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A Letter to the American People 






All rights reserved. This book, or parts 
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I ', 

u - 

Designed by Robert Josephy 


To My Wife 


Our Pontius Pilates 4 

Some Popular Narcotics 24 

The "Crime of Versailles" 36 

Wasted Years 43 

Hitler's Blitzkrieg in America 57 

Britain and America: 

Old Grudges and New Lies 74 

Britain and America: 

Alike and Unlike 96 

Britain and America: 

They Will Do the Job 120 

A Letter to the American People 

My Fellow Countrymen: 

I shall use plain, blunt words to say plain, blunt 

Many of you will never get this letter. Some of 
you will not like it. None of you will agree with 
all I say. But I hope that those of you who do read 
these words will think about them a bit. 

We hear and read every day the pompous words 
of politicians, the glib words of pseudo intellec 
tuals, and the smart words of newspaper column 
ists about this war and our part in it. You and I 
don't talk as they do, and in our hearts we don't 
believe the things some of them tell us. Now It is 
up to us to talk to make our wishes known and 
to act as a sufficient number of Americans (not 
all, by a long shot) have always acted when con 
scious of their duty and their danger. I think that 
there are still "a sufficient number" of us to do the 
job that must be done. 

This letter, as letters go, is rather long, and so 
for convenience' sake I shall jot down a few head 


Pontius Pilate still lives. Even now he exercises 
greater influence on our national thinking about 
foreign affairs than any other person living or 
dead. He strides the length and breadth of Amer 
ica, dinning his immortal philosophy of neutrality 
into our minds and hearts. You can hear him 
on the platform, over the radio, in the pulpit, at 
women's club meetings and labor union rallies. 
You can read his words in current books, in 
magazines and newspapers. A year ago he was 
saying "Wash your hands of this mess. I did once, 
and saved myself a lot of work and worry. That 
was none of my business. This is none of yours. 
So wash your hands of it now." 

Today his words have changed, but his tune 
remains the same. "You may have forgotten it/* 
he says, <c but I adopted the 'short of war' policy 
when I was Governor. I put in a good word for 
Him, don't forget. Did all I felt was perfectly safe 
to do." 

For the last twenty years we Americans have 
been fooling ourselves, as Pilate tried to do in 
another practical situation, when we've talked 


about America's foreign policy. We still are. It's 
not surprising. We have been deluged with a con 
stant stream of propaganda about the "Crime of 
Versailles/* "We won the war and what did we 
get?", "British imperialism/' the pathetic spectacle 
of a gullible America caught in the wily intrigues 
of Old World diplomacy, "pulling England's chest 
nuts out of the fire," the "Merchants of Death," 
and the "Wall Street Bankers/* 

Today there's a new but equally polluted stream 
of propaganda luridly warning us against propa 
ganda. The upshot of it all is that the thinking of 
many honest people has become confused, their 
nerves jangled, and their emotions jaded. And as 
a nation we have managed so far to escape from 
reality and the tough responsibilities of being a 
first-rate power. I don't mean that we have lost 
the puritanical vice of preaching to others, but 
we have failed to exercise the puritanical virtue 
of doing our share and more, if need be of the 
hard work our very greatness requires of us. 

Who are these Pontius Pilate propagandists 
these persons who are trying to take from us our 
moral manhood so that we shall feel a cold indif 
ference toward right and wrong and who are giv 
ing consciously or unconsciously daily aid and 
comfort to Comrades Hitler and Stalin? Let's note 
a few of them briefly very briefly but mark them 
well. Then well go on to examine the slogans and 


catch phrases, the half truths and lies with which 
they try to confuse our minds and deaden our 

Well of course there are the political pimps 
soliciting the "foreign 7 * vote. Like Hitler they as 
sume that America is not a real nation with tra 
ditions, character, and courage but a glorified, 
polyglot boardinghouse in which discordant racial 
groups live restlessly side by side. 

There are also the Gerald Nyes and the Burt 
Wheelers and the Hamilton Fishes who, just as 
Pilate was "willing to content the people" in his 
day (drugged as they were by the scribes and 
pharisees), are eager to please those people today 
who have been deluded and misinformed by their 
enemies inside as well as outside America. That 
type of politician is part of the steep price we pay 
for the democracy we cherish. Our faith in de 
mocracy is so genuine and so deep that we permit 
these Catilines to abuse our patience and even to 
advocate policies which would destroy that faith. 
But the demagogic politician is the least of our 
worrieshe has an abnormal instinct for self-pres 
ervation and when he can no longer fool the peo 
ple he will quickly follow them. I hardly need 
mention to you the Hugh Johnsons and Father 
Coughlins who have told you again and again 
that Britain and her allies on the one hand and 
Germany and her allies on the other are "all alike/* 


They resemble those unfortunate women who will 
do anything to hold attention. They grow worse 
with age. We can dismiss Mr. Charles Lindbergh 
as a remarkably able air pilot who with some 
effort, obvious sincerity, and much encouragement 
in certain quarters has achieved unquestioned 
rank as a leading American Nazi and richly de 
serves another medal from Hitler for pure devo 
tion and hard work in his cause. 

Hitler's most effective though unwitting allies 
in this country are among the so-called "intellec 
tuals" the propagandist historians, pseudo econo 
mists, and irresponsible journalists. Harry Elmer 
Barnes seems to be a pathological case whose pro- 
German and anti-British obsessions have appar 
ently become too extreme for the Scripps-Howard 
press to feature. The glib Stuart Chase, the shal 
low John T. Flynn, the whining Oswald Villard 
remind us of those writers, familiar to every gen 
eration, whose words are "full of sound and fury, 
signifying nothing/* 

These men hardly deserve mentioneven in a 
letter. One or two of them will achieve a minor 
footnote in some Ph.D. thesis of the future. But 
it is well to keep them in our mental files now 
that we must struggle to survive as a free and 
God-fearing people in our English-speaking civi 

There was a time when outstanding men went 

into the academic profession with, all the moral, 
mental, and physical attributes and appurtenances 
of manhood. Some still do. In the ranks of scholars 
and teachers are several of our greatest citizens. 
Men like James B. Conant and Samuel Eliot Mori- 
son of Harvard, Charles Seymour of Yale, Walter 
P. Hall of Princeton, Allan Nevins and James T. 
Shotwell of Columbia, Theodore Clarke Smith of 
Williams, Frank P. Graham of North Carolina, 
Harry Woodburn Chase of New York University 
you know them and many, many more. And yet, 
these gentlemen adorn the most undisciplined and 
ethically irresponsible of all the prof essions a pro* 
fession which has become increasingly the habitat 
and refuge of a neutral sex, far removed from the 
earthy passions, the normal emotions, the spiritual 
values and moral driving force of ordinary men 
and women. The great majority of the academic 
profession are just as scrupulous and honorable as 
die great majority in the other professions, but the 
distinguishing trait in their relationships toward 
their shysters and humbugs is a peculiar timidity 
and a refusal to deal with them as rigorously as 
lawyers and doctors do with their erring brethren. 
They courageously admit this in private. 

"Academic freedom" is as vital to the body 
politic as lungs to the human body. All the more 
need and care therefore that it should be kept 
healthy and clean by those who enjoy it and that 


it should not become a .glittering slogan to pro 
tect the incompetent and the mentally dishonest. 
The academic shyster should be outlawed by his 
colleagues as quickly and as ruthlessly as the cor 
rupt judge is removed from the bench or the un 
scrupulous lawyer is disbarred. The government 
must not do itfar better to suffer the present 
evils. Hitlerism is no cure for the ills of democ 
racy. But the academic profession alone can and 
should do its own housecleaning. 

You have probably noticed with mingled amuse 
ment and disgust those intellectuals who are soph- 
omoric in their sensitivity to criticism from the 
outside world. They loudly, bitterly and often 
properly denounce statesmen, judges, big business 
men. But If some of their own group are in turn 
similarly attacked they yell bloody murder and 
wave the flag of academic freedom. In other 
words, they simply can't "take it." In their own 
peculiar way they are just as intolerant as the 
shortsighted type of businessman who is a liberal 
while sipping his liqueur but not when dealing 
with his employees. The business-hating intellec 
tual and the red-baiting businessman are funda 
mentally Tweedledum and Tweedledee. 

I think this sensitivity of certain intellectuals is 
partly caused by another sophomoric mental state 
a belief that they are mentally superior to those 
of us, for example, who earn our living as business- 


men or lawyers. They are obviously more articu 
late, they know more words, and quite probably 
they got "better marks" in school or college than 
those engaged in more vulgar pursuits. And they 
cling, at times rather frantically, to their adoles 
cent belief in themselves and a comforting scorn 
toward the rest of us. It's a strange priesthood 
they've created and its creed seems to be criticism 
with impunity toward all, immunity from criticism 
by any. 

Most members of the academic profession don't 
really believe in such a priesthood but, like their 
fellow citizens in business and in some labor 
unions, they have been too slow and too timid 
in dealing with the unscrupulous element in their 
ranks. I think, moreover, that our academic friends 
will probably admit, in private, that the greatest 
weakness of their great profession is that its mem 
bers are rarely compelled to make decisions which 
have definite and almost immediate consequences. 
The businessman and lawyer must make those 
decisions constantly in order to carry on. Naturally 
many wrong decisions are made, but partly as a 
result of making them a reasonable degree of tol 
erance is shown toward those who make them and 
suspicion and contempt are felt for the intellectual 
perfectionist who does not make decisions but 
bewails the wrong ones. The man who deals in 
decisions rather than in criticism tries to see the 


"end figure/* Tliat sometimes requires both men 
tal and moral courage. Too many of our intellec 
tuals lack the gumption to grasp a whole situation; 
they nervously and confusedly deal with a small 

Their attitude toward the present war and 
America's relation to it is a tragic example of their 
great weakness. Like all decent, freedom-loving 
people, our college presidents and professors 
loathed Nazism. They were acutely aware of some 
of its vilest aspects. But, when the time finally 
came, with the outbreak of the war, for a hard 
decision by their own country, they were either 
mute or tried to find an escape in nervously talk 
ing about certain aspects of the situation. Some 
of them may have been fooled or bulldozed by the 
propaganda of certain other intellectuals. What 
ever the reason, the so-called "leaders of American 
thought" failed as leaders. After the Germans in 
vaded Holland and Belgium, a few important 
academic persons falteringly spoke the faith that 
was in them along with and behind many less 
articulate people. Archibald MacLeish with win 
ning sincerity and melancholy charm admitted in 
effect that he and his fellow intellectuals had been 
damn fools in playing the cynic rather than the 
man during the last twenty years. 

But, I repeat, our academic and intellectual 
leaders fell down. That happened in another coun- 


try. A truly great intellectual, a German named 
Thomas Mann, told the tragic truth when in 1937 
he wrote his immortal letter to the dean of the 
philosophical faculty of the University of Bonn: 
"The German universities share a heavy responsi 
bility for all the present distresses which they 
called down upon their heads when they tragically 
misunderstood their historic hour and allowed 
their soil to nourish the ruthless forces which have 
devastated Germany morally, politically, and eco 

Because our academic friends are not constantly 
required to make decisions because life does not 
Jerk them up every day they are in danger of 
forgetting that they belong to the most influential 
of the professions and that they can exercise more 
power over the ultimate destinies of men than 
those of us engaged in the so-called ''active life." 
Their sense of responsibility should be in proper 
proportion to their influence and power. When 
they are irresponsible, the damage done is very 
great and persists for a long time. The reason is, 
of course, that they are dealing with the minds 
and spirits of men. For example, if a historian 
makes in a book a false or .unfair statement of his 
toric facts, not only his students but also the news 
paper editor and the columnist and the radio 
commentator, too rushed by their daily work to 
verify or correct the statement, are likely to pick 


^^tftip and pass it along to the "man in the street/* 
whose opinions and decisions are accordingly in 
fluenced. Such irresponsibility imperils the influ 
ence of the honest intellectual and, in these times, 
is a menace to the public. 

Yes I'm thinking of several people in the so- 
called academic world of those intellectuals, in 
different to moral values, who have misled many 
^honest, well-meaning citizens with their propa- 
JJ ganda against the democracies and who today still 
* whimper and whine for a peace without honor 
^ and without freedom. Harry Elmer Barnes is an 
jT example. Somewhat typical is a Dartmouth pro 
fessor named Stilwell, who, a few days after Hit 
ler's Huns had invaded Holland and Belgium and 
slaughtered thirty thousand citizens of Rotterdam 
f\"as a lesson," was reported in the New York press 
^ as having told a crowd of susceptible adolescents 
that Hitler had "sharp Yankee insight" and that 
Hitler's peace would be no worse than the Ver 
sailles treaty because "it couldn't be." 
Q I mean, among others, Charles A. Beard. No 
one, to my knowledge, has questioned his patriot- 
ism. He has many devoted admirers, especially 
among the younger intellectuals. I have no doubt 
that he personally disapproves of the Nazis, their 
tortures of free-thinking people, their concentra 
tion camps, and their objectives. (The same was 
true of some professors in the German universities 

mentioned by Thomas Mann.) As you know, lie 
has a big reputation as a historian, and the public 
naturally expects him, as a historian, to present 
the facts of history with scrupulous care. 

In his recent book A Foreign Policy for Amer 
ica, Mr. Beard is guilty of grave irresponsibility. 
In that book he is no longer the respectable his 
torian but an unscrupulous propagandist. Twisting 
of facts, nondisclosure of vital evidence, down 
right * misstatements" are used with all the skill 
of the Nazi propagandists and doubtless to their 
satisfaction to keep us neutral. 

His book is a plea for an isolationist foreign 
policy based on what he alleges to be American 
history. Beard purports to argue against "entan 
glements in the age-long coalitions of Europe and 
Asia" of which, he assumes, the present war is 
just another example. He evidently thinks isola 
tionism will smell sweeter if called by a different 
name "continentalism." He asserts that the main 
tradition of our government has been a strict and 
exclusive concentration on domestic problems and 
tries to prove it very largely by ignoring or dis 
torting or abusing the foreign policies of our great 
est Secretaries of State, including Henry Clay, 
Daniel Webster, John Hay, Elihu Root, and Cor- 
dell Hull, of Thomas Jefferson in the case of the 
Monroe Doctrine, and of Presidents McKinley, 
Theodore Roosevelt, Taft, Wilson, and Franklin 


D. Roosevelt. And he concludes his book by urg 
ing us to be nice and polite toward all nations, 
good or bad, and to refrain from making any com 
ments on the "manners and morals of other coun 
tries^ including, of course, Hitler's Germany. 

Like a Nazi propagandist, Beard realizes the 
necessity and seems to relish the task of "smear 
ing" the great statesmen and historians of the past 
whose influence he wishes to destroy. As many 
of you know, Admiral Mahan of the United States 
Navy was the author of one of the most distin 
guished books in modern times The Influence of 
Sea Power upon History. Beard bravely hurls in 
sults at the great man's ghost "veritable igno 
ramus," "propagandist/' "distorter of history," "full 
blown imperialist/' his book "found a hearty re 
sponse in power-hungry minds" such as Theodore 
Roosevelt (Have you never noticed how intellec 
tuals like Beard condemn "name calling" by their 

A few of you may have read the cool analysis 
of Beard's book by the judicious Professor Allan 
Nevins which appeared in the New York Times 
on May 26, 1940. Professor Nevins points out that 
Beard has won his place among historians "by 
applying a smart, hard materialism to the inter 
pretation of history, and thus often arriving at a 
clever simulacrum of Truth rather than Truth it 
self." Professor Nevins says that "two character- 


Istics of the book are especially notable. The first 
Is this frigid indifference to moral considera 
tions The other remarkable characteristic of 

the book is the way in which it wrests history to 
support special pleading." 

As a clever propagandist, Beard knows how to 
quote a part of a historic statement out of its con 
text so as to create a false impression on the 
reader's mind. Thus he quotes a few words from 
a famous letter from Jefferson to Monroe so that 
the uninformed reader would be led to believe 
that Jefferson was an isolationist. He does not 
quote the chief part of the letter, in which Jeffer 
son urged that the United States unite its forces 
with Britain's to protect this hemisphere against 
continental Europe which was then in the iron 
grip of autocracy. (Ill mention that later on.) Al 
lan Nevins also referred caustically to several 
"misstatements" by Beard. But Beard's unscrupu 
lous propaganda will probably deceive many citi 
zens who have never read Mr, Nevins's forthright 
exposure of it. That is why irresponsible intellec 
tuals who purport to be honest scholars do terrific 
harm and, in these days, are a public menace. 
There is no need for me to say more about Beard 
at this point But mark him well. He is (uncon 
sciously, no doubt) Hitler's cleverest academic ally 
in America. 

The smart pseudo intellectuals spend so much 

time and effort at playing God that they forget 
or cannot grasp the simple forthright values by 
which most of us plain people live. They set them 
selves up and try to sell us their wares as being 
"realistic" or "objective" or "impartial" You and I 
know, if we take the trouble to look closely at 
these humbugs, that they nervously "go to pieces'* 
when met with a hard but simple truth and a 
tough but obvious fact. They squirm and squeal 
their way into an unreal blueprint world in which 
there are no embarrassing standards of good and 
evil, no stern decisions to be made, no choice to 
be taken, for instance, between the King James 
Bible and Mein Kampf, no heartfelt sacrifices and 
no sweating toil, and where they can comfortably 
and cleverly talk and talk until doom's day while 
we listen, applaud, and pay them. Every age has 
had such jabberers, those nervous and naive per 
sons who chatter feverishly on the sidelines of 
human life. In ordinary times we can afford to put 
up with them and toss them pennies if for no other 
reason than that some amuse us with their antics. 
But these are not amusing times. Work must be 
done, tears must flow, and blood must be shed 
before we can again laugh as free men in a free 
world. And so I ask you not to waste your precious 
moments now on these mentally gaudy, morally 
impotent people and, above all, do not let them 
fool you with self-deceiving words which must 


make the Nazi-Communist propagandists gasp 

with envy. 

Some well-meaning preachers give their sup 
port, quite unconsciously, to the theory of propa 
gandists like Beard that Uncle Sam is all stomach 
and no soul. They valiantly thunder that it's a sin 
to steal a pin, but they sanctimoniously squeak 
to us brothers and sisters about "peace" while the 
Nazis try to reduce our civilization to a shambles 
and the surviving men, women, and children into 
slaves. To be fair, our clergy has made, by and 
large, since the outbreak of the war a much man 
lier showing than the academic crowd, most of 
whom have been, until lately, strangely mute as 
so-called 'leaders of American thought/' And yet, 
the pulpits have their share too big a share of 
men utterly incapable of righteous anger and of 
wielding, in God's name, the sword of Gideon. 
When next you go to church, I suggest that you 
be attentive enough to examine the leader of your 
flock. Is he a real man to lead you to do good 
even though it hurts or just a tame mouse to make 
you feel good, whatever the future cost? Is he in 
the mighty tradition of Saint Augustine, John 
Knox, Henry Ward Beecher, and the late Cardinal 
Mundelein? Or does he chant with "Father" 
Divine "Peaceif s wonderful?" My guess is that 
God is tired of hearing Pontius Pilate in so many 


I may not find the time in this letter to discuss 
the sanctimonious slogans of certain pacifist and 
isolationist preachers. They don't do nearly as 
much harm as our intellectual milksops who dis 
guise themselves in so-called "scholarship.** This 
is partly because many of us have become good- 
naturedly accustomed to mealy-mouthed sermons. 
But be on your guard against the hazy messenger 
of the Word. And remember that the Lord likes a 
man in His house the same as anywhere else. 

Behind the lines of the well-known propagan 
dists, such as Beard, often of equal professional 
rank, are some pathetic and hard-toiling people 
the academic munition workers who supply them 
with firecrackers to dazzle and deafen the public. 
You know them. They earnestly strive, by putting 
one footnote after another, to win a feeble aca 
demic fame while their glib colleagues reap the 
profits. Like their more opulent faculty associates, 
they are immersed in the obscure and are victims 
of hysteria or amnesia (depending on their tem 
peraments ) when confronted by the crude, tough 
facts of this world such as Mein Kampf, the Nazi- 
Soviet alliance, the machine-gun slaughter of civil 
ians, and the torture of the concentration camps. 
We must not be too harsh with them or make 
them scapegoats for their academic brothers. Nor 
should we begrudge them too much their anemic 
ecstasies when they discover for their blatant col- 


leagues a glittering but irrelevant bit of historical 
gossip* They "must live somehow/* 

However, they deserve at least casual attention 
from us and from truly learned and honest-minded 
scholars because it is vital that our thinking be 
not bombed and deranged by the obscure, the 
trivial, and the insincere data of so-called "re 
search men'* and their mouthpieces. Even those 
who are sincere often miss the whole spirit of an 
age in the frantic search for a footnote. And those 
who are not honest are simply working the Nazi 
technique of propaganda. I mention these isola 
tionist "scholars'* because we must clear a lot of 
smelly rubbish out of our minds and force our 
selves again and again and again to face manfully 
the great, sometimes harsh and sometimes beauti 
ful facts of the world in which we and our chil 
dren live. We must not duck down blind alleys to 
escape the main, straight, and often hard road 
to national and personal freedom and self-respect. 

Tm sure most of you will understand when I 
use words like "freedom** and "self-respect.** For 
nearly twenty years they were scornfully discarded 
by our pseudo intellectuals and are shunned or 
soiled today by those propagandists who evidently 
think of America as a luxurious pigsty completely 
shut off from the outside world. You remember 
the "disillusioned** novelists and poets after the 
last war who clothed their mental and moral im- 


potence in the language of the brothel and titil 
lated the adolescent and the jaded with their find 
ings from the garbage cans and slop jars of human 
life. Well, that nasty and sordid materialism which 
denies the philosophy of Plato and the life of 
Christ and our everyday experience for that mat 
terthat materialism is one of the most subtle 
appeals of the isolationist and pro-Nazi propagan 
dists. Please bear that constantly in mind when 
we come, as we soon shall, to the slogans and 
falsehoods of the hog-pen isolationists. We can 
understand the allure of a dazzling and selfish 
"materialism/' and in tranquil times many of us 
can temporarily afford and most of us certainly 
do succumb to it. But not now. We must act like 
men and "put away childish things." 

It's too bad that we are compelled to speak so 
plainly about our "intellectuals'* and especially our 
academic friends, most of whom are really decent, 
hard-working fellows; but they have become too 
self-sanctified, too removed from the healthy mo 
ralities of life and the basic ethics of thought, too 
oblivious of the standards in which we plain peo 
ple believe. Many of them carelessly and selfishly 
forget that their words are often given weight 
because their audience is mindful of the institu 
tions they represent institutions of learning, of 
great prestige, with many warm loyalties and with 
noble traditions of public service. Yes they should 


have a drubbing an awakening a moral and in 
tellectual strengthening of their training and out 
look and a vigorous cleansing o their ranks. The 
best of them know it. All they need and it's a 
good deal is the courage to do it. 

Now then, before we "get down to cases" with 
the iinscrapulous propaganda of the Beard type of 
isolationist, I want to warn you against one other 
general type of person who spreads, quite uncon 
sciously as a rule but all the more successfully, the 
things Hitler wants us to think. I mean the man 
whom John Bunyan named "Mr. Facing-both- 
ways" the sleek "good fellow" who "can't be both 
ered" and lazily appeals to an utterly perverted 
sense of justice with the phrase "on the other 
hand." In the normal course of life you and I use 
that phrase as a brake on hasty Judgments, as a 
sort of formula to be fair in our opinions of our 
neighbor's deeds, as a balance in a waxm argu 
ment But, mind you, always in reference to the 
differences which exist within a civilized group. 
(If you think the Nazis are civilized, then don't 
read this letter. ) 

Yes, in everyday life we should say, again and 
again, "on the other hand." It's so easy to harm 
people and so hard to help them. But if we're 
decent (a word that our smart pseudo intellectuals 
scorn and fear), we don't speak that way about 
the murderer or kidnaper or traitor. We say "shoot 


y em" That is what we must say about the nastiest 
lawbreakers of all the Nazis. And yet, it* s so easy 
for some of us to use any refuge any escape from 
the truth. Easy at the time. Not later the French 
men and women who were betrayed by their 
Other Handers could tell you about that, if they 
were free. Can we Americans still face a grim, 
hard truth with fight and kughter and "Rebel 
yells" and "Battle Hymns"? Or shall we dumbly 
and blindly slog along after the Beards and 
Coughlins, Mr. Facing-both-ways and the Other 
Handers, down the road of national and personal 
ruin? I'm sure we won't. There are enough of us 
a "sufficient number" of us who just won't do 
it Well fight. 



One of the favorite sports of professors and 
writers who have consciously or unconsciously 
misled and misinformed the American public in 
recent years has been to deride the motives which 
caused and the purposes which inspired America's 
entry into the last World War. They have created 
bogies and scarecrows, naming them the "Wall 
Street Bankers" and the "Merchants of Death'* and 
depicting them as beguiling and forcing the Amer 
ican people against their will to take part in the 

That just isn't so, and you and I know it. 

These and other slogans and falsehoods spread 
at first by our own professors and writers and later 
repeated incessantly by Hitler are simply popular 
narcotics with which we have deadened the pangs 
of conscience caused by our great betrayal of the 
best hopes of mankind when we quit the peace. 
Yes narcotics to banish the hot twinges of shame 
when we stop to think how loudly we have talked 
and how little we have done to make law and 
reason supreme in the affairs of men. Today they 
help some people to forget the menace of Hitler, 


the demands of ordinary human decency, the 
stem need of sacrifice if we are to be saved. 

The average American doesn't give a damn 
what the "Wall Street Bankers" say or think or do 
except when, as in the Nineteen Twenties, some 
of them sold us gilt-edged flypaper on which we 
were permanently stuck. You may be sure of this 
not one shred of evidence has been produced to 
prove that Wilson's policy was at any time deter 
mined by our financial stake in the Allied cause. 
We do know that many bankers and businessmen 
were appeasement and profit minded then as some 
of them are now. Have you noted how our 
twitching and twittering "intellectuals" who have 
screamed at the late Neville Chamberlain as a 
"business" appeaser now advocate with their fal 
setto fury that we might possibly, maybe, perhaps 
slap Hitler lightly on the wrist but at all costs 
"stay at peace'? 

It's perfectly true that some businessmen have 
been like the "camp followers" mentioned by 
Caesar and notorious in every war for picking up 
scraps of booty left by the victor. We have them 
today the whisky speculators, the labor baiters, 
the Gestapo-minded men with soft hands and 
hard eyes, who would "make a deal" with Hider 
if they could get away with it That same sort 
gloated and grew fat on the profits made during 


our neutrality from 1914 to 1917. They didn't 
want us in the war then. They don't now. 

But most businessmen were patriots in 1917, as 
they are today, and had enough vision, let* s say 
horse sense, to realize that business can be secure 
only in a society governed by laws and not by 
gangsters. So it may be that some of yon who are 
businessmen actually did favor in 1917 the con 
tinuance of a system which, with all its defects 
and grievances, was still subject to a reign of law 
and the reasoned improvements of democracy 
rather than subject to Prussian militarism. You 
believed, as most of us did tot a variety of rea 
sons, that we should enter the war against the 
Kaiser's Germany. Most of you lost some big 
profits which you might have enjoyed tempo 
rarilyif we had remained at peace. So today 
there's "blood money" for youtemporarilyif we 
stay out. My guess is that as "hard-headed" men 
and as citizens just as decent and democratic as 
any of us you will prefer the high cost of sup 
pressing international crime to the inevitable bank 
ruptcy of succumbing to it 

As for the "Merchants of Death" who "led us" 
into the last war. Well, we know today what a 
cheap political scarecrow that is. Both our knowl 
edge and common sense refuse to elevate the mu 
nitions manufacturers into gods of human destiny. 
They make their unpleasant goods and sell them 


because there are people (including us) who want 
them and will buy them. Occasionally some over- 
zealous salesman may have encouraged a Central 
American revolution, but to picture these practical 
gentlemen as playing a decisive role in the des 
tinies of the world is plain silly. At the present 
moment, please note, we are grumbling because 
they are not working fast enough to suit our fancy 
and our need. 

Nor did we fight to 'pull England's chestnuts 
out of the fire/* We never have. The propagandists 
who say we have done so cannot prove a single 
instance in our entire history as a nation to sup 
port their falsehood. And yet by using the Nazi- 
Communist technique of repeating a falsehood 
again and again they have deceived some honest, 
well-meaning folk and have soothed those frantic 
people who cannot bear to face the simple but 
sometimes hard truths of life. Have you observed 
how these same propagandists scream with rage 
because England is at moments reluctant to do 
the hard jobs of civilization which they urge us 
to shirk? Why doesn't England save Ethiopia or 
China or Austria or Czechoslovakia or Finland? I 
wonder how many of these propagandists urge 
us today to take our place beside Britain in the 
battle line of freedom. 

Another popular narcotic which our propa 
gandist historians and pseudo intellectuals have 


successfully peddled to many of us is so-called 
"Allied propaganda." They peddle this propa 
ganda against propaganda on the assumption that 
Americans are a simple, childlike, almost moronic 
people who need nurses and guards to keep them 
out of mischief. It is insidious stuff, which, taken 
in too large doses, is likely to cause moral impo 
tence and intellectual sterility. We are reminded 
of the old Quaker's remark to his wife, "All the 
world's mad except thee and me, and even thee 
art a little mad." We know why we fought, we 
can remember the big obvious facts which finally 
roused us to action and which our isolationist and 
pro-Nazi propagandists now try so frantically to 
obscure; we can search our hearts, our minds, and 
the written record, and we can honestly say that 
so-called "Allied propaganda" did not hasten by 
a day our entry into the last war. 

America entered the last war for many reasons. 
Let's recall them briefly. It'll help keep our think 
ing straight 

The most immediate and compelling reason was 
simply that Germany, after repeated warnings and 
protests, continued to sink ships without warning, 
with a loss of American lives. If Germany had not 
sunk our ships and if American lives had not been 
lost in those actions, we probably would not have 
entered the war. The evidence is overwhelming 
on this point and it's on the record for all of us 


to see. If s true that the British blockade was at 
times aimoyingalthough when we got in we were 
much tougher than our English cousins had been. 
(More about that later on.) But the killing of an 
American child counted more heavily with us than 
the seizure of a bale of cotton. The British, irri 
tated us, but we knew perfectly well that we 
would do the same had done it more sternly dur 
ing our Civil War. The Kaiser's government roused 
our righteous anger. Even so we were patient. 
Too patient, said some of our greatest statesmen 
like old T.R. We can almost hear him now as he 
bitingly attacked Wilson's "notes, notes, notes" of 
protest against the German submarine warfare on 
our ships and our lives. 

Well the Kaiser then, like Hider now, was mis 
taken about the American people. He counted, as 
Hitler does, on our isolationists and pacifists and 
those hand-wringing persons who whimper and 
do nothing. He thought we wouldn't fight and that 
if we did we wouldn't amount to much. Von Bern- 
storff, German ambassador in Washington, warned 
his government not to continue the U-boat war 
fare on us. To no avail. Finally the American 
people, the President, and our representatives in 
Congress made up their minds on that issue. If 
you have the time, I suggest that you again read 
Woodrow Wilson's superb War Message of April 
2, 1917 ? and the speeches of those members of 


the House and Senate who voted for our entry 
into the war. You will remember with renewed 
pride why we fought. We clearly saw a tough fact 
and bravely met it 

With all our faults, we Americans nave a great 
faith in certain ideals a faith that has moved 
mountains and has contributed mightily to our 
greatness as a nation. When Woodrow Wilson 
struck the moral note, the heart of America re 
sponded. Most Americans did believe that we 
were fighting "to make the world safe for democ 
racy/' Whether we succeeded or failed is irrele 
vant at this point. We did fight for something 
worth fighting for, and we need feel no regret 
or shame for that motive and purpose. Have you 
forgotten what Woodrow Wilson told us then and 
what I think he is telling us now? 

It is a fearful thing to lead this great, peaceful 
people into war, into the most terrible and disas 
trous of all wars, civilization itself seeming to l)e 
in the balance. 

But the right is more precious than peace, and 
we shall fight for the things which we have always 
carried nearest our hearts for democracy, for the 
right of those who submit to authority to have a 
voice in their own Governments, for the rights and 
liberties of small nations, for a universal dominion 
of right by such a concert of free peovlg as shall 


bring peace and safety to all nations and make the 
world itself at last free. 

I am not ashamed of those words and those pur 
posesthey are the very substance o the Ameri 
can spirit which Hitler and his clever allies in this 
country are now trying to kill. I am ashamed that, 
for a time, we repudiated those words, that we 
did not carry through, that we quit on the job, 
that we have listened for many years to the whines 
and screams of those who would drown out the 
still small voice of conscience and of warning. 
Well today is another day. This time we won't 
fail. We'll do the job we once set out to do. You 
see, I am placing my bets and advise you to do 
the same on the moral traditions and the common 
sense of the American people. 

Somewhat allied to the foregoing were our 
Anglo-Saxon heritage and traditions. English peo 
ple and American people believe in their hearts 
that individual freedom is one of those few things 
worth fighting for and, if need be, worth dying 
for. It's true that most of us Americans of British 
ancestry do not feel it necessary to boast loudly of 
our heritage. We have gladly shared our Anglo- 
Saxon traditions of equal justice and ordered lib 
erty with many fine peoples who came from other 
lands eager to enjoy our spiritual inheritance and 
our economic opportunities. Those traditions, 


though often foolishly ignored or wickedly vio 
lated, are part of the fabric of our nation and our 
very lives. Magna Carta, the common law, the Bill 
of Rights, the King James Bible, the hymns of the 
Wesleys and Cardinal Newman, Shakespeare and 
Dickens, Mr. Valiant-for-Truth and Bobby Burns 
they are the staples of our spiritual and mental 
Hfe. They meant much to us in 1917. They mean 
more they mean everything to us today because 
the danger to them is so much more terrible. 

Time and isolationist propaganda may have 
dimmed some other reasons for our entry into the 
war, such as German militarism, Germany's sup 
port of Austria in July, 1914, the invasion of neu 
tral Belgium, the introduction of poison gas, the 
dynamiting of our bridges and munition plants, 
the deportation and enslavement of Belgian civil 
ians, the destruction of Louvain, and other brutal 
facts we could not ignore and should not forget. 

But "We won the war." Sure we did. Almost 
single-handed. Almost. Let's try to be honest with 
ourselves so that we may be fair to others. Let* s 
remember what England and France and our 
other associates contributed to the winning of that 

For instance, they fought the war for three 
years while we remained neutral and waxed rich 
at their expense. England, with a population one- 
third of ours, lost in dead alone nearly one million 


men; France, with a population less than one- 
third of ours, almost a million and a half; Canada, 
with a population less than New York State, about 
100,000. As it was, we lost about 126,000. Remem 
ber that in citing these facts I'm simply suggesting 
that we be honest and fair. 

We never knew the horror of an air raid, the 
terror and degradation of an invading army de 
stroying our towns and cities and enslaving a large 
part of our civilian population to be hewers of 
wood and drawers of water in the enemy country. 
Fuel-less Sundays, Liberty Loan "drives," and one 
lump of sugar instead of two were among our 
major efforts. Yes, they helped helped a lot, 
"turned the tide" and all that sort of thing. But 
as a nation we were spared the agony our com 
rades-in-arms endured. 

And let's not forget that our fellow democracies 
supplied us with most of our artillery and nearly 
all our fighting planes; that of the five thousand 
antisubmarine craft operating in the submarine- 
infested waters we had only 160, or three per cent; 
that sixty per cent of our troops were transported 
by Britain and more than half our overseas army 
was convoyed by the British fleet Yes yes our 
war effort was good enough and just in time. My 
point is that when we stop to think and make a 
real attempt to be fair about the relative measure 
of our war efforts and personal sacrifices the prop- 


aganda we have been fed for several years seems 
a bit indecent. 

But they called America "Uncle Shylock"! Who 
did? Well, strangely enough, there have been some 
irresponsible politicians and journalists in England 
and France just as there are in this country. They 
aren't much help, often a damn nuisance, in solv 
ing a hard problem between friendsespecially if 
one is a creditor and the other a debtor. 

As a sensible person you will agree with me 
("sensible" people nearly always agree with one) 
that the whole war debt problem was clumsily 
handled on both sides. Just to be fair, remember 
this they didn't "hire the money" we let them 
buy goods on credit (to keep them fighting while 
we got ready) and then, remember, we made it 
practically impossible for them to pay us back- 
thanks to our tariffs which shut out their goods. 
A wise banker, as distinct from a pawnbroker, 
does not keep his borrowers too poor to pay him. 
You're probably in too much of a hurry to rake 
over the' ashes of this old problem but please 
keep in mind one or two of the big facts IVe men 
tioned. If you have any free time on your hands, 
you might read the speeches of our Senators when 
Congress authorized these loans they gladly called 
them gifts then. But times change and memories 
are short. We know, however, that when gang 
sters are roaming the streets we shouldn't haggle 


over the price of a gun which our neighbor can 
use to good effect. 

All right, you say, but what did we get out of 
the last war? Well we kept the war from coming 
here by fighting it over there. That was something. 
We won a breathing spell of twenty years for de 
mocracyothers and our own. That's nothing to 
cry about We prevented the German fleet from 
dominating the Atlantic. Not a bad result. We 
won the greatest chance in modern history to work 
for a secure and lasting peace a chance which 
we ourselves proposed a chance for a peace we 
might have enjoyed today. We killed it You know 
how. Some Americans were a little tired, much 
frightened by their national maturity, and greatly 
confused by the clever isolationist propaganda of 
the time. So for twenty years we tried isolationism 
and here we are today. 



Long before Hitler made the "Crime of Ver 
sailles" his favorite bedtime story to the German 
people many of our "intellectuals'* were talking 
and writing about it in the feverish manner of a 
town gossip. Pseudo historians, irresponsible jour 
nalists, and tired liberals who couldn't digest some 
of the rougher facts of life all did their bit. There 
was also some honest, intelligent, and justified 
criticism of it. 

Not many of you have read even a small frac 
tion of the Treaty of Versailles, and, in fact, very 
few of the loudest critics of the treaty have ever 
read it I dont mean that our Pontius Pilate prop 
agandists would behave any differently if they 
had read it because those people shun the sober 
truth like a pestilence. I mean they usually don't 
know what they're talking about but find it easy 
and congenial to repeat hearsay on hearsay and 
too many of us lazily accept a good part of their 
tittle-tattle. We must admit, however, that as a 
treaty it had imperfections, having been drawn 
by imperfect men representing imperfect peoples, 


most of whom for four years had endured a wax 
that was not exactly perfect. 

There's this and that and a thousand and one 
other things to be said about the "Crime of Ver 
sailles." I merely want to suggest a few things to 

Alsace-Lorraine was restored to France. Any ob 
jections? The house hears none. 

Germany lost some colonies in Africa. YouVe 
heard a great "hue and cry" about these "lost 
colonies" as if they were Germany's breadbasket 
Actually, in 1913, they accounted for less than 
one-half of 1 per cent of her foreign trade. They 
lack most of her essential needs in raw materials. 
As for "living space" well there was no mad rush 
by Germans to live in them. We know that there 
were more Germans living in the city of Paris in 
1913 than in all Germany's African colonies. And 
don't forget that the Nazis want these colonies as 
closed preserves sources of military supplies 
rather than open to world trade under the man 
date system set up by the Versailles Treaty. This 
"crybaby" demand of German propaganda is re 
volting to those of us who take the trouble to see 
what lies behind it, but it has a strong appeal to 
shallow sentimentalists in this country. 

What, you ask, is behind all this "crybaby" talk? 
That's simple. Have you read Mein Kampf and 
Hitler's and Goebbel's latest speeches? Hitler has 


told us that it would be "insane folly" for the Nazis 
to fight merely to restore Germany's 1914 bound 
aries. The "crybaby" propaganda is merely a smoke 
screen to befuddle us. 

Then there were the reparations. Much too 
much. Trivial, though, according to the stand 
ards the Germans set when they are in the saddle. 
At any rate, machinery was set up whereby the 
payments could be scaled down to a reasonable 
figure and that was shortly done. As we shall soon 
see, Germany's "burden" after the war was not 
the cost of the reparations but of the war itself 
a great big fact which the Nazis and their allies 
in this country never, never mention. Meanwhile, 
you might scratch your heads and recall why and 
for what the reparations were asked. I'll leave that 
for you to figure out. 

Crocodile tears have been shed over the 'war 
guilt clause." The Beard type of propagandist and 
some queer footnote minds in our colleges have 
tried to smudge a pretty definite record. Through 
all the fog and smoke of controversy some things 
are clear. England and France did not invade neu 
tral Belgium. Germany did. The war was not 
fought on German soil. We know what the Prus 
sian militarists wanted. We remember that Aus 
tria-Hungary started the fight in July, 1914, and 
that Germany backed her up. If you're interested 
enough to go into it, you might read the minutes 


of the Austro-Hungarian Cabinet meeting of July 
7, 1914 they'll clear your head of the "sob sister 
stories" peddled by Hitler, the Beards, and our 
pseudo intellectuals* 

"But but -the Germans are a proud people." 
Since when has such pride become a cardinal and 
cleansing virtue? And incidentally, Just what sort 
of things do they take pride in? While we're about 
it, let's make an honest, clear-cut distinction in 
our minds between the German liberal in the con 
centration camps and Hiramler's Gestapo, between 
our pleasant, peaceful "music-loving" neighbor o 
German ancestry and the great sodden mass of 
Germans in Germany who will support Hitler until 
we thrash them. You can't beat a panzer division 
with a lollipop. 

Mind you, the Treaty of Versailles was imper 
fect. France made some mistakes. Britain made 
some. America made some. I think the Polish set 
tlement creating the "corridor" the least defensi 
ble part of the treaty was the brain child of the 
American delegation. Some heartbreaking deci 
sions had to be made and were made. There were 
errors of judgment and defects of vision. It is hon 
orable and wise and morally healthy that we should 
see such errors and defects and, more important, 
do our full share in correcting them. Sound criti 
cism is essential to progress in a democracy. (This 
letter is no "paean of praise,") But our enemies 


inside and outside of America have tried to mag 
nify and pervert honest criticism into an excuse for 
a defense of the basest crimes against democracy 
itselfinto a weapon that would destroy the very 
freedom of mind which encourages such criticism. 
So, when you look back at our mistakes, don't 
grow maudlin. We'll make plenty more. Our faith 
is, however, that democracy will keep on trying 
to win the just, the humane, the right things of 

We can say this about what Hitler calls the 
"Crime of Versailles" there has been no other ma 
jor treaty in modem history, concluded between 
nations formerly at war, in which moral values, 
high principles, and honest work played so great 
and in many instances so decisive a part as in the 
Treaty of Versailles. Maybe it would have been 
better if America and the Allies had drawn a cold 
blooded treaty of terrible revenge with no "non 
sense" and fancy ideas about international law and 
justice and respect for the opinions of mankind. 
Maybe it would have been better. But it just wasn't 
that kind of treaty. I suppose the reason is that 
free men, however often they may falter and fail, 
simply refused then as they refuse now (despite 
all Hitler's efforts) to retrace the long, hard road 
from the jungle. Somehow, democracy pushes 

There was one magnificent attempt in the Ver- 

sallies Treaty for a better world the League of 
Nations. Our President, Woodrow Wilson, fought 
hard for it. France yielded many demands for her 
security because of it. Those awful European na 
tions, our recent associates, accepted it. America 
turned it down. We wanted to preach, not work y 
for a world of peace and ordered liberty. America 
stumbled and fell. So we must sacrifice all the 
more in this war and really work to keep the peace 
we must earn. Woodrow Wilson will yet win his 
fight The Unknown Soldier did not die in vain. 
Do you remember what the German leaders 
said they were going to do to the rest of the world 
if they won? If you don't and are really interested^ 
I suggest that you dig back into the official docu 
ments and newspaper files of twenty-five years 
ago and also read the treaty of Brest-Litovsk. The 
isolationist and pro-Nazi propagandists today will 
not tell you, nor will the facing-both-ways col 
umnists. Most of them know, however, that had 
Germany won, the Treaty of Versailles, in compari 
son with the German peace terms, would have 
seemed like the Sermon on the Mount. You will 
recall that the treaty of Brest-Litovsk ended Rus 
sia's part in the last war. A detailed analysis of it 
is not possible in this letter, but suffice it to say 
that Germany took from Russia more than a third 
of her population, 32 per cent of her agricultural 
land, more than half her industries, and about 90 


per cent of her coal mines. When Germany crashed 
Rumania in the last war, an even more terrible 
treaty was forced down her throat the Peace of 

Those treaties were merely mild examples of 
Prussian militarism. Put them on a convenient shelf 
in your minds for handy reference in the future. 
And remember that although German militarism 
has now sunk under the Nazis to the lowest de 
pravity known to history it was a brutal menace 
to democracy when we fought and temporarily 
checked it twenty-three years ago. 



When we pause to look backward and think 
quietly about the past, we regret something more 
than our big mistakes, heavy losses, sharp de 
feats, and thwarted hopes we regret the time 
we've wasted. Tm not speaking about those in 
sufferably perfect people who never waste a mo 
ment I don't mean the time that is part of a well- 
earned rest I mean the time when we know we 
should have been on the job, working for the 
things we want most. So it was with the great 
democracies America, Britain, and France from 
1919 to 1939. Those were wasted years. Tragically 
wasted. Peace based on law and backed with, 
power could have been firmly established. But 
they threw the chance away by wishing and 
dreaming and hoping not working for it. And let 
us Americans be manly enough to stop prattling 
about how wonderful we are and honestly admit 
that our fault was as great as any other's. Greater, 
really, because we added insult to injury by boast 
ing to high heaven of our virtues. 

While we wasted those twenty .years, what did 
we do? We duped ourselves with fantastic non- 

sense about poor Germany's postwar years, and 
we did nothing to save the peace for which we 
fought except to give and drop in on some very 
pretty but utterly futile international tea parties. 
Let's take a quick, clear look backward. We can 
profit by it now and in the coming years. 

During those twenty years Germany, with the 
frantic aid of some self-styled 'liberals' in Amer 
ica, won the greatest triumph in the history of 
propaganda the poisonous effects of which we 
can still see and smell. They sold us a vast quan 
tity of <c bootleg" goods on foreign affairs, and some 
people are showing today the distasteful after 
effects of taking too much. Hiderism was such a 
vile dose that many people stopped dealing with 
certain "intellectual" bootleggers and racketeers 
among our professors and writers so that they have 
clear heads today. But poisons linger longer in 
the mind than in the body a fact which our iso 
lationist and pro-Nazi propagandists well know. 
I'm talking about the immensely successful lies 
regarding postwar Germany. You know all the 
sentimental slush about how harshly Germany was 
treated and how terribly she suffered and that 
such treatment and suffering explain and even ex 
cuse her present bestiality under the Nazis. Some 
people have stayed roaring drunk on that stuff for 

What are the facts? 


Let's see. Suppose we look briefly into the whin 
ing propaganda about Germany's sufferings rai 
der the British blockade. It's well to do so espe 
cially as we have recently heard the sobs of our 
appeasers and American Nazis sobs about the 
present blockade sobs, I'm glad to say, which did 
not deceive us. 

The blockade in the last war was very effective 
in defeating Prussian militarism. That fact alone 
has naturally caused our pro-Nazi, anti-British 
propagandists much anguish. When the United 
States entered the war, the blockade was made 
even more effective. We were tougher than the 
British in enforcing it. Please remember that. And 
well be just as tough after we enter this war. 
When the Germans decide they'd rather make but 
ter than guns, that they'd rather eat than kill, 
the war will end. Not till then. 

Yes, the blockade was continued after the ac 
tual fighting stopped, but its restrictions were re-, 
moved about nine months before the Treaty of 
Versailles was ratified and peace actually estab 
lished. If you took the trouble to dig into history, 
you would discover other facts, such as: that the 
delay in removing the blockade restrictions was 
caused by the German refusal for months to deliver 
the ships needed to transport food supplies and 
gold to pay for them; that the British were the 
first to propose lifting the blockade; and that Ger- 


many's food shortage was actually worse for a 
time after it was lifted. Incidentally, very incident 
ally, although the German people suffered, so did 
some other peoplepeople whose fields had been 
ruined, whose houses had been pillaged and blown 
.to bits, and whose towns and cities had been plun 
dered by the Prussian invaders people who were 
on our side. 

Now then let's discuss "Germany's postwar 
burden" about which some good sense and much 
drool and drivel have been said and written. The 
one great big fact about that "burden" is simply 
this it was relatively light. Yes compared with 
the burden carried by the English and French 
peoples after the war it was very light And as 
regards the so-called financial "servitudes" of the 
Versailles Treaty it was a little burden indeed 
and in a few years it became no burden at all. 
Then why all the hubbub? Partly because the Ger 
man whine in defeat is as tremendous as Ger 
many's cruelty in victory. Partly because, under 
Hitler, it's a method to throw dust in our eyes. 
Partly because our Pontius Pilate propagandists 
don't want you to know the facts. And partly be 
cause the plain hard truth makes our pseudo in 
tellectuals almost hysterical so that they quite nat 
urally steer clear of it whenever possible. 

All right, you say, let's have the facts. 

Germany's postwar burden was really the cost of 

the war itself. It's true that the German govern 
ment paid a certain amount in reparations about 
one-fourth the cost of her war efforts. The bal 
ance sheet shows, however, that what Germany 
actually paid out was more than offset by the 
amounts paid into Germany by foreign investors, 
mostly American and British. So the only burden 
on German finances was the nation's war costs* 
(It is a tragic irony that the money invested in 
Germany to put her "on her feet" was the means 
whereby she has enslaved most of Europe and to 
day menaces everything we hold dear. We must 
remember that.) 

And stick this in your mind the tax burden 
"per head 9 * after the war was far greater in Eng 
land, France, and the United States than in Ger 
many. In England in 1923-4, for example, the citi 
zen was paying about four times as much in taxes 
as the German citizen was paying. The Germans 
simply did not try, as Britain and America did, 
to meet their bills and put their house in order. 
It was so much easier to whine* We must admit 
that with the aid of our own ignorant or unscrup 
ulous sentimentalists the whines had a sickening 
success both here and inside Germany. 

The German people deliberately refused to face 
the truth that it was the war itself and their his 
toric militarism which had cost them dear. They 
loved their vast army it was the very soul o the 


nation. So a fantastic lie and a dramatic fiction 
were invented to sustain tteir faith in the army 
and their lust for power over other peoples. The 
lie was the so-called "dagger thrust in the back" 
inflicted by the Socialists (Hitler later added the 
Jews). It's clearly on the record that the Socialists 
and organized labor backed the German govern 
ment to the end and that Ludendorf f and the other 
German generals knew their army was beaten. The 
fiction was the "Crime of Versailles/' which helped 
the Germans forget that the war and their long 
lust for militarism had caused their troubles and 

We can understand why the German people 
indulged in thS frightful self-deception. Their po 
litical standards and experience were utterly dif 
ferent from those of England and the United 
States. They never knew the meaning of democ 
racy or that slow but steady growth of freedom 
under the law which is the chief characteristic of 
Anglo-Saxon civilization. Serfdom existed in Ger 
many well into the nineteenth century. Self-gov 
ernmentthat most difficult and, we think, most 
worth-while form of government they did not un 
derstand and barely endured for fourteen years 
under the Weimar Republic. The old chancellor, 
Prince von Biilow, said truly enough, "We are not 
a political people/* They simply prefer obedience 
to liberty and power to law. What they wanted was 


most certainly not the grim, plain truth which 
would set them free a frightening prospect but 
scapegoats and fictions which would soothe their 
wounded pride and a leader whom they could 
obey in a mad quest for power. Hitler gave them 
what they wanted. He's their man and don't forget 
it Exceptions magnificent exceptions yes. They 
have fled to other lands or are dying under tor 
ture in the concentration camps. 

Yes we can understand the morbid self-pity of 
the German people after the last war and their 
failure to come to grips honestly, patiently, and 
wholeheartedly with the real causes of their un- 
happiness. It is much more difficultto understand, 
probably only a pathologist can explain the self- 
styled "liberals'* in this country who deliberately 
refused to see or hear the plain facts of Germany's 
relatively light postwar burden, who blinded them 
selves to the historic and living menace of Ger 
man militarism, and who gave frenzied aid to the 
very^ forces of self-delusion in Germany which 
made Hitler possible even after the Weimar Re 
public had removed every last one of the so-called 
"economic servitudes'* of the Versailles Treaty. 
Well Hitler is their man, too. 

During those wasted years, 1919-1939, certain 
unscrupulous politicians and propagandists worked 
hard, day in and day out, to isolate and imperil 


America. They Ve done it. That sort of person costs 
our democracy too much. 

But didn't we tell the world that peace was 
wonderful and that we liked it very much? Yes. 
Exactly that and no more. We certainly did talk 
and talk. Criticized, preached, exhorted, de 
claimed, prayed, and moaned. And did nothing. 
Through it all we felt a lurking shame because we 
had quit on the hard job and had timidly thrown 
away the superb opportunity our President, Wood- 
row Wilson, had given the world. To hide our 
shame we put on the shabby robe of self-right 
eousness, went to a few international conferences, 
slinked into an "unofficial observer's" seat at the 
League of Nations meetings and complained be 
cause Britain didn't do this, that, and the other 
thing to keep us and the rest of the world com 
pletely soft and warm and comfortable. You say 
there's no use crying over spilled milk. That's 
right. And yet and yet because we spilled too 
much milk then blood is being spilled now. 

Do you remember the Washington Arms Con 
ference in 1921? There were some unusually pretty 
speeches made at that affair. One worth-while 
bit of statesmanship was achieved, thanks to the 
efforts of Arthur Meighen, Canada's great Prime 
Minister at the time. England and Japan had an 
alliance, and Mr. Meighen, acutely aware of its 
possible future embarrassment to the English- 


speaking nations, urged British statesmen to cut 
loose from it. That was deftly done by the late 
Lord Balf our, and the Nine Power Treaty, a tooth 
less statement of good intentions, was substituted 
to save Japan's face and to give China a pathetic 
hope of future territorial security. There was also 
a proposal, unanimously adopted, to save the world 
with arithmetic. It was so nice and simple the 
big naval powers agreed to maintain their capital 
ship strength at the ratio of "five-five-three." France 
was bitterly denounced by some of our intellectuals 
as being ^militaristic'* because Briand expressed 
fear that Germany might again rearm and threaten 
the peace and freedom of the world. But the Con 
ference ended happily if a bit stuffily with a bumb 
ling speech by Warren G. Harding. 

Oh, of course, there were some other ^confer 
ences" where we piddled and frittered time away 
and made sure that whatever we might say or 
preach we would never, never show or accept any 
sense of * obligation" as a great and manly democ 
racy in the family of nations. This piddle and 
fritter foreign policy had a kind of Valentine Day 
party at the time of the Kellogg-Briand "peace 
pact." There were sugar and spice and everything 
that's nice. War was bravely, solemnly "re 
nounced." No "commitments," no "pledges," no 
"obligations," no work. Nothing. 

And let us give the tribute of a sigh to that re- 

spectable and potentially useful organization the 
World Court. The fatal wealkness of it was the lack 
of a policeman to carry out its decisions. Even with 
that weakness it still retained a tinge of moral au 
thority which dismayed our isolationists. True, 
our presidents, Messrs. Harding, Coolidge, and 
Hoover (when you start to criticize old Chamber 
lain, remember them) those gentlemen recom 
mended it with about as much enthusiasm as an 
Episcopalian vicar describes the Presbyterian min 
ister* on the next block. But the Congress of the 
United States had swerved from Woodrow Wil 
son to the isolationist propagandists and rejected 
even that symbolic attempt to establish peace 
based on law. Just in passing, I want to point out 
again that the World Court, worthy as it was, could 
not by itself have established and maintained a 
reign of law among the nations. The reason is 
clear. We need the policeman's club as well as 
the judge's robe to keep the peace. You and I 
know that. The pseudo intellectual never will. 

In the Nineteen Thirties the attitude of many 
Americans on foreign affairs expanded rapidly 
from piddle and fritter to piddle, fritter, and fuss. 
The falsetto cries of our emasculated intellectuals 
grew louder and shriller as they urged the other 
democracies to do something about China, about 
Ethiopia, about Spain, about Austria, about Czech 
oslovakia. The hissings of anti-British and pro- 


Nazi propagandists sickened the air and soiled 
the printed page. Hider counted on them. They 
served him well. Hitler counted on our isolation 
ists. They did not fail him. In France his propa 
ganda weakened the people's powers of resistance, 
in England it put most of the nation's leaders to 
sleep, in America it made the Congress of the 
United States scuttle and run. 

Munich and "appeasement." Yes Mr. Chamber 
lain, with a gun at his head, yielded. Then, like 
a certain type of narrow-minded businessman 
(honorable in his dealings and blind in his under 
standing even of his own best interests) then he 
almost persuaded himself that everything would 
work out for the best. Then, when his illusions were 
torn to shreds, he met the Nazi criminal bravely 
but wearily, honestly but inadequately. America 
did not do even that. She talked and talked, and 
screamed and preached, looked and ran away 
under the leadership of the isolationist propagan 
dists just as Hitler expected and wanted her to do. 

At this point, let's indulge for a moment in a 
little speculation not entirely idle speculation be 
cause it might help us in the better days to come. 
Let's suppose that after Munich the great democ 
racies of the world America, the British Com 
monwealth of Nations, France, and the smaller 
countries of Scandinavia and Holland and Bel 
giumand our South American neighbors let's 


suppose they had gathered together and said: "We 
want peace and we'll work for it. We want our 
own way of life, neighborly good will, religious 
tolerance, personal freedom, democracy which with 
all its faults and failures and blunders and sins 
can assure us the prizes of the future while keep 
ing strong and useful the worthy and hard-won 
rewards of our past. We want these things for 
ourselves and our children enough to fight and 
kill and die for them. We shall stick together 
through thick and thin, come what may." I think 
if they had said that and meant it the Nazis 
would not have moved, there would have been no 
war. True, it's a guess. But remember that the 
Germans, whether ruled by a kaiser or a fiihrer, 
worship definitely superior power and the will to 
use it to the limit. Yes, it's a guess. Much worse- 
it's a "might-have-been." But it will come to pass. 

America could have made those words possible. 
There were not a sufficient number of us wise 
enough and willing enough at the time to make 
our government do it. No American democracy 
failed again. Too many of us, blinded and deaf 
ened by pro-Nazi and isolationist propaganda, 
desperately chanted, "Peace it's wonderful," and 
shamefacedly muttered, "Let England do it." 

During that year from Munich to the outbreak 
of the war, when the free democracies lost their 
great chance for peace and even up to now 


false sentimentalitynot righteous sentiment false 
sentimentality (our most dangerous national vice) 
threatened the basic manliness of American char 
acter. We have been gushingly told again and 
again and again that our resources are Abound- 
less,* our strength is "boundless/' our courage is 
"boundless," our heroism is ""boundless/' our ideal 
ism is boundless/' our love of freedom and justice 
and democracy is ""boundless/* So is gas. 

If bitter criticism of our brother democracies 
and sugary praise of ourselves could make a better 
world, we would have succeeded long ago. But 
a better world is not made that way. SeH-coddling, 
running away, wishful thinking did not make us 
great and useful. And they will not save us. "Faith 
without works is dead/" You and I know that. 
Thank God we know it in time to act in the nick 
of time. 

It seems almost as incredible and certainly as 
horrible as a nightmare that during the spring 
and summer months of 1939 our Pontius Pilate iso 
lationists in Congress., the pulpit, and the class 
room kept shouting ""there will be no war/' kept 
telling us to "follow the example" of "neutral" 
Holland, "neutral" Norway, "neutral" Finland and 
so on, kept hysterically shrieking "warmonger" at 
those who saw and warned us of the looming Nazi 
menace. Look at those Pontius Pilates and mark 


them well. They bear an unmistakable and unfor 
gettable stain. 

We are asked to shut our eyes to the most blaz 
ing truths, to avert our gaze from the plain facts 
of our contemporary life, to stuff our ears and to 
harden our hearts so that somehow, in some way, 
we can escape from the tough realities of this 
world and, as a nation, evade the tasks which na 
ture, our moral traditions, and the uncompromising 
forces of destiny have set for us to do. 

And so the cries of our Pontius Pilates grow 
more and more shrill as we pay them less and less 
attention. But they can still do us harm. So note 
them well. They are in the active service, con 
sciously or unconsciously, of Adolf Hitler and his 

Now that we are cutting loose from the dead 
weight of timidity and shame of those wasted 
years, 1919-1939, now that we are manfully facing 
the truth, now that we are casting out of our 
minds and hearts the vile teachings of our morally 
impotent intellectuals, now that we again fear 
God and are about to do our part, we shall be 
once more a truly happy, a truly brave, a truly 
free, a truly good people. 



Among Hitler's major triumphs in the war so 
far have been those over the mind and spirit of 
America. Our neutrality was his greatest hope 
his very best chance to win. He and his gangsters 
knew it, and they have used the same technique 
with us as they have done with others to bore 
from within and with the frantic aid of kindred 
spirits, of milksop intellectuals and demagogic 
politicians to weaken our will to think and to act. 
The Nazis coolly calculated that if they could 
soften the mind and soul of America, if they could 
somehow keep us nervously impotent somehow 
keep us neutral they would enslave the world. 
Their success up to now has been almost miracu 
lous when we stop to look at the record: Hitler's 
own words telling us in the plainest way his whole 
technique of lies and treachery, his open viola 
tion of every pledge made to other nations, his 
bold and sickening use of terror and force. 

It's true that now in the nick of time that a 
patient God has given us we are pulling ourselves 
together and are preparing to do our part as a 
law-abiding neighbor to rid the world of the Nazi 


gangsters. But we have just begun. Let's again 
briefly study Hitler s past so that we can see what 
we're up against, so that we can crash ruthlessly 
the enemies within our gates, so that in our hard 
march to victory we may avoid the tricks and 
traps the Nazis and their allies in this country will 
set in our path* 

Perhaps the most important thing for you to 
remember is simply this at no time, under no cir 
cumstances, and no matter what he says can you 
take the word believe the promise of Herr Hit 
ler. If you do, you may die. In Mein Kampf he 
has told you plainly, so that there is no possible 
excuse for not understanding, his complete faith 
in the power of the lie. He said: "The masses will 
fall victims to a big lie more readily than to a 
small one, for they themselves only tell small lies, 
being ashamed to tell big ones. Untruthfulness on 
a large scale does not occur to them, and they do 
not believe in the possibility of such amazing im 
pudence, such scandalous falsification, on the part 
of others. Some part of even the most glaring lie 
will always remain behind " He has also de 
scribed exactly how he destroys: "Conceal your 
real intentions; conciliate your strongest oppo 
nents by pretending that you are on their side; 
gradually increase the strength of your position 
by tactical advances, each one of which is not 
vital enough to arouse serious opposition but the 


sum of which enormously add to your power; and 
then, at the given moment, throw down the mask 
and launch a mass attack upon your enemies.** 
The knaves or fools among our Congressional iso 
lationists try to make you forget or simply ignore 
those words. That is one reason why Hitler has 
counted on them to keep us out of war. 

Look once again at his record of broken pledges 
so criminally fantastic that the mind of an or 
dinary decent man can hardly take it in. But here 
it is in a nutshell from February 10, 1933, to 
October 6, 1939: 

Berlin, February 10, 1933. 

The first and best point of the Government's pro 
gram is that we won't lie and we won't swindle. 

Berlin, May 17, 1933. 

The German Government wish to settle all dif 
ficult questions with other governments by peace 
ful methods. They know that any military action 
in Europe, even if completely successful, would, 
in view of the sacrifice, bear no relation to the 
profit to be obtained. . . . 

Germany will tread no other path than that 
laid down by the Treaties. The German Govern 
ment will discuss all political and economic ques 
tions only within the framework of, and through, 
the Treaties. 


The German have no thought of invad 

ing any country. 

On the radio, May 27, 1933. 

We do not want a war merely for the purpose 

of "bringing to Germany people who simply do 
not want to be, or cannot be, Germans. 

On October 14, Germany left the League of 

Bella, November 10, 1933. 
I am not crazy enough to want a war. . . . 
When has the German people ever broken its 


Berlin, January 13, 1934. 

The assertion that the German Reich plans to 
coerce the Austrian State is absurd and cannot be 
substantiated or proved. . . . 

After the Soar question has been settled, the 
German Government is ready to accept not only 
the letter but the spirit of the Locarno Pact. . . . 

Hamburg, August 17, 1934. 

The German Government, like the German peo- 
ple y are filled with the unconditional wish to make 
the greatest possible contribution to the preserva 
tion of peace in this world. 

On May 16, 1935, Germany announced con 


Berlin, May 21, 1935. 

The German Government intend not to 
any treaty which seems to them incapable of ful 
fillment, but will scrupulously observe every treaty 
voluntarily concluded, even if it was drawn up 
before their assumption of power and office. . . 

Germany has concluded a non-aggression pact 
with Poland, which is more than a valuable con- 
tribution to European peace, and she will adhere 
to it unconditionally. . . . We recognize the Polish 
State as the home of a great patriotic nation with 
the understanding and the cordial friendship of 
candid nationalists. 

Germany neither intends nor wishes to inter 
fere in the internal affairs of Austria, to annex 
Austria, or to conclude an Anschluss. 

On March 7, Germany reoccupied the Rhine- 
land and denounced Locarno. 

Berlin, March 7, 1936. 

We have no territorial demands to make in 

Munich, March 15, 1936. 

The German people do not wish to continue 
waging war to readjust frontiers. 

Berlin, May 1, 1936. 

The lie goes forth again that Germany tomor- 

row or the day after will fatt upon Austria or 

Berlin, January 80, 1937. 

I do not want to leave any doubt as to the 
following: We look upon Bolshevism as upon an 

intolerable danger to the world For this it is 

necessary that we should avoid all close contacts 

with the bearers of these poisonous bacilli 

Any treaty links between Germany and present- 
day Bolshevist Russia would be without any value 
whatsoever. . . . 

Berlin, February 20, 1938. 

Shall I remind you of the Bolshevist Revolu 
tion which slaughtered millions upon millions of 
people, but whose blood-stained murderers still 
occupy high places? . . . With one single country 
alone we have detested to enter into relationships. 
That state is Soviet Russia. 

The Polish State respects the national condi 
tions in this country, and Danzig and Germany 
respect Polish rights. Thus it has been possible 
to find the way to an understanding which, ema 
nating from Danzig, in spite of the assertions of 
many mischief-makers, has succeeded in remov 
ing all friction between Germany and Poland, and 
made it possible to work together in true amity. 

On March 11, Germany invaded Austria. 

Berlin, May 1, 1938. 
The motto must be, never war again. 

Berlin, September 26, 1938. 

We have assured all our immediate neighbors 
of the integrity of their territory so far as Ger 
many is concerned. That is no hollow phrase; it 
is our sacred will. . . . 

The Sudetenland is the last territorial claim 
which I have to make in Europe I have as 
sured Mr. Chamberlain, and I emphasize it now, 
that when this problem is solved, Germany has 
no more territorial problems in Europe. 

Saarbrucken, October 9, 1938. 

Now as a strong State, we can be ready to pur 
sue a policy of understanding with surrounding 
states. We want nothing from them. We have no 
wishes or demands; we desire peace. . . . 

Berchtesgaden, January 1, 1939. 

In general we have but one wishthat in the 
coming year we may be able to make our contri 
bution to this general pacification of the whole 

Berlin, January 30, 1939. 

Only the warmongers think there will be a 
war. I think there will be a long period of peace. 

On March 15, Germany seized Czechoslovakia 
and on March 21, annexed Memel. 


April 28, 1939. 
Mr. Roosevelt believes that the **tide of events' 

is once more bringing the threat of arms, and that 
if this of arms continues, a large part of the 

world is condemned to a common ruin. As far as 
Germany is concerned, I know nothing of this 
kind of threat to other nations. 

On August 21, Germany signed a pact with Rus 
sia and on September 1, invaded Poland. 

Berlin, September 1, 1939. 

I will not war against women and children. 1 
have ordered my air force to restrict itself to at 
tacks on military objectives. 

The bombing of Polish open towns began on die 
first day of the war and on September 3, the Athe- 
nm was sunk. You know what has happened since. 

Berlin, October 6, 1939, 

And I personally take exception at seeing for 
eign statesmen stand up and call me guilty of hav 
ing broken my word. . . . 

You and I know that on the basis of his words 
and his works we can never, never make peace 
with Hitler and the gangsters and perverts around 
him. Some of our Pontius Pilate propagandists 
know it in their hearts and for certain horrible 
reasons won't tell you. Likewise, some demagogues 


and shifty politicians in and out of Congress. There 
are also, of course, many sugary sentimentalists 
who don't know it Hitler counted on all of them 
to help him destroy us English-speaJcing peoples. 
He was so sure of our moral decadence so sure 
we would not fight Several years ago he told a 
friend, "There will be no new Wilson arising to stir 
up America against us. 9> 

Hitler has scored many triumphs in his blitz 
krieg against the nerve centers of the American 
people. Let's count the casualties which he and 
our isolationist propagandists have inflicted on 
America. It's not a pleasant task. But it's part of 
the job we have to do for ourselves and our chil 
dren. We Americans must have clear heads and 
clean hearts to fight freedom's greatest battle. 

When, in September, 1939, Hitler started the 
war for which he and the Germans had so care 
fully and sacrificiaUy prepared, what happened 
inside America? Well in fear of Hitler and of 
having to do anything to check his barbarians, the 
Congress of the United States hauled down the 
American flag over a great part of the waters of 
the world and adopted the* policy of "scuttle and 
run." I think that future generations of Ameri 
cans will read that page in our history with a hot 
flush of shame. To his lasting honor, the greatest 
statesman in the American Senate, Carter Glass 
of Virginia, denounced this action as taking the 


United States "to the verge of poltroonisnT and 
as dishonoring our World War dead. 

When, in the early months of the war, the Ger 
mans shot schoolboys in Prague as an example to 
other children, when they murdered Catholic 
priests and tortured and enslaved the inhabitants 
of Poland, when they threatened the same treat 
ment to the helpless people of Norway and Swe 
den if they permitted an Allied army to aid Fin 
land, there were, here and there, nervous whis 
pers of regret But, when the British navy delayed 
our ships several hours, as it had a right to do 
under international law. Hitler's friends among 
our Congressmen and intellectuals shrieked with 

Finland? Ah yes~"gallant little Finland .* What 
did we do? We wrung our hands. Anything else? 
Indeed yes. The Congress of the mightiest single 
democracy on earth, after eight weeks of hysterical 
indecision, finally approved a bill whereby Fin 
land was loaned a little money to buy, if she 
wished, coffins to bury her dead but not arms with 
which to defend her liberty. So great was the 
hysteria of Congress that Finland's name did not 
even appear in that magnificent gesture of the 
American Republic. But our pro-Nazi and anti- 
British isolationists obscenely mocked at England 
and France becguse they did not send a large 
army to Finland's aid, which, as the Finnish lead- 


ers said, Norway and Sweden would not permit. 

Have you forgotten the sly murniurfngs of some 
gutter minds among our isolationists about this 
being a "phony war** and a "struggle between 
rival imperialisms" and "they're all alike." Many 
very decent-minded people were trapped tem 
porarily by that talk. But the real culprits who 
still repeat some of those phrases mark them well, 
I say, for they are working Hitler's will; they are 
enemies of the Republic. 

When the Nazis took over Denmark and Nor 
way, most of us felt disgust and righteous anger. 
But certain people sat up and exclaimed, "Thank 
heavens, the war is getting really interesting.'" 
And others, the anti-British and pro-Nazis, glee 
fully pointed out that Germany had again shown 
such masterly efficiency and contemptuously asked 
why Britain had not seized them first, knowing 
full well that she was finally fighting, among other 
things, to stop the cold-blooded murder o small 
nations. Denmark and Norway, remember, were 
among those snug, harmless, decent peoples whose 
policy of neutrality our isolationists had begged 
us to follow. 

That was last April. We were not facing the facts 
because, as a nation, we were still stupefied by 
the popular narcotics fed us by the Beard-like in 
tellectuals, still hypnotized by the anti-British 
and pro-Nazi propaganda. Also, the world then, 


as It seems to us now, was very different. The in 
nocent peoples of Holland and Belgium still culti 
vated their gardens in the twilight of a peaceful 
if precarious neutrality. The flag of Liberty, Equal 
ity, and Fraternity still waved proudly and serene 
ly over the most civilized nation on the European 
Continent War, many innocent Americans thought, 
was of course a terrible thing, but as wars go it 
would be a comfortable one; we could all settle 
down very snug and safe behind lie Maginot 
Line and the British leet and wait until the Ger 
man army got tired of the war, or the *1dndly w 
German people revolted against their hated mas 
ters, or Hitler fell downstairs and broke his neck, 
or something else happened that would end it all 
very nicely. So we lived in a fairyland of wishful 
thinking which adults seem to crave as much as 
children when reality gets tough. 

Well last May you know what happened. Hol 
land conquered with almost incredible cruelty. 
Belgium crushed. Suddenly there was no Maginot 
Line. Paris, the "City of Light,'* in the hands of 
the barbarians. America became alarmed. 

Let it never be forgotten how magnificently 
this Ttiome of the brave'* rose to the occasion. We 
talked more than ever; we wept; we wrung our 
hands. When France made her dying appeal to 
us, what did we do? We warmheartedly assured 
her, in effect, that we would redouble our efforts 


to sell to her for cash down and at a nice profit, 
just as fast and as soon as we could, the war 
supplies she might want. Strange as it may seem, 
that was not quite enough to help her carry on. 
(Incidentally, did you know that at Yorktown in 
1781 there were more French soldiers and sailors 
than Americans?) Oh yes, Congress hastily ap 
propriated billions and billions of dollars for de 
fensefor a "two-ocean navy" which, if the Axis 
powers destroyed England, they would of course 
give us six or seven years to build. 

And yet there were signs of a moral awakening 
among most Americans. Dunkerque helped. "A 
colossal military disaster." True. But also an an 
swer to the prayers of liberty-loving men and 
women throughout the world. In that night of de 
feat and disaster a tiny star of faith and hope was 
born. England could "take it" as she had always 
done. Most of us began once again to feel like 
Americans. Free men still knew how to fight for 
freedom. Our truly liberal spirits in the colleges, 
the professions, among labor leaders and in busi 
ness, who had been drowsing, put aside their il 
lusions and wishful thinking and spoke out clear 
and bold. We began slowly and confusedly, it's 
true but surely to throw off the poisonous prop 
aganda we had been fed by our whining pseudo 
intellectuals, the Pontius Pilate politicians, the 
Fascist and Communist isolationists, the hysterical 


pacifists, and all those "passive barbarians" in 
our midst who give a fawning acquiescence to 
ruthless power. Many of you knew as a matter 
of plain decency and hard sense that we must 
help the rest of our neighbors in the English- 
speaking world. 

Yes it was only a beginning. The recovery of 
all that is manliest in the American character and 
tradition was slow fearfully slow. Our enemies 
outside and inside America redoubled their efforts 
to stop it A few knaves in our midst were, as is 
always the case, aided and abetted by a larger 
number of fools. We were still jabbering and did 
very little. True, we sold to the British some old, 
second-hand army rifles for cash down. Then there 
was the destroyer-naval-base deal. That was good. 
But the effects of isolationist and anti-British prop 
aganda were still so vicious that it was evidently 
thought wise to make it appear as a horse trade 
in which we got the better of the one other great 
democracy left in the world while she was fight 
ing for Kf e. However, that aspect of the trade did 
not rest well on the consciences of many Ameri 

The presidential campaign checked somewhat 
our slow progress toward honest thought and real 
work. But lefs skip it 

During last summer and fall, self-deception still 
held a dominant if diminishing influence in our 


thinking. You know what I mean. All the 
and puff to the effect that "we really are in the 
war" and *%e can help Britain more by staying 
out** and "we're doing all we canwhat more can 
we do.'* We knew damn well that was bunk. But 
it isn't easy to throw off twenty years of lying prop 
agandaespecially when it has been vastly in 
creased and efficiently directed by the Nazi ma 

Pontius Pilate knew, however, that he was in 
danger. He saw that Uncle Sam was waking up 
and looking at him with a quizzical and rather cold 
eye. So he beat a strategic retreat and joined lustily 
in our last great attempt at national self-decep 
tion "Short of War/' Aid to our friends and kins 
men of the English-speaking world? Yes-yes, of 
course. But not too much. And for cash down. And 
at no risk to ourselves. We might want to make a 
deal with Hitler some day. Take it easy. Maybe 
Britain will lose anyway. Maybe Britain will win 
anyway. Go slow slow slow. Today that is Hit- 
le/s last great hope that America will go slow. 

"Short of war/* Many fine Americans who de 
test Nazism used that phrase in a defensive spirit. 
The Nazi and isolationist propaganda had been so 
successful over such a long period that they feared 
the Jibes and jeers of the Pontius Pilates in our 
midst Quite a few honestly thought that it would 
at least be wise to do something, though relatively 


trivial, while hoping and waiting to do more. 
There were other citizens who simply and eagerly 
fooled themselves with one of the most ancient and 
everlasting follies of mankind the belief that a 
maximum of good can be achieved by a minimum 
of effort the "eat your cake and have it, too** phi 
losophy which always appeals to the adolescent 

"Short of war/* But we began to realize last 
summer and know now that if Britain doesn't win 
we shall be in a last ditch fight for life and utterly 
alone. Britain, in fighting for her life, is also fight 
ing the battle of world freedom and world democ 
racy. And yet the Pontius Pilates cry, "Sell if you 
can, lend if you must, fight never/* America is in 
the gravest danger since the first English settlers 
landed at Jamestown and Plymouth. But, we are 
told, we must not fight until we're alone we must 
not fight while all the rest of the English-speaking 
peoples are fighting and can be our allies. Only 
if and when they are beaten down then then well 
fight like like what? Rats in a corner? Then- 
pray tell what will be our "war aims'? "Whom 
the gods would destroy, they first make mad." 
Our enemies know that and they urge, preach, 
scream, and whisper with an infinite variety of 
words the deathly doctrine of the "cornered rat" 
And the supreme tragedy is that good men aid 
them knowing not what they do. 


"Short of war/* Men once said other things in 
times that tried their souls in times not quite so 
desperate as today. Men once said, "Give me lib 
erty or give me death." Men once said: "Fondly do 
we hopefervently do we pray that this mighty 
scourge of war may speedily pass away. Yet if 
God wills that it continue until . . . every drop of 
blood drawn with the lash shall be paid by an 
other, drawn with the sword, as was said three 
thousand years ago, so still it must be said: The 
judgments of the Lord are true and righteous al 
together."* Men once said: There is, therefore, 
but one response possible from us: Force, force 
to the utmost, Force without stint or limit, the 
righteous and triumphant Force which shall make 
Right the law of the world, and cast every selfish 
dominion down in the dust" 

"Short of war"? No. Not much longer. We are 
decent men and women. Hitlers blitzkriegs and 
threats and propaganda are terrific, but the char 
acter of the American people is more. 




I suppose most of you have seen from time to 
time some pathetic people who suffer from an 
acute sense of inferiority. I don't mean the true 
humility of mind and spirit one of the supreme 
and lesser known human virtues. You know what 
I mean the fellow who lacks steady values and 
fears himself and therefore frantically seeks some 
kind of self-assurance by displaying a groveling 
servility or a malicious envy toward something he 
would like to be but cannot. That kind of man, 
we know, is abnormal. He is usually a nuisance 
but at times a menace. Hitler is of course the per 
fect example. And today, here in America, he 
is served consciously or unconsciously by two other 
unpleasant types the Anglophile and the Anglo- 

The Anglophile is a nuisance and the Anglo- 
phobe a mesace. We can dispose of the nuisance 
in a few words. I have seen with my own eyes 
American citizens quiver like jelly with ecstasy 
and some embarrassment on meeting a really, truly, 
honest-to-goodness English lord. Their tongues 


cleaved to the roof of their mouths as they gur 
gled and stuttered in the noble presence. We know 
the silly spectacle that some American women hav& 
made of themselves in fishing for an invitation to 
present their daughters * c at court.'* We know, too, 
that craven kind of person who when in England 
seeks to cuny favor with the English by scorning 
and ridiculing his native land and his fellow Amer 
icans. Well, I can assure you if you don't know 
it already that our English friends have Just as 
much contempt for that abnormal sort of Amer 
ican as we have. Like us they despise the syco 
phant who never yet, no matter how long and 
hard he crawls, has won an honest and wise man's 
friendship and respect. Like us they have been de 
lighted both in literature and in life to pour scorn 
on those who would wiggle upward. Do you re 
member Malvolio in Twelfth Night or Uriali Heep 
in David Copperfield? Eternally repeating types* 
The trouble is that these would-be Englishmen,, 
these la-dee-da Anglophiles, whom the English 
don't want as a gift, are likely to irritate a few of 
us unduly, to distract our attention from the great 
problems we must meet and to obscure the mag 
nificent qualities of our friends and kinsmen in 
the rest of the English-speaking world. Let's dis 
miss them from our thoughts as we would shun 
their company. They simply don't count in the big 
ger scheme of things. 


The Anglophobe Is vicious. He hates England 
more than he loves America. Racial origin is by 
no means the usual cause of his abnormality. I 
have noticed Americans whose ancestors were 
freedom-loving British men and women who came 
to our shores two or three centuries ago Ameri 
cans who were almost crazed with Anglophobia. 
Have you never observed the Boston snob (the 
kind Emerson would have loathed) who fears that 
despite his educational background he just can't 
measure up to the cultured English gentleman and 
therefore relieves his feeling of inferiority by criti 
cizing England with a pathological hatred? The 
bitterness of an imitation toward the original can 
be a cruel and dirty thing. 

In peaceful times we could dismiss these men 
tally deformed people with a shrug, regretting that 
they were afflicted with an ugly obsession Just as 
if they had a harelip. But today we must fight 
with everything that is in us to keep the Nazi 
Gestapo out of our lives and the lives of our chil 
drento keep our civilization clean and free. We 
should be on guard constantly on guard against 
these unclean Anglophobes who try to infect us 
with their own and Hitler's poisons. They pose, of 
course, as 100 per cent Americans but we must 
spot them for what they are enemies of the United 
States, enemies of our English-speaking civiliza 
tion, enemies of freedom-loving men and women 


everywhere whose last great hope rests in the 
triumph of that civilization. Some of these Anglo- 
phobes are so crazed with their hate that they are 
ineffective. But there are others who are slippery 
and cunning and who do useful work for their 
Nazi masters in the form of mental sabotage. 

You think this language pretty strong? My fel 
low countrymen, this war, more than any other in 
all history, is a struggle for the human mind and 
the human soul. Hitler has told you that again 
and again and again. If he and his allies outside 
and inside America can soften and capture our 
minds and souls, then our bodies will be ready for 
the Gestapo's whip. 

Yes, lefs beware the Anglophobe. Every snarl 
and whisper of hate against Britain are blows 
struck at us and our children. They are blows 
struck in the service of Hitler and his Huns. 

How do these Anglophobes work? What are 
the poisons they try to spread? Why are they a real 
menace? They dig up stale grudges and invent new 
lies about our friends and neighbors in our Eng 
lish-speaking world, and with these grudges and 
lies they trap the decent but uninformed and pan 
der to the mentally unstable people among us. 
Not many of you have had the time and the energy 
to dig into the truth which these unscrupulous men 
conceal or to expose the malicious lies which with 
out the slightest moral restraint they pour out night 


and day, knowing full well, as Hitler has said, 
that some of them wiU stick. 

It's pretty hard work to earn a living, to raise a 
family and to do the duties of an average good 
citizen. So we have depended on our "intellec 
tuals* to give us the facts and to interpret them 
as truthfully as they can. Well, some of our "in 
tellectuals'" have fought, unwittingly, Hitler's bat 
tle and many others simply aren't worth the pow 
der to blow them to Hell they're too busy scream 
ing at each other and making a pretty penny in 
the process to speak with the accents of real men 
to tell you courageously, soberly, simply what you 
should know. Perhaps they couldn't tell you if 
they tried. So many of our self-styled "thinkers** 
have a lust for self-deception. 

I am going to tell you a few things about our 
fellow democracies in our English-speaking world 
things which many of you once knew and may 
have forgotten or which have not been called to 
your attention. They are facts all of us should know 
as we move up to take our place in the battle line 
of men and women who will still fight and know 
how to fight for freedom. Som of these facts 
may give pain to a few of you especially if they 
step on the toes of old prejudices or ruffle the 
complacency of entrenched ignorance. But in writ 
ing this letter I assume that most of us are now 
ready, willing, and able to face the truth. It's a 


good time to brush up our knowledge and clean 
up our thinking. 

Because this is a letter I think it proper at this 
point to make a confession. I enjoy reading Amer 
ican history more than that of any other nation. 
To me it's the most interesting. What sweep it has! 
And power and dash and faith and hope. Above 
all, what promise a promise to mankinda prom 
ise which it is our privilege to make good. I sup 
pose being an American has a lot to do with my 
preference for reading our history. Not entirely of 
course. I have heard many good citizens, and so 
must you, who have said that American history 
was "pretty dull." I think the explanation usually 
is that they were taught by a weary, cut and dried 
person who probably spent his days wondering 
why he hadn't gone into business and earned a 
fortune rather than "taken up teaching." At any 
rate, Tin sure that there are many of you who 
share my enthusiasm for American history and 
who feel as I do, after making every subtraction, 
allowance, and concession which Truth and Justice 
demand, that we can be proud of it and glad to 
carry on the great tasks it points out for us to do. 

And because, in the last analysis, you and I can 
be proud of our nation's history we can study it 
fearlessly and learn from our failures and mistakes, 
see clearly wherein we have sinned and blundered, 
acknowledge frankly and with grace the help of 


others, and admit with chastened hearts that in 
am imperfect world we have had our share of im 
perfection. That study will give you rich and en 
during rewards: the quiet assurance that is bred 
of true humility and a quickened pride that you, 
as an American citizen, can play a part, however 
small, in shaping your country ? s destiny. We should 
not forget, especially now, that history is made by 
many and recorded by few. 

When we read the story of our relations with 
Britain during the last three hundred and thirty- 
four years, we realize that it has been in great 
part the story of a family. This land of ours was 
first settled by Englishmen. Our people have been 
British subjects for a slightly longer time than they 
have been American citizens. Nearly all the sign 
ers of the Declaration of Independence and the 
Constitution of the United States were of British 
ancestry. Our law is based on the English common 
law. The King James Bible is the Bible most of 
us read. We talk the same language. I mention 
these things at this particular point not to em 
phasize the bonds that unite us in our English- 
speaking civilization but rather to bring out the 
reason why certain old grudges, irritations, and 
untruths have lingered in the minds of some very 
decent people, a few of whom are today the vic 
tims of anti-British propaganda. Family differences 
are not as easily forgiven and forgotten as those 


between comparative strangers. Nor are virtues 
as warmly appreciated and as long remembered. 
So it has been in our English-speaking family. 

Then too, we should remember that for sev 
eral generations our school histories were written 
with the obvious purpose of feeding the vanity of 
a young and self-conscious nation. An honest state 
ment of facts about our past rektions with Brit 
ain and a fair appraisal of their significance were 
until recently not only rare but actually attacked 
by feeble-minded or unscrupulous people as un 
patrioticas if we couldn't look at Uncle Sam, 
warts and all, and still love him and be wiling to 
die for him. The "cherry tree" myths of history 
die hard, especially when there is political or 
financial profit in keeping them alive. And we know 
that most of us have not read much history since 
we closed our school books. So the historical dis 
tortions and absurdities many people were taught 
in their early years remained like knots in their 
minds. In some cases they have been cut out or 
worn away by wider reading or observation, but 
the Anglophobe has managed in a few instances 
to turn those knots into cancerous growths of sus 
picion and dislike* 

You have seen and endured the parlor intel 
lectual who tries to make a conversational impres 
sion. When certain examples of Anglo-American 
co-operation were mentioned, you have heard him 


say with that asinine air of wisdom which parlor 
Intellectuals have, "Yes, I know I knowbut don*t 
forget that it was to England's interests. Always 
remember Britain looks after her own interests, 
ha! hal n Don't bother to argue with him. Digest 
your dinner. Turn to the charming lady on your 
right and enjoy the evening. 

Of course it was to England's "interest" And 
to ours. And to the "interest" of peace and trade 
and law and order and the stumbling but forward 
march of democracy throughout our English-speak 
ing civilization. It's to our "interest" to earn a liv 
ing, to pay taxes, to support the fire and street 
cleaning departments, the police,, the courts, the 
schools, to crush the forces of brutal might and 
slavery whenever they threaten us. It's to our ^in 
terest" to preserve the blessings of liberty for our 
selves and our posterity. It's to Britain's 
"interest" and to America's "interest" that we co 
operate and compete in a free, peaceful, and law- 
abiding world. 

I seem to have dealt quite a bit with rather gen 
eral considerations, but I think it's a good idea to 
blow on our glasses and wipe them before reading 
some facts. 

Let's be fair even to George the Third. It's true 
that he hired German troops to fight us in our 
revolution. But, under the circumstances, that was 
a natural thing for him to do. After all, he was 


more of a German than an Englishman. So many 
of the British people were on our side that for 
lack of volunteers to fight us he simply had to 
turn to the land of his ancestors, the land of the 
Huns, for the extra troops he needed. (By the 
way, please remember that it was the ex-Kaiser 
who first and very proudly named his soldiers 
Huns.) Moreover, the greatest British statesmen, 
like Burke and Pitt, vigorously championed our 
cause in Parliament. Horace Walpole expressed 
their feelings when in 1777 he wrote to a friend, 
"I rejoice that the Americans are to be free, as 
they had a right to be, and as I am sure they have 
shown they deserve to be. ... I own there are 
very able Englishmen left, but they happen to 
be on t* other side of the Atlantic.** 

Yes, George the Third was in a bad fix, and 
he did his German best, but it was not quite good 
enough. He lacked the necessary support in Eng 
land. Weak and incompetent as our Congress and 
politicians were, at least they did not "scuttle and 
run" like our present crowd. We had decisive help 
from other nations. We had George Washington, a 
"country squire,** to lead us. And although a Gallup 
poll might well have shown a majority in favor 
only of measures "short of war, 3 * there were a 
sufficient number of our ancestors who were "war 
mongers" and willing to pledge their lives, for 
tunes, and sacred honor for our freedom. 


When our Revolution was won, peace was con 
cluded in the Treaty of Paris of 1783. Benjamin 
Franklin was the outstanding man of our peace 
delegation. England sent two negotiators, who 
were not only old friends of Franklin but also 
open sympathizers with our Revolution, and one 
of them, if I remember correctly, had put part of 
his personal fortune at our disposal during our 
struggle* Have you forgotten that fact? 

The War of 1812 Is not one of the glorious pages 
in American history. Because of it and in the 
middle of it several New England states almost 
seceded from the Union. Britain was in a life and 
death struggle with Napoleon and could devote 
relatively little effort to the war with us. Even 
so ? we were unable to help autocracy as much as 
Napoleon had hoped. We were effectively block 
aded and rather easily invaded. Our one real 
land victory the Battle of New Orleans took place 
after the treaty of peace had been signed at Ghent. 

Some of you may cherish a grudge because Brit 
ish troops burned the White House in that wan 
How many of you were told in school or college 
that American troops had burned the city of To 
ronto the year before? Two wrongs don't make a 
right, to be sure, but the first wrong tends to ex 
plain although it does not excuse the why and 
wherefore of the second. The old doctrine of "you 


hit me first" seems to be rather irmly imbedded 
in human nature. 

Of course you remember that we fought the 
War of 1812 because England removed people 
from our ships. It was a genuine grievance. But 
do you also remember were you ever taught 
that later on we removed people from English 
ships and that England, although it had a genu 
ine grievance on those occasions, kept her temper 
and the wrongs we committed were satisfactorily 
settled by diplomacy in one instance and by ar 
bitration in the other? Some of you were not 
taught those facts? I wonder why. 

The Monroe Doctrine, about which you may 
have heard, was proposed by the British Prime 
Minister, George Canning, approved by the Au 
thor of the Declaration of Independence, Thomas 
Jefferson, and announced by the President of the 
United States, James Monroe. And incidentally 
the British fleet made it stick. The facts about it 
may seem too obvious to repeat, but in these days 
when we are urged by men without heart and 
bowels and liver to flee from the obvious and vi 
tal and seek a quivering refuge in the obscure 
and trivial, it is well to be sure of our A, B, C's. 
Some intellectuals may moan about "oversimplifi 
cation/' Let "em moan. It's what they do best. 

In 1822 the continent of Europe was in the 
iron grip of despotism. Four nations Prussia, Rus- 


sia, Austria, and France Joined together in what 
we would today call an "axis'* but was then more 
loftily termed die Holy Alliance. Those nations 
didn't like England; they didn't like us; and they 
liked South America very, very much, that is, after 
a fashion the way the Nazis do today. Despots in 
those times were urbane and draped their thoughts 
gracefully. The first Article of that Alliance said: 
"The high contracting Powers, being convinced 
that the system of representative government is as 
equally incompatible with the monarchical prin 
ciple as the maxim of sovereignty of the people 
with the Divine right, engage mutually, in the 
most solemn manner, to use all their efforts to put 
an end to the system of representative govern 
ments, in whatever country it may exist in Europe, 
and to prevent its being introduced in those coun 
tries where it is not yet known." 

The British got the idea. So did we. Appeasers 
were scarce at the time. What happened was that 
the Prime Minister put a flea in the ear of Richard 
Rush, our minister to England. The ultimate dan 
ger of the Holy Alliance to us was great Rush 
wrote at once to President Monroe, who was no 
genius but a sensible man not afraid to face ob 
vious facts. He wrote a letter, asking advice, to 
our greatest living statesman, Thomas Jefferson. 

That wise old man was then living in retire 
ment. As you know, he had lived through two 


wars against England. So he wasn't exactly an 
Anglophile. And yet twenty-one years before, dur 
ing his first term as President, he was so clearly 
aware of Napoleon's threat to our safety that he 
foresaw the necessity in a pinch to "marry our 
selves to the British fleet and nation/ 7 The danger 
of the Holy Alliance was even greater. The wise 
old man quietly and calmly thought it all over. 
Much depended on his advice, perhaps the very 
life of the nation he and Washington and Hamil 
ton and Franklin and Adams and the others had 
created with so much thought and toil, suffering 
and sacrifice. It was the gravest question he had 
considered since those hot July days in Philadel 
phia nearly a half century before. 

I wonder what thoughts went through Thomas 
Jefferson's mind before he reached for his pen 
to answer his friend, the President He might 
have written that it was fantastic to fear invasion 
because the ocean was so very, very wide that it 
took a month to six weeks to cross it. He might 
have warned against doing anything which would 
irritate Prussia and her allies. He might have sug 
gested that we start building a super navy which 
in six or seven years would perhaps be big enough 
to defend us. He might have sighed and said that, 
after all, what was the use of trying to oppose the 
wave of despotism which had swept over the 
whole European continent, including his beloved 


France which he had long before seen and helped 
achieve liberty, fraternity, and equality. There was 
only England left And nine years before, British 
troops had burned the White House where he 
had once lived. He might even have repeated the 
whispers of Fear. "Shut your eyes to the danger- 
it's not immediate. Wait until America is cor 
nered like a rat. Think of the horrors and agonies 
of war: the loss of life, the destruction of all those 
liberties you struggled for, the harm to business. 9 ' 

Yes Thomas Jefferson might have done any of 
those things. But he didn't. 

On October 23, 1823, the Author of the Decla 
ration of Independence picked up his pen and 
wrote to Monroe as follows: "The question pre 
sented by the letters you have sent me is the 
most momentous which has ever been offered to 
my contemplation since that of Independence. 
That made us a nation, this sets our compass and 
points the course which we are to steer through 
the ocean of time opening on us. And never could 
we embark on it under circumstances more aus 
picious One nation, most of all, could disturb 

us in this pursuit, she now offers to lead, aid, and 
accompany us in it By acceding to her proposi 
tion, we detach her from the bands, bring her 
mighty weight into the scale of free government, 
and emancipate a continent at one stroke, which 
might otherwise linger long in doubt and diffi- 

culty. Great Britain is the nation which do us 
the most of anyone, or all on earth; 

with her on our side we need not fear the whole 
world. With her then, we should most sedulously 
cherish a cordial friendship, and nothing would 
tend more to knit our affections than to be fight 
ing once more, side by side, in the same cause." 

Thanks to this unwritten alliance between the 
British and American navies, America was free for 
nearly one hundred years from any real menace 
of invasion. For a century the British fleet pre 
served a reasonably well-ordered world, and we 
were thereby able to "mind our own business,** 
prosper, grow great, and cultivate some self-right 
eous attitudes at little cost or sense of responsibil 
ity. So we really didn't become the "greatest 
nation on earth" all by our very selves* Our most 
famous naval historian. Admiral Mahan, in his 
Influence of Sea Power upon History honestly rec 
ognized that simple fact when he wrote, "Why do 
English innate political conceptions of popular 
representative government, of the balance of law 
and liberty prevail in North America from the Arc 
tic Circle to the Gulf of Mexico, from the Atlantic 
to the Pacific? Because the command of the sea 
at the decisive era belonged to Great Britain.** 

By the way, you can assume as almost certain 
that not more than one out of twenty Congress 
men have ever read Admiral Mahan's book, and 


Its a good guess that less than ten per cent of them 
have any real knowledge of American history. 

It's true, as you know, that the United States 
has had several warm disputes, two or three of 
them quite serious, with Great Britain during the 
last hundred and twenty-six years. Sometimes we 
were "in the right" and sometimes * "in the wrong.* 
But don't forget they were always settled as warm 
disputes between reasonable, law-abiding citizens 
are sensibly settled by negotiation or arbitration. 
During our Civil War there were a few such dis 
putes, especially those known as the "Trent affair'* 
and the "Alabama claims." In ihe former, Eng 
land was right, and in the latter America was right. 

The "Trent affair* arose in 1862 when we re 
moved on the high seas four passengers from the 
British ship Trent and brought them prisoners to 
Boston substantially the sort of thing we went to 
war about in 1812. Our navy captain responsible 
for the action was hailed as a national hero, wined 
and dined and eulogized, and even given a vote 
of thanks by Congress. When the news reached 
England, there was naturally intense resentment 
at the outrage* One of Queen Victoria's cabinet 
ministers even went so far as to prepare an ex 
tremely hostile note for her signature. It probably 
would have meant war. That good and wise woman 
irmly said, "My lord, you must know that I will 
agree to no paper that means war with the United 


States.' 7 A less emphatic protest was sent. We were 
in the wrong, and Abraham Lincoln was Presi 
dent So we backed down and made restitution* 

England was just as clearly wrong in building 
cruisers for the Confederacy which sank our mer 
chant ships. The most famous of these cruisers., 
named the Alabama, was built in Liverpool and 
allowed by the British Government to slip out to 
sea manned by Confederate officers and sailors. 
We properly demanded reparation and got it. This 
time Britain backed down, and as a result of ar 
bitration paid the United States fifteen million 
dollars in damages. 

Much has been written about the sympathetic 
attitude of the English toward the South. Any 
honest historian will tell you that England was 
divided in its opinions about that struggle, just as 
we were. The English aristocracy sympathized 
with the aristocratic South, the English liberal 
and labor classes supported the North so strongly 
that hundreds of thousands of them actually went 
hungry rather than help the South to send the 
cotton upon which their jobs in the mills depended. 
Because of this "cotton famine* Parliament pro 
vided work relief for thousands of cotton opera 
tives in Lancashire (that was seventy years 
before our Federal Government adopted the **iadi- 
caF policy of work relief). 

This support by the majority of the English 

people became even more evident after President 
Lincoln reversed Ms position on the slavery ques 
tion and issued the Emancipation Proclamation. 
Remember that Lincoln had said in his first inaug 
ural address in March, 1861, that he had no right to 
interfere with slavery in the South* Here are his 
words: "Apprehension seems to exist among the 
people of the Southern States that by the acces 
sion of a Republican Administration their prop 
erty and their peace and personal security are to 
be endangered. There has never been any reason 
able cause for such apprehension. Indeed, the most 
ample evidence to the contrary ... is found in 
nearly all the published speeches of him who now 
addresses you. I do but quote from one of those 
speeches when I declare that *I have no purpose, 
directly or indirectly, to interfere with the insti 
tution of slavery in the States where it exists. I 
believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I 
have no inclination to do so.* Those who nomi 
nated and elected me did so with full knowledge 
that I had made this and many similar declara 
tions, and had never recanted them." 

I suppose that in the light of those words the 
Emancipation Proclamation might be termed "in 
consistent" or even a "broken campaign pledge/* 
and so on, but all of us today think it was not a 
bad thing. (Have you forgotten that Lincoln did 
it without asking the permission of Congress and 


even without consulting the Congressional 
whose hatred of grew steadily until Ms 


Remember also that Britain, by peaceful means, 
without much fuss and feathers, had outlawed 
slave owning in her colonies a generation before 
and in her own country more than a half century 
earlier. Therefore, the moral issue of the Civil War 
was not clear at first to most Englishmen. Even 
so, they sensed it from the beginning of that war, 
and despite all the snubs and pinpricks from her 
aristocracy and the hardships imposed on her 
trade by the Northern blockade, England did not 
recognize the Confederacy as a nation. And, when 
it comes to pinpricking, we have far outscored our 
British cousins* At any rate, just as there is no use 
for Northerners and Southerners to "fight the Civil 
War all over again/* so there is no good reason 
to keep alive the irritations which then existed 
between some Englishmen and Americans. 

Most of you are probably too young to remem 
ber the little Spanish-American War. Certain big 
European nations, especially Germany, would 
have welcomed an opportunity to "gang up** on 
us. Kaiser Wilhelm grimly wrote to a friend after 
that war, c lf I had had a larger fleet I would have 
taken Uncle Sam by the scruff of the neck." He 
might have tried it but for John Bull. While Ad 
miral Dewey was stationed at Manila Bay, shortly 


after his victory, a German naval squadron, 
stronger than Dewey's, appeared on the scene. 
Also present was a strong British squadron. "What 
would you do/ 7 the German admiral asked the 
English admiral, "in the event of trouble between 
Admiral Dewey and myself?" The Englishman 
coolly replied, "That is a secret known only to 
Admiral Dewey and me/* The German returned 
to his flagship, and the next morning he saw a 
British cruiser stationed between Dewey and him 
self. It was the kind of language Germans under 
stand, and he sailed away. I think the ghosts of 
George Canning and Thomas Jefferson and James 
Monroe must have winked at each other and 
smiled with grim satisfaction as they remembered 
the Job they did back in 1823. 

My fellow countrymen, I haven't the time or 
space in this letter to give you in great detail the 
history of Anglo-American relations. I am simply 
calling your attention to some of the big and im 
portant facts facts which the pro-Nazi and anti- 
British propagandists among our pseudo intellec 
tuals and cheapjohn politicians, our reactionaries 
and our Communists have suppressed or twisted 
or distorted for their evil purposes* And so, I have 
not mentioned several other examples of friendly 
co-operation or unhappy differences. There have 
been, as you know, a few disputes and trivial 
squabbles about boundaries and canal tolls and 


isheries. But never lose sight of the big thing 
that Britain and America have lived, competed, 
and co-operated in peace with each other and 
have always settled their differences int a reason 
able and law-abiding manner. 



This Is a good time, late as it is, to see in what 
ways we British and Americans are alike and 

Britain is, o course, in some ways more demo 
cratic and more progressive than the United 
States. Yes, brothers and sisters, it's a fact one of 
those plain, simple facts which madden the An- 
glophobes and which even the honest element 
among our intellectuals is scared to admit pub 
licly. Ill tell you in a moment why and in what 
ways Britain is more democratic and progressive 
than we are. 

Now then, I don't mean that there are more 
opportunities to make money in England. There 
aren't. Nature alone gives us more opportunity 
that little island in the North Sea is less than one 
third the size of Texas. We have actually and rel 
atively many more millionaires. I don't mean that 
the British produce or own as many newfangled 
gadgets and automobiles and refrigerators and 
cosmetics and plumbing facilities. They don't In 
money and mechanics we're tops. Which is fine 


and nothing to be ashamed about. We 
honest pride in the material development of 
America even after making proper allowance for 
the crimes and blunders, the knavish dishonesties 
and sickening brutalities committed in the process 
of "conquering a continent** But next year's model 
automobile doesn't mean more "democracy" and 
it means "progress" only in a very narrow material 
sense. Surely we Americans don't think that prog 
ress is solely or almost entirely material if so, our 
only boast would be that America is the biggest, 
best, most streamlined and up-to-date human pig 
sty on earth. And, assuming that we must boast 
to remain somewhat sure of ourselves, we wouldn't 
want that to be our loudest or only boast Well 
most of us wouldn't 

Another thing* If you are one of those hot-eyed 
people who believe that existing democracy is a 
fake and that we are all the helpless tools of dis 
honest rich men, there isn't much use reading on. 
That has been for several years a money-making 
theme of certain notorious writers. Sometimes I 
think more money has been gained by writing 
about how our rich men got money dishonestly 
than our rich men dishonestly got 

You and I know that democracy in both coun 
tries is imperfect, and our imperfections make 
some of our intellectuals, who are not exactly per 
fect, nervously impatient which strikes me as a 


bit ungrateful because they thrive and prosper and 
grow fat on our imperfection. At any rate, we 
know, without their chattering and gibbering, that 
democracy throughout our English-speaking world 
has often faltered and stumbled, failed and blun 
dered, but that somehow it keeps marching for 
ward. Because we English-speaking peoples want 
freedom more than life Itself and because we are 
a bit suspicious of perfection in this world, our 
democratic ideals have made a slow, rough, and, 
at times, heartbreaking advance. My point is, that 
in judging democracy, past and present, in Britain 
and America, we must always keep an eye on the 
"end figure'' and we shall see that it is plus and 
not minus in the life of mankind. 

Now, then, in what ways is Britain more demo 
cratic than we are? Well in its government The 
supreme governmental power in Great Britain is 
the House of Commons, elected by the people. 
The Prime Minister cannot veto an act of Parlia 
ment Of course the King cannot. There is no 
Supreme Court which can declare legislation un 
constitutional. The veto power of the House of 
Lords (like our Senate, the "upper chamber") was 
taken away more than thirty years ago. The Prime 
Minister has not a fixed term like that of our 
President. He cannot stay in office for a definite 
period whether or not a majority of the people's 
representatives in the Commons want him to stay. 


When they say ic no confidence** he's out unless 
he directly to the people and a majority 

of say "You're not doing a bad job we're 

still for you.* 

In the United States governmental power Is 
equally distributed among the executive, legisla 
tive, and judicial branches which "check and bal 
ance* one another. Congress and the people may 
think that the President is doing a bad job, but 
they can't remove him as the House of Commons 
and the British people can remove their chief ex- 
excutive. Mind you, the British system, by and 
large, has worked well for the British people and 
our system, by and large, has worked well for us. 
I'm not saying that their system is better but sim 
ply that it is more democratic than ours. Would 
you like to see our House of Representatives have 
the same power in this country as the House of 
Commons has in England? You wouldn't? I won 
der why. 

"All right/* some of you will say, ^ut in this 
country a man may be bom in a log cabin and 
regardless of his race or creed he can become 
President." Quite true. Well wait a minute. Partly 
true. Most of our presidents and, with the excep 
tion of Lincoln, certainly the greatest of them 
were born in wealthy or at least comfortable cir 
cumstances. (Despite all our romanticizing and 
gushing about the dear, old log cabins and their 


rustic democracy they have not yet become "all 
the rage** for our own living purposes.) Let's ad 
mit, however, that a poor boy can become Presi 
dent. "Regardless of race or creed*? Not yet. Has 
a Jew become President? Not yet. Or Chief Justice 
of the Supreme Court? Not yet. Or Secretary of 
State? Not yet Do you remember the presidential 
campaign of 1928? Have we ever elected a labor 
leader to the presidency? 

We know that one of England's greatest Prime 
Ministers, Benjamin Disraeli, was a Jew, that the 
radical son of a humble Scotch farm girl and that 
a poor, obscure Welsh lawyer became Prime Min 
isters, that an iron molder who was a manual 
laborer until twenty-nine years old achieved fame 
as a Secretary for Foreign Affairs, that a poor Jew 
ish lad became Lord Chief Justice of England and 
later Viceroy of India, a land he first saw as a 
cabin boy, and that today labor is a full partner 
in the British Government Do you know, it's pos 
sible that we may learn a lot more about democ 
racy from our friends and kinsmen in England. 

But Britain has an aristocracy. Yes. And we 
have a plutocracy. In the British aristocracy are 
many men who place their country's welfare above 
their own interest and a few rich men who don't, 
and in our plutocracy are a few men with a sense 
of responsibility to others (the hallmark of aris 
tocracy) who place their country's welfare above 


their wealth and too many who don't. Our aristoo 
racy, both Southern and Northerly died at Appo- 
mattox in 1865. Our plutocrats of the Newport 
Paki Beach variety, who spend loads of money 
pretending to be what they aren't, merely ape the 
superficial aspects of the fast-disappearing British 
aristocracy but not its magnificent qualities of 
honor and duty and self-sacrifice which the Eng 
lish people have appreciated in the past and again 
today have called upon from Winston Churchill. 
As for the so-called night club "smart sef* in Lon 
don and New York they attract about the same 
amount of attention and pull about the same 
weight in both countries as the characters in our 
"funny papers/* 

Of course, there are many examples in both 
Britain and America of men who have risen from 
humble circumstances to positions of eminence in 
the professions, in politics and in business by vir 
tue of their character, energy, ability, and good 
luck. Their distinction and their public service are 
sometimes rewarded in England with a nice title 
and in this country with a long obituary. Let's not 
begrudge them either. 

If we wished, we could spend days and nights 
pointing out wherein democracy has not yet fully 
succeeded in Britain and the British could do the 
same about our lack of success. You know what I 
mean. There are miserable slums in the East End 


of London and equally miserable slums on the 
East Side and in the Harlem section of New York 
City; conditions are bad among the coal miners 
in Wales and equally so among the coal miners 
in Kentucky; the poorer English farm tenants lack 
adequate plumbing in their houses and our share 
croppers lack adequate food in their stomachs; 
college education is not as widespread in England 
and graft and corruption are far more wide 
spread here; too many British politicians were 
educated at Eton and Oxford and too many 
American politicians obviously have never been 
educated at all. Yes, we could carry on a long, 
long time picking out and bewailing the unpleas 
ant shortcomings and tragic mistakes of both peo 
ples. That is a peacetime luxury. We have a 
matter of life and death to decide now. 

We are more alike than unlike. That is why we 
shall soon be comrades-in-arms in this war and 
full-fledged partners in the peace to come. But we 
must be mature enough to realize that there are 
also strength and richness and mutual benefit in 
our unlikenesses. The men and women of Alabama 
and Vermont, of Massachusetts and Mississippi, 
of Rhode Island and Oklahoma are somewhat un 
like yet American. And Americans, Australians, 
Canadians, Englishmen, New Zealanders, and 
South Africans are somewhat unlike yet members 
and neighbors of the English-speaking family. Be- 


hind each and every one of us in family are 
the blood, tears, toil, and sweat of a 
years. Government with the consent of the gov 
erned, freedom of the individual under the law 
which he has helped to make, individual oppor 
tunity with proper regard for the rights of one's 
neighbors, protection for the helpless and the tin* 
fortunate these are the things we English-speak 
ing peoples have lived for, Mled for; and wffl die 
for. We Just can't help it weVe been made that 
way, through a thousand years. And well go on 
that way. 

Let's take another look backward for a moment* 
It will help make clear that our present struggle 
to live as free men is not only supremely worth 
while but perfectly natural. I have time and space 
in this letter to recall only a few things which have 
made us English-speaking peoples what we are. 

Some of our shyster historians and unclean An- 
glophobes may have given a few of you the im 
pression that representative government, personal 
liberty, and modem social reforms were American 
inventions which the rest of the English-speaking 
nations, especially Britain, slowly and reluctantly 
imitated. It's the other way around. Those things 
were born in England and grew there long before 
they were spread by Englishmen to other parts 
of the world, including Jamestown and Plymouth, 
or taken over by us and applied to our own needs* 


They have had a slow, rough growth here as in 
Britain, and they are still in the process of perfec 
tion and will be as long as our civilization sur 
vives. When we have become a community o 
saints (which I think a merciful God will not per 
mit on earth), then the process will stop. 

Long before the Norman conquest, the Anglo- 
Saxons began their experiment with representative 
government in their "witenagemotT a group of 
men elected to legislate for the needs and desires 
of their locality. In the thirteenth century the first 
national parliament met and made laws, and dur 
ing the next two hundred years the members of 
Parliament were busy passing laws of all lands 
including many to fix prices, restrain unfair trade 
practices, and otherwise regulate business. The 
Tudor monarchs were a high-handed lot, and Par 
liament usually did their bidding, but even Queen 
Elizabeth, in the sixteenth century, had a healthy 
regard for the Commons and wisely realized that 
her power was not absolute. Charles the First in 
the seventeenth century was not so wise and lost 
his head after a grim civil war won by the plain 
people the Puritans of England under the lead 
ership of men like Cromwell and Hampden, Pym 
and Milton. In the eighteenth century the respon 
sibility of the Prime Minister and his cabinet to 
the House of Commons was finally established. 
Meanwhile the English settlers in this country, 


during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, 
had established their legislative bodies such as the 
Virginia House of Burgesses and the Massachu 
setts General Court. The majority of men both in 
America and in Britain at the time of our Revo 
lution did not have the absolute right to vote. 
There were property qualifications in both coun 
tries. And at that time the British Parliament, with 
some magnificent exceptions, was almost as venal, 
corrupt, and incompetent as our Congress was 
after the Civil Warabout a hundred years later. 
The people in both countries would not be de 
nied. There are now no requirements of property 
ownership in either country for the right to vote, 
although in some sections of the United States, 
both North and South, certain poll taxes still pre 
vent the very poor from voting. Britain, as we have 
seen, became even more democratic by taking 
away the veto power of the House of Lords 
whereas our Senate has become in practice more 
powerful than the House of Representatives. 
Finally in this twentieth century the vote was 
given to the ladies in both countries on their fran 
tic assurance that our politics would be thereby 
raised to the very gates of heaven. 

Most of the "Fathers of the Republic" read and 
thought and felt deeply. They knew history and 
were thoroughly versed in the political philosophy 
of the great Englishmen like Coke, Bolingbroke, 


Locke, Hampden, Vane, and Milton. (The most 
magnificent defense of freedom of the press in our 
language is Milton*s AreopagiticaYe&d it if you 
truly wish to understand much of our English- 
speaking civilization, past and present) The 
"Fathers" were steeped in the British tradition of 
parliamentary government; and, when the hour of 
decision struck, they had in Oliver Cromwell a 
mighty precedent for the last resort of revolution 
by force. When our political independence was 
achieved, they did not slavishly imitate the British 
form of government but wisely applied the Eng 
lish political philosophy to our own needs and 
circumstances. They also built much that was new 
in government but they built on the bedrock of 
their Anglo-Saxon past 

Most of those wise and learned men were thor 
oughly grounded in the English common law, 
which is our law as well as England's. They knew 
what many Americans today tragically fail to re 
alizethat the supremacy of the law is the surest 
safeguard of the liberties of the people. Long be 
fore their time the battle against arbitrary power 
had been led by the greatest master of the com 
mon law, Sir Edward Coke. In November, 1608, 
there took place between him and King James the 
First one of the most important personal inter 
views in modern history. Coke firmly explained to 
that arbitrary sovereign what the common law 


meant Said Coke: "The king in his own person 
cannot adjudge any case either criminal ... or be 
twixt party and party." Moreover, "The king can 
not take any cause out of any of his courts and 
give judgment upon it himself." His Majesty an 
grily retorted, "This means that I shal be under 
the law which it is treason to affirm." "To which/* 
writes Coke, "I replied that Bracton saith, quod 
Rex non debet esse sub homine, sed sub Deo et 
legef (Translated for those who, like myself, have 
fofgotten what little Latin they ever knew: "Be 
cause the king ought not to be under man, but 
under God and the law.") 

Personal liberty freedom of speech, freedom of 
worship, freedom of the press, freedom from un 
lawful search and seizure all those things without 
which life is not worth living for us English-speak 
ing men and women they were made in England. 
To be sure they have been momentarily in danger 
and even wickedly violated there and here, and 
certain it is that we must always be vigilant to pro 
tect and eager to strengthen them. I think we care 
about them a good deal. They are in our Bill of 
Rights. We liave long taken them for granted as 
we do the air we breathe. Yes, I think most of us 
care about them as much as the British do. Were 
alike, you see, in the things that count. Not only 
because we want to be but simply because we 


can't help it. That's why we shall ec be fighting once 
more, side by side, in the same cause. 3 * 

Perhaps the most vital aspect of our English- 
speaking civilization is its emphasis on the in 
dividual man (you and me) his safety from 
physical abuse or theft or tyranny by his fellows 
or by his government, his self-respect and integrity 
as a member of society, his very real importance 
as a human being, his spirit and conscience as one 
of the children of God whether or not he believes 
in Him. Trial by jury, habeas corpus, the rules of 
evidence, the laws of property and wills and in 
heritance, the relief of equity these are some of 
the safeguards of civilization which in one way 
or another affect each one of us. They are the 
products of no intellectual's blueprint for a perfect 
society or of a tyrant's scheme for a "new order" 
but of trial and error, of many wise men's judg 
ments, brave men's fights, and plain men's daily 
experience products which were English in their 
origins and in the development of which both 
Britain and America have shared. The struggle for 
your and my right to worship as we please and 
deem fitting or not to worship at all is one of 
the saddest, cruelest, and yet most triumphant in 
the record. 

In Britain that protection and respect for each 
man's mind and personality and body and prop 
erty are even more highly developed than in the 


United States. That Is one reason why an English 
man's love of "privacy" is at times misunderstood 
and mistakenly ascribed by some of us to snob 
bishness. Many Americans have too much rever 
ence for a majority and too little respect for the 
minorityand yet democracy means, among other 
things, a proper balance between that reverence 
and that respect But, in the last analysis, aU of 
us men and women Americans and British are 
alike in needing these personal freedoms and their 
safeguards, as we need light and air and sunshine^ 
simply to live. During the last ten centuries we 
English-speaking peoples, in our struggle for lib 
erty, have ground in die dust thousands of tyrants 
and their evil accomplices. Hitler's attack on our 
liberty is of course an outrage but we must prove 
to mankind that it is also an impertinence. 

The so-called "social reforms" of recent times 
were introduced in Britain earlier than in the 
United States. That was natural because the need 
for them there became more apparent and more 
urgent much earlier than here. Her Industrial Rev 
olution began about fifty years before ours. (Like 
it or not, these 'reforms'* have only started because 
they are simply adjustments which human society 
must make from time to time, and there's plenty 
of adjusting ahead of us. ) The abolition of slavery, 
as we have seen, was peacefully achieved in Eng 
land long before we did it by civil war. Unem- 

ployment relief was first and successfully tried in 
Lancashire in 1863, under an act of Parliament, 
and later, on a national scale, after the last war. 
Such "socialistic" measures as unemployment in 
surance and employment bureaus were proposed 
more than thirty years ago by radicals like David 
Lloyd George and Winston Churchill and were 
adopted by Parliament* The English have done a 
far bigger job than we have in slum clearance and 
housing projects for the underprivileged. Our 
government has publicly acknowledged the splen 
did pioneering work already done in Britain. At 
any rate, we Americans and British have had 
more or less similar problems of social and eco 
nomic adjustment, and we've been alike in deal 
ing with them in a democratic and experimental 
sort of way, making mistakes while making prog 

It should be especially noted by some of you 
that the British Conservative Party is proud of its 
achievements in these respects and has striven to 
outdo its Labour Party opponents. Just as our "lib 
erals" can learn and to a certain extent have 
learned much from English liberalism, so our 
"conservatives" can learn but unfortunately have 
not learned a good deal by studying the Conserv 
ative Party's record. It was a long time ago sev 
enty years or more that a wise Tory genially 


remarked that lie "caught the Whigs in bathing 
and stole their clothes." 

It's true that in trying to pay off the terrific costs 
of the last war and in spending vast sums for the 
social betterment of the people the British failed 
to prepare against the growing menace of Hitler- 
ism. But let's remember that disarmament during 
the prewar years was the favorite lullaby of "lib 
erals" and indeed of most people throughout the 
English-speaking democracies. It wasn't until last 
June that our Congress woke up with a jump. 
England wasn't "ready for war." Neither are we. 
And we never have been prepared for war. That's 
part of the steep price we pay for democracy. But, 
though unready, we have fought to become an in 
dependent and to remain a united people. Now 
we shall fight to sa 7 e our national existence and 
the only kind of world in which we can live as a 
free democracy. 

Very few Americans know what the British Em 
pire is. And very few Englishmen do. But it's 
worth while to note a few general facts about it so 
that we can better combat the anti-British propa 
ganda of the Nazis and their friends in this 

As you know, there have been three great 
periods in the development of the Empire the 
colonial, the autonomous, and the present part 
nership, called the British Commonwealth of Na- 


tions. They all overlap somewhat, but that has 
been the general trend. Remember that the British 
Empire Is a world power and that all parts of the 
world don't move at the same time, in the same 
direction, and at the same speed. Our self-styled 
''thinkers'* with their psychopathic terror of plain, 
obvious facts try to forget that when they sob 
today about India or some of the African colonies. 
But the trend throughout the Empire has been 
steadily toward political liberty and independent 
partnership of the peoples within it. Today, the 
British Commonwealth is such a partnership of 
nations including Great Britain, Canada, Australia, 
New Zealand, and South Africa. These nations are 
free and equal; they manage their own internal 
affairs; appoint their own diplomatic representa 
tives; make their own treaties; can remain at peace 
or declare war as they see fit and can secede from 
the Empire any time they choose. And yet the Em 
pire is stronger today than ever before. The Nazi 
mind couldn't possibly understand why. We Ameri 
cans can grasp the idea because we are a member, 
the greatest single member, of the English-speaking 
family. The biggest reason is that these nations in 
the Commonwealth are free. Another is that the 
Empire represents the kind of political society 
they want an Anglo-Saxon civilization in which 
political and personal liberty is as matter-of-fact 
as bread and water. (It includes Dutch and 


French-Canadian minorities but they are content 
because they live in freedom.) Then too, there is 
the mystic and deeply personal loyalty to the 
Crown. That is one of those mighty intangibles 
which cannot be defined or successfully analyzed. 
Like the religious instinct in most of us it cannot 
be measured or weighed. But it is supremely real. 
Our reverence for the Flag is the closest analogy 
I can think of. How can we account for that in 
ner surge of joy, the quickened heart beat, the 
flashing consciousness of a fierce loyalty when we 
see Old Glory passing by even more so when we 
are away from the homeland? Well there are 
some things we understand without words. 

Yes the trend of Anglo-American civilization is 
toward more liberty, more democracy, more life. 
Nazism means death. My guess is that our civiliza 
tion will live. 

Does someone want a catalogue of the crimes 
and blunders that we have committed in building 
that civilization? I haven't the space it would be 
a voluminous thing. I leave that task to the scrupu 
lous historian, the sensitive poet, the observing 
dramatist, the honest public servant, the learned 
judge, the alert journalist, the plain man and 
woman. Those crimes and blunders are a cause for 
shame and reformation; they are a challenge to 
do right as it is given us to see the right; they 
should not lead us into the moral suicide which 


some of our exhibitionist intellectuals are messlly 
committing. We know we English-speaking men 
and women know that our direction is right and 
that, united, we are strong enough to go ahead. 

I want to say a few words about our closest 
neighbor and most understanding friend in our 
Anglo-American family I mean that great nation 
to the north of us Canada. Itjs unfortunate but 
not surprising that most Americans do not know 
very much about Canada. New Yorkers, for ex 
ample, are generally quite "provincial" in their 
knowledge of what lies west of the Hudson river, 
and I'm sure that many Bostonians still think it's 
the intellectual boundary line of American civili 
zation. Then, too, our Canadian friends have not 
devoted their talents and energies to advertising 
on a really big scale their virtues and achieve 
ments. They seem to be rather quaintly content to 
do the job at hand, do it well and not talk much 
about it. The strong Scottish strain in them may 
account for this slightly old-fashioned way of do 
ing things. Mind you, they are immensely hos 
pitable, as many of us know, and theyll listen with 
flattering and genuine interest while we tell them 
about our hard problems and great deeds. We 
could learn a lot if we listened as much to them. 

Moreover, a great many Canadians have had 
American ancestors and a large number of Ameri 
cans have had Canadian parents. There has been 


from colonial times a big low of people back and 
forth across our boundary lines. Some of our finest 
professional and businessmen are Canadian-bom, 
and American-born, men have contributed splen 
didly to Canada's greatness. Incidentally, for some 
time she has been our best customer in the whole 
world. The Canadian government is more flexible 
and, like the British, more directly responsive to 
the people, but in their fundamental political and 
social ideals the Canadians and Americans are 
alike. Of course, the United States and Canada 
have had disputes, as good neighbors do mostly 
about fish and real estate but theyVe been ironed 
out, and no grudges have remained. In short, we 
like and trust each other. 

But Canada is a great nation in her own right 
She's proud of being next to the oldest partner in 
the British Commonwealth of Nations. And her 
loyalty to Britain is no mere lip service. Her faith 
in Anglo-Saxon civilization, in democracy, in per 
sonal freedom does not stop short of paying the 
price for them. Canada is the British Empire's best 
witness. She was free to do as she liked when this 
war broke out. She did so as she had done before 
in 1914 she stood with Britain in the ranks of 
freedom. And don't forget that her casualties in the 
last war were nearly equal to as well as relatively 
greater than ours although we have twelve times 
her population. Again today, Canada is in the bat- 

tie line with. Her men in an expeditionary force, 
on the seas, and in the air, and giving half her 
income directly to the cause. And she's happy. 
Which we soon shall be when we really start do 
ing the job that must be done. 

We do not yet appreciate and the Canadians 
themselves are probably too busy to realize what 
an effective and decisive part Canada is playing 
in this war. I am referring not only to her mili 
tary efforts which are becoming more obvious and 
more splendid day by day. There is something 
even more important than that for us and our chil 
dren. Canada has become, as never before, the 
mighty bridge of a better understanding and a 
wanner sense of kinship between the British Em 
pire and the United States. She is bridging the gap 
which certain superficial differences have created 
between Englishmen and Americans. Yes, super 
ficial indeed, as we now know, but sufficient in 
times past to cause needless irritations and absurd 
suspicions. It is given to Canada to help bring 
about the mightiest and most enduring friendship 
in the history of nations. If she can do that, it 
will be the noblest achievement of any country in 
modern times. Did I say "if? She is doing it by 
word and deed, by her superb and unquenchable 
loyalty to Britain and by her daily acts of friend 
ship to America. 

If ever a nation deserved loyalty, it is Britain 

now. She has won such a loyalty as she has never 
had before loyalty from her sons and daughters 
throughout the Empire, from her kinsmen and 
friends in America, from people throughout the 
world who want to remain or pray to become free. 
They know that if Britain lives freedom lives. 

The British people once again are the pioneers 
of human liberty. The Mother Country of the 
English-speaking nations is leading the way to a 
better world. It is our privilege to be in her com 
pany, to share her burden, and with her to fight 
the good fight 

Yes, I said "privilege" and I mean it. Because 
the men and women of Britain have made us no 
longer ashamed of the eternal values, the supreme 
human virtues. For a while men desperately tried 
to find cheap and sordid and coldly selfish reasons 
for their own and others' actions. The doctrine of 
"self-interest/" the philosophy and ethical stand 
ards of the hogpen were supposed to guide us in 
all we thought and did. We winced under the 
Nazi and Communist jibes at our old faith and 
basic ideals. 

The English have given them back to us. They 
have poured life and meaning into our greatest 
words and have restored them to their ancient 
primacy in our language and in our hearts. Words 
like Truth, Justice, Freedom, Mercy and Humility, 
Faith and Fortitude, Prayer and Sacrifice, Love 


and Duty. We know again what they mean- 
thanks to England. Out of their blood, tears, toil, 
and sweat the men and women and children of 
Britain have made a heroic age and have restored 
to the world the only things for which free peoples 
will fight and die. Their sacrifices will spare us 
much of their suffering, but at least we Americans 
must give all that lies in our power. That is our 
duty and our privilege. 

We in America can never quite repay our debt 
to the British people in this war. And that is not 
only because they are hurling back the Nazi bar 
barians day and night while we get ready. More 
than that They have taught us again that democ 
racy can be tough; that democracy can summon 
from Its people a supreme devotion more lasting 
than a ruthless fanaticism begotten of cruelty and 
lies; that democracy can make a better world than 
any system, however efficient^ which buys so-called 
"material progress" at the price of the Gestapo and 
the degradation of the human spirit. They have 
taught us that we are fighting a classless war, a 
war of the plain people, a war of the little homes, 
a war for those simple decencies without which 
life is not worth living. And they have taught us 
in America that the English and Scotch and Welsh 
peoples today are not our ancestors but our con 
temporaries, our neighbors, our friends, the same 
kind of men and women as we are. 


And their magnificent leader, Winston Churchill, 
is the living symbol of the underlying unity of the 
English-speaking world, a unity which Is the best 
hope for the future of mankind. A heroic people 
and a heroic age need a heroic leader. Such is 
Churchill. When America has hit her stride, when 
she has taken her rightful place on the battle line 
of freedom, then we Americans shall be entitled 
to take pride that Winston Churchill is the worthy 
product of an Anglo-American alliance, that he is 
our man as well as England's. 

Some people, especially the younger generation 
who have been so thoroughly educated in the hog 
pen theories of modern thought, are amazed in a 
manner reminiscent of Paul of Tarsus on the road 
to Damascus, by the revelation of the British 
spirit They need not be. It is an old storv older 
than the United States. 

More than half a century before the first Eng 
lish settlers came to Jamestown and Plymouth the 
great churchman, Bishop Latimer, was burned at 
the stake for his religious beliefs. Just as the fires 
were lighted, he turned to his friend at the stake 
next to him and said: "Play the man, Master Rid 
ley; we shall this day light such a candle, by God's 
grace, in England, as I trust shall never be put 

That, my friends, is why thereTl always be an 



Uncle Sam lias made much progress, since Sep 
tember, 1939, along the dark and rough road to 
ward the peace and freedom of mankind. He has 
wallowed in the Slough of Despond; was held 
prisoner in the dungeon of Giant Despair; been 
tempted by the glittering goods and wares of Van 
ity Fair; momentarily deceived by Mr. Facing- 
both-ways. He still has ahead of him a terrific 
fight with the Nazi Apollyon. But he will not be 
alone. Mr. Greatheart of the British Empire will 
be fighting with him. Even when they reach their 
great destination together and enjoy the peace and 
freedom for which they have fought and suffered 
even then they must work hard and gladly to 
keep what they have won. 

During these last hours before America marches 
into battle we must be on guard against the tricks 
and wiles of Hitler and his isolationist allies who 
will stop at nothing to keep us "at peace" or at 
least "short of war." You and I are hearing and 
reading a good deal these days about "unity" and 
"tolerance." Those are fine things which we want 


and should strive to have. But be on guard. Those 
good words are being used by men of evil inten 
tions to check and weaken our efforts to destroy 
Hitler and all his works. Our notorious appeasers 
and isolationists talk sweetly about the "need for 
unity" before we do anything. They plead and 
whine for "tolerance" and against "name calling.** 
Tolerance toward whom and what? Themselves, 
who daily do Hitler's will and preach, in large part 
knowingly, the doctrines of moral cowardice and 
national suicide? "Tolerance** toward slavery and 
torture, toward black-hearted men and their will 
ing or obedient followers, toward the vile and 
crafty forces which threaten to mangle and crush 
the common decencies and precious liberties of 
our lives and our children's lives? "Tolerance'' to 
ward conscious or unconscious betrayal? "Toler 
ance" toward those vicious men who whine for 
a peace without freedom a "negotiated" peace 
the peace of death? 

And "unity." What do these false appeasers, 
these deathly isolationists, these tricksters of Hit 
lerwhat do they mean? Unity with whom and 
for what? "Unity" with them? "Unity" for their 
and Hitler's purposes? "Unity" with fear and de 
lay? "Unity" with Nazism and ruin? 

No. We won't be fooled any longer by those 
tricks. Most Americans now are wise to them. We 
have come to ourselves. We are once more masters 


of our own destiny as a free people not nervously 
waiting for Hitler and his allies to determine our 
policy. And that means Hitler must go. The voice 
of America has grown clear and firm and it is 
saying to the Fiihrer: 

"You have preached pure evil for many years 
and you have the solitary merit of practicing what 
you preach. You have debased the mind and cor 
rupted the hearts of the German people espe 
cially the young, whom you have crazed with the 
lusts of cruelty and power; you have tortured and 
driven into exile men and women of the Jewish 
race, partly no doubt because of your maddening 
sense of inferiority to them and partly because 
your evil genius told you that a sure way to the 
dark chambers of the soul of man is the path of 
intolerance; you turned the German nation, into 
the mightiest and most efficient criminal force in 
all history, and decent men, free men, honest men, 
kind men in your own land and everywhere on 
earth feared and despised you. And yet, Herr Hit 
ler, you will lose. 

"You conquered two nations with your lies and 
then, when your other peace-loving neighbors be 
gan to face the facts, you struck them down while 
they groped too late and in vain amidst treachery 
and confusion for the means to ward off and to 
return the blow. For the moment they are in your 
power. Austria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Denmark, 


Norway, Luxembourg, Holland, Belgium, France, 
Yugoslavia, Greece. They are in your power. But, 
according to the clock of history., only for a mo 
ment. Two or three years, perhaps. Because, Heir 
Hitler, you will lose. 

"You have caused much suffering and destroyed 
much beauty in the Mother Country of the Eng 
lish-speaking nations. Your bombers have carefully 
maimed and killed old men and women and chil 
dren, the innocent and the helpless. They have 
marred or ruined venerable churches, great build 
ings, and ancient landmarks which for centuries 
have been the physical evidence of the spiritual 
things we cherish most. And you will cause more 
suffering and do more damage to our friends and 
kinsmen across the sea. Even so, Herr Hitler, you 
will lose. 

"You tried to kill the spirit of America. You 
wanted to take from us our moral manhood so 
that we would feel a cold indifference toward 
right and wrong. For a little while, here and there, 
you were horribly successful, partly because you 
enlisted some kindred spirits among us, some 
pseudo economists and shyster historians, some 
scheming Communists and gullible businessmen, 
and, most pathetic of all, some honest, well-mean 
ing folk who seemed to think, as did good folk 
five centuries ago, that the earth is flat and that 


the world ends at the ocean's horizon. You ap 
pealed to our Pontius Pilates who told us to wash 
our hands of the 'mess/ Your agents sobbed about 
the *Crime of Versailles' while you bombed and 
enslaved nation after nation. Some of our whining 
intellectuals pleaded, like you, for 'justice* toward 
your 'rightful claims* while thousands of honest, 
free-thinking men and women writhed in the tor 
ture of your concentration camps. You have left 
no stone unturned, no trick untried to confuse our 
minds and to harden our hearts. And even at this 
eleventh hour you are still trying ingeniously, 
desperately trying to kill the American spirit. But, 
Herr Hitler, you will lose.** 

There are, of course, many kindly people who 
are disturbed by the thought that in our midst 
are men of ill will and with evil designs against 
our democratic ideals and our Anglo-American 
civilization. It may comfort these worthy people 
to realize that unanimity has seldom if ever been 
achieved in mans long journey from the jungle. 
It is one of the silly trade-marks of the perfection 
ists. Progress has been made by various groups of 
people despite blind opposition and black treach 
ery within their ranks. The degree of opposition 
and treachery has varied and is not predictable. 
In a quite well-known group, two thousand years 
ago, it was one in twelve. In our Revolutionary 
War the proportion was much greater, and it's a 


debatable question whether, if a poll had 
taken in 1775, a majority of Americans would have 
voted for war the vote might have been only for 
measures "short of war/ 7 If you're interested 
enough to dig into the history of that time, you'll 
find that some of our "best people" in New York 
and Philadelphia greeted the British officers with 
feasting and good cheer; that many plain people 
did not lift a finger to help the American cause; 
that the farmers near Valley Forge did not give 
anything from their well-stocked bams to the hun 
gry men fighting their battle; that men were 
bribed a thousand dollars or more apiece to fight 
under Washington and they often took the bribe 
and ran away; that the colonies did not fill one- 
sixth of their quotas for troops; that there were 
weak and unscrupulous men in Congress then as 
now. Our Constitution was adopted only by a 
narrow squeak. The states were fearful of surren 
dering some of their sovereignty for the common 
good it took Alexander Hamilton's supreme ef 
forts to bring New York into the Union. As for 
the Civil War-well, it wasn't all "Abe" Lincoln 
and Battle Hymns and the "boys in blue." Have 
you forgotten about the "draft riots/* which were 
partly race riots, in Northern cities? Did you know 
that well-to-do citizens in the North hired substi 
tutes to serve for them in the Union armies and 
that in many cases men auctioned their services 

to the highest bidder the price sometimes reach 
ing fifteen hundred dollars? Do you remember 
reading about the conscienceless profiteering 
which was in great part the foundation of our 
plutocracy? Have you read about the contempt, 
hatred, and treachery which Lincoln suffered but 
overcame in his own ranks? It turned out all right 
in the Revolution, in the state conventions adopt 
ing the Constitution, and in the Civil War. There 
were a sufficient number of true Americans to win 
in every case. But there wasn't "unity." And there 
was no treacherous "tolerance" shown to the ene 
mies within our ranks. 

One of the last-minute appeals to fear and self- 
deception is familiar to most of you. It is that the 
United States of America will become a perma 
nent dictatorship "go totalitarian" take away 
our liberties forever if it goes to war. A few good 
people are innocently and several bad people are 
purposely repeating that ancient lie. Naturally, 
when we go to war we shall give up for its dura 
tion many of the rights, privileges, luxuries, and 
pleasures of peacetime. And of course that's one 
of the big reasons why the decent, peace-loving, 
law-abiding men and women in our English- 
speaking democracies hate war. But it's either silly 
or malicious to argue that when free men band 
together and submit to essential discipline so that 
they may crush the tyranny which threatens them 


and their tomes they destroy their own freedom. 
It's true that we can't fight gangsters who are 
roaming about our neighborhood and be as blithe 
and free as when they don't trouble us* We can't 
fight a fire which menaces our homes and go to 
the movies at the same moment We can choose, 
of course, which to do. Wars are rough and ugly 
and tragic, but we could no more surrender or 
permit anyone to take away our liberties perma 
nently than we could jump over the moon. We 
English-speaking peoples are simply made that 
way. That's what Hitler and some of our whining 
intellectuals cannot quite understand. Which is 
perfectly natural, because they are made very, 
very differently. 

Have you forgotten that, during the Civil War, 
Lincoln suspended the writ of habeas corpus so 
that the Government could and did arrest and im 
prison people on mere suspicion without trial? Do 
you remember what the Great Emancipator said 
in 1863 about the effect of wartime measures on 
our civil liberties? Read again his words, consult 
your common sense, and your hearts will not be 
troubled. "I am unable/' said Honest Abe, "to ap 
preciate the danger apprehended that the Ameri 
can people will, by means of military arrests 
during the Rebellion, lose the right of public dis 
cussion, the liberty of speech and the press, the 
laws of evidence, trial by jury, and habeas corpus, 


throughout the Indefinite peaceful future which. I 
trust lies before them., any more than I am able 
to believe that a man could contract so strong an 
appetite for emetics during a temporary Illness as 
to persist In feeding upon them during the re 
mainder of his healthful life." I think most of us 
share Lincoln's faith in the living traditions and 
good sense of our democracy. 

There's a lot of talk these days about "war aims" 
and "peace aims." Some of it is being done, of 
course, by our pro-Nazi and anti-British propa 
gandists for sabotage purposes, but I won't dis 
cuss those vicious people any more in this letter. 
I've paid my respects to them. A good deal of this 
talk Is being done by honest, able, high-minded 
men and women. Many of them appreciate Win 
ston Churchill's remark to the effect that if Britain 
stopped fighting we would soon find out what the 
fighting was about But It seems to me that some 
of these splendid citizens have overlooked one or 
two practical little Items which require our imme 
diate attention. We have a war to winHitler to 
beat before we can make a world nearer to our 
heart's desire. We must earn our reward before 
we wisely enjoy It. In other words, we must con 
tribute our full share of the ff blood, toil, tears, 
and sweat" needed for a common victory. If we 
don't, our talk and advice won't amount to a damn 
in building and maintaining a better world. Amer- 


lea cannot get self-respect and the respect of 
otters "on the cheap/' 

But we shall do our share. On that basis It 
will be wise and helpful for us to do some hard 
thinking about what lies ahead. It's too early, and 
there are too many uncertain factors for us to 
adopt any definite blueprint for the future. How 
ever, we can and must face certain big facts with 
out flinching if the best part of our civilization is 
to live and grow. Ill jot down a few of them. 

We must avoid treacherous sentimentality in the 
peace terms. That sentimentality was largely re 
sponsible for the unchecked growth and early 
successes of the Nazi power. IVe pointed that out 
before, but I do it again because it's so awfully 
important. Our sentimentalists have blood on 
their hands not their blood. If we are again de 
ceived by the German whine in defeat, by our 
slushy self-styled "thinkers," by well-meaning 
people of the "forgive and forget" school, then 
we'll have Germany again grabbing at our 
throats in another twenty-five years. 

The world has suffered enough within the 
memory of people still living from the brute mili 
tarism of Germany which has grown more and 
more bestial as it developed under Chancellor Bis 
marck, Kaiser Wilhelm, and Heir Hitler. When 
the English-speaking democracies have won this 
war, they must leave no doubt of their victory in 


the minds and memories of the German people and 
no chance for "stab in the back" legends to revive 
their lust for power over others. We must remem 
ber that in Germany after this war there will be 
millions of the younger generation whose minds 
have been permanently warped by the Nazi 
teachings and in whose sullen hearts will be smol 
dering the lusts of cruelty and power. It will take 
more than a well-meaning intellectual or a beam 
ing Y.M.C.A, secretary to deal with them. I don't 
know what the solution is, but we simply must find 
and face it no matter how stem it may be and 
despite all the shrieks and sobs of our sentimen 
talists who will again help to wreck the peace of 
the world if given a chance. 

Another big fact. Either isolationism as a na 
tional policy must die or our sons will. Of course 
all the isolationists won't die there'll be several of 
them in our midst just as there are still people who 
think the world is flat, and both should be treated 
alike. The isolationists, as well as the sentimen 
talists, are blood-stained men and women. The 
sincerity of some of them merely adds to the vast 
human tragedy for which they are largely respon 
sible. They have helped Hitler enough. And along 
with isolationism must go the cowardly and dis 
honest policy of "moral support." It is neither truly 
moral nor real support, and is satisfying only to 
those drank with self-righteousness. 


The United States and the British Common 
wealth will be partners in the peace they both 
must win. That's a big fact we can gladly face* We 
the English-speaking democracies must do as 
partners what Britain did alone for more than a 
hundred years (and we must do it even better) 
maintain a reasonably well-ordered world in which 
most people can live and work in peace and free 
dom. The articles of partnership are not yet drawn, 
but the necessity and desire for them are already 
in our minds and hearts. Even so, there will be no 
Utopia after this war. The future will be hard, ter 
ribly hard but not too hard. Mankind can count 
on John Bull and Uncle Sam. They will do the 

Faithfully yours, 

Lawrence Hunt 
