPESSULANUS Linnaeus. French Broom. 


259. MEDICAGO SATIVA Linnaeus. Alfalfa. 

260. MEDICAGO HIsPIpA Gaertner. Bur Clover, 

261. MEDICAGO HIspIpA Gaertner var. APICULATA (Willdenow) Burnat. 

262. MEDICAGO HIsPIpDA Gaertner var. CONFINIS (Koch) Burnat. 

263. MELILOTUS ALBUS Desrousseaux. White Melilot. 

264. MELILotus INpIcUs (Linnaeus) Allioni. Yellow Melilot. 

265. TRIFOLIUM DUBIUM Sibthorp. Shamrock. 

266. TRIFOLIUM BIFIDUM Gray. Pinole Clover. 

267. TRIFOLIUM GRACILENTUM Torrey & Gray. Pin-point Clover. 

268. TRIFOLIUM CILIOLATUM Bentham. Tree Clover. 

269. TRIFOLIUM REPENS Linnaeus. White Clover. 

270. TRIFOLIUM ALBOPURPUREUM Torrey & Gray. Rancheria Clover. 

271. TRIFOLIUM BARBIGERUM Torrey. Colony Clover. 

272. TRIFOLIUM MICRODON Hooker & Arnott. Valparaiso Clover. 

273. TRIFOLIUM MICROCEPHALUM Pursh. Maiden Clover. 

274. TRIFOLIUM WORMSKJOLDII Lehmann. Cow Clover. 

275. TRIFOLIUM OLIGANTHUM Steudel. Lanky Clover. 

276. TRIFOLIUM VARIEGATUM Nuttall. White-tip Clover. 

277. TRIFOLIUM VARIEGATUM Nuttall var. PAUCIFLORUM (Nuttall) McDermott. 

278. TRIFOLIUM TRIDENTATUM Lindley. Tomcat Clover. 

279. TRIFOLIUM OBTUSIFLORUM Hooker. Creek Clover. 

280. TRIFOLIUM AMPLECTENS Torrey & Gray. Bladder Clover. 

281. Lorus LEUCOPHAEuUS Greene. Chaparral Lotus. 

282. Lotus stricosus (Nuttall) Greene. Bishop Lotus. 

283. LoTUs SUBPINNATUS Lagasca. Calf Lotus. 

284. LoTUs PURSHIANUs (Bentham) Clements & Clements. Spanish Clover. 

285. Lorus MICRANTHUs Bentham. Hill Lotus. 

286. Lotus scoparius (Nuttall) Ottley. Deerweed. 

287. PSORALEA PHYSODES Douglas. California Tea. 

288. PSORALEA MACROSTACHYA De Candolle. Leather Root. 

289. PSORALEA ORBICULARIS Lindley. Round-leaved Psoralea. 

290. ROBINIA PSEUDO-ACACIA Linnaeus. Black Locust. 

291. ASTRAGALUS DOUGLASII (Torrey & Gray) Gray. Dobie Loco. 

292. ASTRAGALUS GAMBELLIANUs Sheldon. Little Bill Loco. 

293. Vicia SATIVA Linnaeus. Common Vetch. 

294. VICIA ANGUSTIFOLIA (Linnaeus) Reichenbach. 

295. VicIA EXIGUA Nuttall. California Vetch. 

296. VicIA AMERICANA Muhlenberg subsp. OREGANA (Nuttall) Abrams. Ameri- 
can Vetch. 

297. VICIA AMERICANA Muhlenberg var. LINEARIS (Nuttall) Watson. 

298. VicIA VILLOSA Roth. Hairy Vetch. 

299. VIcIA DASYCARPA Tenore. 

300. LATHYRUS WATSONII White. Buff Pea. 

301. LATHYRUS BOLANDERI Watson. Bolander Pea. 

302. PIsuM saTIvuM Linnaeus var. ARVENSE (Linnaeus) Poiret. 

303. GERANIUM DISsEcTUM Linnaeus. Common Geranium. 
304. ERODIUM MACROPHYLLUM Hooker & Arnott var. CALIFORNICUM (Greene) 
305. Eropium sotrys (Cavanilles) Bertoloni. Prostrate Stork’s-bill. 


306. ERODIUM MOSCHATUM (Linnaeus) L’Héritier de Brutelle. White-stem 

307. ERODIUM CICUTARIUM (Linnaeus) L’Héritier de Brutelle. Red-stem 


308. TRIBULUS TERRESTRIS Linnaeus. Puncture Weed. 


309. EREMOCARPUS SETIGERUS (Hooker) Bentham. Turkey Mullein. 

310. EupHoRBIA SPATHULATA Lamarck. Reticulate-seeded Spurge. 

311. EUPHORBIA PEPLUS Linnaeus. Petty Spurge. 

312. EUPHORBIA CRENULATA Engelmann. Chinese Caps. 

313. EUPHORBIA SERPYLLIFOLIA Persoon var. HIRTULA (Engelmann) L. C. 
Wheeler. Pine Spurge. 

314. RHUs DIVERSILOBA Torrey & Gray. Poison Oak. 

315. ACER MACROPHYLLUM Pursh. Big-leaf Maple. 

316. AESCULUS CALIFORNICA (Spach) Nuttall. Buckeye. 


317. RHAMNUS CALIFORNICA Eschscholtz var. TOMENTELLA (Bentham) Brewer 
& Watson. Coffeeberry. 

318. RHAMNUs cCROCEA Nuttall var. mLictroLta (Kellogg) Greene. Hollyleaf 

319. CEANOTHUs soREDIATUS Hooker & Arnott. Jimbrush. 

320. CEANOTHUS RAMULOsuUs (Greene) McMinn. Coast Ceanothus. 


$21. ABUTILON THEOPHRASTI Medicus. Velvet Leaf. 
322. MALVA PARVIFLORA Linnaeus. Cheeseweed. 

323. HELIANTHEMUM SCOPARIUM Nuttall var. VULGARE Jepson. Rush-rose. 

324. VIOLA PEDUNCULATA Torrey & Gray. Yellow Pansy. 


325. MENTZELIA MICRANTHA (Hooker & Arnott) Torrey & Gray. San Luis Stick- 

326. DATISCA GLOMERATA (Pres!) Baillon. Durango Root. 

327. LYTHRUM HyssopiFoLia Linnaeus. Grass Poly. 









ZAUSCHNERIA CALIFORNICA Presl. California Fuchsia. 
EPILOBIUM PANICULATUM Nuttall. Summer Cottonweed. 
EPILOBIUM FRANCISCANUM Barbey. Coast Cottonweed. 
BOISDUVALIA DENSIFLORA (Lindley) Watson. Dense-flowered Boisduvalia. 
CLARKIA ELEGANS Douglas. Canyon Clarkia. 

GODETIA CYLINDRICA (Jepson) C. L. Hitchcock. Band Godetia. 
GODETIA EPILOBIOIDES (Nuttall) Watson. Canyon Godetia. 
GODETIA QUADRIVULNERA (Douglas) Spach. Four Spot. 
OENOTHERA GRACILIFLORA Hooker & Arnott. Hill Sun-cup. 







SANICULA BIPINNATIFIDA Douglas. Purple Sanicle. 

SANICULA BIPINNATA Hooker & Arnott. Poison Sanicle. 

SANICULA TUBEROSA Torrey. Turkey Pea. 


CAUCALIS MICROCARPA Hooker & Arnott. Western Hedge-parsley. 
TorILis NoposA (Linnaeus) Gaertner. Knotted Hedge-parsley. 
OsMORHIZA CHILENSIS Hooker & Arnott. Wood Cicely. 

OsMORHIZA BRACHYPODA Torrey. California Cicely. 

DAUCUS PUSILLUs Michaux. Rattlesnakeweed. 

CONIUM MACULATUM Linnaeus. Poison Hemlock. 

BERULA ERECTA (Hudson) Coville. Water Parsnip. 


LOMATIUM UTRICULATUM (Nuttall) Coulter & Rose. Bladder Parsnip. 
LOMATIUM DASYCARPUM (Torrey & Gray) Coulter & Rose. Lace Parsnip. 

CoRNUS CALIFORNICA C. A. Meyer. Creek Dogwood. 

. ARBUTUS MENZIESII Pursh. Madrono. 
. ARCTOSTAPHYLOS GLANDULOSA Eastwood. Eastwood Manzanita. 

. ANAGALLIS ARVENSIS Linnaeus. Pimpernel. 
. DoDECATHEON CLEVELANDII Greene subsp. SANCTARUM (Greene) Abrams. 
Shooting Star. 



365. ASCLEPIAS ERIOCARPA Bentham. Indian Milkweed. 
366. ASCLEPIAS FASCICULARIS Decaisne. Narrow-leaf Milkweed. 


367. CONVOLVULUS SUBACAULIS (Hooker & Arnott) Greene. Short-stemmed 

Abrams. Woolly Morning-glory. 

369. CONVOLVULUS ARVENSIS Linnaeus. Bindweed. 

370. CUSCUTA CALIFORNICA Choisy. Chaparral Dodder. 

371. CuscuTa sUBINCLUSA Durand & Hilgard. Long-flowered Dodder. 



373. PHLOX GRACILIS (Hooker) Greene. Annual Phlox. 

374. LINANTHUS PYGMAEUS (Brand) J. T. Howell. 

375. LINANTHUS DICHOTOMUs Bentham. Evening Snow. 

376. LINANTHUS BIGELOVII (Gray) Greene. 

377. LINANTHUs CILIATUs (Bentham) Greene. Bristly-leaved Linanthus. 

378. LINANTHUS ANDROSACEUs (Bentham) Greene. Shower Gilia. 

379, LINANTHUS ANDROSACEUs (Bentham) Greene subsp. MICRANTHUs (Steudel) 

380. LINANTHUS BICOLOR (Nuttall) Greene. 

381. ERIASTRUM DENSIFOLIUM (Bentham) Mason. 

382. ERIASTRUM VIRGATUM (Bentham) Mason. Monterey Gilia. 

383. NAVARRETIA MITRACARPA Greene subsp. JAREDII (Eastwood) Mason. 

384. NAVARRETIA ATRACTYLOIDES (Bentham) Hooker & Arnott. 


386. GILIA GILIOWES (Bentham) Greene. Straggling Gilia. 



389. GILIA MULTICAULIS Bentham subsp. PEDUNCULARIS (Eastwood) Mason & 



391. PHOLISTOMA AURITUM (Lindley) Lilja. Fiesta-flower. 

392. PHOLISTOMA MEMBRANACEUM (Bentham) Constance. White Fiesta-flower. 
393. NEMOPHILA MENZIEsII Hooker & Arnott. Baby Blue-eyes. 

394. NEMOPHILIA PEDUNCULATA Douglas. Spreading Nemophila. 

395. NEMOPHILIA PARVIFLORA Douglas. Small-flowered Nemophila. 

396. NEMOPHILIA PULCHELLA Eastwood var. FREMONTII (Elmer) Constance. 
397. PHACELIA RAMOSISSIMA Douglas. Long-branched Phacelia. 

398. PHACELIA DISTANS Bentham. Wild Heliotrope. 

399. PHACELIA MALVAEFOLIA Chamisso. Stinging Phacelia. 

400. PHACELIA CILIATA Bentham. Field Phacelia. 


402. PHACELIA DOUGLASII (Bentham) Torrey. 

403. PHACELIA BRACHYLOBA (Bentham) Gray. Short-lobed Phacelia. 














EMMENANTHE PENDULIFLORA Bentham. Whispering Bells. 
ERIODICTYON CALIFORNICUM (Hooker & Arnott) Torrey. Yerba Santa. 
ERIODICTYON TOMENTOSUM Bentham. Woolly Yerba Santa. 


PECTOCARYA PENICILLATA (Hooker & Arnott) A. De Candolle. Winged 

PECTOCARYA SETOSA Gray. Bristly Pectocarya. 

PECTOCARYA PUSILLA (A. De Candolle) Gray. Little Pectocarya. 

CYNOGLOSSUM GRANDE Douglas. Western Hound’s Tongue. 




PLAGIOBOTHRYS NOTHOFULVUs (Gray) Gray. Rusty Plagiobothrys. 



PLAGIOBOTHRYS TENELLUs (Nuttall) Gray. Slender Plagiobothrys. 


CrYPTANTHA NEVADENSIS Nelson & Kennedy var. RIGIDA Johnston. 

CRYPTANTHA MURICATA (Hooker & Arnott) Nelson & Macbride var. JONESII 

(Gray) Johnston. 



CrYPTANTHA FLACCIDA (Douglas) Greene. Weak-stemmed Cryptantha. 


AMSINCKIA INTERMEDIA Fischer & Meyer. Common Fiddleneck. 

AMSINCKIA RETRORSA Suksdorf. Rigid Fiddleneck. 





TRICHOSTEMA LANATUM Bentham. California Romero. 


MARRUBIUM VULGARE Linnaeus. Common Horehound. 

LAMIUM AMPLEXICAULE Linnaeus. Giraffe Head. 

STACHYS BULLATA Bentham. Hedge Nettle. 

STACHYS PYCNANTHA Bentham. Coast Stachys. 


SALVIA MELLIFERA Greene. Black Sage. 

SATUREJA DOUGLASII (Bentham) Briquet. Yerba Buena. 


MONARDELLA VILLOSA Bentham subsp. SUBSERRATA (Greene) Epling. 
Coyote Mint. 

MENTHA SPICATA Linnaeus. Spearmint. 


SOLANUM NODIFLORUM Jacquin. Small-flowered Nightshade. 
SOLANUM SARACHOIDES Sendtner. Hairy Nightshade. 
SOLANUM UMBELLIFERUM Eschscholtz. Blue Witch. 









DATURA METELOIDES De Candolle. Tolguacha. 
DATURA STRAMONIUM Linnaeus. Stramonium. 
NICOTIANA BIGELOVII (Torrey) Watson. Indian Tobacco. 




MIMULUs GUTTATUs Fischer. Common Monkey-flower. 


MIMULUs DouGLAsSII (Bentham) Gray. Purple Mouse-ears. 

MIMULUs BOLANDERI Gray. Tobacco Mimulus. 


DIPLAcus AURANTIACUs (Curtis) Jepson. Northern Sticky Monkey-flower. 
DIPLACus FASCICULATUs (Pennell) McMinn. Santa Lucia Sticky Monkey- 

PENSTEMON HETEROPHYLLUS Lindley. Chaparral Penstemon. 
PENSTEMON BREVIFLORUS Lindley. Bush Beard-tongue. 

SCROPIIULARIA CALIFORNICA Chamisso & Schlectendal. California Figwort. 

COLLINSIA SOLITARIA Kellogg. Few-flowered Collinsia. 

LINARIA TEXANA Scheele. Toad Flax. 

ANTIRRHINUM MULTIFLORUM Pennell. Sticky Snapdragon. 
ANTIRRHINUM HOOKERIANUM Millspaugh. Lax Snapdragon. 
VERONICA PEREGRINA Linnaeus. Purslane Speedwell. 
VERONICA PERSICA Poiret. Winter Speedwell. 

PEDICULARIS DENSIFLORA Bentham. Indian Warrior. 
ORTHOCARPUS PUSILLUS Bentham. Dwarf Orthocarpus. 
CASTILLEJA DOUGLASII Bentham. Indian Paint-brush. 
CASTILLEJA FOLIOLOSA Hooker & Arnott. Woolly Painted Cup. 
CorDYLANTHUs RIcIDUs (Bentham) Jepson. Bird’s-beak. 


OROBANCHE GRAYANA G. Beck. Stout Broom-rape. 

OROBANCHE UNIFLORA Linnaeus. Naked Broom-rape. 
OROBANCHE FASCICULATA Nuttall. Clustered Broom-rape. 


PLANTAGO MAJOR Linnaeus. Common Plantain. 




487. GALIUM APARINE Linnaeus. Goose Grass. 

488. GALIUM NUTTALLII Gray. Nuttall Bedstraw. 

489. GALIUM CALIFORNICUM Hooker & Arnott. California Bedstraw. 
490. GALIUM ANGUSTIFOLIUM Nuttall. Chaparral Bedstraw. 


491. SAMBUCUS COERULEA Rafinesque. Blue Elderberry. 

492. SYMPHORICARPOS RIVULARIS Suksdorf. Snowberry. 

493. SYMPHORICARPOS MOLLIS Nuttall. Spreading Snowberry. 
494. LONICERA INTERRUPTA Bentham. Chaparral Honeysuckle. 


495. PLECTRITIS SAMOLIFOLIA (De Candolle) Hoeck var. InvoLUTA (Suksdorf) 

496. PLECTRITIS MACROCERA Torrey & Gray var. MAMILLATA (Suksdorf) Dyal. 

497. PLECTRITIS CILIOSA (Greene) Jepson var. DAVYANA (Jepson) Dyal. 

498. PLECTRITIS MAGNA (Greene) Suksdorf. 

499. PLECTRITIS MACROPTERA (Suksdorf) Rydberg var. PATELLIFORMIS (Suks- 
dorf) Dyal. 

500. MARAH FABACEUs (Naudin) Dunn. Common Manroot. 


502. SPECULARIA BIFLORA (Ruiz & Pavon) Fischer & Meyer. Venus Looking- 



504. BRICKELLIA CALIFORNICA (Torrey & Gray) Gray. California Brickellbush. 

505. CHRYSOPSIS VILLOSA (Pursh) Nuttall var. ECHIOIDEsS (Bentham) Gray. 
Hairy Golden Aster. 

506. SOLIDAGO CALIFORNICA Nuttall. Common Golden Rod. 

507. HAZARDIA SQUARROSA (Hooker & Arnott) Greene. Sawtooth Goldenbush. 



510. LessINGIA GERMANORUM Chamisso var. TENUIPES J. T. Howell. 

511. CORETHROGYNE FILAGINIFOLIA (Hooker & Arnott) Nuttall. Cudweed Aster. 

512. ASTER RADULINUS Gray. Broad-leaf Aster. 

513. ERIGERON FOLIOsUs Nuttall. 

514. ERIGERON CANADENSIS Linnaeus. Horseweed. 


516. ERIGERON PHILADELPHICUs Linnaeus. Skevish. 

517. BACCHARIS DOUGLAsII De Candolle. Douglas Baccharis. 

518. BACCHARIS VIMINEA De Candolle. Mule Fat. 

519. BACCHARIS PILULARIS De Candolle var. CONSANGUINEA (De Candolle) 
Kuntze. Coyote Brush. 

520. FILAGO CALIFORNICA Nuttall. California Cotton Rose. 






FILAGO GALLIcA (Linnaeus) Linnaeus. 

EVAX SPARSIFLORA (Gray) Jepson. Dwarf Evax. 

MICROPUS CALIFORNICUs Fischer & Meyer. Slender Cottonweed. 



PsILOCARPHUS TENELLUs Nuttall. Slender Woolly-heads. 

PsILOCARPHUS TENELLUs Nuttall var. TENUIS (Eastwood) Cronquist. 

GNAPHALIUM PALUSTRE Nuttall. Lowland Cudweed. 

GNAPHALIUM RAMOSISSIMUM Nuttall. Pink Everlasting. 



GNAPHALIUM CHILENSE Sprengel. Cotton-batting Plant. 


GNAPHALIUM CALIFORNICUM De Candolle. California Everlasting. 

GNAPHALIUM PURPUREUM Linnaeus. Purple Cudweed. 

XANTHIUM SPINOSUM Linnaeus. Spiny Clotbur. 

WYETHIA HELENIOWDES Nuttall. Woolly Mule-ears. 


HEMIZONIA CORYMBOSA (De Candolle) Torrey & Gray. Coast Tarweed. 

CALYCADENIA TRUNCATA De Candolle. Rosinweed. 

MADIA MADIOIDEs (Nuttall) Greene. Woodland Madia. 

MADIA ELEGANS Don. Common Madia. 

MapIA SATIVA Molina. Chile Tarweed. 

MADIA GRACILIs (Smith) Keck. Gumweed. 

MaDIA ExIGUA (Smith) Greene. Little Tarweed. 

LAYIA PLATYGLOSSA (Fischer & Meyer) Gray var. BREVISETA Gray. 

LAYIA HIERACIOIDES (De Candolle) Hooker & Arnott. 

LAGOPHYLLA RAMOSISSIMA Nuttall. Slender Rabbit-leaf. 

ACHYRACHAENA MOLLIS Schauer. Blow-wives. 

BAERIA CHRYSOSTOMA Fischer & Meyer. Gold-fields. 

MonotopriA Major De Candolle. Large-flowered Monolopia. 

ERIOPHYLLUM CONFERTIFLORUM (De Candolle) Gray. Golden-yarrow. 




HELENIUM PUBERULUM De Candolle. Rosilla. 

ANTHEMIS COTULA Linnaeus. Mayweed. 

ACHILLEA LANULOSA Nuttall. Common Yarrow. 

MATRICARIA MATRICARIOIDES (Lessing) Porter. Pineappleweed. 


. ARTEMISIA CALIFORNICA Lessing. California Sagebrush. 


. ARTEMISIA DOUGLASIANA Besser. California Mugwort. 


. SENECIO VULGARIS Linnaeus. Common Groundsel. 

. CIRSIUM VULGARE (Savi) Tenore. Bull Thistle. 

566. CirstUM QUERCETORUM (Gray) Jepson. Brownie Thistle. 
567. CrrsIUM COULTERI Harvey & Gray. Western Thistle. 


568. SILYBUM MARIANUM (Linnaeus) Gaertner. Milk Thistle. 
569. CENTAUREA MELITENSIS Linnaeus. Napa Thistle. 


571. MICROSERIS DOUGLASII (De Candolle) Gray. Silver Puffs. 
572. UROPAPPUS LINDLEYI (De Candolle) Nuttall. 

573. UROPAPPUS LINEARIFOLIUS (De Candolle) Nuttall. 

574. HyPocHOERIs GLABRA Linnaeus. Smooth Cat’s-ear. 

575. STEPHANOMERIA VIRGATA Bentham. Tall Stephanomeria. 


578. MALACOTHRIX FLOCCIFERA (De Candolle) Blake. 

579. TARAXACUM OFFICINALE Weber. Dandelion. 

580. SONCHUS OLERACEUS Linnaeus. Common Sow-thistle. 
581. SONCHUs AsPER (Linnaeus) Hill. Prickly Sow-thistle. 

582. LACTUCA SERRIOLA Linnaeus. Prickly Lettuce. 

583. AGOSERIS GRANDIFLORA (Nuttall) Greene. 
584. AGOSERIS RETRORSA (Bentham) Greene. 
585. AGOSERIS HETEROPHYLLA (Nuttall) Greene var. CALIFORNICA (Nuttall) 


586. HIERACIUM ARGUTUM Nuttall var. PARISH (Gray) Jepson. 

Aceraceae 211 
Amaranthaceae 207 
Anacardiaceae 211 
Araliaceae 212 
Asclepiadaceae 213 
Berberidaceae 208 
Betulaceae 206 
Boraginaceae 214 
Campanulaceae 216 
Caprifoliaceae 216 
Caryophyllaceae 207 
Chenopodiaceae 207 
Cistaceae 211 
Compositae 216 
Convolvulaceae 213 
Cornaceae 212 
Crassulaceae 209 
Cruciferae 208 
Cucurbitaceae 216 
Cyperaceae 205 
Datiscaceae 211 
Equisetaceae 203 
Ericaceae 212 
Euphorbiaceae 211 


Fagaceae 206 
Geraniaceae 210 
Gramineae 203 
Hippocastanaceae 211 
Hydrophyllaceae 213 
Iridaceae 205 
Juglandaceae 206 
Juncaceae 205 
Labiatae 214 
Lauraceae 208 
Leguminosae 209 
Lemnaceae 205 
Liliaceae 205 
Loasaceae 211 . 
Lobeliaceae 216 
Loranthaceae 206 
Lythraceae 211 
Malvaceae 211 
Onagraceae 212 
Orchidaceae 206 
Orobanchaceae 215 
Papaveraceae 208 
Pinaceae 203 
Plantaginaceae 215 

Platanaceae 209 
Polemoniaceae 213 
Polygonaceae 206 
Polypodiaceae 203 
Portulacaceae 207 
Primulaceae 212 
Ranunculaceae 207 
Rhamnaceae 211 
Rosaceae 209 
Rubiaceae 216 
Salicaceae 206 
Salviniaceae 203 
Saxifragaceae 209 
Scrophulariaceae 215 
Selaginellaceae 203 
Solanaceae 214 
Typhaceae 203 
Umbelliferae 212 
Urticaceae 206 
Valerianaceae 216 
Verbenaceae 214 
Violaceae 211 
Zygophyllaceae 211 




University of California, Davis 

Scribneria Bolanderi (Thurb.) Hack., the only species, is na- 
tive to the Pacific Coast, ranging from Washington south 
through Oregon and into California. Relative to California, 
floras ascribe to this plant a rare or limited occurrence on sandy 
or sterile ground. The numerous collections of Scribneria in 
northern California herbaria, as well as the author’s experience 
in the collection of this grass, necessitate revision of this concept. 
One hundred two different California collections were examined 
in the following herbaria: Agronomy Herbarium, University 
of California, Davis, 23; California Academy of Sciences, 41; 
University of California, Berkeley, 30; and Dudley Herbarium, 
Stanford: University, 8. 

Summarily, the distribution is as follows: 100 to 9000 feet 
elevation, the habitat variable; Siskiyou and Modoc counties, 
south through the Sierra Nevada to Tulare County, through 
the Great Valley to Fresno County, and through the Coast 
Ranges to San Luis Obispo County. No plants seen were col- 
lected in Trinity or Del Norte counties or south of San Luis 
Obispo County. The author has repeatedly found the grass in 
the Sacramento Valley and North Coast Ranges, and J. T. 
Howell and P. H. Raven similarly in the Sierra Nevada. 

The grass is remarkable for its diversity of habitat. High mon- 
tane collections indicate the plant as growing in seepages on or 
adjacent to granitic rocks or slopes. Collections from the forested 
middle elevations indicate habitats more variable, such as lava 
flats, ridges, openings in conifer forest, roadside sand or gravel, 
and rock crevices. At the lower elevations the grass grows on 
rocky slopes, in serpentine and other soils at the edge of or in 
clearings of chaparral, in decomposed rock and rubble which 
may be volcanic or otherwise, on edges of mineral springs, in 
roadside gravels, and in vernal pools. In the Great Valley, Scrib- 
neria is found in depressions or on edges of vernal pools, in 
moist swales of rolling plains, and often in beds of dry creeks. 

The spikes do not disintegrate readily and often persist long 
after maturity, allowing recognizable identity from spring to 
late in the year. Hence, the grass is not of short duration, even 
though relatively inconspicuous in habit. It must be conceded 
the plant is not at all rare and enjoys a wide distribution of nu- 
merous habitats in California. 


Variations from the description of Scribneria have been seen 
in some collections of the grass. Normally, a single or several 
slender culms are produced terminating in narrow, attenuate 
spikes. Some variation occurs by renewed growth, probably 
from changing moisture conditions, which produces a dense tuft- 
ing at the base with the development of numerous short spikes. 

The number of spikelets is also quite variable, from one at a 
node in small plants to as many as three or even four at a node 
in robust plants. Very commonly at the base of the spike there 
are two spikelets at a node, one sessile, the other pedicelled or 
subsessile, while above the singular condition prevails. Two of 
the author’s collections (Crampton 1116, 1442) have commonly 
3 or 4 spikelets at a node (1 sessile, 1 subsessile, and 1 or 2 pedi- 
celled) on lower part of the spikes, decreasing to two spikelets 
at a node and finally to a singular condition at the apex. On 
shorter culms the basal portion of the spike is often included 
within the leaf-sheaths with consequent development of cleisto- 
gamous spikelets. 


University of California, Davis 

Stipa Lemmoni (Vasey) Scribn. var. pubescens Crampton, var. nov. 
Speciei similis sed foliis (et laminis et vaginis) pubescentibus. 

Similar to the species but the blades and sheaths entirely pubescent. 

CALIFORNIA: serpentine slopes in chaparral, Whitlock Camp- 
Round Mountain area west of Paskenta, Tehama County, ele- 
vation about 4000 feet, June 16, 1954, Crampton 2000 (type, 
Agronomy Herbarium, University of California, Davis; isotype, 
United States National Herbarium). WaAsHINGTON: on dry 
ground in open forest at Bingen, May 27 and June 14, 1916, 
Wilhelm Suksdorf 8661 (University of California, Berkeley; 
Dudley Herbarium, Stanford University; California Academy of 
Sciences; U. S. National Herbarium). 

The dense, short pubescence on the sheaths and both surfaces 
of the blades readily identifies this variety. The only two known 
localities are cited above. Suksdorf gave a manuscript name to 
his Bingen collection but did not publish it. 

The type locality represents a transition from chaparral to 
ponderosa pine forest. To the west of the type region in the 
ponderosa pine forest typical S. Lemmoni is abundant above 
4500 feet elevation. 



Beltsville, Maryland 

Mimulus washoensis Edwin, spec. nov. Annuus; caulis erectus, glanduloso- 
pubescens; folia sessilia, lanceolata, lanceolato-linearia, elliptica vel ali- 
quando obovata, usque ad 1.8 cm. longa, 3-6 (8) mm. lata; pedicelli 2-4 mm. 
longi; calyx ovatus vel campanulatus, 0.8—1.1 cm. longus, nervis maturitate 
rubris dentibusque ciliatis, lobis subaequalibus raro aequalibus; corollae 
tubus usque ad 2.5 cm. longus, flavus sicco brunnescens purpureo-maculatus; 
antherae exsertae margine superiore ciliatae; stigmatis lobi aequilongi, 
fimbriati; placentae per totam longitudinem dehiscentes; semina ellipsoidea. 

Annual; stem upright, unbranched, up to 10 cm. high, glandular-pubes- 
cent; leaves lanceolate, lance-linear, or elliptic, occasionally obovate, sessile, 
entire or nearly so, up to 1.8 cm. long, 3-6 (8) mm. wide, ciliate; pedicels 
shorter than the subtending leaves, 2-4 mm. long, pubescent or glandular- 
pubescent; calyx 0.8-1.1 cm. long, filled by the capsule (but not expanded), 
ovate to somewhat campanulate, pubescent, veins red at maturity, the teeth 
2-3 mm. long, acute, ciliate, subequal or rarely equal; corolla up to 2.5 cm. 
long, withering in place, tube well exserted, yellow, drying brown, with 2 
densely hairy ridges inside, lobes broadly expanding, equal or almost so, 
yellow, dotted and striped with purple; upper pair of stamens exserted, only 
a little shorter than the style, filaments crossing at apex, anthers with a row 
of cilia along the upper margins, filaments glabrous; style pubescent with 
white hairs over most of its length, stigma-lips ovate, fimbriate, equal; 
capsule little exceeding the calyx at maturity, lance-ovate, dehiscent along 
the inner suture, placentae splitting their entire length, adhering to the 
valves; seeds numerous, smooth, shiny, ellipsoid, apiculate at one or both 

‘Type: P. A. Lehanbauer 1906, Pyramid Road, Washoe Coun- 
ty, Nevada, May 29, 1925 (University of Nevada Herbarium 
No. 15640). 

Belonging to the subgenus Schizoplacus Grant, section Eu- 
nanus Gray, this species is most closely related to Mimulus 
coccineus Congd. and M. stamineus Grant. It differs from the 
former by its sessile leaves, exserted stamens, subequal calyx- 
teeth, shorter corolla-tube in relation to the calyx, and in cap- 
sule shape; from the latter in the shape of the corolla-lobes and 
capsule, and in the less exserted stamens with retrorse hairs at 
the base of the longer filaments; from both in the larger flowers 
with longer calyx and corolla, ciliate calyx-teeth, flower color 
(yellow as opposed to mostly reddish-purple), anthers with a 
row of cilia across the margin, longer pedicels, and shape of the 


Mimulus spissus Grant var. lincolnensis Edwin, nov. var. Differt a forma 
typica foliis lanceolato-ovatis vel ellipticis saepissime brevissime petiolatis, 
dentibus calycis brevioribus, et lobis stigmatis aequalibus eciliatis. 

Differing from typical M. spissus Grant through the lance-ovate or ellip- 
tical, mostly very short-petioled leaves, smaller, equal calyx-teeth, and 
eciliate stigma-lobes. 

Type: H. D. Ripley & R. C. Barneby 3472, on rocky slopes of 
both igneous and calcareous formations, Hiko, Lincoln Coun- 
ty, Nevada, May 19, 1941; the purple- and yellow-flowered forms 
growing together but the latter form more abundant (Califor- 
nia Academy of Sciences Herbarium No. 318315). 

National Arboretum Herbarium 
U. S. Department of Agriculture 
Beltsville, Maryland 


University of Washington, Seattle 

When A. S. Hitchcock (Am. Jour. Bot. 21: 128,—1934) de- 
scribed Glyceria Otisii he ventured the opinion that it was allied 
to G. elata (Nash) Hitchc., but stated that it differed therefrom 
“in the broader oblong spikelets, with, on the average, more 
florets, the broader glumes and lemmas, especially at the sum- 
mit, the very scabrous lemmas, and the prominent hyaline mi- 
nutely ciliate erose-dentate tip contrasting with the purple zone 
below, the other part of the lemma being green.” The type, 
T. C. Otis 1548, was collected “in a small creek near mile 15 on 
trail to Hoh, Jefferson County, Washington, alt. 100 meters, 
July 10, 1927.” 

In the Manual of Grasses of the United States (p. 92,—1935), 
it was treated merely as “resembling G. elata; spikelets broader, 
oblong, with on the average more florets, the glumes broader; 
lemmas broader, especially at the summit, very scabrous, the 
prominent hyaline tip contrasting with the purple zone just 
below, the lower part of the lemma green.” 

The type-collection of G. Otisii in the University of Washing- 
ton Herbarium is much more similar to G. pauciflora Presl, 
having, in common with that plant such important character- 
istics as open sheaths, broad erose lemmas that are scabrous or 
scaberulous and with a narrow purplish zone below the hyaline 
tip, and number of flowers in each spikelet. Hitchcock’s empha- 


sis upon the large number of florets, ‘on the average more 
florets’ than G. elata, a species which he described as having 6 
to 8, seems to have been an error as the illustration of G. Otisiz 
in the Grass Manual and our isotype have about 6. However, 
the Otis collection has lemmas with 7 nerves of comparatively 
equal prominence, whereas the lemmas of G. pauciflora are 
usually more accurately described as 5-nerved, since the marginal 
pair generally are less prominent than the other five. ‘The rela- 
tionship of these two taxa was well emphasized by Church (Am. 
Jour. Bot. 36: 163,—1949) when he transferred G. Otisiz to the 
new genus Torreyochloa [type-species, T. pauciflora (Presl) 
Church] as T. Otisiz (Hitchc.) Church. 

It is my impression that several botanists have tried, unsuc- 
cessfully, to recollect G. Otisii, although I find in the University 
of Washington Herbarium only two collections of Glyceria 
from the western part of the Olympic Peninsula, aside from 
Otis’s plant. 

One of my former students, Mrs. Elizabeth Fletcher Barlowe, 
mentioned to me a number of years ago that her father, Mr. 
Fred Fletcher, had known Mr. Otis and knew the spot where 
he collected the type of G. Otzsiz, but it was not until the summer 
of 1953 that I was able to avail myself of the opportunity to be 
taken to the locality. The type-station is about 1 mile west of 
the highway bridge over the Hoh River, on the north side of 
the stream, along a small brook. Mr. Fletcher told me that Otis 
camped at this particular place, then generally known as “Mile 
15,” for several days while engaged on one of his engineering 
projects, and had said that he collected the grass in camp. 

A Glyceria was found growing along this stream at the old 
campsite (Hitchcock 19891), although the plants were greatly 
shaded by the characteristic rank vegetation of the Hoh area. 
A more lush form of the grass was found on an exposed bank 
about 200 feet to the east of this spot (Hitchcock 19893), and it 
was also collected about 12 miles south of Queets (Hitchcock 
19885). None of the plants of my collections has as prominent 
marginal nerves on the lemmas as do those of the type-collec- 
tion of G. Otisiiz, and on this basis only, would be referable 
by means of Church’s key (op. cit. 164) to Glyceria (or Torrey- 
ochloa) pauciflora, rather than to G. (Torreyochloa) Otisii. 

However, in view of the great variation in the degree of 
prominence of the marginal nerves of the lemma in G. pauci- 
flora, it is doubtful whether G. Otisii should be maintained, on 


this character alone, at the specific level. Since it seems fairly 
certain that the plant (or plants) from which the species was 
described is not representative of a population now in exist- 
ence, or in all probability in existence in 1927, I consider G. 
Otisii A. S. Hitchcock to be synonymous with G. pauciflora 

inally described as Fremontia crassifolia Eastw. occurs in the 
Santa Cruz Mountains of central California. The Subcommittee 
for Phanerogamae of the International Association for Plant 
Taxonomy by a vote of 6 to 5 recently rejected the conservation 
of Fremontia Torr. over F'remontodendron Cov. (Taxon 3:118,— 
1954). Fremontia had previously been listed among nomina con- 
servanda proposita in the 1950 International Code of Botanical 
Nomenclature (Regnum Vegetabile 3:119,—1952). I am working 
on a flora of the Santa Cruz Mountains and am therefore mak- 
ing the following necessary new combination. 

Fremontodendron californicum (Torr.) Cov. ssp. crassifolium 
(Eastw.) J. H. Thomas, comb. nov. Fremontia crassifolia Eastw., 
Leafl. West. Bot. 1:139,140 (1934). Fremontia californica Torr. 
ssp. crassifolia (Eastw.) Abrams, II]. Fl. Pac. States 3:114 (1951). 
—Joun H. Tuomas, Dudley Herbarium, Stanford University, 
Stanford, California. 

NEBY. Because a wrong line replacement was made in correcting 
proofs; citation of the type of this variety was only partly given 
when it was recently described (Leafl. West. Bot. 7: 194,—1954). 
Data pertaining to the type should read: 

NeEvapDA: Fay, 3 miles east of Deer Lodge, Lincoln Co., alt. 
6600 ft., April 24, 1939, Percy Train 2630; type in Herb. Na- 
tional Arboretum. 

The rest of the paragraph is correct as it was published.—J. T. 


Vot. VII No. 10 


Susan G. Stokes, the Eriogonum Lady . . . . . 225 
Joun THomas HowELL 
Chromosome Numbers in the Genus Eriogonum . . 228 
The Genus Acanthogonum, Tribe Eriogoneae . . . 234 
Eriogonum Notes IV: a New Species from California . 237 
Joun THomMAs HowELL 
Malvastrum, A. Gray —a Redefinition of the Genus . 238 


A Tentative Key to the North American Species of 
Acbrititon Wales ie eee ee A OT Taek aC a ae 

A New Subspecies and New Combinationsin Lupinus . 254 
Davin B. DUNN 

\ APRIL 29, 1955 


A publication devoted particularly to the native and naturalized 
plants of western North America and to the cultivated plants 
of California, appearing about four times each year. Subscrip- 
tion, $2.00 annually. Cost of back files or single numbers fur- 
nished on request. Address: John Thomas Howell, California 
Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco 18. 

Cited as 

LEAFL. WEsT. Bor. 

Owned and published by 





The polygonaceous genus Eriogonum, so widespread and 
prevalent in the western United States, is one of those groups 
with special interest for students of plant distribution and flor- 
istics, particularly in the more arid or desert regions where its 
species are so numerous. Involved relationships between species 
and between variants within species attract students interested 
in evolutionary processes, while the response of the variants to 
differing environmental factors furnishes a fertile field for eco- 
logical investigation. Moreover, eriogonums usually have a defi- 
nite esthetic attraction: whether the plant spreads flowery mats 
over coastal dune or montane scree, lifts filmy crowns in open 
forest or treeless steppe, waves slender wands above summer- 
dried slope or serpentine barren, or nestles tight and cushion- 
like on alpine summit or desert mesa, eriogonums have charm, 
esoteric at times it is true, but almost always they are attractive. 
It was to this outstanding group of western wild flowers that 
Susan G. Stokes, as a student of Prof. William Russel Dudley at 
Stanford University in the 1890's, gave her attention — then and 
for the rest of her life. 

I first met Miss Stokes in August, 1929, when she came to the 
California Academy of Sciences to call on Miss Eastwood, her 
former teacher in the Denver High School, and to examine speci- 
mens of Eriogonum in the herbarium. Immediately we became 
good friends through our mutual interest in this group of plants, 
her interest going back more than three decades to her studies 
under Prof. Dudley, my interest dating back only a couple of 
years to field excursions in southern California deserts while I 
was at the Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden and at the Univer- 
sity of California in Los Angeles. When I learned how long she 

These papers that relate to Miss Stokes and to the plants she preferred 
are offered by their authors as a small tribute of affection and respect. I have 
been happy to use the sum she bequeathed me in defraying the cost of their 
publication.—J. T. Howe. 

Leaflets of Western Botany, Vol. VII, pp. 225-256, April 29, 1955. 


had studied in this genus — that she had even gone to Paris and 
Kew to perfect her knowledge and that she had in manuscript a 
complete revision — I quickly brought out my problems, for 
what student in the taxonomy of Eriogonum does not have his 
own particular problems in most any part of the genus? And so 
what might have been only a slight or passing acquaintance de- 
veloped into a lasting friendship that not only encouraged my 
incipient interest in the genus but also promoted that interest 
through the years. Seven years later, with my editorial help and 
cooperation, she privately published her manuscript under the 
title, “The Genus Eriogonum, a Preliminary Study Based on 
Geographic Distribution.” 

Miss Stokes respected the opinions of botanical workers in 
her genus, but she was influenced, I believe, definitely and finally 
by the taxonomic ultra-conservatism of Katharine Brandegee, 
who for many years was her friend and adviser in San Diego. 
Miss Stokes shows this influence in the aggregation of few or 
many variants into broad complex species. She knew, however, 
her plants too well, both in the herbarium and in the field, to 
leave the variants in these complexes without names, and to 
name them she employed a form of nomenclature that at times 
seems awkward and unwieldy. Instances of relatively simple 
variation were treated in the usual manner, just as varieties or 
subspecies; but in more involved or complex species she used 
polynomials of four, and occasionally even of five, parts. She was 
convinced that such complexes were the result of climatic 
changes and consequent geographic migration of eriogonums in 
the later Tertiary, and her nomenclature was, at least in part, an 
attempt to convey that conviction into taxonomy. No field of 
natural science was ignored if it would furnish data pertaining 
to her thesis — so she explored not only various aspects of mor- 
phology but also genetics and physiology, as well as climatology, 
geography, and geology. Sometimes one feels that her taxonomy 
is based more on geophysical responses than on comparative 
morphology. In his review of Miss Stokes’ revision, ‘T. A. Sprague 
wrote: ‘‘Miss Stokes’ little book is the result of many years study, 
and represents a courageous attempt to treat a large genus as an 
assemblage of living plants in their relationship with the en- 
vironment, rather than as a series of bare morphological con- 
cepts” (Kew Bulletin 444, 1936). 

APRIL, 1955] SUSAN G. STOKES rap | 

Susan Gabriella Stokes was born in Lawrence, Kansas, Febru- 
ary 27, 1868. While she was still a young girl, her family moved 
to Denver, Colorado, and there she attended the public schools, 
graduating from the Denver High School in 1884. Two years 
later in 1886 her family moved to San Diego, California, where 
she spent most of the rest of her life. She entered Stanford Uni- 
versity one year after it opened and graduated in 1896. She later 
obtained her master’s degree from the same institution and was 
honored with membership in Phi Beta Kappa. From 1914 to 
1936, Miss Stokes was an instructor in science in the San Diego 
High School, where she was respected by faculty and students 
alike and was affectionately called “the eriogonum lady.” In 
1928 she was granted leave for a year, which was spent in study 
in Paris, London, Boston, New York, and Washington. She re- 
tired from her teaching position in 1936 and for more than a 
decade thereafter she made her home either at Stanford or Ber- 
keley, pursuing the study of her favorite plants. Failing in 
health, she returned in 1950 to southern California and San 
Diego, where she died March 21, 1954. 

The soothsayer in the second scene of “Anthony and Cleo- 
patra” confesses that “in nature’s infinite book of secrecy a little 
can I read.” Those of us who knew Susan G. Stokes know that 
she, too, had read a little in that same book (and modestly she 
would have admitted the same), but we know too that the con- 
suming ambition of her life was to read ever more and more. 


A new species of Chorizanthe from Lower California. Zoe 5: 60 (1900). 

A new species of Eriogonum. Leafl. West. Bot. 1: 23 (1932). 

New western eriogonums. I. Leafl. West. Bot. 1: 29-30 (1932); II. 1: 34-36 

The genus Eriogonum, a preliminary study based on geographic distribution. 
Pages 1-124 (+ 8). J. H. Neblett Pressroom, San Francisco, California. 
June 1, 1936. 

Further studies in Eriogonum [all published in LEAFLETS OF WESTERN Bor- 
ANY]. I. 2: 45-48 (1937); II. 2: 52-53 (1937); III. 2: 72 (1938); IV. 3: 15-18 
(1941); V. 3: 200-202 (1943). 

Chromosome numbers in the genus Eriogonum (with G. Ledyard Stebbins). 

Leafl. West. Bot. 7: 228-233 (1955). 





During the years 1939 and 1940, Miss Stokes grew cultures of 
various species of Eriogonum in the greenhouse of the Depart- 
ment of Genetics, University of California, Berkeley, and with 
the aid of Mr. Ernest Jund made preparations of their root tips 
for a study of the somatic chromosomes. Since the number of 
species studied was relatively small, and she had hope of study- 
ing more, she did not attempt to publish the counts. Now, how- 
ever, this publication seems worth while, since it points out 
some very interesting cytogenetic problems in the genus. The 
junior author has therefore undertaken to organize her notes, 
finish her drawings, and present the data in as complete a form 
as possible. Unfortunately, Miss Stokes did not leave any data 
on the particular specimens or collections from which she ob- 
tained the seeds of most of the species. Since, however, all of 
the seeds were obtained from wild sources, and since the deter- 
mination of their identity was made by her, the species names 
can be considered correct. 


Root tips of the species listed were obtained from plants grow- 
ing in pots, and were fixed in Randolph’s craf solution. They 
were then dehydrated in a butyl alcohol series, embedded in 
paraffin, sectioned, and stained in gentian violet according to 
the technique employed in the work on Cichorieae (Babcock, 
Stebbins, and Jenkins, 1937). Drawings were made with a camera 
lucida, and are reproduced at a magnification of 1700x. 

The somatic chromosome numbers are as follows: 
Species 2n no. Species 2n no. 
E. virgatum Benth. 18 E. crocatum Davidson 40 
“E. adsurgens Stokes”* 22 E. fasciculatum Benth. 40, 80 
E. gracile Benth. 22 E. latifolium Sm. 40 
E. vimineum Dougl. 2 E.nudum Dougl. 40, 80 
E. dasyanthemum T. & G. 24 E.indictum Jepson 80 
E. elongatum Benth. 34 E. ovalifolium Nutt. 40 
E. Wrightii Torr. 34 E. parvifolium Sm. 40 
E. marifolium T.& G. 32 E. Parishii Wats. 40 

* This name has been published only as a synonym of E. truncatum var. adsurgens Jepson 
(Fl. Calif. 1:414). The plant concerned in the present chromosome count is undoubtedly the 
one Miss Stokes treated in her revision as E. vimineum subsp. adsurgens (Gen. Eriog. p. 52). 
I believe that this plant is a relative of E. gracile Benth. and different from the type of 
Jenacns variety. I have in manuscript an account of this nomenclatural confusion.—J. T. 



With the exception of E. Parishii, of the subgenus Ganysma, 
and E. marifolium, of the subgenus Euertogonum, all of the 
species listed belong to the subgenus Oregonium. They are all 
native to California. 

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Figures 1 to 7. Chromosomes of Eriogonum, drawn from somatic metaphase 
plates of root tips; magnification, x 1700. Figure 1, E. virgatum, Fresno 
County, 2n—18. Figure 2, E. gracile, San Diego County, 2n—=22. Figure 3, 
E. vimineum, 2n=24. Figure 4, E. marifolium, Donner Summit, Placer 
County, 2n—32. Figure 5, E. elongatum, Bradley, Monterey County, 2n=34. 
Figure 6, E. grande, from Santa Cruz Island via Santa Barbara Botanical 
Garden, 2n—40. Figure 7, E. nudum, Berkeley, 2n—=80. 

The chromosomes of the different species differ from each 
other considerably in size. ‘The largest chromosomes are found in 
E. virgatum (fig. 1), the smallest in those having 2n = 40 or 80 
as the somatic number (figs. 6-7); while the species with 2n = 22, 
24, 32, and 34 have chromosomes intermediate in size. In most 
of the preparations, the position of the centromeres was difficult 
to determine for many of the chromosomes, but the majority of 
the chromosomes have median or submedian centromeres. A 
pair of satellited chromosomes was seen in E. virgatum and some 
other species, but these in general were hard to detect. In some 
species, such as E. marifolium, the largest and smallest chromo- 
somes differ greatly from each other in size. 

Two species, E. fasciculatum and E. nudum, contain polyploid 
races within the species as ordinarily recognized by taxonomists. 


The situation in E. fasciculatum has already been discussed by 
the junior author (Stebbins, 1942). The localities from which ac- 
tual counts have been obtained follow. 2n = 40: La Jolla, San 
Diego County, T. W. Whitaker; Descanso, San Diego County, 
Churchill; Kern River Park, Kern County, A. A. Beetle; Corral 
Hollow, west of Tracy, Alameda County, G. L. Stebbins. 2n = 
80: Ridge Route, south of Gorman, Los Angeles County, G. L. 
Stebbins 2985; Buellton, Santa Barbara County, G. L. Stebbins; 
Santa Ana Wash, Orange County, Churchill. Of the collections 
with 2n = 40, those from San Diego County belong to subsp. 
fasciculatum, those from Kern and Alameda counties to subsp. 
polifolium. The three collections with 2n=80 belong to 
subsp. foliolosum. The distribution and relationships of these 
three subspecies are discussed and mapped by Stebbins (1942). 
In this complex, the pollen and stomata of the forms with 80 
chromosomes are significantly larger than those of the 40-chro- 
mosome forms. The morphological and distributional evidence 
points to the probability that subsp. foliolosum has arisen from 
hybrids between subsp. fasciculatum and subsp. polifolium, 
through doubling the chromosome number. 

In the complex of E. nudum, octoploids are much less fre- 
quent than in E. fasciculatum, judging from measurements of 
stomata and pollen. The somatic number 2n = 40 was counted 
in the following collections: E. latifolium, Presidio, San Fran- 
cisco, S. G. Stokes; E. grande, cultivated in Santa Barbara Botan- 
ical Garden, seed source, Santa Cruz Island; EF. nudum, Antioch, 
Contra Costa County, G. L. Stebbins 3050; Corral Hollow, Ala- 
meda County, G. L. Stebbins in 1940; Garberville, Humboldt 
County, G. L. Stebbins 3120; Lake Tahoe, S. G. Stokes. The 
number 2n = 80 was counted in the following: E. indictum, San 
Ardo, Monterey County, G. L. Stebbins; Atascadero, San Luis 
Obispo County, G. L. Stebbins; E. nudum var. auriculatum, 
Berkeley, G. L. Stebbins; Hecker Pass, Santa Cruz County, S. G. 

In the specimens of the 40-chromosome types, the length of the 
guard cells of the stomata ranges from 25 to 30 micra, while the 
pollen grains are 36-44 micra in length. On the other hand, the 
guard cells of the forms with 2n = 80 are 30-40 micra long, while 
their pollen grains are 58-66 micra in length. Measurement of 
guard cells, pollen grains, or both in a series of 87 specimens of 


the E. nudum complex in the University of California Herbari- 
um gave the following results. Stomata and pollen grain similar 
to those of the collections known to have 40 chromosomes were 
found in 83 specimens, from the following counties: Del Norte, 
Humboldt, Trinity, Siskiyou, Modoc, Mendocino, Sonoma, 
Napa, Marin, Contra Costa, Alameda, San Francisco, San Mateo, 
Santa Cruz, Monterey, San Benito, Butte, Nevada, Mono, Inyo, 
Tuolumne, Merced, Fresno, Tulare, Kern, Ventura, Riverside. 
Types suspected of having 80 chromosomes are the following: 
Mt. Hamilton, Santa Clara County, S. G. Stokes; Jolon, Mon- 
terey County, G. L. Stebbins; Greenhorn Range, Kern County, 
Hall & Babcock 5087; New Idria, San Benito County, Brewer. 

With the exception of the last two specimens, the known or 
suspected octoploids are confined to two regions, the upper Sa- 
linas Valley and the hills to the east and south of San Francisco 
Bay. The octoploid of the Berkeley Hills appears to be the only 
type found in that area, judging from external morphology and 
from approximate counts made on additional specimens from 
the east side of these hills, in Contra Costa County. It is distin- 
guished from the tetraploids of the surrounding region, such 
as those from Corral Hollow, Antioch, and Tiburon, by its 
thick, heavy leaves with cordate bases, its thick, little-branched 
stems, its large, many-flowered involucres, and its large flowers. 
In many respects it is intermediate between typical E. nudum 
and E. latifolium. 


Although the number of species studied is only a small frac- 
tion of the approximately 150 known species of Eriogonum, it is 
enough to give some idea of the chromosomal changes which 
have taken place during the evolution of the genus. The somatic 
number found most frequently, and the only one known in two 
different subgenera, is 2n = 40. This is taken to be a tetraploid 
derivative from the original basic gametic number x = 10. Dip- 
loid species with 2n = 20 have not yet been found, but there is 
every reason to believe that they exist. The strongest evidence 
for this is the existence within the complex of E. vimineum of 
species with 2n = 18 (E. virgatum), 2n = 22 (E. gracile, “E. ad- 
surgens”), and 2n = 24 (E. vimineum, E. dasyanthemum). It is 
hard to see how the numbers 18 and 22 could exist in the same 
group without the intermediate number 20. 


The only basic number found in both of the other two large 
genera of Polygonaceae, Polygonum and Rumex, is x = 10 (Ja- 
retzky, 1928). Combined with the evidence presented in this pa- 
per, this suggests that x = 10 is also the original basic haploid 
number in Eriogonum. Aneuploid lowering of the basic number 
to x = 9 and x = 8 appears to have taken place more than once 
in the evolution of the genus. The number 2n = 18 in E. vwir- 
gatum is best explained on this basis, while the number 2n = 34 
in the related species E. Wrightii and E. elongatum appears like 
the result of amphidiploidy from hybridization between species 
having the somatic numbers 2n = 18 and 2n = 16. The somatic 
number 2n = 32, found in E. marifolium, appears like a tetra- 
ploid derivative from diploids with 2n = 16. Aneuploid increase 
in the chromosome number has probably occurred in the E. 
vimineum complex. 

If this interpretation of the evolution of chromosome numbers 
in Eriogonum is borne out by further cytological studies, then 
we must conclude that polyploidy has played a predominant 
role in the evolution of the modern species. Since most natural 
polyploids which have been carefully studied are known to be at 
least partly of hybrid origin (Stebbins, 1950), this means that the 
evolutionary “tree” of Eriogonum must be highly reticulate, 
with many of its species and species groups being of ancient 
hybrid origin. This condition would serve to explain to a large 
degree why the species of Eriogonum are difficult taxonomically, 
and further cytological studies as well as artificial hybridization 
should help to clear up some of the difficulties. 

In this connection we must mention the fact that, unfortunate- 
ly, Eriogonum is not particularly favorable cytogenetic material. 
Many of the species are relatively easy to grow in the greenhouse 
or garden, but others, particularly the perennials from desert re- 
gions, are very difficult. The chromosomes are not large, but 
they are not exceptionally small, and in paraffin sections of root 
tips are reasonably easy to count. On the other hand, meiosis is 
particularly difficult to study, because of the very small size of 
the buds and particularly the anthers at the stage of meiosis. 
Interspecific hybridizations have not yet been attempted, but 
they would probably be difficult, if emasculation were necessary. 
The very small flowers on delicate pedicels do not lend them- 
selves to manipulation, and for each act of emasculation only 


one seed could be expected. Whether any of the species are self 
incompatible is not known; if they are, then the genetic work in 
the genus would be much simplified. 

On the other hand, to a cytogeneticist with the courage and 
patience to tackle such a genus, Ertogonum would prove very 
rewarding. Its species are one of the most characteristic features 
of the western American scene and contain many fascinating 
problems in ecology and plant distribution. As has been empha- 
sized elsewhere (Stebbins, 1942, 1950), polyploid complexes can 
provide most valuable evidence concerning the history of floras, 
if the relationships between the ancestral diploids and the de- 
rived polyploids can be unravelled. The small amount of cyto- 
logic work already done on Eriogonum shows that this genus is 
no exception to the general rule, and further exploration of its 
cytogenetic intricacies should shed much new light on the his- 
tory of the western North American flora. 

Somatic chromosome counts in 16 species of Eriogonum are 
reported. The original basic haploid number for the genus is 
believed to be x = 10, and the most common somatic number, 
2n = 40, is considered to be derived by polyploidy. The reduc- 
tion of the basic number to x = 9 and x = 8 is postulated, with 
some species being polyploid or amphidiploid derivatives from 
these basic numbers. In other species groups, the basic number 
has apparently increased to x = 1] and x = 12. Polyploidy has 
been dominant in the evolution of the genus, and in its most 
recent phase has involved the development of polyploid com- 
plexes within the species groups of E. fasciculatum and E. nu- 
dum, both of which contain some forms with 2n = 40 and other 
forms with 2n = 80. 
Bascock, E. B., G. L. STEBBINS, AND J. A. JENKINS, 1937. Chromosomes and 
phylogeny in some genera of the Crepidinae. Cytologia, Fujii Jubil. Vol. 
JaAReETzky, R. 1928. Histologische und karyologische Studien an Polygonaceen. 
Jahrb. f. Wiss. Bot. 69: 357-490. 
STEBBINS, G. L. 1942. Polyploid complexes in relation to ecology and the his- 
tory of floras. Amer. Nat. 76: 36-45. 
StesBins, G. L. 1950. Variation and Evolution in Plants. 643 pp. New York, 
Columbia University Press. 
Department of Genetics, 
University of California, Davis 




University of Oklahoma, Norman 

When Torrey described the polygonaceous genus Acantho- 
gonum in 1857, he included a single species, A. rigidum, also 
new. In 1858 he commented on better material that he had re- 
ceived from Fort Yuma, and also described ‘“Acanthogonum? 
corrugatum (n. sp.),” remarking that this latter species seemed 
to be “almost intermediate between Acanthogonum and Chori- 
zanthe.” ‘Twelve years later, in a revision of the Eriogoneae, 
Torrey and Gray considered Acanthogonum a section of Chori- 
zanthe, transferring the two species and describing two new spe- 
cies in the section, C. polygonoides and C. Watsont. Practically 
no authors except Rydberg, in Flora of the Rocky Mountains 
and Adjacent Plains, and the present writer, in 1934, have since 
recognized Acanthogonum. 

Chorizanthe corrugata, C. Watsoni, and the related C. Orcut- 
tiana Parry were considered by Goodman, in a revision of Chori- 
zanthe, 1934, to be closely related species in the subsection 
Chorizanthella. They are unusual in the genus in having the 
stamens attached high on the perianth-tube and in having short 
styles. They nevertheless seem best treated as Chorizanthe, par- 
ticularly in view of the straight, linear cotyledons. 

The other two species, Acanthogonum rigidum and A. poly- 
gonoides, however, differ sufficiently from Chorizanthe—even 
from the aberrant species mentioned above—to appear still to 
constitute a separate genus. The most important differentiating 
character, in the opinion of the writer, lies in the nature of the 
embryo. In this segregated genus, the cotyledons are circular and 
accumbent, in contrast to the linear and straight cotyledons 
which characterize Chorizanthe. The insertion of the stamens 
at the base of the short perianth-lobes and the frequent occur- 
rence in A. rigidum of more than one flower in an involucre fur- 
ther differentiate the genus. The significance of the characters 
upon which Acanthogonum is maintained can be judged more 
readily when an overall view of the tribe Eriogoneae is presented 
and hence a fuller discussion is not wholly justified here. 


Acanthogonum Torr., in Pac. R. R. Rept. 4: 132-133 (1857). 

Annual, pubescent, non-glandular desert plants; stems dichotomously 
branched; bracts opposite; involucres sessile, the tube triangular in cross- 
section and with transverse corrugations; flowers 1-4, short-pedicellate, hairy 
on the outside, perianth lobed or cleft, the (usually) 6 segments similar; 
stamens 9 or fewer, attached at the base of the perianth-lobes, included, fila- 
ments short, anthers orbicular or nearly so; achene trigonous above, oval to 
circular below, styles 3, short and straight, stigmas capitate; embryo with 
accumbent, circular cotyledons. 

Type species: Acanthogonum rigidum Torr. 


Involucres with straight spines and more than 3 longitudinal ribs; alternate 

BEE MRiy PESIVCS TSTESOINE code Lee acne. ee x Saco wba ee ee eee 1. A. rigidum 
Involucres with uncinate spines and with but 3 longitudinal ribs (these at the 
angles); alternate stem leaves absent................ 2. A. polygonoides 

1. ACANTHOGONUM RIGIDUM Torr., Pac. R. R. Rept. 4: 133 (1857); Torr., 
Pac. R. R. Rept. 5: 363 (1858); Torr. Bot. Mex. Bound. Surv. 177 (1859); 
Rydb., Fl. Rocky Mts. 229 (1918) and ed. 2 (1923); Goodman, Ann. Mo. Bot. 
Gard. 21: 91 (1934). 

Chorizanthe rigida (Torr.) T. & G., Proc. Amer. Acad. 8: 198 (1870), and 
most subsequent authors. 

Upright or spreading plants with short-villous stems; leaves alternate, 
petiolate (the petioles often longer than the blades), blades ovate to elliptic 
or oblanceolate, tomentose beneath, sparsely villous above; bracts opposite, 
spinescent, often long; the involucres sessile in the axils of the bracts and 
leaves, often forming glomerules covering the stem to its base; involucral tube 
2-2.5 mm. long, pubescent, several ribbed, teeth 3, tipped with straight 
spines, one tooth usually longer than the others, often greatly so and exceed- 
ing 1 cm.; flowers 1-4, yellow, barely exserted, up to 1.5 mm. long, tube 
cylindric and covered with appressed hairs, lobes lanceolate, a third as long 
as the tube; achene 2.25 mm. long. 

When more than one flower is present in an involucre, all or all but one 
are staminate. These staminate flowers are smaller than the perfect and on 
longer pedicels. 

Type: “On Williams’ river, a fork of the Colorado, western New Mexico,” 
(Arizona), Dr. J. M. Bigelow, 1854. 

Number of collections seen: 123. Of these 49 came from three California 
counties, Inyo, San Bernardino, and Riverside. 

Time of flowering: primarily March, April, and May. 

Distribution. UNiTep States. CALIFORNIA: Imperial, Inyo, Kern, Riverside, 
San Bernardino, and San Diego counties. NevapA: Clark, Esmeralda, Lincoln, 
Mineral, Nye, probably Washoe, and Pershing or Churchill counties. Art- 
ZONA: Maricopa, Mojave, Pima, Pinal, and Yuma counties. Utau: Washing- 
ton County. 

Mexico: Baja California, Sonora. 

2. ACANTHOGONUM POLYGONOWDES (T. & G.) Goodman, Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 
21: 91 (1934). 


Chorizanthe polygonoides T. & G., Proc. Amer. Acad. 8: 197 (1870), and 
most subsequent authors. 

Prostrate plants with spreading pubescent stems; leaves basal, petiolate, 
narrow-oblanceolate to broad-elliptic, scantily pilose; bracts opposite, the 
lower stalked and resembling the leaves, broad-elliptic, spreading pilose, 
becoming narrower higher on the plant; involucres in alternating clusters on 
the main stems or solitary in the lower forks, about 5 mm. long, the tube 
2-2.5 mm. long, the 3 main teeth uncinate, and usually with 2 or 3 small 
uncinate spines arising from between the main teeth; flowers solitary, barely 
exserted, up to 2.5 mm. long, lobes 6 or 5, a third as long as the tube, often 
minutely emarginate; stamens usually 6. 

The species consists of two varieties, coinciding well (perhaps completely) 
with their distinct geographic areas. 


Chorizanthe polygonoides T. & G., loc. cit. 

Type: “ ‘Reservoir Hill,’ Placerville (El Dorado Co.), California,” Volney 

Number of collections seen from the northern part of the range of the 
species: 31. Most of these have been examined as to variety and found to be 
the typical variety. 

Time of flowering: primarily May and June. 

Distribution. CALIFoRNIA: Butte, Calaveras, Eldorado, Lake, Marin, Modoc, 
Napa, Nevada, Plumas, and Sacramento counties. : 

2b. A. polygonoides var. longispinum Goodman, var. nov. A varietate 
typica differt: plantae gracilliores, involucris minoribus glabratioribusque et 
dentibus ac spinis longioribus. 

This southern variety is more slender, the involucres are smaller, more 
glabrate, and with nearly straight sides. The involucral teeth are longer, 
when compared to the tube or to the actual length of the teeth in the nor- 
thern variety, and the spine portion is longer. 

Type: San Diego, California, April 25, 1903, Brandegee 3412 (UC). Isotypes 
at CAS, DS, MO, NY, POM. 

Number of collections seen from the southern part of the range of the 
species: 24. Of these, 12 have been examined with a view to ascertaining 
their variety. Some were from San Diego County, California, and some from 
Baja California. Two specimens from western Riverside County, California, 
have not been reéxamined, so the record, as to variety, from there is not final. 

Time of flowering: primarily April and May. 

Distribution. Unrrep STATES. CALIFORNIA: Riverside and San Diego coun- 

Mexico: Baja California. 

Specimens cited. CaLiFoRNIA. San Diego Co.: Cuyamaca Lake, alt. 4700 ft., 
June 25, 1903, Abrams 3890 (DS, MO, NY, US); Point Loma, April 25, 1897, 
K. Brandegee (UC); San Diego, April, 1903, K. Brandegee (DS, UC, US); Point 
Loma, April 28, 1905, K. Brandegee (UC); San Diego, Brandegee 3412 (type); 
San Diego, May 4, 1884, D. Cleveland (MO, UC); San Diego, April, 1903, 
H. M. Hall (UC); Point Loma, April 21, 1884, C. R. Orcutt (MO, NY, UG, US); 
Mesa, May.8, 1884, C. R. Orcutt (MO). 

Mexico. BAJA CALIForNIA: dry stony slope, 45 miles southeast of Tecate, 
May 14, 1925, P. A. Munz 9603 (POM, UC, US); San Antonio, April 6, 1886, 
C. R. Orcutt (NY); (essentially the same data as the Munz collection from 
Tecate) F. W. Peirson 5857 (RSA, UC). 




Eriogonum apricum J. T. Howell, spec. nov. Herba perennis radice lignea 
elongata caudice compacto pauciramoso, ramis caudicis brevibus rosulas 
foliorum ferentibus, infra basibus tomentosis foliorum veterium vestitis, 
caules erectos patentesve graciles annuos 2- vel 3-chotomos 8-20 cm. longos 
nodis tribracteatis internodis glabris emittentibus supra; foliis basalibus 
plerumque parvis brevipetiolatis, rotundo-ovatis, 3-5 (vel 10) mm. et longis 
et latis, mature glabratis supra, dense et perseveranter tomentosis subter, 
basi cordatis vel rotundatis, obtusis vel acutiusculis apice, petiolis 3-10 (vel 
etiam 25) mm. longis, bracteis caulium annuorum externe glabris tomentosis 
interne; involucris solitariis sessilibus plerumque terminalibus, raro spicatis, 
cylindraceis vel campanulatis, 2-2.5 mm. longis, 5-lobulato-costatis circa ad 
medium, truncate scarioso-membranaceis inter costas, glabris externe, sparse 
tomentellis secundum costas interne, membrana tomentello-ciliata, bracteolis 
plumosis, aliquando paulum exsertis; perianthiis 2 mm. longis, segmentis 
oblongis obtusis similibus, albis cum costa rubida vel rubescentibus, externe 
glabris, sparse longo-pilosis infra medium interne, perianthiis in fructu 
paulum accrescentibus circa 3 mm. longis basi subinduratis costis paulum 
crassiusculis; staminibus breviter exsertis, filamentis basi minute pilosis; 
ovario glabris; acheniis 2.5 mm. longis, rostro crasso cellularibus, basi sub- 
globosa nitentibus laevibusque. 

Type: Herb. Calif. Acad. Sci. No. 391439, collected from an 
exposed declivity of red and white clay in the foothills of the 
Sierra Nevada near Ione, about 2 miles north-northeast of Buena 
Vista, altitude about 300 feet, Amador County, California, Sept. 
5, 1954, J. T. Howell 30033. Other collections made in 1954 at 
the same station by the author are: No. 29793 on May 18 (in bud) 
and No. 30000 on June 8 (in early anthesis). A fungus on the 
dead annual stems has been identified by Dr. Lee Bonar as Coni- 
othyrium Eriogoni Earle. 

This distinguished accession to Ertogonum in California, 
which was discovered while I was searching the Ione hills for 
Arctostaphylos Helleri Eastw., is nearly restricted to a steep out- 
crop of red and white clay where nothing else grows. On a brown- 
colored bed that underlaid the red and white beds at the base of 
the slope, a few individuals of the Eriogonum persisted, but 
other plants, chiefly Juncus confusus Cov. and Arctostaphylos 
myrtifolia Parry, were more common. Eriogonum apricum was 
not found on other outcrops of the red and white clay that I 
explored, but it is to be expected elsewhere in a similar habitat 
in the hills near Ione. These peculiar clays belong to the Ione 


formation, a geologic series of Eocene age of interrupted occur- 
rence in the Sierran foothills (The Ione Formation of California 
by Victor T. Allen, Univ. Calif. Publ. Geol. Sci. 18:347-448, 
1929). On this formation around Ione, E. apricum will take its 
place with such other restricted Sierran endemics as Potentilla 
Parryi (Greene) Greene, Helianthemum suffrutescens Schreiber, 
and Arctostaphylos myrtifolia Parry. 

In spite of the perennial character of the plant, E. apricum ap- 
pears to be most closely related to those annuals of which E. 
vimineum Dougl. is the type. Because E. apricum is perennial, it 
might be inferred that it has been derived from some perennial 
stock found in the Great Basin (such as that which perhaps gave 
rise to E. Batemani Jones), but the strong resemblance of the 
Ione plant, not only in general appearance but also in charac- 
ters of inflorescence and flowers, to such relatives of E. vimineum 
as E. Nortoni Greene and E. viminium var. caninum Greene is 
to me an indication of real affinity. 



This genus was published by Gray, in 1849 (Plantae Fendleri- 
anae, Mem. Amer. Acad. Sci. ser. 2, 4:21,22). From the first, it 
has been a perplexing aggregate. The author enumerated 8 
species, of which the first 3 have since been transferred to Sphae- 
ralcea, St. Hil., the fourth to Malacothamnus, Greene, and the 
last to Sidopsis, Rydb. The remaining 3 species, listed by Gray 
under sect. Chrysanthae (Malva sect. Chrysanthae DC., Prodr. 
1:430) are M. Wrightii A. Gray, now referred to M. aurantiacum 
(Scheele) Walp., M. carpinifolium A. Gray, and M. spicatum 
(L.) A. Gray, now referred to M. americanum (L.) Torr. 

Practically the only characters which these 8 species have in 
common are the triphyllous involucel (often absent in M. coc- 
cineum), the capitate stigmas, and the solitary, ascending ovule. 
It is no wonder, therefore, that Gray’s brief description of the 
genus fails to define it. The confusion is shown by the fact that 
Bentham & Hooker (Gen. PI. 1:197) placed Malvastrum in tribe 
Malveae subtribe Eumalveae (subtribe Malvinae of Schumann 


in Die Natiirlich. Pflanzenfam. 63:36, 41), although the other 
genera which these authors referred to this subtribe have slen- 
der, introrsely stigmatic styles rather than capitate stigmas. 

It would appear, from Gray’s comments (ibid.), that he re- 
garded his first 4 species as more typical than the 3 species he 
listed under section Chrysanthae. He wrote “If the yellow-flow- 
ered species, with a somewhat different habit and usually a mani- 
fest persistent involucre, which form the second section (the 
Chrysanthae DC. etc.) are correctly referred to this genus, it will 
comprise a large number of species from tropical and South 
America, which need an elaborate revision.” 

Since the name Malvastrum has been conserved (Intl. Rules 
Bot. Nomenclature, ed. 3, 102,—1935) and since the first 3 species 
of Gray’s list have been transferred subsequently to Sphaeralcea 
—M. Munroanum by Gray himself—and the fourth to Malaco- 
thamnus, as M. Fremontii (Torr. ex Gray) Greene, it is obvious 
that a re-definition of the genus is required. As I would define 
it, the genus comprises only perennial, often somewhat woody 
species of tropical and subtropical America having a persistent, 
triphyllous involucel, yellow corollas, and nearly indehiscent, 
dorsally smooth, laterally smooth or rugose carpels. The chromo- 
some number has been determined by Skovsted (Journ. Genetics 
31:263) as (n) 12 in M. americanum (M. spicatum), M. coroman- 
delianum, and M. scoparium, and by Krapovickas as (2n) 12 in 
M. spiciflorum, 24 in M. amblyphyllum, and 36 in M. inter- 
ruptum. A tentative list of the species of this relationship has 
been given me by Ingr. A. Krapovickas. They are: 


. AMERICANUM (L.) Torr. M. spicatum (L.) A. Gray 

AURANTIACUM (Scheele) Walp. M. Wrightii A. Gray 


CORCHORIFOLIUM (Desr.) Britton ex Small. M. Rugelii S. Wats. 

COROMANDELIANUM (L.) Garcke. M. tricuspidatum (Ait.) A. Gray 

. GUATEMALENSE Standl. & Steyerm. 


. LACTEUM (Ait.) Garcke. M. vitifoliwm (Cav.) Hemsl. 

M. scopariuM (L’Heér.) A. Gray. M. scabrum (Cav.) A. Gray, and, perhaps 
M. depressum (Benth.) Svenson, M. dimorphum J. T. Howell, and M. 
scoparioides Ulbr. 

M. sPICIFLORUM (Hassler) Krapov. 

M. SUBTRIFLORUM (Lag.) Hemsl. M. ribifolium (Schlecht.) Hemsl., M. mexi- 
canum (Schauer) Hemsl., M. Schaffneri S. Wats., M. Greenmanianum 

Sf eee ae ee 


I proposed, in 1947 (Leafl. West. Bot. 5:23,24) Malvastrum 
coromandelianum (L.) Garcke as a lectotype for the genus, as 
thus restricted, citing M. carpinifolium A. Gray as a synonym. 
Unfortunately, Gray in publishing M. carpinifolium (P1. Fendl. 
p- 22) gave several synonyms, of which the first two are Sida car- 
pinifolia L. f. and S. planicaulis Cav. These are true Sida, lack- 
ing an involucel and having a pendulous ovule. They are re- 
lated to, if not identical with, S$. acuta Burm. But Gray cited 
also Malva tricuspidata Ait., which is undoubtedly Malvastrum 
coromandelianum, and it is clear from Gray’s description of his 
M. carpinifolium that this was the plant he had in mind. Three 
years later, in Plantae Wrightianae (1:16), Gray recognized his 
mistake and published the combination Malvastrum tricuspi- 
datum (Ait.) A. Gray, giving as a synonym “M. carpinifolium A. 
Gray (excl. syn. Sida carpinifolia and S. planicaulis).” In view of 
these facts, it would seem permissible to retain M. coromandeli- 
anum [M. tricuspidatum (Ait.) A. Gray] as the lectotype of the 
genus Malvastrum as I would re-define it. This is by far the most 
abundant and widely distributed species, now well established in 
the eastern hemisphere, although doubtless of American origin. 

Many species, formerly included in Malvastrum, have been 
transferred to other genera — Eremalche, Malacothamnus, Mon- 
teiroa, Sidopsis, Sphaeralcea, Tarasa, and Urocarpidium. Many 
others, which do not conform to the definition proposed above 
of the restricted genus Malvastrum, remain to be disposed of. In 
an earlier paper (Amer. Mid]. Nat. 46:119—121), I discussed 4 
groups, regarded as atypical: Peruvianae, Eremalche, Acaules, 
and the South African species that have been included in Mal- 

The group of which M. peruvianum (L.) A. Gray is typical 
comprises herbaceous species, mainly South American, having 
usually circinate inflorescences and mauve or purple corollas. 
The chromosome number (7) as determined by Skovsted (ibid.) 
in M. peruvianum and M. limense (L.) J. Ball is 15, as compared 
with 6 to 18 in what I regard as true Malvastrum. This group of 
species has been transferred recently by Krapovickas to the 
hitherto monotypic genus Urocarpidium Ulbr. 

Eremalche, Greene, now appears to me to be a valid genus, 
comprising 4 species of annual plants of the southwestern United 
States, with solitary or geminate axillary flowers, purple or whit- 


ish corollas, and round, muticous carpels that open irregularly 
at maturity by disintegration of the lateral walls. 

The numerous acaulescent species of high elevations in the 
Andes, including those which A. W. Hill monographed in 1909 
(Jour. Linnaean Soc. London, Bot. 39:216—230) are certainly to 
be excluded from Malvastrum, as I would define that genus. 
Hill stated (ibid., p. 216) that this is “possibly not a very natural 
group since they [the species] probably represent the high alpine 
forms of this large genus [Malvastrum] and may perhaps be more 
closely related to some caulescent forms — living or extinct — 
than they are to each other.” It would seem that one or more new 
genera will have to be erected to provide for these plants, but 
much further study is needed before they can be disposed of 
satisfactorily. The comparative rarity of specimens with mature 
fruit enhances the difficulty. 

Malvastrum humile (Gill.) A. Gray has been transferred by 
Krapovickas to the genus Tarasa (Bol. Soc. Argent. Bot. 5:117) 
and M. decipiens (St. Hil. & Naud.) K. Schum. (M. nudum K. 
Schum.?) is a Sphaeralcea according to the same authority (Lilloa 

The two dozen or so South African species hitherto referred 
to Malvastrum offer an additional problem. They are mostly 
shrubby or suffrutescent plants with red or purple corollas and 
indehiscent or only slightly dehiscent carpels. Skovsted (ibid.) 
determined the number of chromosomes (n) in M. capense (L.) 
Garcke as 22 and in M. grossulariaefolium (Cav.) Garcke as 21. 
Here again a new genus seems to be indicated but, so far as I 
know, none has been proposed. 

Finally, it appears that some other disposition must be found 
for a few aberrant species that have been described as Malvas- 
trum, such as M. palustre Ekman and M. Sandemanii Sandwith. 



This is an artificial key to Abutilon and juxtaposition of 
species does not necessarily indicate close relationship. When- 
ever possible, the characterizations have been based upon her- 


barium specimens and (or) photographs of types, but in several 
cases published descriptions have been the only available source 
of information. The segregate genera Bakeridesia Hochr. and 
Bogenhardia Reichenb. (Gayoides Small) are not included. 
North America is interpreted as including the West Indies and 
the Republic of Panama. 

A South American species, Abutilon megapotamicum 
(Spreng.) St. Hil. & Naud. is often cultivated as an ornamental 
in North America and may occasionally escape. It is easily rec 
ognized by its inflated, commonly red or brown, tubular calyx. 

The genus is a very difficult one and much further investiga- 
tion will be required to solve all of the problems. Note 1. 

1. Carpels normally 5 (but sometimes 6 in A. ellipticum and A. incanum), 
pauciovulate except possibly in A. Marshii (2). Note 2 

1. Carpels (except sometimes in A. Picardae and perhaps occasionally in A. 
umbellatum and A. Wrightii) more than 5 (14). 

2. Petals 20 mm. long and about 14 as wide. Herbage whitish-velutinous 
with stellate hairs; leaves broadly ovate, deeply cordate, acuminate, 
coarsely dentate; flowers in a small, terminal subcorymbose cluster; 
calyx about 9 mm. long, the lobes ovate-lanceolate, cuspidate; fruit 
unknown. Texas (Chisos Mountains)........... ....A. Marshii Standl. 

2. Petals not more than 12 mm. long (3). 

3. Stems hirsute with very long and fine, spreading, nonglandular, simple 
hairs or sometimes (in A. Thurberi), nearly glabrous. Plants herba- 
ceous above the caudex; calyx-lobes deltoid; petals yellow; carpels 
aristate (4). 

3. Stems with few or no such hairs or if softly pilose with rather long, mainly 
simple, spreading hairs (in A. percaudatum) then these somewhat 
glandular (5). 

4. Leaves sharply long-acuminate, rather finely dentate; calyx less than 14 
as long as the fruit, stellate-pilose; petals about 5 mm. long; carpel- 
awns 1.5 mm. long, rather stout. Guatemala.........-. =. -sessseugee 
SA OO EE ie I her i ocr A. orientale Standl. & Steyerm. Note 3 

4. Leaves abruptly short-acuminate; calyx more than 14 as long as the fruit, 
long-hirsute; petals up to 8 (?) mm. long; carpel-awns 2-3 mm. long, 
slender, spreading or recurved, stellate-hirsute. Flowering stems from 
creeping rootstocks. Southern Arizona and northern Mexico......... 
si aySaicea > eb tying sik ah alera tN SGhE, ONG fate ace aah eee aya Roa tae A. Thurberi Gray 

5. Stems obtusely trigonous and deeply sulcate above. Herbage finely stel- 
late-tomentose, also more or less glandular-puberulent and (rarely) 
with a few, long, simple hairs; leaves long-petiolate, cordate, rather 
abruptly long-acuminate, crenate or subentire; flowers in a very open, 
leafy panicle; calyx less than 4 as long as the carpels, spreading or 
reflexed in fruit; corolla yellow, often with a dark center, the petals 


about 5 mm. long; fruit truncate, the carpels often slightly constricted 
above the base, mucronate to cuspidate. West Indies, southern Texas, 
Mexico, and Central America... .A. trisulcatum (Jacq.) Urban. Note 4 

5. Stems terete or, if more or less angulate-sulcate, then the other characters 
not combined as above (6). 

6. Calyx much longer than the carpels and nearly as long as the corolla. 
Leaves long-petiolate, broadly ovate, shallowly cordate, shortly acumi- 
nate, finely dentate; flowers laxly paniculate, the peduncle hirsute and 
somewhat glandular; carpels about 6 mm. long, muticous, finely to- 
RMS NURI G5 Cn. 0 ola co cua oro ctstales 3 la ae A. bastardioides Baker f. 

6. Calyx shorter or only slightly longer than the carpels (7). 

7. Petals, so far as is known, yellow, orange, or (in A. parvulum) sometimes 
crimson, basal spet. An undershrub or nearly herbaceous; leaves mostly 
considerably longer than wide, finely to coarsely dentate, usually 
gradually long-acuminate; flowers axillary but somewhat congested at 
ends of the branches, small, the petals 5-6 mm. long; fruit truncate, 
the carpels 7-8 mm. long, muticous or mucronate. Southern Arizona 
and northwestern Mexico, including Baja California............... 
Bee Ore ih lecg Bee a cto MctLNy Gtae ean tutane bobs e e8. 4 Pe A. Pringlei Hochr. Note 5 

7. Petals, so far as is known, yellow, orange, or (in A. parvulum) sometimes 
red, usually without a conspicuous basal spot (8). 

8. Carpels long-cuspidate or aristate (9). 
8. Carpels short-beaked to muticous (11). 

9. Stems woody; petioles 2 cm. long or shorter; peduncles spreading; fruit 
much surpassing the calyx; carpels with long, spreading awns, stellate- 
hirsute, the awns 3-5 mm. long. Leaves green and appressed-pubescent 
above with simple hairs, somewhat paler and stellate-pubescent be- 
neath, thin, ovate to elliptic-lanceolate, serrate or crenate, sometimes 
shallowly trilobate; flowers few, in open, terminal panicles; corolla 
orange-yellow. Southern Mexico....... A. ellipticum Schlecht. Note 6 

9. Stems (except possibly in A. coahuilae) herbaceous throughout; petioles 
mostly much more than | cm. long; peduncles erect or ascending; car- 
pels with shorter, suberect awns. Leaves concolorous or nearly so (10). 

10. Leaves thin, green, glabrescent, truncate or obscurely cordate at base, 
coarsely crenate-dentate, the petioles slender; flowers few, mostly in 
small loose clusters on axillary branchlets; petals about 10 mm. long; 
carpels stellate-hirsute. Mexico (Tepic and perhaps in Jalisco)....... 
RL GUE VE Sve S tar a cestacnk ial atcnel Rene Weird eadidcninsias A. membranaceum Baker f. 

10. Leaves thickish, whitish and minutely stellate-tomentose on both surfaces, 
subcordate at base, sharply serrate, the petioles stout; flowers numer- 
ous in an elongate, leafy, narrow panicle; carpels stellate-tomentose. 
Micxred: (Caer lamntlaa) cos. diiie lpn 8 poe 348 owt o/atitts Bie A. coahuilae Kearney 

11. Stems copiously soft-pilose with rather long, somewhat glandular hairs; 
petals 10-12 mm. long. Plants herbaceous or nearly so; leaves thin, 
nearly concolorous, up to 10 cm. long, about 14 as to nearly as wide 


as long, rather deeply cordate, caudate-acuminate at apex; carpels 
about 10 mm. long, finely pubescent. Mexico (San Luis Potosi)...... 
wlohe pelag Ragin ome gaat we Wisin ley Meera tent A. percaudatum Hochr. 

11.Stems not glandular-pubescent; petals mostly less than 10 mm. long. 
Leaves dentate; fruit truncate (12). 

12. Calyx erect in fruit, 2/3 to nearly as long as the carpels. Herbage finely 
tomentose; inflorescence, when well developed, an elongate, leafy, 
many-Howered panicle; carpels 6-9 mm. long, rounded or obtuse at 
apex, rather coarsely stellate-pubescent. Texas, southern New Mexico, 
ANG ROLttHEnn NCCI.» j..2 5:5, Kernen cms 2 Bae pene A. malacum Wats. 

12. Calyx spreading or reflexed in fruit, much shorter than the carpels. Petals 
usually without basal spots (13). 

13. Petals 6-9 mm. long, yellow or orange; carpels (sometimes 6 in number) 
6-8 mm. long, muticous or apiculate (exceptionally cuspidate), finely 
stellulate; plants usually sufirutescent; stems erect, sometimes trique- 
trous above; leaves often more than 3 (up to 7) cm. long, denticulate to 
coarsely dentate; flowers numerous, often somewhat congested at the 
ends of the branches. Oklahoma and Texas to Arizona and northern 
Mexico (including Baja California). .A. incanum (Link) Sweet. Note 7 

13. Petals 4-6 mm. long, orange-pink or red; carpels 8-9 mm. long, mucro- 
nate or cuspidate; plants herbaceous above the crown; stems spreading 
or decumbent, often vine-like; leaves not more (usually less) than 3 
cm. long, usually coarsely dentate; flowers few, solitary in the axils. 
Southwestern United States and northern Mexico. .A. parvulum Gray 

14. Flowers large, the petals 25 mm. or longer (15). 

14. Flowers smaller, the petals (except occasionally in A. hypoleucum, A. 
Palmeri, and perhaps A. amplexifolium) less than 25 mm. long (27). 

15. Petals deeply bilobate, 28-30 mm. long, yellowish with a purple base; 
carpels pauciovulate. Leaves suborbicular, rounded at base, entire- 
margined; flowers solitary; peduncles 2-4 cm. long; mature fruit un- 
known, Guatemidilar x sistas dere rete cere sen A. Pittieri Donn.-Smith 

15. Petals not deeply lobed; carpels (except possibly in A. Chittendenii and 
A. vulcanicola) pluriovulate (16). 

16. Leaves deeply 3-5-lobed. Herbage glabrate or puberulent; flowers axillary, 
long-pedunculate, often nodding; petals 25-40 mm. long, deep yellow 
with red veins; androecium usually exserted; carpels about 11, the 
ovules numerous; mature fruit apparently not known. South America; 
escaped from cultivation or sparingly naturalized in Jamaica, Mexico, 
anid: Guatemala. op iiy <i aoe oie itas ee eee A. striatum Dicks. Note 8 

16. Leaves deeply 3-5-lobed. Herbage glabrate or puberulent; flowers axillary, 
slightly 3-lobed (17). 

17. Androecium nearly twice as long as the petals, these 40-50 mm. long, 
orange or salmon-colored with conspicuous red veins. Leaves large, 
obscurely crenulate, conspicuously discolorous; peduncles often 3- 
flowered; carpels long-rostrate, nearly 30 mm. long. Guatemala...... 
ssijdlales Bieke RE hata Sb etme eaiaie mleweyieis ee elle te A. tridens Standl. & Steyerm. 


17. Androecium (except perhaps in 4. Pachecoanum) not or little longer than 
the petals (18). 

18. Petals 45-60 mm. long. Shrubs or small trees up to 6 m. high; leaves 
broadly ovate or suborbicular, sometimes obscurely 3-lobed, the mar- 
gins entire or merely undulate; flowers long-pedunculate (19). 

18. Petals usually less than 45 mm. long (21). 

19. Stems copiously villous above with rather long, spreading, simple hairs in 
addition to other pubescence; flowers mostly in 3’s, long-pedunculate; 
petals deep wine-red, not becoming reflexed; column staminiferous 
for some distance below the apex; carpels about 10, stoutly aristate, 
about 40 mm. long, stellate-pilose; leaves very large. Southern Mexico, 
MEAVALEIEDN A aie ie 2 o'er], ss Aad = A. Pachecoanum Stand]. & Steyerm. 

19. Stems without long, simple hairs, roughly scurfy-pubescent with brown- 
ish, stellate hairs; flowers solitary or binate; petals yellow or orange, 
becoming reflexed; column staminiferous only at apex; carpels very 
numerous, about 24. Leaves more or less coriaceous, conspicuously 
veiny beneath (20). 

20. Calyx densely and roughly lanate, the lobes shortly acuminate; mature 
fruit unknown. Stipules ovate or broadly lanceolate. Guatemala... . 
MIA Tesi ten Gtat SMPN Beret ce acai) ime fagasns ¢ SND R AROS Zo ener A. Nelsoni Rose 

20. Calyx finely tomentose, the lobes long-acuminate; carpels coarsely and 
roughly stellate-pubescent, thin-walled, muticous, rounded at apex, 
apparently triovulate. Androecium 25 mm. long. El Salvador........ 
Ete Sk Re A OR: Ok EE Pe ED a A. vulcanicola Standl. 

21. Leaf-margins entire or merely slightly undulate. Carpels (in A. yuca- 
tanum?) muticous (22). 

21. Leaf-margins crenulate to coarsely crenate. Petals mostly 30-35 mm. long, 
yellow (in A. Purpusii?); androecium shorter than the petals; carpels 
muticous; leaves very large, up to 20 cm. long, ovate to suborbicular, 
cordate (25). 

22. Calyx not more than 10 mm. long, whitish-tomentose, cleft to about the 
middle. Petals 25-35 mm. long, yellow; carpels 12-15 mm. long, 
rounded at apex. Mexico (Oaxaca and Chiapas). .A. Bakerianum Rose 

22. Calyx more than 10 mm. long, brownish, scurfy-tomentose ‘(23). 

23. Peduncles erect or spreading, 7 cm. or shorter, the flowers not nodding. 
Petals relatively broad, (30?) 35-40 mm. long, yellow or cream-colored, 
with a dark red or maroon basal spot; leaves sometimes obscurely 
3-lobed; a small tree. Guatemala, Honduras, and perhaps El Salvador 
55, Cr SRE EO ORE TET Ce Oe eae ae A. Chittendenii Standl. 

23. Peduncles more or less recurved, often 8 cm. or longer, the flowers more 
or less nodding (24). 

24. Calyx 13-17 mm. long, the lobes attenuate-acuminate; petals 25-30 mm. 
long, relatively broad (at least 14 as wide as long) with a rather incon- 
spicuous, purple basal spot; leaves deeply cordate. Mexico (Vera Cruz) 
BENS iee ale Sn ayny xcs Bed ari responses ne, Stoiahat Ohta ae A. Peyritschii Standl. Note 9 

24. Calyx 20-25 mm. long; petals 40-45 mm. long, relatively narrow; leaves 
moderately cordate: Yucatan: 2056.5 .65 oes A, yucatanum Standl. 


25. Flowers more or less nodding; carpels 25-30 mm. long. Leaves rather 
















finely crenate-dentate; petals long-clawed. Southern Mexico, Guate- 
Mallat iy She eins spe erepe cle MNS ae ree eae heer A. Purpusii Standl. 

Flowers not nodding; carpels about 20 mm. long (26). 

Leaves undulate-crenulate; flowers solitary in the axils; carpels 12. Petals 
rather long-clawed. Mexico (Jalisco)........... A. jaliscanum Standl. 

Leaves rather coarsely crenate; flowers often subracemose at ends of the 
branchlets; carpels 7-10. Costa Rica, Panama..... A. Brenesii Standl. 

Corolla rose-pink or purple, at least when fresh, exceptionally white, per- 
haps rarely yellow (28). 

Corolla (so far as is known) yellow, orange, or (exceptionally) whitish, 
with or without a darker center (34). Note 10 

Petals about 9 mm. long, bluish-purple, becoming reflexed; carpels 18-24, 
pauciovulate. A small tree; herbage, peduncles, and calyx scurfy-stellu- 
late; leaves very large, often slightly 3-lobed, obscurely denticulate; 
flowers in dense, subcorymbose clusters at ends of (often elongate) 
axillary branchlets; calyx cleft nearly to the base, the lobes oval, obtuse 
or acutish; mature fruit unknown. Guatemala...................... 
Diy.les tp orf wip igs ate hse wishes oie ate ans acme A. pleiopodum Donn.-Smith. Note 11 

Petals longer, not becoming reflexed; carpels fewer (29). 

Corolla rose-pink to (exceptionally) white (rarely yellow?); carpels pluri- 
ovulate. Plants shrubby or arborescent, up to 4 m. high; stems stellate- 
tomentose and usually also with long, spreading, simple hairs; leaves 
velutinous, more or less discolorous, broadly ovate, cordate; flowers 
axillary, mostly solitary; petals up to 25 mm. long but usually shorter; 
carpels 10-14, cuspidate or shortly aristate, villous, 13-16 mm. long. 
Southern Florida, southern Texas, and West Indies, perhaps also in 
Mexico and Honduras». 25.02.50 <2 sisi ceicie 4 0 ashe olen ee 
itn oes A. Hulseanum (Torr. & Gray) Torr. ex. Chapm. Note 12 

. Corolla (so far as is known) pale purple to violet, at least when fresh, 

15-25 mm. long (in A. Buchii?); carpels pauciovulate. Flowers solitary 
in the axils. Species known only from Hispaniola (30). Note 13 

. Calyx-lobes more or less cordate; stipules 6-15 mm. long; carpels 11-13, 
about 15 mm. long (31). 

. Calyx-lobes not cordate; stipules not more than 7 (8?) mm. long; carpels 

fewer (32). ; 

. Stems without long hairs; calyx-lobes conspicuously cordate; carpel-beaks 
CIVETRENE: 25,0421. JOR reas Santee Rin ee ee arte em A. inclusum Urban 

. Stems with numerous, very long, spreading, simple hairs; calyx-lobes sub- 
cordate; carpel-beakserect 5.5, ..52 02s2 2: A. Leonardi Urban. Note 14 

. Carpels 6, barely 10 mm. long; calyx-lobes ovate-lanceolate, acuminate. . 

id «Oi alla 0’ Gja a Se wGnlany eae reat Pee ae a ree ee A. Picardae Urban 

.Carpels 9 or 10; calyx-lobes triangular-lanceolate. Herbage velutinous, 

white or whitish, the stems with long, very fine, simple hairs (33). 

. Stipules 6-7 (8?) mm. long. Carpels scarcely 10 mm. long, rather obtusely 
edhe ois cites. Jane son pee key ae ee ee ener oe A. Buchii Urban 

. Stipules 4-5 mm. long. Calyx-lobes obtusish; mature fruit unknown... . 

Se eee eee PE Rae et eS, ot rhc A. haitense Urban. Note 15 


34. Plants annual. Stems up to about | m. high; herbage more or less tomen- 
tose; leaves large, broadly ovate or suborbicular, abruptly acuminate; 
petals about 10 mm. long, yellow; carpels long-aristate, pluriovulate. 
Naturalized in the United States and Bermuda from India.......... 
Eee pee tava vas eteeenctat ad das Maer ts Sales, ate A. Theophrasti Medic. Note 16 

34. Plants perennial, often more or less woody (35). 

35. Leaves (the upper ones) sessile or nearly so, amplexicaul; carpels pluri- 
ovulate. Stems loosely pilose or villous; leaves ovate, cordate with 
usually overlapping basal lobes; flowers mostly in terminal panicles; 
carpels about 12, inflated, the walls membranous. Mexico.......... 
ier ide ers ae A.amplexifolium (Mog. & Sessé ex DC.) G. Don. Note 17 

35. Leaves all distinctly petiolate; carpels (except rarely in A. Palmeri?) pau- 
ciovulate (36). 

36. Petals usually becoming reflexed. Plants herbaceous or shrubby, up to 6 
m. high; herbage velutinous, the stems and (or) petioles often also 
with long, spreading, simple hairs; leaves broadly ovate or suborbi- 
cular, more or less cordate, sometimes slightly lobed; flowers in a 
(usually ample) terminal panicle; flower-buds angulate-turbinate; co- 
rolla yellow or whitish, often with a red or purple center, the petals 
9-15 mm. long; carpels 8-14 (16?), villous, 10-15 mm. long, usually 
shortly aristate but sometimes muticous and rounded or truncate at 
apex; seeds pubescent. West Indies and southern Mexico to northern 
SON GATTI CAS 5/0) <mi0i5)s ap 40 ste cers A. giganteum (Jacq.) Sweet. Note 18 

36. Petals (so far as is known) not becoming reflexed (37). 

37. Stipules up to 15 mm. long, about 1/3 as wide as long at base, auriculate 
on one side. Flowers solitary or subpaniculate apically; petals 10-13 
mm. long, deep yellow; carpels about 10, apiculate, 15-2 times as 
long as the calyx. Perhaps in western Mexico and in Martinique; 
putvaduced, tom the Old Weald a ho os so. oi = $22 ea vs os wo bes 
SE alent eA eee A. auritum (Wall. ex Link) Sweet. Note 19 

37. Stipules smaller or narrower, not auriculate (38). 

38. Fruiting calyx (except sometimes in A. Dugesii and A. Hemsleyanum) not 
more than 2/3 as long as the mature fruit (39). 

38. Fruiting calyx (except occasionally in A. Palmeri and perhaps A. hirtum) 
from more than 2/3 as long as to longer than the mature fruit (48). 

39. Carpels muticous to subaristate. Flowers in very open panicles (40). 

39. Carpels long-beaked or aristate (44). 

40. Plants shrubby; petals 12-15 mm. long. Carpels villous (41). 

40. Plants herbaceous; petals not more than 12 mm. long. Leaves large, sub- 
orbicular, deeply cordate, strongly discolorous; flowers in ample 
panicles (42). 

41. Carpels 8 or 9, muticous or very shortly beaked, 10 mm. long, thin-walled, 
somewhat inflated. Flowers in an ample panicle. Southern Mexico... 
COM sho SHEEN eT an tee sabe aimee Ss A. Andrieuxii Hemsl. Note 20 

41. Carpels 10 or 11, obtuse or apiculate at apex, firm-walled, not inflated. 
Stems densely tomentulose, sometimes (in var. longipilum Standl.) 
also with long, simple hairs. El Salvador. . A. Calderoni Standl. Note 21 











Stems glabrous or tomentulose; leaves not or obscurely trilobate; petals 
10-12 mm. long; carpels obtuse and muticous to mucronate at apex. 
Southern-Arizona/andi Mexitcova...9.<.5 eee A. reventum Wats. 

Stems conspicuously pubescent; leaves often shallowly trilobate; petals 
less than 10 (mostly 6-7) mm. long; carpels mucronate to shortly 
aristate (43). 

. Petioles and stems sparsely to copiously hirsute with long, simple or few- 

armed hairs. Southern Arizona and Mexico.......... A. sonorae Gray 

. Petioles and stems without such hairs, densely white-lanate. Southern 

Baja CAMPOS os 5 ic eee sb La tha ee wee oak A. Carterae Kearney 

. Inflorescence paniculate or subumbellate. Petals 8-10 mm. long (45). 

. Inflorescence otherwise, the flowers solitary in the axils, sometimes some- 

what crowded apically (46). 

. Leaves mostly long-petiolate and distinctly cordate, often shallowly trilo- 

bate; carpels 6-8 (9?) mm. long, 5-7 in number, shortly aristate, the 
awns spreading. West Indies and Mexico to South America........ 
BisPeis aah war Saiwtace uate citi ao PIE wine Rean eh seats fae A. umbellatum (L.) Sweet 

Leaves (the upper ones) short-petiolate and rounded or subcordate at 
base; carpels (8?) 13-14 mm. long, stellate-hispid, long-aristate. Flow- 
ers numerous, in dense axillary clusters, the inflorescence an elongate, 
leafy or nearly naked thyrse. Mexico. .A. Hemsleyanum Rose. Note 22 

Herbage, calyx, and carpels with glandular hairs. Petals 6-10 mm. long, 
little to considerably surpassing the angulate-plicate calyx; carpels 
aristate. Southern Mexico, including Baja California and Tres Marias 
TSIAMGE, 2. FS cee das vein oh s hie ee ee Peete te A. Dugesii Wats. Note 23 

Herbage, calyx, and carpels not or very obscurely glandular (47). : 

Stem-hairs all short and stellate; leaves not or only moderately discolor- 
ous; calyx-lobes overlapping and subcordate at base; petals 6-15 mm. 
long. Southern Arizona and Mexico, including Baja California...... 
Bee Py ei oi ore ses Cre A. californicum Benth. Note 24 

Stem-hairs partly long, simple, very fine, reflexed; leaves strongly discolor- 
ous, velutinous on both surfaces, coarsely crenate-dentate, sometimes 
shallowly trilobate; calyx-lobes not overlapping or cordate; petals 
about 10 mm. long. Southern Arizona.............. A. Parishii Wats. 

Carpels numerous (12-30), remaining attached to the axis after maturity 
by a dorsal thread (Note 25). Leaves obtuse to shortly acuminate. Old 
World species, more or less naturalized in tropical and subtropical 
America (49). 

Carpels fewer, or without attaching threads. Indigenous species (51). 

Herbage with glandular hairs, the stems also with long, spreading, simple 
hairs; petals 15-20 mm. long, orange- or tawny-yellow, with a red or 
purple basal spot. Carpels thin-walled, muticous or apiculate; seeds 
puberulent. Florida, West Indies, Mexico, Nicaragua.............-. 
ates ela eine eels iMate eto net eens ee A. hirtum (Lam.) Sweet. Note 26 

Herbage without glandular hairs; petals commonly less than 15 mm. long, 
yellow. Stems usually with long, spreading, simple hairs (50). 


50. Fruit stellate-tomentose, the carpels muticous to cuspidate, thin-walled, 
inflated; seeds puberulent, pubescent at the hilum. Leaves usually 
coarsely dentate. Florida, West Indies, and probably elsewhere in 

frepital Americano. tincccnaninchelpat : A. indicum (L.) Sweet. Note 27 
50. Fruit villous, the carpels cuspidate; seeds tuberculate, otherwise glabrous. 
Wes talita ies bjs e ie.e sara -ts0 Shae toeeeie: = A. leiospermum Griseb. Note 28 

51. Corolla (in A. Gaumeri?, A. sphaerostaminum?) usually less than 15 mm. 
long (52). 

51. Corolla usually 15 mm. or longer (58). 

52. Carpels biovulate, rounded and usually mucronate at apex, about 7 mm. 
long, densely tomentose dorsally; herbage tomentose with stellate 
hairs, yellowish or rusty or appearing so in old specimens; leaves mostly 
entire, rounded or subcordate at base, obtuse to short-acuminate at 
apex, thickish, the veins more or less prominent beneath. Yucatan.... 
De dia 2 trae rel tenis Sahn whe. eres sale, ak. A. Gaumeri Standl. Note 29 

52. Carpels normally triovulate, long-beaked or subaristate, more than 7 mm. 
long; herbage (except in old specimens) not appearing yellowish or 
rusty; leaves crenulate to dentate (53). 

53. Inflorescence an elongate, almost naked, often long-branched panicle. 
Herbage velutinous; leaves broadly ovate, deeply cordate, rather 
abruptly long-acuminate, denticulate or dentate, sometimes shallowly 
trilobate; petals about 8 mm. long. Southern Baja California........ 
Rie othe Gey ciee ia. sibrs 0 sities dis Sim eciann) a aahgias se A. Xanti Gray 

53. Inflorescence otherwise but sometimes racemose or subpaniculate apically 
in A. Palmeri (54). 

54. Calyx-lobes subcordate and overlapping at base, at least in the bud (55). 

54. Calyx-lobes not subcordate. Seeds usually minutely tuberculate or echinu- 
late (57). 

55. Leaves with a very long and sharp acumination; carpels mucronate or 
cuspidate. Plants suffruticose; leaves broadly ovate, deeply cordate, 
denticulate, strongly discolorous; carpels 14 or fewer, tomentose; seeds 
tuberculate-pilosulous. Southern Mexico....................20006- 
Die ebm ite eons kad a acm el eases A. sphaerostaminum Hochr. Note 30 

55. Leaves acute to shortly (rarely long-) acuminate; carpels more or less 
aristate (56). 

56. Flowers mostly solitary in the axils; petals 6-15 mm. long. Southern Ari- 
zona and Mexico, including Baja California... .. A. californicum Benth. 

56. Flowers axillary and also racemosely or subcorymbosely clustered at ends 
of the stem and of more or less elongate axillary branchlets, the in- 
florescence, when well developed, a very open, leafy panicle; petals 
10-15 mm. long. Southern Florida, southern Texas, West Indies, 
Mexico; Golumbia)s 1.2420 .)2) A. abutiloides (Jacq.) Garcke. Note 31 

57. Herbage usually rather roughly pubescent; leaves concolorous or nearly 
so, crenate or dentate, often shallowly trilobate, truncate or shallowly 
(rarely deeply) cordate at base; flowers in subumbellate, axillary and 
terminal clusters, the whole inflorescence a leafy panicle; petals usually 
about 8 mm. long. West Indies and Mexico to South America........ 
Sa aeI yaar Free oval id fore Rly o EE ie. oe ace ea erede eral A. umbellatum (L.) Sweet 


57. Herbage finely soft-pubescent; leaves discolorous, crenulate (exception- 
ally dentate?), deeply cordate at base; flowers axillary and in sub- 
corymbose terminal clusters; petals 12 mm. or longer. Florida, West 
Indies, and perhaps in southern Mexico, Guatemala, and Honduras 
ROR ERS Soe PES Oe re AI GRC C A. permolle (Willd.) Sweet 

58. Stems with few or many long, spreading, simple hairs in addition to other 

pubescence (59). 

58. Stems without such hairs (62). 

59. Calyx-lobes lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, attenuate-acuminate. Stems 
erect to procumbent; leaves broadly ovate or suborbicular, cordate; 
flowers solitary in the axils; calyx cleft nearly to the base, accrescent, 
in fruit 15-25 mm. long; petals 15-20 mm. long; carpels 12-15 mm. 
long, conspicuously aristate, villous. Texas, southeastern New Mexico, 
and northern Mexiunis ¥2.:0:2ch ses semen A. Wrightii Gray. Note 32 

59. Calyx-lobes ovate-deltoid, obtuse to acuminate (60). 

60. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, cordate-subsagittate, less than 14 as wide as long. 
Calyx cleft nearly to the base, the lobes overlapping. Northeastern 
IMOXICOls «516 2s scciacin Sarde wate ee rete eae A, subsagittatum Hochr. 

60. Leaves broader, not at all sagittate (61). 

61. Calyx finely and densely puberulent, with a few long hairs at base, the 
lobes broadly deltoid and overlapping at base; flowers more or less 
crowded at apex of the stem and branches; herbage more or less 
glandular; leaves discolorous, puberulent above, velutinous beneath, 
ovate, acuminate, cordate with a narrow sinus. Southern Mexico..... 
live shew 8 PUG ate Sees ok Scns ele ae RS ee ae ae Oo ee A. simulans Rose 

61. Calyx tomentose or villous, the lobes deltoid-ovate, not overlapping; 
flowers solitary in the axils but, by reduction of the upper leaves, the 
whole infloresence often appearing as an elongate, few-flowered ter- 
minal raceme, or subpaniculate; herbage not or very obscurely glan- 
dular; leaves seldom conspicuously discolorous, velutinous on both sur- 
faces, broadly ovate or suborbicular, cordate, normally acute or 
shortly acuminate, rather coarsely dentate, sometimes slightly 3-lobed. 
Petals rich orange, 15-25 mm. long; carpels 8-10 mm. long, cuspidate 
or shortly aristate. Southern Arizona, southeastern California, north- 
western Mexico, and throughout Baja California.................. 
Roi Rane Cerin eI eis oa Absbetyie roa, Ce A. Palmeri Gray. Note 33 

62. Leaves small (up to 5 cm. long), obtuse to shortly acuminate, crenulate, 
sometimes obscurely trilobate, moderately discolorous; carpels cuspi- 
date. Calyx about 14 as long as the corolla, its lobes deltoid and some- 
what overlapping at base; plants shrubby. Northeastern Mexico...... 
a telle tach ofa Stakes sa 5. Viaha bee Selena tee A. glabriflorum Hochr. Note 34 

62. Leaves mostly larger, attenuate-acuminate; carpels long-beaked or aris- 
tate (63). 

63. Calyx very accrescent, often much surpassing the fruit, the lobes broadly 
ovate, attenuate-acuminate. Leaves broadly ovate, cordate, velutinous 
usually on both surfaces, strongly discolorous; petals up to 25 mm. 
long; carpels 12-15 mm. long. Texas and eastern Mexico............ 
A sfest ais: Asia tees eave Sa piehetet ie 4-0 ayeuo ete ep eee ee A. hypoleucum Gray 


63. Calyx only moderately accrescent, not surpassing the fruit (64). 

64. Herbage glandular, especially in the inflorescence; flowers mostly sub- 
racemosely or subcorymbosely disposed on elongate, leafy, axillary 
branchlets, the whole inflorescence an open, leafy panicle; leaves long- 
acuminate, moderately discolorous; carpel stellate-tomentose. Central 
aie SOULE MERIC. 22.02. Sat oct ss A. Holwayi Rose. Note 35 

64. Herbage not glandular; flowers mostly solitary in the axils or somewhat 
aggregated at ends of the branches, the inflorescence scarcely panicu- 
late; leaves acute or shortly acuminate, usually conspicuously discolor- 
ous; carpels villous. Florida, West Indies, and perhaps in southern 
Mexico, Guatemala, and Honduras........ A. permolle (Willd.) Sweet 


1. The following species, stated to have been based upon collections in 
Mexico, are insufficiently known for inclusion in the key: A. albidum Walp., 
A. blandum Fenzl, A. sessilifolium Presl. The last is almost certainly Bogen- 
hardia crispa (L.) Kearney (Abutilon crispum (L.) Medic.), with which Presl 
himself compared it. Abutilon lucianum (DC.) Sweet (Wissadula luciana 
Benth.), a West Indian species, was referred by R. E. Fries (Sv. Vet. Akad. 
Hand. ser. 2, 434:60) to Wissadula contracta (Link) R. E. Fries. Although 
Urban (Symb. Antill. 5:415) thought that it should be retained in Abutilon, 
it seems more properly to belong to the genus Wissadula. 

2. The term pauciovulate, as used in this key, signifies that the number of 
ovules in each carpel is not more than 3, and the term pluriovulate signifies 
that the number is 4 or more. 

3. Apparently related to A. umbellatum. 

4. Synonyms: A. triquetrum (L.) Sweet and perhaps 4. floribundum 

5. Synonym (?): A. mochisense Hochr. Abutilon Pringlei apparently inter- 
grades with A. incanum (see first paragraph 13 of this key) and is probably 
only subspecifically distinct. A specimen from Cameron County, southern 
Texas (Mrs. A. M. Davis in 1941, Herbarium Southern Methodist University), 
is very like Arizona specimens of A. Pringlei. 

6. Synonyms (fide Standley, Contrib. U. S. Natl. Herb. 23:754): A. attenua- 
tum Robins. & Greenm. and perhaps d. erosum Schlecht. Specimens from 
Culiacan and Balboa, Sinaloa (J. G. Ortega 5112 and 6007) resemble A. ellip- 
ticum except that the petals are 15 mm. long and the foliage is more like 
that of A. membranaceum. 

7. Synonyms: A. Nuttallii Torr. & Gray, A. ramosissimum Presl, A. texense 
Torr. & Gray and, perhaps, A. racemosum Schlecht. 

8. Synonym: A. pictum (Gill.) Walp. 

9. Based upon A. macranthum Peyr., non St. Hil. Given for Guatemala in 
Standley, Trees & Shrubs Mexico, but not included in Standley & Steyermark’s 
Flora of Guatemala. Peyritsch described the carpels of his A. macranthum as 
“dorso undulato-crispis,” this suggesting that it may be a Bakeridesia. 

10. Color unknown, but presumably yellow, in A. Gaumeri, A. sphaero- 
staminum, and. A. subsagittatum. 


11. Standley, in 1945, identified the type specimen as Robinsonella diver- 
gens Rose & Baker. Standley & Steyermark in Fl. Guatemala (Fieldiana 
246:327), however, included 4. pleiopodum in their key to Abutilon although 
on p. 372 they gave it as a synonym of R. divergens. As well as I can make 
out on the very immature material available, the carpels contain more than 
one ovule. Also the stamen-column is pubescent, not glabrous as described 
for R. divergens by Roush. 

12. Synonyms: A. pedunculare Griseb., non H.B.K. (as to the West Indian 
plants), A. commutatum K. Schum., A. leucophaeum Hochr. This species is 
very closely related to A. pauciflorum St. Hil., of southern South America, 
and was treated under that name by Fawcett and Rendle (Fl. Jam. 53:102). 
They included Mexico in the range but it is not mentioned by Standley in 
Trees & Shrubs of Mexico. Schumann's name A. commutatum (FI. Bras. 
123:405 under A. pauciflorum) was taken up by Urban (Symb. Antill. 4:386), 
who stated that in Puerto Rico the plants reach a height of 4 m. and are 
shrubby or arborescent, whereas A. pauciflorum, in South America, is appar- 
ently less woody and of lower stature (see Fl. Bras. 123:404). 

13. It is not certain that all of the 5 following Haitian taxa, each of which 
apparently was described from a single collection, are distinct as species. 

14. Urban did not state the number of ovules, but as the 4 related Haitian 
species are triovulate, the number in A. Leonardi is presumably the same. 
Also, he did not mention the petal color, but a specimen (Jiménez 2375) was 
characterized on the label as having petals of a pale lilac color, although 
appearing pale orange when dry. This plant was described by Jiménez as a 
shrub 1.5 m. high, very common in saline soil. 

15. Urban (Repert. Sp. Nov. 18:191) described the petals of A. haitense as 
“ex sicco flava,” but stated that it is related to the purple-flowered A. Picar- 

16. Synonym: A. Avicennae Gaertn. 

17. The petal color of A. amplexifolium is yellow according to De Candolle 
(Prodr. 1:469) and G. Don (Hist. Dichl. Pl. 1:502). 

18. Synonyms: A. elatum (Macf.) Griseb. and perhaps A. confertiflorum 
A. Rich. and A. mexicanum Presl. 

19. Abutilon Haenkeanum Pres] may be a synonym of A. auritum, since 
Pres] compared it with his 4. stipulare, of the Philippine Islands, which is 
usually considered a synonym of A. auritum. If the type of A. Haenkeanum 
was collected in western Mexico, as stated by Presl, it may have been a 
casual introduction, as is the case with A. auritum in South America. Speci- 
mens from Martinique, also, have been referred to A. auritum. 

20. Synonym: A. reticulatum Rose. 

21. Although described as a shrub, this seems very close to 4. reventum. 

22. Based on A. sidoides Hemsl., non Dalz. & Gibs. 

23. Synonym: A. tultitlanapense Hochr. 

24. Synonym: A. Lemmoni Wats. 

25. The presence of attaching threads in A. leiospermum is assumed be- 
cause of its relationship to A. indicum. The synonymy of this group of Old 
World species is very confused. 


26. Synonym: A. indicum var. hirtum (Lam.) Griseb. 

27. Synonyms (?): A. Croizatianum Moscoso, A. pubescens (Cav.) Urban, 
non Moench, 4. subpapyraceum Hochr. 

28. Although not so stated by Grisebach (Fl. Br. W. Ind. p. 79) or by 
Fawcett & Rendle (Fl. Jam. 53:100), this is presumably of Old World origin. 
Sida vesicaria Cav. (Abutilon vesicarium Sweet) was cited as a synonym by 
Grisebach and (doubtfully) by Fawcett and Rendle. According to Cavanilles 
(Diss. 2:55), S. vesicaria came from Mexico. 

29. The corolla of A. Gaumeri apparently is unknown. 

30. The number of carpels was stated by Hochreutiner as 14, but the num- 
ber is evidently smaller in some of the fruits on the type specimen. Petals (in 
a bud on the type specimen) little surpass the calyx. 

31. Synonyms: A. americanum (L.) Sweet non A. americanum Panzer, A. 
Berlandieri Gray, A. crassifolium (L’Hér.) G. Don, A. domingense Turcz., 
A. Jacquini G. Don, A. lignosum (Cav.) G. Don, A. peraffine Shuttlew., A. 
scabrum Wats., and perhaps, A. dentatum Rose and 4A. fragile Brandeg. 

32. A. Selerianum Ulbr. was referred by Standley (Contrib. U.S. Nat. Herb. 
23:752) to A. hypoleucum, but examination of an isotype indicates that it 
is more like A. Wrightit. 

33. Synonyms: A. aurantiacum S. Wats., non Linden, and A. Macdougalii 
Rose & Standley. According to Gray (Proc. Amer. Acad. 8:289) the carpels are 
sometimes 4-ovulate. 

34. Probably a distinct species, although seemingly related to A. permolle. 

35. Synonym (fide Standley, ibid. p. 755): A. durangense Rose & York. 


The numbers are those of paragraphs of the key. Synonyms and probable 
synonyms are italicized and the number in parenthesis after the paragraph 
number is that of the note in which the synonym is cited. 

abutiloides 56 

americanum 56 (31) 
amplexifolium 35 
Andrieuxii 41 
attenuatum 9 (6) 
aurantiacum 61 (33) 
auritum 37 
Avicennae 34 (16) 
Bakerianum 22 
bastardioides 6 
Berlandieri 56 (31) 
Brenesii 26 

Buchii 33 
Calderoni 41 
californicum 47, 56 
Carterae 43 
Chittendenii 23 
coahuilae 10 

commutatum 29 (12) 
confertiflorum 36 (18) 
crassifolium 56 (31) 
Croizatianum 50 (27) 
dentatum 56 (31) 
domingense 56 (31) 
Dugesii 46 
durangense 64 (35) 
elatum 36 (18) 
ellipticum 9 

erosum 9 (6) 
floribundum 5 (A) 
fragile 56 (31) 
Gaumeri 52 
giganteum 36 
glabriflorum 62 
Haenkeanum 37 (19) 
haitense 33 

Hemsleyanum 45 
hirtum 49 

Holwayi 64 
Hulseanum 29 
hypoleucum 63 
incanum 13 
inclusum 31 
indicum 50 
Jacquini 56 (31) 
jaliscanum 26 
leiospermum 50 
Lemmoni 47 (24) 
Leonardi 31 
leucophaeum 29 (12) 
lignosum 56 (31) 
lucianum (1) 
Macdougalii 61 (33) 
macranthum 24 (9) 


malacum 12 
Marshii 2 
membranaceum 10 
mexicanum 36 (18) 
mochisense 7 (5) 
Nelsoni 20 
Nuttallii 13 (7) 
orientale 4 
Pachecoanum 19 
Palmeri 61 

Parishii 47 
parvulum 13 
pauciflorum 29 (12) 
pedunculare 29 (12) 
peraffine 56 (31) 
percaudatum 11 
permolle 57, 64 
Peyritschii 24 

Picardae 32 

pictum 16 (8) 
Pittieri 15 
pleiopodum 28 
Pringlei 7 
pubescens 50 (27) 
Purpusii 25 
racemosum 13 (7) 
ramosissimum 13 (7) 
reticulatum 41 (20) 
reventum 42 
scabrum 56 (31) 
Selerianum 59 (32) 
sessilifolium (1) 
sidoides 45 (22) 
simulans 61 

sonorae 43 
sphaerostaminum 55 


striatum 16 
subpapyraceum 50 (27) 
subsagittatum 60 
texense 13 (7) 
Theophrasti 34 
Thurberi 4 

tridens 17 

triquetrum 5 (4) 
trisulcatum 5 
tultitlanapense 46 (23) 
umbellatum 45, 57 
vesicarium 50 (28) 
vulcanicola 20 
Wrightii 59 

Xanti 53 

yucatanum 24 



Following the study of the genus Lupinus for the Flora of 
Nevada, it was found that several changes were necessary in the 
nomenclature. These changes are presented here so that the 
names will be available for the floristic study. A full explana- 
tion has been prepared in monographic form but cannot be 
published in time for the floristic treatment. I wish to express 
my thanks to Dr. P. A. Munz for assistance in correcting the 
Latin diagnosis. 

Lupinus argenteus Pursh ssp. argenteus var. tenellus (Dougl. ex G. Don) 
Dunn, comb. nov. L. tenellus Dougl. ex G. Don, Gen. Syst. Dichl. Pl. 2:367 
(1832). L. laxiflorus var. tenellus (Dougl. ex G. Don) T. & G., Fl. N. Amer. 

1:377 (1840). L. laxiflorus Dougl. ex Lindl., Bot. Reg. t. 1140 (1828), not 
Agardh or authors since him. 

Lupinus arbustus Dougl. in Lindl. ssp. arbustus var. montanus (Howell) 
Dunn, comb. nov. L. laxiflorus var. montanus Howell, Erythea 3:33 (1895). 
L. laxiflorus var. cognatus C. P. Sm., Jepson, Man. Fl. Pl. 527 (1925). 

Lupinus arbustus ssp. neolaxiflorus Dunn, ssp. nov. L. laxiflorus Agardh, 
Syn. Gen. Lup. (1835), in part, not Doug]. ex Lindl. or G. Don. L. laxiflorus 

1 Visiting Botanist, Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden, Claremont, California. 


T. & G., Fl. N. Amer. (1840), in part. Likewise, in manuals covering the flora 
of the northwestern United States. 

Herbae 2-4 dm. altae, perennes, caulibus pluribus, caulibus et foliis ubique 
parce sericeis; petiolis basalibus 8-13 cm. longis, foliolis 8-10, maximis 2.5-5 
cm. longis, 3-7 mm. latis, lineari-ellipticis vel lineari-oblanceolatis, super- 
ficiebus adpresso-pubescentibus; pedunculis 2-8 cm. longis, racemis 7-12 cm. 
longis, verticillis 8-20 mm. distantibus; floribus 8-10 mm. longis; calycibus 
bilabiatis, labio superiore 3-4.5 mm. longo, basi gibbis vel calcaribus 0.2-1.4 
mm. longis, bracteolis 0.2-0.8 mm. longis; vexillo in canalibus infra labium 
calycis dorsaliter pubescenti; carina prope acumen minuto-ciliolata supra; 
seminibus 3-5. 

Type: David Douglas 297, collected near “the falls of the Columbia” 
(Celilo Falls), June 20, 1825 (CGE, Cambridge University, Cambridge, Eng- 

Lupinus arbustus ssp. calcaratus (Kell.) Dunn, comb. nov. L. calcaratus 
Kell., Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 2:195 (1862). L. laxiflorus var. calcaratus (Kell.) 
C. P. Sm., Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 51:304 (1924). 

Lupinus arbustus ssp. silvicola (Heller) Dunn, comb. nov. L. silvicola 
Heller, Muhlenbergia 6:81 (1910). L. laxiflorus var. silvicola (Heller) C. P. 
Sm., Jepson, Man. FI. Pl. Calif. 527 (1925). 

Lupinus arbustus ssp. pseudoparviflorus (Rydb.) Dunn, comb. nov. L. 
pseudoparviflorus Rydb., Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1:232 (1900). L. laxiflorus 
var. pseudoparviflorus (Rydb.) C. P. Sm. & St. John in St. John, Fl. S. W. 
Wash. & Adj. Ida. 277 (1937). 

Lupinus pusillus Pursh ssp. intermontanus (Heller) Dunn, comb. nov. 
L. intermontanus Heller, Muhlenbergia 8:87 (1912). L. pusillus var. inter- 
montanus (Heller) C. P. Sm., Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 46:408 (1919). 

Lupinus pusillus ssp. rubens (Rydb.) Dunn, comb. nov. L. rubens Rydb., 
Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 34:45 (1907). L. odoratus var. rubens (Rydb.) Jepson, 
Fl. Calif. 2:282 (1936). 

Allocarya Cusickii Greene has been reported in the literature as 
occurring south in California to Placer County (cf. Jepson’s 
Flora 3:363,—1943). However, from its somewhat extensive dis- 
tribution in Nevada, as outlined by I. M. Johnston (Contrib. 
Arn. Arb. 3:63-64,—1932), it might be expected farther south in 
transmontane California, and such has proven to be the case. 
There is a specimen in the herbarium of the California Academy 
of Sciences from near Chalfant, Mono County (Eastwood & 
Howell 9550), and I have collected it from a small colony along 
a stream just south of Deep Springs Lake, Inyo County (Raven 
6975). It might be expected in other areas of southeastern Cali- 
fornia where there is sufficient moisture.—PETER H. RAVEN. 


LINARIA DALMATICA IN IDAHO. Dalmatian toadflax, Linaria 
dalmatica (L.) Miller, has been reported as an escape from culti- 
vation in California, Oregon, and Washington (Howell, Leafl. 
West. Bot. 7: 152). It isa relatively new weed in Idaho. The plant 
appears to be fairly well established in the panhandle region 
of the state and is known to occur in Boundary, Kootenai, Latah, 
and Idaho counties. Our record in the Herbarium of the Uni- 
versity of Idaho is as follows: 3.5 miles north of Viola, Latah 
County, along right-of-way to Highway 95, in heavy bluegrass 
sod, James Torell 116, June 15, 1953. It has also been observed 
by the same collector in Kootenai County about | mile south 
of Coeur d’Alene near Highway 95. This plant is considered to 
be a potential weed menace on Idaho ranges and also may cause 
trouble on cultivated land.—WILLIAM H. Baker, University of 
Idaho Herbarium, Moscow. 

ber 5, 1954, J. T. Howell collected a grass along the roadside at 
Marsh Creek Springs Park, Contra Costa County, which has 
since proven to be Eragrostis curvula (Schrad.) Nees (Howell 
30026 ). It was apparently reproducing itself there without culti- 
vation, the first record of the plant I have seen from California. 
According to Beecher Crampton of the Department of Agron- 
omy, University of California at Davis, it has probably been 
grown experimentally at various places in California and should 
be useful as a range grass in certain frost-free areas, although it 
lacks competitive ability. 

Another species which is similar and which has also been 
grown experimentally is E. chloromelas Steud. An examination 
of the African material of that species in the herbarium of the 
University of California shows that in that species the mature 
spikelets are darker in color and the pedicels are spreading, 
whereas in E. curvula the pedicels are closely appressed to the 
branches and the color of the spikelets is paler. A description of 
E. curvula appears in Hitchcock’s Manual (ed. 2, p. 168), while 
E. chloromelas is given briefer mention (p. 169) since it is not 
yet known to grow spontaneously. Both species are indigenous 
to Africa.—PETER H. RAVEN. 


VoL. VII No. 11 



A Tabulation of California Endemics . . . . . . 257 
Joun THomas HowELL 
Some Putative California Hybrids in Arctostaphylos . . 265 
Joun Tuomas HowELi 
Plant Notes from Napa County, California. . . . . 268 
Noteson ‘Malvacede, VIi i200) oso Lees AN a Se ie er edd 

Tuomas H. KEARNEY 

A Tentative Key to the North American Species of 
LES Lovie’) O2t DROME RARE OSA Sams ack PRO R iMG oe maty DWF. 
Tuomas H. KEARNEY 

This number published with funds from 

Aucust 22, 1955 


of : 



A publication devoted particularly to the native and naturali 
plants of western North America and to the cultivated plz n 
of California, appearing about four times each year. Subs 
tion, $2.00 annually. Cost of back files or single numbers fu 
nished on request. Address: John Thomas Howell, Cali 
Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco 18. 

Cited as 


LEAFL. WEsT. Bor. 


Owned and published by 

Joun THomas HOWELL 


Please replace line 40, page 244, Vol. VII, No. 10, LEAFLETS 
oF WESTERN BoTAny, with this gummed label: 

16. Leaves not lobed or (in A. Chittendenii and A. Pachecoanum) sometimes 

California ENGeMICS MUSt VE VI LuIlUaMIciitar comceri mutT urry 
to botanists but to biologists in general. 

As a floristic basis for my observations, I selected Jepson’s 
Manual of the Flowering Plants of California (1923-25)* and 
from it I prepared a catalogue of the various taxa of vascular 
plants endemic to California. The present paper does not con- 
cern any matters of conservation for which the catalogue was 
primarily prepared, but is given merely as a floristic analysis that 
might have some systematic and phytogeographic interest. 

For reasons outlined below, and except for a brief discussion 
of endemic genera, I have restricted myself exclusively to the 
record of the California flora as presented by Jepson in his 
Manual. That work is the most recent of the two floras that deal 
with all families of vascular plants within the state, and since 
most of it was written by Jepson himself, it presents a remark- 
ably consistent treatment of plant entities. Moreover, on the 
basis of this floristic account, Jepson (1925, pp. 11-14) gave the 
first statewide enumeration of endemics and presented a phyto- 
geographic analysis of distribution with the designation of ten 
endemism areas. For these reasons, I believe, Jepson’s Manual 
will always remain the basis for the study of endemism in Cali- 
fornia, no matter how much the figures may vary — as certainly 
they will, as taxonomic concepts may change or as phytogeo- 

*A Manual of the Flowering Plants of California by Willis Linn Jepson. Pages 1—-1238; 
figures 1-1023. University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, California. 

Leaflets of Western Botany, Vol. VII, pp. 257-284, August 22, 1955. 


Please replace line 12, page 243, Vol. VII, No. 10, LEAFLETS 
OF WESTERN Botany, with this gummed label: 

7. Petals whitish or pinkish (exceptionally pale yellow?) with a conspicuous, 

Caliiormia ENGeMICs WIUSt DE UL LultUamICiitaLr concer aut urry 
to botanists but to biologists in general. 

As a floristic basis for my observations, I selected Jepson’s 
Manual of the Flowering Plants of California (1923-25)* and 
from it I prepared a catalogue of the various taxa of vascular 
plants endemic to California. The present paper does not con- 
cern any matters of conservation for which the catalogue was 
primarily prepared, but is given merely as a floristic analysis that 
might have some systematic and phytogeographic interest. 

For reasons outlined below, and except for a brief discussion 
of endemic genera, I have restricted myself exclusively to the 
record of the California flora as presented by Jepson in his 
Manual. That work is the most recent of the two floras that deal 
with all families of vascular plants within the state, and since 
most of it was written by Jepson himself, it presents a remark- 
ably consistent treatment of plant entities. Moreover, on the 
basis of this floristic account, Jepson (1925, pp. 11-14) gave the 
first statewide enumeration of endemics and presented a phyto- 
geographic analysis of distribution with the designation of ten 
endemism areas. For these reasons, I believe, Jepson’s Manual 
will always remain the basis for the study of endemism in Cali- 
fornia, no matter how much the figures may vary — as certainly 
they will, as taxonomic concepts may change or as phytogeo- 

* A Manual of the Flowering Plants of California by Willis Linn Jepson. Pages 1-1238; 
figures 1-1023. University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, California. 

Leaflets of Western Botany, Vol. VII, pp. 257-284, August 22, 1955S. 

* ies ad 
f lee oo A 




Late in 1954, Dr. Carl Skottsberg invited me to serve under 
his chairmanship on a subcommittee dealing with plants within 
the standing Committee on Conservation of the Pacific Science 
Congress and to report on matters pertinent to the conservation 
of ferns and seed plants in California. After accepting Dr. Skotts- 
berg’s invitation and cogitating on the way in which I might 
approach the problem, I concluded to base my observations and 
records chiefly on the many plants peculiar to our region, since 
endemism is “the most conspicuous feature of the flora of Cali- 
fornia” (Eastwood, 1947, p. 55) and since the preservation of 
California endemics must be of fundamental concern not only 
to botanists but to biologists in general. 

As a floristic basis for my observations, I selected Jepson’s 
Manual of the Flowering Plants of California (1923-25)* and 
from it I prepared a catalogue of the various taxa of vascular 
plants endemic to California. The present paper does not con- 
cern any matters of conservation for which the catalogue was 
primarily prepared, but is given merely as a floristic analysis that 
might have some systematic and phytogeographic interest. 

For reasons outlined below, and except for a brief discussion 
of endemic genera, I have restricted myself exclusively to the 
record of the California flora as presented by Jepson in his 
Manual. That work is the most recent of the two floras that deal 
with all families of vascular plants within the state, and since 
most of it was written by Jepson himself, it presents a remark- 
ably consistent treatment of plant entities. Moreover, on the 
basis of this floristic account, Jepson (1925, pp. 11-14) gave the 
first statewide enumeration of endemics and presented a phyto- 
geographic analysis of distribution with the designation of ten 
endemism areas. For these reasons, I believe, Jepson’s Manual 
will always remain the basis for the study of endemism in Cali- 
fornia, no matter how much the figures may vary — as certainly 
they will, as taxonomic concepts may change or as phytogeo- 

apy 3 Manual of the Flowering Plants of California by Willis Linn Jepson. Pages 1-1238; 
figures 1-1023. University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, California. 

Leaflets of Western Botany, Vol. VII, pp. 257-284, August 22, 1955. 


graphic boundaries of the California flora may replace Jepson’s 
political limits. Jepson, however, after stating that the total 
number of endemic species is 1416, gave no analysis of this fig- 
ure, so impressively large for a continental flora. Believing that 
a systematic numerical analysis of endemism in California will 
be of interest to students of the California flora, I am presenting 
herewith what Jepson’s Manual, by means of my catalogue, has 

In preparing my catalogue, I adhered most literally to the dis- 
tributional data given by the Manual, and, except in a very few 
instances, every plant has been catalogued as a California en- 
demic if Jepson’s data indicate a distribution within the state 
of California. Thus, I enumerate as a California endemic Po- 
gogyne ziziphoroides Benth., although I know from my own 
research that this mint occurs in southern Oregon (Howell, 1931, 
p. 127); and I exclude from my catalogue Erogonum angulosum 
Benth., to which Jepson (1923, p. 305) assigns an extended dis- 
tribution through the western United States, although I myself 
would recognize the plant as endemic (Howell, 1946, p. 273). 
However, I exclude from the catalogue and analysis such a plant 
as Botrychium Lunaria (L.) Swartz, reported by Jepson (1923, 
p. 25) as having a localized California occurrence, because the 
authorship of the name alone indicates a wider distribution. 

Whereas Jepson states that 1416 species are endemic, the total 
number of species which I have catalogued is 1440. This some- 
what larger figure has perhaps been arrived at by my too literal 
acceptance of distributional data as given in the Manual; but, 
since in my listing I endeavored to be as objective as possible, 
I did not regard it my privilege to accept or reject a name except 
on the basis of the Manual’s distributional data. 

Although Jepson refers many hundreds of plants (probably 
in excess of 2000) to varietal status, he neither gives their total 
nor does he indicate the extent of endemism found among them. 
In my catalogue I have listed 1160 varieties as endemic, the 
names being accepted in the same objective way in which I ac- 
cepted species. In preparing my analysis of the number of vari- 
eties, I have distinguished the variety that is part of an endemic 
species from the variety which is part of a species not entirely 

Jepson gives no account of genera endemic to California, 
probably because he felt that anyone interested in this aspect 


of floristic phytogeography could peruse the pages of the Manual 
and find out for himself! Abrams (1923-51), on the other hand, 
has entered under each genus its general distribution, those hav- 
ing restricted ranges in the Pacific states being so indicated. 
Abrams, however, interprets a “California endemic” on a phyto- 
geographic rather than political basis; and it is in this way that 
Miss Eastwood (1947) approached the problem of endemism 
among California genera. Although I regard Dr. Abrams’ and 
Miss Eastwood’s approach more correct and preferable, yet in 
regard to genera I here follow the political limits indicated by 
Jepson for his Manual: “the region covered by this Manual, the 
state of California” (1925, p. 11). 

According to Jepson’s Manual, the number of genera endemic 
to California is 33. This does not include such mainly Califor- 
nian genera as Sequoia or Adenostoma, the first of which is re- 
corded as ranging “‘to the Oregon line” (1923, p. 55), the second 
“s. to L. Cal.” (1925, p. 503). However, out of the 33 genera one 
would accept as California endemics in the Manual, 13 are now 
known to occur beyond the state boundaries, thus leaving only 
20 strictly restricted endemic genera. ‘These are as follows: 

GILMANIA Cov.1 OREONANA Jeps. HOLozoniA Greene 
(Phyllogonum Cov.) | SOLANOA Greene? Monotvopia DC. 
HOLLIsTERIA Wats. Draperia Torr. NICOLLETIA Gray 

The following are the genera that are known to occur beyond 

BLooMERIA Kell. Concponla Jeps.3 PICKERINGIA Nutt. 
IsoMERIs Nutt. JEPSONIA Small MouaVveEa Gray 
OxystyLis Torr. & Frem. OsmMARoNnIA Greene ANISOCOMA Gray 


1The genus Phyllogonum is reported from “‘southern Nevada’’ by Tidestrom (1925, p. 
159), but I have seen no record to substantiate this extension of range. More than a decade 
after publication of Tidestrom’s work, Coville (1936, pp. 209-213) gave a detailed account 
of collections known to him, and all came from the east-central Death Valley area. 

2 Solanoa, recognized as an endemic California genus both by Jepson (1939, vol. 3, p. 
107) and by Abrams (1951, vol. 3, p. 374), has been reduced to a subgenus of Asclepias by 
Woodson (1941, p. 207; 1954, p. 176). I concur with Woodson’s opinion. 

3 Moran (1950, pp. 62, 63) has discussed the type specimen of Sedum pinetorum Bdg. 
on which Congdonia rests, and after indicating that it may have originated in Mexico, con- 
cludes that “‘until the plant is rediscovered . . . its occurrence in California can be con- 
sidered doubtful.’’ 


The following genera, not given in Jepson’s Manual, will be 
umbered among those restricted to California if they are ac- 
counted acceptable (as I presently believe them to be): 



NEOSTAPFIA Davy EAstwoopiA Brandegee (Gray) Rydb. 

Thus it would appear that there are 29 genera endemic to Cali- 
fornia (or more properly only 28, allowing for the transfer of 
Solanoa to Asclepias). 

In the following pages is my analysis of endemic species and 
varieties arranged by family. From this it will be seen that Com- 
positae are far in the lead in total number of taxa, 435, while 
the following are those families with 100 or more: Leguminosae, 
227; Scrophulariaceae, 170; Liliaceae, 127; Polygonaceae, 104; 
and Onagraceae, 100. On the other hand, Gramineae, one of 
California’s largest families, have only 43 endemic taxa. 

Those genera having 20 or more endemic taxa are specially 
noted under their family. In this regard Lupinus with 78 taxa 
is the largest; followed by Eriogonum with 62, Astragalus with 
52, Phacelia with 51, and Potentilla with 49. Astragalus with 37 
species has the largest number of endemic species of any genus 
in California. Carex, which is the largest genus in California, 
can boast of only 24 endemic species. 

Although there are notable concentrations of endemic species 
in the families listed above, as well as in such other families as 
Caryophyllaceae, Cruciferae, Umbelliferae, Polemoniaceae, and 
others, one of the impressive features disclosed by the analysis 
is the large number of families in which endemism occurs. In 
all, 102 families (out of 142 treated by Jepson) are listed, 11 
with only endemic varieties, but 91 with 1 or many species. Some 
of those families with only one endemic species are especially 
noteworthy, as for example, Taxodiaceae with Sequoiadendron 
giganteum, Calycanthaceae with Calycanthus occidentalis, 
Staphyleaceae with Staphylea Bolanderi, and Thymelaeaceae 
with Dirca occidentalis. Several generations of botanists have 
known that the California flora exhibits a high degree of endem- 
ism, and the present analysis graphically portrays how that 
endemism pervades the flora from the ferns to the sunflowers. 

In order to facilitate the printing of the table, I have identi- 

fied the figure columns by letters which may be explained as 

A, number of endemic species. 

B, number of varieties in endemic species (not counting 
typical varieties). 

C, number of endemic varieties (including typical varieties) 
when entire species is not endemic. 

D, total endemic taxa in each family or genus. 

The figures pertaining to the tribes of Compositae and to the 
genera are given in italics. 

Ophioglossaceae ] Zz 3 
Polypodiaceae ) 3 7 19 
Equisetaceae 1 S 5 2 
Selaginellaceae 2 2 4 
Isoetaceae 3 1 1 5 
Pinaceae 8 4 12 
Taxodiaceae 1 AL 1 
Cupressaceae 7 2 9 
Taxaceae 2 2 
Naiadaceae sate gare 2 2 
Alismaceae 2 way oie a 
Gramineae 32 sites 11 43 
Cyperaceae 29 ete 3 32 

Carex 24 sisie Hae 24 
Palmaceae 1 wah Fae 1 
Juncaceae 5 aa 12 17 
Liliaceae 83 25 19 127 

Allium iy, 5) 7 29 

Brodiaea 14 2) 2 A | 

Calochortus 19 8 2 29 
Amaryllidaceae ] ane chek 1 
Iridaceae 3 aor 4 5 
Orchidaceae 3 1 1 5 
Salicaceae 2 2 i 21 
Betulaceae Sig anak 1 1 
Corylaceae rete ae ] 1 
Fagaceae 8 9 10 cai 

Quercus 6 8 os 23 
Juglandaceae 2 2 
Myricaceae 1 1 
Urticaceae 1 2 3 
Loranthaceae oe Sov 4 4 
Aristolochiaceae 2 2 


Polygonaceae 68 13 23 104 
Chorizanthe Pe | Z Pee 30 
Eriogonum 34 6 22 62 
Chenopodiaceae 15 3 3 21 
Nyctaginaceae 7 3 7 1g 
Aizoaceae 1 ae Fe 1 
Portulacaceae 9 Bs 3 12 
Caryophyllaceae 23 8 6 37 
Ranunculaceae 22 13 17 52 
Delphinium a 9 2 20 
Calycanthaceae ] 1 
Berberidaceae 3 1 4 
Papaveraceae 8 6 1] 25 
Fumariaceae 4 se ee 4 
Capparidaceae 3 1 ian a 
Cruciferae 46 17 20 83 
Streptanthus 19 7 ate 26 
Crassulaceae 11 7 3 21 
Saxifragaceae 26 1] iW! 54 
Ribes id 7 10 28 
Platanaceae 1 aie Red ] 
Rosaceae 21 13 41 85 
Potentilla oe 10 17 49 
Leguminosae 100 ao 84 227 
Astragalus 37. Ud 13 52 
Lotus 10 10 vd 27, 
Lupinus 26 18 34 78 
Trifolium ne 9 21 41 
Linaceae 6 Pate 1 7 
Geraniaceae 1 1 2 
Limnanthaceae 3 3 
Polygalaceae ak ee 1 1 
Euphorbiaceae 6 2 6 14 
Callitrichaceae 1 1 1 3 
Rutaceae ‘ 1 1 
Anacardiaceae 3 1 4 
Celastraceae mee 1 1 
Staphyleaceae 1 1 
Aceraceae Bee Sear 1 1 
Sapindaceae 1 a4 je 1 
Rhamnaceae 22 13 18 53 
Ceanothus 19 10 Ee 42 
Vitaceae 2 HT fete 2 
Malvaceae 28 ff 1 36 
Sterculiaceae 1 Sits 1 2 
Hypericaceae Z aes 1 3 
Elatinaceae 1 1 
Frankeniaceae ats oar 1 1 


Cistaceae 2 1 3 
Violaceae 3 2 2 7 
Loasaceae 6 3 2 11 
Cactaceae 9 3 scald 12 
Thymelaeaceae 1 Se see 1 
Lythraceae z once 2 
Onagraceae 39 24 37 100 

Godetia 14 8 14 36 
Oenothera 6 5 15 26 
Umbelliferae 61 17 i7/ 95 
Lomatium 1B 8 3 26 
Garryaceae * 3 ane 1 4 
Cornaceae 2 Bae: 2 4 
Lennoaceae 1 oe ae 1 
Ericaceae 23 7 2 32 
Arctostaphylos ne 6 25 
Primulaceae 5 3 3 11 
Plumbaginaceae chs aay 2 2 
Styracaceae 2 2 
Oleaceae 1 Ae Hee I 
Gentianaceae 8 Ser 2 10 
Apocynaceae 1 1 2 4 
Asclepiadaceae 3 1 4 
Convolvulaceae 10 9 19 
Polemoniaceae 56 23 10 89 
Gilia 10 Fi 4 21 
Linanthus 19 6 25 
Hydrophyllaceae 50 11 23 84 
Phacelia 30 4 17 51 
Boraginaceae 50 23 7 80 
Allocarya 19 10 i 30 
Verbenaceae 1 ste a 1 
Labiatae 56 26 10 92 
Monardella vi, 16 4 37 
Solanaceae 7 3 eo 10 
Scrophulariaceae 101 32 37 170 
Collinsia 11 3 6 20 
Mimulus 19 1 b | 
Orthocarpus 15 3 sd 27 
Penstemon 15 z 9 31 
Martyniaceae 1 Seer ou 1 
Orobanchaceae 2 aah 3 5 
Plantaginaceae 5 2 fi 
Rubiaceae 11 4 2 17 
Caprifoliaceae 2 2 4 
Valerianaceae 4 et 1 5 
Cucurbitaceae 5 1 6 


Campanulaceae 3 ae 1 4 
Lobeliaceae 8 1 5 14 
Compositae 229 85 121 435 

Cichorieae a7 12 19 58 
Mutisieae 1 me a 1 
Eupatorieae 2 ie 2 4 
Astereae bp] 25 45 125 
Inuleae 9 3 10 22 
Heliantheae 21 6 1 28 
Madieae 42 17 5) 64 
Ambrosieae 3 oF Pe 5] 
Helenieae 55) HS) 16 66 
Eriophyllum 4 9 22 
Anthemideae 3 Siete z 5 
Senecioneae 20 5) 16 39 
Senecio 13 2 10 25 
Cynareae 11 4 3} 18 
TOTAL 1440 493 667 2600 


ABRAMS, L. 1923-1951. An Illustrated Flora of the Pacific States. Vol. 1-3. 
Stanford University, California. 

Covitte, F. V. 1936. Gilmania, a new name for Phyllogonum. . . . Journ. 
Wash. Acad. Sci. 26:209-213. 

Eastwoop, A. 1947. Endemism in the flora of California. Contrib. Gray 
Herb. 165:55-62. 

Howe Lt, J. T. 1931. The genus Pogogyne. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., ser. IV, 20: 
1946. Eriogonum angulosum and related species. Leafl. West. Bot. 4:270- 

Jerson, W. L. 1923-1925. A Manual of the Flowering Plants of California. 
Berkeley, California. 
1939. Asclepiadaceae in A Flora of California 3:104-116. Berkeley, Cali- 


Moran, R. 1950. Whence Sedum pinetorum Brandegee? Leafl. West. Bot. 

Tiwestrom, I. 1925. Flora of Utah and Nevada. Contrib. U. S. Nat. Herb. 

Woopnson, R. E. 1941. The North American Asclepiadaceae. I. Perspective 
of the genera. Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 28:193-244. 
1951. The North American species of Asclepias L. Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 





On Feb. 28, 1954, while walking along the fire road on Throck- 
morton Ridge, Mt. Tamalpais, Marin Co., I was attracted by a 
shrub growing in a thicket of Arctostaphylos (Schizococcus) sen- 
sitiva Jeps. that looked slightly different from the other plants 
with which it was closely associated. An examination disclosed 
that the individual was undoubtedly a hybrid between A. sensi- 
tiva and the very different and quite unrelated A. Cushingiana 
Eastw. which grew on the other side of the road. No other plant 
like the presumed hybrid has been found, either at the place 
where it was growing or at many other places on Mt. ‘Tamalpais 
where the putative parent species grow together. 

The plant which I detected is quite like A. sensitiva in its 
substrictly erect habit, in the shape, color, and texture of its 
leaves, and in its small corollas. It also corresponds with A. 
sensitiva in the non-foliaceous bracts of its inflorescence and in 
the closely appressed sepals, while the examination of the base 
of its trunk disclosed no burl such as is formed in A. Cushingi- 
ana. On the other hand, the plant is like A. Cushingiana in the 
fine pilose hairs that clothe the branchlets, petioles, and in- 
florescence-rachises, in the hairy pedicels, in the presence of 
stomata on the upper leaf-surface, and, most important of all, 
in its 5-merous (not 4-merous) flowers. Subsequent examination 
indicated that no fruit was set in 1954. Although there is no 
close relation between this Mt. Tamalpais hybrid and A. Ed- 
mundsit J. T. Howell of Monterey Co., it is interesting to note 
that in the superficial aspect of foliage and in the size and shape 
of leaves, the two kinds of manzanitas are almost indistinguish- 


The discovery of a supposed hybrid between a species of Arc- 
tostaphylos proper and a member of the group separated by Miss 
Eastwood as the genus Schizococcus has led me to look for other 
putative hybrids between species of the two groups. The earliest 
record I know of in the literature is the one reported by Miss 
Eastwood between Schizococcus nummularius (Gray) Eastw. and 
A. setosissima Eastw., based on Eastwood 11458, collected June 


28, 1922, at Mendocino City, Mendocino Co. She described 
the apparent hybrid as follows: “It has the small leaves and 
habit of S. nummularius but the hairy stems and pubescence of 
A. setosissima. The few fruits on the specimens are those of 
Schizococcus and contain five seeds” (Leafl. West. Bot. 2:50,— 

An examination of Miss Eastwood’s specimen discloses a 
plant intermediate in appearance between A. nummularia and 
A. setosissima, with the pubescence, leaf-texture, and stomatal 
pattern of the latter, but with smaller and broader leaves. ‘The 
size and shape of the leaves are reminiscent of small-leaved forms 
of A. columbiana Piper, a species from which A. setosissima is 
probably at most only varietally distinct. The inflorescence of 
the Mendocino hybrid is more like that of A. setosissima, but it 
is reduced in all its parts, and the fruit is also much smaller. The 
flower-pattern, however, is that of A. nummularia, the flowers 
being 4-merous. 


From the Sierra Nevada near Placerville, Eldorado Co., I re- 
corded, in 1936, the occurrence of an apparent hybrid between 
A. (Schizococcus) nissenana C. H. Merriam and A. viscida Parry 
when I published the first description of the flowers and fruits 
of the former (Leafl. West. Bot. 1: 234). This probable hybrid, 
which has been recollected at the same station by G. Thomas 
Robbins (No. 1483), is very like A. viscida in general appearance, 
differing chiefly in the pubescence and in the somewhat smaller 
leaves, as well as in the pubescent ovary. 

While there can be little doubt that this viscida-like shrub 
represents a plant that originated through hybridization be- 
tween A. nissenana and A. viscida, Jepson (FI. Calif. 3: 38) sug- 
gests that the type of A. nissenana itself may have originated 
through hybridization between A. viscida and what he has des- 
ignated as A. nissenana var. arcana. Jepson’s suggestion may be 
correct, particularly if Robbins 1838 is typical A. nissenana, as 
Robbins has determined it. This specimen of Robbins, collected 
on Fruit Ridge, 3 miles east of Placerville, is noted as having 
been “‘a solitary plant amongst a dense stand of A. viscida,” and, 
although it appears to have the technical characters associated 
with Ad. nissenana, it has the larger paler leaves of A. viscida. 
Further field work will be needed to establish the exact charac- 


ter of A. nissenana, but it now appears likely that its type may 
have been from a plant of hybrid origin. 

In May, 1954, I went to the chaparral-covered hills between 
Ione and Buena Vista, Amador Co., to search for A. Helleri 
Eastw., because, it occurred to me, that it, too, might be a plant 
of hybrid origin, with A. myrtifolia Parry as one parent. Arcto- 
staphylos Helleri has been known only from the type-collec- 
tion, Heller 15859, found in bud and early bloom on Jan. 29, 
1941, about 3 miles southeast of Ione, “in a very dense growth 
of other manzanitas, especially A. viscida Parry.” In the field, I 
thought that I had succeeded when I discovered a shrub with 
slender branches, small leaves, and small fruits, growing in the 
midst of A. viscida; but back in the Academy, a comparison of 
my Ione plant with the type of A. Helleri showed that I did not 
have that plant. My plant was quite like A. viscida in all char- 
acters except size and delicacy of parts, while A. Helleri, also 
a plant with slender branches and small leaves, differed in im- 
portant details of pubescence as well as in general aspect. How- 
ever, I believe that my Ione plant may represent a hybrid be- 
tween A. viscida and A. myrtifolia, both of which were com- 
mon in the immediate vicinity. 

On the other hand, I still believe that A. Helleri may be a 
plant that originated through hybridization, not between A. 
myrtifolia and A. visicida, but perhaps between A. myrtifolia 
and A. Manzanita Parry, the other widespread species found in 
the Ione hills. Although an unusual area like that which is adja- 
cent to Ione could boast a second endemic manzanita as remark- 
able as A. myrtifolia, yet the fact that A. Helleri has been seen 
growing only once causes one to consider critically the possible 
character of its specificity. 

As Miss Eastwood has pointed out in her original descrip- 
tion, A. Helleri seems to be related to such Coast Range species 
as A. Hookeri G. Don, A. franciscana Eastw., and A. densiflora 
M. S. Baker, three small-leaved species that in turn are closely 
related to the larger-leaved A. Manzanita of Coast Range and 
Sierra foothills. The type of A. Helleri discloses a plant that 
resembles A. Manzanita in shape and texture of leaves, longer 
internodes, glabrous or slightly pubescent stems and leaves, 
finely ciliate bracts and bractlets, and very sparsely hairy ovary. 
The type resembles A. myrtifolia in the slender branches, small 


leaves, and small corollas. With little persuasion, I can readily 
believe that the larger, coarser structures of A. Manzanita could 
be reduced and minimized by the genetic infiltration of myrtt- 
folia-like delicacy, so as to produce just such a creation as A. 
Helleri. Would that I could see it—a provocative plant that must 
yet be rediscovered and studied as it grows! 



During the past few years, I collected somewhat extensively 
in Napa County, California, and, since the collection has been 
recently mounted and added to the Herbarium of the Cali- 
fornia Academy of Sciences, I would like to report here on some 
of the more interesting plants. The numbers in parentheses are 
my field numbers. In most cases, the collections will simply be 
mentioned in order to supply additional records for plants 
which have not been reported too often from this area. 


ELODEA CANADENSIS Michx. In a pool near Conn Creek east 
of Yountville (4/10), where it probably represents a local escape 
from cultivation. 

HELEOCHLOA SCHOENOIDES (L.) Host. Common on the strand 
of the reservoir in Conn Valley (3936). Also seen along Eticuera 
Creek on October 28, 1951. Spreading in similar situations in in- 
terior northern California. 

LEERSIA ORYZOIDES (L.) Swartz. Banks of Conn Creek east of 
Yountville (5175). It may be native or introduced at this station. 

Poa BuLBosa L. Grassland of a small pasture in the hills along 
Tulucay Creek, elevation about 750 feet (5280). Common in 
Lake County just to the north; seemingly becoming more com- 
mon throughout California. 

SPINACIA OLERACEA L. The garden spinach was found as a 
local escape from cultivation along the streets of Napa (3038). 
It was not well established here. 

HERNIARIA CINEREA DC. Dry hillside in the “crater region’ 
east of Mt. St. Helena (2911). 


DELPHINIUM Ajacis L. Waste places about Napa (3007); 
near a farm on the road between Capell Valley and Wooden 
Valley (3092). It seems to become established near where it is 
planted, but does not appear capable of assuming a competitive 
status in the native vegetation. 

DESCURAINIA SOPHIA (L.) Webb. Weed along the railroad 
tracks at Yountville (5361). 

LunariA ANNUA L. A vigorous colony along the highway just 
south of Calistoga (2032). This colony was examined in 1950, 
when the collection was made, and again in 1953, when it was 
found to be quite persistent. 

PRUNUS CERASIFERA Ehrh. Occasionally spreading by under- 
ground parts, as along the road between Napa and Browns Val- 
ley (3012). This widely cultivated plum is but one of a series of 
fruit trees which sometimes tend to become established near 
orchards where they are planted. They do not seem to be an 
important factor in the flora. 

VICIA SALAMINIA Heldr. & Sart., vel aff. Near a small farm, 
near the top of the Wooden Valley Grade (3063). This is the 
plant discussed by J. T. Howell (Marin Flora, p. 177-8). It seems 
close to the plant described under this name by Boissier (Flora 
Orientalis 2:591), but without authentic material of the species 
for comparison, it is not possible definitely to identify our Cali- 
fornian plant. 

‘TAMARIX TETRANDRA Pallas. Established along Eticuera Creek 
(3952). This is probably the plant cited by Jepson (FI. Calif. 
2:513) as T. gallica from White Sulphur Creek, Napa County, 
and is the plant naturalized along Putah Creek in the valley east 
of Middletown, Lake County (M. S. Baker 8129). For a discus- 
sion of the cultivated species of Tamarix, see the article by Miss 
E. McClintock: “Studies in California Ornamental Plants. 3. 
The Tamarisks” (Journ. Calif. Hort. Soc. 12:76-83,—1951). 

OLEA EUROPAEA L. Often seen in Napa County in brush or 
woodland miles from any present-day buildings, and thus per- 
haps spread by birds. Unless one were familiar with the local 
flora, it would be impossible to tell whether these plants are 
native or not, in many cases. 

LycIuUM HALIMIFOLIUM Mill. Common weed in vacant lots 
around Napa (3885). 

LYCOPERSICUM ESCULENTUM Mill. The common tomato is 
found abundantly established in some places near farms, as in 


a roadside ditch 1.5 miles east of Yountville (5170), where it was 
both common and rank. 

PETUNIA VIOLACEA Lindl. Occasionally established in the vicin- 
ity of gardens, as at Lokoya (3848) and about Napa. 

Kickx1A spuRIA (L.) Dumort. This plant was found to be one 
of the most common weeds of Napa County, occurring through- 
out Napa and Berryessa valleys, and also found in the vicinity 
of Wooden and Capel] valleys. Representative collections: Conn 
Creck 3 miles east of Rutherford (2809); 1 mile north of Napa 

CALENDULA ARVENSIS L. Roadside in Browns Valley (3014). 
This has been known in California as a wild plant only from 
Sonoma and Santa Barbara counties. Calendula officinalis L. is 
common in gardens and persists as a weed in waste places in 
Napa County. 


Ecuinoporus corpiro.ius (L.) Griseb. Common on strand of 
reservoir in Conn Valley (3934). 

STIPA CERNUA Stebbins & Love. Dry hillside on Pope Creek 
east of Samuels Springs, elevation about 300 feet (5332, with G. 
Ledyard Stebbins). Growing with S. pulchra Hitchce., but that 
species preferred the better soil while the present one grew in 
rocky places, although they were often in close proximity. In S. 
cernua the leaf-blades were narrow, glaucous, and somewhat in- 
volute, and the plants had not yet sent forth fully developed 
panicles on April 19, 1953. The plants of S. pulchra, on the 
other hand, had wider, greener leaf-blades and were in full an- 
thesis on this date. Stipa lepida Hitche. grew on the rocky, 
wooded slopes high above the creek, several hundred feet above 
the other two. 

Juncus ENnsirouius Wiks. “Crater region” east of Mt. St. Hel- 
ena, June 10, 1951 (without number). This station helps to con- 
nect that in the Mt. Hamilton Range (cf. H. K. Sharsmith, Am. 
Midl. Nat. 34:331,—1945) with those to the north. 

Stokes. Brushy slope in “crater region’ east of Mt. St. Helena 

Guinus LorowEs Loefl. Fairly common on the strand of the 
reservoir in Conn Valley (3931) with Ammannia coccinea Rottb., 
(3939) and Boisduvalia glabella (Nutt.) Walp. var. campestris 

(Jeps.) Jeps. (3940). 


PHACELIA NEMORALIS Greene. Wooded, moist slope near Rec- 
tor Dam (4154). 

CorDYLANTHUS MOLLIS Gray. Colonies in low places with Sali- 
cornia and Distichlis, salt marshes near Bentley Wharf, on the 
lower Napa River (5138). 

EciiptaA ALBA Hassk. Locally common on the strand of the 
reservoir in Conn Valley (3947). 


Hibiscus Hitchcockii Ulbr., spec. nov. Frutex usque ad 1.4 m. altus; ramis 
juvenilibus, foliis, pedunculis, involucellis, et calycibus minute stellato- 
tomentosis; foliorum Jaminis suborbicularibus, breviter 3-5-lobatis, lobis 
latis, rotundatis, parce crenatis, laminis basi subcordatis vel truncatis, apice 
obtusissimis, paulo discoloribus; pedunculis usque ad 9.5 cm. longis; involu- 
cello quam calyce breviore vel subaequilongo, phyllis 8 vel 9 composito, 
phyllis distinctis, conduplicativis, ¢ basi subcylindrico in laminam ovatam, 
breviter acuminatam, fere 10 mm. Jatam expansis; calyce campanulato, 
profunde partito, lobis lanceolatis vel ovato-lanceolatis, attenuato-acumina- 
tis, valde 5-nervatis, eglandulosis; petalis suberectis, roseis, 6-7 cm. longis; 
tubo stamineo quam stylo multum breviore; stylo clongato, ramis brevibus, 
clavatis; capsula ovoidea, 2-2.5 cm. longa, calycem aequanti vel paulo 
breviore, valvis valde cuspidatis, extus puberulis fere lepidotis; seminibus 
dense lanatis. 

Additional characters to be noted are: stems sparingly branched above; 
leaves (only the uppermost preserved) with petioles about 4 as long as the 
blades, the latter at least 11 cm. long, slightly wider than long, with or 
without a shallow, open, basal sinus, rather sparsely pubescent then glab- 
rescent above, densely and finely stellate-tomentose beneath; flowers solitary 
in the upper axils or subcorymbosely clustered at apex of the stem and 
branches; involucel-bractlets 12-18 mm. long, thickish, the conduplicate 
blade much longer than the nearly cylindric, stalk-like, basal portion; calyx 
at anthesis 19-22 mm. long, only slightly accrescent, cleft nearly to the base, 
the acuminate thickish lobes without a gland on the midrib; corolla funnel- 
form-campanulate, the petals scurfy-puberulent externally; stamen-tube 
about % as long as the style, the latter shorter than the petals; capsule-valves 
very sharp-pointed, the rigid cusps about 4 mm. Jong, the capsules sparsely 
villous within on the dissepiments with long, fine, simple hairs; seeds (im- 
mature) about 6 mm. Jong. 

Type, in the Gray Herbarium, collected by A. S. Hitchcock 
(No, 20114) between Guyaquil and Salinas, Prov. Guayas, Ecua- 
dor, lat. about 2°S., alt. 0-100 m., June, 1923, a specimen with 
an old flower and nearly mature capsules. Also collected by H. 
E. Stork (Goodspeed Exped. No. 11421, in University of Cali- 


fornia and Gray herbaria) between Canchaque and Serran, 
Depto. Piura, Prov. Huancabamba, Peru, lat. about 5°S., alt. 
450 m., in alluvial soil in “shrubwood,” April 6, 1939, reported 
common, specimens with flowers only. The species is known only 
by these two collections. 

This very distinct species was named but apparently never 
published by the late Prof. Dr. E. Ulbrich. The Stork collection 
was identified by Ivan M. Johnston. Hibiscus Hitchcocki dif- 
fers from any other species of Hibiscus known to me in the shape 
of the leaves, which is not unlike that of certain species of Pelar- 
gonium. The characters of the involucel suggest relationship to 
H. sororius L. f., which was placed by Hochreutiner in his re- 
vision of Hibiscus (Ann. Conserv. et Jard. Bot. Genéve 4:166, 
167) in his section Spatula, but he characterized this section as 
having glabrous seeds. Hibiscus Hitchcockii, however, differs 
from H. sororius in many characters, some of which may be sum- 
marized as follows: 

H. HitTcHcocki 

H. sororius 

Leaves: Shallowly 3-5-lobed with Not lobed, at most slightly 
broad, rounded lobes, mar- angulate, margin crenulate 
gin sparingly crenate 

Stems: Minutely stellate-tomen- Stellate-hirsutulous 

Bractlets Two-thirds as long as to Less than half as long as 

of involucel: nearly equaling the calyx, the calyx, the subcylindric 
somewhat gradually ex- stalk abruptly dilated in- 
panded from the subcylin- _ to a rounded, subreniform 
dric stalk into a much blade, this shorter than the 
longer, ovate, acuminate _ stalk 

Calyx-lobes: Attenuate-acuminate Obtuse or acutish 

Petals: 6-7 cm. long 3.5-6 cm. long 

Capsules: Scurfy-puberulent exter- Hirsute externally 

Seeds: Densely lanate Minutely tuberculate, oth- 

erwise glabrous 

Froria, Mattei. This genus was published by G. E. Mattei in 

1917 (Bol. R. Orto Bot. Palermo, n. s. 2:68—74). It corresponds 
with Garcke’s Section Pterocarpus of Hibiscus, which was char- 
acterized by Hochreutiner in his revision of that genus (Ann. 
Conserv. et Jardin Bot. Genéve 4:168—171) as having 5-angulate- 
alate, scarious capsules. Mattei (ibid.) in raising this section to 
the status of a genus, observed (translated): Intermediate be- 
tween Hibiscus and Kosteletzkya, agreeing with the former in 


having several ovules in each locule of the ovary (but with occa- 

sional reduction to one seed by abortion), and with the latter in 

having the carpels disarticulating at maturity. He summarized 

the characters of these related genera as follows (translated): 

1. Valves of the fruit not separating from the receptacle, and forming a true 
capsule with polyspermous locules:, 3 i).6 2 2.(2.)c.)ie ei. ses 2 ote Hipiscus 

1. Valves separating from the receptacle, not forming a capsule, the locules 
oligospermous or monospermous (2). 

2. Fruit not or scarcely depressed, glabrescent, the valves high-alate laterally, 
the locules oligospermous! or rarely by abortion monospermous.... 

2. Fruit strongly depressed-orbicular or 5-lobate, hispid at least on the 
angles, the valves not or only slightly alate, the locules always mono- 
SOSMINOUS Bb oon de s5 bono dae cooeeeurocen ao odmonach a KOSTELETZKYA 

Three species were included by Hochreutiner (ibid.) in Hibis- 
cus sect. Pterocarpus: H. vitifolius L., H. dictyocarpus (Hochst.) 
Webb, and H. purpureus Forsk. The first two were transferred 
by Mattei (ibid.) to Fioria as F. vitifolia (L.) Mattei and F. dic- 
tyocarpa (Hochst.) Mattei. He did not mention Hibiscus pur- 
pureus but included Fioria pavonioides (Fiori) Mattei. 

All of these are Old World indigenes. Fioria vitifolia is widely 
distributed in tropical Asia, Africa, and Australia, and is nat- 
uralized in several West Indian islands — Cuba, Hispaniola, 
Jamaica, etc. — perhaps also in Central America. The West In- 
dian plants were placed by Hochreutiner (ibid., p. 169) in his 
var. genuinus forma americanus, characterized by aculeate stems, 
etc. Mattei placed them in forma americana (Hochr.) Mattei. 
It is doubtful, however, that “americana” should be regarded 
as more than a geographical race. ‘The other species of Fioria 
are of much more restricted distribution, in eastern Africa and 

The carpel-wings were considered by Mattei as aids to dis- 
semination by wind. Hochreutiner (Candollea 2:87-90), who 
did not accept Fioria as a genus, regarded them as functioning 
primarily to promote dehiscence. Whatever, if any, the bio- 
logical function of the wings may be, the structure and texture 
of the fruit in Fiorza is strikingly different from that typical of 
Hibiscus. In F. vitifolia, the only species I have had opportunity 
to examine, the conspicuous, scarious, strongly veined wings, 
these widening to the apex, afford a character which, on morpho- 
logical grounds, would seem to justify maintaining Fioria as a 

Cra Nestea bine! stated, however, that in F. vitifolia (ibid., p. 72) the locules are ‘‘5—6- 

spermis.”” The distinction he made between Fioria and Kosteletzkya in regard to pubescence 
of the fruits is unimportant. 




Panama and the West Indies are included. The key is an arti- 
ficial one and juxtaposition of species does not necessarily indi- 
cate close relationship. The segregate genera Abelmoschus, 
Medic. and Fioria, Mattei, the latter based upon Hibiscus vitt- 
folius L., are excluded. Synonyms are given in the notes at the 
end of the key. Note 1. 

1. Flowers (as described) dioecious. Plants shrubby or arborescent; leaves 
nearly glabrous, up to 10 cm. long and 74 as wide, elliptic-lanceolate, 
rounded at base, sharply acuminate, serrate-dentate; flowers borne 
singly or in small clusters in the axils; involucel shorter than the 
calyx, of 5 or 6 subulate bractlets; calyx thin and petal-like, 5-lobed 
nearly to the base; petals of the staminate flowers pale greenish- 
yellow, about 9 mm. long, the short claws conspicuously long-ciliate; 
stamens in 5 fascicles at apex of the column, the filaments consider- 
ably longer than the anthers, these appearing 2-celled; pistillate 
flowers apparently apetalous, the thin calyx persistent, somewhat 
longer than the nearly globular, sparsely pubescent capsule; seeds 
(immature) 2 in each carpel, long-hairy; styles and stigmas unknown. 
Mexico (VerasGriz)) crc. tee crs H. Purpusii T. 8. Brandeg. Note 2 

1. Flowers perfect (2). 

2. Plants arborescent or (usually large) shrubs, litoral; leaves large, broadly 
ovate or suborbicular, often wider than long, coriaceous, discolorous, 
abruptly and shortly acuminate, deeply cordate at base, the margins 
entire or finely crenulate. Bractlets of the involucel 8 or more, united 
below; flowers large, the petals yellow when fresh (3). 

2. Plants not arborescent and litoral, or the leaves otherwise (4). 

3. Petals usually less than 8 cm. long, fading greenish; calyx and involucel 
persistent in fruit; seeds minutely warty, otherwise glabrous. South- 
ern Florida, West Indies, and southern Mexico to South America; 
Old World Wxapics sis 252 it.'s.a «sloping es H. tiliaceus L. Note 3 

3. Petals 9-11 cm. long, fading deep red; calyx and involucel usually de- 
ciduous; seeds villous. West Indies and perhaps in southern Florida. . 
Brak AAAS i tee Be SOS G ESS & rv '....H. elatus Sw. Note 4 

4. Mature leaves (some or all of them except sometimes in H. cannabinus) 
palmately lobed to far below the middle, or parted (5). 

4, Mature leaves (except sometimes in H. bifurcatus, H. diversifolius, and 
H. furcellatus) not lobed or less deeply so (11). 

5. Fruiting calyx bladder-like, greatly inflated, enclosing the capsule, scar- 
ious or thin-membranous, conspicuously nerved. Plants annual; leaves 
mostly 3-5-parted, the divisions deeply incised, commonly wedge- 
shaped; bractlets subulate, hirsute; petals 2-4 cm. long, yellow or 
yellowish with a dark brown or purple basal spot. Escaped or nat- 


uralized here and there in the United States, from the Old World.... 
Te RR Ta ee i ites ea oe ee tale S Pom Se Moss H. Trionum L. 
5. Fruiting calyx otherwise (6). 

6. Calyx (especially in fruit) with conspicuously thickened nerves and 
margins. Plants herbaceous; bractlets sometimes appendaged or 
bifurcate at apex. Species introduced from the Old World, scarcely 
naturalized (7). 

6. Calyx (except in H. aculeatus) with only moderately thickened nerves 
and margins. Native species (8). 

7.Involucel and calyx becoming fleshy and dark red or purple; herbage 
glabrous or nearly so; leaf-lobes serrulate or crenulate; calyx-hairs 
soft and fine, not conspicuously pustular-based; corolla yellow........ 
Beef Seats a taia aay state aise spayara tee ais eiatens vesicia sera H. Sabdariffa L. Note 5 

7. Involucel and calyx not becoming fleshy, remaining green; herbage often 
more or less hispid; leaf-lobes coarsely toothed; calyx-hairs stiff, from 
a conspicuously pustular base; corolla yellow or occasionally red, 

With a Gan ke: GCM yc. 2ie.dcte o.<.s0d «eieuoetoretorevae H. cannabinus L. Note 6 
8. Herbage glabrous; petals red, long-clawed, 7 cm. or longer. A tall peren- 
nial herb. Southeastern United States...... H. coccineus Walt. Note 7 

8. Herbage roughly pubescent; petals yellow or cream-colored, often with a 
red or purple basal spot, short-clawed. Bractlets and calyx hirsute or 
hispid (9). 

9. Bractlets bifurcate, thick and rigid, hispid with pustular-based hairs, as 
is the thick calyx; petals 5-8 cm. long; capsules hirsute; seeds glab- 
rous. Leaves mostly 3-5-lobed or -parted, the lobes oblanceolate- 
cuneate, coarsely few-toothed. Southeastern United States west to 
Souehicastent Wexas' 22 oe. . wee ats oes Bye: H. aculeatus Walt. Note 8 

9. Bractlets entire, subulate; petals not more than 4.5 cm. long; capsules 
glabrous; seeds long-hairy (10). 

10. Stems distinctly woody above the caudex, evenly strigose with forked 
hairs; seeds completely hairy. Western Texas to southern Arizona 
PARE ICRICN She ae Gon Sal eS s ya a ees H. Coulteri Harv. Note 9 

10. Stems scarcely woody above the caudex, typically finely pubescent in 1 or 
2 lines, also hispid with simple or forked hairs; seeds naked or nearly 
so in the center. Southern Arizona and northern Mexico, perhaps 
SO MESO WESLEME: WERAS 5 7016.0 51s sacs c's.a's 3 wear H. biseptus S. Wats. 

11. Bractlets bifurcate, sometimes very unequally or obsoletely so. Plants 
usually shrubs; calyx-lobes with a more or less conspicuous median 
gland; petals 5-9 cm. long, pink to crimson (12). 

11. Bractlets not bifurcate (14). 

12.Stems aculeate-verrucose and usually hispid with long, spreading or 
retrorse simple hairs; leaves commonly 3-5-lobed, often to below the 
middle, serrate. Bractlets and calyx hirsute or hispid with long, sim- 
ple hairs. West Indies and Mexico to South America ............... 
BE a eh eStats rete ee pee tee Seer ahs Ah H. bifurcatus Cav. Note 10 

12. Stems not aculeate but exceptionally more or less setose in H. furcellatus; 
leaves not lobed or shallowly (rarely deeply) angulate-lobed (13). 

13. Herbage usually velutinous with very short stellate hairs, occasionally 
also sparsely setose; bractlets shallowly bifurcate; petals 7-9 cm. 


long. Leaves narrowly ovate to suborbicular. Florida, West Indies, 
and southern Mexico to South America...H. furcellatus Desr. Note 11 

13. Herbage rather sparsely hispid with simple or stellate hairs; bractlets 
deeply bifurcate; petals 5-6.5 cm. long. Cuba, southern Mexico, and 
Central VA menicaiins toss syevsdate sirens avers ore ey eaah aera H. costatus A. Rich. 

14. Involucel-bractlets terete, dilated abruptly at apex into a broad, more or 
less reniform blade. Plants suffrutescent to shrubby; stems hirsutulous 
with short, stellate hairs; leaves broadly ovate to suborbicular, cor- 
date at base, obtuse, shallowly crenate; calyx much longer than the 
involucel, with broad, obtuse or acutish lobes; petals erect, 3.5-6 cm. 
long, purple. Cuba, Central America; South America .............. 
LNatids ats ints ONIe waite areca a anit yea Mole murba cuek H. sororius L. £. Note 12 

14. Involucel-bractlets not so dilated (15). 

15. Corolla (in H. Eggersii?) tubular or funnelform, the petals erect or spread- 
ing only near apex (16). 

15. Corolla campanulate or funnelform-campanulate, the petals spreading 
from well below the apex. Note 13 (29). 

16. Herbage and calyx aculeate (17). 

16. Herbage and calyx not aculeate (19). 

17. Aculei relatively sparse and short, thick, flattened at base; calyx tubular, 
4—5 cm. long at anthesis, shortly dentate, very accrescent, up to 13 cm. 
long in fruit; petals yellow, about twice as long as the calyx at an- 
thesis. Leaves suborbicular, up to at least 25 cm. long and wide, cor- 
date, coarsely and sharply dentate, sometimes shallowly 5—7-lobed; 
flowers solitary or geminate; peduncles at anthesis 1-3 cm. long; 
bractlets 7-10, lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, much shorter than the 
calyx. Costa Rica; northwestern South America....... H. ferox Hook. 

17. Aculei very numerous, relatively slender, up to 8 mm. long, terete; calyx 
campanulate, about 3 cm. long, the lobes 4% to nearly 14 as long as 
the tube; petals pink, about 3 times as long as the calyx. Leaves sub- 
orbicular, 5—7-angulate or shallowly lobed, deeply cordate, irregu- 
larly sinuate-dentate; androecium nearly equaling to longer than the 
corolla; mature fruit apparently unknown. Hispaniola (18). 

18. Branches soft-pubescent with stellate hairs; leaves up to nearly 30 cm. 
long; peduncles 3-7 cm. long; bractlets narrow, distinct; androecium 
equaling or slightly shorter than the corolla....... H. horridus Urban 

18. Branches glabrescent except for the aculei; leaves up to 14 cm. long; 
peduncles 11-28 cm. long; bractlets broad, more or less connate; an- 
droecium longer than the corolla .............. H. hottensis Helwig 

19. Bractlets spatulate, much shorter than the calyx (20). 

19. Bractlets not spatulate but sometimes narrowly oblanceolate (23). 

20. Leaves deltoid-lanceolate, long-acuminate, rounded or truncate at base; 
corolla red, 2 cm. long; androecium exserted. Bractlets about 3 mm. 
wide. Mexico! (Oaxaca), \« 3.0/6 <cisicn buh cial oye H. Nelsoni Rose & Standl. 

20. Leaves ovate or broader, acute or shortly acuminate; corolla pink or 
purple; androecium not or barely exserted (21). 

21. Stems conspicuously and densely hispid-tomentose with longish, forked 
or stellate hairs; leaves more or less quadrate, commonly 3-5-angu- 
late or very shallowly lobed, cordate at base, 10-20 cm. long, often 


wider than long; bractlets 3-4 mm. wide; seeds puberulent. Panama; 
northern South America ......... H. verbasciformis Klotzsch. Note 14 

21. Stems not conspicuously pubescent, the hairs relatively short; leaves ovate, 
not or rarely angulate or lobed, truncate or cordate at base, not more 
than 10 cm. long; bractlets narrower; seeds covered with long silky 
hairs. Petals somewhat more spreading than in the 5 preceding spe- 
cies (22). 

22. Peduncles not or but little longer than the subtending petioles; corolla 
2.54 cm. long. West Indies (Jamaica), Mexico, and perhaps in Central 

“cts cc AUS PERE BO) Pn eis et eee Re ay oe H. lavateroides Moric. 
22. Peduncles much longer than the subtending petioles; corolla about 4 cm. 
long. Honduras, E] Salvador ............ H. longipes Standl. Note 15 

23. Androecium exserted; corolla glabrous externally. Bractlets subulate or 
very narrowly oblanceolate; leaves ovate-lanceolate to broadly ovate, 
obtuse to acuminate, coarsely crenate-dentate, sometimes subhastately 
lobed; corolla red; seeds with long, silky hairs. Southern Florida, West 
Indies, Mexico, Guatemala ...H. pilosus (Sw.) Fawc. & Rendl. Note 16 

23. Androecium not exserted; corolla (in H. Eggersii?) pubescent externally, 
mostly with forked or stellate hairs (24). 

24. Plants herbaceous; corolla about 3 cm. long, about twice as long as the 
calyx, dark red. Herbage rather densely stellate-pubescent; leaves 
broadly ovate, cordate, acutish at apex, dentate; involucel somewhat 
shorter than the calyx, the bractlets about 8, lanceolate, united about 
Y4 of their length. Mexico (Nayarit) ............ H. anisaster Stand]. 

24. Plants shrubby or arborescent; corolla 3.5 cm. or longer. Leaves broadly 
ovate or suborbicular, mostly cordate with an open sinus; flowers 
solitary in the axils; peduncles stout; calyx cylindric-campanulate at 
anthesis, much longer than the involucel, very pubescent, the lobes 
broad; capsules hirsute or sericeous (25). 

25. Leaves up to 20 (25?) cm. long, angulate or slightly 3-lobed; petals yellow, 
_ fading reddish or brownish, 4-6 cm. long, very thick. Herbage velu- 
tinous; peduncles commonly 5-10 cm. long; bractlets 9-11, linear-lan- 
ceolate, 2-5 mm. wide at base; seeds glabrous. West Indies, Mexico, 
Re REAR IEPA 5-5 o's ee! e's whablone: Myois hye) ahaiSinj itinyny bas & H. clypeatus L. Note 17 
25. Leaves up to 12 cm. long, more deeply 3-5-lobed; petals brown, dull red, 
or purple (26). 
26. Peduncles about | cm. long, not articulated. Herbage stellate-tomentose 
or tomentellous; petals 5 cm. long, brown-violet. Hispaniola ........ 
ADRS SE Eas Se Peto oe eb ae ee bs H. brachypus Urban. Note 18 
26. Peduncles much longer, articulated but sometimes obscurely so (27). 

27. Bractlets lanceolate, up to 5 mm. wide at base. Leaves shallowly cordate 
with a very open sinus; calyx-lobes broadly deltoid, foliaceous; corolla 
4-5 cm. long. Cuba ......... H. cryptocarpos (Walp.) A. Rich. Note 19 

27. Bractlets subulate or narrowly lanceolate, not more than 2 mm. wide 
at base (28). 

28. Peduncles articulated near base; leaves deeply cordate, broad, 5-lobed; 
corolla not described; capsules yellowish-setose. Cuba .............. 
Seite alianncateaeinstunion deihie ejealabsing etal Bethel Satears wate H. Eggersii Urban 


28. Peduncles articulated above the middle; leaves shallowly cordate or 
truncate at base, deltoid-ovate, 3—5-lobed with the bluntly acuminate 
midlobe much the longest, or the upper leaves sometimes lanceolate 
and merely dentate; coro\la brownish, tomentose externally, about 4 
cm. long, the petals obliwnceolate; capsules densely sericeous with 
brownish hairs. Bahamas .......... H. Brittonianus Kearney. Note 20 

29. Herbage more or less aculeate. Plants more or less woody (30). 

29. Herbage not aculeate (32). 

30. Leaves 2 or more times as long as wide, crenate or crenate-serrate, some- 
times subhastately lobed; bractlets 14-18. Petals pink or purple, (6?) 
9-11 cm. long; seeds hairy. Honduras, Cuba, Trinidad; South America 
RAE AS TR OC ESE ie H. Lambertianus H.B.K. Note 21 

30. Leaves not or only moderately longer than wide, often palmately lobed, 
long-petiolate; bractlets 14 or fewer. Calyx hirsute or hispid (31). 

31. Petals commonly yellow, sometimes red or purple, 4-5 cm. long; peduncles 
short, not more than 2 cm. long; bractlets 10 or fewer; calyx with 
deltoid-lanceolate, acuminate lobes about as long as the tube. Herb- 
age heavily armed, the aculei numerous and sharp; leaves up to 12 
cm. long, very diverse in shape, from oblong-ovate to suborbicular or 
deeply 5-lobed or 5-parted; flowers in terminal, spike-like racemes, 
the upper leaves much reduced; bractlets linear or narrowly lanceo- 
late. West Indies and Central America; South America; perhaps intro- 
duced from the Old World....:...-:... H. diversifolius Jacq. Note 22 

31. Petals pink or purple with a dark purple basal spot, mostly more than 
7 cm. long; peduncles 3 cm. or longer; bractlets usually 12 or more, 
linear or narrowly lanceolate, mostly 14-%4 as long as the calyx; calyx 
with broad, apically rounded lobes shorter than the tube. Leaves 3- or 
slightly 5-lobed, truncate or subcordate at base, deeply serrace, hispid 
on both surfaces, up to 11 cm. long; androecium about 14 as long as 
the corolla; capsules hispid with yellowish hairs, about 14 as long as 
the calyx. West Indies; Guiana ............ H. trilobus Aubl. Note 23 

32. Petals deeply laciniate into numerous oblong or spatulate lobes, pink 
or crimson. Plants shrubby; leaves ovate to oblong-lanceolate; flowers 
on very long, slender peduncles; bractlets minute, many times shorter 
than the tubular, shallowly lobed calyx; androecium slender, greatly 
surpassing the corolla. An Old World species, often cultivated and 
escaping or naturalized in Panama and Peru ...............++++:- 
Leg amy A ale state Sete raisin ahs = 8 ohbke Biaie er H. schizopetalus (Mast.) Hook.f. 

32. Petals not laciniate (33). 

33. Flowers relatively small, the petals not more than 4 cm. long or perhaps 
exceptionally 4.5 cm. in H. cardiophyllus. Bractlets narrowly linear, 
lanceolate, or oblanceolate (34). 

33. Flowers larger, the petals (except sometimes in H. syriacus) more than 
4 cm. long (39). 

34. Leaves commonly more or less hastately lobed, sparsely pubescent or 
glabrate; petals yellow or whitish, sometimes drying pink. Stems 
strigose with few-armed hairs; flowers long-pedunculate; bractlets 
very narrow, equaling or (usually) longer than the calyx; seeds cov- 
ered with long, silky hairs (35). 


34. Leaves not at all hastate, or the petals not yellow (36). 

35. Plants suffruticose or shrubby; calyx about 12 mm. long, 14-14 as long 
as the corolla; capsules strigose-pubescent. Baja California ......... 
BRE Roe eat atue ese oe ty anss chew a iatora tae H. ribifolius A. Gray. Note 24 

35. Plants herbaceous or suffrutescent; calyx 15-25 mm. long, about 14 as 
long as the corolla; capsules glabrous. Northeastern Mexico ........ 
2 odie. tickolnisete Aetael ainin SRR anitar cfrer alent ii at H. acicularis Standl. 

36. Bractlets equaling to (usually) much longer than the calyx. Plants suf- 
frutescent; herbage rather sparsely pubescent with stiff, appressed, 
forked hairs, or glabrate; leaves deltoid-ovate or deltoid-lanceolate, 
truncate, obtuse, or subcuneate at base, crenate-dentate, often sub- 
hastately lobed, seldom more than 6 cm. long (Note 25); bractlets 
commonly 9-11, narrowly linear or filiform; petals 12-20 mm. long, 
normally crimson; seeds with long, white hairs. West Indies and 
Mexico to northern South America ........ H. brasiliensis L. Note 26 

36. Bractlets slightly to much shorter than the calyx (37). 

37. Petals yellow with a red basal spot. Plants shrubby; leaves up to 3 cm. 
long, elliptic to oval or rhombic-ovate, rounded or cuneate at base, 
rounded or obtuse at apex; calyx-lobes linear-lanceolate; capsules 
elabrous: SOUtMErNNECXICOM 22.2020. a cles ee ae = H. elegans Stand. 

37. Petals pink, red, or purple. Leaves ovate or suborbicular; capsules shorter 
than the calyx, glabrous or nearly so externally (38). 

38. Bractlets 4-7, less than 14 as long as the calyx to nearly obsolete or cadu- 
cous, narrowly linear; herbage finely and densely stellate-tomentose; 
plants shrubby or suffrutescent; leaves seldom more than 3 cm. long, 
thick, commonly rounded at both ends; peduncles short; petals lav- 
ender, up to 2.5 cm. long; seeds covered with long, silky hairs. West- 
ern Texas to southern California and northern Mexico, including 
Bajar GalitOrniay o< ste e ects (nee p05 ori 20 H. denudatus Benth. Note 27 

38. Bractlets more numerous and persistent, more or less spatulate or oblan- 
ceolate, 3-nerved; herbage rather coarsely stellate-tomentose; plants 
herbaceous or suffrutescent; leaves up to 7 cm. long, obtuse at apex, 
cordate or subcordate at base with an open sinus, sinuate-denticulate, 
sometimes very shallowly lobed; peduncles often greatly surpassing 
the subtending leaf; petals deep pink or crimson, 2.5-4 (4.5?) cm. 
long; seeds shortly pilose. Western and southern Texas and Mexico. . 
Peleisiaa tome siamo dae wie ee: teeyos sacs the Sia-e H. cardiophyllus A. Gray. Note 28 

39. Bractlets ovate, at least 4 mm. wide toward the contracted base, few, 
usually much shorter than the calyx. Plants shrubby or arborescent; 
herbage pubescent; stipules large, suborbicular; leaves angulately 
5-lobed, deeply cordate at base with a narrow sinus; calyx very deeply 
cleft; petals pink or white (sometimes yellow?), very pubescent dor- 
sally; seeds lanate. West Indies (Dominica, French Islands) ......... 
RS ee eee Sid Bil ae sii a as Sg oa oe H. tulipaeflorus (Walp.) Hook. Note 29 

39. Bractlets narrower (40). 

40. Corolla medium sized, not more than 6 cm. long (except sometimes in 
H. lunariifolius). Leaves usually angulate or lobed (41). 

40. Corolla (except sometimes in H. militaris and H. Rosa-sinensis) larger, 
more than 6 cm. long (42). 


41. Plants shrubby or arborescent; leaves rhombic-ovate, more or less cu- 
neate, mostly trilobate; petioles shorter than the blades; herbage 
glabrous or nearly so; bractlets 6-8, equaling or somewhat longer 
than the calyx; calyx 35-40 mm. long; petals pink or white, 3-6 cm. 
long, usually with a darker basal spot; capsules finely pubescent. Es- 
caped from cultivation here and there in North America; native of 
PER Cais 2 s/o aktuel Gtcidad edwin e's baa oa we ea ete oe en H. syriacus L. 

41. Plants herbaceous or suffrutescent; leaves suborbicular (almost quadrate), 
cordate, 3-5-angulate or shallowly 3-5-lobed; petioles often much 
longer than the blades; herbage more or less hirsute with short hairs; 
bractlets 5-10, shorter to somewhat longer than the calyx, lanceolate, 
strongly nerved, united a little above the base; calyx 10-15 mm. long; 
petals yellow with a purple basal spot, 5-7 cm. long; capsules hispid. 
Inflorescence, by reduction of the upper leaves, appearing as an elon- 
gate raceme. Jamaica, naturalized from the Old World tropics ...... 
soi vaya, Bie.ce Fond Uoplet eh taraie wvegath total ieroievadra ere toy ons, aie erate H. lunariifolius Willd. 

42. Bractlets 5 or 6, lanceolate, about 14 as long as the calyx; androecium 
long-exserted. Plants shrubby or arborescent; herbage glabrous or 
nearly so; petals 6-8 cm. long, glabrous, bright red with a purple 
basal spot. Extensively cultivated and occasionally escaping in tropi- 
cal and subtropical America; probably from China. H. Rosa-sinensis L. 

42. Bractlets more numerous, rarely fewer than 9; androecium (in H. Ur- 
banii?) not exserted (43). 

43. Plants shrubby; bractlets narrowly lanceolate, 2-3 mm. wide at base, 
about 14 as long as the calyx. Leaves broadly ovate, subtrilobate, cor- 
date at base, discolorous, whitish-tomentose beneath; petals about 12 
cm. long, presumably purple, densely stellate-pubescent dorsally. 
GHG co eea>s cates he rua be vee cacntoeat Samra eee H. Urbanii Helwig 

43. Plants tall, herbaceous perennials; bractlets subulate to filiform. Species 
(except H. californicus and sometimes H. lasiocarpos) of the eastern 
United States (44). 

44. Herbage glabrous or nearly so; calyx in fruit accrescent, loose, mem- 
branous; capsules glabrous or nearly so within; seeds pubescent (45). 

44. Herbage pubescent; calyx otherwise; capsules long-hairy on the dis- 
sepiments within; seeds papillate but glabrous (46). 

45. Leaves about as wide as long, often rather deeply palmately 3-5-lobed 
with attenuate-acuminate lobes, not at all hastate, coarsely dentate; 
calyx up to 5 cm. long at anthesis; petals bright red, 7.5-10 cm. long; 
capsules glabrous externally. Florida. .H. semilobatus Chapm. Note 30 

45. Leaves less than 14 as wide as long, lanceolate to ovate, mostly hastately 
3—5-lobed, crenate or serrate, usually finely so; calyx 2-3.5 cm. long 
at anthesis; petals pale pink with a purple basal spot, 5-7.5 cm. long; 
capsules glabrous or puberulent externally. Southern Ontario to 
Florida) fae) DORAS 2). ae'. sae os teenie H. militaris Cav. Note 31 

46. Bractlets conspicuously but sometimes sparsely ciliate with rather long, 
simple hairs, also minutely stellate-tomentose; capsules rounded or 
truncate at apex, short-beaked or merely apiculate, densely pubes- 
cent externally. Leaves mostly long-acuminate, dentate or crenate, 


sometimes slightly lobed; petals pink or whitish with a crimson 
basal spot (47). 

46. Bractlets not or obscurely ciliate, minutely and very densely tomentose; 
capsules usually more pointed and longer-beaked (48). 

47. Leaves ovate-lanceolate to broadly ovate, truncate, rounded, or some- 
times shallowly cordate at base, shallowly to rather deeply crenate; 
bractlets considerably shorter than to longer than the calyx; petals 
6.5-11 cm. long. Indiana to Missouri, south to Florida, Texas, and east- 
SM PLC iy) e ees) ow ata pia Bie) jhe sas H. lasiocarpos Cav. Note 32 

47. Leaves broadly deltoid-ovate, distinctly but shallowly cordate at base, 
coarsely crenate-dentate; bractlets nearly equaling to somewhat longer 
than the calyx; petals 6-10 cm. long. Central California ............. 
ees ee wie ciepet Fia'eisi dvi aye eins H. californicus Kellogg. Note 33 

48. Capsules glabrous externally; leaves rather sparsely puberulent or glab- 
rate above, densely and finely tomentose beneath, strongly discolorous, 
lanceolate to broadly ovate, often shallowly lobed; bractlets 14-34 
as long as the calyx. Petals 7-10 cm. long, whitish or pink, usually 
with a crimson basal spot. Massachusetts to southern Ontario, south 
fe iaited And OKds'.. Se ..c. cctev ah es sn a H. Moscheutos L. Note 34 

48. Capsules hirsute externally; leaves finely tomentose on both surfaces, 
slightly to conspicuously discolorous; bractlets about 14 as long as the 
calyx (49). 

49. Petals 12-15 cm. long, pink or purple, sometimes with a crimson basal 
spot; leaves about as wide as long, deltoid, subhastately and often 
deeply 3-5-lobed. Coastal Plain of the United States, from Georgia 
and Florida to Mississippi ................-. H. grandiflorus Michx. 

49. Petals 8-10 cm. long, white, yellow, or pink, with a crimson basal spot; 
leaves longer than wide, sometimes nearly 3 times longer, not lobed. 
Coastal Plain, from Maryland to Florida, westward to southeastern 
ISS. J vdeabias b bajo. d oa Gao aeiysoconstauecacse : H. incanus Wendl. 


1. The following taxa, some of which may not belong to the genus 
Hibiscus, as now restricted, are too poorly known for inclusion in this key: 
H. attenuatus Bosse (North America), H. bahamensis Mill. (Bahamas?), H. 
biflorus Turcz. (habitat?), H. cubensis A. Rich., H. fasciculatus Moc. & Sessé 
(Mexico), H. Langloisii Greene (Louisiana), H. liliaceus Amadeo (Puerto 
Rico), H. Martinianus Zucc. (Mexico), H. membranaceus Cav. (habitat?), 
H. nutans Sessé & Moc. (Mexico), H. pedunculatus Sessé & Moc. (Mexico), 
H. Sagraeanus Mercier (Cuba), H. tuxtlensis Sessé & Moc. (Mexico). 

2. Hibiscus Purpusii is an anomalous plant, known only by the type col- 
lections (Purpus 7545, 7546). It has the aspect of certain Sterculiaceae and is 
a very doubtful member of the genus Hibiscus, although included therein 
by Standley (Contrib. U. S. Natl. Herb. 23:781). 

3. Synonyms: H. abutiloides Willd., H. arboreus Desv., H. Azanzae DC., 
H. bracteosus Moc. & Sessé, H. circinnatus Willd., H. fragrantissimus Mog. 
& Sessé, H. porophyllus Vell., Paritium tiliaceum (L.) A. Juss., etc. 

4. Synonyms: H. tiliaceus var. elatus (Sw.) Hochr., Paritium elatum (Sw.) 
G. Don, and perhaps Pariti grande Britton. It is distinguishable from H. 


tiliaceus by the corolla characters, doubtfully so by the other characters 
stated in the key. 

5. Synonyms: H. cruentus Bertol., H. digitatus Cav., H. fraternus L. f. 

6. Synonym: H. radiatus Cav., a form with usually appendaged bractlets. 

7. Synonym: H. carolinianus Muhl. Compare H. semilobatus, first para- 
graph 45 of the key. 

8. Synonym: H. scaber Michx. 

9. Synonym(?): H. acetosaefolius Moc. & Sessé ex DC. 

10. Two varieties have been described. — Synonyms: H. bicornis G. F. W. 
Meyer, H. decipiens St. Hil., H. fluminensis Vell., H. uncinellus DC. 

11. Several varieties have been described. In var. azuwensis Urban & Helwig, 
the bractlets were described as “integrae vel subintegrae,” but in the type 
collection they are distinctly although shallowly bifurcate. Synonyms: H. 
corylifolius Presl, H. Diodon DC., H. fraternus Sessé & Mog. non L. f., H. 
multiformis St. Hil., H. tomentosus Stahl non Mill., H. trilobatus Vell. non 
G. F. Gmel. 

12. Synonym: H. crenatus Splitg. non Vell. 

13. Hibiscus lavateroides and H. longipes (paragraphs 22 of the key) might 
be sought in this section. 

14. Synonym: H. spathulatus Garcke, non Gaudichaud. 

15. Doubtfully distinct, as a species, from H. lavateroides. 

16. Synonyms: H. acetosaefolius Hemsl. non Moc. & Sessé, H. achanioides 
(Turcz.) Hemsl., H. Brancroftianus Macf., H. cylindraceus Mog. & Sessé, H. 
floridanus Shuttlew., H. phoeniceus Sessé & Moc. non Jacq., H. Poeppigii 
(Schlecht.) Garcke, H. spiralis Cav., H. truncatus A. Rich., H. tubiflorus Mog. 
& Sessé ex DC. The last was recognized as a species by Standley (Contrib. 
U. S. Natl. Herb. 23:777, 779) who distinguished it from H. pilosus (H. 
spiralis) in having “leaves truncate or subcordate at base, usually shallowly 

17. Synonyms: H. Berlandieranus Moric., H. tomentosus Mill. 

18. Urban thought this species to be most nearly related to H. clypeatus, 
with which it apparently intergrades. 

19. Basonym: Abelmoschus cryptocarpus Walp. Described by J. G. Jack 
as a “slender small tree 20 ft. high, fls. Indian red.” 

20. Synonym: H. bahamensis Britton, non Miller. 

21. Collections in Cuba and Trinidad were referred to this species by Ur- 
ban (Repert. Sp. Nov. 16:33). Synonyms: H. angustifolius H. & A., H. salviae- 
folius St. Hil. 

22. Three varieties were distinguished by Hochreutiner. Synonyms: H. 
agioxillos Vell., H. ficulneus Cav. non L., and perhaps H. ciliaris Pres] and 
H. maculatus Lam. The last, from the West Indies, was recognized as a 
species by Urban & Helwig (Repert. Sp. Nov. 24:235) who described the 
petal-color as violet-purple or wine-red, but gave no other characters to 
distinguish H. maculatus from H. diversifolius. 

23. Synonyms: H. aquaticus Tussac, H. domingensis Jacq., H. trilobatus 
J. F. Gmel., and perhaps H. striatus Cav. This taxon is not well understood. 
Urban (Repert. Sp. Nov. 16:34) apparently regarded H. trilobus as a form 
of H. Lambertianus. 


24. Closely related to H. Coulteri and H. biseptus (see paragraphs 10 of 
the key), but the leaves are not, or much more shallowly, lobed. 

25. Up to 9 cm. in var. sylvaticus (Benth.) Hochr., with more deeply lobed 

26. Synonyms: H. betulifolius H. B. K., H. columbinus Moc. & Sessé, H. 
hirtus Cav., H. iochromus T. S. Brandeg., H. neglectus Wright, H. oxy- 
phyllus Moc. & Sessé, H. phoeniceus Jacq., H. rigidus Mog. & Sessé, H. syl- 
vaticus Benth., H. unilateralis Cav., H. violaceus T. S. Brandeg. 

27. H. denudatus var. involucellatus A. Gray (H. involucellatus Woot. & 
Standl.) is a less woody plant with better developed involucels and occupies 
the eastern part of the range of H. denudatus. It is at least a good subspecies. 

28. Synonym: H. lasiocarpos S. Wats., non Cav. 

29. Basonym: Abelmoschus tulipaeflorus Walp. Synonym (?): H. marmo- 
ratus Lem., described as from Mexico. A specimen from Santiago de las 
Vegas, Cuba (C. F. Baker 102) was described by the collector as “a large 
openly spreading shrub 12-15 feet high with an abundance of large rose-pink 
flowers.”” Although not so stated on the label, it was probably from a culti- 
vated plant. 

30. Synonyms: H. coccineus Walt. var. integrifolius Chapm., H. integri- 
folius (Chapm.) Small. Compare first paragraph 8. 

31. Synonyms: H. hastatus Michx. non L. f., H. virginicus Walt. non L., 
and H. coccineus var. virginicus (Walt.) Hochr. 

32. Synonyms: H. grandiflorus Torr. non Michx., H. platanoides Greene. 

33. Synonym: H. lasiocarpos var. occidentalis (Torr.) A. Gray. Perhaps 
only subspecifically distinct from H. lasiocarpos. 

34. Synonyms: H. oculiroseus Britton, H. opulifolius Greene, H. palustris 
L., H. Moscheutos subsp. palustris R. T. Clausen, H. pinetorum Greene. 
Hibiscus palustris was recognized as a distinct species by Deam (FI. Indiana 
p- 669) and by Fernald (Gray’s Man. ed. 8 pp. 1005, 1006) but the characters 
they give for distinguishing it from H. Moscheutos seem inadequate. Fer- 
nald added “perhaps better as a geographic variety.” 


The numbers indicate paragraphs of the key. Synonyms are italiziced 
and the number in parenthesis after the paragraph number is that of the 
note in which the synonym is cited. 

abutiloides 3(3) Bancroftianus 23(16) carolinianus 8(7) 
acetosaefolius 10(9), Berlandieranus 25(17) ciliaris 31(22) 
23(16) betulifolius 36(26) circinnatus 3(3) 
achanioides 23(16) bicornis 12(10) clypeatus 25 
acicularis 35 bifurcatus 12 coccineus 8, 45 (30) 
aculeatus 9 biseptus 10 columbinus 36(26) 
agioxillos 31(22) brachypus 26 corylifolius 13(11) 
angustifolius 30(21) bracteosus 3(3) costatus 13 
anisaster 24 brasiliensis 36 Coulteri 10 
aquaticus 31(23) Brittonianus 28 crenatus 14(12) 
arboreus 3(3) californicus 47 cruentus 7(5) 
Azanzae 3(3) cannabinus 7 cryptocarpos 27 

bahamensis 28(20) cardiophyllus 38 cylindraceus 23(16) 


decipiens 12(10) lasiocarpos 47 Sabdariffa 7 
denudatus 38 lavateroides 22 salviaefolius 30(21) 
digitatus 7(5) longipes 22 scaber 9(8) 

Diodon 13(11) lunariifolius 41 schizopetalus 32 
diversifolius 31 maculatus 31(22) semilobatus 45 
domingensis 31(23) marmoratus 39(29) sororius 14 
Eggersii 28 militaris 45 spathulatus 21(14) 
elatus 3 Moscheutos 48 spiralis 23(16) 
elegans 37 multiformis 13(11) siriatus 31(23) 
ferox 17 neglectus 36(26) sylvaticus 36(26) 
ficulneus 31(22) Nelsoni 20 syriacus 41 
floridanus 23(16) oculiroseus 48(34) tiliaceus 3 
fluminensis 12(10) opulifolius 48(34) ‘omentosus 13(11), 25(17) 
fragrantissimus 3(3) oxy phyllus 36(26) trilobatus 13(11), 31(23) 
fraternus 7(5),13(11) — palustris 48(34) trilobus 31 
furcellatus 13 phoeniceus 23(16), 36(26) Trionum 5 
grandiflorus 47(32),49 pilosus 23 truncatus 23(16) 
hastatus 45(31) pinetorum 48(34) tubiflorus 23(16) 
hirtus 36(26) platanoides 47(32) tulipaeflorus 39 
horridus 18 Poeppigii 23(16) uncinellus 12(10) 
hottensis 18 porophyllus 3(3) unilateralis 36(26) 
incanus 49 Purpusii 1 Urbanii 43 
iochromus 36(26) radiatus 7(6) verbasciformis 21 
integrifolius 45(30) ribifolius 35 violaceus 36(26) 
involucellatus 38(27) rigidus 36(26) virginicus 45(31) 
Lambertianus 30 Rosa-sinensis 42 


PRroGREss vs. FLorA. Many plants, both native and introduced, for- 
merly recorded as growing without cultivation, have not been re-col- 
lected recently. This is certainly the case in Arizona, the region with 
which I am best acquainted, and is doubtless so everywhere. Of course, 
this elimination has been going on ever since man reached the agri- 
cultural stage of civilization, but it has been accelerated tremendously 
in recent decades by the great improvement of earth-moving machin- 
ery. Such operations as leveling land, widening roads, construction of 
irrigation works, and logging off forests have destroyed many stations 
where plants once grew wild. 

In view of the rapid increase of the human population, no reason- 
able person would oppose these developments, but they make it more 
than ever imperative to guard zealously those portions of our national 
and state parks and forests that have been set aside for the protection 
of plant and animal wild life. 

Naturally, it cannot be concluded, from the destruction of the sta- 
tion or stations where a certain plant was known to have grown for- 
merly, that it has disappeared entirely from the area. There is always 
the possibility that new stations will be discovered. Consequently, in 
writing an account of a state or other local flora, all such apparently 
exterminated plants should be included, noting, however, the fact 
that they have not been observed recently.—T. H. KEARNEY. 

Vol. VII 


No. 12 



Leontodon autumnalis in Alaska and Washington 

Plant Records for Washington 

The Status and Distribution of Carex danaensis Stacey 

Notes on Malvaceae VII: a New Variety in 




This number published in part by income from the 
Ida Bourne and Lena Gibbs Fund of the 
California Academy of Sciences 

NovEMBER 30, 1955 







A publication devoted particularly to the native and naturalized 
plants of western North America and to the cultivated plants 
of California, appearing about four times each year. Subscrip- 
tion, $2.00 annually. Cost of back files or single numbers fur- 
nished on request. Address: John Thomas Howell, California 
Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco 18. 

Cited as 

LEAFL. WEsT. Bort. 

Owned and published by 




Agricultural Research Service, Beltsville, Md. 

Fall dandelion or “arnica,” Leontodon autumnalis L., so well 
established in New England, has never penetrated as far south 
as some of its more aggressive relatives in the genus Hieracitum 
such as H. pilosella and H. pratense. Although widespread in 
Europe, it is scarce or lacking in the Mediterranean area, and 
appears to be definitely a plant of temperate and cold regions. 
In the 8th edition of Gray’s Manual (1950) Fernald assigns .a 
range from Newfoundland to Pennsylvania, west to western 
Ontario and Michigan. Gleason, in The New Britton and Brown 
Illustrated Flora (1952), extends this range in all possible direc- 
tions, reporting the plant from New Jersey to Greenland, rarely 
inland to Michigan and even Montana. It is not listed in Ryd- 
berg’s Flora of the Rocky Mountains and Adjacent Plains, in 
Jepson’s Manual of the Flowering Plants of California, or in 
Peck’s Manual of the Higher Plants of Oregon. The only records 
known to me from the Pacific Coast are by Piper, in his Flora of 
the State of Washington (1906), and by Muenscher in his Flora 
of Whatcom County, Washington (1941). 

Piper’s record was based on a single collection, Piper 750, now 
in the herbarium of the State College of Washington, from 
which I have been able to borrow it through the kindness of 
Dr. Marion Ownbey and Sherman J. Preece, Jr. The sheet bears 
a single good-sized specimen with young heads collected by 
Piper at Seattle, 22 June 1889, which is in fact Hypochaeris 
radicata L., as which it has been identified at some earlier date 
by Dr. G. N. Jones. 

Muenscher’s record (as Apargia autumnale Hoffm.) was based 
on his No. 8443 and 8892, both collected in 1937 and lent for 
examination from the Wiegand Herbarium at Ithaca through 
the kindness of Dr. R. T. Clausen; a duplicate of 8892 was also 
lent me from the herbarium of the State College of Washington. 
No. 8892, from Ten Mile, is Hypochaeris glabra L., but No. 
8443, from Bellingham, is Leontodon autumnalis, and appears 
to be the only collection actually of that species on record from 
any of the Pacific Coast states. 

Leaflets of Western Botany, Vol. VII, pp. 285-300, November 30, 1955. 


The species has not been reported from Alaska, so far as I can 
ascertain, but it occurs in a small but interesting gathering of 
plants made by Dr. Eugene A. Hollowell, of the former Divi- 
sion of Forage Crops (now Forage and Range Section), U. S. 
Department of Agriculture, and H. J. Hodgson, of the Agricul- 
tural Experiment Station at Palmer, Alaska, in a trip taken in 
1953 covering much of Alaska, from Circle south to Homer. The 
collection (their No. 35), made at Fairbanks on 3 July 1953, con- 
sists of 3 specimens. One of these is typical L. autumnalis L., 
with the involucre very thinly pilose, especially toward base, 
with subappressed very slender whitish hairs; the other speci- 
mens have the involucres more or less hirsute with stiff spread- 
ing blackish-green hairs, but not nearly so densely so as in speci- 
mens in the U. S. National Herbarium from Newfoundland and 
Maine referred to var. pratensis (Link) Koch, and they seem 
best left in L. autumnalis, which is sufficiently variable in this 
respect. The material will be placed in the United States Na- 
tional Herbarium and the Gray Herbarium. 


Seattle, Washington 

CorYNEPHORUS CANESCENS (L.) Beauv. Along railroad right-of- 
way near Sand Point, 14 mile west of Lake Washington, King 
Co., No. 6616. Determined by X. M. Gaines. New to Washing- 

CaREX suBFusCcA W. Boott. Fifteen miles north of Olympia, 
Thurston Co., No. 1724, July 20, 1937. Determined by F. J. Her- 
mann. New to Washington. 

SPIRANTHES PORRIFOLIA Lindl. In a small lake, Mt. Ellinor, 
Mason Co., No. 1229, Aug. 14, 1937. First record for Olympic 

VERONICA CHAMAEDRYS L. On edge of woods, 14 mile north- 
east of Seattle, King Co., No. 6583, May 30, 1949. Determined 
by X. M. Gaines. New to Washington. 

VERONICA FILIFORMIS Smith. On edge of woods, 14 mile north- 
east of Seattle, King Co., No. 6581, May 30, 1949. Determined by 
X. M. Gaines. New to Washington. 



U.S. Department of Agriculture, Beltsville, Maryland 

One of the rarest sedges of North America is Carex incurvt- 
formis Mack., which was known to Mackenzie only from the type 
collection from the Canadian Rockies, near Banff, Alberta 
(Macoun, July 31, 1891), at the time he described it in Rydberg’s 
Flora of the Rocky Mountains (1917). Two additional collec- 
tions had been seen by him when he next treated the species in 
1931 (North American Flora 18: 30), an undated Drummond 
specimen, from which the drawing was made for North Amer- 
ican Cariceae, and a Hooker collection in the Torrey Herbarium 
lacking both date and locality. The Drummond collection Mack- 
enzie evidently ascribed to British Columbia, judging from the 
statement in his monograph that the species occurs “on alpine 
peaks of the Canadian Rockies, in Alberta and British Colum- 
bia,” although the only legend borne on the label is “Rocky 

On July 3, 1954, Professor W. A. Weber discovered what ap- 
peared to be a fourth station for Carex incurviformis and to rep- 
resent the first record for the United States. This was on rocky 
ledges at the head of Wheeler Lake, about 12,200 ft. alt., at the 
upper end of Platte Gulch north of Mount Lincoln, Park Co., 
Colorado, where it was quite inconspicuous in tufts of moss 
(Weber 8745). Examination of the specimen, however, showed 
that the lower pistillate scales were broader and more blunt than 
those of the Canadian plants and were more broadly hyaline 
margined. This at once suggested the closely allied Californian 
C. danaensis, proposed by the late J. W. Stacey in 1939 (Leafl. 
West. Bot. 2: 166). Mr. Stacey differentiated the two by the fol- 
lowing key: 

Perigynia with many slender, impressed nerves on both sides; pistillate 
scales lance-ovate, narrowly hyaline-margined, acuminate or acute 
Se RI AE Rte eg PR Creo ae C. incurviformis 

Perigynia with several raised nerves on both sides; pistillate scales broadly 
ovate, widely hyaline-margined, obtuse.................., C. danaensis 

The nerves of the perigynia in the Colorado material were ob- 

viously raised rather than impressed, but so were they in a topo 

type of C. incurviformis (G. F. Ledingham 1, Mt. Rundle, Banff, 


Aug. 4, 1940). And, curiously enough, there was no mention of 
impressed nerves in the original description of C. incurviformis 
(where the perigynia are described as “‘finely conspicuously 
many-nerved’’) but only in Mackenzie’s later description, so 
that a re-examination of the known collections of both plants 
seemed desirable. 

Through the courtesy of Dr. David Keck the material of C. 
incurviformis at the New York Botanical Garden, consisting of 
the type specimen and the two additional collections already re- 
ferred to, was secured on loan, and Mr. Howell generously sent 
on the fine representation of C. danaensis from the California 
Academy of Sciences. As suspected, it was found that the peri- 
gynia in the three collections of C. incurviformis are impressed 
between the nerves but the nerves themselves are not impressed 
(as they are, for instance, in such a species as C. hyalinolepis 
Steud.), but elevated. The fundamental distinction upon which 
C. danaensis was erected, then, is non-existent, and despite a 
tendency for the nerves of its perigynium to be less pronounced 
or conspicuous only toward the base, the extant material of C. 
incurviformis is too meager to conclude that the same tendency 
may not apply to it. The difference in the pistillate scales al- 
though unstable is nevertheless real: in C. danaensis they are 
predominantly broadly ovate, obtuse, and broadly hyaline-mar- 
gined throughout the spikes, whereas in C. incurviformis they 
are chiefly lanceolate-ovate, acute and narrowly hyaline-mar- 
gined except that one to few of the lowermost tend to be of the 
C. danaensis type. In view of the apparent lack of any completely 
stable characteristic by which the two plants may be distin- 
guished it seems preferable to treat the plant of California and 
Colorado as Carex incurviformis Mack. var. danaensis (Stacey) 
comb. nov. (C. danaensis Stacey, Leafl. West. Bot. 2: 166,—1939). 

Known from only a single station at the time of its description 
as a species, var. danaensis is now represented by eight Califor- 
nia collections in the Herbarium of the California Academy of 
Sciences, as follows: 

TuoLUMNE County: Mt. Dana, 12,500 ft., J. T. Howell 14546 (type); west 
slope of saddle between Twin Peaks, alt. 12,200 ft., C. W. Sharsmith 4136; 
Mt. Conness, about 12,300 ft., J. T. Howell 20561; forming turf-like patches 
among boulders at about 12,000 ft., Mt. Dana, J. T. Howell 21517. 

Inyo County: abundant on unglaciated plateau on north side of Mt. 
Humphreys, alt. 12,880 ft., C. W. Sharsmith 3108; Mono Mesa, about 12,000 
ft. J. T. Howell 22700; Army Pass, 12,000 ft., J. T. Howell 26071. 


TuxarE County: Cirque Peak, 12,000 ft., J. T. Howell 26172. 

The Colorado collection already cited notably extends the 
range of the variety and represents the ninth station known for 
it up to the present. 



In a paper entitled “The Genus Malacothamnus, Greene” 
(Leafl. West. Bot. 6: 113-140), I indicated in the key (p. 117) 
that M. Palmeri (S. Wats.) Greene is unique in this genus in 
having densely subcapitate, terminal inflorescences that are 
closely subtended by bracts. In addition to the two varieties that 
were described in the earlier paper (ibid., pp. 117, 120, 121), M. 
Palmeri var. Palmeri and M. Palmeri var. involucratus (Robin- 
son) Kearney, a third variety has been discovered recently in the 
Santa Lucia Mountains by John Thomas Howell. This is: 

Malacothamnus Palmeri var. lucianus, var. nov. Frutex ramosus usque 
ad 1.2 m. altus; folia plerumque distincte cordata, utrinque pubescentia 
pilis stellatis pauciradiatis; a M. Palmeri var. Palmeri et M. Palmeri var. 
involucrato bracteis inflorescentiae et bracteolis involucelli multum an- 
gustioribus differt. 

The new variety resembles var. Palmeri in the rather copi- 
ously pubescent upper leaf-surface and relatively narrow bracts 
and bractlets, but approaches var. involucratus in the usually 
distinctly cordate leaf-bases. The bracts and bractlets are nar- 
rower than in either of the varieties previously described, the 
bracts being not more than 2.5 mm. wide and tapering at both 
ends, and the bractlets of the involucel being subulate and 
about 0.5 mm. wide. It should be noted, however, that 2 or 3 
of the outermost bracts of the inflorescence are much broader 
and deeply dentate. These may be regarded as marking a transi- 
tion to the foliage leaves. The shallowly notched carpels are 
much as in var. involucratus, but too few fruiting specimens of 
the M. Palmeri complex are available to warrant placing much 
emphasis on this character. ‘The new variety was found at a 
higher elevation, ca. 3600 feet, than the other varieties are 
known to attain. 

Known only from one station on the Arroyo Seco Road, 3 


miles from Escondido Camp, Santa Lucia Mountains, Monterey 
County (J. T. Howell 30128, 30642), the latter the type collection 
(Herb. Calif. Acad. Sci. 396,251). The first collection, with 
fruits and withered flowers, was made on November 3, 1954, 
whereas the type collection, in full flower, was obtained on 
July 8, 1955. Mr. Howell reported that the plants grew rather 
abundantly on sandstone rocks, in chaparral composed of Quer- 
cus dumosa, Umbellularia, Adenostoma, Photinia, Prunus ilict- 
folia, Ceanothus ramulosus, and Arctostaphylos glandulosa var. 
He described the petal color as pinkish-violet and the odor of 
the herbage as unpleasant, like that of rancid grease. It is not 
known whether the other varieties of M. Palmeri have this dis- 
agreeable odor. Most species of Malacothamnus have pleasantly 
fragrant herbage. 

my recent account of endemism in California (Leafl. West. Bot. 
7: 257-264), I erroneously listed Blennosperma Less. and Nicol- 
letia Gray among the “strictly restricted endemic genera” (p. 
259), t.e., among those found only within the state boundaries. 
Actually these two genera of Compositae range far beyond Cali- 
fornia, although both are represented in the state by endemic 
species. Blennosperma, a genus of three species, is found in 
Chile (B. chilense Less., the type of the genus) as well as in Cali- 
fornia [B. nanum (Hook.) Blake and B. Bakeri Heiser]. Nicol- 
letia, also a genus of three species, is restricted to North America, 
where it is accorded the following rather extended distribution 
by Rydberg (N. Amer. Fl. 34: 179, 180): western ‘Texas, New 
Mexico, Chihuahua, and Coahuila (N. Edwardsii Gray); south- 
ern California (N. occidentalis Gray); Baja California (N. trifida 

The deletion of these genera from those listed reduces by two 
the totals that I gave on pages 259 and 260. Thus according to 
my corrected count, the “strictly restricted endemic genera’ of 
California that I believe should be accepted total 26.—J. T. 

NOVEMBER, 1955 |] ERRATA 291 


Page 4, line 15 should read: flora with the finding of this 
curious parasitic plant on sand. 

Page 9, line 1: for V. arizona read V. arizonica. 

Page 15, line 1: for money-flower read monkey-flower. 

Page 15, line 33: for Perennial herb read Annual herb. 

Page 57, line 2: for has read have. 

Page 135, line 13: for Swip read Swamp. 

Page 137, line 35: for parvioribus read minoribus. 

Page 194, line 34 should read: 6600 ft., April 24, 1939, Percy 
Train 2630; type in Herb. Na-. 

Page 197, line 6: for Argentina read Chile. 

Page 213, lines 38, 39, 40: for NEMOPHILIA read NEMOPHILA. 

Page 243, line 12 should read: 7. Petals whitish or pinkish 
(exceptionally pale yellow?) with a conspicuous,. 

Page 244, line 40 should read: 16. Leaves not lobed or (in A. 
Chittendenit and A. Pachecoanum) sometimes. 

Page 249, line 42: for Columbia read Colombia. 

Page 259, line 24: delete NICOLLETIA Gray. 

Page 259, line 26: delete BLENNOSPERMA Less. 



[VOL. VII, NO. 12 


(Plants listed on pages 203 to 218 from the Frances Simes Hastings 
Natural History Reservation are not given in the index.) 

Abelmoschus, 274; cryptocarpus, 282; 
tulipaeflorus, 283. 

Abutilon, 241; abutiloides, 249; al- 
bidum, 251; americanum, 253; am- 
plexifolium, 247; Andrieuxii, 247; 
attenuatum, 251; aurantiacum, 
253; auritum, 247; Avicennae, 252; 
Bakerianum, 245; bastardioides, 
243: Berlandieri, 253; blandum, 
251; Brenesii, 246; Buchii, 246; Cal- 
deroni, 247; californicum, 248, 249; 
Carterae, 248; Chittendenii, 245; 
coahuilae, 243; commutatum, 252; 
confertiflorum, 252; crassifolium, 
253; crispum, 120, 251; Croizatian- 
um, 253; dentatum, 253; doming- 
ense, 253; Dugesii, 248; durang- 
ense, 253; elatum, 252; ellipticum, 
243: erosum, 251; floribundum, 
251; fragile, 253; Gaumeri, 249; 
giganteum, 247; glabriflorum, 250; 
Haenkeanum, 252; haitense, 246; 
Hemsleyanum, 248; hirtum, 248; 
Holwayi, 251; Hulseanum, 246; hy- 
poleucum, 250; incanum, 244; in- 
clusum, 246; indicum, 249; Jac- 
quini, 253; jaliscanum, 246; leios- 
permum, 249; Lemmoni, 252; Le- 
onardi, 246; leucophaeum, 252; 
lignosum, 253; lucianum, 251; 
Macdougalii, 253; macranthum, 
251; malacum, 244; Marshii, 242; 
membranaceum, 243; mexicanum, 
252: mochisense, 251; Nelsoni, 245; 
Nuttallii, 251; orientale, 242; Pa- 
checoanum, 245; Palmeri, 130, 250; 
Parishii, 3, 248; parvulum, 244; 
pauciflorum, 252; pedunculare, 
252; peraffine, 253; percaudatum, 
244; permolle, 250, 251; Peyrit- 
schii, 245; Picardae, 246; pictum, 
251; Pittieri, 244; pleiopodum, 246; 
Pringlei, 243; pubescens, 253; Pur- 
pusii, 246; racemosum, 251; ramo- 
sissimum, 251; reticulatum, 252; 
reventum, 248; scabrum, 253; Se- 
lerianum, 253; sessilifolium, 251; 
sidoides, 252; simulans, 250; son- 
orae, 248; sphaerostaminum, 249; 
striatum, 244; subpapyraceum, 253; 
subsagittatum, 250; texense, 251; 
Theophrasti, 247; Thurberi, 242; 
tridens, 244; triquetrum, 251; tri- 
sulcatum, 243; tultitlanapense, 252; 
umbellatum, 248, 249; vesicarium, 
253; vulcanicola, 245; Wrightii, 
250; Xanti, 249; yucatanum, 245. 

Acanthogonum, 234; polygonoides, 
234, 235, var. longispinum, 235; rig- 
idum, 234, 235. 

Acanthomintha, 259. 

Achaetogeron chihuahuensis, 11. 

Achillea eradiata, 190; lanulosa var. 
alpicola, 11, var. eradiata, 190; Mil- 
lefolium var. alpicola, 109. 

Agropyron triticeum, 39. 

Agrostis variabilis, 105. 

Allium, 261; anceps, 106; Bolanderi, 
177; peninsulare, 177; roguense, 
by tree 

Allocarya, 263; Cusickii, 255. 

Alnus rhombifolia, 178. 

Alopecurus pratensis, 39. 

Ambrosia artemisifolia, 200. 

Anacharis canadensis, 168; densa, 

Andropogon Ischaemum, 166; virgin- 
icus, 199. 

Anemone, tribe Anemonanthea, 180; 
deltoidea, 181; felix, 181; Lyallii, 
181; oregana, 181; Piperi, 181; 
quinquefolia, 181. 

Anisocoma, 259. 

Anoda decumbens, 148. 

Antennaria anaphaloides, 18; aprica, 
18; carpathica var. pulcherrima, 
18; dioica var. rosea, 152; micro- 
phylla, 19; nitida, 20; parvifolia, 
18, var. rosea, 152; pulcherrima, 
18; rosea, 19, 152; umbrinella, 20, 

Anthemis fuscata, 132. 

Anthochloa lepida, 96. 

Antirrhinum Breweri, 117; chytro- 
spermum, 115; Cymbalaria, 114; 
Elmeri, 117; filipes, 115; Kingii, 6; 
majus, 116; maurandioides, 114; 
montevidense, 116; Orontium, 115; 
ovatum, 115; strictum, 115; subcor- 
datum, 117; tortuosum, 116; vag- 
ans, 117; vexillo-calyculatum, 117. 

Apargia autumnale, 285. 

Aphanisma, 259. 

Arabis modesta, 181. 

Arctostaphylos, 263; columbiana, 266; 
Cushingiana, 265; densiflora, 267; 
franciscana, 267; Helleri, 237, 267; 
hispidula, 186; Hookeri, 267; Man- 
zanita, 267; myrtifolia, 237, 238, 
267; nissenana, 266; var. arcana, 
266; nummularia, 265; sensitiva, 
265; setosissima, 265; viscida, 266; 
viscosissima, 186. 

NOVEMBER, 1955] 

Arenaria confusa, 8; lanuginosa ssp. 
saxosa, 8; saxosa, 172; rubella, 180. 

Arnica nevadensis, 109; spathulata, 

Artemisia arbuscula subsp. nova, 
175; campestris var. Scouleriana, 
20; campestris ssp. borealis, 21; des- 
ertorum var. Hookeriana, 21, var. 
Scouleriana, 20; nova, 175; pacifica, 
20; 21. 

Asclepias cryptoceras var. Davisii, 
107; Davisii, 107. 

Aster Douglasii, 21; Eatoni, 22; fo- 
liaceus, 21; longifolius, 22; novi- 
belgii, 22; oregonus, 22; subspica- 
tus, 21. 

Astragalus, 260, 262; albulus, 10; am- 

phioxys var. vespertinus, 9; anem- 
ophilus, 34; anisus, 33; argophyllus 
var. pephragmenoides, 167; ar- 
tipes, 194; bisculatus var. nevaden- 
sis, 195; calycosus var. mancus, 
195; campestris var. crispatus, 18; 
campestris var. decumbens, 18; car- 
minis, 37; coccineus, 2; convallari- 
us var. convallarius, 192; conval- 
larius var. finitimus, 192; decum- 
bens var. decurrens, 18; decumbens 
var. serotinus, 17; demissus, 195; 
desperatus, 36, 37; deterior, 35; 
didymocarpus var. dispermus, 8; 
dispermus, 8; diversifolius, 192; en- 
siformis, 36; feensis, 33; Harbisonii, 
34; Haydenianus var. nevadensis, 
195; hylophilus var. oblongifolius, 
18; Jepsoni, 195; junceus var. at- 
tenuatus, 192; leucolobus, 33; Ly- 
allii, 184; madrensis, 38; magda- 
_lenae, 35; malacus, 107; megacar- 
pus, 195; microcystis, 17; miser, 17; 
miser var. crispatus, 18, miser var. 
decumbens, 18; miser var. decur- 
rens, 18; miser var. oblongifolius, 
18; monumentalis, 35, 167; naturi- 
tensis, 37; Nuttallianus var. pili- 
ferus, 195; nyensis, 195; oophorus 
var. caulescens, 193; oophorus var. 
Clokeyanus, 193; oophorus var. 
lonchocalyx, 193, 224; oophorus 
var. oophorus, 193; Peckii, 185; Ser- 
enoi var. sordescens, 195; Spald- 
ingii, 184; tenuifolius, 195; teph- 
rodes var. brachylobus, 32; tyghen- 
sis, 184; Waterfallii, 31. 

Atriplex elegans var. Thornberi, 9. 

Bacopa Eisenii, 8; rotundifolia, 8. 

Baeria maritima, 189. 

Baker, William H. Notes on the flora 
of Oregon, 105; Linaria dalmatica 
in Idaho, 256. 

Bakeridesia, 242. 



Barneby, R. C. Pugillus Astragalor- 
um XV _ four new species, 31; Pu- 
gillus Astragalorum XVI minor 
novelties from Nevada, 192. 

Beckmannia syzigachne, 1. 

Berberis pinnata, 181. 

Betula fontana var. glandulifera, 178. 

Bidens heterosperma, 171. 

Blake, S. F. Leontodon autumnalis in 
Alaska and Washington, 285. 

Blennosperma, 259, 290; Bakeri, 290; 
chilense, 290; nanum, 290. 

Blepharizonia, 259. 

Bloomeria, 259. 

Bogenhardia, 119, 242; crispa, 120, 

Botrychium Lunaria, 258. 

Brodiaea, 261. 

Bromus, 171; anomalus, 171; ciliatus, 
171; frondosus, 171; Haenkeanus, 
172; inermis, 171; lanatipes, 171; 
mucroglumis, 171; Orcuttianus, 
171; Porteri, 171; Richardsoni, 171. 

Calendula arvensis, 270; officinalis, 

Callitriche heterophylla, 3, 170; ver- 
na, 3, 170. 

Calochortus, 261; indecorus, 191; uni- 
florus, 190. 

Calycanthus occidentalis, 260. 

Carduus palowsensis, 24. 

Carex, 260, 261; curatorum, 9; dan- 
aensis, 287, 288; hyalinolepis, 288; 
incurviformis, 287, 288, var. dan- 
aensis, 288; inops, 105; oreocha- 
ris, 9; paucicostata, 177; Rossii, 
169; subfusca, 286. 

Carpenteria, 259. 

Castilleja Dixonii, 188; lineata, 11; 
litoralis, 188; Payneae, 108; taedi- 
fera, 188. 

Ceanothus, 262; crassifolius, 
gloriosus, 112; maritimus, 111. 

Centaurea pratensis, 109; solstitialis, 


Cerastium adsurgens, 173; semide- 
candrum, 180. 
Cercis occidentalis, 169. 
Cercocarpus ledifolius, 106. 
Chaenactis Douglasii, 22; stevioides, 
190; Suksdorfii, 23, 190. 
Chaemorrhinum minus, 115. 
Chorispora tenella, 169. 
Chorizanthe, 234, 262; corrugata, 234; 
Orcuttiana, 234; polygonoides, 234, 
236; rigida, 235; Watsoni, 234. 
Chrysanthemum Balsamita, 39. 
Chrysothamnus nauseosus subsp. al- 
bicaulis, 23, subsp. speciosus, 24; 
pumilus, 23, var. euthamioides, 23; 


speciosus var. albicaulis, 23; viscidi- 
florus, 23, var. puberulus, 23. 

Circaea pacifica, 170. 

Cirsium brevifolium, 24; brevisty- 
lum, 26; edule, 25; Flodmani, 24; 
Macounii, 25; palousense, 24; Ryd- 
bergii, 7; vulgare, 7. 

Clarkia, 174; epilobioides, 174; pur- 
purea, 174. 

Cleomella Hillmani, 106. 

Collinsia, 263. 

Congdonia, 259. 

Corallorhiza maculata var. immacu- 
lata, 177. 

Cordia parvifolia, 5. 

Cordylanthus mollis, 271. 

Coreopsis cardaminefolia, 171. 

Corynephorus canescens, 286. 

Crampton, Beecher. Observations on 
the genus Soliva in California, 196; 
Scribneria in California, 219; a new 
variety of Stipa Lemmoni, 220. 

Crockeria, 260. 

Cronquist, Arthur. Notes on speci- 
mens of American plants in Euro- 
pean herbaria, 17. 

Croton ciliato-glandulosus, 10. 

Crucianella angustifolia, 151. 

Cryptantha fragilis, 186; recurvata, 

Cuscuta Gronovii, 186. 

Cymbalaria muralis, 114. 

Cyperus Eragrostis, 105. 

Cypripedium Calceolus var. parvi- 
florum, 177. 

Delphinium, 262; Ajacis, 269; dissec- 
tum var. amplibracteatum, 9; uli- 
ginosum, 18]. 

Descurainia Sophia, 269. 

Dianthus prolifer, 151. 

Dicoria Brandegei, 170. 

Diholcos Jepsoni, 195. 

Dirca occidentalis, 170, 260. 

Dodecatheon, 174; alpinum, 174, sub- 
sp. majus, 174; dentatum, 174; El- 
lisiae, 174; radicatum, 174. 

Dracocephalum, 174; parviflorum, 

Draperia, 259. 

Dudleya subgenus Hasseanthus, 110; 
Blochmaniae, 110, subsp. brevifo- 
lia, 110, subsp. insularis, 110; mul- 
ticaulis, 110; nesiotica, 110; varie- 
gata, 110. 

Dunn, David B. A new subspecies 
and new combinations in Lupinus, 

Eastwoodia, 260. 
Echinodorus cordifolius, 270. 
Eclipta alba, 271. 


[VOL. VII, NO. 12 

Ectosperma, 260. 

Edwin, Gabriel. A new Mimulus 
from Nevada, 137; a new species 
and new variety of Mimulus from 
Nevada, 221. 

Elaeagnus angustifolia, 185. 

Elatine americana, 10; brachysperma, 

Elatinoides, 114. 

Eleocharis caribaea, 169; Engelman- 
ni, 199. 

Elodea canadensis, 268. 

Epixiphium Wislizeni, 114. 

Equisetum Funstonii, 165; laeviga- 
tum, 165; kansanum, 165. 

Eragrostis chloromelas, 256; curvula, 

Eremalche, 240. 

Erigeron Austinae, 189; chrysopsidis, 
189; compositus var. submontanus, 

Eriochloa aristata, 168. 

Eriogonum, 225, 228, 260, 262; ad- 
surgens, 228; angulosum, 258; ap- 
ricum, 237; Batemani, 238; croca- 
tum, 228; Cusickii, 178; dasyanthe- 
mum, 228, 231; elongatum, 228, 
229, 232; fasciculatum, 228, 229, 
230, 233, subsp. fasciculatum, 230, 
subsp. foliosum, 230, subsp. polifo- 
lium, 230; flavissimum, 178; fla- 
vum, 169; gracile, 228, 229, 231; 
grande, 229, 230; indictum, 228, 
230; latifolium, 228, 231; marifo- 
lium, 228, 229; Nortoni, 238; nu- 
dum, 228, 229, 230, 233, var. auricu- 
latum, 230; ovalifolium, 179, 228; 
Parishii, 2, 228, 229; parvifolium, 
228; pyrolaefolium, 179, var. Bel- 
lingeranum, 179, var. coryphaeum, 
179; truncatum var. adsurgens, 
228; umbellatum subsp. stellatum, 
270; vimineum, 228, 229, 232, 233, 
var. caninum, 238, subsp. adsur- 
gens, 228; virgatum, 228, 229, 231; 
Wrightii, 228, 232. 

Eriophyllum, 264. 

Euryops multifidus, 11. 

Ewan, Joseph. Botany at the Acad- 
emy in the city of the golden fifties, 

Eyerdam, Walter J. Plant records for 
Washington, 286. 

Fioria, 272; dictyocarpa, 273; pavo- 
nioides, 273; vitifolia, 273. 

Fraxinus Gooddingii, 4; Greggii, 4; 
papillosa, 4. 

Fremontia californica subsp. crassi- 
folia, 224; crassifolia, 224. 

Fremontodendron californicum sub- 
sp. crassifolium, 224. 

NOVEMBER, 1955] 

Fumaria parviflora, 2. 

Galium bifolium, 170; Munzii, 8; 
Watsoni, 8. 

Galvezia Ballii, 114; fruticosa, 114. 

Gambelia speciosa, 114. 

Gayoides, 119, 242; crispum, 120. 

Gentiana Sceptrum var. cascadensis, 

Geranium lentum, 10. 

Gilia, 263; filiformis, 10. 

Gilmania, 259. 

Glinus lotoides, 270. 

Glyceria elata, 222; Otisii, 222; pauci- 
flora, 222. 

Godetia, 173, 263. 

Goodman, George J. The genus Acan- 
thogonum, tribe Eriogoneae, 234. 
Grindelia Brownii, 27; integerrima, 
27; nana var. integerrima, 27, var. 

integrifolia, 26; Paysonorum, 27. 

Hamosa manca, 195. 

Hasseanthus, 110, 259; Blochmaniae, 
110, subsp. brevifolius, 110, subsp. 
insularis, 110; multicaulis, 110; 
nesioticus, 110. 

Hedypnois cretica, 151. 

Heleochloa schoenoides, 268. 

Helianthemum suffrutescens, 238. 

Helianthus Nuttallii, 11. 

Hemicarpha micrantha var. minor, 

Hemizonella, 259. 

Herissantia, 119. 

Hermann, F. J. The status and dis- 
tribution of Carex danaensis Sta- 
cey, 287. 

Herniaria cinerea, 268. 

Heterogaura, 260. 

Heuchera Merriami, 182; pilosissima 
x rubescens, 182. 

Hibiscus, 274; sect. Pterocarpus, 272; 
abutiloides, 281; acetosaefolius, 
282; achanioides, 282; acicularis, 
279; aculeatus, 275; agioxillos, 282; 
angustifolius, 282; anisaster, 277; 
aquaticus, 282; arboreus, 281; at- 
tenuatus, 281; Azanzae, 281; baha- 
mensis, 121, 281, 282; Bancroftian- 
us, 282; Berlandieranus, 282; betu- 
lifolius, 283; bicornis, 282; biflorus, 
281; bifurcatus, 275; biseptus, 275; 
brachypus, 277; bracteosus, 281; 
brasiliensis, 279; Brittonianus, 121, 
278; californicus, 281; cannabinus, 
275; cardiophyllus, 279; carolinian- 
us, 282; ciliaris, 282; circinnatus, 
281; clypeatus, 277; coccineus, 275; 
columbinus, 283; corylifolius, 282; 
costatus, 276; Coulteri, 275; crena- 
tus, 282; cruentus, 282; cryptocar- 



pos, 277; cubensis, 281; cylindra- 
ceus, 282; decipiens, 282; denuda- 
tus, 279; dictyocarpus, 273; digita- 
tus, 282; Diodon, 282; diversifolius, 
278; domingensis, 282; Eggersii, 
277; elatus, 274; elegans, 279; fasci- 
culatus, 281; ferox, 276; ficulneus, 
282; floridanus, 282; fluminensis, 
282; fragrantissimus, 281; frater- 
nus, 282; furcellatus, 276; grandi- 
florus, 281, 283; hastatus, 283; hir- 
tus, 283; Hitchcockii, 271; horri- 
dus, 276; hottensis, 276; incanus, 
281; iochromus, 283; integrifolius, 
283; involucellatus, 283; Lamber- 
tianus, 278; Langloisii, 281; lasio- 
carpos, 281, 283; lavateroides, 277, 
282; liliaceus, 281; longipes, 277, 
282; lunariifolius, 280; maculatus, 
282; marmoratus, 283; Martinian- 
us, 281; membranaceus, 281; mili- 
taris, 280; Moscheutos, 281; multi- 
formis, 282; neglectus, 283; Nel- 
soni, 276; nutans, 281; oculiroseus, 
283; opulifolius, 283; oxyphyllus, 
283; palustris, 283; pedunculatus, 
287; phoeniceus, 282, 283; pilosus, 
277; pinetorum, 283; platanoides, 
283; Poeppigii, 282; porophyllus, 
281; purpureus, 273; Purpusii, 274; 
radiatus, 282; ribifolius, 279; rigid- 
us, 283; Rosa-sinensis, 280; Sabda- 
riffa, 275; Sagraeanus, 281; salviae- 
folius, 282; scaber, 282; schizopet- 
alus, 278; semilobatus, 280; sorari- 
us, 272, 276; spathulatus, 282; spi- 
ralis, 282; striatus, 282; sylvaticus, 
283; syriacus, 280; tiliaceus, 274; 
tomentosus, 282; trilobatus, 282; 
trilobus, 278; Trionum, 275; trun- 
catus, 282; tubiflorus, 282; tulipae- 
florus, 279; tuxtlensis, 281; unci- 
nellus, 282; unilateralis, 283; Ur- 
banii, 280; verbasciformis, 277; vio- 
laceus, 283; virginicus, 283; viti- 
folius, 273, 274. 

Hieracium pilosella, 285; pratensis, 

Hitchcock, C. Leo. Lathyrus poly- 
phyllus var. insecundus Jepson, 
131; the Otis manna-grass, 222. 

Hollisteria, 259. 

Holmgren, Arthur H. A new Lewisia 
from Nevada, 135. 

Holocarpha, 259. 

Holozonia, 259. 

Homalobus decumbens, 18; decur- 
rens, 18; oblongifolius, 18; tenui- 
folius, 195. 

Hoover, Robert F. A new Ceanothus 
from San Luis Obispo County, 
California, 111. 


Hordeum vulgare, 166. 

Howell, John Thomas. Some places 
where phacelias grow, 11; new rec- 
ords of western weeds, 38; the bo- 
tanical collections of the Califor- 
nia Academy of Sciences, 89; new 
California stations for Isatis tinc- 
toria, 131; Anthemis fuscata Brot. 
in Sonoma County, California, 132; 
Lathyrus sphaericus in California, 
132; concerning the authorship of 
Antennaria rosea, 152; “I remem- 
ber, when I think,” 153; concern- 
ing fruit color in Dirca occidentalis, 
176; Medicago praecox DC. now in 
California, 199; a hybrid-suspect 
in the Inuleae, 200; the type of 
Astragalus oophorus var. loncho- 
calyx, 224; Susan G. Stokes, the Er- 
iogonum lady, 225; Eriogonum 
notes IV: a new species from Cali- 
fornia, 237; a tabulation of Califor- 
nia endemics, 257; some putative 
California hybrids in Arctostaphy- 
los, 265; the distribution of Blen- 
nosperma and of Nicolletia, 290. 

Howelliella, 115; ovata, 115. 

Hymenoxys argentea, 171. 

Hypochaeris glabra, 285; radicata, 

Ipomoea purpurea, 200. 
Isatis tinctoria, 131. 
Isomeris, 259. 

Jepsonia, 259. 
Juncus dubius, 199; ensifolius, 270; 
marginatus, 105; xiphioides, 106. 

Kearney, Thomas H. Recent addi- 
tions to the known flora of Arizona 
(with Elizabeth McClintock and 
Kittie F. Parker), 1; notes on Mal- 
vaceae V, 118; a tentative key to 
the North American species of Pa- 
vonia, Cav., 122; two mallows new 
to California, 130; a tentative key 
to the North American species of 
the known flora of Arizona, 165; 
Malvastrum, A. Gray—a re-defini- 
tion of the genus, 238; a tentative 
key to the North American species 
of Abutilon, Miller, 241; notes on 
Malvaceae VI, 271; a tentative key 
to the North American species of 
Hibiscus, L., 274; progress vs. 
flora, 284; notes on Malvaceae VII: 
a new variety in Malacothamnus, 

Kickxia Elatine, 114; spuria, 114, 270. 

Kochia scoparia var. subvillosa, 169. 

Kosteletzkya, 272. 


[VOL. VII, NO. 12 

Lactuca muralis, 190; saligna, 190. 

Lamium amplexicaule, 170. 

Lathyrus, 173; arizonicus, 173; brach- 
ycalyx, 173; eucosmus, 173; gram- 
inifolius, 173; laetevirens, 173; lat- 
ifolius, 167; leucanthus var. laetevi- 
rens, 173; pauciflorus var. utahen- 
sis, 167; polyphyllus, 131, var. in- 
secundus, 131; sphaericus, 132; ves- 
py subsp. puberulus, 131; zionis, 

Leersia oryzoides, 268. 

Lemmonia, 259. 

Leontodon autumnalis, 285, 286, var. 
pratensis, 286. 

Lepidium latifolium, 181; oblongum, 

Lewisia disepala, 135, 136; Maguirei, 
135-137; minor, 136; rediviva, 135, 
subsp. minor, 136, var. minor, 136; 
rediviva yosemitana, 136; yosemi- 
tana, 136. 

Limosella aquatica, 10. 

Linanthus, 263; Bolanderi, 186. 

Linaria canadensis, 115; dalmatica, 
6, 115, 152, 256; floridana, 115; 
genistifolia, 115; pinifolia, 115; 
purpurea, 115; repens, 115; sepi- 
um, 115; spartea, 115; vulgaris, 115. 

Linsdale, Jean M. Check list of ferns 
and seed plants of Frances Simes 
Hastings Natural History Reserva- 
tion, 201. 

Lithospermum confine, 5; viride, 5. 

as cardinalis subsp. graminea, 

Lomatium, 263; Nelsonianum, 107. 

Lophospermum erectum, 114; eru- 
bescens, 114; Purpusii, 114; scan- 
dens, 114. 

Lotus, 267. 

Lunaria annua, 269. 

Lupinus, 260, 262; arbustus subsp. 
arbustus var. montanus, 254, subsp. 
calcaratus, 255, subsp. neolaxiflor- 
us, 254, subsp. pseudoparviflorus, 
255, subsp. silvicola, 255; argenteus 
subsp. argenteus var. tenellus, 254; 
bicolor, 169; calcaratus, 255; inter- 
montanus, 255; laxiflorus, 254, var. 
cognatus, 254, var. montanus, 254, 
var. pseudoparviflorus, 255, var. 
silvicola, 255, var. tenellus, 254; 
Lemmonii, 170; odoratus var. ru- 
bens, 255; Osterhoutianus, 169; 
pseudoparviflorus, 255; pusillus 
subsp. intermontanus, 255, subsp. 
rubens, 255; rubens, 255; silvicola, 
255; tenellus, 254; unicialis, 184. 

Lycium halimifolium, 269. 

Lycopersicum esculentum, 269. 

NOVEMBER, 1955] 

Lycopus americanus, 168; lucidus, 
Lyonothamnus, 259. 

Malache panamensis, 119, 120; pen- 
duliflora, 128; fonsecana, 129. 

Malachra ovata, 128. 

Malacothamnus Fremontii, 239; 
Palmeri, 289, 290, var. involucra- 
tus,, 289, var. lucianus, 289, var. 
Palmeri, 289. 

Malcolmia africana, 39. 

Malva tricuspidata, 240. 

Malvastrum, 238; amblyphyllum, 
239; americanum, 238, 239; auran- 
tiacum, 238, 239; bicuspidatum, 
239; capense, 241; carpinifolium, 
238, 240; corchorifolium, 239; coro- 
mandelianum, 239, 240; decipiens, 
241; depressum, 239; dimorphum, 
239; Greenmanianum, 239; grossu- 
lariaefolium, 241; guatemalense, 
239; humile, 241; interruptum, 
239; lacteum, 239; limense, 240; 
mexicanum, 239; Munroanum, 
239; nudum, 241; palustre, 241; 
peruvianum, 240; ribifolium, 239; 
Sandemanii, 241; scabrum, 239; 
Schaffneri, 239; scoparioides, 239; 
scoparium, 239; spicatum, 238; spi- 
ciflorum, 239; subtriflorum, 239; 
tricuspidatum, 239, 240; vitifoli- 
um, 239; Wrightii, 238. 

Malvaviscus Palmeri, 129. 

Matelea cordifolia, 168. 

Matricaria Chamomilla, 190. 

Matthiola bicornis, 2. 

Maurandella antirrhiniflora, 
hederaefolia, 114. 

Maurandia erecta, 114; Lophosper- 
mum, 114; Purpusii, 114; stricta, 

Maurandya acerifolia, 114; Barclai- 
ana, 114; flaviflora, 114; geniculata, 
114; petrophila, 114; Rosei, 114; 
scandens, 114; semperflorens, 114. 

McClintock, Elizabeth (with Kearney 
and Parker). Recent additions to 
the known flora of Arizona, 1. 

Medicago arabica, 199; hispida, 199; 
minima, 39, 199, var. pubescens, 
184; praecox, 199. 

Melilotus officinalis, 170. 

Mentzelia congesta, 186. 

Menyanthes trifoliata, 167. 

Micropus californicus, 200. 

Mimulus, 263; brachystylis, 137; coc- 
cineus, 221; guttatus, 138; junger- 
mannioides, 187; spissus var. lin- 
colnensis, 222; stamineus, 221; Til- 
ingi, 7; washoensis, 221. 

Misopates Orontium, 115. 




Moenchia erecta, 180. 

Mohavea, 259; breviflora, 115; con- 
fertiflora, 115; viscida, 115. 

Moldavica, 174; parviflora, 175. 

Molucella laevis, 10. 

Monardella, 263. 

Monolopia, 259. 

Montia Chamissoi, 179; fontana, 179; 
Hallii, 179. 

Moran, Reid. Hasseanthus, a subgen- 
us of Dudleya, 110. 

Munz, Philip A. A century of achieve- 
ment, 69. 

Myosurus, 173; aristatus, 173; cupu- 
latus, 173; Egglestonii, 173; mini- 
mus, 173; nitidus, 173. 

Navarretia heterandra, 40; pubes- 
cens, 40; subuligera, 40; tagetina, 

Nemacladus gracilis, 7. 

Neogaerrhinum filipes, 115; strictum, 

Neostapfia, 260. 

Nicolletia, 259, 290; Edwardsii, 290; 
occidentalis, 290; trifida, 290. 

Odontostomum, 259. 

Oenothera, 263; pterosperma, 4. 

Olea europaea, 269. 

Oreonana, 259. 

Orochaenactis, 260. 

Orthocarpus, 263. 

Osmaronia, 259. 

Oxalis oregana, 185, var. Smallii, 
185; Smallii, 185. 

Oxypolis Fendleri, 10. 

Oxystylis, 259. 

Oxytropis deflexa var. sericea, 185. 

Panicum antidotale, 169; occidentale, 

Pariti grande, 281. 

Paritium elatum, 281; tiliaceum, 281. 

Parker, Kittie F. (with Kearney and 
McClintock). Recent additions to 
the known flora of Arizona, 1. 

Pavonia, 122; achanioides, 126, 129, 
var. tuberculata, 122; alba, 119, 
126; amplifolia, 129; arachnoidea, 
123; bahamensis, 127; calcicola, 
125; cancellata, 123; castaneaefolia, 
124; chiapensis, 127; coccinea, 125; 
cordifolia, 129; costaricensis, 129; 
cryptocalyx, 125; Ekmanii, 125; 
firmiflora, 128; fruticosa, 123; ful- 
va, 129; glandulosa, 122; guana- 
castensis, 126; hastata, 124, var. pu- 
bescens f. brevifolia, 129; hetero- 
phylla, 122; heterostemon, 126; 
hirtiflora, 129; hispida, 122; hot- 
teana, 126; integrifolia, 123; inter- 


mixta, 123, 128; Langlassei, 126; 
lasiopetala, 125, 127; leiocarpa, 
125; linearis, 123, 128; longipes, 
124; Maxonii, 124; melanommata, 
125; nemoralis, 129; nepetaefolia, 
125; Ortegiana, 128; oxyphyllaria, 
124; Palmeri, 128, 129; panamensis, 
119, 129; paniculata, 127, 129; pen- 
duliflora, 123; Preslii, 122; pseudo- 
typhalaea, 124; punctata, 126; Pur- 
pusii, 127; racemifera, 128; race- 
mosa, 129; Rhizophorae, 118; rosea, 
124; scabra, 129; sessiliflora, 122; 
speciosa, 126, var. Hostmannii, 
129, subsp. genuina var. subpandu- 
rata, 129; spicata, 119, 127, var. 
troyana, 129; Spinifex, 123; sub- 
pandurata, 127; troyana, 128; Ty- 
phalaea, 128; urticaefolia, 122; 
Wrightii, 129. 

Peck, Morton E. Notes on certain 
Oregon plants with descriptions 
of new varieties, 177; a new Calo- 
chortus from Oregon, 190. 

Peltaea ovata, 128. 

Pennisetum ciliare, 166; setaceum, 

Penstemon, 263; barbatus subsp. tri- 
chander, 170; Barrettae, 187; hes- 
perius, 187; subserratus, 187. 

Petalonyx nitidus, 10. 

Petasites frigidus var. corymbosus, 
28, var. frigidus, 28, var. hyperbore- 
oides, 30, var. nivalis, 30, var. palm- 
atus, 30; hyperboreus, 28; nivalis, 
30; palmatus var. frigidus, 30; 
sagittatus, 28. 

Petunia violacea, 270. 

Phacelia, 260, 263; corymbosa, 108; 
demissa, 10; frigida, 108; glecho- 
maefolia, 10; Greenei, 12; Leiber- 
gii, 11; minutissima, 11; mutabilis, 
108; nemoralis, 271; neomexicana 
var. alba, 10; Peckii, 13; verna, 14. 

Phalacroseris, 259. 

Phalaris canariensis, 9; minor, 168. 

Pholisma arenarium, 4 

Phyllogonum, 259. 

Physalis ixocarpa, 200. 

Physostegia, 175. 

Pickeringia, 259. 

Pinaropappus roseus var. foliosus, 9. 

Pistia Stratiotes, 9. 

si lac asper, 187; tenellus, 

Plantago eriopoda, 8; macrocarpa, 
188; Tweedyi, 8. 

Pluchea camphorata, 175; purpuras- 
cens, 175. 

Poa bulbosa, 268; Fendleriana, 172; 
longiligula, 172. 

Polemonium, 174; albiflorum, 174; 


[VOL. VII, NO. 12 

filicinum, 174; flavum, 174; foliosis- 
simum, 174. 

Polygonum, 232; aviculare var. lit- 
orale, 172; buxiforme, 172; persi- 
carioides, 178; ramosissimum, 9. 

Portulaca coronata, 8; umbraticola, 

Potentilla, 260, 262; anomalifolia, 
183; Drummondii, 183; fruticosa, 
106; indiges, 183; macropetala, 183; 
paradoxa, 183; Parryi, 238; versi- 
color, 183. 

Prunus cerasifera, 269; serotina sub- 
sp. rufula, 8, subsp. virens, 8; vi- 
rens, 8. 

Psathyrotes annua, 7; ramosissima, 

Pseudobahia, 260. 

Pseudobastardia crispa, 120. 

Pseudorontium cyathiferum, 115. 

Pseudotsuga Menziesii var. glauca, 

Psilocarphus tenellus, 100. 
Pteryxia Davidsoni, 170. 

uercus, 261; ajoensis, 166; Garry- 
J ry 
ana, 178. 

Ranunculus oreogenes, 169. 

Ratibida Tagetes, 11. 

Raven, Peter H. New weeds for the 
Sierra Nevada, California, 151; 
plant records from Nevada County, 
California, 198; a new weed for the 
Sierra foothills, 200; a range ex- 
tension for Allocarya Cusickii in 
California, 255; Eragrostis curvula 
spontaneous in California, 256; 
plant notes from Napa County, 
California, 268. 

Rechinger, K. H., fil. Beitrage zur 
Kenntnis von Rumex XII: some 
new American species of Rumex, 

Reiter, Victor, Jr. Horticulture and 
the California Academy of Sci- 
ences, 79. 

Rhodochiton atrosanguineum, 114. 

Rhynchospora alba, 177; capitellata, 

Ribes, 262; divaricatum, 182, var. 
rigidum, 182; inerme var. subar- 
matum, 182. 

Rollins, Reed C. A new Sisymbrium 
from Arizona, 15. 

Rorippa curvisiliqua, 169. 

Rothmaler, Werner. Notes on west- 
ern Antirrhineae, 113. 

Rothrockia cordifolia, 168. 

Rubus Bartonianus, 183. 

Rumex, 232; aquaticus subsp. Schi- 
schkinii, 133; Brittanica x crispus, 

NOVEMBER, 1955] 

135; crispus x orbiculatus, 135; 
densiflorus, 172; fenestratus subsp. 
puberulus, 133; mexicanus, 169; 
nematopodus, 134, 166; obtusifoli- 
us subsp. agrestis, 135; occidentalis, 
172; orbiculatus, 135; tomentellus, 
133; pseudoorbiculatus, 134. 

Saccularia glabrata, 114; juncea, 114; 
rupicola, 114; Veatchii, 114. 

Sagina saginoides, 169. 

Sambucus glauca x callicarpa, 188. 

Schizococcus, 265, 266; nummularius, 

Scribneria Bolanderi, 219. 

Scrophularia californica, 10. 

Scrophulariaceae - Antirrhinoideae - 
Antirrhineae, 114, subtribe Gam- 
beliinae, 114, subtribe Linariinae, 
114, subtribe Maurandynae, 114, 
subtribe Mohaveinae, 114. 

Sedella, 259. 

Sedum Blochmanae, 110; pinetorum, 
259; stenopetalum, 169; variega- 
tum, 110. 

Senecio, 264; bivestitus, 31; cordatus, 
31; fuscatus, 31; integerrimus, 31, 
var. ochroleucus, 31; lugens var. 
ochroleucus, 31; Metcalfei, 175; 
neomexicanus, 175; tridenticula- 
tus, 175. 

Sequoiadendron, 260; giganteum, 

Sexton, Veronica J. Books and bot- 
any, 85. 

Shinners, Lloyd H. Trifolium glom- 
eratum in Texas, 132. 

Sida, 138; acuminata, 144; acuta, 144, 
149, 240; aggregata, 143, 146; ala- 
mosana, 142; alba, 143, 149, 150; 
alnifolia, 149; alpestris, 148; al- 
theaefolia, 149; amatlensis, 148; 
ampla, 149; angustifolia, 149; an- 
gustissima, 148, var. Moritziana, 
149; Anoda, 148; anomala, 139, var. 
mexicana, 148; antillensis, 146, 
150; arguta, 148, 149; atrosanguin- 
ea, 148; Barclayi, 146; Berlandieri, 
149; bicallosa, 148; bicolor, 148; 
brachystemon, 148; breviflora, 149; 
Brittoni, 139; buettneriacea, 148; 
caespitosa, 149; callifera, 150; cam- 
pi, 148; canariensis, 150; capillaris, 
148; cardanisea, 148; carpinifolia, 
149, 240; ciliaris, 139, var. anomala, 
148, var. mexicana, 148; cinerea, 
148; coerulea, 148; collina, 148; 
conferta, 148; cordifolia, 145, var. 
altheaefolia, 149; corymbosa, 146, 
149; costata, 148; crispa, 120; de- 
bilis, 149; decumbens, 140; deflexa, 
148; diffusa, 149; dumosa, 148; Eg- 



gersii, 139; Elliottii, 147, 150, var. 
texana, 150; Endlicheriana, 148; 
erecta, 149; erosa, 148; fasciculata, 
148; filicaulis, 149; filiformis, 149; 
filipes, 144; floribunda, 148; frutes- 
cens, 149; fulva, 148; Garckeana, 
149; glabra, 142, 149, var. setifera, 
149; glanduligera, 148; glomerata, 
143, 149, 150; glutinosa, 141; gra- 
cilis, 148, 150; Grayana, 140; gui- 
anensis, 148; Haenkeana, 150; ham- 
ulosa, 149; hastata, 148, var. glab- 
riuscula, 148, var. tomentosa, 148; 
hastifolia, 148; hederacea, 139; 
hederaefolia, 142; Helleri, 140; 
herbacea, 149; hermanniaefolia, 
148; hermannioides, 149; herma- 
phrodita, 139; heterocarpa, 149; 
hibisciformis, 148; Hilariana, 148; 
Holwayi, 149; hondensis, 150; 
Humboldtii, 148; humilis, 149; 
hyssopifolia, 149; inflexa, 147; in- 
sperata, 148; integrifolia, 148; ja- 
maicensis, 144, 149; Killipii, 120; 
Kohautiana, 150; Kunthiana, 148; 
leiophylla, 148; lepidota, 140; lep- 
rosa var. hederacea, 148; lepto- 
phylla, 147; Lindheimeri, 146; lin- 
earis, 149; linifolia, 140; lodiegen- 
sis, 141; longifolia, 148; longipes, 
146; maculata, 145; mexicana, 
148; micans, 149; micrantha, 142; 
minor, 149; mollis, 149; muricata, 
148; Napaea, 148; neomexicana, 
147; nervosa, 148; nesogena, 141; 
nummularia, 145, 149; obliqua, 
148; obtusa, 149; ovata, 149; Palm- 
eri, 144; paniculata, 141; pannosa, 
148; parviflora, 148; pellita, 149; 
phlebococca, 148; physocalyx, 140; 
pilosa, 149; planicaulis, 149, 240; 
plumosa, 148; portoricensis, 149; 
potosina, 146; procumbens, 142; 
pungens, 149; pusilla, 149; pyra- 
midata, 141; quinquenervia, 140; 
repens, 148; rhombifolia, 3, 130, 
147; rhomboidea, 150; rotundifo- 
lia, 149; rubromarginata, 147; ru- 
derata, 150; sagittifolia, 148; sal- 
viaefolia, 145; savannarum, 149; 
Schnitzii, 148; scoparia, 150; sessili- 
flora, 149; setifera, 149; spinosa, 
120, 144, var. salviaefolia, 149; stip- 
ulata, 149; stolonifera, 148; stricta, 
143; subdistans, 149; suberosa, 149; 
supina, 149; surinamensis, 150; te- 
huacana, 141; tenuicaulis, 120, 149; 
texana, 150; tragiaefolia, 147; tri- 
dentata, 148; triloba, 148; triner- 
via, 150; tristis, 149; trivialis, 149; 
troyana, 146; truncata, 149; Tulla, 
121; turneroides, 144; ulmifolia, 


148, 149; urens, 143; venusta, 149; 
veronicaefolia, 149, var. hederifo- 
lia, 149; verruculata, 148; verticil- 
lata, 149; vesicaria, 253; viminea, 
148; Woronovii, 146; Xanti, 145. 

Sidastrum quinquenervium, 148. 

Silene Douglasii var. oraria, 180; fil- 
isecta, 180; montana, 180; oraria, 
180; oregana var. filisecta, 180. 

Sisymbrium Kearneyi, 15, 166; Pur- 
pusii, 16. 

Solanoa, 259. 

Solidago graminea, 11. 

Soliva, 196; daucifolia, 196; ptero- 
sperma, 197; sessilis, 196; valdi- 
viana, 197. 

Sophora Leachiana, 184. 

Sphaeralcea fruticosa, 149. 

Spinacea oleracea, 268. 

Spiraea Douglasii, 199. 

Spiranthes porrifolia, 286. 

Stachys agraria, 6. 

Staphylaea Bolanderi, 260. 

Stebbins, G. Ledyard and Stokes, Su- 
san G. Chromosome numbers in 
the genus Eriogonum, 228. 

Stellaria humifusa, 180; longifolia, 9, 
172; umbellata, 169. 

Stipa cernua, 270; columbiana, 168; 
Lemmoni var. pubescens, 220; le- 
pida, 270; Lettermani, 168; lobata, 
168; Pringlei, 168; pulchra, 270. 

Stokes, Susan G. and Stebbins, G. 
Ledyard. Chromosome numbers in 
the genus Eriogonum, 228. 

Streptanthus, 262. 

Stylocline amphibolus, 200. 

Synthyris missurica x Besseya rubra, 

Tamarix gallica, 269; tetrandra, 269. 

Tellima grandiflora, 182; odorata, 
Tetrasida, 121; polyantha, 121. 


[VOL. VII, NO. 12 

Thomas, John H. A new combination 
in Fremontodendron, 224. 

Tillandsia recurvata, 9. 

Torreyochloa Otisii, 223; pauciflora, 

Tracyina, 260. 

Tricardia Watsoni, 10. 

Trifolium, 262; eriocephalum, 107; 
glomeratum, 132; hirtum, 151; in- 
carnatum, 151. 

Tropidocarpum, 259. 

Tursitis, 114. 

Tussilago corymbosa, 28. 

Urocarpidium, 240. 

Valeriana, 175; acutiloba, 9, 175; ari- 
zonica, 9, 175; edulis, 8; capitata 
acutiloba, 9, 175; occidentalis, 9; 
ovata, 9, 175; sorbifolia, 8. 

Venegazia, 259. 

Veronica Chamaedrys, 286; filiformis, 
286; peregrina subsp. xalapensis, 
187; Sherwoodii, 187. 

Vicia salaminia, 269. 

Viola aurea subsp. arizonensis, 173; 
purpurea, 173; umbraticola, 170. 

Whitneya, 259. 

Wilson, Carol Green. The Eastwood 
era at the California Academy of 
Sciences, 58; a partial gazetteer 
and chronology of Alice Eastwood’s 
botanical explorations, 65. 

Wissadula contracta, 251; luciana, 

Yucca, 172; arizonica, 172; baccata, 
172; Baileyi, 172; confinis, 172; 
elata, 172, Harrimaniae, 172; kana- 
bensis, 172; navajoa, 172; neomexi- 
cana, 172; Newberryi, 172; Stand- 
leyi, 172; Thornberi, 172; utahen- 
172; verdiensis, 172; Whipplei, 

ipl { 
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New York Botanical Garden Libra 

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