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Full text of "1930 - Commercial Club Hustler"

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wat \ 
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Nes} os pes 
Editor-in-ch ief--------—------- -----~---—------ Lucille Trembley 
Associate Hditor------------~~--------—-------~--- Della Croeco 
Art Hditor---------------------------------- Florence Filhart 
Joke Fdaitor---—------ ~~ ---- +--+ ------ Lorrene Krumiand 
society Uditor-----------~--------------------- Geraldine Rowe 
Class Reporters-—--------- Freshman------------- ilelba Cantrell 

sophomore------—----— Evelyn Johrson 

Junior-------~-------- hazel Cecchini 

senior-------------- Wellie Cecchinzg 

Commercial Club Reporter ----------------------- Hileen Hanson 
Cosumercial Club Unterteinnent Reporter----------- Iola Dainty 
Business [aniger------------~----------------- Myrtle Midaleton 
Typists----------------------------------------- payde Cooper 
ne Ruby Frey 

A a Lillian Tersen 

st tare one oon eae Inez Renas 

Advisor----------------------------------- Miss Florenze Mane 


Re ee ee ee meet ene ertenee nnn te te ee ene RE IS RRR a A NRO I RRR A RRR SS ENN em IR 


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+ oe noheadieatineaieniale 

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aR eR Ge Seer | 
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Boren) @eaea, sete end 

Mia rete) Pal stare oe on meh PSI gL Ay We i wrod aff anes oa Hr 

T wae Te “2 

Pee. Sat Mactan creates Pre epee ieee, Spe et 

ee ni am 

Typing Contest 

The tyoing students ar 
eeeerly awaiting the dav or the 
covnty tyoing contest at 
Alhambra Union High:School at 
Martinez on April 5, 1930. we 
heve been working earnestly and 
determinedly from day to day, 
Nersistently tao sing on the keys 
end forever orecticing and tak- 
wn Specd tests. 

fo fer the students heave 
Been wmekin=g noticeeszle »rogzress 

DOULin Bccuracy and s deed. 
sometimes we fall’ back into the 
TO, Of ineccurecy, but we always 
manege to clim> out, and we in- 
tend to stay out. Nothing can 
Sto) us now. We have thet bull- 
dos hold calica serseverence and 
we-ere bound to win; and hove 

to Orins bome some cvos. n 
Merao.,Or not,.we have Sained 
ercat dcal in the attest. 

fter today will be the contest 
Maybe vou dontt think we're ex- 



We surelv have been Wors- 
ing hard these last few wees. 
Every 7zeriod of the day there's 
abis sign on the outside cf the 
door, "Seed Test Going, On Please 
Keen Ovt." any free study >eriod 
or twenty-—ninute ».erioed you will 
see some contcstent busily >ovndc- 

ivenw Lire ;Crerrietlen, ok 
tne. contestents essemosle in the 
euditoriim, and we/ teke a sxecd 
Gasttin (eoOnu~or . the 2.ucern 00 
wWolleetney make cil the nois¢ 
ti1ey can. 

Believe 1%. 0P net: we surel 
erewsoin= (to, wry era) "so Wa 
thing this, yeeten We have soz 
Ver TC COnd. -rosmectag- «Cur un 
Linktecs,. iris ave (cetvine elonz 
Ting. wwe haye’ a lot ofereitu 
in Iola the “*S ocd Qveen" (of 

Sea eee et a re = = 
tycing) ana Gerry, who hes 

Wa 7 mn Cn “1-7 ‘ =a 7 AT 4 
epenée for the gZecurecty Cup. 

ey es he mpl 

Oy Sls nae Me Brg = sccond 
ere setting falong just.fine. 
hexose ‘they wilh dojas 
Contest es they deo some dtys in 
toe EVOL TOri VE. 


= ee < Eg ae” 
well ce YU Usd 

| Bee 

a | on 

mie & P “ 

‘we? Vy ene 

; ie. La 

) ’ 2 OE eee ne ; ——a pape ae e Ps ; 

| : | Foe 0g ae oi ae eee I f | 
ry 5 ' 7 i 

- ae BLT i Sea Lae al 

wh ol arerwws toe - a 
; A\ ) _ ees . : 
i H ws ~ o 4 j | 
t : ; ‘ : 
| \ \ \ \ ; « : ; 
y* ‘wy § ! . rm ; 
a Uc < y % “A ‘em loc aia 
“A > uw # + i 
’ “ a peek ” f j { J P 3 is J 
? = , oi at “ non Pe * Te in Pm F ol 

TT EE PERE Se 1 ee GO eran: HEE Re ee noon fe 6 mee » a — 

i ne am ~— » eg - mes he > 
ills £0 eons cy AL owvtOF: 

yo, SON Met Tac aB¢ SIS oF . 
a*eted? yao eff to botaa: vise  F eVS5 oF YSh mott yihenks 
tt "> ebhisetuvo ett so > tit! Lave! edd mo ortccat vlinede 
eels 80 pate gasTt fee 2" coh § <set bas palotiasi:: s998 
ite 7?Oi s sor? nh. Wee) 60d eu Sod 2D 

“~ S 

em hee 

— . Me . 3a 4 

of mE sper sth Ox > ti 70: ou 
oy aaa i ae b. . s : ipa os WS eee. a ae ener Pee el 
ope Lae st £4: Das 42-2200 Spy 5 S¥3n AVHSINTS iN 


5 is 

aeen2.60. Sho as0tsom Sy . 

soot bas vetivoos GE 
woug @ Std ovag Worc List ew Bene 
Paevorls ow gee .vosins ane 
@-«nt ow S96 .Jivo citio. 
a sa anigtort +3180 yee 
Beil ootit ovec si’ .want 
pA e pones" CetS, botteots 
Re bas :atw o¢ aries 
orto s sBGuD Semon Of0 
? f id 5. banks. OVSa OM 4 ie 
nett $e ody at 

2 <a eis 7 iv a a 
; ~ ’ is 

dmort SEEN 

rhode: ano th br. Go .teot yi rk 
\ se bes 2 Ee cei, 2b 


er on en. $k .VSlLlek= 
ah. wk OF eto 
} «2 fe rane OB” 7 pk ae 
Sin ie aterm PEE: Ae Pe 



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aut ee a" & f + 
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a - p ao 
=> er ee 

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Digitized by the Internet Archive 
in 2010 with funding from 
Liberty High School, Brentwood, CA 



Taken from N 

ationts Business 

repruary 1930 

In the course of a recent 
tour in the United States, which 
brovght me into contact with 
leading educetors and business 
fem, 1 found thet)Soth had much 
to eay-epovt vthe-need of pring 
ing education more into line with 
the vital working neecs of the 
cOMIUnL Vy. We ere Temi 

the same question in Cr 

Both educators anc busir 
men lament the lack of 
Wity"™. 1n- Our rresent methods, 
busgetrom different 
view. The educctors com iain 
that the life of business, which 
awaits the majority of their 
students, instead of continuing 
wnet they have been taught, tend 
rather to wide it out. The busi 
ness men comilain thet the edu- 
ceators devote too much enersy 
to teaching subjects unrelated 



to tne needs of the student in 
Srter dite. Both agree, however 
Penta. oF Vcontinuity™ is..the 
Gwistanding, defect. 

Nething discoureges an edu- 
Gaver so much as the feeling 
that what he is teaching his >u- 
Pale. be vnlearned, or, forgot- 
ten when he goes out into the 

world. He wants some cssurance’ | 
fies work will be: continued, 
TOlLLewed up and develoved by: the} 
G6xperience of after life. 

Jresident of a.univer- 
bhe, DOL nb To me thus: 

So many hundred students 
Grequets in this university ev- 
ery yoer, After. that we: Lose 
ald pontact, with them,’ . ror any~ 
fone we ignow, a large: part .of 
them will snend the years in un- 
eerning what we have veen try- 
fie EO. OC o ae 


ot A ape ota ete ; 
Heontin— | 

eOin tS of | 

The following exderience 

of my own may serve to Dunctuate 
the »resident’s complaint. 
I.onte delivered a course 


of lectures in a greet vuniver- 
sity "on “The: Vocationnof the 
Citizen,” tn iitesce’ Lectures” = 
enlarged on the citizen*s’“duties’ 
and ‘the citizens “citghts," and 

did my best to re my young 
hearers certain ideals of citi- 
zenshi> which I hoved wovld an- 
yeal to Mae and: infivuence their 

ct 0 

Some years aftorward one 
of them called on me. Here is 
the substance of what he said: 

"T heve often thought about 
those lectures you Core... UML On 
tunately I have been working tor 

apis industrial company which 
Days me a good salary but doesn't} 
care a brass button ebout the I 
'WOCatLOnVOL. tne Citizen’ or 
about his rights and his: duties. 
We are out to make money 
and we make it by inducing the 

buy something it would 
YOu Gee. 

be better without. So, 

er are tm! 

i Neve Mec ne cnhence to 7uUt 
your ideals 2nve\ practice,” 

I knew very well what he 

A teagie provortion of wha 
we are doing in schools and col- 
leges is flatly undone by een 
comes afterwerd in the industr 

> , ‘J uy ie Va et 
- ; { ae 
j Ms 
, : 1 ) + 
| | 
{ : ; 
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{ . A, : ats 
t oy 4 \ 4 
: trod ; 
: i 
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P : ke / SP oan 

me Rm eer mc 

a ee ei mE 


* , ~ iy - a io 
aft 7 “ 4 © ty A ee J SF Le ieee! 

‘ ; i s — . . Fe ecewarrod is . Goat 
: ‘ ‘ “ -_ 7% - t > on — on oY ¥ 1. | ; at 
: A <3 'eestsro sly IO woiy.soov"?. Btt** get latte i ss Se 
aa) eb » ee E ae a TT a € 7 2 Va ft! rican” ce) Ace 
Sa Retivs £25 BA6 arikitu, sit... tuoeds } OAT Bi in ia ee oe 

arse | “Venos actor 8 #05 eta ott? | | 
ic e pesbe. rf a93° Midalit: wks iter oe 
Ae ale pettus cote th siperiow Bune probe te sepswsovel dom 

ce be Any oe je Soke BL ay Be! eaten! | det » rae 
i We Yor PE pytisance gus -of etidse. ats b Aes ES nr ee 
T cers gay, “ima Peters ke TEeTtor, 192. Aen ae Bit dais eh eae 
7 fies OF Obie on. ted evac 1 Prigaqgot pata gh paint 
icone ose eineht tHcy in dT oFGh tuo fo 
Bye v ti 

4 ee cos fyyd Lee bese adr. 
aT, eney. yeict r ; | bemitiso> @e Co bw 4 
ae | ij oe ve 

a iy as | istasez peas, TE Bo oLavon bis: 
oe eh Ae ee , ‘ a Hn < oo asit saF 365 

- tacit a 2 
ie 4 tee One at 
var ae taabut 2 bs 

time-is only one 

we, Of the typ 
very busy prac- 
ereat event. This 
are sveaking of, 
is none other than the Typing 
Gontest. This is an annual con- 
test and is usually held in Mar- 
tinez. Any High School in the 
county’ mey compete for County 
wards, and any school in the 
plus those of the North Bay may 
compete for the North Bay Honors. 
Last year we brought home two 
cuns and we are anxiously await- 
ing to see what our Fate will 

be this year. 

The big 
week away, and 
ing teams, are 
Gitte, Or. the 
event which we 

Last Friday the Sterling 
of Stockton svonsored a Fashion 
Show in the High School Auditor- 
ium. Several mombers of the 
elub were models. Those who 
modelled were: Lucille T 
Della Crocco, Rena Ohnmstece, 
Gereldine Rowe, Sayde Cooner, 
Evelyn Johnson, ivby Frey, and 
Silesen Hanson. We also had a 

Short Orosram.- Sayde Cooper 
Some two solos, Sailing on a 

Moonbcam and When Its Svring- 
time In Tne Rockies. Marian 

Saldz also’sang tivo aco uae 
"Can't You Hear Me Calling, 
tCaroline”™ and “Following tsaie 

A recitation was also given by 
Rena Ohmstede and Della Crocco 
entitled "Distant Wedding Belis. 
Marion Saldz also recited "01, 
Vat a Bizness." 

Marjorie Hannum ».layed the 

jiano throughout the Fashion 
Show. We of the Commercial Club 

dent of 
and other 

has peen 


A! Us Ne W/e 

“va =e Sentemad. 
Barnes, Presi- 
very much 

to thank Mr. 
the Sterling, 
us to model 
Prom iis 


Our Extravaganza which wes 
scheduled for the llth of April 
sostnoned until May 2 

At our last regular meeving 
several of our members 
ed typing »Dins. 

Those who received awards 
Kileen I Se gee a oin 
Remington tyvewriter--4 errors 

er Ceara: 

Ceraldine Rowe--silver pin 
with guard--Underwood type- 
writer--a »verfect test at 50 
words ver minute. 

We received our Club bins 
last week, and we think they 
are very oretty. The pin is 
shaved like a shield, with a 
white background , and has three 
scold Letters orinted in the cen-= 
ter, Tete co, svendine for” mire 

Liberty Commercial Club. 

were award 

eh eh es ee A i rr teeta: snaeienameain 

" teaind 
antler eo MP a as 

Cig seviie-3-cloenah 16¢ 


BIOTTO Dentotbursecd nc t= 

oo... obras z0r =H ov 
7 ‘ 
ahs TOV I fe—-0) at waxy Sines.’ 
ee . -OCNF £905: Cebit me tits oy AE Ear 

Paty oe "3 Fust foe! Trae Seat f 1 ER "y Giue. -O r BR Lobors 2 Oe 

} Strat te¢ amrow.° gyeedmor? st Lions 3etey Bs 
ra i aseTerco shel pOo0e 2 
he gu mie: hevkoour ol ; | (_ Tetao: ebyse amet | 
kids oe bate yAsier ‘tear 4 Sus) vvot'l wer. 
Sen, 3 sa als a 
; og Sing y ebys or 
ee F BOvcrtl tat. 53 a 
| ee ee he ook ‘ail 
2 apbese 


ms yes 

ran (yf 
> A 


"Ve SI ; iM 

Said the specialist, 
Be he stood at the bedside of the 

Pek purchasing agent. “I can 
cure you." 

Puneet Willi Lt cost?" asked 
bne fick man, faintly. 

me DOO. © 

"You'll heve to shade your 
price," replied the purchecsing 
apenas; “I hed a ibetter bid from 
the undertaker.” 


She: Where'd ya get that 
Smith Brothers outgrowth? 

He: In the berber shop. 

she: How come? 

He: ‘Ladies first! 

2K 3 > 

Were 101d), Father: "There is 
nothing worse then to be old and 

very, Younes Sern: "Yes there 

vory OO Pether: "What?" 
Wory Younes Son: “To be 
youns and broke." 
28 WK 
nes "DO you know Mise 


pies. “"Certeinly, for years 
==we uscd to be the seme eéic 
When we wert children. 


Kite, "But enyway, dear, we 
mast sive Joek erccit for gct- 
cmcent ring.|" 

bane her 2 nies cnees 

Kets) "Oh, pei we Needm' t-=the 
WeUChert Ss, Siyen. him credit Lor 

Customer--"So you've got 
Fid of thes pretty sesietant 
you hed?" 

Drugs iea-s "Yer, 
gcntlcemcn customers kept 

all my 

that s smile from hcr was es 
S008 cs ¢ tonics” 
77 7K 

"Jimmy," scid a mothcr to 
her quick=-tcmpcered small con, 
She must not grow engry «end 

sy naughty things. You should 
= we Ye give 6 g00t cneicr.™ 

When his littl. brother 
provokcd him an hour eftcrward, 
Jimmy clcnehcd his Little fist 
and iscid, “Mach.” 

ae OK > 

Some . “Giwe Mea dime, Dads} 

Ded * think you* 
Poe prcisy bis boy ta cek for 
eo iimne th 

Micybc 0. 
Loe Ghicn..” 

Civu mo -. dol- 
2S AS 

Thure Mey bo splintcrs in 
the Badder- of suececss, but you 
Eraen*: Likely %o,notice. them 
until you're sliding down. 


a. a ee ~ — some cg ects il 
(aha faim 2-2 Ce ™ 
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: - — Sar =, = as i im 
7} < - ncaa % ae ‘ yeaa 
= cnaciamaananlageaon aapiale , siahliindl Gieneatee oma 
m . ase 
oat ~ Pa “ 

: : 
>. L Ashper 
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rry wr ihe in ae OF it? Se 
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. Re ie at 






] FF ALD : hae Ss fake " <eohe oa obo 
ho eer Sot work Siiwe "tats es) . 
Hite i, + Bae de! 
°° =) — - 
tan . se ‘ 
Ae : . ‘ P - ba ou 
: q j 15 ¥ hits be add 

Feat word, Fagen Beets Dy 
ot suitom 4 bisa “yaniv” 
vee 108 Ifsma Satoqmeot~stotio ted ; 
bas Vans O14 don-Faum siey"” ; tiarit-eoihar 
r “Blucds Uoy .sgeidd yrdgeta y's | Me | 
por * sions tices * I¥tg ae cst i Aye r 
toitowd .[ttt eis Bea . eee 
oe wees Wot po mins bodorota fei etonT” ssadt¢al Tyo 
“FBit sLtdth 2 ta tide ho yaatt gdre pic 3d wr aides 
* dso" ass BHO see ae 

: : a 
: 7s hay 
a/ i : . ? \ aotondt a By ae . 
= hale ; ee ee 

. “at wate 
= Pte me nw Oe 

ay itt aio" ino2 
| Se ae 

a nf a a oo 








f——« Pa 








tae. ’ Y ee 

ee ee ee eee ee cane? fai Be 
Te Bh a et el ae 

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pace 5 rem al a ee ee | 
\ er calg eirennerarweian cet ie ot — taro ft niet ieee | 
Farrer seen Bor as 

i eG Sn a eens 



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Ambitions are 





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rr rt et A a A A A = A RR A A LL I 


a Np pare ek a f:, - s - EL ER SAY I ECLA ES | i NINE AE ORNEO I est 
i ee tg ene ES AAT COLI ALORA LA EE 

Cn I eae aaa ’ 

a te So mm Ne AS EO A Rf NR ge 8 

a “reiteo iC) 


— = gt 

So Pi | ID X ADO SOtidne 
fo XS 
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+ ff i ; es ee ch hy | 
ip) | / &) eee | Wwe have G@ func ot het 
‘De ae ue You 
Heey hf) | abt 
PAY ope! ? 7 | 
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Os Ee 
Ri rr Jamqih T ed 

y ic 4 J / ay 
o \\ Ast) — Sor — J 5s Ne? ; why ty 
re LD A arabe eee es (766 I HiVc shop 

=. > 
LZ ) 

Sy ek hate 
Heriware [& % i fac lrro@evies Ny 
CAA MAES ee 2 SV ivan 
Pte 4 } F q " =, \ < SS pas J t 
Tals -H nT ENO oF ONS 
al ae AS ee BL ts Hs (9) eulen.. ee. (0 il i 
The Be he atl ( ge of {-2 | Lore = ae ene —~ ie a*, Ta Me fe 
a a Th A Of bes coe ES Ne tee 
5 ae hay x | Vau \ } 
: Kp oi vi Ing ee oe Be eS your VE bair 
Kk, LQOUTSEN \eZ ae ial, La H bre | ke ohtre kK mit Tew wel 

er es Tit / ey es, 

© K | ALG? Reumien 
eS Pa ee POD See 7" ie. Ae 
: n\\ 7, WeAls | Uwted SNR 

Be | s Se 
= a. a, ch hi ah Ltn ee au Cles iv 
(= en ° ge ee | ay Ba 
[! 4 ue Glass we Face Oe pine 
Z (} pres rad fq | 
SER As epee eT ig 
a , ‘Hardware My _ aa . 
ee i so f a 8" 






| | 

es ee v / ‘N ' Cheer ree hs Sou nes | 
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(° oe 
mehtsen We 
Fresh iow geet stiveved Aa ly 
Be of TL Derk eyes Coen 


Ce 2) oF 
“pho “7 We Cn xl “4 C ‘eet 

Ata Q i ae 
Xvorre t cea een 
ORDERS 7" FOR SviTs | 

VvenTWwood OP. Lindort & Wallom| 

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oY oy ) \ TJ At) J 

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| ; ‘ max ; é ‘ { aA s 
TON ee fs aeons f 
Sion! Twood ™ SarnAiell . (yoprieTo ee 

Oy iley’s oe | 

\Dy, Scholl's [Appliances | |: CNY te) ae Crean 

rh. (‘> ay Keates 
“7 ACES ishe 5 3 Gb ae Ss a \/ Seok 
ea if {[- = Serge BX, A / vr 
Weep AIKS wld ies 

_ fe? | Meas f 
or ot. live ND AN ihe c rg 
| ah ceue | 

cS a se se ha M 

oe Resa) brome 


Ce ool ie ie 
ate ean help ? 



= a, MUG te 
re 2) pa rear 


wet sl 

a>} ) Buy *7 Hert ig 

ae, Monn 
a, anne | 


eh nag + shell line atime tee mia PE ANG LCL TT A a Nee ee 



raw 4 

4 i 4 nvr \ 



—r + a pte pt St tents 
pone be pan = a Lea haa COCR pclae Meee 

dy ok 
~ ieee 6 


- i 
. — = 

of él al i 
ee Oe 
iL ee C slo 
@ Mi Ar 
ae OMmeVaw srs 


IMMGVE NY Lover, eae 9 “Wane Were 

The dese foy fresh iruits and vegetaoles every day in the year may have existed in the 

boyheooa hearts of our grandfathers. Butthe tulttliment of the desire is 2 development of 
th is gencgretion, 
pets" R Aywotin & tes + ty ’ eee © ai ‘ 
Lo ne fo} stance Wieayke vin be) aa rear volume, ot perjshables Stow far from +he pomts of 
re 1 7 He . 3 2 i = A 
Consumption hasnet had asmany birthdays as tae successful motor car, Tis much younger 

+ bn ak z oa : ' 
than the carhon filament in Edsgon’s electric lamp, 

Not many peopie appreciate the Tapldity of Yhig evelopment cy realize how much inust be 
sccemm plished in tne next few years te Keer pace with Vee gece of the past pol 5 ete 
days with new previews fequive New MEasuVes, And Hever was his more true than in the 
Fresh freit and vegetabie industry today. 

Large scale production has become a scientific protession in field as wellas factory. Large 

I ee le - : ie! 
Stale BLY Ihe oft petishanles 1S directed hy Wen of unu Sua ability, Ana volume selling wears 

the four stars ef the wellirained general whe Knows past victories are only histoty now and 
thet the future demands mere Money, More wM3sn-power and bolter organization, 

No ‘onder cantie individval grawer compete alone tor market preference, There must be 

weieht and sirey gtk, Volume ang resularity behind hig offers, Hewust affiliate with other 

QvYoWwers and sales cpecialists, We must rece ohize tire bargaining power of lavge tonnase. 

Great Markels are not to be Loa g ved witb a fi Puy bu SkielsS On = few Cars. Latge huyers demand 

steady supplies of Freeh facds ip layge Guar. tities st all season s— products Rroun with are 
Wenestly azcked and graded, and Gtawnh from all the best districts in the land, 

The bargaining power of the groat Garintonnage is already vecognized in the markets 

See's Hexe 1s Ver git Fov Chowers wha valve Strong connections. Here ic gaor- 

ward- looking” Way: ‘zation Fhat is work: Ne effectively in the present ond budding soundly tov 
the future, 

AN our Packing Idouses ave wow improved and folly ae ks with Electrie 
Conveyors amd avi wmoedern M schinery whieh ERaples vo %e fare (eily Syadse and 

Pook > Tu vty awe apace \™ Bn Av bvackive (Peres es yuwdew ovr 

A 4 Br ime Notte Neca 

: € HOMIS 

— . si inieineh ailiiemeeanhibemsat ta.’ ron ealeteeeencar cenit neat can ca OF | 
‘ ) 

Tn efor en, View #5, Dla, Fg, nge@saTotg, > n - 

, pe See! 

bie pail #2. OM thay, ashe Mahade. langura be ) Os oo wena FSR e ai /* 
& yA ‘oon? vorpal, 5 hd o vy. Cate uay, 226% & *y onn-S thay 1s > yes 7s : w ot a +2. rites 
prem exhta yorvent areid ¢ k 2.0146 ¥ fit f° 

i etehe silat Di tahind wan ty9e> 

ha ve wir ste. “apmgrp ps if hawt vary Yor sols. S999 oo-veweasy Lace ibul be Pree 

tons tie test PEs, Dayne, att. zratho aie Seideod x 14g lus et Dan SF oles , tts Per a 

call sven! . wary, geyrokprad ent wriaQorer.dyuen. WH  .olesheliege peter 
<i ay | Ani Be EN kg ee sh a Ke x 

—t Prcreery Cabal gs me reen eg Vy te nap Sug, eprer at. Peo - deere we "7 

bre! oat: mine tnd ir ie erovt riwéth- ne iar od bag bs 

ieee = mw.” pee moty vot Sit rT vant | 

1 ets ad any Yn eu tet waite Xr 

LoRENIW/OOO Mane ry 

Brg, Caen -oAVEDS of Drews , YHakea 

Vo @ Selveveve Drown Every Q3\, 
ALL Kinds ok Va ASW m Spewsity 
Thy Some of OUR Past ry 

ev wv he sehight {uly ag ig 

an erg nt ne 

 \Pataovine Danwnaer ¥ Yeowhe | 
BrenYwood Wind bey ros. th it 

I>ar sershop | 


5 eck) 
| a Bae 4 31 Lo Ao V 

96 ‘De. "ag | 
Maw office § [8 ot Located vn Bakery Guiding | 
CG l den Dai io) Walley” | Dreritwoad BE o Setath Coe 

= y | iia eae 
ee Teag met TEAR 

Heed: Ay Lorn? 1 ae F\. 

ME £5 as Th ( VOGUE 

a beanie 

a Bet Rtary : eras 
Colden Fan Tam . ae Koay oom 

| Earl Hleredh Viwarf ~ Town sides Sy ff} -Now Lo 
| ne Ci pee Ole +T NONCE entuosd |} a POY He ie. f 
) APEX 5 
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j uti fis PS se Cee Ay Pe Boa sa PRE sy 3 i as 
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a. mere 

off yd ray 

*. ie Snags AAS, IS 5 TL Bs 

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“as cane” ; cep x eat 
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Sates t aan, 




bye) = 


Ser oe rata 

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a Els he aoe 
aly ay 8 OCER in i ae 

| / | ! Pp Zy “ty wh, etc trade else - } 

: Sega } fi ap oe : ay Caryies Ever Gas \ 
Owe ; awa ching WJ want and ie eins Lr 

: — |e Cheapest b and the beck ee re bed 
} D with those EYXCEE Dini | sas 

: \ | 
| “a S | | 
py cau pal lew pfices. = ee, || 
i “es aed 

: Nea atin ii ae our Money- A | 
ny YJ <A 


tvhich fee 6394 net Jepl -Wwhere. | 

| Oe, OS i a eta OP a | 
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a eg 


mess ODEN 
that deligbtina ROOMS 

Oakey 4 Clie fornia Irs. O.Statford~ Rep : 

~ as 

a er ol ea 

(02 PA 1 Beek wa 
ID re Tent wood SfAT Ase dGNE . N ranean sé | i // ; 

Ford ¢Qeal ers A 
Rie ce fee te 
The cay That STawds with The - Se ont = § “ =x sy reads 

Bee jpaiuare BE Depleins | 

WA |} EA : 

VES) a + ueading 


= 4 ~— e \" ota: L Vso hs 

= an Rest £ Car ie Sh eel 4 Te VAS CRIES 

Geierh Teparring’ | iw 
ecivical Worl? 

Yih ee ae 

VN ee 

be, y= mi ‘Tub hia Bce ess: ovies Fe eee 

Prana Tap DSc 
Fata Gl yy, our ‘olanting 


Brent tion ct FA Lawrence Frog. bate Cs Th er edwiel Brae 


But Cgn You Prove Fb 

i : 
Dan > <= pee = ne a re ~ 

oi air SCeldent- May had>en to anv auto: Obile driver 
PS oo eS a = nia 5 = rs . - ae 3 vig fc : eo ; 

o¥ ater Beopemt8 you. Lt mifht not pe SyOle: 2a Lp 

vuc could you »rove it? i, 

EeOEY automobile driver needs LIABILITY insurance ies Con ne 
+H, anc let us exnlain the srotects On-it cives and 
need of * 


D. D. WAT SON@™ 

ThE Mart ford Mg gency 
A aed 

_—— eas ie TTS Te i ee eS . 

~~ ee ae 

} Was | 4 te 
ope tse oy meee PRIA Pn ae Piven A PS pa AAI lee a OR 
j yt nti ie 



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