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Full text of "Philosophical magazine and journal : comprehending the various branches of science, the liberal and fine arts, agriculture, manufactures and commerce."

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Vou Ths +: | pages? ote 

eat Fees nfs (SEE ss $ 
ete GES N 7 sue PSone. SZ hes 2 = if Poe 

Published the Last Day of every Month 
[PRICE 2. 64.}_ 



er h AND 


\ For FEBRUARY 1805. . 


oe 1. A Portrait of Dr. Hurron; engraved by Kies, from 
' a Likeness painted by Miss Byrne. 

$02. The Peramdles nasuta; engraved by Lowey. © 

ey 3- The Peramiles obesula ; also engraved by Lownzy. 


MEMBER < OF THE ROYAL Ubied ACADEMY, &c. &e, &. 

Mt Muononary 

“LONDON: 2 Re , 
Printed ty R. 7 auier and Co, Biack=Horse- Court, Peet Street, 
‘ , And sold by Messrs-Ricuannson; Canes and Davies; Tona- at 
man, Hunst, Rees, and Onme ; Symonps; Murray; Heer Cl 
rex; Veuwor and Hoop; Hatnine; London: Bint and {ss 
Brapevre, Edinburgh 5 By han and Qasp. and D. Nevin, | 
Glasgow ; ang Gripen and Hopces, Dublin. . 


MSL Fn Te 
ain) ew ab 

Volume XX. is illustrated with a Quarto Plate to illustrate the — 

Anatomy of the Rhinoceros—A Quarto Plate of an improved Malt 
Kiln—An Astronomical Chart, exhibiting the Path of the new 
Planet—A Quarto Plate of Fossil Teeth of the Rhinogeros: en-_ 
graved by Ler—A Plate relating to the Principles of Pump-work ; 
‘engraved by Lowry—Mr. Knicut's improved Woucr'’s Appa- 
ratus—A Quarto Plate. to illustrate Mr. Martiy’s Paper on the 

Principles of Pump-Work—Mr. Sreevens’s Instrument for — 
equalizing the Efflux and Pressyre of non-elastic Fluids—A View 

of a Water-Spout, taken from Natare, 

Sg $e 

On the roth of March will be published, in Royal Quarto, Price, 

Two Guineas in Roards, ; 
and LODGES. : recat i 
By JOSEPH GANDY, Architect, A. R.A. 

This Work will prove very useful to Gentlemen who-build upon 

their Estates, and to Architects and Surveyors ;. as it containg a 
_ great variety of Plans for Country Buildings, designed in a style of - 
uncon:mon beauty, and possessing all the advantages of commo- 
dious and economical interior arrangement. Each Plate is accom 

panied with a Ground Plan, Estimate, and Descriptions, in Letters 

press, The principal Subjects are: 
‘Single Cottages for Husband- | Hunting Villas. 

men and Labourers. -| Country Houses. 
Double and treble ditto. Baths, 

Corn, Dairy, apd Grazing | Green-houses. 

Farms, Entrance Gates. ; 
Mills. . Lodges and Toll Gatés. 
Manufactories and Work- | Bridges. 

shops. Inns and Public-houses. 
Stables, A Village, &c. &c. &e. 

' London: Printed for Joyx Harpine, 36, St. James's-street, 

Where may be had, ahd te 

1. Garrard’s Plates, descriptive of Improved British Cattle 
folio: plai | :. 6d.: tolo ; ; yt 
lio: plain, 2]. 12s. 6d.; coloured, 5]. 5s. Pe 
2, Culley’s Observations on Live Stock; containing Hints ‘or 

choosing and improving the best Breeds of the most use!ul kinds 

of Domestic Animals. | A new Edition, with Plates. Price 6s. 

3- Lord Dundonald’s ‘Treatise on the Nature and Application 
of the different sorts of Manures. A new Edition, 4to, Price 
ros. 6d. Serr: 

Also a variety of other New Publications relating to Aericnl- > 
ture, Husbandry, Lapdscape Gardening, and Rural Economy in 




EZ 2 

Publisbed the Last Day of 
[PRICE 9s. 64.) - 

: THE 

AND | 

=— SS a 

For “MARCH 1805. 


x, Mr. Rawtinson’s improved Mill for gtinding Oil Colours ; ; 
and an improved Mill for grinding Indigo, or other dry { 
Colours. : ne mA 

2. Mr. Harpy’s improved Method of Banking the Balance of gS 
_ a Time-keeper. te RNS 




Printed ly R. Taylor and Co. 38, Shoe Lane, Flect Street, 

3 : FOR A. TILLOCH : 2 
; And sold by Messrs. Ricuarpson; Cavett and Davirs; Lone- A 
NPQe oman, Huxsr, Rees, and Orme; Symonvs; Murray; Hicu-{\ 
Ley; Vexnor and Hoop; Harvina; London: Bert and WN 
_ Braprute, Edinburgh; Brasu and Reip, and D. Nevin, g& 
Glasgow; and Gitssert and Hopces, Dublin. ie 



Vol. XVITL. is illustrated with a Head of the late Joan Doz- 
LonD, F.R.S. Inventor of the Achromatic Telescope: engraved 

_ by Mackenzie from an original Portrait in’ the Possession of the. 

Family—A_ new Fish called the Bichir, found in the Nile: en-, 
graved by Lowry—A quarto Plate containing Plans and Repre~ 

sentations of the Buildines and Apparatus employed by Mr. J..C.. 
Curwen in Steaming’ Potatoes for the Use of Cattlh—The Rev. 

Micuaget Warp’s Method of adjusting HapLey’s Sextant, so as’ 

to take Back as correctly as Fore Observations ; and to measure 

— Angles of 150, 160, or 170 Degrees, as accurately as Angles of 

39, 49, or 50 Degrees—A Quarto Plate containing an “accurate 
Representation of Mr. Ropert Harx’s Expanding Crane—Mr. 

Georce Russex's improved Water Bucket for drawing Water. 

from deep Wells—~A_ Plate containing Improvements made in. 
Clock-work, by Mr. Massey—Another Plate on the same Subject. 

Vol, XIX. is illustrated with a Likeness’ of the Princess DasH-. 
Kor, lately Directress of the Imperial Academy of Sciences at. 
St. Petersburgh—Mr. Bow xer’s improved Churn—The Orbits of 
the two new Planets, by Laranps—M. Tincry’s. Furnace for. 

dissolving Copal for the. Purpose of making Varnish———-Mr. 

. Wricur’s Apparatus to prevent Conduit Pipes from being 
burst by Water Freezing in them—Mr. Hv ary’s Method of cutting 

Screws in the common Turning Lathe—A Portrait of M. Deva- ~ 
METHERIEe, Editor of the Journal de Physigue—Figures to illus-. — 

_ trate a Paper on the Mensuration of Timber, by Mr, Farey— 
Representations of some cutious Ornitholites found avWestena Nova. 
—Skeleton of the one-horned Rhinoceros.—Diagrams to illustrate 
a Paper on the Velocity of calorificRays emitted by the Sun. 

Volume XX. is illustrated with a Quarto Plate to illustrate the 

Anatomy of the Rhinoceros—A Quarto Plate of an improved Malt 

Kiln—An Astronomical Chart, exhibiting the Path of the new ay 

Planet—A Quarto Plate of Fossil Teeth of the Rhinoceros: en- 
_graved by Lee—A Plate relating to the Principles of Pump-work : 

engraved by Lowry—Mr. Knicut’s improved Woutr’s Appa-. 

ratus—A Quarto Plate to illustrate Mr. Martin’s Paper on the - 

Principles of Pump-Work—Mr. Sreeyens's Instrument for | 
equalizing the Efflux and Pressure of non-elastic Fluids—A View . _ 

of a Water-Spout, taken from Nature. 

Vol. XXI, is illustrated with a Portrait of Dr. Hurrow; en= 
graved by Kyicut, from a Likeness painted by Miss ByRNE—~ 
The Perameles nasuta; engtaved by Lowax—The Parameles obe= 

sula; also engraved by Lowny. 

vy i 

» cy 

7 F y ae ant 
ite Seen ai ES tae: ¥ 

_ anni 1805. 

_ PRICE 2 ‘Qs. 60) 

. o - " coMPRenENDING . 
__ aye various BRANCHES OF niheaniei 

_ AND TR i ie 
gre. oe ees 

Nes NUMBER LXXXII, _ ey ee 
4 | For A P. OS 6) me 673 1 adh eae ge 

: > » BY LOWRY: 

R I. A Plan of Me Bernock’ 5 improved Draw- back Lock. 

r. Bower's Screw-Press. 

A Survey to illustrate some Geographical and pteper ct 
‘ Londige stm proposed by J. Cuurcuman, Esq. Member 
of: ae a alanis of Rotentes at erbewirt ane 

5 ghd One ; densa. Manat ; “pont We 
a gad Hoop; Harptne ; 5: ‘London : Bete andy: 
Edinburgh; Brasu and: Rei, and D. Nevin, 
a Giupanr and Ho ie oh 

- a 
an ort 


_ cessarily discontinued in February last, in consequence of a 

. ¥ 

sudden notice from the Stamp-office, that, if continued, it must 

_. .pay the same duty asa Newspaper. It being-a Paper highly ap- Ng 
_ proved by the Friends of Literathre, and found very desirable, as 
giving early information of New Publications, the Booksellers of ~ 
.  Lendon intend to publish on the toth of May next (and Monthly © 

\ on the same day) a whole Sheet, the size of the former List, under 

_ the title of The Monthly Literary Advertiser. It will contain Ad-- 

_ yertisements of new Books, Music, Maps, and Prints; new Edi- = > 
tions of Books, Works lately published, and Foreign Books, &¢. ie 
imported; also Notices of Works that are printing and preparing 
for the press: and at the end of the year will be given an Alpha- 
betical Index of the new Books, with. their Prices. nlite 
’ This Paper may be had of every Bookseller and Newsman in 

Town on the day it is published, price 6d.; and it will be sent by os’ 

them into the Country at the same price, free of postage, to those 

_. who think proper to give their orders, . 

’ London, April 22, 1805. 

rae rofl 

; No. 97, Pavr-Matt, 

For the Decoration of Churches, Halls, Cabinets, Libraries, &c. 

a convey some idea of the brilliancy, effect, variety, and sizes 
of the Articles which compose this Collection, a Catalogue 
may be had gratis of 3co Windows, Lights, Tablets, &c. ‘ 
Also, just published, price 1s. 6d. correctly drawn and coloured;  * 
a Print of the Visitation, from the Window presented by the Fark 
of Carlisle to the Dean and Chapier of York Cathedral. “a 
It may be had as above, and of Mr. Tomkins, New Bond-street ; 
Mr. Miller, Albemarle-street; Mr. Chapple and Mr, Moltens, | 
Pali-Mall; Mr. Ackerman, Strand ; Messrs. Laurie and Co. Fleet- 
street;-Mr, Taylor, Holborn; Mr. Lunn, Soho-square. And at 
the following places in the Country :—Mr. Meyler, Bath; Mr. 

Deck, Bury ; Mr. Deighton, Cambridge; Simmons and Co. Can- beh iy 

-terbury; Mr. Trueman, Exeter; Mr. Washburn, Gloucester; 
\.. Stevenson and Matchett, Norwich; Mr. Cooke, Oxford; Mr. — 
Collins, Salisbury; Mr, Burden, Winchester; Mr. Holl, Wor-_ 
cester; Mr. Todd, York. _ ays: 
" In addition to the above Catalogue may be mentioned a Window — 
of Three Lights, (each 20 feet high, by 3 feet 6 inches wide,)of = 
the Judgment Day, after’ Michael Angelo; the design, drawing, 
__-and richness of which entitle it toa place among the first per- 
formances of the art. ais 

in Richard dU. price Eight Guineas,” So See 
# ait 3 vy é : . ; my iy ie our 5) Garay 
eye" a Ra oo “ee ae 1 hl x wad "aks —_ ~ a" z a ey Boy ie 

= Stes. wy arma 3 ’ 


[PRICE 2s. 6d.) 
———— ee 



tity, AND 

es a eee 

For MAY 1805. — cel 

eS Nene _ BY, LOWRY: : “Ng 
+, The Chevalier Epetcranrz’s Safety-Valve for Steam Engine J 
e ‘Boilers (Described in our last Number). CARRY 
Ne a2, A 4to plate, containing magnified Representations of the Pa-\\ 
 & \  rasitic Plant which causes the Blight in Corn, engraved by 
| SE} Permission of the Rt. Hon. Sir Joseru Bawxs, P.R.S. fromg 
‘the original drawings.—(Another 4to Plate on this subject, S# 
executed in the same superior Style with the one now given, Ry) 
was intended for the present Number, but in consequence off Ali g 
the indisposition of Mr. Lowry, it must be deferred for a} 
ey =. futere Number.) . ; AS 
Ww *,* A Constant Reaper will find the Electrometer he wantsy ) ny 
~~. described in our rith Vol. Page 251. 


Satara Se Bit pk te ; ‘ 


Printed by R. Taylor and Co., 38, Shoe Lane, Fleet Street; 
) | _FOR A: TILLOCH : Shek, 
& And sold by Messrs. Ricuarpson; Caperi and Davies; Lonc-, 
“man, Hurst, Rees, and Orme; Symonps; Murray; Hieu- 
/aey¥; Vernor and Hoop; Haxnine; London: Beir and\ 
Braprure, Edinburgh; Brasu and Rein, and D. Nevin, ARS 
. Glasgow; and Girgerr and Hopes, Dublin. ay Ny 

Giz; + TRE Eo Ape BD Sg 77, . Saye 
1G Sy, AEA ids » ae F it , 

a . > eet 

WORKS lately published by Lowomas, Hurst, Rexs, and 


Oxme, Paternoster-row. 

‘ i. ~ al 

xy SERIES of ENGRAVINGS to illustrate the ILIAD and ODYSSEY - 

i of HOMER; from the compositions of John Flaxman, R.A. sculptor 
to the King. New editions with additional plates, price 2]. 2s. each. boards, . 

For this edition of the Odyssey, new engravings have been made, under 
the designer’s inspection, and are now published im England, for the first _ 
time; it is to be observed, that the Italian, French,' and German editions 
are copies from this, the original work. ; 

For the accommodation of those who purchased the former edition cf 
the Iliad, the additional plates for chat work will be sold separately, price 
tos. 6d. atipsass 

*,% These works altogether consist of 75 prints (eleven of which are 
from new designs) representing in regular succession the stories of the 
iad and the Odyssey, with descriptions of their subjects, and extracts from 
Pope’s translation upon each plate. The dresses, habits, armour, imp!e- 
ments of war, furniture, &c. are all of classical authority. é 

2. MADOC, a poem, in two parts, by Robert Southey. With four yi- 
gnettes, in one yclume, price 2]. 2s. boards, ; } 

3- The LAY of the LAS¥ MINSTREL, a poem, by Walter Scott, Esq. 
In quarto, 11. §s. boards. ate 

4. The ENGLISH DRAMA; ora Collection of Pl»ys of the most cele- - 
brated authors: with critical and biographical essays, and an historical in- 
quiry into the drama and the stage. ‘The first volume, ciown octavo, - 
price ros. 6d. and reyal octavo, price 18s. boards. 

5. POEMS and PLAYS, by William Righardson, AM. Professor of 
Humanity in the University of Glasgow. A new edition, in two volumes _ 
fool-cap octavo, witha portrait of the author, 19s. 6d. in boaids. 

1727 to 1783, by Robert Beatson, Esq. LL.D. author of the Political Index 
to the Histories of Great Britain and Ireland. The second edition, with a 
continuation, in six volumes, octavo, 31. 3s. boards. : P aE 

++ For high charact-rs of this work see the Monthly Review, Feb. and 
March, 1791, and’the Critical Review, April and May, 1791. ~ wore 

7. MEMOIRS of MARMONTEL, written by himself ; containing his: 
literary and political life, and anecdotes of the principal characters of 
the x8th century, including Voltaire, Rousseau, D’Alembert, Diderct, 
Cardinal Maury, Madame Pompadour, the Duke de Choiseul, the Mare- 

chal de R-chelien. the Marechal de Saxe, Cardinal Bernis, Lord Albe- 

marle, the Prince of Kaunitz, Duke of Brunswick, Calonne, Necker, the 
Comte D’ Artois, the late Queen of France, the King of Sweden, &c. &¢. 
In 4 vols. 12m0, price il. 1s. in boards, : 

8. ADELINE MOWBRAY; or the Mother and Daughter, a tale, by 
Mrs. Opie. the second edition, in 3 vols. 12mo0. 138. 6d. boards. _ ; 

«« We opened with great pleasure a new nove, from the entertaining 
pen of Mrs. Opie, a lady whose uncommon talents do honour to her sex 
and. couutry. She displayed ia her pathetic tale of « The Father and ~ 
Daughter,” a power of werking upon the passions we think udrivalled 
(perhaps with the single exception of Mrs. Inchbald) by any writer of the” 
present day, nor has <he faijed to affect her readers with many heart-rend- 
ing scenes in the work before us,.’’—-Critica! Review, Feb. 1805.——See 
also the Literary Journal, Feb. 1805. Eat, 5; dah a 

9. The PRINCIPLES of MORAL SCIENCE, hy Robert Forsyth, Esq. 
‘Advocate. The first volume. In octavo, 10s, 6d. boards. : 

yo. SERMONS, by Sir Henry Moncreiff Wellwood, Part.D.D. and . 
F_R.S. Edin, one of the ministers of St. Cuthbert’s, Edinburgh ; and See” 
nior Chaplain in Ordinary in Scotland to his Royal Highness the Prince of 
Wales.  Gctavo, 8s. 6d. boards. 

ANITY, by the Rev. Thomas Watson, Octavo, 30s. 6d. boards, 


Mary Byrne pinx ; C Eraght scalp 

Tf R J I Pe & Y Cdinburgh,and of te 
Lily (0. vophicad S OCterL€d of Lf, alo Ww Vneriea, 

nad’ Lrofefeor of : ete Se im Ihe 
Vy Z ns Malta ty. Veademy, Leobecah 2 







er ee re EE 

%¢ Nec aranearum sané textus ideo melior quia ex se fila gignunt, nec noster 
vilior ‘quia ex alienis libamus ut apes.” Just. Lips, Monit. Polit. lib. i. cap. 1. 

PEER ae 
VOL. XXL “fying 

Printed by R. Taylor and Co., Black-Horse-Court, Fleet=street : 

And sold by Messrs. Ricuarpson; Capert and Davies; Loneman, 
Hurst, Rees, and Orme; SymMonps; Murray; Hicuier; 
Vxrnor and Hoop; Harpinc; London: Brrr and 
Braprure, Edinburgh; Brasu and Rep, and 
D. Navin, Glasgow; and Gitasxr 
and Hopces, Dublin. 



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1. ON the present State of Husbandry in Bengal. By a 

sina now residing in that Country....... Page 3 
I, Analytical Experiments and Observations on Lac. 
by Cuarves Hatcnert,,Bsq. FLR.S. oo. 6.6... 12 
IIT. Some Account of the Trade of Siam ............ 22 
IV. Account of the Self-immolation of the two Widows of 
Ameer Jung, the late Regent of Tanjore .......... 26 
V. Memoir on a new Genus of Mammalia with Pouches, 
named Perameles. By ¥.. GuOFFROY .........-. 28 

VI. Memoir on the Tinctorial Properties of the Denais of 
Commerson, a Shrub of the Family of the Rubiacee. Ex- 
tracted ‘from the Flora of Madagascar. By Avorn pu 
Perir-Tnovans. Read in the Prench National Institute 


VII. Observations on the Change of some of the proximate 
Principles of Vegetables tale Bitumen; with analytical 
Experiments on a a peculiar Substance which is found with 
the Bovey Coal. By Cuanrus Harcurrt, Esq. P.R.S. 


VIII. On the Use of Green Vitriol, or Sulphate of Iroit, 

as a Manure; and on the Efficacy of paring and burning 

depending partly on Oxide of Iron. By Grorcr. Pears 
son, M.D. Honorary Meiater of the Board of Agri- 

culture, F. R. ei CAD COE ines eas a Seba a pdlam & are 52 
IX. Biographical Anecdotes of CHAancrs Hourros, D.LLD, 

Me AAT. i chcpsah Bert inci sla Dak ae Salary if ae aces g2 
X. On Pithing CE ay eee . 67 

Xf. Memoir on the Natural History of the Coca-nut Rie, 
and the Areca-nut Tree; the Cultivation of them accord- 
ing to the Methods af the Hindoos; their Productions, 
and their Utility in the Arts, and for the Purposes of 
‘domestic Economy, By M, Le Goux DE Fratx, an 
Officer of Engineers, and Member of the Asiatic Suciet ly 
of Caléulia, 0s. Bike Chas Wats tints setae aes 77 

XII. Experiments to ascertain whether there exists any 
Affinity betwixt Carbon and Clay, Lime and Siler, se- 
pur ately ar as Compounds united with the Oxide of Iron 
forming Tron Ores and Iron Stones, By avi MusHer, 

Usq. of the Calder Iron-Works ., 2... .- es eee snes 80 
XIII. Proceedings of Learned and Econ romical Sqcieties 87 
XIV. Intelligence and Miscellaneous Articles ......+. 88 

XV. On the. Means mast proper to be resorted to for exe 
Vol, 21, No. 84, May 1805. a tinguishing 


tinguishing accidental Fires in Ships. By ALEXANDER 
Tintoca. Read before the Askesian Society in December 
0. Mithyy ie ees RN RL dado (au eee 97 
XVI. Memoir on the Natural History of the Coco-nut Tree 
and the Areca-nut Tree; the Cultivation of them accord- 
ing to the Methods of the Hindoos ; their Productions, 
and their Utility in the Arts and for the Purposes of do- 
mestic Economy. By M. Lx Govux pr Frarx, an Officer 

of Engineers, and Memler of the Asiatic Society at Cal- 

CULO pata iste poets ee SWRI Siniss Dic\ een SRiis oles = 110 
XVII. Experiments on preserving Potaioes. By J. Dr 
Lancey, Esq. of the Island of Guernsey ........ 117 
XVIII. Processes for preparing Lake from Madder. By 
Sir i. C, ENGLEVIELD, —BOMt case sian + Se cea 118 
XIX. A new Process for separating Gold and Silver from 
the Uaser Wietals: .% Jo A wae tra, 5, « pave cers wes 
XX. Twenty-first Communication from Dr. THORNTON, 
relative to Pneumatic Medicine ........0-0+000: 126 
XXII. Communication from Mr. Ince, Surgeon, relative to 
Pretmatic Wed icine 7 asses, sap = o>. 0 sie oes pert Tass! 

XXII. Eatract of a Memeir on the Temperature of the Water 
of the Sea, loth at the Surface and at different Depths, 
along the Shores and at a Distance from the Coast. By 
M. F. Peron, Naturalist on the French Expedition to 
News otha a. 5 ote sete ety e ches ee ogee an ener 129 

XXIII. An Analysis of the magnetical Pyrites; with Re- 
marks on some of the other Sulphurets of Iron. By 
Cuantes HATCHETT, (PSQtel: Ge. o. neel- fe yer 133 

XXIV. Observations on the Change of some of the proximate 
Principles of Vegetables into Bitumen; with analytical 
Experiments on a peculiar Substance which is found with 
the Bovey Coal. By Cuantes HatcHett, Esg. F.R.S. 


XXV. Experiments and Reflections of Dr. Joacu1m Car- 
RADORI DE Prato on the apparent Repulsion between 
some Kinds of Fluids observed by DRAPARNAUD....154 

XXVI. A new Electricai Phenomenon. Communicated by 
i CONT ASOAENE sa esa tte et PEE eek «ie Oe 

XXVIT. Wricurr on measuring the Meridian—WRIicGHT, 
Wren and Wiuk1ins on an Universal Measure—J. Bar- 
TisTA Porta on the Reflection of Heat, Cold and Sound 
TROTR CONCEDE LVET OPS Tae sae tars tenia He ee 163 

XXVIIL. A new Process for rendering Platina malleable. 
By ALEXANDER TittocH. Read before the Askesian 
Society in the Session 1804-5 .. 0.2.0... ec cee 175 

XXIX. Description of an improved Mill for grinding 



Painters’ Colours. By Mr. James Raw .inson, of 

a SO AORTIC TCS TAOE CC oe iN A ar eee 176 
XXX. Improved Mill for grinding Indigo, or ether dry 
etapa te SE SY) SO Ne A A a 180 

XXXI. 4 new and most accurate Method of Banking the 
Balance of a Time-keeper. By Mr. W. Harpy, of 

IO nec toe ie fee came oe ete stern y 181 
XXXII. Proceedings of Learned and Economical Societies 

XXXII. Intelligence and Miscelluheoiis Articles .... 183 
XXXIV. An Account of the Aériat Voyage under taken at 
Petersburgh on the 30th of January 1804. Read before the 
Academy of Sciences by the Academician SACHAROF 193 
XXXV. A brief Account of the Mineral Productions of 
Shropshire. By JosEru PryMury, 4. MM. Archdeacon 
of Salop, and Honorary Member of the Board of Agricul- 

PER eg ee alec snl ss eee! once «ghee seein aN afebaate & 201 
XXXVI. On Metallic Sulphurets. By Professor Proust 

XXXVIT. An Analysis of the magnetical Pyrites; with 
Remarks on some of the other Sulphur ets of Iron. By 
Onances Harcuerr, sg. BR! Sel ee 213 

XXXVIII.. Account of an Aérostatic Voyage performed by 
M. Guy-Lussac, on the 29th of Fructidor, Year 19; 
and read in the National Institute, Vendemiaire oth, 
oa ee MERE, tS eo al A Ak te a ee 220 

XXXIX. On disclosing the Process of Manufactories . . 228 

XL. An Essay on Medical Entomolog sy: By F. Cuav- 

METON, Physician to the Army voy. bp 6. cee 230 
XLI. On the Use made of Zinc in China in regard to Coin. 
RP fer =, WY PGR iy th sied w Sinica + Mayne whe, wd wg 249 
XLII. On the Use of the Amianthus in China. By B. G. 
eee Our ROL ORR 6 Okt MATL ttt ne Ra a a 243 

XLIM. On the Property ascribed to Quicklime of increasing 
the Force of Gunpowder. By M. LemAtsTre, Inspector~ 
General of Gunpowder and Saltpetre ............ 245 

XLIV. Description of an improved Drawlack Lock for 
House Doors, invented by Mr. Wittiam Butuock, of 
Perils ech CR PTL SUN, SNR NS OUTER AT AE 248 

XLV. Description of a Screw Press with an expanding 
Power. By Mr. Wirtiam Bow ter; of ER: 
SAME aes Te ae eV eee ty ee ey dae 249 

XLVI. Geographical and Topographical Inprovements pro- 
posed by Joun CwURCHMAN, Esq. Me mber of the bn- 

perial Academy of Sciences at St. Peterslurgh...... 251 
XLVII. Description of a Safety Vulve, containing a Vacuum 
Valve in the same Hole of the Boiler .... ..'954 

: “XLV TI. An 


XLVIUL. An Account of the Tea Tree. By YRepEentcr 
PIGOU, Esq. ..0cessccssesc est ser tess ees bee ae 256 
XLIX. An Account of the Hindu Method of cultivating 
the Sugar Cane, and manufacturing the Sugar and Jagary 
in the Rajahmundry District ; interspersed with such Re- 
marks as tend to pout out the great Benefit that might le 
expected from increasing this Branch of Agriculture, and 
improving the Quality of the Sugar; also the Process ols 
served by the Natives of the Ganjam District. By Dr. 
WirttaAM RoxBurGu .....-. is, dha TAS okay vie «2 264 
L. A brief Statement of some Particulars relative to the 
Sinking, @c. of William-Pit, near the Sea-shore, at 
Bransty, Whitehaven, the Property of Lord Viscount 

LOWTHER: <i .c See eS ee Eo 975 
LI. Proceedings of Lec rned and Economical Societies .. 277 
LI. Intelligence and Miscellancous WAT RIES Voce cs gee 279 

LUI. Essay on the Phanomena of the Electrophorus ; with 
an Attempt ta reconcile them with the Principles of the 
Franklinian Theory. By Samvurt Woops, Esq. Read 
befare the Ashesian Society in the Session 1803-4 .. 289 

LIV. A brief Account of the Mineral Productions of Shrop- 
shire. By Josepu PurmMuny, 4..W. Archdeacon of Salop, 
and Honorary Memler of the Board of Agriculture 304 

LY. Extract fram a Work, published by Professor Proust, 
entitled Researches on the Tinning af Copper, on Tin 
Vessels, and glazed Pottery; published at Madrid 
aC eel Game erg BIA MiG oe 

LVI. A short Account of the Cause of the Disease in Corn, 
called by Farmers the Blight, the Mildew, and the Rust. 
By the Rt. Hon. Sir Josnen Banxs, Bart, RoBi? Ak. 


LVIT. On the Maritime Commerce of Bengal. By the 
late ANTHONY LAMBERT, Esg.... 2.2... 0.00+05 $27 
LVUT. 2d Essay on Medical Entomology. By F.Cuav- 
METON, Physician to the ArMY ..ccce se ce eens 344 
LIX. 4 new, easy, and cheap Method of separating Copper 
from Silver. By M.GOETLING..~.... ee ee 352 

LX. Short Account of Travels between the ‘Iropics, by 
Messrs. HumbBotpr and BONPLAND, in 1799, 1800, 
1801, 1802, 1803, ad 1801. By J. C, DELAME+ 
PAPURG RDS) 2m on oes eareee she a 0\Slb Wie ake a eke ges ‘oie teeiel SR 

LX1. On the Formation of Mater ly Compression ; with 
Reflections on the Nature of the Electric Spark. Read 
before the National Institute by M. Bror ...,.... 362 

LXIf. Notices respecting New Books .. 0... 0400+ rs ite 

LXILl. Proceedings of Learned Societies... 0004+ . 365 

LXIV. Intelligence and Miscellaneous Articles ,....,. 367 





I, On the present State of Husbandry in Bengal. By a 

Gentleman now residing in that Country *. 

Tue regular succession of periodical rains, followed by a 
mild winter, which exempt from frost, is almost as free from 
rain; and this succeeded by great heat, refreshened occa- 
sionally by showers of rain and hail, affords its proper sea- 
son for every production of tropical and temperate climates. 
Few are altogether unknown in Bengal. Those which ac- 
tually engage the industry of the husbandmen are numerous 
and varied. Of these, rice is the most important. Corn in 
every country is the first object of agriculture, as the prin- 
cipal food of the inhabitants ; in this, where animal food is 
seldom used, it is especially important. 

The natural seasons of rice are ascertained from the pro- 
gress of wild rice. It sows itself in the first month of the 
winter; vegetates with the early moisture at the approach 
of the rains ; ripens during that period ; and drops its seed 
with the con:mencement of the winter. 

A culture calculated to conform to this progress is prac- 
tised in some districts. The rice is sown in low situations- 
when nearly desiccated; the soil hardening above the seed 
gives no passage to early showers; the erain vegetates at 
the approach of the rains, and ripens in that season, earlier 
or later, according as the field is overflown to a less or greater 
depth. : 

This method is bad, as it exposes the seed to injury 
during a long period in which it should remain inert: the 
practice is not frequent. Common husbandry sows the 
rice at the season when it should naturally veeetate, to 
gather a crop in the rains; it also withholds sced till the 
second month of that season, and reaps the harvest in the 

* From the Asiatic Annual Register for 1802. 

Vol. 21. No, 81. Feb. 1808. A2 beginning 

2 On the present State 

beginning of winter: and the rice of this harvest is esteemed 
the best; not being liable to early decay. 

In low, situations, where the progress of desiccation is 
slow, and on the shelving banks of Jakes which retain 
moisture till the return of the rains, a singular cultivation 
‘sows rice ai the end of the rains, and, by frequent trans- 
planting and irrigation, forces it to maturity im the hot sea- 
son: and in situations nearly similar, sows in the cold sea- 
son for an early harvest, obtained’ by a similar method at 
the commencement of the rains. ‘ 

In almost every plant the culture, in proportion as it is 
more generally diffused, induces numerous varieties. But 
the several seasons of cultivation, added to the influence of 
soil and climate, have multiplied the different species of 
rice to an endless variety, branching from the first obvious 
distinction of awned and,awnless rice. The several species 
and diversities, variously adapted to every circumstance of 
soil, climate and season, might exercise the judgment of 
sagacious cultivators: the selection of the most suitable 
kinds is not neglected by the husbandmen. There‘is room, 
however, for great improvement, from the future light to 
be thrown on this subject by the ebservations of enlight- 
ened farmers. é 

Other corn is more limited in its varieties and its culture. 
Of wheat and barley, few sorts are distinguished. All sown 
at the commencement of the winter, and reaped at the be- 
ginning of the hot season. 

A great variety of different sorts of pulse finds its place in 
the occupations of husbandry. No season is without its 
appropriate species: but most sorts are sown or ripen in 
the winter. They constitute a valuable article in husbandry, 
as thriving on the poorest soils, and requiring little culture. 

Millet and other small grains, though bearing a very 
low price, as the food of the poorest classes, are not un- 
important: several of these grains, restricted to no season, 
and vegetating rapidly, are useful, as they occupy an in- 
terval after a tardy harvest, which would not permit the 
usual course of husbandry. Maize, which may be placed 
in this second class of eorn, is less cultivated in Bengal than 
i Most countries where it is acclimated. For common 
food, inferior .o white corn, it has not a preference above 
mullet ‘to compensate the greater labour of its culture. 

The universal and vast consumption of vegetable oils is 
supplied by the extensive cultivation of mustard, linseed, 
sesamc, palmachristi, &c. The first occupy the winter 
4cason ; the sesame ripens in the rains. 

4 Among 

Pe ee ae oe ee Pee ol ny REL Tt a NRA Cw rN Ty 

of Husbandry in Bengal. 

- Ainong the most important of the productions of Bengal, 
rich in proportion to the land they occupy, valuable in com- 
merce and manufactures, are tobacco, sugar, indigo, cotton, 
mu >crry, and poppy. Most of these require land solely 
appropriated to the respective culture of each; they would 
here deserve full notice, with some other articles, if we 
were not in this place limited to a general review of the 
usual course of husbandry, and the implements and me- 
thods it employs. . 

The arts and habits of one country elucidate those of 
another. The native of the North may deem every thing 
novel m India; but if he have visited the southern king- 
toms of Europe, he will find much similarity to notice. 

_ The plough, the spade of Bengal, and the coarse substi- 

tute for the harrow, will remind him of similar implements 
in Spain. Cattle treading out the corn from the ear, will 
recall the same practice in the south of Europe : where, also, 
he has already remarked the want of barns and of inclosures; 
the disuse of horses for the plough ; the business of domestic 
economy conducted in the open air; and the dairy supplied 
with the milk of buffaloes. 

The plough is drawn by a single yoke of oxen, guided 
by the ploughman himself. Two or.three pair of oxen as- 
signed to each plough, relieve cach other until the daily 
task be completed. Several ploughs in succession deepen 
the same furrows, or rather scratch the surface; for the 
plough wants a contrivance for turning the earth, and the 
share has neither width nor depth to stir a new soil. A 
second ploughing crosses the first, and a third is sometimes 
given diagonally to the preceding. These frequently re- 
peated, and followed by the substitute for the harrow, pul- 
verize the surface, and prepare it for the reception of seed. 
The field must be watched for several days, to defend the 
seed from the depredations of numerous flocks of birds. 
This is commonly the occupation of children, stationed to 
seare the birds from the fresh sown field. 

After the plant has risen, the rapid growth of weeds de- 
mands frequent weedings, particularly in the rainy season. 
For, few indigenous herbs vegetating in the dry season, 
weeding is little, if at all required for plants which are. 
cultivated in the absence of rain. Viewing the labours of 
the weeders, the eye is not easily reconciled to see them 
sitting to their work. The short-handled spud, which they 
use for a hoe, permits no other posture: but however fa- 
miliar that posture may be to the Indian, his labour is not 
employed to advantage in this mode of weeding. 

AS The 


6 “On the present State 

The hook (for the scythe is unknown) reaps every har- 
vest. In this also much unnecessary labour is employed ; 
not merely from the want of a more expeditious implement, 
but from the practice of selecting the ripest plants, which, 
taught by the harvest of different plants ripening succes- 
sively, the Indian extends to the harvest of a simple crop. 
Yet such is the contradictions of custom, that while the 
peasant returns frequently to one field to gather the plants 
as they ripen, he suffers another to stand long after the 
greatest part of the crop has passed the point of maturity. 
He justifies his practice upon circumstances which render 
it impracticable to enter these fields to select the ripe plants 
without damaging the rest; and upon the inferiority of crops 
which mix with ripe corn a considerable proportion not 
fully npened. Though his excuse be not groundless, his 
loss is considerable, by the grain which drops before the 
harvest in so great a quantity, that if the field remain un- 
sown it will afford a crop by no means contemptible *. 

The practice of stacking corn intended to be reserved for 
seed, or for a late sale, is very unusual. The husk which 
covers rice preserves it so perfectly, that, for this grain, the 
practice would be superfluous: and the management of rice 
serving for the type of their whole husbandry, it is neglected 
by the peasants for other corn. A careless stack which waits 
the peasant’s leisure to thrash it out serves for a convenient 
disposition, rather than as a defence from the inclemencies 
of weather. With the first opportunity his cattle tread 
out the corn, or his staff thrashes the smaller seeds. The 
grain is winnowed in the wind, and stored in jars of un- 
baked earth, in baskets, or in twisted grass formed into the 
shape of baskets. 

The want of roads, which, indeed, could not possibly be 
provided to give access to every field, in every season, does 
not leave it in the option of the farmer to bring home all 
his harvests by cattle; but the general disuse of cattle in 
circumstances which would permit this mode of transport, 
is among the facts which show a great disproportion be- 
tween the population and the husbandry. 


* Of this, instances are frequent: the remarkable result of one instance 
deserves to be mentioned. An early inundation covered a very extensive 
tract before the rice had been sown: the landlord remitted the rents, but 
claimed the spontaneous crop; and he profited by the accommodation, 
realising from this harvest a greater amount than che rents he remitted ; 
although, tn addition to the common expenses, he was at considerable 

cost to watch the crop, and was probably defrauded of a large proportion 

of the harvest. 

aM Mee See ee 

ce ae a aart 

of Husbandry in Bengal. 

Irrigation is Jess neglected than facility of transport. In 
the management of forced rice, dains retain the water on 
extensive plains, or reserve it m Jakes, to water lower lands 
as occasion requires. For either purpose much skill is ex- 
erted in regulating the supplies of water. For the same 
culture, ridges surrounding the field retain water raised by 
the simple contrivance of a curved canoe swinging trom a 
pole. In other situations ridges are also raised round the 
field, both to separate lands and to regulate the water on 
considerable tracts. In some provinces water raised by 
cattle, or by hand, from wells, supply the deficiencies of 
rain. Each of these, being within their compass, is the 
undertaking of the peasants themselves. More considerable 
works, not less necessary, are much neglected. Reservoirs, 
water-courses, and dykes, are more generally in a progress 
of decay than of improvement. 

The succession of crops,’ which engages so much the at- 
tention of enlightened cultivators in Europe, and on which 
principally rests the success of a well-conducted husbandry, 
is not understood in India. A course extending beyond 
the year has never been dreamt of by a Bengal farmer: in 
the succession of crops within the year, he is guided to no. 


choice of an article adapted to restore the land impoverished i 
by aformer crop. His attention being fixed on white corn, 

other cultivation only employs the intervals of leisure which 
the seasons of white corn allow to the land and to labour; 
with an exception however to sugar, silk, and other valuable 
productions, to which corn is secondary ; but which, grown 
on appropriate lands, belong not to the consideration of the 
course of crops. In this, which is not regulated by any 
better consideration than convenience of time, it would be” 
superfluous to specify the different courses which occur in 
practice: as little would it tend to any useful purpose to 
develope the various combinations of different articles grown. 
together on the same field, or in the stubble of a former 
harvest, or sown for a future crop before the preceding 
harvest be gathered. — 

A competent notion may be formed of this practice by 
conceiving a farmer eager to obtain the utmost possible pro- 
duce from his land, without any consideration for the im- 
poverishment of the soil; able to command, at any season, 
some article suited to the time, and not content to use his 
field so soon as the harvest makes room for succession, but 
anticipating the vacancy, or obtaining a crop of quick ve- 
getation during the first progress of a slower plant. 

{t may be judged that his avidity disappoints itself, both 

A4 as 

: On the present State 

as the several articles deprive each other of the nourishment 
which would have afforded a more abundant crop of either 
separately, and as the land impoverished makes bad returns 
-for the labour and seed. In most situations the land racked 
in this husbandry soon requires time to recruit ; the Indian 
allows it a lay, but never a fallow. This would be well 
judged, if the management of stock gave to the lay all the 
benefit which belongs to this method, and if the inefficacy 
of the plough, which must be preceded by the spade, did 
not greatly increase the expense of opening old lays. 

The abuse of dung, employed for fuel instead of heing 
applied to manure, must have concealed from the husband- 
man the benefit of well managed stock: else, in his pracs 
tice of pasturing his cattle in the stubble of his harvest, and 
in fields of which the crop has failed, he could not omit 
to notice the advantage of a farm well stocked. For want 
of perceiving this benefit, the cattle for labour and subsist- 
ence are mostly pastured on small commons, or other pas- 
turage, intermixed with arable lands, or fed at home on 
straw or cut grass; and the cattle for breeding, and for the 
dairy, are grazed in numerous herds on the forests and 
downs. Wherever fed, the dung is carefully collected for © 

Cultivation suffering very considerably by the trespasses, 
of cattle, through the wilful neglect of the herdsmen, it is, 
a matter of surprise that inclosures are so much neglected, 
For a reason already mentioned cattle cannot be left ag 
night unattended: but, in the present practice, buffaloes 
only are grazed at mght; cows and oxen are pastured in, 
the day. For these, inclosures would be valuable. and even, 
for buffaloes would not be useless; and the farmer would 
be well rewarded by suffering the cattle to ferttlize all his 
arable Jands, instead of restricting the use of manure to 
sugar-cane, mulberry, tobacco, poppy, &c. 

Few Jands unassisted are sufficiently fertile to raise these 
productions ; the husbandman has yielded to the necessity 
of manuring for them. On the management of it little oc- 
curs for particular notice in this place, except to mention, 
that khully, or oil-cake, is occasionally used as manure for 
the sugar-cane. A course of experiments would be requi- 
site to ascertain whether the methods actually employed be 
better suited to the soil and chmate, than others which 
might be or have been suggested from the practice of other 
countries, or from the varying practice of different parts of 

For a similar reason the consideration of other produce. 


of Husbandry in Bengal. 9 

(of which the culture is now general, or which might be 
generally diffused, as cotton, indigo, arnotto, madder,) may « 
also be deferred. Enough has been said to show that hus- 
bandry in Bengal admits of much improvement; or, rather, 
that the art is im its infancy. 

‘An ignorant husbandry, which exhausts the land, neg- 
lecting the obvious means of maintaining its fertility, and 
of reaping immediate profit from the operations which 
might restore it; rude implements, inadequate to the pur- 
pose for which they are formed, and requirmg much super- 
tluous labour; this again ill divided, and of consequence 
employed disadvantageously, call for aniendment. 

The simple tools which the Indian employs in every art 
are so coarse, and apparently so inadequate, that it creates 
surprise he should ever effect his undertaking ;_ but the long 
continuance of feeble efforts accomplishes (and mostly well) 
what, compared to the means, appears impracticable: ha- 
bituated to observe his success, we cannot cease to wonder 
at the simplicity of his process, contrasting it to the me- 
chanism employed in Europe. But it is not necessary that 
the complicated models of Europe should be copied in India. 
A passion for the contrivances of ingenuity has adopted in- 
tricate machinery for simple operations. The economy of 
labour in many cases justifies the practice, whether an ef- 
fect be produced at a smaller expense, or more be performed 
at proportionate expense, but with Jess labour. In Bengal 
the value of money, and the cheapness of labour, would 
render it absurd to propose costly machinery; but is n@ 
ebjection to simple improvements, which, adding little te 
the cost of the implements, would fit them to perform, 
more effectually, and with less labour, the object under- 
taken. The plough is among the implements which stand 
most in need of such improvements. 

The readiness with which he can turn, from the occupa- 
tion in which he-has been accustomed, to another branch 
of the same art, or to a new occupation, is characteristic 
of the Indian. The success of his earliest efforts, in a novel 
employment, is daily remarked with surprise. It is not so 
much a proof of ingenuity and ready conception, as the 
effect of slow and patient imitation, assisting a versatile 
habit necessarily acquired where the division of labou- is 
unperfect; and though its performance may surpass ex- 
pectation, it must ever fall short of the expeditious and 
finished performances of the expert mechanic, whose skill 
is formed by constant practice in a more circumscribed oc- 


10 Present State of Husbandry in Bengal. 

The want of capital, employed in manufactures and agri» 

culture, prevents, in Bengal, the division of labour. Every 
manufacturer, every artist, working for his*own account, 
conducts the whole process of bis art from the formation of 
his tools to the sale of his production. Unable to wait the 
market, or anticipate its demand, he can only follow his 
regular occupation as immediately called to it by the wants 
ot his neighbours. In the intervals he must apply to some 
other employment in immediate request ; and the labours 
of agriculture, ever wanted, are the general resource. The 
mechanic, finding himself as fully competent as the constant 
cultivator to the management of common husbandry, is 
not discouraged from undertaking it at his own risk. Every 
labourer, every artizan, who has frequent occasion to reeur 
to the labours of the field, becomes a tenant. Such farmers 
are ill qualified to plan or conduct a well judged course of 
husbandry, and are idly employed, to the great waste of 
useful time, in carrying to market the paltry produce of their 
petty farms. 
If Bengal had a capital in the hand of enterprising pro- 
prictors, who employed it im husbandry, manufactures, and 
niternal commerce, these arts would be improved; and, 
with greater and better productions from the same labour, 
the situation of the labourers would be less precarious and 
more affluent, although the greatest part of the profit might 
rest with the owners of the capital. ef 

Capital is certainly not less deficient to the internal com- 
merce of Bengal than to manufactures and agriculture. The 
small capitals now employed require large returns, Blessed 
as Bengal is, beyond any country, with an extensive internal 
navigation, the want of roads (though a great evil) would 
not sufficiently account for the very limited intercourse of 
commerce at present existing. But the large profits which 
small, capitals reqyire, explain the want of intercourse. 
This conspires with the deficiency of capital in manufac- 
tures and husbandry: to depress Bengal; for m> agri- 
culture particularly, which is the basis of prosperity to a 
country, the want of capital is a bar to all improvement. 
Under a system of government which neither drained its 
wealth nor curbed rational enterprise, Bengal:could not fail 
. fo sevive; the employment of capital in husbandry would 
introduce large farms, and from these would flow every 
improvement wanted; and which must naturally extend 
from husbandry into every branch of arts‘and commerce. 

Without capital and enterprise, improvement can never. 
be obtained. Precept will never inculcate a better hus- 

2 bandry 

‘Present State of Husbandry in Bengal. , 11 

bandry on the humble unenlightened -peasant. It could 
not, without example, generally engage a wealthier and 
‘better informed class. Positive institutions would be of as 
little avail. The legislator cannot direct the judgment of 
his subjects ; his business is only to be cayeful lest his re- 
gulations * disturb them in the pursuit of their true in- 

In Bengal, where the revenue of the state has had the 
form of land-rent, the management of finances has a more 
immediate influence on agriculture than any other part of 
the administration. The system which has been adopted, 
of withdrawing from direct interference with the occupants, 
and leaving them to tenant from landlords, wiil contribute, 
more than any of the remediary ¢ regulations which have 
been promulgated, to abuses and evils which had rendered 
the situation of the cultivator precarious. But not yet hay- 
ing produced its effect, it requires us-to review the systen 
of finances, under which abuses had grown, and placed the 
occupant in a precarious situation, as discouraging te agri- 
culture as any circumstance yet noticed; for without an 
ascertained: interest for a sufficient period, no person could 
have an inducement to venture a capital in husbandry. 

* A strong instance of such ill-advised institutions occurs in a lecal 
regulation, which prohibited farms exceeding fifty begehs. 

+ Regulations on this and other subjects have copied too closely the 
notions and forms of European nations. Though they have been framed 
by persons well informed of the customs and prejudices of the natives, a 
predilection for the maxime of European societies has introduced rules, 
which, if not incompatible with the disposition of the Indian, have at 
least been pressed with too eager haste, not allowing time to the natives 
to accommodate themselves co new forms and to innovating maxims. 
The provisions of new laws, not easily apprehended by the natives, are 
to them the more obscure, being framed in a foreign language, fiom 
which translations cannot assimilate to the idiom of their own tongue. 
Hence the best intentions have not yet projiced guod effects, The 
people have received no material relief, no considerable benefit; the only 
summers is, that their understs.dings are confounded, and their minds 

armed. ' 

“ IL, Analytical 

ae SAS 

If. Analytical Experiments and Observations on ‘Lae. 
By Cuantes Harcuetr, Esq. F.R.S. 

{Continued from our last volume, p. 358. ] 

§ Il. 
Analytical Experiments on Stick, Seed, and Shell Lae. 

Linc, when placed on a red-hot iron, at first contracts, 
and then melts, emitting a thick smoke, of a peculiar but 
rather pleasant odour; after which, a light spongy coal 

Distillation of Stick Eac. 

100 grains of the best stick lac, separated as much as 
possible from the twigs, were put into a glass retort, to 
which a double tubulated receiver and hydro-pneumatic 
apparatus were adapted. Distillation was then gradually 
performed, with an open fire, until. the bottom of the 
retort became red hot. 

The products thus obtained were, Grains. 
i. Water slightly acid - - - 10. 
2. Thick brown butyraceous oil - - 59. 
3. Spongy coal © - - bind ori 13.50 

4. Asmall portion of carbonate of ammonia, with 
a mixture of carbonic acid, carbonated hy- 
drogen, and hydrogen gas, which may he 
estimated at’ - - - ~ 17.50 

Seed Lac. 
100 grains of very pure seed Jac were distilled in a similar 
manner, and afforded, 

i. Acidulated water - - - 6. 

2. Butyraceous oil -s - 61. 

3. Spongy coal , - - - - a 
4. Mixed gas nearly as before, but without am- 

monia, amounting by estimation to - 26. 


Shell Lac. 
100 grains of shell lac, treated as above, yielded, 

1. Acidulated water - = t 6. 
2. Butyraceous oil - Ps i 65. 
8. Spongy coal - - “i act 7.50 
4. Mixed pas, amounting by estimation to < 21.50 

Experiments and Olservations on Lac. i3 

The coal of the shell Jac, by incineration, afforded about 
ene grain of ashes, which contained a muriate, probably 
ef soda, and a little iron, with some particles of sand, 
which may be regarded as extraneous. 

Analysis of Stick Lac. 

A. 200 grains of stick lac, picked and reduced to powder, 
were digested in a pint and a half of boiling distilled water 
during 12 hours. The liquor was transparent, and of a 
beautiful deep red; this was decanted into another vessel, 
and the operation was repeated, with fresh portions of wa- 
ter, until it ceased to be tinged: the lac then appeared of a 
pale yellowish-brown colour. 

The whole of the aqueous solution being evaporated, left 
a deep red substance, which possessed the general proper- 
ties of vegetable extract, and weighed 18 grains. 

B. The dried lac was digested for 48 hours, without heat, 
in eighteen ounces of alcohol; and the clear tincture being 
cautiously decanted, different portions of alcohol were 
added, and the digestion was repeated, until the alcohol 
ceased to produce any effect. 

The whole of the solutions in alcohol were then poured 
into distilled water, which was heated, and an attempt was 
made to separate the precipitated substance by filtration ; 
but, as this did not succeed, on account of the filter 
speedily becoming clogged, the whole was subjected to 
gentle distillation ; by which a brownish-yellow resin was 
obtained, amounting in weight to 136 grains. 

C. The remainder of the lac was again digested in boil- 
ing distilled water ; by which 2 grains of the colouring ex- 
tract were obtained. 

D. The residuum was then digested with one ounce of 
muriatic acid diluted with two ounces of water, which, by 
boiling, became of a bright pale red, but changed to purple, 
when saturated with a solution of carbonate of potash. 

A floceulent precipitate was thus obtained, which pos- 
sessed the characters of precipitated vegetable gluten com- 
bined with some of the colouring extract ; this, whien com- 
pletely dried, weighed 11 grains. 

E. There new remained 25 grains, which evidently con- 
sisted of a sort of wax, mixed with small parts of twigs 
and other extraneous substances. 

A part of the wax was separated by heat aud pressure in a 
piece of linen; and another portion \as separated by di- 
gestion in olive oil, which assumed the consistency of an 
unguent, , 

; The 


Experiments and Observations on Lae. 

The residuum was then boiled with lixivium of potash, 
and became tinged with purple, in consequence of some 
of the colouring extract which had not been dissolved by 

ihe preceding operations. 

The undissolved part, now consisting only of the extra- 
neous vegetable and other substances, weighed 13 grains ; 
so that the wax, with a small portion of the colouring ex- 

tract, may be estimated at 12 grains. 

By the above process, 200 grains of stick lac affurded, 

ot Colouring extract - - 

B. Resin - - " 
D. Vegetable gluten - - 


- il 

x, § Wax, with a little colouring extract, about 12 

Extraneous substances - 

Analysis of Seed Lac. 

= 13 

200 grains of very pure seed lac were subjected to opera- 

tions very similar to those which have been described, and 


Colouring extract - ms t 
Resin i a ty ty 
Vegetable gluten = - - 
W a x ‘ — = - = 

Analysis of, Shell Lac. 

- 5 
- 4 
he 9 


A. 500 grains of this substance were first treated with 

boiling distilled water, as above-mentioned, and yielded 

of extract only 2.50 grains. 

B. The 497.50 grains which remained, were then di- 
gested with different portions of cold alcohol, until this 
ceased to produce any effect ; the resin which was thus 

separated amounted to 403.50 grains. 

C. As the shell lac had not been reduced into powder, 
but only into small fragments, these were become white 
and elastic, and, when dry, were brittle, and of a pale 
brown colour ; the whole then weighed’94 grains. 

D. These 94 grains were digested in diluted muriatie 
acid ; and the acid, being afterwards saturated with solu- 
tion of carbonate of potash, afforded a flocculent precipi- 
tate (resembling that obtained from solutions of vegetable 

gluten), which, when dry, weighed 5 grains: 

E. Alcohol 



Experiments and Observations on Lac. 15 

E. Alcohol acted but feebly on the residuum ; it was 
therefore put into a matress, with three ounces of acetic 
acid, and was suffered to digest without heat during six 

_ days, the vessel being at times gently shaken; the acid thus 

assuined a pale brown colour, and was very turbid. The 
whole was then added to half a pint of alcohol, and was 
digested in a sand-bath ; by which a brownish tincture was 
formed, and at the same time a quantity of a whitish floc- 
culent substance was deposited, which, being collected, 
well washed with alcohol on a filter, and dried, weighed 

- 20 grains. 

This substance was white, light, and flaky, and, when 
rubbed by the nail, it became glossy, like wax; it also 

-easily melted, was absorbed by heated paper, and, when 

placed on a coal or hot iron, emitted.a smoke, the odour 
of which very much resembled that of wax, or rather 
spermaceti, | 

F. The solution formed by acetic acid and alcohol being 
filtrated, was poured into distilled water, which immediately 
became milky ; and, being heated, the greater part of the 
resin which had been dissolved assumed a curdy form, and 
was partly separated by a filter, and partly by distilling off 
the hquor ; this portion ofresin amounted to 51 grains. 

G. The filtrated liquor, from which this resin had been 
separated, was saturated with a solution of carbonate of 
potash ; and, being heated, a second precipitate of gluten 
was obtained, which, when well dried, weighed 9 grains. 

he 500 grains of shell Jac thus yielded, Grains. 

A. Extract > -. - 2.50 

Bs} Resin = eas elie aca. 5 

e } Vegetable gluten - - 14, 

c» Wax - be = 20. 

- The mode of analysis adopted for the shell lac, must un- 
doubtedly appear less simple than that which was employed 
for seed and stick lac; but, upon the whole, it was attended 
with advantages ; for the shell lac being in small fragments, 
and not in the state of a powder, considerably facilitated 
the decantation of the solution in alcohol from the resi- 
duum ; and although, in this last, a portion of the resin 
was poplasted from the action of the alcohol, by being 
enveloped in the gluten and wax, yet, by the assistance of 
acetic acid, the remainder of the resin, as well as the who 

; 0 

16 Experiments and Observations on Lac. 

of the gluten, were dissolved ; the wax was obtained in a 
pure state, and a separation of the resin from the gluten 
was afterwards easily effected by the method which has 
been described. As therefore acetic acid is capable of 
dissolving resin, gluten, and many other of the vegetable 
principles, it certainly may be regarded as a very useful 
solvent in the analysis of bodies appertaining to the vege- 
table kingdom. 

From the results of the preceding analyses it appears, that 
the different kinds of lac consist of four substances, namely, 
extract, resin, gluten, and wax, the separate properties of 
which shall now be more fully considered. 

Properties of the colouring Extract of Lac. 

1. When dry it is of a deep red colour, approaching to 
purplish crimson. 

g. Being put on a red-hot iron it emits much smoke, 
with a smell somewhat resembling burned animal matter, 
and leaves a very bulky and porous coal. 

3. Water, when digested with it in a boiling heat, par 
tially dissolves it; but the residuum was found to be abs. 
solutely insoluble in water. 

4. Alcohol acts but slowly on it, and, in a digesting 
heat, dissolves less than water. The colour of the solution 
is also not so beautiful; and a considerable part of the re- 
siduum left by alcohol was, when digested with water, 
found to be soluble, although this was not the case when 
the residuum left by water was treated with alcohol. 

5. It is insoluble in sulphuric ether, excepting a very 
small portion of resin, which appeared to be accidentally 
mixed with it. 

6. Sulphuric acid readily dissolves it, and forms a deep 
brownish-red solution, which, being diluted with water, 
and saturated with potash, soda, or ammonia, becomes 
changed to a deep reddish-purple. 

7. Muriatic acid dissolves only a part: the solution is of 
the colour of port wine, and, by the alkalis, is changed to 
a deep reddish-purple. 

g. Nitric acid speedily dissolves it: the solution is yel- 
Jow, and rather turbid; but the red colour is not restored 
by the alkalis, for these only deepen the yellow colours. 
This nitric solution did not afford any trace of oxalic acid. 

g. Acetic acid dissolves it with great ease, and forms a 
deep brownish-red solution. 

10. Acetous acid does not dissolve it quiteso. readily, 

put the solution is ef a brighter red. Both of the abovey 
“hs when 

ce oe 

Experiments and Observations on Lac: ij 

when saturated with alkalis, are changed to a deep reddish- 

11. The lixivia of potash, soda, and ammonia, act power- 
fully on this substance, and almost immediately form per- 
fect solutions, of a beautiful deep purple colour. 

12. Pure alumina, put into the aqueous solution, does 
not immediately produce any effect; but, upon the addition 
of a few drops of muriatic acid, the colouring matter 
speedily combines with the alumina, and a beautiful lake 
is formed. 

13. Muriate of tin produces a fine crimson precipitate 
when added to the aqueous solution. 

i4, A similar coloured precipitate is also formed by the 
addition of solution of isinglass. 

These properties of the colouring substance of lac, espe- 
cially its partial solubility im water and in alcohol, and its 
insolubility in ether, together with the precipitates formed 
by alumina and muriate of tin, indicate that this substance is 
vegetable extract, perhaps slightly animalizéd by the coccus. 

The effects which it produced ou gelatin, also demon- 
strate the presence of tannin; but ihis very probably was 
afforded by the small portions of vegetable bodies, from 
which the stick lac can seldom be completely separated. 

Properties of the Resin of Lac. 

This substance is of a brownish-yellow colour; and, 
when put on a red-hot iron, it emits much smoke, with a 
pe¢uliar sweet odour, and leaves a spongy coal. 

tis completely soluble in alcohol, ether, acetic acid, 
nitric acid, and the lixivia of potash and soda. 

Water precipitates it from alcohol, ether, acetic acid, 
and partially from nitric acid; and it possesses the other 
general characters of a true resin. 

Properties of the Gluten of Lac. 

It has been already observed, that when small pieces of 
shell lac have been repeatedly digested in cold alcohol, they 
become white, bulky, and elastic. By drying, these pieces 
become brownish and brittle; the elasticity is also destroyed 
by boiling water, when the gluten of wheat is 
thus treated. 

If the pieces of shell lac, after the digestion in alcohol, 
be digested with dilutcd muriatic acid, or with acetic acid, 
the greater part of the gluten! is dissolved, and may be 

recipitated in a white flaky state, by alkalis; but, if these last 
he added to excess, and heat be applied, then the glutinaus. 
substance is redissolved, and may be precipitated by acids. 

Vol, 21. No. 81. Feb. 1805. 2B 

18. Experiments and Oiservations on Lac. 

Tf the pieces of shell lac, after digestion in aleohoi, be’ 
treated with alkaline lixivia, then the whole is dissolved, 
and forms a turbid solution. But when acids are employed, 
the chief part of the gluten is alone acted upon, and a con- 
siderable residuum: is left, consisting of the wax, some of 
the resin, and a portion of gluten, which has been protected 
from the action of the acid-by the two former substances. | 

The above properties indicate a great resemblance between 
this substance and the gluten of wheat; I therefore have 
called it gluten, but at a future time I intend to subject it 
to a more accurate examination. 

Properties of the Wax of Lae, Ye 

If shell lac be long and repeatedly digested in boiling 
mitric acid, the whole is dissolved, excepting the wax, which 
floats on the surface of the hquor, like oil, amd, when cold, 
may be collected; or it may be more easily obtained in a 
pure state, by digesting the residuam left by alcohol. in 
boilmg nitric aed. sir9 

The wax thus obtained, when pure, is pale yellowish 
white, and (unlike bees-wax) is devoid ef tenacity, and is 
extremely brittle. 

It melts at a much lower temperature than that of boiling 
water, burns with a bright flame, and emits an odour some- 
what resembling that of spermaceti. 

Water does not act upon it, neither does cold alcohol ; 
but this last, wher boiled, partially dissolves it, and, upor 
cooling, deposits the greater part ; a small portion, how- 
ever, remains in solution, and may be precipitated by water. 

Sulphuric ether, when heated, also disselves it; but, 
upon cooling, nearly the whole is deposited. 

Lixiviam of potash, when boiled with the wax, forms 
milky solution ; but the chief part of the wax floats on the 
surface, in the state of white flecculi, and appears to be 
converted into a soap of difficult solubility; it is no longer 
inflammable, and, with water, forms a turbid solution, 
from which, as well as from the solution in potash, the 
wax may he precipitated by acids. 

Ammonia, when heated, also dissolves a small portion of 
the wax, and forms a solution very similar to the former. 

Nitric and muriatic acids do not seem to act upon the 
wax : the effects of sulphuric acid have nct been examined. 

When the properties of this substance are compared with 
those of bees-wax, a difference will be perceived ; and, on 
the contrary, the most striking analogy is evident between 
the wax of lac and the myrtle wax which is obtained from 


the Myrica cerifera. 
- a : An 

’ Experiments and Observations on Lac. 19 

An account of the latter substance has been published 
by Dr. Bostock, of Liverpool, in Nicholson’s Journal, 
with comparative Experiments and Observations on Bees- 
Wax, Spermaceti, Adipecire, and the crystalline Matter 
of biliary Calculi*. ( 

The properties of the myrtle wax, as described in Dr. 
Bostock’s valuable paper, so perfectly coincide with those ; 
which I have observed in the wax of lac, that I cannot but 
consider them as almost the same substance; indeed I 
think they may be regarded as absolutely identical, if some 
allowance be made for the slight modifications which have 
been produced by the different mode of their formation. 

From the preceding experiments and analyses we find, 
that the varicties of lac consist of the four substances which 
have been described ; namely, extractive colouring matter, 
resin, gluten, and a peculiar kind of wax. Resin is the 
predominant substance; but this, as well as the other in- 
gredients, is liable, in a certain degree, to variation in re- 
spect to quantity. 

According to the analyses which have been described, one 
hundred parts of each variety of lac yielded as follows. 

Stick Lac. Grains. 
Resin - - - 68. 
Colouring extract - - 10. 
Wax - - - 6. 
Gluten - . - 5.50 
Extraneous substances - 6.50 
Seed Lac. 
Resin “ - - 88.50 
Colouringextract - - 2.50 
Wax - - - 4.50 
Gluten - -- - 2. 
Shell Lac. 
Resin - - - 90.90 
Colouring extract - me OO 
Wax - - - 4. 
Gluten - - - 2.80 

* Nicholson's Journal for March 1803, p. 129. 

" Be The 

(20 Experiments and: Observations on Lac. 

The proportions of the substances which compose the 
varieties of lac, must however be subject to very consider- 
able variations ; and we ought therefore only to consider 
these analyses ina general point of view. Hence we should 
state, that Jac consists principally of resin, mixed with 
certain proportions of a peculiar kind of wax, of gluten, 
and of colouring extract. . 

The relative quantity of the two latter ingredients very 
considerably affects the characters of the lacs; for instance, 
we may observe that the glutinous substance, when present 
in shell Jac in a more than usual proportion, probably pro- 
duces the defect observed in some kinds of sealing-wax, 
which, when heated and burned, become blackened by 
particles of coal; for the gluten affords much of this sub- 
stance, and does not melt like the resin and wax. From 
what has been stated, therefore, lac may be denominated a 
cero-résin, mixed with gluten and colouring extract. 

” § IL. 
General Remarks. 

From the whole of the experiments which have been re- 
lated, it appears, that although lac is indisputably the pro- 

duction of insects, yet it possesses few of the characters of 

animal substances; and that the greater part of its agere- 
gate properties, as well as of its component ingredients, are 
such as more immediately appertain to vegetable bodies. 

Lac, or gum lac, as itis popularly, but improperly, called, 
is certainly a very useful substance ; and the natives of 
India furnish full proofs of this, by the many purposes to 
which they apply it. 

According to Mr. Kerr it is made by them into rings, 
beads, and other female ornaments. 

When formed into sealing-wax, it is employed as a 
japan, and is likewise manufactured into different coloured 

The colouring part is formed into. lakes for painters: a 
sort of Spanish wool for the ladies is also prepared with it 5 
and as a dyeing material it is in very general use. 

The resinous part is even employed to form grindstones, 
by melting it, and mixing with it about three parts of sand. 
For making polishing grindstones, the sand is sifted through 
fine muslin ; but those which are employed by the lapi- 
daries are formed with powder of corundum, called by 
them Corune*. %, 

* Philosophical Transactions 1781, p. 380. 


ee Ss eee 


Experiments and Observations on Lac. 21 

But in addition to all the above uses to which it ts ap- 
plied in India, as well as to those which cause it to be in 
request in Europe, Mr. Wilkins’s Hindi ink occupies a 
conspicuous place, not merely on account of its use as an 
ink, but because it teaches us to prepare an aqueous solu- 
tion of lac, which probably will be found of very extensive 

This solution of lac in water may be advantageously em-= 
ployed as a sort of varnish, which is equal in durability 
and other qualities to those prepared with alcohol; whilst, 
by the saving of this liquid, it is infinitely cheaper. 

.I do not mean, however, to assert that it will answer 
equally well in all cases, but only that it may be employed 
in many. It will be found likewise of great use as a vehicle 
for colours; for, when dry, it is not easily affected by 
damp, or even by water. 

With a solution of this kind I have mixed various co- 
lours, such as vermilion, fine lake, indigo, Prussian blue, 
sap green, and gamboge; and it is remarkable, that al- 
though the two last are of a gummy nature, and the others 
had been previously mixed with gum (being cakes of the 
patent water-colours), yet, when dried upon paper, they 
could not be removed with a moistened sponge, until the 
surface of the paper itself was rubbed off. 

In many arts and manufactures, therefore, the solutions 
of lac may be found of much utility; for, like mucilage, 
they may be diluted with water, and yet, when dry, are 
jittle if at all affected by it*. 

We find, from the experiments on lac, that this substance 
is soluble in the alkalis, and in some of the acids. But 
this fact (considering that resin is the principal ingredient 
of lac) is in opposition to the generally received opinion of 
chemists ; namely, that acids and alkalis do not act upon 
resinous bodies. Some experiments, however, which I 

* The alkaline solutions of lac are evidently of a saponaccous nature, 
and, like other soaps, may be decomposed by acids. The entire sub- 
stance of lac is not however completely dissolved, as appears from the 
rurbidness of the liquors. Three of the four ingredients; namely, the 
resin, the gluten, and the coiouring cxtract, appear to be in perfect so- 

tution ; whilst the wax is only partially combined with the alkali, and 

forms that imperfectly soluble saponaceous compound which has been 
formerly mentioned, and which remains suspended, and disturbs the 
transparcucy of the solution, 

From various circumstances, it does not seem improbable that the 
long sought for, but hitherto undiscovered vehicle employed by the cele- 
brated painters of the Venetian School, may have been some kind of 
resinous solution, prepared by means of borax, or by the alkalis, 

B3 have 


22 ‘Account of the Trade of Siam. 

have made on various resins, gum-resins, and balsams, fully 
establish that these substances are powerfully acted upon by 
the alkalis, and by some of the acids, so as to be completely 
dissolved, and rendered soluble in water. 

It will be a very wide and curious field of inquiry, to 
discover what changes are thus produced in these bodies, 
especially by nitric acid. Each substance must form the 
subject of a separate investigation ; and there cannot be a 
doubt but that much will be learned respecting their nature 
and properties, which hitherto have been so little examined 
by chemists. 04 

The alkaline solutions of resin may be found useful in 
some of the arts; for many colours, especially those which 
are metallic, when dissolved in acids, may be precipitated, 
combined with resin} by adding the former to the alkaline 
solutions of the latter. I have made some experiments of 
this kind with success ; .and perhaps’ these processes might 
prove useful to dyers and manufacturers of colours. It is 
probable also, that medicine may derive advantages from 
some of this extensive series of alkaline and acid solutions 
of the resinous substances. } 

III. Some Account of the Trade of Siam*. 

Tue English know so little of this place and its trade, 
that it will require a particular description, as the traffic 
may be much improved, particularly for the import and 
consumption of British manufactures, such as broad cloths, 
cutlery, ironmongery, jewelry, and toys. 

The Portuguese have principally enjoyed the trade and 
profits of this place. There have been some speculations 
madé by British merchants from Calcutta, and which al- 
ways turned out to advantage. 

~The Menam (the chief river), by which ships enter Siam, 
discharges itself into the gulph of Siam, and is rendered dif- 
ficult of access on account of a bar, to cross which it is ne- 
cessary to have a pilot. 

The winter here is dry, and the summer wet, occasioned 
by the different monsoons, which act here as in the bay of 
Bengal, viz. the north-easterly monsoon bringing in dry, 
and the south-westerly monsoon bringing in heavy clouds, 

‘thick weather, and rain, 

* From the Mariner’s Directory and Guide to the Trade and Nuviga- 
tion of the Indian and China Scas. 

Account of the Trade of Siam. 2S 

The southerly monsoon is therefore the season for ships 
to go to Siam, as it is a fair wind to cross the bar; and-the 
northerly monsoon to leave the bar, and proceed to India 
through the straits of Malacca, 

Bankasoy, situated on the river near the bar, is the prin- 
cipal place of trade; and the king is the chief merchant, for 
his revenues are paid in elephants’ teeth, sapan, and aquilla 
wood, ‘This is the best part of the Malay coast for pro- 

curing that exquisite sauce called ballichong, which the 
fasten epicures so much seck, value, and regale upon: it 
is made of a composition of dried shrimps, pepper, salt, 
seaweed, &c. &c. beaten together to the consistence of a 
tough paste; and then packed in jars for sale, uge, or ex- 

Siam, near the shores, (the only places where Europeans 
have access to,) is very unhealthy. The land seems to be 
formed by the mud descending from the mountains; to 
which mud, and tie overflowings of the river, the soil owes 
its fertility ; for in the higher places, and parts remote from 
the inundation, al] is dried and burnt up. by the sun soon 
after the periodical rains are over. 

The arts have been in more, repute, and better attended 
to formerly, than at ihe present time. Few travellers will 
emit noticing the many casts at this place, both of statues 
and cannon, of an immense calibre and length, as well as 
many other curiosities, many of them in gold. 

The mountains produce diamonds of an excellent water, 
(little if at all interior to those of Golconda, though not 
so large,) sapphires, rubies, and agates. 

They have tin of a very fine quality, of which they make 
tutanag; steel, iron, lead, and gold: they have copper 
also of a fine quality, but not in great plenty. 

The low grounds produce rice in great quantities; and 
on the higher grounds, that are not inundated, they raise 
wheat. They have many medicinal plants and gums, oil 
of jessamine, sack, benzoin, crystal, emery, antimony, 
cotton, wood, oil, varnish, cinnamon, cassia buds, and 
iron-wood, which is much used by the natives, Malays, 
and Chinese, as anchors for their vessels. They have also 
great quantity of white betel nut, which is exported to 

hina, by the junks and Portuguese ships, which have en- 
joyed almost uninterruptedly the whole trade of this place, 
and the coast of Cochin-China, from the Ridang islands te 

They have also the fruits known in India, as well as the 

s B4 durian, 

© et OOS PP a Ti rene, 

24 Account of the Trade of Siam. 

durian, mangostein, and tamarind, which are remarkable 
for thriving here. . 

The animals are horses, oxen, buffaloes, sheep and goats, 
tgers, elephants, rbinoceroses, decr, and some hares. _ 

There is poultry in great abundance, with peacocks, pi< 
geons, partridges, snipes, parrots, and many other birds. 

They have insects and verinin, as peculiar to other parts 
of India. 

The sea yields them excellent fish of all kinds, particu- 
larly flounders, which are dried and exported to all the 
eastern ports; and they have extraordinary fine lobsters, 
ema'l turtles, and oysters. Here too are very fine river fish, 
particulagly the beatie (or cockup), silver eels of a very large 
size, and mangoe fish, so much esteemed in Calcutta. 

From the humidity of the soil, it is almost unnecessary 
to observe, that the chief disorders to which Europeans are 
subject, are fluxes, dysenteries, fevers, and agues. Ps, 

No private merchant here. dare trade in tin, tutanag, 
elephants’ teeth, lead, or sapan wood, without leave from 
the king; which permission is seldom granted, as he mo- 
nopolizes these articles to himself, and pays in them for 
any goods he purchases, at the highest prices they will 
bring at most markets in India. 

The following are the general prices for elephants’ teeth 
from the king in payment: 

g teeth to the pecul, equal to 120 ticalls. 

3do - do. - 112 
4do. - do. - 104 
5 do <= do. - 96 
6 du," 2 do. -— 88 
7 do. - do. - 80 
8 do. = do. - 72 
Q'do. = do. - 64 
10 do. - do. - 56 
11 do. - do, - 48 
12-do. - do. = 40 
13 do. to 20 or 30 do. Ce 

thus falling eight ticalls in each pecul, as the number of 
teeth increases. But if you purchase with ready money, 
instead of receiving them in barter (or payment) for goods, 
you will buy each quality eight ticalls per pecul cheaper 
than the above prices; and still lower if you have permis- 

sion to trade with the Christians, or private merchants. 
In purchasing sapan wood, it is customary to allow, five 
eattics per pecul for loss of weight; and as cach draft is 
2 weighed 

Account of the Trade of Siam. 38 

weighed by the large or five pecul dotchin, you are allowed 
525 catties; which, if it is the first sort, should not be 
more than 16 to 18 pieces: second sort runs 22 to 94 pieces; 
and as the number of pieces increase the price falls in pro- 
portion. , 

After you have settled with the ministers what part of 
your cargo the king is to have, (which is commonly called 
a present, unless he asks particularly to buy any thing,) 
some of the principal merchants of the place are called to 
value them; and as they are valued you are paid by the 
King, as a present, in the fore-mentioned goods at the 
highest prices they will bear. 

It may not be deemed superfluous here to observe, that a 
complaisant behaviour and a cheerfulness of disposition are 
absolutely necessary, particularly if you have, as all traders 
must have, a point to carry. Presents, as they are called, 
but in grosser language bribes, properly applied, give the 
officers of government and the people in power the true tone 
and relish to serve you, as you_ will have frequent occa- 
sion to call upon them in their official capacities. 

Every application for a permit to purchase any descrip- 
tion of goods costs 104 ticalls: this permit only serves for 
one house, and one time of weighing; so that ‘if you are 
about receiving any quantity of goods of the same quality 
from different merchants, agree with them to send it all to 
one house, and make one day for weighing off the whole in 
the merchant’s name at whose house it is weighed. This 
mode will save the expense of a multiplicity of permits, and 
quicken dispatch. Upon each of these weighing days you 
must have three of the king’s writers; the first and second 
shabunder, and the linguist: to each of these, daily, you 
pay one-quarter ticall ; but it will be your interest to give 
them some trifling presents. 

Elephants’ teeth, tin, sapan wood, and lead, purchased 
from the king, are free of all customs; but if bought from 
private merchants, they pay as follows : 

Elephants’ teeth (any sort) 4 ticalls per pecul. 

Tin - - 2 ditto per bhar. 
Sapan wood - 4 ditto per 100 pecul. 
Lead - - 2 mace per bhar. 

If from any part of India, (as Bengal, the Coromandel, 
Malabar, or Guzerat coasts, Bombay, Surat, &c.) you 
pay the following customs before you sail: 

Measurage, if above 3 fathoms, or 18 feet beam, to the 

king - = - 10 ticalls, 

Te the barcola, or first shabunder + 10 . 


26 Self-immolatién of the two-Widows of Ameer Jung, 

To the second shabunder - wc! eh Or, tarde 
For your arrival at the bar - Thos MOR go ee 
_ To pilots and entrance = i 
' To pass the two tobangoes, or chee a gS 
houses, each - - - 104 ih 
To each permit & ithe sielitsee 104 ' 
Toa permit io measure. - = alOL 
To a permit to open your bales, - 12 
To a permit for leave to sell - 103. 
And on going away, to each of the two 
tobangoes - ay - 20 

At the place where they insist on your landing your guns, 
20 ticalls; with some other charges which are trifling. 

The duties upon your imports are eight per cent.; except 
dates, kissmisses, almonds, and some other trifles which 
are excused. 

Vessels from Malacca, Palamban , Banca, Batavia, 
Tringano, Campodia, Cochin China, and ‘their coasts, pay 
neither duties nor customs on their goods; they only pay » 

For registering inwards - - 14 ticalls. 
Two permits to pass the tobangoes, each 104 

Tf the vessel has no goods, she will pay 1 ticall per covid 
(of 141 inches) for her breadth of beam ; but if she has 
trade, she pays 2 ticalls per covid. 

I would advise all vessels from India, going to Siam, to 
take a fresh port clearance from Malacca; as the great in- 
dulgences she will enjoy, and the saving in : the measuremerst 
and charges, must appear obvious. 

IV. Account of the Self-immolation of the two Widows of 
Ameer Jung, the late Regent of Tanjore*. 

AA regent died on the 19th of April 1802, about ten 
o'clock a.m. The moment he expired, two of his wives 
adorned themselves with their jewels and richest clothes, 
entered the apartment in which the body was laid, and, 
after three prostrations, sat down by it; and announced to 
the whole court, which had assembled around it, their de- 
termination to devote themselves to the flames. 

The youngest of the women was the regular wife, and 
about twenty years of age, and without children; the oth 
‘ was a wile of inferior tank, aged twenty-six, having one 

* From the Asiatic Annual Register for 1892: 

~ ehiild, 

the late Regent of Tanjore. . °7 


child, a daughter four years old. The fathers and brothers 
of both were present in the assembly ; they made use of the 
most pressing and affecting entreaties to avert them from 
their purpose, but without success. 

_ The British resident at Tanjore, having been apprised of 
the intention of these ladies, and not being able to be per- 
sonally present at the residence of the late regent, had sent 
his hircarrah to the spot, with orders to use every possible 
effort, short of absolute force, to prevent the horrid sacri- 
fice. When the relations of the ladies found their entreaties 
of no avail to induce them to relinquish their purpose, the 
hircarrah was sent for; but his threats of the displeasure of 
government had only a temporary and feeble effect. The 
Mahratta chiefs observed, that the Company had never in- 
terfered in their religious institutions and ceremonies ; that 
the sacrifice in question was by no means uncommon in 
Tanjore; that it was highly proper to use every art of per- 
suasion and entreaty to induce the women to relinquish 
their resolution; but, if they persisted in it, force ought 
not to be used to restrain them. The women laughed at 
the menaces of the hircarrah, when he told them that their 
fathers and brothers would be exposed to the displeasure of 
government. The younger widow observed, that it was not 
the custoin of the English government to punish one person 
for the act of another; and pointing to her father, who had 
actually thrown himself at her feet in an agony of grief, 
asked the hircarrah if he thought anv other inducement 
could alter her resolution when the afilictios of her father 
failed to move it. The young brother of the other widow 
went into the women’s apartments and returned with his 
sister’s child in his arms, which he Jaid at her feet; but 
such was the resolution of these astonishing women, that 
not a single expression of regret, not a sigh or tear could 
be drawn from them. Any one of these weaknesses would 
have disqualified them from burning with the body; and 
the efforts of the relations were strenuously and constantly 
directed to excite them, but in vain. “Jn answer to an ob- 
servation of the hircarrah, that if the late rezent had been 
aware of their intention he would have forbidden it, they 
said they had formed their resolution a year before, and 
communicated it to him; who, after several ineffectual at- 
tempts to dissuade them, had consented to it. 

The hircarrah, however, determined to protract the per- 
formance of the obsequies, if possible, until the arrival of 
the resident. The women waited with patience until seven 
in the evening, taking no other refreshment than a i 

3 ete 

28 On anew Genus of Mammalia. 

hetel occasionally. They then sent for the hircarrah, and 
told bim that they suspected the cause of the delay, and were 
resolved, if the procession did not immediately set out, to 
kill themselves before him. Their relatives now gave up the 
-pomt in despair. The other chiefs, who had taken no part _ 
hitherto, now interfered, and said they had a right to be in- 
dulged, and should not be restrained. The hircarrah re- 

tired, and the procession set out. The younger and regular 
wife mounied the pile on which the body of the deceased 
recent had been placed, and they were consumed together. 
The fate of the other, who was not entitled to this distine- 

tion, was, in appearance, more dreadful. A pit eight feet 

deep, and six in diameter, had been dug a few yards distant 

from the pile; it was filled with combustible matter, and 

fire set to it. When the flames were at the fiercest, 

fire was applied to the pile im which the young widow and 

the body of the regent had been enclosed. The other, un-_ 
supported, walked thrice round the pit, and, after making 
obeisance to the pile, threw herself into the midst of the 

flames, and was no more heard or seen! 

V. Memoir on a new Genus of Mammalia with Pouches, 
named Perameles. By E, GEorrroy*. 


I HE animals with pouches which first engaged the at- 
ention of naturalists are, as is well known, natives of 
America. They are carnivorous animals, which easily catch 
their prey by means of their long canine teeth, and divide 
it by employing their molar teeth, which, are laterally com- 
pressed and terminated by three points. Like the apes of 
the same country, they can make use of their hind feet as 
a hand, the thumb being at the same distance from the 
other toes, and suspend themselves by means of their long 
wail, which is naked and covered with scales. They are 
more particularly characterized also by being the only mam- 
malia which have ten incisor teeth in the upper jaw and 
eight in the lower, 

Linnzus mentions these animals under the name of the 
didelpha, _'This denomination, by expressing that they are 
provided with two matrices, has the advantage of bringing 
to remembrance one of the most remarkable facts of their 
organization, the existence of a pouch under the belly of 
the females, where the gestation begun in the real matrix is 
in some imeasure completed. F , d 

* Brom Anualesdu Musewn National d’ Histoire Naiwelle, no. 19- . 

og The 


7 , 4 Seg) Sept e Bees 1 ea 
a adi ie RRR ea 
t 1 . » sa! ™ - 

On a new Genus of Mammaiia. 29 

® The cenus of the didelpha was scarcely established when 
new animals with pouches were discovered in the Indian 

‘Archipelago; but at first they were described only in a 

vague manner. {ft was however known that the females 
had their dugs inclosed in a bag, and m consequence of 
this circumstance naturalists did not hesitate to comprehend 
these new quadrupeds among the didelpha. It was not till 
a long time after, that it was known that the marsupials of 
India differed from those of the new world by important 
organs, such as those of mastication, digestion, motion, 
and prehension; but they were then so accustomed to de- 
note them by the same generic name, that they hesitated 

“to make any change; and, as through respect for a usage 

introduced contrary to rules, they had retained in the genus 
of the didelpha species which were anomalous; they 
found themselves encouraged after the important discovery 
of the kanguroos to rank among the latter the didelpha, 
though they were very remote from it. Ina word, as if 
after so much confusion it had been allowed to venture on 
any thing, Gmelin admitted into the same genus a qua- 
drumanus fully known as such, which my illustrious master 
Daubenton published under the name of the Tarsier. 

In the year 4, I conceived the idea of enabling naturalists 

to estimate with some precision the distance there is be- 

tween these different animals, and, in a dissertation which 
appeared in the gth volume of the Magazin Encyclopétigue, 
I submitted to a sort of revision the Jast labour of Gmelin 
in regard to the genus of the didelpha. 

My first care was to bring this genus to its primitive state. 
T left none in it but the animals with bags, of America, to 
which al] the characters without exception assigned, by 
Linneus are applicable. This groupe, deducting three 
animals, which are placed there under a double. point of 
view, will be carried to nine species by my future publica- 
tions. “n . 

I then proposed to form, under the name of phalanger, a 
genus of the marsupials of the Archipelago of India, which 
have the upper jaw armed with incisor and canine teeth 
like the carnivorous animals, and in the lower jaw of which, 
however, there is found only that system of dentition which 
characterizes the rodentia. Fourteen species, of which 
almost the half are yet unpublished, unite the characteristic 
traits of these two great orders, with this difference, that 
seven of them are endowed with the faculty of leaping froin 
tree to tree, and of flying by means of membranes extended 
on their flanks; while fhe other seven, unprovided “ig 

‘ these 

STR POT epee peer ah ail 

30 Cn anew Genus of Mammalia. 

these membranes, have nothing to facilitate their existence 
on trees but their tail, with which they can lay hold of any 
thing, like the didelpha, and which is naked either entirely 
or in part. ) 

The kanguroos, so remarkable by. the disproportion of 
their extremities, the want of canine teeth and the thumb 
of the hind feet, formed my third genus; and the fourth 
was composed of the daysures, on which I wrote a paper 
printed in the third volume of that work. 

I flattered myself with the idea that the order of the mar= 
supials, which I proposed to establish, would be confined 
to these four genera. They form a direct and very natural: 
series. By means of the daysures and the didelpha this 
scries was connected with the carnivorous animals, and by 
the phalangers and the kanguroos it was blended in some 
measure with the numerous species of the rodentia. There 
was no interruption, no gap, whether we consider in general 
the organs of mastication and digestion in particular, or 
attend only to the organs of motion and prehension. But 
this result, which was so striking that I thought it at the 
time worthy of remark, was susceptible of being changed 
by the discovery of a new family; nature, properly speak- 
ing, being unacquainted either with continued series or 
chains in one single direction. Two new genera indeed have 
destroyed the whole simplicity of this combination. The 
first is that of the phasvolomes, the characters of which [ 
have already traced out*, and the second is the new genus, 
which I now announce under the name of the perameles 
(Llaireau a poche). 

I. Description of the Genus. 

The perameles are animals which on the first view have 
2 pretty near resemblance to the didelpha, but their head is 
longer and the muzzle much slenderer. They are far also 
from participating in the habits of these mammalia, and 
fram being able to live on the summits of the largest trees. 
Their whole economy indicates that they live on the earth :- 
as in the badger, their nose is elongated, their hair stiff, 
and their feet terminate in large claws almost straight ; there 
is no doubt therefore that they dig for themselves holes, and 
they do it perhaps with more dexterity than any other 
animal, as they have no reason to apprehend either that 
their claws will break or be detached, an advantage for 
which they are indebted to the form of the last phalangium 

* Annales du Museum d’ Histoire Naturelle, vols ii. p. 364. 


Pe eee 

- he 

Ona new Genus of Mammalia. 3% 

of the toes, which, like that of the sloth, pangolin, and 
myrmecophagi, is cleft at the free extremity. 
It needs excite no surprise that I should here employ the 
last character among the number of those which may serve 
for the determination of the genera, if we recollect the 
result to which my colleague, Dumeril, was conducted by 
his learned researches in regard to the diffcrent configura- 
tions of the unguical bone. It is indeed natural that this 
small bone which terminates the fingers, and serves as 4 
mould to the corneous matter with which they are covered, 
should contribute more than all the other parts of the hand 
to those determinations of animals which are founded on 

The feet of the perameles, remarkable by the conforma- 
tion of the last plralangium, are distinguished also by the 
combination and numerical arrangement of the fingers in 
the fore feet: the three middle fingers only can rest on the 
ground while the animal is walking ; those on the sides are 
so short that they exist only in rudiments, and they are 
perceived behind the fect only, under the form of'a spur. 

The hind feet have a great analogy to those of the kan- 

roo; the fourth finger is the longest and the largest ; the 
second and third are united and enveloped under common 
integuments. They are distinguished, however, by their 
claws, which are free; these two fingers are besides shorter 
and slenderer than the last or the fifth. The character by 
which the feet of the perameles differ however from those 
of the kanguroos, is the presence of a thumb, which 
really exists though it is very short. Jt is neediess, no 
doubt, to add that this thumb has no nail, since it is one 
of the distinguishing attributes of all the marsupials. 

The organs of mastication appear also in the new family 
of the perameles, im an order which has never yet presented 
itself to observation. The canine and molar tecth have 
indeed a resemblance, in regard to their number, form, and 
arrangement, to those of the daysures and the didelpha ; 
that is to say, the perameles have four long canine teeth and 
twenty-eight molar. But the case is not the same im re- 
gard to the incisors ; for if there be ten in the upper jaw, 
as in the didelpha, the order is different. The last incisor 
on each side is very much ‘separated both from those of: 
the same kind before and from the canine tooth behind ; 
and this incisor has besides the form, and discharges the 
office, of a second canine tooth : it is implanted however in 
the intermaxillary or incisive bone: moreoyer in the lower 
jaw there are only six tecth; a curious anomaly, since this 

; 4 13 

Ey tt NO eae” oe a 

32 On a new Genus of Mammalia, 

is the first time that the combination of ten and six incisora 
has been met with among the mammalia; the last incisor 
below is a little broader than the rest, and is half divided 
by a small groove. of aaah tau) 

All the marsupials are able, more or less, to assist them- 
selves readily with their tail: on the other hand it does 
not appear that the perameles can employ theirs for any 
thing; it is too short, is covered with short hair, and is 
destitute of the faculty of prehension. ame 7 | 

Their muzzle, which is much too long, gives them an 
air exceedingly stupid; but this dismal and disagreeable 
physiognomy is compensated. by the lightness. of, their 
motions, and the gracefulness of their gait, since they have 
the posterior extremities twice as long as those before. I 
have already remarked that the form of their hind feet has 
some analogy to that of the kanguroos. This. dispropor- 
tion between the paws gives them a greater similarity : it is 
indeed so great that I have no doubt that they possess the 
. Meaus as well as the latter of raising themselves on their 
hind legs, aud of using them to take leaps almost. as ex- 
icnsive. | 

In the last place, it is probable that the organs of genera- 
tion of the perameles, while they exhibit that pees ae of 
form which characterizes all the marsupials, might have 
afforded some generical differences, but I had no oppor- 
tunity of examining them. / 

These considerations, however, on which I have here 
enlarged, seem to me to require the establishment ofa new 
family of the perameles, in the natural order between the 
didelpha and the kanguroos. 

Description of the Species. 

This genus hitherto bas been composed of two species ; 
that published by Dr. Shaw, under the name of didelphis 
obesula, and another which is new, and to which I have 
given the name of nasuta. 

I. Perameles nasu(a. (Plate J.) . The length of the 
muzzle‘aud nose of this pcramele forms its principal cha- 
racter ; measured from the extremity of the lips to the root 
of the tail, its lengih is 0:45 metre; its: head 0-11 metre, 
and its tai] 9°16 metre: its anterior extremities are 0°18 

Metre, and its posterior 6°16 metre. 

Its last incisor, the canine tooth, and the first molar, 
instead of being contiguous, are very much scparated from 
gach other, and hence the great length of the muzzle. 
The cutting molars are lobed and have three points; those 


Ona new Genus of Mammalia. 33 

in the bottom of the mouth, with a broader base and a flat 
crown, do not seem to have been used: they are furrowed 
transversally, so that their crown 1s rough, with several 
small points, which are the summits of these molar teeth. 
This observation might give reason to suspect that the 
~ Perameles nasuta does not supply, like the daysures and the 
didelpha, the want of flesh by a vegetable regimen, but 
that this marsupial contents itself with insects; and indeed 
there is reason to suppose that it forms of them its principal 
nourishment, its muzzle being too long to fit it with any 
advantage for combat : its fore feet, which render it so easy 
for it to dig up the earth when searching for its food, ap- 
peared to me to be a proof of it. 

The ears of the Perameles nasuta, however, are short and 
oblong, and its eyes are very small. Its hair is moderately 
thick, more abundant and stiffer on the shoulder, mixed a 
little with some very thick, and abundance of silky hair, ash- 
coloured at the root, and fawn-colour or black at the points; 
the general tint above is of a bright brown colour: the 
whole lower part of the body is white, and the claws are 
yellowish ; the tail may be sufficiently strong to contribute 
in the same manner as that of the kanguroos to progressive 
motion; it is besides of a more decided tint, brown in- 
clining to maroon above, and below of a chesnut colour. 

2. Perameles obesula. (Plate II.) Though I do not 
observe that this animal is in any manner fatter than 
others of the same genus, | have retained the trivial name 
given to it by Dr. Shaw. in my opinion we cannot be 
too cautious in changing a denomination consecrated by 

I was acquainted long ago, by means of the Naturalist’s 
Miscellany, with the figure of the didelphis obesula, but I in 
vain endeavoured to determine its relations. I set out on this 
research neither by the way of analogy, since this species be- 
longed to none of my genera of the order of the marsupials, 
nor by the description of Dr. Shaw, since he qualifies the 
teeth only by the epithet of numerous. I however presumed 
that this might be the type of a new family; and, under this 
persnasion, knowing that the olicsula formed part of the 
collection of Dr. Hunter, I wrote to England, to Mr. 
Parkinson, for the information I wished to obtain. I re- 
ceived in return the drawing trom which the annexed figure 
was engraved. , 

It was thereforé only when I saw the first peramele of 
which I have spoken, that I was able to supply, by con- 
jecture, the ideas which were still wanting, and to ascribe 

Vol, 21. No. 81. Feb. 1805. C to 

34. On a new Genus of Mammalia. 

to the obesula the teeth of the nasuta. I do not think that 
T have been more deceived by analogy on this occasion than 
before. The organs of motion are too perfectly similar in 
the two perameles for the organs of mastication not to be 
the same. The relation which always exists between them 
is well known. ; pate 
The olesula, in the proportions of its body, resembles the 

preceding. The only difference is, that its head is shorter, 
and, if I can trust the drawing now before me, a little 

more arched; the ears are broader, and entirely rounded ; 
the bair is also mixed with some of a silky texture, which 
is blackish at the extremity ; the colour in generalis yellow, 
inclining to russet, and the belly is white. 

‘ Lrefer to this species, but with some doubt, an indi- 
vidual in the collection of the Museum of Natural History, 
which was brought also from New Holland. It came to 
me in.a2 bad state of preservation, without the tail and some 
of the toes: it is more than double the size of the obesula. 
It resembles it in its rounded ears, its short muzzle, and 
the colour of the hair, which inclines, however, a little 
more to brown ; its head also is not so much arched. 

I caused the cranium to be engraved, that it might be 

compared with that of the naswta.. The difference in their 
proportions is striking: the last of the incisors above is 
much nearer that which precedes it, and the first molars 
are perfectly triangular and contiguous. Those in the 
bottom of the mouth have their erown very much worn, 
which might give reason to bclieve that this peramele is 
more carnivorous than the other. The last incisor below 
is scarcely lobed; the interval which separates it from the 
eanine tooth has only the thickness of one tooth, &c. all 
characters by which the cranium differs from that of the 
Perameles nasuta. + . 

Explanation of the Plates. 

A, the cranium of the Perameles nasuta. B, a hind, 

foot. C, a fore foot. D, extremity of the lower jaw. 
FE, extremity of the upper. 

’ “a VI. Memoir 


hah mata rel iA ACA A RS iets at 

[ 35 J 

VI. Memoir on the Tinctorial Properties of the Danais of 
~ Commerson, a Shrub of the Family of the Rubiacie, Ex- 
tracted from the Floraof Madagascar. By Auserr pu 
Prrir-THovars. Read in the French National Institute*. 

Boranxi, like all the other physical sciences, may be 
considered under two points of view. Inthe first, we ex- 
amine in plants those things which are perceptible to the 
senses; and, by comparing the differences observed, deduce 
the means of distinguishing them with certainty from cach 
other. In the second, we endeavour to discover the 
qualities by which they may be useful to man :—the one is 
pure botany, the other is the application of botany. Most 
people who have devoted themselves exclusively to one 
branch of knowledge, or who haye uot had an opportunity 
of acquiring any, being accustomed tu judge superficially, 
value only the second, and consider the first as almost en- 
tirely useless. It ought, however, to he considered as the 
. foundation of the second; for as it alone establishes, as we 
may say, the state of a vegetable, it is by it that we can 
be assured what plants are capable of giving us that assist- 
ance for which we may have occasion. The moment, 
therefore, that the theoretic botanist seems to attend least to 
the wants of society, 1s very often that when he is about 
to apnounce an important discovery. Being enabled by an 
exact synonymy to consult all the books which have been 
written on the object he examines, he takes advantage of 
the knowledge of all nations and all periods. In the 
second place, if the vegetable he examines have escaped the 
researches of his predecessors, observation enables him to , 
find out the purpose for which it may be employed. The 
‘science which he cultivates affords him still another mean 

* From the Fournal de Physique. Brumaire, an 13, 
+-This is the third memoir of M, du Petitc-Yhouars read in the In- 
stitute since his return, Jn the first, afcer a short view of a voyage of 
tet years to the isles of France, Bourbon, and Madagascar, entirely de- 
vored to the natural sciences, and particularly botany, he gives a brief 
description of the deserts of Tristan d’Acngna, which are litle fre- 
guented by navigators. The second is an essay on germination, and the 
natural relations of the Cycas. This interesting memoir forms part of a 
first number, which the author has published, and which is to be fol- 
lowed by twelve more, destined to make kncwn the new, or little known, 
genera which he had an opportunity of observing ; and which are to be 
accompanied with dissertations, in the manner of the present one, on in- 
teresting points of vegetable physiology. ‘This first number contains also 
the description and figures of nine plants, which M. du Petic-] houars 
considers as forming new genera. 
C2 of 

On the Tinctorial Properties of 

of interrogating naturc; it is the examination of affinities, 
or the study of natural families; for observation has taught, 
that, in general, plants which have an external resemblance 
in their organization, retain it in the immediate principles 
of which they are composed. The natural classification, 
therefore, may give reason for conjecturing the virtues of 
a new plant, but, unfortunatcly, the labour which could 
give us any certainty in this respect has not been carried 
to a sufficient length :—to bring it to perfection would re- 
quire the complete union of a thorough knowledge of bo- 
tany and chemistry. Hitherto, therefore, the senses of 
taste and smell have been almost the only guides for disco- 
vering in several families, exceedingly natural, one common 
principle. In the umbelliferous plants, for example, it is 
traced from plants the most wholesome aud the most com- 
monly used for food, such as the carrot, to those which are 
aromatic, as fennel, ard even to poisonous plants, such as 
hemlock ; ove observes in all these plants a particular taste, 
more or less striking, and which is found in its highest 
degree in those species accounted poisonous. It even ap- 
pears that the observation of it is sometimes more certain 
than the common classifications. ft is thus that the dagacia 
could not by these means be separated from the umbelli- 
ferous plants, when by its fruit it was referred te them only 
with doubtfulness : we must therefore hope that botanists 
will be able to discover a substance common to: all these 
plants, an umbelliferous principle. In a word, there exists 
one equally striking in the leguminous plants, from which 
it passes also, but more rarely, from those that are fit to be 
eaten to those which are poisonous, when it exists in its state 
of greatest concentration. 

But there are several other families which seem to be 
equally natural, and in which it is difficult to discover a 
common principle: of this kind are the rubiaceous plants of 
Jussieu.. The signal services derived from a small number 
of the plants which they comprehend are of a nature so 
different that it is dificult to deduce a general induction for 
the rest. Of this kind is madder, the root of which possesses 
a dyeing quality in so emincnt a degree; coffee, the berries 
of which are so useful ; and, in the last place, cinchona, ren- 
dered so valuable by the febrifuge qualities of its bark, 
Though all the plants comprehended in this family have a 
greater affinity to each other than they have to any other 
of the vegetable kingdom, it'appears itself to be composed 
of particular groupes or species of sub-tamilies, and each of 
the plants J haye-mentioned-imay be considered asthe type 

© of 

the Danais of Commerson. 37 

of one of them. It may be readily seen, that the other 
plants which accompany each of them, either as belonging 
to the same genus or as its neighbour, participate more or 
less in the quality on account. of which it is emploved. 
Thus it has been found that almost al] the steftate of Ray 
are tinctorial; almost all the seeds of the neighbouring 
genera of the coffee shrub, sufficiently large to be torrified 
with advantage, appear to be of the same nature. The case 
is the same with cinchona. I have seen the bark of a 
beautiful massenda of the Isle of France employed as a 
febrifuge by a physician, one of my friends. 

These qualities also are seen to pass trom one groupe to 
another. It is thus that the Indians extract the beautiful 
red colour of the chailliver, which, according to Adanson, 
was a hedyotis, and which Roxburgh has described as an 
oldenlandia. ‘They extract also a red colour from the royoc 
or morinda. The cinchonas themselves have given colours. 
Some of their particular properties have been found also in 
shrubs which had a very distant relation to them. The 
psychotria emetica approaches near to some of those which 
have been found to be emetic. The antirhea of Commerson, 
er wood of the losteau, participates in the anti-dysenteric 
quality of the jast-mentioned plant. In a word, according 
to Geertner and several others, a kind of coffee has been ex- 
tracted from the seeds of the aparine. 

Other properties less extensive in one groupe have others 
analogous to them in another. Thus the pretty species of 
the mussenda, which Commerson named, after his country- 
man, Lalandia stelliflora, has a relation to the asperula 
odorata. Its dried leaves, like those of that plant, acquire 
an agreeable odour, on which account they are put among 
knen: on the ether hand, the fetid and cadaverous odour 
of the peederia is found in the serissa of Jussieu, or the 
dysoda of Loureiro, and in the fruit of some kinds of py- 

However vague these indications may be, they may serve 
as guides in experiments ; and though one cannot previously 
assert that a rubiaceous plant possesses any of its properties, 

one will not be surprised to find them in it. When I was 

in Madagascar, in 1795, I saw without astonishment the 
natives of the country extract, from the root of a rubiaceous 
plant, the red dye they employed for the cloth which 
they wore of thread, made from the tafia palm. 1 readily 
knew it to be a creeping shryb, common in the elevated 
places of the Isle of France. 

‘ C3 On 

2° On the Tinctorial Properties of 
On my return to the Isle of France, T proposed to make 

some experiments in regard to the utility it might be in gv 

ing an intense and fixed colour ; but having no apparatus, 
and being unprovided with books which might point out 

the process I ought to follow, I could only make a few. 

trials, which convinced me of its utility, but they were not 
sufficient to indicate the method of using it. They exhibited 
one phenomenon which was very remarkable ; it is not how- 
ever peculiar to this plant, for it is found in another ve- 
getable, but which has so little relation to the one in ques- 
tion, and exhibits it in a part so different, that the confor- 
mity itself is still another singularity. But before I describe 
it I must speak of the plant. 

It has been described by Commerson, and is found in 
his herbals. This naturalist, whose premature death was 
sensibly felt by all those who cultivate the sciences, besides 
his knowledge, had a particular instinct in the application of 
names. Observing that this plant was dicecous by abor- 
tion, so that the stamina seemed to be choked by the 
pistil, he compared it to the Danaides, which put to death 
their husbands, and thence gave it the name of Danais ; 
he was not able to procure any of its fruit. The fruit being 
the important character of this family, it was impossible 
for him to determine its place with precision, and Jussieu 
and Lamarck united it to the pederia. The latter, in his 
Dictionary, calls it the odoriferous danais, because its flowers, 
according to the remark of de Court, are exceedingly odori- 
ferous, and of a beautiful orange colour. These two na- 
turalists having afterwards procured some of its fruit, found 
that they had two cells, each containing several seeds, and 
consequently that it differed from the pederia, which had 
only two. Having an opportunity of seeing them in all 
their states, I observed the same thing; and finding also 
that the seeds were bordered by a membranous circle, I con- 
sidered it as a species of cinchona: but it appears that there 
are several peculiar characters in the internal construction of 
the capsule, and its manner of opening, which renders it 
necessary to restore the genus of Commerson, and this is 

confirmed by the difference of appearance; but it’ ought to. 

be placed between the mussenda and the cinchona, and 
very near to the latter. I discovered four species which be- 
long to this genus; the present is the only one which I 
found to possess the tinctorial quality ; a description of 
them here would be misplaced, they will form part of my 
Flora. I shall at present confine myself to an account of 


‘sthe Danais of Commerson. 39 

’ the few experiments which I made, to point out the route 
to some one more successful who may Le able to deter- 
mine the means of employing it. 

Having pulled up the roots of this plant, I was much 
surprised to see them of an orange colour, inclining rather 
to yellow than to red: the rind was pulpy and succulent. 
Having cleaned them, I put some pieces of it into spirit or 
rack extracted from the sugar of the country, which in a 
little time became charged with a tincture of a very pure 
vellow. When it appeared to me that it had extracted all it 
could, I poured it into a saucer ; the pieces of the root were 
then of a beautiful red colour: having poured more rack 
over them, some more particles of yellow were extracted, 
but it became still redder, and this colour continued un- 
alterable, though I suffered the liquor to remain over them 
several days. What I poured into the saucer having eva- 
porated, the residuum was of a very beautiful yellow colour. 
For want of other means, I contented myself with rubbing 
it over paper. Being desirous to try whether a pigment 
proper for water colours could be extracted from it, I 
mixed it with gum arabic : it spread very well on the paper; 
I tasted also the extract, it had the bitterness of cinchona 
in such a degree as gave me reason to hope that it may be 
rendered of utility in this point of view. 

Having tried this root with spirit of wine, I put some of 
it fresh into pure water. By ebullition the water became 
charged in like manner with the yellow colouring principle, 
which it extracted entirely: the root also assumed a red 
colour, which could no Jonger be attacked by water. One 
of my friends had given me a small quantity of a solution 
of tin in the nitric acid; I poured a few drops of it into 
the liquor I had obtained, and they precipitated all the 
colouring parts suspended in it. Having decanted the 
water, the residuum was of a beautiful yellow colour; I 
hoped I should obtain from it a kind of Dutch pink; I 
therefore poured more water oyer it to wash it, hut the water, 
_ though cold, took up all the colour: nothing then re- 
mained at the bottom of the yessel but oxide of tin exceed- 
ingly white. lecatns i 

I learned at Madagascar that the process employed by, 
the natives, and probably from time immemorial, to obtain 
a red colour, is to boil the root with ashes: I thence pre- 
sumed that alkalis were its solycnt, but at that time I was 
unable to procureany ; I contented myself, therefore, with 
boiling it in alum ; the two colours were then perceptible ; 
the yellow appeared first, anil then the red: at: first bey 
R C4 ittle 

Ew Se ee Ee ER AE ETT RCE) ee te 

40 Observations on the Change of 

dittle mixed, but afterwards combined, which formed the 
colour of a fawn’s belly, exceedingly beautiful. These were 
al! the experiments T was able to make. They are suffi- 
cient to show the relation between this plant and the car- 
thamus: its flowers give in Jike manner a yellow colour ; 
and the beautiful red which they produce betomes purer in 
proportion as it is separated. I wish I could present results 
more satisfactory ; but, being bufieted by circumstances, I 
was seldom able to carry my plans into execution ; and in 
regard to many other objects I have nothing left but regret : 
but I easily console myself when I reflect, that I shall be 
exceedingly happy if I can publish what I have left of ten 
years’ observations made in a field almost new. 

Since this memoir was written, having had an opportu- 
nity of observing the asperula tinctoria, I remarked that its 
roots exhibit the same colour as those of the danais. Hav- 
ing put them into spirit of wine they gave also a yellow 
colour, but not so pure as that of the dunais. I obtained 
the same thing from the rubia tinctorum; and I have since 
learned that it had been observed that these plants give two 
colours, according as they are treated, which still tends to 
confirm the analogy I have announced. 

— ——— 

VII. Observations on the Change of some of the proximate 
Principles of Vegetables into Bitumen ; with analytical 
Experiments on a peculiar Substance which is found 
with the Bovey Coal. By Cuantes Harcnerr, Esq. 
FP. Rws.4 

§ I. 

Onz of the most instructive and important parts of geo- 
logy, is the study of the spontaneous alicrations by which 
bodies formerly appertaining to the organized kingdoms of 
nature have, after the loss of the vital principle, become 
gradually converted into fossil substances. 

In some cases this conversion has been so complete as to 
destroy all traces of previous organic arrangement ; but in 
others the original texture and form have been more or 
Jess preserved, although the substances retaining this. tex- 
ture, and exhibiting these forms, are often decidedly of a 
mineral nature. Some, however, of these extraneous fossils 
fas they are called) retain part of their original substance or 
principles, whilst others can only be regarded as casts or 


* From the Transactions of the Royal Suciety of Londen for a 
sae’ ‘Tom 

ab) gidl OS ey eae 
Si paca OC a i ae 

some of the Principles of Vegetables into Bitumen. 41 

From the animal kingdom we may select, as examples, 
the fossil ivory, which retains its cartilage * ;' the bones in 
the Gibraltar rock, consisting of little more than the earthy 
part or phosphate of lime; the shells forming the luma- 
chella of Bleyberg, which still possess the lustre and irides- 
cence of their original nacre; and the shells found at Hord- 
well in Hampshire, and im Picardy, which are chiefly por- 
cellaneous, but more or less calcined; also the fossil echini 
and others so commonly found in the limestone, chalk, 
and calcareous grit of this island, which, although they 
retain their original figure, are entirely, or at least exter- 
nally, formed of calcareons spar, imcrusting a nucleus of 
flint or chalcedony. And if, in addition to these, we may 
be allowed to regard the more recent limestone and chalk 
strata as having been principally or partly formed from the 
detritus of aniinal exuviz, we shall possess a complete series 
of gradations, commencing with animal substances ana- 
gous in properties to those which are recent, and termi- 
nating in bodies decidedly mineral, in which all vestiges of 
organization have been completely destroyed: 

The vegetable kingdom has likewise produced many in- 
stances not less remarkable ; and it is worthy of notice, that 
animal petrifactions are commonly of a calcareous nature, 
while, on the contrary, the vegetable pcetrifactions are ge- 
nerally siliceous ¢. 

It is not, however, my intention here to enter into a 
minute discussion concerning the formation of these ex- 
traneous fossils ; I shall theretore proceed to consider other 
equally or perhaps more important changes, which orga- 
nized bodies, especially vegetables, appear to have suffered 
(after the extinction of the principle of life), by being long 
buried in earthy strata, and by being thus exposed to the 
effects of mineral agents. 

§ Il. 

The principal object I have in view is to adduce some 
additional proofs that the bituminous substances are derived 
trom the organized kingdoms of nature, and especially 
from vegetable bodies ; for although many circumstances 
seem to lead to the opinion that the animal kingdom has in 
some measure contributed to the partial formation of bitu~ 
men, yet the proofs are by no means so numerous, nor so 

* f have also found the cartilage perfeét in the teeth of the 
mammoth, ‘ 

+ Pyrites, ochraceous jron'ore, and fahlertz, are also occasionally 
found in the {usu of vegetable bodies. 


42 Observations on the Change of 

positive, as those which indicate the vegetable kingdom to 
have been the grand source from which the bitumens have 
been derived. But this opinion (founded upon very strong 
presumptive evidence), although generally adopted, is how- 
ever questioned by some persons; and I shal! therefore 
bring forward a few additional facts, which will, I flatter 
myself, contribute to demonstrate, that bitumen has been, 
and is actually and immediately formed from the resin, and 
perhaps from some of the other juices of vegetables. 

The chemical characters of the pure or unmixed bitumens, 
such as naptha, petroleum, mineral tar, and asphaltum, are, 
in certain respects, so different from those of the resins and 
other inspissated juices of recent vegetables, that, had the 
former never occurred but in a separate and unmixed state, 
no positive inference could have been drawn, from. their 
properties in proof of their vegetable origin. Fortunately, 
however, they have been more frequently found under cir- 
cumstances which have strongly indicated the source from 
whence they have been derived; and much information has 
been acquired from observations made on the varieties of 
turf, bituminous wood, and pit coal, on the nature of their 
surrounding strata, on the vestiges of animal and vegetable 
bodies'which accompany them, and on various other local 
facts, all of which tend considerably to elucidate the history 
of their formation, and to throw light upon this interesting 
part of geology. eae 

Some instances have already been mentioned which 
show that fossil animal substances form a series, com- 
mencing with such as are’ searccly different from those 
which are recent, and terminating in productions which 
have totally lost all traces of organization. is wath 

Similar instances are afforded by the vegetable kingdom ; 
hui, without entering into a minute detail of every grada- 
tion, I shall only cite three examples in this island, namely, 

1. The submarine forest at Sutton, on the coast of Lin- 
colnshire, the timber of which has not suffered any very 
apparent change in its vegetable characters *. 

2. The strata of bituminous wood (called Bovey coal) 
found at Bovev, in Devon; which exhibits a series ‘of ora- 
dations, from the most ‘perfect Jigneous’ texture, ‘toa sub- 
stance nearly approaching the chatacters ‘of pit ‘coal, ‘and, 
on that account, distinguished by the name’ of'stene coal: » 

3. And lastly, the varieties of pit coal, so+ abundant in 

, * Account of asubmaring,Forest on the East Coast of “England, by 
Dr. Correa de Serra, Phil. Trans. for 1799, .p. 145: 


some of the Principles of Vegetables into Bitumen. 43 

many parts of this country, in which almost every appear- 
ance of vegetable origin has been destroyed. 

The three examples abovementioned appear to form the 
extremities and centre of the series; but as, from some local. 
circumstances, the process of carbonization and formation 
of bitumen has not taken place in the first instance, and 
as these effects have proceeded to the ultimate degree in the 
last, it seems most proper that we should seek for informa- 
tion, and for positive evidence, in the second example, 
which appears to be the mean point, exhibiting effects of 
natural operations, by which bitumen and coal have been 
imperfectly and partially formed, without the absolute ob- 
literation of the original vegetable characters; and, although 
I have selected the Bovey coal as an example, because it is 
found in this country, we must recollect that similar sub- 
stances, or strata of bituminous wood, are found in many 
parts of our globe; so that the example which has been 
more immediately chosen 1s neither rare nor partial *, 

The nature, however, of the various kinds of bituminous 
wood may in some respects be different: but this I have 
not as yet had the means of ascertaining ; 1 shall therefore 
only state the facts resulting from experiments made on 
Bovey coal, and more especially on a peculiar bituminous 
substance with which it is accompanied. But, before I enter 
into these particulars, it will be proper to mention a very 
remarkable schistus with which I was, some months since, 
favoured by the right honourable Sir Joseph Banks. 

§ II. 

This schistus was found by Sir Joseph, in the course of 
his tour through Iceland, near Reykum, one of the great 
spouting hot springs, distant about twenty-four English 
miles from Hatnifiord ; but circumstances did not. permit 
him to ascertain the extent of the stratum. 

The singularity of this substance is, that a great part of 
it consists of leaves, which are evidently those of the alder, 
interposed between the different lamellz. I do not mean 
mere impressions Of leaves, such as are frequently found in 
many of the slates, but the real substance, in an apparently 
half-charred state, retaining distinctly the form of the leaves 
and the arrangement of the fibres. . 

The schistus is light, brittle, of easy exfoliation; in the. 
transverse fracture earthy, and of a pale-brown colour ; but, 

* Strata of bituminous wood are found. in various parts of France, itt 
the Vicinity of Cologne, in Hesse, Bohemia, Saxony, Ttaly, and especi- 
ally in ‘Iccland, where it is known under the name of surturbrand. 


4a ~~ Olservations on the Change of 

when longitudinally divided, the whole surface constantly: 
presents a series of the Jeaves which have been mentioned, 
uniformly spread, and commonly of a light gray on the 
upper surface, and of a dark brown on the other ; the fibres» 
on the light gray surface being generally of a blackish- 
brown, which is also the colour assumed by the schistus 
when reduced to powder. 

The leaves appeared to be in the state of charcoal, by being 
extremely brittle, by the blackish brown colour, by defla- 
grating with nitre, by the manner ot burning, and by form- 
img carbonic acid. I was, however, soon convinced that 
the substance of these leaves was not complete charcoal, 
but might more properly be regarded as vegetable matter in 
am incipient state of carbonization, which, although pos- 
sessed of many of the apparent properties of charcoal, still 
retained a small portion of some of the other principles of 
the original vegetable. 

My suspicion was excited, partly by the odour produced 
during combustion, which rather more resembled that of 
wood than that of charcoal, and partly by the brown solu 
tion formed by digesting the powder of the unburned 
schistus in boiling distilled water; for by various tests | 
ascertained that the substance thus dissolved was not of a 
mineral nature. In order, however, fully to satisfy myself 
m this respect, I digested 250 grains of the pulverized 
sehistus with six ounces of water. A ’ 

The liquor was, as before, of a dark brown colour. 

}+ bad but little flavour. 

Prussiate of potash, muriate of barytes, and solution of 
isinglass, did not produce any effect; nitrate of silver formed 
a very faint cloud; sulphate of iron was slowly precipitated, 
of a dark brownish colour; and muriate of tin produced a 
white precipitate. 

A portion of the solution, by long exposure to the air, 
was partially decomposed ; and a quantity of a brown sub- 
stance was deposited, which could not again be dissolved 
in water. ‘ 

Another portion was also evaporated to dryness, and 
afforded a similar brown substance, which was only par- 
tially soluble in water; and the residuum, in both of the 
ahove cases, was found to be insoluble im alcohol and in 

W hen burned it emitted smoke with the odour of vege- 
table matter. J 

250 grains of the schistus afforded about three grains of 
the above substance ; and, when the properties of the 

: aqueous 


Wes Pe Cee ee te 
has EPs tr) va Bsr YE a TIEN, 0 ya ee} 
e Shin sae bein NR kes lcs Sa toy Se 4 x ad ist 
ail Oe eo . 4 
" ' : 

some of the Principles of Vegetubles into Bitumen. 45 

aqueous solution are considered, such as its partial deeom- 
position, and the depesit which it yielded by exposure to 
air, and by evaporatiun; the insolubility of this deposit 
when again digested with water, alcohol, or ether; the 
smoke and odour which it yielded when burned 3 and the 
precipitates formed by the addition of sulphate of iron and 
muriate of tin to its solution; when these properties, I say, 
are considered, there seems much reason to conclude, that 
the substance dissolved b water was vegetable extract, 
which had apparently suffered some degree of modification, 
but not sufficient to annul the more prominent characteristic 
properties of that substance. 

The powder of the schistus which had been employed in 

preceding experiment, was afterwards digested in al- 
cohol during two days ; and a pale yellow tincture was thus 
formed, which, by cvaporation, left about one grain of a yel- 
low transparent substance, possessing the properties of resin. 

Tt appears, therefore, that a substance very analogous to 
vegetable extract, and a small portion of resin, remain in- 
herent in the leaves of this remarkable schistus. 

As solution of isinglass did not produce any effect, there 
was reason to conclude that the aqueous solution above- 
inentioned did not contain any tannin; but, as the tannin 
might be combined with the alumina of the schistus, I di- 
gested a portion of it in muriatic acid, which, after filtra— 
tion, was evaporated almost to dryness, leaving, however, 
the acid in a slight excess. This was diluted with water, 
and afforded a blue precipitate with prussiate of potash, a 
yellowish precipitate with ammonia, and a white precipitate 
with muriate of tin, but not any with solution of isinglass. 
The tannin which might have been contained in the recent 
vegetable appears therefore to have been dissipated er de- 
composed, with the greater part of the other vegetable 
principles, excepting the woody fibre reduced to the state of 
an imperfect coal, and the small portions of extract and 
resin which have been mentioned. 

Previous to having made the analysis, I had an idea that 
this schistus might be a lamellated incrustation, formed b 
the tufa of the hot springs; but, according to Mr. Kiap- 
noth’s analysis*, the tufa of Geyser is composed of, 

Silica - - 98 

Alumina - - 1.50 

Iron - - - 50 

* Beitrdge, Zweiter band, p. 109. 


46 Olservaiions on the Change of 

It is therefore very different from the schistus, the com- 
ponent ingredients of which were ascertained by the follow- 

ing analysis. 

_ Analysis of the Schistus from Iceland * . 

A. 250 grains, by distillation, yielded water, which, in 
the latter part of the process, became slightly acid and 
turbid, = 42.50 grains. ‘ 

B. The heat was gradually increased, until the bulb of 
the retort was completely red hot. During the increase of 
the heat, a thick brown oily bitumen came over, which 
weighed 7.50 grains ; it was attended with a copious pro- 
duction of hydrogen, carbonated hydrogen, and carbonic 
acid, the whole of which may be estimated at 23.75 

C. The residuum was black, like charcoal, and weighed 
176.25 grains ; but; being exposed to a strong red heat in 
a crucibie of platina, it burned with a faint Jambent flame, 
and was at length reduced to a pale brown earthy powder, 
which weighed 122 grains; so that 54.25 grains were 

D. The 122 grains were mixed with 240 of pure potash 3. 

and, as some particles of charcoal remained, 50 grains of 
nitre were added, and the whole was strongly heated, 
during half an hour, in a silver crucible. The mass was 
then dissolved in distilled water ; and muriatic acid being 
added to excess, the liquor was evaporated to dryness, and 
was again digested with muriatic acid much diluted; a 
quantity of pure silica then remained, which, after having 
been exposed to a red heat, weighed 98 grains. 

E. The liquor from which the silica had been separated 
was evaporated nearly to dryness, and added to boiling lixi- 
vium of potash; after the boiling had been continued for 
about one hour, the liquor was filtrated, and a quantity of 
oxide of iron was collected, which amounted to 6 grains. 

F. Solution of muriate of ammonia was added to the 
preceding filtrated liquor ; and the whole being then heated, 
a copious precipitate of alumina was obtained, which, after 
having been made red hot, weighed 15 grains. 

Carbonate of soda caused the preceding liquor (after the 
separation of alumina) to become slightly turbid, bat not 
any precipitate could be collected. 

* The remaining specimens are now in the British Museum, and in 
the collection af the Right Honourable Charles Greville. 
? By 

b/ , 

some of the Principles of Vegetables into Bitumen. 43 

By this analysis, 250 grains of the schistus afforded, 
aby \ , Grains. 
Water tioviasext pos9o8 er WAY nee. 50 
Thick brown oily bitumen RB 7-50 
Mixed gas (by computation) } ‘ { 23:75 

Charcoal (by computation) 54.25 : 
Silica - - - = MOD 98 

Oxide of iron = - E. 6 ‘ 
Alumina - - - F. 15 

But the water and vegctable matter must be regarded as ex- 
traneous ; and if they are deducted, the real composition of 
the schistus is nearly as follows. 

Silica - - 82.30 

Alumina = - - 12.61 

Oxide of iron - 

Tt evidently, therefore, belongs to the family of argillaceous 
schistus, although the proportion of silica is more consi- 
derable than has been found in those hitherto subjected to 
chemical analysis. 

This schistus has not been noticed by von Troil, nor by 
any of those who have written concerning Iceland ; for the 
slate which was sent to Professor Bergmann by the former, 
and which is mentioned by the latter in one of his letters, 
is there expressly stated to be the conrmon aluminous slate 
containing impressions*. 

. § IV. 

From the experiments which have been related, we find 
that the. leaves contained in the Iceland schistus, although 
they are apparently reduced almost to the state of charcoal, 
nevertheless retain some part of their original proximate 
principles; namely, extract and resin. This, of itself, is 

® Letters on Iccland, by Uno von Troil, p. 355. 

Mr. Faujas St. Fond has, however, described.a schistus nearly simi- 
lar, which is found near Roche-Seauve, in the Vivarais. The stratum 
vextends about two leagues; and the only difference is, that, according 
to Mr. St. Fond, the schistus at Roche-Seauve is of the nature of marle, 
or, as he terins it, argillo-calcarcous, whereas this of Iceland is undoubt- 
edly argillaceous. From Mr. St. Fonds account, it does not appear 
that the vegetable leaves contained in the schistus of Roche-Seauve: have 
been chemically examined. £ssai de Geologie, par B, Faujas St. Fond, 
tome i, pp. 128 and 134. 

: 3 undoubtedly: 

4s Observations on the Change of 

undoubtedly a remarkable fact ; but if it were unsupported 
by any other, the only inference would be, that the schistus 
was most probably of very recent formation, and had been 
produced under peculiar circumstances. 

I was desirous, therefore, to discover some similar cases 
which might serve as additional corroborative proofs of the 
gradual alterations by which vegetable bodies become 
changed, so as at length to be regarded as forming part of 
the mineral kingdom; and from the reasons which have 
been stated in the commencement of this paper, as well as 
from a certaim similarity in the external characters of tlie 
substance composing the leaves abovementioned with those 
of the Bovey coal, [was induced to make this last also a 
subject of chemical inquiry, 

In the Philosophical Transactions for the year 1760*, 
some remarks on the Bovey coal, and an account of the 
strata, are stated, in a letter frem the Rev. Dr. Milles to 
the Earl of Macclesfield. The object, indeed, of the author 
was to establish that this and similar substances are not of 
vegetable but of mineral origin; and, to prove this, he 
adduces a great number of cases, most of which, however, 
im the present state of natural history and of chemistry, muss 

be regarded as proving the contrary; whilst others, men- - 
tioned by him, such as the Kimmeridge or Kimendge coal, - 

are nothing more than bituminous slates, and of course are 
of a very different nature. 

Dr. Milles’s account of the varieties of the Bovey coal, 
and of the state of the pits at that time, appears to be very 
accurate ; and for the ‘present state, or at least such as it 
was in 1796, I shall beg leave to refer to a paper of niine, 
published in the fourth volume of the Transactions of the 
Linnean Society ¢ 3 for, as this is more immediately a che- 
mical investigation, I wish to avoid, as much as possible, 
entering into any minute detail of geological circumstances. 

It may however be proper to observe, that the Bovey coal 
is found in strata, corresponding im almost eycry particular 
with those of the surturbrand in Iccland described by ven 
Troilt and by Professor Bergmann§. The different 
strata of both these substances are likewise similar, being 
composed of wood or trunks of trees, which have com= 
pletely lost their cylindrical form, and are perfectly flattened, 

© Vol. li. p- 534. 

+ Observations on bituminous Substances, p. 138.—See also Parkin- 
son's Organic Remains of a former World, vol. i. p. 126- 

+ Von Troil’s Letters, p. 42. . 

§ Opuscula Bergmanni, tom. iil. De Protuctis Pclcanits, p. 239. 

2 as 


Dae SNe <1 OO TT 
; on “ae 

Pe ene ane aN ye UF mT ASIN ANS NC SNES 
some of the Principles of Vegetables into Bitumen. 49 

as if they had been subjected to an immense degree of 
pressure *. ; 

’ The Boyey coal is commonly of a chocolate-brown, and 
sometimes almost black. The quality and texture of it are 
various in different strata: from some of these it is obtained 
in the form of straight flat pieces, three or four feet in 
length, resembling boards, and is therefore called Board 
coal. Others have an oblique, wavy, and undulating tex- 
ture, and, as Dr. Milles obseryes, have a strong resemblance 
to the roots of-trees, from which, most probably, this sort 
has in a great measure been formed. 

Some kinds also appear to be’ more or Jess intermixed 
with earth ; but that which produces the most powerful and 
lasting fire is called stone coal: itis black, with a glossy 
fracture ; has little or none of the vegetable texture ; is more 
solid and compact than the others, being almost as heavy 
as some of the pit coals, the nature of which it seems very 
nearly to approach. 

lor chemical examination I selected some of the coal 

* Bergmann, in the dissertation above quoted, accurately describes this 
appearance of the surturbrand, and then says, “* Que autem immanis 
requiritur vis, ut truncus cylindyicus ita complanetur? Noxne antea 
particularwm nexus putredinis quodam gradu fuerit relaxatus? Certe, nisi 
compages quodammodo mutatur, quodlibet pondus incumbens huic effec- 
twieritimpar. Ceterim idem observatur phenomenon iz omni schisto 
argillaceo,’ This is certainly a very curious fact; and the learned Pro- 
fessor, with his usual acuttness, rejects the idea that mere weight can 
have been the cause. As a further proof also, he afterwards observes, 
** Orthoceratit2, que in strato calcareo conicam fisuram perfecté servant, 
in-schisto planum fere triangulare compressione efficiunt. \dem valet de 
piscibus, conchis, insectisque petrefactis.” And again, “ Observatu 
guoque dignum est, quod fdem reperiatur effecius, quamvts stratum cal- 
careum sub schisto colloratum sit, et maja t ideo pondere comprimente onustum.” 
DeProductis Volcaniis, p. 240. It is evident, therefore, that weight 
alone has not produced this effect ; and Bergmann’s idea, that the soli- 
dity of the vegerable bodies may have undergone sone previous change, 
in the manner of incipient putrefaction, by mvisture, and by becoming 
heated in the mass, must be allowed to be very probable. But bodies 
such as shells could not be thus affected ; and therefore they must have 
been exposéd to some mechanical effect peculiar to argillaceous strata ; 
which effect, however, from the circumstance, which have been adduced, 
evidently could not have resulted from the mere pressure of the super- 
incumbent strata. To me, therefore, it seems not very improbable that, 
together with a certain change in the solidity of vegetable todies, pro- 
duced in the manner imagined by Bergmann, and, together with some 
degree of superincumbent pressure, a teal and powerful mechanical action 
has been exerted, by the contraction of the argillaceous strata, in conse- 
quence of desiccation; this, I believe, has not hitherto been much con- 
sidered ; but I am inclined, from many circumstances, to atiribute to it a 
very great degree of power. 

Vol. 21. No. 81. Fel. 1805. D which 

" Olserbabdons on the Schone: of 

which had a wavy texture, and rather a glossy fracture; yt 

quality of this sort being apparently intermediate be 

the others, as it retains completely the marks of its wane 
table origin, while, at the same time, it possesses every 
perfect character of this species of coal. 

A. 200 grains of the aia coal, by distillation, yielded, 

1. Water, which soon came over acid, and after- 
wards turbid, by the mixture of some bitumen 60 
2. Thick brown oily bitumen = - - - - 91 
3. Charcoal - - as - 90 
4. Mixed gas, consisting of branes: 
carbonated hydrogen, and caboni baimate at 29 

The charcoal, in appearance, perfectly resembled that 
which 1s made ons recent vegetables. By incineration, 
about 4 grains of yellowish ashes were left, w hich consisted 
of alumina, iron, and silica, derived most probably from 
some small portion of the clay strata which accompany the 
Bovey coal. But it is very remarkable, that neither the 
ashes obtained from the charcoal of the Bovey coal, nor 
those obtained from the leaves of the Iceland schistus, 
afforded the smallest trace of alkali*. 

B. 200 grains of the Bovey coal, reduced to powder, 
were digested in boiling distilled water, which was after- 
wards filtrated and examined ; but I could not discover any 
signs of extract, or of any ‘otter substance. 

“C. 200 grains were next digested with six ounces of 
alcohol, in a very low degree of heat, during five days. A 
vellowish-brown tincture was thus formed, ‘which, by eva- 
poration, afforded a deep brown substance, possessing all 
the properties of resin, being insolubie in water, but soluble 
in alcoho} and in ether; ; italso speedily melted when placed 
on ared hot iron, burned with much flame, and emitted a 
fragraut odour, totally unlike the very unpleasant smell} 
produced by burning she coal itself, or by burning any of 
the common bituminous substances. The quantity, how- 
ever, which could be extracted from 200 grains of the coal, 

* This, as far as retates to the Bovey coal, has been also noticed by 
Dre Milles. Pint. Trans. vol. ii. p> ss53- But wood, however long 
submerged, is not deprived of alkali, unless it kas more or less been con- 
verted inio coal; for L have, since the reading of this Paper, made some 
experiments on the wood of the submerged forest at Sutton, on the coast 
of Lincolnshire, and have found it to contain Mpa Ds 



some of the Principles of Vegetables into Bitumen. 51 

by alcohol, was but small, as it did not exceed 3 grains. 
But this small quantity was sufficient to prove, that although 
the Bovey coal does not contain any vegetable extract, like 
the schistus formerly mentioned, yet the whole of the 
proximate principles of the original vegetable have not been 
entirely changed ; as a small portion of true resin, not con- 
verted into bitumen, still remains inherent in the coal, al- 
though the bituminous part is by much the most prevalent, 
and causes the fetid odour which attends the combustion of 
this substance. 

Upon a comparison of the general external characters of 
the Bovey coal with those of the substance which forms 
the leaves contained in the Iceland schistus, a very great 
resemblance will be observed; and this is further confirmed 
by the similarity of the products obtained from each of them 
in the preceding experiments, with the single exception that 
the leaves contain some vegetable extract, which I could 
not discover in the Bovey coal. They agree however in 
every other respect ; as they both consist of woody fibre in 
a state of semicarbonization, impregnated with bitumen, 
and a small portion of resin, perfectly similar to that which 
is contained in many recent vegetable bodies ; and thus it 
seems, that as the woody fibre, in these cases, still retains 
some part of its vegetable characters, and is but partially and 
imperfectly converted into coal, so, in like manner, some 
of the other vegetable principles have only suffered a partial 
change. Undoubtedly there is every reason to believe that, 
next to the woody fibre, resin is the substance which, in 
vegetables passing to the fossil state, most powerfully resists 
any alteration ; and that, when this is at length effected, it 
is more immediately the substance from which bitumen is 
produced. The instances which haye been mentioned cor- 
roborate this opinion ; tor the vegetable extract in one of 
them, and more especially the resin which was discovered 
in both, must be regarded as part of those principles of the 
original vegetables which have remained, after some other 
portions of the same have been modified into bitumen, 

The smallness of the quantity .of resin obtained in hoth 
the preceding cases by no means invalidates the proof of 
the above opinion ; but, as an additional confirmation of it, 
I shall now give an account of a very singular substance, 
which is found with the Bovey coal. , 

[ To be continued. } 

De VIII. On 

lla yin’ Male HMI ail a CA Eau RA te ee el UN i cl ee 


VIII. On the Use of Green Vitriol, or Sulphate of Irom; 
as a Manure; and on the Efficacy of paring and burning 
depending partly on Oxide of Iron. By GrorcE PEaR- 
son, M.D. Honorary Member of the Board of Agri- 
culture, FLR.S, €c. Ge. Ge.* 

I TAKE leave to lay before this honourable Board an ac 
count of a substance as a manure which I find, on exa- 
mination, is one of the things hitherto universally believed 
to be a poison to vegetables. Having ascertained that this 
substance is what is commonly known by the name of vi- 
triol of iron (the sulphate of iron of the chemists), invete- 
rate opinion prevented me for some time from accepting 
the testimony of it as a manure; but feeling the weight of 
the respectable evidence by whom it was attested, after 
consideration I perceived that the fact in question was not 
at variance with established principles of vegetable philo- 
sophy, as I shall, Ithink, make appear in this communi- 
cation. - 

My friend John Williams Willaume, esq. of Tingrith, 
in Bedfordshire, having desired his brother, Charles Dy- 
moke Willaume, esq. to ask my opinion of a saline sub- 
stance collected from peat, which has been used with pro- 
fitable consequences as a manure in his neighbourhood, I 
proposed a set of queries to Mr. John W. Willaume, the 
answers to which, in the two following copied letters, com- 
prehend the evidence I have to offer. 

Letter No. I.—To Dr. Pearson, from C. D. Willaume, 


I received the inclosed last Saturday, and hope the an-+ 
swers to your queries will-be satisfactory, and tend to elu- 
cidate’this curious subject. Though the answers under the 
article dust only relate to your queries, yet my brother has 
thought proper to advert to the ashes, which you coriceive 
to be a caput mortuum ; but which have been used as, and 
have been supposed to be, a beneficial manure from time 
immemorial. I have reserved a piece of the peat from which 
the ashes are produced, and if you would wish to analyse it, 
I will send it you. Favour me with the result of your fu- 
ture inquiries on this subject; and I am, 

My dear sir, yours very sincerely, 
Walham Green, ‘, C.D. WiLLAUME. 
Aug. 24, 1801. 4 ied 

* A communication to the Board of Agriculture. 

ich sieieiaall ~~ J ‘aru * 

On the Use of Green Vitriol-as a Manure. 53 

Lerrer No. 11.—From John W. Willaume, Esq. to 
“ C. D. Willaume, Esq. 

Queries proposed by Dr. Pearson, 

1. How long has the salt of peat been used ? 

2. How much per acre is laid on? ms 

3. On what kind of lands? 

4. The effects of it on vegetation ? 

5. Whether it is mixed with dung manure, or lime ? 

6. In what parts of the country has it been employed ? 

7. Any other facts which can be collected relative to the 
ase of this substance? 

In answering the above queries, I shall divide the subject 
into three articles; 1st, The peat considered as an object cf 
fuel: 2d, The ashes: 3d, The salt of peat, or dust: the 
two last as objects of manure, 

1. Peat. 

The peat, which is found after the removal of the turf 
er exterior surface to about a spade’s depth, has long been 
known as an article of fuel. It is, however, used only by 
cottagers, who burn it on a brick hearth : it has been re- 
jected from the parlour, the kitchen, the brewhouse, &c. 
as being injurious to grates, and to all sorts of vessels put 
on it; it cannot he employed in the roasting of meat, as it 
will impart a disagrecable taste ; and it is destructive of all 
sorts of furniture by the effluvia which it emits, or by the 
dust or ashes which may chance to be blown from it. If 
these disagreeable consequences could be obviated, it might 
be made an article of general consumption as a substitute 
for coal, much to the adyantage of the seller and consumer ; 
it is dug out in the form of a brick to a certain depth, well 
known to the common labourer. Thisdepth must be care- 
fully attended to, lest you should cut out the staple, in 
which case it would never be retrieved; but, this cireum- 
stance attended to, it will grow again to its former state in 
the space of fifteen years. “Thus the whole moor is divided 
into proper portions, and periodically cut once in fifteen 

2. Ashes. 

The turf or surface, and such parts of the peat as do not 
appear to be of the best quality, are laid up in considera- 
ble heaps and reduced to ashes by the action of fire, The 
ashes are red, 

* Ds Answer 

54 On the Use of Green Vitriol of Iron, 
Answer to Queries. big a 

1. The ashes have been long known as a manure, and 
the demand is on the increase. 

2. The quantity usually laid on an acre, by spreading or 
sowing it, is fifty bushels, either on grass or arable land. 

3. It is laid on hot Jand. By hot land we understand 
sandy, gravelly, chalky soils of a dry nature, such as are 
burnt up on the long continuance of hot weather. It is 
most commonly used for grasses; but is in considerable 
esteem as a manure for oats or barley, on land of the na- 
ture abovementioned, 

4, The vegetable effect is surprising, inasmuch as it will 
double or treble a crop of any new sown grass, such as tre- 
foil, &c. Ihave seen the benefits arising from it on old 
pasture land much overgrown with moss, which it effec- 
tually destroys, and produces in its stead white or Dutch 
clover. You may trace to an inch the cessation and re- 
commencement of this manure. It is observable, that mear 
the fire-heaps, as far as the wind can carry the lighter parts 
of the ashes, the production of clover is sure to be abun- 
dant: it is equally favourable to the growth of barley or 

5. Jt is not mixed with lime, or any other manure. 

6. These ashes are bought by a set of higglers, who carry 
them in bags loaded on asses to a considerable distance, 
where they are known to be in great repute; they must 
come excessively dear to the consumer by this mode of con- 
veyance. The farmers in the vicinity send for them in 
wagons, particularly Mr. Brumiger, near Sundon, in Bed- 
fordshire, a considerable and intelligent farmer, who in- 
creases his consumption every year, both for his grass and 
arable land. 

3. The Salt of Peat, or Dust. 

Answer to Queries.—}. The dust or gray saline substance 
is produced by beating the earth containing this salt to a 
powder; it is found in particular spots, not universally, the 
earth not being equally impregnated with it im all places : 
it has not been known as a manure above six years ; but oa 
trial greatly increases in reputation and demand. 

2. Fifty bushels are the proper quantity per acre. This 
should not be exceeded, for it it be laid on in too great 
abundance it may prove extremely deleterious. 

3, It is used for cold lands. *By cold lands we under- — 

stand clayey, or any wet grounds. Ti, 
4. It will much improye the vegetation of sowed. grasses 



or Sulphate of Iron, as a Manure. 53 

and old pasture, and is equally favourable to the production 
of corn; the ground, whether grass or arable, being of a 
cold nature. 

5. It is not mixed with lime, or any other substance. 

6. The dust is likewise bought by the higglers, and carried 
to great distances. The nearer farmers likewise “send for 
the dust in waggons, particularly Mr. Anstie, of Dunstable 
Houghton, and Mr. Smith, of Sundon, who hold this ma- 
nure in great esteem. 

Tingrith, Yours, &e. ; 
Aug. 19, 1801. J. W. WILLAUME. 

Dr. Peanson’s Experiments, Observations, and Remarks, 
on the Substance called Salt of Peat, or Dust. 

1. It isa blackish gray, coarse, and rather heavy pow- 
der. Has no smell; tastes strongly styptic 5 readily dis- 
solves in the mouth; did not deliquesce on exposure to 
the air. 

2, Dissolves in four times its weight of water of the tem- 
perature of sixty degrees of Fahrenheit, and in twice its 
weight of boiling hot water, giving a pale green coloured 
solution, with a trifling sediment, which is imsoluble in 
muriatic acid. 

3. To the solution (2) I added a little liquid prnssiate of 
vegetable alkali in a perfectly neutral state, which occa- 
sioned immediately a most abundant precipitation of prus- 
siate of iron; and this test was added gradually, till noe 
further precipitation took place. 

4. Into the decanted and filtrated fluid °(3) was poured 
liquid caustic volatile alkali, but without inducing any 
change. ; 

5. Into the same fluid (3) was poured liquid carbonate 
of vegetable alkali, which produced a sgareely perceivable 
cloudy appearance. 

6. Into the solution (3) was dropped the aqueous solution 
of muriate of baryt, which occasioned imme:liately a milky 

7. To the solution (3) I added the oxalic acid, and tur- 
bidness ensued. : 

g. A little of the powdery substance, called the salt of 

peat, with concentrated sulphuric acid, produced no emis- 
sion of fumes, nor smell. 

9. The solution (2) with muriate of baryt, immediately 
grew aos i a white 4s cream. 

The solution (2) with carbonate of potash, deposited 
“a Da a Very 

On the Use of Green Vitriol of Iron, 

a very copious greenish sediment; and the same effect en 
sued with caustic volatile alkali. : 

11. The solution (2) with oxalic acid, gave instantly a 
very turbid blueish green precipitation. 

‘The preceding experiments manifested that .the peat salt 
consists of sulphate of iron, vulgarly called green vitriol of 
iron, mixed with a very minute proportion of siliceous 
earth, and of lime united either to sulphuric acid or to car- 
bonic acid. But the presence of the earths magnesia and 
argil; the uncombirel alkalis; the uncombined acids ; 
are by these experiments excluded. In short, the salt of 
peat is almost pure sulphate of iron. 


i. The salt of peat is, I apprehend, deposited by evapo= 
rations which run over the moors where it 1s found; and 
hence I should expect many of such waters to be strongly 
impregnated with it, and in many parts the soil to be tinged 
red and yellow by ochre. Very likely * on inquiry mach 
iron pyrites will be found on or near the moors. 

2. The quantity spread on land is said to be fifty bushels 
per acre, which I estimate at 2,250 pounds avoirdupoise ; 
oR will give near seven ounces and a half per square yard, 
If a larger quantity be applied, it is observed it will prove 
extremely deleterious. ‘This is true also of every other ma+ 
nure, such as lime, alkaline salts, marine salt; nay, of the 
dung of animals; for if they be used in certain quantities 
they poison plants instead of promoting their growth. This 
is equally true in the antmal kingdom; for there is not an 
article taken as food, or as seasoning, which is not a poison 
if taken in certain quantities. A human creature may be 
poisoned or alimented by beef or pudding, according to the 
quantity of them taken into the stomach. He may be poi- 
soned or have digestion greatly assisted by salt or pepper, 
according to their quantity. Jn brief, the vulgar notion of 
the term poissw ig erroneous: for by it is conceived that 
substances so called are in their nature positively destruc- 
tive of life; but the truth is, that the most virulent poisons 
are, 1n all reason and fact, only deleterious according to the 
quantity applied. White arsenic, swallowed in the quantity 
of ten grains or less, will destroy life; but in the quantity 


_ * « This is,” says Mr. Willaume, “ exactly the fact. This sul- 
phate of iron, the salt of pear, during the heat of the summer is fre- 
quently found in a crystallized state, very white, and crackling under 
the feet; but is deliquescent in that form, and turns to its former dark 
eslour when the air becomes moist.""-—Note by Mr. 7. W. Willaume. 


or Sulphate of Iron, as a Manure. 37 

of one-sixteenth of a grain, it is as harmless as a glass of 
wine; and further, in that dose 1s a remedy for inveterate 

From these considerations I conclude, that there is ne 
admissible contradictory evidence to the testimonies for the 
fertilizing effect of sulphate of iron, unless by such con- 
travening evidence the quantity stated to be used exceed 
fifty bushels per acre; it being an established fact, that in 
certain proportions this metallic salt is a poison to plants. 

This discovery of Mr. Willaume will, 7 think, give new 
light, so as to explain fully the rationale of the improve- 
ment of land by the burnt earth and ashes from paring and 
burning. It is usual to account for the effects of this pro- 
cess, by referring to supposed alkaline or other salts; but. 
of these there is no evidence; nay, on trial I have not de- 
tected them, or at least not in any efficient quantity; but 
this I know, that such earth and ashes contain oxide of 
iron, and as J suspect of manganese ; which irom the ana- 
lysis, and the effect of salt of peat, must now be admitted 
into the class of manures. This very communication of 
Mr. Willaume affords ‘evidence of the truth of this conjec- 
ture; for the ashes of the peat which affords the salt ¢* have | 
been long known asa manure, and the demand is on the in- 

_¢erease :”’ of course, these ashes contain an unusual quantity 
of oxide of iron. A consequence of this reasoning 1s, that 
the burnt earth of soils will, ceteris paribus, fertilize in pro- 
portion to the oxide of iron it contains. Accordingly, the 
ashes of the peat, says Mr. Willaume, have a surprising 
effect ; they ‘ will double or treble a crop of any new sown 
grass, such as trefoil, &c.”: they are so beneficial, that, in 
spite of the expence, they are carried in bags by higglers to 
great distances, It would be extending this paper beyond 
the proposed limits, to reason at greater length,and to make 
a further induction of facts; therefore I will close with as- 
serting, that the more I contemplate the facts in. Mr. Wile. 
laume’s letter, the more evidence I perceive for the truth, 
that metallic salts and metallic oxides in general, and salts 
and oxides of iron in particular, are manures, if applied in 
proper doses. 

Ido not think it is within the design of this paper to 
make observations on the answers to the 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th; 
and 6th queries, except once for all, desiring that it may be 
understood that [ consider the salt of peat, and the ashes of 
peat, as operating in promoting vegetation analogous te 
seasoning, or condiments, taken with the food of animals ; 

_ that is, analagous to mustard, cinnamon, ginger, &c. which 
; ° are 

58 On the Use of Green Vitriol of Iron, 

are not of themselves at all or necessarily nutritious, but 
contribute to render other things nutritious by exciting the 
action of the stomach and other organs of digestion and as~ 
similation. I have no doubt of the truth of the proposi- 
tion, that no living thing, neither plant nor animal, can 
grow and live in a state of visible action without constant 

supplies of matter which has been alive; in other words, 

hving animals and vegetables can only live on dead animals 
and dead vegetables. No plant nor animal has ever been 
known by experience, nor in the nature of things does it 
seem reasonable, that they can be nourished by mere water 
and pure air, as some persons have asserted, 

I shall make a very few remarks on the other two sub- 
stances which are the subject of Mr. Wallauine’s letter. 

2. The Peat. 

The peat is a dense mass of vegetable matter for a certain 
depth, partly in a dead and partly in a living state, with 
which is mixed more or less earth, and in burning it affords 
so much empyreumatic oi] as to give a disagreeable taste to 

roasted provisions; hence, as we are told, it has been re- . 

jected from the kitchen. This fuel affords a vast quantity 
ef what the chemists call lignic acid; hence it is rejected 
also from the parlour, as very destructive to the grates. | 
beg to suggest that this lignic acid might be saved im burn- 
ing the peat as fuel, and be used for various purposes in 
manufactures ; and the charred peat may be used in place 
of charcoal of wood. Probably, too, other useful products 
will be found, on examining the matters more accurately 
which are afforded by distillation. 

3. Ashes. 


Tf the peat were mere vegetable matter, the ashes afforded 
hy it would be as trifling as those of wood; but some parts 
of the mocr contain so much earth and oxide of iron as 

~ to Jeave behind, on burning, a considerable quantity of in- 

combustible matter; and such kind of peat, we are told, is 
not used as fuel; but, after burning, the residuary matter 
is an efficacious manure, much more so than 1s commonly 
afforded by paring and burning. The ashes are more red 
and more fertilizing than ashes of common turf, because 
they contain more iron. 

The spontaneous springing up of white clover, in Jand 
manured’ with these ashes, is similar to the spontaneous 
growth of this plant on heath Jand which has been covered 
with lime to destroy all its present vegetation ; and this fact 

4 00 shows 


a oe 

ae a 



Aerie dln va, 

oe ae” OP Rosato yew See eel be 
Pate eel ee » : 

or Sulphate of Iron, as a Manure. 59 

shows that probably these are seeds buried in the earth for 
many ages, which yet remain alive, but do not grow until 
exposed to the stimuli of air, water, calorific, and lifeless 
animal or vegetable matter. 


The following facts, lately discovered by most respectable 
chemists, appear to be worth adding to the preceding me- 
moir, as they serve to show that other salts, besides sulphate 
of iron, and certain earths, may be employed advantageously 

as manures, although, like iron, they have heen esteemed 
deleterious to plants. 

1. Ashes of Pit Coal are a good Manure for Grass. 

My much valued friend, the Rev. Wm. Gregor,. of 
Grampound, on examination of the ashes of coal from Li- 
verpool, found them to contain both sulphate of magnesia - 
and sulphate of lime, especially the former, salt. I appre- 
hend that these ashes also contain oxide of iron, or perhaps 
sulphate of iron. These ashes, says Mr. Gregor, skeaded * 
over grass apparently produced good effects notwithstand- 
ing the sulphate of magnesia, which I was well assured they 
contained. (Sce Nicholson’s Journal, vol. v. p. 225.) 

_ From this observation of Mr. Gregor, it seems he is 
aware of the prevailing popular opinion, that ‘sulphate of 
magnesia is not fayourable to vegetation; and to reconcile 
his fact with the unfriendly nature of magnesia to plants, as 
discovered by Mr. Tennant, he observes that the effects of 
sulphate of magnesia may be very different from those of 
Magnesia and carbonate of magnesia. J apprehend it is the 
magnesia (calcined magnesia) only which this learned che- 
mist found hurtful to vegetables, as the discovery was made 
on the examination of Noitingly lime, which the farmers 
near Doncaster employ as a manure, while they reject the 
lime of their own neighbourhood.. In the latter Mr. Ten- 
Nant met with magnesia, and in the former none. (See 

the account of this important discovery in the Philosophical 

2. The Earth from Ashes called Cinis, is a durable and ef- 
Jicacious Manure: by Professor Mircui.y, of New York, 
one of the Representatives in Congress. Addressed to Dr. 
Dr. Mitchill, in a letter addressed to me on cinis, or 
earth found in the ashes of wood, has made some observa- 

. © From 2xedaw. t 

vere Soe: 

60 On the Use of Green Vitriol of Iron, 

tions relative to the preceding memoir, which scem worthy 
of notice. 

s¢ Ashes of wood contain very commonly sulphate of 
potash, also phosphoric acid, besides other well known 
salts ; but after these salts are separated by lixiviation, there 
remains a peculiar earth and a small proportion of iron, 
This earth differs from lime, baryt, magnesia, strontian, or 
any other known species of earth. I would call it cénis, for 

entiful, common, and important as it is, science has not 

ignified it with a name. To judge of the excellence of © 

this earth as a manure, after all the salts are extracted from 
soap-boilers’ ashes, the earth sells for ten cents the bushel ; 
and, notwithstanding this high price, it is not unusual for 
the farmer to pay for the article twelve months beforehand. 
When ploughed into steril ground, at twelve loads per 
acre, it produces great crops of wheat, clover, and other 
sorts of grass and grain, and its fertilizing operation will 
last twenty years. Although some of the other ingredients 
of the ashes left after lixiviation may prove beneficial, yet 
the effects are chiefly from the cinis, or new named earth. 
s¢ This earth, which is so prized in America as a manure, 
was esteemed of old in Asia as an ingredient in a cement : 
among the antient Syrians it was one of the materials form- 
ing the plaster of their walls; and, as it holds an interme- 
diate place between lime and potash, it can easily be con- 
ceived how it may act both as a cement and a manure. It 
js to be hoped chemists will turn their attention to this im- 
portant subject,” (See Tilloch’s Philosophical Magazine, 
vol. vii. p. 273, for the whole of this interesting letter.) 

3. Several metallic Salts promote Vegetation, shown by the 
Experiments of Professor Barton, of Philadelphia. 
Letter from BENsAMin SmitH Barton, M.D. Professor 

of Medicine in the College of Philadelphia, to Dr. PEar- 

* son, containing Experiments with metallic Sobutions to 
determine their Effects on Plants, 

SIR, Philadelphia, Oct. 28, 1802. 

In the Annals of Medicine for the year 1801, you inform 
us that you have lately read a paper at the Board of Agri- 

culture *¢ containing an account of the effects of a saline’ 

body collected from peat as a most powerful manure, which 
turns out to be sulphate of iron; a substance, you. remark, 
hitherto considered to be a poison to plants.” This piece 
of intelligence gave me much satisfaction. I have, for some 

years, been engaged in an extensive series of experiments 

Ser ey 

or Sulphate of Iron, as a Manure. Gi 

telaiive to the effects of various stimulating articles, such 
as camphor, &c. upon vegetables; and on the absorption 
of certain powerful mineral substances inte the organic sys 
tem of vegetables. In numerous instances I have subjected 
‘the stems and leaves of plants, young and old, large and 
small, tothe influence of the sulphates of iron and copper. 
I have found that both of these metallic salts are very 
greedily absorbed by vegetables, insomuch that I have de- 
tected the presence of iron in the vessels of a branch of mul- 
berry, at the height of five or six fect above the place of im- 
mersion, in a solution of the sulphate of this metal. A full 
account of my experiments | design to communicate to the 
public in two memoirs. Permit me to observe in the mean- 
while, that the sulphate of iron applied to vegetables in the 
manner J have mentioned ‘is only (to use your own words) 
a poison, like almost every thing else, from the over-dose.” 
In several of my experiments the branches of vegetables that 
were placed in vessels containing solutions of the sulphate 
of iron and copper, lived longer and exhibited more signs 
of vigour than similar branches that were placed in equal 
quantities of simple water. It is true, that in many other 
experiments these metallic salts proved fatal to my plants 3 
but this was when I employed too large a dose. In like 
manner I had found, several years ago*, that camphor, 
by greatly stimulating, often kills vegetables; and yet, when 
properly dosed, this is a very wholesome stimulant to plants.. 
{ had aiso found that large doses of nitre (which is unques- 
tionably a powerful stimulant, both with respect to animals 
and vegetables) produce an appearance like genuine gan- 
grene in the leaves of vegetables; and yct it 1s certain that 
nitre, when it is judiciously dosed, may be made to greatly 
assist the healthy vegetation of plants. 

Excuse the liberty J have taken in troubling you with 
these few loose hints, and permit me to subscribe myself, 

Sir, your very humble and obedient servant, &c. 

To Dr. Pearson. BrnJaAMIN SMITH Barton. 

4. Sulphate of Iron in the Peat of Russia, found by 
Professor Robinson. ‘ 

Something else besides vegetable matter is necessary to 
form peat or black moss of the moors. ‘The smell of burn- 
ing peat is different from that of vegetable matter. Peat 
ashes, says the professor, always contain a very great pro- 

* See Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, vol. iv. 
nO. 27. 




62 Biographical Anecdotes of 

portion of ifon: he has seen three piaces in Russia where 
there is superficial peat moss, and in all of them the vitriol 
is so abundant as to effloresce. In particular, on a moor 
near St. Petersburgh, the clods show the vitriol (sulphate 
of iron) every morning when the dew has evaporated. Ac+ 
cording to this learned professor’s observation, the sulphate 
of iron in pit coal may be accounted for in the following 
manner :—‘* Peat mosses form very regular strata, lying, 
indeed, on the surface ; but if any operation of nature should 
cover this with a deep load of other matter, it would be 
compressed and rendered very solid; and, remaining for ages 
im that situation, might ripen into a substance very like pit 
coal. (See the Medical and Chirurgical Review for No- 
vember 1803.) 

5. Mr. Anstey’s Testimony of the Use of Peat Dust and 
Peat Ashes. 

SIR, Houghton Regis, Dec. 3, 1801. 
I received yours, dated the 18th of November last, in 
which you requested me to inform you what experiment I 
had made from the turf dust taken from Tingrith Moor. 
I have made use of the ashes and dust near thirty years, and 
I frequently lay on from eighty to a hundred bushels per 
acre. Our land is dry, and very thin stapled, owing to 
the chalk rock laying so very near the surface: it encourages 
vegetation in moist warm weather; but when hot and dry, 
the reverse. We never:mix any other manure with it. It 
eosts about fourpence per bushel, including all expenses. 
We chiefly spread it on our seed grass, clover, &c. 
Iam, sir, your humble servant, 

1X. Biographical Anecdotes of Cuartes Hutton, LL.D. 


Turs gentleman, so much distinguished by his abilities, 
isa native of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, where he was born 
about the year 1737. At an early age he was placed at a 
school in that town, where he soon made a rapid progress ; 

and about the cightcenth year of his age, having lost his 

parents, who, though in the humbler ranks of life, were 
aiways respectable, he endeavoured to. provide for him- 
self by commencing country school-master. | His first 
establishment in this line was at the village of Jesmond, 


Py Te ee Pee ae 
hid noite, Miah led Tia Colaib 

Charles Hutton, L.L.D. F.R.S. 63 

about two miles from Newcastle, where he remained some 
years ; during which he improved himself by close study, 
reading all the mathematical and other books he was able 
to purchase. 

About the year 1760, Mr. Hutton removed to Newcastle, 
where he had a better opportunity of displaying his talents 
to advantage, and where he ay extraordinary proofs of 
the progress he had made, by the solution of several curious 

and difficult questions in various periodical publications ; 

and particularly in the Ladies’ Diary, in his own name, and 
in Martin’s Magazine of Sciences, under the signature of 
Tonthu, being the letters of his name transposed. The 
first of Mr. Hutton’s separate publications was a little work 
on arithmetic, for the use of schools, first printed at New- 
castle in 1764. It has already gone through ten large 
editions ; and in printing the first, to supply the want of 
proper mathematical types, which at that time could not 
be procured in Newcastle, Mr. Hutton was obliged to cut 
with a pen-knife, on the reversed end of old types, many 
of the algebraical characters used in the vulgar fractions 
and other parts of the work, 

Mr. Hutton employed his evenings in composing a large 
work on mensuration, which came out in quarto numbers, 
the Jast of them in the year 1770. It was printed at New- 
castle. This work met with a very favourable reception, 
and a second edition, with improvements, was published at 
London in 1788, large octavo. Mr. Hutton soon gave 
another proof of his genius and industry, by a republication 
of all the useful parts of the Ladies’ Diaries, from the com- 
mencement in 1704 to that of 1773. This work was given 
to the public, in parts or numbers, quarterly, beginning in 
July 1771,-and ending in July 1775, forming altogether 
five volumes, viz. two volumes of the poetical parts, and 
three of the mathematical. ‘These extracts were accom- 
panied with numerous notes and illustrations, which sup- 
plied the defects in the original solution of the questions. 
Each number contained also a few sheets of new mathema- 
tical correspondence, of original essays, questions, &c. 
making one volume, in which. the contributions of the 
editor himself made a considerable portion, but under 
various fictitious names. About the years 1771 and 1772, 
Mr. Hutton was employed by the magistrates of Newcastle 
to make an accurate survey of the town and county of New- 
eastle-upon-Tyne, which he did with great ec: rectness. 
This plan was soon after engraved and published in a map 
epnsisting of two very large sheets, with an abridged 


, its Bas = teal Gr 
64 Biographical Anecdctes of — 

account of the history, trade, and population of that 
lace. ‘ 

The old bridge of Newcastle being borne down by a very 
high flood on the 17th ot November 1771, which raised 
the waters in the river about mime feet higher than the usual 
spring tides,—this accident gave rise to so many absurd 
notions among the people sm regard to the arches of bridges, 
that Mr. Hutton conceived that 2 demonstration of the re- 
lation between the more essential parts of bridges might be 
of great utility to such architects and builders as might 

‘have mathematical knowledve sufficient to enable them to 
comprchend the theory of arches. In a few months, there 
fore, he composed, and published at Neweastle, a very 
learned and useful little book, entitled ‘ The Principles of 
Bridges, &c.,” 1772, Svo. As this tract had been out of 
print for many years, the author was induced, in conse- 
quence of being consulted on the project of a new bridge 
for the improvement of the port of London, to give a new 
edition of it. This edition, as the author thought, was 
very illiberally and unfairly attacked in the Monthly Re- 
view for March 1802; and he consequently wrote a very 
able and masterly reply to the reviewer, which was pub- 
lished in the Monthly Magazine for August the same year. 

About this period the health of Mr. John Lodge Cowley, 
professor of mathematics at Woolwich, having so much 
declined that he could no longer attend the duties of his 
office, the master-general and principal officers of the Board 
of Ordnance, came to the resolution of permitting him to 
retire. Eis successor was to be appointed by competition ; 
and the gentlemen made choice of to examine the candi- 
dates were the ablest mathematicians that could be found, 
viz. the Rev. Dr. Horsley, now bishop of St. Asaph, the 
Rey. Dr. Maskelyne, astronomer Royal, Colonel Watson, 
chief engineer in the service of the East India Company, 
and Mr. Landen, well known by his publications on ma- 
thematical subjects. ‘Fhe candidates were in number seven 
or eight; but Mr. Hutton, who had repaired to London 
for the purpose of competing on this occasion, was the 
person whom the examiners thought it their duty more 
particularly to recommend, on account of the very able 
manner in which he had answered all the proposed 
questions. : 

_ In consequence of the advantage which Mr. Hutton ac- 
quired by his new situation at Woolwich, he entered upon 
a new and severe course of study, with a view of qualifying 

himself better for the important task he had undertaken, 
1 and 

Charles Hutton, L.L.D. F.R.S. 65 

and for the execution of some new works which be had 

The first publication which he engaged in after this 
period was the Ladies’ Diary, to which for many years 
he had been an useful contributor. On his arrival in Lon- 
don, he was informed of the death of the last compiler, 
and a few days after the future managerment of this fa- 
vourite work was confided to his judgment and industry, by 
the Stationers’ Company, with increased enioluments. 

for several years after his settling at Woolwich, Mr. 
Hutton employed part of his time in writing accounts of 
mathematical and philosophical books for the reviews pub- 
lished monthly in London. The same year that he removed 
to Woolwich he was elected a fellow of the Royal Society, 
to the Transactions of which he was afterwards a valuable 
contributor. The first of his papers published in that work 
was “ A new and general method of finding simple, ahd 
quickly converging series, by which the proportion of the 
diameter of the circle to its circumference may be easily 
computed to a great number of figures,” printed in the 
Transactions for 1776. The second was «© A demonstration 
of two remarkable theorems mentioned in a former article 
of the Transactions,” published also in the same year, 1776. - 
The next was a paper, in the year 1778, “ On the force of 
fired gun-powder, and the initial velocities of cannon-balls, 
determined by experiments; from which is also deduced the 
relation of the initial velocity to the weight of the shot, and 
the quantity of the charge of the powder.” This papet 
contains the account and calculation of a great number of 
curious experiments with cannon- balls, made at Woolwich, 
in the year 1775, by the author and other ingenious gen- 
tlemen ; and so sensible were the Society of the value of 
this communication, that Mr. Hutton was honoured with 
the prize medal of that year. Soon after, he was elected 
one of the cotincil, and appointed Latin secretary for con- 
ducting the foreign correspondence, vacated by the election 
of Mr. Maty to the reading secretaryship. 

In the Transactions of the same year appeared “ An ac- 
count of the calculations made from the survey and mea- 
sures taken at Schehalliea, in order to ascertain the mean 
density of the earth.” The determination of the mean 
density of the earth was an important problem proposed 
by the Society, and the survey and measurements for this 
purpose were taken at the hill of Schehallien, in Perth- 


shire, in the years 1774, 1775, and 1776, by the direc» 

tion, and partly under the inspection, of Dr. Maskelyne, 
Vol. 21. No. $1. Fel). 1805. E the 

diate ay os 

Te Oe ee ee iy Oe Pa Pee te ? 

66 Biographical Anecdotes of Charles Hutton. L.L.D. 

the astronomer royal; after which the Society entrusted 6 
Mr. Hutton the important charge of making the calcula- 
tions, and drawing the proper conclusions from them. 
The result was, that the mean density of the earth was 
found to be in proportion to that of the hill of Schehallien, 
as 9 to 5, so that when the actual density of the hil} shall 
be ascertained, the real density of the earth will m some 
measure be determined. by 

The year following, Dr. Hatton gave another paper, as 
supplement to the preceding, which contained * Calcula- 
tions to determine at what point in the side of the hill its 
attraction will be greatest.”” The next communication, 
which was in the year 1780, was a long tract on cubic 
equations, and this was followed, in 1783, by “* A project 
for a new division of the quadrant.” This was the last of 
his communications to the Transactions, as, it seems, a stop 
was put to his usefulness in this way by a misunderstanding 
between him, and the Society, in consequence ef whieh he 
resigned his office in the year 1784. t 

Soon after, that is im 1786, Dr. Hutton published a 
volume of mathematical and philosophical tracts, im quarto, 
containing a number of curious papers, which would pro- 
bably have appeared in the Philosophical Transactions had 
not the before-mentioned misunderstanding taken place. 
One of these tracts consists of “ New experiments in 
artillery for determining the foree of fired gun-powder ; 
the initial velocity of cannon-balls ; the ranges of pieces of 
cannon at different elevations; the resistance of the air to 
projectiles ; the effect of different lengths ef cannon, and 
of differeut quantities of powder,” &c. These experiments 
were made in the years 1783, 1784, aud 1785. 

Besides these, Dr. Hutton has given to the public several 
other useful and ingenious works on mathematical subjects ; 
as, in 1781, a folio volume, containing ‘*Tables of the pro- 
ducts-and. pewers of numbers,” published by order of the 
Commissioners of Longitude :—In 1785, “ Mathematical 
tables of the common hyperbolic and logistic logarithms: ; 
also sines, tangents, and secants, versed sines, both natural 
and logarithmic, with several other tables.usefulin mathema- 
tical calculations; to which is prefixed an original history of 
the discoveries and: writings relating to these subjects ;” 
a.second edition of this work was printed in 1794:—In 
1786, ** ‘Fhe compendious measurer; being a brief yet 
comprehensive treatise on mensuration and practical ge- 
ometry ; with an introduction to decimal and duodecimal 
arithmetic, adapted to practice and the use»of schools.’” 

’ This 

aii Pavan Sow, en ee Se ee 
aT : , ; 

On Pithing Cattle. 67 


This is chiefly an abridgment of his large work on mensu- 
ration, and has since gone through several editions :—In 
1787, in one volume 8vo, ** Elements of conic sections, 
with select exercises in various branches of military mathe- 
matics and philosophy, for the use of the Royal Military 
Academy, Woolwich.” This volume, which consists 
chiefly of practical exercises for the use of the cadets at the 
Academy, was ordered to be printed by the Duke of 
Richmond, then master-general of the ordnance; and on 
this occasion Dr. Hutton had the honour of being pre- 
sented to the king, and of kissing his majesty’s hand. 

In 1796, Dr. Hutton published, in two large volumes, in 
quarto, his ‘* Mathematical and philosophical dictionary,” 
an useful and laborious work, replete with curious and 
original matter. It has been said that one article alone in 
it, namely, that on algebra, occupied no less than two 

_ years of the author’s time, in reading all the treatises on the 
same subject to collect the materials and arrange them. 

In 1798 appeared, «* A new course of mathematics,”’ 
in two volumes, composed, and more especially designed, . 

~ for the use of the gentlemen cadets in the Royal Military 
Academy, Woolwich. In this work the author has con- 
densed into two octavo volumes, of a middling size, a 
great variety of useful matter, and the subjects, though 
mostly elementary, are treated in a novel manner, with great 
neatness, precision, and even elegance. 

In 1799 our author had the honour of being presented 
with a'diploma of Doctor of Laws by the University of 
Edinburgh, and he has since been elected honorary. mem- 
ber of several learned academies and societies both in 
Europe and America. : 

X. On Pithing Cattle*. 

Tue method of killing cattle by dividing the spinal mar- 
row, with a view to lessen or prevent entirely the suffering 
of the animal, was introduced at Mr. Mellish’s slaughtering- 
houses by the laudable perseverance of Lord Somerville 
and other members of the Board of Agriculture, and Mr. 
Mellish found the flesh of the beasts so killed equally good, 
if not better, than the flesh of those slaughtered in the usual 
way. And as the operation is performed quietly, and with- 
out alarm to the animal, all bruises are avoided, .and such 

' * From Plymley's General view of the Agriculture of Shropshire. 
E2 are 

ee EET POC UE he Tr ea enn ra toe D gee ee eNOS 2/8) ATG IR 

68 On Pithing Cattle, 

are not very uncommon in forcing them into a proper posi- 
tion to receive the stroke when. they are to be knocked 
down. A butcher at Wisbech practised this mode severak 
years ago, from the representations made to him by captain 
Clarkson, of the navy, who had seen them so slaughtered 
for the use of our flect when at Jamaica. After this person’s 
death, Mr. Smith, a butcher of the same place, adopted the 
same method, and im the year 1796 E procured, by favour: 
of Mr. Clarkson (whose mame accords so well with any 
question of humanity), the following account, which he had. 
from Mr. Simith.—** Mr. Smith: intormed me, that he kills. 
all his bullocks by striking theny in the spinal marrow. | If 
a line were drawn from ear-root to ear-root (at about am 
inch and half distance from the horns), and the centre of this 
line were found, this centre would be the place where the 
Knife should enter. The kuife is not in the form of a 
dagyer, nor is it thrast iu with any force. It is rather larger 
than a common penknife, but the blade is permanently fixed, 
to the handle. “Fhe handle is taken into the hand, and the 
forefinger goes down it towards the point, merely to direct 
it. The person using the kiife takes hold of one ear of 
the beast with his left hand, aad with the right he strikes it 
with the knife. Tn the same instant the bullock drops, and 
is out of sensation of any pain. Le informs me, that it is 
not once im a thousand times that any person misses the 
right place; perhaps an apprentice may at the beginning, 
bat the rule is so certain that it may be said hardly ever 
to fail, and if if should fail, the knife is at any rate so near 
the proper place, that by the least alteration of the position 
(without even taking it out) it jimds its way. In this case 
there would hardly be the pain of two seconds. I was, 
obliged to leave Wisbech before the kiling-day, or I would: 
have seen this method practised. Tf tatkhed to Smith’s ap- 
prentice, who assured me that he bad uo difficulty. in find- 
ing the proper spot, ane) that the beast drops instantly. 
Though Sanith kills in this manner, no other butcher of 
Wisbech follows the examole. He says, however, that 
the practice obtains pretty universally on the Lincolnshire 
bank of the Hunrber, as at Barton and several other places. 
Calves, sheep, pigs, &e. are killed by Smith in the same 
manner. I saw three sheep that had been skinned, and 
were banging up in his shop, which had been killed by his 
apprentice in this way. [ie showed me the small hole on 
the back of the head,.or neck, which the knife had made.”’ 
Plausitle, however, as these experiments are, [believe 
now that they proceeded upou a mistaken paasiples or: 

_ be TE ee PORTE NTS Ie | POM he, ee 
f e ‘ ’ , » 

On Pithing Catile. 69 

rather, that the operation did not accord with the principle, 
so far as tenderness towards the animal is concerned : for 
though a beast is managed completely by this mode, it is 
not so certain that his sense of feeling is destroyed. The 
contrary indeed seems proved by the meritorious pains taken 
by Mr. Du Gard, of the Shrewsbury Infirmary, who has 
shown im the following communication, that though the 
spinal marrow was divided, the nerves that supplied the or- 
gans of respiration and most of the senses were uninjured. 
Mr. Du Gard’s experiments were communicated to Mr. 
Everard Home, of London, and by him, through sir Joseph 
Banks, to the Board. Mr. Home afterwards sent lord 
Carrington the valuable paper that follows Mr. Du Gard’s, 

» an which he has suggested a mode of performing the ope- 
ration which would answer completely, could we be sure 
of having operators sufficiently skilful. We may the less 
regret the difficulty in getting new modes established, when 
we thus see the superiority of an old custom under very 
improbable circumstances; and if well-imeant reformers 
wanted any additional motives to care and circuimspection, 
a very forcible one is furnished in the instance of the time 
and trouble taken to introduce this operation, and which, 
as it has been hitherto practised, is the very reverse of what 
was intended. 


Observations and Experiments on Pithing Catile. By 
Tuomas Du Garp. ' 

** The subject of slaughtering cattle by puncturing the 
medulla spinatis, with a view of superseding the method 
generally practised in England, has lately engaged the at- 
tention of the Agricultural Board, and been strongly recom- 
mended by them. . 

* It is, | believe, universal in Portugal and other parts of 
the continent, as well as in some of our West India islands, 
but is only of late introduction into this country. 

* Pain and action are so generally joined, that we mea- 
sure the degree of pain by the loudness of the cries and 
violence of the consequent ‘exertion; and therefore con- 
clude, on seving two animals killed, that the ene which 
‘makes scarcely a struggle, though it may continue to breathe, 
suffers less than that which is more violently convulsed and 
strugvles till life is exhausted. R 

«ft appears, however, that there may be acute pain 
without exertion, perhaps as certainly as there is action 
without pain ; even distortions that at the first glance would 

E3 seem 

PE ee Oey ie eee Sar > nn ee aera 

70 On Pithing Cattle. 

seem to proceed from pain, are not always really accom- 
panied with sensation. 

** To constitute pain, there must be a communication 
between the injured organ and the brain. - 

© The heart of a viper pulsates after being taken out of 
the body ; and that pulsation is increased if it be goaded 
with a pin. Limbs suddenly separated from the human 
body sometimes start and twitch for afew moments. The 
viper cannot be said to feel pain on its heart being pricked 
with a pin: nor would any man who saw his own finger 
contract from electricity or heat, after it was cut off, fancy 
_ a suffered pain. The pain in both instances is in the part 
only from whence the separation took place. 

‘€ Perception, and the power of exertion, are derived 
from the brain in the skull and back-bone. That part 
which lies in the skull seems principally to supply our 
senses and appetites with nervous energy ; and that part 
which lies in the spine, and is called marrow, is more par- 
ticularly appropriated to the action of the large locomotive 

‘© An injury to the skull not sufficient immediately to 
take away life, often leaves the patient with the power of 
moving his limbs, though without any feeling or perception, 
lying in a profound apoplectic sleep. 

** On the contrary, an injury to the spine leaves the 
power of perception perfect, though the limbs are immove- 
able; but as life depends more on the functions of the 
brain and of the lungs, than on the spinal marrow and its 
dependent, locomotive muscles, the animal feels and lives 
longer on its sustaining a given injury in the spinal marrow 
than on a fracture or concussion of the head*. 

“a3. B: 

* That perception may remain in the head, and respiration be conti- 
nued after the division of the medulla spinalis, will be evident to any one 
who consults the anatomy of those parts. 

In the human subject, the par vagum, or eighth pair of nerves, arises 
from the corpora olivaria of the medulla oblongata, and passes out of the 
cranium through the foramena lacera into the neck, thorax, and abdomen, 
sending off branches to the tongue, larynx, pharynx, lungs, and abdomi- 
nal viscera. 

Cuvier, in his Lecons @’ Anatomie compariée, after stating the course of 
this nerve in the human subject, observes also, , 

*« Dans les mammiferes. 

“« Cette distribution du nerf vague ¢toit a-peu-prés la méme dans quatre 
ou cing espéces de mammiféres sur lesquéls nous avons fait des reckerches 
a cet égard. Le veax seul nous a offert une particularité que nous avons 
indiquée a l’article du nerf facial ; mais les anastomoses avec le grand 
sympathique, les nerfs récurrens, les plexus cardiaques et pulmonaires ne 


On Pitlung Cattle. 71 

* J. B. fell in the summer ef 1801 from a load of hay ; 
he was bled, and brought to the infirmary at Shrewsbury, 
which, being my residence, gave me hourly opportunities 
of examining him: he complained of great pain in the upper 
and back part of kis neck, bet-of none lewer- down: he had 
not the power of using the least motion with any of his 
timbs. His arms, body, and degs, were all quite msen- 
sible to any pain or feeling from pricking or pinching, and 
therefore all sensation below the injured part of the spine 
was destroyed. In this state he languished a week, being 
apparently in full possession of the feclings and faculties of 
his mind, and of his senses of hearing, sight, smell, and 
taste. He took food for two or three days, though the power 
of retaining or. protruding his evacuations was lost- On 
examining the neck after death, the second cervical vertebra 
was found fractured. 

** On reflecting on this case it occurred to me, that a 
dumb animal, if reduced to the state of this poor man, 
would not have the power of expressing the pain it endured, 
for J. B. had great pain above the injured part, though all 
power of moving, as well as feeling, was destroyed below ; 
and in the brute creation, we judge of pain by the muscu- 
dar efforts of the animal. I therefore, by means of a dagger, 
punctered the spinal marrow of a cow according to the new 
method of slaughtering, and having divided it as much as 
possible after she fell, reduced her 40 the same state as the 
poor man whose case I have related. The animal breathed 
with freedom, and perception in the head continued, as 
was evinced by the eyelids closing on the approach of my 
hand, tll the butcher struck a blew near the horns, when 
her breathing ceased, and the cye became fixed with imme- 
diate death. 

« In all the experiments T have hitherto tried, the ani- 
mal has suddenly dropped, and has been slightly convulsed, 
but has not died immediately. in sheep, after puncturing 
the medulla spinalis in the new way, I have seen their eyes 
close and open on the approach and withdrawing of my 
hand, for twenty times successively, and the pupil as muck 
contracted as in health, till I was anxious to terminate their 
misery by having the blood-vessels of the threat divided. 

nous ont présenté de diflérence que dans le nombre des filets, ce qui peut 
dépendre de l'addresse du prosesteur des espéces que nous avons dessé- 
quees sont le chien, le raton, le covbon, le porc-épic.”” 

I have examined the head and neck of a sheep killed by the puncture, 
and found the par vagum uninjured. : 
: E4 Trom 

ae ee i Os 

(2 On Pithing Cattle. 

From the loss of blood their eyes have then soon’ become 
dilated and insensible. eerie outed amsacnr! 
** In the old method of slaughtering, a concussion, of 
the brain takes place, and therefore the power of feeling Is 
destroyed, The animal drops, and although convulsions: 
take place generally longer and more violent than when the 
spinal marrow is divided, yet there is, 1 think, reason to: 
hcheve that the animal suffers less pain. 

*¢ The immediate consequence of the blow is the dilata+ 
t'on of the pupil of the eve, without ary expression of cons 
siousness or fear on the approach of the hand. ee 

** Jn this state of insensibility, which in man would be 
called apoplexy, or extreme stupor, the blood is always 
drawn off by the butcher cutting the throaf, and the animal 
cies without the Jeast sign of feeling or uneasy faintness. 

‘© In severe epilepsy the brain suffers. a temporary sus- 
pension of power, in many respects very sunilar, to the 
concussion of the brain from a blew, only that the convul- 
sions and expressions of pain scem greater; yet the patients 
uniformly agree, that they do not recollect any pain; the 
season 1s Obvious, the discas¢ 1s a suspension of the power 
of feeling. te 

‘* From all these cireumstanees F conclude that the new 
method of slaughtering cattle is more paintul than. the old. 
The puncture of the medulla spinalis docs not destroy feel- 
ing, though it renders the body quicscent ;-and, in this state 
the animal both endures pain at the punctured. part, and 
suflcrs, asit were, a sccond death, from the pain andifamt- 
ness from. loss of blood in cutting the throat,, which. is 
practised im both methods.’”” 


Copy of a Lether from Everany Wome, Esq. to Lord 
‘* MY LORD, 

*© T iad the honowr of presenting to your lordship, 

through sir Joseph Banks, some experiments and obser- 
vations made by a surgeon at Shrewsbury, to show that the 
mode adopted in this country, of killing animals by wound- 

ng the spinal marrow, is less humane thaw the more com-- 

mon one of knecking them down, mr 
** [ have, at your lordship’s request, repcated these expe- 
riments, and find the results agree with those of the author 
of the paper in every respect ; but the want of success 
appears to arise entirely from the opcration.having been 
peflormed ina very mmperiect manner, ; 
Ge On: 

On Pithing Cattle. 73 

«- On Thursday the 15th of July 1802, the following 
experiment was made at Mr. Giblet’s, in Bond-street: A 
very fine ox was pithed, as it is termed, by Benjamin Bar- 
tholomew, who. has performed this operation more than 
twenty different times, and is considered to be very expert 
in the modeof doing it. I begged that he would take some 
pains, soas to do it in the most effectual manner. 

«* ‘The instrument he used was in the shape of a brick- 
layer’s trowel, made sharp at the point, and having a guard 
at the shoulder, to prevent the blade from being buried in 
the neck. 

«© He plunged it, with great dexterity, into.the canal 
containing the spinal marrow, and the animal instantly 
dropped, but the breathing continued, the motions of the 
eye and eye-lids were perfect, and the whole face lost no 
part of its animation, 

*< This being ascertained by observation for ten minutes, 
and the animal not being sufficiently quiet to admit of the 
throat being cut, it was knocked on the head, and every 
appearance of animation m the countenance immediately 

_ceased, and the breathing stopped. 

«* The spinal marrow was afterwards examined: it was 
found completely divided, but too low in the neck, the 
wound having been made one inch and a half below the 
erigin of the nerves that sapply the diaphragm. 

‘¢ That a division of this part of the spinal marrow does 
not deprive an animal of life, has been known to anato- 
mists for many years; and the causes of its faijure cannot 
be better explained than by extracting an account of some 
experiments made by Mr. Cruickshank, in the year 1776, 
at which I was present, and gave my assistance. They 
are published in the 83th pat nt of the Philosophical 

** Experiment V1. April t9, 1776-—I divided the spinal 
marrow of a dog, between the last vertebra of the neck and 
first of the back. The muscles of the trunk of the body, 
but particularly those of the hind legs, appeared instantly 
relaxed ; the legs continucd supple, like those of an animal 
killed by electricity. The heart, on performing the opera- 
tion, ceased for a stroke or two, then went on slow and 
full, and in about a quarter of an hour after the pulse was. 
160 in a minute. Respiration was performed by means of 
the diaphragm only, which acted very strongly for some: 
hours. ‘The operation was performed about a quarter of at 
hour before twelve at noon; about four in the afternoon 
the pulse was ninety only ina minute, and the heat of = 



74 On Pithing Cattle. 

body exceedingly abated, the diaphragm acting stronvly, 
but irregularly. About seven in the evening the pulse was 
not above- twenty in a minute, the diaphragm acting 
strongly, but in repeated jerks. Between twelve at night 
and one in the morning the dog was still alive: respiration 
was very slow, hut the diaphragm still acted with consi- 
derable torce. Early in the morning he was found dead. 

This operation I performed from the suggestion of Mr. 
_ Hunter. He had observed in the human subject,’ that 

when the neck was broke at the lower part (in which cases 
the spinal marrow is torn through), the patient lived for 
some days, breathing by the diaphragm. This experiment 
showed that dividing the spinal marrow at this place, on the 
neck, if below the origin of the phrenic nerves, would not 
for many hours alter destroy the animal; 1t was preparatory 
to the following experiment. ni dasa 

«© Experiment VIL. April 26.—I divided the par vagum 

~ and intercostal nerves, on both sides, in a dog. Soon 

atter, I performed on the same animal the operation of the 
last experiment, and the same symptoms took place. His 
respirations were five in a minute, and more regular than 
in Experiment JIJ.; the pulse beat 80 in a minute. Five 
minutes after, I found the'pulse 120 in a minute, respiration 
unaltered; at the end of tcn minutes, the pulse*had again 
sunk to §0 in a minute, respiration as before; at the end 
of fifteen minutes, the pulse was again 120, respiration 
not altered. The operation was performed avout two im 
the afternoon, at Mr. Hunter’s in Jermyn-street. | At three- 
quarters of an hour after five, the respirations were in- 
creased to fifteen in a minute; the pulse beating 80 in the 
same time, and very regularly: the breathing seemed so 
free, that he had the appearance of a dog asleep. At a 
quarter before eight, the pulse beat 80, respirations being 

» ten ina minute. «At three-quarters of an hour after ten, re- 

spiration. was eight in a minute, the pulse beating 60. The 
animal heat was exceedingly abated: I applied heat to the 
chest, he breathed stronger, and raised his head a little, as 
if awaking from sleep. At balf after twelve Mr. Hunter 
saw him ; the breathing was strong, and twelve in a mi- 
nute, the heart beating forty-eight in the same time, slow, 
but not feeble. He shut his eyelids when they were 
touched ; shut his mouth on its being opened; he raised 

‘his head a little, but as he had not the use of the muscles 

which fix the chest, he did it with a jerk. Mr. Hunter 
saw him again between four and five o’clock in the morn- 
ing ; his respirations were then five in a minute, the heart 
é beating 

Pee ER Pe We) a a ai eee a . 

On Pithing Cattle. 75 

beating exe¢edingly slow and weak. We suppose he died 
about six in the morning, having survived the operation 
sixteen hours. This experiment I made from the suggestion 
of Mr. Hunter, with a view to obviate the objections raised 
against the reasoning drawn from the three first experi- 
ments. It was urged, that though by these experiments I 
had deprived the thoracic and abdominal viscera of their 
ordinary connexion with the brain, yet, as the intercostals 
communicated with all the spinal nerves, some influence 
might be derived from the brain in this way. This expe- 
riment removed also the spinal nerves, and consequently 

‘this objection. 

** As I found by the two last experiments that dividing 

the spinal marrow in the lower part of the neck did not 

immediately kill, although instant death was universally 
known to be the consequence of dividing it in the upper 
part of the neck, I expressed my surprise to Mr. Hunter, 
that the spinal marrow should, according to modern theory, 
be so irritable in the one place, and so much less so in the 
other. , 

“* Hetold me, that from the time he first observed that. 
men who had the spinal marrow destroyed in the lower part 
of the neck lived some days after it, he had established an 
opinion, that animals who had the spinal marrow wounded 
in the upper part of the neck did not die from the mere 
wound, but that in dividing it so high we destroyed all the 
nerves of the muscles of respiration, and reduced the animal 
to the state of one hanged ; whereas, in dividing it lower, 
we still left the phrenic nerves, and allowed the animal 
to breathe by his diaphragm. If this opinion be well- 
founded, though dividing the spinal marrow in the lower 
part of the neck does not kill instantly, whilst the phrenic 
nerves are untouched, yet, if I divide the phrenic nerves 
first, and then divide the spinal marrow in the lower part of 
the neck, the consequence, I said, will be the same as if I 
had divided it in the upper part. 

«© Faxperiment V1I1.—By detaching the scapule of a dog 
frgm the spine and partly from the'ribs, ] got at the axillary 
plexus of nerves on both sides from behind. 1 separated 
the arteries and veins from the nerves, and passed a ligature 
under the yerveS close to the spme. I thought I could 
discern the phrenic nerves, and imstantly divided two con- 
siderable nerves going off from each plexus. The action of 
the diaphragm seemed to cease, and the abdominal muscles 
‘became fixed, as if they had been arrested in expiration, 
the belly appearing contracted. His respirations were aa 


As er et eee ee Pe ee i 
: le te ' 

76 On Pithing Cattle. 

about twenty-five in a minute, the pulse beating a hundred 
and twenty. As I was noi willing to trust the experment 
to the possibility of having divided only one of the phrenics 
(which I afterwards found was, really. the case), and some 
different nerve instead of the other, atter carefully attending 
to the present symptoms I divided all the nerves of the 
axillary of each side. The ribs were now more elevated in 
respiration than before ; respirations were increased to forty 
in a minute, the pulse still beating a hundred and twenty 
in the same time. Finding that respiration went on very 
easily without the diaphragm, in about a quarter of an hour 
after dividing the axillary plexus of each side I divided the 
spinal marrow as in Experiment VI. The whole animal 
took the alarm; all the flexor muscles of the body seemed 
to contract, and instantly to relax again: he died as sud- 
denly as if the spinal marrow had been divided im the upper 
part of the neck. - wesien de 

<¢ Having explained the causes of failure in the present 
mode of pithing animals, it becomes necessary to state, that 
when the operation is properly performed, its success is 
complete. Of this I will mention the following istances : 

<< A small horse was killed in this manner, that a cast 
might be made of its muscles in their natural state of action. 
The animal was allowed to stand upoma pedestal, and the 
operation was performed by Mr. Hunter, with a large awl: 
the breathing ceased instantaneously, and the animal was 
so completely dead as to be supported by the assistants, 
without making the slightest struggles and was fixed im 
the position in which he stood, without ever coming to the 
ground *. 

«« A dog was killed so instantaneously im the same way, 
by Mr. Hunter, that Mr. Clift, the conservator of the 
Hunterian Museum, who held the legs, and did not see the 
awh introduced, was waiting till the animal should struggle, 
and had no knowledge of any thing having been done, ull 
he was told to let go, and was surprised to find that the 
animal was completely dead. 

“ In thee operations the instrument was small, and 4li- 
rected by the skill of an anatomist upwards.into the cavity 
of the skull, soas to divide the medullary substance above 
the origin of the nerves which supply the diaphragm. 

«‘ By adopting this method of performing the operation 
of pithing cattle, it will be attended with the same success.” 

* The cast of this horse has a place in the Hantesian Muscum 


Liha d 

XI. Memoir on the Natural History of the Coco-nut Tree 
and the Areca-nnt Tree; the Cultivation of them accord- 
ing to the Methods oy the Hindoos ; their Productions, 
and their Utility in the Arts and for the Purposes of du- 
mestic Economy. By M. Lr Goux pr Fratx, an Officer 
of Engineers, and Member of the Asiatic Society at Cal- 
cutta. ; 

[Continued from our last volume, Pp: 332-1] 

ye usual product of one coco-nut tree in India, a 
country where provisions of every kind are extremely low, 
is about six shillings per annum. This produce is no doubt 
eonsiderable. There is no tree’ in any part of the world 
which in this respect is equal to it, if we reflect on the small 
space which the coco-nut tree occupies: if it be considered 
also that various kinds of leguminous and gramincous 
plants, and even fruit-trees, can be cultivated under its 
shelter; that it scarcely requires any care or expense; and 
that all its parts are useful, as will be shown in this memoir- 

It is well known that the fibrous covering of the coco- 
nut is converted into good ropes, which are useful in na- 
vigation, and for various purposes on shore. Cables for 
anchors made of this substance are much better than those 
made ot hemp. They are exceedingly elastic, stretch with- 
out straining the vessel, and scarcely ever break ; inappre- 
ciable advantages, which are not possessed by those of hemp- 
They are also lighter, and never rot, in consequence of their 
being soaked with sea water. They never, like those of 
hemp, exhale damp miasmata, exceedingly hurtful to the 
crews of ships who sleep on the same deck where these 
ropes are kept when ships are under sail. To all these 
advantages must be added, that ropes made of the kaer* 
float like wood, that they are much easier managed, and 
run better in the pulleys during nautical manceuvres. 

The utility of the second covering of the coco-nut is so 
well known in Europe that it is needless for me to speak 
of it here. oma 

The palms of this tree, when entire, are employed to make 
mats for sleeping upon. When split through the middle, 
according to the length of the foot-stalk, they are wove 
into mats for covering sheds and houses. The use of these 
mats, even for the largest edifices, is general on the coast of 
Malabar. Such roofs are more agrecable than those made 

« © The name given by the Hindoos to the fibrous covering of the-coco- 

aut, : 
4 of 

78 - Natural History of the Coco-nut Tree 

of straw. Thcy do not attract rats and reptiles like the 
latter; and they are lighter, equally strong and durable, 
and much less exposed to danger im the case of fire. If 
fire happen to fall on a roof of this kind, which consists 
of two leaves placed one over the other, it can burn only a 
small surface, and is prevented from spreading for want of 
aliment. It may therefore be said that the coco-nut tree,which 
in the fields defends the wearied Indian by its shade from 
the scorching rays of the sun, protects the peaceful farmer 
in the night trom the long and heavy rains of the monsoons. 

The liquor of the coco-nut, when it is yet tender, is an 
agreeable and cooling beverage; its kernel, when newly 
formed, is sweet, and exceedingly pleasant to the taste. 
Both of them are salutary to persons afflicted with the 
scurvy. It would be dangerous, after long sea voyages, 
to make immediate use of them: instead of being beneficial, 
they would produce pernicious consequences. 

When the coco-nut has attained to maturity, it detaches 
itself from its stalk and falls spontaneously; but its fall, 
might be dangerous, and to prevent accidents the bunch 1s 
cut by the chana some days sooner than the period/at which. 
it attains to complete maturity. When the nut is rasped 
with a circular-teethed piece of iron, there 1s extracted from 
ita kind of milk or emulsion, by mixing with it a small 
quantity of boiling water and then straining it through a 
piece of thin cloth in thé same manner as those do who 
extract milk of almonds. . 

This emulsion is employed for different purposes: it is 
used for preparing saloop and sago. When put into coffee, 
instead of cream, it gives it an exquisite taste: that of our 
almonds produces néarly the same effect... This emulsion is 
employed also in the art of painting chintzes; to remove 
stains of the colours, and scour the cloth after the colours 
have been applied. The milk of the coco-nut, though 
gily, effervesces with an acid extract of that plant called 
by the Hindoos colechi, and the acid then precipitates it 
into a grayish lime, which. becomes of a rich violet colour 
by the addition. of fixed alkali; it is with this colour that 
cotton cloth and chintzes are dyed. When this emulsion 
is mixed with quicklime the alkali becomes: rose-coloured.. 
It is by these means that the Hindoos, prepare the rose-co- 
loured lime which they use with betel. pprress 

The dyers employ this milk with great advantage for 
silk, cotton, and woollen stuffs, which they dye black. It 
prevents that colour, which is generally caustie, from burn- 
ing the stuffs, and the dye becomes darker and more beau~ 

3 tiful. 

alles PT eS eR TON Lar ete ad, EN eee 



and the Areca-nut Tree. a) 


‘tifal. ' I suppose that emulsion of almonds would produce 

the same effect as that of the coco-nut; our black stuffs 
then would not be burnt, as is generally the case: this ob- 
servation may be of use to dyers. 

If the milk of the coco-nat be concentrated by ebullition 
over a moderate fire, a sweet oil, agreeable and fit for the 
table when fresh, is obtained from it. The physicians of 
the country compose with this emulsion a gentle purgative, 
which is not nauseous: it produces no cholic or violent 
pain. Jt is administered in cases of plethora, gonorrhea, 
and other diseases ; it is also an excellent vermifuge. It is 
composed of half a pint of emulsion in which three or four 
heads of garlic have been dissolved, by boiling over a slow 
fire, to the consistence of marmelade: it is giyen to the 
patient fasting, while warm, with the addition of a little 

The oil of this nut is extracted by pressure; it is fit only 
for being burnt in lamps; it is of a drying quality, a little 
acrid, white, and so light that it becomes fixed even in the 
torrid zone; when burnt it gives a clear bright flame with- 
out exhaling any odour or smoke. It ts emrptoyed by rich 
people and in the houses of the Europeans in preference to 
any other kind. The substance from which this oil has 
been squeezed is given to beasts of burden mixed with their 
forage ; this food when given to cows and goats increases 
the quantity of their milk. 

Such are the properties and different uses made of this 
palm. If the wood could be employed for building or for 
domestic pusposes, it might justly be said that the coco- 
nut tree alone would be sufficient for the use of man. It 
is, however, a useful vegetable production, a valuable gift 

_of Providence to.the peacetul inhabitants of that fine country 

where it has been placed. 
_ It was the coco-nut tree. which gave the Hindoos the 
first idea of inventing the allegory and ingenious fable 

of the pheenix, as may be seen in the fifth chapter of the 

Poronia, one of the commentaries of the vades, a sacred 
book of these-people, which contains the principles of their 
xeligion, the history of the country, their sciences, and in 

op all their knowledge, as well as the practical know- 

due of all the arts which are cultivated init. | 

_.. The coco-nut tree does not renew the buds of its flowers 
after an interyal of two months, but in April, a period at 

which the year of the Hindoos commences, it is produced 
enly from its fruit, which, are their children, This is a 
emer actly 

eS ee oA Ee) ey ae oe ee a VOT Lee P 

80 On the Affinities of 

actly the idea which the antients had of the phoenix; that. is 
to say, that it nouvished and reproduced itself. It is seen 
in the Indian mythology that these people deified the coco- 
nut tree in the same manner as many other trees and small 
vegetables ; useful animals, such as the ox; the sea, and all 
rivers. The Egyptians and all the neighbouring nations 
adopted the mythology and fables, as well as the arts and 
sciences, of these people, as is fully proved by researches 
made for more than half a century: the Egyptians, the 
Tyrians, and the Greeks deified therefore, like the Hindoos, 
animals, useful vegetables, and rivers. Hence the ox be- 
came the god apis, and the date-tree the phoenix. 

[To be continued. ] 

XII. Experiments to ascertain whether there exists any 
Affinity betwixt Carbon and Clay, Lime and Silex, se- 
parately or as Compounds united with the Oxide of Iron 

orming Iron Ores and Iron Stones. By Davin Musnet, 
Esq. of the Cader Tron-Works. 

[Continued from our last volume, p. 235.] 

3d, Siliceous Ironstone. 

Tue varieties of this ironstone are in general much poorer 
in iron than the common qualities of ironstone: from 15 
to 25 per cent. seem to be the medium contents in metal. 
Some specimens have been obtained as high as 35 per cent. 
and 38 per cent. At first sight this class of tronstones re- 
semble sandstone; but, upon minute examination, there 
appear other characteristic features, of which density is al- 
ways one, to distinguish them from each other. 

The varieties of this class are, like the arvillaceous and 
ealeareous, found both in balls and in regular strata, and 
subject to the same general rule, i. e, the thicker the band 
or stratum, the less metal will be found in a given quantity 
of the ore. Siliceous ball ironstone is geverally rich in 
iron, and is commonly found with a fracture more or less 
granulated resembling a coarse variety of freestone. What 
distinguishes it from sandstone is the calcareous earth that 
is found in the state of chalk, and which appears in some 
measure to be the seat or bond of union of each individual 
granule of ore. 
~ "The poorer varieties of siliceous ore are sometimes — 
2 rom 


pee ap | Oe | des a! 2 Shklar! Shae 
Ree Seen RRM Tat cee et 

different Earths for Carbon. Bl 

from 2 to 4 feet in thickness; they are either called hard- 
eeking freestone, or water-whin, or dyke metal; and have 
seldom been suspected of containing iron. Almost every 
variety I have examined has contained a portion of calca- 
reous earth, either in the state of chalk, spar, or crystal. 
This circumstance, added to density, leads always to a 
strong suspicion of iron being contained in quantity. 

The ironstone subjected to the following experiments is 
found in an irregular stratum from 4 to 8 inches thick. A 
bed of coal is immediately below it, and a carbonaceous 
ironstone 14 inches thick is incumbent to it. ' 

Its appearance is like gray freestone or sandstone, but 
much more compact and heavy. Its surface is entirely co- 
vered with large plates of mica, and interspersed with calca- 
reous earth. Its specific gravity is — 3:41. 

Exp. 1. 400 grains of raw siliceous ironstone, 

8 of carbon, or 1-50th. 

The fusion of this mixture yielded a very glass crystal- 
lized in feathered radii upon the surface. The fracture was 
finely prismatic, and the lustre of some of the shades un- 
commonly luminous and decp. Towards the bottom two 
cavities of a pearly white colour were found; and imme- 
diately below, in one similar, a metallic spherule which 
weighed 54 grains. Equal to 1°375 per cent. from, raw 

Exp. Il. 400 grains of raw ironstone, 

10 of charcoal, or 1-40th. 

A complete fusion was also obtained in this experiment. 
The surface of the glass, however, in place of being shining 
and crystallized, as in No. T., was dull, black, and covered 
with an enamel of oxide usual in these experiments, but of 
an unusual thickness. The fracture was prismatic and 
wavy. A metallic spherule was’ obtained which weighed 
104 grains. Equal to 2625 per cent, 

Exp. Il. 400 grains of raw ironstone, 
20 of carbon, or 1-20th. 

This experiment was also completely reduced, though 
under appearances somewhat different from No. I, and II. 
When the cover was taken off, after redness had ceased, 
the surface of the glass was found semi-spherical. In half 
a minute part of the convex was removed: at the time a 
slight explosion was heard, accompanied with a flash of 
sparkling light blue flame. Beneath, the glass was found of a 
variety of brown and blue colours. Their fragment displayed 
a dark amber considerably transparent.. A neat smooth 

Wot. 21. No. 81. Feb. 1805. F skinned 

RN ee ee 
i . ‘: . . ‘ 
_ wet : 


82 On the Affinities of 

skinned button of metal was obtained, which was found to 
weigh 17 grains, and equal to 44 per cent. , 
Exp. 1V. 400 grains of raw ironstone, 
a. 4g of carbon.” ee 

The result of the fusion of this compound was a shining 
pearly coloured glass. A’ minute hollow sphere of glass 
in cooling reared itself upon the surface: this was quite 
transparent, and became immediately filled with a smoky 
blue vapour. {ft then burst with a fine flash of light, as 
happened in the former experiment. 

The metallic product consisted of one button of white 
cast iron and five carburated globules, weighing in all 32 
grains; and equal to 8 percent. A large portion of char- 
coal remained untaken up, and symptoms of general in- 
fusibility were evident from the nature of the glass. To 
correct this, and by the effects of the addition of calcareous 
to siliceous ironstone, the following experiment was made: 

Exp. V. 400 grains of raw ironstone, 

40 of charcoal, 
140 of chalk. 

The reduction of this mixture was complete. The whole 
of the charcoal had disappeared and a dark green glass ob- 
tained, which in thin fragments possessed a little transpa- 
rency. <A metallic button and a few small globules were 
obtained, which weighed 70 grains, equal to 174 per cent. 

Increase of metal in consequence of the addition of chalk 

«38 grains, or 94 per cent. ; 

_ Exp. VI. 400 grains of raw ironstone, 

| 50 of charcoal, or 1-8th. 
140 of chalk. 

The result of this experiment was a very perfect fusion, 
A wavy green glass whitish upon the surface was obtained, 
and possessed of more transparency than the former. The 
whole of the charcoal had disappeared, and there was found 
revived a button of crude iron weighing 96 grains: equal 
to 24 per cent. | 
_. Exp. VIL. 400 grains of raw ironstone, , 

60° of charcoal, nearly 1-7th. 

This mixture was exposed to a heat of 160° Wedgewood. 
The result was a rough blackish gray honeyeombed mass, 
covered with globules of bright cast iron. A large propor- 
tion of charcoal remained untaken up. The whole mass. 
had sunk, but had not entered into fusion. Ser 

The same experiment was repeated with 250 grains of 
chalk. Only 18 per cent. of iron was reviyed.. A consi- 


. . derable 


different Earths for Carton. 83 

derable portion of the mixed formed a kind of infusible ’ 
carburate, which always betokens an excess of calcareous 

earth. ' 
Recapitulation of the Experiments with raw siliceous 
: per cent. 
Exp. I. 1-50th carbon yielded of metal 51 grs. or 1°375 
I]. 1-40th ditto 104 or 2°625 
III. 1-20th __—_ ditto 17 or 4°250 
IV. 1-10th _ ditto 33 |: ors 
V. 1-10th & 140 ers. chalk 70 or 174 
VI, 1-8th yielded ditto 96 or 24 
VII. 1-7th fusion became imperfect both with 

and without the addition of calcareous earth. 

The same ironstone was found to lose 284 per cent. in 
roasting. Its colour was now changed to brownish red; 
the mica had assumed several prismatic shades, and resem- 
bled small metallic plates tarnished by a slight degree of 
oxygenation. The following are the results of experiments 
made with the ironstone in this state upon 400 grains of 

£xp.I. 1-50th carbon yielded no metal. 

II. 1-40th ditto ditto per cent. 
Ill. 31-30th ditto 7 grains of metal, or 1°75 
IV. 1-20th ditto 19 ditto 4°75 

V. 1-10th ditto 43 ditto 10°75 
VI. 1-8th ditto 72 ditto ‘18° 
VIL. 1-5th ditto infusible. 

VIII. 1-8thchalk150ditto 119 grs. of metal, or 29°75 
IX. 1-5th ditto infusible. 

From a review and comparison of these experiments, 
made with the natural productions of our mines and similar 
compounds artificially compared, we may perceive a very 
strict analogy. The following abstract or table may be 
compared with one in the last yolume of this work, 
p. 137. | 

iy Fg Table 

ies of 


On the Affin 

9/qGisny jou a[qisny jou 
rom Vo 
"yo 19d ¢ 1.01 *qua9 tad g 

Tip FSE| Oqisng you | “30 Jad Fg. a]qisny jou YIS-1 
83 49€| a[qGIsnz you ajqisny jou | ajqisng jou Wl-1 
*yuso Jad fY - 86 Lt) "30 god $63 °99 aod “4 18} OI-1 

‘aadxa ou | ssadxo on | *yadxa ou rom 46 | caodxa ou | -s9dxa ou We {-1 
, SL | yo 430d $4 +9 4 tL | taadxa ou | +30 10d Fp] 103-1 
pound ¢J.t | ‘sodxa ou |*yu90 aad T | ‘yo 4ad $p | "30 sod te | -sadxa ou | «tadxa ou yqoE-1 
*yo dad sty +38 | WI0K-1 
“See | Wle-t 
\ : *yu90 1ad tz | U3iO8-T 
*poisvor *OU0}S Du0}s | ‘au0js *polsvol “uoqied jo 


SNOddTTIG_ | snovdtTIg 

“vale “ps | “VOR “IST | -POeD ISI See ee ees: 

t : 

"SOUOWSUOL SHOANTIS PUD “SnoaumaqnD Ssnoaomppsipy ynm appu Sjuaunsodury fo sypasay ayz fo apoE 



- ae ey 

Eg Pee RPE Me Ne pe WL etn, SR 
ae yee? +e as EA fe : . a 

different Earths for Carbon. as 

Uniformly we find that argillaceous ore lets fall its first por- 
tion of metal with the smallest quantity of carbon; or, what 
amounts to the same thing, with equal portions of carbon 
it yields a greater produce in metal than the siliceous iron- 
stone. On the contrary, we find that the calcareous ores 
require a greater dose of carbon to separate the first portions 
of iron; or, what is similar, with equal portions of carbon 
Jess metal is revived from the ores of this class than from 
any of the other two; with this limitation, however, that 
calcareous ironstones in ganeral never become infusible, 
even with a very high proportion of carbon, until nearly 
the whole metallic contents become revived. This, by a 
strict examination of the tables, will not be found applicable 
to the argillaceous and siliceous, one-half of the metallic 
contents of which are either not separated or not revived. 

The general results of these experiments are sufficient to 
establish an operation of affinity directly betwixt carbon, 
clay, and silex, in temperatures of fusion, or approaching 
thereto. They are also sufficient to establish the operation 
of a principle still more powerful, when these enter into the 
composition of ores of iron and become subjected to the 
heat of the assay furnace. Under these circumstances we 
find calcareous earth, the affinity of which for carbon, by 
fusing them together, could not be detected by any altera- 
tion of colour or combination, operating as a stimulus to 
the well known affinity that exists between iron and carbon, 
and by its simple agency alone doubling the produce from 
an argillaceous or siliceous ore. In some of these experi- 
ments we find the result accompanied by a small portion 
of iron, and a large proportion of the carbonaceous matter 
originally mtroduced, If the same experiment is repeated 
with the addition of 1-3d or 1-4th of calcareous earth, the 
charcoal will be no longer found, the metallic contents will 
be considerably increased, and the glass, from being black 
and spongy, will exhibit a mass of uniform colour, density, 
and comparative transparency. 

As numerous experiments have formerly been given to 
point out the effect which the addition of calcareous earth 
has in reviving the metallic produce from an ore, the fol- 
Jowing experiments will prove its secreting powers in the 
early stages of separation. 

* £xrp.J. [took a quantity of the same oxide of iron used 
in former experiments upon this subject; I weighed 
200 grains, 
and added 1-10th part of charcoaldust, or - 20 
F3 The 


86 On the Affinities of different Earths for Carlon. 

The result ofthis was a well shaped button of iron which 
weighed 58 grains; equal to 29 per cent. da i e 
. Exp. I. The same oxide hia aabes 200 grains. 
Charcoal 1-10th, or = 907°" 
icdyeo'Chalk onethalé 20 aymenras 1997 = 
+ This mixture was carefully and completely fused. A po- 
lished looking button of metal was found weighing 35 
grains; equal to 174 per cent: being 23 grains, or 11+ 
per cent. less than Exp. I, and inexplicable upon any other 
grounds than in consequence of the introduction of calca- 
reous earth. a) we 

Exp. I, Oxide same as formerly seth erains. 
Charcoal 1-loth =~ - » ae anaes spel 
Chalk 1-4th, or ° - 50 

The result by fusion yielded a perfect button of metal 
weighing 43 grains: equal to 214 per cent. In this expe- 
rimeut the chalk being less than in former by one-half, the 
metallic product increased 8 grains, or 4 percent. 

Exp. \V. Oxide as formerly - - 200 grains. 
Chareoal 1-10th - - 20 
Chalk 1-8th  ' - 2 | 

A metallic button was obtained from the fusion of this 
mixture, and found to weigh 49 grains: equal to 941 per 
cent: Im this experiment the quantity of calcareous earth 
“was reduced to'1-8th, and tlie revived metal approached to, 
within nine grains of Exp. J. er OFF 


Exp.1. Oxide and 1-10th of charcoal yielded 58 grains 
of metal, or 29 per cent. wish 

Exp. U1. Oxide and 1-10t of charcoal, and’100 grains 

of chalk; 35 grains of metal, or 174 per cent. 

Exp. Ill. Oxide and 1-i0th of charcoal, and 50 grains 

JF of chalk, 43’ grains of metal, or 214 per cent. 

Exp.1V. Oxide and 1-10th of charcoal, and 25 grains 

of chalk, 49 grains of metal, or 241 per cent. 

The comparative effects of clay and sand used in a similar 
manner were proved by the following ° cae 

Exp. V. Oxide the same as formerly — - 200 grains. 
‘Carbon 1-10th ==) = (2) BO 

Dried Cornwall clay ~~~" = ~~: 100 
The result was a metallic button possessed of a smooth 
olished surface weighing 42 grains, or 21 per cent. 
This experiment was twice repeated, and the results were 
43 grains, or 214 per cent.; and 42 grains, or 21 per cent. 

. Spring Wheat. my 
Exp. Vi. Oxide ofiron - =~ 200 grains, | 

Carbon 1-10th | - r nhnohBOa 
Cornwall clay vitrified in 166° 
of Wedgewood | - 100 

A very black glass was obtained by the fusion: of this 
mixture, and a metallic button.which weighed 54, grains : 
equal to 27 per cent. Again fused, and yielded 52 grains, 
or 26 percent, _ | + asta 

Exp. VII. Oxide of iron, +. + 200 grains. 

48 Charcoal. 1-1loth - 20° 

™ . Pure sand - - 190. 

The result from this mixture was a prismatic coloured 

lass partially crystallized in. radii upon the surface, The 

metallic button weighed 47 grains: equal to 234 per cent. 
This experiment was twice repeated, and the results were 
the same as the former, and 43% grains or 212 per cent. 
From these experiments it appears most evident that the 
effects of the carbonaceous matter at a certain stage of se- 
paration are more extensive with clay and sand than with 
lime; and still more so when fused with oxide alone than 
in addition with any of these earths ;. though vitrified Corn- 
wall clay nearly approaches the same standard. 

XIlt. Proceedings of Learned and Economical Societies. 


Tue Board of Agriculture having received information, 
from various districts, of the benefit arising from the cul- 
tivation of spring wheat ; and it appearing to the Board that, 
at the present period, it may be particularly useful to pro- 
mote that object, have resolved to offer the following pre- 
miums : 

_ To the person who shall, in the spring of 1805, culti- 
yate the greatest number of acres of spring wheat, not less 
than twenty, fifty guineas ; or a piece of plate of that value. 

- Accounts, verified by certificates, to be produced on or 
before, the first Tuesday in February 1806. It is required 
that the soil, quality of seed, sorts of wheat, time of sow- 
ing, produce, and value of the crop, and the etfects of any 
distemper which may attack the plants, be reported. 

_ For the next greatest quantity, thirty guineas ; ora piece 
of plate of that value. 

For the next greatest quantity, twenty guineas; or a 
piece of plate of that valuc. 

BA So. The 


eS yyy . a) gs ata i et cf nud Lite. Ceaked wy ae 

88 Voyages and Travels. 

The Board has been informed, that the true spring wheat 
may be sown successfully so late as the end of April. Se- 
veral correspondents on the subject of the last harvest ob- 
served, that the spring wheat had escaped the mildew in 
parts of the country where the autumnal had not, and 
yielded better. 

To the person who shall report to the Board the result of 
the most satisfactory experiments on spring wheat, which 
shall ascertain the soil, the sort of wheat, the time of sow- 
ing, the produce, and value, the comparative advantages 
of this and common wheat, and any other circumstances 
useful to be known, a piece of plate of the value of twenty 


To be produced on or before the first Tuesday in April 
1807. , 

XIV. Intelligence and Miscellaneous Articles. 

x St. Petersburgh, Doc. 31s 
Exsrracr of a letter from Capt. Licut. von Kreusenstern, 
commander of the ships Nadeshda and Neva, to the acade- 
mician Schubert, dated the Harbour of St. Peter and St. 
Paul, in Kamtschatka, Aug. 8, 1804. 

** On the 4th of February we left the island of St. Ca- 
therine and the coast of Brazil; on the 25th we discovered 
Staten Land; and on the 25th of March doubled Cape 
Horn. After entering the Great South Sea, or Pacific Ocean; 
we had stormy and cloudy weather, in consequence of 
which the two ships were separated, and did not meet till 
six weeks after, when they arrived at the Marquesas: on 
the 6th of May we saw Hocd’s island and some other 
islands to the north-west of the Marquesas ; on the day fol- 
lowing we anchored at the island Nukatera in the harbour 
of Anna Maria, a bay called by the natives Tayo Hoae. 
Three days atter, that is on the 10th of May, the other ship 
the Neva entered also, alter having cruised three davs 
around Easter Island in search of us. In this island we 
discovered an excellent harbour, never before known, 
which bas deep water close to the shore, and is so sheltered 
by the land that vessels can lie in calm water during the 
most boisterous winds. The inhabitants behaved exceed- 
ingly well, showed us every mark of attention, and the 
good understanding between us was never interrupted. The 
island, however, supplicd only wood, fresh water, coco- 


leila ees ee la eee fete Ce ee oe ee. ON 
ue ; alte 6 s Ly VP Umbo tw 
Sh ; 

Palladium, 89 

nuts, bananas, and some bread-fruit, In regard to pro- 
visions, we could with difficulty procure six swine, because 
the inhabitants had only a few themselves, 

‘On the 18th of May we left this island; and on the 25th 
crossed the equator in the 129th degree of west longitude. 

*€ On the 7th of June we discovered the island Owhyhee, 
celebrated by the death of Capt, Cook, which is the 
southernmost and largest of the Sandwich islands, We 
sailed three days along the coast in order to procure fresh 
water from the inhabitants ; but there is so great want of it 
in this island, and the inhabitants were so well supplied 
with iron articles, that they brought us only a sow, which 
they would not barter but for a cloke of the finest cloth. I 
therefore found myself under the necessity, on the 10th of © 
June, of bearing away for Kamtschatka, especially as the 
slightest symptom of the scurvy or of any other disease had 
not manifested itself among the people, though they had 
lived so long on salt meat. The Neva remained some time 
longer at the Sandwich Isles. | 

“© On the 11th of July we saw the coast of Kamtschatka, 
and on the afternoon of the 14th anchored in the harbour 
of St. Peter and St. Paul, thirty-four days after our depar- 
ture from Owhyhee, and somewhat more than five months 
after we had left the coast of Brazil. The whole crew were 
in perfect health, and the rich lading destined for Kamt-. 
schatka was found in the best condition. Soon after our 
arrival the whole country experienced the beneficent con- 
sequences of this voyage. At our arrival, wretched brandy 
cost 20 roubles the can; at present the best is sold for 8; 
sugar cost 34 roubles the pound; at present it costs 1} 
rouble ; and other articles in the same proportion. Ona 
proposal miade by the worthy governor, General Koschelef, 
a subscription was opened for establishing a lazaretto and 
hospital, which in half an hour amounted to above 4000 
soubles. I hope to be ready in ten days to put to sea, in 
order to convey our ambassador to Japan and then to bring 
him back hither. I shall then proceed to China, and . 
thence perhaps return through the eastern passage to 

Intelligence has since been received that the Nadeshda 
sailed from Kamstchatka to Japan va the 28th of August. . 


We hear that Dr. Wollaston was the person who origi- 
nally supplied Mrs. Foster with the palladium for ae. 
He gave a paper in the last yolume of the Philosophical 


Pee a ee RE eh ee es 
Hes ce. a D 


90 Ori ginal Viiecine Pock Institution. 

Tratisactions *, describing the other new ‘metal, which he 
named rhodium, and showing that palladium might be got 
from crude platina. He had some years ago purchase 
a considerable quantity of platina with a yiew to.make it 
malleable. In the course of his experiments he found out 
the palladium; but observing that there were yet many phe- 
nomena which could not be explained, he wished to secure 
his claim to the discovery without directing the attention 
6f chemists to a subject he desired to investigate more fully, 
He afterwards’ detected the other new metal, rhodium, , the 
presence of which mknown body ‘was one cause of the dif- 
ficulties which presented themselves. Having now fi nally 
completed the analysis of crude platina, we. understand he 
intends to give a detailed account of its composition, and 
of such properties of the new metals as he has since, been 
led: to observe. et. a eabhumaaintele 
_ At the quarterly court held-on the 29th January, -a cri- 
tical ‘examination of Mr. Goldson’s second pamphlet was 
read by Dr! Pearson. “Weare sorry our limits do not admit 
of our laying before our readers more than the concluding 
remark of Dri Pearson, which was as follows : ae 
«Dr. Pearson repeats his proposal 'to Mr. Goldson, of 
coming himself, or deputirie two friends to’ the Vaccine 
Pock' Institution, to decide the qhestioned facts by, experi- 
ments,‘ and lay'the issue before the public. In the ‘mean 
time Dr. Pearson, in the name of the institution in general, 
and'his own ‘in particular, returns his acknowledgement to 
Mr. Goldson for provoking the investigation of a subject 
which isso much waited to obtain precision in practice, 
which has been checked hitherto by so many pretenders to 
knowledve’of the subject, and who would wish it to be 
believed that ‘the history of vaccine inoculation was ex- 
hausted ‘by’ the’ publication of half a dozen instances of 
inoculated cases on the promulgation of the new practice, 
Drv Pearson willingly concedes to Mr. Goldson, that a test 
of security is wanted for many of those who-have been or 
shall be inoculated, because a criterion has been wanting 
to guide’ practitioners, and determine whether constitu- 
tional affection ‘was produced or not; and that, admitting 
that even all the adverse cases published are cases of small- 
pox after cow-pock, which does not appear to-be the truth, 
they will only serve to regulate practice in future; for the 


* Scé Philosophical Magazine, vol. xix. 

yp immense 


Natural History. “gi 

jmmense mass of evidence in favour of unsusceptibility of 
small-pox after the cow-pock demonstrates that the faihures 
are more reasonably to he imputed to deceptions. and defi- 
ciency of knowledge, than to exceptions to the law of the 
animal economy, that the vaccina produces unsusceptibility 
of the small-pox.” 

The emperor of Russia, while he attends to the prosperity 
of the people whom he governs. seems anxious to promote, 
by'his' patronage, the cause of scence every where, as being 
beneficial to'the general interests of mankind. 

- Among’ recent instances -of his) manificence in this re- 
spect we have to record the following + 

A prize question on gun-shot wounds having been pro- 
posed by the Royal College of Surgeons, Mrv Chevallier, 
surgeon, gained the medal, as'the author of the best disser- 
tation. The Emperor Alexander, in consequence, hestowed 
ow hun a diamond ring of cousiderable value*. 

Dr: Thornton, author of the Temple of Flora and Philo- 
sophy of Botany, a work now publishing,’ has’ also been 
presented with a diamond ring frou the Emperor of Russia, 
accompanied with the following letter : SC Eales 

<¢ His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of Russia*having, 
with much satisfaction, examined into the contents of your 
splendid, elaborate, and useful botanical work, has directed 
me to transmit to you the ring herewith sent, as a mark of 
his benevolence, and a proof of his regard for every thing 
which is of public utility. 

<< Pres. of the Imper. Acad.” 

We have likewise learnt that the author of the Costumes 
of, Russia has received a testimony of the mumificence of 
the same potentate. 


~ Count von Hoffmansegg, known by his travels through 
Portugal for improving natural history, obtained leave some 
years ago from the Prince regent of Portugal to send to 
Brazil a person named Sicber, _ well experienced in the 
science of natural history and in collecting the productions 
of nature, for the purpose of obtaining a series of observa- 
tions in regard to that extensive country. Sieber proceeded, 

* Mr, Chevallier was also appointed, surgeon extraordinary to his 
Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. 


vc lh ae Sah? et SIRT: Corse ec le aia a a ola CT Bae ie hs ats oa! 

92 Natural History. 

under the protection of the governor Count dos Arcos, ta 
Para, where he has remained above a year. In a letter Jately 
received from him, he gives the following testimonies re- | 
specting the ayapana (eupatorium, ayapana, Ventenat and 
Willdenew), which confirm the healing powers ascribed to 
that plant*, and render it more worthy the attention of 
physicians, as we have already obtained from the neigh- 
bourhood of the same district, ipecacuanha, quassia, and 
cantharides ; the last of which are become indispensable in 
medicine. , 
Para in Brazil, June 12th, 1804~ 

In regard to the celcbrated plant ayapana, which is sard 
to be an antidote to all poisons, I have made two experi- 
ments on myself. A soldier brought me a brown catter- 
pillar covered with hair, an inch in length and intermixed 
with small prickles. I took it from the leaf into my hand, 
upon which the soldier cried out, “ For God’s sake take 
eare, the caterpillar is poisonous.”’ His exelamation how- 
ever was too late: I received three pricks in the middle 
finger of the right hand, the finger appeared red, swelled, 
and became exceedingly painful. In a quarter of an hour 
the redness and swelling extended over the whole arm, and 
as far as the elbow, so that in half an hour I could seareely 
move it; I recollected the ayapana, sent for it, ms 
the juice, and applied it temy arm with some of the bruised 
plant: in two or three minutes the pain decreased ; in halt 
an heur I was able to bend my arm, and the next day [ 
recovered the perfect use ot it, The pricks in my finger, 
however, retained a dull pain for two days, but at the end 
of that time it went off. 

The second trial was more disagreeable. A small scolo- 
pendra stung or bit me, while asleep in the night-time, im 
the forehead above the right eye; I immediately waked and 
searched for the animal, which T found next day and 
killed. As I could not in the night-time proenre the plant, 
the poison before next morning had made a considerable 
progress; after applying the ayapana, the pain and inflam- 
mation went off; suppuration, however, I was not able to 
prevent ; a cormeous excrescence of above an ineh in Fength 
arose on my forehead, and as I could not put on my hat I 
was obliged to remain four days in the house : the sear will» 
still be apparent when ] return. 

My assistant was bitten in the woods in the right foot ; 
at first he knew nothing of it, and felt no bad consequences * 
* Sce Philoss, hicali Magazine, vol. xiii, 

4 tll 

Astronomy. Ming 
till the evening of the following day, at which time he 
could not put on his shoe : after using the ayapana the in- 
flammation and swelling subsided ; it was not, however, 
possible to prevent suppuration. I was obliged to open 
the place, but in six days his foot was well. 

This beneficent plant must, where possible, be employed 
immediately after being bitten or pricked : its speedy action 
may then be traced ; if applied jater it removes the heat and 
swelling, and counteracts the effects of the poison, but 
connot prevent suppuration. 


If astronomers are very anxious to determine the orbits 
of the planets lately discovered, their principal object is te 
ascertain their route, in order that they may be able to find 
them again when bad weather, or any other cause, has pro- 
duced a long interruption of observations. This has been 
the case in regard to the new planet discovered by M. Har- 
ding: for a month we have not been able to see it; and it 
svould have been impossible to find it again, in consequence 
of the great faintness of its light, had not its position been 
previously known. “This observation succeeded on the 20th 
and 21si of December: it is the more important, as the 
planet is in that situation most favourable for determining 
its position from the sun. It has now passed over the 
twelfth part of its orbit; at the time of my preceding re- 
searches it had made only half that progress. These new 
elements, then, deserve more confidence. They, however, 
differ little from the former; for I have found nothing te 
be changed in the mean distance and in the revolution, 
which is four years four months, almost equal to that of 
the other two planets, Ceres and Pallas. But I have in- 
creased the eccentricity by a 70th part, so that it is deter- 
mined that this new planet has the greatest eccentricity 
of all the planets known: the perihelion has been advanced 
to 24 minutes; the node and inclination have changed only 
a very few minutes. 

The effect of this great eccentricity is so sensible, that 
the time employed by the planet to pass over the first part 
of its orbit, the middle of which is occupied by its aphe- 
lion, is the double of that necessary for completing the 
second half. In like manner, its greatest distance from 
the sun is almost double the least distance: in absolute 
measures the ‘difference between these two distances is 45 
millions of leagues, or equal to one and a third of the di- 
stance of the earth from the sun. “i 


of Valcanves. 

‘The planet is approaching the sun; and will not pass.its 
perihelion tll the 15th_of February. This circumstance 
affords some bope that we shall still be able to observe it. I 
have therefore thought it might be useful and agreeable to 
astronomers to give the followang ephemerides with the new 
elements : 


Elements. . 
Ascending mode 9+ 0 = 6 1719.06" 0” 
Inchhation - - 1S 52 
Perihelion in 1805 =. 59 49 33 
Epoch (31 Dec. 1804, at noon) 42 17 23 
Eccentricity ~ = - 0°25096 
Larger semi-axis (= | = 2°657 
Revolution Saheb 1582 days. 
Longitud>. Latitude. 
1804. Dec. 91 - 0° 43’, +, 9° 40'S. 
31 soit Oded 8@ sgt aa -* 
1805. Jan. 8 - 7-439 m1 059 3758 
16 =) ER (18 686 Qe 57 
93) ooiee 14588 = a0! 10, 
31 -) 18 ; 27 =O 0] 
Feb. 8 : 2945 28) )= 9 59 
15. = 26 8) = 9. 58 
Dec 25, 1804. Member of the Institute. 

Naples, Nov. 24, 1fo4. 

Last night Vesuvius, which had been pretty tranquil for 
some weeks, suddenly began to excite attention, A smart 
shock of an earthquake was first felt ; a column of flame 
of an astonishing height then issued from the craters 
and this was followed by an abundant discharge of lava, 
which in three hours flowed beyond the boundaries to which 
that thrown up by the volcano three months ago had pro- 
eceded. The inhabitants of the mountain were thrown into 
the utmost consternation, and most of them fled with what- 
ever they could carry with them, The greatest danger seemed 
to threaten the town of Torre del Greco, for the current of 
Java ran_directly towards it; but. it, has not yet reached it; 
and this day the discharge of the lava, has perceptibly de- 
creased. ‘The court is now at Portici, an elegant seat be- 
longing to the king at the foot of Mount Vesuvius, .and is 

resolved to remain there unless the danger beeomes greater. - 



List of Patents for new Inventiyns. 95 

Which have passed the Signet Office frum Dec. 24, 1804, 
to Jan. 24, 1805. » 

To Thomas Hamilton Keddie, of Duke-street, Grosvenor- 
square, in the county of Middlesex, sadler, for a cartouch- 
box or receptacle for cartridges of gunpowder or gunpowder 
and ball for charging. musquetry or artillery, or any other 
description of fire-arms. 

To John Heppenstall, of Doncaster, in the county of 
York, machine-maker and engineer, for certain improve- 
ments im shivering, and preparing hemp, flax, and sub- 
stitutes for hemp and flax, previous to the operation of 

To John Robert Lucas, of Charlton-House, in the county 
of Somerset, Esq. for an improvemeht in the art or method 
of making, spreading, or fattening shect-glass, commonly 
called German sheet-glass, er any other spread glass re- 
quiring a polished surtace. 

To Samuel Chitney, of Newmarket, in the county of 
Suffolk, rider, for certain improvements upon bitts of 

To John Jones, of the city of Chester, chymist, fora 
liquor for printing or dyeing of cotton, linen, or woollen. 

To William Lester, of Piccadilly, in the county of Mid- 
dlesex, engineer, for certain improvements on an engine or 
machine for separating corn sceds and pulse from the straw. 

To William Hackwood the younger, of Shelton, in the 
county of Stafford, potter, fora method of making win- 
dows and lights upon new principles. 

To Edward Shorter, of New Crane, Wapping, in the 
county of Middlesex, mechauic, for certain mechanical 
apparatus, by which the raising of ballast is rendered more 
easy, cheap, and expeditions, and which may also be ap- 
plied to other useful purposes. 

To Simeon Thompson, of Red Cross Wharf, Upper 
Thames-street, in the city of London, coal-merchant, for 
a bushel or bushels and other measures upon a new con- 
struction for measuring coals, grain, seed, and other dry 
measurable commoditics. 

To John Ball, of the city of Norwich, engineer, for cer- 
tain improvements in a machine for thrashing corn and 
pulse. . 

To Edward Thunder, of Brighthelmstone, in the county 
of Sussex, for an improved mode or method of keeping in 
tune certain musical instruments called piano fortes, 
grand piano fortes, harpsichords, spinets, and other 
stringed instruments. 


96 : Meieorology. . : 
a eee + 
By Mr. Carzy, of THE STRAND, 
For February 1805. 
| Thermometer. . Soap 
» GRE - Oa 3 af 
‘Daveokthe Ss 2 6. | Heightof |= 8 3 
bei : 2 § \om the Barons 338 Weather. 
“> | \zapcoumenttnees. (bee 30 
oe = : A oa : i‘ 
Jan. 27 28°), 29°! 29° 10° |Fair Ra 
98 | 29 1°30 7 |Cloudy 
ou 29 | 34 | 32 ~ 6 {Fair 
30) 32 | 36 | 83 o> jRain 
31; 33 | 34 | 29 - 0. |Snow and rain 
Feb. 1] 28 | 30 | 27 6 {Cloudy 
9) 21 | 34] 31 1. | Eas 
3] 29 | 37 | 34 10 |Fair 
4| 35 | 41 | 46 0 |Rain | 
& 16 | 46 | 34 | 28°95 0 [Stormy | 
6.29 | 35 | 32 | 29°82 6 |Fai 
7,92 | 41 | 40 “90 _~ Showery 
of 42 | 49 4 47 65 | 8 1Fau 
9) 49 | 5a | 49 82 10 |F 
10} 49 | 55 | 46 72 7 
tl| 44 | 44 | 35 “70 oO. |Rain 
19) 35 | 39 | 30 “91 16 {Cloudy 
13} 30 | 39 | 28 | 30°20 18 |Fair 
14} 298 | 38 }| 34} 29°99 15 {Fair 
15),33 | 38 | 34 | 30°04 18. |Cloady ‘ 
E6| 32 | 42°] 30 07, 29 «|\Fair 
17) 27 | 38 | 32 | 20°85 18 {Fair 
18; 32 | 39 | 30 “SQ ¥9 {Fair 
1g| 28 | 40 | 30 “92 22 | Fair 
20) 27 | 41] 39 } 30°00 10) |Fair 
21; 39 | 49 | 48 | 29°69 4 |Rain 
22| 41.| 48 | 40 ‘78 Il |Fair ; 
23| 41 | 49 } 44 | 30°04 21 [air 
24 46 | 48} 40 | 29°78 | * 0, {Rain 
25 38 | 47 | 44 76 18 (fair 

N. B. The barometer’s height is taken at noon. 
ns en ee + 

[en sy 

XV. On the Means most proper to le resorted to for ex- 
tinguishing accidental Fires in Ships. By ALEXANDER 
Tittocn. Read before the Askesian Society in December 

I, is impossible for human imagination to conceive any 
calamity more horrid and distressing than that of a ship on 
Jire;—a species of accident to which vessels are much ex- 
posed, owing to the combustible nature of the materials of 
which they are constructed, and which, unhappily, too 
often baiiles every effort to subdue it. 

To discover some means by which those on board, in 
such circumstances, may extinguish the flames efficaciously 
and speedily, has long been a desideratum ; for experience 
has but too fully proved, that buckets and fire-engines, with 
water, the methods heretofore resorted to, are not effectual. 
To point out such means as are calculated to arrest the pro- 
gress of the devouring flames will not be thought an useless 
labour; nor will they be the less valued for being simple, 
and, in almost every case likely to occur, perfectly within 
the reach of the people. That the efficacy of the means to 
be proposed may be established on incontrovertible prine 
ciples, it may be of some use to examine, previously, what. 
takes place in deflagrations of the kind to which we allude. 
This inquiry will also probably lead us to a knowledge of 
the cause why the methods usually employed prove inade~ 
quate to the end proposed. 

The laws and operations of nature are extremely simple, 
and, if we attend to what she points out, we cannot be 

For maintaining the common process of combustion, 
certain conditions are indispensable. 

1. A substance or substances capable of undergoing a 
chemical decomposition, and of entering, wholly or par- 
tially, into new combinations when circumstances favour 
the process. 

Such are wood, tar, hemp, &c. 

2. The presence of some other substance which, by its 
decomposition, may furnish a principle or principles capa- 

ble of entering into union with those of the combustible 
substances, thereby liberating caloric or the matter of heat, 
which, with the light also fiberated. constitutes the most 
striking phenomena in combustion. 

Atmospheric air is such a substance. 

It is a fact well known, that the atmosphere consists of 
Vol. 21. No. 82. Marchig05. G two 

98 On the Means most proper to be resorted to 

two distinct substances dissolved in caloric or heat, whicli. 

forms a third ingredient. The two first are oxygen and 

The azote is in such strong chemical union with the ca- 
loric, in which it is dissolved, that in no common process 
of combustion is the union destroyed: or, in other words, 
that portion of the heat of the atmosphere which is united 
to the azote is never liberated to exercise its action in form- 
ing new combinations *. 

It is otherwise, however, with the portion of heat united — 

to the oxygenous part of the atmosphere. These two have 
so weak an affinity for each other, that a little increase of 
temperature is all that is necessary to determine their sepa- 

ration, if substances to which the oxygen can unite itself, 

be present. In proportion as the oxygen joins itself to these 
substances, the heat thus liberated raises the temperature of 
other portions of them to that point which determines their 
union with oxygen ; thus more air becomes speedily decom- 
posed, and all the phenomena of combustion are rendered 
more and more conspicuous, till complete deflagration pre- 
cludes all possibility of checking the progress. 

What office does water perform when employed for the 
purpose of checking the progress of a fire? It extinguishes 
the flame by cutting off the communication between the burn- 
ing body and the air which maintains the combustion. But 
this it can do only in certain cases. 

Water is known to consist of two substances, oxygen, 
and hydrogen. The former, as has already been noticed, is 
an ingredient also in atmospheric air, and is that substance 
which unites itself to the burning body in every case of com- 
bustion: the latter is the base of hydrogen gas or inflam- 
mable air. . 

Water, like atmospheric air, may be decomposed by pre- 
senting to it, under certain circumstances, substances for 
which either of its constituent principles has a stronger 
-affinity than the two have for each other. 

When a fire has got to such a height that water cannot 
be thrown on it in sufficient quantity to imterpose itself as 
a wall of separation between the burning materials and the 
atmosphere, but is itself instantly converted into vapour and 
decomposed,—in that case, instead of extinguishing, it adds 

* Ire must be here observed, however, that this remark should be 
taken with some limitation : modern chemistry is in some measure forced 

to suppose that the azote goes to the formation of alkalis when they: 

result from the combustion; in which case the caloric may be supposed 
to exercise some action; but that affects not our general argument, 



For extinguishing accidental Fires in Ships. 99 

to ihe deflagration. Its oxygen joins the combustible ma- 
terials, while its hydrogen, disengaged in the form of in- 
flammable air, mixes with the atmospheric air present, and 
inflames almost as quickly as it is liberated. 

A ship in such a case becomes filled with flames, even in 
those places where, before, there was no fire; and it may 
truly be said, these parts are set on fire BY WATER! 

But water has been thé only means hitherto employed to 
extinguish fires; and if this is not te be used, what other 
method can we resort to? | 

The question is answered in part by what we have stated 
respecting water when it succeeds in any case in extinguish- 
ing fire. Cut off ail communication between the burning 
body or bodies and the atmosphere. 

The presence of air, we have already obseryed, is indis- 
pensably requisite to maintain combustion. 

This fact has been long known, and it appears wonderful 
that advantage was never taken of it to extinguish fire in 
ships ; especially when it is considered that their structure 
is such that, had this been one of the principal objects in 
view in the building of them, they could not possibly have 
been better constructed to enable us to take advantage of 
this law of nature. 

If a glass jar be inverted over a burning taper in such a 
manner as to bile the mouth of the jar into contact with 
the table on which the taper stands, the flame soon grows 
janguid, and in a little time we see it expire altogether. 
The oxygenous part of the atmosphere has been decom- 
posed, and having, by that decomposition, given up all its 
oxygen to the combustible body, the proccss ceases of itself, 
not for want of fuel, but for want of a fresh portion of oxy- 
genous air to be decomposed. If this experiment be per- 
formed over water, its ascent in the jar, as every one knows, 
will prove that a portion of the air has disappeared ; its ox- 
ygen having become concrete in the burning body, or as- 
sumed a less volume in the new products formed, viz. car- 
tonic acid gas and water ; and that portion of its caloric not 
necessary to the formation of the acid gas having been libe- 

The larger the flame of the taper compared with the quan- 
tity of air; or, in other words, the smaller the quantity of 
air compared with the size of the burning body, the sooner 
does the process of combustion cease. It is on this princi- 
ple that a common extinguisher puts out a candle. 

These simple facts furnish us with sufficient data on which 
to found a rational and infallible method for extinguishing 

hed G2 fire 

100 On the Means most proper to be resorted to 

fire on board a ship. If the fire cannot be got at; and in- 
stantly extinguished with a bucket or two of water, no time 
should be wasted in fruitless attempts to reach the spot; 
for during all this time the prime auxiliary, the most for- 
midable ingredient in the conflagration, viz. the atmo- 
spheric air, is allowed to pour itself upon the burning ma- 
terials and to furnish the very essence of the flame,—tor the 
Jire IS FURNISHED BY THE AIR, and not by the wood, tar, 
e.; a fact too well established to be insisted on here. In- 
stead of suffering this to take place, all hands should be 
called up; the ports, hatches, &c. should be shut, and every 
one set to work to stop up with oakum, tallow, pitch, (any 
thing,) every chink and crevice all over the vessel. She 
would thus literally become a large extinguisher; and it 
would be just as rational to insist that a man could live de- 
prived of fresh air, as to assert that fire can continue to 
burn in the interior of a ship when every possibility of a 
fresh supply of air is thus cut off. 

Such 1s the general principle that ought to direct the pro- 
ceedings of the officers and crew on every emergency of this 
kind. They ought all to be drilled to the business, that 
every one may know the particular station and specific duty 
allotted to him in case of such an accident taking place. 
This would be an antidote against that confusion and in- 
subordination which almost always take place in cases of 
fire. The means are so infallibly certain im their effect, 
that not only the officers, but a great number of the men 
would have full confidence in the issue of their exertions ; 
this would insure firmness, and the unruly would be as ef- 
fectually kept in order as on any common occasion. 

The general principle we have stated to be, the cutting 
off every possibility of a fresh supply of atmospheric air 
gctting into the interior of the ship. But a still further ad- 
vantage may be taken of the natural laws before examined, 
so as to hasten the destruction of the whole air contained in 
the ship, and to render it unfit for maintaining combustion. 
We have already brought to recollection, that the larger the 
mass cf burning materials compared with the quantity of 
air present, the sooner will the fire extinguish itself: this is 
a truth that cannot be too forcibly impressed on the minds 
both of the officers and crews; for, however fiercely the 
fire may be raging below, the sooner will it be extinguished 
if they can only succeed in making every thing air-tight 
above decks and round the ship (as the ports, scuttles, scup- 
pers, windows, &c.): the full conviction of this truth will 

prevent them from relaxing in their exertions, and wonder- 
, fully 

for extinguishing accidental Fires in Ships. 101 

Tully conduce to their ultimate safety. ‘This is no small 
advantage that results from the law of nature now under 
considertion ; but a further use ought still to be made of it. 
If a number of fires le made between decks, by setting fire 
to pitch and other inflammable substances in pots, stew- 
pans, &c., before closing down the hatches and making 
every thing air-tight, the sooner will the air left in the vessel 
be deprived of its oxygen, and the combustion of course be 
terminated. . 

Thus we see that FIRES MAY BE EMPLOYED TO EX- 
TINGUISH FIRE; and the more there are of them, the 
sooner will all of them, as well as the prime fire, be ex- 
tinguished. This is the more necessary because, if all the 
air in the interior of the vessel must expend itself in the 
prime fire, a hole may possibly be the consequence, and 
there fresh air would rush in to maintain the flame; but a 
number of fires in different parts of the vessel would quickly 
destroy all the air, and render that accident impossible, In 
short, if the people be once made thoroughly masters of 
their duty in such cases, they need not fear even to kindle 
fires on the bare boards for the purpose of extinguishing one 
where they cannot reach it; for the exclusion of fresh air 
will soon.arrest the progress of the flames. 

If fears (groundless fears) should be entertained that such 
fires would increase the danger, candles may be employed 
with considerable effect. A good sized candle consumes 
about a gallon of air in one minute of time: several hun- 
dreds of them lighted between decks, before closing all up, 
would contribute not a little to exhaust the oxygen of the 
atmosphere. In short, proper receptacles for fires, to be 
employed for this express purpose, should constitute a part 
of the outfit of every ship, especially those of the royal navy 
and East India company, If such arrangements were made 
a part of the system (they surely ought to be so), any fire 
below decks might be extinguished in less than half an hour. 

It need hardly be remarked here, that in this case, as in 
every case of danger, the toe should be opposed with firm- 
ness from post to post. If the fire breaks out in the hold, 
the first stand should be made on the lower deck. It ought 
instantly, and with deliberation, to be cleared, fore and aft, 
that not a chink or crevice may escape observation. Every 
opening, the pumps among others, ought to be closed, and 
the slices and men to be at their stations. This search 
ought to be a close one; for the escape of smoke ought not 
to be held as the only criterion of a seam being open. Where 
air is rushing in, smoke cannot come out; for two streams 

G3 cannot, 

102 On the Means most proper to le resorted to. 

cannot, at one and the same time, blow in opposite direc- 
tions through the same aperture: therefore every seam should 
be examined; nor will it'be difficult to do so, when it is 
considered in what a close and substantial manner ships are 

While this is going on in the deck immediately above 
the fire, the officers and men on the next deck above should 
be preparing every thing for a second barrier to the ingress 
of air; and so of the third deck: and each, before quitting 
their own deck, should light the extinguishing fires before 
recommended. Similar fires should, 1f possible, be mtro- 
duced under the lower deck, the sooner to exhaust the air 
in the hold. 

If these means be cooly and deliberately pursued, when a 
ship is on fire below or between decks the flames may be as 
effectually extinguished as a burning candle when an extin- 
guisher is put over it; the ship, as we have already said, is 
in fact converted into an extinguisher ; nor is she less so om 
account of the combustible nature of the materials of which 
she is constructed: for @ cone MADE OF PAPER extinguishes 
a candle as effectually as one made of metal. A fact of 
which any one may easily satisfy himself by making the 

To discover when the conflagration is subdued, the test 
of acandle should he employed. For this purpose there 
ought to be a few places in each deck that can be opened 
when necessary. Into one of these introduce a lantern and 
candle, taking care instantly to close the hole again. If 
the candle, after remaining a few minutes below, is found, 
on being drawn up, to have been extinguished, it may be 
concluded that all is safe, and that the air left is unfit for 
maintaining combustion. The people-will then feel cheer- 
ful; nor will they be impatient to open the decks when in- 
formed that, though'the fire is out, some articles may have 
attained such a high temperature, that the access of fresh 
air might occasion a new deflagration. Even when, by the 
test of a candle, it is found that all the air is destroyed, the 
precautions should be continued for a number of hours. 

(It will occur from, what has been stated, that if there be 
any particular part of a ship where fires are supposed to ori- 
ginate oftener than in any other, that part ought to be in- 
sulated, as it were, in the building of the vessel; that is, 
every part of it, all round, ought to be caulked up so as to 
make that room or apartment air-tight, that, when an acci- 
dent occurs, no more might be necessary than to close the 
door or entrance, and caulk it up.) i aban 


for extinguishing accidental Fires in Ships. 103 

In the preceding remarks we have pointed out the prin- 
ciples that ought to be kept constantly in view in every at- 
tempt to extinguish fire on board a ship. That we might 
not interrupt the connection we purposely avoided men- 
tioning another mean which it might be advisable to pro- 
vide against such accidents, and which depends on the same 
principles. The methods already laid down, if followed up 
with firmness, cannot fail to answer the purpose intended ; 
but what we are going to mention would prove a most 
powerful auxiliary. 

We have already noticed that the presence of oxygen in 
combination with caloric is an indispensable requisite in the 
process of combustion, and that atmospheric air contains 
these two ingredients in such a state of combination, and 
therefore serves to maintain combustion by giving up its 
oxygen to the combustible body, in consequence, of which 
its caloric is liberated. It follows from this, that the sub- 
stitution of any gas for atmospheric air, or the introduction 
of any gas into the interior of the ship, to displace the whole 
or a part of the atmospheric air contained in it, would hasten 
the extinction of the flames, provided the gas so substituted 
for air be one that cannot be decomposed by the action of 
the fire. 

It ought to be a gas that can be easily procured, and also 
one specifically heavier than atmospheric air, that it may 
descend, get below the common air, take its place in the 
vessel, and thus be certain (when a sufficient quantity ig 
introduced) to reach the place on fire, and interpose itself as 
a wall of separation between the burning materials and the 

Carbonic acid gas, or fixed air, is well calculated for this 
purpose. It can be procured even on board a ship with 
little trouble (if the proper requisites have been provided), 
and at a small expense. It is considerably heavier than 
common air, and extinguishes flame in a moment. 

All that is necessary to insure a supply of any quantity 
in avery few minutes is, that each ship should be furnished 
with a certain stock of common oil of vitriol, (vinegar or 
any other acid would answer, but would be more expensive,) 
and a quantity of common chalk or unburnt lime. 

The sulphuric acid or oil of vitriol is an article of a much 
less dangerous nature, with respect to accidents, than is 
vulgarly believed. Compared with gunpowder, which means 
are found to keep safe, even in a ship, it may be considered 
as perfectly harmless. Indeed, it ought to be put on board 
in a diluted state; and, in that case, would produce no 

G4 more 

104 On the Means most proper to be resorted to 

more mischief, should a vessel of it by accident be broken 
or spilt, than as much strong vinegar. No good objection 
can therefore be offered against its use on the score of its 
being dangerous. 
. The chalk should be in powder, either in a dry state or 
diffused in water, and the vessels containing it should be 
so disposed and arranged in regard to those containing the 
diluted oil of vitriol, that, without needing to huat for and 
arrange them in the hour of danger, (when the hurry and 
alarm might make it impossible to get at them, or to make 
a proper use of them when found,) no more might be ne- 
cessary than to turn a cock, somewhere near the cabin, 
under the immediate eye of the commander or some inte]- 
ligent officer. to allow the acid to convey itself through 
Jeaden pipes into the vessels containing the chalk or lime- 

The moment the sulphuric acid comes in contact with 
the chalk, the Jatter will be decomposed and part with the 
carbonic acid, one of its constituent principles, which will 
escape in the gaseous form, while the lime, its other prin- 
ciple, wil] remain united to the sulphuric acid. 

All the articles connected with this process should be 
made of lead, or lined with it, as the sulphuric acid exer-~ 
cises little or no action on that metal, which renders it pre- 
ferable to every other material for the purpose. 

The ways in which the parts of such an apparatus might 
be arranged to advantage are so various, that to insist on 
any one in particular is unnecessary. The principle of the 
arrangement is all that need be noticed here. The vessel 
or vessels containing the acid must be in a higher situation 
than those containing the chalk or unburnt lime. The 
latter may be in the hold, or in any situation lower than the 
former ; and pipes af communication, that can be opened or 
shut at pleasure by turning a cock, as already mentioned, 
must pass from the vessels containing the acid to those in 
which the chalk is. 

The Jatter, if in the hold, should have perforated covers, 
that the fixed air, when liberated from the limestone or 
chalk by the action of the sulphuric acid, may have a free 
escape. If above any of the decks, a hose or tube should 
pass from their tops down to the hold and lower decks for 
the liberated gas to descend through. These tubes should 
be secured from injury by covering them with planks, or 
casing them at the time of their fitting up. 

Such an apparatus as is here recommended would be found 
much more simple than it can possibly appear to be fram a 


for extinguishing accidental Fires in Ships. 105 

*. . 
description, nor can any fire-engine that has ever yet been 

‘constructed be compared with it in point of simplicity. 

Still less will fire-engines bear comparison in point of effi- 
cacy; for the gas that may be liberated by this simple ap- 
paratus will imfallibly extinguish flames, but the water 
thrown by a fire-engine seldom succeeds in doing so, and 
often, as we have before proved on physical principles, in- 
creases their fury *. 

With a view to the application of the means for extin- 
guishing fires which we have pointed out, care ought to 
be taken in future in the construction of ships, to fill up, 
at the decks, all the seams and joinings between the side 
timbers, that an air-tight line of division may reach from 
the decks even to the outside planks, to prevent all passage 
of air behind the linings. But I shall not insist longer on 
this. The principles I have laid down are sufficiently ob- 
vious, and the only wonder is, that they have not been re- 
sorted to before this time as a safeguard against fires below 
and between decks. , 

As the minor details are perfectly obvious, and cannot 

fail to present themselves to the minds of those in whose 

department it may lie to give efficacy to the plan we have 

roposed, it would be carrying the present paper to an un- 
necessary length to enter into them. There is one point, 
however, that must not be overlooked, being connected 
with the safety of the people :— 

After the fire has been extinguished by the means that 
have been recommended, the air which remains in the inte- 
rior of the vessel will be found as unfit for maintaining ani- 
mal life as for maintaining combustion. It would instantly 
suffocate those who should descend into it ; and consists of 
two non-respirable gases, azotic gas and fixed air. It would 

be unsafe, therefore, to venture down till after the vessel 

has been ventilated by opening the ports from the outside 
of the ship, and by means of bellows and leathern hose 
thrown down into the hold. Jn short, any or all the ways 
now employed for ventilating ships may be employed to re- 
move the foul air, and make it safe for the people to go down. 

* It is possible that in some cases a vessel may not be able to afford 
room for a sufficiency of these materials to furnish a quantity of fixed 
air equal in volume to her hold, and there may be other objections to 
taking so large a supply which have not occurred to me; but as in a case 
of fire it may be necessary to stave the rum and brandy on board, as much 

of vitriol and chalk should always be provided as would furnish a 
stratum of fixed air able to rise a few inches at least over any spirits that 
tay thus be stayed into the hold. 


106  Onthe Means most proper to be resoried to. 

To determine when the air is sufficiently renewed to ad- 
mit of this, a lantern with a burning candle should pre- 
viously be let down at the end of a string. If, after being 
allowed to remain below for some time, it come up unex- 
tinguished, the people may venture down,—and so from 
deck = deck till they have got every part completely ven- 

In the preceding observations I have confined myself to 
fires which may happen below or between decks; but as 
accidents (though this is perhaps less to be apprehended) 
may also take place above decks, or below the quarter-deck; 
&c., where the same means cannot be employed tor extin- 
guishing them as in the former case, it may not be thought 
superfluous to offer a few hints for subduing them when 
they occur. 

It is obvious that the means adapted to accidents below 
are inapplicable to such as may happen above decks; but 

it is equally obvious, that, whatever method may be resorted , 

to, it must agree in principle with the former. 4 wall of 
separation must be interposed Letween the burning materials 
and the atmosphere, or the flames cannot be extinguished. 

Water, we have already seen, can but seldom be applied 
with effect for this purpose ; and the experience of ages has 
only served to furnish evidence that it ought not to be trusted 
to.. By its great volatility and its extreme liquidity (even 
if it could not be decomposed, and so add to the conflagra- 
tion, as it has already been proved to do,) it is but little 
fitted to remain on the places where its presence might be 

Some other matters, therefore, ought to be provided, that 
may, when employed, be able to serve as an effectual co- 
vering to the burning materials, or to the subjacent parts of 
the vessel, to prevent the fire from penetrating downwards. 
They ought to be such as can be met with in every port, 
and at the cheapest rate: such are sand, or mould, or clay. 

The first is perhaps the best, because it can be moistened 
with water in a moment; though the last, if means could be 

insured for speedily converting it into a kind of soft pap or — 

uddle, would answer better for throwing upon such burn- 
ing parts as may be vertical or over head, , 
Every ship carries some ballast, or might carry as much 
as would be necessary for the end in view. A part of the 
ballast ought to be sand or clay, in bags or in small casks, 
and these ought to be so disposed in the hold, that, in the 
4 case 

ee eee ee —— 


——— =. a eee 





for extinguishing accidental Fires in Ships. 107 

ease of a fire above decks, they may be easily got at, and 
taken up. A number of buckets should also be provided 
that the people may not be without the means of hoisting 
up the sand, &c. even when the rigging takes fire and pre- 
vents them from employing a tackle for that purpose. 

The sand, as brought up, should be thrown upon the 
burning materials, especially on those on the deck. Where- 
ever it rests it will mstantly extinguish the flames by pre- 
venting the access of atmospheric air. In tact, the whole 
deck, especially near the spot on fire, should be covered 
with sand to the depth of three inches, which will be much 
more easily accomplished than at first may appear possible ; 
for the people have only to begin at the side of the fire next 
to them, covering the deck before them with sand, and 
spreading it with shovels,—thus making a road for them- 
selves to advance upon, still covering more of the deck es 
. they advance; an advantage that cannot be commanded by 
the use of mere water. By these means, even where the 
deck has been absolutely on fire, the flames will be so effec- 
tually extinguished that the people may instantly walk over 
the place with perfect safety. 

This will enable them to gain upon the fire, and with 
mops (especially if a clay puddle instead of water be em- 
ployed) to dash out the flames on such parts of the sides 
(under the quarter-deck for instance) or over head as may 
have caught fire. Let it be particularly observed, that if 
means can be found to enable the people (sand, &c., would 
enable them) to advance on the flames, in that case mops 
with water, or rather water mixed with clay or sand, applied 
directly to the burning wood, &c., beginning at the part on 
fire immediately next to them, and proceeding step by step, 
will extinguish flame better than water thrown from a fire- 
hy ‘The reason is obvious: water so thrown on runs 
off by the most direct course it can find, and will not stop 
to spread itself over prominences or to penetrate into inter- 
stices ; but when daslied on by means of mops, it has no 
choice, but must apply itself where it is intended it should. 
~ Ido not mean by this that a fire-engine ought in no case 
to be employed; but when resorted to, its jet should be di- 
rected forward further than the people can yet advance, and 
never in such a manner as to wash away the bed of sand 
from the decks, or the coating of sand or clay that has been 
bee by mops to the uprights and parts over head. And 
the moment the people can advance to apply mops, the en- 

ine should be stopt. 

In mopping, the process should go on from the lower 


108 On the Means most proper to le resorted to 

parts upwards ; there will then be the least waste of labour, 
and consequently the greater chance of success: for when 
a contrary mode is followed (which is always more or less 
the case with water thrown on by an engine) the parts ex- 
tinguished are again rekindled by the flames ascending from 
the lower parts, and which therefore ought first to be sub- 

Clay or sand is recommended to be applied with the water 
employed in mopping, that a kind of incrustation may le 
formed wherever the mops are applied; but in attending to 
this, the uniform continuity of the bed of sand, distributed 
and still distributing on the deck, must be carefully main- 

tained ; for this is the chief ultimate security that the men ~ 

have tor saving the hull of the vessel, and consequently their 
own lives. 

The red-hot balls employed by the garrison of Gibraltar 
to destroy the Spanish floating batteries, were carried from 
the furnaces to the bastions zm wooden barrows with only a 
layer of sand interposed; and this was found sufficient to 
prevent the balls, though in a high state of incandescence, 
from setting fire to the wood. A fact so notorious renders 
it perfectly unnecessary to insist further on the efficacy of 
sand on the upper deck to prevent the descent of the fire 
from above. 

As to the rigging, there appears but little hope of any 
means being ever devised to secure it effectually from the 
effects of a fire above decks, and perhaps the least evil will 
result from clearing it away in such a case, and getting it 
overboard as fast as possible. I shall, however, venture to 

int at one improvement. The hull is sheathed with copper 
as a guard against the worm.—Would there be any thing 
absurd in sheathing the masts with copper to preserve them 
from fire? I think not: and the expense would be no ob- 
ject *. In that case an iron or copper chain (composed of 
very long links to make it require the less weight of metal) 
should accompany each main-stay, to secure the masts in 
any case when the other rigging might be destroyed by fire. 
The chains, of course, would require to be Jess tight than 
the stays, that they might only act in case of the other being 

All the upper works ought to be covered with sheet cop- 
per to secure the side timbers from being set on fire by any 

* This could be done without increasing the weight of the masts; for 
the copper would add so considerably to: their strength, that they might 
be made much smaller than at present. ; 


for extinguishing accidental Fires in Ships. 109 

accident that may happen above the upper deck. This 
would effectually answer the end intended; for as to those 
parts where cross tumbers of any kind join the side, and 
where consequently the fire might communicate, they could 
individually be extinguished in succession, by the means we 
have pointed out, with much less trouble than if all the 
upper works were exposed to the accident. ’ 
But, though we recommend sheet copper as a covering 
for the upper works, which surely ought to be as well se- 
cured against fire as the lower are agaist the worm and 
against water, even if this improvement be not adopted, the 
means we have pointed out (wet sand, wet mould, and wet 
clay,) should be provided to enable the people to extinguish 
the parts in detail till they master the fire; which in many 
_ cases they will be able to accomplish when the application 
__ of water would not be of the smallest avail. TI need hardly 
add, that when any part of the cargo consists of articles 
that will of themselves, by the aid of an increased tempera- 
ture, furnish a sufficient supply of oxygen to maintain com- 
bustion without the aid ef atruospheric air, (as for instance 
saltpetre,) such part of the cargo should be disposed low in 
the hold, and should, if possible, be cut off from all com- 
munication with the other parts of the lading, that, should 
_ afire happen, there may be the less chance of its being 
» communicated to that part of the cargo. Tor this purpose 
__ a part of the hold should be set aside, and ought to be 
boarded up, caulked, and covered with sheet copper. If 
_ that cannot be done, a false flooring should be laid in above 
that part of the cargo, which should be covered over with 
_ coarse matting of any kind: over the matting there ought 
to be a layer of sand or earth of two or three inches in thick- 
ness, and over the sand another cover of matting, to pre- 
vent it from being displaced by the stowing of the rest of 
the cargo. 

But whether such arrangements are practicable respect- 
ing the oxygenous parts of the cargo or not, the other ge- 
eral precautions ought to be strictly enjoined, and the 
_ people should be appointed and trained to their respective 
_ hae in case of fire: books of instructions should also be 
seeeeusely distributed among the officers and crews, and 
instructions ought to be drawn up in a manner so 
plain and simple that no one may be at a loss to know what 
ws necessary to le done, whether he understand the scientific 
principles on which they are founded or not. But the better 
the crew in general, and the officers in particular, under- 

i ; stand 

* as 

110 Natural History of the Coco-nut Tree 

stand the science of extinguishing fires, the more effectual 
will their endeavours be in every case. 

Though in this.essay I have taken no notice of cases of 
spontaneous ignition, the principles recommended are equally 
applicable to these as to other cases of fire. Even when the 
exciting cause of the combustion may be in the cargo itself, 
it cannot be maintained without the access of atmospheric 

XVI. Memoir on the Natural History of the Coco-nut Tree 
and the Areca-nut Tree; the Cultivation of them accord- 
ing to the Methods of the Hindoos ; their Productions, 
and their Utility in the Arts and for the Purposes of do- 
meslic Economy. By M.Le Govux ps Fiatx, an Officer 
of Engineers, and Member of the Asiatic Society at Cal- 
cutiad. — 

[Concluded from p. 80.} 

Tue areca-tree is that beautiful palm which Linnzus has so 
judiciously characterized by giving it the name of catechu, 
because its ligneous nut furnishes cackow by means of an 
easy preparation. ‘This fact, though contradicted by a 
great number of authors, is no less certain; and I propose 
to prove it in the course of this paper. 

This tree is called pakmarow in almost all the languages 
of the peninsula; in the Hindostanee, the modern idiom of 
that antient country, it is denominated sovparz, which sig- 
nifies the areca-tree. 

Though this palm is not so extensively useful in all its 
parts as the coco-nut tree, it is no less necessary to the 
Hindoos and the inhabitants of that vast part of the world 
ealled the East Indies, who all employ themselves in the 
cultivation of it. 

The areca-tree, without having-the beauty and port of 
the coco-nut tree, is of an elegant and agreeable form. It 
always rises vertically, and nothing is able to derange its 
direction. It is attacked by no insects: they are all kept — 
at a distance by the sourness of its juice and of its gum. — 
Its stem is somewhat thicker in the middle, but slender, 
smooth, and perfectly well proportioned in all its parts. 

Its foliage presents an agreeable spectacle by the regular 
arrangement of its palms, which are known in botany by — 
the name of spadix, to characterize their form, and in ge- 
neral that of the branches of this family. The palms in 
mi eine 

and the Areca-nut Tree. 1li 

the centre of the crown of the areca-nut tree, to the number 
of seven or eight, stand erect, while the rest, being five 
in number, incline, rounding themselves by a slight curva- 
ture, and by their union form a kind of elegant crown. 
The leayes of the areca-nut tree, as long as they vegetate, 
are of a rich and brilliant green colour; the eye can behold 
them without being fatigued: as they grow old they assume 
successively an orange colour, which, though it contrasts’ 
with the brilliant green of the other leaves, does not offend 
the sight. 

‘This palm exhibits, as a distinguishing character, very 
small flowers of a pale apple green colour, with a sweet 
and agreeable odour, moncecous, disposed in a panicle in- 
closed in a very thin spath or sheath like that of the coco- 
nut tree, which differs from it only by its thickness, and by 

the other being fibrous. Each of these flowers consists of 

a calyx half a line in length, with three acute and coria- 
_- ceous points; a corolla of three petals perfectly similar to 
the calyx. The male flowers have six and sometimes nine 
stamina not projecting, and the female an upper ovarium 
furnished with three styles. The male are placed along 
small twigs proceeding from a common pedicle which form 
_ ~ the panicle. They are parted from each other in groups of 
five or six; in these intervals is the group of female flowers 
consisting of from nine to ten. The fruit are all set before 

___ the spath opens. 

; It is seen by this exact description that most naturalists 
are deceived, or at least have implicitly believed and mutu- 
ally copied each other, instead of making observations be- 
fore they wrote. I shall make known the rest of their 
errors as circumstances furnish me with an opportunity. 
These facts, though apparently of little importance in re- 

rd to a vegetable which we do not possess, are, however, 
interesting to botany; and this consideration alone has in- 
duced me to indulge in this kind of critique, for which | 
hope I shall be forgiven, as it tends to promote truth. 

_ The areca-nut tree, as well as all the other palms, are re- 
produced only by the fruit: to thrive, it requires good soil, 
and this is a character which distinguishes the coco-nut tree 

from vegetables of this family; it needs less watering, but 

it requires much more air, and the full enjoyment of the 

_ rays of the sun, without which its vegetation would only 

ie ish. ; 

Some plants which I cultivated in a large garden, and 

beneath which L caused animals to be interred, produced 

much more than usual; yet this increase of fecundity did 

: not 

112 Natural History of the Coco-nut Tree 

not seem to hurt or exhaust them. JI shall here observe, 
that I obtained the same results in the cultivation of orange 
and lemon trees, vegetables which we have naturalized im 
our climates. 

The areca-nuts are planted in beds, with their husk or 
fibrous covering, one by one, in holes five or six inches in 
depth, and at the distance of twelve or fourteen inches in 
every direction. The plantation is slightly watered. 

On the twenty-ninth or thirtieth day the germ issues from 
the earth: in form it is similar to that of the coco-nut, but 
it differs from it by its hardness, and by an acrid or your 

They are generally transplanted in a year or fifteen 
months: they may be removed without danger even im 
the seventh year, because they are exceedingly lively, and 
expand very slowly. Their total duration, however, 1s only 
fifty or sixty years; they never go beyond the seventieth.: 
Of all the palms it is the shortest lived. This forms a con~- 
trast with the slowness of its vegetation, and particularly 
with the hardness of its wood, which is surpassed only by 
that of the sindi, called by Linnzus lontarus. This palm 
has given its name to the river which separates Hindostan 
from Persia, and which, copying the Greeks, we have dis- 
fizured by the denomination of the Indus. 

As the palms of the areca-tree are not above eight or nine 
feet long, they can give only a shade of a moderate extent, 
and which it would appear could not hurt the plants cultivated 
in the same ground ; but experience proves that this shade, 
though it cover only a small surface, is hurtful, and would 
certainly occasion the destruction of the most of those ve- 
getables over which it extends; neither men nor animals 
ever remain under its immediate shelter, especially daring 
the strong heats. Its foliage is so thick that the sun’s rays 
can never penetrate it; the rain water, therefore, which falls 
on its palms is thrown off; they form a real parapluie. 

Though this tree be one of the most beautiful ornaments 
of gardens, there are few worse neighbours: it attracts all 
the adjacent juices; and herbs, as already said, cannot ve- 
getate under its shade. The different kinds of banana, how- 
ever, called commonly the Indian fig, known im botany 
under the name of musa, thrive when planted in the same 
soil, provided they are not brought too near to the areca-nut 
tree. I shall add, that I saw at Nigambo, a maritime town 
in the island of Ceylon, an immense orchard of areca-trees, 
among which were cultivated coffee shrubs which appeared 
to me to thrive, as they were exceedingly beautiful. 


_and the Areca-nut Tree. 113 

An orchard of areca-trees, between which the Hindoos 
almost always plant bananas, exhibits a charming and de- 
lightful prospect. To form a just idea of such a spectacle, 
it must be seen. 

The areca-nut, of which we make no use, might, in 
my opinion, become an advantageous object of exchange 
in some of the African markets. This fruit might be ren- 
dered useful also in Europe in regard to the arts, as I shall 
hereafter show. 

The leaves of this palm are fit only for being burnt. The 
ashes which arise from them produce good manure when 
mixed with the dung of sheep or of cows. They give also 
by lixiviation a kind of soda, employed for bleaching raw 
silk. This manure is used with great advantage in the cul- 
tivation of the avi/, or plant which produces indigo. 

The timk, which is exceedingly straight, is employed | 
for rafters to sheds and houses which have pent roofs ; it is 
also split into excellent laths, which are very strong, and 
never liable to be pierced by worms. A pectoral and anti- 
scorbutic decoction is extracted from the flowers. 

The nut or fruit is of different sizes, and of an oval form, 
spherical or turbinated, according to the species to which it 
belongs. The largest nuts do not exceed the size of a large 
pigeon’s egg. The bunches generally contain a hundred 
and fifty; and when the number rises to two hundred and 
fifty, which is sometimes the case, they are thinned from 
time to time for the use of persons who set no value on 
these nuts unless when they are fresh. 

The areca-tree begins to produce fruit in its seventh 
year; but it is never in full bearing till the age of ten. 
Vigorous trees give annually six, seven, and sometimes ten 
bunches. _ . 

- The Hindoos, ag well as all the people of Asia from 

Arabia to China, make a general use of the areca-nut along 

with the leaves of betel, which by some nations is called 

tamloul, and by the Moguls pane. This aromatic plant is 

60 well known that it is needless to describe it: I shall 

therefore confine myself to giving some details respecting 
its use, aud the properties ascribed io it. 

- Betel acts a distinguished part in all companies: at 
courts as well as in the towns, and even in the most 
wretched hovels, to be deprived of it would to the Indians 
be a misfortune. At all visits betel is served up ; and when 
_ friends imeet they mutually offer to each other this drug. 

The Hindoos cousider it as a great uncivility to speak to a 
_ person of dignity or consideration without chewing this 
>, Vol. 21. No. 62. March 1805, H mixture ; 

114, Natural History of the Coco-nut Tree 

mixture: it is composed of the betel leaves, areca cut very 
thin, a little lime spread over the leaves, cardamom, fine 
spiceries, and cachou, rolled up in small cornets in a leaf 
of betel. The [ndians ascribe to this preparation, which 
gives to the saliva and lips a very bright rose colour, the 
property of allaying hunger, per fuming the breath by cor- 
recting the humours of the breast and stomach, and of fa- 
cilitatmg digestion. This mastication, in theif opinion, 
prevents also perspiration, or speedily restores it; preserves 
from megrim and pains of the head ; strengthens the gums, 
and secures the teeth from rottenness: ina word, it Inspires 
gaiety, removes spasms and attacks of the nerves, prevents 
suppression of the menses, and maintains the tone of the 
fibres. According to my experience, all these ideas are well 
founded. ‘ 

That substance which we call cachow and the Indians 
catecambé, of which the Portuguese have nrade catecambré, 
a word adopted by all the Europeans, though corrupted, is 
the inspissated juice of the areca-nut. Naturalists have 
entertained a variety of opinions on this object of naturat 
history. In speaking of this drug, which has many pro- 
perties with which we are unacquaimted, I shall endeavour 
to remove all uncertainty by making known the process for 
preparing it, and the manner in which the Hindoos extract 
that concrete juice of the areca known under the name of 
cachou. The process, as I saw it practised in different parts 
of the peninsula of India, in Ceylon, and even in Pegu, 
where immense quantities of it are made, is as follows : 

The arcca-nuts, very fresh, are cut into three or four 
small pieces with a kind of shears named katipak, which 
signifies the areca-knife: they are then put into a very 
large glazed earthen-ware pot, as a copper vessel would be 
dangerous, and one of iron would give to the cachou a black 
colour and a ferruginous taste. About a third of the quan- 
tity of water which the pot is capable of containing 13 put 
into it: this water is as much impregnated with selenite as 
possible, and about twelve or fifteen “pounds of the bark of 
the kutai babala, a prickly plant of the family of the mi- 
mosa and genus of the acacia, is infused in it over a mode- 
rate fire for twenty-four hours. From this trée the Indians 
extract a gum similar to that known in Europe under the 
name of gum arabic. A shrub of the same kind is culti- 
vated in the gardens in the south of France, and is so well 
known that it is needless to describe it. 

As soon as the pieces of areca have been thrown into the 
pot it is covered, and the cover is luted with clay or ee 

A ter 

and the Areca-nut Tree. 115 

After strong ebullition of two hours, the fire is lessened till 
it 1s nearly extinguished, and it is then kept at that degree 
for five or six hours. When the pot is completely cold, it 
is unluted, and the areca is taken out with a large shovel 
pierced with holes; after which it is suffered to drain on a 
hurdle of bamboo. The Hindoos in this operation use only 
utensils of wood, on account of the sour quality of this nut. 
When the pieces have been well drained, they are exposed 
to thesun. This kind of areca, which the inhabitants of 
the upper part of Hindostan, where this palm is not found, 
call chikui-soupari, that is to say, gummy areca, is preferred 
in the use of betel to the raw nut. 

The whole aqueous part is evaporated over a slow fire till 
the juice is inspissated to the consistence of an extract, and 
till 1t has such adhesion that it can be held in the hand. It 
is then taken out to be formed, by kneading, into small 
pieces as large as the fist, which are dried in the shade that 
they may not crack and break. 

These pieces in several of the dialects of Hindostan are 
called batai, a word to which is joined that of cambe; so 
that the whole signifies a Jump of the juice of the areca. 

The catecambre, to use the expression generally employed 
by the Europeans, though faulty, receives a preparation at 
Goa, Batavia, and Macao, which we endeavour to imitate. 
The Portuguese call it cachoudé, from which we have made 
the word cachou. It is obtained in these places by com- 
bining the catecambre with a propertional quantity of sugar, 
cinnamon, coco-nut milk, musk, and sometimes a very 
small quantity of essence of roses. , 

This paste of the cachoudé is of a black colour, and has a 
sweet perfume: it is formed into square tablets of different 
sizes, and is a very important object of commerce to the 
town of Goa. The European women, habituated to the 
use of betel, and the Mogols, prefer it to crude cachou or 
eatecambre. The Hindoos make no use of it: they employ 
only the latter, after having purified it with the betel, either 
as a topic or internally. 

Catecambre is useful in many arts, and even in medicine, 
in which it is employed on various occasions. 

The condensed juice of the areca inspissated with gum- 
hen, furnishes a very good resin, which the fishermen em- 
ploy for the preservation of their nets and fishing-lines. It 
‘preserves wood from worms. 

It is used with astonishing success for burns, against 
apthe, and in general all Sind of ulcers and fungous ex- 
erescences ; in a word, for deafness, by diluting it with 
human milk, which is ie i into the ears. The ss 

4 : 2 oO 

116 Jatural History of the Coco-nut Tree, Be. 

of this remedy has been proved to me by repeated experi- 
ments. Ina word, all the medical properties of this sub- 
stance, when taken internally, are so well known to the 
Europeans that it is needless to enumerate them. The 
Hindoos, who ascribe to it the same virtues, apply it to the 
same purpose. : 

Arusts who paint cotton cloth, and dyers, employ it 
with great advantage for several purposes relative to their 
arts. The former use it as the base of the composition of 
a gum varnish, which they apply to those parts of the cloth 
which are not to be painted. To explain this process it is: 
necessary to observe, that the painters of chintz do not use 
blocks for imprinting the colours ; they are applied with a 
brush, er the cloth receives the red and blue colours by im- 
mersion ; a method of working very different from that of 
the Europeans, and of which we have no idea. I am con- 
vinced of what T advance, either by visiting our manutac- 
tories, or reading the works which treat of this art in our 
country, and which speak of the processes used in India. 
I have examined in particular the Annales des Arts et des 
Manufactures *, where it is said ‘* that the Indians apply 
the. red colour, by immersing the cloth first in a mordant, 
&c.”” This is not correct ; for this colour is always applied, 
as [ have said, by immersion, and warm. It is very sur- 
prising that we should have ideas so incorrect on the me- 
thods and processes used in the arts by these people, for 
more than three centuries that we have had an opportunity 
of being better acquainted with them. 

It is with the catecambre also that they compose the 
mordant which fixes on cloth the gold and silver leaf ap- 
plied to it. This kind of chintz is made at Mazulipatnam ; 
and it is impossible to describe the richness, elegance, and 
strength of this work. These cloths may be washed with- 
out hurt to the gilding, in the same manner as the other 
Indian stuffs are washed without injuring the brilliancy of 
the colours. This art is valuable, and we have not at- 
tempted to imitate it. The dyers extract also from the cate- 
cambre, combined with the juice of other plants, lilac mor- 
doré, puce, and maroon colours, which are employed for 
dyeing silk, woollen, and cotton stuffs. 

It is employed with such success in the art of tanning, 

‘that in five days leather is perfectly tanned and prepared. 
The English, for some years past, bring it from India for 
*their tanneries: they use it with great advantage in order 
to sunmplify their labour and to improve theirleather. 

* No. 370 


XVII. Ex-. 

{ 117 J 

XVII. Experiments on preserving Potatoes. By J. Dr 
| Lancer, Esq. of the Island of Guernsey *. 

Puaziy in March 1803, I observed my winter’s stock of 
potatoes, which I had dug in October 1802, sprouted from 
the mildness of the weather in this island: it occurred to 
me, that, by putting them under ground, vegetation might 
be retarded. I accordingly took indiscriminately from my 
pile about three dozen, and in my court-yard dug a hole 
two feet and a half deep, under the protection of a south- 
west wall, where the rays of the sun prevail for a few mi-. 
nutes only during the day at any season of the year; then, 
with three pantiles, one at bottom, I Jaid. most of the po- 
tatoes in the hole, and placcd the other two tiles over them 
in farm of the roof of a house: they not containing all, I 
threw the remainder carelessly into the hole (having no great 
confidence in my experiment), covering the place over to its 
usual Jevel. Business calling me from home during part 
of the summer, I neglected looking after my small deposit: 
but, on the 2ist of January 1804, nearly eleven months 
after covering them, I had the curiosity to examine them; 
when, to my astonishment, | found them (two or three 
excepted, which were perforated by the ground-worm, 
though firm) all perfectly sound, without. having in the 
least vegetated, and in every respect fit for the purpose of 
sets ane the use of the table, as I have boiled a few, and 
found them similar in taste and flavour to new potatoes. [ 
further pledge mysclf that they were perfectly firm. I have 
still some of them by me, for the inspection, of my friends, 
who all agree with me that they are so. 

_ Guernsey, J. De Lancry. 
Jan. 24, 1804. 

SIR, . 
‘LT wave received the favour of your letter of the 7th inst. 
eonveying the thanks of the society, for my experiments in 
the preservation of potatoes, which is highly gratifying to 
my feelings. [avail myself of the opportunity of a friend 
- going to London, to send* three of the potatoes as a con- 
firmation of their being fit for sets, as they are actually 
sprouting. I have still a few left, which I shall plant. 
The potatoes | send, I pledge myself to. you are of the 
growth of 1502, when I first dug them out of the ground ; 
neither have they been under the ground since January 21, 

* From Transactions of the Society of Arts, &c. 1804. " 
H 3 1804, 

118 Processes for preparing Lake from Madder. 

1804, but lain in acloset. I have buried some others of 
the last year’s growth, with a few carrots and parsnips, in 
a similar manner to my former experiments, the result of 
which I shall make known to the society. 
Guernsey, [remain, sir, 

May 17, 1804. Your obedient servant, | 

J. DE Lancer. 
Charles Taylor, Esq. , 

The above potatoes were examined before a committee 
of the society on the 30th of July 1804, and found to be 
in a state fit for vegetation. 

Cures Tay_or, Secretary. 

XVIII. Processes for preparing Lake from Madder. By 
Sir H. C. ENGLEFIELD, Bart.* 

‘bien want of a durable red colour, which should possess 
something of the depth and transparency of the lakes made 
from cochineal, first induced me to try whether the madder 
root, which is well known to furnish a dye less subject to 
change by exposure to air than any other vegetable colour, 
except indigo, might not produce something of the colour 
I wanted. 

Several of the most eminent painters of this country have, 
for some time, been in the habit of using madder lakes in 
oil pictures ; but the colours they possessed under this name 
were either a yellowish red, nearly of the hue of brickdust, 
or a pale pink opake, and without clearness or depth of 
tint, and quite unfit to be used in water-coloured drawing, 
which was the principal object of my search. 

My first attempts were to repeat the process given by 
Mareraf in the memoirs of the Academy of Berlin; but 
the colour produced by this mode was of a pale red, and 
very opake, although the eminent author of the process 
states the colour he produced to be that of ‘ /e sang en- 
flammé,” which probably means a deep blood colour. It 
may, however, be observed, that colours prepared with a 
basis of alumine will appear much deeper when ground in 
oil than they do in the lump, the oil rendering the alumine 
‘nearly transparent. This advantage is, however, lost in 
water colours. On examining the residuum of the madder 

® From Transactions of the Society of Arts, &c. 1804. The society 
voted their gold medal to sir H. C. Englefield for this communication. 


Processes for preparing Lake from Madder. 119 

root, after it had been treated in Margraf’s method, it 
_ appeared tinged with so rich a red, that it was obvious that 
by far the greater part of the colour still remained in it, 
and that the most powerful and beautiful part. To extract 
this, several ineffectual trials were made, which it would 
be useless to enter into; but, on attentively examining the 
appearances which took place on infusing the madder in 
water, I began to suspect that the red colouring matter was 
very little, if at all, soluble in water, and that it was only 
mechanically mixed with the water when poured on the 
Toot, and suspended in it by the mucilage,; with which the 
root abounds. 

. A very small quantity, therefore, can be obtained by any 
infusion or decoction, as the greater part sinks down on 
the root, or remains with it on the sieve, or in the bag, 
through which the infusion or decoction is passed to render 
it clear. I therefore was induced to try whether, by some 
merely mechanical means, I could not separate the colour- 
ing matter from the fibrous part of the root. In this at- 
tempt my success was fully tqual to my hopes; and, after 
several trials, I consider the process I am now about to 
describe, as the most perfect ] have been able to discover, 

Process 1. 

Enclose two ounces, troy weight, of the finest Dutch 
madder,; known in commerce by the name of crop madder, - 
in a bag capable of containing three or four times that 
quantity, and made of strong and‘fine calico. Put it into 
a large marble or porcelain mortar, and pour on it about 
a pint of cold soft water. The Thames water, when filtered, 
is as good as can be used; it being very nearly as pure as 
distilled water, at least when taken up a very little way 
above London. With a marble or porcelain pestle, press 
the bag strongly in every direction, and, as it were, rub and 

ound it as much as can be done without endangering the 

ag. The water will very soon be loaded with the colour- 
ing matter, so as to be quite opake and muddy. Pour off 
the water, and add another pint of fresh water to the root, 
agitating and triturating it in the manner before described ; 
and repeat the operation till the water comes off the root 
very slightly tinged. About five pints of water, if well agi- 
tated and rubbed, will extract from the root nearly the 
whole of its colour; and if the residual root be taken out 
_ of the bag and dried, it will be found to weigh not more 

than five drachms apothecaries weight; its colour will be a 
kind of light nankeen, ‘or cinnamon, ard it will have en- 
i) H4 tirely 

120 = Processes _for preparing Lake from Madder.. 

tirely lost the peculiar odour of the root, and only retain a: 
faint woody smell. 
The water loaded with the colouring matter must be 
put into an earthen or well tinned copper, or, what is still 
better, a silver vessel, (for the use of iron must be carefully 
avoided through the whole,) and heated till it just boils. 
It must then be poured into a large earthen or porcelain 
bason, and an ounce troy weight of alum dissolved in about 
a pint of boiling soft water must be poured into it, and 
stirred until it is thoroughly mixed. About an ounce and 
a half of a saturated solution of mild vegetable alkali should 
be gently poured in, stirring the whole well all the time. 
A considerable effervescence will take place, and an immer 
diate precipitation of the colour. The whole should be 
suffered to stand till cold; and the clear yellow. hquor may 
then be poured off from the red precipitate. A quart of 
boiling soft water should a@ain be poured on it, and well 
stirred. When cool, the colour may be separated from the 
liquor by filtration through paper in the usual way 3 and 
boiling water should be poured on it in the filter till it 
passes through of a light straw colour, and quite free from 
any alkaline taste. The colour may now be gently dried; 
and when quite dry it will be found to weigh half an ounce ; 
just a fourth part of the weight of the madder employed. . 
By analysis, this colour possesses rather more than 40 
per cent. of alumine. If less than an ounce: of alum be 
employed with two ounces of madder, the colour will be 
rather deeper; but if less than three quarters of an ounce 
be used, the whole of the colouring matter will not be coms 
bined with alumine. On the whole, I consider the pro- 
portion of an ounce of alum to two ounces of madder, as 
the best. 

Process 2. 

If, when the solution of alum is added to the water 
loaded with the colouring matter of the root, the whole be 
suffered to stand, without the addition of the alkali, a con- 
siderable precipitation will\take place, which will be of a 
dark dull red. Fhe remaining liquor, if again heated, will, 
by the addition of the alkali, produce a rose-coloured pre- 
cipitate of a beautiful tint, but wanting in force and depth 
of tone. 

This is the process recommended by Mr. Watt, in his 
Essay on Madder, in the Annales de Chymie, tome 7; and 
this Jatter colour is what may, perhaps with propriety, be 
called maddzr lake. But, although the lighter red may be 

. excellent 


Processes for preparing Lake from Madder. 121 

excellent for many purposes, yet I consider the colour pro- 
duced by the union of the two colouring matters, as given 
in the first process, as far preferable for general use, being 
of a very beautiful hue when used thin, and possessing un- 
rivalled depth and richness either in oil or water, when laid 
on in greater body. ’ 
If but half an ounce of alum be added to the two ounces 
of the root, the first precipitate will be nearly similar to: 
that when an ounce is employed; but the second, or lake 
precipitate, will be less in quantity, and of a deeper 
and richer tint. In this case the whole of the colouring 
Matter, as before observed, is certain!y not combined with 
the alumine; for, on adding more alum to the remaining 
hiquor, a precipitate is obtained of a light purplish red.) In 
this process, -when two ounces of madder and an ounce of 
alum are.used, the first precipitate has about 90 per cent. 
of alumine, and the second, or lake precipitate, about 53 
per cent.; but these proportions will vary a little in repetis 
tions of the process. 
Process 3. > 

If the madder, instead of being washed and_-triturated 
with cold water, as directed in the Yoregoing process, be 
treated in exactly the same manner with boiling water, the 
colour obtained will be rather darker, but scarcely of so 
ood a tint; and the residuum of the root, however care- 
fully pressed and washed, will retain a strong purplish hue ; 
a full proof that some valuable colour is retained in it, pro- 
bably fixed in the woody fibre by the action of heat. Mr, 
Waitt, in his excellent Treatise on Madder above mentioned, 
observes, that cold water extracts the colour better than hot 
water; and I have reason to suspect that a portion of that 
colouring matter, which produces the bright red pigment, 
distinguished before by the name of madder lake, remains 
attached to the root when acted on by boiling water. 

Process 4. 

If to two ounces of madder a pint of cold water be 
added, and the whole be suffered to stand for a few days 
(three or four days) in a wide-mouthed bottle, lightly 
corked, in a temperature of between 50° and 60°, and often 
shaken ; a slight fermentation will take place, the infusion 
will acquire a vinous smell, and the mucilaginons part of 
the root will be in a great degree destroyed, and its yellow 
colour much lessened. If the whole be then poured into a 
ealico bag, and the liquor be suffered to drain away without 
pressure, and then the root remaining in the bag be heated 

; with 

122 = Processes for preparing Lake from Madder. 

with cold water, &c. exactly as directed in the first process 
the red colouring matter will quit the root with much greater 
ease than before fermentation. It will also be equal in quan- 
tity to that afforded by the first process, but of a much» 
lighter red. This difference of tint appears to be owing to 
a destruction of a part of the lake by the fermentation of 
the root; for if the colours from the fermented root be ob- 
tained separate, as in Process 2, the first precipitate will 
_not sensibly differ from that obtained from the unfermented’ 
madder, but the second, or lake, will be of a very light 
pink. This process, then, is not to be recommended. 

Spanish and Smyrna Madders. 

Spanish madder affords a colour of rather a deeper tone 
than the Dutch madder, but it does not appear to be of so 
pure a red as the Zealand crop madder. 

The Smyrna madder is a very valuable root. The colour 
produced from it by Process 1, is of a deeper and richer tint 
than any I have obtained from the Dutch madder, The 
quantity produced from two ounces is only three drachms 
twenty-four grains: but this is not to be wondered at; for 
as this madder is imjrted in the entire root in a dry state, 

_and the crop madder of Zealand consists principally of the 
bark, in which probably the greatest part of the colouring 
substance resides, there is every reason to think that the 
Smyrna madder really contains a greater proportion of co- 
lour than the Zealand in equal weights of the entire root. 

The products of Process 2, prove that the lake of the 
Smyrma madder is more abundant im quantity and of a 
richer tone than that of the Dutch root; for, from two ounces 
of Dutch madder the first precipitate was two drachms, and 
the lake was two drachms and forty-eight grains; where- 
as, from two ounces of the Smyrna root the first precipitate 
was one drachm and twenty-four grains, and the lake was 
two drachms and twenty-four grains. The proportion of 
the lake to the other colour is therefore much higher in the 
Smyrna than in the Dutch root. 

Fresh Madder. 

The colour may be prepared from the recent root; and 
it will be of a quality equal, if not superior, to any other. 
The difficulty of procuring the fresh root has prevented me 
from making as many experiments on it as T° could have 
wished. I procured, however, a small quantity of the best 
roots packed in moss from Holland, and the following 
process answered perfectly well. 


—__ *—™ 

Processes for preparing Lake from Madder. 123 

_ Eight ounces of the root, having been first well washed 
and cleaned from dirt of all kinds, were broken into small 
pieces, and pounded in a bell-metal mortar, with a wooden 
pestle, till reduced into an uniform’ paste. This paste being 
inclosed in a calico bag, was washed and triturated, as de- 
scribed in the first process, with cold water. About five 
pints seemed to have extracted nearly the whole of the co- 
lour. To the water thus loaded with colour, and boiled as 
before, one ounce of alum, dissolved in a pint of boiling 
water, was added, and the alkali poured on the whole till 
the taste of the mixture was just perceptibly alkaline. The 
colour thus obtained, when dry, was of a very beautiful 
The success of this experiment, which was twice re- 
peated with the same result, has led me to hope that it is 
not impossible that the mode of obtaining the colour from 

_the fresh root here described, may be productive of advan- 

tages for more extensive use than I had in view when first [ 

’ attempted to obtain a pigment from madder. Many tracts 

of land in this country are as well adapted to the growth of 
this valuable article as the soil of Holland can ke; and-the 
cultivation of it, which has more than once been attempted 
to a considerable extent, has been laid aside, principally 
from the expense attendant on the erection of drying-houses 
and-mills, and the great expense and nicety requisite for 
conducting the process of drying. But should the colour 
prepared in the mode just described be found to answer the 
purposes of the dyers and calico-printers, the process is so 
easy, and the apparatus required for it so little expensive, 
that it might be in the power of any grower of the root to 
extract the colour: besides which, another great advantage 
would be obtained ; the colour thus separated from the root 
tay be kept any length of time without danger of spoiling, 
rag its carriage would be only one-fourth of that of the 
root. Iam, moreover, thoroughly inclined to believe, that 
in the present mode of using the root, a very considerable 
part of the colour is left in it by the dyers ; and, should this 
oa to be the case, an advantaye much greater than any 

itherto adveried to may arise trom the process‘here recom- 

Should it be attempted to obtain the colour from the fresh 
root, on an extensive scale, I should recommend that the 
root be first reduced to as uniform a pulp as possible, by 
grinding or pounding, To this purpose it is probable that 
the cider-mill would answer perfectly well; and its extreme 
simplicity is a great recommendation. For the purpose of 
’ trituration, 

124 = Processes for preparing Lake from Madder. 

trituration, bags of woollen, such as are used in the oil-mills, 
would probably answer as well as calico, and they would 
be much cheaper and more durable. A large vat, with’ 
stampers, would be easily constructed, by thuse who are 
conversant in mechanics, for the holding them and pressing 
them in water; and when the colour was boiled and preci- 
pitated, the flues of the boilers might easily be formed into 
convenient drying-tables, without any additional expense of 

fuel. The part of the process which I] consider as of the 

- greatest importance, and as being the essential advantage of 
my methods over all those which have come to my know- 
ledge, is the trituration or pressing of the root in water ; 
and I believe that the colouring matter of the root has not 
been hitherto considered as so nearly insoluble in water as 
I have reason to think it is. 

It were much to be wished that in the present advanced 
state of chemistry some skilful analyser would investigate 

the properties of this very useful root, in which perhaps it 
will be found that there are three, if not four, different co= 
Jouring substances. Such are the processes and views, 
which I have thought it not improper to submit to the con 
sideration of the Society of Arts, &c. 

T have only now to describe the specimens which aecom- 
pany this paper ; assuring the society that they have been 
all prepared by my own hands entirely, and that I am 
therefore responsible for their having been produced by the 
processes stated, without the addition of any foreign matter 
whatever, excepting the*cake ground up with gum, and 
the bladder of oil-colour, which were prepared from the 
colour which I gave him, by Mr. Newman, of Soho-square, 
whose skill and fidelity are too well known to need any tes- 
timony in their favour. 

It may be proper to add, that all the colours produced 
from the Dutch madder were prepared from the same parcel 
of crop niadder, in order that the differences in them might 
proceed from the processes, and not from a variation in the 
qualities of the root, which, in different specimens, will 
produce different shades of colour under the same mode of 

1. Dutch madder, treated by Process Ist. 

0 Ditto s) FI 8 aR .. Process 2d. 

SPDitto 84. VN So Procersiade 

As Ditto! AOS Eosel ou. ‘Pregese4ths 

5. Dutch madder, two eunces; alum, half an ounce ; 

treated by Process 2. dy 

~ 6. Dutch 

Separation of Gold and Silver from the laser Metals. 1925 

6. Dutch madder, two ounces; alum, one ounce; fer- 
mented two days, and then treated by Process 2. 
7. Produce of Process 1s ground in gum by Mr. Newman. 
8. Produce of Process 1, ground in oil by Mr. Newman. 
S—1. Smyrna madder, by Process 1. 

ee A TELON cee oe ete eee Process 2. 
So. Dittman aie .. Process 3. 
See a ee Bite Rea os SEU Process 4. 

Certificates accompanied the foregoing description, from 
Mr. Cotman and Mr. Munn, testifying the merits of slr 
H. Englefield’s madder lakes, as water-colours; and also 
from Messrs. West, Trumbull, Opie, Turner, Daniel, and 
Hoppner, speaking greatly in its favour, where it has been 
tried in oil-colours. 

XIX. A new Process for separating Gold and Silver from 
: the baser Metals *. 

Hiruerro this process has always been, as far as I have 
understood it, attended with considerable difficulty in the 
execution ; but, by that which I am about to describe, is 
done with exact certainty. It was discovered and commu- 
Micated to me by a gentleman in this neighbourhood. The 
process consists in mixing noi less than two parts of pow- 
dered manganese with the impure or compound metal 
which should be previously flattened or spread out so as 
expose as large a surface as possible, and broken or cut 
into small picces for the convenience of putting the whole 
into a crucible, which then is ta be kept in a sufficient heat 
for a short time. On removing the whole from the fire, and 
allowing it to cool, the mixture isfound to be converted into 
a brownish powder, which powder or oxide is then to be 
mixed with an equal proportion of powdered glass, and 
then submitted in a crucible to a sufficient heat, so as to 
fuse the whole; when the perfect metals are found at the 
bottom: in a state of extreme purity; a circumstance of no 
small importance to the artist and the chemist; the latter 
ef whom will find no difficulty in separating the one from 
the other with so little trouble compared with the usual 
ocesses, that | have no doubt it will always be practised 
in preference to the cupel. 

. * Extracted from a Communication by Dr. William Dyce, of Aber- 
deen, inserted in the twenty-second volume of the Transactions of the 

Society of Arts, &c. ‘ % 
ed 1 XX. Twenty- 

{[ 326 J 

XX. Twenty-first Communication from Dr. THORNTON, 
relative to Pneumatic Medicine. 

March 15, 1805. 
No. 1, Hinde Street, Manchester Squares 

To Mr. Tilloch. 

HAVE the honour to inclose you the following remarka- 
ble case cured by the inhalation of vital air. ' 

A Deviation from the common Course of Nature. 

Mary Tame, xt. 16, residing at No. 17, East-strect, 
when fourtecn years of age, instead of being regular im the 
usual way, had a copious discharge of blood from both 
breasts. These discharges, for nearly the space of two 
years after, came on regularly once a fortnight, or three 
weeks, attended with violent pains in the baek and loins, 
and continued the regular period of three days. The quan- 
tity of blood so discharged was about the same as under the 
usual circumstances. It distilled gradually from the nip- 
ples as milk from an overloaded breast, but without pain. 
\t this period the face appeared turgid with blood. I wit- 
nessed myself this discharge of blood from the breasts, and 
have no doubt of the reality of so extraordinary a pheno- 
menon. Having first invited the blood from the superior 
to the inferior parts by aloetic cathartics, I next ordered the 
inhalation of vital air with tonics; and this phenomenon 
has not again occurred, it is now four months. 

Observations on this Case by Dr. Thornton. 

1. Each part of the body obeys its adapted stimulus 
learned from experience. Thusthe eye is stimulated by hght, 
the ear by sound, the stomach by food; and the most dif- 
fusible stimulus is the oxygen in the arterial blood. Thus, 
if the liquid in the bladder escape into the cavity of the 
abdomen, it excites the highest derangement, although a 
proper stimulus to that reservoir. Thus, if water, or even 
milk, be injected into the veins in a small portion, accord- 
me to the quantity. is the derangement of the frame; and if 
jalap or emetic tartar be injected into the circulation, each 
will be determined to the respective organs, as though they 
had been received into the stomach and bowels. Thus tt 
is, that rhubarb and aloes stimulate the lower parts of the 
intestinal tube, especially the rectum, inviting the blood to 
the aorta descendens. 

2. The 

Twenty-first Communication from Dr. Thornton, 127 

- 2, The blood, being then properly propelled throughout 
the whole frame, whose energies, were increased by bark, 

-serpentaria, myrrh, and afterwards stecl,—every organ re- 

sumed its proper functions, and the aberration ceased. 

s. Mr. Morton*, a gentleman whose.mind rises much 
superior te the delight of low persons, has certainly mis- 
understood the science of pneumatic medicine when he at- 

tempted to hold it forth to ridicule on the stage. To wipe 

away, as far as my voice reaches, the*odiwm he would 
attach to the practice, I shall beg leave to refer the philo- 
sophic world to what I published th the year 1799.—Vide 

Philosophy of Medicine, vol. i. p. 545, fourth edition. 

Dr. Brown’s golden Maxim. 

« As the most healthy state of man is occasioned not by 
the operation of any one, or of a few exciting powers, but 
by the united operation of them all; so neither is its re-esta- 
blishment to be effected but by the same wnited operation 
of all the*remedies, the last of which come to be the ordi- 
nary means of the support of the healthy state.” 

Upon this principle, my practice is, im all asthenic dis- 
eases requiring more than the usnal routine, to endeavour 
for the stomach to be braced and strengthened by bark, 
myrrh, steel, or zinc; the blood improved, and hence 
the whole vascular system, by the inhalation of vital air ; 
the mind to be exalted with ihe hopes and novelty of cure; 
a generous mode of living enforced ; and thus every energy 
of the frame to be roused mto action. But the public mind 
has been Jong poisened by the doctrines of specifics ; and as 
*‘ what is good for every thing is good for nothing,” for 
quackery advertises the same specifics for every disease, so 
no credit will be given by many to ahe healing powers of 
the constitution, and Jess to those means which act on the 
constitrtion, and thus on a variety of diseases of the same 
class: but in the issue, “ truth and science will prevail :” 
aud as constitutions are differently affected by the same 
means, hence the neccssity of discrimination in the practi- 
tioner, and hence our prophecy, that the extinction of 
quachery i8-at no great distance in an enlightened age. 
Steering is very simple; move the rudder ever so little to 

the right or left, and the ship turns in a contrary direction ; 

put it straight, and the ship moves ‘straight: but God has 
so connected mankind, that even the conduct of this simple 
* The wit aimed at by Mr, Morton, in his School of Reform, is by 

the introduction of one Dr, OXYGEN; who gives his patient, by mistake, 
instead of a certificate of Cures, the bilis of Mortality! 


128 Communication from Mr. Ince. 

process requires some experience: and it will be found to 
be the same with engraving, writing, tuning of instruments, 
hair-dressing, and physic.” 

4. So far, therefore, is the application of vital air from 
deserving to be branded on the stage as quackery, that it 
most perfectly accords with the Brunonian system, now 
almost universally received. 

5. Perhaps of all remedies for the cure of diseases, when 
properly administered, this is the most harmless and effi- 
cacious. Some have occasicnally had recourse to it for five 
years past, and one gentleman, in an cbstinate disease, 
daily, for six months. 

6. I shall conclude, therefore, these remarks with saying, 
that however it may be estimated by Mr. Morton and 
others, the philosophic world will, I am sure, wish to , 
see this remedy continued; and I shall content myself 
with their approbation, and a consciousness of the integrity 
of my own motives. 

XXI. Communication from Mr. Ince, Surgeon, relative to 
Pneumatic Medicine. . 
: March 15, 1805. 
No. 29, York Buildings, New Road. 

To Mr. Tilloch. 

i woutp thank you to insert the following cure in your 

A Case of Ulcerations in the Leg, cured ly Vital Air. 

Mrs. Mead, eet. 45, living at Kinsbray, near Edgware, 
had five large ulcers in the left leg, which extended along 
the calf to the ancle, and had resisted every attempt made 
to cure them for two years. She was advised by Dr. Thorn- 
ton to inhale the vital air, and place herself under my ma- 
nagement. He ordered her bark, steel, with myrrh, as 
medicine, and the common unguents were employed to 
the ulcers, and occasionally a weak solution of oxygenated 
silver. The ulcers in a few days, from an ichorous dis- 
charge, put on an healthy appearance, and the cure of the 
ulcerations was perfected in less than three weeks. Her 
limb has since remained sound; it is now upwards of six 
months, and her health is completely re-established. 

I have the honour to be, sir, 
Your obedient humble servant, 
Henry Rozenrt Ince. 


L 129 | 

XXIL. Extract of a Memvir on the Temperature of the Water 
of the Sea, both at the Surface and at different Depths, 
along the Shores and at a Distance from the Coast. By 
M. F. Psron, Naturalist on the French Expedition to 
New Holland*. 


O: all the experiments in: natural philosophy,” says 
M. Peron, * there are few the results of which are more 
interesting and more curieus than those which form the 
subject of this memoir. The meteorolovist must derive from 
them valuable data in regard to atmospheric observations 
in the middle of the ocean: they may furnish to the natu- 
ralist knowledge indispensably necessary in regard to the 
habitation of the different tribes of marine animals; and 
the geologue and philosopher will find in them the most 
certain facts in regard to the propagation of heat in the 
middle of the seas, and of the physical state of the interior 
parts of the globe, the deepest excavations of which cam 
scarcely go beyond the surface. In a word, there is no 
science which may not derive benefit from the results of 
experiments of this kind. How much then ought we to 
be surprised that they have hitherto excited so little atten- 
tion |” ; 

Proceeding then to an account of the observations which 
may be made at the surface of the sea, and which he him- 
self pursued from lat. 49° north to lat. 44° south, repeating 
them four times a day,—at six in the mornive, at noon, at 
six in the evening, and at midnight, —M. Peron deduces 
from them the following results :—* The temperature of 
the surface of the sea, colder at noon than the atmosphere, 
and warmer at midnight, is nearly in equilibrium with that 
of the morning and evenwg, in such a manner, however, 
that the mean term of a given number of observations is 
more considerable for the water of the sea.” 

By a very happy application of these first results M. Peron 
easily proves, that the supposed heating of the waves is a 
mistake of sensation produced by the more considerable 

8ooling in a given time of the atmosphere than of the 

waves. The proof he has adduced seems to beas simple 
5 it is incontestable. This prejudice, which is as old as 
Anistotle, and which the incomplete experiments of Forster 
and. Irving did not admit of being entirely rejected, not- 
withstanding the supposition of a principle contrary to 

ae * Feom.the Journal de Physique: Brumaive, an 13, 
Vol.21. No. 82. March 1805. I those 

130 Memoir on the Temperature of 

those advanced by sound philosophy, will in future be erts 
tircly proscribed ; and M. Peron substitutes in its stead this 
consequence of the experiments which he made on this 

The relative temperature of the water of the sea increases 
during its agitation, but its absolute temperature always de- 

The second section of M. Peron’s memoir contains an 
account of experiments which may be made at great depths. 
The author here establishes a great distinction between ex- 
periments of this kind made along the coasts, and those re- 
peated in the open sea at a great distance from the conti- 
nents and large islands. From his examination of experi- 
ments of the first kind, those made along the coasts by 
Saussure and Marsigii in the Mediterranean ; by Donati in 
the Adriatic ; and by himself in the sea which washes the 
western coast of New Holland, it results that, ceteris pa- 
gilus, the temperature of the sea along the coasts is greater 
vat equal depths than in the middle of the ocean; that it 
scems to increase as one approaches the shores; and that 
these writers themselyes furnish objections against the uni- 
form temperature of 10°, which has hitherto been admitted 
as the mean temperature of the interior part of the globe 
either in its solid or liquid part. 

For the above experiments, and those about to be men- 
tioned, M. Peron employed an apparatus, invented by him- 
self, which appears indeed to be superior to all those hi-« 
therto employed for the same purpose. By arranging suc- 
cessively around his thermometer a stratum of air, glass, 
charcoal, wood, tallow, and resin, he was able to unite 
under a very small volume all those bodies which are the 
worst conductors of caloric, and in such an order, that this 
property of being a bad conductor necessarily became still 
less; M. Peron having set out from this principle, that 
caloric, as well as electricity, can with the greater difficulty 
penetrate a stratum of a given thickness, as the bodies 
which compose it are more different in their nature. This 
part of the author’s labour has been universally approved. 

The author then proceeds to the temperature of the sea 
at great depths :—‘* We have now arrived,” says he, *¢ at 
the third and ninth part of the experiments which might be 
attempted on the heat of the sea water. It is also the most 
delicate and the most interesting, in consequence of the va- 
Juable data it may furnish us in regard to the internal phy- 
sical state of the globe at depths which cannot be reached 
in the solid part.” He then gives the result of the experi- 




the lVater of the Sea. 131 

ments which he made successively in the neighbourhood of 
the equator at the depth of 300, 500, 1200, and 2144 feet. 

This consequence, which no doubt is new and very in- 
teresting, results, namely, that the temperature of the water 
of the sea decreases in proportion to the depth. The dif- 
ference obtained by M. Peron in his last observation at the 
dept) of 2144 feet, was 19° of Reaumur between the tem- 
perature of the surface and that at this depth. 

Flaving given the result of his particular observations, 
the auther examines the experiments of the same kind 
which were made before. < If we except,” says he, “ the 
celebrated traveller whose return has excited universal joy 
among all the friends of science, and who attended also to 
this object, but whose results and apparatus I am still un- 
acquainted with*, three persons only have made accurate 
observations in the open sea on the temperature of the wa- 
ters, viz. Irving, Forster, and myself. By a very uncom- 
mon accident, our experiments were repeated at three of the 
most opposite points of the globe. By Irving, during the 
voyage of the honourabie Mr. Phipps, afterwards lord Mul- 
graye, to the North Pole; in the expedition of captain Cook 
to the South Pole, they werecontinued by Forster to the 64th 
degree south, beyond which no navigator had been able to 
advance; and I myself, placed, as 1 may say, between these 
extremes, made all my experiments in the neighbourhood 
of the equator. It would certainly be difficult to find any 
other fact in physics where so many points of comparison 
can be enumerated; and yet we shall find the results of 
these different experiments reproduced,every where analo- 
gous to those which I shall here exhibit.” 

In Forster’s experiments, indeed, we find that the tem- 
perature of the sea decreases successively from the 16th of 
Reaumur to the term zero of the same thermometer, and 
it continually decreases the greater the depth. The inge- 

‘mious experiments of Dr. Irving reproduce the same results 
with still more interest, since at the depth of 3,900 feet he 

obtained two degrees below zero of Reaumutr’s scale. 
M. Peron then takes a rapid view of the very incomplete 
experiments of Elis, Wallis, Bradley, and Baldh, and the 

-- anonymous ones collected by Kirwan: he is satisfied with 

observing, that they all concur to confirm the principal re- 

-sults-of his own experiments, and those of Forster and Ir- 

ying. He concludes with a general view of the same re- 

* Mr. Humboldt was still at Bourdeaux, 
2 sults, 

132 On the Temperature of the Water of the Sea. 

sults, and of the geological consequences which may bé 
deduced from them. 

The temperature of the sea water decreases according to 
the depth. All the results of the observations hitherto made 
on this point, concur in proving that the deepest guiphs of 
the sea, as well as the sunmmits of the highest mountains, 
are continually covered with ice, even under the equator: 
whence it must necessarily follow that a very small number. 
of animals and vegetables can live there, if any exist at all. 
** Analogous results have proved,”’ continues the author, 
* that a similar cooling existed at great depths in the prin- 
cipal lakes of Swisserland and Italy. The observations of 
Georgi, Gmelin, Pallas, Ledyard, and Patrin, in Siberia, 
and those of that accurate observer Saussure, prove that 
the case in regard to the bosom of the earth has always been 
the same when experiments have been made at the bottom 
of mines. Similar results were obtained in America by 
Shaw, Mackenzie, Umfreville, and Robson. Onght not so 
many facts united to leave us in some uncertainty in regard 
to this theory, so generally admitted, of an interior central 
fire which maintains a uniform and constant temperature 
of 10° in the whole mass of our globe, whether solid or 
liquid? Shall we not one day be obliged to recur to this old’ 
principle, so natural, and so agreeable besides to all the phe- 
nomena which daily take place before our eyes? The only 
source of the heat of our globe is that great luminary by 
which it is enlightened: without it, without the salutary 
influence of its rays, the whole of our earth, soon congealed 
in every point, would be only an inert mass of ice. ‘Phe 
history of the winter of these polar regions would then be 
that of the whole planet.” 

However singular this last consequence of, M. Peron may 
appear, however contrary it may be to our present ideas in 
regard to the internal state of our globe, it must be allowed 
that the facts collected by this naturalist in support of his 
opinion are so numerous, and there prevails so much agree- 
ment in all the results obtained by observers, so different in. 
so many different places, and at periods so distant, and 
with apparatus so little susceptible of comparison, that no 
objection can be made to it by the respectable body before 
whom it is laid. 

In the last place, the experiments of M. Humboldt, en- 
tirely analogous to those of M. de Peron, to whom the Prus- 
sian traveller was eager to pay a publiétribute of praise, give 
it a new degree of weight. : 

‘© This 

ee om Sh 

Analysis of the magnetical Pyrite’. 133 

** This consequence of M. Peron,” say the commission- 
ers of the Institute, “ appears to us the more probable, as 
it now proves the origin of those mountains of ice which 
in the polar regions have bitherto impeded the progress of 
the European navigators: it makes us readily comprehend 
how masses of ice, detached from the depths of the sea to 
float at the surface, can constitute in these regions project- 
ing mountains of ice which simple congelation could never 
effect under that form.” 

This ingenious theory, therefore, of an interior central 
fire maintaining a uniform temperature of about 10 degrees 
throughout the whole mass, whether solid or liquid, of our 
globe, experiences at present the fate reserved, soon or late, 
for almost all human theories. The calculations of Leib- 
nitz, who first conevived it; the eloquence of Buffon, who 
decided his triumph, ought however, it would seem, to 
have secured to it a ionger and more peaceable existence. 

We shall terminate this extract with the opinion given 
on this subject by the commissioners of the Institute charged 
to give in a report upon it. “© The memoir of M. Peron,” 
say they, “ seems to us to deserve great attention from phi- 
Josophers : it is written with method, precision, and clear- 
ness. The experiments, of which the author gives an ac- 
count, seem to have been made with that care and attention 
which are capable of ensuring the exactness of the results 
which: they have furnished. We are therefore of opinion 
that this memoir deserves the approbation and even the 
praises of the class, and that it ought to be printed among 
those des Savans Etrangers. We will venture to add, that 
this is not the only claim) of M. Peron to the gratitude of 
all those who are tond of the sciences; his labaurs during 
his voyage will considerably tend to enlarge the boundaries 
of the natural sciences.” 

TRE ir ty Ware aie) cj 
XXII. An Analysis of the magnetical Pyrites; with Re- 
marks on some of the other Sulphurets of Iron. By’ 
Cuarnres Harcnurr, Esq. F,R,S.* 

bed a ae 

O, the various metallic sulphurets which constitute ong 
of the grand divisions of ores, none appear to be so univers 
sally dispersed throughout the globe as the sulphuret of 

* From the Transations of the Royal Society of London for 1804. 
I3 ivon, 

134 Analysis of the magnetical Pyrites. 

iron, commonly called martial pyrites; for the species and 
varieties of this are found at all depths, and in all climates 
and soils, whether antient, or of alluvial and recent formas 
tion. It is remarkable also, that, under certain circum- 
stances, this sulphuret is daily produced in the humid way ; 
an instance of which, a few years back, I had the honour, 
in conjunction with Mr. Wiseman, to lay before this so- 
ciety *; and although, in regard to pecuniary value, the 
pyrites of iron may be considered as comparatively insig~ 
nificant, yet there is every reason to believe, that in the 
operations of nature it is a substance of very considerable 
§ Il. 

The species and varieties of martia! pyrites are in gencrak 
so well known, and have been so frequently and accurately: 
described, as to figure, lustre, colour, and other external 
characters, that it would be totally superfluous here to give 
any detailed account of them. One of the species, however, 
merits peculiar notice, as possessing the remarkable property: 
of strong magnetic polarity ; and, although it has been de-~ 
scribed by modern mineralogists t+. it does not appear to 
have been as yet subjected to any regular chemical exa- 
mination; so that, whether it be a sulphuret of iron imhe- 
rently endowed with the magnetical property, ora sulphuret 
in which particles of the ordinary maonetical iron ore are 
simply but minutely interspersed, has to this time remained 

This species is known by the name of magnetical pyrites, 
and is called by the Germans magnet-kies, or ferrums mine- 
ralisatum magnetico-pyritaceum. 

It is mast frequently of the colour of bronze, passing 
to a pale cupreous red. 

The lustre is metallic. wine 

The fracture is unequal, and commonly coarse-grained, 
but sometimes imperfectly conchoidal. 
' The fragments are amorphous. 

‘The trace is yellowish gray, with some metallic lustre 

It is not very hard; but, when struck with steel, sparks 
are produced, although with some difficulty. ’ 

It is brittle, and is easily broken. 

This pyrites has been hitherto found only in some parts 
of Norway, Silesia, Bavaria, and especially at Geier, Met- 

* Transactions of the Royal Society of London for 1798, p+ 567. 
+ Kirwan, vol. ii. p- 79. Widenmann, p. 792. Emmerling, 2d edit. 
teme ii, p. 286, Karsten, p. 48. Brochant, tome ii. p. 232. 

Analysis of the magnetical Pyrites. 135 

fersdorf, and Breitenbrunn in Saxony ; but, having received 
some specimens from the right honourable Charles Gre- 
ville, F.R.S., I was struck with their resemblance to the 
pyrites of Breitenbrunn, which happened at that time to be 
in my possession ; and, upon trial, J found that they were 
magnetical, and agreed with the latter in every particular, 
Their magnetic power was such as strongly to affect a well- 
poised needle of about three inches in length; a piece of 
the pyrites, nearly two inches square, acted upon the needle 
at the distance of four inches. 

The powder (which is blackish gray, with but little me- 
tallic lustre) is immediately taken up by-a common mag- 
net; but the pyrites does not act thus on the powder, nor 
On iron filings, unless it has been placed for some time be- 
tween magnetical bars; then, indeed, it acts powerfully, 
turns the needle completely round, attracts and takes up 
iron filings, and seems permanently to retain this addition 
to its original power. 

In the specimens which I obtained, the north pole was 
generally the strongest. 

This pyrites was found in Wales, about the year 1798, 
by the honourable Robert Greville, F.R.S., who sent the 
specimens above described to his brother the right honoura- 
ble Charles Greville, with the following account: . 

«© Tt is found in great abundance in Caernarvonshire, 
near the base of the mountain called Moel Elion, or pro- 
bably with more accuracy Moel iia, and opposite to the 
mountain called Mynydd Mawr, These mountains form 
the entrance into a little close valley, which leads to Cy- 
wellin lake, ncar Snowdon, a little beyond the hamlet of 

_ The vein appears to be some vards in depth and 
breadth, and seems to run from north ta south, as it is 
found on Mynydd Mawr, which is across the narrow val- 
Jey, and opposite to Moel Aélia,” 

Mr. Robert Greville, in another part of his letter, states 
that copper ore has been worked in several of the adjacent 
places, and that, many years ago, captain Williams, of 
Glan yr Avon, employed some miners at the place where 
this pyrites is found, but the undertaking proved unpro- 
ductive. Yellow copper ore is certainly in the vicinity ; 

for some portions of it were adhering to the specimens 
hich-have been mentioned; and I shall here observe, that 

e stone. which accompanies the magnetical pyrites is a 
variety of the lapis ollaris, or pot-stone, of a pale grayish 
green, containing smooth pan crystals of common A 

4 ; 

136 Analysis of the magnetical Pyrites. 
§ TIT, 

From the appearance of those parts of the magnetical py 
rites which have been exposed to the weather, it seems to 
be liable to oxidizement, but not to vitriolization. 

The specific gravity, at temperature 65° of Fahrenheit, 
is 4518.) y | 

When exposed to the blowpipe, it emits a sulphureous 
odour, and melts into a globule nearly black, which is at- 
tracted by the magnet. : 

500 grains, in coarse powder, were exposed, in a smalk 
earthen retort, to a red heat, during three hours. By this 
operation the weight of the powder was very little dimi- 
nished; neither was there any appearance of sulphur in 
the receiver, which, however, smelt strongly of sulphareous 

500 grains of the same were put into a flat porcelain cru- 
cible, which was kept in a red heat, under a muffle, during 
four hours. The powder then appeared of a dark gray, with 
a tinge of deep red, and weighed 432°50 grains. ‘The loss 
was therefore 67°50 = 13°50 per cent.; but, upon examin- 
ing the residuum, J found that only part of the sulphur had 
been thus separated 

The magnetical pyrites, when digested in dilute sulphurie 
acid, is partially dissolved, with httie effervescence, although 
there is a very perceptible odour of sulphuretted hydrogen. 

The solution is of a very pale green colour. 

Pure ammonia produced a dark green precipitate, tending 
to black; and prussiate of potash formed a very pale blue 
precipitate, or rather a white precipitate mingled with a 
small portion of blue. The whole of the latter, however, 
by exposure to the air, gradually assumed the usual inten- 
sity of Prussian blue; and the blackish green precipitath, 
formed by ammonia, became gradually ochraccous. These 
effects, therefore, fully prove, that the iron in the solution 
was, for the greater part, at the minimum of oxidizement, 
so as to formthe green sulphate and white prussiate of iron *; 
and, consequently, that the iron of the magnetical pyrites is’ 
either quite, or very nearly, in the state of perfect metal. 

This pyrites, when treated with nitric acid of the specific 
gravity of 1-38, diluted with an equal quantity of water, is 
at first but little affected; but, when heat is applied, it is, 
dissolved with much effervescence, and discharge of nitrous 
gas: the cffervescence, however, is by no means so violent 

* Réchevehes cur Ie Bleu de Prusse, par M. Proust. Avnales de Chimie, 
tome Xxliis p.85. : 



Analysts of the magnetical Pyrites. 137 

as when the common pyrites are treated in a similar man- 
ner. It is also worthy of notice, that if the digestion be 
not of too long duration, a considerable quantity of sul- 
phur, in substance, is separated; whilst, on the contrary, 
scarcely any can be obtamed from the common pyrites, 
when treated in a similar manner; although I shall soon 
have occasion to prove that the real quantity of sulphur is 
much more considerable in the latter than in the former. 

‘As soon as muriatic acid is poured on the powder of the 
magnetical pyrites a slight effervescence is produced, which 
becomes violently increased by the application of heat; a 
quantity of vas is discharged, which, by its odour, by its 
jnflammability, by the colour of the flame, by the deposi- 
tion of sulphur when burned, and by other properties, was 
proved to be sulpburetted hydrogen. 

During the digestion sulphur was deposited, which so 
enveloped a small part of the pyrites as to protect it from 
the further action of the acid. 

The solution was of a pale yellowish green colour. With 
prussiate of potash it afforded a pale blue precipitate, or 
rather a white precipitate mixed with blue; and with am- 
monia it formed a dark blackish-green precipitate, which 

ually became ochraceous; so that these efiects corro- 
orated the conclusions which were founded on the pro- 
perties of the sulphuric solution, namely, that the iron con- 
tained in the pyrites is almost, if not quite, i the metallic 
Other experiments were made; but, as they merely con- 

‘firm the above observations, I shall proceed to give an ac- . 

count of the analysis. 
: § IV. 
Analysis of the magnetical Pyrites. 

A. 100 grains, reduced to a fine powder, were digested, 
with two ounces of muriatic acid, in a glass matrass placed 
ima sand-bath. The effects already described took place, 
and a pale yellowish green solution was formed. The resi- 

was then again digested with two parts of muriatic 
mixed with one of nitric acid ; and a quantity of pure 
yhur was obtained, which, being dried, weighed 14 


. ls The acid in which the residuum had been digested was 

led to the first muriatic solution; some nitrie acid was 
ured in, to promote the oxidizement of the iron, and 
thereby to facilitate the precipitation of it byammonia, which 
POP) . was 

138 Analysis of the magnetical Pyrites. 

was added after the liquor had been boiled for a considera=, 
ble time. The precipitate thus obtained was boiled with 
lixivium of potash; it was then edulcorated, dried, made, 
red-hot with wax in-a covered porcelain crucible, was com- 
pictely taken up by a magnet, and, being weighed, amounted 
to 80 grains. 

C. The lixivium of potash was examined by muriate of 
ammonia, hut no alumina was obtained. 

D, To the filtrated liquor from which the iron had been 

precipitated by ammonia, muriate of barytes was added 
‘until it ceased to produce any precipitate: this was then 
digested with some very dilute muriatic acid ; was collected, 
washed, and, after exposure to a low red heat fora few 
minutes in a crucible of platina, weighed 155 grains. If, 
therefore, the quantity of sulphur converted into sulphuric 
acid by the preceding operations, and precipitated by ba- 
rytes, be calculated according to the accurate experiments 
of Mr. Chenevix, these 155 grains of sulphate of barytes 
will denote nearly 22°50 of sulphur; so that, with the addi- 
tion of the 14 grains previously obtained in substance, the 
total quantity will amount to 36°50. 

E. Moreover, from what has been stated it appears that 
the iron which was obtaimed in the form of black oxide 
weighed 80 grains; and, by adding these 80 grains to the 
36°50 of sulphur, an increase of weight is found = 16°50. 
This was evidently owing to the oxidizement of tbe iron, 
which, in the magnetical pyrites, exists quite, or very nearly, 
in the metallic state, but, by the operations of the analysis, 
had received this addition. ‘The real quantity of iron must, 
on this account, be estimated at 63+50. 

190 grains, therefore, of the magnetical pyrites yielded 

Sulphur { si etsy 36°50 grains. 
Jron. « -E.. =>) '68750 



This analysis was repeated in a similar manner, excepting 
that the whole was digested in nitric acid until the sul- 
phur was entirely converted into sulphuric acid. To the 
liquor which remained after the separation of the iron by 
ammonia, muriate of barytes was added, as before, and 
formed a precipitate which weighed 245 grains. Now, as 
the sulphuric acid in sulphate of barytes is estimated by 
*Mr. Chenevix at 23°5 per cent., and the sulphur which 1s 

y required 

Analysis of the magnetical Pyrites. 189 

required to form the sulphuric acid contained in 100 parts 
of sulphate of barytes at 14°5 *, it follows, that 245 grains 
of dry sulphate of barytes contain sulphuric acid equal, very 
nearly, to 36 grains of sulphur; so that the two analyses 
corroborate each other. The proportion of sulphur in the 
magnetical pyrites may therefore be stated at 36°50, or in- 
deed at 37 per cent. if some small allowance be made for 
the occasional presence of earthy particles; a minute por- 
tion of quartz having been found, by the last analysis, after 
the complete acidification of the sulphur, 

The increase produced, by the operations of the analysis, 
in the weight of the iron, arose, as I have already remarked, 
from the addition of oxygen; for the iron, as obtained by 
the analysis, was in the state of black oxide; but in this, 
and indeed in all pyrites, it undoubtedly exists very nearly, 
or quite, in the state of perfect metal. Now the black oxide 
of iron, called protoxide by Dr. Thomson t, has been proved 
by Lavoisier and Proust to consist of 100 parts of metallic 
iron combined with 37 of oxygen, thus forming 137 of 
black oxide: the exact proportion of oxygen is therefore 
27 per cent., and 80 grains of this oxide must contain 21°6 
of oxygen. But, in the above analyses of the magnetical 
pyrites, the increase of weight did not amount to more 
than 16-5; and we may therefore conclude that, in all 
probability, a quantity of oxygen = 5°1 was previously 
combined with some part, or with the general mass, of the 
iron in the pyrites. A small part of the above-mentioned 
increase of weight must likewise have arisen from another 
cause ; for, although the true proportions of the black oxide 
of iron are 27 of oxygen and 73 of iron, (so that 100 parts 
of the latter absorb 37 of the former,) yet, in actual prac- 
tice, it is difficult to obtain it exactly in this state, and there 
is commonly a small excess of weight: this I have repeat- 
edly observed in many experiments, some of which were 
purposely made. When, for instance, 100 parts of fine iron 
wire were dissolved in muriatic acid, and afterwards preci- 
pitated by ammonia, edulcorated, dried, and made red-hot 
with a small quantity of wax in a covered porcelain cruci- 
ble, the weight, instead of 137, usually amounted to 139 
or 140. ‘The quantity of wax empl»yed certainly did not 
afford a ponderable quantity of coal or other residuum ; but 
the real cause of the increase of weight appears tu be the 

air, which can scarcely be completely excluded, and which, 

| * Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy, vol. Vili, p. 240. 
+ System of Chemistry, zd edition, vol, i. p. 147. 

140 Analysis of the magneticul Pyrites. 

after the wax is burned, combines with the superficial part 
of the oxide, and converts a portion of it into the red or 
peroxide; so that the surface in the crucible appears brown 
when compared with the interior. 

To this cause, therefore, I am inclined also to attribute 
a small part of the increase observed in the weight of the 
iron obtained by the preceding analyses. 

§ Vv. 

Before I make any observations on the nature of the sul- 
phuret which has been proved to constitute the magnetical 
pyrites, it may be proper to state some comparative analyses 
which I have made of several of the common pyrites ; and, 
as the method employed was precisely the same as that 
which has been described, all that secims to be requisite is 
to give an account of the results. 

In each analysis the whole of the sulphur was conyerted 
‘into sulphuric acid, which was precipitated by barytes; and, 
in the selection of the specimens, great attention was paid 
to takeMthe internal parts of the fragments, and not to make 
use of any which exhibited an appearance of decomposition, 
or of extraneous substances. 

The iron was, .as before, reduced to the state of black 
oxide; and the addition of weight in each separate analysis — 
corresponded, within a few fractional parts, with the pro- 
portion of oxygen requisite to form into black oxide a given 
quantity of metallic iron, equal to that which in each pyrites 
was ascertained to be the real proportion, by deducting the 
quantity of sulphur from the otal quantity of each pyrites. 

The iron, therefore, in these is completely metallic, and 
as such Is stated in the following results, 

No.1. Pyrites in the form of dodecaedronsy Sulphur 52°15 
with pentagonal faces. - - [ron 47°85 

Specific gravity 4830. 


Sulphur 52°50 
No. 2. Pyrites in the form of striated cubes. J Iron 47°50 


No. 3. Pyrites in,the form of smooth po- 

lished cubes, found in the lapis ae ane 

Tron 47°30 


which accompanies the magnetical 
pytites. | - - - - 
Specific gravity 4831. 

No. 4. 

Analysis of the magnetical Pyrites. 141 
Sulphur 53-60 

‘No. 4. Radiated pyrites. = ra JIron 46-40 
- Specific gravity 4698. oe 

+ : Sulphur 54°34 
No. 5. A smaller variety of radiated pyrites.} Iron 4.566 
Specific gravity 4775. bee hwi 

; 100° 

Considering the difference in the figure, lustre, and co- 
lour of these pyrites, I expected to have found a much 
greater difference in the proportions of their component in- 
gredients ; but, as the results are the average of several ex- 
perunents, I have not any reason to doubt their accuracy, 

_ The pyrites crystallized in regular figures, such as cubes 

and dodecaedrons, according to the above analyses, contain 
less sulphur and more iron than the radiated pyrites, and - 
perhaps than others which are not regularly crystallized. 
This difference, however, is not considerable; for the do- 
decaedral pyrites, which afforded the smallest quantity of 
sulphur of any of the regularly crystallized pyrites, yielded 
§2°15; and the radiated pyrites, No. 5, gave 54°34: the 
_ difference, therefore, is only 2°19. So that the mean pro- 
portion of sulphur in all the pyrites which were examined 
is 53°24 per cent.; and, taking the proportion of sulphur 
im the magnetical pyrites at 36°50 or 37, the difference 
between this and the mean of the common pyrites will be 
16°74 or 16°24. The magnetical pyrites, therefore, is quite 
distinct, as a. sulphuret of iron, from the common martial 
pyrites; and in the following observations I shall prove 
that a sulphuret consisting of the proportions last men- 
tioned has till now been unknown as a product of nature. 
§ VI. 

Although pyrites is one of the most common of mineral 
substances, yet the discovery of its real nature is compara- 
tively of a late date; for it appears that even Agricola 
_ “(whose knowledge of mineral bodies was certainly great, 
considering the state of science in his time) was not ae- 
 quainted with its characteristic ingredient, :amely, iron. 
i Ricarling to Henckel, this was first.noticed by our coun- 
man Martin Lister, a member of this learned society, 
_ who says, “ Pyrites purus putus ferri metallum est.” 
From the time of Henckel, pyrites seems little to have 

attracted ‘the notice of chemists, until Mr. Proust, the 

242 Analysis of the magnetical Pyrites. 

learned professor of chemistry at Madrid, published two 
memoirs, in which he states that there are two sulphurets 
.ef iron, the one being artificial and the other natural. The 
first is the sulphuret which is formed in laboratories, by 
adding sulphur to red-hot iron, or by exposing both of them 
to heat in a retort. This is distinguished from the second 
sulphuret (which is the common martial pyrites) by its easy 
solubility tn acids, especially in muriatic acid, by the form- 
‘ation of sulphuretted hydrogen gas during the solution of 
the su!phuret in the last-named acid, by its colour, and by 
its inferior density. 

According to Mr. Proust, the first or artificial sulphuret 
is composed of 60 parts of sulphur, combined with 100 
parts of iron; whilst the second sulphuret, or common py- 
‘rites, consists of 90 parts of sulphur and 100 Of iron. 

He moreover observes, that the sulphur of the first sul- 
shuret is difficultly separated ; but that the excess which is 
iti the second sulphuret, or common pyrites, is easily ex- 
pelled, and is that portion which is obtained by distillation, 
the residutim being then reduced to the state of the first sul- 
phuret *. 100 parts, therefore, of this substance, are com- 
posed of 62°50 of iron and 37°50 of sulphur; and 100 parts 
of common pyrites are, according to this statemrent, com- 
posed of 52°64 of iron and 47°36 of sulphur. 

These proportions Mr. Proust considers as the minimum 
and maximum of the sulphurets of iron. For the latter he 

‘ajlows some variation; but the composition of the former 
he regards as fixed by the invariable law of proportions f ; 
although he observes, that it has not as yet been discovered 
in the mineral kingdom ¢. 

In support of these assertions Mr. Proust states, 

1. That the pyrites found near Soria, when distilled in 
a retort heated to redness, afforded nearly 20 per cent. of 

2. That the residuum of the above distillation had lost 
the external characters and chemical properties of pyrites, 
and had assumed those of the artificial sulphuret of iron. 

* Journal de Physique, tome liti. p. 89, and tome liv. p. 89, From 
>. 91 and 92 of tome liv. it is evident that the author does not mean to 
assert that the first sulphuret contains 60 per cent. of sulphur; but that 
100 parts of iron are combined with 60 of sulphur, and form 160 of the 
sulphuret. In‘ like manner, when 90 of sulphur are united with too 
of iron, a substance analogous to common pyrites is formed, which weighs _ 
190 grains or parts. : na : 
+ ‘Yournal de Physique, tome liii. p. 90. ‘ 
+ La regne minéral, jusqu'ici, ne novs a point. encore présenté le 
fer sulfuré au minimum.”’"— Journal de Pdysique, tome liv. p. 93. 

3. That 

Anulysis of the magnetical Pyrites. 143, 

© 3. That when to this residuum a quantity of sulphur was 
added, and the whole was distilled in a degree of heat not 
too great, the 20 per cent. of sulphur, which had been se- 
parated by the first distillation, was by this again restored ; 
and the mass in the retort thus recovered nearly the original 
colour, lustre, and chemical properties of the pyrites. 

- 4. That, by adding sulphur to iron filings, or fine iron 
wire, heated to a low red in a retort, a compound is ob- 
tained, in which the proportion of sulphur amounts only 
to about 20 or 30 parts; but, if this compound is again 
treated with sulphur in a red heat, a sulphuret is formed, 
which is readily dissolved in acids, and plentifully affords 
sulphuretted hydrogen gas. 

This is the real minimum of the sulphurets of iron, fixed 
by the invariable law of proportions (according to Mr. 
Proust) at 59 or 60 of sulphur and 100 of iron, the former 
being (as I have already observed) in the proportion of 
.37°50 per cent. 

5. and lastly, That when this sulphuret is again mixed 
‘and distilled with sulphur, (due attention being paid to the 
degree of heat,) the product is found to have assumed most 
of the chemical and external properties of the natural com- 
mon pyrites, density alone being excepted.’ 

' The application of the above observations to the principal 
| subject of the present paper is sufficiently obvious; for, 
‘when it is considered that the magnetical pyrites is so dif- 
ferent from the common .pyrites in colour, hardness, solu- 
bility in sulphuric acid, and more especially in_ muriatic 
acid, with the copious production of sulphuretted hydrogen 


._ This substance agreed, in all the properties which have 
been noticed, with the magnetical pyrites ; and the precipi- 
’ tates obtained by adding prussiate of potash, and ammonia, 
to the muriatic and sulphuric solutions, were sisi 


144 Analysis of the magnetical Pyrites. 

milar, The speciiic gravity was 4390, whilst (as T havé 
already remarked) that of the megneiical pyrites is 4518. 
§ VII. 

So far, therefore, a3 can be proved by similarity in. che- 
mical properties and analysis, the magnetical pyrites is in- 
disputably'a natural sulphuret, completely the same with 
that which till now has been only known as an artificial 
product ; hut, that the mind may be perfectly satisfied, an- 
other question must be solved, namely, How far do they 
accord in receiving and retaining the property of mag- 
netism ? Common pyrites do not appear to affect the mag- 
netic needle; or, if some of them shghtly act by attraction, 
(which, however, [ never could perceive, nor recollect to 
have read in works expressly relating to magnetism,) yet 
they do not possess, nor appear capable of acquiring, any 
magnetic polarity. As, therefore, the iron of pyrites ts un- 
doubtedly in the metallic state, and in a considerable pro- 
portion, the destruction of this characteristic property of 
metallic iron must be ascribed to the other ingredient— 
sulphur. : : 

But we have lately seen, that a natural combination of 
iron with 36°50 or 37 per cent. of sulphur, is in possession 
of all the properties supposed hitherto to appertain (im any 
marked degree) almost exclusively to the well known mag- 
netic iron ore; and that the combination alluded to is strictly 
chemical, and not (as at first might have been imagined) 
amixture of particles of magnetic iron ore with common 
pyrites *. , 

This is certainly very remarkable; and it induced me to 
examine the effects produced by sulphur on the capacity of 
metallic iron for receiving and retaining the magnetic pro- 
perties. I therefore prepared some sulphuret of iron by 
adding a large quantity of sulphur to fine iron wire in a 
moderate red heat. . eto 
~ The internal colour and lustre of the product were not 
very unlike those of the magnetical pyrites; and, after the 
mass had been placed during a few hours between mag- 
netical bars, I found that it peer so strong a degree 
of polarity as to attract or repel the needle completely round 
upon its pivot ;.and, although several weeks have elapsed 

* This has ben sufficiently proved by the facts which have becn 
stated; [ shall however add, that upon digesting a mixture of the powder 
ef common’ pyrites and iron filiags in muriatic acid, I only obtained hy- 
@rogen gas, exactly as if 1 had employed the iron filings without the 
pyrites. . 


Analysis of the magnetical Pyrites. 145 

since it has been removed from the magnetical bars, it stil! 
retains its power with little diminution ; like the magnetical 
pyrites, however, in its natural state, it is not sufficiently 
powerful to attract and take up iron filings. 

But this sulphuret did not contain so much sulphur as 
the magnetical pyrites; I therefore mixed some of it, reduced 
to powder, with a Jarge quantity of sulphur, and subjected 
it to distillation in a retort, which was at length heated until 
the intire bulb became red. 

_ The sulphuret by this operation had assumed very much 
the appearance of the powder of common pyrites in respect 
to colour; but in its chemical properties, such as solubility 
im muriatic acid, with the production of sulphuretted hy- 
drogen gas, as well as in the nature of the precipitates it 
afforded with prussiate of potash and with ammonia, it 
perfectly resembled the magnetical pyrites. Moreover, by 
analysis, it was found to consist of 35 parts of sulphur and 
65 of iron; and although (being in a pulverulent state) its 
power, as to receiving and retaining the magnetic property, 
could not so easily be examined, yet, by being powerfully 
attracted by the magnet, with some other circumstances, 
there was every reason to conclude that in this respect also 
it was not inferior. 

- Another portion of sulphuret was formed as above de- 
scribed ; it was placed between magnetical bars, and, in like 
manner, received and retained the magnetic power. 

It is certain, therefore, that when a quantity of sulphur 
equal to 35 or 37 per cent. is combined with iron, it not 
only does not prevent the iron from receiving the magnetic 
fluid, but enables it to retain it, so that the mass acts in 
every respect as a permanent magnet. 

Black oxide of iron, by one operation, does not appear 

. to combine with sulphur so readily as iron filings ; a second 

operation, however, converts it into a sulphuret, very much, 
resembling that which has just been described, including 
the chemical as well as the magnetical properties; but un- 
doubtedly by these processes it is progressively converted, 
perfectly or very nearly, into the metallic state. ' 
Tron combined with a larger proportion of oxygen, such 
as the fine gray specular iron from Sweden, will not form 
a sbberret by the direct application of sulphur in one ope- 
ration ; although it becomes of a dark brown colour, partly 
iridescent, and is moderately attracted by a magnet. 
» 50 grains of the magnetical pyrites, reduced to powder, 
and mixed with three times the weight of sulphur, were 
distilled in a retort until the bulb became moderately red-hot. 
Vol. 21. No. 82. March 1805. K Atter 

146 Analysis of the magnetical Pyrites. 

After the distillation the pyrites weighed 54°50; conse- 
quently, the addition of sulphur was g per cent., making 
the total = 45°50 or 46 per cent. The powder was become 
greenish yellow, very like that of the common pyrites; it 
did not aiford any sulphuretted hydrogen when digested in 
muriatic acid; but it nevertheless was partially dissolved, 
and the solution, when examined »by prussiate of potash, 
and by ammonia, was not, different from that of the crude 
magnetical pyrites. : : 

The powder, which. had been distilled with sulphur, and 
which had thus received an addition of 9 per cent. to its 
original quantity, was still capable of being completely 
taken up by a magnet, 1 

From the whole of the experiments which have been re- 
lated, it is therefore evident, that iron, when combined with 
aconsiderable proportion of sulphur, is not only still capable 
of receiving the magnetic property, but is also thereby ena- 
bled to retain it, and thus, as [ have already remarked, be- 
comes a compicte magnet; and it is not a little curious, that 
iron combined, as above stated, with 45 or 46 per cent. of 
sulphur, is capable of being taken up by a magnet, whilst 
iron combined with 52 per cent. or more of sulphur, (al- 
though likewise in the metallic state,) does not sensibl 
affect the magnetic needle; and hence, small as the differ- 
ence may appear, there 13 reason to conclude that the capa- 
city of iron for magnetic action is destroyed by a certain 
proportion of sulphur, the effects of which, although little 
if at all sensible at 46 per cent., are yet néarly or quite ab- 
solute, in this destraction of magnetic influence, before it 
amounts to 52. But what the exact intermediate propor 
tion of sulphur may be which is adequate to produce this 
eflect, I have not as yet determined by actual experiment. 

As carbon acts on soft iron, (which, although it most 
readily receives the magnetic influence, is unable to retain 
it so as to become a magnet without the addition of a cer- 
tain proportion of carbon, by which it is rendered hard and 
brittle, or, in other words, is converted into steel,) so, in 
like manner, does sulphur seem to act; for it has been 
proved, by the preceeding experiments, that the brittle mass 
formed by the union of a certain proportion of this sub- 
stance with iron, whether by nature or by art, becomes ca-- 
pable of retaining the magnetic virtue, and of acting as a 
complete magnet. ‘sa 
This remarkable coincidence in the cffects produced on 
iron by carbon and sulphur, induced me to try the effects 
of phosphorus; and miy hope of success was increased by 


ORK oe 

Change of Principles of Vegetables into Bitumen. 1417 

the remark of Mr. Pelletier, who says, that ‘* the phos- 
phuret of iron is attracted by the magnet *;”’ and therefore, 
although certain bodies may be thus attracted, without 
being capable of actually. becoming permanent magnets, 
I was desirous to examine what might be the power, in this 
respect, of phosphuret of iron. 

I therefore prepared a quantity of phosphuret of iron in 
the direct way, viz. by adding phosphorus, cut into small 
pieces, to fine iron wire made moderately red-hot im a cru- 
cible.. The usual phenomena took place, such as the bril- 
liant white flame, and the rapid melting of the iron, which, 
when cold, was white, with a striated grain, extremely 
brittle, hard, and completely converted into a phosphuret. 
The fragments of this were powerfully attracted by a mag- 
net; and, after I had placed two or three of the largest 
pieces, during a few hours, between magnetical bars, I had 
the pleasure to find that these had become powerful mag- 
nets, which not only attracted or repelled the needle com- 
pletely round, but were able to take up iron filings, and 

“small pieces, about half an inch in length, of fine harpsi- 

chord wire; and, although they have now been removed 
from the magnetical bars more than three weeks, I cannot 
discover any diminution of the power which had thus been 
communicated to them. 

The three inflammable substances, carbon, sulphur, and 
phosphorus, which, by their chemical effects on iron, in 
many respects resemble each other, have now therefore been 
proved alike to possess the property of enabling iron to re- 
tain the power of magnetism: but | shall consider this more 
fully in the following section. : 

[To be continued. } 


XXIV. Observations on the Change of some of the proximate 
Principles of Vegetables into Bitumen; with analytical 
Experiments on a peculiar Substance which ts foun with 

» the Bovey Coal. By Cuances Harcnerr, £sq. P.R.S, 

[Continued from page 51. ] 

Wis gv. 


4 / 
om Mittrs, in his remarks on the Bovey coal, (which 

1 have several times had occasion to notice in the course of 
this paper,) states, that ‘* amongst the clay, but adhering 

* «Le phosphure de fer est attirable 4 Vaimant.” Annales de Coimte,. 
fome xiii. p. 154+ 

Kk 2 to 

148 Olservations on the Change of 

to the coal, are found lumps of a bright yellow loam, ex~ 
tremely light, and so saturated with petroleum, that they 
burn like sealing-wax, emitting a very agreeable and aro-~ 
matic scent *.” 

This substance I also observed when I visited the Bovey 
coal-pits in 1794 and 1796. At that time, however, it was: 
scarce, and I could only procure one small specimen, which 
is now in the British Museum ; but from a cursory exa~ 
mination of it, I was convinced that it was a peculiar bitu- 
minous substance, and not loam impregnated with petro= 
leum, as Dr. Milles had supposed. I could not then con- 
veniently make a regular analysis of it, and therefore con- 
tented myself with briefly describing it in a note annexed 
to my paper on bituminous substances f. 

Lately, however, my friend John Sheldon, esq. of Exe- 
ter, F.R.S., obligingly sent me several pieces of it, toge- 
ther with specimens of the different kinds of Bovey coal 

which have been mentioned ; and thus I was enabled fully . 

io ascertain its real nature and properties. 

Description of the Bitumen from Bovey. 

It accompanies the Bovey coal in the manner already de- 

scribed, and is found in masses of a moderate size. 

The colour is pale brownish ochraceous yellow. 

The fracture is imperfectly conchoidal. ; 

It appears earthy externally, but when broken exhibits 
a slight degree of vitreous lustre. servis de 

The fragments are irregularly angular, and completely 
opaque at the edges. 

It is extremely brittle. 

It does not apparently becotne softened when held for 
some time in the hand, but emits a faint resinous odour. 

The specific gravity at temperature 65° of Fahrenheit ig 

Some specimens have dark spots, slightly approaching in 
colour and lustre to asphaltum; and small portions of the 
Bovey coal are commonly interspersed in the larger masses 


of this bitumen. . babs 
When placed on a heated iron, it immediately melts, 

smokes much, burns with a bright flame, and yields a very 

fragrant odour, like some of the sweet-scented resins, but 

which at last becomes slightly tainted with that of as<— 

phaltum. ; 

* Philosophical Transactions, vol. li. p. 536. TS 

+ Transactions of the Linnean Scciety, vol. iv. p. 139- 


ba gin 


some of the Principles of Vegetables into Bitumen. 149 

The melted mass, when cold, is black, very brittle, and 
‘breaks with a glossy fracture. 

A. 100 grains of this bitumen, when distilled until the 
bulb of the retort became red-hot, afforded, . Grains. 
1, Water slightly acid - - - 3 

2. Thick brown oily bitumen, very similar to that 
which was obtained from the Bovey coal, but pos- 
sessing slightly the odour of vegetable tar - 45 

3. Light spongy coal - - - 23 

4. Mixed gas, composed of hydrogen, carbonated — 
hydrogen, and carbonic acid, (by computation,) _ 29 

The coal yielded about three grains and a half of ashes, 
which consisted of alumina, iron, and silica, with a trace 
of lime, ee 

B. The bitumen was not affected by being long digested 
in boiling distilled water. 

C. By digesting 100 grains in lixiviam of pure potash, 2 
brown solution was formed; this was saturated with mu- 
Fiatic acid, and a brown resinous precipitate was obtained, 
which weighed 21 grains. 

D. A portion was digested in nitric acid: at first much 
nitrous gas was evolved, and, after the digestion had been 
continued for nearly 48 hours, a part was dissolved, and 
formed an orange-coloured solution, which did not yield 
any precipitate when saturated by the alkalis or by lime ; 
the colour only became more deep, and, by evaporation, a 
yellow viscid substance was obtained, which was soluble in 
water. The above nitric solution possessed every property 
of those nitric solutions of resinous substances which I have 
mentioned in a former paper. 

E. The benzoic and succjnic acids were not obtained from 
this substance by any of the methods usually emploved. 

F, Alcohol almost immediately began to act upon this 
bitumen; and, being added at different times, gradually 
dissolved a considerable part of it. The solution was red- 
dish brown, and had a resinous odoyr; by the addition of © 
water it became milky, and, by evaporation, afforded a dark 
brown substance which had every property of resin, whilst 
the residuum teft by the alcohol possessed those properties 
which characterize asphaltum. 

Tlie following analysis was then made to discover the 
proportions of the component ingredients. 

* Philosophical Transac ions for 1804, p. 19%. 

K 4 Analysis 

150 Olservations on the Change of 

Analysis of the Bitumen from Bovey. 

A. 109 grains, reduced to a fine powder, were digested, 
during 48 hours, with six ounces of alcohol, the vessel 
being placed in sand moderately warmed: A deep reddish 
brown tincture was thus obtamed; and the operdtion was 
again twice repeated, with other portions of the same men- 
struum, until it ceased to act upon the residuum. 

The whole of the spirituous solution (which had been 
cautiously decanted) was then subjected to a very gradual 
distillation in an alembic, and yielded a brown fragrant resin 
which weighed 55 grains. . 

B. The residuum, which could not be dissolved by al- 
cohol, was digested in boiling distilled water; but this did 
not act upon it; the whole was therefore collected on a 
filter, was gradually dried, without heat, by mere exposure 
to the air, and then weighed 44 grains. 25 

These 44 grains consisted of a light, porous, pale brown 
substance, which, being melted, formed a black, shining, 
brittle mass. It burned with the odour of asphaltum, but 
rather less disagreeable, owing most: probably to a small 
portion of the resin which had not been completely ex- 
tracted by the alcohol. It was insoluble in. water and in 
alcohol, but was readily dissolved by heated fat oils; and 
in every other particular was found to possess the properties 
of asphaltum. aR 

The 44 grains of asphaltum, when bumed, left a resi- 
duum, which weighed 3 grains, and consisted of alumina, 
silica, and iron. oe? 

By this analysis it appears that the bitumen which ac- 
companies the Bovey coal is a peculiar and hitherto un- 
known substance, which is partly in the state of vegetable 
resin, and partly in that of the bitumen called asphaltum, 
the resin being in the largest proportion; as 100 grains of 
the above-mentioned substance aftorded, Saws - 

Resin. = Ba’ ores Sts 
Asphaltum - 41 
" Earthy residuum & 263 tniauny 
99.29 Ago 
eel 3) 

Thus we have an instance of ‘a’ substance being found 
under circumstances which constitute a fossil, although 
the characters of it appertain partly to the vegetable and 
partly to the mineral kingdom. 

§ VI. 

fos Sap 


some of the Principles of Vegetables into Bitumen. 151 
§ Viv 

The powerful action which alcohol exerts on most of the 
resins may justly be regarded as forming a marked distinc- 
tion between those substances and the bitumens. But, as 
some of the bitumens are acted upon by alcohol im a slight 
degree, I was desirous to ascertain whether a small portion 
of resin was contained in any of these; or, if that was not 
the case, I wished to determine the nature of the substance 
which could be separated, although very sparingly, by this 
menstruum. J therefore made the followiug comparative 
experiments on the soft hrown clastic bitumen from Derby- 
shire; on the genuine asphaltum ; on very pure cannel coal ; 
and on the common pit coal. ‘ 

100 grains of each were digested with three ounces of 
alcohol, in matrasses placed in warm sand, during five days, 
some alcohol being occasionally added, to supply the loss 
eaused by evaporation. After the above-mentioned period 
had elapsed, the liquid contained in each matrass was poured 
into separate vessels, , 

1. The aleohol which had been digested on the elastic 
bitumen was not tinged, nor, when spontaneously evapo- 
‘rated, did it leave any film or stain on the glass, 
2. From asphaltum the alcohol had extracted a yellow 
tincture, which, in some situations, appeared of a pale olive 
-colour, and, being spontaneously evaporated, a thick brown 
liquid was deposited, in small drops, on the glass; these 
drops did not become hard after two months, and possessed 
the odour, and every other property, of petroleum. The 
asphaltum had lost in weight about one grain and a balf. 

3. The eannel coal had communicated a pale yellow tint to 
the alcohol, which, in the manner above described, was as- 
certained to be caused by petroleum; but, from the smail- 
ness of the quantity, the weight could not be determined. 

© 4, The alcohol which had been digested on pit coal had 
pot assumed any colour; but, by spontancous evaporation *, 
 ¥t left a film on the glass, which, by its odour, was also 
_ found to be petroleum. , 
* By these experiments we find that the action of alcohol 
on hee biti is very slight; and that the small portion 
which may thus be extracted from some of thein is petro- 
Jeum. In these, the process of bituminization (if [ may be 
allowed to employ such a term) appears to have been comn- 
pleted, whilst in the Bovey coal, and especially in the sub- 
> * Spontaneous evaporation, by exporure to the air, was employed in 
these experiments for reasons which must be sufficicnily obvicus. 

K4 StInce 

159 Observations on the Change of 

stance which accompanies it, nature seems to have per- 
formed only the half of her work, and, from some unknown 
cause, to have stopped in the middle of her operations. 
But, by this circumstance, much light is thrown on the 
history of bituminous substances; and the opinion, that 
they owe their origin to the organized kingdoms of na- 
ture, especially to that of vegetables, which hitherto has 
been supported only by presumptive proofs, seems now, in 
a great measure, to be confirmed, although the causes which 
operate these changes on vegetable bodies are as yet undis- 

Many facts indicate, that time alone does not reduce ani- 
mal or vegetable bodies to the state of fossils. In this coun- 
try, there are numerous examples of large quantities of tim- 
ber (even whole forests) which have been submerged. prior 
to any tradition, and which nevertheless completely retain 
their ligneous characters *. Other local causes and agents 
must therefore have been required to form the varieties of 
coal and other bituminous substances. In some instances 
(as in the formation of Bovey coal) these causes seem to 
have acted partially and imperfectly, whilst, in the forma- 
tion of the greater part of the pit coals, their operation has 
been extensive and complete, di 

_ In the pit coals, the mineral characters predominate, and 
the principal vestige of their real origin seems to be bitu-. 
men; for the presence of carbon in the state of oxide can+ 
not alone be considered as decisive. 

Bitumen, therefore, with the exuyie and impressions so 
commonly found in the accompanying strata, must be more 
immediately regarded as the proofs in favour of the origin 
of pit coal from organized bodies; and, considering the 
general facts which have been long observed, together with | 
those lately adduced respecting the Bovey coal, and the sub- 
stance which is found with it, we seem now to have al- 
most unquestionable evidence that bitumen has essentially 
been produced by the modification of some of the proximate ” 

principles of vegetables, and especially resin. on , 
Modern chemistry had ‘comparatively made but a small 
progress when the illustrious Bergmann published his Disser- 
tation entitled Producta Ignis subterranei chemice considerata; 
for at that time the extent and power of chemical action in 
the humid way were very imperfectly understood. In that 
* Phil. Trans. for January 1671. Phil. Trans. vol. xix. p. 526. 
oid. vol, xxii. p. 980. Ibid. vol. xaili, p. 1073. Ibid. vol. xxvii. 
p. 298. Ibid. for 1799. p. 145. : ah ‘ 
' part, 

some of the Prineiples of Vegetables into Bitumen. 153 

part, however, of the above work where he speaks of the 
fossil wood of Iceland, called swrturlrand, he evidently ap- 
pears doubtful how far volcanic fire may have acted upon 
it; although he conceives that, in the formation of it, there 
has been some connection with yolcanic operations. His 
words are: «* Quid de ligno fossili Islandize sentiendum sit, 
gnaro in loco natali contemplatori decidendum redinquimus. 
Interea, ut cum vyulcani operationibus nexum credamus, 
plures suadent rationes, quamvis hucusque modum ignore- 
mus, quo situm texturamque adquisiverunt hiec strata.” 
It certainly was very natural that Bergmann should enter- 
tain this opinion in respect to the surturbrand; and it is 
remarkable that the leaves contained in the schistus lately 
described are’of the same nature, and are found in the same 
country. The leaves also described by Mr. St. Fond are. 
likewise found in a country which, according to him, was 
formerly volcanic. Were these shbstanees, there fore, never 
found but in countries which either actually are or were vol- 
canic, we should be almost compelled to believe, with the 
Swedish professor, that the operations of subterraneous fires 
have been concerned in the formation of these bodies, or 
rather in the conversion of them-into their present state. 
. But similar substances are found in countries where not 
the smallest vestige of voleanic effects can be discovered, and 
Devonshire most undoubtedly is such; yet, nev ertheless, 
the Bovey coal is there found similar to the surturbrand 
in most of the external, and, from experiments which [ 
made some vears ago, I believe I may say, chemical proper- 
ties ; to which must be added, that ‘both these substances 
perfectly resemble each other by forming regular strata *. 
Moreover, the half charred appearance eof Bovey coal, and 
of surturbrand, cannot be adduced as any proof that the ori- 
ginal vegetable bodies have been exposed to the partial ef- 
fects of subtcrraneous fire; for at this time we know that 
the oxidizement of substances is performed at least as fre- 
quently: dnd as effectually by the humid as by the dry way. 
It would therefore be superfluous here to enter into an ela- 
borate discussion to prove that coal and bitumen, with 
quch greater probability, have been formed without the 
intervention of fire; and I am the less inclined to say more 
upon'this: subject, as I have already published sonie’ consi~ 
erations on it in a former paper f. 

* Transactions of the Linnean Society, vol. iv. p.138. Von Trvil’s 
Liters, p.42  Opuscula Rergmanni, rome iii. Pp. 23% 
+ Transactions of the Linpean Society, vol iv. pp agz, &¢. 


154 On the apparent Repulsion 

Before I conclude, I must bee leave to observe, that as 
the substance which is found with the Bovey coal is, mm 
every respect, so totally different from any of the bitumens 
hitherto discovered, it seems proper that it should receive 
some specific name ; and, as it has been proved to consist 
partly of a resin and partly of a bituminous substanee, Tam 
induced to call it retinasphalium*, a name by which a fall 
definition of its nature is conveved. 

I have lately seen, in No. 85 of the Journal des Minds; 
p.77, an account of a peculiar combustible fossil, found 
near Helbra, in the county of Mansfield, and described by 
Mr. Voight, im his Versuch einer Geschichte der Steinkohle, 
der Braunkohle, &c. p. 188. This substance is of an ash- 
coloured gray, passing to grayish white; it is found in a 
bed of bituminous vewetable earth, which has apparently 
been produced by the decomposition of fossil wood. The 
purest specimens are in the form of nodules: the fracture 1 1S 
earthy ; it is opaque, soft, brittle, and is very light. “When 
applied to. the flame of a candle, it burns and melts like 
sealing-wax, at the same time diffusing an odour which is 
not disagreeable. This substance appears to accord in sq 
any properties with the retinasphaltan 1 of Bovey, that I 
cannot but suspect it to be of .a similar nature; and I have 
little doubt that, by a chemical examination, it will be found 
to consist partly of resin and partly of bitumen. 


XXV. Experiments and Reflections of Dr. ghey Bed CarR- 
RApORT DE Pravro ow the apparent Repulsion between 
some Kinds of Fluids observed ty DRAPARNAUD f. 

Taz observations which M. Draparnaup published in 
the Annales de Chimiet are not new, and the conse- 
quences which he Aeiisecs from them are false. Several 
years ago § I observed that fluids are impedled: others on 
the surface of the water; and I have proved) that these re- 
pulsious are only apparent, and are owing inerely to the 
different degrees of attraction which these fluids” experience 
from the surface of the water. I have several times 1 ain dif 

% From przim, resin; and aésparrog, bitumen. 2 

+ Annales de Chimie, No. 152. y 

+ Meémoie sur les Mouvemens que certains Fluides regoivent par le 
Cont: ag d'autres Fiuides, an 11, no. 1 

§ Giornale Pisic Medic, di Payia Sane Ann. Chim. di Pavia; Opus- 
colt Scelti di Milano. 


detween some Kinds of Fluids. 155 

ferent’ journals *, and particularly in my answers to Pre- 
vost t, and in some letters written to profes sor Brugnatelli, 
insisted on the real explanation of the phenomena of this 
kind; proving; by decisive experiments, that these move- 
ments, thought to be the effect of a repulsive power, arise 
xll from the same principle, that 1s to say, the atéraction of 
surface; whence it results, that one fluid being attracted 
more than another, retires from the surface on which it 
had extended itself, and obeys its own cohesion or force of 
aggregation, and concentrates itself. 

I have lately resumed this subject, and have exhibited it 
in a clearer point of view, in the Transactions of the Italian 
Society of the Sciences, proving, with the greatest rigour, that 
it is the attraction of the surface which gives rise to the pre- 
tended repulsions of some fluids on the surface of fluids, 
and of some fluids on the surface of solids. 

Professor Brugnatelli, extending my experiments on the 
attraction of surface, spoke of the repulsions recently ob- 
served by M. Draparnaud; for he remarked, that several 
fluids thrown in drops on the smooth surface of solids repel 
il, spirit of wine, oil of turpentine, and ether ft. 

M. Draparnaud says that alcohol or spirit of wine expels 
water and other liquids from the bottom of vessels, because 

there is a continual emission of subtle particles, which, 

forming an atmosphere, produce the removal of the water, 
as Prevost said of odoriferous atmospheres: and, according 
to him, all volatile bodies are capable of doing the same at 
the common temperature of the atmosphere, since he is of 
opinion that they act mechanically, that is to say, by means 
of the impulsion of their emanations. 

But I shall beg leave to oppose to him some facts, and 
some reasoning to throw light on this truth. Water, in- 
eed, retires from the surface of the vessel to which spirit 
of wine is applied; but it is not true that it is expelled ity 
repulsive force. It is equally false, that the space abandoued 
ay aoe when the experiment is made, 1 is perfectly dry, 
as M. Draparnaud says; but the water is succeeded bya 
ae stratum of spirit of wine, which soon evaporates 

ater, as’ well as the other fluids, adduced by Draparnaud, 
‘retire, because they are obliged to give up the surface to the 
spirit of wine, which has a greater attraction for it than 
they, and seizes on it with more cnergy : iehag & thus aban- 

L ° 

. Giorn. Italiani et Journal de Physique ; Annales de Chimie. 
Ann. Chim. di Pavia, tom. xix; Annales de Chimie, nov 143. 
t Ann, di Chin. di Pavia, tom. xviii. 


156 - On the apparent Repulsion 

doned to themselves, they become concentrated. A drop 
or two of spirit of wine, indeed, poured, in a gentle tem- 

erature, on a porcelain dish for example, is seen to extend 
itself, and to cover the said surface like varnish; which is 
not the case on pouring out a drop or two of water, because 
it has not the same attraction of surface. The integrant 
moleculz of the water, which have more affinity of agere~ 
gation or cohesion, than of attraction for the surface of the 
supposed body, do not become flat, or dilate in the same 

It is so true, that spirit of wine or alcohol attaches itself 
more strougly than water to the surface of vessels, that if 
a drop or two of this fluid be thrown on a porcelain dish 5 
and if, after it has extended itself, forming as it were a 
disk, some drops of water be thrown on it, and forced to 
take the place occupied by the spirit of wine ; it will be seen 
that the water, not being able to detach the alcohol, will be 
obliged to pass over it, and the alcohol will remain always 
fixed at the surface of the dish. 

But I can produce an easy experiment, which is directly 
opposite to the opinion of Draparnaud. I fixed, in the 
middle of a porcelain saucer, a smal] ball of soft wax, and 
formed in it a cavity with the head of a large pin. I then 
poured into the saucer such a quantity of water as to rise 
above the edges of the cavity, but not to enter it. The 
vessel being thus prepared, 1 dipped a reed of straw in the 

spirit of wine, and removed a drop of the fluid to the cavity 
of the ball in such a manner that it was filled with it. In 
this manner, a drop of spirit of wine remained surrounded 
by water almost in contact with it, and continued also below 
the level of the water, Tt 1s certain that, if spirit of wine 
were capable of exercising an expansive force by means of 
the particles it emanates, it must have produced i it in this 
case; but I saw no movement of repulsion in the water 
which was around the drop of alcohol. The water always 
remained tranquil and motionless, qs if it had been close 
to a fluid not of a volatile nature, 
' But when the water had risen above the sides of the: itn 
cavity of soft wax, it rushed into it to come to a level; and 
I saw the small bodies which floated on the surface of the 
water remove from the said cavity, while the water rushed 
into it. This is a proof that spirit of wine, like other oily 
fluids, has the faculty of spreading itself over the surface of 
the water before it becomes mixed with it. 
[have indeed observed, that spirit of wine applied to the 
surface of water contained in a dish, on which is spread 

letween some Kinds of Fluids, 157 

out a drop of oil, expels it, assuming its place, and obliges 
it to concentrate itself. Jn like manner, if a little cotton 
dipped in spirit of wine, or a drop of that fluid, be applied 
to the surface of water on which float small! bits of gold or 
silver leaf, they are seen to recede. ‘These small bodies re- 
cede also sometimes from the surface of the water where 
they are placed, on the approach of a small bit of cotton 
well dipped in spirit of wine: but they do so faintly, and 
not with that velocity as when a little cotton dipped in 
ether* is applied ; because spirit of wine, both in the fluid 
state and state of vapour, on being applied to the surface of 
the water, has the property of diffusing itself over it like 
oily substances. 

But if a drop of the milky juice of the tithymalus be 

reviously applied to the surface of the water, and if small 
Lies of gold or silver leaf be thrown over it, and if it be 
then touched as usual] with a little cotton dipped in spirit of 
wine, or if a drop or two of the same fluid be poured over 
it, the supernatant small bits of metal will not be seen to 
exhibit the same phzenomena as before, because the spirit of 
wine traverses the surface of the water occupied by another 
fluid, which has a greater attraction for it. The case is the 
same when there is applied to the surface of the water any 
fluid exceedingly volatile and oily, when it has been pre- 
occupied by the juice of the tithymalus ; but this juice, as 
soon as it touches the surface of the water, expels from it 
all the oils most volatile, and the most odoriferous, and 
obliges them to concentrate themselves at the extremities of 
the vessel under the form of small globules. 

If these repulsions are occasioned by the impetuous efflux 
of volatile and odoriferous erianations, why has the milky 
juice of the tithymalus, which is neither volatile nor odori- 
ferous, the faculty of expelling from the surface of water 
the most volatile and most odoriferous fluids? However, 
if a drop of spirit of wine be placed gently in the middle ot 
a dish, and the vessel be then moistened with water in such 
a manner that the water shall approach only within the 
distance of two lines of the said drop, it will be seen, before 
it dilates, to exercise a repulsion on the water which sur- 
rounds it, chiefly when it approaches near to it; and, in 
my opinion, this effect is owing to the vapours of the spirit 
of wine, which act at a distance; not because the water is 

* See my answers to Prevost, in which it is seen that ethér is a fluid 
which approaches nearer than spirit of wine to the nature of oils. 
4+ Memoir on Attraction of Surface, in vol. xi, of the Transactions ef 
the Italian Society of the Sciences. 


158 On the apparent Repulsion 

expelled by a mechanical movement, but because, in 
striking the surface of the dish, they extend themselves 
over it, and displace the water. If it then happen that the 
drop of spirit of wine begins to touch the surrounding water, 
an agitation is immediately seen to arise, by which the 
water is repelled with great vivacity, and the drop of spirit 
of winc, animated with a new expansive force, bursts its 
limits, extends itself, and makes the water fly before it. 
The case is the same nearly with a small bit of camphor. 
If a small bit of this substance be placed in a pretty large 
dish, and covered with water to the height of a hne, in 
such g manner that the bit of camphor may touch the bot- 

tom of the dish, the water will be seen in a kind of contest, 

around the camphor, and the water will seem to be kept at 
a distance by an expansive force. All this in my opinion 
is the effect of the attraction of surface of the spirit of 
wine and of the oil of the camphor for the water. The 
oil of camphor, indeed, excited to dilate itself by the at- 

traction of the surface of the water, evaporates with asto- « 

nishing speed, and in a little time is consumed, The case 
is the same with spirit of wine and oil of camphor; they 
rush on the water, extending themselves over its surface with 
astonishing speed ; whence arises a dispersion of the water, 
and adhesion of the spirit of wine to the bottom of the 
vessel. The.accelerated evaporation of these fluids can be 
ascribed to no other cause than to this force; that is to 
say, the attraction of surface, by which the cohesion of the 
integrant parts is overcome, and consequently the expansive 
force of the small volatile parts which compose these fluids 
is increased; but I have sufficiently explained, in another 
‘place, all these phenomena in. regard to the movements of 
camphor on water*. 

A drop of volatile alkali or ammonia, says Draparnaud, 
does not expel water from the bottom of a vessel like spirit 
of wine, because ammonia has a great affinity for water. 
But cannot the same be said of spirit of wine? This re- 
pulston, however, ought to take place when the water sur- 
rounds a drép of ammonia, as near as possible, but without 
touching it; which is not the case. aa 

A drop of ammonia in the middle of a stratum of spirit of 
wine does not expel it, and does not form the circle of 
recession ; but a drop of spirit of wine in the middle of a 
. * The Medico-Physical Journal of Pavia, Ann. Chimydi Pavia: 
Opusc. scelti di Milano, and im some letters addressed ro professor Brug- 
patlli, Ann. Chim. di Pavia; and Memoir on Attraction of Surface, 
vol. xis of the Italian Society. 

1 : stratum 



~~) =o 

between sume Kinds of Fluids. 159 

stratum of ammonia expels it around, and forms a circle. 
This shows, according to Draparnaud, that the expansive 
force of spirit of wine is greater than that of ammonia. 

But I remark that ammonia has no attraction of snrface, 
or at least very little with the bottom of vessels, and, on 

‘the contrary, that alcohol has a great deal. If a drop of. 

ammonia be poured on a porcelain saucer, or ona piece of 
glass, and one of spirit of wine, the former remains con- 
centrated, and the other dilates itself. YFhis is the reason 
why spirit of wine expels ammonia on the bottom of vessels, 
and that ammonia does not expel spitit of wine. 

Moreover, if the expulsion of the ammonia depended on 
the mechanical impression of the emanatious of the spirit 

_of wine, it ought scarcely to manifest itself for the force 

of the emanations of the spirit of wine ouyht to be weak- 
ened by. the force of the emanations of the ammonia, but 
it manifests itself with the same promptitude as that of 
water. It is observed also, that some fluids almost equally 
volatile and odoriferous expel each other when applied sin 
Succession to the same surface. For example, essential oil 
of turpentine expels naptha, and ether expels esscniial oil 
of turpentine. : . 

If the opposite forces destroved each other, how could 
this happen? But the case is so, because essential oi! of 
turpentine has more attraction of surface than naptha, and 
ether more than essential oil of turpeatine. 

But there is one observation of Draparnaud which de- 
serves to be discussed. He has remarked that ammonia 
‘expels oil from the surface of vessels, though it expels nei- 
ther water nor spirit of wine. I have remarked also, that 
the approach alone of a drop ef ammonia to the surface of 
oil, manifests there an evident commotion, as if it- were 
breathed upon. It appears then that the emanations of 
ammonia render themselves by these means manifest to the 
sight, that is to say, in consequence of the expulsive force 
or mechanical shock of the oil. 

- Ido not pretend, nor have ever pretended, that there 
‘ean be no emanations of volatile bodies capable of render- 
ing theinselves sensible to the sight in this sense, but only 
to show that several phznomena which are considered as 
the effects of repulsion, occasioned by the expansion of 
volatile bodies, do not depend ion that canse, but are the 
effects of attraction of surface,- and iat there are no 
means of rendering the ensanations. of odoriferous bodies 
sensible to the sight, as Benceict Prevost thinks. But be- 


160 On the apparent Repulsion 

fore we decide in regard to the effect of ammonia, let ug 
pay attention to the following remarkable observations. 

Throw small bits of gold or silver leaf on the surface of 
oil contained in a goblet, and then bring near to it a drop 
of ammonia, a commotion will be observed in the surface 
of the oil, and in the small bits of metallic leat which float 
on it: if the drop of ammonia be applied to the surface of 
the oil, the small bodies will fly still more, and the fluid 
will be seen to spread itself over the surface of the oil in the 
most visible manner, while it produces in it an agitation. 

If this operation be performed on water, that is to say, if 
after throwing on the surface of water a similar 
vessel very light bodies, such for example as bits of metallic 
leaf or raspings of cork, a drop of ammonia be brought 
near or applied, no movement will take place. The same 
thing will happen. if spirit of wine, or any other fluid, not 
oily; be used in the place of water; but 1f instead of these 
stipernatant bodies there be on the water a drop or two of 
oil, the latter will experience a commotion. On the drop 
of ammonia being brought near, in a perpendicular direc- 
tion, to the oil which floats on the water, if the oil be en- 
tirely in the form of a drop, it causes it to dilate, and if it 
be spread over the surface of the water, it divides and is 
dispersed. If an orange skin be squeezed over the surtace 
of the water, and if a drop of ammonia be then applied, a 
slight agitation will be manifested in all the oily points with 
which the surface of the water is interspersed. 

It appears then from these experiments, that ammonia 
renders sensible to the sight the emanations on oil, not by 
mechanical impulse, but by a physical action, because it 
does not manifest itself on other fluids. : 

It is beyond all doubt that the shock or expansive force 
of ammoniacal emanations ought to act without distinction 
on alt bodies, and communicate to them all the same im- 
pulse when they can easily move; and a drop of ammonia 
brought near to the surface of spirit of wine ought to pro- 
duce in it a commotion equal to that which it communi- 
eates to the oil, because it is equally light, and may be also 
Hiehter than oil. [have found also that ammonia applied 
to the smoke of a candle, which bends itself on the least 
breath of air, docs not make it move im the least. The effect 
of the ammonia on the oil cannot therefore be ascribed to a 
mechanical action. 

But the following is a proof which admits of no reply :— 
If raspings of cork be thrown upon water, and if a drop of 


between some Kinds of Fluids. 161 

ammonia be then brought near, no movement is produced ; 
if a few more raspings of cork be rubbed with the fingers 
dipped in oil, and then thrown on the surface of the water, in 
another glass, on approaching another drop of ammonia, all 
these small parts will move in a wonderful manner. If the 
farina of wheat be thrown into another glass of water, the 
approach of a drop of ammonia will not cause these small 
molecule to move ; but if the farina of almonds, which is 
oily, be thrown into the water, it will cause them to move, 
and precipitate them in an instant to the bottom. The same 
experiment repeated a thousand ways, will always confirm 
my conclusion, that is to say, that the action of ammonia 
is rendered sensible only on oils, and on all oily matters, 
or matters imbibed with oil. 

I think then I have proved that the repulsion exercised 
by ammonia over oil is not the effect of the force of its va- 
pours or emanations ; and I am of opinion that it ought to 
be ascribed to the attraction of surface possessed by the 
ammonia in the state of fluid, as well as of vapour, with 
oil itself, together with a chemical attraction which results 
from the changes which the oil undergoes when exposed 
to the effluvia of ammonia. This phenomenon, in my 
opinion, may be explained like that of a drop of spirit of 
wine exposed in the middle of a stratum of, water, that is 
to say, that the repulsive force which ammonia seems to 
exercise over oil, arises from the expansion of the ammonia, 
or from its vapours on oil by means of the attraction of 

If a drop of ammonia, indeed, be thrown on the bottom 

of a vessel, and if a very little oil be poured around it in 
such a manner as to surround the drop of ammonia, if the 
oil be extended with the finger, and ammonia be applied, 
the oil will be seen to recede ; but when it touches it, the 
drop of ammonia will then break its limits, extend itself 
over the oil, and disperse with surprising velocity. 
' The antients would have ascribed it to an antipathy be- 
tween the ammonia and the oil ; but these chimerical ideas 
have been banished by the light of experimental philosophy. 
It does not appear that now the repulsions between the dif- 
ferent fluids can be maintained, since I have established the 
Jaws of the attraction of surface, which I have observed *. 

* See my Memoir on the Attraction of Surface, Joc. cit. 

Vol. 91, No. 82. March i805. j a XXXVI. 4 

{, 162 J 

XXVI. A new. Electricai Phenomena. Conmnniatd iy 
a Correspondent. ‘ 
To the Editor of the Philosophical Magazine. 
SIR, ; 

Tue following remarkable result in electricity occurred 
some time since. If you think it worthy of insertion in * 
your excellent publication, it is at your service. - 
Having accidentally placed a shilling between the ball of 
my discharger and the coating of a charged jar, I was sur- 
prised to fiud, on making the discharge, that the shilling 
adhered to the side of the jar. Imagining that this effect 
might have proceeded from,some foreign matter lodged be- 
tween the shilling and the coating, I removed it, and care- 
fully wiped both. On repeating the experiment the effect 
was the same as before. That part of the coating where 
piece was taken from sometimes had a small hole in it, 
with a bur protruding outwards, something similar to that 
produced on a card through which a small j. jar is discharged. 
fat frst imagined this effect to have been an amalgamation, 
or rather a fasion, of the two metals. Repeating t the expe- 
riment with two pieces instead of one, they both adhered 
a$ before, as did likewise three and four. Trying it with 
five, tl they felt. The jar that was ‘made use of for these ex- 
periments did not contain more’ than a quart; and not 
haying a.much farger one at hand, I cannot tell what the 
effect would have been had J used one four or five times as / 
big. ‘The sae experiment béing repeated with gold, brass, | 
copper, &c., the result was. the’ same. I cannot however 
reconcile the idea of amalgamation or fusion taking place 
i the experiments with the two and three pieces, &e., and 

aim, therefore totally at a loss to account for this strange F 
phenomenon. Some of your correspondents may, perhaps, 
Sir, offer some theory on this curious experiment, which I ‘ 
should:be very happy to see, being but'a young and i PB f 
perienced electrician. > vie ‘ 
Tam, Sir, } ait ae rf 

ee * j 

Your obedient servant, “epee | Hi 

» he 

* - 


[63> j 


XXVII. Wricut on measuring the. Meridian—-W n1GHT, 
Wren and Witkrss on an Universal Measure—J.Bar- 
-qista Porta on the Reflection of Heat, Cold and Sound 
from concave, Mirrors. 

Ego sané non minoris zstimo, imd multS magis admiror, ‘inventorem 
lyre primum, quam vel centenos artifices alios, qui, sequentibus sacu- 
lis, professionem istam ad summam perfectionem deduxerunt. 

»GALIL E&I Syst. Cosa, ed. 1699- P- 388. 

SIR, : . 

Is addition to my four communications, on the invention 
of the telescope, &¢., I intended to have offered you some 
reflections on the adoption and execution of the methods 
lately taken in France, for establishing a natural standard 
of weights and measures. But, after a good deal of 
thought, and a careful perusal of the Report of the Com- 
missioners in the Mémoires de Institut for 1799; the sub- 
ject appears to me to present such ample scope for mere 
opinion, that J find it would be impossible for me to state 
my doubts, without exciting controversy. Those doubts 
arose in my mind, upon reading the third Dialogue m 
Galileo's Systema Cosmicum 3 Jurin’s annotations on. the 
4th chapter of the Geographia Generalis of Varenius ; and 
the 20th proposition of the 3d book of the Principia, 
edition second ; not to mention the late correction .of the 
admeasurements of Maupertuis &c. by M. Swanberg and 
other Swedish astronomers, which I have not seen. 
Having no wish to propagate my scepticism, or to render 
it incurable by contestation, [shall content myself with 
offering you the two following extracts; leaving you and 
your intelligent readers to compare them with the Report 

mentioned, and to draw your own conclusions. It 
will also be amusing to bring that elaborate Report into 
comparison with the performances of ingenious individuals 
on the same ‘subject ; for example, with W hitehurst’s At- 
tempt towards obtaining invariable Measures, London 
1788; Essai sur les Poids et les Mesures, pat M. Ber- 
~ thoud*, Paris 1792; and Sir G. Shuckburgh’s Memoir on 
Weights and Measures, in the Philosophical Transactions 
for 1798. It has been said, that our great individual, 
Johnson, did more for the English language, than some 

»™ Author of a copious, and, as I am told, a very good, book on clock- 
and watch-work, lately published at Paris, in 3 Vols, gto. 

ak L2 foreign 

164 right Fc. on an Universal Measure ; 

foreign academies for the languages which they were esta- 
blished to improve. 

The first extract 1 have to offer is taken from the 88th 
and sgth pages of Certain Errors in Navigation detecte¢ 
and corrected, by Edw. Wright, a work to which that 
science owes many of its best improvements. This book 
was first printed in the year 1599, but ‘* written thany 
vears before*.”.. The second edition, in which I have also 
read the following passage, appeared in 1610, and the third, 
from which I now transcribe it, in 1657. Of the value of 
this now almost forgotten work, we may judge from 
Halley’s recommendation of it, near a century after it was 
first published, as a book well deserving the perusal: of 

all such as desigu to use the seat.” Mr. Wright 1s chiefly’ 

known as the inventor of the true construction of what is 
¢alled Mercator’s, but which bettcr deserves the name of 
Ptolemy’s, chart}. His genius, however, was not con- 
fined to mathematical speculations; for it appears, from a 
Latin paper,, preserved at Cambridge, and quoted by Dr. 
Hution§, that right was the first undertaker of the canal 
called The New River, to which a great part of London 
owes that abundant supply of water, which excites the ad- 
miration of strangers. But the learned gentleman ts mis- 
taken in reckoning among /Vright’s works, the Haven- 
finding Ast, which he only translated from the Dutch. 
This appcars from the dedication of a copy now before me, 
printed in 1599; from which we also learn that our coun- 
tryman, Robert Norman, had, some years before, disco- 
vered the magnetic dip. In 1593 and the following year, 
right, by observing the greatest and least heights of the 
pole-star, with a brass quadrant of six feet radius, deter- 
mined the true latitude of London to be 51° 32’, instead of 
54° 45’, which it had till then been reckoned. This was a 
wonderful performance, at a time when instruments were 
so imperfect, and when the refraction had been but just de- 
tected by Tycho; and was by no means fully ascertained ; 
for that noble astronomer was much mistaken with regard 
to its quantity |}. On ¢his occasion, I hope to be exensed 

* See Dr. Futons Mathim. and Philos. Diction, article Wright. - 

+ Seethe Bhseellanca Curipsa. Vol. it px'20.; also, Hudgson's System 
of the Mathematics, printed in 1722, vol. i. p, 254 oh . 

+ See the preface to the Errors m Navigation, and the ‘ Plat of all the 
World,” at the end of the 3d edition. l : 

§ Dictionary, art. Wiivhe. 

§ Fede ovo cas, Opera Posthuma, pp. §%70.5 Wolf, Elem. Astron,: 
4§ 346- 359. Blair's rhist, of Geogr p. 16g: ’ 

: 1 for 


‘Porta, on the Reflection of Cold ec. 165 

for adding, that the latitude of Paris was not settled seventy 
years after /¥right had ascertained that of London. For 
MM. Auxout (to whom, or to Kirch, the invention of the mi- 
crometer is ascribed by those who are ignorant of the ante- 
rior claim of our Gascoigne*), in a letter to Louis XIV. 
in 1664, says, ‘* Mais, Sire, c'est un malheur, &c. But, 
Sire, the misfortune is, that there is not in Paris, nor, as 
far as I know, in your whole kingdom, an instrument on 
which I could depend, in taking the exact height of the 
polet.” Thus, Sir, your ingenious correspondent, the 
Rev. Mr. Toplist, appears to be perfectly in the right, 
when he alledges that, if our neighbours have lately over- 
taken, for I would gladly hope they have not yet distanced, 
us in the race of science, it can only be because they are 
publicly encouraged and supported in their arduous pursuits, 
and we are wolf. But of this more, perhaps, on some future 
occasion. It is high time to come to the immediate ob- 

ject of this letter. 

__ The marginal title of this curious passage of Wright is, 
*“ A most exact way to find the quantitie of the earth’s 
semidiameter.”—The paragraph itself is as follows : ‘* This 
angle” (the Dip of the Horizon, owing to the elevation of 
the observer’s eye above the surface of the sea) ‘may other- 
wise be found, the quantitie of the earth’s scmidiameter 
being first known, which is to be done divers waics 3 but 
they may be all reduced to two beads or kinds, whereof the 
first requireth the certain. measure of some arch of the Me- 
ridian to be first given, which is also divers waies to be 
performed. But the best and perfectest way of all others 
(viz. of exactly measuring the size of the whole earth) is 
to observe so exactly as is. possible the Summer solstitiall 
Altitude of the Sun at two places, so farr distant asunder, 
and lying so neer North and South each from other, with 
so direct and faire a way betweene them as conveniently 
anay be chosen. Suppose, for example, Portsmouth and 

- Barwick, or some other place in the furthest parts of Scot- 

dand ; for the further these places are each from other, the 
more perfectly may this businesse be performed. Then 
measure, end plat down so is possible, all the way 
betweene those two places, with all the turnings and wind- 
ings, ascenis and descents that are therein; out of which 

* See Phil. Trans. no. 25 29.3 Saverien, Dict. Univ. de Math. et 
de Phys, act. Micrometre. Harris's Lex. Tech. art. Micrometir. 

t See Asivon. de M. De la Lande, v& 2+ p. 842. ede 1. 

t Sce ovr xxth vol. p, 25. 

L3 the 

166 Hivight Sc. on an Universal Measure; 

the arch of the great circle, or shortest distance ‘betwixt’ 
them, together with the angle of declination thereof from 
the true meridian line truly found by observation at either 
‘of those’ places, may most exactly be knowne : whereby’ 
(with belpe of the doctrine of right angled sphericall tri- 
augles) the difference of the latitudes of those two places, 
in miles and furlongs, &c. may easily appeare ; which com~= 
pared with the difference of the latitudes of the same places, 
found by observation of the Sun, in degrees and minutes, 
&e. will shew how many miles and furlongs answer to one 
or more degrees of the meridian: and so the whole circum~ 
ference, diameter and semidiameter of the earth, will easily 
and more truly be found, then any other way yet used for 
this purpose. But meanes convenient for the triall hereof 
have hitherto been wanting, and so I must omit it, till 
some better opportunity, if any shall befall hereafter, by 
the bounty of any such as are of more ability to bear the 
charge hereof. 13 

“¢ Yet besides our purpose now in hand, this would bee 
the best ground that can be, both for the making and con- 
tinuing of a Standard, and all other measures thereon de- 
pending at a certainty forever; insomuch that although all 

the Standards, weights and measures in the world were lost, : 

they might,-notwithstanding, upon record of such obser- 
vation and’ means, as heré we have mentioned, be again 
restored much more perfectly, then by the ordinary way of 
beginning all our measures from a barly grain taken out of 
the midst of the Ear, whereof there is no such certain de- 
terminate bignesse that can be set down, but that they may 
be something greater in one Ear then another ; neither can 
there be any certain rule or reason given how to know 
which Ear to chuse rather then other for this purpose. 
And if any error be committed herein, though insensible 
(which cannot be avoided) yet in going about to make 
other greater measures by often taking this least, and so 
proceeding a minimis ad maxima*, so often as you take 
your first or Jeast measure, so often doe you increase and 
multiply your error; which though at first it seem very 
smal and scarcely perceivable, yet commeth at the last to 
be very notorious and intollerable... But the other way I 
here speak of, taking the length of all England, or of the 
whole Iland, for our first measure, and out of it by subdi- 
vision, dividing all the rest, although wee may erre some- 
thing, m taking the length hereof (which notwithstanding, 

* From the least to the gréatest. 

I dare 

Porta, on the Reflection of Cold &c. 167 

I dare undertake, may be so handled, that it shall not be 
so much as the thousand part of the whole distance between 
the two places, before mentioned) yet because we proceed 
a maximis ad minima, so still dividing, and the more di- 
minishing this error, the further we proceed ; it will in the 
end, when we come to our ordinary measures most in use, 
become very insensible, and not worth the regarding.” _ 
A’“ natural standard, or universal measure”’ is the only 
subject of my next extract, which is taken from pages 191 
and 192 of the Rev. Dr. Wilkins’s “‘ Essay towards a real 
Character, and a philosophical Language*.”?. This work was 
printed in 1668, in which year the Doctor was appointed 
Bishop of Chester, but written some time beiore ; for the 
truly learned and ingenious author, in his dedication to 
Lord Brouncker, President of the Royal Society, says that 
when it “ was done in writing, and the impression of it 
well nigh finished, it happened (among many other better 
things) to be burnt in the late dreadful fire,’ (in 1666) 
*¢ by which all that was printed, excepting only two copies,, 
and a great part of the unprinted original, was destroyed.” 
«© Measures of magnitude,” says Dr. Wilkins, © do com- 
prehend both those of length, and of superficies or area, 
together with those of solidity, both comprehended in that 
which is adjoined, viz. the word capactry, hold, contain. 
The several nations of the world do not more differ in their 
languages, than in the yarious kinds and proportions of 
these measures. And it is not without great difficulty, that 

* From La Vie de M. Leibuitz, prefixed to that great man’s Fssars de 
Theodicée, by the Chev. de Faucourt, Amst. 1747, p. tor. we learn that 
the celebrated Dr. Hook was delighted with this work of Wilkins; but 
that M. Lerbaitz was not very well pleased with it ; having had a plan of 
his own, for a real or universal character, expressive of all languages, 
but which never appeared. In the same place, we are told of a well 
written anonymous paper, on the same subject, which appeared’ in, the 
year 1720, inthe 2d vol. of the Yournal Litcraire. Some other attempts 
bive been made; the last, I believe, by my ingenious friend Dr. Fumes 

Anderson, iv the Manchester Transactions, I think, or in his miscellany, 
1¢ Bee, printed at Edinburgh, or perhaps in both. It seems probable, 
at the idea was suggested to Dr. Wilkins by ¢ the art of short-hand, 
which,” as he says in his dedication, ‘ is in its kind an ingenious device, 
~ and of considerable usefulness, applicable to any language, much gwon- 
dered at by travellers, that have seen the experience of it in England : 
and yet though it be above three score years, since it was first invented, 
tis not to this day (for ought I can learn) brought into common practice © 
in any other nation,” Mr. Locke also expressed his surprise, many years 
afterwards, iv his tract on education, that short-hand had never come 
into use on the continent ; in some parts of which, however, it is now 
almost as much practised as it 1s in this island; though it be no where 
cultivated so much as it deserves. 

L.4 the 

168 ‘Wright &c. on an Universal Measure ; 

the measures observed by all those different nations, who 
trafic together, are reduced to that which is commonly 
known and received by any one of them; which labour 
would be much abbreviated if they were all of them fixed 
to anv one certain standard; to which purpose, it were most 
desirable to find out some natural standard, or universal 
measure, which hath been esteemed by learned men as one 
of the desiderata in philosophy. If this could be done in 
longitude, the other measures might be easily fixed from 
thence. ' 

‘* This was heretofore aimed at and endeavoured after in 
all those various measures derived from natural things, 
though none of them do sufficiently answer this end. As 
for that of a barley-corn, which is made the common 
ground and original of the rest, the magnitude and weight 
of it may be so various in several times and places, as will 
render it incapable of serving for this purpose ; which is 
true likewise of those other measures, an inch, palm, span, 
cubit, fathom, a foot, pace &c.; none of which can be de- 
termined to any sufficient certainty. 

*¢ Some have conceived that this might be better done 
by subdividing a degree upon the earth; but there would 
be so much difficulty and uncertainty in this way as would 
render it unpracticable. Others have thought it might be 
derived from the quicksilver experiment; but the unequal 
gravity and thickness of the atmosphere, together with the 
various tempers of air in several places and seasons, would 
expose that also to much uncertainty *. , 

“«¢ The most probable way for the effecting of this, is that 
which was first suggested by Dr. Christopher Wren, namely, 
by vibration of a pendulum; time itself being a natural 
measure, depending upon a revolution of the heaven or the 
earth, which is supposed to be every where equal and uni- 
form. If any way could be found out to make longitude + 
commensurable to time, this might be the foundation of 4 
natural standard ; in order to which, Par. 

** Let there be a solid ball, exactly round, of some of the 
heaviest metals; let there pe a string to hang it upon, the 

* Since Bishop Wilkins wrote the above, Halley, Condaminé, Godin, 
and others, have ascertained that, at and near the equator, there is little 
or no variation in the height of the barometer, except during hurricanes, 
See Philos, Trans. No, 110; and Templeman's Extracts from the Mem. 
del’ Acad, R. des Sp. 312, 

+ The learned author, by longitude means length; for longitude, 
when it signifies an arch of the equator, between the first meridian and 
any other, may be said (loosely not mathematically) to be commensura- 
ble to time; since 45 degrees of longitude answer hour, &c. 


Porta, on the Reflection of Cold &c. 169 

smallest, limberest, and least subject to retch: let this ball 
be suspended by this string, being extended to such a length, 
that the space of every vibration may be equal to a second 
minute of time, the string being, by frequent trials, either 
lengthened or shortened, till it attain to this equality: these 
vibrations should be the smallest, that can last a suflicient 
space of time, to afford a considerable number of them, 
either 6 or 500 at least; for which end, its passing an arch 
of five or six degrees, at the first, may be sufficient. The 
pendulum being so ordered as to have every one of its vi- 
brations equal to a second minute of time, which is to be 
adjusted with much care and exactness; then measure the 
jength of this string trom its place of suspension to-the 
centre of the ball ; which measure must be taken as it hangs 
free in its perpendicular posture, and not otherwise, because 
of stretching: which being done, there are given these two 
lengths, viz. of the string, and of the radius of the hall, to 
which a third proportional must be found out; which must 
be, as the length of the string from the point of suspension 
to the centre of the ball, is to the radius of the ball, so must 
the said radius be to this third: which being so found, let 
two-fifths of this third proportional be set off from the 
centre downwards, and that will give the measure desired. 
And this (according to the discovery and observation of 
those two excellent persons, the Lord Viscount Brouncker, 
President of the Royal Society, and M. Huygens, a worthy 
member of it) will prove to be 38 Rhinland inches, or, 
which is all one, 39 inches and a quarter, according to our 
London standard. 

« Let this /ength therefore be called the standard ; let 
one tenth of it be called a foot; one tenth of a foot, an 
inch; one tenth of an inch, a line. And so upward, ten. 
standards should be a perch; ten perches a furlong; ten 
furlongs a nule; ten miles a league, &c. 

«© And so for measures of capacity: the cubical content 
of this standard may be called the bushel ; the tenth part of 
the bushel, the peck; the tenth part of a peck, a quart; 
and the tenth of that, a pint, &c. And so for as many 
other measures upwards as shall be thought expedient for 

** As for measures of weight; Jet this cubical content of 
distilled rain water be the hundred; the tenth part of that, 
astone; the tenth part of a stone, a pound; the tenth part 
of a pound, an ounce; the tenth of an ounce, a dram; the 
tenth of a dram, a scruple; the tenth of a scruple, a grain, 
&c. And so upwards; ten of these cubical measures may 
2 be 

4170 Wright Sc. on an Universal Measure ; 

be called a thousand, and ten of these thousands. may be 
called a tun, &c. j he banat: od 

‘«s As for the measures of money, “tis requisite:that they 
should be determined by the different quantities of those 
two natural metals which are the most usual: materials of it, 
viz. gold and silver, considered im their purty without any 
allay. A cube of this standard of either of these metals 
may be called a thousand, or a talent, of each; the tenth 
part of this weight, a hundred; the tenth of a hundred, a 
pound ; the tenth of a pound, an angel; the tenth of an 
angel, a shilling ; the tenth of a shilling, a penny 5) the tenth 
of a penny, a farthing. aiag sh 

<¢ 1 mention these particulars, not out of any hope or 
expectation that the world will ever make use of t jem, but 
only to show the possibility of reducing all measures to one 
determined certainty.”—Thus far bishop Vidkins. » 

The above extracts contain, as I know, the earliest 
sketches of the ingenious methods therein proposed ; and 
eur neglect of such suggestions of our own countrymen, has 
been very properly rewarded by our obliging neighbours, 
who) as in other instances, have done our nation the honour 
to,adoptiand combine them, without distressing our modesty 
by ian acknowledgment. I have no room or time, at pre« 
sent, to expatiate on this becoming and characteristic exer- 
cise of politeness. But I cannot dismiss the subject, with+ 
out adding a few explanatory remarks, which historical 
justice Seems to require. vetou 

I apprehend that few philosophers in this country, and 
_ still fewer on the continent, know to whom they really are 
indebted for the proposal of a subdivision of the meridian 
as an universal standard, or the application of the seconds 
pendalum to the same valuable purpose. To say nothing 
here of the Comparative merits of these methods, or of the 
combination of beth, I believe the following passage from 
the French Eneyclopedie, contams the generally received 
opinions on this. matter.» “ Mouton, astronome de Lyon, 
&c.* Thatis, “ Mouton, an astronomer of Lyons, pro- 

ed as ati universal measure, a geometrical foot, virgula 
eometrica, of which a degree of the earth” (meridian) 
<¢ contained 600,000; and to preserve the length of it to 
perpetuity, he remarked that a pendulum of this length 
ynade 39594 vibrations in half an hour: Olserv. Diametro- 

rum; 1670, p. 433. Picard proposed a similar idea in ~ 

1672.00 M. Huygens, who, in 1656, had conceived the 
® Encyelope die methodique. Maibematiques, axt. Mesure, p. 388... rs 
/ application 




Porta, on the Reflection of Cold Se. 171 

application of the pendulum to clocks, spake of it, in like 
manner: «Horolog. Oscillat. 1673, parti. p. 7, and part iv. 
p- 1515 and the Royal Society of London proposed to adopt 
it.” The learned Encyclopedists then go on to mention 
the similar proposal of Amontons in 1703, and others of a 
later date, particularly that of M. Condamine, who in 1747 
very philosophically recommended the equatorial pendulum, 
as preferable to all others, for an universal standard. 
MM. Berthoud, in his late excellent piece above quoted, as- 
signs the same date (1673) to the proposal of Huygens, in 
p- 151; and, in the title of his 2d article, which is “¢ Moyens 
@etallir, &c. A way to establish an universal and perpetual 
measure, by a pendulum, proposed by Huygens in 1673.” 
“Thus it appears that Wright proposed the derivation of 
an universal standard from the mensuration of the meridian 
in 1599, and Mozton not till 1670; and that Sir Chris- 
topher Wren recommended the pendulum some years before 
1668; Mouton in 1670; and Huygens not till 1673. 
How many years before 1668*, I cannot say; for Sir Chris- 
Hg did not publish any of his numerous discoveries him- 
. self; but many of them were recorded or epitomized in the 
Philosophical Transactions, and in the works of /Vallis and 
others. Not having the early volumes of the Transactions 
at hand, [have séarched in vain for Sir Christopher's pro- 
posal, now in question, throughout the first seven volumes 
of the old Abridgement, which for want of a good index 
(for it has several bad ones) is mere “ confusion worse 
confounded.” ~~ ’ Hes, . 
Thus the mere date of Wilkins’s « Real Character,” though 
Spl ‘carries /Vren’s claim decisively beyond those of 
| Mouton and Huygens. 1 may add, as the book, is 
before me, that Dr. Sprat includes, in a catalogue of the 
original discoveries of /Vren, “a natural standard of méa- 
sure from the pendulum ;” for he says ¢¢ it was never before 
attempted ¢.””. Dr. Derham is equally explicit in favour of 
Wien. His words are: (The pendulum) ‘to be, as Sir 
ristopher Wren first proposed; a perpetual and universal 
“Measure and standard, to which all lengths may be reduced, 
by which they may be judged of in all ages and coun- 



* T might say dcfore 1666, when Wilkins’s first impression was burnt. 
- 4 Sprat’s Hist. of the R. Society, pp. 247. 314, edit. 2d, 1703. This 
history contains scarcely any dates; but in his 120th page the author says 
he was interrupted in writing it by the plague in London‘in 1665, and 
the fire in 1666. Dr. Hutson says, in his art. Wrex, that Sprat brings 
down the Society’s Transactions to 1665, when it had existed about 
twenty years, though only about five with a charter. : 

$id. 7 tries. 

172 Wright €3c. on an Universal Measure; 

tries. For, as our Royal Society, M. Huygens and Moun- 
tonus have proposed, after Sir Christopher Wren, this ho- 
rary toot, or tripedal length, which vibrateth seconds, will 
fit all ages and places. But then respect must be had to the 
centre of oscillation, which you have an account of in 
M. Huygens’s aforesaid book De Horol. Oscill.’’—§ pub- 
Nished at Paris 1673*.” Now Wilkins, Sprat, and Der 
ham, (who wrote his ‘ Artificial Clock-maker in his juve- 
nile yearst”’) were cotemporaries of Huygens, Wren, and 
Mouton, and appear to be very impartial, dispassionate 
writers. Their testimonies, therefore, added to the date of 
Wilkins’s book, establish, beyond all doubt, Wren’s right 
to be remembered, as the first proposer of the pendulum for 
an.universal standard. Huygens’s discoveries on the pen- 
dulum, were numerous and important; but assuredly this 
was not one of them. The truth is, that that justly distin- 
guished Hollander and his cotemporaries, especially in this 
country, (which, according to Leibnitz {, thea enjoyed its 
Augustan age,) made so many discoveries about the same 
time, and often on the same subjects, that their claims are 
apt to be confounded, when, as in this case, they are per- 
fectly distinct. , 

But, as we must not love our countrymen and their fame 
better than truth, I think it my duty to add, for the in- 
formation of persons unacquainted with the history of the 
mathematics, that Wilkins, who, in the foregoing extract, 
secommends the decimal division of weights and measures, 
was by no means the first who made this most wise and 
muportant proposition. John Muller, commonly called 
Regiomontanus, or rather his master Purbach, actually in- 
troduced that division of the integer when they transformed 
the tables of Sines from the sexagesimal to the decimal] scale 
about the middle of the fifteenth century: so far is this ar- 
rangement from being recommended by novelty to those 
hight minds whe make fhis the god of their idolatry ! These 
megenious German mathematicians were followed, at a con- 
siderable interval of years, by our no less ingenious, but 
now forgotten, countrymen, Buckley and Recorde; and 
afterwards by the famous French philosopher Ramus, But 
Simon Stevin, master of mathematics to the renowned 
prince Maurice of Nassau, and inspector of the dykes of 
Holland, was.the first European who generally applied de- 

* Artif. Clock-maker, pp. 10%. rq. edit. 4.. printed in 1759. 

+ Preface to the 3d and gth editions, 

% Lett, a@ M. Abbe Conti, in Recueil de Pieces, sur la Philos. ke. 
tom. i p. 76. edit. 2. 



Porta, on ihe Reflection of Cold 8c. 173 

cimtals to measures in his Practical Geometry, published 
early in the seventeenth century *. | say the first European ; 
for, according to father Noel, the decimal division of weights 
and measures has long been established in China R 
Iam, &c. 

P.S. Having little prospect of addressing you again for 
some time, I shall take the liberty to subjoin a short extract 
trom the Magia Naturalis of J. Baptista Porta, first pub- 
lished in the year.1594. Though I have proved in my 
former letters, { believe to general satisfaction, that this 
jearned Italian did not invent the telescope, I by no means 
insinuated that he was destitute of’ original genius. This 
work shows the contrary, and that he both encouraged and 
practised physical experiments with great success; for his 
Magia contains nothing of what we now call magic, but 
the name, and somwhat of the legendary spirit. 

** Calorem,<frigus et vocem speculo concavo reflectere. 

* Si quis candelam in loco, ubi spectabilis res locari 

_debet, apposuerit, accedet candela per aerem usque ad ocu- 

los, ut illos calore et lumine offendet. Hoc autem mira- 
bilius erit, ut calor, ita frigus reflectitur, si eo loco nix ob- 
jiciatur, si oculum tetigerit, quia sensibilis, etiam frigus 
percipiet. Sed res admirabilior est, quod idem speculum, 
non solum calorem et frigus, sed vocem refringet, atque 
echi officio fungitur; reflectitur enim vox a polita, tersaque 
speculi superficie, rectius et integrius, quam a quovis pa- 
mete.” (J. B. Porte, Mag. Nat. lib.17. cap. 4. edit. 
Rothomagi (Rowen) 1650, p. 557.) The literal translation 
of this passage (which it will be remembered was written 
before the thermometer was invented) is as follows : 

** To refiect heat, cold, and the voice, from a concave 

“* If any one put a candle in the situation where a thing 
‘be viewed ought to be placed, the candle will come, 
through the air, to the eyes, so as to offend them with light 
and heat. But it is more wonderful, that as heat is reflected, 
80 is cold, if snow be exposed in that pes and touch the 
fey this organ, because sensible, will also perceive cold. 
+ er maa still more wonderful, that the same specu- 
lum will not only reverberate heat and cold, but the voice, 

© Wolfi, Elem. Geomets § 27. ed. 2. Hutton's Dict. articles Decimals, 
Miller, Purbach, Stevin 

% Obseru. Mathem. Phys. in India et China, Sactis. c. vii. p. T04e 

; 2 See Stone's Mathem. Diction. art. Telescope. P| 

Wi 4 a 

RED “sReP ote t tT Pte 1p 


174 Wright &c. on an Universal Measure. 

and produce the effect of an echo; for the voice is reflected, 
trom the polished and smooth surface of the speculum, more 
directly and entirely than from any wall.” 

The reflection of heat from a concave mirror is acknow- 
ledged to be of very remote antiquity. Not so what is called 
the reflection of cold. This discovery seems to be generally 
ascribed to one of oue cotemporaries on the continent: with 
what justice the foregoing extract shows. The experiment, 
indeed, was successtully repeated, seventy years after Porta 
had put it in print, by the Academy del Cumento ; it being 
the ninth of their Collection of Experiments, published at 
Florence in 1666. The reflection of sound from concave 
mirrors, is also a very old discovery. This was most pro- 
bably the principle of the talking brazen head, which po- 
pular tradition, in the southern part of this island, ascribes 
to Roger Bacon, in the northern, to Michael Scot, and in 
foreign countries, to other cunning men. It. was no doubt 
the true secret of\ the enchanted head in Don Quixote, and 
of the 88th of the Century of Inventions, published, almost 
150 years ago, by the Marquis of Worcester, who was un- 
fortunately regarded by most of his cotemporaries as little 
superior, in sobriety of mind, to the knight of La Mancha. 

Though I have no time for further remarks, J cannot help 
asking, Whether, if it be true, as it very probably is, that 
cold is the mere privation or abstraction of heat, the ex- 
pression “ reflection of cold,” be not an absurdity, both 
im grammar and physics? | Is it not like ascribing a positeve 
effect to a mere negation? or like saying, that al/ things 
were made by nothing ? Perhaps the best answer which 
could be made to these queries would be to say, “That:as we 
are entirely ignorant of the intimate essences: of things, it 
cannot be expected that our language should always: apply 
with strict propriety to phenomena which depend on those 
unknown intimate essences. For physics, I apprehend, are 
as far from being a science, strictly so called, im the present 
period, as when Locke, above a century ago, gave his rea+ 
sons for ‘* suspecting that Natural Philosophy was not ca- 
pable of beine made a science.” See § 10. ch. 12. bs 4.:0f 
the Essay on Human Understanding, a work which: de- 
serves the serious attention of such of our present,experi- 
ménters as are fond of being called philosophers and men 
of science. ae Uicere dei. 


a. & 

at Te eral 

[ 175 ] 
XXVIII. 4 new Process for rendering Platina malleable. 

~ By Avexanper Tiniocu. Read before the Askesian 
* Society in the Session 1804-5. 

Tue methods hitherto employed for bringing this metal 
into a malleable state, may be comprehended under one ar 
other of the three following processes. : 

1. To dissolve the crude platina in nitro-muriatic acid, 
precipitate by muriate of ammonia, wash and dry.the preci- 
pitate, and then expose it, mixed with arsenic, to such a 
degree of heat as may volatilize the latter, leaving the pla- 
tina in a spungy form; which, by gentle hammering, and 
repeated exposures to a high degree of heat, is at length 
rendered solid and malleable. . hort Bian 

2. To mix the pure precipitate with twice its weight of 
mercury, and bring the whole into the state of an amalgam, 

_ which 1s then moulded into the form of bars, and by ex- 
posure to heat freed from the mercury,.and then ham- 
mered, gently at first, into a solid form. 

3. To expose the precipitate per se in a crucible to suvli 
a heat as may agglutinate the particles, which are then 
brought into closer union by gently pressing, and: at last 
hammering the mass. . 

I purposely avoid a more minute detail of these pro- 

- cesses, as they must be well known to all the members of 
this society ; and will be in a great measure superseded by 
my new process, which is as follows. 

Dissolve, precipitate, and wash the platina in the usual 
manner; and then, instead of mixing it with a volatile me- 
tal, or exposing it per: se to heat in an earthen crucible, en- 
velope the precipitate (previously heated to drive off the ad- 
hering ammonia) in a piece of platina, already malleable, and 
spread out by means ot a flatting-mill. Nothing more is then 
necessary ,but to expose repeatedly the malleable platina,and its 
contents, to asufiicient temperature, and hammering between 
each exposure, till the whole is brought into a. compact state. 

+ The best way to inclose the precipitate inthe malleable 
tina is, by rolling up*the latter into the form of a tube, 
ing this with the precipitate, well rammed in, and then 

‘closing the ends, by hammering them in, before exposure 

, When a sufficient heat is obtained, apply the hammer at 

first only on the side where the malleable platina overlaps. 
not all round the tube, By this means its capacity is les- 
sened, and the contents are soon welded, and brought into 
union with the tube, after which it may be worked into 
the form of a bar, or any other shape wanted. 
. ’ XXIX. De- 

XXIX. Description of an improved Mill for grinding 
Painters’ Colours. By Mr. James Rawurnson, of 
Derly*. | 


T wave herewith sent a model. of a machine for grinding 
paint, hoping that the Society for the Encouragement of 
Arts, &c. may not think their time entirely lost in exa- 
mining if it has any merit; and if they should be of opi- 
nion that it has sufficient merit to recommend it to the 
public, it cannot fail of receiving that attention, from the 
sanction of their approbation, which my recommendation 
could not procure for it. 

The hitherto very unmechanical, inconvenient, and highly 
injurious method of grinding poisonous and noxious colours, 
led me first to imagine a better might easily be contrived 
for that purpose. It must be obvious to every person, that 
the method hitherto adopted of grinding colours on an ho- 
rizontal marble slab, with a small pebble muller, requires 
the body of the person who grinds to bend over that slab, 
and consequently his head ; which causes him constantly to 
inhale the noxious and poisonous volatile parts of the paint, 
which is not unfrequently ground with oil saturated with 
litharge of lead; and if we may judge from the very un- 
healthy appearance of these men, accustomed to much co- 
lour-grinding, it should seem the bad effects of this em- 
ployment require a speedy remedy. 

The machine, of which I now send the society a model, 
has not ouly the advantage of being an effectual remedy of 
this extensive and severe evil to recommend it, but it grinds 
the colour much easier, much finer, and much quicker, 
than any method hitherto adopted. Having occasion for a 
considerable quantity of colour-grinding in the profession 
in which [ am-engaged, and that in the finest state possi- 
ble, and having made use of this machine for several years, 
and being more and more convinced of its utility, I thought 
it my duty to present it to the Society of Arts, hoping that 
it might not be altogether unworthy of their attention, The 
roller of the machine that I use is sixteen inches and a half 
in diameter, and four inches and a half in breadth. The 
eoncave muller that it works against, covers one-third of 
that roller: it is therefore evident, that with this machine 

* From Transactions of the Soctcty of Arts, dc. 1804.—The silver medal 
of the Society and ten guineas were vored te the author for this commu 

I have 


P P f 

Tiproved Mill for grinding Painters’ Colours. 177 

T have seventy-iwo square inches of the concave marble 

muller in constant work on the paint, and that I can bring 
: the paint much oftener under this muller in a given space 
of time, than I could by the usual method with the pebble 
muller, which is seldom more than four inches in diameter, 
and consequently has scarcely sixteen square inches at work 
on the paint, when my concave muller has seventy-two. 
I do not mean to say that a roller, the size of that which L 
now use, is the largest which might be employed; for truly 
I believe that a roller two feet in diameter, with a concave 
muller in proportion, would not be hard work for a man ; 
and then the advantage to the public would be still further 

This machine will be found equally useful for the colours 
ground in water, as for those ground in oils; and I doubt 
not but the great importance of this simple machine will 
be very soon generally experienced in all manufactories 
| where colours are used. The labour necessary with this 
machine, in grinding colours exceedingly fine, is very easy. 
It is useless to enter into any minute description in this 
. place, as a bare inspection of the machine must sufficiently 
- explain itself. } 

To the colourman it would evidently be an essential saving 
of labour, and consequently of expense, which will proba- 
bly have some weight as a recommendation ; and the ad- 
vantages to the colour-grinder have been already stated. 

I am, sir, your very obedient servant, 


Charles Taylor, Esq. 

I was duly favoured with your letter of the 3d instant ; 
and in reply to the questions that the’ committee have pro- 
eval 1 haye made a rough sketch of the machine, with 
etters of reference, as supposing this may better explain 
the process. Plate 1V. fig. 1. A is the roller or cylinder 
made of any kind of marble: black marble is esteemed the 
best, because it is the hardest, and takes the best polish. 
Bis the concave muller covering one-third of the roller, 
and of the same kind of marble, and is fixed in a wooden 
frame l, which is hung to the frame E at ii. , C is a piece 
of iron, about an inch broad, to keep the muller steady, 
and is fixed to the frame with a joint at f. The small 
- binding-screw, with the fly-nut, that passes through the 

centre of the iron plate atc, is for the purpose of ‘a ing 
_ more pressure on the muller, if required, as well as to tee 

Vol. 21. No. 82. March 1805. M it 

178 Description of an improved Mill 

it steady. Dis a taker-off, made of a clock-spring abouf 
half an inch broad, and fixed similar to a frame saw in art 
iron frame k, in an inchined position to the roller, and turn~ 
ing on pivots at dd. G isa slide-board to draw out occa- 
sionally, to clean, &e. if any particles of paint should falk 
from the roller, and which also forms itself for the plate H, 
to catch the colour on as it falls from the taker-off. Fis a 
drawer, for the purpose of containing curriers shavings, 
which are the best things for cleaning paint mills. E is the 

Previous to the colour being applied to the mill, I should 
recommend it to be finely pulverized in a mortar, covered 
in the manner of the chemists when they levigate poisonous 
drugs *. This process of dry-grinding 1s equally necessary 
for the marble slab now in use; after which it should be 
nixed with oil or water, and with a spatula or palette-knife 
put on the roller, near to the top of the concave niuller, and 
the roller turned round, which takes the colour under the 
muller without any difficulty, and very few turns of the 
roller spread it equally over its surface. When it is per- 
ceived sufficiently fine for the purpose required, it is very 
easily taken off by means of the taker-off described, which 
must be held against the roller, and the roller turned the 
reverse way, which cleans it very quick and very com- 
pletely; and the muller will only require to be cleaned 
when you desist, or change the colour. It is then turned 
back, being hung on pinions to the frame at 77, and’cleaned 
with a palette-knife or spatula very’conveniently. After- 
wards, a handful of curriers shavings held on the roller, 
with two or three revolutions, cleans it effectually; and 
there is less waste with this machine than with any marble 

As to the quantity ground at once on this mill, it must 
be regulated by the state of fineness to which it is required 
to be ground. If it is wanted to be very fine, a smaller 
quantity must be put on the roller at a time; and as to time 
requisite for grinding a given quantity of colour, this will 
also depend on the state of fineness to which it is ground. 
I have observed that my colour-grinder has ground. the 
quantity of colour which used to serve him-per day, with 
this machine, in three hours, and, as he said, with ease. 

* Or rather in an improved mill, used at Manchester by Mr. Charles 
Taylor, for grinding indigo in a dry state, of which I have annexed a 

drawing, and reference, to render the whole business of colour-grinding 

4 The 


for grinding Painters’ Colours. 179 

- The colour also was much more to my satisfaction than in 

the former way, and attended with less waste. 

Ihave mentioned the pulverizing the colours in a covered 
mortar, which would prevent waste, and prevent the dust 
and finest parts of noxious colours from being injurious to 
the grinder. In some manufactories, where large quantities 
of colours, prepared from lead, copper, and arsenic, are 
used, this precaution is particularly neccssary.. I do not 
inean to say that my machine is intended to supersede the 
paint mill now in use for coarse common colours. It is 
intended for no such purpose ; but to supersede the use of 
the very awkward and unmechanical marble slab now in 
use, and on which all the colours for china manufactories, 
coach-painters, japanners, and colour-imanufacturers for 
artists, &c. &c. are now ground. 

Several of the colour- manufacturers haye expressed to me 
their great want of such a machine; and that I had no de- 
sire of troubling the public with a machine that would not 
answer, is evident, from my having used it several years 
before I presumed to recommend it to their attention. 
Being therefore now completely convinced of its utility, 
and hoping that it might relieve a number of my tellow- 
creatures from a dangerous employment, I have ventured to 
commit it to the protection of the Society of Arts, hoping, 
through their means, to see its ultimate success. And, 
further to give the society the most complete assurance in 
my power, I have annexed the opinion of avery ingenious 
and mechanical friend of mine, who has frequently scen it 
work. If any other questions should occur to the commit- 
tee, that may be in my power to explain, I,shall gladly do so. 

I am, sir, your most obedient servant, 

Charles Taylor, Esq. 

P.S. When the colour is ground, I recommend the fol- 
lowing mode of tying it up in bladders, in preference to the 
usual method. Instead of drawing the neck of the bladder 
close, in the act of tying it insert a slender cylindrical stick, 
and bind the bladder ¢lose around:it. This, when dry, will 
form a tube or pipe, through which, when the stick is with- 
drawn, the golour may be squeezed as wanted, and the neck 
Aeaincctoed by replacing the stick. This is not only @ 
neater and much more cleanly mode than the usual one of 
perforating the bladder, and stopping the hole with a nail, 
or more commonly leaying it open, to the prejudice of the 

a M 2 colour ; 



180 Improved Mili for grinding Indigo, &c. 

colour; but the bladder, being uninjured, may be used res 
peatedly for fresh quantities of colour. 

N. B. The barre! of a quill may be tied, in place of the 
stick, into the neck of the bladder, with its closed end out- 
wards, which will keep the colour secure in travelling, and 
when used, the end of the quill being cut off, it may after- 
wards be closed-by a stick. 

XXX. Lnproved Mill for grinding Indigo, or ether dry 
Colours *. 

Prare tv. fiz. 2. E represents a mortar made of marble 
or hard stone: one made in the common way will answer. 

M, a muller or grinder, nearly m the form of a pear, in 
the upper part of which an iron axis is firmly fixed, which 
axis, at the parts NN, turns in grooves or slits, cut in two 
pieces of oak projecting horizontally from a wall, and when 
the axis is at work, are secured in the grooves by i iron pins, 

P, the handle, which forms a part of the axis, and by 
which the grinder is worked. 

O, the wall in which the oak pieces NN are fixed. 

KR, a weight, which may occasionally be added, if more 
power is wanted. 

Fig. 3. shows the muller or grinder, with its axis sepa- 
rate from the other raachinery: its bottom should be made 
to fit the mortar. 

S is a groove cut through the stone. 

On grinding indigo, or such substance, in a dry: state, im 
this umil, the ‘muller being placed in the mortar, and se- 
rg a the oak preces by “the pins, the indigo to be ground 

s thrown above the muller into the mortar ; on turnmg the 
ences of the axis, the mdigo in lumps falls. into the wroove 
eut through the vine, and is from thence drawn under 
the action of the muller, and propelled to its outer edge 
within the mortar, from whence the coarser particles again 
fall ito the groove of the muller, and are again ground 
under it; which operation is continued till the whole of it 
is eround to an impalpable powder: the muller is then easily 
removed, and the colour taken out, - 

5 A wash cover, in two halves, wih a hole for the axis, 
is usually placed upon the mortar, during the operation, to 
prevent-any loss to the colour, or bad effect to the operator. 

#* From: Transa tins of the So.itty of Arts, &e. for 1804. 


Bee te 


Ex IBiiJ 

XXX. 4 new and most accurate Method of Banking the 
Balance of a Time-keeper. By Ar. W. Uarny, of 
Islington *, 


T isis letter is accompanied with a drawing, a description, 
and a medel, of 4 more perfect mode of banking the balance 
of a time-keeper, than any that has yet appeared ; and its 
application to a time-keeper is a matter of such real im- 
portance, that the most accurate, without this most neces- 
sary appendage, is liable to such derangement, that from 
the most trivial cause it is in one moment rendered useless. 

To preserve the good qualities of the time-keeper, on 
which often the strength, the wealth, the grandeur, and 
safety of this great empire depend, | deem it necessary that 
my invention should be laid before the Society of Arts, as 
the means of its being more generally known; and I hope 
that I show proper respect to the society, when I assure you 
that I do not offer any crude idea, neither could I think of 
giving you any trouble until I had fully verified the utility 
of my contrivance by several years’ trial, As I can produce 
the testimony of some of the most eminent watchmakers 
in favour of my invention, I look forward with some degree 
of confidence, in expectation of obtaining the approbation 
of the society. 

It was at first imagined that a banking to a watch with 
a free escapement was quite unnecessary, as the limits of 
banking were so great as to admit of almost twice 360,’ or 
720 degrees ; but on trial the balance was frequently found 
to exceed this quantity, and that a very slight motion given 
to the time-keeper (particularly when the axis of the balance 
became the axis of that motion) was sufficient to alter the 
strength and figure of the pendulum spring, and position of 
the picces in respect of the balance wheel, so as to change 
the rate of tlie time-keeper; and, what was worse, beaine 
a new adjustment af the balance, to accommodate i{sclf to 
the changes made in the spring, and other parts connected 
with it. Hence it became necessary that some means shduld 
be used to stop the balance at certain limits beyond its na- 
tural arch of vibration; and various attempts have heen made 
to effect it. One way is, by a moveable piece on the axis 
of the balance, which banks against a pin, yet so as to suffer 

* From Transactions of the Swiety of Arts, &c. for 04 — A hounty of 
thirry gifingas was vored to Mr. Hardy by the Society for this commun- 

; M 3 the 

iso Method of Banking the Balance of a Time-keeper. 

the balance to vibrate more than 360 degrees. Another 
method is to have a piece moveable on a centre in one of 
the arms of the balance, and applying itself as a tangent to 
the pendulum spring, which passes through a hole in the 
piece. It has also a knee, which almost touches the plate, 
and just passes free of a pin placed init. But when the 
balance vibrates so as to approach its utmost limits, the ac- 
tion of the spring, while in a state of unwinding, throws 
the piece outward, so as to fall in the way of the : pin, and 
stop the balance from proceeding further. Another mode 
is by a straight spring, screwed upon the plate, having a 
hook at the end of it, into which a pin placed in the balance 
strikes, when, as before, the pendulum spring, in unwind~- 
ing, touches the straight spring, and moves }t a little out- 
wards. There is also a w ay of banking by means of a bolt, 
which is thrown back by the pendulum spring, and made to 
fall in the way of a pin placed in the rim of the balance. 
These are the principal modes of banking now in use, and 
they do not differ materially from one another j in principle. 
But the weight and friction of so many pieces on so delicate 
an organ as that of a pendulum spring, are perbaps nearly 
as hurtful to the time- keeper as the injury it may sustain 
when it is left without any banking whatever. 
I am, sir, your most obedient servant, 

WitityaAm Harpy. 
Charles Taylor, Esq. 

In figures 1 and 2 (Plate III.) the same letters are placed, 
to signify the same things. AA is the balance to which 
the pendulum spring is fastened in the usual way. In one 
of the crosses of the balance is placed a pin P, which stands 
a little way above its surface; and when the balance. is 

caused to vibrate a complete circle, the’ pin in ifs motion 
will describe the dotted circle POO, and just pass clear of 
the inside of a projection formed on a cock B, which is 
fastened on the plate by means of a screw. At about one- 
fourth of a turn of the pendulum spring, reckoned from its 
stud E, is placed a very delicate tapering piece of steel S, 
having a small hole in it, through which the pendulum 
spring passes ; and it is fastened to it by means of a pin, 
and stands perpendicular to the curve of the spring. Let 
the balance be at rest, as represented in fig. 1, the banking- 
pin at P, and the banking-piece at 5. Suppose the balance 
is made to vibrate from P towards O, when P arrives at the 
banking-piece s, it will pass it without touching because 
iis extremity s lies wholly within the circle traced out by 


Economical Society of Leipsic at Dresden, Fe. 183 

the banking-pin. But when the banking-pin P has arrived 
at O, the banking-piece s will have advanced to ¢, by the 
pendulum spring winding itself up into the figure repre- 
sented by the dotted curve; and when the banking-pin P 
(aow at Q) returns back to P, and passes on from P towards 
Q, to approach B, and so complete the other half-arch of 
its vibration, before P can arrive at the banking-cock B, 
the pendulum spring will have unwound itself into the 
firure described by the dotted curve, and the banking-piece s 
will have advanced into the position at 7, just touching the 
banking-cock. Its extremity 7; however, being thrown 
beyond the dotted circle, must necessarily fall in the way 
of the banking-pin, which arrives there al wost at the same 
moment, and is opposed by it, without the slightest shock 
to the pendulum spring. The model renders any further 
explanation unnecessary. 

Witttam Harpy. 

eee ee 
? XXXII. Proceedings of Learned Societies. 


Onxa request by Count von Reisch, this society has pro- 
posed the two following prize questions : 
*" Ist, To determine the means, established by experiment, 
: of extirpating from fields of oats and barley the wild radish 
{Raphanus Raphanistrum), with instances of these means 
proving successful. The prize is 5 Fredericks of gold. 
ad, To invent a handmill of a simple construction, easy 
to be moved, and which will not cost more than forty 
rix-dollars. The inventor must send a model and scale. 
The prize is 8 Fredericks of gold. The papers, written in 
the German language, must be transmitted with a sealed 
device to the secretary of the society at Dresden, before the 
end of April 1805. 

* an 
XXXII. Intelligence and Miscellaneous Articles, 

No. 44, Broad-street, Golden-square, 

Quarterly Court, 

% Tue following Resolutions, on the authority of a public 
institution, must serve to tranquillize many families dis- 
turbed by prevailing ill-founded reports ; and the notice of 

M 4 the 

164; |! Original Vaccine Pock Institution. 

the privilege of letters to and from the establishment miust 
be especially acceptable, . 

Among the resolutions were the following : 

1. Resolved, That it appears from the numerous reports 
that have been transmitted or attested by the members of 
the medical establishment from abroad, from our own) 
country, and from their own experience, that the propor 
tion of failures in the cow-pock inocuiation to give secu 
rity against the small-pox, which haye been published, 
does not amount to more than 50 .out of 250,000 yacci- 
nated persons. 

2. Resolved, That it does not appear on examination of 
the published reports of these failures, and the investigation 
of many of them by the medical establishment of this insti- 
tution, that TEN haye been substantiated by admissible and 
adequate evidence. 

3. Resolved, That it seems more than probable, that all 
or many of even the admitted of failure, according to the 
evidence produced, are liable to be deceptions, on the same 
grounds as in the asserted cases of the occurrences of the 
small pox, subsequent to the small pox. 

4. Resolyed, That, considering that the cow pock inocu 
Jation has been the practice of producing an affection which 
practitioners in the first instances in general had not preyi- 
ously seen, and the history of which was so little known 
and considering the greater deceptions than in the small 
pox inoculation-to which practitioners are exposed, it was 
to have been expected that a much greater proportion of 
supposed failures would have occurred. 

5. Resolved, That it does not appear that a single instance 
has occurred of the small pox, subsequent to the cow pock, 
during more than five years practice at this institution; for, 
on inquiry, two instances which were said to be such were 
found to be inadmissible cases: viz. one of. them on ac- 
count of the supposed cow pock preceding being only a 
local affection; and in the other, that it was only proved that 
there was a local affection from the yariolous inoculation: 

6. Resolved, That the numerous instances of exposure of 
vaccinated persons to the small pox since the commence- 
ment of the practice in January in 1799, and likewise of 
repeated re-inoculation with small pox matter at this insti- 
tution, and which have been communicated, establish the 
fact, that a person who has really gone through the cow 
pock is incapable of the small pox, on as firm ground as 
the fact of variolous imoculation giving security against the 
smal] pox. us 

7. Re- 

Original Vaccine Pock Institution. 185 

7. Resolved, That considering the novelty of the practice 
of vaccine inoculation, and that it has not been performed 
in many instances, after such a mode as might give the 
greatest chance of security ; it is advisable to take precau- 
tionary measures with many who haye been inoculated, or 
who shall undergo the practice in future. 1 

8. Resolved, That the tests of patients who have been 
inoculated being secure, are, exposure to effluvia and con- 
tact with persons in the small pox; inoculation with small 
pox matter, and re-inoculation with vaccine matter. But, 
for reasons set forth in a memoir read at the quarterly meet- 
ing by Dr. Pearson, the repetition of re-inoculation with 
vaccine matter is a preferable test ; for it does not appear, 
from abundant evidence brought forward by the experience 
of Dr, Pearson, that a person who has gone through the 
cow pock is susceptible of it a second time. 

9. Resolved, That such practitioners as are desirous of 
seeing proofs of the proposition last stated, that a second 
inoculation for the cow pock is an equally decisive test of 
the question of the susceptibility of a vaccinated person to 

‘take the small pox as inoculation with variolous matter, be 

invited to attend at the institution, for that purpose. 

10..Resolved, That although it is probable, from the 
amount of the deaths by the small pox in the bills of mor- 
tality in two preceding years, viz. in 1803, of 1202; and 
in 1804, of 622, that the proportion of deaths by that 
disease has been diminished by vaccine inoculation ; yet’ it 
does not appear justifiable to draw this conclusion positive- 
ly at present—because, in former years, previously to the 
new practice, even a still smaller proportion occurred by 
smnall pox, viz. in 1795, there were 1040; in 1797, there 
were only 522; and in 1799, there were 1111: therefore 
that it will require at least five successive years of vaccine 
practice to draw a just inference. 

11. Resolved, That Dr. Pearson be requested to allow 
the memoir on the state of the practice of vaccination, and 
on the conduct of it, to be printed, in order to quiet the 
minds of many families disturbed by the late unfavourable 
reports, . 

12. Resolved, That the medical establishment continue 
their practice of registering their observations, as the most 
likely means to reduce to certainty the vaccine practice as a 
prophylactic of the small pox. 

43. Resolved, That although the conduct of this institu- 
tion, under the economical management of the treasurers, 
Thomas Payne and John [eaviside, Esqrs. and the trustees, 
. Win, 

186 Metallic Nature of Ochroit, &&c. 

Wm. Bosville, Wm. Noble, and Charles Bingy, Esqrs. 
has been such, that the subscriptions hitherto have been 
sufficient to defray the expenses, without requesting addi- 
tional aid from the present supporters; yet, to accomplish 
the objects of the institution to their full extent, it will be 
requisite that further contributions he requested from the 
public, and that the present subscribers particularly be re- 
spectfully solicited to use their interest for that purpose. 

The number inoculated since the last report amounts to 

Subscribers of ten guineas are Life Governors; of two 
guineas annually are Electors, and of one guinea annually 
are Governors. 

_ All persons, with or without letters of recommendation, 
are admitted for inoculation every Tuesday and Friday, at 
one o’clock. 

Subscriptions will be thankfully received by Messrs. 
Devaynes and Co. Pall Mall, and-by Mr. Sancho, at the 

Note—Provincial subscribers and correspondents are in~ 

- formed, that permission has been liberally granted by their 
Lordships the Postmasters-general for letters to come and re- 
turn postage free, provided they are addressed to Mr. San- 
cho, Secretary to the, Original Vaccine Pock Institution, 
Broad-sireet, Golden-square,*and are sent under cover to 
Francis Freeling, Esq. General Post Office, with this in- 
dorsement—** On the business of the Broad-street Vaccine 

By order, Witi1am Sancuo, Seeretary, 


M. Gehlen, .of Berlin, bas received from Messrs. His 
singer and Berzelius, a memoir on the analysis of the 
ochroit of Klaproth. They consider the new substance 
contained in this fossil as a metallic oxide, and they. give 
to the metal the name of Cerium, from the planet Ceres. 
They have, however, judged of the nature of it only from 
the phenomena of the oxidation exhibited by the substance, 
for hitherto they have not been able to obtain it in a me+ 
tallic state. 


M. Richter is employed in examining the nature of 
nickel. In its state of purity, this metal 1s exceedingly 
malleable; it is also almost as brilliant as silver, and more 
‘susceptible of attraction by the magnet than iron, He ase 

’ : 

Galvanism, 187 

serts, that in the purest state in which it has been hitherto 
obtained it contains still a great deal of copper. M. Rich- 
ter has discovered a sure method of freeing it from that 

Purified oxides of nickel are of a much livelier green co- 
lour than common oxides, and their solution in ammonia 
is of a very pale blue colour, 



Klaproth has found that solutions of metallic oxides in 
alkalies are as easily precipitated in the metallic state, by 
other metals soluble in the same salts, as also by phospho- 
Tus, as acid metallic solutions are. He makes a very inge- 
nious application to analysis of tin ores, according to a 
method which he ipdicates in his (Beitraege) collections, 
In this process, tungsten is separated by zine from tung- 
state of ammonia, under the ferm of black flakes. 


Bucholz, in examining M. Gehlen’s method of separat- 
ing iron and manganese by the help of succinate of potash, 
has found that succinate of iron, oxidated at a minimum, is 
entirely decomposed by boiling it with distilled water, so 
that the water dissolves the acid with an inappreciable 
quantity of oxide. The same chemist is employed in exa- 
mining uranium and its combinations. 


Brugnatelli, in a letter to M. van Mons, says, Volta is 

| - still employed on electricity. He has lately constructed 
| different piles, composed merely of saline substances of a 
f different nature, with solutions of which he impregnated 
disks of bone. 
; I have lately, adds he, gilt in a complete manner two 
large silver medals, by bringing them into communication, 
by means of a steel wire, with the negative pole of a Vol- 
taic pile, and a po them, one after the other, immersed 
in ammoniuret o gold newly made and well saturated*, 

* The result here detailed reminds me of one somewhat similar, 
which took place during some experiments performed some years ayo 
atthe Askesian rooms. Some gold leaf was put loose upon a new picce 
pf copper coin, which was then brought into the circuit of the pile; a 

part of the gold was inflamed, and other portions adhered to the surface 
of the copper as completely as if they had been attached by any common 
gilding process. Evrr. 


iss New Metal in Platina.— Astronomy. 


I have seen with pleasure, says Brugnatelli, in a letter ta 
the same, that Fourcroy and Vanquelin have found a new 
metal in platina. I must observe that I obtained separately 
a long time ago the substance which gives colour to solu- 
tions of platina. I enlarged, by eight or ten parts of water, 
the solution of that crude metal, and added to it a solution 
of muriate of ammonia. The mixture at first did not be- 
come turbid, but after some minutes, the sides and bottom 
of the jar were covered with the red matter in shining 
molecule, and similar to that of which I send you a spe- 


M. Harding, of Lilienthal, near Bremen, has discovered 
a new planet, to which he has given the name of Juno. 
While comparing with the heavens the fifty thousand stars 
observed -by Messrs. Lalande, he saw one of the eighth 
magnitude, which appeared to him to have a motion of its 
own. He observed it several days, and soon found that it 
was a planet. 

On the 5th of September, its right ascension was 1° 52’, 

Tts north declination 0° 11’. — 

M. Burckhardt observed it on the 23d of September, at 
359° 7’, and 4° 6’, and thence concluded that the duration 
of its revolution is five years and a half, 

Its inclination is 21°. 

Its excentricity.1s a quarter of its radius. . 

its mean distance from the sun is three times that of 
the earth, that is to say, it 1s about a hundred millions of 
leagues ; it is consequently a little farther distant from the 
sun than Ceres and Pallas, which are only ninety-six mil- 
‘lions of leagues. 

* Its diameter has not yet been measured, but it appears 
hike a star of the eighth magnitude. 

Its size appears nearly equal to that of Ceres, or of thepla~ 
net discovered by Piazzi. As astronomers daily observe if, 
more precise elements of it maybe obtained. Junois the 12th 
planet discovered within a small number of years. Her- 
schel discovered Uranus, aid its six satellites ; he discovered 
* also two new satellites to Saturn; Piazzi discovered Ceres; 
Qlbers discovered Pallas ; and Harding has discovered June, 

M. Piazzi, the astronomer, of Palermo, in a Ietter to 
M. Delalande, says, that he has observed in the fixed stars 
a change of one, two, aud three secends, according to the 

ea situation 

Geology. 189 

situation of the earth in its orbit. This effect of the annual 
parallax, respecting which astronomers have disputed so 
much for a century past, is an interesting fact: it thence 
follows that the distance of the stars is not seyen millions 
of millions of leagues. 


The following authentic account of an ascent to the 
summit of one of the highest mountains in the Tyrol, has 
becy published in the Vienna court gazette :—** For some 
years past, doctor Gebhard has been employed in exploring 
the Tyrol in all directions by the order of his royal highness 
the archduke John, who exeris himself with so much zea} 
and makes so many sacrifices to promote the good of his 
country. One of the most interesting consequences of this 
measure, which promises to furnish abundance of matter 
to geology, botany, mineralogy, and natural history in ge- 
neral, is the late ascent to the summit of the Orteler, the 
highest mountain in the Tyrol, which is covered with eter- 
nal snow and ice.’ By his highness’s orders, Dr. Gebhard 
proceeded to Glurus im the Vintschgau, and thence exa- 
mined all the valleys which obtain their water from the 
Orteler, in order to ascertain the most favourable point for 
ascending the mountain ; but he began to doubt of the pos- 
sibility of accomplishing this enterprise, when a hunter of 
chamois goats, from the village of Passayer, a man. habi- 
tuated to the dangers of these precipices, oflered to become 
his guide. Dr, Gebhard added to him as companions two 
boors from the Ziller valley, who had attended him during 
his excursions among the mountains, and one of whom 
possessed sufficient knowledge to observe two bazometers 
which they carried with them. 

About two o’clock in the morning, September 27, they 
set out from Drofui, and between 10 and 11 reached the 
very summit of the mountain, But they could scarcely 
remain here four minutes. These they employed in ob- 
serving the barometer; and about eight in the evening 
returned to Drofui half benumbed, and, at first, deprived 
of the power of speech. Without resting more than the 
above four minutes, they had wandered during seventeen 
hours over rocks, snow, and ice, in many places at the 
hazard of their lives. Both the barometers observed on the 
summit were exceedingly good, and agreed. Corresponding 
observations were made at Mals. The height of the moun- 
tain above Mals is therefore known, but the elevation of 
Mals above the sea has not yet been calculated. It may 


196 Botany. 
however be estimated, that the summit of the Orteler is at 
least 19,200 Paris feet above the level of the Mediterranean. 

His royal highness has caused huts and places of shelter 
to be erected below and above the glaciers, roads to be cut 
out in the rocks, and ropes to be extended along them, in 
order to open a safe passage for the friends of geology, and 
those tond of the sublime beauties of nature, to the summit 
6f 2 mountain, next to Montblanc, the highest im Europe. 

The ingenious and profound researches by which Cuvier 

was able to discover and restore entirely the fossil skeletons 
of several animals found in the quarries of Montmartre, and 
of whichan alogous ones exist, are well known. The riethod 
by which he effected this restoration has been confirmred int a 
striking manner, by the discovery he has: made of a skeleton 
of the « opossum, an animal the genus of which 1s now cor- 
fined exclusively to America. All the bones of this skeleton, 
and those in particular by which it is characterized in the 
most striking manner, were not at first discovered in the 
stone ; but the relations which M. Cuvier knew to exist 
between the different organs, and which he calls the xoo/o- 
gical laws, enabled him to judge from what he saw of what 
he did not see. Such is the certainty of these relations, 
that M. Cuvier was able to predict, that in searching further 
in the quarry the two characteristic bones of this species, 
those which serve to support the edges of the bag in-which 
the opossum carrics its young, would be found. Experience 
confirmed what theory had foreseen. 

This fact is no less curious than embarrassing to the 
geologues. M. Cuvier observes, that it entirely overturns 
almost all their systems in regard to fossil animals :— 

« Hitherto,” says he, °¢ they would see in the fossil bones 
of the Norih the animals of Asia only. They allowed, also, 
that the animals of Asia had passed over to America, and 
had been there buried, at least in the north; but it would 
seem that the American genera never quitted- their native - 
soil, and that they never extended to those countries which 
form at present the old continent. ae his is the second proof 
I have discovered of the contrary.’ 


E. Rudge, Esq. F.R.S. and F.L.S. is about to publish 
in a few days the first fasciculus of a splendid work, en- 
titled Plantarum Guiance Rariorum Icones et Descriptiones 
hactenus inedite. The plants from which the figures are 
taken, formed a part of that superb collection of natural 
history consigned by order of the french Government from 





Tnundation of the Tyber —Mechanics. r9t 

Cayenne to the National Museum at Paris, and which was 
captured on ts passage by two British privateers, in Sep- 
tember 1803. It will comprise upwards of one hundred 
new plants. 


T am ignorant, says Giobert, whether yeu know, that ac 
cording to the experiments of Spallarizani, it appears to be 
proved, that snails absorb oxygen, not only by other organs 
than the lungs, but also through their shells, and that this 
absorption continues some time after their death: even 
when the shell of a snail has been freed from the animal it 
contained, it seems to continue to absorb oxygen. 


A letter from Rome, dated February 21, says, Andrew 
Vinci, hydraulic engineer, has published the result of his 
observations on the last inundation of the Tyber; whence 
it appears that the waters rose this year forty-two Romam 
palms above their usual level, and, on the whole, higher 
than in all the inundations which have before taken place. 
Monsignor Naro, president of the department of waters, 
has ordered that an inscription shall be placed on the shore 
to transmit to posterity the remembrance of this terrible 
inundation. The greatest remembered was that of the year 
1750: the one this year exceeded it by four palms. On 
the 31st of January the water covered all the neighbouring 
plains, penetrated to all the lower parts of the eity, and in- 
undated a great portion of them: the Rue de la Cours, the 

laces Nayone and De la Rotonde, the church in the latter, 
and all the adjacent quarters, were covered with water: in 
that of the Jews, the water rose to the first stories. The 
waters did not retire within their usual bed till the day of 
the Purification of the Virgin. 


_M. Regnier, an ingenious mechanist, has invented a me- 
ridian which may be placed in the window of an apartment. 
It is so constructed that it may rernain exposed to the open 
air without any covering. It consists of a quadrant fur- 

» nished with a lens, and a plate of brass in the plane of the 

meridian with a black horse-hair, which when it breaks lets 
go the catch of a hammer which strikes on a bell. When 
the faintest ray of the sun appears, the hair crisps and 
breaks: a ray Jess brilliant than that which makes the 
shadow on 4 sun-dial appear distinctly, is sufficient for this 
Purpose, and the mechanism is sufficiently strong to strike 
noon on a large bell. 


192 Meteorology. 
By Mr. Carey, oF THE STRAND, 
For March 1805. 

Thermometer. oe 
: > : AS b as 
: oO oy bre Height of }%& 2 3 
ye ag Be] § 135 |che aes 32.8 | Weather. 
SB rads 4. "OS iF Inches. | => Eh 
25 <I Wa Ss, 
oo = aat 
Feb. 26} 44°] 51°} 44° "82 33° |Fair 
27| 43 | SI | 43 “60 7 |Cloudy 
28| 44 | 49 | 36 “46 27~=«|Fair,with wind 
March 1) 36 | 42 | 37 “50 24 |Hail showers 
2) 33 |. 42 | 37 "95 7 |Fair, snow in 
, the night ; 
3| 37 | 46 | 44 | 30°14 22 «(|Fair 
4| 47} 541 45 ‘01 25 {Small rain 
5| 46 | 52 | 37 | 29°92 42’ |Fair 
6} 38 | 51 | 37 | 30°00 42 |Fair 
7} 37 | 43 | 36} 22 23 |Cloudy 
g| 35 | 42 | 32 | 29°98 32 |Fair ; 
9| 30 | 39} 33 “66 17. «‘|Fair 
10} 32 | 40 | 32 "52 30. |Fair 
#1] 30 | 47 | 38 ‘90 33 {Fair 
121 49 | 59 | 49 “98 35 |Fair 
33) 48 | 60 | 49 | 30°03 51 |Fair 
141 49 | 59 | 48 | 29°70 40 |Fair 
15] 44 | 53 | 40 "84 33 {Cloudy 
16| 38 | 53 | 44 "93 27 |Fair un a} | 
17} 45 | 54 | 44 "82 42 |Fair 
18} 46 | 47 | 42 “98 16 {Rain 
19} 38 | 51 | 44 | 30°18 55 |Fair 
201 40 | 43 | 40 "10 6 {Rain 
21} 39 | 47 | 40 05 25 |Fair 
22} 40 | 46 | 41 | 29°93 20 «={Fair 
23; 38 | 47 | 40 } 30°05 31 {Fair 
24) 38 | 47 | 43 “20 25 Fair 
25 31 | 37 | 34 “Ol “$4 |Fair 

26, 32 | 48 | 34 | 29°86. 30. }Fair 

N. B. The barometer’s height is taken at noon, 


{ 193 J 

XXXIV. An Account of the Aérial Voyage undertaken at 
Petersburgh om the 30th of January 1804. Read before 
the Academy of Sciences by the Academician SACHAROF. 

Hornerro aérial voyages have been undertaken merely 
for the gratification of the public. Since the invention of 
balloons, no learned society, or man of science, has under- 
taken such excursions in order to make physical observa- 
tions. Men eminent for their scientific acquirements sel- 
dom embark in them merely on account of the advantage 
resulting from them. They always represent them as more 
dangerous than they are in reality, in order to excite greater 
admiration of their intrepidity, and by these easy means to 
prevent others from acquiring the same celebrity. The Impe- 
rial Academy of Sciences at Petersburgh, considering the 
advantages which might result from an aérial excursion of 
this kind, resolved to cause one to be undertaken for the 
purpose of making scientific researches. The principal 
object of this voyage was to ascertain exactly the physical 
state of the atmosphere, and the component parts of it, at 
different determinate heights. The academy had entertained 
an opinion, that the experiments made by De Luc, Saus- 
sure, Humboldt and others, on mountains, must give other 
results than those made in the open air; that this difference 
might arise from the attraction of the earth and the decom- 
position of organized bodies; and that by these means the 
Jaw which accurately determines the height of the atmo- 
sphere might perhaps be found. The academy afterwards 
requested the academician Lowitz, who undertook to make 
the proposed experiments in the atmosphere, to confer on 
this subject with professor Robertson. Mr. Robertson de- 
clared he would consider it as a particular honour to be of 
any service to the academy in this respect ; that he would 
with pleasure accompany this philosopher; and that the 
balloon he had constructed at Petersburgh was at the ser- 
vice of the academy for that purpose: he only requested 
that the academy would defray the expense which would 
arise from filling the balloon with hydrogen gas. The aca- 
demy thanked Mr. Robertson for the zeal he had manifested, 
and set apart a certain sum for carrying this aérial voyage 
into effect. While preparations were making for this ex- 
cursion, and while the aéronauts were waiting for a favoura- 
ble wind, Mr. Lowitz fell sick, and the president, Nicolai 
Nikolayevitsch Novossilzof, proposed to. me to supply his 
place. As this proposal showed that particular confidence 

Vul. 21. No. 83. April is05. N was 


ig4 Account of the Aérial Voyage 

was placed in me, I embraced it with pleasure; and, after 
the accomplishment of the excursion, I now have the ho- 
nour of laying before the academy the following account of 
the experiments and observations I made. 

The experiments proposed by the academy, which were 
to be made at the greatest distance from the earth, have 

- been already described by several aéronauts, but have been 
either doubted or entirely rejected: as for example, the 
faster or slower evaporation of fluids; the decrease or in- 
crease of the magnetic force ; the inclination of the mag- 
netic needle; the increase of the power in the solar rays to 
excite heat; the greater faitness of the colours produced 
by the prism ; the existence or non-existence of the electric 
matter; some observations on ‘the influence and changes 
which the rarification of the air occasions in the human 
body ; the flying of birds; the filling with air, flasks ex- 
hausted by Torricelli’s method, at each fall of an inch in 
the barometer ; and some other chemical and philosophical 

The instruments I carried with me for these experiments 

ist, Twelve flasks in a box with a lid. 

2d, A barometer and thermometer. 

3d, A thermometer. 

4th, Two electrometers, with sealing-wax and sulphur. 

5th, A compass and magnetic needle. 

6th, A watch that beat seconds. 

7th, A bell. 

sth, A speaking-trumpet. 

gth, A prism of crystal. 

10th, Unslaked lime, and some other things for che- 
mical and philosophical experiments. 

But as no means have hitherto been found of ascertain- 
ing with certainty over what part of the earth a balloon is 
hovering, and to what quarter it is driven by the wind, 
especially when there are clouds below it, by which means 
terrestrial objects cannot be seen, and where the aéronaut_ 
in his car (where he is not sensible of the motion of the 
balloon) cannot discover the direction of it for want of fixed 
objects of comparison, I employed the two following me- 
thods to ascertain to which side it was impelled by the wind: 

1st, I fixed perpendicularly, in an aperture made in the 
bottom of the car, an achromatic telescope, which showed 
me very distinctly those terrestrial objects over which the 
balloon happened to be, and to which side it directed its 
course. 2d, I laid together, cross-wise, two sheets of black 

paper ; 

— |. 


undertaken at Petersburgh. 195 

paper; that is to say, I bound together two surfaces at right 
angles, fastened them with thread, and suspended it from 
the car with a piece of packthread. This light body showed 
me, as will be hereafter mentioned, better than I could have 
believed, all the variations in the direction of the balloon ; 
on which account I shall call it the way-wiser. 

The balloon was filled with hydrogen gas in the Garden 
of the first corps of Cadets, whence it ascended in the pre- 
sence of a great many persons of distinction, the members 
of the Academy of Sciences, and various men of science. 
The decomposition of the water was effected by sulphuric 
acid and iron filings, mostly from cast iron. The che- 
mical apparatus consisted of twenty-five vessels, from each 
of which a tin-plate tube was conveyed to atub. For se- 
parating the carbonic acid gas, unslaked lime was thrown 
into water. ~Into each vessel were put three pood of iron 
filings with fifteen pood ofwater, and three pood of sul- 
phuric acid were poured over them. The balloon began to 
be filled at eleven in the morning; and, though the opera- 
tion was completed at four in the afternoon, the experi- 
ments to serve as a point of comparison with those made 
in the higher regions of the atmosphere retarded our voyage 
till a late period. The balloon contained 9000 cubic feet of 
hydrogen gas. 

Pood* Pounds 

It weighed, with its whole apparatus - 5 2 
Mr. Robertson and myself - - 8 10 
The instruments and other apparatus for expe- 

riments - - - - 1 id 
Clothing - - - - O 184 
Bottles with water and provisions - - O 214 
Ballast taken in - - - - 2 30 

Total of the weight = - 18 3 

The balloon, which in order to try its strength was first 
filled with common air, was thirty English feet in diameter, 
and perfectly round ; but in the air, as it was not entirely 
filled with hydrogen gas, but sufficiently so for the voyage, 
it appeared to be elongated. 

The wind was north-east, and favourable for our purpose; 
but, that [ might ascertain the direction of it more accu- 

stately, we let off a small balloon before our departure at 

about seyen o’clock. At first it was driven by the north- 

* A pood is about forty pounds, 

N@2 east 

196 Account of the Aerial Voyage 

east wind towards the land side; but when it ‘rose to a 
greater height it appeared to change its direction, and pro- 
ceed straight towards the sea. Nevertheless wé did not sus- 
pend our aérial voyage ; but, having put into the car every 
necessary, placed ourselves in it. But as one of the most 
important experiments in my opinion was to collect air in 
the exhausted flasks which I took with me, at different 
heights, at each fall of an inch in the barometer, which 
rendered a gradual and slow ascent of the balloon necessary, 
we added so much ballast to that already taken in, after we 
had seated ourselves in the car, that the balloon was not 
able to raise us up. About fifteen minutes after seven, 
when the barometer stood at 30 inches English, and the 
thermometer indicated 19 degrees of heat, we threw out a 
handful of the ballast, which consisted of sand. The bal- 
loon immediately begin very slowly to rise, but sunk down 
again over the Neva after it had attained to a considerable 
height. The’ reason of this, in all probability, was, that 
the balloon had been surrounded by a very warm atmo- 
sphere at the earth, by which means the gas in it occupied 
more space, and was the cause of its greater lightness; but 
at a height where the air, particularly over the Neva, was 
colder, where the matter of heat was absorbed by the wa- 
tery vapours which arose, and where the hydrogen gas, on 
cooling, contracted, by which the balloon became smaller 
and heavier in regard to the more rarified air, it must ne- 
cessarily lose some of its power to ascend, and consequently 
fall a little. But after a small quantity of ballast was thrown 
out, the balloon again rose. The telescope, fixed in the 
bottom of the car, clearly showed me the places over which 
we were. The balloon, according to appearance, took its 
direction towards the land side. About 31 minutes after 
seven, when the barometer had fallen to 29 inches, and the 
thermometer indicated 18 degrees of heat, I filled the first 
flask with air; the second I filled at 37 minutes past seven, 
the barometer being at 28 inches, and the thermometer at 
17 degrees of heat. TI filled the third flask at 42 minutes 
past seven, at which time the barometer stood at 27 inches, 
and the thermometer had fallen to 15 degrees. At this 
time, or at this height, I experienced a heaviness in my 
cars, but in conversing [ heard as well as before. During 
the continuation of our voyage the balloon turned*roun 
several times. This always took place gradually, slowly, 
and almost mnperceptibly. The direct motion of the bal- 
Toon during a perfect calm, and when there is no apparent 
motion in ibe air, is not perceptible, In consequence of 

, the 


undertaken at Peterslurgh. 107 

the fog I could not see distant objects, such as Lake La- 
doga, Cronstadt, &c. I here threw out the paper way- 
wiser I had made; by means of which I observed, not only 
here, but during the rest of the voyage, that it showed 
much quicker than the barometer, the direction and also 
the sinking and nsing of the balloon; for as soon as the 
balloon fell, the way-wiser, as it was much lighter than the 
balloon, and found more resistance in falling, flew up and 
rose almost up to it, so that it was mecessary to pull it 
down when the balloon rose: it was below suspended from 
the thread in a diagonal direction, and followed us in such a 
manner, that a person habituated to such observations could 
easily determine with a compass, from the position of the 
way-wiser, the true direction of the balloon. As we found 
ourselves, with a north-east wind, over the islands at the 
mouth of the Neva, Mr. Robertson was afraid, In conse- 
quence of the changed direction of the small balloon which 
was let of from the Garden of the Cadets, that the wind 
might drive us out to sea ; for it is well known that in the 
atmosphere there are several currents of air which have a 
contrary course, and which in all probability produced the 
before-mentioned cruciform turning of the balloon. Not 
being accustomed to tbis cruciform movement, I was not 
able, by the way-wiser, to determine the real direction of 
the balloon, and on this account Mr. Robertson suffered to 
escape a considerable quantity of gas; on which we again 
fell till the barometer stood at 29 inches, about 50 minutes 
past seven. r 
At this height the heaviness in my ears went off, and I 
experienced in them no more heaviness. Having continued 
our voyage along the coast a good way behind Katerinenhof, 
we began again, on my earnest request, to ascend. About 
25 minutes past eight the barometer stood at 26 inches, and 
the heat was equal to 144 degrees. Here I filled the fourth 
flask with air. About 31 minutes»past eight we found our- 
selves over the water, at a height where the barometer stood 
at 25 inches, and the heat had decreased to 13 degrees. 
At this height we could see the circles produved iy the 
water by the fall of some bottles which J threw down, The 
north-east wind still appeared to be favourable to us, and 
about 45 minutes past eight we found ourselves entirely 
over the terra firma. Here we could see at one view the 
Newski islands at the mouth of the Yamelianofka, and the 
whole of that river. As we were now at a distance from 
the sea, and Mr. Robertson saw no further danger, he be- 
gan to throw out his ballast, of which little renamed, im 
N 3 order 


198 Account of the Aerial Voyage 

order to rise as high as possible; so that at about 9 minutes 
after nine the barometer had fallen to 24 inches, and the 
thermometer indicated 9 degrees. Here I filled the sixth 
flask with air. About 20 minutes past nine we were at a 
height where the barometer stood at 23 incl:2s, and the 
heat was 6} degrees. At this height I filled the seventh 
flask with air, and suffered to escape two canary birds and 
adove. One of the canary birds, when let loose from the 
cage, would not fly; but when thrown into the air, it fell 
down with precipitation. The dove also, when thrown 
from the car, flew down almost in a curved line to a village 
that lay below us. When we had thrown out almost the 
whole of our ballast, with a view to rise to as great a height 
as possible, I threw out my great coat and the remains of 
my supper, which I had eaten with the greatest appetite, 
some uecessaries for my experiments which I had carried 
with me, and also some instruments; on which we began 
to ascend. I here made an experiment on the power of 
hearing by means of the bell ; which I also threw down, as 
I did not observe any perceptible difference, in consequence 
perhaps of the air not being perceptibly more rarified. About 
30 minutes past nine the barometer had fallen to 22 inches, 
and the thermometer indicated 41 degrees of heat. I now 
filled the eighth flask with air. Before this I suffered the 
other dove to escape, or rather threw it from the car, as it 
sat on the edge of it and would not fly away. For two or 
three minutes it flew around the car at the distance of thirty 
fathoms, and again perched upon it. I then took it in 
my hand, without its making any resistance or showing 
the least fear, and threw it down; but it flew violently 
round in a circular manner, cither because it was not able 
to rise, or because it saw no objects before it. At this 
height I made experiments on the electric matter and the 
magnet; but in consequence of the instruments, and par- 
ticularly the dipping needle, being deranged by throwing 
out the ballast, and the lateness of the hour, I was not able 
to make any others. 

At this height we saw the sun, but only one half; and 
on account of the thick fog which took place, I cannot say 
whether the other half was concealed by the horizon or by 
acloud. The earth, covered with this fog, seemed to be 
involved in a smoke-coloured atmosphere, through which 
objects could not be clearly distinguished by the help of the 

At this height the effect of the electric matter was per- 
ceptible; for when sealing-wax was rubbed with a piece of 






undertaken at Petersburgh. 199 

eloth, it put in motion Bennet’s electrometer. But as the 
magrietic needle which I took with me for the purpose of 
examining the inclination was spoilt, I was desirous of try- 
ing whether the magnetic power had as much influence over 
iron as at the earth. With this view I placed a common 
magnetic needle on a pin, and, to my great astonishment, 
saw the north pole of it rise considerably, while the south 
pole sunk down, angle of eight or ten degrees. 
I repeated this several times; and, to be more certain, I 
gave the needle to Mr. Robertson, that he might make the 
same experiment. The result, however, was always the 
same. ‘lhe magnetic needle, which 1 have still in my pos- 
session, stands at present horizontal. Experiments in re- 
gard to the attraction of the magnetic needle, and some 
others, 1 was not able to make. At this height I did not 
experience the smallest change in regard to myself, except 
that my ears seemed, as it were, benumbed.. My pulse 
beat as on the earth,’ that is, 82 times in a minute; and 
my breathing was neither accelerated nor impeded, that is 
to say, I breathed 22 times in a minute. In a word, I 
was exceedingly tranquil and cheerful, and experienced no 
change or uneasiness. At that time there were white clouds 
at a great height over us, but the heavens in general were 
clear and bright; yet though the sky was so clear I could 
observe no stars. I now proposed to Mr. Robertson to 
continue our voyage the whole night, in order that we 
might see the sun rise, and to make some other experiments; 
but ignorance of the local situation of the country, the al- 
most total consumption of our ballast, and the continual, 
though slow, sinking of the balloon, prevented him from 
acceding to my proposal. While we were flying’ over se- 
veral villages and rivers, I took my speaking-trumpet, and, 
directing 1t towards the earth, called out as Joud as I could. 
Contrary to expectation, I heard, after a considerable in- 
terval, my words clearly and distinctly repeated by an echo. 
I then called out again; and each time the echo repeated my 
words. I observed that the sound was reverberated in ten 
seconds ; but I could not remark the height of the baro- 
meter, because we had begun to make preparations for de- 
scending to the earth: and to effect this as slowly as possi- 
ble, for the sake of security, we tied all our instruments 
and warm clothing into a bundle and let it down, together 
with the anchor, by a rope. The balloon, which was driven 
by the wind with considerable force, and wich fell with great 
rapidity, was so light when the bundle touched the earth, 

- that it drew up the rope, and endeavoured again to ascend. 

4 In 

200. Aérial Voyage undertaken at Petersburgh. 

In the mean time Mr. Robertson gradually suffered the gas 
to escape, and the balloon descended slowly, and touched 
the earth so softly, that we did not experience the least 
shock ; though the contrary is for the most part the case 
when balloons are suffered to descend, and in consequence 
of the violence with which they touch the earth great danger 
is experienced. We descended safe to the earth, at 45 mi- 
nutes past ten, on the estate of counsellor Demidof, in a 
field almost opposite to his house; and his boors and servants 
assisted us to arrange and pack up the balloon. By the 
bundle being dragged on the earth, the greater part of the 
instruments were spoilt. Of the eight flasks filled with air 
brought from the atmosphere, four only were fit for bemg 
subjected to experiment; namely, numbers 1, 4, 6, and 7 ; 
but I did not venture to examine them. In the rest, after 
the necks were inverted under the quicksilver, none of the 
latter ascended ; from which it appears that they were not 
sufficiently stopped. 

The aérial voyage, set on foot by the academy, being thus 
ended, though I made experiments on the electric matter 
and the maguet, filled the flasks with air at different heights, 
made observations on myself and on the direction of the bal- 
loon during my voyage, I must confess that I am not able 
from these first experiments to draw any certain conclu- 
sions ; because the small height to which the ballogn rose, 
contrary to my wish ; the consumption of the ballast by the 
balloon’s twice rising; the lateness of the time; the short 
duration of the voyage, and other circumstances, were the 
p:incipal causes which prevented me from making all the 
experiments appointed by the academy, and trom making 
them with that accuracy which is necessary to deduce from 
them any well founded physical conclusions. 

But I hope I shail have an opportunity of repeating all 
these experiments with greater accuracy. For, since I have 
experienced the nature of a voyage of this kind, I have no 
doubt that I shall be able to direct a balloon; to make ob- 
servations in general on the filling of one, which may be 
— use to the aeronaut during his voyage in the air; 
and to make some improyement in the method of throwing 
out ballast, or lightening the balloon; and in making expe- 
riments. But on this subject I shall have the honour of 
giving the academy further information. 

XXXV. 4 

[ 201 } 

XXXV. 4 brief Account of the Mineral Productions of 

Shropshire. By Josep Prymugy, 4. M. Archdeacon 
of Salop, and Honorary Member of the Board of Agricul- 


"Tere are mines of lead ore, of a good quality, on the 
western side of this county, which have been very produc- 
tive. The bog mine, in the parish of Wentnor, and the 
white grit mine, in the parishes of Shelve and Worthen, 
adjoin the Stiperstones: they are high hills, with bare and 
ragged summits, resembling the ruins of walls and castles ; 
they are a ‘* granulated quartz, much harder than common 
sandstone, but apparently not stratified ¢.”". The bog mine 
has been worked to the depth of 150 yards; a solid Jump 
of pure ore of 800]b. has been gotten up there: the vein is 
in some parts three feet thick, and generally bedded in white 
spar. One ton of this ore will run 15 ewt. of lead, besides 
slag. Dr. Townson says, “ these mines are in argillaceous 
schistus, and produce galena lead ore ¢, sometimes spatous § 
Jead ore, and blende||.”” The ores at the white grit mine 
are the common galena and the steel-grained ores ; some- 
times the white spatous ore, and considerable quantity of 
black jack ||. The ores from this mine are not smelted se- 
parately ; they differ much in their product, and little ex- 
periment has been made to ascertain it. I have been in- 
formed that they produce from 10 to 13 cwt. of lead, be- 
sides slags, from a ton of ore, and rarely more§. At Snail- 
bach, in the neighbourhood of the same hills, but nearer 
Shrewsbury, lead has been gotten for a long time. “ The 
vein was in some parts four yards wide. The vein-stones 
are heavy spar, mixt with calcareous spar and quartz. The 
ore here is the common galena and the steel-grained, and 
sometimes the white spatous ore **,”” It has been * worked 

* From Plymley’s General View of the Agriculture of Shropshire. 

+ Dr. Townson. 

¢ This is lead mineralized by sulphur, and is the most common lead 
ore. It is sometimes called potters’ lead ore. 

§ This terin is not in Nicholson’s Dictionary, or in the octavo edition 
of Kirwan: it means lead ore crystallized in the form of spar. 

| Tracts and Observations in Nat. Hist. &c. p. 154. 

q Mr. Pennant, in his Welsh Tour, vol. i. p. 44.7, says, * the lamel- 
lated, or common kind of lead ore, usually named porters’ ore, yields 
from 14 to 163 cwt. of lead from 20 cwt. of the ores but the last produce 
Js rare.” 

?* Dr. Townson’s Tracis, &c. p. 183. 




Or? ing Sea 

202 A brief Account of the 

to the depth of 180 yards. The matrix of the ore is cry- 
stallized quartz and carbonate of lime. The ore is, 1. Sul: 
phoret ot lead, both galena and steel ore, which latter con- 
tains silver: 2. Carbonate of Jead, crystallized: 3. Red lead 
ore*: 4. Blende, or black jack +.’’ Lead ore has been met 
with in many other places in this part of the county. As 
far west as Llanymynach lead is found in small quantities, 
and copper, which the Romans are supposed to have worked 
to a greatextent. Tools, judged to be Roman, have been 
found in these mines, and some of them are preserved in 
the library of Shrewsbury free-school. In this hill the lead 
is met with in bellies of ore; that is, a'small string leads 
often to a body of ore about four or five yards in diameter, 
but from which there is no vein issues that may lead the 
miner to the other bodies of ore remaining in the hill. Ca- 
Jamine, also, is here met with. The rock at Pimhill is 
strongly tinctured with copper. Symptoms both of copper 
and Jead appear also in the Cardington hills, many miles 
south-east of the spot we are speaking of, and not very far 
south of the centre of the county. ‘ Lead is also found at 
Shipton, in the road from Wenlock to Ludlow, but never 
yet in sufficient quantities to reward the adventurers .” 
Full as far north of the centre, it is reported, in a MS. his- 
tory of Bradford North (A.D. 1740), that ‘“* Henry Teni- 
son, esq. got copper ore in his estate about Red Castle; 
but it lay so deep that it turned to little account: and I be- 
lieve we may apply the following paragraph, from the same 
MS., to many adventures in mining m this aud other 
counties ; for the author proceeds to say, that ‘* the Rev. 
Mr. Snelson expected to find this hidden treasure at Weston, 
but had his labour for his pains, and his expense for his 

Coal of an excellent quality is gotten on the eastern side 
of the county, particularly in the parishes of Wellington, 
Lilleshall, Wrockwardinc, Wombridge §, Stirchley, Daw- 


* Mr. Aikin says this ore was discovered in these mines by Raspe, a 
German. Mr. Nicholson, in his Chemical Dictionary, 1795, remarks 
that this ore had not then been found, except at Catharineburgh, in Si- 
beria. I do not know that these two red lead ores have been ascertained 
to be precisely the same, or that any difference between them has been 

+ Vide Aikin’s Tour, p. 203. 

+ Mr. William Reynolds. 

§ In this parish Mr. W. Reynolds, about ten years ago, put in prac- 
tice an idea he had conceived some years before, of uncovering the strata 
of ironstone and coal which lay near the surface, so as to get the whole ef 

6 the 


es © 


a a | 

Mineral Productions of Shropshire. 203 

ley, Little Wenlock, Madeley, Barrow, Benthall >» and 
Broseley, and which « promise a lasting and plentiful 
supply * for the great iron manufactures in that neigh- 
bourhood, for domestic use, and as an export to other 
counties by the river Severn, on or near the sides of which 
they lie.” South of these works, and on the other side of 
Bridgenorth from them, coal appears again. It may be 
found in most parts of the hundred of Stottesden ; but the 
roads in general are an obstruction to its being removed. 
South again of these, and of the Clee hills, are very valua- 
ble coal-works, in some of which the canal, or kennel coal, 
is found. Mr. Pennant, in his Voyage to the Hebrides, 
remarks, that the name is probably candle coal, from giving 
a light that supersedes, in poorer houses, the use of candles; 
and the bishop of Llandaff, in his Chemical Essays, has the 
same idea, supported by the circumstance, that in the 
northern counties candles are called cannels. The south- 
west parts of this county have not yet been proved to con- 
tain coal; and the inhabitants purchase, at a great expense 
of land carriage, coal from the Clee hills, or from collieries 
in the west parts of Shropshire: such there are west and 
south -west of Shrewsbury. Again, on the west and north- 
west borders of the county, coal of a good quality is gotten. 
Out of fifteen hundreds, the following large proportion of 
ten are known to produce coal: viz. Oswestry, Ford, 
Shrewsbury, Bradford South, Brimstry, Wenlock, Cun- 
dover, Munslow, Overs, and Stottesden. Mr. William 
Reynolds has favoured me with the following lists of strata 
in five different collieries im the eastern district. His name 
will add an interest and value to the communication in the 
opinion of all those who have the pleasure of knowing hin. 

Strata in Lightmoor Wimsey Pit. 

Yds. Fr. Tp. 

A good loam, and mixed soil s -' 600 

Pale blue clunch ~ = - 14600 

Dark gray rock, not very strong ~ - 5 00 

Sky blue clunch - a a “ ree ae 
Three stinking coals, divided by pale blue earth, 

two inches between each - Fk hk a 

the strata of ironstone and coal, clay, &c. to a certain depth; when, in 
the old method, large quantities both of ironstone and coal were unavoid- 
ably lost, and which never afterwards would be of any use to the pro- 
prietor or occupier of the mines. This method is now followed in ouher 
works, where the strata lie sufficiently near the surface. 

* Edw. Harries, esq. 


204 A brief Account of the 

Strong clod mingled, pale blue and red - 
Brown rock, called the stinking coal rock, - 
Three stinking coals, divided by pale blue earth, 
four or five inches between each - - 
Blue clunch - = - - 
Red clunch, pale ‘ 

Rough rock, so called from being full of dark 

brown hard pebbles and ironstone 
Bind, a pale blue clod - - - 
Stone clod, ditto, in which lies a bed of iron- 
stone called ballstone - - - 

. Black slate ~ - - - 
Coal called top coal, exceeding good fuel —- 
Top coal tough, a dark blue earth, and a very 

heaving measure - - - 
Clod called the foot coal - - - 
Slumbs, black slaty earth, and a heaving mea- 
sure = - - - 
Coal called the three-quarter coal - - 
Rotch, dark gray hard rock . - 
Coal called the double coal - ~ 
Dark gray clod, will fire from its own nature 
Coal called yard coal - - . 
Black, a black slate coal and rock mixed | - 
Clod, a pale white, in which lies a bed of iron- 
stone called - - - - 
Flan, a dark slate - - - 
Coal called upper fiint coal - ~ - 
Upper flint, a dark gray rock - - 
Pinny measure; a pale blue clod, in which hes 
a large quantity of small balls of ironstone 
called pennystone - - - 

Stinking coals ; three beds divided by three or- 

four inches of dark brown earth - - 
Pale blue clod - - - - 
Coal called the silk coal - - - 
Clunch, of a dark blue - - - 
Coal called the silk coal, divided by a few 

inches of gray earth - - - 
Clunch of a dark blue, with coal in the middle, 

seventeen inches thick: the coal is called - 

silk coal - - - - 
Coal called the two foot coal (feet) - - 

“r= © 09 mete OO oo - OWN 



Lintseed earth ; dark brown, a very shuttle measure O 

A black slate - - - - 


is DS to O 

Fr, In. 
0 0 
0 O 
0 0 
0 0 
Oo O 
0 O 
1,, 0 
1 O 
1 O 
1 O 
0 O 
29 0 
0 0O 
0. Oo 
Oo oO 
0 Oo 
0 66 
1 36 
ti f9 
1 ‘2 
1 6 
2 0 

a i 

Mineral Productions of Shropshire. 205 
Yds. Ft. In. 
Coal called the best coal es - - 0:1. 6 
Black bass, or slate - - - 0 0 6 
Coal called the middle coal - - 0 2 9 
Dark brown stony clod - - - io. 6 
Coal called clod coal - - - GG leis 
Clod, of a pale blue - - - se Bee 
Coal tose little flint coal - - ‘ On en a 
Little flint; a rock of a dark gray, med Ww be 
pebbles and ironstone - * de) atte 
$54. 1b. 04 

Die earth, a pale blue hard clunch: this mea- 

sure continues the same to the depth of more 

than ~ - - - 100 O QO 
So far I have proved on the rise of the work, How much 

deeper it is, we know not. 

Strata at Wombridge, at the Pit next the Engine. 
Yds. Ft. In. 

Earth and catbrain, of various thicknesses - 4 
Top rock - - - - 
Bind bass - - - - 
Bind - - - - 
Ballstone and earth - - z 
Short earth - - - - 
Top coal bass - - - ~ 
Top coal . - - - 
Top coal and pronanape - - 
Slums : - 
Foot coal ~ - - 
Three-quarter coal - - - 
Rock - - - 
Double coal "as - - - 
Double coal poundstone - - - 
Yellow stone, earth and stone - - 
Yard coal - - - - 
Yard coal poundstone - - - 

uiest-neck - - - - 
Blue flatstone, earth and stone - - 
Pitcher basses - : - - 
Flint coal rack - - - - 
Flint coal roof - - - 
Flint coal - - - 




A brief Account of the 
Strata in Madeley Field. 

Yds. Fr. fn 

Suppose the soil, clay or sand, may be, in ge- 

neral, about - - - 8 0 
Stinking coal rock - - - Te 
Ditto cled, hlueish-gray - - - a 
First stinking coal - - - 0 2 
A tough pricking - - - 0 0 
Second stinking coal = - - 0 0 
A strong clod, darker than the first = - - 3°°O0 
Freestone rock, containing plum-puddingstone 7 O 
A clod much like the first. - « ~ To 
Top coal - - - - Si 
Basses or blacks : - - Ae 1 2 
Blackstone, earth and ironstone = 2) we Oo 1 
Bottom coal - - Bh Stipe 1 Oo 
Great flint and ironstone - - - Seine 
Prenny measure and ditto - - - 2 0 
Third stinking coal - - - Oo 1 
Pricking “ = - - 0 0 
Upper chunchés - - = 3 0 
Sill coal or big coal . - - 0 O 
Two foot rock . ~ - 6:26 
Two foot coal . - - - OA 
Lower clunches - - - - CAN | 
Little ganey coal - - - - Oo 1 
Pricking - - - - ive 
Ganey stane - - é oo 
Ganey coal < - - — ee 
A clunch St - ao - 2 0 
Best coal - ~ - - Po 
A bass - - = 0 O 
Middle coal, or randles - - = 0 2 
A clod - - _ 0 Oo 
Clod coal. - - - =) |, {Oe 
Pricking - - - + = 0 Oo 
Clod coal, poundstone zt - - ee 
The hard-man, with little flint coal—ironstone 

in it - - = - 0, 2 
Little flint coal - - * 0 2 
Little flint coal, rock with crawstone in it, and 

its measure a little coal for a pricking half 

inch thick - - - - Ya. 0 

67... Que! 





Mineral Productions of Shropshire. 207 

Underneath is a clayey earth called die earth, of an un- 
known thickness. 

N.B. This measure is found to consist of stratifications, 
and appears to have been lifted up like the upper measures ; 
and though this circumstance is not perceived at first, or 
when it 1s exposed to the day, yet, on sinking some yards 
into it, it is very perceptible. 

Strata in Slaneys Dawley Deep Work. 



Blue clunchy stiff bard stuff as OS 
Red ditto, very strong - - - 
Hard, very hard white rock - ~ 
Mingled red and white strong stuff - = - 
Very hard white rock - - - 
Rock, red and white, hard - “ 
Ditto, very hard and white, with spar - 
» Hard white rock - - =. 
Yellowish stuff, called the callimancha earth 
~ White rock - - - - 
pungled red and white, and grayish stuff - 
Ss - - - 


Soil and loose rock : - - 3. 2° 0 
Yellow, blue, and red stuff, with stones - Si Pg 
White clunch, with pieces of white rock - 10 0 O 
Gray rock - = - - PA) POUG 
Yellow cloddy stuff - - - 1 Ra 
White clunch, or rocky stuff - - 3 0 0 
Gray rock - - - - ee 
White clunchy stuff - - s TUES 
White rock - - - - 0 1 6 
Pitchy rock - - - 1420 
Bass and coal = - - 0 0 6 
Blue tough stuff ~ - a OG) TS 
Coal - - = - Oey 65 
Blue clunchy stuff - - - 6 0 5 
Red ditto ditto - - - 2 0 0 
Blue ditto ditto - = - 1 0 
Red ditto ditto - e- - 2 2 
Blue ditto ditto - - - 9 2 
Coal - - - - 0 O 
Blue clunch - - - - 0 2 
Fleece of white rock (casing) - - 0 
Blue clunchy hard stuff - ~ - 1 
Cowal - - - 2 














Stone clod * ° a ; 


208 - On Metallic Sulphurets. 

Yds. Ft, In. 
Tronstone, supposed the logs - Yo 
Clod - - - - 2 Soh ht 
Coal, mixed with rock - - - or Fy oO 
Flint coal, or bottom coal - - - e139 
116 0 3 

We see then, that in the first-mentioned coal pit, no coal 
was found within much less than 30 yards of the surface, and 
that then three small layers of bad coal only were gotten : 
that after sinking near 24 yards deeper, three other layers, 
of the same coal were procured, but that the first vei of 
good coal lay 92 yards beneath the surface: that this vein 
was 4 feet thick : that none of the veins appear to have been 
more than 5 feet thick: and that in 154 yards, and more, 
regularly worked, or above 254, taking in the whole expe- 
riment, 13 yards 2 feet of coal were found. In the second 
pit specified, the coal appears to have been met with in little 
more than 21 yards from the surface. One of the veins 
proved 6 feet thick; and in sinking somewhat less than 44 
yards, above 7 yards thickness of coal was discovered. In 
the third pit specified, the sulphureous or bad coal was met 
with in 16 yards from the surface, and good coal in less 
than 28 yards; no vein exceeded 3 feet; and the aggregate 
in almost 68 yards was not quite nine yards of coal. In 
the fourth pit specified, the first unmixed coal was 50 yards 
from the surface; and in sinking above 116 yards, it does 
not appear that here was any vein thicker than 2 feet; and 
the aggregate of unmixed coal measured only 5 feet 2 inches 
in thickness, 

[ To be continued. ] 

XXXVI. On Metallic Sulphurets. By Professor Proust *, 

Merats, says Berthollet, may combine in proportions 
exceedingly various with sulphur; and the combinations 
they thus form have different properties, according to their 

roportions, &c. Considering the generality with which 
Betholtet establishes this opinion, there is reason to be 
astonished that he should have neglected to lay before the 
reader the facts on which it seems to rest. Silver, mercury, 
platina, copper, antimony, arsenic, lead, tin, bismuth, &e. 

* From Journal de Physique. ! 

On Metallic Sulphurets. 209 

do not, however, afford one example of variable sulphura- 
tions. Iron, hitherto, is the only metal which appears 
capable of being sulphurated in two proportions, and these, 
instead of having any thing variable, are on the contrary 
constant and fixed, as are those of its oxidation. 

*¢ J am in opposition to Proust, who pretends that sul- 
phur has been fixed for iron, by the invariable law of pro- 
portions, at 60 per cent.”’ 

This result, however, is as certain as invariable, what- 
ever be the number of times the trial is made: he himself 
gave this opinion, to which Berthollet refuses his assent. 

He says, ‘* Pyrites may contain a variable surplus, as far 
as twenty parts and more, &c.”’ 

I cannot discover a similar variation*. Iron is either at 
60, or at 90, or 100. The first sulphuret is that which we 
usually make in our laboratories, for the decomposition of 
water; and the second is pyrites itself. In a word, the 
case with sulphuration of this metal is the same as with 
oxidation. _ The principle which presides at one of these 
combinations, presides certainly at the other ; and if neither 
nature nor art exhibit to us any where intermediate states 
between these terms, we ought not to be forward to admit 
variable sulphurations. 

“¢ If heat can more easily expel this sulphur, considered 
as foreign, this is a common property, &c.”’ : 

Sulphur separated from iron by the action of fire cannot 
be qualified with the name of foreign, because it is a neces- 
sary element of a combination, which a high temperature 
destroys, to reduce it to another which can support it. 
The sulphur which we extract by distillation, from an argil, 
a sulphate, a stony concretion, &c. is foreign to their es- 
sence, but the same cannot be said of a pyrites. If I 
made use of these expressions, it was contrary to my in- 
tention. ‘ 

* This chemist admits that black copper is sulphuret 
dissolved by copper. This solution exhibits in reality suc~ 
cessive proportions of sulphur and copper, &c.” 

This manner of speaking, employed by Berthollet, ought 
to excite surprise: it tends to throw obscurity on distinc+ 
tions which are however clear. When sulphur is prepared 
in acopper crucible, a sulphuret of 28 per cent. is obtained, 
and copper holding in solution variable quantities of that 
sulphuret: the latter may be separated from the copper 

* Fournal de Physique, p. 90. vol. liv. 
Vol. 21. No. 83, April iso5. O without 

mar. e 

210 On Metallic Sulphurets. 

without decomposing it. Is this then a simple solution of 
sulphur in copper? No one will suppose it. 

“* He pretends that a dose of sulphur invariably fixed by 
nature, attaches itself to antimony, and that man can nei-~ 
ther increase nor diminish it. He fixes this proportion at 
25 per cent.” 

It is not I, but nature, or whatever power you will, 
which places a barrier between it and the efforts of: every 
chemist who might propose to make sulphuret of antimony 
beyond or within this proportion: I have not therefore 
assigned it any law of my invention; I have only verified 
it. I haye followed this precept, which Berthollet himself 
traces out to us in his profound work. When a substance, 
therefore, says he, combines with another, we must deter- 
mine the proportions, examine the properties, &c. Such 
indeed has been the constant object of the efforts of che- 
mists since the time when they found that this determina~ 
tion was one of the most important bases of the history of 
combinations, and of the science of analysis. No one, 
however, will doubt, that nature cannot abandon her com- 
pounds to the chance of the variable proportions, which 
Berthollet has chosen as the basis of his system but it is 
no less true, that in proportion as the sphere of sulphurets 
extends, we do not see that the new facts which each day 
accumulates are of a nature to strengthen it. 

«¢ He has however found sulphurets of antimony which 
had an excess of sulphur. Sulphurets of copper, of lead; 
&c., are also found mixed with a like excess.” But if it 
can be taken away without changing their appearance, with- 
out taking any thing from the characters and qualities 
which distinvuish these sulphurets, I shall say that this 
sulphur is foreign to them. The same thing cannot be 
said of a pyrites, from which has been taken the sul- 
phur, which makes the difference between sulphuret at a 
minimum, and that at a maximum. That there should be 
sulphur mixed with sulphurets, without making part of 
their constitution, is not surprising. We see it every day 
mixed in the same manner with argil, alum, sulphate of 
lime, &e. 

«‘ He has combined oxide of antimony with different 
proportions of sulphuret, and he had mixtures which may 
be represented by this formula: oxide + 1 4+ 2 4 8, &c. 
of sulphuret of antimony: Has it not thereby formed real 
combinations? &c.”’ 

I shall reply to this, that solutions begun, or which have 


On Metallic Sulphurets. a1) 

hot reached the term of saturation of which they are 
thought to be capable, ought to be considered otherwise 
than terminated combinations ; but to elucidate my idea, I 
have denoted these solutions as I should denote those of 
sugar and water: it is water + 1 + 2 + 3,.&c. of sugar. 

I cannot see, indeed, that one can form clearer ideas of 
the solutions of sulphuret of antimony in its oxide. All 
chemists have hitherto thought that this glass, this liver, 
this crocus, were sulphurated oxides. The object of my 
labour was to undeceive us on this point; to show that it 
was necessary to renounce these sulphurated oxides, which 
we admit only on hearsay, in order to receive in their stead, 
anew kind of combination, no doubt, but which is fully 
proved to exist. This combination indeed is repugnant to 
the ideas of Berthollet: he endeavours to place it in the 
family of the oxides simply sulphurated ; but it is no less 
certain that it exists such as I have announced it, and that 
it has over that of sulphurated oxides, whose existence is 
now destroyed, the advantage of giving us the most na- 
tural solution of those thousand-and-one antimonial pro- 
blems, the ridiculous nomenclature of ‘which maintamed 
the confusion of our ideas, and covered the history of an- 
timony with profound obscurity. Berthollet adds, repeat- 
ing my expressions: ‘I do not see how this saves the 
oxides of that metal from the suspicion of being able to 
unite with sulphur in all doses, and without regard to the 
invariable laws of proportion ; but he must however admit, 
that these laws are not invariable, and must limit,his apo- 
thegm, in regard to the proportions of the sulphuret of an- 
timony with its oxide.” 

This paragraph requires that I should divide my answer 
into two parts. Iwill then first observe, that Berthollet, 
by introducing here the solution of sulphur in an oxide, 
when the question is merely that of a sulphuret, changes 
his subject: for the solution of sulphur, and that of the sul- 
phuret, in the same excipient, are no more comparable 
than those of sulphur and sulphuric acid in the same 

I will next say in reply, that not only the solubility of a 
metallic sulphuret im its oxide saves the latter from the 
suspicion of being able to unite with sulphur in all doses, 
which among us, the old disciples of Macquer, Rouelle, &c., 
was an error difficult to be eradicated ; but it saves it also 
from another, which it is of no less importance to explain, 
that of dissolving a metal, and in all sorts of proportions, 
since indeed it.exists as such in crocus an@ruby. TI shail 

O2 therefore 

212 On Metallic Sulphurets. 

therefore beg Berthollet to make himself for a moment 
author of the doctrine which he combats, and ask him 
what he would think of a chemist, who, for the good of 
the contrary hypothesis, should employ himself in arran- 
ging on one side all the considerations which he could de- 
duce from the metal which ought to throw light on the 
nature of livers of antimony, to arrange then, exclusively, 
the latter,, on the sulphur they contain? Why, would he 
say, are you silent in regard to that metal which lies close 
to sulphur, and which can so well remove whatever is diffi- 
eult to be conceived in the solution of the latter by an 
oxide? Each of us then resuming the hypothesis he de- 
fends, I will answer the objection of Berthollet, by begging ~ 
him not to forget, that if in the crocus there is sulphur in 
all doses, it is to saturate this sulphur that there is metal 
also found in all doses. This is what has obliged me not 
to range in the same line the sulphurated oxides of anti- 
mony, if any remain, with oxides holding in solution sul- 
phuret, which will hereafter supply their place. 

In regard to the nature of these combinations, the aspect 
under which I have presented them is far from furnishing 
limits to my apothegm, to deduce from it arguments 
against the law of proportions. He cought to have deter- 
mined, that oxide of antimony may attain the term of its 
saturation by dissolving sulphuret, and thus to have disco- 
vered, that he cannot thence adduce an appearance and 
characters which warrant the constancy of this saturation, as 
generally happens to all the combinations which range them- 
selves under the law of proportions. If the case with an 
oxide, in the power it has of dissolving, were the same as 
that of an acid which retains its liquidity, nothing would 
be easier than to resolve the question, and I should have 
employed myself on it. But when an oxide of antimony, 
to which is added a little sulphuret, has assumed the colour 
and transparency we,require in it, we stop it there, without 
paying attention to the weight and measure, because it is 
in this state that we wish tohaye it. Thisis glass of antimony ; 
a new dose of sulphuret makes it crocus ; a greater makes it 
hepar, and so on; that is to say, the old chemists, without 
paying regard to a theory, the knowledge of which was re 
served for posterity, broke down the solution of sulphuret in 
its oxide, and extracted from the crucible, as one may say, 
each of the fractions to fill the repositories of medicine with 
their livers, their magisteries, their rubies, and their diapho- 
retics,, from Basil Valentine down to Lemery. Such, in: 
my opinion, is the whole history of antimony. To a pound 

Analysis of the magnetical Pyrites. 213 

of potash, add an ounce of arsenic, it will not be saturated ; 

if you add two and a third, the case will be the same, and 
so on: but ull the point of this saturation be discovered, [ 
must repeat to them, your arsenical potash hitherto has 
been nothing but potash + 1 + 2 + 3 of arsenic ; but as 
I have not yet had time to verity whether the combination 
will obey, as there is ro reason to doubt, the law of ‘rela- 
tions, we must not be too urgent to deduce from them con- 
clusions. To conclude, these are results so variable, that 
they annihilate your laws of proportion, and render your 
apothegms illusory. Besides, Berthollet is too just not to 
allow, that the series of the numbers by which T have en- 

‘deavoured to represent the solutions ‘of sulphuret of anti- 

mony in. its oxide, has not the least relation with what I 
have hitherto called proportion in combinations. 

XXXVII, dn Analysis of the magnetical Pyrites; with 
Remarks on some of the other Sulphurets of Iron. By 
Cuarces Harcuerr, Esq. F.R.S. 

{Concluded fom p. 147.] 
§ VIIL. 

Bao the whole which has been stated we find, 

1, That the substance called magnetical pyrites, which 
has hitherto been found only in Saxony and a few other 
places, is also a British mineral, and that, in Caernarvon- 
shire, it forms a yein of considerable extent, breadth, and 

2. That the component ingredients of it are sulphur and 
metallic iron ; the former being in the proportion of 36-50 
or 37, and the latter about 63-50 or 63, 

3. That the chemical and other properties of this sub- 
stance are very different from those of the common martial 
pyrites, which, however, are also composed of sulphur and 
ron, varying in proportion, from 52°15 to 54°34 of sul- 
phur, and from 47°84 to 45°66 of metallic iran: the dif- 
ference between the common pyrites which were examined 
being therefore 2°19, and the mean proportions amounting 
to 53°24 of sulphur, and 46°75 of iron; consequently, the 
difference between the relative proportions, in the composi- 
tion of the maguetical pyrites and of the common pyrites, 
is nearly 16°74 or 16°24, 

4, That, as the magnetical pyrites agrees in analytical 

O 3 results, 

214 Analysis of the magnetical Pyrites, 

results, as well as in atl chemical and other properties, with 
that sulphuret of iron which hitherto has been only known 
as an artificial product, there is no doubt but that it is iden- 
tically the same ; and we may conclude that its proportions 
are most probably subjected to a certain Jaw, (as Mr. Proust 
has observed in the case of the artificial sulphuret,) which 
law, under certain circumstances, and especially during the 
natural formation of this substance in the humid way, may 
be supposed to act in an almost invariable manner. 

5. That in the formation of common martial pyrites 
there is a deviation from this law, and that sulphur becomes 
the predominant ingredient, which is variable in quantity, 
but which, by the present experiments, has not been found 
to exceed 54°34 per cent.; a proportion, however, that pos- 
sibly may be surpassed in other pyrites which have not as 
yet been chenaically examined, 

6. That iron, when combined naturally or artificially 
with 36°50 or 37 of sulphur, is not only still capable of 
receiving the magnetic fluid, but is also rendered capable 
of retaining it, so as to become in every respect a perma- 
nent magnet; and the same may, in a great measure, be 
inferred respecting iron which has been artificially com- 
bined with 45:50 per cent. of sulphur. : 

7. That, beyond this proportion of 45°50 or 46 per cent. 
of sulphur, (in the natural common pyrites,) all suscepti- 
bility of the magnetic influence appears to be destroyed 5 
and, although the precise proportion which is capable of 
producing this effect, has not as yet been determined by 
actual experiment, it is certain that the limits are between 
45°50and 52°15; unless some unknown alteration has taken 
place in the state of the sulphur, or of the iron, in the com- 
mon martial pyrites. 

8. That, as carbon, when combined in a certain propor- 
tion with iron, (forming steel,) enables it to become a per- 
manent magnet, and as a certain proportion of sulphur 
communicates the same quality to iron, so also were found 
to be the effects of phosphorus; for the phosphuret of iron, 
in this respect, was by much the most powerful, at least 
when considered comparatively with sulphuret of iron. 

g. and lastly, That as carbon, sulphur, and phosphorus, 
produce, by their union with iron, many chemical effects of 
much similarity, so do each of them, when combined with 
that metal in certain proportions, not only permit it to re- 
ceive, but also give it the peculiar power of retaining, the mag- 
netical properties ; aud thus henceforth, in addition to that 
carburet of iron called steel, certain sulphurets and phos- 

1 phurets 

Analysis of the magnetical Pyrites. 215 

phurets of iron may be regarded as bodies peculiarly sus- 
ceptible of strong magnetical impregnation. 

Having thus, for the greater perspicuity, reduced the 
principal facts of this paper into a concise order, I shall 
now make some general observations. 

It‘ is undoubtedly not a little singular, that a substance 
like the magnetical pyrites, which, although not common, 
has been long known to mineralogists, should not hitherto 
have been chemically examined, especially as mineralogical 
authors have mentioned the analysis of it as a desideratuu). 
The result of this which I have attempted, proves that it is 
really deserving of notice; for thus we have ascertained, 
that the sulphuret of iron hitherto known only as an arti- 
ficial product, is also formed by nature, and that the com- 
position of this last agrees with those proportions of the 
artificial sulphuret which have beea stated by Mr. Proust. 

But from this sulphuret or magnetical pyrites I have 
not, by analysis, as yet been able to discover any regular 
or immediate gradations into the common pyrites ; for the 
Jeast proportion of sulphur in these amounted to 52°15, and 
the greatest proportion to 54°34; so that, between the mag- 
netical and the common pyrites, the difference is considera- 
ble, in the proportions of their component substances, as 
well as in their physical and chemical properties ; whilst 
the difference which I have hitherto been able to detect in 
the proportions of some of the common pyrites, (very dis- 
similar in figure, Instre, colour, and hardness,) has only 
amounted to 2°19. , 

Mr. Proust, in a general way, considers common pyrites 
to differ from the first sulphuret, or that composed of 60 
parts of sulphur and 100 of iron, (= 37°50 per cent.) by 
containing a further addition of half the above quantity of 
sulphur, or 90 parts of sulphur and 100 of iron, (= 47°36 
per cent.;) but this opinion he appears to have formed in 
consequence of results obtained by synthetical experiments 
made in the dry way. Now, when we consider how dith- 
cult it is to regulate the high degrees of temperature, and 
what a numerous chain of alterations in the relative order 
of affinities most commonly result from alterations in these 
degrees of heat, it seems to me that we cannot rely, with 
absolute certainty, on synthetical experiments made in the 
above way, unless they are corrected, atid contrasted with 
analytical experiments made on the same substances. But 
it does not appear, from the two memoirs published by 
Mr. Proust, to which I have so frequently alluded, that 
that gentleman did more, in respect to analysis, than distik 

O4 the 

eae eg 

216 Analysis of the magnetical Pyrites. 

the cubic and dodecaedral pyrites found near Soria,’ from 
which he obtained about 20 per cent. of sulphur; and, 
having observed that the residuum possessed the properties 
of the sulphuret which has been commonly prepared in las 
boratories, he concluded that the sulphur obtained from the 
pyrites is the excess of that proportion which is requisite to 
form the sulphuret, the proportions of which, therefore, he 
by synthesis ascertained to be, as I have above stated, = 
37°50 of sulphur, and 62°50 of iron, or 60 of sulphur com- 
bined with 100 of iron; and lastly, having formed 318 
grains of this sulphuret from 200 grains of iron filings, he 
distilled the sulphuret with an additional quantity of sul- 
phur in an inferior degree of heat, and obtained 378 grains 
of a substance which, excepting density, was similar to the 
common martial pyrites *. 

It is however to be regretted, that Mr. Proust did not 
make a regular analysis of the pyrites of Soria, and of the 
residuum after distillation; for (unless these pyrites are very 
different from those which I have examined) he would most 
probably have found the proportion of sulphur greater than 
that which he has assigned to natural pyrites m general. 
This, at least, there is great reason to suppose, if we allow 
that most or all of the pyrites have been formed in the humid 
way, by which, we may conceive, a larger proportion of 
sulphur may be introduced into the compound than can 
take place in high degrees of temperature. And this opi- 
nion is corroborated by the results of my analyses; for, in- 
stead of finding the general proportions to be 47°36 of sul- 
phur and 52°64 of iron, the mean result of these analyses 
1s very nearly the reverse, being 53°24 of sulphur and 46°76 
of iron. : 

_ Mr. Proust 1s also of opinion, that the pyrites which 
contain the smallest quantity of sulphur are those which 
are,most liable to vitriolization ; and, on the contrary, that 
those which contain the largest proportion, are the least 
affected by the air or weather t+. This opinion of the learned 
professor by no means accords with such observations as I 
have been able to make; for the cubic, dodecaedral, and 
other regularly crystallized pyrites are liable to oxidizement, 
so as to become what are called hepatic iron ores, but not 
to vitriolization ; whilst the radiated pyrites (at least those 
of this country) are by much the most subject to the latter 
effect; and therefore, as the results of the preceding ana- 

* Fournal de Physique, tome liv. p. 92 
$+ Lid. tome li. p. gre 


Analysis of the magnetical Pyrites. 217 

lyses show that the crystallized pyrites contain less sulphur 
than the radiated pyrites, I might be induced to adopt the 
contrary opinion. But I am inclined to attribute the effect 
of vitriolization observed in -some of the pyrites, not so 
much to the proportion, as to the state of the sulphur in 
the compound; for I much'suspect that a predisposition to 
vitriolization in these pyrites is produced by a small portion 
of oxygen being previously combined with a part, or with 
the general mass of the sulphur, at the time of the original 
formation'of these substances, so that the state of the sul- 
phur is tending to that of oxide, and thus the accession of 
a further addition of oxygen becames facilitated. We have 
an example of similar effects in phosphorus, when (as is 
- commonly said) it is half burned, for the purpose of pre- 
paring the phosphorus bottles ; and the propensity to vitriol- 
ization, observed in many of the half roasted sulphureous 
‘ores, appears to me to arise from this cause, rather than 
from the mere diminution of the original proportion of 
sulphur, or the actual immediate conversion of part of it 
into sulphuric acid; nevertheless, I offer this opimion, at 
present, only as a probable conjecture, which may be in-. 
vestigated by future experiments and observations. 

~ The magnetical properties of the sulphuret of iron, which 
forms the principal subject of this paper, must be regarded 
as a remarkable fact; for f have not. found, in the various 
publications on magnetism which I have had the means of 
consulting, even the most remote hint, that iron, when 
combined with sulphur, is possessed of the power of receir- 
ing and retaining the magnetic fluid; and, judging by the 
properties of common pyrites, we might have supposed that 
sulphur annihilated this power in iron, as indeed seems to 
have been the opinion of mineralogists, who have never 
enumerated magnetical attraction amongst the physical 
properties of those bodies ; and, although Werner, Widen- 
mann, Emmerling, and Brochant, have arranged the may- 
netical pyrites with the sulphurets of iron, yet the mag- 
netical property could not with certainty be stated as inhé- 
rent in the sulphuret ; for, at that time, this substanoe had 
not been subjected to a regular chemical analysis, and the 
magnetical property might therefore be suspected: to arise 
from interspersed particles of the common magnetical iron 
ore. This probably has been the opinion of the abbé Haiiy; 
for, in his extensive Treatise on Mineralogy, lately pub- 
lished, I cannot find any mention made ‘of the magnetical 
pyrites, either amongst the sulphurets or amongst the other 
ores of iron. . . 



. ~ * 
2h Analysis of the magnetical Pyrites. 
In the mineral kingdom a great variety of substances, 

and eyen some of the gems, exert a feeble ‘degree of attrac- 
tion on the magnetic needle, and sometimes also acquire a 
slight degree of polarity *; but, as this wonderful property 
has only “been observed conspicuously powerful in one spe- 
cies of iron ore, this has been always emphatically called 
the magnet t, and is said to consist of metallic iron com- 
bined with from 10 to 20 per cent. of oxygen. 

From the facts, however, which have been recently stated, 
we now find that there is another natural substance, appa- 
rently very different from the magnet in chemical composi- 
tion, but nevertheless approaching very nearly to it in 
power, which is found in several parts of our globe, and 
particularly in a province of this kingdom, where it consti- 
tutes a vein, running north and south, of considerable ex- 
tent, and several yards in width and thickness. 

From the experiments also which have been made on the 
artificial preparation of this substance, we find that it is 
capable of receiving the magnetic properties when the pro- 
portion of sulphur amounts to 37 per cent., and is still 
powerfully attracted when 3 much larger quantity of sulphur 
is present. There is, however, some point at which all 
these effecis cease ; and this point appears to be when the 
sulphur is in some proportion between 45 or 46 and 52 per 
cent. The pieced experiments have also proved, that 
iron, when combined with phosphorus, likewise possesses 
the power of becoming a magnet to a very remarkable de- 
eree 3, and, by the similarity, | in this respect, of the carburet 
of iron oried steel, to the above sulphuret and phosphuret, 
a very remarkable analogy j is established between the effects 
produced on trou by carbon, sulphur, and phosphorus. 

Carbon, when combined in a very large proportion with 
iron, forms the carburet of that metal called plumbago ; a 
brittle substance, insoluble in muriatic acid, and destitute 
of magnetical properties, But smaller proportions of car- 
bon, with the same metal, constitute the various carburets 
included between black cast iron and soft cast steel {; bodies 


* Cavallo on Magnetism, p. 73. 

+ Ina future paper it is my intention to give an account of some com- 
parative analyses of the varieues of this substance. 

t <¢ When the carbon excceds, the compound is carburet of iron, or 
plumbago ; when the iron exceeds, the compound is steel, or cast iron, 

in various states, according to the proportion, All these compounds may 

be voli d as subcarburets of iron.”’— Thomson’s System of Chemis- 
try, vol. 1. 145. 
Mr. Mushet: in the following table, exhibits the proportion of char- 


Analysis of the magnetical Pyrites. 219 

which are more or less brittle, soluble in muriatic acid, and 
more or less susceptible of magnetical impregnation, some 
of them form the most powerful magnets hitherto discovered, 

Sulphur, in like manner, combines with iron in a large 
proportion, forming the common pyrites, which are brittle, 
almost or quite insoluble in muriatic acid, and devoid of 
magnetical properties. Sulphur, in smaller proportions, 
forms sulphurets, which are also brittle, but are soluble 
in muriatic acid, and strongly susceptible of magnetical 

Phosphorus also, when combined with iron, makes it 
brittle, and enables it powerfully to receive and retain the 
mragnetical properties; so that, considering the great simi- 
larity which prevails in other respects, it may not seem rash 
to conclude, that phosphorus, (like carbon and sulphur,) 
when combined with iron in a very large proportion, may 
form a substance incapable of becoming magnetical, al- 
though, in smaller proportions (as we have seen,) it con- 
stitutes compounds which are not only capable of receiving 
but also of retaining the magnetical properties, even so far 
as, in some cases, to scem likely to form magnets of great 
power; and, speaking generally of the carburets, sulphu- 
rets, and phosphurets of iron, I have no doubt but that 
by accurate experiments we shall find that a certain propor- 
tion of the ingredients of each constitutes a maximym in 
the magnetical power of these three bodies. When this 
maximum has been ascertained, jt would be proper to com- 
pare the relative magnetical power of steel (which hitherto 
has alone been aeatoved to form artificial magnets) with 
that of sulphuret and phosphuret of iron; each being first 
examined in the form of a single mass or bar of equal 
weight, and afterwards in the state of compound magnets, 
formed, like the large horse-shoe magnets, by the separate 

coal which disappeared during the conversion of iron to the different va- 
rieties of subcarburet known in commerce, 

** Charcoal absorbed. Result. 

t-1z0dth = - Soft cast steel. 

r-roodth - - Common cast stee!, 

1-goth - - The same, but harder, 

r-soth - = The same; too hard for drawing, 

1-25th - = Whire cast iron. 

y-20th 2 Mottled cast iron. 

y-1:th eer. Black cast iron. 
# When the carbon aniounts to avout 1-6o0th of the whole mass, the hard- 
ness is at the maximum.”—~Thomson, vol, i. p. 1663 and Phil. Mag. 

vol. xill. pp- 142 and 148, 

220 Account of an Aérostatic Voyage. 

arrangement of an equal number of bars of the same sube 
stance in a box of brass. 

The effects of the above compound magnets should then 
be tried against others composed of bars of the three dif- 
ferent substances, various in number and in the mode of 
arrangement; and, lastly, it would be interesting to make 
a series of experiments on chemical compounds, formed by 
uniting different proportions of carbon, sulphur, and phos- 
phorus, with one and the same mass of iron. These qua- 
druple compounds, which, according to the modern che- 
mical nomenclature, may be called carburo-sulphuro-phos- 
phurets, or phasphuro-sulphuro-carburets, &c. of iron, are 
as yet unknown as to their chemical properties, and may 
also, by the investigation of their magnetical properties, 
afford some curious results. At any rate, an unexplored 
field of extensive research appears to be opened, which pos- 
sibly may furnish important additions to the history of mag- 
netism, a branch of science which of late years has been 
but little angmented, and which, amidst the present rapid 
progress of human knowledge, remains immersed in con 
siderable obscurity. 

= me 

XXXVIIL. Account of an Aérostatic Voyage performed by 
M, Guy-Lussac, on the 29th of Fructidor, Year 12; 
and read in the National Institute, Vendemiaire 9th, 
Year, 13*, 

Tu author, after giving an account of the instruments 

he took with him for his observations, and the changes 

which he introduced in them in consequence of the obser- 
vations made during his first voyage, says: All our instru- 
ments being ready, the day of my departure was fixed for 
the 29th of Fructidor. I, indeed, ascended that day from 
the Conservatoire des Arts et Metiers, at 40 minutes past 
nine, the barometer being at 76°525 centimetres, the hy- 

_grometer at 575°, and the thermometer at 27°75°. M. Bou- 

vard, who makes meteorological observations every day at 
the observatory of Paris, thought the atmosphere full of 
vapours, but without clouds. Scarcely had I risen a thou- 
sand metres when I indeed saw a light vapour dispersed 
throughout the whole atmosphere below me, and through 
which I observed distant objects confusedly. 

* From the Journal de Physique. 


Account of an Aérostatic Foyage. 22% 

_ When I reached the height of 3032 metres, or 1555 toises, 
I began to make my horizontal needle oscillate, and I ob- 
tained 20 oscillations in 83”, while at the earth, under the 
same circumstances, 83°33” would have been necessary for 
the same number *. Though my balloon was affected by the 
rotary motion which I experienced im my first voyage, the 
motion of the needle allowed me to count twenty, thirty, 
anu even forty oscillations. 

At the height of 3863 metres, or 19,821 toises, I found 
that the inclination of my needle, taking a mean of the am- 
plitude of the oscillations, was sensibly 31°, as at the earth. 
A great deal of time and patience was necessary to make 
this observation, because, though carried away by the mass 
of the atmosphere, J felt a light wind, which continually 
deranged the compass; and, after several fruitless attempts, 
I was obliged to renounce making any more observations. 
T am of opinion, however, that the observation I here pre- 
sent deserves some confidence. 

Some time after I wished to observe the dipping needle ; 
the following was the result :—The dryness, favoured by 
the action of the sun in a rarefied air, was so great, that the 
compass was so far deranged as to make the metallic circle 
on which the divisions were traced out to bend, and 
become warped. The motions of the needle could not be~ 
performed with the same freedom ; but, independently of 
this disappointment, [I remarked that it was very difficult 
to observe the declination of the needle with this apparatus. 
It happened, indeed, that when | placetl the compass in 
such a manner as to make the shadow of a horizontal thread, 
which served as a style, coincide with a fixed line, the mo- 
tion I gave the compass communicated one to the needle} 
and, when the latter had attained nearly to a state of rest, 
the shadow of the stvle no longer coincided with the fixed 
line. It was still necessary to put the compass into a ho- 
rizontal position ; and during the time which this operation 
required, every thing was again deranged. Without per- 
sisting to make observations in which I could place no con- 
fidence, I gave them up entirely; and, free from every other 
care, | directed the whole of my attention to the oscillations 
of the horizcntal needle. -I am, however, convinced, in 
acknowledging the faults of my compass, that it is possible 

~ * Though I here indicate hundredth parts of a second, it may be rea- 
ily conceived that L was not able to observe fractions so smail; but 

they were given to me by division, becfuse at the earth I made com- 
only thirty oscillations which reqhired 126°5””. : 

ot em 

922 Account of an Aérostatic Voyages 

to employ one fitter for the purpose, which would deter 
mine the declination with more precision. I shall observes 
that to attempt this experiment I had let down other needles, 
separately, in linen bags to the distance of fifteen metres 
below the car. 

That the whole of the results I obtained may be better 
seen at one view, I have collected them in a table added to 
the end of this memoir; and they are such as they occurred 
to me, with the corresponding indications of the barometer, 
the thermometer, and the hygrometer. The heights were 
ealculated, according to the formula of Laplace, by M. Gou- 
illy, engineer of bridges and causeways, who was so kind 
as to take this trouble. As the barometer did not sensibly 
vary on the day of my ascent, from ten o’clock till three, 
to calculate the different heights at which I made observa- 
tions, we took the height of the barometer, 76°568 centi- 
metres, which was the height at the earth at three o’clock 3 
a height which, agreeably to the observations made by 
M. Bouvard at the observatory, is greater by 0°43 milli- 
metres than that observed at the moment of our departure. 
The heights of the barometer in the atmosphere were re- 
duced to those which would have been indicated by a baro- 
meter at a constant level placed under the same circum- 
‘stances, and for each height was taken the mean between 
the observations of two barometers. The temperature at 
the earth, having varied between ten and three o’clock, it 
was supposed constant and equal at 30°75° of the centi-+ 
grade thermometer. 

If we now cast our eyes on the table it will be seen that 
the temperature follows an irregular law in regard to the 
eorresponding heights ; which no doubt arises from this,— 
that, having made observations sometimes in ascending and 
sometimes in descending, the thermometer must have fol- 
lowed these variations too slowly. But if we consider only 
the degrees of the thermometer which form a decreasing 
series, we shall finda more regular law. Thus the tempe+ 
rature at the earth being 27°75, and at the height of 3691 
metres 8°5", if we divide the difference of the heights by 
that of the temperatures we shall first obtam 191°7 metres, 
or 98°3 toises, of elevation for each lowering of tempera 
ture. Performing the same operation for the temperatures 
5*25° and 0-5, as well as for those of 0:0° and — 9°5°, we 
shall find in both cases 241°6 metres, or 72°6 toises of ele- 
vation for each degree of lowering in the temperament, 
which seems to indicate, that towards the surface of the 
earth the heat follows a less decreasing law than in thé 


Account of an Aérostatic Voyage. 923 

upper parts of the atmosphere, and at greater heights it 
follows a decreasing arithmetical progression. If we sup- 
pose that from the surface of the earth, where the thermo- 
meter was at 3°75°, to the height of 6977 metres, or 3580 
toises, where it fell to — 9°5°, the heat decreased as the 
heights increased, an elevation of 173°3 metres, or 88°9 
toises, will correspond to each degree of the lowering of 

The hygrometer had a very remarkable progress. At 
the surface of the earth it was onlv 575°, while at the height 
of 3030 metres it marked 62°. From this point it conti- 
nually fell till the height of 5267 metres, where it indicated 
only 27°5°, and thence to the height of 6884 metres it gra- 
dually rose to 34°5°. If we wish trom these results to deter- 
mine the Jaw of the quantity of water dissolved in the air 
at different elevations, it is evident that attention must be 
paid to the temperature, and by adding this consideration 
it will be seen that it follows an exceedingly decreasing pro- 


If we now consider the magnetic oscillations, it will be 
remarked, that the time for ten oscillations, made at dif- 
ferent heights, is sometimes above and sometimes below 
that of 42°16”, which they require at the earth. Taking a_ 
mean of all these oscillations made in the atmosphere, ten 
oscillations will require 42°20’, a quantity which differs 
very little from the preceding; but if we consider only the 
Jast observations made at greater heights, the time for ten 
oscillations would be a little below 42°16”, which would 
indicate, on the other hand, that the magnetic force has a 
little increased. Without wishing to 'draw any consequence 
from this slight apparent increase, which may arise from the 
errors committed in experiments of this kind, I must con- 
elude that the results | have presented confirm and extend 
the fact observed by M. Biot and myself, and which, like 
universal gravitation, proves that the magnetie force does 
not experience any sensible variation at the greatest heights 
to which we can attain. 

» The consequence we have deduced from our experiments 
may appear a little too precipitate to those who reflect that 
we were not able to make experiments on the inclination of 
the magnetic needle. But it it be recollected that the force 
Which makesa horizontal needle oscillate, necessarily de- 
comes on the intensity and direction of the magnetic torce 

self, and that it is represented by the cosine of the angle 
of the inclination of the latter force, no one can help con- 
éluding with us, that, since the horizontal force did not 

“7 vary 

224. Account of an Aérostatic Voyage. 

vary, the magnetic force ought not to have varied either; 
unless we choose to suppose that the magnetic force could 
vary exactly 1 in a contrary direction, and i the same ratio, 
as the cosine of its inclination; which is in no manner pro- 
bable. We should have edited: in support of our conclu- 

sion, the experiment of the inclination made at the height 

of 3863 metres, or 1982 toises, which proves that at this 
height the inclination did not vary in a sensible, manner. 
‘When we reached the height of 4511 metres, I presented 
to a small magnetic needle, and in the direction of the mag- 
nétic force, the lower extremity of akey. The needle was 
attracted, and then repelled by the other extremity of the 
key, w hich I made to descend in a direction parallel to it- 
self. The same experiment, repeated at 6107 metres, was 
attended with the same success; a new and ‘very evident 
proof of the action of terrestrial magnetism. 

At the height of 6561 metres, or 3353 toises, I opened 
one of my two glass balloons, and at that of 6636 metres, 
or 3405 toises, I opened the second: the air entered into 
both with a hissing noise. At length, at 11 minutes after 
three o’clock, the balloon being completely full, and havmg 
no more than 15 kilogrammes of ballast, [ resolved to de- 
scend. The thermometer was then at 9°5° below the tem- 
perature of melting ice, and the barometer at 32°88 centi- 
metres; which gives for my greatest elevation above Paris 
6977°37 metres, or 3579°9 toises 3 or 7016 metres, that i 185 
3600 toises above the level of the sea. 

Though well clothed, I began to feel cold, especially in 
the hands, which I was obliged to keep exposed to the air. 
My respiration was sensibly confined, but I was still far 
from experiencing any uneasiness so disagreeable as to 
oblige me to descend. My pulse and respiration were very 
much accelerated: breathing, therefore, very frequently in 
very dry air, it need excite no surprise that my throat 
should be so dry as to make it painful for me to swallow 
bread. Before I set out I had a slight head-ache, arising 
from the fatigue of the preceding day, and being up all 
night, and it continued the whole day without its appearing 
to increase. These are all the inconveniences [ experienced. 

A phenomenon which struck me at this height was to 
see clouds above me, and at a distance which appeared to 
be considerable. In our first ascent the clouds were not 
sustained at a greater height than 1169 metres, or 600 toises 5 
and above, the heavens were exceedingly pure. The colour of 
them in the zenith was even so intense that it might be com-* 
pared to Prussian blue; but in the last voyage I could not — 
see clouds bclow me. The sky was much filled with va- 

pours, — 


Account of an Aérostatic Voyage. 225 

pours, and its colour dull. , It is, perhaps, needless to ob- 
serye, that the wind on the day of our first ascent was north- 
north-east, and that on the last it was south-west. 

As soon as I perceived that I began to descend, I thought 
only of moderating the descent of the balloon, and render- 
ing it exceedingly slow. At 45 minutes past three my 
anchor touched the earth, and became fixed; which gives 
34’ for the time of my descent. The inhabitants of a small 
neighbouring village soon ran up to me; and while some of 
them took pleasure in drawing towards them the balloon, 
by pulling the rope to which the anchor was fixed, others, 
placed below the car, waited with impatience till they could 
reach it with their hands, in order to deposit it on the earth. 
My descent then took place without the least shock or acci- 
dent; and I do not think that there could be one more for- 
tunate. The small village at which I descended is called 
Saint-Gourgon : it is six leagues north-west from Rouen. 

When J arrived at Paris, my first care was to analyse the 

_air Thad brought back. All the experiments were made at 
the Polytechnic School, under the inspection of Messrs. 
Thenard and Gresset; and I depended as much on their 
judgment as on my own. We observed, in turn, the divi- 
sions of the eudiometer without communicating with each 
other; and we did not write them down till we perfectly 
agreed. The balloon, the air of which was introduced at 
the height of 6636-5 metres, or 3405 toises, was opened 
under water, and we all judged that it had filled at least the 
half of its capacity ; which proves that the balloon had weil 

reserved its vacuum, and that no foreign air had entered 
at- We intended to weigh the quantity of air which re- 
mained in the balloon to compare its capacity ; but, as we 

_ could not at that time find what was necessary, and being 
very impatient to ascertain the nature of the air contained 
in it, we could not make the experiment. We first ein- 
ployed Volta’s eudiometer, and analysed it comparatively 
with atmospheric air collected in the court before the Poly- 
technic School. The comparative analysis of these two airs 
is as follows : 

Analysis of Air collected at the 
Height of 6636 Metres. 

. Analysis of the Atmospheric Air. 

al ., Lap. 1. Measures. Exp. I. Measures. 
_4Atmospheric air 9 ht hs Bee - - ot Ms ah 
|Hydrogen gas - - - 2 [Hydrogen gas . oe 
tesiduum after combustion - 304!Residuum = - - - 3:05 
4 — Oo 
. Exp. il. Measures. Exp. I. Measures. 
Atmospheric air - = "'S_) {Air - - ee 
“WHydrogen gas - + - 2 J|Hydrogengas - - - 2 
: iduum PRs, as 3°05 |Residuum - - - 3-04 

“Vol. 21. No. 83. April 1805. P At 

eon: | 

226 Account of an Aérostatic Voyage. 

At the same time a measure of very pure oxygen gas re- 
quired 2°04 measures of hydrogen gas; and as this result 
differed only 0-01 from that found by experiments made on 
avery large scale, and with a great deal of care, on the 
composition of water, it appears that great confidence may 
be placed in our results. They prove, then, that atmo- 
spheric air, and air taken at the height of 6636°5 metres, 
are exactly the same, and that they contain each 0:2149 of 
oxygen. In analysimg the last air by bydro-sulphuret of 
potash, we found 0°2163 of oxygen. J cannot present the 
result of the comparative experiment made on atmospheric 
air, because we were not able to collect it; but the propor- 
tion of oxygen I have indicated is still-a little greater than 
that given by the combustion of hydrogen gas, and it is 
comprehended between the limits of the variations which 
have been found for the composition of the atmosphere at 
the surface of the earth, and which have not prevented us 
from considering it as constant. 

The identity of the analyses of the two airs made by hy- 
drogen gas proves directly, that the air I brought back con- 
tained none of the latter gas. I, however, still ascertained 
in it, by burning with the two airs, a quantity of hydro- 
gen gas, smaller than that which would have been neces- 
sary to absorb the whole of the oxygen gas; for I saw that 
‘the residuums of the combustion of the two airs with hy- 
drogen gas were exactly the same. 

Saussure junior found also, by making use of nitrous gas, 
that air collected on the Col-du-Geant contained, within a 
hundredth part, as much oxygen as that of the plain; and 
his father confirmed the presence of the carbonic acid on 
the summit of Mont Blanc. Besides, the experiments of 
Messrs. Cavendish, Macartney, Berthollet, and Davy, have 
confirmed the identity of the composition of the atmosphere 
over all the surface of the earth. We may therefore con- 
clude, in general, that the constitution of the atmosphere 
is the same from the surface of the earth to the greatest 
‘heights to which it is possible to attain. 

Such are the two principal results of my last voyage. 
M. Biot and myself confirmed the fact we observed in re- 
gard to the sensible permanence of the intensity of the mag- 
netic force as one recedes from the surface of the earth ; and 
_ [ think, also, I have proved that the proportions of oxygen 
and azote, which constitute the atmosphere, do not sensibly 
vary in very extensive limits. There still remain a great 
many things to be cleared up in regard to the atmosphere, 
and we wish the facts we have collected may prove suffi- 
ciently interesting to the Institute to induce it to make us 
continue our experiments. ABLE 



* Account of an Aérostatic Voyage. 




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[ 228 J 
XXXIX. On disclosing the Process of Manufactories. 
To Mr. Tilloch. 

SIR, Newcastle, Feb. 17, 2805. 

Peaarr me to entreat the attention of some of your nu- 
merous correspondents towards a question which must 
certainly be interesting ta every manufacturer, but of which 
no regular discussion has yet been offered :—“ Is it proper 
or improper to lay before the public a ful] and impartial 
statement of the various processes of our manufactories ?” 
¥ shall state such reasons as have offered themselves to me 
why they should be displayed; but I am principally anxious 
to receive further information on a subject that appears to 
me peculiarly interesting.—The first argument I shall 
adduce is that of Mr. Boyle, as quoted by Dr. Johnson in 
the 201st number of the Rambler. * The excellency of 
manufactures, and the facility of Jabour, would be much 
promoted if the various expedients and contrivances which 
lie concealed in private hands were by reciprocal communi- 
cation made generally known; for there are few operations 
that are not performed by one or another with some pecu- 
liar advantages, which though singly of little importance, 
would by conjunction and concurrence open new inlets to 
_ knowledge, and give new powers to dilizence.”—The second 
is the very considerable improvements that have taken place 
in the few manufactories which have yet been under the 
influence of chemical inquiry ; thus realizing, but on a very 
extensive scale, the suggestions of Mr. Boyle: so far, 
therefore, as we are to be guided on the one hand by ex- 
perience, and on the other by the influence of scientific 
inquiry, on liberal display, will the argument be in our 
favour.—In the third place, I would observe, that as many 
very valuable discoveries are owing to chanee, those with 
whom they originate are frequently, perhaps, incapable of) 
improving them to the extent they would admit of in the 
hands of men of science ; and thus by a spirit of monopoly, 
preclude even themselves from the advantageous cultivation 
of such diseoveries, merely lest others might enjoy them also. 
If, again, we consider the rapid progress that has been made. 
of late years in every department of useful and practical 
knowledge, we must attribute it entirely to those liberal 
communications that have been made by men whose atten- 
tion has been immediately directed to the promotion and 
; wnproyement of every thing valuable to the public. Again, 
The profits of every business depend on the regularity and 
marys & j knowledge 



. ' . 

On disclosing the Process of Manufactories. 299 

knowledge with which it is conducted: but how is the last” 
to be enjoyed without resources to apply to? and how much 
more easily would it be obtained if seience could regulate 
and simplify the combinations of the manufacturer !—To 
these may be added, that if to accomplish by every thing 
employed its utmost possible use, may, if even to draw 
advantage from the very waste: and refuse of every manu- 
factory be a favourite principle with the conductors of each, 
to take the most accurate and powerful mean to effect it 
ought certainly to be as strong an object with. them. Is it 
not also obvious, that to discard all mystery and quackery, 
and fairly to disclose each process, is to invite the attention 
of men of science and research to extend any advantage 
gained by chance or otherwise, and discover yet greater 
powers of utility, in the various substances employed ?— 
The origin, progress, present state, and hints for the im- 
provement of our “ arts of life,”” would certainly be worthy 
the contemplation of our most able chymists, and are sub- 
jects that have appeared of such importance to a neigh- 
ouring nation, that many of their most eminent men have 
been employed in such a work; and sdme volumes of the 
Encyclopédie Méthodique are dedicated to such infor- 
mation, with plates too, in many cases, displaying even 
the most minute work-too!ls employed in each. , 
The history and detail of manufactories conducted in 
each place, ought, I presume, to forma principal object 
with the writers of local histories ; yet very few of these 
entlemen are enabled to obtain such accounts as they can 
epend on, from the selfish and monopolizing spirit of ma- 
nufacturers in general. 

To these various advantages an objection may be offered, 
that display is placing objects of taxation in the hands,of 
ministers.—Be it so.—Display will make it easier to collect 
the tax ;—will make it more certain, and, it may be, less 
oppressive. If to these be added the above advantages, it 
may fairly be presumed that discovery, which may lead to 
improvement, is the most advantageous track to be pursued. 
—But, my dear Sir, I beg your pardon: on this subject I do 
not mean to offer my own opinion, so much as to solicit 

information from that of others. 
I am truly yours, 

erate a Joun CLENNEL. 

P.S. How far literary pursuits are compatible with the 
duties of the commercial man, or the manufacturer, seems 
a question so completely eer in the affirmative, sage 

2 irst 

230 On Medical Entomology. 

first volume of the Manchester Memoirs, by Mr. Henry, 
in the second yolume of the same work by Dr. Barnes, and 
in the hundredth number of the Lounger, that the above 
paper assumes the principle as being fully established. 

XL. An Essay on Medical Entomology. By ¥. Cuau- 
METON, Physician to the Army*. 

In his tam parvis tamque nullis que ratio? quanta vis? PLin. 

Wary we cast our eyes on the immense quantity of yo- 
lumes which have entomology for their object, one is in- 
clined to believe that insects have been sufficiently consi- 
dered under every point of view. Naturalists, philosophers, 
and physicians, seem to have united their efforts to give a 
most complete history of them. Some have endeayoured 
to trace out their elegant forms and varied shades, and 
others have carefully studied and described their wonderful 
metamorphoses. The latter have exhibited the interesting 
view of their habits and manners, and have presented us 
with some of them as models ; the former have acquired 
more right to the public gratitude, by pointing out those 
insects which it 1s necessary to destroy, either because they 
contain a poisonous liquor, or on account of the destruction 
which they occasion. It must indeed be confessed, that 
useless and hurtful insects are far more numerous than those 
from which society derives real advantages. We must not, 
however, forget, that the class of insects furnishes us with 
honey, silk, cochineal, &c., and that medicine obtains 
from it efficacious aid against human infirmities. Tt is 
under the latter point of view that I propose, in this essay, 
do examine entomology. 
The antients were satisfied with distributing insects into 
different groupes, according to the diversity of their resi-, 
dence ; and as they did not assign precise characters to the 
species they described, it is very difficult, and often impos- 
sible, to form exact ideas of them. 
_ It was not till towards the middle of the sixteenth cen- 
tury that the learned Conrad Gesner endeavoured to clear 
up the confusion which prevailed in zoology ; and his la- 
bours have been a fruitful mine to his successors. Aldro- 
vandus, Swammerdam, Ray, and Lister, followed worthily 
in his steps ; but it was reserved to the immortal Linnzeus 

* From the Fournal de Piysique, Fructidor, an 12. ; 


= he a 

Qn Medical Entomology. 231 

te place entomology, as well as all the other branches of 
natural history, on an unshaken base. Attempts have been 
made, but in vain, to correct, reform, or improve his me- 

thod, or to establish an opposite one. This frail structure 

broke to pieces against the sublime monument raised by the 

celebrated naturalist of Sweden. 

Among the entomologists who have modified the system 
of Linnxus, Geoffroy perhaps is the only one who can be 
excused, probably because he has the least deviated from it. 
He thought it necessary to unite the neuroptera and the 
hymenoptera under the name of tetraptera, with naked 
wings, and he founded one of his principal divisions on the 
number of the joints of the tarsi. In reading his work, 
which is valuable on many accounts, it was regretted that 
specific names were not found in it. Fourcroy has com-" 
pletely supplied this deficiency in his excellent Parisian 
Entomology. ) | 
_ Olivier introduced some modifications in the system of 
Linneus, and added to it an order, the orthoptera, which 
it might have done very well without. 

_ Fabricius has struck out a new route, and asserted that it 
is the only real one. To hear him, one might say that na- 
ture has revealed to him her most secret mysteries. His 
classification, which is founded on the organs of manduca- 
‘tion, requires that one should be always provided with a 
good microscope and a compass, to observe and measure 
the number, figure, proportion, and situation of all the 
parts of the mouth of insects, which in several circum- 
‘stances it would even be ridiculous to attempt. The insur- 
mountable difficulties which almost always accompany this 
method, are, however, only its least fault. There are seen 
in it, at every step, forced relations; and winged insects 
are confounded in a strange manner with the aptera. 

Though Latreille has still increased the difliculties with 

which entomology has been filled by Fabricius, one cannot 
refuse to this modest naturalist the tribute of homage due to 
his knowledge, and desire to communicate it. 
_ It would be superfluous to accumulate proofs to show the 
infinite distance which separates Linnzeus from those who 
have pursued the same career. I should be afraid that the 
comparison would be injurious to him. Filled with admi- 
ration for this great man, [I shall follow, with religious re- 
spect, the plan he has traced out. 

Insects are small animals, which are indebted for their 
name to the divisions or rings of which their bodies are 
composed, At the anterior part of the head they have two 

P4 articulate d 

932 On Medical Entomology. 

articulated filaments, endowed with great mobility and ex- 
squisite sensibility: they are called antenne. hs 

The greater part of insects are winged ; and in this case 
they have always six legs attached to their breast or thorax, 
and are subject to metamorphoses. Among the aptera 
there are some which have several hundreds of legs affixed 
to the whole length of their bodies, and they are not subject 
to transformation. \ 

Insects respire by means of vessels with elastic sides, 
named trachee@, which open outwardly by holes called 
stigmata, placed on the sides of their bodies, and which, 
according to Dumeril, may at the same time be the organs 
of smell. 

They have no interior skeleton. Their skin, which per- 
forms the functions of it, 1s generally hard, coreous, and 
serves as a point of attachment to the muscles, which are 
often very strong. by bers 

They have no real heart, nor apparent vascular system. 
The different parts of their bodies are moistened by a whitish 
serous matter, the temperature of which is equal to that of 
the medium wherein they reside. 

The presence or absence of wings, their number and tex- 
ture, furnish simple and precise characters, by the help of 
which the class of insects is naturally divided into seven 
orders. : 

The first order contains the insects which have four 
wings, the lower two of which, thin and transparent, are 
covered by the upper ones, thick and strong, which envelop 
them like’a sheath : on this account they have been called 
elytra, and the insects which bear them are distinguished 
by the name of coleoptera. 

The second order comprehends insects with four wings, 
the two upper ones of which, short and semi-coriaceous, are 
covered by their interior edge, while the elytra of the 
coleoptera are merely brought together, and form a longi- 
tudinal suture at their point of contact. These insects have 
no jaws, and their beak is turned back on the breast... They 
are called hemiptera. ind Hy 

In the third order are ranged insects the four wings of 
which are coloured by scaly dust, and which have a trunk 
of greater or less length folded back in a spiral form. 
On account of the shining tints with which these insects 
are generally ornamented, they are distinguished by the 
name of lepidoptera. a 

The insects’ comprehended in the fourth order have four 
naked reticulated wings, and no sting in the anus: a 


On Medical Entomology. 233 

have several traits of resemblance with the newroptera, and 
are distinguished by the name of hymenoptera. . 
The sixth order is composed of the diptera, or insects 
with two wings. 
The seventh order contains the aptera, or insects without 
wings. be 


Scarabeus—The Beetle.-—Of the numerous species of 
this genus, those are most useful which live in dunghills 
and feed on excrements. Of this kind are the fimetarius, 
the séercorarius, the pilularius, and conspurcatus. If eight 
ounces of these insects be digested in a pound of laurel oil, 
there will be obtained an ointment, or oil of beetles, the use 
of which is recommended in the treatment of sprains and 
contusions. If the virtues of this preparation be not en- 
tirely imaginary, I think they are very little superior to 
those of oil of laurel, the inutility of which is now univer- 
sally admitted. 

CocetnEtta—The Lady-bird.—These small insects are 
distinguished by the form of their body, which is bemi- 
spherical. Their thorax, as well as their elytra, which are 
smooth, is ornamented with beautiful colours, and often 
spotted or striped. Their antennz are truncated, and termi- 
nated by a solid mass. They are less apparent than the 
maxillary feelers. 

It is pretended that several species of coccinella, and 
particularly those with seven points, are a specific for the 
toothache. [t is.sufficient, it is said, ‘to bruise the insect 
between the fingers, and to touch with them the gums and 
tooth of the patient. What is most wonderful is, that the 
fingers retain their anti-odontalgic property. Does not 
this ridiculous process bring to remembrance the cure of the 
king’s-evil by the simple touch of kings and emperors, the 
magnetism of Mesmer, the metallic tractors of Perkins, and 
other juggling tricks, which are a disgrace to the noblest of 
sciences ? 

_ CurysomELa—Chrysomela.—The same virtue is ascribed 
to some of the Chrysomele, and particularly that of the 

poplar, but with as little foundation. , 
~Curcorio—The HWeevil.—We were acquainted with 
this insect only from its ravages (C. /rwmentarius, grana- 
rius, paraplecticus), till Ranieri-Gerbi published a very 
verbose and turgid description of a new species, to which 
he gave the title of Curculio anti-odontalgicus. ‘Yhe thistle 

234 On Medical Entomology. 

which nourishes this valuable insect was not forgotten by 
the doctor. 

To say that this discovery has given birth to, and served 
as a hasis fer, every thing written on the odontalgic pro- 

erty of the coccinellw, chrysomele, weevils, and beetles, 
1s sufhcient to show the value that ought to be attached 
to if. 

Mrtor—Meloc.—-The insects which constitute this 
genus have moniliform antenne, the last joint of which is 
ovoid: the thorax is rounded; the elytra are soft and flexible ; 
the head is bent and gibbous, and the claws double. 

The Metor ProscaraBeus and the MELOE MAIALIS 
are both of a blackish blue colour. The latter has the 
edge of tle segments of the abdomen of a copper colour. 
Both have the elytra short, and-without wings. The an- 
tennz of the males are swelled in the middle, and irregu- 
larly bent. These insects, which are seen creeping in the 
spring-time among the grass, feed chiefly on ranunculuses 
and hellebore, and diffuse over all their articulations, when 
touched, a yellow fetid oil. They were considered by the 
antients as infallible remedies for the hydrophobia. They 
have even been much extolled by some of the moderns *. 
Unfortunately the praises so liberally bestowed upon it have 
not been justified by experience ; and notwithstanding the 
multitude of recipes which have been boasted of for the cure 
of the bite of a mad dog, we scarcely know the means of 
palliating the dreadful symptoms of this horrid malady. 

In consequence of the irritating quality possessed by the 
proscarabea and the may-bug, a place has been assigned to 
them in the materia medica. They are employed with suc- 
cess as rubefaciento; they might even be made a substitute, 
though a weak one, for the interesting species of which I 
am about to speak, in cases when it is impossible to pro- 
cure the latter. Z 

Metor vesicarorius, Lytra vesicaroria Fabr., 
CANTHARIS VESICATORIA, the cantharides of the shops, 
Geoff. These valuable insects are known by the superb 
golden green colour with which they are ornamented. 
Their elytra are of the same length as the body, and their 
antenn are black and filiform. Cantharides live in great 
bodies in the warm and temperate regions, on ash, willows, 
&c. They diffuse to a great distance a strong and disagree- 

* Selle Handbuch der Med. prax. Andry des vers. This author relates 
the history of a child six years of age, who having swallowed a meloe 
whole, bruised in brandy, died by an inflammation of the secreting and 
excreting organs of urine, ‘ ' 


On Medical Entomology. 235 

able odour. It is in the month of June, the period when 
they copulate, that they are collected, by shaking the trees 
on which they exist. They are killed by the fumes of vi- 
negar; and, after being dried in the sun, are preserved in 
glass or earthen jars well closed. 

We have a multitude of treatises on cantharides*, and 
yet there is no good analysis of these insects. Thouvenel 
has touched on this subject in a memoir on the nature of 
animal substances used in medicine, which would be a 
master-piece if the illustrious author had completed the in- 

.teresting view he has so well sketched out. It results from 
his experiments, thatan ounce of cantharides, treated in 
Succession with water, alcohol, and ether, furnish three 
gros of a reddish yellow and very bitter extract, and give, 
by distillation, an acid liquor; twelve grains of an oily yel- 
low matter, which seems to be the colouring principle of 
these insects ; sixty grains of a concrete, oily, ceraccous, 
green substance, of an acrid savour, on which the odour of 
the cantharides seems to depend, and which is the principal 
Seat of their virtues; in the last place, the half of their 
weight consists of a solid parenchyme, insoluble in water 
and alcoho! fF. 

Cantharides are employed in medicine under different 
forms. Hippocrates administered three or four for a dose, 
after being deprived of their heads, feet, and Wilds, as not 

being of much efficacy. Cantharides whole are a medicine 
not very certain, the action of which varies according to the 

uality of the juices contained in the stomach. It is there- 
fore infinitely better to reduce them to an impalpable pow- 
der, and to give the patient at first only one grain, and ad- 
here to that dose, or repeat it as found necessary, as recom- 

mended by Werlhof. , 

__ The spirituous tincture of cantharides may be rendered 

more or less active, according as it is prepared with pure al- 
cohol, or mixed with an equal quantity of water. In the first 
case, the liquor contains only the grecn caustic oleo-ceraceous 
matter; in the second process there is obtatned an alco- 
holico-aqueous solution, less energetic than the preceding 

7 : 

in the ratio of the extract found dissolved in it. - 

td By Alexander, Greenfield, Linneus, Jager, Rumpe!, Baldinger, 
Forster, Trelles, Guillor, &c. " 

T It is observed that dried and whole cantharides are frequently de- 
voured by a kind of mite or acarus, which feeds on their parenchyme 

» without touching the breast or the wings, in which the vesicant property 

chiefly risides. See Les Instruct. de M. Parmenter, among those pub- 
Bished by the Council of Health of the Armics. ie 

936 On Medical Entomology: 

It is to cantharides that the vesicatory or blistering plaster 
is indebted for its properties. It is astonishing that a com- 
position, in which the greater portion of the cantharides is 
enveloped and rendered inert by fat and resinous bodies, 
has not been long ago renounced. Being an enemy to all 
polypharmie mixtures, I am satisfied with disposing, im the 
form of plaster, a certain quantity of good Jeaven, which 
I besprinkle more or less with cantharides, according to the 
indication I wish to fulfil; and | take care to rub strongly 
the part on which I intend to apply this topic, after having 
moistened it with strong vinegar. This method is un- 
doubtedly the best ; nothing in it is useless; and I prefer it 
to blistering plaster, from which it differs only in its great 

Is it possible to read the enumeration of panaceas, poly- 
chrest remedies, specifics, &c. with which the materia 
medicas and pharmacopeeias are filled, without exclaiming 
ironically, with the immortal Rousseau, That it is entirely 
malicious in men to be sick? Let us, however, confess, 
that there really exist noble remedies. There are three 
which I could mention ; and cantharides certainly are among 
the number. To prove it, nothing is necessary but to take 
a cursory view of the different cases in which the application 
of them is requisite. To proceed with order in this exa- 
mination [ shall take as my guide the Nosographie Philoso- 
phique; and I shall frequently invoke the testimony of its 
celebrated author, whom I have always seen to unite pre- 
cept with example. 

The immense series of human infirmities commences 
with fevers; and the angiotenic, or inflanimatory, occupy 
the first place.. The regular course which nature follows in 
the development, progress, and termination of these fevers, 
announces a beneficent effort, which tends to remove some 
obstacle and restore interrupted equilibrium. We must be 
cautious, therefore, of perverting this salutary movement, 
and recollect that, if fever, under certain circumstances, 18 
a mean of cure, it is chiefly to angiotenic fevers that this 
prerogative belongs. The pretended success, I had almost 
said the miracles, ascribed to Galen, Botal, Sydenham, and 
Brown, in consequence of copious evacuations of blood from 
their patients, do not impose on me, and I am far from ap- 
proving, with Cullen, the conduct of Pringle, who caused 
bleeding to be succeeded by vesicatories, notwithstanding 

the fatal examples which ought to have made him pro- * 

scribe this destructive treatment. ri 


On Medical-Eutomology. 237, 

The course,of the, meningo-gastric or simple, bilious 
fevers 18 also subject to a regular order. . The best charac- 
terized are dissipated by diluting and acidulous beverages 
preceded by an emetic (antimoniated tartrite of potash). 

_ The case is not altogether the same with adeno-menin- 
pian fevers, mucous or pituitous. Being produced by debi- 

itating causes, they do not leave to nature strength neces-, 
sary to re-act properly; which gives riseyto frequent anoma- 
lies, tou complications more or less fatal; in a word, to an 
inextricable variety of symptoms, which are renewed inde- 
finitely, notwithstanding the best combined assistance. It 
was to remedy these accidents that Plenciz*, Sarconne t+, 
Roederer, and Wegler{, employed vesicatories, which are 
not indicated in simple adeno-meningian fevers. 

The principal distinguishing signs of adynamic or putrid 
fevers are weakness and dejectton. A manifest tendency to 
decomposition is observed in the bodies of individuals at- 
tacked by them. To reanimate a machine, the springs of 
which seem to have lost their action, speedy recourse must 
be had to tonics, and those must be chosen the energy of 
which is irrevocably confirmed. It is on this account that 
vesicatories, either fixed or changed, as circumstances may 
require, and seconded by vinous, alcoholic, and campho- 
rated potions, perfectly answer the purpose proposed, and 
deserve, in every respect, the preference generally granted 
to them. a 

The extreme danger which accompanies ataxic fevers 
would be sufficient to authorise the denomination of ma- 
lignant, by which, they have long been distinguished, were 
this term less ambiguous, and did it not furnish arms to the 
detractors of medicine §. It is no longer, indeed, a simple 
prostration of etree The disorder is net confined to 
weakening the vital principle and troubling some of its 
functions. It is immediately to the brain that ataxic fevers 
“any their fatal influence. Ought we then to be astonished 
at the alarming phenomena which succeed each other with 
prodigious rapidity, and against which the resources of art 
often fail ? ye long as the least hope exists, vesicatories 
are the sacred anchor, which one ought to trust to for a 
safe arrival in port. It will be proper to join with them 
some auxiliary means, but none can be substituted in their 

i, . 

: * Acta et Obs. Medica, Prag. 1783. 

+ Storia ragion de’ mali, &¢e. Napo:i 1764. 

t Tract. de morbo mucoso, Goetting. 1753. 

§ Jo batezzo di maligao . 
Ogni mal che non intendo. be oe 

238 On Medical Entomology. 

stead: they are even the surest touchstone for distinguish-. 
ing and measuring the vitality of our organs. Sing 

The yellow fever of America exhibits numerous relations 
with the jail and hospital fever, which is itself a complica- 
tion of adynamic with ataxic fever*. In both, many pa- 
tients have been indebted for their lives to vesicatories ap- 
plicd to the head, breast, abdomen, and limbs. 

The eruption of the parotids in adynamic and ataxic fe- 
vers has been commonly considered as a metastasis, which 
must be favoured. Bang and Pinel think, on the other 
hand, that these tumors are almost always fatal, as they 
determine a sort of congestion towards the head. They 
endeavoured, therefore, to prevent or to dissipate them. 
Though the Danish, physician employed several internal 
and external remedies, it may be easily perceived that vesi-~ » 
catories contributed, in a powerful manner, to the success 
he obtained. 

The pernicious intermittent and remittent fevers, so well. 
described by Torti and Alibert, have been classed among 
the ataxic by Pinel, who sees in their’ periodicity nothing 
but a generic character. Among the numerous varieties of 
these fevers the comatose is the only one which J have ob- 
served several times. The application of vesicatories at the 
moment of attack, lessened considerably the soporific state 
of three patients, and disposed them to take cinchona, to 
which they were indebted for their cure. The fourth was 
tess fortunate: the coma, which produced a sudden exa-. 
cerbation. of a simple tertian fever, of which he had been 

“ill ten days, approached near to a catalepsy, since the limbs 
preserved'very exactly the situation which I gave to them. 
I applied large vesicatories to the thighs, and sinapisms to 
the soles of the feet. Neither of them made scarcely any 
impression; which destroyed all hope of my being able to 
ad iinister cinchona, and consequently to save the patient, 
There was not, indeed, the slightest remission ;' the sym- 
ptoms, instead of being mitigated, became more and more 
alarming, and in twenty-seven hours after the attack ter- 
minated in death. The lateral yentricles of the brain were 
distended by a great quantity of coagulated lymph. 

The plague announces itself, like ataxic fever, by a pro- 
found lesion of sensibility: it would not even be distin- 
guished from it, did not filthy exanthemata and frightful 
contagion impose on ita special type. It is, however, cer- 

* An Outline of the History and Cure of the Fever, &c. by R. Jack- ° 
son, Edin. 1798. P 

On Medical Entomology. 239 

tain, that the plague may be considered as a very severe 
ataxic fever complicated with an affection of the glandular 
system. It is indebted to this double character for the de- 
nomination of adeno-nervous. It is here in particular that 
the organs which have fallen into a state of stupor and in- 
sensibility must be strongly excited. With what prompti- 
tude ought we not then to have recourse to vesicatorics, 
sinapisms, and friction, with alcoholic solution of cantha- 
rides or with ammonia! 

Ought we’ to unite phlegmasiz with angiotenic fevers, 
or establish between them an immense line of demarcation, 
by placing them in different classes, as Pinel has done? 
The fear of losing sight of the principal object prevents me 
from discussing this interesting question, which does not 
appear to have been fully resolved. 

To form an exact idea of phlegmasiz, it is essential to 
fix our examination on those which attack the surface of 
the body, and the progress of which can therefore be very 
easily observed. 

The prodigious quantity of nerves which spread them- 
selves in the tissue of the skin communicate to it extreme 
delicacy, and such sensibility, that the slightest touch can 
excite in it the sweet emotions of pleasure or the acute sen- 
sations of pain. The nervous fibres, irritated by any cause, 
soon re-act on the ramifications of the sanguine and lymph- 
atic vessels with which they are interwoven, and determine 
a considerable afflux of these-two fluids. Do we net see 
all the symptoms which characterize inflammation succcs- 
sively develop themselves in erysipelas? and does ‘not the 
action of yesicatories effect in a few hours what erysipelas 
effects more slowly : pain, redness, heat, tension, and ac- 
cumulation of limpid seresity beneath the epidermis? Do 
not these effects announce a salutary effort of nature in the 
erysipelas as in angiotenic fevers? and ought they not to 
render the practitioner very circumspect in regard to the use 
of topics, and particularly repercussives? Do they not throw 
light also on the use of vesicatories, and prove the utility, and 
often the indispensable necessity, of attracting to the surface 
a phlegmasia which threatens an important organ? ‘This 
simple, and, as I may say, mechanical explanation is 
founded on multiplied and incontestable facts. [t embraces 
almost the whole of the doctrine of epispastics and con- 
sequently frees me from the necessity of entering into 

longer details om the employment of them in phlegmasixe.. 

tf the small-pox always passed. regularly through te t 

perio a 

4 On Medical Entomology. 

periods they would be attended,with no danger, and, in the 
severest cases, would leave nothing behind them but a slight 
alteration in the features; but the adynamic and ataxic 
symptoms, which frequently render them complex, con- 
vert them into so destructive a malady, that they often re- 
sist the most active and best administered medicines. Ino- 
culation had much lessened the ravages of this destructive 
scourge, and the immortal discovery of Jenner will extir- 
pate the last roots of them. 

The distinguishing signs of peripneumony and pleurisy 
are so uncertain that they have been doubted by some cele- 
brated physicians *; they have been so often belied by ca- 
daverous autopsia, my own experience has so many times 
proved their insufficiency, and the principles of the treat- 
ment are so identic, that [ consider these two affections as 
inseparable, and I unite them, after the example of Cul- 
len +, under the name of pnewmonia. . 

In acute rheumatism nature 1s endowed with great energy, 
which it is sufficient to moderate by diluents and severe 
diet in order to obtain a speedy and happy termination. On 
the other hand, in chronic rheumatism the re-action is 
very weak; the limbs are in such an inert state that it is 
necessary to combat it by tonics given internally, and, ap- 
plicd to the suffering parts: vesicatories, and friction with 
alcoholic solution of cantharides, have justly acquired the 
pre-eminence. The same means have sometimes produced 
excellent effects in white swellings of the joints, which 
often baffle the art of surgery. 

Hemorrhages occupy the third class, and are distinguished 
into active and passive. Vesicatories are rarely indicated in 
either ; and it is allowed to employ them only as revulsives 
in certain cases of obstinate hemoptysia. 

Of all diseases neuroses are those which present to the 
philosophic physician the most afflicting spectacle, and that 
most worthy of his meditation. He rejects with disdain 
hypotheses more or less ingenious, and the arguments more 
or less captious, of the subtle metaphysician enlightened 
by the flambeau of analysis; he seeks only in the nervous 
system for the source of our mental faculties, since a slight 
wound of the organ of the brain is sufficient to render the 
mildest man furious, and to plunge the man of genius into 

the most deplorable state of idiotism. 

* Morgagni De Sed. et Caus. Morb, Sarcone Istor. ragion. de” mali 

essem. a Napoli. 
_ $ Synops, nosol. Method. Scie 2 


On Medical Entomology. 241 

The first order of the neuroses consists chiefly of those 
moral affections which under the naine of vesani@ torment 
the patients and excite despair in the physician. Spasms 
are classed after vesaniz. The prognostic of them is equally 
fatal, and the cure equally doubtful. We are acquainted 
with no remedy for epilepsy, and tetanus kills almost all 
those whom it attacks *. Means, however, have been found 
to cure the tetanus of wounds arising from the sudden sup- 
pression of the puriform flux, by calling back suppuration 
by multiplied incisions, the affusion of warm oil of turpen- 
line, cupping, or the application of vesicatories to the 
wound fF. ; 

Besides the universal empire which the nerves have over - 
the animal economy, they exercise a particular influence 
on each function, which may be singly altered; and these 
local anomalies constitute the third order of the neuroses. 

One of the finest attributes of the nervous system is, 
Without contradiction, that of presiding over the act of re- 
production. I shall not here trace out a list of the pre- 
tended aphrodisiacs, the remembrance of which I could 
wish to efface. It will be sufficient for me to observe that 
cantharides form the principal ingredient. 

The premature death of Lucretius is ascribed by his bio- 
graphers to an amorous philtre. The learned Paré relates, 
that a courtesan, having given a raygout, besprinkled with 
cantharides, to a young man she had invited to sup with 
her, he soon after experienced symptoms which terminated: 
in his death. 

In comatose affections, which form the fourth order of 
the neuroses, nature is oppressed but not exhausted. The 
object, then, is to remove the obstacles which oppose the 
development of the vital forces. Can the utility of can- 
tharides in these critical circumstances be doubted, in which 
real too often succeeds apparent death ? 

- Among the diseases of the lymphatic system, dropsies 
are those alone which allow: the use of cantharides; but 
they must be administered with circumspection.  Fre- 
deric II. king of Prussia, being attacked with the hydro- 
thorax, of which he died after eleven months suffering, 
experienced some relief from the application of a vesicatory 
tothe arm. Several examples attest in favour of alcoholic 
solution of cantharides, in the dose of six drops, in anasarca 

* Henrteloup Précis sur le Tetanos des Adultes, Avert. 
+ Heurteloup ut supra, p. 34. 

Vol. 21, No. §3. Apri/ 1805, Q and 

242 Use made of Zinc in China in regard to Coin, 

and ascites. I have hastened the cure of the latter by mul- 
tiplied:friction on the abdomen with the same solution. 

Me vor cicnornu—Mylabris cichorii Fabr.; Mylabre de 
la chicorcé Cuy.—Its colour is black. ‘The head and breast 
are velvety. The antennz become larger towards the end ; 
and the elytra are marked with three yellow bands. It 
appears that it was this insect, very common in the East, 
which the antients employed as a yesicatory*: it is still 
applied to this purpose in China. 

[To be continued. } 

XLI. On the Use made of Zinc in China in regard to Coin. 
By B. G. Sacef. 

Pine: known in China and India under the name of éz- 
tenag, is employed there not only for alloying with other 
metals, but also by itself for making coin, as I have had 
occasion to ascertain, by trying a piece given to me by 
M. de Tersan. This coin was of the size of a franc, but 
not so thick. The centre exhibits a square hole three lines 
in diameter. On the two opposite sides there are Tartar cha- 
racters. The two other sides have none. The reverse of 
this piece exhibits Chinese characters on the four faces of 
the square. , 

Having attempted to cut this piece with a pair of scissars, 
it broke: its fracture exhibited the colour and metallic fa- 
cets of zinc: it showed alsa, like zine cast into thin plates, 
a line which separates in two the plate of that metal. 
‘This stroke or line arises from the colour occupied bythe 
centre of the cast zinc. This fracture of the coined zinc of 
China makes known that this semi-metal has been cast in 
order to be converted into money; for when the grain is 
‘compressed by the gradual’ pressure of the roller it ceases 
to be brittle, and exhibits no longer any grain. Zine re- 
duced to plates ceases also to emit the creaking noise of 
tin when an attempt is made to break it. This semi-metal, 
instead of breaking by the pressure of the roller, becomes 
more ductile the thinner the plates to which it is reduced, 

The zinc of which this Chinese coin is made 1s exceedingly 
pure, and burns with the greatest activity at a degree of fire 
proper for fusing it and bringing it to a red heat: itis guf- 

* Jmperati, Linnezus, and Spielman. : 
4+ From Yournal de Physique, Fractidor, an 12. 
“s ficient 

On the Use of the Amianthus in China: 243 

ficient to bring it into contact with the air by removing the 
oxide or white calx with which it is covered. 

The Chinese make a square hole in the centre of their 
coin, in order to file theni on a packthread : by this precau= 
tion they prevent that infidelity too common in their com- 

Having tried the silver which the Chinese employ for 
their jewellery, I found it to consist of one half copper. 

XLII. On the Use of ihe Amianthus in Chind. By 
B. G. Sace*. 

Tax antients, according to Pliny, made incombustible 
cloth of the amianthus. In the library of the Vatican there 
is shown a handkerchief said to be made of this cloth. As 
to the moderns, I do not know that they make any use of 
the amianthus; but I saw; twenty years ago,’ paper made 
of this fossil flax by M. Levrier de Lisle, proprietor of the 
paper manufactory of Montargis. This paper, of which I 
‘still have a sheet, has cohesion enough, bui it is not so 
smooth as paper made of hemp. _ It does not yield under the 
pen, and, if the ink is well gummed, one may write on it 
with ease and neatness. This paper placed on burning coals 
is not destroyed: it assumes there a bright gray colour, 
which arises from the size being charred. The characters 
traced out with ink on amianthus paper appear red after 
they have been thus exposed to the fire. If niucilage of 
gum adraganth had been used ingtead of size to reduce into 
paste the amianthus which has been subjected to the mill, 
the paper resulting from this process would have more co- 
hesion, and be more proper for resisting the action of the 
fire. It is to be wished that M. Levrier de Lisle had been 
encouraged ; for paper of amianthus might be of great utility 
for preserving deeds, as it resists the activity of the fire, 
from which they would be completely protected were they 
“put into cases made of amianthus pasteboard. 
- The Chinese know, as well as we do, that the most vio- 
-lent fire is necessary to vitrify it, and that it does yot be- 
come altered in a common fire: they therefore pa gt it 
for making furnaces. One which I saw represegted a cy- 
linder nine inches in height and six in diameter: towards 
_ the middle was a circular projection destined to support the 

* From Fournal de Physique, Fructidor, an 22. 

- QO2 grate : 


944 On the Use of the Amianthus in China. 

grate: there were two doors to the ash-hole. This fur- 
nace was supported by a kind of round dish with octa- 
gonal edges, and raised on four small cubes. These edges 
were ornamented with a design exceedingly simple: it con- 
sisted of a continued seties of circles, with sniall elevated 
points in the centre. ; . . 

The outside and inside of this furnace were as smooth as 
a card: its fracture was like that of pasteboard. M. de 
Tersan, in whose possession [ saw the remains of this fur- 
nace, said to me therefore, ** I do not know how the Chi- 
nese can make furnaces of pasteboard to withstand fire.” 
Having examined a fragment of this furnace, I found that 
it was entirely amianthus. But in what manner are the 
Chinese able to give it cohesion? ‘There is reason to pre- 
sume that they know, as well as we do, that mucilage of 
gum adraganth bas the property of giving body to stony 
molecule, and of contracting with them such union that 
even fire is not able to destroy it. We have a proof of this _ 
in the cakes of ponderous spar, or sulphate of barytes, which 
form the Bologna phosphorus, after it has been calcined 
for several hours among coals, which destroy neither its 
form nor its sohdity. ; 

To form these cakes the ponderous spar is pulverized, 
and sifted through a silk sieve: it is then formed into a. 
paste, wich mucilage of gum adraganth, and made into balls, 
which being flaitened are converted into cakes. 

The amianthus, of which the Chinese furnaces are made, 
has been reduced to small parcels in a mill, and then mixed 
with a mucilage to form a paste. This paste the Chinese 
imtroduce into moulds, the form and polish of which it as- 
sumes, whilst its outside plainly exhibits the parcels of 
which it is composed. This furnace is of a gray colour 
inclining to red: it unites solidity to lightness, and becomes 
white by fire. In examining some Chinese productions 
I saw a kind of stuff resembling our drugget: its woof is 
only slips of paper. This stuff has pliability and strength, 
as may be easily. perceived. As the Chinese haye the art 
of making sheets of paper eighteen feet in length, it is not 
astonishing to sce stuffs of this kind in pieces like the silk 
stuffs made in other countries. 


<LIH. On | 

XLIII. On the Property ascribed to Quicklime of increasing, 
_ the Force of Gunpowder. By M. Lematstre, Inspector- 
General of Gunpowder and Saltpetre*. 

Tune was published, about eighteen months ago, in the 
first volume of the Bibliotheque Physico-Economique, a note 
announcing that Dr. Baini, a physician of Fojano in Tus- 
cany, had found means to increase the strength of gun- 
powder one third, by adding three gros of pulverized quick- 
Jime to each pound of powder. It was asserted that the 
superiority of this gunpowder was attested by the Tuscan 
hunters. : 

This assertion has been again brought forward in the 
same journal, and in a manner still more decisive. An 
anonymous subscriber, in a letter to the editor, enters into 
some details calculated to excite the attention of those em- 
ploved in the manufactory of gunpowder to this subject. 

The first notice of this circumstance had engaged my at- 
tention a year before; but in trials carefully made with 
Regnier’s spring proof, the best then known, I did not 
obtain a satisfactory result: I even observed an inferiority 
im the charges mixed with quicklime in the proportion 
above indicated. Ra 

On account of certain circumstances I was obliged to 
defer any further experiments at that time, till the letter 
before mentioned induced me to resume the subject, and 
sige my experiments all the extent possible, which I could 
easily do at Lafere, the place of my residence. As we have 
here a school of artillery, I engaged captam Charbonel, 
commandant of the sixth regiment of light artillery, in gar- 
rison here, to take a share im these trials along with me. 
Of eight pounds of very dry gunpowder, from the same 
barrel, four pounds were exposed for six days on the floor 
of.a magazine in the polygon where we made our trials. 
The half of the remaining four pounds was mixed, as ex- 
actly as possible, with about a forty-third part of its weight t 
of very fresh quicklime, speedily pulverized and sifted, in 
order to preserve it from the action of the air, always a little 
damp. © 

* From the Bibsiotheque Physico-Economique, January 1805+ 

+ No. I. Vendemiaire, an 13. p. 42. 
{ This proportion is that of three gros per pound of powder, as before 

03 The 

246 On the Property ascribed to Quicklime 

The half of the four pounds which had been exposed 
to moisture was also mixed with the same quantity of 

-Our intention in regard ta these different preparations of 

gunpowder was to ascertain whether the presence of quick-. 

lime added to its strength’ either as a fourth component 
part, and by a chemical action, or as an absorbent, by 
taking from the powder the humidity it might contain, 
which appeared to us much more probable. This we 
hoped to discover, on the one hand, by the comparative 
employment of the dry and pure powder, and of the dry 
powder mixed with quicklime: on the other, by the pure 
damp powder, and the same powder mixed with quick- 

We used for our experiments an old brass mortar which 
had formerly served for trying common gunpowder. It was 
7 inches 6 points in diameter, and had a cylindric chamber 
the charge of which was three ounces, and the globe 60 
pounds. . 

The charges were weighed with the greatest exactness: 
the mortar, being pointed at an elevation of 45 degrees, was 
directed each time with such regularity that it deviated very 
little from the Ime of firmg, The mean ranges given at 
each time of firing were as follows : 
Toises. Feet. 
Dry and pure g¢tnpowder  - ~~ : 1293 2 
Dry powder mixed with quicklime - layed 

Difference iy 

Pure damp powder - - ~ - 119° "a 
Damp powder mixed with quicklime  - 107. 2 

Difference lS 

Not contented with these trials, we were desirous of re- 
peating those | had made, eighteen months before, with 
Regnier’s spring proof; and every thing was arranged for 
that purpose ; when, on the first discharge with fine hunting 
gunpowder, or that from one of our powder manufactories, 
the spring broke, and consequently rendered the proof un- 
serviceable. This accident, which took place when the 
spring was compressed to the 28th degree, as announced by 
the index, gives reason to suppose that it would have been 




of increasing the Force of Gunpowder. 247 

much more so by this powder had it not broken, and fur- 
nishes a new proof of the superiority of the French gun- 
powder to the English, which, when tried several times by 
the same proof, gave only from 15 to 18 degrees. 

Though the results of these proofs seem to indicate that 
in both cases the presence of the quicklime hurt the strength. 
of the gunpowder, we are far from wishing to employ them 
to refute what has beea announced on this subject. We 
are of opinion that it 1s too much connected with the public 
and private interest to be combated by our proofs alone, 
whatever care may have been employed in making them. 
We do not know whether we have omitted in these trials 
any circumstances necessary for obtaining the favourable 
results of Dr. Baini; but we are certain that we followed 
exactly the proportions and processes indicated in the notes 
before mentioned. 

We therefore request all those to whom this point is of 
importance, and it must be so, no doubt, to a great num- 
ber, to repeat and vary these trials, as we propose to do, in 
order that we may attain, if possible, to the results of the 
two philosophers here quoted, and to induce them to give 
some further details in regard to their experiments, by the 
help of which we may attain to the proposed end: they 
seem to be too much animated with a desire to promote the 
public good, to refuse it *. 

_ These proofs induced me to try others, to ascertain whe- 
ther the whole quantity of the charge of cannon, supposing 
it inflames entirely before it issues from the piece, is neces- 
sary for producing the greatest effect; and if it would not be 
possible, without hurting that effect, to substitute for the 

* We think it our duty to quote here a passage from the numerous 
additions which M. Bornot, captain of artillery, had made to his trans- 
lation of Heary’s Manual of Chemistry: 

© Mixture of Quicklime with Gunpowder. 

“<M. Griffith has confirmed, by a great number of experiments, that 
@ mixture of gunpowder and quicklime, well dried and pulverized, in 
the proportion of two parts of gunpowder and one of quicklime, produced 
as much effect on blocks of granite as three parts of powder. A mixture 
‘in equal parts makes also an explosion, and may serve to establish the 
cdmmunication between the match and the charge, which is already a 
considerable saving. Dr. Baini has found means to increase a third the 
force of Lhe ap by adding to it three gros of pulverized quicklime 
per pound. Ir is sufficient to stir the whole in a vessel until the surface 
no longer appears white.”—Nore of the French editor, 

or O4 nucleus, 


248 Description of an improved Drawback Lock. 

nucleus, or centre of the charges, a solid body*, avacuity 
or vessel filled with any liquid. Some trials made with a 
six-pounder gave us results capable of. exciting attention, 
and which will induce me soon to resume them. 

XLIV. Description of an improved Drawback Lock for 

~ House Doors, jnvented by Mr. WittiamM BuLiocg, of 
Portland-street +. 


HAVE herewith sent, for the inspection of. the society, 
an improved drawback lock for house doors, &c. which 
improvement is in latching the door; for itis well known, 
particularly in damp weather, that the air drawing through 
it rusts the head or bevel of the bolt, by which means it 
requires great force to shut the door, and occasions a dis+ 
agreeable noise, besides shaking the building. 

It has frequently happened that the house has been ex- 
posed to robbery from the door being left unlatched, when 
supposed to be fast. This improvement removes all those 
inconveniences, as it lets the bolt shoot into the staple 
immediately when the door closes, but not before; and the 
reliever works so very easy, that the door is made fast with 
one twenty-fourth part of the force required with locks upon 
the common construction, 

By an experiment with the lock sent herewith, it will be 
proved that two ounces added to the reliever, will shoot 
the lock with more ease than three pounds will do applied 
to the bevel bolt ; and if the lock is rusty, the advantage 
will be much more in favour of the new method. I flatter 
myself it will be of great utility to the public, as its con- 
struction is simple-and cheap. © It may be added to any old 
lock, as may be seen from that now sent. It may be ad- 
vantageously applied to French windows and glass doors, 
as it prevents the door from being strained, or the glass 
broke, by the force applied to shut them. I have fixed 
several locks upon this new principle, which answer well ; 

* This, it is said, is already practised, with advantage, by some Ger, 

man miners. , 
i From Transactions of the Society of Arts, &c. vol. xix.—A bounty 

pf fifteen guineas was voted to Mr. Bullock for this communication. 

Description of a Screw Press: 249 

and if the invention meets with the approbation of the so- 
ciety, 1 hope to be rewarded according to its merit. — 
Iremain, with respect, sir, 
Your mest obedient servant, 

Mr. Charles Taylor. Wiciiam BuLLocK. 

Description of Mr. William Bullock’s improved Drawback 
Lock. (Plate V. Figs i.) , 

A, is the new iron latch here affixed to an old common 
drawback house lock. 

B, an iron pin at one end of the latch, on which pin itis 

C, a projecting part of the latch, which, when the 
common spring bolt D of the lock is drawn back, in the 
usual manner, is forced into the nick on its higher part at 
E, by the spring F, underneath the latch. 

The bolt D then remains within the lock, until, on closing 
the door, the reliever G gently presses on the lock box, 
fixed in the common way on the door cheek ; which pressure 
draws the projecting part C out of the nick E, and permits 
the end of the bolt D, by the force of the spring G, to slide 
jnto the Jock box, and fasten the door. 

XLV. Description of a Screw Press with an expanding 
Power. “By Mr, Wiriiam Bowtsr, of Finsbury- 
Street *. 


HE screw- and spring-press which I have the honour to 
pioent to the inspection and for the approbation of the 
society for the Encouragement of Arts, &c. will, I trust, 
' be found in a superior degree adapted to the purpose of 
pressing bodies in general, but more particularly cheeses 
ples, linen, &c. because such things require a firm and 
an unrelaxing pressure :—and this is a peculiar adyantage 
‘incident to this machine; for after it is set, or the spring 
- serewed well up, it will be found, that as the article 
pressed shrinks from it, so the spring, owing to its peculiar 
ding power, gradually follows the object of its pres- 
e, and hence continues to maintain an uniform and 

—* From Transactions of the Soviety of Arts, &c. vol. xxi.—A bounty 
of ten guineas was voted to the author by the society. 


250 Description of a Screw Press. 

equal action on the body on which it is placed. This, in’ 
cheese-making, will be tound peculiarly advantageous ; for — 
it is from this very cause of want of sufficient pressing that 
cheeses are frequently so very bad. Were the curd entirely 
separated from the impure and contaminating mixture: of 
the whey, which must he effected by the regular action of 
this machine, we should always have the cheese firm and 
wholesome; and, I have not a doubt, the press will be 
found equally useful in all other cases, and answer every 
purpose, even beyoud expectation, to which it is adapted. 
I have the honour to be, &c. ‘ 
WILLIAM Bowler. 
Charles Taylor, Esq. 

Reference to the Engraving of Mr. IVilliam Bowler’s 
Screw Press. Plate V.. Fig. 2. 

AA, the two upright sides, or frames of the press. 

_ B, the cross piece which connects them at the top, haying 
a hole in its centre, for the screw. 

€, a strong block of wood, into which the two sides of’ 
the press are firmly morticed. ter 

D, the box, in which the article to be pressed is placed, 
This box has anumber of holes in its bottom, through 
which the liquid matter when pressed out passes, and is dis- 
charged from the mouth of the spout E, a small hollow 
being left under the box, to allow its passage to. the spout, 
A loose wooden cover fits into the box D, and upon it is 
fastened a stout piece of timber IF, and an iron plate G, for 
the point of the screw of the press to act upon. 

H, the male screw of the press, working in a female . 
screw, in the centre of the strong cross piece [, which cross 
piece slides up and down in grooves within the two sides of 
the frame, one of which grooves is shown in the plate, and 

about half the leneth of the side piece, 

K, the upper part of the iron serew, an which the handle 
1, which moves it, is placed upon a square. The iron of 
the screw is only wormed about halfits lencth. 

M, 2 strong spiral spring, made of iron wire, or iror 
rod, placed in the centre of the cross pieces B and I; this 
spring presses downwards against the cross piece I, forcii aa 
it as low down as the side grooves will permit, Phe taal 
screw H lies within the circle of this spiral ; and, when tl 
screw is turned, passes through the female screw below ity. 
and acts upon the iron plate G, under which the matter to 
be pressed ts placed, by continuing to turn the screw, » As 


Geographical and Topographical Improvements. ©5% 

ft meets with resistance at the point G, it gradually forces 
back the cross piece 1, by means of the female screw within 
it, and compresses the spiral into a small space, between 
the two cross pieces, in which state it remains, tll the 
article which is pressed in the box begins to give out a part 
of its contents. The spiral sprmg M, compressed as above 
mentioned, then begins to expand, and exerts a continued 
re-action upon the cross piece I, on the male screw H, 
the iron plate of which covers the article under pressure. 
Fig. 3, is the male screw, separated from the other parts, 
to show how fer the thread or worm extends upon it. 

XLVI. Geographical and Topographical Improvements pro- 
posed ly Joun Cuurcaman, Esq, Member of the Im- 
perial Academy of Sciences at St. Petersburgh*. 

I REQUEST you to lay the following essay on the improver 
ment of geography before the Society for the Encourage- 
ment of Arts; and, in so doing, you will much oblige 
; Your most obedient servant, 


Charles Taylor, Esq. 

Ir appears to be a matter of much importance to the 
people of any country, at all times, whether in war or 
peace, to possess a complete knowledge of its surface. Jn 
war, such knowledge is absolutely necessary for defence ; 
in peace, for improving the country to the best advantage. 
__ Now, since geography may be improved, an easy and 
accurate method to Jay down maps of mountainous coun 
ape and hilly estates will perhaps prove useful, as it will 
show at a single view the true shape and comparative height 
of the ground without the art of painting. 

__As mountains are apt to eclipse each other, a perspective 
view is seldom very extensive, the rules of which {all short 
of giving an accurate idea of any hilly country; because 
such a view, though strictly true in one particular place, 

‘not so in any other, The,altitudes of mountains appear 

proportion to the distance from the eye, and no rule in 
gemeiry has been found sufficient to determine distances 
trom any single station. Neither cau a bird’s-eye view of 

estate ascertain the depth of valleys or the height of 
ountains. But the method here proposed will be found 

* From Tiansactions of the Swiety of Aris, &c. Vol. xxii. 

1 equally 

252 Geographical and Topographical Improvements, 

equally capable of giving the true shape of any ground above 

or below water. It may be successfully applied to sea charts, 

and will prevent much confusion, arising from the tedious 

method of distinguishing soundings by a multitude of 

figures. ih 

Suppose a full description is required of any island in the 
ocean. First, let an accurate map be laid down in the com- 
mon way; and let the perpendicular height between the 
highest point of Jand and the ocean be divided into any 
number of equal parts. Suppose these equal divisions are 
100, 200, 300, 400 feet above the low-water mark. From 
the diferent points of these several divisions let horizontal 
lines be run with a good theodolite, and spirit-level an- 
nexed, all round the island. If the work‘is well done, each 
line will end where it began; and if the bearings and di- 
stances of these several lines are truly laid down on the 
map, the crooked courses of them will clearly show the 
shape.of the ground over which they pass. For example: 
if any horizontal line passes by the side of a steep hill, it 
will incline towards the ocean, or approach the next hori- 
zontal line below it. When the same line crosses a stream 
of running water or a valley, it will naturally bend up the 
side of the said stream until it can cross it without losing 

‘the level; or, in other words, it will bend towards the centre 

of the island. Hence, by a little practice, the shape of the 
several horizontal lines on the map will give as clear an 
idea to the mind of the shape of any country over which 
they pass, as a sight of the country itself can conyey to the 
eye. But to obtain a mathematical and true knowledge of 
the altitude and declivity of any part of the country, we 
have the following proposition : 

As the perpendicular height of any one horizontal line 
above another is to the radius, so is the horizontal di- 
stance between the horizontal lines measured on the map 
at any particular place, to the co-tangent of declivity at 
that place. : 

Note: If the horizontal distance between any two hori- 
zontal lines on the map is equal to the perpendicular height 
of any horizontal line above amother, the angle of altitude, 
or declivity, of any hill will be 45 degrees. 

The present improvement, which I believe to be entirely 
new, will be found to possess the following advantages : 

ist. Military men are well acquainted with the many 
advantages always to be gained from the exact representa 
tion of high grounds, By this method we are able-to give 


Geographical and Topographical Improvemenis. 253 

the angle of altitude, the angle of declivity, and perpendi- 
cular height of eyery hill; likewise the comparative height 
of different hills, the best route by which the high grounds 
may be gradually ascended, and where heavy burthens can 
be drawn up with most ease. 
adly. Experience has sufficiently shown that the inhabi- 
tants of low grounds are subject to different kinds of sick- 
ness, from which those living at places elevated to a certain 
degree are exempt. A map on this improved plan will point 
out the most proper situation for building dwelling-houses. 
Tt will be useful in botany, in discovering or cultivating 
some kinds of plants which flourish best at particular di- 
stances aboye the level of the ocean, Jt will trace the line 
of vegetation on the sides of lofty mountains whose tops 
are covered with eternal snow. 
3dly. Some high lands are known to produce good grain, 
while low lands afford grass more abundantly; but most 
grounds produce good grass over which a moderate quan- 
tity of running water is conveyed. A plan of any country 
in this way will show all the ground that can be irrigated ; 
where water-works may be erected ; where navigable canals 
may be cut; and where highways and rail-roads may be 
laid out on the best and most level ground. 
4thly. The subterraneous treasures of the mineral and 
fossil kingdoms are generally found in strata; and, if they 
are not truly horizontal, they make a certain angle with 
the horizon. A map on this projection may enable the 
‘mineralogist to follow any one stratum at places even far 
Maistant from each other. 
To find the true declivity of any piece of ground in any 
‘map laid down on the principles of the present plans 

Bi: Example ist, for D. See Plate V1. 

As the perpendicular height, 4 feet - 60206 
Is to radius, 90° i - -  10°00000 
~ So is the horizontal distance, 4 feet - 60206 

ot a 10°60206 

1 “To'the co-tangent of the declivity, 45° - 10-00000 

aE Example 2d, for B. 

_ As the perpendicular height, @feet - 60206 

$ to radius, gue fa - -  10°00000 
. » So-is the horizontal distanee, 8 feet + 90309 — 

ae »§ 10°90309 
To the co-tangent of the declivity, 26° 34’ 10°30103 

sa Lxample 

PO fae 

a52 Description of a Safety Valvé: 
; Example 3d, for C. ; 

As the perpendicular apts 4 feet - 60206 
~ Is to radius, 90° - -  10°00000 
So is the horizontal distances 18 fee - 1°25527 


To the co-tangent of the declivity, 12° 32” 10°65321 

The annexed survey, Plate VI. of a small lake and arti- 
ficial mountain in the garden of his excellency count de 
Strogonoff, near St. Petersburgh, has been closed by the 
tables of the difference of latitude and departure as follows: 

N. S. Bs W. 

N. 30 E. Qu 29 — 2 ot — 
N. 35 E. 2 i:6.| = r! | | 
N. 75 E. 2 *& |. — lg | — a 
N. 55 E. 2 1] — V6} — 
N. 45 E. 3 21) — Q°1 — 
N.52 W.] 2 2 | — ne 1°6 

N. 39 W.| 3 5 | — — | 25 
S. 56 W.| 12 at 67) | —= |} OO” ' 
S. 60 E. 7 il Soe ee — q 

10°2 | 1072 | 14:0 | 14:0 

XLVII. Description of a Safety Valve, containing a Vacuum 
Valve in the same Hole of the Boiler* 

7s large boilers or coppers, where ollie fluids are in-_ 
closed a safety valve is generally used to prevent’ theit 
bursting, from an unexpected excessive force of the elasti¢ 
steam, “and, besides, a vacuum valve, to prevent their being 
comipressed or crushed by the weight of external air, in the 
case of a sudden condensation of the vapours. These two 
valves are commonly fitted in two. different holes in the 
boiler; but as a more simple, and consequently more eligi« 
ble method, seems to be that of joining them together, T 
tuke the liberty to submit to the Society for the Encourages 
ment of Arts, &e. the MONE contrivance for that } pure 

al, Plate VIL. fig. 1, is acommon conical safety valvey 

* From Transactions ef the Socicty of Arts, 8c. Vol. xxii.-The silver 
oxi of the society was voted to the author for this communication, 

Description of a Safety Valve. 255 

fixed in the boiler cd, having four openings, ii, which are 
represented in a plan view'in fig. 2. ef is the metallic rod, 
bearing the weight KK, with which the safety valve is 
loaded, and extendiug itself under that valve to f: gh is 
the vacuum valve, consisting in a plane circular plate, with 
a brass tube sliding along the rod, and pressed by a spiral 
spring to the safety valve ad (against which it has been 
well ground in making it), closing in that situation the 
openings Zi. 

Such being the construction of the whole, it is evident, 
that when the elasticity of the steam increases, the two 
valves, joined together, with the holes iz shut, make but 
one, opposing to the elasticity of the steam an united re- 
sistance, which is regulated by the weight kk, im the com- 
mon way; but, on the contrary, when by condensation of 
the vapours a vacuum is produced, the external air in press- 
ing through 77, upon the vacuum valve gf, forces it down, 
and opens to itself a passage into the boiler. 

The valve g/ may easily be made conical, like the other, 
if that form should be preferred; but in different trials { 
have found planes, if well turned and ground together, join 
as perfectiy as can be desired, being pressed by the united 
elasticity of the spring and the steam. . 
- Fig. 3 is the same contrivance adapted to a new kind of 
safety valve or piston, which, though I originally intended 
it for the use of Papin’s digesters of a new construction *, 
has been, in a larger size, applied by me even to steam en- 
gines, and is described in the Pinlosophical Magazine of 
December 1803 t. 

I have lately begun, and shalj pursue, a set of experi- 
ments, with the intention of regulating by this safety piston 
the quantity of admitted air to fire-grates, and to effect by 
that means a new mode of regulating the fire, and the elas~ 

wre’ ; 
 ® Nicholson’s Journal, March 1804. 

+ The description of this contrivance being already published. jt would, 
be superfluous to repeat it. 1 only beg leave to add the following prac- 
oa :—A metallic piston, if well turned and fitted into a cy~ 
inder of exactly the same kind of metal, will probably have the same 
se of eXpansion, especially if hollow, and consequently will not in- 
‘crease its friction in any increased degree of temperature. But as in 
-practice the cylinder is commonlysexposed to a lower temperature than 
the piston, heated by the steam, a little increase of triction will take place 
by an increase of heat. ‘Vo prevent the effect of this, I have found it 
: to employ for the piston a metal of somewhat less expansive powers 
than the cylinder; and the expansion of red copper being to that of brass 
Nearly as 10 to rt, J prefer making the piston of the former metal when 
the cylinder is made of brass. : te 
? ticity 


Tae Chinese all agree there is but one sort or species of 

256 Account of the Tea Tree. . * 
ticity of steam in boilers, with less expenditure of fuel and 
of force than usual ; of which ideaahintis given in the work 
and place above mentioned. The result of these researches 
I shall at some future period do myself the honour of com- 
municating to the society. bet 

4% ~ 

XLVILEL. An Account of the Tea Tree. By FREDERICK 
Picou, Esq.* — 

the tea tree ; and that the difference in tea arises from the 
soil and manner of curing f. 

Chow-qua, who has been eight times in the bohea coun- 
try, and who has remained there from four to six months 
each time, says, that many people, among their tea leaves, 
especially at Ankoy, near Amoy, put leaves of other trees ; 
but that of these there are but two or three trees the leaves 
of which will serve that purpose; and they may easily be 
known, especially when opened by hot water, because they 
are not indented as tea leaves are. ; 

He says, that bohea may be cured as hyson, and hyson ~ 
as bohea, and so of all other sorts; but that experience 
has shown, the teas are cured as best suits the qualities 
they have from the soils where they grow; so that bohea 
will make bad hyson, and hyson, though very dear in the 
country where it grows, bad bohea. However, in the pro- 
vince of Tokyen, which may be called the Bohea province, — 
there has since a few years some tea been made after the © 
hyson manner, which has been sold at Canton as such. 

The bohea country, in the province of Tokyen, is very: 
hilly, and since some years greatly enlarged ; the length of 
it is four or five days journey, or as much again as it for- | 
merly was. The extent of the soil that produces the best 
bohea tea is not more than 40 li, or about 12 miles; in — 
circumference it is from 100 to 120 li. Not only the hills 
in this country are planted with tea trees, but the valleys 
also ; the hills, however, are reckoned to produce the best — 
tea; on them grow congo, peko, and sonchong, im the 4 
valleys or flat parts of the country bohea. As to the true — 
souchong, the whole placegdoes not yield three peculs; | 

a He pets 
io hk 

| ©® From the Asiatic Annual Register for 1802. 3 

+ This fact is further confirmed by Lord Macartney and Sir George 
Staunton, who in their journey from Pekin to Canton passed through 
the centre of the tea country. —See Macariney’s Embassy to China, vol. iii. 

page 296. + d p i 
ie 8 Youngshaw 4 

Account of the Tea Tree. 257 

Youngshaw says, not more than 30 catty. The value of it 
on the spot is 1+ or two tales the catty, about ten or twelve 
shillings the pound. What is sold to Europeans for 
souchong is only the first sort of congo, and the congo they 
buy is only the first sort of bohea. Upon a hill planted 
with tea trees, one only shall produce leaves good enough 
to be called souchong, and of those only the best and 
youngest are taken; the others make congo of the several 
sorts, and bohea. 

There are four or five gatherings of bohea tea in a year, 
according to the demand there is for it, but three or at 
most four gatherings are reckoned proper ; the others only 
hurt the next year’s crop. Of souchong there can be but 
one gathering, viz. of the first and youngest leaves ; all 
others make inferior tea. 

The first gathering is called tow-tchune, the second eurl, 
or gee-tchune, the third san-tchune. If the first. leaves 
are not gathered, they grow large and rank, and are not 
supplied f the second leaves, which oniy come in their 
room or place, and soon. ; 

The first gathering is reckoned fat or oily, the second 
less so, the third hardly at allso, yet the leaves look young. 
The first gathering is from about the middle of April to the 
end of May, the second from about the middle of June to 
the middle of July, the third from about the beginning of 
August to the latter end of September. Tea is never 
agen in winter. ‘The first gathering or leaf, when 

rought to Canton, commonly stands the merchants in 
11+ tales the pecul 
the 2d 11 or less 
the 3d 9 

The method of curing bohea tea of these three growths is, 
according to Chow-qua, thus: 

When the leaves are gathered, they are put into large flat 
baskets to dry, and these are put on shelves or planks, in 
the air or wind, or in the sun, if not too intense, from 
morning until noon, at which time the leaves begin to 
throw out a smell; then they are tatched * ; this is done by 
throwing each time about half a catty of leaves into the 
tatche, and stirring them quick with the hand twice, the 
tatche being very hot, sot then taking them out with a 
small short broom, if the hand is not sufficient. When 
taken out, the leaves are again put into the large flat baskets, 
and there rubbed by men’s hands to roll them ; after which 

* Tatche is a flat pan of cast iron. 

Vol. 21. No, 83. April 1805. R they 

253 Account of the Tea Tree. 

they are tatched in larger quantities, and over a cooler of 
slower fire, and then put into baskets over a charcoal fires 
as is practised on some occasions at Canton. When the 
tea is fired enough, which a person of skill directs, it is 
spread on a table, and picked or separated from the too 
large leaves, yellow leaves, unrolled, broken or bad leaves. 

Youngshaw says, bohea tea is gathered, sunned in 
baskets, rolled with the hand, and then tatched ; which 
completes it. ge 

Anothen says it is gathered, then put in sieves or baskets, 
about a catty in cach, and those put in the air till the leaves 
wither or give, after which they are put into a close place 
out of the air, to prevent their growing red, until the even- 
ing, or for some hours; the smell then comes out of 
them. They are after this tatched a little, them rolled, and 
then tatched again ; and about half a catty is tatched at one 

Congo, says Chow-qua, is tatehed twice, as is souchong 5 
but Youngshaw says souchong and congo are not tatched, 
but only fired two or three times. The latter is most pro~ 
bable, but yet the former may be true; for as tatehing 
seems to give the green colour to the leaves of the tea trees, 
so we may observe something of that greenness in the 
leaves of congo and souchong teas. Youngshaw further 
says, that the leaves of souchong, congo, hyson, and fine 
singlo trees are beat with flat sticks or bamboos, after they 
have been withered by the sun or air, and have acquired 
toughness enough to keep them from breaking, to force out 
of them a raw or harsh smell. 

Souchong is made from the leaves of trees three years 
old, and where the soil is very good; of older, when not 
so good, congo is made. he leaves of older trees make 
bohea. The tea.trees last many years. When tea trees 
grow old and die, that is, when the bodies of the trees fail, 
the roots produce new sprouts. 

Peko is made from the leaves of trees three years old, and 
from the tenderest of them, gathered “just after they have, 

been in bloom, when the small leaves that grow between 

the two first that have appeared, and which altogether make 

a sprig, are downy and white, and resemble yoang bair or 

down. ‘Trees of four, five, and six years old may still 
make peko; but after that they degenerate into bohea if 
they grow on the plains, and into congo if they grow on 
the hills. 
Lintsessin seems to be made from very young leaves rolled 
up, and stalks of the tree; the leaves are gathered before 

Account of the Tea Tree. 2359 

they are full blown: this tea is never tatched, but only fired. 
Were the leaves suffered to remain on the trees until they 
were blown, they might be cured as peko, if longer, as 
eongo and bohea. This tea is in no esteem with the 
Chinese; it is only cured to please the sight; the leaves are 
gathered too young to have any flavour. 

Tea trees are not manured, but the ground on which they- 

grow is kept very clean and free from weeds. Tea is not 
gathered by the single leaf, but often by sprigs. Tea in 
general is gathered by men ; however, women and children 
also gather tea. Tea is gathered from morning till night, 
when the dew is on the leaves as well as when it is off. 

Ho-ping tea is so called from the country where It grows, 
which 1s twelve easy days journey from Canton. This tea 
is cured after the manner of bohea, only in a more careless 
or slovenly way, on account of its little value, and with 
wood instead of charcoal fire, which is not so proper, and 
adds to the natural bad smell the tea has from the soil where 
it grows. 

Leoo-ching (or Lootsia), the name of a place eight days 
journey from Canton: it may produce about 1000 peculs 
of teain a year. ‘This tea is cured as bohea, or as green, as 
the market requires, but is most commonly made to imitate 
singlo, which suits it best. , 

Honan tea grows opposite to Canton; itis cured in April 
or May for the Canton market, that is, for the use of the 
inhabitants of Canton, especially the women, and not for 
foreigners. There is but little of it, about 200 peculs. 
The worst sort of it remains flat and looks yellow : it is 
tatched once to dry it, but not roiled, and is worth three 
candarines the catty. The best sort is tatched once, and 
rolled with the hand, and tatched again; it is werth twelve 
eandarines the catty. These teas are not, like the bohea, 
after they are tatched, put overa charcoal fire. The water 
‘of Honan tea is reddish. 

Ankoy tea is so called from the country that produces it, 
which is about twenty-four days journey from Canton. 
When gathered, the leaves are put into flat baskets to dry 
like the bohea; they are then tatched, and afterwards rubbed 
with hands and feet to roll them, then put in the sun to 
dry, and sold for three or four candarines the catty. If 
this tea is intended for Europeans, it is packed in large 
baskets, like bohea baskets, and those are heated by a 
charcoal fire in a hot-house, as is often practised in Canton. 
Bohea tea is sometimes sent to Ankoy, to be there mixed 
with that country tea, and then forwarded to Canton. =~ 

; ‘Re ) The 


260 Account of the Tea Tree. 

The worst sort of Ankoy is not tatched; but Ankoy 
congo, as it is called, is cured with care, like good bohea 
or congo: this sort is generally packed in small chests. 
There 1s also Ankoy-peka; but the smell of all these teas 
is much inferior to those of the bohea country. However, 
_Ankoy congo of the first sort 1s generally dearer at Canton 
than the inferior growths of bohea. 

As tatching the tea makes it sweat, as the Chinese term 
it, or throw out an oil, the tatche in time becomes dirty, 
and must be washed. 

If bohea is tatched only twice, it will be reckoned slovenly 
cured, and the water of the tea will not be green, but yel- 
low ; so that fine bohea tea must be cured as congo: the 
coarse is not so much regarded. 

The ordinary tea used by common people in tea countries 
is passed through boiling water before it 1s tatched, not- 
withstanding which it remains very strong and bitter. This, 
father Lefebure says, he has often seen. Tea is also some- 
times kept in the steam of boiling water, which is called by 
some authors a vapour bath. 

Singlo and hyson teas are cured in the following manner: 
when the leaves are gathered, they are directly tatched, and 
then very much fithed by men’s hands to rol] them, after 
which they are spread to divide them, for the leaves in 
rolling are apt to stick together; they are then tatched very 
dry, and afterwards spread on tables to be picked; this is 
done by girls or women, who, according to their skill, can 
pick from one to four catty each day. Then they are tatched 
again, and afterwards tossed in flat baskets to clear them 
from dust ; they are then again spread on tables and picked, 
and then tatched for a fourth time, and laid in parcels, 
which parcels are again tatched by ten catties at a time, 
and when done put hot into baskets for the purpose, where 
they are kept till it suits the owner to pack them in chests 
or tubs, before which the teais again tatched, and then put 
hot into the chests or tubs, and pressed in them by hand. 
When the tea is hot it does not break, which it is apt to do. 
when it is cold. Singlo tea being more dusty than hyson 
tea, it is twice tossed in baskets, hyson only once. 

It appears that it is necessary to tatche these teas when- 
ever they_contract any moisture; so that if the seller is 
obliged to keep his tea any time, especially in damp wea- 
ther, he must tatche it to give it a crispness before he can 
gull it. 

It is to be observed that the quantity of leaves tatched 
increases with the times of tatching; at first only half 


2 OF; 

Account of the Tea Tree. 261 

or three quarters of a catty of leaves are put into the 

Tunkey singlo tea is the best, which is owing to the soil: 
it grows near the hyson country. Ordinary singlo tea is 
neither so often tatched or picked as the above described. 

There are two gatherings of the singlo tea, the first in 
April and May, the second in June; each gathering is 
divided into three or more sorts ; the leaves of the first are 
large, fine, fat, and clean; of this sort there may be col- 
lected from a pecul, from 40 to 55 catties, usually 45. The 
second sort is picked next, and what then remains is the 
third or worst sort. 

Tunkey, like other singlo tea, is made into two or three 
sorts ; the best is sometimes sold for hyson of an inferior 

Of hyson there are also two gatherings, and each gather- 
ing is distinguished into two or more sorts; but as great 
care is taken in gathering it, 60 catties may be chosen from 
one pecul, when only 45 catties can be chosen from singlo. 

Hyson-skin, as it is called, has its name from being 
compared to the skin or peel of the hyson tea, a sort of 
cover to it, consequently not so good; it consists of the 
largest leaves, unhandsome leaves, bad coloured and flat 
leaves, that are amongst the hyson tea. This tea is known 
in London by the name of bloom tea. 

Gomi (or Gobee) and QOotsien, are also leaves picked 
from the hyson leaves. Those called gomi are small and 
very much twisted, so that they appear like bits of wire. 
The ootsien are more like little balls. 

There are many different growths of singlo and hyson 
teas, and also some difference in the manner of curing 
them, according to the skill or fancy of the curer: this 
occasions difference of quality in the teas, as does also a 
good or bad season. A rainy season, for instance, makes 
the leaves yellow: a cold season nips the trees, and makes 
the leaves poor. 

Bing tea is so called from the man who first made that 
tea. It grows four days journey from the hyson country. 
The leaves of bing are long and thin, those of singlo are 
short and thick. 

The tricks in tea are innumerable. In the bohea country 
when tea is dear (and probably they use the same method 
in all tea countries), they gather the coarse old leaves, pass 
them through boiling water, then cure them as other leaves 
are cured ; after which they pound them, and mix them 
with other teas, putting five or six catties of this tea dust to 
ninety-five catties of tea, 

R3 7 

262 Account of the Tea Tree. 
To make lohea tea green. 

For this purpose coarse Ankoy tea is generally taken: 
the leaves should be large. (Ankoy is no other than the 
tea tree from the bohea country propagated at Ankoy.) 
Take ten catty of this tree, spread it, and sweat the leaves 
by throwing water over them, either hot or cold, or tea 
water. When the leaves are a Jittle opened and somewhat 

dry put them into a hot tatche, together with a small quan-. 

tity of powdered chico, a fat stone, and tatche them well, 
then sift the tea, and it is done. If it happens not to be 
green enough tatche it again. It is the frequent tatching 
that gives the green colour to the tea leaves. 

- To make green bohea. 

First water it to open the leaves, then put them in the 
sun to dry a little, then tatche them once, and proceed to 
_cure them as bohea leaves, over a charcoal fire. This is 
seldom done, because it is seldom worth doing, green tea 
being generally the dearest: moreover, green tea does not 
make so good bohea as bohea does green. 

Ho-ping tea, already described, and which is of the 
bohea kind, after beimg cured as bohea, is sometimes 
altered to green, and becomes like the leoo-ching before 
mentioned, and is sold at Canton to foreigners for singlo. 

It is to be observed, that all these worked-up teas, as 
they may be called, and teas of improper growths, are more 
commonly mixed with true teas for the Europe market than 
sold separate by themselves; so that the proportions in 
which they are mixed make combinations without end. 
The differences fo be observed in teas arise from the soils. 
The methods of curing owing to the skill of the curer, 
sometimes to his caprice; neglect in the curing; using bad 

- fires; wood, and that green, instead of charcoal; some- 
times straw or broom for bad teas; and to the seasons, 
which should not be too wet or too dry, too cold or too 
hot. The Chinese also sell at Canton all sorts of old teas 
for new, after they have prepared them for that purpose, 
either by tatching or firmg, and mixing them with new 

Clean singlo tea is called Pi-cha, or skin tea. A custony 
formerly prevailed to put 15 or 18 catties of very bad singlo 
tea into the middle of a chest, which was covered oun alt 
sides by good tea; and this was done by the means of four 
pieces of board nailed to each other, making four sides, or 
a well for the chest, whereon good tea was spread, and also 
within two inches of the top, was drawn out. The good 
tea was called pi-cha, or the skin er covering to the bad, 


Account of the Tea Tree. 263 

which the Chinese called the belly.. This method of pack- 
ing singlo tea has long since been discontinued. 

‘The bohea country is about twenty-five easy days journey 
from Canton. The singlo about forty. The hyson much 
the same. 

Bohea usually comes to Canton at the 

_cost of - - - 9 to 11 tales the pecul. 
Singlo and second hyson -' 14to18 
Hyson - - - 30 to 38 

Congo, peko, and souchong, very various. ; 

To these prices must be added the charges of warehouse- 
soom, packing, the duties on exportation, and the seller’s 
profit, in a country where money is often 2 per cent. per 
mionth, and seldom less than 20 per cent. per annum. 

Bohea, Voo-yee, the name of the country. 

Congo, or Cong-foo, great or much care or trouble in_ 
the making or gathering the leaves. 

Peko, Pé-how, white first leaf. 

Souchong, Sé-ow-chong, small good thing. 

Le-oo-ching, the name of a place, 

Ho-ping, ditto. ; 

Ho-nan, ditto, 

Ankoy, ditto. 

Song-lo, ditto. 

Hyson, He-Tchune, name of the first crop of this tea. 

Bing-min, name of the man who first made this tea. 

Estimate of the quantity of tea made in China in a year, 
taken 1-17 56. 

Singlo - - 50,000 peculs, 

Hyson - - 4,000 

Lock-ann, small baskets 20,000 not exported, Bohea sort, 
Mo-i-shan = - 2,000 not exported. 

Bing-tea - - 2,000 

Phow-ge tea - 2,000 lumps, Bohea sort, 

Bohea, including Congo, 
Peko, and Souchong 120,000 to 130,000 
Ankoy, Bohea, and Green 

sorts - - 50,000 
Openg - - 15,000 
Ing-aan - - 400 Bohea sort, 
Cow-low, made either in 
Bohea or Singlo - 2,000 
Loot-sien - 9,000 true sort, 

R4 Loot-sien, 

264 Account of the Hindu Method 

Loot-sien, true sort, is what really grows in the Loot- 
sien country. Some tea is planted near Loot-sien that 
passes for that tea, and that is the case in all the countries. 

Besides the teas before enumerated, many other teas are 
planted, as in the Honan country, &c. the quantities they 
produce cannot be easily ascertained; but upon the whole, 
it is reckoned, that in ten parts, not above three are ex- 

In one hundred Chinese, it is reckoned forty only can 
afford to drink tea; the others drink water only. Many, 
when they have boiled their rice, put water into the tatche 
in which the rice was boiled, to which some grains always 
adhere; the water loosens them, and is browned by the 
rice: that water they drink instead of tea, 

The tea sent into Tartary is mostly green, perhaps in the 
proportion of seven to two. . 

Old bohea is reckoned good by the Chinese; in a fever 

- they use it to cause perspiration, and put into it a black or 
coarse sugar, with a little ginger. 

Old hyson, one or two cups made strong, removes ob- 
structions in the stomach, caused by over-eating or indi- 
gestion. It is to be used if a weight is felt some hours after 
eating, and it will remoye it. 


XLIX. An Account of the Hindu Method of cultivating 
the Sugar Cane, and manufacturing the Sugar and Jagary 
in the Rajahmundry District ; interspersed with such Re- 
marks as tend to point out the great Benefit that might be 

*, expected from increasing this Branch of Agriculture, and 

improving the Quality of the Sugar; also the Process ob- 

served by the Natives of the Ganjam District. By Dr. 


No pursuit is more pleasing to the benevolent mind than 
such ag tendg to add a new source of happiness to men. 
Amongst the natives of India, the transitions from one 
stage of improvement to another are so exceedingly slow, 
as scarcely to deserve the name, except it be the few who 
have benefited by the example of Europeans: they naturally 
possess a strong disinclination at departing from the beaten 
path established from time immemorial: however, when 
they see a certain prospect of gain, with little additional 

* From the Asiatic Annual Register for 1802. 



of cultivating the Sugar Cane. 265 

trouble, they have frequently been known to adopt our 

_ practices. We ourselves ought more generally to keep in 

ipa’ ao : 
view, and to instil into their minds, this maxim, that every 

new proposition, merely on account of its novelty, must 
not be rejected, otherwise our knowledge would no longer 
be progressive, and every kind of improvement must cease. 

At a period like the present, when the importation of 
East India sugar has become so much an object of import- 
ance to Great Britain, in consequence of the present state of 
some of the best of the West India sugar islands, every in- 
quiry that may tend to open new sources from whence that 
wholesome commodity can be procured at the cheapest rate, 
is of national importance. 

I believe there are few districts in the company’s exten- 
sive possessions where there will not be found large tracts 
of land fit for the culture of sugar cane; but I know, from 
experience, the introduction of a new branch of agriculture 
amongst the natives to be attended with infinite trouble; 
therefore where we find a province or district in which the 
culture of the cane and making of sugar have been in prac- 
tice from time immemorial, there we may expect, without 

_ much exertion, to be able to increase the culture, and im- 

prove, if necessary, the quality. 

In the northern provinces, as well as in Bengal, Cadapahy 
&c. large quantities of sugar and jagary are made; it is 
only in the Rajahmundry and Ganjaim districts of these 
northern provinces where the cane is cultivated for making 
sugars. J will confine my observations to the first, where 
I have resided between ten and eleven years. 

This branch of agriculture, in the above-mentioned sircar, 
is chiefly carried on in the Peddapore and Pettapore, along 
the banks of the Elyseram river, which, though small, has 
a constant flow of water in it the whole year round, suffi- 
ciently large, not only to water the sugar plantations during 
the drycst seasons, but also a great variety of other produc- 
tions, such as paddy, ginger, turmerick, yams, chillies, &e. 
This stream of water, during the dryest season, renders the 
Jands adjoining to this river of more value, I presume, than 
almost any other in India, and particularly fit tor the growth 
of sugar cane, 

By the bye, permit me to observe, that of all the parts of 
India that I have seen, this seems the best suited tor the 

_eulture of the mulberry and rearing silk-worms, as well on 
4 . * « P ~~ ~ 
account of the cheapness of labour, and the general abun- 

dance of provisions for the natives, as for the soil, climate, 
and situation. 


266 Account of the Hindu Method 

But to return to the culture of sugar: in these two ze- 
mindaries from 350 to 700 vissums, or from 700 to 1400 
acres of land (the vissum being two acres) is annually em- 
ployed for the rearing sugar cane, more or less, according 
to the demand for the sugar; for they could and would 
with pleasure, if they were certain of a market, grow and 
manufacture more than ten times the usual quantity; for 
it is very profitable, and there is abundance of very proper 
land: all they want is a certain market for their sugar. 

Besides the above-mentioned, a third more may be made 
on the Delta of the Godavary. 

From the same spot they do not attempt to rear a second 
crop oftener than every third or fourth year; the cane im- 
poverishes it so much, that it must rest, or be employed 
during the two or three intermediate years for the growth 
of such plants as are found to improve the soil, of which 
the Indian farmer is a perfect judge: they find the legumi- 
- nous tribe the best for that purpose. ) : 

The method of cultivating the cane and manufacturing 
the sugar by the natives hereabouts is, like all other works, 
exceedingly simple; the whole apparatus, a few pairs of 
buffaloes or bullocks excepted, does not amount to more 
than a few (15 or 20) pagodas ; as many thousand pounds 
.4s generally, I believe, necessary to set out the West India 
planter. — : 

The soil that suits the cane best in this climate, is a rich 
vegetable earth, which, on exposure to the air, readily 
crumbles down into a very fine mould: it is also necessary 
for it to be of such a level as allows of its being watered 
from the river by simply damming it up, (which almost the 
whole of the land adjoining to this river admits of,) and yet 
so high as to be easily drained during heavy rains. Such 
a soil, and_in such a situation, having been well melio+ 
rated by various crops of leguminous plants, or fallowing, 
for two or three years, is slightly manured, or has had for 
some time cattle pent in it: a favourite manure for the 
cane with the Hindu farmer, is the rotten straw of green 
and black pessaloo (phaseolus nungo max). During the 
months of Apri] and May, it is repeatedly ploughed with 
the common Hindu plough, which soon brings this loose— 
rich soil into very excellent order. About the end of May 
and beginning of June the rains generally set in, in frequent 
-heavy showers: now is the time to plant the cane: but 
should the rains hold back, the prepared ficld is watered, 
flooded from the river, and while perfectly wet, like soft 
miud, whether from rain or the river, the cane is planted. 



of cultivating the Sugar Cane. 267 

The method is most simple :—Labourers, with baskets of 
the cuttings, of one or two joints each, arrange themselves 
along one side of the field; they walk side by side, in as 
straight a line as their eye and Aba See enable them,. 
dropping the sets at the distance of about eighteen inches 
asunder in the rows, and about four feet row from row: 
other Jabourers follow, and with the foot press the set about 
two inches into the soft mud-like soil, which, with a sweep 
or two with the sole of the foot, they most easily and readily 
cover: nothing more isdone. If the weather is moderately 
showery, till the young shoots are some two or three inches 
high, the earth is then loosened, for a few inches round 
them, with a small weeding iron, something like a carpen- 
ter’s chisel: should the season prove dry, the field is occa-. 
sionally watered from the river, continuing to weed, and to 
keep the ground loose round the stools. In August, two 
or three months from the time of planting, small trenches 
are cut through the field at short distances, and so contrived 
as to serve to drain off the water, should the season prove 
too wet for the canes; which is often the case, and would 
render their juices weak and unprofitable : the farmer there- 
fore never fails to have his field plentifully and judiciously 
intersected with drains, while the cane is small, and before 
the usual time for the violent rains. Should the season 
prove too dry, these trenches serve to conduct the water 
from the river the more readily through the field, and also. 
to drain off what does not soak into the earth in the course 
of a few hours ; for they say, if water is permitted to remain 
in the field for a greater Jength of time, the cane would suffer 

by it, so that they reckon these drains indispensably neces- 

sary; and upon their being well contrived depend, in a 
great measure, their future hopes of profit. Immediately 
after the field is trenched, the canes are all propped: this is 
an operation I do not remember to have seen mentioned 
by any writer on this subject, and is probably peculiar to 
these parts. It is done as follows: 

The canes are now about three feet high, and generally 
from three to six from each set that has taken root, and 
form what we may call the stool; the lower leaves of each 
eane are first carefully wrapped up round it, so as to cover 
it completely in every part; a small strong bamboo (or two), 
eight or ten feet long, is then stuck into the earth, in the 
middle of each stool, and the canes thereof tied to it; this 
secures them in an erect position, and gives the air free ac~ 
cess round every part. As the canes advance in size, they 
continue wrapping them round with the lower leaves, as 


268 | Account of the Hindu Méthod 

they begin to wither, and to tie them to the prop bamboos 
higher up, during which time, if the weather is wet, they 
keep the drains open ; and if a drought prevails they water 
them occasionally from the river, cleaning and loosening 
the ground every five or six weeks. Tying the leaves so 
carefully round every part of the canes, they say, prevents 
them from cracking or splitting by the heat of the sun, 
helps to render the juice richer, and prevents their branch- 
ing out round the sides: it is certain you never see a branchy 
cane here. 

In January and February the canes are ready to cut, 
which is about nine months from the time of planting ; of 
course, I need not describe it. Their height, when stand- 
ing in the field, will now be from eight to ten feet (foliage 
included), and the naked cane from an inch to an inch and 
a quarter in diameter. 

A mill or two, or even more, according to the extent of 
the field, is erected, when wanted, in the open air, gene- 
rally under the shade of large miangoe trees, of which there 
are great abundance hereabout: the mill is small, exceed- 
ingly simple, aud at the same time efficacious. The juice, 
as fast as expressed, Js received in common earthen pots, 
strained, and put into boilers, which are, in general, of an 
oval form, composed of ill-made thick plates of country 
iron riveted together. 

These boilers hold from 80 to 100 gallons ; in each they 
put from 24 to 30 gallons of: the strained juice; the boiler 
is placed over a draft-furnace, which makes the fire burn 
with great violence, being supplied with a strong draft of 
air through a large subterranean passage, which also serves 
for an ash-hole. At first the fire is moderate, but as the 
scum is taken off, a point they are not very nice about in 
these parts, as they Jook up to quantity more than quality, 
the fire is by degrees increased, so as to make the liquor 
boil very smartly: nothing whatever is added to help the 
scum to rise, or the sugar to gain, except when the planter 
wants a small quantity for his own or a friend’s use: in 
this case they add about 10 or 12 pints of sweet milk to 
every 24 or 30-gallons, or boiler of juice, which no doubt 
improves the quality of the sugar; the scum, with this ad- 
dition, comes up more abundantly, and is more carefully 

The liquor is never here removed into a second boiler, 
but is in the same boiled down to a proper consistence, 
which they guess at by the eye and by the touch; the fire 
js then withdrawn, and in the same vessel suffered a eh 

a little 

of cultivating the Sugar Cane. 269 

a little: when it becomes pretty thick they stir it about 
_with stirring-sticks for some time, till it begins to take the 
form of sugar; it is then taken out and put on mats made 
of the leaves of the palmira tree (borassus flabelliformis), 
where the stirring is continued till it is cold: it is then put 
up in pots, baskets, &c, tilla merchant appears to buy it. 

The Hindu name of this sugar is pansadarry; its colour 
is often fairer than most of the raw sugars made in our 
West India islands, but it is of a clammy, unctuous nature, 
absorbing much moisture during wet weather, sometimes 
sufficient to melt a great deal of it, if not carefully stowed 
in some very dry place where smoke has access to It. 

Many of the planters prefer that sort of sugar which they 
eall bellum, and Europeans jagary, because it keeps well 
during the wet weather if kept from the wet. It generally 
bears a lower price; yet they say this disadvantage is often 
overbalanced by their being able to keep it, with only a 
trifling wastage, till a market offers, particularly when the 
planter has not an immediate market for his sugar; besides, 
canes of inferior quality answer for jagary when unfit for 

The process observed for making jagary differs from the 
above described, in having a quantity of quicklime thrown 
into the boiler with the cane juice; about a spoonful and a 
half to every six or seven callie of juice, or nine or ten 
spoonfuls in the boiler. Here they do not remove the 
scum, but let it mix with the liquor, and, when of a proper 
consistence, about four or five ounces of Gingeley oil (oil 
of the seeds of sesamum orientale,) are added to each boiler 
of liquor, now ready to be removed from the fire, and ver 
well mixed with it: it is then poured into shallow pits dug 
in the ground ; they are generally about three feet long, one 
and a half broad, and three inches deep, with a mat laid 
at the bottom, which is slightly strewed with quicklime ; 
in a short time the iiquor incorporates into a firm solid 
mass; these large cakes they wrap up in dry leaves, and 
put by for sale. 

Their jagary is of a darker colour than their sugar, and 
contains more impurities, owing to the careless manner in 
which they prepare it, by allowing all the scum to reunite 
with the liquor. 

The half vissum, or one acre of sugar cane, in a tolerable 
season, yields about ten candy of the above-mentioned 
Sugar, or rather more if made into jagary: each candy 
weighs about 5001b., and is worth on the:spot, trom 16 to 

24 rupees, according to the demand. . In the West Indies, 


270 Account of the Hindu Method 

the acre (so far as my information goes, and it is chiefly 
from Mr. Beckford’s History of Jamaica,) yields from 14 
to 20 cwt. of their raw sugar, worth on the island about 
201, currency: here the produce is more than double, but, 
on account of its inferior quality, and the low price it bears 
on the spot, the produce does not yield a great deal more 
money than in the West Indies: however, as here labour 
is incomparably cheaper, the Indian planter must make 
much larger profits. 

The situation of all the sugar lands hereabout is exactly 
alike, being the middle of an extensive plain, adjoining to 

the aforementioned river; the soil in all is also much alike, 
so that the produce is nearly equal in all, when no unfa- 
vourable circumstances happen: this is further proved by 
the quantity of sugar a measure of juice will yield: here it 
is almost always, except ina very rainy season, or in laid 
down or wormy canes, about one-sixth part; that is, every 
six pounds, or three quarts of juice, yield one pound of 
sugar. In Jamaica, Mr. Beckford says, that, on an ave- 
rage, 1800 gallons of juice may be reckoned to yield an 
hogshead of sugar, weight 16 cwt., which is, within a trifle, 
one of suyar from eight of juice: this proves our juice to be 
one-fourth part richer than theirs. From the above calcu- 
Jations it is evident that our lands hereabout are better 
adapted for this species of culture than the Jands in Jamaica : 
for here they not only yield a larger crop of canes, but the 
juice thereof is also richer ; and were our planters here to 
bring the molasses, &c. inte account, employed in‘ the 
West Indies for the distillation of rum, their profits would 
be still greater; for at present such refuse they give to their 
cattle, or let their labourers carry away, or use as they 
think proper; and, by being so employed, I have no doubt 
but it 1s productive of more real good than if converted into 
ardent spirits: let it continue to be so employed, is my sin- 
cere wish; for the longer they are ignorant how to convert 
whats at present wholesome into a poison, the better it is 
for them; they have already too many ways of furnishing 
themselves with spirits, particularly near the residence of 

Here the canes, while growing, seem also subject to 
fewer accidents than in the West Indies. I will mention 
them briefly. 

ist. A very wet season Is the worst; it injures the canes 
greatly, rendering them of a’reddish colour, yielding a poot 
unprofitable juice: here they reckon the small heavy pale 
yellow canes the best. 

2d. Storms, 


of cultivating the Sugar Cane. $7i 

- 2d. Storms, unless they are very violent, do no great 
harm, because the canes are propped; however, if they are 
once laid down, which sometimes happens, they become 
branchy and thin, yielding a poor watery juice. 

3d. The worm is another evil, which generally visits them 

every few years. A beetle deposits its eggs in the young 

cane; the caterpillars of these remain in the cane, living on 
its medullary parts, till they are ready to be metamorphosed 
into the chrysalis state. Sometimes this evil is so great as 

to injure a sixth or an eighth part of the field: but, what 

is worse, the disease is commonly general when it happens, 
few fields escaping. 

4th. The flowering is the last accident they reckon upon, 
although it scarcely deserves the name; for it rarely hap- 
pens, and never but to a very small proportion of some very 
few fields: those canes that flower have very little juice 
left, and it is by no means so sweet as that of the rest. 

Say the average quantity of land employed for the growth 
of sugar canes in these parts, the zemindaries of Peddapore 
aud Pettapore, independent of what is made on or about 
the islands formed by the mouths of the Godavary, is 550 
vissums, equal to 110 acres, and to produce at tie rate of 
10 candy, or about 44 cwt., equal to 24 hogsheads per 
acre: the whole produce in hogsheads will annually be 
27,500 of 18 cwt. each, which is fully one-fourth part of 
sugar produced in the island of Jamaica; and I know well, 
that the quantity might, with advantage to government, FE 
was going to say,—but that must be left to be determined 
hereatter,—I will therefore say, with advantage to the ze- 
mindar, farmer, and labourer, be increased to any extent. 
All the security the planter wants, is a strict adherence to 
the agreement he makes with the zemindar for the land, 
and a certain market for his sugar, at even the lowest price 
stated. { observe that the farmer would require to have the 
agreement he makes for the rent of the land strictly adhered 
to, because the zemindar raises his demand if the crop is- 

ood; so that he will often, in a favourable season, make 
armers of all denominations pay probably a fourth more 
than the original agreement. Such injustice they are 
obliged to put up with, as custom has rendered it common, 
and they have no idea of applying for redress ; yet it na 
doubt damps the spirit of dustry, and prevents the soil 
from any further improvement than the bountiful hand of 
Nature has bestowed on it, which, in these parts, is great 

The planters in these parts very rarely také a second, or 


272 Account of the Hindu Method 

what they call carsy crop, from the same field; they say he 
is either a very poor or a very Jazy farmer that does, be- 
cause those canes yield Jess juice, and of an inferior quality, 
than plant canes: however, poverty obliges some to do so. 
This carsy crop is cut and manufactured in November, 
which is a busy season in the paddy fields, &c. as this. is 
the time for reaping the coarse or early paddy and natcheny, 
and for sowing various sorts of smallgrain, consequently 
attending to the sugar works at that time of the year is in- 
convenient : besides, the rains are frequent during this 
month, which is another very great drawback attending 
this crop. The grand sugar crop fortunately happens during 
that time of the year (February, March, and April) when 
there is scarce any other sort of work in the field : conse- 
quently both humanity and policy plead in favour of an ex- 
tended scaie to this, or such other branches of agriculture 
as employ the labourers at a season when there is little or 
nothing else to do. : 

{ could never learn that any one had ever depended on a 
third crop from the same field; for they say, if the second 
is so much inferior to the first, a third must be still worse ; 
here bands are, or rather were, so numerous, and labour 
so cheap, that they find it much more profitable to plant 
every year. 

In the Ganjam district, about Aska and Barampore, the 
natives make most excellent sugar and sugar-candy, but in 
small quantities. The sugar is in loaves, of a large grain, 
and often as perfectly white as what is called in England 
single refined sugar, and the sugar-candy is superior to any 
thing of the kind I ever saw. 

Mr. Alex. Anderson, surgeon of the Madras establish- 

“ment, when with the committee of circuit up there, was 
so obliging as to send me avery particular account of the 
method they follow in manufacturing their sugar and sugar- 
candy, of which the following is a copy : 

Extract of a Letter from Alexander Anderson, Esq. Sur- 
geon of the Madras Establishment. 

Method of preparing the Sugar in the Ganjam District. 

«© After the cane is ready, it is cut in pieces of a foot or 
eighteen inches long, and on the same day it is cut, these 
pieces are put into a wooden mill, which is turned round by 
bullocks; on one side of the mill is a small hole sufficient 
to let the juice pass through, which is received in an 
earthen pot placed for the purpose. The juice is then 


of cultivating the Sugar Cane. 273 

strained into other pots, containing about 24 quarts, and 
to each pot of juice is added about three ounces of quick- 
lime. It is then boiled for a considerable time, till, on 
taking out a little, and rubbing it between the fingers, it 
has a waxy feel, when it is taken off the fire, and put into 
smaller pots with mouths six inches in diameter. The mass 

_may now be kept in this state for six or eight months or 

miore, and it is necessary at any rate to do so for a month 
or six weeks. Wen the process is intended to be conti- 
nued, a small hole ismade in the bottom, through which . 
the syrup drains off. It is then taken out of these pots and 
put into shallow bamboo baskets, that any remaining syrup 
may exude ; after which it is put in a cloth, and the syrup 
is squeezed through the cloth, adding a little water to it 
occasionally, that it may be more perfectly removed ; the 
sugar is then dissolved in water, and boiled a second time 
in wide-mouthed pots, containing only three seers, with 
not too fierce a fire, adding from time to time a little milk 
‘and water, and stirring it frequently; which is used by these 
people to clarify it, instead of eggs, which their religion 
forbids them to touch. The scum is removed as itis thrown 
up, and when it resumes the waxy feel on rubbing a little 
of it between the fingers, the process is finished, and the 
sugar put into small ‘wide-mouthed pots to cool and cry- 
stallize ; after which a small hole is bored for the purpose 
of draining off any little quantity of syrup that may still 
exude. The outside of the pots are now covered with cow- 
dung, and, for the purpose of making the sugar white, or 
manoring any syrup or blackish appearance, the creeping 
vine, called in the Hindu panicha-dub, and in Telingas 
necty-nas, growing in tanks and marshy places. It is put 
on the top of the sugar in the pots, and renewed every day. 
for five or six days: should the sugar, on taking it out of 
the pots, be blackish, .or less pure towards the bottom of 
the loaf, being set upon this plant and renewed daily, will 
effectually remove that appearance. If it is wrapped ina 
wet cloth, and renewed twice a day, the sugar will also be- 
come white; it must be then thoroughly dried, and kept 
for use. 

«* To make sugar-candy,: the sugar must be again dis- 
solved in water, and boiled in the same manner as before, 
adding milk to it, insmall quantities ; the proportion three 
seer of sugar and half a seer of milk, with water to dissolve 

the sugar. It is then put into other wide-mouthed pots, 

with but three seer in each pot, putting thin slices of 
- Vol, 21. No. 83. April 1805. S$ bamboo, 

274 Hindu Method of cultivating the Sugar Cané. 

bamboo, or some dried date leaves, which prevents the 
sugar, as it candies, from running into large lumps. 

“© Here we see a very superior sugar, and sugar-candy 
of the first quality, manufactured in a simple but tedious 
‘manner, and at a most trifling expense ; 3 a few earthen pots 
are the only vessels or boilers they require: but it is not to 
be imagined that such would succeed if the work was ear- 
ried on to any great extent. The iron boilers employed 
hereabout might be laid aside for those of copper, or of cast 
iron, from Europe, or not, as they like themselves, for it 
seems of no great consequence: but by having a greater 
number of them to- pass through and be well clarified in, 
would render unnecessary the second process mentioned by 
Dr. Anderson, which, on account of its tediousness, must 
become very inconvenient ; consequently, all that seems, to 
be wanted to render the sugars made thereabouts fit for any 
market, isa boiler, or two or three more in each set, with 
wooden coolers, instead of losing time to let it cool in the’ 
boiler, as is the practice here at’ present, the addition of 
some quicklime, and probably alum, to the cane juice, and 
the subsequent claying of it in conical pots, as is done in 
the West Indies; for which process the natives of the 
Ganjam district substitute moist conserya for covering the 
sugar in the pots with, and wrapping the loaves, when 
not sufficiently white, in wet cloths, to extract the 

‘* The rate of freight from India to England being so very 
high, renders it the more necessary to make the sugars for. 
that market of a good quality, w hich can be done here at 
infinite Jess expense than in the West India islands, where 
pan | is so exceedingly high. 

‘ If the sugar cane can be cultivated with so much ease, 
ea to such perfection, in this climate (which is consider- 
ably hotter than the West Indies), by simply burying the set 
about two inches in the level ploughed field, by which prac- 
tice the superficial or horizontal roots nrust ‘be near the sur- 
face, of course subject to great heats; I say, if this practice 
succeeds so well here, it may be presumed it would succeed 
equally well, if not better, in the West Indies, where the 
heats are never so great, of course the superficial roots of the 
cane less subject to be scorched. 

°° The present practice of digging large square holes to. 
put the sets in, is, I am told, exceedingly laborious, and 
does not stand the planter in less than lol. per acre, which is 
nearly double the whole expense of cultivating, from a to 

. ast, 

Particulars of the Sinking, 8c. of William-Pit. 975 

last, an acre of canes, and manufacturing the sugar, in this 
district. Should the British legislature deem it proper to 
emancipate the slaves on those islands, the planter there 
may then be obliged to cultivate and plant his lands in the 
manner practised here, or as potatoes are planted with the 
plough in the fields in England ; and there is scarce a doubt 
but that they would in either way succeed fully as well as 
by planting in holes. 

_ * Should political motives prevent the importation of 
East India sugars into England, it is even then of infinite 
importance to the Company’s territories to have the qualities 
of their sugars improved, so as to render unnecessary the 
importation of those of China and Batavia, large sums 
being annually thrown into those places for this commodity ; 
while we, at the same time, possess every advantage for 
making this necessary article of the best quality, to the full 
in as high a degree as either the Chinese or Dutch : besides 
our OWN wants, we have every reason to imagine, that we 
might soon be able to supply the Malabar coast, Persia, 
and Arabia, with Sugars ; whereas, at present, they are 
chiefly supplied from China and Batavia.” 

L. A brief Statement of some Particulars relative to the 
Sinking, €8c. of William-Pit, near the Sea-shore, at 
Bransty, Whitehaven, the Property of Lord Viscount 
LowrHerR. — \ 

Ox Saturday the 23d of March, they got the main band 
seam of coal, about 11 feet thick (on the same day, coals 
were shipped at the North Wall) of very excellent quality, 
and at about 92 fathoms from the surface to ihe bottom of 
it. The coal lies immediately. under an excellent reef of 
very hard white post, or freestone ; containing little water. - 
A considerable quantity of hydrogen gas (gencrally termed 
inflammable air) issues from it: but, from an excellent 
ventilation of atmospheric air, from the surface, improved 
by the rarefaction of a large fire or lamp, the inflammable 
matter is happily carricd off. 
In sinking through different posts of this freestone, 
several very strong seeds of such gas vented through the 
‘joints of the stone, which, when lighted by a candle, burnt 
yery violently, and exploded to a arge flame of fire; and 
would have continued so, if suffered. In pricking one of 
these seeds, the noise resembled that of 4 great waterfall ; 
? 2 and 

276 Particulars of the Sinking, Bec. of William-Pit. 

and the strength of the inflammable air made the water fly 
up the pit for several yards. 

This pit commands a most extensive field of coal, in 
three different workable seams (see following thicknesses). 
and when opened out, even by a consumption, from this 

it alone, of a thousand waggons per week (a quantity that 
1s capable of being far exceeded), will last for a great 
number of years; almost incalculable; a circumstance of 
the greatest consequence to the possessor and the public in 

The diameter of the pit is 15 feet; hollow, and formed 
into three divisions ; two for drawing coals at the same in- 
stant of time, and one for pumping water. 

The regular sinking of this pit was only begun in May 
last; and, in 46 weeks, it has been sunk 92 fathoms, 
although eight weeks of that time were occupied in walling 
the pit sides with freestone and other casual things ; so that 
only 38 weeks were employed regularly in sinking for the 
above distance; besides passing through from 20 to 30 
fathoms of white post, and other metals almost equally hard. 

The same sinkers, 20 in number (except one or two), 
have begun and ended the undertaking. The regularity, 
sobriety, and good order, that have throughout prevailed 
amongst them (so highly creditable to themselves) are un- 
precedented in this quarter; for every man has uniformly 
been ready for his work, at the time appointed, viz. to be 
6 hours on, in 24; divided into 4 sets. 

In addition to liberal prices having been paid them for 
their labour, as a further incitement to industry, four dif- 
ferent premiums, of 161. 20]. 241. and 40]. were promised 
them, for sinking given distances in given time; the three 
last of which they have fully acquired, and received; and, 
as a proof of their having used their best endeavours, Lord 
Lowther has generously promised to pay the first also, 
when the pit is down ; particularly as that fell short under 
unfavourable circumstances; unusually hard metals, and 
very heavy water intervening. 

Before a stop crib and tight length could be got to collect 
it, and keep it from the bottom, the water was equal to 60 
gallons a minute; all of which was drawn to the surface 
by tubs, and filled with pails by the sinkers. Yet, not- 
withstanding the rapidity of the motion, from the first to 
the last, scarcely the most trivial accident has been sustain- 
ed by any of the people employed, The pit is clothed 
with wood from the top to the bottom, and is, in every 
part, as complete as it is possible to be made. 

A very 

Academy of Sciences at Berlin. 1 O77 

A very extensive pumping engine is preparing for’ the 
lowest seams, connecting with the other extensive col- 
lieries, being the lowest level of all the collieries belonging 
to Lord Lowther ; also machines for drawing the coals. 

William-Pit is situtated about seven or eight hundred 
yards from the ships, and a waggon-road is preparing, 
which in several places is raising above the old surtace 12 
or 14 feet, in order to keep on the level line of the North 
Wall, or shipping place. When completed, one horse 
will convey two or three waggons at the same time; and, 
in addition to the convenience, will form a very handsome 

Tn putting down this pit, the sinkers have filled into 
tubs, which have been drawn to the furnace by two gin- 
wheels‘and horses, 

555803 tubs of metal at 40 gallons each, 

121,432 tubs of water at 60 ditto ditto, 
exclusive of such water as hath been drawn from the tight 
tub, by engines and other means. 

Depth of the most workable Seams. 
At about 72 fathoms, the Bannock-band Seam 7 8 thick. 
92 do. Main-band Seam . . . . 110 
Purposed to be continued down to 137 do. Low 
st Maat a al that ais MAG ah Sah hae Me a ABT 
The vessel which took in the first coals from William- 
Pit is called the Lady Mount Stewart, Hugh Fergusson 
master, belonging to Bangor, in Belfast Lough, Ireland. 
The weather was very fine; numbers of people were 
assembled upon and near the North Wall; and this first 

shipment of coals, from William-Pit, was announced by 
a discharge of cannon. 

LI. Proceedings of Learned Societies. 

«ve following papers were read in this Society in the 
course of the half-year, beginning-in July and ending De- 
cember, 1804. 

July 5th, Examination of some essential points in regard 
to aqueous solutions, together with observations on the 
same subject. By protessor Bernoulli. 

12th, Heieniches in regard to the principle of the beauti- 
ful, and its application to music. By the director Casullon. 

igth, Gencral considerations on the gharacter of the 
$3 English 

O78) oy Academy of Sciences at Berlin. 

English and the French Jiterature during the reign of Louis 
XIV. By professor Ancillon junior. 

26th, On the atmosphere, and its influence on the organism 
and diseases of the human body. By Hufeland. 

Aug. 2d, Account of some late astronomical discoveries 
and inenvatiGiies with intelligence from his own astrono- 
mical correspondence, and observations made at the obser- 
vatory ny 1803. By professor Bode. 

gth, A public sitting. Discourse on the occasion by the 
director Merian. Ad Borussiam de regis die natali. Ode 
by professor Spalding. On the real and apparent course of 
the two new planets Ceres and Pallas, and their connection 
with each other, illustrated by drawings and a model, by 
professor Bode. Historical memoir on the town and castle 
of Copenick, by Erman. On the induence of the atmo- 
sphere and local situation on the life, health, and physical 
character of the inhabitants. By Huteland. 

Sept. 13th, Reflections on determinism and its two ex- 
tremes. By Ancillon. 

20th, Memoir on the Roman highways in the Alps, to 
serve as a supplement to the Essay of a History of the Alps, 
in three volumes, 1790 and 1791. By the abbé Denina. 

27th, On an improved corstruction of the percussion 
machine. By professor Fischer. 

Oct. 4th, On the resistance of the air, first memoir. By 
professor Burja. 

J1th, On the influence of the physical part of man on the 
intellect, and of the latter on the former. By Klein. 

1sth, Examination of the question, Are there triphthongs 
in the French | lanouage ? By Bastide. 

25th, Short account of a curious experiment lately made 
in France to enflame a sponge by compression of the air. 
By professor Fischer. 

“Nov. Ist, Observations on philosophical unbelief, second 
part. By Nicolai. 

13th, Observations on some points of the Grecian chro- 
nology. By Trembley. 

ged, First, Chemical examination of topases; 2d, Ex- 
amination of some fossil elephant’s teeth by fluorie acid. 
By Klaproth. 

29th, On some points which occur in trigonometrical 
measurement. By Tralles. — 

Dec. 6th, On philosophical unbelief, third part. By 
Nicolai. / 

13th, On the temple of Solomon. By Hirt. 

20th, On the effects of galyanism. By Hufeland. 


Muriate of Soda. 279 


This society has charged two of its members, Messrs. 
Carteau and Stacio, to undertake a mineralogical tour to the 
Carpathian mountains. Another member of the same 
society has already explored the eastern part of these moun- 
tains, in order to collect observations in mineralogy, ge- 
ology, and oryctognosy. He is now engaged in a like 
tour through the mountains of Interior Austria, from which 
he will proceed to Upper Italy and the Swiss Alps. On _ 
his return he will go on a similar tour to the Caucasian 


The medal founded by M. de Lalande for the best work 
on astronomy, was adjudged by the Institute, in the sitting 
of the 15th, to M. Harding, who discovered a new planet 
at Lilienthal, near Bremen, on the 5th of Sept. last. This 
able astronomer has been invited to Gottingen to take the 
direction of the observatory become celebrated by the ob- 
servations of Tobias Mayer. 


LIT. Intelligence and Miscellaneous Articles. 


ga philosophical readers will agree with us in opinion, 
that the following interesting communication promises to 
lead to most important consequences : 

To Mr. Tilloch. 
R\STR: Cambridge, April 23, 1805. 

“ T take this opportunity of laying before the public, 
through the medium of your Magazine, if you think it 
worthy a place in that work, the following experiment: 

© T took about a pint of distilled water, and decomposed 
one half of it by means of galvanism ; the other half I 
evaporated, and [ found to remain at the bottom of the glass 
a small quantity of salt, which upon examination proved 
to be muriate of soda, or common salt.—What induced me 
to try the experiment was this: I knew that when water 
was decomposed by means of galvanism, the water near one 
of the wires had alkaline, while that near the other had 
acid properties, This being the case, I inferred, that if an 
alkali and an acid were really produced, I should by decom- 
posing a large quantity of water obtain a small quantity of 

$4 some 

280 Voyages and Travels. 

some kind of neutral salt—as was actually the case on trying 
the experiment. The salt could not have been contained 
in the water before I made the experiment, because I used 
every precaution to have it free from impurities. I even 
took the trouble to repeat the experiment, though a tedious 
one, and I again obtained the same result. 

«* Should you think the above worthy of being laid be- 
fore the public, J shall send you some more experiments 
which I am now trying on galvanism, together with some 
remarks on this; and which, I hope, will throw some 
light upon the subject. In the mean time I remain 

*‘ Yours, &c. &c. 
6° 'W. PEEL.” 

«* P.S. A friend of mine just informs me that he has 
tried my experiment, and has succeeded in procuring the 
salt *,” 


Thomas Jefferson, Esq. President of the United States 
of America, writes to M. Faujas-Saint-Fond as follows : 

*¢ A journey undertaken for the purpose of making dis- 
coveries in this country, will probably procure us some new 
information in regard to the megalonix and other animals, 
either lost or now existing. The immediate object of it is 
to explore the river Missouri as far as its source; then to 
visit the nearest river situated to the west, and to descend 
thence to the Pacific Ocean; to give at the same time an 
exact geography of that interesting channel of communica~- 
tion across our continent. The labours and dangers of this 
journey ; the strength of body and mind it requires ; the 
knowledge of the manners of the savages, and the address 
to manage them, which are necessary, exclude from this 
enterprise men who have not applied to the sciences, and 
whose habits are not suited to a kind of life so active and 

* We shall be glad to receive from Mr. Peel the communications 
which he has encouraged us to hope fur. His interesting experiments 
may, perhaps, lead to some knowledge of the composition of soda, and 
the base of muriatic acid, discoveries which could nor fail to prove 
highly useful. We would suggest to Mr. Peel. that he may perhaps 
add to the interest of his investigation if he woud take the trouble also 
to compose from its elements, hydrogen and oxygen, the water to be 
made use of in one of his experiments. In this case, from the difficulty 
of hitting exactly the due proportion of the two gases, it is probable the 
water so obtained would prove acidulous (we have never seen’ it other- 
wise in this experiment): if so, it might be advisable to neutralise, 
with great care, the free acid, employing, for this purpose some other 
alkali than soda, or some simple earth; after which the water should be 
distilled from the neutral salt. —Eprr, 


Voyages and Travels. 281 

perilous. Captain Lewis, to whom I have intrusted it, 
possesses all the knowledge in anatomy requiste to fulfil 
that part; and though he is not absolutely a regular bo- 
ianist, zoologist or mineralogist, he has observed so exactly 
the natural productions of this country, that he will not 
lose his time in noting down things’ with which we are 
already acquainted. He will attend to those only which 
are new in that part of the world. In particular, he will 
give us an account of its animals. ‘This expedition, con- 
sisting of about twelve persons, will probably return about 
the end of 1805. 

“ T hope to be able next summer to send other travellers 
towards the principal branches of the Missisipi and the 
Missouri, the Red River to Arcansa, Padoruas, and the 
river Missisipi itself. The objects of these expeditions will 
be the same as those of that intrusted to Captain Lewis. 
They will require the same space of time, that is to say, 
two years. Several of these rivers extend 1000 or 1200 
miles inland, reckoning from their sources, and into regions 
which have never been visited by white men. It would 
give me great pleasure if these travels should procure us 
materials tor enlarging the boundaries of our knowledge, 
and give to our elder brethren in science a tribute of 
our gratitude for the information they have communicated 
to us. 

Dr. Goldfuss, of Erlangen, will set out in the course of 
the present spring, on his travels in Africa; the expenses 
of which will be defrayed by the King of Prussia. He will 
remain a year at the Cape, and in the two following years 
will endeavour to penetrate as far as possibfe into the 
country, both on the eastern and western coast. 

The Russian ships now on a voyage of discovery, of which 
some account has already been given in the Philosophical 
Magazine, have sailed from Kamtckatka in order to pro- 
ceed to Japan. 

An embassy is about to be sent by the Russian govern- 
ment to China. The choice of the persons who are to com- 
pose it is completed. Among those who are to accompany 
Count Golofkin in this mission are Schubert, the astrono- 
mer ; General Suchtelen, as historiographer ; and Ruttoftsky, 
as botanist and landscape painter. Mr. Schubert’s son, an 
‘officer of engineers, forms also a part of the ambassador’s 
suite. Great advantages, both in a commercial and _scien- 
tific point of view, are expected from this embassy. 


282 Antiquities—Botany, Geology, &c. 


Last year some workmen, by command of the Neapoli- 
tan government, and particularly at the desire of the secre- 
tary “Seratti, began to clear away the rubbish around the 
antient temple of Pastum. In the course of this year the 
digging will be completed, and a description of all the re- 
mains of antiquity which have been discovered will be pub- 
lished. The well-known antique vase of Parian marble, 
the raised work of which represents Bacchus in his infantine 
state delivered by Mercury to a nymph to be educated, one, 
of the most beautiful pieces of this kind, the work of 
Salpion the Athenian, which formerly served as a baptismal 
font in the cathedral of Gaetta, has been conveyed to the 
king’s museum at Naples. 

M. Petrini, who set on foot some researches at his own 
expense in the neighbourhood of Ostia, has found a sitting 
figure of the Tyber, which the Papal government has pur- 
chased from him for 7000 sequins. 


The collection of plants and library of the late professor 
Wahl, of Copenhagen, will, in consequence of a resolu- 
tion of his Danish Majesty, be given to the botanical gar- 
den. The most important manuscripts he has left behind 
him aré a Systema Vegetalilium, in which all the plants 
known to him are described in systematic order, with 
their distrnguishing characters; the third part of his work 
Ecloge Americane, ready for the press, and of which the 
plates are engraven ; his lecturess on zoology ; the botanical 
terms of art and different branches of botany ; also several 
drawings and scattered observations on the Danish and 
Norvegian zoology. 

According to letters from M. Humboldt at Paris, to a 
friend at Berlin, he is at present employed in the following 
four works: A physical description of the equinoctial 
regions ; a Flora of ‘the same; the astronomical observa- 
tions and measurements made during his travels between 
the tropics; and conjointly with Gay- Lussac, some treatises 
on endiometry and the constitution of the atmosphere. 
The last, it is probable, will appear in French, the rest 
in German. He will soon undertake a tour to Italy with 
Gay-Lussac, and afterwards another to the most northern 
point of Norway. 


Formation of Water by Compression, &c. 283 


In the late sitting of the National Institute, M. Biot 
read a paper on the formation of water by compression 
alone. It is known that water is composed of two kinds 
of gas, oxygen and hydrogen, which may be combined to- 
_ gether by means of the electric spark. M. Biot has suc- 
ceeded in making this combination, independent of elec- 
tricity, and in rapidly compressing a mixture of the two 
kinds of gas, inclosed in an air-pump. The compression, 
by bringing the particles of gas into intimate union, makes 
them throw out a quantity of heat sufficient to set them en 
fire. Some precautions must be taken im repeating this 
experiment, as it cannot be tried without danger. Out of 
three experiments which M. Biot made, there were two in 
which the tube of brass, which forms the pump, and the 
pump itse'f, which was of iron, were burst by the foree of 
the explosion. 


‘Giobert, in a letter to M. van Mons, says, “I am at 
present employed on valvanic electricity. .I do not admit 
the decomposition of water by the fluid of the pile. For, if 
it be pretended that the fluid transmits hydrogen from the 
ene tube to the other, why not admit also that it transmits 
oxygen? And in this case, the gases come from the pile, and 
are not formed at the extremity of the wire where they are 
disengaged. In this case, the decomposition of waier is 
effected in the pile, by means of the zinc ;_ and this cireum- 
stance may be classed among the chemical phenomena best 
known. It can be easily ascertained that the gases may cir- 
culate along the wires of communication of the pile, by 
impregnating the interposed pieces with pure ammonia, 
and immersing the wires, and particularly thatot the nega- 
tive pole, in a solution of alum, which will be immediately 
precipitated by the ammonia, which will be conducted by 
the wire. In some experiments, 1 caused even indigo to 
circulate, by impregnating the pasteboard disks with a so- 
lution of that substance in sulphuric acid. 

_ I found that the fluid of the pile burns atmospheric air, 
giving birth to the nitric acid. It burns also a mixture of 
iydrogen gas and oxygen. I believe that it decomposes 
carbonic acid. In some experiments, I saw that gas en- 
tirely disappear. The gas detonates, but [ cannot yet de- 
termine whether it be in consequence of the gascous oxide 
of carbon which is formed, 


284 - Valeanoes,~ Ether by Fluoric Acid. 


Among the many curious facts which the celebrated 
Humboldt collected in the course of his travels, one of the 
most surprising is that which he lately communicated to 
the National Institute. Several of the volcanoes in the 
Andes throw up, from time to time, a muddy substance 
mixed with large quantities of fresh water; and what de- 
serves to be particularly remarked is, an astonishing number 
of fish. The volcano of Imbaburn, near the town of Ibarra, 
threw up ence such a quantity that the putrid effluvia pro- 
ceeding from them produced diseases. This phenomenon, 
however, is not singular. The most remarkable circum- 
stance is, that the fish are not injured. Their bodies appear 
to be very soft, but do not seem to have been exposed to a 

reat heat. The Indians assert that fish still alive are found 
at the bottom of the mountain. These animals are ejected 
sometimes from the crater of the volcano and sometimes 
from lateral apertures ; but they always come from the height 
of from twelve to thirteen hundred toises above the level of» 
the plains. Humbolit is of opinion that these fish are bred 
in Jakes in the interior of the crater. As fish of the same 
kind are found in the rivers and streams which flow at the 
bottom of the mountain, this circumstance Is a strong con- 
firmation of this opinion. They are the only animals in 
the kingdom of Quito which live at the height of 1400 
toises. This species are entirely new to naturalists. Hum- 
boldt has assigned to them a place in the system, and calls 
them Pimelodus Cyclopum ; that is, thrown up by the Cy- 
clops, a denomination which refers to their origin. The 
will be found in the first number of his Zoological Obser- 
vations, which will soon appear. 


M. Gehler, in a letter to M. van Mons, says, “Since my 
Jast on the formation of ether by fluoric acid, I have made 
an experiment which gave me very singular results. I 
subjected to distillation in a proper apparatus, 15 ounces of 
fluoric spar brought to a red heat, and pulverised with a 
mixture of 10 ounces of pure alcohol, and as much sul- 
phuric acid, of 1°S60. [ distillel the whole to dryness. I 
obtained a large quantity of gas, which by the smell might 
have been taken for phospborated hydrogen gas, and which , 
burned with a blue flame, emitting some vapours of fluoric 
acid. The distilled liquid was rectified, making only the 
half to. pass over, and mixed with an equal volume of 


Astronomy .—Ayapana. 285 

water. It did not become hot, remained perfectly clear, 

and floated on the water, without decreasing sensibly in 

quantity. It was consequently ether. As this liquid had 
a very acid odour and taste, I added to it a diluted solution 
of caustic soda, till the acid was saturated ; in consequence 
of which, the ether, by the large quantity of silex which 
was separated, formed itself into a consistent jelly. It is 
singular, that the water did notdecompose this combination, 
while it separated so easily the silex of the fluoric acid*, 

The jelly was put into a retort, and distilled to dryness. 
The distilled fluid had a smell approaching near to that of 
sulphuric ether, and weighed 0°720; but its taste was bit- 
ter, and very much analogous to that of bitter almonds, 
though much weaker. I shall repeat this experiment, with 
the necessary precautions, to remove all suspicion that the 
sulphuric acid may have had an influence on the formation 
of the ether; and I confess that this suspicion, in my ex- 
periment, is not without foundation, considering the small 
space, in regard to its great weight, occupied by the fluated 
lime in the mixture of alcohol and sulphuric acid. 


March 24, 1805. 

There appeared, a few days ago, on the sun, a large spot 
with two nuclei, which [ observed nine degrees to the north 
of the solar equator. It differs little from the spots which 

- enabled me to determine the time of the sun’s rotation, in 

the Memoirs of the Academy for 1776; and it seems to me 
to confirm the discovery [ then made, by proving that there 
are in the sun points where large spots are formed, rather 
thaninothers. They are perhaps mountains, which attract 
and retain the scoriz of that immense furnacet. The — 
parallel, which is at nine degrees south from the solar 
equator, is the most fertile in large spots. These spots, 
with two nuclei, which have appeared at different periods, 
seem to me to destroy the system of volcanoes proposed by 
Dr. Herschel: there cannot be two voleanoes so near sub- 
Sisting without mixture, and always separated by a line of 
light. DELALANDE. 

Bory de St. Vincent, in his Voyage aux principales Iles 

des Mers d’ Afrique, relates that the captain of a Danish 

* The substance separated by water from the fluate.of silex is a ter- 
tulous fate of that earth, and the remaining liquid is fluate strongly 

-acidulous.— Note of M. van Mons. 

+ Till we read this, we believed that all modern philosophers had given 
Up the idea of the sup being a mass of fire! Epi. 


286 On the Reflection of Cold. 

ship, in the year 1798, first brought this plant from Brazil 
to the Isle of France, as a panacea. It was immediately 
used against all kinds of diseases, and he extols its wonder- 
ful effects, that it removes consumption of the lungs, and 
that it was employed in the Isle of France as the surest 
means against the bite of serpents; yet it is known that no 
serpents are to be found in either of the Mascarhenas. 
«¢ All errors,”’ says Bory, ‘ continue only for atime. This 
quackery also has ceased; the ayapana is as little a panacea 
as the German ‘ Forget me not.’ Bory himself took the 
infusion of thirty leaves, for a catarrh, without the least 
effect. People in the Isle de France remember the ayapana 
only to laugh at the follies related of this plant, and the 
charlatan who introduced it is forgotten.’”> 3 

In your Jast number, page 174, I used too strong a 
word, when I said that the Academy del Cimento had 
successfully repeated Baptista Porta’s experiment on the 

reflection of cold. The fact is, that, not having had the . 

Essays of that body at hand, I quoted from memory. But, 
as I have since met with the book, perhaps the best way 
of correcting the mistake, will be to subjoin their own 
brief account of the experiment. 

<¢ We were willing, say they, to try if a concave glass 
set before a mass of 500lb. of ice made any sensible reper- 
cussion of cold, upon a very nice thermometer of 400 
degrees, placed in its focus. The truth is, it immediately 
began to subside; but, by reason of the nearness of the 
ice, *twas doubtful whether the direct or reflected rays of 
cold were more efficacious. Upon this account, we thought 
of covering the glass, and (whatever be the cause) the 
spirit of wine did indeed ‘presently begin to rise. For all 
this, we dare not be positive, but there might be some 
other cause thereof, besides the want of reflection from the 
glass ; since we were deficient in making all the trials ne- 
cessary to clear the experiment.’”’—See the 9th ‘ Experi- 
ment of Natural Freezing,” at page 103, of the Essays of 
Natural Experiments, made in the Academy del Cimento, 
published in 1667, and translated by Richard Waller, F.R.S. 
London 1684. Yours, &c. *D. 


T. A. Knight, Esq. of Herefordshire, has, in a treatise 
on the culture of the apple and pear, introduced the follow- 
ing anecdote concerning this curious animal :—‘ I have 


Malleable Platina.—Lectures. 287 

frequently placed a spider on a small upright stick, whose 
base was surrounded by water, to observe its most singular 
mode of escape. After having discovered that the ordinary 
means of retreat are cut off, it ascends the point of the 
stick, and, standing nearly on its head, ejects its web, which 
the wind readily carries to some contiguous object. Along 
this the sagacious insect effects his escape, not, however, 
till it has previously ascertained, by several exertions of its 
whole strength, that its web is properly attached at the 
opposite end. I do not know that this instance of the 
sagacity of the spider has been noticed by any entomological 
writer ; and I insert it here, in consequence of having seen 
in some periodical publication, a very erroneous account of 
the origin of the spider’s threads which are observed to pass 
from one tree or bush to another in dewy mornings.” 


Our chemicai readers will be gratified to be informed that 
this valuable and useful article can now be procured at a 
price that will put it im their power to employ it in utensils 
for various delicate purposes. The following articles, made 
of pure platina, may be had of Mr. Carey, mathematica! 
instrument maker, No. 182, in the Strand. 

Crucibles of varions sizes, with or without covers, at 
17s. 6d. per ounce, with a small addition for workman- 
ship.—Evaporators, about 5 inches diameter, weighing be- 
tween 3 and 4 ounces, at the same price.—Wire of various 
sizes, and lamiated platina, at 16s.—Bars of malleable 
platina unmanufactured at 15s. per ounce. Other articles 
may be made in a short time, according to order, by fur- 
nishing Mr. Carey with a drawing or correct description. 


On Monday, June 3d, a Course of Lectures on Physic 
and Chemistry will recommence at the Laboratory in Whit- 
comb-street, Leicester-square, at the usual morning hours, 
viz. the Materia Medica and Therapeuticks, at a quarter 
before eight; the Practice of Physic, at half after eight ; 
and the Chemisiry, at a quarter after nine; by George 
Pearson, M.D. F.R.S. Sentor Physician to St. George’s 
Hospital, of the College of Physicians, &c. &c. 

Note.—The Practice of Vaccination will be taught at the 
Institution in Broad-street, Golden-square, and an ac- 
count will be given of the practice on the patients in St. 
George’s Hospital, as usual, every Saturday morning, at 
nine o’clock. 

Proposals may be had at St. George’s Hospital, and at 
52, Leicester-square. 

28s Meteorology. 
By Mr. Carey, ofr THE STRAND, 
For April 1805. 

| Thermometer. aa) : 
wus : Qs 5 
th we 3 = 
Days of the se c Saas Height of | ‘% ay 2 . 
: 2s | 5 |e the Barom.| $ 2.5 Weather. 
Moath [5 & © "or z6 
2s 7 |7ote| Inches. | Sm bo 
4 Lan S 
~ vw 
= QD 2 

33°| 29-92 | 16° |Cloudy 

30°11 gr |Fair 
“05 20 =|Cloudy 
29°90 24 |Showery 
°85 20 «Fair 
“78 33 |Fair 
"98 51 |Fair 
-98 52 |Fair 
"42 o {Rain 
“Az 7 |Stormy g 
“73. g {Rain 
30°21 31 |Fair 
34, | 97 \Pawrs? ? 
33 41 {Fair y 
Wee 34 {Fair 
29°93 51 |Fair 5 
77 65 |Fair 
"62 55 -\Fair 
"44 44 {Fair 
"49 37 |Showery 
“50 30 |Cloudy 
*80 26 |Showery 
"05 42 |Fair 
30°05 52 |Fair 
“19 50 |Fair 
“18 65 |Fair 

06 39 {Fair * 
29°99 29 {Fair 

“47 51 |Cloudy 

*34 20 \Hail showers 

WN. B. The barometer’s height is taken at noon. 


‘i 989 ] 

LIII. Essay on the Phenomena of the Electrophorus ; with 
an Attempt to reconcile them with the Principles of the 
Franklinian Theory. By SamuEL Woops, Esq. Read 

. before the Askesian Society in the Session 1803-4. 

In the paper which during the last sessions I submitted 

to the society *, I endeavoured to offer a general view of the 

phznomena occasioned by the passage or accumulation of 
the electric fluid, arranging and comparing them with cer- 
tain propositions which appeared to me to combine and in- 
clude the leading principles of what is usually termed the 
Franklinian theory of negative and positive electricity. In 
this essay an examination into the appearances exhibited 
by the electrophorus was purposely omitted, both because 
the experiments recited by different observers were not 
erfectly consistent with each other, and involved the sub- 
ject in considerable obscurity, and because the singularity 

' of those appearances, in which all concurred, seemed to 

merit and demand a. separate investigation: the present 

attempt, therefore, to collect, arrange, and explain them, 
may be deemed a supplement to the former paper. 

The electrophorus is an instrument invented by an Italian 
philosopher, M. Volta, of Como, and consists of three 
parts ; of two plates and an electric substance. 

1st, The inferior plate ; which at first was made of glass, 
but is now usually of metal or wood, covered with tinfoil, 
of a circular form, and carefully freed from points or edges. 

ed, The electric substance; which may be constructed 
of glass, or varnish laid on the inferior plate, or sealing 
wax, or sulphur, or mixed substances yielding the negative 
electricity. Resinous electrics are best adapted for this pur- 
pose, because they are less rapidly affected by the humidity 
of the air, and retain their electricity much longer than glass. 

This substance most commonly is made to adhere to the 

surface of the plate; but it is much more convenient to 

have an independent cake, capable of entire separation. 


_ * See Philosophical Magazine, vol. xvii. p. 97. 4 

+ The composition is usually equal parts of resin, shell-lac, and sul- 
phur. M. Cavallo recommends the second sort of sealing-wax: others 
prefer a coating of sealing-wax dissolved in spirits of wine, or resin dis- 
solved in oil of turpentine. The one I use is a cake about half an inch 
in thickness and twelve in diameter, made principally of shell-lac, with 
a small portion of Venice turpentine to assist its fusion, which is effected 
in an earthen vessel over a slow fire or sand heat, and then poured into 
an iron hoop resting upon a perfectly flat surface. This has the advan 
tage of being very tough, and not easily broken. 

Vo}. 21. No. 84. May 1605. T' 3d, An- 

290 On the Phenomena of the Electrophorus. 

_ 3d, Another plate of a circular form; made either of 
brass or of wood, or even pasteboard covered with tinfoil: 
this should be nearly of the same size, but rather smaller 
than the inferior plate, and must be furnished with a glass 
insulating handle, which by means of a brass or wooden 
socket is screwed into its centre. 

For the sake of perspicuity it will be desirable to adopt 
some short and appropriate appellation to distinguish each 
of these parts from the others without eircumlocution, as 
they must frequently recur m the course of our inquiry ; 
and it will not perhaps be easy to improve the nomencla- 
ture of professor Robison in the Supplement to the Ency- 
clopedia Britannieaz  __ 

1. The inferior plate, which constitutes the bottom or 
support of the rest, and which in my apparatus is a flat 
brass plate, 12 inches in diameter, made to serew upon @ 
glass insulating stand, we shall denominate—the sole. 

2. The electric substance to be excited,—the cake. 

3. The superior plate, 40 inches in diameter, with a glass 
handle attached, for the purpose of imposing it upon and 
removing it fronr the cake,—the cover. 

To each of these plates asmall wire is made to screw in, 
adapted to suspend a pair of pith balls, by which means 
the state of both sole and cover may be ascertained at the 
same time, and in favourable circumstances very minute 
changes may be detected. 

The most obvious phenomena exhibited by this instru- 
ment are the followimg: 

The cake in contact with the sole must be excited by 
friction, either with new flannel or dry warm silk, pre- 
viously taking eare to make the surface of the cake as dry 
as possible: then, by means of its insulating handle, impose 
the cover; then offer a conductor to the cover, and aspark 
will pass between them; after which if the cover be elevated 
or removed, by the extremity of its glass handle, from the 
electric cake, it will yield a strong spark to any conducting 
body. If the cover be replaced, a communication afforded. 
with the ground, by touching it with the finger or other- 
wise,:and again separating it, a second spark may be ob- 
tained. And this process, with fresh excitation, may be re- 
peated for shours, if the apparatus be kept perfectly free 
from dust and moisture: and if these sparks be given to 
-the knob of a jar, it will become charged with positive elec- 

It is evident, however, that these indications are not suf- 
ficiently decisive to furnish an accurate knowledge of the 
— different 

be ob- 

IT shall now en- 

general view of all these changes, ar- 


g¢ wire 1o 


nt method 

oth may 

recourse must be 

h the parts respectively 

or to afford data upon which to build an account 

onale of its mode of operation 

ore delicate tests, and the most convenie 
3, upon a pro 


ges wh 
f pith ball 

Ir oO 

h a pa 

Qn the Phenomena of the Electrophorus. 
each plate, by which means the state of b 



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On the Phenomena of the Electrophorus: 


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On the Phenomena of the Electrophorius. 293 

’ These experiments are the result of my own observation, 
and, I flatter myself, may be depended upon: they have all 
been repeated more than once; and indeed a considerable 
degree of care is requisite in ascertaining the kind of elec- 
tricity indicated by the divergency of pith balls, as a stronger 
electricity in glass or wax will frequently attract a weaker 
of the same sort in these light bodies. I have found it most 
convenient to apply an excited stick of wax and glass alter- 
nately to the plate at some distance from the electrometer, 
and never to rest satisfied till beth of these tests concurred 
in their results. By the use of two similar electrometers I 
have had great advantage in perceiving the changes produced 
im each of the, metallic parts: and perhaps it may be in 
some measure owing to the employment of only one clec- 
trometer in experiments upon this instrument that so much 
uncertainty has prevailed, as [ do not recollect to have met 
with any account where the state of sole and cover were 
ascertained by the same means and at the same rime. 

I now proceed to offer a general view of the observations 
I have met with on this subject. 

The general result given by Adams (Essay on Electricity, 
p- 358,) is the following: 

‘¢ By examining with pith balls it appears, 

“1, That the cover acquires a weak positive electricity 
when imposed on excited cake. (See preceding experiment, 
No. 7.) 

«© 9, That when the cover is touched by the finger it 
loses al] its electricity. (See No. 17.) 

«© 3, When the cover is touched by the finger, and re- 
moved froma the cake, it becomes strongly positive. (See 
No. 8.) 

In order to account fer these appearances he offers the 
following considerations : 

<< The cake may be conceived to consist of several hori- 
zontal strata, so that the upper stratum, when excited, is 
insulated by tbe inferior strata. Now, insulated electrics 
produce the opposite electricity on bodies brought within 
the sphere of their action; i.e, insulated and excited glass 
produces negative, aad wax positive, electricity on other 
insulated bodies: therefore the surface of the electrophorus 
cake should produce positive electricity in the cover, eon~ 
formably to experience.” But as it is not very obvious how 
the electricity should become stronger by removal out of the 
sphere of action of the excited electric, he adds: *¢ electric 
bodies do not put the fluid in that degree af motion which 
is necessary to produce the td or exhibit the phenomena. 

P 3 of 

29% On the Phenomena of the Electrophorus. 

of attraction and repulsion, while they are in contact with 
conducting substances ; which ts the reason why the upper 
plate, i.e. the cover, exhibits no signs of electricity while 
3t remains in contact with the under one, though they be- 
come sensible the instant it is removed trom it.” 

If any one can understand or apply this confusion of 
ideas to elucidate the point in question, he must possess a 
Jarger portion of skill than I can pretend to claim. M. 
Cavallo observes, (Complete Treatise, vol. 11. p. 55.) that 
if the cake be accurately insulated, the cover acquires 86 
little electricity that it can only be detected by the electro- 
meter. ‘This, however, as the editor of the Encyclopedia 
Britannica observes, is manifestly untrue; and it is diffi- 
cult to imagine how so great a mistake should have oc- 
curred. oh 

Qther experiments mentioned by M. Cavallo accord 
with \No. 1, 4, and 5, in imposing the cover, the sole 
electrometer before diverging with negative electricity closes, 
but again becomes negative. Comparing this with No. 9, 
it will appear to be correct, but not to represent the whole 
truth. In the results of No. 12 and 13, I am also con- 
firmed by Cavallo. The theory of this author is comprised 
in a short compass, and, I believe, is not far wide from the 
truth: it does not, however, include the whole of the phe- 
nomena, and requires a more detailed application. He says, 
“* the action of these places depends upon a principle long 
ago discovered, viz. the power of an excited electric to 
induce a contrary electricity in a body brought within its 
sphere of action. The metal plate therefore, when set upon 
the excited electric, acquires a contrary electricity by giving 
its electric fluid to the hand or other conductor, which 
touches it when set upon a plate electrified positive, or ac- 
quiring an additional quantity from the hand when upon a 
plate clectrified negative.” _It is not, however, true, that a 
conductor in contact with an excited electric exhibits, while 
in contact, signs of the opposite electricity. The general 
appearances are thus recited and arranged in the Supplement 
to the Encyclopedia Britannica, article Electricity. 

** 1. If the sole has been insulated during the congela- 
tion of the electric (7. e. where the cake is melted into the 
sole and permanently annexed to it,) till all is cold and 
hard, the whole is found negatively electric, and the finger 
draws a spark from it, especially from the sole. If allowed 
to remain in this siteation its electricity grows gradually 
weaker, and at last disappears; but it may be again excited 
by friction, Ifthe cover be now imposed by its insulating 

; handle, 

On the Phenomena of the Electrophorus. 295 

handle, but without touching the cover, and again sepa- 
rated from the cake, no electricity whatever is observed in 
the cover.” 

Observation.—This last remark is not true, as will be 
seen by reference to experiments No, 9 and 10: it is true, 
indeed, that the electricity is seldom strong enough to yield 
2 spark. 

«© 9, But if the cover be touched while on the cake, a 
sharp pungent spark is obtained from it; and if at\the same 
time the sole be touched with the thumb, a very sensible 
shock is felt in the finger and thumb. (See No. 12 and 15.) 

<¢ 3. After this the electrophorus appears quite inactive, 
and is said to be dead, neither sole nor cover giving any 
sign of electricity.” (See No. 15.) 

This state of death or neutrality lasts, however, but a 
short time, especially in the cover, which soon occasions 
the pith balls to diverge negatively. 

«© 4. When the cover is raised to some distance from the 
cake (keeping it parallel therewith), if it be touched while 
in this situation a smart spark flies to some distance be- 
tween #t and the finger; more remarkably from the upper 
side, and still more from its edge; which will even throw 
off sparks into the air if it be not rounded off. As this di- 
minishes the desired effects, it is proper to have the edge so 
rounded. This. spark is not so sharp as the former, and 
resembles that from any electrified conductor.” (See 
No. 13.) 

Some importance seems attached to the preservation of 
a parallel direction in elevating the cover; but I have never 
found any diminution of effect by removing the cover late- 
rally, or in any other direction: I may remark, that the 
sensation occasioned by the passage of the spark is too in- 
distinct to enable the operator to judge satisfactorily of the 
quality or kind of electricity. 

«5. The electricity of the cover when thus raised is of 
the opposite kind to that of the cake, or positive. (See 
No. 13.) 

“« 6. The electricity of the cover while lying on the cake, 
is the same with that of the cake, or negative. (See No. 9, 
41, and 14.) 

“<7. The appearances recited under the propositions num- 
bered 2, 3, 4, may be repeated for a long time without any 
sensible diminution of their vivacity. The instrument has 
been known to retain its power undiminished even for 
months. This makes it a sort of magazine of electricity, 
and we can take off the electricity of the cake and of the 

oS (ne | cover 

206 On the Phenomena of the Electrophorus. 

cover as charges for separate jars; the cover when raised 
charging like - the prime conductor of an ordinary electrical 
machine, and when set on the cake charging it like the 
rubber. This caused the inventor, M. Volta, to give it 
the name of electropkorus. 

«8, If the sole be insulated before the cover is imposed, 
the spark obtained from the cover is not of that cutting kind 
that it was before; but the same shock will be felt if both 
cake and cover be touched together.” 

I understand this to imply, that when insulated the elec- 
tricity of the cover becomes positive, or, instead of receiv- 
ing a spark from the finger, yields one to it: if this be 
meant, it is contrary to fact. (See No. 9, in table of expe* 
riments.) If the sole be not insulated, the cover after im- 
posing becomes weakly positive, (see No! 7,) and the spark 
between the cover and finger is scarcely perceptible. 

«9, If the cover be raised to a considerable beight, the 
sole will be found electrical, and its electricity is that of 
the cake, and not the same as the cover. (See No. 10.) 

** 10. After touching both sole and cover, if the cover 
be raised and again set down without touching it while —_ 
the whole is again inactive. 

‘© 11. If both sole and cover be made inactive when in 
contact with the cake, they show opposite electricities when 

separated, the sole having the electricity of the cake. 
~ ‘e 19, If both sole and cover be made inactive when se- 
parate, they both show the opposite to the-electricity of the 
cake when joined.” 

I have sometimes observed each plate when thus situated 
assume the same electricity as the cake, but never both of 
them the opposite state. 

These are the material facts upon this subject stated in 
the Supplement to the Encyclopeedia Britannica, which is 
followed by an ingenious attempt to account for them in 
conformity to the principles of the Z/pinian theory. Some 
of the data appear to me to be assumed without sufficient 

proof: but as in my former paper, to which this is a supe — 

plement, I declined the consideration of that theory, and 
confined myself to what ts called the Franklinian hypothesis, 
I shall pursue the same course on the present occasion, 
especially us the theory above alluded to is involved ina 
great deal of mathematical and algebraical formule ; and I 
cannot pretend to have studied it with sufficient attention 
to do justice to the reasoning brought forward in its sup- 
port, or represent with perspicuity the paphitdtions which 

it offers, 
I shall 

pepe Sa Sal = a! 

On the Phenomena of the Electrophorus. 207 

- I shall close my account of the phenomena with the ex” 
periments of Mr. Morgan, which I have reserved for the 
last place, because it appears to me that in general his theory 
to explain them is the most intelligible of any. } 

«© Let the cover be placed upon the excited cake, con- 
necting the cover at the same time, by any conducting suh- 
stance, with the ground : let the connection with the ground 
be suddenly broken, and the cover raised by its glass handle. 

“1. A spark will strike to any conducting body brought 
near the cover. (See No. 13.) 

** 2. The cover will always be in the opposite state to the 
excited cake,”’ 2. e. while removed. (See No. 13.) 

In the msulated electrophorus a pith ball electrometer 
attached to the sole. 

«© 1. After the hand has been laid on the cover in con- 
tact with the sole, not the least signs of electricity are dis- 
coverable on the removal of the cover; 7. e. m the sole. 

«© 2, The same etfect is produced by connecting the sole 
and cover with an insulated discharging-rod. 

*¢ 3. The cover is then only charged when the commu- 
nication between itself and the sole is continued io the 
ground: the sole electrometer does not separate till the 
coyer is raised: remove the cover and the pith balls di- 
verge; replace the cover undischarged, they instantly close, 
but when the cover is discharged and then replaced, the di- 
vergence is continued.” 

This is not consistent with experiments No. 9, 10, 11. 

In attempting the explanation of these phsenomena it is 
necessary to keepin mind that the effects are of a compound 
nature, combining the double operation of an electric, both 
excited and charged: it will therefore be desirable to con- 
sider the appearances scparately of charged and excited elec- 
trics; and im the investigation of the first of these I avail 
myself of the observations of Mr. Milner,—in the second, 
of Mr. Morgan. 

«© 1, Leta plate of crown glass be placed between two 
circular plates of brass rounded at the edges, and let the 
whole be insulated; the lower plate on a glass stand, with 
a brass chain to connect it, when wanted, with the table: 
Jet another insulated stem be appended to the upper plate. 
In the last place, bend a piece of brass wire into such a 
shape that it may stand perpendicularly on the upper plate + 
and let the upper extremity of this wire be formed into a 
hook, that it may at any time be removed by a silk string 
without destroying the insulation of the plate.” 

Olservation,—It is obvious that this disposition of the 


398 On the Phenomena of the Electrophorus. 

apparatus is conformable to that of an electrophorus: the 
‘glass representing the electric cake, and the upper and 
ity rer plate the cover and sole, all in their natural state. 

‘* 9, The glass being thas furnished with a metallic coat- 
ing en each side,’and havi ing 2 proper communication with 
the ground, will admit of being charged ; and both coatings 

may be separated and examined apart without destroying 
the msulation of either. 

«© 3. The apparatus being thus disposed, communicate a 
strong charge to the glass by means of the bent wire; then 
remove the charging wire and the chain connected with the 
jower plate. On the approach of a finger to the upper coat- 
ing a smali spark will. pass, and the same will happen to 
the under coating. This effeet cannet be produced twice 
by two succeeding applications to the same coating; but 
in a favourable state of the atmosphere may be repeated 
some hundred times, by alternate applications to the two 
coatings, till the charge of the glass 1 is gradually exhausted. 

‘‘ 4, Let the glass be again fully charged; touch the 
upper coating with the finger, and then, by i its insulating 
stem, separate it from the upper and positive surface of the 
glass: this coating will then be found negative; 2. e. oppo- 
site to the side of the glass with which it was m contact. 
This effect, on repetition, gradually diminishes; but on 
touching the coatings alternately two or three times, the 
negative power of the coating when separated is greatly in- 
creased, so as to yield strong negative sparks. The same 
circumstances will happen to the under coating ; substituting, 
however, the positive for the negative effects. 

66 5. Each surface of the charged ¢ olass therefore, In cons 
sequence of a momentary imterr uption of the insulation, has 
the power of producing a contrary eicctricity in the coating 
in contact with it: more electrical matter must have passed 
away from the upper coating at the time of touching it than 
the same coating could receive from the upper surface of 
the glass, and therefore the upper coating, by losing some 
ef its natural quantity, becomes negative : : ‘more electri¢ 
matter must m the same manner have been added to the 
under coating, which becomes positive. The greatest de- 
gree of this influential power will be produced im either coat- 
ing by taking care at the same time to bring the opposite 
coating imto ‘a like state of influential electricity. 

“© 6. The glass being well charged, let a bent wire in the. 
form of a staple be brought into contact-with the upper 
and lower coating at the same time: by this a discharge 
will be effected, but the equilibriam will be only in part 

restored ; 


On the Phenomena of the Electrophorus. £99 

testored; for a considerable degree of attraction may be 
observed between the upper coating and the glass, which 
is frequently strong enough to lift a piece of plate glass 
weighing ten ounces. Neither coating will now show the 
least external sign of electricity when in contact with the 
glass; but on separation, carefully preserving the insula- 
tion, the upper coating is strongly negative, the under po- 
sitive. Let both coatings be restored to their natural state 
by contact with a conductor, and then replace the glass 
between them: if the upper coating be touched and sepa- 
rated it will give no spark, but on touching the coatings 
alternately several times it will give a weak spark; and this 
may be repeated several times by only touching the uppet 
coating. On a second application of the bent wire te 
both coatings, a second though much shighter discharge 
is perceptible, and the coatings are brought into the same 
electrical state as immediately after the first discharge. 
This may frequently be repeated, and a considerable 
number of strong negative sparks taken from the coating 
when separated from the positive surface of the glass. If 
the glass in replacing it between the coatings be reversed, 
the electrical powers of both coatings will be changed by 
the next application of the discharging-wire, and a succes- 
sion of strong positive sparks obtained from the negative 
‘surface of the glass. : 

<7. Hence jt may be inferred that the charged glass was 
not restored to its natural state by the completion of the 
circuit, but that it had acquired a degree of permanent elec* 

* g. The whole quantity of clectric matter added to the 

“glass in charging it, is evidently distinguishable into two 
parts: the first part, by far the most considerable, is readily 
communicated along the bent wire from one surface to the 
other; the second part appears more permanent, and re- 
mains still united with the glass. It appears, theretore, 
from the preceding experiments that professor Volta’s elec- 
trophorus is in reality a resinous plate charged with perma- 
nent electricity by friction.” 

I should observe, that the above account of Mr. Milner’s 
investigation is extracted from the Encyclopedia Britannica; 
but, though marked with inverted commas, is not precisely 
in the language of the ingenious author ; the whole, extend- 
ing to a very considerable length, has been condensed and 
abridged, but, I trust, without any misrepresentation of 
meaning. Let us now proceed to Mr. Morgan’s examina- 
tion of an excited substance, : 

“© Let 

300 On the Phenomena.of the Electrophorus. 

<¢ Let a cushion be prepared with a metallic covering 
at the back, and insulated by a glass stem; then excite the 
cylinder by means of this cushion, pursuant to the common 
method: no electrical signs will be discovered while the 
insulation is complete. Stop the motion of the cylinder, 
placing the finger in contact with the cushion ; then remove 
the cushion from the excited cylinder, and it will give a 
spark: return it to the cylinder, and on removal it will re- 
peatedly give a spark without any additional friction, at- 
tended by the same circumstances as have been described 
to take place in the electrophorus: now, by substituting a 
glass. plate for the cylinder, and supposing the cushion to 
coyer that plate, you form an electrophorus, without one 
circumstance of diversity from the common cylinder, 
Again, if after exciting the electrophorus you remove the 
cover and apply a number of metallic pomts connected with 
the ground to the excited surface, and afterwards replace 
the cover, no more sparks can be obtained without a fresh 
excitation. This is precisely similar to what is observed in 
working the cylinder; for as soon as the excited part passes 
the cushion, and is exposed to the action of a multitude of 
points, it is rendered incapable of producing electrical signs 
till it again comes into contact with the cushion.” 

It is obvious that the phenomena described, both with 
respect to charges and excited electrics, bear a striking si- 
milarity (as indeed might be expected) to those of the elec- 
trophorus. We will now endeavour to explain the process’ 
detailed in the tabke of phenomena. 

I agree with Mr. Morgan that the general principle to 
avhich these phenomena ought to be referred is an increase 
or diminution of attractive force between the particles of 
bodies and particles of the electric fluid; or, in other words, 
an alteration of the capacity of bodies for the electric fluid, 
in consequence either of excitation or contact with an ex- 
cited substance. Jf I were asked-for the cause of this 
change of capacity, I should freely confess my ignorance ; 
for I cannot easily suppose a chemical change to be pro- 
duced, or any new arrangement of the parts created, by the 
mere contact of bodies. It will be necessary to recollect, 
what I believe was satisfactorily shown in my former paper, 
that the divergence of pith balls can only be depended upon 
as indicating a disposition to receive or to part with a por- 
tion of the electric fluid, or perhaps more properly an in- 
ereased or diminished attraction for it, and ought not to 
be considered as any criterion of the absolute capacity of 

bodies. ‘3 

| On'the Pheenomena of the Electrophorus. 301 

~ When the cake jis excited by friction, a change in its 
capacity may be conceived to take place, and it acquires 
through its whole substance a stronger attraction for the 
electric fluid than it had before, and of course will become 
disposed to receive an additional quantity. The sole is 
placed on an msulated stand, which, when the cake is im- 
posed, participates in the disposition to receive; and the 
pith balt electrometer attached to it diverges with negative 
electricity. But it not only partakes of the character of the 
cake; the capacity of the sole thus in contact with the ex- 
cited substance is augmented; and it does not merely operate 
as a conductor to convey the fluid to the cake, but obtains 
for itself, from contiguous bodies floating in the atmosphere, 
more than in its separate state it is capable of holding. On 
the removal of the cake, therefore, carefully avoiding to de- 
stroy the insulation of the sole, the attractive force of the 
sole is diminished. It is left ina plus or positive state, is 
disposed to part with its superfluous quantity, and the balls 
diverge with positive electricity. 

While the excited cake remains imposed, and the sole 
electrometer indicates the negative electricity, a conductor 
is offered to the excited surface. The attraction of the cake 
becomes strongest on the upper side, because any supply is 
obtained with more facility by the opening of a communi- 
cation with the universal store diffused in the ground. The 
sole electrometer closes, therefore, on account of the dimi- 
nished activity of force on the under surface; and when the 
communication is complete, by the contact of the conduct- 
ing substance, the sole acquires the same state, i. e. posi- 
tive, and for the same reasons as when the cake is removed. 
On withdrawing the hand, or other conductor, the forme 
state is restored. 

When the sole is not insulated it is difficult, and fre- 
quently impracticable, to ascertain its state of electricity. 
The cover imposed by its insulating handle appears by its 
electrometer to be slightly positive; and the sole, by its at- 
traction for the pith balis attached to the cover, indicates a 
negative state. [am ata loss to explain this circumstance, 
tinless it be supposed that the foree of attraction is princi- 
pally exerted downwards in consequence of its uninterrupted 
communication with the ground: that the activity of the 
upper surface is soon neutralized by the imposition of the 
cover; aud that the cover is. brought into the state of the 
sole when insulated and the cover imposed, 7. e. diverges 
with positive electricity ; but in consequence of its increased 
eapacity, arising frem its contact with the excited electric, 

302 On the Phenomena of the Blecttophoruss 

it does not show the whole amount of its superfluous aequi- 
sition till removed, when the positive divergence greatly 

When the sole is insulated with the excited cake imposed, 
the electrometer diverges as im the former instance, with 
negative electricity. Now impose the cover, and the elec- 
trometer connected with it indicates the negative electricity 
strongly, because the attraction is most eager and powerful 
at the upper or excited surface: the sole electrometer gra- 
dually closes; sometimes, however, continuing negative for 
some time, and then opens with positive electricity. This 
is precisely the state described by Mr. Brook in the act 
of charging a iar, both sides indicating a similar electricity: 
the negative of the cover appears much stronger than the 
positive of the sole, and, by making a cotemporaneous com- 
munication between the cover and sole, a sensation is felt 
in the thumb and finger resembling a shock. I am not, 
however, satisfied that any actual charge takes place in these 
circumstances: a charged insulated jar cannot be deprived 
of its charge without offering a conductor to each side; but 
im this case the shock is prevented by touching either the 
sole or the cover separately when a spark passes; and, on 
completing the circuit, another spark, but no shock-like 
sensation: the ferce of attraction being directed to the upper 
surface, of course produces a disposition to receive the fluid, 
or the negative state: the attractive force being diminished 
at the sole releases a portion of the fluid which is disposed 
to escape, and produces the positive state. The sole and 
cover being thus differently disposed, one’ to receive and 
the other to part with, if at the same moment the thumb 
be presented to one side and the finger to the other, a double 
spark will pass, and must occasion the sensation of a shock. 
‘The cover remains imposed, and in a negative state: on its 
removal it changes aud becomes positive; for, having had 
its capacity enlarged by contact with the excited electric, 
it holds, when that contact is removed, a superabundant 
quantity: the attraction of the cake is redirected down- 
wards, and the sole electrometer again becomes negative. 
Replace the cover, preserving its insulation, and the states 
are again reversed upon the same principles. Let a con- 
ductor be now brought in contact with the cover; the sole 
electrometer continues positive, and a spark passes between | 
the cover and the conducting substance; and so greedy is 
the cover of the electric fluid, that the positive state is some- 
times super-induced slightly ; the cover, by its communi- 
cation with the, ground, has rapidly obtained all the fluid 

3 its 


On the Phenomena of the Electrophorus. 303 

its increased capacity will enable it to hold: on its removal 
it yields to the hand the superfluous quantity it had pre- 
viously obtained ; and thus the process may be repeated til! 
the surface of the electric becomes so much neutralized that 
its capacity is not increased by the contact. On the removal 
of the cover the sole electrometer becomes negative, and 
will receive a, spark: and if, after the process above de- 
scribed he so often repeated that the cover will not any 
longer give a spark on removal; if the sole and cover be 
touched together, the attraction to the upper surface is re- 
stored in nearly its former vigour, and the cover on removal 
again yields positive sparks to a conductor. 

Whenever the sole or cover is touched, the electrometer 
im either will of course become neutral, because the fluid is 
abstracted or supplied with the utmost facility, and its di- 
stinctive characters are lost in the general mass of circula- 

There are two objections to the foregoing theory which 
seem to require some solution, . 

1. When the cake, in consequence of excitation, acquires 
an increased attraction for the, electric fluid, why is it not 
sooner rendered inert by the sipply it may obtain by the 
contact of its surface with the particles floating in the at- 

2. The transitions from the negative to the positive states, 

and vice versd, are so rapid, that they can hardly be recon- 

ciled to the opportunities of supply or abstraction offered by 
a dry atmosphere. 

In the first case, a moist state of the weather, or a room 
abounding with dust, will, in fact, rapidly destroy the eflect 
of excitation: in a dry atmosphere it may be supposed that 
the uniform diffusion of the fluid is so much disturbed by 
friction that the interior particles are a long time before the 

librium is restored, in consequence of the very slow and 
difficult transmission of the fluid through the pores of elec- 
tric substances. 

In the, these transitions may be effected with- 
eut any material alteration in the absolute quantity of the 
fluid brought into action by a change of capacity or attrac- 
tive force only. 

I confide in the experienced candor and indulgence of 
the society to excuse the imperfections they wilh undoubt- 
édly detect; but, as my object is the attainment of truth, 
I shall be satisfied with the hope, that if my paper does not 
produce conviction it will excite inquiry. 

LIV. A Lrief 

[ 304 J 

LIV. A brief Account of the Mineral Productions of Shrop- 
shire. By Jospru Piymtsy, A.M. Archdeacon of Salop, 
and Honorary Member of the Board of Agriculture. 

[Continued from p. 208. ] 

Ds. Townson, in his Tracts, p. 166, has given the strata 
of two cther pits in this district, and has added to the col- 
liers’ names for the different measures his own definition of 
each. He observes, that “ annually about 260,000 tons of 
coal are raised in this district ;” a very Jarge proportion of 
which are consumed in the adjacent iron-works, I presume ; 
for I have understood, that in the Ketley iron-works they use 
at least six ton of coal out of every seven they raise. What I 
have called the collieries of the eastern district, comprehend 
pits on both sides the river Severn, The veins of coal in 
this district are equal in thickness, I believe, to most in 
this county, but very inferior to those of the Staffordshire 
works, from 15 to 20 miles east of these, where, I have 
been told, there is a bed of coal measuring 13 yards, or 
more. The next coal-works to be mentioned are those of 
the Clee Hill, from 20 to 30 miles south of those we have 
been describing *. Collieries, indeed, are now working at 
Billingsley, connecting them, in some measure, by their 
situation: and again, west of the eastern coal district, pits 
have been lately sunk with success. [Iam indebted to Dr. 
‘Fownson’s Tracts, before quoted, for the following lists of 
the strata in two of the Clee Hill collieries. 

Strata found in sinking the deep Pit in the Southern Part 

of the Hil. Yds. Fr. 
Earth and sandstone rock. - - - 1oe Ls 
Basalt, called here Jewstone - - - - 64: 14 
Sandstone rock, bind, clunch, and coal roof; dry 
clays - - - - - 23.10 
The great coal - - - - 2 0 
Coal bottom and ironstone roof: these aredryclays 1 1 
Tronstone measure, a dry clay = - = USpe ih Pig 
Three-quarter coal - - ~ - oO 14 
€lumper, hard dry clay - - - 2.0 
Smith’s coal - - - - i 124 
The smith coal bottom; dry clay down to the 
four feet coal rock ~ - 0. 2 
; Rog TW 

* A coal pit is now (1802) worked on the summit of the Brown Clee 
Hill, within the encampment, 

Mineral Productions of Shropshire. 305 

The strata in the water pit, which is about a quarter of a 

mile to the north-east of the preceding, are: Yds. Ft. 
Basalt, here called Jewstone - - ae cm 
Brown and white clunch, dry clay - - 6 0 
Red rock, a yellowish sandstone - - 9 0 
Bind and clunch, dry clays - - - 9 0 
Pinny ironstone measure, dry clay - - i 30 
Clunch, dry clay - - - - 3 0 
Brown rock, a yellowish sandstone - - 6 0 
Tuff (plastic clay) and sand ~ 5 1 0 
Black bind, a dry clay - - ee Fee 
Rock, very coarse sandstone - - - 5,..0 
Strong clay - “ = ‘ = 1 0 
Horse-flesh earth, a variegated red and white marl 6 0 
Gray rock, sandstone - - - - 6 0 
Bind, a dry clay - - - - 2 0 
Great coal rock, whitish sandstone - . 6 0 
Coal roof, dry clay > - - : 3.0 
The great coal - - - - 2 0) 
Coal bottom pounsin*, a dry clay . - Lt 
Tronstone roof and measure, a dry clay - ti gel 
Three-quarter coal, and bass - - - D2 
Clumper, a hard dry clay - - 4.9 St 
Smith coal, and clod in it - - - Tie 
Strong clunch, dry clay - - - 2 0 
Flan and bass, hard dry clay - - “ Oo 2 
Strong clunch, dry clay - . - 3.0 
Four-foot coal, and bass - - > A 
Strong brown clunch, dry clay - - EO 
Sunk into the four-foot coal rock - - 3 1 


In the first of these Clee Hill pits, then, we find the first 
strata of coal 98 yards below the surface ; that the thickest 
vein is 6 feet; and that the aggregate of coal in 107 yards 
1 foot, is 12 feet 6 inches. In the second pit they must 
sink 116 yards before coal is found, the vein of which is 
also 6 feet thick; and the other veins, which are not pure 
coal, measure in the aggregate 10 feet ; so that in 137 yards 
there are only 16 feet of coals, and of these only six that are 
unmixed. Of the collieries in the west and north-west ex- 
tremity of the county, the most considerable were those of 

* « Poundstone is probably meant by this word, as itis the earth or 
stone lying immediately under the coal, and which, when it-is a rock, 
gccasions the colliers to pound or break their tools.” —Mr. William Rey- 

Vol. 21. No. 84. May 1805. U Llwvn 

306 A brief Account of the 

Llwyn y Main and Trevor Claudd, which appear to be nearly 
exhausted ; but other collieries have been lately opened be- 
tween Oswestry and Chirk Bridge. The colliers describe these 
veins as diverging rays from an ideal centre, marked here by 
the part of the horizon where the sun appears from eight to 
ten o’clock in the morning. To this ideal centre the Rua- 
bon collieries dip from north-west to east on the north side 
the Dee. The Chirk collieries, from west to east on the 
south side the Dee, and between that river and the Ceiriog ; 
and again, the Pen y bryn collieries, lately begun to be 
worked, and the only work of the three in Shropshire, dips 
from west to east on the south side the Ceiriog. These 
veins range up against a ridge of lime rocks that run from 
north to south-west. Those near Ruabon, as well as those 
on the south side the Ceiriog, are a strong bituminous coal, 
with the baking quality of the Newcastle coal, yielding a 
strong heat, but no bad smell, except the top coal. The 
veins between the Dee and Ceiriog are a lighter coal, burn- 
ing more quickly, and the ashes are white. This difference 
is supposed, by the colliers, to arise from the less weight of 
water that is over these veins. Mr. Arthur Davies, of Os- 
westry, has favoured me with the following list of the strata 
in the engine-pit at Chirk Bank coal-work, and which is 

the deepest pit he has sunk. Yds. Ft. in. 
Gravel - = hae = a 194? QO €: 
Red clay = + 2 - 4 0 0 
Delph > - - - - 20 0 
Fine sandstone - “ - 8 0 O 
Tender coak - = - < Oo 1 6 
Clunch - ~ z - - 01 6 
Blue bind - + -. - 4 0 0 
Freestone rock - - = =" 5 Ouse @ 
Coal - 4 = = j Wipes Wan 8! 
Clunch and ironstone - - - Cah pod 2 
Blue bind, with ironstone - - -' 14 0 0 
Black shale - - - - 2 0 0 
Coal - - - - Zz. Dy 
Gray rock and clunch = - - 1 1-6 
Coal - =F = - 2 F O 
Clunch 5 ~ - - 100 
Dark gray rock - - ~ - 5 0 0 
Blue tind Pa Na ss ‘ ps 9 0 O 
Gray stone mixed with ironstone - - 3.¢@ 0 
Coal « - she - Quy PD 

102 “oS 



Mineral Productions of Shropshire. 307 

- We find then, in this pit, a vein of 7 feet thick, 1 foot 
thicker than any mentioned in the other Shropshire coal- 
works; and that in little more than 102 yards, 7 yards and 
3 inches of coal are met with. Having given these speci- 
mens of the strata in the collieries on the east, south, and 
north-west borders of the county, I shall conclude with 
those in one of the deepest pits at Welbatch, the works 
there being the most considerable of what may be called 
the central collieries of this county. 

Yds. Ft. In. 
Clay - sini - =~ 2) 0.0 
Blue clod - = - - 1000 
Brown rock - - - - BOO 
Red measures - - - - 9 0 0 
Gray rock ~ - - - 100 
Red measures - - - - 2 0 0 
Red clod - - - - 2 00 
Coal - - - - 0 Oo g 
Blue clunch - - + - 2 OD 
Dark brown rock - - - 200 
Gray rock - - - - 2 0 0 
Light blue clod - - - - 400 
Coal - - - - 0 K-90 
Blue clunch - - - - 200 
Gray rock - - - - I J) 06 
Blue clod - - - - 9 0 O 
Coal - _ - - 0 2 0 

52 ek 1S 

We see, then, that in near 53 yards there is only 1 yard 
9 inches of coal, and no vein thicker than 2 feet ; but pro- 
bably there are veins of more substance, whenever it shall 
be thought expedient to sink these pits deeper. 

This county is also well supplied with lime, and in ge- 
neral the limestone is at no great distance from coal. It 
differs in colour, and in the quantity of flour or powder that 
it yields when slacked. The lime-works at Lilleshal are 
very considerable. There is plenty of limestone near the 
Wrekin and Coalbrook Dale; and it extends from Benthall 
Edge, (on the opposite side the Severn to Coalbrook Dale,) 
near to Wenlock, called there Wenlock Edge; and so, 
south-west, pointing towards Ludlow, it forms a ridge of 
rock, somewhat perpendicular on the north-west side. It 
is worked in various parts, and yields a large quantity of 
white powder, though these properties degenerate as it ex- 

U2 tends 

308° A brief Account of the 

tends south, till it becomes too argillaceous to be very valuae 
ble. Lime is found also in the Clee hills; ina small de- 
gree in the south-west district; in many places south of 
Shrewsbury, but of a brown colour, and less pulverizing 
quality. West of Shrewsbury, it is gotten in considerable 
quantities in the parishes of Cardiston and Alberbury; and 
at Porth y wain and Llanymynach, on the west confines, is 
a hill of limestone of an excellent quality. At the east end 
of the Wrekin, and at some other lime-works, is a red lime 
that will set very hard in water. Mr. Smeaton discovered 
that lime, with a certain proportion of clay and iron, did: 
best under water. And the colour of the lime here spoken 
of indicates its having these component parts. Much of 
the limestone of this county is near the surface; but near 
Leebotwood, about nine miles south of Shrewsbury, it is 
covered by 20 yards of argillaceous strata *.”? ¢¢ Limestone 
is also found near Caughley, under 20 yards of argillaceous 
and sandstone strata. {t is a yard thick, but not worked ft.” 
Ironstone is found in the neighbourhood of Wellington, 
Coalbrook Dale, ard Broseley. In and near the Clee hills 
it is also met with; and Dr. Fownson has taken notice of 
a species of ironstone in the Llwyn y main colliery, near 
Oswestry, which he ascertained to be a mixture of spatous 
‘iron ore and the conmion argillaceous ironstone. He ob- 
serves, that the best iron and steel, viz. those of Styria, are 
made of spatous iron ore ; and therefore he judges that this 
may be found very valuable. Mr. William Reynolds in- 
forms me there is a very good stratum of spatous iron ore 
found at Billingsley, but that it is not worked. 

This county is also well supplied with building stone ; 
and its north district, which could be but little noticed for 
the subterraneous treasures we have been speaking of, stands 
pre-eminent for its quarry at Grinsell, seven miles north of 
Shrewsbury, where 1s a white sandstone, superior, perhaps, 
to any in the kingdom: the top rock lies in thin strata ; 
the bed is 20 yards thick. ‘There is plenty, also, of good 
rcd sandstone in the neighbourhood. The same may be 
said of the east side of the county; and near Bridgnorth 
beds of red sandstone are found under white sandstone ; 
and again, beds of white sandstone under the red. This 
appears a singular division and alteration of the cements. 
Iron particles give their colour to the red stoné; and-it is 
on this account, probably, that the weather has more in- 

* Dr. Townson’s Essays, p. 187. 
# Mr. Walltain Reynolds. 



Mineral Productions of Shropshire. 309 

fluence on it than on the white stone, the iron absorbing so 
much air as to lose its tenacious quality. 

Further south, sandstone prevails; and. Dr. Townson 
found at Orton Bank a stratum of the Bath and Portland 
stone between strata of common limestone. 

In the west district is a siliceous grit, hard to work, but 
very good to build with; but the gencral stone is argilla- 
ceous. That nearest the surface is but in part indurated, 
and becomes friable, under a slight pressure, when exposed: 
to the vicissitudes of weather. Very good stone slates, for 
covering roofs, are met with in the parish of Bettus, on the 
south-west confines of the county. And there is very good 
flag-stone in Corndon Hill, west of Bishop’s Castle. In 
Swinny Mountain, near Oswestry, is a superior white sand- 
stone, which works very well. Bowden quarry, in the 
hundred of Munslow, contains also very good white sand- 
stone ; and at Soudley, in the parish of Eaton, and fran- 
chises of Wenlock, is a very good stone-flag for floors. 
This brings us near some hills which have not hitherto been 
much mentioned, viz. the Lawley, and Caerdoc, or Caer 

South of the Lawley is a ridge of useful coarse grit, or 
sandstone, of a yellowish white. But the Lawley is in part 
formed of a kind of granite, probably what mincralogists 
call secondary granite ; but a greater part of the hill is com- 
posed of what forms the basis of what has been lately called 
toadstone, which, though wanting no explanation to a 
mineralogist, it may be well to give some popular idea to, 
by saying, it is entirely distinct from sandstone, limestone, 
or slate, and approaches the nearest, in outward appearance, 
to a basaltic rock, though probably very different iu reality. 
The stone of the Caerdoc is chert and granulated quartz ; 
and in some places the toadstone appears, which having, in 
part, lost its glands, becomes cellular, and which may have 

iven rise to the opinion of its being lava. The Ponsert 
ill partakes of the nature of the Caerdoc and Lawley. 
T am indebted to a conversation with Dr. Townson tor 
whatever is scientific in the account of these two hills ; and 
amore minute account of them, and of other hills in this 
county, will be found in his volume of Tracts, before quoted. 
Mr. William Reynolds informs me, that a part of the 
Caerdoc, towards the north-west end, contains the pista- 
chio green actinolite of Dr. Townson, unbedded in what 
he calls a gray whack, and which actinolite, on examina- 
tion, has been found to contain so much iron as to become 
strongly magnetic on exposure to heat, and the containing 

U 3 bed 

310 A brief Account of the 

bed forms a black glass. Mr. Aikin, in his Tour, p. 201, 
mentions the Longmount to be composed, so far as his 
observations extended, of a very shivery kind of schistus. 
It certainly presents that appearance on its east side, near 
the Strettons. But Dr. Townson says, the nature of the 
rock, in general, is ** compound sandstone, 7. e. a stone 
which, instead of being formed of grains of quartz, 1s 
formed of grains, or very minute fragments, of other kinds. 
of stone. These, here, seem to be of an argillaceous and 
jaspideous nature, mixed with a few grains of feldspar*.”” 
The Wrekin is chiefly composed, I believe, of a reddish 
chert. Mr. William Reynolds informs me, that prodigious 
masses of granulated quartz are imbedded in it, and much 
feldspar, and that a quantity of red mica is also found at 
the south-west end of the hill. The Stiper stones are a 
granulated quartz ; and they are perhaps the highest ground 
in Shropshire, except the hills near Oswestry, and those 
are a coarse grained sandstone. Near the Cardington hills 
Mr. William Reynolds found a quartz ¢ that he thought as 
good, or better, than the Carreg china of Caernarvonshire, 
which is exported for the use of the English potteries. He 
has since found a granulated quartz, in the Wrekin and 
Arcail hills, which seems likely to answer the same purpose 
for the pottery, and which has the convenience of being 
near established potteries, and a navigable river. With the 
same advantages, that near Cardington would be very valua- 
ble, as there is a steatitic clay there, which was Jong used 
in the Caughley china-works, at a considerable expense of 
land carriage. Pitchford, about seven miles south-east of 
Shrewsbury, is‘a red sandstone, approaching the surface in 
many places, and from which exudes a mineral pitch. The 
same substance is gathered from a well in the neighbour- 
hood, and in some quantity in warm weather; but in winter 
very little is seen floating on the water. From the rock is 
extracted an oil called Betton’s British oil. The experiment 
was first tried at Brosely (at a place still called the Pitch- 
yard), about fourscore years ago, or more, and an account 
of which was published in No. 228 of the Philosophical 
Transactions: from near that period the Pitchford rock has 
been gotten for that purpose, and sometimes 20 ton, or 
more, used in a year, for which the manufacturer paid 5s. 
per ton. It was carried from thence to Shrewsbury, where 
the oil was procured by distillation; but the process is kept - 

* Tracts, &c. p. 186. 
+ The fist species, second family of the-siliceous genus of Kirwan. 
secret ; 

Mineral Productions of Shropshire. 3il 

secret: a patent was obtained for the discovery by the late 

_Mr. Betton; but his right to a patent was disallowed, by 

the decision of a court of law, some time after. The oil 
was used only medicinally, and has probably many of the 
properties of what is called Friar’s balsam, and in quality and 
appearance has a near resemblance to oi) of amber, and is 
often sold as such. When the manufacture was carried on 
in its greatest extent, I have understood that a considerable 
quantity of the oil was exported, and principally to Ger- 
many. It is still to be bought in Shrewsbury, from the 
preparer. It is also from a rock of red sandstone that the 
fossil tar spring, near Coalbrook Dale, issues. Mr. Aikin 
relates in his book, before quoted, p. 194, that this ‘ spring 
was cut into by driving a level im search of coal; that the 
quantity that issued at first was to the amount of three or 
four barrels per day; but that, at present (1797), there sel- 
dom flowed more than half a barrel in the same period.” 
And in 1799 Dr. Townson states the produce at only 30 
gallons per week (now, 1802, it is about half that quantity), 
though, he imagines, other fissures, filled with the same 
substance, may be found, if there were a greater demand for 
it. The oil distilled from this tar exactly resembles Betton’s 
British oil, and is used as a solvent for caowtchouc, (com- 
monly known by the name of elastic gum, or Indian rubber, ) 
which is now used as a varnish for cloth, and is particu- 
Jarly applicable to balloons. Near Jackfield, on the south 
side the river Severn, is carried on the manufaeture of coal 
tar, for which lord Dundonald formerly obtained a patent. 
In coaking the coal, which is here done in close vessels, 
they obtain the volatile products which are raised in vapour 
by the heat of the operation of coaking, and condensed in 
a chamber covered with lead plates, over which water is 
constantly running. These products are a water and an 
oil; the former of which contains a portion of volatile al- 
kali, and the latter is boiled down to the consistence of tar 
or pitch. The oil which is caught during the boiling down 
is used as a solvent for resin, and forms an excellent varnish 
for ships, or any wood-work exposed to weather. The 
MS. account of Bradford North mentions a salt spring at 
Smeithmore, in the lordship of Longford ; and Dr. Town- 
son states several springs of salt water to have been found 
in the neighbourhood of the tar spring; and that in the 
parish of Broseley, on the opposite side of the Severn, salt 
1s said to have been made formerly from water taken out 
of pits still called the Salt-house Pits. At the Lyth, in the 
parish of Cundoyer, is a _ the soil of which is ities 

4 natec 

$19 On the Mineral Productions of Shropshire. 

nated with salt; and there is no doubt but this commodity 
could be gotten in this county, though its proximity to the 
extensive and established salt-works of Cheshire may pre- 
vent any profit from an adventure of this kind. At Kingley 
Wick, about two miles west of Lilleshall Hill, is a ¢* spring 
of salt water that yields 4 or 5000 gallons in the 24 hours. 
Tt is an impure brine, but was formerly used: the salt pans 
and buildings are still remaining. It flows out of a reddish 

sandstone rock, which rests upon a reddish chert, like that of 

the Wrekin*. And at Admaston, near Wellington, only two 
railes from Kingley Wick, there is a salt medical spring, cha- 
lybeate and hepatic. There are two springs: the one contain- 
ing carbonated iron and lime, selenite and sea salt; the 
other, hepatic air, aérated lime, selenite, and sea saltt. The 
MS. history of Bradford hundred, betore quoted, says, ‘* at 
Moreton Say is a mineral water that purges those who drink 
it.” There is also a well, not far from the parsonage-house, 
that 1 am pleased to record, as it was fenced in under the 
directions of the late archdeacon Clive, and which conti- 
nued to partake of the care and consideration he had for the 
things, as well as the persons around him. Dr. Darwin 
informs me that this spring is valuable as a strong chaly- 
beate, but that it has no other peculiar qualities. ‘There is 
a spring near Ludlow that contains a very little fixed air, 
some magnesia, a little lime, and a good deal of sea salt. 
lis strength is irregular as a medicine; it is sometimes about 
as active as sea water, I am told, but frequently weaker. 

* This brine is now used for the making of soda at a work established 
at Wormbridge, on the banks of the canal there, as will be seen by the 
following note, which is one of many favours I haye received from Mr. 
Dugard, of the Salop Infirmary. 

“© At Wormbridge, near Wellington, as well as at several other col- 
lieries in the neighbourhood, martial pyrites are found in considerable 
quantities. After being cleared from the coal (sulphureous coal) in which 
they are found, the lumps, which are perhaps from twelve to fourteen 
pounds weight each, are disposed in loose heaps, upon a bed, or large 
area, paved with bricks, and inclining from the circumference to the 
centre, to allow the water, with which the whole is repeatedly sprinkled, 
ultimately 10 flow into a large reservoir which is constructed at this place. 
The pyiites are thus exposed to the ection of the air, as well as frequent 
waterings; the decomposition of them, produced by this process, forms 
sulphate ef iron (martial vitriol) in considerable quantities, and was a 
few years ago evaporated and crystallized, and allowed to be, by the con- 
sumers, as pure a salt of iron as eny ever made in Great Britain. The 
demand for it was greater than the work,. in its infant state, could sup- 
ply. It is now no longer carried on as a vitriol manufactory, but the acid 
obtained from the pyrites is wholly consumed in getting the soda from 
rock salt and the brine of Kingley Wick. 

4+ Yownson’s Tracts, ps 179. 

A pint 

On the Tinniag of Copper, We. 313 

A pint is a usual dose; but very large quantities have been 
drunk without any fatal effects. 

Between Welbatch and Pulley Common are two wells, 
called Hanley or Boothby Spa. The water of both is weak: 
the one contains sea salt, muriated lime, magnesia, and 
selenite; the other has, with these ingredients, a chaly- 
beate. Near Sherlot Common, in the neighbourhood of 
Wenlock, is a strony chalybeate water. On Prolley Moor, 
near the western side of the Longmynd, is a spring that 
contains a small proportion of selenite and of sea salt; but 
muriated lime is the principal ingredient. It shows nowp- 
pearance of iron with the usual test. I shall conclude this 
section with an account of Sutton Spa, near Shrewsbury ; 
for the whole of which I am indebted to Dr. Evans; and if 
an obligation becomes lighter by being divided, I doubt not 
but the readers of the arucle will readily joi in sharing its 

[ To be continued. ] 

LV. Extract froma HWork, published by Professor Proust, 
entitled Researches on the Tinning of Copper, on Tin 
Vessels, and glazed Pottery; published at Madrid 
1803 *. 

‘Daz author, in the introduction, says, that the motives 
which induced him to undertake this labour were the doubts 
spread abroad, two years before, among the public in re- 
gard to the salybrity of tinned copper, and the accounts of 
the disagreeable accidents arising trom vessels badly glazed. 
Government, always attentive to every thing that can tend 
to calm the public mind, had recourse on this subject to 
sound chemistry; the only tribunal competent to banish 
doubts of this xind. Two problems were presented to the 
author to he resolved : 

Ist, Js the use of zinc advantageous or not, for tinning 
and for tin vessels ? 

2d, Can tinning, in consequence of the lead it contains, 
and sometimes in Jarge quantities, expose the health of the 
public to the same dangers as glazing of a bad quality? 

The author divides his work into three chapters, and each 
chapter into several paragraphs. 

he first part, which may be considered as historical, is 

divided into four paragraphs. 

In the first the author mentions the project which was 

* From the Journal de Paysique, Frimaire, an 13. 

314 On the Tinning of Copper,» 

presented by M. Malouin to the Academy of Sciences at 
Paris in 1741, in rezard to the employment of zinc for tin- 
ning iron and copper: the advantages he promised himself 
were only illusory, and his expectations have not been-con- 
firmed by time. 

The second paragraph contains an account of a paper on 
tinning, presented to the same academy by J. B. Kemerlin 
jn 1742. One may see there the examination of it by 
Messrs. Hellot and Geoffroy, who entertained an opinion 
contrary to the assertions of the author. 

The same year the academy charged Hellot and Geoffroy 
to examine the alloys of zinc proper for making vessels. 
The inconveniences pointed out by the two academicians, 
as well as by many others, were verified by Proust; and all 
of them are inclined to proscribe such alloys. Having made 
a mixture of equal parts of lead and zinc, similar to that 
examined by the two commissioners, he obtained an alloy 
of a paste-like consistence, as easy to be cut with a knife 
as cheese, and difficult to be cast. M. Pierre Blanco, a 
very ingenious pewterer, seconded the labours of Proust. 
The first time he poured the alloy into the mould, it did not 
run sufficiently to fill it. He tried it a second time ; and, 
when he thought he could draw it from the mould, it fell 
into pieces, as they had no cohesion. Being desirous to 
procure a piece well or ill moulded, he found himself obliged, 
at the third time, to cool his mould in cold water, and to 
employ double the time necessary to cast a piece of the 
same size with common alloys: the vessel obtained broke 
short, and was filled with defects which could not be re- 
medied. A pound of alloy was employed, and the article 
weighed only nine ounces. The whole of the residuum was 
mere Joss. The same article acquired in a month a dark 
colour, and at the end of six months was covered with 
oxide; inconveniences which do not take place in vessels 
of common tin. The author still continues to make se- 
veral practical objections, to which no one has given an 

It is seen, therefore, that alloys of zinc are not so advan- 
tageous as some have imagined; and those who propose 
them have neither consulted chemistry nor practice. Before 
they were presented to government for its sanction, it was 
necessary to subject these alloys to the test of chemical 
agents: and this the author has not omitted. 

ist, A plate of the alloy in question being brought into 
contact with vinegar, the latter contracted a very disagreea- 
ble metallic taste at the end of a day: on thethird day, 


on Tin Vessels, and glazed Pottery. B15 

without being sweet, astringent, or bitter, it occasioned in 
the throat a very uneasy and disgusting sensation, and no 
doubt a small dose of it would have excited vomiting. 

2d, A plate of the same alloy, of four inches’ surface, 
boiled half an hour in vinegar, lost 16 grains of its weight. 

‘3d, Vinegar being boiled in a vessel tinned with the 
same alloy, acquired the same taste as No. 1. 

4th, A plate of the same alloy, exposed cold in distilled 
vinegar, exhibited the same phenomena as No. 1 and 3. 
This solution, when attentively examined, did not exhibit 
an atom of tin. 

All these facts, which confirm those of the French aca- 
demicians, prove that zinc is a metal exceedingly soluble 
in vinegar, very easily altered, and that solutions of it hav- 
ing been found noxious, it ought to be proscribed from our 

The subject of the third paragraph is the project of 
M. Doucet, who in 1778 presented to the Academy of Sci- 
ences at Paris a bar and pan made with a mixture of his 
invention. It was examined by Macquer and Montigni, 
who made a report on it. These two chemists, having 

more experience than Hellot and Geoffroy, analysed it che- 
mically, and, having soon found that it had its inconveni- 
ences, it was rejected. —- 

The alloy of Chartier, and the project of Lafolie, shared 
the same fate, as is seen by the report of the commissioners, 
and by the labours of the abbé Monges and of Bayen. 

The alloy of M. Buschaendorf, of Leipsic, presented in 
1802, and described in the Annales des Arts et Manufac- 
tures, forms the subject of the last paragraph. © Proust sub- 
jected it to the sane experiments as the preceding: he 
proves that it is attended with the same inconveniences, 
without having any of the qualities announced by Buschaen- 

Part II. 

On the old Method of Tinning. 

This part consists of ten paragraphs. M. Malouin, 
while he proposes his mixture, does not condemn the old, 
but he mentions the dangers to whieh people are exposed 
by this kind of tinning. _Kemerlin, Hellot, Geoffroy, 
Doucet, Chartier, Lafolie, Buschaendorf, and others, have 
done no more: but no one has hitherto proved the reality 
of these supposed dangers ; and what is still more astonish- 
‘ing is, to see the inactivity of the chemists of Europe in 
realising or exploding a fact which is so interesting to so- 


316 On the Tinning of Copper, 

ciety. To decide the question in a peremptory manner, it 
was necessary to undertake a sevies of experiments which 
had before been neglected. To succeed :n them it was pre- 
viously necessary to examine the properties of some metals 
and oxides; and there are nine paragraphs emploved in the 
examination of iron, antimony, mercury, lead, and zinc. 
This examination was requisite to answer all the objections 
which he proposed to resolve in the third part of this work. 

This part is divided into five paragraphs. 
Experiments made on the old Method of Tinning. 

Five plates of copper, each a foot square, were tinned, 
all the necessary precautions being taken. The object of 
the author was to ascertain the quantity of alloy they would 
take one with another. 

The first took 

144 grains. 

The second -; 178 
The third - 200 
The fourth - 208 
The fifth - 230 

The quantity of tinning which copper can take is exceed- 
ingly variable, and not subject to calculation: the alteration 
ot the copper by tinning being in all points the same, the 
variations in the weight must necessarily depend on the 
more or less exact manner in which the workman removes 
the superfluous tinning; and one might be induced to be- 
lieve that the artist has it in his power to give a tinnin 
more or less abundant; but the tinning not alloyed with 
the copper ought not to be considered in the same manner 
asthat which is alloyed. The author has proved, in gene- 
ral, that good tinning takes a grain of tin per square inch. 

ParaGRarH ITI. 

On the Duration and Causes of the Destruction of Tinning. 

Tinning with pure tin has a silver white colour, and, in 
contact with vapours capable of attacking it, assumes a yel- 
lowish tint. That made with one-third, one-fourth, or 
one-half of lead, like the old tinning, has more brilliancy, 
and may be easily distinguished from the former. 

The causes which destroy tinning are friction, caloric, 
-and acids: the effects of all these causes vary according to 
an infinite number of circumstances, which are determined 
by the author as exactly as possible, and have taught him, 


on Tin Vessels, and glazed Pottery. 347 

that, even supposing alloy to be made with one-haif lead, 
no individual can swallow per day 1-20th grain of that 
metal ; a quantity inappreciable in its effects, since we daily 
_ swallow a hundred times more when we eat game, without 
being incommoded by it. From these facts, and many 
others, it results, that if vessels of tinned copper occasion 
illness, they ought rather to be ascribed to the want of tin- 
ning than: to the latter. 

ParaGrapH III. 
Of Tinning considered as soluble in alimentary Acids. 

Eight saucepans, each capable of containing twenty 
ounces of water, were tinned with the following afloys: 
The Ist, with pure tin. 
2d, with tin having 0°05 of lead. 

3d, - - 0°10 
4th, - - 0°15 
SiNs.:,° 2 - 0°20 
6th, - - 0°25 
(i ee 0°30 

Sth, with equal parts of tin and Jead. 

Tinning with pure lead was impossible. 

Info each of these pans there was put a pound of red 
wine vinegar, which was boiled till jt was half consumed. 
The vinegar of each pan was poured into a glass vessel, and 
suffered to remain at rest for twenty-four hours. The vi- 
negar was then poured off, and the precipitates were well 
washed: each portion of vinegar was mixed with an equal 
quantity of distilled water; equal parts of each were put 
into the vessels, and three rows were formed of eight vessels 
each., The vessels of the first and second rows contained 
vinegar ; those of the third, sediments. Nearly four ounces 
of the sulphate of potash were poured into each vessel of 
the first row, and into those of the second and third row 
about four ounces of hydro-sulphurated water. In the first 
Tow no precipitate was observed, consequently there was 
no lead: in the vessels of the second row there was ob- 
served a slight chestnut-coloured sediment, which indicated 
the existence of tin. The sediments of the third row did 
not change colour, whence it was concluded that there did 
not exist in them any metallic substances. The vinegar, 
then, boiled in the tinned pans did not dissolve lead, but 
only a very small quantity of tin. 

The sediments of the third row were, for the most part, 
composed of tartar and sulphate of lime. These two salts, 

3 in 

318 On the Tinning of Copper, 

in precipitating, might have carried with them a little lead ; 
but they did not contain an atom of it. ; 

The same experiments being repeated with very strong 
white wine vinegar, which was boiled till three parts of it 
were consumed, confirmed the preceding facts ; with this 
only difference, that the tinning assumed the colour of lead, 
and readily yielded to the friction of the finger, coming off 
in the form of a gray powder, which was nothing else than 
very fine particles of lead. This phenomenon was more 
remarkable in the pan No. 8, though the quantity of that 
powder did not weigh half a grain. These facts were the 
less remarkable the nearer to the pan No. 13 so that with a 
little practice one might judge by these means of the quan- 
tity of lead and tin contained in tinning. 

The vinegar formed zones of a very beautiful colour on 
the tinning of the pan No. 1. These facts may still serve 
to enable one to distinguish the quality of tinning. These 
experiments evidently prove that lead, which is very soluble 
in vinegar, loses that property when alloyed with tin. This 
is agreeable to chemical facts already known; for tin is 
more oxidable and soluble than lead, and the latter is pre- 
cipitated from its solutions by tin, and this is the cause of 
the presence of the gray powder above mentioned ; for vi- 
negar, indeed, dissolves immediately a few particles of the 
lead in the tinning, but it is afterwards precipitated by the 
tin, and forms gray dust. All these facts, and many others 
explained by the author, prove that tinning, the half even 
of which is lead, cannot be dangerous in domestic purposes ; 
and that, to be hurtful to the health by the contact of ali- 
mentary acids, it would be necessary that the pans should 
be pure lead, or tinned with that metal only, which is im- 


On Tin Fessels. 

It was necessary to examine the action of vegetable acids 
on vessels of tin. For this purpose the author caused the 
following vessels to be made : 

Ist, Pure tin. 
2d, Tin having - 0:05 of lead. 

3d, Ditto - - 0:10 
4th, Ditto - - 015 
5th, Ditto - - 0:20 
6th, Ditto = - - 0°25 
Ith, Ditto - - 0°30 
sth, Ditto - - 0°50 

gth, Of pure lead, 



on Tin Vessel, and glaxed Pottery. 319 

All these vessels were filled with boiling vinegar, which 
was left in them three days. The vinegar of the first eight 
vessels being subjected to the examination of re-agents, did 
not give the least signs of the existence of lead, but of some 
particles of tin. The vinegar in the ninth vessel was much 
saturated with-lead. 

The same experiments, repeated at three other times, 
with vinegar of greater or less strength, exhibited the same 
phenomena. In these cases it was observed that the first 
eight vessels had assumed the colour of lead, and exhibited 
the same phenomena as those indicated in regard to tinning 
in the preceding paragraph. 

The author, after supporting his observations by those of 
Bayen and those of Vauquelin, deduces this consequence : 
Tin alloyed with lead is harder than when it is pure, and 
less susceptible of suffering its particles to be mixed with 
aliments. What have we to fear from such vessels? Small 
particles which may be detached by the fork or the knife ? 
Such fears are groundless. Let us apply, then, to vessels 
of tin, in regard to their use, what we have said of tinning, 
that the fears entertained in regard to the employment of it 
are not proved by any facts well authenticated; and if the 
art of the pewterer is susceptible of improvement, either in 
regard to health cr practice, it cannot be expected from 
mixtures which have always been rejected by sound che- 
mistry. Besides, we know several other mixtures which 
might be tried before we have recourse to a metal so solu- 
duble, and so difficult to be worked, as zinc. 

Let us now form a parallel of the alloys we have exa- 
mined, with those used by the pewterers. 

Pure tin forms the first quality, which they employ for 
the best utensils and those most esteemed. 

The second kind of mixture contains an eighth of lead, 
and serves for making common vessels. 

The third kind contains 0°15 of lead, and is employed 
for drinking-vessels. t 

The first kind, which is the most common, contains 0°20 
of lead; and is employed for making ink-stands and other 
small articles. 

From what has been said it may be seen, that if pewterers 
employ sometimes for common vessels the fourth kind of 
mixture, the public can be exposed to no danger. The 
antients, who made so much use of tin vessels, have left 
us'no certain facts which prove that the use of them was 
contrary to health, and medicine never proscribed them. 

[To be continued. ] 


. { 320 } 

LVI. A short Account of the Cause of the Disease in Corn, 
called by Farmers the Blight, the Mildew, and the Rust. 
By the Rt. Hon. Sir Josepu Banks, Bart. K.B. P.R.S.* 

Borastsrs have Jong known that the Blight in Corn ts 
occasioned by the growth of a minute parasitic fungus or 
mushroom on the leaves, stems, and glumes of the living 

lant. Felice Fontana published in the year 1767 an ela- 
ee account of this mischicyous weed}, with micro- 
scopic figures, which give a tolerable idea of its form; more 
modern botanists f have given figures both of corn and of 
grass affected by it, but have not used high magnifying 
powers in their researches, 

Agriculturists do not appear to-have paid, on this head, 
sufficient attention to the discoveries of their fellow-la- 
bourers in the field of nature; for though scarce any English 
writer of note on the subject of rural economy has failed to 
state his opinion of the origin of this evil, no one of them 
has yet attributed it to the real cause,,unless Mr. Kirby's 
excellent papers on some diseases of corn, published in the 
Transactions of the Linnean Society, are considered as agri- 
cultural essays. 

On this account it has been deemed expedient to offer to 
the consideration of farmers, engravings of this destructive 
plant, made from the drawings of the accurate and inge- 
nious Mr. Bauer, botanical painter to his majesty, accom- 
panied with his explanation, from whence i is presumed 
an attentive reader will be able to form a correct idca of the 
facts intended to be represented, and a just opinion whether 
or not they are, asis presumed to be the case, correct and 

In order, however, to render Mr. Bauer’s explanation 
More easv to be understood, it is necessary to premise, 
that the striped appearance of the surface of a straw, which 

© Copied, by permission, from the publication of the president of the 
Royal Society, with additional notes by the author, who has also kindly 
entrusted us with the original drawings, made by Mr. Bauer, of Kew, 
for the purpose of enabling our engraver, Mr. Lowry, to do complete 
justice to the merits of the originals. The time necessary for executing 
them in that masterly style in which we wish to present them to the 
public, puts it out of our power to give more than one of them with our 
present Number. The other we hope to be able to give with our next. 

+ Osservazioni sopra la Ruggine del Grano. Lucca, 1757, 8vo. 

t Sowerby’s Bnglish Fuogi, vol. ii. tab, 140, Wheat, tab, 139, Poa 


on the Blight in Corn. 321 

may be seen with a common magnifying glass, is caused 
by alternate longitudinal partitions of the bark, the one 
imperforate, and the other furnished with one or two rows 
of pores or mouths, shut in dry, open in wet weather, 
and well calculated to imbibe fluid whenever the straw is 

By these pores, which exist also on the leaves and 
glumes, it is presumed that the seeds of the fungus gain 
admission, and at the bottom of the hollows to which they 
lead (see Plate V and VI. fig. 1. 2.), they germinate and push 
their minute roots, no doubt (though these have not yet 
been traced), into the cellular texture beyond the bark, where 
they draw their nourishment, by intercepting the sap that 
was intended by nature for the nutriment of the gram; the 
corn of course becomes shrivelled in proportion as the fungi 
are more or less numerous on the plant; and as the kernel 
only is abstracted from the grain, while the cortical part 
remains undiminished, the proportion of flowr to bran in 
blighted corn, is always reduced in the same degree as the 
corn is made light. Some corn of this year’s crop will not 
yield a stone of flour from a sack of wheat ; and it is not 
impossible that in some cases the corn has been so com- 
pletely robbed of its flour by the fungus, that if the propri- 
etor should choose to incur the expense of thrashing and 
grinding it, bran would be the produce, with scarce an atom 
of flour for each grain. 

Every species of corn, properly so called, is subject to 
the blight ; but it is observable that spring corn- is less 
damaged by it than winter, and rye less than wheat, pro- 
bably because it is ripe and cut down before the fungus has 
had time to increase in any large degree.—Tull says that 
«¢ white cone or bearded wheat, which hath its straw like 
arush full of pith, is less subject to blight than Lammas 
wheat, which ripens a week later.” See page 74. The 
spring wheat of Lincolnshire was not in the least shrivelled 
this year, though the straw was in some degree infected : 

* Pores or mouths similar to these are placed by nature on the surface of 
the leaves, branches, and stems, of all perfect plants, a provision intended 
no doubt to compensate, in some measure, the want of loco-motion in ve- 
getables. A plant cannot when thirsty go to the brook and drink, but it 
can open innumerable orifices for the reception of every degree of moisture, 
which either fallsin the shape of rain and of dew, or is separated from the 
mass of water always held in solution by the atmosphere ; it seldom happens 
in the driest season, that the night does not afford some refreshment cf this 
kind, to restore the moisture that has been exhausted by the heats of the 
preceding day. : 

Vol. 21, No, 84, May 1805, X the 

322 Sir Joseph Banks 

the millers allowed that it was the best sample brought to 
market. Barley was in some places considerably spotted ; 
but as the whole of the stem of that grain is naturally en- 
veloped in the hose or basis of the leaf, the fungus can in 
no case gain admittance to the straw : it is however to be 
observed that barley rises from the flail lighter this year 
than was expected from the appearance of the crop when 
gathered in. 

Though diligent enquiry was made during the last 
autumn, no information of importance relative to the origin 
or the progress of the blight could be obtained : this 1s net 
to be wondered at ; for, as no one of the persons applied to 
had any knowledge of the real cause of the malady, none 
of them could direct their curiosity in a proper channel}. 
Now that its nature and cause have been explained, we 
may reasonably expect that a few years will produce an 
interesting collection of facts and observations, and we 
may hope that some progress will be made towards the 
very desirable attainment of either a preventive or a cure. 

It seems probable that the leaf is first infected in the 
spring, or early in the summer, before the corn sheots up 
into straw, and that the fungus 1s then of am orange co- 
lour*; after the straw has become yellow, the fungus 
assumes a deep chocolate brown: each individual is so 
small that every pore on a straw will produce from 20 to 
40 fungi, as may be seen in the plates, and every one of 
these will no doubt produce at least 100 seeds ; if then one 
of these seeds tillows out into the number of plants that 
appear at the bottom of a pore in Plate V and VJ. fig. 1, 2. 
how incaleulably large must the increase be! A few diseased 
plants scattered over a field must very speedily infect a whole 
neighbourhood ; for the seeds of fungi are not much heavier 
than air, as every one who has trod upon a ripe puff-ball 
must have observed, by secing the dust, among which is its 
seed, rise up and float on before him. 

How long it is before this fungus arrives at puberty, and 
scatters its seeds in the wind, can only be. guessed at by 
the analovy of others; probably the period of a generation 
is short, possibly not more than a week in a hot season: if 
so, how frequently in the latter end of the summer must 

* The abl:é Tessier, in his Traité des maladies des Grains, tells us, that in 
France this disease first shows itself in minute spots of a dirty white colour 
on the leaves and stems, which spots extend themselves by degrees, and in 
time change to yellow, and throw offa dry orange-coloured powder, pp. 201. 
§$40.—Additivial note of the Author, 


on the Blight in Corn. 323 

the air be loaded as it were with this animated dust, ready, 
whenever a gentle breeze, accompanied with humidity, 
shall give the signal, to intrude itself into the pores of 
thousands of acres of corn! Providence, however, careful 
ef the creatures it has created, has benevolently provided 
against the too extensive multiplication of any species of 
being: was it otherwise, the minute plants and animals, 
enemies against which man has the fewest means of de- 
fence, would increase to an inordinate extent : this; how= 
ever, can in no case happen, unless many predisposing 
causes afford their combined assistance. But for this wise 
and beneficent provision, the plague of slugs, the plague of 
mice, the plagues of grubs, wire-worms, chafers, and 
many other creatures whose power of multiplying is count- 
less as the sands of the sea, would, long before this time, 

: ae 
have driven mankind, and all the larger animals, from the 

face of the earth. 

Though all old persons who have concerned themselves 
im agriculture remember the blight in corn many years, yet 
some have supposed that of late years it has materially in- 
creased ; this however does not seem to be the case. Tull, 
in his Horsehoeing Husbandry, p. 74, tells us, that the 
year 1725 “* was a year of blight the like of which was 
never before heard of, and which he hopes. may never 
happen again ;””. yet the average price of wheat in the year 
1726, when the harvest of 1725 was at market, was only 
86s. 4d. and the average of the five years of which it makes 
the first, 37s. 7d.—1797 was also a year of great blight ; 
the price of wheat in 1798 was 49s, 1d. and the average of 
the five years, from 1795 to 1799, 63s. 5d.* 

The climate of the British Isles is not the only one that 
is liable to the blight in corn ; it happens occasionally in 
every part of Europe, and probably in all countries where 
corn is grown. Italy is very subject to it, and the last har- 
vest of Sicily has been materially hurt by it. Specimens 
received from the colony of New South Wales show that 

* The scarcity of the year 1801 was in part occasioned by a mildew which 
in many places attacked the plants of wheat on the south-east side only, but it 
was principally owing to the very wet harvest of 1800. ‘The deficiency of 
wheat at that harvest wasfound, on a very accurate calculation, somewhat to 
exceed one-fourth ; but wheat was not the only grain that failed ; all others, 
and potatoes also, were materially deficient. "his year the wheat is probably 
somewhat more damaged than it was in 1800, and barley somewhat less than 
an average crop. Every other article of agricultural abundant, aad 
,otatoes one of the largest crops that has been known; but for these bless- 
tngs on the labour of man, wheat must before this time have reached an 
exorbitant price-reddditivnal nole of the Author. 


X 2 considerable 

324 Sir Joseph Banks 

considerable mischief was done to the wheat crop there in 
the year 1803 by a parasitic plant, very sumilar to the 
English one. 

Tt has been long admitted by farmers, though scarcely 
credited by botanists, that wheat in the neighbourhood of 
a barberry bush seldom escapes the blight. The village of 
Rollesby in Norfolk, where barberries abound, and wheat 
seldom succeeds, is called by the opprobrious appellation of 
Mildew Rollesby. Some observing men have of late attri- 
buted this very perplexing effect to thie farina of the flowers 
of the barberry, which is in truth yellow, and resembles in 
some degree the appearance of the rust, or what is presumed 
to be the blight in its early state. 

It is, however, notorious to all botanical observers, that 
the leaves of the barberry are very subject to the attack of a 
yellow parasitic fungus, larger, but otherwise much resem- 
bling the rust in corn. 

Is it not more than possible that the parasitic fungus of 
the barberry and that of wheat are one and the same species, 
and that the seed is transferred from the barberry to the 
corn? Misletoe, the parasitic plant with which we are the 
best acquainted, delights most to grow on the apple and 
hawthorn, but it flourishes occasionally on trees widely 
differing in their nature from both of these: in the Home 
Park, at Windsor, misletoe may be seen in abundance on 
the lime trees planted there in avenues. HH this conjecture 
is founded, another year will not pass without its being 
confirmed by the observations of inquisitive and sagacious 

It would be presumptuous to offer any remedy for a ma- 
lady, the progress of which is so little understood : con- 
jectures, however, founded on the origin here assigned to 
it, may be hazarded without offence. 

It is believed * to begin early in the spring, and first to 
appear ou the, leaves of wheat in the form of rust, or 
orange-coloured powder ; at this season, the fungus will, 
in all probability, require as many weeks for its progress 
from infancy to. puberty as it does days during thé heats 
of autumn ; but a very few plants of wheat, thus infected, 
are quite sufficient, if the fangus is permitted to ripen its 
seed, to spread the malady over a feld, or indeed over a. 
whule parish. 

The chocolate-coloured blight is little observed till the 

* This, though believed, is not dogmatically asserted, because Fontana, - 
the best writer on the subject, asserts that the yellow and the dark coloured 
blight are different species of fungi. 



on the Blight in Corn, 325 

corn is approaching very nearly to ripeness ; it appears then 
in the field in spots, which increase very rapidly in size, and 
are in calm weather somewhat circular, as if the disease took 
its origin from a central position. 

May it not happen, then, that the fungus is brought 
into the field in a few stalks of infected straw uncorrupted 
among the mass of dung laid in the ground at the time of 
sowing? It must be confessed, however, that the clover 
lays, on which no dung from the yard was used, were as 
much infected Jast autumn as the manured crops. The 
immense multiplication of the disease in the last season, 
seems however to account for this; as the air was no doubt 
frequently charged with seed for miles together, and depo- 
sited it indiscriminately on all sorts of crops. 

It cannot however be an expensive precaution to search 
diligently in the spring for young plants of wheat infected 
with the disease, and carefully to extirpate them, as well as 
all grasses, for several are subject to this or a similar ma- 
lady, which has the appearance of orange-coloured or of 
black stripes on their leaves, or on their straw 3 and if ex- 
perience shall prove that uncorrupted straw can carry the 
disease with it into the field, it will cost the farmer but 
little precaution to prevent any mixture of fresh straw 
from being carried out with his rotten dung to the wheat 

In a year Jike the present, that offers so fair an oppor- 
tunity, it will be useful to observe attentively whether 
cattle in the straw-yard thrive better or worse on blighted 
than on healthy straw. That blighted straw, retaining on 
it the fungi that have robbed the corn of its flour, has in 
it more nutritious matter than clean straw which has 
yielded a crop of plump grain, cannot be doubted; the 

uestion is, whether this nutriment in the form of fungi 
dikes, or can be made to agree as well with the stomachs of 
the animals that consume it, as it would do in that of straw 
and corn. 

It cannot be improper in this place to remark, that al- 
though the seeds of wheat are rendered, by the exhausting 
power of the fungus, so lean and shrivelled that scarce any 
flour fit for the manufacture of bread can be obtained by 
grinding them, these very seeds will, except, perhaps, in 
the very worst cases*, answer the purpose of seed corn as 
well as the fairest and plumpest sample that can be ob- 

* Eighty grains of the most blighted wheat of the last year, that could be 
obtained, were sown in pots in the hot-house; of these, seventy-two pro- 
duced healthy plants,—a loss of ten per cent. only. 

x3 tained, 

326 Sir Joseph Banks on the Blight in Corn. 

tained, and in some respects better; for as a att of 
much blighted corn will contain one-third at least more 
grains in ‘number than a bushel of plump corn, three bushels 
of such corn will go as far i in sowing land, as four bushels 
of large grain. 

The use of the flour of corn in furthering the process of 
vegetation, is to nourish the minute plant from the time of 
its developement ull its roots are able to attract food from 
the manured earth ; for this purpose one-tenth of the con- 
tents of a grain of wood wheat is more than sufficient. The. 
quantity of flour in wheat has been increased by culture 
and management calculated to improve ifs qualities for the 
benefit of mankind, in the same proportion as the pulp 
of apples and pears has been increased, by the same means, 
above what is found on the wildings ‘and crabs in the 

Tt is customary to set aside or to purchase for seed corn, 
the boldest and plumpest samples that can be obtained ; 
that is, those that contain the most flour ;_ but this is unne- 
cessary waste of human subsistence 5 the smallest grains, 
such as are sifted out before the wheat is carried to market, 
and either consumed in the farmer’s family, or given to his 
poultry, will be found by experience to answer the purpose 
of propagating the sort trom whence they sprung, as effec- 
tually as the largest. 

Every ear of wheat is composed of a number of cups, 
placed alternately on each side of the straw ; the lower ones, 
contain, according to circumstances, three or four grams, 
nearly equal in size ; but towards the top of the ear, where 
the quantity of nutriment is diminished by the more ample 
supply of those cups that are nearer the root, the third or 
fourth grain in a cup 1s frequently defrauded of its propor- 
tion, and becomes shrivelled and small. These small 
grains, which are rejected by the miller, because they do 
not contain flour enough for his purpose, have nevertheless 
an smple abundance for all purposes of vegetation, and 
as fully partake of the sap (or blood, as we should call it 
in animals) of the kind which produced them, as the 
fairest and fullest grain that can be obtained from the bot- 
toms of the low cr cups by the was steful process of beating 
the sheay es ; 

Explanation of the Drawings. 
Fig. 1. (Plate VI.) A piece of the infected wheat straw—- 
natural size: at @ the leaf-sheath is brcken and removed, 
to show the straw which is not infected under i hee 

8 Fig. 2. 

On the Maritime Commerce of Bengal. 327 

Fig. 2. (Plate V.) A highly magnified representation of 
the parasitic plant which infects the wheat: a in a young 
state; J full grown; ¢ are two plants bursting and shedding 
their seeds when under water in the microscope; d two 
plants burst-in a dry state; e seems to be abortive; f seeds 
in a dry state ; g a small part of the bottom of a pore with 
some of the parasitic fungi growing upon it. 

Fig. 3. A part of the straw of fig. 1. magnified. 

Fig. 4. Part of fig. 3. at a b more magnified. 

Fig. 5. Part of a straw similar to fig. 3. but in its green 
state, and before the parasitic plant is quite ripe. 

Fig. 6. A small part of the same, more magnified. 

Fig. 7. (Plate VI.) A highly magnified transverse cutting 
of the straw, corresponding with fig. 4. showing the inser- 
tion of the parasite in the bark of the straw. 

Fig. 8. A longitudinal cutting of the same; magnified 
to the same degree. 

Fig. y. A small piece of the epidermis of a straw, show- 
ing the large pores which receive the seed of the parasite ; 
the smaller spots observable on the epidermis, are the bases 
of hairs that grow on the plant of the wheat whilst ycung, 
but which fall off when it ripens, magnified to the sane 
degree as the preceding figures. 

LVII. On the Maritime Commerce of Bengal, By the late 

AntTuony Lampert, Esq.* 
To treat fully of objects so important, and of such mag- 
nitude, would require a range of information and accuracy 
of detail, which can anly be expected from great practical 
experience, aided by the most liberal communications from 
the public offices- of government, in their commercial, re- 
venue, and marine departments. The records of the custom- 
house are in most countries, except Bengal, open to the 
inspection of individuals; but this source of information 
being inaccessible to us, the amount of forcign trade must 
be assumed from other data. 

Although Bengal possesses a considerable extent of sea 
coast, (from the Subunreecka to the! Rajoo river, about 
340 miles,) she has but few good harhours ; her situation, 
nevertheless, is well adapted for foreign commerce. Occu- 
pying an intermediate station in that, vast portion of the 

* From the Asiatic Annual Register for 1803. 

Wed slabe 

328 On the Maritime Commerce of Bengal. 

globe usually denominated the East Indies, her access is 
rendered easy to the remotest shores of Africa, Asia, and 

On the west, and contiguous to Bengal, lies the great 
peninsula of Hindustan. To the numerous ports and set- 
tlements on both coasts of this peninsula, particularly the 
coast of Coromandel, Bengal carries on a constant, exten- 
sive,. and profitable commerce, which may properly be 
called her home, or coasting trade. On the east she bor- 
ders on Assam, and touches the dominions of Ava. The 
former she supplies exclusively with salt; and from the 
latter receives all her teak timber for ship building and do- 
mestic use. The bay of Bengal, embracing the west end 
of Sumatra, and washing the coast of Malaya, affords a 
direct communication through the straits of Malacca to 
China and the eastern isles, where the opium, saltpetre, 
and piece goods of Bengal are always in great demand. 
With the Persian and Arabian gulfs, as well as the eastern 
coast of Africa, Bengal Jikewise maintains commercial in- 
tercourse, though many obstacles have in late years super 
vened, to impede her commerce in that quarter. 

Calcutta, the political and commercial capiial of British 
India, as well as the emporium of Bengal, is situated on 
the Houghly river, or western branch of the Ganges, about 
100 miles from the sea, and accessible to ships of all sizes 
at all seasons. From Calcutta, foreign imports are trans- 
ported with great facility by the Ganges and its subsidiary 
streams to the northern nations of Hindustan; and the 
consumption and exports of Calcutta are readily supplied 
through the numerous rivers which intersect Bengal in 
every direction, and to which her prosperity has been 
ascribed, not only as they facilitate communication and 
conveyance, but likewise as they contribute to the fertility 
of her soil. 

The elegant villas that adorn the banks of the Houghly, 
and the southern aspect of Calcutta, impress the mind of 
a stranger, on his approach, with high ideas of the opulence 
of this great city; but the shipping that crowd the port 
point out to him the true source of its splendor. Nume- 
rous, and magnificent houses, erected within a few years, 
are undoubted proofs of prosperity, and the great population 
and extent of the place (still rapidly increasing), with the 
busy and animated operations of the harbour, indicate an 
active and thriving commerce. I am happy to yield my 
unqualified assent to this observation; and it is with no 
small degree of national pride, that I can safely ascribe, in 

7 : a great 

On the Maritime Commerce of Bengal. 329 

a great measure, these beneficial effects to the spirited exer- 
tions of British merchants resident in India. Exclusive of 
the company’s exports, it is to their individual efforts that 
Bengal owes her shipping and her commerce. 

In tracing the rise and progress of the maritime trade of 
Bengal, since it fell under the sway of Great Britain, I 
cannot, for want of materials, extend my researches further 
back than the year 1773. The accompanying abstract, 
compiled from the port list of arrivals and departures, will 
show the number and the tonnage of vessels which have 
imported and cleared out from Calcutta, or the river 
Houghly, for the years 1773, 1783, 1791, 1792, 1793, and 
1794, distinguishing the nations to which they belong, or 
whose colours they assume: and annexed thereto will be 
found a statement for the years 1783 and 1793, showing 
the different ports from whence the ships of those years 
arrived, and those to which they were bound. 

My intention in compiling this abstract is to show the 
rapid increase of the maritime commerce of Bengal since 
the year 1783; and more especially the increase of the 
country trade, or that which is carried on to and from ports 
in India. I shall confine my observations principally to 
the years 1783 and 1793: the former, the first year of peace 
after the American war; and the latter, the year when the 
present war commenced, intelligence of which reached 
Bengal on the 4th of June. 

In 1773, the reader will perceive that only 160 sail of 
vessels entered the port, whose aggregate burthen was 44,497 
tons; and no more than 108 vessels, carrying 33,470 tons, 
cleared out: of the former, 102 sail, burthen 28,872 tons, 
were country ships, under English colours; and of the 
Jatter 95 sail, burthen 25,080 tons, were of the same de- 
scription. Ten years afterwards, at the close of the Ame- 
rican war, we find the tonnage inward increased to 64,510 
tons, on 149 vessels ; and the departures were 114 sail, car- 
rying 49,225 tons. But this increase was only apparent; 
for, the war having detained an unusual number of the 
company’s ships in India, it will be perceived that they 
constitute a large proportion of the arrivals and departures 
of that year, many of them being employed in carrying 
stores to the different presidencies, and in the coasting 
tirade: to these must be added transports and men of war. 
The country shipping under English colours, which arrived 
and sailed in 1788, only amounts to 128 sail, carrying 
44,865 tons; whereas in 1773 their numbers were 190, 
and burthen 53,952 tons; which exhibits a decline of this 


330 On the Maritime Commerce of Bengal. 

tonnage, in consequence of the war, in the proportion of 
one-fifth nearly ; and we are persuaded that the captures 
made by the enemy during that unfortunate contest, might 
be stated at a much larger proportion. 

Our fleets in India, in that disastrous period, although 
numerous, powerful, and well appointed, afforded but little 
protection to the commerce of the country. Not a single 
frigate, in my recollection, was ever detached as a convoy 
to merchant ships in the country trade: nay, I have heard 
it frequently asserted, that ships ‘of w ar, sailing from Bengal 
to join the fleet on the coast of Coromandel, have rejected 
all applications for protection to merdhanitrien pursuing the 
same voyage; notwithstanding they were laden wi ith grain 
for the supply of our armies in the Carnatie, where famine 
was then raging with all its horrors. I am not competent 
to say how far ‘the detention of a frigate a few days, for the 
purpose of aconvoy, might have been i injurious to the public 
service; but the merchants here, in the loss of property, 
and the famished inhabitants of the coast, in the privation 
of food, felt severely this attention to trade, and com- 
plained ‘bitterly on the oceasion. Nor did they fail to ob- 
serve, that, for other services, that which did not appear 
to them of any importance to the public welfare, but under- 
taken solely for the purpose of acquiring prize money, fri- 
gates and sloops of war were readily detached. Smarting 
under repeated and heavy losses, they could neither perceive 
the utility nor applaud the zeal which prompted the aid of 
a frigate and sloop of war to assist this government in the . 
reduction of the defenceless Dutch factory at Chinsurah 
in 1781, the capture of which afterwards furnished a subject 
of so much litigation. 

The daring activity of M. Suffrein at this juneture made 
a striking impression. No change of monsoon induced 
him to quit the bay of Bengal ; and during the absence of 
our ficet, in their annual visit to Bombay for refitment, and 
to avoid the storms that prevail at the autumnal equinox, he 
swept the seas, destroyed our trade, and imtercepted the 
supplies from this to the other presidencies. A ship of the 
line and two frigates, which he stationed off the Sand Heads, 
or entrance into the Houghly, at one time nearly shut up 
the port, at another made many valuable captares, carrying 
back an ample supply of all sorts of provisions and stores, 
which neither his own resources, nor those of his allies, 
could have furnished. From the abundance of Bengal both 
friends and foes drew their supplies; and, however much 
the loss of what fell imto the enemy’s hands might have 


On the Maritime Commerce of Bengal. 331 

been regretted, it was a fortunate circumstance, that, during 
the whole of that war, from a succession of favourable crops, 
the great exports of grain created no enhancement of price; 
or, at least, not greater than is experienced in the ordinary 
fluctuations of the market. 

We shall pass over the years 1791 and 1792 without 
further observation, than to remark, that from 1783 to 
1791, the general trade of Bengal had increased from 
113,735 tons, the total of arrivals and departures in the 
former year, to 244,035 tons of shipping, which imported 
and cleared out in the latter; and that the English country 
shipping, which cleared in and out, had risen from 128 
sail, carrying 44,865 tons, to 575 sail, burthen 175,407 
tons; by which it appears that the country trade, in the 
course of only eight years, had multiplied near four-fold. 
The effect of this astonishing increase of maritime trade on 
the general prosperity of the country, will be readily per- 
ceived and admitted. 

I come now to the vear 1793, when the present war ori- 
ginated, which soon after the commencement here became 
ruinous in the extreme to the trade of this country. Intel- 
Jigence of hostilities reached us in June, when the only 
English ship of force in India was the Minerva frigate: 
she left the Indian seas in the month of February 1794, 
and, until the arrival of commodore Newcombe off the 
Mauritius i May following, the whole of the British com- 
merce and possessions in this quarter of the globe was 
without the protection of a single ship belonging to the 
British navy. Thirteen sail of frigates and_ privateers, 
which sailed from the Mauritius, captured, besides two 
Indiamen, numbers of the most valuable ships in the 
country trade; and would speedily have annihilated our 
commerce, and shut up every port in India belonging to 
us and our allies, had they not been checked by the vigour 
of the supreme government. Our present governor-gene- 
ral, with a promptitude and decision which does honour to 
his administration, equipped and dispatched a squadron from 
Bengal, consisting of three armed Indiamen and a country 
ship, strengthened by a detachment of artillery and troops 
from the garrison, which captured two of the enemy’s pri- 
vateers, and repulsed au attack made by their grand arma- 
ment under M. Renaud; obliging him soon after to retum 
to the Mauritius, without eflecting any further mischief 
than the capiure of the Pigot Indiaman. Some notice of 
these circumstances seemed necessary to explain the sudden 
decline of trade in 1794: that any commerce was conti- 
. nued, 

332 On the Maritime Commerce of Bengal. 

nued, is due to the exertions of the supreme government 
for its protection. 

In 1793, we find the tonnage inward and outward to 
consist of 757 vessels, burthens 291,190 tons; and of these 
575 were English country ships, carrying 209,279 tons. 
In 1794, the total of arrivals and departures was reduced to 
44] sail, burthen 163,484 tons; of which 286 were English 
country ships, carrying 96,321 tons; so that the general 
trade of the port, since the commencement of the present 
war, has decreased 127,706 tons, and the Indian trade on 
British ships 112,948 tons, being a declension of more than 
one-half of the country trade. 

The documents from which the foregoing statements 
have been drawn, are, as we have already mentioned, the 
port lists of arrivals and departures, which are registered in 
the master attendant’s office, and may be received as accu- 
rate, so far as they extend, with respect to number. But 
we cannot say so much as to, tonnage, for there being no 
tonnage duties paid here, the ships are never measured, and 
their burthen is of course estimated, or taken from the in- 
formation of the commander. Nor does this list exhibit 
such vessels as are piloted by native pilots or by their own 
commanders, which is the case with the native craft, or 
vessels belonging to and navigated by natives from the 
northern circars on the coast of Coromandel. 

It is also much the practice with native commanders of 
other vessels outward bound to save the pilotage charged 

by the company’s pilots, which, on ships drawing much ' 

. water, falls very heavy, particularly on vessels sailing under 
foreign colours. To estimate, therefore, the maritime com- 
merce of Bengal from these documents, particularly the 
exports, would be to undervalue it greatly. We lament 
the want of better materials; but taking them as an occa- 
sional guide, and referring to such other sources of informa- 
tion as we have been able to procure, we shall attempt to 
form some general idea of its magnitude, and the channels 
through which it flows. 

The exports to Europe and to the United States of Ame- 
riea, in importance and extent constitute by far the most 
considerable portion of the commerce of Bengal. They 
may be comprised under the general heads of cotton and 
silk wrought and unwrought, sugar, drugs, and dyes, in- 
cluding indigo and saltpetre. As the medium adopted for 
the remittance of the surplus revenues of these provinces, 
the company’s investment occupies the greatest share in 
this trade, being unquestionably the most valuable. 


On the Maritime Commerce of Bengal. 333 

In No. 15 of the Appendix to the Report of the Com- 
mittee of Accounts, published by the court of directors in 
February 1793, we find an account of the prime cost of 
all the cargoes purchased by the company in India for five 
years, from 1786 to 1791 inclusive. We shall only state 
the last year’s investment for Bengal, or that provided for 
1790-1, as we believe it has rather been increased since that 
period ; and we shall adopt that as the present amount of 
the company’s exports from Bengal, being 99,11,598 cur-- 
rent rupees, or 1,06,00,109 current rupees, including com- 
mercial charges at 6,88,511 current rupees. The private 
trade Jaden on the company’s ships by individuals is esti- 
mated by the directors, on an ayerage of three years prior 
to 1793, at 300 tons, and valued in England at 6941. per 
ton, making 208,2001., the prime cost of which may be 
taken, on a conjectural estimate, at 15 lacks of current 
rupees ; to this must be added the value of goods Jaden on 
the privileged tonnage of the commanders and officers of 

- the company’s ships. Fifty tons are allowed to each ship 
of 755 tons and upwards ; and a further privileze of 30 tons 
is allowed, provided no goods ordered to be laden on the 
company account are refused. We will suppose that 50 
tons only are occupied; and, estimating the number of 

_ ships on an average of 15 per annum, give us 750 tons for 
the whole privileged tonnage. It is to be remarked, that 
all the ships which arrive at Bengal generally fill up their 
privilege at this place, although they may be afterwards 
destined to Madras, Bencoolen, or other ports in India; 
and as the company have lately increased their tonnage to 
this port, we presume the number of tons we have allowed 
for privilege is less than what is really occupied*. This 
tonnage we value at 3000 current rupees per ton, making 

_ 224 lack of current rupees, or about 15,0001. for each ship. 
_ Had we estimated the value of privileged tonnage at 

20,0001. per ship, we should probably have approached 
nearer to the truth; for it is the medium by which the 
captains and officers remit home the proceeds of their out- 

ard adventures; and those who have no adventures sell 
Bbcic privilege to others. 

“ Fourteen company’s ships sailed from Bengal in the season 1743-4 ff 
Madras, Bencoolen, and Europe, and three on a cruise for the pror-c- 
tion of trade. In 1794-5 the number dispatched was twenty-thr¢, in- 
cluding those ships that were aia as cruizers, and exclusiv of six 
Small ships not in the regular line of the service, which were set out to 
be laden with sugar. 
bn It 

334 On the Maritime Commerce of Bengal. 

It is curious to observe the various modes by which com- 
merce is pursued, and the expedients which are adopted for 
mutual advantage. For some years past it has not been the 
practice with the captains and officers of the company’s 
ships to fill up their own privileged tonnage, or but a por- 
tion of it; and yet they convert it into a profitable and safe 
remittance for the proceeds of their adventures to this coun- 
try. Little skilled in Indian goods, and of course liable to 
imposition, they have wisely abandoned the homeward ad- 
venture to merchants resident in Bengal, who fill up their 
privilege, reccive their money, and grant bills, at the rate 
of 2s. 4d. to 2s. Gd. tor the current rupee. In the exchange 
is included freight and insurance, and it depends on the 
value remitted per ton, whether the freight 1s dear or cheap. | 
The less the merchant draws for, the cheaper he obtams 
his freight; for the exchange may at least be reckoned 20 
per cent. beyond par, which of course becomes a charge 
for freight and insurance. The bills are paid from the pro- 
ceeds of the goods, and if the ship is lost, the obligation 
of payment 1s void. 

In estimating the value of exports to Europe and America 
on foreign ships, we shall form our calculation from the 
tonnage cleared out in the last three years, 1792, 1793, and 
1794. It may be objected to this estimate, that two of the 
years we have selected being a period of war, neutral ton- 
nage under foreign flags would be increased. This, no~ 
doubt, has some influence; but the war having involved — 
every nation in Europe, except the Danes and Swedes, al- 
though we have had an increase of Danish ships in conse- 
quence thereof, other foreign tonnage has declined in a 
greater proportion. Taking, then, the departures of foreign 
ships for Europe and America in 1792, we find them to 
consist of 

Tons Bal 
7 Ships under French colours - - 2,410 
1 Dutch ditto - . - - 200 
4 Danish ditto - - - 2,300 
3 Portuguese ditto - - - 1,400 
1 Imperial ditto =" + - 730 
5 Genoese ditto - - - 2,280 
i6 American ditto - - - 4,302 
\ * 
\ For 

On the Maritime Commerce of Bengal. 335 

? a For 1793. ‘Tons Bur. 

3 Ships under French colours - - 2,000 
6 Danish ditto - - - 3,150 
1 Portuguese ditto - - - 370 
5 Genoese ditto “ - - 2,900 
21 American ditto - - - 6,297 

For i794. 

14 Ships under Danish colours - - 7,600 
3 Portuguese ditto - - - 1,400 
6 American * ditto - - = 1,550 


The medium of the three years gives 12,963 tons; but 
as many of the ships under foreign colours from Europe 
and America, touch at intermediate ports im India, and are 
therefore recorded as arriving from or sailing to an Indian 
port, they must be added to the ships which made a direct 
voyage. In the years before mentioned, these departures 
were as follows: 

In 1792, 27 vessels, carrying - 6,880 tons. 
1793, 28 ditto - - 9,555 
1744, 11 ditto - - 2,200 


‘The medium is 6,2114 tons per annum. 
The proportion of the cargoes of these ships intended for 
the Europe market, it would be impossible to ascertain : 
we shall estimate it at one-sixth of the medium for three 
_years, or 1,6352, which, added to the direct tonnage, gives 
13,998* tons. 
__ As a considerable portion of tonnage is occupied by gruff 
oods, we cannot estimate it higher than 1000 current ru- 
pees, or 1001, per ton: even at this rate the whole value 
will amount to current rupees. 1,39,98,833,54, to which 
adding the exports on the company’s ships, the total of 
goods, exported to Europe and America amounts by this 
computation to two crores, eighty-three lacks, forty-eight 
thousand nine hundred and forty-two current rupees, five 

* The American tonnage declined this year, from a yery general ap- 
prehension that prevailed here, of the United States becoming a party in 
the present war. 

~ 4 


336 On the Maritime Commerce of Bengal. 

annas, four pice, or 2,834,894,48]. 4s. 8d. The Dutch 
company, whose trade from Bengal was formerly so consi- 
derable, that, within our recollection, their exports to Eu- 
rope exceeded forty lacks per annum, have not, to our 
knowledge, provided any investment for Europe for several 
years past ; we must therefore exclude them for the present 
from our estimate of Europe exports, and proceed to the 
country trade. 

“That branch of it which first claims our attention, is the 
intercourse with our settlements, and the different ports on 
the coast of Coromandel in its greatest extent, including 
the Northern Circars, and reckoning from Point Palmiras 
to Cape Comorin; which we have already denominated the 
home trade. 

This trade, as will be perceived from the port lists, gives 
employ to the greatest portion of our home tonnage; and 
is important, not only for its nature and extent, but for the 
constant resource which it affords to our shipping, of mo- 
derate freights, on grain, when other employments fail, or 
at intervals when they must otherwise remain idle. 

The principal articles of export to Madras and the coast 
of Coromandel are grain and pulse, sugar, saltpetre, mo- 
lasses, ginger, long pepper, clarified butter, oil, silk wrought 
and unwrought, muslins, spirits, provisions, &c. 

In the year 1793, 234 ships, burthen 84,045 tons, cleared 
out for the coast of Coromandel; and of this tonnage we 
suppose that 1,0334 tons were filled by goods intended for 
Europe, and 80,000 tons at least were occupied by grain 
and pulse; which, valued on a medium at two and a half 
current rupees per bag of two bazar maunds, or 164]b. 
avoirdupois, when shipped, and 13 bags to the ton, amounts 
to 26 lacks of rapecs. Other exports to this coast on ship- 
ping owned by European traders, are estimated at 8 lacks, 
making in the whole 34 lacks of current rupees. But the 
advantages of this trate must not be appreciated by the 
value of the goods when shipped, but their value when 
sold; for the freight of grain is nearly equal to the cost ; 
and, if we take the sales, on a medium of five current ru- 
pees per bac, or allow for freight and charges two and a 
half current rupees, we find it to be a trade which pays to 
the European shipping of India near twenty-seven lacks of 
current rupees per annum. To this must be added the ex- 
ports on donies and native craft, or vessels belonging to 
and wholly navigated by natives of India. Before the pro- 
hibition of foreign salt their number was very considerable, 
particularly trom the Northern Circars; but that measure 
ie depriying 

On the Maritime Commerce of Bengal. 337 

depriving them of a freight of salt to Bengal, and haying 
nothing to substitute but money for iheir purchases, it ope- 
rated for many years as a severe check on this branch of 
trade. A more liberal policy was adopted by lord Corn- 
wallis, by drawing part of the annual supply of salt from 
the coast, which, with many other advantages, afforded 
considerable encouragement both to native and European 
shipping. Since that period this trade has begun to revive, 
and we may now rate the tonnage of vessels belonging to 
and navigated by natives, which annually visit Bengal, from 
_all quarters, including the Maldivian vessels, and those 
from the coast of Malabar and Muscat, at. 10,000 tons. 
Their exports are principally grain and pulse, with some 
coarse sugar, long pepper, ginger, and silk and cotton piece 
goods, which may be estimated at about five lacks of cur- 
rent rupees ; and, added to the exports for this coast on 
ships navigated by or belonging to Europeans, make 39 
lacks of current rupecs. 

After the Coromandel trade, we place that to the east- 
ward, and China; and, were our scale of precedence deter- 
mined by the capital it employs, exclusive of shipping, or, 
in other words, by the value of its exports only, it would 
stand next in rank to that of Europe: but we cannot hold 
any branch of trade which requires a capital. of fifty-five 
lacks uf rupees, and an outlay of twelye months, to give 
employment to 11,000 tons of shipping, equal to that which 
employs 84,000 tons on a capital of thirty-four lacks only, 
and which returns the outlay in eight or ten weeks. 

The grand article which supports the eastern trade is 
opium. This fascinating drug has ever been in great re- 
quest. amongst al] eastern nations, but more particularly 
among the Malays. In its oblivious fume (for they gene- 

tally smoke it) they find refuge from every care and anxicty ; 
and, when the evils of life press beyond their powers of 
endurance, taken in another form, it excites the devoicd 
wretch to deeds of horror and destruction. 

Amongst this sanguinary people, all ranks and ages, who 
have the means of procuring it, use opium without restraint; 
and the Chinese, notwithstanding it is prohibited by their 
Jaws under severe penalties, appear to be equally fond of the 
drug. It was formerly difficult to import opium into China, 
and the quantity sold there was trifling; but, in defiance of 
prohibitory laws, the consumption of China cannot now be 
rated at less than half the quantity exported from Bengal. 

By the company’s sales for the year 1793-4, it appears 
that 4,520 chests of Patna opium were delivered to the 

Vol. 21. No. 84, May 1805. Y Dutch 

338 On the Maritime Commerce of Bengal. 

Dutch and Danes, and 450 chests were sold, and produced 
28,87,780 sicca rupees; besides which 700 chests sent, on 
the company’s account, to Bencoolen and Prince of Wales’s 
Island. These 1,150:chests, valued at the medium rate of 
the sales of Patna opium, amount to 6,36,668,12 sicca ru- 
pees. To this must be added about 500 chests annually 
imported from Oude, which, estimated at 500 rupees per 
chest, makes the whole amount to 32,74,448 sicca rupees, 
or 37,98,359 current rupees. Nearly the whole of this is. 
exported to the eastern islands and China; or, if we deduct 
two lacks for home consumption (which we know to 
be principally supplied by smuggled opium), and allow 
98,358 10 8 rupees for occasional exports to the coast of 
Coromandel and Malabar, we shall not over-rate the value 
of this article exported to the eastward, in stating it at 35 
lacks of current rupees. Besides opium, our traders carry 
to the eastward and China, grain, saltpetre, gunpowder, 
iron, fire-arms, cotton, wool, silk, and cotton piece goods, 
&c.; of the latter, including what goes to Manilla and Ba~ 
tavia, the value is considerable; not less, in our opinion, 
than ten lacks of rupees. If I estimate all other articles at 
five lacks, the exports amount to fifty-five lacks; and TI do 
not conceive my assumption of the value of eastern exports 
will be found overcharged. 

Next to the eastern trade I place that to Bombay and the 
ports on the Malabar coast, including Surat, which, in the 
year 1793, occupied 51 vessels, carrying 28,100 tons. Of 
this tonnage, [ think, no less than 25,000 tons consisted 
of grain and pulse, which, taken at the former valuation of 
two and a half current rupees per bag, gives 8,12,500 cur- 
rent rupees. Other articles of export to these marts consist 
principally of sugar, raw silk, some silk and cotton piece 
goods, saltpe're, ginger, long pepper, sacking (called gun- 
nies), hempen rope, &c., which do not exceed five or six 
lacks of rupees; and the whole exports may be reckoned at 
14 lacks of current rupees. 

To the gulfs of Arabia and Persia, Bengal sends grain, 
sugar, silk and cotton piece goods, &c. This trade was 
formerly so considerable, that the annual returns were esti- 
mated at thirty lacks of rupees; but, owing to the anarehy 
which has prevailed in Persia since the death of Kherim 
Khan, the successor of Nadir Shah, and in Egypt, since the 
overthrow of Ali Bey, with a variety of other causes, it has 

. greatly declined of late years *; and including the eastern coast 

* It has been confidently asserted that the trade to Sucz wis shut up 


On the Maritime Commerce of Bengal. 339 

#f Africa, the Maldives, and Mauritius, we cannot esti- 
mate the exports at more than eight lacks of rupees. - 

Notwithstanding the large quantity of teak timber annu- 
ally imported from Pegne, the balance of trade is much in 
favour of Bengal. Her exports to the dominions of the 
king of Ava, including Arracan, consist chiefly of silk and 
cotton piece goods, fire-arms, iron, nails, naval and mili-+ 
tary stores, and a varicty of European goods ; which may 
be estimated at about six lacks of current rupees. 

It remains to be noticed, the supplies to the new settle- 
ment on the Andamans, occasional cargoes to the colonies 
at Port Jackson, in New Holland, and expeditions to the 
north-west coast of America and Kamschatka: these can- 
not be rated beyond two Jacks per annum. 

Combining all the exports by sca under the heads to 
which we have referred them, they appear as follow : 

Curr. Rupees. 
Europe and America - - 2,83,48,942 54 
Madras and coast of Coromandel - - 39,00,000 

Eastern islands, Malay coast, and China — - 55,00,000 

Bombay, Surat, and other ports on the Malabar 

coast - = = = 14,00,000 
Gulfs of Persia, to Arabia, eastern coast of 
_ Africa, Maldives and Mauritius -  - 8,800,000 
Pegue and Arracan - - - 6,00,000 
Andamans, Port Jackson, and north-west coast 

of America - - - - 2,00,006 

— — ——_—— _ 

4,07,48,042 54 

To this sum should be added exports by land to the De- 
can, Thibet, Nepaul, and the various nations that surround 
Bengal ; hut of these, although considerable, we can form 
no computation. We know, however, that in the year 
1791 there was exported from Benares alone, to the Decan 
and Mahratta states, above a lack of maunds of sugar by 
inland traders, and the quantities of raw and wrought silks, 
and piece goods, with a variety of European goods, which 
are annually purchased by inland merchants, amount to a 
considerable sum; probably not less than an eighth part of 

by the Porte in consequence of representations made by our ambassador 
to the Ottoman government, at the instance of the court of directors. A 
measure so injurious to Bengal we caunot attribute to those who are 
hound to cherish and support rer; policy and humanity would prompt a 
different conduct. We must therefore suppose the prohibition arose from 
the natural jealousy of the Turkish government, 

Y2 ; the 

340 On the Maritime Commerce of Bengal. 

the exports by sea. Was I, therefore, to rate the whole 
annual exporté of Bengal, by sea and land, at four millions 
and a half of pounds sterling, J should, in my own opi- 
nion, form a moderate estimate of their value. 

Imperfect as the materials are from which I have drawn 
my computation of the export trade of Bengal, I am sorry 
to confess, that I am without any guide whatsoever to di- 
rect me in forming the most distant idea of the amount of 
imports. Had I even access to the records of the custom- 
house, they would afford very unsatisfactory grounds from 
which any conclusions could be drawn. 

The company’s tmports pay no duty. Some of the fo- 
reign ships discharge their cargoes at Serampore, which of 
course pay no duty to the company, and do not appear on 
the books of the custom-house; and smuggling is a plant 
which rears its head in every climate. 1 shall not, there- 
fore, hazard any estimates on this head, for all that I could 
offer would be only vague conjecture. Since the abolition 
of government customs, no duties have been levied at Cal- 
cutta on exports. _ Foreign and inland imports pay four per 
cent. ad vabren with an exception to indigo, and to silk 
and cotton piece goods of the produce of the country; the 
former paying no duty, and the latter only two per cent. 
The dutics on liquors are fixed at so much per dozen, or 
gallon. A new regulation, I am informed, is about to take 
place, which frees inland imports from all duty, and im- 
poses two and a half per cent. on all imports by sea, and 
the same on exports. This regulation will increase the port 
duties, without being unfavourable to the trade of the coun- 
try, inasmuch as the whole consumption of inland produce 
in Calcutta is thereby liberated ; for we cannot estimate the 
impost on goods exported, including even the advanced 
price, or the profits of the intermediate merchant, who buys 
from the manufacturer or inland trader, and sells to the 
foreign exporter at a sum equal to the amount of the present 
duties on inland tmports into Calcutta, which comprehend 
as well the consumpiton of the place as the exports there- 

Provided the different articles of import and export be 
precisely enumerated at the custom-house, and this source 
of information is accessible, the regulation will afford to 
future speculators on this subject some better data than we 
possess tor estimating the amount of the trade of Bengal. 

The imports of Bengal may be classed under the same 
general heads into which we have divided the exports. From 
Europe she receives metals of all sorts, wrought and un- 


On the Maritime Commerce of Bengal. 34] 

wrought, woollens of various kinds, naval and military 
stores of every description, gold and silver coin and bul- 
lion; and almost every article of the produce of Europe, 
which people in affluent circumstances there consume, is 
imported for the use of the European inhabitants. 

The returns from Madras and the coast of Coromandel 
consist of salt, red wood, some fine long cloth, izarees, 
and chintg, and occasional speculations of European goods, 
or the produce of other countries previously imported there. 
The balance due to Bengal is either absorbed by drafts or 
bills on this government, drawn by the Madras presidency, 
01 is remitted in specie. 

From the eastern islands and Malay coast are received 
pepper, tin, wax, dammer, brimstone, gold dust, specie, 

etel-nut, spices, benzoin, &c.: from China, tutenag, 
sugar-candy, tea, alum, dammer, porcelain, and lackered 
ware, and a variety of manufactured goods: and from Ma- 
nilla, indigo of a very fine quality, (which is re-exported to 
Europe,) sugar, japan wood, and specie. The balance of 
this trade, meaning the whole eastern commerce, is gene- 
rally paid into the company’s treasury at Canton for bills 
on the court of directors, (which are negotiated here, 
and, whilst the exchange was at 5s. Gd. for the Spanish 
dollar, formed an advantageous remittance,) or it is ab- 
sorbed by bills granted by the traders to this government, 
and payable to the supercargoes in China. 

The Malabar coast pays her purchases with sandal wood, 
coyar rope, pepper, some cardamums, and occasional car- 
goes of cotton wool: the balance is remitted by bills, or 

‘sunk in the annual supplies which Bengal furnishes to the 

presidency ef Bombay. 

_ From Pegue are brought teak timber, tin, wax, elephants’ 
teeth, lac, &c. The gulfs make their returns in coffee, 
specie, brimstone, dates, and some other articles of incon- 
siderable value. And the Maldives and eastern coast of 
Africa supply cowries and coyar. 

2 Abstract 

On the Maritime Commerce of Bengal. 


i od : " 2) 

bb 'E91) Lo |——— |—— 

OBIS |t0B | OOGE | SE Joos |i jossijy oor {ft 
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On the Maritime Commerce of Bengal. 


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[344 j it 0 

LVI. An Essay on Medical Entomology. By ¥. Cusv- 
METON, Physician to the Army. 
{Continued from p. 242. ] 


Coceus—Gall Insect.—The female, says Cuvier, has the 
form of a buckler firmly attached to the stems and leaves 
of plants, and lives on the juice, which it, extracts by a 
long beak it Inserts into them. It has six short feet, and 
two short and cylindric antennz: it has no wings. The 
male, in the state of larva, has almost the same form as 
the temale ; but it is metamorphosed into a very small in- 
sect with two long wings, ldne filiform antenne, and 
six smooth eyes, without any apparent beak. When the 
female has been fecundated, she becomes considerably 
larger. The eggs which she lays remain under her body, 
which afterwards becomes dry and serves as a shelter to the 
eggs, and for some tnne to the young after they have been 
hatched. The latter issue from an indentation in the poste- 
rior part of the body of their mother, and run about some 
time on the tree before they become fixed. 

Coccus ILicis— Kermes.—This gall insect lives on a kind 
of green oak which grows in Spain, Portugal, and the south 
of France (Quercus coccifera). The female, which in April 
¥s not larger than a grain of millet, acquires by fecundation 
such a size, that in the month of June she is almost as 
large as a juniper berry, which she pretty nearly resembles 
in shape and colour, At this last period, when the female 
loses life by communicating it, the follicles formed by her 
body and eggs are torn off by means of the nails. To pre- 
vent the latter from being hatched they are besprinkled with 
good vinegar, and dried in the open air. 

With the juice expressed from these follicles is prepared 
what are called graines d'écarlate and syrup. of kermes, 
which is employed as an astringent, stimulant, and aphro- 
- disiac, 

It will be sufficient to enumerate the different substances 
which enter into the preparation of alkermes, to show how 
little foundation there is for its great reputation. Notwith- 
standing the successive reforms which this electuary has 
experienced since the time of Megsue, it could not lose the 
impression of that Arabic polypharmacy with which, during 
a long series of ages, medicme was infected, and from 
which it is not yet totally freed. . , 

N72 , 3 Pastils- 


On Medical Entomology. 245 

Pastils of alkermes deserve as little confidence, arid! must 
also be rejected. 

Kermes furnish to the arts a red of a good colour, but 
less brilliant than that of cochineal. The latter is an msect 
of the same genus (Coccus cacti), which» is produced ‘in 
America on a kind of cactus called nopal (Cactus coccinel- 
liferus). The female is oval, and retains traces of the seg~ 
ments of her body. A decoction of these insects, nixed 
with a nitro-muriatic solution of tin, produces scarlet; 
alone, they dye crimson. 

Stisser, Lister, and Struve, have extolled cochineal in 
affections of the urinary passages 5 yet its medicinal quali- 
ties are very uncertain, and, in my opinion, it ought to be 
applied only to dyeing *. 

Another kind of coccus produces gum lac. This, also, 
medicine may give up to dyeing, which derives from it 2 
beautiful red colour. 



PHaLzna— Moth.—The phalene are distinguished from 
the butterfly and sphynx by their antenne decreasing trom 
the base to the summit, and by their flying abroad chiefly 
in the night. 

Puarana (Bompyx) Mort—The larva of this species is 
known generally under the improper denomination of silk 
worm. A great deal has been written on the method of 
producing and rendering useful the valuable tissue which 
forms the tomb it constructs for itsclf: Chaussier has che- 
mically examined the phalena of the wnulberry tree, and 
has extracted from it, by means of alcohol, an acid (the 
bombic) pretty well concentrated, with which. the materia 
medica might be enriched. I consider all acids as capable 
of furnishing powerful. succour to medicine; and, in my 
opinion, none of them ought to be neglected. 

Bonnet, Bergman, and Sauvages have found acid pro- 
erties in the laryse of several other lepidoptere. It would 
e of importance to repeat their experiments, and make ap 

application of them, to the art of healing. 

: elaine oe a 

é oo } 9, TAYMENOPTERA. | 

~, Cuxtrs—Cynips.--The mouth of these: insects is fur- 
nished with jaws, and unprovided with a trunk. They: have 

* Jn general it appears that aJl insects introduced into the anima! eco- 
— . . * 
momy carry their action chiefly to the urinary organs, 

a smajJ] 

346 On Medical Entomology. 

a small head, and long thin antennz of thirteen or fifteen 
articulations. The wings large, and almost without ribs. 
The thorax, as it were gibbous. The abdomen compressed 
on the sides and sharp below, where it contains, between 
two scaly lamine, a sting bent in a spiral form, and which 
issues only when the insect wishes to deposit its eggs under 
the epidermis of a plant. Its prick occasions a protube- 
rance called gall, which always increases, and in which the 
larva lives till the time of its metamorphosis*. It then 
gnaws through its prison, and the place where it issues is 
marked by a hole with which the gall is pierced: some- 
times, however, the larva dies before that period, or is not 
able to form for itself a passage; in that case the gall re- 
mains without being perforated. 

Cynres Quercus—Gall Fly.—The oak affords nourish- 
ment to several kinds of cynips, which all prick it in cer- 
tain parts; such as the branches, flowers, leaves, and foot- 
stalks. The species which attack the latter part have a 
black body, whitish legs, and brown thighs. It produces 
the large round gall full of tubercles, a decoction of which, 
mixed with a solution of the sulphate of iron, composes ink, 
and almost all black colours. 

The gall (called commonly the gall-nut) was formerly 
considered as an excellent remedy; and I consider as very 
blameable the forgetfulness to which it appears to’be at - 
present condemned. It has a great analogy indeed to cin- 
chona; and if it cannot, in certain circumstances, supply 
its place, there are others in which it is superior. Hippo- 
crates employed it externally against affections of the ma- 
trix, and Galen cured intermittent fevers by administering 
it in doses of a gros. 

The external and internal use of gall-nuts is indicated in 
asthenic diseases of the lymphatic and cellular systems, in 
some mucous fluxes too abundant,'such as blennorrhea and 
leucorrhea. Itis a powerful auxiliary for keeping in con- 
tiguity parts which have been divided. 

The gall nut of the oak, by simple infusion im water, 
deposits crystals disposed in the form of a sun, of a gray 
colour, and an acid styptic taste. It is gallic acid, which 
retains the properties of the substance that furnished it. 
Boiling alcohol dissolves equal parts of that acid; cold, it 
dissolves a fourth. The gallic alcohol which results from 
it ought, in my opinion, to surpass in virtue all the pre- 
parations of gall: nuts-hitherto employed. 

* Cuvier Tab. Elem, del Hist. Nat, des Animaus. 


On Medical Entomology. 347 

Cynips Ros®.—The cynips of ‘the rose tree is black ; 
its abdomen and feet are red: the excrescence which gives 
rise to its larva is spongy, reticulated, and formed of yellow 
and red filaments. It is known under the name‘of moss 
of the rose tree, or ledesuar. [i is astonishing that illus- 
trious physicians have ascribed diuretic, somnifcrous, and ‘~ 
even ante-hydrophobic properties to. this substance, oittiahe 
has no odour*. 

‘Curysts—Chryside.—The beautiful colours with which 
the bodies of all these insects are ornamented, justify the 
name of golden wasp which has been given to them. They 
have jaws, but no trunk; their tongue is small and oval; 
their antenne are filiform, ‘and composed of twelve atticula= 
uons, the first of which is longer than the rest: their sting 
is enveloped i in a scaly covering , and serves the insect only 
for depositing its cggs in the small cells which it forms in 
the mortar of walls exposed to the south. 

Cynips 1¢n1va—Blue and red Chryside. CuvierThe ' 
head and breast cf this species are blue, changing to golden 
green; the abdomen is red, changing to gold colour, and 
terminated by four indentations. 

It has been proposed to employ this insect, dried and 
pulverized, or digested in alcohol, in the same manner and 
the same diseases as cantharides. Beiris recommends it in 
particular in paralytic aifections. 

- Arts—The Bee.—The mouth of bees is furnished with 
jaws, and a trunk, with which they extract the juice from 
flowers: their antennez are filiform. The females and 
miales have their anus armed with a retractile sting, which 
inflicts a painful wound. 

» APIs MELLIFICA—The domestic Bee. Geoff. called im- 
properly the Honey Bee—While the farmer is employed 
only in increasing the product of bees, the philosopher 
observes them in “their solitary retreats; and after having 
studied the manners given them by nature! he collects 
them into colonies, in order to appreciate the modifications 
they have experienced from the hand of man. He con- 
structs for them transparent habitations, which permit him 
to contemplate their admirable labours, and the police 
which prevails among them. These details, equally calcu- 
lated to interest and excite curiosity, do not fall within my 
province; and I must confine myself to distinguish the 

* The only quality that can be distinguished in them is the astrin- 
gency common to them with many other vegetable matters. 
‘ ‘ 


348 ; On Medicat Entomology. 

domestic fee from the ether species of the sme genus. It 
is well known that a hive contains bees of three kinds: 
_ . Ist, The queen or mother is smaller and longer than the 

males: her wings do not extend to the extremity of the 
hody: the latter is of a bright brown colour above, and of a 
beautiful yellow below. She has neither palettes nor brushes 
gm the Iegs: her trunk is very short and very delicate. 

ed, The males or drones have long wings, a short trunk, 
no palettes on theirlegs, and nosting. The only use of them 
seems to be to fecundate the queen. This important func- 
tion is searcely discharged when they are expelled, or mas- 
sacred without mercy. Yet bees are quoted as a pertect 
model of food government *. x 

3d, Bees without sex, which are called working bees, 
Because, indeed, the whole labour of the hive belongs ex- 
clusively to them, are distinguished by their smaller size, 
and their long pointed trunk, moveable in every direction. 
Their paws resemble brushes; the posterior ones are hol- 
Jewed out in the spoon form. It is by means of this 
conformation that they are able to dive into the corolla of 
flowers, suck the nectar from them, and load themselves 
with poilen td convert it ito honey and wax. The latter 
forms the basis of the combs, the surface of which exhibits 
an assemblage of a multitude of cells arranged with won- 
derful art and astonishing symmetry. A part of these cells 
or alveolz is destined ta receive the honey, and the mother 
bee deposits in the rest the hope of a new generation. 

Most medicines are distinguished by a dark colour, a 
nanscous odour, and a detestable taste. The patient shud- 
ders at the bare view of the disgusting beverage which he 
is ordered to swallow to the very dregs; and, if the danger 
is not urgent, he refuses to purchase health at that price. 
Manna and senna enter into the composition of the purga- 
tives most generally employed. The odour which exhales 
from them often produces spasms and other accidents in 
persons of a nervous constitution. I knew a young man 
to whom this odour gave frequent stools; and I rarely pre- 
pare these medicines myself without experiencing nausea, 
sometimes followed by vomiting. Hippocrates, two thou- 
' sand years ago, recommended some remedy less energetic, 
and more agrecable to the patient, in the room of one more 

* It appears much more probable that these drones die naturally after 
having discharged the function for which they are destined; for it is the 
common fate of a!l male insects to die after they have engendered. 


On Medical Entomology. ~ B49 

efiicacious which excited his aversion. Honey possesses 
the double advantage of flattermg the taste and producing 
excellent etiects. If it does not occupy one of the first 
places in the amateria medica, it is probably because it has 
an agreeable savour, and is very common. There are few 
diseases, indeed, in which honey is countcr-mdicated. In 
Many it acts as a powerful palliative, and in many others it 
produces a radical cure. Affections of the urinary passages 
and those of the organs of respiration are the cases, how- 

ever, in which the use of it is crowned with the happiest 

success. Last winter I had several instances of pnimonary 
catarrh, and honey was always the principal means of cure. 
I had also to treat a dyspnea, and three cases of phthisis in 
the highest degree. One of the patients affected with the 
latter ascribed his malady to cinchona, of which he had been 
made to take more than twelve ounces. All of them were 
indebted, in a great measure, for their cyre, to honey. 1 
advised them to eat it with their bread; and I caused them 
to put it into their common beverage, which was an infu- 
sion of the roots of the polygcla wmara. The anti-phthisical 
properties of this plant have been placed beyond deubt by 
a physician as estimable for his talents as for his virtues*. 
I wished to try this treatment on a phthisicky patient in the 
second degree, who had been imprudently moved about from 
hospital to hospital for a considerable time. Honey and 
polygala both failed, aud the patient soon sunk under the 
disease. I also had the misfortune to see fall a sacrifice a 
captain of the 48th regiment of mfantry, attacked with a 
phthisis laryngea+, the fatal termmation of which ought 
chiefly to be ascribed to different treatments with hyper- 
oxygenated muriate of mercury. Can Van Swieten be par- 
<ioned for having put into the hands of ignorance a terrible 
poison, to which thousands daily fa] victims? ‘Water in 
which honey is dissolved is called simple hydromel. If this 
mixture be subjected to vinous fermentation, the result ig 
vinous hydromel, ‘The first is proper in angiotenic fevers 
and phlegmasia ; the second is indicated in particular in 
adynaimic diseases. 

Honey boiled with half its weight of white wine vinegar 
constitutes simple oxymel, the utility of which in meninge- 
gastric fevers, and phlegmasice complicated with adynamic 
symptoms, has been proved by long experience. If vinegar 

* Mar. Medic. indigene, par I. F. Coste et P. R. Willemet, couronnée 
en 1776 par l’Acad. de Lyon. 
+ Pbtbisis Sipbillitica, Satay. Nos. 


; a. or 
B50 -» .. -- Gn Medical Entomology. 

of squills be substituted for common vinegar, thete will be 
‘formed oxymel of squills, which ought to be considered as 
an excellent hydragogue. J cured, in the hospital of Berg- 
op-Zoom, several persons attacked with anasarca and partial 
dropsies just beginning, and many cedematous affections, 
by preseribing for them daily nothing but one or two ounces 
ot oxymel of squills in two pounds of the infusion of ab- 
synthium and a chopin of good wine, of which the patient 
took alternately a glass full every hour. Being persuaded 
that the best remedies to succeed require to be seconded by 
a good regimen, I did every thing in my power to prevent 
the hydropical patients from gratifying their appetite, which 
is often voracious. Their quantity of bread never exceeded 
twelve ounces; and the only food I allowed them to add to 

_ it was eggs, carrots, ricc, turnips, and prunes. I could 
have wished: to allow them a little animal food, such as veal 
or chicken ; but, having at my disposal nothing except beef 
of an indifferent quality, L was obliged to interdict them 
from flesh meat altogether. 

Honey, whether emploved in its natural state or formed 
into the different preparations before mentioned, must be 
chosen exceedingly white, firm, and granulated. That of 
Narbonne possesses all these qualities. The Gatinois fur- 
nishes some also, which is very good. The use of yellow 

figuid honey is confined to lotions and cataplasms. 

I have said nothing of electuaries, confections, conserves, 
opiates, &c., of which honey is often one of the ingredi- 
ents, and sometimes the base. The bare mention of elec- 
tuary suggests theriac, orvietan, mithridate, double catho- 
licum, &c.: and one cannot help being véxed to see these 
whimsical compositions still make so conspicuous a figure 
in the lists of pharmaceutical remedies. ‘> 

Though wax seems exclusively devoted to the arts, some 
celebrated physicians have, in certain circumstances, ad- 
ministered it with success. Jacobi found it very useful in 
convulsive cough, hematuria, and dysen‘-;y. It 1s above 
all in the last disease that the efficacy of it, used internally 
and under the form of injection, has been confirmed by 
Diemerbroek, Valleriola, and Pringle. Soap serves as a 
medium for making of it pills or an aqueous solution. 

In certain cases the too speedy union of the lips of a 
wound or the edges of an ulcer must be retarded, because 
it may be followed by disagreeable consequences: at other 
times it is necessary to oppose the contraction of the muscles, 
which continually tend to contract or shut a natural aper- 
ture. Sponge prepared with wax would not fulfil these 
; 8 indications 

On Medical Entomology. 351 

indications but with extreme difficulty and extraordinary 
slowness, because our humours, both in the sound state 
and when degenerated into pus, have too weak an action 
on the wax. This inconvenience has been avoided by a 
very simple process, which perfectly answers the proposed 
end. A dipped in water in such a manner as to 
be completely soaked: it is then compressed as much as 
possible in every direction with a picce of packthread. If 
the latter be taken away at the end of a certain time, it is 
observed that the sponge retains the form given to it by the 
compression ; but the slightest humidity is sufficient to 
make it resume its natur 1 volume; and in this consists 
the merit of this preparation, which was published as new 
a few years ago, though long known, and though employed 
with great success by I. F. Morand, surgeon. 

Cerates are indebted for their consistence and name to 
wax; it is wax which gives to ointments and plasters that 
apparent homogeneity and smoothness which is sought for. 
Desault was so tully convinced of the danger which accom- 
panies the applicatien of greasy substances to the surface of 
the body, that he almost entirely proscribed the use of these 
topics. I have attended too little the lectures of Desault 
to be well acquainted with his general method of treating 
external diseases ; but I have. had for colleagues in the army 
several of his. pupils, who applied in- abundance aqueous 
solution of acetite of lead (vegeto-mineral water of Goulard) 
to all wounds, ulcers, and tumours. T congratulate myself 
that I have not imitated them, and that I followed the wise 
counsels of my learned Mecawnas*, who recommends the 
substitution of muriate of soda for acetite of lead. This 
metallic salt, indeed, participates in all the faults so justly 
ascribed to fat bodies. Like them it forms a stratum im- 
permeable to the excrementitious fluids, and gives besides 
to the orifice of the exhaling vesscls an astriction which 
fnay occasion a-fatal metastasis, or mortal tetanus. 

* Heurteloup. 

{ To be continued.] 

LIX. 4 

eevee 558: F 

Liss 4 new, easy, and cheap Method of separating Copper 
from Silver. By M,*. nist. 

x : , 
E our methods. are known for separating copper from 
stlver, in all-of which the alloy is dissolved in the nitric 
acid. As the price of ibis acid is high, M. Goetling, in 
place of it, employs sulphuric acid, which 1s much cheaper. 
His process, which has fully answered his expectation, i$ 
as follows: 

The proportion of silver in the alloy is first_to be ascer- 
tained by the touch, or in any other way. For each part 
‘of silver one part of sulphuric acid, and for each part of 
copper three and three-fifth parts of the same acid, are to 
be taken. The acid, diluted with half its weight of water, 
is to be poured into the matrass on the alloy, reduced to 
small pieces. An addition of one part more of the acid to 
every sixteen parts of the. alloy facilitates the solution. 
Place the matrass in a sand heat, and bring the contents to 
4 state of ebullition. If care be taken to stir it frequently, 
with a glass rod, the alloy will be broken down and con- 
verted into a sulphate in two or three hours. It will be- 
come thick, and sometimes hard. While still hot, six or 
eight times its weight of boiling water is to be added to it, 
aud the heat to be continued for some time. By this means 
the sulphate will be dissolved, and a great part of the sul- 
phate of silver will be precipitated. When the whole is 
found to be completely dissolved, a clean plate of copper, 
or a few pieces of clean copper money tied loosely in a 
coarse cloth, is suspended in the fluid, and the boiling 1s 
continued for some hours, by which mcans all the suiphate 
of silver is decomposed, and the metal separated in a me- 
tallic form. 

To ascertain when the separation is complete, a small 
quantity of the solution is taken out and tried, by adding a 
few drops of a solution of muriate of soda. If a curdly 
precipitate is formed, it is a proof that some of the silver 
stil remains im it; in which case the boiling must be con- 

When a complete separation is effected, the clear solution 
is to be decanted off with care, and the precipitate washed. 
To ascertain that all adhering sulphate of copper is removed, 
drop into the water last poured off from the precipitate a 
few drops of liquid ammonia. If any of that sulphate be 

* From Taschen Buch fur Skeidekunstler, &c. 1804, 

Account of Travels between the Tropics. 353 

still present, the ammonia will produce a blue colour in the 
water. The silver, if not wished to be kept as a powder, 
may be melted with from a fourth to a half of its weight of 
' nitrate of potash. 

The liquid sulphate of copper decanted from the precipi- 
tate, as also the water employed in washing it, may after- 
wards be evaporated in a copper bason, and, by crystalliza- 
tion, a quantity of blue vitriol equivalent to the cost of the 
acid will be obtained. 

Should some parts of the alloy, by accident, have re- 
mained undissolved, they may be separated by decantation, 
and reserved for the next repetition of the process. 

LX. Short Account of Travels between the Tropics, by 
Messrs. Humpoitpt and BoneLanD, in 1799, 1800, 
1801, 1802, 1803, and 1804. By J. C. Detame- 


Tre interest which the learned world so justly takes in 
the travels of Messrs. Humboldt and Bonpland, as well as 
my friendship for them, impose on me the agreeable obli- 
gation of giving an abstract of what I have been able to 
learn respecting them, either from their public and private 
correspondence, or from the memoirs read in the Institute. 
This account will be short, but correct. 

After making physical researches for eight years in Ger- 
many, Poland, England, France, Swisserland, and Italy, 
M. Humboldt came to Paris in 1798, where the Museum 
of Natural History afforded him an opportunity of making 
a voyage round the world with:captain Baudin. When on 
the point of setting out for Havre, with Alexander-Aimé 
Goujou Bonpland, a pupil of the School of Medicine and 
Garden of Plants, the war which recommenced with Austria, 
_ and the want of funds, induced the Directory to put off the 
voyage of Baudin till a more favourable occasion. M. Hum- 
boldt, who since 1792 had conceived the design of under- 
taking, at his own expense, a voyage to the tropics, in order 
to promote the physical sciences, resolved then to accom- 

any the men of science who were destined for Egypt. The 
Bavile of Aboukir having interrupted all direct communi- 
eation with Alexandria, his plan was to take advantage of 
a Swedish frigate which was to carry the consul Seziolde- 

* From Journal de Physique, Thermidor, an 12. 
Vol. 21. No. 84. May 1805. Z brant 

354 Account of Travels between the Tropics. 

brant to Algiers, to accompany the caravan thence'to Mecca, 
and to preceed to India by Egypt and the Persian Gulph - 
but the war, which broke out in an unexpected manner 
in the month of October 1798, between France and the 
Barbary powers, and the troubles in the East, prevented, 
M. Humboldt fronr setting out from Marseilles, where he: 
waited to no purpose for two months. Impatient at this 
new delay, but always firm in the project of joing the 
expedition in Egypt, he set out for Spain, hoping he should 
he able to proceed more easily under the Spanish flag from 
Carthagena to Algiers or Tunis. He took the road to Ma- 
drid through Montpellier, Perpignan, Barcelona, and Va-_ 
lentia; but the news from the East became every day more 
distressing. The war there was carried on with unexampled 
fury, and he was at length obliged to renounce the design 
of going through Egypt to Indostan. A happy concurrence 
of circumstances soon indemnified M. Humboldt for this 
delay. In the month of March 1799, the court of Madrid 
granted him full permission to proceed to the Spanish colo- 
nies in both the Americas, in order to make such researches 
as might be useful to the sciences. His catholic majesty even 
deigned to show particular interest for the success of this 
expedition; and M. Humboldt, after residing some months 
at Madrid and Aranjues, set out from Europe in June 1799, 
accompanied by his friend Bonpland, who unites an exten~- 
sive knowledge of botany and zoology to that indefatigable 
zeal and love for the sciences which induce men to submit 
with indifference to evefy kind of hardship. 

With this friend M, Humboldt travelled for five years, 
at his own expense, between the tropics, passing over, by 
sea and land, nearly 9000 leagues. These two travellers, 
provided with recommendations from the court of Spain, 
embarked in the Pigarro frigate, at Corunna, for the Ca- 
naries. They touched at the island of Graciosa, near Lan- 
cerotta, and at Teneriff, where they ascended to the crater of 
the peak, in order to analyse the atmospheric air, and make 
aeological obseryations on the basaltes and porphyritic schist 
of Africa. Inthe month of July they arrived at the port of 
©umana, in the gulph of Cariaco, a part of South America 
celebrated by the labours. and misfortunes of the indefatiga- 
ble Loflarg. In the eourse of 1799 and 1800 they visited 
the coast of Paria, the Indian missions of Chaymas, and 
the province of New Andalusia, one of the hottest, but at 
the same time healthiest, countries in the world, though 
convulsed by dreadful and frequent earthquakes. They 
traversed the provinces of New Barcelona, Venezuela, and 

Account of Travels between the Tropics. 355 

Spanish Guyana. After determining the longitude of Cu- 
mana, Caraccas, and several other points by observations 
of the satellites of Jupiter; after collecting plants on the 
summits of Caripe and Silla de Avila, crowned by Befaria, 
they set out for the capital of Caraccas in February 1800, 
and the beautiful valleys of Aragua, where the large lake 
of Valentia calls to remembrance that of Geneva, but em- 
bellished by the majestic vegetation of the tropics. 

From Pr adgaelle they proceeded south, penetrating 
from the coast of the sea of the Antilles as far as the houn- 
daries of Brazil towards the equator. They first traversed 
the immense plains of Calabozo, Apure, and Lower Ore- 
noko; the Llanos, deserts similar to those of Africa, where 
by the reverberation of the heat, but under the shade, Reau- 
mur’s thermometer rises to 33° or 37°, and where the 
scorching soil, for more than 2000 leagues, differs in its 
level only five inches. The sand, similar to the horizon at 
sea, exhibits every where the most curious phenomena of 
refraction and elevation. Without any vegetation, in the 
dry months it affords shelter to the crocodile and the torpid 
boa, ‘ 

The want of water, the heat of the sun, and the dust 
raised by the scorching winds, harass in turns the traveller, 
who directs himself and mule by the course of the stars, or 
by some scattered trunks of the mauritia and embothrium 
which are discovered every three or four leagues. 

At St. Fernando d’Apure, in the province of Varinas, 
Messrs. Humboldt and Bonpland began a laborious navyi- 
gation of nearly 500 nautical leagues. in canoes, during 
which they made a chart of the country by the help of 
timekeepers, the satellites, and lunar distances. They de- 
scended the river Apure, which falls into the Orenoko in 
the. latitude of seven degrees. Having escaped from the 
danger of imminent shipwreck near the island of Pana- 
numa, they ascended the latter river as far as the mouth of 
the Rio Guaviare, passing the famous cataracts of Atures 
and Maypure, where the cavern of /\tatuipe contains mum- 
mies of a nation destroyed by the war of the Caribs and 
Maravitains. From the movth of the Rio Guaviare, which 
descends from the Andes of New Granada, and which fa- 
ther Gumilla erroneously teok for the sources of the Ore- 
noko, they quitted the latter and ascended the small rivers 
Atabapo, Tuamini, and Temi. 

Irom the mission of Javita they proceeded by land to the 
sources of the Guginia, which the Europeans cdll the Rio 
Negro, and which Condamine, who saw it only at its 

7,2 mouth 

356 Account of Travels letween the Tropics. 

mouth in the river Amazon, calls a fresh water sea. Thirty 
Indians carried their canoes through bushy trees of hevea, 
lecythis, and the laurus cinnamomoides, to’ Cano Pimichin. 
By this small stream our travellers proceeded to the Rio Ne- 
gro, which they descended as far as the small fortress of San 
Carlos, which has been erroneously believed to be situated 
under the equator, and as far as the frontiers of the Grand 
Para, the captainry-veneral of Brazil. A eanal from Temi 
to Pimichin, which on account of the level nature of the 
ground is very practicable, would form an intericr com- 
munication between the province of Caraccas and the ca- 
pital of Para much shorter than that of Casquiare. By this 
canal also, such is the astonishing disposition of the rivers 
in this new continent, one might descend in a eanoe from 
Rio Guallaga, within three days journey of Lima, or the 
South Sea, by the river Amazon and Rio Negro, as far as 
the mouths of the Orenoko opposite to Trinidad, a navi- 
gation of nearly 2000 leagues. The misunderstanding which 
prevailed then between the courts of Madrid and Lisbon 
prevented M. Humboldt from carrying his operations be- 
yond St. Gabriel de Jas Cochuellas, in the captainry-general 
of Great Para. 

La Condamine and Maldonado having determineda stro- 
nomically the mouth of the Rio Negro, this obstacle was 
less sensible, and it remained to fix a part more unknown, 
which is the arm of the Orenoko called Casquiare, form- 
ing the communication between the Orenoko and the river 
Amazon, and respecting the existence of which there have 
been so many disputes for fifty years past. To execute this 
labour, Messrs. Humboldt and Bonpland aseended from the 
Spanish fortress of St. Carlos along the Rio Negro and the 
Casquiare to the Orenoko, and on the Jatter to the mission 
of Esmeraldo, near the volcano Duida, or as far as the sources 
of that river. ak 

The Guaica Indians, a very white, small, and almost 
pigmy race of men, but exceedingly warlike, who inhabit 
the country to the east of the Pasimoni ; and the Guajaribes, 
of a dark copper colour, extremely ferocious, and still an- 
thropophagi, render fruitless every attempt to reach the 
sources of the Orenoko, which the maps of Caulin, though 
in other respects meritorious, place in a longitude much too 
far east. 

From the mission of Esmeralda, an assemblage of huts. 
situated in the most remote and most solitary corner of this 
Indian world, our travellers descended, with the assistance 
of the floods, 340 leagues ; that is to say, the whole of the 

7 Orenoko, 

Account of Travels between the Tropics. 387 

Orenoko, as far as towards its mouths at St. Thomas de la 
Nueva Guyana or Angostura, passing a second time the 
cataracts, to the south of which the two historiographers of 
these countries, father Gumilla and Caulin, never penetrated. 

In the course of this Jong and painful navigation, the 
want of food and shelter; the nocturnal rains; living in 
the woods ; the mosquitoes, and a multitude of other sting- 
ing and venomous insects; the impossibility of cooling 
themselyes by the bath, on account of the ferocity of the 
crocodile and of the small carib fish; together with the 
miasmata of a hot and damp climate, exposed our trayellers 
to continual suffering. They returned from the Orenoko to 
Barcelona and Cumana by the plains of Cari and the mis- 
sions of the Carib Indians, a very extraordinary race of 
men, and, next to the Patagonians, the tallest and most 
robust perhaps in the world. 

After a stay of some months on the coast, they proceeded 
to the Havannah by the south of St. Domingo and Jamaica. 
This navigation, performed when the season was far ad- 
vanced, was both long and dangerous, the vessel having, 
been in great danger of being lost on the bank of Vibora, 
the position of which M. Humboldt determined by the 
timekeeper. He staid in the island of Cuba three months, 
during which time he employed himself on the longitude 
of the Havannah, and the construction of a new kind of 
stove in the sugar-houses, which was speedily and gene- 
rally adopted. When on the point of setting out for La 
Vera Cruz, intending to proceed by the way of Mexico 
and Acapulco to the Philippines, and thence, if possible, 
by Bombay, Bussorah, and Aleppo, to Constantinople, 
false intelligence respecting the voyage of captain Baudin 
alarmed him, and induced him to alter his plan. The 
American papers announced that. this navigator would set 
out from France for Buenos- Ayres, and that after doubling 
Cape Horn he would proceed along the ceasts of Chili and 

M. Humboldt, at the time of his departure from Paris 
in 1798, had promised to the Museum and to captain Bau- 
din, that in whatever part of the world he might be, he 
would endeavour to join the French expedition as soon as 
he should hear of its having been set on foot. He flattered 
himself that his researches and those of Bonpland would be 
more useful to the progress of the sciences if they united 
their labours to those of the men of science who were to 
accompany captain Bausin. ‘These considerations induced 
M. Humboldt to send his manuscripts of the years 1799 

Z 3 and 

358 Account of Travels between the Tropics. 

and 1800 directly to Europe, and to freight a small galliot 
in the port of Batabano to proceed to Carthagena in the 
Indies, and thence, as soon as possible, by the-isthmus of 
Panama to the South Sea. He hoped to find captain Baudin 
at Guyaquil or at Lima, and to visit New Holland and the 
islands of the Pacific Ocean, so interesting in a moral point 
of view, and by the richness of their vegetation. 

It appeared to him imprudent to expose the manuscripts 
and collections already formed to the dangers of this long 
navigation. The manuscripts, respecting the fate of which 
M. Humboldt remained in painful uncertainty for three 
years, till his arrival at Philadelphia, were saved; but a 
third of the collections were Jost at sea by shipwreck: for- 
tunately this loss, and that of some insects from the Ore- 
noko and Rio Negro, extended only to duplicates; but 
this shipwreck proved fatal to a friend to whom M. Hum- 
boldt had intrusted his plants and insects, Fray Juan Gon- 
gales, a Franciscan, a young man of great courage and ac- 
tivity, who had penetrated in this unknown world from 
Spanish Guyana much farther than any other European. 

M. Humboldt set out from Batabano in March 1801, 
coasting along the south side of the island of Cuba, and 
determining astronomically several points in that group of 
small isles called the King’s Gardens, and the approaches 
io the port of Trinidad. A navigation which ought to haye 
been only thirteen or fifteen days, was prolonged by cur- 
rents beyond a month. The galliot was carried by them 
too far east, beyond the mouths of the Atracto. They 
touched at Rio Sinu, where no botanist had ever searched 
for plants; but they found it difficult to land at Carthagena, 
on account of the violence of the breakers of St. Martha. 
The galliot had almost gone to pieces near Giant’s Point ; 
they were obliged to save themselves towards the shore in 
order to anchor; and this disappointment gave M. Hum- 
boldt an opportunity of observing the eclipse of the moon 
on the 2d of March 1801. Unfortunately they learned on 
this coast that the season for navigating the South Sea from 
Panama to Guyaquil was already too far advanced: it was 
necessary to give up the design of crossing the isthmus 3 
and the desire of secing the celebrated Mutis, and exa- 
mining his immense treasures in natural history, induced 
M. Humboldt to spend some weeks in the forests of Tur- 
baco, ornarvenied with gustavia, toluifera, anacardium ca- 
racoli, and the Cavanillesca of the Peruvian botanists ; and ~ 
to ascend in thirty-five days the beautiful and majestic river 
of the Magdalen, of which he sketched out a chart, though 


Account of Travels letwéen the Tropics. 355 

tormented by the mosquitdes, while Bonpiand studied the 
vegetation, rich in heliconia, psychostria, melastoma, my- 
rodia, and dychotria emetica, the root of which is the tpe- 
eacuanha of Carthagena. oad 

Having landed at Honda, our travellers proceeded on 
mules, the only way of traveling in South America, and 
by frightful roads throngh forests of oaks, me/astoma andl 
cinchena, to Santa Fé de Bagota, the capital of the kingdom 
of New Grenada, situated in a beautiful plain 1360 toises 
above the level of the sea, and, in consequence of a perpe- 
tual spring temperature, abounding in the wheat of Europe 
and the sesamum of Asia. The super collections of Mutis; 
the grand and sublime cataract of Tequendama, 98 toiscs 
or 588 feet in’ height; the mines of Mariquita, St. Ana, 
and Zipaguira; the natural bndge of Icononzo, two de- 
tached rocks which by means of an earthquake have been 
disposed in such a manner as to support a third ; occupicd 
the attention of our travellers at Santa Fé till September 

Though the rainy season had now rendered the roads al- 
most impassable, they set out for Quito; they re-descended 
by Fusagasuga, in the valley of Magdalena, and passed the 
Andes of Quindiu, where the snowy pyramid of Tolina rises 
amidst forests of styrax passiflora in trees, Lambusa, and 
wax palms. For thirteen days they were obliged to drag 
themselves through horrid mud, and to sleep, as on the 

Orenoko, under the bare heavens, in woods where they saw 
no vestiges of man. When they arrived, bare-footed and 
drenched with continual rain, in the valley of the river 
Cauca, they stopped at Cathago and Buga, and procecded 
along the province of Choco, the country of platina, which 
is found between rolled fragments of basaltes, filled with 
olivin and augite, green rock (the grunstein of Werner), 
and fossil wood. 
They ascended by Caloto and Quilichao, where gold is 
_ washed, to Popayan, visited by Bouguer when he returned 
to France, and situated at the bottom of the snowy volca- 
noes of Puracé and Sotara, one of the most picturesque 
situations and in the most delightful climate of the uni- 
verse, where Reaumur’s thermometer stands constantly be- 
tween 17 and 19 degrees. When they had reached, with 
auch difficulty, the crater of the voleano of Puracé, filled 
with boiling water, which from the midst of the snow 
throws up, with a horrid roariyg, vapours of sniphurated 
hydrogen, ‘our travellers passed from Popayan by the steep 
Z4 cordilleras 

360 Account of Travels between the Tropic. 

cordilleras of Almaguer a Parto, avoiding the contagious 
air of the valley of Patia. 

From Pasto, a town situated at the bottom of a burning 
volcano, they traversed by Guachucal the high plateau of 
the province of Pastos, separated from the Pacific Ocean 
by the Andes of the volcano of Chili and Cumbal, and 
celebrated by its great fertility in wheat and the erytroxy- 
lon Peruvianum, called cocoa. At length, after a journey 
of four months on mules, they arrived at the towns of 
Ibarra and Quito. This long passage through the cordillera 
of the high Andes, at a season which rendered the roads 
impassable, and during which they were exposed to rains 
which continued seven or eight hours a day, encumbered 
with a great number of instruments and voluminous collec- 
tions, would have been almost impossible, without the ge- 
nerous and kind assistance of M. Mendiunetta, viceroy of 
Santa Fé, and the baron de Carondelet, president of Quito, 
who, being equally zealous for the progress of science, 
caused the roads and the most dangerous bridges to be re- 
paired on a route of 450 leagues in length. 

Messrs. Humboldt and Bonpland arrived on the 6th of 
January 1802 at Ounto, a capital celebrated in the annals 
of astronomy by the labours of La Condamine, Bouguer, 
Godin, and Don Jorge-Juan and Ulloa; justly celebrated 
also by the great amiableness of its inhabitants and their 
happy disposition for the arts. Our travellers continued 
their geological and botanical researches for eight or nine 
months in the kingdom of Quito ; a country rendered per- 
haps the most interesting in the world by the colossal 
height of its snowy summits ; the activity of its voleanoes, 
which in turns throw up flames, rocks, mud, and hydro- 
sulphureous water; the frequency of its earthquakes, one 
of which, on the 7th of February 1797, swallowed up in 
a few seconds nearly 40,000 inhabitants ; its vegetation ; 
the remains of Peruvian architecture; and, above all, the 
manners of its antient inhabitants. 

After two fruitless attempts, they succeeded in twice 
ascending to the crater of the volcano of Pinchinca, where 
they made experiments on the analysis of the air; its elec- 
tric charge, magnetism, hygroscopy, electricity, and the 
temperature of boiling water. La Condamine saw the same 
crater, which he very properly compares to the chaos of 
the poets; but he was there without instruments, and could 
remain only some minutes. 

In his time this immense mouth, hollowed out in basaltic 


Account of Travels between the Tropics. 361 

porphyry, was cooled and filled with snow: our travellers 
found it again on fire; and this intelligence was distressing 
to the town of Quito, which is distant only about four or 
five thousand toises. Here M. Humboldt was in danger 
of losing his life. Being alone with an Indian, who was 
as little acquainted with the crater as himself, and walking 
over a fissure concealed by a thin stratum of congealed snow, 
he had almost fallen into it. 

Our travellers, during their stay in the kingdom of Quito, 
made several excursions toe the snowy mountains of Anti- 
sana, Cotopaxi, Tunguragua, and Chimborazo, which is 
the highest summit of our earth, and which the French 
academicians measured only by approximation. They exa- 
mined in particular the geognostic part of the cordillera of 
the Andes, respecting which nothing has yet been published 
in Europe; mineralogy, as we may say, being newer than the 
voyage of La Condamine, whose universal genius and in- 
credible activity embraced every thing else that could be 
interesting to the sciences. The trigonometrical and baro- 
metrical measurements of M. Humboldt have proved that 
some of these volcanoes, and especially that of Tunguragua, 
have become considerably lower since 1753; a result which 
accords with what the inhabitants of Pelileo and the plains 
of Tapia have observed. 

M. Humboldt found that all these large masses were 
the work of crystallization. << Every thing I have seen,” 
says he in a letter to Delametherie, ‘in these regions, 
where the highest elevations of the wlobe are situated, have 
confirmed me more and more in the grand idea that you 
threw out in your Theory of the Earth, the most complete 
work we have on that subject, in regard to the formation of 
mountains. All the masses of which they consist have 
united according to their affinities by the laws of attraction, 
and have formed these elevations, more or Jess considerable 
in different parts on the surface of the earth, by the laws of 
general crystallization. There can remain no doubt in this 
respect to the trayeller who considers without prejudice 
these large masses. You will see in our relations that there 
is not one of the objects you treat of which we have not en- 
deavoured to improve by our labours.” 

In all these excursions, begun in January 1802, our travel- 
Jers were accompanied by M. Charles Montufar, son of the 
marquis de Selvalegre, of Quito, an individual zealous for the 
progress of the sciences, and who caused to be reconstructed, 
at his own expense, the pyramids of Sarouguier, the boun- 
daries of the celebrated base of the French and Spanish aca- 


362 On the Formation of Water by Compression: 

demicians. This interesting young man, having accom- 
panied M. Humboldt during the rest of hts expedition to 
Peru and the kingdom of Mexico, proceeded with him to 
Europe. The efforts of these three travellers were so much 
favoured by circumstances, that they reached the greatest 
heights to which man had rer attained in these iiountains. 
On the volcano of Antisana they carried instruments 2200, 
and on Chimborazo June 23, 1802, 3360 fect higher than 
Condamine and Bouguer did on Corazon. T hey ascended to 
the height of 3036 toises above the level of the Pacifie 
Ocean, “where the blood issued from their eyes, lips, and 
gums, and where they experienced a cold not indicated by 
the Pierwiometer! but which arose from the little calorie 
disengaged during the inspiration of air so much rarefied. 

A fissure eighty toises in depth and of great breadth pre-: 
vented them from reaching the top of Chimborazo when 
they were distant from it only about 224 toises. 

[To be continued, ] 


LXJ. On the Formation of Water by Compression; with 
Reflections on the Nature of the Efectric Spark. Read. 
before the National Institute ly M. Bior. 

Sinus time ago, conversing with M. Berthollct on the 
nature and properties of heat, I told him I was convinced 
that the combination of hy drogen gas and oxygen gas might 
be determined without the aid of ‘electricity, merely by the 
effect of very rapid compression. This result appeared to 
me to be so immediate a consequence of the observations 
already made on heat disengaged from air by compression, 
that I thought it superfluous “to assure nyself of it. But, 
having afterwards spoken of it to M. Laplace, he was so 
much interested in this object as to induce me to verify it, 
I therefore made the experiment, and it completely suc- 

I took the barrel of an air-gun the breech of which was 
closed by a piece of very thick glass, in order that I might 
observe the light disengaged, as usual, by compression. The 
barrel was of iron, and was fiirnighed on the side with a 
cock for introducing the gas, and its lower extremity to- 
wards the piston was : Surrounded by a cylinder of lead, suf- 
ficiently heavy to accelerate the fall and render the com- 
pression more rapid. This apparatus was first tried by in- 
troducing atmospheric air; but though we darkened the 
apartment no sensible light was perceived, because, in ali 


On the Formation of Water ly Compression. 363 

probability, the violent motion necessary to compress with 
rapidity prevented us from seeing into the interior of the 
tube in a manner sufficiently direct to observe the fugitive 
light disengaged by the manifest compression, and which 
iu other experiments I had inyself seen. 

After this trial we introduced into the tube a mixture of 
hydrogen and oxygen gas; gave a stroke with the piston, 
and there immediately appeared a bright flash. A strong 
detonation took place. The glass bottom was driven out ; 
the copper ring by which it was screwed fast was broken ; 
and the person who held the barrel had his hand slightly 
burnt and bruised by the force of the explosion. 

We renewed the experiment, substituting for the glass 
- bottom one of copper, made of one piece, and screwed in. 
Having then introduced into the barrel a new mixture of 
the two gases, an explosion similar to the smart crack of 
a whip was heard on the first stroke of the piston; but a 
second stroke given to the new gas made it detonate, and 
broke the barrel, or rather tore it, with a violent explosion. 

After these phenomena no doubt could remain in regard 
to the combination of these two gases, since it is known it 
is that which produces the detonation by the immense quan- 
tity of heat disengaged when they pass to the liquid state: 
a heat which is sufficient to reduce them immediately into 
vapour, and to give them in that state an excessive dilata- 
tion. Wedid not then think it necessary to repeat any 
more this experiment, which is not free from danger. 
~The theory of these phenomena is exceedingly simple. 
A rapid compression forces the gas to abandon a very large 
quantity of heat, which, as it cannot be immediately diss1- 
pated, raises their temperature for a moment, and in that 
state of compression is sufficient to inflame them. 

We find therefore in the two gases all the elements ne- 
cessary for combining them, independently of the elcctric 
spark or external fire; and it is not improbable tbat all the 
gaseous combinations which require an elevation of tempe- 
rature might be formed in the same manner without any 
foreign agent, 

This idehitty of results suggested an idea which J submit 
to the opinion of philgsophers, It is known, and M. Ber- 
thollet has shown in his Statique Chimique, that electricity 
in traversing bodies produces in their molecule a real com- 
pression. This effect is produced with prodigious velocity, 
as may be proved by a variety of experiments ; but, as elec- 
tricity has a similar velocity, it is impossible that it should 
not disengage light from the air, since we are able to dis- 

: engage 

364 On the Formation of Water by Compression. 

engage it by a compression much less rapid. We are thus 
led to see in the electric spark a result purely mechanical. 

If we now compare what takes place in the compressing- 
pump and Voita’s eudiometer, the analogy is complete: 
only in the first case we are obliged to confine the air, be- 
cause the velocity which we can give to the piston is li- 
mited; whereas in employing electricity the particles are 
compressed with a velocity so great, that they can never 
recede with so much speed as to withdraw themselves from 
its effort. The compression then, and also the disengage- 
ment of light, or the spark, which is the consequence of it, 
may take place as al in the open air. But this effect is 
local; and if the gases, not being susceptible of combining, 
should return, after each explosion, to their primitive di- 
mensions, they avould immediately resume_in that state of 
dijatation all the heat at first disengaged from them, so that 
no lasting change could be effected in their-constitution : 
and this serves to explain why no alteration has been ob- 
served in pure and unmixed gases when subjected to the 
action of the electric spark. 

This light which electricity disengages from gases by 
compression would stil] be disengaged trom those most ra- 
refied, and in consequence of its extreme velocity it ought 
to disengage it even trom vapours, if the experiment were 
made under a receiver or in the Torricellian vacuum ; for we 
can never form a perfect vacuum with our machines, and 
even in the barometric tube there is always mercury in 4 
state of vapour. This vapour, though highly ratefied, still 
contains a very large quantity of caloric, which electricity 
in its passage ought to disengage by compression ; but the 
instantaneous increase of elasticity which thence results 
cannot become sensible, on account of the little density of 
the medium ; whereas it becomes sensible in denser air, as 
seen in that instrument called Kinnersley’s thermometer, 

These considerations seem to me to indicate that the 
phenomenon called the electric spark arises from the light 
disengaged from the air by compression during the passage 
of electricity ; so that this phenomenon is merely mecha- 
nical, and has nothing in it electric. Such is the idea 
which [ submit to philosophers. If true, it tends to dimi- 
nish considerably the number of the hypotheses already 
formed, and which might be formed on the nature of elec- 
tricity. For this reason I thought it my duty to present it 
to their reflections; but I beg them to be persuaded that I 
shal] attach no more importance to it than what they them- 
selves shall give to it. 

LXIT; No- 


peroga’' sy 

LXII. Notices respecting New Books. 

T+ has often been remarked. as a singular circumstance, 
that during the last half century, while the practice of 
mechanics and the structure and operation of machines 
have received so many and such valuable improvements in 
this country, we have only had one treatise (that by Emer- 
son) into which we can look for information both on the 
theory and the actual construction of machinery. Mr. 
Gregory, of the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, has 
endeavoured to supply the deficiency just adverted to, and 
has now in the press a General Treatise of Mechanics, 
which is intended to be comprised in two volumes octavo. 
The first volume will be devoted chiefly to the theory, and 
will be divided into five books, under the several heads 
of Statics, Dynamics, Hydrostatics, Hydrodynamics, and 
Pneumatics. The second volume will be chiefly appropri- 
ated to the description of machinery, and will commence 
with some practical remarks on the application, improve- 
ment, and simplification of mechanical contrivances; on 
friction, the stiffness of ropes, the energy of different first 
movers, &c. And these will be followed by accounts, ar- 
ranged alphabetically, of about one hundred of the most 
curious, useful, and important machines. In this latter 
part Mr. Gregory has been promised the assistance of some 
celebrated civil engimeers; and the alphabetical arrange- 
ment (the only unfinished part of the work) will be com- 

leted in the course of the month of July, when he hopes 
he shall have received the communications of these gentle- 
men, or of any others who may favour him with descrip- 
tions of new and useful machines. The work is intended 
to be published before the end of the present year. 

LXNIUI. Proceedings of Learned Societies. 

Tur Transactions of the Society for 1805, Part I., have 
just appeared. This Part contains :—The Croonian Lec- 
ture on muscular Motion. By Anthony Carlisle, Esq. 
F.R.S.—Experiments for ascertaining how fap Telescopes 
will enable us to determine very small Angles, and to di- 
stinguish the real from the spurious Diameters of cclestial 
and terrestrial Objects: with an Application of the Result 


366 Academy of Seiences at Lisbon. 

of these Experiments to a Series of Observations on the 
Nature and Magnitude of Mr. Harding’s lately discovered 
Star. By William Herschel, LL.D. F.R.S.—An Essay 
on the Cohesion of Fluids. By Thomas Young, M.D. 
For. Sec. R.S.—Coneerning the State in which the true 
Sap of Trees is deposited during Winter. In a Letter from 
Thomas Andrew Knight, Esq. to the Right Hon. Sir Jo- 
seph Banks, Bart, K.B. P.R.S.—On the Action of Platina 
and Mercury upon each other. By Richard Chenevix, Esq. 
F.R.S. M.R.I.A, &c.—An Investigation of all the Changes 
of the variable Star in Sobieski’s Shield, from Five Years’ 
Observations, exhibiting its proportional illuminated Parts, 
and its Irregularities of Rotation ; with Conjectures respect- 
ing unenlightened heavenly Bodies. By Edward Pigott, 
Esq. In a Letter to the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, 
K.B. P.R.S.—An Account of some analytical Experiments 
en a mineral Production from Devonshire, consisting prin- 
eipally of Alumine and Water. By Humphry Davy, Esq. 
F.R.S. Professor of Chemistry in the Royal Institutton.— 
Experiments on Wootz. By Mr. David Mushet. Commu- 
nicated by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, K.B. PRS 
—Aprenp1x.—Meteorological Journal kept at the Apart- 
ments of the Royal Society, by Order of the President and 

This society proposed the following subjects for prizes on 
the 18th of January last: 

ist, The subjects proposed by the class of natural history 
are: the natural history and physical description of any 
province or considerable district of Portugal, or of any part 
of the Portuguese foreign possessions; also an economical 
description of the same kind. 

In the department of agriculture, a particular prize is of- 
fered for a popular introduction, grounded on experience, 
to the improvement of agriculture in Portugal, written for 
agriculturists. ; 

Another prize is proposed by a member of the academy, 
for an account of the physical and moral causes of the 
neglect of agriculture in Portugal, and of the most effectual 
means of applying a remedy ; also a description of the pre- 

sent state of the breeding of shcep in Alentejo, and the- 

cause of the increase.or decrease of these animals since the 

middle of the 18th century; with an account of the most 
common diseases among sheep. 

In the department of medicine: an account of the sym- 

1 ptoms 

Naturat History.—Vossit Bones. 367 

ptoms of the yellow fever; the most effectual remedies hi- 
therto discovered, for that disease ; and the best preserva- 
tives. , 

2d, The Class of the Mathematical Sciences requires an 
application of analytical calculation to political economy 
in short and clear formule. 

In mechanics ; a complete theory of the balance, and its 
different forms: and for hydraulics, a plan of a canal, in 
order to employ the water of any river in Portugal for wa- 
tering the fields properly ; with an exact calculation of the 

3d, The Class of Literature : a history of the Portuguese 
export trade from the foundation of the monarchy to the 
present period. 

Also a philosophical grammar of the Portuguese lan- 

And in poetry: a tragedy and a comedy in verse or in 

In national jurisprudence: an account of the nature and 
political effect of the old Fore, or laws of commerce. 

The common prize, which may be competed for by fo- 
reigners in the languages of Europe most generally used, is 
a gold medal of the value of 50,000 reis. . The prize for the 
philosophical grammar of the Portuguese language is double. 


On the 1st of March professor Bygge read in this society 
a letter from lieutenant Von Ohlsen, employed in the astro- 
nomical and geographical measurement of Iceland, contain- 
ing an accurate description of the two remarkable hot springs 
in Iceland, the Geisser and Stork, the latter of which broke 
out in the year 1784, and spouted up to the height of 300 

LXIV. Inielligence and Miscellaneous Articles. 


Eatien has. published in.the Annals of the Museum of 
Natural History some curious researches in regard to the 
Megalonix and Megatherium, two large fossil animals, of 
the size of the ox and rhinoceros, no animals analogous to 
which now exist. M. Cuvier has determined the genus to 
which they ought to be referred. 


368 Natural History.—Fossil Bones. 

He has accomplished this by his usual method, attending. 
to the relations which exist between the different parts of 
the skeleton of each genus of animals; relations which 
are not eventual, but which, on the contrary, are connected 
with the whole of the organization; since from them re- 
sult the animal’s mode of life, its strength or its weakness, 
its agility or slowness ;- in a word, its whole nature, which 
is thus entirely impressed on the smallest of its bones. 

The fragments of the megalonix hitherto discovered 
consist of some bones of the thighs or legs, and several 
phalanges, of which complete toes can be formed. These 
bones have been found in America, and we are indebted 
for the first publication of them to Mr. Jefferson, president 
of the United States, who thought he saw in them an ani- 
mal of the genus of the lion. Cuvier now proves that 
these remains belong to an animal of the genus of the 
sloth. . 

He first proves it by the first fossil phalangium, which form- 
ed the extremity of the toe of a megalonix. This phalangium, 
examined successively on its six faces, exhibits six faces of 
the sloth, and excludes all other genera. The other pha- 
langes of the same toe examined in the same manner, each 
i particular and independently of the rest, were also the 
phalanges of the sloth. These phalanges, when examined 
in their articulations, and the relation of their length, ex- 
hibit all the modifications by which this genus of animals 
is characterized. 

From the perfect agreement of all these modifications, 
one may no doubt conclude, with Cuvier, that the toe 
formed by these phalanges was the toe of a sloth. 

The phalanges of the second toe, when examined in like 
manner, lead to the same consequence. The insertion of 
these toes in the bone of the foot, the form of the facets 
where they are applied, and the remaining bones, al! equally 
prove the same truth. 

If one attend to this inevitable connexion of all the parts 
of animals, and their reciprocal dependence, it will not be 
necessary to see the other bones of the megalonix, to be 
sensible that the same conclusions ought to be admitted in 
regard to them. But Cuvier has had the advantage of 
being able to remove even the smallest scruple, by inspect- 
ing a fossil tooth of the megalonix brought from America 
by M. Palisot-Beauvois. This tooth is a tooth of the sloth ; 
and this proof is equal to all the rest, since the teeth, by 
their influence on the system of nutrition, furnish the 

surest characters for the classification of antmals. 

Natural History.—Fossil Bones. 369 

. o . - 
before proved in regard to the megatherium. The remains 

of that animal found in Paraguay, show that it must have 
been of the size of the rhinoceros. An entire skeleton of 
it is preserved in the cabinet of Madrid. M. Cuvier, em- 
ploying the same method and form of reasoning in regard 
to these bones, as those applied to the bones of the mega- 
lonix, establishes, with the same force of argument, that the 
megatherium oughtto be placed also in the genus of the sloth. 

These two large species, therefore, which have disap- 
peared from the surface of the earth, were herbivorous, and 
it is difficult to conjecture by what causes they were anni- 
hilated. The neighbouring species, which still exist, are 
composed of animals much smaller. 

What Cuvier has proved in regard to the megalonix, he 

The captain-general Ernouf, commandant of Guada- 
loupe, has written a letter to M. Faujas Saint Fond, dated: 
21st Messidor last, in which he communicates to him some 
observations of natural history, and among others the fol- 
lowing note: 

<¢ Your son must have informed you, on his arrival in 
France, of the tour I made in the island, and that I visited 
the famous Céte du Mole, where are found bodies of the 
Caribs, enveloped in masses of petrified madrepore. I en- 
couraged an active and intelligent individual, with a view 
of procuring some of these remarkable skeletons. The 
one in the best preservation I destine for the Museum of 
Natural History. I have given some negroes, who are 
stone-cutters, to the person who presides over this labour, 
which is attended with great difficulty in the execution : 
‘Ist, because these bones of the Caribs adhere to a bed of 
madrepores exceedingly hard, and which can be attacked 
only with the chisel; 2nd, Because the sea at every full tide 
covers the place where they are. I however hope to accom- 
plish my end. 

‘¢ These human remains are of a large size; the mass 
which must be extracted with them is about eight feet in 
length, and two and a half broad, and will weigh about 
3000 pounds, but it can be easily transported by sea. 

*¢ Opinions are divided in regard to their origin: some 
say that a great battle was fought in this place between the 
natives of the island and those of another; others assert, 
that a fleet of piroguas perished in this spot, where the 
sea indeed breaks with great violence when the wind 1s 
strong; in the last place, others presume that it was the 
burying-place of the natives of the country, and that the 
=~ Vol. 21. No. 84. May 1805. Aa sea 

370 Antiquities. 

sea may have encroached upon it; but all these ate mierc 


M. Kaelder, who is on a tour through the Crimea at 
the expense of the Emperor of Russia, in a letter dated 
August 1804, at Sympheropol, says, That he has disco- 
yered several curious old inscriptions of the temple of 
Apollo, at Olbia, without which several antient coins 
could not have been ascribed to that city. He had found 
above 200 old and scarce coins of that district, among 
which was a very beautiful gold one of Oibia, the oldest of 
all the known coins belonging to this country; also, a 
beautiful gold figure of a syren, and a gold ear-ring, of ex- 
cellent workmanship, both of Olbia, &c. This celebrated 
amtiquary was expected to return to Petersburgh about the 
end of Jast year. : 

Some time ago, a peasant of the Veltschanskoi district, 
in the Ukraine, found, not far from the village of Schikai- 
lof, in ploughing a field, a copper vessel, covered with 
great deal of rust, and of a form not used by the inhabi- 
tants of that district. This vessel contained a great num- 
ber of antient Roman silver coins, of the size of a silver 
piece of ten copecs. The weight of the vessel was two 
pounds and a half, and that of the coins eleven. The lat- 
ter, when cleaned, exhibited heads of Trajan, Vitellius, 
Nero, Anthony, and some of the early Roman emperors. 
The discovery of Roman coins in a district into which the 
Roman arms never penetrated, must appear as extraordinary 
as that of French coins of the fifteenth and sixteenth cen- 
turies, found the same year in the Ukraine, not far from 
Pultawa. But this circumstance may be explained, perhaps, 
by supposing that among the Poles who were expelled from 
their possessions about the middle of the seventeenth cen- 
tury, by the Cossacs of Lesser Russia, there were rich 
amateurs of antiquities, who had collected the above coins, 
and, in consequence of the disturbed state of the country, 
were obliged to bury them in the earth. The appearance 
of French coins in the Ukraine may be more easily com- 
prehended, when it is recullected that Henry III. of France 
was in possession, for a short time, of the throne of Po- 
land, and resided in that turbulent kingdom. It is very 
probable that a great many French coins were carried to 
Poland by his numerous followers, and that they were de- 
posited by them in the places where they were found; a 
conjecture still further strengthened by many of them being 




Vaccination. — Botany .— Death. 371 

inscribed with the name of that prince, and none of them 
being older than the short period during which the prince 
of Anjou sat on the throne of Poland. 



A letter from Copenhagen, dated April 27th, says, 
** The King has received with great satisfaction the last re- 
port of the commission for the vaccine inoculation, and at 
the saine time resolved, that their labours shall be continued. 
He has given orders also, that the clergy, at baptisms, and 
on other proper occasions, shall recommend to parents to 
have their children inoculated, and that all medical men, 
when they establish themselves in business, shall enter into 
an engagement to promote vaccination as much as possible. 
According to a general estimate made in the report, 480 
pieces of glass, with vaccine matter, have in the course 
of last year been distributed; namely, 230 to different 
places in Denmark; 117 to Norway ; 39 to the Duchies ; 
30 to Iceland; 30 to Greenland; 4 to China; 8 to the 
East Iudies, and the rest to Sweden. In Copenhagen, 
during the last year, 1007 persons were inoculated; and in 
the whole kingdom 79853; making altogether a total of 
28966 inoculated in the threc last years, since the intro- 
duction of this practice, 


In honour of Count Alexis Razumofsky, of Mosco, 
Professor Sprengel, of Halle, has given the name of Ra- 
zumovia to a genus of plants belonging to the Syngenesia 
Polygamia eequalis flosculosa; aud which stands next to the 
Lupatorium and Piqueria. Its generic characters are : 

Calyx imbricatus, biflorus, squamis cariosis laxis. 

Rec. nudum. 

Papp. 0. 

Sem. teretia, elandulosa. 

The species is Raxuwmovia paniculata. 

M. Sprengel obtained it, by means of a friend, from the 
herbal of Sir Joseph Banks. 


Professor Vahl, who dicd at Copenhagen on the 10th of 
December last, was born at Bergen, in Norway, on the 
soth of October, 1749. In the vear 1766 he left the 
school of Bergen, and entered at the university of Copen- 
bagen, where he studied a year. From 1767 to 1769 he 

7 Aag? resided 

372 > List of Patents. 

resided in Norway, with the celebrated naturalist Professor 
Strom, and studied five years at Upsal, under Linnzus, 
whose friendship he had obtained. On his return to Co- 
penhagen, in 1779, he became lecturer at the botanical 
garden, and in 1783 undertook, by command of the 
King; a’ tour through Holland, France, Spain, Barbary, 
Italy, Swisserland, and England. When he returned in 
1785, he was nominated Professor, and appointed to su- 
perintend the publication of the Flora Danicu. To qualify 
himself for discharging with more advantage this important 
task, he explored the coasts and mountains of Norway, as Wardoe. In the years 1799 and 1809 he undertook 
another tour, at the expense of government, to Holland 
and Paris, where he met with a most favourable reception, 
The French Directory made him a present of that scarce 
work Plantes du Roi, which had been destined for him by 
the celebrated Malherbes, in the time of Louis XVI. 
When he returned from this tour, he was appointed Pro- 
fessor of Botany, and obtained the management of the bo- 
tanical garden belonging to the university. For some years 
Madame Buonaparte sent him, in a most flattering manner, 
ihe numbers of the Jardin de Malmaison, as they were 
pablished, and those of Redouté’s Liliacées. Though Pro- 
fessor Vahl had devoted himself to botany, he did not 
neglect the other departments of natural history. He had 
a share in the Zoologia Danica, and the Icones of Ascanius, 
director of mines. Cuvier received from him contributions 
towards his History of the red-blooded animals, and Fabri- 
cius towards his History. of insects. During his travels he 
collected a considerable herbal, which, by the abundant 
contributions of his friends in every part of the world, in- 
crcased to an uncommon magnitude, and was scarcely 
equalled by any, on account of the -ultitude of plants, 
and their proper arrangement. He had an extensive know- 
ledge of bibliography, and the history of literature, had 
read much, and with great diligence. His last work, Enu- 
meratio Plantarum, was interrupted by his death. 
(Continued fiom p. 95.] 

James Fullarton, surgeon in the navy, fora diving-ma- 
chine or apparatus, upon an improved construction, appli- 
cable to various useful purposes. 

Christopher Perkins, of Stockton, in the county of 
Durham, builder; for a machine for thrashing corn and 

r4 James 

List of Patents. 373 

James Ryan, of Doonane, in the Queen’s county, Ire- 
land,’ engineer to the undertakers of the grand canal,s for 
sundry tools, implements, or apparatus, for boring the 
earth for coal, and all kinds of minerals and subterraneous 
substances, by which the different strata may be.cut out in 
a cheap and expeditious manner, in cores or cylinders, from 
one inch to twenty inches and upwards in length, and from 
two inches to twenty inches and upwards in diameter, so 
as to be taken up entire at any depth that has hitherto Been 
bored; by which, not only the quality of such mincrals 
and substances, but also the declination or dip of the strata, 
can be. ascertained beyond a possibility of mistake; and 
which tools, implements, or apparatus, are also adyan- 
tageously applicable to the purpose of sinking for wells, 
and giving vent to subterraneous water in bogs, and dnaenis 
ing mines and grounds, and ventilating pits, and other 
beneficial purposes. 

Charles Coe, of the parish of St. Mary W hitechapel, 
in the county of Middlesex, baker; fora flue upon an im- 
proved construction, applicable to the heating of ovens, or 
any other thing that requires an uniform heat. 

William Martin, of Houghton Pans, in the county of 
Northumberland, rope-maker; for a mode of fastening 
shoes to the feet of men, women, and children. 

George Dodd, of Gicat Ormond- street, in the county. 
of Middlesex, engincer ; for improvements on the Royal 
York gun-lock, other gun-locks, and the locks’ of all de- 
scription of fire-arms. 

John Robert Irving, of the city of Edinburgh, advocate, 
and Isabel Lovi, of the city of Edinburgh aforesaid, w orker 
in glass ; for an improved apparatus for determining the 
specific gravity of fluid bodies, and the relation that their 
weight hears to a given measure. 

John Baptiste Denize, of West-street, Somers s Town, in 
the county of Middlesex, chemist ; for a mode of procuring 
a greater quantity of resinous, bitumieb us, and oily sub- 
stances from various articles. ; 

Archibald Blair, of Bayford, in the county of Lerts, 
Esquire; for a method of retaining cotton and other elastic 
substances when pressed by means of wrappers. 

William Bell, of the town of Derby, engineer; for an 
improved method of manufacturing blanks or aeulde for 
knife, razor, and scissar blades, and various other edged 
tools, and of forks, files, and nails. 

Thomas Jones, of Bilstone, in the county of Stafford, 
japanner; for compositions for the purpose of making 

v3 Aa3 trays, 

374 List of Patents. 

trays, wéiters, and various other articles, and new modes 
or methods of manufacturing the same, that is to say, by 
presses and stamps. 

Richard Brandon, the elder, of Lucas-street, in the pa- 
rish of St. Mary Rotherhithe, in the county of Surrey ; 
for a composition from British herbs and plants for the cure 
of the evil, scrophula, scurvy, leprosy, gout, and rheu- 
matism, and which he has denominated and called Bran- 
don’s British Constitutional Pills, and Liquid and Botanic 
Ointment, and which in upwards of 3000 cases has been 
attended with the most unparalleled success in the course 
of the last nine months. 

Jonathan Hornblower, of the borough of Penryn, in 
the county of Cornwall, engineer; for a steam-wheel or 
engine for raising water, and for other useful purposes, in 
arts and manufactures, by means of steam. : 

Stuart Arnold, of Wakeficld, in the county of York, 
gentleman ; for a chimney safe-guard, for the preservation 
of houses and buildings from fire, robbery, and foul air. 

George Alexander Bond, of Hatton Garden in the pa- 
trish of St. Andrew Holborn, in the county of Middlesex, 
gentleman ; for certain improvements in the construction 
of clocks and other time-pieces, whereby they are rendered 
of much greater utility and service both by sea‘and land than 
any heretofore made use of. ‘ . : 

Job Rider, of Belfast, in the county of Antrim, in that 
part of the united kingdom called Ireland, clock and 
watch-maker; for certain improvements on the steam- 
engine, rb aaa 

Willis Earle, of Liverpool, in the county of Lancaster, 
merchant ;. for improvements in the mode of constructing 
and working steam-engines. \ : 

Sir George Wright, of Ray Lodge, in the county of 
Essex, baronet; for an instrument or machine for cutting 
out of solid stone, wood, or other materials, pillars and 
tubes, either cylindrical or conical, with great saving of 
labour and materials, aid Sih idl 


Meteorology. 375 
By Mr. Carey, oF THE STRAND, 
For May 1805. 

Thermometer. aan. 
Pete ofthe Pe Height of EE: 
Mich 23 the Barom.| 3°. = Weather. 
a) Inches. Sy a 
°F oo 
=) Ase 
April 26} 42° 29°54 29° |Cloudy 
27| 40 67 30 |Cloudy 
28| 35 i 19 |Cloudy 
29) 34 *30 9 |Rain and snow 
307 38 “64 47 |Fair 
May 1} 41 "59 42 |Pair 
2| 40 “50 31 |Fair 
3) 42 *58 32 jFair 
4| 43 °78 54 |Fair 
5| 47 *87 43 |Fair 
6| 47 ‘97 37 Hair 
7\ 52 “87 25 |Showery 
8} 50 “48 o {Rain 
9} 40 "70 35 {Fair 
10} 49 "52 35- |Showery 
11] 49 +29 40 |Stormy 
12} 45 “53 37. |Showery 
13] 49 30°04 60 {Fair 
14| 47 “10 4) |Fair 
15] 46 29°79 28 {Cloudy 
16| 49 “75 39 {Fair 
17t 52 "89 25 |Cloudy 
18] 52 ‘98 29 |Cloudy 
19} 55 “92 25 |Cloudy 
20| 54 30°01 26 |Cloudy 
21} 50 iemaacr ay. 35 |Fair 
22| 56 29°79 40 {Fair 
23) 46 -80 2 |Fair 
4) 44 "95 58 |Fair 
25) 51 06 53 |Pair 
26) 49 "95 39 |Fair 

N. B. The barometer’s height is taken at noon, 




ACADEMY of Sciences, Ber- 
lin, 277; Lisbon, 365; Co- 
penhagen, 366 

Aérial voyage from Petersburgh, 
1933 from Paris, 220 

Agriculture. State of, in Ben- 
gal, 1; sulphate of iron a 

Agriculture. Board of, 87 

Alcohol extracts petroleum from 
asphaltum and coal, 151 
Alfaline nietallic sotuticns. On, 
Amianthus. Paper and furnaces 
made of, 243 
Amonuret of gold precipitated 
on silver by Galvanism, 187 
Analysis of lac, 123 of schistus 
from Iceland, 46; of Bovey 
coal, 50, 1483 of magnetical 
pyrites, 133,213 3 of bitumen 
from Bovey, 1503 of atmo- 

sphere, 223 
Anderson on preparing sugar, 


Antiquitirs, 282, 369 

Areca-nut tree. On the, 77,110 
4rgil. Affinity of, for carbon, 
Arnold’s patent, 374 
Ashestus. Uses of, 243 
Ashes of peat, a manure, 52; of 
pit coal, 59 
Asphalium contains petroleum, 
Astronomy, , 
Atmospheric air analysed, 223 
Ayapana an antidote to poisons, 

92; denied, 285 
Balance of a time-keeper. On 
banking, 181 

93, 188, 191, 285. 

Bail’s patent, 95 
Ballast, Patent for raising, 95 
Balloon, air. Ascent with, 193, 

Banks (Sir ¥.) on blight in corn, 
Barometric experiments, 196, 

Barion (Dr.) on the use of me- 
tallic salts in vegetation, 60 
Bell’s patent, 373 
Bengal. State of husbandry in, 1 
Beagal, Maritime commerce of, 
EY | 

Bits of bridles. Patent for, 95 
Biography, 62 
Biot’s formation of water by 
compression, 288, 362 
Bitumen. Fatchet on, 40, 147 
Blair’s patent, 373 
Blighi in corn. On, 320 
Board of Agriculture. Premiums 

offered by, '87 
Books. New, 365, 367 
Bond’s patent, 374 

Bonpland’s travels, 353 
Boring the earth, Patent for, 372 
Gotanical intelligence, 190, 371 

Bowler’ s screw-press, 249 
Brandon’s patent, 373 
Bullock’s lock, 248 

Cartouch boxes. Patent for, 95 

Cachou or Catecambe. Its uses, 
and how extracted, 114. 
Carbon, Affinities of, for clay, 
lime, silex, 80 

Carey’s meteorological table, 96, 
192, 288, 375 

Cattle. New method of killing, 


Cerium, a new metal, 



Chaumeion on medical entomo- 

logy, 230, 344 
Chifney’s patent, 95 
China. Russian embassy to, 281 
Chinese coin, 242 
‘Churchman’s plan of surveying, 

Clennel on the secrets of manu- 
factories, 288 
Cloth. Anincombustible, 243 

Coa!. On the Bovey, 48, 147; 
strata of pits, 203, 304; yields 
petroleum, rg 

Coal pit. Account of sinking 
the William, 216 

Coco-nut irces Nat. hist. of, 77, 


Coe’s patent, 373 

Cold reflected from a concave 
mirror, Nig 

Colour-mill. A new, 176 

Commerce, maritime. Of Bengal, 

psig 327 

Copper. On tinning, 3133 to 
separate from silver, age 

Corn. On blight in, 320 

Cora. Machine for thrashing, 


Cruickshank’s experiments on 

dividing the spinal marrow, 

Customs. Singular, 26 
Danais. Tinctorial properties of, 

Deafness. A cure for, 115 

Death, 371 

Delametherie’s account of Hum- 

boldt’s travels, 353 

De Lancey on preserving pota- 
tocs, 1l7 

Denzxie's patent, 373 

De Prato on the apparent re- 

— pulsion between fluids; 154 
Diving machine. Patent, 372 
Dodd's patent, 373 
Dyeing, On plants used in, 36 ; 
_ patent for, 95 


Earl:’s patent, 


Earth. The annual parallax of, 

Earthen ware. On glazed, 313 
Economical Society of Leipsic, 183 
Edel:rantz’s safety-valve, 254 
Llectrical phenomenon. A new, 

Electricity, Biot cn, 363; new 

experiments on, by Libes 

Electrophorus. On the, 289 
LEngl-fela’s preparation of lake, 

Entomolugy. On, 2395 344 
Fires in ships. Oo extinguish- 

ing, 97 
£laiz on the coco-nut tree, 7? 

Flax spinning. Patent, 95 
flue. Patent, 373 

Fluids. On the apparent repul- 

sion of, 154 
Fluoric ether, On, 204 
Fossils, On the formation of, 40 
Fossil animals,..  . 490, 367 

Lr ach National Institute, 279 
fullarton’s patent, 272 

Furnaces made of amianthus, 

Galvanism. Gilding effected by, 
187; mariate of soda pro- 
duced by, 279; Giobert on, 
hs 288 
Gard on pithing cattle, 69 
Geographical improvement, 25 1 
Geoffrcy on mammalia, 28 
Geological remarks, 40, 189, 201 
Gilding silver. Hint for a new 
method, 187 
Gluten of lac, 134,29 
Glass, sheet. Patent for flatten- 
ings 9 
Gold. New way of refining, 125 
Gum adracanth resists fire,. 244 
Gun-lock. Patent, 373 
Gunpowder, Effects of quicklime 
Se 245 
Guy-Lussac’s aérial voyage, 220 

Hackwood’s patent, 95 

Hond mill. A prize, 183 
Hatchett on lac, 12 3 on bitumen, 
40; on magnetical pyrites, 
133, 213 

Harding's new planet, 93, 188 
Hardy's method of banking the 
balance of a time-keeper, 181 

Heimp-spinning patent, 95 
Heppenstall’s patent, 95 
Home on pithing cattle, 72 
FHornblower’s patent, 374 
Humbolde’s travels, 353 
Husbandry. State of, in Ben- 

gal, I 
Hutton (Dr.) Biographical anec- 

dotes of, 62 

Instance of, 
j 26 
Ince on pneumatic medicine, 
Incembustible paper and cloth, 
Indian, East, method of culti- 

Immolation, self- . 

vating the sugarcane, 2064 
Indio mill. Improved, 180 
Luundation of the Tyber, 191 

Oxide of, useful as ma- 

nure, 523 Mushet on, 

Frving’s patent, 373 
Fefferson’s letter to Saint-Fond, 
Fones’s patent, 953 373 
Juno. A new planet, 1d8 
Keddic’s patent, 95 
Lc. Experiments on, 12 
Lake. To prepare, from mad- 
ery 118 

Lem/ert on maritime commerce 
of Bengal, 327 
Learned Societies, 87, 183, 2775 

Lemaistre on mixing lime with 
gunpowder, 245 

Lester’s patent, 95 
Lime. Affinity of, for carbon, 


Lime, quick. Effects of on gun 
powder, 245 
Literature encouraged by the 

emperor of Russia, gt 
Lock. Improved, 248 
Lucas’s patent, 95 
Madder. Lake from, 118 

Magnetical pyrites analysed, 133, 

Magnetic experiments with a bal- 
loon, 195, 223 

Magnetism promoted by carbon, 
sulphur, and phosphorus, 147, 
219 9 
Mammalia.Ona new genus of, 28 : 

Manufactories’ On disclosing , 
the processes of, 288 § 
Manure for land. On, 52 

Maritime commerce of Bengal, 

Martin’s patent, 373 
Measure. Ona universal, 164 — 
Measures, Patent for, 95 

Medical entomology. On, 230,344 
Medicine, pneumatic. On, 126, 
On measuring the, © 
Meridian striking instrument, 191 


Mvetal. A new, 186 

Metallic salts promote vegeta- — 
tion, 60 

Metallic solutions. On precipi- — 

Metallic sulphurets. Oa, 
Metals. To separate, from gold 
and silver, 125 
Metecrology,, 96, 192, 288, 375 | 
Mildew in corn. On, 
Mineralocy of Shropshire, 20fy 

Mushet on tron, &c. 
Musical instruments. 

Natural history, 367 
Nickel. Character of pure, 1 
Nikolsyevitsch’s aerial voyage, | 


Ochroit contains a new metal, 

Orteler, mount, Ascent to the 
summit of, 189 

Palladium dikcavared by Dr. 
Wollaston, 89 
Paper. An incombustible, 243 
Parallax, annual, ot the earths 

Patents. New, 95.372 
Pearson (it. George) on the 
use of sulphate of iron as 

manure, 52 
Peat ashes a manure, 52 
Peel on Galvanism, 279 

Pendulum first proposed for a 
natural measure by sir Chris- 
topher Wren, 168 

Pcrameles, a new genus of mam- 
malia, 28 

Perkins's patent, 272 

Peron on temperature of sea 
water, 129 

Petit-Thouars on Danais, 35 

Phosphorus promotes magnetism 
in iron, 1473 Precipitates al- 
kaline metallic solutions, 187; 
makes iron brittle, 219 

Petroleum extracted from as- 
phaltum and coal, 151 

Pit coul. On, 48, 147, 151, 203, 

Pigment. A new, 119 
Pigou on the tea tree, 256 
Pihing cattle. On, 67 
Planet. A new, 183 

Platina. New metals found in, 
89, go, 1885 rendered mal- 

Plymly’s mineralogy of Bhraps 
shire, 201, 304 
Pneumatic medicine. On, 126, 

Porta on reflecting cold from 

a concave mirror, 173 
Potatoes. To preserve, 117 
Pottery. On glazed, 313 
Printing or dycing patent, — 95 

Prize questions, &c. 87,183, 365 


Proust on sulphurets; 208, 215 ; 

on tinning, 313 
Publications. New, 365 
Pyrites. Analyses of, 133, 213 

Quicklime, Effects of, on gun- 
powder, 245 

Rawilinson’s colour-mill, 156 
Refining of gold and filver. New 
process for, 1255 352 

Repulsion between fluids. The 
doctrine of, contested, 154 
Resin from lac, 13, 17 

Rice. On the culture of, I 
Rider’s patent, 374. 
Robertson’s aérial voyage from 

Petersburgh, 193 
Robinscn on peat, 61 
Roxburgh on the culture of the 

sugar cane, 264 
Royal Soctety, 369 
Rust in corn. On, 320 
Ryan's patent, 372 
Safety-valve. New, 254 

Sage on zinc, 2423 on ami- 

Salts promote vegetation,  €o 
Screw-press. A new, 249 

Sea. Ou temperature of, 12g 
Seed, stick, and shell lac. On, 12 
Seeds. Patent for separating, 
from straw, 5 
S:lf immo!ation. Instance of, 26 
Ships. Oa extinguishing acci- 
dental fires in, 97 
Shorter’s patent, 95 
Shropshire. Mineralogy of, 201, 

Sheet glass, Patent for flattening, 


Shoes. Patent for fastening, 373 
Siam. On the trade of, 22 
Silex, Affinity of, for carbon, 

New ways of refining, 
} 125, 352 
Slaughtering cattle. On, 6g 
Snails absorb oxygen, 


Ss oetety 


Society of the Friends of Science, 
Warsaw, 279 

Sound reflected from a concave 
mirror, 173 

Spider. Ingenuity of the, 286 

Specific gravities of fluids. Pa- 
tent for determining, 373 

Spring wheat, a premium, 87 

Stratu of coal-pits described, 

Steam-engines. Patent, 374 
Steam-wheel. Patent, 374 

Succinate of iron decomposed by 

boiling water, 186 
Sugar cane. Hindoo method of 
, -eultivating, 264 
Sulphate of iron used as manure, 

Salphurets, metallic, Ov, 133, 
208, 213 

Tea Tree. Account of, 256 
Temperature of the sea, 129 ; of 

high regions, 227 
Thomp:on’s patent, O57 
Thornton on pneumatic medi- 

cine, 126 
Thrashing machine, Patent, 95 
Thrashing machine, 372 
Thunder’s patent, 95 

Tilloch on extinguishing acci-’ 

dental fires in ships, 97; on 
making platina malleable, 175 
Time-kecpers... Improvement in, 


Travels to promote science, 2/9 
280, 281, 353 
Tyéer. Inundation of the, 191 

Ulcers cured by inhaling oxygen 
gas, 128 

Fegctation. Oxide of iron, sul- 
phate, and other salts, pro- 

mote, 52 
Fesuvius. Eruption of, 94 
Voyages, $8 

Folcanoes. On, 
Water of the sea. On tempera- 
ture of, 129 
Water formed by uniting oxy- 
gen and hydrogen mechani- 

cally, 288, 362 
Wax from lac, 13,18 
Wheat, a premium, 87 
Wilkins on an universal measure, 

ae 167 

Windows. Patent, 95 
Woods on the electrophorus, 


Wollaston’s discovery of palla- . 

dium, 89; of rhodium, go 
Wren (Six Christopher) first pro- 
posed deriving a measure from 
the pendulum, 168 
Wright on measuring the me- 
ridian, 1643 ona universal 

181 measure, 166 
Tin vessels. On, 318 Wright's patent, a4 
Tinning of copper, 313' 
Topographical improvement, 251 Zinc employed for coin in China, 
Trade of Siam, 22 2423 on alloys of, 313 
Travels, 88 Zoglogy, 28 

In our roth volume, p. 311, the 7th line from the bottom, for four 

piinates read eight minutes. 

In the present volume, p. 254, to the title of the article on a Safety- 
valve add,— By the Cocvalier Edelcrantz, of Sweden. 

Printed GR Taylor and Co., $8, Shoe Lane, Fleet Street. 

On, 90, 183, 370. 





Philo. Mag. Vol.XXI. Pl IIL. 


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MB - : ti 
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bk © Blenbeim-sreet Great Marlborongh-street. eee 

“The ER iaitine of Lectures on Anatomy, Physiology and r 

a Surgery, will commence on Saturday, the 8th of June, at Two 
ue oi, .0'Clock i in the Afternoon, and will be continued on Monday the © 

a.” "10th, and every subsequent Morning at Seven, Sundays cai 
MRK 8s. (he Mr. BROOKES. 

monstrated. on recent Subjects, and further illustrated by Pre- 

IN these Tanke the Structure of the Human Body: will be de- 

parations, and the Functions of the different Organe will be ex- 

The Surgical Operations are performed, and every Part of Sur- 
_ gery so elucidated, as may best tend to complete the Operating 


_ will be taught practically. 

Gentlemen zealous in the pursuit of Zoology will meet with un- 

The Art of Injecting, and of making Anatomical Preparations, 3 

---- gommon opportunities of prosecuting their researches in Compara- 

Aa tye Anatomy. 
Surgeons in the Army and Navy may be assisted in. renewing 
their Anatomical Knowledge, and every possible attention will be 
_ paid to their Accommodation as well as Instruction. 

Anatomical Conversaziones will be held Weekly, when the dif- 
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_ dents’ views forwarded.. To these none but Fupite can be ad- 

pacious Apartments, thoroughly ventilated, and ‘replete with 
every Convenience, will be open at five o’Clock in the Morning, 
_' for the-purposes of Dissecting and Injecting, where Mr. Brookes 

- as they appear on Dissection. 
“An extensive Museum, containing Preparations illustrative of 

every Part of the Human Body, and its Diseases, is attached to 
i the Theatre, to which Students will have occasional admittance. 
_____ Gentlemen inclined to support this Medical School by contributing 
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(individually of little value to the possessors,) may have the plea- 

attends to direct the Students, and demonstrate the various Parte 

sure of seeing them preserved, arranged, and registered with the - 

-_ mames of the Donors. . 

_ tions, are counteracted by an Antiseptic Process, the result of 
_ Experiments made by Mr. Brookes on Human Subjects, at Paris, 
g ~ in the year 1782; the account of which was delivered to the Royal 

_since been, so far improved, that the florid colour of the Muscles is 
“- _ preserved, and even heightened. 
~~ Pupils may be accommodated in the House. . 
he Gentlemen established in Practice, desirous of renewing their 
a _ Anatomical Knowledge, may be camino sx with an Apart-. 
ie _ BRO, to Dissect i in auntie 

fw ~The inconyeniences usually attending Anatomical Investiga- | 


Society, and read on the 17th of June 1784. This method has » 

Vot. ai. — Magarine. rises , 1808 


‘ . \ XXXIV. An Account ofthe Aétal Voyage ‘undertaken at Sg 

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aa i Acatemy Gf Sciences by the Academician Sacnanor =  — tg3 I 

« MXXV. All tief Account “of the! Mitieral ‘Productions of eli | 
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Nc Salop, and Honorary Member of the Board of Agriculture 

> WN XXXVE.Oh Metallic Sulpburets. By Professor Proust 

ay SX RVEL An Analysis-of the magnetical Pyrites; with Re- 

" % 3 Mmdtkeonsome of the: other a of Iron. By CuArtezs 

Ru ie es Higewerr, Esq. ERS. 
SS < XXXVI. Account ofen ABrostatic. Vaytee cidoaes by 

M. Guy-Lussac, of the 29th of :Fructidor,, Year 12; and 
ay read in the National Institute, Vendemiaire- oth; Near 13 

XXXIX, On disclosing the Process of: ‘Manufactories =) 

t ee. KEV An "Essay on ‘Medical Ratha: ane eis 

we eee Rhysicign to. the ert 2 
1 MLE On eve made of Zinc ini Chihai in fepara to siti 

AF; Bo Gi Sac 
XLIL. On. ibe Wee ut the Paatanther in: China: By 
Nis B.G. Sace 
XLIIE On the Property aieribal to Quickie of in- 
creasing the Force of Gunpowder. By’ M, Lemarstrp, 
Inspevtor-General of Gunpowder and Saltpetre - 
suily XLIV. Description of an improved Drawback Lock for 
e eM House Doors, invented obs Mr. Wititam Bouioces of 
i%) tee Portland-street 
Se XLV. Description ef a Screw- Press with an petting ! 
S\Power. By Mr. Witutam Bowrer,'of Finsbury-street 249 WS 
‘Aly XLVI. Geographical’ and Topographical Improvements rN ] 
{ proposed: by Jonn Crorcuman, Esq. Metnber of the Im- Bly 
& es Academy of Sciences’at St, Petersburgh © . = 251 Pal 
XMEYit..-Deseription ‘of: a Safety Valve containing a Va- Mites 
\euum alve i in the same Hole'of the Builer - ; 
Ay tl, An Account of the Tea ‘Tree. By Freperick 
6,7 Bag, rg * ‘ 
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pei from: increasing this’ Branch of ‘Agricultdré, and improving 
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iu gt Natives of the Canes District. ed Dr. Wretram Rox, 
V4.2 BURGH { 
= L. A brief Statement of some Particulars felative to the p 
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' LI. Proceedings of earned and Economical Societies = 277 Bi , 


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This Day is published, in Octavo, with an Engraving, Price 2s, 
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Philosophical Mag 
I aL Pe NP a Nop = Eo Ne OES 
ES 7g SS "35 Jay, = ssp LF 3 Sst? 3 Sane 
S peg 27 = 
i ee TS of NUM 
\W8e XV. On the Means most proper to be resorted to for ex- 
e\\\tinguishing accidental Fires in Ships. By Anexanper Tin- _ 
Jtocu. Read before the Askesian Society in December 1801~ 
thee © XVI. Memoir on the Natural History of the Coco-nut Tree, 
‘il '5 and the Areca-nut Tree; the Cultivation of them according 
« w= to the Methods of the Hindoos ; their Productions, and their — 
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ep By M. Le Govux pe Fraix, an Officer of Engineers, and 
tiwag Member of the Asiatic Society at Calcutta oe 

ede me | 

“aut ae 


3 XVII. Experiments on preserving Potatoes. By J. Dz 
MU Lancer, Esq. of the Island of Guernsey * sat 
XVIII. Processes for preparing Lake from Madders By 
es mo H.C. Encveriexp, Bart. Sees : 
oS iN XIX, A new Process for separating Gold and Silver from 
sz; the baser Metals - - - v1 
ly) WX XXX. Twenty-first Communication from Dr. THornron, 
“relative to Pneumatic Medicine _, as oh = 
XXI. Communication from Mr. Ice, Surgeon, relative 
ito Pneumatic Medicine - - i 
vey XXII. Extract of a Memoir on the Temperature of the 
v5 Water of the Sea, both at the Surface and at different Depths, — 
“’Galong the Shores and at a Distance from the Coast. By — 
IAN\M. F, Peron, Naturalist on the French Expedition to New 
: IN Holland - iim - Son 
Rely ~=XXIII. An Analysis of the magnetical Pyrites; with Re- 
"ii Wei, marks on some of the other Sulphurets of Iron. By Cuaittes 
ek Harcuerr, Esq. F.R.S. - ao SS Sime 
: AS XXIV. Observations on the Change of some of the proxi- 
‘ AN mate Principles of Vegetables into Bitumen; with analytical 
ity Experiments on a peculiar Substance which is found with the 
\j's% Bovey Coal. By Cuarres Harcuert; Esq. F.RsSi.0 eo 
‘3 XXV. Experiments and Reflections of Dr. Joacuim Car- 
RADORI DE Prato on the apparent Repulsion between some 
‘Kinds of Fluids observed by DRAPARNAUD * = =. 
XXVI. A-new Electrical Phanomenon. Communicated 
Mf by a Correspondent Sat - - 
%& XXVU. Wricur on measuring the Meridian—WricHT, _ 
Wren, and Witkins, om an universal Measure—J. Bap> 
2 SN Tista Poxta, on the Reflection of Heat, Cold, and Sound, 
3 from concave Mirrors - - ae 
“ati XXVIII. A new Process for rendering Platina malleable, | 
ji, #4 By Avexanver Tittocn. Read before the Askesiam So- 
(eS ciety in the Session 1804-5 m4 - eS asiek 
SOeQ XXIX. Description of an improved Mill for grinding - 
z SS Painters’ Colours, .By Mr. James Rawsinson, of Derby 176 
. i) XXX. Improved Mill for grinding Indigo, or otherdry — § 
W858 Colours - - thst _ 180 & 
XX XI. A new and most accurate Method of Banking the — 



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