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.    A\/.-'' 


A      "    ^  MfMOR.Al  UBKAHV 

L  I  F  E 

O  F 

General  MONK: 

Duke  o?  Alhemarle^ 


I.  A  faidiful  Account  of  his  unparallel'd  Conduft, 

j      lurprizi.ig  Adions,    and   Providential  ^lUccels  in  accomplilh 
I     ing  the  tl  E 5  T  O  R  A  T  I  O  N  of  MO N  A RC  H  Y. 

II.  A  particular  Relation  of  that  moft  memorable 

March  from  Ccldfiream  to   Lend  n\  the  Freparations  tor  it 
in  SiCtld/uiy  and  the  Happy  Confcquences  ol   it  in  England. 

III.  Many  Miftakes  committed  by  our  Hiftorians, 

(particularly  the   tar)    ot   Liarendm)  concerning  the  Gene- 
ral's  Adminiltration,   reftified. 

Publifh'd  from  an  Original  Manuscript  of 
T  HO  MAS    S  KIN  N  E  R.    M.    D. 

With  a  Preface  in  Vindication  of  General  Monkh 

Conduit  i  and  giving  Tome  Account  of  the  Manulcript. 

By  W  I  L  L  I  A  M    Webster,     M.   A. 

Curate  of  St.  Dunjlans^  in  the  M'cji. 

The    Second  Edition,    corrcclcd. 


Printed  f(^r  J.  G  r  a  v  e  s  in  St.  ';iamei's'Strtet :  J.  Is  t  e  r 
and  J.   H  o  on  E,  in  Fleet-Strtit.     M.dcc.xx.iv. 




T  O 

The   Right  Honourable  the 

Countefs  Granville 


'^OHN  Lord  GOWER, 

Baron  of  Sittenham  in  the 
County   of   Torh 

M  A  D  A  M^ 

H  E  following  Life 
claims  the  Protccflion 
of  Your  Ladyship's 
Name,  in  Right  of  Ke- 
aaon  and  Fncndfhip ;  the  Loyal 
and  Antient  Families  of  the  Gran- 

A  VIL- 


viLLEs  and  the  Monks  being 
nearly  ally'd  by  Birth,  and  an 
Agreement  in  Principles.  But  the 
Duke  of  Albemarl  and 
Your  Great  Father  the  Earl  of 
Bath  were  more  intimately  u- 
nited  by  an  early  Acquaintance 
in  their  Youth;  and  in  their  riper 
Years,  by  a  happy  Concurrence 
of  Counfels  and  Adlions,  in  the 
Accomplifliment  of  the  truly 
Glorious       RestoratioNo 

But,     ,   r.,  y..^ 

Befides  the  Confrderation  of 
Piety  to  Your  deceafed  Father, 
who  bears  fo  Honourable  a  Part  in 
the  enfuing  Hiftory,  and  AfFecfti- 
on  to  the  Memory  of  an  lUuftri- 
ous  Relation,  who  is  the 
chief  Subjed:  of  it ;  give  me  leave 
to  fay,  Y6tir  Ladyship  ap- 


pears  to  be  under  a  further  and 
more  particular  Obligation  to  en- 
courage a  faithful  Account  of  the 
Life  and  Actions  of  the  Duke 
of  Albemarle  -,  forafmuch 
as  the  Honour  of  Your  Family 
muft  necelTarily  partake  of  the 
Injury  he  has  fuffered  from  the 
Mifreprefentations  of  his  Enemies. 

M  Y  Lor  D, 
To  the  Honour  of  Your  Lord-" 
SHI  p '  s  Patronage  this  Hiftory 
feems  equally  entitled,  your  Lord- 
SH I  p  being  alfo  defcended  from  the 
Granville s,  and  thereby  relat- 
ed to  the  Monks  :  But  not  more 
nearly  related  by  Blood,  than  by 
an  Affinity  of  high  Qualities  and 
noble  Endowments.  The  Wif- 
dom.  Courage,  and  conftant  Ad- 
herence to  the  Intereft  of  their 
A  i  King 


King    and    Country,     with   other 
Virtues    fo  confpicuous    in    your 
Ancestors,   fhine,  in  their  full 
Perfedtion,  in  Your  Lordship's 
Charafter.     As    a    good    Subjedt, 
You  think  it  Your    Duty    to    en- 
courage  JVLonarchical  Jiden^     and 
Monarchical  Principles^    not   hav- 
ing learned  the   Maxims  of  fome 
modtrn  Politicians,  who  fhew  their 
Loyalty  to  his  Majesty,  by  an 
habitual  Averfion  to/G'/^^/)/  Govern- 
ment,   and  an  idultrious  Zeal,  up- 
on all  Occafions  where    they  can 
do  it  with  impunity,  to  propagate 
Repihlican  Notions  :    As  an  E  n  g- 
L  I  s  H  M  A  N,  You  are  equally  care- 
ful to  preferve  the  invaluable  Blef- 
fmgs  of  Liberty  and  Property;   as 
a  Member  ol  the  Church,  You 
cfteem  it  neither  Popery  nor  Super- 
fiitiorij  to  afiert  her  Do^frms  ^nd 


Inftitution^  to  fupport  her  Rights^ 
and  protect  her  Clergy. 

But  bcfides  thefe  excellent  Qual- 
ities which  fliew  themfelves  in  a 
more  pubHck  manner,  Your  Lord* 
ship's  private  Virtues  are  made 
fubfervient  to  the  Good  of  Your 
Country:  That  eafy  Addrefs 
and  flowing  AfFabiHty,  That  engag- 
ing Condcfcenfion,  as  well  as  grace- 
ful Dignity  in  all  Your  Adtions, 
have  my  Lord,  in  Your  early 
Years,  given  You  fuch  a  Share  of  the 
2:eneral  Efteem  and  AfFedions  of 
Your  Countrymen,  as  very  few  have 
ever  lived  to  attain  to.  Thofe 
who  have  the  Happinefs  to  live 
near  You,  feel  no  other  EfFecfls 
of  the  Man  of  Quality,  than  his 
Bounty  and  Hofpitahty,  and  a 
Readinefs  to  proted:  them  from 
the  Injuries  of  other  Men.     As  all 



thcfe  happy  Talents  have  been 
conduced  with  the  moft  honeft 
Skill,  'tis  hoped,  the  World  will 
learn  from  Your  Lordship's 
Example,  how  unneceflary  Party 
Rage,  and  an  unneighbourly  Re- 
fentment  towards  fuch  as  differ 
from  You  are  to  the  carrying  on 
a  good  Caufe  fuccefstuUy. 

■  I  hope,  my  Lord,  I  jQiall  one 
Day  fee  Your  Lordship  in  full 
Power  at  the  Head  of  that  Intereft 
(the  Intereft  oi.  our  Conftitution  in 
church  and  StateJ  which  no  Man 
has  more  effediually  promoted. 
This,  my  Lord,  is  the  proper 
Reward  of  the  Virtues  You  have 
already  fliewn,  and  in  wifhing  it, 
I  aive  a  Proof  of  my  Zeal  for  the 
Happinefs  of  my  Cotmtrj^  and  the 
Honour  of  the  Crozvn^ 


I  miift  now  humbly  beg  yiic 
Honours  to  accept  of  this  plain 
Addrcfs,    and  my    inconfiderable 
Share    in    the  Perfomiance  1  here 
prefent    You  with.     It   is   a  great 
Advantage    to    the    Memory    of 
the    Author,    that    his  P  a- 
T  R  o  N  s,  are  proper  Judges  of  juft 
and  elegant  Writing.     The  Edi- 
tor has  no  Hopes,  but  in    your 
wonted  Candor,  and  Condfecenti- 
ovy,     I   have  engaged  in   a  good 
Caufe,  and  with  a  good  Intention 
which  is  all    I   have  to  plead  in 
Excufe  for  an  Introduction  (o  much 
below  the  Dignity  of  the  Subjedt. 
Had  I  vindicated  the  Condudt  of 
General  Monk    as  juftly  as 
Dr.    Skinner    has    related     it 
faithfully,    the  Statesman,  the  He- 
ro^ the  Tatrioty  would  all  appear  in 
their    proper  Luftrc,    and  refle(5t 



as  much  Honour  upon  the  Rela- 
tions of  the  Duke,  as  can  be 
derived  to  them  from  the  Virtue 
and  Nobility  of  their  P  r  o  g  e  n  i. 


•     I  amy  i  '^  "  ^ 

May  it  pleafe  Tour  Honour  s^ 
-      With  great    Efieemj 
Tours  Honours  mo  ft  ohcdimt 
'And  de'votedhumhk  Servant. 

William  Webfter. 




1 1  iiBimiiww— wwwi^ 


Ml -'-'-^^r^  ■- 




N  this  P^-efatory  Difcourfe,  wherein  I 
propofe  to  make  fome  Reflexions  upon  the 
Condun  0/ General  Monk,  in  Fin- 

dication  of  him  from  fome  Afperftons  of 

his  Enemies^   or    the  lefs  malicious^    hut    equally 

injurious  Mifiakes  of  thofe^  ivho  would  be  thought 
at  leafi  to  be  fa'vourable  to  his  Charadler-^  I Jhall 
not  detain  the  Reader  upon  the  common  Subjeh  of 
Biographers^  the  delightful  and  profitable  Nature  of 
Hiflory  in  general^  but  confine  my  felf  dire6lly  to  the 
Matter  and  Seme  of  JXion  be  ft  re  us.  A  Scene  equal' 
Jy  wmderful  and  furprifing,  in  the  Formation^  in 
the  Conduul,  in  the  Accomplifhment^  and  happy  Ef- 
fedis  of  it.  A  Scence  which  opened  in  reducing  this 
Part  of  tbe  World  we  inhabit^  out  of  the  difmal 
Confufion  and  Anarchy,  wherein,  like  the  primitive 
ChoaSy  it  lay  in'volv'd,  into  a  State fo  well  inform' d 
und  regular,  that  perhaps  no  Conflitution  of  Govern- 

a  ment 


ii  The  Editor's 

ment  upon  Earth  e'ver  fuhftfled  upon  a  more  ivifcj 
equitable^  or  well-tempered  Model. 

In  reference  to  foreign  Hijiory^  IJloall  only  Dbferve^ 
that  if  Fa5iSy  wherein  the  fever al  Ages  and  Nations 
of  the  World  would  have  been  inter  efted^  if  Revolu- 
tions refpe^ing  the  Government  o/Greece,  or  Rome, 
are  thought  nfefiil  and  entertaining  to  Men  of  polite 
Literature^  efpecially  whenfet  in  a  proper  and  good 
Light^  though  we  are  no  further  affetled  by  them^ 
than  as  they  difcover  to  us  the  Arts  aud  Errors  of 
Government^  and  the  common  Events  of  civil  Life  ^ 
certainly  a  Dejire  of  being  acquainted  with  the  Hi- 
ftory  of  our  own  Nation^  or  with  any  momentous 
Part  of  ity  will  not  only  be  allowed  natural^  but 
highly  laudable  and  infirutUve. 

Now  if  we  carry  our  Enquiries  into  the  Engliili 
Hiftory  as  high  as  we  have  any  Authentick  Records 
to  direUus^  we  fh  all  find  no  Period^  fince  we  were 
known  to  live  under  a  regular  Form  of  Government, 
more  memorable  for  the  Fariety  of  furprizing  and 
important  Incidents,  or  accompanied  with  more  legi- 
ble Marks  of  a  Divine  Superintendency^  than  what 
the  Author  of  the  following  Life  has  undertaken  to 
relate.  And  as  it  has  been  thought  a  common  A£i 
of  J uf  ice  in  all  Parts  of  the  World,  I  may  fay  the 
Barbarous,  as  well  as  the  more  civilizd,  to  celebrate 
the  Memory  of  thofe  who  have  perform' d  any  ex- 
traordinary and  meritorious  Anions  in  their  Service ; 
fo  brave  and  generous  a  People  as  the  Engliili  mufi 
neceffarily  be  pleas' d  with  an  Hlflory  intending  to  do 
Honour  to  one  of  the  greatefl  Ornaments  and  Sup- 
ports of  the  ^nQ)\^i  Nation ;  and  to  whofe  Merit 
it  is  owing  nnder  the  good  Providence  of  GO D, 
that  we  now  fubfifi  as  a  Nation,  governed  by  our 
own  Laws,  under  a  Limited  Monarchy,  which  is 
the  mofi  excellent  Form  of  Qovermsnt^  and  beft  a- 


Preface.  iii 

dapted  to  the  Genius  of  the  People  j  that  his  pre- 
fent  Ma'jefty^  for  his  Rcyal  Relation  to  the  Family 
then  reftor'dj  now  pojfejfjes  the  Crown  -,  avJ  that 
we  enjoy  the  Benefit  of  his  Adminifirationy  with  the 
Profped  of  a  SncccJJion  of  Kin^s,  of  his  Race,  to 
fit  itpon  his  -Throne  to  late  ft  Pofierity.  A  Confide- 
r  at  ion,  one  would  think,  fuJjicient  to  endear  the  Me- 
mory of  General  Monk  to  fome  of  his  moji 
in-vet crate  lineraies ;  at  leafi  to  deter  them  from 
foe%ving  their  Malice  to  hn/u  becaufe  it  will  at  the 
fame  time  difcoz^cr  a  Difaffedion,  where  they  pre- 
tend the  moft  inflam''d  Zeal. 

I  do  not  mean  that  a  hare  Defign  of  honouring 
the  Memory  of  Gfneral  Monk,  is  fufficient  to 
to  recommend  every  Narrative  of  his  Life.  To  ap- 
prove a  Defign  of  that  Nature  to  the  Tafe  of  the 
prefient  Age,  it  mufl  he  well  and  happily  executed : 
And  I  dare  prefiume  to  fiay,  that  every  impartial 
Reader,  allowing  for  fiome  Variations  in  the  Phra- 
feology  of  our  Biographer  from  the  modern  DitHon^ 
will  allow,  that  he  has  acquitted  himfilf  not  only 
as  a  Man  of  Probity,  but  as  a.n  elegant,  and  cfipe- 
cially  as  a  mofi  clear  and  methodical  JVrifer,  and 
one  that  was  as  a  Mafer  of  his  Subjetl. 

Yet  it  cannot  he  denf  -^  whatever  "Juftice  this  Au- 
thor has  done  to  the  Memory  of  General  Monk, 
or  how  much  foever  the  Engliin.  Nation  is  indebted 
to  that  great  Alan,  he  has  -met  with  mojl  injurious 
Trcatement ;  and,  as  it  will  appear  in  the  ScTual  of 
this  Preface,  fiome  Authors  of  Credit  and  DifiinBi- 
on  in  the  World,  have  not  been  altogether  fo  tender 
of  his  Reputation,  as  might  have  been  expe&ed  from 
the  general  Character  of  their  Probity  and  Can* 

In  Reference  to  feveral  of  his  gallant  A^ionfy 

the  Notoriety  whereof  was  too  evident  to  be  denfd 

a  2  ^^« 

iv  The  Editor's 

the  Merit  of  them  has  yet  been  afcrWd  to  indireB 
and  ignoble  Motives  ,  to  the  Dire£lion  and  Influence 
of  a  f  articular  Providence^  without  alloiving  any 
Thing  to  him^  as  an  intelligent  and  free  Agent ^  vo- 
luntarily concurring  with  the  Divine  ff^ill  >  and,  as 
the  moft  extraordinary  Inflame  of  their  Envy,  even 
to  the  DireUion  of  thofe  very  fubordinate  Perfons, 
who  were  manifeflly  the  Creatures  of  his  Power 
and  Interefl,  and  entirely  direHed  by  him.  I  am 
fenfible,  and  fo  was  the  GENERAL  himfelf,  how 
much  was  owing  to  the  over-ruling  Hand  of 
GOJ)y  that  the  wifefl  of  human  Counfels  were 
not  equal  to  a  Succefs  fo  very  wonderful  and  unex- 
peciedj  and  that  the  Wifdom  and  Advice  of  thofe 
Perfons  who  were  admitted  into  the  Secrecy  of  his 
Counfels,  though  thofe  were  but  very  few,  were  of 
Ufe  to  him  ?  but  I  can  fee  no  Reafon  for  fuppoftng 
him  the  Property  of  his  Afliflants,  or  merely  pajjive 
to  an  irreflflible  Direction  of  Providence  j  any  more 
than  I  can  agree  in  Opinion  with  my  Lord  Claren- 
don, That  it  would  be  Glory  enough  to  his  Me- 
mory, to  have  been  liich  an  unwilling  Inftru- 

They,  who  have  been  averfe  to  any  Impreffions  to 
his  Advantage,  have  been  very  forward  to  credit, 
and  propagate  the  mofi  groundlefs  Inflnuations.  Lud- 
low (whom  yet  I  would  not  be  thought  to  include  a- 
mong  my  Authors  of  Probity  and  Candor")  charges 
General  Monk  with  making  it  a  Condition  of 
his  reftoring  the  King,  that  his  Majefly  fljould  give 
him  the  Lieutenancy  of  Irelayid.  And  yet  in  a- 
nother  Place  he  fays.  The  General  promis'd  tore- 
ftore  the  King  without  any  Conditions  at  all ;  af- 
ftgning  this  extraordinary  keafon  for  it,  that  he  was 
in  Hopes  by  not  articling  to  have  the  better 
Terms.    iPl^mas  if  hs  had  really  intended  to   ca* 


"Preface.  v 

pitulate  with  the  Kitigy  he  could  hardly  ha'ue  aslCd 
any  things  beftdes  the  Crown  it  felf^  or  fomething 
very  prejudicial  to  the  Dignity  of  ity  which  his  Ma'* 
jejiy  would  not  have  granted. 

But  the  moji  popular  and  odious  Charge  which 
has  been  brought  againji  the  General,  is  that  of 
Difjimutation  and  Infincerity :  And,  to  aggravate  it^ 
nothing  has  been  omitted  which  the  common  Places 
upon  thefe  Heads  could  fupply.  T'o  make  good  his 
Charge y  /V  ;Vy^/<^  he  had  a  Iccret  Intention  to  bring 
in  the  King,  while  he  was  in  the  Intereft  of  the 
Common-wealth  \  but  then  again,  to  deprive  him  of 
the  Credit  and  Reward  of  fuch  an  Intent ioUy  they 
labour  as  induftrioujly  to  prove,  that  he  intended 
no  fuch  thing. 

But  though  it  may  be  thought  a  fufficient  Anfwer 
to  the  Enemies  of  General  Monk,  that  they 
are  fo  contradictory  and  inconftftent  in  their  Charge 
againfl  him  j  may  there  not  yet  be  fome  Difficulty 
in  accounting  for  his  ConduU,  to  Perfons  more  e^ 
qually  difpos  d  to  form  a  Jadgment  of  it  ?  JVhat 
Proof  have  we  that  he  had  a  real  Intention  to  re^ 
fiore  the  King  ?  Or,  if  he  had  fuch  an  Intention, 
how  fJoall  we  reconcile  his  Diffembling,  after  the 
manner  he  is  acknowledged  to  have  done,  to  the 
firiU  Rules  of  Honour,  or  Moral  Vertue. 

I  flmll  anfwer  to  thefe  ^icfiionSy  firft,  in  more 
general  Obfcrvations  j  and  then  particularly,  in  a 
Recapitulation  of  the  mofi  confiderable  and  impor^ 
tant  Paffages  of  his  Condu^. 

Concerning  the  General'^  Inclinations  and  In- 
tentions towards  the  Reftoration,  the  learned  World 
has  been  very  much  divided  in  their  Opinion  \  more,  I 
think,  than  they  needed  to  have  been  in  a  Mat- 
ter  where  the  Evidence  is  fo  clear  and  ftrong. 
a  3  Some 

vi  The  Editor's 

Some  afcrihe  the  Origin  of  his  Loyal  Purpofes  to 
the  Refentment  of  a  Difgrare  put  upon  him  by  the 
Parliament^  wherein  it  was  woved^  and  debated^ 
whether  he  floould  anfwe'r  for  the  Peace  concluded 
hetween  him  and  O  Neal,  General  of  the  Irifh  Re- 
bels, "this  Opinion^  tho""  it  blemijjjes  his  Deftgns 
with  a  difJoonour  able  Motive  J  yet  gives  them  a  much 
earlier  Date  than  others  are  willing  to  allow.  Mr. 
Echard  fays  indeffnitely^  That  his  Intentions  to 
fettie  the  2;eneral  Quiet  of  the  Land  were  very 
early,  a)ia  that  he  all  along  fram'd  his  Defigns 
iiiitable  to  the  Opportunities  that  were  given  him. 
My  L(9r^  Clarention  reprefents  him  as  encirely  de- 
voted to  the  PerfoR  and  Fortunes  of  Cromwel,  o- 
therwile  better  inciin'd  to  ferve  the  King,  than 
any  Man  in  Power  of  the  three  Kingdoms  -,  but 
not  to  have  token  uu  any  iettled  Purpofe  or  Re- 
Iblution  of  reltoring  aim;,  till  about  the  Time 
of  the  Conference  bc\WTen  the  General  and  Sir 
yohn  Greetivil  ^  and  that  he  was  then  forc'd  upon 
that  Hidden  Refolution  by  the  impetuous  Tor- 
rent of  l.oyaky ,  which  had  aimott  overflow'  d 
the  Nation,  or  v/as  gradually  led  into  it  by  a 
Concurrence   of  anfo re feen  i^ccidents. 

N'ow  that  the  General  did  intend  to  reflore 
the  King,  and  fianid  his  Meafures  fuitable  to  fuch 
a  Defign,  tho'  it  has  been,  and  is  fill  reprefentcd  as 
a  ^ueftiofi  of  great  Uncertainty, yet^  the  fever  al  Cir- 
cumflances  of  his  CondiiH  being  diftlnUly  confidcrd, 
we  may  collctl  Evidence  enough  to  prove  it  highly 
probable ;  as  probable  as  we  could  fuppofe  it  to  be,  if 
he  did  really  proceed  upon  fuch  an  Intention. 

His  Concurrence  and  Engage?nents  with  Oliver, 
and  the  Common-wealth  Party,  all  his  Arts  of  Con- 
cealment and  Caution,  which  have  been  objeElcd  a- 
gainfl  his  having  any  Intention  towards  the  Rejlora- 


P  R  E  F  A  C  K.  Vii 

tion^  were  ahfolutely  necejfary  to  the  effeBmg  it.  Hs 
could  never  have  been  in  any  Capacity  of  ferving  his 
Majefiy,  without  continuing  his  Power  and  Inter efi 
with  his  Enemies,  nor  have  maintain' d  himfelf  in 
Power  without  thofe  Compliances,  And  is  it  not 
very  unreafonable,  when  he  us^d  all  the  proper  and 
necejfary  Meafures  which  could  pojfihly  have  refiorW 
the  King,  to  turn  all  thofe  Meafures  into  Arguments 
to  prove  that  he  really  did  not  intend  it  ?  Is  it  not  a 
more  jujl  IVay  of  reafoning,  to  conclude  from  his  uni- 
form and  regular  Condu5l,  in  the  fame  manner  as  we 
mufi  fuppofe  him  to  have  conduced  himfelf,  upon  the 
Suppofition  of  his  intending  the  Reftoration,  that  he 
really  did  intend,  what  he  profecuted  feemingly  by 
fuch  probable  Means,  and  at  laji  really  effe- 

My  Lord  Clarendon  has  obferv'd,  and  frequently 
repeated  the  Obfervation,  as  if  he  laid  a  great  Strefs 
upon  it.  That  they  could  never  draw  from  him 
any  plain  and  open  Declaration,  that  he  never 
gave  any  publick  Proof  of  his  having  this  End  in 
View.  But  to  make  the  GE'iiEKA'L  fome  Amends 
for  this  grouncUefs  Obje£lion,  he  has  himfelf  mofi  ef- 
fectually anfmefd  it,  by  confefjing,  that  it  was  hap- 
py for  the  King  he  never  did  difcover  his  Inten- 
tions, becaiile  luch  a  Dilcovcry  miift  neceflarily 
have  deftroy'd  the  Defign.  His  Silence,  where 
Silence  ivas  ncceffary  can  never  be  drawn  into  an 
Argument.  And  it  is  the  fame  'Thing  as  to  the 
other  QbjcClions  comfnonly  urg^d,  his  frequent  De- 
clarations both  publick  and  private  -,  and  above 
all,  his  advifing  the  Parliament  to  ule  all  proper 
Means  to  prevent  the  King  s  Kefto ration.  They 
were  neceffary  Artifices  to  conceal  his  Defign,  and 
therefore  can  never  carry  any  Proof  of  his  not  ha- 
iling had  fuch   an  Intention.     The  particulrr  Cir- 

a  4  curajidncii 

viii         The  Editors 

ctimftances  of  his  ConduSi  I  have  referved  for  a  di^ 
fiinB  Confideration  j  at  prefent  I  am  arguing  from 
the  ConceJJions  of  his  Enemies,  who  grant,  that  if 
the  General  intended  to  reftore  the  King,  he 
took  the  moft  probable,  if  not  the  only  poffible 
Methods  of  doing  it.  Jnd  I  defire  the  Reader, 
as  he  perufe^  the  Hiftory,  carefully  to  weigh  the  fe- 
ijeral  Steps  of  his  Proceedings,  and  endeavour  to  con- 
trive any  other  more  probable,  or  indeed  poffible 
Means,  I  have  impartially  try'd  the  Experiment 
myfelf,  and  the  Refult  has  been  in  favour  of  the 

But  it  may,  perhaps,  be  more  difficult  to  recon- 
cile fome  Parts  of  his  Condu6l  to  the  ftri^i  Rules  of 
Simplicity  and  godly  Sincerity  :  In  particular  his 
Dijfimulation  with  the  Party  whofe  Interefl  he 
feem^d  to  efpoufe,  under  whom  he  certainly  fer- 

As  much  as  I  honour  the  Memory  of  General 
Monk,  and  as  great  an  Inclination  as   I  really 
have  to  favour  his  CharaBer,  in  pure  Gratitude  for 
his  mofl  extraordinary  Services  to  my   Country,  I 
mufl  have  that  Regard  to  my  own  CharaUer,  whofe 
proper  Office  it  is  to  affiert  Truth  as  laid  down  in 
the  mofl    authentick  Rule  of  it,  the  Gofpel,  as  not 
to  dijferve  the  Caufe  of  Virtue,    by  favouring  a 
Ipofe  Morality.     I  willingly  therefore  allow,  that 
Diffimulatton,  efpecially   Diffii,mulation  info  many 
repeated  Inftances  of  it,  is  immoral,  and  unworthy 
the  Dignity  of  a  Man.     But  then  where  n  Perfon 
was  an  Infirument  of  fo  much  Good,  WL  ^e  there 
appeared  to   be  a  particular  Dejignation  of  Provi- 
dence to  make  him  that  happy  Infrument,  and  there 
was  no  vifible  ProfpeU  of  effietiing  our  Deliverance 
by  any  other  Hand,  let    us  not  preclude  him  from 
the  common.  Allowances,  which  have  been  ufually 


Preface.  ix 

made  to  Heroes^  by  whofe  Means  any  great  Re- 
'volutions  have  been  wrought  for  the  Benefit  of 
Mankindy  tho"  every  Step  taken  in  order  to  ac- 
compUfl)  them^  could  not  be  perfectly  jufiiffd. 

Nay,  I  may  challenge  the  mofi  virulent  Adver- 
faries  of  the  General,  to  inflame  in  any  Revo- 
lution, how  glorious  foever  in  their  oivn  Judgment 
of  it,  where  the  like  Arts  of  Difjimulation  have 
not  been  ufed,  tho*  perhaps  neither  upon  Motives 
more  inconteftably  good,  nor  for  Ends  more  necejfa^ 
ry  and  beneficial  to  the  State. 

IVhy  thenflmild  General  Monk  be  fmgled 
out  as  the  only  Perfon  to  whom  no  Quarter  is  to 
be  given,  becaufe  he  conduced  himfelf  by  the  fame 
political  Maxims  which  fome  of  the  mofi  celebrated 
Heroes  of  Antiquity,  whether  recorded  in  profane 
or  facred  Hiflory,  would  have  made  no  Scruple  of^  . 
if  we  may  judge  from  the  Hiflory  of  their  Anions 
under  the  like  Circumflances. 

I  am  not  at  all  furpriz'd  to  find  Ludlow,  and 
other  hot  Republicans,  precipitated  from  a  height 
of  Power  and   Greatnefs,  and  exposed  to  the  jufi 
Indignation  of  an  injured  Prince,  and  of  a  long  a^ 
bus'd  and  opprefs'd  People,  inclin  d,  at  any  Rate,  to 
traduce  the  great   Inflrument  of  their  Ruin  and 
Infamy.     Neither  are  we  to  wonder,  if  we  ftill 
find  Men  of  rigid  Republican  Principles,  equally 
violent  in  their  ExpreJJlons  of  Rage  and  Malice  a- 
gainft  the    Hand  which  pulVd   down  their  beloved 
Idol  of  Anarchy  and  Confufion.    Of  theie  Malig- 
nants  /  can  only  defire,  that  they  would  be  confiftent 
with  common  Senfe,  and  not  affcEl  to  recommend 
themfelves  to  the  Favour  of  a  King,  or  his  Mini- 
fters,  by  the  Defence  of  fuch  Principles  and  Pra- 
ctices, as  are  utterly  defirublive    of  Monarchy  in 
general.     But  from  all  true  Engliihmen,  from  the 


X  The  Editor's 

Friends  of  our  happy  Conflitution  in  Church  and 
State  J  the  Rejiorer  of  Religious  and  Civil  Liber- 
ties may  demand  a  Readinejs^  an  Alacrity ^  in  cele- 
brating his  undoubted  Virtues^  a  favourable  Con- 
jlruBion  of  what  is  doubtful^  arid  the  Forgivenefs 
of  'what  is  criminal  in  his  ConduH. 

How  far  he  is  capable  of  being  defended  from  the 
Charge  of  Hypocrify  and  Diffmulation,  will  ap- 
pear more  diftinSily  upon  a  Review  of  his  Hifiory. 
However^  fome  general  Remarks  may  here  be  made 
to  his  Advantage. 

T'hough  he  was  fometimes  more  free  than  Chri- 
fiian  Simplicity  will  juflify^  {though  not  more  than 
the  Neceffity  of  his  Affairs  requird)  in  his  Pro- 
feffions  of  AffeHion  to  their  Caufe  \  yet  fever al  of 
his  Declarations  and  Promifes  are  exprefs''d  in  am- 
liguous  I'erms^  and  capable  of  another  Senfe  than 
what  they  under  flood  him  in.  Particularly  when  he 
frofefs'dy  that  he  did  not  intend  to  fet  up  a  fingle 
Ferfon,  hut  to  fettle  the  Nation  upon  Common- 
wealth Principles  ;  it  was  fo  far  true^  that  he 
did  not  intend  immediately  and  direfl:ly  to  reftore 
the  King,  but  to  refvore  a  tree  and  full  Parliament, 
and  to  have  the  Re fl oration  of  the  King  the  imme- 
diate A 61  of  the  Nation,  of  the  whole  Nation  by 
their  Reprefentatlves. 

Where  his  ExpreJJions  are  too  flrong  and  full  to 
he  foftened  by  a  charitable  ConflruElioUj  fome  Al- 
lowance ought  to  be  made  on  Account  of  his  un- 
happy Circumfianccs^  by  which  he  was  cafl  among 
a  Set  of  People^  whom  he  neither  lov'^d,  nor  could 
trufty  as  Dr.  Skinner  obferves  ^  and  whan  he  loolCd 
upon  as  common  Villains  and  Robbers,  who  had 
no  manner  of  Right  to  the  flri£l  and  rigid  Obfer- 
vance  of  I'ruth  from  him.  I  am  not  now  con- 
fidering  whether  i:e  was  a  good  Cafuifl :    I  only 


Preface.  xi 

ohfeyve,  in  Vindication  of  his  Sincerity,  that  he 
feenCd  to  aR  upon  Principle  -,  upon  an  Opinion^ 
which  I  allow  to  he  erroneous,  that  he  might 
take  greater  Liberties  in  impofing  upon  them,  by 
Reafon  of  their  halving  forfeited  their  Right  to  an 
open  and  ingenuous   'Treatment. 

That  he  was   not  naturally   of  a  colluji've  and 
treacherous  Temper,  appears  from  the   refi    of  his 
Behai-iour,  and  from  undeniable   Tejlimonies.     My 
Lord  Clarendon  *  confejfes.  That  throughout  his 
whole  Life  he  was  never  fiiipc£l:ed  of  Diflimu- 
lation.  Dr.  -\  Skinner  takes  particular  Notice,  up' 
on  the  Occafton  of  his  going  to  the  King  at  Oxford, 
to   clear  himfelf  from  a  Sufpicion  of  Difloyalty^ 
that  the  Lord  Hawley,  then  Governor  of  Briftol, 
took  his  Parole  of  Honour,  knowing  him  to  be 
a  Perfon  of  Integrity,   and  that  would  not  fal- 
fify  his  Word.     Plainnefs  in  his  Dealing,  and  & 
certain  Franknefs  in  his  Behaviour,  were  fo  much 
his  proper   Chara^er,  that  he  obtain  d  among  the 
Soldiers  the  vulgar,  but  honourable  Title  of  Ho- 
neft  George.     2nd  it  cannot  efcape  the  Notice  of 
the  mofi  negligent  Obferver,  hoiv  different  his  Car- 
riage was  to  thofe  whom  he  thought  to  carry  honefi 
Purpofes,    and  to  thofe  Rebels,    who  had  ufurfd 
and  tyrannically  abused  the  Royal  Authority  3  hoisj 
great  and  uneafy    a  Refiraint  his  Behaviour  to- 
wards  the  latter  was   upon  his  natural  Temper, 
And  which,   I  think,  is  an   undeniable  Confirma' 
tion  of  his  acting   upon  a   fettled  Principle,   tho^ 
a  mijiaken  one,  in  his  fallacious  Conclude  towards 

*  Vol.  III.  %VQ.  p.  700.     t  p-  23.  Sea.  8. 


xii  The  E  di  tor's 

the  Common-wealth  -,     though  he  did   not  fcriiple 
to  make    Declaratiom    and    Promifes    repugnant 
to  his    real  Sentiments  and   Intentions^    he  ahfo- 
lutely  refus'd  ever   to  abjure  the  King  or  Mo- 
narchy, when   the  Abjuration-Oath  was  tender  d 
to  him  as  a  T'efi  of  his  Affe^ion ;    and  when  the 
Refufal  of  it  much  endanger' d  not  only  his   Inte- 
refi^  his  CommiJJion,  and  thereby  his  whole  Scheme, 
but  his  Life  too;    an  undeniable  Argument,  both 
of  his  confcientious  Regard  to  the  Sacrednefs  of  an 
Oath,  and  of  his  loyal  Intentions.     It  does  not  in- 
deed appear  that  he   ever  took   any  Oath  at  all, 
hut  the  Covenant,  which  declared  exprejly  for  the 
King  and  Monarchy.  Dr.  Gumble  queflions  whe- 
ther he  took  even    'That ;     but  an    Author  of  ^ 
good  Credit  affirms  it.     A  fcurrilous  Writer  with- 
out a  Name,  '\  pretends  to  give  us   the  Copies  of 
fever al  Letters,  wherein  the  General  calls  GOT) 
to  witnefs  in   the   fame  folemn  Manner  as  in  an 
Oath.     Rut    Anonymous  Authors   have  but  little 
Credit    in  Matters  of  Fact,  the  Truth   of  which 
depends  upon  their  own  Veracity.     He  docs  not  tell 
us  how  he  came  by  thofe  Letters,  where  they  may 
he  feen,  or  how  the  M^orld  is  to  be  fatisffd  of  the 
Faith fulnefs  of  his    Tranfcripts  -,     only  that    they 
were  before  him,  whether  upon  the  Table,   or  in 
his   Imagination,  we  are  left  to  the    Liberty  of  a 
Conje£lure.     If  me  judge  from  the   CharaHer   of 
the  ^  fuppos  d  yluthor,   who  made  no  fcruple   of 
falftfying  the  facred  Writings,    or  from  his  De- 
ftgriy    which  was  to    vilify  a  great    Man   by   the 
Comparifon  of  a  perjur'd    Villain,    we  may  ima- 
gine he  would  form   a  Character   to  his  Purpcfe. 

*  Whitlock.    \  The  Art  of  Reftoring.    *  Tq\'M-> 


Preface.  xiii 

//  is  certain  that  //:?£' General  did  write  feveral 
Letters^  both  from  Coldftream  to  the  Junfto, 
and  afterwards  from  London  to  the  Army  and 
Garrifons^  and  that  in  thofe  Letters  he  did  dif- 
femblc  his  real  Intention  >  but  that  he  did  it  in  a 
mamier  as  folemn  and  [acred  as  an  Oath^  and  yet 
that  in  a  fime  of  the  greatefi  Danger^  he  fhould 
refiife  an  Oath^  it  is  the  mofi  ahfurd  Siippofi- 

I  ha-ve  been  -particular  upon  this  Charge  of  Dif- 
fimulation^  becaufe  it  has  been  aggravated  with  a 
particular  Indujiry^  and  received  with  an  uncom- 
mon Credulity.  Neither  can  I  yet  leave  it  with- 
out obfervingj  to  the  eternal  Infamy  of  his  Ac- 
cufers^  that  thefe  religious  Pretenders  to  Simplici- 
ty and  godly  Sincerity,  who  reprefent  GEN5R.AL 
Monk  as  a  P  erf  on  wholly  abandon' d^  for  depart- 
ing fometimes  from  the  Jlri^  Rules  of  them^ 
though  driven  to  that  Necefjity  by  their  Rebellion 
againft  their  King  and  Country,  did  not  fcruple 
tbemfelves  to  falffy  the  moft  folemn  Oaths  and  En- 
gagements to  both.  Ludlow  in  particular  had 
taken  the  Covenant^  which  obliged  him  to  declare 
for  the  King  and  Monarchy,  and  at  the  fame 
time  was  a  notorious  Republican^  and  boafiedof 
it  as  the  greatefi  Glory  of  his  Life^  that  he  was 
one  of  the  King^s  Judges. 

I  have  a?-gued  hitherto  upon  the  Suppofition, 
that  General  Monk  was  as  deep  in  the  Re- 
publican Schemes,  as  he  has  been  malicioufly  repre- 
fented  by  foyne,  and  implicity  believed  by  other Sy  to 
have  been.  But  the  Matter  of  FaH  appeared  o- 
tberwife  to  thofe  who  had  the  befi  Oppertunities 
of  knowing    the    "truth    of  it.      Dr.    Skinner 

*  fays 

xiv  The  Editor's 

*  fays  very  jnfily,  that  he  was  unlickily  caft  a- 
mong  thofc  People,  rather  by  his  ill  Fate,  than 
any  Choice  of  his  own,  but  was  ftill  elpecially 
careful  to  keep  himfelf  from  their  greater  Guilts. 
Which  is  agreeable  to  what  the  Gene.RAL  pro- 
fefs'd  to  Sir  John  Greenvil,  'That  his  Heart  and 
Affedions  were  always  true  ^  and  tho^  he  had 
been  paffive  to  Ibme  of  their  Directions,  yet  he 
neither  had,  nor  would  aO:  by  them  in  Preju- 
dice to  the  real  Intereft  of  the  King.  Dr.  Gumble 
and  Dr.  Price,  who  attended  him  during  the  mo  ft 
exceptionable  Fart  of  his  Condu^^  (^JJ^^'^i  That  he 
never  aCled  direClly  againft  any  Per  Ions  who 
had  the  King's  Commiflion.  The  King  himfelf 
fo  far  acquitted  him  as  to  declare^  f"/?^/ General 
Monk  had  no  Malice  againft  him,  nor  had 
done  any  thing  but  what  he  could  eaiily  for- 
give :  The  manner  of  which  Exprefion  at  leaft  im- 
ports, that  he  was  not  deep  in  the  Projects  of 
the  Common-wealth  J  or  that  he  was  free  from  their 
greater  Guilts.  And  in  a  Letter  from  Breda  to 
the  General,  dated  May  20.  before  the  Refto- 
ration,  he  has  this  remarkable  Pajfage  :  I  muft  ever 
acknowledge  your  extraordinary  Atfeftion  to  me 
and  your  dilcreet  Condufl:  of  this  great  Work, 
in  which  you  have  had  to  do  with  Perlbns  of 
fuch  different  Humours,  and  contrary  Affefti- 
ons,  which   you  have    wonderfully    compols'd. 


My  Lord  Clarendon  alfo,  in  a  Letter  to  Dr. 
Barwick,  exprcfes  a  different  Opinion  of  Q^Y^^- 
RAL  MoNK'i"  Condu^  from  what  he  hadenter- 

*  Pag.  62.  Sea.  9. 

t  Life  of  Dr.  Barvjtck,  p.  438* 


Preface.  xv 

taifi'd  before.  Says  he.  The  ProfpeQ:  of  your 
Affairs  looks  very  well  towards  us^  and  I  am 
perfuaded  that  Monk  will  appear  to  have  aded 
like  a  Ibber  Man  "f .  'The  Original  of  this  Let^ 
ter,  under  my  Lord^s  own  Hand,  Mr.  Bedford, 
ivho  publijljed  that  Life  in  Latin,  and  is  now  pre- 
paring  a  Tranjlation  of  it,  by  Subfcription,  has  in 
his  Cuftody.  My  Lord,  in  fome  preceding  Letters^ 
had  complained  of  the  General'^"  ConduEi  for 
being  fo  myflerious  and  unintelligible ;  and  in  his 
Hijiory  he  [peaks  of  it  with  the  fame  Uncertain" 
ty  and  Doubt ;  rather  giving  an  Account  of 
the  various  Reports  and  Imaginations  of  others  a- 
bout  the  Genera  lV  Intention,  than  any  fettled 
Opinion  of  his  own.  But  towards  the  Dawn  of 
the  Refioration,  his  Purpofes  began  to  be  more 
clear  and  manifefi  from  his  Proceedings,  while  the 
JVifdom  and  Regularity  of  his  Proceedings  ap- 
peal d  equally  clear  from  his  Purpofes.  So  that  I 
hope,  for  the  future,  after  fo  fair  a  Confeffon, 
upon  better  Information,  and  a  clearer  Infight  in^ 
to  General  MonkV  Defigns,  my  Lord  Chren- 
donV  Authority  will  be  no  longer  inftfied  upon. 
His  Lcrdfjip  has  been  fo  juft  to  the  General, 
as  to  ackyiowledge  his  own  Convittion  j  and  who- 
ever has  been  mifled  by  his  Doubts  or  Mifinforma- 
tion,  ought  to  follow  his  generous  and  ingenuous  Ex- 

I  come  now  to  make  fome  particular  Remarks  up- 
on the  principal  Stages,  and  m^fi  important  Anions 
GenralMonKj  which  I  belive  will  flill  give 
a   better    Light    into    his    Charatler    and    De- 

\  p..427» 


xvi         The  Editor's 

It  ought  in  the  firfi  Place  to  be  remember' d^  tho' 
it  he  fufficiently  kno'wn^  that  Genera  Monk 
was  of  Royal  Extraction^  defcended  from  the 
Blood  of  the  Plantagenets,  and  educated  in  a  Fa- 
mily for  many  Generations  eminent  for  their  Loy- 
alty to  the  Crowny  and  their  yfffe^ion  to  the 
Church  of  of  England  j  under  the  Influence  of 
ivhofe  InflruUions  and  Example^  he  mufl  needs 
have  imhiVd  early ^  and  therefore  lafiing^  Impref- 
fions  of  Duty  and  Allegiance  to  his  King  and  Coun- 

M-^ith  thefe  inbred  Sentiments  and  Inclinations 
he  wenty  at  the  Age  of  twenty  onc^  into  the  Ser- 
'vice  of  the  States  of  Holland,  where  he  continued 
ten  Tears,  Which  Circumjlance  of  his  Life  my 
Lord  Clarendon  turns  to  his  Difadvantage^  inftnu- 
ating  that  he  then  contracted  a  fettled  Affefti^ 
on  for  their  Form  of  Government,  which  might 
incline  him  afterwards  the  more  readily  to  come 
into  the  Plan  of  the  Common-wealth  in  Eng- 
land :  Notivithflanding  he  left  their  Service  for 
ill  Ufage^  and  how  tmlikely  it  is,  that  unjufi 
Adminifiration,  efpecially  fuch  Inflames  of  it  as 
refledl  any  Difloonour  or  Injury  upon  our  flehes^ 
floould  give  a  Biafls  in  Favour  of  a  Govern- 

And  if  to  the  Affronts  he  receiv'd  from  the 
Com?non-wealth  in  Holland,  ive  add  the  Expe- 
rience he  had,  for  feveral  7  ears,  of  the  fatal  Ef- 
fedls  of  that  Government  in  England,  more  ex- 
penflive  in  its  laxes,  and  in  its  Adminiflration 
more  oppreflive  and  injurious  to  the  Rights  and 
Liberties  of  the  People,  than  ever  Monarchy  had 
been,  under  the  mofl  arbitrary  of  its  Kings  j  we 
can  hardly  imagine  that  General  ^o^Yifhould 
fo  far  ha-'^^e  defac'd  the  yearly  Imprejflons  of  his 


'    Preface.  xvii 

Touthy  fo  ivholly  forgot  his  Obligations  to  this 
Crown,  and  the  mtferahk  Confujions  nvherein  the 
Republick  had  involved  the  Nation^  as  to  defire 
the  Continuance  of  it.  So  that  I  wonder  my  Lord 
Clarendon  fJjould  draw  any  Confequences  from  the 
GeneralV  Reftdence  in  Holland,  for  a  Proof 
of  his  jiffed:ion  to  Republican  Principles,  in  Op- 
pofition  to  fo  many  flronger  Circumftances  inclining 
him  to  prefer  Monarchy. 

Upon  his  Return  from  Holland,  he  was  em- 
ploy''d  in  the  Expedition  againfi  the  Scots,  having 
been  recommended  to  that  Employment  by  the  Earl 
^/Leicefler,  as  a  Perfon  of  known  AffeElion  to 
the  Intereji  of  his  Majefty  j  and  he  acquitted  him- 
felf  therein  with  much  Honour  and  Fidelity. 

A  Peace  being  concluded  with  thofe  infamous 
Rebels,  very  difjonourable  to  the  Englifh  Nation^ 
and  fuch  as  gave  Encouragement  to  a  new  Rebel' 
lion  in  Ireland  3  the  Earl  of  Leicefter,  who  was 
nominated  by  the  King  and  Parliament,  to  the 
Lieutenancy  of  that  Kingdom,  made  him  Colonel  of 
his  own  Regiment  ;  in  which  Employment  he  flill 
preferved  the  Character  of  a  loyal  and  dutiful 
Subjetf,  and  for  his  eminent  Services  againfi  thofe 
Rebels,  was  thought  worthy  of  the  Government  of 

Upon  a  Ceffation  of  Arms  with  the  Irifh,  his 
Majefty  recalVd  the  Englifh  Forces  to  his  Afjl- 
fiance  againfi  a  more  dangerous  Rebellion  at  home. 
Several  Officers  belonging  to  thefe  Regiments,  were 
fufpe6ied  of  an  Inclination  to  ferve  the  Parlia- 
ment  againft  the  King.  Among  the  reft  was  Ge- 
neral Monk,  who,  upon  his  Arrival  at  Bri- 
ftol,  by  Order  from  the  Secretary  of  State,  was 
fecured^  and  fent  to  the  King  at  Oxford. 

b  This 

xviii      The  Editor's 

l^m  is  I  he  firjl  Ground  of  Diftruft  concerning 
General  MonkV  Loyalty  ;  which  my  Lord 
*  Clarendon,  who  never  was  thought  partial  to 
his  Chara^er,  afcribes  "  rather  to  the  want  of 
^*  Bltternefs  in  his  Difcourfes  againji  the  Parlia- 
"  meyi^t^  than  to  any  hzclination  towards  them.  " 
Dr.  Skinner  -f-  imputes  it,  "  to  his  being  one  of 
"  the  Earl  of  LeiceflerV  own  Officers,  in  particu- 
^'  lar  7f-iifl  and  Confidence  with  him.  "  If  L  may 
be  allow' d  the  Liberty  of  a  ConjeBure  in  this  Mat- 
tevy  the  true  Reafon  of  his  Difgrace  might  be  this : 
^e  Succe£}s  of  the  Parliamenis  Forces  in  Eng- 
land had  obli^d  the  King  to  recall  thofe  Forces 
from  Ireland  j  which  was  a  Step,  irregular  in 
Stri^nefs  of  Law,  tho''  apprehended  necejfary  to  his 
own.  Safety  j  he  having  before  agreed  to  an  A5i  of 
Parliament,  whereby  the  Commons  were  empow- 
er\l  to  profecute  that  War,  and  himfelf  obliged 
not  to  make  Peace  without  the  Confent  of  Parlia- 
ment. 'The  Earl  therefore  being  nominated  to  the 
Lieutenancy  by  the  iynmediate  Authority  of  the 
Parliament,  it  was  natural  enough  for  the  Court 
to  fear  the  Earl  and  his  Officers,  might  fiill  look 
upon  themfelves  as  the  Servants  of  the  Parliament^ 
by  Virtue  of  the  foremention^d  AEl. 

But  whatever  were  the  Grounds  of  the  King^s 
Diftruft ;  upon  Mr.  MonkV  Appearance  before  the 
King  at  Oxford,  his  Majefty  was  fo  entirely  fa~ 
tisffd,  that  he  made  him  Major-General  to  the 
Iriili  Brigade  then  commanded  dozvn  to  Cheihire. 
A  Circumft'ance  wherein  my  Lord  Clarendon  *  is 
miftaken  j  for  he  reprefcnts    him  as  going  thither 

*  Vol.  IIL  pag.  69^.    t  Chap.  2.   Seft.  7.    *  Vol.  III. 
p.  700. 


Preface.  xix 

only  in  Quality  of  a  Voluntier,    his  own  Regi- 
ment having  been  diJpos'd  of. 

In  this  Expedition  he  was  taken  Prifoner,  and 
committed  to  the  Tower  j  where  he  continued  till 
the  Conclufton  of  the^Far  between  the  King  and  Par- 
liament^ notwithjlanding  the  great  HardJJoips  he 
fuffer'd  in  his  Imprifbnment^  and  the  many  invi- 
ting Offers  from  the  Parliament ^  if  he  would  en- 
gage in  their  Caufe.  My  Lord  ClarendonV  Tejii- 
mony  in  this  Cafe  is  very  honourable  to  him  : 
*'  Pie  was  no  fooner  in  the  Tower,  than  the  Lord 
"  Lifle,  who  had  great  Kindnefs  for  him,  and 
''  good  Interefl  in  the  Parliament,  with  much  Im- 
"  portunity  endeavour'' d  to  perfuade  him  to  take  a 
'^  CommiJJion  in  that  Service,  and  offer'' d  him  a 
"  Command  fuperior  to  what  he  had  ever  had  be- 
*'  fore ;  which  he  pofttively  and  difdainfully  refu- 
"  fed  to  accept,  tho'  the  Streights  he  fuffer''d  in 
"  Prifon  were  very  great,  and  he  thought  himfelf 
"  negle^ed,  that  there  was  no  Care  taken  for  his 
"  Exchange,  nor  Money  fent  for  his  Support. " 

The  Truth  of  this  Account,  which  my  Lord  Cla- 
rendon here  gives  of  the  G'E^'EY.aV s  hard Circum- 
fiances  during  his  Confinement  in  the  TowQr,  and  the 
great  Dcfire  he  had  to  be  released  from  it,  is  con- 
firmed by  a  Letter  from  the  General  to  his 
Elder  Brother :  This  LETTER  is  now  in  the  Pof- 
feffion  of  Sir  Nicholas  Morrice,  and  a  Friend  of 
his  and  mine,  procured  me  a  Copy  of  it. 

^LETTER  from  General  Monk  to  his 
Elder  Brother,  Thomas  Monk,  Efq. 

"  T  Wrote  unto  yon  by  Captain  Bley,  in  which 
"  X  Letter,  I  did  defire  you  to  lend  me 
^^  iome  Money :    I  have   received  Eifty  Pounds 

b  2  «  by 

XX         The  Editor's 

"  by  your  Order  long  lince,  for  which  I  return 
*'  you  many  Thanks.  My  Neceffities  are  iuch, 
^'  that  they  enforce  me  to  intreat  you  to  furniih 
"  me  with  Fifty  Pounds  more,  as  ibon  as  pol^ 
**  fible  you  may,  and  you  fhall  very  much  obHge 
"  me  in  it.  lihall  intreat  you  to  be  mindRil  of  me, 
*'  concerning  my  Exchange,  for,  I  doubt,  all  my 
**  Friends  have  forgotten  me.  I  earneftly  in- 
"  treat  you  therefore,  if  it  lies  in  your  Power, 
«*  to  remember  me  concerning  my  Liberty  •,  and 
^'  ih,  in  hafte,  I  reft, 

Frr.n?  (be  Tower,  thh        Youv  Faithful  Brother 
6th  of  November. 

i  644. 

■  and  Servant y 


Does  this  Condu^  agree  with  the  fame  noble 
Hiflormi's  Opinion  in  another  Place,  of  which  I 
have  already  taken  notice^  that  he  contracted  an 
Inclination  to  a  Common-wealth  during  his  Re- 
lidence  in  Holland  ?  Or  rather  is  it  not  an  unde- 
niable Infiance  of  an  unfhaken  and  immoveable  At- 
tachment to  the  Royal  Caufe  ? 

IVben  the  War  was  at  an  End,  and  the  King 
htmfelf  a  Prifoner,  the  whole  Power  of  the  Na- 
tion in  the  Hands  of  the  Parliament ,  and  no  Pof- 
fihility  of  doing  his  Majefly  any  Service  in  England, 
the  Lord  Lifle  prevaiPd  upon  him  to  ferve  in  Ire- 
land i  a  JVar  in  which  he  had  been  engaged  before ^ 
and  which  was  agreeable  to  his  Principles,  the  Irilh 
being  declared  Enemies  to  England,  and  to  the  Kingy 
as  well  as  to  the  Parliament :  So  that  by  this  Ex- 
pedition he  did  not  properly  ferve  the  Parliament 
in  Oppojitlon  to  the  King^  hut  more  properly  the 


Preface.  xxi 

Nation  in  Oppofition  to  the  common  Enemies  of  it^ 
and  by  CommiJJion  from  the  Parliament^  who  were 
empowered  by  a  publick  AU  of  the  Legtflature^  to 
grant  CommiJJions  for  that  Purpofe. 

So  far  was  the  General  from  being  confcious 
of  any  Dijfervice  to  the  King  from  his  Acceptance 
of  that  CommiJJion^  that  befides  his  Declaration  to 
the  Bijbop  of  Ely,  then  in  the  Tower,  he  told  the 
Parliament  it  felf  That  he  was  going  to  fight 
againft  the  Irijh  Rebels,  but  not  againft  the  King, 
whom  he  was  refblv'd  never  to  oppofe :  Whence 
it  appears^  that  a  pofitive  Referve  of  his  Allegi- 
ance was  an  exprefs  Condition  of  his  accepting  the 
CommiJJion,  and  that  the  Parliament  comply'' d  with 
it.  T^his  remarkable  Pajfage  we  meet  with  in  the 
Life  of  Dr.  Barwick,  with  relation  to  the  Grounds 
of  that  good  Man's  Confidence  in  the  Genera l'j 
Loyalty y  from  what  he  had  often  heard  the  Bijhop 
of  Ely  relate,  as  the  Foundation  of  the  fame  Con- 
fidence his  Lordfloip  had  in  him  too. 

''  'that  that  great  Many  having  been  formerly 
''  taken  Prifoner  when  fighting  with  fignal  Bra- 
"  very  for  the  King,  and  that  in  no  mean  Poft, 
*'  and  after  a  long  and  fevere  Confinement  in  the 
*'  Tower  with  his  Lordfijip,  no  Hopes  left  of 
*•  recovering  his  Liberty,  (the  Kin^s  Caufe  grow- 
''  ing  daily  more  defperate')  when  Cromwel,  who 
*'  knew  his  Courage  and  Experience  in  Military 
*'  Affairs,  had  long  courted  him  to  come  over  to 
''  his  Side,  and  at  laji  offered  him  a  Command  in 
*'  the  Irilh  Service  ;  to  obtain  his  Liberty,  was 
"  perfuaded  to  accept  the  Offer,  but  with  this  Pro- 
"  teftation,  that  he  would  bear  Arms  againji  the 
'*  Irifh  Rebels,  but  by  no  means  againft  his  King; 
"  and  when  all  Matters  were  agreed,  and  he  was 
''  ^w'«^  to   take  leave  of  his  Friends^    he  came  to 

b  3  "  fhis 

xxii         The  E  d  i  t  o  r  's 

''  this  Bijhop^  and  throwing  himfelf  at  his  Feet^ 
''  ^sg^d  the  'venerable  Prelate'' s  Betiedi^ion-,  bin- 
*^  ding  himfelf  at  the  fame  time  with  this  folemn 
**^  Engagement^  that  he  never  would  he  an  Enemy 
*'  to  the   King. 

"  "^  Nempe  cum  in  Bello  olim  captus  fniileC 
''  vir  in  paucis  inflgnis  Regi  fortidimc  dimicans, 
"  &  fqualore  vinculorum  in  Arce  Londinenfi, 
'*  juxta  cum  venerando  Epilcopo  diu  maceratus 
"  fuiffet,  nee  ulla  fpes  Libertatis  recuperandce, 
*'  (rebus  Regiis  inndies  labentibas)  ipli  affulge- 
*^  ret  ^  diu  i  Cromwello,  qui  hominis  fortitudi- 
"  nem,  &  rei  Militaris  peritiam  probe  noverat, 
*'  in  fuas  partes  iblicitatus  eft  j  tandemque  ut 
*'  Libertate  fua  una  cum  prjeieftura  in  Bella  Hi- 
^^  bernico  frueretur  periuaflis,  contra  Rebelles 
*'  tiibernicos,  minime  vero  contra  Regem  fiuimj 
"  ie  armaturum  proteftans.  Cumque,  jam  accep- 
''  tis  conditionibus,  fuis  valedi^turus  eflet,  ad 
"  hunc  '\  Epifcopum  acceilit,  ad  cujus  pedes 
'*  provolutus,  venerandi  patris  benediftionem 
"  petiit,  hsec  fanfl:e  in  fe  recipiens,  Regi  liio  le 
"  hoftem  nunquam  futurum. 

vin  undeniable  ^eftimony  of  his  generous  and  open 
Dealing  with  the  Parliament^  and  of  his  uncorrup- 
ted  Fidelity  to  the  King  ! 

Accordingly  the  Writer  of  that  Life  afferts  it 
**^  as  a  Fall  7noft  wndoubted^  that  the  General 
f  never  fought  either  in  Ireland,  or  Scotland, /cr 
''  his  Deliverers  in  England,  but  employed  all  his 
*'  Force  againfi  thofe  who  had  formerly  created  the 
"  King  all  this  F'rouble  and  Difturhancc.  *  Hoc 
*'  autem  certillimum  eft,    Virum  illuftrilTimum 

*  Pag.  18  ^—5.    \  Dr  •  Wrtn.    *  IhiAew. 

<'  IJ^C« 

Preface.  xxiii 

"  Liberatoribus  fiiis  in  Anglia  nunquam  niili- 
"  taile,  vel  in  Hibernia,  vel  in  Scotia  5  contra 
''  Gentes  eas,  quce  has  Turbas  Regi  olim  con- 
"  citaverant,    omncm  operdm  impendentem. 

And  this  I  conceive  was  the  true  Reafon  of  tht 
Genera lV  being  fo  averfe  to  any  Employment 
in  the  Civil  Wars  at  home^  where  he  miijl  una* 
voidahly  and  dire^ly  have  opposed  his  Maje fly's  Inte-^ 
refl^  contrary  to  his  own  fledfafl  Refolutiony  and  open 
Declaration.  Neither  can  it  remain  any  longer  a 
^jieflicn^  whether  his  being  employ'' d  afterwards  ^- 
gainft  the  Scots,  "  was  at  his  own  particular  De- 
"  ft  re  and  Re  que  ft  ^  or  whether  his  good  Fortune  fo 
"  far  befriended  hini^  as  to  refcue  him  from  an 
"  Employment  he  fo  much  diflik'd^  that  of  fighting 
*'  in  England  j  "  *  tho'  Dr.  Skinner  could  not 
ahfolutely  determine  this  ^ueftion. 

As  a  further  Evidence  that  GENERAL  MoNK 
chofe^  for  his  ProvinccSy  the  remoter  Places  of 
Ireland  and  Scotland,  as  judging  them  to  be  equal- 
ly the  Enemies  both  of  the  King  and  Parliaments^ 
we  find  King  Charles  II.  correfponchng  with  the 
General,  and  direHing  him  to  thofe  very  MeA- 
Cures  he  parfuedj  in  relation  to  his  ferving  in 
Scotland,  where  the  King  thought  him  moft  ca.- 
pahle  of  doing  him  effectual  Service.  For  the  Aw' 
thor  before'mentioii'd  faySy 

"  After  I  had  wrote  thiSy  his  Grare,  Chrlfto- 
"  pher,  Duke  Albemarle,  did  me  the  Honour  to 
^'  Jhew  me  a  Letter  written  by  the  King^  all  in 
his  own  Hand^  to  his  Grace's  Father  command' 
ing  in  Scotland,  at  leaf  four  I'ears  before  the 
Refloration  3  in  which  his  Majefky  earmflly  ad- 
vised him  to  take  particular  Care  mt  to  fluff er 

*  Chap.  5.  Seft.  15.    f  Lifeof  Dr.2<j/w//;t.  p.  iS6. 

b  4.  "/;/?«- 

xxiv        The  E  d  1 1  o  r's 

"  himfelfy  hy  any    Jrtiflce  of  Cromwerj,   to   he 
''  drawn  out    0/ Scotland,    leaving  him    in  other 
*'  'ThingS'to  the  Dire^ion    of  his    own  'Judgment ^ 
"  not  in  the  leafi  doubtful  of  his  Fidelity  and  O- 
*'  bedience^  when  Opportunity  fiould  offer.     'This 
*'  Letter    he  preferv'd  among    his  mod   valuable 
*'  Ireafures-^  yet  feems  to  have  wrote  no  Anfwer 
*'  to  it^  thinking  it  much  better ^  and  in  that  dan- 
*•  gerous    ConjunBure  by  all  Means  fafer,  to  an- 
*'  fwer  by  fome  Heroick  Undertaking,  than  by  bare 
*'  empty  Words  -,  yet  from  this  profound  and  per- 
'•  petual  Silence,  thofe    Doubts   I  have  mention' d 
*'  abovey   without    all  peradventure,    had    their 
«  Rife, 

*'  Poftquam  liaec  Icripferam,  illuftriiTimus  Prin- 
*'  ceps  Chriftophorus  Dux  Albemarlis  oftende- 
*'  re  mihi  Literas  dignatiis  eft,  ad  patrem  fuum, 
*'  in  Scotia  imperantem,  quadriennio  faltem  an- 
*'  te  Regnutn  reftituum  a  Sereniflimo  Rege  da- 
*'  tas,  &  Regia  manu  exaratas,  in  quibus  ferio 
*'  monuit,  ut  Vir  illuftriflimus  id  unice  curaret, 
*'  ne  le  Cromwelli  Artibus  e  Scotia  divelli  pate- 
*•  retur  -,  cetera  de  ejus  fide  atque  obfequio,  qua 
''  data  opportunitate,  pr-^ftando  minime  dubius. 
*'  Has  ille  Literas  inter  lectiflima  Kti/UH^t/ot  re- 
*'  pofiiit^  Icribenti  tarn  en  nihil  refcripfiffe  viHis  eft  \ 
^'  omnino  fatius,  &  in  ifto  Rerum  dilcrimine 
*'  omnino  tutius  exiftimans,  Heroico  aliquo  faci* 
*'  norc,  quam  niidis  &  jejunis  verbis  re^ondere. 
"  Ex  hac  tamen  alta  &  perpetua  taciturnitate, 
*'  dubia  ilia,  de  quibus  lupra  diximus,  procul 
^'  omni  dubio  ortum  fbrtiebantur. 

From  the  Tenor  and  Date  of  this  Letter,  there 
is  no  room  to  doubt ^  but  it  was  the  very  fame  which 
is  publififd  in  the  Appendix  to  Dr.  Barwick'j  Life^ 
No.  I«  as  it  was  communicated  to  the  Editor   by 


P  REF  A  C    E.  XXV 

Sir  Hans  Sloan,  and  had  been  tranfcrib'd  by  him 
from  the  Original  in  the  Duke  0/ AlbemarleV  C^- 
binet,  in  thefe  Words: 

Colleny  Aug.  12.  1655. 

ONE  who  believes,  he  knows  your  Nature 
and  Inclinations,  very  well  allures  me,  that 
notwithftanding  all  ill  Accidents  and  Misfortunes, 
you  retain  ftillyour  old  Affedion  to  me,  and  re- 
Iblve  to  exprefs  it  upon  the  ieafonable  Opportu- 
nity J  which  is  as  much  as  I  look  for  from 
you.  We  muft  all  patiently  wait  for  that  Op- 
portunity, which  ma'y  be  offer'd  ibonner  than 
we  expeft  :  When  it  is,  let  it  find  you  ready  ^ 
and  in  the  meanTime  have  a  care  to  keep  yourlelf 
out  of  their  Hands,  who  know  the  Hurt  you 
can  do  them  in  a  good  Conjun£ture  -^  and  can 
never  but  fuipeft  your  Aft'eftion  to  be,  as  I  am 
confident  it  is,  towards 

Toury  &c. 

To  return  to  the  Connexion  of  our  Hiftory  : 
I'he  General  came  from  his  laft  Expedition  in 
Ireland  in  164^9^  and  was  out  of  all  Employment 
till  i6%c,  when  the  Scots  entered  into  a  T'reaty 
with  King  Charles  II.  for  refioring  him  to  his 
Kingdom  <?/"  Scotland. 

In  the  Expedition  (?/Cromwel  againfi  the  Scots, 

General  Monk  accepted  a  Commifjion.     And 

how  difficult  foever  it  may  feem^  at  firfi  Sight y  to 

reconcile  his  oppojing  the    Scots,  who  were  endea- 

•   *jjouring  to  reft  ore  the  King,  with  his  former  Refo- 


xxvi        The  Editor's 

lutionSy  That  he  never  would  oppofe  the  King, 
yet  he  might  have  very  good  Reafons  to  jujiify  him- 
felf  in  that  Part  of  his  ConduSi  \  at  leafi  his  de- 
clining any  further  Service  under  the?n^  from  his 
Return  to  England,  to  the  breaking  out  of  this 
JVar^  flainly  fiews  it  to  be  fo  in  his  Opinion. 

In  my  "Judgment  neither  Dr.  Gamble,  nor  Dr. 
Skinner  do  Jufiice  to  the  Ge'NErALj  in  giving  the 
follozving  Reafons  for  his  engaging  in  this  Expedi- 
tion :  I.  The  Rebellion  and  Iniolence  of  the 
Scots  againft  King  Charles  I.  and^  2.  Their 
perfidious  treatment  of  himfelf  in  Ireland.  Dr. 
Skinner  had  taken  notice  before^  that  vohen  the 
Scots  enter'' d  into  this  Treaty  ivith  his  Majefiy^  it 
was  concluded  upan  iuch  Terms  as  Goths  and 
Vandals  would  have  been  afliam'd  to  offer  to  ail 
hereditary  Prince.  As  the  Motives  to  their  In- 
furreSiion  were  an  Impatience  under  the  Govern- 
ment of  Independency,  and  an  intemperate  Zeal 
for  the  Presbyterian  Model  \  the  Eftahliflyment  of 
which  both  in  Scotland  and  England,  firfi  indue  d 
them  to  take  up  Arms  againfi  their  Sovereign  :  So 
they  intended  to  refiore  their  Religion,  by  making 
That  Efiablifirment  a  neccjfary  Condition  of  refio- 
fing  the  King.  /  have  not  I'inie  to  recapitulate 
the  Particulars  of  their  rcVmous  Pretences,  and 
'Treachery,  from  the  firfl  Tumults  in  the  Reign  of 
Charles  I.  to  the  Death  of  that  excellent  Prince  : 
But  a  Perfon  fo  well  acquainted  with  that  People 
as  General  Monk,  had  too  much  Reafon  to 
conclude,  they  would  not  refiore  his  Majcfly  upon 
honourable  Terms.  My  Lord  ^  Clarendon  tells  us, 
*'  They  were   fo  careful  in  ?nodcU!ng    this   Army 

>  Page  37$.  Vol.  III. 


Preface.  xxvii 

"  ivhkh  they  had  rats' d,  that  they  fufferW  feiv  or 
*'  no  Officers,  or  common  Soldier s,  muho  had  been  in 
"  the  Engagement  of  Duke  Hamilton,  or  ivhogave 
"  the  leafl  Occafion  to  be  fiifpetled  to  iviJJo  ijuell  to 
*'  the  King,   to    be  recei'u'd  into  their  Service.  '* 
j^nd  'when  they  were  totally  defeated  by  Cromvvel, 
the  noble  Hijlorian  ^  ajfurcs  us,  the  King  thought 
it  a  Matter  of  Triumph,    and  the  greateft  tlap- 
pinefs  that  could  beHiUhim,  in  that  h^  had  there- 
by loft  fb  great  a  Body  of  his  Enemies ;   who, 
if  they  had  prevaifd,  would  have  ihut  hiin  up 
in    Prilbn.     In  fJjort,    it  was  an   Army  neither 
rats' d  nor  go'uern'd  by  the  King :     They  were  not 
properly  his  Subjects,  but  he  rather  fubjeSt  to  them^ 
being  obli^d  to  recei-ve,i7iflead  of  having  the  Power 
to  give  Laws.     The  Rejioration  they  chiefly  aim'd 
at  was,  that  of  their  Spiritual  Dominion.     The 
Royal  Caufe  was  only  the  Pretence,  as  being  ap- 
prehended a  Means  fubfervient  to    it.     In  what 
Light  this  Matter  will  appear  to  the    Reader,  I 
know  not ',  to  me  it  feems  very  clear,  that  the  Scots 
would  not  have  reflofd  the  King  upon  fuch  Con- 
ditions as  were  conjiflent  with  the  Dignity  and  Pre- 
rogative of  the  Crown,  and  the  Rights  and  Liber- 
ties of  the  People  j    and  that  the  Government  could 
not  have  been  fettled  upon  any  lafiing  Foundation 
by  a  foreign  Force,  7nucb  Icfs  by  a   Nation  fo  ob- 
noxious to  the  Englifh,  and  fo  devoted  to  their  own 
particular    Interejts,    as  the    Scots  were  at  that 

The  Parliament  having  entirely  reducd  Scot- 
land, refov'd  upon  an  Acl  of  Coalition,  for  uniting 
both  Kingdoms  into  one  Common-wealth.    Gene- 


xxviii      The  Editor's 

RAL  Monk  iiuas  one  of  the  Com?m£ioners  fent 
down  to  Scotland  to  negotiate  this  Bujinefs  :  IVhkh 
being  intended  as  a  Dcjign^  not  only  againji  the 
King'5  perfonal  Interefl^  but  to  extirpate  Monar- 
chy out  of  that  Kingdom^  it  may  hewondredat^that 
if  the  General  carry' d  any  good  Inclinations  to- 
wards  the  King,  or  Kingly  Government,  hejloould 
he  concern  d  in  fo  wicked  a  Scheme. 

It  is  'very  difficulty  at  this  Diftance  of  T'ime^  and 
upon  an  imperfeEl  Knozvledge  of  Circumfiances,  to 
form  a  fudgment  of  all  the  Motives  and  Reafons 
npon  which  the  General  a^ed  in  every  Part  of 
his  Condu^.  The  Urgency  and  Necefjity  of  certain 
critical  Conjuntfures  might  oblige  him  to  fome  Mea- 
fures,  which,  for  want  of  knowing  the  true  Situa- 
tion Things  were  then  in,  do  now  carry  the  Ap- 
pearance of  quite  different  Purpofes,  than  thofe 
whereby  he  really  governed  him/elf.  This,  howe- 
'ver,  we  may  affirm  with  fome  Certainty,  that  the 
Danger  of  refifling  the  Importunities  of  the  Party 
mufi  have  been  great  \  that  his  Intereji  among  them 
would  have  been  impair'' d,  if  not  wholly  deflroy'^d^ 
and,  by  that  Means,  all  future  Power  of  ferving 
the  King,  entirely  lofl ,  that  they  could  have  ef- 
fected their  Defign  without  his  Affiftance :  Very 
probably  too  the  General  might  not  think  their 
Meafures  would  prove  effeUual  to  the  wicked  Pur- 
pofes  intended  by  them.  But  after  all,  we  7nuft  not 
argue  from  one  fiagle  PafJ'age  of  a  Man's  Life,  in 
Oppofition  to  the  general  Tenor  of  it,  but  account 
for  the  more  ambiguous  Parts  whereof  it  is  compo- 
fed,  by  thofe  which  are  plain  and  indifputable. 
Since  therefore  we  have  found  him  fo  very  vigi- 
lant in  what  related  to  the  KingV  Interefis,  f(f 
fiudious  to  avoid  all  Occafions  of  differving  him, 
we  ought  to  conclude  in  Favour  of  his  good  and  ge- 

Preface.  xxix 

Tieral  Intentions^  notwithftandingthe  Appearance  of 
fome  feiv  particular  Inflame s  {iffiich  could  really  be 
ajjign'd')  to  the  contrary. 

In  1655,  upon  another  Infurre£lion  /«  Scotland, 
General  Monk  went  thither  again,  and  in  a 
little  Time  composed  thofe  Diflurhances.  My  Oh- 
fervations  upon  the  lafl  Expedition  into  that  King- 
dom, will  fufficiently  obviate  any  Inferences  which 
may  be  drawn  from  hence. 

From  this  Time  to  the  Mejfage  from  the  KING 
to  //&^General  by  Mr  Monk,  there  is  little  which 
requires  any  Animadverftons  ^  only  I  fljall  wipe  off 
an  Imputation  of  Cruelty  during  his  Adminiflra- 
tion  in  Scotland.  My  Lord  Clarendon  ^  terms  it 
a  Rod  of  Iron,  and  a  Yoke  very  grievous  to  the 
whole  Nation^  an  Exprefjion  which  implies  every 
Thing  that  is  ignoble,  tyrannical,  and  opprefjive.  But 
how  fJjall  we  reconcile  thefe  Reprefentations  to  what 
he  fays  in  another -^  Place,  "  That  he,  (GENERAL 
Monk)  "  had  exercised  no  other  Power  over  them 
*'  than  was  abfolutely  necejjary  to  reduce  that  Peo- 
"  pie  to  an  entire  Obedience;  and  that  in  all  his  o- 
*'  ther  Carriage  towards  them  he  was  friendly  and 
"  companionable  5  and  as  he  was  feared  by  the  No- 
**  bility,  and  hated  by  the  Clergy,  fo  he  was  not 
*'  unbelov^d  by  the  common  People,  who  received 
"  more  Juflice,  and  lefs  Oppreffon  fron  him,  than 
"  they  had  been  accuftom'd  to,  under  their  own 
'*  Lords.  "  Dr.  SkinnerV  Account  of  this  Mat- 
ter will  be  feen  at  Chap.  7. .  Section  1 9.  and  more 
at  large  at  Se£l.  4,  7, 8.  of  Chap.  FII;  with  whom 
Dr.  Giimble  agrees. 

I  fhall  now  attend  Mr.  Monk,  the  Clergyman^ 
with  his  Majeflfs  Mejfage  to  the  General,  and 

*  Pag.  467.  55$.     +Page  702. 


XXX  The  Editor's 

fee  ijuhat  Difpofttion  it  found  him  in^  and  what  Re- 
ception is  w-ct  imth  from  him. 

My  Lord  Clarendon  "^  fays^  "  That  the  Gene- 
ral difmifs'd  him  (his  Brothei;j  ''  without  difco- 
"  "vering  to  him  any  Inclination  to  the  Buftnefs  he 
''  came  about.  "     I'be   ninth  Chapter  of  the  fol- 
lowing Sheets  gives  a  fatisfa^ory  Account   of  this 
'J'r  an  faction^   and  a  full  Confutation  of  my  Lord 
Clarendon' j"  Opinion  concerning  it.     A  Declaration 
for  a  free  and  a  full  Parliament  was  immediately 
drawn  up,  and  fgn'd  by  the  General  and  his 
Officers,    (though  fupprefd  afterwards,  upon  the 
Defeat    of  Sir  George  Booth)  in  the  fame  Stik 
with  that  of  Sir  George,   and  the  Lord  P'airfax, 
without  any  mention  7nade  of  the  King,  or  Mo- 
narchy -^  and  we  may  as  well  conclude  from  their 
Silence  and  Ca.ution,  as  from  the  General'j",  that 
they   intended  no  more  than  they  exprefy    declared. 
And  here  it  was  that  the  Ge^ekaj. feems  to  have 
formed  the  particular  Scheme  for  the  Refloration^ 
by  reducing  the  Military  Power  to  the  Obedience  of 
the  Civil,    which  he  fo  fuccefsfully  executed,   and 
which  alone  could   have  fucceeded.     T'hey  were  fo 
afraid  of  uniting  his  Majeffs  Enemies  by  an  open 
Declaration  for  him,  that  in  Sir  George  Booth' j- 
Infurreciion,   the   firfl  Appearance    was  only  of 
liich    Peribns    as  had  not  been  engag'd  on  the 
King'j-  fide.  -|-  TVhereas  the  General  was  con- 
tinually filling  up  his  Army  with  Perfons  of  known 
Affetlion  to  the  King.     And  Dr.  Barwick  tells  us, 
in  his  Brother  s  Life,  p.  149.    *'  That  in  reform- 
*'  ing  the   Officers  of  his  Army,   the    GENERAL 
"  chofe  the  rather  to  employ  Colonel  Cloberry,  he- 

*  Page  702.    i  Skinnsr,    Chap,  9.    ScA.  i. 


Preface.  xxxi 

*'  caufe  he  kneiv  him  to    he  in  the  Kln^s  Interefl^ 
"  and    that  Mr.  Otway  (afterwards  Sir  John) 
''  Brother-in-Laiv  to  that  Colonel,   and  moft  inti- 
*'  mately  concerned  with  him  in  the  Profecution  of 
*'  that  Interefl,  was  fo  well  affar^d  of  this,  that 
"  when  almoft  every  one  elfe  defpaifd  of  the  Royal 
"  Caufe,  he  had  fill  great  Hopes  in  the  General^ 
*'  purely  upon  this  Account. "     Illud  laltem  unum 
judicium  ab  eo  captabat  Ocwayus  animi  in  Re- 
gem  minime  malevoli,  cum  cxtevi  fere  omnes  de 
rerum  Himma  delperarcnt  \  quod  Cloburii  Opera 
&  Confilio   ad  elimlnandos    ab  Exercitu  Duces 
omnes,'de  quorum  fide  merito  dubitabat,  eo  liben- 
tius  uteretur,  quo  hominem  rei  Regix  ftudiolio- 
rem  noverat.     And  if  from  this   'Time,   we  find 
him   more  frequent  and  warm  in  his  Letters,  his 
Conferences,  his  puhlick  Speeches  and  Declarations^ 
for  the  Commonwealth,  it  was  hecaufe  all  his  AUi- 
ons  and  Proceedings  began  now  to  fpeak  more  plain- 
ly and  openly  for  the  King. 

^To  prevent  a  Ref  oration,  of  which  the  fever al 
Enemies  to  it  were  apprehenfive,  from  the  Temper 
and  Difpofition  of  the  Body  of  the  Nation,  and 
from  the  manifef  Tendency  o/General  MonkV 
Proceedings,  not  with flanding  his  artful  Difguifes  to 
conceal  it-,  among  other  Stratagems  employ'' d  by 
them  to  fruflrate  his  Purpofes,  they  made  him  an 
^ff^^->  fi^fii  ^f  ^^^^  Palace  and  Ejtate  of  Hamp- 
ton-Court, and  then  of  the  Government  itfelf.  Dr. 
Skinner  feems  *  to  think  they  were  not  in  earneji 
in  their  Compliment,  but  w.eant  it  only  as  a  fecret 
Contrivance  to  ruin  the  Generalj  for  which  O- 
pinion  the  Do^or  does  not  affign  any  Reafon^  nei' 

*  Pag.  277.  Seft.  S. 


xxxii      The   E  d  i  tor's 

ther  am  I  capable  of  ■propoftng  a  fatisfaElory  one* 
For  however  higotted  they  might  be  to   their  Re- 
publican Schemes^  which  I  am  apt  to  think  was 
owing  to   the   Conftderation   of  their  own   Safety^ 
more  than  to  the  Convitiion  of  their  Judgment ;  or 
how  averfe  foever  they  might  be    to  the  perfonal 
Inter efi  of  the  General  j    the  main  Point  they 
then  aim^d  at  waSy  to  prevent  the  Reftoration  of  a 
Family  they  had  fo  much  injufd  and  provoked ,  and 
from  whom  their  own  guilty  Confcience  could  expeU 
nothing  but  a  juji  Revenge.     "The  King  was  to  he 
kept  out  upon  any  'Terms  >  the  fever  al  Inter  efi  s  and 
Factions  among  themfelves^  and  the  united  IVifhes 
of  the  reji  of  the  Nation  were  fuchj  that  they  could 
not  think  of  any  probable  Means  of  excluding  him^ 
but  by  the  Advancement  0/  GENERAL   MoNK. 
Upon  this  VieWy  which  was  truly  the  State  of  the 
Cafe,  it  was  necejjary  to  their  Interefi,  (the  Prin- 
ciple which  actuated  and  govern'' d  all  their  Mea- 
fures^  to  augment  his  Power.     No  doubt  Sir  Ar- 
thur Hazier ig  knew  the  Sentiments  of  the  Party, 
when  he  offer  d  to  procure    a    hundred   thoufand 
Hands  that  Jhould  fubfcribe  to  his  Title.     So  ter- 
rifying were  the  Apprehenfions  of  another  Perfon  \ 
fo  great  the  General '5  Inter  efi,    that,    had  he 
not  been  fo  faithful  a  Subjetl,  he  might,  to  all  hu- 
man Appearance,  with  very  little  Difficulty,  have 
affumed  the  Name  and  Power  of  a  King.  Concern- 
ing the  Time  of  this  Offer  to  /Z;^  General,  there 
is  a  Difagreement  between  my  Lord  Clarendon  and 
the  refi  of  our  Hiftorians  5  the  one  making  it  antece- 
dent, the  other  fubfequent  to  Sir  John  GreenvilV 
Application  to  him.  ^     But  the  common  Account,  as 
it  is  the  trueji,  fo  it  feems  to   be  moft  to  the  //o- 
nour  of  the  GEi^iEKAL^s  Refufal.     My  Lord Ch- 

*  Clar.  p.  734,  5- 


Preface.  xxxiii 

Tendon  is  alfo  mlflakm  in  a  material  Circumflance 
relating  to  the  Conference  between  Sir  John  and  the 
General  -,  who,  when  Sir  John  came  to  him, 
after  he  had  Iblemnly  conjur'd  him  to  Secrecy, 
upon  the  Peril  of  his  Life,  told  him,  he  meant 
to  lend  him  to  the  King  *.     The  General  is 
here  reprefented  as  firjl  propofmg  the  Bufinefs  to 
Sir  John  i  whereas  Sir  John  with  great  Difficulty y 
by  the   Inter efl  of  Mr.  Mortice,  gained  Acccfs  to 
the  General,  and  boldly  declared  his  Commiffiony 
without  any  other  Encouragement  to  ufe  that  Free^ 
dom,  than  what  he  had  drawn  from  the  Gene- 
RAl'j  MeafureSy  ivhofe  Caution  was  fo  great  that 
he  did  not  think  it  fafe  to  reveal  a  Secret  of  fo 
much  Danger  to  himfelf,  and  to  the  Succefs  of  his 
Deftgns,  till  Sir  John  had  fliewn  himfelfy    by  an 
extraordinary  Inflame  of  Prudence  and  Courage,  a 
Perfon  fit  to  be  trujled  with  fuch  a  Secret.     A  Mi- 
ftake  which  diminifhes  the  Glory  due  to  the  Chara- 
Eler  of  that  Excellent  Perfon,  and  the  noble  Part 
he  a^cd'j  and  gives  my  Lord  Clarendon  an  Occa- 
fion  to  make  an  Obfervation  equally  injurious  to  the 
Mode  fly  and  Humility  of  the  General  5  /te, 
as  ibon  as  he  determin'd  to  advance  the  Deftgn, 
he    confulted  how  he  might  manage  it  in  fuch 
a  manner,  before  the  Meeting  of  the  Parliament, 
that  what  followed  miglit  be  imputed  to  his  Coun- 
lels  and  Contrivance -f-.     My  Lord  Clarendon  in- 
deed   has    related    the    Conduct    of  General 
Monk,  throughout  the  whole  Affair  of  the  Re- 
Jl oration,  with  lefs  Accuracy  and  Clear nefs  than  was 
n'^ual   with   that    noble  and    excellent    Hiflorian, 
The  Reafon  of  which  I  hinted  at  before;  that  here 

P-755-    tPag.  734. 

c  hi 

xxxiv         The  Editor's 

he  wrote  at  a  Diflnyicefrom  the  Scene  of  Aiilon^  and 
fro?n  the  confused  Informations,  if  not  arbitrary 
Conjediures  of  other  People,  and  upon  'Things  where- 
in  the  Perfon,  who  is  the  SuhjeU  of  the  Narra- 
tion, jludioufly  conceaTd  his  Proceedings,  and  Mo- 
tives from  the  Knowledge  of  the  TVorld.  I  have 
lately  feen  a  memorable  Pajfage  in  fome  Remarks 
upon  our  Englifh  Hijlory,  That  when  Sir  John 
Greenvil  returned  to  the  King  with  General 
Monk'^-  Anfwer  to  his  Majefifs  Letter-,  the 
General  enjoin' d  him  to  conceal  the  Know* 
ledge  of  their   Conference  from   Chancellor  HydQ. 

Having  mention'' d  GENERAL  MonkV  Refufal 
of  fuch  great  Offers,  it  gives  me  a  proper  Occafi- 
on  to  take  notice  of  the  Malice,  or  Ignorance  of 
thofe,  who  refolve  his  Part  in  the  Refioration  in* 
to  Self-interefl,  or  Self-prelervation. 

He  was  in  Jo  much  Credit  with  all  Parties,  by 
the  Reputation  of  his  extraordinary  IVifdom  and 
Courage,  and  the  Command  of  an  Army  affe^iio" 
nately  devoted  to  him,  that  he  could  at  any  Tims 
have  united  himfelf  to  either  of  them  upon  his  own 
Terms,  whether  in  refpedt  to  Honour,  to  Power^ 
or  Riches.  By  Overtures  of  this  kind,  which  he 
was  continually  foUicited  to  accept,  he  might  have 
been  fecure  of  greater  Advantages,  than  were  even 
pofjlble  for  the  King  to  grant.  Could  he  expeB 
the  Royal  Palace  and  Eftate  of  Hampton-Court, 
the  Authority  which  Cromwel  enjoyed,  the  Title  of 
King  from  the  KiNG  ?  And  yet  all  thefe  were 
ofere'd  him,  and  offer'' d  dire^ly,  to  prevent  his  ad- 
hering to  the  King^'  Intcrefl, 

But  if  he  went  over  to  the  ]L\n^,  astheyreprefenty 

upon  the  ProfpeH  of  a  better  Bargain,  how  did  he  fo 

refohitcly  decline  any  Bargain  at  all  ?  If  Intcreji  was 

■-       -^  .  thit 

Preface.'  xxxv 

the  Motive  to  his  Loyalty^  undoubtedly  Uwas  his  Tnte* 
reji  to  fecure  to  himfclfand  Friends  the  Advantages  he 
proposed  J  by  an  cxprefs  Stipulation.  Is  it  natural  or  cu- 
Jlomaryfor  (clfijloMcn  to  prefer  a  precarious  anduncet' 
tain  Reward^  to  one  that  is  determinate  and  fecure  ? 
Efpecially  confidering^  that  Services  have  general- 
ly a  larger  Value  fet  upon  them^  when  wanted^ 
than  after  they  are  effetled.  Nothing  carube  con- 
ceiv'^d  more  generous  and  difintercfied  than  the  Ge- 
JSIERAlV  entire  Confidence  in  the  Honour  and 
Goodnefs  of  the  Kingj  nothing  a  greater  Argu- 
ment of  Innocence  J  and  a  real  and  habitual  Af- 
fection to  the  King';  Service.  Guilt  is  always  dif- 
trufiful;  and  if  the  GeneralV  own  Confcience 
had  accused  him  as  much  as  fome  others  have  done^ 
he  would  have  been  more  careful,  upon  the  Return 
to  his  Duty,  to  have  fccur'^d  the  Pardon  of  his 
former  Dijloyalty,  or  at  leafi,  the  Reward  of  his 
growing   Services. 

And  for  the  Motive  of  Self-prefervation  j  this 
Pretence,  if  pofjible,  is  fill  more  unreafonable  than 
the  former,  having  indeed  no  manner  of  Fowada-* 
tion.  For  the  GENERAL  always  had  it  in  his 
Power  to  prevent  the  Refloration,  without  any 
Danger  or  Difficulty.  When  he  modelled  his  Ar^ 
my  in  Scotland,  inftead  of  giving  Umbrage  tc  their 
"Jealoufy  of  him,  by  putting  in  Perfons,  in  their 
Language,  difaffe^ed,  could  he  not  as  eafily  have 
found  others  of  different  Inclinations?  JVhen  he 
was  at  Coldftream,  and  Lambert  marchi'ng  d" 
gainfi  him  with  a  much  fuperior  Force,  could  he 
not  have  concluded  a  fafe  and  Advantageous  Peace^ 
infiead  of  running  the  Hazard  of  a  total  Defeat  ? 
And  after  he  came  to  London,  infiead  of  diffohing 
the  Jiinfto,  and  calling  a  new  Parliament,  the 
c  a  Inclinations 

xxxvi      The  E  D  I  T  o  r's 

Inclinatiom  of  which  he  could  eafdy  guefs  at^  could 
he  not  have  removed  their  Sufpicions^  and  prevent- 
ed their  Attempts  upon  his  Life^    by  joining  ivith 
them^  and  the  Forces  connnanded  by  Fleetwood? 
The  Difficulty  and  Danger  of  attempting  the  Re- 
fiorationy  is  urged  as  an  Argument  againfi  GENE- 
RAL   Monk 'J   intending    ity   while    they    make 
the  Refioration    the   fafe/i  thing    he    could  think 
of.     But  how  to  make  out  the  Necefjity  of  doing 
a  thing  in  order   to   our  Prefervation,    which   is 
attended  with  the  gtcatef    Difficulties ^    and    th<: 
moji  imminent  Dangers^  does  not^    I  confefs,    ap- 
pear clear  to  my  Apprehenfion^  and  cannot^  I  be- 
lieve^   be  naturally  accounted  for  by  any  other  Per-- 

Inhere  is  one  Imputation  more^  rcfpeSting  the  good 

Intentions  of  General    Monk    towards  the 

KingV  Return  J  which  a  learned  and  worthy  Per- 

fony  Air.  Kchard,  has  thought  worth  tranfcribing 

at    large  from   Mr.    Lock   into  his   Hiflory.    I 

wiJJj  he  had  thought   it  worth  a  particular  Con- 

ft deration,    and  not    have  left  it  wholly  to  the 

Judgment  of  the  Reader  j  fince  every   Reader  is 

not  attentive  enough  y  nor  other  wife  qualified  to  make 

a  true  fudgnient  of  a  Matter  of  Pah,  where  fo 

many   Circumflanccs  arc  to  be  compar'dy  in   order 

to  judge  with  Certainty  concerning  the  Probability ^ 

or  Improbability   of   it.     The  fame    Jufice  and 

T'endernefs  are  due  to   the   Character  of  deceafed 

PerfonSy    which  were    owin^  to  their  Reputation 

when  living  3  and  if  an  Hiflorian  inferts  any  ReJa- 

tio?ij  either  upon  the  Credit  of  -cottimon  Fame,    or 

the  Authority  of  any  l/Friter,    which  obf cures  the 

Glory   of  a  great    and  good  A5fion  ^  it   fJjould  be 

mention'' d  with  all  its  Circumflames  of  Credibili- 

Preface.         xxxvii 

iy  and  Incredibility,  for  fear  an  indolent,  an  in^ 
accurate,  or  ignorant  Reader  JJjould  believe  and 
p'Opagate  it,  upon  the  bare  Credit  of  the  Perfon 
by  whom  it  is  related;  it  being  very  natural  for 
the  TVorld  to  conclude,  that  a  judicious  and  can- 
did Perfon  would  not  relate  any  thing  to  the  dif- 
advantage  of  an  eminent  Chara^er,  efpecially  with- 
■out  declaring  his  disbelief  of  it,  if  he  thought  it 
incredible.  Nay,  I  cannot  but  conjider  this  Rule 
at  more  particularly  binding  upon  an  Hijlorian ; 
becaufe  if  he  does  an  Injury,  he  does  a  more  lajiing 
and  irreparable  one,  by  tranfmitting  it  to  dtfiant 
Ages  5  and  injures  not  only  the  Reputation  of  him 
•who  is  immediately  afj^e^ed  by  it,  but  is  an  Ene- 
my to  the  puhlick  Good  of  Society,  by  weakening 
the  Force  of  thofe  Motives  and  Incitements  to 
Virtue,  whereof  Mankind  are  generally  mofi  fen- 
fible.  And  I  will  venture  to  fay  further,  that  this 
Obfervation  concerns  an  Hiftorian  whom  I  have 
lately  mention'' d,  as  much  as  any  Hijlorian,  whofe 
deferv'd  Reputation  for  Diligence,  Candor,  Capa- 
city, and  Fidelity  will  be  fo  likely  to  give  Weight 
mid  Authority  to   the  Facts  he  reports. 

But  there  is  one  Circumfiance  which  does  not  per* 
fe^ly  agree  with  the  Neutrality  Mr.  Echard  pro- 
fefjes  in  this  Matter.  Immediately  after  the  Relation 
of  it,  he  fays.  This   gave  the  great  Turn  to  the 
Reftoration  of  King  Charles.     And  in  the  Index, 
under  Afhley  Cooper    /  find  this  general  Head, 
'The  main  Inftrument  of  the  Reftoration >  re- 
ferring, for  the  Particulars,  to  this  Story   of  Mr. 
Lock.     From  whence  I  conclude,  that  Air.  Echard 
thought  Sir  Anthony //j^  main  Inftrument  of  the 
Reftoration,    and  that  he  grounded   his    Opinion 
upon   the   Evidence  of  this    Story}  which  is  not 
c  3  kavina 

xxxviii         The  E  d  i  t  o  r  's 

leaving  it  wholly  to  the  Judgment  of  the  Reader, 
hit  giving  his  own  Judgment^  and  declaring  his 
Belief  of  it.  If  I  have  injured  this  ivorthy  Gen- 
tleman^ s  Meanings  I  heartily  ask  his  Pardon : 
But  I  can  underftand  it  in  no  other  Senfe. 

The  Story  which  I  am  going  to  examine^  may 
he  feen  in  Mr.  Lock'i"  Memoirs  of  Sir  Anthony 
Aihley  Cooper^  afterwards  created  Lord  Shafts- 
bury,  or  in  Mr.  EchardV  ^  Hiflory.  It  is  too 
Jong  to  he  tranfcriFd  here,  but  the  Sub  fiance  of  it 
is  thus: 

*'  That  General  MonkV  Wife  overheard  him 
''  making  an  Agreement  ivith  the  French  Ambaf- 
'^  f&dor,  to  take  the  Government  upon  himfelf,  up- 
^^  on  the  Affurance  of  Afjifiance  from  France ; 
^^  that  fhe  [ent  Sir  Anthony  Aihiey  Cooper  im- 
^'  mediate  Notice  of  it.,  who  fmnmoned  the  Coun- 
*-^  oil  of  State,  whereof  he  was  one ;  That  Sir  An- 
*'  thony  skilfully.,  and  by  diflant  Intimations^ 
'^  chared  the  General  with  it.,  who  difcover'^d,  by 
"  fome  Diforders  and  Confufton  in  his  Looks.,  that 
"  he  was  guilty  5  and  fo  difappointed  him  in  his 
■"^  Defign,  by  propoftng  fuch  Alterations  in  the 
*'  Army  J  as  made  it  ceafe  to  be  at  his  Devo- 
"  tion.'''' 

I  only  dejire  the  following  Circumflances  to  he 
'  confidered ;  and  then  I  fhall  be  very  willing.,  with 
Mr.  Echard,  to  leave  the  Determination  of  the 
Cafe  to  the  Judgment  of  the  Reader. 

In  the  firfl  Place.,  Mr.  Echard  obferves.,  that 
this  Account  is  fingular,  being  taken  Notice  of 
by   no  other  IVriter  but  Mr.  Lock,   nor    attefled 

page  758.  Third  Edition. 

Preface.  xxxix 

hy  any  other  Evidence ;    which  Circumflance  alone 
feems  'very  much  to  lejfen  the  Credibility  of   the 
Fa5i.     llje  General  is  [aid  to  have  been  fo  con- 
founded in  the  Council,  when  Sir  Anthony  charged 
him  with  it,  that  all  the  Company  were  convin- 
ced fome  foul  Play  was  intended,    though  they 
did  not  then  particularly  know  what  the  Matter 
was  •,  that  Sir  Anthony  laid  hold   of  this  Oppor- 
tunity to  propofcy  what  the  General  under  thofe 
Diffculties  found  himfelf  obliged  to  confent  to,  fb 
great  a  Change  of  the  Army,  that  it  ceas'd  to 
be  at  Monk's  Devotion,  and  was  put  into  Hands 
that  would  not  ierve  him  in  the  Defign.    Now 
it  is  at  all  probable  that  fo  remarkable  a  thing  fhould 
happen,  that  fuch  fudden  and  great  Changes  fhould 
he  made  in  the  Army,  without  any  mention  made 
of  it  in  Hifory  ?  ^hat  none  of  the  Council  fhould 
afterwards  enq^uire  more  particularly   into  the  Oc- 
cafwn  of  them,  when  they  faw,  by  the  GenekaVs 
Confufion,  that  it  was  fome  deep  Defgn,  at  which 
he  was  then  aifning  ?  'That  among  fo  many  Ene- 
mies as  the  General    then  had,    watching   all 
Opportunities  to  afperfe  him,    and  fo  many  more 
envious  of  his  Glory  and  Power,    none  of  theik 
fhould  know  or  publifJ)  the  Fa5l  wherewith  he  had 
been  changed? 

Mr,  Echard  obfer-ves  further,  that  Mr.  Lock 
had  this  Account,  probably,  from  the  Fountain 
Head,  meaning  my  Lord  Shaftsbury,  JVhich,  I 
think,  isfo  far  from  being  a  probable  Circumflance^ 
that  it  carries  another  jufl  Ground  of  Sufpicion. 
That  Lord  was  not  abfolutely  free  frojn  Ambiti- 
on and  Opiniatrety  ;  and  this  Story  tended  to  grati- 
fy his  Vanity,  as  it  might  he  thought  to  afford 
0,  fignal  Proof  of  his  Penetration  and  AddrsJ's^  in 
c  4  dif" 

ddi  The  Editor's 

difeoveringy  and difconcertmg  the  Gekekal'^s  Pro- 

je^  3  which  is  frofe£edly  the  Reafon  of  Mr.  LockV 
mentioning  this  Story.  And  it  likeivife  fa-vour'd 
his  Profpeti  of  Intereji  at  Court^  as  it  gave  him 
a  Pretence  to  make  a  Demand  upon  the  Crown, 
of  fome  confiderahle  Poji  of  Honour  or  Profit, 
for  fo  extraordinary  a  piece  of  Service. 

Much  of  the  Probability  of  this  Matter  depends 
upon  the  Evidence  of  the  GenerAlV  Wife^  and 
her  Evidence  in  a  good  Meafure  upon  her  Zeal 
for  the  Refioration,  which  is  not  fo  clear  as  it 
ougjot  to  he^  confidering  the  Strefs  which  is  laid 
upon  it.  If  I  had  the  Liberty  to  ufe  the  Name  ofa> 
great  Man  now  living^  I  might  convince  the  World, 
that  fhe  was  not  likely  to  oppofe  the  Advancement  of 
the  General,  when  it  was  offer''d  by  the  French 
Ambajfador^  having  before  Jhewn  fo  much  Refent- 
7?ient  to  Mr.  Morrice,  for  endeavouring  to  per- 
fuade  the  GENERAL  to  refufe  an  Offer  of  the 
fa?ne  Nature  from  the  Parliament. 

But  upon  the  Suppofition  of  her  violent  Zeal, 
let  us  confider  what  her  Evidence  isy  and  how 
far  it  will  go.  She,  from  another  Room,  hears 
the  Particulars  of  the  Agreement  under  Conli- 
deration.  Now  if  her  AffeHions  were  fo  warmly 
int  ere  fled  in  thi^  Matter  ^  they  muji  needs  excite  her 
Fears,  and  her  Fears  might  naturally  make  her  fan- 
fy  fhe  heard  things  which  f)e  did  not,  and  improve 
fofiie  broken  and  imperfect  Sentences  in  an  exprefs 
and  pofitive  Contra6i.  Which  is  the  more  likely 
to  be  true,  from  the  natural  Caution  of  the  Gene- 
ral, who  was  not  us'' d  to  talk  fo  loud  upon  fuch 
dangerous  Subjects,  that  a  Perfon  in  another  Room 
fnight  hear  diflinllly  the  Particulars  of  their  Con^ 
'vcrfation  j  efpecially  confidering  his  own  ^icknefs 


Preface.  xli 

of  hearing,  which  was  fo  exceeding  perre£t,  that 
no-body  could  lafely  whilper  a  Secret  in  the  lame 
Room  *. 

But  according  to  Mr.  LockV  Account  the  main 
Part  of  the  Evidence  is  the  Diforder  and  Confu" 
fion  of  the  General  j  from  whofe  Looks  and 
Behaviour  they  argue  more,  than  from  the  Autho- 
rity of  the  Lady's  Information.  In  anfwer  to 
this,  I  pall  only  cite  a  Paffage  in  Ludlow'j  Me- 
moirs, relating  to  King  Charles  I.  his  Reception 
of  the  News  of  the  MaJJacre  in  Ireland.  I  have  it, 
fays  he,  from  good  Hands,  that  the  King  was 
pleas'd  with  it.  Now  what  did  the fe  good  Hands 
found  this  horrid  Calumny  upon,  but  the  KingV 
Looks  and  Behaviour,  obferved  by  fome  who  hap- 
perCd  to  be  prefent  at  that  'Time  ?  For  it  never  was 
pretended,  that  he  ever  acknowledged  fo  impious  and 
inhuman  a  Pleafure :  If  then  the  Hatred  of  any 
Perfon  or  Perfons  towards  that  good  Prince,  whofe 
natural  Tendernefs  and  Compafjion,  and  whofe  ha- 
bitual Piety  render"* d  him  fo  averfe  to  Acts  of  Cru- 
elty, could  occafion  fo  wide  a  Mifconjiru^iion  of  his 
Behaviour  and  Looks ;  may  we  not  with  more 
Reafon  allow  fomething  to  the  Inanity  of  Sir  An- 
thony Afliley  Cooper,  or  to  fome  other  Paf- 
fton,  or  Prepoffefjion  in  the  refi  of  the  Council,  in 
the  ConJiru5lion  of  GENERAL  Monk'j  Looks  and 
Behaviour  ? 

In  what  Order  of  Time  to  place  this  memora- 
ble Conference,  Mr.  Lock  does  not  inform  us. 
Mr.  Echard  relates  it  immediately  after  the  Re- 

*  skinner  J  p.  418. 


Ixii         The  Editor's 

fufal  of  the  Go'vernment  from  the  Parliament, 
But  whether  it  was  before  or  after  (about  that 
*itime^  no  doubt ^  it  happened^  if  at  alT)  it  was 
■prior  to  Sir  John  Greenvii'i"  Application  to  the 
General,  when  the  General  firll  own'dhis 
Deftgn  of  reftoring  the  King,  faiing  what  he 
told  Dr.  Price  privately  at  Coidilrecim.  Now 
this  Account  of  Mr.  Lock  fuppofes^  that  the  Ge- 
neral had  given  Sir  Anthony,  and  the  reft  of 
ihe  Council^  AJfurances  of  it  before;  which  mufl 
he  the  Meaning  of  the  folloiving  IFords :  The 
General  averring,  that  he  flood  firm  to  what 
lie  Jiad  profeiled  to  them.  *  Here  is  an  Inconji- 
jiency  never  to  be  reconcifd^  and  which  explains 
the  whole  Intent  of  this  Piece  of  private  Hifiory. 
Sir  Anthony  wanted  to  have  it  believ'd^  that 
the  Plan  of  the  Relloration  was  laid  by  him, 
mid  that  General  Monk,  was  drawn  into  it 
hy  the  Influence  of  his  Councils, 

Be  fides  thefe  Inconfiflencies^  and  DefeUs  in  the 
Evidence  which  is  to  fupport  this  Fa5i^  the  Faot  it- 
felf  is  improbable.  For  though  \  Mr.  Echard  calls 
thiSy  The  General's  greatefl  Temptation,  /  can 
never  believe,  that  a  wife  Man  would  accept  of  the 
Government  from  a  French  Interejlj  arid  refufe  it 
from  the  Parliament  of  England :  A  People,  to 
whom  the  Apprehenfion  of  a  King'^  coming  in,  or 
governing  by  a  foreign  Power,  was  fo  dreadful, 
that  an  Attempt  of  that  kind  would  have  united 
all  the  feveral  Interefs  in  the  Kingdom  againfi 
the  General  ;  fhe  Republicans,  upon  the 
Strength  of  their  infuperable  Averfion  to  Monar- 

*  Page  758,    t  Pas-  7  57- 


Preface.  Ixiii 

cliy  y    the  Royallifts,   in    regard  to  their  Ma- 
iler's Interejl.     Even  his   own  Army  was  not  {o 
united  to  him,  or  fo  abfolutely  devoted  to  his  In- 
terejl, hut  that  a  great  Part  of  his  Officers  would 
have  left  him,  if  he  had  taken  liich  a  Refblution  j 
much  lefs  was  it  his  Defign  to  ibrm  an  Army  to 
an  implicit  Obedience  to  whatever  Refblution  he 
Ihould  think  fit  to  take,  as  my  Lord  Clarendon 
*  reprefents  it,  but  to  a  Compliance  with  his  Mea- 
fures  for  the  Reftoration.     Otherwife  how  could 
his  Regulations  in  the  Army  become,  as  undoubtedly 
they  were,  the  avowed  Grounds  of  their  Jealoufy 
concerning  him  ?    How  came  they  never  to  enter- 
tain  the  leaji  Imagination  of  his  having  a  Defign 
to  fet  up  himfelf,  but  only  from  the   'Temper  and 
Inclinations  of  his  Army,   which  they  knew  to  he 
towards  another    Perfon  ?     Before    he  began  his 
March  from  Scotland,  the  Scots,  who,  from  their 
Efieem  and  Love  for  him,  were  the  mofi  likely  to 
ferve  him  in  fuch  a  Defign,  offefd  to  raife,  and 
maintain    at  their    own  Charge,  [even  Thoufand 
five  hundred  Men,    which  he  refus'd  to   accept^ 
tho''  he  was  going  with  lefs  than  fix  'Thoufand  a- 
gainfi  Lambert,  whofe  Army  confified  of  twelve 
'thoufand.     TChe  Reafon  of  his  r'efufing  this  fea- 
fonable  Supply,  in  Appearance  fo  necejjdry   to  his 
own  Safety,  and  the  Ends  of  his  Ambition,  if  he 
had  any  fuch  in  view,  can  be  refolved  into  nothing, 
but  his  extreme  Caution,  left   he  fioould  give   Oc- 
cafion  to  fufpeEt,    that  he  had  any  Defign  of  em- 
ptying a  Foreign  Affiftance,  whereby  he  might  en- 
fiave  the  Nation,    and   is   abfolutely  inconfifient 

*  Pag.  715. 


xliv       The  E  d  i  tor's 

ivith  the  Suppofition  of  his  intending  to  fet  up  him* 

upon  the  whole  Matter:  Whatever  political 
Reafons  the  General  might  ha've  for  delibera- 
ting^ as  Mr.  Echardy^)'^  "^  he  did^  whether  he 
fjjould  accept  the  Government  as  the  Gift  of  the 
Parliament  J  or  for  feeming  to  comply  ivith  the 
fame  Propofal  from  the  French  Jm.baffador,  ac- 
cording to  Mr.  Lock,  {which  indeed  I  do  not  be- 
lieve^ there  is  no  Reafon  to  think  he  inte tided  either. 

'There  is  another  Refleclion  upon  his  Chara^er, 
which  is  equally  groundlefs  with  any  of  the  fore- 
going oneSy  That  he  was  in  his  Inclinations  for 

So  far  was  he  from  bei'ng  inclin'd  to  Presby- 
tery, that  when  he  was  offered  the  Covenant,  to 
qualify  himfelf  for  his  frft  Co?nmiffion  under  the 
Parliament y  Dr.  Gumble  tells  us,  he  confulted 
with  many  learned  Men,  before  he  could  fat  is fy 
his  Scruples  about  the  Lawfulnefs  of  That  En- 
gagement, the  principal  Defign  of  which  was  to  a- 
bolifh  Epilcopacy.  J^Vhat  Encouragement  he  ^ave 
the  Presbyterians  a  little  before  the  Reftoration, 
was  wholly  political,  and  for  Reafons  very  obvi- 
ous. The  reft  of  his  Carriage  towards  that  Peo- 
ple^ efpecially  in  Scotland,  where  they  had  mojl 
Power,  and  thereby  the  befl  Opportunity  of  dif- 
covering  their  Principles  and  Temper,  befpeak 
his  Opinion  of  them ;  as  alfo  their  avow'd  Ha- 
tred towards  him,  (which  my  Lord  Clarendon 
takes  particular  Notice  of,  in  a  Paffage  already 
cited  in  this  Preface)  is  a  IVilyiefs  that  they  did 
7iot  ejleem  him  a  Friend  either  to  their  Caufe^  or 
their  Perfons.       "       --    "•.       • 

*  Page  757. 


Preface.  xlv 

But  in  his  Speech  to  the  Jundo,  concerning  the 
Settlement  of  the  Kingdom y  he  fays  :  Moderate, 
not  rigid  Presbyterian  Government  feems  beft 
adapted  to  the  Interefl:  of  England. 

Occafjonal  Arguments  expreffed  in  fuch  loofe  and 
general  Terms,    are  'very    uncertain    Proofs  of  a> 
Mati's  Sentiments.     The  General  was  arguing 
upon  this  Occafon  from  Republican  Principles  -, 
and   a  Common-wealth  in   the   Churchy    might 
agree   ivell    enough,  perhaps,    hefi   with  a  Com- 
mon-Wealth in  the   State.     But  a    Parity    of 
Orders  in  the   one    will  not   agree  fo  well  with 
a    Subordination  in  the    other ;     nor  the  Difci- 
pline    of  a    Kirk,    with    the    Prerogative  of  a 
King.     Epifcopacy,    as  it  is  mofl  agreeable  to 
Scripture  and  primitive  Antiquity,  fo  it  has  been^ 
and  ever  will  be  found  the  befi  Friend  to  Monar- 
chy i  Which  is   the  true  Reafon  of  fome  Peoples 
diflike    of  it.      How    they   mutually  fupport  and 
firengthen  each  other,  and  how  unlikely  it  is,  that 
either  of  them  floould   long  fubfifl,  f'cparatcly^  in 
England,    we  learn   unhappily  frotn   the  Fate  of 
Charles  I.  Like  Saul -^nd^  Jonathan,  they  were 
lovely  in  their  Lives,  and  in  their  Leaths  they 
were  not  divided. 

I  flmll  detain  the  Reader  no  hngcr  than  while 
I  give  him  a  fhort  Account  of  the  Manufcript 
from  whence  the  following  Life  wis   la  ken. 

In  the  firfl  Place,  I  mufl  ajfure  the  Publick, 
'that  I  have  not  alter'' d  the  Senfe  or  Expref/ion  in 
any  one  Fnfiance  throughout  the  Hiflory ;  except 
that  I  have,  in  fome  few  Places,  added  a  M'^ord 
inhere  it  was  necejfary  to   a  Qrammatical  Con- 

Jiru^ion  ^ 

Ixyi         The  Editor's 

firuUion  ^  and  divided  the  Book  into  Chapters  and 
Se^ions  for  the  Reader's  Con'veniency.. 

The  Copy  was  found  in  the  Study  of  Mr.  Owen, 
late  Curate  at  Bockin  in  Eflex.  /  had  traced  it 
up  by  a  probable  'Tradition  in  that  Neighbourhoody 
to  Dr.  Skinner,  who  liv'd  at  Cokhefter,  and 
was  Phyfician  to  the  Duke  of  Albemarle, 
when  refiding  at  New-hall  //^Ellex.  ^nd  I  have 
fmce  compared  it  with  fome  of  the  DoElor's  Bills 
from  off  the  File  at  Colchefter ;  and  from  the  Si- 
militude of  HandSy  I  believe  it  to  be  the  Doilor^s 
own  Hand-writinZ' 

But  after  the  greatefi  Part  of  my  Copy  was 
printed,  Mr.  Great,  an  eminent  Apothecary  in  Col- 
chefter, was  fo  kind  as  to  fend  me  another  Copy, 
which  agrees  literally  with  mine^  and  was  tran- 
fcriFd  by  Mr.  Shelton,  formerly  Rector  of  St. 
James'j-  in  Colchefter  j  after  whofe  Death,  it 
fell  into  the  Hands  of  Mr.  Great.  I  pre  fume  this 
Copy  was  tranfcriFd,  by  the  Author  s  own  Di~ 
r  eh  ion  J  for  the  Prefs,  becaufe  it  has  his  Name, 
the  'Title,  the  Tear,  the  Place,  and  Printer  s  Name 
to  it,  which  mine  had  not.  However  it  demon" 
firates,  that  this  Hiftory  was  written  by  Dr, 
Skinner,  The  Reader  alfo  cannot  but  obferve,  that 
the  Author  of  this  Hiftory  mentions  his  having 
wrote  Ibmething  of  a  like  Nature,  though  in  a- 
nother  Language  ;  by  which  he  certainly  means 
his  Motus  Compofiti. 

Anthony  Wood,  in  his  Fafti  OxonienieSj 
P^ol.  II.  Pag.  1 85).  gives  the  following  Account  of 
Dr.  Skinner.  .-:. ,    . 

'■-,  ■    •    •       -      '■:  '  ■  "  Thomai 

Preface.  Ixvii 

"  'thomas  Skinner  of  St.  John's  College,  Oxr 
''  ford^  was  a^lually  created  Do^or  of  Phyfick, 
"  by  Virtue  of  the  Letter^  of  the  Chancellor 
'*  of  the  Univerfity,  which  iay,  that  he  was 
^'  for  fbme  Time  bred  at  Cambridge  ^  but  was 
"  forc'd  to  leave  that  Univerfity  in  the  Times 
"  of  Ufurpation,  by  Realbn  ofthe  illegal  Oaths, 
''  and  other  Impofitions  olfered  to  him,  where- 
"  by  he  was  prevented  taking  his  Degree. 
"  And  this  Dodor  hath  added  a  third  Latin 
"  Part,  which  lie  calls  Motus  Compofiti  ^  after- 
"  wards  tranflated  into  Englijlo  by  another  Hand, 
"  with  a  Preface  by  a  Perlbn  of  Quality. 

There  is  a  ColleUion  of  Papers  referred  to  at 
•P^S*  333-  "i^hich  I  never  could  get  any  Account 

The  Epitaph  upon  the  Duke  of  Albemarle 

was  printed  by  itfelf  a  little  after  his  Death,  and 

being  out  of  Print,  I  have  fubjoyn^d  it  to  his  Hi' 

ftory,    hoping  it  may   be  acceptable  to  the    Rear 


Feb.  13.  i72|. 

^^^Z''     IFilUam  Wehjier. 


vol!.  ;:..:.:.  J  orb  j-  '•! 

e:;1   Mf 

•   J  K>'' 

,   .1 




Have  heretofore  publifhed 
fomething  of  a  like  Nature 
with  the  following  Sheets, 
(tho'  in  another  Language) 
wherein  feveral  Things,  thro' 
want  of  better  Information, 
were  imperfedly  defcribed  ;  yet  the  tair  and 
charitable  Receptiort  it  met  with  from  the 
Readers,  has  not  only  encouraged  me  to 
entertain  them  again  with  the  enfuing  Rela- 
tion, but  has  equally  oblig'd  me  to  make 
them  fome  Amends  by  a  more  correal  and 



t;  The  Author'.^ 

enlarg'd  Account  of  thofe  things,  concern- 
ing which  I  was  then  either  miftaken  or  de- 

Yet  if  any  Man  thinks  he  has  Reafon  to 
admire  at  my  Attempt  in  writing  the  Life  and 
Adions  of  the  late  Duke. of  Albemarle^  I 
fhall  meet  him  with  a  jufter  Wonder,  that 
this  Province  had  not  been  undertaken  by 
fome  other  Hand  5  and  that  whilft  the  Lives 
of  feveral  lefs  confiderable  or  fubordinate  Per- 
fons  have  been  defervedly  written,  we  find 
fo  little  (t  except  an  hafty  and  loofe  Account 
publiftied  to  ferve  a  private  Occafion)  record- 
ed of  this  great  Inftaurator.  But  whilft 
fome  ( by  the  Benefit  of  his  Prudence  and 
Succefs)  have  had  fo  great  Leifure,  and  o- 
thers  fo  great  Obligations,  the  Hiftory  and  A- 
dions  of  this  illuftrious  Perfon  have  (for  ten 
Years  fmce  his  Death)  lain  altogether  neg- 
leded,  and  paflTed  over  in  Silence. 

This  Difregard  towards  his  Memory  does 
loudly  arraign  the  Ingratitude  of  this  Age, 
and  is  a  fort  of  new  Fanaiicifm,  fucceflive  to 
the  former,  which  he  had  fo  fortunately  fup- 
prefs'dj  by  which  we  are  become  as  much 
Enemies  to  his  Glory,  as  the  Committee  of 
Safety  or  Rump  Parliament  were  to  his  De- 
figns,  or  Scot  and  Cobbet  to  his  Perfon.     Po- 

t  The  Life  of  General  Monk,  by  Br.  Gumblc. 

rn  fterity 

PRE  FACE.  3 

ftcrity  will  blufh  and  wonder,  to  find  no  o- 
thcr  Monument  of  him  than  a  ftufF'd  Effigy 
in  a  Prcfs  at  IVeJimwfter,  to  whofc  Fame 
and  Memory,  in  elder  and  more  grateful 
Times,  Temples  and  Altars  would  have  been 

And  now  this  Attempt  of  gathering  a 
few  rough  Stones  towards  his  Monument, 
being  fallen  to  my  Share,  I  am  very  fen- 
fible,  that  in  deferibing  the  Fortune  and 
Adions  of  the  ^nke  of  Albemarle,  I  mud 
alfo  encounter  all  his  Enemies,  and  run  o- 
ver  the  whole  Scries  of  his  Adventures  again 
from  Coleftream  to  London:  Yet  whilft  I 
am  employed  in  this  Service,  I  cfteem  my 
fclf  ftill  under  the  Protedion  of  the  Sword, 
and  the  wife  and  aufpicious  Condudl  of  that 
great  General. 

But  that  I  have  undertaken  his  Hiftory, 
who  was  never  concern'd  in  any  of  his  A- 
ftions,  and  had  the  Honour  to  know  him 
only  in  the  laft  Years  of  his  Life ;  I  reckon  it 
a  very  little  and  unequal  Exception  againfl: 
me,  fince  I  am  fure  no  Hiftories  have  been 
worfe  written  than  by  thofe  who  had  fomc 
Share  in  the  Adions  they  relate  -,  nor  better, 
than  by  others  who  were  unconccrn'd,  and 
took  their  Aim  at  a  Diftance.  For  though 
the  former  may  be  prefumed  to  have  a  more 
diftindl  and  perfed  Knowledge  of  things,  yet 
fueh  Writers   have   always  had   fomc  body 

B  2  whom 

4  •  The  A  u  T  H  o  r'5 

whom  they  fcar'd  to  difplcafe,  and  others 
whom  they  were  obUg'd  to  dignify  5  bcfides 
an  infeparable  Humour  of  working  in  fome 
little  Adions  of  their  own,  which  have  fcarce 
ever  been  fo  decently,  inferted,  but  that  they 
have  put  fome  Shadow  or  Difadvantage  up- 
on the  Luftre  of  the  chief  Aftor.  Upon 
this  Account  many  are  the  trifling  Paflages 
of  Thilip  de  Comines,  which  would  never 
have  been  mentioned  by  any  Writer  but  him- 
lelf,  who  had  a6led  fome  Part  in  thofe  times. 
And  that  I  may  not  trouble  the  Reader  with 
remoter  Inftances,  the  Accounts  that  are  al- 
ready extant  of  this  great  Perfon,  whom  we 
are  now  defcribing,  and  drawn  by  fuch  as 
flood  fomewhat  nearer  to  the  Scene  of  his  A- 
dions,  are  ( to  fay  nothing  harder )  a  very 
particular  and  convincing  Argument,  that 
fuch  Perfons  are  not  always  the  fitted  to  re- 
late them. 

Yet  in  Matters  of  this  Nature  the  T>i5fa- 
tor  Cafar  mull  always  be  excepted,  who  was 
a  very  extraordinary  Perfon  at  his  Pen,  as 
well  as  his  Sword,  and  wrote  his  own  A- 
ftions  and  Encounters  as  regularly  as  he 
fought  them. 

On  the  other  fide,  Lwy  has  given  us  the 
Hifl:ory  of  the  Roman  Commonwealth  and 
Confidary  Times  Vv-ith  the  greater  Exadnefs 
and  Eloquence  j  and  Tacitus  has  defcrib'd 
the  Imperial  Government  with   the   deeper 



[udgmcnt  and  Rcfearch ;  yet  the  firfl:  was  co- 
eval to  the  laft  Part  of  his  own  TDecad,  but 
died  under  the  Empire:  And  the  other  was 
an  Infant  at  the  End  of  his  own  Anna's^  and 
but  of  Years  fit  to  write  about  the  Time 
which  concludes  his  Hiftory  :  So  that  neither 
of  them  wrote  from  any  particular  Know- 
ledge of  their  own,  but  both  of  them  had  a 
great  Induftry  to  colled  Relations,  an  equal 
Judgment  in  chufmg  the  beft,  and  perhaps 
fome  particular  and  concealed  Advantages  for 
Information.  The  moft  fteady  and  exem- 
plary Writer  of  Lives,  Thitarchj  never  faw 
the  Faces  of  any  of  thofe  brave  Greeks  and 
Romans  whom  he  dcfcribed,  who  were  all  in 
their  Urns  and  Afhes  many  Years  before  his 

The  Hiftory  of  the  Belgk  War  is  very 
juftly  efteemed  one  of  the  moft  abfolute  and 
compleat  Draughts  of  modern  Story ;  yet  we 
find  not,  that  the  Author  Strada  was  ever 
nearer  Flanders  than  his  College  at  Rome  i 
but  drew  all  thofe  fair  and  exad  Lines  from 
the  Letters,  and  Memorials,  and  other  Infor- 
mations of  the  Prince  of  ^arma.    ■ 

In  which  Advantage  we  pretend  to  fome 
Parallel  with  that  great  Author,  having  had 
the  Opportunity  to  perufe  a  great  Part  of 
thofe  Papers  refcued  from  the  Fire  in  London, 
befides  other  Memorials  and  MSS.  relating 
to  the  Time  and  Anions  we  dcfcribe.     We 

B  3  have 

6  The  Author'^ 

have  had  alio  the  Privilege  of  frequent  and 
particular  Difcourfe  and  Information  from 
more  Pcrfons  of  Honour  and  Quality  than 
were  immediately  concern'd  or  employ 'd  in 
the  principal  Affairs  of  that  Age,  fo  that  the 
Reader  may  believe  we  have  written  with 
fom.e  convenient  Light  by  us. 

And  whereas  feveral  Paflages  are  herein 
mentioned,  that  ferve  only  to  continue  the 
Order  and  Connexion  -oi  our  Story  5  I  have 
not  held  my  felf  oblig'd  to  defcribe  them 
more  particularly  than  was  neceffary  for  that 
End,  refcrving  our  principal  Care  and  Exad- 
nefs  for  thofe  Affairs  in  which  the  Duke  of 
Albemarle  was  moft  efpccially  concern'd. 

In  thofe  Inftances  which  the  Wifdom  of 
the  State  has  thought  fit  to  conceal,  we  have 
not  prefumed  to  make  too  near  an  Approach, 
or  pry  too  inquifitively  into  the  Art  of  Go- 
vernment J  nor  in  doubtful  Paflages  to  amufe 
our  Reader  with  bold  and  prefumptuous  Con- 
jedures:  But  in  all  Particulars  (refcrving  our 
Allegiance  to  the  Supremacy  of  Truth)  have 
endeavour'd  to  make  the  beft  of  our  own 
Age,  being  fure  that  the  fucceeding  (when 
we  have  done  all  we  can)  will  not  fail  to  pay 
us  home  with  Satire  and  Reflexion. 

But  though  I  have  given  my  Reader  fome 
Account  of  fuch  Advantages,  as  came  in  my 
Way  for  compiling  this  Vv^ork,  and  have  made 
him  privy  to  my  Aim  and  Method  in  the 

5  Manage- 


Management  of  it,  yet  I  efteem  my  felf  ob- 
lig'd  to  acknowledge  to  him  my  many  other 
particular  Dcfeds  j  and  to  ask  Pardon  of  this 
Age,  and  of  Pofterity  alfo,  that  being  placed 
in  the  Vale  of  a  low  and  private  Life,  I  have 
adventured  to  draw  the  s;rcat  Lines  of  a  Per- 
fon  that  ftood  fo  high ;  who,  as  he  was  Tin- 
gled out  by  the  fuprcme  Providence  for  great 
and  extraordinary  Performances  5  fo  he  was 
certainly  none  of  the  ordinary  Produdions  of 
God's  Hand,  but  a  very  fublime  and  fingu- 
lar  Perlon,  fill'd  with  all  thofe  Qualities  and 
Endowments,  which  were  ncceffary  to  ac- 
complifh  thofe  great  Things  to  which  he  was 

He  had  Prudence  fufficient  to  difcern  or 
fruftrate  all  the  Arts  and  Contrivances  of  the 
Crafty;  a  Courage  that  was  not  to  be  en- 
countred  by  the  boldeft  Rebels,  orOppofers 
of  his  Allegiance  j  a  deliberate  Patience  in 
chufing  the  true  Meafurcs  and  Minutes  of  his 
Bufinefs;  and  an  impregnable  Silence,  by 
which  he  kept  himfelf  and  his  Purpofes  in 
the  dark  to  his  Enemies,  and  left  no  Track 
behind  him. 

All  which,  with  the  particular  Actions  of 
his  Life,  we  have  endeavour'd  (with  greater 
Faithfulnefs  than  Ability)  to  defcribe  in  the 
enfuing  Story,  that  the  Reader  may  firft  in- 
form his  Knowledge  in  the  ftupendous  Con- 
trivance of  his  Majefty's  Rcftauration,  and 
B  4  anew 

8     The  AvTuo^'s  PREFACE. 

anew  confirm  his  own  Allegiance  by  fo  great 
an  Example. 

A  s  to  the  Truth  of  Things,  (efpecially  in 
the  main  Point  of  this  Hiftory)  it  fhall  be 
anfwer'd  for  by  my  felf  5  but  for  my  manifold 
Defc6ls  in  the  Method  or  Language,  I  muft 
be  enforc'd  to  lean  fomewhat  hard  upon  the 
charitable  Opinion  and  Indulgence  of  my 
Reader.       . :5.>-,,r^^'^  .     i  ..■.,,,,r::.  •  :,.j  ii^^^ 

L-,.  \noh,-,T;r/h>;  THE 




O  F 

General  MONK, 

CHAP.    I. 

I,  His  Birth,  and  fome  Account  concerning 
the  Circumftances  of  his  Family,  II.  The 
Occajion  of  a  moft  bafe  Indignity  offered  to 
his  Father y  Sir  Thomas  Monk.  III.  He 
refents  it  after  a  Manner  that  obliges  his 
Father  to  fend  him  fooner  into  Spain  than 
he  otherwife  intended^  under  the  Com- 
mand of  Sir  Richard  Greenvill,  his  Rela- 

10  The  LIFE   of 

t'ton.  IV,  The  next  Tear  he  goes  in  the 
Expedition  to  the  IJle  of  Rhec,  and  is 
made  an  Enfign.  V.  Teace  being  conclud- 
ed with  France,  he  repairs,  in  the  Earl  of 
Oxford's  Regiment,  to  ferve  in  the  Ne- 
therlands :  Is  afterwards  removed  under 
the  Command  of  Lord  Goring,  and  made 
Captain  of  his  own  Company.  VI.  His 
ConduB  in  that  Service.  VII.  A  memorable 
Adt  of  Injuftice  done  to  him  at  Dort  -,  up- 
on which  he  generoiifly  throws  up  his 
CommifJIon.  Vlll.  His  Return  to  England 
tipon  the  firft  Beginning  of  the  Scotch  i?^- 
bellion,  with  the  true  Cirounds  of  it. 

EORGEy  Duke  of  Albe- 
marle y  was  born  at  'Pot he- 
ridge  in  ^evonjhire  on  Tuef- 
day  the  6'^  of  ^December,  in 
the  Year  t6o8.  In  his  Youth 
he  was  brought  up  at  School  in  the  Coun- 
try, refiding  fometimes  with  his  Father,  fome- 
times  with  his  Grandfather  by  the  Mother's 
Side,  Sir  George  Smith,  who  was  alfo  his 
Godfather.  Being  a  younger  Brother,  and 
the  Eftate  of  the  Family  fomewhat  in  Dc- 
clenfion,  he  was  defigned  to  make  his  For- 
tune by  the  Sword,  and  to  be  fent  to  the 
Wars  abroad,  being  not  yet  full  feventeen 
Years  of  Age.  To  which  Employment  he 
was    haften'd    fomewhat     fooner    than    his 


General  Monk.  ii 

Friends  intended,  by  an  Accident,  which, 
though  it  be  lufficiently  known,  yet,  being 
the  firft  publick  Adventure  of  his  Life,  we 
will  not  omit  the  Relation  of  it. 

King  James  being  newly  dead,  and  the 
Bufmefs  of  the  '^Palatinate  growing  now  def- 
pcrate,  and  the  Spanijh  Match  broken  off, 
in  fuch  fort  as  feem'd  to  threaten  a  War  with 
that  Crown,  and  which  was  alfo  voted  in 
Parliament  j  His  Majefty,  Charles  I.  among 
other  Inftanccs  of  his  Care,  vifits  thofe  Parts 
of  his  Kingdom  which  lay  moft  diredly  op- 
pofite  to  Spain,  to  take  a  View  of  the  Con- 
dition of  his  Navy,  and  upon  that  Account 
came  as  far  zsTlimoiith  mi)ev  on /hire,  "where 
the  Gentry,  according  to  their  Duty,  were 
making  ready  to  attend  him.  Among  the 
reft  Sir  Thomas  Monk  (who  was  always  a 
very  confiderable  Perfon  in  the  publick  Af- 
fairs of  the  County)  refolv'd  to  be  prefent. 
But  knowing  there  were  feveral  Encum- 
brances left  by  his  Father  upon  the  Eftate, 
and  that  he  might  be  obnoxious  to  fome 
Judgment  or  Statute  againft  him,  he  firft  fent 
his  Son  George  to  the  Under-SheriiF  of  the 
County,  dcHring  that  he  might  with  Liberty 
and  Freedom  attend  upon  his  Majefty,  upon 
this  publick  Occafion,  now  entring  the  Coun- 
ty :  And  for  fo  great  Rcfped  fhew'd  him, 
that  he  would  accept  the  Gratuity  he  l^d  fcnt 


ji  fhe  LIFE   of 

him  by  his  Son.  The  Attorney  acknow- 
ledg'd  Sir  Thomas  Monk's  Defire  to  be  at  that 
Time  very  fair  and  reafonable,  accepted  the 
Prefent,  and  promis'd  him  Security.  Yet, 
notwithftanding,  afterwards  he  found  it  his 
Interefl:  to  arreft  the  Perfon  of  Sir  Thomas 
Monk  upon  an  Execution,  in  the  moft  pub- 
lick  Place  of  the  County  where  they  were, 
at  their  Convenience,  to  receive  his  Majefty. 

II.  The  Villany  of  this  treacherous  Adion 
was  not  fo  deeply  refented  by  Sir  Thomas 
himfelf  as  by  his  Son  George^  infomuch  that 
he  fought  out  the  next  Opportunity  to  meet 
the  Under-SherifF  at  Exeter,  where,  having 
expoftulated  the  Indignity  of  the  Adion,  he 
effedually  cudgcl'd  him  for  his  Perfidy.  The 
Courage  of  the  Attorney  was  much  at  the 
Rate  of  his  Honefty  ;  but  being  a  Retainer  to 
the  Law,  he  expeded  the  Law  fhould  vindi- 
cate him  J  and  to  that  End  was  making  rea- 
dy his  working  Tools,  to  reckon  with  the 
young  Qent;leman  for  the  Battery. 

III.  This  Accident  led  his  Father  to  fend 
him  abroad  fomewhat  fooner  than  he  had  in- 
tended. And  the  Voyage  for  Cadiz  in  Spain 
being  then  defigned,  he  was  committed  to 
the  Care  of  a  near  Relation,  Sir  Richard 
Greenville  who  had  Command  in  that  Ex- 
pedition...  This  was  the  firft  Tryal  he  was 

\''A  '. .;.;  '■}>::     .     '■  -     ■  to 

General  Monk:.  i^ 

to  make  of  that  Profelfion  he  intended  to  fol- 
low, and  which  prov'd  fo  unlucky  as  might 
well  have  difcourag'd  a  new  Beginner.  For 
the  Expedition,  through  many  Mifadventures 
of  Wind  and  Weather,  and  other  unfortunate 
Accidents,  befidcs  a  contagious  Sicknefs  in 
the  Navy,  proving  unfuccefsful,  the  Fleet  re- 
turn d  about  the  End  of  the  Year  home  to 
turnout hy  and  this  our  young  Soldier  with  it. 

IV.The  following  Year  began  the  War  with 
France,  upon  Caufes  fufficiently  known.  And 
in  the  Expedition  to  the  Ifle  of  Rhee  and 
Rochel  he  accompany 'd  S\^  John  Burroughs. 
In  the  Voyage  to  Spain  he  had  ferved  only 
as  a  private  Soldier,  but  now  he  was  made 
Enfign  in  this  Voyage  to  the  Ifle  of  Rhee-,  it 
is  not  eafy  to  fay  which  were  greater,  the 
Misfortunes  of  the  Engltjh,  or  their  Cou- 
rage. But  in  lefs  than  two  Years  time  the 
RochellerSj  for  whofe  Sake  the  War  was  un- 
dertaken, fubmitting  to  their  own  King,  and 
the  Crowns  of  England  and  France,  by  the 
Mediation  of  the  State  of  Venice,  QOVL\m2^  to  an 
Agreement,  he  came  back  from  i^/:?^^  1628. 
and  the  next  Year  (being  now  2 1  Years  of 
Age)  he  went  into  the  Low-Countries, 

V.  England  being  now  at  Peace  with  her 
Neighbours,  and  having  no  Occafion  for 
Men  of  the  Sword,  the  Enfign  Monk  betook 


i4  ^^  LI F E  of 

himfelf  to  the  great  Seminary  of  War  and 
warlike  Men,  the  United  provinces,  where 
he  was  firft  entertained  in  the  Regiment  of 
the  Earl  of  Oxford:  And  after  fome  Years 
was  remov'd  into  the  Command  of  the  Lord 
Goring^  and  made  Captain  of  his  own  Com- 
pany, not  being  yet  arrived  to  the  30*  Year 
of  his  Age. 

VI.  In  this  Service  he  did  not,  like  a  young 
Captain,  retain  his  Commiilion  as  a  Warrant 
for  Luxury  and  Extravagance,  but  in  earneft 
minded  the  Bufinefs  of  a  Soldier,  informing 
himfelf  duly  in  all  the  Methods  and  Arts  of 
War,  being  prefent  at  moft  of  the  great  Adi- 
ons  that  happen  d,  during  his  almoft  ten  Years 
Continuance  in  that  Employment. 

VII.  In  the  laft  Year  of  his  Service  to  that 
State  (the  Bufinefs  of  the  Summer  being  o- 
ver)  he  had  his  Winter  Quarters  aOign'd  him 
at  '\Dort :  Where  there  happen'd  a  Difference 
between  him  and  the  BiirgberSy  upon  this 
Occafion.  Some  of  his  Soldiers  had  commit- 
ted Diforders  in  the  Town,  for  which  he  was 
ready  and  fevere  enough  to  have  punifhed 
them  according  to  Martial  Difcipline.  But  the 
imperious  Burgher- Alafters  would  take  the  Bu- 
finefs under  their  own  Cognizance,  pretending 
they  could  allow  no  Authority  in  their  own 
Liberties  equal  to,    or  diftind  from   their 

■  .  .  i-i  owns' 

General  Monk.  t^' 

own.  And  this  proceeded  at  laft  to  (o  great 
a  Quarrel,  that  the  Matter  was  brought  to 
the  Hearing  of  the  Prince  of  Orange :  Who, 
though  he  had  lately,  in  the  fame  Inftance, 
given  his  Judgment  for  Sir  Richard  Cavey  yet 
was  now  lb  farprevail'd  upon  to  favour  rather 
the  Authority  of  the  Burghers  -,  and  Captain 
Monk  was  forc'd  to  exchange  his  Quarters  at 
^ort  for  worfe  in  a  meaner  Place.  The  Circum- 
ftances  of  this  ill  Ufage  fo  greatly  difoblig'd 
him,  who,  under  a  plain  and  moderate  Beha- 
viour, carry 'd  great  and  generous  Spirits ;  that 
he  quickly  after  threw  up  his  Commillion,  dif- 
daining  to  expofe  himfelf  any  longer  in  the 
Service  of  an  ingrateful  Commonwealth. 

VIII.  From  Holland  he  return'd  back  to 
England  about  the  30^^  Year  of  his  Age,  about 
the  Time  that  the  firfl:  Scotch  War  began. 
A  War  never  to  be  remembred  without  Hor- 
ror and  Deteftation,  as  being  the  Prelude,  by 
the  Succefs  and  Advantage  of  it,  to  the  Re- 
bellion in  Ireland^  and  to  the  long  and  bloody 
Civil  War  that  prcfently  after  followed  in 
England.  This  Rebellion  in  Scotland  was 
fomented  by  fome  of  the  Nobility  of  the 
Kingdom ,  to  avoid  refunding  back  to  the 
Church  the  Lands  they  had  in  the  Minority 
of  King  James  alienated  -,  by  the  infolent 
Clergy,  to  withdraw  themfelves  from  Sub- 
iedion  to  their  Bifhops ;  and  by  the  Teople, 


T.6  The   LIFE  of 

through  a  certain  Sottiflinefs  of  Nature,  and 
a  deprav'd  Education.  From.  France  it  was 
fupported  by  the  Cardinal  RkhlieUj  who 
fent  private  Emiflaries  over,  to  advife  and 
encourage  them,  and  thereby  was  revenged 
on  King  Charles  I.  for  aiding  the  Rochellers. 
From  England  it  had  the  Approbation  and 
good  Wiflies  of  all  the  Turitans  and  Non- 
conformifts,  who  abetted  the  DifTenfions  of 
Scotland,  as  a  Support  to  the  Common  Caufe, 
or  a  Place,  if  there  might  be  Occafion,  of 

CHAP.    IL 

I.  He  is  made  Lieutenant-Colonel  in  the 
Expedition  againft  the  Rebels  in  Scot- 
land ;  his  QonduSi  and  Bravery  in  that 
Expedition.  II.  A  Treaty  at  Rippon 
with  the  Scots,  too  favourable  and  ad- 
vantageous to  thofe  Rebels.  III.  Earl  of 
Leicefter  made  Lord  Lieutenant  of  Ire- 
land. IV.  Lieut eyiant 'Colonel  Monk  at- 
tends him  thither,  and  is  made  Colonel  of 

'  his  own  Regiment.  V.  His  Services  a- 
gainftthe  Rebels  about  Dublin,  recommend 
him  to  the  Government  of  that  City.  VI. 
The  Incurfion  of  the  Scots  into  England. 
VIL  Which  cmifd  a  Ceflation  with  the 
.  .  "  IriOi 

General  Monk.  17 

Iridi  Rebels,  and  obliged  the  King  to  re- 
tall  the  Englilh  Army  to  his  AJJiflance. 

VIII.  Colonel  Monk  returns  "Joith  them^ 
but  is  fufpe^edj  as  being  the  Earl  of  Lei- 
cefterV  Colonel,  to '  favour  the  'Parlia- 
ment-,  andy  ttpon  that  SajpicioUy  ordered 
to  be  fecured  at  Briftol :  Lord  Hawley, 
Governor  of  that  ^lace,  permits  him  to 
go  upon  his  Parole  to  the  King  at  Oxford, 
to  whom  he  is  introdnc'd  by  Lord  Dig  by. 

IX.  The  King,  in  regard  to  the  great  Re- 
putation which  he  had  acquired  in  the 
Army,  admits  him  to  a  private  Conference 
with  his  Majefty.  X.  His  Opinion  con- 
cerning  the  State  of  the  King's  Army 
there ^  which  he  declares  to  the  King,  who 
makes  him  Major  General  to  the  Irifli  Bri- 
gade. He  is  taken  Prifoner  by  Sir  Tiio- 
mas  Fairfax.  A  Chara^er  of  Sir  Thomas. 
And  of  how  great  Importance  Major  Ge- 
neral Monk  was  thought  by  the  Parlia- 
ment, who  remove  him  from  Hull  to  the 
Tower  of  London.  XL  His  Father,  Sir 
Thomas  Monk,  dies,  and  leaves  him  an 
Annuity.  Obfiacles  to  his  Releafe  from 
his  Imprifonment.  XII.  The  King  pri- 
vately fends  him  a  lool.  XIII.  The  Parlia- 
ment propofed,  by  his  long  Imprifonment, 
to  gain  him  over  to  their  Side.  A  favou- 
rable Occafion  for  his  Enlargement.  XIV. 
The  Motives  upon  which  he  accepted  a 

C  CommiJJion 

i8         the   LIFE   of 

CommiJJion  to  ferve  againft  the  Rebels  in 
Ireland,  tinker  the  Lor<^ hide,  with  whom 
%      hereturn'dto'Ew^Xznd. 

I.^^APTAIN  Monk  had,  by  his  long  Stay 
\^  in  the  Netherland's  War,  brought 
home  the  Reputation  of  a  good  Soldier ;  and 
at  the  Recommendation  of  the  Earl  of  Lei- 
cefier,  to  whom  he  was  ally'd,  was  placed 
Lieutenant  Colonel  to  the  Regiment  of  the 
Earl  of  Newport^  who  was  then  General  of 
the  Ordnance.  Both  thofe  Northern  Expe- 
ditions had  but  little  Adion  in  them.  But  at 
Newborn,  after  the  Scots  prefled  hard  upon 
his  Quarters,  with  very  few  Men,  and  lefs 
Ammunition,  he  fo  lined  the  Hedges  with 
his  Firelocks,  and  brought  off  the  Ordnance 
with  that  Bravery  and  Condud,  that  none  of 
all  the  Scotch  Regiments  had  the  Courage  or 
Confidence  to  impede  his  Retreat.  And  when 
the  Earl  of  Strafford,  General  of  the  Army, 
moved  the  King,  inftead  of  treating  further 
with  fuch  infolent  Rebels,  to  give  him  Leave 
to  charge  them  :  Lieutenant  Colonel  Monk 
was  one  of  thofe  few  that  earneftly  urged  a 
Battel,  and  gave  very  good  Reafons  for  the 
Security  of  the  Event :  And  was  many  times 
afterwards  heard  to  difcourfe  it  with  a  parti- 
cular Indignation,  that  fo  brave  a  Force  of 
Horfc  and  Foot,  able  to  have  reduced  a  bet- 
ter Army  than  the  Covenanters  could  raife. 

General  Monk.  ip 

and  another  kind  of  Kingdom  than  Scotlandy 
Ihould  be  lb  bafely  betrayed  and  baffled  by 
thofe,  who  had  their  Influence  upon,  or  be- 
trayed the  Counfels  of  the  late  King. 

II.  But  this  War  ending  at  laft  in  a  Trca- 1646) 
ty  begun  at  Rippon^  with  To  much  Advantage 

to  the  Covenanters ;  who,  for  this  their  Scotch 
Rebellion,  were  paid  with  EngUfh  Money,  par- 
don'd  and  carefs'd  by  the  King  and  Generals, 
thank'd  by  their  Party  in  England  \  the  great 
Succefs  thereof  gave  new  Encouragement  to 
the  long-defign'd  Rebellion  in  Ireland  to 
break  our,  O^^^^r  23,  1641.  Which  wasthei6-fi 
more  confidently  attempted  by  the  Death  of 
the  great  Earl  oi  Strafford,  then  feafonably  de- 
ftroy'd  by  the  Malice  of  a  Faction,  whofe  Pow- 
er and  Policy  was  only  dreadful  to  the  Irijh, 

III.  To  obviate  thefe  growing  Evils  in 
Irelandy  the  Earl  of  Leicejter  was  both  by 
King  and  Parliament  (then  fitting)  agreed  up- 
on as  a  fit  Perfon  to  fucceed  in  the  Lieute- 
nancy of  that  Kingdom,  after  the  Death  of 
the  late  Earl  of  Straford:  And  Forces  al fo 
were  voted  to  be  rais'd  in  England  for  the  War. 

IV.  In  this  Service  Lieutenant  Colonel 
Monk  was  appointed  by  the  Earl  of  Leice- 
fier   to    be  Colonel  of  his  own  Regiment, 

which,  with  the  other  Forces,  was  not  fent 
C  2  into 

20         7'he   LIFE   of  -n 

into  Ireland  for  fome  while  after.  All  thofc 
Supplies  were  much  retarded,  through  thofe 
Jealoufies  which  then  began  to  arife  between 
the  King  and  his  (then  long  and  fatal)  Par- 
liament :  So  that  much  of  the  Money  rais'd 
here  for  carrying  on  the  War  againft  the 
Rebels  in  Ireland  was,  by  the  Parliamenr, 
employ 'd  in  their  own  Civil  War  in  England. 
And  many  of  the  Soldiers,  at  firft  lifted  for 
Irijh  Service,  were  engaged  in  the  Army  of 
the  Earl  of  Ejfex.  But  though  the  Evglijh 
Forces  were  at  laft  fcnt  over,  yet  the  Earl  of 
Lekefler  never  went  to  his  Government, 
difcouraged  either  by  the  Fate  of  the  Earl  of 
Straffordj  or  the  ill  Condition  of  the  Iri(h 
Affairs  J  which  the  War  in  England^  then  in 
Frofped,  was  like  to  make  worfe.  The  Earl 
of  Ormond  was  in  the  interim  appointed  by 
him  Lieutenant  General  of  the  Englijh  Army 
in  his  Abfence,  -and  hisCommiflion  wasalfo 
confirm'd  by  the  King.      ,  , 

V.  Against  this  Rebellion,  which  was 
fo  far  advanc'd  before  the  March  of  the 
Evglijh  Aids,  Colonel  Monk  did  very  good 
Service  in  and  about  T^tiblin:  Inibmuch 
as  the  Lords  Juftices  thought  him  to  be  the 
fitteft  Man  to  be  Governor  of  that  City. 

VL  But  whilft  Colonel  Monk^  and  thofe 
other  Forces  in  Ireland,  were  ftrenuoufly 
... ;  ~  '  I      ~'-  carrying 

General  Monk.  21 

carrying  on  the  War  againfl:  the  Rebels  there, 
the  Civil  War  in  England  bziwccn  the  King 
and  Parliament  began,  and  had  fo  far  pre- 
vailed with  fome  Advantage  on  the  King's 
Side,  that  the  Parliament  began  to  think  of 
calling  in  the  Aid  of  the  Scots,  who,  fome 
while  after,  very  readily  trufled  up  their 
Trinkets  and  Covenant,  and  in  Shoals  came 
marching  into  England,  zealous  for  their 
Common  Caufc  and  Plunder.  To  balance  in  1 64.3 
fome  Mcafure  this  foreign  Aid  from  Scotland, 
his  Majcfty  was  enforced,  by  the  Counfel  of 
Neccfllty,  to  aflent  to  a  Ceflation  with  the 
Irijh  Rebels,  and  recall  the  Englijh  Army 
to  his  own  Alliftance  at  home,  fome  whereof 
were  landed  at  Weft-Chefter,  others  at  Bri- 

VII.  With  thefe  Officers  and  Regiments 
Colonel  Monk,  according  to  his  Duty,  return- 
ed alfo  into  England.  But  at  the  Return  of 
thefe  Regiments  the  more  loyal  Party  in  the 
Kingdom  had  fome  Diftruft  of  the  Earl's  Of- 
ficers, and  particularly  of  Colonel  A/<?wy&,  be- 
ing his  own  Colonel,  fo  that  it  was  fufpeded 
at  his  Return  into  England,  he  would  ra- 
ther ferve  the  Parliament  than  the  King.  At 
his  Arrival  therefore  at  Briftol,  there  were 
Orders  font  from  the  Marquifs  of  Ormond, 
and  from  the  Lord  T)igby,  then  Secretary  of 
State  at  Oxford,  direded  to  the  Lord  Haw- 
C  3  ley. 

zi  The  LIFE  of 

ley,  who  was  then  Governor  of  B^iflol,  to 
fecLire  Colonel  Monk  till  further  Order.  Up- 
on his  Arrival  the  Lord  Hawley  acquainted 
Colonel  Monk  with  the  Order  he  had  receiv'd. 
Colonel  Monk  reprcfcnted  to  him  the  unjufl; 
and  malicious  Sufpicion  that  had  been  upon 
him  ,*  that  he  was  return'd  into  ^?/^//5zW  with 
no  other  Refolution   but  to  ferve  his  Ma- 

VIII.  The  Lord  Hawley  was  fo  well  ac- 
quainted with  Colonel  Alonk,  that  he  knew 
him  to  be  aPerfon  not  only  of  Courage,  but 
of  Integrity  and  Honefty,  and  that  would 
not  falfify  his  Word :  So  that  infiead  of  fecu- 
ring  him  at  Briftol,  his  Lordfliip  took  his 
Parole  to  go  dircfStly  to  the  King  at  Oxford, 
and  fent  Letters  by  him  to  the  Lord  "Digby, 
Secretary  of  State;  who  wasfo  well  fatisfy'd 
concerning  him,  that  he  introduced  him  to 
his  Majefty  in  the  Lodgings  at  Cbrijl-Churcb. 

IX.  By  this  time  Colonel  Monk,  through 
his  long  Service  in  the  Netherland's  War, 
and  his  Adion  upon  the  Scots,  and  now  of 
late  againft  the  IriJJj,  brought  with  him  to 
Oxford  the  Reputation  of  an  extraordinary  • 
Courage  and  Conduct:  Infomuch  as  his  Ma- 
jefty then  thought  it  worth  the  Time  to  have 
fome  private  Conference  with  him,  in  order 
to  the  Profccution  of  the  V/ar. 

'/.  :"  '    ■''^"'     '"■  "'^  "  r    '""  '     X.  CoLO= 

General  Monk.  23 

X.  Colonel  Monk,  in  his  fhort  Stay  at 
Oxford,  had  quickly  obferved  the  Condition 
of  the  King's  Army  there,    that  they  were 
Men  of  Courage  and   Bravery  enough,  but 
the  Difcipline  was  much  more  remifs  than  he 
had  obferved  in  the  Armies  abroad.     There- 
upon he  took  the   Boldnefs  to  tell  his  Ma- 
jefty,  'that  a  lefs  Army  under   greater    Dif- 
cipline,   would  be  fufficient  to  manage  the 
War,    and  that  the  only  Way  to  make  his 
Army  fuperior  to  his  Enemies  was,   to  equal 
them   in    military  Difcipline.     His   Majefty 
could  better  difcern  the  Dcfe(9:s  in  his  Forces 
than  amend  them  at  prefent  j    but  there  was 
fo  much  Reafon  and  Truth  in  what  Colonel 
Monk  had  difcours'd,  that  it  pleas'd  his  Majefty 
to  command  him  into  C^^^r.    And  becaufe 
upon  the  former  Sufpicion  of  him,  his  Regi- 
ment was  already  given  to  Colonel  Warren  that 
had  been  his  Major  j  his  Majefty  was  pleas'd 
to  entruft  him  with  a  Commiilion  to  be  Ma- 
jor General  to  the  Irifh  Brigade.     At  his  Ar- 
rival there  he  found  the  Lord  Byron,  who 
commanded  in  Chief  over  the  Irijh  Regi- 
ments,  had  befieged  Nant\ji^itch,    then  gar- 
rifon'd  for  the  Parliament.     To  whofe  Re- 
lief Sir  Thomas  Fairfax,  who,  for  his  Cou- 
rage and  Experience,    was  certainly  the  beft 
Man  at  Arms  in  the  Parliament's  Service, 
made   fuch   hafte    out   of  Torkjhire,    as  he 
wholly  furpriz'd   the  Irijlo  Brigades,   raifed 
C  4  t&c 

14  The   LIFE    of 

the  Siege,  and,  among  other  Officers,  took 
Colonel  Monk  Prifoner,  and  for  the  prefent 
fecurcd  him  in  Hull.  The  Value  of  this  Per- 
fon  could  no  more  be  conceal'd  from  the 
Parliament  than  it  had  been  from  the  King. 
His  Courage  againft  the  Scots^  and  how 
roundly  he  had  gone  to  work  with  the  Rebels 
in  Ireland^  were  too  late  Adions  to  be  pre- 
fently  forgot.  And  befides,Sir  Thomas  FairfaXy 
who  had  the  Fortune  to  furprizehim,  and  fe- 
veral  other  Low-Coimtry  Officers  in  the  Par- 
liament Service,  had  known  him  very  well 
abroad,  and  made  their  Maftcrs  quickly  un- 
derhand that  Colonel  Monk  was  a  Man  worth 
the  making.  The  Parliament  therefore  (who 
had  refolvcd  not  hafiily  to  exchange  him) 
commanded  his  removal  from  Hiilly  and  fe- 
curcd him  in  the  Tower  of  London. 

:  XL  And  here  begins  the  paffive  Scene  of 
this  Gentleman's  Life,  without  which  Ingre- 
dient, no  eminent  Virtue  was  ever  raifed  in, 
the  World.  He  had  brou2;ht  little  with  him 
into  England,  except  his  Sword  and  his  Li- 
berry,  and  now  he  has  lofl:  both.  The  Par- 
liament had  provided  him  Houfe-room,  which 
he  would  have  thank'd  them  to  have  kept 
for  them felves;  but  for  his  other  Accommo- 
dations, he  was  enforced  to  be  his  own  Stew- 
ward.  Some  while  before  his  Confinement, 
and  to  make  his  Prifon  the  more  eafy  to  him, 
his  Father,  the  good  old  Knight,  Sir  Thomas 


General  Monk.  2y 

Alonkj  died,  1643.  leaving  him,  a  younger 
Brother,  (according  to  the  Cuftom  of  England 
in  the  bcft  FamiUes)  a  fmall  Annuity  for  his 
Life,  which,  in  the  Commotions  of  that 
County,  at  fo  great  a  Diftancc,  was  ill  paid 
him  ;  his  elder  Brother,  who  had  the  Eftate, 
being  on  the  King's  Side  engaged  in  the 
War,  which  before  this  Time  had  reach'd  as 
far  as  the  remoter  Counties  of  T>evon  and 
Corn^ji'alL  By  thcfe  Accidents  he  was  pre- 
vented of  feafonable  Supplies  from  (lis  Rela- 
tions. And  his  Inrerefi:  at  Oxfotd  (where  he 
made  a  fiiort  Stay)  was  not  fuch  that  he 
could  cxped  to  be  fuddenly  enlarged  by  ari 
Exchange ;  there  being  fo  many  other  Offi- 
cers and  Perfons  of  Quality  in  the  fame  Con- 
dition with  himfelf,  whohad  powerful  Friends 
at  Court,  that  expedied  to  be  rcleafed  before 
him.  Nor  was  it  eafy  to  offer  fuch  a  Perfon 
in  Exchange  for  him  as  the  Parliament 
would  be  willing  to  accept. 

XII.  But  the  Charader  that  was  receiv'd 
of  him,  and  thofe  fmall  Conferences  he  had 
with  the  King  at  Oxford,  had  left  ^o  fair  an 
Impreflion  of  him  in  his  Majefty's  Mind,  that 
when  he  could  not  procure  Colonel  Monk's 
Liberty,  he  was  careful  to  provide  for  his 
Support;  and  to  that  purpofe  there  was  fe- 
cretly  convey'd  to  him  an  hundred  Pounds  in 
pold,   at  a  Time  when  fuch  a  Sum  was  a 


2#         The  LIFE   of 

greater  Matter  in  his  Majefty's  Coffers,  than 
in  many  of  his  meaner  SLibjed:s.  And  this 
fo  fcafonable  and  indulgent  Bounty  of  the 
King  towards  him,  he  has  been  often  heard 
to  mention  with  a  very  tender  and  fcnfible . 
Gratitude.    ^'—  ''  *■;  ■" -' 

XIII.  During  his  Imprifonment  in  the 
Tower,  moft  of  the  great  Adions  of  the  Ci- 
vil War  were  over,  and  their  greater  Battles 
fought,  as  at  Marfton-Moor^  Newberj^  and 
Nafeby,  which  made  Colonel  Monk's  Con- 
finement fo  much  the  more  uneafy  to  him, 
who  was  in  the  Flower  of  his  Age,  and  thir- 
fty  after  Glory.  But  it  pleafed  God,  who  had 
defi2;n'd  him  for  another  Purpofe,  to  ref- 
cue  him  from  thofe  Services.  Yet  whilft  he 
was  a  Prifoner  in  the  Tower  he  wanted  not 
many  and  good  Offers  for  his  Enlargement, 
upon  Acceptance  of  a  Commiflion  to  ferve 
the  Parliament ;  which  was  the  Defign  of 
driving  a  Bargain  with  him,  by  fo  long  and 
clofe  a  Confinement,  who  yet  kept  up  Hopes 
of  procuring  his  Liberty  upon  better  Terms, 
continuing  ftill  to  folicit  his  Exchange,  by 
the  fmall  Intereft  he  had  at  Oxford.  But 
having  at  laft  fpent  almoft  four  Years  Time 
in  a  long  and  tedious  Confinement,  through 
many  Wants  and  Deftitution  of  things  necef- 
fary  to  his  Perfon  and  Quality,  and  the  im- 
pairing of  hrs  Health  5  and  having  no  Hopes 


General  Monk.         i;? 

or  Profped  of  returning  again  to  Oxford, 
there  fell  out  a  very  feafonable  Opportunity 
for  his  Enlargement,  upon  this  Occafion. 

XIV.  The  Marquifsof  Ormonde  (who  at  154*. 
firft  was  appointed  Lieutenant  General  in  the 
Abfence  of  the  Earl  of  Leicejier)  declaring 
wholly  for  the  King  in  Irelaridy  without  any 
Regard  to  the  Parliament  at  JVeftminfter,  fo 
far  difpleas'd  them,  that  they  voted  the  Lord 
Lifle,  eldeft  Son  to  the  Earl  of  Leicejier,  to 
take  the  Government  of  that  Kingdom.  His 
Lordfliip  prefently  thinks  upon  his  Kinfman, 
Colonel  Monk,  in  the  Tower,  and  offers  him 
a  Commiflion  under  him.  He  had  been  (as 
we  related  before)  Colonel  to  the  Earl  of 
Leicefter's  own  Regiment  in  Ireland,  and 
therefore  was  the  more  willing  to  take  the 
fame  Commiflion  from  his  Son.  Befides,  he 
had  been  particularly  oblig'd  to  that  Family, 
for  fome  feafonable  Kindnefs  and  Supply, 
during  his  late  Imprifonment  in  the  Tower. 
In  this  War  he  had  been  engaged  before,  and 
it  was  very  agreeable  to  his  Principles  and 
Confcience.  The  King  alfo  and  Parliament, 
who  at  this  time  could  agree  in  nothing  elfe, 
did  jointly  vote  the  Irijh  then  in  Arms,  to  be 
Rebels.  And  Colonel  Monk  having  receiv'd 
his  Liberty  for  this  Service,  was  too  gene- 
rous to  employ  it  to  any  other  Ufe.  But 
tefore  he  quitted  the  Tower,  he  took  Leave 

-  of 

i8  The  LIFE  ef 

of  feveral  of  his  Fellow-Prifoners,  with 
whom  he  was  acquainted,  and,  among  the 
reft,  of  the  Bifhop  of  Ely-,  Dr.  JVren,  from 
whom  he  requefted  hisepifcopal  Bleffing;  tel- 

.*  linp  him,  he  was  now  going  to  do  the  King 
the  beft  Service  he  could  againft  the  Rebels 
in  Ireland,  and  hoped  he  fhould  one  Day  do 
him  further  Service  in  England.  All  which, 
with  the  Circumftances  of  it,  has  been  feve- 
ral times  attefted  by  that  Reverend  and  Pious 
Prelate,  in  the  hearing  of  many  great  and 
illuftrious  Perfons.  Upon  this  he  readily  at- 
tended the  Lord  Ltjle,  who  on  the  28'^  of 
January  fet  out  from  London  towards  Ire- 
land. His  Lordfhip  was  ordered  to  land  at 
Dublin,  but  the  Marquifs  of  Ormond  having 
received  no  Command  from  his  Majefty,  to 
deliver  up  the  City  to  him,  could  not  give 
him  Admilllon.  Thereupon  the  Lord  Lijle 
and  his  Forces  made  their  Way  into  Mun- 
fier,  and  landed  near  Cork.  Very  little  was 
done  by  this  Voyage  of  the  Lord  Lifle  into 
Ireland.  So  that  after  two  Months  Stay  in 
the  Country,  his  Commillion  being  expired, 
he  fet  Sail  April  1 7,  and  returned  again  into 
England,  and  Colonel  Monk  with  him,  who 

5^7  then  was  above  38  Years  of  Age. 

.0;;^li  CHAP. 


General  Monk.  29 

CHAP.    III. 

I.  He  is  commiffiond  to  go  again  into  the 
North  ^/'Ireland,  againjithoje  Rebels.  The 
'Difficulties  he  furmounted  in  this  Pro- 
vince. II.  A  remarkable  Inflance  of  his 
Frugality^  and  provident  Care  towards  the 
Support  of  his  Soldiers.  III.  Upon  what 
Reafons  he  concluded  a  ^eace  with  O 
Neal  5  after  which  he  returned  into  Eng- 
land. IV.  It  was  fufpecied  that  he  had 
exprefs  Commands  from  England  to  con- 
clude that  'Peace.  V.  The  Murther  of 
the  King.  VI.  The  General^  in  his  Re- 
turn ^^  England,  meets  Croniwel  then  go- 
ing Lord  Lieutenant  to  Ireland.  VII.  His 
elder  Brother  dies.  VIII.  He  is  out  of  all 
Employment.  IX.  A  new  Qccafwn  of  his 
entring  upon  Action.  X.  Cromwel,  upon 
the  Lord  Fairfax^  Refufal  of  that  Employ- 
ment, is  made  Commander  in  Chief  againfi 
the  Scots  5  who  makes  Monk  Lieutenant 
General  of  the  Ordnance.  XI.  The  great 
Confidence  that  Cromwel  repofed  in  him, 
and  upon  what  Grounds.  XII.  Animadver- 
fions  on  the  Scotch  Clergy,  and  the  Death 
of  theMarquifs  of  Momrok.  XIII.  A  Mif 
conduB  of  Cromwel,  and  the  Error  of  it 
retrieved  by  General  Monk,  by  which 
Means  the  Scots  were  defeated  at  Dunbar. 
XIV.  The  good  Effe&s  of  this  Vi6fory,  tho' 


3b  the  LIFE   of 

in  fome  Meafure  obfiru5fed  by  the  Remon- 
flrators.  XV.  The  King  with  the  Scotch 
Army  goes  to  Worcefter,  and  is  purfued  by 
Cromwel,  who  had  left  General  Monk  to 
reduce  Scotland.     His  great  Succefs  there, 

XVI.  He    returns  jick   into    England, 

XVII.  An  Aci  of  Coalition  to  tmite  Eng- 
land ^«</ Scotland  into  one  Commonwealth. 

XVIII.  An  Union  of  this  kind  had  been 
projeBed  by  King  James,  at  which  the 
Scots  were  much  difcontented,  and  for  what 
Reafons.     XIX.  General  yionk  appointed 

.     one  of  the  CommiJJioners  for  concluding  this 
Coalition.     -  

I.  y\  T  his  Return  Colonel  Monk  having 
{"x  difcovered  his  Inclination  rather  to 
ferve  the  Parliament  in  Ireland,  than  in  any- 
other  Employment,  fome  of  the  Members 
of  Parliament  knowing  his  Averfenefs  to  be 
employed  in  the  Civil  Wars  at  home,  and  all 
knowing  him  for  his  Courage  and  exact  Dif- 
cipline,  a  moft  fit  Perfon  for  the  Irifh  Service, 
they  offered  him  a  Commiflion  to  command 
the  Britifb  Forces  in  the  North  of  Ireland^ 
which  he  accepts  5  and  now  takes  his  third 
Voyage  into  that  Kingdom.  In  this  Com- 
mand he  had  a  very  nice  and  difficult  Pro- 
vince :  For  the  Scotch  under  Monroe,  and 
the  Englijh,  though  conjoin'd  together,  did 
not  perfedly  agree  or  truft  each  others    yet 


General  Monk.^  31 

he  kept  them  both  in  fo  good  Order,  as  he 
cfFed:ually  profecuted  the  War.  Much  of  his 
Bufinefs  was  againft  Owen  Roe  O  Neal,  a 
bold  and  reftlcfs  Rebel,  and  accounted  the 
beft  Soldier  among  them,  having  many  Years 
ferved  the  King  of  Spain^  and  who  had  train- 
ed up  the  Forces  under  his  Command,  to  a 
Courage  and  Refolution  beyond  the  ufual 
Temper  of  the  Irip :  Yet  Colonel  Monk 
look'd  fo  narrowly  after  all  his  Goings,  and 
kept  him  fo  fnort  of  Provifion  as  made  him 
weary  of  the  War. 

II.  This  was  but  a  dry  and  barren  Em- 
ployment, and  the  Parliament  at  Weftmin- 
fter  had  too  many  Irons  in  the  Fire,  to  take 
any  Care  of  Money  or  Provifion  for  an  Ar- 
my in  the  North  of  Ireland.  But  Colonel 
Monkj  who  was  not  only  a  good  Soldier, 
but  a  good  Husband  alfo,  fo -ordered  the  Til- 
lage and  Improvement  of  the  Country,  and 
providently  difpofed  of  all  Booties  taken  from 
the  Enemy,  that  he  made  the  War  fupport  it 
felf  without  much  Relief  from  England, 

III.  All  Things,  through  his  Induftry  and 
Condud,  had  fucceeded  fo  well  in  the  North 
of  Ireland,  that  the  Parliament  thought  the 
Scotch  Forces  unneccflary  in  Ulfter,  and 
voted  their  Difcharge  home,  which  gave  Oc- 
calion  to  fome  Jcaloufies  and  Difcontents  be- 

c  twcen 

3i         T^^  LIFE  of 

twecn  the  EnglijJj  and  Scotch  Soldiers,  infd- 
much  that  Colonel  Monk  fufpedled  Monroe, 
and  the  other  Scotch  Officers,  to  have  fome 
Defign  upon  his  Perfon  and  Liberty.  At  the 
fame  Time  the  Marquifs  of  Ormonde  the 
Lord  Inchequin,  and  divers  others,  coming 
to  an  Agreement,  a  great  Part  of  Colonel 
Monk's  Forces  revolted  from  him  at  Dun- 
dalke\  fo  that  he  was  befet  with  fo  many 
Difficulties,  as  enforced  him  to  clofe  up  an 
i649hafty  Pacification  with  O  NeaU  and  to  re- 
turn into  England. 

iV.  Bar  this  Aftidn,  being  of  fo  tranfcen- 
dent  a  Nature,  gave  Occafion  to  many  cori- 
fidering  Perfons  to  believe  that  Colonel  Monky 
being  a  Perfon  of  fo  much  Honour  and  Cou- 
rage, would  not,  by  any  Neceffity  whatfoe- 
ver,  have  been  brought  to  fuch  an  Agree- 
ment, if  he  had  not  been  particularly  com- 
manded to  it  by  his  Superiors  in  England, 
who,  being  refolv'd  to  fall  upon  the  Royal 
Party  in  Ireland,  made  no  Scruple  to  clap  up 
a  Peace  with  the  Rebels. 

V.  Somewhat  before  this,  during  Colo- 
nel Monk's  Employment  in  Ireland,  was  com- 
mitted the  execrable  Murder  upon  the  Per- 
fon of  the  late  King  j  an  Adion  of  fo  great 
Impudence  and  Villany,  as  can  find  no  Paral- 
lel in  paft  Ages,  and  the  fucceeding  will  as 
'■'■'  hardly 

General  Monk:.  33 

hk)cd\y  believe  it.  And  here  let  me  arreft 
my  Reader  with  the  Contemplation  of  the 
divine  Wifdom,  which  had  dcfigned  this 
Cdlotiel  Monk  to  be  the  Reftorer  of  Mo- 
narchy, and  his  prcfent  Majefty ;  that  he 
fhoold  at  this  Time,  though  he  ferved  the 
Party,  be  difpofed  of  in  an  Employment  of 
fo  much  Diftancc  and  Privacy,  as  he  could 
hardly  know,  much  lefs  be  concern'd  in,  fo 
great  a  Guilt,  Sis  was  the  Murther  of  that 
excellent  King. 

VI.  In  his  Return  home  he  met  Lieute- 
nant General  Cromwell  then  haftening  to 
confummate  the  Irijh  War,  with  five  Rcgi- 
hlents  of  Horfe,  and  fevert  of  Foot.  This 
Ceflation  with  O  Neal  did  greatly  facilitate 
Cromweh  Bufincfs,  who,  in  lefs  than  a 
Years  Time,  finiftied  that  War,  and  then 
haften'd  back  into  England  to  proiecute  the 
other  high  Defigns  of  his  Ambition. 

VII.  About  this  Time  his  elder  Brother 
Thomas  Monk,  Efq;  dy'd  by  a  Fall  from 
his  Horfe,  leaving  only  two  Daughters  be- 
hind him  ;  and  the  Eftate  being  fettled  upori 
the  Ifliie-Male,  it  came  to  Colonel  Monk  as 
now  Heir  in  Tail :  who,  as  he  had  raifed  his 
Name  and  Family  to  the  higher  State  of  No- 
bility and  Honour,  fo  he  accordingly  re- 
paired the  Ruins  of  the  Family,  and  advanc- 

D  ed 

34  The  LIFE  of       ■ 

ed  it  to  a  Condition  fuitable  td  fupport  the 
Greatnefs  of  its  Quality. 

VIII.  Colonel  Monk,  after  his  Return 
out  of  Ireland,  was  now  out  of  all  Employ- 
ment, and  very  well  contented  to  have  con- 
tinued fo  j  but  a  new  War  at  hand  brought 
him  again  into  Adion. 

IX.  After  the  Death  of  the  late  King,^ 
the  Scots  had  enter'd  into  a  Treaty  with  his 
prefent  Majefty,  for  reftoring  him  to  his 
Kingdom  of  Scotland,  which  this  Year 
came  to  a  Conclufion  ;  but  upon  fuch  Terms 
as  Goths  and  Vandals  would  have  been  a- 
Ihamed  to  offer  to  an  hereditary  Prince. 
There  was  then  in  Scotland  a  very  honeft 
and  loyal  Party,  that  were  defirous  to  reftore 
him  upon  Conditions  agreeable  to  their  Alle- 
giance and  Duty.  But  the  Covenanters,  who 
were  much  the  greater  Number,  having  for- 
merly made  fo  good  a  Bargain  by  the  Sale 
of  his  Father,  were  now  driving  another,  al- 
moft  as  advantagious  to  them,  with  the  Son. 
His  landing  and  Reception  in  Scotland  gave 
a  fmart  Alarm  to  the  Parliament  at  Weftmin- 
fter.  They  eafily  forefaw  a  War  would  en- 
fue,  and  therefore  thought  it  moft  agreeable 
to  their  Gallantry  and  Puiflance  to  be  the 
Aggreflbrs.  Whereupon  they  voted  their 
Army  to  march  Northward,  and  invade  Scot- 

Q  land. 

General  Monk.  3y 

land.     And    Lieutenant    General  Cromwel, 
having  done  his  Bufinefs  in  reducing  Ireland, 
was  return'd  to  London  as  feafonably  as  if  he 
had  contrived  it.    Both  he  and  his  Party  were 
dcfirous,  that  he  might  command  as  General 
in  this  Northern  Expedition,  and  fo  confum- 
mate  the  Circle  of  his  Glories,  by  the  Con- 
queftof  Scotland,  TheNoifeof  a  BruQi  with 
the  Scots  alarnVd  all  the  Presbyterian  Party, 
and   their  Clergy,  in  England,   who  own'd 
themfelves  obliged,  by  their  folemn  League, 
not  to  enter  into  War  with  their  covenanted 
Brethren.     And  fome  of  them,  who  had  a 
great  Afcendant  over  the  Lord  Fairfax ,  and 
alfo  on  his  Lady,  had  fo  pradifed  upon  both 
their  Confciences,  that  he  willingly  dilabled 
himfelf  for  this  Service.  This  Advantage  was 
quickly  difcern'd,  if  not  at  firft  contriv'd,  by 
Cromwel  and   his  Party,    who   laugh'd    in 
their  Sleeves  at  the  confcientious  Qualms  of 
the  Presbyterians.     And  this  Scruple  of  the 
Lord  Fairfax  was  farther  promoted  in  him, 
by  the  Fincnefs  of  fome  of  the  demure  Inde- 
pendents in  the  Houfe  of  Commons,  that  were 
in  Cromweh  Intereft.     So  that  in  the  Con- 
clufion   the  Matter  was  fo  decently  carry'd, 
that  Cromwel  was  voted  to  the  folc  Com- 
mand againft  the  Scots. 

X.  Having  gain'd  the  Authority  he  fo 

long  affedted,  his  next  Care  was  for  modelling 

D  i  his 

^6  ne  LIFE   of 

his  Army,  which  indeed  was  made  up  of  the 
Flower  of  the  Englijh  Forces.     About  this 
time  he  had  taken  a  particular  Notice  of  Co- 
lonel Monk  I  and  obferving  how  with  fmall 
Force  he  had  managed  his  Bufinefs  upon  the 
Rebels  in  Ireland^  he  found  him  an  abler  Of- 
ficer for  the  Scotch  War,  than  many  of  his 
own  infpired  Colonels.  And  becaufe  he  would 
by  no  means  want  his  Company,  he  furnifti- 
cd  him  with  an  extempore  Regiment  drawn 
out  of  feveral  others,  and  afterwards  made 
him  Lieutenant  General  of  the  Ordnance. 
Befides  the  Importunities  of  Cromwel,  which 
could  not  fafely  be  deny'd,  there  are  two  things 
which  feem  the  more  to  have  inclined  Colo- 
nel Monk  to  this  War :  One  was  a  kind  of 
Indignation  and  Prejudice  fettled  in  him  a- 
gainft  the  Nation,  ever  fince  their  Rebellion 
and  Infolencies  againft  Charles  the  Firft,  in 
which  War  he  had  been  employed.     The  o- 
ther  was  the  Perfidy  and  ill  Ufage  he  had  met 
with  from  the  Scots,   when  he  commanded 
them  lately  in  the  North  of  Ireland, 

XI.  To  this  Scotch  Expedition  he  feem'd 
to  be  defign'd  by  the  fecret  Fate  that  govern- 
ed him.  For  by  his  extraordinary  Condud 
and  Prudence  in  this  War,  he  gain'd  fo  upon 
Cromwel,  as  to  be  thought  the  only  fit  Per- 
fon  to  be  trufted  with  the  fole  Command  of 
xht  Country.     By  which  Station  he  became 


General  Monk.  37 

at  laft  capable  of  doing  thofe  great  and  hap- 
py things  which  we  are  afterwards  to  relate. 

Xir.  The  Scots  might  very  well  have  ex- 
pe6led  this  Invafion  from  England^  where  a 
great  Army  was  always  in  Readinefs  :  But 
their  Counfels  were  chiefly  governed  by  their 
loud  and  bellowing  Clergy,  with  fome  other 
Male-contents,  obtruding  every  Day  new  and 
infolent  Conditions  upon  his  Majefty,  accuf- 
ing  and  diftinguifliing  Malignants,  and  an  in- 
finite Number  of  wild  and  endlefs  Babble  a- 
bout  their  Covenant ;  fo  that  Cromwel  was 
very  far  advanc'd  towards  them,  before  they 
had  brought  their  Army  into  any  good  Readi- 
nefs. And  to  fill  up  the  Meafure  of  their  Vil- 
lanies  with  the  Slavery  of  the  Nation,  the 
Year  before  they  had  malicioufly  made  away 
the  great  and  valiant  Marquifs  of  Montrofs, 
who  was  accounted  the  beft  Man  of  Arms 
their  Nation  ever  bred  ;  whofe  Courage  and 
Condud,  had  he  been  alive  and  entrufted, 
was  more  than  Cromweh  Match,  and  might 
have  fav'd  their  Nation. 

XIII.  General  Cromwel  being  advanced 
as  far  as  Berwicky  kept  on  his  Way  towards 
Edenburghj  and  finding  the  Scots  not  willing 
to  come  to  a  Fight,  traverfed  his  Ground 
back  again  towards  T>unbary  the  Scotch  Ar- 
my pre  fling  fome  what  hard  upon  his  Rear. 
D  3  Here 

38         The  LIFE  of 

Here  he  had  run  himfelf  into  fuch  a  Noofe, 
for  all  the  Cantings  and  Magnificats  of  his 
Party,  as  did  greatly  blemifli  his  Difcretion. 
The  Scots  were  Matters  of  the  Hill,  and  had 
coop'd  the  Englijh  Army  into  a  narrow  Neck 
of  Land,  the  Sea  behind  them,  and  no  Way 
for  Retreat  but  by  the  Pafs  at  Coppefmythy 
then  ftrongly  poflfefled  by  the  Scots,  Now 
would  Cromwel  have  willingly  exchang'd  his 
Command  with  Fairfax^  to  have  been  fafe  in 
his  Room  at  London.  But  here  the  Expe- 
rience and  Conduct  of  Lieutenant  General 
Monk  help'd  him  at  the  dead  Lift.  For  at  a 
Council  of  War  he  moved,  to  make  a  prefent 
Affault  upon  the  Enemy,  when  never  an  Of- 
ficer there  had  the  Courage  to  think  of  it ; 
and  undertook  the  Charge  himfelf,  with  fuch 
Succefs,  as  ended  in  an  entire  Vidory.  Un- 
lefs  Cromwel  had  fecretly  corrupted  the  Of- 
ficers of  the  Scotch  Army,  or  thofe  Cove- 
nanters had  been  the  arranteft  Cowards  in 
Nature,  they  could  not  have  been  fo  (hame- 
fully  routed,  being  almoft  double  in  Number 
to  their  Enemies,  and  poflefTed  of  fuch  great 
Advantages  upon  them.  But  by  the  Fortune 
of  this  Day,  the  Covenant  was  moft  mifera- 
bly  battcr'd  by  the  LordofHofts,  which  was 
the  Word  given  in  the  feveral  Armies  before 
ihe  Fight  began.  ,v     •'^.  -.>;  ,  ■■  ^  .■     '^  njy'xjj- 

.•:>V,.>i'     :"]    i;<;,;r."  XIV.    ThE 

General  Monk,  39 

XIV.  The  loyal  Party  in  Scotland  was 
not  greatly  concern'd  .for  this  Defeat  at  "Dun- 
bar,   which   had  chiefly  cut  off  fo  many  of 
the  violent  Kirk  Party,  that  might  well  be 
fparcd.     But  it  had  alfo  a  farther  Effect  up- 
on   the  reft;   for  it  took  down   the  Heat 
of  the  Covenanters,   that  they  came  at  laft 
to  a  calm  Refolution  of  admitting  all  Par- 
ties, and  that  fmce  they  had  been  brought  to 
thofe  Streights  by  the  Lofs  of  T^imbary  it 
was  neceflary,  for  Defence  of  the  Caufe  of 
God  and  the  Kirk,  to  take  in  the  Alliftanceof 
fuch  as  had  fcrv'd  the  late  King,  and  fuch  alfo 
as  had  been  in  Duke  Hamilton^  Army.    This 
was  the  Refolution  of  the  greater  Part  of  the 
Scots ;  but  was  remonftrated  againft,  as  a  be- 
traying the  Intereft  of  Jefus  Chrifty  and  his 
Kirk,  by  a  more  refined  fort  of  whining  Hy- 
pocrites: And  thefe  were  called  the  Remon- 
ftrators.    Which  Schifm  of  the  Refolutioners 
and  Remonftrators  became  as  natural  and  ma- 
licious among  them,  as  between  the  Jew  and 
Samaritan  of  old,  or  the  late  Guelfs  and  Gi- 

XV.  But  by  this  Refolution,  and  that 
which  fucceeded  it,  his  Majefty  came  the 
next  Year  to  have  an  Army  which  he  could  165 
better  govern,  and  were  more  obedient  to  the 
Methods  he  had  defigned.  Which,  taking 
D  4  Advantage 

40         The  LIFE  of 

Advantage  of  Cromizeh  Army  beiog  pafs'd 
over  the  Frith  mxo  Fife,  he  gave  them  the 
Go  by,  and  dipt  into  England  by  the  Way 
of  Carliflcy  and  was  purfucd  to  PVorcefter  by 
the  Body  of.  Cromwel's  Army,  who  had  left 
Lieutenant  General  Monk  with  fix  thoufand 
Men,  to  pcrfedl  the  Redudion  of  Scotland. 
Whether  Lieutenant  General  Monk  had  defir- 
ed  this  Province,  of  following  the  War  in 
that  Country,  or  his  ufual  good  Fortune  had 
fo  far  befriended  him,  as  to  refcue  him  from 
an  Employment  he  fo  much  difliked,  'viz.oi 
fighting  in  England,  we  cannot  abfolutely 
determine.  But  after  that  Cromwelwzs  march^ 
ed  after  the  King  into  Englandy  he  fo  warm- 
ly profecutcd  the  Scots,  that  after  the  taking 
of  Edeyibiirgh  Q^^Xz,  the  Surrender  of  Z'^w/^/- 
lon  Caftle,  the  Rendition  of  Sterling,  and 
the  furprizing  of  ^Dundee,  with  feveral  other 
confiderable  Places,  yielding  prefently  to  the 
Fortune  of  the  Vidlor  :  Such  was  Lieutenant 
General  Monk's  Difpatch,  that  he  had  gain'd 
a  great  Part  of  Scotland,  by  that  Time  Crom- 
wel  had  fully  done  his  Bufinefs  at  JVorcer 
fler,  ■■  .V.   . 

:':  XVI.  But  in  this  Summer's  Expedition, 
Lieutenant  General  Monk,  (either  as  an  Allay 
to  his  Succcfs,  or  as  a  Chaftifcment  upon  him 
for  ferving  under  fuch  Confederates)  fell  into 
a  violent  Sicknefs,  which  held  him  all  the 
Uc%'^^k.'i].4\  ^  ,,^i..u       f.'ri     ;^;  :*'    Winter^ 

General  Monk.         41 

Winter,  and  reduc'd  him  to  that  Wcaknefs, 
that  he  was  enforc'd  to  return'd  into  England 
for  Repair  of  his  Health  5  and  the  following 
Summer  he  recpver'd  it  at  the  Bath. 

XVII.  And  at  his  Return  thence  x.oLon-i6<,z 
4on,  he  found  the  Parliament,  having  now 
conquered  Scot  land y  refolved  to  extirpate  Mo- 
narchy among  the  Scots  ;  and,  to  fecure  their 
Subjeftion,  they  had  framed  an  Ad  of  Coal^- 
tioq,  whereby  both  Nations  fliould  be  united 
into  one  Commonwealth. 

XVIII.  A  Defign  at  which  King  James  was 
aiming,'  when  he  altered  the  Royal  Style, 
and  proclaimed  himfelf  King  of  Great  Bri- 
tain. Great  were  the  Difcontents  in  Scot- 
land about  this  Union.  The  loyal  Party  ut- 
terly declined  it,  in  Hopes  of  fome  more  for- 
tunate Seafon  ro  rcftorc  Monarchy.  And  the 
covenanting  Presbyterians  equally  railed  a- 
gainft  it.  They  had  already  obferved  the 
Declenfion  of  their  Presbyterian  Government 
here  in  England,  and  were  greatly  afraid,  as 
Independency  had  already  conquered  their 
Country,  fo  it  would  extirpate  their  Reli- 
gion. - 

XIX.  To  fettle  this  Union  of  both  Na- 
tions, Commilfioners  were  fcnt  down,  that 
\fttQ,  cunning  old  Grandees  of  the  Party,  and 

^..;:  . .  ■        ;.:/■-"     -of 

4Z  The  LIFE  of 

of  the  Independent  Intereft.  To  whom  Lieu- 
tenant General  Monk,  being  thought  to  have 
better  Knowledge  of  them,  and  Intereft  a- 
mong  them,  by  his  late  Command  there,  was 
alfo  added  :  Who,  though  he  had  conquered 
the  Nation,  yet  had  been  fo  fair  and  fo  ho- 
^lourable  an  Enemy,  as  they  were  perfuaded 
to  an  Union  by  him,  more  than  by  all  the 
Tricks  and  Artifices  of  the  reft.  And  having 
at  laft  fettled  the  Coalition  according  to  their 
Inftruftions,  both  he  and  they  return'd  to 

C  H  A  P.    IV. 

I.  The  ^ower  and  Tride  of  the  Parliament 
incline  them  to  a  War  zojith  the  Dutch. 
■^   11.  Blake  made  Admiral,  who  gains  fome 
Advantages  over  them.     III.    The  next 
'•■    Tear  Dean  and  Monk  are  made  Admirals, 
-    equal  in  Commiffion.     IV.TheZeal  of  the 
f    'Parliament    in    pr of e outing    this    War  i 
^    whom,    notwithftanding,    Cromwel  dif- 
^  folves,   and  ere5fs  a  Council  of  State,  to 
which  the  ^ireEtion  of  military  Ajfairs 
was  committed'     V.  An  Engagement  be- 
tween the  two  Fleets  on  the  Coaft  of  Flan- 
ders,  wherein  Dean  is  killed.     The  Tre- 
^  fence  of  Mind,  Bravery  ^  and  Condu£i  of 
-^  ./^  Monk 

General  Monk.  45 

Monk  in  that  ABion.  He  purfues  the 
Dutch,  and  the  next  ^ay  Jinks  fix,  and 
takes  eleven  of  their  Ships.  VI.  The 
Dutch  repair  their  Fleet,  and  the 
next  Month  the  EngUfli  Fleet  engaged 
them  a  third  time  ;  in  in'hich  Engagement 
thirty  of  their  Ships  were  fimky  their 
Vice- Admiral  Everlloii,  and  their  Admi- 
ral Van  Trump,  killed  by  a  fmall  Shot. 
VII.  The  furprifing  Siiccefs  of  this  Ac- 
tion ;  upon  which  the  States  found  them- 
felves  obliged  to  fue  for  T^eace,  with  the 
Conditions  to  which  they  were  forced  to 

I.  ^^T  O  W  was  the  Junfto  Parliament  at 
1^^  Weftminfter  come  to  the  Meridian 
of  their  Power  and  Ufurpation,  from  which 
they  quickly  after  declined.  They,  had  re- 
duc'd  Ireland,  conquer'd  Scotland,  and  ut- 
terly baffled  the  King's  Intereft  in  England-, 
which  rais'd  them  to  that  Height  of  Pride 
and  Confidence,  that  now  they  were  refolv- 
ed  to  reckon  with  their  Neighbours,  the 
States  of  Holland,  for  certain  Infolcncies  they 
had  fuftained  from  them.  Hitherto  they  had 
diflemblcd  their  Refentments  for  the  Death 
of  T>oriflaiis,  who  went  to  complement  the 
flitch  to  an  Alliance  to  their  new  Common- 
wealth i  and  alfo  the  Affronts  that  were  put 
upon  their  extraordinary  Ambaffadors,  Saint- 
''■■(  ^i^i^^^;-  John 

44  f^^  LI FE  of 

John  and  Strickland.  Neither  wanted  there 
Complaints  about  Trade,  which  they  defign- 
ed  to  reduce  by  an  KOl  for  Encouragement 
of  Navigation  5  fucceeded  with  fuch  high  De- 
mands upon  the  T^iitch  for  Reparation  of  In- 
juries, and  of  fettling  a  free  Trade,  cJ^r.  as 
the  States  were  refolved  to  enter  into  a  War, 
rather  than  make  fo  hard  a  Bargain  for  their 
Peace.  The  Honour  and  Efteeni  of  the 
Englijh  Nation  was  at  this  Time  utterly  loft 
abroad,  by  the  bold  and  infolent  Adions  of 
the  Commonwealth  Parliament,  and  the  a- 
ftonifhing  Murther  of  the  late  King ;  fo  that 
the  T^utch  fomewhat  fcorn'd  to  be  firft  in 
making  Alliance  with  fo  infamous  a  People, 
and  did  alfo  equally  defpife  them.  Nor  did 
they  greatly  like,  that  a  Revolt  from  their 
natural  Prince  fliould  thrive  in  other  Hands, 
io  much  as  it  had  done  in  their  own.  The 
Stitch  very  well  rcmembet'd,  the  Kings  of 
Englandy  looking  on  them  as  a  trading  Peo- 
ple, had  never  fevercly  infpeded  or  ftated 
things  with  them,  in  Matters  of  Profit.  But 
now  they  were  to  deal  with  a  coarfe  and 
fcraping  Ibrt  of  People,  that  would  upon  oc- 
cafion  be  quarrelling  with  them  for  their  Pen- 
ny, and  look  to  their  Trade  with  as  much 
Concern  as  themfelves.  After  a  great  deal  ot 
religious  Tampering  on  both  Sides,  they  fell 
at  laft  to  Blows. 

II.  On 

General  Monk."  4^ 

II.  On  the  firft  Yearof  this  War,  it  was  165 2 
managed  on  the  Jundo's  Side  by  their  Admi- 
ral Blake,  who,  in  a  Fight  near  the  Goodwin 
Sands,  and  afterwards  near  Tortland,  wbrft- 

cd  xhcDutch  Fleet. 

III.  Against  the  next  Year,    they  had  165 3 
ordered  General  Monk  and  General  ^ean,  be- 
ing join'd  in  equal  Commiflion,  to  carry  on 

the  War.  This  was  fomething  an  odd  Pro- 
vince for  General  Monk,  who  had  all  his  Life 
commanded  in  Land  Service,  now  in  the  45^^ 
Year  of  his  Age,  to  take  up  a  new  kind  of 
Warfare  at  Sea.  But  as  all  Countries  are  a- 
like  to  a  wife  Man,  fo  are  all  Elements  to  the 

IV.  The  Parliament  was  very  bufy  in 
haftening  their  Preparations  for  this  War; 
and  werefo  intent  upon  their  Enemies  abroad, 
that  they  overlook'd  greater  at  home.  For 
on  April 2z.  Oliver  Cromwel,  whofe  Am- 
bition could  hold  no  longer,  enter'd  the 
Houfe  of  Commons,  accompanied  with  fome 
of  his  Officers,  and  diflblv'd  the  Parliament, 
after  their  twelve  Yea^rs  Continuance  in  the 
Practice  of  fuch  Mifchiefs  and  Depredations, 
as  are  not  eafy  to  be  recounted.  But  though 
the  Parliament  was  at  an  End,  the  T)utch 
War  went  on,  being  managed  forthe  prefent 

5  ^  'by 

4^         The  LIFE  of 

by  a  Council  of  State,  made  up  of  fome  prin» 
cipal  Officers  in  the  Army,  and  fome  Mem- 
bers of  the  late  Jundto,  that  were  Cromwel's 

V.  The  firft  Engagement  this  Year  was 
June  the  2**  on  the  Coaft  of  Flanders  -,  the 
T>utch  Fleet  commanded  by  Van  Trump,  the 
Vice-Admiral  Van  de  Rttyter,  the  two  E- 
vertfons,  and  ^e  Witt  5  and  their  Number 
of  Ships  much  the  greater.  The  Englijh  was 
led  by  General  Monk  and  T>ean,  having  Jor~ 
dan.  Law  [on-,  Goodfon  with  them.  The 
Fight  began  very  early  in  the  Morning.  At 
the  firft  Shot  from  the  T)utch  Fleet  ^ean 
was  kill'd,  walking  by  the  Side  of  General 
Monk }  who  at  his  Fall  (nothing  difcompofed 
in  his  Mind  or  Looks)  caft  his  Cloak  over 
him,  and  afterwards  ordered  him  to  be  car- 
ried into  his  Cabbin,  commanding  the  Soldi- 
ers and  Seamen  to  look  to  the  Ship,  and  fol- 
low their  Bufinefs.  By  ten  of  the  Clock  the 
Fight  grew  very  fliarp,  efpecially  between  the 
Squadron  commanded  by  de  Ruyter,  and 
the  Blue  Squadron  led  by  Lawfon.  To  the 
Relief  of  the  firft  Van  Trump  came  in,  and 
General  Monk  in  excellent  Order  failed  to  re- 
inforce the  other,  fo  that  now  the  Fight  be- 
came very  hot  on  both  Sides,  till  three  in  the 
Afternoon,  about  which  Time  the  Wind  fa- 
vouring the  Dutchj  they  bore  away  before 
5  K 

General  Monk.         47 

it,  being  purfued  till  Night  by  General  Monk : 
Who,  the  next  Morning,  found  himfelf  near- 
er than  he  imagined  to  the  Enemy's  Fleet. 
Yet  he  could  not  get  up  to  them  till  towards 
Noon,  and  then  both  Fleets  engaged  till  ten. 
at  Night ;  The  Wind  being  frefli  and  Wefterly, 
General  Monk  prelTed  hard  upon  them,  and 
funk  fix  of  their  beft  Ships,  and  two  more  of 
the  'Dutch  were,  through  Misfortune,  blown 
up  by  their  own  Fleet.  Eleven  Ships  were 
taken  that  Day  from  the  Enemy,  the  reft 
were  fecured,  by  Van  Trump,  running  upon 
the  Flats  at  'Dunkirk. 

VI.  After  this  Fight  General  Monk  lay 
upon  the  Dutch  Coafts,  furprifing  feveral  of 
their  Ships,  and  difturbing  their  Trade,  till 
foul  Weather  drave  him  off  their  Shoars.  In 
lefs  than  two  Months  time  the  Dutch  had 
got  together  a  very  great  Fleet  of  about  one 
hundred  twenty  five  Sail,  which  was  the  laft 
Effort  of  their  Strength  and  Courage.  And 
July  29.  both  Fleets  came  in  View  of  each  o- 
ther.  General  Monk  had  not  above  ninety 
odd  Sail  of  Ships,  which  were  all  a  Stern,  To 
that  till  towards  Evening  they  could  not  get 
up  to  come  to  any  Engagement,  which  be- 
gan with  fome  of  the  lighter  Frigats,  and  en- 
creafed  to  about  thirty,  and  fought  till  the 
Night  parted  them.  This  was  but  the  Prelude 
to  the  next  Day's  Work :   For  on  the  next 


'48  the  LIFE  of 

Morning  early  General  Monk  tack'd  upon  the 
Enemy,  and  a  moft  fierce  and  bloody  Fight 
began  on  all  Hands,  which  continued  till  a- 
bout  three  in  the  Afternoon.  In  this  Battel 
the  General,  being  much  iriferior  to  the  E- 
nemy  in  Number,  had  commanded  the  Cap- 
tains to  attempt  to  deftroyor  fink  what  Ships 
they  could,  without  taking  of  any,  whereby 
he  fhould  be  oblig'd  to  weaken  his  Fleet, 
through  the  Abfence  of  thofe  that  muft  go  off 
"with  them.  In  this  Fight  were  funk  of  the 
*Dutch  Fleet  near  thirty  Ships,  among  which 
was  Vice- Admiral  Evert  fori-,  with  the  Lofs 
only  of  one  Englijh  Frigat.  And  to  con- 
fummate  the  Fortune  and  Gldry  of  this  new 
Admiral,  in  this  Fight  fell  the  brave  and  a- 
ged  Seaman  Van  Trump,  famous  for  many 
Vidories,  and  accounted  one  of  the  beft  Sea- 
men of  this  Age :  He  was  kill'd  by  a  fmall 
Shot,  and  dy'd  like  an  Admiral,  with  his 
Sword  in  his  Hand,  as  he  was  (landing  on 
the  Deck  of  his  Ship,  encouraging  his  Men 
to  the  Fight.  The  Lofs  of  fo  many  Ships, 
with  the  Fall  of  their  chief  Commander,  fo 
difcouraged  the  'Dutch  Fleet,  that  they  pre- 
fently  made  all  the  Sail  they  could,  and  run 
into  the  Texel. 

VII.  They  who  were  at  Leifure  to  confi- 
der  the  Circumftances  of  this  Fight,  have 
wondered  ajt  the  Succcfs  of  it.     Thei  'Dutch 


G  F  N  E  R  A  L    M  O  N  K.  49 

had  much  the  Odds  in  Number,  their  Ships 
and  Men  frefh ;  the  Fight  upon  their  Coafts ; 
they  had  alio  Fire  Ships  with  them,  and  the 
EngUjld  none.     The  Lofs  of  their  bcfl:  Com- 
mander, and  of  fo  great  a  Part  of  their  Fleer, 
put  the  States  of  Holland  into  fuch  Apprc- 
henfions,  and  their  common  People  into  fuch 
Diforders,    as  they  haften'd  back  their  Am- 
bafladors,  who  were  newly  rcturn'd  home  for 
further  Inftrudions,    to  make  fuch  a  Peace 
with  the  Englijh  as  they  could  get.     But  the 
Council  of  State  held  them  to  hard  Meat.  They 
would  abate  nothing  of  their  laft  Demands, 
made  for  the  Common  wealth  Parliament. 
Nothing  would  do  except,  befide  ftrikingthe 
Flag,  they  made  a  Recognition  of  the  Eng- 
lijh Sovereignty  to  the  Narrow  Seas,  a  Rent 
to  be  paid  for  the  Fifliery,  the  Trade  in  the 
Indies  to  be  free,     and   Satisfaction  for  all 
Merchants  Lofles,    and  Reparation  for  the 
Charge  of  the  War,  and  a  Coalition  of  both 
Nations,  to  the  excluding  the  Prince  of  O- 
range  from  any  Place  of  Government.    Great 
was  the  religious  Knavery  and  Falfliood  on 
both  Sides,  and  the  'Dutch  had  already  learnt 
to  cant  and  wheadle  in  the  Gibberifh  of  the 
Englijh  Sectaries. 


yo  The   LIFE  of 

CHAP.    V. 

I.  The  little  T^arliament  at  Weftminfter,  and 
their  fanatical  ^Projedis  of  incorporating 
the  [even  Provinces.    II.  The  Dutch  Com- 
mijjioners   at  a  Lojs  how  to  treat  with 
jMenj  whofe  Schemes  and  Principles  ap- 
peared fo  very  chimerical.      The  'Defign 
which  Cromwcl  had  to  ftrve  by  them, 
III.  Having  laid  them  a  fide  ^  he  takes  the 
Government  upon  himfelf  with  the  Title 
£?/* Protestor ;  makes  feveralCondefcenfions 
to  the  Dutch  ComrniJJionerSy   towards  the 
more  ejfeEittal  Seclufion  of  the  Houfe  of 
Orange  from  the  Power  and  'Dignity  of 
St adh older.   IV  The  Articles  on  both  Sides 
in  Reference  to  this  Point.    V.  The  States 
General  ajhamed  of  it,  yet^  by  the  Advice 
of  Dc  Witt,  they  at  laft  agree  to  it,  as  a 
fecret  Article,  but  without  the  Confent  of 
the  other  Provinces.    Upon  which  a  Peace 
is  concluded  between  England  and  Hol- 
;  land,  rvhersin  Cromwel  facrifices  the  pub- 
lick  Inter  efl  to  the  private  End  of  his  Ma- 
lice and  Ambition.     VI.  This  Agreement 
oppofed  by  General  Monk,   but  to  no  Ef- 
fecl.     VII.  An  Army  raifed  in  Scotland 
for  the  Service  of  the  King-,  and  by  what 
Means    their    Defign    was     frttflrated. 
VIII.  Tet  Qxon\\jz\,anxiousfortheSuccefs 
of  ft.,   and  fufpeBing  LilbournV  Courage, 


General  MoKK.  yi 

tJuho  commanded  the  Englifli  F^^rr^j-  there^ 
r seals  General  Monk  for  the  Scottifh 
Expedition.  IX.  General  Monk  envied. 
His  cautions  and  prudent  Behaviour.  His 
great  Ajfe^ion  for  his  Country.  X.  A  fpe- 
cial  Re  a f on  of  CromwelV  employing  him 
in  this  Expedition,  from  isJhence  he  re- 
turns  no  morcy  till  he  is  made  the  happy 
Inftrument  of  the  Reft  or  at  ion,  XL  Tke 
State  of  Scotland  upon  his  Arrival  there. 
The  Ufe  he  made  of  their  extravagant 
^ifputes  and  T^iforders  about  Religion. 

I.T  T  7HIL S  T  this  "Dutch  War  and  Trca^ 
VV  fy  were  carrying  on,  that  pretty 
Machine,  called  the  Little  Tarliamentj  was 
fitting  at  Weftminfter.  A  fort  of  little  infi- 
pid  Fops,  whom  Cromwel  had  fct  up,  to 
make  his  laft  Step  into  the  Government  the 
caHcr.  Many  of  thefe  were  fettling  a  Kirig- 
dom  only  for  Jefus  Chrift  in  the  World,  but 
yet  fo  as  to  make  themfelves  his  Vicegerents, 
They  look'd  upon  the  IDtitch  as  a  Company 
of  cheating,  covetous  Worldlings,  and  Ene- 
mies to  the  Kingdom  of  Chrift y  as  well  as 
that  of  Englandy  fo  that  nothing  would  fa- 
tisfy  them  lefs  than  a  Coalition,  whereby  the 
Seven  Provinces  (hould  be  incorporated  into 
this  their  Fifth- Monarchy, 

E  2  II.  The 

51  The  LIFE   of 

i  II.  The  folemn  and  formal  Ambafladors 
were  at  fome  Lofs  how  to  deal  with  this  fran- 
tick  Sort  of  People,  whom  they  thought  a 
Society  fitter  for  Bedlam^  than  a  Conclave  of 
Senators ;  and  had  look'd  fo  far  into  the  State 
of  Things,  and  the  ambitious  Inclinations  of 
CromweU  that  they  cunningly  infinuated,  if  he 
would  afliime  the  Government  himfclf,  they 
fhould  be  more  ready  to  a  Compliance  with 
him.  Thefe  People  were  certainly  call'd  to- 
gether by  Cromwel ow\y  for  a  while,  to  flicw 
Tricks  to  the  People,  and  play  the  Fool  with 
the  Government,  that  thereby  the  Nation 
might  be  as  willing  as  himfelf  to  have  the 
Reins  taken  into  a  more  fteady  Hand. 

III.  The  Refignation  of  this  Parliament's 
Power  was  quickly  after  contrived  ;  and  on 
^December  i6,  he  ufurp'd  the  Government, 
with  the  Title  of  ^roteUor.  Being  now  more 
concern'd  to  provide  for  his  own  Settlement, 
by  looking  after  his  Enemies  at  home,  than 
to  profecute  a  War  abroad  5  and  that  he  might 
gain  entirely  the  Article  for  Seclufion  of  the 
Houfe  of  Orange  from  Stadholder- General, 
or  Admiral,  and  no  Entertainment  to  be 
given  to  any  of  his  Enemies  in  their  Domi- 
nions ;  he  was  willing  to  deal  very  indulgent- 
ly with  them  in  the  reft  of  the  Particulars. 
And  therefore  he  accepted  the  Article    for 


General  Monk.  53 

ftriking  the  Flng,  without  a  Recognition  of 
the  Title.  Inftead  of  a  Coalition,  a  defenfivc 
Alliance  fcrvcd  the  Turn.  The  Fifliing  pafs'd 
without  either  Lcafe  or  Rent  ,•  and  the  iMer- 
chants,  for  their  free  Trade,  and  Satisfadion 
for  Damages,  were  wholly  left  in  the  Lurch. 

IV.  It  were  tedious  to  relate  all  the  Tricks 
and  Artifices  that  paflcd  between  the  Prote- 
dor  and  thefe  Ambaffadors,  about  the  Article 
of  Scclufion. 

V.  There  was  fo  much  Bafenefs  and  In- 
gratitude in  the  Thing  it  felf,  that  both  the 
States  General  and  their  Agents  were  utterly 
afhamed  of  it :  Infomuch  that  the  Protedor 
at  laft  was  contented  to  accept  it  in  the  Qua- 
lity of  a  fecret  Article,  but  without  it  rcfufed 
to  exchange  the  Ratifications.  At  lafl:  the 
States  of  the  Province  of  Holland  and  Weft- 
Freezland,  guided  by  the  Gounfels  of  the 
late  Penfioner  ^e  IVitt,  and  without  the 
Concurrence  of  the  other  Provinces,  HgrLed 
this  fecret  Article:  That  they  would  never 
eicd  his  prefent  Highnefs,  nor  any  of  his 
Lineage,  to  be  Stadholder  or  Admiral  of  their 
Province:  Neither  (hould  their  Province  give 
their  Suffrage  or  Confent,  that  he,  or  any  of 
his  Family,  fhould  be  Captain  General  of  the 
Forces  of  the  United  Provinces.  This  be- 
ing fcnt  over  to  the  Ambafl'adors,  and   by 

E  3  thcni 

54        the  LIFE  of 

them  delivered  to  Cromwel,  the  Peace  was 
prelently  and  finally  concluded,  and  the 
three  hundred  thoufand  Pounds,  which  they 
ofFcr'd  the  Year  before  to  the  Common- 
wealth Parliament,  was  alfo  thought  to  have 
been  caft  into  the  Scales,  being  a  feafonable 
Prefent  to  Cromwel,  wherewith  to  fupport 
himfclf  in  the  Infancy  of  his  Power  and 
Greatnefs.  And  thus  (as  an  Effay  of  his  fu- 
ture Government)  he  abandoned  the  Concerns 
of  the  Nation,  and  all  the  Advantages  of  this 
War,  to  the  Intereft  of  his  own  fecret  Malice 
and  Ambition.  .  . 

VI.  General  Monk  (whofe  Hiftory  we 
have  been  forc'd  to  interrupt  by  this  necef- 
fary  Digreflion)  was,  during  this  Treaty,  ly- 
ing upon  the  Stitch  Coafts,  blocking  up 
their  Havens,  and  interrupting  their  Trade, 
and  did  all  he  could  to  hinder  this  Agreement. 
He  exc]aim'd  againfl:  it,  as  a  thing  infamous 
and  diflionourable  to  the  Nation.  Herepre- 
fented  to  them;,  iViztthtT^titcb  could  not  be 
able  to  fight  anothc.  Battle  5  and  that  they 
had  never  an  Ally  in  the  World,  that  would 
be  conccrn'd  for  them.  But  all  he  could  do 
was  only  to  remonftrnrc  againft  it.  The  time 
was  not  yet  coinc  for  General  Monk^  by  his 
own  Authority,  to  govern  the  great  Concerns 
of  the  Nation,  nor  to  put  an  End  to  Ufurpa- 
v^n  and  Tyranny. 

VII.  The 

General  Monk.  55 

VII.  Thp  ProtcOor  Cromwel  had  no  foon- 
cr  concluded  the  T)utch  War,  but  another 
begun  to  be  formed  againft  him  in  Scotland. 
The  Marquifs  of  At  hoi,  the  Earl  of  Glen- 
carn,  and  icveral  of  the  NobiUry,  having 
declared  for  the  King,  had  raifcd  an  Army 
in  Sotlandy  confifting  of  about  eight  or  nine 
thoufand  Men,  headed  and  commanded  by 
Officers  of  the  principal  of  the  Nobility  and 
Gentry  of  the  Nation,  to  which  fome  Force 
out  of  Holland^  by  Middleton^  was  to  be  ad- 
ded :  Who,  though  he  came  from  his  Majcrty 
with  a  Commifllon  to  be  General  of  the  Army 
which  the  Nobility  had  raifed,  did  yet  dii- 
oblige  them,  and  afterwards  the  withdrawing 
and  dividing  the  Forces,  did  fruftrate  the 
greater  Part  of  the  Attempt. 

VIII.  This  Infurredion  in  Scotland  being 
in  the  Morning  of  hisUfurpation,  did  great- 
ly difquiet  his  Proteclorfhip  (who  could  bet- 
ter diflemble  his  Hatred  than  his  Fears)  not 
knowing  how  far  it  might  fuddcnly  prevail  in 
a  Nation  reftlefs  and  didatisfied  at  the  late 
Coalition,  and  that  were  watching  upon  all 
Occafions,  to  recover  again  the  Lofs  of  their 
Reputation,  with  the  Libcrry  of  their  Coun- 
try. Since  the  Removal  of  General  Monk 
butof  Scotland^  Colonel  "Dif^w  commanded 
ill  Chief  there  j  and  being  aflcrwards  called 

E  4  off 

5(5  The  LIFE  of 

off  by  the  Jando  to  be  the  Admiral  in  the 
*T>utch  War,  Colonel  Ltlbotirn  was  entrufted 
with  the  Government  of  the  Country,  and 
the  Englijh  Forces  there.  Him  Cromwel 
thought  a  Peribn  of  too  little  Courage  to  be 
trufted  at  this  time  with  fo  ftrong  and  tough 
an  Employment.  Befides,  he  had  already  dif- 
covered  his  own  Weaknefs  and  Fears,  by  re- 
prefenting  the  Bufinefs  to  the  Protedor  worfe 
than  indeed  it  was :  And  was  fo  at  his  Wit's 
End,  that  he  dared  not  look  out  of  his  Quar- 
ters. This  made  Cromwel  more  folicitous, 
not  only  about  the  Dcfign  it  felf,  but  the 
Choice  of  a  Perion  fit  to  be  employed.  And 
the  Command  of  fo  large  and  confiderable  a 
Country  was  not  to  be  difpofed  of  at  Adven- 
tures. By  his  afluming  the  Government  in 
the  Quality  of  a  fingle  Perfon,  he  had  dif- 
pleas'd  feveral  of  his  ftouteft  Officers,  tiiat 
were  for  a  free  Commonwealth,  and  there- 
fore was  refolv'd  not  to  employ  them  further. 
Among  his  own  Relations  (whom  he  could 
beft  have  trufted)  there  was  not  a  Perfon  fit 
for  this  Service.  Some  of  his  Council  pro- 
pos'd  his  Brother  in- Law,  T>esborow\  but 
Cromwel  better  underftood  the  Man,  and 
knew  him  to  be  a  coarfe  and  boifterous 
Clown,  that  wanted  Senfe  and  Difcretion. 
Fleetwood  was  as  unfit  as  the  reft  of  them. 
And  for  Lambert,  he  refolv'd  not  to  truft 
him  fo  far  out  of  his  Sight.     The  only  fuit- 

General  Monk.  57 

able  Perfon  for  this  Scotch  Expedition,  was 
General  Monk^  who  had  reduc'd  the  Country 
before,  and  who  bed  knew  how  to  handle  the 

IX.  His  Reputation  at  Arms  was  grown 
equal  with  any  of  the  reft  of  the  Englijh 
Commanders,  and  by  his  Succefs  in  the  laft 
Stitch  War  was  become  their  Superior :  So 
that  feveral  of  them  began  to  emulate  and 
fufped  his  Greatnefs.  He  was  unluckily 
caft  among  thefe  People,  rather  by  his  ill 
Fate,  than  any  Choice  of  his  own  -,  but  was 
ft  ill  efpecially  careful  to  keep  himfelf  from 
their  greater  Guilts  and  Hypocrify.  He 
would  never  be  concern'd  in  any  of  their 
more  fecret  Intrigues  or  Cabals,  never  pre- 
tended to  their  Frenzies  of  Preaching  or 
Praying,  nor  to  any  of  their  Revelations  or 
Impulfes.  But  as  a  ftout  and  valiant  Englifh- 
man,  he  loved  his  Country,  and  ftill  hoped 
for  fome  better  Seafon  to  exprefs  it. 

X.  Whatever  was  fuggefted,  fo  foon  as 
the  Protedor  found,  by  Conference  with  Ge- 
neral Monkj  that  he  was  no  ways  diflatisfy'd 
with  his  diftblving  the  late  Commonwealth 
Parliament,  and  that  he  had  no  Concern  for 
that  Intereft,  he  prefently  entrufted  him  with 
the  Command  of  Scotland.  And  becaufe  all 
things  then  run  into  greater  Diforder,  he  was 


58  rioe  LIFE  of 

haften'd  away  to  his  Province,  taking  his 
Leave  o^ Cromwel,  whom  he  never  faw  more, 
nor  fet  his  Foot  again  in  England,  till  he 
brought  back  with  him  tlie  Redemption  and 
Deliverance  of  his  Country. 

XL  At  his  Arrival  in  Scotlandy  about 
the  23*^  oi  April,  he  found  all  things  in  Dif- 
order  ;  a  querulous,  difcontented  People : 
an  ungovcrn'd  Army,  hll'd  with  all  Sorts  of 
violent  Fanaticks  and  Anabaptifts,  which  was 
the  Religion  of  Colonel  Lilbourn,  their  Go- 
vernor; and  they  had  crouded  and  juftled 
the  Presbyterian  Clergy  out  of  their  Kirks 
and  Pulpits,  and  expos'd  their  Difcipline  to 
Ridicule.  But  General  Monk,  who  was  too 
wary  to  be  concern'd  in  any  of  their  religious 
Difputes  and  Extravagancies,  quickly  found 
them  fome  other  kind  of  Employment  for 
their  Diverfion.  And  having  fettled  fome  ne- 
ceflary  Affairs  in  Rdenburgh,  he  prefcntiy 
draws  out  his  Army,  and  marches  them  up 
into  the  Highlands,  where  he  kept  them  fo, 
clofe  to  their  Work  as  abated  fome  of  their 
religious  Madncfs. 

ri!ni;7/nomfj       ^      .,^.,       _  zi-ri-  fitiv 

i}:thu  ruid  bi 

;j'.ii:,w'lr:fi*  CHAP. 

General  Monk.  yp 

CHAP.  vr. 

I.  The  Earl  of  Middleton  under  great  T>iffi- 
cult'tes  in  the  Highlands 5  whither  Gene- 
ral Monk,  with  Major  General  Morgan, 
marches  after  him.  II.  The  Earl  holds  a 
Council  of  War,  and  determines  not  to 
engage  the  General's  Forces.  III.  Crom- 
wel  fecretly  promifes  the  Scotch  Nobility 
and  Gentry  their  Tardon,  upon  their  Siib- 
miffion-,  which  they  feem  willing  to  make, 
IV.  Some  of  General  MonkV  Officers  are 
for  compelling  them  to  a  Battle,  but  the 
General  is  againji  it.  V.  Major  General 
Morgan  defeats  a  Tarty  of  the  Scotch  at 
Loughgcrry ;  upon  which  the  Earl  of 
Middleton  efcapes  to  Holland,  and  his 
Forces  lay  down  their  Arms.  VI.  Gene- 
ral Monk  hires  Dalkeith- j^t?///^,  where  he 
keeps  his  Head-^iarters,  during  his  Stay 
in  that  Country.  VII .  He  Regulates  the  Ci- 
*vil  and  Religious  Ajf airs  ^/^ Scotland,  and 
rejf rains  the  Tower  of  the  Kirk. 

L'THHE  Citadel,  Forts,  andCaftles,  and 
J^  all  Places  of  Strength  in  Scotland,  be- 
ing already  poffcflTcd  by  the  EngUfh  Forces; 
the  Earl  of  Middleton,  having  no  Garrifon  or 
Retreat  for  his  Army,  defended  himfclf  in  the 
open  Country  of  the  Highlands,  where,  be- 
fides  other  Difficulties;  he  was  much  dillref- 


6o  The  LIFE  of 

fed  with  the  Want  of  Provifion.  General 
Monk,  before  his  March  up  into  the  Coun- 
try, had  ahxady  laid  up  Provifion  of  Bisket 
and  Chcefe  in  three  feveral  convenient  Places, 
at  Leith,  St.  Johnfton's,  and  Invernefs ;  for 
other  Supplies,  they  were  to  find  them  in  the 
Country  as  they  could.  And  having  left  a 
Party  of  Horfe  and  Foot  to  range  about  the 
Lowlands^  and  prevent  the  railing  of  more 
Forces,  he,  with  General  Morgariy  marched 
up  into  the  Highlands  in  two  diftind  Bodies, 
having  about  two  thoufand  five  hundred  Foot, 
and  about  fix  hundred  Horfe,  in  each  Party  ; 
with  which  Force  he  purfued  the  Scotch  Ar- 
my, retreating  ftill  before  him.  And  as  he 
took  in  any  Caf\les  or  Places  of  Strength,  he 
had  them  prefently  fupply'd  with  Provifions 
from  his  former  Stores  at  St.  Johnjlon's  or 
Leithy  by  which  Means  his  Army  was  never 
very  diflant  from  fome  Place  of  Supply.  And 
at  any  Stage  the  Soldiers  took  with  them  in 
their  Knapfacks  fuch  Provifion  of  Cheefe 
and  Bisket,  as  ferved  them  for  fix  or  feven 
Days  J  it  being  otherwifc  impoflible  for  his 
Soldiers  to  have  Courage  to  attend  the  Ene- 
my through  a  Country  fo  defolatc  and  full  of 
Bogs.  As  he  marched  through  the  Countries 
or  Lands  of  fuch  as  were  wholly  in  Arms, 
he  dcftroycd  almoft  all  before  him?  fo  that 
he  knew  at  length  they  would  be  forc'd  to 
fubmit  or  ftarve.       -^   ^mi^^^i^^  - 

11.  The 

G  E  \  E  R  A  L    M  O  N  K.  4^ 

II.  The  Earl  of  Middleton,  obferving  daily 
the  Decay  of  his  Forces,  and  the  Ruin  of  the 
Country,  was" very  earncft  to  have  come  to  a 
Battle  with  General  Monk,  or  with  Major  Ge- 
neral Morgan,  who  kept  on  their  Way  in  two 
diftindt  Bodies,  and  within  four  Days  March 
one  of  another.  But  this  Refolution  was  laid 
afide  at  a  Council  of  War,  upon  the  Confide- 
ration,  that  if  they  fhould  have  the  good  For- 
tune to  engage  one  Party  with  Succefs,  the 
other,  being  frefh,  might  advance  upon  them, 
before  they  could  be  in  Condition  to  receive 
them,  to  the  Hazard  or  Lofs  of  their  whole 

III.  But  there  was  alfo  another  fecret  Con- 
trivance on  Foot,  that  did  moft  of  all  take  off 
the  Scotch  Nobility  and  Gentry  from  coming 
to  an  Engagement.  For  the  Ufurper  Crom- 
wel,  being  not  yet  warm  in  his  Seat,  and 
knowing  how  many  Enemies  he  had,  both  to 
his  Perfon  and  Fortune,  had  greatly  appre- 
hended their  rifing  in  Scotland  as  a  Prelude 
to  a  farther  Infurredion  in  England:  And 
having  greater  and  more  neceflary  Affairs 
upon  him,  than  profccuting  a  War  in  the 
Highlands,  had,  by  his  fecret  Agents,  at- 
tempted fome  of  the  Scotch  Nobility  and  Gen- 
try in  the  Army,  and  let  them  know,  that, 
for  this  their  hafty  Rifing,    he  was  content 


6t  The  LIFE   of 

to  accept  their  Submiflion,  and,  upon  laying 
down  their  Arms,  and  returning  quietly  to 
their  Houfes,  they  fhould  be  reftored  to  their 
Eftates  and  Fortunes.  Which  being  offered  to 
them  in  the  midft  of  fo  many  Straits,  befides 
the  Decay  of  their  Forces,  and  the  ill  Pofture 
of  their  Affairs,  induced  them  not  to  put  all 
to  Hazard  upon  fo  great  Difadvantage,  but  ra- 
ther to  fubmit  for  the  prcfent,  in  Expedation 
of  fome  more  fortunate  Opportunity  for  re- 
covering their  Liberty,  and  reftoring  their 

IV.  Some  of  the  more  eager  and  zealous 
Officers  in  the  Engltjh  Army  were  frequent- 
ly importunate  with  him,  to  come  clofe  up 
to  the  Enemy,  and  enforce  them  to  a  Battle. 
But  General  Monk  better  underflood  the  Na- 
ture of  this  War  than  his  inferior  Command- 
ers ;  and,  having  continual  Account  of  the 
Scotch  Army  hy  ^omo.  Highlanders y  he  allur- 
ed his  Officers,  that  the  Enemy's  Army  was 
in  fuch  Difficulties,  and  fo  daily  decreafing, 
that  the  Bufinefs  would  be  certainly  done 
without  a  Battle :  Nor  did  they  afterwards 
find  him  decciv'd  in  his  Frognoflicks. 

V.  But  in  the  Interim  Major  General  Mor- 
gan, with  that  Party  of  the  Englifi  Forces 
under  his  Command,  furpriz'd  fome  Scotch 
Forces  at  Loughgerryy    and  utterly  defeated 


General  Monk.         (fj 

them.  Upon  which  the  Earl  of  M'tddleton 
retreated  to  an  Ifland,  from  whence  after- 
wards he  got  back  again  into  Holland.  O- 
thers  of  the  Nobility  and  Officers  making 
their  Submiilion,  General  Monk  fettled  con- 
venient Garrifons  in  the  Country.  And  hav- 
ing perform'd  fuch  a  March  thro'  the  Coun- 
try of  xht  Highlands,  where  no  Force  of  the 
Englijh  had  ever  left  a  Footllcp  behind  them, 
and  which  the  Inhabitants  accounted  inaccef- 
fible  to  any  but  themfelves,  by  the  End  of 
Auguft  he  returned  to  Edcnburgh,  which,  be- 
ing the  capital  City  of  the  Nation,  was  the 
moft  proper  Place  of  Refidence  for  the  Prc- 
fed,  or  chief  Governor. 

VI.  But  General  Monk,  who  always  af- 
feded  the  Privacy  and  Retirement  of  the 
Country,  and  taking  a  particular  Fancy  to 
the  Situation  of  "Dalkelth-Houfe,  became  a 
Tenant  to  it :  Where  he  continu'd  his  Hcad- 
Quarters,  during  his  more  than  five  Years 
Command  of  that  Country.  It  was  pleafant- 
ly  feared  in  the  midfl:'  of  a  Park,  and  at  the 
commodious  Diftance  of  five  Miles  from  E- 
denburgh.  Here,  in  the  Intervals  of  publick 
Buftnefs,  he  diverted  himfclf  with  thePlea- 
fures  of  Planting  and  Husbandry  ;  refcmbling. 
therein  fome  of  the  Confuls  and  Didators  of 
the  ancient  Ro?ne  ;  who,  after  they  had  Tub- 
dued  Nations, 'and  led  Kingsin  Triumph,  re- 
'/  T         turn'd 

64  The  LIFE   of 

turn'd  again  to  their  Tillage,  and  with  their 
own  Hands  dreflcd  their  Trees  and  Vine- 

1655      VII.  Upon  the  Reduction  of  thz  High- 
lands, there  being  now  no  Enemy  in  Arms 
in  Scotland,  General  Monk  found  himfelf  at 
Liberty  to  infped  the  Civil  Affairs  of  the 
Country.  And  bccaufe  the  Covenanting  Cler- 
gy were  grown  fo  infolent  in  their  Power  and 
Influence  over  the  Government  and  People,  a 
particulax  Care  was  ufcd  to  abate  their  Rigour. 
They  had  indeed  the  undifturbed  Ufe  of  their 
Kirks  and  Preaching,  during  General  Monk's 
Command  5   but  were  not  permitted  the  Li- 
berty of  making  Reflexions  upon  their  Su- 
periors, or  the  Government,  unto  which,  by 
the  Complexion  of  their  Religion,  or  the  prag- 
matical Spirit  of  the  Clergy,  they  are  greatly 
inclined.     The  Power  of  Excommunication, 
and  the  Confequents  upon  it,  which  was  the 
Palladium  of  Presbyterianifm,    was  wholly 
taken  from  them.     Their  Presbyteries  were 
indeed  connived  at,   but  their  general  AflTem- 
blies  difturbed  and  forbidden :    So  that  they 
who  fome  Years  before,  in  the  Height  and 
Ruffle  of  their  religious  Zeal,  being  abetted 
by  their  Party  in  England,   had  the  Confi- 
dence to  outlaw  the  late  King,  when  he  for- 
bad their  Aflemblies,    were  now  fo  reduced 
and  baffled  by  the  Englijh  Army,  that  they 
z  would 

General  Monk.  6^ 

would  have  dilTolved  any  of  their  Conveitti- 
ons  at  the  Command  of  a  Corporal.  Nor  were 
the  Nobility  and  Gentry  permitted  to  wear 
Swords,  to  ride  on  a  Horfcof  Value,  to  pro- 
fecute  their  old  Animofirics  among  themfelves, 
nor  to  exercifc  any  arbitrary  and  violent  Pra- 
ctices towards  their  Inferiors  and  Servants. 

CHAP.    VII. 

Qvom'^QX  appoints  a  Council  of  Statey  con- 
fijiing  of  Seven y   'whereof  General  Monk 
-was  one.     II.  Three  of  the  Council  after- 
wards concur  with  General  Monk.  111.  Co- 
lonel Overton  endeavours  to  corrupt   the 
Army^  and  defigns  the  Affaffination  of  the 
General^    but   is  dete&edy   and  fent  Tri- 
foner    to  London.     IV.   Scotland  enjoj'S 
great  ^Peace  and  Plenty  under  the  Gene- 
ral's Adminiftration.     V.  CromweL^^^- 
loits  of  him.     VI.  He  is  tinder  great  Af 
fitEiion  for  the  T)eath  of  his  fecond  Son. 
VII.    A  friendly  Correfpondence  between 
the  General  and  the  Scotch  Nobility  and 
Gentry.     VIII.    Which  was  improved  by 
his  Enemies  to  the  Confirmation  of  Crom- 
welV  Jealoufy  of  him ;  whereupon  Crom- 
\Jt\writesto him.     IX.  Cj:om\vcVsartful 
Manner  of  JVriting.      X.   At  the  fame 
F  Time 

66        lie  LIFE   of 

Time  he  '•ji'as  very  weak  in  trufting  a  Ter- 
fo7t  whom  he  fiifpeBedy  with  a  'Place  of 
fitch  Command. 

L  AND  now  the  Proteiflor  having  fully 
J^^\^  fccurcd  the  Subjedion  of  Scotland^ 
there  was  appointed  by  the  Ufurper  a  Coun- 
cil of  State,  for  the  better  Adminiftration  of 
the  Civil  Government,  viz.  The  Lord  ^r^^- 
hil,  Prefident  of  the  Council,  General  George 
Monk,  Colonel  Howard,  Colonel  William^ 
Lockhart,  Colonel  Adrian  Scroop,  Colonel 
John  JVetham,  and  Major  General  *\Desbo- 
row.  To  this  Employment  they  were  au- 
thorized by  a  Commiflion  under  Cromweh 
Broad  Seal,  dated  June  1655,  though  they 
came  not  down  to  exercife  their  Commiflion 
in  that  Nation  till  about  the  middle  of  Sep- 
tember following.  By  which  they  were  en- 
abled to  order  and  difpofe  of  the  Revenues  in 
Scotland,  to  appoint  the  Officers  of  the  Ex- 
chequer, the  Commiflioners  of  Excife  and 
Cuftoms,  and  of  the  Sequeftrations,  and  all 
fubordinatc  Officers  under  them.  They  had 
alfo  the  Nomination  of  all  Jufticcs  of  the 
Peace,  of  Sheriffs  and  Commiflaries  in  the 
feveral  Counties;  which  Commiflaries  kept 
their  Courts  for  Probate  of  Wills,  and  grant- 
ing Adminiftrations  in  their  refpedive  Limits. 
And  by  an  additional  Power  from  Cromwel, 
they  were  afterwards  authoriz'd  to  approve 
i .-,.        5  X  and 

General  Monk.  (^7 

?»nd  allow"  of  all  Incumbents  that  were  to 
be  admitted  into  any  Ecclcfiaftical  Bene- 

II.  This  Council  was  continued  in  Scot- 
land during  the  Ufurpation  of  Cromwel  and 
his  Son.  But  three  of  thofe  Commillloners, 
namely,  the  Lord  Broghil  Earl  of  Orrery, 
Colonel  Howard  Earl  of  Carltfle,  and  Co- 
lonel JVhetham^  who  was  Governor  of 
^ortfmouthj  did  afterwards  very  eff equally 
co-operate  with  General  Monk  in  thofe  great 
and  happy  Alterations,  which  at  laft  intro- 
duced the  King. 

III.  About  this  Time  the  Commonwealth 
Party  in  the  Army,  who  fecretly  maligned 
the  Protedor's  Government,  were  framing 
Defigns  againfl:  him,  which  were  to  take  Ef- 
fed  in  the  Armies  of  all  the  three  Nations. 
Among  whom  Colonel  Overton  was  one, 
who  had  fo  far  diffembled  his  Difcontents, 
as  to  obtain  the  Command  of  Major  Ge- 
neral of  the  Infantry,  in  General  Alonk's 
Army ;  where  he  quickly  fell  to  pradifing 
upon  the  difcontented  Party  of  the  Soldiers, 
and  had  fet  up  Agitators  to  corrupt  the  parti- 
cular Regiments  j  fo  that  under  the  old  Pre- 
tence of  feeking  the  Lord,  a  confiderable 
Number  of  Male-contents  met  in  order  to 
this  Defedion  at  Aberdeen,     He  had  held  fe- 

F  z  veral 

The  LIFE  of 

veral  fecrct  Meetings,  and  framed  a  fmart  De- 
claration againft  Cromwel  and  the  Govern- 
ment 5  proceeding  fo  far  as  to  defign  to  him- 
felf  the  chief  Command  of  tlie  Englifh  Army 
in  Scotland,  which  could  not  be  efFeded  but 
by  the  Death  of  General  Monk,  whom  they 
had  refolv'd  to  furprize  on  New-Tears  Day 
in  the  Morning,  and  Miles  Smdercomb  (af- 
terwards more  famous  for  defigning  upon  the 
Life  of  the  Protedor  Cromwel)  was  one  of 
the  Aflaflins.  All  this  Practice  was  not  fo 
fecretly  carry 'd,  but  the  wary  General  had 
Notice  of  it.  And  having  taken  Care  for  his 
own  Security,  he  fuffered  Overton  and  his 
Accomplices  to  proceed,  till  he  had  fufficient 
Matter  againft  them,  and  then  imprifon'd 
them  all  in  their  feveral  Q^iarters.  Overton 
he  fent  up  to  London-,  to  be  reckon'd  with  by 
the  Protc6lor  himfelf,  who  laid  him  faft  in  the 
Tower,  having  before  fecured  many  other 
Officers  of  the  Faction  in  feveral  Goals  and 
Caftles.  Overtone  Regiment  was  given  to 
Major  General  Morgan,  and  for  the  reft  of 
the  Confederates,  General  Monk  imprifoned 
or  calhired  them. 

1656  IV.  After  this  little  Mutiny  in  Scotland, 
we  find  no  more  Diforders  in  the  Country, 
during  the  General's  Command  there ;  but  an 
univerfal  Peace  among  them ;  and  (the  Ef- 
fed  of  Peace)  an  univerfal  Plenty  and  Trade. 
i£727  .:    ',  For 

General  Monk.  6c^ 

For  the  General  was  always  very  careful   in 
providing  the  Pay  for  his  Army,  both  by  the 
Tax  in  Scotland^   the  fixty  thoufand  Pounds 
fer  Menfem,  and  what  was  further  alligned 
from  England.     So  that  the  Soldiers,  being 
well  paid,    were  enabled  to  difcharge  their 
Quarters  duly,  and  the  Money  did  fo  univer- 
fally  circulate  thro'  the  Country,  that  there 
was   never  known  fo  much  ready  Coin  in 
Scotland^    as  during  General  Monks  Com- 
mand there.     He  had  formed  his  Army  to  a 
very  exad  Difcipline,    fo  that   nothing  was 
more  rare  than  to  hear  of  any  Mutinies  a- 
mong  themfelves,    or  Depredations  on  the 
People :   Infomuch  that  tho'  General  Monk 
continued  anions  them  to  fecure  their  Sub- 
jedion,  yet  they  had  a  great  Opinion  of  his 
Generofity  and  fuftice;    and  fo  much  Kind- 
nefs  for  his  Soldiers,  during  a  long  and  peace- 
able Neighbourhood  together,  that  they  look- 
ed upon  them  no  otherwife  than  as  Natives 
of  the  Place,  or  a  Part  of  their  Country;  and 
as  Guardians  rather  of  their  Safety  and  Liber- 
ty, than  Inftruments  of  their  Servitude  and 

V.  Hitherto  the  Protedor  had  wanted 
Leifure,  or  Pretence,  to  remove  General 
Monk  from  his  fo  long  Command  in  Scot- 
land: Yet  his  Jealoufy  found  out  other  Ways 
to  prevent  him  from  having  too  much  Influ- 

F  3  cnce 

70  the   LIFE    of 

ence  over  his  Army,  by  removing  often  fome 
Regiments  which  he  moft  trufted,  and  fend- 
ing down  to  him  all  thofe  reftlefs  and  violent 
Parties,  which  he  could  leaft  govern  in  Eng- 
land. And  thefe  furious  and  hair  brain'd  Se- 
cVaries  gave  him  frequently  a  grcac  deal  of 
Trouble,  before  he  could  take  down  their 
Mettle,  and  bring  them  to  live  quietly  in  their 
Quarters,  and  to  know  Difcipline. 

VJ.  About  this  Time,  as  an  Allay  to  his 
Felicities,  General  Monk  lofl:  his  fecond  Son, 
George^  who,  in  his  Infancy,  dy'd  of  a  Fea- 
ver,  attended  with  Convulfion  Fits,  and  was 
buried  in  the  Chapel  of  T)alkeith-H.oufe.  The 
Death  of  this  Child  affcdled  the  General  with 
fo  unufual  and  deep  a  Sorrow,  as  was  greatly 
admired  by  thofc,  who,  know  not  that,  in  the 
higheft  Courage,    there  is  a  Mixture  of  the 
greateft  Tendernefs  5    or  have  not  read,  how 
that  the  brave  <:^yEmylms  *  was  fo  concern'd 
for  the  Death  of  his  two  Children,   that  it 
took  from  him  the  chief  Satisfadion  of  his 
late  Vidories,    and  withered  the  Laurels  o£ 
his  Triumph. 

VII.  Since  the  Infurredion  of  the  High- 
landers,   there  had  been  for  fome  Years  no 


*  Flutarch's  Life.  o£  jEtr^Utu. 


General  Monk.  7r 

confidcrablc  Hoftility  in  Scotland.  And  Time, 
that  overcomes  all  Things,  had  worn  out  in 
a  great  Meafurc  the  Memory  of  all  part:  Ani- 
mofitics.     So  that  the  Nobility  and  Gentry 
of  Scotland  azmz  to  a  better  Undcrftanding 
of  their  General,  whom  they  frequently  vific- 
ed  J  and  there  were  among  them  feveral  wor- 
thy and  honourable  Perfons,  for  whom  Gene- 
ral Monk  had  a  very  particular  Eftimation,  info- 
much  as  he  frequently  defired  their  Converfa- 
tion,  and  did  advife  with  them  in  the  Manage- 
ment of  feveral  publick  Affairs  in  their  Coun- 
try.   Even  the  brave  and  valiant  Party  of  the 
Montrojjians,  had  a  Place  in  his  Eftimation 
and  Kindnefs,  fo  far  as  the  Condition  of  Af- 
fairs then,   and  the  jealous  Temper  of   the 
Age,  would  admit.     And  tho'  General  Monk 
abated  nothing  of  his  Difcipline,  yet  by  his 
other  Methods  of  Moderation  and  Prudence, 
he  had  fo  far  obliged  all  Parties,  that  whilft 
the  Protedor,  with  all  his  Arts  of  terrifying 
or  informing,  could  not  keep  himfelf  a  Year 
round  from  Defigns  or  Infurredlions  againft 
him  in  England^    General  Monk  continued 
the  Government   in  Scotland  without  any 
further  Plot  or  Pradice  upon  him. 

VIIT.  But  this  his  quiet  and  peaceful  Go- 1658 
vernment  of  Scotland^  and  the  general  Efti- 
mation  that  waited  on  him  there,  was,  by  his 
Enemies  in  the  Country,   and  others  about 

F  4  the 

yr  The  LIFE  of 

the  Protestor,  reprefcnted  as  a  jealous  In- 
ftance.  And  Cromwell  whofe  Humours  to- 
wards his  Declenfion,  grew  like  other  Li- 
quors near  their  Bottom,  fharp  and  turbid> 
had  entertain'd  fomc  Apprehenfion  of  him. 
The  Difcontents  between  him  and  his  late 
Parliament,  and  the  Difcovery  of  another 
new  Plot  upon  him,  led  him  to  other 
Thoughts :  Only  fome  while  before  his 
Death,  he  wrote  to  him  a  Letter  with  his 
own  Hand,  containing  only  general  Matters 
relating  to  the  Government  j  but  in  his  Polt- 
fcrJpt  he  fubjoins: 

ihere  be  that  tell  me,  that  there  is  a  cer- 
tain cunning  FellouU  in  Scotland,  called 
George  Monk,  cc.-^^  is  faid  to  lye  in  wait 
there  to  introdtice  Charles  Stuart  j  I  pray  ufe 
your  diligence  to  apprehend  him,  and  fend 
him  up  to  me,  . 

IX.  This  was  a  kind  of  Grimace  in  the 
Protedlor,  to  wrap  up  his  Sufpicions  in  Drol- 
lery :  And  it  was  another  Part  of  his  Cun- 
ning, to  place  that  in  a  Poftfcript  which  ill 
Reality  was  the  main  Occafion  of  the  Letter. 

X.  And  here  I  defire  my  Reader  to  ob- 
ferve,  that  the  Sufpicion  upon  Generari^ii(?w^ 
of  reftoring  King  Charles,  did  not  firft  arife 
from  his  wary  Refervcdnefs,  and  ftudicd  Con- 
cealments of  himfclf,  ill  his  celebrated  March 

;  !  '     ■.     I  .  from 

General  Monk.  73 

from  Colftream  5  but  it  was  an  Apprchenfion 
that  did  long  before  diftrefs  tlie  Minds  of 
thofe,  who  had  been  guilty  of  excluding  his 
Majefty  from  his  Dominions,  and  whofe  In- 
tereft  therefore  it  was  to  hinder  his  Return. 

It  was  certainly  a  great  Overfight  in  Crom- 
wet  to  continue  fo  great  a  Command,  as  the 
Government  of  Scotland^  in  the  Hands  of 
General  Monk,  of  whom  he  could  have  no 
great  Security  from  his  Principles,  nor  as 
partaking  with  him  in  mutual  Guilts.  But 
whatever  his  fecret  Refentments  were,  they 
proceeded  no  further,  being  prevented  by  his 
own  Death,  which  quickly  after  enfued  on 
September  3,  1658.  a  Day  which  in  his  Life- 
time he  had  kept  as  an  anniverfary  Feftival, 
and  now  by  his  Death  made  it  truly  fuch  to 
the  Commonwealth.  And  now  having  five 
Years  followed  Providence  in  doing  all  the 
Mifchief  he  was  able,  he  left  the  Ufurpation 
with  fo  little  Content  to  himfelf,  or  Hopes 
of  its  Continuance,  that  he  had  taken  no 
Care  of  the  Succeflion,  if  he  had  not  been  put 
upon  it  by  the  Importunities  of  thofc  about 


74  ^s  LIFE  0} 


I.  Cromwcl  dies,  and  his  Son  Richard  is  pra*^ 
claimed  at  Edenburgh,  who  fends  Letters 
of  Compliment  to  General  Monk.  II.  The 
State  of  England  at  that  Time,  A  ^Par- 
liament called.  Some  of  the  Members  ca- 
bal againfi  the  young  ProteBor.  The  Com- 
mons refent  it  5  while  the  Trotetlor,  by 
the  Advice  of  Thurloe,  difplaces  fome  of 
the  Officers  of  the  Army  y  the  Hotife  of 
Lords^  on  the  contrary,  favouring  them. 
III.  The  Parliament  diffolvedi  by  which 
Means  the  Officers  recover  their  Places 
and  IntereJL  IV.  And  are  for  refioring 
the  Rump  P arliament .  V.  Fleetwood 
and  Dcsborow  defert  the  Intereft  of  the 
P^rote^ory   and  fall  into  Lambert'j  Mea- 

■  fures.      VI.    The  Prote^or  turned  out. 
W\.  And  the  Rtmip  Parliament  rejtored\ 

;    with  the  Reafons  of  that  Refolution.  V II 1 . 
The  Rump  Parliament,    to  fecure  them- 
jelves,   empower   their  Speaker  to   grant 
Commijfions  in  the  Army,  appointing  a  Com- 
mittee of  Seven  for  the  Nomination  of  Of- 
ficers.    IX.  General  Monk'j  CondtiB  up- 
on thefe  Alterations.     X.  The  Loyalifts  in 
England  take  Advantage  from  them.     XI. 
How  the  King's  Affairs  had  been  managed 
fince  theT>eath  of  his  Father.     XII.  The 
Presbyterians  join   with  the  Royaltfls ; 

.    their  Reafons  forfo  doing.  L  THE 

General  Monk.  75 

I.*'T^  H  E  Death  of  the  Proteftor,  and  the 
I      Orders  for  proclaiming  his  Son,  came 
to  General  Monk  to  IDalkeith  much  at  the 
fame  Time.     And   prefently  after  Richard 
Crom''^el  was  proclaimed  at  Edenbiirgh,  but 
with  fo  cold  and  indifferent  Ceremony,  both 
in   the   People  and  Ejjglijh  Army,    that  it 
feem'd  rather  an  Ad  of  Obedience,  than  Af- 
fcdion.     But  to  fettle  a  better  Underftanding 
with  General  Monk,  the  Protedor  Richard 
fent  prefently  Commiflary  Clafges  with  Let- 
ters to  him,  both  to  compliment  his  farther 
Service,  and  to  defirc  his  Advice.    They  who 
converfed  with  General  Monk  in  thofe  Times, 
have  reported  it  as  his  Opinion,  that  if  OH- 
'uer  Cromwel  had  lived,   he  could  not  have 
held  the  Government  much  longer:     And 
therefore  for  his  eafy  Son,  he  prefently  fore- 
faw,  he  would  not  be  able  to  continue  his 
Station  many  Months.    Yet  he  return'd  him 
very  civil  and  wary  Anfwers  to  his  Letters, 
and  carefully  fecuring  his  own  Command,  he 
was  refolved  not  to  concern  himfelf  with  the 
Affairs  of  England--,  but  to  leave  the  young 
Protestor  to  the  Condud  of  thofe  about  him, 
and  his  own  hafty  Dcftiny. 

II.  The  laft  Protedor  had  left  his  Son 
many  Enemies  againft  his  Government,  and 
thofe  he  could  truft  were  rather  Friends  to 


76  The  LIFE  of 

his  Fortune  than  himfdf.  He  had  left  the 
Government  in  fuch  a  mifcrable  Condition, 
with  fo  many  Debts  and  Arrears  to  his  Army, 
that  his  Son  was  not  able  to  keep  open  Doors 
any  longer,  without  the  Help  of  a  Parlia- 
ment, which  was  convened  to  fit  down,  Ja- 
i  ^c)6nuary  the  I7'^^  confiftingof  an  Houfe  of  Com- 
mons, and  another  they  cail'd  in  thofe  Times, 
the  Other  Houfe.  In  this  Affembly  there 
were  fo  many  return'd  of  different  Humours 
and  Principles,  that  againft  the  opening  of  the 
Parliament,  many  of  the  Officers  of  the  Ar- 
my haften'd  up  to  London,  where,  meeting 
fevcral  others  formerly  difoblig'd  by  the  late 
Protedor,  they  fell  prefently  to  caballing 
with  other  Male-contents,  how  to  wreft  the 
Government  from  his  Son.  Of  this  Party  one 
of  the  leading  Pertbns  was  Colonel  Lambert y 
whofe  conccal'd  Ambition  began  now  to  dif- 
cover  it  felf.  They  had  held  feveral  Meetings 
in  order  to  thcfe  Ends,  with  fo  much  Cere- 
mony, as  if  they  had  been  the  hereditary 
Princes  of  the  Nation ;  and  had  fo  fool'd 
Fleetisjood  and  DeshoroWy  and  other  half- 
witted People  of  Cromwel's  Alliance,  who 
had  no  true  Notion  of  their  own  and  Crom- 
'-ji'el's  Intcreft,  that  they  faw  not  their  Error 
till  it  was  too  late  to  retrieve  it.  Thefe  bold 
and  open  AlTemblies  of  the  Officers  gave 
fome  Alarm  to  the  Commons  then  fitting, 
who  difcover'd  their  Jealoufy  and  Difpleafure 
,1  againit 

General  Monk.'         yy 

ngainft  thefe  Conventions,  by  their  voting  a- 
gainft  them,  and  favouring  rather  the  Intcreft 
of  the  young  Protedtor,  while  the  other  Houfe 
abetted  the  Aflembly  of  the  Army  Officers 
againft  him  5  who  at  laft  ran  into  fuch  high 
and  infolent  Refolves,  as  the  Protestor  Ri- 
chard was  prudently  advis'd  to  fecure  their 
Perfons,  then  alTembled  in  Sir  Henry  VanCy 
or  Sir  Arthur  Hazlerig's  Houfe,  and  difpofe 
of  their  Commands.  But  his  Secretary  Thur- 
loe  perfuaded  him  to  recall  their  Commiflions, 
yet  to  leave  their  Perfons  at  Liberty.  By 
which  timorous  and  middle  Counfcl,  he  had 
no  way  oblig'd  them  to  continue  hisMaflj^r's 
Friends,  nor  difabl'd  them  from  becoming  his 

III.  The  Officers  of  the  Army  did  hitherto 
greatly  fear  the  Influence  and  Difpleafure  of 
the  Houfe  of  Commons,  as  they  defpis'd  the 
Weaknefs  and  Incapacity  of  their  Proted:or 
Richard,  and  therefore  infolently  compel- 
ling him  to  dilTolve  their  Seffion,  they  then 
prefently  feiz'd  the  Army  wholly  into  their 
own  Hands,  difplacing  all  Officers  that  mod 
favoured  the  Protectorate,  by  which  Altera- 
tion Colonel  Lambert,  and  the  reft  of  thofc 
difcarded  Commanders,  recover 'd  again  their 
Stations  in  the  Army. 

IV.  The 

The  LIFE  of 

IV.  The  Protedor's  Relations  were  all 
this  while  fo  ftupid  and  fenfelefs,  that  they 
did  not  yet  difcern  they  had  ruined  them- 
felves  and  him,  by  this  Breach  upon  his 
Power :  But  being  ftill  fooled  with  a  Bell  and 
a  Rattle,  they  had  the  Vanity  to  perfuade 
him,  all  fhould  be  very  well  with  him,  and 
tho'  he  had  loft  his  Authority,  yet  he  fhould 
continue  his  Government.  But  at  the  next 
Meeting  of  thofe  Officers  they  quickly  found 
their  Error,  whenitwaspaft  Remedy.  For 
tho*  thefe  People,  who  had  magnify 'd  the 
Cromwelsy  as  the  Mofes  that  had  led  them 
out  of  the  Houfe  of  Bondage,  yet  now 
they  are  refolved  to  fet  up  Fleetwood  their 
Captain,  and  to  return  again  into  c^/Egypt* 
For  now  nothing  would  pleafe  them,  but  to 
reftore  the  late  Tail  of  a  Parliament,  to  whofc 
Diflblution,  five  Years  ago,  moft  of  them  had 
been  confenting  j  and  fome  of  them  had  ac- 
tually affifted  Cromwel  in  pulling  them  out  of 
the  Houfe,  and  expofing  them  to  the  World 
as  a  Pack  of  Knaves  and  Villains,  who  had 
fpent  more  than  ten  Years  Time  there  in 
cheating  the  Nation.  Notwithftanding  their 
former  Contempt  of  them,  when  it  fervcd. 
their  Ambition  or  Intereft,  the  religious  Hy- 
pocrites were  not  afhamed,  by  their  Declara- 
tion, May  6.  to  proclaim  the  fame  People,  the 


General  Monk.         79 

eminent  Aflcrters  of  the  good  old  Caufe,  and 
fuch  as  had  a  fpecial  Prefence  of  God  with 
them,  and  were  fignally  blefTed  in  the  Work. 

V.  Fleetwood  and  Desborow  did  cafi- 
ly  difcern,  that  the  Difcourfe  among  them 
for  reftoring  the  late  Parliament,  muft  prove 
the  certain  Ruin  of  the  Protectorate.  And 
when  they  had  found,  that,  by  their  own  ill 
Management  or  Credulity,  they  had  utterly 
loft  Richard's  Game,  they  took  Care  to  fave 
their  own  Stake,  and  to  fecure  their  high 
Commands  in  the  Army,  by  complying  with 
Lambert  and  the  other  Officers,  leaving  their 
young  Kinfman  friendlefs  and  defencelefs  to 
the  Contempt  and  Revenge  of  his  Enemies. 

VI.  And  thus  ended  the  Ufurpation  of 
the  Cromwels,  begun  by  the  Villanies  and 
Falflioods  of  the  Father,  and  concluding  in 
the  Follies  of  the  Son  ;  and  the  fame  People 
that  had  been  the  Afcent  to  the  one,  became 
the  Precipice  to  the  other.  They  who  had 
fo  officioufly  lent  Oliver  their  Hand  to  raife 
him  up,  were  now  as  bufy  with  their  Feet  to 
kick  down  Richard. 

VII.  The  Officers  of  the  Army,  who  had 
thus  thrown  down  the  Protedloratc,  had  no 
other  Authority  to  which  they  could  retreat, 
but  reftoring  the  old  Commonwealth  Parlia- 

So         rhe  LIFE  of 

ment.  They  could  not  fupport  the  Govern- 
ment by  a  military  Council  of  their  own, 
becaufe  that  Conftitution  could  raife  no  Mo- 
ney, which  was  then  extremely  wanted.  And 
the  great  ones  were  grown  to  fuch  an  Height 
of  Self-opinion  and  Jealoufy  of  each  other, 
that  they  could  never  agree  to  fubmit  to  any 
fingle  Perfon  chofen  from  among  themfelves ; 
nor  could  they  truft  a  new  Parliament,  which 
w^s  likely  enough  to  declare  them  Rebels. 
There  was  therefore  no  other  Way  but  to 
mount  their  good  old  Caufe  again  upon  this 
Rum.p  of  the  late  Long-Parliament,  and  to 
ride  till  fome  of  them  (having  ripen'd  their 
Defigns)  could  find  an  higher  Ground  to  a- 
light  at. 

VIII.  The  Members  of  the  late  Long- Par- 
liament gave  good  Words  to  them  that  had 
reftored  them,  now  a  fecond  Time,  to  a  Ca- 
pacity of  doing  further  Mifchief.  Yet  they 
were  refolv'd  firfl:  to  fecure  their  own  Station, 
by  fixing  the  Army  in  a  more  certain  Depen- 
dance  upon  themfelves.  And  to  that  End, 
tho'  they  granted  to  Fleetivood  a  Commif- 
fion  to  command  as  General,  yet  they  allow'd 
him  no  Power  to  fign  Commifllcns  to  others, 
but  referv'd  that  Truft  for  the  Speaker  of  their 
Houfe  ,*  from  whofc  Hands  only  all  Commif- 
fions  fiiould  pafs.  And  at  the  fame  Time  ap- 
pointed a  Committee  of  feven  Perfons,  'viz. 


General  Monk.  8i 

Lieutenant  General  Fleet'iuood,  Sir  Henry 
Vane,  Sir  Arthur  Hazlerig,  Colonel  Lam- 
bert, 'T>esborO'-ji!,  Ludlo'-ju,  and  Berry,  with 
Authority  to  model  the  Army,  and  difplace 
dll  fuch  Officers  in  the  three  Nations  as  they 
thouoht  fit. 


IX.  General  Monk  fat  all  this  while  fi- 
lent  in  Scotland,  keeping  a  very  fteady  Eye 
upon  all  thefe  feveral  Scenes  and  Alterations  in 
London.  And  knowing  himfclf  to  be  in  a 
Station  fo  coniiderable,  as  they  would  be  en- 
forc'd  to  make  Applications  to  him,  he  was 
refolv'd  to  keep  himfclf  at  a  Diftancc,  and  fe- 
cure  his  own  Comm.and,  leaving  them  a  v/hile 
to  manage  their  Game  at  their  own  Rate. 

X.  Nor  did  the  loyal  P.irry  in  England 
(land  as  idle  and  unconcern'd  Spcdlators  upon 
this  great  Change  of  Affairs.  They  had  in- 
deed unfortunately  loft  the  Field  in  the  Civil 
War  J  but  yet  contriv'd  the  Continuance  of 
feveral  Infurredions  and  Parties,  in  order  to 
reftore  the  Monarchy  -,  which  hitherto,  by 
the  Vigilance  of  their  Enemies,  or  the  Trea- 
chery of  Tome  among  themfclvcs,  had  been 
fruftrated.  Yet  fupporting  themfelvcs  with 
the  Aflurance  and  Confcicnce  of  fo  good  a 
Caufe,  they  kept  up  their  Hopes  and  Endea- 
vours, and,  with  a  very  fin^ular  Attention, 
obferv'd  thofe  wild  Alterations  and  Inconftan- 

G  cies 

8i         tie  LiFE  of 

cics  of  their  Enemies,  hoping  this  their  GiddU 
nefs,  by  fo  many  turnings  round,  would  en- 
force their  Fall  at  the  laft. 

XL  His  Majefty's  Affairs  in  Englandy 
fiQcc  the  Death  of  his  Father,  had  been  ma- 
naged by  a  fecret  Conclave  chofen  out  of  the 
ioyal  Nobility,  and  other  Perfons  of  Honour 
and  Quality,  that  liad  furviv'd  the  late  War 
on  the  King's  Side,  and  were  authorized  to 
this  Employment  by  a  CommifTion  under  his 
Majefty's  Hand  ;  as  the  Earl  of  Oxford^  Earl 
of  Nortkampton,  Sir  John  Greenvil,  now 
Earl  of  Bathj  the  Lord  Vifcount  Mordant, 
the  Lord  Bellafis^  Colonel  John  RtiffeU  Co- 
lonel of  his  Majefty's  Guards,  Sir  fVilliam 
Co?npton->  late  General  of  the  Ordnance,  Sir 
Orlando  Bridgrnan-,  late  Lord  Keeper  of  the 
Great  Seal,  Sir  Jeffrey  T aimer y  late  Attorney 
General,  Colonel  JVtlUam  Legg,  one  of  the 
Gentlemen  of  his  Majefty's  Bedchamber,  Co- 
lonel Edward  Villars^  of  the  Bedchamber  to 
his  Royal  Highnefs,  Mr.  Newport,  Brother 
to  the  Lord  Newport^  Dr.  Hewit ;  and  to 
thefc  was  unfortunately  added  Sir  Richard 
IFillis,  who  nfcerwards  fell  into  Sufpicion, 
and  was  not  entrufted.  Some  of  thefe  fecret 
Commiilioners  were  always  refiding  in  L<?«- 
don,  both  to  hold  Intelligence  with  fevcral 
Perfons  of  Worth  and  Loyalty,  that  were 
cngsg'd  for  his  Majefty's  Service  in  every 
.;-,  4  ';  County 

General  Monk.    ^'    83 

County  of  Englandy  and  alfo  to  tranfmit  to 
his  Majefty  an  Account  of  Things  according 
to  any  new  Emergency. 

XII.  About  this  Time  feverai  of  the 
Royal  Party  found  a  fair  Opportunity  to  in- 
large  their  Intereft,  by  the  Acceilion  of  fcve- 
ral  among  the  more  moderate  of  the  Presby- 
terians. The  rcftoring  again  the  Tail  of  the 
late  Parliament,  had  greatly  difobligcd  that 
Party  5  and  the  rather  becaufe  all  the  Pref- 
byterian  Members  (who  had  as  much  Right 
to  fit  as  the  other)  were  kept  out  by  the  In- 
folence  of  the  Jundo,  being  abetted  by  the 
Power  of  their  Army.  Thefe  Refentments 
run  at  laft  fo  high  in  the  whole  Body  of  the 
Presbyterians,  that,  difdaining  to  fubmit  a- 
gain  to  a  fun£lo  of  Knaves  that  had  fool'd 
and  cozen'd  them,  and  to  their  boiftcrous  Ar- 
my of  Fanaticks,  they  chofe  rather  to  join 
themfelves  to  their  old  Enemy  the  Royal  Par- 
ty, for  the  Recovery  of  their  common  Li- 

CHAP.    IX. 

I.  An  univerfal  Infurrcciion  in  e'very  Coun- 
ty agreed  itpony  and  a  declaration  for  the 
Freedom  of  ^Parliaments^   ijuithout    men- 
G  2  tiontng 

84  The   LIFE   of 

t toning  King  or  Monarchy.     Sir  George 
>    ViQQi\x  the  fir  ft  that  appeared  in  it.     \\.  A 
farther  T>efign  to  attempt  the  bringing  o- 
'Ver  fame  of  the  Officers.     General  Monk 
'  •  cfteemed  the  moft  likely  to  be  prevailed  up- 
on, and  Sir  John  Grecnvile  the  moft  pro- 
per '^erfon  to  be  fent  to  him  for  that  pur- 
pofe.     III.  An  Account  of  Sir  John  Grecn- 
''    vil.     His  T>e ft ent,  ijuith  fi)me  Account  of 
his  Father.     His  feveral  Advancements 
and  Conduct  i7i  the  Army.  IV.  Compounds 
for  his  Eft  at  e^  and  lives  retired  upon  the 
.     Seat  of  the  Family  at  Kelkhampton.     V. 
'>     'Trefents  Mr,  Nicholas  Monk,  Brother  to 
■?     the  General,  to  the  Living  of  Kelkhampton . 
VI.  Whofe  ^refentatton  is  admitted  by 
the  Committee  of  Tryers.     VII.  Sir  John 
'-   leaves  the  Country,    and  refides  in  Lon- 
*     don,  for  the  T>  if  charge  of  a  Commiffion 
'    from  the  King.     He  recommends  Mr.  Ni- 
cholas Monk  to  the  King,  as  a  fit  'P  erf  on 
to   be   fent   to  the  General  in  Scotland. 
VIII.  7he  King's  Letter  to  Sir  John  for 
that  purpofe.     IX.  The  King's  Letter  to 
;    the  General.     X.  Sir  John  acquaints  Mr. 
Nicholas  Monk,   then  in  Cornvval,  with 
the  King's  ^leafure^   vuho  readily  accepts 
the  Tnifl,  and  immediately  repairs  to  Lon- 
don to  Sir  John,  and  from  thence  to  Scot- 
land.    XI.  Mr.    Monk  arrives  in  Scot- 
land, and  communicates  hi  i  Bufinefsto  T>r. 
5  Price, 

General  Monk.  8j 

Price,  the  General's  Chaplain^  who  gives 
him  fome  Injlruciions  about  the  Manage- 
ment of  it.  XII.  Mr.  MonkV  Interview 
isjithy  and  Reception  from,    the  General. 

XIII.  The  Committee  makes  feveral  Alte- 
rations in  the  General's  Army,  "-j^hich  he 
refufes  to  comply  'ujith,  but  improves  them 
to  the  Service  of  that  Refolution  vohich  he 
had  taken  upon  the  King's  Mejfage  to  hi^n. 

XIV.  An  Oath  of  Secrecy.  XV.  And  a 
^declaration  to  the  Jtin6io,  figned  by  the 
General  and  his  Officers ;  wherein  the 
Jtm^o  was  commanded  to  fill  up  their 
Members,  and  to  provide  for  frequent 
^arliame7its.  A  remarkable  Expreffion 
of  the  General's  to  T)r.  Price.  XVI.  Sir 
George  Booth  defeated.  XVII.  Upon 
which  the  General  burns  the  'Declaration. 
XVIII.  The  Juncfo  and  their  Army  in 
England  difagree.  XIX.  The  Army  fends 
to  their  Brethren  in  Ireland,  and  to  Gene- 
ral Monk  in  Scotland,  for  their  Concur- 
rence againfl  the  T'arliament ;  whereupon 
General  Monk  declares  for  the  Parlia- 

I.  ^  I  ^HE  King's  Commiflioncrs  very  well 
\  underftood  how  to  deal  with  thcfe 
People,  and  to  make  ufe  of  their  Intereft  ; 
and  therefore  having  firft  agreed,  that  an  uni- 
verfal  Infiirrcdion  fliould  be  made  ia  every 
G  3  County 

8<^  The  LIFE    of 

County  of  England,  and  every  one  upon  the 
fame  Day  (for  which  feveral  Perfons  of  Qua- 
lity had  undertaken)  they  confented  that  the 
firfl:  Appearance  ftiould  be  of  fuch  Perfons  on- 
ly as  had  not  been  engagd  on  the  King's  Side 
in  the  late  War  ;  thereby  both  to  prevent  the 
greater  Jealoufy  of  the  Army  againft  them, 
and  with  Hopes  to  have  drawn  over  the  more 
moderate  Parry  among  the  Soldiers.  They 
agreed  alfo  to  a  Declaration,  which  (hould 
not  mention  the  King,  nor  monarchical  Go- 
vernment, but  only  for  the  Freedom  of  Par- 
liaments, according  to  the  known  Laws,  and 
for  Liberty  and  Property  of  the  People.  And 
in  this  Lifurredion  the  firft  and  only  Pcrfon 
that  appear'd  was  Sir  George  Booth. 

IL  But  bcfides  this  Defign  of  an  univerfal 
Infurredion,  ( which,  if  it  had  fucceeded 
right,  had  given  the  Jundo  and  their  Army 
Trouble  enough)  it  was  rcfolv'd  by  his  Maje- 
(ly  and  his  Privy-Council  at  Brtiffels,  to  at- 
tempt the  Allegiance  of  fome  principal  Com- 
manders in  the  EngUJh  Army.  And  that 
fmce  it  had  not  been  pollible  to  deal  with 
them  while  united,  to  fee  what  good  might 
be  done  by  engaging  one  Party  againft  the  o- 
thcr,  which  was  an  Experim.ent  that  could 
never  ycr  be  made :  Upon  an  exad  Conftde- 
ration  of  feveral  great  Olricers  among  them 
all,  there  was  no  Ferfon  of  whom  they  could 


General  Monk.  87 

entertain  any  probable  Hope  but  General 
Monk  in  Scotland^  who,  being  a  Gentleman 
born,  and  of  better  Quality  tlian  mod  among 
them,  and  having  formerly  been  in  the  Ser- 
vice of  the  late  King,  and  no  way  concern'd 
in  their  Principles  and  deeper  Guilts,  might 
be  thought,  by  the  Condition  of  the  Com- 
mand he  held,  to  be  a  Perfon  very  proper  for 
fuch  a  Service  as  this :  Nor  were  there  want- 
ing certain  Conceits  and  Forebodings  in  the 
Minds  of  Men  concerning  him.  Having  there- 
fore refolved  to  make  fome  Attempt  upon 
him,  the  next  Care  was  in  the  Choice  of  a 
Perfon  fit  to  undertake  it :  When  it  was  fca- 
fonably  remember'd,  that  there  was  a  very 
near  Relation  between  General  Monk  and  Sir 
John  Greenvil,  one  of  the  fecret  Commif- 
fioners  above-mentioned.  And  therefore 
there  was  difpatched  to  him  a  particular 
Commiflion,  to  find  out  fome  Way  of  treat- 
ing privately  with  General  Monkj  in  order  to 
his  Majefty's  Service. 

And  becaufe  we  are  here  fallen  upon  the 
mention  of  a  Perfon,  that  was  fo  principally 
concern'd  in  the  great  Affair  we  have  under- 
taken to  relate,  and  made  fo  confidcrable  a 
Figure  in  it,  I  muft  lead  the  Reader  a  few 
Steps  backward,  for  the  giving  him  a  clear 
Profpedl  into  the  following  Relation. 

JIJ.  Sir  John  Greenvil'^zsihczldc^Sovi 
Q  4  P^ 

88  Tijc  LIFE  of 

of  the  valiant  and  loyal  Sir  Bevil  Greenviji 
of  Kelkhampton  in  Cornwal,  who,  at  his 
own  Charge  in  the  Year  1638.  rais'd  a  Troop 
of  Horfe  to  attend  his  late  Majefty,  in  his 
firfi:  Expedition  ngainfl  ihtScot.rr,  nnd,  being 
afterwards  rcturn'd  Knight  of  tne  Shire  for 
Corn'-j^al  in  the  late  Long  Parliament,  was 
fent  down  by  the  King  to  fettle  the  Commif- 
lion  of  Array  in  that  County.  After  which 
he  led  on  the  Cornijh  Forces  againft  the  Re- 
bels in  "Devonjhire^  and  the  Weftern  Coun- 
ties, where  he  obtain'd  feveral  confiderable 
Vi(fl:ories  both  at  Bodmin  and  Launcejion,  &c. 
an,d  afterwards  in  the  Battle  of  Lanfdown 
\o?i  his  Life,  valiantly  fighting  in  the  midft  of 
his  Enemies,  by  whom  he  was  kill'd  with 
many  Wounds.  This  Gentleman,  his  Son, 
Sir  John  Greenvily  now  Earl  of  Bath^  at  fif- 
teen Years  of  ^ge  commanded  his  Father's 
Regiment,  and  afterwards  was  entrufted  with 
five  Regiments  added  to  it ,  with  which 
Force  he  rucccfbfully  fcrved  the  King  in  the 
Wcdern  Parts  of  England  -,  from  whence 
marching  afterwards,  at  the  fecond  Battle  of 
N^ewberry,  cxpofing  himfelf  very  far,  he  was 
dangeroufly  wounded.  At  eighteen  Years  of 
Ase  he  was  made  Gentleman  of  the  Bed- 
chamber  to  the  Prince,  his  prefent  Majefty, 
whom  (after  all  v/as  loft  in  England)  he  at- 
tended in  his  Exile  abroad.  And  whilft  his 
Majefty  ftay'd  at  the  Hague ^  the  Garrifon  and 
*     '   .     •  ■  ^  •     Iflanders 

General  Monk.         89 

Ifjanders  of  Scilly  revolted  from  the  Parlia- 
ment, and,  having  fciz'd  their  Governor,  they 
fent  their  Submiflion  to  his  Majefty,  defiring 
him  to  fend  them  a  Governor,  and  fome  more 
Forces.  Whereupon  the  King,  knowing  the 
Courngc  and  Refolution  of  Sir  John  Green- 
n)il,  befides  the  Intercft  which  his  Name  and 
Family  had  in  thofe  Weftern  Parts,  thought 
him  the  fitteft  Pcrfon  for  this  Service  ;  and 
immediately  fent  him  to  command  the  Ifland, 
wuh  Directions  alfo  for  the  Marquifs  of  Or- 
mond,  to  fend  him  three  hundred  Soldiers  out 
of  Ireland,  which  were  accordingly  difpatch- 
cd  over  to  Scilly.  But  the  Parliament  at  JVefl- 
m'mfler,  having  brought  all  England \mo  Sub- 
jedion,  having  lately  reduc'd  Ireland,  and  be- 
ing in  a  fair  Way  for  conquering  Scotland,  dif- 
dain'd  to  be  out-brav'd  by  two  or  three  little  I- 
flands,  and  therefore,  165 1,  they  order'd  their 
Admiral  Blake  and  Aifcongh^  with  a  good 
Force  of  Men  of  War  and  Soldiers,  to  attack 
the  Ifland.  He  came  before  Scilly  with  fo 
confiderablc  a  Force,  that  Sir  John  Greenvil, 
and  thofe  Officers  with  him,  prefently  found 
they  fliould  not  be  long  able  to  hold  the  Ifland 
againft  him  :  But  putting  a  good  Face  upon 
an  ill  Bufincfs,  they  flighted  his  Summons, 
and  prepared  themfelves  for  Defence.  Yet  af- 
terwards, coming  to  a  Treaty,  the  Ifland  was 
furrender'd  upon  Articles  fo  honourable  and 
advantagious  to  the  Bcfieg'd,  that  the  Parlia- 

i)o  The  LIFE  of 

ment  refus'd  to  confirm  them.  But  General 
Blake,  who  was  a  Perfon  of  Honour  and  Gc- 
ncrofity,  telling  his  Matters  how  little  he 
car'd  to  keep  his  Commiffion  otherwife  than 
by  keeping  his  Word,  they  were  at  laft  con- 
tented, that  this  Agreement  fhould  be  al- 

IV.  By  the  Benefit  of  thefe  Articles,  Sir 
Johii  Greenvtl  came  into  a  Condition  to 
compound  for  his  Eftate,  and  to  live  quietly 
in  his  own  Country.  And  retiring  himfelf  to 
his  Seat  at  Kelkhampton  in  Cornwal,  upon 
the  Borders  of  T>evonjhtrey  he  found  not  on- 
ly his  Eftate,  but  alfo  the  Parfonage,  under 
Scqucftration.  The  Incumbent  Mr.  Rowfe, 
being  turn'd  out  of  his  Living  for  DifafFe^tion 
to  the  Parliament,  the  Sequeftrator  had  in- 
troduc'd  his  Son.  But  fome  while  after  Sir 
John  Greenvih  Return  thither,  by  the  Death 
of  Mr.  Ro'uufe^  the  Living  came  again  into 
Sir  Johns  Gift.  The  Sequeftrator  was  very 
carneft  with  him,  to  confirm  his  Son-in-Law, 
by  granting  him  the  Prefentation  j  and  the 
Value  was  confidcrable,  with  the  very  beft  of 
the  Country,  being  worth  three  hundred 
Vouwis  per  Ann.  In  thofe  villainous  Times 
the  fcqucftrcd  loyal  Party  found  it  their  Intc- 
ixft  to  gratify  and  oblige  rhofc  Publicans  and 
Sequefrrarors ;  but  Sir  John  Greenvil  had  a 
greater  Dcfign  in  his  Eye  than  his  own  pri- 

.  .  vats 

General  Monk.  91 

vatc  Advantage.  For  both  himfelf,  and  fome 
other  of  his  Relations,  were  not  without 
Hopes,  but  that,  at  one  Time  or  other,  their 
Coufin  Monk  in  Scotland  might  become  an 
ufeful  Man  for  his  Majefty's  Service  5  and 
though  he  wanted  Opportunity  of  obliging  the 
General  himfelf,  yet  he  refolved  to  come  as 
near  it  as  he  could,  in  being  kind  to  his  Bro- 
ther, Mr.  Nicholas  Monk,  who  was  already 
fettled  in  the  Country,  about  twelve  Miles 
from  Kelkhampton,  in  a  moderate  Living, 
where  he  had  married  a  Widow,  with  fome 
AccelHonof  Fortune;  and,  in  thofe  dange- 
rous and  unquiet  Times,  polTefled  a  fweet  and 
comfortable  Privacy. 

V.  To  this  Gentleman,  who  was  alfo  his 
Coufm- German,  Sir  John  Greenvil  was  re- 
folv'd  to  give  the  Living  of  Kelkhampton,  and 
thereupon  fent  for  him  to  his  Houfe ;  when, 
after  other  Difconrfe,  and  fome  Conference 
relating  to  General  Monk  in  Scotland,  he  ve- 
ry freely  gave  him  the  Prefentation,  upon  no 
other  Condition  or  Referve,  but  that  if  he 
fhould  afterwards  have  Occafion  to  ufc  or  em- 
ploy him,  he  would  be  aflured  of  his  Rca- 
dinefs  therein  ;  which  was  very  willingly  pro- 
mis'd  by  Mr.  Nicholas  Monk,  and  it  was  af- 
terwards as  fnirhfully  pcrform'd.  Mr.  Alonk 
had  in  thofe  Times  the  Character  of  a  very 
honeft  and  worthy  Perfon,  and  was  generally 


92         The  L  I F E  of 

look'd  upon  as  a  Man  firmly  devoted  to  the 
King  and  Church  of  England ,  yet  by  his  mo- 
derate and  filcnt  Behaviour,  he  had  efcaped 
with  lefs  Obfcrvation  than  many  others  of 
that  Party  and  Principles. 

VL  But  though  he  had  received  the  Pre- 
fentation  from  his  Patron,  yet,  before  he 
could  be  legally  admitted  into  this  Living,  he 
was  to  run  the  Gantlet  at  London,  through  a 
Contrivance,  call'd  in  thofe  Times  the  Com- 
mittee of  Tryers,  which  was  made  up  chief- 
ly of  Camp-Chaplains,  and  other  Incendia- 
ries of  the  Pulpit  5  where,  if  any  Man  came 
for  Approbation,  with  a  Title  to  a  Living  of 
Value,  they  had  a  thoufand  Tricks  and  Ro- 
gueries in  Readinefs  to  fruftrate  the  Prcfenta- 
tion,  and  difpofe  of  it  among  themfclvcs,  or 
their  Party.  Mr.  Monk,  very  well  knowing 
the  Charadcr  that  was  upon  him,  had  fome 
Diftruft  of  thefe  Tryers  5  but  though  they 
lik'd  the  Living  better  than  the  Man,  yet  un- 
derftandin<2;  his  Relation  to  General  Monk  in 
Scotland,  they  were  afraid  to  put  any  of  their 
Tricks  upon  him,  but  difmifs'd  him  and  his 
Title  with  Allowance. 

VIL  About  a  Year  after  Mr.  Nicholas 
Monk  was  fettled  in  this  Parfonage  at  Kelk- 
hampton.  Sir  John  Greenvil  was  oblig'd  to 
leave  the  Country,    and  to  refidc  in  London, 


General  Monk.         95 

in  order  to  the  Difcharge  of  that  fccret  Truft, 
of  which  \vc  have  given  an  Account  before. 
Where,  receiving  the  Inftrudions  before  men- 
tioned, to  purfue  fome  Means  of  treating 
with  General  Alonk -,  hedifpatch'd  a  Meffen- 
ger,  with  a  Letter  in  Cypher,  to  the  Lord 
Chancellor  Hyde  at  Bru(felsj  giving  an  Ac- 
count of  what  had  pafled  between  him  and 
Mr  Nicholas  Monky  and  propos'd  him  as  the 
fitteft  Perfon  to  be  fent  to  his  Brother  the 
General  in  Scotland.  The  Chancellor  com- 
municated this  Letter  to  his  Majefty,  who  fo 
far  approv'd  the  Defign  and  Method,  that 
Letters  were  prefently  difpatch'd  back  to  him 
to  proceed  therein  accordingly.  That  to  Sir 
John  Greenvtl  was  as  follows : 

VII I.  ^  Am  confident   General  Monk  can 
\^    hai;e  no  Malice  in  his  Heart  againfi 
me,  nor  has  he  done  any  thing  in  Oppofition 
to  me  iL'hich  I  cannot  eafilj  pardoii,  and  it 
is  in  his  ^o'wer  to  do  me  fo  great  Service  as 
I  cannot  fully  reward  ^   but  I  will  do  all  I 
can.     And  t  do  hereby  authorize  yon  to  treat 
with  himj  and  not  only  to  affure  him  of  my 
KindnepSy  but  that  I  will  very  liberally  re- 
ward him  with  fuch  an  EJiate  in  Land,  and 
fuch  a  Title  of  Honour  as  himfelf  fhall  de- 
fire,  if  he  will  declare  for  me,    and  adhere  to 
my  Interefl:   And  whatever  you  fhall  pro- 
mife  to  him  on  my  Behalf  or  whatever  hCy 


94  ^^  LIFE  of 

or  you  by  his  Advice,  Jhall  promife  to  any  of 
his  Officer Sy  or  the  Army  under  his  Com- 
mand {^which  Command  he  Jhall  ft  ill  continue) 
I  will  make  good  upon  the  Word  of  a  King. 

C.  R. 

IX.  But  by  his  fecret  Inftrudions  he  was 
confin'd  to  the  Propofal  of  one  hundred  thou- 
fand  Pounds  per  Ann.  for  ever  to  be  diftribut- 
ed,  at  General  Monks  Difcretion,  to  fuch 
Officers  in  his  Army,  and  others,  as  fhould 
comply  with  him.  And  in  the  fame  Packet 
there  was  inclos'd  this  following  Letter,  to  be 
convey 'd  to  General  Monk, 


I  Cannot  think  you  wijh  me  ill,  nor  have 
you  Reafon  to  do  fo:  And  the  good  I  ex- 
pe6t  from  you  will  bri?jg  fo  great  a  Benefit 
toyourCountrjj  and  to  your  felf  that  I  can- 
not think  you  will  decline  my  Inter  eft.  The 
Terfo7i  who  gives,  or  fends  this  to  yoUy  has 
Authority  to  fay  much  more  to  you  from  me. 
And  if  you  once  refulve  to  take  my  hitereft 
to  Hearty  I  will  leave  the  Way  and  Manner 
of  declaring  it  entirely  to  your  Judgment , 
and  will  co'/iply  with  the  Advice  you  fhall 
give  me.  The  reft  I  refer  to  the  ^erfon  that 
conveys  this  to  you.    It  is  in  your  Tower  to 


General  Monk.  pj 

fnakeme  as  kind  to  you  as  you  can  defire,  and 
to  have  me  always, 

,,  Your  affedionate  Friend, 

July  ii-  r-   R  ' 

X.  Upon  the  Receipt  of  thefe  Letters,  Sir 
John  Greenvil  prefently  difpatch'd  a  Letter 
down  to  Mr.  Nicholas  Monk  in  Cornwall  to 
haften  his  Journey  up  to  him  5  and  at  his  Ar- 
rival acquainted  him  privately  with  the  whole 
Bufinefs ;  and  that  he  was  refolv'd  to  fend 
him  to  General  Monk  va.  Scotland ^  fhewing 
him  his  Commiflion  from  the  King  to  treat 
with  his  Brother,  and  withal  his  Majefty's 
Letter  to  the  General.  And  having  fully  in- 
ftrufled  him  in  the  Nature  of  his  Employ- 
ment, the  next  Care  was,  to  oblige  him  to 
entire  Secrecy.  Both  during  his  Stay  in  Lon- 
don, and  when  he  was  arrived  in  Scotland,  he 
was  engag'd  not  to  difcover  his  Melfage  to  a- 
ny  other  Pcrfon  but  the  General  himfclf.  And 
becaufe  all  thinj^s  were  in  Tumult  and  Dif- 
order,  upon  Sir  George  Booth' ^  Infurredion, 
and  the  Roads  full  of  Soldiers  upon  their 
March ;  it  was  thought  mod  fafc  to  go  by 
Sea.  Mr.  Monk  very  willingly  accepted  the 
Employment,  not  only  as  an  Inftance  of  his 
Duty  to  the  King,  but  alfo  of  his  Gratitude 
to  his  Patron  i  yet  feared  to  be  cntruftcd  with 
fo  dangerous  a  Charge  as  his  Majcfiy's  Letter, 
which  therefore  was,   for  the  prefcnt,  left  ftill 


9d  The  LIFE  of 

in  Sir  John  Greenvil's  Hands.  But  before 
Mr.  Monk  left-  the  Town,  he  thought  it  ne- 
ccflary  to  find  out  CommifTary  ClargeSj  who 
was  Brother  to  General  Monk's  Lady,  and  a 
Perfon  very  particularly  intruded  by  him, 
through  all  his  greateft  Concerns  in  England, 
He  acquainted  him  therefore,  that  he  was  go- 
ing into  Scotland  to  fetch  home  his  eldeft 
Daughter,  who  was  then  refiding  with  her 
Uncle  at  'Dalkeith,  and  to  advife  with  him 
about  a  Match  propos'd  for  her  with  a  Gea- 
tleman  of  their  own  Country.  All  which 
was  alfo  really  true,  and  had  been  very  late- 
ly before  treated  of  by  Letters  between  the 
two  Brothers.  And  here  CommiiTary  Clarges 
did  him  a  very  feafonable  Kindnefs,  in  pro- 
curing for  him  the  Convenience  of  a  VefTel 
going  off  for  Scotland^  which  landed  him 
fafely  at  Leith  in  three  or  four  Days  after. 
From  thence  he  found  Convenience  for  his 
Paflage  five  Miles  further  to  the  Head-Quar- 
ters at  Dalkeith, 

.  XI.  At  his  Arrival  there,  he  found  Gene- 
ral Monk  very  bufy  in  Difpatches  (as  there 
is  feldom  much  Vacancy  in  the  Head-Quar- 
ters of  an  Army)  and  therefore,  till  the  Even- 
ing, was  entertain'd  by  Dr.  Trke^  who  was 
domeftick  Chaplain  to  the  General.  Of  this 
Perfon's  Integrity  and  Allegiance  to  the  King, 
Mr.  Monk  had  recciv'd  io  clear  and  undoubt- 

General  Monk.  97 

ed  a  Charader,  that  though  he  was  expreflly 
charged  by  Sir  'John  Grecnvify  not  to  com- 
municate his  Bufinefs  to  any  Pcrfon  but  his 
Brother,  yet  he  advcntur'd  the  fame  Day  that 
he  came  to  Dalkeith,  to  intruft  the  Doctor 
with  the  Knowledge  of  this  great  Secret : 
Who  was  as  much  lurpriz'd  with  the  Strange- 
nefs  of  the  Relation,  as  he  was  pleafcd  with 
the  Defign  :  But  advis'd  him  not  to  acquaint 
any  other  Perfon  with  this  Meflage  ;  and 
that  there  were  not  many  about  the  General, 
who  were  fit  to  be  truftcd  with  a  Secret  of 
this  Nature.  And  knowing  the  General's 
Temper  and  Condition  bcttcrthan  his  Brother 
did,  (  who  had  not  feen  him  for  many  Years ) 
he  gave  him  fevcral  wary  Inflrudions,  how 
to  manage  his  Difcourfe  with  him. 

XII.  By  this  time  they  had  talk'd  them- 
felves  into  the  Evening,  and  both  of  them 
went  to  attend  upon  the  General,  it  being 
then  the  ufual  Scafon  for  him  to  be  at  Lei- 
fure.  But  coming  into  the  Dining- Room  they 
found  fome  Officers  of  Leith  and  Edenbitrgh, 
that  were  not  yet.  difpatch'd.  Afterwards, 
late  at  Night,  Mr.  Monk  and  the  General  be- 
ing alone,  he  took  the  Opportunity  to  reveal 
his  Meflage  to  him  :  That  he  was  fentto  him 
from  their  Kinfman  Sir  yohn  Greenvil,  who 
had  (hew'd  him  aCommiffion  under  theKing's 
Hand,  to  treat  with  General  Monk  in  order 
H  to 

9§  The  LIFE  of 

to  his  Reftauration ;  but  the  Manner  of  do^ 
jng  it,  and  the  Reward  of  his  Service,  fliould 
be  wholly  left  to  his  own  Choice.  Only  in 
the  general  he  propos'd  to  him  one  hundred 
thoufand  Pounds,  to  be  annually  fecured  to 
him,  and  to  fuch  of  his  Officers,  as  fliould  ad- 
here to  him  therein.  Then  he  inform'd  him, 
that  he  had  feen  a  Letter  directed  to  him  from 
his  Majefty,  which  he  was  afraid  to  be  en- 
trufted  with,  and  was  ftill  remaining  in  Sir 
John  Greenvih  Hand.  Next  he  reprefented 
to  him,  the  Seafonablenefs  of  the  Attempt  at 
this  Time,  there  being  an  univerfal  Infurre- 
dion  formed  againft  the  Rump-Parliament  to 
take  EfFed  over  all  England,  That  his  Coun- 
trymen and  Relations  in  ^evonjhire  and 
Cornwal  wxre  engag'd  in  it,  mentioning  Mr. 
Morrice ,  Sir  Hugh  Toliard  ,  Sir  Thomas 
Stukefy,  and  others.  That  Sir  George  Booths 
and  feveral  Perfons  of  Honour  and  Quality, 
were  adually  in  Arms  in  Chejhire,  when  he 
came  out  oi  Londonj  the  Copy  of  whofe  De- 
claration he  had  brought  with  him,  and  fliew- 
ed  rhe  General.  And  that  the  Lord  Fairfax 
had  undertaken  to  rife  in  Torkfiire,  and  thofe 
Counties.  The  General  ask'd  him  feveral 
wnry  Quedions  about  the  Bufinefs,  and  what 
other  Fcribns  were  intrufrcd  with  the  Know- 
ledge of  it.  Mr.  Alonk  alTured  him,  that  no 
other  Perfon  in  England  was  privy  to  it  be- 
fidcSir  j''^Z,/7  Gree-avil)  and  that  lince  it  had 


General  Monk.  99 

been  revealed  to  himfelf,  he  had  acquainted 
only  Dr.  ^r'tce  with  the  Knowledge  of  it. 
The  thinking  filent  General  faid  no  great 
Matter  at  prefent  to  his  Brother  upon  all  this 
Difcourfc,  and  fo  they  parted  for  that  Night  1 
and  all  things  were  kept  fo  fecret,  that,  dur- 
ing Mr.  Monks  continuance  for  above  two 
Months  at  ^Dalkeith,  it  was  never  apprehend- 
ed he  had  any  other  Buftnefs  there,  but  to 
advife  with  the  General  about  the  matching 
of  his  Daughter,  and  to  carry  her  home  with 

Xlir.  During  this  Intrigue  at  Dalkeith ^ 
the  Septem-virate  of  Commiffioncrs,  which, 
we  mentioned  before,  had  made  vile  Work 
amo^g  the  Officers  of  his  Army,  having  dif- 
plac'd  many  of  the  braved  and  ftouteft  Com- 
manders :  And  though  he  reflcded  upon  thefe 
Impofitions  upon  him  with  fome  Refentmenr, 
and  interceded  v/ith  the  Parliament  for  the 
Continuance  of  his  Officers,  yet  he  could  not 
fully  flop  thefe  Alterations.  But  thefe  Pro- 
ceedings, as  they  greatly  cnrag'd  the  cafhiered 
Officers,  and  formed  an  univerfal  Jealoufy  in 
feveral  of  the  rcfV,  who  expedltd  the  lame 
Meafure,  fo  they  mov'd  a  deeper  Indignation 
in  the  General  himfelf,  v/ho,  tliough  he  car- 
ry'd  always  the  Appearance  of  a  filcnt  and 
fteady  temper,  yet  was  implacable  to  Af- 
fronts; and  very  well  known  th:;t  thefe  Al- 
ii 2  terations. 

loo       the    L  1  F E    of 

tcrations,  which,  no  doubr,  they  made  with 
that  View,  would  at  laft  make  his  own  Sta-. 
tion  uncafy  or  precarious,  he  was  refolved, 
when  all  was  done,  not  to  part  with  his  Com- 
manders. But  by  the  Rdentmenrs  among 
them,  General  Monk  ( who  very  well  knew 
how  to  make  ufc  of  other  Men's  Pallions) 
came  to  a  better  Underftanding  of  thofe  about 
him,  and  the  Inclinations  of  his  Army,  info- 
much  as  he  entered  into  a  private  Confulta- 
tion  with  fome  whom  he  could  beft  truft, 
where  it  was  agreed  to  frame  a  declaratory 
Letter  to  the  Jun£lo  at  JVeflmmfter :  The 
Subftance  of  which  was,  to  reprefent  to  them 
their  own  and  the  Nation's  Diflatisfadion  at 
the  long  and  continued  Selllon  of  this  Par- 
liament, defiring  them  to  fill  up  their  Mem- 
bers, and  to  proceed  in  eftablifhing  fuch  Rules 
for  future  Eledions,  that  the  Common-  wealth 
Government  might  be  fecured  by  frequent 
and  fuccefllve  Parliaments.  This  Letter  was 
drawn  up  by  Dr.  Trice,  at  the  Diredion  of 
the  General,  2x^A  Dr.  Gumble  ;  and  the  next 
Sunday  following,  after  Evening  Sermon,  Ge- 
neral Mo7ik  and  his  Brother,  rogcrher  v/ith 
Dr.  Barrow*  Principal  Phyfician  to  the  Ar- 
my, Dr.  Gumbkj  Preacher  to  the  Council  at 
Edenburgh,  and  Adjutant  Smith,  met  all  at 
Dr.  Trices  Chamber,  who  gave  the  General, 
and  all  of  them  fucceflively,  an  Oath  of  Se- 
crecy in  thefe  Words : 
■  ■•••ui';.    i  .  -  ..i  XIV.  Tou 

General  Monk.  ioi 

ysXSfy^OU jJj  all  truly  f-juear^  that  you  will 
I    ,  JL     not  reveal  any  thing  that  Jhall  be 

'     dicourfed  of  by  ns^  or  read  unto  yoUj  without 

the  Cojifent  of  all  us  here  pre fent. 

XV.  Next  they  proceeded  to  the  Pemfal 
of  their  Letter,    which   being  fign'd   by  thq 
General,  and  the  reft  of  them  in  their  Order, 
they  agreed  feverally  to  procure  Subfcriptions 
to  it  from  fuch  other  Officers  in  the  Army, 
as  were  moft  likely  to  comply  with  their  Dc- 
fign.     The  General  then  commanded  Adju- 
tant Smith  to  haften  to  Edmburgh,    and  to 
treat  with  Captain  Clifton^  Governor,  about 
the  Security  of  the  Caftle.     From  thence  he 
was  to   pafs   to   Leith^    to   enfure  Captain 
Hughes  and  Captain  Miller,  who  command- 
ed the  Citadel  there  5  which  being  the  Sum 
of  what  was  refolv'd  on  that  Night,  the  Ge- 
neral left  them,  and  went  down  Stairs,  being 
always  accuQomed    to  advife  privately  with 
liis  own  Thoughts,  as  well  as  with  thofc  a- 
bout  him.     But  before  Adjutant  Smith  was 
ready  to  take  Horfe,    he  return'd  into  the 
Chamber  again,  and  told  them,    that,  upon 
better  Confideration,  he  thought  it  moft  fe- 
cure  for  them,   to   arreft  their  further  Pro- 
ceedings till  the  Return   of  the  nexr  Poft, 
which  would  give  them  a  clearer  Profpccl  of 
the  Affairs  of  England^   and  thereby  they 
H  3  might 

loi  The  L  I F E  of 

might  (hape  their  own  Way  the  better.   That 
^y  the  next  Letters  they  fliould  know  more 
perfedly,  how  near  Lambert  was  advanced, 
what  Force  was  join'd  to  Sir  George  Boothy 
and  whether  any  other  Parties  were  rifen  in 
England  to  give  Diverfion.    This  was  fo  ad- 
vifedly  propos'd  by  the  General,  that  they  all 
confentcd  to  it,  and  fo  parted  for  that  Night  5 
only  Dr.  Pricey  who  had  a  particular  Zeal 
for  any  Enterprize  that  might  determine  in 
the  King's  Service,  prefently  after  fought  out 
the  General,  whom  he  found  difcourfing  with 
Grade  en  Ker,  a  valiant  Scot,  that  had  for- 
merly ferv'd  under  the  Marquifs  of  Montrofs, 
and  was  alfo  an  expert  Greyhound  Mafter, 
which  being  a  Diverfion  the  General  much 
delighted  in,  it  led  him  often  both  to  his  Ac- 
quaintance and  Favour.     Flaving  ended  his 
Conference  with  him.  Dr.  ^rice  approach'd 
the  General  with  fomc  Earneftnefs;  telling 
him ,   they  had  cnter'd   upon    their  Defign 
fomewhat  too  late  already,  and  that  he  fear'd 
all  farther  Delay  would  make  it  \yorfe.     To 
whom  the  General  reply'd  with  fome  Palllon: 
Ot-ir  Bujinefs  can  receive  no  Prejudice  by  at- 
tending till  the  Arrival  of  the  next  Tofty 
and  would  you  needs  be  fo  haftyy  as  to  bring 
7r.y  Neck  to  the  Block    for  the  King,  and 
ruin  the  "-jskole  defign,  hi  a  too  for^jvard  a7td 
unfeafonable  declaring.      Which  being  only 
an  accidental  Remora^  we  have  thought  fit  to, 


General  Monk.        103 

fnention  it  in  this  Place,  that  the  Reader  11137 
obferve  in  what  Dialed  General  Monk  could 
talk,  ( even  in  thofe  early  Days  )  when  he  was 
fecure  of  thofe  that  heard  him. 

XVI.  The  next  Morning  the  Poft  from 
London  arrived  early  at  Edenbiirgh  ,  and 
brought  the  News  of  the  utter  Defeat  of  Sic 
George  Booth ,  and  his  Party ;  who,  with 
greater  Faithfulnefs  than  good  Fortune,  had 
adventur'd  to  appear  alone  in  that  univerfal 
Infurredion  which  was  defign'd. 

XVII.  Upon  this  News  from  London, 
General  Monk  was  inwardly  pleas'd  with 
his  own  deliberate  and  wary  Method  of  pro- 
ceeding I  being  afliir'd  his  expoftulating  with 
the  Jundo,  at  the  fame  time  that  Infurredi- 
ons  were  form'd  againft  them  in  England, 
would  have  given  them  Caufe  to  fafped  him 
as  a  Confederate  in  the  Contrivance  5  and  ve- 
ry well  knowing  this  Defeat  of  Sir  George 
Booth  would  raife,  both  in  the  [undo  and 
their  Army,  an  extraordinary  Confidence  and 
Prefumption,  he  was  rcfolv'd  for  the  prefenc 
to  put  all  his  Paflions  in  his  Pocket,  and  wife- 
ly diflemble  his  Refcntmcnr,  till  feme  better 
Opportunity  for  producing  them  rtiould  offer 
it  felf.  Therefore  the  fame  Day  he  call'd  for 
the  Paper,  which  had  been  fubfcrib'd  the 
Evening  before,    and  convening  thofe  who 

H  ^-  were 

I04         T'he   L  I F  E    of 

were  privy  to  it,  he  burnt  the  Letter  before 
them,  conjuring  them  all  to  be  faithful  to 
their  Oath  of  Secrecy. 

XVIII.  Now,  could  they  have  trufted  each 
other,  the  j  undo  and  their  Army  might  have 
carried  all  before  them,  and  mod  Perfons  of 
Ef-ne  and  Fortune  in    England  being  con- 
cerned in  the  late  Infurrc'dion,  had  they  made 
thtm  away,    (as   was  once  propos'd  among 
them )     and  feiz'd  their  Edatcs  ,    it   would 
flirewdly  have  wcaken'd,  if  not  extinguifh'd 
the  Royal  Intersil,  and  raifed  fo  vaft  a  Sum 
of  Money  for  the  Payment  of  Debts,  and  the 
Continuance  of  "their  Army,  as  might  have 
perpetuated  the  Ufurpation.     But  inftead  of 
this,  the  jundo  at  Weflminfter  fat  to  wring 
themfelves  in  the  high  Imagination  of  theik* 
continued  Power,  after  the  Defeat  of  the  de- 
iigned  Infurredion  againft  them,  their  Army 
the  mean  while  wantonly  pluming  and  trim- 
ming their  Feathers  at  i)erby^  whither  they 
were  advanced  after  their  Defeat  of  Sir  George 
Booth.     And  having  routed  a  Company  of 
new  rais'd  Soldiers,  and  unarmed  IVelJhmen  ^ 
they  were  as  much  tranlported  with  Pride 
and  Vanity,  as  i^  they  had  fought  the  great 
Battle  at  Arbela,  or  utterly  vanquifli'd  Han- 
nibal and  his  Party  in  the  Overthrow  at  Me- 
taurus.   But  inftead  of  purfuing  the  true  Ends 
pf  their  defperate  Intcreft,  they  fell  to  quac- 
:'^.'V-  *  '    "    'Z..  '■'";    "     ^  "       relling 

General  Monk.         ioj 

rclling  aiiionp;  thcmfelvcs.  The  Jun£\o  and 
their  Army  knew  lb  muchFalfhood  and  Vil- 
lany  in  each  other,  as  it  was  not  pofliblc  fot 
them  to  hold  lon^r  together.  Their  late  A- 
dions  in  difabHng  their  chief  Officers  from 
2;rantin2;  Commiflions,  had  fo  leflcn'd  their 
Power  and  Influence  on  the  Army,  as  they 
were  rcfoU'd  to  take  the  firft  Opportunity  to 
reftore  their  military  Authority  to  its  former 
Grandeur.  And  becaufe  Lamberts  conceal'd 
Ambition  was  moft  concern'd  to  obviate  thefe 
Practices,  and  his  Brigade,  by  this  War  of 
half  an  Hour,  were  moft  fpiritted  with  Sour- 
nefs  and  Arrogance  againft  their  Mafters  at 
Weftmmfter  5  they  were  thought  fitteft  to  be- 
gin the  Contrivance,  which  was  prefcntly  af- 
ter abetted  by  the  other  Regiments  remaining 
in  and  about  Loytdon,  under  the  Command 
of  Lieutenant  General  Fleet'ouood,  with  fuch 
bold  and  infolent  Demands  upon  the  Junclo, 
and  fuch  pert  Expoftulations  with  them,  to- 
gether with  a  moft  unmannerly  Oftentation 
of  their  own  Merits  and  Services,  as  muft 
needs  either  leften  the  Authority  of  their  Ma- 
fters, or  end  in  a  Rupture. 

XIX.  THEjunclo,  that  wanted  not  Cun- 
ning to  introfpect  thefe  Defigns  of  the  Offi- 
cers, were  refolv'd  to  make  fome  further  Al- 
terations in  the  Government  of  the  Army. 
And,   on  the  other  Side,  the  Commanders, 


10^.        rhe  LIFE  of 

both  to  ftrengthen  their  Intereft,  and  that 
the  Junfto  might  have  no  other  Force  to 
retreat  unto  for  Support,  had  difpatched  Let- 
ters to  the  Armies  in  Scotland zr\<\  Ireland^  to 
gain  Subfcriptions  to  their  Reprefentation  and 
1:  ctition.  They  had  defign'd,  in  this  their 
new  Model,  to  wheadle  General  A/(!?w/^  with 
the  Place  of  General  of  the  Infantry ;  who 
yet  iook'd  fo  far  into  their  Reach  and  De- 
iigns ,  that ,  upon  Receipt  of  thefe  Letters 
and  Papers,  he  forbad  all  under  his  Com- 
mand to  fubfcribe  to  them,  and  return'd  An- 
fwer  to  the  Officers  in  London  ,  that  the 
Houfe  having  already  declar'd  their  DiQike 
of  their  Reprefentation,  he  was  refolv'd  to 
keep  his  own  Army  in  Obedience  to  the  Au- 
thority of  Parliament,  and  that  feveral  of  his 
Officers  were  diflatisfy'd  with  this  their  Way 
pf  Proceeding, 

^''  •■'■    CHAP.    X. 

J.  Upon  a  thorough  Conjtderation  within 
himfelfofthe  State  of  the  King's  Jjfairs, 
the  General  determines,  for  the  prefent^ 
to.  conceal  his  'Deflgn  of  fer^ving  him.  IL 
He  advifes  his  Brother  and  Sir  John 
Greenvil  to  concern  themfelves  no  more  in 


General  Monk,        107 

the  Affair  5   III.  Though  he  was  not  in- 
wardly difpleas'd  with  the  Tropojal.   IV. 
He  receives  Intelligence  of  a  Rupture  like- 
ly to  enfite  between  the  Parliament  and  the 
Army.    V.  Mr,  Monk  returns  to  London, 
and  acquaints  Sir  John  Greenvil    with 
what  had  paffed  between  him  and  the  Ge- 
neraly  which  is  likewife  communicated  to 
the  King  by  Sir  John.     VI.  T>elivers  a 
Meffage  from  the  General  to  Commiffary 
Clarges,  that  he  would  fupport  the  Par- 
liament.  VII.  Whereupon  the  Parliament 
'Voted,  that  no  Taxes  Jhould  be  rais'dwith- 
out  Confent  of  Parliament,  disbanded  fe- 
deral Officers,   and  appointed  CommiJJion- 
ers  for  the  Government  of  the  Army.  VIII, 
Lambert  immediately  fets  a  Guard  upon 
the  Parliament ,  to  exclude  the  Jtm6io, 

IX.  And  appoints  a  Committee  of  Sajety. 

X.  The  General  prepares  to  take  Advan- 
tage of  thefe  Alterations  in  England.  XL 
And  ufes  the  Authority  of  the  Jun^o  on- 
ly as  a  Pretext.  XII.  The  General's  main 
Scheme  fupport ed  by  two  Principles,  that 
the  Military  miift  be  fnbjc6i  to  the  Civil 
*Power,  and  the  prefent  Form  of  Civil  Au-^^ 
thority  mufl  be  '^Parliamentary. 

I.'T'^HE  Intervcnicncy  of  fo  many  new 

\      Occurrences  in  England,  had  hither- 

^p  put  a  Stop  to  Mr.  Monks  Mcflage  to  the 

^  General  \ 

io8       .  The  LIFE  oj 

General;  who  yet,  all  this  while,  gave  that 
dangerous  Affair   a  particular    Place  in   his 
Thoughts  and   Retirement.     He  confidered 
the  King's  Intereft  was  now  (o  very  low,  that 
he  could  receive  no  Acceflion  of  Power  from 
his  Party  5  and  by  the  Defeat  of  Sir  George 
Booth,  and  of  thofe  other  defisn'd  Infurrec- 
tions,  all  things  were  grown  worfe.     That  to 
enter  into  a  Treaty  at  this  Time  with  the 
King  would  be  as  dangerous,  as  to  declare 
for  him  j  fince  there  have  never  wanted  falfe 
or  needy  Men  about  his  Majefty,  by  whom 
his  Secrets  had  been  hitherto  betray 'd.     He 
forgat  not  how  much  he  had  been  oblig'd  by 
his  Relations,   the  Family  of  the  Greenvils  $ 
but  being  removed  out  of  his  Country,   and 
from  the  Converfation  of  his  Kindred,  when 
he  was  very  young  ;  and  himfelfandSiry<?;6« 
Greenv'tl  having  been  engag'd    on  different 
Sides,  and    wholly  Strangers  to  each  other, 
he  could  not  yet  fatisfy  himfelf,  whether  he 
were  a  Perfon    of  Abilities   and  Secrecy  e- 
nough  to  tranfad  with  in  fo  difficult  an  Af- 
fair.    And  for  his  own  Brother,  he  look'd  up- 
on an  Employment  of  this  Nature  and  Intri- 
cacy, as  altogether  foreign  and  unfuitable  to  a 
private  Clergyman,    that  had  been  bred  up 
among  his  Books  and  in  Retirement.     The 
Defigns  of  reftoring  the  King  by  Plots  and 
Infurredlions,  he  had  always  efteemed  but  as 
fo  many  Toys  that  would  come  to  nothing, 


General  Monk.        109 

where  raw  and  unexpericnc'd  Soldiers  were 
to  encounter  with  Regiments,  that  had  been 
fo  long  ufed  to  Arms  and  Vidory.     He  was 
refolv'd  therefore  at  prefent,  not  to  difcover 
his  Inclinations  to  the  King's  Service,  till  he 
could  firft   fee  himfelf  in  fuch  a  Station  as 
would  be  able  to   fupport  him  alone,    and 
juftify  his  Proceedings,  without  depending  up- 
on the  acceflbry  and  contingent  Alliftances  of 
others.     The  revealing  alfo  of  this  dangerous 
McfTage  to  others  befide  himfelf,  was  fome 
Prejudice  to  the  Succefs  of  it.     For  though 
General  Monk  trufted  Dr.  ^rice  as  much  as 
mofl:  of  thofe  about  him,  yet  he  cared  not  to 
ftand  at  any  Man's  Mercy  or  Difcretion  for 
the  concealing  his  Secrets.     And  having  no- 
thing but  a  Meffage   by  Word  of  Mouth> 
and  the  King's  Letter  being  left  behind,it  made 
him  have  the  colder  Afped  upon  the  whole 
Bufinefsj   which  may   eafily  be  believ'd  by 
thofe  that  fhali  confider,  what  EfFeds  thefe 
Letters  had  feven  Months  after,  when  they 
came  to  be  delivered  in  better  Circumftances. 

n.  But  this  Affair  being  for  the  prefent  > 
wholly  laid  afide ,  that  which  puzzled  the 
General's  Thoughts  mod,  was,  the  Care  of 
concealing  it.  To  that  End  he  took  the  next 
Opportunity  of  difcourfmg  privately  with  his 
Brother,  advifing  him  to  follow  his  Studies, 
and  the  Care  of  his  Living,  and  no  more  to 
5  concern 

tio         the  LIFE  of 

concern  himfelf  in  publick  Bufinefs ;  and  that 
he  (hould  carry  this  Advice  to  his  Coufin 
Greenvily  not  to  meddle  any  more  in  fuch 
dangerous  Adventures ;  and  conjuring  them 
both  to  an  entire  Secrecy,  he  told  his  Bro- 
ther with  fome  Paflion :  That  if  ever  this 
Bujinefs  were  difcovered  by  him,  or  JVr  John 
Greenvil,  he  would  do  the  beft  he  could  to 
ruin  them  both. 

III.  By  all  thefe  Paffagcs  the  confiderate 
Reader  will  eafily  difcern,  that  General  Monk 
was  not  fo  really  difpleas'd  with  the  Propofal 
made  to  him,  as  that  it  furpriz'd  him  in  the 
midft  of  fo  many  unfeafonable  Circumftances ; 
fo  that  his  principal  Care  was,  firft  to  conceal 
his  own  Intentions  from  others,  and  next  to 
oblige  the  Secrecy  of  thofe  that  had  beea 
dealing  with  him. 

IV.  The  General  had  all  this  while  a  par- 
ticular Account,  by  Letters  froni  Z<?w^<?»,  of 
the  Difcontents  rifen  between  the  Parliament 
and  the  Army,  which  were  likely  to  deter- 
mine in  a  downright  Quarrel.  And  being 
refolved  to  make  his  Advantage  of  them  both,, 
he  diredcd  his  Brother,  now  preparing  for  his 
Return  into  England^  to  find  out  Commif- 
fary  Clarges  fo  (bon  as  he  came  to  London^ 
and  deliver  his  Mcflage  to  him.  And  hav- 
ing given  Mr.  Monk  fuch  Advice  and  Aflif- 


General  Monk.        iir 

tance  as  was  neceflary  for  the  beftowing  of 
his  Daughter,  he  difmifs'd  them  both  with  a 
very  particular  Kindncfs. 

V.  Mr.  Nicholas  Monk  took  his  Leave  o*.  s; 
at  "Dalkeith  about  the  8'^  of  06iober^  intend- 
ing to  return  the  fame  Way  he  came,  and 
Dr.  Trice,  who,  by  this  long  Converfatioa 
with  him,  had  a  particular  Efteem  for  his  Per- 
fon,  as  well  as  his  Meffage,  accompanied  him 
and  his  Daughter  to  the  Shore  at  Leith,  where 
he  took  fhipping  for  London,  and  arrived  there 
about  four  Days  after.  He  firft  found  out  Sir 
John  Greenvil,  and  acquainted  him  with  the 
whole  Account  of  his  Voyage  to  his  Brother, 
and  of  all  that  pafs'd  between  them  ;  aflur- 
ing  him  that,  at  leaft  for  the  prefcnt,  nothing 
could  be  expected  from  General  Monk,  with 
whom  he  had  taken  an  Oath  of  Secrecy,  a- 
bout  which  he  was  not  to  be  examin'd,  but 
hoped  good  EfFeds  of  it  would  in  due  Time 
appear,  and  he  was  rcfolv'd  now  to  hafteii 
home  to  his  Family.  Sir  John  Greenvihook 
the  firft  Opportunity  to  acquaint  his  Majefty 
and  the  Lord  Chancellor  Hyde  at  Bruffels 
with  this  Account  5  which,  coming  to  no  far- 
thcir  Period,  was  laid  afide  for  the  prefcnt, 
till  we  find  it  refumed  again  in  the  Sequel  of 
our  Story. 

VL    1  HE 

11%         The  LIFE  of 


VI.  The  fame  Evcnin2;Mi'.M?72y&  comins 
to  Commidary  Clarges,  he  acquainted  him 
with  the  General's  Mcffage  5  by  which  he 
was  diredcd  to  inform  the  Members  of  the 
Parliament,  that  if  the  Army  in  London  con- 
tinued in  their  Hifobedience  towards  them,  he 
would  all] ft  them  therein,  and  if  things  (hould 
run  into  farther  Extremity,  he  would  be  in 
Readinefs  to  march  his  Army  into  England 
in  Defence  of  them. 

VII.  The  next  Morning  early  Commlflary 
C//3r^^j"  acquainted  fome  of  the  leading  Mem- 
bers with  the  Mcffage  from  General  Monk ; 
which  being  communicated  to  the  reft,  had 
a  prefent  Effedt  both  upon  their  Spirits  and 
Counfels.  They  were  dogged  and  angry- 
enough  before  at  the  Infolence  of  their  Ser- 
vants 5  but  now  fomething  of  Bravery  and 
Difdain  began  to  fparkle  in  their  Difpleafure. 
Infomuch  that  the  old  Senators  adventured 
now  to  ruffle  with  their  Colonels  -,  being  re- 
folv'd  that  if  they  muft  leave  their  foft  Seats, 
they  would  firft  empty  out  the  Feathers. 
They  had  already' diYcharg'd  the  Common- 
wealth from  all  Taxes,  otherwife  than  by 
Confent  in  Parliament :  Now  they  pafs'd  a 
brisk  Vote,  to  ftrike  eight  or  nine  of  the 
moft  daring  Colonels  off^  the  Tally,  and  va- 
cated their  Commiflions,    ( viz.   Lambert, 


General    Monic.        113 

^esboro'-jVy  Berryy  Kelfr/y  AJIofield,  Cobbet^ 
Tacker^  Creed  and  Barro'u:  )  And  then  dil- 
folving  the  prcfent  Conflitution  of  the  Army, 
they  pafs'd  an  Ad  for  the  appointing  fcvcn 
Commiffioners  to  take  the  Charge  of  it,  {^viz,. 
Fketwoody  iMonkj  Haz>lerig,  Ludlow,  Mor- 
lejy  IValtoriy  and  Overton,)  who  were  to  en- 
ter upon  their  I'luft  from  the  7^^  of  this  prc- 
fent OCiober,  and  to  continue  till  the  22^  of 
February  following.. 

VIII.  These  nimble  Proceedings  of  the 
Junclo  put  the  difcarded  Officers  and  their 
Party  into  fome  Diforder  j  who  thereupon  rc- 
folv'd  to  venture  at  all,  before  thele  new 
Commiffioners  ffiould  have  any  Time  to  fet- 
tle their  Intercft  or  Authority  over  the  Sol- 
diers. The  next  Morning  therefore  very  ear- 
ly, Lambert,  having  gotten  together  fuch 
Force  as  he  had  at  Hand,  poflefs'd  himfelf  of 
all  the  Avenues  to  the  Parliament  Houfe,  and^^ 
excluded  the  eminent  Aflcrtors  of  the  good 
old  Caufe  from  further  meeting  there.  In 
whofe  Room  a  Combination  of  the  Army- 
Officers  had  prefently  in  Readinefs  another 
new  Device  to  fucceed,  which  they  call'd  a 
Committee  of  Safety. 

IX.  They  who  fbberly  obferved  the  Falf- 
hood  and  Hypocrify,  the  Folly  and  MadncfS;, 
of  thefe  boifterous  Colonels,  did  believe  them 

I  poiTeffd 

114       the  LIFE   of 

pofTefs'd  with  more  Devils  than  one,  havings 
in  fix  Months  Time,  fhirted  three  Govern- 
ments, ?.nd  let  op  another  Idol  and  Scheme 
of  Government,  that  was  not  likely  to  out- 
laft  two  Moons. 

X.  Ever  flnce  the  Death  of  Oliver  Crom- 
welj  General  Mr^nk  expcded  nothing  elfe 
than  a  fucccfllve  Series  of  extravagant  Altera- 
tions in  England,  which  he  hoped  might  give 
him  Opportunity  of  obliging  his  Country; 
and  therefore  more  narrowly  infpefted  the 
Temper  and  Inclinations  of  his  Officers  and 
Army.  And  though  he  was  a  Perfon  natu- 
rally provident,  yet  of  late  Years  he  was 
more  careful  than  before,  in  taking  the  Ac- 
counts of  the  Treafury  of  War,  and  in  keep- 
ing good  Store  of  Money  in  Bank,  of  which 
he  had  feventy  thoufand  Pounds,  befides  what 
was  in  other  Hands.  The  Magazines  alfo  of 
Arms  and  Ammunition  m  Scotland  'wcrcvcxy 
well  fupply'd. 

XT.  The  General  very  well  knew  this 
Junfto  which  the  Army  had  difturbed,  were 
People  neither  to  be  endured  nor  trufted; 
therefore  he  was  refolved  to  make  ufe  of  them, 
and  their  Intereft,  no  further  than  as  a  Pre- 
text to  opprefs  the  infolent  Defigns  of  the 
Englijh  Army,  and  afterwards  to  lay  afide 
our  J  undo  alio. 

5  XII.  And 

.General  Monk.  i  t  j 

XII.  And  here  wc  will  feafonably  acquaint 
the  Reader,  with  the  two  declared  Principles 
of  General  Monkj  which  he  had  framed  with 
that  popular  Appearance  and  plaufible  Afped, 
as  they  became  the  Balls  of  all  his  Proceed- 
ings. And  though  he  was  fometimcs  forc'd 
to  fail  by  different  Winds,  yet  he  (Ull  kept 
himfelf  fteady  to  thele  two  Points.  One  was. 
That  the  Government  could  not  be  fupported 
bitt  by  an  entire  Subje6iion  of  the  Military 
Tower  in  Obedience  to  the  Civil:  The  o- 
ther,  That  the  prefent  Conftitution  of  the 
Commonwealth  was  to  be  adminifter'd  by 

With  thefe  two  Principles,  prudently  ma- 
naged, he  was  fure  to  have  always  a  Game  to 
play  in  all  publick  Alterations.  By  the  firft 
he  had  contriv'd  to  awe  or  oppofe  the  Extra- 
vagancies of  the  Army  in  England.  And  by 
improving  the  other  to  fucceflive  Eled:ions, 
he  was  not  without  Hope,  but  that  at  one 
Time  or  other  fuch  a  Parliament  might  hap- 
pen to  be  chofen,  as  would  be  willing  to  rc- 
ftore  the  Monarchy.  And  that  he  was  ftill 
aiming  at  this  Contrivance,  will  appear  both 
by  his  Letter  to  the  Parliament  at  JVeftmin- 
fiery  and  by  his  Inftrudions  given  to  his 
Commiflioners  at  the  following  Treaty ;  by 
his  Defign  of  diflblving  the  Jundo,  and  by 
AdmiiTion  of  thefecluded  Members,  in  order 

I  2  to 

ii6  The   LIFE   of 

to  a  new  and  full  Parliament.  Befides,  the 
ufual  Emulation  and  Jealoufles  which  lb  fre- 
quently happen  among  thofe  that  command 
Armies;  the  Temper  and  Principle  of  General 
Monk,  and  the  chief  Officers  in  England, 
was  wholly  incompatible.  Nor  is  it  eafy  to 
fay,  whether  he  did  more  hate  or  defpife 
them,  knowing  himfelf  fuperior  to  them  in 
all  the  Arts  of  War  and  Conducl.  And  the* 
he  abhorr'd  the  Thought  of  afftiming  the  Go- 
vernment himfelf,*  yet  he  greatly  difdain'd 
that  Lamherty  or  any  other,  fhould  dare  to 
attempt  it,  whilft  himfelf  had  a  Sword  in  his 

CHAP.    XL 

I.  General  Monk  receives  Intelligence  of  the 
Troceedings  of  Lambert  and  his  ^arty. 
IL  Begins  his  March  into  England,  hav- 
ing firft  made  a  Speech  to  his  Army.  IIL 
Sends  Captain  JohnCon  to  fecure  Berwick, 
Captains  Berry  and  Hall  to  Ed  en  burgh, 
whither  he  himfelf  follows ,  taking  up  all 
difaffeBed  Officers  in  thofe,  and  other  re- 
moter Garrifons.  V.  Marches  to  Leith 
and  Linlithgow,  from  whence,  after  hav- 
ing made  fome  Regulations,  he  returns  to 


General   Monk.        117 

Edcnburgh.  V\.  ACharaHer  ofDr.  Gum- 
blc.  Nil.  Colonel  Q,o\ihzx.  is  fcnt  to '^^Qox.- 
land  by  tke  Committee  of  Officers,  to  caufe 
^rcifion  in  General  Monk'j  Army-,  but 
Captain  John  Ton  carries  him  Trifoner  to 
Edcnburgh.  VIII.  A  more  particular  Ac- 
count of  Cobbct'.f  'Dejigns,  '■joith  fame  0- 
ther  Indignities  from  the  Englifli  Army, 
which  the  General  refents.  IX.  The  Ge- 
neral publifbcs  a  Tieclayation :  The  Siib- 
ftanceofit.  X.  Writes  r^  Fleetwood  and 
Lambert ;  to  Lcnthall  the  Speaker,  ayid  to 
the  Independent  Churches.  XI.  As  alfo 
to  the  Forces  in  Ireland,  defiring  their 
AJfi/lance.  XII.  And  to  the  Fleet,  both 
which  refufe  to  join  with  him.  XIII.  The 
General's  Refolution. 

1/   I   ^HE  News  of  interrupting  the  pretend-  oa. 

\  ed  Parliament  by  Lambert  and  his 
Party,  came  to  l~)alkeith  by  the  next  Pod, 
and  was  no  Surprizal  upon  General  Monk, 
who  cxpeded  no  Icfs ;  and  therefore  was  be- 
fore-hand refolv'd  how  to  go  to  work  with 
them.  For  the  fame  Minute  he  receiv'd  the 
Intelligence,  he  communicated  his  Refoluti- 
on to  fuch  Officers  as  were  then  about  him, 
and  prefcntly  difpntch'd  away  Adjutant  Smith 
to  Edcnburgh  and  Leith,  commanding  the 
Officers  of  both  thofe  Garrifons,  which  were 
within  five  Miles  of  him,  to  attend  him  pre- 

I  3  f^ntly 

ii8         the   LIFE    of 

fently    at  T)alkeithy     where   he  acquainted 
them  with  his  Refolution  of  marching  into 
Engla'ndy  to  reftore  the  ParUament :  Unto  all 
which  they  unanimoully  affcnted.     And  the 
fame   Might  he  commanded,    that  no  Poft 
fhould  pafs  for  England^  to  give  Account  of 
his  Preparation,  till  he  were  further  advanced.. 
The  Citidels  of  St.  Joknjfoj-is  and  Ayr  were 
both  important  Places  5  but  at  a  confiderable 
Diftance  from  Dalkeith.    And  General  Monk' 
had  no  great  Opinion   of  the  Perfons  that 
commanded  rhem  in  chief:  He  had  therefore 
lent  for  Captain  Witter  of  the  one,  and  Cap- 
tain B-obinfon  of  the  other,  being  Officers  he 
had  fomc  Confidence  in,  who  were  both  of 
them  with  him  at  'J)dlkeithj  when  the  News 
can-c  of   the  Interruption  upon  the  Parlia- 
5.ment.     The  next  Morning  therefore  he  dif- 
patch'd  them  both  with  Inftrudions  to  fecure 
thofe  two  Citadels,    with  Authority  alfo  to 
imprifon  fuch  Officers   or   others  as  fhould 
diflent  or  oppofe  them  therein :  Which  was 
fome  Days  after  efFedually  perform'd  by  Cap- 
tain Robin fon  at  Ayr,  and  Captain  Witter  at 
St.  John  ft  on s. 

II.  In  the  Afternoon  General  Monk,  being 
attended  with  his  Guards  at  T>alkeith,  march- 
ed to  Edenburgh'j  where  were  quarter'd  on- 
ly two  Regiments  of  Foot,  one  whereof  was; 
his  own,  the  other  Colonel  Talbot's,  who  was 

s''>iisi  :  i  ■'.'■■* 

General  Monk.  iic) 

then  abfent  at  London.  And  having  fccured 
or  difcardcd  luch  Officers  as  he  diftrurtcd, 
and  placed  others  in  their  Room,  he  told 
them  at  the  Head  of  the  Rct^imenrs  then 
drawn  up,  That  the  Army  in  England  had 
broken  tip  the  '^Parliaments  out  of  a  re  file fs 
and  ambitious  Humour  to  govern  all  them- 
felves,  and  to  hinder  the  Settlement  of  the 
Nation.  That  their  next  "FraSlice  would  be 
to  impofe  their  infolent  Extravagancies  up- 
on the  Army  in  Scotland,  that  was  neither 
inferior  nor  fubordmate  to  them.  For  his 
own  Fart,  he  thought  him f elf  obliged.,  by 
the  T^iity  of  his  Flace-f  to  keep  the  Military 
T^ower  in  Obedience  to  the  Civil-.,  and  that 
fince  thty  had  receiv'd  their  T^ay  and  Com- 
mijfion  from  the  "TarUament.,  it  was  their 
T)uty  to  defend  them  j  in  which  he  expelled 
the  ready  Obedience  of  them  all:  But  if  a- 
ny  did  declare  their  'Diffent  to  his  Refolu- 
tion,  they  Jhould  have  Liberty  to  leave  the 
Service,  and  might  take  Gaffes  to  be  gone. 

III.  This  was  fpoken  with  the  Authority 
and  Spirit  of  a  General,  and  without  Difguife 
or  Artifice,  but  was  receiv'd  with  the  uni- 
verfal  Shout  and  Submiffion  of  the  Regiments. 
The  fame  Evening  retiring  to  his  Quarters,  it 
was  deliberated  by  the  General,  and  Officers 
about  him,  of  how  much  Importance  it  would 
be  to  fecure  Berwick.  He  was  well  enouL^,h 
I  4  aflur'd 

I20  rioe   LIFE   of 

affur'd  of  the  Fidelity  of  Colonel  Meers^  who 
commanded  the  Garrifon.  Bur  the  reft  of  the 
Officers  were  Anabaptifts,  in  whom  he  could 
have  no  Confidence,  and  which  we^e  a  fort 
of  Vermin,  which  he  was  now  refolv'd  to 
worm  out  of  his  Army.  The  fame  Night 
therefore  he  difpatch'd  away  Captain  Johnfon 
with  a  Party  of  Horfc,  to  alllft  the  Gover- 
nor in  fccnring  the  Place,  with  Orders  alfo 
to  bring  off  with  him  all  unquiet  and  difaf- 
fected  Officers. 

IV.  At  the  fame  Time  there  were  attend- 
ing at  Edenburgh,  Captain  TJerry  and  Cap- 
tain Hally  who  commanded  in  Colonel  Coh- 
fptfs  PvCgiment  at  GlafcoWy  and  had  rcceiv'd 
Orders  to  march  the  Regiment  to  Eden- 
burgh,  and  fccure  the  Officers  that  diffcnted. 
The  Colonel  was  then  at  London^  and  the 
two  Captains  perform'd  their  Indrudions. 
And  before  General  Monk  left  Edenbnrgh,  he 
fcnt  for  feveral  fufpecled  Officers,  who  com- 
manded in  remoter  Garri Tons,  to  attend  him 
there,  who,  at  their  Arrival,  were  fecurcd  in 
the  Caftlc  oi  Edenbargb,  and  their  Commif- 
fions  granted  to  fuch  as  he  could  better  truft. 
The  Regiments  at  Aberdeen  were  fecurcd  by 
Colonel  Fairfax  the  Governor.  And  Colo- 
nel Rkead  "^zs  made  Governor  of  In-vernefs, 
and  ordered  to  fend  three  of  his  beft  Compa- 
nies to  the  General  at  Edcnbiirgh.    And  hav- 

Genfral  Monk.        hi 

ing  thus  fettled  the  remoter  Garrifons  by  fuch 
Officers  as  he  efteem'd  mofl:  faithful  to  him, 
the  nearer  were  difpofcd  of  by  himfclf. 

V.  Having  ftay'd  two  Days  at 
burgh,  he  march'd  to  the  Citadel  of  Leithy 
where  was  lodg'd  a  confiderable  Part  of  the 
Stores  5  and  having  difplaced  mofl:  of .  the  A- 
nabaptift  Officers,  he  intruftcd  Mr.  Hughes 
with  the  Command  of  that  Place.  The  nextn. 
Day  he  pafTcd  to  Linlithgow  ;  and  having 
fatisfy'd  himfclf  in  the  Settlement  of  that  Gar- 
rifon,  he  rcturn'd  again  to  Edenburgh. 

VI.  Where  hehad  much  Conference  with 
D^  Giimbky  who  was  Preacher  to  the  Coun- 
cil of  State,  and  by  that  Employment,  and  his 
continual  Rcfidcnce  at  the  capital  City,  (be- 
fides  his  own  forward  Inclination)  he  had  a 
very  intimate  Acquaintance  with,  and  fome 
Influence  upon,  mofl:  of  the  Officers;  fo  that 
General  Monk,  who  very  well  knew  how  to 
chufe  his  Inftruments,  had  of  late  admitted 
him  to  feveral  of  his  Counfels.  He  had  for- 
merly been  Vicar  of  Wickham  in  Bucking- 
hamjhire,  in  which  Town  Mr.  Scot  had  liv- 
ed, and  was  Burgefs  for  that  Place.  By  Mr. 
Scot's  Interefl:  he  was  thought  to  have  been 
prcferr'd  to  this  Employment  in  Scotlandy 
where  he  kept  always  an  exad  Correfpon-* 
dence  with  him,  and  others  of  the  Party,  be- 

121         The  LIFE  oj 

ing  a  very  zealous  Commonwealth's  Man, 
infomuch  as  he  could  not  conceal  his  Dif- 
contenrs  againft  the  Ulurpation  of  Cromwell 
and  his  Son,  in  fetting  up  the  Government  of 
a  fingle  Perfon.  The  General  having  refolv- 
ed  (as  the  beft  Expedient  at  prefent)  to  jufti- 
fy  his  quarrelling  with  the  Englijh  Army,  by 
deciarijng  to  reftore  the  Commonwealth  Par- 
liament, made  very  great  Ufe  of  Dr.  Gumbky 
to  reprcfent  his  Defigns  advantagioufly  to  Mr. 
Scot^  who  was  a  leading  Man  among  them, 
and  a  Prefident  to  their  Council  of  State ; 
and  alfo  to  infpirit  the  Officers  and  Soldiers 
of  Scotland  to  a  Compliance  with  the  Refo- 
lution  of  their  Genera!.  In  both  which  Par- 
ticulars he  did  him  very  great  Service ;  and  in 
this  Aifair  of  ren:oring  the  Parliament,  Dr. 
Gi-mble  was  fo  intent  and  earneft  in  all  Dif- 
coii'f  ■  v\'irh the  General  and  others,  that  fome 
of  file  Otiicers  thousiht  him  the  firft  Promoter 
of  the  Defign  againft  the  Army  m  England. 
And  others,  that  diflented,  wrote  in  their 
Letters  to  their  Party  in  London^  that  Giim- 
hle  was  the  grand  Incendiary,  in  provoking 
General  Monk  to  this  Refolution.  The  Ge- 
neral, who  knew  the  Sufpicions  that  were  up- 
on him,  was  very  well  pleas'd  with  this  Ap- 
prehenfion  they  had  taken  up  among  them, 
being  willing  they  fliould  believe  any  thing 
ihe  Caufe  of  thefe  Proceedings  rather  than  the 
true  one. 

VIL  A^ 

General  Monk.        123 

VII.  About  this  Time  Captain  Johnfon 
(whom  we  mcntion'd  before)  returned  ro  'he 
General  from  Berwicky  where  he  had  n flirt- 
ed Colonel  Mecrs  in  fettling  the  Ganifon,  and 
imprifoning  the  diflenting  Officers.  But  be- 
fore they  had  fully  done  their  Bufincfs,  Colo- 
nel Cohbet  arrived  from  London  thither,  in  his 
Way  to  Glafco'jjy  where  his  Regiment  was 
quarter'd.  He  was  haikii'd  down  by  the 
Committee  af  Officers  in  London^  to  difpofe 
the  Army  under  General  Monk  to  a  Compli- 
ance with  their  Defigns,  and  to  oppofe  or  fe- 
cure  fuch  Perfons  as  diflcnted ;  being  a  ftout 
and  adive  Man,  and  of  very  great  Intereft  in 
the  Army,  So  foon  as  he  came  to  Beriz'tckj 
he  began  to  be  very  bu(y  in  declaring  againft 
GznziA  Monks  Proceedings,  and  to  remon- 
flrate  againft  them :  So  that  the  Officers  there 
( notwithftanding  all  his  buftling )  took  the 
Boldnefs  to  lay  him  faft  ;  and  Captain  John- 
fon had  now  brought  himPrifoner  (with  the 
other  Malecontents  of  that  Garrifon)  to  E- 
denburgh,  where  they  were  all  fecur'd  iu  the 

VIII.  General  Monk  was  well  pleas'd 
with  this  Service  of  Major  Johnfon^  in  pre- 
ierving  a  Place  fo  important  to  his  further  De- 
figns, and  in  fecurinfg  fo  dangerous  a  Perfon 
as  Colonel  Cobbet  5    having  before  receiv'd, 


124         ^^^  LIFE  ©f 

from  his  Intelligencer  at  London,  the  Advice 
of  his  coming,  and  the  Inftrndions  he  had 
Irom  IVau'mgford- Houfe,  to  make  Diftur- 
banccs  and  Parties  in  the  Scotch  Army,  and 
to  iaiprove  his  Intercfl:  fofar  amongft  the  Sol- 
diers, as  to  feizc  the  General  himfelf  if  he  did 
Dot  comply  with  their  Aftions.  This  Dcfign 
u'poii  him,  before  they  could  pofllbly  know- 
any  thing  of  his  diflenting,  did  greatly  pro- 
vke  the  General,  both  againft  them  and 
their  Officers  at  London,  and  their  Indrument 
Cohhet :  Befides  fome  other  of  their  little  Af- 
fronts which  they  had  put  upon  him,  in  their 
lafl:  Letters,  when  they  dcfi red  Subfcription  in 
the  vSVt^fr/v  Army  to  their  Rcprcfentation.  They 
had  cnjol'd  General  Mcnk  with  the  Offer  of 
Genera!  of  the  Infantry  over  all  the  Forces  in 
the  Army;  but  in  their  new  Model,  fincc 
their  Interruprion  of  the  Junifto,  they  had 
taken  no  Notice  of  him.  Though  he  was  not 
dcfirous  to  receive  any  new  Obligation  of 
Kindnefs  from  thofe  he  was  refolv'd  to  quar* 
rel  with,  yet  he  refcntcd  the  Indig!;nity,  be- 
ing as  dextrous  in  diilembling  Affronts  that 
were  put  upon  him,  as  he  was  fure  to  remem- 
ber and  requite  them. 

IX.  The  General  being  by  this  Time  got- 
ten fomewhat  before-hand  in  his  Bufinefs,  by 
fettling  and  fecuring  {o  many  of  the  nearer 
Garrifons  and  Regiments  j  it  was  next  delibe- 
■ '*  rated 

General  Monk.        lij 

rated  by  him  and  his  Council  of  Officers,  to 
give  the  Nation  an  Account  of  this  their  Pro- 
ceeding, by  a  publick  Declaration.  TheSub- 
ftance  whereof  was:  That  tkey  had  now  ta- 
ken Arms  only  to  defend  the  Freedom  and 
Privilege  of  'FarliamentSy  and  to  vindicate 
the  Rights  and  Liberties  of  the  People  a- 
gainfl  all  Oppofition  iz'hatfoever.  This  was 
accordingly  printed  at  Edenhurghy  and  dif- 
perfed  through  Scotland  and  England. 

X.  But  at  the  fame  Time  fome  of  thofc 
that  had  confentcd  to  follow  their  General  in 
thefe  Proceedings,  began  to  be  afraid  of  mak- 
ing fo  wide  a  Breach  between  the  two  Ar- 
mies; and  therefore  propos'd  to  the  General, 
that  he  would  endeavour  to  redify  thefe  Mi- 
ftakes  and  Prejudices  between  both  the  Ar- 
mies, by  writing  firft  to  the  principal  Officers 
in  London.  They  who  beft  underftood  the 
Intereft  of  the  Army  in  Scotland,  did  greatly 
diflike  the  Propofal ;  but,  in  their  prefent 
State  of  Affairs  it  was  not  fafe  to  decline  that 
Method,  fo  much  to  the  Difcontent  or  Sufpi- 
cion  of  thofe  who  were  Authors  of  it.  Let- 
ters therefore  were  agreed  to  be  drawn  up  to 
Fleetwood  and  Lambert ^  in  which  the  Gene- 
ral, expoftulating  their  Violence  to  the  Par- 
liament, declar'd  his  own,  and  the  unanimous 
Refolution  of  the  Army  under  his  Command, 
to  aflert  their  Authority.     At  the  fame  Time 


ji6        The  LIFE  of 

Other  Letters  were  alfo  written  to  Mr.  Lent- 
hally  the  Speaker  of  the  late  Parliament,  to 
acquaint  him,  that  if  the  Interruption  did 
continue,  he  fhould  be  ready  with  his  Army 
to  refVore  them  to  their  SefTion,  according  to 
the  Duty  of  his  Place.  And  becaufe  feveral 
of  his  Officers  that  adher'd  to  him,  were 
Members  of  Independent  Congregations  in 
Englandj  it  was  thought  fit  by  the  fame 
Meflcnger,  to  fatisfy  that  Intereft  in  the  Ju- 
ftice  of  their  Quarrel  5  alluring  them  by  a 
Letter :  That  they  had  no  Contention  with 
the  Army  in  England  relating  to  Religion-,  or 
any  religious  Terfuajion-.,  that  their  fpiri- 
tual  Liberties  (loould  not  be  'violated  by  him-, 
or  his  Army  5  but  that  he  was  in  ^uty  ob- 
liged to  fupport  the  Authority  of  Tarlia- 
mentSj  againft  the  ambitious  TraEiices  of  the 
Army  in  England.  A  Copy  of  the  Letter  to 
the  Speaker,  and  of  thofe  alfo  to  Fleetwood 
and  Lambert^  were  prefently  after  put  to  the 
Prefs  at  Edenburgh,  But  the  other  to  the 
Independent  Churches,being  againft  the  Grain 
of  the  Presbyterian  Methods  in  Scotland,  was 
ordered  to  be  printed  at  London, 

XL  General  Monk  having  difpatch'd  a- 
way  a  Meflenger  with  thefe  Letters  to  Lon- 
don, was  in  the  Interim  careful  to  ftrengthen 
his  Inrerci!:,  by  the  Accefllon  of  other  remote 
Correlpondencies.  To  that  End  he  wrote 
\     >     •  Letters 

General  Monk.        117 

Letters  to  the  Forces  in  Ireland,  reprefenting 
the  Juftnefs  and  Neccflity  of  his  Proceeduigs 
againft  the  Englijh  Army,  and  defuing  theic 
Afliftance  with  him  in  rcftoring  the  Parlia- 
ment j  from  whom  he  rcceiv'd  a  very  cold 
and  diflenting  Anfwer. 

XII.  At  the  fame  Time  there  was  a  good 
Fleet  riding  in  the  'Downs,  commanded 
by  Vice-Admiral  Lawfin,  from  whom  he 
might,  with  much  Confidence,  expcd  a  Com- 
pliance; having  been,  fome  Years  fmce,  their 
Admiral  in  the  fortunate  War  againft  the 
Dutch,  and  had  left  them  with  an  extraordi- 
nary Memory  and  high  Eftimation  of  his  Bra- 
very and  Courage.  But  the  Officers  at  Lon- 
don had  beforehand,  by  their  Agents,  done 
his  Bufinefs  fo  effedually,  by  mifreprefenting 
his  Intentions,  that  the  Fleet  was  refolv'd  to 
ftand  off,  till  they  were  further  fatisfy'd  in 
the  Clearnefs  of  his  Defigns.  The  like  An- 
fwers  he  received  from  Colonel  Overton,  then 
Governor  of  Htdl,  and  fome  other  Garrifons 
in  England,  who  were  content  to  become 
Interceflbrs  between  him  and  the  Englijh  Of- 
ficers for  an  Agreement  -,  but  would  not  o- 
therwife  be  concern'd  in  the  Quarrel. 

XIII.  No  Man,  except  General  Monky 
could  happily  have  kept  his  Thoughts  fteady 
and  refolute  in  the  midft  of  fo  many  crols 


128  The  LIFE  of 

Accidents,  which  took  him  in  the  very  Be- 
ginning of  his  Defigns.  But  being  only  to 
form  his  own  Army  into  an  exaft  Obedience 
to  himfelf;  he  was  very  much  alTur'd,  if  he 
could  not  be  in  a  Capacity  to  invade  England^ 
yet  his  Enemies  fhould  never  be  able  to  force 
him  out  of  Scotland:  Having  refolv'd  to  raife 
the  Kingdom  in  Arms,  and  to  entruft  the  No- 
bility and  Gentry  of  that  Nation,  before  he 
would  take  a  Baffle  from  them. 


I.  The  EffeB  of  his  Letters,   the  Army  in 
England    under  'a    great    Confter nation, 

II.  They  fend  Commijfary  Q\2C[^<zs  and  Co- 
lonel  Talbot  to  treat  with  General  Monk. 

III.  l>lcv/c2i^\cfeeuredfor  the  Committee  of 
Safety  ^by  Colonel  Lil  burn .  IV.  Which  prov- 
ed an  Advantage  to  the  General.  V.  Com- 
mifary  Clarges  and  Colonel  Talbot  arrive 
at  Edenburgh.  Vl.  Commiffary  Clarges 
■privately  mjorms  the  General,  of  the  ill 
Condition  ofthofe  who  fent  him ;  however, 
to  gain  Time  for  bringing  together  his  di- 
ft  ant  Forces,  VII.  The  General  confents  to 
a  Treaty  between  the  two  Armies,  and 
appoints  Coimniffioners,     VIII.  Gi'ves  his 

5  Commif 

G  r  N r  R  A  L    M  o  n  k.        i  25? 

C<mrm{[fioners  fowe  private   Liflnifljons. 
JX.  The  Council  of  Ofjiccrs    at  London 
prepare  for  a  I  Tar.     X.  Lambt-rt  marches 
into  the  J^orth.     XI.  Meets  "oi-ith  Gene- 
ral Monk'j"  CommiJ]] oners  at  York,   and 
treats  rjDtth  them,  hut  --joithout  comi>ig  to 
any  Jlgree7?ient.      Xlf.  Lnmbcrr  fends  a 
Meffage  to  General  Monk  by  Major  Gene- 
r^/ Morgan.  XIII.  JVi.OyattheJiWietim?, 
.  privately    delrjers  a   Meffage  from    the 
Z<?r^  Fairfax  to  the  General.    XiV.  Fleet- 
wood alfo  'Vi'ritcs privately  a  civil  Letter 
to  the  General.    SJV.  A  Letter  of  Thanks 
from    the  independent    Congregations   in 
Lo n d  on  r  ^  the  General,    XVI.  Carried  by 
tvao  of  their  Ta[iors,  and  tvi'o  Colonels  : 
Their  Behaviour  and  Reception.     ^sMW. 
Freflo  Endeavours  to  raife  Sedition  among 
the  General's  Soldiers.     XVI II.  The  Ge- 
neral's great  Care  to  prevent  it.     XIX. 
He  appoints  a  fpectal  Committee  of  Of- 
ficers for  the  receiving  and  dif patching 

I.    \    ^0\jTOtioher  28.  hisMe{rcngcrnr-o.7.2S. 

Jfx^  rived  with  the  Letters  at  London^ 
which  had  all  of  rheni  the  very  fame  E(K*<ft 
that  General  Monk  cxpeded.  For  rhejundo 
Were  thereupon  contriving  to  make  Parries 
in  the  Army  that  might  diftradl  their  Councils. 
But  Fleet'X'ood and  Lambert,  and  their  Com- 
K  mittee 

130        The  LIFE  of 

mittee  of  Safety,  were  greatly  farprlz'd  at 
the  Receipt  of  thefe  Letters.  And  being  far- 
ther inform'd  by  his  Meflenger,  (  who  was  ill 
chofen  for  that  Employment )  how  far  Ge- 
neral Monk  had  proceeded  in  modelling  his 
Army  and  Officers  to  a  Compliance  with  his 
Deflgns,  and  the  Influences  he  had  over  them  5 
that  he  had  clapt  up  Colonel  Cobbet  fo  foon 
as  he  arriv'd,  and  (ecur'd  or  cafhier'd  one  hun- 
dred and  forty  of  his  diftrufted  Officers;  they 
began  to  think  they  had  taken  wrong  Mea- 
fures  with  him,  and  were  merely  impos'd  upon 
by  the  foolifh  Perfuafion  of  thofe  whoaffur'd 
them,  that  the  Scotch  Army  would  not  be 
brought  to  engage  againft  their  Brethren  in 
England ;  and  that,  though  it  were  believ'd 
General  Monk  would  not  comply  with  the 
Officers  at  London,  yet  he  wanted  laterefl: 
enough  in  his  Army  to  lead  them  his  own 
Way.  And  they  knew  him  fo  well,  that  if 
he  could  fix  his  Army  to  a  Submiffion  and 
Dependancc  upon  him,  he  had  Courage  and 
Condud  enough  to  give  them  more  Trouble 
than  all  the  Enemies  they  had  yet  met 
with.   ■-•,     _  „  _   _ 

II.  They  had  therefore  no  mind  to  enter 
into  a  down-right  War  with  General  Monk  5 
but,  upon  farther  Confulration,  it  was  re- 
folv'd  to  attempt  him  by  a  Treaty  5  in  Hopes 
to  bring  off  the  General  himfelf,  or  at  lead 

'     fome 

General  Monk.        131 

fomc  of  his  Officers,  to  unite  with  them. 
Very  late  therefore  the  fame  Evening  they  O'^?- ^ 
fent  for  Commiflary  Clarges,  and  Colonel 
Talbot,  who  had  a  Foot  Regiment  then  quar- 
ter'd  in  Edenbiirgh,  to  attend  them  prefently 
at  the  Council,  then  fitting  in  White-HalL 
Where  they  infornVd  them,  that  they  had  rc- 
ceiv'd  Letters  from  General  Monk ;  by  which 
it  did  appear,  their  Proceedings  in  London 
had  been  mifreprefented  to  him ;  that  there 
were  fome  evil  Inftrumcnts  about  him,  which 
had  endeavoured  to  create  Jealoufies  between 
the  chief  Officers  in  the  two  Armies,  and  (a- 
gainft  the  Intereft  of  both )  to  engage  them  in 
a  War,  or  Diftruft  of  each  other.  And  hav- 
ing given  them  farther  Inftrudions  how  to 
manage  their  Meflage  with  the  General,  and 
his  Officers,  they  commanded  them  both  to 
haften  their  Journey  to  him ;  being  fo  nettled 
with  the  Bufinefs,  that  they  allow'd  them  but 
three  Hours  Time  to  make  ready  for  fo  long 
a  Voyage.  But  if  General  Monk  had  chofcn 
an  ill  McflTcngcr  to  carry  his  Letter  to  Lou- 
doUy  thefe  Officers  had  more  groffiy  miftaken 
themfelvcs,  in  fending  thefe  two  Perfons,  e- 
fpecially  the  Commiflary,  on  their  Errand  in- 
to Scotland. 

IIL  But  leaving  thefe  Gentlemen  in  pro- 
cindof  their  hafty  Journey,  we  will  pafs  be- 
fore them  again  into  the  North,  where  wc 
K  z  .  ihMl 

13^       r-^'The  LIFE  of 

fliall  find  General  Monk  bufied  in  the  farther 
niodcliing  of  his  Army.  And.becaufe  he 
would  have  PafTcs  enough  for  his  own  Mo- 
tions, or  for  the  Acccflion  of  fuch  Parties  as 
he  hop'd  might  rife  for  him  in  England,  he 
.  was  rcfolv'd  to  fecurc  the  two  grand  Avenues 
into  Scotland.  To  that  End  he  had  before 
fcnt  Major  T^ean  with  a  Party  of  Horfe  to 
fecurc  Carltfle,  who  fail'd  in  the  Attempt: 
And  had  now  commanded  Colonel  Knight 
with  four  Troops  of  Horfe,  and  Major  Mil- 
ler with  fix  Foot  Companies,  to  furprizc 
Ne'jvcaflle.  But  having  marched  as  far  as 
Morpethj  they  rccciv'd  Intelligence,  that  Co- 
lonel Lill^umhad  prevented  their  Defign  up- 
on Newcnflle  -,  and  had  already  entered  the 
Town  with  a  Party,  rcfolving  to  keep  it  for 
the  Committee  of  Safety.  This  Pcrfon  was 
quartered  at  2ork,  and  fo  foon  as  he  heard  of 
General  Monk' ^VxoccQd'm2,i>'m  Scotland,  was 
very  bufy  in  the  North  to  contrive  againft 
him.  For  befidcs  the  Contradiftion  of  their 
different  Aims  and  Principles,  Lilburn  had 
an  old  Grudge  againft  General  Monk,  ever 
lince  he  was  thought  the  abler  Man  to  fucceed 
him  in  the  Command  oi Scotland,  of  which 
wc  have  given  an  Account  before.  But  fo 
foon  as  General  Monk  had  received  Advice, 
that  Lilburn  had  poflcfs'd  Newcafile,  he  dif- 
patch'd  Orders  to  Colonel  Knight  and  Ma- 

General   Monk.        133 

jor  Miller,  to  proceed  no  farther ;    bur,  tor 
the  prelenr,  to  retreat  to  Alnwick. 

IV.  Not  long  after,  General  Monk  found 
his  own  good  Fortune,  in  milling  this  Place  : 
Which,  being  a  Frontier  Town,  would  hjp- 
ply  have  been  bclicg'd  by  Lambert y  before 
the  General  could  have  been  in  Readinefs  to 
have  march'd  for  the  Relief  of  it:  fo  tliat  ci- 
ther he  would  have  been  cnforc'd  to  enter  up- 
on A6lion  before  he  had  been  prepared,  or  to 
have  expos'd  thofe  Troops  and  Companies 
which  were  fome  of  the  choicell  Men  of  his 
Army,  and  greatly  devoted  to  his  Service ; 
and  the  Officer?,  fuch  as  had  given  the  moll 
early  Experiment  of  their  Fidelity. 

V.  About  the  z^  ci  November ,  the  fore- Nax-. 
mentioned  Mcflengers  from  the  Council  of 
Officers,  Commillary  Claries  and  Colonel 
Talbot,  arrived  at  Edenburgh ;  and  upon  De- 
livery of  their  Mclfage,  General  Monk  pre- 
fently  perceiv'd  the  Officers  in  London  did 
rather  fear  than  defpife  him  ;  lince  they  had 
taken  the  Trouble  of  fending  Agents  on  pur- 
pofe  fo  far,  to  compliment  him  into  a  better 
Opinion  of  their  Proceedings,  and  to  procure 
a  Treaty. 

VI.The  General  had  much  fecret  Difcourfe 

with  CommilTary  Clarges^  whofe  coming  was 

K  i  very 

134         ^^  LIFE  of 

very  feafonable  to  him,  being  able  to  give  him 
a  very  good  Account  of  the  Condition  of 
thofe  who  fent  him.    By  whom  he  was  alTur- 
cd,  that  they  were  jealous  ot  each  other,  and 
in  fuch  want  of  Money,  as  they  could  not 
take  up  a  few  Weeks  Pay  for  the  fetting 
forth  the  Army,  which  they  were  preparing 
to  fend  down  into  the  North.    General  Monk 
very  well  knew  he  had  already  proceeded  far- 
ther, than  was  pofliblc  to  be  made  up  by  a 
Treaty  -,  that  the  Officers  in  England  would 
never  truft  him,  and  he  was  refolv'd  to  have 
no  farther  Confidence  in   them :  So  that  a 
Treaty  could  produce  no  good,  nor  did  he  in- 
tend it  fliould.     But  becaufe  his  own  Officers 
might  be  better  fatisfied  with  the  Equity  and 
Temper  of  his  Proceedings  -,    and  efpecially 
in   regard  a  great  Part  of  his  Army  was  not 
yet  fix'd  and  fettled  to  his  mind,  and  fome  of 
them  were  more  than  two  hundred  Miles  a- 
part;  which  would  take  Time  both  to  inform 
the  Officers,  and  to  march  thofe  far  diftant 
Parties  to  a  Rendezvous;  he  found  it  his  own 
Intercft  and    Convenience    ( for  the  gaining 
fariher  Leifure )  to  confent  to  a  Treaty. 

- '  VII.  The  next  Morning  therefore,  at  a 
Council  of  Officers,  the  General  acquainted 
them  with  the  Mcilagc  he  had  receiv'd  from 
London  :  That  the  Officers  there  were  dcli- 
rous  of  a  Treaty,  to  adjuft  the  Apprehcnfions 
.  -    .i  ■,  and 

General  Monk.  135- 

and  Jealoufies  between  the  two  Armies, 
which  was  readily  aflented  to  by  the  Coun- 
cil of  Officers,  and  that  three  Perfons  fliould 
bechofen  among  them  for  this  Employment. 
But  they  were  fo  civil  towards  their  General, 
and  confident  in  his  Prudence,  that  they 
would  refer  the  Nomination  to  himfelf; 
who  therefore  propos'd  Colonel  Knight 
and  Colonel  Cloberyj  and,  in  Requital  of 
their  Refpeft,  left  it  to  the  Officers  to  ap- 
point a  third  Perfon,  who  then  chofe  Colo- 
nel miks, 

VIII.  These  Commlffioncrs  were  difpatch- 
€d  away  with  all  convenient  Speed,  having 
received  their  publick  Inftrudions  from  the 
Council  of  Officers.  But  before  they  took 
Leave  of  the  General,  he  gave  rhem  alfo  pri- 
vate Dire£tions  of  his  own,  which  they  were 
particularly  oblig'd  to  purfue,  viz.  befidcs 
treating  with  the  Officers  in  London^  they 
were  to  ufe  all  the  Art  they  could,  to  infpcd 
the  different  Aims  and  Intercfts  that  were  a- 
mong  them,  not  to  oblige  thcmfelves  to  the 
fct  Time,  to  which  they  were  confin'd  by  the 
Council  of  Officers,  but  rather  to  protract  ir, 
if  they  found  Caufe.  But  in  a  mod  particular 
Manner  they  were  charged  not  to  confcnt  to 
any  Agreement,  othcrwife  than  by  rcftoring 
the  late  Parliament  j  but  if  that  Point  could 
pot  poffibly  be  gain'd,  then  that  a  new  one 
K  4  Hiould 

13^        The  LIFE  of 

fliould  be  chofcn  by  the  People.  For  Gene- 
ral Monk  very  well  knew,  there  was  no 
dealing!;  with  them,  if  he  could  not  bring  the 
Englijh  Army  to  acknowledge  ibme  Autho- 
rity luperior  to  thenifelvcs  :  And  if  they 
could  be  brought  to  llibmit  to  a  Parliament 


freely  chofcn,  which  would  be  fure  to  op- 
pofe  them,  he  fhould  then  never  want  Op- 
portunity or  Intcred  to  make  himfclf  their 
Klatch.  fie  was  now  iirowinti  old  in  Ar- 
niour,  having  turn'd  the  Shadow  of  his  fif- 
tieth Year,  being  in  the  Maturity  of  his  fudg- 
ment  and  Experience,  and  was  as  much  their 
Superior  in  the  Methods  of  War,  as  in  the 
Juilnefs  of  his  Caufc.  .   ..    . 

IX,  But  the  General  Council  of  Officers 
in  Londo'd,  though  they  had  fent  down  their 
MeiTengers,  Commillary  CLirges  and  Colonel 
Talbot,  to  procure  a  Treary,  yet,  being  doubt- 
ful of  the  Event,  wererefolv'd  to  fecond  the 
Dcfign  for  Peace,  with  Preparation  to  a  War, 
in  Cafe  General  Mo'nk  lliould  prove  rellive 
or  incoirplaifanr.  ''      \' '"'  rr*  ,r«-r 

X.  To  this  End  ALjor  General  Lambert 
(who  had  contriv'd  this  Expedition  in  the  laft 
Stage  of  his  Ambition  )  was  order'd  to  march 
toward  the  North,  withfuch  Forces  as  could 
be  fpar'd  out  of  the  City,  which  were  to  be 
complcatcd  with  the  Addition  of  thofeRegi- 

'       \  *  ments, 

General   Monk.        137 

mcnrs,  that,  after  the  Defeat  of  Sir  George 
Booth,  were  quartcr'd  toward  the  Northern 
Counties.  Their  Succels  in  Chejhire  four 
Months  before,  had  rais'd  in  them  fuch  an 
extraordinary  Vanity  and  Confidence,  that 
they  did  not  confider  they  were  now  to  en- 
counter another  Sort  of  Warfare,  and  ano- 
ther kind  of  General, 

XL  Major  General  L/^w^^r^  advanc'd 
prefently  with  his  Forces  towards  the  North, 
and  at  Tork  met  the  Commillioners  of  the 
Treaty  in  their  Way  to  London  ;  and  was  wil- 
ling %o  have  rpar'd  them  the  Trouble  of  a 
longer  yourney,  aflliring  them,  that  he  had 
brought  with  him  Powers  from  the  Commit- 
tee of  Safety,  and  the  Council  of  Officers,  to 
treat  with  them,  and  to  compofe  the  Diffe- 
rences. But  when  they  came  to  enter  upon 
the  Bufinefs,  the  Commiflioners  would  aflent 
to  nothing,  till  it  was  firft  agreed,  that  the 
late  Parliament  fhould  be  reftored.  This  was 
a  Point  which  Lambert  (  who  had  diffolv'd 
the  Jun£lo  )  could  leafl:  of  all  aflent  to,  and 
was  refolv'd  againft  5  and  therefore  pretend- 
ing he  had  no  inllrudions  to  treat  of  it,  the 
Commillioners  were  permitted  to  go  on  their 
journey.  Only  it  was  here  agreed,  that,  dur- 
ing the  Treaty,  neither  of  their  Armies  (hould 
advance  from  their  feveral  Quarters,  and  that 
no  Act  of  Hoftility  lliould  pals  between  them, 


138       The  LIFE  of    ^ 

nor  any  Interruption  upon  Letters  or  Mef- 

XII.  In  this  Place  Major  General  Lam- 
bert found  Major  General  Morgan,  then  re- 
covering from  a  long  Fit  of  the  Gout,  by 
which  he  had  been  fome  Time  difabled  from 
returning  to  his  Command  in  Scotland,  But 
now  having  in  good  Meafure  got  off  from  the 
Arreft  of  his  Gout,  he  was  afraid  of  a  worfc 
Confinement ;  and  therefore  prudently  dif- 
fembled  his  Opinion  of  General  ikf^«;^'s  Pro- 
ceedings j  infomuch  as  Lambert,  upon  Con- 
ference with  him,  thought  him  a  very  fit  Per- 
fon  to  promote  his  Defign  in  Scotland,  where 
he  was  Major  General  to  the  Army  ;  and  of 
fo  particular  a  Credit  with  General  Monk,  and 
Interefl:  among  the  Soldiers,  that  itwashop'd 
he  would  be  able,  either  to  incline  the  Ge- 
neral to  an  Agreement,  or  to  draw  off  a  good 
Fart  of  his  Army  from  him.  The  next  Day 
therefore  he  began  his  Journey  to  Edenburgh, 
where  he  attended  the  General  about  the 
S^'^  o^  November,  being  fome  few  Days  af- 
ter the  Arrival  of  Commiffary  Clarges,  and 
Colonel  Talbot.  So  foon  as  he  came,  he 
publickly  gave  General  Monk  an  Account 
of  his  Meffagc  from  Lambert,  dcfiring  his 
Compliance  with  the  Army  in  England.  To 
which  it  was  anfwercd,  that  if  the  Parlia- 
ment were  iipdored  again,  he  had  no  farther 

Quarrel ; 

General  Monk.        139 

Quarrel :  but  without  it  there  could  be  no 

XIII.  In  the  Evening  Morgan  found  Op- 
portunity of  private  Difcourfe  with  the  Ge- 
neral, and  deliver'd  to  him  a  Letter  from 
Mr.  Bowles^  a  Preacher  in  Tork^  and  a  par- 
ticular Agent  intruded  by  the  Lord  Fairfax^ 
afluring  him,  his  Lordfhip,  and  other  Per- 
fons  of  Quality  in  the  Country,  would  be 
willing  to  join  with  him  againft  the  Army 
in  England,  if,  inftead  of  reftoring  that  Piece 
of  a  Parliament,  ( which  was  interuptcd  the 
1 3*''  of  October  laft )  he  would  confent  to  the 
Ad  million  alfo  of  the  formerly  fecluded  Mem- 
bers, or  to  the  calling  of  a  new  Reprefenta- 
tive.  The  General  faid  little  hereunto;  but 
then  refolv'd  that  Commiffary  Clarges  fhould, 
in  his  Return  to  London,  vifit  Mr.  Bowles^ 
and  fatisfy  him  a  little  in  thofe  Particulars. 
And  upon  farther  Difcourfe  together,  Ma- 
jor General  Morgan  was  fo  fully  fatisfy 'd  in 
the  Juftice  of  the  General's  Proceedings, 
that,  though  he  had  taken  the  Pains  to  bring 
Lambert's  Meffagc,  yet  did  not  think  him- 
felf  obljg'd  to  carry  back  the  Anfwer,  be- 
ing prcfcntly  commanded  by  the  General, 
together  with  Adjutant  Smith,  to  march  to 
the  fcveral  Horfe  Quarters,  and  to  model 
thofc  Troops  according  to  Infl:ru6lion. 


140         The  LI FE  of   , 

The  Prefence  a|id  Ufefulnefs  of  Major 
General  7\/?r^^«  was  now  fo  feafonable,  that 
he  look'd  on  this  fingle  Perfon  as  a  Ba- 
lance againft  thofe  one  hundred  and  forty  Of- 
ficers, that  had  left  his  Service,  or  had  been 
cafhier'd.  ;     .-  ; 

XIV.  About  this  Time  Lieutenant  Gene- 
ral Fleetwood,  though  he  had  difpatcli'd  away 
Commiflary  Clar^eSj  and  Colonel  Talbot,  by 
Confent  of  the  Council  of  Officers,  to  pro- 
cure a  Treaty  and  Agreement  j  yet  fomefew 
Days  after,  he  thought  fit  to  fend  Letters  to 
General  Monkby  a  private  Mellenger  of  his 
own.  Before  this  Time  he  had  entertain'd 
fome  Apprehenlion  of  Lamherfs  Ambition, 
and  therefore  was  refolv'd  to  procure  ( if  pof- 
fible  )  a  good  Underfianding  with  General 
Monk,  by  whofe  Friendfliip  or  Conjundlioii 
he  fhould  be  always  able  to  obviate  or  balance 
the  Defigns  of  the  other.  To  this  End  he 
fent  down  Mr.  'Dean,  who  was  one  of  the 
Treafurers  of  the  Army,  with  a  very  kind 
Letter  and  Propofals  to  General  Monk,  which 
though  they  came  to  no  Etfed,  yet  the  Ge- 
neral eafily  difccrn'd  all  was  not  right  among 
themfelves.  This  MelTcnger's  Demeanour 
and  Adion  in  Scotland,  was  very  much  re- 
fented  in  the  Army  :  For  in  his  Way  through 
their  Quarters,  he  was  fiill  difiributing  Tick- . 
cts  to  feduce  the  Soldiers  from  their  Obedi- 


General  Monk.        141 

cnce.  He  was  very  well  received  by  the  Ge- 
neral at  the  Head  Quarters  j  yet  had  the  In- 
folence  to  talk  indecently  to  him  at  his  own 
Table,  charging  him  with  Defigns  of  intro- 
ducing C/jar/es  Sttiart -,  or  if  he  did  not  dc- 
fign  it,  yet  the  Divifion  he  had  already  made 
between  the  two  Armies,  would  certainly 
bring  him  in.  Dr.  Trice  was  one  Morning 
(landing  at  the  Head  of  a  Foot-Company  in 
Edenburghj  where  this  Mr.  IDean  pafs'd  by, 
and  told  them  :  My  Z/<?r^ Lambert  is  coming 
iipon  you  '■juith  fuch  a  Force,  as  all  General 
Monk'i"  Army  ■x'///  fcarce  make  one  Break- 
faft  jor  him.  But  a  ftout  Soldier  return'd  this 
furly  anfwer:  That  the  cold  Weather  had 
gotten  Lambert  a  very  good  Stomachy  if  he 
could  eat  their  S'ui'ords  and  Tikes,  andfwal- 
low  their  Bullets.  But  the  General  prefent- 
ly  after  gave  him  Anfwer,  and  difmifs'd  him, 
not  without  fome  Refledion  upon  the  Info- 
lence  of  his  Carriage  and  Deportment. 

XV.  And  now  the  Meflengers  that  procur- 
ed the  Treaty,  Commiflary  Clarges  and  Co- 
lonel Talbot,  having  receiv'd  their  Inftruc- 
tions,  return'd  back  for  London.  But  the  one 
fellintoZ/^«?^fr/'s  Army,  and  continued  there  5 
the  other  went  on  towards  Tork,  having  Di- 
rection from  the  General  to  treat  farther  with 
Mr.  Bo'-jvles,  and  to  leave  with  him  the  Ge- 
neral's Letter  dircded  to  the  Lord  Fairfax  ; 


142        The  L  I F E  of 

and  had  alfo  Orders  to  fettle  other  Correfpon- 
dencies  in  his  Way  to  London.  We  have  be- 
fore given  Account  of  the  Letter  which  Ge- 
neral Monk,  ( in  Compliance  with  fuch  Offi- 
cers of  his  Army,  as  were  of  that  Perfuafion  ) 
had  fent  to  the  Independent  Congregations  in 
London  j  fome  whereof  were  fo  fenfible  of 
his  Refped  towards  them,  in  giving  them  the 
Account  of  his  Anions,  and  declaring  for 
their  Liberty,  that  they  thought  themfelves 
oblig'd  to  return  him  Thanks  by  MelTengers 
of  their  own.  Others  of  them  that  were  more 
crafty  and  defigning,  had  a  farther  Reach  in 
this  Contrivance.  They  were  moft  concerned 
for  the  Power  and  Intereft  of  the  Englijh 
Army  -,  and  therefore  were  refolv  d,  by  this 
Opportunity  of  fending  into  Scotland,  if  Ge- 
neral Monk  and  the  reft  (hould  prove  immove- 
able, to  draw  off  their  own  Party  there  to  a 
Compliance  with  the  Army  in  London. 

XVL  To  this  Employment  were  chofen 
two  Paftors  of  their  Churches,  Mr.  Carjl,  a 
Pcrfon  of  Learning  and  Gravity,  and  Mr. 
Barker.  There  were  alfo  join'd  with  them, 
two  Colonels  of  that  Communion,  JVhalley 
and  Goff ;  and  when  they  came  to  Newcaftley 
their  Company  was  increafcd  by  the  Addition 
of  Mr.  Hammond,  Preacher  to  a  Congrega- 
tion there,  a  fevcrc  Zealot  of  the  fame  Way. 
The  two  were  to  cffcd  an  Agree- 


General  Monk.  143 

mcnt  betwen  the  two  Armies;  whilft  the 
two  Colonels,  being  upon  this  Occafion  ad- 
mitted into  the  Head-Quarters,  fhould  prac- 
tife  upon  the  inferior  Officers,  who,  toge- 
ther with  Mr.  Hammond,  were  much  accus'd 
for  feveral  very  ill  Contrivances  during  their 
Refidence  there.  But  after  feveral  Confe- 
rences, which  did  rather  incenfe  the  General, 
than  perfuade  him ;  General  Monk  gave  them 
fuch  Rcafons  for  his  Refolution  to  oppofe 
the  Englijh  Army,  that  the  Meflengers  of 
Independency  took  their  Leave  of  him,  hop- 
ing his  own  Commiflloners  would  be  more 
fortunate  in  concluding  the  Agreement  in 
London,  which  themfelves  could  not  begin 
at  Edenbttrgh. 

XVII.  General  Monk  had  no  fooner 
difmifs'd  thefe  Importunities  upon  him  from 
abroad,  but  he  was  encounter'd  with  new  Di- 
fturbances  at  home.  For  though  he  had  im- 
prifon'd  fome  of  thofe  Officers  whom  he  had 
difplac'd,  or  who  had  deferred  him  5  yet  the 
moft  of  them  were  fet  at  Liberty,  to  fettle 
the  Accounts  of  their  Companies,  and  to  take 
Care  of  their  other  Affairs,  before  they  left 
the  Country.  Thefe  Officers,  having  thus 
loft  their  Commiffion  and  Employment,  grew 
very  mutinous  in  Edenburgh,  accufing  the 
General  for  the  Methods  he  had  taken  wirh 
them,  contriving  to  raife  Seditions  and  Parties 

4  among 

144  T/''^?  LIFE  of  \ 

among  their  own  Soldiers  againfl:  him:  Sci 
that  the  General  was  enforc'd  to  command 
their  Departure  out  of  Scotland  prefcntly, 
where  they  were  neither  to  (lay  nor  to  return 
again  at  the  Peril  of  their  Heads.  But  for 
their  Arrears,  they  were  to  ftate  them  with 
their  new  Matters  whither  they  v/cre  going, 
being  refolv'd  they  fiiould  not  be  enabled  to 
fight  againft  him  with  his  own  Money,  to  the 
Prejudice  of  the  other  Part  of  his  Army,  that 
continued  faithful. 

XVIII.  But  to  fix  the  Refolution  of  his 
Soldiers  for  farther  Pra6liccs  upon  them,  and 
to  fpirit  them  againft  the  Army  in  England, 
there  was  particular  Care  taken  in  the  placing. 
fuch  Serjeants  and  Corporals  over  them,  as 
"Were  People  of  fome  Dilcretion  and  Truft ; 
who,  converfing  more  with  the  common  Sol- 
diers than  the  fuperior  Officers  did,  had  con- 
tinual Opportunity  of  making  better  Imprcf^ 
fions  upon  them.  And  to  the  fame  Ends  there 
were  frequently  publifii'd  Pamphlets  and  Paf- 
quiis,  with  fharp  Refledions  upon  the  Prac- 
tice of  rhe  Army  in  England^  and  Dialogues 
printed,  ftating  the  Cafe  of  the  Quarrel,  be- 
tween a  Soldier  o^hc  Scotch  Army  and  ano- 
ther of  the  Efjglifi.  All  which  were  ufually 
read  among  rhem  upon  the  Guards,  and  para- 
phras'd  upon  by  the  Serjeants  or  Corporals  5 


General    Monk.        14 j 

and  every  Week  a  Gazette  of  the  fame  Pur- 
pott  was  printed  at  Edenbiirgh. 

XIX.  The  General  was  about  this  Time 
befieg'd  with  fo  many  Letters  and  continual 
MclTages  to  him  from  the  general  Council  of 
Officers  in  London  y  and  another  general 
Council  at  T>iibltn^  and  a  third  at  Nrducaftky 
that,  bcfides  the  (landing  general  Council  of 
all  Commifllon  Officers  in  the  Army,  he  con- 
ftituted  a  Committee  of  principal  Comman- 
ders, to  which  were  added  fome  Perfons  of 
efpecial  Prudence  and  Truft,  who  were  to 
perufe  all  Letters,  and  to  draw  up  Anfwers 
to  them ;  to  entertain  fuch  MeOlngers  as 
were  Tent ;  to  examine  the  Pacquers,  and  to 
ftop  fuch  Letters  as  they  thought  fit;  and  to 
prepare  all  Bufinefs  ready  for  the  General's 
Difpatcb,  againft  fuch  Time  as  he  was  at 
Leifure  to  come  to  Council. 


L  General  Monk'j  Commijjioner s  arrive  hi 
London,  and  come  to  an  Agreement  with 
thoje  of  the  Englifh  Army,  with  the  Ar- 
ticles of  Agreement.  IL  The  General  is 
furprizd  with  the  News  of  this  Agree- 
ment >  in.  And  refiifes  to  confirm  it,  af- 
L  tef 

14(5      Tloe  LIFE  of 

,  ter  having  called  a  Council  of  Officer s^ 
'uho  declare  their  'Dijlike  of  it  :  Upon 
which  a  Letter  was  fent  to  Fleetwood, 
defiring  an  Explanation  offome  of  the  Ar^ 
ticks,  IV.  Then  ^ he  marches  back  from 
Edcnburgh  to  Haddington  5  thence  to  Dun- 
bar,  and  takes  up  his  ^tarter s  at  Ber- 
wick. VI.  Some  of  the  General's  Horfe 
defert  /^Lambert,  who  was  quartered  at 
Newcaftlc.  VII.  The  General's  Letters 
arrive  at  London.  The  various  Effects 
€f  them  upon  the  fever al  Tarties  there. 
The  Council  of  State  write  a  Letter  of 
Thanks  to  him^  and  make  him  Generalif- 
fimjo  3  though  with  the  Refiraint  of  five 
Commiffwners  join  d  with  hi'm.  VIII.  His 
Commiffioners  return  to  Scotland.  IX.  T>if- 
contents  in  LambertV  Army.  X.  Lambert 
writes  to  General  Monk,  to  re  fume  the 
Treaty.  XI.  Intercedes  for  the  Releafe 
of  Colonel  Cobbcf,  which  the  General  re- 
fiifes.  XII.  Chillingham  Cafilefurprizd 
by  Lambert's  Forces,  contrary  to  Agreement y 
upon  which  GeTieralMonk confines  Colonel 
Zanchy,  h^mbzn's  Alejfenger.  XIII.  The 
Arrival  of  General  Monk's  Commiffioners 
from  London,  and  their  Excufe.  ■  Colonel 

!•  \"S^TE    Jcfc  the  CommiHioners  of  the 
Treaty  on  their  V/ay  to  London^ 


General  Monk.  147 

where  they  arrived  November  12.  and,  with-^""^-  **- 
more  Ceremony  than  Kindnefs,  were  receiv'd 
at    IValUngford-Houfe   by   fuch  Officers    as 
were  appointed  by  Lieutenant  General  Fleet- 
wood to  confer  with  them.    Here  they  were 
fo  continually  carefs'd  with  the  Attendance 
and  Refped  of  the  Officers,  that  they  had 
no  Opportunity  to  purfue  their  fecret  Inftru- 
dions,  in  procuring  Intelligence  from  the  Ci- 
ty, or  the  late  excluded  Members  5  norfcarce 
Freedom  enough    to  deliberate  privately   a- 
mong  themfelves  upon  the  Articles  propos'd 
to  them.    And  every  Day  there  were  (hewed 
to  them  Letters  of  Intelligence  from  theNorth, 
(  moft  of  which  were  framed  in  London )  in- 
forming them  of  the  continual  and  daily  Re- 
volt of  General  Monks  Forces  from  him  -, 
and    fo    alarm'd    his    Commiffioners ,    that 
they  were  afraid  at  this  Rate,  within  a  little 
Time,  their  General  would  not  be  worth  a 
treating  with.     And  therefore  inftead  of  pur- 
fuing  their  private  Inftrudions  by   artificial 
Delays,  within  three  Days  after  their  Arrival, 
they  confented  to  an  Agreement,  figned  by 
them  November  i  $ .  (the  fame  Evening  Com-^^T^.^,  i^j 
miffary  ClargeSj   whom  we  left  at  Torkj  re- 
turned to  London)  which  was  comprehended 
in  nine  fuch  wild  and  extravagant  Articles, 
as  any  one   of  them  had  been  fufficient  to 
have  juincd  all  General  Monk's  Defigns. 

.■:i'^  -i.^ 

iV  Li  I.  In 

148         ne  LIFE  of 

i,  I.  In  the  firft,  they  fortify 'd  their  Confpi- 
racy  againfi  the  Family  of  the  late  Kingy  and 
all  ^Defceyidants  from  him. 
'  .2.  By  the  fecond,  xhc^^  precluded  the  Pre- 
tence of  any  other  Jingle  i^  erf  on 'j  whi-chwas 
Contriv'd  by  that  Party  of  the  Commiflioners, 
who  were  for  a  Commonwealth,  and  where- 
by they  might  not  only  fhut  the  Door  againft 
the  Kctmn  of  Richard  Cromwel,  but  were 
refolv'd  to  keep  it  faft  againft  the  later  Ambi- 
tion of  Lambert, 

3.  In  the  third,  the  Matter  was  fo  carried, 
that  the  fupreme  ^ower  of  fettling  the  Com- 
monwealth fhotild  remain  in  the  Hands  of 
the  general  Council  of  Officers  5  only  now 
the  Officers  of  the  Army  in  Scotland zwii  Ire- 
land fhould  come  in  for  a  Share  of  the  Tp; 
ranny.  :- 

4-  And  becaufe  the  late  |undo  was  not 
further  to  be  trufted,  the  fomih  provided  for 
the  Elediwn  of  a  new  Parliament ;  but  un- 
der fuch  Qualifications  as  muft  needs  kt.ia. 
only  the  greateft  Villains  in  the  Nation./  vd^t 

5.  The  fifth  took  Care  for  \}(\^  pafing  to 
the  Scotch  Army  the  Arrears  of  their  Vror 
portion  formerly  fettled  out  of  the  Affeffmsnt: 
in  England.  ;niti  iii 

6.  The  ^\:ah  Article  was  the  luckieft  of- 
them  all,  ccnftituting  a  Committee  of  fourr 
teen  Officer s^   half  whereof  were  to  be  cho- 

v;l  fen 

General   Monk.        149 

fen  out  of  the  Army  in  England,  and  the 
other  half  out  of  the  Army  in  Scotland,  isjho 
were  to  determine  the  Cafe  of  all  fuch  Offi- 
cers as  had  been  difplacd,  or  given  up  their 
Commifjicns  fince  the  7^^  of  Odobcr  lafi 
paft  i  and  thofe  Commijfioners  on  both  Sides 
were  to  meet  at  Newcaftlc  in  December  next 

7.  And  becaufe  they  knew,  that,  by  their 
manifold  Guilts  and  lawful  Pradlices,  they 
flood  in  need  thereof,  the  feventh  provided 
for  their  Indemnity. 

8.  In  the  eighth,  they  defign'd  to  render 
the  Pulpit  only  a  Kind  of  an  idle  Country 
Wheadle  upon  the  Clergy  of  the  three  Na- 
tions, far  their  better  Support  and  Encou- 

9.  And  in  the  ninth  was  order'd  the  Re- 
treat of  the  feveral  Forces  in  England  and 
Scotland,  to  their  former  refpe^ive  Star- 
ters before  the  ^larrel  began. 

II.  The  Officers  at  Wallingford-Houfe  had 
by  this  Agreement,  fo  handfomcly  out-witted 
General  Monk's  Commiflioners ,  that  they 
were  very  well  pleas'd  with  their  Contrivance; 
and  therefore  prefently  difpatch'd  away  their 
fign'd  Articles  by  two  MefTengcrs  of  their 
own,  Wallington  and  Floyd.  But  before 
their  Arrival  into  Scotland,  General  Monk 
had  left  Edenburgh,  intending  to  take  up  his 
L  3  Quarters 

15©        77:-?  LIFE   of 

Quarters  at  Berwick,  and  was  come  as  far  as 
Haddington,  where  thefe  Meffengers  found 
J 8.  him  November  1 8.  late  in  the  Evening,  as  he 
arofe  from  Supper.  The  General  having  broke 
up  the  Pacquer,  and  perus'd  the  Articles, 
was  ftrangely  furpriz'd  at  the  Contents  of 
them,  and  did  believe  his  Commiflioners  were 
frighted  out  of  their  Wits  at  London,  or  loft 
them  by  the  Way,  having  done  nothing  a- 
greeable  to  the  Inftrudions  he  gave  them.  He 
then  gave  the  Paper  to  fuch  Officers  as  were 
then  prefent,  and  (according  to  his  ufual  Man- 
ner )  faid  not  a  Word  to  them,  but  retir'd  to 
his  Chamber. 

III.  The  next  Morning  ( inftead  of  hold- 
ing on  his  March  to  Berwick)   he  retir'd  a- 
gain  to  Edenburgh,  whither  the  News  of  the 
Agreement  was  arrived  before  him.     So  that 
upon  the  firfl:  Notice  of  his  Return  thither, 
■'    there  were  good  Store  of  his  Officers  (then 
•    quai'tcring  in  the  Town )  ready  to  attend  him 
in  the  ufual   Council  Chamber.     Athisfirft 
coming  in  among  them,  he  was  very  filent 
and  rcfcrv'd  j  till  feme  of  them  began  frank- 
ly to  cyprcfs  their  Difcontent  at  this  Agree- 
ment;  others  of  them,  that  forefaw  their  own 
and  the  General's  Ruin  contriv'd  by  it,  were 
ready  to  ask  Pafles  to  provide  for  themlelves  5 
and  others  difcovcred  their  Padion,  in  rcflcd- 
ing  upon  the  Weaknefs  and  Imprudence  of 

...  their 

General  Monk.  iji 

their  Commiflioners.     In  Conclufion,    the 
General  let  them  know,  he  lik'd  the  Agree- 
ment as  little  as  any  of  them  :    But  if  they 
would  all  unanimoufly  adhere  to  him,  he  was 
refolv'd  not  to  confirm  it.     To  which  all  that 
were  then  prefent  did  very  faithfully  and  paf- 
fionately  agree.    The  General  therefore  ap- 
pointed, that  a  Council  of  Officers  fhould  be 
conven'd  to  meet  in  the  Afternoon,    where 
they  would  farther  deliberate  upon  the  Means 
how  to  fruftrate  this  Agreement.     In  this  Af- 
fembly  were  prefent  very  many  Officers,  that 
(upon  the  late  Alteration )  were  advanced  to 
higher  Commands  in  the  Army,  who,  when 
they  obferv'd  that,  by  the  fixth  Article  of  A- 
greement,  aProviiion  was  made  for  reftoring 
the  difcarded  Officers  to  their  Places  again, 
were  implacably  refolv'd  againft  it ;  and,   as  a 
farther  mifchievous  Contrivance  upon  General 
Monk  and  his  Officers,  this  Article  look'd  no 
farther  than  the  7^^  of  October  laft  paft  :    So 
that  all  thofe  Officers  who,  (during  the  Seffion 
of  the  Jundlo )    had  been   difplac'd  by    thp 
Committee  in  London  for  regulating  the  Ar- 
my, and  were  the  beft  and  bravcft  Men  in 
the  Scotch  Army,  could  receive  no  Benefit  by 
it,  though  for  the  prefent  the  General  kept 
them  in  their  Commands  by  his  own  imme- 
diate Authority.     At  laft  ir  was  refolv'd   by 
the  General,  with  fomc  others  of  his  moll  in- 
timate Counfcl,  that  no  Exception  flionlci  be 
L  d.  ofl\-i-'4 

I J 1     '      The  LIFE  of 

offer'd    to   any  of  the  Articles  in  particulac, 
but  that  in  the  general  fome  Things  were  fq 
exprefs'ti,  as  wanted  a  more  clear  and  diftind; 
Explication  :  And  their  CoLrimiilioners  having 
fail'd  in  the  Parfuit  of  their  Indruclions,   hav- 
ing pretermitted  feveral  other  things,  whicU 
needed  further  to  be  agreed  upon  •  that  there- 
fore they  would  crave   Leave  for  the  prefent 
to  defer  the  Confirmation  of  thefc  Articles^, 
intreating  their  Confent  for  the  adding  two 
Commiiiioners  more  to  the  former :  which 
fliould  meet  at  AlniJi'icky  or  fome  other  indif- 
ferent place,  with  the  like  Number  of  Com- 
milTioners  from  the  Army  in  England,  in  or- 
der to  a  more  difdnd  and  lalling  Agreement. 
All  which  was  couch'd  and  drawn  up  the  fame. 
Night,    in  a  Letter  to  Lieutenant    General 
Fleet'jjGod  and  the  Council  of  Officers,  and. 
the  next  Morning  was  difpatch'd  to  London 
by  lVallit2gtonzn<X  Flojd,  who  brought  down 
the  Agteement. 

IV.  The  General  having  thus  fent  away 
•  thefe  Meilcngers  with  their  Letter,  and  or- 
dered the  Advance  of  his  Army  towards  the 
Borders,  refum'd  again  his  Rcfolution  for  Ber- 
iL'ick.  So  that  returning  from  Edenburgb, 
he  took  up  his  late  Qiiarters  again  at  Had- 
dhigton  ;  from  whence  he  march'd  to  'Dun- 
bar, where  he  ftay'd  two  Days  to  take  Ac- 
count of  thofe   Forces  that  were  quarter'd  in 


General  Monk.        153 

thofc  Places.  Here  he  vicw'd  thofc  Hills 
where  he  had  raU'd  the  firil  of  his  Trophies 
in  Scotland^  when,  well  nigh  ten  Years  a- 
go,  on  the  third  of  September,  he  opcn'd  the 
Way  for  the  Conqucft  of  the  Country,  by 
that  memorable  and  fatal  Overthrow  of  the 

V.  From  T^iinbar  he  march'd  to  Ber'-jvicky 
where  he  arriv'd  about  the  End  of  November, 
and  took  up  his  Head- Quarters.  By  this 
Station  he  was  come  clofer  to  his  Bufinefs, 
and  could  better  infpe^t  the  Proceedings  of 

VL  It  was  about  the  23*^  o^  November  Nov.  r-^. 
when  Lieutenant  General  Lambert,  having 
before  remov'd  his  Quarters  from  Tork,  and 
kept  on  his  Way,  came  to  Nei£jcaflle,  whi- 
ther he  arriv'd  with  about  feven  brave  Re- 
giments of  Horfe,  and  four  or  five  of  Foot. 
Yet  in  this  gallant  Army  there  were  two 
fatal  Defe6ls  :  The  Soldiers  had  no  Mo- 
ney, and  the  General  had  no  Authority.  But 
the  advancing  fomuch  nearer,  began  to  have 
fome  ImprelTion  upon  General  Monk's  Ar- 
jny,  efpccially  among  the  Horfe  Regiments  } 
whereof  feveral  Parties  ftole  away  in  the 
Night  to  Newcaftle.  Major  General  Mor- 
gan having  receiv'd  Inftruftions,  as  we  have 
befpre  related,  to  regulate  the  Troops,  ( and 


I j4         ^^  LI FE  of 

Adjutant  Smith  was  join'd  with  him )  had  ta- 
ken great  Pains  in  fixing  them  to  the  Gene- 
raal's  Rcfolution.  But  a  great  many  of  thefe 
Troops  were  Anabaptifts,  and  fuch  like  Male- 
contents,  and  were  more  inclin'd  to  Lambert, 
and  the  Extravagancies  of  the  Engl'tjh  Army, 
than  to  the  (leady  Councils  of  their  own  Ge- 
neral. Yet  fome  of  thefe  Runagates  were  fur- 
priz'd  before  they  could  get  off,  and  being 
unhors'd,  there  were  Red-coats,  who  had  been 
fo  good  Husbands  of  their  Pay,  that  they  could 
find  Money  to  buy  Boots,  and  were  mount- 
ed in  their  Room.  General  Monky  when  he 
had  firft  dcclar'd  againft  the  Army  in  Eng- 
land,  was  very  much  concern'd  that  he  was 
no  ftronger  in  Horfe,  having  had  two  Regi- 
ments commanded  off  from  him  by  the  Jun- 
£^o  in  the  Bufinefs  of  Sir  George  Booth.  But 
after  he  found  fo  many  Traitors  and  Fugitives 
among  his  Troops,  he  was  very  well  content- 
ed that  he  had  no  more  of  them  to  lofe. 
His  Regiments  of  Foot  were  entirely  devot- 
ed to  him,  and  were  certainly,  for  their  Cou- 
rage and  exad  Difcipline,  the  beft  Infantry  in 
the  World  ;  and  fo  perfedly  obedient  to  their 
General,  that  they  were  refolv'd  to  fight  in 
his  Qiiarrcl,  if  there  had  been  no  Horfe  at  all 
to  allifl:  him. 

VII.  Before  this  Time  the  Meflengers 
with  General  Ahnizs  Le;tters  were  arrived  at 

::•.•::;;  h  London^^ 

General  Monk.        lyy 

Londoriy  where,  fo  foon  as  it  was  known, 
that  the  General  and  his  Officers  had  refus'd 
to  fign  the  Agreement,  it  rais'd  many  and  va- 
rious Paflions  among  them.    The  Council  of 
Officers  ( who  fat  hugging  themfelves  in  the 
Succefs  of  their  Politicks )  were  greatly  fur- 
priz'd  with  this  ftrangc  Fruftration,  after  they 
look'd  ontheBufinefs  as  fully  concluded,  and 
had  fo  reprefented  it  to  all  their  Party.    The 
Citizens,  who,  about  a  Fortnight  ago,  had 
given  up  their  Liberty   for  loft,    upon   the 
News  that  both  the  Armies  were  agreed,  be- 
gan now  to  entertain  fome  Hopes  of  their 
Redemption,  when  they  were  told  the  Ar- 
ticles would  not  pafs  in  Scotland.     And  the 
old  Members  of  the  Jundo  upon  this  News 
began  to  recover  their  Spirits.     Some  while 
before  they  were  fullen,  and  out  of  Humour, 
that  General  Monk,  after  he  had  fo  briskly 
declar'd  for  them,    had   yet  enter'd  into  a 
Treaty  with  Fleetwood  and  his  Officers,  with- 
out advifing  with  them  ;  and  that  his  Com- 
miffioncrs,  who  manag'd  it  in  Londoriy  had 
made  no  Application  to  them.  But  now  fomc 
of  the  old  Council  of  State,  who  were  rcfolv'd 
to  make  ufe  of  the  Occafion,    met  privately 
together,  and  drew  up  a  very   kind   Letter 
to  him,  which  was  to  be  convcy'd  to   Ber- 
wick by  a  Servant  of  Sir  Arthur  Hazlerig. 
In  it  they  greatly  magnify 'd  the  Courage  and 
fidelity  he  had  exprefs'd  in  his  Declaration, 

1^6  Tke  LIFE  of 

to  defend  the  Authority  of  Parliaments,  pro- 
mifing  alfo  their  utmoft  Endeavours  to  concur 
with  him  therein.  This  was  fubfcrib'd  by 
Scot  the  Prefident,  and  eight  more  of  them, 
whereof  three  were  joint  Commiflionerswith 
him,  for  the  Condud  of  the  Army.  And 
in  Tcftimony  of  their  entire  Confidence  in 
him,  and  their  Enmity  againft  Fleetwood  ^xv^ 
Lambert,  they  alfo  fent  him  a  Cqmmillion 
to  command  as  General  over  all  the  Forces  of 
England  yci^  Scotland.  But  it  was  fo  artifi- 
cially and  (lily  penn'd,  that  if  any  of  the  for- 
mer Commiffioncrs  were  with  him  upon  the 
Place,  or  at  fuch  Diftance  as  they  could  con- 
veniently be  advis'd  with,  he  was  to  take  their 
Ccnfcnt  along  with  him;  only  they  had  re- 
duc'd  the  Number  from  feven  to  five,  having 
now  cxpung'd  Fleetwood  and  Ludlow. 

VIII.  Lieutenant  General  Fleetwoody 
and  his  Council  of  Officers,  having  further 
confider'd  the  Contents  of  General  Monk's 
Letter,  were  quickly  apprchenfive  there  was 
no  very  good  Meaning  towards  them  in  the 
Scotch  Army,  by  this  contriv'd  Delay  of  fign- 
ing  the  Agreement.  They  therefore  fent  for 
the  Commifiioners  of  the  Treaty,  who  were 
ftili  in  Town  5  expoiiulating  with  them  this 
proceeding  of  the  General  and  his  Officers. 
The  Commiilioners  had  very  little  to  fay  in 
it :    But  they,  having  fign'd  thofe   Articles, 


General    Monk.        157 

fome  of  them  gave  Aflurance  of  their  utmoft 
Endeavour  to  procure  the  fpeedy  Ratification 
of  them,  when  they  fhould  next  come  to  rc- 
fume  the  Treaty.  Which  fo  far  fatisfy'd  the 
Council  of  Officers,  that  they  prcferitly  fign'd 
their  Pafs  for  their  fafe  Condud  homewards, 
flattering  themfelves  with  the  Confidence  of 
cheating  them  again  in  the  North,  as  cafily 
as  they  had  done  it  at  London. 

IX.  But  before  thefe  Commiflioners  could 
get  to  Newcaftle  in  their  Way  home,  the 
News  of  General  Monk's  Demur  to  the  Agree- 
ment had  made  foul  Work  with  Lambert  and 
his  Officers  there;  who  were  more  conccrn'd 
than  any  of  the  reft,  for  the  fpeedy  Conclufion 
of  the  Treaty.  And  though  they  much  ex- 
ceeded their  Enemies  in  Number,  and  want- 
ed not  Force  enough  to  defend  themfelves  a- 
gainft  them,  yet  they  had  not  their  ufual  Con- 
veniences, nor  Money  to  procure  them.  And 
thefe  Soldiers  of  Lambert  were  a  fort  of  pam- 
per'd  and  delicate  Companions,  that  for  a  long 
Time  had  known  no  Hardfliip,  but  liv'd  at 
Eafe  in  their  Englijh  QLiarters ;  h3\  ing  no- 
thing elfe  to  do,  but  to  eat  the  Fat  of  the  Land, 
ahd  to  continue  the  Nation's  Slavery.  But 
now  thefe  cold  Countries  of  Northtwiberland 
and  Cumberland^  among  a  coarfe  and  hardy 
kind  of  People,  made  them  as  weary  of  their 
Quarters,  as  they  were  of  the  War. 

5  X.  In 

ij8         The  LIFE  of 

X.  In  the  midft  of  thefe,  and  many  other 
ill  Circumftances,  Major  General  Lambert 
was  very  defirous  to  haften  the  Concluflon 
of  the  Treaty.  To  which  end,  before  Ge- 
neral Monk's  Commiflioners  were  return'd  as 
far  as  Newcajiley  he  had  fent  Colonel  Zan- 
chy  with  Letters  to  General  Monk  and  his 

i>ec.  6.  Officers,  ( who  arriv'd  at  Berwick,  'Dec,  6. ) 
to  nominate  their  two  new  Commiflioners, 
and  to  refume  the  Treaty,  but  without  the 
Additionof  new  Matter,  that  was  not  agree- 
able to  the  former  Articles.  To  which  the 
Council  of  Officers  reply'd,  that  they  would 
not  recede  from  any  Thing  which  their  Com- 
miffioncrs  had  aflented  to,  which  was  accord- 
ing to  their  In(lru6tions  5  but  would  not  hold 
themfelvcs  obliiVd  in  fuch  Points  wherein 
they  either  err'd  or  exceeded. 

XI.  The  fame  Mcffcnger  was  alfo  direct- 
ed to  intercede  for  the  Enlargement  of  Colo- 
nel Cobbetj  being  fent  thither  as  a  publick 
McflTengcr.  To  which  the  General  warmly 
reply'd,  that  he  could  n9t  accept  Colonel 
Cobbet  in  the  QLiality  of  a  publick  Meflen- 
ger ;  but  that  it  was  rather  a  Prefumption  in 
him  to  enter  into  Scotland^  where  he  had  no- 
thing to  do,  and  knowing  the  Parliament  had 
vacated  his  Commiffion  before  they  were  di- 
fturbcd  by  Lambert.     And  whatever  could 

\-\\  ./:       ■  \  be 

General  Monk.        ijp 

be  pretended,  the  General  fo  well  knew  the 
Temper  and  Influence  of  Colonel  Cobbet^  that 
he  was  firmly  refoly'd  not  to  truft  him  with 
his  Liberty. 

XII.  The  next  Morning,  being  December  Dec. 
7.  Colonel  Zanchy  was  to  return  with  this 
Anfwer  to  Neisucafile  5  but  the  fame  Night 
the  Head-Quarters  were  alarm'd  with  the 
News,  that  a  Party  of  Lambert^  Horfc  and  . 
DraG;oons  were  broke  into  Northtimberland, 
and  had  furpriz'd  Chillingham  Caftlc.  They 
were  in  fo  great  Streigbt  for  Money,  that 
they  made  this  Incurfion,  partly  in  Hopes  to 
feize  the  Lord  Grey%  Rents,  which  they 
might  eafily  have  done,  but  that  the  Bird  was 
flown  before  they  had  fprcad  their  Nets, 
This  Aclion  being  fo  diredly  contrary  to  their 
Agreement  at  the  Beginning  of  the  Treaty, 
did  fo  highly  inccnfe  the  General,  that  he 
prefently   commanded   Colonel    Zanchy   to 

be  fccurcd,  and  to  give  him  Satisfadion  for 
this  Breach  of  the  Articles.  And  now  Zan- 
chy ^  inftead  of  procuring  C^^^£'/'s  Liberty,  loft 
his  own. 

XIII.  Whilst  this  Bufmcfs  was  trnnfad- 
ed  with  Colonel  Za72chy^  the  Commiilioners 
of  the  Treaty,  Colonel  Knight y  Colonel  Cio- 
berry,  and  Colonel  Wilks^  return'd  from 
London  to  Berwick :   Where  they  made  the 

4  '  beft 

i6o  The  LIFE  of 

bcft  Excufe  they  could,  for  the  ill  Maaage- 
ment  of  their  Embafly,  and  with  fome  Re- 
flexion upon  the  Raflinefs  and  Imprudence  of 
each  other.  The  General  exprefs'd  fonie  Dif- 
pleafure  againft  them  all.  But  becaufe  Colo- 
nel Wtlks  fecm'd  to  have  led  the  Dance  to  the 
ireft,  in  departing  from  their  Inftrudions,  and 
had  been  too  forward  in  revealing  the  Gene- 
ral's Inclinations  for  a  new  Parliament,  which 
was  to  be  kept  to  the  laft  Pinch,  he  order'd 
his  Confinement ;  though  afterwards  he  was 
prevail'd  upon  to  accept  his  Submiflion  and 
Excufe  with  the  Grant  of  his  Liberty. 

Hitherto  we  have  attended  the  Moti- 
ons of  our  General  from  his  firft  Head- Quar- 
ters at  ^Dalkeith,  to  his  fecond  at  Edenburghy 
thence  to  his  third  at  Berwick^  and  are  now 
following  him  to  his  fourth  and  laft  Head- 
Quarters  2X.  Coldjiream  _, 



The  General  marches  to  Coldftream,  and 
takes  tip  his  Head- garters  there,  II.  For 
the  Conveniency  of  its  Situation.  III.  Lam- 
bert'j-,  IV.  And  the  reft  of  that  Tarty  s  ill 
ConduB,    V.  IVho  deceive  ihemfelves  with 


Gbneral  Monk.  i6i 

the  Expe6tation  of  an  Agreement  upon 
the  Treaty.  VI.  The  Condition  of  Lam- 
bert and  his  Forces  at  Newcaftle.  VII. 
General  Monk  meets  CommiJJtoners  from 
the  Nobility  tn  Scotland  at  Berwick,  who 
offer  to  raife  [even  thouf and  five  himdred 
Men  for  the  Service  of  the  General.  VIII. 
The  Levies  refusd.  IX.  Colonel  Tj^nchy 
difcharged.  X.  The  General,  vpon  his 
Return  to  Coldftream,  receives  Overtures 
from  the  Lord  Fairfax.  XL  Lambert  con- 
find  within  his  G)uarters  by  the  Severity 
of  the  Weather.  Xil.  The  Fleet  and 
Portfmouth  declare  for  the  Parliament. 
XIII.  The  Committee  of  Safety  fend  Forces 
to  befiege  Portfmouth,  who  revolt  to  the 
Parliament.  XIV.  An  Exprefs  from  Ge- 
neral Monk  to  Lambert.  XV.  Lambert 
in  great  T^iftrefs.  XVI.  The  General  re- 
hiceives  the  News  of  the  Revolt  of  the 
Fleet.  The  Forces  in  Ireland  declare  for 
the  Parliament, 

L    \    BOUT  two  in  the   Morning  'De-^cc.s 

/\  cember  8.  the  General  was  mounted 
at  Berwick,  intending  to  vifit  the  Paflcs  over 
the  River  Tweedy  in  his  Way  to  his  new 
Quarters.  But  bcfides  the  Badnefs  of  the 
Way,  the  Weather  proving  very  tempeftuous, 
he  was  enforc'd  for  a  few  Hours  to  put  in  at  the 
Pafs  at  Norham,  and  about  Noon  ariiv'd  at 
M  Coldftream, 

i6i      rle  LIFE   of 

Coidftream,  being  nine  Miles  from  Bevjiicky 
wiiere  there  was  in  Rcadinefs  only  one  Re- 
giment of  Foot  for  his  Guards  and  Attendance. 
This  ( as  mofl:  bordering  Towns )  was  a  very 
poor  and  defpicable  Place,  and  lo  dcftitute  of 
Provifion,  that,  for  the  firft  Night,  the  Ge- 
neral was  enforc'd  to  entertain  himfelf  with 
the  chewing  Tobacco  inftead  of  a  Supper,  till 
he  was  the  next  Day  better  fupply'd  with 
Provifrons  from  Berwick.  The  Houfe  that 
was  afllgned  for  his  Head-Quarters,  had  not 
a  Room  in  it  of  tolerable  Reception  for  one 
of  hrs Serjeants;  fo  that  he  was  to  eat  and 
fleep  in  the  fame  Chamber.  To  this  ^rato- 
rimn,  made  of  a  Cottage,  were  adjoining 
two  Barns,  whereof  one  was  taken  up  by  his 
Sutlers  for  his  Pantry,  and  the  other  ferv'd 
for  his  Chapel.     ^  .  •  ngvf;  ^n  : 

II.  But  this  mifcrable  Town  was  furnifh'd 
with  the  moftcommodiousPafs  for  the  March 
of  his  Army  over  the  Tweedy  for  which  Rea~ 
fon  he  chofe  it,  and  was  very  well  contented 
with  all  other  Inconveniencies.  It  was  plac'd 
as  a  central  Point  to  all  the  neighbouring  Vil- 
lages, where  his  Forces  all  lay  quarter'd  a- 
bout  him,  fo  that  in  four  Hours  time  he  could 
have  drawn  them  all  into  a  Body  upon  any 
fudden  Occafion  or  Alarm. 

:!£;  YrAr-fiOfM   :■      ..,    r:  ■,   ,■ :  HI.  Ix 

GENERAL  Monk.         i6^ 

III.  It  was  fome  Part  of  the  Wonder  of 
thofe  Times,  that  Major  General  Lamberty 
knowing  how  much  it  concern'd  him  to  be 
quick  in  his  Bufinefs,  being  dcftitute  of  Mo- 
ney to  fupport  himfelf  and  his  Forces  in  De- 
lays, had  not  all  this  while  march'd  into 
Scotland^  having  an  Army  fo  much  fuperior 
to  his  Enemies,  and  a  confideiable  Body  of 
Horfe  fit  for  fuch  a  fudden  invafion:  Noc 
had  General  Mo7ik.  fully  perfected  his  Altera- 
tions among  his  Officers,  nor  compleatly  fix'd 
his  own  Army  in  Obedience  to  him.  So 
that  upon  Lambert  %  Advance  among  them, 
naoft  of  General  Monk's  Horfe  would  proba- 
bly have  gone  off  from  him,  and  perhaps  ma- 
ny others  would  have  (hewn  him  their  Heels, 
had  they  once  fecn  Lambert  and  his  Army 
in  their  Country. 

IV.  And  indeed  had  the  Armies  In  Eng- 
land and  Ireland  been  well  refolv'd  together^ 
and  gone  roundly  to  the  Work  j  fo  that  Lam- 
bert had  diredly  march'd  into  Scotland,  and 
at  the  fame  time  fome  Part  of  the  Irifi  For- 
ces ( who  had  as  yet  diflented  from  the  Ge- 
neral's Proceedings)  had  landed  there,  which 
might  eafily  have  been  done  in  any  Pare  of 
l\\t'W^^oi Scotland',  they  would  fhrewdly 
have  broken  and  diforder'd  all  his  Rcfolutions, 
nor  was  he  of  fufficient  Force  to  oppofe  them. 

M  2  So 

164         ne  LIFE  of 

So  that  ( though  the  General  had  omitted  no 
Part  of  a  wife  and  prudent  Man )  yet  it  is  ma- 
nifeft  he  was  ftill  under  a  Conduft  and  Provi- 
dence greater  than  his  own,  which  did  fo  far 
infatuate  the  Counfels  of  his  Enemies,  as  they 
frequently  overlook'd  thofe  Advantages  upon 
him,  which  the  Difficulty  of  Affairs  had  fome- 
times  given  them. 

V.  But  to  avert  this  Hazard,  there  was 
feafonably  thrown  out  to  them  (from  Scot- 
land) a  Treaty  to  make  play  with;  which 
was  entertain'd  with  very  probable  Hopes  of 
concluding  the  Difference.  Nor  were  they 
willing  to  believe,  that  the  Army  in  Scotland 
would  be  forward  to  engage  againft  their  Bre- 
thren in  England 2wdi  Ireland,  who  were  every 
Way  too  many  for  them.  Lambert  had  alfo 
confented  to  a  Ceflation  of  all  Hoftility  dur- 
ing this  Treaty  ;  and  though  haply  he  might 
have  gone  forward  with  m.ore  Advantage,  by 
going  back  from  his  Word  5  yet  he  was  a  Per- 
fon  of  more  Gencroiity  than  many  among 
them,  and  was  not  v/illing  to  prevaricate  his 
Promife,  whilH:  there  was  dill  any  Hopes  of 
coming  fairly  to  an  Agreement. 

VI.  But  the  grcatefl  Impediment  to  the 
invading  oi  ScotldJid,  was  really  from  among 
thcmfelvcs.  There  being  fo  many,  and  ^o 
dilfcrcnt  Interefls   and  Inclinations  in  Lam- 

4  berf% 

General  Monk.        i6^ 

berfs  Army.  Some  of  thofe  whom  he  took 
up  by  the  Way,  that  had  lately  march'd  with 
him  againft  Sir  George  Booth,  had  been  fo 
pradis'd  on  by  him,  that  they  were  wholly 
at  his  Service.  But  there  were  many  among 
them  that  had  a  great  Inclination  to  Fleet' 
wood ;  and  having  entertain'd  a  Jealoufy  of 
Lambert's  Ambition,  were  no  Ways  hafty 
to  rufh  into  the  War,  which,  if  it  had  fuc- 
ceedcd  with  Victory,  would  have  given  Lam- 
bert an  entire  Poflelllon  of  the  Government. 
There  were  alfo  fome  Regiments  brought  out 
oi London,  that  had  formerly  been  Guards  to 
the  Parliament,  and  therefore  had  no  Stomach 
to  engage  earneftly  againft  thofe,  who  now 
declar'd  themfelves  their  Reftorers.  Neither 
was  there  wanting  a  confiderable  Number  a- 
mong  them  of  the  Commonwealth  Party, 
who,  upon  better  Confideration,  began  to  part 
with  their  Sufpicions  upon  General  Monk,  for 
bringing  in  the  King,  and  apprehended  now 
a  great  deal  of  Reafon  and  juftice  in  his  De- 
claration for  reftoring  the  Parliament:  Un- 
der whofe  Authority  the  Quarrel  at  firft  be- 
gan, and  no  other  Government  could  jufti- 
fy  or  maintain  them  in  it.  All  thefe  dif- 
ferent Intcrcfts  among  them  were  very  well 
known  to  General  Monk,  who  wanted  not 
Efpials  upon  them,  even  in  their  own  Hcad- 

^l  I  vri.  Bur 

':     i66        The  L  I FE   of 

•■'"-■•     ■:•:  ,".  "^  ,  T-  :;'    .--.-'■•  *   ■■*»'v«i«;i 
yil.  But  the  General  having  fpent  now 
almoft  a  Week,  in  fettling  himfelf  and  his  Ar- 
my in    their  new  Quarters,  was   mindtai  of 
the   Appointment   he  had  made   with  (Seve- 
ral   of  the  Nobility    in  Scotland,  and  their 
Commiffioncrs  from  the  Shires  and  Boroughs, 
B^c. IS- to  meet  him  at  Berijuick,  T>ecember  13.  on 
which  Day   he  accordingly  haden'd   thither 
from  Coldftream^  being  attended  with  fome  of 
his  bcO:  Colonels,  and  Dr.  Barro'ju  the  princi- 
pal Phyficianj  who  about  this  Time  was  made 
Judge  Advocate  of  ihz  Army.    The  General 
had  held  a  former  Confalt  with  the  Scotch 
Commiilioners  at  Edenburgh  in  November 
laft,  which  we  pnrpofely  omitted  in  its  Place, 
that  the  Reader  might  not  be  perplex'd  with 
too  many  Particulars,    which  came  fo  thick 
upon  us,  and  having  referv'd  both  thefe  Con- 
ventions to  be  related  together.     In  the  for- 
mer the   General  acquainted  them  with  his 
Refolution  to  march  into  Erigland  for  reftor- 
ing  the  Parliament,  and  therefore  defir'd  that 
the  Arrears  of  AlTetTment  for  his  Army  might 
be  fpecdily  paid  5  which  they  all  very  chear- 
fully  undertook  for,  and  at  their  Return  into 
their  feveral  Shires  it  was  exadly  perform'd. 
And  this  was  the  Sum  of  what  was  then  done 
- : ,  at  Edenburgh.     But  in    this  Convention  at 
Beru;tckj    where  were  prefent  the  Marquifs 
oi  ^tkol,    the   Earls  of  Glencarn,    Rotkes^ 
'V'  .    ,  Roxborough^ 

General  Monk.         167 

Roxboronghy  IVeams,  and  fevcral  other  of  the 
Scotch  Nobility,  divers  Things  were  propos'd 
by  them  to  the  General :    That  for  the  prc- 
lent  they  might  be  allow'd  to  have  a  (landing 
Council  in  each  Shire,    with  Power  to  raife 
fome  fmall  Proportion  of  Horfe,  for  the  fe- 
curing   the  common  Safety,    and   that  they 
might  be  furnifli'd  with  Arms  out  of  the  Gene- 
ral's Stores  at  the  ufual  Rates  -,  with  Liberty 
alfo  to  wear  their  Swords,   which  had  been 
hitherto  deny'd  rhem  ;  and  that  in  Cafe  the 
Treaty  did  not  take  EfFed,  they  might  pro- 
ceed to  make  greater  Levies  for  the  Ailiftance 
of  the  Englijh  Army,  and  their  own  Defence. 
And  in  particular  they  propos'd  to  raife  pre- 
fently    for  the  General's   Service  fix  thou- 
fand  Foot,  and  one   thoufand  five  hundred 
Horfe.     The  General  prefently  advis'd  in  pri- 
vate with  fome  of  his  Officers  upon  thefe  Pro- 
pofals,  where  there  was  fome  Variety  in  their 
Opinions;    but  in  Conclufion  it  was  rcfolv'd. 
That  though  there  was  need  enough  for  the 
General  to  encreafe  his  Forces,  yet  for  the 
prefent  by  no  Means  to  grant  any  Commiflion 
to  the  Scotch  Nation  for  raifing  of  Arms ; 
which  would  fo  alarm  the  Englijh  Army,  as 
they  would  prefently  run  into  a  Diftruft  of 
their  Officers ,   or  would  take  Occafion  to 
think  themfelves  fufped:ed.    And  how  unwil- 
lingly their  own  Soldiers  would  comply  with  a 
Mixture  of  that  Nation,  they  had  lately  made 
M  4  an 

1(58         rioe  LIFE  off 

an  Experiment,  in  thpfc  Difcontents  that  a- 
rofe  upon  allowing  Ibme  of  the  Scotch  Of- 
ficers to  fill  up  their  Companies  with  Scots, 

VIII.  Upon  a  further  Conference  therefore 
with  the  Lords,  the  General  confented  to  fomc 
Part  of  their  Propofals  -,  but  for  raifing  Regi- 
ments hedefir'd  their  further  Patience,  till  he 
faw  what  Conclufion  the  Treaty  (which  they 
were  now  again  to  refume )  would  produce. 
And  fome  of  them  were  very  well  affur'd, 
that  if  the  War  did  go  on,  the  General  would 
not  then  be  fcrupulous  in  admitting  the  Scots 
to  a  Conjunction  with  him.  And  both  their 
Lordftiips  and  the  other  Commiflioners  had 
entertain'd  fuch  Opinion  of  his  Generofity 
and  Juftnefs,  that,  though  they  were  not  gra- 
tify'd  at  prefent  in  all  their  Defires,  yet  they 
^ook  Leave  of  him  with  a  very  perfed  Satif- 
fadion  and  Confidence.  Some  of  thefe  Lords 
alfo,  and  divers  of  the  General's  own  Offi- 
cers, had  fo  far  look'd  into  his  Proceedings, 
that,  though  they  had  the  Difcretion  to  con- 
ceal their  own  Apprchcnfions,  yet  were  they 
very  well  affur'd,  that  all  this  Buftle  v^as  not 
made  only  to  rctlorc  a  few  hated  and  incon- 
fidcrable  People  into  a  Condition  of  doing 
more  Mifchicf;  but  there  was  fome  greater 
Dcfign  in  Hand  than  the  Rcftitution  of  the 
Jundo  Parliament. 

..'■■."'■    ;.  :  -  IX.  The 

General  Monk.  1^9 

IX.  The  General  had  received  Intelligence 
before  he  came  from  Coldftreaniy  that  Lam- 
bert ( to  pacify  his  Difpleafure,  and  to  reftore 
the  Treaty)  had  recall'd  his  Forces  out  of 
Northumberland  ;  and  therefore  General 
Monk,  before  he  left  Berwick^  fent  for  Co- 
lonel Zanchy^  who  was  a  Prifoner ;  and  hav- 
ing difcharg'd  him  from  his  Confinement,  fenc 
him  back  to  Newcaftle  with  this  Meffage  to 
Major  General  Lambert,  that  he  would  fpee- 
dily  fend  him  his  further  Rcfolution  in  order 
to  the  Treaty. 

X.  All  Matters  being  thus  concluded  at 
Berwick,  the  General  return'd  again  to  his 
Head-Quarters  at  Coldftream,  where,  with 
much  Difficulty  and  Hazard  of  the  Enemy's 
Army,  there  came  to  him  a  Meflenger  from 
the  Lord  Fairfax-,  one  Mr.  Fairfax  his  Kin  f- 
man,  who  inform'd  him,  that,  by  the  Inter- 
view between  Commiflary  Clarges  and  his 
Agent  Mr.  Bowles,  he  was  fo  well  fatisfy'd 
with  the  Juftnefs  and  Reafon  of  his  Intenti- 
ons, that  he  was  very  willing  to  join  with 
him  therein  ;  and  to  that  End  was  employ- 
ing his  Intereft  among  the  Gentry  and  Sol- 
diery o^  TorkJInre,  and  the  adjacent  Counties, 
for  the  forming  of  a  Party  to  rife  with  him, 
which  would  be  in  Rcadinefs  about  the  Begin- 
ning  of  January,   to  fall    upon    Lambert's 

Rear  j 

<  lyo  The    LI F E   of 

Rear ;  by  which  Adion  his  Lord/hip  was  like- 
ly to  recover  that  Honour  in  purfuing  the  Ar- 
my, which,  when  he  was  formerly  their  Ge- 
neral, he  had  loft  by  leading  it.  He  alfo 
receiv'd  from  Commiftary  CLarges,  and  his 
other  Intelligencer  at  London^  fuch  an  Ac- 
count of  the  Fadions  and  Diforders  begin- 
ning in  the  City,  that  he  was  refolv'd  to 
make  no  Hafte  in  proceeding  further  to  the 
Treaty,  which  hitherto  with  much  Artifice 
had  been  delay'd. 

XI.  Nor  was  there  any  Fear  of  Lambert'^ 
further  Advance  or  Afiault  upon  \\\z  Scotch 
Army,  the  Weather  having  already  prevented 
his  March,  through  abundance  of  Snow,  and 
a  moft  fcvere  Froft,  which  lafted  for  many 
Weeks,  fo  that  in  an  uneven  and  hilly  Coun- 
try cover'd  with  Ice  ,  Lambert' ^  Horfe 
(wherein  was  his  Strength)  could  neither 
march,  nor  fight  5  and  there  being  now  more 
than  forty  Miles  of  Snow  and  Precipice  be- 
tween them,  General  Monk's  Qiiartcrs  were 
as  fecure  from  Lambert's  Army,  as  if  the 
Atlantkk  Sea  had  divided  them.  He  was 
alfo  fo  well  inform'd  concerning  their  Con- 
dition, that  he  very  well  knew  their  Mo- 
ney melted  fafter  than  the  Snov/,  and  would 
therefore  compel  them  to  break  before  the 
Weathv-r.  ' .; 

'"^■'     ■"  "   "'^-'"      Xn.  But 

General  Monk.        i;'i 

XII.  But  whilft  General  Monk  held  Lam- 
bert and  his  Army  to  hard  Meat  in  the  North, 
the  rcftlefs  Members  of  the  late  Jundo  were 
as  bufy  in  making  Parties  and  Difturbances  a- 
gainft  Fleetin'ood,  and  his  Officers,  and  their 
Committee  of  Safety  in  London.  Some  of 
them  had  lb  far  tamper'd  with  the  Soldiery, 
that  a  great  Party  among  them,  finding  they 
had  miftaken  themfelves,  in  fupporting  anln- 
tereft  that  was  not  able  to  pay  them,  were 
willing  to  fubmit  to  their  old  Matters  the  Par- 
liament. Others  ofthejundo  had  got  down 
to  Vice- Admiral  La'-jvfon,  and  the  Navy; 
where  they  told  their  own  Tale  fo  effedually, 
that  the  Fleet  was  contented  now  to  declare 
with  General  Monk,  for  reftoring  the  Parlia- 
ment. And  about  the  fame  Time  Colonel 
Whetham-,  who  commanded  the  Garrifon  at 
^ortfinouth,  difcover'd  his  Inclination  to  join 
with  General  Monky  and  his  Army,  in  De- 
fence of  the  Parliament.  This  Gentleman  had 
formerly  been  of  the  Council  of  State  in  Scot- 
landj  where  he  began  that  Eftimation  and 
Friendfhip  with  the  General,  which  led  him 
now  willingly  to  join  his  Intereft  with  him. 

XIII.  Upon  this  Information,  there  were 
difpatch'd  down  to  him  Hazlenj^,  Morley,  and 
fValto?7,  who  were  not  only  Members  of  the 
late  jundo,   but  were  alio  three  of  the  five 


171        The  LIFE  of 

CommilTioners  appointed  by  them  for  govern- 
ing the  Army.  Thefe  three  Perfons  had  fo 
bcftirr'd  themfelves  at  Tort/mouthy  that  feve- 
ral  Forces  thereabouts  came  in  to  them.  But 
to  reduce  this  Defedion  there.  General  Fleet- 
wood and  the  Committee  of  Safety  command- 
ed away  a  Party  to  befiege  the  Town,  who, 
refleding  upon  the  decUning  Eftate  of  thofe 
who  lent  them,  and  that  the  Play  would  no 
longer  pay  for  the  Candle,  threw  up  their 
Cards,  and,  as  foon  as  they  came  there,  in- 
ftcad  of  reducing  thefe  Revolters,  increas'd 
their  Number  by  joining  with  them.  So  that 
now,  by  the  Union  of  thefe  Parties  together, 
(  befidcs  General  Alonk's  Army  in  the  North  ) 
there  was  a  coniiderable  Force  in  the  South, 
refolving  to  reftore  the  Parliament. 

XIV.  Of  all  thefe  Circumftanccs  General 
Monk  had  a  fpeedy  Account  from  his  fure  In- 
telligencer Commiflary  Clarges,  whoprefent- 
ly  made  ufe  of  them  as  a  decent  Contrivance 
for  dillblving  the  Treaty.  Thereupon  he  dif- 
patch'd  away  Mnjor  Bannifter  to  Newcajile, 
with  an  Exprcfs  to  Major  General  Lambert, 
acquainting  him,  that  himfelf  and  his  Officers 
were  preparing  to  enter  again  into  the  Trea- 
ty, but  in  the  mean  Time  he  had  receiv'd 
Advice,  that  three  of  thofe  five  Commiflion- 
crs  appointed  with  himfelf  by  Authority  of 
Parliament,    for  the  governing  of  the  Army, 


General  Monk.'       175 

were  now  at  Tortfmouth  in  the  adual  Dif- 
chargeof  their  Truft,  without  whofe  Confent 
and  Diredion  (according  to  the  Intent  of  his 
Commiflion)  he  could  not  proceed  alone  in 
fo  weighty  an  Affair  ;  but  did  therefore  de- 
fire  of  him  a  fafe  Conduct  for  this  Meffenger, 
his  Officer,  to  pafs  quickly  for  Tortfmouthy 
and  to  bring  back  from  thofe  other  Commif- 
fioners  fuch  further  Inftrudions,  for  the  Ma- 
nagement of  the  Treaty,  as  he  and  his  Of- 
ficers might  accordingly  be  enabled  to  pro- 
ceed upon. 

XV.  At  the  reading  of  this  Letter  Lam- 
bert exprefs'd  fome  fort  of  Difpleafure,  telling 
Major  Bannifter,  that  the  General  and    his 
Officers  had  not  us'd  him  well.     The  Bufi- 
nefs  at  ^ortfmouth  was  no   News,   having 
been  known  at  Ne'jucaftle  before  it  could 
come  to  CoUftream.     But  by  that  he  cafily 
forefaw  the  Treaty  was  at  an  End,  and  his 
own  Forces.    And  now,  as  Hannibal^  when 
it  was  too  late,  grew  angry  with  himfelf,  that 
he  had  not  led  his  Army,    hot  and  bloody, 
from  the  Battle  oi  Canna  to  the  facking  of 
Rome  I    no  lefs  did  Lambert  accufe  his  own 
Delay,  that  he  had  not,  inftcad  of  ftaying  at 
Newcaftle^  march'd  his  Army  into  Scotland^ 
where  he  miaht  have  been  able  to  command 
tliat  Submillion   from    his  Enemies,    which 
now  he  mud  be  cnforc'  make  to  them. 

XVI.  But 

174        ^^^  LIFE  of 

XVI.  But  fince  the  Meflengefs  Journey 
to  ^ort [month  could  not  be  of  any  Ufe  to  the 
Treaty,  he  was  refolv'd  it  Ihould  Terve  for  no 
other  Defign  ^  and  therefore  refufing  to  grant 
him  any  pafs,  commanded  his  Return  again 
to  Coldjiream,  whither  he  brought  the  Gene- 
ral better  News  than  that  he  had  carried  to 
Newcajile.  For,  during  his  Stay  there,  the 
Intelligence  arriv'd,  that  Vice- Admiral  Law- 
fin  and  the  Fleet  had  adually  declar'd  in 
the  fame  Caufe  with  him  ;  having  threaten'd 
to  block  up  the  Thames^  and  befiege  their 
Trade,  if  the  Parliament  was  not  inftantly  re- 
ftor'd.  In  thefe  his  uneafy  and  worft  Quarters 
the  General  entertain'd  all  his  bed  News.  For 
about  this  Time  Captain  Campbel  arriv'd  at 
Coldftream  with  the  Letters  from  Ireland  -y 
acquainting  him,  that  the  Army  there  had 
not  only  declar'd  with  him  for  reftoring  the 
Parliament,  but  would  be  ready  alfo  to  fend 
over  fuch  Forces  to  him,  as  he  fhould  have 
need  of. 

C  H  A  P.    XV. 

I.  A  private  Conference  between  the  Gene- 
ral and  his  Chaplain  jDr.  Price,  wherein 


General  Monk.        i/j 

he  declares  his  Refolution  of  reftoring  the 
King^    with  the  Reafons   of  his   former 
Caution  and  Re fervednefs.    II.  A  fine  Re- 
fie^iion  of  the  Author's  upon  this  Declara- 
tion of  the  General.     III.  The  diforder'd 
and  difira5fcd  State  of  London  at  this 
Time.    IV.  YXzQX^QO^fubmitsto  theTar- 
liament  which  meets  at  Weftminfter.    V. 
The  General  receives  Advice^  that  Lord 
Fairfax  was  in  Arms  in  Yorkfhire,  and 
that  Lambert  was  upofi  his  Retreat  from 
Newcaftle  into  that  County.   VI.  The  Ge- 
neral pajfes  the  Tweed  to  the  Support  of 
Lord  Fairfax  :  VII.  Sending  his  tVife  and 
Son  by  Sea  to  London,     VIII.  He  receives 
a  Letter  from  the  Speaker ^  which  is  read 
to  the  Army:     IX.    Is  complimented  at 
Morpeth  by  the  Sheriff  and  Gentlemen  of 
Northumberland  j  by  a  Meffage  from  New- 
caftle ;   and  a  Letter  from  London.     X, 
Arrives  at  Newcaftle,  from  which  Lam- 
bert was  retir'd.     XI.    LambertV  Army 
revolt  from  him.     XII.  The  divided  State 
of  it  makes  the  General  flac ken  his  T^ace, 
He  writes  to  the  Lord  Mayor  and  Com- 
mon Council.     XII L  To  the  Speaker^  the 
Council  of  StatCy  and  Lord  Fairfax. 

L     I  ^  H  E  S  E  ftrange  and  fortunate  Acei- 

J^     dents  at  Coldftreamy  were  variouOy 

confider'd  by  fuch  Pcrfons  as   attended  the 

4  General 

^y6       The  LIFE  of 

General  there,  or  were  moft  intent  upon  his 
Service  and  Intereft.  Among  the  reft  his 
Chaplain,  Dr.  Trice^  having  no  Opportunity 
in  the  Day-time  of  private  Accefs  to  him, 
took  Occafion,  by  tiie  Help  of  a  Corporal, 
who  that  Night  commanded  the  Guards,  to 
enter  his  Chamber  about  two  in  the  Morning, 
where  he  found  the  Door  only  latch'd,  and 
the  General,  being  weary  of  his  narrow  un- 
cafy  Lodging  in  his  Bed,  was  fleeping  in  his 
Cloaths,  having  laid  himfelf  down  on  a  Form, 
and  reftcd  his  Head  on  the  Side  of  the  Bed, 
with  a  Fire  and  Light  in  the  Room.  At  his 
Approach,  the  General  ( who  was  never  a 
found  Sleeper )  prefently  awak'd,  and  enter'd 
into  much  fccrct  Difcourfe  with  him  ;  who 
freely  reprefented  to  him,  how  much  his  Obli- 
gation and  Safety  were  equally  concern'd  in 
complying  with  the  Defircsofthe  better  Part 
of  the  Nation,  by  endeavouring  their  Settle- 
ment according  to  the  ancient  and  known 
Laws.  To  which  the  General  reply'd,  that 
he  very  well  knew  what  he  would  have,  nor 
jfjoiild  he  be  wanting  therein,  fa  foon  as  he 
could  find  himfelf  in  a  Capacity  of  effe^ing 
it  5  of  which  he  had  now  fomewhat  more 
Hopes  than  formerly.  And  then  kindly  tak- 
ing him  by  the  Hand,  very  folemnly  and  de- 
voutly told  him:  By  God's  Grace  I  will  do 
it.  His  Chaplain  then  took  the  Boldnefsto 
kt  him  know  how  much  he  had  difoblig'd  a 


General  Monk.  177 

great  Part  of  the  Nation,  and  contracted  his 
own  Intereft  into  a  narrower  Compafs,  by  de- 
claring fo  ftridly  for  the  Parliament  as  it  fat 
OBober  1 1 .  To  this  the  General  anfwer'd 
with  fome  Earneftnefs:  Ton  fee  what  Teople 
they  are  who  are  now  about  me,  by  whofe 
Advice  and  IDifcretion  feveral  things  are 
tranfa£ied  and  written.  There  are  Jealou- 
fies  enough  upon  me  already,  and  the  leaft  Ap- 
pearance of  any  T)ifike  would  make  them 
greater.  But  though  (as  he  told  him)  ha 
had  been  paffive  in  allowing  fome  Troceed- 
ingSj  yet  he  was  refolved  not  to  adt  by  theml 
This  put  an  End  to  the  Difcourfe,  and  his 
Chaplain,  craving  Pardon  for  this  Interrup- 
tion upon  him,  left  him  to  the  remaining 
Part  of  his  Repofe. 

II.  This,  and  the  like  Paflages,  though 
they  are  no  eflential  Part  of  the  Story,  yet 
becaufe  the  Minds  of  Men  are  beft  difcover'd 
by  fuch  fudden  and  private  Attempts  upon 
them,  they  are  very  neceffary  to  be  inferred. 
And  the  impartial  Reader  may  better  difcern 
the  Envy  and  Prejudice  of  their  Opinions, 
who  have  thought  that  General  Monk  did 
govern  his  Refolutions  by  the  Events  that  fell 
in  his  Way,  without  endeavouring  to  bend 
and  incline  thofe  Events  to  a  Compliance 
with  his  own  Rcfolution. 

N  III,  But 

178         The  LIFE  of  "-. 

III.  But  leaving  the  General  a  little  while 
to  his  Reft  at  Col^Jlream,  we  will  lead  our 
Reader  back  again  to  London,  where  nothing 
was  to  be  Teen  but  Tumult  and  Diforder  :  The 
Citizens  fuUen  and  querulous,  their  Appren- 
tices unruly  and  defperate,  the  Forces  divid- 
ed and  irrefolute,  and  fome  of  them  already 
drawn  off  by  their  Officers  that  were  devoted 
to  the  Parliament  j  the  Committee  of  Safety 
no  lefs  diftraded  in  their  Counfels,  and  the 
Forces  at  Tortfmouth  upon  their  March  to- 
wards London,  to  reftore  the  Parliamentr  In 
fo  many  fatal  Circumftances  Lieutenant  Ge- 
neral Fleetwood,  who  was  certainly  the  moft 
innocent  Perfon  among  them,  but  altogether 
unfit  to  maintain  the  Place  he  held,  or  to 
fupport  himfelf  againft  fuch  violent  Tides  as 
then  ran  againft  him,  was  able  to  hold  the 
Reins  of  Government  no  longer,  but  dropt 
them  from  his  trembling  Hand. 

IV.  And  fending  his  Submifllon  to  the 
Speaker,  defired  him  to  convene  fuch  Mem- 
bers as  were  about  the  Town,  and  to  re- 
fume  again  the  Government  into  their  Hands, 
which  had  been  fo  ill  managed  by  his  own, 
and  the  Committee  of  Safety.  The  Mem- 
bers very  well  knew,  how  far  Fleetwood [\2id. 
been  paffive  in  thefe  Contrivances,  and  by 
what  Engines  he  had  been  wrought  upon ;  fo 

.  that 

General  Monk.  i^^p 

that  they  eafily  accepted  his  Excufe,  being  re- 
folv'd  to  difchame  the  Torrent  of  their  Indis:- 
nation  upon  Lamucrtj  and  his  more  fecret  Ac- 
complices. There  wanted  not  much  courting 
or  Addrefs  to  pcrfuade  the  Senators  to  find 
the  Way  into  tlieir  old  Seats  again  at  fVefi- 
tninfteTy  who  accordingly  met  there  "Decem-^"^'  ^f* 
ber  25.  where  we  will  leave  them  contriving 
the  laft  of  their  Mifchief,  whilft  we  return 
again  to  Coldftream. 

V.  Where  about  this  Time  the  General 
received  a  Meflage  from  Tork,  informing  him^ 
that  the  Lord  Fairfax^  finding  his  Prepara- 
tions were  difcover'd,  and  to  prevent  a  Sur- 
prizal  from  Lambert's  Army,  was  already  ac- 
tually in  Arms  fooner  than  the  Time  he  had 
appointed,  and  that  Lilburn*s  Regiment,  de- 
ferting  their  Colonel,  was  brought  off  by 
Major  Smithforiy  to  join  with  him.  The 
fame  Meflfcngcr  brought  him  the  firfl:  NewSj 
that  the  Jun6lo  was  reftored,  and  that  Fleet- 
wood with  his  Army  had  fubmitted  to  them  : 
and  that  Lambert  alfo  was  retreating  front 
Newcafile,  with  Intention  to  march  back 
into  Torkjhire, 

VI.  The  General  had  a  very  tender  Coti- 

cern  for  the  Lord   Fairfax,  and  his  Party^ 

who  had  fo  gencroufly  dcclar'd  for  him  ;  and 

knowing  how  unable  they  wcfc  alone  to  deal 

N  %  With 

i8o       Tie  LIFE  of     > 

with  Lambert's  Army,  he  was  refolv'd  to 
march  to  their  Relief,  and  to  fall  upon  the 
Rear  before  he  fhould  be  able  to  engage  them. 
To  that  End,  having  drawn  his  Forces  toge- 
ther he  commanded  their  March  over  the 

VII.  When  the  General  took  up  his 
Quatters  at  Coldjiream,  he  ordered  his  La- 
dy, and  his  Son,  the  prefent  Duke  of  Albe- 
marle, to  continue  at  Berwick,  there  being 
no  convenient  Reception  for  them  in  thofe 
uneafy  Quarters.  But  before  he  marched 
hence,  he  took  Care  they  fhould  pafs  from 
thence  by  Sea  to  London,  and  wait  him  there. 
Accordingly  there  v/as  a  Veflel  in  Readinefs 
to  attend  them.-  ■  ; ;^ 

jm.\.  VIII.  His  Army  confifted  only  of  four  Re- 
i^^^o-giments  of  Horfc,  which  were  not  compleat, 
and  fix  intirc  Regiments  of  Foot.  Their 
March  was  in  two  diftinct  Brigades,one  where- 
of was  led  by  himfelf,  and  the  other  by  Major 
General  Morgan.  And  on  New-Tear's  Day 
he  order'd  the  Advance  of  the  Foot  over  the 
River,  and  the  next  Day  following  them  with 
his  Regiment  of  Horfc,  took  up  his  firfi: 
Night's  QLiartcrs  at  IVellar  in  Northumber* 
land :  Where,  late  in  the  Night,  he  receiv'd 
a  fliort  Letter  from  the  Speaker,  dated  De- 
cember z-j.  informing  him  of  their  Return  a- 
5  .       .  g^in 

General  Monk.  i8i 

gain  to  the  Government,  with  fome  Acknow- 
ledgment of  his  Prudence  and  Fidelity  in  their 
Service,  but  not  one  Word  of  Order  for  his 
March  toward  them.     Which,  tho'  he  pru- 
dently conceal'd,  yet  it  did  inwardly  difpleafe 
him.     But  his  greateft  Surprifal  was  from  their 
fo  fudden  Return  into  Power,  when  having 
now  fo  confidcrable  an  Army  which  had  fub- 
mitted  to  them,  it  would  lead  them  into  a 
lefs  Dependance  upon  himfclf,  and  before  he 
could  march  to  them,  they    would  have  fo 
fhifted  Commi0ions  in  Fleetwood's  Army, 
and  fix'd  them  in  fo  pcrfctft  Obedience  to  the 
Parliament,  as  he  fliould  not  be  able  to  play 
them  that  Game  which  he  had  intended  when 
he  got  well  into  London.    But  that  the  Junc- 
to  might  be  told  how  welcome  their  Letters 
were  to  him,  he  commanded  they  fliould  be 
read  next  Morning  at  the  Head  of  the  Regi- 
ments, being  drawn  up  in  the  Snow  ;    and, 
to  keep  thcmfclves  warm,  they  made  loud 
Acclamations  for  the  Reftoration  of  their  Ma- 
ilers,  refolving  that  they  would  march  on- 
wards, and  have  the  Satisfadion  to  fee  them 
in  their  Scats. 

IX.  The  fame  Day  the  General  kept  on  j^;?^.  3. 
his  Way  towards  Morpeth  s  but  bccaufe  it 
was  too  long  a  March  for  his  Army  in  fo  deep 
a  Snow,  he  tiay'd  at  a  Village  in  the  Mid-way 
for  a  Night,  and  took  up  his  Qiiartcrs  ( which 
N  5  were 

i8x        The  LIFE  of    '' 

were  worfe  than  thofe  in  CoUftream)  at  the 
Vicar's  Houfe  of  the  Parifh  j  and  the  next 
ym.  4.  Day  arriv'd  at  Morpeth  ;  where  he  was  met 
by  the  High- Sheriff  and  Gentry  of  Nor- 
thtimberland ,  who  gave  him  the  publick 
Welcome  into  their  County.  Here  were  al- 
fo  attending  two  Sword-bearers,  one  from 
Newcaftley}j\ih.  Compliments  from  the  Ma^ 
giftrates  of  the  place,  inviting  him  thither ; 
and  the  other  from  London^  who  prefented 
him  with  Letters  from  the  Lord  Mayor  and 
Common  Council  of  the  City  ;  exprefling 
their  Defires  for  a  full  Parliament,  with  the 
juft  Reafon  of  their  Demand,  fmce,  in  the 
prefent  AlTembly,  there  was  not  one  Member 
fitting  to  reprefent  the  capital  City. 

jau.^.  X.  From  hence  he  came  to  Newcaflle, 
where  Major  General  Lmnbert  held  fo  long 
kept  his  Head-Quarters ;  but  he  quitted  them 
■about  the  fame  time  that  General  Monk  began 
his  March  from  Coldjtream.  For  the  fame 
Mcfiengcr  that  brought  to  General  Monk  at 
/i^W/^/r  the  Letter  from  the  |unfto,  with  the 
Account  of  rhcir  Reftoration,  left  alfo  their 
Orders  at  Nezirafilej  commanding  the  Army 
prefently  to  quit  their  Station  there,  and  re- 
turn dirediy  to  thofe  rcfpcdlive  Quarters 
which  WLTe  ailign'd  them  by  the  Parliament 
before  tiicir  Interruption. 

XL  Lambert's 

General  Monk.        183 

XI.  Lambert's  Army  was  in  a  fair  Way 
of  diflblving  themfclves  before  thofe  Orders 
arriv'd .  But  fo  foon  as  the  Soldiers  heard,  that 
Fleetwoods  Forces  in  London  had  deferred 
their  General,  and  fubmitted  to  the  Jundo, 
they  were  refolv'd  not  to  be  exceeded  by  their 
Brethren  in  the  Ways  of  Treachery  and  Falf- 
hood  5  and  therefore  prefcntly  all  fubmitted 
themfelves  to  the  Orders  of  the  Jundo,  with- 
out expoftulating  one  Word  in  behalf  of  L^;;?- 
bert  their  Leader,  or  once  drawing  a  Sword 
for  him ;  but  fhifting  away  to  their  feveral 
Quarters,  they  left  him  naked  and  deftitute 
to  the  Cruelty  of  his  Fortune.  And  fome  of 
them  thought  they  had  acquitted  themfelves 
civilly  towards  him,  in  leaving  him  Liberty 
to  {hift  for  himfclf ;  and  had  not  fcrv'd  him  as 
the  Argyrafpides  did  their  General  EiimeneSy 
and  made  their  Peace  with  thejundo,  by  de- 
livering him  a  Captive  to  their  Revenge. 

Xn.  He  was  in  the  Head  of  an  Army 
good  enough  to  have  fought  them  both  j  io 
that  it  was  greatly  admir'd  he  did  not  ftay  and 
charge  General  Alonk  in  his  March  forward, 
or  turn  back  upon  the  Lord  Fairfax  and 
his  Forces,  whom  he  might  more  eafily  have 
dealt  with,  before  the  Northern  Army  could 
have  advanced  to  their  Relief  Bur,  bcfidcs 
the  ditferent  Inrerefts  and  Diftradions  in  the 
N  ^  A.rmy, 

i84        The  LIFE   of 

Army,  there  was  a  particular  Dread  among 
them  of  thefe  two  Generals  ,  whom  they 
knew  to  be  the  greateft  and  moft  fortunate 
Commanders  in  both  the  Nations ;  fo  that  the 
forward  eft  of  them  all  had  no  great  Stomach 
to  come  to  an  Engagement  againft  them.  But 
fince  ( by  the  Diftblution  oi  Lumber fs  Army ) 
the  Lord  Fairfax  and  his  Party  were  out  of 
Danger,  General  Monk  did  fomewhat  abate 
his  Pace,  and  ftaid  three  Days  at  Newcaftle, 
to  perfed  fuch  Inftrudions  and  Letters  as  he 
intended  to  fend  to  London  :  From  whence 
he  difpatch'd  back  Mr.  Man  the  Sword-bearer 
of  London,  with  Letters  to  the  Lord  Mayor 
and  Common  Council,  exprefling  more  of 
Refped  towards  them,  than  Affent  to  their 

XIIL  At  the  fame  time  he  alfo  fent  away 
Dr.  Gumble  with  Letters  to  London  -,  one  to 
the  Speaker  of  the  Parliament,  by  him  to  be 
communicated  to  the  Houfc.  And  becaufe 
the  Letter  from  the  Lord  Mayor  and  Com- 
mon Council  could  not  be  conceal'd  from 
them,  he  inclos'd  a  Copy  of  their  Letter,  with 
another  of  his  Anfwcr  to  them,  that  they 
might  difccrn  he  had  no  Correfpondence,  but 
fuch  as  he  was  willing  they  (hould  be  privy 
to.  There  was  alfo  another  Letter  to  the 
,  Council  of  State,  and  a  third  to  the  other 
Commiilloners  appointed  with  him  for  the 


General  Monk.        i8j 

governing  of  the  Army,  and  in  his  Way 
through  Tork  he  was  to  leave  another  for  the 
Lord  Fairfax,  Dr.  Gtimble  was  chofen  as 
the  fitteft  Meflfenger  to  convey  thefe  Letters 
to  London,  being  fo  particularly  known  and 
intrufted  by  Scot,  and  others  of  the  ruling 
Fadion  in  the  Houfe  ,  and  therefore  could 
more  advantageoufly  reprefent  the  Service  and 
Intentions  of  the  General,  than  any  othec 
about  him :  The  Defign  of  this  Meflage  be- 
ing chiefly  to  remove  from  them  thofe  jea- 
loufies  they  had  entertain'd  of  his  more  fe- 
cret  Intentions ;  and  to  infpcd  their  feveral 
Defigns,  and  who  among  them  had  the  great- 
eft  Power  and  Intereft. 


L  The  General's  Arrival  at  York  ,  fyom 
whence  he  writes  to  Sir  Charles  Coot  in 
Ireland,  to  bring  him  into  Me  a  fur  es  for  a 
free  Parliament.  II.  A  private  Confe- 
rence between  him,  and  Lord  Fairfax,  and 
Mr.  Bowles,  his  Lordfioip's  Chaplain.  III. 
The  General  receives  Orders  from  the 
Jun^o  for  his  March  to  London.  IV.  He 
fends  General  Morgan,   with  two  Regi- 


i8<J        The  LIFE  of 

ments,  back  into  Scotland.   V.  And  leaves 
another    at  Tork  under  the  Command  of 
the  Lord  Fairfax.     VI.  ©r.  Gumble  re- 
turns from  London,  and  gives  the  General 
an  Account  of  the  State  of  A jf  airs  there^ 
and  the  T^ifpofition  of  the  Teople.     VII. 
The  General  advances  to  Nottingham,  be- 
ing met  there  by  Commijfary  Clargcs.  VIII. 
*iProje£fs  Means  for  removing  Fleetwood'^  * 
Army  out  of  the  City.    IX.  He  is  met  by 
Scot  <2w<5^  Robin  fon /r^w^  the  Parliament, 
X.  His  Behaviour  towards  them.  XI.  His 
Reception  at  Leicefter.     XII.  At  Harbo- 
rough  he  is  attended  by  three  Commiffioners 
from  London.  XIII.  At  Northampton  re- 
ceives more  Addreffes  for  a  free  Parlia- 
ment.    XIV.    Which  he  was  oblig'd  to 
difcountenance.     XV.  More  Addrejfes  to 
him  at  St.  Albans.     XVI.  Fleetwood  is 
order'd,  with  the  Forces  under  his  Com- 
mandy  to  march  out  of  London.     XVII. 
The  General  halts  for  fome  of  his  Forces 
to  come  up.    XVIII.  On  the  fecond  of¥t- 
bruary  marches  to  Barnet.  XIX.  Gives  Or- 
ders  for  the  more  regidar  March  of  his  Ar- 
pjy,    XX.  Fkctv/ood' s  Forces  removed  out 
i?/"  London  5    XXI.  IFhich^  together  with 
fome  ApprenticeSy  begin  a  Mutiny,  but  are 
foon  quieted.  XXII.  The  General  marches 

into  London. 

,  ■  ■  ■     ■■  ^\ 


General  Monk.  187 

I.  "f^ROM  Ne-sjcaftle  the  General  ad->».8. 

JJ  vanc'd  to  Durham.  Here  he  receiv'd 
Information  that  the  Lord  Fairfax  and  his 
Forces  had  fummon'd  the  City  oiTork^  and 
were  receiv'd  into  it ;  but  that  his  Lordftiip, 
being  furpriz'd  with  the  Gout,  was  retir'd  to 
his  Houfe  at  Nun-Appleton.  From  thence  he 
fecretly  difpatch'd  Sir  George  T^otiglafs  (who 
had  long  been  converfant  with  him  at  T)al- 
keith)  into  Ireland,  with  Letters  of  Credit 
to  Sir  Charles  Coot,  and  others,  with  whom 
he  was  to  enter  into  a  dangerous  Treaty,  for 
the  difpofing  of  feveral  Parties  in  Ireland  to 
fome  Union  and  Agreement,  and  then  to  de- 
clare for  a  free  Parliament,  as  the  only  pof- 
fible  Means  that  could  now  reftore  any  lading 
Settlement  to  the  Commonwealth. 

From  hence  the  General  entcr'd  into  Tork- 
Jhire  in  his  way  to  North- Allertony  where 
the  High-Sheriff  of  the  County  attended  him ; 
and  the  next  Day  to  Topclijf. 

II.  From  thence  about  January  i  i.hcar  7-««-  " 
rived  at  Tork,  where  he  took  up  his  Q_aarters 
for  five  Days;  and,  by  his  own  Authority, 
modcU'd  and  difpos'd  of  fuch  Forces  as  he 
found  in  the  Country,  that  had  bclong'd  to. 
Lambert ;  whofe  Regiment  of  Horfe  he  gave 
to  Colonel  Bethel,  as  a  Reward  of  his  Ser- 
vice in  joining   with  the  Lord  Fairfax  -,  and 


i88         The  LIFE  ef 

the  Regiment  which  had  been  Lilhurn%  he 
difpofed  to  Major  Smithfon,  and  made  him 
Colonel  of  it,  he  having  brought  it  off  to  the 
Lord  Fairfax  and  his  Party.     During  his  Stay 
here  he  received  a  Vifit  from  the  Lord  Fair- 
fax, with  whom  he  had  much  fecret    Dif- 
courfe,   and  din'd   together  privately  in  the 
General's  Chamber,  whilft  the  Officers  and 
Attendants  were  entertain'd  publickly.     The 
fame  Night  Mr.  Bowles,  who  was  Chaplain 
and  Agent  to  the  Lord  Fairfax,    was  di- 
reded  by  his  Lordfhip  to  confer  with  the  Ge- 
neral, and  was  privately  with  him  till  after 
Midnight,  reprefenting  to  him  the   Inclina- 
tion of  the   Country,   and   the  Force   that 
would  be  in  Readinefs  to  join  with  him,  if 
he  would  (lay  with  them  there,  and  at  Jork 
declare  for  the  King.    But  the  General,  who 
very  well  knew  that  fuch  an  Attempt  would 
preiently  turn  all  the  different  Parties  to  an 
Union  againft  him,  and  that  his  own  Army 
was  not  yet  enough  refin'd  in  their  Principles 
and  Temper  to  engage  with  him  in  fuch  an 
Adventure,  would  by  no  Means  admit  of  the 
Propofal.     The  next  Day  he  paid  a  Vifit  tp 
the   Lord   Fairfax    at  his  Houfe    at  Ntin- 
Appleton,  where  himfelf  with  fcveral  of  his 
Officers  and  Retinue  were  very  magnificentr 
Jy  entertain'd   at  Dinner,    and  at  Night   re- 
tLjrn'd  again  to  his  Quarters  at  Tork. 

JII.  Hitherto 

General  Monk,        189 

III.  Hitherto  the  General  had  march'd 
about  an  hundred  Miles  in  length  from  Cold- 
ftream  to  Tork,  by  his  own  fole  Authority 
and  Difcretion  ;  but  here  he  receiv'd  Orders 
from  the  Junfto,  to  keep  on  his  Way  to  Lon- 
don. They  had  taken  no  Satisfadlion  at  the 
Lord  Fairfax  his  Appearance  in  Torkjhire^ 
though  he  had  prefac'd  his  Adions  with  Au- 
thority of  Parliament,  being  very  well  alTur'd 
that  he  had  other  Defigns  in  it  beyond  their 
Safety.  Nor  could  they  be  pleas'd  with  Ge- 
neral Monk's  Stay  in  that  County ,  where  he 
might  probably  receive  other  Impreilions  than 
thofe  he  had  brought  out  of  Scotland.  And 
the  Union  of  two  fuch  Perfons  againft  them, 
( efteem'd  the  bcft  Generals  in  the  Nation ) 
might  have  given  them  another  Kind  of  Di- 
fturbance,  than  what  they  had  receiv'd  from 
Fleetwood  or  Lambert.  They  had  fuffer'd 
him  to  advance  fo  far,  that  now  they  could 
not  decently  command  him  back  into  Scot- 
landy  without  fome  Difobligation  upon  the 
General,  and  Jealoufy  in  his  Army.  Nor 
were  they  fecure  in  the  early  Submifllon  of 
the  Regiments  in  London  ;  and  therefore 
chofe  rather  to  authorife  General  Monk's  Ad- 
vance thither,  than  to  leave  him  longer  in 

ly.  The  General  kept  fuch  Intelligence 


ipo       The  LIFE  of 

over  them  by  his  Agents,  that  he  verv  wdt 
knew  where  the  Shoe  pinch'd.  He  had  al- 
ready caned  one  of  his  Officers  here,  who 
had  adventur'd  to  fay  :  General  Monk  will 
at  laft  let  in  the  King  upon  us  ;  and,  to  re- 
move all  Umbrage  and  Apprehenfion  from 
among  them,  he  refoiv'd  here  to  leffen  his 
Army,  and  from  2ork  fent  back  Major  Gene- 
ral Morgan  to  take  the  Care  of  Scotland^  ac- 
companied with  two  Regiments  of  Horfe 
and  Foot.  He  had  us'd  the  bed  Means  in  his 
Power  to  fecure  that  Nation  before  he  left  it, 
yet  was  not  very  well  affur'd,  in  the  bufy  Hu- 
mour of  the  Scots.  But  the  fecret  Reafon  of 
fending  Morgan  back  into  Scotland,  was 
chiefly  to  keep  together  a  confiderable  Re- 
ferve  in  Cafe  the  General  fliould  have  need  of 
them,  or  to  which  he  might  have  retreated 
himfelf,  if  he  fliould  happen  to  take  a  Battle 
in  England,  .  _   , ,: 

V.  Here  alfo  he  left  another  Rcgimenf   ^ 
under  the  Command  of  Colonel  Fairfax  5 
who,   being  a  Native  of  this  County,    and   , 
very  well  ally'd  and  eflccm'd  among   them^ 
was  the  mofl:  proper  Perfon  to  be  cntrufted 
With  the  Care  of  the  City,  and  the  Safety  \ 
of  the  County.      And  now  having  reduc'd  his 
Army  to  four  thoufand  Foot,  and  one  thou- 
fand  eight  hundred   Horfe,  he  went  out  of 
Tork  about  January  16 .  and  march'd  through 
i  the 

General  Monk.        191 

the  reft  of  the  County  till  he  came  to  Manf- 
Jield'm  Nottinghamjhre^  January  iS.  J*ri,i%: 

VI.  At  this  Stage  his  Meflenger,  Dr.  Gum- 
hUy  whom  he  had  difpatch'd  away  from  Mew- 
caflle  to  Londoriy   came  back  to  him  after 
three  Days  Stay  in  the  City,  and  gave  him  a 
particular  Account  of  his  Meflage :   That  he 
deliver'd  all  his  Letters  according  to  his  In- 
ftrudions ;  that  he  had  been  very  ftridly  exa- 
min'd  concerning  him  by  the  Members  of 
Parliament,  but  moft  particularly  by  the  Coun- 
cil of  State.     He  inform'd  him,  that  fcveral 
among  them  had  an  entire  Confidence  in 
him  ;  but  that  among  many  others  he  was 
fufpeded  to  have  fome  conceal'd  Defign  in 
Referve  for  bringing  in  the  King ;  which  was 
confirm'd  by  the  confident  Expedation,  which 
the  difafFeded  Part  of  the  City  had  of  his  Ap- 
proach.    He  then  acquainted  him  with  the 
Divifion  in  the  Council,  between  thofe  who 
had  taken  the  Oath  of  Abjuration,  and  were 
his  profefs'd  Enemies,  and  others  that  had  re- 
fufed  it ;   and  had  fome  Confidence  that  Ge- 
neral Monk  being  nominated  a  Member  of 
that  Council,  ( whereof  there  were  thirty  one) 
there  would  be  ftrong  Applications  made  to 
engage  him  in  their  feveral  Parties.     He  in- 
form'd him  alfo,  that  i^r^??  and  Robinfon,  two 
Members  of  the  Parliament,  and  of  the  Coun- 
cil of  State,  were  upon  the  Road  to  meet  him : 



ip2         The  LIFE  of 

That  they  were  fent  as  Efpials  upon  his  Ac^ 
tions,  and  the  Temper  of  his  Army ;    and^ 
that,   having  themfelves  taken  the  Oath  of 
Abjuration,  they  would  prefently  be  very  ear- 
neft  to  engage  him  therein. 

jm.i^.  VII.  From  Mansfield  the  next  Day  the 
General  advanc'd  to  Nottingham^  where  he 
was  feafonably  met  the  Day  following  by 
Commiffary  ClargeSy  who  had  privately  ha- 
ften'd  down  to  him,  with  a  further  Account 
of  the  Affairs  in  London  and  Weftminfter,  and 
what  Hopes  or  Jealoufies  were  entertain'd 
concerning  him  among  the  different  Interefts 
and  Parties.  He  inform'd  him ,  that  the 
Forces  then  in  the  City  were  much  greater 
than  his  own,  and  commanded  by  fuch  Of- 
ficers as  were  declared  Enemies  to  him,  ex» 
cept  Morley  and  Fagg.         ;.  : 

VIII.  FliTHERTO  the  General  had  brought 
all  his  Bufuiefs  into  fo  good  a  Pofture,  that 
now  his  next  and  grcateft  Concernment  was 
to  (hifc  Fleetwood's  Army  handfomely  out' 
of  the  City,  and  ( without  Impediment  or" 
Icaloufy  )  to  bring  his  own  in.  To  this  End, 
before  the  Arrival  of  Scot  and  Robinfon,  he 
cnter'd  into  aConrultation  with  fuch  Pcrfons 
about  him  as  he  could  beft-  trufl :  Where  it 
was  refolv'd,  a  Letter  fliould  be  drawn 
up  to  the  Parliament,  giving  them  an  Account 


General  Monk.        ic;^ 

of  his  March,  and  the  Number  of  his  Forces 
with  hull  5  and  bccaufethofe  Regiments  now 
in  the  City,  had  fo  lately  been  in  Rebellion 
againft  the  Parliament,  and  were  not  yet  en- 
tirely fettled  and  reduced,  he  was  very  un- 
willing his  own  dutiful  and  orderly  Forces 
fliould  mix  or  converfe  with  them.  He  there- 
fore befought  them  ( for  their  own  Safety  ) 
that  thofe  Forces  under  Fleetwood  fliould  be 
remov'd  to  diftant  Quarters  in  the  Country, 
except  the  two  Regiments  of  Colonel  Mor- 
ley  and  Colonel  Fagg^  whp  had  continued  in 
their  Duty  to  them,  which,  with  his  own 
Army,  would  be  fufficient  to  maintain  the 
Guards  to  the  Parliament,  and  fecure  the  Ci- 
ty. But  this  Letter  was  not  thought  feafon- 
able  to  be  fent  till  they  were  advanced  near 
to  London  \  fo  that  they  fliould  not  dare  to 
deny  him,  nor  have  Time  enough  to  oppofe 
his  Entrance. 

IX.  The  General,  having  ftaid  at  Notting- 
ham two  Days  for  the  Rear  of  his  Army  to 
come  up  to  him,  on  Munday,  January  22. >».*»• 
marched  to  Leicefier^  and  met  Scot  and  Ro- 
binfon  on  their  Way  towards  him.  Much 
Ceremony  and  Submiflion  was  here  rcnder'd 
by  the  General  and  his  Army  towards  thefe 
two  arrogant  Commiflioncrs  of  the  Jundo : 
Infomuch  that  the  General,  who  had  quickly 
taken  the  Meafures  of  that  their  Stay  in  the 
O  Army, 

194        ^^^  LIFE  of 

Army,  was  fo  pundual,  that  his  Soldiers 
were  oblig'd,  upon  all  Occafions,  to  pay  them 
greater  Reverence  than  had  been  us'd  towards 
himfelf.  During  their  March  together,  Scot 
and  Robinfon  had  much  Conference  with  the 
General  upon  the  late  Alterations,  and  the 
prefent  State  of  Things :  And  much  of  their 
Difcourfe  was  full  of  Apprehenfion  and  Jea- 
loufy  of  every  Body  about  them,  which  fur- 
ther confirm'd  the  General,  that  himfelf  was 
not  free  from  their  Sufpicions.  They  refled- 
cd  on  the  late  Pradice  of  Fleetwood  and 
Lambert  with  a  very  particular  Indignation. 
They  fell  foul  on  the  City  of  London-,  for 
their  late  Stubbornnefs  and  Malignancy.  And 
though  the  Army  in  Ireland  had  declar'd 
their  Obedience  to  the  Authority  of  Parlia- 
ment, yet  they  very  well  knew  they  were 
not  upon  the  right  Bafis. 

X.  The  General  was  now  more  troubled 
how  to  temporize  with  thefe  two  Commif- 
fioncrs,  than  ever  he  had  been  how  to  oppofe 
all  Lambert' %  Army.  But  becaufe  his  grand 
Defign  was  now  upon  the  Anvil,  for  the  re- 
moving of  Fleetwoods  Army  out  of  London^ 
and  the  introducing  his  own,  without  which 
all  his  Travel  hitherto  would  be  loft,  he  was 
refolv  a  io  far  to  comply  with  their  Extrava- 
gancies, as  to  give  them  an  entire  AlTurance 
of  him. 
•  .    -  •  '-'  XI.  Into 

General  Monk.        ipj 

XL  Into  Lekefter  the  Irijh  Brigade  fa- 
luted  him,  being  drawn  up  by  Colonel  Red- 
man and  Colonel  Brett ;  of  whofe  Fidelity 
he  was  alfur'd,  when  they  were  in  Lambert's 
Army,  and  therefore  receiv'd  them  with  a 
particular  Friendfliip. 

XII.  From  Lekefter  the  next  Day  he>».  ^v 
went  to  his  next  Stage  at  Harboroiigh  5  where 
he  met  three  Commiflioners,  (whereof  two 
were  Aldermen )  fent  to  him  from  London-,  to 
renew  the  Contents  of  their  former  Letter  at 
Mar  pet  by  wherein  they  defir'd  a  new  Parlia- 
ment, or  the  filling  up  this  prefent  one,  by 
reftoring  the  Members  fecludedin  1648.  and 
compleating  it  by  new  Eledions.  Thefe  Gen- 
tlemen deliver'd  their  MelTage  with  fuch  Free- 
dom and  Refolution,  as  greatly  incens'd  the 
two  Commiflioners  5  infomuch  that  Scot  told 
them,  That  the  'Parliament  had  already,  by 
their  Vote^  determind  againft  the  fecluded 
Members ;  fo  that  it  was  a  Prefumption  in 
any  private  Per  [on  to  mention  their  Admif- 
fion.  The  General  very  well  knew  that,  for 
the  prefent,  it  was  as  much  the  Citizens  In- 
tereft,  as  his  own,  to  comply  with  the  Par- 
liament's Commiflioners  againft  them,  and 
fo  fent  them  away  diflatisfy'd  :  Though 
afterwards  fome  of  thofe  Pcrfons  that  at- 
tended the  General ,  took  the  Opportunity 
O  2  of 

t^6        The  LIFE  of  ' 

of  giving  them  privately   a  better  Under- 

XIII.  The  next  Morning  General  Alonk 
Cct  forward  for  Northampton,  where  he  met 
more  Addrefles  from  the  Gentry  of  the  Coun- 
ty, for  the  filling  up  the  Parliament,  or  cal- 
ling anew  one.  But  the  cold  Entertainment 
which  the  Meflengers  from  London  had  re- 
ceiv'd  the  Day  before  at  Harborotigh,  did 
fomewhat  difcouragethem  in  prefenting  their 
Petition,  till  Dr.  Barrow,  and  fome  other 
Gentlemen  about  the  General,  advis'd  them 
to  go  on  with  their  Addrefs,  and  to  be  con- 
tent with  fuch  Anfwer  as  they  receiv'd,  in 
Expedation  of  the  future  Effed. 

XIV.  The  General  was  greatly  perplex'd 
how  to  anfwer  thcfe  repeated  Addrefles,  be- 
ing very  well  fatisfy'd  in  the  Reafon  and 
Equity  of  thofe  that  brought  them.  But 
Scot  and  Robinfon  cas'd  him  of  that  Care; 
for  they  undertook  to  anfwer  all  Comers, 
leaving  General  Monk  to  the  Satisfaction  of 
his  own  Silence,  who  never  lov'd  to  make 
long  Speeches,  nor  to  hear  them  from  o- 
thers.  But  when  he  was  forc'd  ( in  Com- 
pUance  with  the  Com  mi  ill  oners)  todifoblige 
thofe  Gentlemen  that  offered  thefe  Addref- 
fcs,  by  his  Anfwers;    yet  he  would  ftill  be 

areful  to  make  them  fome  Amends,  by  his 
•  4  -   -•  CountenaDce 

General  Monk.  ip/ 

Countenance  and   the  Kindnefs  of  his  Af- 
ped  toward  them. 

XV.  From  this  Stage  the  General  kept  on 
his  March  to  T)mi(iable^  January  17.  andj^^w.  17: 
the  next  Day  arrived  at  St.  Albans,  where  he -f^„.  ^g. 
was  again  befieg'd  with  numerous  Addreflcs 
from  fevcral  other  Counties  of  England,  a- 
greeing  all  in  the  fame  Applications,  for  the 
reftoring  the  fecluded  Members,  or  the  cal-  ' 
ling  a  new  Parliament.  Scot  and  Robinfon 
had,  all  the  Way  from  Leicefter  to  St.  Al- 
bans, taken  up  their  Quarters  in  the  fame 
Houfe  with  him  -,  and  when  they  withdrew 
from  him  to  their  own  Apartment,  they  al- 
ways found  or  made  fome  Hole  in  the  Door 
or  Wall,  to  look  in  or  liften,  ( which  they 
had  pradis'd  fo  palpably,  that  the  General 
found  it  out,  and  took  notice  of  it  to  thofe  a- 
bout  him,  reflecting  on  their  Bafenefs  and  evil 
Sufpicions )  that  they  might  more  nearly  in- 
fped  his  Adions,  and  obferve  what  Perfons 
came  to  him  5  and  alfo  be  in  Readinels  to 
anfwer  the  Addreflcs,  and  to  ruffie  with  thofe 
that  brought  them.  But  here  they  were  fo 
plainly  and  feverely  reprimanded  by  thofe  Gen- 
tlemen that  came,  that  Scot,  in  great  Paflion, 
rcply'd :  Though  his  Age  might  excufe  him 
from  taking  up  Arms  -,  yet,  as  old  as  he  was, 
( before  this  prefent  Parliament  Jhould  be 
entangled,  by    reftoring  the  fecluded  Mem- 

O  5  bers. 

ipS  rioe  LIFE  of 

herSy  or  by  new  EleBions )  he  would  gird  on 
his  Sword  again,  and  keep  the  'Door  againft 

Among  the  reft  of  his  Interruptions  in 
this  Place,  he  was  troubled  with  a  long  Faft- 
Sermon  from  Hugh  Teters.  And  now  being 
within  twenty  Miles  of  the  City,  it  was 
thought  fit  to  fend  away  thofe  Letters  to  the 
Parliament,  for  the  Removal  oi  Fleetwood's 
Army  out  o^  London,  which,  we  gave  an  Ac- 
count, were  drawn  up  before  at  Nottingham. 
It  was  the  laft  and  niceft  Part  the  General 
had  to  accomplifh,  in  clearing  the  City  of 
thofe  other  Regiments  before  his  own  En- 

XVI.  To  this  End  Commiffary  Clarges 
was  fent  away  from  hence,  to  prepare  fuch 
Members  of  the  [undo  as  he  could  engage, 
to  further  the  Vote  -,  and  Colonel  Lidcot  was 
pitch'd  upon  to  carry  the  Letters,  being  the 
Speaker's  Kinfman,  and  particularly  cftcem'd 
by  him.  Scot  alfoand  Robtnfon)\'^<ij  in  their 
frequent  Letters  to  their  Confidents  in  the 
Houfc,  giving  fo  fair  a  Character  of  the  Ge- 
neral, and  of  the  Difcipline  and  Temper  of 
his  Army,  that,  in  Conclufion,  the  Vote  paf- 
fed  for  Fleetwood's,  Forces  to  retire  into  new 
Qtiarrcrs  in  the  Country,  except  the  two  P^c- 
giments  of  Morley  and  Fagg  ;  though  there 
were  fomc  that  would  have  half  of  Fleetwood'^ 
''  ^  ■■    -    -         Forces- 

General  Monk.  ipc^ 

Forces  remain  in  the  City,  and  but  half  of 
General  Monk's  admitted. 

XVII.  Here  the  General  made  an  Halt  of 
five  Days,  both  for  the  bringing  up  his  own 
Forces  nearer  together  ( fome  whereof,  for 
the  Eafe  of  the  Country,  had  march'd  in  the 
other  Road  by  Newark )  and  alfo  to  receive 
the  Refolutions  of  the  Parliament  by  Colonel 
Lidcot,  and  for  the  diftributing  the  Quarters 
in  London  by  theQuarter-maftcrs  for  his  own 

XVIII.  And  from  hence,  February  2.  hcf,^. 
march'd  to  Barnet^  which  were  his  laft  Qiiar- 
ters  upon  the  Road,  and  within  ten  Miles  of 
the  City.  And  here  his  two  evil  Angels, 
Scot  and  Rohinfon,  that  had  never  fail'd  to 
quarter  with  him  in  the  fame  Houfe  from  Lei- 
cefter  to  this  Stage,  now  left  him  to  take  up 
his  Lodging  alone,  and  retir'd  themfelvcs  to 

a  private  Houfe  in  the  Town. 

XIX.  This  Night  he  difpatch'd  Or- 
ders for  the  March  of  the  Anny  into  Lon- 
don the  next  Day:  and  that  the  Soldiers 
fhould  be  duly  chargM  to  behave  thcmfelves 
well  and  peaceably  in  their  Qiiartcrs  at  Lon- 
dony  and  to  pay  duly  for  their  Entertain- 
ment j    which   they  might   very    well    do,. 

O  4  there 

zoo         The  LIFE  of 

there  being  fome  of  their  Scotch  Money  flill 
iir  the  Treafury. 

XX.  The  General  being  advanced  fo  near, 
the  Jundo  were  ia  the  mean  while  very  bufy 
in  difpatching  Fleetwood'^  Forces  out  of  the 
Town;  which  they  did,  not  only  to  oblige 
General  Alonky  by  removing  them  out  of  his 
Way  i  bur,  as  an  Inftance  of  their  Contempt 
and  Scoin  of  thofe  Regiments  for  their  late 
Defedion,  efteeming  them  as  unworthy  to 
have  their  Quarters  in  the  capital  City.  Yet 
that  the  common  Soldiers  might  beoblig'dto 
march  the  more  contentedly,  they  order'd 
them  a  Month's  Pay,  to  qualify  the  Difgrace 
of  their  Removal.         MoJ;^  :^ri'  irooi.' 

XXI.  But  thefe  Regiments  being  long 
accuftomcd  to  a  loofc  and  lazy  Life,  in  the 
Luxury  of  the  Town,  were  very  unwilling 
to  exchange  their  old  Qiiarters  in  the  City, 
for  worfc  and  coarfer  Entertainment  in  the 
Country,  and  ftomach'd  the  Difgrace  of  the 
Remove :  Infomuch  that  fome  of  thefe  Regi- 
ments began  a  Mutiny  in  the  Suburbs ;  and  at 
the  fame  time  a  Multitude  of  Apprentices, 
taking  the  Opportunity  of  the  Soldiers  Dif- 
fontcnts,  beat  up  their  Drums  in  the  City, 
declaring  for  a  free  Parliament,  in  Hopes  the 
enraged  and  mutinous  Soldiers  would  )oiii 
with  them.     The  Council  pf  State,  then  ik- 


General  Monk.        201 

ir^g,  were  fo  alarm'd  with  the  Diforders  of 
this  Night  in  the  City,  together  with  the  Ap- 
piehenfion  of  the  futther  Mifchiefs  which 
might  happen  in  this  unquiet  Pofture  of  Af- 
fairs, that,  late  in  the  Night,  they  difpatch'd 
away  Meflengers  to  Scot  and  Robinfon^  in 
the  General's  Quarters  at  Barnety  defiring 
them  to  haften  his  March  into  the  City,  for 
Prevention  of  further  Mifchief.  Mr.  Scot  was 
fo  affrighted  out  of  his  Sleep  with  this  hafty 
News,  that  he  could  not  (lay  to  drefs  him, 
but  in  the  Difhabit  of  his  Night-Gown,  Cap, 
and  Slippers,  hurry 'd  prefently  to  the  Gene- 
ral's Quarters,  where  he  made  a  terrible  Rc- 
prefentation  of  this  Mutiny  in  the  City,  re- 
quiring General  Monk  to  beat  his  Drums  in- 
flantly,  and  march  forward.  But  the  Gene- 
ral, that  did  not  ufe  to  be  alarm'd  with  every 
little  Noife,  or  put  out  of  his  Temper  by  an 
hafty  Tale,  return'd  him  an  Anfwer  calmly, 
and  perfuaded  Mr.  Scot  to  return  to  his  Bed, 
and  put  his  Fears  under  his  Pillow  :  That  he 
was  fo  near  the  City,  that  no  great  Mifchief 
could  be  done  in  one  Night,and  that  he  would 
be  with  them  early  enough  in  the  Morning, 
to  prevent  any  greater  Defign.  Yet,  that  the 
Commiilloner  might  not  be  altogther  at  his 
Wit's  End,  he  prefently  difpatch'd  away  fome 
Meflengers  of  his  own,  to  inform  him  more 
particularly  of  thefe  Commotions  ;  who 
J)rought  him  News  early  in  the  Morning,  that 


201       the  L  I F E   of 

the  Commanders  had  quieted  the  Muti- 
ny among  their  Soldiers ;  and  that  fome 
Troops  of  Horfe,  being  fent  up  into  the  Ci- 
ty, had  difperfed  the  Apprentices,  and  that 
the  Regiments  were  then  marching  out  of 
the  Town. 

XXII.  So  that  all  things  being  thus  quiet- 
ed in  the  City,  the  General  took  his  own 
Time  to  march  leifurely  that  Morning,  Fri- 
ph.  z-day^  February  3.  into  London.    But  before  he 
enter'd  the  Town,  he  made  a  Stand  at  Htgh- 
gate,  where  the  Army,  being  then  but  five 
thoufand  eight  hundred  Men,  came  again  to 
rendezvous,  and  there  receiv'd  Orders  for  the 
manner  of  their  March  into  the  City.     The 
three  Regiments  of  Horfe  firft,  and  the  Gcr 
neral  mounted  at  the  Head  of  them,  with  his 
Trumpets  before  him,  acccompany'd  with  the 
Jundo'sCommiflioners,  and  fome  of  his  own 
principal  Officers,  with  feveral  other  Perfons 
of  Quality,  that  had  the  Curiofity  or  Cour- 
tefy  to  meet  him  at  his  feveral  Stages  on  the 
Way>   After  the  Horfe  march'd  his  four  Re- 
giments of  Foot :  And  in  the  Afternoon  he 
made  his  Entry  by  Greys-hm-Lane,  where, 
at  the  Rolls^  he  made  a  Stop  at  the  Speaker's 
Door ;    but  he  being  not  yet  return'd  from 
the  Houfe,  the  General  went  on  into  the 
Strand-^  where,  being  told  that  the  Speaker's 
Coach  was  coming  near,  the  General  alight- 
5  .  cd 

General  Monk.       103 

cd  from  his  Horfe,  and,  with  much  Cere- 
mony, complimented  the  Prince  of  the  Se--^''*'^  *^' 
nate,  and  his  legiflative  Mace  in  the  Boot  of 
his  Coach.  And  thence,  accompany'd  with 
fome  of  his  Horfe-Guards,  went  on  to  his 
Quarters  at  White-Hall,  where  the  Junc- 
to  had  aflign'd  him  before-hand  the  Apart- 
ment commonly  call'd  the  Prince's  Lodg- 


I.  The  mean  Appearance  of  the  General's  Ar- . 

wj.     II.  The  Council  of  State  tender  the 

Oath  of  Abjuration  to  him,  which  he  re- 

ftifes.     III.  Is  vifited  by  the  Heads  of  the 

federal  Parties.     IV.  Is  introduced  into, 

the  Hotife  of  Commons,  where  he  receives 

their  Thanks  by  the  Speaker.  The  Siibflance 

of  his  Anfwer.     V.  The  Sufpcions  of  the 

Parliament,  and  their  T)efigns  againjl  his 

Life  difcovefd  to  Mr.  Sturdy,     VI.  Who 

informs  the  General  of  it.     VII.  An  Ob- 

[er  vat  ion  upon  thetr  Jealonfies.  V  III.  The 

Obfervatio?i  continued.    IX.  A  Rcfolntion 

of  the  Common  Council,   to  pay  no  more 

Taxes  till  the  ReadmiJJJon  of  the  fccluded 


204      The  L  I FE  of 

Members.  X.  The  Rump  impute  this  Re- 
folution  to  fome  Encouragement  from  the 
General,  XI.  The  General  order  d  to  take 
down  the  City  Gates.  XII.  Which  he 
complies  with  5  XIII.  And  executes  their 
Orders,  XIV.  The  Refentment  of  his  own 
Officers.  XV.  The  Citizen's  Complaints 
to  him.  XVI.  An  Order  to  break  the  Gates, 
and  dijfolve  the  Common  Council.  XVII. 
I  The  Gates  broken.  XVIII,  XIX.  T/^^^ra^ 
Reafons  of  the  General's  Compliance  with 
thefe  Orders.  XX.,  A  Tetition  to  the 
ytin£fo  for  an  Oath  of  Abjuration.  XXL 
The  General's  Army  incenjfed.  XXII.  The 
General  expoftulates  with  the  JunBo,  and 
directs  them  to  call  a  free  and  full  ^Par- 
liament. XXIII.  He  quarters  in  the  Ci- 
ty. XXIV.  The  City's  cold  Reception  of 
him.  XXV.  The  Lord  Mayor  confers  with 
him.  XXVI.  A  better  Underftanding  be- 
tween him  and  the  City ;  and  the  Jim6io 
furprifed  with  his  Letter  to  them. 

I.'T^HE  Citizens,that  had  been  accuftomed 
1  only  to  the  prancing  o'i  Fleetwoods 
Troops  through  their  Streets,  which  were 
always  kept  fair  and  wanton,  and  had  usd 
to  fee  thofe  well-cloath'd  Redcoats  ileek 
and  trim  in  the  Eafe  and  Luxury  of  the  City, 
had  but  a  cold  Conceit  of  this  Northern  Ar- 
my as  they  pafTed  by.     Their  Scotch  Horfe 


General  Monk.  2oy 

were  but  thin  and  out  of  Cafe,  with  long  and 
hard  Marching  ;  and  the  Men  as  rough  and 
weather-beaten,  having  march'd  in  a  feverc 
Winter  about  three  hundred  Miles  in  length, 
and  through  deep  and  continued  Snows  ;  Co 
that  all  their  Way  they  had  fcarce  yet  feea 
the  plain  Earth  of  their  native  Country. 

II.  The  next  Morning,  Saturday j  Febru-Teh.^: 
ary  4.  the  General  was  invited  to  take  his 
Place  in  the  Council  of  State,  where,  pre- 
fently  after  his  Entrance,  the  Oath  of  Abju- 
ration was  tender'd  to  him  by  the  Prefident. 
He  expeded  no  lefs  than  the  Offer  of  it,  and 
was  prepar'd  with  an  Anfwer :  That  feveral 
others,  who  were  nominated  with  himfelf  as 
Members  of  that  Council,  had  before  refus'd 

it  J  and  therefore  he  defir'd  there  might  be  a 
Conference  between  thofe  who  had  taken  the 
Oath  and  thofe  who  had  refus'd  it  5  by  which 
himfelf  and  others  who  demurr'd,  might  be 
better  fatisfy'd.  He  alfo  told  them,  that  the 
Officers  of  his  own  Army  were  very  tender 
in  taking  Oaths ;  and  that  he  would  not  ob- 
lige himfelf  in  fvvearing  to  this  new  one,  till 
he  had  firft  acquainted  them  therewith  5  and  • 
fo,  taking  his  Leave  of  the  Aflembly,  rcturn'd 
again  to  his  Quarters  at  White- Hall. 

III.  Where,  the  next  Day,  hQ.\n<g  Sunday^^^'S' 
he  was  vifited   by  the  Heads  of  the  feveral 


io6        The  LIFE  of 

Parties  in  the  Jundo  and  Council  of  State,' 
and  by  many  other  Perfons  of  Quality  in  the 
City :  All  Men  having  a  Curiofity  to  difcern 
fomething  of  his  Intentions,  by  Conference 
with  him,  who  was  too  wary  to  be  fathom'd 
by  any  of  them  all,  though  he  was  befet  with 
the  more  pert  and  forward  Difcourfe  of  fome, 
and  the  more  contriv'd  and  cunning  Artifices 
of  others.      ■'■■.•  <     . 

teh.6.  IV.  But  on  Munday  Morning  he  was 
brought  with  much  Ceremony  by  Scot  and 
Robinfon  through  the  Court  of  Wards  to  the 
Door  of  the  Parliament  Houfe,  where  the 
Serjeant  at  Arms,  with  his  Mace,  receiv'd 
him,  and  condudcd  him  to  a  Chair  within  the 
Bar,  in  which  he  was  defir'd  to  fit  down  : 
Which  the  General  refufing,  the  Speaker  gave 
him  the  Thanks  of  the  Houfe  for  his  Service 
and  Fidelity  towards  them,  in  a  fet  Speech, 
fiU'd  with  much  fcriptural  and  pious  Raillery, 
according  to  the  Guife  of  thofe  Times.  The 
General,  from  the  Back  of  the  Chair,  anfwer- 
cd  in  a  very  wary  and  agreeable  Reply,  con- 
trived to  fit  the  Temper  of  thofe  Ears  that 
were  to  hear  him.  And  tho'  fome  Men  that 
wilh'd  him  very  well,  thought,  by  that  Dif- 
courfe, he  had  gone  too  far  in  his  Compliance 
with  them  5  yet  the  abjuring  Part  of  the 
Houfe  (  w'hofe  Jcaloufics  of  him  were  further 
heightcn'd  by  his  Refufal  of  the  Oath  two 
*  .  Days 

General  Monk.  207, 

Days  before )  were  difpleas'd  with  all  he  faid, 
and  arraign'd  his  whole  Difcourfe.  His  in- 
terceding for  the  Eafe  and  Conveniencies  of 
the  People,  they  interpreted  as  a  Strain  of  his 
Populariry,  which  was  not  to  be  endured  in  a 
General  that  ferves  a  Commonwealth.  The 
redrelfing  of  Grievances,  was  but  a  more  fe- 
cret  Reproach  upon  their  Negligence  or  In- 
juftice  in  the  Government.  His  Remarks  up- 
on multiplying  further  Oaths,  was  very  ofFen- 
five  to  them,  who  had  lately  contriv'd  that 
new  one  of  Abjuration.  His  pleading  for  the 
Encouragement  of  the  fober  Gentry,  they  ac- 
counted as  a  fly  Contrivance,  which  in  Time 
would  let  in  the  Royal  Party  upon  the  Go- 
vernment. And  by  his  frequent  and  fharp  Re- 
flexions upon  the  Fanaticks,  ( from  which 
Speech  they  were  thought  firft  to  have  re- 
ceived that  Name,  which  they  have  never 
yet  wiped  off)  they  accufed  him  to  have  in- 
vidioufly  reprefented  the  mod  ftrid  and  god- 
ly Part  of  the  Nation,  who,  though  they 
might  happen  to  have  been  mifled  by  the  De- 
figns  of  others,  were  yet  to  be  efteem'd  and 
cherifh'd  as  the  beft  and  furcft  Friends  to  the 
Government.  Nor  were  they  plcas'd  with 
the  Title  of  General  given  to  him,  calling 
him  always,  in  their  own  Difcourfe  or  Orders, 
CommiJJioner  Monk. 

V. "That  fome  of  them  had  cntcrtain'd 


io8        The  LIFE  of 

great  Apprehenfions  and  Sufpicionsof  him,  is 
manifeft  from  one  Inftance,  which  feJl  out 
juft  at  this  Time.  Mr.  Scot's  Son  had  lodg'd 
for  fome  Time  in  the  Houfe  of  one  Mr.  Stur- 
dy ^  a  Roman  Catholick,  in  Ruffd-ftreet  -,  and 
was  fo  well  acquainted  with  his  Landlord,  that, 
difcourfing  together  about  General  Monk's 
late  Arrival  into  London,  which  was  then  the 
common  Talk  of  the  Town  ;  he  told  him 
fecretly,  that  the  Parliament  had  fuch  Sufpi- 
cions  of  him,  as  that  it  was  refolv'd  to  re- 
move him  fuddenly  from  his  Command  in 
the  Army,  and  to  lay  him  faft  in  the  Tower, 
having  Articles  againft  him  fufficient  to  en- 
danger his  Life. 

VL  Mr.  Sturdy  obferving,  in  this  mife- 
rable  Confufion,  that  the  Hopes  of  all  ho- 
ned Men  were  plac'd  upon  General  Monk  and 
his  Army,  was  very  much  concern'd  at  this 
Relation  y  infomuch  as,  the  next  Morning 
early,  he  haften'd  up  into  the  City,  and  found 
out  one  Captain  Morrice,  an  honeft  Citizen 
of  his  particular  Acquaintance,  to  whom  he 
revealed  this  fecret  Information.  The  Cap- 
tain thought  it  a  Matter  of  fo  much  Confe- 
quence,  that  he  brought  his  Friend  Sturdy 
,to  Mr.  Kendall  and  Mr.  James  Muddef or d^ 
who  were  related  to  General  Monk,  and  they 
two  forthwith  carried  him  to  the  General  at 
White-Hall^  where  he  farther  attefted  the 
zl.  .  Truth 

General  Monk.'         209 

Truth  of  this  Relation.  The  General  had  o- 
ther  Bufinefs  in  Hand,  than  to  take  any  pub- 
lick  Notice  of  this  Information  5  yet  gave  fo 
much  Credit  to  it,  as  he  refolv'd  to  look  more 
carefully  to  himfelf,  and  commanded  Mr. 
Sturdy  to  ride  in  his  Guards,  which  he  con- 
tinued to  do  for  fome  while  after. 

VlT.  The  General  had  hitherto  carry'd  all 
Things  fo  fairly  towards  the  Jundo,  evec 
fince  his  appearing  againft  the  Army  in  Eng- 
land-, had  fo  carefs'd  their  Commiftioncrs  all 
the  Way  they  march'd  with  him,  and  feem'd 
fo  refolv'd  to  contfnue  their  prefent  Seflion, 
by  difcouraging  all  Addreffes  made  to  him 
for  filling  up  the  Houfe,  or  admitting  the  fe- 
cluded  Members  j  that  it  might  be  Matter  of 
fome  juft  Wonder,  whence  thofe  Jealoufies 
they  entertain'd  of  him  for  changing  the  Go- 
vernment, or  introducing  the  King,  fhould 
poiTibly  arife. 

VIII.  Fleetwood  and  Lambert  had 
both  of  them  con-uiianded  Armies,  as  well  as 
General  Moijk,  and  both  had  rebelled  againft 
them  ;  yet  were  never  lb  much  as  fufpe£ted 
to  have  any  Defign  of  reftoring  the  King. 
Only  General  Monk,  who  had  alo^e  declar'd 
for  them ;  and,  when  he  might  have  been  fafe 
in  his  Government  of  Scotlandy  by  a  Com- 
pliance wuh  their  Enemies,  had  put  himfelf 
P  into 

iio  The   LIFE   of 

into  a  rtianifeft  Hazard,  by  declaring  for  them 
with  unequal  Forces,  againft  all  the  Armie^ 
of  England  zviii  Ireland^  yet  could  not  fe- 
cure  himfelf  from  their  Sufpicions.  But  there 
Was  fomething  in  his  Nature  and  Principles 
that  gave  them  Jealoufy;  fomething  was  ftill 
too  apparent  in  him,  which  all  his  Arts  of 
Caution  and  half  Lights,  all  his  Dexterity  of 
Guards  and  Silence,  could  not  conceal.  Nor 
indeed  could  they  reafonably  truft  any  Man, 
that  was  not  involv'd  in  equal  Guilts  and  Vil- 
lanies  with  themfelves. 

IX.  But  at  the  fame  Time  there  fell  out 
■another  new  Accident  that  did  greatly  pro- 
mote their  Sufpicion.  The  City  of  London 
had  all  along  been  querulous,  and  disfatisfy'd 
with  this  prefent  Conftitution  of  the  Parlia- 
ment, and  had  made  feveral  open  Difcoveries 
of  their  Difcontent  5  but  now  they  proceeded 
to  that  Indignation,  and  Scorn  againft  this  Tail 
of  a  Parliament,  that  the  Common  Council 
of  London  had  publifli'd  a  Vote  or  Order  of 
their  Houfe,  declaring  they  would  p.iy  no 
moreTaxesor  Affeflments  impos'd  upon  their 
City,  till  the  Parliament  were  fill'd  up  with 
equal  Reprefentatives  of  the  People. 

X.  This  was   fuch  an    avowed  C   ' 
tempt  of  the  prefent  Authority,    ii:  '    • 
dangerous  an  Example  to  the  rcii  of  Ujw  - 

General    Monk.        hi 

tion  againft  paying  Taxes,  as  gave  an  Alarm 
ro  the  Council  of  Stare.  Nor  could  they 
imagine  any  Pretence  for  this  their  prefcnc 
Prclumption,  but  from  lome  private  Engage- 
ment given  them  by  General  Mo7ik  and  his 
Army.  They  very  well  knew  the  City  had 
been  conferring  with  him  upon  this  very 
Point  of  new  Reprefentatives,  or  rcftoring 
the  fecluded  Members ;  as  alio  in  their  Let- 
ter dcliver'd  at  Morpeth^  and  afterwards  by 
their  Commiilioners  at  Harborough,  which 
Jed  the  jundo  into  Sufpicion  of  fome  fecret 
Pradice  between  them.  The  City  had  the  fame 
Caufe  of  Provocation  before,  yet  never  dar'd 
to  run  into  fuch  violent  Counfels,  till  Fleet- 
"jjoocH  Army  was  remov'd,  and  the  Nor- 
thern Forces  were  quartered  among  them, 
from  whom  they  receiv'd  Encouragement, 
and  expedled  Support. 

XL  But  to  prevent  this  Infolence  in  the 
City  before  it  could  fix  it  felf,  and  become 
exemplary  to  others,  as  alfo  for  the  better 
Difcovery  of  General  Monk  and  his  Army, 
the  Council  of  State  fenr  for  him  late  at  Nighr, 
February  8.  (where  were  prefcnt  the  other  f^^.  8. 
Commiflloners  for  governing  the  Army)  and 
gave  him  Orders  to  march  his  Regiments  the 
next  Morning  early  into  the  City,  and  to 
quarter  upon  them  till  he  had  reduced  them 
to  Obedience  j  in  the  mean  while,  to  fecurc 
P  2  clevea 

212       The   LIFE    of 

eleven  of  the  moft  adive  Perfons  of  the  Com- 
mon Council,  (whofc  Names  were  inferted) 
and  to  take  down  the  Chains  and  Pofts  in  the 
feveral  Streets,  and  to  unhinge  their  Gates 
and  Port  cullices.  Nor  did  they  allow  him 
longer  Time  to  deliberate  upon  this  extraor- 
dinary Adion  than  till  the  next  Morning. 

XII.  Though  the  General  was  fomewhat 
furpriz'd  with  this  outragious  Refolution  of 
the  Jundo,  yet  at  the  firft  Offer  of  it  to  him, 
he  prefently  took  the  right  Scent  of  their  De- 
fign.  And  therefore,  concealing  his  Diflike 
of  them,  he  accepted  their  Orders,  refolving 
to  make  his  own  \]{z  of  them.  For  though 
the  Manner  was  not  agreed  on,  yet  the  Ge- 
neral had  defign'd,  before  he  came  out  of 
Scotland^  to  put  an  End  to  the  Excrefcence 
of  a  Parliament,  fo  loon  as  he  was  well  fet- 
tled in  London.  And  this  infolent  Refolution 
they  had  taken  up,  of  violating  the  City, 
would  give  him  the  faircft  Advantage  upon 
them,  (not  only  to  the  City  and  Nation,  but 
alfo  to  his  whole  Army)  that  he  could  ex- 
ped.  And  that  the  Junfto  might  thereby 
lofe  for  ever  their  Intereft  and  Credit,  the 
(jcneral  was  contented  to  adventure  his  own, 
in  becoming  the  Indrument  of  their  Malice' 
and  Revenge.  And,  to  prevent  all  Imprellion 
upon  him  to  the  contrary,  they  kept  him  in 
Difcourfe  with  them,    giving  him  particular 


General  Monk.  213 

Inftrudions  for  performing  their  Commands, 
till  towards  two  in  the  Morning  j  which  was 
fo  late,  that  fuch  of  his  Attendants,  who 
knew  any  thing  of  Mr.  Sturdy  %  Information, 
began  to  fufped:  fome  ill  Defign  upon  his  Pcr- 

XIII.  But  the  next  Morning  early,  Fehrn-  f*^-  9- 
ary  9.  the  General  commanded  the  March  of 

his  Army  up  into  the  City,  without  advifing 
with  any  of  his  own  Officers.  And  having 
plac'd  his  main  Guards  at  the  Old  Exchange, 
and  other  convenient  Places,  he  retir'd  himfelf 
to  the  Three  Tuns  Tavern  near  Guild-Hally 
where  he  difpatch'd  his  Orders  to  fome  of  his 
Officers,  for  the  taking  up  the  Pofts  and 
Chains,  and  fcnt  others  to  apprehend  thofe 
eleven  Citizens,  whom  the  Council  of  State 
had  commanded  him  to  fecure.  This  fudden 
Violence  offered  to  the  City,  and  by  that 
Hand  from  whom  they  lead  fufpected  it,  did 
at  prefent  rather  furprize  the  People  with  A- 
mazement  at  the  Indignity  of  it,  than  move 
their  Paffions  j  fo  that  all  things  appcar'd  as  if 
the  Town  had  that  Morning  been  taken  by 
Storm,  or  enter'd  by  a  foreign  Army. 

XIV.  But  not  only  the  Citizens,  but  moft 
alfo  of  his  own  fuperior  Officers  were  fo  a- 
ftoniih'd  at  this  unreafonable  and  odious  Em- 
ployment,   that  they  frankly  exprefled  their 

P  3  Rcfcnt- 

214         The   L  I F  E   of 

Refentment,  and  ofFcr'd  him  their  Commif- 
fions.  The  General  gave  them  fome  little 
Light  into  his  own  Apprehenfions  of  this  in- 
famous Service  they  had  put  upon  him;  but 
commanded  them  to  obey  his  Orders  at  pre- 
fenr,  and  to  truft  his  Difcrction  with  the  Con- 

XV.  Several  alfo  of  the  principal  Citi- 
zens addrefs'd  themfelvcs  to  him,  and  with 
that  Temper  and  Prudence  expoftulated  this 
unworthy  Ufagc  and  Indignity  put  upon  them, 
as  the  General  was  greatly  concern'd  for  the 
Injury  they  had  fuffer'd.  So  that  the  fame 
Night  lie  difpatch'd  Letters  to  the  Council,  in- 
forming them,  that  he  had  obey'd  their  Or- 
ders in  fccuring  the  Perfons  they  command- 
ed, except  two  of  them,  that  had  been  too 
nimble  for  him  j  and  that  the  next  Morning 
the  Lord  Mayor  had  appointed  a  Meeting  of 
the  Common  Council,  where  he  hoped  they 
would  come  to  a  better  Refolution,  and  Tem- 
per of  fubmitting  themfelves  to  the  Authority 
of  Parliament,  without  the  Neceility  of  any 
further  Severity  upon  them. 

XVI.  But  the  Council  of  State  was  refolv- 
cd,  now  their  Hand  was  in,  to  do  their  Work 
to  purpofe,  and  cfFedually  to  humble  that 
lofty  City.  And  therefore  they  return'd  him 
a  further  Command,  not  only  to  take  down 


General   Monk.        215 

their  Gates  and  Port-cullices,  according  to 
their  firft  Order,  but  alfo  now  to  break  them 
in  pieces :  And,  that  they  might  have  the  full 
Stroke  of  their  Revenge  upon  the  Comnxofi 
Council,  for  their  daring  Refolution  of  pay- 
ing no  more  Taxes,  they  had  decreed  they 
Hiould  never  meet  more ;  and  therefore  in- 
ftantly  palled  a  Vote  to  diflblve  the  prefent 
Common  Council  of  tl^.e  .City. 

XVII.  These  fecond  Orders  did  more 
deeply  incenfe  the  General  againft  the  Coun- 
cil of  State  J  but  feeing  them  make  fuch  Haftc 
to  their  own  Infamy,  he  was  refolv'd  now  to 
execute  their  Commands  to  the  full,  and  ven- 
ture the  Iflue.  The  next  Day  therefore  the  ^*'^-^''' 
Gates  and  Port-cuUices  were  taken  down, 
and  the  Soldiers  broke  them  in  pieces ,  but 
with  fuch  Refleclion  upon  the  Parliament  in 
chufing  them  to  this  bale  Employment,  in 
making  them  the  Executioners  of  their  Paf- 
fion  and  Revenge  upon  thofe  who  had  re- 
ceiv'd  them  kindly,  that  the  Citizens,  being 
more  ready  to  excufe  the  Stone  which  hurt 
them,  converted  all  their  Indignation  upon 
the  Arm  that  threw  it,  and  loudly  arraign'd 
this  Infolence  of  the  Jundo.  They  who  at- 
tended the  General  in  this  Bufmefs,  and  were 
curious  in  obferving  the  Tracks  of  his  Coun- 
tenance, found  he  was  neither  well  pleas'd 
with  his  Employment,  nor  the  Company  a- 
P  4  bout 

ri6        The  LIFE   of 

bout  him.  For  Hazlerig  and  Walton,  (who 
were  equal  Commiflloners  with  him  in  com- 
manding the  Army)  and  others,  were  con- 
tinual Efpials  upon  him,  both  in  obferving 
how  fully  he  gave  out  the  Jundto's  Orders, 
and  at  what  Rate  they  were  executed  by  his 
Officers  and  Soldiers.  Only  Colonel  Morley, 
who  was  another  of  the  Commiffioners,  and 
at  that  Time  entrufted  with  the  Command  of 
the  Tower,  fo  far  diilik'd  thefe  Proceedings, 
as  he  came  this  Day  to  the  General  at  his 
Quarters  in  the  City,  and  ofFer'd  to  him  the 
Affiftance  of  his  own  and  Colonel  Fag's  Re- 
giment, with  the  Force  and  Arms  of  the 
Tower,  to  oppofe  or  moderate  thefe  dange- 
rous Refolutionsofthe  Council  of  State.  Nor 
were  there  wanting  fome  Members  of  the 
Jundo  it  felf,  that,  apprehending  the  dange- 
rous EfFeds  of  this  Violence  upon  the  City, 
did  greatly  accufe  thefe  Methods  of  the  abjur- 
ing Party  in  the  Council  of  State.  But  tho' 
the  General's  Difpleafure  went  no  further 
than  his  Countenance,  yet  feveral  of  his  Of- 
ficers could  not  conceal  their  Refentments, 
accufing  the  Jundo,  that  they  had  as  much 
contrived  the  Infamy  of  the  Scotch  Army,  as 
the  Difcharge  of  their  own  Infolence  and  Re- 
venge, in  commanding  them  to  this  odious 

XVIII.  This  Adion  of  General  Monk  to- 

.  wards 

General  Monk.        217 

wards  the  City,  was  varioufly  cenfur'd  by  all 
that  underftood  not,  in  thofe  Times,  nor,  per- 
haps, at  this  Day,  in  what  Circumftances  he 
was  then  plac'd.  For  the  Orders  fign'd  by 
the  Council  of  State,  to  march  the  Army 
into  the  City,  were  not  directed  to  Ge- 
neral Monk  alone,  but  alfo  to  the  other 
Commiflioners,  whcrcoi  Hazkngy  TValton, 
and  Morley  were  upon  the  Place,  and,  ever 
fince  his  Arrival  into  London,  had  afted 
jointly  with  him.  So  that,  had  the  General 
refus'd  his  Orders,  the  others,  being  able  to 
carry  it  by  the  major  Vote,  might  have  done 
the  Bufinefs  without  him,  and,  by  Confe- 
quence,  might  have  put  it  to  the  Hazard  of 
removing  him  from  the  Command  of  his  own 
Army,  or  have  recall'd  Fleetwood  and  his 
Forces  into  the  City,  to  balance  or  oppofe 

XIX.  General  Monkj  who  better  un- 
derftood all  this  than  they  who  haftily  ccn- 
fured  his  Proceedings,  was  refolv'd  at  prefent 
to  accept  whatever  Orders  were  impos'd  on 
him,  rather  than,  by  refufing,  to  hazard  his 
Command  and  Intereft  in  his  own  Army.  For 
he  very  well  knew  this  prefent  State  of 
things  could  .not  pofTibly  hold  long,  but  that 
the  furious  and  violent  Proceedings  of  the 
jun£lo,  and  the  Odium  they  would  draw  up^ 
on  themfelves  thereby,  and  the  further  Dif- 


2i8         The  LIFE  of 

content  in  the  City  and  Nation,  and  in  his 
own  Army  againft  them,  would  quickly  give 
him  fome  more  fcafonable  Opportunity  of  en- 
tering upon  his  retir'd  and  conceal'd  Defigns, 
of  putting  an  End  to  this  Seflion. 

XX.  Being  now  polTefied  with  the  De- 
vils of  Jcaloufy  and  Miichicf,  the  very  fame 
Day  the  Council  of  State  had  employed  Ge- 
neral Monk  to  break  down  the  Gates  of  the 
City,  they  had  conjur'd  up  a  Legion  of  evil 
Spirits  as  bad,  or  worfc,  than  themfelves, 
with  a  Petition  to  the  Jun<5lo,  as  extravagant- 
ly mifchievous  as  their  own  Votes,  and  much 
of  the  fame  Stamp,  requiring  the  Oath  of 
Abjuration  to  be  taken  by  all  Perfons  in  any 
publick  Employments,  and  other  villainous 
Matters.  This  was  a  Contrivance  of  the  more 
violent  Party  of  the  Jun(f^o  and  Council  of 
State,  who  were  fo  jealous  of  the  General, 
that  he  would  not  be  a  fit  Inftrument  for 
them ;  that  they  were  caballing  with  Vane, 
Ludioiv,  and  Lambert^  and  other  Officers  of 
the  Englijh  Army,  to  make  a  Party  againft 

XXI.  These  treacherous  Defigns  were 
not  fo  fecretly  manag'd,  but  that  General 
Monk's  Officers  had  taken  Notice  of  them, 
and  apprehended  the  Confequences ;  fo  that 
(on  the  fame  Night  he  had  concluded  his  Or- 

General    Monk.        219 

ders  in  the  City,  and  was  return'd  to  WJoite- 
Hall)  fome  of  them  came  to  him,  and  reprc- 
fented  the  dangerous  EfFeds  of  that  Day's 
Work  in  the  City,  by  which  they  had  pro- 
vok'd  and  difoblig'd  the  Metropolis  of  the 
Kingdom  ;  and  the  Noife  of  this  Adion,  to- 
gether with  their  own  Infamy,  would  quickly 
fpread  all  the  Nation  over ;  that  fuch  another 
Piece  of  Work  would  certainly  ruin  them ; 
and  yet  at  the  fame  time  they  who  employ- 
ed them  therein,  were  Confederate  with  their 
profcfl:  Enemies,  and  contriving  Parties  a- 
gainft  them  ;  that  they  had  very  few  Friends 
whom  they  could  truft,  and  in  the  Parliament 
Houfe,  and  Council  of  State,  none  at  all. 

XXII.  Nothing  could  have  been  more 
pleafing  to  the  General  than  this  Difcourfe  of 
his  own  Officers,  by  which  he  found  the  late 
Proceedings  in  London  had  not  only  rcnder'd 
the  Jun£lo  odious  to  the  City,  but  alio  to  his 
own  Army  ;  fo  that  of  themfclves  they  had 
recover'd  that  Temper  which  he  had  fo  long 
been  contriving  to  incenfe  into  them.  For 
the  only  Reafon  why  he  had  hitherto  com- 
ply'd  with  the  Jundo  was,  becaufe  he  thought 
his  own  Officers  were  not  yet  fit  for  any  o- 
ther  Imprcffion.  But  now  being  of  them- 
fclves pofTefs'd  with  fuch  Jcaloufies  againft 
them  for  their  late  Adions,  though  he  would 
gladly  have  had  a  little  more  Space  to  deli- 

220         Tloe  LIFE  oj 

berate  opon  his  next  Methods,  yet  he  was 
refolv'd  to  make  ufeof  this  prefent  Pailion  ia 
his  Officers,  and  adventure  upon  the  Defign 
out  of  hand,  which  otherwife  muft  have  coft 
him  longer  Time,  and  the  Contrivance  of 
Ibme  other  Pretence.  Having  therefore  fuch 
Officers  about  him  as  he  could  beft  truft, 
which  were  only  of  his  own  Army,  except 
Colonel  Saunders  and  Major  Barton^  it  was 
agreed  to  declare  their  Apprehenfions  the 
next  Morning  to  the  Parliament  in  an  expo- 
ftulatory  Letter,  the  Heads  whereof  were 
drawn  up:  That  the  Scotch  Army  had  re- 
ceiv'd  juft  Caufe  of  Apprehenfion  from  their 
late  Proceedings,  having  entertain'd  Corrcf- 
pondcncies  with  Lmnbert  and  other  Officers, 
who  had  fo  lately  rebell'd  againft  them:  That 
they  had  admitted  Ludlow  to  fit  in  their 
Houfe  after  the  Irtjij  Officers  had  laid  Trca- 
fon  to  his  Charge,  and  were  in  Readinefs  to 
prove  it:  And  that  they  had  countenanc'd 
and  accepted  a  late  fcandalous  Petition,  for 
the  obtruding  new  Oaths  upon  the  free-born 
People  of  the  Nation,  by  which  the  beft  and 
moft  fober  Pcrfons  would  be  excluded  from 
having  any  Share  in  the  Government,  and  the 
confcientious  Clergy  would  be  difabled  from 
their  Miniftry  and  Maintenance.  They  were 
therefore  rcqacHcd,  fo  far  to  comply  with  the 
united  Dcfircs  of  the  Nation,  as  in  .a  Week's 
Time  to  iffuc  out  Writs  for  the  filling  up 
I  |:heii' 

General  Monk.        hi 

their  Houfc,  and,  concluding  their  own  Scf- 
fion  by  the  fixth  of  May,  they  would  thea 
give  Place  for  the  convening  a  full  and  free 
Parliament.  But  before  the  General  went  to 
Bed,  being  refolv'd  to  advifc  no  more  with 
the  other  CommilTioners  in  the  Condud  of 
his  own  Army,  by  his  fole  Authority  he  gave 
out  Orders  for  the  March  of  his  Forces  the 
next  Day  into  the  City,  and  that  feverai  of 
his  principal  Officers  fhould  attend  him  the 
next  Morning  at  his  Quarters  in  White- 

XXIII.  His  Secretaries  fate  up  late  that 
Night  to  form  the  forementioned  Heads  into 
a  Letter,  and  to  tianfcribe  Copies  of  it,  one 
whereof  was  fent  away  very  early  to  the 
Prefs,  and  the  other  was  to  be  fign'd  by  the 
General  and  his  Officers,  whereof  about  fif- 
teen were  come  together  very  early,  and  the 
Letter  being  read  to  them,  they  all  readily 
fet  their  Hands  to  it,  and  it  was  dated  F<?M/-re^.  ii- 
ary  1 1.  The  General  then  commanded  Colo- 
nel Clobeny  and  Colonel  Lidcot  to  carry  it 
to  the  Houfc.  But  before  his  Letter  could 
poflibly  be  delivcr'd  at  Weftm'infter,  the  Ge- 
neral had  left  JVhite  Hall,  and  went  up  into 
Londo7J-y  and  there  he  led  his  Forces  to  a 
Rendezvous  mFinsbury  Fields,  having  firft 
font  away  Commiffary  Clarges  and 

to  Sir  Thomas  Allen,  then  Lord  Mayor, 


212  ne   LIFE   of 

with  an  Account  of  his  coming,  defirin^  him 
alfo  to  alTign  Quarters  for  the  Reception  of 
his  Army  in  the  City. 

XXIV.  The  Work  which  the  General  and 
his  Forces  had  made  among  them  the  Day  be- 
fore, quickly  afFeded  the  City  with  a  near 
Apprehenfionof  this  his  early  Return  among 
them  this  Morning,  fo  that  his  Meflengers 
found  but  a  cold  Entertainment,  when  they 
came  to  talk  with  the  Lord  Mayor  about 
Quarters  for  his  Army,  which  he  had  rather 
wifh'd  were  further  off.  Nor  had  they  any 
Authority  to  acquaint  him  with  the  Secret  of 
the  General's  Letter  fent  this  Mornini^  to  the 

XXV.  But  in  Conclufion  the  Lord  May- 
or, having  advis'd  with  Sir  John  Robinfon,  and 
other  principal  Citizens,  was  contented  at  laft 
to  receive  a  Vifit  from  the  General,  and  to 
difcourfe  with  him  about  quartering  his  Ar- 
my. Whereupon  a  Meflenger  was  difpatch'd 
into  Finsbury  Fields,  intreating  him  to  haften 
his  Return  (it  being  now  late)  to  the  Lord 
Mayor's  Houfe  in  Leadenhallftreety  where 
his  Lordfhip  expcded  him  at  Dinner.  So 
foon  as  he  came  in,  he  prefently  obferv'd,  the 
Interview  between  them  was  not  with  that 
Countenance  and  Freedom  as  formerly,  which 
the  Lord  Mayor  in  fome  Meafure  excufed, 


General  Monk.        213 

from  the  late  Diforders  which  had  happen'd  in 
the  City.  To  which  the  General  reply'd :  That 
his  Return  this  ^ay  among  them  '-juas  chief- 
ly to  re[iify  thofe  MifunderftandingSy  '■jjhich 
had  lately  arifen  bet'-jueen  himfetf  and  the 
City-,  and,  to  that  End,  entreated  his  Lord- 
Jhip  to  difpatch  a'-juay  his  Orders  unto  the 
Aldermen  and  Common  Council,  (which  was 
the  fame  the  Jundo  had  diflblved)  defiring 
them  to  give  htm  a  Meeting  in  the  After- 
noon at  their  Guild-Hall :  Which  was  accor- 
dingly done  before  they  fat  down  to  Din- 

XXVI.  The  General  met  with  better  En- 
tertainment at  the  Lord  iMayor's  Table,  than 
his  Letters  had  done  with  the  Jundo  at  Weft- 
minjler ;  who  had  been  debating  upon  them 
all  the  Morning.  The  appointing  them  a  de- 
finite Day  for  the  concluding  of  their  own 
Scflion,  they  look'd  upon  but  as  a  more  civil 
Way  of  diJolving  them.  But  the  filling  up 
the  Vacancies  of  the  Houfe  by  new  Eledi- 
ons,  did  touch  them  in  the  moft  tender  and 
effential  Part  of  their  Power  and  Being  ;  finc^ 
they  very  well  knev,  it  was  fcarce  pofiible 
to  get  fuch  Pcrfons  return'd  that  would  be  as 
violent  and  mifchievous  as  themfclves:  But 
if  the  People  were  left  ro  their  free*  Choice, 
(which  could  nor  now  be  hindered)  they 
would  furnifh  them  with  fuch  Election^,  as 
2  ihould 

224        The  LIFE  of 

fhould  be  able  to  out-vote  them  in  every 
thing,  and  haply  call  them  to  account  for  the 
Villanies  they  had  committed. 

CHAP,    xviir. 

I.  The  JunBo  dtffemble  their  Rejentments : 
II.  And  fend  a  Letter  of  Thanks  to  the 
GeneraU  for  his  ready  Obedience  to  their 
late  Orders,  inviting  him  to  return  to 
White-  Hall.  III.  The  Refentments  of  the 
General's  Officers  towards  thefe  Meffen- 
gers  of  the  Jun^o.  IV.  The  General's 
Command  of  Temper.  V.  He  meets  the 
Court  of  Aldermen  and  Common  Coimcil. 
VI.  His  Speech  to  them.  VII.  Great  Joy 
in  the  City.  VIII.  The  General  quarters 
at  the  Glafs-Houfe  in  Broad  ftreet.  IX, 
The  Jimdo  has  the  Name  of  Rump  Tar- 
itament  given  it.  X.  A  Scheme  of  the 
Rump  Parliament  for  over-rnlingthe  Ge- 
neral. XI.  The  Author's  Obfervation  up- 
on the  Folly  of  it.  XII.  The  General  re- 
moves his  ^larters  to  Drapers-Hall.  XIII. 
The  Council  of  State  defire  his  Return  to 
White- HaJ],  and  the  Citizens  his  Conti- 
finance  among  them.  XIV.  Applications 
to  him  from  all  Tar  ties  j     XV.  But  par- 


General  MoNKr       22j 

ticularly  from  the  fecluded  Members] 
XVI.  A  general  Character  of  the  fecluded 
Members.  XVII.  At  a  Conference  between 
fame  of  the  fecluded  Members,  and  as  many 
of  the  Juntio  >  the  Jun£fo  give  their  Rea- 
fans  againji  the  Readmiffion  of  the  other  si 
XVI II.  The  A?if'juer  of  the  fecluded  Metn- 
bers.  XIX.  One  great  T>ifficulty  which 
objiruBed  their  Union.  XX.  A  Tropofal 
of  the  General's  for  the  Removal  of  that 

I.  T~^HE  governing  and  abjuring  Party  in 
\  the  Houfe,  who  had  all  along  beea 
jealous  of  the  General,  began  now  to  magnify 
their  own  Politicks,  in  the  Profped  of  his  De- 
fedion  5  whilft  the  more  temperate  among 
them  were  as  ready  to  accufe  the  other's  vio- 
lent and  extravagant  Proceedings,  which 
had  enforc'd  him  to  ufe  thefe  Methods  with 
them.  But  knowing  themfelves  unable  (hav- 
ing given  him  the  Poflefllon  of  the  City)  to 
deal  with  him  by  Force,  they  were  refolv'd. 
to  over-reach  him  by  their  Dillimulation.' 
And  therefore,  concealing  all  Refentment  of 
his  Letter,  they  appointed  their  two  ufu- 
al  evil  Angels,  Scot  and  Robinfon,  to  attend 
him  in  the  City,  where  they  found  him  at 
the  Lord  Mayor's  Houfe,  prcfently  after  they^ 
had  rifen  from  Dinner. 

<L  It  They 

2i6      The  LIFE  of 

II.  THEY^acquainted  him  with  the  Thanks 
of  the  Houfe  for  his  faithful  Service,  in  fecur- 
ing  the  Peace  of  the  City:  And  that,  before 
the  Receipt  of  his  Letter,  they  were  debat- 
ing upon  Qualifications  of  fuch  Members  as 
lliould  be  chofcn  for  the  filling  up  the  Houfe, 
which  fhould  bedifpatch'd  as  fpeedily  as  their 
other  weighty  Affairs  would  give  them  Lei- 
fure :  Concluding  with  the  Parliament's  cfpe- 
eial  Confidence  and  EQimation  of  him,  and 
inviting  his  Return  again  to  White-HalL 

III.  The  Officers  who  were  prefent,  could 
not  diflemble  their  Difcontents  againft  the 
junfto,  but  charged  them  with  Perfidy  and 
Ingratitude  j  and  that  they  were  defigning 
rather  to  put  thcmfelvcs  into  the  Protedion 
of  their  late  Enemies,  than  to  oblige  the 
Army  which  had  reftored  them.  And  thofc 
Officers  cfpecially,  wbofe  Commiflions  had 
been  vacated  in  Scotland  by  the  Junto's  Au- 
thority, (though  they  were  yet  continued  in 
their  Command  by  the  fole  Authority  of  the 
General)  had  not  parted  with  their  Difcon- 
tents and  Revenge  againft  them. 

IV.  The  General,  whofe  Cunning  It  was 
to  exprefs  his  own  Refcntments  by  the  Paf- 
fion  of  his  Officers,  was  not  difpleafed  with 
this  their  Freedom,  nor  did  he  concern  him- 

^       4  felf 

General  Monk.         ii/ 

fclf  to  moderate  their  Heats  5  but,  after  his 
grave  and  (blemn  Manner,  he  at  I  aft  told  Mr. 
Scot  and  Mr.  Robinfon,  That  if  the  Tarlia- 
merit  'ujere  p leafed  to  purfue  the  Advice  of 
his  Letter^  in  [(Tiling  out  their  Writs  by 
Friday  next  for  filling  up  the  Houfe,  all 
ixjould  be  -very  welly  nor  would  there  be  any 
Caufe  of  further  Sufpicwn  among  them.  But 
this  free  and  fmart  Difcourfe  of  the  Scotch 
Officers  to  thefc  two  Senators,  was  fo  diffe- 
rent from  thofe  Obfervances  which  had  been 
paid  to  them,  when  they  march'd  together 
towards  London^  that  they  took  their  Leave 
not  over- well  fatisfy'd,  and  return'd  back  to 

V.  So  foon  as  they  were  gone,  the  General 
was  mindful  of  his  Appointment  for  meet- 
ing the  Court  of  Aldermen  and  Common 
Council  at  Guild-Hall,  whither  he  was  con- 
cluded by  the  Lord  Mayor,  through  an  infi- 
nite Multitude  of  People,  who  upon  the 
News  of  his  intended  coming  thither,  were 
aflembled,  in  Expectation  of  fome  great  No- 
velty from  him.  The  Copy  alfo  of  his  Let- 
ter to  thejundo,  which  in  the  Morning  had 
been  fent  to  the  Prefs,  was  before  this  Time 
publickly  expofed  in  Print. 

VL  A  T  his  coming  the  General  having 

friendly  faluted   this   Aflembly   of  principal 

Q,  2  Citizens, 

2i8         ne  LIFE  of 

Citizens,  told  them  :  That  the  laft  Time  he 
ivas  among  thetn^  he  had  fubmitted  to  the 
moft  fafttdmis  Employment  of  his  whole 
Life  J  the  Execution  of  which  was  as  con^ 
trary  to  his  own  Inclinations,  as  the  Obliga- 
tions he  had  to  their  City.  That  being  paft 
and  done,  he  could  only  be  firry  for  thofe 
jiff  rants  which  had  been  put  upon  them  a- 
gainjl  his  Will.  That  this  T)ay  he  had  re- 
folvd  to  render  a  fuller  Anfwer  to  their 
Letters,  than  he  was  able  to  do  at  Morpeth, 
where  he  received  them  ;  and,  in  Compliance 
with  their  Defires  then,  he  had  this  Morn- 
ing written  to  the  Parliament,  to  iffue  out 
their  Writs,  witPim  feven  Days,  for  filling 
tip  their  Houfe  ,  and  by  the  fixth  of  May 
"  7iext  to  diffolve  their  AJfembly  j  and  there- 
by to  fnake  Room  for  the  fitting  down  of  a 
full  and  free  ^ arliament .  In  the  Interim  he 
was  refolvd  to  quarter  his  Army  in  their 
City,  and  to  continue  hrmfelf  among  them, 
till  he  faw  how  the  Co7itents  of  his  Letter, 
and  the  Defires  of  the  City  and  Nation, 
were  performed. 

VII.  The  Acclamations  of  that  great  and 
numerous  Aflcmbly  of  Grecians  at  the  Jfth- 
r/iian  Games,  when  Flaminius  unexpededly 
proclaim'd  Liberty  to  all  the  Cities  of  Greece, 
was  hardly  greater  than  the  Joy  of  the  City 
upon  the  News  of  their  Deliverance  from  the 


General  Monk.  229 

Bondage  of  this  Jundo.  It  is  not  eafy  to  fiy, 
whether  the  Citizens  were  more  furpriz'd  with 
what  the  General  told  them  this  Day,  or 
what  they  had  fufFer'd  by  his  Soldiers  the 
Day  before,  when  their  Pofts  and  Chains 
were  remov'd,  and  their  Gates  and  Port-cul- 
lices  broken  down.  But  the  Hopes  of  feeing 
fo  fpeedy  an  End  put  to  the  ParHament,  and 
the  convening  of  another,  was  fo  welcome 
News,  that  all  Places  were  prcfently  fiU'd  with 
an  univcrfal  Joy  and  Exultation  ;  and  Quar- 
ters were  prcfently  fet  out  for  the  General's 
Regiments,  which  hitherto  had  flood  all  Day 
on  their  Arms,  but  now  Meat  and  Drink  was 
fent  to  them  from  almoft  every  Houfe  in  the 

VIII.  The  General,  having  done  his  Bn- 
fincfs  at  Guild-Hall ,  took  Leave  of  the 
Citizens ,  who  exprefled  a  very  particular 
Satisfaction  and  Confidence  in  him.  And. 
from  thence  he  went  to  the  Bull-Head 
Tavern  in  Cheapflde,  where  he  ordcr'd  the 
Quarters  of  his  Forces ,  and  the  fettling 
the  Guards  that  Night,  for  the  Security  of 
the  City.  From  whence  he  went  very  late 
to  quarter ,  for  the  prefent ,  at  the  Glafs- 
Houfe  in  Broadjireet ;  which  having  on- 
ly Accommodation  for  his  own  Perfon,  his 
principal  Attendants ,  and  fome  Officers 
that  were  always  near  him,  were  forc- 
es cd 

t3o        the  LIFE   of 

ed  to  fit  up  all  Night,  and  watch  with  his 

IX.  But  before  this,  the  Apprentices  and 
common  People,  in  Deteftation  of  the  Jundo, 
( to  whom  they  had  given,  this  Night,  the 
lafting  Name  of  the  Rump  Parliament)  had 
fet  all  the  Bells  in  the  City  on  ringing,  and 
kindled  Bonefires  in  every  Street,  which  con- 
tinued till  Morning  ;  and  this  Sattirday^\'^^X., 
'February  ii,  was  called  the  roailing  of  the 

Riifnp,  : 

X.  But  leaving  now  the  General  in  his 
Qiiartcrs,  and  the  Citizens  to  their  jollity, 
we  will  retreat  a  little  while,  (though  late) 
to  IVefiminlier,  and  fee  what  this  new  named 
Rump  Parliament  had,  this  Afternoon  and 
Evening,  been  doing  there.  When  their  Mef- 
fengers,  Scot  and  Robinfon,  return'd  from  the 
General  out  of  the  City,  they  gave  the  Houfe 
an  Account  of  his  Adions  there,  and  with 
what  Difcourfe  they  had  been  entertain'd  by 
his  Ofticcrs,  which  led  them  into  further  Jea- 
loufy,  both  of  the  General  and  his  Army  ;  in- 
fomuch  that  they  call'd  for  the  late  Order  of 
their  Houfe,  appointing  five  Commiffioners 
for  the  governing  of  the  Army,  to  be  read  to 
them ;  whereupon  they  ftruck  out  Overton^ 
bccaufc,  being  abfent  at//////,  he  could  be  of 
no  Ufe  to  ^hcm,  and  put  in  Colonel  Alured, 


General  Monk.  231 

who  was  upon  the  Place.  Three  of  thefe 
five  were  to  make  a  Riorum  5  but  it  being 
mov'd,  that  General  Monk  might  be  always 
one  of  the  three  for  the  ^lorum^  upon  the 
Vote  it  was  carried  againft  him  :  So  that, 
though  they  durft  not  take  away  his  Com- 
miflion/^  "Terminis,  yet  in  EfFcd  and  Con- 
fequence  they  had  done  it.  For  Sir  Arthur 
Hazkrig,  Alured,  and  JValton^  were  at  any 
Time  fufficicnt  to  over- rule  General  Moiik 
and  Colonel  Morley.  And  thus  they  thought 
they  were  even  with  him,  for  enforcing  them 
to  fill  up  their  Houfe,  and  to  determine  their 
Sellion  at  a  Day. 

XL  The  prefent  Age  has  fufficiently  ex- 
pos'd  the  Villanies  of  thefe  Men,  but  Pofte- 
rity  will  laugh  at  their  Follies  alfo.  For  tho' 
the  little  Foplins  of  their  Party  have  magni- 
fy'd  them  as  the  prime  Politicians  of  the 
World,  yet  this  was  an  Inftance  of  theic 
weak  and  impotent  Malice,  by  fo  foolifh  a 
Revenge  to  provoke  a  great  and  powerful 
General,  who  had  an  Army  fo  much  at  his 
Devotion,  and  was  poilefs'd  of  the  City, 
where  he  had  been  too  nimble  for  them,  by 
recovering  in  an  Inflanthis  Eftimation  among 
the  People,  and  leaving  the  Odium  of  what 
he  had  done  upon  thcmfelvcs.  So  that  now 
he  was  in  a  Condition  to  bafile  them,  and  all 
the  Commillioncrs  to  bootj  and  to  defpKe 
Q^  4  .  the 

^2^1         The  L  IF E  of 

the  Weaknefs  of  their  Rage,   in  (hewing 
their  Teeth  when  they  durft  not  bite. 

But  though  the  prevaiUng  Fadion  of 
the  Rump  Parliament  had  been  fo  incon- 
fiderate  as  to  difobUge  him,  yet  the  General 
was  too  difcreet  to  take  any  pubiick  Notice 
of  it  at  prefent,  having  many  other  Irons 
in  the  Fire ;  nor  was  his  own  Army  (though 
in  a  good  Tendency  towards  it )  yet  fully 
brought  to  that  Rcfolution  and  Temper  he 
aimed  at. 

XII.  But  this  Difcontent,  arifuig  between 
thejunclo  and  General  i1i/<?w^''s  Army,  was 
very  welcome  News  to  thofe  other  Forces 
under  Fleeti^ood  and  Lambert,  who  now  e- 
fteem'd  their  own  Infolencics  juftify'd,  when 
they  diiccrn'd  the  Army  from  Scotland, 
which  the  Houfe  had  fo  much  rely'd  upon, 
were  likely  alfo  to  quarrel  with  them.  Nor 
were  they  without  Hopes,  if  the  Jealoufies 
lliould  encreafe,  to  make  their  own  Advan- 
tage thereby,  and  that  their  old  Mafters  would 
be  enforced  to  feek  Protection  from  them  a- 
gainft  General  Monk;  who  yet  was  more 
wary  and  confideratc,  than  to  let  things  run 
to  filch  Extremity,  as  fhould  give  any  other 
Party  Advantage  upon  him. 

We  had  left  him  in  his  ftrait  Quarters  at 
the  Glafs-Houfe  5  but  now,  the  following 
Week,  he  rcmov'd  thence  to  l^rapers-Hally 

-'./.■  wherca 

General  Monk.        233 

where,  with  the  Addition  of  another  large 
Houfc  (of  Alderman /^/(?'s)  adjoining,  he 
had  Convenience  enough  for  the  Reception 
of  all  his  Attendants,  and  for  the  quartering 
of  his  Guards. 

XIII.  And  now  the  Rump  Parliament 
finding  they  were  too  weak  to  deal  with  him 
cither  by  Tricks  or  Force,  continued  their  fur- 
ther Applications  and  Mcirages  to  him:  The 
Council  of  State  alfo,  February  13.  invited ^'^- » 3^ 
him  again  to  aflift  them  with  hisPrefence  and 
Counfels  5  to  which  he  return'd  Anfwer  the 
Day  following :  That  till  the  Oaths  were 
withdrawn  ,  he  could  not  pojjibly  attend 
them  5  but-,  for  the  prefent^  his  Continuance 
in  the  City  was  further  neceffary,  becaufe  of 
thofe  T>tfcontents  there^  which  were  occafi- 
oned  by  themf elves,  having  difiributed  feven 
thoufand  Arms  out  of  their  Stores  into  the 
Hands  of  Anabaptifts,  and  other  dangerous 
Fanaticks  5  and  that  his  own  Forces  were 
greatly  alarm' d,  till  thefe  Arms  were  again 
recalid.  But  the  Junfto,  and  Council  of 
State,  were  not  more  importunate  to  reco- 
ver him  again  to  White-Hall,  than  the  Citi- 
zens were  to  perfuade  his  Continuance  among 
them,  as  being  moft  for  his  own  Safety,  as 
well  as  theirs.  At  the  fame  Time  he  was  al- 
fo inform'd  of  fevcral  ill  Pradices  againft  him, 
contriv'd  by  fome  in  the  Council  of  State,  in 


234         ^^  LIFE  oj 

fending  fevcral  Male-contents,  and  other  vio- 
lent Sedaries,  about  the  Counties  where  Fleet- 
wood's Army  quartered  5  poflelling  them  with 
Jealoufies  againft  General  Monk  and  his  For- 
ces ;  that  they  had  enter'd  into  fecret  Dcfigns 
with  the  City  of  London,  to  alter  the  Go- 
vernment, and  to  introduce  the  King.  Some 
of  thefe  Reports  he  took  publick  Notice  of  5 
others  he  contemn'd.  .    ..  i;:^  ) 

XIV.  During  his  Abode  in  his  Quarters 
at  ^raperS'Hally  he  was  continually  befet 
with  Applications  to  him  from  the  feveral 
Interefts  in  the  City,  and  from  the  Heads  of 
the  Presbyterians  and  Independent  Parties; 
to  whom  he  return'd  fuch  Anfwers  as  the 
Condition  of  his  Affairs  would  allow. 

XV.  The  Meflages  alfo  from  JVeftmin- 
fter  were  dill  daily  continued  :  But,  above  all 
the  reft,  that  Intereft  in  the  City  and  Coun- 
try, which  the  General  could  bcft  truft,  had 
now  begun  very  powerful  Addrefles  to  him, 
for  the  reftoring  the  formerly  fecluded  Mem- 
bers. The  General  had  before  refolv'd  to  ac- 
complifli  his  Defign  of  introducing  the  Mo- 
narchy by  other  Methods ;  but  finding  it  to 
be  the  univerlallnclinarion  of  a  powerful  In- 
tereft to  readmit  the  fecluded  Nlcmbers,  he 
began  to  approve  of  it,  as  the  moft  fafe  and 
eafy  Step  he  could  poflibly  make  forward  at 

.  this 

General  Monk.        23^ 

this  time.    Only  he  very  well  knew  the  June- 
to,  now  fitting,  would  be   rather  willing  to 
fill  up  their  Houfe  by  new  Eledtions  (a  great 
Part  whereof  might  probably  be  New-comers) 
than  confent  to  the  Return  of  thefe  fecluded 
Members,  whom  they  had  formerly  difoblig- 
edby  Co  impudent  and  injurious  a  Seclufion. 
He  confider'd  alfo,    that  the  EngltjJo  Army, 
who  had  been  the  Inftruments  of  that  Vio- 
lence,   would   grow  very  apprehenfive  upon 
the  News  of  their  Return  :  Nor  was  he  per- 
fectly well  fatisfied  in  the  Inclination  of  his 
own  Officers.     But  refolving  to  make  fomc 
Effay,  how  far  the  Contrivance  would  go,  he 
was  contented  to  receive  Vifits  from  feveral 
of  thofe  fecluded  Members,   having  ftill  or- 
der'd  the  Bufinefs  fo,  that  fome  of  his  Officers 
fliould  be  prefent  at  the  Difcourfe. 

XVI.  These  Gentlemen  were  moftly  of 
the  Presbyterian  Interefl:,  and  fome  of  them 
had  been  bufy  enough  in  beginning  the  Mif- 
fortunes  of  their  King  and  Country  5  but  were 
now  grown  wifer,  by  the  Experience  of  their 
Miftakes,  and  the  Miferies  of  a  Civil  War, 
which  had  ended  in  almoft  their  own  undo- 
ing, as  well  as  the  Death  of  the  King.  Some 
of  them  alfo  were  Perfons  of  good  Eftate,  and 
Quality,  and  eafily  apprehended  the  Infecu- 
rity  of  their  Condition  and  Fortunes,  whilft  a 
violent  Jundto  of  Robbers  and  Republicans 


1^6      The  L  I FE  of     > 

govern'd  at  Weftminjler,  and  were  fupported 
by  an  Army  of  needy  and  boifterous  Fana- 
ticks.  They  now  faw  clearly  there  was  no 
way  left  to  fettle  the  Nation,  but  by  rcftor- 
ing  the  Monarchy ;  only  they  would  firft  fit 
it  to  their  Church  Difcipllne,  and  melt  down 
the  Crown  into  a  new  Form,  and  reduce  the 
Sceptre  to  a  Length  of  their  own.  For  the 
Frofecution  of  thefe  Ends,  they  were  as  eager 
to  be  again  fingering  the  Government,  as  the 
Jundo,  then  fitting,  were  to  keep  them  out 
of  it.  But  being  Men  of  much  better  Morals 
and  Principles  than  moft  of  the  other  5  they 
had  the  Prudence  to  propofe  their  own  Re- 
ad miflion  with  that  Moderation  and  Temper, 
^i  was  very  acceptable  to  the  General  and 
his  Officers.  They  aflur'd  them,  that  their 
P^crnrn  would  not  interfere  with  the  General's 
Declaration  in  Scotland^  in  behalf  of  the  Par- 
liament as  it  fat  QEiober  7.  for  it  was  ftill  the 
fame  Parliament  that  would  be  continued. 
They  convinc'd  them  that  having,  by  the 
fame  Declaration,  undertaken  to  ilibjccl  the 
Military  Power  in  Obedience  to  the  Civil, 
they  had  oblig'd  themfclvcs  to  fccurc  their 
Readmiflion,fince  they  had  been  rcmov'd  from 
their  Places  by  the  Violence  of  the  Army. 

XVII.  The  General  and  his  Olliccrswcrc 
fo  well  fati.sfy'd  with  this  Propofal,  that,  ia 
the  next  Place,  they  were  rcfolv'd  to  hear 


General  Monk.         237 

what  could  be  alledg'd  againft  them.  To  that 
Purpofe  it  was  agreed,  that  Ibme  of  thefe  fc- 
cluded  Members  fliould  meet  at  a  Conference 
with  a  like  Number  of  thofe  now  fitting, 
which  was  accordingly  done  oa.  Saturday  Feb.^'^^'  'S- 
1 8.  the  General  and  his  Officers  being  prefent. 
Where  it  was  pretended  by  thofe  now  fitting, 
that  fince  the  Removal  of  the  fecluded  Mem- 
bers, fo  many  things  had  been  done,  both  as  to 
Change  of  the  Government,  Liberty  of  Con- 
fcience,  and  the  Sale  of  publick  Lands,  as 
was  likely  to  be  all  interrupted  and  difordered 
again,  by  the  Return  of  thefe  Members,  to 
the  further  Prejudice,  and  retarding  the  Set- 
tlement of  the  Commonwealth. 

XVIIL  To  this  the  fecluded  Members  rc- 
ply'd  :  That  they  would  not  bring  with  them 
their  Pailions  nor  Revenge  into  the  Houfe, 
nor  concern  thcmfelves  in  any  Man's  Pro- 
perty, nor  lofe  Time  in  refled:ing  back  upon 
what  had  been  done  in  their  long  Abfence ; 
but  would  dired  all  their  Thoughts  forward, 
in  purfuing  fuch  Counfels  as  might  lay  a  bet- 
ter Foundation  of  Settlement  to  the  Common- 
wealth ;  and  leave  things  in  fome  good  Or- 
der, for  the  further  Endeavour  of  the  Parlia- 
ment which  fliould  fucceed  them.  Moft  of 
thofe  Gentlemen  from  the  Junfto,  were  of 
the  moderate  Party  in  the  Houfe,  who  were 
weary'd  with  the  Extravagances  of  their 
4  Fellows^ 

138         The  LIFE  of 

Fellows,  and  would  be  contented  toftren?- 
then  their  Intereft  by  the  Accemon  of  the  fc- 
eluded  Members.  But  becaufe  the  Inclination 
of  the  Houfe  could  not  be  given  but  by  their 
Vote  in  Parliament ,  they  parted  on  both 
Sides  without  coming  to  any  final  Agree- 

XIX.  When  they  were  withdrawn,  the 
General  enter'd  into  further  Difcourfe  with 
his  Officers,  where  feveral  of  them  were  incli- 
nable enough  to  reftore  the  fecluded  Mem- 
bers. But  others  among  them,  of  the  Inde- 
pendent Perfuafion,  (  who  had  been  tamper'd. 
with  by  the  Heads  of  their  Party )  began  to 
demur  upon  it,  unlefs  thoi'e  Members  would 
give  Security,  to  declare  for  the  Government 
of  a  Commonwealth,  and  Liberty  of  Con- 
fcience,  and  that  they  would  confent  to  a  fur- 
ther Ad  for  Confirmation  of  publick  Sales. 

XX.  To  fatisfy  thefe  Scruples  in  thofc 
who  cffcr'd  them  ,  the  General  appointed 
three  Perfons  of  his  principal  Trufl,  to  debate 
thefe  Points  further  with  fome  of  the  fecluded 
Members,  in  a  Conference  next  Day  j  which 

:stb.  19.  was  to  be  held  at  Mr.  Anneflfs  Houfe,  the 
prefcnt  Earl  of  Anglefey,  The  fecluded 
Members  were  not  willing  to  depart  from 
their  firft  Length ;  but,  upon  a  further  De- 
bate, gave  them  frefli  Aflfurance,  that  they 


General  Monk.        239 

would  make  no  Alteration  in  the  prefent 
Government,  but  leave  that  Point  wholly  to 
the  next  Parliament.  And  for  an  Ad  to 
confirm  the  Sale  of  publick  Lands,  they  were 
not  yet  refolv'd  to  pafs  any  Aft  at  all.  Bur, 
that  there  might  be  no  Jealoufy  upon  them, 
they  were  content  to  be  limited  in  the  chief 
Points  they  fhould  confult  upon ;  and,  in  one 
Month's  Time,  to  conclude  their  Seflion. 


I.  The  General  refolves  upon  the  AdmtJJton 
of  the  Jecluded  Members,  upon  certain 
Terms  ;  II.  Which  they  fubmit  to.  III. 
They  are  admitted  into  the  Houfe.  IV". 
The  Behaviour  of  the  JimBo  upon  their 
Admijjion.  V.  The  Lords  alfo  defire  to  be 
reftored  to  their  Seats,  VI.  The  General 
declares  that  he  has  no  Intention  to  alter 
the  prefent  Conftitution  oj  a  free  State, 
or  Commonwealth ,  in  order  to  fet  up 
Charles  Stuart,  or  anyfingle  ^erfon.  VII. 
He  is  made  Commander  in  Chief  of  all  the 
Land  Forces^  but  in  the  Navy  Mountaguc 
is  joined ^  with  him.      VIII.  Sir  George 


240        The  LIFE  of 

Booth  and  others  difcbarg'd  from  Impri^ 
fonment,  andL^mbcztmprifon'd.  IX.  The 
Oath  of  Abjuration  ^ooted  down,  and  the 
Council  of  StatCy  another  being  appointed-, 
moft  of  whom  were  well  affe£ied  to  the 
King.  X.  Mr.  William  Morrice  admitted 
as  a  ^omejiick  in  the  General's  ^ar^ 

I.    \   LL  this  while  the  General  was  very 
^/^  uneafy  in  the  prefent  State  of  things. 
From  the  Jundo  now  fitting  he  expeded  no 
good.     The  Englifh  Forces  in  the  Country 
began  to  be  mutinous ;   and  fome  of  his  own 
officers,   by  long  deliberating,  were  grown 
'  more  un fettled.     So  that  he  was  now  refolv- 
ed,  without  further  Ceremony,  to  put  fome 
Stay  to  the  Courfe  of  things,  by  admitting 
the  fecluded  Members.    To  that  End,  Mun- 
■,  February  20.  he  defired  a  Meeting  a- 
•     gain  with  them,  and  had  appointed  four  Ar- 
ticles to  be  drawn  ready,    which  (houid  be 
fubfcribed  by  all  that  were  prefent,  and  by 
thofe  alfo  who  were  abfent,  before  they  were 
admitted  into  the  Houfe.  ■  ■  \ . 

First,  To  fettle  the  CondtiH  of  the  Ar- 
mies in  the  three  Nations,  fo  as  might  befi 

fecure  the  Te ace  of  the  Commonwealth.  Se- 
condly, To  provide  for  the  Support  of  the 
Forces  by  Sea  and  Landj  and  Money  alfo  for 

;        J  their 

General  Monk.  241 

their  Arrears,  and  the  Contingencies  of  the 
Government,  Thirdly,  To conjiittite aCoim- 
cfl  of  State  for  the  Civil  Government  of 
Scotland  and  Ireland ,  and  to  iffiie  out  Writs 
for  the  fummoning  a  T'arliarnent  to  meet  at 
Weftminfter/^^20f'^«?/ April.  Fourthly,  To 
confent  to  their  oij^m  H>ijfolution  by  a  Time 
that  fhould  be  limited  to  them. 

II.  S  o  foon  as  they  were  aflembled,  the 
Articles  were  read  to  them,  and  willingly  fub- 
Tcribcd  by  all  then  prefent,  who  were  fo  very 
well  fatisfy'd  with  this  Method  he  had  taken, 
that  they  promis'd  to  give  him  a  Commiflion 
of  General  over  all  the  Forces  in  the  three 
Nations,  both  by  Sea  and  Land.  Which  in- 
deed at  this  Time  was  alfo  a  feafonable  Of- 
fer }  for  his  old  one  granted  by  the  Juni^lo 
being  confin'd  to  the  zz^  of  February,  was 
to  expire  within  two  Days. 

At  their  parting  with  him,  the  General  in- 
treated  them  to  meet  him  the  next  Morning 
at  his  lace  Quarters  in  IVhite-HalL 

.  The  next  Morning  early  he  left  the  City,^'^''^' 
and  his  Head-Quarters,  to  which  he  never 
returnd  more,  and  haften'd  to  White-Hall^ 
where  he  met  the  fecluded  Members,  whom 
he  enterrain'd  with  a  (hort  Speech,  recom- 
mending to  them  the  Care  of  the  Nations, 
and  to  keep  their  Word  with  him,  aflllring 
R  them, 

24i       77^?  LIFE  of      ! 

them,  he  (hould  impofe  nothing  new  upon 
them  ',  which  was  pundually  perform'd  by 
him  during  their  whole  Sefllon.  And  then 
order'd  Major  Miller,  who  commanded  his 
Guards,  to  condud  them  into  the  Houfe  of 
Commons,  and  divers  alfo  of  his  other  Offi- 
cers attended  them  to  the  Door. 

IV.  This  Refolution  of  admitting  them 
that  Morning  into  the  Houfe,  was  fo  private- 
ly carry 'd,  that  the  old  Junfto  were  infinite- 
ly furpris'd  and  difordcr'd  when  they  faw 
them  enter.  The  violent  and  abjuring  Party 
prefently  found,  that  it  would  not  be  worth 
their  while  to  keep  their  Seats,  and  therefore 
refign'd  them  to  thefe  new  Comers,  and  quit- 
ted the  Houfe,  fome  of  them  muttering  their 
Difcontents  againft  the  General,  as  they  went 
out  of  the  Door.  But  the  more  moderate 
Parry  among  them  congratulated  the  Return 
of  the  fccludcd  Members  5  and  both  Sides 
prefently  apply'd  themfelves  to  their  Bufi 

V.  But  whilft  the  fecludeci  Members  of 
the  Houfe  of  Commons  were  thus  earneftly 
treating  with  the  General  for  their  Readmif- 
]ion,  fome  of  the  Nobility,  and  particularly 
the  Earl  oi Strafford,'^ txc  as  importunate  with 
him  for  the  rcftoring  the  Lords  alfo  to  their 
Scflion.     But  the  wary  General  thought  the 


General  Monk.         243 

Return  of  the  Commons  was  as  fair  and  fafc 
a  Length  as  he  durft  adventure  to  go  at  one 
Step,  referving  the  Admiflion  of  the  Peers  to 
a  further  Confideration,  and  the  Temper  of 
that  Parliament  that  was  to  fucceed. 

VI.  The  General  having  thus  placed  the 
fecluded  Members  again  in  their  Seats,  and 
fearing  w  hat  Difordcrs  theNews  thereof  might 
raife  among  the  diftant  Forces  oitht  Englifh 
Army,  vi'as  refolv'd  to  fatisfy  them  prefently 
with  the  Reafon  and  Ncceflity  of  what  he 
had  done,  before  they  (hould  receive  any 
worfe  or  different  Impreflions  from  others. 
And  to  that  Purpofe  he  commanded  the  fame 
Day  a  Council  of  his  Officers  to  attend  him, 
and  to  draw  up  a  fatisfadory  Letter  to  all  the 
remote  Forces  and  Garrifons  of  the  three 
Nations,  concerning  the  Readmiffion  of  the 
fecluded  Members  j  alTuring  them,  that  no- 
thing was  thereby  intended  to  alter  the  pre- 
fent  Conftitntion  of  a  free  State  or  Common- 
wealth; that  without  reftoring  thefe  Mem- 
bers the  prefent  Conftitution  of  the  Houfe 
could  raife  no  Money  for  Support  of  the  Ar- 
my and  Navy,  which  now  would  be  fpcedily 
raised  and  fent  to  them,  and  the  fucceeding 
Parliament,  which  was  to  meet  within  two 
Months,  (hould  further  confirm  all  publick 
Sales  and  Difpofitions  of  Lands  in  the  three 
Nations.  Thev  were  then  further  defircd  to 
R  2  fend 

244         ^^^  LI F E  of 

fend  an  Officer  from  their  fevcral  Regiments 
and  Garrifons,  that  might  give  the  Lord  Ge- 
neral Monk  an  Account  of  their  Compliance 
with  him  herein.     And,  that  they  might  ap- 
preliend  no  Defign  of  Alteration  upon  them, 
they  were  alfo  ftriftly  requir'd  to  look  after 
all  Perfons  dcfigning  Difturbances  in  Favour 
of  Charles  Stuart,   or  any  other  fingle  Per- 
fon,  or  intended  Authority,   and  to  give  an 
Account  of  them  to  the  Parliament  or  Coun- 
cil of  State.     This  Letter  was  dated  February 
21.  and  %n'd  by  the  General,  with  twelve 
of  his  Colonels,    five  Lieutenant  Colonels, 
eight  Majors,  and  fome  few  CaptJiins,   and 
prcfently  fo  many  Hands  were  employed  to 
tranfcribe  the  Letter,  that  the  fame  Night 
there  were  Copies  enough  fign'd,  and  fenta- 
way  to  every  Regiment  in  England,  and  to 
all  the  Commanders  in  &\K.i 'va  Scot  land  zkx'^ 

VIL  This  Night  the  General  IcklVhite- 
■  Hall,  and  fettled  his  Head  Qtiariers  at  St. 
.'James's,  which,  being  a  Place  fomewhatdi- 

ftant  from  the  City,  would  Icfs  expofe  him  to 
'Vifits,  nnd  Obfervations  upon  him,  and 
^whcrc  he  might  more  privately  make  ready 
cthoie  farther  fccret  Contrivances,  which  were 
:next  to  come  upon  the  Srdge.  Here  he  receiv'd 
:.an7\ccount,  what  Vote  theHoufo  had  pafs'd 

that  Day  5  having  firfl:  raz'd  and  cxpung'd  all 
-.  $ .    .  -^  thofe 

General  Monk.        245 

thofe  Orders  in  the  Journals,  which  had  been 
made  to  authorize  their   Exclufian.     Next* 
they  conftituted  his  Excellency  General  Monk, 
Commander  in  Chief  over  all  the  Forces  at 
Sea  and  Land,  in  England,   Scotland,    and 
Ireland.     But  in  the  Truft  of  the  Admiralty, 
they  admitted  General  Mount  ague  to  an  e- 
qual  Authority  with  him,  which  was  the  hrft 
falfe  Step  this  newly   re  entcr'd    Parliament 
made  with  their  Rcftorer,  having  aflur'd  him 
of  the  fupreme  and  entire  Command,  both 
in  their    Armies  and   Navy,    without  a  fe- 
cond  Perfon  to  ihare  with  him    in  cither. 
But  of  this  the  General  took  no  notice,  be- 
ing very  well  fatisficd  of  the  Worthincfs  and 
good  Intentions  of  his  Colle2;ue,  and  having 
now,  befides  the  Conduct  of  his  own  Forces, 
the  Care  alfo  of  thofe  two  other  Armies  in 
England  and  Ireland,  which  were  likely  to 
give  him  Trouble  enough. 

VIII.  The  Houfe  alfo  appointed  the  Re- 
leafe  of  all  thofe  Citizens,  who  had  been  conv 
mitted  by  Order  of  the  late  Council  of  State, 
and  difcharg'd  Sir  George  Booth  from  his 
Imprifonment  in  the  Tower,  with  all  thofe 
.other  Gentlemen  alfo  that  had  been  contin'd 
with  him  upon  the  fame  Account,  and  ordcr'd 
Major  General  Lambert  to  be  imprifon'd  in 
their  Room.  And  about  the  fame  Time  Dr. 
fVreny  Bifiiop  of  Ely,  who  was  Fellow  Pri- 
R  3  ^oi^cr 

146         The  LIFE    of 

foner  with  General  Manky  in  the  Tower,  was 
jreleas'd  alfo  at  the  General's  Mediation,  af- 
t(;r  his  almoft  twenty  Years  Confinement 
there.         -: .  w,.    . 

Jl,i,H\.^  \.kk 

IX.  The  Houfe  having  voted  down  the 
late  Council  of  State,  with  the  Oath  of  Ab- 
juration, they  appointed  a  new  one,  ( confift- 
ing  of  thirty  one  Perfons )  to  fucceed.  Mod 
whereof  for  their  Character,  and  good  Incli- 
nations towards  the  King's  Service,  were  ac- 
counted of  the  very  Choice  and  Flower  of  the 
Aflembly,  and  of  this  Council  the  General 
was  one. 

X.  The  Fame  of  reftoring  the  fecluded 
Members  was  quickly  fpread  all  over  the  Na- 
tion ;  and  they  who  were  already  enter'd,  dif- 
patch'd  the  fpeedy  Advice  thereof  to  their 
Acquaintance  that  were  abfent  in  the  Coun- 
tries, who  accordingly  haften'd  their  Return 
into  the  Houfe„  Among  the  reft  Mr.  WiU 
Ham  Morrice  of  ^evD.njhire  came  up  lo 
London^  who  being  aily'd  to  the  General, 
and  alfo  particularly  recommended  to  him 
for  his  great  Learning  and  Prudence,  by  his 
Brother  Mr.  Nicholas  Mo7ik,  was  retain'd  with 
him  as  a  domeftick  Friend  in  his  Quarters  at  St. 
yames'Sy  where  he  became  an  Inftrument  of 
feveral  extraordinary  Services,  which  will  fol- 
low hereafter  to  be  related^ 

•      ■     -  CHAR 

General  Monk.         247 
C  H  A  P.    XX. 


I.  Th  General's  great  Care  tofecure  ihe  O- 
bedience  of  the  Arm'jy  and  Garrifons,     II. 
The  Condition  ^Ireland.  III.  Colonel O- 
verton  mutinies  at  Hull,  but  fuhmits^  and 
the  Garrifon  is  given  to  Colonel  Fairfax. 
IV.  An  AB  for  raijing  one  hundred  thon- 
fand  Tounds  a  Month  for  the  Support  of 
the  Army  and  Navy,    V.  Another  AdJ 
for  fettling  the  Militia.     VI.  7he  Houfe 
offers  to  fettle  Hampton  Court  upon  the 
General  and  his  Heirs.    VII.  As  at fo  the 
Government.     VIII.   Both  which  he  re- 
je6fs.     IX.  The  Etigagement  vacated.  X, 
XI.  Some  Officers  propofe  a  Declaration 
againfi  Monarchy.     Xll.  TheT>efign  frur 
firated.  XIII.  Colonel  Okcy'j   Speech  far 
a  Commonivealthy  ivithout  any  Houfe  of 
Lords.     XIV.  Which   is  effc5lually  an- 
fweredby  Commiffary  Clargcs.     XV.  ThB 
General  forbids  any  more  Afjembltes  of  Of- 
ficers without  his  Leave. 

WHILST  the  Parliament  were  carncHly 
confulting  for  the  Settlement  of  the 
State,  General  Monk  begins  to  cxcrcife  the 
Authority  of  his  new  Com  mi  (11  on,  in  regu- 
Jating  the  Armies,  now  all  united  under  his 
(Con:)ilian4.  And  bccaufc  the  pijblifk  Safety 
R  f  wa* 

i48         The  LIFE  of    > 

was  fo  much  included  in  his  own,  he  was  pre- 
vail'd  upon  to  encreafe  and  fettle  his  Life- 
guards, and  gave  Colonel  Thilip  Howard  the 
Command  thereof.  And  being  inform'd  that 
Colonel  Rich  was  praftifing  fome  Difturban- 
ccs  with  his  Regiment  quartered  at  Burj/y  he 
fcnt  down  Colonel  Ingoldsby  to  fix  thofe 
Troops,  and  trave  him  the  Command  of  the 
Regiment.  ^Desiyorough's  Regiment,  which 
the  late  J  undo  had  given  away  to  Colonel 
Walton^  the  General  enrrufted  to  Colonel 
Charles  Howard,  now  Earl  of  Carlifle^  and 
made  him  Governor  of  that  Place.  And  to 
Major  General  Morgan  he  difparch'd  a  more 
authcntick  Commiffion  for  the  Government 
of  Scotland,  and  afterward  fcnt  him  more 
Forces,  for  the  further  Security  of  that  Na- 
tion. Neither  did  the  Garrifons  and  Caftles  in 
Wales  efcape  his  Thoughts.  He  extended  his 
Care  to  the  Security  of  the  more  remote  Wef- 
tetn  Counties  of  T^evon  and  Cornwall  and 
from  thence  back  again  to  the  fartheft  EaO,  in 
the  Settlement  of  Norfolk  and  Suffolk  5  all 
which,  though  not  done  together,  we  have 
yet  coRJcin'd,  for  the  greater  Clearnefs  and 
Eafe  of  the  Reader. 

-  II.  I N  the  interim  Ireland  gave  him  no 
Trouble  for  the  prefenr,  where  all  Things 
went  very  weil  through  the  Care  of  Sir 
Charles  Coot^  and  Sir  Theopkilus  J  ones ,  and 

i     '.  others. 

General  Monk.  249 

others.  Ludlow  was  abfent  in  England,  and 
Sir  Hardrefs  Waller  was  quickly  after  fc- 

III.  This  extraordinary  Providence  of  the 
General,  together  with  the  feafonable  and 
prudent  Letter,  which  he  had  difperled  be- 
fore to  the  icveral  Forces,  had  hitherto  kept 
them  in  ibme  good  Order,  till  Colonel  O- 
'venon  at  Hull  fell  into  his  Fits  of  Mutiny 
and  Diftraftion  5  who  being  a  zealous  Bigot 
of  the  fifth  Monarchy,  and  confident  of  the 
Strength  of  the  Place,  had  difperfed  feveral 
Copies  of  a  feditious  Letter  among  the  Offi- 
cers and  Regiments  in  the  North,  one  where- 
of was  fent  up  to  the  General  by  Colonel 
Fairfax  J  then  Governor  of  Tork.  General 
Monk\!zs  not  io  much  concern'd  about  the 
Danger  of  the  Man,  as  the  Quality  of  the 
Place  he  held,  and  therefore  acquainted  the 
Council  of  State  with  thcfe  Pra£lices  and  Let- 
ters, who,  together  with  the  General,  fent 
down  Colonel  Alured  and  Major  Smith  with 
their  Letters,  commanding  him,  upon  the  Re- 
ceipt thereof,  to  attend  them  forthwith  at  Lon- 
don, and  there  to  give  them  an  Account  of  his 
Fears  and  Jealoufics.  O'verton  found  him  (elf 
furpriz'd  much  fooncr  than  he  expcdcd ;  fo 
that  he  was  enforc'd  to  rubmir,.and  deliver  up 
the  Garrifon.  This'  was  a  Place  of  impreg- 
Jiable  Defence  and  Strength,  whither  if  Z/^?-^- 
i  bert 

2^0         The  LIFE  of 

hen  had  retreated  with  Part  of  his  Army,  af- 
ter his  Quarters  were  broke  up  at  Newcaftle, 
he  might  have  given  all  of  them  Trouble  e- 
nough,  before  they  could  have  been  able  to 
reduce  him.  The  General  was  therefore  re- 
folv'd  to  intruft  this  Garrifon  in  a  fure  Hand, 
and  committed  it  to  Colonel  Fairfax, 

IV.  Hitherto  he  had  fecured  the  Sub- 
miflion  of  the  Armies  by  an  extraordinary 
Prudence,  which  now  the  Parliament  took 
care  to  confirm,  by  a  Vote  of  their  Houfe  $ 
and  knowing  nothing  could  fo  much  oblige 
the  Obedience  of  Soldiers  as  the  Affurance  of 
their  Pay,  they  palfed  an  Ad  for  the  raifing 
of  one  hundred  thoufand  V oxxTi^s per  Menfent, 
upon  England  and  Wales,  which  was  to 
continue  for  fix  Months,  towards  the  Sup- 
port of  the  Army  and  Navy. 

V.  But  though  they  had  thus  provided  for 
their  Maintenance,  yet  they  were  refolv'd  al- 
fo  to  take  Care  for  their  own  Safety.  They 
forgot  not  that  the  Englijh  Army  had  been 
train'd  up  in  Saucinefs  and  Infolencej  that 
they  had  been  accuftom'd  to  fliew  Tricks  at 
Weftmmfter  in  difturbing,  or  diflblving  for- 
mer Parliaments ;  and  therefore,  to  prevent 
the  like  Violence  upon  them  again,  they  paf- 
iQ.(i  another  KQl  for  raifing  the  Militia  in  thp 
City  and  Nation,    which  was  fo  vigproufly 

5  carried 

General  Monk.        251 

carried  on  in  London^  that  they  had  prefcnt- 
ly  fettled  fix  good  Regiments  of  Foot,  and 
one  of  Horfe,  befides  the  auxiliary  Forces, 
being  in  all  twelve  thoufand  fighting  Men, 
The  like  Care  was  alfo  ufed  in  the  feveral 
Counties  for  the  fettling  the  Commands  of 
their  Train'd- bands  and  County  Troops. 

VI.  The  Entertainment  of  the  Soldiers 
being  thus  provided  for,  it  was  next  thought 
reafonable  to  pafs  fome  Vote  for  rewarding 
alfo  the  Service  of  their  General.    A  nd  to  that 
End  thofe  Commonwealth's  Men,  Members 
of  the  late  Jun6to,  that  ftill  kept  their  Places 
in  the  Houfe,    being  defirous  to  oblige  the 
General  to  their  Side,  or  that  nothing  might 
be  left  to  fupport  a  fingle  Pcrfon,  propound- 
ed to  fettle,  by  Aft  of  Parliament,  upon  him 
and  his  Heirs,  the  Manour  and  Honour  of 
Hampton  Court,   with  the  Parks  and  Lands 
belonging  to  it,  which  the  Villanics  of  thofc 
Times  had  not  yet  fwallowed  ;   having  been 
referv'd  from  their  Jaws  by  the  late  Ufurper 
Cromwell  for  his  own  Convenience.     And 
the'  the  fecluded  Members,  who  had  been  re- 
ftored  by  the  General,  could  not  decently  re- 
fufe  the  Propofal,   yet  himfclf  utterly  declin- 
ed the  firft   Motion  of  ir.     But  the   Houfe 
having  gone  fo  far  in  ir,  they  then  engaged 
to  gratify  him  with  the  Sum  of  twenty  thou- 
fand Founds. 

'  '  VII.  Though 

2ji        The  LIFE  of   ) 

VII.  Though  he  had  refus'd  the  Gift  of. 
the  Crown-Lands,  yet  fome  of  thofe  who  had 
been  concern'd  in  the  Murder  of  the  late 
King,  and  others  who  had  cut  themfelves 
large  Thongs  out  of  the  Royal  Demefns,  had 
the  Confidence  to  tamper  with  him  about  af- 
fuming  the  Government  in  his  own  Perfon. 
And,  among  the  reft.  Sir  Arthur  Hazlerig 
(to  preclude  the  Reftoration  of  the  King) 
offered  him  one  hundred  thoufand  Hands  th^t 
fhould  fubfcribe  to  his  Title. 

VIII.  It  may  feem  ftrange,  that  they  who 
every  where  difcovered  their  jealoufiesagainft 
him,  for  rcftoring  the  King,  fliould  now  think 
he  might  be  periuaded  to  fet  up  himfelf.  But 
imce  they  could  not  interrupt  his  Defign  by 
fuggefting  the  former,  they  had  fecretly  con- 
triv'd  his  Ruin  by  the  Offer  of  the  later.  Ayl 
they  who  thus  officioufly  complimepted^is 
Advancement,  would  have  been  the  firft  Re- 
bels againft  him.  But  the  General,  who  was 
immovable  in  his  fccret  Refolution  and  Al- 
legiance for  rcftoring  the  King,  abhorred  the 
Thoughts  of  this  Propofal,  and  gave  them  fo 
clofe  and  pofitive  an  Anfvver,  as  he  was  rq- 
folv'd  (hould  put  an  End  to  all  further  Ad- 
d relies  of  that  Nature. 

IX.  The  Houfe  was  all  this  while  bufy  ip 


General  Monk.        ijj 

fettling  the  Affairs  of  the  Nation  for  the  Con- 
venience of  the  fucceeding  Parliament,  and, 
among  other  things,  about  the  1 3'^of  March  March 
they  vacated  the  Oath  called  the  Engagement ^ 
which  about  ten  Years  before,  was  impofcd 
upon  the  People,  and  to  be  taken  by  all  Mem- 
bers of  Parliament  before  their  Admillion  to 
fit  in  the  Houfe.     But  the  folemn  League  and 
Covenant  ( the  Engine  or  Sacrament  of  fo 
many  Mifchiefs)  ftill  hung  upon  the  Wall  of 
their  Houfe,  as  the  Palladium  of  the  Place, 
where  moft  of  them  prefent  might  read  their 
own  Names  fubfcribed  to  it,  till  a  fucceeding 
Parliament  two  Years  after,  went  backward, 
and  covered  the  Shame  of  their  Predeccflbrs, 
by  a  Vote  of  their  Houfe,  commanding  it  to 
be  taken  down,  and  diffolved  the  Charm  it 
had  put  upon  the  Nation,  by  burning  the 

X.  Though  the  Proceedings  of  the  Par- 
liament and  the  General  were  managed  with 
a  very  extraordinary  Caution,  yet  the  unquiet 
Officers  of  the  Army  began  to  be  jealous  and 
apprehcnfive  of  their  own  Danger.  They  were 
highly  alarmed  with  two  late  Votes  of  the 
Houfe.  The  Ad  for  fettlingtheMilitia  through- 
out the  Nation,  they  elkcm'd  a  Defign  to  ba- 
lance or  mafter  the  Power  of  the  {landing 
Army ;  and  their  late  Order  for  diiVolving 
the  Engagement,    whi:h  hitherto  had  been 



254         ^^  LIFE  of 

the  Bafis  of  the  Conftitution  of  the  Common- 
wealth, feem'd  to  them  as  a  preparatory  Con- 
trivance for  changing  the  Government,  Nor 
were  they  better  contented  with  the  late  Me- 
thods of  the  General,  in  declining  fo  fair  an 
Offer  of  the  Crown-Lands,  and  afterwards  of 
the  Government  it  felf.  Their  own  Ambi- 
tion and  Avarice  would  have  skip'd  at  a  much 
lower  Bait  5  which  led  them  into  a  deeper  Suf- 
picion  of  the  General's  Refufal,  as  a  Contri- 
vance of  going  to  a  better  Market,  by  reftor- 
ing  the  Monarchy  j  which  would  certainly 
put  an  End  to  their  in folent  Dominion  over 
Parliaments  and  People,  and  expofe  their 
Necks  to  anfwer  for  their  Guilt  and  Villanies, 
in  murdering  the  King,  and  changing  the  Go- 
vernment.        ^  .     •  aj     ;. 

XI.  Such  Apprchcnfions  as  thefe  had  To 
far  poflefled  thefe  d  11  contented  Officers,  that 
they  had  appointed  a  Meeting  thereupon  ,• 
where  it  was  unanimoufly  refolv'd  to  draw 
up  a  Declaration,  which  fliould  be  firft  fign'd 
by  the  General  and  themfelves,  and  thcnof- 
fer'd  to  the  Parliament.  The  chief  Point 
whereof  was,  to  declare  againft  Monarchy, 
and  the  Dominion  of  any  fingle  Pcrfon  under 
whatfoevcr  Title  or  Pretence,  but  that  the 
Government  of  thcfc  Nations  fliould  continue 
and  remain  as  a  Commonwealth  and  Free- 
State  5  and  that  the  prclcnt  Houfe  fliould  pafs 


General  Monk.        lyy 

an  AA  to  cftablifh  this  fundamental  and  un- 
alterable Conilitution,  in  fuch  manner  as  no 
fucceeding  Parliament  ftiould  prefumc  to 
change  or  alter  it,  othcrwifc  they  would  not 
hold  themfelves  oblig'd  to  proted  their  Au- 
thority. Some  of  them  prcfently  attended 
the  General  with  this  Paper,  defiring  his 
Confent  and  Allowance.  Upon  the  Perufal 
whereof,  it  is  hard  to  fay  whether  he  was 
more  difpleas'd  or  furpriz'd.  But  refolving  to 
conceal  his  own  Diflike  till  he  could  fruftratc 
the  Effect  of  it,  he  only  told  them,  that  to 
Morrow  there  would  be  a  general  Council  of 
Officers  at  the  Head- Quarters,  where  he  de- 
fired  their  Paper  (hould  be  further  examined 
and  confidered. 

XII.  This  Declaration  of  the  feditious 
Commanders  was  fo  diredly  levelled  againft 
all  the  General's  next  Contrivances,  as  great- 
ly concerned  him.  So  that  he  prefcntly  ad- 
vis'd  with  his  ufual  Confidents,  how  to  pre- 
vent the  Progrefs  of  this  Defign ;  and  there- 
upon commanded  all  his  own  Officers  that  he 
could  befl:  truft,  to  be  prefent,  and  over- rule 
it.  He  had  before  made  Mr.  Morrice  a  Mem- 
ber of  the  Army,  by  giving  him  the  Govern- 
ment of  Tlimouth,  dcfigning  thereby  to  em- 
ploy his  Prudence  and  Temper  in  moderating 
thefe  Aflemblies.  But  being  a  Gentleman  that 
had  fpcnt  his  Time  in  the  Silence  of  his  Books 


t^6      rhe  L  IFE  of 

and  Studies,  it  rcndcr'd  him  uneafy  in  the 
Company  of  fuch  rude  and  clamorous  Con- 
ventions. Commiflary  Clarges  was  alfo  di- 
refted  to  be  prefent,  who,  by  his  long  Em- 
ployment, had  fo  pradis'd  the  Converfation, 
that  he  was  not  eafy  to  be  run  down  or  im- 
pos'd  upon  by  thofe  violent  Huckfters.  So 
that  amongft  thofe  many  extraordinary  Ser- 
vices which  the  Commiflfary  had  perform'd  in 
all  this  Deiign,  the  Management  ot  this  Day's 
Conference  was  very  confiderable,  wherein  he 
proceeded  with  that  Reach  and  Dexterity,  as 
filcnced  the  Jealoufics  of  thofe  People,  and 
baffled  the  Contrivance. 

March  ij.  XIII.  The  next  Moming,  being  March 
15.  a  confidcrablc  Party  of  the  Officers  were 
ready  at  St.  James's;  and  Colonel  Okey, 
( who  could  better  ufe  his  Sword  than  his 
Tongue,  in  Defence  of  their  Common- 
wealth )  b'egan  a  long  and  querulous  Story 
of  their  Fears  and  Jealoufies :  That  their  good 
old  Caufe  was  like  to  be  It  ft  in  the  Lurch  5 
"  a72d  jiich  l^efigns  were  now  on  Foot  for 
changing  the  Goz'ernmenty  as  muft  fiecejfari- 
ly  determine  in  reflorivg  the  King.  Bitty 
to  obviate  thefe  growing  Evils,  there  was  no 
other  IVay^  but  to  oblige  the  prefent  JunBo 
to  declare  inflantly  for  the  unalterable  Con- 
tinuance of  a  Free- State  J  without  any  Houfe 
of  Lords  ;   or^   upon  their  Refufaly  to  take 


General  Monk.  257 

fome  other  Methods  for  the  Safety  of  the 
Common-jjealth  :  So  great  a  Statefmau  was 
this  Chandler  of  BiUingfgate  grown. 

XIV.   To  all  which  Commiilary  Clarges 
anfwer'd  in  a  clofc  and  well-wrought  Rcpiy  ; 
That  their  prefent  Jealoufies  and  Apprehen- 
fions  isjere  only  imaginary  5  that  they  had  taken 
their  Meafures  wrongs  if  they  thought  to  make 
any  Advantage  oj  this  Parliament ,  by  ruffling 
with  them  J  who  had  formerly  boldly  withftood 
themy  when  they  had  lefs  Tower  than  now, 
when  the  Nation  is  more  on  their  Side^  and 
wholly  refolv'd againjt  the  Government  of  an 
Army :    That  the  General  had  oblig'd  him- 
felfto  give  the  Houfe  noTDiftiirbance  in  their 
Councils  during  their  Sefjion;  and  that  if  he 
Jhould  break  this  promife  with  them,  they 
had  yet  Tower  in   their    Hands   to   deal 
with  him,  and  fuch  other  Officers,    as  they 
pleased,  by  voting  away  their  Commijfwns : 
That  by  fuch  an  Addrefs  the  Houfe  would 
be  fo  incenfed,    as  prefently  to  pafs  a  Vote 
for  their  own  T)iJfolution,    without  taking 
care  of  ijfaing  out  IVrits  for  the  ficceedtng 
Parliament.      All  which    would  prefently 
bring  them  into  fuch  a  Labyrinth  of  T)ifor^ 
der  and  Confufon,  as  they  would  not  eafily 
know  where  to  turn  them  i  unlefs  they  would 
meanly  fubmit  themfelves  again  to  Richard 
Cromwell,  whom  they  had  fu greatly  provok- 
S  '  ed. 

258        Tie  LIFE   of 

ed ;  foTy  as  for  his  Excellency  here  prefenU 
they  knew  his  Mind  already j  fo  that  ( let 
them  take  what  Coiirfe  they  pie  as' d)  he  was 
refolved  not  to  be  concern  d  in  7neddling  with 
the  Government. 

XV.  The  General,  according  to  the  ufual 
manner,  kept  his  own  Part  for  the  laft  Scene ; 
and,  having  gravely  put  them  in  mind  of  the 
Jnconveniencies     which    they    had    before 
brought  upon  themfelves  by  difturbing  former 
Parliaments,  he  told  i\\cm  the  prefent  Houfe 
was  fo  near  its  Conclufion,  that  no  evil  Con- 
feqtients   could  be  feared  from  them.     And 
the  fucceeding  Parliaments  would  be  called 
under  fuch  §ltiaUfications  as  mufi  neceffarily 
fecure  the  Government.     In  the  interim^   he 
advifed  them  to  remember  their  T^utyy  and 
how  contrary  it  was  to  the  good  T>ifcipline 
of  an  Anny,  to  intermeddle  in  the  Civil  Go- 
'vernment  5  and  then  ftritily  commanded  them 
all  to  hold  no  more  ofthefe  Affemblies  with- 
out his  T)ire£fion.     But,  during  this  Confe- 
rence, he  took  fo  particular  Notice  of  fuch 
Officers   as  were  moft  forward  and  turbu- 
lent, that  he  was  refolv'd  to  worm  them  out 
of  their  Commifllons  by  the  firft  Opportu- 

'  l'         '  CHAP. 

General  Monk.  250 

CHAP.  xxr. 

I.  The  Tresbyterians  encvnrngcd  by  the  Ge- 
neral,  for  having  good  Inclinations  to- 
ijuards  the  King.  11.  A  remarkable  In- 
ftance  of  his  Favour  to  that  Tarty.  III. 
A  IDeJign  in  the  ""Parliament  to  rejtore  the 
King  ;  iz'hich  obliges  the  General  to  hajlen 
their  T>iJfolHtion.  IV.  T'H'o  remarkable 
Votes.  V.  The  Parliament  diffohed.  VI. 
The  Council  of  State  continued :  They  pub- 
lip  a  Proclamation  :  The  Army  fign  an 
Engagement  of  Obedience  to  their  Gene- 
ral. VII.  The  Royal  Party  quietly  'vjait 
the  Event  of  thefe  extraordinary  Pro-* 
ceedings.  VIII.  Only  Sir  John  Greenvil 
now  refolves  to  execute  his  former  Com- 
miffionfrom  the  King  to  the  General, 

THE  fhort  Sellion  of  the  fecludcd  Mem- 
bers had  already  made  a  very  confide- 
rable  Alteration  in  the  late  governing  Inte- 
refts  j  fo  that  now  the  Presbyterian  Party  be- 
gan to  come  aloft.  The  General  was  not  now 
to  be  taught  the  Temper  and  Principles  of  the 
Presbyterians,  having  fecn  enough  of  their 
Way  in  thofe  Petulances  between  the  Rcfo- 
lutioner  and  Remonftrator  in  Scotla?tdj  dur- 
ing his  long  Command  among  them,  and 
therefore  had  taken  a  juft  Length  how  far  to 
:  1  S  2  intiuft 

i6o        The  LIFE   »/  "* 

intruft  or  employ  them.  He  very  well  knew 
their  Power  and  Intereft  in  the  City  of  Lon- 
doTiy  and  that  there  were  alfo  very  many  Per- 
fons  among  them,  who,  out  of  Hatred  to  the 
late  Tyrannies,  and  AfFedionto  the  King,  did 
very  paffionately  dcfire  his  Reftauration,  as 
the  beft:  Remedy  for  faving  their  Country, 
and  therefore  were  very  Hkely  to  co-operate 
with  him  towards  his  own  Ends.  And  ob- 
ferving  how  abfoltitcly  this  People  were  go- 
vern'd  by  their  Clergy,  he  had  receiv'd  feve- 
ral  Vifits  from  the  chief  of  them,  and  fre- 
quently heard  fome  of  them  preach,  efpecial- 
ly  Mr.  Calamy,  the  Superintendent  of  their 
Party ;  with  whom  he  fo  far  comply'd,  as  to 
'entertain  only  fuch  Chaplains  to  preach  be- 
fore him  every  Sunday  in  the  Chapel  at  St. 
James's,  as  Mr.  Calamy  fhould  pleafe  to  fend 
him,  who  was  hourly  contriving  to  poiTefs 
the  Ears  of  the  General  with  the  continual 
y\ir  and  Breath  of  Presbyterianifm,and  to  plant 
it  in  his  Family,  to  the  further  Advantage  and 
Reputation  of  the  Party. 

II.  But  his  domeftick  Chaplain  Dr.  ^ricCy 
who  knew  nothing  of  this  Intrigue,  being 
defirous  to  introduce  fome  of  the  principal 
Clergy  of  the  Church  of  England  to  the  Fa- 
vour and  Eftimation  of  the  General,  had, 
o'i\z  Sunday,  defired  Dr.  Tearfon  (theprefent 
Lord  Bifliop  of  Chejhr)  to  preacli  before 
- '■  -  him. 

General  Monk.         i6i 

him,  who  was  accordingly  there  prcfcnt.  In 
the  interim  arrived  two  Minifters  lent  from 
the  Head  of  their  Order,  to  perform  the  Ser- 
vice 5  but  in  the  bad  Way  by  the  Park  Wall, 
their  Coach  happen'd  to  make  fo  unlucky  a 
Trip,  that  all  came  together  into  the  Dirt,  I'o 
that  neither  of  them  were  in  any  Condition 
for  a  Pulpit,  till  Dr.  Trice  had  fet  them  to 
rights  again  in  his  Chamber,  intreating  one 
of  them  to  preach  that  ^//T/^.'z;',  and  the  other 
on  the  next.  The  General  being  inform'd  what 
Perfons  were  there  ready  to  preach,  would 
by  no  Means  accept  Dr.  Tear  fan,  though  he 
very  well  underftood  the  Value  of  the  Man, 
and  was  perfuaded  to  it  by  his  domcftick 
Confident  Mr.  Morrice,  but  accepted  of  the 
Presbyterian  Preachers.  So  careful  he  was, 
even  in  this  little  Inflancc,  not  to  difoblige 
the  Parry,  till  he  had  fully  done  his  Bufinefs 
with  them. 

III.  The  General  having  thus  palliated 
the  Difcontents  of  his  Officers,  expeded  no 
further  Rubs  in  the  Current  of  his  Affairs, 
when  prefently  he  found  himfelf  incumbrcd 
with  a  new  Trouble  from  the  Parliament  it 
felf,  where  feveral  of  the  Members,  being  un- 
willing to  hear  of  a  Diffolution  at  the  Time 
prefix'd  them,  began  to  contrive  Delays  for 
the  Continuance  of  their  Seflion ;  and  fore- 
feeing  the  necelTary  Reftoration  of  the  King, 
S  3  were 

r6%       The   LIFE   of- 

were  delirous  to  mend  their  own  Markets,  in 
voting  home  the  Son,  who  had  firtt  voted  a- 
way  his  Father  in  the  Beginning  of  the  War. 
The  General  was  acquainted  with  their  daily 
Proceedings  by  the  nightly  Accounts  of  Mr. 
Monice,  whom  he  had  particularly  inftrud- 
ed,  by  all  poflible  Arts  of  Diverfion,  to  ftave 
off  this  prcfent  Seflion  from  meddling  with 
any  Alteration  of  Government.  For  the  Ge- 
neral had  at  fii-n:  rcflored  them,  rather  to  pre- 
vent the  Mifchicf  of  the  other  Parties,  than 
for  any  great  Good  they  could  have  done  by 
themfelves,  having  placed  his  main  Hopes 
upon  the  Effcds  of  the  Parliament  which 
fhould  fucceed  them.  But  finding  them  as 
willing  to  hear  of  their  Death,  as  their  Dif- 
folution,  he  was  cnforc'd  to  take  the  Boldnefs 
of  putting  them  in  mind  of  it,  by  quickening 
their  Pace. 

IV.  But  now  the  Day  for  concluding  their 
Sclljon  being  near  nt  Hand,  the  Houlc  began 
to  make  ready  for  it,  having  firfl:  ifllicd  out 
Writs  for  chuilng  the  fuccecding  Parliament 
againft  y^/>ri/ 2 5 .  which,  by  their  Agreement 
with  the  General,  fhould  have  been  conven'd 
five  Days  fooncr.  And,  that  they  might 
have  an  Army  at  hand,  to  juftify  all  they  had 
done  in  the  late  War,  and  a  fuccceding  Par- 
liament of  their  own  fanguine  Complexion, 
they  concluded  their  Scilion  with  two  fucb 
c  <^  Votes 

General  Monk.  i6^ 

Votes  as  gave  Entertainment  and  Difcourfe 
to  the  Nation  j  one  whereof  was,  that  no 
Commiilion  fliouW  be  granted  to  any  Officer 
in  the  Army  that  did  not  firft  acknowledge 
and  declare,  that  the  late  \Var,  railed  by  the 
two  Houfes  of  Parliament  in  their  own  De- 
fence againft  the  late  King,  was  jufl:  and  law- 
ful. The  fecond  was,  that  whatever  Pcrfon 
had  advifed,  abetted,  or  afllfted  in  any  War 
againft  the  Parliament,  fince  the  lirft  of  Ja- 
nuary 1 64 1,  neither  they,  nor  their  Sons, 
ihould  be  capable  of  being  eledled  into  the 
next  Parliament,  unlcfs  they  had  before  given 
fome  Tcftimony  of  their  good  AfFedtion  to 
the  prefent  Parliament. 

V.  And  thus  having  refolved  to  make  their 
End  agreeable  to  their  Beginning,  on  the  long 
dcfir'd  17*'^  of  March  this  unhappy  and  fatal 
Parliament,  having  been  twice  excluded,  and 
twice  difmembcr'd,  was  at  laft  diflblv'd  by 
their  own  Act,  after  they  had  continued  thro' 
various  Interruptions,  for  almoft  twenty  Years, 
in  the  Pradice  of  fuch  publick  Milchief  and 
Confufions,  as  will  ever  be  remember 'd  with 

VI.  But  though  the  Parliament  was  at  an 
End,  yet  the  Council  of  State  (  moft  whereof 
were  of  the  foundeft  and  molt  generous  Part 
of  the  Houfe )    continued  ftill  their  Seflion, 

S  4  bt*i"S 

i64      The  LIFE  of 

being  appointed  by  the  Parliament  to  put  in 
Execution,  after  their  Recefs,  the  Ati  they 
had  paft  for  the  Eledion  of  Members  to  ferve 
in  the  next  Parliament.  They  were  alfo  in- 
ftruded  to  fettle  more  efFedually  the  MiUtia 
of  the  Nation,  and  to  aflift  the  General  in  fe- 
curing  the  Temper  and  Obedience  of  the  Ar- 
my. To  this  End  they  put  out  a  Proclama- 
tion, for  the  apprehending  all  Perfons  that 
fhould  endeavour  to  make  Parties,  or  raife 
Jealoufies,  among  the  Soldiers,  or  withdraw 
them  from  their  Duty,  to  the  Difturbance  of 
the  publick  Peace.  And  whoever  (hould  dif- 
cover  or  apprehend  any  fuch  Offenders,  fhould 
have  the  Reward  of  ten  Pounds  for  their 
Pains.  But  bccaufc  no  Means  was  thought 
effedual  enough  to  bind  and  fccure  the  Obe- 
dience of  an  Army  that  had  been  fo  long  ac- 
cuftomed  to  Mifrule  and  Violence,  it  was 
contrived  by  the  General,  and  fome  of  his 
more  fecrct  Council,  that  all  Officers  in  the 
feveral  Armies  fliould  prcfently  fign  an  En- 
gagement, declaring  their  entire  Submiflion 
to  all  the  Commands  of  his  Excellency  the 
Lord  General,  and  to  the  Orders  of  the  pre- 
fcnt  Council  of  State,  and  that  they  would 
yield  all  Obedience  to  the  Refolutions  and 
Councils  of  the  fucceeding  Parliament.  This 
Engagement  was  readily  fubfcrib'd  by  all  the 
Officers  of  General  Monk's  Army,  and  by 
moiX  alfo  of  the  others  j  and  they  v/ho  refused 
•       •  .    ..  were 

General  Monk.        i6j 

were  prefently  remov'd  from  their  Com- 
mands, which  gave  the  General  the  fair  Op- 
portunity which  he  had  lb  long  dcfir'd,  for 
introducing  feveral  Perfons  of  Honour  and 
QuaHty  into  Commands  in  the  Army,  in  the 
Place  of  thofc  he  could  no  longer  truft. 

VII.  Hitherto  all  things  had  been  ma- 
nag'd  by  the  Power  and  Influence  of  the  Par- 
liamentary Party,  whilft  the  Royal  Intcreft 
(that  were  to  reap  the  fole  Advantage  of  the 
fucceeding  Change  )  having  entertain'd  fome 
feeret  Hopes  or  Confidence  in  General  Monk's 
Proceeding's,  contented  themfelves  to  fit  dill, 
without  raifing  any  farther  Jcaloufies  upon 
themfelves  or  him,  by  making  further  Ap- 
plications to  him. 

VIII.  0^i.Y^\iJohnGreenviU  (his  near i6(5o. 
Kinfman )  who  had,  the  laft  Year,  been 
pradifing  upon  the  General's  Allegiance  in 
Scotland^  by  fending  his  Brother  Monk  thi- 
ther, of  which  we  have  given  the  Account 
before,  was  refolv'd  to  make  fome  further  At- 
tempt upon  him,  efpecially  now,  obferving 
him  to  be  in  a  much  better  Capacity  of  an- 
fwering  his  Ends,  than  when  he  had  firft 
dealt  with  him  in  Scotland, 


i66        The  LIFE  of 


I,  II.  4$/>John,  bytheMeansofMr.yioxnct, 
though  with  much  'Difficulty y  gets  a  Tro- 
mife  of  a  private  Conference  with  the  Ge- 
neraly  who  knew  Sir  JohnV  Biijinejs.  III. 
Sir  John  is  introduced  to  the  General,  to 
whom  he  opens  his  Meffiage  and  Creden- 
tials. IV.  The  General's  feeming  Siir- 
prife,  and  Sir  JohnV  great  ^Frejence  of 
Mind  and  Refolutian.  V.  The  General 
receives  him  and  his  Mejfage  with  great 
Kindnefs.  VI.  The  Author's  Objerva- 
tion  upon  it.  VII.  The  General  declares 
himfelf  to  Sir  John,  in  the  Frefence  of 
Mr.  Morrice.  VIII.  Sir  John  offers  the 
General,  from  the  King,  a  great  Reward, 
which  he  refufes.  IX.  His  Caution  in 
not  writing  yet  to  the  King.  X.  His 
InflruBions  to  Sir  John,  upon  his  Return 
to  the  King.  XI.  Sir  John  arrives  at 
Bruflels,  and  gives  the  Account  of  his 
fuccefsful  Meffiage  to  the  General.  XII, 
XIII.  His  Majejiys  great  Hopes,  and 
Removal  to  Breda. 

I.  ^TH'O  this  purpofe  he  made  frequent  Vi- 
j[      fits  to  the  General  ?,t  St.  James's,  but 
in  the  Croud  of  fo  many  Suitors  and  Atten- 
dants, he  could  never  yet  meet  with  a  vacant 


General  Monk.        167 

Opportunity  of  Conference  with  him  5  tho* 
he  had  icveral  Times  ftaid  late,  hoping  the 
Retirements  of  others,  would  have  given  hioi 
an  Advantage  to  furprize  him  alone.  The 
General  very  well  knew  his  Bufinefs,  and  the 
Reafon  of  his  fo  frequent  and  late  Vifirs: 
But  becaufe  he  thought  his  own  Station  not 
yet  fecure  enough  to  receive  his  Meflage ;  he 
was  refolv'd  ftill  to  prevent  any  Addrefs  to 
him  ;  either  fometimes  calling  his  Secretaries, 
and  refuming  Bufinefs,  or  elfe  rifing  from  his 
Chair  with  a  Good  Night,  Coujin,  'tis  late, 
and  fo  retiring  to  his  Bed-chamber.  But  after 
fo  many  Fruftrations,  Sir  John  Greenvil,  being 
impatient  till  he  had  performed  his  Majefty's 
Commands,  was  refolv'd,  fincc  he  could  not 
make  his  Way  to  the  General  by  himfelf,  he 
would  attempt  it  by  the  Mediation  of  ano- 
ther. And  to  that  purpofe  finds  out  Mr. 
Morrice,  to  whom  he  was  very  well  known, 
both  as  being  ally'd  to  him,  and  alfo  a  Truf- 
tee  for  his  Eftate,  by  theDifpofition  of  his  Fa- 
ther, Sir  BevilGreenvih  Will.  Him  he  en- 
gag'd  to  take  the  firft  Opportunity  of  inform- 
ing the  General,  that  he  had  Bufinefs  of  great 
and  fecrct  Importance  to  acquaint  him  with, 
intreating  his  Excellency  to  allow  him  the 
Favour  of  a  private  Conference.  It  was  not 
long  before  Mr.  Morrice  '^o  md  an  Occafioa 
to  communicate  all  this  Diicourfeto  the  Ge- 
neral, who  rcply'd :  That  his  Coufin  Green- 

2(58         The  LIFE  of 

n)il  was  fo  well  known  in  the  Town,  and  fo 
noted  a  Royalift,  that  he  could  not,  with  Se- 
curity or  Concealment,  admit  him  to  a  private 
Interview  in  the  Head-Quarters,  but  that,  in 
a  Time  of  fo  much  jealous  Obiervacion,  fome 
ill  Apprehenfions  would  be  railed  from  it.  He 
therefore  defired  Mr.  Morrice  to  go  to  Sir 
John  Greeuvil  in  his  Name,  with  Aflurance, 
that  he  had  given  him  full  Truft  to  hear  his 
fecret  Bufinefs,  and  that  by  him  he  (hould  alfo 
receive  the  General's  Anlwer.  Mr.  Monice 
prefently  acquainted  Sir  yohn  Greenvil^  at 
his  own  Houfe  in  Covent-Garden,  with  this 
Diredion  from  the  General ;  who  utterly  re- 
fus'd  to  communicate  his  Bufinefs  to  any  o- 
ther  Perfon  except  his  Excellency  himfelf. 
But  the  General  was  fo  little  fatisfy'd  with 
this  Anfwer,  that  he  afterwards  fent  Mr, 
Morrice  back  again,  more  earneftly  defiring 
him  that  he  would  truft  him  with  the  Convey- 
ance of  this  fecret  Affair.  But  Sir  John  was 
ftill  refolv'd  to  treat  only  with  the  General, 
and  though  he  had  fecurely  intrufted  Mr. 
Morrice  with  his  Eftate,  yet  he  could  truft 
no  Man  but  himfelf  in  this  Bufinefs  5  afturing 
him,  that  this  Affair  related  only  to  the  Ge- 
neral himfelf,  whom  it  fo  nearly  concern'd, 
that  if  his  Excellency  would  not  grant  him 
the  Favour  of  a  private  Accefs,  he  muft  be 
forced  to  acquaint  him  with  it  where-ever  he 
next  met  him.    Upon  the  Return  of  this  An- 


General  Monk.        2(Jp 

fwer,  the  General  was  exceedingly  pleas'd 
with  the  Refolution  and  Warinefs  of  his  Kinf- 
nian.  For  now  he  found  he  was  to  deal  with 
a  Man  of  Secrecy,  which  was  all  he  aim'd  at. 
And  therefore  the  next  Day  Mr.  Morrice  was 
fent  back  to  let  him  know,  that  the  fame 
Evening  he  would  give  him  a  Meeting  in  Mr. 
Morrice  %  Chamber  at  St.  James's, 

II.  It  cannot  be  imagin'd,  but  the  General 
very  well  knew  Sir  John  Greenvi I  could  have 
no  other  Bufincfs  with  him  of  fo  much  Se- 
crecy, but  what  he  had  before  begun  in  Scot- 
land,  the  King's  Rcftauration ;  nor  can  it  be 
thought  his  Excellency  would  To  much  con- 
cern himfelf  (in  fending  fomany  MefTages) 
to  be  told  that  which  he  had  no  Mind  to 

III.  Sir  John  Greenvil  was  very  careful 
to  attend  the  Minutes  of  this  Appointment, 
and  accordingly  came  in  the  Evening  to  the 
Chamber,  where  he  found  Mr.  Morrice ;  and 
prefently  after  the  General,  by  a  back  Stairs, 
entered  the  Room  at  another  Door.  So  foon 
as  they  had  faluted  each  other,  Mr.  MorricCy 
knowing  it  to  be  an  Interview  of  Secrecy, 
withdrew  to  the  Door,  refolving  to  fecure  the 
Room  from  any  other  Interruption  upon 
them.  Whereupon  Sh  JohnGreenvil  btpin. 
to  compUment  the  General  for  the  Favour  he 


^yo  The   LIFE   of 

had  done  him,  in  giving  him  this  Opportuni- 
ty to  difcharge  a  Truft,  which  had  long  re- 
mained in  his  Hands,  and  was  of  To  great 
Concernment  both  to  his  Excellency,  and  al- 
fo  to  the  whole  Nation  :  That  hitherto  he 
had  been  unhappily  prevented  in  his  Endea- 
vours from  obeying  the  Commands  of  the 
King  his  Matter ;  and  thereupon  prefented 
the  General  with  his  Majefty's  Letter,  and 
alfo  produced  his  own  Commillion  from  the 
King,  by  which  he  was  enabled  to  treat  with 
him  in  this  Bufinefs. 

IV.  The  General  having  receiv'd  the  Let- 
ter and  Papers  into  his  Hands,  ftepp'd  back  in 
a  kind  of  Surprizal,  and  then  with  fome  E- 
motion  ask'd  him.  How  he  dtirft  adventure 
to  treat  with  htm  in  a  Matter  of  this  Na- 
turey  without  confidering  the  "Danger  of  the 
Attempt  ?  To  which  Sir  John  reply'd,  That 
he  had  fo  long  been  accuftomed  to  daily  Ha- 
zards of  this  Kind  in  purfuing  the  Com- 
mands of  the  King  his  Mafter,  that  they 
were  grown  familiar  to  him :  Bttt  now  he 
was  the  more  encouraged,  by  obferving  the 
Methods  which  his  Excellency  had  taken, 
and  from  whence  his  Majejly  had  alfo  enter- 
tained fome  particular  Confidence  of  his  good 
Affe^ion  and  Inclination  towards  his  Ser- 

V.  The 

General  Monk.        271 

V.  The  General  could  not  longer  conceal 
himfelf,  but  with  fome  Pafllon  ( like  that  of 
Jofeph  to  his  Brethren)  he  embraced  his  Cou- 
iin  Green-vily  giving  him  Thanks  that  he  had 
with  fo  much  Prudence  and  Secrecy  convey'd 
his  Majefly's  Letter  to  him  j  which  he  did 
more  gladly  receive  from  his  Hands,  being 
his  neareft  Kinfman,  and  a  Defcendant  of 
the  Family  to  which  he  owed  fo  many  Obli- 
gations. That  he  was  very  well  pleas'd  in 
obferving  his  Refolution,  not  to  reveal  this 
Secret  to  any  Man  after  his  Brother ;  other- 
wife  he  fhould  not  have  thought  him  a  Pcr- 
fon  fit  to  be  talked  with  in  Bufincfs  of  io 
great  Concernment. 

VI.  And  here  let  it  be  noted  with  a  Point 
of  a  Diamond,  that  the  fame  General  Monky 
who  was  naturally  fo  wary  and  confiderate, 
that  he  would  find  Ways  to  deliberate  upon 
the  lead  fudden  Propofal  made  to  him,  yet 
entertain'd  prefently  this  great  Affair  the  firft 
Minute  it  was  offer'd  him.  So  congenial  and 
agreeable  was  the  Addrefs  of  Sir  John  Green- 
vil  to  his  own  fecret  Inclinations.  And  they 
who  have  rcnder'd  this  great  and  illuftrious 
Perfon  a  kind  of  Property  led  on  by  the 
Condud  of  others,  may  here  meet  with  their 
own  Convidion.  For  though  no  Man  knew 
better  than  himfelf,  how  to  make  ufc  of  thofe 


%y%  The   LIFE   of 

about  him  ;  yet  in  this  great  Concernment, 
which  was  the  moft  nice  and  tendered  Part 
of  all  his  Bufinefs,  he  advis'd  with  none  of 
them  all,  nor  made  them  privy  to  it. 

VII.  The  General  then  read  his  Majefty's 
Letters,. and  look'd  over  S\^  John  Greenvil's 
Commiflion,  and  thereupon  further  reply'd. 
That  he  was  much  oblig'd  to  his  Majeftyfor 
this  good  Opinion  he  was  pleas' d  to  entertain 
of  him,  and  for  the  Ajjurance  his  Majefty 
had  given  him  ( by  his  Letter )  of  his  gra- 
cious Pardon.     That  indeed  he  had  been  caft 
into  the  Society  oj  his  Majefty  s  Enemies, 
but  his  Heart  was  always  faithful  to  him, 
and  he  had  ft  ill  kept  an  Eye  upon  his  Ser- 
'vice,  whenfoever  he  ftoould  be  in  a  Condition 
to  attempt  it ;  unto  which  he  had  now,  in 
fome  good  Meafure,  arrived,  through  mani- 
foWTiifficulties  and  T)ifappointments  -,  being 
refolded  to  endeavour  his  Majefty  s  Reftaii- 
ration  with  the  Hazard  of  his  own  Life 
and  Fortunes.   And,  that  there  might  be  fur- 
ther Witneffes  of  thefe  Refolutions,  he  would 
call  that  honeft  Man  from  the  Door.     Mr. 
Morrice  was  accordingly  call'd  to  the  reft  of 
their  Confereace,  and  aflifted  therein. 

VIII.  Sir  John  Greeyivil  acquainted  the 
General,  that  he  had  Authority  from  his  Ma- 
jefty to  aflurc  him  of  an  hundred  thoufand 
\  .   Pounds 

General  Monk.         273 

'Pounds  per  Ann.  to  be  annually  paid  to  him 
and  his  Officers  for  ever,  with  what  Title  of 
Honour  he  fliould  chule  for  himfclf,  together 
with  the  Offer  of  Lord  High-ConQable  of 
EiJgland.  All  which  his  Excellency  as  gene- 
roufly  refufed,  telling  Sir  John  Grcenvtl: 
There  ^-jvas  fufjicient  Reward  in  the  Con- 
fcience  and SdtisfaBion offtrvivg  his  'Frincey 
and  obliging  his  Country.  That  he  'xoidd 
not  fell  his  T)ntyj  nor  bargain  for  his  Alle- 
giance j  fo  that  for  any  Regards  to^ji'ards 
hiniy  he  was  wholly  refolv'd  in  to  the  good 
T*leafure  of  his  Majefty. 

IX.  Sir  John  Greenvil  then  moved  the 
General  to  write  fome  Anfwcr  to  his  Maje- 
fty's  Letter,  and  to  fend  a  Mefllngcr  of  his 
own  to  attend  him  ;  which  his  Excellency 
declin'd,  telling  him,  That  he  had  none  about 
him  that  as  yet  he  could  truft  with  fuch  a 
Secret.  And  though  Sir  fohn  mentioned  the 
Names  of  fome  particular  Perfons  about  him, 
yet  he  refufed,  for  the  prefcnt,  to  adventure 
a  Letter  to  his  Majefty,  which,  if  it  fliould 
happen  by  any  Accident  to  be  intercepted, 
would  raife  fuch  Jcaloufics  and  Apprchcnitons 
in  the  Army,  (not  yrt  fully  wrought  to  his 
Mind  )  as  it  fhould  hardly  ever  be  again  in 
his  Power  to  compofc  them.  He  therefore 
dcfir'd  Sir  John  Greenvil-,  as  he  had  rccciv'd 
from  him  the  Commands  of  his  Majefty,  fo 
T  he 

^74        ^^  LIFE   of 

he  would  alfo  return  his  Anfwer  ;  and  that 
fmce  he  could  not  fccurely  write,  a  Meflengei: 
of  his  own  without  Letters  would  be  to  little 
purpoie  ,•  but  his  Majefty  would  believe  his 
own  Agent,  though  he  brought  no  Letter 
of  Credence.  Sir  John  Greenvil  then  told 
the  General,  that  he  would  begin  his  Journey 
to  the  King  the  next  Evening,  who  thereup- 
on appointed  to  meet  him  again  the  following 
Day  in  the  fame  Place,  where  he  fliould  re- 
ceive his  Inftrudions. 

X.  The  next  Evening  Sir  John  Greenvil 
attended  the  General  in  Mr.  Morrice's  Cham- 
ber, where  his  Excellency  defir'd  him  to  take 
his  Inftruclions  in  Writing,  the  Heads  where- 
of were  : 

"  That  fmce  by  the  long  Civil  War  and 

"  Change  of  Government,  the  Minds  of  the 

"  Soldiers  in  general,  and  a  great  Part  of  the 

"  People  would  be  alarm'd  with  the  Appre- 

"  henfion  of  his  Majefty's  Return,  it  was  his 

"  humble   Advice,  that  he  would  be  graci- 

"  ouily  plcas'd  to  proclaim  his  free  and  gene- 

"  ral  Pardon  to  all  his  Subjects,   except  to 

"  fuch  as  the  Parliament  (hould  cfteem  inca- 

"  pable  of  it.     That  he  would  prepare  the 

*'  Minds  of  the  Army,  by  declaring  hisRea- 

"  dinefs  to  confent  to  fuch  Ads  asfhould  fe- 

"  cure  the  publick  Sales  and  Difpofitions  of 

[[  Lands,  and  the  Payment  alio  of  their  Ar- 

~  •    '     .       *'  rears. 

General  Monk.  27^ 

•^  rears.    And  becaufe  nothing  was  morclikc- 
"  ly   to  run  the  People  into  Frenzies,  than 
"  the  Fear  of  Reflraint  in  their  feveral  Reli- 
"  gions,  he  did  further  befecch  his  Majcfty 
"  to  declare  his  Aflent  for  a  Toleration  and 
"  Liberty  of  Confcience  to  all  his  Subjcdls, 
"  who  fliould  fo  employ  it  as  not  to  give  any 
*'  Difturbance  to  the  Civil  Government.   He 
"  was  alfo  inftrudled  to  defire  his  Majclly  to 
"  retire  from  the  Dominions  of  the  King 
*'  of  Spain  into  fome  convenient  Place  be- 
*'  longing  to  the  States  of  the  united  Pro- 
"  vinces,  where,  with  more  Freedom  and  Se- 
"  curity  to  his  Perfon,  he  might  treat  further 
"  with  his  Parliament  and  People.     And  laft- 
."  ly,  he  was  ftrictly  cautioned  not  to  give 
"  his  Majcfty  any  Interruption,  by  offering 
"  Propofals  to  him  for  the  Reward  of  his 
"  Service."     The  General  then  defired  him 
to  perufc  hislnftruclions  carefully,  and  to  fix 
them  throughly  in  his  Memory  5    and  then, 
receiving  the  Paper  from  his  Hand,  threw  it 
into  the  Fire  before  them,  and  inrreated  him 
to  keep  thefe  Particulars  in  his  Thoughts  as 
he  travelled,    aud  by   no  means  to  commie 
them  a^ain  to  Writin^i,  till  he  was  firfl  ar- 
riv'd  in  Flanders,    nor  to  acquaint  any  rer- 
fon  with  his  Buiinefs  except  his  Mnjcfly  only. 
They  then  privately  took  Leave  of  each  o- 
ther  5  and  the  fame  Night  Sir  John  Creenv'tl, 
fpeeding  fcccetly  through  the  City,  bcg^.n  his 
T  2  JoLirncy 

176      The  LIFE  of 

Journey  towards  Trover,  where,  the  next 
Day,  he  feafonably  found  the  Lord  Mordaunt, 
who  was  then  going  over  to  the  King,  and 
had  hir'd  a  VelTel  to  himfelf,  in  which  he 
was  very  joyful  to  accommodate  his  old  Ac- 
quaintance Sir  John  Greenvil^  and  engage 
together  in  the  King's  Service  j  but  in  all 
their  Voyage  to  Oftend,  they  knew  nothing 
of  one  another's  Bufinefs.  When  they  came 
to  Bru(felsj  the  Lord  Mordaunt  refolv'd  to 
go  diredly  to  the  Court,  and  Sir  John  Green- 
i;/7to  his  Lodgings;  defiring  his  Lordfliip  to 
acquaint  the  King,  that  he  was  come  to 
Town,  and  where  he  lodged. 

XI.  So  foon  as  his  Majefty  was  inform'd 
of  Sir  John  Greenvil's  Arrival,  he  expeded 
from  him  Tome  extraordinary  News  from 
England'-,  and  the  rather,  becaufc  he  came  not 
to  Court,  but  rctir'd  himlclf  fo  privately. 
The  lame  Night  therefore  his  Majefty  went 
alone  in  his  Coach  to  his  Lodgings,  where, 
being  private  together,  he  gave  his  Majefty 
a  diftind  and  particular  Account  of  all  his 
Proceedings  with  General  Monk  ;  with  what 
Readincls  he  had  embrac'd  his  Majefty's  Ser- 
vice, and  with  what  Care  and  Prudence  he 
had  run  through  a  thoufand  Difficulties  and 
Difappointmcnts  to  arrive  at  his  prcfent  Sta- 
tion j  and  by  which  he  hop'd  he  fiiould  be  a- 
.bie  to  accompliili  his  MajcO-y's  Rcftauratidn. 
.  He 

General  Monk.  277 

He  then  defcendcd  to  the  Relation  of  thofc 
private  Inftrudions  he  had  received  from  the 
General  5  which,  when  his  Majefty  had  further 
confidered  and  debated  with  Six  John  Green- 
*vily  they  found  it  impoflible  to  comply  with 
General  Monks,  Defire,  in  managing  this  fe- 
cret  Affair  by  themfelves  alone,  without  ad- 
mitting fome  others  to  a  Share  in  their  Coun- 
fels.   And  therefore  his  Majefty  rcfolv'd  that, 
the  next  Day,  the  Marquifs  of  Ormond,  the 
Lord  Chancellor  Hide,  and  Sir  Edward  Ni- 
cholas, fliould  be  acquainted  with  it ;  who  ac- 
cordingly attended  his  Majefty  privately,  to- 
gether with  Sir  John  Greenviiy  and  received 
this  News  from  General  Monk  with  a  kind  of 
joyful  Aftonifhment. 

XII.  And  now  his  Majefty  began  to  en- 
tertain fome  nearer  Hopes  of  recovering  the 
Throne  of  his  Anceftors,    than  he  had  done 
by  thofe  former  Attempts,  which  had  been 
made  for  him  in  England  or  Scotland,    For 
this  was  a  Method  that  had  never  yet  been 
try'd,    and   the   Condud  of  it  was  in  the 
Hands  of  a  wary  and  valiant  Man,  that  want- 
ed not  Prudence  and  Courage  to  go  through 
with  it.    Nor  did  his  Majefty  and  the  honour- 
rable  Counfellors  forget  to  rcficd  upon  the 
extraordinary  Service  of  Sir  John  Grecnvil, 
with  what  Pains  and  Induftry,  through  how 
jnany  Dangers  and  Hazards,  he  had  carried 
T  3  on 

273       The  LIFE   of 

on  this  fecret  Truft  for  almoft  three  Quarters 
of  a  Year,  and  had  at  laft  fo  happily  conclud- 
ed it  with  the  General. 

XIII.  At  this  Conference  it  was  refolv'd 
to  purfue  the  well-advifed  Counfcl  from  Ge- 
neral Monk,  for  the  removing  of  his  Majefty 
out  of  the  Spanijh  Territories.  And  accord- 
ingly fome  few  Days  after  he  went  privately 
to  Breda,  where  he  fettled  his  Court  y  and 
in  this  Place  were  made  ready  all  thofc  Pack- 
ets and  Difpatches,  which  ^vijohn  Greenvil 
was  to  carry  back  into  England.  A.  Decla- 
ration was  alfo  formed  and  figned  by  the 
King,  containing  all  thofe  very  Points  which 
the  General  had  propos'd  by  his  Inftrudions 
to  Six  John  Greenvil.  ,,    : 


I.  A  CommiJJion  drawn  tip  for  conflitittmg 
General  Monk  Captain  General  of  all  his 
Majefty  s  Forces,  with  Letters  by  him  to 
be  communicated  in  England.  II.  Some  of 
the  late  ^Parliament  are  for  impofing  very 
diJhoi20urable  Terms  upon  the  King,  in 
order  to  his  Refloration,     III.  They  fend 

a  Letter 

General  Monk.  279 

a  Letter  to  the  King  to  that  Tnrpofe,  and 
reprefent  the  General  as  complying  with 
them.  IV.  Str  John  Grecnvil  returns  to 
England  with  the  King's  Inftru6fions.  V. 
What  pajfed  betweeen  the  General  and  him 
upon  his  Return.  VI.  The  Ele&ion  for  a 
new  Parliament.  VII.  An  hjfurrettion. 
VIII.  Lzmbcn  efcapes,  and  joins  them  in 
•  Warwickfhire.  IX.  The  General  re folves, 
if  Occafion  Jhould  be,  to  publifJo  the  Kings 
CommtJJion,  and  declare  openly  for  him, 
X,  XI.  Lambert  is  taken  ''Prifoner,  and 
recommitted  to  the  Tower. 

I.  IJ  EFORE  his  Majcf^y  took  any  Care 
13  about  the  Difpofal  of  his  own  Affairs, 
he  was  firft  confidering  how  to  reward  the 
Service  of  the  General,  and  was  advifing  with 
Sir  John  Gr^^«i;/7 hereupon  ^  who  told  him, 
he  had  already  acquainted  the  General  with 
his  Majcfty's  Propolals,  according  to  his  for- 
mer Inftru(rtions,  which,  the  General  had 
wholly  refufcd ;  and  that,  among  his  other 
Inftrudions  from  the  General,  there  wjs  this 
particularly  inferred,  "  that  he  fliould  move 
**  nothing  to  the  King  about  any  Reward." 
So  that  Sir  John  Greenvil  did  now  offer  it 
as  his  humble  Advice  to  his  Majcfty,  to  in- 
termir,  for  the  prcfcnr,  the  Care  thereof  till 
his  own  happy  Arrival  into  England.  Where- 
fore at  prcfent  his  Majedy  only  commanded 
■  T  4  a  Com- 

a8o        the  LIFE   of 

a  Commiflion  to  be  drawn  up  for  General 
Monk-,  to  command  as  Captain  General  over 
all  the  Forces  of  England,  Scotland^  and  Ire^ 
land  I  which  was  fign'd  by  him,  and  put  up 
with  a  private  Letter  to  him  from  his  Maje- 
fty,  written  with  his  own  Hand.    There  was 
aUo  another  Letter  dire6ied  :    To  our  tnifty 
and  wellbeloved  General  Monk,    to  be  by 
him  commtimcated  to  the  Trefident  of  the 
Council  of  State,  and  to  the  Officers  of  the 
Armies  under  his  Command^    with  a  Copy 
of  the  forementioned  Declaration  enclofed. 
And  bccaufe  the  new  and  aufpicious  Parlia- 
ment (upon  whofe  Councils  the  Hopes  both 
of  the  King  and  People  did  fo  much  depend ) 
were  fuddenly  to  meet,  Letters  were  drawn 
up  to  be  delivered  at  their  Aflembly  by  Sir 
John  GreenviU    direQed  by  the  King  :   To 
cur  trufiy  and  right  well  beloved  the  Speaker 
oj  the  Hoiife  of  Lords :  And  another,  To  our 
trufiy   and  well-beloved  the  Speaker  of  the 
Tloufe  of  Commons  5  In  both  which  were  alfo 
Copies  of  his  M^jcdy's  forementioned  Decla- 
ration inclos'd.     There  was  alfo  a  Letter  di- 
rcclcd  :    To  our  trufiy  and  well  beloved  the 
Lord  Mayor,  Aldermen  and  Common  Council 
of  our  City  oj  London ;  In  the  contents  where- 
of the  Lord  Mor daunt,  who  was  alfo  to  return 
with  Sir  Johyi  Greenvtl^  was  mentioned.  And 
another  to  General  Monk,  and  General  Moun- 
tague,  to  be  by  them  communicated  to  the 
Fleet,  .-',:..,       ■  IL  But 

General  Monk.        281 

II.  But  vvhilft  thcfc  Letters  are  makin"- 
ready  at  Breda^  we  will  return  a  while  into 
England,  where  all  Parties  were  exceeding 
bufy  in  the  Purfuit  of  their  particular  Inte- 
refts,  upon  the  Profpcd  of  this  great  Revolu- 
tion,   which  fome  of  them  hop  d  for,   and 
others  equally  fear'd.     So  that  General  Monk 
was  perpetually  befet  with  many  and  diffe- 
rent Addrefles  from  thofe  who  were  curious 
to  difcover  his  Senfe  and  Inclination,   or  to 
propofe  their   own.     But,   among  the  reft, 
there  was  a  moft  mifchievous  and  villainous 
Application  made  to  him  by  fome  Members 
of  the  late  Parliament ;   who  pcrfuaded  him, 
that  if  the  next  Sellion  fhould  refolve  upon 
reftoring  the  ancient  Government,  and  bring 
home  the  King  ;  yet  his  Return  fhould  not 
be  fafely  admitted,  but  upon  the   fame   Ar- 
ticles which,  twelve  Years  before,  had  been 
ofFcr'd  to  his  Father  in  his  laft  and  grcatcft 
Extremity  in  the  Ifle  of  Wtght,    and  would 
have  made  him  no  better  than  Magni  Nomi- 
nis  Umbra.     By  which  Concellions  the  Mi- 
litia of  the  Kingdom  ,  with  the  Difpofal  of  all 
Places  of  Truft,  and  all  Oificers,  muft  have 
continu'd  in  the    Hands  of  the  Parliament; 
and  the    Presbyterian   Government  be  cfta- 
blifti'd  at  Icaft  for  three  Years,  with  the  fair 
Probabilities  of  a  longer  Lcafc  ;  and  his  mod 
faithful    Servants  be  dealt   with  as  Delin- 

^iZz        The  LIFE  of 

quents.  So  that,  upon  thefe  Terms,  the  Par- 
liament would  not  have  been  lefs  Matters  than 
before,  nor  his  Majefty  a  much  greater  Prince 
than  in  his  prefent  Exile. 

III.  The  General  having  before  fent  away 
Sir  John  Greenvil  privately  to  his  Majefty 
with  Aflurancc  of  his  Allegiance,  and  Refo- 
lutions  for  his  Service,  without  the  mention 
of  any  Limitation,  was  fomewhat  concern'd 
how  to  make  good  Work  with  thefe  Gentle- 
men. Nor  were  they  ordinary  People,  but 
fome  of  them  Perfons  of  Quality,  and  all  of 
them  Men  of  Parts  and  Eminency  among  the 
Parties  where  they  fway'd.  So  that  the  Ge- 
neral thought  it  moft  fafe  at  prefent  to  enter- 
tain  them  with  fome  Appearance  of  his  Con- 
fent;  and  having  (as  they  thought)  thus  fa- 
ften'd  the  Trick  upon  him,  their  next  Contri- 
vance was  to  perfed  this  Juggle  with  the 
King.  To  that  purpofe  a  Letter  was  fent  to 
him,  relating  their  earneft  'Dejires  and  En- 
deavours  for  his  Return  5  and  that  to  that 
End  they  had  held  feveral  Treaties  with 
General  Monk,  who  could  not  be  prevail'd 
with  to  confent  to  his  Reftauratiom,  other- 
wife  than  upon  his  Father's  ConceJJions  in 
the  Ifle  of  Wight ;  befeeching  his  Majefty  to 
accept  thereof ^  rather  than-,  by  his  further 
RefufaU  to  hazard  a  total  Exclufion  from  his 
Crown  and  Kingdom.  This  Letter  was  de- 
li ver'd 

General  Monk.        285 

liver'd  to  his  Majefty,  whilft  Sir  John  Green- 
i;/7  was  attending  upon  him,  to  whom  it  was 
alfo  fhewn.  But,  upon  farther  deUberating 
among  themfelves,  the  Artifice  was  quickly 
difcover'd  j  fo  that  his  Majefty  pleafantly  re- 
ply'd  :  Iperceive  thefe  People  do  not  know 
that  I  and  General  Monk  ftand  upon  much 
better  Terms,  which  he  has  fo  generoufly  pro- 
fofed  to  me,  and  Sir  John  Greenvil  has  fo  in- 
duftrioujly  tranfaBed,  and  faithfully  rendered 
me  the  Accoyint  of.  And  thefe  Perfons  wheri 
they  came  afterwards  to  find,  that  the  Gene- 
ral had,  by  Sir  John  Greenvil,  cnter'd  into 
fecret  Correfpondencies  with  the  King,  tho* 
they  had  the  Difcretion  to  conceal  their  Dif- 
content,  yet  were  ever  afterwards  fecret  and 
implacable  Enemies  to  him. 

IV.  By  this  Time  all  the  Letters  and  In- 
(Irudions  were  made  ready,  and  dclivcr'd  by 
the  King  to  Sir  John  Greenvil,  together  with 
his  Privy-Seal  and  Signet,  to  be  intrufted  with 
General  Monk  ;  by  which  he  was  authorized 
to  chufe  a  Secretary  of  State  for  his  Majefty 's 
Service.  And  after  four  Days  Stay  at  Court 
he  took  Leave  of  his  Majefty,  and  return'd 
for  England. 

V.  At  his  Arrivalheprivately  attended  the 
General  at  St.  James's,  and  dclivcr'd  to  him 
his  Majefty's   Letter  written  with  his  own 

5  Hand, 

tS4         T^^^  LIFE  of 

Hand,  together  with  his  Commiflion  of  Ge- 
neral over  all  the  Armies  of  England,  Scot- 
land, ^Xi6.  Ireland.     The  General  perus'd  the 
Letter,  and  kept  it  with  him ;  but,  for  the  pre- 
fent,  he   would   not  truft  his  own  Cabinet 
with  the  Commiflion ;  which  was  therefore 
delivered  back  to  Sir  John  Greenvil,  who  fe- 
cur'd  it  in  a  private  Place  in  the  Floor  of  his 
Bed-chamber,  where  he  had  us'd  to  lay  up 
Letters  and  Commiflions  from  the  King^ 
where  alfo  this  lay  till  after  the  King's  Re- 
turn, and  was  then  deliver'd  to  the  General. 
And  for  thofe  other  Letters,  it  was  here  re- 
folv'd,  that  Sir  John  Greenvil  fhould  keep 
them  privately  till  the  opening  of  the  Parlia- 
ment, and  then  deliver  them  according  to  his 
Inftrudions.     The  General  alfo  here  delibe- 
rated with  Sir  John  Greenvil,  about  the  Dif- 
pofal  of  his  Majefty's  Seal  and  Signet;  where 
it  was  agreed,  that,  in  Regard  Mr-  Morr'tce 
was  the  only  Perfon  that  had  been  privy  to 
this  fecret  Affair,  and  had  fo  faithfully  afllft- 
cd  therein,   they  would  recommend  him  to 
the  Truft :    Which,  fo  foon  as  the  King  re- 
turned, was  accordingly  done  by  the  General, 
when,  at  the  fame  Time,  his  Excellency  was 
offer'd  ten  thoufand  Pounds  to  procure  the 
Place  for  another.     And  now,  for  the  pre- 
fent,  all  Interviews  between  the  General  and 
Sir  John  Greenvil  were  but  feldom,  and  al- 
ways private^ 

General  Monk.        28 j 

VI.  All  this  while  the  People  were  every 
where  very  bufy  in  chufing  the  Members  for 
the  approaching  Parliament ;  but  with  Co  lirtle 
Regard  to  thofe  Qualifications  appointed  by 
the  former  Aflembly,  that  no  Man  ever  took 
Notice  of  them.  The  Presbyterians  were  ve- 
ry induftrious  for  the  introducing  again  Men 
of  their  own  Party  ;  but  were  fucccfsfully 
prevented  by  the  Royal  Intercft,  which  at 
this  Time  began  to  appear,  yet  with  great 
Moderation  and  Temper.  And  the  People 
(from  the  Memory  of  their  paft  Miferics) 
were  generally  fo  averfeto  that  Sort  of  Men, 
that  few  of  rhcm  found  their  Way  into  this 
approaching  Parliament. 

VII.  Whose  Sefllon  was  now  fo  near,  that 
General  AJorik  (  having  already  fo  fucccfsfully 
entcr'd  into  a  Treaty  wich  his  Majcfty )  be- 
gan to  entertain  himfclf  with  the  Approach 
of  his  own  and  the  Kingdom's  Safety :  Till, 
on  a  fuddcn,  he  was  furpriz'd  with  the  word 
and  laft  of  his  Encumbrances,  being  the  ex- 
piring and  foul  Effe£l  of  the  fan ntick  Rage. 
For  the  defperate  Crew  of  Murthcrcrs,  and 
other  mifchievous  Male-contcnrs,  having  of 
late  turn'd  every  Stone  in  vnin  ;  and  finding 
they  could  not  continue  the  Tyranny  of  the 
Rump-Parliament,  nor  compliment  the  Ge- 
neral to  fet  up  for  himfclf,  norraifc'thofc  Jea- 


±^6  The  LIFE  of 

loilfies  in  the  Army  to  any  Height,  as  they 
had  frequently  attempted,  were  now  refolv'd 
with  a  Pufli  to  venture  zt  all,  by  breaking 
forth  into  a  new  Rebellion  ;  for  which  they 
would  quickly  have  found  another  Name,  if 
it  had  luGceeded. 

VIII.  But,  to  bring  this  about,  it  was  re- 
folv'd to  contrive  Major  General  Lambert's 
Efcape  out  of  the  Tower ;  which  was  quick- 
ly after  efFcdted,  by  the  Treachery  of  two  or 
three  common  Soldiers  in  Colonel  Mor ley's 
Guards.     So  foon  as  he  was  efcaped,  the  Ge- 
neral had  fpeedy  Notice  of  it,  and  where  he 
was  lodged,  io  that  he  mifs'd  him  very  nar- 
rowly.    And  tho'  the  Search  after  him  was 
carefully  continued,  yet  he  heard  no  more  of 
him,  till  Colonel  Streater  (who,  upon  the  Di- 
QiuhviUonoi Fieet'wood's  Army,  was  quartered 
with  his  Foot  Regiments  2iX.  Northampton) 
gave  the  General  the  firfl:   Account  of  him. 
For  Lambert,  finding  that  the  General  had  fo 
fettled  the  Militia  of  the  City,  as  no  good  was 
to  be  done  among  them^    quickly  left  the 
Town,  and  haften'd  towards  Warwickjhtre  : 
having  firil  agreed  with  his  Confederates  to 
meet  at  a  Rendezvous  there,  whither  he  hop'd 
the  Regiments  of  the  Englijh  Army,  quarter- 
ing in  thofc  Countries,   would  quickly  repair 
to  him.     Upon  this  News,  the  General  pre- 
fently  difpatch'daway  Colonel  Ingoldsby,  with 


General  Monk.        287 

his  Regiment  of  Horfe  quartering  in  Suf. 
folk,  to  iiaften  through  Cambridge  to  Nor- 
thamptoriy  and  there  join  with  Colonel  .^rr^^ 
ter,  and  purfue  Lambert  where-ever  he  could 
be  heard  of  -,  and  more  Forces  were  fent  af- 
ter, commanded  by  Colonel  Ho'juard,  to  pre- 
vent the  Motions  of  any  other  Forces,  quar- 
tered in  thofe  Countries,  from  joining  with 

IX.  At  the  fame  Time  his  Excellency  fent 
alfo  for  Sir  John  Greenvil ;  and,  upon  pri- 
vate Conference  with  him,  told  him,  it  'oi'as 
not  certain  "jchat  might  be  the  l([ue  of  this 
InfurreEHoUy  if  Lambert  'iL'as  not  prefently 
reduced^  and  the  Army  fooiild  reojolt  from 
him :  But  that  he  isjotild  piiblifi  his  Com- 
miffion  from  the  King^  and  by  itwouldraife 
ail  the  Royal  Tarty  of  the  three  Nations  in- 
to Arms,  rather  than  fnjfer  thefe  furious 
andhair-braind  SeBaries  to  domineer  '■joithin 
the  Kingdom  j  de firing  him  to  be  al-ji'ays  in 
Readinefs  for  recei-jing  further  Orders  from 
htm,  which  pould  be  communicated  b"^  him 
to  fuch  Terfons  about  the  To-jvn,  as  he  kne^jj 
i2:ere  moft  faft  and  devoted  to  his  Majefiys 

X.  Colonel  Jngoldsby  had,  in  four  Dnys 
time,  got  his  Regiment  togcrhcr,  and  arriv'd 
at  Northampton  by  Saturday  Nighr,  where 


288         The  LIFE  of 

he  found  a  good  Troop  of  Gentlemen,  and 
others,  whom  the  Earl  of  Exeter  hzd  brought 
in  to  the  Afliftance  of  Colonel  Streater, 

XI.  On  the  next  Morning  early,  being 
Eafter-^ay,  the  Scouts  brought  in  News 
where  Lmnbert  was  ;  and  accordingly  the 
Forces  were  drawn  out  to  follow  him,  and 
found  him  near  Daventry,  having  drawn  out 
his  Men  in  an  open  plovv'd  Field.  The  Force 
with  him  was  but  fmall,  being  only  feven 
broken  Troops  and  a  Foot  Company.  Colo- 
nel Okey  zliOj  finding  the  Bufinels  would  not 
be  done  by  Ipcaking  at  St.  James's;  and  Cob- 
bet  ^  whom  we  left  laft  in  Edenburgh  Caftle, 
had  found  their  Way  thither,  together  with 
Colonel  ^.rf^/,  and  feme  few  Captains.  Thefe 
Forces  having  fac'd  each  other  for  four  Hours 
feem'd  not  greatly  inclin'd  to  a  Combat,  hav- 
ing fpent  moft  of  the  Time  in  Mefiliges  and 
Parleys,  till  Colonel  higoldsby  advanced,  and 
commanded  to  fire  upon  them.  Whereupon 
Lambert's  Party  were  lo  irrefolute  and  unwil- 
ling to  endure  the  Charge,  as  fome  of  theni 
came  over  to  Ingoldsbj^  and  the  reft  fled,  and 
the  Commanders  began  prefently  to  fhift  a- 
way  for  them  (elves.  But  Colonel  IngoUsby 
had  his  Eye  ftill  upon  Lambert,  and  came 
up  fo  clofely,  that  he  took  him  Prifoncr ;  nor 
would  he  be  prcvail'd  with  to  connive  at  his 
Efcape,  tho' others  of  them  ofFcr'd  thcmfclvcs 
5  •  Prifoners 

GeKeral  Monk.  189 

Prifoncrs  in  his  ftcad.  Cobhet  alfo  and  Creed 
were  here  taken  wirh  better  Luck  than  Ax- 
tel  and  Okey,  who  cicaped  -,  bat  not  long  af- 
ter were  brought  to  another  Reckoning.  Lam- 
but^  Cobbet,  and  Creed  were  prefcntly  car- 
ry'd  off  with  a  Guard  ;  and  ov\  Eaflcr  Tuef- 
day  were  brought  to  London^  and  fecured  a- 
gain  in  the  Tower.  And  thus  was  this  little 
Cloud  feafonably  difpers'd,  which  otherwilc 
might  have  brought  upon  the  Nation  the 
Tcmpeft  of  another  Civil  War. 


The  Grounds  of  the  General's  Fear  cf 
this  new  Infurre^i'wn,  II.  Bafore  the 
SuppreJJtnu  of  which  he  wrote  lO  the  King, 
hi  Avfwer  to  one  from  his  Majejiy.  111. 
The  too  great  Forwardncfs  of  the  GeneraCs 
Officers  to  reflore  the  King.  IV.  IVhtch 
he  di [courages.  V.  The  fecret  and  'vile 
T radices  of  the  old  rebellious  Tarty,  m 
order  to  finftrate  the  General's  T>ifgns. 
VI.  The  new  Tarliamcnt  meets  ,  and 
thanks  the  General  for  his  Care  and  Con- 
dutt.  VII.  Remarks  of  the  Author  upon 
the  General's  'Froceedmgs.  Vlll.  The 
U  Kirig's 

ic/o        The  LIFE  of 

,  ^  King's  Letter  to  the  Council  of  State  de^ 
liver  d  to  the  Parliament  by  Sir  John 
Greenvil.  IX.  A  Motion  for  the  Com- 
mitment of  Sir  John,  which  the  General 
prevents,  by  anfwering  for  his  Appear- 

"^  H  E  General  was  very  joyful  at  the 
fpcedy  and  fcafonable  SupprefHon  of 
Lambert  and  his  Party,  fufpeding  the  Eng- 
lijh  Army  would  preiently  have  fallen  off  to 
him.  For  though  he  had  always  a  very  ordi- 
nary Opinion  of  Lambert's  Conduct,  yet  he 
knew  feveral  of  the  Officers  with  him,  efpe- 
cially  Okey  and  Cobbet,  were  bold  and  daring 
Men,  and  would  adventure  to  the  utmoft. 
But  though  there  wanted  not  feditious  and 
urgent  Spirits  among  them,  yet  the  Englijb 
Forces  did  not  feem  over-forward  at  prefent 
to  join  in  this  new  Attempt.  They  had  late- 
ly bit  on  the  Bridle  by  following  the  Paflions 
of  their  Officers,  and  were  now  well  and 
warm  in  their  Quarters,  whither  the  Parlia- 
ment had  lately  fent  them  their  Payj  and 
the  Government,  during  their  Obedience,  had 
taken  Care  for  their  Support.  Thofe  Regi- 
ments alfo  which  Laynbert  had  the  laft  Year 
whcadled  into  the  North,  had  no  Stomach 
to  dance  after  his  Pipe  into  fuch  another  Mif- 
advcnturej  wherein  they  were  to  encounter 
the  fame  Army,  and  the  fame  General,  that 
,  .    .,  ^  had 

General  Monk.  ipi 
had  baffled  them  before.  Nor  was  the  Ge- 
neral lefs  fortunate  in  the  Choice  of  Colonel 
Ingoldsby  for  this  Service  ;  who,  befidcs  his 
Faithfulnefs  to  the  General,  was  exceedingly 
belov'd  by  a  great  Part  of  the  Enemy's  Army, 
who  would  not  be  readily  drawn  to  engage 
againft  him  ;  and  had  alio  Courage  and  Rclb- 
lution  equal  to  the  bcft  of  them. 

II.  We  have  before  given  Account  of  his 
Majcfty's  Letter  to  the  General,  which  was 
brought  to  him  by  Sir  John  Greenv'tU  to 
which  the  General  was  fo  concern'd  to  return 
his  Anfwer,  with  further  Afliirance  of  his 
Duty  and  Faithfulnefs  to  his  Majefty's  Ser- 
vice, that  he  would  not  defer  it  till  the  Con- 
clufion  of  Lambert's  Infurredion  -,  but,  before 
ever  he  knew  what  would  be  the  Effedl  of 
this  Man's  Mifchief,  or  whether  he  might  be 
able  to  mcke  good  his  Word,  herefolv'd  to 
write  back  to  his  Majcdy ;  and  bccauie  Sir 
John  Greenvil,  who  was  to  be  ready  at  the 
opening  of  the  Parliament  now  at  Hand, 
could  not  be  fpar'd  from  that  Attendance, 
that  thij-  iecret  Truft  mighi  dill  be  contmucd 
in  the  Family,  the  General  lent  his  Letter  by 
Mr.  Bernard  Greeri'vily  a  younger  Brother  to 
Sir  John. 

III.  And  now  Lambert  being  again  laid 
faft  in  the  Tower,  and  his  Party  wholly  dc- 

U  2  feated, 

291        The  LIFE   of 

fcated,  to  the  utter  Ruin  and  Fruftration  of 
that  Intereft,  the  General  had  no  more  to  do, 
but  to  difcharge  a  great  Part  of  his  Care  into 
the  Bofom  of  the  approaching  Parliament, 
which  now,  within  very  few  Days,  was  to  fit 
down.  But,  before  their  Meeting,  he  was  in- 
terrupted with  an  importunate  and  unfeafon- 
able  Addrefs  from  fome  of  his  own  Officers, 
who,  obferving  how  all  things  concenter'd 
towards  the  King's  Reftauration,  were  very 
earneft  with  his  Excellency  to  anticipate  the 
Counfels  of  the  Parliament,  and  afiume  the 
Glory  and  Advantage  of  the  Adion  to  him- 
feifand  his  Army,  whereby  they  might  fairly 
now  oblige  his  Majefty,  and  mend  their  own 
Fortunes.  They  undertook  alfo  to  engage  the 
reft  of  the  Officers,  and  the  whole  Army,  to 
a  Concurrence  in  the  Defign. 

IV.  But  the  General,  who  had  otherwife 
rcfolv'd  and  lik'd  his  own  Methods  as  mod 
fafe  and  honourable,  calmly  declin'd  the  Fro- 
pfofal;  telling  them,  They  had  before  declared 
their  Refoliition  to  keep  the  Military  To^^er 
in  Obedience  to  the  Civil  5  and  that  lately 
they  had  engaged  themfehes,  by  their  Sub- 
fcriptions,  to  fiibmit  to  the  Refolutions  of 
this  approaching  Parliament ,  both  i^'hich 
Obligations  '■joonld  be  treacheroujly  fritjlrat- 
edby  fetch  an  Atte?npt* 

■ . ,.:..  .  V.  And 

General  Monk. 


y.  A  N  D  now  no  open  Force  diirft  any 
ways  appear  againft  the  General's  Proceed- 
ings. But,-  where  the  defpcrate  and  Ceditious 
were  prevented  in  their  publick  Confederacies 
againft  him  and  his  Party,  they  were  contriv- 
ing, by  fccrec  Milch icfs,  to  fcattcr  JealouHcs 
and  Sulpicions  among  the  Soldiers.  And,  to 
that  End,  Teveral  villanous  Libels  againft  the 
King  and  the  Royal  Party  were  dilpcilcd  at 
Night  among  the  Guards,  and  other  PraiLliccs 
fet  on  Foot  toraifc  Mifunderftandingsbetween 
the  General  and  thofe  he  moft  rruftcd,-  as  al- 
fo  among  themfclvcs.  To  abate  the  Zeal  and 
Induftry  of  Commiflary  Clarges^  it  was  re- 
prefenred,  that  Mr.  Morrice  had  got  rhc  ftarc 
of  him  in  the  General's  Opinion  and  Confi- 
dence, and  tliat  all  things  were  govcrn'd  by 
his  Counfclsj  To  that  if  the  King  wercrcQor- 
cd,  Mr.  A/i?rr/Vf  would  triumph  alone  in  rhc 
Glory  of  the  Action.  And,  to  ruin  Mr.  Mor- 
rice^ it  was  whifpcr'd,  that  he  had  complain- 
ed of  the  General's  tenacious  adhering  to  the 
Government  of  a  Commonwealth,  In  Oppo- 
fuiontothe  King,  and  with  what  Dillicu'ty 
he  had  wrought  him  to  a  Conlent  to  PvC- 
ftauration.  Bur  the  known  Artifices  and  l^aU- 
hoods  of  thofe  People,  prevented  the  Evil  Ef- 
fe<^  of  their  Dcfigns.  Yet  thefe  rebellious 
and  Icdirious  Perfons,  though  they  had  lb 
often  faii'd  in  their  Chymiary,  woi}ld  nor  give 
U  3  yvei 

2p4         ^^^  L  I F  E  of 

over  the  Experiment.    For,  with  the  like  Ar- 
tifices, they  were  pradifing  upon  their  elder 
Brethren   the  Presbyterians  ,     cxpoftulating 
their  vain  Credulity,   and  Ovcr-forwardnefs 
for  reftoring  the  King,  which  muft  needs  con- 
clude in  their  own  Slavery.     As  for  them, 
though  they  had  no  Dominion  over  other 
Mens   Confciences,    yet  they  had  the  free 
Pofleflion  of  their  own  :  But  with  the  King's 
Return,  Prelacy,  their  old  Adverfary,  would 
return  alfo,  together  with  its  AccefTaries  and 
infufFcrable  Attendants,  Arminianifm  and  Po- 
pery, with  fuch  other  injurious  and  ftalc  Pre- 
tences as,  twenty  Years  before,  had  uflicr'd 
in  the  Rebellion.     And  now  they  began  to 
difcliarge  all  their  Satire  and  ill  Refledions 
upon  the  General  alfo ;  accufing  him  for  pre- 
varicating v/ith  them,  and  that  they  had  been 
deluded  by  him ;  who  had  never  promis'd 
them  any  thing,  orherwife  than  in  Compli- 
ance with  the  Relblutions  of  a  free  Parlia- 
ment.    But  they  were  the  People  that  had 
cheated  all  the  World  that  had  the  Folly  or 
Misfortune  to  truft  them.     They  had  taken 
up  Arms  for  theiate  King's  Defence,  and  yet 
murthered  him :  They  own'd  themfelves  Ser- 
vants to  the  Parliament,   and  yet  utterly  de- 
ftroy'd  one  Houfe,    difmember'd  the  orher, 
afnd  at  laft  diflblv'd  it  5  juftifying  all  their  Vil- 
ianies  by  Enthufiarm,  and  their  Treachery  by 
Kcccfiiry  and  Frovidtnce. 

5  VL  Bur 

General  Monk,  295 

VI.  But  now  the  25'''  of  y^/r/'/bcing  come,  -4/>r/72; 
the  Houlcs  of  Lords  and  of  Commons  were 
aflemblcd  at  IVeftm'wfler^  who,  though  they 
were  not  called  by  the  Royal  Authority,  yet 
the  great  and  memorable  Adions  done  by 
them,  in  reftoring  his  Majcfly,  and  fettling 
the  Nation,  will  ever  entitle  them  tothciio- 
nourable  Appellation  of  a  "Tarllamcnt.  For 
the  Houfe  of  Lords  the  Earl  of  Manchefler 
was  chofcn  Speaker,  and  for  the  Houfe  of 
Commons  Sir  Harbottle  Grimflone.  '  Into 
their  Aflembly  the  General  was  clccled  by  a 
double  Return,  both  from  the  Univcrfity  of 
Cambridge,  and  the  County  of  ^cvoji  ■■>  but, 
having  civilly  acknowledg'd  the  Rcfpcfisof 
the  former,  he  chofe  to  ferve  for  his  native 
Country  of  T^evonflnre.  In  the  Beginning 
of  their  Counfcls  the  Houfe  was  plcas'd  to 
give  to  the  General  their  publick  Acknowledg- 
ments of  his  Prudence  and  faithful  Service, 
in  prefcrving  the  Peace  of  the  Common- 
wealth, and  fo  cffc(fiually  oppofing  the  Ene- 
mies thereof,  whereby  they  had  now  the 
Privilege  of  aflcmbling  together  in  Parlia- 
ment with  Liberty  and  Freedom. 

Vn.  And  here  we  will  make  a  fcdfonablc 

Stand,  and   a  while  rcil  the  wearied  Rcadv;r 

under  the  fliady  Contemplation  of  fon-.c  pnr- 

\j  ^  ticular 

1^6       The   LIFE   of 

ticular  Remarks  upon  the  General's  Proceed- 


He  had  now  pafled  from  one  Tropick  to 
another,  by  fo  gradual  and  eafy  Steps,  that 
the  Alteration  he  made,  ftole  upon  the  People 
as  iiilenfibly  as  the  lengthening  of  the  Days, 
and  Changes  of  the  Year  and  Seafons.  He 
embraced  a  mofl:  plaufible  Pretence  of  oppof- 
iingthe  endlefs  Extravagancies  of  the  Englifi 
Army,  by  declaring  for  the  Rump  Parlia- 
ment ;  and  then  corrected  the  Furies  of  that 
Jun(fto,  by  the  Mixture  of  the  fecluded  Mem- 
bers. By  their  own  Hands  he  buried  that 
fatal  Parliament,  never  to  rife  more,  which 
otherwife  pretended  to  an  immortal  Power, 
like  the  Crowns  of  Princes,  who  never  dye. 
From  their  own  Afhcs  he  produced  thispre- 
Ant  and  better  Scflion;  fo  that  he  had  now 
filently  fhifred  three  Scenes,  to  make  way 
to  his  laQ  Act. 

By  the  like  Gradations  he  proceeded  in  re- 
gulating his  Armies.  When  he  firft  began 
his  Dcfign  in  Scotland^  he  cleared  his  Hands 
from  all  his  Anr.bapti(ls,  by  the  Miniftration 
of  the  Independents.  At  his  Arrival  into 
London,  he  aitcmpcr'd  his  Independents  by 
introducing  the  Presbyterians:  And  now,  at 
laii,  had  let  in  the  Royal  Party,  which  he 
could  only  trufi,  to  the  Exclufion  of  both. 
So  that  all  good  Men  were  as  much  delighted 
with  the  Order  of  thefc  Proceedings,  as  with 
the  Variety,  VI IL  Bur 

General  Monk.'        297 

VIII.  But  the  Parliament  being  met,  it 
was  now  agreed  by  the  General  and  Slrjo/jn 
Greenvi/,  that  thofe  Letters  which  he  had 
brought  over  from  his  Majefty,  fliould  bedc- 
liver'd  according  to  the  feveral  Inftrudions. 
And  bccaufe  it  was  not  yet  feafonable,  that 
thofe  fccret  Cabals  and  Conferences  betweca 
the  General  and  Sir  John  Greenvil,  fliould 
be  publickly  known,  it  was  refolv'd,  that  the 
Letter  direded  to  the  General,  and  by  him  to 
be  communicated  to  the  Council  of  State,  and 
Officers  of  the  Army,  fliould  be  openly  dcli- 
ver'd  to  him  at  the  Council  Chamber  in 
White-Hall.  Accordingly  next  Day  Sir  John 
Greenvil  flood  ready  at  the  Door,  intending, 
by  the  next  Member  that  went  in,  to  let  the 
General  know  he  was  there.  And  Colonel 
Birch  happen'd  to  be  the  Man  who  receiv'd 
Sir  Johri%  Melfage ;  and,  upon  Intimation 
to  the  Genera],  his  Excellency  came  to  the 
Door  J  where  Sir  John  Greenvil  told  him, 
he  had  Letters  to  him  from  the  King,  which 
he  delivcr'd  into  his  Hand  in  Sight  of  the 
Guards;  and  the  Bufinefs  was  fo  contriv'd, 
that  the  General  receiv'd  him  as  a  Stranger 
whom  he  had  never  feen  before,  and  with 
fome  Surprizal  at  his  Bufinefs.  He  then  dc- 
fjr'd  him  to  flay  there  till  he  receiv'd  his  An- 
fwcr,  and  commanded  his  Guards  to  look  af- 
ter him.  The  General  then  carried  the  Lct- 
5  tcr 

ipg       The  LIFE  of 

ter  to  the  Council,  opening  the  Seal,  and  de= 
livering  it  to  the  Prefident :  And  the  Super- 
fcription  being  read,  the  Style  of  it  made  them 
all  know  whence  the  Letter  came. 

IX.  The  Council  being  furpriz'd  with  the 
Receipt  of  thefe  Letters,  fell  into  an  earned 
Debate  about  them ;  fo  that  Colonel  Btrch 
( though  there  was  no  Fear  that  this  Bufinefs 
would  hurt  his  Reputation )  endeavour'd  to 
clear  himfelf  by  his  Proteftation,  That  he 
neither  knew  the  Gentleman  that  deliver  d 
the  Meffage  to  him,  nor  any  thing  of  his 
Bufinefs.  And  without  doubt  he  was  believed 
by  thofe  that  heard  him.  It  was  then  refolv- 
cd,  that  the  Letter  fliould  not  be  open'd  till 
the  Parliament  met  again,  which  was  then 
adjourn'd  for  three  Days  5  and  Sir  John  Green- 
vil  was  then  call'd  in,  where  the  Prefident 
examin'd  him  ftrictly  about  the  Letter,  and 
how  he  came  by  ir.  To  which  Sir  Johjt  re- 
ply'd  :  That  the  King  his  Mafter  deliver' d 
it  to  him  at  Breda  with  his  own  Hand.  It 
was  then  debated  to  fend  him  into  Cuftody, 
till  the  Parliament  fliould  determine  therein , 
but  General  Monk  then  told  the  Prefident, 
That  though  hehadnotfeenSir  johnGrcen- 
vil  for  fnany  Tears,  yet  he  was  his  near 
Kinfman,  fo  that  he  would  undertake  for  his 
Appearance  before  the  Houfet,  and  thereup- 
on he  was  difmifs'd  by  tjie  Coui"u:il. 


General  Monk:        i^^ 

CHAP.    XXV. 

I.  y^t  the  Meeting  of  the  ^arliafnejit  Sir 
John  Greenvil  attends  both  Houfes  '■jjitb 
the    King's    Letters :    Their    Refolution 
thereupon.     II.  The  King's  Letters  com- 
municated to  the  Army  by    the  General, 
III.  The  Reception  of  them.  IV.  The  Houfe 
of  Commons  pafs  a  Vote  for  prefenting  the 
King,  and  ^ukes  of  York  ^^/^Glouccf- 
tcr,    iL'ith  fixty  fi-ve    thoiifand  'Pounds ; 
and  five  hundred  to  Sir  John  Greenvil. 
V.  An  honorary  Grant  from  the  King  to 
Sir  John  Greenvil.     VI.  The  Parliatnent 
fend  Sir  f ohn  to  the  King  ijuith  their  An- 
fiL'er  to  his  Letters.    YW.GeneralMouw- 
tague  direBed  to  carry   the  Fleet  to  the 
Dutch  Coafls.    VIII.  Sir  John  Greenvil'j 
Arrival  at  Breda.   IX.  An  Addrefsfrom 
the  Army  to  the  General.     X.  Which  is 
carried  to  the  King.     XI.  The  King  pro- 
claimei  by  a  Vote  of  both  Houfes  :    XII. 
Attended  at  the  Hague  by  Commiflioners 
from  them.     XIII.  Sir  Thomas  Clarges 
returns  from  the  King.     XIV^,  XV.  Ge- 
neral MountagucV  Arrival  at  the  Hague 
isjith  the  vuhole  Fleet. 

I.  /^N  the  Day  the  Houfc  met  again,  Mayiuy 

K^J   I.  was  Sir  John  Gree?rji I  ^ccord'iD'j^- 
ly  ready  5  and  meeting  in  the  Lobby,  the  Lord 


300         The  LIFE  of 

Commiflioner  73'rr^/,then  entering  the  Houfc 
with  whom  he  was  acquainted ,  he  entreated 
him  to  inform  the  Speaker,  that  he  attended 
at  the  Door  with  Letters  to  the  Houfe  from 
his  Majefty.  When  the  Lord  Commiflioner 
came  in,  he  found  the  Prefidcnt  of  the  Coun- 
cil of  State  giving  the  Houfe  an  Account  of 
Letters  from  the  King  ;  which  fo  foon  as 
be  had  ended,  Commiflioner  Tyrrel  acquain- 
ted the  Speaker  with  Sir  John  Greenvil's  Mef- 
fage.  But  whilft  the  Commons  were  de- 
bating of  this  Letter,  Sir  John  was  retir'd 
from  the  Door,  and  haften'd  to  the  Houfe 
of  Lords,  where  he  firft  enquir'd  for  his  Grace 
the  Duke  of  Buckingham  and  the  Earl  of 
Oxford.  And  being  inform'd,  that  the  Duke 
was  not  yet  come,  but  that  the  Earl  of  Ox- 
ford was  then  fitting ;  he  Tent  in  a  Meflage 
to  him,  upon  which  his  Lordfliip  came  forth  5 
and  Sir  John  Greenvil  inform'd  him,  that  he 
had  Letters  from  the  King,  which  he  was 
commanded  to  deliver  to  the  Speaker  of 
the  Lord's  Houfe,  intreating  his  Lordfliip  to 
acquaint  the  Earl  of  Manchefter  therewith. 
This  Relation  was  very  welcome  to  the  Earl 
of  Oxfordy  who,  befides  his  Defcent  from 
a  Family  of  old  and  uninterrupted  Loyalty, 
had,  for  feveral  Years,  faithfully  afllftcd  in 
thofe  fecret  Counfcls  for  the  King's  Reflau- 
ration.  He  prefently  acquainted  the  Speak- 
er with  the  Arrival  of  his  Majcliy's  Letters, 


G^NEHAL  Monk.        301 

Thereupon  it  was  firft  debated  in  what  man- 
ner they  would  receive  them ;    and  accord- 
ingly the  Lords  voted,  to  attend  their  Speak- 
er to  the 'Door  of  the  Houfe,  where  Sir  John 
Greenvil  met  them,   and  delivcr'd   his  Ma- 
jefty's    Letter  5     and,    having   receiv'd    the 
Thanks  of  the  Lord's  Houfe,  he  haften'd  pre- 
fently  back  again  to  the  Houfe  of  Com- 
mons,   where  his  Majcfty's  Letters  were  c- 
qually  welcome,  tho'  they  receiv'd  them  with 
lefs  Ceremony,  not  being  fo  well  acquainted 
as  their  Lordfhips,  in  the  Ufage  of  Kings. 
Sir  John  was  then  called  in,    and  delivcr'd 
his  Majefty's  Letter  to  the  Speaker.    And  up- 
on the  Perufal  of  thefe   Letters,  the  Lords 
voted,    Thaty   according  to  the  ancient  and 
fundamental  Laws  of  the  Kingdom ^  the  Go- 
'vernment  iSy    and  ought  to  be^    by  King, 
Lordsy  and  Commons.     And  after  his  Maje- 
fty's Letter  and  Declaration  inclos'd  had  been 
read  by  the  Commons,  the  like  Vote  was 
paflcd  in  that  Houfe  alfo. 

II.  The  General  then  dcfired  Leave  of 
the  Houfe  to  communicate  his  Mnjcfty's  Let- 
ter, w^ich  had  been  delivcr'd  at  the  Coun- 
cil of  Stare,  to  the  Officers  alfo  of  his  Army, 
which  was  accordingly  there  read.  About 
the  fame  time  the  Lord  Mayor  and  Alder- 
men receiv'd  the  Kind's  Letter  from  the  Lord 
Mordaunt  and  Sir  John  Greenvil ;  and  after- 
wards Sir  John  Greenvil  delivcr'd  alfo  his 


joi        The  LIFE  of 

Majefty's  Letter  to  General  Mountdgiie  and 
the  Fleet. 

III.  The  Lords  and  Commons  then  voted, 
nat  they  would  return  Anfwer  to  his  Ma- 
jeftfs  Letters  by  Meffengers  from  their  fe- 
deral Houfes.  And  the  Lord  Mayor  and 
Common  Council  appointed  twenty  of  their 
principal  Citizens  to  return  their  Anfwer  to 
his  Ma j eft y's  Letter,  with  their  Prefenttothe 
King,  and  the  Dukes  of  Tork  and  Gloucejier. 
But  General  Mountague  and  the  Fleet  being 
refolv'd  to  carry  their  own  Meflage  themfelves 
to  his  Majefty,  fent  no  Meflenger. 

IV.  And  becaufe  his  Majefty  had  been  fo 
long  difpoflTeiVd,  not  only  of  his  Kingdoms, 
but  Revenues,  the  Houfe  of  Common's  pafs'd 
a  Vote  for  the  prefenting  him  with  fifty  thou- 
fand  Founds,  and  ten  thoufand  Founds  to  the 
Duke  of  Torky  and  five  thoufand  Pounds  to 
the  Duke  of  Gloitcefter  ;  which  Sams  (  be- 
caufe of  the  prefent  Difpatch )  were  to  be  in- 
ftantly  borrowed  of  the  City  of  London^  till 
the  Money  could  be  afterwards  raifed  at  Lei- 
fure  from  the  reft  of  the  Kingdom.  And,  that 
it  might  appear  how  joyfully  tiiey  received 
his  Majefty's  Letter,  they  voted  five  hundred 
Pounds  to  Sir  John  Greeri'uil  ^o^  bringing  the 
Letter,  to  buy  him  a  jewel,  which  he  was  de- 
fic'd  to  wear  as  a  Memorial  of  the  Thanks 


General  Monk.  30J 

and  Refpeds  of  the  Houfe  to  him.  And  ac- 
cordingly the  faid  Sum  was  brought  to  his 
Lodgings  the  next  Day. 

V.  And  having  mentioned  the  Gratitude 
of  the  Houfe  of  Commons  to  this  Gentle- 
man, we  will  here  feafonably  alfo  take  notice 
of  the  Eftimation  and  Value,  which  his  Ma- 
jefty  fet  upon  his  Service,  as  appears  from 
his  Majefty's  Royal  Grant  or  Warrant  to 
him,  which  we  have  tranfcribed  from  the 
Original,  and  have  added  in  the  CoUcdion 
at  the  End  of  this  Hiftory. 

VI.  The  Parliament  then  proceeded  to 
the  Nomination  of  fuch  Perfons  from  their 
feveral  Houfes,  as  (hould  attend  upon  his 
Majefty  with  their  Anfwer  to  his  Letters, 
and  ordered  alfo  the  Inftruftions  to  be  drawn 
up  for  them ;  and  that  General  Monntague 
with  the  Fleet  fhould  be  in  Readinefs  to  at- 
tend them.  But  becaufe  thefe  Proceedings 
of  the  Parliament  would  take  up  Time,  and 
the  General  was  altogether  uneafy,  till  his 
Majefty  was  adlually  return'd,  he  refolv'd  to 
fend  Sir  John  Green'vil  again  to  him,  to  ac- 
quaint his  Majefty  with  the  Reception  of  his 
Letters,-  and  that  he  would  be  plcas'd  to  ex- 
ped  ite  his  Return  into  England.  He  a!  fo  fur- 
ther confider'd,  that,  in  regard  his  Journey 
into  England  could  not  be  dcccntlv  k-t  in 


3c34         Tlje  LIFE  of 

Order,  till  the  Money  were  remitted  thithcf  % 
The  General  fo  far  prevail'd  with  the  Lord 
Mayor  and  Citizens,  that  the  fifty  thoufand 
Pounds  voted  by  the  Houfe  of  Commons  for 
a  Prcfent  to  his  Majefty,  was  inftantly  raifed, 
to  be  conveyed  to  him  by  Sir  John  Green- 
mi,  whereof  ten  thoufand  Pounds  in  Gold  he 
carry 'd  with  him  in  Coaches  to  IDouer,  ac- 
companied with  a  Convoy  of  Horfe  ;  for  the 
reft  he  had  Bills  of  Exchange,  which  were  af- 
terwards paid  at  Amfterdam  upon  Sight.  With 
Sir  John  Greenvil  went  over  to  his  Majefty 
the  Lord  Lauderdale^  being  releafed  from  his 
Imprifonment  in  Windfor  Caftle,  where  he 
had  been  confin'd  ever  fince  the  Battle  at  JVor- 
cejler,  together  with  divers  others. 

VII.  When  his  Excellency  difmifs'd  Sir 
John  Greenvil,  he  directed  him  to  acquaint 
General  Mountague  with  his  Defire  ;  that, 
for  the  more  fpeedy  Expedition  of  his  Maje- 
fty's  Return,  he  would  forthwith  carry  the 
Fleet  to  the  T>utch  Coafts.  Accordingly  Ge- 
neral Mountague,  having  firft  accommodated 
Sir  John  Greenvil,  for  the  quicker  Difpatch, 
with  the  Mary  Frigat  ( then  called  the  Speak- 
er )  and  left  a  good  Convoy  in  the  T>owns  to 
bring  over  the  Commiflioncrs,  ordcr'd  the  reft 
of  the  Fleet  to  put  under  Sail  for  the  Shore 
of  Holland, 

VIII.  The 

General  Monk.         30 j 

VIII.  The  next  Day  Sir  John  Greejivil 
landed  at  FlttJIjing^  and  then  attended  the 
King  at  Breda  j  where  he  acquainted  him 
with  the  welcome  Entertainment  of  his  Ma- 
jefty's  feveral  Letters,  and  that  all  things  did 
concur  in  England  to  halicn  his  Reftaura- 
tion ;  to  which  End  he  had  brought  over  fifty 
thoufand  Pounds  from  the  Houfe  of  Com- 
mons for  his  Maicfty's  prefent  Occafions.  And 
Refolutions  began  now  to  be  taken  in  order 
to  his  Removal. 

IX.  The  General  had  before  communicat- 
ed his  Majefty's  Letters  and  Declaration  to  the 
Officers  of  his  Army  who  were  near  him  ; 
by  whom  they  were  fo  joyfully  recciv'd, 
that  they  prefcnted  a  publick  Addrefs  to  the 
General,  to  tcftify  their  Duty  and  Allegiance 
to  his  Majefty.  The  Copies  of  which  Letters 
and  Declaration,  together  with  the  Copies  of 
the  Addrefs,  were  difparch'd  away  to  all  the 
remote  Garrifons  and  Regiments  ;  where 
they  were  entertain'd  with  the  like  Readinefs 
and  Submiflion.  The  General  had,  by  his 
former  Methods,  fo  effcclually  regulated  his 
Army,  that  there  was  no  Report  made  of 
any  one  Officer  that  refufed  to  fign  the  Ad- 

X.  This  Addrefs  from  the  Army,  togc- -^•^•^r  r- 

X  thcr 

30(5        the  LIFE  of 

ther  with  the  General's  Letter,  wasfent  to 
his  Majcfly  by  Commiffary  Clarges  5  and 
gave  a  further  Aflurance  of  the  Army's  Obe- 
dience and  SubmiiTion.  His  Majefty  had  be- 
fore receiv'd  an  Account  of  this  Gentleman, 
and  of  the  Service  he  had  render'd  him,  by 
his  conftant  and  faithful  Correfpondence  with 
General  Monk,  in  order  to  his  Rettauration. 
So  that  he  entertain'd  him  with  a  particular 
Kindncfs,  and  prefently  knighted  him,  be- 
ing the  firfl:  Perfon  who  receiv'd  ( and  de- 
fervedly)  any  Title  or  Mark  of  Honour  from 
his  Majefty  upon  this  Service. 

MctyZ.  XL  Upon  the  fame  Day  {May  8.)  on 
which  Sir  Thomas  Clarges  prefentcd  to  the 
King  the  Army's  Addrefs  at  Breda^  his  Ma- 
jefty was,  by  a  Vote  of  both  Houfes,  pro- 
claim'd  at  London  with  all  the  ufual  Ceremo- 
nies, but  with  an  AfFedion  that  certainly  was 
never  fo  manifefted  towards  any  of  his  Pre- 
decefibrs.  Li  this  Solemnity  the  General 
.  joyfully  affifted,  following  in  his  Coach  the 
Coaches  of  both  the  Speakers.  And  fuch 
was  the  publick  Fcftivity  of  this  Day,  that 
it  fccm'd  as  the  Shadow  of  the  King's  Ap- 
proach, or  like  the  firft  Light  of  the  Morning 
that  looks  over  the  Mountain's  Tops,  and 
ufhcis  in  the  Sun. 

i        •i;   XIL  By  This  time  the  Paiiiamcnt  had  per- 

v,r.'  fc(5ied 

General  Monk.        307 

fefted  their  Inftrudions  for  their  Commif- 
fioners  from  both  Houfes  that  were  to  attend 
his  Majcfty  at  the  Maguey  whither  he  had 
rcmov'd  from  Breda,  in  order  to  the  receiv- 
ing them  there.  And  the  Englifi  Fleet  was 
already  arriv'd  near  him  in  the  Bay  of  Scheve- 
ling-,  where  they  lay  at  Anchor,  in  Readinefs 
to  receive  his  Commands.  On  the  16''*  o^MAyiG^ 
Alay  the  Commiilioners  attended  his  Majcfty 
at  the  Hague  \  and,  according  to  their  Inftru- 
ftions,  they  acquainted  him :  That,  before 
their  fetting  forth,  the  ^arliatnent  had  al- 
ready-proclaimed him  in  his  City  of  London, 
which  was  already  done  in  all  the  reft  of  his 
^Dominions.  That,  for  the  Succefs  of  his 
Arrival  and  fit  ure  Happinefs,  they  had  or- 
der d  the  Trayers,  for  the  King's  moft  Ex- 
cellent Majefty,  to  be  reftored  in  the  publick 
Office  of  the  Church  ;  and  had  prepar'd  the 
Way  for  his  Arrival,  by  eretiing  the  Royal 
Arms  in  the  Tlace  of  thofe  fet  up  by  the  late 
nfurping  Commonwealth.  They  were  alfo 
further  to  fupplicate  his  Majefty  to  haft  en  his 
Return  \  and  that  the  Houfes  might  receive 
timely  Notice  in  what  manner  he  would 
pleafe  to  be  received. 

XIII.  The  fame  Day  the  Commiflioncrs 

arrived  at   the  Hague,  his  Majefty,    in   the 

Evening,  difpatch'd  Sir  Thomas  Uarges  back 

X  2  foe 

3o8       rie  LIFE   of 

for  England  to  the  General,  with  News  of 
his  intending  to  land  at  T>over. 

XIV.  By  the  Arrival  of  the  honourable 
CommilHoners,  and  feveral  other  Perfons  of 
QLiality,  that  haften'd  to  proffer  their  early 
Duty  at  the  Hague,  the  King  began  even  in 
a  foreign  Country  to  have  the  Splendor  of 
a  Court,  and  appcar'd  like  the  Monarch  of 
Great  Britain  in  the  morning  Rays  of  Royal 
Majefly.  The  Prcfcncc  of  thefe  Commif- 
(ioncrs  was  very  welcome  to  him  ;  but  when 
he  came  to  view  his  Fleet,  the  Profped  was 
like  that  of  Jofeph's  Waggons  to  his  Father 
Jacob  5  both  whereof  were  fent  on  the  fame 
Errand,  and  had  the  fame  A  durance. 

XV.  But  in  the  midft  of  this  Feftivity 
fomc  of  the  Commiflloncrs  could  not  con- 
ceal their  Rcfentmcnts;  being  difpleas'd  that 
General  Mountague  had  left  them  only  a 
Convoy,  and  that  they  had  not  the  whole 
'  Fleet  to  attend  them  in  their  Voyage.  Bur, 
to  pacify  this  Difpleafure,  an  antedated  Or- 
der was  fecretly  procured  under  his  Majefty's 
Hand,  to  authorile  General  Mountague s  Ax.- 

^r.j    I'll    . "( ■ 

'^■'         '^'  ^  CHAP. 


General  Monk.  ^oc> 


I.  The  King  lands  at  Dover,  and  is  receiv- 
ed by  the  General.  II.  At  Canterbury  the 
General  is  wade  Knight  of  the  Garter.  III. 
The  King  is  received  by  the  Army  dra-jvn 
tip  at  Black- Heath.     IV.  His  Entrance 

t     /w/^^  London.     V .  The  Magnificence  of  it. 
VI.  He  is  congratulated  at  White  Hall  by 
both  Honfes.     VII.  The  T laces  and  Ho- 
nours conferred  onthe  General:  WW.  And 
Sir    John    Grecnvil.     IX.    The   General 
made  a   CojnmJJloner    of  the    Trcafury^ 
and  afterwards  LordTreafurer.     X.  He 
is  created  T^uke  of  Albemarle,    and  has 
feven  thou f and  ^Pounds  per    Annum  fet- 
tled upon  him  and  his   Heirs.    His  great 
Temper  and  Humility  floewn  in  the  upper 
Houfe.    He  promotes  the  Afl  of  Oblivion. 
XI.  His  Moderation  in  general.     XII.  A 
fpecial  Inflance  of  it-,    in  his   Con fi  lit  to 
the  disbanding  the  Army.    XIII.  An  In- 
flame of  his  exact  Tiifcipline,  in  the  Rea- 
dinefs  of  the  Soldiers    to   be  disbanded. 
XIV.  The  Kin^  advifes  'with  him  ^'jout 
the  Government  of  Scotland  :    The  happy 
EffeBs   of  his  late  adminijiration  there. 
XV'.  His  publick  Cares  and  Service  :    A 
jujl  Reflection  oj Sir  Edward  Nicholas  up- 
on them* 

X  3  I.  AND 

310  rioe  LIFE  of 

I.  \  ND  now  all  things  being  in  Readinefs 
£^\^  for  the  King's  Removal,  he  went  on 
.  Board  his  Fleet,  May  2  3 .  where  he  firft  took 
Poffeflion  of  his  Dominion  at  Sea,  and  then 
arrived  at  Dover ;  where  the  General  was 
ready  to  receive  him  on  the  Shore.  At  his 
landing,  and  after  the  Sight  of  his  Majefty, 
many  there  prefent  had  a  particular  Curiofity 
to  obferve  their  Interview  j  which  was  per- 
form'd  by  the  King  with  extraordinary  Kind- 
nefs  and  AfFedion;  and  on  the  General's 
Part,  with  that  Duty  and  Proftration,  as  if 
he  had  come  this  Day  rather  to  ask  his  Ma- 
jefty's  Pardon,  than  to  receive  his  Thanks. 

II.  From  hence  he  attended  his  Majefty 
to  Canterburyy  where  he  receiv'd  the  firft  ho- 
nourable Mark  of  his  Favour,  being  there 
made  Knight  of  rhc  Garner,  which  was  the 
Foundation  of  thoie  further  D^gnifJrs  which 
were  to  be  conferred  upon  him.  And  the 
moft  illuftrious  Dukes  of  Tork  and  Gloiicefter 
put  upon  him,  with  their  own  Hands,  the  En- 
figns  of  his  Order. 

III.  In  all  the  Way  of  the  King's  Progrefs 
towards  London^  the  General  had  much  Free- 
dom of  Dii'courfe  with  his  Majefty,  and  was 
admitted  to  all  his  private  Hours.  At  Black- 
Heath  he  led  his  Majefty  to  view  that  Part 
of  the  Army,   which  was  then  drawn  up  to 


General  Monk.         31T 

offer  their  Addrefs  and  Service  to  him  :  An 
Army  of  fuch  clear  Courage  and  cxad  Dil'ci- 
plinc,  that,  being  united  into  one  Body  un- 
der fuch  a  General,  it  would  have  (haken  any 
Crown  in  Chriftendom,  not  accepting  his 
who  is  now  thought  Co  much  Tuperior  to  his 

IV.  From  hence  his  Majefty  begun  his.v.i>J9. 
triumphant  Entrance  into  London  on  the  An- 
niverfary  of  his  Nativity ;    on  which  Day, 
thirty  Years  before,  he  was  born  in  this  his 
native  City  of  PFeftminfter.     In  this  glorious 

and  magnificent  Proccflion,  the  General  rode 
next  before  his  Majcfty.  The  reft  of  its  State 
and  Order  is  fo  fufficiently  known  and  dc- 
fcrib'd,  that  we  will  not  tire  our  Reader  with 
the  particular  Recital. 

V.  In  the  Splendor  and  Acclamations  of 
this  Day's  Triumph,  his  Majcfty  exceeded  all 
his  Royal  Anccftors.  For  neither  the  Recep- 
tion of  Richard  the  I-^'  from  the  HqI)'  Lnndy 
and  his  Captivity  in  Germany  ;  nor  of  llmry 
the  V'''  from  the  Conqucft  of  Frame,  nor  of 
Henry  the  VII^*'  to  his  Coronation  from  the 
Battle  of  Bofworth,  had  any  thing  conipa- 
rable  with  this  Day's  Magnificence  :  Ii^  which 
his  Majcfty  alfo  greatly  oiu-fliiu'd  h>s  Cirand- 
jfarhcr  K\n^^  James,  when  he  came  to  London 

312.^       The  LIFE   of 

to  unite  the  Crown  of  England  with  his  own 
native  Diadem. 

VI.  After  the  Glories  and  Feftivities  of 
this  Day,  the  General  having  leen  his  Maje- 
fty  fafely  lodged  in  his  Palace  at  IVhiie-Hall, 
and  congratulated  there  by  both  his  Houfes 
of  Parliament,  rctir'd  to  his  Apartment  at  the 
Cockpit,  whither  he  was  now  remov'd,  to 
be  nearer  the  King's  Prefence  and  Counfels. 
Aicid.  when  his  Friends  and  Attendants  began 
to  renew  their  Thanks  and  Acclamations  to 
him  for  his  great  Service  and  Faithfulncis,  in 
producing  the  EfFefts  of  this  Day  5  he  was 
fo  far  from  being  exalted  with  any  Opinion 
of  his  own  Merit,  that  he  declin'd  them  all : 
Telling  them,  he  had  all  along  been  befet 
with  fo  many  T>ifficulties  and  Jealoufies  up- 
on him,  as  dllThanks  and  Acknowledgments 
tmift  be  07ily  paid  to  the  Miracle  of  the  "Dl- 
vi?2e  Trovidence. 

VII.  Presently  after  his  Majefty's  Reftau- 
ration,  he  fettled  his  Privy-Council,  chofen 
out  of  the  chief  Officers  belonging  to  the 
Crown,  and  other  principal  Nobility  ;  of 
which  Number  General  Monk  was  one,  and 
was  continually  admitted  to  all  Counfels  of 
the  moiT:  interior  Truft  and  Concernment.  He 
was  alfo  made  Mailer  of  his  Majcfty's  Horfc, 
and  one  of  the  Gentlemen  of  his  Bed-  chamber. 

5  By 

General  Monk.        313 

By  the  firft  he  had  a  confidcrablc  Station  ia 
the  Court,  and  the  other  gave  him  the  con- 
ftant  Opportunity  of  Acceis  to  his  Majclly's 
Pcrfon  and  Converrc. 

Vlir.  And  having  mcnrion'd  here  his  Ma- 
jefty's  Favour  to  the  General,  wc  are  Icafo- 
nably  to  inform  the  Reader  with  thofc  Re- 
wards placed  upon  that  honourable  Perfon, 
who  did  firft  and  principally  co-operate  with 
the  General  in  this  great  Affair,  "uiz.  Sir  Johi 
Green^il  i  who,  upon  his  Ma  jelly's  Return, 
was  made  firfl:  Gentleman  of  the  Bed  chamber, 
ard  Groom  of  the  Stole,  and  afterwards,  a. 
^ainft  the  Solemnity  of  the  Coronation,  was 
created  Earl  of  Bathy  Vi (count  Greenvil  of 
Landfdo'-jun,  Baron  Greenvil  of  B'tdd'iford 
and  Kelkhmnpton.  Nor  were  the  Services  of 
Mr.  Nicholas  Monk  forgotten,  being  made 
Provoft  of  Eatony  and  afterwards  Bidinp  of 
Hereford  ;  in  which  Dignity  he  dy'd  fomc 
Years  after. 

IX.  And  becaufe,  In  this  prcfcnt  State  of 
things,  nothinsi;  rcquir'd  greater  C.irc  than  the 
Management  of  his  Majcfty's  Exchequer,  the 
General  was  chofen  one  of  the  Commillion- 
ers  for  the  Treafury.  But  that  Otlicc  wa$ 
fome  time  after  intrufled  in  the  HanJs  of  a 
fingle  Perfon,  the  late  juft  and  upright  Earl 
of  Southampton  j    after  whofe  Dsarh,  both 


314       The  LIFE  of 

the  King  and  People  were  fo  perfedly  fatif- 
fied  with  the  General's  Care  and  Faithfulnefs 
in  that  Truft,  that  he  was  called  to  it  again, 
and  in  which  he  continu'd  to  the  Day  of  his 
Death.  To  this  Employment  he  brought  ve- 
ry congenial  Virtues,  both  by  his  unqueftio- 
nable  Integrity  and  natural  Frugality  j  fo  that 
he  was  a  greater  Husband  in  the  King's  Ex- 
pences,  than  in  fome  of  his  own. 

X.  Nor  did  the  Current  of  his  Majefty's 
Favour  and  Gratitude  to  the  General  flop 
here,  but  within  a  little  more  than  a  Month 
after  his  Reftauration,  he  was,  6y  Letters  Pa- 
tents under  the  Great  Seal  of  England^  made 
Y)ukcoi  Albemarle,  Earl  o f  Tor rmgt on ^  Baron 
Monk  of  Totheridge,  Beauchamp  and  Tees  i 
and,  for  the  better  Support  of  this  high  Dig- 
nity, befides  the  Penfions  recited  in  the  Let- 
ters Patents,  his  Majefty  fettled  upon  hmi 
feven  thoufand  Pounds  per  Ann.  out  of  the 
Royal  Dcmefnes,  to  him  and  his  Heirs  for 
ever.  He  was  alfo  fummon'd  by  Writ  into 
the  Houfe  of  Lords ;  and  tho'  the  Commons 
were  very  forry  to  part  with  fo  dear  and  con- 
liderable  a  Member  from  their  Body,  yet,  iri 
Tcftimony  of  their  great  and  particular  Efti- 
mation  and  Rcfped  towards  fo  great  and  il- 
luftrious  a  Perfon,  moft  of  them  attended  him 
to  the  Door  of  the  Lord's  Houfe:  Whither 
he  brought  with  him  the  ftme  Temper  and 

General  Monk.        jij 

Moderation,  the  fame  Silence  and  Humility, 
which  he  had  praftis'd  in  the  Houfe  of  Com- 
mons ;  applying  himfelf  always  to  fuch  Coun- 
fels  as  did  moft  promote  the  King's  Service, 
and  thepublick  Benefit.  To  that  End  he  much 
furthered  the  Progrcfs  of  the  Ad  of  Oblivion 
and  general  Pardon,  which  was  then  under  De- 
bate, and  had  taken  up  fo  much  Time  in  both 
Houfes  5  and  did  privately  move  his  Majefty  to 
quicken  their  Proceedings  therein,  as  being  fo 
very  confiderable  and  effedual  to  his  own  Se- 
curity, and  the  Quiet  of  his  People. 

XI.  They  who  have  had  the  good  For- 
tune and  Abilities,  by  great  Services,  to  ob- 
lige Kings  and  Stares,  may  be  eafily  thought 
not  to  want  Spirit  or  Inclinations  enough  to 
refled  upon  their  own  Merits.  And  there- 
fore fuch  as  knew  not  the  Virtues  and  Cnuti- 
on  of  the  Duke  of  Albemarle,  expcdcd  he 
would  now  have  put  that  Value  on  himfelf, 
as  to  have  govern'd  the  publick  Counfcls,  to 
have  over-rul'd  the  Opinions  or  Methods  of 
others,  or  have  rendcr'd  himfelf  the  Head  of 
an  Interefl: ;  or,  with  Mntianus  ( whofc  Ser- 
vices to  Vefpafian  had  rather  fomc  Refcm- 
blance  with  the  Duke's,  than  an  Equality) 
have  made  himfelf  a  Comp:nion  with  his 
Prince,  and  (har'd  the  Government.  But,  in- 
dead  thereof,  as  he  had  poflcfs'd  his  M-iicfly's 
Favour  by  his  great  Prudence,  fo  he  us'd  it 
5  with 

31^         The  LIFE  of 

with  equal  Humility.  And  he  that  had  ma- 
ny  Years  commanded  Armies,  which  ufually 
makes  the  Temper  of  Generals  violent  and 
prefuming  ;  he  that  for  feveral  Years,  as  aa 
abfolute  Prince,  had  govern'd  Scotland^  knew 
now  as  well  how  to  obey,  and  be  a  dutiful 
Subjed  in  England.  Nor  was  he  lefs  careful 
of  his  juft  Regards  and  Obfervances  towards 
all  the  Nobility  and  Minifters  of  State,  who, 
though  they  had  frequent  Emulations  among 
themfelves,  yet  held  good  Correfpondence 
with  the  Duke  of  Albemarle  5  who  invaded 
no  Man's  Province,  nor  engrofled  Bufinefs  or 
Power  to  himfelf,  nor  was  ever  the  Author 
of  extreme  Counfcls.  Though  he  wanted  not 
early  Enemies,  even  among  thofe  who  had 
but  lately  come  to  cat  allured  Bread  by  the 
Benefit  of  his  Prudence  and  Faithfulnefs,  and 
who  began  to  accufe  the  Virtue  which  kept 
fome  of  them  from  ftarving.  The  Ambitious 
envy'd  the  Greatnefs  of  his  Merits,  and  the 
Covetous  the  Rewards  of  them. 

.  XII.  Though  a  very  confiderable  Part  of 
the  Dake's  Intereft  lay  in  the  Army,  and  the 
disbanding  of  them  would  greatly  leffen  his 
Povv^er  and  Influence  5  yet  when  the  Parlia- 
ment had  voted  their  Difcharge,  no  Mari  did 
more  readily  affent  to  it  than  the  Duke  of 
Albemarle'-,  and,  to  that  End,  had  before- 
hand introduc'd  feveral  of  the  Nobility  into 


General  Monk.        317 

Commands  in  the  Regiments,  bywhofe  Au- 
thority and  Example  they  might  more  readi- 
ly fubmiti 

XIII.  His  Majcfty  had  been  very  Juft  to 
thofe  Forces,  in  the  full  Payment  of  their  Ar- 
rears, and  very  kind  alfo  in  the  Gratuity  given 
them  over  and  above  out  of  his  Royal  Boun- 
ty. Yet,  that  Pofterity  may  fee  how  much 
the  good  Difcipline  of  an  Army  prevails  to 
the  disbanding  of  them,  as  well  as  the  keep- 
ing them  up  ;  the  Duke  had  inured  them  to 
fo  exact  an  Obedience,  that,  when  they  law 
their  Continuance  would  be  unneccflary  to 
the  Nation,  they  laid  down  their  Arms  with- 
out Murmur,  and  betook  themfclves  to  other 
Employments;  to  which  they  were  enabled, 
by  a  very  indulgent  Ad  of  Parliament  that 
gave  them  their  Freedom,  to  exercife  their 
Trade  in  all  Cities  and  Towns  Corporate. 
This  was  a  Temper  very  different  from  that 
in  the  Army  of  the  late  Ufurper  Cr^w-c^•f/, 
who  were  lb  infolent  and  reflivc,  as  they 
would  only  march  at  their  own  Pleafarc,  and 
pick  and  chufc  their  Employment,  and  had 
frequently  mutiny'd  againfl:  their  Mafters  up- 
on the  leaft  mention  of  disbanding. 

XIV.  It  plcafcd  his  MajcQy  about  this 
Time  to  conl'ult  with  the  Duke  about  the 
Government  and  Affairs  of  Scotlarid,  and  the 


3i8         The  LIFE  of 

Choice  of  Officers  of  State ;  in  all  which  he 
advis'd  with  great  Experience  and  Prudence  i 
though  many  things  were  afterwards  altered 
by  the  Influence  and  Importunities  of  others. 
But,  as  an  Inftance  of  thofe  true  and  exad 
Meafures,  which,  in  the  Time  of  his  own 
Command,  he  had  taken,  for  fettling  the 
Peace  of  that  Country;  the  EfFeds  thereof 
continued  many  Years  after  he  had  left  it :  So 
that  no  Rebellion,  nor  any  confiderable  Di- 
fturbance,  was  form'd  any  more  in  Scotland 
during  the  Duke's  Life. 

XV.  And  now  every  Man  had  a  greater 
Share  in  the  Delights  of  this  happy  Change, 
than  he  who  had  the  greateft  Share  in  effcd- 
ing  it,  who  could  only  enjoy  the  Satisfadion 
of  it  without  the  Diverfions,  being  always 
befet  with  continual  Cares  of  publick  Truft ; 
which  made  Sir  Edward  Nicholas  (  who  had 
been  Secretary  of  State  to  two  Kings )  fay. 
That  the  Indiiftry  and  Service  which  the 
^uke  of  Albemarle  had  paid  to  the  Crown 
fince  the  Kind's  Reftauration,  without  re- 
pealing upon  his  Service  before,  deferved  all 
the  Favour  and  Bounty  which  his  Majejly 
had  been  pleafed  to  confer  upon  him. 


General  Monk.  31^ 


I.  General  Monk'j  Candour  in  the  Tryal  of 
the  Regicides ;  "juith  a  particular  A^  of 
Generofity  to  Sir  Arthur  Hazlerig.  II.  y^n 
Infurre^iion  in  London:  III.  But  imme- 
diately fupprejfed  by  the  Generats  o'jju  Re- 
giment,    IV.  Which  is  continued. 

I.T  T  I TH  E RTO  we  have  furvcy'd  the 
JL  J,  Endeavours  of  the  Duke  of  Albe- 
marle againft  the  Enemies  of  the  Crown,  and 
now  we  fi^all  find  him  employ'd  in  the  Pu- 
nifhment  of  them.  For  the  Parliament  hav- 
ing now  perfected  the  Ad  of  Indemnity,  and 
general  Pardon,  with  their  Exceptions  to 
thofc  particular  Perfons  who  had  been  con- 
cern'd  in  the  Murder  of  the  late  King ;  his 
Majefty  accordingly  granted  his  CommifTion 
of  Oyer  and  Terminer,  under  the  great  Seal  of 
England,  direded  to  feveral  of  the  chief  Nobi- 
lity and  Judges  of  the  Land,  for  the  Tryal  of 
thofe  Regicides,  which  was  begun  05fober  9-03.9' 
In  the  Number  of  thefe  Commiflloncrs  the 
Duke  of  Albemarle  was  one,  wherein  he  gave 
the  World  one  of  the  greateft  Inftanccs  of  his 
Moderation.  For  though  he  knew  more  of 
the  Guilts  and  Pradiccs  of  thefe  Criminals, 
than  mod  of  thofe  who  fat  on  the  Bench,  and 
fome  of  them  had  been  his  grcatcft  and  moft 


^■>L0         Tloe  LIFE  of 

inveterate  Enemies,  yet  he  aggravated  no- 
thing againft  them,  but  left  them  to  a  faic 
Tryal,  and  the  Methods  of  their  own  De- 
fence, when  he  could  have  ofFer'd  Matter  a- 
gainft  fome  of  them  that  would  have  preffed 
them  harder.  And,  by  a  like  generous  Way 
of  forgiving  Injuries,  he  had  a  little  before 
favcd  the  Life  of  Sir  Arthur  Hazlerig^  and 
afterwards  procured  his  Eftate  alfo,  by  own- 
ing of  a  Promifc  made  to  him  ;  when  there 
was  no  Man  among  them  all  had  more  mali- 
cioufly  cxpos'd  and  traduc'd  him  5  and,  af- 
ter the  Affurance  given,  he  had  done  enough 
to  difengage  the  Duke  from  the  Performance 
of  it. 

II.  One  might  reafonably  have  thought, 
that  fuch  an  Ad  of  general  Pardon  as  has 
been  lately  pafs'd,  might  have  oblig'd  the 
Minds  of  all  People  to  a  Submiflion,  andSa- 
tisfac^iion  in  the  Government  5  but  that  Hc- 
rcfy  and  Fanaticifm  arc  not  to  be  cured  by 
Balfams.  For  about  this  Time  began  fuch 
an  InfurrcQion,  as  it  is  not  eafy  to  tell,  whe- 
ther the  Fury  or  the  Folly  of  it  v/ere  the 
greater  Ingredient.  His  Majefty  being  then 
gone  out  oi  London  to  Tortfmoiith,  whither 
he  accompany'd  the  Queen-Mother  and  Du- 
chefs  of  Orleans  in  their  Journey  towards 
France 'j  a  fmall  Company  of  the  Fifth-Mo- 
narchy Zealots   having  arm'd  thcmfclves  in 


General    Monk.        321 

(heir  Meeting- Houfc,  where  ufually  their  Vil- 
lanics  are  firft  hatch'd,  broke  out  into  an  ac- 
tual Rebellion  in  London.  Their  Teacher 
was  alfo  their  Captain,  one  Venner^  a  Wine- 
Cooper,  who  had  preach'd  his  Difciples  to  a 
Degree  of  Madncfs  and  Extravagancies,  bc« 
yond  the  Force  of  all  the  Wine  in  his  Cellar. 

III.  This  Irruption  was  (o  fudden  as  did 
greatly  fiirprize  the  City ;  and  tho'  their  Num- 
ber was  contemptible,  yet  Mcnbclicv'd  they 
would  not  have  venrur'd  on  fo  defpcratc  aa 
Atteaipt,  but  upon  Confidence  of  a  greater 
Party  in  London  to  join  with  them.  Many 
of  them  had  been  Soldiers  in  Cromiz'el's  Ar- 
my, and,  being  poflcflcd  with  the  Height  of 
fanatick  Rage,  laid  about  them  at  a  rate  not 
ufual.  Nor  was  any  (^ffedual  Refiftance  made 
againft  them  by  the  City  Arms,  orthcnew- 
rais'd  Guards ;  till  the  Duke  of  Albemarle 
brought  his  ownRej^iment  of  Foot  (not  vcc 
disbanded)  up  among  them,  who,  being  old 
Soldiers  that  had  been  long  accuftom'd  to  this 
kind  of  Work,  quickly  put  a  Clieck  to  their 
defperate  Madnefs,  having  kill'd  and  wound- 
ed feveral  of  them  upon  the  Place,  and  di- 
rperfed  the  reft. 

IV.  Upon  this  Accident  (though  timely 
fupprcfs'd  )  it  was  reprefented  to  the  Duke  by 
feme  of  his  Officers,    of  how  little  Service 

y  Train'd- 

3  2  2         The  LIFE  of 

Tram'd-bands,  or  newrais'd  Guards,  would 
prove  upoa  any  fudden  Difturbancc  ;  and 
how  ncceflary  it  were,  both  to  his  Majefty's 
Safety  and  the  publick.  Peace,  to  keep  up  his 
Grace's  own  Regiment,  and  fome  other  fmall 
Force,  againft  fuch  hafty  Attempts.  To 
which  the  Duke  reply 'd,  That  his  Endea- 
njour  to  continue  any  Tart  of  his  Army, 
would  be  obnoxious  to  much  Mijinterpreta- 
tion,  that  he  would  by  no  means  appear  in 
it  i  but  being  further  importuned,  that  he 
would  not  hinder  their  Endeavours  therein, 
he  made  no  Anfwer.  But,  by  thefe  Appli- 
cations to  his  Majefty  and  Council,  that  Re- 
giment was  ftill  kept  up. 

-;  'H 


.1.  The  King's  Coronation,  II.  The  T^iike 
grows  inclinable  to  a  private  Life.  Ill, 
IV.  A  War  with  Holland  5  the  T>uke  of 
York  and  Tri?ice  Rupert  command  the 
Fleet.  V.  An  Engagement.  VI.  the 
Dutch  beaten.  VJI.  Gur  Fleet  purfues 
them  as  far  as  theTc-^tl.  VIII.  The  Lofs 
the  Dutch  fuflained.   IX.  The  Braver')  of 


General  Monk.  323 

the  T>uke  ofYoik.  X.  The  Thtgtie  breaks 
out  in  London;  upon  'H'hichthe  Kmggoes 
to  Oxford.  XI.  The  Care  of  the  City  com- 
mitted to  the  T>uke  of  Albemarle  :  His 
Tendernefs  and  Compaffion  to  the  'Poor: 
XII.  He  is  affiled  by  the  ArckbifJoop  of 
Canterbury  and  the  EarlofCi:n\Q.v\.  Xllf. 
An  Encampment  in  Hyde 'Park.  XIV. 
The  Multiplicity  of  Affairs  '•juherein  the 
General  'was  involv'd. 

I.  "^  J    'HE  following  Year  begins  with  his  166 1. 

JL  Majefty's  Coronation  j  which  was 
perform'd  with  greater  Ceremony  and  Mag- 
nificence, than  we  can  meet  with  in  the  Inau- 
guration of  any  of  his  Royal  Predcccil  jrs.  The 
preparatory  Ceremony  began  April  22.  with 
his  Majefty's  triumphal  PafTagc  through  the 
City  from  the  Tower  of  Lo'ndon,  to  his  Pa- 
lace at  JVhite-Hally  attended  by  his  domc- 
ftick  Servants,  the  Judges,  and  Nobiliry,  with 
the  chief  Officers  of  State,  and  palling  thro' 
thofe  four  triumphal  Arches,  which  the  Ci- 
tizens had  ercded,  to  do  Honour  to  the  So- 
lemnity of  the  Day.  In  this  Ceremony  the 
Duke  of  Albemarlcy  as  Maftcr  of  the  Horfe, 
followed  his  Majefty's  Triumph,  leading  the 
Horfe  of  State.  The  next  Day  his  Majefty^^^.^/jj- 
was  folemnly  crown'd  at  IFeflminfler,  in  the 
Abbey  Church,  with  all  the  ufual  Ceremonies. 
In  the  Froceilion  from  Jl'^eflminflcrllall  to 
Y  2  the 

3i4  T^^  LIFE  of 

the  Abbey,  the  Regalia  were  carried  before 
the  King  by  the  chief  Nobility,  and,  among 
the  reft,  the  Sceptre  and  Dove  was  born  by 
'  the  Duke  of  Albemarle.  In  the  Time  of  the 
anointing,  he  was  one  of  the  four  that  held 
up  the  Pall  of  Cloth  of  Gold  over  his  Maje- 
fty 's  Head,  whilft  the  Archbifhop  of  Canter- 
bury perform -J  the  Undion.  And  after- 
wards he,  and  the  Duke  of  Buckingham,  did 
Homaee  for  themfclvcs  and  the  reft  of  the 
Order  of  Dukes  in  England,  ^ 

II.  And  now  his  Majcfty  being  perfectly 
fettled  in  the  Government,  adually  crown'd, 
and  the  Army  disbanded  j  the  Duke  of  Al- 
bemarle, for  fome  Years,  betook  himfelf  to 
Privacy  :  So  that  we  find  no  very  publick 
Adionofhis  Life  for  fome  Years,  fa vc  that 
he  carefully  attended  at  the  Privy- Council, 
advifing  with  his  Majcfty  upon  all  Occafions, 
and  was  conftantly  prefent  at  the  Houfe  of 
Lords  in  the  fcvcral  ScHions  of  Parliament. 

III.  At  home  all  things  were  quiet  and 
orderly,  excepting  feme  little  Plots  and  Con- 
triv.inccs  amon^;  the  Seditious ;  which  were 
ftill  fo  timely  difcern'd,  that  they  were  as  ea- 
fily  prevented.     Nor   had  his  Majetly   any 

rl'>'*"\''  Quarrels  abroad,    having  renewed    Alliances 

with  all  his  Neighbours,    till  a   War  begun 

i(y64.with  the  T>utcb:    Who  rcfufuigto  give  Sa- 

V  tibfaclion 

General  Monk.        32^ 

tisfaclion  for  old  Injuries,  and  conrrivini^  the 
Pradicc  of  new  ones,  rais'd  fuch  a  Multitude 
of  Complaints  againft  them  by  the  Subjeds 
of  this  Crown,  that  his  NLijclly  (  having  tirft 
in  vain  fought  Reparation  by  Treaties  and 
Mcflagcs)  refolv'd  at  lad,  witii  the  Advice  of 
his  Privy-Council,  to  enter  into  a  War  with 
the  States:  Which  was  fccondcd  by  a  bri.^k 
and  unanimous  Vote  of  the  Parliament  then 
fitting,  for  the  railing  of  Money  proportio- 
nable to  maintain  it.  So  that  by  the  follow- 
ing Spring  his  Majelly  had  made  ready  a  Fleet 
of  near  an  hundred  Ships  of  War,  furniflVd 
with  above  thirty  thoufand  Mariners  and  Sol- 
diers. And  his  Royal  Highnefs  the  Duke  of 
Tork.  beinGjalfoLord  Hi^h  Admiral  of  £'«'if- 
landj  undertook  the  Condud  of  them,  accom- 
pany'd  with  the  moft  illuftrious  Prince  7?//- 
■pert-,  who  commanded  a  Squadron,  the  late 
General  Mount  ague  (  fi  nee  E.ul  o^Sanc'rju'ah ) 
being  Vice-Admiral.  Bur,  before  his  Royal 
Highnefs  went  on  Board  the  Fleer,  he  left 
the  Care  of  the  Admiralty  to  the  Duke  of 
Albemarle^  to  provide  for  the  Stores  and  Pro- 
vifion  of  the  Navy,  which  was  all  attended 
with  a  very  particular  Induftry. 

IV.  About  the  22"^  of  y-Z/^r/Y  this  Fleer  k\..-i^'i'.ix. 

Sail  from  the  T)o-juns  to  the  T)utch  Coafis, 

and   came  to  an  Anchor  about  the  Tcxe!  ••> 

where  they  continued  for  almoft  a  Month, 

y   J  cxpeclu)^ 

ii6        ne  LIFE  of 

cxpcding  daily  the  coming  out  of  the  Stitch 
Fleer,  and  provoking  them  to  a  Battle,  by 
taking  daily  leveral  of  their  Ships.  But,  be- 
ing wearied  with  fo  long  Delays,  and  hav- 
ing in  a  Month's  Time,  exhaufted  much  of 
their  naval  Provifions,  his  Royal  Highnefs 
brought  back  the  Fleet  toward  their  own 
Shores,  from  whence  tkey  might  be  again 
more  fpecdily  fnpply'd.  But,  vvhilft  he  lay 
at  Anchor  in  the  Gun  fleet  near  Har^^ich, 
he  receiv'd  Advice  that  the  'Dutch  were 
come  out  to  Sea,  confifting  of  more  than  one 
hundred  Ships,  and  proportionably  mann'd, 
led  by  the  Admiral  Opdam,  and  four  Vice- 
Admirals;  and,  in  their  Way  had  furpriz'd 
fcvcral  Eiiglifro  Merchant-men  coming  from 
Hdmburgh,  which  had  unfortunately  fallen 
in  among  them.  Though  his  Royal  High- 
nefs had  prcfented  them  Battle  upon  their 
own  Coafis,  yet  he  was  not  willingto  receive 
the  like  Offer  from  them  at  home,  but  com- 
manded the  Fleet  indantly  to  weigh  Anchor 
•tov.'ardsiS'^i^Wr/Bay,  where  hearriv'd  Jtme  i. 
And  the  fame  Day  Intelligence  was  brought 
him,  by  fomc  Ships  kept  out  for  Difcovery, 
that  they  had  Sight  of  the  Enemy's  Fleet. 
Wherefore  he  commanded  the  Fleet  to  weigh 
again,  and  to  get  farther  off  from  Shore,  for 
the  Benefit  of  Sea-Room. 

•     V.  The  next  Morning  his  Royal  High- 

General  Monk.        317 

ncfs  made  all  the  Sail  he  could  to  join  the 
^utch  Fleet ;  but  they,  being  to  Windwatd 
of  him,  declin'd  engaging.    That  Night  both 
Fleets  came  to  an  Anchor  at  convenient  Di- 
ftancefrom  each  other  5  fo  that  the  next  Day,>'"3- 
after  three  in  the  Morning,  Prince  Rupert, 
who  commanded  the  Van,  began  the  Fight. 
But  the  'Dutch   being  defirous  to  gain  the 
Wind  of  the  Englifi  Fleet,  kept  off  at  prc- 
fenc  from  all  clolc  Engagement,    and  made 
feveral  Trads  upon  him  :  So  that  his  Royal 
Highnefs  came   at  length  to  have  his  own 
Squadron  in  Front  of  the  Enemy's  Line  ;  hav- 
ing Sir  John  La-ji^fon  on  head  of  him,  who 
bore  in  upon  the  Dutch  Fleet,  feconded  by 
his  Royal  Highnefs,  keeping  ftill  the  Wind  of 
them,  to  prevent  the  Aflault  of  their  Fire- 
fhips,    wherein   they    exceeded  the  EvglijJj 
Fl(fet.     The  Duke  then  obferving  Admiral 
Opdam's  Ship  to  come  up  into  their  Line, 
commanded  his  own  to  bear  up  to  him,  by 
whofe  Exa^iiplc,  and  following  the  Motions 
of  the  Admiral's  Ship,  the  Body  of  the  Eng- 
lijh  Fleet  came  clofe  up  to  the  Enemy,  and 
ply'd  their  Guns  on  all  Hands  at  near  Diftan- 
ces.     But  his  Royal  Highnefs  charg'd  Admi- 
ral Opdam  fo  warmly,  that,  after  a  fmart  En- 
counter, his  Powder- Room   was  fir'd,    and 
the  Ship  blown  up. 

VL  Before  this  Accident  the  T>ntch 
Y  4  Fit^-t 

3i8        the  LIFE   of 

Fleet  began  to  fhrink,  and  give  Ground  ;  but 
when  they  obferv'd  theLofs  of  their  Admiral 
and  his  Ship,  they  made  their  own  Misfor- 
tune this  Day  the  greater,  by  an  hafty  and 
inconfiderate  Flight ;  in  which  they  loft  the 
Ora;ige-Trcej  a  Ship  of  fevcnty  fix  Guns,  fe- 
cond  to  the  Admiral,  which  was  taken  and 
burnt;  and,  in  this  frightful  Run,  four  of 
their  capital  Ships,  falling  foul  of  each  other, 
were  burnt  by  a  Firefliip  clofe  to  them.  Af- 
terwards three  more,  by  a  like  Accident,  being 
intangled,  were  deftroy'd  by  another. 

VII.  His  Majefty's  Fleet  had  the  Chace  of 
the  T>utch  all  the  Day  towards  their  own 
Coafts,  and  in  the  Night  kept  up  with  them  ; 
fo  that,  in  the  Morning  early,  they  were  up- 
on them  again,  deftroying  more  of  their 
Ships,  and  purfuing  them  to  the  Mouth  of 
the  Texel'i  where,  being  better  acquainted 
with  rhcir  Road,  and  drawing  Icfs  Water,  they 
got  in  with  the  firft  Tide.  And  afterwards 
his  Pvoyal  Highnefs  brought  off  the  Engltjh 
Fleet  triumphing  in  their  Spoils,  and  Vidory 
of  their  Enemies,  to  their  own  Shame. 

VIII.  In  this  Fight  there  fell  of  the  T>iitchy 
befides  Admiral  Opdam^  three  Vice- Admirals, 

Stllimgwalf^  and  Schamp^  and 
about  eight  or  ten  thoufand  common  Soldiers 
and  Mariners,  with  the  Lofs  of  about  twenty 


General   Monk. 

eight  Ships,  taken  and  funk  5  with  a  very  in- 
confiderablc  Damage  to  his  Majetty's  Navy, 
having  loft  only  one  little  Vcflcl,  call'd  the 
Mary^  taken  in  the  Beginning  of  the  Fight, 
and  carried  off  with  them  j  and  the  Lofs  of 
Men  was  alfo  difproportionable.  Only  fomc 
honourable  Perfons,  who  fcrv'd  as  Volunteers 
or  honorary  Soldiers  at  this  Battle,  fell  in  it;  as 
the  Earl  o^  Tort  land:  But  the  Earl  o^  Fal- 
mouth, the  Lord  iMuskerry,  and  Mr.  Bo^le, 
fecond  Son  to  the  Earl  of  Biirlingtonj  were 
■  cutoff  together  by  one  Shot  in  his  Royal  High- 
nefs's  Ship.  The  Earl  of  Marlborough,  who 
commanded  a  Frigar,  was  here  llain,  with 
Rear- Admiral  y<?^?;y^w.  Vice- Admiral  La-jj- 
fon  received  a  Hurt  in  his  Knee,  at  the  Be- 
ginning of  the  Flight,  which  was  thoufilu  io 
inconfiderable,  that  there  was  not  that  time- 
ly Care  taken  of  it  which  it  dcfcrv'd  :  Nor 
did  he  make  fo  much  Hafte  to  Shore,  as  he 
fhould  J  fo  that  in  about  five  Weeks  he  dy'd 

IX.  In  this  Engagement  his  Royal  High- 
ncfs  had  fo  far  cxpofed  himlelf,  that  neither 
his  Majcfty,  nor  his  People,  were  willing  to 
adventure  the  next  Hope  of  the  Common- 
wealth, to  any  further  Dangers  and  Hazards : 
So  that,  the  remaining  Part  of  this  Summer, 
ihcEarlof^^w^eo'/V^,  being  Vice- Admiral  of 
England,  commanded  the  fleet.  But  this 
\  laic 

330        The  LIFE  of    ^ 

iate  Fight  had  fo  taken  down  the  'Dutch  Sto- 
machs, that,  for  the  reft  of  this  Year,  they 
had  neither  Force  nor  Courage  to  adventure 
upon  another  Engagement. 

X.  With  the  Beginning  of  this  War,  be- 
gan alfo  a  mod  fatal  Peftilence  in  London, 
and  both  were  of  'Dutch  Original.     For  as 
they  brought  the  War  upon  themfelves,   by 
their  feveral  Depredations  of  fe^Z/y^  Goods  ^ 
fo  they  fent  us  the  Contagion  in  fome  of  their 
own,  convey'd  hither  out  of  Holland,  where 
lately  the  Plague  had  very  fevercly  raged.     It 
began  firft  in  London,  and  from  thence  was 
difpers'd  to  moft  of  the  principal  Towns  anct 
Cities  of  the  Nation,   accompany 'd  with  fo 
great  Mortality,  as  we  have  no  Account  of  the 
like  Contagion  in  any  Age  or  Annals  of  ^«^- 
land.    His  Majefty  was  therefore  enforc'd  to 
jeave  his  Palace  2ifVhite-HaU,zndi  retire  to  Ox- 
fordy  whither  afterwards  the  Houfes  of  Parlia- 
ment and  the  Term  were  adjourn'd.  The  No- 
bility alfo,  and  Gentry,  and  principal  CitizenS;, 
were  difpers'd  for  Refuge  from  the  Infedioa 
throughout  all  the  Villages  of  Eyigland. 

XI.  But  being  the  capital  City  of  the 
Nation  was  not  to  be  left  at  random,  where 
not  only  the  Poor,  enforc'd  by  Necelliry,  or 
cncourag'd  through  Liberty,  might  rifle  the 
Houfes  of  the  Rich,  but  the  Seditious  alfo 


General  Monk.  331 

might  take  the  Opportunity  to  pradifc  new 
Milchicfs  5  it  plcas'd  his  Majcfty  to  cntrufl: 
the  Care  and  lafcry  of  the  Place  with  the 
Duke  of  Albemarle,  commanding  his  Conti- 
nuance in  the  Town.  And  though  his  Grace 
might  very  well,  with  the  reft  of  the  NobiU- 
ty,  have  confultcd  his  own  Safety,  by  re- 
treating with  his  NLijcfly  to  Oxford,  or  to 
fome  of  his  own  Retirements  in  the  Country^ 
and  his  paft  Services  might  have  fairly  ex- 
empted him  from  this  hazardous  Attendance, 
and  throw  it  upon  fome  others ;  yet  he  very 
willingly  obev'd,  and,  when  other  Men  had 
cxpos'd  their  Eftatcs  and  Fortunes  to  fccurc 
their  Lives,  he  was  contented  to  ftay  and  cx- 
pofe  his  own  Life  to  fecure  their  Properties. 
Nor  did  he  only  dircdhis  Care  to  the  Con- 
cernments of  the  Rich,  but  efpecially  for  the 
Neceflitics  of  the  Poor,  by  continually  in- 
fpeding  the  Diftributions  of  the  publick  Cha- 
rity, to  which  was  alfo  fupciaddcd  a  Share 
of  his  own  private  Bounty. 

XII.  In  thcfe  Cares  he  was  greatly  helped 
by  the  Afliftanceof  two  other  great  and  ho- 
nourable Perfons,  who  alfo  remained  in  the 
City  :  His  Grace  the  Lord  Archbifliop  of 
Canterbury,  who  ftay'd  a  great  Part  of  the 
Time  at  his  Palace  at  Lambeth,  v.  here,  be- 
fides  his  own  vaft  and  diffufivc  Charity  to- 
wards the  Poor  and  AfRiacd,  he  fo  effcaually 
^  folicitcd 

33^  Tie  LIFE  of 

folicited  the  other  Bifhops  in  England,  that 
feveral  great  and  almoft  incredible  Sums  of 
Money  were  rais'd  for  Relief  of  the  infeO:ed. 
And  had  the  Fadious  given  the  hundredth 
Part  of  their  Bounty,  the  Nation  muft  have 
rung  with  the  Noife  of  their  Charity.  With 
the  like  companionate  Care  did  the  Earl  of 
Craven  continue  in  the  Town,  diftributing 
conftantly  the  greateft  Part  of  his  Revenue  to 
fupply  the  Neceflities  of  the  fick  and  perifh- 

XIII.  The  Guards  and  necefifary  Forces 
left  with  the  Duke  for  fecuring  the  Peace  of 
the  City,  were,  by  his  Order,  quarter'd  in 
Hyde  ^ark,  where  there  were  Tents  and 
Conveniences  made  ready  for  them  ;  but,  not- 
withftanding  all  his  Care,  and  their  Diftance 
from  the  Infcdion,  yet  he  loft  a  great  Part  of 
them.  His  own  Refidencc  he  ftill  continued 
at  xh^  Cock  pit  nzzt  White  HaU,  where,  by 
his  free  Admiflion  of  all  Pcrfons  that  had  Bu- 
finefs  with  him,  he  convers'd  daily  with  more 
allured  Dangers,  than  in  any  of  the  Battles 
that  had  been  fought  by  him. 

XIV.  But,  befides  the  Hazard  of  this  Em- 
ployment, it  was  attended  with  fo  many 
Cares  and  infinite  Importunities,  as  would 
have  troubled  an  Head  that  had  not  been  ha-» 
bitually  accuftoiiVd  to  Bufuiefs  like  the  Duke 

General  Monk.        333 

of  Albemarle's.  For  his  Majefty  being  remov- 
ed to  Oxford,  the  Duke  was  oblig'd  to  con- 
ftant  Correfpondence  with  him,  bcfidcs  his 
alfiduous  Difpatches  to  the  Lord  Chancellor, 
and  the  Secretaries  of  State.  With  the  Fleet 
he  had  continual  Bufinefs,  in  ordering  Sup- 
plies for  them,  upon  all  Occafions,  out  of  the 
Stores  in  the  City.  His  Care  wns  endlefs 
andunceffant,  both  with  the  Admiralty,  and 
Commillioners  of  the  Navy,  in  infpecVing  the 
Management  of  the  Prize-  Office  :  Bcfides  his 
daily  Correfpondcncies  with  the  Lord  Mayor, 
for  Relief  of  the  Poor,  and  Security  of  the 
City  ;  his  granting  Licences  for  Ships  to 
Sea,  and  appointing  Convoys  to  attend  them. 
In  all  which,  having  a  cfroud  of  Bufinefs,  nei- 
ther the  Danger  of  his  Perfon,  nor  the  Trou- 
ble of  his  Employment,  gave  him  any  Di- 
fturbance  ;  but  his  Grace  was  as  eafy  and  pre* 
fent  to  himfelf,  and  well  pleas'd,  as  other  Men 
are  in  their  Recreations  and  Divcrfions. 


L  Trirce  Rupert  and  the  T^uke  <?/  Albcmnrlc 
jo'ind  in  Cormniffion  againjt  the  Dutch.    1 1. 


334      '^^^  L  I F E  of 

The  ^uke  accepts  the  Chargey  againfl  the 
Advice  of  his  Friends.  111.  Has  the  Care 
of  making  all  the  Naval  T reparations, 
IV.  The  King  returns  to  London.  V.  The 
Admirals  go  on  Board.  VI.  The  Dutch 
make  an  Alliance  with  the  French.  Vil. 
Who  ajjlfl  themy  and  declare  War  againfi 
England.  VIII.  The  preparations  on  both 
Sides  towards  AEiion.  IX.  The  Dutch 
Fleet  appears.  X.  Thef  come  to  an  En- 
gagement. XL  The  Event  of  it.  XII, 
XIII.  Another  Engagement.  The  T>tike 
refolves  to  retreat.  XIV.  The  Manner  of 
his  Retreat.  XV.  Trince  Rupert  returns, 

XVI.  And  joins  the  ^ukes  Fleet -^  the 
Dutch   upon   their   Conjun5fion  retiring, 

XVII,  XVIII.  Refolvedy  in  a  Council  of 
War,  to  give  them  Battle  again.  XIX. 
Otir  Fleets  follow  them.  XX.  They  come 
to  an  Engagement  upon  the  Dutch  Coafly 
XXI.  The  'T>tike's  Courage  and  ConduH  in 
this  Adion.  XXII.  The  Dutch  are  beaten, 
and  get  off  y  the  Englifh  returning  home, 
XXII  I.  different  Reflections  upon  the 
Wilkes  CondiiEi.  XXIV.  The  Opinion  of 
the  Dutch  upon  it.  XXV.  The  Dutch 
put  to  Sea  again.  XXVI.  The  Englifh 
Fleet  purfues  them  to  their  own  Coafis-^ 
XXVIL  And  engages  them^. 


General  Monk,        jjy 

1  np  O  W  A  R  D  S  the  End  of  the  Year, 

1  his  Majcfty  advis'd  with  his  Privy- 
Council  at  Oxfordy  about  the  Condud  of  the 
Fleet  next  Spring.  And  though  his  Royal 
Highnefs  was  very  importunate  to  finifli  the 
War  with  the  ^Diitch,  which  he  had  fo  for- 
tunately begun  ;  yet,  fince  they  were  rcfolv'd 
not  to  venture  his  Perfon  again  to  further 
Hazards,  it  was  at  laft  detcrmin'd,  that  his 
Highnefs  Prince  Rupert,  and  the  Duke  of 
y^lc^emar/e,  (hould,  by  joint  Commiflion,  com- 
mand at  Sea,  and  carry  on  the  War  the  fol- 
lowing Summer. 

II.  The  Prince,  being  prefent  upon  the 
Place,  accepted  the  Charge  5  and  his  Majedy 
appointed  the  Duke  (hould  hadcn  down  to 
Oxford  -,  which  he  prcfently  did  by  Poft,  and 
chearfully  fubmitted  to  the  Commands  of  his 
Sovereign  ;  though  there  wanted  not  thofe  a- 
bour  him,  who  difluadedhim  from  this  Em- 
ployment ;  alledging,  that  his  Merits  were 
great  and  unweildy  already,  and  his  Repu- 
tation higher  than  to  need  further  Advance ; 
that  his  Fortune  had  already  foyl  enough, 
and  that  he  had  now  no  greater  Concern  than 
toprefcrve  himfelf  where  he  was  ;  that  the  ill 
Succefs  of  this  War  might  perhaps  be  fufli- 
cicnt  to  Icflcn  him ;  but  the  Profpcroufnefs 
of  it  would  add  little  to  his  Fame,  and  much 


33^        ^^  LIFE  of  i 

to  Envy.  Though  there  wanted  not  Tome 
Rcafon  in  thefe  Suggeftions,  yet  the  Dukd 
lik'd  no  politick  Contrivance  in  the  Inftance 
of  his  Obedience  ;  and  having  (laid  three 
Days  at  Oxford,  advifing  privately  with  the 
King  about  the  Preparations  for  the  War,  and 
rcceiv'd  his  Majefty's  Thanks  for  his  faithful 
Care  of  the  publick  Safety,  and  Security  of 
the  City,  he  return'd  back  to  his  Charge  at 
London.  ,  .  ,, 

HI.  And  now,  being  made  Co  admiral  at 
Sea,  he  had  another  Province  added  to  the 
reft  of  his  Cares,  whereby  he  was  oblig'd  to 
give  Orders  for  the  making  ready  fuch  Ships 
as  were  not  yet  finifh'd,  and  the  Repair  oi 
others,  that  had  been  difabled  in  this  Year's 
War,  bcfides  all  other  naval  Preparations  for 
the  following  Spring. 

IV.  Though  the  Plague  did  greatly  fpread 
and  increafe  in  other  remoter  Cities  and  Pla- 
ces of  the  Kingdom,  yet,  towards  the  End  of 
the  Year,  it  manifeftly  abated  in  London; 
and  the  City  became  fo  clcar'd  from  fartheir 
F,^.  I.  In  fed  ion,  that  about  the  firft  oi  February, 
his  Majefty  haftcnd  his  Return  from  Oxford 
to  his  Court  at  IVhiteHall^  where  he  might 
more  commodloufly  infped  his  Affairs,  and 
ad  vile  for  the  further  Preparations  of  his 
Fleet.     The  late  Mortality,  as  it  had  fwept 

-  .  I 

General  Monk.         :^  ^  7 

away  great  Multitudes  in  the  Suburbs  of  the 
City,  lo  it  had  dcltroycd  abundance  of  the 
Seamen  in  thofe  Pariflics  adioinini;  to  the 
River,  and  had  done  the  Uke  in  other  mari- 
time Towns  of  England:  Inlbmuch  that  there 
was  forae  Difficulty  in  procurini^  enough  of 
thofe  ftout  and  vahant  People  to  man  the 
Fleet.  But  the  Duke  of  Albemarle,  having; 
formerly  commanded  at  Sea,  had  fo  mucli 
Reputation  and  Influence  among  the  Sea- 
men, that,  whilft  there  was  any  of  them  left 
in  Englandy  he  was  not  likely  to  want  theii: 
Company  in  his  Majcfty's  Service.  And,  by 
the  united  Intercft  and  Influence  of  the  Prince, 
notwithftanding  the  Difadvantagcs  of  the  late 
Plague,  all  thmgs  were  brought  into  fo  pood 
Readinefs,  as  that  both  the  Men  and  Ships 
would  quickly  be  fit  to  fail,  attending  for 
their  Admirals  to  come  on  Board. 

V.  Accordingly,  April  z-^.  being  St. 
Georges,  Day,  his  Highnefs  Prince  Rupert, 
and  the  Duke  of  Albemarle,  took  Leave  of 
his  Majefty  and  the  Court  ;  and,  at  JVhite- 
HallSuKS,  in  one  of  the  King's  Barges,  went 
down  the  River  to  the  Fleet. 

VI.  Nor  were  the  T>utch  all  this  while 
lefs  fedulous  in  preparing  their  own  Navy. 
The  laft  Year's  War  had  fo  much  weaken'd 
their  Fleet,  but  more  the  Courage  of  their 

2,  People. 

3  3?  Tke  LIFE  of 

People,  that  they  found  themfelves  not  able 
to  continue  it  further  without  the  Arms  of 
their  Neighbours.  To  that  End  they  had 
contraded  a  new  Alliance  with  France^  from 
whence  they  were  to  have  the  Adiftance  of 
the  French  Fleet,  led  by  the  Duke  d^  Beau- 

VII.  His  Majefty  of  Great  Britain  was 
already  io  much  fuperior  to  all  his  Neigh- 
bours at  Sea,  that  the  i^'r^wf^  King  was  great- 
ly afraid  he  (hould  grow  more  potent  there, 
by  his  further  Succefs  againft  the  T>utch, 
And  though  he  hated  nothing  more  than  that 
People,  and  their  Government,  yet  he  lov'd 
his  own  Intereft  better  than  to  depart  from  ir, 
by  denying  them  Alliftauce.  He  had  already 
defign'd  the  Invafion  of  their  Country  by 
Land,  and  therefore  was  not  a  little  concern- 
ed, that  his  Majefty  (hould  prevent  him  ia 
the  Conqueft,  by  fubduing  them  firft  at  Sea. 
And  other  fecret  Reafons  led  him,  in  Conjun- 
dion  with  the  T>utch,  to  declare  War  againft 
England'-,  which  was  accordingly  denounced 
back  upon  him  into  France, 

VIII.  Prince  Rupert  and  the  Duke  of 
Albemarle  had,  by  this  Time,  brought  the 
Fleet  to  fuch  Readinefs,  as  they  were 
come  to  an  Anchor  in  the  IDownSy  refolv- 
ing  from  thence  to  fet  fail  for  the  ^atch 

'     /  Coafts;^ 

General    Monk.        33(7 

Coafts,  and  find  out  the  Enemy.    Bur,  in  the 
interim,  hisMajefty  had  rccciv'd  Intelligence 
from  France,  that  the  Duke  de  Eciw.fort  had 
made   equal  Difpatch   in  getting  ready   the 
French  Fleet,  and  was  coming  our  to  join 
with  the 'D//^r^.     Upon  which  Information 
from  thence,  hisMajcfty,  with  the  Advice  of 
the  Privy  Council,    difpatch'd   away    Orders 
to  his  Fleet,  That  Trince  Ku^cnfioui^ take 
twenty  of  the  befi  and  nimbleft  Frigats,  andy 
direuiing  his    Way    towards  the   Coajis  of 
France,  fJoould  attend  the  Motions  of  the 
French   Admiral,  atid  engage  him  before  he 
could  join  his  Fleet  with  the  Dutch.    Thefe 
Inftrudions  were  prefently  put  in  Execution 
by  his  Highnefs,  leaving  the  Duke,  with  the 
reft  of  the  Fleer>  ftill  in  the  T)owns. 

IX.  The  laft  of  iV/^7  the  Duke  fet  fail  from  %?<: 
the  T)owns  \  and  the  next  Morning  early,  jnnt  m 
the  BrifloU  plying  about  a  League  from  the 
reft  of  the  Fleet,  difcovered  fevcral  Sail  j  and 
therefore  fir'd  three  Guns  one  after  another, 
which  gave  Warning  to  the  Fleet.  About 
eight  of  the  fame  Morning,  from  the  Admi- 
ral's Top-maft-head,  they  difcovered  about 
eleven  or  twelve  Sail ;  and  at  the  fame  time 
other  Ships  difcovered  about  twenty  or  thirty- 
Sail  more,  towards  T)unkirk  and  OJfeyjd,  and 
prefently  after  more  of  them  were  dcfcry'd  5 
fo  that  it  was  out  of  hand  concluded  to  be 

340        The  L  I F E  of 

the  T)utch  Fleet.     Therefore  his  Grace  pre- 
fently  commanded  the  Flag-Officers  to  meen 
in  a  Council  of  War,  where  were  prefent  Sic 
Robert  Holmes y  Sir  Jofeph  Jordan,  Sir  Chri- 
ftopher   Mings y  Sir   George  A f cough,    Rear- 
Admiral  Hannan,  and  others,  where  it  was 
debated,  Whether  they  Jhould   adventure  to 
engage  the  Dutch  in  the  Abfence  of  fo  confi- 
derable  a  ^art  of  their  Fleet,  then  gone  off 
with  the   prince.     Butj   in  regard  feveral 
good  Ships,  beJidestheK.oyz\.  Sovereign,  then 
at  Anchor  in   the  Gun-fleet    (neither  fully 
manndy    nor   ready)  wotdd,  upon  their  Re- 
treat, be  in  ^Danger  of  a    Surprizal  by  the 
Enemy  5    and  that  fuch    a    Coiirfe  might 
have  forne    Imprefjion  upon  the  Spirit  and 
Courage  of  the  Seamen,  who  had  not  been 
accuftom*  d  to  decline  fighting  with  the  Dutch  -, 
it  was  at  lafi;  tinanimoujly  refolded  to  abide 
them,  and  the  Fleet  jhould  prefently  be  put 
in  Readinefs  to  fall  into  a  Line.     This  Ad- 
vice was  agreeable  to  the  Opinion  and  Senti- 
ments of  the  Duke,  who  did  very  much  un- 
dervalue the  Power  and  Force  of  the  'Dutch 
Fleet,  expecting  fuch  eafy  Conquefts  as  he 
had  obtained  thirteen  Years  before.     But  the 
Dutch  of  late  had  built  much  greater  and 
ftronger    Ships,    and,  by  often  Tryals,  had 
learnt  from  the  Englijh  the  Experience  of 
fighting  better. 

^n-*  ,.   -X  X.  The 

General  Monk.  341 

X.  TwE'Dutcb  Fleet  was  that  Day  crtccm- 
cd  about  fcventy  fix  Sail,  and  ten  Firc-fliips, 
commanded  by  the  Admiral  rt't'/^z/rrcr,  who 
fuccceded  after  the  Death  of  Opdam.  With 
the  Duke  there  was  not  above  fifty  Frigats, 
whereof  eighteen  were  heavy  l^utcb  Bot- 
toms, which  had  been  taken  from  the  Fnemy 
in  this  and  the  former  War.  About  one  of 
tl-K;  Clock,  about  Mid-Sea,  towards  the  Coaft 
of  'Dunkirk,  the  Fight  was  begun  by  Rcar- 
Admiral  Harman^  of  the  llloite  Squadron, 
who  led  the  Van,  and  bore  in  upon  the^t"^- 
/^w^  Squadron,  riding  head  moft  of  the  Ene- 
my's Fleet,  and  prefently  a  great  Part  of  the 
Ships  on  both  Sides  were  engaged.  But  the 
Wind  blowing  high,  the  Force  of  xhcDiitch 
Fleet  fell  chiefly  upon  the  Sails  and  Rigging 
of  the  Er/gif/h.  The  Duke  wasfo  intent  up- 
on this  Charge,  that  he  engaged  far  among 
them,  till  he  had  mofl:  of  hi<;  Tackling  taken 
clear  off  by  the  Chain-Shot,  and  his  Standard 
ftruck  down,  fo  that  he  was  forc'd  to  tack 
and  go  off  to  an  Anchor,  being  rclicv'd  by 
the  Royal  Oak.  And,  having  fpccdily  rigg'd 
again  with  Jury-Mafts,  and  brought  new  Sails 
to  the  Yards,  he  ftood  in  again,  and  fell  into 
the  Body  of  thzDutch  Fleet,  where  he  en- 
gaged cle  Ruyter  j  and,  about  this  Time,  four 
of  the  T>Htch  great  Ships  were  lank  and 
burnt  j  but  many  of  the  Seamen  fav'd,  being 

Z  3  taken 

542.        Hoe  L  I F E   of 

taken  up  by  the  Engltfi  Boats  and  Tenders  j 
and  Trump  receiv'd  a  full  Broad-fide  from  the 
Royal  Catherine y  which  io  difabled  him,  that 
he  was  forc'd  to  get  off,  as  alfo  were  feveral 
other  capital  Ships  that  drew  into  Harbour, 
Among  the  reft,  Van  Trumps  with  his  Ship 
of  eighty  two  Guns ;  Van  Ghent,  with  his 
Ship  of  feventy ;  and  Nejfe,  with  a  Ship  of 
eighty  Guns  (bcfides  fome  others)  got  into 
the  Goree,  miferably  torn  and  fhatter'd. 

XI.  Nor  was  it  any  whit  better  with  fe- 
veral of  the  Er,giijh  Ships,  which,  by  that 
Day's  Work,  were  fo  difabled  in  their  Shrouds, 
JVlafts,  and  Tackling,  that  they  were  forc'd 
to  retire,  and  make  their  Way  to  the  next 
Harbour.  The  Henry  had  three  Fire  (hips 
upon  her,  yet  had  the  good  Fortune  to  clear 
them  all  with  fome  Lofs,  but  ^o  torn  and 
(hattcr'd,  as  flic  was  fent  off  to  Harbour.  In 
this  Day's  Engagement  there  appeared  no 
confidcrablc  Damage  to  any  of  the  Ships 
themfelves.  All  the  Tempefl:  fell  above  Deck 
among  the  Shrouds  and  Mafts  5  and,  for  the 
Length  and  Fiercenefs  of  the  Encounter, 
there  were  very  few  Men  kill'd  or  wounded. 
His  Grace  receiv'd  that  Day  a  fmall  Bruife  in 
his  Hand  by  a  Splinter,  and,  among  thofe 
unlucky  and  thick  Vollies  that  brought 
down  his  Tackling,  one  of  them  fhot  away 
{lis  greechcs,  but  leaving  the  Skin  untouch'd  5 
•    -  "  and^ 

General  Monk.        343 

and,  by  nine  or  ten  of  the  Clock  at  Night* 
both  Sides  were  well  enough  content  to  give 
over,  and  fall  to  mending  their  Sails  and  k,vz 

XII.  The  next  Morning  about  fix,  the 
Fight  begun  again,  and  the  Duke,  though  lb 
much  inferior  to  the  Enemy,  in  the  Number 
of  Ships,  was  yet  the  Aggreffor,  and  mod 
Part  of  the  Day  had  the  Advantage  of  the 
T>iLtch  Fleet,  till  towards  two  in  the  After- 
noon,  about  which  Time  the  Enemy,  which 
was  fo  much  fuperior  in  Number  before,  was 
recruited  by  the  Accefllon  of  llxtcen' frcfli 
Ships,  by  which  they  were  enabled  to  prcfs 
very  hard  upon  the  EngliJJj  Fleet,  who  yet 
kept  their  Ground,  and  fought  it  out  till  E- 
vening,  though  extremely  Ihatter'd  in  their 
Mafts,  Sails,  and  Rigging,  and  many  Men 
kiird.  The  T^utch  loft  three  good  Ships  in 
this  Day's  Engagement  j  and  the  Duke  four, 
the  Swift-furey  the  EaglCy  the  Loyal  George^ 
and  the  Catherine -■,  which  two  laft  were  no 
Part  of  the  Royal  Navy,  but  Merchant  men 
which  had  been  hir'd  into  the  Service.  Vet 
though  the  Ships  were  deftroy'd,  the  Men 
were  generally  fav'd.  This  Night  the  Lord 
OJfory,  and  Sir  Thomas  Clifford^  with  fomc 
other  Perfons  of  Quality,  came  from  Uover 
on  board  the  Admiral,  by  whom  his  Grace 
was  aQuc'd,  that  the  Prince  was  upon  his  Re- 
turn. XIII.  But 

344          '^'^'^  ^  I F E  of 

XIII.  But  this  Day's  Work  had  Co  far  dif- 
abled  feveral  of  his  Majefty's  Ships  in  their 
Mafts  and  Rigging  ;  and  their  odds  of  Num- 
ber was  fo  extremely  difproportionable,  that 
it  was  refolved  this  Night  by  the  Council  of 
War,  (having  with  unequal  Force  fo  ndvan- 
tagioufly  aflerted  the  Honour  of  his  Majefty, 
and  their  own  Gallantry,)  to  make  a  fair  and 
regular  Retreat. 

XIV.  To  that  End,  the  next  Morning  his 
Grace  ordered  all  the  Men  out  of  two  or  three 
Hug  Ships,  which  were  unferviceable,  and 
commanded  them  to  be  fired,  rather  than  put 
them  to  the  Hazard  of  falling  into  the  Ene- 
my's Hand  in  his  Retreat.  And  now  he  had 
not  full  forty  good  Ships  with  him  to  make 
good  his  Retreat  againft  about  ninety  of  the 
Enemy's.  Bur,  commanding  all  his  weak 
and  difabled  Frigars  to  go  off  before  him, 
and  placing  about  fixteen  or  rweory  of  the 
foundcft  and  mod  in  Heart  to  the  Enemy's 
Front,  he  began  a  regular  and  leifurcly  Retreat, 
which  was  managed  with  fo  much  Bravery  , 
and  Courage,  that  the  'Dutch,  though  poffef- 
fed  withfo  many  great  Advantages  upon  him, 
had  no  great  Stomach  to  the  Furfuir,  con- 
tenting themfelves  to  follow  a-ioof  off,  and 
to  fire  their  Guns  at  fuch  Diftance,  as  gave 
no  Prejudice  to  the  Evglijh  Fleet :  Till  about 


General  Monk.        j^j 

four  in  the  Afternoon,  the  Wind  cncrcafine, 
they  came  clofer  up  to  the  Duke  in  two  Bo- 
dies, and  fpcnt  fomc  Broad-fides  upon  his 
Ship;  but  were  fo  warmly  ply'd  from  the 
Englijh  Fleet  with  their  Stern  Pieces,  as  made 
them  contented  to  lye  further  off. 

XV.  The  fame  fre(h  Gale  which  at  this 
Time  had  brought  up  the  "Dutch  Fleer, 
brought  alfo  the  Prince  with  his  Squadron  in 
View  of  the  Duke's  Ships,  which  now  ap- 
peared in  the  mod  feafonable  Minute,  having 
made  all  the  Sail  they  could  to  come  to  his 
Relief.  Nor  was  the  Duke  lefs  willing  to  join 
the  Prince  and  his  Squadron.  But,  in  making 
their  Way  towards  him,  feveral  of  the  princi- 
pal Ships,  and  among  the  reft,  the  Duke  in 
the  Royal  Charles,  came  a- ground  on  the 
Gapper  or  the  Galloper  Sands,  but  had  all  of 
them  the  good  Fortune  to  get  off  again ;  on- 
ly the  Royal  Prince,  a  great  and  brave  Fri- 
gat,  was  fo  deeply  ftrandcd,  that  it  was  not 
poflible  to  bring  her  off,  but  became  a  Prey 
to  the  Enemy ,  where  Sir  George  Afcough 
that  commanded  in  her,  and  his  Company, 
were  taken  Prifoners.  And  when  the  Dutch 
alfo  had  in  vain  attempted  to  get  her  off  the 
Sands,  at  Night  they  burnt  her  down.  This 
unfortunate  ftriking  of  fo  many  of  our  Ships 
upon  the  Sands,  gave  the  Dutch  fo  great  an 
Opportunity  of  dcftroying  the  Duke's  Fleet, 


34<5  Tie  LIFE  of 

as  they  have  Caufe  never  to  forgive  the  Com- 
manders that  made  no  greater  Advantage  of 
it,  where  all  might  have  been  loft,  if  the 
Enemy  had  been  brave  enough  to  have  ad- 
ventured for  it.     V'    -^  i  'V 

XVI.  So  foon  as  the  T^iitch  obferv'd  the 
Approach  of  the  Prince  with  his  Squadron, 
de  Ruyter  fent  over  a  Party  of  between  twen- 
ty and  thirty  Ships  to  meet  him,  himfelf  with 
the  reft  of  the  Fleet  ftill  attending  the  Moti- 
on of  the  Duke.  This  Squadron  of  the 
*Dutch  Fleet  fent  out  againft  the  Prince, 
feem'd  to  provoke  him  to  the  Combat ;  but 
becaufe  he  as  yet  knew  nothing  of  the  State 
of  the  Fleet,  he  refolv'd  firft  to  fend  off  a 
Veffcl  to  the  Duke,  letting  him  know,  that, 
if  he  thought  it  moft  advifable,  he  would 
keep  to  Windward,  and  engage  that  Party 
which  had  been  fent  out  to  brave  him.  But, 
leaft  the  Veflel  fhould  not  return  Time  enough 
to  prevent  the  Prince's  Intention,  his  Grace 
firft  fir'd  two  Guns  from  the  Royal  Charles,  to 
give  him  Warning,  and  made  a  Waft  with  his 
Flag ;  and  prcfcntly  after  the  Meflcnger  re- 
turn'd  alfo,  and  brought  his  Highnefs  Cauti- 
on from  the  Duke,  That  he  fiould  by  m 
means  bear  tip  the  Squadron,  there  being  a 
dangerous  Sand,  called  the  Galloper,  lying 
between  tbe?n,  where  fever  a  I  of  his  own 
Shifs  had  that  T> ay  been  Jlranded  2  ^nd,  at 

General  Monk.  347 

one  End  of  it y  the  Royal  Prince  iz'as  lofl : 
That  the  Appearance  of  the  Dutcli  Squadron 
in  that  Tlace,  isuas  only  to  tempt  them  into 
the  Bank,  and  draw  them  into  the  Toil.  Up- 
on this  Advice,  his  Highncfs  picfcntly  bore 
away  to  the  Northward,  to  get  clear  of  thofc 
dangerous  Sands,  and,  by  the  Evening,  made 
his  Way  to  the  Duke's  Fleet,  the  Enemy  all 
this  while,  notofferingthcni  any  Difturbance. 
But  To  foon  as  they  percciv'd  the  EngltJJj 
Fleet  to  be  all  join'd,  the  'Dutch  Fleer  pre- 
fently  haled  clolcupon  a  Wind,  and  went  out 
of  Sight. 

XVIL  The  Duke  prcfently  haftcn'd  to  at- 
tend his  Highnefs  in  the  Royal  JameSy  and 
gave  him  an  Account  of  all  Particulars  in  thefc 
three  Days  Action.  That  Night  a  Council 
of  War  was  called,  where  were  prcfent  Sic 
Thomas  Allyn,  Sir  Chrijlophcr  Mings y  Sir 
Edward  Sprag,  and  the  reft  ;  where  it  was 
agreed,  That  it  would  be  injurious  to  his 
Majeftfs  Honour,  and  the  Refolution  of  the 
Englifli  Fleet y  to  let  the  Dutch  ^i^^  off  thus y 
and  to  carry  home  with  them  the  Appearance 
of  an  Advantage :  That  the  Courage  of  the 
Sea-men  was  ft  til  brave  and  high,  and  the 
Fleet  in  Heart ;  their  Hulls  being  all  un- 
touch'd,  and  the  T)amage  hitherto  being  only 
in  their  Shrouds  and  Tackling :  That  by  the 
working  of  the  Enemy  s  Fleet  all  this  T)ay^ 


34^       The   L  IFE  of 

when  our  Fleet  retreated,  it  appear' dy  tho^ 
they  were  fo  much  higher.  t7i  Number ^  yet 
they  were  lower  in  Courage. 

XVIII.  It  was-  therefore  refolv'd,  That, 
the  next  ^ay,  they  would  fall  upon  the  E- 
7iemy ;  and  that  his  Highnejs's  Squadron,  be- 
ing frejh  and  u7itouched,  and  being  the  befl 
failing  Frigats  in  the  Fleet,  fhould  lead  the 


XIX.  And  on  Munday,  by  the  Morning 
Light,  the  Englijh  Fleet  was  under  Sail  5  and, 
the  T)iitch  being  gone  out  of  Sight,  they  ftood 
their  Courfe  after  them  ;  and  fome  while  af- 
ter recovered  Sight  of  their  Fleer,  who  made 
their  Way  at  Leifure  towards  their  own 
Coafts.  For,  befidcs  what  Damage  they  had 
themfelves  known  and  feen  in  the  EngUjh 
Fleet  after  three  Days  Fighting,  they  had  re- 
ceiv'd  from  thofc  Prifoners  they  had  taken  out 
of  the  Royal  Trince,  fuch  an  Account  of  the 
fiiattered  and  difabled  Condition  of  the  Eng- 
lijh Fleet,  that  they  could  not  eaftly  believe 
the  Prince  and  Duke  would  have  the  Courage 
to  purfue  them  5  or,  if  they  fhould,  yet  the 
Stitch  had  fo  much  Wit  in  their  Anger,  as 
they  would  endeavour  to  fight  near  home, 
whereby,  upon  any  Difadvantage,  they  might 
more  eafily  run  into  their  own  Stations,  whi- 
ther the  £;?^///^  could  not  eafily  follow  them. 
....   -•  •  XX.  Br 

General  Monk. 


XX.  By  eight  of  the  Clock  the  EngliJIj 
Fleet  was  got  up  to  them  ;  and  the  T)utchy 
having  got  the  Weathergage,  put  their  Fleet 
in  Readinefs,  and  fell  into  a  Line  all  to  Wind- 
ward of  the  Engltfi  Fleet  j  which,  coming 
up  in  very  good  Order,  ranged  themfelvcs 
for  the  Fight.  Sir  Chriftopker  Mings  with 
his  Divifion  led  the  Van,  next  the  Prince 
with  his  Squadron,  and  then  Sir  Ed'Ji'ard 
Spragj  having  the  Duke  of  Albemark  in  the 
Rear.  The  Fight  was  begun  with  that  Cou- 
rage on  both  Sides,  and  continu'd  with  fuch 
Fierccncfs,  as  any  one  would  have  thought 
it  the  firft  Day's  Encounter,  rather  than  their 
fourth.  In  the  firft.  Rear- Admiral  Mings,  and 
fome  other  Ships  were  difabled,  and  prcfent- 
ly  cnforc'd  to  quit  the  Fight,  whilft  the 
Prince  with  his  frcfli  Squadron,  found  the 
Enemy  Work  on  all  Hands,  fucceedcd  by  the 
Duke,  who  revengingly  charged  them. 

XXI.  ONEof  their  Vice- Admirals,  being 
a  (tout  Ship,  boldly  attempted  to  board  him, 
coming  up  fo  near,  that  the  Shroud  Arms 
touched  each  others  but  his  Grace  receiv'd 
him  with  fo  full  a  Broad-fidc,  and  pour'd  up- 
on him  fo  fmart  a  Volly  of  his  fmall  Shot, 
that  he  immediately  fell  a  Stern,  and  appear'd 
no  more,  nor  any  other  to  fucceed  in  his 
Room.     And  Trump  receiv'd  fuch  another 

t  Broad- 

3 JO        Tloe  LIFE  of 

Broad-fide  from  the  Royal  Catherine,  as  ut^ 
terly  difabled  him  for  the  reft  of  the  Day.  But 
the  "Dutch  knowing  his  Grace's  Squadron, 
by  the  former  three  Days  Fight,  to  be  weak- 
er than  the  reft,  charged  fiercely  upon  him, 
and  gave  him  no  Breath,  whilft  the  Duke,  by 
his  extraordinary  Condudl  and  infinite  Cou- 
rage, fo  managed  the  Force  of  his  Squadron, 
improving  vigoroufly  fuch  Ships  as  were  in 
Heart  and  Strength,  and  warily  fheltering 
fuch  as  were  moft  difabled,  that  he  ftill  gain- 
ed Ground  upon  the  Enemy. 

XXII.  Both  the  Prince  and  Duke  had,  ia 
this  Day's  Engagement,  five  times  pafled 
through  the  Body  of  the  Dutch  Fleet,  at  e^ 
very  Pafs  making  fome  fignal  Impreffion  up- 
on them.  And  by  this  time  the 'D/z/r^  were 
fought  fo  low,  that  Part  of  the  Fleet  began 
to  think  of  fecuring  themfelves  by  retreating^ 
and,  among  the  reft,  de  Rujter,  who,  to  dif- 
guife  his  Flight,  or  to  fecure  if,  made  Shew 
as  if  he  would  tack  again  -,  which  being  ob- 
ferv'd  by  the  Prince,  who,  towards  Evening, 
with  eight  or  ten  of  his  Frigats  had  got  to 
Windward  of  the  Enemy's  Fleet,  he  was  re- 
folved  to  bear  in  upon  them,  and  at  one  Pufh 
to  compleat  the  Vidory,  by  putting  them  to 
the  Run.  At  the  famclnftant  hisMain-top- 
maft,  being  terribly  fliaken,  came  all  by  the 
Board  5  and  the  Duke,  who  alfo  at  the  fame 

General  Monk.        jjr 

trmc  ftood  by  the  Leeward  of  the  Enemy 
with  his  Squadron,  gave  Order  to  tack  and 
join    with    the   Prince,   in  this  concluding 
Charge  upon  the  Enemy.     But  having,  in  the 
laft  Pafs,  receiv'd  two  Shots  in  his  Powdcr- 
Room  between  Wind  and  Water,  they  could 
not  prefently  be  (topped.     His  Main  top-maft 
alfo  was  fo  fliattcr'd  by  a  Shot  through  it, 
that  he  was  forced  to  lower  his  Top-fail ;  and 
at  the  fame  Time  his  Fore-maft  had  received 
fo  many  Shots,  that  it  was  difablcd  for  fur- 
ther Service  at  prefent.     By  which  unhappy 
Accidents  the  T>utch  Fleet  gain'd  a  lucky  Op- 
portunity to  make  the  beft  of  their  Way, 
and  got  off  much  fairer  than  otherwift  they 
(hould  have  done,  being  purfu'd  by  fdme  of 
the  nimbler  Frigats  whilfl:  their  Powder  and 
the  Light  lafted.     In  this  Engagement  the 
T^utch  had  fix  Ships  fir'd  and  funk ,  on   the 
Englijh    Side  were  loft    only   the    Trince 
(worth  all  the  '\Dtitcb  loft)    and  the  Ej]ex\ 
having  grappled  with  a  'Dutch  Ship,  was  by 
others  boarded  and  taken.     Two  Days  after, 
his  Highnefsand  the  Duke  brought  the  Fleet 
to  an  Anchor  in  the  Gun-feet -^  but  a  great 
Part  of  them  fo  miferably  torn  and  fliatter'd, 
that  they  had  little  elfe  toboaftof,  except  the 
honourable  Marks  of  a  fevere  Engagement. 
From  thence  the  Fleet  was  diftributcd  into  (c- 
veral  Harbours,  to  be  refitted  with  all   pof- 
fible  Speedy  and  the  CommifTioncrs  of  the 
4  Navy 

3  5^        ^^  L  I F  E  of 

Navy  were  ftridly  obliged  to  infped  the  Dif- 
patch.  His  Highneis  and  the  Duke  of  Albe- 
marle haften'd  then  to  London  to  attend  his 
Majefty  :  To  whom  they  were  the  more  wel- 
come, by  thofe  extraordinary  Services  and 
Hazards  they  had  paflfcd  through, 

XXIII.  This  Adion  of  the  Duke's,  in  ad- 
venturing to  fight  the  T>utch  after  the  divid- 
ing the  Fleet,  was  by  feveral  Men  varioufly 
confidercd.  His  Enemies,  though  they  ac- 
knowledg'd  his  Courage  and  Generofity,  yet 
did  greatly  accufe  his  Difcretion  -,  and  did 
fugged,  That  a  little  Allay  of  the  Co'jvard 
'was  a  fafer  Ingredient  in  a  General^  than 
fuch  vafi  and  tranfcendent  RaJJmefs  :  And 
tho'  he  came  off  welly  yet  he  intriifted  For- 
tune with  a  greater  Stock  than  a  wife  Man 
would  put  into  her  Hands.  But  his  Majefty, 
and  all  difecrning  Perfons,  had  another  Opi- 
nion  of  this  extraordinary  Adion :  That  it 
was  grounded  on  the  great  eft  Reafon  and  Ne- 
cejjity,  and  that  the  Honour  of  the  Nation 
was  concerned  in  it :  That  he  had  thereby 
given  the  great  eft  Inftance  of  his  own  and  the 
Englifh  ^rowejs  ;  and  had  raifed  the  Re- 
putation of  his  Majefty  s  Naval  Force  to  fuch 
an  Height  of  Glory,  as  would  render  him 
more  terrible  to  his  Enemies y  and  deftfd  by 
his  Allies. 

V-r  XXIV.  And 

General  Monk.        3^3 

XXIV".  And,  if  we  will  hear  the  Opinion 
t)i\X'\z  "Dutch  themlclvcs,  who,  in  this  In- 
ftance,  may  be  counted  the  bed  and  moft  im- 
partial Judges,  it  is  manifcft,  that  this  En- 
counter of  tifty  Frigats  againfl:  all  the  Force 
they  could  make,  gave  then  a  greater  Apprc- 
henfion  and  Dread  of  his  Majefty's  Power  at 
Sea,  than  all  the  Vi(flories  which  had  been 
gain'd  on  them.  So  that,  though  the  Con- 
fidence of  the  GOtlimon  People  was  to  be 
kept  up  with  Bubble  and  Brandy,  yet  their 
Governors  difccrn'd  their  own  Danger  and 
Inability  5  and  that  his  Majefty's  Fleer,  under 
an  high  and  great  Conducl,  had  a  Force  and 
Courage  more  than  human.  Which  made  the 
late  Heer  de  tVit  (accounted  the  wiUftMan  in 
the  Nation,  and  who  then  govern'd  their  Af- 
fairs, and  who  was  never  guilty  of  much  Re- 
Ipeft  to  his  Majefly,  and  the  Engltjh  Nati- 
on) acknowledge  to  S\iJVjlliamTi7nplc,  his 
Majefty's  Ambaflador  then  to  the  States  of 
Hollandy  "That,  by  this  Engagement  of  the 
"  Duke  of  Albemarle^  we  had  gain'd  more 
"  Honour  to  our  Nation,  and  to  the  invin- 
"  cible  Courage  of  the  Seamen,  than  by  the 
"  other  two  Vidories.  That  he  was  fure  the 
^'  T>iitch  could  never  have  been  brought  on 
"  the  other  two  Days,  after  the  Difadvantagc 
*'  of  the  firft  J  and  he  bcliev'd  no  other  Na- 
"  tion  was  capable  of  it  except  the  Englijh." 

A  a  But 

3^4  Tke   L  I F  E  of 

Bur  if  his  Grace  was  too  daring  in  this  Eft- 
counter,  yet  the  'Dutch  were  certainly  much 
more  too  cowardly,  in  negleding  the  Ad- 
vantage of  it.  Had  the  Duke  been  pofTefs'd 
of  half  thofe  Advantages  upon  the  Enemy^ 
he  would  have  given  Security,  at  the  Price 
of  his  own  Head,  to  have  deftroy'd  or  taken 
their  whole  Fleet.  But  the  T>iitch  had  got 
off  fo  much  better  than  they  hoped  for,  from 
this  Encounter,  that  they  were  willing  to 
fanfy  it  for  a  Viftory.  So  that  it  was  not  only 
owned  as  fuch  by  their  own  People,  with 
whom  fuch  Contrivances  are  politickly  neccf- 
fary  j  but  was  puplifh'd  alfo  in  the  Courts  of 
foreign  Princes,  who,  being  better  inform'd 
in  the  Circumftances  of  the  A([^ion,  greatly 
fmiled  at  the  Dutch  Vanity. 

XXV.  The  States  in  the  Interim  had  re- 
pair'd  their  Fleet  with  fuch  extraordinary  Di- 
ligence and  Difpatch,  (  in  which  Inftancc 
only  they  may  be  thought  to  exceed  theic 
Neighbours )  as  they  were  again  got  out  to 
Sea  with  about  an  hundred  Sail ;  and,  that 
they  might  appear  to  have  been  vidorious  in 
the  late  Engagement,  came  and  lay  upon  the 
Englijh  Coafts :  With  which,  not  only  theiL' 
own  People,  but  the  Seditious  and  Difcon- 
tented  in  England,  were  well  fatisfy'd.  Yet 
all  this  was  but  Pretence,  and  a  Copy  of  their 
Countenance.    For  the   Dutch  very   well 


General   Monk.'       35- y, 

knew,  that  his  Majefty's  Fleet  would  not  yet 
be  ready  J  and  fo  foon  as  it  was,  they  prc- 
fently  drew  off,  not  for  Sea  Room,  as  the 
Englifh  ufed  to  do  from  the  Coafts  of  Hol^ 
land,  but,  in  cafe  «hey  wcrcforc'd  to  an  En- 
gagement, to  lye  near  the  Retirements  of  thcic 
own  Shores. 

XXVI.  By  this  Time  the  Prince  and  Duke 
ti^  Albemarle  h^idMkd  fuch  Induftry,  that  his 
Majefty's  Fleet  was  in  Readinefs  to  come  to 
a  Rendez-vous  at  the  Buoy  of  the  Nore,  July 
the  17^^  and  from  thence,  July  22.  fail'd  to 
the  Gun-fleet.     The  next  Day  they  ftood  to 7"^  2j. 
Sea  after  the  Enemy's  Fleet,  who  kept  under 
Sail  before  them  towards  their  own  Coafts. 
And  on  July  25.  by  fix  in  the  Morning,  goty^//  1^, 
within  two  Leagues  of  the  T>utch  Fleet,  who 
thereupon  failing  in  very  good  Order,  brought 
themfelves  into  a  Crelcent  5  and  the  EngUJhy 
as  they  came  up,  fell  into  a  Line;  both  Sides 
having  divided  themfelves  into  three  Squa- 

XXVIL  Between  nine  and  ten  In  the 
Morning  the  Fight  begun.  The  fVhite  Squa- 
dron, led  by  Sir  Thomas  Allen,  rode  in  the 
Head  of  the  Fleet;  and,  coming  clofe  np  to 
the  Enemy,  the  Anne  began  to  fire,  and  prc- 
fently  the  IVhite  Squadron  was  wholly  en- 
gag'd  with  the  Enemy's  Van.  And  the  Red 
Aa  2  Squadron 

\y^6        The  LIFE   of 

Squadron  next  advancing  upon  the  Body  of 
the  Stitch  Fleet  led  by  de  Riiper,  and  then 
the  Blue  Squadron  undertook  i\i^  Zealand  \^\- 
vifion  5  fo  that  by  Noon  all  our  Fleet  was  in 
with  them.  This  Encounter,  though  itlafted 
not  long,  yet,  for  the  Time  of  its  continuance, 
was  ftiarp  enough  :  In  which  the  'Dutch  had 
fevcral  Ships  funk  and  fir'd  ;  and  fome  of  our 
own,  as  the  Royal  Catherine^  the  St.  George, 
the  Rupert,  and  another  Ship  of  the  White 
Squadron,  were  fo  difabled  as  they  came  out 
of  the  Line,  and  lay  by  to  mend.  His  High- 
nefs  and  the  Duke  being  both  in  the  Royal 

^  Charles,  bore  up  to  Admiral  de  Ruyter  with- 
in Musket  Shot,  and  fought  him  hand  to 
hand  for  fome  time,  till  they  came  out  of 

v  their  Line  to  refit  their  Tackling,  leaving  the 
Place  to  Sir  Jofeph  Jordan  in  the  Royal  So- 
'vereign,  who  ply'd  him  fo  warmly,  that  he 
fliot  down  his  Top-maft,  and  funk  his  Fire- 
fhip  by  his  Side.  In  half  an  Hour's  Time  the 
Prince  and  Duke  ftood  in  again,  engaging  the 
fccond  Time  fo  clofely  with  de  Ruyter,  as, 
having  receiv'd  feventeen  Shot  in  his  Ship 
under  the  Water,  and  double  the  Number  in 
his  Hull  above,  he  was  glad  to  give  Way, 
and  retire.  All  the  Damage  to  the  Royal 
Charles  was  only  in  her  Tackling;  where 
they  had  no  Ropes  nor  Steerage  left,  but  file 
was  towed  out  of  the  Line  by  Boats,  his 
Highnefs  and  his  Grace  removing  into  the 


General    Monk.        3^7 

Royal  Jmnes.  About  this  Time  Sir  Robert 
Holmes,  having  loft  both  his  Top  marts,  lay- 
by a  while  to  repair.  And  now  the  Refolii- 
tioriy  being  firft  dilabled,  was  burnt  by  a  Firc- 
ftiip  fent  upon  her  by  Van  Trump.  Captain 
Hannam,  who  commanded  in  her,  bravely 
clear'd  himfclf  of  the  Fire-Ship  5  but  the  Flame 
was  advanced  io  far,  as  he  could  not  poillbly 
prcferve  his  Ship  ;  yet  himfclf  and  Ship's 
Company  Hived  thcmfelves  by  Boars  which 
were  fent  off  to  them  from  fuch  Ships  as  lay 
ncareft.  For  fome  Time  before,  the  Fnc- 
iny  was  obferv'd  to  give  Ground ;  between 
one  and  two  of  the  Clock  the  Van  was  already 
got  off  with  all  the  Wind  they  could  nukej 
and  now,  about  four  in  the  Afternoon,  de  Riiy- 
ter  with  the  Body  of  their  Fleet  began  to  run; 
but  made  frequent  Tacks  to  fetch  off  his 
fhattered  and  maimed  Ships.  In  one  where- 
of he  hazarded  his  own  Safety  to  rcfcue  his 
fccond  ;  which  was  fodifabled,  as  it  was  not 
pofllble  for  him  to  retrieve  her.  And  no\v% 
befidcs  what  i\\zT>utch  had  lod:  in  the  Fight, 
fevcrai  other  Ships  were  loft  as  they  fled  a- 
way.  About  feven  at  Night  the  Royaiyames 
took  Vice- Admiral  BanJjnrt's  Ship  of  fixry 
Guns,  himfelf  efcaping  a-board  Captain  de 
Haes.  And  the  Snake  of  Harlem,  a  ftoui 
new  Ship  of  fixty  ilx  Gnn<,  wjs  alUi  lak-  ^ 
and  both  of  them  lir'd  b\  the  En^ii!^-.'.  !■: 
car Q'vft  in  the  Furfu it.  A 1 1  i his  w hi : ^ 
A  a  $ 

55?        TToe  LIFE   of 

remy  Smith  with  the  Blue  Squadron  (lood 
engaged  with  Van  Trump  and  the  Zealand 
Divifion,  till,  toward  Night,  they  alfo  made 
all  the  Sail  they  could  to  the  Northward, 
and  the  Blue  Squadron  in  the  Purfuit  till 
Night  parted  them. 

CHAP.    XXX. 

I,  II.  The  Dutch  are  beaten  into  their  own 
Harbour.  Ill,  IV.  The  Lofs  on  each  Side. 
V.  The  Prince  and  'Duke  refolve  to  an- 
chor upon  the  Dutch  Coafts,  VI,  VIL  Sir 
Robert  Holmes  makes  aDefcent  upon  the 

;  IJland  of  Schelling,  plunders  and  burns 
the  Town  of  Brand aris,  with  an  hundred 
and  fifty  Ships  in  the  Harbour.  VIII, 
The  Dutch  put  to  Sea  again,  and  fail  to- 
wards  the  French  Coafts,  in  hopes  ofjoin^ 
ing  them.  The  Englifh  Fleet  goes  in  Tur- 
fuit  of  them. 

I.  '^j  'HE  T^utch  Fleet  being  gone  ofiP,  his 

J^     Highnefs  and  the  Duke  this  Night 

gave  Order  to  Sir  Thomas  Allen  in  the  Royal 

pakj  with  two  other  Frigats,  to  keep  near 

^  ihcm^ 

General  Monk.        3jp 

them,  and  to  put  up  Lights  that  might  give 
Notice,  in  cafe  the  Enemy  fliould  niter  his 
Courfe  5  which  was  To  effedually  perform'd, 
that,  by  the  firfl:  Light  of  the  Morning,  Sir 
Thomas  Allen  found  himfelfnot  much  above 
Musket  fliot  from  de  Ruyter's  Lee,  and  then 
tacked  towards  our  own  Fleet.  This  Morn- 
ing early  the  Prince  and  Duke  drew  the  Fleet 
into  a  Line,  and  made  all  the  Sail  they  could, 
to  get  up  with  the  T^utch ;  but  there  was 
fo  little  Wind,  that  they  could  not  poflibly 
reach  them.  But  while  the  Ships,  for  want 
of  Wind,  could  not  make  fail,  the  Fan-Fan, 
a  little  Pleafure-boat  built  at  Harn'k/j  foi- 
the  Service  of  Prince  Rupert,  by  the  Melp 
of  her  Oars,  where  the  F^rigats,  for  want  cf 
Wind,  could  not  come,  made  up  to  de  Ruy- 
ter  5  and  bringing  her  two  little  Guns  to  bear 
on  one  Side,  ply'd  the  Admiral's  Ship  Broad- 
fide  to  Broad-fide  for  almoft  an  Hour :  The 
Admiral  having  fpent  fcveral  Guns  to  no  pur- 
pofe  upon  her,  till  at  lad  he  gave  her  two  or 
three  Shot  between  Wind  and  Water,  with 
which  file  retired  ;  having  thereby  let  the 
Enemy  fee,  at  how  low  a  Rate  they  valued 
the  Belgick  Lion,  whom  they  had  fo  often 
worried.  Afterwards,  the  Wind  a  little  in- 
creafing,  the  Prince  and  Duke  made  their 
Way  towards  de  Rtiyter,  who  found  him- 
felf  fo  difabled  by  Yeitcrdav's  Engagement, 
that  both  his  Men  and  Ships  were  out  of 
A  a  4-  Courage, 

^6o  The  LIFE  of 

Courage  to  (land  another  Encounter,  but  bore 
away  before  them.  The  Englifh  Fleet  chaf- 
ing them  over  feveral  Banks  and  Flats,  till  the 
great  Ships  came  to  fix  Fathoms  Water,  and 
the  lefs  continu'd  in  Purfuit  within  two  Miles 
of  their  own  Shores.  And,  had  there  been 
Wind  enough  in  this  Retreat,  both  de  Riiy- 
ter,  and  fcvcral  of  his  Ships,  had  certainly 
been  taken  or  deftroy'd.  But  there  being  fo 
great  a  Calm,  the  T)ntch  Ships,  drawing  lefs 
Water,  made  their  Way  fafter  than  the  Eng- 
liJJj  could  purfue  them,  and  fo  efcaped  into 
the  Harlo-jv  Channel  of  Zealand. 

II.  The  fame  Day  Sir  Jeremiah  Smithy 
with  the  Blue  Squadron,  prefled  fo  hard  up- 
on Van  Trump  and  his  Divifion,  that  he  beat 
them  all  into  their  own  Port  of  the  fVeel- 


III.  In  this  Engagement  the  Freezland 
and  Zealand  Squadrons  were  thought  to  have 
loft  the  better  half  of  their  Men.  In  their 
whole  Fleet  were  eflimated  about  four  thou- 
faad  Men  killed,  two  thoufand  wounded.  The 
Commanders  of  Note  that  fell  in  this  Fiiiht 
were.  Evert  [on  of  Zealand^  Termick  Hides 
Admiral  oi  Freezlandy  and  C<?w^^rj  his  Vice- 
Ad  miral,  with  about  twelve  of  their  principal 

IV.  Ti|E 

General  Monk.        ^6i 

IV.  The  Lofs  on  the  Englijh  Side  was 
greatly  dilproportionable,  having  loft  but  few 
in  the  Fight,  and  not  above  three  hundred 
wounded,  upon  a  ftrid  Computation.  And, 
among  the  Officers,  were  kili'd  only  Captain 
Seymour  in  the  Forejighty  Captain  Martin 
in  the  Eaft-India,  London^  and  Captain  bar- 
ker in  the  Tarmouth  ;  Captain  Saunders  only 
in  the  Breda  dangeroufly  wounded.  And  but 
one  Ship  wanting,  namely  the  Refolution,  of 
which  we  have  given  Account  before, 

V.  The  Day  after  the  Fight  the  Prince7«//  27- 
and  Duke,  at  a  Council  of  War,  refolv'd  to 
fend  home  thofe  few  Ships  that  were  difablcd, 

and  to  ply  upon  the  T^ntch  Coafts,  in  Expcd- 
ation  of  fome  further  Advantage  upon  the 
Enemy,  who  could  not  make  this  Engage- 
ment Pafs  among  the  People  for  a  Vidory, 
when  they  faw  every  Day  the  Englifl  Fleet 
at  Anchor  in  View  of  their  Shores. 

VI.  Neither  would  the  Courage  and 
Refolution  of  his  Majcfty's  Fleet  content  it 
felf  to  lye  idly  upon  the  Enemy's  Cor.lh  ; 
but  the  Prince  and  Duke  having  recav'd  In- 
formation from  a  difcontcntcd  ^Dutch  Cap- 
tain, how  cafy  it  was  to  make  an  Aitcmpt 
upon  the  Ifland  of  Schelling^  and  Town  of 
BrandariSf   commaoded  Sir  Rokrt  hiohnes 

&  ^9. 

■^6z  The  LIFE  of 

to  go  upon  that  Expedition  ;  who  according- 
ly, taking  with  him  eleven  Foot  Companies, 
and  eight  fmall  Frigats,  with  five  Fire  fhips, 
befides  feveral  Ketches  and  Boats,  in  the 
Morning  early  enter-d  the  Channel ;  and,  be- 
ing come  into  Schelling  Road,  Sir  Robert 
and  the  Captains  with  him,  obferving  a  con- 
fiderable  Fleet  of  about  an  hundred  and  twen- 
ty Sail,  riding  thick  and  clofe  together  at 
Anchor  in  the  Uly,  with  few  Men  of  War  a- 
inonff  them  for  their  Alliftance,  refolv'd  to 
attempt  the  firing  of  them.  Whereupon  Sir 
Robert  Holmes  left  the  Advice  and  Hamp- 
jloire  Frigats  without,  to  fecure  the  Buoys, 
left  the  Enemy  fhould  fend  fome  Veffels  to 
take  them  away,  and  fo  hazard  their  Retreat 
in  an  unknown  Channel.  The  Pembroke  and 
three  Ketches  and  Boats,  with  one  Foot  Com- 
pany, and  Sir  Robert  Holmes  himfelf  in  the 
little  Fan-Fan  that  had  lately  braved  de  Ruy- 
ter,  with  the  five  Fire- (hips  a  head,  went  in 
upon  the  '\Dutch  Fleet,  and  prefently  fir'd 
two  "Dutch  Men  of  War,  and  fome  other 
Ships,  that,  upon  the  Alarm,  ftood  to  de- 
fend the  Fleet.  The  Boats  then  were  fent  to 
burn  the  reft  of  the  Ships ,-  which  was  dif- 
patch'd  with  fuch  Succefs,  that  prefently  all 
their  Ships  were  on  fire,  except  a  Gtiinea- 
wan  of  twenty  four  Guns,  and  three  fmall 
Privateers,  that,  hailing  together  in  the  nar- 
fPNV  pf  the  Channel^    preferv'4  themfelves, 


General  Monk.  3^5 

^nd  five  Sail  more  that  were  behind  them, 
fo  as  the  Boat  could  not  poflibly  get  up  to 

VII.  The  Tyger^  Affiirance,  l^ragon,  Gar^ 
landy  and  Sweepjlakes,  flood  in  Schelling 
Road  with  five  Foot  Companies,  to  prevent 
any  Surprizal  from  the  Enemy,  whilft  the  o- 
ther  five  Companies  went  on  Shore  upon  the 
Ifland  of  Schelling  for  the  Town  of  Bran- 
darts  r,  which,  in  half  an  Hour's  Time,  was 
all  on  a  Flame,  and  above  a  thoufand  Houfes 
were  confumed.  The  Spoil  and  Plunder,  both. 
in  the  Ships  and  Houfes,  were  wholly  aban- 
doned to  the  Seamen  and  Soldiers,  where 
fome  of  them  found  great  Booties.  And, 
having  deftroy'd  more  than  an  hundred  and 
fifty  Sail  of  the  Enemy's  Ships,  Sir  Robert 
Holmes  returned  fafely,  having  not  above 
twelve  Men  kill'd  or  wounded  in  the  Adion. 
And,  being  come  back  to  the  Fleet,  the  Prince 
and  Duke  font  Sir  Philip  Howard^  who  was 
one  of  thofe  eleven  Captains  that  went  on 
this  Expedition,  to  give  his  Majcfty  an  Ac- 
count thereof. 

VIII.  The  Prince  and  Duke  continued  fllll 
upon  the  T^utch  Coafts,  intercepting  their 
Trade  and  Ships ;  and,  about  the  middle  of 
Augufty  returned  with  their  Fleet  to  thcic 
pv/n  Shores,  having  fpent  all  their  Provifion, 


3<54        71-?  LIFE  of 

and  much  of  their  Ammunition  5  both  which 
were  to  be  fupply'd  again  at  home.  But  fome 
Veflels  for  Intelligence  were  ftill  continu'd  on 
the  T^utch  Coafts ;  and,  toward  the  End  of 
this  Month,  brought  Account,  that  the  Ene- 
my was  coming  out  with  a  Fleet  of  eighty 
Sail  j  who  took  this  Advantage  of  the  Eng- 
Ujh  Fleet's  Retreat,  to  get  out  with  all  the 
Hafte  they  could  make,  and  failed  towards 
the  French  Harbours,  hoping  to  join  with 
their  new  Ally,  who  hitherto  had  given  them 
no  AlTiftance. 

IX.  The  News  of  the  Enemy's  Fleet 
coming  forth,  was  quickly  brought  to  the 
Prince  and  Duke  of  Albemarle,  who  made 
all  the  Hafte  poflible  to  get  the  Fleet  in  Rea- 
^c;/,  i.dinefsto  fall  on  them.  And,  about  the  firft 
of  September^  came  up  to  them,  having 
gotten  French  Harbour  in  the  Bay  of  Sta- 
plesy  where  the  Englijh  Fleet  flood  ready 
to  engage  them  ,-  but  the  Enemy  kept  them- 
felves  clofe  in  the  Harbour.  The  Weather 
was  now  very  tempeftuous  by  a  ftrong  Eafter- 
!y  Wind,  and  the  Englijh  could  not  conve- 
niently weather  it  5  and,  perceiving  the  E- 
iicmy  not  willing  to  fight,  the  Prince  and 
Duke  retir'd  to  St.  Hellerts  Bay,  that  being 
a  fafe  and  commodious  Station,  where  they 
might  intercept  the  joining  of  the  *Z)///f/6  and 
French  Fleet,  then  lyinL'-  about  Fjicbel. 


General  Monk.'         ^6j 


I.  The  Fire  of  London.  .^11.  The  T>uke  com- 
manded  home  for  his  AJfiflance  upon  that 
Occafion.  111.  No  farther  Jetton  at  Sea 
this  Tear.  IV.  The  Methods  taken  next 
Tear  to  bring  the  Dutch  tofome  Atiion,  or 
to  Teace.  V.  The  T>iftribution  of  the 
Englifh  Fleet.  VI.  The  Dutch  make  an 
Attempt  upon  Chatham,  but  afterwards 
fubmit  to  a  Teace.  VII,  VIII,  IX.  The 
"Duke  taken  til,  his  T^iftemper,  the  Courfe 
of  it.  X.  He  returns  to  London,  grows 
worfe,  XI.  His  Advice  to  the  Members 
of  'Parliament,  and  Minifiers  of  State^ 
who  come  to  fee  him.  XII,  XIII.  Marries 
his  Son  to  a  'Daughter  of  the  Duke  of 
Newcaftle.  XIV.  Sequeflers  him felf from 
all  public k  Affairs.  XV.  His  Death, 
XVI.  Some  of  his  moft  important  Aifions 
enumerated.  XVII.  His  Death  univer- 
fally  lamented.  XVIII.  His  Funeral  cele- 
brated at  the  King's  Charge.  XIX.  A 
phyfical  Account  of  the  Author's  concern- 
ing the  Caufe  of  his  Death.  XX.  His  Bo-^ 
dy  lies  in  State  at  Somerfet  Houfe. 

I.  T  T  T  H I L  S  T  the  Fortune  of  England, 

VV     by  fo   many  Naval    Succefles  a- 

broad,  run  thus  high  upon  the  Water,  it  was 


^6^        7%e  LIFE  of 

fuddenly  arretted  by  a  fatal  Fire  at  home  ] 
Sf^f. 2. which  about  this  Time  {September  2.)  be- 
gan, and,  irt  three  Days  Time,  burnt  down 
the  greateft  Part  of  the  City  ;  which  the  Ci- 
tizens computed  at  above  one  thoufand  three 
hundred  Houfes,  befides  fo  great  a  Lofs  of* 
Goods  and  Wares,  as  can  never  be  duly  efti- 
mated.  And,  after  the  Aftonifhment  of  this 
Conflagration  it  felf,  the  next  Wonder  is,  that 
the  Minds  of  Men  have  been  no  ways  clearly 
fatisSed  about  the  Beginning  or  Continuance 
of  it. 

IT.  After  fo  great  a  Blow  upon  the  Mt- 
tropolis  of  the  Nation,  it  pleafed  his  Majefty 
to  command  the  Duke  of  Albemarle  from 
Sea,  to  be  near  his  Perfon  and  Counfels  iri 
fo  diftra(5led  a  Time ;  who  accordingly  came 
back  to  London  about  two  Days  after  the 
Fire  was  quenched. 

III.  It  might  have  been  here  expelled, 
that  the  'Dutch  Fleet,  now  in  Conjundion 
with  France^  would  have  taken  this  Oppor- 
tunity of  fighting  his  Majefty's  Navy,  which 
all  this  while  flood  ready  for  them.  But  the 
late  Engagement,  upon  dividing  the  Fleet, 
had  coft  them  fo  dear,  they  were  not  willing 
to  try  a  fecond  Experiment ;  and  were  fo  far 
from  coming  to  a  Fight  after  the  Union  with 
the  French  Ships^  that,    though  his  Majefty 


General  Monk."        3(^7 

kept  out  his  Fleet  till  the  Seafon  was  over, 
yet  the  Enemy  trifled  away  the  Time  with- 
out coming  to  Adion.  So  that  his  Grace 
went  no  more  this  Year  to  the  Fleet,  but 
continued  at  home,  allifting  with  the  Privy- 
Council  for  rebuilding  the  City. 

IV.  And  for  the  next  Year  his  Majefty,' 
having  taken  other  Methods,  was  pleas'd  to 
cxcufe  him  from  any  further  Service  at  Sea. 
For  the  'Dutch  were  contriving  as  dilatory  a 
War  with  his  Majcfty  of  Great  Britain,  as 
they  had  formerly  manag'd  with  their  natu- 
ral Prince  Thilip  II.  to  weary  him  with  De- 
lays. So  that  in  England  there  was  more 
Fear  about  the  Continuance  and  Charge  of 
the  War,  (  cfpecially  after  the  burning  of  the 
City)  than  for  the  Event  of  it.  This  Year kscj/. 
therefore  it  was  refolv'd,  inftead  of  dancing 
Attendance  after  their  fighting  Fleet,  to  turn 

the  War  upon  their  Trade,  and  intercept  theic 
Commerce ;  whereby  the  Dutch  Fleet  would 
be  enforc'd,  either  to  follow  their  Blows  more 
roundly,  or  fubmit  to  a  Peace. 

V.  In  order  to  this  Refolution,  his  Maje- 
fty  had  taken  Care  to  fccure  the  Britijb 
Seas,  by  appointing  a  convenient  Number  of 
Ships  to  lye  upon  the  Coafts  about  Scotland^ 
and  another  Squadron  to  ply  about  Tortf- 
mouth  5  fo  that  neither  Way  the  Merchant- 

3^8  ^^^  LIFE  of 

Ships  fhould  be  able  to  pafs  without  Hazard  ■ 
The  reft  of  his  Majefty's  Fleet  was  put  into 
the  Harbour  at  Chatham  -,  and,  for  their  Se- 
curity and  Defence,  Order  was  given  for  the 
better  fortifying  Sheernefs,  at  the  Mouth  of 
the  River,  for  the  planting  of  Guns  at  Up- 
nor  Caftle,  which  commanded  the  Stream  ; 
and  to  fecure  the  River  Med'juay  with  a  large 
and  ftrong  Chain«  , 

VL  Of  this  limber  and  ductile  Contrivance 
the  Duke  of  Albemarle  was  neither  the  Au- 
thor nor  Promoter  5  which  yet  might  have 
fucceeded  much  better,  if  any  Part  of  the 
Inftrudions  had  been  duly  profecuted.  But 
the  T^iitchy  finding  Chathamj  and  the  Parts 
about  it,  unable  to  mai^e  a  Defence,  took 
thofe  Advantages  upon  the  Water,  which  iE 
was  impollible  for  the  Duke  of  Albemarle^ 
and  thofe  Land  Forces,  which,  to  the  Num- 
ber of  one  thoufand  five  hundred  Foot,  and 
five  or  fix  hundred  Horfe,  were  fent  from 
London  thither  under  his  Condud  to  deprive 
them  of.  Wherefore  doing  as  much  as  could 
be  effeded  by  Land  againft  an  Enemy  at  Sea, 
the  Duke  fecured  the  Coaft  and  the  Country; 
and  letting  them  know  that  Albemarle  was 
y„„^.flill  alive,  difpofed  the  Stitch  to  a  Peace; 
which  was  concluded  between  his  Majefty 
and  the  States  not  long  after  in  the  fame  Sum- 
men  After  which,  having  no  further  Occa- 
...„••:'         '   '       ■ ""'"  '        ■  fion 

General  Monk.  ^6c) 

Hon  to  ufe  his  Sword,  he  rcturn'd  to  enjoy  the 
Benefit  of  that  Peace,  which  his  Courage  and 
Conduct  had  helped  to  procure. 

VII.  From  which  Time  he  divided  him- 
felf  between  his  Majcfty's  Service  (which  in 
any  the  leaft  Inftance  he  would  never  negled) 
and  his  own  private  Affairs  j  till  he  arrived 
to  the  fixtieth  Year  of  his  Age. 

VIII.  And  now  that  firm  and  good  Con- 1668. 
ftitution  of    Body,  that   great   and   conftant 
Health,  which  he  had  io  long  enjoyed,  be- 
gan  to  impair  in  him ;  which  Decays  were 
more  haftily  promoted,  by  the  Hardfliips  of 

a  Soldier's  Life  in  his  younger  Days  5  and 
were  further  advanced ,  by  the  continual 
Weight  of  publick  Cares  in  his  declining  Age. 
His  general  Indifpofition  of  Body  difcovcr'd 
it  felf  in  the  Beginnings  of  a  Dropfy,  againft 
which  no  timely  Care  was  cmplo)'d.  For, 
though  his  Grace  was  very  well  pleas'd  wiih 
the  Reafons  and  Difcourfe  oi^  Phyficians,  yer, 
through  an  uninterrupted  Health,  he  had  a 
kind  of  Avcrfcnefs  to  Medicines,  or  Methods 
of  Phyfick.  In  this  Condition  he  retired 
himfelf  to  his  Seat  at  Ne^ju-Hall  in  Ej[ex\  in 
Hopes  that  the  frefli  Air  might  have  fome 
good  Effect  upon  his  Body  -,  and,  by  this  Re- 
treat and  Reccfs  from  publick  Bufinefs,  he 
might  recover  his  Health. 

B  b  IX.  Which, 

370  The  LIFE  of 

IX.  Which,    proving  otherwife,  and  his 
Dropfy  and  Shoitnefs  of  Breath  flill  increaf- 
ing,  he  was  perfuaded,  by  the  Importunity 
of  his  Friends,  and  particularly  by   one  who 
had  been  an  Officer  in  his  Army,  to  ufe  a 
Pill,  which,  at  that  Time,  had  fome  Reputa- 
tion for  curing  the  Dropfy,  and  was  then  ia 
5r.  Sir-   the  Hands  of  a  Perfon  that  had  formerly  been 
'^°'*'        a  Soldier  under  him  in  Scotland-,  and  being 
informed,  that  the  Remedy  might  be  try'd 
without  any  ftrid  Method  or  Confinement, 
he  was  the  more  inclinable  to  make  fome  Ex- 
periment of  it.     Which,  though  it  never  ef- 
feded  any  thing  worthy  the  Name  of  a  Cure, 
yet,  upon  the  frequent  Ufe  thereof,  it  fo  dif- 
charg'd  the  Deluge  of  waterifli  Humour,  as 
the  active  Parts  of  his  Blood  began  again  to 
recover ;  fo  that  the  Difficulty  of  his  breath- 
ing, and  the  fwelling  in  his  Body  and  Legs, 
were  very  much  relieved.     And  all  Men,  be- 
ing fo  greatly  defirous  of  his  Life  and  Health, 
they  were  ready  to  perfuade  him  into  the  Con- 
fidence of  a  greater  Amendment  than  there 
really  was.        ;:,,.,./    .  :      .:     - 

1669.  X-  With  this  Opinion,  at  the  End  of  the 
Summer,  he  returned  back  to  London:  But, 
u;>on  the  Approach  of  the  Winter,  his  Blood 
declining  again  with  the  Year,  his  Dropfy 
tncrcalcd  upon  him,  with  the  fame  Accidents 
.       .      ■  ':-  .         5  :.    A  as, 

G^xtRAL    Monk.        371 

as  before.  Nor  could  his  former  Remedy, 
which,  by  the  Opinion  of  curing  him  before, 
was  grown  to  a  great  Reputation,  avail  any 
thing  to  preferve  his  Grace,  and  its  own  Cre- 
dit, by  a  fecond  Recovery. 

XI.  The  Noife  of  his  Relapfe,   and  the 
imminent     Danger    of    it ,    being    quickly 
fpread  about  the  Town,  all  his  Friends  and 
Retainers  came  to  make  their  Vifits  to  him. 
Several  alfo  of  the  Houfe  of  Lords,  and  of 
the  Commons,  then  fitting,  did  frequently 
attend  him;  and,  having  accuftomcd  himfelf 
to  publick  Cares,    he  could  not  part  with 
them  in  the  midft  of  his  own  Difficulties  i 
but,  with  that  little  Breath  he  had  left  to  fup- 
port  himfelf,  dilcourfed  always  very  earneft- 
ly  with  them  about  his  Majcfty's  Service,  and 
the  Good  and  Settlement  of  the  Common- 
wealth ;  conjuring  them,  to  preferve  alujays 
a  good  Under  ft  andtng  between  the  two  Hon- 
fes',  and  that  his  Majeflfs  Crown  and  Go- 
'vernment  ought  never  to  fiiffer  any  Incon- 
venience by    the   ^Paffions  or    prejudice  of 
thofey  who  were  fo  nearly  obliged  to  take 
Care  of  it. 

XII.  In  this  his  Sickncfs  (when  the  King 
Cent  continually,  as  well  as  the  Duke  of  Torky 
to  know  his  State)  he  was  frequently  vifircd 
by  his  moft  intima;c  and  principal  Friend  the 
Df:;  B  b  2  Earl 

371  The  LIFE  of 

Earl  of  Bath,  and  alfo  by  the  Lord  Arling- 
ton j  to  both  whom  he  recommended  the 
Care  of  his  Servants.  For,  as  to  his  own 
Concernments,  he  had  brought  them  into  a 
narrow  Room  5  having  nowbut  one  mortal 
Care  upon  him,  which  was  the  Marriage  of 
his  only  Son,  whom  he  was  likely  to  leave 
young,  being  then  about  flxteen  or  feventeen 
Years  of  Age.  So  that  his  Grace  was  very  de- 
firous  of  living  fo  long  as  to  provide  a  Match 
for  him  in  fome  ancient  and  loyal  Family, 
which  were  the  principal  Qualifications  he 
aimed  at.  To  that  End,  fome  Weeks  before 
his  Death  he  entered  into  a  Treaty  with  the 
Duke  of  Newcajikj  with  whom  he  contract- 
ed a  Match  for  his  Son  with  the  Lady  Eliza- 
bethy  eldeft  Daughter  of  the  faid  Duke,  a 
fair  and  virtuous  Lady.  By  which  Alliance 
he  united  the  Glories  of  the  ancient  Houfes 
of  Newcajlle  and  T>orchefter ,  Cavendijh 
and  ^ierpointy  with  his  own  Ducal  Coro- 
net. ..,-   .        .'    ,  :;.:■  „    ■■.-.a    ,,    ,  .     \-y:\,    p.  ,^ 

XIII.  And  finding,  by  his  daily  and  cn- 
crcafing  Weakncfs ,  the  Approach  of  his 
Death,  he  made  the  more  Hafte  toconfum- 
mate  the  Marriage.  To  that  End,  "Decem- 
ber 27.  his  Grace  employed  the  moft  Part  of 
the  Day  in  giving  Inftrudionsto  his  Council 
at  Law,  for  the  better  fettling  his  Eftate  upon 
his  Son,  and  the  afligning  a  Jointure  upon 
5  the 

General  Monk.        373 

the  young  Lady.  And  three  Days  after,  be- 
ing ©^r^w^^r  30.  the  Marriage  was  folcm-OrV-o; 
niz'd  in  the  Duke's  Chamber  5  where,  with 
that  Httle  Strength  he  had,  he  deHvcrcd  the 
Bride  from  his  own  Hand  into  the  Arms  of 
his  Son. 

XIV.  When  the  Ceremony  was  ended,  he 
feem'd  very  much  pleas'd  that  he  had  lived  to 
fee  the  Accomplifhment  of  it,  being  the  laft 
of  his  human  Cares.  After  which  he  fequc- 
ftred  himfelf  from  all  mortal  Affairs  never  to 
be  refumcd  more. 

XV.  And  now  the  extreme  Difficulty  of 
breathing,  which  had  all  along  been  the  mod 
uneafy  Part  of  his  Sicknefs,  increafed  fo  vio- 
lently upon  him,  that  he  could  not  lye  down 
in  his  Bed,  but  entertained  himfelf  only  with 
fome  (hort  Sleeps  in  his  Chair ,  in  which  Pofture 
he  dy'd  four  Days  after  the  Marriage  of  his 
Son,  January  I.  about  nine  in  the  Morning.7^";  ^^ 
And  as  he  liv'd  in  Silence,  fo  he  dy'd  with-     ''^' 
out  Noife ;  one  eafy  and  fmgle  Groan  did  the 
Work  of  Death  upon  the  ftouteft  and  mod: 
valiant  Hero  of  the  Age  he  lived  in.     In  his 
Sicknefs  he  had  been  often  vifited  and  com- 
forted by  his  Grace  the  then  Archbifliop  of 
Canterbury ;  and,  in   thofe  his  laft  Minutes, 

he  was  affifted  by  the  Prayers  of  the  Bifh#p 

B  b  3  of 

374        77^^  l^I FE   of 

of  Saliskiryy  who  attended  him  to  his  laft 
Breath,  and  doled  his  Eyes. 

XVI.  Such  was  the  Exit  of  this  high  and 
illuftrious  Perfon.  After  he  had  furvived  ten 
thoufand  Hazards  of  War  and  Battels,  and 
furmountcd  as  many  Difficulties  to  redeem 
his  Country  5  and  in  his  immortal  March 
from  ''Dalkeith  to  London,  had  \zd  two  Kmg- 
doms  in  his  own  Triumph ;  after  he  had  re- 
ftored  his  Majefty  to  his  Crown,  and  had  e- 
recled  the  Trophies  of  his  Courage  and  Pru- 
dence in  his  Dominion  at  Land,  and  had 
humbled  the  Pride  of  the  (lubborn  Enemy, 
thc^iitch,  in  two  memorable  Battels  at  Sea  ; 
after  he  had  lecn  the  Enemies  of  th\^  Crown 
under  his  Majcfty's  Feet,  and,  for  ten  Years, 
faithfully  aflifted  in  the  Settlement  of  the 
State  5  he  exchanged  this  mortal  Life  for  an 
happy  Immortality,  having  lived  fixty  one 
Years  and  twenty  nine  Days.  ,        ,,. .,,, 

•  XVII.  The  Report  ofhis  Death  was  quick- 
ly convey 'd  from  his  own  Family  to  thq 
Court  adjoining,  \\  here  it  aifcded  his  Majefty 
and  all  Perfons  wirh  a  very  particular  Sor- 
row j  and  the  News  thereof  was  enter- 
tain'd  in  the  City,  and  throughout  the  King- 
dom, as  apublickLois  and  general  Calami- 
ty»  all  Men  commenting  on  the  Fall  of  this 
their  great  Reftorer  with  an  univerlal  Sorrow. 


General  Monk. 


XVIII.  And  as  his  Majefty  had  always 
treated  him  with  a  very  fingular  Eftccm  all 
his  Life-time,  fo  he  was  pleas'd  to  follow 
him  with  the  Marks  of  his  Royal  Favour 
to  the  Grave,  refolving  to  celebrate  the  Duke's 
Funeral  at  his  own  Charge;  and  he  allign'd 
him alfo  a  Tomb  in  Henry  the  VII''''  Chapel, 
that  the  great  Inftaurator,  and  Guardian  of 
Monarchy,  mightreft  himfelf  near  the  crown'd 
Heads,  and  mix  his  loyal  Duft  with  the  Aflies 
of  former  Kings. 

XIX.  January  4.  his  Body  was  opened 
and  embalmed,  in  order  to  the  Solemnity  of 
his  Funeral.  But,  upon  the  Search,  there 
was  found  only  a  large  Quantity  of  difco- 
ioured  Matter  in  the  Cavity  of  the  Belly,  and 
no  confiderable  Alteration  or  Injury  upon  the 
Parts  within  j  fave  only  in  the  Heart  it  fclf, 
both  the  Ventricles  whereof  were  fiU'd  with 
a  bloody  Subftance,  which  had  alfo  infinuat- 
cd  it  felf  into  the  Mouths  of  the  adjoining 
Veflels,  which  had  fo  far  precluded  the  even 
Motion  and  Circle  of  Blood  through  his 
Lungs,  as  gave  him  a  perpetual  Difficulty  of 
breathing.  His  long  and  habitual  Dropfy 
had  alfo  fo  far  difablcd  the  Vigour  and  Mo- 
tion of  his  Blood,  that  it  was  not  able  to 
entertain  and  affimilate  the  chylous  Li- 
quor offered  from  his  Diet ;  which  did  tirft 

B  b  4  ftick 

176        The  LIFE  of 

ftick  among  the  Fibres  and  Columns  in 
both  Ventricles  of  the  Heart;  and,  by  the 
continued  and  gradual  Succeilion  of  the  like 
tenacious  Matter,  came  at  lafl:  to  that  Bulk 
as  to  fill  up  both  the  Cavities,  and  inevi- 
tably to  ftrand  the  further  Current  of  his 

XX.  After  his  Body  was  embalmed,  it 
was,  by  his  Majcfty's  Command,  removed 
to  Somerfet  Houfc,  and  there  placed  for 
many  Weeks  in  Royal  State,  attended  with 
all    the    Ceremonies   of   pompous   Mourn- 




!  ;■  'O 

OS.    • 
:  T 


ClT       •    J 

',    -1:0   A    ■:      .,..       ...     iilfi]'' 

•■on,  ALVf  ji    *;y}  J: 

..'^■jhivz -ir^lij  ^hi.moit  ):■      THE 
i.  'in 

General  Monk. 




Containing  a 


O  F    T  H  E 

D   U  K  E. 

HEY  who  daily  poflefs  the  Be- 
nefit of  this  great  Man's  Prudence 
and  Loyalty,  and  never  had  the 
Happinefs  of  feeing  him,  will  ex- 
pert here  fome  Character  of  his 
Perfon  j  which  was  indeed  rather  comely  than 


37-8  ne  LIFE  of 

elegant.  His  Stature  was  of  the  middle  Size, 
but  contrived  for  Strength  and  Adion.  In  his 
Countenance  there  appeared  fomething  very 
great  and  auguft,  yet  without  Pride.  His  Af- 
pe£t  was  fo  truly  martial,  that  they  who  knew 
him  not,  might  have  taken  him  for  a  Gene- 
ral, and  collected  the  Ideas  of  an  Hero  from 
the  Lines  of  his  Face.  His  Eye-fight  ferved 
him  to  the  laft  upon  nearer  Objects,  though 
at  remoter  Diftances  it  was  fomewhat  defec- 
tive. Which  Imperfection  was,  in  fome 
Mcafure,  recompenfed  to  him,  with  a  very 
extraordinary  Quicknefsof  hearing;  wherein 
he  did  To  very  far  excel,  that  it  was  dangerous 
to  whifper  a  Secret  in  the  fame  Room  with 

His  Conditution  alfo  was  framed  to  a  fin- 
gular  Steddincfs  of  Temperament,  which  in- 
abled  him  to  live  with  a  very  little  Sleep, 
and  without  any  of  thofc  Emotions  in  his 
Blood,  which  mod  other  Men  find  from  the 
Want  of  it.  Upon  the  fame  Account  he 
was  capable  of  enduring  long  and  frequent 
Parting,  when  impofcd  upon  him,  either  by 
Religion,  Neccility,  or  Bufmefs;  without  any 
obfervable  Prejudice  to  his  Health,  or  any  o- 
ther  Inconvenience.  In  his  Palate  he  wa§ 
not  curious,  or  at  all  lludious  how  to  gratify 
it.  When  he  was  young,  he  had  the  Small- 
pox ;  yet  cntertain'd  them,  moft  Part  of  the 


General  Monk.  379 

Time,  on  Horfe-back,  and  marched  every 
Day  with  his  Regiment,  without  any  of 
thofe  fatal  EfFeds,  which  naturally  follow 
from  theleaftlmprefllon  of  the  cold  Air. 

But  when  wc  come  to  defcribe  the  Vir- 
tues and  Endowments  of  his  Mind,  we  en- 
ter upon  a  more  copious  and  cxtenfivc  Sub- 
jed.  His  Courage  and  Fortitude  were  be- 
yond any  hyperbolical  Strains  of  his  Friends, 
and  were  never  yet  queftioned  by  his  great- 
eft  Enemies.  They  were  nor,  like  the  un- 
certain, and  occafional  Impetuofity  of  the 
late  Ufurper  Cromi::el,  taken  up  by  Fits ; 
but  a  fteddy  and  well-advifcd  Greatnefs  of 
Spirit,  feparatc  from  Raflmefs,  and  conduifV- 
cd  by  an  extraordinary  Prudence  and  Forc- 
fight.  So  that  in  thofe  many  Engagements 
where  he  had  commanded,  he  was  always  at- 
tended with  a  fmooth,  uninterrupted  Succcfs, 
which  has  rarely  been  conflant  to  old  Gene- 
rals. And,  in  that  fmglc  Surprizal  upon  him 
by  thc'Dutch  Fleer,  he  fought  rliem  fo  ftout- 
ly  with  a  very  unequal  Force  5  and  afterwards 
fccured  his  Retreat  with  fo  much  Refolution 
and  Bravery,  that  his  Enemies  were  obliged 
to  acknowledge,  there  was  fomcthing  in  his 
Greatnefs  of  Mind  and  Condud  that  was  more 
than  human. 

If  we  confidcr  either  th?  Afcendant  of  his 


380        The  LIFE  of    ^* 

Courage,  or  Fortune,  it  will  not  be  eafy  to 
find  a  Parallel  in  his  own  Age,  and  as  hardly 
in  all  Antiquity.  He  had  reftorcd  his  Country 
with  Camfl/us ,  but  the  Sequel  of  his  Life 
was  more  glorious.  He  had  all  the  Difpatch 
of  Cafar,  but  none  of  his  Ambition  ;  the  Po- 
pularity of  Tompey,  without  any  of  his  Er- 
rors, or  Misfortunes ;  the  Eftimation  of  Lu^ 
culluSy  feparate  from  his  Luxury  j  the  In- 
duftry  of  the  brave  Agricola,  but  in  the  Ser- 
vice cf  a  better  Mafter.  He  had  equalled 
Scipio,  in  reducing  the  greater  Enemies  of  the 
Common-wealth,  and  more  faithlefs  than  the 
Carthaginians,  but  exceeded  him  in  the  Love 
of  his  Country,  and  the  Glory  of  his  End.  His 
Command,  and  the  Times  he  lived  in,  had 
the  neareft  Rcfcmblanceto  thofeof  Sertorius 
in  Spain  ;  nor  were  there  wanting  Confede- 
rates about  him  of  l^erpennds  infidious  Tem- 
per ;  but  he  look'd  ^o  narrowly  after  them, 
that  none  of  them  could  find  thofe  Advan- 
tages acrainll:  him,  which  were  taken  aeainft 
that  generous  Rodman. 

If  his  Virtues  had  been  only  Military,  he 
and  his  Armour  might,  in  peaceful  Times, 
have  rufted  together.  But  as  he  had  the  Suf- 
ficiency of  a  great  General  in  War,  To  he  had 
equal  Prudence  and  Jnduftry  in  Civil  Bufi- 
ncfs.  And,  when  there  was  no  more  Occa- 
ilon  for  his  Sword,  he   became  a   mofl:  ufe- 

General  Monk.        381 

£ul  and  ncceflary  Minifter  of  State  i  where- 
in, if  fome  few  have  exceeded  him  in  Dif- 
patch,  yet  none  in  Surenefs  and  Fidelity. 
By  his  Prudence  he  baffled  all  his  Enemies, 
and  unravelled  all  the  Labyrinths  of  their 
crooked  Subtilty.  By  the  fame  Virtue  he 
preferved  to  himfelf  the  continued  Affedion 
and  Kindnefs  of  his  Majefty,  which  (hined 
upon  him  to  the  Evening  of  his  Life,  with- 
out the  Interruption  of  the  lead  Cloud.  By 
tlie  like  Quality  he  kept  up  his  Eftimatioa 
with  his  Equals,  and  the  Minifters  of  State, 
againft  whom  he  had  never  given  into  any 
intriguing  Schemes.  And,  as  a  Reward  of 
his  Prudence  and  Integrity,  he  had  thofe  Ad- 
vantages which  have  feldom  been  known  to 
center  in  the  fame  Perfon  5  of  being  equally 
the  Favourite  of  the  King,  the  Court,  and 
the  People. 

Nor  was  it  the  leaft  of  his  Felicities,  that 
he  had  the  Opportunity  of  obliging  a  Prince 
of  fo  generous  and  humane  a  Difpofition,  who 
could  never  be  capable  of  looking  upon  the 
Greatnefs  of  his  Services  with  Sufpicion,  or 
to  eftecm  it  a  Reproach  to  his  own  Great- 
nefs and  Glory,  to  have  been  reftored  by  one 
of  his  own  Subjeds.  He  had  alio  the  fur- 
ther good  Fortune  to  perform  his  Service  to 
the  King  in  the  Flower  of  his  Age,  and  tlic 
Fulnefs  of  his  Joys,  before  the  narrow  and 


38i        The  LIFE  of 

fufpicious  Temper,  which  is  more  incidtnit 
to  an  advanced  Age,  could  be  fuppofed  to 
difcover   its  ordinary    and  too   riatural   Ef- 


His  Silence  and  advifcd  Taciturnity  was 
Part  of  his  Prudence,  which  grew  in  a  great 
Meafure  upon  his  Nature,  and  became  habi- 
tual to  him,  by  a  long  Converfation  among 
thofe  whom  he  could  neither  love,  not 
thought  it  reafonable  to  truft.  Such  was  his 
Caution  and  Warinefs,  that  he  would  com- 
monly contrive  to  be  the  laft  Man  in  the 
Company  to  declare  his  Opinion.  He  had 
thofe  Virtues  in  Perfcdion,  which  the  Lord 
Bacon  requires  in  a  Perfon  in  a  publick  Of- 
fice, viz.  "  Opennefs  in  Fame  and  Opinion 
"  of  others,  Secrecy  in  an  habitual  Conceal- 
"  ment  of  himfelf."  Becaufe  the  Generality 
of  Men  arc  moft  delighted  in  difcourfmg  of 
thofe  Subjects  wherein  they  excel,  or  have 
been  eminently  fuccefsful ;  fome  have  con- 
trived to  oblige  him,  by  making  the  Affairs 
of  thofe  Times,  and  his  extraordinary  Servi- 
ces in  reftoring  the  King,  theSubjedof  Con- 
verfation in  his  Company ;  in  all  which  he 
would  always  reply  with  fo  great  Humility, 
and  Appearance  of  difclaiming  all  Merit  in 
himfelf,  that  there  is  not  a  Perfon  now  liv- 
ing, who  can  charge  him  with  Vanity  or  O- 
dentation.     And,  perhaps,  there  is  not  an  In- 


General  Monk,        385 

ftance  in  Hiftory  of  any  Man,  who  ever  per- 
form'd  fuch  great  Services,  and  difcovered  Co 
little  Inclination  to  mention  them,  ortoheac 
them  mentioned  by  others. 

Though  his  Grace  very  well  knew  how 
to  exped  thofe  Regards,  which  were  due  to 
his  Perfon  and  Quality,  yet  furely  no  Man 
entertained  hisownGrcatnefs  withlefs  Cere- 
mony, being  a  profefled  Enemy  to  the  little 
pompous  Vanities,  by  which  Perfons  of  the 
firft  Diftindion  fo  magnificently  trifle  with  one 
another.  And  they  who  could  only  take  the 
Height  of  a  great  Man,  by  the  Length  of 
his  Shadow  J  by  Appearances,  and  the  Noife 
about  him  5  by  Formalities,  and  a  numerous 
Croud  of  Attendants,  thought  they  wanted 
fomcthing  of  Grandeur  in  his  Character  and 
Behaviour ;  who  had  indeed  the  Spirit  of  a 
great  Hero,  with  the  Moderation  of  a  Philo- 
fopher ;  the  Plainnefs  of  a  ^ood  Man,  with 
the  Secrecy  of  a  ConfciTor. 

The  Envious  whom  he  out-(hined,  and 
the  Malicious  whom  he  had  defeated,  have 
expofcd  his  regular  and  decent  Frugality  to 
the  Dlfadvantagc  of  his  Gencrofiry,  which, 
if  rightly  confidercd,  was  one  --^t  ihc  greatcft 
Ornaments  of  his  Life  ;  and  did  not  proceed 
from  the  Littlenels  of  his  Mind,  but  from  the 
Greatnefs  of  his  Wifdom.  For  his  Grace  had 


384       The  LIFE   of 

taken  the  true  Mcafures  of  human  Things; 
and  eftcemed  it  as  a  furc  Maxim,  that  Power 
and  Intereft  are  hardly  fcparable  from  Wealth. 
He  very  well  knew  how  much  Princes  dcf- 
cend  from  the  Footftool  of  their  Throne,  and 
veil  their  Sovereignty  to  their  Subjeds,  by 
too  frequent,  and,  fometimes,  mean  Appli- 
cations to  their  People  in  their  Wants :  How 
unable  the  Nobility  are  to  fupport  their  own 
Efteem  and  Order,  or  to  aflift  the  Crown, 
whilft  they  make  themfelves  contemptible 
and  weak,  by  the  Number  and  Weight  of 
their  Debts,  ar^d  the  continual  Decay  of  their 
Eftates.  And  if  the  Wealth  of  the  Nation 
come  to  centre  moft  among  the  lower  and 
trading  Part  of  the  People,  at  one  Time  or 
other,  it  will  certainly  be  in  their  Power, 
and  probably  in  their  Defires,  to  invade  the 
Government.  Thcfe,  and  the  like  Conside- 
rations, had  moved  the  Duke  of  Albemarle 
to  become  as  great  an  Example  to  the  Nobi- 
lity of  honourable  good  Husbandry,  as  he 
had  been  before  of  Loyalty  and  Allegi- 
ance. ,    •.,;'        ._■        vr; '■'.;/■!  '-  "  X 

Besides  his  immortal  Fame,  he  has  ano- 
ther Inftance  of  pofthumous  Felicity,  leav- 
ing behind  him  a  Son,  the  prefent  Duke  of 
Albemarle^  the  Inheritor  of  his  Nobility  and 
Gloriej, ;  and  growing  daily  more  to  the  Re- 
femblanceof  him,  notonly  in  the  Lineaments 


General  Monk.         385 

of  his  Face,  but  in  the  Ima^,,of  his  Mind, 
the  Worthincfs  of  his  Natur^S'tid  Height  of 
his  Courage  and  Gallantry.  Befides  his  own 
great  Example,  he  had  given  him,  in  his  Life- 
time, the  early  Imprcflions  of  Virtue  and 
Loyalty  j  and  left  him,  at  his  Death,  great  in 
the  Favour  of  his  Prince,  great  in  the  Efteem 
of  the  Nobility,  great  in  the  univerfal  Affec- 
tion of  the  People,  and  great  in  the  Circle  of 
human  Fortune. 

Such  were  the  Felicities  of  the  late  Duke 
of  Albemarle^  as  cannot  poflibly  happen  to 
any,  but  tothofe  who  arefingularly  fuftained 
by  the  Divine  Favour,  and  have  purfued  glo- 
rious Ends  -y  which  will  make  Men  of  rebel- 
lious and  fanatical  Principles  afraid  how  they 
mix  their  Reproaches  and  Curfes  among  fo 
many  Bleflings  of  God. 

Thus  have  we  brought  this  Great,  this 
Fortunate,  this  Triumphant  Hero  to  his 

And  now  may  the  Imperial  Crown  of 
England  never  want  any  thing  to  fupport  it, 
befides  its  own  Majefty  and  Greatnefs.  But 
if  ever  it  fliould,  may  there  never  be  wanting 
a  Duke  of  Albemarle.    Amen. 

C  c  Ccn.' 

Gen.AfOiVZ's  Pedigree. 

HE  follow'mg  Account  of  Ge- 
neral Monk'^  Defcenty  was 
taken  out  of  a  Pamphlet  (late- 
ly  c  omnium  cafe  d  to  me)  printed  A.  D, 
1 6'  J  9 .  Arid  I  pre  fume  from  the  Date 
of  it^  the  Dejign  of  publifhmg  tt  at  that 
Ttme  was^  to  make  out  a  Title  to  the 
Crown^  which  they  were fo  importunate 
with  hirn  to  accept  of  The  Pamphlet  is 

.  The  Pedi|Trce  and  Defcent  of  his 
Excellency  Gen.  George  Monk: 
Setting  forth  how  he  isdefcend- 
ed  from  K.  Edzvard  the  Third, 
by  a  Branch  and  Slip  of  the  White 
Rofe,  the  Houfe  of  7"^^^^/  And 
IikewifehisExtra6lion  from  Ri- 

ti^Z' chard  King  o{  the  Romans. 

I  Page 



General  Monk  s  Pedigree, 

P^li'C    TO. 

"  Frances^  another  Daughter  and  Coheir 

"  of  the  faid  Arthur  ^Tlantagcnet,  was  marri- 

"  cd  firft  to  John  Buffet  in  the  County  of 

"  ^e'voriy  by  whom  (he  had  Arthur  Baffet, 

"  Knight,  &c.    She  after  married  to  Sir  Tho- 

"  mas  Monk  of  ^otkeridze  in  the  aforelaid 

"  County  of  'Devon -^  which  S'\^  Thomas  \,':!ls 

"  the  Son  of  Anthony,  the  Son  and  Heir  of 

"  Humphrey  Monk  of  Totheridge,   and  of 

"  his  Wife  Mary,  Daughter  and  Coheir  of 

"  Richard  Champeriioon  in  Corn-jjal,  by  the 

"  Daughter  and  Coheir  of  Sir  John  Lumley^ 

"  Knight,  and  of  his  Wife  the  Daughter  and 

"  Coheir  of  Sir  Humphrey  Talhot,Y^r\v^\\t  ; 

*'  which  Richard  Champ  erne  en  was  Son  to 

'^  Richard,  Son  of  John,  third   Son  to  Ri- 

"  chard,  Son  to  Henry,  Son  to  Thomas,  Son 

''  of  i?/V/j^r<^  and  3^<?/z?2  his  Wile,  Daughter 

"  and  Heir  of  Ralph  Vautort,  and  of   his 

"  Wife  Joan,  Daughter  to  Edmund  Earl  of 

"  Corn'-jjaJ,  Son  to  Richard¥^\ngo^  x.\\q  Ro- 

*^  mans :  Sir  Thomas  Monk  aforelaid  bad  If- 

*'  fue,  Anthony  Monk,  firfi  Son,  (and  fcvcral 

"  other   Children)  from  whom  is  defccndcd 

"  George  Monk,  Lord  of  Totheridge.  and  at 

"  this  Ti'Vic  the  famous  and  moft  rcaowncd 

"  General. 

c  2 






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.    '^v 

Life  of  General  Monk, 

Received:  Bound  in  full 
brown  calf;  front  and 
back  covers  detached. 

Treatment:  Spine  cleaned; 
relined,  new  endbands 
sewn  on.  Leather  reback 
Qiade  •  old  spine  panels 
replaced  with  old  label. 

The  BookBinder  1982 


