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Christian  commitment  and  prayer  con- 
ferences are  the  basic  elements  of  January  program- 

Church  of  God  constituency  will  join  be- 
lievers throughout  the  world  on  January  1-7  for  the 
Universal  Week  of  Prayer. 

World  Missions  Sunday,  January  7, 
launches  an  aggressive  program  to  advance  the  mis- 
sion of  the  church  around  the  world. 

Lee  College  will  be  fifty  years  old  January 
1.  Dr.  James  A.  Cross  has  announced  a  commemora- 
tive tree  planting  on  the  campus  in  Cleveland, 
Tennessee,  January  8,  at  10:00  a.m.  and  a  Golden 
Anniversary  service  in  the  Lee  Auditorium  at  7:30 

General  Overseer  Charles  W.  Conn  has 
scheduled  the  formal  dedication  of  the  new  head- 
quarters building,  Keith  at  25th  Street,  N.W.,  Cleve- 
land, Tennessee,  on  the  afternoon  of  Wednesday, 
January   10. 

"Commitment  to  God  and  His  Word"  will 
be  the  objective  of  Commitment  Sunday,  January  14, 
that  begins  a  week  of  Bible  study   (book  of  Acts). 

"That  the  World  May  Believe"  is  the  theme 
for  National  Youth  Week  observed  by  Evangelical 
churches,  January  28 — February  4.  This  annual  youth 
emphasis  is  sponsored  by  the  NSSA  Youth  Commis- 

Note:  Refer  to  '68  Church  of  God  calendar  for  con- 
vention and  conference  dates  scheduled  for  January. 

Radio  Minister,  the  Reverend  Floyd  J.  Timmer- 
man,  has  announced  that  "Forward  in  Faith"  will  be 
heard  from  Radio  Quisqueya  beginning  January  7. 
1968.  Radio  Quisqueya  has  worldwide  coverage.  If  you 
have  a  shortwave  radio  set,  the  dial  locations  are  as 
follows:  9.505  mc,  6.090  mc,  3.215  mc.  The  time  will 
be  9:30  p.m.  Greenwich  time. 

Published    monthly    at    the    Church    of    God    Publishing    House, 

Cleveland.  Tenn.  All  materials  intended  for  publication  in  the 
LIGHTED  PATHWAY  should  be  addressed  to  Clyne  W.  Buxton, 
Editor.  All  inquiries  concerning  subscriptions  should  be  addressed 
to  Bookkeeping  Department,  Church  of  God  Publishing  House. 
Cleveland,    Tennessee    37311. 

Postmaster   send   Form    3579    to    LIGHTED    PATHWAY,    P.    O.    Box 
880.    Cleveland.    Tennessee    37311. 






No.    1 




Clyne  W.  Buxton 

Silent  Notes  From  a 


Wilma  Caudle 

Naming  January 


Katherine  Bevis 

Relax — Before  You're 
Forced  To  It! 


James  E.  Adams 

Take  Time 


L.  D.  Kennedy 

Shall  We  Dance' 


Ethel  R.  Page 

Honesty  and  Salesmanship 


Bob  Lair 

He  Owns  the  Cattle  on  a 
Thousand  Hills 


Muriel  Larson 

Our  Sins  Are  Catching 
Up  With  Us 

1  1 

Ray  H.  Hughes 

Susan's  Part 


Bobbie  Lauster 

Down  to  Earth,  or  Hell? 


Sandra  Cox 

Child  Evangelism  Classes 


Aubrey  Maye 

In  a  Large  Place  With  God 


Hugh  Don  Johnson 

Greater  Works  Than  These 


Russell  J.  Fornwalt 

Michigan  Sunday  School 

Convention    22 

Advance  Daily  Devotions 

for  Christian  Teens    26 


Clyne  W.  Buxton 

Lewis  J.  Willis 

Chloe  Stewart 

JoAnn  Humbertson 

H.  Bernard  Dixon 

E.  C.  Thomas 


Donald  S.  Aultman 
Margie  M.  Kelley 
Walter  R.  Pettitt 


Bobbie  May  Lauster 

Margaret  Gaines 

Denzell  Teague 

Ruth  Crawford 

Martha  Ann  Smith 


Thomas  Grosser 
Cecil  R.  Guil< 


Single  Subscription, 

per  year 

Rolls  of  15 

Single  copy 

Wayne  Hei 

Floyd  D.  Carey 





Circulation  Director 


Paul  F.  Henson 
Avis  Swiger 
J.  E.  DeVore 






James  A.  Madison 
Haskel  C.  Jenkins 
Leonard  S.  Townley 

v.  39 

The  Beginning 



A  A/ewFeature 

Chloe  Stewart,  the  unusually  gifted  artist  who 
faithfully  designs  the  Lighted  Pathway  covers  each 
month,  has  been  artist  for  this  magazine  for  eighteen 
years.  He  not  only  creates  the  cover  but  also  he 
regularly  illustrates  the  articles  in  each  issue  by 
preparing  titles  on  the  typositor,  by  drawing  il- 
lustrations, and  by  arranging  photographs  with  an 

Typically,  Chloe  has  designed  a  graphic  cover  for 
this  issue.  Since  January  is  the  beginning  month 
of  each  year,  he  began  to  think  about  the  beginning 
of  time.  After  considerable  thought,  he  settled  upon 
the  cover  used  here. 

Mr.  Stewart,  who  holds  a  Bachelor  of  Arts  degree 
in  Studio  Art  from  the  University  of  Alabama,  de- 
picts on  the  left  side  of  the  cover  the  darkness  of 
the  universe  before  light  came.  God's  speaking 
light  into  existence  is  illustrated  with  the  whiteness 
down  the  center.  This  light  gave  color  to  the 
world,  which  is  shown  on  the  right  side  of  the 
cover.  The  large  circle  represents  the  sun,  the 
source  of  all  light. 

Katherine  Bevis  points  out  in  her  article  on  page 
five  that  January  is  a  time  of  beginning.  Many  of 
us  feel  the  need  to  pause  and  take  a  soul-search- 
ing look  at  ourselves  as  we  enter  the  new  year. 
What  can  we  do  for  self-improvement?  Should  we 
do  more  praying,  witnessing,  reading,  and  believ- 
ing? Should  we  do  less  procrastinating  and  doubt- 

January  is  a  good  time  to  examine  ourselves. 
However,  self-examination  should  not  culminate  in 
self-condemnation,  but  rather  in  a  renewed  zeal  to 
follow  Christ  more  closely  and  to  dedicate  ourselves 
more  completely  to  His  will. 

This  month  we  begin  a  very  important  new  fea- 
ture on  pages  26  and  27.  Entitled  "Advance"  this 
new  section  of  the  Lighted  Pathioay  is  intended  to 
guide  the  teen-ager  in  his  private  devotions.  Writer 
Floyd  D.  Carey,  youth  director  for  the  Church  of  God 
in  Ohio,  will  prepare  these  devotions'  each  month. 
Carey,  a  seasoned  writer  for  teen-agers,  guides  youths 
through  the  book  of  Matthew  during  January.  Daily, 
he  suggests  thoughts  for  meditations  and  matters 
about  which  the  youths  should  pray.  We  believe  mat 
youths,  and  even  adults,  will  greatly  profit  by  daily 
following  this  devotional  guide. 

Teen-agers  need  to  have  daily  devotions.  Too  often 
they  cease  to  walk  with  God,  which  may  be  due  large- 
ly to  their  not  having  a  quiet  time — a  period  each 
day  for  refreshing  themselves  in  Christ.  The  teen- 
ager's soul  must  be  fed  just  as  his  body  must  have 
food.  Little  wonder  that  four  out  of  five  youths  for- 
sake Christ  when  their  whole  day,  as  well  as  all  their 
evening,  is  spent  in  going  and  being  and  doine,  with 
no  time  given  to  God  and  His  Word.  The  youth  must 
be  led  into  regular  private  devotions. 

The  teen-ager's  devotion  should  be  short,  scrip- 
tural, systematic,  and  sacred.  It  need  not  be  longer 
than  ten  or  fifteen  minutes;  however,  in  eternal 
value  these  few  minutes  will  outweieh  any  sixty  min- 
utes of  the  day.  After  reading  the  Bible,  the  youth  is 
ready  for  prayer.  One  writer  suggests  the  following 
prayer  guide: 

A.  Adore  God  for  all  His  majesty. 

C.  Confess  a  need  of  God. 

T.  Thank  God  for  His  many  blessings. 

S.  Supplicate,  or  ask  God  to  supply  needs. 

These  ACTS  of  prayer  coupled  with  Bible  reading 
can    yield    rich    spiritual    dividends. 



FINDING  A  HOUSE  in  the  country  was  not  an 
easy  project  in  the  fall  of  1966;  and  when  one 
works  in  a  large  city,  chances  of  finding  an 
acreage  within  driving  distance  are  almost  nil.  But 
suddenly  we  were  offered  a  farm,  near  town  and  en- 
compassing one  hundred  and  forty  acres.  It  had  a  nice 
liveable  house  which  sat  among  young,  sap-spilling  elm 

We  were  aware  that  the  house  had  been  vacated  by 
heartache,  by  the  stilling  of  a  warm  heart  which  had 
tended  it  for  twelve  years,  and  by  the  grieving  widow 
who  had  moved  quickly  to  avoid  the  sudden  emptiness 
around  her. 

We  moved  on  Sunday  in  late  fall;  and  tired  from 
packing,  we  left  things  in  a  cluttered  heap,  put  up 
the  beds,  and  dropped  exhausted  into  bed.  On  Monday 
Bill  left  for  work,  after  I  assured  him  that  I  could 
manage  the  placing  of  most  of  our  possessions. 

The  wind  began  a  restless  howl  over  the  meadows; 
and  since  I  was  unaccustomed  to  the  strange  noises,  so 
different  from  the  city,  every  little  rush  of  wind 
seemed  unnerving. 

I  tried  to  remain  calm  as  I  swept  and  placed  chests, 
chairs,  and  tables  in  proper  places.  By  afternoon  I  had 
finally  reached  the  kitchen  area.  The  wind  was  whip- 
ping the  meadow  grasses  fiercely  now;  and  a  limb  of 
one  of  the  elms  raked  back  and  forth  against  the 
eaves,  creating  an  eerie  rumble.  Our  dog,  Toby,  was 
emitting  nervous  yelps  instead  of  reveling  in  newfound 

While  sweeping  the  dining  area,  I  closed  the  door 
into  the  living  room  and  was  surprised  to  see  a  door 

which  I  had  not  discovered  before.  Cautiously  I  opened 
it  and  found  a  small  closet.  Hanging  there  as  though 
someone  had  just  removed  and  hung  it  there  was  an 
old  faded  denim  jacket.  For  some  reason,  it  had  a 
friendly  feel. 

Tacked  to  the  wall  was  a  current  calendar  with  its 
dates  marked  with  notes  which  had  meaning  for  the 
occupant  who  had  left  so  hurriedly,  never  to  return. 
His  books  were  stacked  neatly  on  the  shelf  above — 
books  on  farming,  cattle,  ponds,  and  soil.  I  closed  the 
door;  for  some  reason  I  did  not  wish  to  move  any- 
thing; it  seemed  there  might  still  be  a  chance  of  his 

Then  on  a  low  shelf  in  the  kitchen  cabinet,  I  found 
the  silent  notes  in  a  book  whose  pages  had  been  read 
and  reread  until  the  edges  were  ragged.  There  were 
marked  passages  from  a  man  who  was  now  becoming 
more  than  a  stranger  and  notes  which  made  the  house 
a  warm  haven  and  surely  had  a  bearing  on  the  fact 
that  the  winds  outside  had  changed  to  a  friendly 
romp,  for  the  book  was  a  Bible  which  had  been  the 
stranger's  companion  and  friend.  The  scriptures 
marked  were  ones  of  promise  and  good  cheer  and  a 
folding  together  of  all  things  dear  both  for  this  life 
and  the  hereafter. 

I  let  my  work  go  and  sat  for  hours,  perusing  the 
contentment  within  the  pages.  Peace  and  serenity 
seemed  to  fill  the  house,  and  suddenly  it  became  home. 
The  silent  notes  became  a  link  to  lead  me  over 
pleasant  fields  today  and  through  tomorrow's  rich 
green  valleys.  • 


JANUARY,  THE  FIRST  month  of  the  year,  has  an 
interesting  history  that  dates  back  to  ancient 
^    Rome. 

The  Romans,  being  very  religious  people,  but  without 
the  revelation  of  the  true  and  living  God,  made  dif- 
ferent gods  for  each  aspect  of  their  lives. 

Mercury  was  the  god  for  businessmen  and  mer- 
chants, as  well  as  the  god  for  speakers.  Mars  was  the 
god  of  war;  Venus  was  the  goddess  of  love;  Diana 
was  the  goddess  of  the  hunt;  and  Ceres  was  the  god- 
dess of  the  harvest. 

In  time  this  became  a  sort  of  bureaucracy,  for 
these  people  were  very  careful  to  add  the  gods  of  the 
peoples  they  conquered  to  the  long  list  of  their  own. 
Many  times  it  was  hard  for  the  people  to  remember 
who  was  in  charge  of  what. 

One  of  the  oldest  of  all  these  many  gods  was  Janus, 
god  of  gates,  doorways,  and  entrances.  He  became  the 
god  of  the  beginning  of  things. 

Thus  it  was  that  in  time  Mensis  Januarius  (the 
month  of  Janus)  became  the  first  month  of  the  year. 

This  god,  Janus,  was  always  pictured  with  two 
faces — one  looking  forward,  the  other  backward.  At 
the  northeastern  end  of  the  Roman  forum,  or  market- 
place, there  stood  a  double  gate  dedicated  to  Janus. 
In  wartime  the  gates  stood  open;  in  peacetime,  they 
were  shut. 

As  we  enter  upon  this  New  Year  of  1968,  we  need 
not  look  at  two-faced  Janus  for  help  in  beginning  it, 
for  we  do  not  worship  this  god  for  whom  the  first 
month  of  our  new  year  is  named.  Jesus  Christ  is  our 
help  in  setting  out  on  our  voyage  of  this  bright  new 
year,  unspotted  and  clean. 

He  is  the  One  who  has  opened  the  gates  to  heaven 
for  us.  He  stands  with  outstretched  arms,  ready  to 
guide  us  every  moment  of  the  trip  as  we  prepare  for 
the  most  important  entry,  the  one  to  which  every  mo- 
ment of  our  life  on  earth  is  pointed — our  entry  into 

May  we  live  this  new  year  with  Jesus  Christ  as  our 
guide  and  our  pilot,  so  that  when  we  make  that  entry 
into  our  eternal  home,  He  will  stand  at  the  gate  of 
heaven  and  say  to  us,  "Come,  blessed  of  my  Father. 
Take  possession  of  the  Kingdom  prepared  for  you 
from  the  foundation  of  the  world." 



Before  Yoiire  Forced 

\  to  it! 


FISHING?  THAT'LL  be  the 
Joe  reacted  rather  sharply 
to  his  physician's  suggestion,  be- 
cause he  was  disappointed.  About 
four  weeks  previously  he  had  un- 
dergone surgery.  Now  he  wanted  to 
go  back  to  work.  And  he  had  been 
sure  the  doctor  would  allow  him 
to  do  so. 

In  fact,  Joe  was  disgusted.  Fish- 
ing indeed!  He  had  never  had  time 
to  play,  what  with  buying  a  home, 
raising  a  family,  putting  out  a  one- 
acre  lot — the  chickens,  the  hogs. 
He  had  always  been  busy. 

Then  when  the  Lord  saved  him, 
he  had  brought  that  same  dili- 
gence into  his  spiritual  activities. 
He  had  served  as  a  Sunday  school 
teacher,  a  member  of  the  Sunday 
school  council,  a  Vacation  Bible 
School  teacher,  and  later  as  a  mem- 
ber of  the  board  of  deacons.  He 
had  also  helped  with  the  labor 
on  a  new  church.  He  could  take  no 
time  out  for  relaxation  and  recrea- 
tion. But  Joe  found  himself  wish- 

ing  that  he   had   taken   up   some 
outside  interest,  perhaps  a  hobby. 

Besides  being  busy,  though,  he 
knew  the  attitudes  of  people.  Some 
who  relaxed  "talking  over  the  back- 
yard fence"  had  little  sympathy  for 
others  who  found  different  outlets 
for  their  leisure.  For  instance,  a 
few  thought  one  man  made  too 
much  of  a  hobby  of  attending  auc- 
tion sales.  What  they  did  not  know 
was  that  when  he  resold  an  item, 
he  gave  the  profit  to  the  church 
building  fund!  Joe  felt  that  no  mat- 
ter what  he  would  do,  someone 
would    object. 

So  he  lived  as  he  had  lived  be- 
fore his  operation — no  "play"  (as 
he  called  it),  no  hobby.  But  his 
physician  had  given  him  good  ad- 

The  Pennsylvania  Medical  News 
states,  "Medical  men  are  recom- 
mending and  even  prescribing  some 
avocation  for  their  patients,  espe- 
cially those  over  forty  .  .  .  Sole  de- 
pendence on  the  daily  routine  job, 

without  an  outside  interest,  creates 
an  imbalance  between  work  and 
play  which  adds  greatly  to  tensions 
and  anxieties  .  .  .  cripples  the  sense 
of  humor  and  proportion  .  .  .  and 
inclines  one  to  become  preoccupied 
with  bodily  functions  and  real  or 
imaginary  ailments.  .  .  .  Those 
who  wait  too  long  find  it  difficult 
with  increasing  years  to  choose  a 

A  man  fifteen  years  older  than 
Joe  learned  all  this  to  his  sorrow. 
He  was  almost  as  busily  engaged  in 
church  and  secular  work  as  Joe.  His 
operation  was  successful;  but  with 
nothing  to  occupy  his  time,  he  be- 
came despondent.  Instead  of  weeks 
it  was  months — and  it  could  have 
been  years  but  for  the  grace  of 
God — before  he  was  able  to  resume 
his  spiritual  and  secular  activities. 

Now  what  may  be  a  hobby  for 
one  person  may  not  be  for  another. 
And  while  leisure  activity  is  for 
personal  relaxation,  it  is  possible  to 
choose  one  which  can  be  a  blessing 

to  others  and  to  the  kingdom  of 

A  man  became  interested  in  pho- 
tography— then  in  close-up  copy 
work.  One  day  he  received  a  letter 
from  a  missionary  to  Ghana,  West 
Africa.  She  had  a  message  on  her 
heart  concerning  the  people  to 
whom  God  had  called  her,  and 
photographs  to  help  others  see  and 
share  the  burden  of  their  great 

"I  understand  you  have  informa- 
tion about  making  ordinary  Kodak 
pictures  into  slides  for  showing 
with  a  projector,"  she  wrote.  "I 
anchored  my  photographs  to  card- 
board to  show  them  with  an  opaque 
projector,  but  it  never  did  work  out 
very  well.  Please  let  me  hear  from 

The  hobbyist  sensed  the  deep  dis- 
appointment she  had  experienced 
and  asked  her  to  send  some  pho- 
tographs to  him.  "I'll  see  what  I 
can  do,"  he  wrote. 

With  the  snapshots  the  mission- 
ary wrote,  "You  can  see  these  pic- 
tures are  of  sick,  leprous  people. 
All  Africa  is  sick.  It  needs  a  blood 
transfusion— the  blood  of  the  Lamb 
to  heal  the  sin-sick  soul  and  the 
disease-ridden  body." 

Tears  came  to  the  eyes  of  that 
amateur  photographer  as  he  read 
the  letter  and  looked  at  the  pic- 
tures. "O  Lord,"  he  prayed,  "help 
me  to  do  a  good  job  for  Thy  ser- 
vant. Grant  that  she  won't  be  dis- 
appointed again." 

She  was  not.  The  very  day  the 
slides  reached  her,  she  wrote,  "I  do 
thank  you  so  much  for  sending 
them.  They  look  wonderful!"  And 
later,  "I  just  want  to  pause  a  mo- 
ment to  tell  you  what  a  help  and 
blessing  the  slides  you  made  for 
me  are  in  my  itinerary  work.  .  .  ." 

It  was  just  a  hobby,  but  the  man 
said,  "I  will  be  eternally  happy  that 
I  took  it  up." 

None  of  these  men  would  consid- 
er a  means  of  relaxation  which 
would  take  time  that  belongs  to 
Christ.  They  know  time  is  a  gift 
from  God  and,  as  such,  is  to  be 
used  wisely.  But  they  have  also 
learned  that  everyone  should  take 
time  to  relax.  • 


By  L.    D.    KENNEDY 

HAT  OLD   SAGE,  Ben   Franklin,   once  advised,   "Dost   thou   love 

life?  then  do  not  squander  time  for  that  is  the  stuff  life  is  made 

of."  All  of  us  know  that  time  is  a  precious  commodity.  Yet  each 

golden  hour  is  set  with  sixty  diamond  minutes.  I  believe   Goethe  was 

right  when  he  insisted,  "We  always  have  time  enough,  if  we  will  but  use 

it  aright." 

"I  just  don't  know  what  to  do  to  pass  the  time,"  cries  one.  "I  know 
I  ought  to  do  that,  but  I  don't  have  time.  I'm  just  too  busy!"  sighs  an- 
other. These  represent  two  opposite  and  often-expressed  attitudes  re- 
garding  time.   Both   are   shocking   and   pathetic. 

The  person  who  has  nothing  to  do  has  ceased  to  live.  He  is  blind  to  the 
opportunities  of  life  and  out-of-tune  with  both  heaven  and  earth.  There 
is  another  way  to  throw  away  one's  life  than  through  one  act  of  shame 
and  folly:  One  may  also  throw  it  away  bit  by  bit,  day  by  day. 

The  second  person,  paradoxically,  is  losing  his  life  even  as  he  lives 
it.  He  has  allowed  his  life  to  become  so  cluttered  up  with  foolish  trifles, 
frivolous  vanities,  meaningless  activities,  and  secondary  objects  that  he 
has  little  or  no  time  for  the  highest,  worthiest  values  and  pursuits.  "All 
that  time  is  lost,"  reminds  Rousseau,  "which  might  be  better  employed." 

Once  I  overheard  two  farmers  talking.  One  asked  the  other,  "How  is  it 
you  have  time  to  fish  during  crop  time?"  Replied  the  other  farmer,  "If 
you  liked  to  fish  as  well  as  I,  you  would  take  time."  Yes,  we  find  time 
enough  to  do  what  we  really  want  to  do. 

Before  you  cry,  "I  don't  have  time!"  ask,  "What  have  I  done  with  my 
time?"  You  have  as  many  hours  in  the  day  as  old  Methuselah  had!  May- 
be too  many  of  them  are  being  wasted  in  a  hollow  rat  race. 

Myriads  of  things  compete  for  our  attention  every  minute  of  our  lives. 
To  which  few  shall  we  respond?  For  instance,  we  cannot  possibly  read 
all  of  the  good  books,  so  we  must  choose  just  a  few  of  the  best  ones.  Now 
each  book  we  read  means  that  there  is  another  book  we  can  never  read. 
See  how  important  it  is  to  choose  the  best!  Are  we  careful  what  articles 
and  stories  we  read;  what  meetings  and  entertainments  we  attend?  Time 
is  life.  Do  we  make  the  best  use  of  it? 

Certainly  we  should  all  take  time  to  make  and  cultivate  friendships. 
I  would  rather  have  friends  than  wealth,  would  you  not?  A  pleasure 
shared  with  friends  doubles  its  joy;  a  grief  shared  is  halved.  Of  course, 
we  should  give  more  attention  to  being  a  friend  than  to  acquiring  friends. 
"A  man  that  hath  friends  must  shew  himself  friendly,"  we  are  told  in 
Proverbs  18:24.  Are  you  too  busy  to  be  friendly?  Then  you  are  too  busy! 
The  young  person  needs  friends,  but  indeed  he  needs  them  still  more 
as  he  gets  older.  "If  a  man  does  not  make  new  acquaintances  as  he 
passes  through  life,"  warned  Johnson,  "he  will  soon  find  himself  left 
alone.  A  man  should  keep  his  friendships  in  constant  repair." 

We  should  take  time  to  show  kindness  and  appreciation  to  our  loved 
ones,  friends,  and  acquaintances.  For  this,  one  today  is  worth  two  to- 

Remember  the  admonition  of  Goethe:  "We  always  have  time  enough  if 
we  will  but  use  it  aright."  Make  time  count.  Take  time  for  the  best!    • 

Shi  Wc  Dana? 


OH,  YOU  DON'T  need  to 
dance.  Just  come  along  and 
watch  the  rest  of  us,"  coaxed 
the  boys,  as  they  tried  to  persuade 
their  sister,  Jean,  and  me  to  go 
with  them  to  their  dance  club. 

"You  see,  this  is  not  like  a  public 
dance  where  just  all  kinds  of  peo- 
ple are  admitted,"  they  argued. 
"The  members  are  good  people, 
and  we  associate  with  them  all 
the  time  as  friends.  It  is  just  the 
same  as  being  with  them  on  other 

Their  mother  had  faithfully 
taught  her  children  to  avoid  all 
worldly  amusements  and  practices, 
but  the  boys  had  rebelled  against 
what  they  considered  unreasonable 
restrictions  and  had  gone  out  to  ex- 
plore the  world  for  themselves. 

My  parents  had  held  the  same 
ideals  before  me,  so  I  had  found  a 
second  home  with  Jean  and  her 
family  while  attending  school  in  a 
neighboring  town. 

Music  was  my  chief  interest,  but 
this  year  there  were  not  enough 
funds  for  piano  lessons  in  addition 
to  other  expenses.  I  talked  with 
the  head  of  the  Music  Department, 
inquiring  if  there  might  be  some 
work  in  school  which  I  could  do. 
He  had  made  no  promise;  but  had 
said  that  if  a  need  developed,  he 
would  call  on  me.  I  prayed  that 
God  would  open  the  way  for  me. 

When  Bob  and  Dick  found  that 
they  could  not  induce  us  girls  to 
go  to  the  dance  club,  they  tried 
another  scheme. 

"Let's  dance  here  at  home.  There 

can't  be  any  harm  in  that,"  they 

Jean  and  I,  thinking  it  would  be 
fun  to  try,  agreed.  So,  occasionally 
we  would  practice.  I  fell  into  the 
step  readily.  Understanding  and 
love  of  music  naturally  led  me  into 
the  rhythmic  swing.  To  me,  it  was 
like  interpreting  music  by  bodily 
movements.  It  was  intoxicating. 
Surely,  this  was  a  form  of  art. 
How  could  that  be  harmful?  Un- 
consciously I  was  being  drawn  into 
a  fascinating  snare. 

This  continued  for  some  time. 
Then  suddenly,  something — surely 
it  was  the  Holy  Spirit — wakened 
me  with  a  start.  What  am  I  doing? 
Where  am  I  drifting?  If  I  should 
ever  allow  myself  to  really  start 
dancing,  I  would  be  carried  away 
with  it.  How  far?  Who  could  tell? 
The  only  thing  to  do  was  to  stop! 
Right  then!  And  this  I  did.  I  felt 
that  I  had  been  disentangled  from 
a  net  that  had  been  woven  about 

Not  long  after  this,  I  was  puz- 
zled by  a  message  from  Mrs.  Ste- 
wart, a  woman  whom  I  scarcely 
knew,  requesting  me  to  come  to  her 
home.  I  went  as  soon  as  I  could 
find  a  convenient  time. 

"I  understand  you  play  the  piano 
quite  well,"  began  Mrs.  Stewart, 
when  we  were  seated  in  her  living 
room.  "Our  dance  club  is  in  need  of 
a  pianist,  so  I  thought  you  might 
be  interested  in  filling  the  place." 

She  named  a  liberal  sum  in  pay- 
ment— more  than  would  be  needed 
for  my  music  tuition. 

I  was  stunned.  Was  this  the  an- 
swer to  my  prayer?  My  mind  went 
whirling  as  Mrs.  Stewart  talked  on. 
I  had  vowed  to  have  no  more  to 
do  with  dancing.  Of  course,  this 
was  different,  in  a  way.  I  would 
just  be  playing  the  piano  for  a  fee 
and  for  a  good  purpose.  I  would  not 
even  be  associated  with  those  who 
were  dancing.  I  had  prayed  for  a 
way  to  earn  some  money.  All  this 
flashed  through  my  mind  in 

Suddenly  my  thoughts  cleared. 
This  was  not  from  the  Lord.  It 
was  another  attack  from  Satan 
to  try  to  break  down  my  resolu- 
tion. God  would  not  provide  for  me 
through  such  a  channel.  The  de- 
cision was   quick   and   positive. 

I  thanked  Mrs.  Stewart,  but  ex- 
plained to  her  my  position  as  a 
Christian  and  why  I  could  not  ac- 
cept her  offer. 

Shortly  thereafter,  the  music  di- 
rector called  me  to  his  studio  to 
tell  me  there  was  work  for  me  in 
his  department  that  would  cover 
all   expenses   for  my   music   study. 

My  heart  was  too  full  for  expres- 
sion. As  I  went  down  the  stairs,  it 
seemed  I  was  floating  in  the  air. 
A  miracle!  Nothing  less!  Here  was 
the  answer  to  my  prayers.  There 
were  no  questions  or  doubts  about 
this.  How  glad  I  was  that  I  had 
refused  the  offer  of  the  dance  club. 

When  I  gave  my  graduation  re- 
cital at  the  close  of  the  school  year, 
it  was  with  gratitude  to  God  for 
His  leading  and  blessing  in  this  ac- 
complishment. • 


way  of  distorting  the  truth 
about  practically  every- 
thing it  sells.  It  promises  and  prom- 
ises, but  rarely  delivers.  Most  of  us 
do  not  pay  much  attention  to  the 
commercials  anymore;  we  know  the 
claims  are  exaggerated,  and  so  we 
take  all  of  it  with  a  grain  of  salt. 

I  remember  one  particular  ad 
which  I  heard  some  time  ago.  It 
was  promoting  a  particular  brand 
of  fountain  pen.  Cast  in  the  form 
of  a  testimonial,  the  commercial 
showed  a  younsc  scholar  who  praised 
the  product,  telling  how  valuable 
such  an  instrument  could  be  to 
every  listener.  Why,  since  he  had 
gotten  his,  his  grades  in  school  had 
risen  from  C's  and  D's  to  A's  and 
B's.  He  had  more  time  to  date  now 
that  he  could  do  his  homework  so 
rapidly,  and  he  had  more  time  for 
athletics  and  other  extracurricular 

He  was  so  convincing  that  I  al- 
most rushed  out  to  see  if  the  cor- 
ner store  carried  that  particular 
brand.  I  could  use  a  little  spare 
time  after  school  hours.  But.  alas, 
I  fear  no  mere  change  of  brand  in 
a  fountain  pen  will  get  mv  work 
done  that  much   more   quickly. 

The  more  I  thought  about  that 
commercial,  the  more  I  realized 
how  important  honesty  is.  Some- 
times when  we  Christians  talk  about 
our  Christian  lives,  we  create  the 
impression  that  once  a  man  is 
saved,  all  struggle,  all  trial,  all  dif- 
ficulty will  immediately  cease.  But 
that  is  not  true. 

One  of  the  most  astonishing 
things  about  our  Lord's  ministry 
is  the  number  of  people  who  seemed 
driven  away  by  His  teaching.  Look 
at  that  remarkable  passage  in  John 
6,  for  example.  As  Jesus  continued 
to  preach,  more  and  more  of  His 
crowd  dispersed  until  finally  only 
the  twelve  remained.  And  they 
seemed  to  hold  on  only  because 
they  did  not  know  where  else  to  go 
to  find  eternal  life. 

Or,  look  at  the  excuses  man 
made  when  He  said:  "Take  up  thy 
cross  and  follow  me."  One  man 
said  he  had  to  go  look  after  his 
father;  another  had  a  piece  of 
land     to     inspect;      still     another 

Honesty  and 


By   BOB   LAIR 

claimed  he  was  newly  married  and 
busily  occupied  with  domestic  re- 
sponsibilities. Another  man  seemed 
too  wealthy  and  would  make  no 
sacrifice  to  follow  the  Saviour. 
And  another  had  to  go  see  his  new 
oxen  at  work  in  the  field. 

But  their  explanations  were  mere 
excuses.  What  they  really  feared 
was  the  trial  they  expected  to  face 
in  following  Him.  Foxes  had  holes, 
birds  had  their  nests,  but  He  had 
nowhere  to  lay  His  head. 

Remember  those  hours  of  trial 
and  death  and  how  they  had  all 
deserted  Him  except  John  and  the 
women.  We  are  embarrassed  for 
their  cowardice,  but  we  should  be 
no  less  ashamed  for  our  own.  We 
have  denied  Him  again  and  again 
by  our  frightened  silence,  when  we 
should  have  spoken. 

I  fear  Madison  Avenue  has  even 
affected  our  teaching  and  preach- 
ing with  its  exaggeration  and  its 
unwillingness  to  face  hard  facts  of 
human  experience.  We  have  for- 
gotten that  the  Lord  Jesus  spoke  of 
the  sword  which  separates   father 

and  son,  of  the  arduousness  of  the 
road  that  lay  before  the  children 
of  God,  of  the  battle  waged 
against  principalities,  powers,  rul- 
ers of  the  darkness  of  this  world, 
and  spiritual  wickedness  in  high 

We  have  forgotten  to  remind 
men  to  dress  themselves  with  the 
armor  of  God  and  be  prepared  to 
face  the  fiery  darts  of  Satan.  In- 
stead, we  have  deceived  new  Chris- 
tians into  thinking  that  we  have  in- 
vited them  to  a  life  of  ease.  We 
have  left  them  unsuspecting  prey 
of  those  who  would  do  the  work  of 
God  evil. 

It  is  time  we  were  forthright  and 
honest  in  our  preaching  and  teach- 
ing. It  is  time  that  we  stress  again 
the  snares,  the  temptations,  and 
the  diverting  attractions  which  can 
beset  Christians.  It  is  time  too 
that  we  spoke  again  of  the  Holy 
Spirit's  sustaining  and  keeping 
power  in  the  midst  of  trials.  Only 
then  have  we  given  an  honest  pic- 
ture of  the  Christian  experience.  • 

He  Owns  the  Cattle  on  a  Thousand  Hills 


A  FORMER  CATTLE  king  and  landowner  was  in 
Bend,  Oregon,  recently  for  bankruptcy  pro- 
L  ceedings.  He  claimed  assets  of  $625  against 
the  $4.4  million  dollars  he  owes.  He  is  now  working 
as  a  cowboy  for  another  rancher. 

It  seems  hard  to  believe  that  man  has  gone  down 
from  being  a  millionaire  cattle  king  to  working  as  a 
cowboy  for  someone  else.  But  it  is  just  as  hard  to 
understand  how  a  child  of  a  King  who  owns  the  cattle 
on  a  thousand  hills  can  forget  that  he  has  a  Father 
who  can  supply  every  need!  Philippians  4:19  says, 
"But  my  God  shall  supplv  all  your  need  according  to 
his  riches  in  glory  by  Christ  Jesus." 

Do  we  really  believe  that?  Do  we  take  our  needs  to 
our  heavenly  Father  and  trust  Him  to  supply  them? 
Or  do  we  fret  and  worry  over  this  thing  and  that? 
And  when  we  do  take  our  needs  to  our  Father,  do  we 
trust  Him  to  supply  them?  There  is  a  condition  to 
our  receiving  what  we  need  from  our  Father  and  it  is 
this:  "What  things  soever  ye  desire,  when  ye  pray, 
believe  that  ye  receive  them,  and  ye  shall  have  them" 
(Mark  11:24). 

The  key  to  answered  prayer  lies  in  our  faith  that 
God  will  give  us  our  requests,  if  they  are  according 
to  His  will.  Our  Lord  Jesus  Christ  told  us  that  it  is 
God's  will  to  supply  our  daily  needs,  even  as  He  feeds 
the  birds  and  clothes  the  lilies. 

Hudson  Taylor  believed  that  his  heavenly  Father 
would  supply  all  the  needs  of  all  the  missionaries  who 
would  go  out  by  faith  to  bring  the  gospel  to  the 
Chinese.  And  his  heavenly  Father  did  just  that,  in 
answer  to  his  prayers  and  faith.  Why  should  we 
live  as  bankrupt  cowboys  when  we  have  a  millionaire 
Father?  This  does  not  concern  money  and  all  our  de- 
sires, however;  for  even  millionaire  fathers  who  are 
wise  do  not  give  their  children  all  they  want.  But 
there  are  things  that  we  need  and  are  not  getting, 
because  we  fail  to  ask  our  Father  in  faith. 

When  we  go  before  the  Lord  in  prayer,  let  us  re- 
member some  of  the  verses  in  the  Psalms.  "For  every 
beast  of  the  forest  is  mine,  and  the  cattle  upon  a 
thousand  hills.  .  .  .  Offer  unto  God  thanksgiving;  and 
pay  thy  vows  unto  the  most  High:  And  call  upon 
me  in  the  day  of  trouble:  I  will  deliver  thee,  and 
thou  shalt  glorify  me"  (Psalms  50:10,  14,  15).  • 


/ — >  AN  THE  CHARGE  that  we 
(  are   the   most  crime-ridden 

^->  of  civilized  nations  be  true? 
One  is  made  to  wonder  when  J. 
Edgar  Hoover,  chief  of  the  Federal 
Bureau  of  Investigation,  reports 
that  American  criminals,  ".  .  .  are 
ten  times  greater  than  the  number 
of  students  in  our  colleges  and  un- 
iversities." "For  every  school  teach- 
er in  America,  there  are  more  than 
seven  criminals." 

A  newspaper  article  relates  the 
status  of  affairs  in  this  manner: 
"Our  sins  are  catching  up  with  us. 
We  have  flaunted  our  luxury  in  the 
face  of  the  world.  The  cocktail 
party  has  become  the  symbol  of 
our  life  overseas.  Immorality  is  ac- 
cepted as  normal.  Public  opinion 
has  allowed  the  moving  picture  in- 
dustry by  its  overseas  colonies  of 
movie  people  and  the  products  at 
home  and  abroad  to  debase  the 
image  of  our  country  around  the 

For  generations  we  showed  Cuba 
our  interest  in  making  money  and 
our  loose  living  in  spending  and 
gambling  it  away.  Our  business  life 
has  been  shot  through  with  shoddy 
ethics  and  shoddy  products.  Dis- 
honesty and  drinking  and  immoral- 
ity are  too  common  among  young 
people  and  old.  These  are  all  symp- 
toms of  people  trying  to  live  with- 
out God.  All  of  our  pretense  at  re- 
ligion, yet  religion  plays  almost  no 
part  in  the  purpose  of  the  average 
man's  existence  or  his  ethics.  No 
nation  can  stand  which  God  no 
longer  can  use." 

I  have  traveled  quite  extensively 
throughout  the  countries  of  the 
world,  and  I  have  noticed  the 
American  tourists  abroad.  Their 
prime  interest  seems  to  be  night 
clubs,  reckless  living,  and  unre- 
strained lustfulness.  Our  military 
men  have  left  behind  them  a  re- 
membrance of  drunkenness  and  sin. 
When  a  nation  that  claims  to  be 
Christian  fosters,  permits,  and 
condones  such  outlandish  evils  and 
flaunts  them  in  the  face  of  the 
world,  how  can  they  influence  oth- 
ers to  accept  a  religion  which  they 
do  not  practice? 

This  conduct  makes  it  increas- 
ingly more  difficult  for  the   mis- 

By   RAY   H.    HUGHES,    Ed.D.,    Litt.D 


Chapel  Challenge 

Our  Sins 

Are  Catching  Up 

With  Us 

sionary,  who  many  times  is  at  a 
loss  to  give  them  a  true  portrait 
of  real  Christianity,  because  many, 
who  are  merely  Christians  tradi- 
tionally, do  not  show  forth  the  true 
fruit  of  Christianity.  This  godless- 
ness  is  a  blight  to  our  nation  and 
is  catching  up  with  us.  It  is  no 
wonder  that  we  have  lost  prestige 
among  the  nations  of  the  world. 
The  principle  of  true  Christianity 
has  been  denied  by  our  actions,  and 
God  has  been  relegated  to  the  back- 
ground   or    completely   ignored. 

The  Sin  of  Atheism 

There  is  a  growing  interest  in 
atheism.  Atheism  and  infidelity 
have  a  stranglehold  on  our  educa- 
tional system.  Laws  with  regard  to 
belief  in  God  are  being  contested 
all  over  the  country. 

The  first  chapter  of  the  book  of 
Romans  shows  the  results  of 
atheism  on  a  nation,  "For  the 
wrath  of  God  is  revealed  from  heav- 
en against  all  ungodliness  .  .  .  .Be- 
cause that,  when  they  knew  God, 
they  glorified  him  not  as  God, 
neither  were  thankful;  but  became 
vain  in  their  imaginations,  and 
their  foolish  heart  was  darkened. 
Professing   themselves   to   be  wise, 

they  became  fools,  And  changed 
the  glory  of  the  uncorruptible 
God  into  an  image  made  like  to 
corruptible  man,  and  to  birds,  and 
fourfooted  beasts,  and  creeping 
things"   (Romans  1:18-23). 

The  Word  of  God  says  that 
they  did  all  of  this  under  the  guise 
of  intellectualism.  Professing  them- 
selves to  be  wise,  they  became  fools. 
This  is  the  reason  for  the  perver- 
sion of  our  moral  standards.  "And 
even  as  they  did  not  like  to  retain 
God  in  their  knowledge,  God  gave 
them  over  to  a  reprobate  mind,  to 
do  those  things  which  are  not  con- 
venient; Being  filled  with  all  un- 
righteousness, fornication,  wicked- 
ness, covetousness,  maliciousness; 
full  of  envy,  murder,  debate,  de- 
ceit, malignity;  whisperers,  Back- 
biters, haters  of  God,  despiteful, 
proud,  boasters,  inventors  of  evil 
things,  disobedient  to  parents,  with- 
out understanding,  covenantbreak- 
ers,  without  natural  affection,  im- 
placable, unmerciful"  (Romans  1: 

Here,  my  friend,  is  the  answer  to 

the  crime  wave  of  our  day.  Here  is 

the  answer  to  juvenile  delinquen- 

Please  turn  to  page  22 



Susan's  Part 

*  Bobbie  Lauster  is  the  wife  of  the 
Reverend  Walter  Lauster,  mission- 
ary to  France.  Bobbie,  a  native  of 
Florida,  is  a  vibrant  Christian  and 
an  excellent  writer.  Besides  having 
written  numerous  articles,  she  re- 
cently authored  "Herman  Lauster: 
One  Man  and  God" — a  book  about 
her  father-in-law  who  pioneered 
the  Church  of  God  in  Germany. 

must  have  carried  the  mes- 
sage to  every  boy  in  Shelby- 
ville;  otherwise,  how  can  one  ex- 
plain why  every  boy  got  up  on  the 
same  morning  knowing  that  "kite 
season"  had  arrived? 

As  Gary  came  down  the  stairs,  he 
was  still  rubbing  the  cobwebs  of 
sleep  from  his  eyes.  When  he  saw 
his  dad  he  said,  "Daddy,  will  you 
help  me  make  a  kite?  I  tried  to 
make  one  from  newspaper,  but  it 
wouldn't   fly." 

Paul  Geoffery  was  polishing  his 
shoes,  using  the  last  stairstep  as  a 
footrest.  He  did  not  feel  at  all  like 
making  a  kite,  but  neither  did  he 
want  to  extinguish  the  bright,  ex- 
pectant look  on  his  son's  face.  He 
answered,  "Hurry  and  eat  break- 
fast, and  then  come  to  the  office.  I 
think  I  have  some  paper  that  will 
do  just  fine."  At  this,  the  tousel- 
haired  boy  gave  a  whoop,  jumped 
the  last  three  steps,  and  headed  to- 
ward the  kitchen.  In  a  few  seconds 
Paul  could  hear  Susan  scolding 
the  boy  and  trying  to  calm  him 
long  enough  to  eat. 

The  office  proved  to  be  too  small 
for  the  final  stage  of  the  kite,  so 
the  work  had  to  be  completed  in 
the  living  room. 

"Mommy,  will  you  come  and 
watch  us?  Oh,  I  do  hope  my  kite 

will  fly."  Susan  entered  just  in  time 
to  hear  Paul's  rejoinder  of,  "Of 
course  it  will  fly!  What  do  you 
mean,  'You  hope  it  will  fly'?" 

The  excited  child  jumped  around 
and  around  the  big,  red  box  kite. 
Paul  and  Susan  exchanged  glanc- 
es. His  glance  told  her,  "I'm  happy." 
Her's  told  him,  "I  think  you  are 
wonderful  for  spending  this  time 
with  you  son."  Aloud  Paul  asked, 
"Are  you  going  to  join  us.  Susan?" 
She  replied,  "I  don't  think  so.  It 
is  so  windy  up  there,  and  I  can  see 
you  perfectly  well  from  the  kitch- 
en window.  I'll  watch  from  there." 

Near  the  Geoffery  house  was  a 
knoll  which  the  boys  called  the 
"hub."  Already  three  or  four  kites 
were  flying  and  many  small  figures 
could  be  seen  racing  back  and 
forth  and  calling  excitedly  to  one 
another.  As  Susan  watched  the 
happy  scene,  she  thought,  "Every 
community  ought  to  have  a  'hub' 
where  little  bovs  can  fly  kites,  play 
cowboy,  or  hold  cookouts."  A  fire 
on  the  bare  knoll  was  not  too  dan- 
gerous, and  there  was  always  a 
nearby  neighbor  who  kept  an  eye 
on  activities. 

Each  time  the  boys  decided  to 
have  a  cookout,  they  would  come 
and  ring  Mrs.  Geoffery's  doorbell. 
When     she     answered,     her     little 

friends  would  ask,  "Mrs.  Geoffery, 
do  you  have  an  old  pot  we  could 
borrow?  We  want  to  cook  some 
apples  up  on  the  'hub'."  How  smart 
they  were!  They  knew  that  Mrs. 
Geoffery  would  give  them  a  pot 
and  include  a  can  of  soup,  pota- 
toes, or  maybe  a  few  wieners.  They 
would  accept  the  things  with  pro- 
fuse thanks  and  hurry  away.  They 
never  waited  for  the  potatoes  to 
cook  enough,  and  it  amused  Susan 
no  end  to  hear  them  telling  each 
other  how  good  they  tasted.  Had 
she  not  eaten  her  own  share  of 
half-cooked,  unsalted  potatoes? 

Gary  was  always  the  one  who  re- 
turned the  sooty,  grimy  pot.  The 
boys  were  reluctant  to  do  it  them- 

Susan's  thoughts  were  interrupt- 
ed when  she  saw  a  car  stop  at  the 
foot  of  the  knoll.  The  driver  walked 
around  the  car.  He  opened  the  door 
on  the  right  side  and  lifted  a  little 
boy  out.  She  could  see  how  thin 
and  wan  the  child  looked.  The  man 
struggled  up  the  hill  with  his 
burden.  He  dropped  his  coat  and 
then  carefully  lowered  the  child 
onto  it.  The  man  returned  to  the 
car  and  took  something  out  of  it. 
In  a  few  seconds  he  too  was  flying 
a  kite.  The  little  boy  did  not  move 
from  the  spot  where  he  had  been 
placed,   but   Susan   could  see   that 


he  was  amused  and  happy  to  be 
a   part    of    all    the    lively    activity. 

It  was  not  long  before  Susan 
saw  Paul  and  the  man  engaged  in 
conversation.  She  continued  watch- 
ing the  ill-looking  child.  Now  and 
then  she  looked  until  she  located 
Gary  where  he  raced  happily  about 
the  knoll. 

Later,  when  Paul  returned  to 
the  house,  he  found  Susan  in  the 
kitchen.  She  would  not  look  at  him, 
and  he  wondered  why.  When  he 
caught  a  glimpse  of  her  face,  he  ex- 
claimed, "Why,  Susan,  your  eyes  are 
red.  You've  been  crying!  Whatever 
made  you  cry,  dear?  Did  you  not 
watch  us  fly  Gary's  kite  as  you 
promised?"  He  had  taken  Susan  by 
the  shoulders  by  that  time,  and  he 
continued  looking  at  her  in  a 
very  puzzled  manner. 

At  length  Susan  looked  at  Paul 
and  said  brokenly,  "Oh,  Paul.  I  saw 
that  little  boy.  He  is  terribly  ill, 
isn't  he?  Somehow  it  came  over 
me  that  he  could  be  Gary  and  that 
you  could  be  carrying  him  up  the 
hill  to  see  you  fly  his  kite.  It  was  so 
awful  that  before  I  knew  it  I  was 
crying.  What  is  wrong  with  the 
little  boy?  Did  you  find  out?" 

Paul  released  Susan  and  sighed. 
"I  have  met  the  man  a  few  times. 
He  takes  flying  lessons  with  me. 
Today  I  asked  him  about  the  little 
fellow.  The  child  is  seven  years  old 
and  has  leukemia.  Doctors  have 
told  Mr.  Bernie  that  he  only  has 
a  few  more  months  at  the  most. 
Mr.  Bernie  is  trying  to  keep  the 
news  from  his  wife,  because  she  is 
not  too  well  either.  The  care  of 
the  child  has  worn  her  down  so. 
The  poor  guy's  load  is  almost  more 
than  he  can  bear.  He  is  trying  to 
provide  every  drop  of  pleasure  he 
can  for  his  little  boy,  who,  he 
knows,  is  going  away  from  him 
very  soon.  You  can't  change  the 
situation  by  worrying  about  it,  so 
just  spend  more  time  thanking 
God  that  our  boy  is  so  healthy." 

Susan  said  wistfully,  "I  wish  I 
could  do  something  for  them.  Sure- 
ly there  is  something  I  can  do." 
That  same  afternoon  she  baked 
cookies  and  sent  a  bright  tin  of 
them  to  the  Bernie  family  by  Gary. 

Susan  learned  a  few  weeks  later 

that  the  little  boy  had  succumbed 
to  the  dreaded  leukemia. 

There  was  one  boy  in  the  neigh- 
borhood who  was  such  a  ruffian 
that  Susan  did  not  like  for  Gary  to 
play  with  him.  But  Gary  preferred 
him  to  all  the  other  children.  To 
please  Gary,  she  sometimes  invited 
the  boy  in  for  hot  chocolate  and 
a  piece  of  cake.  He  would  sit  at  the 
kitchen  table  and  watch  Susan 
work.  He  always  sought  to  impress 
her  so  he  would  make  up  a  tall 
tale.  Susan  would  look  at  him  and 
say,  "Now,  Red,  you  are  telling  an 
untruth.  You  know  it  and  I  know 
it,  and  you  know  that  I  know  it." 
The  unkempt  little  boy  would  drop 
his  eyes  for  a  moment,  and  Susan 
could  see  him  trying  hard  not  to 
laugh.  Usually  they  would  both 
burst  out  laughing. 

After  one  of  Red's  tall  tales, 
Susan  said,  "If  you  don't  stop  tell- 
ing those  tales,  you're  going  to  have 
your  storyteller  taken  out."  The  boy 
gave  a  nervous  laugh  and  said, 
"You're  just  teasing  now."  In  a 
mock  serious  voice,  Susan  answered, 
"I  used  to  have  one,  and  I  had 
mine  taken  out.  It  was  when  I  got 
saved.  Everyone  has  a  fib-teller  and 
a  little  bag  of  naughty  fibs  to  tell; 
and  everyone  ought  to  get  rid  of 
them,  but  some  never  do."  After 
this  conversation  the  little  boy 
seemed  anxious  to  escape. 

In  a  few  minutes  Susan  glanced 
out  the  window  and  was  surprised 
to  see  Red  and  a  lot  of  the  neigh- 
borhood children  on  the  street  cor- 
ner. She  had  a  feeling  that  she 
knew  what  Red  was  telling.  She 
opened  the  window  just  in  time  to 
hear  him  say,  "Everybody's  got  one, 
'cause  Mrs.  Geoffery  said  so,  and 
she  doesn't  lie." 

Susan  quickly  closed  the  window 
and  turned  around  and  groaned, 
"Oh,  one  of  these  days  all  the 
mothers  in  the  neighborhood  are 
going  to  descend  on  me  with  wood- 
en spoons  and  rolling  pins." 

One  night  Paul  and  Susan  had 
gone  to  bed.  Susan  could  hear 
Gary's  even  breathing  in  the  next 
room.  She  listened  to  the  comfort- 
ing sound  of  the  house  settling 
down  for  the  night.  A  deep  sigh 
escaped  her.  Paul  heard  the  sigh 

so  he  turned  and  found  Susan's 
hand.  "Now  tell  me  what  that  big 
sigh  was  for,"  he  said. 

Susan  replied,  "I  did  not  realize 
that  I  sighed.  I  was  just  thinking 
of  sad  things,  and  I  guess  it  slipped 

Paul  asked,  "What  sad  things 
were  you  thinking?" 

"There  seems  to  be  trouble  every- 
where. Somewhere  right  now  there 
is  war;  there  is  hunger;  there  is 
death;  there  is  illness  and  suffer- 
ing. I  somehow  feel  guilty  to  have 
so  much.  It  seems  as  though  things 
are  so  bad,  because  people  like 
me  are  not  doing  their  part,"  Susan 

Paul  could  always  help  Susan 
see  things  in  their  proper  perspec- 
tive. Now  he  said,  "Susan,  listen 
to  me.  I  know  that  there  is  a  lot 
of  trouble  in  the  world.  But  you 
must  look  at  it  like  this.  First  take 
the  world  and  break  it  down  into 
continents,  countries,  states,  coun- 
ties, cities,  et  cetera.  Finally  we  ar- 
rive at  the  community.  One  must 
begin  improving  conditions  in  his 
own  community.  That  is  where  you 
and  I  come  in.  It  really  is  simple 
when   you   think  of   it   like   that." 

Susan  murmured  an  affirmative. 

Paul  continued,  "Now  tell  me 
goodnight  and  stop  trying  to  be  a 
one-man  summit  council." 

The  next  afternoon  three  or  four 
of  the  neighborhood  children  were 
playing  with  Gary  in  the  living 
room.  They  were  using  the  designs 
on  the  Persian  carpet  for  roads, 
bridges,  villages,  et  cetera.  They 
were  very  pleasantly  occupied.  Red 
was  present,  and  as  dirty  as  he 
usually  was.  Suddenly  he  surprised 
Susan  by  looking  up  and  asking, 
"Mrs.  Geoffrey,  do  you  like  this 

Susan  answered,  "Why  yes.  I 
suppose  I  do.  Do  you  like  this 
house,   Red?" 

The  little  boy  said  wistfully,  "Yes, 
I  do  like  it.  I  wish  I  could  live  here 
always.  It's  so  pretty." 

For  the  first  time,  Susan  saw  her 
part.  By  many  small  acts  of  kind- 
ness, she  saw  how  she  was  help- 
ing to  make  the  world  a  better 
place.  Her  heart  had  not  felt  so 
light  in  many  days.  • 




HIS  IS  THE  day  of  the  "intellectual,"  the 
I  modern  person  who  seeks  through  volumes  of 
books,  numerous  articles,  and  lectures  by 
"brilliant  men  of  learning"  to  construct  a  foundation 
on  which  to  base  his  life — its  beginning  and  its  end. 
He  seeks  to  unravel  the  mysteries  that  surround  him 
by  being  realistic  and  down-to-earth  about  the  whole 

His  knowledge-saturated  mind  rejects  age-old  ex- 
planations of  life — the  reason  for  it,  its  culmination  in 
this  time,  and  its  immortality  in  heaven  or  hell. 
He  wishes  to  repudiate  all  that  has  to  do  with  God 
and  Jesus  Christ  by  working  out  his  reasons  for  every- 

When  he  is  firmly  convinced  that  he  has  figured  it 
all  out,  he  goes  about  telling  others  of  his  brilliant 
revelation.  He  tells  them  that  we  no  longer  need  to 
tremble  in  fear  of  Almighty  God,  for  God  does  not 
exist  except  in  the  minds  of  those  weak  individuals 
who   must  have   a  crutch   to   lean   on. 

Next,  he  says  that  it  is  dangerous  to  the  mind's 
well-being  to  exercise  moral  inhibitions — that  the  best 
thing  to  do  is  to  let  go  and  give  vent  to  the  various 

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feelings  and  instincts  within  us.  He  also  says  that  he 
has  studied  the  theory  of  evolution  thoroughly,  and 
that  he  is  convinced  of  its  practical  answer  to  the 
question  of  man's  beginning.  He  teaches  and  preaches 
his  theories  (for  that  is  all  they  are);  and  the  more 
he  talks,  the  more  convinced  he  becomes  that  he  is 

Then,  one  day,  suddenly,  he  realizes  that  he  has 
preached  himself  into  aloneness,  destruction,  and 
future  oblivion.  By  relinquishing  his  hold  on  the  Chris- 
tian faith,  he  has  torn  away  all  hope — and  hope  is 
the  motivating  force  in  life. 

He  soon  finds  himself  as  a  traveler  in  a  vast  desert 
that  stretches  endlessly  to  the  horizon.  His  practical 
mind  refuses  to  believe  the  distant  oasis  of  greenery 
and  life-giving  water,  thinking  it  only  a  mirage;  and, 
therefore,  he  loses  the  drive  to  push  on,  the  inward 
force  to  try  to  reach  the  sparkling  clear  water  that 
lies  ahead. 

With  despair  in  his  heart,  he  faces  death.  Whereas, 
if  he  had  pushed  on,  he  would  have  found  life,  and 
that  more  abundantly.  • 



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Workers  with  children  teach  motion  songs  to  a 
group  of  youngsters  in  a  city  park.  The  two  pictures 
on  this  page  were  furnished  by  the  Pioneers  For 
Christ  of  West  Coast  Bible  College,  Fresno,  California. 

The  children  listen  atten- 
tively to  a  Bible  story.  A  dog 
of  one  of  the  youngsters  lies 
calmly  in  the  foreground. 

SOMEONE  HAS  said,  "Save 
an  adult  and  you  save  a  soul, 
but  save  a  child  and  you 
save  a  life  and  a  soul."  Thousands 
of  children  today  rarely,  or  never, 
attend  church  or  Sunday  school 
and  are  receiving  little  or  no  Chris- 
tian training.  We  cannot  neglect 
the  words  of  Him  who  said,  "Suffer 
the  little  children  to  come  unto 
me,  and  forbid  them  not:  for  of 
such  is  the  kingdom  of  God"  (Mark 

Many  of  these  unchurched  chil- 
dred  may  be  reached  for  Christ 
through  child  evangelism  classes. 
There  are  several  different  ways  in 
which  such  a  program  can  be  car- 
ried on;  however,  this  article  will 
only  be  able  to  give  limited  cov- 
erage to  this  important  ministry. 
The  following  ideas  and  suggestions 
should  help  your  Pioneers  for 
Christ  (PFC)  group  to  get  started 
with  the  basic  organization  and 
functions  of  child  evangelism. 

Getting  Organized 

It  will  probably  be  best  to  at- 
tempt only  one  child  evangelism 
class  at  the  beginning.  When  your 
PFC  group  has  gained  experience 
and  more  people  become  interested, 
it  will  then  be  possible  to  branch 
out  into  other  areas  of  the  city  and 

have  several  regular  child  evange- 
lism classes. 

Call  a  meeting  of  all  those  in- 
terested in  this  ministry  and  as- 
sign certain  individuals  such  duties 
as  leading  the  children  in  choruses, 
playing  the  accordion  (a  musical 
instrument  is  not  essential)  and 
telling  the  flash  story  or  Bible 
story.  At  this  meeting  the  date, 
time,  and  place  of  the  child  evan- 
gelism class  should  be  set.  Be  sure 
to  have  a  time  of  prayer  in  behalf 
of  this  activity. 

Inviting  the  Children 

Children  can  be  invited  to  at- 
tend the  class  right  off  the  streets 
and  playgrounds  where  they  are 
playing.  However,  if  the  class  is 
going  to  be  conducted  on  a  regu- 
lar weekly  basis,  it  would  be  better 
to  contact  the  children  and  their 
parents  by  going  from  house-to- 
house.  This  can  be  done  by  having 
your  PFC  group  to  come  into  the 
community  about  one  hour  before 
time  for  the  class  and  to  go  to 
each  home,  letting  the  parents 
know  what  the  group  plans  to  do 
and  where  and  when  the  class  will 
be  conducted. 

Selecting  the  Meeting  Place 
If  the  class  is  being  conducted  in 


the  area  of  the  church,  it  would 
be  good  to  use  the  yard  of  the 
church  as  the  meeting  place.  Then, 
if  the  weather  is  bad,  it  would  be 
simple  to  move  the  class  into  a 
classroom  of  the  church.  Actually, 
child  evangelism  classes  can  be 
conducted  almost  anywhere  chil- 
dren can  be  reached:  on  the  street 
corner,  under  a  tree,  in  a  park,  or 
on  the  playground. 

Conducting  the  Class 

Once  the  children  have  gathered 
for  the  class,  it  is  important  to 
have  an  interesting  and  active  pro- 
gram in  order  to  hold  their  atten- 
tion. Begin  the  class  by  leading 
them  in  several  children's  choruses; 
try  to  have  at  least  one  new  chorus 
to  teach  them  each  week.  After  the 
singing,  it  would  be  good  to  have 
prayer  for  any  requests  that  the 
children  might  mention.  Let  them 
know  that  you  are  concerned  about 
their  needs  and  problems.  Have 
more  singing  after  prayer  and  ask 
if  one  of  the  children  would  like  to 
lead  a  chorus. 

One  of  the  PFC  members  should 
be  ready  with  either  a  good  Bible 
story,  or  a  flannelgraph  or  flash- 
story.  Try  to  be  as  simple  as  possi- 
ble, and  avoid  using  church  expres- 
sions which  the  children  might 
not  understand.  Many  children 
have  little  or  no  Bible  background, 
and  it  will  be  necessary  to  explain 
what  is  meant  by  such  statements 
as,  "being  saved,"  "salvation,"  "liv- 
ing right,"  et  cetera. 

Before  the  class  is  ended,  be  sure 
to  have  prayer  again  with  all  the 
children  and  give  opportunity  for 
those  who  are  not  saved  to  receive 
special  attention  and  prayer.  Per- 
haps not  at  first,  but  after  several 
classes  you  will  see  the  Holy  Ghost 
as  He  begins  to  deal  especially  with 
individuals  in  the  class. 

Obtaining  Materials 

The  Church  of  God  Publishing 
House  stocks  such  items  as  books 
of  children's  choruses,  flannelgraph 
materials,  and  many  different  flash 
stories  for  children.  These  materials 
can  be  purchased  by  writing  to  the 
Pathway  Book  Store,  1080  Mont- 
gomery Avenue,  Cleveland,  Tennes- 
see 37311.  • 

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In  a  Large  Place  with  God 

My  in  a  small  place  which 
will  seat  less  than  one 
hundred  people.  The  size  of  this 
congregation  is  small  enough  that 
perhaps  99  percent  of  the  people  in 
and  near  Goiania  tonight  do  not 
even  know  we  are  here. 

If  an  airplane  were  to  fly  di- 
rectly overhead  and  drop  an  ob- 
ject down  upon  us,  there  would  be 
less  than  a  chance  in  a  million 
that  it  would  touch  this  building. 

Comparably  speaking,  we  are  a 
very  small  segment  of  what  is  go- 
ing on  within  100  square  kilo- 
meters on  this  night.  Yet  we  are 
of  tremendous  importance  to  God, 
and  He  is  cognizant  of  this  grad- 
uation exercise. 

The  story  goes  that  a  young 
graduate  walked  out  on  the  cam- 
pus with  his  BA  degree  in  his  hand. 
Looking  back  over  his  shoulder  to- 
wards the  old  moss-covered  build- 
ings, he  was  very  proud  of  four 
tremendous  years  of  study  com- 
pleted. He  turned  and  looked  the 
World  in  the  face  and  said,  "Here 
I  come,  World,  with  my  BA."  The 
story  is  that  the  World  answered 
him  back  with  this:  "Come  ahead, 
and  I'll  teach  you  the  rest  of  the 

When  I  was  a  very  young  lad 
working  with  my  father  on  a  red- 
clay  farm,  helping  make  a  living 
for  a  family  of  seven,  I   did  not 

realize  that  anyone  had  to  work 
hard  but  farmers.  But  one  does  not 
have  to  travel  far  to  know  that 
success  in  any  area  of  life  comes 
not  but  by  hard  work. 

The  words  of  that  great  man, 
Solomon,  are  applicable  here.  Read 
them  often  as  you  involve  your- 
selves in  the  work  of  world  evan- 
gelization. "He  becometh  poor  that 
dealeth  with  a  slack  hand:  but  the 
hand  of  the  diligent  maketh  rich" 
(Proverbs  10:4). 

When  the  great  Caesar  landed 
his  conquering  hordes  on  Britain 
soil,  he  led  his  band  of  tired  hun- 
gry soldiers  to  the  white  cliffs  of 
Dover  and  paused  there  for  a  mo- 
ment, as  he  pointed  towards  the 
forked  tongues  of  fire  that  had 
wrapped  the  only  ships  that  could 
provide  retreat  and  transportation 
home.  Victory  was  eminent!  Sir 
Winston  Churchill  describes  the 
battles  that  took  place  as  these  des- 
perate Romans  pushed  inland.  He 
described  them  as  scaling  the  sides 
of  hills  like  lizards  and  shooting 
their  arrows  as  only  great  marks- 
men can. 

My  subject  for  this  occasion  is 
"In  a  Large  Place  With  God."  And 
I  should  like  to  emphasize  the  two 
last  words  with  God. 

It  is  altogether  imperative  that 
we  arrange  ourselves  "with  God." 
Paul,  the  great  missionary  of  all 
time,   said,    "I    can    do    all    things 

through  [with]  Christ,  who 
strengthenth  me."  We  are  in  God's 
plan.  He  has  auditioned  us  for 
service.  In  that  He  has  placed  His 
hand  upon  us  and  called  us  into 
His  kingdom  work  is  evidence 
enough  that  we  are  sufficient,  with 
His  help,  to  do  the  job.  If  He  tells 
us  to  do  it,  that  means  that  the 
job  can  be  done.  There  is  nothing 
too  hard  for  Jesus.  He  can  do  any- 
thing. His  commission  to  us  is  a 
"world  commission."  We  have  not 
chosen  Him.  He  has  chosen  us.  We 
have  not  chosen  our  area  of  work. 
He  has  chosen  it  for  us.  I  can  think 
of  nothing  that  would  be  more  of  a 
drudgery  than  to  be  "out  of  place 
with  God."  Under  such  circum- 
stances we  have  a  burden  of  the 
work  instead  of  a  burden  for  the 

The  Vast?iess  of  Our  Place 

It  is  for  each  of  us  to  know  that 
our  place  with  God  involves  a  tre- 
mendous amount  of  space. 

Last  year  I  heard  about  a  re- 
ligious group  that  was  making 
plans  for  missions  work  in  outer 
space.  This  is  not  so  farfetched 
when  we  return  to  the  first  days 
of  creation  and  reread  Genesis  1:27, 
28.  "So  God  created  man  in  his 
own  image,  in  the  image  of  God 
created  he  him;  male  and  female 
created  he  them.  And  God  blessed 
them,  and  God  said  unto  them,  Be 


fruitful,  and  multiply,  and  replen- 
ish the  earth,  and  subdue  it."  "Sub- 
due it!"  Now  it  remains  that  there 
are  males  and  females  just  as  God 
made  us  in  the  beginning.  We  have 
multiplied  to  the  extent  that  there 
is  serious  talk  of  "population  ex- 
plosion." Man  has  just  about  cov- 
ered all  the  earth. 

Our  Lord  gave  a  similar  com- 
mission in  Mark  16:15.  He  said  that 
we  are  to  go  into  all  parts  of  the 
world  and  make  disciples.  Now  it 
can  be  said  as  at  no  other  time 
that  we  can  cover  the  world  "and 
subdue  it  with  the  gospel." 

Quite  often  I  turn  to  the  words 
of  the  great  preacher  of  the  Old 
Testament; — found  in  the  book  of 
Ecclesiastes.  The  eleventh  chapter 
is  my  favorite.  "Cast  thy  bread 
upon  the  waters:  for  thou  shalt 
find  it  after  many  days"  (verse  1). 
This  is  the  "law  of  production."  In 
order  for  one  to  reap,  he  will  have 
to  sow. 

Notice  further  in  verse  4  he  says, 
"He  that  observe th  the  wind  shall 
not  sow;  and  he  that  regardeth  the 
clouds  shall  not  reap."  This  is  the 
"law  of  doubtful  thinking."  Re- 
member! The  task  before  us  is  nev- 
er so  great  as  the  power  behind 

Note  further  in  verse  6  he  says, 
"In  the  morning  sow  thy  seed,  and 
in  the  evening  withhold  not  thine 
hand."  This  is  the  "law  of  a  good 
and  faithful  steward." 

Then  finally  in  this  chapter  we 
may  observe  the  "law  of  reality." 
Verse  8  gives  it  to  us:  "But  if  a 
man  live  many  years,  and  rejoice 
in  them  all;  yet  let  him  remember 
[And  what  God  said  then,  He  says 
now — remember!]  the  days  of 
darkness;  for  they  shall  be  many." 
In  my  short  years  of  the  minis- 
try, I  have  viewed  the  "dark  nights" 
of  many  people,  and  I  have  had 
my  own.  I  have  stood  by  caskets 
of  departed  loved  ones  and  heard 
the  farewells  and  the  promises, 
and  have  watched  the  night  shades 
blanket  once  happy  faces. 

If  there  is  one  thing  that  stands 
out  in  this  message  to  you,  let  it 
be  this.  You  will  only  win  your 
battles  as  you  consider  first  your 
enemy.  In  this  point  many  young 

people  have  shipwrecked  and  sank, 
who  otherwise  would  have  succeed- 
ed. They  did  not  "consider"!  They 
did  not  "remember." 

The  preacher  closes  this  chapter 
and  begins  the  next  by  discussing 
your  youth. 

Time  Is  Important 

There  are  multiplied  thousands 
of  men  and  women  living  today 
who  would  trade  a  thousand  to- 
morrows for  one  yesterday.  They 
are  living  a  life  of  regret!  It  is 
so  very  important  that  you  know 
early  in  life  what  you  and  God 
will  be  doing.  Know  your  field  of 
service,  and  then  plan  to  serve 
there.  Desire  something  worth- 

I  remember  very  vividly  the  time 
I  went  to  town  with  my  dad  at  an 
early  age  in  life  and  he  bought 
me  my  first  ice-cream  cone.  It 
tasted  like  something  from  an- 
other world — at  least  it  had  not 
been  part  of  my  world — and  for  a 
moment  I  thought  that  perhaps  I 
was  in  another  world. 

I  was  over  fourteen  years  old  be- 
fore I  got  to  eat  all  the  ice  cream 
I  wanted  at.  one  time.  I  have 
learned  that  a  person  can  get  al- 
most anything  he  wants,  if  he 
really  wants  it  and  is  willing  to 
work  hard  for  it. 

We  need  to  look  at  things  afar 
off.  Miriam  stood  "afar  off"  and 
watched  what  would  be  done  to  her 
baby  brother  Moses  as  he  was 
hid  in  the  bulrushes.  Young  peo- 
ple should  view  their  lives  "afar 
off" — the  time  when  they  will 
stand  amid  a  world  of  opportuni- 
ties without  an  education,  if  they 
do  not  pursue  it  while  they  have 
the  chance.  They  need  to  look  at 
the  far-off  time  when  the  com- 
panion they  have  picked  will  either 
work  with  or  against  them.  They 
must  look  at  the  far-off  battles 
that  will  be  fought — and  most  of 
them  will  be  on  enemy  territory. 
They  will  need  a  Christian  life  that 
has  been  molded  by  prayer. 

Today  you  have  youth  and  time 
on  your  side.  Begin  before  twilight. 
The  light  that  shines  the  longest, 
shines  early.  "He  brought  me  forth 
also  into  a  large  place'.'  (2  Samuel 
22:20).  • 

The  Reverend 
Hugh  Johnson 
is  pastor 

of  the  Whitehaven  Church  of  God, 

Memphis,  Tennessee. 

An  ordained 

minister,  he  has  filled 

this  pastorate 


several  years. 


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Greater  Works  Th 


"For  what  is  a  man   profited,   if  he   shall   gain  the 
whole  world,  and  lose  his  own  soul?"  (Matthew  16:26). 


ALL  THE  WORLD  is  excited 
about  the  conquest  of  out- 
er space!  All  of  Russia  and 
America  have  rejoiced  in  the  fan- 
tastic accomplishments  of  their 
cosmonauts  and  astronauts.  And 
both  countries  want  to  do  even 
"greater  works  than  these."  Our 
own  government  is  spending  close 
to  forty  billion  dollars  over  a  period 
of  years  to  land  a  man  on  the 

Man  has  always  had  the  de- 
sire to  conquer  unknown  space, 
whether  it  be  a  country,  a  con- 
tinent, or,  as  now,  the  cosmos.  But 
there  is  a  "greater  work"  than  the 
conquest  of  the  cosmos.  It  is  the 
conquest  of  one's  character — the 
conquest  of  inner  space. 

You,  too,  can  be  a  great  con- 
queror— greater  than  any  military 
leader,  dictator,  czar,  emperor,  or 
astronaut!  You  can  conquer  the 
great  space  within  you. 

With  all  our  rockets  and  missiles 
and  space  capsules,  we  are  con- 
quering outer  space.  But  how  much 
are  we  conquering  our  hates?  Here 
and  there  we  still  see  evidences  of 
racial  or  religious  hatred.  Bias  and 
bigotry  are  part  of  the  inner  space 

which  many  of  us  have  to  conquer. 

Put  more  love  in  orbit,  and  you 
will  conquer  the  hostility  in  your 
heart.  With  kindness,  patience,  and 
tolerance  as  your  satellites,  you  can 
make  the  accomplishments  of  Cape 
Kennedy  look  like  "peanuts." 

Our  "inner  space"  is  filled  with 
habits,  both  good  and  bad.  So,  if 
we  would  do  "greater  works  than 
these,"  we  can  strive  to  strengthen 
the  good  ones  and  work  for  victory 
over  those  that  are  undesirable. 
Habits  such  as  fingernail  biting, 
constant  nagging,  or  faultfinding, 
monopolizing  conversation,  and 
whispering  in  company  might  seem 
trite  and  trivial.  But  victory  over 
them  can  spell  social  and  vocation- 
al success. 

Would  you  like  to  do  something 
big  in  your  world?  Something  even 
bigger  than  being  first  to  the 
moon?  Perhaps  all  you  need  do  is 
conquer  procrastination,  careless- 
ness, indecision,  or  indiscretion.  It 
is  a  real  victory  when  a  person  be- 
comes lord  over  laziness,  lust,  or 
laxness  of  any  kind. 

Are  you  afraid  of  the  water?  Do 
you  shudder  when  it  begins  to 
thunder  and  lightning?  Do  you  fear 

the  dark?  Do  you  fear  bad  luck  if 
you  walk  under  a  ladder  or  break 
a  mirror?  Are  you  afraid  of  the 
dentist  or  doctor?  Are  you  con- 
stantly afraid  of  failing?  Whatever 
your  fear,  try  to  conquer  it.  Win 
a  victory  over  the  phobias  that  fill 
your  inner  space.  Smash  the  su- 
perstitions that  keep  you  tied  up 
in  mental  or  emotional  knots. 

Probably  some  day  man  will  con- 
quer the  moon;  but  for  many  peo- 
ple, the  more  important  thing  is 
to  master  a  mood.  Have  you  ever 
seen  people  sulk  when  they  do  not 
get  their  own  way?  They  may  go 
and  sit  in  a  corner  or  be  moody 
all  day.  Sometimes  they  go  around 
wearing  a  sad  face,  filled  with  self- 
pity.  They  might  not  know  it,  but 
they  have  much  to  conquer  and 
should  begin  the  countdown  to 
conquer  their  moodiness  immedi- 

The  papers  are  full  of  man's  at- 
tempts to  conquer  the  altitudes. 
But  a  "greater  work"  is  the  con- 
quest of  attitudes.  Do  you  go 
around  looking  for  people's  faults? 
Do  you  see  clouds  on  sunny  days? 
Do  you  always  expect  the  worst  to 
happen?  Perhaps  a  negative  atti- 
tude is  the  inner  space  you  need 
to  conquer.  Start  looking  for  the 
good  in  your  friends  and  neigh- 
bors, parents  or  children,  employ- 
er or  employees — even  in  the  peo- 
ple you  do  not  like. 

Remember  the  quotation  about 
the  two  men  in  prison  who  were 
looking  out  from  behind  the  bars? 
One  man  saw  the  mud;  the  other 
saw  the  stars.  Conquer  your  nega- 
tive attitude,  and  the  stars  in  your 
inner  space  will  shine  as  brightly 
as  those  in  the  heavens. 

The  greatest  conquest  many  peo- 
ple can  make  is  to  conquer  their 
emotions.  This  can  often  mean  a 
lifetime  of  hard  work.  It  is  not 
easy  to  throw  off  jealousy.  It  is  not 
easy  to  banish  bias,  bigotry,  and 
bitterness.  But  we  have  the  assur- 
ance of  the  Bible  that  with  God 
all  things  are  possible. 

False  pride  takes  up  a  lot  of  in- 
ner space  in  some  people.  Have 
you  ever  watched  how  some  boys 
and  girls  can  stand  in  front  of 
mirrors  literally  for  hours  admir- 
ing   their    good    looks?    They    will 


primp,  preen,  and  polish  them- 
selves by  the  hour.  There  are  other 
people  who  buy  expensive  homes  or 
cars  to  impress  their  neighbors  and 
friends.  They  buy  furs  or  jewelry 
on  credit  in  order  to  keep  up  with 
others.  Victory  over  vanity  can 
make  a  visit  to  Venus  look  like  a 
very  small  thing. 

We  should,  of  course,  be  grateful 
for  all  the  gifts  which  God  has 
given  us.  But  self-praise,  self-seek- 
ing, and  self-righteousness,  if  they 
are  part  of  our  inner  space,  must 
be  conquered. 

What  have  you  hidden  away  in 
that  inner  space  of  yours?  Some 
people  are  harboring  grudges, 
gripes,  grouches,  grievances,  and 
griefs.  Others  are  holding  on  to  pet 
peeves  and  pettiness.  Still  others 
are  full  of  hate,  disrespect,  revenge, 
or  spite.  One  of  the  greatest  works 
anyone  can  do  is  to  conquer  that 
"I'11-get-even-with-him"    attitude. 

Conquer  your  talent.  If  you  have 
an  aptitude  in  art,  baking,  selling, 
teaching,  music,  shoemaking,  brick 
laying,  or  printing,  develop  it  to  the 
fullest.  The  conquest  of  your  talent 
can  be  the  "greater  works  than 

Bach,  Beethoven,  and  Brahms 
were  great  conquerors  in  the  world 
of  music.  But  there  is  room  for 
more.  Shakespeare,  Shelley,  and 
Shaw  were  conquerors  in  litera- 
ture. So  were  Hawthorne,  Homer, 
and  Hemingway.  Ford  and  Fire- 
stone were  among  our  famous  con- 
querors in  the  industrial  world. 

Still  another  greater  work  most 
of  us  can  do  is  to  conquer  our 
time.  Year  after  year  more  leisure 
is  coming  our  way.  Many  men  and 
women,  however,  are  losing  the 
battle  of  time  through  addiction  to 
drugs  and  drink  and  other  unde- 
sirable diversions. 

The  conquest  of  outer  space  is 
important,  to  be  sure.  It  is  vital  to 
the  defense  of  our  country.  It  is 
necessary  in  the  development  of 
communications,  weather  predic- 
tion, and  interplanetary  travel.  We 
have  a  right  to  be  all  excited 
about  rocket  trips  to  the  moon. 
But  "greater  works  than  these"  can 
we  do.  We  can  conquer  inner 
space.  • 


i  Unit-Molded 

Box   672   Dept.   J5,   Muscatine,   Iowa 


Special    prices    to    ministers     For    com 
pletr    information    write 



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Will  supply  all  the  hot  water  needed 
for  Baptistries.  Church  Kitchens. 
Rest  Rooms.  Heats  450  GPH,  20° 
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Electric    Water    Heaters. 

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The  Lee  Singers  performed  at  the  conclave 

MlChlg3TI  SUNDAY  school  convention 

A  great  crowd,  great  workshops, 
and  a  great  success."  These  terms 
very  likely  best  describe  the  over- 
all values  ascribed  to  the  1967 
Michigan  Sunday  School  Con- 

The  Michigan  Sunday  School 
Convention  is  an  annual  affair 
conducted  by  the  Michigan  Sunday 
School  Association,  which  is  an 
affiliate  of  the  National  Sunday 
School  Association.  This  twenty- 
first  annual  convention  was  held 
at  the  Cobo  Arena  on  October  5-7, 
1967.  The  drama  which  unfolded 
from  this  great  Sunday  school  con- 
vention is  one  of  those  highlights 
which  come  out  of  conventions. 

With  forty-five  instructors  teach- 
ing classes  during  the  two-and-a- 
half-day  convention  to  11.259  per- 
sons in  146  workshops,  who  could 
deny  that  this  was  drama  unfold- 
ing. To  see  the  masses  of  people 
changing  classes  throughout  the 
Cobo  Hall  at  Detroit  still  convinces 
me  that  Sunday  school  emphasis  is 
very  strong.  Pre-registration  and  on 
site  registrations  totaled  9.452.  On 
the  Saturday  night  service,  the 
11,753  seat  capacity  arena  was  over- 
flowed, with  many  hundreds  stand- 
ing. According  to  police  reports, 
many  thousands  were  turned  away 
for  lack  of  seating  and  parking 

Pre-convention  efforts  were 
achieved  with  the  coming  together 
of  Church  of  God  delegates  who 
responded  to  the  appeal  of  State 
Overseer  Estel  D.  Moore  to  make 
"Church  of  God  Day"  a  success  at 
Cobo  Hall. 

Among  the  special  guests  for  this 

day  was  the  Reverend  Donald  S. 
Aultman,  national  Sunday  school 
executive  from  the  Youth  Depart- 
ment of  the  Church  of  God.  The 
Reverend  Ray  H.  Hughes,  assistant 
general  overseer,  spoke  in  the  after- 
noon service  on  October  5.  The  Lee 
Singers,  under  the  direction  of  Dr. 
Delton  Alford,  gave  of  their  best 
to  help  make  this  date  a  complete 
success.  These  were  not  the  only 
ones  who  were  a  blessing,  for  the 
Reverend  Paul  Henson  and  the 
Reverend  C.  Milton  Parsons  also 
joined  this  fine  group  to  ably 
represent  their  departments  dur- 
ing the  convention. 

The  Lee  Singers  made  a  most 
dramatic  impression  upon  the  vast 
audience  as  they  were  featured 
during  the  convention.  The  Rev- 
erend Ray  H.  Hughes  was  one  of 
the  guest  speakers  who  challenged 
the  delegates  on  Friday,  October  6. 
The  TV  interview  and  panel  group 
on  which  the  Reverend  Mr.  Par- 
sons served  gave  a  bold  insight  to 
the  youth,  numbering  more  than 
1,250,  who  came  to  find  the  answers 
to  their  questions. 

With  Vonda  Kay  Van  Dvke,  Miss 
America  of  1965,  and  Bobby  Rich- 
ardson, Yankee  second  baseman,  as 
guests  for  the  giant  youth  rally  on 
Saturday  night,  the  climax  seemed 
destined  to  be  a  success.  Regardless 
of  the  impressions  left  by  these 
celebrities,  the  more  thrilling  sight 
was  to  watch  the  more  than  five 
hundred  persons  who  came  forward 
to  dedicate  themselves  to  the  cause 
of  Christ  at  the  close  of  the  service. 
— Wayne  HeU,  director 
Michigan  Sunday  School  Association 

Our  Sins  Are  Carchmg  Up  With  Us 

from  page  11 

cy.  A  very  simple  one,  I  will  admit, 
yet  behind  all  of  this  evil  is  the 
fact  that  mankind  will  not  retain 
God  in  his  knowledge. 

Men,  societies,  organizations, 
criminologists,  sociologists,  psychia- 
trists, and  crime  prevention  bureaus 
are  all  working  feverishly  and 
overtime  trying  to  curb  the  horri- 
ble crime  wave.  As  wonderful  as 
these  agencies  are— and  I  praise 
them  for  their  wonderful  work-- 
yet  better  law  enforcement,  heavier 
sentences,  larger  rehabilitation 
centers,  and  greater  police  forces 
are  not  the  answer.  It  all  points 
back  to  the  fact  that  when  man 
does  not  retain  God  in  his  knowl- 
edge God  gives  h*m  over  to  a  repro- 
bate mind  to  do  those  things  which 
are  not  convenient.  A  man  who  will 
not  recognize  God  cannot  be  moral 
— he  cannot  be  ashamed  of  sin.  He 
does  not  blush  at  wickedness. 

The  Word  of  God  says,  "Who 
knowing  the  judgment  of  God,  that 
they  which  commit  such  things  are 
worthy  of  death,  not  only  do  the 
same,  but  have  pleasure  in  them 
that  do  them"  (Romans  1:32).  They 
are  enemies  of  the  cross  of  Christ, 
and  as  the  Apostle  Paul  said,  ".  .  . 
who  glory  in  their  shame."  Jere- 
miah said,  ".  .  .  thou  hadst  a  whore's 
forehead,  thou  refusedst  to  be 
ashamed"  (Jeremiah  3:3).  "The 
shew  of  their  countenance  doth 
witness  against  them;  and  they  de- 
clare their  sin  as  Sodom,  they  hide 
it  not"  (Isaiah  3:9). 

The  Si7i  of  Legalized  Liquor 

The  sin  of  legalized  liquor  Is 
catching  up  with  us.  More  than 
eight  million  Americans  are  affect- 
ed by  alcholism.  Excessive  and  habi- 
tual drinking  ranks  third  among 
the  nation's  killers.  Over  one  million 
drunkards  are  institutionalized  and 
many  more  are  a  menace  to  so- 
ciety. This  is  a  sin  that  is  catching 
up  with  the  entire  nation.  It  affects 
every  citizen  of  the  country.  It  costs 
five  billion  dollars  a  year  for  the 
treatment  of  those  who  indulge. 
Another  five  billion  dollars  is  spent 
on  crimes  caused  by  drunkenness. 


Multiplied  millions  of  dollars  are 
spent  in  the  loss  of  man-hours  in 
the  factories  and  industries.  The 
sin  of  drunkenness  is  catching  up 
with  us  in  mental  problems,  divid- 
ed homes,  broken  marriages,  and 
with  confused  and  frustrated  fami- 
lies. America  has  sown  to  the  social 
drink  and  reaped  the  drunkard- 
sown  to  legalized  whiskey  and 
reaped  a  malady  that  has  blighted 
the  entire  nation. 

The  Sin  of  Divorce 

The  sin  of  divorce  is  catching  up 
with  us.  More  than  a  thousand 
times  every  day,  somewhere  in  the 
United  States  a  judge's  gavel  falls 
and  with  two  words  —  Divorce 
granted — somebody's  love  story 
comes  to  an  end.  Some  mother's 
daughter  has  met  tragedy.  Some 
mother's  son  has  met  shipwreck. 
According  to  current  trends,  one 
out  of  every  three  marriages  in 
the  next  ten  years  will  eventually 
end  in  divorce.  One  judge  remarked 
that  some  people  do  not  think  much 
more  of  divorce  than  of  trading  in 
an  old  car. 

The  prevailing  philosophy  of  our 
times  advocates  that  marriage  is 
terminable;  but  God's  Bible  says, 
"What  God  hath  joined  together,  let 
no  man  put  asunder."  It  is  evident 
that  the  marriage  vow  is  not  tak- 
en too  seriously  these  days,  when 
one  out  of  every  four  women  are 
guilty  of  infidelity  and  over  half 
the  husbands  are  untrue  to  their 
wives.  Sin  has  caused  us  to  deteri- 
orate to  such  an  extent  that  we  fail 
to  see  the  heinousness  of  sin  and 
have  become  willing  to  view  this 
godlessness  passively. 

The  divorce  rate  has  increased 
800  percent  since  the  Civil  War; 
and  I  quote  from  Reader's  Digest, 
"This  gives  the  United  States  the 
dubious  distinction  of  leading  all 
Europe  and  the  America's  in  di- 
vorces, with  the  rate  six  times  that 
of  Canada,  and  three  and  a  half 
times  that  of  England,  three  times 
that  of  France."  This  sin  of  divorce 
is  catching  up  with  us  in  our  chil- 
dren. When  a  parent  abandons  a 
child,  it  deprives  him  of  balanced 
love.  He  becomes  mentally  dis- 
turbed and  emotionally  unstable. 
Over  three  hundred  thousand  chil- 

dren   a   year   are    affected   by   di- 

The  Si?i  of  Gambling 

The  vice  of  gambling  is  taking 
its  toll  and  is  catching  up  with  this 
na^on.  Big  time  gambling  has  been 
legalized  in  many  of  the  states. 
Dog  races,  horse  races,  and  other 
gambling  games  are  gripping  the 
hearts  of  the  nation.  The  front 
rooms  of  American  homes  have 
become  gambling  parlors,  where 
parents  gamble  into  the  night  with 
cards  and  other  devices.  If  we  con- 
tinue to  coddle  sin,  condone  wick- 
edness, and  wink  at  the  evil,  it  will 
be  more  tolerable  for  Sodom  and 
Gomorrah  in  the  Day  of  Judgment, 
than  for  America. 

The  thing  that  has  made  Ameri- 
ca a  great  nation  is  her  belief  in 
God.  The  Bible  says,  "Blessed  is  the 
nation  whose  God  is  the  Lord."  I 
repeat  again  that  all  of  the  evils 
of  our  day  stem  from  the  fact 
that  man  will  not  retain  God  in 
his  knowledge.  • 



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The  Lane  Avenue  Church  of  God 
in  Jacksonville,  Florida,  concluded 
a  Young  People's  Endeavor  (YPE) 
contest  on  September  10,  1967. 
Choosing  the  theme,  "Putting  Tal- 
ents in  Use,"  we  began  the  contest 
with  a  youth  talent  program.  The 
scriptures  and  theme  were  taken 
from  the  Parable  of  the  Talents 
(Matthew   25:14-30). 

Small  church  banks  were  pur- 
chased and  placed  on  the  altar- 
each  containing  a  talent  of  twenty- 
five  cents.  At  the  close  of  the  ser- 
vice, our  youth  came  forward  to  re- 
ceive a  talent.  As  they  stood  before 
the  altar,  the  church  prayed  a 
blessing  would  be  upon  them.  Then 
they  went  out  to  invest  their  Lord's 

Great  enthusiasm  was  created  in 
all  our  services.  Our  attendance  be- 
gan to  grow,  and  the  Lord  began 
to  bless  us  in  many  ways. 

After  six  weeks,  our  contest  came 
to  a  close.  Our  youth  had  raised 
$333.49.  They  had  sold  cakes,  snow- 
balls,   peanuts,    et   cetera. 

This,  I  believe,  is  only  a  foretaste 
of  greater  things  which  the  Lord 
has  in  store  for  us  in  the  future. 

Pictured  from  the  right  is  Kim 
Koivisto,  the  winner  for  bringing 
the  most  new  people;  Vicki  Cay- 
anas,  the  winner  of  the  talent  con- 
test; and  Ruth  Koivisto,  president 
of  the  YPE. 

Pen  Pals 

A2C     James     A.     Rucker — age     21 
AF    14940011 
1967    Comm    SQ 

APO    San     Francisco,     California 

Sharon    Helms— age    17 
Box     102 

McAncirews,    Kentucky 

Brenda    Richardson — age    17 
250    Columbia    Avenue 
Aiken,   South   Carolina 

Faye    Richardson 
250   Columbia   Avenue 
Aiken,    South    Carolina 

Deborah    Finger— Age    14 
Post     Office     Box     113 
Clinton,   Tennessee 

Nancy    Fuller— age    15 

Route    2,    Box    302 

Alexander    City,    Alabama    35010 


October  Attendance 

By  Donald  S.  Aultman 
National  Director 

Cincinnati   (Central  Pkwy.), 

Ohio  ....  ... 

...  214 

Jackson  (Bailey  Ave.), 

Mississippi  ....  ....  

..     189 

Jacksonville  (Garden  City), 


._.  189 

Buford,  Georgia  


Atlanta    (Mt.  Paran), 

Georgia ... 

....  176 

Lakeland    (Lake  Wire), 



Gastonia  (Ranlo), 

North  Carolina     ...  ....  .... 


Wyandotte,  Michigan 

.     165 

Middletown,   Ohio  _ 

....  164 

Hamilton  (Princeton  Pike), 

Ohio  __. .     ... 

...  162 

Chattanooga    (North), 

Tennessee  .  . .... 


Wilmington    (4th  St.), 

North  Carolina   ... 

....  146 

Flint   (West),  Michigan  .... 


Norfolk    (Azalea   Garden), 

Virginia  _ 

...  141 

Pulaski,  Virginia  

...  134 

Plant  City   (Forest  Parki, 

Florida  _ 

Lemmon,  South  Dakota        .  . ... 

Canton  (Temple),  Ohio 

Radford,  Virginia      

Columbus    (Frebis  Ave.), 

Ohio  .... _ 

Jacksonville    (North), 

Florida ..  . 

Jesup,  Georgia      . .... 

Alabama  City,  Alabama  

Saint  Pauls,  North  Carolina  .... 

Danville,   Virginia   .... 

Paris,  Texas  ....  

Fort  Worth   (Riverside), 

Texas . 

Chattanooga  (East), 

Tennessee  ....  . 

Clover,  South  Carolina  .... 

Morganton,  North  Carolina 
Jacksonville  (Springfield), 


Roanoke  Rapids, 

North  Carolina  

South  Lebanon,  Ohio 

Cahokia,  Illinois  

Glendale,  Arizona 
Lorain,  Ohio  .. 

Hurst,    Texas    ....   . 

Martinsville,  Virginia. ...      

Somerset,  Pennsylvania  ...    .... 

Brooklyn,    Maryland  ....   .... 

Dalton,  Georgia  ....  _ 

Soddy  (Dividing  Ridge), 


Rossville,   Georgia  .... 
Somerset    (Cotter   Ave.), 

Kentucky  _ 

Poplar,  California 

Graham,  Texas  ....  

West  Monroe,  Louisiana 

Valdosta,   Georgia  ... . 

West  Columbia,  South  Carolina 
Dade  Citv,  Florida  ... 

Peoria,  Illinois 

Pompano  Beach,  Florida 
Ecorse   (Westside), 

Michigan  ....  ....  . 

Newport  News,  Virginia 

Washington  Park,  Illinois 

Cumberland,  North  Carolina  .  . 

Urbana,  Illinois ....  ...     ... 

Camden,   Ohio  ...    .... 

Covington   (Shepherds  Fold), 

Louisiana _ ..  78 

Lancaster,   Ohio    ...  ....  78 

Shelby.  North  Carolina 78 

Davie,  Florida 77 

Ocoee,  Florida 76 

Cleveland    (Detroit  Ave.), 

Ohio  ....    75 












Long  Beach,  California 

Manns  Choice,  Pennsylvania  .... 

Vanceburg,  Kentucky 

New  Boston,  Ohio  _ 

Elyria,  Ohio 

North,  South  Carolina  

Dayton,  Tennessee 

Loxley,   Alabama...   _ 

North  Conway,  South  Carolina.. 

Princeton,  West  Virginia  

Benton    Harbor    (Southside), 


Hagerstown,  Maryland....  

Lake  Worth,  Florida  ....   ....  . 

Leicester,  New  York  

Saint  Louis   (Webster  Groves), 

Missouri  ....  ... 

Fort  Lauderdale   (4th  Ave.1, 

Florida  ....  

Kannapolis  (Earle  St.), 

North  Carolina 

Thorn,  Mississippi  

Brenton,   West   Virginia... 
Portland  (Powell  Blvd.), 

Oregon ....  .... 

Jackson    (Leavell   Woods), 


Jackson,   Ohio  

Addison,  Alabama.. 

Corbin   (Center  St.), 


Granite  Falls,  North  Carolina.... 
Kings  Mountain, 

North  Carolina _  .... 

New  Haven,  Connecticut 

Cumberland,  Maryland  ....  .... 

Louisville   (Pleasure  Ridge), 


West  Logan,  West  Virginia  .... 
Moose   Jaw,    Saskatchewan    .... 

Sanford,  Florida 

North  Spartanburg, 

South   Carolma  ....   ....  ....  .... 

West  Winter  Haven,  Florida 

Austin,  Indiana  .... 

Flint  (Kearsley  Park), 

Michigan . 

Pampa,  Texas  ....  .... 

Jasonville,  Indiana  

Lawrenceville,  Illinois  .. 

Jacksonville,  North  Carolina 
Charlottesville,  Virginia 
Salisbury    (Morlan   Park), 

North  Carolina .... 

Cleveland    (East), 

Tennessee  ....  ....  ....    ...  ....  .... 

Donalds,  South  Carolina  ....  .... 

Anchorage  (9th  and  "K"  Sts.), 


East  Alton,  Illinois  



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Daily  Devotions  for  Christian  Teens 

This  month  we  start  a  devotional  guide  for  teen-uaers. 
It  is  our  hope  that  the  youth  ivill  follow  it  daily.— Editor 

Instructions:  Read  the  assigned  Bible  chapters  or 
verses.  Meditate  on  the  message  and  consider  the  de- 
votional comments.  Pray  for  the  designated  person  or 

Devotions  in  Matthew.  Writer,  Matthew.  Date  written, 
A.D.  45.  Purpose:  To  show  that  Jesus  of  Nazareth 
was  the  kingly  Messiah  of  Jewish  prophecy. 

MONDAY,  January  1— Read:  Chapter  1.  Meditate:  How 
important  is  the  doctrine  of  the  Virgin  Birth  of  Christ 
to  you?  Is  it  important  enough  to  defend?  Pray:  That 
God  will  direct  you  in  understanding  His  Word  and  in 
applying  it  to  practical  daily  living. 

TUESDAY,  January  2 — Read:  Chapter  2.  Meditate:  Is 
it  reasonable  to  assume  that  Christ  wants  young  ppople 
to  present  Him  with  gifts  today?  List  several  appro- 
priate gifts.  Pray:  For  superintendent  P.  H.  McCarn, 
the  workers,  and  the  young  people  at  the  Church  of 
God  Home  for  Children. 

WEDNESDAY,  January  3— Read:  Chapter  3.  Meditate: 
Christians  today  are  forerunners  of  the  second  com- 
ing of  Christ.  In  what  way  is  our  message  different 
from  John's?  Pray:  Pledge  yourself  in  prayer  to  the 
ministry  of  personal  soulwinning. 

THURSDAY,  January  4 — Read:  Chapter  4.  Meditate: 
Christ  used  the  Scriptures  as  His  defense  when  tempted 
by  Satan.  God's  Word  is  your  defense  against  temp- 
tations and  problems  at  school.  Prav:  For  courage  and 
initiative  to  be  a  good  student,  and  to  shine  for  Christ 
at  school. 

FRIDAY,  January  5 — Read:  Chapter  5.  Meditate:  Is  it 
possible  for  a  Christian  teen-ager  to  ignore  the 
Beautitudes  and  still  be  recognized  as  the  "salt  of  the 
earth"?  Pray:  For  youth  groups  and  Pioneers  For 
Christ  (PFC)  teams  that  conduct  worship  services  in 
rest   homes   and   jails. 

SATURDAY,  January  6 — Read:  Chapter  6.  Meditate: 
When  a  teen-ager  seeks  God  and  His  righteousness 
first,  do  you  think  that  all  his  other  needs — even  his 
social  needs— will  be  supplied?  Pray:  Repeat  the  Lord's 
prayer  silently  and  take  notice  of  the  number  of  per- 
sonal promises  that  it  contains. 

SUNDAY,  January  1—Read:  Chapter  7.  Meditate: 
Should  the  Golden  Rule,  verse  twelve,  serve  as  a  guide 

for  twentieth-century  teens?  Pray:  Accept  God's  invi- 
tation, "Ask,  seek,  and  knock,"  and  receive  the  things 
you  need  to  make  your  life  complete. 

MONDAY,  January  8 — Read:  Chapter  8.  Meditate:  Is 
there  a  difference  between  faith  and  great  faith? 
Would  you  classify  Bible  reading  as  the  route  to  great 
faith?  Pray:  For  the  sick  and  shut-ins  in  your  local 
church  and  community. 

TUESDAY,  January  9— Read:  Chapter  9.  Meditate:  Is 
the  harvest — the  work  of  winning  the  lost — as  great 
today  as  it  was  in  the  time  of  Christ?  Many  teens 
are  accepting  the  challenge  of  harvest  labor  by  en- 
gaging in  visitation  and  tract  distribution.  Pray:  For 
local  PFC  Clubs  and  Aubrey  Maye,  national  PFC  di- 

WEDNESDAY,  January  10— Read:  Chapter  10.  Medi- 
tate: Full-time  Christian  workers  today,  like  the  dis- 
ciples of  Christ,  are  worthy  of  support  and  coopera- 
tion. Pray:  For  your  pastor  and  his  family.  His  work 
is  endless,  demanding,  and  extremely  tiring. 

THURSDAY,  January  11— Read:  Chapter  11.  Meditate: 
John  knew  that  Christ  was  the  promised  One  by  His 
works.  Dedicated  youth  are  also  recognized  by  their 
works.  Pray:  That  you  will  always  be  willing  to  do 
your  share  of  the  work  in  the  functions  of  the  local 

FRIDAY,  January  12— Read:  Chapter  12.  Meditate: 
Sunday  is  a  day  for  worship,  rest,  and  service.  Is  this 
the  pattern  you  observe?  Pray:  For  the  leaders  of  the 
National  Sunday  School  and  Youth  Department, 
Donald  Aultman  and  Paul  Henson,  and  the  urgent 
ministry  of  Christian  education. 

SATURDAY,  January  13 — Read:  Chapter  13.  Meditate: 
The  seed  of  God's  Word  does  not  always  fall  in  fertile 
ground.  This,  however,  should  not  reduce  your  zeal 
in  sowing  gospel  seeds.  Pray:  For  a  broader  under- 
standing of  the  work  of  the  Holy  Spirit  in  witnessing 
and  in  convicting  the  sinner. 

SUNDAY,  January  14— Read:  Chapter  14.  Meditate: 
How  should  a  Christian  react  when  he  has  been  treated 
unfairly  by  a  close  friend?  Pray:  For  spiritual  com- 
posure to  act  intelligently  and  tactfully  in  times  of 
personal   crisis. 


MONDAY,  January  15— Read:  Chapter  15.  Meditate: 
What  is  an  effective  way  for  teen-agers  to  deal  with 
the  problem  of  thought  control?  Pray:  Ask  for  guid- 
ance in  recognizing  activities  that  would  retard  spiri- 
tual growth. 

TUESDAY,  January  16— Read:  Chapter  16.  Meditate: 
What  will  be  required  of  a  teen-ager  to  deny  himself 
and  to  take  up  his  cross  and  follow  Christ?  Pray: 
For  your  parents,  brothers,  and  sisters.  Self-denial  in 
the   home   is   a   vital   aspect   of   Christian   surrender. 

WEDNESDAY,  January  17— Read:  Chapter  17.  Medi- 
tate: Do  not  permit  unbelief  to  rob  you  of  living  a 
power-packed  life;  take  God  at  His  Word.  Pray:  That 
God  will  increase  your  faith,  and  that  you  may  live  an 
influential  life  for  Him. 

THURSDAY,  January  18— Read:  Chapter  18.  Meditate: 
Is  it  possible  for  a  young  person  to  be  great  in  the 
kingdom  of  God?  What  is  the  Bible  plan?  Pray:  For 
Dr.  Charles  W.  Conn,  general  overseer  of  the  Church 
of  God,  that  the  Lord  will  guide  him  in  directing  the 
affairs  of  our  denomination. 

FRIDAY,  January  19— Read:  Chapter  19.  Meditate: 
Why  is  the  person  who  is  willing  to  forsake  everything 
to  follow  Christ  assured  of  inheriting  everlasting  life? 
Pray:  For  will-power  and  grace  to  be  completely  re- 
signed to  God's  holy  will. 

SATURDAY,  January  20— Read:  Chapter  20.  Meditate: 
Should  Christians  work  to  receive  an  award?  How 
are  spiritual  rewards  determined?  Pray:  That  you  will 
not  be  given  to  murmuring,  and  that  you  will  treat 
others  fairly. 

SUNDAY,  January  21— Read:  Chapter  21.  Meditate: 
Since  Christ  expressed  spiritual  anger  in  the  Temple, 
do  believers  today  have  this  right?  Pray:  For  diplomacy 
and  patience  in  dealing  with  those  who  oppose  God's 

MONDAY,  January  22— Read:  Chapter  22.  Meditate: 
What  does  the  commandment,  "Love  the  Lord  with  all 
thy  heart,  soul,  and  mind,"  convey  to  you?  Pray: 
That  you  will  reflect  total  commitment  to  Christ  in 
your  everyday  actions. 

TUESDAY,  January  23— .Read:  Chapter  23.  Meditate: 
In  your  opinion,  what  emphasis  should  be  placed  on 
form  and  ritualism  in  Christian  worship  and  conduct? 
Pray:  That  you  will  always  worship  the  Lord  in  truth, 
in  sincerity,  and  with  a  vibrant  faith. 

WEDNESDAY,  January  24— Read:  Chapter  24.  Medi- 
tate: What  reward  is  promised  to  Christians  who  re- 
main steadfast  to  the  end?  Is  it  worth  it?  Pray:  For 
the  outreach  of  "Forward  in  Faith,"  our  national  radio 
broadcast,  and  for  Floyd  Timmerman,  radio  minister. 

THURSDAY,  January  25— Read:  Chapter  25.  Meditate: 
Will  a  teen-ager  with  only  one  talent  more  than  likely 
be  a  failure?  Why  not?  Pray:  For  President  Cross  and 

the  faculty  at  Lee  College.  Young  people  are  trained 
at  Lee   to   use  their  talents  for  Christ. 

FRIDAY,  January  26— Read:  Verses  1-47,  Chapter  26. 
Meditate:  What  did  the  searching  question  by  the 
disciples,  "Lord,  is  it  I?"  reveal?  Pray:  That  God  will 
help  you  search  your  heart  and  be  truthful  with  Him 
about  every   activity   of  your  life. 

SATURDAY,  January  27— Read:  Verses  48-75,  Chapter 
26.  Meditate:  Do  you  think  Peter's  bold  and  self -sus- 
taining attitude  had  something  to  do  with  his  be- 
trayal of  Christ?  How  can  a  self-centered  attitude  be 
corrected?  Pray:  For  fortitude  and  stamina  to  stand 
firm  in   the   time   of  persecution  or  opposition. 

SUNDAY,  January  28— Read:  Verses  1-31,  Chapter  27. 
Meditate:  How  shall  I  find  the  answer  to  the  probing 
question,  "What  shall  I  then  do  with  Jesus?"  Pray:  For 
your  friends  in  the  Armed  Forces  that  they  will  make 
the   decision   to  serve  and   to  stand   for  Christ. 

MONDAY,  January  29— Read:  Verses  32-66,  Chapter  27. 
Meditate:  It  is  possible  that  teen-agers  were  among 
those  who  witnessed  the  crucifixion  of  Christ.  If  you 
had  been  there,  how  would  you  have  reacted?  Pray: 
For  your  Sunday  school  teacher  that  he  or  she  will  be 
able  to  reach  the  teens  in  your  class. 

TUESDAY,  January  30— Read:  Verses  1-10,  Chapter  28. 
Meditate:  What  part  does  "fear"  and  "great  joy"  play 
in  the  resurrection  message,  and  in  the  lives  of  young 
people  today?  Pray:  For  resurrection  power  in  your 
life  so  that  you  will  be  qualified  to  relay  the  resurrec- 
tion message  to  others. 

WEDNESDAY,  January  31— Read:  Verses  11-20,  Chap- 
ter 28.  Meditate:  A  young  person  can  obey  the  com- 
mand of  Christ,  "Go  ye  therefore,  and  teach  all  na- 
tions," by  supporting  the  World  Missions  Program  of 
his  denomination.  Pray:  For  Church  of  God  mission- 
aries around  the  world,  and  for  Vessie  D.  Hargrave, 
director  of  World  Missions. 

Whiter  Than  Snoiv 

Quietly,  gently  falling  down, 
Snow   is   covering    trees    and    ground — 
Spreading  blankets  soft  and  white, 
Wiping  ugly  scenes  from  sight. 

Our    lives    are    blemished — marred. 
By  sin's  ugly  mark  we're  scarred. 
Christ  can   cleanse   us   white   as   snow- 
Cover  sin  and  set  hearts   aglow. 

-By  Evelyn  Pickering 


An  annual  commentary  based  on  NSSA  Uniform  Bible  Outlines. 

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mouths  of  saints  and  sinners.  Each  quotation  listed  with 

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by  topic  and  by  author,  birth  and 

death  dates  of  author  given. 

544  pages  Price,  $9.95 

You  get  a  1968  Evangelical  Sunday  School 

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Order  From:  Church    of   God    Publishing    House 
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PLEASE    SEND    THE    FOLLOWING:           Cleveland,   Tennessee   37311 

or    Your  Pathway  Book  Store 

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- The   Encyclopedia  of  Religious  Quo- 
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J.F.B.    Commentary   and    Evangelical 

Sunday  School   Lesson  Commentary  








FEBRUARY.      1968 

J  f:R:^S:!'.::  I 





-  Church  training  will  be  the  major  empha- 
sis throughout  local  churches  during  February.  Con- 
temporary Christian  Education,  Church  Training- 
Course  (CTC — 126),  will  be  the  study  text  for  train- 
ing Sunday  school,  youth,  and  church  leaders  in  the 
practical  aspects  of  Christian  education. 

"iSs^  Pastors  and  missionaries  will  be  attend- 
ing annual  missions  conventions  in  many  parts  of 
Latin  America  to  enjoy  the  continuing  aspects  of 
Christian  fellowship  and  to  advance  the  cooperative 
missions    program. 

"  A  major  servicemen's  retreat  is  scheduled 
in  the  Philippines  for  military  personnel  stationed 
in  the  Far  East.  This  spiritual  retreat  will  be  con- 
ducted in  Baguio,  February  6-9. 

"  February  6-13  is  the  annual  Boy  Scout 
Week  observance.  To  build  character,  citizenship,  and 
Christian  values,  boys  throughout  the  Church  of  God 
will  meet  and  will  be  encouraged  to  follow  the  rugged 
road  of  scouting.  February  11  has  been  declared  Boy 
Scout  Sunday. 

****" Since  the  birthdays  of  two  great  American 
statesmen,  Lincoln  and  Washington,  are  celebrated 
in  February,  General  Overseer  Charles  W.  Conn  has 
asked  that  Sunday,  February  18,  be  set  aside  as  a 
special  day  of  prayer  for  national  leaders  who  deal 
with  the  complex  problems  at  home  and  abroad  that 
affect  the  daily   life   and   liberty   of  mankind. 

Tools  for  missionaries  is  the  project 
goal  for  Missions  Sunday,  February  25.  Individuals, 
classes,  and  churches  are  encouraged  to  assist  mis- 
sionaries by  supplying  equipment  and  materials  need- 
ed to  maintain  their  office  operation,  to  establish 
proper  communications  with  their  people,  and  to 
carry  the  gospel  to  all  parts  of  their  territory. 

^=sa;s*»-  The  Stewardship  Commission  has  an- 
nounced that  the  new  stweardship  materials  are 
available.  Samples  have  been  mailed  to  the  pastor, 
in  care  of  the  church  clerk.  Pastors  are  encouraged 
to  use  the  order  form  immediately  to  take  full  ad- 
vantage of  this  churchwide  1968  stewardship  em- 

Published  monthly  at  the  Church  of  God  Publishing  House, 
Cleveland,  Tenn.  All  materials  intended  for  publication  in  the 
LIGHTED  PATHWAY  should  be  addressed  to  Clyne  W.  Buxton, 
Editor.  All  inquiries  concerning  subscriptions  should  be  addressed 
to  Bookkeeping  Department,  Church  of  God  Publishing  House, 
Cleveland.   Tennessee   37311. 

Postmaster   send  Form   3579   to   LIGHTED    PATHWAY,    P.    O.   Box 
880.    Cleveland.    Tennessee    37311. 




FEBRUARY,    1968 
Vol.    39,    No.    2 


Editoriol  3 

These  Abide  Forever  4 
When  a  Friend  Cannot 

Help  5 

The  Big  Question  6 

Nice  Lost  People  7 

Saved  From  the  Surf!  8 

The  Value  of  Trials  9 

Witnessing:  A  Matter  of 
Life  and  Death 


The  Holy  Bible:  The  Book 
With  Authority  and 

Power  12 
Mine  Eyes  Have  Seen 

the  Glory  1  4 

Thrill  of  a  Lifetime  16 

Pueblo  Teen-Agers  Active  17 

Not  Charity  but  a  Chance  18 

Breakers  Ahead  20 

Segment  of  Life  22 

Family  Training  Hour  (YPE)  24 

Advance  Daily  Devotions 

for  Christian  Teens  26 


Clyne  W.  Buxton 

Lewis  J.  Willis 

Chloe  Stewart 

JoAnn  Humbertson 

H.  Bernard  Dixon 

E.  C.  Thomas 

Clyne  W.  Buxton 
Evelyn  Pickering 

Elizabeth  Teague 
Muriel  Larson 
Raymond  L.  Cox 
Ray  H.  Hughes 

Robert  E.  Blackaby 

Russell  J.  Fornwalt 

Philip  L.  Jewett 
Bobbie  Lauster 
Gale  A.  Barnett 
Matilda  Norvdtedt 
J.    E.    DeVore 
Raymond  John  Flory 
Donald  S.  Aultman 

Floyd  D.  Carey 





Circulation  Director 



Donald  S.  Aultman  Paul  F.  Henson 

Margie  M.  Kelley  Avis  Swiger 

Walter  R.  Pettitt  J.  E.  DeVore 


Bobbie  May  Lauster  France 

Margaret  Gaines  Jordan 

Denzell  Teague  Guatemala 

Ruth  Crawford  Brazil 

Martha  Ann  Smith  China 


Thomas  Grassano  James  A.  Madison 

Cecil  R.  Guiles  Haskel  C.  Jenkins 
Leonard  S.  Townley 


Single  Subscription, 

per  year 


Rolls   of    15 


Single  copy 



Clyne  W.  Buxton 

Heart  Transplantation 

THE  WORLD  IS  excited  about  the  remarkable 
feat  of  medical  science  with  its  success  in  tak- 
ing the  heart  of  a  recently  deceased  person  and 
transplanting  it  within  the  thorax  cavity  of  a  person 
with  a  failing  heart.  World  news  media  has  given  wide 
coverage  to  such  operations,  and  all  of  us  have  in- 
tently followed  the  reports.  For  a  person  dying  of  a 
malfunctioning  heart  suddenly  to  be  given  hope  of 
prolonged  and  possible  normal  life  through  a  heart 
transplant  is  most  encouraging  to  the  patient  and  to 
the  world.  Thousands  of  persons  with  an  incurable 
heart  condition  are  seeing  a  ray  of  hope  for  recovery, 
and  many  are  praying  that  such  operations  will  become 
even  more  successful  and  reliable.  It  is  hoped  that 
numerous  heart  patients  will  profit  from  this  medical 
science  breakthrough. 

Recently  a  newspaper  carried  the  thinking  of  a 
cartoonist  as  he  mused  on  heart  transplants.  The 
artist  pictured  the  world  with  two  men  standing  by. 
One  said  to  the  other,  "It  needs  a  heart  transplant  too, 
but  we  don't  have  a  donor."  It  is  true  that  the  nations 
of  the  world  need  a  new  heart,  yet  there  is  no  other 
planet  from  which  we  can  secure  a  new  heart  for  this 
old  world.  Nonetheless,  the  artist  should  know  that 
there  is  a  donor  who  has  given  His  heart  for  the 
entire  universe.  God,  the  heavenly  Father,  gave  His 
very  heart,  His  Son,  that  anyone  who  has  a  bad  heart 
can  have  spiritual  surgery,  receive  a  new  heart,  and 
thus  gain  a  new  lease  on  life.  In  fact,  the  recipient 
gains  eternal  life.   What  a  profitable  operation! 

The  Bible  uses  the  term  heart  to  designate  the  seat 
of  the  intellect,  feelings,  and  will.  Jeremiah  employs 
the  word  in  reference  to  the  whole  moral  nature  of 
fallen  man.  "The  heart  is  deceitful  above  all  things," 
he  writes,  "and  desperately  wicked:  who  can  know  it?" 
(Jeremiah  17:9)  This  prophet  states  than  an  Ethiopian 
is  as  likely  to  change  his  skin  or  a  leopard  his  spots  as 
a  man  is  apt  to  do  good  who  is  accustomed  to  doing 

evil.  But  then  God  says  through  Ezekiel,  "A  new  heart 
also  will  I  give  you,  and  a  new  spirit  will  I  put  within 
you"  (Ezekiel  36:26). 

This  spiritual  heart  surgery  is  nothing  new.  Jesus 
explained  it  to  Nicodemus  two  thousand  years  ago,  and 
then  he  made  it  available  to  everyone  through  His 
death  and  resurrection.  Millions  of  people  have  under- 
gone this  heart  transplant  down  through  the  centuries. 
Men  like  Wesley,  Finney,  and  Moody  have  preached 
about  it;  Sunday  school  teachers  and  parents  have 
talked  about  it;  and  today  thousands  upon  thousands 
of  newborn  people  traverse  the  earth,  alive  because  of 
a  heart  transplant. 

The  father  of  this  writer  experienced  such  an  opera- 
tion. Though  he  had  been  a  so-called  moral  person 
for  years,  he  discovered  that  he  had  a  bad  heart  and 
that  unless  he  did  something  about  it,  the  spiritual 
malady  would  be  fatal.  God,  through  an  evangelist, 
showed  Dad  that  one's  being  good  does  not  necessarily 
mean  that  he  has  repented  of  his  sins.  One  has  to  be 
born  again,  the  preacher  said.  The  new-birth  idea 
baffled  Father.  Being  a  sincere  person,  however,  he 
decided  that  he  would  undergo  the  heart  operation  as 
the  Bible  outlined;  for  he  wanted  so  much  to  live. 

It  was  in  the  mid-1920s  when  Dad  got  his  new  heart, 
and  he  so  very  much  enjoyed  telling  his  children  about 
his  operation.  It  happened  on  a  Sunday  night  at  an 
altar  under  a  tent  carpeted  with  sawdust.  Unconfessed 
sins  hidden  in  his  bad  heart  were  repented  of,  and  the 
Surgeon  took  them  all  away,  giving  a  new  heart  to  this 
new  believer.  Dad  got  happy  that  night  and  reveled 
in  his  newfound  joy  as  he  walked  the  two  miles  to  his 
home — "light  as  a  feather,"  he  used  to  say.  Dad's  heart 
transplant  was  a  grand  success.  Seemingly  this  vital 
spiritual  organ  never  missed  a  beat  until  he  went  to 
be  with  his  Father  a  few  years  ago,  and  because  of 
his  heart  transplant  back  in  1926,  he  is  in  heaven 
today.   • 


Abide  Foreve 

Vyy       HILE  I  WAS  studying  for  a  Sunday  school 
W        lesson,  these  sad  words  hit  me  like  a  ton  of 
bricks,  "Communist-controlled  countries  are 
begging  for  copies  of  the  Bible,  while  most  Ameri- 
cans never  open  the  ones  they  have." 

In  our  home  are  four  Bibles,  one  New  Testament 
and  a  Halley's  Handbook.  How  ashamed  and  guilty 
I  felt  as  I  realized  how  much  we  neglect  to  study 
these  priceless  treasures  properly  and  prayerfully, 
while  other  people  hunger  for  the  Bread  of  Life. 

Reading  further,  other  words  like  flashing  red  lights 
signaled  me  to  stop  and  think:  "Missionaries  and 
other  Christians  who  were  in  prison  camps  have  told 
how  that  reciting  passages  of  memorized  Scrip- 
ture strengthened  their  faith  in  God  and  helped  them 
keep  their  sanity." 

From  this  painful,  yet  soul-searching  experience  a 
valuable  idea  came  forth.  I  searched  for  a  way  where- 
by my  young  people  and  I  could  store  up  Bible  knowl- 
edge to  sustain  us  in  time  of  sorrow,  persecution,  or 
even  Communist  domination — if  that  sad  day  should 
ever    materialize. 

In  class  the  next  Sunday  I  related  this  thought- 
provoking  lesson  and  the  idea  that  had  been  stim- 
ulated by  my  reading  it.  I  urged  my  young  people 
to  think  seriously  the  next  week  and  to  search  their 
Bibles  for  verses  which  they  could  memorize  if  their 

Bibles  should  ever  be  taken  from  them.  I  promised  to 
select  verses  too.  I  suggested  that  they  not  quote  the 
familiar  Twenty-third  Psalm  or  John  3:16 — these  are 
important  portions  of  God's  Word — but  to  memorize 
new  verses  or  passages  that  would  give  comfort  and 
peace  in  the  face  of  deepest  distress,  opposition,  or 
even  death. 

At  home  I  sought  Scripture  passages  prayerfully 
and  finally  selected  Isaiah  40:8,  "The  grass  withereth. 
the  flower  fadeth:  but  the  word  of  our  God  shall 
stand  for  ever."  When  my  pupils  were  able  to  quote 
appropriate  verses  and  give  their  reasons  for  selecting 
them,  I  realized  anew  that  our  youth  need  tributes 
of  praise  instead  of  tirades  of  unjust  criticism.  Glad- 
ly they  accepted  the  challenge  to  memorize  several 
new  passages  each  month. 

May  God  protect  our  country  and  prevent  enemy 
forces  from  conquering  and  destroying  our  Bibles.  But 
if  this  dreadful  event  should  ever  come  to  pass,  Chris- 
tians everywhere  can  have  portions  of  God's  Word 
hidden  securely  in  their  hearts  where  enemy  hands 
cannot  destroy. 

Sunday  school  teachers  and  church  leaders  in  all  po- 
sitions, keep  in  mind  constantly  that  God  holds  you 
responsible  for  your  influence  upon  the  youth  under 
your  leadership.  Urge  them  to  study  God's  Word  daily 
and  to  "store  up"  Bible  knowledge  for  the  challenging 
days  and  tasks  which  lie  ahead.  • 

¥  KNEW  GEORGE  Mowen  so 
I  slightly  that  I  never  missed 
him  when  he  became  ill. 
Then,  just  before  Christmas  my 
supervisor  practically  forced  me  to 
become  well  acquainted  with  the 
sick  man.  He  asked  me  to  visit  each 
department  in  the  shop  and  take  a 
collection  for  George  and  his  fam- 

Shop  policy  demanded  that  all 
monies  be  spent  for  gifts  and  ne- 
cessities. It  was  my  duty  to  spend  it 
and  make  George's  Christmas  sea- 
son a  happy  one.  I  did  my  best. 

When  George  finally  returned  to 
work,  we  were  very  friendly.  As  yet 
he  did  not  realize  that  I  have  been 
known  to  try  to  help  my  friends 
spiritually,  even  at  the  risk  of  in- 
curring their  displeasure.  How- 
ever, I  had  not  hidden  my  light 
under  a  bushel  during  the  Christ- 
mas season,  and  evidently  George 
was  ready  for  me. 

One  noon  hour  I  mentioned  that 
revival  services  were  being  con- 
ducted in  our  church.  George 
stopped  me  in  mid-sentence. 
"Church  and  religion  is  a  closed 
book  to  me,"  he  said.  "I'm  not  in- 
terested." He  had  cut  me  off  so 
quickly  and  firmly  that  no  doubt 
my  face  mirrored  my  surprise. 
"I'm  not  angry,"  he  continued, 
"but  that's  the  way  I  feel  about 

"Okay,  G  e  o  r  g  e,"  I  said  and 
changed  the  subject.  But  I  did  not 
change  my  concept  of  friendship. 
George  loved  children,  so  now  and 
then  I  would  weave  incidents,  com- 
ments, and  stories  gleaned  from 
my  Sunday  school  class  into 
our  conversations.  Whatever  had 
soured  him  on  the  church  and  re- 
ligion, he  was  gaining  confidence 
in  me  and — I  hoped— in  the  God  I 

Then  I  noticed  George  talking 
to  Tom  Welsh.  Over  a  period  of 
several  weeks  I  saw  them  talking 
together  a  number  of  times.  I 
should  have  realized  what  was 
going  on,  but  I  didn't  until  one 
dinner  hour  when  I  asked  if  I 
might  accompany  them  to  the 
town  shopping  section.  As  we  hur- 
ried out  to  the  parking  lot,  another 



fellow  laughingly  commented,  "Do 
you  want  people  to  talk  about 
you — running  in  to  town  with 
those   guys?" 

I  knew  Tom  "played  the  horses" 
regularly.  He  told  great  tales  about 
how  much  money  he  won.  But  he 
did  not  have  enough  money  to  buy 
a  home  or  a  dependable  automo- 
bile. And  after  his  sickness,  George 
could  afford  to  gamble  even  less 
than  Tom. 

I  kept  my  eyes  and  ears  open. 
The  reason  for  the  man's  remark- 
ing about  my  trip  to  town  with 
George  and  Tom  was  that  they 
were  going  in  every  dinner  hour 
to  place  bets  on  the  horses. 

I  was  disturbed.  I  knew  that 
poor  and  moderate-income  fam- 
ilies and  people  in  financial  dif- 
ficulties sometimes  come  to  feel 
that  "hitting  the  jackpot"  is  the 
only  way  they  can  improve  their 
living  conditions.  Of  course,  the 
opposite   happens. 

I  wondered  if  George  were  try- 
ing to  get  ahead  the  wrong  way. 
But  I  had  to  do  more  than  wonder. 
George  was  my  friend.  When  we 
were  alone  one  day,  I  asked, 
'George,  are  you  playing  the 

"Yes.  Why?"  I  had  expected  him 
to  become  a  bit  irked,  but  he 
wasn't.   He   just   grinned   at   me 

Feeling  more  at  ease  I  con- 
tinued, "Well,  I  like  you.  Gambling 
gets    in    some    people's   blood,   and 

they  can't  quit.  I'd  hate  to  see 
that  happen  to  you." 

"Don't  worry,"  George  laughed. 
"It  won't  happen.  I  just  gamble 
now  and  then  for  relaxation.  I  can 
take   it  or   leave   it." 

That's   what   he    thought! 

With  all  Tom's  big  talk  about 
playing  the  horses,  he  never  bets 
more  than  two  dollars  on  a  race. 
It  soon  became  the  talk  of  the  shop 
that  George  was  betting  five,  ten, 
and  even  twenty  dollars  on  a  race. 
One  day  at  the  track  he  lost  three 
hundred  dollars!  If  George  were 
not  a  whiz  on  repairing  automo- 
biles, he  would  probably  have  lost 
everything  he  owns.  (He  may  yet. I 
He  works  eighty  hours  and  more 
a  week  to  keep  gambling — some- 
thing he  thought  he  could  "take 
or   leave." 

I  can't  get  through  to  George 
anymore.  His  mind  is  far  away — 
on  the  next  race,  handicaps, 
odds — looking  and  hoping  for  a 
big  win  which  will  put  him  ahead. 
But   it  never  happens. 

What  a  tragedy!  God  has  not 
changed.  He  wants  to  draw  George 
into  the  fold.  I'm  still  looking  for 
opportunities  to  witness  to  him. 
But  when  George  slammed  the 
door  on  my  half-spoken  invitation, 
when  he  kept  making  it  difficult 
to  talk  to  him  about  Christ,  he 
g?-ve  Satan  opportunity  to  more 
fully  captivate  him.  It  is  a  peril- 
ous thing  to  count  "church  and 
religion    a    closed    book"!     • 



The  Big  Question 

-Elisabeth  Teague  is  the  wife  of 
Denzell  Teague,  missionary  to  Gua- 

THE  NIGHT  WAS  dark  with  numerous  strange 
noises,  and  I  was  in  a  foreign  country  where 
they  spoke  a  language  unknown  to  me.  The 
country  was  now  in  a  state  of  seige,  which  prohibited 
private  citizens  from  having  firearms  and  weapons, 
and  the  burglars  and  hoodlums  were  on  the  loose  tak- 
ing advantage  of  this.  My  husband  had  gone  far  off 
into  this  unknown  territory  on  some  mission,  and  I 
was  alone  with  my  two  small  children  who  were 
sleeping  soundly  by  my  side,  trusting  in  me  to  take 
care  of  them. 

Although  I  knew  that  the  iron  gate  was  locked 
tightly,  I  found  myself  asking  many  questions:  "Is 
someone  picking  the  lock  to  enter?"  "Why  is  the  dog 
barking?"  Then  suddenly  the  dog  was  quiet — too  quiet! 
"Had  someone  truly  entered  and  perhaps  even  killed 
the   dog?" 

At  this  time,  I  found  myself  asking  the  greatest 
question  of  them  all — "What  am  I  doing  here  in  the 
first  place?"  Of  course  my  answer  came  quickly,  be- 
cause I  knew  I  was  here  for  a  purpose:  to  serve  God. 
Part  of  this  service  happened  to  be  sacrificing  the 
presence  of  my  husband  with  us  this  night. 

Every  young  person  at  some  time  in  his  life  finds 
himself  asking  this  question,  "What  am  I  doing  here 
in  the  first  place?"  "What  is  life  all  about,  and  why?" 

If,  once  and  for  all,  you  can  find  the  answer  to  these 
questions,  then  your  life  can  be  full,  rich,  and  happy. 
You  were  born  to  glorify  God.  "The  body  is  .  .  .  for 
the  Lord;  and  the  Lord  for  the  body.  .  .  .  Know  ye  not 
that  your  bodies  are  members  of  Christ?  .  .  .  that  your 
body  is  a  temple  [tabernacle  or  dwelling  place]  of  the 
Holy  Ghost?"  (1  Corinthians  6:13,  15,  19).  All  through 
your  life  if  you  keep  this  answer  and  purpose,  it  will 
keep  you  on  the  right  track,  no  matter  what  your 
earthly  aims  and  ambitions  might  be. 

"Whether  therefore  ye  eat,  or  drink,  or  whatsoever 
ye  do,  do  all  to  the  glory  of  God"  (1  Corinthians  10:31). 
The  word  glorify  has  to  do  with  being  a  credit  to 
Christ,  bringing  honor  and  praise  to  His  name.  This 
is  the  real  purpose  for  our  living  in  this  world  after 
we  are  born  again.  This  same  truth  is  discussed  in 
Colossians  3:17  which  reads,  "Whatsoever  ye  do  in 
word  or  deed,  do  all  in  the  name  of  the  Lord  Jesus, 
giving  thanks  to  God  and  the  Father  by  him." 

Many  people  think  they  glorify  Christ  only  when 
they  enter  into  full-time  Christian  service,  or  when 
they  are  speaking  about  the  Lord  to  someone.  But  a 
sincere  earnest  Christian  can  be  a  credit  to  Christ  in 
the  classroom,  on  the  farm,  in  the  city,  or  wherever  he 
is,  for  it  is  one's  motives  and  heart  attitudes  that 
count.  What  is  your  heart  attitude?  your  motive?  your 
purpose   in  life? 

You  are  in  this  world  to  glorify  God  with  your  entire 
life — your  temple,  time,  and  talents.   • 





N  AGNOSTIC  WAS  corresponding  with  a  Chris- 
tian acquaintance.  "I'm  as  good  as  you  are — 
maybe  better"  was  the  implication  of  a  letter 
she  wrote. 

The  Christian's  reply?  "You  may  indeed  be  as  'good' 
as  I  am  on  a  human  level!  But  there  is  one  important 
difference  between  us:  You  are  in  good  standing  with 
man  (and  I  trust  that  I  am  too),  but  I  am  in  right 
standing  with  God  through  Jesus  Christ!  You  are  righ- 
teous in  your  own  eyes,  but  my  righteousness  must  be 
completely  ascribed  to  the  Lord!  The  Bible  says  that  it 
is  'not  by  works  of  righteousness  which  we  have  done, 
but  according  to  his  mercy  he  saved  us'  (Titus  3:5)." 
Yes,  there  are  many  fine  people  in  the  world,  and 
some  of  these  "good"  people  often  put  professing  Chris- 
tians to  shame  with  their  high  moral  standards,  or 
good  works,  or  commendable  lives.  But,  the  sad  truth 
of  the  matter  is  that  unless  they  have  Jesus  Christ 
as  their  personal  Saviour,  they  are  lost!  The  Bible 
says  clearly:  "He  that  believeth  on  the  Son  hath  ever- 
lasting life:  and  he  that  believeth  not  the  Son  shall 
not  see  life;  but  the  wrath  of  God  abideth  on  him" 
(John  3:36). 

So  if  your  beloved  old  Aunt  Matilda  is  a  lovely  per- 
son, but  has  never  accepted  Christ  as  her  Saviour, 
she  is  lost--she  needs  to  be  told  the  good  news.  If  your 
successful,  handsome  brother  is  good  to  his  wife  and 
children,  but  has  never  accepted  Christ,  he  is  lost — he 
needs  the  Saviour.  And  if  your  twelve-year-old  daugh- 
ter is  obedient  and  gets  all  A's  on  her  report  card,  but 
has  never  made  a  decision  for  Jesus  Christ,  she  too  is 
lost  without  Him! 

It  seems  a  shame  that  nice  people  might  be  lost  for 
eternity;  but  if  they  are  lost,  it  will  be  because  they 
have  not  come  into  a  right  relationship  with  God, 
because  they  have  not  accepted  the  payment  for  their 
sins  made  by  the  Lord  Jesus  Christ.  The  Bible  says. 
"There  is  a  way  which  seemeth  right  unto  a  man,  but 
the  end  thereof  are  the  ways  of  death"  (Proverbs  14: 

We  who  are  Christians,  who  know  that  Jesus  is 
"the  way,  the  truth,  and  the  life,"  must  be  ever  ready 
to  share  this  wonderful  knowledge  with  all  the  nice 
lost  people  around  us.  God  wants  to  save  them  too.  • 

Saved  from 


THE  ANGRY  SURF  surged 
viciously.  Survivors  from  a 
sinking,  sailing  ship  floated 
upon  the  surface  precariously, 
struggling  earnestly  to  escape  be- 
ing swallowed  by  the  sea. 

The  lifeboats  carried  by  the 
doomed  craft  had  proved  inade- 
quate to  contain  all  the  passengers 
and  crewmen.  As  the  wrecked  ves- 
sel was  about  to  disappear  under 
the    waves,    one    of    the    swimmers 

managed  to  reach  a  crowded  life- 

"Help  me  aboard,"  he  gasped. 

"Can't  do  it,"  answered  the  per- 
son in  charge  of  the  small  boat. 
"You  can  see  that  we're  full.  It 
would  endanger  the  safety  of  all 
of  us  to  have  any  others  aboard." 

With  a  Herculean  effort,  the 
swimmer  spurted  close  enough  to 
grab  hold  of  the  lifeboat  with  his 
right  hand.  But  as  he  struggled  to 
pull  himself  aboard,  a  passenger 
unsheathed  his  sword  and  chopped 
off  the  man's  fingers. 

Still  the  swimmer  refused  to  give 
up.  He  seized  the  craft  with  his  left 
hand.  The  swordsman,  however, 
swung  h's  weapon  again  and  sev- 
ered that  hand's  fingers  also. 

The  swimmer  made  a  last  des- 
perate effort.  He  lunged  for  the 
boat  and  seized  it  with  his  teeth. 

"What  can  we  do  now?"  the 
puzzled  survivors  deliberated. 

The  swordsman  raised  his  wea- 
pon, but  a  restraining  hand  grasped 
his  arm.  "No,"  he  was  told.  "We 
can't  cut  off  his  head." 

Compassion  finally  dawned  in 
ihe  minds  of  the  survivors,  and 
they  helped  the  handless  man 
aboard.  His  life  was  saved  because 
of  his  extreme  earnestness. 

Men  will  go  to  almost  any 
lengths — they  will  suffer  almost 
any  loss — to  preserve  their  physical 
lives  and  perpetuate  their  earthly 
existence.  Should  not  men  be  even 
more  in  earnest  to  save  their  souls? 

It  would  be  worth  losing  hands 
or  feet  in  order  to  obtain  salvation 
of  soul.  Jesus  said  that  it  is  better 
to  enter  eternal  life  maimed  than 
to  plunge  into  perdition  whole. 
But  salvation  is  not  obtained  in 
exchange  for  severed  bodily  mem- 
bers. Yet,  it  should  be  eagerly  and 
earnestly  sought. 

There  is  a  lifeboat — only  one 
lifeboat — that  can  rescue  one  from 
the  wreckage  of  sin,  namely  Jesus 
Christ.  He  is  never  reluctant  to  re- 
ceive and  rescue  extra  survivors. 
"Him  that  cometh  to  me  I  will  in 
no  wise  cast  out"  (John  6:37),  He 
promised.  Moreover,  He  invites  all, 
"Come  unto  me"   (Matthew  11:28). 

Neither  do  additions  jeopardize 
the    safety    of    the    others    aboard. 

A  wreck  was  sighted  off  the  coast 
of  England.  A  fisherman  who  lived 
on  the  shore  put  out  his  craft  to 
seek  survivors.  He  made  several  re- 
turn trips  to  the  ship  and  back  to 
shore  and  rescued  numerous  survi- 
vors But  even  so,  scores  of  lives 
were  lost.  Although  the  fisherman 
was  accorded  congratulations  for 
his  feat  of  saving  many,  he  was 
ever  thereafter  tormented  by  the 
haunting  echo.  "Oh.  if  I  only  had 
had  a  larger  boat."  He  never  lost 
the  vision  of  those  who  sank  into 
the  sea  because  he  had  no  room 
to  rescue  them. 

But  Jesus  Christ  is  an  adeauate 
rescue  craft  for  all  who  seek  sal- 
vation. H's  lifeboat  boasts  univer- 
sal capacity.  God  promises  to  be 
found  of  men  whrn  thev  seek  Him 
sincerely  with  their  whole  hearts 
(Jeremiah  29:13). 

Thus,  deliverance  is  not  guaran- 
teed except  to  the  earnest.  A  noted 
evangelist  complained  of  modern 
trends  in  invitations,  "Men  are  be- 
ing urged  to  be  saved  before  they 
are  convinced  that  they  are  lost. 
Today  we  hear  people  plead  with 
sinners  to  accept  Christ,  and  this 
is  as  it  should  be;  but  oh!  that  we 
might  hear  sinners  cry  to  Christ  to 
accept  them!" 

Safetv  from  the  sea  of  sin  can 
be  found  onlv  when  one  commits 
himself  completely  to  the  lifeboat. 
"We  are  so  constituted  that  it  is 
impossible  for  us  to  exercise  a  di- 
vided allegiance;  we  must  be  out- 
and-out  for  God,  or  we'  shall  be 
in-and-out  for  the  world  and  all 
its  interests,"  declared  A.  J.  Gordon. 
"He  who  begins  by  halving  his 
heart  between  God  and  mammon 
will  end  by  being  wholehearted  for 
the  world  and  fainthearted  for 

It  is  difficult  to  conceive  a  de- 
gree of  earnestness  for  salvation  too 
great  to  be  proper,  or  an  apprecia- 
tion once  one  has  been  saved  that 
is  too  extreme.  An  Indian  once  lis- 
tened to  a  whiteman  denounce  the 
dangers  of  excessive  earnestness. 
The  redskin  responded,  "I  don't 
know  about  having  too  much  earn- 
estness, but  I  do  think  it  is  better 
the  pot  should  boil  over  than  not 
boil  at  all."  • 


The  Value  of  Trials 

By   RAY   H.    HUGHES,    Ed.D.,    Litt.D 


NOT  UNTIL  A  Christian  -un- 
derstands the  purpose  and 
value  of  trials  will  he  attain 
to  the  life  of  an  overcomer.  Chris- 
tians through  the  ages  have  asked 
the  question,  "Whv  do  Christians 
have  to  bear  afflictions  and  face 
trials?"  This  is  especially  true  of 
young  Christians.  Some  have  de- 
spaired because  they  did  not  know 
the  answer  and  could  not  under- 

When  Job  encountered  the  dark- 
est trial  of  his  life  he  cried  out, 
".  .  .  shew  me  wherefore  thou  con- 
tendest  with  me"  (Job  10:2).  His 
friends  turned  against  him  in  his 
hcur  of  need.  At  a  time  when  his 
sickness  was  almost  more  than  he 
could  bear,  his  own  wife  told 
him  to  curse  God  and  die.  But  Job 
had  the  proper  attitude  in  the  time 
of  his  trial.  He  did  not  allow  the 
trials  to  cause  him  to  lose  sight  of 
God.  His  attitude  was,  "But  he 
knoweth  the  way  that  I  take: 
when  he  hath  tried  me,  I  shall 
come   forth   as   gold"    (Job   23:10). 

The  Word  of  God  says,  "Take, 
who  have  spoken  in  the  name  of 
the  Lord,  for  an  example  of  suf- 
fering afflict;on,  and  of  patience. 
Behold,  we  count  them  happv  which 
endure.  Ye  have  heard  of  the  pa- 
tience of  Job,  and  have  seen  the 
end  of  the  Lord;  that  the  Lord  is 
very  pitiful,  and  of  tender  mercy" 
(James  5:10,11).  The  attitude  one 
has  during  his  trial  will  determine 
to  a  great  extent  its  value  and  the 
profit.  As  a  result  of  his  trial,  Job 
saw  himself  and  his  imperfections. 

but  he  also  beheld  the  glory  of  the 

There  are  three  sources  of  trials: 
those  which  are  the  result  of  one's 
own  faults,  failures,  or  sin;  those 
which  come  from  Satan  through 
the  permissive  will  of  God;  and 
those  which  come  from  God. 

In  order  to  know  how  to  cope 
with  trials,  one  must  understand 
the  source.  If  he  is  buffeted  for 
his  faults,  he  can  but  plead  the 
mercy  of  God.  "For  what  glory  is  it, 
if,  when  ye  be  buffeted  for  your 
faults,  ye  shall  take  it  patiently? 
but  if,  when  ye  do  well,  and  suf- 
fer for  it,  ye  take  it  patiently,  this 
is  acceptable  with  God"  (1  Peter 
2:20).  Many  of  the  trials  which 
Christians  have  to  bear  are  brought 
upon  them  through  neglect  and 
failure.  There  is  little  profit  to  be 
derived  from  trials  of  this  nature, 
for  they  have  not  been  sent  from 
God  for  a  purpose. 

God  tries  or  tests  His  people  that 
He  might  bring  out  the  best  that  is 
in  them.  One  definition  of  trial  is, 
"An  experiment  or  search  made 
upon  a  man  bv  some  affliction  to 
prove  the  value  and  strength  of  his 
faith."  The  Bible  savs  that  God 
tempted  Abraham,  which  means 
that  He  put  Abraham  to  the  test 
or  He  tried  Abraham.  One  has  only 
to  reflect  upon  some  of  the  trials 
of  his  life  to  realize  that  these  were 
some  of  the  greatest  moments  of 
his  Christian  experience. 

Paul  considered  his  trials  as 
providential  arrangements  in  his 
life.  He  told  the  Philippians,  "But 
I     would     ye     should     understand. 

brethren,  that  the  things  which 
happened  unto  me  have  fallen  out 
rather  unto  the  furtherance  of  the 
gospel;  so  that  my  bonds  in  Christ 
are  manifest  in  all  the  palace,  and 
in  all  other  places"  (Philippians 
1:12.13).  Some  trials  are  an  ap- 
pointment of  God's  people.  The  Bi- 
ble savs,  "That  no  man  should  be 
moved  by  these  afflictions:  for 
yourselves  know  that  we  are  ap- 
pointed thereunto"  (1  Thessalon- 
ians  3:3). 

A  Christian  can  better  bear  his 
trials  when  he  realizes  that  God 
does  not  allow  a  trial  until  we 
are  prepared  to  bear  it.  "There 
hath  no  temptation  taken  you  but 
such  as  is  common  to  man:  but 
God  is  faithful,  who  will  not  suf- 
fer you  to  be  tempted  above  that 
ye  are  able;  but  will  with  the 
temptation  also  make  a  way  to 
escape,  that  ye  may  be  able  to 
bear  it"    (1   Corinthians   10:13). 

One  person  has  said  that  trials 
are  God's  vote  of  confidence  in  us. 
So  instead  of  despairing  in  times 
of  trial,  let  us  glory  in  them.  The 
Word  of  God  savs,  "Mv  brethren, 
count  it  all  joy  when  ye  fall 
into  divers  temptations;  knowing 
this,  that  the  trving  of  your  faith 
worketh    patience"    (James    1:2,3). 

How  many  Christians  sympa- 
thize with  themselves  and  feel  that 
the  trials  through  which  they  are 
going  are  greater  than  those  of 
anvone  else?  "Beloved,  think  it  not 
strange  concerning  the  fiery  trial 
which  is  to  try  you,  as  though 
some  strange  thing  happened  unto 
Please  turn  to  page  24 

Aubrey   Maye,   Director 

Pioneers   for   Christ   International 




A  Matter  of 
Life  and  Death 



April  1968  has  been  set  as  National  Witness  Train- 

1  JkV  I  "C  >*     i^uu     /1-K.u     uttn     o&l,     U.J     IIUUUIHll      VV  tLUCm     1  I  Ul'lt-     Ir 

Lh=i]  wig   Month   by   the   Evangelism   and  Home   Missions  [2= 
Igjl  Department.  Plan  now  to  set  aside  one  week  during  jraj 
~— j  Ma£  month  for  studying  the  special  training  course  |==| 
g]    bemgf  prepared.  [p5jj 


SOME  TIME  AGO  A  shock- 
ing story  appeared  in  the 
Dayton  Daily  News.  A 
young  mother  of  Helena  Street, 
Parkside  Homes,  suffocated  her 
four  small  children  with  plastic 
laundry  bags,  tying  them  over 
their  heads  as  they  lay  sleeping. 
The  distraught  mother  had  be- 
come despondent  over  marital  and 
financial  problems.  She  has  since 
been  committed  to  an  institution. 
Later  that  summer  another  lady, 
who  also  lived  in  Parkside  Homes, 
was  witnessed  to  by  a  team  from 
the  Dayton,  East  Fourth  Street 
Church  of  God  and  was  cordially 
invited  to  visit  the  church.  She,  too, 
had  small  children  and  various 
problems.  She  was  born  and  reared 
in  Tennessee,  yet  she  had  never 
been  to  a  Pentecostal  church. 

She  came  to  church  the  first 
Sunday  evening  after  being  in- 
vited; and  during  the  invitation, 
she     came     forward,     knelt,     and 

through  the  guidance  of  several 
faithful  altar  workers  accepted 
Christ  as  her  personal  Saviour. 
Soon  after  this  experience,  she  be- 
came a  member  of  the  Church  of 
God.  Having  no  relatives  or  friends 
connected  with  the  church,  this 
lady  is  tangible  proof  that  witness- 
ing pays  off  with  great  dividends. 

What  pierces  my  heart  is  this: 
If  the  despondent  young  mother 
who  killed  her  children  could  have 
been  reached  with  the  gospel  by 
compassionate  witnesses,  possibly 
her  tragic  incident  could  have  been 
averted.  Perhaps  she  would  have 
accepted  Christ,  and  her  dismal 
little  world  could  have  been  illumi- 
nated by  His  love,  help  and  hope. 
We  will  never  know. 

I  am  partially  consoled  by  the 
fact  that  the  second  lady  and  her 
family  have  been  saved  from  what 
could  have  been  a  similar  fate  be- 
cause of  the  love  and  concern  of 
some  Christian  disciples.  James  5: 

20  states:  "Let  him  know,  that  he 
which  converteth  the  sinner  from 
the  error  of  his  way,  shall  save  a 
soul  from  death,  and  shall  hide  a 
multitude  of  sins." 

If  every  Christian,  and  yes,  every 
witness,  could  get  the  true  impact 
of  this  scripture,  I  believe  each 
community  where  there  is  a 
Church  of  God  could  be  thoroughly 
evangelized  through  personal  wit- 

The  people  of  our  day  are  sin 
sick.  Many  of  the  hospital  cases 
are  mental  patients  suffering  from 
some  sort  of  neurosis  or  other  emo- 
tional disturbance.  Psychiatrists 
tell  us  that  much  of  it  is  because 
of  the  seared  moral  fibre  of  our 
generation  and  their  guilt  feelings 
and  complexes. 

Do  you  desire  to  save  a  soul  from 
death  and  hide  a  multitude  of  sins? 
If  so,  let  us  join  together  as  a  great 
team  to  win  as  many  of  the  un- 
saved to  Christ  as  possible.  • 


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policy  will  be  promptly  mailed.  Coverage  begins  at  noon  on  effective  date  of  your 
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covered  person);  unauthorized  use  of  narcotic  drugs;  mental  conditions; 
injury  or  sickness  due  to  war  or  any  act  incident  to  war.  Hernia  is  considered 
a  sickness,  not  an  injury.  Confinement  in  a  government  hospital  is  not 
covered,  nor  is  any  person  covered  while  in  armed  services  of  any  country 
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The  Book  With 
Authority  and  Power 

In  the  beginning  was  the  Word 
and  the  Word  ivas  with  God,  and 
the  Word  ivas  God. 

—John  1 : 1 


FOR  SOME  THE  Bible  is 
just  good  literature.  For 
others  it  is  a  book  of  law. 
For  many  its  message  is  love.  And 
for  still  others  the  Book  is  the  life 
of  our  Lord. 

Now,  indeed,  the  Bible  is  many 
things.  It  is  perfect  prose.  It  is 
poetry  par  excellence.  Its  parables 
are  poignant. 

But  the  real  beauty  of  the  Bible 
is  not  its  unsurpassed  literary  mag- 
nificence. It  is  not  its  drama,  dic- 
tion, or  dialogue. 

To  be  read  so  much  by  so  many, 
a  book  must  have  more  than  sheer 
literary  merit.  It  must  be  more 
than    entertainment. 

To  survive  centuries  of  banning 
and  burning,  as  has  the  Bible,  a 
book  must  have  an  important  mes- 
sage for  all  mankind.  It  must  have 
authority  and  power — divine  au- 
thority and  power,  if  you  will. 

Speaking  of  the  greatness  of  the 
Bible,  John  Locke,  English  philo- 
sopher, once  said,  "It  has  God  for  its 
author;  salvation  for  its  end,  and 
truth  without  any  mixture  for  its 

It  makes  no  difference  what  your 
problem,  question,  or  difficulty 
may  be.  You  will  find  the  author- 
itative   answer    in    the    Bible.    And 

you  will  find  that  answer  in  lan- 
guage that  is  clear,  concise,  and 

As  an  example,  let  us  take  "steal- 
ing." On  the  statute  books  of  our 
fifty  states  and  the  nation  are 
thousands  of  laws  and  millions  of 
words  against  theft,  robbery,  pla- 
giarism, breaking  and  entering, 
and  so  on.  But  it  is  all  summed 
up  very  clearly  in  the  four-word 
commandment,  "Thou  shalt  not 

To  improve  their  mental  health 
or  personal  relations,  many  people 
read  books  by  such  well-known 
authors  as  Sigmund  Freud,  Dale 
Carnegie,  Emily  Post,  and  Dr.  Nor- 
man Vincent  Peale.  But  many  of 
their  ideas  are  adaptations  of  the 
points  made  by  Christ  in  His  Ser- 
mon on  the  Mount — the  best  trea- 
tise on  mental  health  and  human 
relations  ever  written. 

When  it  comes  to  international 
relations,  what  greater  authority 
have  we  than  the  Bible?  "Love 
your  enemies,  do  good  to  them 
which  hate  you"  (Luke  6:27).  The 
trouble  with  many  nations  today 
is  their  reluctance  to  put  Christian 
ethics  to  the  test. 

What     about     salvation?     Here, 


again,  the  Bible  is  the  only  author- 
ity you  need.  "Believe  on  the  Lord 
Jesus  Christ,  and  thou  shalt  be 
saved"    (Acts    16:31). 

Of  course,  there  is  much  other 
scriptural  authority  on  the  impor- 
tant subject  of  salvation.  Perhaps 
the  most  notable  passage  of  all  is 
John  3:16,  which  most  of  us  have 

"Well,  it  says  so  in  the  Bible!" 
How  often  you  hear  people  in 
every  walk  of  life  speak  these 
words.  No  other  book  is  quoted  so 
much  by  judges,  lawyers,  public 
officials,  orators,  writers  of  all 
kinds,  and  others.  That's  because 
no  other  book  exudes  such  an  aura 
of  authority. 

Voltaire,  it  is  said,  spoke  of  the 
Bible  as  a  short-lived  book.  He  said 
that  within  a  hundred  years  it 
would  pass  from  common  use.  Not 
many  people  read  Voltaire  today, 
but  his  house  has  been  packed 
with  Bibles  as  a  depot  of  a  Bible 

Far  from  passing  into  oblivion, 
the  Bible  is  more  and  more  recog- 
nized as  the  authority  on  law, 
etiquette,  business  standards,  pro- 
fessional   ethics,    child    rearing, 

health,  temperance,  and  other  as- 
pects  of   right  living. 

"I  believe,"  said  Dr.  William 
Lyon  Phelps  of  Yale  University, 
"a  knowledge  of  the  Bible  without 
a  college  course  is  more  valuable 
than  a  college  course  without  a 

But  the  Bible  is  more  than  a 
book  of  knowledge  and  authority. 
It  is  a  book  of  tremendous  power. 
It  has  the  power  to  comfort  and 
console  men.  It  has  the  power  to 
convert  them  to  the  Christian  life. 
It  has  the  power  to  conquer  their 
very  souls. 

"It  works  in  strange  ways,"  said 
former  Prime  Minister  Stanley 
Baldwin  of  England,  "and  no  liv- 
ing man  can  tell  or  know  how  that 
book  in  its  journeyings  through 
the  world  has  started  an  individual 
soul  10,000  different  places  into  a 
new  life,  a  new  belief,  a  new  con- 
ception and  a  new  faith." 

Often  just  the  very  presence 
of  the  Bible  on  an  office  desk,  in 
the  parlor,  or  in  a  classroom  exerts 
a  sobering  influence.  Many  people 
feel  the  nearness  of  God  when  the 
Bible  is  in  sight. 

"The  Gospel  is  not  merely  a 
book.  It  is  a  living  power — a  book 

surpassing  all  others,"  said  Napo- 
leon on  Saint  Helena. 

An  executive  I  know  keeps  a 
Bible  in  full  view  on  his  desk  at 
all  times.  He  finds  clients,  asso- 
ciates, and  others  to  be  more  hon- 
est in  business  dealings  when  the 
Book  stares  them  in  the  face. 

Why  is  the  Bible  used  when  wit- 
nesses are  sworn  in  court?  Why  is 
the  Bible  used  when  public  offi- 
cials from  the  President  of  the 
United  States  on  down  take  their 
oaths  of  office? 

Well,  for  one  thing,  the  Bible 
does  lend  an  air  of  solemnity  to 
any  important  occasion.  But  it 
does  more  than  that.  It  has  the 
power  to  awaken  an  intense  moral 
feeling  in  every  human  being.  It 
has  the  power  to  inspire  men  and 
penetrate   their  souls. 

It  was  the  famous  English  poet 
and  critic  Samuel  Taylor  Coleridge 
who  once  said,  "I  know  the  Bible 
is  inspired  because  it  finds  me  at 
greater  depths  of  my  being  than 
any  other  book." 

Every  so  often  we  hear  about  a 
soldier  whose  life  was  saved  be- 
cause the  Bible  in  a  shirt  pocket 
covering  his  heart  stopped  a  bul- 
let. This  is  fine.  But  we  must  not 
deduce  from  such  vivid  and  dra- 
matic incidents  that  the  Bible  is  a 
good  luck  charm.  We  must  not  re- 
gard the  Book  as  a  fetish. 

Any  book  can  stop  a  bullet  and 
save  the  life  of  man.  But  only  the 
Bible  can  save  his  soul.  "And  who- 
soever liveth  and  believeth  in  me 
shall   never    die"    (John    11:26). 

Thomas  Adams,  noted  English 
divine  of  the  seventeenth  century, 
pointed  out  that  the  Bible  is  to 
us  what  the  star  was  to  the  Wise 
Men.  But,  he  said,  if  we  spend  all 
our  time  in  gazing  upon  it,  ob- 
serving its  motions,  and  admiring 
its  splendor,  without  being  led  to 
Christ  by  it,  the  use  of  it  will  be 
lost  to  us. 

How  do  you  see  the  Bible?  As 
good  literature?  As  a  guide  to 
ethical  living?  As  a  "letter"  from 
God  to  all  mankind  on  salvation? 

Actually  the  Bible  is  all  of  these. 
But  for  those  in  Christ  the  Book 
is  the  way  to  salvation,  holiness 
and  happiness.  • 


Mine  Eyes  Have  Seen  Tl 


JULIA  WARD  HOWE,  occupant 
of  room  606  in  the  Willard 
Hotel,  Washington,  D.  C,  was 
unable  to  sleep  one  night  over  a 
hundred  years  ago  in  the  year  1862. 
The  Civil  War  had  been  raging 
for  almost  seven  months.  The 
Northern  forces  had  just  suffered 
a  stunning  defeat  at  a  place  called 
Bull  Run.  President  Lincoln  had 
named  General  George  B.  McClel- 
lan  to  head  the  Union  Army. 

The  Willard  Hotel,  situated  as  it 
was  on  Pennsylvania  Avenue,  was 
the  center  of  activities— the  con- 
stant parade  of  troops  passing  by 
on  the  way  to  the  front  at  all  hours 
of  the  day  and  night,  singing  as 
they  marched.  Some  of  the  more 
fortunate  officers  were  able  to  stay 
at  the  Willard  for  a  few  hours  of 
much  needed  sleep.  The  hotel  was 
filled,  but  cots  had  been  set  up  in 
the  corridors,  and  these  were  used 
by  the  weary  soldiers.  Everywhere 
was  the  rush  and  confusion  of  war. 
It  was  in  this  atmosphere  that 
Julia  Ward  Howe  was  inspired  to 
write     the     famous     "The     Battle 

Hymn  of  the  Republic." 

What  was  this  small  attractive 
woman  doing  here  in  a  war-torn 
city?  She  was  with  her  husband, 
Dr.  Samuel  Gridley  Howe,  who  was 
in  Washington  on  official  business 
for  the  Sanitary  Commission,  now 
known  as  the  Red  Cross. 

As  Mrs.  Howe  tossed  restlessly 
about  her  bed  listening  to  the  sing- 
ing soldiers,  the  song  they  sang 
fascinated  her.  She  liked  the  ca- 
dence, the  beat  of  the  music  of 
"John  Brown's  Body."  The  lines 
were  repeated  three  times,  then 
climaxed  with  the  stirring  words. 
"But  his  soul  goes  marching  on." 

Where  had  the  tune  originated? 
Who  had  written  it?  Seemingly  it 
was  a  camp  meeting  song  which 
had  been  brought  back  by  some 
soldiers  at  Fort  Warren,  Massa- 
chusetts, when  they  had  returned 
from  the  South,  following  the  start 
of  the  war.  It  had  been  written  by 
an  unknown  Sunday  school  teach- 
er, William  Steffe. 

The  morning  after  Mrs.  Howe's 
sleepless    night,    her   husband    and 

his  party  were  invited  to  watch  a 
review  of  troops  at  an  army  head- 
quarters just  south  of  Washington. 
While  they  were  there  a  report 
came  that  enemy  troops  had  been 
sighted.  A  hasty  retreat  was  or- 

As  Mrs.  Howe  watched  the  sol- 
diers march  away,  compassion  rose 
in  her;  she  noticed  how  young  they 
were  and  how  brave.  Suddenly 
they  broke  into  the  marching  song, 
"John  Brown's  Body,"  which  she 
had  heard  the  night  before.  Dr. 
Howe's  party  joined  in  the  singing 
with  Mrs.  Howe  as  the  leader.  She 
had  voice  training,  and  her  clear, 
beautiful  voice  rang  out  above  the 

"Sing  it  again,  ma'am."  shouted 
the  soldiers. 

Later  that  day  she  had  a  sudden 
inspiration  to  write  some  words  to 
fit  the  music.  The  few  lines  that 
the  song  contained  seemed  inade- 
quate. As  she  sat  in  her  room  that 
night,  she  heard  the  tramp  of 
marching  feet  outside;  muffled 
commands  came  through  the  win- 



dow.  Going  to  the  window,  she 
looked  out  on  the  long  column  that 
was  headed  for  the  Potomac — rein- 
forcements for  General  McClellan. 
The  men  were  singing. 

Mrs.  Howe,  in  addition  to  being 
an  excellent  singer,  was  also  a 
writer  and  a  poet.  An  impulse 
surged  upon  her:  the  urge  to  write 
overwhelmed  her.  She  crossed  the 
room  to  a  writing  desk.  Picking  up 
a  stub  of  a  pen  and  some  Sanitary 
Commission  stationery,  she  started 
to  write.  Faster  and  faster  she 
wrote  as  the  words  came  to  her 
without   effort. 

They  came  in  the  measured  ca- 
dence of  marching  feet,  line  by 
line.  Writing  swiftly  so  as  not  to 
lose  any  of  her  thoughts,  Mrs. 
Howe  at  last  laid  down  her  pen. 
The  song  was  finished,  and  it  sold 
a  few  weeks  later  for  four  dollars. 
It  was  published  in  the  February 
1862  issue  of  the  Atlantic  Monthly. 

That  might  have  ended  the  story 
of  "The  Battle  Hymn  of  the  Repub- 
lic" but  for  two  times  when  the 
song  was  sung  with  special  mean- 

ing. It  was  these  two  occasions  that 
made  the  hymn  the  beloved  song 
that  it  is. 

The  first  time  the  song  was  sung 
was  in  the  Confederate  prison 
camp  at  Libby,  South  Carolina.  On 
this  occasion  Chaplain  Charles 
McCabe  of  122nd  Ohio  Volunteers 
Infantry  led  the  imprisoned  sol- 
diers in  their  singing. 

Chaplain  McCabe  had  memo- 
rised the  song  before  he  had  been 
captured.  In  the  dark  days  of  im- 
prisonment he  thought  of  home 
and  the  war's  end.  The  guards  had 
told  them  that  the  Union  forces 
had  suffered  a  major  defeat  and 
that  the  North  was  doomed.  The 
prisoners  were  downhearted,  but 
soon  other  news  came  through. 
The  story  that  the  guards  had  told 
them  was  false. 

The  Union  Army  had  won  a  de- 
cisive victory  at  an  unknown  town 
called  Gettysburg.  Like  a  lightning 
flash  the  news  sped  through  the 
prison.  Spirits  rose  to  a  feverish 
pitch.  Chaplain  McCabe  rose  up 
and    started    to    sing    these    words 

"Mme  eyes  have  seen  the  glory." 
Soon  all  the  prisoners  were  sing- 
ing, and  they  sang  the  entire  song 
through  to  the  last  thundering 
chorus:  "Glory!  Glory!  Hallelujah! 
His  truth  is  marching  on." 

The  other  occasion  for  singing 
the  song  was  Julia  Ward  Howe's 
go'ng  to  Washington  to  meet  Pres- 
ident Lincoln.  She  was  now  known 
as  the  author  of  "The  Battle  Hymn 
of  the  Republic."  During  this  meet- 
ing she  was  asked  to  sing  the  song 
that  she  had  written.  She  had 
hardly  finished  the  first  line  when 
everyone  around  her  had  joined 
with  her  in  the  singing.  President 
Lincoln  stood  with  tears  in  his  eyes 
as  the  verses  that  had  inspired  the 
Union  Army  welled  throughout  the 
Capitol  to  unite  the  people  in  an 
intense  patriotic  feeling. 

The  song  continued  to  gain  pop- 
ularity in  the  following  years.  Al- 
though Mrs.  Howe  wrote  other 
songs  and  other  hymns,  none  ap- 
proached the  fame  and  popularity, 
of  "The  Battle  Hymn  of  the  Repub- 
lic." • 


*  Bobbie  Lauster  is  the  wife  of 
the  Reverend  Walter  Lauster,  mis- 
sionary to  France.  Bobbie,  a  native 
of  Florida,  is  a  vibrant  Christian 
and  an  excellent  writer.  Besides 
having  written  numerous  articles, 
she  recently  authored  "Herman 
Lauster:  One  Man  and  God" — a 
book  about  her  father-in-law  who 
pioneered  the  Church  of  God  in 


of  a  Lifetime 


THE  PICTURE  SHOWED  a  large  black  mass 
suspended  in  midair.  The  caption  explained 
that  a  famous  Englishman  has  taken  up  water 
skiing  as  a  sport.  He  was  depicted  taking  a  thrilling 
kite  ride.  One  who  understands  a  bit  about  water  ski- 
ing knows  that  this  is  achieved  by  skiing  at  a  high 
speed  while  carrying  a  giant-sized  kite.  At  a  certain 
velocity,  the  kite  takes  wind  and  lifts  the  skier  into 
the  air  after  which  he  glides  slowly  back  to  the  surface 
of  the  water.  The  man  in  the  picture  recommends 
this  sport  for  thrills.  He  said,  "There  is  nothing  quite 
like  it." 

In  Europe  a  great  many  people  enjoy  flying  gliders. 
One  enthusiast  explained  that  he  enjoys  the  excite- 
ment of  courting  danger  in  the  atmosphere.  He  said, 

"If  you  can  master  a  glider,  an  airplane  is  child's 
play  after  that." 

More  and  more,  young  people  are  experimenting 
with  drugs.  The  result  is  almost  always  disasterous. 
You  have  read  what  horrible  crimes  have  been  com- 
mitted by  persons  who  were  drug  addicts.  Recently 
there  was  such  a  tragic,  needless  death  of  a  bicycle 
racer.  Tom  Simpson,  a  famous  racer,  was  among  the 
foremost  in  an  important  race.  The  course  was  diffi- 
cult, and  the  weather  very  hot. 

The  young  man  was  not  in  top  physical  form  and  to 
induce  his  weakened  body  to  perform  beyond  its  ca- 
pacity, he  took  pep  pills.  Near  the  highest  point  of  that 
day's  race,  he  fell.  He  got  up  and  continued  but 
soon  fell  again.  The  last  time  he  fell,  he  did  not  rise. 
A  helicopter  rushed  him  to  a  hospital,  but  the  drugs, 
the  heat,  and  the  exhaustion  had  done  their  deadly 
work.  The  young  man  died. 

Mountain  climbing  attracts  some  people  like  a  mag- 
net. They  will  go  to  any  length  and  to  any  amount  of 
suffering  to  scale  treacherous  mountain  heights.  Not 
even  the  numerous,  violent  deaths  of  other  climbers 
discourage  them.  They  will  talk  for  hours  about  the 
excitement  of  mountain  climbing. 

What  is  your  passion?  Are  you  an  addict  of  car  or 
bicycle  racing,  bird  watching,  or  hiking?  Perhaps  you 
prefer  spearfishmg.  skin  diving,  or  football. 

Many  young  people  have  lost  all  sense  of  balance 
and  value  in  their  mad  search  for  new,  bigger,  and 
better  thrills.  Once  tasted,  these  pleasures  pass,  and 
the  void  is  worse  than  before.  They  fail  utterly  to  sat- 

Here  is  the  only  cure:  Take  hold  of  Jesus  Christ  and 
enlist  in  His  service,  and  you  will  have  the  sole  expe- 
rience that  satisfies.  Nothing  can  thrill  your  soul  like 
Jesus.  Your  search  for  excitement  will  be  over,  for 
you  will  have  discovered  the  Pearl  of  Great  Price.  • 


Pueblo  Choir 

The  teen-agers  in  the  church  at 
Pueblo,  Colorado,  are  taking  an  ac- 
tive part  in  our  services.  We  are 
so  thankful  for  them  and  for  their 
interest  in  the  church's  activities. 

When  regular  officers  were  in- 
stalled in  the  Young  People's  En- 
deavor (YPE)  in  September,  cor- 
responding teen-age  officers  were 
elected  to  serve  as  assistants  to  the 
regular  officers. 

The  teen-age  officers  serve  only 
four  months,  at  which  time  an- 
other set  of  officers  are  elected  so 
as  to  give  other  teen-agers  an  op- 
portunity  to   serve. 

When  the  teen-age  officers  were 
installed,  they  began  immediately 
to  work  on  plans  to  create  a  Youth 
Fund  so  as  to  be  able  to  finance 
their  own  entertainment.  To  date 
they  have  sponsored  a  taco  supper 
and  a  spaghetti  supper.  Using  the 
profits  from  these  suppers,  they 
have  helped  buy  paint  for  paint- 
ing the  parsonage  and  now  are 
saving  money  toward  buying  new 
hymnals  for  the  church.  Also  they 
recently  gave  a  Halloween  party 
and  invited  all  of  the  children  of 
our  YPE.  The  teen-agers  have  also 
formed  a  youth  choir.  Margie 
Smith  instructed  and  led  the  choir 
for  several  weeks,  but  now  they 
are  able  to  function  on  their  own 
with  a  teen-ager  as  their  leader. 
We  thank  the  Lord  for  all  our 
youth  and  ask  your  prayers  in 
guiding  them  toward  a  real  rela- 
tionship with  Christ  through  the 

— Gale  A.  Barnett,  pastor 




We   have  an 
excellent  memory 
course  designed  for 
students  nine  through 
fourteen  years  of  age. 
The  three  year  course 
is  also  practical   for  use 
in  the  home. 






100%  PROFIT 

$60.00  CASH  every  time  10  members  of  your 
roup  each  sell  12  cans  of  Kitchen-Fresh  Choc- 
olettes  or  Coconettes  at  $1.00  per  can. 
'"%  PROFIT!  The  one-lb.  size  canisters  cost 
your  group  only  50c  each — -sell  for  $1.00! 
NO  INVESTMENT!  NOT  EVEN  lc!  Order  120 
200  cans  today.  Take  up  to  30  days  to  send 
payment.  Give  your  name,  title,  phone  number 
and  complete  address,  the  name,  address,  etc. 
of  2nd  officer,  name  of  group,  quantity  of  each 
desired,  and  nearest  Freight  office  (no  parcel 
post).  Extras  sent  FREE  to  cover  shipping  cost 
east  of  Rockies.  OFFER  OPEN  TO  GROUPS 


Dept.  4-45 
900  North    19th  Street 

Designed  by  Geneva  Carroll, 
authority  on  Sunday  school 
memory  work,   the  course 
plants  the  Word  of  God 
firmly  within   the   mind   of 
the  student.   Write  for  free 
sample  materials. 

Memory  Course 
Editorial   Department 
922  Montgomery  Avenue 
Cleveland.  Tennessee  37311 


Special    prices    to    ministers     For    com 
plete    information    write 


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THE  DEPRESSION  of  1902- 
1905  had  reached  its  peak. 
Even  the  rich  were  suffer- 
ing from  financial  losses,  and  the 
poor  were   starving! 

James  Edgar  Helms,  pastor  of 
the  Morgan  Memorial  Chapel  in 
the  slums  of  Boston,  had  been 
working  with  the  neglected  immi- 
grants of  that  large  city.  He  and 
his  co-workers  had  provided  day 
nurseries  for  infants  and  toddlers 
so  that  they  would  have  proper 
care  while  their  mothers  worked. 
He  had  provided  a  refuge  for  the 
hobos,  a  free  employment  bureau 
to  find  iobs  for  the  needy,  and  a 
trade  school  for  the  restless  youth. 
To  all  he  preached  the  gospel  as  he 
helped   them   in   practical   ways. 

But  now  the  depression!  Mr. 
Helms  could  get  no  more  donations 
from  the  rich.  They  had  no  money 
to  spare,  but  they  did  have  old 
clothes,  shoes  and  furniture  that 
they  no  longer  needed.  Mr.  Helms 

went  out  with  a  wheelbarrow  to 
collect  these  castoffs  from  h  i  s 
wealthy  friends.  Spreading  out  the 
secondhand  things  on  the  pews  of 
the  Morgan  Memorial  Chapel,  he 
invited  the  poor  to  come  and  take 
what  they  needed. 

Hunger  and  want  had  changed 
the  respectable  immigrants  into  a 
howling  mob.  When  Mr.  Helms  saw 
how  they  snatched  greedily  at  the 
articles  of  clothing,  grabbing  and 
pushing  like  animals,  he  pounded 
on  the  pulpit  and  rebuked  them 

"This  is  the  House  of  God.  You 
cannot  act  like  this.  Get  out  at 
once.  I  must  find  some  other  way." 

Shamefacedly  the  people  drop- 
ped the  clothing  and  slunk  out. 
After  they  had  gone,  Mr.  Helms 
sat  alone,  thought  and  prayed  for 
a  long  while.  He  realized  that  he 
had  made  a  mistake.  These  folks 
were  not  beggars.  They  were  re- 
spectable people,  but  he  had  made 

them  beggars  by  offering  the 
goods  free  of  charge.  He  vowed  that 
with  God's  help  he  would  help  these 
people  without  robbing  them  of 
their  self-respect.  Opening  a  small 
office,  he  offered  the  articles  of 
clothing  for  sale  at  a  nominal 

But  this  was  still  not  the  answer. 
Most  of  the  people  had  no  money 
at  all — not  even  for  food.  They 
could  not  buy  what  they  needed 
no  matter  how  inexpensive  it  was! 

One  dark  day  the  employment 
bureau  at  the  chapel  was  over- 
crowded with  men  and  women  cry- 
ing for  jobs. 

"I'll  do  anything,  Reverend,"  one 
pleaded.  "My  child  is  starving.  I 
have  to  find  work."  Similar  requests 
came    from   everyone. 

As  Dr.  Helms  looked  at  the  mass 
of  desperate  people,  he  realized 
that  what  they  wanted  was  not 
charity  but  a  chance.  God  showed 
him    what    to    do.    Beckoning    for 


silence,  he  revealed  his  plan.  He 
would  hire  them  all! 

Some  of  the  men  would  go  to  the 
homes  of  the  wealthy  to  collect 
discarded  clothes,  shoes,  rags,  paper, 
furniture  or  anything  that  could 
be  made  usable.  Others  would  ster- 
ilize the  discards.  Still  others  would 
sort;  some  would  sew,  repair  shoes 
and  toys,  fix  old  furniture. 

"And  what  then?"  somebody 

The  repaired  articles  would  be 
offered  for  sale  as  cheaply  as 
possible  to  the  very  people  who  had 
worked  to  repair  them.  They  could 
buy  them  with  their  wages  or  work 
for  them. 

Cries  of  joy  went  up  as  the 
starving  people  heard  the  plan. 
This  was  not  a  handout;  this  was 
an  opportunity  to  work  and  to  pro- 
vide for  their  families.  The  immi- 
grants were  ready  to  listen  to  the 
preaching  of  the  young  pastor  who 
was  giving  them  a  chance. 

This  is  the  way  the  Goodwill 
Industries  was  born.  Today  the 
used  articles  are  collected  and 
hauled  by  huge  trucks  instead  of 
by  wheelbarrows.  During  our  times 
of  prosperity  the  emphasis  is  on 
the  crippled  and  handicapped.  The 
handicapped  are  given  "not  charity 
but  a  chance"  to  earn  their  own 
living,  thus  maintaining  their  self- 
respect  and  independpnce.  They 
learn  to  use  their  crippled  limbs 
to  repair  articles  which  are  sold 
at  Goodwill  stores. 

Goodwill  Industries  has  spread 
to  many  other  cities  of  the  United 
States,  and  even  to  foreign  coun- 
tries such  as  Japan,  the  Philippine 
Islands.  Australia,  India,  Uruguay, 
Peru,  Venezuela,  Bogota  and  Colom- 

Dr.  Helms'  dying  wish  was  that 
the  organization  he  had  started 
might  never  become  just  another 
social  organization,  but  might 
reach  also  the  souls  of  men.  Men, 
women  and  children  must  be  given 
a  chance  not  only  to  live  well  on 
this  earth  but  also  to  prepare  for 
that   better   home    above. 

"Not  charitv  but  a  chance"  be- 
came the  slogan  of  the  organization, 
and  how  aptly  those  words  describe 
it!  • 


We  of  the  Ocoee,  Florida,  Church 
of  God  are  very  proud  of  our 
Family  Training  Hour  (YPE)  ser- 
vice. S'nce  April  26  of  this  year,  we 
have  broken  our  previous  record  at- 
tendances nine  times.  Our  presi- 
dent, Charles  Wayne  Burdick,  is 
doing  a  wonderful  job  with  our 
young  people,  and  we  do  praise  the 
Lord  for  him. 

Our  pastor,  the  Reverend  S.  Jack 
Powell,  and  his  wife  are  working 
hard.  Since  they  have  come,  our 
Sunday  school  attendance  has 
climbed  from  the  low  30's  to  138 
and  the  YPE  attendance  has  in- 
creased from  11  to  217. 

The  Lord  has  been  good  to  us, 
and  we  want  to  share  the  good  news 
with  you.  Pray  for  us  each  time  you 
pray  that  the  Lord  will  continue  to 
bless  our  efforts  for  Him. 

— Reporter 


Charged   with  the   power   of   God, 

his  prayer 
Electrified  the  quiet  air; 
Each  word  became   a  living  wire, 
Connecting    earth    with    heavenly 

And   those   unflinching   souls   who 

Close  to  that  wire,  burst  into  flame. 
— Belle    Chapman    Morrill 


Winter  rolled  out  a  snow  carpet 
That  glistens  with  a  silver  sheen; 
And  the  countryside  everywhere 
Is  a  Currier  and  Ives  scene. 

Crystal  trees  sparkle  with  diamonds 
In  the  bright  golden  morning  sun; 
Rosy-cheeked   children   with   their 

Are  now  having,  oh,  so  much  fun. 

God's    coming    year    holds    many 

But  not  any  of  them   I   know 
Affords  more  beauty  and  pleasure 
Than   does  winter  with  its  snow! 
— Earle  J.  Grant 

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By  J.    E.    DeVORE' 


*The  Reverend  J.  E.  DeVore,  state 
overseer  of  the  Church  of  God  in 
Wisconsin,  is  a  contributing  editor 
to   the   "Lighted   Pathway." 

\A/      HEN  A  MAN  forgets  God, 

▼  V  there  will  be  breakers 
ahead.  Neglecting  his  sal- 
vation is  a  most  costly  negligence 
(Hebrews  2:1-31.  He  will  learn 
that  the  way  of  the  transgressor 
is  difficult  (Proverbs  13:15).  Moses 
said.  "When  thou  hast  eaten  and 
art  full.  .  .  .  Beward  that  thou  for- 
get not  the  Lord  thy  God"  (Deu- 
teronomy 8:10,  11). 

In  his  youth  Solomon  prayed  not 
for  riches,  but  for  wisdom  to 
faithfully  judge  Israel.  In  his  later 
years,  he  seemed  to  thmk  much  of 
money  but  little  of  his  people. 
Thus,  we  see  the  decline  of  a  great 
leader.  Prosperity  ruined  this  man. 
Too  much  sunshine  made  Sahara 
(King  Solomon)  a  desert.  He  mar- 
ried an  Egyptian  princess  and 
traded  with  Egypt.  Israel's  old  en- 

emy had  become  her  friend,  a  dan- 
gerous friend  indeed. 

Hadad  came  out  of  Egypt.  From 
time  to  time,  his  troops  injured 
God's  people.  Solomon  showed 
weakness  and  indifference  in  per- 
mitting these  outbreaks,  which  he 
could  have  easily  quelled;  but  a 
graver  trouble  was  brewing  that 
was  to  endanger  the  stability  of 
the  nation  and  to  change  its  des- 
tiny. Jeroboam,  son  of  Nebat,  an 
Ephraimite,  was  conspiring  against 
the  throne. 

The  indolence  of  the  king  in- 
creased. In  the  company  of  his 
heathen  wives  and  concubines,  he 
forgot  his  people  and  His  God.  To 
please  his  wives,  he  built  shrines 
for  their  idols;  he  ended  by  wor- 
shiping those  false  gods  himself.  He 
refused  to  heed  the  warning  words 

of  Ahijah.  He  lived  on  in  luxury, 
while  the  people  complained  under 
the  burden  of  heavy  taxation.  The 
union  between  north  and  south 
had  never  been  very  close.  A  final 
rupture  was  coming. 

Solomon  died,  leaving  his  son  on 
a  shaky  throne.  The  sunshine  of 
prosperity  was  upon  his  kingdom, 
yet  "a  cloud  like  a  man's  hand" 
could  be  seen  in  the  distance. 
Jeroboam  returned  from  Egypt.  Is- 
rael and  Judah  became  two  na- 
tions. They  were  strong  together. 
Now  divided,  one  would  fall  and 
then  the  other.  The  chosen  people 
would  be  dispersed,  scattered  on 
the  breakers  ahead. 

Where  lies  our  greatest  strength 
as  a  nation?  as  a  church?  Surely 
it  is  in  remembering  to  love  God 
enough   to  serve   Him   only.   When 


a  nation,  or  a  church,  or  a  man 
forgets  God,  there  will  be  breakers 

Solomon  may  have  been  overly 
protected  by  indulgent  parents.  If 
the  storms  in  our  lives  come  early, 
they  could  serve  to  make  us  strong 
in  character,  in  uprightness,  in 
faith,  in  steadfastness  to  God's  will 
and  purpose. 

Look  at  Jacob.  He  gives  us  a 
contrary  picture.  He  began  badly. 
He  was  a  worm  in  his  youth.  He 
was  a  paradox.  He  was  full  of  con- 
tradictions. He  was  contemptible. 
He  was  mean  and  small,  but  the 
storms  and  struggles  of  life  im- 
proved him.  As  the  years  rolled  on, 
this  swindler  became  a  prince.  He 
received  an  experience  with  God. 
"Fear  not,  thou  worm  Jacob  .  .  . 
I  will  help  thee,  saith  the  Lord" 
(Isaiah  41:14).  The  crisis  at  Bethel 
was  a  step  in  the  right  direction. 

His  spiritual  experiences  trans- 
formed him.  We  finally  see  him  as 
one  favored  of  God,  a  man  of  God 
with  visions  of  God's  glory,  a 
prophet  who  knew  how  to  com- 
municate with  the  Lord.  He  learned 
his  lesson  fully  at  Peniel.  That  was 
his  breaker.  It  was  there  that  he 
won  the  victory  over  his  baser  self. 
We,  too,  can  be  used  of  God,  when 
at  last  we  lie  defeated,  humbled  at 
His  feet,  our  own  strength  gone, 
and  our  all  surrendered  to  our  Sav- 
iour. He  uses  broken  things  (men). 

There  are  breakers  which  God 
allows  to  come  our  way  that  we 
cannot  escape.  "We  know  that  all 
things  work  together  for  good  to 
them  that  love  God,  to  them  who 
are  the  called  according  to  his 
purpose"  (Romans  8:28).  He  some- 
times permits  adversity  to  come 
our  way  for  our  eternal  good.  Jo- 
seph said  to  his  brothers,  "When 
you  threw  me  in  the  pit  and  sold 
me  as  a  slave,  you  meant  it  for 
evil  but  God  meant  it  for  good." 

So,  Christian  young  person,  with- 
out fear  face  with  faith  and  con- 
fidence in  the  Lord  all  the  break- 
ers, the  storms,  the  troubles  of  life; 
wrestle  until  you  receive  the  prom- 
ised benefit.  Breakers  become 
blessings  as  you  overcome  them 
through  preserving  prayer.  • 


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pany my  income  had 
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Segment  of  Life 


BON'T  YOU  think  that  a 
hundred  years  from  now 
science  will  take  the  place 
of  religion?" 

Monro  Miller  had  never  been  con- 
fronted with  a  more  direct  ques- 
tion in  all  his  fifteen  years  as  a 
high  school  sociology  teacher.  With- 
out thinking,  he  answered,  "No." 

"Why  do  you  say  that?"  Tad 
Bronson  wanted  to  know. 

His  thin  face  felt  hot.  He  had  no 
answer.   "I'll  think  about  it." 

The  students  looked  at  one  anoth- 
er in  astonishment.  The  student 
who  had  fired  the  question  at  him, 
rolled  his  eyes  with  a  bored  ex- 
pression. "Okay — okay.  I  heard 

Monro  looked  nervously  at  his 
watch.  "Class  dismissed."  The  bell 

had  not  rung,  but  he  had  to  get 
the  kids  off  his  neck.  "You  know 
what  the  assignment  is  for  tomor- 
row," he  said  as  the  students  filed 
past  him.  He  had  never  felt  more 
uneasy  in  his  life.  This  was  the 
first  time  a  question  had  been  di- 
rected to  him,  and  he  had  not 
been  able  to  come  up  with  an  ade- 
quate answer. 

The  words  raced  through  his 
mind:  "Don't  you  think  that  a  hun- 
dred years  from  now  science  will 
take  the  place  of  religion?"  He 
slowly  closed  his  briefcase.  He  had 
failed  as  a  teacher,  he  thought.  He 
had  failed  to  come  up  with  the 
full  answer!  He  ran  his  hand 
through  his  greying  hair,  picked 
up  his  briefcase,  and  walked  to  the 

On  the  way  home  he  drove  along 
the  lakeshore,  trying  to  think  of 
an  answer  for  his  student.  Sure,  he 
realized,  he  believed  in  God;  but  it 
had  been  weeks  since  he  had 
prayed.  He  slowed  his  car  and 
pulled  off  the  road.  He  shook  his 
head.  He  had  failed  as  a  teacher. 

He  turned  off  the  ignition  and 
stared  at  the  rolling  waves  as  they 
beat  against  the  rocks.  How  many 
times  had  these  waves  dashed 
against  the  shore  since  he  had  last 
prayed?  he  wondered.  Sea  gulls 
glided  effortlessly  above  him.  He 
got  out  of  his  car  and  watched  them. 
Slowly  he  made  his  way  to  the 
shoreline.  There  had  to  be  an  an- 

swer to  that  boy's  question,  he 
thought   desperately. 

Dear  God,  he  prayed,  please 
give  me  an  answer.  Today  he  had 
failed  as  a  teacher — and  as  a  man. 
He  had  failed  because  he  could 
not  give  a  reasonable  reply  to  a 
student's  question.  The  words  thun- 
dered through  him:  "Don't  you 
think  that  a  hundred  years  from 
now  science  will  take  the  place  of 

He  looked  down  at  his  feet  as  a 
crimson  leaf  was  washed  ashore. 
He  stooped  and  picked  it  up.  He 
observed  the  various  veins  in  the 
leaf.  This  was  the  work  of  a  per- 
fectionist. Carefully,  he  placed  the 
small  leaf  into  his  shirt  pocket  and 
proceeded  back  toward  his  car. 

Reaching  the  car,  he  inhaled  the 
brisk  air.  Maybe  with  this  leaf  God 
could  give  him  the  answer  which 
he  so  desperately  needed. 

Monro  sat  at  his  desk.  He  looked 
at  his  watch:  2:00  p.m.  He  glanced 
at  the  assemblage  of  students  be- 
fore him.  "Students,  the  class  will 
now  start." 

The  roll  call  was  taken  in  an  or- 
derly  fashion,    as   usual. 

He  stood  and  walked  to  the  black- 
board. "Yesterday,"  Monro  began, 
"I  was  asked  a  very  important 
question  by  one  of  the  students. 
The  question  went  like  this:  'Don't 
you  think  that  a  hundred  years 
from  now  science  will  take  the 
place   of   religion?'"  He   eyed   Tad 


Bronson.  He  reached  into  his  shirt 
pocket  and  pulled  out  the  small, 
crimson  leaf  which  he  had  found 
on  the  beach.  "This  afternoon, 
twenty-four  hours  later,  I  have  my 
answer."  He  walked  over  to  a  girl 
in  the  front  row  and  handed  her 
the  leaf.  "Please  pass  this  down  the 
line  to  Tad  Bronson." 

The  students  watched  curiously 
as  Tad  took  the  leaf,  holding  it 
by  the  stem. 

Monro  asked,  "Tell  me,  Tad.  What 
do  you  see?" 

"Why  a  leaf,  of  course." 

"Where  did  this  leaf  come  from?" 

Tad  grinned  smugly.  "From  a 

"Then  where  did  the  tree  come 

"From — from    a    seed." 

"And  the  seed?"  Monro  ques- 

"From — from    another    tree." 

"And  that  tree?" 

Tad,  with  a  look  of  confusion, 
said,  "Come  on,  Teach.  Knock  it 

Monro  walked  to  his  desk.  "Ev- 
erything has  to  start  from  some- 
thing." He  picked  up  a  piece  of 
chalk  from  his  desk.  "Even  this 
chalk  had  a  creator.  Someone  had 
to  make  it."  He  walked  to  the  black- 
board. "No,  science  will  never  take 
the  place  of  religion — not  even  in  a 
thousand  years.  That  leaf  that  I 
gave  Tad  is  but  a  small  example 
of  creation.  True,  science  tells  us 
much  about  the  world  in  which  we 
live  but  it  does  not  tell  us  every- 
thing. Science  gives  us  only  a  par- 
tial explanation  of  reality.  The  in- 
formation given  to  us  by  science  is 
but  a  segment  of  life— it  must  be 
completed  by  the  data  of  religion 
and  philosophy." 

Tad  held  the  leaf  in  his  hand. 
Silence  prevailed.  Monro  walked  to 
his  desk;  he  seated  himself  and 
opened  his  briefcase.  "Any  ques- 
tions Tad?" 

Tad  said  quietly,  "Mr.  Miller,  I 
have  no  further  questions." 

Monro  smiled.  He  observed  his 
students;  their  eyes  were  respect- 
fully upon  him.  He  was  their  teach- 
er once  more.  "Now  for  today's  as- 
signment." • 



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The    Value    of    Trials 

from  page  9 

you:  but  reioice.  inasmuch  as  ye 
are  partakers  of  Christ's  suffer- 
ings; that,  when  his  glory  shall  be 
revealed,  ye  may  be  glad  also  with 
exceeding  joy"  (1  Peter  4:12.  13). 
This  scripture  literally  reads,  "Sfop 
thinking  it  a  thing  alien  to  you." 
Christianity  does  not  mean  im- 
munity from  suffering  and  trial.  If 
one  is  to  be  identified  with  the 
Lord  Jesus  Christ,  he  must  suf- 

Must   Jesus   bear   the   cross   alone, 
And  all   the  world   go  free? 
No.   there's   a   cross   for  ev'ry  one, 
And  there's  a  cross  for  me. 

Must   I  be   carried   to  the   sky, 

On  tlowerv  beds  of  ease, 

While    others    fought    to    rain    the 

And  sailed  through  bloody  seas? 

Trials  are  a  test  of  character, 
and  those  Christians  whom  God 
uses  in  the  greatest  measure  are 
usually  tried  the  most.  There  is  an 
adage  that  savs.  "We  must  be 
ground  between  the  millstones  of 
suffering  before  we  can  be  bread 
for  the  multitude."  Joseph's  trial 
in  Pharaoh's  dungeon  was  a  grad- 
uate course  in  patience  which 
brought  him  to  the  presidency  of 
Egvpt.  The  trials  through  which 
Job  traveled  made  his  tongue  the 
pen  of  a  readv  writer,  and  through 
him  we  have  the  beautiful  piece  of 
literature  called  the  book  of  Job. 
The  trial  of  Abraham  on  Mount 
Moriah  was  the  supreme  test  which 
earned  him  the  title  "Father  of  the 

When  the  Christian  comes  to 
realize  that  this  world  is  not  his 
portion  and  that  the  sufferings  of 
this  present  time  are  not  worthy 
to  be  compared  with  the  glory 
which  shall  be  revealed  in  him, 
then  he  is  in  a  position  to  have 
the  right  outlook  on  life.  God  has 
not  promised  the  Christian  free- 
dom from  burdens.  He  did  prom- 
ise that  He  would  make  his  bur- 
dens light.  He  has  not  eliminated 
the  yoke,  but  He  promised  that  He 
would  make  the  yoke  easy.  He  has 

not  sheltered  His  people  from 
cares,  but  He  promised  that  they 
could  cast  all  of  those  cares  on 
Him.  He  did  not  say  that  they 
would  not  have  afflictions,  but  He 
did  say  that  "our  light  afflictions 
which  are  but  for  a  moment  work- 
eth  for  us  a  far  more  and  ex- 
ceeding  eternal    weight    of    glory." 

Sometimes  trials  are  the  disci- 
plinary action  of  God.  God  allows 
trials  to  bring  one  into  conformity 
with  the  image  of  His  Son.  "For 
whom  the  Lord  loveth  he  chasten- 
eth,  and  scourgeth  every  son  whom 
he  receiveth"  (Hebrews  12:6).  If 
your  trial  is  one  of  discipline  from 
God,  thank  Him  for  it.  "Happy  is 
the  man  whom  God  correcteth" 
(Job  5:17). 

Therefore,  through  trials,  God  is 
glorified  on  our  behalf  (1  Peter 
4:16).  Trials  will  produce  praise, 
honor,  and  glory  at  the  appearing 
of  Jesus  Christ  (1  Peter  1:7).  They 
are  a  test  of  character  (Job  23: 
10,  James  1:2,3),  prepare  one  for 
the  greater  tasks  in  life,  identify 
us  with  Christ  (1  Peter  4:13),  work 
out  patience  in  our  lives  (Ro- 
mans 5:3),  yield  a  peaceable  fruit 
of  righteousness,  and  are  more 
precious  than  gold  that  perisheth.  • 


By  Donald  S.  Aultman 

National  Director 
November  Attendance 
Barbados   (River  Road), 

West  Indies  ....  322 

Greenville  (Tremont 

Avenue),  South  Carolina  213 
Cincinnati  (Central 

Parkway),  Ohio  -      ...  189 

Jesup,  Georgia ....  182 

Gastonia   (Ranlo), 

North  Carolina  .. .  165 

Hamilton   (Princeton  Pike), 

Ohio  ....  150 

Buford,  Georgia  146 

Atlanta   (Mount  Paran), 

Georgia -  144 

Wyandotte,  Michigan  ....  ....  ....  136 

Pulaski,  Virginia ....  ... .     135 

Radford,  Virginia  134 

Canton    (Canton  Temple), 

Ohio  ....  132 

Lakeland    (Lake   Wire), 

Florida  118 

Wilmington    (4th  St.), 

North  Carolina     

Flint    (West),   Michigan    ... 
Jacksonville    (Springfield), 

Florida  ....  ....  .... 

Jackson    (Bailey   Avenue), 


Chattanooga    I  North ) , 

Tennessee  _  

Kannapolis    (Elm  St.), 

North   Carolina   _ 
Tampa    (E.  Buffalo 

Avenue),  Florida  _ 
Jacksonville    (North), 

Florida    .     

Roanoke  Rapids, 

North  Carolina  ... 
Morganton,  North 

Carolina      . 

Brooklyn,    Maryland 
Lorain,    Ohio    ....   ... .    . 

South  Lebanon,  Ohio 
Vanceburg,  Kentucky 
Wilson,  North  Carolina  _. 
Chester,  South  Carolina 

Naples,  Florida  .... 

Cahokia,  Illinois  

Dalton    (East  Morris  St.), 

Georgia  .... 

Poplar,  California . 

Soddy    (Dividing   Ridge), 

Tennessee   ... 

Lemmon,   South   Dakota 
North    Ridgeville,    Ohio    ... 

Plant  City,  Florida  .._.  

Somerset,    Pennsylvania    _. 
Glendale,  Arizona  ....  ....  .. 

Austin,  Indiana  .... . 

Graham,  Texas  ....  ....  ....  .. 

Indianapolis,  Indiana 
Covington    (Shepherds 

Fold),  Louisiana  .. 

Lancaster,  Ohio  ....  

Portland    (Powell  Blvd.), 


Kannapolis    (Earle   St.), 

North   Carolina   ....   ....   .. 

Norfolk    (Azalea   Garden), 


Washington  Park, 

Illinois  ....  ....  .... 

Johnson  City,  Tennessee 

Hurst,  Texas . 

Ft.  Lauderdale    (4th  Ave.), 

Florida  ... . . 

Pompano  Beach, 


Long   Beach,    California    .. 
Corbin   (Center  St.), 

Kentucky  ....  ....  ....  ....  .. 

Jackson  (Leavell  Woods), 



























Mississippi  ....  ....  _ 

.     72 

Moose  Jaw,  Sask., 

Canada  _„ .._. 

..    72 

West  Frankfort, 


.      72 

North,    South    Carolina    


West  Columbia, 

South   Carolina   ....  ....    .. 


Jackson,   Ohio _ 


Salisbury    (Morlan   Park), 

North   Carolina      


Thorn,  Mississippi 


Conway  (North), 

South  Carolina 


Somerset  (Cotter  Ave.), 

Kentucky  „ 

.     68 

North  Spartanburg, 

South   Carolina   


Addison,  Alabama ....  . 

.     65 

Elyria,  Ohio  . 

.     65 

Sanford  (W.  22nd  St.), 



Charlottesville,   Virginia 


Flint  (Kearsley  Park), 



Granite  Falls, 

North  Carolina  .... . 

..     62 

Manns  Choice, 

Pennsylvania  _  ....  ....  . 

.     62 

Winter  Haven    (West), 



Louisville   (Pleasure 

Ridge),  Kentucky  ....  ....  _ 


New  Haven,  Connecticut  ....  . 


Orangeburg    (Palmetto   St.), 

South   Carolina .. 


Shelby,   North   Carolina   .  .   . 


Uhrichsville,  Ohio 

.     59 

Cleveland   (Detroit  Avenue), 



Kings   Mountain, 

North   Carolina   ...  . 

.     57 

Dayton,  Tennessee  .. 

.     56 

Red  Bay,  Alabama  



Pennsylvania  ...    . 


Lake  Worth,  Florida  .... 


Princeton,  West  Virginia 


Leicester,  New  York   ..     

..     54 

Yakima,  Washington 

..     54 

Jacksonville,  North 

Carolina   _ . 

..     53 

Lawrenceville   (Collins 

and  8th  St.),  Illinois . 

-     53 

Pueblo,  Colorado . 

..     53 

Donalds,  South  Carolina  

..     52 

West  Logan, 

West  Virginia  

.     52 

Anchorage   (7th  and 

"K"  St.),  Alaska 

-     51 


i  Unit-Molded 
i  Accessories  f'WB  ' 

Wiedemann  $ndubfoie&,  tfnc. 

Box  672   Dept.  J5,   Muscatine,   Iowa      , 




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By   FLOYD   D.   CAREY 


Daily  Devotions  for  Christian  Teens 

Instructions:  Read  the  assigned  Bible  chapters  or 
verses.  Meditate  on  the  message  and  consider  the  de- 
votional comments.  Pray  for  the  designated  person  or 

Devotions  in  Mark.  Writer-Mark.  Date  ivritten-A.D.  67. 
Purpose — To  present  Christ  as  the  mighty  wonder- 
working servant  of  God. 

THURSDAY,  February  1,  Read:  Verses  1-20,  Chapter 

1.  Meditate:  A  Christian  teen  should  be  well  groomed; 
but  to  what  extent  should  he  try  to  keep  up  with 
fashion  trends?  Did  John  have  this  problem  (v.  6)? 
Pray:  For  the  underprivileged  children  in  your  church 
or  community. 

FRIDAY,  February  2,  Read:  Verses  21-45,  Chapter  1. 
Meditate:  Many  Christian  teens  begin  each  school 
day  with  prayer.  Is  this  a  good  policy?  Review  verse 
35.  Pray:  That  your  teachers  at  school  would  be  dedi- 
cated to  their  work  and  that  they  would  respect  Chris- 
tian ideals. 

SATURDAY,  February  3,  Read:  Verses  1-17,  Chapter 

2.  Meditate:  Is  there  a  difference  between  faith  and 
determined  faith?  How  is  determined  faith  linked  to 
solving  personal  social  problems?  Pray:  For  the  suc- 
cess of  upcoming  social  activities  sponsored  by  the 
local  church. 

SUNDAY,  February  4,  Read:  Verses  18-28,  Chapter  2. 
Meditate:  Do  you  think  some  teens  try  to  get  by  on 
patchwork  dedication  (v.  21)?  What  is  the  difference 
between  patchwork  dedication  and  total  surrender? 
Pray:  For  guidance  in  personal  dedication,  service, 
and  Christian  growth. 

MONDAY,  February  5,  Read:  Verses  1-15,  Chapter  3. 
Meditate:  What  law  or  code  should  govern  the  con- 
duct of  a  Christian  (v.  4)?  Pray:  For  editor  Clyne  W. 
Buxton  and  the  vital  ministry  of  the  Lighted  Pathioay. 

TUESDAY,  February  6,  Read:  Verses  16-35,  Chapter  3. 
Meditate:  What  position  do  Christian  teens  occupy 
in  Christ  if  they  do  the  will  of  His  Father  (v.  35)? 
Pray:  For  your  parents,  brothers,  and  sisters — their 
health  and  happiness. 

WEDNESDAY,  February  7,  Read:  Chapter  4.  Meditate: 
What  can  the  wayside,  stony  ground,  and  thorns  be 
compared  to  in  regard  to  teen-age  evangelism  today? 
Pray:  For  the  effectiveness  of  tract  crusades  and  door- 
to-door  canvassing  by  local  youth  groups. 

THURSDAY,  February  8,  Read:  Chapter  5.  Meditate: 
Can  home  life  or  friendship  wounds  be  healed  if  a 
young  person  will  touch  the  garment  of  Christ  in 
faith?  Pray:  For  the  senior  citizens  and  the  shut-ins 
in  your  neighborhood. 

FRIDAY,  February  9,  Read:  Chapter  6.  Meditate:  "Be 
of  good  cheer:  it  is  I;  be  not  afraid"  are  the  assuring 
words  of  Christ  to  His  faithful  followers.  Pray:  For 
increased  faith  to  recognize  the  presence  and  power 
of  Christ  to  assist  you  in  every  problem  or  trial  that 
you  may  face. 

SATURDAY,  February  10,  Read:  Chapter  7.  Meditate: 
"Some  people,"  stated  Christ,  "honor  me  with  their 
lips,  but  their  heart  is  far  from  me."  What  did  Christ 
mean  by  this  accusation?  Pray:  For  wisdom  and  spiri- 
tual works  that  will  serve  as  a  convincing  witness  to 
unbelieving  teens. 

SUNDAY,  February  11,  Read:  Verses  1-21,  Chapter  8. 
Meditate:  How  can  the  miracle  of  Christ's  feeding  the 
multitude  be  viewed  in  terms  of  your  needs  as  a  teen- 
ager's being  supplied?  Pray:  For  Dr.  Ray  H.  Hughes, 
assistant  general  overseer — his  administrative  and 
field  work  in  behalf  of  the  Church  of  God. 

MONDAY,  February  12,  Read:  Verses  22-38,  Chapter  8. 
Meditate:  Christ  taught  the  disciples  that  He  must 
suffer  many  things.  Is  there  a  connection  between 
suffering  and  salvation?  Pray:  For  your  youth  sponsor, 
YPE  President,  and  departmental  youth  workers. 

TUESDAY,  February  13,  Read:  Verses  1-27,  Chapter  9. 
Meditate:  Why  do  you  think  Peter  wanted  to  build 
three  tabernacles?  What  does  this  incident  teach 
us  about  enthusiasm?  Pray:  For  skill  and  foresight 
in  planning  and  in  promoting  God's  kingdom  work  in 
the  local  church. 

WEDNESDAY,  February  14,  Read:  Verses  28-50,  Chap- 
ter 9.  Meditate:  We  cannot  please  Christ  unless  we 
understand  His  Word.  Review  verses  31  and  32.  Pray: 
That  the  Holy  Spirit  will  give  you  understanding  as 
you  read  the  Bible. 


THURSDAY,  February  15,  Read:  Verses  1-31,  Chap- 
ter 10.  Meditate:  Do  you  think  dating  helps  to  prepare 
a  teen-ager  to  understand  and  to  appreciate  the  words 
of  Christ  in  verses  6  and  7?  Pray:  For  guidance  in 
organizing  and  in  maintaining  a  dating  code  of  con- 

FRIDAY,   February    16,   Read:   Verses   32-52,   Chapter 

10.  Meditate:  Should  the  words  of  Christ,  "Whosoever 
will  be  great  among  you,  shall  be  your  minister,"  serve 
as  a  guide  for  Christian  teen-agers?  Pray:  For  tact 
and  a  spirit  of  fairness  in  your  association  with  teen- 
age peers. 

SATURDAY,  February  17,  Read:  Verses  1-14,  Chap- 
ter 11.  Meditate:  How  can  Christian  teens  who  do  not 
produce  fruit  of  service  and  dedication  be  compared  to 
the  fig  tree  in  verses  13  and  14?  Pray:  For  skill  to 
prune  and  cultivate  your  life  to  increase  spiritual  fruit 

SUNDAY,   February   18,  Read:  Verses   15-33,   Chapter 

11.  Meditate:  Personality  problems  have  been  re- 
ferred to  as  mountains  that  obstruct  happiness.  Faith 
in  Christ  can  be  used  to  remove  these  mountains. 
Pray:  Reread  verse  24,  claim  the  positive  promise  that 
it  sets  forth. 

MONDAY,  February  19,  Read:  Verses  1-17,  Chapter-12. 
Meditate:  List  three  things  that  the  statement  of 
Christ,  "Render  to  Caesar  the  things  that  are  Caesar's," 
represents  in  regard  to  community  responsibilities. 
Pray:  For  the  President  of  the  United  States  and 
local  government  officials. 

TUESDAY,  February  20,  Read:  Verses  18-44,  Chapter 

12.  Meditate:  If  a  teen-ager  loves  Christ  with  all  his 
heart,  soul,  mind,  and  strength,  how  will  it  be  reflect- 
ed in  his  philosophy  on  worldly  pleasures?  Pray:  Ask 
for  direction  in  choosing  wholesome  social  activities. 

WEDNESDAY,  February  21,  Read:  Verses  1-18,  Chap- 
ter 13.  Meditate:  As  a  young  person  witnesses  the 
signs  of  the  time  being  fulfilled,  how  should  he  pre- 
pare himself?  Pray:  For  wisdom  to  witness  and  grace 
to  stand  during  times  of  hardship  and  opposition. 

THURSDAY,  February  22,  Read:  Verses  19-37,  Chapter 

13.  Meditate:  How  should  a  teen-ager  prepare  himself 
so  that  he  will  be  ready  when  the  Master  of  the  house 
returns  (v.  35)?  Pray:  That  Christ  will  not  find  you 
sleeping  when  He  returns. 

FRIDAY,  February  23,  Read:  Verses  1-42,  Chapter  14. 
Meditate:  How  can  the  prayer  of  Christ,  "Neverthe- 
less not  what  I  will,  but  what  thou  wilt,"  serve  as  a 
pattern  for  Christian  teens?  Pray:  For  Walter  Pettitt, 
national  evangelism  director,  and  the  demanding  work 
of  soulwinning  and  stewardship  that  he  directs. 

SATURDAY,  February  24,  Read:  Verses  43-72,  Chapter 

14.  Meditate:  What  insight  does  verse  50,  "And  they 
all  forsook  him,  and  fled,"  provide  on  faithfulness 
and  dedication?  Pray:  For  stamina  to  serve  Christ  at 
school  and  to  maintain  high  spiritual  standards. 

SUNDAY,    February    25,    Read:   Verses    1-28,    Chapter 

15.  Meditate:  The  choice  to  release  Barabbas  rather 
than  Christ  coincides  with  the  "thrills  over  truth" 
theory  of  the  world  today.  Pray:  For  your  state  Sunday 
school  and  youth  director;  he  is  dedicated  to  the  task 
of  helping  to  mold  and  shape  your  life. 

MONDAY,  February  26,  Read:  Verses  29-47,  Chapter 

15.  Meditate:  If  Christ  had  descended  from  the  cross, 
do  you  think  His  accusers  would  have  believed  (v.  32)? 
What  is  the  basis  for  believing?  Pray:  That  local  Sun- 
day school  teachers  would  teach  with  conviction  and 

TUESDAY,  February  27,  Read:  Verses   1-11,  Chapter 

16.  Meditate:  The  words  "he  is  risen,  he  is  not  here" 
is  the  victory  cry  of  Christianity.  Pray:  For  faith  and 
insight  to  believe  and  to  properly  discern  the  reports 
of  fellow  Christian  workers. 

WEDNESDAY,  February  28,  Read:  Verses  12-20, 
Chapter  16.  Meditate:  In  your  opinion,  what  signs 
should  follow  a  teen-age  believer?  List.  Pray:  For  L.  O. 
Vaught,  president  of  the  Church  of  God  Northwest 
Bible  College,  and  the  effectiveness  and  growth  of  the 

THURSDAY,  February  29,  Read:  Chapters  1  and 
16.  Meditate:  The  early  Christians  used  the  ox  as  the 
symbol  to  represent  Mark's  Gospel  in  the  art  of  the 
church.  The  ox  symbolizes  both  service  and  sacrifice. 
Pray:  For  a  willing  heart  and  hands  to  be  ready  to 
render  service  or  to  sacrifice. 

Oh,  joyfully  may  the  tidings  ring 
Borne  swiftly  on  the  angel's  wing — 
"How  glorious  is  the  Lord  on  High"; 
May  gladness  sound  from  land  to  sky. 

For  such  as  we,  both  rich  and  poor, 
Of  nations  strange  from  shore  to  shore, 
And  those  within  themselves  complete 
From  lands  of  ice  and  snow,  and  heat: 

We  all  rejoice  to  know  He's  come, 
No  more  Sin's  ice-cold  finger  numb 
Upon  our  hearts  until  we  die — 
Christ  our  Saviour  now  is  nigh! 
—Pat  Neale 


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ing   the    records    available    for    that    month. 


Each  month  the  Club's  staff  of  music  experts  choose  outstanding 
records  by  the  world's  most  popular  Gospel  recording  artists. 
These  selections  are  described  in  the  "Record  Guide"  which  you 
receive  FREE  each  month.  If  the  club  member  wishes  to  receive 
the  album  listed  for  that  month,  he  does  nothing.  It  will  come 
AUTOMATICALLY.  If  he  docs  not  want  the  selection,  he  simply 
mails  a  properly  checked  slip  Indicating  the  choice  of  one  or 
more  of  three  alternate  selections  or  a  rejection  of  all  records 
for    that   month. 


P.  O.  BOX  880 


Enroll  me  as  a  member  of  the  Pathway  Record  Club.  Send  me- 
ttle records  cheeked  below  at  the  Special  Introductory  Price  of 
$5.98  for  joining.  I  agree  to  purchase  at  least  six  (6)  additional 
records  within  one  year  at  the  club  price  of  25%  off  retail  price. 
I  promise  to  pay  for  each  record  upon  receipt  of  invoice.  If  I 
fail  to  fulfill  my  agreement,  you  may  bill  me  for  an  additional 
$5.00  ih.trgc. 
| 1  Please  send  me  the  following   5  record   albums: 

hHi — H — ii — i* -I=l  "'" 

I II II II I     ,„,h,    □  stereo 


I  N  G    LP   558/SLP 

558     The     Gospel 
Singing    Caravan 

SING    LP    7071    Old  SING    LP    905/SLP 

Time   Religion—  90S     TV     Request- 

Bob  Daniels  Harvesters 


SRLP    601;    Garden  SING     LP    3212/SLP 

of    Melody— Speer  3212    LeFevres    Sing 

Family  the  Gospel 

SING  LP  403/SLP 
403  The  Johnson 
Sisters  Sing  Har- 

SING    LP    2081/SLP  SKYLITE    LP 

2081    The    Ministers         SLP     6041      In 

on   Campus  Shelter  cf  His 

—The    Rebels 





5995/SSLP  5995  At 
Home  With  the 
Blackwood  Brothers 

SING  LP  458/SLP 
458  Rose  Covered 
Lane — B  1  u  e  Ridge 

SING  LP  9092/SLP 
9092  One  Day  Late 
— Sego  Brothers 
and   Naomi 



SING  LP  4041/LPS 
4041  Down  Home — 
Wendy  Bagwell  and 

SING   LP   3005/ 
SLP   3005 
Gospel  Rhythm- 
The   Prophets 

SING  LP  3214/SLP 
3214  "First  Lady" 
of  Gospel  Music — 
Eva  Mae  LeFevre 

SKYLITE  LP  6015/ 
SLP  6015  From  the 
Land  of  the  Sky— 
The  Kingsmen 

SKYLITE  LP  5971/ 
SLP  5971  God  Will 
Bless  You  All- 
Florida  Boys   Quar- 

SLP  5992  Sing  I  Be- 
lieve and  Eleven 
Other  Gospel  Songs 
—The  Rangers 

SKYLITE    LP    6040/ 
SLP  6040  The   Solid 
Gospel    Sound    of 
the  Oak  Ridge 

SING  LP  602 
Touched  Me"— 
Connor  Hall  and 
The  Homeland  Har- 
mony Quartet 

SKYLITE  LP  6042/ 
SLP  6042  Colorful 
Re  quests  —  Bob 
Wills  and  The  In- 



MARCH.  1968 







•^=^**--  A  major  emphasis  will  be  placed  upon 
Christian  literature  during  March  with  the  observance 
of  the  fifty-eighth  anniversary  of  the  Church  of  God 
Evangel.  Listed  as  the  world's  oldest  Pentecostal  weekly, 
the  Evangel  has  been  the  official  journal  of  the  Church 
of  God  since  1910.  Clergy  and  laymen  are  asked  to  join 
in  a  world  day  of  prayer  for  this  publication  as  it  begins 
its  fifty-ninth  year. 

^****i~-  The  annual  Spring  Convocation  on  the  Lee 
College  campus  is  scheduled  for  March  3-10. 

^^^j^  General  Overseer  Charles  W.  Conn  has  an- 
nounced March  4-8  as  the  date  for  the  Annual  Spring 
Meeting  of  the  Church  of  God  Executive  Council. 

^s*^  Sunday,  March  10,  is  Personal  Dedication 
Day  and  begins  a  week  of  prayer  and  personal  conse- 
cration in  preparation  of  the  Easter  to  Pentecost  sea- 
son. March  17  is  scheduled  as  Family  Altar  Sunday. 

^*i>^  "Forward  in  Faith"  Emphasis  Week  is 
scheduled  for  March  18-24.  Churches  are  asked  to 
spend  this  week  in  earnest  prayer  and  promotion  for 
the  official  radio  voice  of  the  Church  of  God. 

^ss**^  Sunday,  March  24,  begins  a  churchwide 
spring  revival  sponsored  by  the  Evangelism  Depart- 

^**^  March  31  is  Missions  Sunday.  The  project 
is  "Literature  for  the  Lost."  Churches  are  urged  to 
secure  needed  funds  for  the  translation  of  Scripture 
and  tracts  into  foreign  languages. 

^*^**-  Sunday  schools  throughout  the  nation  are 
participating  in  the  Spring  Enlargement  Campaign. 
The  theme  for  this  annual  program  is  "Prove  Your 


Published  monthly  at  the  Church  of  God  Publishing  House. 
Cleveland,  Tenn.  All  materials  intended  for  publication  in  the 
LIGHTED  PATHWAY  should  be  addressed  to  Clyne  W.  Buxton. 
Editor.  All  inquiries  concerning  subscriptions  should  be  addressed 
to  Bookkeeping  Department.  Church  of  God  Publishing  House, 
Cleveland,   Tennessee   37311. 

Postmaster   send  Form   3579   to   LIGHTED   PATHWAY,    P.    O.   Box 
880,    Cleveland,   Tennessee   37311. 



Vol.    39, 


Editorial      3 

Fun,  Fellowship,  and  Faith 

at  the  Bridge      4 

My  Impressions  of  the  First 
National  Youth  Conference      6 

Amahl  and  the  Night 

Visitors      8 

Winter  Blossoms  1  0 

Real  Life  1  1 

What  an  Opportunity  12 

And  the  Search  Goes  On  1  3 

When  I  Found  God  14 

April — National  Witness 

Training  Month    16 

After  the  Night    18 

How  Two  School  Teachers 

Came  to  Know  Christ   20 

Family  Training 

Hour  (YPE)    21 

Advance  Daily  Devotions 

for  Christian  Teens   26 


Clyne  W.  Buxton 

Lewis  J.  Willis 

Chloe  Stewart 

JoAnn  Humbertson 

H.  Bernard  Dixon 

E.  C.  Thomas 


Donald  S.  Aultman 
Margie  M.  Kelley 
Walter  R.  Pettitt 


Bobbie  May  Lauster 

Margaret  Gaines 

Denzell  Teague 

Ruth  Crawford 

Martha  Ann  Smith 


Thomas  Grassano 
Cecil  R.  Guiles 


Single  Subscription, 

per  year 

Rolls  of    15 

Single  copy 

No.    3 

Clyne  W.  Buxton 

Paul  F.  Henson 

Mark  Conn 

James  R.  Hudson 
J.  E.  DeVore 
Ray  H.  Hughes 
Floyd  J.  Timmerman 
Paul  F.  Henson 
Royetta  Perez 

Aubrey  Maye 
Marcy  Nolan 

Joseph  T.  Larson 

Donald  S.  Aultman 

Floyd  D.  Carey 





Circulation  Director 


Paul  F.  Henson 
Avis  Swiger 
J.  E.  DeVore 






James  A.  Madison 
Haskel  C.  Jenkins 
Leonard  S.  Townley 



Contemporary  Youth 

Clyne  W.  Buxton 

MM  H0SE  YEARS  BETWEEN  twelve  and  twenty-five  have 
J  never  been  easy.   To  change  from  a  child  to  an  adult  has 

W  always  been  difficult,  for  the  individual  must  adjust  to 
physiological,  psychological,  and  sociological  changes — some  of 
which  tax  his  capabilities.  Further,  he  has  to  face  the  breakdown 
of  morals,  the  constant  doubt  cast  upon  the  Bible,  and  the  ques- 
tionable statements  of  some  national  church  leaders  concerning 
religion.  There  is  little  wonder  that  many  youths  today  become 
cynical  and  rebellious,  and  refuse  to  conform  to  society. 

In  the  midst  of  such  chaos,  there  is  a  bright  ray  of  hope  for 
young  people — and  that  hope  is  an  unwavering  faith  in  the  Lord 
Jesus.  Never  is  the  clear-cut  effect  of  Christ  exemplified  with 
more  lucidness  than  when  a  contemporary  youth  daily  lives  for 
His  Lord.  All  though  he  is  a  Christian,  he  still  faces  monumental 
problems;  but  he  has  an  anchor  which  holds  him  in  the  storm — 
storms  common  to  his  peers.  Some  of  the  unsung  Christian  heroes 
of  this  day  are  Spirit-filled  youths  who  constantly  battle  Satan 
and  his  forces  on  the  campus,  the  streets,  and  in  the  home.  Bent 
with  a  zeal  to  serve  God  in  spite  of  the  devil,  they,  with  their 
fortitude,  put  some  adults  to  shame. 

Nor  should  the  adults  constantly  attack  youth,  but  rather  they 
should  show  them  loving  concern.  This  is  not  to  say  that  flagrant 
sin  should  be  condoned,  but  that  youths  guilty  of  open  sin  should 
be  approached  with  genuine  empathy.  Christ  gave  the  example 
when  He  exemplified  intent  interest  in  the  woman  brought  before 
Him  who  had  committed  gross  immorality.  Jesus  was  vitally 
interested  in  her  spiritual  welfare.  Likewise,  adults  could  have 
a  great  deal  more  compassion  for  stumbling  youth.  Too  many 
young  people  have  drifted  farther  and  farther  from  right  because 
the  adult  Christian,  though  well-meaning,  has  not  dealt  with  them 
in  a  tender,  compassionate  manner. 

Youth  want  to  be  dealt  with ;  they  even  want  to  be  corrected, 
for  they  themselves  often  do  not  know  what  course  to  take.  They 
see  through  a  doting  parent  who  glosses  over  the  youth's  wrong- 
doings, and  though  they  may  outwardly  approve  such  pampering, 
most  youths  prefer  to  be  helped,  guided,  and  corrected.  This  is 
especially  true  if  the  youth  is  certain  that  the  adult  is  sympathetic 
toward  him.  Therefore,  young  people  are  done  a  grave  injustice 
if  their  error  is  not  pointed  out,  provided  that  they  are  approached 
with  loving  concern  and  provided  that  a  workable,  godly  solution  is 
suggested  to  them.    • 

Paul  F.  Henson,  assistant, 

national  Sunday  school  and 

youth  director,  has  a  deep  interest 

in  the  spiritual  development 

of  young  people. 


HE  WORD  BRIDGE  means 
different  things  to  different 
people.  To  an  engineer,  a 
bridge  is  a  structure  erected  across 
a  waterway,  ravine,  et-cetera,  to  af- 
ford passage.  To  a  sailor,  a  bridge  is 
an  observation  platform  in  the  for- 
ward part  of  a  ship  for  the  officers, 
pilot,  et-cetera.  To  an  optometrist, 
a  bridge  is  the  curved  central  part 
of  a  pair  of  spectacles  that  rests  on 
the  bridge  of  the  nose. 

To  a  musician,  a  bridge  may  be  a 
thin  piece  of  wood  that  raises  the 
strings  of  certain  instruments 
above  the  soundboard  or  a  transi- 
tional passage  connecting  two  sec- 
tions of  a  composition.  To  a  dentist, 
a  bridge  is  a  mounting  of  false 
teeth,  attached  on  each  side  to  a 
natural  tooth.  To  certain  partygo- 
ers  bridge  is  a  game  of  cards.  But 
to  a  large  group  of  Church  of  God 
teen-agers  who  left  their  homes  on 
December  26  to  attend  a  winter  re- 
treat in  the  mountains  of  Virginia, 
the  word  bridge  means  just  one  ex- 
citing thing,   "Natural  Bridge." 

"Natural  Bridge"  is  a  formation 
of  rock  spanning  a  small  waterway 
that  has  been  declared  to  be  one  of 
the  seven  natural  wonders  of  the 
world.  Around  this  scenic  place  has 
developed  one  of  America's  most 
beautiful  resorts.  In  the  historic 
Natural  Bridge  Hotel,  the  Church 
of  God  Youth  Department  conduct- 
ed its  first  National  Youth  Con- 
ference on  December  27-29. 

The  arriving  youth  were  greeted 
by  dropping  temperatures  and  ob- 
viously forming  snow  clouds.  To  the 
delight  of  many,  the  first  night 
brought    a    five-inch    covering    of 

Three  of  the  ten  State  Directors 
attending  the  conference.  They  are, 
left  to  right,  Douglas  LeRoy,  North 
Dakota;  James  Byrd,  Indiana;  and 
Billy    O'Neal.    Wisconsin. 


snow,  increasing  to  nearly  ten  inch- 
es the  following  day.  This  seemed 
to  make  the  conference  setting  just 
perfect.  Perhaps  we  could  say  it  was 
exactly  as  was  wistfully  prophesied 
by  the  National  Director,  Donald  S. 
Aultman.  He  had  said  several  weeks 
before,  "I  believe  that  after  every- 
one arrives  and  gets  checked  in  at 
the  hotel,  it  will  start  snowing." 
Among  the  conference  delegates,  he 
is  now  known  as  Prophet  Don. 

The  spiritual  impact  of  the  con- 
ference was  tremendous.  The  Rev- 
erend C.  Paul  Conn  was  the  fea- 
tured speaker  in  the  opening  rally. 
His  dynamic  challenge  on  the  sub- 
ject, "Awareness,  Plus  Commit- 
ment, Equals  Action,"  certainly 
struck  home.  The  Holy  Spirit  hon- 
ored Paul's  efforts  with  a  deep 
moving  among  the  youth. 

Other  guest  speakers,  including 
the  Reverend  H.  Park  Tucker  of 
Atlanta,  Georgia,  and  Mr.  Vic 
"Sketch"  Erickson,  were  wonderful- 
ly used  of  God.  For  his  message  on 
"Crime  and  the  American  Youth," 
Park  Tucker  drew  from  his  many 
years  of  experience  in  serving  as 
chaplain  of  Atlanta's  Federal  Pen- 
itentiary. No  one  present  for  this 
message  will  ever  forget  the  dra- 
matic climax  when  Brother  Tucker 
plunged  a  switchblade  knife  into 
the  wall  as  he  quoted  the  scripture. 
"The  wages  of  sin  is  death."  Then 
draping  an  opened  Bible  over  the 
protruding  knife  handle,  he  con- 
tinued, "But  the  gift  of  God  is  eter- 
nal life  through  Jesus  Christ  our 

In  his  second  sermon  he  gave  an 

David  and  Virginia  Horton  were  a 
genuine  blessing  ivith  their  singing. 


The  National  Sunday  School  and  Youth  Board  convened  during 
the  conference.  C.  Raymond  Spain,  official  representative,  was 
absent,  and  Clyne  W.  Buxton,  associate  member,  took  the  pic- 

account  of  how  the  Lord  had  saved 
him  from  a  wicked  condition  while 
he  was  still  a  young  man.  He  re- 
lated how  he  had  gone  back  to 
school.  Starting  in  the  seventh 
grade  at  age  twenty-three  he  had 
continued  through  high  school  and 
c  o  1 1  e  g  e — and  finally  graduated 
from  seminary. 

Mr.  Vic  "Sketch"  Erickson,  a  suc- 
cessful Chicago  commercial  artist 
for  more  than  twenty  years,  became 
burdened  about  the  deterioration  in 
the  cultural  arts  in  America.  He 
has  now  dedicated  his  life  to  mak- 
ing young  people  aware  of  this 
plight.  He  gave  the  most  sensible 
explanation  of  why  young  people 
should  not  listen  to  rock  'n  roll  or  to 
"beatle"  type  music  that  I  have  ever 

The  morning  discussions  consist- 
ed of  informal,  interaction  groups, 
where  subjects  very  pertinent  to 
modern  youth  were  dealt  with.  High 
school  seniors  and  collegians  ex- 
plored the  subjects:  "The  New 
Theology"  and  "The  New  Morality." 
The  leader  of  this  group  was  the 
Reverend  Paul  L.  Walker,  pastor  of 
the  Mount  Paran  Church  of  God  in 
Atlanta,  Georgia.  The  Reverend 
Bennie  S.  Triplett,  pastor  of  the 
Meridian  Street  Church  in  Nash- 
ville, Tennessee,  led  the  high  school 
sophomores  and  juniors  in  a  dis- 
cussion on  the  subject,  "Teen-agers 
in  Today's  Revolution."  These  dis- 
tinguished pastors  made  a  great 
contribution   to   the  conference. 

To  say  that  the  musical  program 
of  the  conference  was  enjoyed  by 
the  delegates  would  certainly  be  an 

understatement.  Bill  Pinkerton  and 
his  violin  won  the  hearts  of  every- 
one. As  he  played  so  beautifully  on 
this  unique  instrument,  some  re- 
joiced, some  wept,  but  all  wor- 
shiped. David  and  Virginia  Horton 
presented  a  musical  concert  en- 
titled "Music— Old  and  New."  This 
was  indeed  a  conference  highlight. 
A  group  of  collegians  from  Lee  Col- 
lege gave  a  concert  of  traditional 
folk  and  gospel  songs  which  drew 
an  enthusiastic  response  from  the 

I  am  sure  that  a  few  left  with 
the  sniffles,  caused  by  too  many 
snowball  fights.  Some  were  nursing 
sore  spots  as  a  result  of  their  not 
being  able  to  remain  in  a  vertical 
position  on  ice  skates.  But,  I  be- 
lieve that  what  one  of  the  teen- 
agers said  to  me  as  he  was  about 
to  leave,  expressed  the  feelings  of 
most  of  the  others:  "I  have  enjoyed 
this  conference  more  than  anything 
I  have  ever  attended."    • 

Park  Tucker,  former 
federal  prison  chaplain, 
challenged  the  youth  for 

Violinist  Bill  Pinkerton,  U.  S.  Army, 
charmed  the  youth  with  both  his 
playing   and   his  testimony. 

Lonzo  Kirkland  and  his  wife  Glen- 
na  take  a  stroll  in  the  nine-inch 
snow  which  fell  during  the  confer- 



58101    OF  THE  FIRST 

A  large  crowd  of  high  school  seniors  attended  the  Thursday  evening  banquet  sponsored  by  Kappa 
Epsilon  and  "Campus  Call"  magazine. 

HEN  SOMEONE  antici- 
YjlYjj  pates  an  event,  long  be- 
fore it  becomes  a  reality, 
he  begins  to  idealize  it  and  to 
imagine  that  it  will  be  almost  im- 
possibly great.  This  is  dangerous, 
because  usually  reality  cannot 
■stand  up  to  one's  blown  up  hopes. 
Before  leaving  for  Natural  Bridge, 
I  dangerously  idealized  the  con- 
ference, but  I  was  never  disap- 
I  am  from  Cleveland,  Tennessee, 

but  I  left  on  Tuesday  afternoon  of 
the  week  of  the  conference  with  a 
small  group  of  young  Georgians 
from  the  Mount  Paran  Church  of 
God  in  Atlanta.  My  brother  Paul 
was  the  leader.  After  spending 
Tuesday  night  en  route,  we  arrived 
at  Natural  Bridge  by  noon,  Wed- 

What  was  left  of  the  afternoon. 
I  used  to  get  acquainted  with  a 
few  of  the  fellows  and  to  learn  my 
way  around  the  resort.  With  a 
couple  of  my  friends,  I  visited  the 

art  exhibit  for  a  while  and  then 
did  a  few  other  small  things. 

That  night  in  the  first  meeting 
01  the  conference,  Paul  Conn,  my 
brother  and  the  minister  of  youth 
at  Mount  Paran,  spoke  quite  well 
on  the  theme  of  the  conference. 
"Awareness,  Plus  Commitment. 
Equals  Action."  The  conference  was 
now  under  way,  and  the  beginning 
was  good. 

Our  quarters  were  hotel  rooms 
with  shower,  television,  and  large 
beds;  so  I  spent  the  first  night  as 



/n  this  article  Mark 
Conn,  a  high  school 
junior  from  Cleveland, 
Tennessee,  relates  his 
impressions  of  the 

The  Tradewinds,  a  singing  group  from  Lee  College,  were  featured. 

Paul  L.  Walker,  left,  lectured  on,  "The  Collegian  and  the  New  The- 
ology." C.  Miltori  Parsons,  center,  introduced  the  Kappa  Epsilon  pro- 
gram. Bennie  S.  Triplett,  right,  led  workshops  on,  "The  Teen-ager  in 
Today's  Revolution." 

comfortably  as  I  would  have  been 
at  home. 

I  awoke  the  next  morning  to  find 
the  ground  thickly  covered  with 
snow,  and  more  was  falling.  The 
TV  forecasted  snow  throughout  the 
day,  with  an  accumulation  up  to 
eight  inches.  This  snow  in  such  a 
beautiful  setting  so  far  from  home 
put  a  gay  and  friendly  feeling  in 
everyone.  As  a  result,  we  had  one 
grand  snowball  fight. 

I  left  my  bed  for  the  maids  to 
make  while   I  listened   to  Paul  L. 

Walker's  first  discussion.  For  high 
school  seniors  and  collegians,  this 
discussion,  on  "The  New  Theolo- 
gy," was  really  interesting;  it 
taught  me  much  which  I  did  not 
know,    but    I    was    glad    to    learn. 

Following  lunch  I  went  to  the  fes- 
tival of  arts,  for  which  The  Trade- 
winds,  a  folk  group  from  Lee  Col- 
lege, performed  a  lively  concert.  I 
thought  it  was  a  fine  way  to  enjoy 
an  hour  or  so. 

For  dinner  that  evening,  the 
Kappa    Epsilon    and    Campus    Call 

staff  gave  a  banquet  for  all  high 
school  seniors.  I  attended;  and 
though  it  cost  me  nothing,  I  great- 
ly enjoyed  both  the  food  and  fel- 
lowship. At  the  end  of  the  dinner, 
we  were  briefly  told  about  the 
Kappa  Epsilon  and  what  it  does. 

That  night,  Park  Tucker,  a  pen- 
itentiary chaplain,  made  us  laugh 
a  few  times.  Then  we  became 
serious  as  he  spoke  from  his  own 
experiences  about  crime  and  its 
significance  to  us  young  people. 

I  chose  that  same  night  to  try 
ice-skating  for  my  first  time  with 
several  of  my  friends.  I  had  loads 
of  fun,  but  stumbled  a  little  before 
I  got  the  hang  of  it. 

Friday  morning,  Paul  Walker's 
discussion  was  on  "The  New  Mo- 
rality." It  was  every  bit  as  good  as 
the  first  one.  I  consider  these  dis- 
cussions as  one  of  the  most  im- 
portant parts  of  the  conference. 

There  was  a  little  spare  time 
after  lunch,  so  a  group  of  us  teen- 
agers made  a  short  excursion  down 
to  the  Natural  Bridge.  It  was  large, 
awesome,  and  very  beautiful,  espe- 
cially in  the  snow;  but  we  were  in 
a  good  mood,  so  we  wanted  to  see 
more.  We  tramped  on  through  the 
snow  about  a  mile  to  the  end  of 
the  trail,  seeing  beautiful  snow  cov- 
ered scenery  and  several  points  of 

On  Friday  night  I  again  went  to 
a  banquet.  This  one  was  for  all  who 
were  attending  the  conference.  To 
make  it  more  enjoyable,  I  asked 
Brenda  Cannon,  a  likable  and 
good  looking  girl,  to  go  with  me. 
We  both  enioved  the  dinner,  espe- 
cially while  Bill  Pinkerton  strolled 
around  the  tables,  playing  sweet 
music  on  his  violin. 

After  dinner,  Sketch  Erickson 
spoke  on  popular  music.  Sketch  is 
a  commercial  artist,  and  for  his 
talk,  he  had  recordings  and  his 
own  drawings  to  illustrate  the  nar- 
ration. The  banquet  was  an  excit- 
ing way  to  end  the  conference. 

Before  dawn  the  next  morning,  I 
left  with  the  others  of  the  group. 
I  was  glad  to  have  been  one  of  the 
fortunate  teen-agers  to  attend  the 
first  conference.  I  believe  that  the 
second,  like  the  first,  will  be  most 
enjoyable.  • 

Besides  his 

ardent  local 

church  activity, 

James  R. 

Hudson  is  also 

a  member  of  the 


Pioneers  for 





N  DECEMBER  OF  this  past 
|:  year  we  presented  the  Christ- 
mas opera,  Amahl  and  the 
Night  Visitors,  by  Gian  Carlo 
Menotti,  in  a  local  school  auditori- 
um. "Amahl"  is  a  delightful  story 
of  a  young  crippled  boy  and  his 
widowed  mother  who  are  visited 
by  three  kings  following  an  East- 
ern Star  which  leads  to  the  Christ 

The  response  to  our  program 
was  overwhelming,  and  this  is  how 
it   all   came   about: 

I  am  employed  in  the  Public 
Relations  Department  at  Great 
Lakes  Steel  (near  Detroit)  and 
work  with  a  gentleman — Seamus 
O'Brien — who  is  an  actor.  During 
our  two  years'  acquaintance,  I  have 
told  him  much  about  our  church 
and  youth  choir. 

One  day  I  was  telling  him  of 
our  plans  to  attend  the  General 
Assembly  in  Dallas  this  August.  As 
I  was  mentioning  some  of  the  pro- 
jects which  we  were  conducting  to 
raise  money  for  the  trip,  he  said, 
"A  good  program  for  your  choir 
to  present  would  be  'Amahl  and 
the  Night  Visitors.'  I'll  direct  it  for 

Having  seen  the  opera  about  five 
years  ago  when  one  of  the  boys 
in  our  church  played  the  leading 
role  for  the  Wyandotte  Community 
Theatre's  production,  I  was  quite 
elated,  to  say  the  least.  However, 
it  was  a  full  week  before  I  was 
really  convinced  that  he  would  di- 
rect it  for  us. 

We  scheduled  casting  the  last  of 
September  and  were  surprised 

when  four  young  people  tried  out 
for  each  part.  We  had  decided 
that  the  roles  would  go  to  those 
having  the  best  combination  of 
acting  and  singing  ability.  During 
the  following  week,  Mr.  O'Brien 
and   I   chose    the   cast: 

Amahl — Ronnie  Brown,  age   12 

(boy   soprano) 
His    mother  —  Marcia    Norris, 

age    16    (soprano) 
King    Melchoir — Chet    Marsee, 

age   16    (baritone) 
King     Kaspar — Bruce     Marsee, 

age   18   (tenor) 
King  Balthazar — Dave  Buchan- 
an,  age   20    (bass) 
The  Page— Pat  Griffin,  age  17 
The  remaining  forty-four  mem- 
bers of  our  youth  choir  portrayed 
the  shepherds. 

With  the  casting  complete,  the 
work  (and  I  mean  work)  began. 
For  the  next  two  and  one-half 
months  we  lived  and  breathed 
"Amahl."  There  was  music  to  learn, 
lines  to  memorize;  properities  to 
secure;  set,  costumes,  and  lighting 
to  be  designed;  posters  to  be  print- 
ed and  displayed;  tickets  to  be  sold; 
and  a  twenty-page  program  to  be 
printed — to  name  the  genesis  of  the 

Mr.  O'Brien's  years  of  theatrical 
experience  proved  to  be  a  great 
asset.  A  friend  of  his  designed  the 
set  while  Buford  Springer  and  my 
father — two  dedicated  laymen  in 
our  church — executed  the  plans. 
His  sister  designed  the  costumes 
and  the  ladies  of  the  church  made 

them.  The  superintendent  of  the 
electrical  department  at  Great 
Lakes  Steel  designed  the  lighting. 
Mr.  O'Brien  was  also  able  to  secure 
the  kings'  robes  and  crowns  from 
Wayne  State  University  in  Detroit. 

For  three  weeks  I  spent  my  lunch 
hour  visiting  local  businesses  and 
selling  advertising  space  in  our  pro- 
gram. Hours  were  spent  on  the 
phone  securing  the  school  auditori- 
um, a  cyclorama  for  the  sky  effect, 
getting  an  artist's  suggestions  for 
painting  the  set — and  various  other 

The  six  principals  also  gave  their 
share  of  time  as  some  came  early 
for  church  to  rehearse  their  sing- 
ing lines  with  me  while  others 
stayed  after  services.  During  the 
week  we  met  for  further  practice 
in  order  to  prepare  for  a  "polished" 

A  major  problem  which  we  en- 
countered was  the  fact  that  dur- 
ing; the  shepherds'  scene  the  script 
called  for  dancing  as  the  enter- 
tainment for  the   three  kings 

Being  the  music  director  for  the 
production,  I  decided  that  the 
choir's  singing  would  be  the  sub- 
stitute, whereupon  I  searched  the 
music  stores,  record  shops,  and  li- 
braries for  some  appropriate  songs. 
Unable  to  find  any  music  which 
I  felt  could  be  used,  and  after 
making  it  a  matter  of  prayer,  I 
composed  two  songs,  "How  Lovely 
Is  Love?"  and  "I  Wish  I  Were  a 
King."  These  became  a  part  of  our 

As  the  performance  drew  near, 
we  rehearsed  nightly.  Things  were 


One  December  night  almost  two  thousand  years  ago  a  little  crippled 
shepherd  boy  named  Amahl  sat  outside  a  poor  cottage,  where  he  lived 
with  his  widowed  mother,  playing  a  plaintive  tune  on  his  pipe. 

Amahl  has  summoned  the  other  shepherds  who  come,  bearing  baskets 
of  food,  to  welcome  the  kings  and  to  entertain  them  with  their  singing. 

Three  richly  clothed,  mysteri- 
ous, oriental  kings  and  a  page 
stop  at  the  cottage  seeking 

Amahl,  now  healed  of  his  lameness, 
bids  his  mother  good-bye  as  he  fol- 
lows the  three  kings  to  offer  his 
crutch  to  the  Child. 

moving  along  smoothly  until  one 
week  before  the  opening  of  the 
play  when  approximately  one  half 
of  the  choir,  including  three  prin- 
cipal characters,  were  felled  by  the 
flu.  As  a  result,  the  rehearsals  were 

However,  by  the  time  technical 
and  dress  rehearsals  rolled  around, 
the  flu  bug  had  run  its  course  (at 
least  for  the  choir  members)  and 
all,  save  one,  had  recovered  suffi- 
ciently by  performance  time. 

December  10  at  4  p.m.  was  the 
date  and  time  we  had  awaited  so 
long.  As  the  curtains  opened  be- 
fore an  estimated  audience  of  sev- 
en hundred,  all  the  heartaches  of 
our  labor  dissolved  and  our  eyes 
glistened  as  our  dreams  unfolded 
into   reality. 

There  was  laughter  as  the  moth- 
er flew  into  a  rage  and  threatened 
to  whip  Amahl  if  he  didn't  obey, 
enchantment  as  three  mysterious 
kings  made  their  way  to  the  cot- 
tage, worship  as  Melchior  described 
a  "Child  who  holds  the  seas  and 
winds  on  His  palm,"  excitement 
when  the  shepherds  announced 
their  arrival  from  every  entrance 
of  the  auditorium,  suspense  as  the 
mother  stole  the  gold,  and  tur- 
moil when  the  Page  acclaimed  her 
a  thief.  There  were  tears  when 
Amahl  unselfishly  offered  a  gift 
to  the  Child  and  received  a  miracu- 
lous gift  in  return.  And  when  the 
opera  had  ended  there  was  ap- 
plause— oh,  there  was  applause- 
from  an  appreciative,  attentive  au- 
dience who  "enjoyed  every  minute" 
of  the  performance. 

And  in  my  heart  there  was  lovr 
—love  for  a  fifty-voice  youth  choir 
that  had  made  their  director  so 
very  proud;  love  for  our  church 
which  so  generously  helped  and 
supported  our  every  effort;  love  for 
a  friend,  Mr.  O'Brien,  without 
whom  such  an  endeavor  would 
have  been  a  mere  fantasy;  and 
mostly  love  for  God  who  worked 
through  each  of  us  to  bring  His 
will  to  pass.  • 

By  J.    E.    DeVORE 

./.  E.  DeVore,  state  overseer  of  the 

Church  of  God  in  Wisconsin,  is  a 

regular  contributor  to  the  "Lighted 


"The  almond  tree  shall  flourish' 

( Ecclesiastes  12:5). 

E  ARE  TOLD  that  the 
almond  tree  blooms  in  the 
winter  in  Palestine.  This 
reminds  me  of  a  flowering  peren- 
nial at  our  back  door  which  breaths 
life  in  the  midst  of  coldness.  It 
spreads  light  in  the  darkness  of 
winter's  death.  It  sweetens  the  des- 
olation  of   dormant   days. 

An  almond  tree  in  full  bloom 
stands  in  simple,  beautiful  white. 
"The  hoary  head  is  a  crown  of 
glory."  With  painter's  brush  and 
poet's  rhythm,  Solomon  has  given 
us  a  true  picture  of  a  man  who 
has  walked  in  the  way  of  purity 
and  righteousness  toward  a  mag- 
nificent setting  sun.  Even  in  the 
wintertime  of  life,  this  man  of  God 
will  flourish  as  the  almond  tree; 
in    sunset    glow    he    will    keep    on 

bringing  forth  fruit  until  his  staff 
falls  and  the  gates  of  glory  swing 
open.  His  good  works  will  follow  him 
after  he  is  gone. 

They  will  live  on  to  bless  others 
even  after  time  has  worn  his  name 
from  his  gravemarker.  Like  a 
snow-white  dove,  they  will  return 
to  him  in  his  heavenly  abode  and 
bless  him  for  eternity.  Soon  the 
almond  blossoms  will  be  scattered. 
The  fruit  will  set.  It  will  ripen. 
It  will  be  gathered.  The  harvest 
will  come. 

He  will  go  home.  The  flaming 
horses  and  chariot  of  Elijah's  as- 
cent are  no  greater  than  the  trans- 
portation which  God  will  provide 
for  this  blessed  man.  The  arms 
of  angels  and  the  welcome  of 
Jesus    are    as    grand    as    bounding 

horses  of  fire!  "Let  me  die  the 
death  of  the  righteous,  and  let  my 
last  end  be  like  his!"  (Numbers 

The  winter  will  pass.  The  spring- 
time of  an  eternal  day  will  dawn. 
The  birds  will  sing.  The  flowers 
will  appear  on  the  earth.  The  voice 
of  the  turtledove  will  be  heard  in 
the  land.  The  shadows  will  flee 
away.  "Thy  dead  men  shall  live, 
together  with  my  dead  body  shall 
they  arise.  Awake  and  sing,  ye  that 
dwell  in  dust:  for  thy  dew  is  as 
the  dew  of  herbs"   (Isaiah  26:19). 

An  aged  Christian  in  Chicago 
tells  about  a  walk  he  took  on  a 
cold,  wintry  day.  He  saw  a  shiver- 
ing boy  standing  in  the  doorway 
of  a  store.  He  could  see  that  the 
lad  had  been  crying.  The  little  fel- 
low looked  so  pitiful  that  the  man 
was  moved  to  ask  him  about  his 

"My  father  sent  me  for  some 
groceries.  He  gave  me  a  dollar.  But 
the  wind  is  so  cold.  My  hand  felt 
so  stiff  and  numb.  Before  I  knew 
it  the  dollar  had  slipped  out  of  my 
fingers,  and  I  had  lost  it.  My  dad 
is  drunk.  He  will  almost  kill  me. 
I'll  have  to  wait  until  he  goes  to 
bed  or  leaves  the  house." 

In  Christian  kindness  the  man 
took  the  boy  into  the  store,  bought 
the  groceries  he  needed,  and  told 
him  not  to  tell  his  father  about 
losing  the  money.  The  boy  thanked 
him  sincerely  and  then  in  a  mo- 
ment of  great  emotion,  he  set  the 
groceries  on  the  counter,  put  his 
arms  around  the  man's  waist  and 
with  choking  voice  murmured,  "I 
wish  you  was  mv  daddv." 

The  man  testified,  "You  know 
what  I  did?  I  walked  around 
four  blocks  in  the  rain,  sleet,  and 
snow  to  see  if  I  could  find  another 
boy   who   had   lost   a   dollar." 

This  man  had  experienced  the 
joy  of  helping  someone  in  need. 
We  can  find  the  greatest  iov  in 
lifting  the  loads  of  those  who  are 
heavily  laden  by  t^llmg  them  about 
Jesus  and  by  pointing  them  to 
Christ.  Thus  we  can  flourish  for 
God  in  all  the  seasons  of  the  year 
and  through  all  the  days  of  our 
lives.  We  can  be  more  than  winter 
blossoms.  • 





By   RAY   H.    HUGHES,    Ed.D.,   Litt.D. 

Dr.  Hughes,  having  served  as  president 

of  Lee  College 

for  six  years,  reproduces  for  this 

page  chapel  addresses  given  at  Lee. 

THE  BIOLOGICAL  definition 
for  L-I-F-E  is  the  sum  to- 
tal of  vital  processes.  The 
dictionary  definition  of  life  is  "a 
vital  force."  But  millions  have 
never  discovered  the  meaning  of 
true  life.  If  I  were  to  ask  ten 
worldlings  the  question,  "What  is 
life?"  I  possibly  would  receive  ten 
different  answers.  The  Bible  speaks 
of  two  kinds  of  life:  the  physical 
life  and  the  eternal  life,  or  the  life 
of  God. 

There  are  some  who  hold  the 
philosophy  that  material  gain  or 
the  abundance  of  possessions  is 
life.  But  hear  the  words  of  our 
Lord,  "Life  consisteth  not  in  the 
abundance  of  things  which  he 
I  man]  possesseth"  (Luke  12:15).  In 
the  Bible  Jesus  tells  the  story  of 
the  man  who  considered  his  earth- 
ly possessions  life.  He  said  to  him- 
self when  his  ground  brought  forth 
plentifully,  "I  will  pull  down  my 
barns,  and  build  greater." 

This  was  a  sensible  thing;  it  was 
a  sane  business  venture.  But  then 
he  said,  "I  will  say  to  my  soul, 
Soul,  thou  hast  much  goods  laid  up 
for  many  years;  take  thine  ease, 
eat,  drink  and  be  merry."  No  man 
has  a  right  to  dictate  to  his  soul, 
for  the  soul  of  man  is  in  the  hands 
of  God.  This  farmer  was  "living  it 
up,"  and  no  doubt  his  neighbors 
classified  him  as  a  success;  others 
coveted  his  position.  But  the  night 

came  for  God  to  make  an  ap- 
praisal, and  He  said,  "Thou  fool." 
"So  is  he  that  layeth  up  treasure 
for  himself,  and  is  not  rich  toward 

After  King  Solomon  had  sought 
satisfaction  from  gold,  silver,  and 
the  accumulation  of  wealth,  he 
concluded,  "He  that  loveth  silver 
shall  not  be  satisfied  with  silver; 
nor  he  that  loveth  abundance  with 
increase:  this  is  also  vanity"  (Ec- 
clesiastes  5:10).  This  is  not  the  tes- 
timony of  a  man  who  had  been 
successful.  ".  .  .  The  king  made 
silver  and  gold  at  Jerusalem  as 
plenteous  as  stones"  (2  Chronicles 
1:15).  If  any  man  had  a  right  to 
know  if  there  could  be  satisfaction 
in  possessions,  Solomon  did. 

After  Solomon  had  built  fine 
houses  and  prepared  beautiful  gar- 
dens with  pools  and  water  works, 
seeking  what  he  thought  was  life, 
he  realized  that  it  did  not  bring 
him  the  advantage  and  satisfac- 
tion for  which  he  had  hoped.  Hen- 
ry Ford  was  once  asked  the  ques- 
tion, "How  much  money  does  it 
take  to  satisfy  a  man?"  And  his 
answer  was,  "A  little  more." 

Isaiah  asked  the  question, 
"Wherefore  do  ye  .  .  .  labour  for 
that  which  satisfieth  not?"  And 
Jesus  said,  "Labour  not  for  the 
meat  which  perisheth,  but  for  that 
meat  which  endureth"  unto  ever- 
lasting life." 

When  the  unsatiable  desire  for 
possessions  grips  a  man,  the  world 
becomes  his  portion  and  not  his 
passage.  It  becomes  fuel  for  his 
lusts  and  not  material  for  his  use. 
The  world  possesses  him,  instead  of 
his  possessing  the  world.  Posses- 
sions own  him,  dominate  him  and 
control  him;  and  everything  he 
does  is  influenced  by  materialism. 

Jesus  Christ  warns  us  that 
earth's  treasures  are  fleeting  and 
that  there  is  no  permanent  bene- 
fit to  be  derived  from  them.  He 
said,  "Lay  not  up  for  yourselves 
treasures  upon  earth,  where  moth 
and  rust  doth  corrupt,  and  where 
thieves  break  through  and  steal: 
But  lay  up  for  yourselves  treasures 
in  heaven,  where  neither  moth  nor 
rust  doth  corrupt,  and  where 
thieves  do  not  break  through  nor 
steal:  For  where  your  treasure  is. 
there  will  your  heart  be  also" 
(Matthew  6:19-21). 

He  further  stated,  "For  what 
shall  a  man  be  profited,  if  he  shall 
gain  the  whole  world  and  forfeit 
his  life?  or  what  shall  a  man  give 
in  exchange  for  his  life"  (Mat- 
thew 16:26,  Revised  Version).  This 
world  with  all  of  its  possessions 
shall  pass  away.  "The  fashion  of 
this  world  passeth  away"  (1  Corin- 
thians 7:31).  "The  world  passeth 
away,  and  the  lust  thereof:  but  he 
Continued  on  page  24 







Floyd  J.  Tirtimerman,  radio  minister  for  "Forward  in 
Faith,"  is  a  person  of  wide  experience.  He  has  served 
his  church  as  evangelist,  pastor,  state  overseer,  and 
as  a  member  of  the  Executive  Council. 


T  IS  A  PRIVILEGE  to  share 
in  the  most  important  as- 
signment of  all  ages— the 
preaching  of  the  gospel  to  every 
creature.  The  gospel  of  Jesus 
Christ  meets  a  basic  human  need 
which  is  prevalent  regardless  of 
linguistic,  geographic,  social,  or 
racial  barriers.  This  fact  makes  the 
worldwide  communication  of  the 
gospel  possible  and  necessary. 

I  have  often  asked  myself  the 
question,  Why  have  Christians  not 
been  more  excited  about  getting  the 
gospel  to  every  creature  when  this 
is  the  Great  Commission.  This  is 
God's  assigned  task  to  us.  Perhaps 
men  of  other  days  could  have  said, 
"We  are  not  sending  forth  the  gos- 
pel message  as  we  should  because 
of  the  lack  of  trained  men,  the 
lack  of  methods,  and  the  lack  of 
money."  This  explanation,  no  doubt, 
would  have  sufficed  for  the  past, 
but  I  am  sure  that  it  would  not 
excuse  us  today. 

I  am  excited  about  the  oppor- 
tunity of  living  upon  earth  in  this 
most  advanced  day  in  the  history 
of  mankind.  Our  economic  level 
has  skyrocketed.  Our  social  living 
has  been  uplifted.  Great  develop- 
ment has  been  made  in  all  walks 
of  life. 

Approximately  eighteen  months 
ago  I  became  associated  with  what 
I  consider  the  greatest  evangelistic 
arm  of  the  Church  of  God,  "For- 
ward in  Faith."  If  all  of  the  people 
attending  the  Church  of  God  on 
any  given  Sunday  were  assembled 
together  in  one  place,  this  number 
would  not  equal  the  audience  that 
"Forward  in  Faith"  has  every  week. 
When  we  stop  to  consider  that  65 
million  souls  are  added  to  our  pop- 
ulation every  year,  and  that  25 
percent  of  all  people  who  ever  lived 
upon  the  earth  are  alive  today,  and 
that  80  percent  of  the  people  who 
have  been  born  into  this  world 
since  Jesus  was  born  in  Bethle- 
hem are  alive  in  our  generation, 
what  better  method  than  radio 
could  be  used  to  preach  the  gospel 
to  these  millions.  What  an  oppor- 
tunity we  have!  What  a  responsi- 

As  I  think  about  this  opportunity 
and  responsibility,  a  sense  of  ur- 
gency stirs  me;  I  want  to  do  my 
utmost  to  get  the  story  of  Jesus 
to  every  man,  woman,  boy,  and 
girl.  When  I  see  sin's  explosion,  I 
feel  this  urgency.  When  I  see  the 
boldness  of  unbelievers  in  our  day 
and  the  stand  they  take  against 
God,  again  this  urgency  springs 
forth.  The  signs  of  Christ's  return 

and  the  anti-Christ  spirit  which  is 
prevalent  in  our  world  today  tells 
me  that  now  is  the  time  to  work 
and  that  tomorrow  will  be  too 

On  January  7,  1968,  "Forward  in 
Faith"  began  broadcasting  from 
Radio  Quisqueya.  The  financial 
status  of  our  budget  would  not  per- 
mit us  to  acquire  this  station.  How- 
ever, in  view  of  the  facts  which 
I  have  mentioned,  I  did  not  feel 
that  this  opportunity  should  be 
neglected.  Radio  Quisqueya  covers 
the  entire  world.  While  "Forward 
in  Faith"  will  be  heard  in  London. 
England,  at  9:30  p.m.  on  Sunday 
evening,  this  same  program  will 
be  heard  simultaneously  in  Tokyo, 
Japan,  at  8:30  a.m.  on  Monday 
morning.  We  have  urged  our  mis- 
sionaries and  servicemen  around 
the  world  to  monitor  this  station 
and  to  give  us  a  report  concerning 
their  reception. 

The  "Forward  in  Faith"  staff 
have  vision,  and  by  faith  we  will 
succeed.  If  you  would  like  to  know 
more  about  Radio  Quisqueya  and 
its  outreach  for  the  unreached, 
please  let  me  hear  from  you.  Our 
mailing  address  is,  "Forward  in 
Faith,"  Cleveland,  Tennessee,  Unit- 
ed States  of  America  • 



By   PAUL   P.    HENSON 

AS  THE  LIGHTS  in  the 
mammoth  mid-south  coli- 
seum in  Memphis,  Tennes 
see,  were  dimmed,  the  floodlights 
began  to  play  over  the  thousands 
of  Church  of  God  delegates  who 
had  gathered  for  the  closing  youth 
rally  of  the  1966  General  Assembly. 
Suddenly  the  floodlights  stopped  at, 
the  south  entrance  where  about 
five  hundred  participants  in  the 
Teen  Talent  Parade  began  their 
march  through  the  aisles  of  the 
coliseum  into  the  north  balcony- 
this  was  the  parade  of  champions. 

From  New  York  to  Hawaii  and 
from  North  Dakota  to  Florida  they 
came  to  represent  their  respective 
states  in  this  exciting  musical  pro- 
gram. The  audience  applauded  the 
accomplishments  of  these  youth. 
While  some  shouted  praise  to  God. 
others  wept  as  the  teen-agers  dem- 
onstrated the  talents  which  the 
Lord  had  given  them.  But  when 
fhe  last  echo  of  the  national  cham- 
pion's choir  was  absorbed  by  the 
giant  audience,  the  parade  did  not, 
end:  the  search  for  talented  youth 
continues.  Once  again  all  across 
the  United  States  this  spring  and 
summer,  more  talent  is  being  dis- 
covered and  developed.  These  teens 
will  rehearse  and  practice  until 
they  are  at  the  brink  of  perfection. 

Teen  Talent  participants  will 
come  up  through  the  ranks.  Be- 
ginning at  the  local  level,  they  will 

go  on  to  district  or  regional  com- 
petition, and  then  on  to  state  com- 
petition. State  winners  will  travel 
to  Dallas,  Texas,  to  compete  at  the 
1968  General  Assembly  with  other 
state  champions  for  the  national 
championship  in  one  of  five  cate- 

gories: vocal  solo,  vocal  ensemble, 
instrumental  solo,  instrumental  en- 
semble, and  choir.  We  look  for- 
ward to  another  exciting  round  of 
competition  and  another  presenta- 
tion of  the  Teen  Talent  Parade  of 
national  champions  • 






thirty-seven  years  old  but  I 
am  two  years  old  in  the  Lord 
Jesus  Christ — a  babe,  an  infant. 
You  may  ask  the  question  just  as 
Nicodemus,  the  ruler  who  came  to 
Jesus  by  night,  asked,  "How  can  a 
man  be  born  when  he  is  old?  can 
he  enter  the  second  time  into  his 
mother's  womb,  and  be  born?  Jesus 
answered,  Verily,  verily,  I  say  unto 
thee,  Except  a  man  be  born  of 
water  and  of  the  Spirit,  he  cannot 
enter  into  the  kingdom  of  God" 
(John  3:4,5). 

My  husband  Fredie  and  I  were 
filled  alternately  with  shock  and 
joy,  mortification  and  happiness, 
remorse  and  praise.  If  our  pulse  had 
been  recorded  at  the  time  we  re- 
ceived salvation,  the  line  would 
have  zigzagged  from  the  lowest  to 
the  highest.  There  would  have  been 
no  rounded  flowing  edges — ohTy 
that  of  the  extreme.  But  oh  the  joy 
of  learning  and  knowing  the  reality 
of  God!  Previously  Fredie  and  I 
had  thought  of  His  existence  in 
terms  completely  disconnected  with 
omnipresence.  Rather  vaguely  we 
felt  that  He  was  up-there-some - 
where  out  of  our  reach. 

The  blood  of  the  Lamb  washes  a 
sinner  and  makes  him  whole  and  it 
is  the  sinner's  duty  to  lay  aside  all 
things,  both  known  and  question- 
able that  might  be  considered  as 
sin.  We  smoked,  drank,  danced, 
delved  into  metaphysics  and  mind 
over  matter.  We  participated  in 
each  of  these  things  in  varying 
degrees,  but  there  is  no  middle 
ground  to  sin.  We  were  simply  chil- 
dren of  the  earth.  We  stood  before 
God  in  the  cold  knowledge  of  the 
truth,  and  it  smarted.  Just  as  God 
breathed  into  the  clay  nostrils  of 
Adam  and  he  became  a  living  soul, 
so  he  washed  our  clay  with  the 
blood  of  His  Son  and  gave  us  life; 
we  became  born-again  children  of 
God.  Herein  is  the  rebirth! 

Questions  hit  with  the  rapidity  of 
flashes  of  light  upon  our  subcon- 
sciousness. We  had  to  learn  how  to 
live,  dress,  act,  talk,  and  yes  .  .  . 

As  little  children  we  studied  the 
Ten  Commandments.  "Thou  shalt 
have  none  other  gods  before  me. 
Thou  shalt  not  make  thee  any 
graven  image,  or  any  likeness  of 
any  thing  that  is  in  heaven  above, 
or  that  is  in  the  earth  beneath,  or 
that  is  in  the  waters  beneath  the 
earth"   (Deuteronomy  5:7-8). 

As  little  children  we  scrutinized 
our  possessions  with  new  awareness. 
Were  we  guilty  of  this  first  com- 
mandment? I  picked  up  the  ele- 
phant figurine  (the  words  "any 
likeness  of  anything"  whispered  in 
the  recesses  of  my  mind)  a  black 
panther,  a  carved  wooden  Buddha, 
a  small  Dresden  doll,  an  elf,  and  an 
angel  and  threw  them  into  the 
trash  without  hesitation.  Though 
we  now  realize  that  this  was  not  re- 
quired or  necessary,  we  know  that 
God  knew  our  hearts  and  He  knew 
how  much  we  wanted  to  serve  Him. 

Each  day  held  its  own  special  les- 
son or  blessing,  or  the  rod  and  the 
staff.  "For  which  of  you,  intending 
to  build  a  tower,  sitteth  not  down 
first,  and  counteth  the  cost,  wheth- 
er we  have  sufficient  to  finish  it?" 
(Luke  14:28).  It  costs  to  build  a 
Christian  life  too — often  in  heart- 
ache and  tears,  pain  and  sorrow. 
Using  the  Bible  blueprint  of  a  Chris- 
tian, try  to  count  the  cost.  Some- 
times the  cost  may  be  greater  than 
you  had  expected. 

The  Rod:  After  listening  one 
evening  to  a  sermon  about  what 
the  Christian  should  wear  .  .  .  "as 
an  outward  expression  of  the  in- 
ward change,"  I  returned  home 
deeply  humiliated.  I  had  received 
the  message  as  a  personal  assault, 
for  I  was  wearing  a  sleeveless  dress. 
What  a  fight  I  had  with  the  "old 
man"   (self)    until,  on  my  knees,  I 


realized  the  Lord  had  said,  "Yes, 
you  have  come  a  long  way  from 
denims  and  shifts.  Though  you 
have  changed,  it  is  not  yet  enough." 

The  Staff:  The  blessings  are 
many  and  great.  Almost  the  next 
thing  I  heard  after  sorting  my 
wardrobe  was,  "It  takes  a  diamond 
to  cut  a  diamond  and  a  Christian 
to  cut  a  Christian."  I  was  thrilled 
with  wonder  at  the  reproof  of  our 

However,  there  was  an  oak  of  sin 
in  my  heart  to  which  I  clung — 
•smoking.  Fredie  had  been  delivered 
from  cigarettes  within  the  second 
month,  although  he  smoked  as 
many  a  day,  as  I  did.  Convicted 
by  the  Word  of  God— Isaiah  55:2; 
1  Corinthians  10:31,32—1  tried  to 
saw  off  the  branches,  but  the  tap- 
root ran  so  deep — that  the  trunk 
stubbornly  remained.  I  was  pathet- 
ic. Every  sermon  I  heard  shook  that 
tree  of  sin  like  a  quake.  "Know  ye 
not  that  ye  are  the  temple  of  God, 
and  that  the  Spirit  of  God  dwelleth 
in  you?"  (1  Corinthians  3:16). 
"Wherefore  come  out  from  among 
them,  and  be  ye  separate,  saith  the 
Lord,  and  touch  not  the  unclean 
thing,  and  I  will  receive  you"  (2 
Corinthians  6:17). 

I  was  sorely  tempted  to  indulge 
in  the  loathesome  habit  of  smoking. 
For  strength  I  read  the  promises  in 
the  Bible  which  supplied  determina- 
tion to  quit.  And,  as  an  acknowledg- 
ment of  faith  I  took  the  initiative 
by  giving  away  my  carton  of  cig- 
arettes, but  these  were  replaced 
within  a  few  hours  as  my  "deter- 
mined edges"  wore  thin. 

Unconsciously  I  substituted  faith 
with  experimentation.  I  tried  the 
"taper  to  quit"  method.  Also,  there 
are  drugs  on  the  market  intended 
to  help  a  person  "kick"  the  habit.  I 
feel  certain  they  help  some,  but  I 
was  the  one  out  of  a  hundred. 

There  are  some  folks  who  have 
just  enough  religion  to  make  them- 
selves miserable,  and  that  was  the 

state  I  was  in.  I  spent  sleepless 
nights  pacing  the  floor,  recessing 
only  for  periods  of  prayer  and  of 
smoking.  At  long  last  I  admitted 
that  my  attempts  were,  at  best,  a 
frail  prop  for  faith,  which  in  time 
would  lead  to  the  devil's  workshop 
of  frustration.  I  needed  the  power 
of  prayer  desperately.  I  wrote  an 
evangelistic  broadcasting  station 
and  requested  national  prayer  for 
deliverance  from  tobacco.  With 
thousands  of  voices  lifted  in  prayer 
with  me,  God  answered. 

I  opened  my  eyes  one  morning 
feeling  refreshed.  Taking  inventory 
of  the  sun  filtering  through  the 
window,  the  sound  of  my  son's 
breathing  from  the  next  room,  and 
the  time  of  morning,  I  arose  and 
mechanically  lit  a  cigarette  that 
absolutely  lost  all  taste.  With  crys- 
tal clearness  I  knew  my  faith  was 
renewed.  Probably  for  the  first  time 
I  did  not  need  tobacco.  Yet,  I  was 
afraid  to  believe  the  truth  or  to 
tell  Fredie  about  it.  I  was  certain 
that  the  feeling  would  wear  off. 
With  all  the  countless  false  starts, 
I  now  was  unable  to  recognize  the 
real.  So  in  the  early  days  I  never 
looked  ahead.  I  was  content  to  ac- 
cept each  day,  hour,  and  minute  by 
placing  distance  between  me  and 
the  last  cigarette. 

There  was  within  me  a  mounting 
excitement  and  wonder  at  what  our 
God  could  do.  What  freedom!  "The 
Spirit  of  the  Lord  is  upon  me  .  .  . 
to  preach  deliverance  to  the  cap- 
tives, and  recovering  of  sight  to  the 
blind,  to  set  at  liberty  them  that 
are  bruised"  (Luke  4:18).  How  well 
our  precious  Saviour  fulfills  this 

There  is  an  oft-repeated  story  of 
a  man  imprisoned  in  a  small,  dark, 
cell  all  the  days  of  his  life.  Upon 
the  discovery  of  his  release,  he 
dashed  wildly  back  into  the  hole, 
without  understanding  that  the 
freer  life  was  awaiting  him.  With 

joy  and  psalms  in  my  heart  I  lived 
in  bliss  for  fourteen  wonderful 
days.  Then  my  faith  failed.  It  is 
with  shame  that  I  admit  that  I 
started  smoking  again. 

Unless  a  person  has  experienced 
the  door  of  freedom  being  slammed 
in  his  face,  he  will  be  unable  to 
feel  the  terror  of  returning  to  that 
state  as  Satan's  prisoner.  "The  dog 
is  turned  to  his  own  vomit  again: 
and  the  sow  that  was  washed  to  her 
wallowing  in  the  mire"  (2  Peter  2: 
22).  What  happened  to  me  in  the 
days  that  followed  is  best  illustrat- 
ed by  the  ominous  truth  of  the 
Bible.  "When  the  unclean  spirit  is 
gone  out  of  a  man,  he  walketh 
through  dry  places,  seeking  rest, 
and  findeth  none.  Then  he  saith,  I 
will  return  into  my  house  from 
whence  I  came  out;  and  when  he 
is  come,  he  findeth  it  empty, 
swept,  and  garnished.  Then  goeth 
he,  and  taketh  with  himself  seven 
other  spirits  more  wicked  than 
himself,  and  they  enter  in  and 
dwell  there:  and  the  last  state  of 
that  man  is  worse  than  the  first. 
Even  so  shall  it  be  also  unto  this 
wicked  generation"  (Matthew  12: 

When  describing  hell,  the  Bible 
says,  "There  shall  be  weeping  and 
gnashing  of  teeth."  (Luke  13:28). 
For  me,  this  started  here.  Com- 
mercials tell  of  nausea  and  an 
ache-all-over  feeling  which  just 
about  describes  my  experiences  at 
that  time.  It  was  a  hideous  expe- 
rience. I  suffered  a  type  of  nervous 
collapse  with  my  body  developing 
many  side  effects  in  twitches, 
throbs,  and  muscular  spasms;  but, 
also,  an  unbearable  cold  fear 
gripped  my  heart  and  the  pit  of  my 
stomach.  I  was  despondent  and 
quick  to  anger.  And,  more.  I  knew 
I  was  this  way  and  was  powerless 
to  do  anything  about  it.  There  was 
never  a  moment  of  relief.  I  was  on 
the  verge  of  losing  my  mind.  How- 
( Continued  on  page  24) 




Pioneers   for  Christ   International 


HIS  YEAR  APRIL  has  been  set  by  the  Evange- 
lism and  Home  Missions  Department  as  Witness 
Training  Month  for  the  Church  of  God.  All 
churches  are  urged  to  set  aside  a  week  sometime  dur- 
ing April  for  the  purpose  of  training  in  personal  evan- 

A  new  book  is  being  prepared  especially  for  this  week 
(if  training.  It  will  deal  with  such  things  as  the  Chris- 
tian's responsibility  in  evangelism,  misconceptions 
about  evangelism,  requirements  for  the  soulwinner,  a 
simple  and  effective  method  of  witnessing,  the  impor- 
tance of  follow-up,  the  organization  of  a  witnessing 
program  in  the  local  church,  and  other  aspects  related 
to  this  important  subject  of  personal  involvement  in 

It  goes  without  saying  that  we  are  in  desperate  need 
of  an  effective  means  of  outreach  from  our  local 
churches  into  our  communities  and  cities  which  sur- 
round us.  Try  as  we  may,  we  will  never  find  a  substitute 
for  average  Christian  men  and  women  who  are  Spirit- 
filled,  who  have  come  to  realize  their  personal  respon- 
sibility in  soulwinning,  and  who  have  been  adequately 
trained  in  the  art  of  presenting  Christ  to  the  lost. 

We  were  encouraged  by  the  number  of  churches 
which  participated  last  year  in  Witness  Training  Week. 
By  having  a  month  this  year,  we  are  trusting  that  a 
great  number  of  churches  will  be  able  to  set  aside  one 
week  and  will  join  us  in  this  endeavor. 

The  training  book,  Pentecostal  Witnessing,  will  be 
available  in  March;  but  in  order  to  allow  plenty  of 
time  for  shipment  of  the  books,  it  would  be  advisable 
to  start  your  week  of  training  either  on  April  8, 15,  22, 
or  29.  • 


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injury  or  sickness  due  to  war  or  any  act  incident  to  war.  Hernia  is  considered 
a  sickness,  not  an  injury.  Confinement  in  a  government  hospital  is  not 
covered,  nor  is  any  person  covered  while  in  armed  services  of  any  country 
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Feet    Inches 



First  Name              Middle  Initial 
Relationship  of  Beneficiaty  to  Applicant 




during  the  past  two  \ 
□  YES     D  NO     If 

To  the  best  of  your  knov 
any  other  family  membe 
had  or  been  treated  for  a 

ledge,  have  you  or 

ny  of  the  following. 
disease,  apopleiy? 

a  YES  Q  NO 
r,  cancer,  diabetes? 

D  YES  a  NO 
prostate    trouble? 

D  YES  □  NO 
I  disease  of  female 

D  YES     D  NO 

1  certify  that,  to  the  best  of  my  knowledge,  1 

sound  condition  mentally  and  physically  and 
free  from  impairment  eirepl- 

Epilepsy,  mental  disorde 

Tuberculosis,  paralysis. 

Heart  trouble,  eye  catara 

II  "yes"  explain  fully. 



First  Name      Middle  Initial      Last  Name 

lail  this  application  with  25t  right  away  to:  173 

1  BUCKINGHAM  LIFE  INSURANCE  COMPANY,  1008  No.  Milwaukee  Ave.,  Liberty  ville.  Illinois     j 

After  the  Night 

/DON'T  WANT  you  to  go  to 
America!  Don't  go,  Mother. 
Please,  don't  go!"  Nine-year- 
old  Makoto  flung  himself  on  the 
straw-mat  floor  and  sobbed.  "I 
know  why  you're  going — not  to 
work.  You're  going  to  get  mar- 

Toshiko  knelt  down  beside  the 
sobbing  boy  and  put  her  arms 
around  him.  "Don't  cry,  Makoto," 
she  whispered  soothingly.  "You  can 
stay  with  Grandmother,  and  then 
when  I  get  settled  I  will  send  for 
you.  Wouldn't  you  like  to  go  to 

"You  won't  send  for  me!  You'll 
never  come  back!"  wailed  the  boy. 

Toshiko  soothed  her  son  as  best 
she  could,  at  the  same  time  trying 
to  forget  the  words  of  her  first 
husband  as  he  lay  dying.  "Don't 
marry  again,  Toshiko.  Take  care 
of  our  son." 

But  now  she  was  leaving  their 
son,  leaving  him  to  go  to  America 
with  Glen.  Not  to  get  married — 
they  had  already  been  married,  se- 
cretly at  the  American  Embassy  in 
Tokyo — but  to  live  with  Glen  for 
the  rest  of  her  life. 

The  petite,  attractive  Japanese 
woman  tore  herself  away  from  the 
boy  at  last.  Tearfully  she  said  good- 
bye to  her  mother.  When  would  she 
see  her  again,  she  wondered.  At 
least  Makoto  was  in  good  hands 
until  she  could  send  for  him. 

Glen,  never  talkative,  spoke 
hardly  at  all  on  their  trip.  Doubts 
plagued  Toshiko.  Was  he  sorry  he 
had  come  back  to  Japan  to  marry 
her?  Did  he  regret  it  already?  Did 

Toshiko  shook  her  head  as  if  to 
drive  away  the  tormenting  ques- 
tions. When  they  arrived  at  his 
mother's  house  in  Wisconsin  her 
loneliness  would  leave  her.  She 
would  quickly  become  accustomed 
to  America,  learn  to   speak  English 

A  True  Story  with 
fictional  names 


well,  send  for  Makoto.  Life  would 
be  good  again. 

But  it  didn't  turn  out  as  Toshiko 
expected.  Her  mother-in-law  ob- 
viously disliked  her  and  made  her 
feel  very  much  a  foreigner  and  an 
intruder.  The  home  which  she  had 
looked  forward  to  turned  out  to  be 
a  tiny  one  set  out  in  the  country. 

The  years  went  by.  Three  chil- 
dren were  born  in  rapid  succession. 
Toshiko  lived  for  her  children,  for 
these  three  and  the  one  far  away 
in  Japan.  By  now  he  was  a  teen- 
ager, and  still  she  had  been  unable 
to  convince  Glen  to  send  for  him. 
How  deceived  Makoto  must  feel! 
But  she  was  helpless;  she  was  only 
an  insignificant,  forgotten  woman 
in  an  alien  land. 

She  wept;  she  smoked;  she 
prayed.  Yes,  she  believed  in  God. 
As  a  child  she  had  gone  to  Sunday 
school  to  learn  about  the  true  God 
and  His  Son,  Jesus.  She  believed 
in  Him  rather  than  in  the  Buddhist 
deities.  Now,  in  her  difficulty,  she 
turned   to  Him. 

"Please,  God,"  she  prayed,  "take 
care  of  my  children.  Take  care  of 
Makoto  far  away  in  Japan.  Please 
bring  him  to  me.  And  please  send 
me  a  friend." 

After  nine  years  in  the  country, 
it  was  both  exciting  and  fright- 
ening to  move  into  town.  Toshiko. 
reared  in  a  bustling  city  in  Japan, 
had  never  become  used  to  the 
quietness    and    loneliness    of    the 

rural  area.  But  now  as  she  con- 
templated mingling  with  people 
again,  she  became  overcome  with 
shyness.  What  would  they  think 
of  her,  living  in  America  so  long 
and  still  not  able  to  speak  good 

The  people  in  the  small  town 
were  friendly.  They  nodded  and 
smiled  when  Toshiko  walked  to  the 
supermarket.  Some  tried  to  talk 
but  soon  gave  up.  They  could  not 
understand  Toshiko's  pidgin  En- 

Feeling  more  and  more  inferior, 
Toshiko  was  about  to  clam  up  en- 
tirely when  a  different  kind  of  peo- 
ple began  to  visit  her.  Some  of  the 
townspeople  dubbed  them  "religious 
fanatics."  Fanatics  or  not  Toshiko 
liked  them.  They  cared  about  her 
and  her  family;  they  tried  hard  to 
understand  her  broken  English. 
One  day  a  new  one  appeared.  Hav- 
ing been  a  missionary  in  Japan, 
she  could  speak  Japanese! 

Toshiko  poured  out  her  heart  to 
her  new  friend.  She  told  of  the 
years  of  loneliness,  heartache, 
frustration,  and  disappointment. 
When  she  had  finished  the  recital, 
her  new  friend  told  her  of  the  One 
who  could  heal  her  broken  heart, 
forgive  her  sins,  take  away  the  bit- 
terness, give  her  peace  and  joy — 
eternal  life. 

Presented  with  a  Bible  in  her 
own  language,  Toshiko  began  to 
read.    Her   new   friends   subscribed 


to  a  Japanese  Christian  newspaper 
which  arrived  once  a  month  from 
her  homeland.  She  began  to  read 
Christian  books  in  Japanese  that 
explained    the    way    of    salvation. 

Her  new  friends  invited  her  for 
coffee,  taught  her  to  make  bread 
and  pie,  had  her  family  over  for 
dinner,  and  took  her  and  her  chil- 
dren to  church.  The  one  who  knew 
Japanese  read  the  Bible  with  her 
regularly  and  prayed.  Together 
they  asked  God  to  make  Glen  will- 
ing to  send  for  Makoto. 

Toshiko  had  believed  in  the  true 
God  and  in  His  Son,  Jesus  Christ, 
since  her  Sunday  school  days  in 
Japan;  but  she  had  never  received 
Him  as  her  own  personal  Saviour 
and  Friend.  Gradually  the  desire 
to  know  Him  personally  took  hold 
of  her.  One  night  she  told  her  new 
friends,  "I  have  received."  They 
knew  what  she  meant  and  rejoiced 
with  her. 

Was  it  the  devil's  protest  at  los- 
ing one  of  his  victims?  That  very 
night  Toshiko  and  Glen  quarrelled. 
Glen,  becoming  furious,  beat  his 
tiny  wife  mercilessly.  Afraid  for 
her  life,  she  fled  to  the  safety  of  a 
neighbor's  house. 

The  townspeople  shook  their 
heads  and  gossiped.  The  Christians 
wondered  and  prayed.  Would  To- 
shiko leave  her  husband?  But 
where  could  she  go?  Toshiko  de- 
cided to  stay. 

And  then  the  unexpected  hap- 
pened. Glen  did  not  say  he  was 
sorry,  but  he  told  his  wife  he  had 
decided  that  she  could  send  for 
Makoto.  Toshiko  could  scarcely  be- 
lieve her  ears! 

Red  tape  took  several  months, 
but  finally  the  date  was  set.  To- 
shiko was  exuberant.  But  a  day  be- 
fore they  were  to  leave  to  meet  the 
plane,  a  telegram  came.  Red  tape 
at  the  other  end  made  Makoto 's 
coming  impossible   for  some   time. 

Crushed,  Toshiko  wondered  why. 
Her  Christian  friends  urged  her  to 
leave  it  in  the  Lord's  hands.  Had 
He  not  already  done  the  miraculous 
in  persuading  Glen  to  send  for 
him?  Did  not  the  Bible  say  that 
"All  things  work  together  for  good 
to  them  that  love  God?"  Toshiko 
prayed,  trusted,  and  waited. 

Finally,  two  years  and  many  de- 
lays later,  Makoto  arrived  in  Wis- 
consin to  join  his  mother.  What  a 
day  of  rejoicing  for  Toshiko!  She 
began  to  talk  to  him  about  be- 
coming a  Christian  before  he  was 
well  off  the  plane! 

Difficulties  lay  ahead  for  the  lit- 
tle family.  Makoto  had  much  to 
learn,  much  to  overcome  in  a  new, 
strange  land.  He  found  that  it  was 
one  thing  to  study  English  from  a 
book  in  Japan  and  quite  another 
to  speak  it  in  America.  He  wanted 
to  start  college  at  once  but  had 
neither  the  money  he  needed  nor 
the  ability  to  handle  the  English 
language.  Shy  and  slow  to  make 
friends,  he  was  homesick  for  Ja- 

Toshiko  now  had  new  problems 
to  face.  Would  it  always  be  this 
way?  Yet,  as  she  reviewed  the  past 
years  of  her  life  since  coming  to 
America,  she  knew  she  had  come  a 
long  way.  Most  important  of  all. 
she  had  come  to  Christ,  and  now 
He  was  in  control.  Her  son  had 
come  to  her  after  a  separation  of 
twelve  years.  Was  this  not  God's 
doings?  As  He  had  solved  this  prob- 
lem for  her,  would  not  He  solve  the 
others  in  His  own  way  and  in  His 
own  time?  Even  Glen,  who  seemed 
more  like  a  stranger  than  a  hus- 
band, she  would  leave  with  Him. 
Whatever  the  difficulty,  she  would 
trust  in  the  promise,  "All  things 
work  together  for  good  to  them 
that  love  God,  to  them  who  are 
the  called  according  to  his  pur- 
pose"   (Romans  8:28). 

Toshiko  could  look  ahead  with 
confidence.  Her  God  would  not  fail 
her!    • 

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I  was  conducting  evange- 
listic meetings  in  a  North 
Dakota  town,  the  pastor  and  the 
school  principal  arranged  for  me 
to  speak  at  the  Baccalaureate  ser- 
vices at  the  local  high  school.  There 
were  perhaps  four  hundred  per- 
sons present  as  I  spoke  on  "The 
True   Purpose   of  Life." 

Two  school  teachers  attended  the 
gospel  meetings  regularly.  One  was 
a  blonde  Norwegian  girl,  and  the 
other  was  her  close  friend,  a  bru- 
nette German  girl.  It  seemed  that 
they  were  hesitant  about  coming 
forward  for  salvation.  Perhaps  they 
were  fearful  of  what  others  would 
think  of  them. 

The  meetings  were  to  close  on  a 
Tuesday  night.  Attendance  had 
been  good  and  many  had  come 
to  Christ.  On  Monday  I  gave  a  lec- 
ture on  modern  amusements.  Be- 
fore giving  the  actual  message,  I 
said  something  like  this:  "I  am 
not  an  old  fogy.  I  believe  in  good 
and  wholesome  sports  and  simple 
amusements  as  a  substitute  for 
questionable  ones.  I  would  not  seek 
to  deprive  anyone  of  a  good  time. 
If  you  as  a  sinner  are  on  your 
way  to  hell,  have  as  good  a  time 
as  you  can,  because  you  will  not 
have  a  good  time  when  you  get 
to  your  destination." 

On  Tuesday  morning  there  was 
a  letter   from   the   blonde   teacher 
which  read  something  like  this: 
Dear  Mr.   Larson, 

You  have  in  no  unmistakable 
way  shown  me  that  I  am  a  sin- 
ner, and  if  that  is  the  first  pre- 
requisite for  salvation  then  I  am 
prepared  for  it.  But  instead  of 
wishing  me  a  "pood  time"  on  my 
way  to  hell,  please  pray  for  me. 
I  need  it  so. 

Yours  a  humble  sinner. 
This  note  was  somewhat  of  a 
surprise  to  me,  and  I  immediately 
wrote  a  short  note  in  reply,  show- 
ing her  how  she  could  be  saved — 
although  I  had  shown  this  repeat- 
edly during  the  evening  services. 
I  knew  that  she  would  get  that 
letter  about  noon  of  the  closing 







I  suggested  that  the  pastor's 
wife  invite  both  the  teachers  to 
the  parsonage  after  the  closing 
service,  if  they  did  not  come  for- 
ward for  salvation  at  the  meeting. 

As  the  blonde  girl  came  into  the 
church  that  evening,  I  noticed  that 
she  had  been  crying.  That  could 
be  a  sign  of  sincere  repentance; 
also  it  could  mean  that  my  letter 
had  touched  her  heart. 

At  the  close  of  the  service,  after 
saying  farewell  to  many,  I  went 
immediately  to  the  parsonage 
where  the  pastor  and  his  wife  and 
the  two  teachers  were  waiting. 

We  talked  for  a  short  time,  seek- 
ing to  clear  away  any  misunder- 
standing about  how  a  person  could 
come  to  Christ.  I  made  a  very 
simple  explanation  of  the  way  of 
salvation.  One  must  come  to  Christ, 
admitting  his  sin  and  his  need  of 
Christ.  He  must  confess  all  his  sins 
to  God  in  the  name  of  Christ  and 
believe  that  Jesus  had  died  on  the 
cross  to  pay  the  price  for  his  re- 
demption (Matthew  11:28;  Romans 
3:23;  1  John  1:9;  Romans  10:9. 

The  German  teacher  came  to 
Christ  almost  at  once.  It  seemed 
to  be  an  easy  matter  for  her  to 
accept  salvation.  But  it  was  more 
difficult  for  the  Norwegian  to  come 
to  Christ.  She  seemed  hesitant  to 
commit  her  life  to  God  completely. 

As  we  were  on  our  knees,  sud- 
denly she  said,  "Oh,  God,  please 
drive  the  devil  out  of  my  heart!" 
She  seemed  to  sense  that  Satan 
was  hindering  her  from  coming  to 
Christ.  God  heard  that  simple  and 
abrupt  prayer  and  saved  her  at 

When  I  passed  through  that  area 
some  years  afterwards,  I  learned 
that  she  had  become  an  active 
Christian.  She  later  had  married 
a  farmer. 

The  sinner  may  enjoy  a  good 
time  in  this  world,  but  there  will 
be  loss  and  anguish  in  eternity 
without  Christ  and  without  God. 
Jesus  said,  "What  shall  it  profit 
a  man,  if  he  shall  gain  the  whole 
world,  and  lose  his  own  soul?  Or 
what  shall  a  man  give  in  exchange 
for  his  soul?"    (Mark  8:36,  37).    • 



By  Donald  S.  Aultman 
National  Director 


Greenville    (Tremont   Ave.). 

South  Carolina   ....   _   _  —  232 

Cincinnati   (Central  Parkway),  Ohio  ....  218 
Jacksonville    (Garden   City)     Florida  ....  215 

Jackson  (Bailey  Ave.),  Mississippi  172 

Atlanta   (Mount  Paran).  Georgia  170 

Jacksonville     (Springfield),    Florida    -.  154 

Buford,   Georgia _  —   _   150 

Gastonla  (Ranlo),  North  Carolina 148 

Radford,    Virginia    —    —      --    —    —  147 

Lakeland    (Lake    Wire),    Florida    _ 144 

Wilmington  Park,  North  Carolina 142 

Indianapolis,    Indiana   _ 139 

Morganton,  North  Carolina  .  135 

Rossvllle,  Georgia      -  - 133 

Canton    (Canton   Temple),   Ohio  —  ....  131 

Hamilton  (Princeton  Pike),  Ohio  123 

Wyandotte,    Michigan   -  123 

Poplar,    California    __   ....    _.    _   ....     ...  122 

Cleveland  (Mt.  Olive),  Tennessee  118 

Flint   (West),  Michigan  ..     116 

Naples,    Florida    _.    .  113 

Pulaski,  Virginia   ... 113 

Plant   City,   Florida .   ....  110 

Cleveland   (Detroit  Ave.),  Ohio  ...    109 

Brooklyn,   Maryland   _   —   _ -  108 

Kannapolls    (Elm   St.),    North   Carolina  108 
Chattanooga    (East),    Tennessee    .       ...  107 

Lexington,    Kentucky    .  -  107 

Pasco,    Washington    _ ...  105 

Covington  (Shepherds  Fold),  Louisiana  103 

Monroe    (4th    Street),    Michigan    103 

Lorain,   Ohio   ...    .  —  102 

Sallbury,   Maryland    .      .  _    99 

Hurst,    Texas    _ ..      . 97 

Portland     (Powell     Blvd.),     Oregon        .    95 

San  Fernando  Valley,  California  95 

Somerset,  Pennsylvania  .  .  95 

St.  Pauls,  North  Carolina  ...  93 

Tampa,   Florida   —    91 

Huntsvllle     (Virginia    Blvd.),    Alabama    90 
Elyrla,    Ohio    _    ....  89 

Graham.    Texas ...     89 

Columbus  (Frebls  Ave.),  Ohio  .  87 

Troy,    Michigan    ....    86 

Glendale,    Arizona    84 

Dayton,   Tennessee   83 

Mesqulte,   Texas   83 

Wooster,    Ohio    - 82 

Peoria,   Illinois   81 

Winter  Haven  (West),  Florida  80 

Jesup,    Georgia   _    ....   ....    ...    79 

Kannapolls   (Earle  St.),  North  Carolina    79 

Princeton,  West  Virginia  79 

Austin,   Indiana    77 

Rochester,   Michigan ....    77 

Dalton    (E.   Morris   St.),   Georgia   75 

South  Lebanon,  Ohio  75 

North   Ridgeville,   Ohio    73 

Long  Beach,   California  72 

Pompano  Beach,  Florida  72 

Thorn,    Mississippi    72 

Corbin  (Center  St.),  Kentucky  70 

Johnson    City,    Tennessee    ....    _ 69 

Kings  Mountain,  North  Carolina  69 

Louisville    (Pleasant    Ridge),    Kentucky    69 
Waynesburg,   Pennsylvania   69 

Continued  on  page  22 

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State  or  Province 

Sixty-two  Jllinoisans  attended  the  conference.  Jim  Madison,  the  en- 
ergetic state   director,  is   the  first  man   here   in   the   foreground. 

Chicago  Tabernacle  brought  sixteen  persons.  Pastor  James  E.  Steele 
is   shown  in  the  center,   back   row. 



Two  chartered  buses  rolled  into 
Natural  Bridge,  Virginia,  the  morn- 
ing of  December  27,  1967,  to  attend 
the  first  National  Youth  Conference 
sponsored  by  the  Church  of  God. 
These  buses  were  loaded  with  cheer- 
ful young  people  and  chaperones 
from  the  "Land  of  Lincoln."  State 
Youth  Director  Jim  Madison  and 
his  youth  board  had  planned  and 
promoted  the  conference  for  over  a 
year.  The  hard  work  paid  off  and 
results  were  most  gratifying. 

James  Everett  Steele,  pastor  at 
Chicago  Tabernacle,  won  top  hon- 
ors for  attendance  from  a  local 
church.  Sixteen  from  his  church  at- 
tended the  conference.  Their  trip 
was  made  possible  as  a  result  of  a 
candy  project  in  their  church.  The 
young    people    raised    the    money 

themselves.  Youth  from  Chicago, 
the  Narragansett  Church,  where  Bill 
Heron  serves  as  pastor,  also  sold 
merchandise  to  sponsor  their  trip. 
The  Decatur  Pioneers  For  Christ 
with  Frank  Lazenby  as  sponsor, 
along  with  volunteers,  bundled 
tire  tags  from  Firestone  Tire  Com- 
pany to  raise  money  for  their  ex- 
penses on  the  trip.  They  made  one 
cent  for  each  tag  tied,  and  as  a 
result  some  twenty  thousand  such 
tags  were  tied.  They  stated,  "It  was 
worth  every  tag  we  tied  to  be  priv- 
ileged to  attend  the  conference, 
and  we  would  do  it  again."  The 
Reverend  Joe  Bertinetti,  pastor  of 
this  youth  group,  stated  that  be- 
cause of  the  trip  the  lives  of  these 
young  people  had  been  enriched 
and  challenged. 

Rhonda  Howell  and  Randy  Miller 

The  Houston  Church  of  God 
Young  Peoples'  Endeavor  recently 
promoted  a  contest  in  which  $555.90 
was  raised.  This  contest  lasted  for 
a  period  of  six  weeks,  and  every- 
one worked  very  hard.  Rhonda 
Howell  and  Randy  Miller  (shown 
above)  served  as  our  group  cap- 


from  page  21 

Richmond    Dale,    Ohio   __    _ 

Rutherfordton    North  Carolina  _ 
Red   Bay.    Alabama   .... 

Ecorse,   Michigan  ...     

Lancaster,    Ohio   _ 

Washington   Park,   Illinois   65 

Vanceburg,    Kentucky    .    ...  .64 

Tipton,   Indiana   _ ...  63 

Addison,    Alabama    _ ....  61 

West  Frankfort,  Illinois  61 

Jackson,    Ohio _ 60 

Louisville    (Highland    Park),    Kentucky  59 

Pueblo,    Colorado   _. 59 

Sanford,   Florida   .... 59 

Cahokia.   Illinois ,.  58 

Shelby,   North   Carolina .   ....  58 

Lawrenceville,    Illinois    ....    ....     ...    ...     ....  57 

Uhrichsville,    Ohio    ....    ....    _    _ 57 

Jacksonville,    North    Carolina    _..           ...  56 

Brewton    (East),    Alabama  55 

Forest    City,    Arkansas   .                     ..  55 

Salisbury    (Morlan    Park). 

North   Carolina    _.          ...                        .  55 

Bush,   Louisiana 54 

Tu'sa   (Glen  Station),   Oklahoma  54 
Anchorage    (7th    and    "K"    Sts.). 

Alaska    ...  53 

Brunswick   (Sterling),  Georgia  _.. 

East   Point    Georgia _  _..   _      .  53 

Fort  Lauderdale    (4th  Ave.),  Florida    ...  52 

SDrmefield.    Illinois  

Charlottesville,   Virginia  



The  party  on  December  21,  1967, 
proved  to  be  a  happy  time  for  the 
North  Cleveland  Church  of  God 
Junior  Sunday  School  Class,  Num- 
ber 4.  One  of  the  mothers,  Mrs. 
Jack  Carroll,  the  mother  of  two  of 
the  girls  in  the  class,  invited  us  to 
her  home.  She,  along  with  her  old- 
est and  her  youngest  daughter,  is 
pictured  with  the  six  Sunday  school 
girls  and  their  teacher. 

All  the  girls  enjoyed  seeing  a 
filmstrip  of  India,  playing  games, 
and  having  Christmas  refresh- 
ments. Carol  Turner,  the  girl  pic- 
tured at  right,  is  the  daughter  of 
the  Reverend  and  Mrs.  Harold  Tur- 
ner, our  returned  missionaries 
from  India.  They  are  now  on  fur- 
lough, after  having  spent  seven 
teen  years  in  India. 

This  party  was  one  of  the  high- 
lights of  the  season  for  the  class — 
and  especially  for  Carol,  who  has 
never  known  the  thrill  of  spending 
Christmas  in  the  States.  The  girls 
are  still  talking  about  the  good 
time  of  fellowship  they  enjoyed  at 
this  party. 

—Geneva   Carroll 


By  Ruth  Stewart  Schenley 

After  Grandma  grew  up,  she  grew 

down — 
I   mean  she   got  a  little  bent 
Stooping   over   to   debug   roses. 
And  wiping  all  the  children's  noses; 
Other  lifetime  hours  she  spent 
Patting  every  pup  in  town. 


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pay shipping  charges.  Return  what  you 
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4:30  PM  of  the  same  day,  the  drive  was 
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less  than  two  hours  is  undoubtedly  the  best 
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from  page  11 

that  doeth  the  will  of  God  abideth 
for  ever"  (1  John  2:17).  Riches 
will  take  wings  as  the  eagles  and 
fly  away.  Those  who  base  their  life 
and  their  hope  in  money  will  pierce 
themselves  through  with  many 
sorrows  and  fall  into  many  hurt- 
ful lusts  and  temptations. 

In  what  pleasure  does  one  re- 
ceive perfect  satisfaction  and  com- 
plete comfort?  Is  there  any  plea- 
sure that  could  be  labeled  as  true 
life?  How  empty  life  is  afW  a 
weekend  of  what  is  called  "living 
it  up."  An  empty  pocketbook,  a 
ruined  character,  a  castdown  spir- 
it, and  an  aching  void  in  one's 
soul  are  produced  by  manv  of  the 
so-called  pleasures.  Instead  of  en- 
joying pleasure,  people  are  actual- 
ly servants  of  pleasure. 

It  is  so  aptly  said  by  the  Apostle 
Paul,  "We  ourselves  were  also 
sometimes  foolish,  disobedient,  de- 
ceiving, ser^ng  divers  lusts  and 
pleasures"  (Titus  3:3).  One  is  de- 
ceived into  feelmg  that  he  is  en- 
joying the  pleasures  of  life,  when 
actually  he  is  a  servant  of  th^m. 
"Who  enlargeth  his  desire  as  hell, 
and  .  .  .  cannot  be  satisfied"  (Ha- 
bakknk  2:5). 

The  sinner  is  dead  in  trespasses 
and  sin:  there  is  no  true  life  in 
him.  "She  that  liveth  in  pleasure 
is  dead  while  she  liveth"  (1  Tim- 
othy 5:6).  While  she  worships  at 
the  shrne  of  pleasure,  she  becomes 
a  bond  slave  to  the  things  that 
she  thinks  she  eniovs,  the  devil 
reiens  on  the  throne  of  her  heart 
and  lives  at  her  own  exn^nse.  The 
God  of  this  world  has  blinded  the 
minds  of  them  that  believe  not, 
and  the  enemy  of  their  souls  has 
given  them  a  distorted  view  of 
things;  therefore,  they  place  the 
wrong  values  upon  the  things  of 
this  life. 

Solomon  said,  "I  said  in  mine 
heart,  Go  to  now,  I  will  prove  thee 
with  mirth,  therefore  enjoy  plea- 
sures:   and,    behold,    this    also    is 

vanity.  I  said  of  laughter,  It  is  mad: 
and  of  mirth,  What  doeth  it?  I 
sought  in  mine  heart  to  give  my- 
self unto  wine,  yet  acquainting 
mine  heart  with  wisdom;  and  to 
lay  hold  on  folly,  till  I  might  see 
what  was  that  good  for  the  sons 
of  men,  which  they  should  do  un- 
der the  heaven  all  the  days  of 
their  life"  (Ecclesiastes  2:1-3). 
Solomon  went  the  gamut  of  plea- 

He  sought  pleasure  in  wisdom 
and  knowledge  and  put  a  pre- 
mium upon  learning.  But  he  con- 
cluded, "Lo,  I  am  come  to  great 
estate,  and  have  gotten  more  wis- 
dom than  all  they  that  have  been 
before  me  in  Jerusalem:  yea,  my 
heart  had  great  experience  of  wis- 
dom and  knowledge.  And  I  gave 
my  heart  to  know  wisdom,  and  to 
know  madness  and  folly:  I  per- 
ceived that  this  also  is  vexation  of 
spirit.  For  in  much  wisdom  is  much 
grief:  and  he  that  increaseth 
knowledge  increaseth  sorrow"  (Ec- 
clesiastes  1:16-181. 

When  he  discovered  that  he 
could  not  find  life  in  the  noble 
pleasures  of  intellect,  he  resolved 
to  try  mirth  and  the  pleasures  of 
the  senses.  He  was  entertained  by 
laughter,  jest,  and  merry  stories. 
A  summation  of  his  pursuit  of  life 
is  given  very  succinctly  in  these 
words,  "I  withheld  not  my  heart 
from  any  joy"  (Ecclesiastes  2:10). 
But  after  indulgence  in  all  these 
pleasures,  he  said,  "Therefore  I 
hated  life  ...  for  all  is  vanity 
and  vexation  of  spirit"  (Ecclesi- 
astes 2:17). 

We  are  living  in  a  pleasure- 
mad,  pleasure-crazed  generation, 
where  an  idle  and  ease-loving  peo- 
ple are  seeking  more  time  for  their 
sensuous  pursuits  and  for  satis- 
faction of  their  lustful  appetites. 
The  Word  of  God  has  warned  us 
about  the  perils  of  these  last  times: 
"Men  shall  be  .  .  .  lovers  of  plea- 
sures more  than  lovers  of  God" 
(Ecclesiastes  3:2-4).  But  true  life 
is  not  bound  up  in  the  pleasures 
of  this  world.  True  life  resides  in 
Christ:  "He  that  hath  the  Son  hath 
life;  and  he  that  hath  not  the  Son 
of  God  hath  not  life"  (1  John 
5:12).  • 


from  -page  15 

ever,  one  thread  of  integrity  told 
me  that  Jesus  Christ  was  still  the 
source  of  all  hope. 

To  compound  the  matter  we  were 
in  the  process  of  changing  pastors. 
But,  the  church  prayed  for  my  help, 
and  I  held  onto  the  promise  of  God. 
"Wherefore  I  say  unto  you,  All  man- 
ner of  sin  and  blasphemy  shall  be 
forgiven  unto  men"  (Matthew  12: 
31).  My  prayer  became  like  the 
father  with  the  child  that  had  a 
deaf  and  dumb  spirit,  "Lord,  I  be- 
lieve; help  thou  mine  unbelief." 
(Mark  9:24). 

In  an  unexplainable  way  I  felt 
reassurance  that  help  was  on  its 
way,  if  I  would  only  hold  the  fort. 
I  knew  somehow  that  our 
prayers  had  been  answered,  al- 
though I  was  still  weakened  by  de- 
feat and  failure.  Satan  tormented 
me  with  the  thought,  "God  deliver- 
ed you  once,  and  you  deliberately 
turned  away  from  Him.  He  will 
never  trust  you  the  second  time." 

It  is  impossible  for  a  mother  to 
be  ill,  without  her  family  suffering 
along  with  her.  Without  accusations 
or  scoldings,  Fredie  watched  with 
bewildered  amazement.  He  tried  in 
every  conceivable  way  to  help  me 
get  well.  He  prayed  with  me.  Then 
a  pallor  would  sweep  his  face  when 
eventually  I  would  light  another 
cigarette.  Knowing  you  are  hurting 
another,  enlarges  personal  hurt. 

So  this  battle  seemed  one  which 
I  was  about  to  lose,  except  for  one 
flicker  of  light:  "With  men  it  is  im- 
possible, but  not  with  God:  for  with 
God  all  things  are  possible"  (Mark 
10:27).  In  God's  sight  even  I  was 
not  an  impossible  case.  God  has 
never  lost  a  battle  yet. 

Our  new  pastor,  the  Reverend 
Dan  Moore,  arrived  and  gave  his 
ministry  a  sturdy  launching  with  a 
promise  of  a  three-day  revival 
which  was  needed  by  all.  He  knew 
nothing  of  any  problem,  since  he 
was  from  another  state. 

Yet,  instead  of  going  to  him  I 
decided    to    talk   it   over   with    the 


Lord,  for  I  was  at  my  wits'  end.  Al- 
though God  already  knew  them, 
I  explained  the  obsession  which 
Satan  had  used  to  weaken  my  faith 
— how  that  God  would  never  deliver 
me  twice.  Then  I  explained  to  Him 
how  important  it  was  for  me  to 
know  His  delivering  power  so  that 
I  might  be  able  to  combat  Satan. 
Remembering  how  Gideon  had  put 
out  a  fleece  before  God,  I  said, 
"Lord,  if  you  are  going  to  be  merci- 
ful enough  to  deliver  me  again, 
please  have  someone  make  a  call 
for  me  to  come  to  the  altar  tonight. 
And,  if  you  do  not  call  me,  I  will 
know  the  answer  by  your  silence. 

Thoughts  must  have  come  to  me 
throughout  the  remainder  of  the 
day,  but  all  I  recall  is  that  a  type 
of  anesthetic  numbness  settled  over 
me  until  we  were  seated  in  the 
church  where  services  were  already 
in  progress.  Then,  my  request  of 
God  seemed  ridiculous  to  me.  In 
the  entire  year  that  I  had  been 
attending  church,  I  could  not  re- 
member any  one  particular  person 
ever  being  singled  out.  Without  ex- 
ception a  "general"  call  had  been 
made  to  those  wanting  salvation  or 
to  those  wanting  a  closer  walk  with 
the  Lord.  With  a  failing  heart  with- 
in me,  I  wondered  what  had  ever 
made  me  think  that  God  would  es- 
tablish a  precedent  for  me. 

The  church  was  a  small  one  and 
the  people  attending  that  night 
were  just  about  as  close  to  God  as 
any  group  can  be  in  this  life.  I 
alone  was  miserable.  I  was  so  dis- 
traught with  disappointment  that 
I  missed  the  message.  Suddenly  the 
sermon  was  interrupted.  Our  pastor 
startled  everyone  but  me — and  yet 
I  was  the  most  surprised  of  all.  He 
said,  "Will  the  one  who  has  just 
turned  back  on  God,  please  come 
to  the  altar?" 

That  was  a  year  ago.  I  give  my 
testimony  now  with  the  hope  that 
another  person  who  has  turned 
his  back  on  God  will  find  new 
strength  and  will  turn  once  more 
to  God.  God  will  not  fail  to  meet 
you  at  the  altar  of  rededication 
and  reconsecration.  Trust  Him,  and 
He  will  give  you  the  assurance  that 
you  have  been  born  anew,  that  you 
are  now  His  child.  • 






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Daily  Devotions  for  Christian  Teens 


Instructions:  Read  the  assigned  Bible  chapters  or 
verses.  Think  on  the  message;  consider  the  devotional 
comments.  Pray  for  the  designated  person  or  activity. 

Devotions  in  Luke.  Writer:  Luke  the  Physician.  Date 
written:  A.D.  58.  Purpose:  To  present  Christ  as  the 
ideal  man,  the  Son  of  Man,  and  the  Saviour— the  per- 
fector  of  all  men. 

FRIDAY,  March  l,  Read:  Verses  1-38,  Chapter  1.  Think: 
List  three  reasons  why  you  think  Mary  "found  favour" 
with  God  (v.  30).  Can  these  same  principles  be  applied 
to  your  life?  Pray:  Avoid  using  your  prayer  life  only 
as  a  time  to  ask  for  things;  include  praise  and  thanks- 

SATURDAY,  March  2,  Read:  Verses  39-80,  Chapter  1. 
Think:  Regular  Bible  reading  and  proper  study  habits 
will  equip  you  to  live  a  powerpacked  life  (v.  75).  Pray: 
For  family  training  hour  youth  groups  and  their 

SUNDAY,  March  3,  Read:  Chapter  2.  Think:  How  do 
the  words  of  Christ,  "Know  ye  not  that  I  must  be 
about  my  Father's  business,"  apply  to  teen-age  service 
iv.  49)?  Pray:  Pledge  your  life  anew  to  Christian  ser- 
vice at  school,  at  home,  and  at  church. 

MONDAY,  March  4,  Read:  Chapter  3.  Think:  The  state- 
ment, "Be  content  with  your  wages,"  implies  honesty 
in  making  money  and  not  laziness  (v.  14).  Pray:  For 
stewardship  strength  to  earn  money  honestly  and  to 
spend  it  wisely. 

TUESDAY,  March  5,  Read:  Chapter  4.  Think:  Satan 
tempted  Christ  bv  offering  Him  profit,  power,  and 
popularity  (vv.  3,5,9).  Basically,  all  teen-age  tempta- 
tions orbit  around  these  three  attractions.  Pray:  For 
spiritual  alertness  to  detect  the  traps  and  camouflaged 
temptations  of  Satan. 

WEDNESDAY,  March  6,  Read:  Chapter  5.  Think:  Mat- 
thew (Levi)  accepted  the  call  to  discipleship  and  "left 
all"  to  follow  Christ  (v.  28).  What  are  some  of  the 
things  included  in  "leaving  all"  to  follow  and  to  serve 
Christ?  Pray:  For  Church  of  God  missionaries  and 
native  evangelists  around  the  world. 

THURSDAY,  March  7,  Read:  Verses  1-23,  Chapter  6. 
Think:  Christ  chose  twelve  apostles  to  work  with  Him 
(vv.  14-16).  What  gauge  do  you  think  He  used  to  se- 
lect these  men?  Pray:  For  state  and  national  evange- 
lists and  for  successful  revival  campaigns. 

FRIDAY,  March  8,  Read:  Verses  24-49,  Chapter  6. 
Think:  What  is  the  guiding  principle  for  judging 
others  as  set  forth  in  the  parable  of  the  mote  and  the 
beam?  (v.  42).  Pray:  Ask  for  grace  to  be  slow  to 
criticize,  but  quick  to  compliment,  fellow  teens  for 
achievements  or  abilities. 

SATURDAY,  March  9,  Read:  Chapter  7.  Think:  The 
centurion's  respectful  attitude  toward  Christ  directed 
him  in  forming  "great  faith"  and  in  receiving  healing 
for  his  servant  (v.  9).  Pray:  For  James  L.  Slay,  field 
representative,  Church  of  God  World  Missions. 

SUNDAY,  March  10,  Read:  Chapter  8.  Think:  A  teen- 
ager who  had  committed  his  life  to  Christ  should  not 
permit  worldly  pressures  to  deprive  him  of  holy  calm- 
ness and  contentment  (v.  25).  Pray:  For  foresight  to 
trust  Christ  regardless  of  conditions  or  unfavorable 

MONDAY,  March  11,  Read:  Verses  1-27,  Chapter  9. 
Think:  Christ  said  unto  His  disciples,  "But  whom  say 
ye  that  I  am?"  (v.  20).  What  is  your  answer  to  this  in- 
quiry? Pray:  For  the  ministry  and  the  employees  of 
the  Church  of  God  Publishing  House,  and  for  E.C. 
Thomas,  business  manager. 

TUESDAY,  March  12,  Read:  Verses  28-62,  Chapter  9. 
Think:  How  can  the  statement,  "For  he  that  is  least 
among  you  all,  the  same  shall  be  great"  (v.  48),  be  ap- 
plied to  teen-age  popularity?  Pray:  Be  honest  with 
God;  talk  over  your  problems  with  Him  and  ask  for 
specific  answers. 

WEDNESDAY,  March  13,  Read:  Chapter  10.  Think:  The 
seventy  evangelist-workers  sent  out  by  Christ  returned 
with  joy  (v.  17).  There  is  joy  and  a  sense  of  fulfillment 
offered  in  Christian  service.  Pray:  For  Ralph  Williams, 
general  secretary-treasurer,  and  the  detailed  work  of 
records  and  finance  that  he  directs. 


THURSDAY,  March  14,  Read:  Chapter  11.  Think:  The 
Lord's  Prayer  (vv.  2-4)  includes  adoration  (v.  2),  inter- 
cession (v.  2),  petition  (v.  3),  and  confession  (v.  4). 
Pray:  Out  of  the  667  prayers  for  special  things  in  the 
Bible  there  are  454  traceable  answers.  Believe  when 
you  pray. 

FRIDAY,  March  15,  Read:  Chapter  12.  Think:  Guide- 
lines for  the  development  and  use  of  teen-age  talents 
are  set  forth  in  verse  48,  "For  unto  whomsoever  much 
is  given,  of  him  shall  be  much  required."  Pray:  For 
self-discipline  in  practicing  or  in  studying  to  develop 
personal  talents. 

SATURDAY,  March  16,  Read:  Verses  1-17,  Chapter  13. 
Think:  The  parable  of  the  barren  fig  tree  (vv.  6-9) 
illustrates  the  need  of  patience  in  working  with  people 
who  are  slow  in  producing  spiritual  fruit.  Pray:  Ask 
for  grace  and  guidance  to  be  a  fruit-bearing  believer. 

SUNDAY,  March  17,  Read:  Verses  18-35,  Chapter  13. 
Think:  In  your  opinion,  what  is  required  of  a  teen-ager 
before  he  can  "enter  in  at  the  strait  gate"  (v.  24)? 
Pray:  For  the  life-building  ministry  of  nursery  work- 
ers, primary  teachers,  and  children's  church  leaders. 

MONDAY,  March  18,  Read:  Chapter  14.  Think:  Is  it 
possible  to  be  a  dependable  disciple  without  first  count- 
ing the  cost  (v.  27)?  Pray:  Adopt  a  positive  attitude 
toward  cross-bearing,  as  it  relates  to  God's  will  for 
your  life. 

TUESDAY,  March  19,  Read:  Chapter  15.  Think:  List 
two  ways  that  a  teen-ager  can  avoid  following  the 
example  of  the  Prodigal  Son  (vv.  11-16).  Pray:  That 

(youth  leaders  will  be  divinely  directed  in  preparing 
programs  and  activities  to  meet  the  needs  of  local 
young  people. 

WEDNESDAY,  March  20,  Read:  Chapter  16.  Think: 
Faithfulness  in  performing  small  duties  prepares  a 
young  person  to  accept  responsibilities  and  to  be  ap- 
pointed to  enviable  positions  (v.  10),  Pray:  For  Church 
of  God  Bible  schools  in  foreign  countries,  and  the 
work  of  training  natives  to  accept  responsibility. 

THURSDAY,  March  21,  Read:  Chapter  17.  Think:  How 
can  the  attitudes  of  the  nine  unthankful  lepers  be 
compared  with  those  of  some  teen-agers  today  (vv.  11- 
18)?  Pray:  Use  your  entire  prayer  session  to  thank  God 
for  His  blessings,  protection,  and  love. 

FRIDAY,  March  22,  Read:  Chapter  18.  Think:  Is  there 
a  difference  between  self-confidence  and  self-conceit? 
How  is  the  parable  of  the  pharisee  and  publican  related 
to  this?  Pray:  For  self-confidence  is  performing  King- 
dom work,  and  for  congenality  in  working  with  other 
teen  Christians. 

SATURDAY,  March  23,  Read:  Verses  1-28,  Chapter  19. 
Think:  The  determination  of  Zacchaeus  resulted  in  his 
conversion  (vv.  3-5).  Spiritual  leadership  and  matu- 
rity requires  determination.  Pray:  For  C.  Raymond 
Spain,  assistant  general  overseer  and  director  of  the 
Servicemen's  Department,  and  for  Christian  boys  in 
the  armed  services. 

SUNDAY,  March  24,  Read:  Verses  29-48,  Chapter  19. 
Think:  "The  Lord  hath  need  of  him"  (v.  34).  The 
church  enlists  persons  from  varied  backgrounds  and 
professions  to  work  together  in  achieving  spiritual 
goals.  Pray:  That  a  spirit  of  togetherness  and  team- 
work will  undergird  the  program  of  the  local  church. 

MONDAY,  March  25,  Read:  Chapter  20.  Think:  What 
is  the  difference  between  a  citizen's  duties  and  God's 
claims  on  his  life  (v.  25).  Pray:  For  your  state  overseer 
and  youth  director,  and  their  promotional  and  preach- 
ing ministry. 

TUESDAY,  March  26,  Read:  Chapter  21.  Think:  How 
can  the  "widow's  mite"  be  compared  to  teen-age  giv- 
ing? What  makes  a  gift  acceptable?  Pray:  For  enthu- 
siastic participation  by  teen-agers  in  the  1968  Youth 
World  for  Evangelism  Appeal  Project — a  Bible  school 
in  Indonesia. 

WEDNESDAY,  March  27,  Read:  Verses  1-34,  Chapter 
22.  Think:  Is  it  important  for  young  people  to  take 
part  in  Holy  Communion?  What  does  this  act  signify? 
(vv.  19,20).  Pray:  Search  your  heart  before  God; 
settle  any  questions  of  doubt  or  misunderstanding  that 
might  exist. 

THURSDAY,  March  28,  Read:  Verses  35-71,  Chapter 
22.  Think:  Should  a  teen-ager  pray  that  he  would  not 
enter  into  temptation?  (v.  40)  What  steps  can  be  taken 
to  avoid  temptation?  Pray:  For  X-ray  vision  to  rec- 
ognize temptation  when  it  confronts  you  wearing  a 

FRIDAY,  March  29,  Read:  Chapter  23.  Think:  Why  do 
you  think  Christ  refused  to  answer  Herod  (vv.  8,9)? 
Should  a  Christian  teen-ager  answer  his  critics?  Pray: 
For  local  Pioneers  for  Christ  meetings  and  activities. 

SATURDAY,  March  30,  Read:  Verses  1-32,  Chapter  24. 
Think:  A  believer  grows  in  grace  and  becomes  a  burn- 
ing witness  through  daily  fellowship  with  Christ.  Pray: 
For  the  growth  of  Church  of  God  colleges:  West  Coast, 
Northwest,  Lee,  and  International. 

SUNDAY,  March  31,  Read:  Verses  33-53,  Chapter  24. 
Think:  The  disciples  returned  to  Jerusalem  with  great 
joy  following  the  return  of  Christ  to  heaven.  What 
made  this  possible?  Pray:  Dedicate  yourself  to  the  min- 
istry of  serving  as  a  teen-age  ambassador  for  Christ. 

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LIGHTED  APRIL,     1968 



HE     IS      RISEN 





Personal  soulwinning  is  the  general  em- 
phasis for  April.  A  study  text,  Pentecostal  Witnessing, 
has  been  prepared  by  the  Evangelism  Department  to 
assist  local  churches  in  observing  Witness  Training- 

General  Overseer  Charles  W.  Conn  has  an- 
nounced Palm  Sunday,  April  7.  as  the  official  begin- 
ning of  the  1968  Pentecost  Sunday  promotion.  A  week 
of  spiritual  preparation  for  this  churchwide  effort  is 
suggested  for  April  7-13  before  the  kickoff  on  Easter 

Concern  for  collegians  will  be  expressed  two 
Sundays  this  month:  students  in  secular  colleges  on 
National  College  Day,  April  20;  and  students  in  church- 
related   schools'  on   Christian   College   Day.   April  28. 

Church  Membership  Sunday  is  scheduled 
for  April  21  to  relate  Church  of  God  constituency  to 
the  General  Church  project  for  Pentecost  Sunday. 

April  21-28  has  been  declared  National 
Youth  Temperance  Week.  In  defending  the  historic 
position  of  the  Church  of  God,  General  Overseer 
Charles  W.  Conn  urged  both  clergy  and  laity  to  ob- 
serve this  week  by  renewing  their  dedication  to  the 
education  of  our  youth  in  the  benefits  of  temperance 
in   all   things. 

NAE  Convention,  Ben  Franklin  Hotel,  Phil- 
adelphia, April  23-26. 

April  28  is  YWEA  Sunday.  The  1968  project 
is  a  Bible  seminary  for  the  fifth  most  populated  na- 
tion of  the  world — Indonesia. 


Heavy  your  tread  through  weight  of  dust. 
The  city  clings  to  your  shoes  like  rust  .  .  . 

No  fairy  on  your  shoulder  sings  silver  to  unbind  you? 

Green  sprites  of  April  this  scented  eve  shall  find  you. 

— Mary  Ann  Putman 

Published  monthly  at  the  Church  of  God  Publishing  House. 
Cleveland.  Tenn.  All  materials  intended  for  publication  in  the 
LIGHTED  PATHWAY  should  be  addressed  to  Clyne  W.  Buxton. 
Editor.  All  inquiries  concerning  subscriptions  should  be  addressed 
to  Bookkeeping  Department.  Church  of  God  Publishing  House, 
Cleveland.    Tennessee   37311. 

Postmaster    send   Form    3579    to    LIGHTED    PATHWAY,    P.    O.    Box 
880.    Cleveland.    Tennessee    37311. 






Vol.    39, 

No.    4 


Editorial                   ?, 

Clyne  W.  Buxton 

The   Day   Death   Died                  4 

Marcus  V.  Hand 

The    Never-Blooms                        6 

Irmo  Hegel 

A  Bible  Seminary  for 

Indonesia                                     8 

C.  Mliton  Parsons 

Stewardship — A    Life   of 

Christian    Action                        9 

R.  Leonard  Carroll 

Angry  Young    Men                      10 

Denzell  Teogue 

The  Meaning  of  the  Cross      1  1 

Ray  H.  Hughes 

What  Is  Your  Life?                    12 

Carl  Green 

Behind  the   Liquor  Ads              14 

Aubrey  Hearn 

The  Death  of  Christ  in 

Scripture  and   Song                 16 

Joseph  T.  Larson 

You   Are   the    Navigator            1  7 

Alan  0.  Hathaway 

Wisconsin    Winter    Retreat       18 

Barbara  Morgan  Weaver 

Teen-age   Adult                           19 

Hoyt  E.  Stone 

The  Wonder  of  Witnessing      20 

B.  A.  Brown 

Publishing  House  Scholar- 

ship  Awards                            23 

O.  Wayne  Chambers 

The  Children  Are  Missing       24 

Naomi  Voorhees 

Lord,   Teach   Us  to  Pray          25 

Mildred  J.  Neumann 

Advance    Daily    Devotions 

for  Christian  Teens              26 

Floyd   D.   Carey 


Clyne  W.  Buxton 

Lewis  J.  Willis 

Chloe  Stewart 

JoAnn  Humbertson 

H.  Bernard  Dixon 

E.  C.  Thomas 





Circulation  Director 



Donald  S.  Aultman 
Margie  M.  Kelley 
Walter  R.  Pettitt 

Paul  F.  Henson 
Avis  Swiger 
J.  E.  DeVore 


Bobbie  May  Lauster 

Margaret  Gaines 

Denzell  Teague 

Ruth  Crawford 

Martha  Ann  Smith 







Thomas  Grassano 
Cecil  R.  Guiles 

James  A.  Madison 
Haskel  C.  Jenkins 
Leonard  S.  Townley 


Single  Subscription, 

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Rolls   of    15 

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Clyne  W.  Buxton 

At  Calvary 

I  OURNALIST  JIM  BISHOP  was  doing  research  in 
a  I  Jerusalem  concerning  the  Crucifixion.  "Here  is 
^r  where  He  stood  when  Pilate  said,  'Behold  the 
man!'"  a  bearded  sage  told  Bishop.  "At  this  turn  is 
where  he  fell;  up  here  is  where  the  women  of  Jeru- 
salem wept,"  he  concluded.  Thus,  the  old  gentleman 
recounted,  partly  from  tradition  and  partly  from  the 
Scriptures,   the   last  hours   of   Christ's  life. 

The  Lord  Jesus  suffered  inexplicable  shame  for  us 
that  day.  His  adversaries  flogged  Him,  mocked  Him, 
cruelly  crowned  Him,  and  forced  Him  to  stumble  to- 
ward Golgotha  bearing  His  cross.  In  hushed  soberness 
the  synoptic  Gospels  recount  the  awesome  hours  of 
that  day — how  He  was  apprehended,  tried,  and  sen- 
tenced; how  He  was  crucified  at  about  9  a.m.;  how 
soldiers  nonchalantly  gambled  for  His  garment  at  the 
base  of  the  cross,  while  passersby  wagged  their  heads 
in  mockery  at  the  sinless  Son  of  God. 

God  attests  the  fact  that  Jesus  became  a  curse  at 
Calvary,  for  He  says  through  His  Holy  Word,  "Cursed 
is  every  one  that  hangeth  on  a  tree"  (Galatians  3: 
13).  The  cross  was  the  expression,  the  very  embodi- 
ment of  debasement.  A  victim  of  crucifixion,  dying 
the  most  ignominious  death  possible,  was  a  spectacle 
of  contempt  and  shame.  That  central  cross  on  Calvary 
was  as  despicable  to  most  of  the  people  who  saw  it 
as  the  two  others,  though  the  center  one  bore  the 
immaculate  Son  of  God. 

Jesus  felt  the  infliction  acutely.  At  the  moment 
when  God's  oppressing  curse  forced  Him  into  the 
very  desolation  and  agony  of  hell,  there  was  wrung 
from  His  sorely  pressed  soul  the  statement,  "My  God, 
my  God,  why  hast  thou  forsaken  me?"  This  pitiable 
outcry  of  Jesus  is  evidence  of  the  terrible  reality  of 
the  wrath  and  judgment  of  God.  The  cross  was  the 
revelation  of  God's  righteous  judgment  upon  the  world. 
Nonetheless  it  was,   at  the  same   time,   the   greatest 

manifestation  of  the  love  wherewith  God  loved  His 
world — the  world  which  He  loved  so  much  that  He 
gave  His   only  Son   to   redeem   it! 

The  universe  hung  its  head  in  shame  when  Jesus 
died.  Darkness  covered  the  earth  from  noon  to  3  p.m., 
for  God  allowed  nature  to  revolt  against  the  Cruci- 
fixion. The  sun  refused  to  shine,  and  the  earth  shook 
like  a  sick  person  with  a  chill  on  that  terrible  day. 
Darkness  in  nature  is  a  sign  of  God's  wrath  and  of  His 
coming  judgment.  Such  was  the  time  when  darkness 
enveloped  Egypt  while  God  was  freeing  His  people. 
The  Prophet  Joel  said  that  the  day  of  the  Lord  would 
be  "a  day  of  darkness  and  gloominess,  a  day  of  clouds 
and  of  thick  darkness"   (Joel  2:2). 

The  cross  was  taken  out  of  men's  hands;  it  became 
God's  cross  His  Son  was  dying,  and  He  was  most  con- 
cerned. He  sent  the  blackness  which  covered  Calvary, 
and  He  sent  the  earthquake  which  shook  the  earth 
to  its  very  foundations.  It  was  the  signs  wrought  by 
God  that  caused  the  centurion  to  exclaim,  "Certainly 
this  was  a  righteous  man."  Besides  darkness,  there 
were  other  phenominal  events.  The  veil  in  the  Temple 
was  rent  from  top  to  bottom,  and  graves  were  super- 
naturally  opened  in  preparation  for  the  Resurrection. 

After  His  death,  Christ  was  placed  in  Joseph's  tomb 
— but  He  did  not  stay  there!  On  the  first  day  of  the 
week  He  arose.  His  disciples  were  startled  to  see  Him 
again.  They  marveled  when  He  ingressed  and  egressed 
through  closed  doors,  and  at  other  times  they  were 
amazed  when  He  seemingly  appeared  from  nowhere. 
Yet  they  knew  it  was  their  Master,  for  the  telltale 
marks  of  Calvary  were  incontrovertible  proof.  They 
knew  He  was  the  same  Jesus  who  died  on  the 

Christ  lives  today,  and  He  shall  live  forevermore.  He 
gave  His  life  for  us  at  Calvary  in  vicarious  atonement 
that  we  might  die  to  our  sins  and  live  for  Him  • 

^YT   E  CELEBRATE  AT  Easter 

It  time,  Christ's  triumph 
over  deat h — yet  death 
continues   on,   relentlessly. 

The  Pale  Horse  and  Rider  has 
galloped  down  the  centuries,  reap- 
ing the  harvest  of  the  ages.  This 
spectre  from  the  unknown  has  in- 
vaded homes,  ravaged  cities,  cut 
down  armies,  and  broken  countless 
millions  of  hearts. 

Kings  are  crowned  and  un- 
crowned, nations  rise  and  fall,  civ- 
ilizations change  and  rechange — 
but  Death  rides  on.  Death  is  a 
cruel,  bloodthirsty  monster  who 
feasts  at  battlefields  and  dances 
to  the  music  of  weeping  and  mourn- 
ing. Nothing  stands  in  his  way.  He 
invades  the  king's  palace  and  the 
beggar's  hovel,  the  reprobate's 
home  and  the  preacher's  parson- 
age. Rich  man  and  poor  man, 
famous  and  infamous,  prince  and 
pauper,  socialite  and  sot — all  are 
overtaken,  finally,  by  Death. 

How  then  can  we  celebrate  a 
triumph  over  Death  when  Death 
seems  to  be  so  very  much  alive? 
For  an  answer  we  must  look  at 
the  original  meaning  of  death. 

The  Day 

By   MARCUS   V.    HAND 

Marcus  V. 
Hand,  a  stu- 
dent in  jour- 
nalism at 
Georgia  State 
College,  pas- 
tors in  Leba- 
non, Georgia 

Forbidden  by  God  to  partake  of 
the  tree  of  the  knowledge  of  good 
and  evil,  our  first  parents  were 
warned,  "In  the  day  that  thou  eat- 
est  thereof,  thou  shalt  surely  die." 
Did  Adam  and  Eve  really  die  that 
day?  Spiritually  and  symbolically, 
they  died  the  same  day  they  ate 
the   fruit. 

They  died  spiritually,  for  they 
were  alienated  from  their  Lord. 
Fellowship  between  God  and  man 
was  broken. 

They  died  symbolically.  Though  it 
was  several  years  before  they  quit 
breathing,  the  seeds  of  death  were 
planted  in  their  bodies  and  the 
processes  that  would  bring  them 
to  the  grave  were  set  in  motion. 
Adam  and  Eve  started  dying  the 
moment  they  yielded  to  tempta- 
tion  and   ate   the   forbidden   fruit. 

Thus,  we  say  that  Death  died 
that  first  Easter  morning  when 
Jesus  Christ  arose  from  the  grave. 
Granted,  Death  did  not  dismount 
his  steed  of  destruction  and  throw 
away  his  bloody  scythe.  He  did  not 
refuse  his  claim  on  those  ripe  for 
the  grave  or  cease  robbing  man 
of  his  earthly  existence.  Yet,  the 
process  that  would  bring  about  the 
final  destruction  of  Death  was  set 
in    motion. 

Earth  had  gone  into  mourning 
on  the  previous  Friday  when  Death 
locked  his  shackles  on  the  Prince 
of  Life.  He  who  had  claimed,  "I 
am  the  Resurrection  and  the  Life," 
was,  Himself,  captured  by  Death. 
The  Light  of  the  World  was  sealed 
in  the  darkness  of  Joseph's  tomb. 
The  King  of  kings  and  the  king 
of  terrors  engaged  in  the  most 
significant  battle  eternity  had  ever 

Hell  watched,  Earth  despaired, 
and  Heaven  waited  with  bated 
breath  as  this  battle  of  the  ages 

Then  Heaven  flashed  the  news. 

As  dawn  broke  on  the  first  day 
of  the  week,  an  angel  proclaimed 
the  glad  tidings,  "He  is  not  here: 
for  he  is  risen!"  The  news  traveled 
quickly  from  the  women  to  the 
disciples  to  the  multitudes.  Despair 
was    turned    to    hope    for    "Death 

Gustave  Dore 

could  not  keep  its  prey,  He  tore  the 
bars  away." 

Later,  Christ  Himself  said,  "I  am 
he  that  liveth,  and  was  dead;  and, 
behold,  I  am  alive  for  evermore, 
Amen;  and  have  the  keys  of  hell 
and  of  death." 

So,  with  keys  gone  and  the  sting 
neutralized  by  the  blood  that 
flowed  on  Calvary,  death  was  sen- 
tenced to  die.  The  lethal  blow  was 
struck.  As  J.  B.  Phillips  translates 
Colossians  2:15  "Having  drawn  the 
sting  of  all  the  powers  ranged 
against  us,  he  exposed  them,  shat- 
tered, empty  and  defeated,  in  his 
final  glorious  triumphant  act!" 

Death  died  some  that  day.  Not 
only  did  Jesus  arise  from  the  tomb, 
but  Matthew  records,  "Many  bodies 
of  the  saints  which  slept  arose, 
And  came  out  of  the  graves  after 
his  resurrection,  and  went  into  the 
holy  city,  and  appeared  unto 
many"  (Matthew  27:52,  53). 

Death  dies  a  little  more  each 
time  a  Christian  passes  away.  One 
can  almost  picture  Paul  laughing 
in  the  face  of  Death  as  he  says, 
"I  am  now  ready  to  be  offered 
up."  He  was  not,  mind  you,  "like 

the  quarry-slave  at  night,  scourged 
to  his  dungeon,  but,  sustained  and 
soothed  by  an  unfaltering  trust." 
The  Apostle  said,  "I  am  now  ready." 

This  same  New  Testament  giant 
tells  of  a  glorious  day  when  "the 
Lord  himself  shall  descend  from 
heaven  with  a  shout,  with  the 
voice  of  the  archangel,  and  with 
the  trump  of  God:  and  the  dead 
in  Christ  shall  rise"  (1  Thessa- 
lonians  4:16).  "For  this  corrupti- 
ble," he  says,  "must  put  on  incor- 
ruption,  and  this  mortal  must  put 
on  immortality.  So  when  this  cor- 
ruptible shall  have  put  on  incor- 
ruption,  and  this  mortal  shall  have 
put  on  immortality,  then  shall  be 
brought  to  pass  the  saying  that  is 
written,  Death  is  swallowed  up  in 
victory"   (1  Corinthians   15:53,  54). 

At  the  funeral  of  one  of  God's 
saints,  this  pastor  always  feels  like 
shouting,  "Death,  you  might  claim 
him  now,  but  you  can't  hold  him 
long.  Your  defeat  has  already 
been  accomplished." 

The  final  demise  of  Death  will 
take  place  at  the  last  judgment. 
"And  I  saw  a  great  white  throne, 
and  him  that  sat  on  it,  from  whose 

face  the  earth  and  the  heaven  fled 
away.  .  .  .  And  I  saw  the  dead, 
small  and  great,  stand  before  God 
.  .  .  and  the  dead  were  judged.  .  .  . 
And  the  sea  gave  up  the  dead  which 
were  in  it;  and  death  and  hell 
delivered  up  the  dead  which  were 
in  them.  .  .  .  And  death  and  hell 
were  cast  into  the  lake  of  fire" 
(Revelation    20:11-14). 

To  sum  it  up,  Death  is  a  dying 
patient,  afflicted  with  a  fatal  ill- 
ness. Death  is  a  condemned  prison- 
er awaiting  his  execution. 

The  sentence  was  passed  at  Cal- 
vary. Death  lost  the  decisive  battle 
at  the  Resurrection.  He  dies  a  little 
every  day,  for  the  sting  of  Death 
is  not  felt  by  the  man  whose  sins 
have  been  forgiven.  Death  dies 
eternally  at  the  judgment. 

Therefore  a  Christian  should 
have  no  fear  of  Death.  As  you 
bask  in  the  splendor  of  an  Easter 
Sunday  service,  worship  Jesus 
Christ  who  "took  on  flesh  and 
blood  in  order  to  die  and  so  take 
away  all  the  powers  of  him  who 
had  the  power  of  death  .  .  .  and 
to  free  those  who,  terrified  by 
death,  had  to  be  slaves  all  their 
lives"  (Hebrews  2:14,  15;  Beck).    • 

THE  FREEWAY  stretched  be- 
fore them,  shimmering  in 
the  heat  of  the  late  sum- 
mer afternoon.  Cars  sped  by  them, 
rushing  on  in  their  separate  lanes 
as  if  they  were  racing  for  a  rec- 
ord. Clare  Birack  glanced  at  her 
square  dark  muscular  husband  at 
the  wheel.  "I  wish  you  had  told 
Margaret  that  we  would  take  her 
out  to  dinner.  I  don't  like  to  think 
of  your  sister  preparing  a  meal  for 
us  in  this  heat." 

"Marg  will  have  the  meal  ready, 
along  with  my  fifteen  hundred-dol- 
lar check,  I  hope.  The  folks'  estate 
should  be  settled  by  this  time." 

"Oh,  Herb— no!" 

"What  do  you  mean  no?"  His 
dark  eyes  regarded  her  angrily. 
"My  sister  inherited  my  folks' 
home,  didn't  she?  Their  fifteen 
hundred-dollar  bequest  to  me  is  lit- 
tle enough." 

Clare  clenched  her  hands  in  her 
lap.  She  had  been  married  to  Herb 
a  year,  and  she  still  couldn't  un- 
derstand his  desire  to  possess.  Herb 
owned  a  successful  construction 
business  with  fat  state  and  gov- 
ernment contracts  for  years  ahead. 
He  didn't  have  to  keep  reaching  for 
more  money  and  still  more.  A  quiet 
woman  with  hair  the  color  of  gold- 
en willow  leaves  in  November  and 
gentle  blue  eyes,  Clare  invariably  let 
Herb  shout  her  down  about  every- 
thing. But  now  the  blue  eyes  held 
sparks.  "Margaret  did  take  care  of 
your  mother  and  father  for  ten 
years,"  she  burst  out.  "Both  of 
them  were  invalids,  and  that  wasn't 
easy  for  her.  I  should  hope  Mar- 
garet would  get  your  parents' 
home.  She  could,  you  know,  have 
chosen  a  husband  and  had  chil- 
dren and  a  life  of  her  own." 

Herb  laughed.  "Sacrifices  come 
easy  to  the  never-blooms — that's 
what  I  call  them.  They're  the  p*ous 
who  hug  their  religion  like  a  bear 
hugs  a  hot  kettle,  afraid  of  drop- 
ping the  thing  even  though  it's 
scalding  him.  Maybe  it's  their  fear 
of  eternal  damnation  or  the  hope 
of  pie-in-the-sky  by  and  by.  The 
rest  of  us  know  that  it's  a  rat  race. 
We  get  what  we  can  while  we  can." 

To  Clare,  that  sounded  brutal. 
She  and  Herb  had  been  married  in 

the  church  which  she  had  attended 
all  her  life.  She  had  fully  expected 
to  find  another  church  in  which 
she  could  be  active  when  Herb  had 
brought  her  to  Portland.  Herb  had 
other  plans — the  Country  Club  on 
Sundays;  people  to  meet  for  busi- 
ness reasons;  an  endless  succession 
of  golf,  lunches,  dinners,  and  po- 
litical meetings. 

Margaret  had  attended  their  wed- 
ding. It  was  the  first  time  Clare 
had  met  her  sister-in-law — a  little 
woman,  no  bigger  than  a  minute. 
The  brown  hair  was  already 
streaked  with  silver,  for  Margaret 
was  ten  years  older  than  Herb.  But 
her  brown  eyes  had  held  all  the 
candid  wonder  of  a  child's.  Her  face 
had  been  freckle-spattered.  "I  nev- 
er had  a  sister,"  Clare  had  told  her 
new  in-law.  "I'm  so  happy  to  have 


one  at  last." 

Portland  was  a  good  three  hun- 
dred miles  from  Dinwiddie  Village, 
but  she  and  Margaret  had  writ- 
ten one  another  regularly.  Herb,  of 
course,  had  been  too  busy  to  take 
any  interest  in  their  correspon- 

Herb  was  now  swinging  from  the 
freeway  at  the  Dinwiddie  Exit.  They 
entered  a  country  of  pastoral  tran- 
quility. Hills  and  fields  glimmered 
drowsily  in  the  heat  waves.  Cows 
grazed  in  nearby  pastures.  Every- 
thing looked  ripened  in  lavish  pro- 
fusion— wild  flowers,  orchards, 
fields.  God  did  make  the  world 
bloom,  Clare  thought.  Why  didn't 
Herb  have  the  eyes  to  see  this? 

After  a  few  miles  over  a  wind- 
ing road,  they  came  to  the  neat 
white  house  with  the  green  shut- 



ters.  Margaret  came  hurrying  out 
to  meet  them.  She  was  wearing  a 
soft  blue  dress,  her  brown  silver- 
streaked  hair  cut  and  feathering 
about  her  small  freckled  face. 

"Margaret,  you  look  beautiful!" 
Clare  cried,  jumping  from  the  car 
and  hugging  her  sister-in-law. 

"I'm  so  glad  to  see  you  both.  I 
have  such  a  surprise  for  you.  I 
didn't  write  anything  about  it.  It 
just  had  to  be  a  surprise."  The 
brown  eyes  were  shining. 

"Well,  well,"  Herb  said  in  a  bored 
voice.  "Have  they  given  you  a  pin 
for  faithful  attendance  at  your 
church?  or  did  you  win  a  prize  for 
your  roses  at  the  county  fair?" 

"How  did  you  guess  a  rose,  Her- 
bert?" Margaret  exclaimed.  "Come 
out  to  the  garden  now  while  it's 
still  light.  You  must  see  it." 

Herb  nudged  Clare  as  they  fol- 
lowed his  sister.  "Any  fool  can  grow 
a  rose." 

"Don't!"  Clare  retorted  in  a  sharp 
whisper.  "We  ordered  special  bush- 
es and  had  an  expert  gardener 
plant  them.  Six  roses.  .  .  ." 

They  entered  Margaret's  garden 
with  its  border  beds  of  lilies,  mari- 
golds, phlox,  and  mums.  Birds  twit- 
tered in  the  trees.  In  the  shad- 
ows it  was  a  sanctuary  of  dreamy 
peace.  Then  there  were  the  roses — 
one  entire  bed — dark  plush  red, 
copper  apricot,  rich  cerise-pink, 
purest  white.  "Your  roses  are 
breathtaking,"  Clare  exclaimed. 

Margaret  halted  reverently  be- 
fore a  small  bush  in  the  middle  of 
the  plot.  "Look!" 

Clare  stared.  It  was  a  blue  rose, 
the   lavender   color   was   exquisite, 

the  petals  were  of  velvet-like  tex- 
ture. "Oh,  Margaret,"  Clare  cried. 
"A  blue  rose — so  very  rare.  How  did 
you  manage  it?" 

"The  bush  was  such  a  straggling 
bit,"  Margaret  explained.  "I  just 
loved  it  into  growing,  and  the  mir- 
acle happened." 

"Of  course  you  exhibited  your 
prize?"  Herb  questioned. 

Margaret  smiled.  "The  neighbors 
flocked  in  to  see  the  blooms  as  they 
appeared — and  also  the  children,  a 
reporter  from  the  Daily  Star,  rose 
clubs  from  clear  up  in  Grafton,  and 
a  professor  of  horticulture  from 
State  University.  He  was  Dr.  Vance 
Jereb  who  said  my  blue  beauty  had 
occurred  naturally."  A  flush  deep- 
ened in  the  smooth  cheeks  beneath 
the  freckles.  "Vance  is  a  widower. 
We've  become  friends.  We're  going 
to  be  married  in  a  few  more 

Clare  hugged  Margaret  and 
kissed  her.  "I  know  now  why  God 
sent  a  blue  rose  to  grow  in  your 
garden.  I  can't  think  of  anyone  who 
deserves  happiness  more." 

Herb  coughed.  "This  is  a  surprise. 
Really,  Margaret,  marriage  at  your 
age.  .  .  ." 

"I  feel  young,"  Margaret  pro- 

"You  look  young,"  said  Clare. 
"You  are." 

Margaret  pressed  her  arm.  "Here 
I  am,  keeping  you  both  out  in 
the  garden.  Come  into  the  house. 
I  have  dinner  waiting  and  your 
check,  Herb." 

Clare  felt  a  sudden  surge  of  cour- 
age. She  squared  her  slim  shoulders. 
"That  check  is  Margaret's  wed- 
ding present.  Don't  you  agree, 

"Well,  now — "  Herb  stopped  and 
grinned.  "I  wouldn't  have  it  other- 
wise. On  the  trip  here,  Clare  and  I 
talked  of  never-blooms,  Margaret. 
I  think  it's  time  I  started  planting 
the  things  that  do  bloom.  Clare's 
been  after  me  a  long  time  to  do 
exactly  that." 

With  Margaret  protesting  the 
gift,  they  strolled  toward  the  white 
house  together.  "You  start  with 
love,"  Clare  said  softly.  "Roses,  a 
marriage,  anything— God  always 
provides  the  bloom."    • 

Most  of  the  shops 
in  Djakarta  are 
owned  by  Chinese 
proprietors  rather 
than  by  Indo- 



£*  UNDAY  SCHOOLS  and 
1    church  youth  across  Amer- 

^  ica  will  observe  Youth  World 
Evangelism  Appeal  (YWEA)  Day  on 
Sunday,  April  28.  This  observance 
will  focus  on  the  current  nation- 
wide appeal — to  construct  buildings 
for  the  Church  of  God  Seminary  in 

Although  most  churches  continue 
to  raise  monies  for  the  current 
project  until  the  camp  meeting  each 
year,  YWEA  Day  is  an  excellent 
time  to  emphasize  the  needs  and 
merits  of  the  Indonesian  project 
and  the  ministry  of  YWEA  in  gen- 

It  has  always  been  the  aim  of  the 
YWEA  to  provide  an  outlet  for 
youth  in  missions.  The  purpose  of 
all  YWEA  projects  is  twofold:  first, 
to  create  a  new  source  of  income 
for  mission  areas  where  there  is  a 
pressing  need  and  an  unusual  op- 
portunity; second,  to  get  youth  in- 
terested and  involved  in  the  great 
task  of  world  missions. 

This,  in  a  sense,  is  missionary 
education  for  youth.  Since  its  in- 
ception in  1961,  YWEA  has  con- 
structed buildings  for  the  North- 
west Bible  School  in  Hermosillo, 
Mexico  and  ultramodern  church 
buildings  and  youth  centers  in  Bra- 
silia, Brazil;  Tokyo,  Japan;  Bom- 
bay, India;  Manila,  Philippines; 
Durban,  South  Africa;  and  Port-au- 
Prince,  Haiti. 

This  year's  project  offers  strate- 
gic opportunities  that  are  unpar- 
alled  in  YWEA's  history.  Indonesia 
is  on  the  exact  opposite  side  of  the 
world  from  the  United  States. 
With  a  population  of  112  million, 
it  is  the  world's  fifth  largest  nation. 
It  is  an  archipelago  of  more  than 
three  thousand  tropical  islands  cast 
across  a  3,000-mile  expanse  of 
ocean  south  of  the  Asian  mainland 
just  below  the  equator. 

The  principal  islands  are  Java, 
Sumatra,  Bali,  Moluccas  (Maluku), 
New  Guinea  (Irian  Barat),  Borneo 
(Kalimantan),  Timor  (Nusateng- 
gara),  and  Celebes  (Sulawesi). 
These  are  islands  of  lush  tropical 
beauty,  economic  need,  and  spiri- 
tual challenge. 

Indonesia  has  three  major  re- 
ligions: Islam,  Christianity,  and 
Hinduism.  During  the  past  ten 
years,  a  Christian  awakening  has 
taken  place  which  has  been  re- 
ported by  the  National  Association 
of  Evangelicals,  the  American  Bible 
Society,  and  other  Christian  groups 
in  contact  with  the  land. 

Since  the  amalgamation  last 
March  with  the  Bethel  Full  Gospel 
Church  in  Indonesia,  Church  of 
God  now  figures  prominently  in  the 
great  revival  movement.  By  this 
union,  we  now  have  431  churches 
and  over  71,000  members  in  this 
new  field. 


Indonesia  is  a  land  that  since 
World  War  II  has  emerged  from 
Dutch  Colonialism  to  become  a 
strong  independent  nation,  that 
teetered  for  awhile  on  the  brink 
of  Communism.  It  is  a  land  of 
Moslem  religion  and  tremendous 
Christian  possibility. 

Indonesia's  young  people  are  an 
integral  part  of  this  revolutionary 
progress  and  development.  The 
youth  are  everywhere.  They  were 
instrumental  in  the  overthrow  of 
the  Communists,  and  many  are  now 
intensely  interested  in  Christianity. 
Many  well  trained  youth  choirs  are 
ministering  in  the  churches. 

The  most  single,  pressing  need  of 
the  Church  of  God  in  Indonesia  is 
a  Bible  Seminary  where  ministers 
can  be  trained  as  qualified  leaders 
in  evangelism  and  Christian  nur- 

This  is  certainly  the  proper  time 
for  the  evangelization  of  Indonesia 
if  we  want  to  produce  an  army  of 
workers.  In  one  region  of  Central 
Java  two  thousand  members  have 
been  added  to  the  church  in  the 
past  year,  and  it  is  reported  that 
twelve  thousand  inquirers  await  an 
opportunity  for  instruction.  The 
doors  of  evangelism  are  wide  open; 
but  remembering  the  resources  of 
the  churches,  the  task  of  adequate- 
ly nurturing  new  believers  in  Chris- 
tian faith  and  life  is  an  overwhelm- 
ing one. 

YWEA  has  accepted  the  challenge 
to  erect  a  three-story  school  build- 
ing in  Djakarta  on  property  al- 
ready owned  by  the  Bible  school. 
The  youth  of  Indonesia  are  de- 
pending on  the  youth  of  America 
to  rally  to  this  cause.  Theirs  is  an 
underdeveloped  country.  Eighty 
percent  of  Indonesia's  population 
lives  in  impoverished  areas. 

By  faith,  a  ground-breaking  ser- 
vice has  already  been  conducted  for 
the  new  seminary.  Unless  the  youth 
of  the  Church  of  God  in  the  United 
States  give  themselves  to  the  task, 
this  dream  will  never  become  a 

Will  you  accept  the  challenge? 
Will  you  utilize  this  rare  opportu- 
nity to  reach  the  masses  for 
Christ?    • 

people,  because  it  is  a  life  of  action.  It  not  only 
involves  movement  per  se,  but  stewardship 
denotes  dedication  to  a  cause,  purposeful  involvement, 
and  meaningful  striving  toward  a  goal — disciplined 

Practical  stewardship,  then,  is  the  norm  for  happy 
Christian  living.  The  world  stewardship  has  been  in 
the  church's  vocabulary  for  a  long  time,  and  it  has 
often  been  vaguely  defined.  Today,  functional  stew- 
ardship occupies  the  nerve  center  of  Christian  efforts. 
It  is  the  action  word  for  this  generation.  Furthermore, 
if  the  Church  of  God  expects  to  accomplish  further 
degrees  of  success  in  implementing  the  Great  Com- 
mission, all  of  us  must  take  a  renewed  and  active  part 
in  continuing  to  translate  our  beliefs  into  meaningful 

Practical  stewardship  is  a  realistic  working  rela- 
tionship with  Christ.  To  the  Christian,  Christ  is  not 
only  Saviour,  but  He  is  also  Lord  and  Master!  The 
young  Christian  is  immediately  faced  with,  full  sur- 
render of  himself  and  his  possessions  for  use  in  the 
service  of  his  Lord.  A  vital  relationship  with  Chnst 
cannot  be  built  upon  the  bases  of  selfish  withholding. 
When  the  Christian  testimony  is  entered  into  fully, 
the  believer  discovers  that  the  unsearchable  riches  of 
Christ — all  the  resources  of  God — are  at  his  disposal. 
Stewardship  is  the  mutual  rendering  of  resources  on 
the  part  of  God  and  His  servants — a  sharing  of  pur- 
poses and  a  union  of  effort  to  realize  those  purposes! 
What  depth,  what  magnitude,  what  an  adventure.  We 
are  laborers  together  with  God! 

The  fulfillment  of  meaningful  stewardship  is  nei- 
ther a  simple  nor  an  easy  task.  No  challenge  has  ever 
presented  sterner  standards  and  goals  which  demand 
real  character  if  they  are  achieved.  For  this  very 
reason,  thoughtful  young  people  should  pause  and 
deliberately  consider  an  active  association  with  Christ. 

The  Church  of  God  offers  you  the  avenue  whereby 
you  may  render  service  for  the  Lord.  If  you  are  in- 
terested in  learning  how  the  Church  of  God  may  bless 
you,  address  your  inquiries  to  the  Stewardship  Com- 
mission, in  care  of  Dr.  R.  Leonard  Carroll,  chairman, 
Church  of  God,  Keith  at  25th,  N.W.,  Cleveland,  Ten- 
nessee 37311.    • 

A  Ufa  of 



By   R.    LEONARD  CARROLL,    Ed.D. 

First  Assistant  General   Overseer 

and  Chairman  of  the 

Progressive    Stewardship   Commission 


Dr.  Carroll, 
author  of  "Ste- 
wardship: Total 
Life  Commit- 
ment," is  an 
authority  on  the 
subject  of  ste- 



THESE  ARE  DAYS  in  which 
angry  young  men  are  burn- 
ing their  draft  cards  and 
are  causing  riots  and  other  civil 
disturbances.  In  anger  wars  have 
been  started  in  which  lives  have 
been  taken  unnecessarily,  with 
untold  misery  and  harm  to  the  sur- 
vivors. Few  days  pass  without  a 
newspaper  account  of  a  murder 
committed  in  a  fit  of  anger.  But, 
anger  does  not  always  have  a  bad 

In  1517  an  angry  young  man, 
tired  of  the  abuses  of  the  organized 
religious  system  of  his  day,  set 
about  the  task  of  changing  the  re- 
ligious thinking  of  his  day — and  he 
did  it.  The  effects  of  Martin  Lu- 
ther's anger  have  lasted  until  this 
very  day. 

In  1941  the  leaders  of  the  United 
States  were  suddenly  angered  by 
the  inhuman  attack  of  a  foreign  na- 
tion upon  a  colony  of  its  citizens. 
They  were  moved  to  stop  the  cruel 
advance  of  the  alien  horde. 

And  today  another  alien  horde 
is  slowly,  but  surely,  paralyzing  an- 
other domain — that  of  the  church 
— while  many  church  leaders,  with 
a  shrug  of  their  shoulders,  are  say- 
ing, "But  what  can  we  do  about 
it?"  "We  dare  not  retaliate,  or 
even  raise  our  voice  against  it." 
How  complacent  they  seem  to  be  in 
allowing  Satan  and  his  angels  to 
make  inroads  into  the  church  with- 
out so  much  as  lifting  a  finger, 
much  less  a  sword. 

However,   it  was   not   always   so. 

Denzell  Teazue, 
a  contributing  edi- 
tor to  the  "Lighted 
Pathway,"  is  a 
missionary  to 

In  Job  32  we  read  of  a  young  man 
named  Elihu  who  became  angered 
at  the  inability  of  his  elders  to 
find  the  answer  to  some  of  life's 
problems.  He  became  angered  at 
their  inability  or  unwillingness  to 
speak  out  with  sound  advice.  He 
became  angered  at  their  ignorance 
and  rose  up  against  both  them  and 
Job  to  justify  God  before  the  world. 
In  these  days,  many  of  our  elders 
simply  shrug  their  shoulders  at  the 
questions  young  people  are  asking. 
In  many  cases  they  are  unable  to 
relate  religion  to  life;  therefore, 
many  young  church  members,  due 
to  lack  of  teaching,  are  unable  to 
give  answers  to  the  preachers  of 
false  doctrines. 

Today  we  need  young  Elihus  who 
will  accept  the  challenge,  "Be  ready 
always  to  give  an  answer  to  every 
man  that  asketh  you  a  reason  of 
the  hope  that  is  in  you"  (1  Peter 
3:15).  We  need  to  rise  up  against 
the  complacency  and  lack  of  real 
religious  training  in  our  local 
churches  and  in  our  homes  by 
eliminating  outdated  and  inade- 
quate methods  and  replacing  them 
with  sound  psychological  and  scrip- 
tural teaching.  The  church  today 
needs  some  young  Davids  who  will 
become  indignant  against  the  mass 
communication  media  when  it  per- 
sists in  publicizing  to  a  distorted 
degree  those  who,  whether  they  be 
congressmen  or  private  citizens,  go 
about  blaspheming  God  and  His 
church,  even  as  David  became  an- 
gry at  Goliath  for  his  blasphemy. 

How  great  is  the  need  today  for 
those  who  will  become  indignant 
as  Jesus  did  when  He  saw  that  the 
moneychangers  and  sacrifice-ven- 
dors were  defrauding  the  people 
We  are  living  in  a  heyday  of  the 
religious  fraud,  and  certainly  Pen- 
tecostalism  has  its  share  of  the 
shvsters  who  play  on  the  gullibility 
of  honest  believers.  They  fill  their 

coffers  in  various  underhanded 
ways,  from  selling  vials  of  water 
from  the  Jordan  River,  to  "miracle 
pocketbooks,"  to  other  fraudulent 
projects,  using  the  church  as  a 
springboard  into  commercial  ven- 

God  give  us  some  angry  men  to 
lead  us  back  to  righteousness  and 
holiness.  Give  us  men  who  will  by 
their  example  teach  us  the  reality 
of  the  Apostolic  counsel  "Be  thou 
an  example  of  the  believers,  in 
word,  in  conversation,  in  charity, 
in  spirit,  in  faith,  in  purity" 
(1  Timothy  4:12). 

Yes,  we  need  these  angry  young 
men,  but  not  angry  without  purpose 
and  without  direction.  In  Job  33:4 
Elihu  said,  "The  Spirit  of  God  hath 
made  me,  and  the  breath  of  the 
Almighty  hath  given  me  life."  We 
need  angry  young  men  upon  whom 
God  has  breathed.  Not  only  do  we 
need  angry  young  men,  but  also 
we  need  men  without  personal,  self- 
ish ambition.  David  declared  unto 
Goliath,  "I  come  to  thee  in  the 
name  of  the  Lord  of  hosts  [not  in 
his  own  name],  the  God  of  the  arm- 
ies of  Israel,  whom  thou  hast  de- 
fied" (1  Samuel  17:45). 

These  angry  young  men  must  be 
men  who  have  committed  them- 
selves, not  just  to  a  cause,  nor  to  a 
just  cause,  but  to  Christ  (Mat- 
thew 16:24).  These  angry  young 
men  must  not  only  be  willing  to 
sacrifice,  but  to  be  sacrificed.  "I  be- 
seech you  therefore,  brethren,  by 
the  mercies  of  God,  that  ye  pre- 
sent your  bodies  a  living  sacrifice" 
(Romans   12:1). 

These  angry  young  men  will  not 
be  satisfied  with  the  status  quo. 
They  will  not  be  willing  just  to 
"run  with  the  herd  and  hunt  with 
the  pack";  they  will  not  conform 
to  either  the  worldly  mold  or  to 
the  religious  mold,  but  they  will 
dare  to  be  transformed,  "Be  not 
conformed  to  this  world:  but  be  ye 
transformed  by  the  renewing  of 
your  minds"   (Romans  12:2). 

These  angry  young  men  who  will 
change  the  world  and  the  church 
for  Jesus  Christ  have  made  their 
total  surrender  to  Jesus  Christ.  Will 
you  commit  yourself  to  Him  now?  • 



By   RAY   H.    HUGHES,    Ed.D.,    Litt.D. 

The  Meaning  of  the  Cross 

BEATH  ON  A  cross  was  not 
peculiar  to  Christ  and  the 
two  malefactors  of  Cal- 
vary, but  it  was  the  common  death 
for  slaves,  felons,  and  criminals  of 
that  day.  Thousands  had  died  upon 
crosses  before  Christ  went  to  Cal- 
vary. History  records  that  Darius, 
king  of  Babylon,  put  two  hundred 
to  death  on  crosses.  Alexander  cru- 
cified two  thousand  when  he  con- 
quered Tyre.  The  Bible  gives  a 
record  of  the  crucifixion  of  the 
baker  of  Pharaoh  in  the  book  of 
Genesis,  chapter  40. 

There  were  different  forms  of 
crosses.  Some  were  made  in  the 
shape  of  the  letter  X,  some  were  in 
the  shape  of  the  letter  T,  others 
were  merely  upright  poles  to  which 
the  victims  were  nailed.  In  any 
case,  it  was  a  shameful  mode  of 

The  cross  was  indeed  the  ac- 
cursed tree.  Moses  in  the  book  of 
the  law  said,  "Cursed  is  everyone 
that  hangeth  on  a  tree"  (Deuteron- 
omy 21:23).  To  touch  it  was  pol- 
lution, to  carry  it  was  deepest  dis- 


Dr.  Hughes,  assistant  gen- 
eral overseer  of  the  Church 
of  Gnd,  presents  here  a 
chapel  address  given  during 
his  six  years'  presidency  of 
Lee  College. 

grace.  Cicero  said,  "Let  the  very 
name  of  the  cross  be  far  away 
not  only  from  the  body  of  a  Roman 
citizen,  but  even  from  his  thoughts, 
his  eyes,  his  ears."  Reputable  men 
shrank  back  from  it  as  if  to  in- 
dicate that  contact  with  it  was 
an  irreparable  curse.  It  was  this 
emblem  of  unutterable  shame  that 
God  chose  for  the  royal  standard 
of  the  church. 

There  possibly  has  never  existed 
a  word  more  universally  known 
than  that  of  the  cross.  Whether 
or  not  one  is  conscious  of  it,  he 
must  recognize  the  cross.  It  is  the 
center  of  history.  Without  it  his- 
tory is  incomplete.  All  history, 
since  the  death  of  Christ,  is  dated 
from  the  cross.  When  a  letter  is 
written  and  the  date  is  affixed, 
one  is  silently  witnessing  to  the 
existence  of  Christ's  cross,  because 
time  is  reckoned  from  Calvary. 

Death  upon  a  cross  was  a  hor- 
rifying ordeal.  The  subject  was  first 
lashed  by  a  whip  intertwined  with 
bone  and  lead,  thus  tearing  and 
ripping  the  flesh.  He  was  then  com- 
pelled to  carry  his  own  cross  to 
the  place  of  execution.  One  can 
hardly  realize  the  intense  agony 
experienced  by  the  victim.  His 
hanging  suspended  by  jagged 
wounds  made  every  movement 
painful  and  produced  dizziness, 
cramp,  thirst,  and  fever.  The  fever 
was    aggravated    by    the    hot    sun 

and  the  insufferable  thirst.  The 
wounds  were  inflamed  by  exposure, 
and  gangrene  gradually  set  in.  The 
severed  tendons,  tissues,  muscles, 
and  punctured  veins  throbbed  with 
constant  pain.  The  arteries,  espe- 
cially of  the  head  and  stomach, 
became  swollen  and  surcharged 
with  blood.  Convulsions  would  tear 
at  the  wounds,  thus  adding  pain 
to  pain.  It  was  this  humiliating 
mode  of  punishment  by  which 
Christ,  the  innocent,  spotless,  un- 
defiled,  sinless  Son  of  God  died. 
The  shadow  of  the  cross  can 
be  seen  upon  almost  every  page 
of  the  Holy  Scriptures.  In  Genesis, 
chapter  3,  we  see  the  first  foregleam 
of  the  cross  giving  hope  to  fallen 
Adam.  The  offerings  and  sacrifices 
of  Exodus  and  Leviticus  shew  forth 
the  sacrifice  and  the  offering  of 
the  cross.  In  the  book  of  Numbers 
Moses  made  a  serpent  of  brass 
and  put  it  up  on  a  pole  according 
to  the  command  of  God.  All  those 
who  had  been  bitten  by  serpents 
lived  when  they  beheld  the  serpent 
of  brass  (Numbers  21:9).  It  was 
this  incident  to  which  Christ  re- 
ferred when  he  said,  "As  Moses 
lifted  up  the  serpent  in  the  wilder- 
ness, even  so  must  the  Son  of  man 
be  lifted  up"  (John  3:14).  There- 
fore, the  types  and  shadows  of 
the  law  speak  of  the  cross;  the 
prophets  foretell  it;  David,  the 
(Continued  on  page  22) 




THE  QUESTION  IS  not,  What 
is  life?  but,  For  what  pur- 
pose are  you  living?  This 
is  a  personal  question  that  every 
intelligent  person  will  ask  himself 
sooner  or  later.  Who  am  I?  Where 
did  I  come  from?  What  is  my  pur- 
pose and  intent  for  living?  Where 
am  I  going?  What  is  my  life? 

This  may  seem  like  a  very  com- 
plicated question.  However,  accord- 
ing to  God's  Word,  there  is  only 
one  simple  answer.  This  answer 
is  universal,  applying  to  every  per- 
son that  has  ever  been  born,  or 
ever  will  be,  regardless  of  race,  col- 
or, or  creed.  The  answer  is,  To  do 
the  will  of  God.  Life  for  every  per- 
son, in  every  generation,  under  all 
conditions  and  circumstances,  is  al- 
ways related  to  the  will  of  God  for 
his  individual  life. 

The  meaning  of  life  has  never 
changed.  It  is  the  same  todav  as 
when  man  was  created.  The  Bible 
says  that  God  created  man  in  His 
own  image  for  His  own  glory. 
Therefore,  true  life  for  every  man 
is  to  glorify  God  upon  this  earth. 
This  divine  purpose  has  never 
changed.  God  never  makes  a  mis- 
take. His  original  plan  for  man  is 
the  same  yesterday,  today,  and 

However,  man  does  make  mis- 
takes. He  has  made  many.  He  made 
his  first  mistake  when  he  rebelled 
against  God's  will  in  the  Garden 
of  Eden.  Every  step  away  from  God 
since  that  time  has  been  a  step  of 
death.  Death  is  a  separation  from 
God.  When  we  fail  to  fulfill  the 
purpose  for  which  we  were  created, 
then  we   forfeit  our  right  to  live. 

In  Luke  13,  Jesus  gave  the  par- 
able of  the  fig  tree.  When  it  failed 
to  bear  fruit,  He  asked,  "Why  cum- 
bereth  it  the  ground?"  The  pur- 
pose of  the  fig  tree  is  to  bear  figs. 
The  purpose  of  man  is  to  glorify 
God  in  body,  soul,  and  spirit.  When 

he  fails  to  do  so,  after  a  period  of 
grace,  he  dies  for  a  lack  of  reason 
to  live. 

Men  and  institutions  have  probed 
deep  and  long  to  find  the  source 
of  life.  What  are  the  ingredients 
that  make  a  person  normal, 
healthy,  successful,  and  happy? 
What  is  it  that  gives  him  incen- 
tive, that  makes  life  meaningful 
and  worthwhile  in  a  world  of  un- 
certainty, sin,  sickness,  decay,  and 
death?  Found  only  in  the  Word  of 
God,  there  is  only  one  answer  to 
this  question — To  do  the  will  of 

Some  may  say,  "But  Christ  is  the 
only  answer."  This  is  true;  Christ 
has  always  been  the  answer.  Christ 
bears  the  same  relation  to  Adam 
that  He  does  to  us.  The  Bible  says 
that  God  chose  us  all  in  Christ  be- 
fore the  foundation  of  the  world 
(Ephesians  1:4).  Every  thought, 
word,  and  deed  of  Jesus  Christ  was 
the  will  of  His  Father  (John  4:34). 

Jesus  did  not  come  to  do  away 
with  the  plan  of  God,  but  to  fulfill 
it — to  make  it  plain,  precise,  and 
possible  to  all.  Therefore  He  said, 
"Not  every  one  that  saith  unto  me, 
Lord.  Lord,  shall  enter  into  the 
kingdom  of  heaven;  but  he  that 
doeth  the  will  of  mv  Father  which 
Is  in  heaven"    (Matthpw  7:21). 

We  are  exhorted  in  Romans  12:1, 
2  to  present  our  bodies  a  living  sac- 
rifice, holy  and  acceptable  unto 
God,  that  we  may  prove  what  is 
that  good,  and  acceptable,  and  per- 
fect, will  of  God.  What  is  the  pur- 
pose of  your  life?  It  is  to  find  and 
do  the  will  of  God.  It  is  to  fit 
yourself  in*o  God's  pattern  for  your 
individual  life. 

It  is  said  that  David  served  his 
own  generation,  in  the  will  of  God, 
and  then  passed  on  (Acts  13:36). 
Regardless  of  the  time,  place,  con- 
ditions, and  circumstances  of  our 
life,  we  are  to  find  and  do  God's 
will  to  the  very  best  of  our  ability. 

if  we  are  to  know  the  real  mean- 
ing and  joy  of  living. 

The  position  we  hold  in  life  is  not 
really  important.  The  type  of  work 
we  are  qualified  to  do  is  not  nearly 
so  important,  as  where  and  how  we 
use  it.  We  must  be  sure  we  are 
working  on  God's  building — that  we 
are  building  on  the  foundation  of 
the  apostles  and  prophets,  of  which 
Christ  Himself  is  the  chief  corner- 
stone (Ephesians  2:20).  If  we  are 
confident  that  we  are  laborers  to- 
gether with  God.  we  should  be  sat- 
isfied in  doing  any  kind  of  work  of 
which  we  are  capable,  regardless 
of  how  insignificant  it  may  be. 

It  is  possible  to  get  by  with  a 
degree  of  inferior  workmanship, 
provided  that  we  are  building  on 
the  rieht  foundation.  "Now  if  any 
man  build  upon  this  foundation 
gold,  silver,  precious  stones,  wood, 
hay  stubble;  Everv  man's  work  shall 
be  made  manifest:  for  the  dav  shall 
declare  it,  because  it  shall  be  re- 
vealed by  fire;  and  the  fire  shall 
try  everv  man's  work  of  what  sort 
it  is.  If  any  man's  work  abide 
which  he  hath  built  thereupon, 
he  shall  receive  a  reward.  If  any 
man's  work  shall  be  burned,  he 
shall  suffer  loss:  yet  he  himself 
shall  be  saved:  yet  so  as  by  fire" 
(1  Corinthians  3:12-15). 

The  Bible  says  that  although  the 
body  has  manv  members,  yet  there 
is  but  one  body  (1  Corinthians  12: 
20).  There  are  a  great  varietv  of 
workers,  offices,  positions,  gifts,  tal- 
ents, skills,  and  abilities,  but  only 
one  building.  Each  worker,  gift,  tal- 
ent, et  cetera,  differs  from  the  oth- 
er, but  all  are  to  be  used  on  the 
same  building  for  the  glorv  of  God. 
We  are  not  responsible  for  the  gifts, 
talents,  and  abilities  which  we 
possess,  but  we  are  definitely  and 
infinitely  responsible  for  the  way 
we  use  what  we  have  for  the  up- 
building of  the  kingdom  of  God. 

In    Luke    19    Jesus    gave    us   the 



Parable  of  the  Talents.  The  man 
in  this  incident  was  not  condemned 
because  he  had  only  one  talent,  but 
because  he  did  not  use  it  for  the 
glory  of  God.  This  is  the  way  of 
death.  Whatsoever  our  hands  find 
to  do,  we  must  do  it  with  all  our 
hearts,  to  the  glory  of  God  (Colos- 
sians  3:17).  This  is  the  way  of  life. 

"All  things  work  together  for 
good  to  them  that  love  God,  to 
them  who  are  the  called  according 
to  his  purpose"  (Romans  8:28).  In 
this  chapter  Paul  points  up  the 
great  conflict  and  sufferings  a 
Christian  may  have  to  endure  in 
this  world.  Yet,  these  conflicts  and 
sufferings  do  not  affect  the  spiri- 
tual and  eternal  life  which  the 
Christian  possesses  in  his  soul. 
"Who  shall  separate  us  from  the 
love  of  Christ?  shall  tribulation,  or 
distress,  or  persecution,  or  fam- 
ine, or  nakedness,  or  peril,  or 
sword?  As  it  is  written,  For  thy 
sake  we  are  killed  all  the  day  long; 
we  are  accounted  as  sheep  for  the 
slaughter.  Nay,  in  all  these  things 
we  are  more  than  conquerors 
through  him  that  loved  us. 

"For  I  am  persuaded,  that  nei- 
ther death,  nor  life,  nor  angels,  nor 
principalities,  nor  powers,  nor 
things  present,  nor  things  to  come, 
Nor  height,  or  depth,  nor  any  oth- 
er creature,  shall  be  able  to  sep- 
arate us  from  the  love  of  God, 
which  is  in  Christ  Jesus  our  Lord" 
(Romans  8:35-39). 

Jesus  Christ  said,  "I  am  come 
that  they  might  have  life,  and  that 
they  might  have  it  more  abundant- 
ly" (John  10:10).  However,  Jesus 
explained  in  Luke  12:15,  that  "a 
man's  life  consisteth  not  in  the 
abundance  of  the  things  which  he 
possesseth."  "The  kingdom  of  God 
is  not  meat  and  drink;  but  righ- 
teousness, and  peace,  and  joy  in 
the  Holy  Ghost"  (Romans  14:17). 
Life .  is  not  necessarily  health  or 
sickness,  wealth  or  poverty,  success 

or  failure,  comfort  or  pain,  joy  or 

Sometimes  life  may  include  good 
health,  prosperity,  a  happy  home 
with  lovely  children,  and  friends. 
But  again,  it  may  mean  just  the 
opposite.  To  have  life  may  some- 
times mean  that  we  must  suffer 
affliction,  endure  temptation,  or 
give  up  wealth,  position,  and  pres- 
tige. It  may  mean  that  we  must 
sacrifice  husband,  wife,  and  chil- 
dren or  even  be  put  to  death  so 
that  we  may  live  forever  (Matthew 

It  is  never  God's  will  that  Chris- 
tians should  suffer.  Yet  God's  will 
should  always  determine  how  we 
suffer.  It  is  God's  will  for  His  peo- 
ple to  be  more  than  conquerors  in 
every  condition  and  situation  they 
encounter  in  this  life,  for  "greater 
is  he  that  is  in  you,  than  he  that 
is  in  the  world"  (1  John  4:4).  Paul 
says,  "For  our  light  affliction, 
which  is  but  for  a  moment,  work- 
eth  for  us  a  far  more  exceeding 
and  eternal  weight  of  glory"  (2  Co- 
rinthians 4:17).  What  we  suffer  in 
this  world  is  never  as  important  as 
how  we  suffer. 

There  is  no  such  thing  as  a  mis- 
take, disappointment,  tragedy,  or 
defeat  in  the  will  of  God.  We  often 
hear  the  greeting,  "How  are  things 
with  you?"  The  answer  for  those 
who  are  in  the  will  of  God — re- 
gardless of  how  bad  the  situa- 
tion may  seem — is,  "Things  are  go- 
ing well,  thank  you."  We  are  on 
the  winning  team.  Everything  is 
working  for  our  good.  We  know  in 
whom  we  have  believed,  and  we 
are  persuaded  that  He  is  able  to 
keep  that  which  we  have  commit- 
ted to  Him  against  that  day. 

No  man  can  finish  the  work  of 
God  on  this  earth.  Sometimes  we 
hear  of  a  young  man  or  woman 
dying  at  an  early  age.  This  is  al- 
ways considered  as  a  tragedy,  but 

the  number  of  years  a  person  lives 
upon  this  earth  is  of  little  sig- 
nificance. If  we  live  for  God  one 
year  or  a  hundred,  we  are  never 
satisfied  with  our  accomplishments. 
We  fail  to  reach  our  ultimate  goal. 
This  is  how  it  should  be,  for  we 
are  only  making  a  small  contribu- 
tion to  a  work  that  is  infinite. 

In  the  closing  hours  of  Paul's  life, 
he  said,  "I  have  finished  my 
course."  Though  Paul  was  the 
greatest  of  all  apostles,  he  only 
finished  that  which  he  was  called 
to  do,  qualified  to  do,  and  had  the 
opportunity  to  do.  There  is  an  in- 
scription in  Westminster  Abbey  that 
reads,  "God  buries  the  workman, 
but  the  work  goes  on." 

Generations  upon  generations 
have  contributed  to  the  faith  which 
we  now  share  and  to  the  kingdom 
we  expect  to  inherit.  We  are  not 
going  to  be  rewarded  in  heaven  by 
how  long  we  lived,  or  by  how  much 
we  were  able  to  accomplish.  When 
we  invest  what  we  have  in  the 
kingdom  of  God,  we  become  heirs 
and  joint-heirs  with  Jesus  Christ 
of  all  that  God  has  prepared  for 
His  people. 

Those  that  came  at  the  eleventh 
hour  received  as  much  as  those 
that  worked  all  day.  All  the  great 
faith,  gifts,  talents,  abilities,  dedi- 
cation and  accomplishments  of  the 
saints  down  through  the  ages  have 
been  to  achieve  a  divine  purpose, 
of  which  we  are  a  part.  Paul,  in 
speaking  of  the  Old  Testament  pa- 
triots, said  that  they  all  died  with- 
out receiving  the  promise,  "that 
they,  without  us  should  not  be 
made  perfect"  (Hebrews  11:40). 

What  is  the  purpose  of  your  life? 
It  is  to  find  and  do  the  will  of 
God,  regardless  of  how  short  and 
insignificant  it  may  be,  knowing 
that  you  are  a  part  of  a  kingdom 
that  will  endure  forever.    • 

Carl  Green  is  the 
successful  pastor 
of  the  Church  of 
God  in  Baldwin 
Park,  California. 



Ji         LIQUOR  DEALER  took  six 

/I  hundred  children  to  the 
circus.  A  beer  company 
proclaimed  in  bold  neon  letters  on 
its  billboard:  "Let's  put  Christ  back 
into  Christmas."  A  liquor  store  is- 
sued calendars  with  a  picture  of 
Christ  Knocking  at  the  Door. 

A  distillery  featured  in  its  ads 
cartoons  with  Mother  Goose 
rhymes.  A  brewery  offered  prizes 
to  boys  and  girls  for  empty  bottles, 
labels,  and  bottle  caps.  What  is 
behind  such  liquor  advertising? 

It  has  been  said  that  advertising 
is  a  faithful  mirror  of  American 
life  and,  more  important,  has 
worked  a  profound  influence  upon 
it.  It  cannot  be  doubted  that  ad- 
vertising has  a  strong  influence 
upon  American  life,  but  is  it  al- 
ways a  good  influence?  In  some 
fields,  advertising  is  against  the 
public  interest.  The  liquor  industry 
is  a  good  example.  It  is  the  worst 

offender,  as  a  look  behind  the 
liquor  ads  will  reveal. 

In  his  book  The  Many  Faces  of 
Ethel,  William  S.  Garmon  points 
out  the  deceptiveness  of  liquor  ad- 
vertising: "Turn  on  the  radio  or 
television,  drive  down  the  highway, 
pick  up  a  newspaper  or  magazine, 
walk  through  the  park,  or  enter 
an  office  or  store,  and  ever  present 
is  one  or  more  aspects  of  alcohol. 

"The  licensed  beverage  industry 
makes  sure  that  these  advertising 
media  never  associate  beverage  al- 
cohol with  accidents,  beserk  be- 
havior, homicide,  crime,  sexual 
lapses,  and  so  on.  Only  that  which 
makes  alcoholic  beverage  seem  to 
be  pleasurable,  acceptable,  and 
the  pattern  in  the  best  of  society 
is  what  is  portrayed. 

"In  this  picture  world  all  men  are 
married  to  beautiful  women,  all 
beautiful  women  are  married  to 
handsome  men,  and  all  live  in  fifty 
thousand-dollar   homes   which    are 

elaborately  and  tastefully  fur- 
nished. Everyone  has  fun  on  the 
beach,  at  the  hunting  lodge,  or  out 
at  the  trout  stream.  Beverage  al- 
cohol is  always  associated  with 
that  which  is  beautiful,  wholesome, 
and  good.  The  subtle  implication 
is  that  if  you  drink  you  will  be 
successful  and  will  have  the  things 
of  this  world." 

With  alcoholism  the  most  ne- 
glected public  health  problem  in 
America  today,  it  is  time  to  take 
a  fresh  look  at  liquor  advertising 
which  is  accelerating  the  problem 
of  alcoholism. 

About  four  hundred  million  dol- 
lars is  spent  in  our  country  each 
year  to  advertise  alcoholic  bever- 
ages. This  huge  sum  is  spent  main- 
ly in  four  areas:  newspapers,  mag- 
azines, television,  and  radio.  The  re- 
sult is  that  these  media  have  be- 
come largely  subservient  to  the 
liquor  interest. 

Science    has    not    yet   been    able 




to  determine  who  will  become  al- 

Every  alcoholic  was  once  pre- 
sumably a  social  drinker.  Alco- 
holics are  recruited  from  the  ranks 
of  the  social  drinkers. 

There  are  now  about  five  million 
alcoholics  in  the  United  States,  an 
average  of  one  on  every  street. 

The  rate  of  alcoholism  is  higher 
in  this  country  than  any  other, 
with  France  second  and  Sweden 

Drinking  is  related  directly  and 
indirectly  to  a  large  amount  of 
the  crime  committed  in  this  coun- 
try. The  increase  in  both  juvenile 
delinquency  and  crime  has  been 
due  in  some  measure  to  drinking 
which  is  encouraged  by  liquor  ad- 

Drinking  is  related  to  at  least 
50  percent  of  the  deaths  on  Amer- 
ican highways,  according  to  a 
survey  made  by  Reader's  Digest 
(October,  1959).  The  driver  who 
has    taken    only    a    few   drinks    is 

more  dangerous  than  the  drunk 
driver.  He  takes  more  chances  and 
is  a  greater  menace  than  the 
drunk  driver.  In  1966  the  death 
toll  on  American  highways  was 
fifty-two  thousand,  an  average  of 
a  thousand  a  week.  The  carnage 
on  our  highways  goes  on  relent- 
lessly despite  efforts  to  reduce  the 
number  of  accidents. 

Drinking  is  a  menace  to  home- 
life.  Some  25  percent  of  marriages 
in  our  country  are  ending  in  the 
divorce  court.  Dr.  Hornell  Hart, 
Duke  University  sociologist,  says: 
"Sociological  studies  show  that 
drinking  is  a  prime  cause  of  grief, 
of  conflict,  and  of  disaster  in  fam- 
ily life." 

Liquor  paralyzes  the  brain,  at 
least  temporarily.  As  long  as  al- 
cohol is  in  the  body,  the  brain  is 
anesthetized  to  some  extent.  "Even 
in  the  smallest  doses  alcohol  ex- 
erts a  depressant  action  on  the 
central  nervous  system,"  says  Dr. 
Harold  E.  Himwich,  former  teacher 
in  the  Yale  University  School  of 
medicine,  in  the  book  Alcohol  and 
Man,  page  13. 

Alcoholic  beverages  are  hab- 
it-forming drugs.  Dr.  A.  C.  Ivy, 
distinguished  physician  and  edu- 
cator of  Chicago,  defines  beverage 
alcohol  thus:  "Alcohol  is  a  poison- 
ous, intoxicating,  sleep-producing, 
pain-reducing,  narcotizing,  stupe- 
fying, anesthetizing,  narcotic,  and 
potentially  craving-producing  drug." 

Drinking  blights  spirituality.  Isa- 
iah says  that  people  who  rise  up 
early  in  the  morning  and  drink 
until  wine  inflames  them  "regard 
not  the  work  of  the  Lord,  neither 
consider  the  operation  of  his 
hands"  (Isaiah  5:12).  Amos  warns 
that  those  who  drink  wine  in 
bowls  "are  not  grieved  for  the  af- 
fliction of  Joseph"  (Amos  6:6). 
Dr.  Howard  A.  Kelly,  a  distin- 
guished physician,  once  testified:  "I 
have  never  met  a  man  or  a  woman 
who  indulged  in  alcohol  freely  who 
loved  the  truth  or  had  any  clear 
vision  of  the  value  of  spiritual 
things.  Its  use  is  perhaps  the  com- 
monest cause  of  spiritual  blind- 
ness."   Drinking     undermines     the 

work  of  churches  because  it  draws 
people  away  from  God  and  away 
from  the  spiritual  influences  of 

These  are  some  of  the  truths 
about  alcoholic  beverages  that  the 
advertisements  do  not  mention. 

The  brewers'  booklet,  The  ABC  of 
Beer  Advertising,  asserts:  "The 
United  States  Brewers  Founda- 
tion's institutional  advertising  as- 
sociates beer  with  nice  people,  plea- 
sant surroundings,  with  sensible 
moderation,  and  shows  the  bever- 
age of  moderation  for  what  it  is 
— a  part  of  America's  home  life." 
The  booklet  cautions  brewers  not 
to  mention  the  alcoholic  content 
of  beer. 

"Beer  is  on  the  side  of  law  and 
order  and  should  never  be  asso- 
ciated with  bad  company  or  situa- 
tions that  might  be  construed  as 
illegal  or  undesirable,"  the  booklet 
affirms.  The  whole  idea  of  the  book- 
let is  to  play  up  beer  as  being 
the  accompaniment  of  good  taste 
and  good  times,  and  never  to  hint 
at  any  harmful  characteristics  of 
the  product. 

In  general,  the  liquor  ads  say  by 
implication  or  actual  statement 
that  drinking  is  a  normal  part  of 
life;  that  it  is  a  necessary  product 
for  entertaining  guests  and  for 
happy  homelife;  that  success  in 
business  is  practically  unheard  of 
apart  from  drinking;  that  a  per- 
son cannot  have  a  buoyant,  at- 
tractive personality  unless  he 

Francis  T.  Chambers,  Jr.,  in  an 
article  in  Ladies  Home  Journal 
(November,  1948),  epitomizes  the 
untruthfulness  behind  the  liquor 
ads:  "One  never  saw  a  liquor  ad- 
vertisement with  a  well-dressed, 
distinguished  man  being  carried 
out  of  his  club,  feet  foremost." 

Liquor  advertising  is  full  of  un- 
truths, half-truths,  and  downright 
falsehoods;  it  is  inimical  to  the 
public  welfare;  it  is  a  deterrent 
to  understanding  of  the  problems 
created  by  drinking;  it  is  a  dis- 
tortion of  facts  and  a  prostitution 
of  advertising  space.  It  should  be 
prohibited  by  law.    • 


The  Death  of  Christ 

In  Scripture  and 



HE  CROSS  OF  Christ  is  cen- 
tral in  Christianity,  in  the 
Bible,  and  in  the  plan  of  re- 
demption. Many  hymns  have  been 
written  concerning  the  cross. 

Dr.  G.  Campbell  Morgan  once 
said,  "Democracy  was  at  the  cross: 
sinners  were  at  the  cross,  the  Ro- 
man soldiers  (Roman  imperialism) 
were  at  the  cross,  and  you  and  I 
were  at  the  cross  with  our  sin  and 
our  guilt." 

The  manner  in  which  Christ  was 
crucified  was  a  tragedy.  Gethsem- 
ane  was  surely  the  beginning  of 
His  sorrows  and  sufferings,  when 
Christ  sweat,  as  it  were,  drops  of 
blood  and  prayed  that  He  might  not 
die  before  He  came  to  the  cross 
(Hebrews  5:7;    Matthew  26:39). 

Jesus  did  not  seek  to  be  delivered 
from  the  cross,  but  He  went  will- 
ingly, saying,  "No  man  taketh  it 
from  me,  but  I  lay  it  down  of  my- 
self. I  have  power  to  lay  it  down, 
and  I  have  power  to  take  it  again" 
(John  10:18). 

I  saw  one  hanging  on  the  tree, 

In  agony  and  blood; 

He  fixed  His  languid  eyes  on  me, 

As  near  H's  cross  I  stood. 

My  conscience  felt  and  owned  the  guilt, 

And  plunged  me  In  despair; 

I  saw  my  sins  His  b'ood  had  split 

And  helped  to  nail  Him  there. 

John  Newton 

Without  Gethsemane  there  is  no 
Calvary;  without  Calvary  there  is 
no  Resurrection.  Without  the  resur- 
rection of  Christ  there  is  no  ascen- 
sion with  Christ.  The  cross  and  a 
Christian  experience  are  vitally 

Lest  I  forget  Gethesemane, 
Lest  I  forget  Thine  agony; 
Lest  I  forget  Thy  love  for  me, 
Lead  me  to  Calvary! 

Jennie  E.  Hussey 

A  person  claiming  to  be  Christ 
came  to  Saint  Martin.  Saint  Mar- 
tin asked  him  to  show  the  print  of 
the  nails  in  his  hands;  but  he  could 
not,  and  he  fled.  It  was  Satan  who 
tried  to  deceive  St.  Martin.  Every 
false  religion  lacks  the  fact  of  the 


death  and  resurrection  of  Christ — 
the  print  of  the  nails  and  the  empty 

The  meaning  of  the  cross  of 
Christ  may  be  summed  up  in  these 
brief  words:  He  suffered  that  we 
might  escape  suffering  for  sin.  He 
was  forsaken  that  we  might  be 
saved.  He  was  made  poor  that  we 
might  become  rich  (2  Corinthians 
8:9).  He  wore  the  crown  of  thorns 
that  we  might  wear  the  crown  of 
gold.  He  was  wounded  for  our 
transgressions  that  we  might  be 
healed  (Isaiah  53:5).  He  was  hum- 
bled for  our  sake  that  we  might 
be  exalted  forever  with  Him  (Phi- 
lippians  2:8,  9).  He  was  sinless  and 
holy,  and  yet  He  took  our  place  as 
our  substitute  for  sin  (1  Peter  3: 
18).  He  overcame  our  foes,  and  His, 
that  we  might  be  victorious  in  Him. 
He  died  that  we  might  live  for- 
ever.  He   drank  the  cup  of  God's 

wrath  for  sin  that  we  might  drink 
the  waters  of  eternal  life. 

He  was  unclothed  that  we  might 
be  dressed  in  His  righteousness  and 
the  garments  of  salvation.  He  was 
tried  and  unjustly  sentenced  for 
our  sins  that  we  might  be  justified 
forever  in  Him.  The  veil  of  His 
flesh  was  rent  (and  the  veil  of  the 
Temple)  that  the  veil  into  the  holy 
place,  heaven  itself,  might  be 
opened  forever  to  souls  redeemed 
by  the  blood  of  Christ  (Matthew 
27:51;    Hebrews  9:24,  25). 

The  crucifixion  of  Christ  was  the 
darkest  hour  of  human  history — 
God  hung  crepe  on  the  whole  uni- 
verse for  three  hours.  The  sun  was 
darkened  and  it  was  like  the  night. 
None  other  could  have  defeated  Sa- 
tan and  sin  except  Jesus  Christ. 

Well  might  the  sun  in  darkness  hide, 
And  shut  his  glories  in. 
When  Christ,  the  mighty  Maker,  died, 
For  man,  the  creature's  sin. 

During  this  holy  week  when  the 
church  considers  Christ's  passion 
week,  these  truths  become  full  of 
meaning.  We  worship  God  and  His 
Son  because  of  all  He  has  accom- 
plished for  us  by  His  death  upon 
the  cross.    • 

Newport  News,  Virginia 

The  months  of  October,  Novem- 
ber and  December  of  1967  will  be 
long-remembered  by  the  Parkview 
Church  of  God.  These  three  months 
have  become  the  stepping-stone  to 
a  refreshing  new  look  at  Sunday 
school  teaching  and  learning,  not 
only  for  this  church  but  also  for 
others  who  have  followed  its  lead. 

Traditions  and  customs  were  laid 
aside  for  the  Junior  High,  Senior 
High,  Young  Adult,  and  Adult  De- 
partments. The  Sunday  school  les- 
sons were  taught  from  a  two-to 
three-page  outline.  In  place  of  a 
leaflet  for  the  pupil,  the  Bible 
became  the  students'  literature. 

Realizing  the  need  of  indoctri- 
nation of  the  basic  doctrines  of  the 
church,  Pastor  Henry  B.  Ellis  pre- 
pared a  series  of  fourteen  lessons 
from  the  Declaration  of  Faith. 

Twice  each  month  the  teachers 
met  with  the  pastor,  who  lectured 

to  them  on  the  topics  for  the  com- 
ing lessons. 

Enthusiasm  was  at  an  all-time 
high.  Several  favorable  comments 
were  given  through  a  written  sur- 
vey of  the  teachers. 

The  enthusiasm  did  not  remain 
in  Newport  News  alone,  but  it 
spread  into  other  areas.  One  of  the 
churches  nearby  requested  the  use 
of  the  outlines  prepared  by  Pastor 
Ellis  to  present  to  their  Sunday 

The  new  studies  have  been  a 
blessing     in     a    twofold     manner: 

(1)  They  have  educated  our  people 
to  know  more  about  what  the  real 
doctrines  of  the  church   are;    and 

(2)  they  have  challenged  our 
teachers  to  do  more  research  and 
thereby  causing  them  to  be  more 
effective  when  they  teach. 

— Charles  Hollifield,  reporter 



By  ALAN   0.    HATHAWAY 

T  IS  INEVITABLE  in  the  process  of  sailing  that 
a  vessel,  due  to  the  circumstance  of  the  sea,  will 
drift.  It  is  simple  to  set  a  course  by  chart,  but 
seamanship  is  what  keeps  us  on  that  course. 

It  must  be  remembered  that  slight  drift  does  not 
mean  failure.  However,  regular  readings  are  required. 
A  good  seaman  does  not  wait  several  days  to  check 
his  course,  nor  does  he  wait  until  he  is  obviously  off 
course  and  then  attempt  to  correct  his  situation. 
Regularly  he  sights  the  stars,  and  immediately  he 
corrects  bearings  to  compensate  for  the  condition  of 
the  sea.  He  dares  not  fall  into  that  old  trap  of  letting 
things  go  for  a  while.  The  drift  may  be  slight,  but 
one  degree  off  now  and  he  may  be  hundreds  of  miles 
off  when  he  reaches  his  destiny. 

Life  is  a  bit  like  sailing,  for  we  must  constantly 
check  our  course. 

Make  a  habit  of  daily  checking  your  bearings  by 
the  chart,  the  Bible,  and  correct  immediately.  No 
matter  how  safe  and  sure  you  may  feel,  no  matter 
how  calm  the  sea  of  life  may  appear,  we  must  regular- 
ly check  and  correct  our  way. 

Success  or  failure  ultimately  depends  on  you.  You 
must  choose  your  destination,  and  you  must  navigate 
your  craft.  It  is  no  crime  to  be  an  amateur,  though 
it  is  often  dangerous;  but  the  person  who  knowingly 
disregards  warnings  and  disobeys  what  he  knows  to 
be  correct  is  both  a  fool  and  a  criminal.  He  is  a 
fool  because  he  destroys  himself,  and  he  is  a  criminal 
because  he  hurts  and  destroys  others. 

A  great  plane  leaves  Kennedy  International  Airport 
in  New  York  and  flies  several  thousand  miles  across 
the  Atlantic  Ocean  in  total  darkness.  Hours  pass  and 
a  voice  from  the  tower  of  London  Airport  clears  the 
craft  for  landing.  A  few  minutes  later  the  great  rub- 
ber tires  meet  the  pavement  of  the  runway  exactly 
as  was  planned  thousands  of  miles  away. 

How  is  this  possible  without  the  aid  of  signpost 
or  vision?  It  is  possible  because  the  pilot  and  navigator 
have  learned  to  fly  by  a  set  of  rules  which  they  do 
not  violate  regardless  of  how  they  feel.  When  they 

do  violate  these  laws  they  will  no  longer  be  con- 
sidered competent  to  fly. 

Where  did  these  laws  come  from?  Are  they  the 
product  of  the  experiments  of  these  men?  No,  we 
must  reach  back  to  the  ancient  Egyptians  and  be- 
yond; and  then  we  must  add  the  experience  and 
knowledge  of  thousands  of  years  and  hundreds  of 
men.  Here  is  a  tribute  to  the  mind  of  man.  No  pilot 
deliberately  violates  these  laws,  because  they  are  the 
laws  by  which  he  lives.  He  accepts  them,  and  he 
flies  by  them. 

The  truths  and  laws  of  God  are  the  product  of  mil- 
lenniums of  human  experience  and  the  eternal  mind 
of  God.  They  were  written  at  the  direction  of  om- 
niscience and  have  never  proved  false.  Dare  we  pre- 
sume to  experiment  with  and  violate  these  laws.  They 
are  the  laws  of  life,  and  he  who  plays  with  them  is 

Here  are  some  things  we  need  to  keep  in  mind. 

1.  You   can   start   from  where   you   are   and   reach 
any  point  in  the  world  by  taking  proper  bearing. 

2.  You  can   change   your   bearings. 

3.  A  good  chart,  the  right  chart,  is  a  must. 

4.  You  must  set  your  compass   (conscience)   by  the 
master  compass    (Christ). 

5.  You  must  check  and  correct  your  bearings  regu- 

You  are  master  of  your  own  ship,  and  it  is  up  to 
you  what  port  you  are  going  to  reach.  You  may  com- 
mit your  destiny  to  the  sea,  or  you  may  commit  it 
to  Christ.  You,  with  Paul,  may  say,  "I  have  finished 
my  course."  You  may  reach  the  eternal  harbor  of 
God  and  receive  the  crown  of  life.    • 

Alan  O.  Hathaway  is  associate  minister 
at  the  Middletown,  Ohio,  Church  of 




MANY  EXCITING  experi- 
ences awaited  the  staff 
members  from  the  Church 
of  God  in  Racine  and  Kenosha, 
Wisconsin,  as  they  drove  to  the 
youth  camp  at  Lake  Geneva,  Wis- 
consin. This  rustic  and  beauti- 
fully landscaped  forty-acre  resort 
was  to  be  the  setting  for  a  teachers 
and  workers  retreat,  the  first  of  its 
kind  in  Wisconsin. 

This  retreat  was  enriched  by 
having  as  guest  lecturers,  the  Rev- 
erend Messrs.  Paul  F.  Henson,  as- 
sistant national  director;  O.  W. 
Polen,  pastor  of  West  Flint,  Mich- 
igan; J.  E.  DeVore,  Wisconsin 
state  overseer  and  contributing  ed- 
itor to  the  Lighted  Pathway;  and 
Wayne  Buchanan,  executive  direc- 
tor of  the  National  Sunday  School 

A  delicious  banquet  initiated  the 
retreat.  Our  banquet  speaker,  the 
Reverend  O.  W.  Polen,  challenged 
us  to  become  "Involved  in  the  To- 
tal Program  of  Christian  Educa- 
tion" in  the  church.  He  emphatical- 

Shown  at  left 
are  retreat  di- 
rectors Billy  ] . 
O'Neal  and 
Franklin  A. 
Weaver;  and 
euest  lecturers 
Wayne  E. 
O.  W.  Polen, 
and  Paul  F. 

ly  stressed  that  the  teacher  and 
worker  must  have  the  vision  and 
must  lead  the  way  toward  involv- 
ing all  people  of  our  churches. 
Certainly  this  was  an  extraordinary 

Following  the  banquet,  we  walked 
through  softly  falling  snow  to  the 
chapel  for  an  inspirational  service. 
It  was  at  this  assembly  that  the 
Reverend  Paul  Henson  blessed  our 
hearts  as  he  sang  and  admonished 
us  to  "Get  Involved."  He  men- 
tioned that  some  may  be  appre- 
hensive toward  certain  areas  of 
church  work;  but,  he  reemphasized 
the  fact  that  we  must  become  in- 
volved in  some  phase  of  God's  work. 

Our  state  overseer,  the  Reverend 
J.  E.  DeVore,  lectured  to  the  Su- 
perintendents and  Department  Su- 
perintendents on  "Getting  Involved 
in  Principles  of  Administration."  He 
was  invited  as  a  special  guest  to 
this  retreat  because  of  his  vast 
knowledge    in    administration.    He 

has  done  a  splendid  work  in  the 
State  of  Wisconsin,  which  is  much 
appreciated  by  all. 

A  highlight  of  the  retreat  was  a 
film  presentation  by  the  Reverend 
Wayne  Buchanan,  executive  direc- 
tor of  NSSA.  The  Reverend  Mr. 
Buchanan,  who  for  the  first  time 
was  introduced  under  his  new  title 
and  who  previously  has  worked  in 
the  Audio-Visual  Department  for 
seven  years  at  Moody  Bible  Insti- 
tute, introduced  us  to  an  extra- 
ordinary exposition  of  visual  aids 
which  can  be  used  while  teaching 
a  Bible  lesson.  We  were  highly  hon- 
ored to  have  the  Reverend  Mr.  Bu- 
chanan participate  in  our  retreat, 
and  we  feel  that  his  contribution 
added  great  benefits  to  our  people. 

Activities  such  as  tobogganing, 
Ping-Pong  and  a  rest  period  were 
enjoyed  following  a  wonderful 

The  workers  retreat  was  cli- 
maxed by  a  great  workers  service 
at  the  Kenosha  Church  of  God. 
The  Reverend  Paul  Henson  dynam- 
ically spoke  and  urged  everyone 
to  work  and  to  be  a  soulwinner. 

The  success  of.  the  retreat  was 
very  dependent  upon  the  guidance 
of  the  Holy  Spirit  and  the  capable 
leadership  of  the  Reverend  Frank- 
lin A.  Weaver,  who  has  had  phe- 
nomenal growth  at  the  Kenosha 
Church  of  God,  and  the  Reverend 
Billy  J.  O'Neal,  who  has  had  tre- 
mendous growth  at  the  Racine 
Church  of  God  and  who  has 
launched  a  dynamic  program  of 
Christian  Education  in  the  State  of 
Wisconsin.    • 

Class    session    on,    "Getting    Involved 
Wayne  E.  Buchanan. 

Visual    and    Audio-Visual    Aids,' 


By   HOYT   E.   STONE 

/T  IS  EASY  to  confuse  the 
term  "teen-ager"  with  the 
word  adolescent.  That  can  be 
a  serious  mistake.  Many  Church 
of  God  teen-agers  have  learned 
to  shoulder  adult  responsibility 
with  remarkable  finesse. 

A  few  years  ago  we  were  in  the 
middle  of  a  junior  youth  camp. 
Things  had  smoothed  out  beauti- 
fully, and  I  lay  down  at  11  p.m. 
with  something  of  the  composure 
a  camp  director  knows  only  after 
the  camp  is  in  full  swing.  Lights 
were  out,  and  the  rooms  were 
quiet.  The  head  counselor  had 
made  his  final  check  on  the  boys, 
and  all  was  well. 

I  had  entered  this  particular 
camp  with  more  anxiety  than  usu- 
al. The  camping  program  was 
growing  in  our  state,  and  staffing 
was  becoming  an  increasing  bur- 
den. In  seeking  to  meet  this  need, 
the  Youth  Board  and  I  had  de- 
cided to  encourage  more  upper 
teen-age  help  for  the  small  boys, 
thus  freeing  our  regular  volunteer 
workers  for  the  older  groups.  So 
far,  everything  had  been  up  to  par, 
but  I  had  pillowed  my  head  more 
than  once  with  a  question  mark 
poised  and  dangling  in  my  mind. 

At  3  a.m.  someone  shook  me  and 
said,  "You  had  better  come  to  Room 
4.  One  of  the  boys  has  been  hurt." 
I  slipped  quickly  into  my  trousers 
and  loafers  and  ran  next  door. 
Every  light  was  on.  The  room  was 
crowded  already,  and  junior  camp- 

ers were  sitting  up  on  bunks  and 
staring    wildly    at   the    far   corner. 

Blood  seemed  everywhere!  On  the 
white  sheets,  the  yellow  blanket, 
and  on  the  quivering  form  of  eight- 
year-old  Rocky  as  he  lay  there  in 
David's  arms. 

"What  happened?"  I  asked. 

"He  fell  out  of  the  upper  bunk," 
David  answered;  and  he  removed 
the  blood-soaked  handkerchief  for 
me  to  see  a  long  cut  in  Rocky's 
scalp.  "He  didn't  cry  or  anything. 
Just  climbed  back  in  the  bunk." 

I  though  the  boy  was  near  death. 
It  didn't  seem  possible  that  he 
could  have  lost  so  much  blood. 

"Don,"  I  said  to  one  of  the  staff 
members,  "wrap  him  in  the  blanket 
and  bring  him  outside.  I'll  get  the 

We  sped  down  the  Interstate  and 
up  Main  Street.  Only  caution  lights 
blinked,  and  there  were  few  cars.  I 
expected,  even  hoped  for,  a  trooper 
escort;  but  none  appeared.  We 
rushed  Rocky  into  the  emergency 
room.  The  nurse  reassured  us,  and 
the  doctor  began  the  cleaning. 

"It's  really  not  as  bad  as  it  looks, 
Mr.  Stone,"  the  doctor  said.  "Any 
cut  on  the  head  bleeds  freely,  and 
a  little  blood  seems  to  go  a  long 
way  at  three  o'clock  in  the  morn- 

Rocky  took  the  stitches  with- 
out a  murmer.  His  big  brown 
eyes  followed  the  doctor  curiously 
and,  though  at  first  some  fear  reg- 

istered in  his  face,  he  never  cried. 
The  cut  had  been  made  with  a 
blunt  edge,  and  a  knot  had  formed. 
This  made  stitching  difficult,  but 
the  doctor  soon  had  the  boy  ban- 
daged and  ready  to  take  back  to 

Later,  sixteen-year-old  David  told 
me  that  he  had  heard  a  thumping 
noise  and  thought  that  one  of  the 
boys  had  kicked  something  off  a 
bunk.  He  had  flashed  his  light 
down  the  row  of  sleeping  faces 
only  to  discover  nothing.  He  had 
dozed  and  woke  again.  In  the  quiet- 
ness he  had  heard  a  slight  snif- 
fling sound  and  had  guessed  that 
one  of  the  boys  was  crying.  Search- 
ing for  the  homesick  and  lonely 
boy,  he  had  found  Rocky. 

Even  yet,  I'm  occasionally  haunt- 
ed by  visions  of  a  brown-eyed  lit- 
tle boy  bleeding  to  death  in  his 
bunk,  too  lonely  and  too  frightened 
to  cry  aloud;  but  I'll  never  cease 
thanking  God  for  a  teen-ager,  an 
adult  teen-ager,  concerned  enough 
and  loving  enough  t«  crawl  out 
of  bed  and  to  investigate  a  sob 
in  the  night.    • 


Hoyt  E.  Stone, 
former  pastor  of 
thp  North  Dan- 
ville, Virginia, 
Church  of  God, 
recently  became 
Director  of  Alum- 
ni Affairs  at  Lee 


Aubrey  Maye.   Director 

HlonetTb    for   Christ    international 

Ye  shall  receive  power  ...  ye  shall  be  witnesses  unto  me — Acts 

THE  THREAD  OF  the  gospel 
story  woven  into  the  synop- 
tic record  is  continued  in 
the  book  of  Acts.  Luke  gives  a  brief 
summary  of  the  forty  days  after 
Christ's  resurrection  and  an  ex- 
pansion on  the  account  of  His  as- 

The  first  chapter  of  Acts  marks 
the  transition  from  the  earthly 
ministry  of  the  Lord  (verse  1)  to 
the  ministry  of  the  Spirit  in  His 
church  after  His  ascension.  Jesus 
Christ,  the  head  of  the  church,  had 
received  an  anointing  of  the  Spir- 
it which  marked  His  earthly  min- 
istry. The  last  commandments 
which  He  gave  the  apostles  were 
given  "through  the  Holy  Ghost." 
Christ  knew  that  His  body  (the 
Church)  should  receive  an  anoint- 
ing and  a  baptism  as  He  had  re- 
ceived so  that  they  would  be 
able  to  extend  His  ministry  to  the 
world;  therefore,  He  said,  "Ye  shall 
be  baptized  with  the  Holy  Ghost 
not  many  days  hence." 

In  making  this  revelation,  Christ' 
did  not  mention  the  establishment 
of  His  Messianic  Kingdom  on  earth, 
which  was  in  the  Father's  power. 
It  was  not  necessary  to  have  the 
power  in  the  church  to  know  all 
the  times  and  seasons,  but  for  the 
most  important  task  that  faced 
the  church,  Jesus  promised  power. 
He  said,  "Ye  shall  receive  power, 
after  that  the  Holy  Ghost  is  come 
upon  you:  and  ye  shall  be  witness- 
es unto  me  both  in  Jerusalem,  and 
in  all  Judaea,  and  in  Samaria,  and 
unto  the  uttermost  part  of  the 
earth"  (Acts  1:8). 

Let  us  note  then  the  wonder  of 
God's  entrusting  man  with  this 
ministry.  Paul  the  Apostle,  de- 
clared, "We  have  this  treasure  in 
earthen  vessels,  that  the  excellency 
of  the  power  may  be  of  God"  (2  Co- 
rinthians 4:7).  God  gave  to  the 
church  a  ministry  that  was  fore- 
told by  the  prophets,  although 
those  prophets  did  not  comprehend 



By   B.   A.    BROWN 

E.  A.  Brown,  a  native 
Alakamian,  is  Director 
of  Evangelism  in  his 
home  state. 

their  own  predictions.  It  is  stated 
in  the  Scriptures  that  the  things 
which  were  foretold  by  the  proph- 
ets and  which  were  preached  with 
"the  Holy  Ghost  sent  down  from 
heaven"  by  the  New  Testament 
ministers  are  of  interest  to  the 
angels,  and  they  desire  to  look  into 
these  things. 

This  is  a  humbling  revelation 
that  God  would  commit  to  mortals 
the  gospel  of  God  and  charge  the 
Church  with  the  responsibility  of 
preaching  to  every  creature,  of 
teaching  all  nations,  and  of  wit- 
nessing to  the  uttermost  part  of 
the  earth. 

We  see  also  the  wonder  wrought 
in  the  witness.  Christ  had  called 
His  apostles  from  all  walks  of  life. 
He  had  tutored  them  for  more  than 
three  years,  teaching  them  by  pre- 
cept and  example  the  art  of  wit- 
nessing and  working  the  works  of 
His  Father.  When  the  promise  of 
power  was  given,  it  was  promised 
to  men  who  were  classified  as  "ig- 
norant and  unlearned."  One  of  the 
men  destined  to  be  a  pillar  in  this 
church  at  one  time  was  a  cringing 
coward  and  denied  association  with 
the  Galilean.  Can  there  be  any  help 
for  the  big  fisherman,  Simon? 

After  being  endued  with  the  pow- 
er of  God,  Simon  Peter  stood  and 
witnessed  boldly  the  glorious  res- 
urrection of  Jesus  Christ  from  the 
dead.  He  spoke  eloquently  and  pow- 
erfully from  the  Scriptures  as  the 
Holy  Spirit  illuminated  and  in- 
spired him,  and  he  was  trans- 
formed into  a  wonderful  witness  to 
the  world. 

Finally  there  is  the  wonder 
wrought  in  the  hearers.  Jerusalem 
was  filled  with  the  devout  from  al- 
most everywhere,  for  the  Jews  had 
been  dispersed.  These  worshipers  in 
Jerusalem  for  the  annual  feasts 
were  amazed  and  confounded  when 
they  heard  simple  Galileans  speak- 
ing in  their  native  tongues  the 
wonderful  works  of  God.  The  mes- 
sage they  heard  was  the  anointed 
witness  of  Peter  as  he  declared  that 
the  crucified  Jesus  had  been  raised 
from  the  dead  and  that  they  were 
guilty  of  His  blood. 

As  the  full  impact  of  this  wit- 
ness was  realized,  the  people  were 
pricked  in  their  hearts  and  imme- 
diately asked,  "Men  and  brethren 
what  shall  we  do?"  Peter  and  the 
other  apostles  then  led  three  thou- 
sand souls  into  the  saving  knowl- 
edge of  Jesus  Christ,  and  the  Lord 
added  to  the  church  daily  such  as 
should  be  saved,  Oh,  the  wonder  of 
witnessing  to  that  which  "we  have 
seen  and  heard."    • 




By  Donald  S.  Aultman 
National  Director 


Lakeland  (Lake  Wire),  Florida  ....  _  362 
Greenville    (Tremont    Avenue), 

South   Carolina 196 

Cincinnati   (Central  Pkwy.),  Ohio  _  _.  182 
Buford,    Georgia    _    _    _    —    —    ~~  167 
Jacksonville    (Garden   City),   Florida  .._  151 
Radford.    Virginia    _    _    _    _    _    _  145 

Gastonla    (Ranlo),    North    Carolina    _  141 

Wyandotte,    Michigan   _    _..    _ ...  137 

Atlanta   (Mount  Paran),   Georgia   _   _  135 

Tampa,    Florida   _   _   _   _    _    _  132 

Hamilton   (Princeton  Pike),  Ohio 125 

Huntsvllle  (Virginia  Blvd.),  Alabama  ....  123 
Cleveland  (Mount  Olive),  Tennessee  ....  120 
Dayton   (East  Fourth  St.),  Ohio  _  _  119 

Jackson  (Bailey  Ave.),  Mississippi  119 

Chattanooga  (North),  Tennessee  _.  _  112 
Poplar     California      .____.._    _  112 

Somerset,  Pennsylvania  _ 112 

Monroe    (4th    St.),    Michigan    _ Ill 

Canton    (Canton   Temple),   Ohio   102 

Lorain,    Ohio    _    _     __    _..    _    102 

Baldwin    Park,    California   _    _ 100 

Jacksonville   (Springfield),  Florida  100 

St.    Louis    (Gravols    Ave),    Missouri    _  100 

Royal    Oak,   Michigan   _..   ....   _ 96 

Rossville,   Georgia   _    93 

Pasco,   Washington   ._.   ....   _..   _   92 

Pulaski,  Virginia 92 

Columbus   (Frebls  Ave.),  Ohio  _    91 

West  Indianapolis,  Indiana  90 

East    St.    Louis,    Illinois 87 

Salisbury,   Maryland   _   _.  ....  87 

Lemmon,  South  Dakota  _ 86 

Brunswick   (Sterling),  Georgia  ..    85 

Pomona,   California  _____  _ 85 

Cleveland   (Detroit  Ave.),  Ohio    ...  84 

Lexington  (Loudon  Ave.),  Kentucky  _    84 

Elyrla,    Ohio    _   —    _   —    —    _ 80 

Morganton,  North  Carolina  ._    80 

Portland   (Powell  Blvd.),  Oregon  _    80 

Hurst,    Texas    __    _    _ 79 

Long  Beach,  California    ...   .... _.    79 

South    Lebanon,    Ohlcn 79 

Somerset  (Cotter  Avenue),  Kentucky  _     78 
West   Winter  Haven,   Florida   ...     ...    _     76 

Pompano     Beach,     Florida     ....     ....      ...     75 

Charleston  (King  and  Sumter), 

South    Carolina      . _..    ...    74 

Jackson   (Leavell  Woods),  Mississippi  ..    72 

North    Conway,    South    Carolina   70 

Paris,    Texas   __   __   _._   __   __   __    ._.     ..    68 

Dalton    (E.  Morris  St.)     Georgia  ...    67 

Corbln  (Center  St.),  Kentucky  ... 66 

Benton   Harbor,   Michigan      .    _ _.    65 

Covington  (Shepherds  Fold),  Louisiana  65 
Dayton,  Tennessee  ....  __  __  ..  _  ....  65 
Ft.  Lauderdale  (4th  Ave.),  Florida  _  65 
Louisville    (Pleasure   Ridge),    Kentucky    65 

Wooster,    Ohio    _    __    __    __    _    __    —    65 

Kannapolls  (Earle  St.),  North  Carolina    64 
West   Columbia,   South   Carolina   _    —    64 

West  Frankfort,  Illinois  64 

Pelzer,   South   Carolina  —  _  -  —    63 

Aurora,    Illinois  _    —    —    —   —    —    62 

North,  South  Carolina  _.   _  __ 
Vanceburg,    Kentucky    ....    __    _.. 

Flint    (Kearsley  Park),   Michigan 
Louisville,   Kentucky   ....  —  —  — 

Kings  Mountain,  North  Carolina 
Lake    Worth,    Florida    _______ 

Rochester,  Michigan  —  —  —  — 

Red    Bay,    Alabama   .._    __   _ 

Lawrenceville,    Illinois    —    

North   Dayton    Ohio  _ _ 

Holland,    Michigan   __   _   —   _ 
Orangeburg    (Palmetto    Street), 
South  Carolina  _ — 

He  comes  near, 

Men  bow  before  Him. 
He  breathes, 

His  breath  inspires. 
He  whispers, 

A  child  is  born. 
He  moves, 

Lightning  touches  the  mountain. 
He  laughs, 

The  thunder  rolls. 
He  frowns, 

Darkness  covers  the  earth. 
He  listens, 

Man  communes  with  Him. 
He  speaks, 

Men  fall  to  the  earth  and  listen. 
He  is  silent, 

Men  die. 
He  thinks, 

Man's  wisdom  is  exhausted. 
He  touches, 

Eyes   are   opened,   man's   soul   is 
He  acts, 

All    things    work    together    per- 
He  looks, 

Man  is  drawn  to  the  cross. 
He  loves, 

Man   is   saved   from   an   eternal 
He  is, 

And  always  will  be — God. 

— Becky  Kelly 




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The  Meaning  of  the  Cross 

from  page  11 


sweet  Psalmist,  plays  the  chorus 
of  the  cross  up  on  his  harp;  and 
the  evangelists  of  the  New  Testa- 
ment state  the  facts  of  the  cross 
and  reveal  its  fruits  and  benefits. 

The  Word  of  God  is  harmonious- 
ly woven  around  this  theme.  It  is 
the  center  of  Christianity.  Before 
the  cross  men  looked  toward  it 
for  redemption,  and  since  the  cross 
men  look  back  to  it  for  redemp- 
tion. When  Moses  and  Elijah  met 
with  Christ  on  the  Mount  of  Trans- 
figuration, their  topic  of  conver- 
sation was  the  cross,  because  they 
realized  that  all  of  the  glory  of 
heaven  for  humanity  depended  up- 
on the  cross.  The  cross  was  a  must 
in  order  for  the  purpose  of  God 
to  be  accomplished.  For  Christ  said, 
"Even  so  must  the  son  of  man 
be  lifted  up."  And  the  Apostle  Paul 
said,  "Christ  must  needs  have  suf- 
fered"   (Acts   17:3). 

The  cross  stands  as  God's  esti- 
mate of  sm — as  something  so  dark 
and  dreadful  that  it  wrested  God's 
Son  from  His  bosom  and  nailed  Him 
to  the  rugged  cross  tree.  At  the 
cross  sin  in  its  jet  blackness  and 
hideousness  is  revealed.  Here,  also, 
sin  becomes  exceeding  sinful,  be- 
cause the  light  of  the  Son  of 
Righteousness  reveals  the  corrup- 
tion of  the  human  heart.  It  is  here 
that  man  sees  himself — hopeless, 
helpless,  and  depraved.  It  is  here 
that  he  realizes  that  human  good- 
ness and  works  avail  nothing.  For 
those  who  would  feel  that  the  cross 
was  an  extravagance  and  a  need- 
less ordeal,  let  them  look  at  the 
estimate  of  sin  given  by  the  sinless 
Master:  "If  thy  hand  offend  thee, 
cut  it  off;  if  thy  foot  offend  thee, 
cut  it  off;  if  thy  eye  offend  thee, 
pluck  it  out."  The  essence  of  these 
sayings  is  that  it  is  better  to  go 
through  life  maimed  and  blind 
than  to  suffer  the  final  conse- 
quences of  sin.  In  the  light  of  the 
destructiveness  of  sin,  God  would 
take  no  easier  or  shorter  method 
than  the  cross. 

In  the  cross  we  see  the  price 
of  human  redemption.  If  there  had 


been  a  way  less  costly,  Christ  would 
have  availed  Himself  of  it,  but 
there  was  no  other  way.  "Without 
shedding  of  blood  is  no  remission" 
(Hebrews    9:22). 

Oh!    the   price   of   the   buyer, 
A  price  that  no  pen  can  compute; 
The  wondrous  grace  of  the  buyer, 
Forbids  my  soul  to  be  mute. 

For  the  Word  of  God  says,  "Who 
his  own  self  bare  our  sins  in  his 
own  body  on  the  tree,  that  we, 
being  dead  to  sins,  should  live  unto 
righteousness"  (1  Peter  2:24).  "He 
hath  made  him  to  be  sin  for  us, 
who  knew  no  sin  (2  Corinthians 
5:21).  "He  was  manifested  to  take 
away  our  sins;  and  in  him  is  no 
sin"    (1   John  3:5). 

The  cross  is  not  only  God's  esti- 
mate of  sin,  but  it  is  also  the 
medium  by  which  sin  can  be  put 
away.  Not  only  does  it  reveal  and 
intensify  sin,  but  it  is  the  remedy 
for  sin.  Before  the  cross  the  law 
revealed  sin  and  condemned  man, 
but  it  provided  no  remedy.  "What 
the  law  could  not  do,  in  that  it 
was  weak  through  the  flesh,  God 
sending  his  own  Son  in  the  like- 
ness of  sinful  flesh,  and  for  sin, 
condemned  sin  in  the  flesh"  (Rom- 
ans 8:3).  Therefore,  the  cross  is 
the  only  ground  for  salvation.  It 
is  the  power  of  Christ's  cross  that 
delivers  from  the  penalty  of  sin. 
"Who  gave  himself  for  our  sins, 
that  he  might  deliver  us"  (Gala- 
tians  1:4).  Sin  has  no  more  domin- 
ion over  us.  The  old  man  is  cru- 
cified with  Him,  and  we  are  no 
longer  servants  of  sin.  It  is  the 
cross  that  delivers  from  the  curse 
of  sin.  It  is  the  cross  that  delivers 
from  the  self  life — the  appetite, 
passions,  lusts,  and  all  manner  of 
evil  are  conquered  through  the 

It  is  the  cross  that  delivers  from 
the  world.  The  cross  is  the  point 
of  separation  between  the  Chris- 
tian and  world.  For  this  reason, 
Paul  said,  he  gloried  in  the  cross; 
for  by  it  the  world  was  crucified 
to  him,  and  he  to  the  world. 

The  cross  is  an  exhibition  of 
God's  love.  Love  is  a  condition  of 
perfect     sacrifice;     therefore,     the 

cross  was  love's  necessity.  There 
can  be  sacrifice  without  love,  be- 
cause the  Scripture  declares  that 
one  can  give  all  his  goods  to  feed 
the  poor  and  give  his  body  to  be 
burned  and  still  not  have  love;  but 
there  can  never  be  love  without 
sacrifice.  "Love  is  strong  as  death" 
(Song  of  Solomon  8:6).  God's  Son 
showed  the  strength  of  His  love 
for  humanity  by  His  death  on  the 
cross.  "Greater  love  hath  no  man 
than  this,  that  a  man  lay  down 
his  life  for  his  friends"  (John  15: 
13).  The  object  of  Christ's  love  only 
magnifies  it.  Was  His  love  for  a 
king,  a  grateful  person,  or  a  righ- 
teous man?  No,  it  was  for  the  un- 
lovable. Christ's  love  brought 
strength  for  the  weak  and  godli- 
ness for  the  ungodly. 

Thank  God  the  cross  is  more 
than  an  ornament  for  a  church 
steeple  or  a  crucifix  to  be  idolized. 
It  is  the  heartthrob  of  a  loving 
God  for  wicked  generations.  It 
broke  down  the  last  barrier  be- 
tween man  and  God  and  made 
God  accessible  to  all  men  every- 
where. "Herein  is  love,  not  that 
we  loved  God,  but  that  he  loved  us, 
and  sent  his  Son  to  be  the  pro- 
pitiation for  our  sins"  (1  John 
4:10).    • 


Nancy    Ballard— age     15 

Route    3 

Woodruff,  South  Carolina  29388 

Elaine  Camp — age  16 
578  Buncombe  Street 
Woodruff,  South  Carolina  29388 

Ellen   Cousineau — age   17 

Route    2 

Bltely,    Michigan    49309 

Angela    Lynn    Jordan— age    15 
Midland   Jefferson   Park 
Rockingham,    North    Carolina    28379 

Sandra    Dlanne    Jones — age    16 

104    Cliff    Street 

East  Rockingham,  North  Carolina  28379 

Susan    WaddeU— age    13 
219   Buncombe   Street 
Woodruff,  South  Carolina  29388 

Clara   McGaha — age   18 

Route    2 

Salem,   South   Carolina  29676 

Miss   Lou   Ann   Tucker — age   14 

Post  Office  Box  6'2 

Elkln,    North    Carolina    28621 


In  1964  the  Church  of  God  Pub- 
lishing House  established  a  scholar- 
ship fund  in  the  amount  of  $50,000 
to  be  granted  over  a  five-year 
period.  Fourteen  separate  scholar- 
ships were  to  be  awarded  during 
each  of  the  five  years. 

So  that  worthy  students  in  di- 
verse areas  of  academic  endeavor 
may  benefit  from  the  fund,  it  was 
determined  that  the  scholarship 
awards  would  be  granted  accord- 
ing to  specific  fields  of  study.  The 
areas  designated  were  graduating 
high  school  seniors,  returning  ser- 
vicemen, and  those  preparing  for 
the  Christian  ministry. 

The  first  four  years  of  the  pro- 
gram have  been  very  successful. 
Applications  may  now  be  received 
from  those  wishing  to  compete  for 
the  1968-1969  awards.  The  awards 
are  merit  scholarships  and  are  won 
through  competitive  tests.  They  are 
awarded  according  to  the  follow- 
ing criteria: 

1.  The  applicant  must  be  a  Chris- 

2.  He  must  have  at  least  a  "B" 
average  in  his  high  school  work. 

3.  He  must  complete  the  ACT  Ex- 

4.  He  must  maintain  a  2.8  average 
in  order  to  retain  his  scholar- 
ship. (Lee  College  operates  on  a 
4.0   system.) 

Write  to  the  Director  of  Student 
Aid,  Lee  College,  Cleveland.  Tennes- 
see 37311,  for  your  application 
forms.  When  you  have  completed 
your  application,  it  is  to  be  re- 
turned to  Lee  College. 

The  application,  together  with 
the  ACT  test  scores,  will  be  eval- 
uated and  submitted  to  a  board  of 
judges.  When  the  judges  have  made 
their  decision,  those  who  have  won 
a  scholarship  will  be  notified.  Ap- 
plications may  be  received  through 
May  15,  1968. 

Write  to:    O.    Wayne   Chambers, 
Director  of  Student  Aid,  Lee  Col- 
lege, Cleveland,  Tennessee  37311. 
— O.  Wayne  Chambers 
Director  of  Student  Aid 



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The  Children 




\[*T  E  WERE  VISITING  with  friends  the  other 

rjL\  night  and  someone  said,  "I've  noticed  that 

there  are  mostly  adults  in  your  church  with 

very  few  children.  Isn't  this  strange?  This  is  also  true 

at  another  church  where  I've  been."  His  words  struck 

at  my  heart. 

"Yes,  it  is  strange,"  I  thought.  "The  children  are 
missing!  If  we  don't  win  them  today,  we  won't  have 
a  church  tomorrow." 

Do  you  remember  Sunday  morning  and  young  peo- 
ple's service  when  you  were  a  child?  Even  in  the 
smallest  church  a  long  line  of  excited  children  would 
form  in  front  of  the  church  for  their  part  of  the 
service.  Where  have  all  the  children  gone  in  some  of 
our  local  churches?  Is  less  emphasis  being  put  on 
their  worship  now,  causing  us  to  loose  them? 

Where  are  we  failing?  Too  often  we  have  the  prob- 
lem of  lack  of  workers.  Many  people  don't  "feel  the 
call."  Are  you  trying  to  find  out  what  your  call  is? 
God  did  not  promise  to  call  us  by  giving  us  a  revela- 
tion, He  wants  someone  to  "make  up  the  hedge,  and 
stand  in  the  gap"    (Ezekiel   22:30). 

No,  you  will  not  be  noticed  much  as  you  stand 
there  in  the  hedge,  working  with  children;  and  you 
will  take  a  beating  both  physically  and  mentally. 
Favors,  medals,  and  honors  will  not  be  bestowed  upon 
you  and  at  times  your  work  will  seem  in  vain,  although 
you  pray,  and  study,  and  suffer.  Slowly  the  bloom 
of  childhood  will  unfold.  If  through  your  efforts  that 
bloom  becomes  fruitful  for  Christ,  you  will  want  no 
more   reward   than   the   joy  you  will   feel. 

Our  children  are  the  church  of  tomorrow,  and  they 
must  reach  the  world  of  tomorrow;  so,  they  must  be 
taught  today.  We  may  piously  sing,  "I'll  go  where 
you  want  me  to  go;  I'll  do  what  you  want  me  to  do." 
And  as  we  sing,  we  may  think  of  invading  a  foreign 
land  for  Christ,  facing  disease,  danger,  and  hunger. 
But  we,  no  doubt,  see  ourselves  as  remaining  stead- 
fast and  true  to  the  cause  of  Christ  and  dying  a 
martyr's  death  with   a  light  shining  on   our   face. 

Sometimes  this  visionary  fancy  might  be  a  lot 
easier  than  facing  a  roomful  of  lively  children  and 
having  the  responsibility  of  engaging  them  in  worth- 
while and  constructive  activity.  However,  the  latter 
is  more  realistic  and  certainly  is  vital  to  God's  work. 
While  we  are  busy  looking  at  tasks  afar  off,  we  may 
be  stumbling  over  the  children  at  our  feet.  One  must 
really  be  alert  in  order  to  teach  children.  Staying  one 
step  ahead  of  them  takes  skill,  and  we  should  never 
excuse  ourselves  by  saying  that  we  are  not  skilled: 
we  are  inexcusable  before  God. 

Some  churches  are  blessed  with  a  person  who  has 
a  special  talent  for  working  with  children,  and  the 
full  responsibility  falls  on  his  shoulders.  Have  you  ever 
thought  of  the  sacrifice  which  he  makes?  or  what 
it  must  be  like  to  miss  regular  adult  services  each 
week.  Have  you  ever  thought  of  offering  to  relieve 
him  for  just  one  service  so  that  he  can  receive  some 
spiritual  refreshment?  Do  you  feel  that  you  are  not 
capable?  Then  go  into  training  as  that  person's  un- 

When  a  child  is  missing  from  home,  the  police  are 
notified,  a  dragnet  is  formed,  and  a  search  is  made 
until  the  child  is  found.  The  children  are  missing 
from  church;  have  you  begun  a  search?  The  Holy 
Spirit  longs  to  lead  in  a  search  of  the  children.  Will 
our  infant  church  of  tomorrow  be  swallowed  up  by 
the  world  of  tomorrow?  Will  LSD,  music  with  a  beat, 
and  witchcraft  choke  out  our  children's  birthright? 

Give  this  matter  your  prayerful  attention;  and 
after  you  have  prayed,  some  way,  somehow,  get  busy. 
Our  children  are  facing  tragedy.  Are  you  going  to 
let  them  remain  as  they  are — missing?    • 



JF  PRAYER  IS  talking  to  God,  then  prayer  is 
as  old  as  man  himself;  yet,  men  are  often 
-     ignorant  of  the  precepts  of  prayer. 

The  heart  cry  of  the  Psalmist  David  was,  Teach  me, 
teach  me,  teach  me. 

The  disciples  of  Jesus  had  an  echoing  sound  when 
they  stated,  "Lord,  teach  us  to  pray."  Responding  to 
their  request,  Christ  gave  them  a  formula. 

Hear  what  Jesus  had  to  say  in  Matthew  6:7  "The 
heathen  .  .  .  think  that  they  shall  be  heard  for  their 
much  speaking."  While  meditating  upon  these  words 
and  watching  closely  the  formula  used  today,  one  is 
persuaded  that  we  need  to  go  back  for  another  look 
at  the  prescribed  direction  given  to  us  by  Christ  Him- 

The  heathen's  attitude  was  one  of  persuasion:  With 
their  much  speaking,  they  thought  that  they  could 
persuade  their  god  to  answer  them.  This  formula  has 
infiltrated  our  churches  today.  Four  times  in  one 
Sunday  the  same  request  is  given.  Within  fifteen 
minutes  the  same  request  is  prayed  for  twice.  If  we 
are  to  know  the  route  to  biblical  praying,  we  must 
look  closely  at  all  of  the  teachings  which  Jesus  gave 
us  on  this  important  subject. 

A  certain  postman  understands  the  fallacy  of  the 
persuasion  principle,  and  he  is  proclaiming  to  his 
patrons  the  biblical  route  to  answered  prayer.  He 
listened  attentively  to  one  of  his  patrons  who  told 
him  about  a  prayer  request  which  he  wanted  an- 
swered so  very  much.  The  patron,  coming  to  a  close 
of  his  discourse,  stated,  "The  only  thing  I  know  to 
do  is  just  to  keep  on  asking  God  until  He  gives  it 
to   me." 

"You  don't  have  to  do  that,"  the  postman  declared. 
"You  have  asked  Him — now  thank  Him  for  what  He 
is  going  to  do.  When  the  Father  knows  you  need  it, 

He  will  supply  it." 

Oh,  that  this  truth  may  be  learned!  Our  Father 
is  not  ignorant  of  our  needs.  Neither  do  we  have  to 
persuade  Him.  He  has  already  given  us  the  best  that 
He  has— His  Son.  Will  He  now  withhold  the  lesser 
blessings  of  life  from  us?  No,  not  so!  He,  with  the 
Son.  freely  gives  us  all  things. 

Jesus  said,  "You  Father  knoweth  what  things  ye 
have  need  of,  before  ye  ask  him"  (Matthew  6:8). 
True,  we  do  ask  because  He  has  taught  us  to  ask. 
But  when  we  realize  the  love  behind  those  words, 
"Your  Father,"  we  will  ask  believingly;  then  we  will 
praise  Him  for  His  wisdom  in  knowing  how  to  give 
the  answer. 

Give  attention  to  another  step  in  this  study  by 
asking  yourself  this  question:  Why  do  I  want  this 
thmg  for  which  I  am  asking?  Your  motive  for  asking 
should  be  the  same  as  Christ's,  according  to  John 
14:13:  "That  the  Father  may  be  glorified  in  the  Son." 

Too  many  times  we  have  asked  selfishly,  trying 
to  hold  God  to  His  words:  "If  ye  shall  ask  any  thing 
in  my  name,  I  will  do  it"  (John  14:14).  This  verse 
cannot  stand  alone  unless  you  realize  that  in  His 
name  there  is  no  selfishness.  To  insure  a  positive 
answer  to  every  prayer  is  to  pray  for  God  to  work 
a  work  wherein  He  will  be  glorified. 

In  this  unselfish  attitude  we  come  to  God  asking 
with  praise,  knowing  that  whatsoever  we  ask,  He 
will  answer  in  a  way  wherein  He  will  be  glorified 
in  the  Son.  In  this  confidence  we  go  on  our  way  re- 
joicing, knowing  that  we  have  the  petition  for  which 
we  asked. 

A  sure  formula  for  answered  praver  is  ask  unself- 
ishly that  the  Father  may  be  glorified  in  the  Son. 
Commit  the  answer  to  His  wisdom.  Praise  Him.  The 
answer  will  be  forthcoming.  Lord,  teach  us  to  pray!  • 




Daily  Devotions  for  Christian  Teens 


Instructions:    Read   the    assigned    Bible    chapters    or 


Think  on   the   message   and   consider   the   devotional 


Pray  for  the  designated  person  or  activity. 

Devotions  in  John.   Writer:   John   the   Beloved.   Date 

ivritten:  A.D.  85.   Purpose:  To  inspire  faith  in  Christ 

as  the  Son  of  God  and  to  trace  the  line  of  His  deity. 

MONDAY,  April  1,  Read:  Chapter  1.  Think:  Andrew 
witnessed  to  his  brother  Peter  and  led  him  to  Christ 
(v.  41).  Do  you  have  a  brother  or  a  sister  who  is 
not  a  Christian?  Pray:  For  your  parents  and  for  a 
happy  and  Christ-centered  homelife. 

TUESDAY,  April  2,  Read:  Verses  1-11,  Chapter  2. 
Think:  Christ  and  His  disciples  attended  a  marriage 
in  Cana  (v.  1).  This  illustrates  His  endorsement  of 
wholesome  social  fellowship.  Pray:  For  the  careful 
planning  and  the  success  of  local  social  functions. 

WEDNESDAY,  April  3,  Read:  Verses  12-25,  Chapter  2. 
Think:  How  does  the  statement  "The  zeal  of  thine 
house  hath  eaten  me  up"  (v.  17)  apply  to  systematic 
Sunday  school  attendance?  Pray:  For  a  nationwide  at- 
tendance impact  during  the  Sunday  School  Spring 
Enlargement  Campaign,  "Prove  Your  Love." 

THURSDAY,  April  4,  Read:  Chapter  3.  Think:  John 
3:16  contains  two  divine  acts  and  two  faith-inspiring 
promises.  Can  you  list  them?  Pray:  For  Dr.  R.  Leonard 
Carroll,  assistant  general  overseer  of  the  Church  of 
God,  as  he  labors  to  achieve  outlined  denominational 

FRIDAY,  April  5,  Read:  Verses  1-30,  Chapter  4.  Think: 
The  willingness  of  Christ  to  help  the  Samaritan  wom- 
an reflected  His  attitude  toward  ethnic  groups,  the 
less  fortunate,  and  social  outcasts  (v.  9).  Pray: 
For  the  underprivileged  in  your  community  and  for 
the  work  of  local  welfare  organizations. 

SATURDAY,  April  6,  Read:  Verses  31-54,  Chapter  4. 
Think:  The  outreach  ministry  of  the  local  church 
requires  cooperation  (v.  37).  One  sows,  another  reaps; 
one  teaches,  another  visits;  one  paints,  another  pro- 

motes, etc.  Pray:  For  Mrs.  Ellen  B.  French,  executive 
secretary  of  the  National  Ladies  Willing  Workers 
Band,  and  for  the  far-reaching  efforts  of  local  bands. 

SUNDAY,  April  7,  Read:  Chapter  5.  Think:  Why  did 
Christ  tell  the  Jews  to  "search  the  scriptures"  (v. 
39)?  Teen-ager,  you  should  search  the  Scriptures 
Seriously,  Earnestly,  Anxiously,  .Regularly,  Carefully, 
and  Humbly.  Pray:  For  insight  as  you  read  the  Bible 
and  for  action-faith  to  relate  to  your  life  that  which 
you  read. 

MONDAY,  April  8,  Read:  Verses  1-29,  Chapter  6. 
Think:  Is  it  possible  for  a  teen-ager  to  "work  the 
works  of  God"  (v.  28)?  What  course  must  he  follow? 
Pray:  Make  a  prayer  pledge  to  support  the  1968 
Youth  World  Evangelism  School  Project — a  Bible 
school  in  Indonesia. 

TUESDAY,  April  9,  Read:  Verses  30-71,  Chapter  6. 
Think:  "Lord,  to  whom  shall  we  go?"  sounded  Peter, 
"thou  hast  the  words  of  eternal  life"  (v.  68).  Is  it 
important  for  a  young  person  to  plan  for  the  future? 
Pray:  Ask  God  to  assist  you  in  being  spiritually  stable 
and  in  preparing  for  a  meaningful  vocation. 

WEDNESDAY,  April  10,  Read:  Chapter  7.  Think: 
Do  you  know  the  doctrines  and  teachings  of  the 
Church  of  God  (v.  16)?  Study  the  Declaration  of 
Faith.  Prepare  yourself  for  zestful  Christian  living. 
Pray:  For  Lewis  J.  Willis,  editor  in  chief  of  Church 
of  God  Publications,  and  for  the  mind-shaping  min- 
istry of  the  printed  page  which  he  oversees. 

THURSDAY,  April  11,  Read:  Verses  1-27,  Chapter  8. 
Think:  Should  we  accuse  or  judge  those  who  commit 
certain  ugly  sins?  Check  verse  10  for  an  "attitude 
pattern."  Pray:  For  young  converts  and  for  those 
who  appear  to  be  unstable  in  their  dedication. 

FRIDAY,  April  12,  Read:  Verses  28-59,  Chapter  8. 
Think:  Do  you  believe  that  the  freedom  which  truth 
provides  can  assist  a  person  in  the  development  of 
a  pleasing  personality?  On  what  do  you  base  your 
conclusion?  Pray:  Ask  for  godly  charm  to  be  a  likable 
teen-age  Christian. 

SATURDAY,  April   13,  Read:  Chapter  9.   Think:  The 


healing  of  the  blind  man  is  a  convincing  example 
of  the  pressing  need  to  follow  divine  instructions 
(vv.  6,  7).  Pray:  For  your  Sunday  school  teacher  that 
he  would  teach  with  conviction,  clarity,  and  warm 

SUNDAY,  April  14,  Read:  Verses  1-21,  Chapter  10. 
Think:  Purpose  in  life,  personal  contentment,  and 
heavenly  partnership  are  included  in  the  abundant 
life  provided  by  Christ  (v.  10 1.  Pray:  For  the  radio 
ministry  of  "Forward  in  Faith"  and  for  Max  Morris, 
program   director. 

MONDAY,  April  15,  Read:  Verses  22-42,  Chapter  10. 
Think:  The  history  of  the  life  of  Christ  tells  us 
plainly  who  He  is  (v.  24).  A  teen's  daily  walk  should 
testify  of  his  friendship  with  Christ.  Pray:  Thank  the 
Lord  for  the  consistent  life  of  Christ  on  earth  and 
purpose  in  your  heart  to  exhibit  this  same  virtue 
in  your  life. 

TUESDAY,  April  16,  Read:  Chapter  11.  Think:  Christ 
prayed  before  he  called  Lazarus  from  the  grave  (vv. 
41-43).  Why  do  you  think  He  did  this?  Pray:  Talk 
with  God  straight  from  your  heart.  Do  not  allow 
your  prayer  life  to  become  bogged  down  by  repetition 
and  routine. 

WEDNESDAY,  April  17,  Read:  Verses  1-26,  Chapter 
12.  Think:  The  account  of  Martha's  preparing  a  meal 
for  Christ  and  Mary's  anointing  His  feet  is  an  apt 
illustration  of  one's  rendering  service  according  to 
his  ability.  Pray:  For  your  pastor  as  he  guides  the 
local  congregation  in  discovering  and  in  developing 
service   talents. 

THURSDAY,  April  18,  Read:  Verses  27-50,  Chapter  12. 
Think:  Do  you  believe  that,  if  more  miracles  occurred 
in  the  church,  the  world  would  accept  Christ?  Read 
verse  37  carefully.  Pray:  Purpose,  through  prayer  and 
study,  to  build  your  life  on  God's  Word  and  not  on 
signs  and  wonders. 

FRIDAY,  April  19,  Read:  Chapter  13.  Think:  Over- 
eagerness  and  spiritual  misunderstanding  can  retard 
a  believer's  effectiveness  ivv.  9,  10).  Pray:  For  sound 
judgment  in  interpreting  and  performing  religious 

SATURDAY,  April  20,  Read:  Chapter  14.  Think:  What 
is  your  opinion  in  regards  to  the  statement  of  Christ, 
"He  that  believeth  on  me,  the  works  that  I  do  shall 
he  do  also?"  (v.  12).  Pray:  For  the  office  staff  of  the 
Chruch  of  God  World  Missions  Department;  for 
their  exacting  work;  and  for  Bob  Lyons,  office  man- 

SUNDAY,  April  21,  Read:  Verses  1-13,  Chapter  15. 
Think:  In  what  ways  is  God  glorified  when  you 
produce  fruit  and  live  a  dedicated  life  as  a  Christian 
teen  (v.  8)?  Pray:  Pledge  yourself  for  service  and  ask 
God  to  purge  you  so  that  you  may  bring  forth  more 
fruit    (v.   2i. 

MONDAY,  April  22,  Read:  Verses  14-27,  Chapter  15. 
Think:  In  addition  to  love  and  faith,  is  there  an 
additional  step  a  person  must  take  before  he  can 
enjoy  friendship  with  Christ  (v.  14)?  Pray:  For  your 
friends  at  church  and  at  school;  request  grace  to  al- 
ways reflect  the  qualities  of  a  true  friend. 

TUESDAY,  April  23,  Read:  Chapter  16.  Think:  Christ 
said  that  the  Comforter  (the  Holy  Spirit)  would  "re- 
prove the  world  of  sin,  and  of  righteousness,  and  of 
judgment"  (v.  8).  Why  did  He  list  these  three  particular 
things?  Pray:  If  you  have  not  been  filled  with  Holy 
Spirit,  seek  for  an  understanding  and  develop  a  hun- 
ger for  this  experience. 

WEDNESDAY,  April  24,  Read:  Chapter  17.  Think:  "I 
have  finished  the  work  which  thou  gavest  me  to  do" 
(v.  4).  A  completed  assignment — this  should  be  the 
goal  of  every  teen  believer.  Pray:  For  the  training 
mission  and  the  faculty  of  Church  of  God  Bible  Col- 
leges: West  Coast,  International,  Lee,  and  Northwest. 

THURSDAY,  April  25,  Read:  Verses  1-18,  Chapter  18. 
Think:  The  actions  of  Peter,  in  attempting  to  defend 
Christ,  indicated  showmanship  rather  than  bravery 
(v.  10).  Pray:  For  fortitude  to  witness  for  Christ 
when  you  are  surrounded  by  unbelievers  (v.  18). 

FRIDAY,  April  26,  Read:  Verses  19-40,  Chapter  18. 
Think:  The  Kingdom  of  Christ  is  not  of  the  world 
(v.  36).  Could  this  be  the  reason  why  some  folks  will 
not  accept  Him?  Pray:  Spend  your  entire  prayer  ses- 
sion in  praise  to  God  for  the  heavenly  Kingdom  which 
He  has  prepared  for  His  children. 

SATURDAY,  April  27,  Read:  Verses  1-22,  Chapter  19. 
Think:  A  teen-ager  is  faced  with  decisions  that  can 
help  develop,  or  that  can  destroy,  his  life.  Pilate  let 
the  cries  of  the  mob  influence  the  most  important 
decision  of  his  life  (vv.  15,  16).  Pray:  For  local  youth 
leaders.  They  are  earnestly  desirous  to  counsel  with 
you  and  to  guide  you  in  making  right  decisions. 

SUNDAY,  April  28,  Read:  Verses  23-42,  Chapter  19. 
Think:  During  His  darkest  hour  on  earth  Christ  dis- 
played true  love  by  showing  concern  for  His  earthly 
mother  and  friends.  Pray:  To  be  like  Christ  in  being 
thoughtful  toward  others  during  their  times  of  per- 
plexity or  discouragement. 

MONDAY,  April  29,  Read:  Chapter  20.  Think:  How 
can  a  Christian  guard  against  a  "doubting  Thomas" 
attitude  and  accept  the  things  of  God  by  faith  (v.  25). 
Pray:  Express  thankfulness  for  the  reality  of  the 
resurrection  of  Christ  and  for  the  assurance  of  life 
after    death. 

TUESDAY,  April  30,  Read:  Chapter  21.  Think:  A 
Christian  proves  His  love  for  Christ  through  active 
and  constructive  service.  Reread  verses  15-17.  Pray: 
That  a  spirit  of  unity  and  consideration  may  exist 
among  young  people  as  they  take  part  in  the  pro- 
gram of  the  local  church. 

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Pupils'  Kits; 


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Ages  4,  5,  6 




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Grades  8-10 




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*  Imprinted:     Come   Along   to 
Bible  School. 







MAY,  1968 





During  May  an  emphasis  will  be  placed 
on   the  Christian  home. 

Prayer  for  the  American  Indians  is  en- 
couraged   for   the    first   Sunday. 

May  5-12  is  the  annual  observance  of 
National  Family  Week  sponsored  by  National  Sun- 
day School  Association.  The  theme  is.  "For  Times  Like 
These:    the   Family   Shares   Christ." 

Armed  Forces  Day,  May  18,  sets  the  stage 
for  a  church  wide  program.  "Minister  to  the  Military" 
on  Sunday,  May  19.  This  effort  is  advanced  jointly 
by  the  Servicemen's  Department  and  "Forward  in 

General  Overseer  Charles  W.  Conn  has 
announced  the  formal  dedication  of  the  new  General 
Offices  for  Wednesday,  May  22.  at   1:30  p.m. 

Baccalaureate  services  are  scheduled  for 
Lee  College,  Northwest  Bible  College  and  West  Coast 
Bible  College  for  May  26. 

Sunday,  May  26,  is  Missions  Day.  The 
project  is  "chapels  for  foreign  fields." 

European  Servicemen's  Camp  Meeting  is 
scheduled   for  May   29  through  June   2. 

A  Pentecost  Friday  Day  of  Prayer  will  be 
conducted  throughout  the  church  on  Friday,  May  31, 
by  the  women's  auxiliary,  the  Ladies  Willing  Workers 

General  Overseer  Charles  W.  Conn  has 
announced  the  formal  dedication  of  the  new  General 
Offices  for  Wednesday,  May  22.  at  1:30  p.m. 

The   children   saw   our  blessed  Lord, 

And    felt   His   touch  by   hands   of   love. 
They   heard   Him   bless   each    anxious   child. 

With   voice   as   gentle   as   a   dove. 

I'll  see  Him  when  He  comes  again, 
Just  like   He  promised  in  His  Word. 

The   saved   will  meet   Him   in   the   air. 
To  ever  be  with  Christ  the  Lord. 
—Wallace  A.  Ely 

LIGHTED    PATHWAY    should 

I  ment.    Church    of    God    Publishing    House. 



UTED  PATHWAY,  P.  O.  Box 

I  W4i   ^-  ■       I     W    W     W^ 

MAY,    1968 

Editorial  3 

Poems  4 

My  Dear  Mother  and  Father  5 

My  Mother's  Honds  6 

Mr.  Blabbermouth'  8 

Am  I  My  Mother's  Keeper  9 

God  Is  Our  Employer  10 
God's  Control  of  the 

Christian's  Life  1  1 

The  Hippies — And 

Christian  Responsibility  12 

Cockleburs  14 

Mocidade,  Avante!  16 

A  Message  of  Comfort  1  7 

Brief  Encounter  18 

Lee  College,  More  Than 

a  Dream  20 

Complete    In   Christ  22 

Put  Down  Your  Bucket 

Where  You  Are  24 

Know  Your  Bible  25 

Family  Training  Hour  (YPE)  25 

Advance  Daily  Devotions 
for  Christian  Teens 

Clyne  W.  Buxton 

Joe  May 

Grace  V.  Schillinger 
J.  E.  De  Vore 
Pauline  Bone 
Hoyt  E.  Stone 

Roy  H.  Hughes 

Rhodes  Pringle 
Ethel  R.  Page 
Ruth  Crawford 
Muriel  Larson 
Betty  Jane  Hewitt 

Joel  Harris 
Raymond  L.  Cox 

Normand  J.  Thompson 
Betty  Spence 
Donald  S.  Aultman 

26        Floyd  D.  Carey 

Clyne  W.  Buxton 

Lewis  J.  Willis 

Chloe  Stewart 

JoAnn  Humbertson 

H.  Bernard  Dixon 

E.  C.  Thomas 

Donald  S.  Aultman 
Margie  M.  Kelley 
Walter  R.  Pettitt 


Bobbie  May  Lauster 

Margaret  Gaines 

Denzell  Teague 

Ruth  Crawford 

Martha  Ann  Smith 


Thomas  Grassano 
Cecil  R.  Guiles 


Single  Subscription, 
per  year 





Circulation  Director 


Paul  F.  Henson 
Avis  Swiger 
J.  E.  DsVore 






James  A.  Madison 
Haskel  C.  Jenkins 
Leonard  S.  Townley 

Rolls   of    15 
Single  copy 

SI. 50 



They  Spoke  of  Motherhood 

Not  a  face  below  the  sun 
But  is  precious — unto  one! 
Not  an  eye,  however  dull, 
But  seems — somewhere — beautiful. 
— Sir  Edwin  Arnold 

She's  somebody's  mother,  boys,  you  know 
For  all   she's   aged   and  poor   and  slow. 
— Mary  Dow  Brine 

Motherhood  is,  after  all,  woman's  great 
And  incomparable  work. 

— Edward  Carpenter 

Women  know  the  way  to  rear  up  children; 
They  know  a  simple,  merry,  tender  knack 
Of  tying  sashes,  fitting  baby  shoes, 
And  stringing  pretty  words  that  make  no  sense 
— Elizabeth  Barrett  Browning 

A  mother  is  not  a  person  to  lean  on  but  a  person  to 
make   leaning   unnecessary. 

— Dorothy  Canfield  Fisher 

The  home   where   happiness  securely   dwells 
Was   never  wrought  by   charms  or   magic   spells. 
A  mother  made  it  beautiful,  but  knew 
No  magic  save  what  toiling  hands  can  do. 
— Arthur  Wallace  Peach 

I  feel  that  in  the  Heavens  above 
The  angels,  whispering  one  to  another, 
Can   find,   among   their   burning   terms  of  love, 
None  so  devotional  as  that  of  "Mother." 
—Edgar  Allen  Poe 

I  like  to  think  her  like  a  blessed  candle 
Burning   through   life's   long  night, 
Quietly  useful,  simple,  gentle,  tender, 
And  always  giving  light. 

— Lee  Shippey 

Who  ran  to  help  me  when  I  fell, 
And  would   some   pretty   story   tell, 
Or  kiss  the  place  to  make  it  well? 
My  mother. 

— Jane  Taylor 

The   hand   that  rocks  the   cradle   is   the   hand   that 
rules  the  world. 

—William  Rose  Wallace 

The  only  ghosts,  I  believe,  who  creep  into  this  world, 
Are  dead  young  mothers,  returned  to  see  how  their 

children   fare. 
There  is  no  other  inducement  great  enough  to  bring 

the   departed   back. 

— Sir  James  Matthew  Barrie 

A  suddin  motion  stops  me  wive  a  jar — 
Wot  if  Doreen,  I  thinks,  should  grow  to  be 
A  fat  ole  weepin'  wilier  like   'er  Mar! 

— Clarence  James  Dennis 

Every  mother  who  has  lost  an  infant,  has  gained  a 
child  of  immortal  youth. 

— George  William  Curtis 

Gone  is  the  builder's  temple, 
Crumbled  into  dust;   .  .  . 
But  the  temple  the  mother  builded 
Will   last   while   the   ages   roll, 
For  that  beautiful  unseen  temple 
Was  a  child's  immortal  soul. 

—Hattie  Vose  Hall 

Weep  not,  weep  not,  she  is  not  dead; 
She's  resting  in  the  bosom  of  Jesus. 
Heart-broken  husband — weep  no  more; 
Grief-stricken  son — weep   no   more; 
Left-lonesome   daughter- weep   no   more; 
She's  only  just  gone  home. 

— James  Weldon  Johnson 


A   mother's   love   can   never   fail 

It   often   has   been   said; 

But  love   that  far   surpasses   this 

Is  our  Father's  love  instead. 

His   love   can  reach   across   the   miles 

To   dear  ones  far  away 

Embrace   them,   kiss   them   with    His   love 

And    comfort   them    each   day. 

And   tho   the   mother's   arms   can't   reach 

The  one  who  did  depart 

God's   love   can  reach,   embrace,   and   keep, 

That  one  so  near  her  heart. 

— Leila  S.  Bellcase 


How  cool  and  clear  the  water  is! — and  we 

Are   fortunate   to   have   so   good   a  well. 

The  shade  is  pleasant;   let  us  rest  awhile. 

That  lad  of  yours,  playing  with  pebbles  there, 

He  is — how  old?  Ah,  yes,  I  guessed  him  so; 

I    seldom    make    mistakes — I    have    a    boy 

A  little  older,  under  Eli's   charge. 

The  high  priest  says  he   grows  and  is  in   health, 

And   serves    at  temple    duties    faithfully. 

This  little  coat — I  make  one  every  year, 

And   take   it  to   the   temple   when  I   go. 

Will  you  come  nearer,  lad?  .  .  .  that  I  may  tell  .  . 

Ah,   see,   a  little   wider   here   and   here — 

I   planned   it   so — I   thought   it   would  be   right. 


A  cloud   received   God's  Son   from   sight — 
Mine  went  that  way  today. 
God's  disappeared  by  heavenly  power, 
A  jet  took  mine  away. 

His  Son's  mission  was  complete, 

Christ   had   conquered   sin,    death's   sting. 

My  son's  victory  is  not  won, 

World  peace  he  strives  to  bring. 

— Evelyn  Pickering 

So   much  of  love   is  worked  into   this   coat! 
You  understand,  perhaps?  At  twilight  time 
When  I  can  scarcely  see  to  set  a  stitch, 
I   think   .   .   .   just   now,  that  little   lad   of   mine 
Has  lit  the  burnished  lamps;    and  on  his  curls 
The  bits  of  light  and  shadow  leap   and  play 
As  boys  his   age   are   want  to  leap   and   play. 
But  he  may  not — his  playtime  is  his  Lord's. 
I  think  so  many  things. 

But   I   run   on. 
I    would   not    tire    you   with    my   prate    of    him, 
But  kiss  this  little  lad  for  him  tonight. 
You   are   a   mother — you   will   understand. 

— Dorothy  Brown  Thompson 


Today,  my  heart  spans  the  distance  that  separates 
To  share  the  love,  the  joy,  and  the  happiness 

Of   your   Golden   Wedding   Anniversary. 
It  is  my  sincere  desire 

That  these  lines  will  convey  to  you 
Something  of  my  love,  my  respect,  and  my  gratitude. 

May  that  blessed  love 
Which    first   joined   your   hearts   and   hands, 

When   you   made   your   pledges   of  love   'til   death, 
Remain   that  unchanging  bond  that   keeps  you  one 

Now,  as  you  renew  your  vows. 

May  that  Holy  Presence, 
Who  directed  your  steps 

Through  labor,  through  sorrow,  through  joy, 
Be  with  you  now  and   give  you  strength 

As  you  spend  your  autumnal  years. 

Dear  Mother, 

Receive  my  love; 
It  was  you  who   first  showed   me   what  love   was. 

Receive  my  respect, 
For  you   showed   me   how   strong   you   are, 

With  your  untiring  patience,  self-sacrificing  meek- 
And  motherly  tenderness. 

Receive  my  gratitude, 
For  you   gave   me  life; 

You  taught  me  to  learn,  to  pray,  to  give  thanks, 
To  play,  to  sing,  to  be  me. 

Thank  you,  Mamma,  for  letting  me  be  your  boy. 

Dear  Father, 

Accept  my  love, 
For  with  the  rod  of  correction  you  proved  that  you 

Accept  my  respect; 
Though  your  shoulders  are  stooped 

By  the  burdens  you've  borne, 
You're  the  tallest  man  in  the  world. 

Accept  my   gratitude, 
For  you  made  me  rich; 

You  taught  me  the  value  of  a  good  day's  work, 
Honesty,  obedience,  and  self-respect. 

Thank  you,  Daddy, 
For   helping   me   to   become   a   man. 
Your  loving  son, 

The  Reverend  Flavis  Joe  May  wrote  this  poetic  letter  recently  to  his  parents,  Reverend  and  Mrs.  G.  N.  May,  on 
the  occasion  of  their  golden  wedding  anniversary.  Flavis  pastors  in  Louisville,  Kentucky,  while  his  parents  re- 
side in  Petal,  Mississippi. 





rV/~k/^ILL     YOU     HOLD     my 

'  i  '  /  hand?"  my  seventy-two- 
l^l^r  year-old  mother  asked  me 
in  the  hospital. 

"Sure  will!"  I  answered  casually 
and  smilingly.  But  my  feelings 
were  not  casual  as  I  watched  the 
needle  begin  to  slowly  feed  blood 
into  her  anemic  body. 

I  did  not  let  her  know  how  wor- 
ried I  was.  I  could  not  meet  that 
look  in  her  gray-green  eyes  or  look 
at  that  pinched  white  face  that 
made  my  stomach  draw  up  in  a 
hurting  knot,  because  Mom  could 
always  read  my  thoughts  by  watch- 
ing me.  Perhaps  it  is  an  extra  gift 
given  to  mothers  because  I,  too, 
can  look  upon  the  faces  of  my 
three  sons  and  three  daughters  and 
almost  always  know  their  thoughts. 

No,  I  did  not  look  at  her  face; 
I  looked  at  her  hands  instead. 
They  were  beginning  to  become 
faintly  pink  at  the  fingertips. 

"Watch  the  bottle,  Mrs.  Schillin- 
ger,"  the  nurse  told  me.  "As  long 
as  it's  dripping  regularly,  it's  all 
right.  I'll  be  gone  just  a  minute  .  .  . 
at  the  desk  outside  this  room.  Call 
if  you  need  me."  With  those  words, 
she  walked  out  of  the  room  silent- 

A  blood  transfusion — what  a 
wonderful  thing.  Someone's  blood 
would  save  my  mother's  life.  This 
was  the  third  time  she  had  been 
given  a  transfusion  at  the  hospital. 
A  few  days  before  when  the  doc- 
tor had  told  her  that  she  would 
have  to  enter  the  hospital  again, 
she  agreed,  nodding  her  white  head 
but  not  saying  a  word.  But  on 
the  way  to  the  car  she  said,  "I 
just  wish  you  would  let  me  die!" 

I  scolded  her  in  the  joking  way 
that  we  scold  each  other.  "Oh,  this 
is  your  spring  oil  change!"  But 
she  did   not  join  in  my  laughing 

joke.  And  all  the  way  out  to  her 
little  country  house,  she  did  not 
say  a  thing  about  how  spring  was 
coming  again. 

Drip.  Drip.  Drip.  Mom's  hands 
held  a  noticeable  warmth  in  them 

Would  she  be  all  right  again 
after  this  stay  in  the  hospital? 
Would  this  blood  pep  her  up  as 
it  had  before?  Would  she  gain  back 
her  interest  in  flowers  and  books 
and  her  many  grandchildren? 

"It's  because  her  blood  is  so  low." 
her  doctor  told  me.  "When  she  gets 
some  new  blood  she'll  perk  up  again 
for  a  while.  Pernicious  anemia 
makes  one  feel  depressed." 

Mom's  right  hand  twitched 
slightly,  and  I  held  a  tighter  grip 
so  the  needle  would  not  become 
dislodged.  Her  other  hand  fluttered 
to  her  face.  "Oh,  I  feel  so  hot!" 
she  said.  "And  I  itch!"  She  began 
scratching  at  her  neck.  "Wonder 
why  I  itch  so.  .  .  ." 

In  a  moment  I  saw  welts  ap- 
pearing on  her  temples  and  fore- 
head and  neck.  "Oh,  Grace,  I  itch 
so  terribly!" 

The  nurse  came  running  when 
I  pressed  the  bell,  and  she  made 
a  dash  to  call  the  doctor.  Several 
more  nurses  came  running  in,  mut- 
tering strange  medical  terms  that 
I  did  not  understand. 

"Will  you  please  step  outside?" 
the  head  nurse  said. 

"Is  something  wrong?"  I  knew 
there  was.  But  no  one  answered 
me.  I  stood  outside  the  door  and 
watched  her  doctor  hurry  in. 

Was  it  serious?  It  must  be.  What 
had  happened?  Questions  crowded 
my  mind  as  I  stood  there.  And 
as  I  always  do  when  I  am  unsure, 
I  whispered,  "Please,  God  .  .  .  please 
let  her  stay  awhile  .  .  .  don't  take 
her  now  .  .  .  not  yet .  .  .  not  yet.  .  .  ." 

In  a  few  minutes  her  doctor 
came  out.  "She'll  be  all  right,  Mrs. 
Schillinger.  A  reaction  from  the 
transfusion  ...  it  sometimes  hap- 
pens. You  can  go  back  in." 

Her  face  had  more  color  now. 
"I  feel  stronger,  Grace,"  she  said. 
And  a  fervent  prayer  of  thanks 
went  up  from  me  to  the  One  who 
is  the   Great  Physician. 

Again  I  took  her  right  hand  in 
mine;  its  soft  warmth  caused  me 
to  remember  how  I  used  to  hold 
it  in  the  dark  when  I  was  a  little 
girl  walking  home  from  Sunday 
night  services   at  the   church. 

My  mother's  hands.  So  many 
memories  pushed  in  as  I  sat  there 
watching;  a  faint  smile  trans- 
formed her  face. 

One  childhood  Christmas  I  had 
watched  her  hands  divide  in  half 
the  gifts  she  had  wrapped  for  my 
two  sisters,  one  brother,  and  me, 
so  that  she  could  share  with  a 
neighbor  whose  husband  was  un- 
able to  provide  gifts  for  his  family. 

I  saw  her  hands  canning  straw- 
berries and  cherries  and  string 
beans.  I  saw  them  cutting  out 
clothes  to  sew  for  our  family,  roll- 
ing out  piecrust,  and  baking 

I  saw  her  slapping  a  kitten 
soundly  and  telling  me,  "You  know 
I  can't  stand  cats!  Now,  get  it  out 
of  the  house  this  minute!"  I 
thought  it  was  mean  that  she 
didn't  like  cats,  especially  the  little 
kittens.  "Oh,  I  like  to  see  them 
playing  around  outdoors,  but  not 
near  me,"  she  said. 

I  saw  her  hands  on  many  doors 
— always  opening  them  to  folks. 
"Come  on  in!"  she  would  say,  as 
she  wiped  her  hands  on  her  big 
apron.  "Stay  for  supper.  We  have 
plenty."    And    those    hands   would 

scramble  extra  fast  to  make  a  big- 
ger bowl  of  lettuce  salad  and  a 
larger  kettle  of  soup. 

Her  hands  smoothed  the  beige 
lace  collar  on  a  lovely,  too-costly, 
black  stain  dress  which  she  bought 
once  for  Sunday  best.  "I  know  I 
shouldn't  have  bought  it  .  .  .  but 
...  oh,  isn't  it  pretty  and  stylish?" 
She  wore  it  so  proudly,  and  Dad 
forgave  her  for  being  talked  into 
buying  it. 

I  felt  her  soothing  hands  on  my 
body  when  I  had  measles  and 
mumps.  And  I  saw  them  fish 
around  in  her  frayed  black  pock- 
etbook  with  the  brass  knob  closing 
for  an  extra  seventy-five  cents  to 
give  my  girlfriend  so  she  could  buy 
material  for  our  seventh-grade 
sewing  class.  Those  hands  picked 
bouquets  for  church  decoration  and 
held  hymnals  as  she  sang  in  the 
choir.  They  also  wrote  lovely  poems. 
Her  hands  held  willow  switches 
that  made  me  hop  lively  when  I 
had  been  naughty  .  .  .  and  that 
was    often. 

I  saw  her  hands  holding  all  six 
of  her  grandchildren  when  they 
were  babies.  And  now  in  these  later 
years,  I  saw  them  crocheting  pastel 
woolies  for  the  grandchildren. 

From  far  away — way  back,  long 
years  awav — I  heard  Mom  say,  "I 
believe  I'll  plant  a  package  of  pars- 
nips in  the  garden  this  year.  Some 
parsn'ps  would  taste  good,  come 
winter.  And  ...  I  thmk  I'll  plant 
some  mignonette  and  sweet  alyssum 
too.  They  smell  so  sweet  .  .  .  and 
it's  bs^  a  long  time  since  I  raised 

But  her  words  weren't  years 
away.  It  was  now.  God  wasn't  tak- 
ing her — not  yet.  He  was  giving  me 
the  privilege  of  holding,  for  a  time, 
my  mother's  hands.    • 


By  J.    E.    De   VORE 

He  wist  not  what  to  say   (Mark 

HEN  MOSES  AND  Elijah 
appeared  and  began  talk- 
ing with  Jesus,  Peter 
exclaimed:  "Teacher,  this  is  won- 
derful! We  will  make  three  taber- 
nacles here,  one  for  each  of  you!" 
He  said  this  just  to  be  making 
conversation,  because  he  was 
scared  stiff.  Was  his  suggestion  a 
mistake?  Perhaps.  But  it  would  an- 
swer fairly  well  for  the  time  in 
which  we  live. 

We  need  a  tabernacle  for  Moses. 
If  there  ever  was  a  time  when 
the  sanctity  of  law  needed  empha- 
sis it  is  now.  Loose  thinking  has 
brought  forth  a  horrible  harvest 
of  loose  living.  It  is  true  that  the 
law  cannot  save.  Of  what  advan- 
tage then  is  it?  Much  in  every 
way.  By  it  is  the  knowledge  of  sin. 
One  goes  to  a  mirror  not  to  wash 
his  face  but  to  discover  that  there 
is  an  occasion  for  washing  it. 
"Wash,  lest  ye  die." 

The  moralist  who  builds  a  taber- 
nacle for  Moses  and  dwells  there- 
in is  making  a  fatal  blunder.  There 
is  a  fountain  for  uncleanness.  All 
have  sinned.  It  behooves  every  man 
to  move  on  from  shadows  to  sub- 
stance. We  are  children  of  God 
through  faith  in  Jesus  Christ.  "And 
you  who  have  been  baptized  into 
Christ  have  become  like  Him" 
(Galatians  3:27,  Living  Letters). 

And  perhaps  we  need  a  taber- 
nacle for  Elijah.  He  stood  for  doc- 
trine. He  took  a  firm  stand  for 
truth  and  justice.  He  was  a  prophet 
divinely  ordained  and  equipped  to 
instruct  the  people  in  the  great 
verities  of  the  spiritual  life.  Doc- 
trine, if  it  is  sound,  is  good.  A  man 
with  no  convictions  regarding  truth 
is  an  invertebrate.  The  butcher,  the 
baker  and  the  candlestick  maker 
must  maintain  certain  standards 
which  commend  them  and  their 
commerce  to  their  fellowmen. 

But  salvation  is  not  in  doctrine 
only.  An  intellectual  acceptance  of 
the  fundamental  truths  of  Christ 
is  not  enough.  There  is  no  power 
in  doctrine  alone  to  absolve  a  sin- 
ful soul  or  to  commend  it  to  God. 
A  hungry  man  may  have  a  loaf 
of  bread.  He  may  believe  that  it 
is  a  loaf  of  bread.  However,  it  will 
not  satisfy  his  desire  for  food  until 
he  eats  it.  The  Bread  from  heaven 
must  be  eaten;  otherwise,  the  spir- 
itually hungry  man  will  die  in  spite 
of   it. 

Sound  doctrine  must  be  adjusted 
to  practical  uses.  It  must  be  as- 
similated. It  must  be  expressed  in 
character  and  usefulness.  If  a  sub- 
scription to  doctrinal  statements  of 
truth  could  open  the  gates  of  heav- 
en, there  would  be  no  souls  in  outer 
darkness.  God  has  made  provision 

for  salvation  through  the  sacrifice 
of  his  only  begotten  Son.  Those 
who  reject  him  in  their  hearts  are 
still  at  enmity  with  God  regard- 
less of  the  profession  on  their  lips. 

If  the  law  cannot  save,  and  if 
doctrine  cannot  save,  what  can? 
"And  when  they  had  lifted  up  their 
eyes,  they  saw  no  man,  save  Jesus 
only"  (Matthew  17:8).  So  far  as 
salvation  is  concerned  he  is  Alpha 
and  Omega,  the  beginning  and  the 
end.  "Neither  is  there  salvation  in 
any  other"  (Acts  4:12).  His  name 
is  the  only  saving  name  under 

Is  it  reasonable  to  call  Peter  a 
blabbermouth?  I  believe  his  heart 
was  in  the  right  place.  He  be- 
lieved in  Christ,  the  Son  of  the  liv- 
ing God!  On  his  good  confession, 
as  on  a  mighty  rock,  Christ  built 
the  church.  And  on  this  vital  truth, 
Peter  founded  his  own  faith  so 
firmly  that  after  bravely  living 
for  the  Lord,  he  crowned  his  life 
by  dying  for  his  Saviour. 

We  will  make  no  mistake  by  do- 
ing likewise.  Build  on  Christ  and 
be  safe  forever.  Let  the  rains  de- 
scend. Let  the  floods  come.  Let  the 
winds  blow.  Let  the  forces  of  dark- 
ness beat  upon  your  house.  It  can- 
not fall,  because  it  is  founded  upon 
the  Rock.  Stand  on  Christ,  the  solid 
Rock;  all  other  ground  is  sinking 
sand.    • 


HEN  MY  grandmother 
was  about  fifty-four 
years  old,  she  had  a  ner- 
vous breadkdown.  Naturally,  my 
mother  was  very  concerned  about 
her.  Since  Mother  had  her  own 
husband  and  children  to  care  for, 
she  invited  Grandmother  to  come 
live  in  our  home  so  she  could 
adequately  care  for  her  while  she 
was  ill. 

For  years,  Mother  had  been  a 
born-again  Christian  and  had  of- 
ten witnessed  to  my  grandmother. 
Although  Grandmother  had  high 
moral  standards  and  had  attended 
church,  she  did  not  have  a  saving 
knowledge  of  the  Lord  Jesus  Christ 
in  her  heart.  One  day,  while  stay- 
ing in  our  home,  she  said  to  Moth- 
er, "Pearlie,  I  wish  you  would  get 
the  Bible  and  read  some  and  pray." 

As  Mother  was  praying,  Grand- 
mother began  shouting  and  prais- 
ing God  from  her  sickbed.  She 
had  just  believed  in  her  heart  and 
was  now  confessing  with  her  mouth 
that  she  was  saved.  What  a  blessed 
time  of  rejoicing  followed!  Grand- 
mother had  become  a  new  creature 
in  Christ  Jesus.  She  began  to  read 
the  Bible  like  it  was  a  new  book. 
For  the  first  time,  Mother  heard 
Grandmother  pray  audibly  and  of- 
fer thanks  at  the  table.  She  was 
indeed  receiving  a  rich  reward  for 
being  her  "mother's  keeper." 

Many  times  we  are  faced  with 
the  opportunity  of  being  our  moth- 
er's keeper,  or  our  mother-in-law's 
keeper.  Sometime  ago,  I  visited  in 
a  home  where  Isophene  tenderly 
cared  for  her  sick  mother-in-law. 
She  felt  this  was  the  natural  and 
right  thing  to  do.  Surely  God 
takes  note  of  such  kind  love  and 

Ruth  is  a  good  example  of  one 
who  provided  for  her  mother-in- 
law,  Naomi,  sharing  her  earnings 
with  her  at  the  close  of  a  work- 
day. Naomi's  neighbors  referred  to 
Ruth  as  "thy  daughter-in-law, 
which  loveth  thee."  When  Ruth 
asked  Boaz,  in  whose  field  she 
gleaned,  why  she  had  found  grace 
in  his  sight,  he  answered,  "It  hath 
been  fully  shewed  me,  all  that  thou 


My  Mother's  Keeper  ? 


hast  done  unto  thy  mother-in-law 
since  the  death  of  thine  hus- 
band. .  .  .  The  Lord  recompense 
thy  work,  and  a  full  reward  be 
given  thee  of  the  Lord  God  of  Is- 
rael, under  whose  wings  thou  art 
come  to  trust"'  (Ruth  2:11,  12). 

Many  times  we  have  the  privilege 
of  taking  care  of  our  own  mother, 
but  occasionally  other  provision 
has  to  be  made.  Mrs.  Hill  told  me, 
with  gratitude,  how  her  daughter 
had  cared  for  her  as  long  as  she 
was  able  before  she  placed  her  in 
the  nursing  home. 

Once  I  heard  Delia,  a  returned 
missionary,  speak.  Later  I  learned 
that  before  going  back  to  the  mis- 
sion field,  she  and  her  mother  had 
had  a  very  serious  discussion.  It 
was  so  hard  for  Delia  to  leave 
her  mother  who  was  seemingly  go- 
ing blind.  Nevertheless,  after 
prayer,  Delia  and  her  mother  both 
concluded  that  it  was  God's  will 
for  Delia  to  return  to  the  mission 
field.  They  reasoned  that  they 
could  be  together  throughout  eter- 
nity. Others  cared  for  Delia's  moth- 
er, whose  sight  was  later  restored 
by   an   operation. 

One  of  the  greatest  blessings  of 
my  life  has  been  the  fellowship  of 
my  Christian  mother.  I  now  have 
the  privilege  of  being  with  her  fre- 
quently. But  it  has  not  always  been 

so.  I  remember  the  time  when  I 
had  to  leave  her  when  she  was 
sick  to  go  many  miles  to  my  own 
home  to  face  other  duties.  How  my 
heart  ached! 

Yet,  how  comforted  I  was  when 
I  realized  that  Jesus  understood  my 
grief.  He  had  been  His  mother's 
keeper.  He  had  loved  her  dearly. 
But  there  came  a  time  when  He 
had  to  trust  the  keeping  of  the 
one  He  loved  to  another  as  He  hung 
on  the  old  rugged  cross,  paying  the 
supreme  sacrifice  for  our  sins. 

God's  Word  rightly  tells  us  to 
"Honor  .  .  .  thy  mother."  One  defi- 
nition Webster  gives  for  the  word 
honor  is,  "to  treat  with  respect." 
We  can  do  this  in  many  ways.  We 
can  express  our  love  and  appreci- 
ation by  sending  our  mothers 
cards  and  letters.  We  can  make 
that  "longed  for"  telephone  call. 
We  can  shower  them  with  gifts, 
flowers,    and  money. 

But  really  there  is  no  adequate 
substitute  for  our  presence.  One 
dear  mother  who  lives  in  a  fine 
home  and  has  delicious  food  to  eat 
remarked  wishfully,  "If  my  son 
would  come  to  see  me,  that's  the 
best  medicine  I  could  have." 

Am  I  my  mother's  keeper?  I  be- 
lieve I  am.  God  gave  her  to  me. 
I  must  not  neglect  such  a  precious 
and  valuable  possession.    • 



By   HOYT   E.    STONE 

not  but  it  sometimes  can 
become  a  bore,  a  drag,  a 
routine  that  siphons  away  all  joy 
of  the  labor  and  leaves  one  only 
the  tasteless  task.  If  we  forget  for 
a  moment — just  one  moment — that 
our  labor  is  of  God,  it  will  happen. 

Take  the  day  I  met  Mr.  Hutch- 
ens.  I  was  his  daughter's  pastor, 
I  occupied  the  parsonage.  I  an- 
swered the  phone  and  told  Hazel 
that  I  would  be  glad  to  drop  by 
the  hospital.  But  a  compassionate 
heart  ...  I  simpiy  did  not  have 

The  day  was  ordinary.  I  drove 
my  car.  I  noticed  a  few  people  in 
the  parking  lot,  nodded,  and  en- 
tered the  long  corridor.  A  stetho- 
scopic-clad  intern  passed.  His  lips 
were  set  and  his  eyes  cool.  I  caught 
a  whiff  of  either  that  gave  way 
to  strong  detergent  near  a  sign, 
"Careful.  Wet  floor."  The  colored 
janitor  was  whistling  and  swaying, 
swishing  and  mopping.  The  recep- 
tionist said,  "Hutchens,  room  328." 

The  third  floor  foyer  was  crowd- 
ed. A  nicely  dressed  man  at  the 
door  to  room  301  lifted  his  hands 
and  said,  "Mrs.  Smith,  I'm  sorry 
to     tell    you     but    your    daughter 

has  ..."  A  racking  sob  drowned 
the  final  words  but  I  guessed  what 
they  were. 

Things  were  quieter  on  the  west 
wing.  Hazel  met  me  at  the  door 
of  a  four-bed  ward  and  whis- 
pered, "He  won't  let  them  operate. 
The  doctor  gives  him  just  two  or 
three  days."  She  walked  with  me 
a  few  steps  and  then  left  me  to 
the  quietness  of  the  corner  bed. 

Two  blue-grey  eyes  stared  into 
my  face  and  the  fear  I  saw  flicker- 
ing beyond  those  two  windows  of 
the  soul  chilled  me.  Mr.  Hutchens 
was  but  the  shell  of  a  man,  tight- 
skinned  and  bony,  and  he  licked 
his  lips  and  swallowed  often. 

A  skeletal  hand  slowly  drew  back 
the  white  sheet  and  I  looked  at 
Mr.  Hutchens  infected  left  leg.  The 
ankle,  foot,  and  toes  were  black 
and  covered  with  what  looked  like 
grey  powder.  The  calf  and  knee 
were  blue-black  and  streaked.  The 
thigh  above  the  knee  was  dark 
maroon.  He  said  that  it  was  black- 
leg and  that  he  was  going  to  die. 

I  believed  him.  He  was  eighty- 
two  years  old. 

I  held  Mr.  Hutchens  hand  and 
told   him   that   God   was   merciful. 

I  pushed  a  gray  lock  of  hair  back 
from  his  forehead  and  asked  him 
if  he  were  ready  to  meet  God.  He 
had  always  thought  he  was;  he 
had  said  so  for  years — even  at- 
tended church  some.  He  was  not 
so  sure  now  .  .  .  now  that  it  seemed 
so  close. 

My  thoughts  walked  off  into  the 
future  and  laid  me  on  my  final 
bed.  How  was  I  going  to  feel? 
smug?  confident?  What  about  the 
faults?  the  failures?  the  often  try- 
ing so  hard  and  missing  so  far? 
I  suddenly  knew  what  Mr.  Hutch- 
ens meant  and,  when  I  looked  at 
him  through  misty  eyes,  I  saw  a 
fellow  traveler.  One  a  few  jumps 
ahead  of  me  but  a  kindred  spirit. 

My  thoughts  returned,  paused 
briefly  in  the  room,  then  flew  to 
Calvary.  The  cross  glowed.  Christ 
smiled,  nodded,  beckoned  me  to 
follow.  Fire  kindled  in  my  heart. 
Faith  burst  through,  and  I  shared 
my  faith  with  Mr.  Hutchens. 

Mr.  Hutchens  swallowed,  closed 
his  eyes  tightly.  I  talked.  Tears 
slipped  under  his  lids,  puddled  in 
the  hollows  beneath  his  sunken 
eyes,  dripped  to  the  pillow.  My 
tears  joined  his.  The  Spirit  of 
Christ  united  us,  and  the  presence 
of  the  Lord  hallowed  our  whispered 

Radiance  seeped  into  Mr.  Hutch- 
ens' face  and  he  grinned.  He 
squeezed  my  hand.  He  thanked 
God.  He  said  Christ  Jesus  was  his 
only  hope,  and  now  he  was  sure. 

Hazel  returned.  Mr.  Hutchens 
laughed  and  told  her  to  tell  the 
doctors  they  could  cut  off  the  rot- 
ten leg   if  they  wished. 

Outside,  I  noticed  the  day  was 
beautiful.  It  was  spring.  Birds  were 
singing.  How  blue  was  the  sky! 
Pausing  by  my  car,  I  looked  up 
into  the  measureless  face  of  God 
and  thanked  Him  for  the  privi- 
lege of  sharing  faith  with  another. 
In  that  moment,  more  than  ever 
before  in  my  life,  I  knew  why  I 
was  a  minister  and  for  Whom  I 

Postscript:  Mr.  Hutchens  did  not 
die.  When  I  last  saw  him,  he  was 
at  his  daughter's  home.  He  waved 
at  me  from  a  wheel  chair,  and  he 
was  smiling.    • 


THERE  POSSIBLY  IS  no  pas- 
sage of  scripture  in  the  Holy 
Bible  which  has  been  more 
comforting  and  more  consoling  to 
the  Christian  believer  than  has  this 
one.  It  is  extremely  difficult  for 
most  Christians  to  see  the  hand 
of  God  in  everything  that  happens 
to  them.  Most  of  the  trials  and 
temptations  which  come  to  us  come 
through  human  channels  and  are 
the  result  of  someone's  failure  or 
sin.  Christians  are  afraid  to  trust 
their  all  with  God  for  fear  that 
man  will  hinder  God's  plan  in  their 
lives.  In  order  to  trust  God  in 
everything,  there  must  be  a  total 
abandonment  of  self  to  God  and 
perfect  trust  in  Him.  We  must  as- 
sume the  attitude  that  God  is  in 
everything  that  has  to  do  with 
them  who  love  Him.  If  one  limits 
his  views  to  the  present  and  thinks 
only  of  immediate  happiness,  then 
it  is  impossible  to  explain  my  text. 
"All  things  work  together  for  good 
to  them  that  love  God.  .  .   ." 

Notice  first  the  extent  of  things 
specified — all  things.  This  means 
all  things  in  heaven:  the  Father, 
the  Son,  the  Holy  Ghost,  angels; 
and  all  things  on  earth:  trials, 
temptations,  persecutions,  health 
and  sickness,  prosperity  and  adver- 
sity. All  of  these  things  work  to- 
gether for  good  to  them  that  love 
God.  Some  things  appear  to  work 
for  good  and  others  for  evil;  but 
for  those  who  love  God,  all  things 
work  together  for  good.  The  Apos- 
tle Paul  did  not  suppose  this  to  be 
so,  but  said,  "And  we  know  .  .  ." 
Not  a  sparrow  falls  to  the  ground 
without  our  heavenly  Father's  no- 
tice. Even  the  hairs  of  our  head 
are  all  numbered. 

"If  God  be  for  us,  who  can  be 
against  us?"  (Romans  8:31)  We 
shall  not  want,  for  He  is  our  Shep- 
herd. There  is  no  need  to  fear,  for 
the  Lord  is  on  our  side.  When  we 
pass  through  the  waters,  they  shall 
not  overflow  us.  When  we  walk 
through  the  fire,  we  shall  not  be 
burned,  neither  shall  the  flame 
kindle  upon  us.  He  rules  over  the 
kingdoms  of  men,  and  in  His  hand 
there  is  power  and  might.  There 
is  none  able  to  withstand  Him.  He 
ruleth  the  raging  of  the  sea;  and 

"And  we  know  that  all  things  work  together  for  good 
to  them  that  love  God,  to  them  who  are  the  called 
according  to  his  purpose"    (Romans  8:28). 

when  the  waves  thereof  arise,  He 
stilleth  them.  The  scripture  says, 
"Whatsoever  the  Lord  pleased,  that 
did  he  in  heaven,  and  in  earth, 
in  the  seas,  and  all  deep  places" 
(Psalm  135:6). 

All  power  is  in  the  hand  of  God, 
and  the  Christian's  life  is  under 
the  control  of  the  heavenly  Father. 
Nothing  can  happen  to  the  Chris- 
tian except  with  the  knowledge  and 
permission  of  the  heavenly  Father. 
Nothing  happens  to  the  child  of 
God  but  that  which  must  first  scale 
the  mountains  of  God's  presence 
round  about  us.  God  has  a  hedge 
round  about  His  people.  Satan  de- 
tected this  when  he  tried  to  attack 
Job.  He  asked  God  the  question, 
"Hast  not  thou  made  an  hedge 
about  him,  and  about  his  house, 
and  about  all  that  he  hath  on 
every  side?"  (Job  1:10).  Nothing 
can  get  to  us,  disturb  us,  or  harm 
us,  except  it  pass  through  the  halo 
of  God's  glory  round  about  us.  He 
steps  aside  and  allows  these  things 
to  come  our  way.  God  has  a  pur- 
pose in  everything  that  affects  His 
children.  He  takes  special  notice 
of  all  things  that  happen  to  them 
and  regulates  them  according  to 
His  perfect  will,  regardless  of  their 
origin.  This  is  the  reason  the  Apos- 
tle Paul  was  able  to  say,  "I  take 
pleasure  in  infirmities"  (2  Corin- 
thians 12:10).  "And  not  only  so, 
but  we  glory  in  tribulations  also" 
(Romans   5:3).   "Now  no   chasten- 

ing for  the  present  seemeth  to  be 
joyous,  but  grievous:  nevertheless 
afterward  it  yieldeth  the  peaceable 
fruit  of  righteousness  unto  them 
which  are  exercised  thereby"  (He- 
brews 12:11).  "Count  it  all  joy 
when  ye  fall  into  divers  tempta- 
tions"   (James   1:2). 

There  are  several  scriptural  ex- 
amples which  show  God  working 
out  His  plan  in  lives  of  men  in 
the  midst  of  apparent  adversity. 
When  Joseph  was  sold  into  slavery 
as  a  result  of  his  brothers'  jelousy, 
it  was  difficult  for  Him  to  see  the 
hand  of  God  in  this  ordeal.  But 
step  by  step  God  revealed  His  will 
to  Joseph,  although  it  took  thir- 
teen years  for  Him  to  complete  His 
plan.  God  has  difficulty  with  some 
of  us,  because  we  are  not  willing 
to  wait  upon  Him.  We  must  learn 
to  walk  by  faith  and  not  by  sight 
and  to  follow  the  Lord  one  step 
at  a  time.  It  was  sin  on  the  part 
of  Joseph's  brethren  that  caused 
them  to  sell  him,  but  God  turned 
the  evil  work  of  his  brethren  to 
the  greatest  blessing  of  Joseph's  en- 
tire life.  In  fact,  Joseph  said  to  his 
brethren,  "But  as  for  you,  ye 
thought  evil  against  me;  but  God 
meant  it  unto  good"  ".  .  .  for  God 
did  send  me  before  you  to  preserve 
life."  In  this  case  God  made  even 
the  wrath  of  man  to  praise  Him. 

Some  things  that  seem  to  be  ad- 
versities are  actually  unrevealed 
blessings.  When  the  sun  goes  into 
Continued  on  page  19 




By  RAY   H.    HUGHES,    Ed.D.,    Litt.D. 


mANY  SINCERE  Christians 
observe  the  modern  hippie 
movement  with  apathy, 
disgust,  or  a  total  lack  of  personal 
concern.  They  console  themselves 
with  a  false  impression  that  the 
hippie  and  his  philosophy  of  love, 
beads,  and  flowers  are  no  more 
than  a  passing  teen-age  fad  that 
will  go  away  if  they  just  ignore  it. 
We  must  abandon  such  a  passive 
and  uninvolved  attitude.  The  hippie 
and  his  philosophy  are  here  to 
stay,  much  to  the  delight  of  many 
presently  uninvolved  teen-agers 
and  to  the  dismay  of  most  adults. 
At  first  glance  at  one  of  these 
wierd  but  colorful  creatures  one 
is  tempted  to  ask,  "What  is  it?" 
Then  upon  closer  examination  one 
realizes  that  it  is  alive  and  even  hu- 
man. The  question  is  then  amend- 
ed: "Who  is  it?"  In  preparation 
to  answer  this  legitimate  question 

that  deserves  an  intelligent  answer, 
I  spent  many  hours  with  hippies, 
talking  to  them  and  listening  to 
their  opinions  and  philosophies. 

The  hippie  movement  has  come 
a  long  way.  In  the  early  1950's  we 
became  acquainted  with  the  Bo- 
hemian community,  which  evolved 
into  the  beat  generation  and  the 
beatniks,  then  into  the  Ivppie.  There 
are  those  who  are  now  trying  to 
drop  the  "hippie"  label.  Some  of 
them  call  themselves  flower  chil- 
dren, others  just  free-thinking  ppo- 
ple.  Estimate  of  their  total  number 
in  America  ranges  from  as  low  as 
twenty-five  thousand  to  over  a  mil- 

Who  are  they?  They  are  kids 
we  grew  up  with:  the  problem  girl 
down  the  block  or  the  boy  on  pro- 
bation. They  are  young,  searching, 
dissenters  who  have  "dropped  out" 
of    established    society    to    demon- 

The  Hippies  -  am 

strate  their  disapproval  of  the  way 
things  are  being  conducted.  They 
have  opinions  on  everything  from 
domestic  affairs  in  the  country 
and  the  war  in  Vietnam,  to  the 
way  their  parents  are  trying  to 
raise  them  but  are  failing.  As  a 
whole  they  are  above  average  in- 
telligence and  come  largely  from 
middle-    and    upper-class    families. 

Most  of  them  will  tell  you  that 
they  have  dropped  out  of  their 
home  situation  because  it  became 
intolerable.  They  are  unhappy  and 
disillusioned,  and  live  in  a  world 
of  make-believe,  fantasy,  and  uto- 

Hippie  philosophy  is  a  strange 
code  of  ethics  which  in  some  ways 
resembles  Christianity,  but  in  other 
ways  it  is  as  extreme  as  overt  com- 
munism. Love,  beauty  and  pleasure 
top  the  list  of  the  things  they  want 
the  most.  Morally  the  hippie  is  a 
hedonist,  which  simply  means  that 
any  desire  to  gratify  the  flesh  su- 
persedes moral  responsibility;  plea- 
sure first,  morality  second — if  even 

The  hippies  want  a  different  so- 
cial order  than  what  they  see 
around  them.  They  watch  their 
parents  cheat  every  year  on  their 
income  tax  or  make  any  possible 
smooth  deal  to  achieve  a  financial 
advantage  over  another  person, 
and  then  they  see  them  being  ac- 
cepted as  a  social  example  in  the 
community.  Not  that  they  are  above 
doing  the  same  thing,  they  merely 
want  to  do  it  openly.  They  see  the 
double  standard  of  many  in  the 
older  generation  and  do  not  want 
to  be  a  part  of  a  society  that  is 
so  filled  with  sham,  hypocrisy,  and 

Their  point  is  well  taken  and 
can  serve  as  a  warning  for  all  of 
us,  yet  they  fail  to  recognize  that 


Christian  Responsibility 


Reprinted   from   Message  of   the   Open   Bible 

used  with  permission 

by  "dropping  out"  of  society  they 
accomplish  nothing,  because  the 
changing  of  these  fallacies  must 
be  realized  from  the  inside. 

I  observed  a  genuine  love  and 
concern  on  the  part  of  the  hippie 
for  other  members  of  their  in  group. 
I  saw  those  who  had  nearly  nothing 
share  half  of  it  with  others  who 
had  less,  and  seemed  happy  to  help. 

During  an  interview  trip  to  Van- 
couver, British  Columbia,  I  met  a 
pleasant  and  enlightening  girl. 
Nancy,  seventeen,  dropped  out  of  a 
broken  home  at  fourteen  and  has 
been  on  her  own  since.  She  says  she 
uses  marijuana  regularly,  has  tak- 
en twelve  trips  on  LSD,  and  is  a 
member  of  a  group  working  hard 
for  the  legalization  of  marijuana 
and  other  mind-expanding  drugs. 
She  had  a  spiritual  mind,  and  I 
talked  to  her  for  about  an  hour 
about  the  church,  Christ,  and  the 
Bible.  I  quote  her  opinions  as  they 
are  the  average  hippie  philosophy. 

"The  church  is  all  hung  up,"  she 
said.  "They  are  more  concerned 
about  doctrines,  buildings,  and  sal- 
aries than  the  people.  They  argue 
over  fine  points  of  scriptural  in- 
terpretation and  leave  the  major 
issues  of  life  unchallenged  and  the 
real  questions  of  life  unanswered. 
The  church  tells  its  people  how  to 
live,  but  fails  to  show  them  by  ex- 
ample. They  live  by  a  double  stan- 
dard," she  said. 

Christianity  is  not  a  foreign  term 
to  them.  Many  have  been  raised 
in  the  Sunday  school,  but  they  just 
never  found  the  reality  of  serving 
Christ.  Most  of  them  are  not  anti- 
God,  and  many  feel  that  they  are 
serving  God  by  rebelling  against  es- 
tablished society. 

"The  Bible  is  a  wonderful  book 
and  I  suppose  it  could  help  you 
a  lot,"  Nancy  said. 

"Do  you  read  it  often?"  I  asked. 

"No,  I've  never  owned  one,"  she 
replied.  Please  note,  here  is  a  sev- 
enteen-year-old girl  living  in  1968 
who  has  never  owned  a  Bible. 

"Nancy,  what  do  you  think  about 
Jesus  Christ?" 

"Well,  I  believe  He  was  a  great 
man,  and  even  divine,"  she  said  as 
she  slid  down  into  the  overstuffed 

"Do  you  believe  He  was  God's 
Son?"  I  asked. 


"And  virgin  born?" 

"Well,  I  don't  think  I  can  buy 
that  part  of  it,"  she  said.  "I  be- 
lieve there  were  many  men  that 
were  God's  sons,  I  am  a  child  of 

"But  wait,"  I  interrupted,  "I  don't 
mean  by  creation,  I  mean  God's 
Son  in  terms  of  His  being  appoint- 
ed the  Saviour  of  the  world  and 
His  being  the  way  of  salvation." 

"Oh,  well  .  .  ."  and  then  to  make 
a  long  story  short  she  equated 
Jesus  with  such  other  great  men 
in  history  as  Buddha,  Mohammed, 
Washington,  Lenin,  and  Marx. 

Nancy  is  living  as  a  free-love 
partner  with  Dan,  the  publisher  of 
a  hippie  newspaper  in  Vancouver, 
British  Columbia.  Dan  is  a  tall, 
good  looking,  intelligent  journalist 
with  a  master's  degree  from  the 
University  of  British  Columbia.  He 
was  working  on  his  doctorate  when 
he  "dropped  out"  to  organize  the 
newspaper.  He  admits  that  his  pa- 
per is  so  far  to  the  left  that  the 
only  people  who  want  to  affiliate 
with  it  are  the  communists,  but  he 
says  that  they  are  too  radical  for 
him.  Upon  closer  examination  the 
only  major  difference  is  that  com- 
munism resorts  to  violence  to  ac- 
complish their  goals,  but  he  thinks 
the  same  end  can  be  reached  by 

the  process  of  reeducation. 

Dan  not  only  helps  to  establish 
hippie  philosophy  but  organizes  sit- 
ins,  be-ins,  love-ins  and  all  sorts  of 
other  "-ins."  These  philosophies  are 
widely  taught  and  generally  ac- 
cepted by  newcomers.  Yet,  there 
are  numerous  and  glaring  contra- 
dictions in  the  doctrines  of  the 

They  criticize  the  church  for 
being  cloistered  and  isolationists; 
yet,  you  seldom  see  one  hippie 
without  seeing  others  cloistered 

The  hippie  preaches  the  gospel  of 
an  uninhibited,  carefree,  easygoing 
life,  but  surprisingly  they  are  void 
of  any  happiness  that  such  an  ex- 
istence is  supposed  to  produce.  As 
a  whole  they  are  lonesome,  unhap- 
py, and  disillusioned.  The  smile  of 
happiness  and  joy  of  living  are  un- 
known experiences. 

H'ppie  philosophy,  with  all  its 
dreams  and  contradictions,  is  not 
the  mental  concoction  of  a  few 
youthful  dissenters  of  the  1960's 
A  study  of  their  ideals,  thinking, 
and  plans,  reveals  an  association 
with  minds  of  more  than  a  hun- 
dred years  ago.  The  philosophies 
of  men  like  George  Bernard  Shaw 
and  Bertrand  Russell  and  the  ac- 
tivities of  the  English  Fabian  So- 
ciety all  parallel  what  we  are  see- 
ing today  in  the  "hippievilles" 
around  the  country.  They  become 
breeding  places  for  crime,  hate,  and 

The  hippie  movement  could  be 
here  to  stay.  We  cannot  do  away 
with  the  movement,  but  we  can 
change  it  with  the  gospel.  The  hip- 
pie can  be  won  for  Christ  if  the 
church  will  face  the  reality  of  the 
problem  and  ask  God  for  wisdom, 
love,  and  the  power  of  the  Holy 
Spirit.    • 



ATHER'S  FARM  cornered 
with  an  eight-acre  tract, 
which  had  come  to  be 
known  as  the  Cocklebur  Eighty 
throughout  that  area.  The  owner 
never  lived  on  it.  Tenants  coming 
and  going  took  little  interest  in 
keeping  the  fields  clean  of  noxious 

Worst  of  all  was  the  cocklebur. 
If  not  kept  under  control,  it  mul- 
tiplies so  rapidly  it  will  soon  cover 
a  farm.  This  is  what  had  happ?ned 
to  the  Cocklebur  Eighty.  Neighbors 
who  owned  adjoining  land  had  a 
constant  battle  to  keep  this  pest 
on  the  other  side  of  the  fence. 

After  many  years  the  run-down 
neglected  farm  was  sold  to  an  in- 
dustrious young  man  who  imme- 
diately   set    to    work    clearing    the 

fields  and  building  up  the  produc- 
tiveness of  the  soil.  A  few  seasons 
of  intensive  care  wrought  a 
marvelous  change  and  the  old 
Cocklebur  Eighty  was  restored  to 
respectable  standing  among  the 
surrounding  farms.  The  old  name, 
no  longer  applicable,  was  dropped. 
With  the  entrance  of  sin  into  the 
world,  came  also  thorns  and  this- 
tles, destructive  weeds,  and  cor- 
ruptive influences  of  various  kinds, 
both  physical  and  spiritual.  With 
these  man  has  had  to  cope  through 
succeeding  generations.  In  the 
sweat  of  his  face  he  earns  his 
bread,  meanwhile  warring  with 
principalities  and  powers  for  spir- 
itual survival.  Every  life  has  its 
own  cockleburs,  besides  having  to 
fend    against    the    evil    seeds    that 

blow  in  from  neighboring   fields. 

Burrs  are  not  particular  where 
they  grow.  They  thrive  in  any  kind 
of  soil,  amid  any  kind  of  grain. 
If  not  checked,  they  rob  the 
ground  of  nourishment  and  choke 
the  tender  plants.  All  fields  of  life 
are  similarly  beleagured  by  per- 
sistent  intruders. 

Perhaps  the  field  most  insidious- 
ly attacked  is  that  of  entertain- 
ment and  amusement.  Our  mod- 
ern society  presents  many  alluring, 
bewildering  suggestions.  It  is  not 
easy  to  choose,  to  decide  what  is 
right,  what  is  wrong.  It  is  not  easy 
to  reject  appealing  enticements 
that  would  lead  astray  from  the 
path  of  righteousness  and  holiness. 

The  so-called  borderline  attrac- 
tions cause  the  most  trouble.  Be- 


By   ETHEL   R.    PAGE 

cause  Christians  hold  different 
opinions  about  these,  it  is  especially 
difficult  for  youth  to  know  which 
course  to  follow.  Jesus  is  our  ex- 
ample in  all  things.  But  we  have 
no  detailed  list  of  what  He  would 
approve  or  disapprove  among  the 
varied  activities  of  the  present 

But  if  we  know  Him  personally 
as  our  Saviour,  friend,  and  com- 
panion, we  can  depend  on  Him  to 
guide  us  in  judgment.  "The  meek 
will  he  guide  in  judgment:  and 
the  meek  will  he  teach  his  way" 
(Psalm  25:9).  A  good  test  is  to  ask, 
If  I  participate  in  this  activity, 
could  I  invite  Jesus  to  accompany 
me?  If  we  know  Him  as  intimate- 
ly as  we  should,  the  answer  will 
be  clear. 

The  themes  on  which  the  mind 
habitually  dwells  cast  the  mold 
which  forms  the  character — an- 
other field  where  the  enemy  de- 
lights to  sow  his  noxious  seeds.  No 
one  can  live  on  a  high  plane  if 
he  thinks  on  a  low  level.  Nothing 
influences  the  thoughts  more  than 
the  books  and  magazines  we  read. 
From  an  unknown  author  this 
thought-laden  paragraph  is  quot- 

"A  book  is  a  subtle  thing.  It 
lies  on  the  table  in  the  living  room, 
inert.  It  has  no  tongue,  and  can- 
not talk;  it  has  no  eyes,  and  can- 
not see;  it  has  no  ears,  and  can- 
not hear;  it  has  no  hands,  and 
cannot  feel.  But  it  is  nevertheless 
one  of  the  most  dominant  factors 
in  the  household,  and  has  a  way 
of  touching  lives  of  all  who  take 
it  in  their  hands,  look  at  it  with 
their  eyes,  and  read  its  thoughts, 
and  discern  its  purpose.  For  a  book 
is  a  living  thing,  with  heart  and 
mind  and  soul  and  spirit;  and  out 
of  it  issues  forth  a  stream  of  good 
or  of  evil  that  cleanses  or  befouls 
the  lives  of  all  whom  it  touches 
in  its  onward  sweep." 

The  same  is  true  of  the  influ- 
ence of  television  and  radio.  Is  some 
hoeing   needed   in   this   field? 

Sometimes,  through  unavoidable 
circumstances,  have  you  been  com- 
pelled to  hear  or  see  things  that 
made  you  feel  your  mind  had  been 
dragged  through  a  loathsome 
slough?  And  you  longed  for  a 
powerful  cleanser  to  wash  it  all 
from  your  memory?  Henry  Ward 
Beecher  has  this  to  offer:  "Music 
cleanses  the  understanding,  in- 
spires it,  and  lifts  it  into  a  realm 
which  it  would  not  reach  if  it  were 
left  to  itself."  He  was  referring  to 
pure    music,    of   course. 

Said  Napoleon,  "Music,  of  all  the 
liberal  arts,  has  the  greatest  in- 
fluence over  the  emotions."  Be- 
cause of  its  power  to  sway  minds 
and  emotions,  music  becomes  an 
integrant  part  of  all  phases  of 
life.  Organizations — political,  reli- 
gious, or  patriotic — depend  on  mu- 
sic to  supply  inspiration,  rallying 
power,  unification.  Here  is  a  field 
that  is  fraught  with  bane  and 
blessing,  according  to  choice. 

Unaware  that  they  were  acting 
a  part  in  an  experiment,  a  young 
man  and  woman,  on  some  pretext, 
were  left  alone  in  a  closed  room. 
Through  a  hidden  aperture  they 
were  observed  for  the  purpose  of 
learning  what  their  reaction  would 
be  to  different  kinds  of  music.  As 
the  mood  changed,  so  did  theirs. 
Serious  music  made  them  quiet  and 
thoughtful.  An  abrupt  shift  to 
cheap,  popular  dance  rhythm 
threw  them  into  absurd  gestures 
of  body  and  limb.  A  crooning,  sul- 
try, amorous  song  soon  drew  them 
together  to  express  its  sentiments. 
Thus,  through  the  test  they 
responded  in  kind.  This  was  a  con- 
crete demonstration  of  the  influ- 
ence of  music  on  thought  and  be- 

With  such  a  wealth  of  sublime, 
inspiring,  elevating  music  from 
which  to  draw,  how  disturbing  it 
is  to  see  multitudes  choosing  the 
coarse,  crude,  debasing  element  for 
their  diversion  and  social  enjoy- 
ment! The  music  of  a  nation  does 
more  to  determine  its  destiny  than 
is  generally  realized.  The  same  is 
true  of  the  individual.  How  care- 
fully, then,  should  this  field  be  cul- 

The  harvest  time  draws  on  apace. 
The  yield  will  be  determined  by 
the  quality  of  seed  sown  and  the 
care  given  the  fields. 

A  group  of  people  were  being 
shown  through  a  state  penitentiary. 
The  guide  led  them  by  the  assem- 
bly room,  the  cells,  to  the  shop. 
Here  sat  a  man  sewing  on  a  can- 
vas bag.  One  of  the  visitors,  mean- 
ing to  be  kind,  asked,  "Sewing?" 
To  which  the  prisoner  grimly  re- 
plied,  "No,  I'm  reaping." 

Why  should  it  be  necessary  to 
learn  by  experience  that  what  is 
sown  will  yield  a  harvest  of  its 
kind.  He  who  thinks  he  can  sow 
cockleburs  and  glean  a  crop  of 
luscious  fruit  is  deceiving  no  one 
but   himself. 

Whether  it  be  friendship,  talent, 
financial  success,  education,  char- 
acter— we  get  out  of  it  just  what 
we  put  into  it.  If  the  harvest  is 
disappointing,  burn  off  the  stubble 
and  begin  again.    • 





The  girls  played  in  the  sand. 

The  youth  choir  sang  in  the  evangelistic  services. 

("Forward,  Youth!")  was 
the  theme  of  the  first 
Youth  Congress  of  the  Church  of 
God  in  Central  Brazil.  Thirty-four 
delegates  attended,  represent- 
ing churches  in  the  federal  capital 
(Brasilia),  the  capital  of  the  state 
of  Goias  (Goiania),  and  numerous 
other  interior  towns. 

The  congress  was  ably  directed 
by  David  Rodrigues  da  Silva,  a  Bi- 
ble school  graduate  serving  as  re- 
gional Sunday  school  and  youth 
director.  Plans  had  been  in  the 
making  for  months.  A  week  before 
the  congress  began,  David  went  to 
Ipameri  to  make  final  preparations. 
An  empty  house  was  arranged  so 
that  the  girls  would  have  a  place 
to  sleep  and  a  large  room  of  an- 
other home  was  offered  for  the 
boys.  Mattresses  were  borrowed 
from  the  army  barracks,  from  local 
Christians,  and  from  folks  in  two 
neighboring    towns. 

On  Sunday,  January  7,  the  young 
people  came  pouring  into  Ipameri 
by  train.  There  was  expectancy  in 
the  air.  The  congress  officially 
opened  that  night,  and  on  Monday 
the  acitivites  began.  The  days  in- 
cluded Bible  studies,  classes  in 
Sunday  school  administration, 
youth  programming,  evangelism, 
church  history,  and  music.  (Use  of 
a  large  classroom  at  the  local  high 
school  was  arranged  free-of-charge 
for   the   morning   sessions.) 

There  were  round  table  discus- 
sions of  youth  problems.  House-to- 
house  witnessing,  tract  distribution, 
and  open-air  services  were  also  a 
part  of  the  well-rounded  program. 
During  these  activities,  every  one 
of  the  young  people  present  had 
an  opportunity  to  direct  a  service, 
to  preach,  sing,  testify,  recite  a 
poem,  or  in  some  other  way,   use 

his  talents. 

If  ever  a  service  was  anointed 
by  the  Holy  Ghost,  surely  the  jail 
service  on  Wednesday  was.  The 
songs,  the  testimonies,  the  preach- 
ing of  the  Word,  the  prayer — all 
seemed  charged  with  spiritual 
anointing— and  God  dealt  with 
hearts.  When  the  invitation  was 
given,  ten  persons  accepted  Christ, 
including  a  man  and  three  of  his 
sons  who  were  imprisoned  for  mur- 
der. As  it  happened,  the  man's  wife 
and  daughter  were  there  visiting 
them,  so  that  they,  too,  attended 
the  service  and  were  gloriously 
saved.  Although  we  left  these  men 
behind  prison  bars,  their  souls  were 
freed  by  the  power  of  the  gospel. 

Another  day,  the  matron  of  a 
red-light  house  invited  the  young 
people  to  hold  a  service  there.  The 
results  were  that  this  lady  and 
six  of  the  girls  made  professions 
of  faith  in  Jesus  Christ! 

The  evangelistic  services  were 
well  attended;  every  night  there 
were  people  standing — inside  and 
outside.  Quite  a  number  of  soldiers 
stationed  there  attended  these  ser- 

There  were  fun  times,  too.  On 
Thursday,  a  rented  truck  took  the 
group  to  a  nearby  river  for  a  re- 

treat. A  nice  sandy  beach  fur- 
nished an  ideal  spot  for  playing 
games,  building  "sand  castles,"  or 
for  just  plain  relaxing.  After  a  pic- 
nic lunch,  we  feasted  on  the  Word 
in  afternoon  Bible  studies. 

Many  worthwhile  things  have 
small  beginnings,  and  in  one  way, 
this  first  Youth  Congress  was 
"small."  Yet,  in  another  sense  of 
the  word,  it  was  not  small — for 
those  who  attended  got  a  better 
insight  into  what  they  themselves 
can  do  to  work  for  Christ.  As  a 
result  of  their  endeavors  during  the 
week,  over  twenty  souls  were  saved. 

Two  outstanding  young  persons 
from  the  Nova  Vila  Church  com- 
mitted their  lives  into  the  Lord's 
hands;  they  feel  the  necessity  of 
working  full-time  in  His  service. 
They  returned  to  their  hometown 
and  resigned  their  jobs,  planning 
to  enroll  in  Bible  school  this  year. 

Those  who  tasted  the  joy  of  per- 
sonally leading  a  soul  to  Christ 
will  not  be  satisifed  now  unless 
they  continue  as  soulwinners.  Sun- 
day school  superintendents,  teach- 
ers, and  other  leaders  are  working 
on  ways  to  improve  their  Sunday 
schools.  The  Youth  Congress  was 

Mocidade,  Avante!    • 




Jesus  Knows 

The  Psalmist  cried,  "I  am  feeble  and  sore  broken:  I 
have  roared  by  reason  of  the  disquietness  of  my  heart. 
Lord,  all  my  desire  is  before  thee;  and  my  groaning 
is  not  hid  from  thee"  (Psalm  38:8,9). 

Yes,  our  Lord  Jesus  Christ,  who  is  God,  knows  our 
every  trouble  and  heartache.  He  hears  our  cries  in  the 
night.  He  knows  the  anguished  unuttered  cry  in  our 
hearts.  He  knows  all  our  doubts  and  fears.  He  knows 
our  stumbling  and  bewilderment.  .  .  . 

Jesus  Cares 

Oh,  yes,  He  cares!  The  Apostle  Peter  wrote,  "Casting 
all  your  care  upon  him;  for  he  careth  for  you"  (1  Peter 
5:7).  Peter  knew  what  he  was  talking  about — for  even 
after  he  had  denied  his  Lord,  Jesus  still  cared  for  him! 

When  Jesus  walked  upon  the  earth,  He  often  showed 
His  heartfelt  compassion  for  people  in  many  ways. 
"Jesus  went  forth,  and  saw  a  great  multitude,  and  was 
moved  with  compassion  toward  them,  and  he  healed 
their  sick"  (Matthew  14:14). 

His  compassion  extended  to  individuals  too:  "When 
the  Lord  saw  her,  he  had  compassion  on  her,  and  said 
unto  her,  Weep  not"  (Luke  7:13).  These  words  were 
spoken  to  the  widow  when  He  raised  her  only  son  from 
the  dead. 

Jesus  Understands 

How  precious  it  is  to  know  that  we  have  a  Saviour 
who  became  obedient  to  the  Father  and  took  upon 
Himself  the  likeness  of  sinful  flesh.  "We  have  not  an 
high  priest  which  cannot  be  touched  with  the  feeling 
of  our  infirmities;  but  was  in  all  points  tempted  like  as 
we  are  yet  without  sin"   (Hebrews  4:15). 

Our  high  priest,  Jesus  Christ,  understands  our  weak- 
nesses; He  understands  our  temptations;  He  under- 
stands our  broken  hearts.  He  partook  of  our  humanity. 
He  walked  the  path  that  we  are  walking.  He  is  touched 
— yes,  touched! — with  the  feeling  of  our  weaknesses. 
He  sympathizes  with  us  in  them. 

Jesus  Hears 

Hebrews  4 :  16  immediately  follows  the  verse  that  says 
Jesus  is  touched  with  the  feeling  of  our  infirmities.  It 
says,  "Let  us  therefore  come  boldly  unto  the  throne  of 
grace,  that  we  may  obtain  mercy,  and  find  grace  to 
help  in  time  of  need."  These  two  verses  are  beautifully 
related  to  one  another.  The  one  verse  tells  us  that  Je- 
sus cares;  the  next  verse  urges  us  to  go  to  Him  for 
mercy  and  for  grace  to  help  in  time  of  need. 


Jesus  Will  Meet  Our  Need 

Hebrews  4:16  does  not  promise  that  our  troubles  and 
trials  will  completely  disappear.  A  loved  one  may  al- 
ready be  gone;  our  illness  may  continue  on;  our  situa- 
tion may  remain  the  same,  for  a  time  at  least.  But 
it  does  promise  "grace  to  help  in  time  of  need."  And 
this  grace  can  prove  to  be  one  of  the  sweetest  ex- 
periences we  have  in  life.    It  is  ours  to  claim!     • 


Brief  Encounter 




S  I  SAT  at  a  crowded  restaurant  counter 
early  one  spring  morning,  drinking  my  coffee 
before  starting  another  business  day,  I  recog- 
nized a  man  sitting  at  a  nearby  table.  This  encounter 
could  have  happened  many  times  in  this  community 
where  we  both  had  grown  up,  married,  and  con- 
tinued to  live;  but  it  had  not.  He  had  gone  into 
business  with  his  father,  and  I  had  married  a  home- 
town boy.  However,  we  did  not  move  in  the  same 
social  circles,  and  we  had  not  met  face  to  face  since 

"Hello!"  I  said;  and  watched  as  he  struggled 
with  time,  trying  to  remember. 

"Why,  it's  B.J.  isn't  it?" 

I  smiled.  Would  he  recall  a  time,  years  ago,  when 
he  had  been  kind  to  me?  I  had  been  so  young — a 
small  boned,  awkward  girl,  whose  parents  had  in- 
sisted that  I  go  to  a  particular  party.  It  was  important 
to  them  for  their  daughter  to  be  seen  in  the  "right 
crowd."  I  remembered  myself — shy,  frightened,  ill  at 
ease,  wanting  so  desperately  to  be  like  the  other  girls 
who  were  talking  and  laughing  together  unselfcon- 
sciously. I  could  not  relax,  no  matter  how  much  I 
pretended  to  be  enjoying  myself.  I  remember,  too, 
thinking  that  I  could  never  explain  my  feelings  to 

my  parents.  I  could  never  make  them  realize  that 
I  just  did  not  belong  to  this  social  set. 

Would  he  remember  after  all  these  years  that  once 
he  had  been  kind  to  me?  He  had  somehow  under- 
stood, even  at  such  a  young  age,  some  of  the  torment 
that  I  was  going  through  and  had  taken  my  hand 
to  draw  me  into  his  circle  of  friends.  I  was  different, 
but  to  him  I  was  worthy  of  notice  and  kindness. 

Now  we  stood  facing  each  other.  He  smiled  and  held 
out  his  hand  to  me  as  he  had  so  long  ago. 

"Yes,  I'm  B.J."  I  said,  "It  was  at  Dee  Dee  Martin's 
fifteenth  birthday  party  that  I  saw  you  last." 

We  stood,  two  grown  people  and  chatted  for  a  few 
minutes  about  our  old  classmates.  I  have  no  way  of 
knowing  if  he  remembered  the  events  of  that  evening 
so  long  ago.  Probably  he  did  not,  for  they  could 
have  held  no  significant  meaning  for  him. 

When  he  left,  I  lingered  over  a  second  cup  of 
coffee,  pondering  upon  the  way  in  which  that  brief 
encounter  had  made  a  difference  in  my  young  life. 
I  had  learned  that  it  was  all  right  to  be  myself, 
that  I  need  not  pretend,  and  that  the  right  kind  of 
person  would  always  accept  me  for  what  I  was. 

How  much  we  can  give  to  another  and  never  know 
how  we  have  changed  his  course  of  life.    • 


God   Controls    Life 

from  page  11 

an  eclipse,  it  does  not  mean  that  the 
sun  has  ceased  to  exist,  but  only 
that  it  is  veiled  or  cannot  be  seen. 
When  the  dark  clouds  of  life  cover 
us,  we  must  remember,  "The  Lord 
hath  said  that  he  would  dwell  in  the 
thick  darkness"  (2  Chronicles  6:1). 
Joseph  was  sold  into  Egypt.  Simeon 
was  held  in  custody  in  Egypt.  The 
ruler  of  Egypt  demanded  that  Ben- 
jamin be  brought  to  Egypt  before 
they  could  receive  corn.  And  Jacob 
concluded,  "All  these  things  are 
against  me"  (Genesis  42:36).  When 
he  realized  that  if  he  kept  Ben- 
jamin, they  would  starve  to  death, 
Jacob  allowed  Benjamin  to  go  with 
his  brethren.  If  Jacob  only  had 
known— all  of  these  things  were 
working  together  for  his  good,  and 
God  was  using  this  method  to  pre- 
serve him  and  his  family  in  the 
time  of  famine. 

We  continually  forfeit  our  bless- 
ings and  bear  pain  needlessly,  be- 
cause we  fail  to  commit  all  into 
the  hands  of  the  Lord. 

O  what  peace  we  often  forfeit, 
O  what  needless  pain  we  bear, 
All  because  we  do  not  carry, 
Ev'rything   to  God  in   prayer ! 

This  philosophy  of  life  is  the 
only  solution  to  a  complete  restful 
and  tranquil  experience.  It  will 
cause  one  to  live  for  today  and 
commit  the  tomorrows  to  Christ. 
One  will  soon  find  himself  thank- 
ing God  for  all  things  that  come 
his  way.  If  our  heavenly  Father 
permits  a  trial  to  come  our  way, 
it  must  be  the  best  thing  that  could 
happen  to  us.  Through  this  medium 
He  is  working  out  His  will  in  our 
lives.  This  is  not  the  doctrine  of 
the  fatalists  who  say,  "What  is  to 
be  will  be,"  but  it  is  God's  plan 
for  those  who  love  Him  and  are 
the  called  according  to  His  purpose. 
He  has  a  purpose  for  every  life; 
and  if  we  will  yield  ourselves  to 
Him,  he  will  reveal  it.  The  old 
hymn  expresses  it  so  wonderfully: 
/  run  no  risks  for  come  what  will 
Thou  always  hast  thy  way. 
When  God's  will  is  our  will,  He 
always  has  His  way.    • 

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Lee  College 



EVER  SINCE  I  was  a  small, 
small  boy,  I  had  dreams  of 
someday  attending  Lee  Col- 
lege. But  I  felt  that  I  would  never 
be  able  to  go,  for  my  family  was 
too  poor  and  my  father  had  dif- 
ficulty in  keeping  a  job.  Yet,  the 
idea  was  food  for  thought  and 
something  to  dream  about.  So,  I 
continued  dreaming.  Then  one  day 
I  heard  that  there  was  to  be  "Ala- 
bama Day"  at  Lee  College  and  that 

The  Reverend  ].  Joel  Harris  grad- 
uates this  month  from  Lee  College  with 
a  Bachelor  of  Arts  degree  in  Bible.  Hav- 
ing been  an  unusual  student  scholas- 
tically  and  in  campus  activities,  Joel  is 
the  recipient  of  the  Tharp  Award.  This 
award  is  given  to  the  most  outstanding 
Bible  College  senior  each  year. 

if  I  went,  I  could  stay  one  whole 
day  on  the  campus  and  spend  the 
night  in  one  of  the  dormitories. 
My  family  and  I  began  making 
preparations  for  me  to  go — secur- 
ing transportation  and  saving  up  a 
small  amount  of  money  for  meals, 
et  cetera.  At  that  time  my  family 
considered  it  a  long  distance  from 
Birmingham  to  Cleveland,  and  we 
planned  the  trip  for  several  days. 

Needless  to  say  the  time  spent 
on  the  campus  encouraged  my 
dreaming.  I  stayed  in  Walker  Hall, 
one  of  the  dormitories  for  young 
men,  and  enjoyed  it  immensely. 
I  had  heard  that  the  food  was  ter- 
rible in  the  cafeteria,  but  I  thought 
it  was  delicious.  (I  suppose  some 
people  can  get  tired  of  too  many 
good  things  after  awhile.)  It  was 
all  more  than  I  had  dreamed  of. 

I  worked  in  a  grocery  store  after 
I  graduated  from  high  school,  and 
I  was  never  able  to  save  anything 
for  a  college  education.  In  fact, 
many  times  I  used  the  thirteen  dol- 
lars and  sixty  cents  which  I  earned 
each  week  to  help  pay  a  few  bills 
that  our  family  owed.  My  father 
had  had  a  nervous  breakdown;  and 
since  I  was  the  older  son,  I  felt 
that  it  was  my  responsibility  to  do 
what  I  could.  It  was  difficult  to 
meet  the  regular  payments;  so  col- 
lege was  completely  out  of  the 
question.  My  future  plans  could 
not  include  my  enrollment  in  Lee 

I  began  seeking  information 
about  the  educational  opportunities 
in  the  armed  forces.  According  to 
the  recruiter  there  seemed  to  be  a 
host  of  fields  of  education  provided 
for  servicemen.  I  thought  perhaps 
that  this  was  just  the  thing  for 
me  to  do — to  serve  my  country, 
earn  money,  and  receive  further 
educational  benefits.  So,  I  enlisted 
for  four  years  in  the  United  States 
Air  Force.  It  took  only  a  few 
months  in  the  service  for  me  to 
discover  that  things  were  not  at  all 
as  I  had  expected. 

Through  much  effort  I  was  able 
to  enroll  in  night  classes  at  a  col- 
lege in  Ogden,  Utah,  near  the  base 
where  I  was  stationed  at  the  time. 
In  order  to  earn  a  few  quarter 
hours  credit,  I  hitchhiked  thirty 
miles  at  night,  twice  each  week. 
Many  times  I  walked  half  that  dis- 
tance because  people  were  afraid  to 
pick  up  a  serviceman.  These  credits 
remain  on  my  records,  and  I  ap- 
preciate them  for  they  were  all  I 
was  priviledged  to  earn  for  the 
duration  of  my  enlistment. 

With  only  a  few  months  left  of 
my  four-year  enlistment,  I  began  to 
earnestly  seek  God  about  my  fu- 
ture. By  this  time  I  had  been  pro- 
moted to  A/lc  with  eighteen 
months  time-in-grade  for  Staff 
Sergeant.  I  had  been  preaching  for 
three  years  and  had  been  witness- 
ing to  many  of  the  men  at  the  dif- 
ferent bases  where  I  was  stationed. 

"What  should  I  do?"  I  asked 
myself.  "Should  I  get  out  of  the 
Air  Force  and  preach  full  time,  or 
should  I  reenlist  and  thereby  testify 
to  the  men  with  whom  I  would  be 
working  and  preach  in  the 
churches  near  the  bases."  I  prayed 
about  evangelizing;  I  prayed  about 
pastoring;  I  prayed  about  reenlist- 
ing;  I  prayed  about  going  to  Lee. 
With  all  of  my  heart  I  sought  to 
really  touch  God  and  know  His  will. 
Yet,  no  definite  answer  came. 

One  night  with  only  a  few  weeks 
of  my  enlistment  left,  I  received  the 
answer.  I  suppose  I  shall  never  for- 
get that  night.  As  I  prayed  in  our 
little  mobile  home,  my  wife  fell 
asleep;  but  I  continued  seeking  the 
Lord  in  fervent  prayer  until  the 
next   morning — until   I   knew   that 


I  had  received  an  answer  from  God. 
I  do  not  understand  why  the  an- 
swer was  so  long  in  coming,  but 
I  do  know  that  God  knew  what 
He  was  doing. 

The  answer  included  most  of  my 
petitions  except  the  phase  about 
reenlisting.  All  the  frustrations  and 
anxieties  seemed  to  melt  into  the 
confirmation  of  God  that  I  was  to 
go  to  Lee.  It  was  with  sweet  as- 
surance and  with  boldness  that  I 
put  on  my  uniform,  marched  up 
to  the  officer's  desk  who  was  in 
charge  of  reenlistments,  and  re- 
spectfully told  him  that  I  would 
not  be  reenlisting.  Although  he  dis- 
agreed greatly  with  my  plans,  he 
processed  the  papers  and  gave 
them  to  me  to  sign  in  order  to 
confirm  my   decision. 

From  the  time  I  made  the  defi- 
nite decision  I  felt  the  leading  of 
the  Lord  in  a  special  way.  I  brought 
our  small  mobile  home  from  Al- 
buquerque, New  Mexico,  to  Cleve- 
land. We  continued  living  in  it  until 
we  outgrew  it.  Problems  arose  in 
all  of  our  moves  which  seemed  to 
hinder  or  block  our  going  to  Lee. 
At  a  time  when  my  wife  and  I 
were  greatly  discouraged  over  the 
entire  proceedings,  I  felt  assurance 
that  only  God  can  give.  We  settled 
down  with  enough  money  to  begin 
the  first  year,  honestly  not  know- 
ing where  the  rest  would  come 
from.  Neither  of  us  had  work  and 
there  were  no  G.  I.  bills  in  effect 
at  that  time  to  assist.  Our  needs 
have  been  supplied,  however,  from 
gifts,  loans,  college  work,  a  schol- 
arship, G.  I.  educational  assistance, 
and  part-time  work. 

Lee  has  been  more  than  a  child- 
hood dream  to  me.  It  has  become 
a  real  force  in  my  life.  I  would 
not  exchange  my  time  spent  at  Lee 
for  anything  else.  The  education, 
fellowship,  and  training  I  have  re- 
ceived cannot  be  measured  in  dol- 
lars and  cents.  Its  value  to  my  life 
is  esteemed  more  than  money.  It 
has  made  a  lasting  impression  upon 
me.  The  changes  both  intellectually 
and  spiritually  will  remain  with  me 
the  rest  of  my  years.  I  thank  God 
for  an  institution  such  as  Lee  that 
enables  one  to  mature  mentally, 
emotionally,  and  spiritually.    • 



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Mr.  R.  A.,  Tennessee 

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orders  for  the  Parker  Pen 
Company  gasped  in  aston- 
ishment as  he  scanned  an  order. 
He  approached  a  sup?rior  and 
complained,  "There  must  be  some 
mistake  here.  This  order  from  In- 
dia requests  three  thousand  pen 
tops.  Hadn't  I  better  ship  that 
number  of  whole  pens?" 

"No,"  commented  the  official. 
"This  type  of  order  is  bizarre,  but 
coming  from  India  it  is  quite  com- 
mon. It  reflects  a  peculiar  social 
condition  in  that  country." 

"What  do  you  mean?"  demanded 
the  curious  clerk. 

"Carrying  a  fountain  pen  repre- 
sents a  sign  of  distinction  in  In- 
dia," explained  the  supervisor.  "But 
many  natives  cannot  afford  to  pur- 
chase even  the  cheapest  model  of 
pens,  so  they  buy  only  the  top! 
They  clip  this  on  their  clothes, 
and  thereby  gain  prestige." 

The  clerk  dispatched  the  ship- 
ment of  pen  tops,  and  three  thou- 
sand more  Indians  wore  badges  of 
distinction  on  the  subcontinent. 

Before  Americans  indulge  the 
impulse  to  criticize  the  citizens  of 
India,  they  might  evaluate  their 
own  opinions,  like  that  which  ped- 
dles propaganda  to  the  effect  that 
imbibing  a  certain  brand  of  fire- 

water creates  a  "man  of  distinc- 
tion" here.  If  that  were  true — 
which  it  is  not — but  if  it  were,  so- 
ciety would  have  to  accord  recog- 
nition to  a  Bowery  bum,  for  exam- 
ple, as  a  person  who  just  tried  too 
hard  to  become  a  "man  of  distinc- 

However,  a  parallel  deserving 
greater  stress  pertains  to  spiritual 

Christianity  is  recognized  by  cur- 
rent civilization  as  constituting  to 
some  extent  a  badge  of  respectabil- 
ity and  distinction.  Church  mem- 
bership often  rates  references  as  a 
sort  of  status  symbol.  Unfortunate- 
ly, however,  the  Bible  kind  of  Chris- 
tianity all   too  often  suffers   dilu- 

tion to  the  place  that  religious 
interest  represents  merely  an  out- 
ward profession.  Adherents  do  not 
invite  Jesus  Christ  to  abide  in  and 
direct  their  lives. 

Some  scout  a  born-again  experi- 
ence. Recently  a  prominent  pastor 
told  a  group  of  ministers,  "I  do  not 
know  what  you  mean  when  you 
talk  about  being  'born  again.' "  If 
that  were  not  sufficiently  shock- 
ing, imagine  the  amazement  of  the 
other  pastors  when  this  man  pro- 
ceeded, "And  I'm  afraid  that  if  you 
explained  it  to  me,  I  wouldn't  want 

A  religious  affiliation  without  a 
vital  redemptive  experience  and  re- 
lationship with  God  is  no  more 
profitable  spiritually  than  an  emp- 
ty pen  top  worn  as  a  status  sym- 
bol to  impress  spectators!  An  un- 
regenerate  churchman  is  moving 
no  closer  to  heaven  than  would  a 
man  walking  north  in  a  train  trav- 
eling south  make  real  progress  in 
the  direction  he  faced.  This  type 
of  religious  exercise  may  deceive 
men.  Some  succeed  temporarily  in 
camouflaging  a  carnal  carcass  un- 
der a  veneer  of  churchanity,  but 
God  is  not  mocked.  He  will  un- 
mask pretenders  at  the  Judgment, 
if  not  before. 

Christian  profession  constitutes 
an  empty  shell  if  there  is  not  ac- 
companying possession  of  spiritual 
vitality  through  Jesus  Christ's  pres- 
ence in  the  heart  and  soul.  Real 
conversion  is  more  than  skin  deep. 
One  obtains  it  not  by  outward  af- 
filiation but  by  inward  transforma- 
tion. "If  any  man  be  in  Christ," 
proclaims  Paul,  "he  is  a  new  crea- 






ture"  (2  Corinthians  5:17).  And 
Jesus  said,  "Ye  must  be  born  again" 
(John  3:7). 

This  new  birth  is  not  achieved  by 
imitation.  People  do  not  become 
Christians  by  trying  to  follow 
Christ's  example.  For  an  unregen- 
erate  man  to  make  such  an  at- 
tempt is  to  court  utter  failure, 
despair,  and  disillusionment.  The 
only  other  possibility  would  be  de- 
lusion. Some,  to  be  sure,  do  sup- 
pose their  efforts  are  eminently 
successful.  They  imagine  their  imi- 
tations to  be  acceptable  to  God. 
But  they  face  a  disappointment 
in  eternity  when  Jesus  dismisses 
their  self-efforts  and  professes,  "I 
never  knew  you"    (Matthew  7:23). 

F.  J.  Huegel  said,  "You  get  ab- 
solutely nowhere  trying  to  imitate 
Jesus.  No  amount  of  imitation 
would  ever  make  a  Chinaman  of 
a  Hindu  or  a  Frenchman  of  a 
Hottentot.  No  amount  of  imitation 
on  the  part  of  a  son  of  Adam  will 
bring  about  real  likeness  to  this 
unique  Son  of  God  who  came  down 
from  above.  You  could  as  easily 
make  a  horse  out  of  a  cow  or  a  dog 
out  of  a  cat."  Christians  indeed  are 
eventually  to  be  completely  "con- 
formed to  the  image  of  his  Son" 
(Romans  8:29),  but  this  likeness 
will  occur  not  by  imitation  but  by 
transformation  at  the  consumma- 
tion of  the  new  creation.  Imitation 
proves  as  fruitless  as  an  empty 
profession.  It  may  impress  men,  but 
it  does  not  please  God. 

Still  others  equate  Christianity 
with  conscience.  However,  as  some- 
one quipped,  most  clear  consciences 
are    simply    the    results    of    short 

By   RAYMOND   L.   COX 

memories.  "Conscience  is  a  safe 
guide,"  said  J.  O.  House,  "only  when 
God  is  the  guide  of  conscience." 
Conscience  is  a  human  faculty  and 
thereby  subject  to  human  fallibili- 
ty. People  may  pervert  conscience. 
It  fulfills  the  function  for  which 
God  installed  it  in  man  only  when 
it  is  sensitized  by  God's  Spirit  and 
guided  by  God's  Word.  As  clocks 
are  useless  unless  correctly  set  to 
sun  time,  so  consciences  are  dis- 
abled for  spiritual  guidance  until 
regulated  by  divine  revelation. 

The  Bible  does  refer  to  a  "good 
conscience"  and  a  "pure  con- 
science," but  such  a  conscience 
cannot  exist  apart  from  a  "pure 
heart"  and  true  faith  (1  Timothy 
1:5,  19;  3:9).  It  takes  the  applica- 
tion of  the  precious  blood  of  Christ, 
asserts  an  apostle,  to  "purge  your 
conscience  from  dead  works  to 
serve  the  living  God"  (Hebrews 
9:14).  Otherwise  a  person's  faculty 
may  be  a  "conscience  seared  with 
a  hot  iron"  (1  Timothy  4:2). 

Men  are  such  sinners  by  nature 
that  more  than  a  profession  of 
religion,  more  than  an  imitation  of 
Jesus'  peerless  example,  and  more 
than  submission  to  the  dictates  of 
conscience  are  necessary  to  please 

The  Bible  describes  humanity's 
condition  in  terms  of  spiritual 
death.  Sinners  are  "dead  in  tres- 
passes and  sins"  (Ephesians  2:1). 
Unregenerate  society  represents 
one  mammoth  morgue!  A  corpse 
may  look  lifelike,  may  prompt 
comments  commending  his 
natural  appearance,  but  that  ap- 
pearance is  deceiving.  It  is  only  a 
facade.  One  may  prop  up  a  dead 
body,  but  remove  the  props  and 
down  he  goes!  Mere  profession  of 
religion  treats  the  sinner  with  the 
art  of  the  undertaker.  What  the 
sinner  really  needs  is  the  ministry 
of  the  Resurrector!  Sinners  need 
quickening,  not  embalming.  Reli- 
gion embalms.  Salvation  resur- 
rects! Men  are  dead  in  sin.  Chris- 
tianity imparts  life. 

Because  of  iniquity,  men  remain 
enemies  of  God.  Their  best  imita- 
tions of  godliness  prove  insufficient 
to  please  the  Lord.  A  notori- 
ous outlaw  may  conceal  his  identi- 

ty and  imitate  the  best  citizens; 
but  when  the  law  apprehends  him, 
his  imitation  will  hardly  exempt 
him  from  responsibility  for  past 
crimes.  All  the  while  his  guilt  has 
actually  been  increasing,  for  flight 
and  concealment  to  escape  prose- 
cution are  likewise  crimes!  If  he 
really  wants  to  do  right,  he  must 
give  himself  up.  So  also  with  the 
s'nner — he  must  throw  himself  on 
the  mercy  of  God.  And  God's  mer- 
cy is  greater  than  man's.  With 
men  it  is  confess  and  go  to  prison, 
but  with  God  it  is  confess  and  go 
free,  forgiven!  God  offers  recon- 
ciliation, not  as  a  reward  for  imi- 
tating Jesus'  example,  but  for  sur- 
render to  the  workings  of  grace. 

Sinners  lie  engulfed  in  darkness. 
The  faint  glimmer  of  the  light  of 
conscience  is  not  sufficient  to  il- 
lumine the  path  of  life.  God  offers 
the  light  of  Christ  which  leads  to 
a  perfect  day.  Spiritual  distinction 
results  not  from  what  man  does  but 
from  what  God  does  for  man.  God 
does  for  us  what  we  cannot  do  for 
ourselves  and  what  we  dare  not  do 

Man's  path  to  God,  involving 
profession,  imitation,  and  capitula- 
tion to  an  unregenerate  conscience, 
is  a  dead-end  street.  But  God's  way 
is  a  thoroughfare,  a  freeway,  if 
you  please,  affording  transforma- 
tion, reconciliation,  and  guidance. 
Man-made  religion  represents  an 
empty  pen  top.  God's  salvation 
constitutes  the  perfect  product,  the 
result  of  His  divine  handiwork.  "If 
any  man  be  in  Christ,  he  is  a  new 
creature"  (2  Corinthians  5:17). 
"And  ye  are  complete  in  him" 
(Colossians  2:10).    • 

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Put  Down  Your  Bucket 
Where  You  Are 

OROTHY,  THE  tired  little 
directory  clerk  at  the  post 
office,  sighed  wearily  as 
she  filed  away  the  red  change -of  - 
address  card.  "What's  wrong  with 
people?"  she  demanded.  "Moving, 
moving,  moving — It's  all  they 
think  of!  I've  processed  sixty-five 
changes  of  address  today." 

It  is  estimated  that  one  family  in 
every  three  moves  within  the  course 
of  a  year.  Never  in  our  nation's 
history  have  so  many  people  spent 
so  much  time  moving  to  so  many 
places.  America  has  become  a  land 
of  restless  gypsies.  In  1964  we 
burned  seventy-one  billion  gallons 
of  gasoline.  This  is  double  the 
quantity  we  used  in  1948! 

But  the  Christian  need  not  fly 
to  glamorous  Persia  or  Peru  to  find 
adventure  and  challenge.  If  he 
would  only  look  around,  he  would 
find  innumerable  opportunities  for 
service  where  he  is. 

The  story  is  told  of  a  vessel 
caught  in   a  wild  Atlantic   storm. 

For  days  she  was  battered  by 
mountainous  waves  as  she  fought 
to  make  the  coast  of  Brazil.  Al- 
though the  drinking  water  was 
strictly  rationed,  the  last  drop  was 
soon  gone,  and  the  crew  became 

Over  the  wild  waves  the  radio 
operator  sent  signals  of  distress. 
The  answering  message  from  a 
nearby  ship  was  so  puzzling  the 
skipper  ordered  that  the  call  of 
distress  be  repeated.  Again  came 
the  same  reply:  "Put  down  your 
bucket  where  you  are!" 

The  puzzled  skipper  gave  orders 
for  buckets  to  be  lowered  overside 
and  sea  water  drawn  up.  To  his 
amazement,  he  found  the  sea  wa- 
ter pure  and  sweet.  His  crew  was 
athirst  where  the  mighty  Ama- 
zon was  emptying  tons  of  fresh 
water  into  the  Atlantic! 

The  Bible  says,  "The  steps  of  a 
good  man  are  ordered  of  the  Lord." 
And  a  famous  theologian  added, 
"His  stops,  too." 

God  surely  can  not  be  pleased 
with  our  uprooting  ourselves  and 
dashing  off  helter-skelter  every 
time  we  lose  our  job  or  the  terrible 
Jones  twins  next  door  pull  our 
dog's  tail.  God  wants  us  to  see  the 
needs  of  the  people  about  us  and 
with  Christlike  compassion  meet 
those  needs.  He  says,  "Put  down 
your  bucket  where  you  are!" 

What  about  the  elderly  gentle- 
man, Ben  Hilliard?  He  is  seventy- 
eight,  you  know,  and  his  arthritis 
is  bothering  him.  His  shaggy  lawn 
looks  disgraceful.  Then  there  is  the 
Martinez  family  that  just  moved 
into  the  farm  labor  camp.  Rosalio 
got  drunk  last  Saturday  and  beat 
up  his  wife.  No  one  from  the 
church  has  called  on  them  yet. 
And  there  is  young  Mrs.  Price.  She 
fell  and  broke  her  hip,  remember? 
She  is  still  hospitalized  and  she 
worries  about  her  three  small  chil- 
dren at  home.  Then  there  is  Mrs. 
Elliott's  brother  Jack  who  has  just 
been  released  after  spending  sixty 


days  at  the  county  prison  farm. 
He  needs  your  prayers  and  an  en- 
couraging word.  Another  who  needs 
your  prayer  support  is  our  pastor. 
He  has  been  so  depressed  since  his 
seventeen-year-old  son  Dick  was 
killed  in  a  car  crash. 

Why  sigh  and  daydream  of  "some 
day"  doing  great  exploits  for  God 
in  the  jungles  of  Africa  when  all 
these  needs  exist  so  closely  at 
hand?  And  you  have  never  yet  told 
the  terrible  Joneses  next  door  about 
the  grace  of  God  in  Christ! 

A  businessman  who  had  changed 
churches  four  times  was  asked 
why  he  did  so.  He  replied  frankly, 
"I  guess  I'm  hard  to  please.  But  I'll 
keep  on  looking  till  I  find  a  church 
with  a  form  of  worship  that  can 
give  me  peace  of  soul." 

Poor  fellow!  No  external  ritual- 
ism can  ever  succeed  in  calming 
his  restlessness.  Peace  of  soul  comes 
not  from  stained-glass  windows, 
nor  from  the  rhetorical  excellence 
of  the  pulpit,  nor  from  the  reciting 
of  formal  prayers.  Peace  of  soul 
comes  only  from  a  right  relation- 
ship with  God. 

This  businessman  has  a  guilt 
complex.  The  only  way  he  can  re- 
lieve his  burdened  soul  is  to  con- 
fess his  sins  to  God  and  seek  di- 
vine forgiveness.  Until  he  does  this, 
he  is  wasting  his  time  running 
from  church  to  church.  Are  you 
planning  on  moving?  Sit  down  and 
ask  yourself  seriously,  "Why?" 

A  wise  Oriental  potentate  once 
said,  "Ponder  the  path  of  thy  feet, 
and  let  all  thy  ways  be  established" 
(Proverbs  4:26).  If  you  put  down 
your  bucket  where  you  are,  you 
may  be  surprised  how  the  Lord 
will  fill  it! 

One  morning  at  Lake  Gennesaret 
Jesus  said,  "Let  down  your  nets 
for  a  draught"  (Luke  5:4).  Peter 
objected  because  he  and  his  friends 
had  toiled  all  night,  but  had  caught 
nothing.  Nevertheless,  he  obeyed 
the  Lord — "and  they  enclosed  a 
great  multitude  of  fishes." 

One  of  Billy  Sunday's  favorite 
songs  was,  "Brighten  the  Corner 
Where  You  Are."  Instead  of  mov- 
ing from  the  city,  let  us  move  the 
city— for  God!    • 

Know  Your  Bible 
By  Betty  Spence 
Underline  the  following  phrases 
you  recognize  as  Scripture  verses 
and  circle  those  that  are  common- 
ly used  expressions  not  found  in  the 

1.  "Know  thyself." 

2.  "Money  is  the  root  of  all  evil." 

3.  "To    every     thing     there    is    a 

4.  "What  is  to  be  will  be." 

5.  "Every    generation    shall    grow 
weaker  and  wiser." 

6.  "Remember  now  thy  Creator  in 
the  days  of  thy  youth." 

7.  "To     the    victor    belongs    the 

8.  "If  God  be  for  us,  who  can  be 
against  us?" 

9.  "Cleanliness   is   next   to   godli- 

10.  "Even  a  child  is  known  by  his 

11.  "A  merry  heart  doeth  good  like 
a   medicine." 

12.  "Fools  die  for  want  of  wisdom." 

References    to    scriptures    are    as 
follows : 

3.  Ecclesiastes  3:1 

6.  Ecclesiastes  12:1 

8.  Romans  8:31 

10.  Proverbs  20:11 

11.  Proverbs  17:22 



By  Donald  S.  Aultman 

National  Director 


Cincinnati  (Central  Parkway),  Ohio  __  252 
Greenville   (Tremont  Ave), 

South    Carolina    _..    ._.    _ _  209 

Jackson,    Ohio    _ _ _.  184 

Rossville,  Georgia ....  _..  178 

Tampa  (East  Buffalo),  Florida 175 

Hamilton   (Princeton  Pike),  Ohio  170 

Lakeland    (Lake    Wire),    Florida    _    __  167 
Jacksonville    (Garden   City),  Florida  _  165 

Wyandotte,    Michigan    __    _..    ._.  162 

Flint    (West).    Michigan    ....     _    ._.  159 

Buford,   Georgia   155 

Atlanta   (Mount  Paran),  Georgia  __   _  154 

Dayton  (Philadelphia  Drive),  Ohio  _ 153 

Pulaski,    Virginia    _    _    _    _ 135 

Pontlac,    Michigan   _   ._.   _..   _ 132 

Brooklyn,   Maryland   ... . _ 131 

Jacksonville    (Springfield),    Florida   . 127 

Lorain,    Ohio    ....    _.    __    __    _.    _ 124 

Cleveland    (Detroit    Ave.),    Ohio 123 

Radford,    Virginia    ._.    _    _.    _.    _.    _  123 
Cincinnati  (Hatmaker  St.),  Ohio  ....  _.  113 

Jackson  (Bailey  Ave.),  Mississippi  113 

Poplar     California    _  113 

Chattanooga    (North),   Tennessee   112 

Edgemere,   Maryland   _ 112 

Canton    (Canton    Temple).    Ohio    Ill 

Cleveland   (Mt.  Olive),  Tennessee  110 

Ecorse    (Westside),    Michigan    110 

Kannapolis    (Elm    St.),    North    Carolina  108 
Dal  ton    (East    Morris    St.),    Georgia    ....  106 

Morganton,  North  Carolina  106 

Graham,    Texas 105 

Cahokia    Illinois  _  103 

Jesup,    Goergia    102 

Roanoke  Rapids,   North   Carolina   _  100 

Somerset,   Pennsylvania         ....  _ 100 

Troy    (Royal   Oak),   Michigan   97 

Dallas,    Texas    .  .    ._ 96 

Lexington   (Loudon  Ave.),  Kentucky  ....     95 

Lemmon,  South  Dakota  93 

Pomona,    California   90 

Pasco,    Washington    ...     90 

West   Winter   Haven,    Florida   _ 87 

Swainsboro,   Georgia  _ 86 

East   Point,   Georgia   _..   85 

Hurst,    Texas    .... 85 

West  Frankfort,  Illinois  85 

Savannah  (Garden  City),  Georgia  82 

West  Indianapolis,  Indiana  _ 8? 

North   Ridgeville,   Ohio 81 

Brunswick   (Sterling),  Georgia  80 

Pelzer,   South    Carolina   80 

Long  Beach     California  79 

Martinsville,  Virignia  ....    79 

Mesquite,    Texas   76 

Salisbury,   Maryland   76 

Paris,   Texas 76 

Elyria,    Ohio    75 

Portland    (Powell   Blvd.),   Oregon   75 

San   Fernando   Valley,   California   _.    75 

Addison,    Alabama    ....    _ 73 

Conway   (North),  South  Carolina  73 

Flint    (Kearsley  Park)     Michigan   ....   ....     73 

Norfolk    (Azalea    Garden).    Virginia    .  .     73 

Corbin,    Kentucky    _ 72 

Vanceburg,    Kentucky    72 

Washington   Park.    Illinois   72 

South    Lebanon,    Ohio 71 

Thorn,    Mississippi    71 

Lake    Worth,    Florida 70 

Johnson    City,    Tennessee    69 

Benton    Harbor    (Southside),    Michigan     68 

Sanford.    Florida    68 

Tucson    (A jo    Way),    Arizona    67 

Jacksonville,  North  Carolina  _ 66 

Pueblo,   Colorado 66 

Austin,    Indiana 65 

Covington   (Shepherds  Fold),  Louisiana     65 

Brenton,   West  Virginia   63 

Louisville  (Pleasure  Ridge),  Kentucky  ..    62 
Moose  Jaw  (Main  St.),  Saskatchewan  ..    62 

West    Logan,    West    Virignia    62 

Kings  Mountain.   North  Carolina 61 

Paris    (North    Woodville),    Michigan    ....     61 
Ft.    Lauderdale    (4th    Ave.),    Florida    ....     58 

Salem    (Boone),   Oregon 58 

Dayton,    Tennessee    .... 57 

Lawrenceville  (8th  and  Collins),  Illinois     57 
Orangeburg    (Palmetto   St.), 

South    Carolina    ....    _ .56 

Bonne   Terre,   Missouri   53 

Leicester,   New  York  53 

Red    Bay,    Alabama    _ 53 

Glade   Spring    Virginia 52 

Granite  Falls,  North  Carolina  52 

Charlottesville.  Virginia  50 

Smithfield    (Uniontown),    Pennsylvania     50 



Daily  Devotions  for  Christian  Teens 


Instructions:  Read  the  assigned  Bible  chapters  or 
verses.  Think  on  the  message;  consider  the  devotional 
comments.  Pray  for  the  designated  person  or  activity. 
Devotions  in  Acts.  Writer:  Luke.  Date  written:  A.D. 
61.  Purpose:  To  trace — and  to  verify — the  exciting 
history  of  how  Christianity  spread  from  Jerusalem 
in  ever-widening  circles  until  it  reached  Rome,  the 
center  of  the  world.  (Acts  is  a  sequel  to  the  Gospel 
of  Luke) 

WEDNESDAY,  May  1.  Read:  Chapter  1.  Think:  What 
was  the  specific  purpose  of  the  power  promised  by 
Christ  in  verse  8?  Is  the  purpose  the  same  today? 
Pray:  For  the  training  and  outreach  functions  of 
local  Pioneers  for  Christ  (PFC)  Clubs  and  witnessing 
teams,    and   for   PFC  leaders. 

THURSDAY,  May  2.  Read:  Chapter  2.  Think:  The 
early  believers  worked  together  in  unity,  shared  with 
one  another,  and  were  received  favorably  by  the  town 
folk  (vv.  44-47».  The  Holy  Ghost  baptism  gave  them 
a  new  spiritual  glow.  Pray:  That  unity,  love,  and 
understanding  would  be  given  TP  (top  priority)  among 
the  teens  of  your  local  church. 

FRIDAY,  May  3.  Read:  Chapter  3.  Think:  What  did 
Simon  Peter  mean  by  his  statement,  "But  such  as 
I  have  give  I  thee,"  (v.  6).  Does  God  expect  a  teen- 
ager to  use  more  than  he  has  in  service  for  Him? 
Pray:  For  courage  to  develop  and  to  utilize  native 
abilities  and  Christian  graces. 

SATURDAY,  May  4.  Read:  Chapter  4.  Think:  The 
fearlessness  of  Peter  and  John  commanded  the  re- 
spect of  the  council;  "And  they  took  knowledge  of 
them,  that  they  had  been  with  Jesus"  (v.  13).  Pray: 
For  the  expanding  ministries  of  the  Church  of  God 
and  for  Dr.  Charles  W.  Conn,  general  overseer. 
SUNDAY,  May  5.  Read:  Chapter  5.  Think:  The  account 
of  Ananias  and  Sapphira  is  a  graphic  lesson  in  the 
value  of  proper  motives  (vv.  1-10).  Could  a  desire 
for  attention  or  honor  have  spurred  their  actions? 
Pray:  For  personal  faith  and  fortitude  to  adopt  posi- 
tive and  Christ-anchored  principles  to  govern  per- 
sonal aspirations. 

MONDAY,  May  6.  Read:  Chapter  6.  Think:  The 
God-assigned  duty  of  your  pastor  is  to  preach  the 
Word  and  to  care  for  the  local  flock.  It  does  not 
include  "waiting  on  tables"  or  being  a  master  of 
details  (v.  2).  Pray:  Pledge  to  assist  in  the  workload 
of  the  local  church  so  that  your  pastor  will  be  able 
to  give  himself  to  prayer  and  study  and  spiritual 

TUESDAY,  May  7.  Read:  Chapter  7.  Think:  Stephen 
was  a  convincing  witness.  He  reflected  Christlike- 
ness  under  pressure  because  he  was  "full  of  the  Holy 
Ghost"  (v.  55).  Pray:  For  know-how  and  willpower 
to  apply  Christian  principles  when  you  face  religious 

WEDNESDAY,  May  8.  Read:  Chapter  8.  Think:  Con- 
sistent Sunday  school  and  church  attendances  guides 
a  young  person  in  understanding  and  in  applying 
God's  Word  (vv.  30,  31).  Pray:  For  Donald  S.  Aultman 
and  Paul  F.  Henson,  national  Sunday  school  and 
youth  leaders,  as  they  direct  our  denomination's  life- 
line ministry  of  Christian  education. 
THURSDAY,  May  9.  Read:  Chapter  9.  Think:  The 
reply  of  Saul  to  the  inquiry  of  Christ,  "Lord,  what 
wilt  thou  have  me  to  do?"  (v.  6),  is  an  ideal  example 
to  duplicate  in  answering  the  call  to  both  salvation 
and  service.  Pray:  For  willingness  to  forfeit  personal 
goals  and  plans  when  they  conflict  with  Christian 
dedication  and  maturity. 

FRIDAY,  May  10.  Read:  Chapter  10.  Think:  The  three 
virtues  that  distinguished  Cornelius  as  a  devout  man 
were  godly  fear,  liberality,  and  prayerfulness  (v.  2). 
How  can  a  teen-ager  acquire  these  graces?  Pray: 
For  quickness  to  claim  opportunities  to  grow  spiri- 
tually and  to  influence  others  to  serve  Christ. 
SATURDAY,  May  11.  Read:  Chapter  11.  Think:  What 
is  the  difference  between  believing  upon  the  Lord  and 
in  turning  to  the  Lord  (v.  21)?  Some  persons  have 
an  incomplete  experience  because  they  neglect  to  turn 
to  the  Lord  and  follow  Him  in  obedient  service,  after 
they  have  believed  upon  Him.  Pray:  For  local  Sun- 
day school  teachers  and  officers  and  their  task  of 
effective  age-level  teaching. 

SUNDAY,  May  12.  Read:  Chapter  12.  Think:  Herod,  as 
a  penalty  for  vain  pride,  was  afflicted  by  an  angel 
of  the  Lord  and  died  (vv.  22,  23).  List  three  ways 
that  a  teen-ager  can  combat  pride.  Pray:  For  heart- 
love  to  recognize  the  achievements  and  the  abilities 
of  fellow  teens  and  to  give  sincere  honor  and  praise 
when  it  is  deserved. 

MONDAY,  May  13.  Read:  Chapter  13.  Think:  Do  you 
think  the  Lord  calls  some  young  people  to  do  a  special 
work  for  Him  (v.  2)?  Would  you  answer  if  he  called 
you?  Pray:  For  your  teen-age  friends  and  for  youth 
involvement  in  the  activities  of  the  local  church. 
TUESDAY,  May  14.  Read:  Chapter  14.  Think:  Should 
a  Christian  be  bold  in  speaking  about  the  grace  and 
the  goodness  of  the  Lord?  Is  there  a  relationship 
between  boldness  and  signs  and  wonders  (v.  3)?  Pray: 


For  "Forward  in  Faith,"  the  radio  voice  of  the  Church 
of  God,  and  for  the  oversight  of  the  responsibilities 
of  the  National  Radio  Board. 

WEDNESDAY,  May  15.  Read:  Chapter  15.  Think:  Con- 
tention among  Christians  can  retard  God's  work  in 
the  local  church  (v.  39).  "It  is  an  honour  for  a  man 
to  cease  from  strife,"  (Proverbs  20:3).  Pray:  For  your 
pastor,  his  personal  health  and  homelife,  and  for  his 
work  of  guiding  the  local  congregation  in  worship, 
training,  and  outreach. 

THURSDAY,  May  16.  Read:  Chapter  16.  Think:  "Be- 
lieve on  the  Lord  Jesus  Christ,  and  thou  shalt  be 
saved,"  Paul  and  Silas  instructed  the  inquiring  jailer 
•  v.  3D.  Why  were  their  instructions  accurate?  Pray: 
For  skill  and  wisdom  to  explain  God's  plan  of  salva- 
tion to  the  lost  with  simplicity  and  with  detectable 

FRIDAY.  May  17.  Read:  Chapter  17.  Think:  The  peo- 
ple of  Athens  had  one  of  their  altars  inscribed  with 
the  words,  "To  The  Unknown  God"  (v.  23).  A  person 
goes  from  the  unknown  to  the  known  when  he  accepts 
Christ  as  his  personal  Saviour.  Pray:  For  the  world- 
wide missions  endeavors  of  the  Church  of  God,  and 
for  the  taxing  work  of  missionaries  stationed  on  for- 
eign soil. 

SATURDAY,  May  18.  Read:  Chapter  18.  Think: 
Aquila  and  Priscilla  shared  their  home  with  Paul 
while  he  preached  in  Corinth  (vv.  3,  4).  There  are 
many  ways  a  teen-ager  can  assist  in  spreading  the 
gospel.  Pray:  For  the  boys  and  girls  at  the  Church 
of  God  Home  for  Children,  and  for  their  schooling, 
discipline,    and    adjustment. 

SUNDAY,  May  19.  Read:  Chapter  19.  Think:  It  is 
dangerous  to  attempt  to  perform  spiritual  feats  by 
relying  on  the  experience  or  the  profession  of  another 
person  (vv.  13-16).  It  is  only  through  a  personal  re- 
lationship with  Christ  that  one  can  have  authority 
over  evil  forces.  Pray:  For  a  spiritual  awakening 
to  accomplish  works  that  will  magnify  the  name  of 
the   Lord    Jesus. 

MONDAY,  May  20.  Read:  Chapter  20.  Think:  How  can 
the  account  of  Eutychus  be  compared  to  inattentive 
behaviour  during  church  services  (v.  9)?  Does  your 
attitude  add  to,  or  subtract  from,  worship  services? 
Pray:  For  the  pulpit  ministry  of  your  pastor  and  for 
a  receptive  spirit  among  those  in  attendance  while 
he  is  preaching. 

TUESDAY,  May  21.  Read:  Chapter  21.  Think:  As  a 
teen-ager,  you  should  always  be  ready  to  accept — and 
to  abide  by — God's  will  (v.  14).  His  will  is  revealed 
through  prayer,  Bible  reading,  and  available  oppor- 
tunities. Pray:  For  divine  leadership  in  thinking  about 
— and  later  deciding  upon — a  rewarding  and  suit- 
able life  profession. 

WEDNESDAY,  May  22.  Read:  Chapter  22.  Think:  The 
mob  raged  against  Paul  because  they  were  not  will- 
ing to  accept  the  truth  and  to  see  themselves  as  they 
really  were  iv.  22).  The  truth  will  make  men  free 
only  if  they  receive  it.  Pray:  For  the  growth  and  the 
guidance    assignment    of    Church    of    God    colleges: 

Northwest,  West  Coast,  International,  and  Lee. 
THURSDAY,  May  23.  Read:  Chapter  23.  Think:  A 
teen-ager  notified  Paul  that  a  group  of  men  had 
conspired  to  kill  him  (v.  16).  God  has  always  used 
teen-agers  in  Kingdom  projects  and  programs.  Pray: 
For  a  militant  spirit;  to  be  ready  to  respond  when 
God  calls. 

FRIDAY,  May  24.  Read:  Chapter  24.  Think:  When 
a  person  has  a  clear  understanding  of  the  Christian 
way,  his  attitude  and  actions  are  reshaped  (v.  22 1. 
Spiritual  ignorance  incites  hard  feelings  and  weak 
faith.  Pray:  For  the  employees  of  the  Church  of  God 
Publishing  Houss  and  the  enlightening  ministry  of 
the  printed  page:  the  Evangel,  Lighted  Pathway,  and 
Sunday  school  and  youth  literature. 
SATURDAY,  May  25.  Read:  Chapter  25.  Think:  The 
complaints  of  the  wicked  against  the  righteous— which 
are  many  and  grievous — have  not  changed;  they  still 
however,  cannot  be  proved  (v.  7).  Pray:  For  both  grit 
and  grace  to  endure  hardship  and  criticism  as  a  good 
soldier    of    the    cross. 

SUNDAY,  May  26.  Read:  Chapter  26.  Think:  King 
Agrippa  responded  to  the  testimony  of  Paul  by  say- 
ing, "Almost  thou  persuadest  me  to  be  a  Christian" 
iv.  28).  Almost,  however,  is  never  enough.  Pray:  Pledge 
yourself  to  full-time  Christian  living;  place  yourself 
on  God's  altar  of  unconditional  surrender. 
MONDAY,  May  27.  Read:  Chapter  27,  vv.  1-20.  Think: 
God  instructs,  inspires,  and  warns  of  danger  through 
the  counsel  of  his  ministers  (v.  10).  Pray:  For  evan- 
gelists and  pastors — that  they  would  preach  with  con- 
viction,  clarity,    and    courage. 

TUESDAY,  May  28.  Read:  Chapter  27,  vv.  21-44. 
Think:  Cheer  and  assurance  are  inseparately  linked 
with  believing  God  (v.  25).  We  can  bank  our  lives 
on  the  stated  promises  of  God  (v.  44).  Pray:  For 
binding  faith  to  claim  God's  promises  without  reser- 

WEDNESDAY,  May  29.  Read:  Chapter  28,  vv.  1-16. 
Think:  What  lesson  does  the  incident  of  the  viper 
biting  Paul  teach  about  God's  guarding  love  (v.  3)? 
Does  God  expect  us  to  observe  sensible  safety  mea- 
sures? Pray:  For  safety  and  welfare  organizations, 
and  for  their  charitable  work  of  assistance  and  relief. 
THURSDAY,  May  30.  Read:  Chapter  28,  vv.  17-31. 
Think:  Paul  preached  about  the  kingdom  of  God 
and  the  things  of  Christ  with  all  confidence  (v.  31). 
Your  teen-age  friends  will  not  be  influenced  by  your 
testimony  if  it  is  weak  and  uncertain.  Pray:  For 
boldness  and  biblical  insight  to  witness  to  your  friends 
with  compassion  and  full  confidence. 
FRIDAY,  May  31.  Read:  Reread  Chapter  1.  Think: 
The  action  in  the  Early  Church  began  with  the  out- 
pouring of  the  Holy  Spirit  (v.  8).  Spiritual  activity 
in  your  life  will  be  determined  by  the  infilling  of  the 
Holy  Spirit  and  by  the  way  you  respond  to  God's 
invitation  to  daring  discipleship.  Pray:  For  a  teen 
revival  in  the  Church  of  God;  that  Christian  teens 
would  wake  up  to  their  world's  needy  condition  and 
shine  for  Christ. 

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Aid  Kits 


Pupils'  Kits; 


Ship  to 


Ages   3,  4 






Ages  4,  5,  6 




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Grades  2-4 






Grades  5-7 






Grades  8-10 




City,  State,  Zip  Code 



Leader's  ( 

3uide,  The  Good  Life 

Pastor's  Signature 



The  Good  Life 

Clerk's  Signature 











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Offering  Envelopes, 


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Mission-graph;  Rashlda. 
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VBS  Poster,  5/pkg.* 


VBS  General  Certificate 


VBS  Dodger,  100/pkg.* 

*  Imprinted:     Come   Along   to   Vacatio 
Bible  School. 






JUNE,  1968 





oi    the 
Churcl  168.  Lo- 

cated  on  Keith  al  Twenty-fifth  Streets  in  Clevi 
Tennessee,  the  unusually   fine  building  is  deeply  ap- 
the   church.   The   dramatic    photo 
was  taken   by   Coppin- 
Studio   in  Cleveland. 



By  M.  P.  Horban 

Do  not  leave  devotions  for  bedtime.  You  are  too  tired 
by  then.  A  brief  goodnight  prayer  is  usually  best  be- 
fore retiring. 

I  like  the  story  about  a  seminary  student  and  a 
bishop  who  traveled  together.  While  the  bishop  wrote 
a  letter  before  going  to  bed,  the  student  said  his 
prayers.  He  started  with  creation,  worked  his  way 
through  the  Bible  to  the  new  heavens  and  the  new 
earth,  then  he  got  to  his  requests.  After  a  half  hour 
or  so,  it  was  the  bishop's  turn.  He  prayed,  "Thank 
You,  Lord,  for  the  wonderful  day  we  had  together. 
See  You  in  the  morning." 

Early  in  the  day  is  the  best  time  for  your  quiet 
time  with  God.  And  there  is  joy  and  power  in  store 
for  you  if  you  will  begin  the  day  with  an  open  Bible 
and  a  quiet,  listening  heart. 

Try  reading  God's  Word  in  a  modern  English  trans- 
lation. So  much  of  it  will  be  self-interpreting.  You 
will  discover  that  it  speaks  in  a  very  personal  way. 
It  throws  light  upon  problems.  Actually,  God  talks  to 

Have  you  discovered  the  good  books  of  daily  devo- 
tional reading?  Like  Hallesby's  God's  Word  for  To- 
day, Spurgeon's  Morning  and  Evening,  Oswald  Cham- 
bers' My  Utmost  for  His  Highest,  Mrs.  Charles  Cow- 
man's Streams  in  the  Desert?  Here  is  delightful,  stim- 
ulating reading  in  fresh,  concise  style — a  spur  to  your 
own  thinking. 

Do  not  just  think  your  prayers.  Actually  say  the 
words — aloud,  if  possible.  This  keeps  the  mind  from 
wandering.  Have  a  prayer  list,  otherwise  you'll  forget. 
If  you  feel  drowsy,  pace  back  and  forth  as  you  pray. 

Whatever  you  do — take  prayer  seriously  and  you'll 
be  more  spiritual,  stronger,  more  clear-eyed.  Prayer 
will  settle  you  in  position  before  God,  in  honest  de- 

Begin  the  day  with  God  and  something  vital  will 
start  happening  in  your  spiritual  life. 

Reprinted  with  permission  from  the  Pentecostal  Holiness  Advocate 

Published  monthly  at  the  Church  of  God  Publishing  House. 
Cleveland.  Tenn.  All  materials  intended  for  publication  in  the 
LIGHTED  PATHWAY  should  be  addressed  to  dyne  W.  Buxton. 
Editor.  All  inquiries  concerning  subscriptions  should  be  addressed 
to  Bookkeeping  Department.  Church  of  God  Publishing  House. 
Cleveland.   Tennessee   37311. 

Postmaster   send  Form   3579   to   LIGHTED   PATHWAY.    P.    O.   Box 
880.    Cleveland,   Tennessee   37311. 





No.   6 




Clyne  W.  Buxton 

Indonesia  Awakening 


Clyde  Taylor 

Two  Negatives  Do  Not 

Make  a  Positive 


Bob  Lair 

A  Fragile  Moment 


Betty  Spence 

An    Important   and 

Amazing    Fact 


Cecil  E.  Burridge 

A   Short    History   of 

the  Army 


Leonore  Sherwood 

The  Silent  Center 

1  1 

Walter  R.  Pettitt 

Presidents  As  Fathers 


Enola  Chamberlin 

A  New  Man 


Ray  H.  Hughes 

Letters  From  Vietnam 


Walter  R.  Pettitt 

To  Parents  Who  Lost  a 

Son  in  Vietnam 


Frank  Von  Valin 



A  Steadfast  Anchor 


Evelyn  P.  Johnson 

Source  of  All  Power 


Ralph  T.  Folwell 

Family  Training 

Hour     (YPE) 


Donald  S.  Aultman 



Lee  College  Students 

Available  for  Assignment 


His  Wonders  to  Perform 


Marion  K.  Ullmark 

The  Quiet  Ones  in  our 



Hoyt  E.  Stone 

Advance  Daily  Devotions 

for  Christian  Teens 


Floyd  D.  Carey 


Clyne  W.  Bux 



Lewis  J.  W 



Chloe  Stewart 


JoAnn  Humbertson 


H.  Bernard  Di 


Circulation  Director 

E.  C.  Thomas 



Donald  S.  Aultman 

Paul  F.  Henson 

Margie  M.  Ke 


Avis  Swiger 

Walter  R.  Pettitt 

J.  E.  DsVore 


Bobbie  May  Lau 



Margaret  Ga 



Denzell  Teague 


Ruth  Craw 



Martha  Ann  Sr 




Thomas  Grassano 

James  A.  Madison 

Cecil  R.  Gi 


Haskel  C.  Jenkins 
Leonard  S.  Townley 


Single  Subscription, 

per  year 

SI  50 

Rolls   of 



Single  c 




Clyne  W.  Buxton 

Brevity  of  Life  W% 

A  YOUNG  CHRISTIAN  father  sped  down  a  coun- 
r\  try  road  with  his  mind  on  the  things  of  God. 
Failing  to  notice  an  approaching  train,  he 
pulled  onto  the  track  and  the  locomotive  plowed  into 
his  car.  Before  he  died,  leaving  a  faithful  wife  and 
several  beautiful  children,  he  stated  that  he  was  lost 
in  prayer  when  the  train  struck.  He,  a  Christian  man 
in  the  prime  of  life,  had  suddenly  passed  on.  An  out- 
standing young  minister  sat  in  this  writer's  home  and 
spoke  with  unbounded  enthusiasm  about  his  immedi- 
ate plans  to  go  to  Indonesia  as  a  missionary.  But  only 
a  few  days  afterward,  he  slipped  and  fell  from  a  cliff 
and  died,  leaving  his  bereaved  wife  and  several  chil- 

Why  do  such  things  happen?  Why  are  loved  ones 
snatched  from  us?  Why  do  men  have  to  die?  Man  has 
grappled  with  the  problem  of  death  since  his  creation. 
Ancient  Job  asked,  "If  a  man  die,  shall  he  live  again?" 
King  David  was  greatly  disturbed  over  the  sickness 
and  death  of  his  baby  and  the  death  of  Absalom,  his 
son.  Death  came  upon  the  human  race  as  a  conse- 
quence of  sin  in  the  Garden  of  Eden,  and  since  then 
men  have  died. 

The  righteous  die  as  well  as  the  unconverted.  A 
funeral  may  be  a  somber  occasion  if  the  deceased  did 
not  know  God,  and  the  presence  of  death  may  pervade 
the  service.  Even  God  is  disturbed  when  the  unsaved 
die,  for  the  Bible  says  that  He  has  no  pleasure  in  the 
death  of  the  wicked.  On  the  other  hand,  there  is  often 
a  ring  of  victory  at  the  funeral  of  a  Christian,  and 
though  the  loved  ones  may  be  grieved  at  the  passing 
of  the  deceased,  an  overriding  sense  of  triumph  pre- 
vails. The  presence  of  God  is  often  evident  at  such 

times,  for  God  always  welcomes  His  children  home. 
The  Psalmist  David  states,  "Precious  in  the  sight 
of  the  Lord  is  the  death  of  his  saints"  (Psalm  116:15). 

A  man  does  not  have  to  be  wise  to  realize  that  he 
will  some  day  die,  or  that  he  may  die  any  day.  His 
actions  do  reflect  wisdom,  however,  when  he  does 
something  about  being  ready  for  death.  It  is  a  bit 
difficult  to  understand  why  some  unconverted  people, 
who  have  heard  the  saving  gospel  of  Christ  preached 
all  of  their  lives,  will  stumble  toward  the  grave  totally 
unprepared  for  it.  God,  realizing  that  people  were 
dying  without  being  ready  for  death,  gave  His  Son 
that  men,  through  the  Son,  might  be  prepared.  In 
fact,  Christ  takes  the  sting  out  of  death,  and  when 
His  perfect  will  is  some  day  fully  accomplished.  He 
will  take  death  away.  But  until  that  day  man  will 
die,  and  he  is  very  wise  to  stay  ready  for  it.  Actually, 
getting  ready  to  die  is  a  fairly  simple  procedure.  If 
we  repent  of  our  sins  (Luke  13:3),  and  believe  that 
Christ  can  and  does  save  us  (Acts  16:31),  we  are 
saved;  we  are  ready  for  death. 

D.  L.  Moody,  the  revivalist  of  the  last  century  who 
snatched  thousands  of  souls  from  the  clutches  of  death 
and,  through  Christ,  gave  them  eternal  life,  made  a 
graphic,  victorious  statement  as  he  faced  death.  He 
said:  "If  this  is  death,  there  is  no  valley.  This,  is 
glorious.  I  have  been  within  the  gates,  and  I  have  seen 
the  children!  Earth  is  receding;  Heaven  is  approach- 
ing! God  is  calling  me."  What  a  victorious  way  to 
go!  We  had  nothing  to  do  with  when  or  where  we 
were  born,  and  we  will  probably  have  nothing  to  do 
with  when  or  where  we  will  die.  Nonetheless,  we  have 
everything  to  do  with  being  prepared  for  death.    • 



I  WANT  TO  REPORT  what  the 
Holy  Spirit  is  doing  in  this 
world  today.  Allow  me  to  be- 
gin with  what  we  probably  consid- 
er to  be  the  most  amazing  thing 
that  is  happening  in  this  century. 
This  that  I  am  reporting  is  little 
spoken  of,  little  publicized,  but  is 
absolutely  amazing— and  it  is  tak- 
ing place  in  Indonesia. 

Indonesia  is  a  country  composed 
of  ten  thousand  islands  with  110 
million  people.  It  is  the  fifth  lar- 
gest nation  in  the  world  and  is 
located  on  the  equator.  These  are 
beautiful      tropical      islands.     The 

height  of  the  mountains  cause 
some  of  them  to  have  a  tem- 
perate climate.  Many  are  densely 
populated,  such  as  Java,  Sumatra, 
Timor.  Celebes  and  Borneo  (Ka- 
limantan it  is  now  called)  are  not 
so  dense  with  people;  however, 
Borneo  has  a  huge  land  area. 

This  land  is  one  gigantic  mis- 
sion field.  All  of  it  is  Muslim  ex- 
cept the  Island  of  Bali.  Bali  has 
been  Hindu  for  centuries.  In  many 
of  the  islands  there  is  much  de- 
mon worship;  so  along  with  being 
Muslim,  they  have  their  fetishes, 
their  demons,  their  Satanic  mir- 
acles, and  everything  that  goes 
with  black  magic. 

Communism  became  rampant 
throughout  the  islands.  It  was  not 
discouraged  by  Sukarno;  in  fact, 
it  seems  to  have  been  encouraged 
by  him.  Many  of  the  leaders  gam- 
bled Communism  against  the  free 
world  to  see  how  much  they  could 
get  out  of  each  one;  however,  this 
type  operation  caught  up  with 
Sukarno  and  his  friends.  And 
when  the  coup  failed,  they  only 
got  five  of  the  seven  generals — 
the  other  two  leaders  escaped. 

Suharto  and  his  companion  took 
control  and  all  of  us  know  the 
record.  In  the  meantime,  hun- 
dreds and  hundreds  of  thousands 
of  the  citizens  had  been  converted 
to  Communism.  They  had  forsak- 
en their  demon  worship;  and  an- 
other strange  thing,  they  had 
ceased  to  be  Muslims  for  all  prac- 
tical purposes.  Suddenly,  they  be- 
gan to  slaughter  Communists  un- 
til several  hundred  thousand  were 
killed,  and  the  remaining  Commu- 
nists quickly  denounced  their  po- 
litical beliefs.  This  left  an 
immense  political  and  spiritual  vac- 
uum in  many  of  the  islands;  espe- 
cially, on  the  major  ones.  What 
have  been  the  results? 

Beginning  in  late  1965  and  con- 
tinuing   full    speed    in    1966,   about 

the  time  the  coup  failed,  I  began 
to  receive  reports  that  the  Spirit 
of  God  was  moving  in  an  unusual 
way  across  the  islands.  The  gos- 
pel had  been  sowed  rather  gen- 
erally in  many  sections,  but  with- 
out impressive  results.  There  were 
churches  in  many  areas.  These 
were  mainly  established  by  the 
Dutch  missionaries  when  it  was  a 
Dutch  Colony.  The  churches  were 
mainly  of  the  Reformed  tradition. 
Usually,  the  pastors  are  not  evan- 
gelistic; therefore,  the  churches 
were  rather  theologically  dead. 

There  is  an  immense  hunger 
among  the  people.  But  this  was 
not  where  the  action  was  taking 
place.  The  phenomenal  results 
were  taking  place  among  the  un- 
churched. In  Timor,  a  large  island 
located  halfway  to  Guinea  from 
Java,  where  black  magic  is  preva- 
lent, suddenly  God  began  to  raise 
up  a  few  leaders.  As  the  lay  peo- 
ple heard  the  gospel,  they  received, 
they  formed  lay  teams,  and  they 
began  to  evangelize.  At  the  last  re- 
port, there  were  seventy-two  of 
these  teams  operating  spontan- 
eously. They  are  organized  by  the 
lay  people  with  virtually  no  trained 

One  team  is  led  by  an  illiterate 
woman  who  has  a  fantastic  abil- 
ity for  memorizing  Scripture  and 
hymns.  They  agree,  "We  are  going 
to  cover  these  cities  and  towns." 
According  to  reports,  the  average 
team  is  having  one  hundred  con- 
versions per  day.  Many  are  gath- 
ering at  night  to  burn  their 
fetishes.  Their  objects  are  tangible 
and  inflammable,  and  by  burning 
them,  the  people  are  severing  their 
connections;  in  fact,  they  are  de- 
fying Satanic  forces.  For  the  in- 
dividual, this  is  a  great  risk  and 
a  momentous  step  of  faith. 

One  of  the  outstanding  practices 
is  the  fact  that  Christians  are 
meeting    between    4    and    5    a.m., 

This  report  was  given  to  the  Executive  Council  of 
the  Church  of  God  on  March  6,  1968,  by  Dr.  Clyde 
Taylor,  general  director  of  the  National  Association 
of  Evangelicals,  and  general  director  of  Evangelical 
Foreign  Missions  Association.  This  report  was  of  such 
magnitude  that  I  called  Dr.  Taylor  in  Washington 
D.C.,  to  secure  a  written  copy  for  publication  in  the 
LIGHTED  PATHWAY.  I  am  positive  that  this  article 
will  thrill  your  heart  as  it  did  each  member  of  the 
Executive  Council.  Thank  God,  the  Church  of  God 
has  a  strong  beachhead  in  Indonesia,  a  nation  of 
110  million  people.  Recently,  the  Bethel  Full  Gospel 
Church  of  God,  a  movement  of  seventy-one  thousand 
members,  amalgamated  with  the  Church  of  God.  The 
Reverend  Ho  L.  Senduk  is  our  capable  overseer  there. 
C.  Raymond  Spain 
Assistant  General  Overseer 

This  is  one  of  the  hundreds  of  churches  involving 
tens  of  thousands  of  members  in  Indonesia  that  re- 
cently amalgamated  with  the  Church  of  God. 

seven  days  a  week,  for  prayer.  The 
high  school  young  people  are  meet- 
ing in  these  early  morning  hours 
for  prayer.  One  pastor  checked  on 
the  youth  and  found  that  they  had 
a  list  of  the  sick  in  their  area; 
after  the  meeting,  they  went  out 
and  prayed  for  every  sick  person, 
and  they  saw  every  sick  person 
healed.  We  believe  God  can  heal, 
but  we  have  not  seen  it  done  in 
such  completeness. 
We  received   a  report  that  they 

were  having  resurrections  from 
the  dead,  so  we  sent  the  head  of  a 
theological  school  to  investigate. 
This  area  was  his  home,  and  he 
speaks  their  dialects.  He  knows  the 
people.  He  returned  and  stated  that 
he  was  able  to  investigate  two  res- 
urrections; as  far  as  he  was  con- 
cerned, all  as  reported  had  been 
raised  from  the  dead.  Those  who 
were  not  Christians  when  they 
were  raised  had  become  Chris- 

C.  Raymond  Spain 

He  visited  several  government 
offices  and  found  that  all  the  gov- 
ernment officials  had  joined  Gos- 
pel Teams  and  were  out  evange- 
lizing, and  no  one  was  running  the 
offices.  In  one  of  the  major  cities, 
he  asked  if  the  revival  had  had 
any  affect  on  crime.  The  people 
said,  "Look  at  the  jail,  the  door  is 
open  and  there  is  nobody  there." 
The  area  was  notorious  for  cattle 
thieves,  and  no  one  is  having  cat- 
tle stolen  anymore. 

This  is  Timor,  a  fantastic  place 
where  we  are  hearing  about  many 
of  the  miracles.  It  is  the  most 
demoniac  area  of  Indonesia.  It 
seems  that  God  and  His  power  are 
matching  Satan  and  his  power. 
One  of  the  miracles  was  as  on 
the  Day  of  Pentecost.  In  one  of  the 
cities  on  Timor,  someone  notified 
the  police  that  the  church  was  on 
fire.  They  called  the  volunteer 
fire  department,  and  when  they 
arrived  at  the  church,  the  fire  had 
vanished  from  the  roof  and  had 
now  gone  inside  the  building.  The 
people  left  all  their  fire-fighting 
apparatus  and  ran  into  the  church 
to  see  what  was  going  on.  A  prayer 
meeting — and  the  church  was  not 
scorched!  There  are  two  to  three 
hundred  witnesses  to  this.  It  rath- 
er leaves  all  of  us  wondering  what 
is  going  on. 

It  is  a  true  move  of  God  in  this 
last  day  revival.  We  discover  that 
several  things  are  notable  in  this 
tremendous  move  of  the  Spirit. 
One,  the  movement  is  a  lay  move- 
ment. It  is  not  being  conducted  by 
preachers  and  missionaries.  It  is 
being  conducted  by  lay  people.  Two, 
frequently  it  starts  with  a  cell  of 
people,  who  meet  to  pray  and  read 
the  Bible  together.  Third,  they  go 
out  proclaiming  the  gospel  which 
they  have  believed.  It  meets  every 
need  of  everybody.  If  you  are  sick, 
they  pray  for  you.  If  you  are  in 
trouble,  they  pray  until  an  answer 
comes.  The  message  they  proclaim 
is  adequate  for  every  condition, 
and  as  it  produced  results  accord- 
ing to  the  Bible  record,  it  produces 
results  for  them  in  Indonesia  to- 
day.   • 

By    BOB    LAIR 





IN  ENGLISH  WE  are  very 
careful  never  to  use  double 
negatives.  "I  don't  got  no 
candy,"  says  a  child,  and  his  Eng- 
lish teacher  immediately  scolds: 
"Two  negatives  make  a  positive, 
Johnny.  If  you  say  you  don't  got 
none,  everyone  will  think  you  do 
have  some  and  not  give  you  any." 
I  have  still  to  meet  a  person  who 
interpreted  the  child's  double  neg- 
ative as  meaning  that  he  had  some 
candy.  Nevertheless,  it  is  looked  up- 
on as  a  grievous  error  in  English 
to  use  two  negatives  together.  But 
that  is  not  the  case  in  many  other 
languages.  It  is  not  true  in  Greek, 
for  example.  In  the  New  Testa- 
ment, in  Greek,  there  are  frequent 
double  negatives.  Our  English 
translations  cheat  us  out  of  them, 
because  there  is  no  way  to  put 
these  phrases  into  English  with- 
out offending  the  English  teachers. 

For  example,  there  is  the  fre- 
quent ou-me  construction  in  Greek. 
Both  words  mean  not,  but  they  do 
not  cancel  each  other  out  and 
make  a  positive.  Instead,  they 
merely  emphasize  the  strong  neg- 
ative character  of  what  is  being 

Some  of  the  most  precious  truths 
of  all  the  Word  of  God  are  couched 
in  this  double  negative  construc- 
tion, and  that  is  why  I  think  it  so 
important  for  every  Christian  to 
know  about  it.  For  example,  in  He- 
brews 13:5,  when  the  Lord  says  to 
us,  "I  will  never  leave  thee,  nor 
forsake  thee,"  He  uses  the  double 
negative  (and,  in  the  second  clause, 
a  triple  negative).  If  we  were  to 
translate  it  literally,  word  by  word, 
it  would  read:  "I  will  not-not  leave 
thee,  nor  will  I  not-not  forsake 

It  is  difficult  to  say  what  that 
precious  truth  means  in  English. 
Here  is  God's  absolute  promise  that 
never,  under  any  circumstances  or 
for  any  reason,  will  He  leave  us; 
and  never,  absolutely  never,  will 
He  forsake  us.  The  double  negative 
underscores  the  truth  of  the  prom- 
ise and  makes  it  all  the  more  in- 

controvertible. He  will  never,  no 
never,  absolutely  not,  ever  desert 

Or  look  at  the  double  negative 
in  Jesus'  words  in  John's  Gospel: 
"I  am  the  bread  of  life:  he  that 
cometh  to  me  shall  never  hunger; 
and  he  that  believeth  on  me  shall 
never  thirst.  .  .  .  and  him  that 
cometh  to  me  I  will  in  no  wise  cast 
out"  (John  6:35,  37).  What  a 
precious  promise.  The  man  who 
comes  to  Christ  will  not-not  hun- 
ger. The  man  who  puts  his  faith 
in  Him  will  not-not  thirst.  How 
emphatic  Jesus  is. 

And  he  that  comes  to  Christ  will 
not-not  be  cast  out.  Christ  turns 
none  away.  There  is  absolutely  no 
rejection  for  any  who  come  to  the 
Son  of  God:  He  shall  not,  He  shall 
never,  He  shall  under  no  circum- 
stances cast  any  out.  Nothing 
could  be   more   certain   than   that. 

Truth  after  truth  of  Scripture 
God  italicizes,  stressing  it  by  the 
double  negative.  "I  am  the  light  of 
the  world:  he  that  followeth  me 
shall  not-not  walk  in  darkness,  but 
shall  have  the  light  of  life"  (John 
8:12).  "I  give  unto  them  eternal 
life;  and  they  shall  not-not  perish, 
neither  shall  any  man  pluck  them 
out  of   my   hand"    (John    10:28). 

"It  is  expedient  for  you  that  I 
go  away:  for  if  I  go  not  away,  the 
Comforter  will  not-not  come  unto 
you;  but  if  I  depart,  I  will  send 
him  unto  you"  (John  16:7).  "I  will 
be  merciful  to  their  unrighteous- 
ness, and  their  sins  and  their 
iniquities  will  I  not-not  remember 
any   more"    (Hebrews   8:12). 

Sometimes  men  use  the  double 
negative  in  Scripture  too,  but  they 
never  hold  to  their  promise.  Peter 
declared  that  he  would  never  deny 
Christ;  he  emphasized  his  vow 
with  the  double  negative.  But  he 
did  deny  Him. 

However,  God's  promise  is  in- 
fallible. He  tells  us  that  He  has  set 
His  Word  above  His  name.  He  can- 
not fail  to  keep  His  promises — He 
is  God!  So,  in  His  case  at  least, 
two  negatives  do  not-not  make  a 
positive.  • 



TT  WAS  A  very  ordinary  afternoon  in  September. 
I  had  driven  to  Murphy  High  to  bring  Chuck 

m  home  from  school.  While  waiting  for  my  own 
high  schooler  to  come  to  the  car,  I  stared  passively 
at  the  book-laden  students  who  filed  past  me. 

I  stared  passively,  that  is,  until  two  bright-spirited 
boys  came  into  view.  Something  about  their  rhythmic 
pace  and  the  way  that  the  larger  of  the  two  boys 
rested  his  right  hand  on  the  smaller  boy's  shoulder 
suggested  that  this  was  a  fragile  moment  that  would 
prove  to  be  meaningful. 

And  then  just  before  the  chipper-looking  duo  clipped 
out  of  sight,  I  noticed  that  the  boy  who   walked   a 

rhythmic  half  step  in  front  of  the  boy  with  the  out- 
stretched arm  did  not  shift  his  eyes  or  move  his  head 
to  the  right  or  to  the  left.  The  larger  boy  was  blind. 

Inquiries  revealed  that  the  visionless  boy's  devoted 
companion  was  his  twin  brother.  How  the  blind  boy 
came  to  be  a  student  at  one  of  the  largest  high 
schools  in  the  South  is  no  small  miracle.  Sightless 
since  infancy,  he  had  begun  his  uphill  struggle  for  an 
education  at  the  Alabama  State  Institution  for  the 
Deaf  and  Blind  at  Talladega,  Alabama,  at  the  age  of 
seven,  but  was  soon  returned  home  because  of  a  throat 
disease.  It  was  at  this  time  that  his  mother  took 
over  the  job  of  teaching  her  sightless  son  at  home. 
She  studied  braile  in  order  to  help  the  boy.  She  said, 
"In  those  early  years  we  would  study  awhile  and  then 
cry  awhile."  But  neither  the  son  nor  his  mother  ever 
gave  up  their  studies.  For  two  years  now  the  twins 
have  attended  public  school  together — the  one  with 
sight  always  guiding  the  other  about  the  thirty- 
acre  campus. 

I  have  seen  the  twins  on  their  way  to  and  from 
school  many  times  s'nce  that  day  last  fall  when  I 
first  spied  them  on  the  busy  sidewalk,  but  the  sight 
of  the  bovs  has  never  become  commonplace  or  un- 
inspiring. It  would  be  hard,  I  think,  to  determine  which 
of  the  two  boys  has  the  most  courage — the  one  who 
daily  makes  his  sightless  way  among  almost  three 
thousand  sighted  students,  or  the  other,  whose  broth- 
erly love  and  devotion  never  seems  to  run  short. 

The  presence  of  the  brothers  among  the  school 
traffic  also  brings  to  mind  the  fact  that  without  Je- 
sus, my  elder  brother,  who  daily  walks  at  my  side, 
I  would  never  find  my  way  nor  be  able  to  take  my 
place  in  the  busy  world  around  me.  "There  is  a  friend 
that  sticketh  closer  than  a  brother"  (Proverbs  18:24)  • 





PERHAPS  IT  IS  only  fiction, 
but  the  story  goes  that  the 
sign  at  a  church  rummage 
sale  read:  "Good  chance  to  get  rid 
of  everything  not  worth  keeping, 
but  too  good  to  throw  away.  Bring 
your  husband." 

Fact  or  fiction  it  is  an  amusing 
story,  nonetheless.  And  although 
it  does  not  actually  say  so,  it  would 
seem  that  the  husband  was  the 
product  for  sale.  One  wonders 
whether  an  insult  or  a  compliment 
was  intended.  As  a  husband,  I  like 
to  think  that  the  husband  was  in- 
vited in  order  to  approve  the  pur- 

chase of  certain  articles,  not  to 
mention  the  fact  that  he  may  have 
to  pay  the  bill. 

There  are  some  women  who  feel 
that  because  they  know  their  hus- 
bands so  well,  they  are  being  quite 
charitable  in  letting  him  try  to  ful- 
fill his  role  as  the  head  of  the 
house.  Yet  in  spite  of  the  fact  that 
there  are  some  failures,  I  want  to 
say  that  Mr.  Average  Husband  is  a 
decent  sort  of  fellow  and  a  good 

I  also  venture  to  say  that  Mrs. 
Average  Housewife  does  not  know 
her  man  quite  as  well  as  she  thinks 
she  does.  There  is  only  one  Person 
who  really  knows  every  man — 
every  woman,  too — and  that  is  God. 

God  knows  every  individual's 
weaknesses,  and  the  many  secret 
thmgs  that  he  prefers  to  keep  to 
himself.  Yes,  He  knows  all  about 
you.  But  in  spite  of  His  knowledge 
He  still  loves  you.  He  still  loves  you 
regardless  of  your  condition  and 
disposition.  He  loves  you  though  you 
may  have  dingy  teeth  and  cavities, 
or  no  teeth  at  all;  He  loves  you 
whether  or  not  you  have  lovely 
hands  or  detergent  hands;  He  loves 
you  even  if  you  never  wash  away 
the  gray  hair,  or  have  no  hair  at 
all;  He  loves  you  though  you  may 
have  iron  poor  blood,  or  a  midriff 

The  Lord  knows  all  about  you 
from  the  inside  out,  and  He  still 
loves  you.  It  is  not  only  the  hair- 
dresser who  knows  for  sure — God 
knows  everything.  It  is  an  incon- 
testable, important,  and  amazing 
fact  that  God  knows  all  about  you 
and  still  loves  you. 

When  all  is  said  and  done,  noth- 
ing in  this  life  really  matters  ex- 
cept that  God  loves  you  enough  to 
do  something  for  the  redemption 
of  your  soul.  He  sent  His  Son  to 

die  on  a  cross  that  you  and  I  might 
have  everlasting  life.  Simply  by 
trusting  in  Him  and  accepting  Him 
into  our  hearts  and  lives,  we  can 
be  saved  immediately — faster  than 
the  fastest  pain  relieving  ingredi- 

The  very  moment  we  tell  God  in 
prayer  that  we  are  sorry  for  our 
sins  and  accept  Jesus  Christ  as  our 
Saviour,  then  we  become  new  crea- 
tures in  Christ  (2  Corinthians  5: 
17).  Although  we  may  go  through 
life  with  all  sorts  of  physical  de- 
formities— dull  hair,  fallen  arches, 
dingy  teeth,  bad  breath,  iron-poor 
blood,  detergent  hands,  and  a  mid- 
riff bulge— when  we  are  saved,  we 
take  on  a  completely  new  nature 
which  is  part  of  God's  nature. 

In  this  new  nature  Christians  are 
enabled  to  live  a  life  of  love  and 
service.  But  far  more  thrilling  is 
the  knowledge  that  because  we 
have  this  new  nature  we  are  des- 
tined to  live  forever  in  heaven.  If 
you  want  to  eni'oy  living  for  God  in 
this  new  nature,  be  done  with 
Brand  X  (the  things  of  this 
world)  and  let  your  sins  be  washed 
whiter  than  snow  in  the  blood  of 
the  Lamb  (God's  leading  deter- 
gent) and  trust  implicitly  in 
Christ's  substitutionary  death  on 
the    cross    in    your    behalf. 

This  is  written  with  a  touch  of 
humor  to  keep  your  attention,  but 
to  ignore  the  gift  of  salvation  is 
no  joke.  One's  eternal  soul  is  at 
stake,  which  is  serious  business. 
Take  advantage  now  of  life's  most 
important  and  amazing  fact  by 
acknowledging  and  believing  that 
God  knows  all  about  you  and  loves 
you  just  the  same.  Take  God's  Son 
the  Lord  Jesus  Christ  as  your 
Saviour  and  claim  eternal  life  for 
yourself,  in  spite  of  your  unworthi- 
ness.  • 


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Short  History 
of  the 


T^  ELL  A  SOLDIER  his  helmet  is  a  basin  and  he 
will  say  amen  to  that.  It  is  not  only  his  basin, 
but  it  is  his  soupbowl.  The  word  basin  was  first 
used  in  Roman  days  with  the  Late  Latin  term 
bachinus  or  "an  eating  bowl."  Then  in  the  Middle 
Ages,  the  soldiers  of  Charlemagne  wore  cone-shaped 
metal  caps  or  helmets.  Their  word  for  this  helmet  was 
bacin  or  "a  bowl  for  the  head."  Bacin  was  changed  in 
English  and  became  "basin." 

To  besiege  a  town  once  meant  "to  sit  by  a  town." 
This  word  comes  through  the  Old  French  sieger, 
meaning  "to  sit."  Therefore,  when  the  enemy  be- 
sieged a  town,  it  literally  "sat  by  it"  until  somebody 
gave  up. 

The  bugle  was  the  horn  of  the  buffalo.  In  Roman 
times  the  word  box,  or  ox  was  a  diminutive  of  the 
word  buculus,  or  "a  young  steer."  This  Latin  word  be- 
came almost  unrecognizable  in  Old  French  as  bugle 

which  was  their  name  for  "buffalo."  And,  since  bugles 
were  then  made  from  the  horns  of  the  wild  ox,  the 
word  "bugle-horn"  was  invented.  Then  finally  "horn" 
was  dropped  and  only  "bugle"  was  used. 

The  bugle  leads  us  into  the  campaign.  A  campaign, 
or  a  series  of  military  operations,  have  usually  been 
conducted  over  fields.  The  Latin  word  for  "field"  was 
"campus"  and  the  word  campaign  comes  from  this 
word  campus  or  "the  field  of  battle." 

Now  for  some  of  the  words  describing  individual 
men  in  the  campaign.  How  about  the  colonel?  Well, 
the  word  colonel  traces  back  originally  to  the  Italian 
term  colonello  or  "the  chief  commander  of  a  regi- 
ment." This,  in  turn,  goes  back  to  the  Latin  columna, 
or  "pillar."  As  the  minister  is  the  "pillar"  of  the  church, 
so  the  "colonel"  is  the  "pillar"  of  his  regiment. 

Then  there  is  the  noncommissioned  head  man,  or 
corporal.  We  borrowed  this  word  from  the  French,  al- 
though it  is  based  on  the  Italian  word  capo,  or  "head." 
Corporals  will  be  interested  to  know  that  sergeants 
are  merely  "serving  men,"  originally  coming  from  the 
Latin  term  serviens,  or  "serving."  This  originally 
meant  that  a  sergeant  carried  out  the  commands  of 
his  superiors.  A  lieutenant  "holds  the  place"  of  an- 
other officer.  This  word  is  French  and  is  based  on 
lieu,  or  "place"  and  tenant,  or  "holdmg."  The  word 
major  comes  through  French  from  the  Latin  major 
which  meant  "greater."  And  the  lowly  private  is  one 
who  is  "deprived"  of  rank  or  office,  from  the  Latin 
privo,  meaning  "to  deprive."  From  the  Latin  genus, 
meaning  "race  or  kmd"  came  the  word  generalis,  or 
"belonging  to  the  whole  race  or  kind."  So  the  general 
of  an  army  is  so  named  because  his  command  is  of  a 
very  general  nature,  taking  in  everybody. 

The  words  ivar  and  battle  had  ancestral  parents 
that  belonged  to  two  different  languages.  Battle  goes 
back  to  the  Latin  battuo,  or  "beat,"  from  which  also 
comes  the  word  battalion.  War  comes  from  the  Old 
High  German  word  werran,  meaning  "quarrel"  or 

At  the  end  of  the  war  there  is  victory,  defeat,  re- 
treat or  surrender.  These  words  all  arrived  in  En- 
glish from  the  French  by  way  of  Latin.  Victory  comes 
from  the  Latin  vinco,  victus,  or  "conquer."  Defeat 
comes  from  dis,  or  "reversal,"  and  facio,  or  "do."  So  to 
be  defeated  is  to  be  "undone."  Retreat  is  from  re- 
traho,  re  meaning  "back"  and  traho,  or  "to  draw."  And 
surrender  came  from  the  Old  French  surrendre  which 
can  be  divided  into  sur,  "over"  and  rendre,  "to  give  up." 
We  can  go  back  further  to  the  Latin  base,  super, 
over  and  reddere,  meaning  to  "give  back." 

And  here's  the  best  word  of  all,  furlough.  To  trace 
this,  we  turn  to  verlof  which  is  an  honest  old  Dutch 
word  that  means  what  it  says,  "leave."    • 


recently  said  regarding 
Vietnam,  we  have  heard 
from  the  "hawks"  and  the  "doves." 
He  also  stated  regarding  the  riot- 
ing, we  have  heard  from  the 
"violent"  and  the  "nonviolent."  Now 
it  is  time  that  we  hear  from  the 
silent  center. 

Comparatively,  there  are  only 
small  groups  at  the  extreme  poles 
of  these  issues.  They  are  very  vo- 
cal, demonstrative,  and  aggressive. 
They  want  to  be  heard,  heeded, 
and  heralded.  Politicians  are  ca- 
pitulating to  the  biased  and  dem- 
agogic demands.  Treason  appear;, 
to  have  triumphed.  The  burning 
of  draft  cards  and  the  flag  is  go- 
ing unchallenged.  America  has 
been  diabolically  divided.  How  can 
she  hope  to  stand?  Individual 
initiative  is  being  substituted  by 
grants,  giving,  and  grabbing.  Much 
of  what  is  being  legalized  is 
brought  about  by  the  pressures 
from  the  periphery. 

What  about  religion?  The  broad 
spectrum  reaches  from  the  world- 
ly church  system  of  phony  eccle- 
siastical righteousness  to  the  sub- 
stitution of  self-righteous  rules 
declaring  a  phony  and  fanatic  sep- 
arateness.  These  groups  are  vocal 
and  determined — but  what  about 
the  silent  center? 

The  vast  majority  of  Christians 
make  up  the  silent  center.  It  is 
time  for  the  silence  to  be  broken. 
In  one  sweeping  reverberating  re- 
vival this  silent  center  could  be- 
come so  vociferous  that  the  voices 
on  the  fringe  would  be  over- 
whelmed. What  a  revival! 

From  all  sides  the  darts  of  faith- 
lessness and  fanaticism,  hopeless- 
ness and  hypocrisy,  intellectualism 
and  ignorance  have  been  shot  at 
the  silent  center.  They  would  si- 
lence and  immobilize  the  center 
with  intoxicating  exuberant  intel- 
ligence or  with  sheltered,  selfish 
success.  But  shall  the  center  re- 
main silent? 

O    Holy    Ghost,    breathe    on    us! 


The  Reverend  Walter  R.  Pet- 
titt  is  Director  of  Evangelism 
and  Home  Missions  for  the 
Church  of  God. 

Through  us,  may  the  Word  of  God 
sound  forth.  Let  it  sound  as  thun- 
der across  the  heavens,  as  the  voice 
of  many  waters,  as  the  rending  of 
mountains,  and  as  the  exploding 
of  hydrogen  bombs.  As  an  active 
volcanic  eruption  belches  out  fire 
and  molten  rocks,  activate  the 
Word  of  God  in  us  until  the  fire 
burns  "out  of  our  bones  and  into 
our  homes,  environs,  and  the 

Militant  ministers  and  members, 
rise  to  the  fray.  Bring  sound  from 
the    silence.    Shout    with    Joshua's 

host  until  the  walls  of  Jericho  fall. 
Shout  with  Gideon's  gallant  men, 
"the  Sword  of  the  Lord  and  of 
Gideon"  until  the  enemy  flees 
away.  Shout  with  the  apostles  in 
the  Upper  Room  as  the  fire  of  the 
Holy  Ghost  falls  upon  them.  Shout 
with  the  four  and  twenty  elders 
before  the  heavenly  throne, 
"Worthy  is  the  Lamb." 

Armed  with  His  Word,  arrayed  in 
His  righteousness,  the  silent  cen- 
ter must  become  the  nerve  center. 
In  every  fiber,  vein,  and  artery  of 
the  body  of  Christ,  let  there  be  a 
Pentecostal  pulsation,  a  sanctifying 
surge,  a  cleansing  confession,  a 
flowing  faith,  a  reverberating  re- 
vival— let  there  be  life. 

The  awakened  and  activated 
nerve  center — the  speaking  center, 
the  witnessing  workers,  the  talk- 
ing troops,  the  marching  poten- 
tial martyrs — is  alive.  Thev  are 
alive  in  Christ,  alive  for  Christ, 
alive  with  Christ.  Shock  waves  are 
rippling  through  the  bodv.  Move- 
ment is  being  manifested.  Strength 
is  surging.  Vocal  chords  are  vi- 
brating. Tongues  are  tingling.  Lis- 
ten, what  now  is  only  an  echo  will 
soon  thunder  like  a  tidal  wave. 

The  shackles  of  the  silent  cen- 
ter have  been  broken.  The  re- 
deemed shall  reflect  their  Redeem- 
er. Out  of  the  valley  of  silence  the 
church  shall  rise  to  speak.  She  shall 
speak  for  herself. 

Isaiah  prophesied  of  Christ,  "He 
shall  smite  the  earth  with  the  rod 
of  his  mouth,  and  with  the  breath 
of  his  lips  shall  he  slay  the  wicked. 
...  for  the  earth  shall  be  full  of 
the  knowledge  of  the  Lord,  as  the 
waters  cover  the  sea"  (Isaiah  11: 
4,  9).  Let  the  redeemed  of  the  Lord 
say  so!  Luke  says  of  the  Early 
Church,  "Therefore,  they  that  were 
scattered  abroad  went  every  where 
preaching  the  word"  (Acts  8:4). 
Likewise,  we  must  speak  up  for 
Christ.  Until  all  the  world  hears, 
may  the  saints  of  God  never  be 
silent.  • 





SINCE  MOST  OF  the  Presi- 
dents of  the  United  States 
have  been  fathers,  it  would 
be  interesting  to  know  about  some 
of  their  problems  and  how  they 
went  about  solving  them. 

Abraham  Lincoln  has  been  ac- 
cused of  being  overindulgent  with 
his  children.  Whether  or  not  that 
was  true,  we  do  not  know;  but 
there  is  no  doubt  that  he  loved 
them  dearly.  When  Willie  died,  the 
President  was  distracted  and  in 
deep  despair.  He  ordered  all  gov- 
ernment offices  closed.  This  has 
been  the  only  time  in  the  history 
of  our  nation  when  all  government 
work  stopped  because  of  the  death 
of  a  child. 

It  was  told  of  John  Tyler  that 

when  he  was  notified  of  his  elec- 
tion, he  was  playing  marbles  with 
his  boys.  He  was  the  father  of  eight 
sons  and  six  daughters. 

Theodore  Roosevelt  played  rough- 
er games  than  marbles  with  his 
children.  Their  rough  and  tumble 
games  imperiled  anyone  who  might 
be  walking  sedately  along  the 
White  House  corridors.  This  Presi- 
dent was  grief-stricken  at  the 
death  of  his  son  in  World  War  I. 
Rutherford  Hayes  is  said  to  have 
disciplined  his  children  rather  se- 
verely. There  was  no  game  play- 
ing in  their  home  before  they  went 
to  sleep,  as  there  had  been  with 
Roosevelt's  children.  They  said 
their  prayers  and  were  marched 
soberly  to  bed. 

John  Adams  has  been  called  a 
model  father.  The  example  he  set, — 
to  revere  God,  to  live  a  moral  life, 
and  to  stand  up  for  liberty— was 
an  inspiration  to  his  children.  His 
teachings  paid  off  as  his  son  also 
became  President.  This  is  the  only 
case  where  the  son  of  a  President 
has  shared  that  honor  with  his  fa- 

Grover  Cleveland  gave  much  of 
himself  to  his  children.  He  loved 
them  devotedly  and  disciplined 
them  with  patience  and  humor. 

President  Grant,  a  rather  harsh 
man  to  outsidprs.  was  gentle  with 
his  children.  William  Howard  Taft, 
a  bit  old-fashioned  in  his  ideas  of 
what  a  child  should  and  should 
not  do,  was  tender  in  enforcing  dis- 
cipline upon  his  children.  Truman 
and  Wilson  were  devoted  to  their 
children  and  even  defended  them 
after  they  were  grown. 

Coolidge  also  lost  a  son  while  he 
was  President.  His  grief  was  great. 
Besides  he  harbored  a  feeling  of 
guilt.  He  felt  that  if  he  had  not 
been  President,  the  boy  would  not 
have  been  playing  in  the  tennis 
game  where  he  acquired  a  blistered 
heel  which  became  infected  and  re- 
sulted in  his  death. 

Thomas  Jefferson  had  to  be  both 
mother  and  father  to  his  chil- 
dren. He  loved  them  so  deeply  that 
he  took  time  from  his  job  of  run- 
ning  the    country   to    teach   them. 

Martin  Van  Buren,  also  a  wid- 
ower, was  a  devoted  and  loving  fa- 
ther. He  wanted  very  much  to  see 
his  children  grow  into  honest,  up- 
right men. 

Herbert  Hoover  could  not  bear 
being  away  from  his  children. 
Wherever  he  went — Australia,  Bur- 
ma, et  cetera — he  took  his  family 
along.  This  he  did,  even  when  one 
of  his  sons  was  only  a  few  weeks 

Our  first  president,  George  Wash- 
ington, was  a  good  father  to  his 
two  step-children.  He  set  an  ex- 
ample of  right  living,  honesty, 
courage,  and  faith  for  them  to  fol- 
low. Although  he  was  known  as  the 
father  of  his  country,  he  had  no 
children  of  his  own.  • 

Chapel  Challenge 


By   RAY   H.    HUGHES,    Ed.D.,   Litt.D. 

ON  ONE  occasion  a  socialist 
was  making  a  speech  during 
which  he  declared,  "Social- 
ism will  put  a  new  coat  on  a  man." 
A  person  who  had  recently  been 
converted  spontaneously  responded 
from  the  audience,  "Socialism 
might  put  a  new  coat  on  a  man, 
but  Jesus  Christ  will  put  a  new 
man  in  the  coat."  There  are 
multiplied  thousands  of  people  who 
are  tired  of  their  present  way  of 
living  and  would  like  to  start  life 
anew.  This  is  evidenced  by  the 
thousands  who  are  lost  in  the 
crowd  each  year  for  the  purpose  of 
starting  life  over  under  an  assumed 
name.  Over  one  hundred  thousand 
people  are  missing  in  the  United 
States  of  America,  and  their  names 
are  registered  with  the  Missing 
Persons  Bureau. 

A  few  years  ago,  an  article  ap- 
peared in  an  Atlanta  newspaper  of 
a  young  bride  who  had  disappeared. 
The  owner  of  the  tourist  home, 
where  she  was  staying,  found  a 
farewell  note  from  the  young  wom- 
an which  read,  "I  am  afraid  to  die, 
but  I  am  more  afraid  to  live.  I  am 
not  a  bad  girl.  My  parents  are  re- 
spectable, God-fearing  people,  and 
my  greatest  fear  is  that  they  will 
discover  what  has  happened  to  me. 
Somehow  I  lost  my  footing,  and  I 
have  been  sliding  every  since.  If 
you  ever  get  a  chance  to  help 
someone    who   is   trying    to    get   a 


new  start,  do  so,  that  he  or  she 
may  face  the  world  with  smiling 
lips  and  fearless  heart." 

So  many  struggle  to  live  respect- 
able lives  only  to  be  disappointed. 
When  they  would  do  good,  evil  is 
present  with  them.  Their  difficulties 
stem  from  the  fact  that  they  are 
endeavoring  to  effect  a  change  in 
their  lives  by  their  own  power.  One 
often  hears  it  said,  "I've  tried  to 
live  better,  but  I  can't."  The  Word 
of  God  explains  their  dilemma. 
"Who  can  say,  I  have  made  my 
heart  clean,   I   am  pure   from   my 

sin?"  (Proverbs  20:9).  "Can  the 
Ethiopian  change  his  skin,  or  the 
leopard  his  spots?  then  may  ye 
also  do  good,  that  are  accustomed 
to  do  evil"  (Jeremiah  13:23).  In 
other  words,  man  cannot  change 
himself.  This  is  the  work  that  is 
done  through  the  transforming 
grace  of  God.  Those  who  endeavor 
to  live  right  within  their  own 
power  utterly  fail,  because  right 
living  comes  through  being  made 
a  new  creature  in  Christ  Jesus. 
Through  Christ,  man  actually  be- 
Continued  on  page  20 



The  funeral  of  Corporal  E.  Linwood  Jacobs,  Jr.  was  conducted  in 
the  North  Spartanburg  (South  Carolina)  Church  of  God  on  Febru- 
ary 18,  1968.  Linwood's  father  is  pastor  of  the  church.  The  funeral 
was  attended  by  many  ministers,  including  the  Reverend  Dr. 
R.  Leonard  Carroll,  who  was  the  executive  representative  of  the 
Church  of  God. 



\^>lollege  days  came  to  an 
abrupt  end  for  Linwood  Jacobs, 
Jr.,  when  he  received  a  call  to  the 
service  of  his  country.  A  talented 
musician  with  deep  concern  for 
young  people,  Linwood  had  planned 
to  follow  his  father  in  the  Christian 
ministry;  however,  with  this  call  to 
armed  service,  all  plans  suddenly 
seemed  to  have  been  thwarted. 

It  was  not  long  before  Linwood 
Jacobs  became  Corporal  Jacobs  on 
a  tour  of  duty  in  the  Republic  of 
Vietnam.  Letters  now  were  the  only 
link  with  home  and  friends.  In 
these  letters  Linwood  continued  to 
show  his  love  for  God's  cause.  He 
sought  to  allay  the  fears  of  his 
concerned  parents  and  tried  to  en- 
courage members  of  his  Boy  Scout 
troop  to  remain  loyal  to  their 
Christian  commitment. 

Today,  Linwood  is  gone.  On 
February  4,  1968,  he  died  in  a  field 
hospital  in  Vietnam  of  wounds 
which  he  received  in  battle.  Now 
his  letters  are  much  more  meaning- 
ful.  Here  are  excerpts  from  two  of 

Linwood's  letters:  one  to  his  Boy 
Scout  troop,  the  other  to  his  par- 

"I'll  write  again — I  promise — if 
it  takes  all  year.  I  hope  I  last  that 
long.  Pray  that  I  do.  OK?  ...  All 
of  you  should  get  uniforms  .  .  . 
and  look  like  a  unit  and  not  a 
gang.  If  you  work  you  can  get  some 
'stuff  on  it,  like  I  have  on  my  army 
uniform.  You  can  pass  your  tests 
and  earn  merit  badges.  .  .  . 

Fellas,  I've  got  my  hands  full 
here  in  Vietnam,  but  I'm  still  con- 
cerned about  the  troop.  We  have 
to  stick  together  here  in  Vietnam; 
if  we  don't  we  get  killed.  We  lost 
a  couple  of  men  the  other  day  be- 
cause they  pulled  away  from  the 
group.  The  same  thing  can  happen 
to  you.  If  you  fail  to  come  to  the 
meetings,  or  miss  the  Sunday  school 
class,  or  leave  before  the  morning 
service  on  Sunday,  that  breaks  the 
group  apart. 

I  guess  I've  yelled  enough — now 
start  moving.  .  .  try  for  my  sake,  if 
not    for    yourselves.    .    .    .    Wish    I 

could  be  with  you.  ...  I  think  of 
you  often.  .  .  .  When  you  are  be- 
ing shot  at,  you  remember  a  lot 
of  Sunday  mornings.  .  .  .  Take  my 
word  for  it. 

Your  good  friend, 

Cpl.  Linwood  Jacobs,  Jr." 

"Dear  Mother  and  Daddy: 

We've  had  it  bad  for  the  last 
week.  .  .  .  I'm  OK  .  .  .  been  through 
a  lot  though.  ...  I  need  a  few 
things  .  .  .  flashlight,  bulbs,  bat- 
teries, and  writing  paper.  .  .  .  the 
candy  and  Kool-Ade  were  good. 

Dad,  we  are  losing  our  young 
people;  you  are  the  preacher, 
something  should  be  done.  .  .  .  give 
training  courses  ....  they  need 
help  ....  contests  are  good,  but  we 
need  something  to  hold  them.  .  .  . 
I'd  help  if  I  could.  I  will  later,  only 
don't  wait  on  me.  .  .  .  Forgive  my 
lecture  .  .  .  but  I  know  what  I'm 
saying,  I've  thought  about  it  a 
lot  while  here  in  Vietnam.  .  .   . 

All   my   love, 


m  of  War 





Reprinted   from    Youth    In    Action 

by    permission 

the  weight  of  one  of  life's 
greatest  disappointments,  and 
all  Dearborn  weeps  with  you.  Flags 
were  at  half-mast  last  week  in 
tribute  to  your  loss. 

Just  the  other  day  you  bade 
your  son  good-bye.  He  was  healthy, 
manly,  ambitious,  and  anxious  as 
he  stood  at  the  brink  of  manhood. 
He  looked  so  neat  in  his  uniform, 
which  was  becoming  to  his  dignity 
and  courage.  In  that  young  man 
was  invested  your  life,  your  hopes, 
and  your  dreams.  You  were  proud 
of  him,  yet  you  wept  within  your- 
self as  you  anticipated  what  he  was 
soon  to  face. 

His  first  letter  warmed  your 
heart.  It  bristled  with  confidence 
and  reassurance.  And  then  in  the 
midst  of  your  anxieties  it  came — 
the  telegram  that  he  was  missing. 
You  hoped  in  spite  of  your  intui- 
tions, and  prayed.  Oh,  how  you 
prayed!  But  the  next  telegram  told 
the  final  news.  Uncle  Sam  had 
taken  him,  but  could  not  bring 
him  back — only  his  remains. 

Now  what?  What  can  I  say  to 
one  so  immersed  in  grief  and 
bathed  in  tears?  When  life  tumbles 
in — what  then?  Shall  we  engage  in 
futile  dialogue  of  accusations  and 
blame?  Shall  we  seek  in  vam  for 
the  answer  to  the  question,  "Why?" 
No,  that  would  only  claw  at  your 
bleeding  heart.  Bitterness  is  no 
comfort  for  sorrow. 

This  is  not  a  time  for  questioning, 
but  for  commitment.  Life  is  full 
of  mystery.  That  is  why  we  need 
faith.  Into  the  tapestry  of  life  are 
woven  many  black  threads  of  sor- 
row. That  is  why  we  need  the 
comfort  of  Christ.  Many  are  the 
unfortunate  souls  who  flounder  in 
their  doubts  and  have  missed  the 

Anchor    to    confidence    and   trust. 

We  who  have  children  immedi- 
ately identify  with  you  in  your  loss. 
We  can  only  imagine  how  painful 
the  days,  how  long  the  nights.  But 
let  me  commend  you  to  God  and 
to  the  comfort  of  His  grace.  There 
is  a  quality  about  suffering  that 
drives  us  to  God  and  forces  our 
dependence  upon  Him.  Suffering  is 
a  common  denominator  of  human- 
ity that  draws  us  closer  together  in 
sympathetic  understanding. 

We  dare  not  blame  God  for  this 
tragedy.  When  Christ  said  there 
would  be  "wars  and  rumors  of 
wars,"  He  was  not  willing  war  upon 
the  human  race.  But  He  knew  men. 
He  knew  that  man,  in  rejecting 
Christ  as  the  Prince  of  Peace, 
would  never  be  able  to  arrive  at 
peace — for  himself  or  for  his  world. 

God  would  speak  to  us  all  from 
the  holocaust  in  Vietnam.  In  these 
desperate  hours  may  the  comfort 
of  God  clothe  you.  May  the  grace 
of  God  uphold  you.  May  a  new 
dimension  of  understanding  spring 
forth  from  a  closer  relationship 
with  God.  He  is  the  Good  Shepherd 
who  cares  for  His  sheep.  He  entered 
the  valley  of  the  shadow  of  death 
with  your  boy,  and  He  weeps  with 
you  in  the  midst  of  this  debacle  of 

Human  language  fails  to  com- 
municate the  depth  of  sympathy  of 
your  friends.  But  I  pray  that  God 
may  breathe  His  Spirit  of  comfort 
through  this  inadequate  expression 
and  console  your  family  in  this 
trying  time.  "The  eternal  God  is 
thy  refuge,  and  underneath  are 
the  everlasting  arms"  (Deuteron- 
omy 33:27). 

Never  again  can  we  take  our 
freedom  for  granted  because  of 
the  supreme  sacrifice  which  your 
son  made  to  preserve  it.  • 


e  iowa  Yoim    :ouncil 

The  Iowa  Youth  Council  is  a  new 
dimension  in  youth  involvement. 
Total  Involvement!  How  can  this 
be  applied  to  a  small  Mission 

We,  the  Church  of  God  Youth 
Department  of  the  State  of 
Iowa,  perceive  that  youth  needs 
are  often  neglected  because  of 
an  ineffective  program  that 
is  not  geared  to  solve  their 
sectional  and  situational  needs, 
and  we  feel  this  neglect  causes 
many  youth  to  be  inactive  in 
the  work  of  God.  Therefore,  we 
do  establish  a  representative 
group  to  evaluate  the  present 
program,  to  suggest  ways  to 
solve  their  needs,  and  to  par- 
ticipate in  and  actively  pro- 
mote the  state  program  as 
their  representative  responsi- 
bility. The  name  of  their  rep- 
resentative group  shall  be 
called  the  Iowa  Youth  Council. 

Church  of  God  youth  are  poten- 
tially a  vibrant  giant  for  the  cause 
of  Christ.  Moving  aimlessly,  this 
giant  cannot  develop  this  potential 
to  its  fullest;  but,  with  proper 
harnessing  of  its  powers,  this  giant 
can  release  its  dormant  abilities. 
The  Iowa  Youth  Council  can  help 
meet  some  youth  needs  and,  by  do- 
ing so,  can  simultaneously  stimu- 
late a  decisive  interest  in  the 
youth  to  wholeheartedly  harness 
themselves  with  a  united  responsi- 
bility of  actively  working  for  God. 
Without  the  Council,  some  youth 
may  become  discouraged  and  in- 

To  describe  this  Council,  we  say 
it  is  to  function  as  an  advisory 
council  to  the  State  Youth  Director 
(similar  to  a  Student  Council).  It 
will  have  no  authority  other  than 
to  suggest  and  advise  activities  and 
improvements  for  the  Youth  Pro- 
gram. It  consists  of  four  represen- 
tatives from  each  district:  one 
junior — aged  twelve;  one  senior 
boy  and  one  senior  girl — aged  thir- 
teen to  marriage;  and  one  young 
adult — from  marriage  to  age  thir- 
ty. These  are  to  be  elected  by  those 
in  their  own  age  group. 

Duties  of  the  Council  include  the 
promotion  of  youth  camps,  the  pro- 
motion of  state  youth  days  and 
youth  week.  Also  its  duty  will  be  to 
encourage  a  Pioneers  for  Christ 
Club  in  each  church,  to  stimulate 
outside  interest  in  all  state  activi- 
ties, and  to  serve  as  a  council  to 
work  hand  in  hand  with  the  dis- 
trict director  on  his  own  respec- 
tive district.  They  are  to  attend 
and  promote  the  youth  rallies,  re- 
vivals, district  socials,  and  the  feel- 
ing of  unity  with  other  youth  on 
the  district. 
Installation  Service  for  the  Youth 
Council  was  held  on  State  Youth 
Day,  January  27,  1968.  State  Over- 
seer W.  M.  Horton  challenged  the 
twelve  representatives  to  dedicate 
their  lives  and  talents  to  this  task. 
Each  Council  member  knelt  and 
lit  his  candle  and  vowed  to  repre- 
sent the  grains  scattered  across 
the  vast  fields  of  farmlands  so  that 
Iowa  could  be  unified  with  a  har- 
vest of  total  involvement. 

— T.  Wayne  Dyer,  youth  director 




This  rally  was  well  planned,  ad- 
vertised, and  announced  by  each 
district  pastor — Jack  Fortner,  D.  F. 
Hart,  and  Fred  Scott.  It  was 
scheduled  to  be  held  at  the  Ro- 
chelle  Church  of  God  where  John 
Palmer  is  serving  as  pastor.  On 
January  8,  the  night  of  the  meet- 
ing the  temperature  was  below 
zero,  and  there  was  a  snowstorm. 
However,  at  7:30  p.m.,  when  the 
chairman,  Jack  Fortner,  called  the 
meeting  to  order  every  seat  was 
filled  and  extra  chairs  were  ar- 
ranged to  accommodate  the  peo- 
ple who  were  still  coming  in. 

The  meeting  was  surely  ordered 
of  God.  Twenty-three  ministers 
present  seemed  to  be  eager  to  hear 
the  message  in  word,  song,  testi- 
mony, and  fellowship.  State  Over- 
seer H.  L.  Rose  presented  the  topic, 
"Turn  No  One  Away  Hungry  and 
Be  Careful  With  the  Fragments." 
He  stressed  the  point  that  if  the 
ministry  and  laity  will  comply, 
souls  will  be  won  for  Christ.  It 
seemed  that  every  Christian  and 
minister  responded  to  the  speaker's 
proposition  and  challenge  to  begin 
that  night  winning  souls  to  Christ. 
The  altar  was  filled  and  the  sanc- 
tuary rang  with  cries  and  prayers 
to  God,  "Help  me  to  be  a  soul- 

The  visiting  ministers,  G.  W. 
Hodges  and  Vick  Fraley,  comment- 
ed that  it  was  such  a  well-bal- 
anced rally  and  was  surely  God- 

— Dale   Brown,   reporter 



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storied  Jericho,  and  the  Caves  of  Qumran  where 
the  famous  Dead  Sea  Scrolls  were  found. 

Homeward  bound,  you'll  have  a  glorious  day  in 
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Piazza  Venezia,  the  Colosseum  .  .  .  two  days  in 
London  with  guided  tours  in  the  mornings 
and  afternoons  to  browse  or  just  plain  relax. 

Get  all  the  details  from  El  Al  Israel  Airlines  or  your 
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Wednesday  departure  of  your  choice. 

'Based  on  Economy  Class  Croup  Inclusive  Tour  Fare  from  New  York. 


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AN  ANCHOR  IS  an  instrument  attached  to  a 
ship  which,  when  cast  out,  the  crew  can  de- 
pend upon  to  hold  the  ship  securely  in  one 
spot.  In  our  lives  we  have  all  sorts  of  anchors  to 
which  we  attach  our  faith. 

My  earliest  anchor  was  my  parents — and  home. 
Near  the  home  fires  and  within  the  loving  care 
of  mother  and  father,  I  felt  safe  from  all  fear  and 

As  I  grew  up  this  anchor  lightened  and  gave  me 
more  and  more  rein  until,  finally,  I  cast  it  aside 
for  another — the  love  of  the  man  I  married.  Once 
again  I  was  secure  in  the  warmth  of  home. 

Stormy  waters  came  with  World  War  II;  and  the 
death  of  my  husband,  while  he  was  in  service,  left 
my  three  daughters  and  me  without  the  strong  an- 
chor we  had  depended  upon. 

Somehow  I  made  it  through  the  teen-age  years  of 
my  children.  When  the  last  one  married,  I  was  com- 
pletely alone.  Shortly  thereafter,  I  found  love  again 
and  remarried.  That  union,  too,  was  broken  when 
death  claimed  my  second  husband. 

It  was  then  that  I  realized  how  transient  all  my 
anchors  had  been,  and  I  felt  a  vacuum  in  my  life 
that  could  not  be  filled.  In  my  groping  for  something 
to  cling  to,  I  turned  to  the  Bible.  The  Scriptures 
told  me  to  "Cleave  unto  the  Lord"  (Joshua  23:8)  and 
it  was  there  I  found  the  promise  that  "the  founda- 
tion of  God  standeth  sure"   (2  Timothy  2:19). 

It  is  only  natural  that  we  cherish  family  relation- 
ships and  take  pride  in  our  homes,  but  we  will  find 
that  all  this  is  temporal.  We  live  in  an  ever-changing 
world  where  there  are  always  events  to  break  into 
our  happiness,  or  new  occurrences  to  throw  us  into 
a  tempest  of  confusion.  It  is  then  we  need  the 
stronger  anchor  of  faith  in  Christ. 

When  we  place  all  our  faith  in  Him,  look  to  Him 
for  guidance  and  trust  all  our  cares  to  Him,  then — 
and  then  only — will  we  have  a  steadfast  Anchor  that 
will  never  let  us  down.  If  we  cling  to  Him,  it  will 
be  impossible  to  drift  entirely  away.  And  when  we 
are  faced  with  the  inevitable  trials  of  life,  we  can 
overcome  them  with  His  help. 

Trials,  discouragements,  and  disappointments  still 
come  to  me  daily,  but  the  love  of  my  Saviour 
never  fails  to  help  me  rise  above  them.  His  love  is 
all-abiding  and  His  sacrifice  was  all-encompassing. 
I  know  I  can  rely  upon  Him  as  a  spiritual  anchor 
through  all  adversities  because  "Hope  we  have  as  an 
anchor  of  the  soul,  sure  and  steadfast"  (Hebrew 
6:19).  • 




SOURCE — The  place  of  origin  or  point  of  beginning. 
POWER — i.e.,  abstract  power,  an  invisible,  intangible, 
latent  force. 


THERE  ARE  innumerable 
kinds  of  power,  divided  into 
L  three  main  branches:  spiri- 
tual, mental,  and  physical.  Each 
has  its  own  point  of  beginning. 
Spiritual  power  is  centered  in  the 
soul;  mental  power,  in  the  brain 
or  mind;  physical  power,  in  the 
earth,  sea,  and  sky.  These  three 
main  sources  contain  all  the  pow- 
ers known  to  man,  who  has  dis- 
covered the  secret  of  unlocking,  re- 
leasing, and  harnessing  the  hidden 
powers  lying  within  these  sources. 

The  result  of  these  discoveries 
brought  about  the  various  ages  of 
development  and  application,  such 
as  the  Stone  Age,  Steam  Age,  Elec- 
trical Age,  Chemical  Age,  and  now 
the  Atomic  Age. 

All  the  effects  we  see,  feel,  and 
hear  are  the  result  of  the  applica- 
tion of  this  unlocked  power  which 
is  limited  strictly  to  the  earth.  No 
one  of  these  powers,  nor  all  of 
them  put  together,  is  the  basic 
source  of  all  power. 

Scientists  tell  us  that  the  sun  is 
the  greatest  known  source  of  pow- 
er. Its  radiation  of  light  and  heat 
supports  all  life  of  every  kind  on 

this  earth.  Its  gravitational  pull  and 
magnetic  force  holds  the  earth  in 
its  place  among  the  nine  planets  in 
our  solar  system  and  in  its  orbit 
around  the  sun;  and  it  also  causes 
it  to  turn  from  west  to  east,  thus 
giving  us  night  and  day.  It  is  the 
power  behind  the  polar  deviations 
which  give  us  our  seasons  and  cli- 

It  is  true  that  the  sun  is  the 
greatest  source  of  earth's  physical 
power.  It  is  also  the  source  of  pow- 
er which  controls  all  the  other 
eight  planets  in  our  solar  system — 
from  Mercury,  the  nearest  planet 
to  the  sun,  to  Pluto,  the  planet 
fartherest  away. 

However,  even  our  giant  sun  is 
not  the  one  and  only  source  of  all 
power.  It  controls  only  one  small 
solar  system — ours.  There  are  thou- 
sands of  other  solar  systems,  many 
very  much  bigger  than  ours.  Each 
has  its  own  sun  or  source  of  gravi- 
tational and  magnetic  pull,  suffi- 
cient to  keep  its  planets  and  sat- 
ellites in  their  respective  places  and 
on  their  respective  courses.  These 
planets   or   moons   never   interfere 

with  each  other  or  with  other  solar 

This  is  a  baffling  phenomenon 
to  astronomers  and  scientists  who 
seem  to  have  no  satisfactory  an- 
swer to  this  enigma.  They  only 
have  pseudo  theories  and  vary 
widely  in  their  opinions. 

It  is  little  wonder  that  more  and 
more  scientists  and  theorists  have 
come  to  believe  in  one  supernal 
source  of  all  power — the  only  be- 
lievable answer  left.  This  supernal 
power  is  the  one  source  in  which 
are  combined  all  the  known  and 
yet  to  be  discovered  powers  on 
earth  and  in  the  sky.  Beyond  this 
the  human  mind  cannot  pene- 
trate. It  is  just  too  far  out. 

Therefore  the  only  plausible  an- 
swer which  man's  limited  mind  can 
accept,  though  he  cannot  explain 
it,  is  God. 

God  is  the  one  and  only  source 
of  all  power.  He  is  the  Creator  of 
heaven  and  earth  and  all  that 
therein  is,  as  it  is  written  in  the 
Holy  Bible. 

Read  the  story  for  yourself  in 
Genesis.  • 


A    NEW   MAN 

from  page  13 

comes  a  new  creature.  He  is  changed 
into  a  new  man.  This  is  difficult  for 
most  people  to  understand,  because, 
"the  natural  man  receiveth  not  the 
things  of  the  Spirit  of  God:  for 
they  are  foolishness  unto  him: 
neither  can  he  know  them,  because 
they  are  spiritually  discerned"  (1 
Corinthians  2:14).  It  was  even  dif- 
ficult for  Nicodemus,  a  religious 
leader  of  the  Pharisees,  to  compre- 
hend how  a  man  could  undergo 
such  a  drastic  change  as  to  be 
made  anew,  or  born  again.  His 
carnal,  fleshly  mind  could  only 
perceive  the  first  birth.  But  Christ 
explained  to  him  that  this  new  life 
is  a  life  of  the  Spirit,  and  not  a 
life  of  the  flesh.  "No  man  can  say 
that  Jesus  is  the  Lord  but  the  Holy 
Ghost"   (1  Corinthians  12:3). 

Every  unregenerate  man,  regard- 
less of  his  culture  or  refinement 
is  depraved  in  his  nature,  corrupt 
in  his  affection,  and  perverse  in 
his  will.  He  is  by  nature  a  child 
of  wrath  (Ephesians  2:3).  Jesus 
told  the  religious  leaders  of  his  day, 
who  had  not  had  a  personal  en- 
counter with  Him,  "Ye  are  of  your 
father,  the  devil."  As  distasteful  as 
it  is,  this  is  the  state  of  all  those 
who  have  not  experienced  the 
transforming  power  of  God's  eter- 
nal grace.  The  change  in  a  man's 
life  is  so  decisive,  until  he  actually 
becomes  a  new  species.  His  citizen- 
ship is  in  heaven,  and  he  is  classi- 
fied as  a  pilgrim  and  stranger  upon 
this  earth.  He  is  the  workmanship 
of  God,  created  in  Christ  Jesus  unto 
good  works.  Old  th'ngs  have  passed 
away,  and  all  things  become  new. 
He  has  passed  from  death  to  life, 
from  darkness  to  light,  from  slavery 
to  sonship,  and  from  sin  to  righ- 
teousness. What  a  transformation! 

When  a  man  becomes  a  new 
creature,  first,  he  must  put  off  the 
old  life.  Old  things  must  pass  away. 
His  old  attitudes,  ideas,  inclinations, 
affections,  and  disposition  have 
been  replaced  with  the  new.  Sec- 
ond, the  new  man  directs  his  af- 

fections and  interests  to  spiritual 
things.  His  name  is  listed  in  heav- 
en's directory,  and  his  future  home 
is  high  above  all  heavens.  His  af- 
fection is  set  on  things  above  and 
not  on  things  of  the  earth.  He  has 
crucified  the  flesh  with  its  affec- 
tions and  desires.  He  no  longer 
strives  to  fulfill  the  lust  of  the 
flesh,  but  to  please  the  heavenly 
Father  in  all  things.  The  heart 
that  was  once  set  on  this  world 
has  now  been  set  on  a  new  trea- 
sure. The  Word  of  God  says,  "for 
where  your  treasure  is,  there  will 
your  heart  be  also"  (Matthew  6: 
21).  The  new  man  has  received  a 
new  heart  which  means  that  he 
has  a  new  nature.  "A  new  heart 
also  will  I  give  you,  and  a  new 
spirit  will  I  put  within  you:  and 
I  will  take  away  the  stony  heart 
out  of  your  flesh,  and  I  will  give 
you  an  heart  of  flesh"  (Ezekiel  36: 
26).  Third,  the  new  man  has  a 
new  design  of  life. 

The  Apostle  Paul  declared  that 
before  a  change  came  to  him  he 
was  foolish,  disobedient,  deceived, 
serving  divers  lust  and  pleasure, 
living  in  malice,  envy,  and  hate.  But 
the  change  wrought  in  his  life 
changed  him  from  the  chiefest  of 
sinners  to  the  chiefest  of  the  apos- 
tles. Possibly  the  best  analogy  of 
the  change  from  the  old  to  the 
new  creature  can  be  drawn  from 
the  transformation  of  a  caterpillar 
to  a  butterfly.  The  caterpillar  goes 
through  a  change  which  causes 
him  to  put  off  his  crawling,  earth- 
bound  nature  and  gives  place  to 
a  new  and  different  form  of  life. 
He  is  changed  from  an  ugly  insect 
to  a  beautiful,  multicolored  butter- 
fly— a  strangely  different  creature. 

The  Word  of  God  is  replete  with 
examples  of  men  and  women  whose 
lives  were  transformed.  Let  us  look 
at  one  extreme  case — the  demoniac 
of  Gadara.  This  man  was  demon- 
possessed,  and  lived  among  the 
tombs  as  an  outcast  of  society.  He 
was  naked,  demented,  and  uncon- 
trollable. But  when  he  saw  Jesus, 
he  fell  down  and  worshiped  him. 
Having  Jesus  in  his  life  made  the 
difference.  A  man  who  could  not 
be  bound  with  fetters,  who  lanced 
himself  with  stones,  whose  hair  was 

dishevelled,  and  whose  fingernails 
were  like  the  talons  of  an  eagle, 
now  sat  at  the  feet  of  Jesus  Christ, 
clothed,  and  in  his  right  mind. 

Sitting  at  Jesus'  feet,  the  man 
was  right  toward  God  and  was  no 
longer  a  raving  maniac.  In  his 
right  mind,  he  was  right  toward 
himself;  he  had  the  proper  phi- 
losophy of  life.  Clothed,  he  was 
right  toward  the  public.  This  trans- 
formation cannot  come  through  an 
educational  evolution,  social  reform, 
or  through  a  better  understanding 
of  problems,  but  it  comes  through 
the  Spirit.  "It  is  not  in  man  that 
walketh  to  direct  his  steps"  (Jer- 
emiah 10:23).  Therefore,  the  new 
man  is  totally  dependent  upon  God 
for  direction.  "In  all  thy  wavs  ac- 
knowledge him,  and  he  shall  di- 
rect thy  paths"  (Proverbs  3:6).  • 

by  Matilda  Nordtvedt 

1.  When    we    take    Jesus    as    our 

Saviour  we  receive  ship 

(John   1:12). 

2.  If  we  walk  in  the  light,  as  He 

is  in  the  light,  we  have  

ship  with  God  and  His  children 
(1  John  1:7). 

3.  If    we    obey    His    commands    we 

can  enjoy  ship  with 

Him    (John    15:14). 

4.  Although     everyone     else     may 

forsake    us.    His   ship    is 

certain  (Hebrews  13:6). 

5.  The    Holy     Spirit     provides     us 

with  the  necessary  ship 

in  a  chaotic  world  (John  14:26). 

6.  Newness  of  life  depends  on  our 

ship   to  Jesus  Christ    (2 

Corinthians    5:17). 

Answers:  1.  sonship,  2.  fellowship, 
3.  friendship,  4.  companionship, 
5.    leadership,    6.    relationship. 

Proud  eyes  aglow,  he  stands  tiptoe 
To    reach    the    dark,    long    distant 

Of   a   measured  name   on   the   old 

Where  once  his  dad  stood  as  a  lad 
Heart-high   though   small  stretch- 
ing tall. 

— Dorothy   Weber 



"Get  up  all  you  sleepy  heads!" 
Mother  calls  us  from  our  beds. 
"Come  to  breakfast,  one  and  all!" 
Makes  us  hurry  down  the  hall. 

In  the  kitchen  Mother  stands 
Stirring,  watching  pots  and  pans. 
Pours  the  juice  that  sparkles  bold 
With  the  sun's  own  captured  gold. 

Now  the  waffles,  golden  brown, 
See  those  smiles  chase  every  frown. 
Amber  coffee,  bubbling  hot. 
Sun  glints  on  the  copper  pot. 

First  all  heads  are  bowed  in  prayer. 
Thanks  for  food  and  day  so  fair. 
In  the  distance  church  bells  chime. 
Sunday  breakfast — happy  time! 

— Marion  Schultz 



By  Donald  S.  Aultman 

National  Director 

Cincinnati     (Central     Pkwy.), 

Ohio    _ 

Lakeland  (Lake  Wire),  Florida  . 
Gastonla  (Ranlo), 

North   Carolina   _ _. 

Greenville     (Tremont    Ave.), 

South    Carolina    ._    

Buford     Georgia   __  , 

Pontiac,    Michigan    _ . 

Hamilton    (Princeton    Pike), 

Ohio    .„ 

Flint    (West),   Michigan 

Wyandotte,    Michigan    ______ 

Pulaski,   Virginia          _   

Jacksonville    (Garden   City), 

Florida  ....    .._   .._   _ _ 

Dolton.    Illinois  ....    _ 

Cleveland    (Mt.   Olive), 

Tennessee . 

Columbus  (Frebls  Ave.), 

Ohio _     ._    _ 

Huntsville  (Virginia  Blvd.), 

Alabama  .       ...  

Jacksonville    (Springfield), 

Florida  _..   _.   . 

Dayton    (Philadelphia  Dr.),   Ohio 
Tampa    (Buffalo    Ave.),    Florida    . 
Jackson  (Bailey  Ave.),  Mississippi 

Jesup,    Georgia . 

Lancaster,    Ohio   

Wilmington    (4th   St.), 

North   Carolina ....  __  .... 

Lemmon,  South  Dakota 

Poplar,    California  . 

Canton    (Canton   Temple),   Ohio 
Pasco,    Washington    ..  .._    _ 

Troy    (Royal    Oak),    Michigan    .... 

Rossville,    Georgia  

Dalton    (East   Morris   St.), 


Pompano    Beach,    Florida    

Paris,    Texas  _ 

St.   Louis    (Gravols   Ave.), 

Missouri  ..  ...   

Charleston,  South  Carolina 

Naples,    Florida  .._    .._   ....   . 

West  Frankfort,  Illinois  ....  _  .._ 
Sanford,   Florida    .  _..  _   .... 

Savannah   (Sharon  Park), 

Georgia  .._   _ .... 

Valdosta,    Georgia 

Woodruff,   South    Carolina  ....   .... 

Clover,   South   Carolina         _ 

Roanoke  Rapids.  North  Carolina 
Morganton  North  Carolina  ....  . 
Vanceburg,    Kentucky   ....   . 


Cahokia,   Illinois   _   _   _ 96 

Danville    (West),   Virginia   _______  95 

North   Ridgeville,   Ohio          92 

Saint    Pauls,    North    Carolina   _____  92 

West    Monroe,   Louisiana    92 

Glendale,    Arizona 91 

Cleveland    (Detroit   Ave.), 

Ohio  90 

Long    Beach,    California    _    _    _    — .  90 

Thorn.    Mississippi   ______  90 

Hurst,   Texas  ________  89 

Walhalla,  South  Carolina 88 

Lake  Worth,  Florida 87 

Washington  Park,  Illinois 87 

Fairfield,   California          .._   ....  _  _..  _  86 

Indianapolis    (West),   Indiana 86 

Aurora,    Illinois    _,    .      84 

Indianapolis    (Earle    St.), 

Indiana   _.. 84 

Norfolk    (Azalea   Garden), 

Virginia  ....   _ 84 

Austin     Indiana     ...   _ 83 

Covington   (Shepherds  Fold), 

Louisiana  ._ 82 

Salisbury,    Maryland 82 

Hatmaker,  Cincinnati 80 

Martinsville,    Virginia    _____  80 

Addison,    Alabama 79 

Elyria,    Ohio  ...    _..   _____   ._.  79 

Cumberland,   Maryland   78 

Lexington    (Loudon   Ave.), 

Kentucky  _    ....    _    _  78 

Omaha  (Parkway),  Nebraska  _  _..  .._  77 
Moose  Jaw.  Saskatchewan, 

Canada 76 

Leicester,  New  York 73 

Red    Bay,    Alabama    _____    _..  73 

Wooster,    Ohio       ... 73 

Yakima,   Washington  73 

Pelzer,   South   Carolina   .._   _..   _   _..   ... .  72 

Fremont,    Michigan     ...    71 

San   Fernando   Valley,   California  71 

Brownfleld,    Texas _    _    ....  70 

Brunswick   (Sterling),  Georgia  ....  ._.  _  70 

Salinas     California  ..    .._   ....    _..    __  70 

Johnson    City,    Tennessee    _ 70 

Somerset   (Cotter  Ave.), 

Kentucky    ... 69 

South   Lebanon,    Ohio    ....    _..   _..    _   _  69 

West  Winter  Haven,  Florida  ._  69 

Swift  Current,  Saskatchewan, 

Canada  .    _ _   _  68 

Louisville    (Pleasant  Ridge), 

Kentucky  67 

Ecorse    (Westside),    Michigan    _ _  66 

Shelby,   North   Carolina  _ 66 

Granite  Falls    North  Carolina  _ _  64 

Jackson,   Ohio     ..  ._ 64 

Robert,  Louisiana  _..  _  62 

Jacksonville,  North  Carolina 61 

New    Haven,    Connecticut    _    ....     ...  61 

Ft.  Lauderdale  (4th  Ave.),  Florida  60 

Salisbury    (Morlan    Park), 

North    Carolina  ._ 60 

Carlsbad    (9th    and    Missouri), 

New   Mexico  ....   —  59 

Flint    (Kearsley   Park),   Michigan 59 

Lawrencevllle,    Illinois _    59 

Charlottesville    Virginia 58 

Kings  Mountain,  North   Carolina  58 

North   Spartanburg,   South   Carolina  __  57 

Longwood,  Florida         56 

Uniontown,  Pennsylvania  56 

Bush,   Louisiana    ....   55 

Pueblo,   Colorado  .  .     „  _ 55 

Benton    Harbor    (South   Side), 

Michigan 54 

Decatur,    Illinois ....   54 

Garden    City,    Georgia    ....  54 

Savannah  (Garden  City),  Georgia  54 

Dayton,    Tennessee    ....    __    ....    .._    _  52 

Logan.   Illinois  52 

Donalds,  South  Carolina  51 

the  EA$Y  WAY! 




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Accordion  Corp.  of  America.  Dept.  LP-68 
5535  West  Belmont  Ave.,  Chicago,  111.  60641 


Cecil  E.  Chapin,  left,  is  Provincial  Overseer  of  Eastern  Canada. 
Omer  Henderson,  right,  pastors  London.  Ontario.  (See  article  at 

Park   Avenue,    Memphis,    Tennessee, 
Observes    National    Youth   Week 

Using  the  theme  "That  the  World 
May  Believe,"  the  Park  Avenue, 
Memphis,  Tennessee,  Church  of  God 
enjoyed  a  National  Youth  Week 
observance  that  made  a  great  im- 
pact upon  the  church. 

It  so  happened  that  the  State  Of- 
fice had  scheduled  two  services  at 
the  church  that  week  which  added 
greatly  to  the  interest.  Tuesday 
night,  a  group  of  ministers  of  the 
state  along  with  Overseer  L.  H. 
Aultman  and  Music  Editor  Connor 
Hall  introduced  the  new  songbook 
Sacred  Chimes.  This  was  a  district 
meeting.  The  singing  was  most  in- 

Wednesday  night,  the  youth 
were  in  charge  of  the  service.  Our 
guests  for  the  evening  were  Chap- 
lain Miller  and  five  inmates  from 
the  State  Penal  Farm.  The  in- 
mates brought  challenging  mes- 
sages along  with  demonstrations, 
urging  the  youth  to  live  good  and 
not  become  involved  in  the  wrong 
gang  and  crime.  This  made  a  great 
impact  upon  the  youth  of  our 

Friday  night,  State  Director  Ce- 
cil Guiles  and  Mr.  Willis  Grimm  of 
Scripture  Press  were  with  us  for  a 
Vacation  Bible  School  Clinic.  This 
was  a  very  informative  and  in- 
spirational service  and  will  be 
most  helpful  to  us  in  the  prepara- 
tion of  Vacation  Bible  School  for 
the  summer. 

A  social  time  was  enjoyed  by  all 
the  youth  on  Saturday  night.  The 

Bernice  Stout  Woodard, 
writer  of  this  Park  Avenue 
report,  is  an  outstanding 
worker  with  young  people. 
She  formerly  served  in  the 
National  Sunday  School 
and  Youth  Department  of 
the  Church  of  God. 

film  "Part-Time  Christian"  was 
shown  at  devotion  time. 

The  youth  were  in  charge  of  the 
Sunday  morning  Sunday  school 
hour  and  worship  service.  A  high- 
light of  the  Sunday  school  hour 
was  the  presentation  of  two  gifts 
to  the  Sunday  school.  Two  large 
boxes  tied  with  ribbon  were  on  the 
platform.  When  the  first  was 
opened,  Johnny  Absentee  popped 
up;  and  Johnny  the  Prospect 
came  out  of  the  second  box.  Each 
presented  their  plea  to  the  Sunday 
school.  Junior  boys  were  used  for 
this  presentation. 

The  entire  worship  was  con- 
ducted and  presented  by  youth. 
How  those  young  people  sang  and 
worshiped!  Every  heart  was  blessed 
and  challenged.  When  God  places 
His  approval  upon  services  of  this 
nature,  one  is  more  than  rewarded 
for  all  the  work  and  effort  put  into 
planning  ar  i  preparation.  Youth 
must  be  guided  in  developing  atti- 
tudes of  spiritual  values,  and 
Youth  Week  is  one  means  of  of- 
fering this  help. 

Pioneers  for  Christ  Booth 
at    the    Western    Fair 

Every  year  in  the  city  of  London, 
Ontario,  the  Western  Fair  comes  to 
town.  At  this  fair  there  are,  be- 
sides a  carnival  atmosphere,  vari- 
ous buildings  for  exhibits.  Many  of 
the  city  merchants  have  an  oppor- 
tunity to  display  their  products 
and  merchandise. 

Pastor  Henderson  went  to  the 
fair  board  to  see  if  it  would  be 
possible  for  the  London  (PFC) 
group  to  have  a  booth  and  dis- 
play their  merchandise — the  gospel 
message.  The  fair  board  told  him 
that  it  would  cost  $100  to  have  a 
booth  for  the  eight  days  that  the 
fair  would  be  in  town.  This  was 
quite  a  bit  of  money,  but  the  pas- 
tor said  that  he  would  let  them 
know.  After  presenting  the  cost  to 
the  church  at  prayer  meeting  that 
night  it  seemed  that  the  church 
would  not  be  able  to  have  a  booth 
that  year.  However,  the  Lord  sure- 
ly had  His  hand  in  it  all,  for  an 
anonymous  donor  provided  the 
$100,  and  the  church  was  able  after 
all  to  have  a  booth. 

As  an  added  attention  getter  for 
the  booth,  we  offered  a  lovely  fam- 
ily Bible  to  one  of  the  persons  who 
stopped  at  the  booth.  On  the  last 
night  of  the  fair,  a  drawing  was 
held,  and  the  Bible  was  presented 
to  a  young  girl  from  London.  We 
believe  it  will  prove  to  be  one  of 
the  most  valuable  gifts  she  could 
ever  receive. 

In  an  approximate  estimate, 
there  were  40,000  tracts  and  pam- 
phlets handed  out  to  those  who 
passed  our  booth.  Each  of  these  was 
stamped  with  the  name  Church  of 
God  and  gave  a  brief  introduction 
to  our  church — what  we  do  and 
what  we  believe. 

We  anticipate  greater  success 
next  year.  Certainly,  if  one  soul 
could  be  reached  through  our  ef- 
forts here  it  will  be  well  worth  it 

—Pastor  Omer  Henderson 





Bedford  Smith,  97  Devonshire,  Ypsilanti,  Michigan.  Married,  major  in 
Biblical  education,  ready  for  full-time  ministerial  appointment  in 
August.  Would  prefer  work  in  Western  States;  would  prefer  to  pastor. 
Wife  will  possibly  work  outside  the  home.  Wife's  qualiilcations:  Secre- 
tarial  training,  sings,   plays  piano. 

►  Robert  Evans  Hinson,  Route  2,  Warsaw,  Virginia  22572.  Licensed  minis- 
ter, single,  major  in  Biblical  education,  ready  for  full-time  ministerial 
appointment  June  1.  Would  prefer  working  in  Virginia,  Maryland, 
D.C.,  Delaware;  would  like  to  serve  as  pastor,  associate  pastor,  or 

Louis  G.  Hulsey,  Route  3,  Box  5025  Apache  Junction,  Arizona.  Licensed 
exhorter,  married,  major  in  Biblical  education  ready  for  full-time 
ministerial  appointment  immediately.  Would  prefer  working  in  ex- 
treme West;  would  prefer  to  pastor;  has  interest  in  musi^.;  has  pas-' 
tored  for  fifteen  months.  Wife  does  not  plan  to  work  outside  the 
home.  Wife's  qualifications:  College  freshman,  piano  and  voice  train- 
ing, youth  activities  speaker. 

Robert  A.  Crick,  1969  Young  Road,  Chamblee,  Georgia.  Single,  majoi 
in  Biblical  education,  ready  for  full-time  ministerial  appointment  in 
June.  Would  prefer  to   be  an  associate  pastor  or  evangelist. 

Douglas  M.  Laughridge,  633  26th  Street,  S.  W.,  Hickory,  North  Carolina. 
Married,  major  in  Christian  education,  ready  for  full-time  ministerial 
appointment  June  1.  Would  prefer  to  work  as  Christian  education 
director.  Wife  will  work  outside  the  home.  Wife's  qualifications:  One 
year    of    college,    secretary,    plays    the    piano. 

►  Gary  D.  Vincent,  316  Park  Avenue,  New  Castle,  Indiana.  Married, 
major  in  music,  ready  for  full-time  ministerial  appointment  in  June. 
Would  prefer  to  be  a  director  of  music.  Wife  expects  to  work  outside 
the  home.  Wife's  qualifications:  AA  degree  (secretarial);  plays  the 

Richard  Beatty,  Route  2,  Vandergrift,  Pennsylvania  15690.  Licensed 
exhorter,  single,  major  in  biblical  education,  ready  for  full-time 
ministerial  appointment  May  26.  Would  prefer  work  in  Pennsylvania 
for   the    summer;    would    prefer    to    pastor. 

►  Marvin  J.  Smith,  Box  261,  Pinetops,  North  Carolina  27864.  Licensed 
minister  married,  major  in  Biblical  education,  ready  for  full-time 
ministerial  appointment  September  1.  Would  prefer  to  evangelize; 
would  prefer  to  work  in  New  Jersey;  pastored  for  two  years.  Wife 
does  not  plan  to  work  outside  the  home;  will  work  with  husband  in 
his  ministerial  services.  Wife's  qualifications:  B.A.  degree  in  Christian 
Education,  licensed  exhorter. 


What  is  it  that  the  pear  preserves? 
What  is  it  the  ham  hocks? 
Oh,  is  the  oyster  dressing  still? 
And  will  the  cracker  box? 
Who  is  it,  please,  that  candy  bars? 
And  what  does  coffee  break? 
What     garments     will     the     onion 

And  what  does  milk  shake? 
And  when  will  the  fruit  bowl? 
Oh,  why  would  any  strawberry  pop? 
What  listing  does  the  carrot  top? 
And    what,    please,    does    a   lemon 


— Grace  V.   Watkins 


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HAVE  YOU  EVER  sung  the 
old  hymn  in  which  one  of 
the  lines  goes  like  this, 
"God  moves  in  mysterious  ways  His 
wonders  to  perform"?  Look  around 
you  and  see  the  beautiful  out- 
doors, the  trees,  the  shrubs,  and 
the  wild  flowers — these  all  started 
from  seeds.  It  is  one  of  God's  won- 
ders to  see  how  seeds  are  scattered 
and  how  they  then  grow  and 
clothe  the  earth  with  greenery. 

The  four  main  carriers  of  seeds 
are  wind,  water,  birds,  and  people. 
Some  of  the  wind-carried  seeds, 
such  as  those  of  the  elm  and  maple 
trees,  are  called  keys  and  are  fa- 
miliar to  all  of  us.  The  keys  are 
like  thin  wings  which  help  the 
seeds  to  fly  for  long  distances.  Dan- 
delions, lettuce,  and  many  this- 
tles have  parachute  seeds  that  have 
spreading  tufts  of  hair  at  one  end. 
These  tiny  seeds  are  lifted  from 
the  plant  by  the  breeze  and  then 
float  far  away.  The  seeds  of  the 
ground-cherry  grow  in  paper-like 
cases  resembling  small  balloons 
that  drift  in  the  wind  for  long 

Rivulets  of  water  running  off 
fields  after  a  rainstorm  carry 
many  seeds.  Storm  sewers  and  irri- 
gation channels  are  also  seed  car- 
riers. Many  seeds  are  lighter  than 
water  and  float  easily.  Some  seeds 
have  a  sort  of  envelope  covering 
them,  which  contains  air  and  helps 
them  to  float  like  little  life  pre- 
servers. Sometimes  a  seed  may  be 






carried  by  water  for  only  a  few 
feet,  and  then  again  a  seed  may 
be  carried  by  a  great  river  from 
one  end  of  our  country  to  the  other. 

Blue  jays,  crows,  and  wood- 
peckers often  carry  large  seeds 
away  to  store  for  the  winter.  Some- 
times they  forget  where  they  left 
these  seeds,  and  they  are  left  to 
grow.  Birds  enjoy  the  fleshy  ber- 
ries of  the  red  cedar  tree.  Many 
of  the  seeds  are  dropped  by  the 
birds  especially  along  the  fences 
where  the  birds  perch  to  eat.  Some- 
times you  will  see  a  whole  long 
row  of  cedar  trees  along  a  fence 
out  in  the  country  where  they  have 
been  "planted"  by  the  birds. 

People,  of  course,  carry  seeds  all 
over  the  world.  Sometimes  this  is 
done  by  accident  and  sometimes 
purposely.  You,  yourself,  have 
probably  planted  vegetable  or 
flower  seeds  in  a  garden.  One  man 
who  spread  large  amounts  of  seeds 
is  someone  with  whom  almost  ev- 
eryone is  familiar.  An  American 
pioneer,  Johnny  Appleseed,  whose 
real  name  was  John  Chapman 
wandered  for  forty  years  through 
Ohio,  Illinois,  and  Indiana  helping 
settlers  to  plant  and  care  for  ap- 
ple trees. 

Another  man  who  has  spread 
seeds  in  many  parts  of  the  world 
is  Aloysius  Mozier,  a  seaman  on  an 
American  freighter.  He  was  a  ma- 
rine in  the  Second  World  War  and 
saw  people  suffering  from  a  lack 
of  food.  He  decided  to  help  by  sup- 
plying these  hungry  people  with 
seeds  with  which  to  grow  their 
food.  When  his  ship  docked  in  the 
United  States,  he  bought  many  veg- 
etable seeds  and  then  when  his  ship 
docked  in  a  foreign  port,  he  dis- 
tributed the  seeds.  Mr.  Mozier  has 
distributed  millions  of  packages  of 

Wind,  water,  men,  and  birds 
scatter  seeds  all  over  our  earth. 
Then  aided  by  sun  and  rain,  the 
seeds  grow.  When  you  look  out 
your  window  and  see  beauty  grow- 
ing everywhere,  thmk  about  the 
wonder  of  it  all  and  the  truth  of 
these  old  words — "God  moves  in 
mysterious  ways  His  wonders  to 
perform."  • 



Quiet  Ones 
In  Our  Church 


Kaye  Compton 

T  AREN  LYNNE  COMPTON  was  there  all  the 
r\  time.  She  attended  Sunday  school  regularly. 
She  participated  in  YPE  programs.  She  nod- 
ded and  smiled  and  greeted  everyone  warmly,  but  it 
took  a  Youth  Week  for  pastor  and  church  to  really 
notice  Kaye. 

Activities  got  under  way  on  Monday  night  with  a 
visiting  youth  choir.  Tuesday  night  was  set  aside  for 
the  Juniors,  and  Wednesday  was  to  be  adult  appre- 
ciation night — a  service  in  which  each  young  person 
had  the  privilege  of  honoring  an  adult  with  a  testi- 
monial and  a  red  rose.  It  was  all  good,  and  I  noted 
with  satisfaction  that  the  Youth  Activities  Committee 
had  planned  well. 

Then  came  talent  night.  There  were  a  few  solos,  a 
trio,  and  some  musicals.  After  that,  Kaye. 

She  was  fourteen,  that  attractively  awkward  age; 
and,  even  in  the  dim  lighting  of  the  sanctuary,  we 
could  see  the  rosy  blush  of  her  cheeks  as  she  apol- 
ogized for  not  being  able  to  sing  or  play  the  piano. 
Kaye  held  up  a  water  color  painting.  It  was  a  land- 
scape dominated  by  an  old  but  productive  tree  with 
children  lolling  beneath  and  radiating  summer  bliss. 
An  appreciative  sigh  passed  gently  through  the  con- 

Next  came  a  mosaic  entitled,  "Court  Jester,"  a  still 
life  floral  arrangement,  a  lady  in  blue,  a  number  of 
pencil  etchings  of  young  people  in  the  church,  and  a 
lovely  geometric  design  made  from  thread. 

"Well,  that's  about  all,"  Kaye  said.  She  shrugged 
her  shoulders,  looked  anxiously  through  long  eye- 
lashes at  the  audience  which  had  been  forgotten  in 
the  joy  of  revealing  her  heart's  work,  and  walked  off 
stage  to  a  rousing  applause. 

Of  course,  Kaye  won  first  place  that  night  but, 
more  important,  the  church  and  I  discovered  some- 
thing. Talent  comes  in  many  patterns,  and  it  must  be 
ferreted  out. 

Oddly,  Kaye's  church  was  the  last  to  discover  her 
unusual  ability.  Her  family  knew,  her  grandparents, 
even  her  school  and  her  friends — but  her  church  did 
not  know. 

Kaye  developed  a  penchant  for  art  at  an  early  age. 
Her  penciled  sketches  caught  the  attention  of  a  pub- 
lic school  teacher.  In  the  seventh  grade  she  entered 
an  art  contest  and  won  three  honorable  mentions  as 
well  as  first  prize  for  her  court  jester.  The  next  year 
she  picked  up  two  more  honorable  mentions,  the  first 
prize  for  water  colors,  and  she  walked  off  with  the 
annual   art  award  from  Robert  E.  Lee  Junior   High. 

Kaye  is  a  member  of  the  Church  of  God  in  North 
Danville,  Virginia.  She  loves  the  Lord  and  is  often 
found  praying  around  the  altar  with  other  young 
people.  Her  hobbies  are  painting,  art,  and  reading. 
An  honor  student,  she  is  attractive,  modest,  and 
blessed  with  graces  that  come  only  with  good  family 

What  if  we  had  not  found  Kaye?  What  if  the 
church  had  never  looked? 

And  what  of  the  other  quiet  ones  that  fill  our  pews 
and  our  churches  weekly?  Is  the  world  to  find  and 
use  them?  Or,  will  we? 

A  sobering  question,  is  it  not? 

It  could  well  be  that  if  we  look  more,  we  will  find 
more.  • 




Daily  Devotions  for  Christian  Teens        devotional  guide  for  june 

Instructions:  Read  the  assigned  Bible  chapters  or 
verses.  Think  on  the  message  and  consider  the  de- 
votional comments.  Pray  for  the  designated  person  or 

Devotions  in  Romans.  Writer:  The  Apostle  Paul,  a 
letter  written  from  Corinth  to  the  Romans.  Date 
written:  A.D.  57,  58.  Purpose:  To  introduce  him- 
self, his  message  of  justification  by  faith,  and  the 
life  of  love  that  justification  by  faith  provides. 

SATURDAY,  June  1,  Read:  Chapter  1.  Think:  A  firm 
stand  against  current  trends,  when  they  are  con- 
trary to  purity  and  honesty,  is  one  way  a  teen- 
ager can  reveal  that  he  is  not  ashamed  of  the  gos- 
pel of  Christ  (v.  16).  Pray:  For  holy  wisdom  to  guide 
you  in  determining  what  fads  and  trends  to  endorse 
and  which  ones  to  reject. 

SUNDAY,  June  2,  Read:  Chapter  2.  Think:  It  is  im- 
possible for  a  young  person  to  be  an  effective  and  a 
complete  Christian  unless  he  practices  what  he  pro- 
fesses (v.  21).  Pray:  For  a  happy  home  and  for  for- 
wardness to  employ  Christian  principles  in  homelife 

MONDAY,  June  3,  Read:  Chapter  3.  Think:  Should  a 
believer's  position  in  Christ  lead  him  to  reflect  a 
boastful  or  a  thankful  attitude  (v.  27)?  What  does  a 
boastful  spirit  indicate?  Pray:  Seek  for  guiding  spir- 
itual principles  to  help  you  develop  a  genuine  Chris- 
tian disposition  of  humility  and  meekness. 

TUESDAY,  June  4,  Read:  Chapter  4.  Think:  Like 
Abraham,  a  teen  believer  should  be  fully  persuaded 
that  what  God  has  promised,  He  is  also  able  to  per- 
form (v.  21).  List  two  of  His  promises  to  you.  Pray: 
For  foreign  missionaries;  for  their  work,  health,  and 

WEDNESDAY,  June  5,  Read:  Chapter  5.  Think:  Tribu- 
lations (trials)  help  a  person  to  develop  patience  (v. 
3);  he  learns  to  wait  on,  and  to  trust  in,  the  Lord. 
Pray:  For  patience  in  dealing  with  your  unsaved 
friends,  your  brothers  and  sisters,  and  your  class- 

THURSDAY,  June  6,  Read:  Chapter  6.  Think:  What 
is  the  difference  between  the  wages  of  sin  and  the 
gift  of  God  (v.  23)?  Does  this  apply  to  both  teen- 
agers and  adults?  Pray:  For  Houston  R.  Morehead, 
national  conference  and  Bible  teacher,  and  for  the 
fruitful  planning  of  summer  camp  meetings. 

FRIDAY,  June  7,  Read:  Chapter  7.  Think:  Marriage  is 
a  binding  lifetime  contract  (w.  2,  3).  A  dating  code 
will  assist  you  in  the  wise  selection  of  a  future  life- 
time companion.  Pray:  For  foresight  to  prepare  a 
dating  code  of  conduct  and  for  fortitude  to  abide 
by  it. 

SATURDAY,  June  8,  Read:  Chapter  8.  Think:  God  has 
promised  that  He  will  direct  you  in  the  right  course 
to  follow  when  you  face  a  questionable  policy  or 
practice  (v.  14).  Pray:  Pause  before  the  Lord — be 
willing  to  be  led:  "I'm  ready  to  do  your  will,  Lord!" 

SUNDAY,  June  9,  Read:  Chapter  9,  Think:  There  is 
a  difference  in  questioning  God  and  in  seeking  spir- 
itual understanding  (v.  20).  Where  should  the  line  be 
drawn?  Pray:  For  Church  of  God  National  Evange- 
lists— Gilbert  Scotti,  Douglas  Morgan,  and  Fred  Jer- 

MONDAY,  June  10,  Read:  Chapter  10.  Think:  A  Chris- 
tian witness,  who  has  a  zeal  for  God  without  knowl- 
edge, can  turn  the  unsaved  away  from  Him  instead 
of  to  Him  (v.  2).  Pray:  For  the  Pioneers  for  Christ 
training  program  and  the  outreach  endeavors  of  lo- 
cal  clubs. 

TUESDAY,  June  11,  Read:  Chapter  11.  Think:  God 
will  always  have  a  corp  of  faithful  teen-agers  who 
will  not  bow  down  to  the  idols  of  the  world  (v.  4). 
Pray:  For  the  teen-agers  in  your  local  church;  for 
their  faith,  social  life,  and  spiritual  growth. 

WEDNESDAY,  June  12,  Read:  Chapter  12.  Think:  List 
three  things  that  a  teen-ager  must  do  in  order  to 
present  his  body  a  living  sacrifice  to  the  Lord  (v.  1). 
Pray:  For  the  molding  and  shaping  work  of  local 
Sunday  schools  and  for  youth  leaders. 


THURSDAY,  June  13,  Read:  Chapter  13.  Think:  The 
school  principal,  teachers,  and  city  officials  should 
be  respected  because  of  their  positions  of  honor  and 
service  (v.  7).  Pray:  For  Dr.  Charles  W.  Conn,  gen- 
eral overseer  of  the  Church  of  God,  and  his  assis- 
tants: Dr.  Leonard  Carroll,  C.  Raymond  Spain,  and 
Dr.  Ray  H.  Hughes. 

FRIDAY,  June  14,  Read:  Chapter  14.  Think:  A  teen 
believer — if  his  life  is  to  be  well-adjusted — must  rec- 
ognize and  respect  the  convictions,  the  living  pat- 
terns, and  the  rights  of  others  (v.  7).  Pray:  For 
spiritual  soberness  in  evaluating  the  stand  and  the 
beliefs  of  fellow  church  workers. 

SATURDAY,  June  15,  Read:  Chapter  15.  Think:  When 
you  believe  that  a  certain  activity  or  practice  is  spir- 
itually legitimate,  how  can  you  help  bear  the  in- 
firmities (doubts  and  fears)  of  those  who  consider 
it  to  be  wrong  (v.  D?  Pray:  For  those  persons  in  the 
local  church  who  seem  to  be  having  difficulty  in  liv- 
ing a  sound  Christian  life. 

SUNDAY,  June  16,  Read:  Chapter  16.  Think:  How 
should  we  treat  persons  who  cause  Christian  di- 
vision and  who  continually  argue  about  doctrine  (v. 
17).  Pray:  For  your  teen-age  friends  who  are  experi- 
encing difficulty  in  getting  squared  away  with  what 
they  believe. 

Devotions  in  First  Corinthians.  Writer:  The  Apostle 
Paul,  a  letter  written  to  the  church  he  founded  at 
Corinth.  Date  written:  A.D.  55,  56.  Purpose:  To  answer 
disturbing  questions  and  to  correct  errors  and  evils 
in  the  church  that  had  been  reported  to  him. 

MONDAY,  June  17,  Read:  Chapter  1.  Think:  Harmony 
in  doctrine  and  actions  among  Christians  provide  a 
solid  stand  against  the  attacks  of  Satan  (v.  10).  Pray: 
For  social  peace  in  the  community,  and  for  spiritual 
peace  in  the  church. 

TUESDAY,  June  18,  Read:  Chapter  2.  Think:  List  two 
ways  that  the  Holy  Spirit  serves  as  a  teacher  (vv.  10, 
11).  Pray:  For  the  success  of  Church  of  God  state 
youth  camps;  for  their  faith-building  and  fellowship 

WEDNESDAY,  June  19,  Read:  Chapter  3.  Think:  Jeal- 
ousy and  quarrelsomeness  among  teen  believers  indi- 
cate spiritual  immaturity  (vv.  1,  2).  Pray:  Request 
assistance  to  display  the  marks  of  a  mature  child  of 
God — kindness,  unity,  and  concern. 

THURSDAY,  June  20,  Read:  Chapter  4.  Think:  What 
did  Paul  mean  when  he  said,  "I  beseech  you,  be  ye 
followers  of  me"  (v.  16)?  Should  we  follow  experi- 
enced Christian  leaders?  Pray:  For  grace  to  be  a  good 
follower,  and  for  grit  to  develop  leadership  qualities. 

FRIDAY,  June  21,  Read:  Chapter  5.  Think:  A  Chris- 
tian teen-ager  is  identified  with  those  with  whom  he 
keeps  company.  Select  companions  carefully  (v.  ID. 
Pray:  For  three  of  your  close  friends  who  are  not 
Christians.  Call  their  names  aloud. 

SATURDAY,  June  22,  Read:  Chapter  6.  Think:  What 
"protection  pattern"  regarding  sexual  purity  is  set 
forth  in  verse  18?  Pray:  Your  body  is  the  temple  of 
the  Holy  Ghost.  Purpose  to  keep  it  clean,  consecrated, 
and  under  control. 

SUNDAY,  June  23,  Read:  Chapter  7.  Thmk:  It  is  im- 
portant that  a  young  person  ponder  God's  demands 
on  his  life  before  he  repeats  the  vows  of  matrimony 
(vv.  32,  33).  Pray:  For  the  guidance  and  discussion 
programs  of  the  local  Family  Training  Hour  (YPEi. 
MONDAY,  June  24,  Read:  Chapter  8.  Think:  If  an- 
other Christian  thinks  a  certain  activity  is  wrong— 
and  you  see  no  harm  in  it — should  you  go  ahead 
and  indulge  in  it  (v.  9)?  Pray:  For  spiritual  aware- 
ness and  for  a  glow  to  reflect  a  true  Christlike  dis- 

TUESDAY,  June  25,  Read:  Chapter  9.  Think:  What  are 
the  benefits  of  being  temperate  in  "all  things"  <v. 
25)?  Pray:  For  the  work  of  local  temperance  or- 
ganizations who  wage  a  battle  against  the  use  of  al- 
coholic beverages. 

WEDNESDAY,  June  26,  Read:  Chapter  10.  Think: 
There  is  a  difference— a  dividing  difference— between 
trusting  in  Christ  and  self-confidence  (v.  12).  Pray: 
For  the  spiritual  impact  of  state  camp  meetings. 
THURSDAY,  June  27,  Read:  Chapter  11.  Think:  Do 
customs  or  traditions  have  a  place  in  worship  (v. 
16)?  Support  your  conclusion.  Pray:  Spend  your  en- 
tire prayer  session  in  praise  and  thanksgiving  to  God. 
FRIDAY,  June  28,  Read:  Chapter  12.  Think:  What  is 
your  interpretation  of  verse  31,  "But  covet  earnestly 
the  best  gifts"?  Pray:  For  George  Alford  and  Jim  O. 
McClain,  missions  representatives,  and  the  world- 
wide missions  ministry  of  the  Church  of  God. 
SATURDAY,  June  29,  Read:  Chapters  13  and  14. 
Think:  "And  now  abideth  faith,  hope,  charity  .  .  .  but 
the  greatest  of  these  is  charity  [love]"  (v.  13).  Pray: 
For  the  children  in  South  Vietnam  who  have  been 
made  homeless  as  a  result  of  the  conflict  there. 

SUNDAY,  June  30,  Read:  Chapters  15  and  16.  Think: 
A  teen-ager  should  give  in  the  church  collection  in 
relationship  to  his  ability  and  gratitude  (vv.  1,  2). 
Pray:  For  the  financial  needs  of  your  local  church 
and  for  willingness  to  accept  stewardship  responsi- 


Within   the   quiet   of   an   hour 
Where   one  can  be   alone   with   God, 
The   heart   may   find    a   greater   power 
To  walk  the  roadway  one  must  trod. 

One    finds    a    comfort,    strength,    and    balm. 
Surcease  from  selfishness  and  greed, 
For  in  such   peacefulness   and   calm 
Is  fed  a  deep  and  vital  need. 

— Roy    Z.    Kemp 

just   publ 













About  the  Author 

William  S.  Deal,  author  of  Baker's  Pictorial 
Introduction  to  the  Bible  is  the  recognized  au- 
thor of  over  20  published  books.  He  has  traveled 
extensively  in  the  United  States  and  abroad,  and 
has  almost  immortalized  himseuf  in  the  hearts 
and  minds  of  those  who  have  heard  him  lecture 
and  preach. 

Dr.  Deal  received  his  higher  education  at  Tay- 
lor University,  University  of  North  Carolina,  and 
the  University  of  Oregon.  He  is  an  ordained 
minister  in  the  Pilgrim  Holiness  Church  and  was 
formerly  president  of  the  El  Monte  Bible  Col- 
lege in  El  Monte,  California. 

from  the  Preface 

by  Senator  Mark  O.  Hatfield 

"The  whole  purview  of  Baker's  Pictorial  Intro- 
duction to  the  Bible  is  an  acknowledgment  that 
God  sovereignly  lives  and  acts  today.  It  assumes 
the  integrity  and  authority  of  the  canon  of  sacred 
Scriptures.  It  is  indeed  unlikely  that  one  could 
overstate  the  importance  of  such  a  perspective. 
We  still  face  today  the  pseudo-intellectural 
whose  creed  is  academic  disbelief.  Such  a  person 
will  affirm  that  God  does  not  exist,  that  the 
Bible  is  unreliable,  or  that  Jesus  Christ  immor- 
talized Himself  in  institutions,  rather  than  allow- 
ing that  Christ  is  alive  today  and  ruling  in  the 
hearts  of  regenerate  men  as  their  Savior  and 

Baker's  Pictorial 
To  The  Bible 

by   WILLIAM   S.    DEAL 
Introduction  by    SENATOR    MARK    O.    HATFIELD 

This  readable  introduction  to  the  Bible  provides  concise  in- 
formation about  each  of  the  sixty-six  books  of  the  Bible.  Its 
popular  and  nontechnical  style  makes  it  the  ideal  aid  toward  a 
better  understanding  of  who  wrote  each  book,  when  it  was  writ- 
ten, to  whom  it  was  written,  and  the  particular  circumstances 
surrounding  its  writing.  Special  emphasis  is  placed  on  the  great 
stories  and  truths  which  each  book  contains. 

The  description  of  each  book  of  the  Bible  appears  in  the  same 
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the  running  heads  at  the  top  of  each  page.  The  pithy  commentary 
on  each  book  helps  to  make  any  passage  of  Scripture  more 

Throughout  this  guide  to  the  Bible,  the  author  unabashedly 
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reliability  of  the  Bible. 

The  great  variety  of  pictures  helps  to  make  the  book  interest- 
ing; they  team  up  with  the  text  to  enlighten  the  reader  on  the 
background  of  each  book  in  the  Bible  Included  are  pictures  of 
Bible  lands  as  they  appear  today,  archaeological  discoveries,  re- 
enactments  of  modern  sculptors  and  painters. 

1     ORDER  HERE 


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's   Pictorial    Introduction   to   the    Bible   by   William    S.        § 
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There  are  stories  that  little  children  love  and  enjoy, 
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Published  monthly  at  the  Church  of  God  Publishing  House, 
Cleveland.  Tenn.  All  materials  intended  for  publication  in  the 
LIGHTED  PATHWAY  should  be  addressed  to  Clyne  W.  Buxton. 
Editor.  All  inquiries  concerning  subscriptions  should  be  addressed 
to  Bookkeeping  Department,  Church  of  God  Publishing  House. 
Cleveland.  Tennessee  37311. 

Postmaster   send   Form    3579   to   LIGHTED    PATHWAY,    P.    O.    Box 
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Ofr«CATH3tOI>€CrtJRCHClf  000  WXJHG  PKX1.ES  £NOC*OR        *^ 

JULY,    1968 
Vol.    39,    No.    7 



Spotlight  on  the  Signers 

Born  Free 

Honor  to  Whom  Honor 

Is  Due 

Awake,  O  America! 

A  Circle  of  Love 

Beating  the  Air 

I  Didn't  Feel  a  Thing 

The  Fear  of  the  Lord 

Apartment  20  Occupant 

The  Make-Believe  Days 

It  Is  Enough 

Changing  Times  and 

Changeless  Truth 

The  Silent  Heroines  of 

the  Church 

European  Servicemen 

Family  Training  Hour 




Advance  Daily  Devotions 

for  Christian  Teens 


Clyne  W.  Buxton 

Lewis  J.  Willis 

Chloe  Stewart 

JoAnn  Humbertson 

H.  Bernard  Dixon 

E.    C.    Thomas 


Donald  S.  Aultman 
Margie  M.  Kelley 
Walter  R.  Pettitt 


Bobbie  May  Lauster 

Margaret  Gaines 

Denzell  Teague 

Ruth  Crawford 

Martha  Ann  Smith 


Thomas  Grassano 
Cecil  R.  Guiles 


Clyne  W.  Buxton 
Vincent  Edwards 
Irene  Belyeu 

E.  O.  Byington 
Roy  H.  Hughes 
Pauline  Rothrauff 
A.  M.  Long 
Muriel  Larson 
Mont  Hurst 
Grace  Cash 
Mrs.  K.  W.  Haglund 
Mildred  J.  Neumann 

8        Lowell  W.  Raymond 

Single  Subscription, 

per  year 

Rolls   of    15 

Single  copy 

Robert  B.  Robeson 
G.  A.  Swanson 

Donald  S.  Aultman 

Floyd  D.  Carey 


Editor  in  Chief 



Circulation  Director 


Paul  F.  Henson 
Avis  Swiger 
J.  E.  DeVore 






James  A.  Madison 
Haskel  C.  Jenkins 
Leonard  S.  Townley 

SI. 50 

SI. 50 



Clyne  W.  Buxton 

TIMES  ARE  NOT  what  they  used  to  be Chil- 
dren no  longer  obey  their  parents.  .  .  .  The 
world  must  be  coming  to  an  end."  Thus  wrote  a 
perplexed  man  about  the  problems  of  his  time.  One 
could  well  imagine  that  the  writer  penned  the  words 
yesterday;  however,  they  were  written  nearly  4,800 
years  ago,  which  was  about  800  years  before  the  time 
of  patriarchal  Abraham.  The  tablets  upon  which  the 
writing  was  found  were  unearthed  near  the  ancient 
city  of  Babylon.  Though  it  is  a  fact  that,  as  in  the 
times  of  the  ancient  writer,  we  too  could  say  that  con- 
ditions today  are  not  what  they  used  to  be  and  that 
children  are  rebellious  and  disobedient;  yet,  there  are 
still  many  youths  who  love  their  family,  their  nation, 
and  their  God. 

The  good  home  is  a  unit  where  love  is  prevalent  and 
where  each  member  of  the  family  is  interested  in  the 
needs  and  problems  of  the  other  members.  The  home 
was  instituted  by  God,  and  He  patterned  it  after 
heaven  itself.  Heaven  has  the  Father,  the  Holy  Spirit, 
and  the  Son;  and  the  Bride  of  the  Son  is  the  Church 
in  the  world.  The  Christians  are  the  children  of  God, 
and  are  brothers  one  to  another.  Likewise,  the  home 
has  the  father,  the  mother,  and  the  children.  The 
family  unit  is  ordained  by  God  and  should  offer  solace 
and  understanding  to  its  members.  Christ  must  be  the 
capstone  of  a  godly  home;  for  His  love,  patience, 
and  understanding  are  desperately  needed.  His  ways 
must  be  constantly  taught  both  in  word  and  in  ex- 

There  are  so  many  things  to  do  in  the  home  to  keep 
up  appearances  that  it  is  possible  to  have  only  a  house 
that  looks  good,  while  the  spiritual  needs  of  the  fam- 
ily are  passed  over.  A  good  home  is  not  necessarily 
one  that  "keeps  up  with  the  Joneses,"  but  rather  it  is 
one  that  is  clean  and  neat,  and  also  where  love,  un- 
derstanding, and  godly  training  is  enthroned.  Godly 
training  is  too  often  left  out,  and  this  is  the  one 
thing  that  should  always  be  included. 

A   woman   sat    by    a    hearthslde    place, 
Reading   a   book   with    a   pleasant    face, 
Till  a  child  came  up,  with  a  childish  frown, 
And  pushed  the  book,  saying:  "Put  it  down." 

Then    the   mother,    slapping    his    curly   head, 
Said:    "Troublesome    child,    go    off    to    bed! 
A  great  deal  of  Christ's  life  I  must  know 
To  train  you  up  as  a  child  should  go." 
And     the    child    went    off    to     bed    to    cry, 
And  denounce  religion — by  and  by. 

The  ideal  home  as  outlined  in  God's  Word  is  one 
where  God's  name  is  honored,  where  the  children 
are  reared  in  the  fear  of  God,  and  where  they  are 
sent  forth  to  exert  their  wholesome  influence  in  the 
nation.  Training  the  child  is  the  chief  function  of  the 
home;  for  as  the  home  goes,  so  goes  the  nation.  The 
Bible  should  be  the  textbook  of  the  home,  and  the 
family  must  learn  well  the  lessons  given  in  that  book. 
The  concept  of  educating  children  by  allowing  them 
to  do  mostly  as  they  please  will  not  work  in  leading 
them  into  the  Christian  life.  One  of  the  greatest  faults 
of  our  day  is  that  the  children  rule  some  homes,  and 
in  many  cases  they  do  just  as  they  desire.  This  should 
not  be  so.  The  child  who  is  patiently  guided  daily 
concerning  biblical  laws  for  living  is  likely  to  develop 
into  a  productive,  well-rounded  citizen  of  his  coun- 
try. Without  this  guidance  he  is  greatly  handicapped. 

Godly  training  in  the  home  is  imperative,  for  the 
home  plays  a  vital  role  in  the  development  of  a  child. 
The  home  is  God's  earliest  and  holiest  school,  and  it 
is  God's  chief  agency  for  instilling  the  precepts  of 
righteousness  within  the  heart  of  a  child.  It  outdates 
the  church  and  often  surpasses  its  influence.  Good 
homes  make  good  nations,  and  when  the  home  de- 
teriorates, the  foundation  of  the  nation  is  greatly  im- 
paired. Good  homes  have  a  purifying  influence  on  a 

A  fresh  water  spring  is  located  on  the  south  shore 
of  England,  the  mouth  of  which  is  at  the  water's 
edge.  When  the  tide  is  in,  the  salt  water  covers  up  the 
mouth  of  the  spring;  but,  the  fresh  water  continues 
to  flow.  When  the  tide  is  out,  the  thirsty  drink  from 
the  fresh,  pure  spring.  That  spring  cannot  overcome 
the  salt  of  the  sea,  but  it  does  modify  it  just  a  bit  in 
that  locality.  Thus  it  is  with  the  influence  of  good 
homes,  as  they  send  forth  their  streams  of  pure,  re- 
freshing influence  into  the  great  sea  of  sin  and  sorrow 
in  a  nation.    • 

ican about  the  signers  of 
the  Declaration  of  Inde- 
pendence, and  he  will  be  doing  well 
if  he  can  name  as  many  as  ten  of 
that  illustrious  band  of  patriots! 
The  other  forty-six  are  as  lost 
and  unknown  to  him  as  if  they 
lived  on  another  planet. 

With  Independence  Day  at  hand, 
perhaps  it  is  a  good  time  to  pause 
and  think  of  those  to  whom  we 
owe  so  much.  Here  are  a  few  facts 
that  will  make  them  come  alive  a 

Benjamin  Franklin  had  good 
reason  to  be  called  Philadelphia's 
"Grand  Old  Man,"  since  he  helped 
to  establish  there  the  first  circulat- 
ing library  in  America,  the  first 
fire  department,  the  first  city  po- 
lice bureau,  and  the  first  literary 
and  debating  club  (Philadelphia's 
famous   "Junto"). 

Abraham  Clark  of  New  Jersey 
was  never  admitted  to  the  bar,  but 
he  gave  so  much  free  advice 
from  his  knowledge  of  common 
law  to  persons  who  were  mixed  up 
in  land  disputes  that  he  came  to 
be  known  as  "the  Poor  Man's 


Button  Gwinnett  of  Georgia  was 
shot  down  in  a  duel  less  than  a 
year  after  signing  the  Declaration 
and  died,  leaving  no  money  nor 
descendants  nor  any  reliable  por- 
traits of  himself.  He  left  nothing, 
in  fact,  except  thirty-six  signa- 
tures on  his  letters  and  papers, 
for  anyone  of  which  rich  auto- 
graph collectors  would  now  pay 
over   $10,000. 




Dr.  Josiah  Bartlett  of  New  Hamp- 
shire, prominent  physician,  built 
up  quite  a  reputation  for  himself 
by  his  successful  treatment  of 
throat  maladies  with  Peruvian 

Roger  Sherman  of  Connecticut 
walked  all  the  way  from  Boston 
with  his  cobbler  tools  on  his  back 
to  set  up  a  shoemaking  shop  in 
New  Milford. 

George  Wythe,  the  great  Virgin- 
ian, who  was  Thomas  Jefferson's 
law  teacher,  died  in  agony  after  a 
money-mad  nephew  slipped  arsenic 
into  his  coffee,  but  he  lived  long 
enough  to  disinherit  the  murderer 
and  to  make  his  old  pupil  his 

Joseph  Hewes  of  North  Carolina 
has  sometimes  been  called  the  "Fa- 
ther of  the  United  States  Navy." 
As  chairman  of  the  marine  com- 
mittee in  the  Continental  Congress, 
he  managed  to  get  a  ship  and  a 
commission  for  his  young  friend, 
John  Paul  Jones. 

Thomas  Lynch,  Jr.  of  South  Car- 
olina still  remains  the  central  fig- 
ure in  a  mystery  that  has  never 
been  solved.  Because  of  his  rapidly 
declining  health,  the  young  planta- 
tion owner  was  advised  by  his  doc- 
tor to  seek  a  more  favorable  cli- 
mate. And  so,  late  in  1779,  Lynch 
boarded  a  ship  for  the  West  In- 
dies, expecting  to  take  another 
from  there  for  France,  but  he  was 
never  heard  from  again. 

Stephen  Hopkins  of  Rhode  Is- 
land, first  chancelor  of  Brown  Uni- 

versity, once  had  a  telescope  set  up 
in  a  Providence  public  square,  so 
that  all  who  were  interested  could 
look  through  it  and  observe  the 
planet  Venus. 

Dr.  Benjamin  Rush  of  Pennsyl- 
vania, first  surgeon-general  of 
Washington's  army,  was  fairly  wor- 
shipped by  young  medical  students 
when  he  became  the  head  phy- 
sician of  Pennsylvania  Hospital 
in  Philadelphia.  Here  he  set  up  the 
nation's  first  free  dispensary  for 
suffering  poor  patients. 

Arthur  Middleton  of  South  Car- 
olina was  born  and  is  buried  at 
"Middleton  Place,"  the  famous  gar- 
dens outside  of  Charleston  where 
thousands  of  visitors  come  every 
spring  to  see  the  bowered  terraces 
of  camelias  and  magnolias  and 
azaleas  in  bloom. 

Charles  Carroll,  Maryland's  most 
famous  patriot,  was  more  than 
ninety-two  and  had  outlived  all  the 
other  "signers,"  when,  on  July  4, 
1828,  he  came  to  Baltimore  to  lay 
the  foundation  stone  of  America's 
first  railroad,  the  Baltimore  and 

Francis  Hopkinson  of  New  Jersey 
was  not  only  a  gifted  artist  and 
poet  and  musician  and  composer, 
but  all  the  evidence  seems  to  prove 
that  he  and  not  Betsy  Ross  design- 
ed the  Stars  and  Stripes. 

John  Hart  of  New  Jersey  paid  a 
terrible  price  for  signing  America's 
charter  of  freedom.  From  the 
Sourland  Mountains  where  he  was 
hunted  like  a  wild  animal  he  could 
see  his  fine  mill  and  farm  build- 
ings go  up  in  flames,  set  on  fire 
by  the  Redcoats.  His  ordeal  of 
hiding  out  so  affected  his  health 
that  he  died  in  a  matter  of  a  few 

John  Adams  and  Thomas  Jeffer- 
son both  died  on  the  same  day,  July 
4,  1826.  Adams  remarked  with  al- 
most his  last  breath,  "Thomas  Jef- 
ferson still  lives" — not  knowing  his 
old  Presidential  rival  had  passed 
away  eight  hours  before!     • 

Botn  $ut 


□  N  THE  FOURTH  of  July,  1776,  a  new  nation 
was  born  free.  The  Declaration  of  Indepen- 
dence, recognizing  that  this  freedom  was  given 
by  God,  says:  "That  they  [the  people]  are  endowed 
by  their  Creator  with  certain  inalienable  Rights,  that 
among  these  are  Life,  Liberty  and  the  pursuit  of 
Happiness.  That  to  secure  these  rights,  Governments 
are  instituted  among  Men.  .  .  ." 

Liberty  was  thus  linked  with  government.  Freedom 
cannot  come  any  other  way.  Freedom  is  not  the  ab- 
sence of  laws.  Freedom  is  not  unlimited  license.  Free- 
dom of  choice  does  not  eliminate  the  consequences 
of  that  choice. 

Adam  was  created  with  more  freedom  than  any 
other  man  has  since  enjoyed.  But  God  gave  Adam 
the  freedom  to  choose.  Therefore,  he  placed  in  the 
Garden  the  forbidden  tree.  Only  one  wrong  choice 
was  possible!  The  command:  "Thou  shalt  not  eat 
of  it"  also  warned  of  the  penalty  for  making  the 
wrong  choice:  "Thou  shalt  surely  die."  Neither  do  we 
make  single  choices  but  each  choice  carries  a  corol- 
lary reward  or  penalty.  Such  is  the  law  of  God. 

Likewise,  "a  government  instituted  among  men" 
must  reward  the  righteous  and  penalize  the  wicked  if 
it  is  to  "secure  the  rights"  of  life,  liberty  and  the 
pursuit  of  happiness. 

We  have  freedom  of  speech,  freedom  of  thought, 
and  freedom  of  worship  in  our  great  country.  Yes, 
we  have  the  right  to  speak  our  opinions,  the  right 
to  think  as  we  choose,  the  right  to  worship  as  we 
see  fit,  but  this  does  not  eliminate  the  fact  that 
speaking  untruths  will  bring  confusion.  Thinking 
wrong  thoughts  will  lead  to  personal  destruction. 
Worshiping  wrongly  will  bring  eternal  damnation  to 
the   soul. 

What  then  are  the  guidelines  for  righteousness  and 
for  liberty? 

The  same  Creator  who  endowed  us  with  the  "rights 
of  life,  liberty  and  the  pursuit  of  happiness"  also  en- 
dowed us  with  the  guidelines  to  show  us  the  good 
and  the  right  way — to  show  us  the  good  rules:  obedi- 
ence bringing  reward  and  disobedience  bringing  pun- 

We  cannot  ignore  these  laws  and  have  life.  We 
cannot  ignore  them  and  have  liberty.  We  cannot  ignore 
them  if  we  wish  to  pursue  happiness. 

Under  the  Law  of  Moses,  the  law  was  an  external 
thing,  always  threatening,  ruling  by  fear,  but  there 
was  a  promise  of  a  time  when  the  law  would  be 
"written  in  their  hearts."  Jesus  Christ  brought  this 
to  pass  with  the  law  of  love. 

Love  brought  obedience,  because  of  a  desire  to  obey. 
Love  brought  equality  thus:  "Love  thy  neighbor  as 
thyself."  Love  brought  freedom — freedom  from  the 
law  of  sin  and  death.  This  is  freedom:  "If  the  Son 
.  .  .  shall  make  you  free,  ye  shall  be  free  indeed." 

Freedom  in  an  unredeemed  soul  is  impossible.  Jesus 
said:  "Ye  shall  know  the  truth,  and  the  truth  shall 
make  you  free."  Many  today  like  Pilate  ask:  "What 
is  truth?"  Jesus  answered  once  and  for  all  when  He 
said:  "I  am  the  way,  the  truth,  and  the  life." 

If  we  can  be  free  only  through  Christ,  can  our 
nation  be  free  without  Him?  Can  the  person  of  Christ 
be  ignored,  eliminated,  or  placed  on  a  level  with  other 
religions  and  our  nation  remain  free?  Where  Christ 
is  king,'  tyranny  cannot  come. 

Have  you  been  born  free?  You  may  think  so,  but 
you  have  not  unless  you  have  been  born  again  by 
the  blood  of  Christ.    • 

SERVICEMEN'S   DEPARTMENT  /  C.    Raymond   Spain,    Executive   Director 

By   E.   O.    BYINGTON 

was  conceived,  believed, 
and  achieved  at  the  Troy, 
Michigan,   Church   of   God. 

Mrs.  Raymond  McDonald,  who 
has  a  brother  in  the  Army,  asked 
the  question,  "What  can  we  do  to 
honor  those  serving  our  country?" 
This  spark  of  interest  was  fanned 
into  a  blaze  which  became  an  at- 
tractive fire. 

From  this  point  ideas  came  into 
being,  and  people  went  to  work. 
Agencies  were  contacted,  and  in- 
terest kept  growing  until  it  reached 
far  beyond  the  local  church  and 
became  more  of  a  state  affair. 

There  were  those  from  all  walks 
of  life  who  responded  to  the  call. 
The  Honorable  George  Romney, 
governor  of  Michigan,  sent  a  rep- 
resentative from  his  office,  Lieu- 
tenant Colonel  Donald  Robbers  of 
the  Office  of  Military  Affairs.  All 
departments  of  the  Armed  Forces 
cooperated  fully  by  sending  repre- 
sentatives :  Technical  Sergeant 
Donald  Galvin,  Air  Force;  Sergeant 
John  Zehel,  Army;  Commander 
G.  W.  Knechle  and  Commander 
C.  A.  Damm,  Navy;  and  Sergeant 
Lawrence  May,  Marines.  The  city 
of  Troy  was  represented  by  its 
Mayor,  the  Honorable  Jule  Famu- 

The  State  Overseer  of  Michigan, 
the  Reverend  E.  D.  Moore,  gave  a 
Scripture  reading  and  had  prayer. 
God's  divine  presence  was  felt  as 
prayer  was  made,  bringing  us  in 
closer   contact   with   God. 

Danny  Adams,  our  minister  of 
music,  had  prepared  the  choir  for 
the  occasion,  and  they  were  at  their 
best  as  they  sang  "America."  Tears 
began  to  flow  as  the  choir  sang 
about  our  wonderful  country.  From 
the  expressions  upon  the  faces, 
everyone  seemed  to  be  saying, 
"Thank  You,  God,  for  our  sweet 
land   of  liberty." 

As  the  host  pastor,  I  gave  the 
welcome  address.  I  stated  that 
"regardless  of  our  opinion  of  the 
war,  whether  it  be  right  or  wrong, 
we  have  something  more  precious 
to  defend  than  our  'opinions' — we 
have  human  beings.  Our  boys  are 
depending  upon  us,  and  we  must 
be  faithful  and  loyal  to  them.  This 
service  was  designed  to  prove  our 
loyalty  to  them.  We  must  love  our 
country  and  appreciate  the  privi- 
lege that  it  gives  us  to  worship 
God.  We  in  America  worship  the 
God  of  Abraham,  Isaac,  and  Jacob 
— the  God  who  loved  us  so  much 
that  He  gave  His  Son  for  us.  .  .  ." 

As  the  quartet  of  the  church 
sang  "America,  My  Home,"  the 
congregation  was  moved  upon  by 
the  Spirit  of  God,  and  tears  flowed 
freely  down  the  faces  of  many  of 
the   military   men. 

The  mothers  of  America  were 
represented  and  expressed  them- 
selves by  saying,  "We  were  the  first 
ones  here  this  morning,  and  we 
wouldn't  have  missed  this  service 
for  anything.  It  was  a  very  im- 
pressive service." 

The    Honorable    Jule    Famularo, 

mayor  of  Troy,  gave  a  very  im- 
pressive address  regarding  "Our 
Position  in  the  World,  and  What 
We  Should  Do  to  Retain  Our  Po- 

Technical  Sergeant  Galvin  of  the 
Air  Force  gave  a  resume  of  the 
working  men  and  women  involved 
in  the  program  of  the  Air  Force. 
Commander  Knechle  of  the  Navy 
warmly  expressed  his  appreciation 
for  the  privilege  of  being  a  part 
of  a  service  of  this  type. 

The  Reverend  C.  Raymond  Spain, 
director  of  chaplains  for  Church 
of  God  servicemen,  addressed  the 
congregation.  He  commended  our 
boys  for  the  job  they  are  doing 
for  our  country.  The  eulogy  given 
by  the  Reverend  Mr.  Spain  brought 
a  sense  of  appreciation  to  our 
hearts  and  made  us  glad  to  say, 
"These  are  our  boys;  this  is  our 

He  brought  us  face-to-face  with 
facts,  both  pleasant  and  unplea- 
sant. The  congregation  accepted 
his  message  with  open  hearts  and 
minds.  He  not  only  revealed  the 
military  phase  of  the  war,  but  also 
the  spiritual  work  of  God  on  the 
battlefield.  He  told  how  men  are 
being  led  to  God  by  faithful  chap- 

The  Reverend  Mr.  Spain  re- 
marked, "To  my  knowledge,  this 
is  the  first  service  of  this  kind 
that  has  been  conducted  any- 

The  Reverend  Mr.  Spain  stated 
that  he  had  traveled  far  and  near 
and  had  visited  about  eighty-two 
countries  throughout  the  world. 
Then  he  said,  "I  love  America.  I 
have  seen  our  men  in  action  in 
the  foxholes,  in  the  jungles,  and 
in  the  air.  When  I  think  that  such 
a  nation  as  Vietnam — a  nation  ac- 
cording to  our  standards  that  is 
undeveloped  and  very  limited — 
could  withstand  our  country,  with 
its  unlimited  ability  (both  fire  and 
mechanical  power  on  the  battle- 
field)  it  is  somewhat  a  mystery. 

"The  purpose  of  my  speaking  to 
you  this  morning  is  not  to  discuss 
these  issues,  nor  to  deal  with  the 
political  angles  of  the  war,  but  to 
share  with  you  the  quality,  the 
dignity,   the  sacrifice,  the   dedica- 

From  left  to  right:  The  Reverend  E.  O.  Byington,  the  Reverend  E.  D. 
Moore,  Lt.  Colonel  Donald  Robbers,  Mayor  Jule  Famularo,  Brig. 
Trevithick  the  Reverend  C.  R.  Spain,  Tsgt.  Donald  Galvin,  Com- 
mander G.  W.  Kuechle,  Commander  C.  A.  Damm,  Sgt.  John  Zehel. 

The  Reverend  C.  R.  Spain,  as- 
sistant general  overseer  of  the 
Church  of  God,  is  Director  of 
the  church's  Servicemen's  De- 

Lieutenant  Colonel 
Donald  Robbers  of 
the  National 

tion  of  our  boys.  (I  say,  'our  boys,' 
because  my  boy  just  got  home  from 
over  there.)  These  boys  are  willing 
to  lay  down  their  lives  for  this 
noble  nation  that  we  love. 

"I  will  be  happy  when  the  boys 
come  home  from  Vietnam— and  I 
believe  they  will — but  there  will  be 
other  places.  Other  boys  will  be 
called  upon  to  defend  our  liberty. 
Because  of  this,  our  church  has  set 
up  a  ministry  to  the  military. 
The  boys  have  been  taken  away 
from  the  church,  so  we  are  tak- 
ing the  church  to  them. 

"I  am  serving  as  executive  direc- 
tor of  the  Servicemen's  Department 
that  has  representatives  in  Europe, 
Tokyo,  Okinawa,  Panama  Canal, 
and  other  parts  of  the  world  that 
make  contact  with  the  boys  serving 
both  God  and  country. 

"I  write  them  all  a  letter  each 
month  and  express  the  Church  of 
God's  love  and  concern  for  them. 
Last  Christmas  I  mailed  three 
thousand  Christmas  cards.  I  de- 
cided that  I  would  sign  each  one 
of   them   by   hand.    .    .    . 

"I  believe  that  this  service,  that 
commends  and  honors  our  boys  and 

The  Reverend  E.  O. 
Byington,  pastor 
of  the  Troy,  Michi- 
gan, Church  of 

men  in  the  Armed  Forces,  demands 
that  we  face  reality.  Let  us  take 
them  upon  our  hearts  and  pray 
earnestly  for  them. 

"I  have  a  letter  before  me  that 
I  want  to  share  with  you.  It 
is  one  that  I  received  from  a  chap- 
lain friend  right  from  the  field 
of  Vietnam.  Chaplain  (Maj.)  Rob- 
ert Crick,  who  served  with  the 
173rd     Airborne     Squad,     wrote: 

Thanks  for  the  letter  13  June, 
and  the  offering  for  the  pur- 
chase of  Bibles.  Presently  the 
173rd  is  two  hundred  fifty  miles 
north  of  Saigon,  twelve  miles 
east  of  the  Cambodian  border, 
within  the  Valley  of  Deh-tu.  .  .  . 
We  have  moved  our  companies 
into  the  mountains,  trying  to 
discover  some  of  our  men  vmo 
have  previously  been  lost.  Re- 
cently A  Comvany  ran  into  two 
N.V.A.  Battalions  of  approxi- 
mately one  thousand  men.  The 
battle  is  only  three  hundred 
meters  from  our  brigade.  Hu- 
man wave  after  human  wave 
endeavored  to  overrun  my  out- 
fit.   The  N.V.A.  are  brutal;  out 

of  this  one  company  only  a  few 
men  are  now  alive. 

I  listened  to  the  radio  com- 
munication between  the  radio 
operator  and  the  company 
commander.  R  a  dio  operator: 
"Sir,  we  are  hit  badly,  please 
send  help."  Commander :  "Can't 
do,  we  too  are  surrounded; 
hold  on!"  Radio  operator: 
"We're  out  of  ammo — Oh,  God! 
I'm  hit  again!  That's  five 
times,  sir."  Commander:  "How 
many  casulties  do  you  have?" 
Radio  operator:  "All  wounded 
or  dead;  Oh,  God,  they're  com- 
ing in,  and  they're  killing  the 
wounded.  None  of  us  will  make 
it  out.  They're  coming  my  way 

Well,  this  is  just  another  day 
In  Vietnam,  I  guess.  I  had  bet- 
ter   get    back    to    my    medical 
stations.    Bodies    of   the    dead 
and  occasionally  the  wounded 
are  being  brought  in. 
"There  will  be  wars  and  rumors 
of  wars,  but  thank  God  for  a  ser- 
vice, such  as  this,  that  reveals  our 
appreciation    and    our    admiration 
for  our  boys — your  sons  and  your 
daughters   who   are   willing   to   lay 
down  their  lives  that  we  might  have 
freedom    of    worship,    freedom    of 
speech,  freedom  to  make  decisions. 
God  bless  America!  God  bless  every 
military    man   here   this   morning! 
God  bless  you  all!" 

At  the  close  of  the  Reverend  Mr. 
Spain's  message,  E.  L.  Byington 
sang  a  song,  "This  Is  My  Country." 
While  the  song  was  being  sung, 
wives,  mothers,  and  widows  of  ser- 
vicemen received  red  and  white 
carnations  from  an  American  flag 
made  up  of  flowers.  Under  the 
floral  stripes  was  written  the  word 
PEACE  over  a  dove.  When  the  flow- 
ers were  removed  from  the  styro- 
foam  flag,  the  dove — outlined  in 
gold,  with  an  olive  branch  in  his 
beak — emerged.  Needless  to  say, 
this  was  very  unique,  and  a  great 
response    was    realized. 

The  benediction  was  given  by 
Brigadier  Trevithick  of  the  Salva- 
tion  Army. 

After  the  service,  he  commented 
to  the  Reverend  Mr.  Byington,  that 
this  was  one  of  the  greatest  services 
he  had  ever  attended.    • 

Chapel  Challenge 


By   RAY   H.    HUGHES,    Ed.D.,    Litt.D. 

WE  HAVE  COME  to  the  cri- 
sis hour.  Civilization  is 
fighting  for  survival.  And 
we  stand  on  the  doorstep  of  di- 
saster. It  seems  that  all  of  the 
sinister  forces  of  hell  have  been 
unleashed  against  right.  When  one 
views  the  developments  of  these 
times,  he  is  constrained  to  agree 
with  the  late  Winston  Churchill, 
"We  have  come  to  the  end  of  our 
tether,"  or  with  H.  G.  Wells,  "The 
ship  of  civilization  is  sinking  now." 
This  generation  has  seen  some 
very  significant  developments  which 
speak  loudly  of  impending  doom 
and  a  suicidal  race  for  ruin. 


We  have  seen  the  acceleration  of 
Communism  with  all  of  its  terror 
and  woe.  In  1917,  Lenin  began  his 
ideological  warfare  of  Communism 
with  only  seventeen  followers.  In  a 
brief  half  century,  Communism  has 
brought  more  than  one  third  of 
the  world's  population  under  its 
spell.  Today,  it  lifts  its  ugly  head 
at  the  back  doorstep  (Cuba)  of  the 
United  States  and  keeps  constant 
vigil  on  the  actions  of  free  America. 
It  rejoices  in  our  weaknesses  and 

propagandizes  our  problems.  It 
confuses  the  minds  of  the  general 
public  and  causes  men  to  forget 
their  heritage  and  join  the  loud 
minority  in  discrediting  the  virtues 
of  our  great  country.  Communism 
is  always  at  war,  whether  it  be  a 
hot  or  cold  war.  World  domination 
is  its  aim,  and  it  does  not  relent 
in  its  pursuit  for  a  moment;  it  but 
changes  its  tactical  approach  to- 
ward the  same  goal.  The  Commu- 
nists conquered  China  without  fir- 
ing a  shot  in  1949.  Their  only 
weapons  were  the  printed  page  and 
communistic  propaganda.  Tibet 
succumbed  to  Moscow  in  1951. 
North  Vietnam  turned  "Red"  in 
1954.  Cuba,  who  had  been  treat- 
ed like  a  brother  by  America,  be- 
came a  Red  renegade  in  1962. 

Communist  China,  whose  popula- 
tion now  approximates  700  million 
is  a  constant  threat  to  the  peace 
of  the  world.  It  is  predicted  that  by 
1975  the  population  of  China  will 
reach  one  billion  people.  Commu- 
nism can  be  played  down  or  taken 
lightly,  but  it  has  changed  the 
maps  of  the  world,  the  geography 
of  our  times,  and  the  face  of  so- 
ciety in  a  single  generation.  We 
are  faced  with  a  spiritual  warfare, 

a  battle  for  the  minds  of  men.  We 
must  always  remember  that  Com- 
munism is  a  religion,  a  godless  re- 
ligion that  is  bent  on  infiltrating 
the  world  with  its  doctrine. 

Arnold  Toynbee,  the  British  his- 
torian, observed,  "The  spiritual  ini- 
tiative has  now  passed  from  the 
western  to  the  Russian  side."  This 
is  an  indictment  against  Christian- 
ity which  is  fighting  for  survival  in 
the  midst  of  the  onslaught  of  Sa- 
tan. I  am  in  agreement  with  the 
late  Peter  Marshall,  chaplain  of  the 
United  States  Senate,  who  said, 
"Those  who  believe  in  the  spiritual 
verities  need  not  fear  communism 
incarnated  if  it  can  be  met  with 
Christianity  incarnated."  But  the 
difficulty  of  these  times  is  that  the 
brand  of  Christianity  that  exists  in 
most  of  the  churches  lacks  the 
virility  and  vitality  to  combat  these 
opposing  forces.  It  is  predicted  that 
if  we  assume  that  Christianity  will 
make  the  same  rate  of  increase  in 
the  next  fifty  years  that  it  has  in 
the  last  fifty,  at  the  present  rate 
of  population  increase,  there  would 
only  be  2  percent  of  the  world  pop- 
ulation as  professing  Protestant 
Christians.  How  can  a  puny,  pale, 
anemic  Christian  that  cannot  get 
out  of  bed  on  Sunday  morning  to  go 
to  Sunday  school,  that  is  too  busy 
with  materialistic  things  to  attend 
prayer  meetings,  and  that  is  too 
carnal  and  worldly  to  engage  in 
evangelistic  efforts,  do  anything  in 
combating  the  forces  of  hell  that 
are  against  us  in  this  day. 

There  must  be  a  return  to  New 
Testament  Christianity — a  Chris- 
tianity that  is  power  packed,  that 
is  enthusiastic,  and  that  challenges 
all  of  its  adherents  to  conquer  in 
the  name  of  Christ.  The  early 
Christians  affected  their  entire  so- 
ciety. They  were  labeled  as  those 

who  "turned  the  world  upside 
down."  May  all  Christians  join  the 
Psalmist  David  in  his  prayer,  "O 
Lord  my  God:  lighten  mine  eyes, 
lest  I  sleep  the  sleep  of  death" 
(Psalm  13:3).  And  let  all  give  heed 
to  Paul's  admonition,  "Awake  to 
righteousness,  and  sin  not"  (1  Co- 
rinthians 15:34).  It  is  time  to  be 
alarmed,  and  it  is  also  time  to  act. 


We  have  seen  Liberalism  come 
to  fruition.  Liberalism,  under  the 
guise  of  higher  learning,  has  im- 
planted doubt,  scepticism,  and  un- 
belief in  the  hearts  of  students 
throughout  the  college  systems  of 
America.  It  has  infiltrated  the  the- 
ological seminaries  and  produced  a 
vacillating,  unsure  ministry  that 
has  little  or  no  convictions.  The 
fundamental  principles  of  old-time 
religion  are  taboo  with  the  so- 
called  intellectuals  of  this  day. 
Men  boast  of  being  able  to  destroy 
the  faith  of  young  men  and  women 
who  cannot  prove  the  existence  of 
God  emperically.  What  can  be  ex- 
pected of  a  nation  but  confusion, 
consternation,  and  multiplied  diffi- 
culties when  the  foundations  of 
true  religion  are  so  brutally  at- 
tacked. "If  the  foundations  be  de- 
stroyed, what  can  the  righteous 
do?"  (Psalm  11:3).  Is  it  any  won- 
der that  this  generation  wan- 
ders aimlessly  without  purpose,  as 
a  boat  without  a  rudder,  with  no 
sense  of  direction  or  no  sense  of 
urgency  or  emergency? 


This  generation  has  seen  mate- 
rialism rise  to  the  status  of  a  God. 
The  late  Foster  Dulles  said,  "Ame- 
rica is  as  materialistic  as  Russia." 
One  person  has  observed  that  the 
only  difference  in  the  materialism 

of  the  United  States  and  Russia 
is  that  Russia  has  an  atheistic  ma- 
terialism, while  America  has  a  the- 
istic  materialism.  The  tactics  of 
America  in  dealing  with  world 
problems  reveal  its  true  sense  of 
values.  We  have  become  so  over- 
charged with  the  cares  of  this  life 
and  engrossed  in  the  creature  com- 
forts of  living  that  our  primary 
concern  is  the  satisfaction  of  the 
senses.  Success  is  judged  in  terms 
of  materialism.  This  materialistic 
concept  of  life  has  produced  a 
sense-centered  generation  with 
perverted  values.  There  is  little  or 
no  sense  of  shame.  Evil  is  endorsed. 
Sin  is  condoned.  Immorality  is  li- 
censed. Wickedness  is  tolerated, 
while  the  church  is  not  angered; 
ministers  stand  by  as  dumb  dogs 
that  cannot  bark.  O,  for  a  voice  to 
give    direction   in   these   times. 


We  have  seen  the  emergence  of 

a  moral  crisis.  The  moral  crisis  of 

Continued  on  page  22 

Dr.  Hughes,  assistant  general  over- 
seer of  the  Church  of  God,  presents 
here  in  revised  form  a  chapel  ad- 
dress given  during  his  six  years' 
presidency  of  Lee  College. 


A  Circle  of  Love 


EDWIN    MARKHAM    WROTE    a    four-line    poem 
that    can    change    your    life    and    the    lives    of 
It  is  entitled   "Outwitted,"   and   it  reads  thus: 
"He   drew  a  circle   that  shut  me   out — 
Heretic,   rebel,   a    thing   to    flout. 
But  Love   and  I   had   the   wits   to   win: 
We  drew  a  circle  that  took  him  in!" 
Very  often  people  seem  to  draw  glacier-like  circles 
about  themselves,  indicatmg  that  they  are  adverse  to 
friendship  or  any  invasion  of  their  privacy. 

These  imaginary  blockades  used  to  hold  me  at  bay 
and  I  would  think,  "Well,  if  that  man  (or  woman) 
doesn't  care  to  be  cordial,  I'll  go  on  my  way  and  not 
bother  him." 

And  how  wrong  I  was  nine  times  out  of  ten.  The 
other  person  really  did  not  want  to  be  unfriendly; 
some  inner  conflict  or  past  experience  restrained  him 
from  giving  of  himself. 

An  inferiority  complex  induces  some  to  be  self- 
centered  and  uncommunicative.  They  are  wondering 
continuously  what  others  are  thinking  about  them 
and  if  their  dress  and  speech  are  correct. 

Then  there  is  the  intellectual  type  who  hides  behind 
a  facade  of  dignified  reserve.  He  would  like  to  be 
congenial  but  he  is  not  exactly  sure  how  to  go  about 
it.  He  has  spent  his  time  studying  books  instead  of 
people  and  is  timid  in  spite  of  his  high  IQ. 

Disillusionment  is  another  factor  that  prompts 
stand-offishness.  I  met  a  man  who  remained  cool 
and  aloof  for  several  months  before  he  broke  down 
and  returned  smile  for  smile.  He  had  been  deceived 
by  several  false  friends  and  decided,  after  that,  never 

to  trust  anyone  again. 

On  two  other  occasions,  new  acquaintances  greeted 
me  laconically  when  I  spoke  to  them  pleasantly,  and 
I  thought  they  were  being  uppity.  I  learned  later  that 
both  of  these  people  were  highly  nervous,  had  under- 
gone psychiatric  treatment,  and  were  shy  about  talk- 
ing to  anyone — especially  strangers. 

There  are  countless  reasons  why  individuals  draw 
circles  around  themselves  but,  in  most  cases,  they 
will  be  thankful  if  others  disregard  these  barriers 
and  draw  a  larger  circle  of  love  that  encompasses 

Almost  all  people  want  to  be  gracious  and  agree- 
able— are  even  longing  for  friends — but  are  at  a  loss 
as  to  how  to  gain  them  or  are  too  modest  to  try. 

It  has  been  said  that  masquerade  parties  are  spon- 
taneously gay  because  the  guests  lose  their  identities 
under  their  masks  and  costumes.  Inhibitions  and  in- 
feriority complexes  are  forgotten  and  the  true  na- 
tures of  the  participants  come  forward  without  fear 
of  criticism. 

Emerson  wrote  that  "The  way  to  have  a  friend  is 
to- be  one."  And  the  way  to  be  one  is  to  ignore  haughty 
airs,  skeptical  stares,  or  indifferent  responses  and 
just  continue  loving  all  those  we  meet. 

No  matter  how  large  or  how  frosty  their  invisible 
circles  may  be,  we  can  always  draw  larger  circles 
of  understanding  and  take  them  in.  And  we  will  not 
only  be  doing  them  a  kindness  that  may  change  their 
lives,  but  we  will  be  doing  ourselves  a  favor,  as  well. 
For  every  new  friend,  that  we  acquire  enriches  our 
life  and  adds  a  glow  of  warmth  that  seems  to  make 
the  whole  world  brighter.    • 


lung  exercise  is  doubtless  of 
great  value;  but  as  a  means 
of  communicating  the  gospel,  it 
may  have  outlived  its  day.  Last 
week  I  drove  on  Saturday  after- 
noon through  a  small  city  in  South 
Carolina.  On  the  courthouse  square 
a  preacher  with  a  Bible  in  his  hand 
was  walking  back  and  forth  shout- 
ing to  the  top  of  his  voice.  No  one 
was  listening.  The  only  man  within 
half  a  block  of  him  was  his  song 
leader  who  was  now  leaning 
against  a  parked  car  and  listening 

As  I  drove  on,  I  reflected  on  the 
similar  scenes  I  had  witnessed  in 
other  places.  I  wondered  why  it 
did  not  occur  to  this  outdoor 
preacher  that  the  main  purpose  of 
proclaiming  the  message  of  the 
gospel  is  to  bring  the  truth  to  bear 
upon  the  heart  of  the  listener.  I 
wondered  how  much  more  effec- 
tive his  efforts  would  have  been  if 
he  had  used  the  same  amount  of 
energy  "buttonholing"  individuals 
and  coming  to  grips  with  them 
about  their  personal  salvation. 

I  am  personally  convinced  that 
there  is  a  great  need,  even  on  the 
streets  of  the  city,  for  people  to 
hear  the  personal  witness  of  earnest 
souls  as  to  what  Jesus  has  done 
and  what  He  can  do. 

Now,  let  me  balance  the  state- 
ment I  made  about  street  preach- 
ing having  outlived  its  day.  I  am 
not  really  sure  this  is  true  in  every 
situation,  but  I  am  completely  con- 
vinced that  nothing  will  be  accom- 
plished by  the  gospel  until  it  falls 
on  listening  ears.  Perhaps  a  little 
imagination  could  remedy  this 

A  few  years  ago  I  heard  Dr. 
George  Docherty,  a  Scotch  preach- 
er who  succeeded  Dr.  Peter  Mar- 
shall as  pastor  of  the  New  York 
Avenue  Presbyterian  Church  in 
Washington,  D.  C.  Dr.  Docherty 
was  telling  a  group  of  ministers 
how  he  used  to  get  a  crowd  to  hear 
his  street  sermons  in   Scotland. 

He  said,  "When  I  left  the  house 
for  the  service  I  would  pick  up  a 
small   scatter  rug,   roll   it  up   and 


By  A.  M.  Long,  Editor,  Pentecostal 
Holiness  Advocate 

".  .  .  so  fight  I,  not  as  one  that 
beateth  the  air." — 1  Corinthians  9: 

carry  it  under  my  arm.  When  I 
arrived  at  the  street  corner  where 
I  wanted  to  preach,  I  would  lay 
the  rug  down  on  the  pavement  and 
back  up  several  steps  and  sight 
along  one  side  of  it.  Then  I 
would  go  back  to  the  rug  and  make 
a  minor  adjustment.  After  a  few 
more  sightings  and  a  few  more 
adjustments,  a  curious  crowd 
would  begin  to  gather.  When  the 
crowd  was  large  enough  I  would 
step  onto  the  rug,  take  out  my 
Bible  and  speak  to  them,  being 
careful  not  to  speak  too  loud.  In- 
variably the  people  would  press  in 
close  in  an  effort  to  hear  me  clear- 

What  was  the  difference  in  the 
service  George  Docherty  conduct- 
ed and  the  one  I  described  in  the 
opening  paragraph  of  this  article? 
One  of  the  preachers  was  com- 
municating the  gospel  of  Christ, 
and  the  other  was  beating  the  air. 
One  was  winning  souls,  while  the 
other  was  gratifying  his  urge  to 

What  a  sad  fact  it  is  that  so 
many  of  our  methods  of  present- 
ing the  claims  of  Christ  have  suf- 
fered from  the  same  lack  of  imag- 
ination. Year  after  year  we  go 
through  the  motions  of  serving  the 
Lord,  when  the  method  has  long 
since  ceased  to  make  an  impact. 
We  sometimes  act  like  ,  a  walking 
toy — we  are  all  wound  up  so  we 
just  keep  picking  up  our  feet  and 
putting  them  down,  despite  the  fact 

that  we  are  hopelessly  beating  our 
head   against   a  stone  wall. 

Our  biggest  failures  have  come 
about  because  of  our  lack  of  imag- 
ination and  our  fear  of  being  dif- 

The  editor  of  a  national  maga- 
zine spoke  recently  to  a  confer- 
ence of  aspiring  young  writers. 
Some  of  the  points  he  made  can 
be  applied  with  equal  force  to 
young  preachers.  He  said: 
— Dare    to   be    the    first    to    climb 

down    off    the    bandwagon — any 

— Dare  to  reject  methods  that  have 

been  killed  with  improvements. 
— Dare  to  be  old-fashioned,  where 

the  latest  is  obviously  the  most 

— Never   leave   well   enough   alone. 

If  we  are  to  win  the  youth  of  our 
world  to  Christ,  we  are  going  to 
have  to  come  up  with  something 
better  than  tradition  and  with 
methods  geared  to  today's  needs. 
"Beating  the  air"  might  prove 
therapeutic  to  some  who  are  try- 
ing to  ease  their  own  conscience 
from  the  guilt  of  past  failures. 
But  such  exercises  will  not  change 
anything.  The  only  way  to  com- 
municate Christ  to  others  is  to 
come  to  grips  with  realities — to 
have  a  meeting  of  the  minds. 
When  we  dare  to  do  that,  we  will 
begin  to  see  the  same  k*nd  of  re- 
sults that  were  "once  upon  a  time" 
achieved  by  the  old  techniques 
that  are  now  outmoded.    • 



3K=M.  t 


THE  LADY  FROM  Tucson,  Arizona,  seemed 
quite  nonchalant  about  the  whole  thing. 
"Didn't  you  know  you  were  hit  by  a  train 
back  at  that  crossing?"  asked  the  Southern  Pacific 
man   who   waved   her   to   stop. 

"No,   was  I?"  she   replied,   raising   her   eyebrows. 

The  fast-moving  freight  had  damaged  the  rear  of 
her  car,  but  she  remarked  later,  "I  didn't  feel  a 

Unfortunately  this  is  about  the  same  answer  many 
Christians  could  give  concerning  their  relationship 
with  the  Holy  Spirit.  They  have  grieved  the  Holy 
Spirit  of  God  so  much  with  their  actions  and  atti- 
tudes that  they  can  truthfully  say,  "I'm  perfectly 
satisfied  with  the  way  I'm  living.  No,  I  don't  see  any- 
thing wrong  with  the  things  I'm  doing,  or  the  habits 
I  have.  Everyone  else  does  those  things  anyway — so 
why  should  I  be  different?  No,  I'm  not  convicted.  .  .  ." 
What  they  really  may  be  saying  is,  "I  don't  feel  a 

But  the  question  is,  Why  aren't  they  convicted  of 
anything  wrong  in  their  lives?  Most  of  us  know  that 
when  we  first  came  to  the  Lord,  we  were  certainly 
convicted  of  many  things  that  we  should  not  be  doing 
as  Christians.  We  remember  too  the  times  when  we 
have  felt  the  closest  to  the  Lord — those  were  the 
times  that  we  felt  most  unworthy  and  were  keenly 
aware  of  even  the  smallest  shortcomings  in  our  lives. 
What  has  happened  to  Christians  who  are  self-satis- 
fied  and  lukewarm? 

They  have  for  one  thing  quenched  the  Spirit  so 
often  that  His  voice  is  no  longer  heard  by  their  hard- 

ened hearts.  "But  exhort  one  another  daily,  while  it 
is  called  To  day;  lest  any  of  you  be  hardened  through 
the  deceitfulness  of  sin"    (Hebrews  3:13). 

The  more  we  yield  to  the  flesh,  the  less  we  heed 
the  Holy  Spirit.  Slowly  but  surely  the  deceptive  ap- 
pearance of  things  and  actions  that  are  really  sin 
leads  us  further  and  further  away  from  the  voice 
of  God.  Thus,  the  Holy  Spirit  is  grieved  and  quenched. 
Then  we  may  smugly  shrug  our  shoulders  and  say, 
"I  don't  feel  a  thing!" 

However,  it  is  not  God's  will  for  His  people  to  stray 
away  from  Him.  It  is  His  will  for  each  and  every  one 
of  us  to  be  conformed  to  the  image  of  His  Son,  Jesus 
Christ.  And  how  can  we  do  this  if  we  have  stopped 
growing  in  grace  and  knowledge  of  Him — if  we  have 
quenched  the  Holy  Spirit  of  God?  The  Bible  says 
"Wherefore  (as  the  Holy  Ghost  saith,  To  day  if  ye  will 
hear  his  voice,  Harden  not  your  hearts,  as  in  the 
provocation,  in  the  day  of  temptation  in  the  wilder- 
ness"   (Hebrews  3:7,  8). 

If  there  is  the  least  question  in  our  minds  as  to 
whether  we  ourselves  have  grieved  the  Holy  Spirit, 
if  we  have  settled  into  a  complacency  that  tells  us 
we  are  pretty  good  Christians,  if  something  has  crept 
back  into  our  lives  that  we  once  were  convicted  about 
— then  we  with  David  should  cry  unto  the  Lord: 
"Create  in  me  a  clean  heart,  O  God;  and  renew  a 
right  spirit  within  me.  Cast  me  not  away  from  thy 
presence;  and  take  not  thy  holy  spirit  from  me.  Re- 
store unto  me  the  joy  of  thy  salvation;  and  uphold 
me  with  thy  free  spirit.  Then  will  I  teach  transgres- 
sors thy  ways;  and  sinners  shall  be  converted  unto 
thee"  (Psalm  51:10-13).    • 



God-fearing  young  person 
is  a  mark  of  real  distinction 
and  one  which  bespeaks  a  great 
depth  of  love  for  the  Lord  and  His 
program  on  earth.  But  sometimes 
the  term  God-fearing  is  interpret- 
ed to  mean  that  one  is  in  a  state 
of  mortal  fear  that  he  might  incur 
the  wrath  of  God.  The  fear  of  the 
Lord  is  mentioned  in  the  Old  Tes- 
tament and  means  that  one  has 
reverential  trust  and  a  strong  faith. 
It  also  implies  a  very  definite  ha- 
tred of  evil.  There  is  no  greater 
compliment  than  being  thought  of 
as  a  God-fearing  person. 

God  is  so  long-suffering  and  leni- 
ent with  us  that  we  sometimes  for- 
get that  this  characteristic  of  God 
is  a  tremendous  blessing.  We  often 
think  of  His  blessings  as  being  the 
countless  good  things  and  advan- 
tageous "breaks"  we  receive  from 
Him.  But  there  is  no  greater  bless- 
ing than  that  of  God's  mercy,  pa- 
tience, and  leniency  with  us.  What 
would  life  be  without  them?  It  pays 
to  pause  and  reflect  upon  this  from 
time  to  time.  Each  time  we  do  so, 
we  experience  a  thrill  of  appreci- 
ation and  joy,  and  a  feeling  of 
unworthiness.  God  said  in  His 
Word,  "For  as  the  heaven  is  high 
above  the  earth,  so  great  is  his 
mercy  toward  them  that  fear  him" 
(Psalm  103:11).  Sincere  trust  in 
Him  and  His  Word  assures  us  of 
His  mercy  at  all  times. 

All  through  the  Bible  the  fear 
of  the  Lord  is  discussed — its  im- 
portance and  rewards.  We  are  told 
that  "like  as  a  father  pitieth  [has 
compassion  for]  his  children,  so 
the  Lord  pitieth  them  that  fear 
him"  (Psalm  103:13).  To  fear  Him 
is  to  be  lifted  above  harassing 
thoughts  and  obstacles  that  would 
bar  one's  pathway  of  progress  in 
His  work.  To  fear  the  Lord  is  to  be 
lifted  up  into  the  glowing,  fresh, 
and  vibrating  glory  of  His  very 
presence.  It  intensifies  one's  deter- 

mination to  be  of  greater  service 
in  the  cause  of  Christ.  The  Psalm- 
ist David  says:  "He  [God]  hath  not 
dealt  with  us  after  our  sins;  nor 
rewarded  us  according  to  our  iniq- 
uities" (Psalm  103:10).  If  he  should 
do  this,  the  despair  and  sorrow 
that  we  would  suffer  would  be 

We  have  a  reassurance  in  the 
fact  that  God  knows  our  abilities, 
limitations,  and  qualifications,  and 
never  expects  the  impossible  from 
us.  "He  knoweth  our  frame;  he  re- 
membereth  that  we  are  dust."  God 
never  makes  our  burden  greater 
than  we  can  bear,  and  He  never 
fails  to  know  the  depth  of  our 
hatred  of  evil  and  of  our  trust  in 
Him.  We  sometimes  fail  when  we 
forget  His  numberless  benefits  and 
that  He  crowns  us  with  loving- 
kindness  and  tender  mercies.  But 
there  is  no  mercy  comparable  to 
that  of  Almighty  God;  He  is  the 
author  of  loving  mercy. 

God  is  displeased  with  the  per- 
son who  possesses  egotism  and  who 
thinks  he  has  "all  of  the  answers." 
It  is  evident  that  such  a  person 
does  not  have  the  fear  of  the  Lord 
in  his  heart,  for  arrogance  has  no 
place  in  the  life  of  a  Christian.  It 
is  a  great  barrier  to  any  progress 
in  the  work  of  the  Lord.  It  plainly 
shows  a  lack  of  humility  and  an 
absence   of  the   fear  of   the   Lord. 

The  Egyptians  did  not  have  God 
with  them,  and  they  met  destruc- 
tion. The  Israelites  had  God  with 
them  and  they  moved  in  safety; 
they  feared  the  Lord.  They  con- 
tinually blessed  the  Lord  and 
praised  Him  for  His  mercy,  good- 
ness, provision,  and  direction. 

In  God's  Word  we  are  told  that 
the  fear  of  the  Lord  is  the  begin- 
ning of  wisdom.  May  each  one  of 
us  grow  in  the  knowledge,  wisdom, 
and  fear  of  the  Lord,  for  more 
God-fearing  young  people  are 
needed  today  than  ever  before.    • 

The  FEAR 






I  KNEW  THAT  she  lived  in 
our  apartment  house;  I  knew 
that  she  had  come  here  from 
a  halfway  house.  From  Ida  Lou 
Trammell  in  apartment  13,  adjoin- 
ing our  apartment — the  one  I 
shared  with  my  husband  when  he 
was  not  traveling  for  Fairhaven 
Insurance— I  learned  all  about  the 
strange  occupant  upstairs.  Both 
Ida  Lou  and  Bess  Porter,  who  lived 
across  the  hall,  declared  that  she 
was   deadly   dangerous. 

Although  Mrs.  Irene  Preston 
had  lived  in  the  apartment  direct- 
ly above  mine  the  past  two  months, 
I  had  not  yet  seen  her,  except 
through  the  eyes  of  Ida  Lou  and 
Bess.  And  I  had  not  tried  to  meet 
her,  not  until  the  weekend  Tom 
took  a  plane  to  the  West  Coast; 
and  somehow  it  developed  that 
everybody  else  went  out  that  Sat- 
urday night. 

Tom  had  not  wanted  to  go  on 
this  trip.  His  reluctance — the  way 
he  kept  asking  me  if  I  would  be 
all  right  and  demanding  that  I  call 
the  doctor  if  I  sensed  anything  at 
all  going  wrong  with  our  expected 
baby — had  completely  unsettled  me. 
Tom  believes,  as  I  do,  in  God  and 
the  Bible;  but  he  does  have  a 
strong  sixth  sense  and  trusts  a 
great  deal  in  luck.  If  luck  has  any- 
thing to  do  with  keeping  me  and 
our  baby  safe,  then  what  does  God 
have  to  do  with  it,  I  thought,  as 
I   checked   the   locked   windows. 

Locked,  yes,  but  anybody  could 
break  the  glass  and  twist  the  knob, 
and  walk  right  in.  We  had  con- 
ceded that  when  we  rented  a 
ground-floor  apartment  in  the  old 
two-story  building,  but  we  also  de- 
cided the  high  flight  of  stair  steps 
might  be  equally  hazardous.  Maybe 
so  but  a  man  could  definitely  put 
his  arm  right  through  the  glass 
window  and  walk  right  in.  The 
thought  that  he  could  enter — tri- 
umphantly grinning,  smirking  ma- 
liciously undid  me. 

Somehow  such  an  imminent  fear 
subsided  when  I  recalled  Mother's 
recent  letter,  telling  of  the  revival 
at  Zion's  Hill  and  how  they  began 
and  ended  each  service  with  the 
song,  "Leaning  on  the  Everlasting 



Arms."  If  Tom  and  I  had  continued 
going  to  church  as  we  had  done 
at  Zion's  Hill,  if  Tom's  job  and  my 
desire  to  accompany  him  when- 
ever possible  had  not  separated  us 
from  whatever  Mother  still  had, 
then  I  might  have  asked  God's 
help.  Instead,  I  went  across  the 
hall   and   knocked   at  Bess's   door. 

She  did  not  answer.  No  lights 
glared  through  the  cracks  in  the 
heavy  oaken  door.  There  was  not 
the  usual  sound  of  her  television 
set,  playing  at  this  time  of  day 
her  favorite  musical  show.  So  I 
knew  she  was  gone.  She  was  prob- 
ably out  with  a  fellow  named  Zack, 
whom  I  did  not  know.  Nor  did  she. 
But  she  had  been  going  out  with 
him  for  a  week  now.  Next  week  it 
would  be  someone  else,  but  I  liked 

Like  Ida  Lou,  she  tried  to  protect 
me — because  of  the  baby  and  also 
because  they  were  several  years 
past  twenty,  though  still  attractive 
and  fun  to  be  around.  "Don't  you 
dare  open  your  door  if  Irene  Pres- 
ton knocks,"  Bess  warned  me,  when 

the  new  occupant  moved  into  apart- 
ment 20. 

"Why?"  I  asked. 

"If  you  care  anything  for  your 
life  you  stay  out  of  her  way,"  Bess 

Grandmother  Matthews  would 
die  before  refusing  her  hearth  to  a 
stranger,  and  so  would  Mother; 
but  I  promised  Bess  that  I  would 
avoid  the  new  occupant,  as  did  the 
other  tenants.  Five  years  in  the 
state  asylum  followed  by  several 
months  in  the  halfway  house  on 
Leonard  Avenue  was  certainly  not 
the  finest  recommendation  one 
could  present  to  a  landlord. 

When  the  doctor  dismissed  the 
patients  from  the  Leonard  House, 
then  they  might  move  wherever 
they  wished.  Or  rather,  they  might 
move  wherever  they  found  lodging. 
Maxwell  Realty  cared  for  nothing 
except  the  rental,  so  Ida  Lou  said. 
Anyway  Irene  Preston  lived  alone 
upstairs,  and  I  was  alone  down- 
stairs. We  had  the  house  to  our- 

I   locked   the   door   securely  and 


checked  the  windows  again.  As  I 
closed  the  last  blind,  a  scratching 
noise  outside,  as  though  someone 
crouched  beneath  the  forsythia 
bushes,  startled  me.  I  went  to  the 
couch  and  sat  spellbound,  regret- 
ting that  we  had  decided  against 
installing  a  telephone  since  we 
could  use  the  pay  booth  at  the  end 
of  the  hall.  If  anything  happened, 
could  I  get  to  the  phone,  my  legs 
were  like  jelly,  my  hands  like  dead 

And  then  she  dropped  something 
or  turned  over  a  chair  and  I  felt 
relieved  that  somebody  was  in  the 
house,  right  above  me,  even  if  it 
was  her.  For  the  first  time  I  won- 
dered what  had  caused  her  to  lose 
her  equilibrium.  I  wondered  now 
why  her  husband  had  died.  Or  did 
he  die?  Had  he  abandoned  her, 

Thinking  of  her,  I  forgot  my  own 
fear — for  about  an  hour — until  I 
heard  the  scratching  again.  And 
then  the  crashing  of  glass.  I  did 
not  stop  to  think — I  ran.  I  ran  up- 
stairs, forgetting  that  I  was  with- 

in three  months  of  confinement, 
unmindful  that  I  might  be  running 
from  one  danger  into  another — and 

At  my  first  knock,  she  opened 
the  door,  and  she  secured  it  before 
making  me  lie  down  on  her  bed. 
Then  I  saw  that  she  was  quite 
young,  about  the  age  of  Bess  and 
Ida  Lou,  and  she  didn't  look  insane. 
She  looked  like  the  picture  I  had 
of  Mother,  taken  the  first  day  I 
started  to  school,  as  though  she 
was  a  little  worried  and  sort  of 
confident  at  the  same  time. 

"Call  the  police,"  I  whispered. 
"Somebody's  breaking  into  my 

She  turned  to  the  telephone 
as  though  she  was  a  trained  sec- 
retary. The  call  made,  she  sat 
down,  waiting  expectantly.  "They'll 
be  here,"  she  said.  "In  no  time 
they'll   capture   him." 

I  wondered.  But  I  couldn't  speak. 
My  legs,  my  arms,  my  whole  body 

"You're  going  to  be  a  little  moth- 
er," she  said,  momentarily  borrow- 
ing my  own  rapture.    "Mine  died." 

"How  old  was  he?"  I  asked. 

"Two  years  and  three  months 
and  a  day  past  that.  Harvey  died 
the  same  year."  She  heard  the 
siren  and  relief  lighted  her  face. 
"I  heard  the  glass  crashing.  It  woke 
me  up  and  I'd  started  down  just 
when  you  knocked  at  my  door. 
Watch  me,  forgetting  how  it  is 
about  babies.  I  had  better  call  your 
doctor,  just  to  see  what  he  thinks." 

I  gave  her  the  number,  and  she 
found  him  miraculously  near  his 
telephone.  She  spoke  authoritative- 
ly of  what  could  happen  to  me 
under  the  circumstances,  then  she 
listened  to  him  a  while.  Her  voice 
softened  as  she  promised  to  call 
him  if  a  need  was  indicated  during 
the  night. 

"The  doctor  arranged  for  you  to 
spend  the  night  with  me,"  she  said, 
replacing  the  receiver  on  its  hook. 
"He  said  so." 

So  did  the  policemen  who  came 

upstairs   later   and   talked   in   low 

tones  to  Mrs.  Preston,  assuring  her 

that    the    housebreaker    had    been 

Continued  on  page  25 


VOU     A     BETTER 


"How  you  choose  always  determines 
where  you  go." 


□  Is  becoming  my  best  an  obliga- 

□  Should  I  settle  for  less  knowl- 
edge, less  opportunity,  less  earn- 
ing power,  less  personal  satisfac- 
tion while  my  neighbor  goes  to 

□  Should  I  seek  secular  education 
only  when  the  church  provides 
quality  education  with  Christ  at 
the  center? 

□  Are  my  excuses  valid  when  the 
church,  the  government  and 
many  concerned  agencies  make 
loans  and  scholarships  readily 
available  for  the  asking? 


Lee  College 
Cleveland,  Tenn.  37311 

Dear  Sirs: 

Please  send  me  immediately : 

A  college  bulletin. 

Scholarship  and  loan  Information. 

Entrance  Applications 




By  MRS.    K.   W.    HAGLUND 

WHAT  HAS  HAPPENED  to  the  simple  joys 
of  childhood  since  I  was  young?  Gone  are 
the  lazy,  peaceful  days  of  make-believe 
when  children  were  so  utterly  without  the  tensions 
and  pressures  that  are  a  part  of  even  the  very  young 
these  days.  We  felt  no  need  to  rush  headlong  into 
each  day,  to  be  first,  to  envy  the  material  things  that 
our  playmates  had.  We  had  time  just  to  sit  back 
against  the  warm,  rough  bark  of  a  tree,  or  to  lie  on 
our  stomachs  on  the  grass  and  just  think — left  alone 
with  our  thoughts  and  dreams. 

Today  the  rare  child  who  tries  to  sit  quietly  alone 
finds  that  he  is  a  stranger,  not  only  to  his  parents, 
but  to  all  society.  His  parents  wonder  if  he  is  feeling 
well,  and  everyone  else  thinks  he  is  a  little  "strange." 
Thus,  he  is  not  allowed  to  be  alone  with  his  dreams 
but  is  pushed  into  the  stream  of  life.  He  is  forced 
to  swim  faster,  better,  stronger,  and  to  think  of  his 
neighbors  and  classmates  not  as  friends  to  enjoy,  but 
as  competitors.  The  world  about  him  is  not  to  be 
looked  at  in  leisure,  nor  to  be  enjoyed  by  his  senses 
of  sight,  smell,  and  sound,  but  to  rush  through  bodily 
— literally  thrusting  aside  all  those  a  jump  ahead  of 

I  remember  with  nostalgia  the  many  beautiful  days 
which  my  sister  and  I  enjoyed  as  children,  and  I 
long  for  my  grandchildren  to  have  days  like  this  to 
remember,  with  time  to  have  a  quiet  mind. 

One  such  day  I  remember  vividly  was  a  red  and 
gold  Indian  Summer  Saturday  when  my  sister  and 
I  were  ready  for  another  magical  day  of  "make  be- 
lieve." The  long,  straight  row  of  willow  trees  that 
reached  from  the  road  in  front  and  ended  by  a 
shed  in  back  became  a  rope  ladder  stretched  across 
a  deep,  dark  chasm.  Carefully  and  cautiously  we  had 
to  swing  or  step  from  the  first  tree  to  the  last  and 

climb  to  the  peaked  roof  of  the  "mountain"  at  the 
end  without  ever  letting  our  feet  touch  the  ground. 
When  we  reached  this  goal,  we  felt  safe  and  secure 

A  flock  of  geese  flying  south  to  their  winter  home 
brought  us  down,  and  we  lay  flat  on  our  backs  in 
the  yard  watching  them  fly  in  formation,  haunting 
the  sky  with  their  honking.  In  our  imagination  we 
flew  with  them,  moving  our  arms  back  and  forth  in 
rhythm  with  their  wings  and  straining  our  vocal 
cords  "crying"  to  them  and  begging  not  to  be  left 
behind.  When  they  left  us,  both  in  sight  and  sound, 
we  lay  quietly  dreaming  of  the  wonders  of  being 
able  to  fly  anywhere  in  the  whole  mysterious  sky. 

By  afternoon  we  were  ready  to  leave  for  world's 
unknown.  We  galloped  on  our  "stick  horses"  across 
the  fields  to  the  gravel  country  road  to  wait  for  the 
first  hayrig  whose  driver  would  let  us  ride.  When  we 
climbed  up  and  stretched  out  on  the  prickly,  sweet- 
smelling  hay,  we  were  "pioneers"  crossing  the  desert 
in  a  gently  swaying  covered  wagon.  The  pump  in 
the  farmer's  yard  was  an  "oasis"  where  we  quenched 
our  thirst  before  starting  on  our  long  trip  home. 

We  took  the  long  way  home  through  the  woods 
and  pretended  we  were  Hansel  and  Gretal  looking 
for  the  gingerbread  house.  We  stopped  to  watch  ants 
build  their  fragile  dirt  homes,  grain  by  grain.  We 
found  fallen  bird's  nests  and  boosted  one  another  up 
to  put  them  in  a  safe  place  in  a  crotch  of  a  tree. 

By  late  afternoon  we  were  safely  home  with  hair 
full  of  hay,  empty  stomachs,  and  the  wondrous  feel- 
ing of  being  at  peace  with  ourselves  and  the  world 
in  general. 

From  after  supper  until  bedtime  we  were  "Mrs. 
Jones  and  Mrs.  Smith"  caring  for  our  rag  babies, 
and  not  until  we  were  in  our  beds  and  the  sandman 
had  sprinkled  our  eyes  did  we  slip  back  into  reality.    • 


OF  ALL  THE  statements 
made  by  Jesus,  His  state- 
ment to  the  rich  young 
ruler  is  one  of  the  most  revealing. 
Jesus  did  not  rebuke  this  religious 
young  man,  rather  He  stated  his 
insufficiency,  "Yet  lackest  thou  one 

Notice  two  questions  in  Matthew's 

"What  good  thing  shall  I  do, 
that  I  may  have  eternal  life?" 

"If  you  wilt  enter  into  life,  keep 
the  commandments,"  Jesus  replied. 

"All  these  things  have  I  kept 
from  my  youth  up:  what  lack  I 

"If  thou  wilt  be  perfect,  go  .  .  . 
come  and  follow  me."  From  the  en- 
lightening language  used  by  Mat- 
thew, Jesus  associates  eternal  life 
with  perfection. 

Explain  it  from  every  angle,  but 
John  3:16  still  stands  as  a  monu- 
ment declaring  God's  love  to  man. 
Do  what  you  will  to  Matthew  5:48 
but  it  remains  as  God's  unchang- 
ing command,  "Be  ye  therefore 
perfect,  even  as  your  Father  which 
is  in   heaven   is   perfect." 

The  perfected  life  is  farfetched 
to  unbelievers,  for  all  they  can  see 
is  the  human  element  of  man.  All 
they  can  see  is  man's  effort.  All 
they  can  see  is  man's  inability. 
With  this  focus  there  is  nothing 
but  frustration  and  defeat,  for  man 
cannot  manufacture  this  perfection 
in  his  own  life. 

But  when  we  look  unto  Jesus, 
the  Author  and  Finisher  of  faith, 
eternal  life  is  clearly  focused;  and 
we  know  we  are  what  we  are  be- 
cause of  the  life  of  God,  eternal 
life,  living  in  us.  Looking  through 
these  lenses,  we  are  brought  into 
consistent  victory  and  an  endless 
life  of  success — success  as  God 
understands  it. 

The  seed  of  eternal  life  planted 
within  will  bring  forth  a  consecra- 
tion, a  dedication  to  God  and  the 
wayside  areas  will  be  cultivated 
and  made  pliable  to  receive  every 
word  of  God.  The  sufficiency  of 
God  will  fulfill  His  Word,  and  we 
will  only  speak  out  what  He  has 

done  and  is  doing  within:  He  will 
cleanse  us  from  every  sin  and 
moment  by  moment  will  keep  us 
free  from  sin.  Therefore,  the 
fruit  we  bear  will  be  perfected 

Matthew  and  Luke  records  the 
judgment  of  Jesus  in  this  matter 
of  perfection.  "It  is  enough  for  the 
disciple  that  he  be  as  his  master, 
and  the  servant  as  his  lord." 

Only  as  His  life  is  lived  in  us 
will  there  be  holiness  in  opposition 
to  ungodly  men,  murderous  broth- 
ers and  fathers,  hatred  and  per- 
secution, that  is  our  lot  according 

to  Matthew  10. 

Again  the  scripture  speaks,  ".  .  . 
he  that  dwelleth  in  love  dwelleth 
in  God,  and  God  in  him.  Herein 
is  our  love  made  perfect  .  .  .  be- 
cause as  he  is,  so  are  we  in  this 
world."  Yes,  to  be  as  our  Lord,  as 
our  Master,  is  enough. 

"I  do  always  those  things  that 
please  him  [the  father],"  Jesus 
said.  And  when  He  who  is  eternal 
life  continues  to  live  out  His  testi- 
mony of  perfection  in  and  through 
our  mortal  flesh  then  and  then 
only  will  we  know  the  value  of 
those  words:  "It  is  enough."    • 







cently came  home  from 
church  and  threw  himself 
into  a  rocker.  "Alice,"  he  said  to 
his  wife,  "today  the  preacher  re- 
turned to  his  pet  theme — changing 
times.  You  know,  the  old  line  that 
a  lot  of  things  that  were  considered 
wrong  fifty  years  ago  are  okay  now 
— in  the  light  of  present-day  reli- 
gion. He  mentioned  the  lack  of 
Sunday  observance,  moderate 
drinking,  cheating,  and  what  he 
calls  "harmless  peccadillos." 

"But  darling,  maybe  he  didn't 
mean  it  just  the  way  you  thought." 

"I'll  admit  he  tries  to  play  safe 
by  trying  to  please  the  majority 
and  making  the  others  guess  what 
he  means  and  believes;  but  it 
wasn't  hard  to  guess  today.  I've 
heard  him  preach  more  than  fifty 
times.  I've  never  heard  him  talk 
seriously  about  salvation,  sin,  re- 
demption, or  repentance,  the  Res- 
urrection, or  immortality,  or  the 
prayer  of  faith.  He  mentions  Christ 
as  if  He  were  just  a  man.  His  ser- 
mon is  always  a  safe  little  lecture 
on  psychology,  ethics,  or  changing 
times,  or  a  social  gospel  talk — 
nothing  that  would  get  under  your 
skin  by  reminding  you  that  you 
are  a  sinner.  The  way  he  picks 
the  Bible  to  pieces,  you  wonder  why 
he  is  a  preacher.  Maybe  he  wouldn't 
be,"  Jim  added  with  a  wry  chuckle, 
"if  it  were  not  for  'changing  times.' 

Many  ministers  and  laymen  im- 
itate Jim's  preacher.  Some  call 
their  theology  liberalism;  some, 
"intellectualism";  and  some,  both. 
But  all  stoutly  deny  that  it  is  really 
pathetic  rationalization.  They  in- 
veigh against  the  "narrowness" 
and  the  "bigotry"  and  "creeds"  of 
those  they  snobbishly  call  "conser- 
vatives," while  they  themselves  be- 
come so  broad  and  thin  and  spir- 


itually  acrobatic  that  sometimes 
even  close  friends  cannot  tell  what 
they  believe — if  anything — regard- 
ing spiritual  matters. 

The  changing-times  theory 
causes  a  spiritual  pathology  which 
grows  in  size  and  malignancy  like 
a  physical  cancer.  I  know  a  min- 
ister who,  twelve  years  ago,  used 
to  baptize  "in  the  name  of  the 
Father,  the  Son,  and  the  Holy 
Ghost."  He  has  not  done  that  since 
he  became  an  extreme  liberal. 
Changing  times  and  a  vanishing 
faith  have  apparently  made  him 
ashamed  to  baptize  in  the  name  of 
the  Trinity.  Likewise,  he  has 
stopped  asking  the  candidate  for 
baptism  whether  the  candidate  ac- 
cepts Christ  as  his  personal  Sav- 
iour. Changing  times  have  evident- 
ly destroyed  his  faith  in  the  Sav- 
iourhood  of  Christ,  so  now  he  mere- 
ly asks  the  candidate  whether  he 
will  try  to  follow  the  Christ  way 
of  life. 

I  recently  heard  a  young  preach- 
er who  is  a  chronic  addict  of  the 
times-have-changed  spiritual  nar- 
cotic. He  ended  his  statement  with 
this  clause  ".  .  .  and  religious  be- 
liefs must  conform  to  the  changing 
times."  He  spoke  vaguely  and  un- 
convincingly  about  new  thinking, 
new  Biblical  interpretations  and 
new  experience  as  his  reason  for 
urging  people  to  abandon  custom 
and  tradition  in  the  field  of  reli- 
gion. A  regular  member  of  his  con- 
gregation told  me  that  his  minister 
tries  constantly  to  distort  and 
emasculate  the  most  precious 
promises  of  the  New  Testament  by 
alleging  that,  according  to  the  best 
scholars  and  the  latest  research, 
such  and  such  a  passage  does  not 
mean  what  it  clearly  says,  and  does 
not  mean  what  our  parents  and 
Christ's  followers  understood  it  to 

Many  ministers  and  laymen  seem 
to  use  the  changing-times  theology 
as  an  antidote  for  sin  and  justi- 
fication for  a  comfortable  religion. 
They  appear  to  accept  most  of 
Christ's  ethical  teachings  as  they 
rationalize  them.  They  thmk  peo- 
ple should  vote  and  attend  church 
occasionally — especially  if  it  is  a 
liberal  church.  They  are  willing  to 
provide  places  of  entertainment  for 
young  and  old.  They  support  the 
Community  Fund  and  the  Cancer 
Drive,  as  long  as  they  can  do  so 
comfortably  and  unsacrificially; 
but  they  think  that  man  can  work 
out  his  own  salvation  in  the  light 
of  changing  times,  and  that  by 
implication,  he  does  not  need  God 
or  Christ  or  prayer.  They  cooper- 
ate enthusiastically,  but  sometimes 
unknowingly,  in  proving  that  the 
devil's  favorite  tactic  consists  of 
presenting  an  old  temptation  in  a 
new  guise  that  makes  rationaliza- 
tion easy  and  persuasive. 

Jim  Barnes'  church  does  not 
grow,  while  nearby  churches  do.  To 
stimulate  church  growth,  Jim's 
minister  with  his  church  boards 
and  committees  have  vainly  tried 
many  techniques  that  would  cor- 
respond to  sales  promotion  and  ad- 
vertising methods  in  a  commercial 
enterprise.  But  they  have  been  try- 
ing to  sell  a  man-made  liberalism 
tailored  to  accommodate  the  cold 
materialism  of  a  changing  age. 
They  have  not  even  tried  to  offer 
the  timeless  gospel  of  Jesus  Christ. 
They  have  ignored  people's  hunger 
for  the  "Bread  of  Life." 

If  it  were  not  for  their  spiritual 
myopia,  their  historical  amnesia, 
and  their  changing-times  doctrine, 
they  would  see  that  there  are  basic 
Christian  truths  that  will  endure 
unchanged  after  liberalism  has  be- 
come a  dusty  paragraph  of  ancient 
theological  lore.    • 



WHO  HAS  provided  much 
of  the  basis  and  founda- 
tion in  the  growth  of  the 
church?"  "Which  group  of  people 
have  done  more  for  the  further- 
ance of  the  ministry,  without  due 
recognition,  than  any  other?"  If 
these  questions  were  asked  in  my 
range  of  hearing  now,  the  answer 
could  only  be  "ministers  wives." 

Though  there  are  a  number  of 
ministers'  wives  who  are  themselves 
licensed  to  preach,  the  greater  ma- 
jority are  housewives  who  have  in- 
herited the  responsibilities  their 
husband's  occupation  requires  of 
them.  Although  they  may  be 
graphically  aware  of  what  this  type 
of  life  presents  before  marriage, 
the  stark  reality  of  the  total  en- 
tailment may  not  become  vivid  un- 
til the  first  instance  of  human 
misery  or  sorrow  has  presented  it- 
self to  them. 

Seeing  your  husband  respond  to 
a  transient's  appeal  for  food,  when 
you  have  barely  enough  for  your 
own  family,  is  one  thing;  but,  hav- 
ing the  transient  sit  down  at  your 
lean  but  decorative  table  with  your 
small,  clean,  and  impressionable 
children,  while  he  gives  off  odorous 
notions  of  a  wine  factory,  is  still 

The  ominous  and  frequent  tele- 
phone interruptions  in  the  early 
hours  of  the  morning  also  provide 
suitable  moments  for  worry.  Death 
and  life  become  interchangeable  in 
their  frequency,  but  death  always 
leaves  an  indelible  mark  on  con- 
scious minds.  The  minister's  wife 
views  more  funerals  and  weddings 
in  one  year  than  most  people  see 
in  a  lifetime.  She  attends  every 
worship  service  with  her  husband 
and,  invariably,  takes  an  active 
part  in  the  many  facets  of  the 
worship.  She  must  be  compatible 
with  her  husband's  congregation 
and  is  often  expected  to  counsel 
as  effectively  and  as  psychological- 
ly correct  as  her  husband.  She 
must  do  this  and  still  provide  the 
spiritual  guidance  and  homelife  for 
her  children. 

She  has  a  husband  that  expects 
her  to  fulfill  the  usual  housewife 
and  mother  roles,  develop  organi- 
zational abilities  in  the  church, 
and  also  give  him  critical  and  in- 
spirational advice  on  his  many  ser- 
mons. She  must  appear  at  ease 
in  any  group  or  given  situation. 

early  age  he  realized  that  Chris- 
tianity and  active  religious  partici- 
pation does  not  mean  the  individ- 
ual is  inferior.  After  a  few  more 
incidents  with  their  playmates, 
preacher's  kids  somehow  convey 
this  idea  in  quite  a  direct  manner. 
If  ever  there  is  a  need  for  a  child 


Silent  Heroines 


She  can  smile  when  her  husband 
uses  a  humorous  illustration  in  his 
sermons — smile  though  she  has 
heard  it  a  dozen  times  before.  She 
must  also  smile  when  he  uses  her 
as  an  illustration  and  hold  her 
thoughts  until  they  both  get  home. 
She  must  appear  amused  when  the 
matronly  elders  refer  to  that  an- 
cient and  weary  cliche  "preach- 
ers kids  are  the  way  they  are  be- 
cause they  run  around  with  the 
deacons'  kids."  She  can  appear 
amused,  though  knowing  it  is  really 
because  they  take  after  their  fa- 

If  she  ever  had  any  intentions 
of  wealth  or  luxury,  she  realizes 
their  remote  possibilities  in  the 
first  few  years.  She  observes  hu- 
man depravity  and  degradation  in 
its  worst  forms  and  tries  all  the 
more  to  raise  her  children  in  the 
will  of  God.  There  are  also  times 
of  instruction  in  what  it  means 
to  be  a  minister's  son  for  one  of 
her  small  boys  when  he  tells  her 
that  he  hit  a  schoolmate  in  the 
nose  for  calling  him  a  sissy  because 
his  father  was  a  preacher.  At  this 

to  regard  his  actions  in  the  light 
of  his  father's  role,  it  is  as  a  min- 
ister's child.  Their  mother  makes 
this  a  definite  and  meaningful  part 
of  the  early  training  and  they  nev- 
er forget  it,  even  when  they  have 
left  the  home.  She  must  be  coun- 
selor, doctor,  psychologist,  instruc- 
tor, and  a  thousand  other  things 
all  wrapped  up  in  one.  Her  reward 
is  in  seeing  her  husband  succeed 
in  his  ministry  to  those  around 
them  and  to  see  her  children  grow 
and  carry  on  the  heritage.  She  does 
not  demand  recognition  of  herself, 
but  knowing  and  seeing  how  her 
efforts  have  succeeded  are  reward 
enough  for  this  gracious  lady. 

Yes,  we  give  little  credit  to  these 
capable,  loving,  and  wise  wives  of 
our  ministers.  I  have  seen  the  frus- 
tration, pitfalls,  and  sorrows  that 
are  attached  to  this  group  of  peo- 
ple, and  I  want  to  express  my 
thanks  for  the  part  they  have 
played  in  my  background.  Minis- 
ters' wives  have  given  me  a  deeper 
and  greater  understanding  of  the 
"giving"  area  of  life,  because  my 
mother  was  one.    • 


By   G.   A.    SWANSON,    Representative,    Servicemen's   Department 


IN  THIS  TIME  of  acute  social 
turmoil  and  the  resort  to 
force  against  force,  the  in- 
terest of  the  Church  of  God  in  its 
military  personnel  is  keen.  It  has 
been  some  time  since  we  have  of- 
fered you  a  report  of  the  status 
of  your  European  Servicemen's 
Program.  I  hope  that  this  has  not 
suggested  to  you  that  the  effort 
here  has  slackened.  The  contrary 
is  true. 

There  are  presently  forty  Pente- 
costal Fellowships  in  operation 
within  the  framework  of  the 
Church  of  God  Program  in 
Europe.  These  are  local  groups  of 
believers  organized  into  a  Pente- 
costal witness  in  their  community. 
They  conduct  Pentecostal  worship 
services  while  working  in  the  Gen- 
eral Protestant  Chapel  Program. 

There  comes  to  the  European  of- 
fices  in   Kaiserslautern,   Germany, 

a  constant  flow  of  reports  regard- 
ing salvation,  sanctification,  and 
Holy  Ghost  baptisms  occurring  in 
these  fellowships.  With  the  accel- 
erated redeployment  of  troops  in 
the  past  year,  the  reorganization 
of  fellowships  has  been  a  major 

A  facet  of  the  program  that  is 
directly  tangible  to  your  efforts 
and  has  shown  great  improvement 
over  the  last  eighteen  months  is 
the  contacting  of  Church  of  God 
personnel  rotating  into  Europe.  Ex- 
ecutive Director  C.  Raymond 
Spain's  determined  efforts  to  re- 
cruit your  assistance  in  keeping 
current  our  records  of  Church  of 
God  personnel  have  paid  great 

There  was  a  time  when  the  aver- 
age time  a  person  spent  in  Europe 
before  we  were  able  to  make  con- 

tact was  eighteen  months.  Now 
there  are  many  cases  where  con- 
tact is  made  within  a  month  of 
their  arrival.  As  you  continue  to 
send  in  current  information  about 
your  relatives  and  friends,  we  will 
be  able  to  increase  our  effective 

The  Evangelism  Center  in  Kai- 
serslautern has  progressed  well 
under  the  pastoral  efforts  of  Roy 
F.  Stricklin.  Because  of  our  having 
outgrown  our  facilities  for  public 
meetings,  soon  after  Brother 
Stricklin  arrived  we  secured  addi- 
tional space  at  a  local  school  to 
accommodate  part  of  the  Sunday 
school.  The  need  for  better  worship 
facilities  prompted  the  initiation 
of  a  project  to  convert  the  base- 
ment into  a  chapel.  This  was  ac- 
complished by  the  efforts  of  the 
servicemen,  thus  minimizing  the 
cost  involved. 

The  Reverend  Reginald  Daniel,  a 
civilian,  has  worked  with  the  de- 
partment for  the  past  two  years. 

The  servicemen  in  Europe  have  sup- 
ported Reverend  Robert  R.  Seyda, 
Jr.  as  their  missionary  to  the  Euro- 
peans for  the  past  two  years. 

Pastor  Stricklin  enjoys  a  good  meal  with  service  personnel  during  one 
of  the  Felloioship  Leaders'  Seminars. 


For  the  past  two 
years  Reverend 
Roy  Stricklin  has 
served  as  pastor  of 
the  Evangelism 
Center  in  Kaisers- 
lautern.  Although 
his  congregation  is 
plagued  with  rota- 
tion, he  has  built  a 
healthy  and  con- 
sistent congrega- 
The  chapel  was  dedicated  on 
March  10,  1968,  with  Brother 
Stricklin  moderating  the  service. 
Lieutenant  Steve  Johnson,  his  wife, 
and  Marlena  Humphrey  minister- 
ed in  music,  along  with  Charlotte 
Smith.  TSGT  Eugene  Barber  di- 
rected the  congregational  singing. 
Chaplain  Richard  Bershon  gave 
opportunity  for  Church  of  God 
membership.  Sp5  Chaptman  Carn- 
ley,  who  had  supervised  the  con- 
struction, offered  commendation 
to  those  who  had  labored  faith- 
fully. European  Superintendent 
William  D.  Alton  delivered  the  ded- 
icatorial  message.  Brother  Strick- 
lin said  "Brother  Alton  blessed  our 
hearts  with  a  sermon  from  1  Kings 
8:11  and  Romans  12:1,2.  He 
brought  to  our  remembrance  that 
the  chapel  was  built,  not  necessar- 
ily that  we  would  have  a  nicer 
place  to  worship,  but  that  souls 
might  find  Christ.  Without  the 
dedication  of  ourselves  this  is  iust 
another  building.  But  with  our  ded- 
ication truly  God's  building." 

The  dedicatorial  prayer  was  led 
by  the  European  Representative. 
Many  who  were  involved  in  the 
building  of  the  chapel  have  rotated 
to  Vietnam  and  other  places.  They 
have  left  behind  them  an  instru- 
ment dedicated  to  the  edification 
of  those  who  will  follow. 

The  other  aspects  of  the  work 
continue  to  prosper.  The  service 
personnel  here  have  for  two  years 
supported  their  own  missionary  to 
Europe,  the  Reverend  R.  R.  Seyda, 
Jr.  as  well  as  assisting  in  many 
other  mission  projects.  Because  of 
the  lack  of  space,  I  cannot  men- 
tion all  the  aspects  of  our  work. 
However,  I  trust  that  you  will  con- 
tinue your  faithful  support  of  the 
Servicemen's  Department. 


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The  key  positions  now  open  will  be  filled  by 
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Mail  the  Certificate.  Do  it  now. 
Hundreds  of  U.  S.  and  Canadian  men  and 
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Pastor — Part-Time 

"Between  sick  calls, 
church  visitation,  fu- 
nerals, committee  meet- 
ings and  sermons,  I  can 
only  work  about  7  hours 
a  week.  But  I've  earned 
$1,440  in  the  last  8 
months.  That's  $42.00 
extra  a  week.  I  also  have 
the  joy  of  bringing  spir- 
itual help  into  the  homes 
where  I  visit." 
Rev.  O.  C,  Mississippi 

Manager — Full -Time 

"Less  than  6  months 
after  I  took  my  job  with 
the  John  Rudin  Com- 
pany my  income  had 
doubled.  Now,  aftereight 
years,  I've  just  been 
made  Regional  Manager, 
my  third  promotion.  In 
this  meaningful,  impor- 
tant work  with  Christian 
families,  I  have  realized 
far  more  than  personal 
satisfaction.   I  know  I 

Mr.  H.  M.,  So.  C. 

Housewife — Part-Time 

"When  my  husband 
wanted  to  return  to  the 
University  for  his  gradu- 
ate work  I  prayed  for  a 
part-time  job  that  would 
permit  me  to  be  home 
with  the  children  most  of 
the  time  and  still  earn 
enough  income  to  help 
pay  the  family  expenses. 
I've  been  working  about 
12  hours  a  week  and  my 

over  $11.00  an  hour.  I 
can't  tell  you  how  happy 

Mrs.  J.  P.,  Canada 

desman — Full -Time 

"I'm  a  family  man  and 
was  stuck  in  a  job  that 
brought  me  low  pay  and 
little  opportunity.  Some 
years  ago  the  Rudin 
Company  offered  me  a 
job.  The  last  3  months  1 
earned  $3,520  with  time 
out  for  vacationing,  fish- 
ing and  golfing.  I  have 
the  joy  of  knowing  that 
every  Christian  family  I 
talk  to  will  be  honestly 
helped  by  the  program  I 
offer  them." 
Mr.  H.  R.,  Washington 




Awake,   O   America! 

from  page  9 

this  time  has  been  summed  up  by 
one  observer  with  these  words, 
"The  crook  has  been  made  a  joke; 
stealing  is  funny;  swearing  is  en- 
tertaining; the  double  meaning  is 
the  end  of  wit;  infidelity  and  il- 
licit love  are  the  spice  of  life;  the 
home  is  chains;  prohibition  is  a 
calamity.  .  .  .  The  preacher  is  a 
fool  and  the  church  is  a  mystery — 
a  memory  of  the  funny  Sunday 
school  days.  Mother  is  no  longer 
revered,  and  father  is  a  sly  old 
rascal.  God  is  a  convenient  swear 
word,  and  heaven  is  the  biggest 
joke  of  all.  The  bareback,  cigarette- 
sucking,  poodle-leading,  cocktail- 
drinking,  home-breaking  female  is 
made  the  queen.  Love  is  degraded 
into  passion,  and  the  marriage  is 
no  longer  binding."  These  days  are 
increasingly  dangerous,  because 
mankind  is  not  aware  of  the  day 
to  which  he  has  come.  While  the 
happenings  of  this  day  should  pro- 
voke to  revival  and  righteousness, 
they  breed  wickedness  and  compla- 
cency. Out  of  this  seedbed  of  com- 
placency has  grown  many  of  the 
maladies  of  our  time. 

At  this  point,  it  would  be  good 
for  the  nation,  the  church,  and 
the  individual  to  reflect  on  the 
past  and  to  shake  themselves  from 
the  sleepy  stupor  that  has  gripped 
them.  According  to  the  Historian 
Santyana,   "They   who   fail   to   re- 

member the  past  are  doomed  to 
repeat  it."  And  according  to  the 
Apostle  Paul,  "Now  all  these  things 
happened  unto  them  for  ensamples: 
and  they  are  written  for  our  ad- 
monition, upon  whom  the  ends  of 
the  world  are  come"  (1  Corinthians 
10:11).  Therefore,  let  us  take  a 
quick  glance  at  the  past  to  give 
direction  in  this  hour.  Almost  ev- 
ery nation  that  has  existed  has 
fallen  into  four  distinct  periods: 
First,  the  pioneer  period  of  colon- 
ialization;  second,  the  period  of 
growth  and  cultivation;  third,  the 
period  of  leisure  and  luxury; 
fourth,  the  period  of  decline  and 

One  has  only  to  reflect  upon  the 
world  powers  of  the  past  and  the 
mighty  nations  of  history  to  de- 
lineate these  periods  in  each  of 
those  civilizations.  But  today,  they 
are  no  more — they  have  crum- 
bled to  dust  and  have  been  trod- 
den underfoot  of  man. 

In  the  light  of  the  past,  this 
civilization  has  come  to  the  brink 
of  destruction — living  in  luxury  and 
ease,  fat  and  opulent,  and  chained 
by  the  fleshly  habits  that  it  can 
least  afford.  God  has  not  prom- 
ised to  save  us  from  destruction 
because  of  who  we  are,  but  on  the 
basis  of  what  we  are.  Therefore, 
let  us  heed  the  words  of  the  Apos- 
tle Peter,  "Save  yourselves  from  this 
untoward  [perverted]  generation!" 
(Acts  2:40).  My  plea  is,  Awake,  O 
America !    • 


"Golden  Moments"  has  been  chosen  as  the  theme  for  the  second 
General  Assembly  Alumni  Banquet.  The  time  and  date  is  twelve 
noon,  Friday,  August  26,  1968.  Hotel  Baker  will  cater  the  special 
luncheon  in  their  lovely  Crystal  Ballroom. 

Highlighting  some  of  the  Alma  Mater's  past  golden  moments  will 
be  a  special  ceremony  in  honor  of  Lee's  former  college  presidents. 
Dr.  Terrell  McBrayer  will  announce  the  dedication  of  his  book, 
Pioneer  in  Pentecostal  Education.  Roosevelt  Miller  will  be  the  fea- 
tured soloist. 

Guest  Speaker  Cecil  B.  Knight  will  tell  of  "Lee's  Present  Golden 
Moment"  and  Alumni  President  J.  Herbert  Walker,  Jr.,  will  give 
projections  for  the  association's  coming  year. 

The  occasion  promises  to  be  another  of  those  rare  moments  that 
linger  fondly  in  the  mind,  and  the  association  officers  hope  that 
all  alumni  will  plan  to  be  present. 

"Choose    this    day    whom    ye    will 

Don't  aimlessly  drift  with  the  wind. 
Make  a  choice  to  serve  the  Lord; 
Seek  freedom  from  Satan  and  sin. 

Chart  a  course  on  the  sea  of  life 
With  heaven  as  your  destined  goal. 
Choose  Jesus   Christ   as  captain 
To  pilot  your  sin-sick  soul. 

— Evelyn   Pickering 


George    Smith 

32    Hampton    Green    Avenue 

Spanish    Town, 

Jamaica    W.I. 

Brenda    Porter 

Route     2 

Salem.   South   Carolina  29676 

Shirley    Sanders 

1104    East    Avenue    B 

Sweetwater,    Texas    79556 

Cpl.   Terry   L.    McDanlel 


Mabs-12    Utilities    Section 

Mag-12    1st    MAW 

FPO    San    Francisco,    Calif.    96602 

Carol   Scotte 

Post    Office    Box    17114 

Tampa,   Florida    33612 

Diane    Sloan 

540   Peachtree  Street 

Woodruff,   South    Carolina   29388 

Kenneth  Owen.  STS3    B700678 
USS   Intrepid,   CVS-11 
OI    Div.    (Sonar) 
FPO,    New   York    09501 



By  Donald  S.  Aultman 
National  Director 

Cincinnati   (Central  Pkwy.),  Ohio 253 

Greenville    (Tremont    Ave), 

South   Carolina _  244 

Buford     Georgia    _   ________  190 

Jacksonville   (Garden   City),  Florida   _  164 
Wyandotte,    Michigan     ...    _    _    _    ....  162 

Tampa   (Buffalo  Ave.),  Florida  _ 155 

Hamilton   (Princeton  Pike),  Ohio  152 

Gastonia  (Ranlo),  North  Carolina 152 

Huntsville    Alabama 149 

Lakeland    (Lake    Wire),    Florida    _  147 

Pulaski,   Virginia    ... _   _  145 

Flint   (West),   Michigan 144 

Ft.    Lauderdale    (4th    Ave.),    Florida   _  141 

Pompano    Beach,    Florida    —    _ 140 

Newport  News    Virginia _  136 

Canton    (Canton   Temple),   Ohio   128 

Salisbury,   Maryland ....  126 

Cleveland   (Mt.  Olive),  Tennessee  123 

Jackson     (Bailey    Ave.),    Mississippi    _  121 

Pasco,    Washington    _ 118 

Glendale     Arizona    _    _    _.    _    _    _  115 

Dallas    (Oak   Cliff),   Texas 115 

Rossville.    Georgia    _    —    _ 115 


Chattanooga  (East),  Tennessee  _ 

Cahokla,   Illinois    -  _ _  

Dalton    (East    Morris    St.),    Georgia 

Jacksonville  (Springfield),  Florida 

St.  Pauls,  North  Carolina  _ 

Naples,   Florida   _   _..   _   ....   _..   _..   __ 

Paris,   Texas   _ 

Woodruff,    South   Carolina  _ _   __ 

Brooklyn,   Maryland   _  

Cleveland  (Detroit  Ave.),  Ohio 

Jesup,   Georgia    ....    _ _ _   .... 

Omaha    (Pkwy.).   Nebraska  _  ._. _ 

Richmond    Dale,    Ohio   __   ....    __    .._   .... 

Poplar,    California    _.. 

Danville    (West),   Virginia   _  ._ 

Townsend     Georgia    _   __   _   .._   .._ 

Columbus   (Frebls  Ave.),  Ohio  __  

Roanoke  Rapids,  North  Carolina  ....  _.. 

Graham,   Texas   .... 

West   Monroe,    Louisiana    

Addison,    Alabama    _. 

Princeton.    West    Virginia _..    __. 

Fairfield,  California   

Savannah  (Garden  City),  Georgia 

West   Winter   Haven,   Florida _ 

Delbarton,    West    Virginia ....   _.. 

North   Rldgeville,   Ohio   _ 

Hurst,   Texas   _ .... 

Slinas,    California    _    _ 

Walhalla,   South   Carolina   

Vanceburg,    Kentucky   _ 

Lake    Worth,    Florida    _ 

Somerset    Kentucky 

Indianapolis   (West),   Indiana  

Valdosta,    Georgia    _..    _ 

San  Fernando  Valley,  California  ....  __ 

Mesquite,   Texas   _.   ....   _ _ 

Leicester,    New    York    .... 

Kannapolls  (Earle  St.)    North  Carolina 
Norfolk    (Azalea   Garden   Rd.),   Virginia 

Lemmon,   South  Dakota .._ 

Monroe,    Louisiana    

Brunswick   (Sterling),  Georgia _.. 

Lincoln   Park    (Westside),  Michigan   .... 
Orangeburg  (Palmetto)    South  Carolina 

Granite  Falls,  North  Carolina  

Lancaster,   Ohio    .._   _ 

Lenoir   (West),   Tennessee  _ __ 

Lawrencevllle,    Illinois    _ ._ 

Red   Bay,    Alabama   _.. _ 

Sanford    Florida  ....  __  .... 

Portland    (Powell  Blvd.),  Oregon  

Aurora  (Indian  Trail),  Illinois  _  _  _ 

Brenton,  West  Virginia  ._ 

Elyrla,    Ohio _ _..   .._ 

Lexington  (Loudon  Ave.),  Kentucky  .... 

Thorn.    Mississippi    _. 

Wooster,    Ohio    _..    _ __ 

Benton  Harbor  (Southslde),  Michigan  .. 
Charleston   ( Dorchester- Waylyn), 

South  Carolina  _  _..  .._ 

Dayton,   Tennessee   ....   _ __ 

Long  Beach,   California 

San   Antonio    (Southslde).   Texas   ....   __ 

Flint   (Kearsley  Park),  Michigan  

Holland,    Michigan    _   _ _ 

Brenton,   West  Virginia  _ 

Fremont,   Michigan   -.   __  ....  _ 

Kings  Mountain,  North  Carolina  

Pelzer,   South  Carolina  _ 

Fort    Myers,    Florida    ....    _ 

Salisbury   (Morlan  Park), 

North   Carolina   ... 

Bush   (Sharps  Chapel),  Louisiana  

Louisville  (Highland  Park),  Kentucky  .. 

Charlottesville,  Virginia  

Jackson   (Leavell  Woods),  Mississippi  .. 

Jacksonville,   North    Carolina    _    ._.  58 

Jackson,  Ohio _  .._  57 

Masslllon,    Ohio 55 

Bonne   Terre,    Missouri   .... _   ....  54 

Longwood,    Florida 53 

Corbln    Kentucky  ....  ....  52 

North   Spartanburg,   South   Carolina  ....  52 

Wichita   (S.  Glen),  Kansas 52 

Coneross,    South    Carolina   ... .   51 

Jasonvllle   (Park  and  McKlnley  Sts.), 

Indiana _ 51 

Smithfield  (Uniontown),  Pennsylvania  51 

Herrln,    Illinois    _    ....    _    _..    _  50 


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Newport  News, 

"If  ye  be  risen  with  Christ,  seek 
those  things  which  are  above, 
where  Christ  sitteth  on  the  right 
hand  of  God.  Set  your  affections 
on  things  above,  not  on  things  of 
the  earth"  (Colossians  3:12).  "On 
Things  Above,"  the  theme  for  our 
Youth  Week  Revival,  will  long  be 
remembered  by  the  youth  of  the 
Parkview  Church  of  God. 

The  revival  began  on  Sunday 
evening,  April  21,  with  Associate 
Pastor  Charles  Hollifield  using  the 
passage  of  Scripture  in  Colossians 
as  a  basis  for  his  message.  On  Mon- 
day evening  a  panel  of  teens  and 
adults  discussed  the  "New  Moral- 
ity"; and  on  Tuesday  evening  the 
famed  religious  film  "Without  On- 
ion" was  presented. 

On  Wednesday  evening  Evange- 
list Howard  Long  came  to  minis- 
ter to  us  for  the  remaining  ser- 
vices of  the  revival. 

The  Reverend  Long  has  had 
much  experience  in  working  with 
youth,  having  served  the  church 
as  a  pastor,  an  associate  pastor, 
and  a  missionary  to  the  youth  cen- 
ter in  Tokyo,  Japan. 

His  ministry  here  was  anointed 
in  a  mighty  way  by  the  Spirit  of 
God.  Realizing  that  he  was  preach- 
ing to  a  "Now  Generation,"  he  took 
a  contemporary  view  of  God's 
Word.  The  titles  of  popular  hit 
tunes  were  used  as  topics  for  his 
series  of  messages.  On  Wednesday 
evening  he  preached  on  the  sub- 
ject, Born  Free;  on  Thursday,  What 
the  World  Needs  Now  Is  Love;  on 
Friday,  Strangers  in  the  Night;  on 
Saturday,  Honey;  on  Sunday  eve- 
ning, Stop  in  the  Name  of  Love. 

His  approach  to  the  Bible  was 
new  and  refreshing,  but  the  truths 
and  fundamental  doctrine  of  God's 
Word  remained  unchanged. 

The  Sunday  evening  service  was 
climaxed  with  the  testimonies  of 
ten  teen-agers,  who  had  never  be- 
fore known  Christ,  and  of  one,  who 
was  filled  with  the  Holy  Spirit. 

— Jeannette  C.  Dudley,  secretary 

Miss  Sweetheart  contestants  (bottom  row  left  to  right)  Wanda  Bradley, 
Inez  Butts,  Margret  Brock,  Eloise  Cox;  (top  row,  left  to  right)  Carol 
Skipper,  Shirley  Crawford,  Phillis  Lane,  and  Gale  Rainey.  Also  pictured 
is  the  master  of  ceremonies.  Mr.  Saint  Folino. 

Special  guests  pictured  left  to  right,  the  Reverend  Messrs. 
Roy  Miller,  D.  H.  Kirkland,  Paul  F.  Henson,  C.  R.  Calla- 
han and  H.  B.  Thompson. 

Jacksonville  (Springfield), 

Florida  BANQUET 

The  1968  Miss  Sweetheart  Ban- 
quet sponsored  by  the  Springfield 
Church  of  God  was  held  February 
10,  1968,  in  the  Gulf  Life  Tower 
Building  in  downtown  Jacksonville. 
The  Miss  Sweetheart  Banquet  is 
an  annual  affair  sponsored  by  the 
Senior  High  Department  of  the 
Springfield  Church  of  God  Sunday 
School.  Mr.  Saint  Folino  is  the 
department   superintendent. 

Each  year  the  contestants  partic- 
ipate in  a  fund-raising  project, 
from  which  profits  go  for  a  spe- 
cial scholarship  fund  for  Lee  Col- 
lege for  a  worthy  student.  They 
also  participate  in  ticket  sales  for 
the  annual  Miss  Sweetheart  Ban- 
quet. They  are  judged  on  a  ques- 
tion and  answer  category,  on  their 
ability  to  interpret  a  Bible  Chapter, 
and  also  on  their  talent  presenta- 

tion. The  contestant  chosen  as 
Miss  Sweetheart  of  1968  was  Miss 
Gale  Rainey.  She  was  crowned  by 
the  1967  Miss  Sweetheart,  Miss 
Phillis  Lane.  The  1968  runners-up 
were  Miss  Carolyn  Skipper  and 
Miss   Shirley   Crawford. 

We  were  honored  to  have  as  our 
guest  speaker  for  the  banquet  the 
Reverend  Paul  F.  Henson  assistant 
national  Sunday  school  and  youth 
director,  who  delivered  a  marvelous 
message  stressing  the  theme  of  the 
banquet,  "Love's  Rainbow."  The 
Reverend  Mr.  Henson  also  served 
as  a  judge  in  the  contest,  along 
with  the  Reverend  H.  B.  Thompson, 
pastor  of  the  Arlington  Church  of 
God  in  Jacksonville,  and  the  Rev- 
erend Roy  Miller,  pastor  of  the 
Lake  City  Church  of  God. 





Shown  with  the  recipients  are  Geneva  Car- 
roll, teacher,  and  Eugene  Garner,  associate 

The  Sunday  of  March  17,  1968, 
was  a  day  of  special  significance 
for  seventeen  girls  of  the  North 
Cleveland  Sunday  School.  Nine  of 
them  had  completed  the  Three- 
year  Memory  Course  in  less  than 
two  years.  Five  of  the  girls  who 
finished  the  course  are  not  pic- 
tured. Six  of  the  girls  completed 
the  first-year  in  less  than  six 
months,  and  the  two  girls  without 
certificates  just  entered  the 
course.  The  Reverend  Eugene  Gar- 
ner, assistant  pastor  of  the  North 
Cleveland  Church,  awarded  the 
certificates;  and  the  director 
awarded   the  pins. 

In  this  course  the  girls  read  the 
Bible,  memorize  scriptures,  learn 
hymn  stories,  and  do  other  work. 
The  scripture,  "Be  ye  doers  of  the 
word"  (James  1:22),  is  put  into  ac- 
tion. In  these  days  of  crises,  our 
boys  and  girls  need  to  have  a 
knowledge  of  the  Scriptures. 
Teachers,  challenge  your  young 
people  to  learn  this  special  memory 
work.  There  is  no  better  way  to 
prepare  them  for  the  future. 

Those  of  you  who  are  interested 
in  the  course  may  write  for  free 
sample  materials  to  Memory 
Course,  Editorial  Department,  922 
Montgomery  Avenue,  Cleveland, 
Tennessee  37311.— Geneva  Carroll 


We  are  thrilled  to  share  with 
you  the  marvelous  results  of  the 
recent  contest  sponsored  by  the 
Macclenny  Church  of  God  YPE, 
which  netted  $395.94  for  the  Chil- 
dren's Home. 

In  the  children's  department  Lit- 
tle Miss  Simone  Lyons,  three-year- 
old  daughter  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Ju- 
nior Lyons,  with  $174.34,  and  Mas- 
ter Cris  Crews,  three-year-old  son 
of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Joe  B.  Crews,  with 
$100.00,  were  crowned  king  and 
queen,  while  Miss  Carol  Ann 
Lauramore,  with  $54.62,  was  run- 
ner-up. Miss  Angelia  Rhoden, 
daughter  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Joseph 
Roden,  and  Master  Henry  Ellis 
Crews,  son  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry 
Crews,  were  crowned  king  and 
queen  of  the  Juniors. 

It  was  thrilling  to  see  little  Cris 
as  he  visited  the  business  places 
every  morning  about  coffee  time 
with  cookies  and  cake  which  his 
mother  had  baked  and  wrapped 
for  him.  We  are  also  grateful  to 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  Lyons  for  the  barbe- 
cue which  was  given  for  their 
daughter.  It  is  wonderful  to  see 
people  doing  these  things  for  such 
a  worthwhile  cause.  Often  chil- 
dren are  encouraged  to  take  part 
in  such  programs  at  school,  but 
they  are  not  encouraged  to  do  like- 
wise  in   the    church   program. 

The  other  contestants  were  lit- 
tle Misses  Debra  Walkefr,  Terry 
Eddy,  Lonna  Lyons,  and  Master 
Gordon  Crews. 

— Gladys  Lauramore, 
YPE  President 

Apartment  20 

from  page  15 

sent  on  his  way  to  the  city  jail. 
They  barely  glanced  at  me  as  they 
advised  Mrs.  Preston  that  she  need 
have  no  fear,  that  they  intended 
to  patrol  our  street  throughout  the 

It  was  after  the  policemen  left 
and  after  the  excitement  died  down 
that  my  fear  of  her  returned.  She 
could  harm  me — I  could  die  at  her 
hands  as  well  as  those  of  a  burglar, 
I  thought.  "How  long  ago  did  your 
baby  and  your  husband  die?"  I 

"Six  years  ago,"  she  answered. 
"I've  been  in  the  hospital  nearly 
ever  since.  But  I'm  all  right  now." 

"Yes.  You've  been  wonderful  to 
me  tonight." 

"It's  my  job,"  she  said,  laying 
an  extra  blanket  on  the  bed  and 
checking  to  make  sure  my  feet 
were  warm.  "Know  what  my  doc- 
tor told  me  when  he  let  me  come 
home  to  Warwick?  He  said,  'How 
you  get  along  depends  on  how 
much  you  leave  to  God.'  " 

"And  not  luck?"  I  asked. 

"Luck  is  for  the  halfway  people," 
she  said.  "That's  what  Dr.  Ander- 
son said.  'Trust  God  all  the  way 
and  get  well.  Or  seesaw  between 
God  and  luck  and  what  you  can 
work  out  for  yourself,  and  you'll 
live  in  a  halfway  house  the  rest 
of  your  life,'  he  said,  and  I  believe 

"You've  got  a  very  wise  doctor," 
I  told  Mrs.  Preston.  "No  wonder 
you're  doing  so  well — better  than 
most  of  us." 

Then  I  memorized  what  she  said, 
so  I  could  tell  Tom  just  that,  grant- 
ed God  returned  him  safely.  For 
only  God  could  assure  me  that 
an  airplane,  flying  right  about  now 
over  the  Grand  Canyon,  could  keep 
to  its  true  course.  Only  God  could 
insure  that  the  baby  and  I — and 
Mrs.  Preston — would  know  another 
day.  Actually  there  was  nothing 
left  except  what  God  decreed,  ac- 
cording to  His  plan,  I  decided.  But 
then  was  there  ever  a  time  when 
one  could  live  without  leaning  on 
the  everlasting  arms  of  God?    • 





Daily  Devotions  for  Christian  Teens 

Instructions:  Read  the  assigned  Bible  chapters  or 
verses.  Think  on  the  message  and  consider  the  devo- 
tional comments.  Pray  for  the  designated  person  or 

Devotions  in  Second  Corinthians.  Writer:  A  second 
letter  written  by  the  Apostle  Paul  to  the  church  at 
Corinth.  Date  written:  A.D.  57.  Purpose:  To  commend 
the  Corinthian  believers  for  their  change  of  attitude 
and  conduct,  and  to  defend  his  apostleship  which 
his  enemies  had  called  into  question. 

Tuly  1.  Read:  Chapter  1.  Think:  How  can 
the  promise,  "Who  comforteth  us  in  all  our  tribula- 
tion," be  related  to  teen-age  perplexities  (v.4)?  Pray: 
For  the  spiritual  impact — and  the  guidance  ministry 
— of  Church  of  God  state  youth  camps. 

Read:  Chapter  2.  Think:  Aware- 
ness and  involvement  will  enable  a  teen  believer  to 
triumph  in  Christ  (v.  14).  Pray:  That  the  youth  of 
your  local  church  will  respond  to  responsibility  and 
accept  service  assignments. 

JDAY,  July  3.  Read:  Chapter  3.  Think:  A 
Christian  is  a  living  epistle  (letter)  known  and  read 
of  all  men  (v.  2).  This  implies  that  a  believer  is  a 
witness  whether  he  wants  to  be  one  or  not.  Pray:  For 
spiritual  consistency  in  displaying  an  authentic 
Christ-like  spirit. 

SDAY,  July  4.  Read:  Chapter  4.  Think:  List  two 
ways  that  our  inward  man  is  renewed  day  by  day 
(v.  16).  Pray:  For  your  State  Board  of  Councilors 
who  are  elected  by  their  fellow  ministers  to  assist  the 
State  Overseer  in  directing  the  church  work  of  the 

FRIDAY,  July  5.  Read:  Chapter  5.  Think:  In  what 
ways  should  "the  love  of  Christ  constrain"  a  teen  be- 
liever to  treat  ethnic  groups  fairly  (v.  14)?  Pray: 
For  Church  of  God  missions  activities  around  the 
world,  and  for  the  development  of  additional  training 

SATURDAY,  July  6.  Read:  Chapter  6.  Think:  Should 
a  Christian  strive  to  prove  himself  in  all  things  to 
reveal   his    partnership    with    God    (v.    4-10)?    Pray: 

For  the  shaping  and  sharing  ministry  of  the  Family 
Training  Hour    (YPE)    of  your  local  church. 

UNDAY,  July  7.  Read:  Chapter  7.  Think:  Confidence 
in  fellow  Christians — that  they  will  rebel  against  evil 
or  that  they  will  repent  when  they  are  in  error — 
furnishes  the  surroundings  to  live  a  holy  life  and  to 
receive  God's  promises  (v.  16).  Pray:  For  the  Church 
of  God  stewardship  program  and  for  Dr.  R.  Leonard 
Carroll,  assistant  general  overseer,  who  directs  this 
total-life  ministry. 

MONDAY,  July  8.  Read:  Verses  1-12,  Chapter  8.  Think: 
A  willing  mind  will  be  a  dominant  force  in  the  suc- 
cess of  your  life,  both  materially  and  spiritually  (v. 
12).  Pray:  For  a  ready  willingness  to  accept  God's  in- 
structions without  doubt  or  discussion. 

SDAY,  July  9  Read:  Verses  13-24,  Chapter  8. 
Think:  A  teen-ager  must  be  honest  not  only  with 
God,  but  also  with  his  parents,  his  friends,  and  his 
pastor  (v.  21).  Pray:  For  your  pastor  and  pledge  to 
support  him  with  your  attendance,  by  your  actions, 
and  with  your  attention. 

WEDNESDAY,  July  10.  Read:  Chapter  9.  Think:  In 
your  opinion,  what  does  it  mean  to  give  in  the  offer- 
ing as  you  have  purposed  in  your  heart  (v.  7)?  Pray: 
For  the  Finance  Committee  of  your  local  church  and 
for  their  services  in  this  time-consuming  area  of 
God's  work. 

RSDAY,  July  11.  Read:  Verses  1-8,  Chapter  10. 
Think:  List  three  reasons  why  we  cannot  fight 
against  Satan  with  carnal  or  man-made  weapons 
(v.  4)  ?  Pray:  For  a  vision  of  available  spiritual  wea- 
pons and  for  vitality  in  employing  them. 

FRIDAY,  July  12.  Read:  Verses  9-18,  Chapter  10. 
Think:  A  believer  should  not  compare  or  measure 
his  devotion  by  any  standard  other  than  the  one  set 
forth  in  God's  Word  (v.  12).  Pray:  For  Church  of  God 
colleges  and  for  Assistant  General  Overseer  Dr.  Ray 
H.  Hughes,  whose  duties  include  the  oversight  of  the 
educational  program  of   our  church. 

SATURDAY,  July  13.  Read:  Chapter  11.  Think:  To 
what  extent  should  we  bear  with  a  person  in  his  folly 
(v.  D?  Pray:  For  tact  and  poise  to  behave  properly 
in  varying  situations. 


SUNDAY,  July  14.  Read:  Verses  1-11,  Chapter  12. 
Think:  Why  do  you  think  God  refused  to  remove 
Paul's  thorn  in  the  flesh  (vv.  7-9)?  Pray:  Ask  for 
an  understanding  of  the  meaning  and  the  value  of 

MONDAY,  July  15  Read:  Verses  12-21,  Chapter  12. 
Think:  A  teen-ager  reflects  his  love  and  fellowship 
with  Christ  through  patience,  godliness,  and  deeds 
(v.  12).  Pray:  For  Dr.  Charles  W.  Conn,  general  over- 
seer of  the  Church  of  God;  pray  for  his  personal 
health  and  the  demands  of  his  position;  pray  that  he 
might  be  given  an  extra  portion  of  spiritual  power. 

TUESDAY,  July  16  Read:  Chapter  13.  Think:  A  regu- 
lar self-examination  will  keep  a  believer  in  good  spir- 
itual condition  (v.  5).  Pray:  Conduct  a  prayerful 
examination  of  your  life  and  outline  a  definite  pro- 
gram for  spiritual  improvement. 

Devotions  in  Galatians.  Writer:  A  letter  by  Paul  to 
the  churches  in  Galatia.  Date  written:  A.D.  54.  Pur- 
pose: To  defend  his  ministry  and  his  message.  Gala- 
tians might  icell  be  called  the  Christians  Declaration 
of  Independence. 

WEDNESDAY,  July  17  Read:  Chapter  1.  Think:  Is 
it  possible  for  a  teen-ager  to  please  both  God  and 
man  with  his  pattern  of  living  (v.  10)?  Why?  Pray: 
Ask  God  for  a  special  portion  of  faith  to  follow  Him, 
regardless  of  the  conduct  or  complaints  of  others. 

THURSDAY,  July  18  Read:  Chapter  2.  Think:  What 
does  being  crucified  with  Christ  involve  (v.  20)?  List 
three  things  (5:24).  Pray:  That  you  might  always 
display  valor  in  performing  spiritual  duties  and  in 
defending  the  cause  of  Christ. 

FRIDAY,  July  19  Read:  Chapter  3.  Think:  A  desire 
to  follow  the  crowd  is  one  method  which  Satan  em- 
ploys to  bewitch  teen-agers  and  to  turn  them  from 
obeying  the  truth  (v.  1).  Pray:  Thank  the  Lord  for 
spiritual  liberty  and  ask  for  a  spirit  of  awareness  to 
guard  it. 

SATURDAY,  July  20.  Read:  Chapter  4.  Think:  When 
a  person  accepts  Christ,  he  is  changed  from  a  servant 
to  a  son,  and  he  is  able  to  cry  "Abba  Father";  "My 
Father"  <v.  6).  Pray:  For  the  soul-saving  and  stew- 
ardship planning  work  of  the  National  Evangelism 
Board  and  for  National  Director  Walter  Pettitt. 

SUNDAY,  July  21  Read:  Chapter  5.  Think:  What  is 
the  difference  between  walking  in  the  Spirit  and  liv- 
ing in  the  Spirit  (vv.  16,  25)?  Can  these  two  be  sep- 
arated? Pray:  Repeat  aloud  the  verses  that  mention 
the  fruit  of  the  Spirit  (vv.  22,  23)  and  ask  God  to 
produce  it  in  your  life. 

MONDAY,  July  22.  Read:  Chapter  6.  Think:  If  a  teen- 
ager sows  wild  oats,  what  will  he  reap  (vv.  7,  8)?  Pray: 
For  the  ministry  of  Church  of  God  State  Youth 
Camps,  and  for  your  State  Director  of  Christian  Edu- 

Devotio?is  in  Ephesians.  Writer:  A  letter  to  the  church 
at  Ephesus  written  by  Paul.  Date  written:  A.D.  60-64. 
Purpose:  Ephesians  has  been  called  the  church  epis- 
tle. The  first  three  chapters  deal  with  the  divine 
creation  of  the  church  and  the  last  three  chapters 
deal  with  the  human  conduct  of  the  church. 

TUESDAY,  July  23.  Read:  Chapter  1.  Think:  We  have 
been  blessed  with  all  spiritual  blessings  in  Christ  (v. 
3),  with  redemption  (v.  7),  with  an  inheritance  (v.  11), 
and  have  been  sealed  with  the  Holy  Spirit  (v.  13). 
Pray:  For  the  spirit  of  wisdom  and  revelation  in  the 
knowledge  of  Him    (v.   17). 

WEDNESDAY,  July  24.  -Read:  Chapter  2.  Think:  Sal- 
vation is  a  gift  of  God,  it  must  be  accepted  or  re- 
jected (v.  8).  It  cannot  be  purchased  or  bargained 
for.  Pray:  Express  thankfulness  for  the  great  love  of 
God    (v.  4). 

THURSDAY.  July  25.  Read:  Chapter  3.  Think:  How 
is  fairness  toward  others  and  outgoing  friendship  re- 
lated to  being  rooted  and  grounded  in  love  (v.  17)? 
Pray:  For  our  boys  in  the  Armed  Services,  and  for 
Assistant  General  Overseer  Raymond  Spain  who  di- 
rects this  phase  of  our  denomination's  program. 

FRIDAY,  July  26.  Read:  Verses  1-16,  Chapter  4.  Think: 
Regular  Sunday  school  attendance  is  one  way  a  teen- 
ager can  walk  worthy  of  his  Christian  vocation  (v.  1». 
Pray:  For  Lewis  J.  Willis,  editor-in-chief  of  Church 
of  God  publications,  and  for  the  supporting  assistance 
of  the  National  Editorial  Board. 

SATURDAY,  July  27.  Read:  Verses  17-32,  Chapter  4. 
Think:  What  position  should  dress  and  grooming 
practices  occupy  in  the  Christian  walk  (v.  17).  Pray: 
For  direction  in  determining  the  Christian  walk  and 
for  boldness  to  walk  bravely. 

SUNDAY,  July  28.  Read:  Verses  1-16,  Chapter  5. 
Think:  The  duties  of  the  Christian  life  include  re- 
deeming time — that  is,  a  proper  and  wise  use  of  it 
(v.  16).  Pray:  Ask  for  guidance  in  preparing  a  spir- 
itual time  chart  to  budget  your  time. 

MONDAY,  July  29.  Read:  Verses  17-33,  Chapter  5. 
Think:  In  what  ways  is  the  relationship  of  a  hus- 
band and  wife  compared  to  Christ  and  the  church 
(v.  32).  Pray:  For  the  worship  program  and  the  out- 
reach  efforts   of   your   local   church. 

TUESDAY.  July  30.  Read:  Verses  1-10,  Chapter  6. 
Think:  List  the  duties  of  children,  of  parents,  of  ser- 
vants, and  of  masters  as  outlined  in  the  devotional 
verses  (vv.  1-10).  Pray:  For  the  summer  activities  of 
local  Pioneers  for  Christ  Clubs  and  for  Aubrey  Maye, 
national   director. 

WEDNESDAY.  July  31.  Read:  Verses  11-24,  Chapter 
6.  Think:  List  three  reasons  why  you  feel  that  it  is 
necessary  for  a  believer  to  put  on  the  whole  armor  of 
God  (v.  11).  Pray:  Make  a  list  of  your  spiritual  weak- 
nesses and  ask  for  correctional  guidance. 

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Berchtesgaden,  Germany 

September  2-6,  1968 

For  further  information,  contact  C.  Raymond  Spain, 
executive  director 

A  L  UMNI,     HAVE     YOU     HE  A  R  D  ? 

There  is  to  be  another 



FRIDAY   NOON,   AUGUST    16,    1968 




for  the  price  of 
$7.50   PER  COUPLE   OR  84.00  PER  PERSON 

(For  your  reserved  seat,  write:  Lee  College  Alum- 
ni Association.  Lee  College,  Cleveland.  Tennessee 


This  month's  cover  is  a  reproduction  of  part  of  the 
mosaic  mural  located  in  the  rotunda  of  the  new  gen- 
eral offices  building  of  the  Church  of  God.  The  mural 
design  and  creative  work  was  done  by  Mr.  Sirio 
Tonelli,  an  Italian  who  was  awarded  the  Gold  Medal 
in  religious  art  by  the  International  Artists'  Associa- 
tion in  Paris,  France  (1955);  and  the  Maltese  Cross 
by  the  Vatican  in  1961. 

Mr.  Tonelli  has  used  one  thousand  shades  of  color 
and  over  three  million  pieces  of  Venetian  mosaic  tile 
to  produce  a  true  masterpiece  in  the  new  office  build- 
ing that  would  bring  honor  to  any  display  of  European 

The  principal  mural  is  on  the  exterior  of  the  ro- 
tunda and  is  about  forty-eight  by  ten  feet  in  size. 
This  large  mural  is  in  full  view  from  the  entrance  of 
the  lobby  of  the  new  building. 

Published  monthly  at  the  Church  of  God  Publishing  House. 
Cleveland.  Tenn.  All  materials  intended  for  publication  in  the 
LIGHTED  PATHWAY  should  be  addressed  to  Clyne  W.  Buxton. 
Editor.  All  inquiries  concerning  subscriptions  should  be  addressed 
to  Bookkeeping  Department,  Church  of  God  Publishing  House. 
Cleveland.  Tennessee  37311. 

Postmaster   send   Form    3579    to   CHURCH   OF   GOD    PUBLISHING 
HOUSE.  1080  Montgomery  Ave..  Cleveland.  Tennessee  37311. 








No.    8 




Clyne  W.  Buxton 

Keep  the  Children 


W.  L.  (Bill)  Hopper 

A  Lowly  Paper  Clip 


J.  E.  DeVore 

Improving  Your 
Listening  Skills 


William  Krutza 

God's  Army 


Margie  M.  Kelley 

Prayer — God's  Telstar 


Katherine  Bevis 

Tragedy  on  the  Farm 


Lucy  Ellen  Bender 

1  Know  Jesus  Loves  Me 


David  Lauster 

Social  Sins 


Ray  H.  Hughes 

The  Added  Blessing 


Evelyn  P.  Johnson 

Jesus  Passed  By 


Denzell  Teague 

Iowa  Christian 
Education  Seminar 


T.  Wayne  Dyer 

The  Substitute 


James  Stout 

My  Memory  Path 


Mrs.  K.  W.  Haglund 

European  Servicemen's 
Camp  Meeting 


G.  A.  Swanson 



Lee  College  Mission  Club 
Helps  Indonesian  Ministers 


Bob  E.  Lyons 

Advance  Daily  Devotions 
for  Christian  Teens 


Floyd  D.  Carey 

Clyne  W.  Buxton 

Lewis  J.  Willis 

Chloe  Stewart 

JoAnn  Humbertson 

H.  Bernard  Dixon 

E.    C.    Thomas 


Editor  in  Chief 



Circulation  Director 



Donald  S.  Aultman 
Margie  M.  Kelley 
Walter  R.  Pettitt 

Paul  F.  Henson 
Avis  Swiger 
J.  E.  DeVore 


Bobbie  May  Lauster 

Margaret  Gaines 

Denzell  Teague 

Ruth  Crawford 

Martha  Ann  Smith 







Thomas  Grassano 
Cecil  R.  Guiles 

James  A.  Madison 
Haskel  C.  Jenkins 
Leonard  S.  Townley 


Single  Subscription, 

per  year 

Rolls   of    15 

Single  copy 




Clyne  W.  Buxton 

The  Time  Is  Now 

There  are  wonderful  things  we  are  going 

Some  other  day; 
And  harbors  we  hope  to  drift  into 

Some  other  day. 
With  folded  hands  and  oars  at  trail. 
We  wait  and  watch  for  a  favoring  gale 
To  fill  the  folds  of  an  idle  sail, 

Some  other  day. 

We  know  we  must  toil  if  ever  we  win 

Some  other  day; 
But  we  say  to  ourselves,  there's  time  to  begi; 

Some  other  day. 
And  so,  deferring,  we  loiter  on, 
L'ntil  at  last  we  find  withdrawn 
The  strength  and  hope  we  leaned  upon 

Some  other  day. 

—  Author  Unknown 


ENRY  DRUMMOND  SAID:  "I  shall  pass 
through  this  world  but  once.  Any  good,  there- 
JU  fore,  that  I  can  do,  or  any  kindness  that  I 
can  show  to  any  human  being,  let  me  do  it  now.  Let 
me  not  defer  or  neglect  it,  for  I  shall  not  pass  this 
way  again."  This  wise  man  recognized  not  only  the 
brevity  of  life,  but  also  the  necessity  of  promptness 
of  action.  There  are  definite  reasons  why  we  should 
not  procrastinate.  A  wholesome  opportunity  freshly 
revealed  often  sparks  inspiration  within  us  that  may 
die  if  we  defer  action.  Too,  there  are  propitious  times 
to  act  or  speak,  the  postponement  of  which  may  for- 
ever foil  the  opportunity. 

On  the  other  hand,  God  in  His  mercies  often  gives 
us  repeated  good  chances.  For  example,  the  Holy 
Spirit  may  prod  us  toward  a  more  consistent  prayer 
life,  and  if  we  do  not  respond,  He  may  constantly 
remind  us  of  our  need.  Likewise,  favorable  times  to 
do  good,  or  to  develop  some  solid  plans  for  the  future, 
or  to  show  more  genuine  interest  in  our  family  may 
knock  repeatedly.  In  this  vein,  Malone  wrote: 

They  do  me  wrong  who  say  I  come  no  more 
When  once  I  knock  and  fail  to  find  you  in; 

Tor  every  day  I  stand  outside  your  door, 
And  bid  you  wake,  and  rise  to  fight  and  win. 

However,  we  should  not  treat  opportunities  lightly. 
Until  we  act,  merely  thinking  of  the  possibility  of 
some  accomplishment  is  of  little  value.  There  is  an 
adage  that  says,  "The  road  to  destruction  is  paved 
with  good  intentions,"  which  means  that  planning 
to  do  good  without  doing  it  is  of  no  avail.  This  is 
certainly  true  concerning  one's  personal  salvation. 
Paul  said,  "Now  is  the  accepted  time;  behold,  now 
is  the  day  of  salvation."  Not  tomorrow,  but  now.  To- 
morrow will  bring  destruction  unless  we  accept  sal- 
vation through  Christ  today. 

Whatever  we  intend  to  do,  therefore,  we  should 
start  today.  If  we  mean  to  read  the  Bible  daily,  and 
pray  and  witness  regularly,  we  must  begin  now.  This 
is  the  time  to  move  for  God.  We  cannot  defer,  for, 
"Procrastination  is  the  thief  of  time."  May  each  of 
us  say  with  Drummond,  "Any  good,  therefore,  that 
I  can  do,  or  any  kindness  that  I  can  show  to  any 
human  being,  let  me  do  it  now.  Let  me  not  defer  or 
neglect  it,  for  I  shall  not  pass  this  way  again."  • 

Keep  the 

By  W.    L.    (BILL)    HOPPER 

IN  THESE  DAYS  of  moral  declension  and  spirit- 
ual decay,  it  is  more  important  than  ever  that 
we  hold  on  to  the  young  people  of  our  church. 
In  order  to  do  this,  we  must  try  to  find  the  reasons 
that  some  of  them  leave. 

For  one  reason,  we  are  losing  our  children  because 
we  are  failing  to  teach  them  the  importance  of  the 
church.  Many  parents  are  leaving  it  up  to  their  chil- 
dren to  decide  whether  or  not  they  want  to  go  to 
church.  They  teach  them  that  it  is  good  to  go  to 
church,  but  that  it  is  really  not  the  most  important 
thing  in  their  lives.  Schoolwork  always  comes  before 
church  attendance — after  all,  they  have  forty,  or  may- 
be fifty,  years  to  attend  church,  and  they  only  have 
ten  or  twelve  years  to  get  an  education.  The  only 
trouble  with  this  theory  is  that  by  the  time  they  are 
educated,  many  of  them  have  lost  all  desire  to  go  to 

Then,  of  course,  their  health  is  much  more  impor- 
tant than  church  attendance;  after  all,  God  expects  us 
to  take  care  of  the  body  which  He  has  given  us.  With 
this  attitude  your  children  are  sure  to  grow  up  with 

the  idea  that  no  one  should  go  to  church  with  a  head- 
ache, or  a  cold;  and  you  would  be  surprised  how 
quickly  they  can  develop  a  headache,  especially  if 
there  happens  to  be  something  else  they  want  to  do. 

Another  way  to  lose  your  children  from  the  church 
is  to  blame  the  church  for  the  restrictions  placed  upon 
them.  Their  not  being  able  to  do  this,  or  that,  because 
the  church  teaches  against  it  will  automatically  build 
up  a  feeling  of  bitterness  in  their  heart  against  the 
church.  They  should  be  taught  that  we  are  opposed  to 
mixed  bathing  because  it  is  immoral  and  indecent — 
not  because  the  church  is  against  it.  They  should  be 
told  that  they  should  not  go  to  movies,  dances,  et 
cetera  because  it  is  of  the  world,  the  flesh,  and  the 
devil — not  because  it  is  against  the  rules  of  the  church. 
These  are  mere  crutches  many  parents  use  to  escape 
the  responsibility  of  teaching  their  children  biblical 

You  may  lose  your  children  from  the  church  by 
discussing  its  faults  in  their  presence.  More  children 
are  fed  roast  preachers,  barbecued  Sunday  school 
teachers,  and  broiled  members  than  any  other  diet. 
It  is  no  wonder  they  want  to  get  away;  after  all,  who 
wants  to  be  among  people  who  are  so  full  of  faults. 
There  is  a  saying  that  the  boss  may  not  always  be 
right,  but  that  he  is  always  the  boss.  Teach  your  chil- 
dren that  the  pastor,  Sunday  school  teacher,  and  the 
other  members  may  have  faults,  but  that  they  are 
still   to   be   respected   in   their  positions. 

Finally,  you  may  lose  your  children  from  the 
church  by  teaching  them  that  one  church  is  just  as 
good  as  another.  When  I  tell  some  people  that  I  missed 
them  in  a  certain  service,  they  say,  "Oh,  I  was  in 
church."  Apparently  they  think  that  that  was  all  that 
mattered.  It  is  good  to  be  in  church  somewhere,  but 
it  is  much  better  to  be  in  your  own  church.  After  all, 
God  has  placed  you  in  the  church  for  a  purpose,  and 
he  expects  you  to  fulfill  that  purpose.  Unless  you  do, 
the  purpose  may  fail. 

Can  you  imagine  a  man  coming  at  eight  o'clock  in 
the  morning,  and  saying  to  his  inquiring  wife,  "Oh,  I 
was  in  a  house.  I  slept  in  a  bed."  More  than  likely  the 
wife  would  say,  "Yes,  but  you  were  not  in  your  own 
house  and  bed." 

Some  of  our  youth  are  marrying  and  changing 
churches  simply  because  they  have  been  taught  that 
one  church  is  as  good  as  another.  Many  of  them  will 
not  move  away  from  the  city  where  Mother  and 
Daddy  live,  but  they  have  no  such  allegiance  to 
the  church.  Such  shallow  teachings  can  only  bring 
about  a  shallow  love  for  the  church.  Teach  your  chil- 
dren its  importance  in  their  lives;  decline  to  discuss 
its  faults  in  their  presence;  teach  them  to  love  the 
church;  and  never,  never  blame  its  teachings  for  the 
moral  restraints  placed  upon  them.  They  will  love  you 
for  it.    • 

'Who  hath  despised  the  day  of  small  things?"   (Zechariah  4:10/ 




By   J.    E.    DeVORE 

THE  NEWS  COMMENTATOR  announced,  "A  pa- 
per clip  saved  an  XB70A."  Impressive  work  for  a 
paper  clip,  especially  when  you  understand  that 
the  XB70A  is  a  500,000  pound,  multimillion-dollar, 
supersonic  research  aircraft. 

The  bomber,  185  feet  long,  was  on  a  test  flight.  A 
faulty  relay  refused  to  function.  The  nose  gear  would 
not   go   down   and   lock  in   the   position   for  landing. 

Al  White,  the  pilot,  reported  the  horrific  plight. 
Joseph  Cotton,  the  copilot,  went  to  work.  Over  an  hour 
later  he  located  the  errant  device  and  bypassed  it  with 
a  paper  clip.  This  improvised  connection  provided  the 
electrical  conductivity  needed  to  force  the  nose  gear 

It  worked!  Thus  an  insignificant  thing  in  skilled 
hands  became  the  instrument  that  saved  the  XB70A 
and  the  lives  of  the  crew.  If  a  man  could  use  a  paper 
clip  to  such  an  advantage  and  achieve  such  results,  I 
believe  God  can  use  you  and  me  to  His  glory. 

He  who  used  Moses'  staff,  David  sling  and  the 
lad's  sandwiches  will  use  our  talents,  many  or  few, 
great  or  small,  when  they  are  consecrated  to  Him. 
An  orphan  boy  was  told,  "The  world  has  yet  to  see 
what  God  can  do  through  one  man  fully  surrendered 
to  Him." 

The  stammering  youth  promised,  "By  the  grace  of 
God,  I  will  be  that  man."  He  gave  his  heart  and  life, 
without  any  reservations,  to  Christ.  In  his  late  teens 
and  early  twenties,  he  began  to  witness,  to  teach,  and 

to  preach. 

This  young  man,  D.  L.  Moody,  was  always  a  humble 
man,  but  he  won  multitudes  to  his  Saviour.  Although 
he  was  used  of  God  on  the  platform  where  he  preach- 
ed to  thousands,  it  was  his  lifelong  practice  to  talk 
to  individuals  personally,  always  urging  them  to  re- 
ceive Christ  as  their  Lord  and  Saviour. 

God  used  the  boy  from  Northfield,  and  He  will  use 
us.  May  we  yield  our  wills  to  Him.  May  His  power  flow 
through  us  for  the  winning  of  souls;  this  is  the  desid- 
eratum; this  is  the  sine  qua  non  of  the  church's  evan- 
gel; this  is  the  essential  work  and  the  supreme  joy 
of  every  true  Christian. 

May  we  submit  ourselves  to  God  as  instruments  of 
righteousness,  as  channels  of  blessing  (Romans  6:13). 
May  we  minister  grace  to  others  (Ephesians  4:29). 
God  called  Jacob  a  worm  in  Isaiah  41:14.  In  the  next 
verse.  He  told  "the  worm"  to  thresh  the  mountains 
and  beat  them  small  and  make  the  hills  as  chaff. 

We  are  not  worms.  We  are  children  of  God  through 
faith  in  Christ.  If  we  are  pliable  in  His  mighty  hands, 
it  does  not  matter  how  limited  and  lowly  we  may  be — 
He   has   worthwhile   service   for   us   to   perform. 

Therefore,  despise  not  the  day  of  small  things.  Wait 
on  the  Lord.  Linger  in  His  presence.  Tarry  before  Him. 
According  to  His  will,  you  shall  have  the  desire  of 
your  heart.  You  will  be  far  more  valuable  than  a  paper 
clip.   Your  life  will  count  for  Christ.    • 

Researchers  have  discov- 
ered that  it  demands  a 
more  tensed  bodily  position,  faster 
heart  action,  and  even  a  slight 
increase  in  one's  temperature.  In 
other  words,  listening  requires  ef- 
fort! Merely  being  in  a  room  where 
someone  else  is  verbalizing,  or 
hearing  sounds  from  a  radio,  tape 
recorder,  television  set,  or  other 
audio  device  does  not  indicate  you 
are  listening. 

You  might  be  embarrassed  if,  af- 
ter you  told  your  pastor  that  he 
had  preached  a  good  sermon,  he 
would  ask  you  what  he  had 
preached  about.  No  doubt,  you  were 
hearing  his  words,  but  were  not 
listening.  If  you  would  improve 
your  listening  skills,  you  would 
get  much  more  out  of  your  pas- 
tor's sermons  and  church  teach- 
ing sessions.  Thus,  your  listening 
skills  play  a  vital  role  in  your 
spiritual  progress. 

Is  not  "listening"  meant  when  our 
Lord  spoke  the  words,  "He  that 
hath  an  ear,  let  him  hear"? 

We  acknowledge  that  making 
material  interesting  for  hearers  is 
the  responsibility  of  a  speaker  or 

teacher,  but  listeners  have  re- 
sponsibilities also.  Even  poorly  pre- 
sented materials  can  be  beneficial 
if  the  listener  learns  how  to  sift 
out  valuable  truths.  Applying  the 
following  principles  to  your  listen- 
ing processes  will  result  in  your 
receiving  more  from  those  who 
speak  to  you.  The  end  result  will 
be  greater  personal  gains  in  your 
spiritual  growth. 

Become  interested  in  the  topic 
presented.  Poor  listeners  usually 
tune  out  a  speaker  because  of  a 
lack  of  interest  in  the  topic  pre- 
sented. It  is  impossible  for  a  teach- 
er to  present  material  that  will 
appeal  to  every  class  member.  The 
poor  listener  concentrates  on  the 
uninteresting  aspects  of  a  sub- 

To  gain  value  from  any  subject, 
one  needs  ask  himself  a  few  ques- 
tions: What  is  the  speaker  saying 
that  is  valuable  for  my  experi- 
ence? What  worthwhile  ideas  are 
being  presented?  What  can  I  or 
someone  else  cash  in  on  that  will 
make  us  more  equipped  to  face 
life?  G.  K.  Chesterton  declared, 
"There  is  no  such  thing  as  an  un- 

interesting subject;    there   are   on- 
ly uninterested  people." 

Let  content  take  precedence  over 
delivery.  It  is  true,  we  naturally 
pay  better  attention  to  an  elo- 
quent speaker  than  to  an  inept 
one.  But  we  must  recognize  that 
the  eloquent  teachers  are  few  and 
far  between.  If  we  wait  for  elo- 
quence we  will  miss  much  of  what 
God  has  for  us. 

A  good  listener  learns  to  look 
past  the  speaker  to  the  material 
being  spoken.  He  learns  to  live  with 
the  speaker's  limitations  and  to 
look  for  solidness  of  content.  He 
finds  great  satisfaction  from  sift- 
ing out  the  truths  that  are  appli- 
cable to  his  personal  experience. 
The  content  becomes  the  dominant 
drawing  force  of  the  class  session. 

Reserve  your  judgment.  Often  we 
get  all  excited  by  what  a  speaker 
says.  We  can't  wait  to  react.  What 
he  has  said  is  a  threat  to  our  bias 
or  convictions.  And  we  must  have 
opportunity  to  correct  what  has 
been  said.  Rather  than  hearing  the 
entire  presentation  our  minds 
whirl  with  counterattacks.  We  plot 


how  we  can  embarrass  the  teacher 
by  correcting  what  we  personally 
call  erroneous  views. 

To  improve  our  listening  skills 
we  must  reserve  judgment  upon 
the  ideas  presented  until  we  are 
absolutely  sure  we  understand  ev- 
erything that  is  presented.  Upon 
the  basis  of  a  complete  compre- 
hension of  the  ideas,  we  can  eval- 
uate the  new  or  differing  ideas 
and  assimilate  them  into  our  think- 
ing, if  needs  be.  This  is  not  to  say 
we  must  agree  with  all  ideas  pre- 
sented but  we  need  to  be  chari- 
table toward  others,  listening  to 
them  until  they  adequately  pre- 
sent their  views. 

Listen  for  the  central  ideas.  Poor 
listeners  try  to  memorize  facts  or 
illustrations.  They  often  specialize 
in  mentally  storing  the  jokes  and 
interesting  anecdotal  materials. 
Before  a  lesson  is  complete,  they 
have  forgotten  the  opening  atten- 
tion-getting anecdotes.  They  feel 

A  good  listener  focuses  his  at- 
tention on  discovering  the  central 
ideas  of  a  presentation.  These  of- 
ten take  the  form  of  one  purpose- 

packed  sentence,  or  as  an  enter- 
tainer might  say,  "the  punch  line." 
Usually  these  crop  up  several  times 
during  the  presentation.  Some- 
times there  are  several  ideas  that 
could  be  labeled  "central  ideas." 
The  good  listener  will  allow  the 
anecdotal  materials,  jokes,  and  ex- 
cessive descriptive  materials  to  pass 
through  his  mind  somewhat  like 
water  through  a  sieve.  When  a 
nugget  of  principle  comes  through, 
this  is  held  back  and  placed  in  the 
memory  bank  for  future  use. 

Often  the  good  listener  will  take 
notes  on  these  vital  ideas  realizing 
that  he  might  not  remember  them 
all.  Note  taking  should  be  brief  so 
one  will  not  miss  the  major  points 
by  copying  on  paper  much  of  what 
the  poor  listener  has  tried  to  store 
in  his  brain. 

Concentrate  on  what  is  being 
presented.  The  poor  listener  allows 
almost  anything,  be  it  noise  that 
enters  his  ears  or  images  picked 
up  through  the  eye  gate,  to  dis- 
tract him  from  the  class  presenta- 
tion. They  often  manufacture  new 
distractions  via  poor  posture,  mak- 
ing   annoying    facial    expressions, 

yawning,  flipping  through  Bibles, 
Sunday  school  papers,  or  lesson 

A  good  listener  knows  that  dis- 
tractions exist.  He  hears  noises  or 
sees  objects,  but  does  not  concen- 
trate upon  them.  He  concentrates 
on  the  material  being  presented 
both  audibly  and  visually.  He  exer- 
cises his  mind  to  keep  pace  with 
the  class  leader.  Often  he  finds  dif- 
ficult materials  challenging  to  his 
mental  processes.  Whether  the 
subject  be  one  in  which  he  has  a 
vital  interest  or  not,  the  good  lis- 
tener keeps  his  mind  alert  to  the 
presentation.  Concentrating  on 
what  is  being  presented  makes  the 
entire  class  session  more  enjoy- 
able and  profitable. 

As  was  mentioned  in  the  begin- 
ning— listening  is  hard  work.  But 
if  you  put  these  principles  into 
practice,  you  will  learn  far  more 
than  those  who  only  come  to  hear 
words  spoken  for  a  given  hour  of 
time.  The  good  listener  profits 
most  from  each  teaching  session. 
He  that  hath  ears  to  hear,  let  him 
listen!  It  is  well  worth  the  effort — 
for  time  and  eternity    • 

BIN '3  Ml? 

"Put  on  the  whole  armour  of  God,  that  ye  may  be 
able  to  stand  against  the  wiles  of  the  devil"  (Ephesians 


Y  PRESENT  JOB  is  with  the  United  States 
Army.  Each  day  I  see  the  troops  drill,  march, 
train,  and  prepare  for  battle. 
As  I  view  Uncle  Sam's  corps  of  trainees,  I  am  re- 
minded of  another  army — God's  army — and  that  the 
Christian  life  in  many  ways  is  comparable  to  that  of  a 
soldier.  Ever  since  Satan  succeeded  in  getting  Eve  to 
yield  to  temptation  in  the  Garden  of  Eden,  man  has 
had  an  enemy  to  face  and  fight. 


Each  Christian  today  is  a  part  of  God's  army.  It  is 
true  that  some  are  better  trained  soldiers  than  others; 
some  are  more  capable  of  being  trained;  some  are 
more  willing  to  share  their  part  of  the  overall  mission; 
some  make  more  adaptable  soldiers;  but  some  jeopar- 
dize the  work  of  other  good  soldiers.  We  might  well 
ask  ourselves  occasionally  what  kind  of  soldier  are  we? 

A  good  soldier  naturally  would  possess  certain  de- 
sirable qualities.  Physical  fitness  is  a  first  prerequisite. 
Likewise,  our  physical  well-being  cannot  be  overlooked 
in  the  Christian  realm.  To  be  physically  fit  we  should 
obtain  a  well-balanced  diet,  get  a  reasonable  amount 
of  rest,  and  get  adequate  exercise  each  day. 

Inasmuch  as  the  body  and  mind  work  together,  the 
spiritual  aspect  of  man  would  count  a  great  deal  in 
God's  army.  The  growth  of  the  Christian  life  is  gradual. 
We  need  to  develop  into  full-grown  Christians.  Feed- 
ing upon  the  Word  of  God,  praying,  testifying,  wor- 
shiping in  the  house  of  God,  and  rendering  Christian 
service  should  never  be  neglected  by  those  seeking  full 
Christian    growth. 

Willingness  to  learn  makes  a  good  soldier.  Paul  ad- 
monished Timothy  to  study  to  shew  himself  approved 
unto  God.  Could  we  not  say  that  a  progressing  soldier 
in  God's  army  is  a  studious  one?  Juvenal  once  said,  "All 
wish  to  possess  knowledge,  but  few,  comparatively 
speaking,  are  willing  to  pay  the  price." 

Another  prerequisite  to  good  soldiership  is  willing- 
ness to  obey — obeying  God's  Word,  our  parents,  and 
our  leaders.  "Trust  and  obey,"  admonished  the  hymn- 
writer,  "for  there's  no  other  way  to  be  happy  in  Jesus, 
but  to  trust  and  obey." 

The  Apostle  Paul  has  a  great  deal  to  say  about  the 
Christian  warfare.  He  admonished  all  Christians  to 
have  their  feet  shod  with  the  preparation  of  the 
gospel  of  peace,  to  take  the  shield  of  faith,  and  to 
pray  always. 

In  the  military  life  soldiers  are  told  that  the  end 
result  of  any  military  training  is  perfection  in  time 
of  combat.  Could  less  be  expected  of  God's  soldiers? 
What  kind  of  soldier  are  you?  Let  us  remember 
Paul's  admonition  to  Timothy  to  "endure  hardness, 
as  a  good  soldier  of  Jesus  Christ."    • 


E  HEAR  MUCH  today  about  moon-landings, 
walks  in  space,  Venus  probes.  It  has  been 
said  that  one  thirty-fifth  of  a  second  after 
the  popular  TV  show  "Batman"  leaves  the  American 
Broadcasting  Company,  the  British  can  see  it — made 
possible  with  Telstar. 

Marvels  of  science!  Everyone  seems  to  be  waiting 
for  more  important  developments  than  these. 

Our  present-day  living  tends  to  rush  us  along  so 
swiftly  that  we  are  likely  to  overlook  or  underesti- 
mate the  most  important  thing  in  life — successful  com- 
munication with  outer  space,  not  with  Telstar,  but 
with  a  device  available  to  all.  This  device  will  go 
farther  than  man  will  ever  go;  it  will  exceed  any  and 
all  of  man's  finite  experiments  and  devices — it  is 

This  successful  communication  is  ours  any  time. 
It  cannot  be  affected  by  weather  conditions  or  any 
other  circumstance;  it  launches  a  message  that  goes 
right  into  the  presence  of  God  through  Christ;  it  goes 
through,  and  in  turn  God  hears  and  replies. 

"The  world  is  too  much  with  us,"  were  words  spoken 
by  William  Wordsworth  many  years  ago.  And  it  is  too 
much  with  us,  if  we  allow  it  to  cover  us  up  with  its 
blanket  of  smothering  care.  But  there  is  another  world 
that  is  above  and  around  it — a  world  that  is  God's 

This  other  world,  God's  world,  will  lift  us  up  from 
the  world  that  is  too  much  with  us.  With  this  device 
— prayer — we  shall  find  ourselves  in  direct  communica- 
tion with  God. 

The  other  day  I  walked  along  a  dusty  road,  weighted 
down  with  a  problem  to  which  I  could  not  find  the 
answer,  or  so  it  seemed.  My  spirit  was  so  burdened. 

Seeing  a  log  that  had  fallen  or  had  been  placed  in  a 
spot  where  a  great  old  tree  gave  its  shade,  I  walked 
over  and  sat  down.  All  God's  wonderful  works  of 
nature  around  me  were  unseen  by  my  dimmed  eyes. 
Just  at  that  moment,  a  tiny  voice  came  out  of  the 
thicket,  and  I  was  in  another  world— a  world  of  beauty 
and  song. 

Opening  my  purse,  I  took  out  the  little  New  Testa- 
ment that  I  carried  with  me  and  began  reading  with 
imagination.  I  stood  on  the  shore  at  Capernaum;  I 
visited  the  house  at  Bethany;  I  sat  by  Jacob's  well. 
I  looked  into  the  eyes  of  Jesus,  as  I  visited  these 
places,  and  I  listened  to  His  voice.  I  talked  with  Him, 
my  Saviour  and  my  Lord.  With  my  problem  completely 
forgotten,  I  found  myself  singing,  "This  is  my  Father's 

This  device,  prayer — this  communication  with  outer 
space — had  gone  farther  than  man  could  ever  go.  I 
learned  anew  that,  no  matter  how  difficult  the  prob- 
lem, when  we  live  in  God's  world,  there  is  a  solution. 
God  never  fails! 

Our  United  States  is  spending  quite  a  lot  of  money, 
time,  and  effort  trying  to  determine  whether  or  not 
there  is  life  on  other  planets;  and  if  there  is,  whether 
or  not  we  can  communicate  with  it.  But  this  device 
that  God  has  given  us  has  been  available  to  man  for 
nearly  two  thousand  years.  Our  loving  heavenly 
Father  bought  it  for  us  by  paying  the  supreme  price — 
He  gave  His  only  Son,  our  Saviour  Jesus  Christ. 

High  adventure  awaits  everyone  today — it  is  all 
around  us.  It  is  the  adventure  to  be  found  in  the 
spiritual  area  of  human  existence.  The  challenge  was 
never  greater,  nor  the  opportunity  ever  brighter.  God 
can  lift  our  sagging  spirits  up  from  a  world  that  is  too 
much  with  us  to  a  world  that  is  above  and  around  it. 
This  is  a  challenge  that  each  one  of  us  may  accept.    • 





THE  MORNING  was  a  cloudy 
one.  I  was  tired  as  usual, 
so  when  my  three  boys 
wanted  to  go  with  their  daddy  to 
the  hayfield,  I  made  few  objections. 

"They'll  be  fine  with  me,"  my 
tall  blond  husband  assured  me.  I 
watched  husky  six-year-old  Steve, 
shy  four-year-old  Mike,  and  al- 
most three-year-old  Nick  running 
eagerly  after  their  father. 

"I  wonder  if  they  should  go  with 
him,"  I  said  to  myself  for  the 
umpteenth  time  that  summer.  But 
I  was  too  tired  to  protest.  "Bring 
lunch  to  us,"  called  my  husband, 

"All  right,"  I  agreed. 

That  morning  I  rested  and  felt 
much  better  by  lunchtime.  Our 
Sunday  school  class  had  planned 
to  play  ball  that  afternoon.  Per- 
haps the  boys  would  like  to  go 
along  with  me.  I  took  lunch  back 
to  the  field  for  my  brood. 

When  I  suggested  going  to  the 
ballgame,  Nick  agreed  to  go  if  I 
would  buy  some  bubble  gum.  Mike 
and  Steve  protested;  they  wanted 
to  stay  and  "help  make  hay."  I 
coaxed  them  a  bit,  but  Bud  again 
assured  me  that  they  would  be  all 
right.  Finally  I  left  the  field  with 
questions  still  in  my  mind.  Was  I 

doing  right  to  leave  the  boys  there? 
What  if  something  should  happen? 

Nick  clamored  for  his  bubble 
gum,  and  I  stopped  at  the  coun- 
try grocery  store  to  get  it  for  him. 
At  the  ball  game  I  soon  started  to 
enjoy  myself  with  all  my  friends. 

I  was  playing  second  base  when  I 
heard  a  phone  ringing  in  our 
teacher's  house.  We  yelled  to  her  to 
answer  her  phone.  She  got  up  and 
then  sat  down  on  the  bench  again. 
"It  would  stop  ringing  before  I 
get  to  the  house,"  she  said.  We 
agreed  and  resumed  our  game. 

Moments  later  a  lady  from  across 
the  street  came  running  onto  the 
ball  field.  "Lucy,  Lucy,"  she  called. 
"Come  here.  I  have  to  talk  to  you." 

I  called  to  the  girls  to  cover  sec- 
ond base  for  me  and  started  to- 
ward Joanna.  Her  face  was  chalk 
white  and  her  mouth  twisted  as 
she  said,  "Lucy,  I  hate  to  be  the 
one  to  tell  you  this." 

My  mind  leaped  into  turmoil. 
"Someone  is  dead,"  I  thought. 

"Bud  wants  you  to  come  down  to 
the  hospital  right  away,"  Joanna 
went  on. 

Which  one  has  been  killed?  I 
wanted  to  ask,  but  I  could  only 
stare  at  her.  We  started  walking 
toward    my    car.    "Which    one    is 

hurt?"  I  asked  numbly. 

Tt's  Mike,"  she  said. 

"How  was  he  hurt?"  I  asked, 
while  Mike's  little  flower  face  with 
the  pansy  eyes  leaped  across  my 
mind.  "Not  Mike,  dear  God,"  I 

"They  think  he  fell  off  the  wag- 
on or  something,"  she  said.  "His 
head  is  hurt,  and  it  may  be  neces- 
sary to  take  him  to  Children's 
Hospital  in  Pittsburgh.  Bud  says 
he  needs  the  car." 

Then  I  remembered  Nick  sitting 
patiently  on  the  bench  where  he 
had  been  observing  the  game.  "I'll 
get  Nick,"  I  said  and  dashed  to- 
ward my  youngest  son.  As  I  ran 
with  him  to  the  car,  my  friends 
hurried  after  me  to  ask  what  had 
happened.  Joanna  told  them  brief- 

As  I  slid  under  the  steering 
wheel,  one  of  my  friends  pushed  me 
over  and  said,  "You're  in  no  con- 
dition to  drive.  I'll  come  with  you 
and  drive." 

She  leaned  out  the  window  and 
shouted  to  the  others,  "Someone 
come  and  get  me  then." 

Joanna  was  still  standing  beside 
the  car  and  said,  "Lucy,  Bud  said 
he  was  conscious — he'll  be  all 


As  we  sped  down  the  highway, 
I  clutched  Nickie  close  to  me.  He 
was  whole  and  alive.  What  await- 
ed me  at  the  hospital,  I  couldn't 
tell.  His  head  was  hurt,  Joanna 
had  said.  I  had  gory  visions  of  a 
distorted  little  body.  "Dear  God,"  I 
prayed,  "You  know  what's  best  for 
our  son." 

Although  my  friend  drove  very 
fast,  the  car  seemed  to  crawl.  As 
we  neared  the  hospital,  rain  began 
beating  down  upon  the  highway. 

"Whatever  happened  is  my 
fault,"  I  thought.  "I  had  no  busi- 
ness letting  those  boys  stay  there." 

As  we  drove  up  beside  the  hos- 
pital, I  got  out  and  was  shocked 
to  see  that  my  hands  were  shaking. 

Nick  and  I  hurried  into  the  hos- 
pital. Steve  met  us  at  the  door.  He 
was  still  covered  with  the  grime 
of  the  fields.  He  grinned  when  he 
saw  me.  Joy  leaped  within  me.  Mike 
must  not  be  injured  too  badly  if 
Steve  could  still  smile. 

"Where's  Mike?"  I  asked.  "Is  he 
hurt  terribly?" 

"I  guess  not  too  bad,"  Steve  said. 

Then  I  saw  Bud  at  the  desk 
signing  papers.  He  turned  to  me,  his 
face  pale  beneath  the  deep  tan. 

"Where's   Mike?"  I   asked   again. 

"He's  in  my  brother's  car.  We 
didn't  know  whether  you  would 
get  here  in  time  or  not." 

"What  happened?" 

"The  hay  wagon  ran  away,"  he 
said  briefly.  Glancing  at  Steve,  he 
said,   "Steve   had   the   same   ride." 

"Oh,  no!  And  you  aren't  hurt?" 
I  hugged  the  sturdy  little  body  to 

"No,   Mamma.  I'm  all  right." 

Then  I  hurried  outside  to  see 
Mike.  My  sister-in-law  held  open 
the  car  door.  Mike  lay  there,  his 
eyes  half  open.  I  noticed  a  bruise 
beside  one  eye  and  one  on  his  chin. 
His  breathing  was  harsh.  He 
opened  his  eyes  when  we  trans- 
ferred him  to  our  car.  I  took  his 
hot  little  hand  in  mine.  "Mom- 
mie's  here  now.  We'll  get  you  to  a 
hospital  where  they  can  help  you." 

A  gentle  smile  flitted  across  his 
elfin  features.  Then  he  closed  his 
eyes  again. 

Steve  and  Nick  went  with  their 
Aunt  Mildred.  Bud's  brothers  would 

take  care  of  the  farm  work.  My 
Sunday  school  teacher,  who  had 
ridden  along  to  take  my  driver 
friend  home,  volunteered  to  go 
with  us. 

She  looked  at  her  paint-spec- 
kled house  dress  and  said,  "I  don't 
look  very  nice,  but  I  don't  care  if 
you  don't." 

I  realized  for  the  first  time  that 
my  playclothes  were  not  very  pre- 
sentable. "Don't  worry  about  it," 
I  said.  "Clothes  don't  matter  at  a 
time  like  this." 

My  teacher  sat  in  the  front  seat 
with  my  husband,  and  I  sat  be- 
side Mike,  still  holding  his  hand 
and  gluing  my  eyes  to  his  pale  face 
and  blue  lips. 

As  we  started  our  journey  to 
Pittsburgh,  ninety  miles  away,  I 
found  time  to  ask  questions.  "What 
did  Dr.  Rock  say  about  him?" 

"He  says  he  thinks  he  may  have 
a  head  injury.  He  wants  a  neuro- 
surgeon to  examine  him." 

"How  did  the  accident  happen?" 

"We  had  the  loaded  wagon  set- 
ting on  the  slope.  We  thought  it 
was  secured.  I  looked  and  realized 
the  wagon  was  moving.  Mike  and 
Steve  were  both  on  it,  so  I  ran 
and  caught  hold  of  the  tongue  to 
try  to  turn  the  wagon.  It  kept  go- 
ing faster  and  faster.  When  I  real- 
ized that  I  couldn't  stop  the 
wagon  and  that  there  was  no  time 
to  jump  out  of  the  path  of  it,  I 
flattened  myself  on  the  ground 
and  let  the  wagon  roll  over  me." 

I  held  my  breath. 

"The  wheels  didn't  touch  me.  I 
got  up  and  started  running  after 
the  wagon.  I  yelled  at  the  kids  to 
jump.  They  almost  did,  but  then 
they  were  afraid.  The  wagon  kept 
going  faster  until  it  must  have 
been  going  fifty  or  sixty  miles  an 
hour.  It  ran  into  a  young  sapling, 
but  instead  of  stopping,  it  sheered 
off  the  tree  and  rolled  on.  When 
it  finally  stopped,  I  saw  hay 
bales  flying  in  every  direction. 
Steve  landed  on  one  of  these  and 
wasn't  hurt  a  spec.  I  couldn't  see 
Mike  at  first.  Then  I  saw  him 
crawling  from  beneath  the  wagon. 
He  has  a  tire  mark  across  his 
stomach.  The  doctor  thinks  the 
wheel  ran  over  him." 

I  looked  at  Mike's  distended 
abdomen.  "His  stomach  looks  swol- 
len. He  isn't  hemorrhaging,  is  he?" 

"The  doctor  said  he  wasn't.  He's 
more  worried  about  a  head  in- 

"It's  a  wonder  they  didn't  send 
Continued  on  page  19 

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KNEW  THAT  I  had  put  the 
I    return  half  of  my  train  ticket 

*■  in  the  right-hand  pocket  of 
my  parka,  but  when  I  searched  for 
it  later  it  was  gone.  Gone — and 
there  I  stood  in  a  city,  where  I 
knew  no  one,  with  only  two  francs 
(40    cents)    in    my    pocket. 

Each  Thursday  I  go  by  train  to 
Tours,  a  city  sixty  miles  distant, 
where  I  attend  classes  at  the  con- 
servatory  of   music. 

On  this  particular  Thursday 
Mother  had  given  me  an  addition- 
al two  francs  "for  emergency  use." 
I  was  to  bless  her  thoughtfulness 
before  the  day  was  over. 

The  loss  of  my  ticket  became  ap- 
parent when  I  prepared  to  board 
the  train  for  the  return  trip  home. 
First  I  retraced  my  steps  to  the 
school,  searching  all  the  way,  but 
my  search  produced  no  results.  I 
searched  my  pockets  and  in  my 
music  books,  also  to  no  avail.  The 
teachers  had  all  gone  and  the 
school  was  closed,  so  there  was  no 
help  there. 

Back  at  the  station  I  went  to  the 
agent  and  explained  my  situation. 
He  was  sympathetic  but  said  that 
he  would  have  to  speak  to  the  di- 
rector who  was  absent  at  that 
moment.  He  told  me  to  wait  out- 
side until  his  return. 

When  I  called  Mother  to  ask  for 

instructions,  I  was  almost  crying 
but  a  fourteen  year-old  boy  dare 
not  yield  to  such  an  impulse.  A  tear 
did  escape  my  surveilance  from 
time  to  time  in  spite  of  my  deter- 
mination to  be  strong. 

Mother  told  me  to  board  the  next 
train  and  that  she  would  meet  it 
and   pay   my   return   fare. 

It  was  past  the  lunch  hour,  and 
I  was  hungry.  I  let  two  pieces  of 
chewing  gum  out  of  a  machine,  but 
they  didn't  help   much. 

While  I  waited,  a  shabby  young 
woman  approached  my  bench. 
First  she  propped  up  a  silly-looking 
doll  beside  me.  Then  she  added  her 
valise  out  of  which  things  hung  in 
a  state  of  abandon  and  disorder- 
liness.  I  was  ashamed  for  fear  that 
people  would  think  I  was  part  of 
her  "entourage."  After  a  while  she 
said,  "Please  keep  an  eye  on  my 
things  while   I   go   straighten   my- 

self  a  bit."  So  there  I  sat  with  her 
stupid  doll  and  shabby  valise.  I 
bless  that  woman  though;  for 
when  she  returned,  she  gave  me  a 
handful  of  chocolates  and  cake.  I 
know  God  used  her  to  still  my  hun- 

At  last  I  was  admitted  to  see  the 
director  to  whom  I  stated  my  case 
once  more.  He  searched  in  the  lost 
and  found  tickets  but  mine  was 
not  among  them.  With  utter  cal- 
lousness he  said.  "It's  too  bad  but 
I  can't  do  a  thing  for  you.  Can't 
give  you  a  ticket  and  can't  give 
you  credit.  Run  along  now." 

As  I  walked  out  of  that  office 
home  seemed  a  million  miles  away 
and  I  wondered  when  I  would  be 
able  to  rejoin  Mother  in  her  warm 
kitchen  where  I  could  imagine  all 
sorts  of  steaming  dishes  on  the 
table.  Even  things  I  thought  I  dis- 

My  despair  was  complete.  "Why 
did  God  let  this  happen  to  me?"  I 
asked.  Then  pulling  myself  up 
short  I  reasoned:  "God  had  noth- 
ing at  all  to  do  with  losing  that 
ticket.  I  lost  it  myself,  but  I  know 
He  loves  me  and  will  help  me 
find  a  way  home."  At  this  moment 
the  deputy  agent  with  whom  I 
had  first  talked,  came  toward  me. 
Drawing  out  his  wallet  he  extract- 
ed four  francs  and  handed  them 
to  me.  When  I  tried  to  thank  him 
and  promised  to  repay  him,  he  dis- 
missed me  by  saying,  "You  don't 
need  to.    It's  alright." 

A  few  hours  later  I  was  back  in 
Mother's  kitchen,  stuffing  myself 
with  french  fries  and  hamburgers 
and  happy  in  my  soul  because  I 
knew  Jesus  loved  me!    • 


David  is  fourteen  scars  old  and  speaks 
French,  German,  and  English  with  equal 
fluency.    He  is  learning,  to  speak  Latin, 
and  is  following  the  classical  branch  of 
studies  in  a  French  high  school.    He 
received  the  Hol\  Ghost  and  was  baptized 
in  water  at  the  age  of  eight.    He  is  active 
in  Pioneers  for  Clirist  and  Sunday  school. 


What  is  the 

tird  dimensic 

hat  makes  ai 

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Chapel  Challenge 



By   RAY   H.    HUGHES,    Ed.D.,   Litt.D. 

TO  SAY  THAT  these  are 
tragic  and  dangerous  times 
is  putting  it  mildly.  How- 
ever, this  is  the  language  which 
the  Apostle  Paul  used  to  describe 
the  times  prior  to  the  coming  of 
the  Lord  Jesus  Christ.  The  trend 
of  our  times  seems  to  point  to  im- 
minent national  ruin  and  a  global 
holocaust  if  it  goes  unchecked.  The 
prognosticators  and  futurists  look 
on  with  anxious  wonder,  puzzled 
about  what  will  happen  next. 

One  of  the  most  alarming  trends 
of  these  tragic  times  is  the  toler- 
ance and  approval  of  social  sins. 
What  has  happened  to  a  society 
that  no  longer  reacts  against  fla- 
grant sins?  Sins  which  were  once 
committed  in  secret  now  parade 
the  broadways  and  have  become 
the  glory  of  the  people.  In  this  re- 
spect as  well  as  many  others  this 
society  parallels  that  of  Sodom  and 
Gomorrah.  The  Prophet  Isaiah  apt- 
ly describes  this  situation  in  these 
words.  "The  shew  of  their  coun- 
tenance doth  witness  against  them; 
and  they  declare  their  sin  as  Sod- 
om, they  hide  it  not  (Isaiah  3:9). 
No  longer  is  there  a  sense  of 
moral  anger  that  provokes  men  to 
cry  out  against  the  abominations 
of  the  time.  Even  the  witness  of 
many  Christians  has  become 
mute:  "...  they  are  all  dumb  dogs, 
they  cannot  bark"  (Isaiah  56:10). 
The  constant  association  of  Chris- 
tians with  legalized  sin  has  dis- 
torted their  sense  of  values  and 
has  caused  some  to  despair.  These 
times  need  a  prophet  like  John  the 
Baptist,  a  voice  crying  in  the  wild- 
erness; or  a  prophet  like  Isaiah 
who    said,    "Cry    aloud,    spare    not, 

lift  up  thy  voice  like  a  trumpet, 
and  shew  my  people  their  trans- 
gression, and  the  house  of  Jacob 
their  sins"    (Isaiah  58:1). 

The  spirit  of  these  times  has  also 
brought  fear  into  the  hearts  of 
ministers.  When  they  cry  out 
against  these  evils,  a  dull,  duped, 
chloroformed  Christianity  very 
subtly  responds  with  the  cry  of 
negativism.  The  only  kind  of 
preaching  that  has  ever  brought  a 
nation  from  moral  despair  and 
moral  bankruptcy  has  been  pointed 
preaching  against  the  sins  of  soci- 
ety. The  same  Bible  that  sets  forth 
a  positive  gospel  also  sets  forth  a 
negative  gospel.  Even  the  positive 
implies  the  negative.  It  is  the  re- 
sponsibility of  the  minister  to 
warn  the  people  of  the  prevailing 
evils.  The  same  command  that 
orders  the  minister  to  preach  the 
Word  and  exhort  also  commands 
him  to  reprove  and  rebuke.  This  is 
no  pleasant  task,  but  it  is  never- 
theless the  task  of  the  minister. 
Sex  Obsession 

One  of  the  damning  social  sins 
that  is  rampant  in  the  land  is  sex 
obsession.  Sex,  which  in  the  sight 
of  God  is  holy,  has  been  perverted 
and  exploited  for  the  lustful  plea- 
sure of  the  depraved.  Permissive- 
ness prevails  and  virtue,  chastity, 
and  fidelity  are  laughed  to  scorn. 
Those  who  hold  to  purity  and 
sanctity  of  the  body  are  accused 
of  puritanical  repression  which 
is  obsolete  in  these  times.  If  one 
studies  the  sins  of  Sodom  and 
Gomorrah,  he  will  detect  that  these 
times  are  strikingly  similar.  Un- 
restrained lustfulness  and  lawless- 
ness are  the  tenor  of  these  times. 

The  music  has  a  sensual  beat,  the 
dance  a  sensual  twist,  the  maga- 
zine stories  a  sensual  plot,  the 
television  shows  a  sensual  tendency, 
and  the  conversations  a  sensual 

Newsstands  are  filled  with  "girl- 
ie" magazines  parading  nudity, 
written  in  language  of  the  gutter, 
and  designed  to  inflame  the  lust 
of  men.  This  lewd  literature  has 
weakened  the  fabric  of  this  society. 

Homosexuality  rages  and  is  now 
condoned  in  many  quarters  and 
even  approved  by  some  churchmen. 
This  was  the  sin  which  plagued 
Sodom  and  Gomorrah  and  brought 
fire  and  brimstone  from  the  hand 
of  the  mighty  God.  This  is  what 
happens  when  men  begin  to  wor- 
ship the  creature  rather  than  the 
Creator.  The  Apostle  Paul  spoke  of 
the  condition  of  a  depraved  nation, 
"Men  with  men  performed  these 
shameful  horrors,  receiving,  of 
course,  in  their  own  personalities 
the  consequences  of  sexual  per- 
versity" (Romans  1:27,  Phillips). 
This  is  more  than  a  psychological 
or  psychiatric  problem.  Perversion 
is  primarily  the  product  of  a  gen- 
eration which  has  given  license  to 
lust  and  has  worshiped  the  crea- 
ture rather  than  the  Creator.  It  is 
the  fruit  of  a  degenerate  society 
which  has  made  God  a  mere  con- 
Sensual  Movies 

Another  social  sin  which  has 
taken  its  toll  is  the  sensual  movie. 
Very  slyly  an  insidious  attack 
against  the  true  moral  standards 
of  God  is  often  portrayed.  The 
titles  of  these  movies  are  sugges- 
tive and  the  contents  are  rotten. 
It  is  not  uncommon  to  see  signs 
posted  "No  minors  allowed"  or 
"Adults  only."  This  generation  has 
become  one  of  "movie-going 
church  members."  Christian  con- 
science has  been  deadened  until 
those  who  once  abhorred  the  ap- 
pearance of  evil  now  see  no  wrong 
in  attending  the  movies.  The  god 
Continued  on  page  18 





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the  added  Blessing 

By    EVELYN    P.    JOHNSON 

I  WAS  SHOPPING  in  the  gro- 
cery store  when  I  overheard 
two  women  talking. 

"And,  my  dear,  did  you  notice 
the  condition  of  the  floor  of  our 
parsonage?  Why,  with  the  toys 
strewed  all  over,  you'd  think  the 
new  pastor  and  his  wife  had  ten 
children   instead   of   three!" 

"Yes  .  .  .  and  did  you  notice  how 
she  refused  to  discuss  Mable's  di- 
vorce, yet  I  saw  Mable  come  from 
her  house  just  yesterday.  Obvious- 
ly she  knows  plenty  if  she  won't 
talk."  They  were  talking  about 
Anne,  my  good  friend,  who  is  the 
wife  of  our  pastor. 

As  I  rolled  my  cart  past  the 
women  and  stopped  at  the  pastry 
counter,  I  thought  about  the  many 
visits  I  had  enjoyed  with  Anne  and 
her  preacher-husband  when  they 
lived  in  another  town. 

Anne  and  I  had  been  close 
friends  through  school,  although 
she  was  several  years  older  than 
I.  After  graduation,  she  went  away 
to  college  where  she  met  and  later 
married  a  young  minister. 

"Karl  is  wonderful,"  she  had 
written.  "You  must  meet  him." 

And  I  had  been  a  guest  in  their 
home  on  weekends  and  during  va- 
cations for  several  years  until  I, 
too,  married  and  moved  to  the  city 
where  we  now  live,  the  city  where 
Anne  and  Karl  had  recently  ac- 
cepted the  pastorate  of  our  church. 

Anne  was  not  the  best  of  house- 
keepers I  had  to  admit,  but  she 
gave  her  husband  and  her  children 
a  full  share  of  tender,  loving  care. 
And  Karl  was  more  concerned  that 
she  share  time  with  her  family 
than    that    she    have    the    floors 

waxed  and  the  toys  all  picked  up 
when  visitors  called.  I  knew  that 
she  and  Karl  were  truly  happy  and 
that  they  had  many  friends  on 
every  church  field  where  they  had 

"How  do  you  manage  to  keep  in 
the  good  graces  of  all  the  flock, 
and  yet  have  the  happy  life  of  your 
own  that  is  so  evident?"  I  had 
asked  her  on  one  of  my  visits. 

She  laughed.  "Oh,  I've  developed 
the  skin  of  a  rhinoceros."  More 
seriously,  she  added,  "I'll  admit 
that  skin  does  have  some  vulner- 
able spots,  and  sometimes  I'm  hurt 
—mostly  when  Karl  is  hurt.  Then 
I  try  to  remember  that  the  Church, 
founded  by  Christ,  is  bigger  than 
any  member  in  it.  It  has  lasted  two 
thousand  years  and  no  force  of 
Satan  can  ever  destroy  it.  When 
I  can  remember  that,  all  malicious- 
ness is  put  in  its  proper  perspec- 
tive, and  I  can  rise  above  it." 

"But  don't  you  find  it  hard  to 
agree  with  everyone?  Don't  things 
come  up  in  meetings,  Sunday 
school,  and  other  places,  that  you 
disapprove  of?" 

"Often!"  Anne  replied.  "And  I 
disagree  whenever  I  feel  like  it, 
but  I  always  make  it  clear  that  I 
am  disagreeing  as  a  church  mem- 
ber, not  as  the  pastor's  wife.  How- 
ever, I  never  try  to  assume  a  role 
of  individual  importance.  And  un- 
der no  circumstances  do  I  under- 
mine Karl's  position.  I  stand  up 
for  his  policies  regardless  of  the 
feelings  of  the  congregation." 

"You  have  so  many  visitors;  yet 
you  teach,  belong  to  certain  clubs, 
attend  PTA— how  do  you  keep  up 
with   so   many   activities?"  I  mar- 


"I  try  to  single  out  the  most  im- 
portant," she  replied.  "Because  I 
have  school  children,  PTA  is  a 
must.  As  for  the  visitors,  I  don't 
believe  a  minister's  wife  should  be 
expected  to  pay  back  all  social  calls 
and  obligations.  I  usually  let  thank- 
you  notes  suffice." 

"Aren't  you  the  confidante  of 
every  woman  in  the  church?"  I 

Anne  smiled.  "Well,  I  would  say 
they  are  about  half  and  half.  Half 
confiding  and  half  pumping,  that 
is!  But  I  try  to  handle  all  con- 
fidences like  the  Roman  Catholic 
confessional.  And  I  listen  respect- 
fully to  those  who  wish  to  unbur- 
den themselves  to  me.  But  I  play 
dumb  to  those  who  would  unbur- 
den me  of  the  confidences  of 

"And  I  try  never  to  give  advice. 
I  may  say  'this  is  what  I  would  do. 
but  you  can  probably  find  a  bet- 
ter solution,'  then  I  suggest  that 
they  ask  my  husband's  advice." 

Remembering  Anne  as  the  shy 
idealist  I  had  known  in  high  school. 
I  said,  "How  did  you  ever  learn  to 
mix  with  all  kinds  of  people? 
Aren't  there  some  you  simply  do 
not  like?" 

Her  smile  was  anything  but  shy 
as  she  answered.  "There  are  some 
people  with  a  very  false  set  of 
values  in  every  congregation,  I  sup- 
pose. But  just  as  it  is  the  minis- 
ter's duty  to  preach  Christianity, 
it  is  the  duty  of  his  wife  to  use 
that  Christianity.  I'm  still  an  ideal- 
ist, and  I  believe  very  strongly 
that  only  Christianity — used — can 
save  the  world."  My  reminiscen- 
ing  was  over. 

I  smiled  and  nodded  at  the  two 
busybodies  as  I  passed  by  them  on 
my  way  to  the  check-out  counter. 
Anne's  philosophy  and  Christian 
love  would  soon  reach  into  their 
hearts  and  into  the  hearts  of  all 
the  church  members,  and  they 
would  be  drawn  to  her  and  to  her 
Lord  just  as  I  had  been. 

The  church  is  blessed.  I  thought, 
to  have  a  pastor  as  able  as  Karl. 
But  we  have  an  added  blessing  in 
his  wife  who  is  "faithful  in  all 
things!"  (1  Timothy  3:11).    • 




Denzell    Teague    is    a    Church    of 
God  missionary  in  Guatemala. 

STOOD  TODAY  where  Jesus 
stood  ...  I  walked  today 
J  where  Jesus  walked,"  said  the 
poet.  How  beautiful  and  expressive 
the  words!  How  wonderful  the  feel- 
ing behind  the  words,  as  the  writer 
recalls  his  trip  to  the  Holy  Land, 
to  Jerusalem!  I  have  never  walked 
where  Jesus  walked  nor  stood 
where  He  stood;  but  just  a  few 
days  ago  I  stood  where  Jesus  had 
never  stood,  and  yet  in  His  maj- 
esty  and  power   He   passed  by. 

In  the  company  of  Isidro  Mar- 
roquin,  Tiburcio  Leon,  and  Brother 
Daniel  Orellano  of  El  Rico  I  was 
on  my  way  to  the  District  Conven- 
tion in  Los  Planes  de  Santa  Rosa. 
As  we  passed  through  El  Novillo, 
we  received  an  urgent  request  to 
come  to  a  home  on  the  side  of  the 
road  to  pray  for  a  young  boy  who 
was  ill  and  whose  brother  had  just 
died.  After  reading  a  Scripture  text 
Brother  Daniel  urged  the  young 
wife's  mother,  who  was  not  a 
Christian,  to  accept  Jesus  Christ  as 
her  personal  Saviour.  This  she  did, 
and  we  began  to  pray  for  the  heal- 
ing of  the  little  boy.  It  was  then 
that  Jesus  passed  by.  He  passed  by 
to  heal  the  boy,  to  save  the  grand- 
mother, to  console  the  young  par- 
ents, to  bring  joy  to  us  all,  to  give 
us  a  taste  of  His  greatness,  to  give 
us  a  sign  of  His  presence,  to  give 

us  a  seal  of  His  promise.  Yes, 
Jesus  passed  by. 

We  left  that  place  rejoicing  and 
praising  God,  whose  presence  had 
gone  before  us.  We  arrived  at  the 
convention,  which  had  already  be- 
gun. During  the  convention  on  Sun- 
day morning  a  notable  miracle  oc- 
curred. Several  men  entered  the 
building  before  Sunday  school,  car- 
rying a  sheet.  In  the  sheet  lay  a 
man  named  Jose  Maria  from  Cha- 
hal.  Jose  had  suffered  a  violent  at- 
tack of  illness  as  he  was  returning 
home  from  the  convention.  As  he 
fell  to  the  ground  he  requested  that 
his  companions  return  him  to  the 

Thus  we  found  him,  scarcely  able 
to  move,  wrapped  in  a  sheet.  We 
all  began  to  pray,  and  suddenly 
Jesus  passed  by.  As  the  power  of 
God  began  to  move,  Jose  Maria  was 
helped  to  his  feet.  Touched  by  the 
Spirit  of  God,  he  began  to  walk, 
praising  and  glorifying  God  who 
had   healed    him. 

This  grand  convention  was  cli- 
maxed in  the  very  last  service  with 
a  wonderful  outpouring  of  God's 
Spirit.  I  had  just  read  my  text. 
Acts  2:4,  and  announced  my  theme, 
"The  Purpose  of  Pentecost,"  when 
the  first  drops  of  rain  began  to 
fall  on  the  tin  roof.  In  a  few  min- 
utes the  sprinkle  had  changed  into 

a  deluge,  with  thunder  and  light- 
ning. But  the  Spirit  of  God  inside 
the  building  had  also  reached 
flood  stage.  The  sermon  was  never 
finished  because  Jesus  again 
passed  by. 

When  the  praying,  shouting,  and 
tongue  speaking  ceased,  at  least 
six  persons  had  been  converted  and 
four  had  received  the  baptism  of 
the  Holy  Ghost,  and  many  had 
been   reclaimed. 

It  is  true  that  this  convention 
was  out  of  the  ordinary,  but  the 
move  of  the  Holy  Ghost  should  be 
the  norm  for  every  convention  and 
for  every  service.  Jesus  said,  "These 
signs  shall  follow  them  that  be- 
lieve; In  my  name  shall  they  cast 
out  devils;  they  shall  speak  with 
new  tongues;  They  shall  take  up 
serpents;  and  if  they  drink  any 
deadly  thing  it  shall  not  hurt  them; 
they  shall  lay  hands  on  the  sick, 
and  they  shall  recover  (Mark  16: 

Trust  in  God;  believe  on  Jesus, 
and  He  will  pass  by  to  meet  your 
need.  He  will  pass  by  with  salvation 
for  your  soul,  with  healing  for  your 
body,  with  the  gifts  of  the  Spirit 
that  you  might  be  more  efficient 
in  the  service  of  His  kingdom.  Com- 
mit yourself  to  Him,  and  He  will 
not  pass  you  by— He  will  pass  by 
you.    • 


Social    Sins 

from  -page  14 
of  this  world  has  blinded  their  eyes 
and  tolerance  has  replaced  their 
protest  against  sin.  The  majority  of 
the  films  portray  unclean,  immoral, 
and  indecent  scenes.  The  smut  of 
illicit  sex  leaves  its  slimy  trail 
throughout  the  film  and  resistance 
against  sin  is  broken  down. 

The  per  capita  consumption  of 
alcoholic  beverages  takes  a  sharp 
increase  annually.  This  evil  has  in- 
vaded the  American  home  in  a  very 
subtle  manner.  Through  television 
and  radio,  alcoholic  beverages  are 
advertised  and  praised.  Program 
after  program  is  interspersed  with 
advertisements  which  leave  a  last- 
ing imprint  upon  the  minds  of 
those  who  view  them.  The  public 
has  been  deceived  by  the  idea  that 
public  progress  would  be  retarded 
if  it  were  not  for  the  tax  money 
received  from  alcoholic  beverages. 
In  many  places  these  taxes  are 
used  for  education  and  other  much 
needed  services.  But  when  one  con- 
siders the  cost  of  alcoholism  in  ac- 
cidents, in  care  for  misfits  of  soci- 
ety, in  added  police  protection  and 
crime  prevention,  and  in  many 
other  maladies  brought  upon  man 
by  this  blight,  he  can  readily  see 
that  these  things  cost  much  more 
than  the  profits  received  through 
this  type  revenue. 

The  enemy  of  our  souls  usually 
pictures  sin  in  glamorous  settings. 
This  is  true  of  the  sin  of  drinking, 
but  there  is  another  side  of  the 
picture  also.  He  does  not  picture 
the  broken  homes,  the  orphaned 
children,  the  blighted  characters, 
the  bums  of  skid  row,  the  wrecks 
on  the  highway,  the  institution- 
alized alcoholics,  the  murderers 
who  committed  their  crime  while 
inebriated,  and  the  delinquents 
who  have  lost  respect  for  them- 
selves and  have  become  outcasts 
of  society. 

I  have  mentioned  but  three  of 
the  damning  social  sins,  but  a 
mention  of  these  three  should 
be  sufficient  to  provoke  us  once 
again  to  become  vocal  and  to  cry 
out  against  the  social  sins  of  these 
times.    • 


The  Christian  Education  Seminar 
theme,  "Iowa  on  the  Move,"  was 
conveyed  in  every  activity  during 
the  one-day  training  session 
March  16,  1968,  in  Lynnville,  Iowa. 
The  Reverend  C.  Milton  Parsons, 
national  representative,  was  spe- 
cial guest  for  this  day.  For  this 
progressive  state  of  Iowa  this  sem- 
inar was  a  giant  step  forward  in 
training  the  Sunday  school  officers, 
YPE  officers,  and  Sunday  school 
teachers.  The  morning  classes, 
which  were  conducted  in  each  of 
the  three  stated  divisions,  indi- 
cated that  Iowa  is  moving  forward 
through  training. 

In  the  morning  sessions  a  com- 
prehensive study  was  made  in  each 
of  the  following  areas:  "A  Sun- 
day School  Teacher,"  John  T.  Ha- 
worth,  lecturer;  "Sunday  School 
Administration,"  V.  B.  Rains,  lec- 
turer; and  "Total  Youth  Program," 
C.  Milton  Parsons,  lecturer.  The 
discussion-filled  sessions  contained 
informative,  usable  material, 
which  could  be  initiated  in  prac- 
tical application  when  the  workers 
returned  to  their  small  congrega- 

An  exhibit  area  also  stressed  the 
theme  of  the  seminar,  "Iowa  on 
the  Move."  Each  church  in  the 
state  displayed  an  interior  and  ex- 
terior photograph  of  their  church, 
a  diagram  of  their  facilities,  a  view 
of  their  Sunday  school  and  YPE 
organization,  and  a  two-year  prog- 
ress report.  One  exhibit  had  a  scale 
model  of  their  church;  others  had 
pictures  of  each  Sunday  school 
class;  while  even  another  was  set 
in  motion  by  an  electric  motor. 

"Rewarding  Voyage"  was  the 
theme  of  the  noon  banquet.  This 
was  a  time  of  personal  expressions 
from  a  Sunday  school  superin- 
tendent, Laura  Sprague;  a  YPE 
leader,  Billie  Carey;  and  a  Sunday 
school  teacher,  Mable  Flook  con- 
cerning the  joy,  pleasure,  and  re- 
ward of  carrying  this  gospel  to  oth- 
ers. The  Holy  Spirit  touched  the 
hearts  of  these  enthusiastic  work- 
ers, and  the  banquet  extended  far 
into  the  afternoon  as  tears,  praise, 
and  rejoicing  engulfed  the  group 
in  thankful  worship. 

Classes  in  the  afternoon  were  di- 
vided into  five  divisions:  "The 
Adult  Teacher,"  Sidney  Brown,  in- 
structor; "The  Youth  Teacher," 
D.  G.  Fox,  instructor;  "Teaching 
Children,"  William  Oberlander,  in- 
structor; "Sunday  School  Organi- 
zation," W.  M.  Horton,  instructor; 
and  "Total  Youth  Program,"  C. 
Milton  Parsons,  instructor.  From 
the  statements  made  by  those  at- 
tending these  classes,  we  can  judge 
that  much  good  was  accomplished 
by  this  day  of  training. 

The  climax  of  the  seminar  was 
an  evening  rally  where  hearts  were 
moved  as  talented  Iowans  praised 
God  through  song.  The  Reverend 
C.  Milton  Parsons  masterfully  fed 
the  group  in  the  richness  of  God's 

When  Iowa  pauses  and  reflects 
upon  the  seminar  theme,  they  do 
not  have  to  question  "Can  Iowa 
move?"  With  a  positive  utterance, 
it  is  established,  "As  Iowa  moves 
toward  God  in  training  and  ser- 
vice, God  moves  Iowa." 

— T.  Wayne  Dyer,  reporter 


Tragedy  on   the   Farm 

from  page  11 
him  in  an  ambulance,"  I  com- 

"They  said  they  could,  but  since 
he's  small  and  can  stretch  out  on 
the  seat,  they  said  we  could  use 
the  car.  They  tried  to  get  a  police 
escort  for  me,  but  escorts  aren't 
given  anymore." 

Then  the  rain  started  again.  It 
seemed  to  slosh  down  from  the  sky 
in  buckets.  Bud  drove  as  fast  as 
he  dared.  He  ha'd  to  slacken  his 
speed  for  one  of  the  dangerous 
curves.  As  we  rounded  the  bend,  to 
our  horror  we  .saw  two  cars  with 
the  fronts  smashed  in,  and  dazed 
people  were  sitting  on  the  bank. 
My  husband  stopped  the  car — 
could  we  get  through?  He  talked  to 
the  people  and  I  said  to  my  teach- 
er, "Someone  might  be  dead  over 

Mike  heard  me  and  sat  up, 
"Where?  Who?"  I  hadn't  realized 
the  child  was  awake,  but  was 
heartened  to  hear  him  speak. 

Bud  came  back,  and  we  hurried 
off  again.  "I'm  stopping  at  a  ser- 
vice station  and  telling  them  to  call 
the  ambulance  and  police.  The  ac- 
cident  hasn't   been    reported    yet." 

"Must  you?"  I  thought,  but  I 
knew  we  must.  Those  people  might 
be  hurt  much  worse  than  Mike. 
Nonetheless,  I  breathed  more  free- 
ly when  Bud  had  done  his  er- 
rand, and  we  were  on  our  way 
once  more. 

The  storm  seemed  to  abate  then, 
and  Mike  began  to  look  better.  His 
lips  grew  pink,  his  breathing  be- 
came natural,  and  his  stomach 
looked  almost  normal. 

At  the  hospital  we  hurried  to 
the  emergency  room.  Four  or  five 
doctors  examined  Mike,  and  then 
he  was  wheeled  off  to  the  X-ray 
room.  Outside  the  X-ray  room,  Dr. 
Sukerochano  said,  "He's  a  very 
lucKy  boy  so  far.  Usually  in  a  case 
like  his,  at  least  one  or  more  in- 
ternal organs  will  burst.  So  far, 
none  of  his  have.  X-rays  show  a 
contusion  on  the  kidney  and  a  con- 
tusion on  the  spleen — no  brain  in- 
jury. While  his  injuries  are  serious, 
they  do  not  require  surgery.  We'll 
have    to    observe    him    for    several 

days  to  make  sure  the  spleen  does 
not  rupture." 

I  breathed  a  silent  prayer  of 
thanks.  Somehow  I  now  felt  that 
Mike  would  be  all  right.  There  was 
still  the  problem  of  the  spleen,  but 
my  calm  assurance  persisted. 

That  night  Bud  stayed  at  the 
hospital  and  my  teacher  friend 
and  I  went  home.  I  slept  little,  but 
felt  rested  the  next  morning.  I  set 
out  for  Pittsburgh  with  a  neigh- 
bor friend. 

At  the  hospital  the  doctor  exam- 
ined Mike  again  and  repeated  to 
us,  "He's  very  lucky.  The  spleen  has 
not  ruptured.  We  keep  checking 
his  blood  level  to  make  sure  every- 
thing is  all  right." 

I  stayed  with  Mike  then.  He  lay 
very  quietly,  still  feeling  his  bruises. 
He  complained  because  Mamma 
was  not  allowed  to  hold  him;  but 
for  the  most  part,  he  was  a  good 
patient,  allowing  us  to  leave  the 
room.  He  bid  me  good-night  with 
these  words,  "Mommie,  I'll  have  a 
kiss  for  you  in  the  morning." 

My  husband  went  home  to  take 
care  of  some  farm  work.  The  next 
morning  Mike  showed  marked  im- 
provement; he  sat  up  and  wanted 
to  walk  about  his  crib.  When  the 
doctor  examined  him,  he  said, 
"Well,  Mrs.  Bender,  it  is  very  likely 
that  this  little  fellow  can  go  home 
in  the  morning." 

Thankfulness  flooded  my  soul.  I 
would  sleep  tonight! 

The  next  morning  the  doctor 
came  in  early.  "He's  fine,  Mrs. 
Bender.  I've  just  signed  his  re- 

"How  should  I  treat  him  at 
home?"  I  asked,  expecting  all  sorts 
of  directions. 

"No  restrictions,"  the  doctor  said. 
"You  can't  keep  him  quiet.  I  know 
that.  But  do  keep  him  off  hay 
wagons!"  His  eyes  twinkled,  but  I 
took  him  seriously. 

I  went  down  to  the  little  hos- 
pital chapel  and  knelt  in  the  sanc- 
tuary. "Dear  God,  You  have  spared 
my  sons.  Now  help  me  to  be  a  bet- 
ter and  more  careful  mother,"  I 
prayed.  I  meant  every  word  of  it. 
From  now  on,  the  boys  would  play 
in  the  safety  of  our  own  yard,  not 
amid  the  dangers  of  the  hayfield.   • 



By  Donald  S.  Aultman 
National  Director 

Buford.    Georgia    

Lakeland     (Lake    Wire).    Florida    

Cincinnati  (Central  Pkwy).  Ohio  ._ 
Gastonia    (Ranlo),    North    Carolina    .... 

Wyandotte.    Michigan    .... 

Tampa     (E.     Buffalo),     Florida     

Huntsville  (Virginia  Blvd.),  Alabama 
Jacksonville    (Garden   City),   Florida   .... 

Hurst,    Texas — 

Brooklyn,  Maryland   

Saint    Pauls,    North    Carolina 

Flint   (West),   Michigan   .... 

Pulaski,    Virginia    

Cleveland     (Mt.     Olive),     Tennessee    ... 

Brunswick     (Sterling),    Georgia    

Jackson     (Bailey    Ave.),    Mississippi 

Morganton,    North    Carolina    

Somerset,     Pennsylvania     

South    Lebanon,    Ohio    _. 

Pasco,    Washington    

Canton      (Canton     Temple),     Ohio     .... 

Poplar,    California    . 

Chattanooga  (East),  Tennessee  ....  _ 
Roanoke  Rapids,  North  Carolina  .... 
Dalton  (East  Morris  St.),  Georgia  .... 
Jacksonville     (Springfield),    Florida    .... 

Jesup,    Georgia    

Norfolk    (Azalea    Garden),    Virginia    .... 

Paris,    Texas    — 

Newport  News,  Virginia   

Pompano    Beach,    Florida    __ 

Woodruff,   South    Carolina 

Princeton,    West    Virginia    

Sanford,    Florida   

Mesquite,    Texas   

Lancaster.     Ohio 

Omaha      (Parkway),     Nebraska     

Rossville,    Georgia    

Valdosta,  Georgia ...  ....     

West  Indianapolis.  Indiana  

Monroe,    Louisiana    

Conway     (North),     South     Carolina    .... 

North   Ridgeville.    Ohio    .... 

Cincinnati  (Hatmaker  St.).  Ohio  ....  ._ 
Orangeburg   (Palmetto  St.).  South 


Cahokia.    Illinois 

Portland    (Powell   Blvd.).   Oregon    ... 

Houston    (Harbor    Drive),    Texas 

Fairfield,     California     

Salisbury,   Maryland   ._. 

Long     Beach.     California    ...      .... 

Vanceburg,    Kentucky    

Elyria,    Ohio   

Leicester,  New  York  

Martinsville,    Virginia    

San   Fernando   Valley,    California    

Flint    (Kearsley   Park  I,    Michigan    

Fort    Myers    (Broadway),    Florida    

West  Logan,   West  Virginia  

West    Winter    Haven,    Florida   .... 

Bush     (Sharps     Chapel),     Louisiana     ... 

Garden   City,  Georgia 

Lawrenceville,    Illinois    .... 

Middlesboro  (Noetown),  Kentucky  .... 
Moose  Jaw.  Saskatchewan.  Canada  .... 
Louisville  (Highland  Park).  Kentucky 
Louisville    (Pleasure    Ridge),    Kentucky 

Johnson    City,    Tennessee    

Lexington,  Kentucky    

Red    Bay,    Alabama    

Somerset    (Cotter    Ave.),    Kentucky    .... 

East   Point,   Georgia  

Portsmouth   (West  Haven  Park), 


Thomasville.  Alabama  

Longwood.    Florida    ....     

Jacksonville,    North    Carolina    

Uniontown,    Pennsylvania    ....    

Donalds,    South    Carolina 

Aurora     (Indian    Trail),    Illinois    

Dayton.    Tennessee    ....    

Holland,    Michigan       

Lake  Worth,  Florida  

Fort    Lauderdale     (4th    Ave.). 

Florida    .... 


The  Substitute 


per. "You  haven't  eaten 
much,"  said  Tom's  mother. 
"Is  anything  wrong?" 

"No,  Mom.  I'm  just  a  little  tired 
I  guess." 

He  pushed  his  chair  away  from 
the  table.  "I  think  I'll  get  to  bed 
early  tonight.  Tomorrow  is  Sunday 
and  I  don't  want  to  be  late  for 
Sunday   school." 

Tom  slowly  climbed  the  stairs 
and  entered  the  bedroom.  His  mind 
was  in  a  great  turmoil  as  he  knelt 
in  prayer.  Had  he  been  right  in  re- 
fusing to  take  the  job  of  teaching 
the  young  peoples  class?  Was  his 
excuse  of  not  knowing  how  to 
teach  good  enough? 

Tom  had  attended  college  for  two 
years  and  was  well  liked  in  the 
church.  He  knew  down  deep  that 
he  was  qualified  to  work  with  the 
class  of  youths.  Tom  laid  his  head 
on  his  pillow  and  dropped  off  into 
a  troubled  sleep.  He  dreamed. 

On  Sunday  morning  Tom  was  at 
the  church  bright  and  early.  With 
the  opening  exercises  over  Tom 
headed  for  the  class  that  he  had 
refused  to  teach.  As  he  entered  the 
room,  he  saw  the  pastor  standing 
in  front  with  Bill  Foster.  Mr.  Foster 
was   a   young   man    about   twenty- 

five  years  of  age  who  had  not 
been  to  the  Sunday  school  class 
before  that  day. 

"Brother  Foster  has  agreed  to 
take  the  class."  The  pastor  was 
saying.  "I  hope  you  will  give  him 
your   best   attention." 

The  class  went  rather  well  that 
morning.  Brother  Foster  was  well 
informed  and  knew  the  Scripture 
right  down  to  chapter  and  verse. 
He  had  not  read  from  his  Bible  one 
time,  but  all  of  his  Scripture  came 
from  memory.  He  was  a  very  re- 
markable   man. 

Tom  left  the  church  after  service 
that  morning  and  started  home. 
He  had  driven  about  four  blocks 
when  he  suddenly  remembered 
that  he  had  forgotten  his  Bible. 
He  returned  to  the  church  and  en- 
tered the  back  door.  As  Tom  came 
around  the  corner,  he  stopped 
short  upon  hearing  the  pastor's 
voice  coming  from  one  of  the  un- 
used rooms. 

"A  job  well  done,  Brother  Fos- 
ter," the  pastor  was  saying.  "I'll 
just  put  you  back  in  here  until 
next  Sunday." 

"That's  odd,"  thought  Tom. 
"What's    going   on   here?" 

Tom  opened  the  door  just  a  little 
and  what  he  saw  made  him  stare 


in  disbelief.  In  the  corner  was  a 
big  box,  and  Brother  Foster  was 
slowly  backing  into  it.  Printed  in 
big  bold  letters  on  the  side  of  the 
box  was,  "ACME  ROBOTS,  INC. 
Custom  Robots — Programmed  for 
Any  Job." 

Brother  Foster  was  a  robot,  a 
mere  machine!  Tom  pushed  open 
the  door.  Pastor  Hayes  stepped 
back  in  surprise.  "Come  in,  Tom," 
he  said. 

Tom  entered  the  room  with  tears 
in  his  eyes.  "Blessed  are  the  pure 
in  heart:  for  they  shall  see  God' 
(Matthew  5:8).  That's  what  Broth- 
er Foster  said  this  morning.  What 
does  a  machine  with  an  elec- 
tronic computer  system  know 
about  heart  purity?  How  can  God 
dwell  in  a  mechanical  pile  of  nuts 
and  bolts?" 

Some  of  the  things  that  Tom 
had  wondered  about  now  fell  into 
place.  The  monotone  voice,  the  ac- 
curate recall  of  Scripture  and 
facts.  That  was  why  Brother  Fos- 
ter had  not  referred  to  his  Bible 
or  quarterly.  The  entire  Bible  had 
been  programmed  into  his  complex 
electronic  brain. 

"Why?"  cried  Tom;  "why  have 
you  done  'this,  Pastor?" 

The  Reverend  Mr.  Hayes'  voice 
was  low  and  broken.  "Tom,"  he 
began,  "you  will  remember  that  I 
asked  you  to  take  the  class.  Well, 
you  were  not  the  only  one  I  asked. 
I  have  asked  almost  everyone  here 
if  they  had  a  burden  for  the  class, 
but  no  one  wanted  the  responsi- 
bility. Oh,  each  one  had  their  ex- 
cuses, such  as  yours  Tom;  but  ex- 
cuses do  not  get  God's  work  done. 
You  will  recall  that  when  the  Lord 
had  bidden  the  guests  to  his  mar- 
riage supper  that  each  one  had 
their  so-called  excuses,  but  you  will 
also  recall  that  each  was  neverthe- 
less doomed. 

I  called  Acme  Robots,  Inc.,  and 
ordered  Brother  Foster  pro- 
grammed as  a  Bible  teacher.  He 
has  been  programmed  for  any 
class  in  the  church  for  the  next  two 
years.  I  get  no  excuses  from  Broth- 
er Foster,  he  is  dependable.  And  we 
can  also  use  him  for  door-to-door 
visitation  or  any  other  job  if  peo- 
ple make  excuses. 

"I  wanted  with  all  my  heart  to 
have  a  dedicated  human  to  teach 
the  class,  a  person  with  the  love  of 
God  in  his  heart  is  able  to  do  far 
more  than  any  machine,  even  with 
their  faults  and  failures.  But  some- 
times you  do  what  you  are  forced 

"Tom,  Tom,  get  up;  it's  time  for 
Sunday  school!"  Tom  awoke  with 
a  start.  He  had  broken  out  in  a 
cold   sweat.   It   was   all   a   horrible 

dream — a  dream  which  Tom 
prayed  would  never  come  to  pass. 
Tom  realized  he  had  been  wrong  in 
not  doing  his  best  for  God.  As  he 
readied  himself  for  church,  he  pur- 
posed in  his  heart  never  to  refuse 
anything  he  was  asked  to  do.  He 
would  take  the  teen-ager's  class; 
and  with  the  help  of  the  Lord,  he 
would  do  his  very  best.  He  would 
not  allow  a  robot  to  substitute  for 
him.    • 


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My  Memory  Path 

WHEN  THE  PRESSURES  of  everyday  life  seem 
too  much  to  bear,  every  adult  should  have  a 
place  where  he  or  she  can  retreat  in  mem- 
ory, if  only  for  a  short  time,  and  have  a  "quiet  mind." 
I  feel  very  fortunate  that  I  had  such  a  place.  It 
was  a  path  I  walked  so  often  when  I  was  young.  It 
was,  perhaps,  about  two  blocks  long,  and  wound  from 
our  front  door  to  the  nearest  sidewalk.  It  was  a  crook- 
ed path,  bordered  on  either  side  by  huge  trees  whose 
topmost  leaves,  in  soft  summer  breezes,  reached  across 
and  caressed  their  neighbors.  It  was  well-worn  by  the 
time  my  feet  first  traveled  it;  and  it  was  crooked 
because,  like  most  paths,  it  had  been  formed  by  follow- 
ing the  line  of  least  resistance.  It  wound  around  rocks 
just  "stumble-high"  above  the  ground  or  some  rebel- 
lious tree  roots,  more  venturesome  than  others,  that 
had  forced  their  way  up  through  the  earth  to  feel  the 
gentle  rain  and  warm  sun. 

By   MRS.    K.   W.    HAGLUND 

I  walked  this  path  to  reach  the  main  street  of  our 
small  town,  to  go  to  school,  and  to  carry  milk  in  a  tin 
pail  from  our  neighbors.  Familiar  though  it  was,  it 
never  lost  its  charm.  Summer  and  early  fall  were  the 
times  to  loiter  here  and  to  dream  the  afternoons 
away.  I  loved  walking  barefoot  on  the  cool  moist 
earth,  stopping  by  my  favorite  tree  where  initials  had 
been  carved  within  a  heart  and  tracing  them  with  my 
finger,  wondering  who  had  put  them  there  and  how 
many  years  ago. 

A  favorite  pastime  was  to  sit  back  and  watch  ants 
scurrying  back  and  forth  carrying  twice  their  weight 
and  wondering  how  they  knew  their  way  to  their  own 
hill  home.  A  speckled,  broken  shell  of  a  bird's  egg  was 
something  to  hold  carefully  in  my  hand.  I  would  look 
up  into  the  trees,  wondering  from  which  nest  it  had 
fallen,  and  if  the  bird  that  it  had  cradled  was  now 
flying  on  strong  wings  high  in  the  sky.  I  would  pick 
long  stemmed  dandelions  and,  leaning  against  a  tree 
would  braid  them  into  a  bracelet  or  a  crown.  This  was 
the  place  to  go  when  hurt  or  punished  to  hide  behind 
a  tree  and  to  cry  until  my  wounded  feelings  healed. 

It  was  here  that  I  walked  hand  in  hand  with  my 
first  school  "crush,"  and  also  where  in  the  dusk  on  a 
summer  evening  I  gave  and  received  my  first  kiss.  It 
was  forever  a  romantic  place  where  we  could  walk, 
almost  unseen,  and  have  the  feeling  that  we  were  the 
only  two  people  in  God's  world. 

This  was  my  path  from  young  childhood  until  my 
school  years  were  finished  and  it  was  time  to  leave 
my  small  town  home.  I  never  realized  then  that  this 
path  would  become  a  solace  for  me  when  I  was  grown; 
but,  during  a  particular  time  of  stress  in  later  years, 
suddenly  I  was  there  again,  and  the  memory  of  its 
peace  and  quiet  gave  me  the  strength  to  go  on.  Since 
then  I  have  walked  this  path  often  in  my  mind,  re- 
treating there  on  sleepless  nights  and  stressful  days. 
It  never  fails  to  comfort  me. 

If  you  have  troubled  days  when  you  are  restless  or 
unhappy,  take  a  few  minutes  to  sit  quietly  and  think 
back — to  your  childhood,  or  perhaps  only  to  yesterday. 
Surely  you  must  remember  one  time,  one  place,  or 
perhaps  one  experience,  which  left  a  warm,  not-to-be- 
forgotten  memory.  Recapture  it,  if  only  for  a  short 
while,  and  let  it  bring  you  comfort,  as  my  "memory 
path"  does  for  me.    • 


to  mean  a  little  more  to  ser- 
vice personnel  than  it  does 
to  most  people.  There  are  two  rea- 
sons, I  suppose,  that  each  European 
Servicemen's  Camp  Meeting  is  as 
exciting  and  stimulating  as  a  first 
camp  meeting.  One  is  that  the  con- 
stant rotation  of  personnel  in  a 
military  situation  makes  every 
camp  meeting  the  first  for  a  large 
percentage  of  the  attendants.  The 
other  is  that  the  worshipers  come 
from  some  forty  Pentecostal  fel- 
lowships scattered  from  Germany 
to  Spain,  North  Africa  and  East- 
ern Turkey.  These  fellowships 
many  times  are  comparably  small 
and  can  only  conduct  one  Pente- 
costal service  each  week. 

This  year's  meeting,  the  sixth 
annual,  was  climactic  to  the  pre- 
vious meetings  in  two  aspects:  the 
mission  offering  and  attendance. 
The  mission  offering  doubled  last 
year's  response  with  well  over  five 
thousand  dollars.  Several  sound, 
determined  men  committed  them- 
selves to  foreign  missions.  Such  a 
commitment  by  Brother  and  Sis- 
ter Robert  R.  Seyda,  Jr.,  three  years 
ago  has  culminated,  after  two 
years  of  serving  under  the  sponsor- 
ship of  the  European  Servicemen's 
Department,  in  their  appointment 
by  the  World  Missions  Board  of 
the  Church  of  God. 

What  God  does  in  a  meeting  de- 
fies comparison.  Although  God  may 
have  given  us  as  great  a  visita- 
tion in  the  past,  it  would  be  hard 
to  conceive  that  He  has  ever  given 
us  a  greater  visitation.  The  spir- 
itual results  were   wonderful. 

Our  expression  of  gratitude  to 
those  of  you  who  by  your  faith- 
fulness to  the  Church  of  God 
made  it  possible  for  Dr.  James  A. 
Cross  to  be  with  us  must  not  be 
overlooked.  Thank  you  so  much. 
His  powerful  ministry  greatly 
blessed  our  people.  He  ministered 
well  on  your  behalf. 

From  its  beginning  in  a  tent 
pitched  beside  an  old  hall  on  the 
outskirts  of  Kaiserslautern  just 
five  years  ago,  the  European  Ser- 

European  Servicemen's 
Camp  Meeting 

By   G.    A.    SWANSON 

The  Reverend  James  A.  Cross  (upper)  and  the  Reverend  Paul  F.  Henson 
(lower)  were  guest  speakers  at  the  camp  meeting. 

vicemen's  Camp  Meeting  has 
grown  to  one  of  the  greatest  an- 
nual Pentecostal  meetings  in  Eu- 
rope. It  is  now  housed  in  the  best 
convention  facilities  in  Kaiserslau- 
tern and  draws  servicemen  from 
the  most  remote  corners  of  Eu- 
rope. In  these  years  it  has  brought 
to  the  servicemen  some  of  the  most 
outstanding  Pentecostal  leaders  of 
our  day. 
The    dreams    of    literally    thou- 

sands of  Pentecostal  servicemen 
who  have  served  in  Europe  and 
have  labored  within  the  frame- 
work of  the  European  Servicemen's 
Department  in  the  last  five  and 
one-half  years  have  materialized. 
There  is  today  a  stable  program 
that  reaches  from  the  lonely 
isolated  soldier  to  the  great  camp 
meeting  and  retreat.  Thank  God 
that  the  Church  of  God  cares  for 
her  men  in  the  military.    • 

This  is  part  of  the  crowd  attending  the  Christian  Home  Week  breakfast. 
This  report  of  the  European  Servicemen's  Camp  Meeting  will  thrill  each 
reader.  Thank  God  for  the  revival  spirit  that  is  prevailing  in  the  church's 
jninistry   to   the   military. — C.   Raymond    Spain,   Executive    Director 



Barton  Heights 

would-be  athletes  chose  their 
teams  to  enjoy  Softball  to  the  ut- 

We  were  tremendously  blessed  in 
having  the  Reverend  Mr.  Henson 
for  this  series  of  services.  To  de- 
scribe his  ministry  would  be  quite 

"Variety  is  the  spice  of  life,"  or 
so  it  is  said.  Perhaps  this  does  not 
seem  descriptive  of  a  church;  how- 
ever, spice  is  defined  as  something 
that  gives  zest  or  pungency,  or  en- 
riches the  quality  of  a  thing. 

Continually  you  will  find  this 
taking  place  at  Barton  Heights.  It 
would  be  sad  indeed  if  programs 
were  the  main  objective,  but  this 
is  not  the  case.  Interest  and  zest 
directed  toward  the  fuller  life  in 
God's  Spirit,  home,  youth  and  all 
phases  of  man,  is  our  motive. 

In  order  to  have  an  effective  pro- 
gram, endorsed  by  the  Holy  Spirit, 
it  is  still  necessary  to  plan.  Weeks 
ahead  of  Christian  Home  Week, 
plans  were  formulated  for  a  week 
of  family  activities— including  a 
week-end  of  youth  revival  with  the 
Reverend  Paul  F.  Henson,  assistant 
national  Sunday  school  and  youth 

a  most  impressive  day  was  Sat- 
urday, May  11,  when  youth  were 
invited  to  breakfast;  after  which 
a  panel  of  seven  answered  ques- 
tions submitted  by  the  youth.  This 
time  of  discussion  proved  quite 
beneficial  to  the  adults  present,  as 
well  as  to  the  youth.  To  complete 
this  session,  the  Reverend  Mr.  Hen- 
son spoke  with  words  so  geared  to 
the  needs  of  youth,  and  so  captiva- 
ting and  thought-provoking,  that 
he  quickly  won  the  confidence  and 
respect  of  all  present.  This  inspir- 
ing morning  was  followed  by  a 
picnic    lunch.    Then    athletes    and 

difficult.  His  profound  knowledge 
of  God's  Word,  and  his  ability  to 
present  it,  is  such  that  it  captures 
the  attention  and  probes  the  hearts 
of  his  listeners.  It  would  be  im- 
possible even  to  estimate  the  val- 
ue of  his  influence  upon  our  youth, 
and   we   shall  be   forever   grateful. 

Climaxing  Christian  Home  Week, 
the  exciting  moment  arrived  Sun- 
day morning  when  the  Family  of 
the  Year  was  announced — this  se- 
lection being  derived  from  votes 
submitted  by  the  church.  The  fam- 
ily receiving  the  trophy  com- 
memorating this  occasion  was  Mr. 
and  Mrs.  Thomas  Sykes  and  their 
two  daughters,  Sherry  and  Jeanie. 
A  plaque  upon  which  their  name 
is  engraved  will  be  kept  at  the 
church,  and  each  year  the  name 
of  the  winning  family  will  be  add- 
ed. We  are  very  thankful  for  this 
fine,  devoted  family,  and  for  the 
many  others  who  grace  our  church. 

We  at  Barton  Heights  do  not 
wish  to  appear  boastful — only  in 
Christ.  We  feel,  that  we  are  blessed 
with  one  of  the  most  outstanding, 
energetic,  Spirit-filled  pastors  that 
is  available.  With  such  exuberance 
as  he  possesses,  and  with  the  help 
of  his  wonderful,  consecrated  wife 
the  only  way  is  forward — forward 
in  Christ,  with  Christ,  and  for 
Christ!  We  give  thanks  to  God  for 
each  accomplishment  and  for 
every  surrendered  heart. 

The  Rev.  Joe  Muncy, 
Christian  Education  Director 




Ohio  has  launched  a  unique  se- 
ries of  summer  promotion  pro- 
grams. State  Director  Floyd  D. 
Carey  has  labeled  it,  "A  Pathway 
to  Adventure  During  the  Summer 

An  attention-getting,  colorful, 
red  and  black  on  white  poster  is 
furnished  each  local  church  for 
bulletin  board  display.  The  poster 
has  space  to  list  local  church  par- 
ticipants. This  gives  immediate  rec- 
ognition and  identification  to  par- 

A  free,  eighteen-page,  excitingly 
and  well-written  booklet  is  pro- 
vided. There  are  different  books 
for  the  adults  and  for  the  young 
person.  The  youth's  program  is 
entitled,  "A  50-Mile  Hike  in  God's 

In  the  book,  Author  Carey  at- 
tempts to  stimulate  a  desire  with- 
in the  young  person  to  grow  spir- 
itually. He  acknowledges  the  need 
of  youth  for  spiritual  exercise.  He 
writes,  "One  of  the  surest  ways  of 
staying  spiritually  fit  and  alert  is 
by  committing  scripture  verses  to 

Carey  invites  the  adults  to  trav- 
el through  all  sixty-six  books  of  the 
Bible  once,  and  some  twice,  and 
study  a  specific  prayer  in  each. 
"Through  the  Bible  in  90  Days,"1 
a  booklet  he  furnishes  to  the 
adults,  gives  a  three-month  prayer 
program  for  church  growth  and 
increased  personal  power. 

One  of  the  outstanding  features 
of  Ohio's  summer  promotion  pro- 
grams is  that  they  can  be  under- 
taken without  any  detailed 
organization.  No  committees  are 
involved,  and  a  minimum  of  leader- 
ship is  needed.  With  good  promo- 
tion from  the  pulpit,  Ohio's  sum- 
mer promotion  programs  may  very 
well  be  outstanding  successes. 
— Paul  R.  Bock,  State  Treasurer 


The  Reverend  Wolfgang  Stolz,  president  of  the  club,  presents  a  check  to 
the  Reverend  Bob  E.  Lyons,  office  manager  for  the  World  Missions 

Lee  College  Mission  Club  helps 

By    BOB    LYONS 

learning  have  as  their  prime 
objective  the  transmission 
of  truth.  This  task  is  achieved 
through  a  multiplicity  of  methods. 
Since  its  inception  Lee  College  has 
endeavored  to  accomplish  this  feat 
through  a  variety  of  approaches, 
among  which  are  the  service  clubs 
and  organizations. 

The  service  clubs  have  as  their 
main  goal  the  practical  applica- 
tion of  theoretical  truths  learned 
in  the  classroom.  It  is  one  thing  to 
participate  in  a  theological  dia- 
logue when  taking  a  course  in  sys- 
tematic theology;  yet,  it  is  quite 
a  different  matter  to  express  God's 
mercy  through  witnessing  and 
through  being  a  faithful  steward. 
This  can  only  be  obtained  through 
diligent  effort. 

The  Mission  Club  at  Lee  College 
has  been  a  vital  part  of  the  extra- 
curricular activities  of  the  college 
since  its  infancy.  The  club  can 
boast  of  many  devout  leaders  who 
are  presently  serving  in  areas  of 
grave  responsibility  on  the  mission 
field.  In  fact,  this  organization 
has  for  a  number  of  years  served 
as  an  arm  of  orientation  for  pros- 
pective missionaries.  Furthermore, 
the  focal  point  of  international  in- 

terest has  been  the  weekly  meet- 
ings of  the  club,  inasmuch  as  many 
of  the  foreign  students  have  been 
active  members. 

This  year  the  Reverend  Wolf- 
gang Stolz,  former  youth  director 
of  Germany,  has  ably  led  the  club 
as  its  president  to  one  of  the  most 
productive  and  rewarding  years  in 
history.  Under  his  capable  admin- 
istration weekly  prayer  meetings 
have  been  conducted,  weekend  mis- 
sion rallys  have  been  held  in  the 
local  churches,  and  a  special  pro- 
ject for  Indonesia  has  been  com- 

The  Mission  Club,  working  in 
conjunction  with  Church  of  God 
World  Missions,  selected  as  its  spe- 
cial project  for  the  year  the  rais- 
ing of  $250.00  to  purchase  trans- 
portation for  needed  ministers  in 
Indonesia.  This  means  that  a  min- 
imum of  five  bicycles,  and  per- 
haps more,  have  been  distributed 
to  the  Indonesian  nationals  who 
are  required  to  travel  from  one 
locale  to  another  to  fulfill  their 
ministerial  obligations.  The  mem- 
bers were  challenged  with  the  need 
and  responded  with  the  necessary 

President  Stolz  on  behalf  of  the 
Mission  Club  presented  to  the  Rev- 

erend Bob  E.  Lyons,  office  man- 
ager for  Church  of  God  World 
Missions,  a  check  in  the  amount  of 
$250.00  which  was  to  be  applied 
on  the  purchase  of  transportation 
for  Indonesian  ministers.  Hence, 
one  can  recognize  the  practical  ap- 
plication of  the  biblical  message, 
"Go  ye  into  all  the  world,  and 
preach  the  gospel  to  every  crea- 
ture" (Mark  16:15).  Certainly  the 
love  of  God  for  the  heathen  is  not 
simply  a  matter  of  theological  dis- 
cussion for  the  Mission  Club  mem- 
bers, but  it  is  a  reality  in  their 
hearts  and  their  lives. 

The  completion  of  this  mission 
project  by  the  Lee  College  Mission 
Club  represents  two  major  accom- 
plishments. First,  Indonesia  is  pres- 
ently experiencing  one  of  the 
greatest  revivals  in  its  history.  The 
government  has  removed  all  re- 
strictions against  Christianity  and 
has  given  moral  support  to  many 
of  the  religious  leaders  of  that 
country.  Furthermore,  the  govern- 
ment has  requested  that  the 
Church  of  God  supply  immediately 
two  hundred  chaplains  for  various 
government  agencies.  The  Pente- 
costal message  has  been  received 
with  open  arms  and  the  Church 
of  God  is  now  making  deep  in- 
roads into  the  masses  of  people 
in  Indonesia. 

The  second  ramification  is  that 
the  process  of  learning  has  been 
facilitated  amidst  this  endeavor. 
The  mission-minded  students  have 
learned  the  imperative  demands  of 
the  gospel  to  share  so  that  others 
may  know  Christ.  They  have 
learned  that  projects  begun  for  the 
glory  of  God  can  be  brought  into 
fruition  through  diligent  and  ded- 
icated effort.  Thus,  the  purpose  of 
the  Mission  Club — to  serve  the  mis- 
sion field,  to  engender  support  for 
missions  on  the  college  campus, 
and  to  financially  assist  in  the 
proclamation  of  the  gospel  to  the 
heathen — has  been  achieved.  For 
the  completiqn  of  this  project  and 
for  the  dedication  exemplified 
among  the  various  leaders  and 
members  of  the  Lee  College  Mission 
Club  we  say,  "Thanks  be  unto 
God!"   • 




Daily  Devotions  for  Christian  Teens 


Devotions  in  Philippians.  Writer:  The  Apostle  Paul,  a 
letter  written  to  the  church  at  Philippi.  Date  writ- 
ten: A.D.  62  or  64.  Purpose:  To  express  gratitude  for 
their    gift — and    concern— and    to    encourage    them. 

THURSDAY,  August  1.  Read:  Chapter  1.  Think:  The 
statement  of  Paul,  "For  me  to  live  is  Christ"  (v.  21), 
is  the  foundation  for  a  creative  Christian  life.  Pray: 
Ask  for  spiritual  equipment — dedication  and  deter- 
mination— to  build   a  sturdy  life   as   a   teen-ager. 

FRIDAY,  August  2.  Read:  Chapter  2,  verses  1-16. 
Think:  Home  chores,  even  though  they  may  be  exact- 
ing and  time-consuming,  should  be  performed  with  a 
smile  and  without  complaining  (v.  14).  Pray:  For  your 
parents;  pledge  to  do  your  part  in  making  the  fam- 
ily ties  strong. 

SATURDAY,  August  3.  Read:  Chapter  2,  verses  17- 
30.  Think:  Your  pastor  merits  respect  because  of  his 
office  and  because  he  does  not  permit  personal  de- 
sires to  interfere  with  his  commission  of  caring  for 
your  spiritual  needs  and  of  leading  you  into  the  full- 
ness of  God's  love.  Pray:  For  your  pastor — his  health, 
his  family,  and  his  pulpit  ministry. 

SUNDAY,  August  4.  Read:  Chapter  3,  verses  1-10. 
Think:  List  three  dangers  of  trusting  in  the  flesh 
or  in  one's  physical  abilities  (vv.  4-7).  Pray:  For 
added  righteousness  (behavior  power)  through  faith 
in  Christ  and  the  power  of  His  resurrection  (vv.  9,  10). 

MONDAY,  August  5.  Read:  Chapter  3,  verses  11-21. 
Think:  In  your  opinion,  does  God  expect  a  teen-ager 
to  eat  properly  and  to  plan  his  diet  if  he  is  under 
weight  or  overweight  (v.  19)?  Pray:  For  Church  of 
God  world  missions  and  for  the  families  of  mission- 

TUESDAY,  August  6.  Read:  Chapter  4,  verses  1-11. 
Think:  Verse  8  outlines  a  "Thinking  Code"  for  Chris- 
tian teens.  Reread  it  several  times.  Pray:  Discuss 
with  the  Lord  the  needs  of  your  life:  be  careful  for 
nothing    (v.   6). 

WEDNESDAY,  August  7.  Read:  Chapter  4,  verses  12- 
23.  Think:  A  teen-ager  should  cultivate  poise  and 
know  both  how  to  be  abased  and  how  to  abound  (v. 
12).  Pray:  For  Dr.  Charles  W.  Conn,  general  overseer 
of  the  Church  of  God;  and  for  his  assistants:  Dr. 
R.  Leonard  Carroll,  Dr.  C.  Raymond  Spain,  and  Dr. 
Ray  H.  Hughes. 

Devotions  in  Colossians.  Writer:  The  Apostle  Paul,  a 
letter  written  to  the  church  at  Colosse.  Date  written: 
A.D.  60-64.  Purpose:  To  commend  the  church  for  their 
faith  and  to  correct  false  teachings  that  threatened 
to  beset  them. 

THURSDAY,  August  8.  Read:  Chapter  1.  verses  1-12. 
Think:  What  are  the  requirements  for  a  teenager  to 
walk  worthy  of  the  Lord  (v.  10)?  How  important  is 
knowing  God's  will?  Pray:  For  your  teenager  friends 
that  they  might  know,  understand,  and  follow  God's 
will  for  their  lives. 

FRIDAY,  August  9.  Read:  Chapter  1,  verses  13-29. 
Think:  The  hope  of  the  gospel  is  that  we  might  be 
forgiven,  that  we  might  have  faith  to  live  differently, 
and  that  we  might  have  a  future  residence  in  heav- 
en (v.  23).  Pray:  Spend  your  entire  prayer  session  in 
praise  and  thanksgiving  to  God  for  His  love  and 

SATURDAY,  August  10.  Read:  Chapter  2,  verses  1-12. 
Think:  What  does  Paul's  statement  "And  ye  are  com- 
plete in  him"  convey  to  you  (v.  10 1?  Pray:  For  the 
business  sessions  and  the  spiritual  impact  of  the 
Church  of  God  General  Assembly,  to  be  held  in  Dallas, 
Texas,  August  14-19. 

SUNDAY,  August  11.  Read:  Chapter  2,  verses  13-23. 
Think:  To  what  extent  should  a  teen-ager  embrace 
the  policy  to  "touch  not;  taste  not;  [and]  handle  not," 
as  it  relates  to  questionable  worldly  practices  (v.  21)? 
Pray:  For  spiritual  wisdom  to  recognize  and  to  resist 
practices  or  pleasures  that  would  weaken  your  Chris- 
tian influence. 

MONDAY,  August  12.  Read:  Chapter  3,  verses  1-14. 
Think:  How  can  a  teen-ager  "put  on"  kindness,  for- 
giveness, and  love  (vv.  12,  13)?  List  three  ways.  Pray: 
For  your  Sunday  school  teacher  that  he  might  teach 
with   boldness,    visible    concern,    and    divine    unction. 

TUESDAY,  August  13.  Read:  Chapter  3,  verses  15-25. 
Think:  In  what  ways  is  God  honored  when  children 
obey  their  parents  (v.  20)?  List  two.  Pray:  For  your 
brothers  and  sisters,  and  for  family  unity  and  under- 


Read:  Chapter  4,  verses  1- 
9.  Think:  A  work  schedule  listing  duties  and  proj- 
ects will  assist  a  teen-ager  in  redeeming  his  time  and 
in  making  wise  use  of  it  (v.  5).  Pray:  For  the  work 
—and  the  workers— of  the  Church  of  God  Home  for 
Children,  Sevierville,  Tennessee. 

Read:  Chapter  4,  verses  10- 
18.  Think:  How  does  remembering  fellow  Christians 
in  prayer  help  them  to  stand  complete  in  all  the 
will  of  God  (v.  12).  Pray:  For  the  members,  friends, 
and  leaders  of  your  local  church,  and  for  its  nu- 
merical growth. 

Devotions  in  1  and  2  Thessalonians.  Writer:  The  Apos- 
tle Paul,  two  letters  to  believers  at  Thessalonica.  Date 
written:  A.D.  50,  51.  Purpose:  To  express  thanksgiving 
for  their  faith,  labor,  and  love,  and  to  correct  a  mis- 
understanding concerning  the  second  coming  of 

Read:  Chapter  1.  Think:  Set  as 
your  goal  the  fact  that  you  want  to  be  remembered 
by  your  friends  for  your  work  of  faith,  labor  of  love, 
and  patience  of  hope  in  Christ  (v.  3).  Pray:  For  self- 
confidence  to  attempt  difficult  projects  and  for  self- 
control  to  behave  gracefully  during  awkward  cir- 

Read:  Chapter  2,  verses  1-9. 
Think:  Why  must  a  Christian  teen  be  bold  in  em- 
bracing the  truth,  even  though  it  may  be  unpopular 
(v.  2)?  List  two  reasons.  Pray:  For  foresight  to  form 
a  balanced  set  of  conduct  principles  and  for  faith  to 
live  by  them. 

Read:  Chapter  2,  verses  10-20. 
Think:  Your  pastor  is  God's  messenger;  you  should 
listen  to  his  sermons  attentively,  reverently,  and 
prayerfully  (v.  13).  Pray:  For  the  ministry  of  your 
State  Sunday  School  and  Youth  Director  and  for 
the  life-shaping  ministry  of  Christian  education  that 
he  directs. 

Read:  Chapter  3.  Think:  Can  a 
teen-ager  expect  to  really  "live  life"  if  he  neglects 
to  stand  fast  in  the  Lord  (v.  8)?  Why?  Pray:  That 
you  would  increase  and  abound  in  love  toward  other 
Christians,  and  toward  all  men  (v.  12). 

Read:  Chapter  4,  verses  1-8. 
Think:  What  is  the  will  of  God  regarding  your  per- 
sonal purity  (vv.  3,  4)?  Pray:  Outline  a  purity  pledge 
—in  prayer— to  direct  your  dating  life  and  conduct. 

Read:  Chapter  4,  verses  9- 
18.  Think:  The  ability  to  listen  is  a  valuable  quality; 
"And  that  ye  study  to  be  quiet"  (v.  11).  Pray:  For 
tact  and  to  know  when  to  speak  and  when  to  keep 

-  Read:  Chapter  5,  verses  1-11. 
Think:  A  Christian  should  be  aware  of  the  signs  of 
the  time  and  of  the  facts  surrounding  the  second  com- 
ing of  Christ  (v.  4).  Pray:  For  Church  of  God  evan- 
gelists and   for   far-reaching  evangelistic    campaigns. 

Read:  Chapter  5,  verses  12-28. 
Think:  A  Christian  teen  should  know  the  officials  of 
his  denomination  and  should  respect  their  position 
and  programs  (vv.  12,  13).  Pray:  For  your  general 
and  state  officials,  and  for  local  church  leaders. 
Devotioiis  in 
Second  Thessalonians 

Read:  Chapter  1,  verses  1-6. 
Think:  A  growing  faith  indicates  a  growing  and  a 
maturing  Christian  life  (v.  3).  Pray:  Ask  God  to  di- 
rect you  in  cultivating  a  growing  faith  through  a 
knowledge  of  His  Word  and  will. 

Read:  Chapter  1,  verses  7-12. 
Think:  God  will  punish  the  wicked;  it  is  not  our 
duty  to  try  to  do  this  for  Him  (v.  9).  Pray:  For  your 
unsaved  teen-age  friends  and  for  a  youth  revival  in 
your  local  church. 

Read:  Chapter  2,  verses  1-8. 
Think:  It  is  possible  for  a  Christian  teen  to  be  de- 
ceived about  the  second  coming  of  Christ  (v.  3). 
How  can  this  be  avoided?  Pray:  To  be  alert  and  ac- 
curate in  regarding  the  conditions  and  the  time  of 
the  return  of  Christ. 

7  Read:  Chapter  2,  verses  9-17. 
Think:  In  your  opinion,  what  emphasis  should  be 
placed  on  tradition  in  worship  and  in  religious  prac- 
tices. Pray:  For  Church  of  God  missions  schools  and 
instructors  and  for  a  strong  local  missionary  educa- 
tion program. 

Read:  Chapter  3,  verses  1-6. 
Think:  To  what  degree  should  a  Christian  teen-ager 
fellowship  with  those  who  do  not  share  his  faith  or 
his  feelings  about  Christ  (v.  6)?  Pray:  That  those 
with  whom  you  associate  may  see — through  your 
countenance  and  conduct — Christ  living  in  you. 

Read:  Chapter  3,  verses  7-18. 
Think:  How  can  Paul's  principle  "that  if  any  would 
not  work,  neither  should  he  eat"  be  applied  to  Chris- 
tian service  (v.  10)?  Pray:  For  the  visitation  program 
of  your  local   church   and    for   visitation   volunteers. 

Read:  Reread  Chapter  1.  Think: 
In  what  manner  should  the  name  of  Christ  be  glori- 
fied in  the  life  of  a  believer  (v.  12)?  List  two.  Pray: 
For  the  printed-page  ministry  of  the  Church  of  God 
and  for  Lewis  J.  Willis,  editor  in  chief. 

Read:  Reread  Chapter  3. 
Think:  Confidence  in  the  sincerity  and  the  stability 
of  fellow  believers  cements  Christian  unity  and  love 
(v.  4).  Pray:  For  binding  unity  and  understanding 
to  exist  among  believers  in  the  local  church. 

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All  You  Have  to  Do:  Write  in  the  num- 
bers of  FIVE  records  you  wish  to  re- 
ceive FREE  on  the  attached  postage- 
paid  card,  plus  another  record  as  your 
first  selection  for  which  you  pay  $4.98. 
How  the  Club  Operates:  Monthly  the 
Club    selects    and   describes    outstanding 

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You  may  accept  the  monthly  selection 

or  take  any  of  the  wide  variety  of  other 

records  offered  or  take  no  record  in  any 

particular  month. 

Your    only    obligation   is    to    purchase 

five   additional  records   during  the   next 

12  months  from  the  many  records  of- 
fered by  the  club.  You  may  discontinue 
membership  at  anytime  thereafter. 
You  Receive  Free  Records  Regularly: 
If  you  continue  as  a  member  you  will 
receive  a  FREE  record  of  yeur  choice 
for   everv    two   additional    selections. 

1.  Blackwood 
Brothers  Quartet- 
it  Is  No  Secret: 
Peace  In  The 
Valley,  More  About 
Jesus  .  .  . 

9.  John  Webb- 
Bass  With  R. 
Carmichael  String 
Quartet  And  R. 
Atwood:  Deep  Riv 
tord's  Prayer  .  . 

2.  Flo  Price- 
Contralto  With  R. 
Orchestra:  Until 
Then,  Wandering 
Sheep,  Beloved 
Enemy  .  .  . 


10.  The  Speer 

Family— Garden  Of 
Sweet  Jesus, 
Then  The  Answer 
Came  .  .  . 

17.  Bob  Jones 
University  Choirs 
And  Orchestra: 

Praise  Ye  The 
Lord,  Marvelous 
Grace,  Sing  Choirs 
Of  Angels  .  .  . 

18.  Songs  Of  Fanny 

Crosby— Christian 
Faith  Women's 
Chorus:  All  The 
Way,  Redeemed, 
Blessed  Assurance, 
Near  The  Cross  .  .  . 

3.  Lorin  Whitney— 

At  the  Pipe  Organ: 
Beyond  The  Sunset, 
Sweet  By  And 
By  .  .  . 

11.  Songs  For  The 
Children— Ron  & 
Evona  Thomson 
With  The  Sunday 
School  Singers: 
Poor  Little  Black 
Sheep  .  .  . 

it  jmn 

•<   tl:H<*,'i L 

19.  Greg  &  Barbara 
Loren— It's  Sun- 
day— Duo  Pianos 
Of  Jan  Sanborn  & 
Dick  Bolks:  Now  I 
Belong  To  Jesus  .  .  . 




12.  Millie  Pace 

Trio— With  Bob 
Summers  Ensem- 
ble: How  Great 
Thou  Art,  Love 
Lifted  Me,  Amazing 
Grace  .  .  . 

20.  Brass  Choir — 

R.  Carmichael,  Vol. 
I:  Christ  Arose, 
In  The  Cross, 
Jesus  Shall  Reign, 
The  Lord  Is  My 
Shepherd  .  .  . 

21.  Hawaiian 

22.  Back  To  The 

23.  The  LeFevres: 

24.  The  Haven  Of 

Guitar  &  Pipe 

Bible  Broadcast- 

A  Man  Who  Is 

Rest  Quartet  With 

Organ — Lorin 

Ambassador  Youth 

Wise,  Happy 

Lorin  Whitney:  In 

Whitney  &  Bud 

Choir:  Fishers  Of 

Tracks  .  .  . 

The  Cool  Of  The 

Tutmarc:  Precious 

Men,  Face  To  Face, 

Evening  .  .  . 

Memories  .  .  . 

Bring  Them  In  .  .  . 

5.  Vibraharp  8, 
Marimba — Jack 

Conner  With  Ralph 
Orchestra:  Psalms, 
Holy  City  .  .  . 

6.  Ralph  Car- 
michael Orchestra: 

Fairest  Lord  Jesus, 
The  End  Of  The 
Road  .  .  . 

7.  Doris  Akers— 

Contralto  With 
Sky  Pilot  Choir: 
I'll  Be  There,  I 
Cannot  Fail  The 
Lord  .  .  . 

8.  Scottish  Fes- 
tivals Of  Male 
Voice  Praise: 
I  Know  He  Lives, 
Jehovah  Is  King, 
Scottish  Psalm 
24  .  .  . 

Revival  Hour 
Quartet  With  R. 
Atwood:  He  Hideth 
My  Soul,  Deeper 
Yet,  I  Remember 
Calvary  .  .  . 

Rudy  Atwood.  ... 
The  Secret  Of 
His  Presence, 
Only  Jesus,  Sweet 
Will  Of  God  .  .  . 

.5.  Tony  Fontane- 

Tenor  With  R. 
Atwood  &  L. 
Barnett:    , 
I'd  Rather^Have 
Jesus,  Patiently  .  . 

Id  Fashioned 
Revival  Hour 
Choir:  Pardoning 
Grace,  Living  For 
Jesus.  For  All  My 
Sins,  Each  Step 
I  Take  .  .  . 

Christian  Faiti 

P.  0.  BOX  880  •  CLEVELAND,   TENNESSEE   37311 

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SEPTEMBER    1968 




Before  the  arms  of  storm  surround  you, 

Before   the   blows   of  hail  begin — 
Seek  shelter  in  the  faith  of  ages, 

Throw  up  a  breastwork,  close  it  in. 

Before    the    heart    grows    thin    and    weary, 
Before  the  self  grows  wan  and  weak — 

Awaken  to  the  roar  of  challenge, 
Enforce  His  name  and  let  it  speak. 

Before   the    times   grow   hard   with  rancor. 

Before  the  day  is  robbed  of  grace, 
Sound  every  trumpet-note  for  glory, 

Link  every  voice  in  heavenly  praise! 

— Macjny  Landstad  Jensen 


By  Matilda  Nordtvedt 

"How  time  flies!"  we  exclaim,  when  we  realize  an- 
other month  has  passed.  Young  people  are  glad  when 
time  "flies."  This  brings  them  more  quickly  to  the 
realization  of  their  goals:  finishing  school,  getting  a 
job,  getting  married.  But  older  folks  look  back  and 
sigh.  Time  is  going  by  so  quickly,  and  they  are  get- 
ting older  every  minute.  If  only  they  could  stop  time! 

Scientists  tell  us  that  a  trip  around  the  universe 
in  a  photon  ship  (if  such  a  ship  could  be  perfected) 
would  take  about  forty-two  years.  During  this  time, 
the  earth  would  have  passed  through  several  billions 
of  years,  while  the  traveler  in  space  would  still  be 
comparatively  young. 

At  one  time  man  sought  the  fountain  of  youth. 
Now  he  yearns  to  prolong  his  life.  For  the  Christian 
neither  of  these  is  necessary.  He  has  eternal  life. 
"He  that  believeth  on  the  Son  hath  everlasting  life" 
(John   3:36>. 

The  child  of  God  need  not  regret  the  passage  of 
time.  He  is  "part  of  the  permanent  and  cannot  die" 
(1  John  2:15,  Phillips).  He  waits  for  time  to  be  swal- 
lowed up  in  eternity  when  "the  kingdoms  of  this 
world  are  become  the  kingdoms  of  our  Lord,  and  of 
his  Christ:  and  he  shall  reign  for  ever  and  ever" 
(Revelation  11:15). 

God  says  to  those  worried  about  growing  old  be- 
cause of  no  hope  beyond  the  grave,  "Behold,  now  is  the 
accepted  time:  behold,  now  is  the  day  of  salvation" 
(2  Corinthians  6:2).  "It  is  time  to  seek  the  Lord" 
(Hosea  10:12).    • 

Published  monthly  at  the  Church  of  God  Publishing  House, 
Cleveland,  Tenn.  All  materials  intended  for  publication  in  the 
LIGHTED  PATHWAY  should  be  addressed  to  Clyne  W.  Buxton. 
Editor.  All  inquiries  concerning  subscriptions  should  be  addressed 
to  Bookkeeping  Department,  Church  of  God  Publishing  House, 
Cleveland,  Tennessee  37311. 

Postmaster   send   Form   3579   to   CHURCH   OF  GOD    PUBLISHING 
HOUSE,  1080  Montgomery  Ave.,  Cleveland,  Tennessee  37311. 




SEPTEMBER,    1968 

Vol.    39, 

Editorial      3 

The  Threshhold  of  o  New 
School  Year 

Teacher's  Pet  6 

Teen  College  8 

Whose  Privilege?  9 

I  Will  .  .  .  But  First  10 

May  God's  Will  Be  Done  1  1 

Whom  He  Loveth  12 

From  Disease  to 
Deliverance    13 

They  Turned  Disaster 

Into  Triumph    1  4 

Great  Was  the  Fall    16 

Marcus  Whitman, 

Missionary    18 

Glad  For  a  Flying 

Saucerl    20 

How  Do  You 
Remember?    22 

I'm  Home    24 

Reports    24 

Advance  Daily  Devotions 

for  Christian  Teens    26 


Clyne  W.  Buxton 

Lewis  J.  Willis 

Chloe  Stewart 

JoAnn  Humbertson 

H.  Bernard  Dixon 

E.  C.  Thomas 


Donald  S.  Aultman 

Ray  H.  Hughes 

Walter  R.  Pettitt 


Bobbie  May  Lauster 

Margaret  Gaines 

Denzell  Teague 

Ruth  Crawford 

Martha  Ann  Smith 


Thomas  Grassano 
Cecil  R.  Guiles 


Clyne  W.  Buxton 

Ray  H.  Hughes 
Grace  Cash 
Bernice  Woodard 
Marie  Manire  Chapman 
Raymond  M.  Veh 
Daniel  L.  Black 
Bob  Lair 

Hal  Thompson 

Roy  S.  Koch 
Ethel  R.  Page 

Enola  Chamberlin 

James  E.  Adams 

David  Gunston 
Bobby  Wood 

Floyd  D.  Carey 


Editor  in  Chief 



Circulation  Director 


Paul  F.  Henson 
Avis  Swiger 
J.  E.  DeVore 






James  A.  Madison 
Haskel  C.  Jenkins 
Leonard  S.  Townley 

Single  Subscription, 

per  year 

Rolls  of    15 

Single  copy 


im§  Editorial 

Clyne  W.  Buxton 

THIS  MONTH  MILLIONS  of  students  through- 
out America  will  return  to  the  classroom.  After 
a  summer  of  vacationing  and  working,  they  will 
again  slip  into  the  regimented  schedule  of  class  at- 
tendance and  lesson  preparation.  Whether  one  at- 
tends elementary  school,  high  school,  or  college, 
there  is  a  regulatory  atmosphere  about  school  to 
which  one  must  adjust  himself.  What  with  early  rising 
each  morning,  moving  from  one  class  to  another 
throughout  the  day,  and  studying  at  home  for  the 
next  day's  classes,  the  average  student  leads  a  meth- 
odical life,  as  well  as  a  busy  one.  Being  involved  in 
school  work  for  years  is  a  way  of  life  for  American 
children  and  youth. 

Samuel  Francis  Smith,  writer  of  the  now  famous 
patriotic  song,  America,  penned  a  verse  which  was 
later  omitted.  It  had  to  do  with  education  and  went 
as  follows: 

Our  glorious  land  today, 

'Neath  Education's  sway, 

Soars  upward  still. 

It's  halls  of  learning  fair, 

Whose  bounties  all  may  share, 

Behold  them  everywhere, 

On  vale  and  hill. 
America  is  a  land  of  education — a  country  where 
a  pupil  can  complete  the  twelfth  grade  without  paying 
tuition.  Often  he  is  furnished  textbooks  without 
charge,  and  in  some  areas  he  can  attend  his  first 
two  years  of  college  without  tuitional  cost. 

What  is  the  advantage  of  going  to  school?  What 
does  one  profit  in  getting  an  education?  To  put  it 
simply,  one  might  reduce  to  two  points  the  advan- 
tages of  getting  formal  training.  One,  not  only  must  a 
student  learn  facts;  he  must  also  learn  where  to  find 
desired  information.  Two,  he  must  know  how  to  tell 
others  what  he  knows — that  is,  he  must  be  able  to  ex- 

press his  ideas,  thoughts  and  opinions  clearly.  There- 
fore, if  one  learns  where  to  locate  desired  informa- 
tion and  then  learns  how  to  effectively  relate  what 
he  has  found,  he  is  well  on  his  way  to  being  an  edu- 
cated person. 

Being  a  good  student  is  not  easy.  A  pupil  has  to  be 
alert,  punctual,  and  serious,  if  he  is  to  do  well  in  all 
of  his  subjects.  Schoolwork  is  more  difficult  now 
than  it  was  a  few  years  ago;  for  though  the  stu- 
dents' experiences  are  more  varied  today,  the  sub- 
ject matter  being  studied  is  much  more  advanced  than 
it  was  just  a  short  time  ago.  For  example,  ninth  grad- 
ers are  now  expected  to  comprehend  in  the  class- 
room some  areas  of  knowledge  that  fairly  recently 
were  studied  in  the  third  and  fourth  years  of  col- 
lege. Nonetheless,  being  a  student  is  both  intrigu- 
ing and  challenging.  To  learn  how  one's  food  is  di- 
gested, or  how  one's  blood  circulates,  or  how  his 
government  functions,  is  a  gratifying  experience  that 
gives  a  student  a  sense  of  accomplishment. 

The  Apostle  Paul,  one  of  the  best  educated  men 
of  history,  favored  youth  being  trained.  He  wrote 
young  Timothy  that  he  should  be  studious.  Because 
Timothy  was  a  minister,  the  apostle  emphasized  the 
importance  of  his  being  well  versed  in  God's  Word. 
However,  before  he  could  study  the  Word,  he  had  to 
know  the  language;  he  had  to  know  how  to  read, 
and  that  involved  education.  A  person  can  be  a  Chris- 
tian without  knowing  how  to  read,  but  he  can  be 
much  more  effective  in  his  work  for  Christ  if  he  can 
read.  To  carry  the  point  further,  one  can  be  a  Chris- 
tian if  he  does  not  advance  in  formal  education  much 
past  the  point  of  just  learning  to  read;  however, 
more  than  likely  he  will  be  used  of  God  more  widely 
if  he  will  acquaint  himself  with  numerous  subjects, 
and  then  will  dedicate  what  he  learns  to  God's  service. 
May  the  Lord  help  us  to  be  godly  students.    • 



By  RAY  H.  HUGHES,  Ed.D.,  Litt.D. 

HIS  FALL  THE  school  year 
will  open  against  a  back- 
drop of  nationwide  racial 
tension,  global  conflicts,  animosity, 
and  distress  of  nations.  Never  be- 
fore in  human  history  have  so  few 
people  had  such  a  grave  responsi- 
bility as  have  the  educational  lead- 
ers of  America.  The  population  ex- 
plosion presents  both  a  challenge 
and  a  tremendous  problem.  The  ad- 
ministrators and  teachers  will 
again  face  record  enrollments. 

It  is  predicted  that  college  and 
university  enrollments  will  soar  to 
over  7,000,000  by  1970.  In  the  year 
A.D.  1  the  population  of  the  world 
was  only  150,000,000.  When  America 
was  settled  this  number  had  dou- 
bled. Thirty  years  ago  the  earth's 
population  was  approximately  2 
billion.  Today  it  has  reached  the 
3.35-billion  mark.  At  the  present 
rate  of  increase  there  will  be  ap- 
proximately 210,000,000  people  in 
the  United  States  by  1970  and  6 
billion  people  in  the  world  by  the 
year  A.D.  2000.  Whereas  it  took 
sixteen  centuries  after  the  birth  of 
Christ  for  the'  world  population  to 
double,  some  of  us  who  are  now 
living  will  see  it  double  in  our 

What  implication  does  this  pop- 
ulation explosion  have  for  Christian 
education?  For  one  thing  it  means 
that  we  cannot  remain  static  in 
dynamic  times.  Our  program  of  ed- 
ucation must  be  expanded  to  meet 

the  increasing  demands  of  our  con- 
stituents. There  must  be  an  expan- 
sion of  faculty,  an  expansion  of  cur- 
ricula, and  an  expansion  of  facil- 
ities, as  well  as  many  other  things. 
This  is  a  task  of  the  first  magni- 
tude and  should  challenge  every 
energy  of  all  those  concerned. 

Church  of  God  colleges  face  the 
greatest  challenge  in  our  history. 
The  explosions  of  knowledge  and 
population  must  be  dealt  with  ef- 
fectively. The  quantity  and  quality 
of  education  must  be  raised  to  new 
heights.  Tomorrow's  students  will 
live  their  adult  lives  in  a  world 
vastly  more  complex  than  the 
world  today.  Accordingly,  they  will 
need  considerably  better  education 
than  ever  before. 


In  addition  to  the  explosions  of 
population  and  knowledge,  we  are 
facing  rapid  and  abrupt  change 
in  almost  every  area  of  life.  The 
geometric  progression  of  change  in 
scientific  research  and  technology 
is  a  dominant  feature  in  our  soci- 
ety. That  we  are  living  in  a  volatile 
world  is  a  fact  of  life  that  we  must 
accept  more  than  any  previous  gen- 
eration. Unlike  most  of  our  fore- 
bearers,  we  will  never  have  the  op- 
portunity to  become  fully  ad- 
justed to  the  world  as  we  know  it 
now  before  we  will  be  thrust  into 
new  situations  which  will  again 
change  the  manner  of  our  living. 
What  implications  does  this  change 
have  for  education?  Change  means 

rhreshold  of 
a  New 
School  Year 

different  things  to  different  peo- 
ple. To  some,  it  means  the  uncom- 
fortable uprooting  of  a  settled 
existence;  to  others,  it  means  dis- 
illusionment and  despair;  but  to 
others,  it  means  an  opportunity  for 

An  interesting  comparison  of 
change  is  seen  in  the  comparison 
of  the  days  of  King  Solomon  with 
those  of  George  Washington.  There 
was  a  span  of  about  three  thousand 
years  between  King  Solomon  and 
George  Washington,  and  change 
moved  very  slowly.  Both  of  these 
men  wore  homemade  clothes, 
lighted  their  houses  with  oil  lamps, 
heated  with  wood,  and  traveled  in 
horsedrawn  vehicles.  Between 
George  Washington  and  our  pres- 
ent day  there  are  hardly  more 
than  150  years.  The  iron  plow  was 
not  invented  until  1797;  and  ex- 
cept for  Thomas  Jefferson  and  a 
few  of  his  wealthy  friends,  the 
farmers  rejected  this  new  inven- 
tion. They  were  convinced  that  the 
iron  poisoned  the  ground  and  en- 
couraged weeds  to  grow. 

As  late  as  1825  the  British  Parlia- 
ment, in  debating  a  railroad  be- 
tween Liverpool  and  Manchester, 
had  members  who  objected  because 
they  were  convinced  that  no  one 
would  dare  ride  such  a  fiendish 
device  as  a  train.  In  fact,  one  mem- 
ber said  "that  travelers  would  soon- 
er let  themselves  be  blown  away 
atop  a  gunpowder  rocket  than  trust 
themselves  to  such  a  machine."  One 

wonders  what  those  statesmen 
would  say  of  Shepard,  Grissom, 
Carpenter,  Glenn,  Cooper,  and 
others.  The  past  decade  has  pro- 
duced more  significant  changes 
than  all  of  the  previous  decades 
combined  since  the  birth  of  Christ. 
We  are  witnessing  a  leaping  tech- 
nology with  which  men  are  hard 
put  to  keep  pace.  Ideas  which  a 
few  years  ago  were  considered 
fantasy  in  pulp  paper  fiction  today 
form  the  core  of  scientific  and 
technical  publications.  Predictions 
which  at  one  time  seemed  visionary 
and  unrealistic  are  now  being  ful- 
filled at  a  pace  which  astonishes 
even  the  most  optimistic. 

Education  is  without  a  doubt  one 
of  the  greatest  weapons  of  our  day. 
It  is  either  a  weapon  for  good  or  a 
weapon  for  bad.  The  communists 
through  their  educational  process- 
es have  disseminated  their  doctrine 
of  dialectical  materialism  and 
made  a  tremendous  impact  upon 
their  youth.  Likewise,  the  freedom 
of  our  democracy  hinges  on  what 
can  be  done  with  the  young  people 
of  this  generation  through  the  ed- 
ucational processes  of  our  country. 
Change  demands  that  practically 
every  one  must  better  qualify  him- 
self for  the  tasks  of  life.  Techno- 
logical change  demands  that  ditch 
diggers  qualify  themselves  to  oper- 
ate a  variety  of  complex  power 
shovels,  that  farm  workers  learn 
to  operate  and  maintain  complex 
power  machines   and   that   factory 

workers  learn  to  operate  and  ma- 
neuver intricate  machinery.  Other 
vocations  and  professions  must  of 
necessity  upgrade  their  training 
and  know-how  to  cope  with  change. 
The  church  is  no  less  affected 
by  this  change.  Therefore,  the  col- 
leges of  the  Church  of  God  must 
prepare  their  students  to  cope  with 
modern  situations  and,  at  the  same 
time,  hold  tenaciously  to  the  old 
faith.  Christ  has  transcended  every 
age  and  has  become  the  ideal  of 
this  age.  The  message  of  an  un- 
changing Christ  is  relevant  to  these 
changing  times.  Education  for 
these  times  must  be  central  to 
Christ  and  yet  geared  to  these 
times.  God  has  matched  us  with 
this  hour;  therefore,  the  church 
must  not  become  derelict  in  its 
duty  to  meet  the  educational  chal- 
lenges and  demands  of  this  hour.   • 

Dr.  Hughes  presents  here  in  revised 
form  an  address  given  at  Lee  Col- 
lege while  he  was  president  of  the 


old  red  brick  two-story 
structure  with  a  clock  at 
the  apex,  Esther  Stover  stopped 
to  vote.  Near  the  stone  steps  she 
glanced  at  the  poster  showing  the 
smiling  face  of  Fred  Early,  a  young 
progressive  for  mayor.  When  she 
went  into  the  voting  booth,  she  took 
care  to  blot  out  the  name  op- 
posite Fred  Early's. 

It  seemed  she  had  seen  him 
somewhere  but  try  as  she  might, 
she  could  not  place  him,  she 
thought,  as  she  walked  toward  her 
boardinghouse  a  little  later.  One 
thing  she  did  know,  she  liked  his 
honest,  clear-cut  platform  for  get- 
ting things  done — at  least  some- 
thing. And  so  much  needed  to  be 

She  hurried  across  the  town 
square  and  a  block  down  North 
Bradford,  stopping  at  the  inn, 
which  was  actually  a  boarding- 
house— although  it  was  still  called 
Mt.  Cloud  Inn.  She  had  been 
glad  to  find  a  home  away  from 
home  here,  even  though  everyone 
knew  each  other's  past  and  pres- 
ent like  a  carefully  studied  book. 
She  intently  rehearsed  how  she 
would  explain  her  tardiness  for  the 
six-o'clock-on-the-dot  dinner  hour. 
"I  stopped  to  vote,"  she  said, 
apologizing  to  Mrs.  Simpson  as  she 
sat  down  between  Rose  Atkins,  a 
fifth  grade  teacher,  and  Fox  Ruth- 
erford, a  construction  worker  on 
the  plastics  factory  which  was  lo- 
cated back  of  the  First  Baptist 

"What  else  did  you  do?"  Fox 
asked,  winking  at  Faye  Patterson, 
a   fourth   grade   teacher. 

Faye  beamed.  "I  know  what  she 
did,"  she  said.  "She  kept  those  piti- 
ful seventh  graders  after  school 
to  practice  fire  drill.  Imagine!  It 
isn't  required,  nor  even  suggested, 
by  the  County  Board." 

"Why  do  you  do  it  then?"  Fox 

Esther  could  not  explain  that 
part.  After  the  single-car  accident 
which  abruptly  ended  her  wedding 
plans,  she  had  applied  for  a  teach- 
ing job  at  Mt.  Cloud,  two  hundred 
miles  from  Dublin,  hoping  the 
change  would  dissipate  the  grief 
that  had  crushed  her  heart  until 
there  seemed  no  reason  for  her  to 
continue  living.  Yet  she  knew  that 
Kenneth  Landers,  who  had  been 
a  stalwart  in  God's  kingdom,  would 
have  wanted  her  to  persevere. 

"Better  start  looking  for  some- 
thing substantial,"  Rose  said,  "like 
a  husband,  home,  and  security." 

"Security  is  all  a  woman  does 
think  about,"  Frank  Bridges 
growled.  He  and  Fox  were  con- 
struction co-workers,  but  their 
common  interests  ended  there.  Fox 
was   single,   twenty-six,   and   reck- 

less; while  Frank  resented  the  jobs 
that  kept  him  from  his  wife  and 
family    who    lived    in    Elberton. 

"Discussions  at  the  inn  were  like 
continued  stories,"  Esther  thought, 
as  she  went  to  her  room  to  grade 
student  papers  and  to  prepare  her 
clothes  for  work  the  next  day.  She 
knew  that  what  had  been  threshed 
out  tonight  would  be  re-threshed 
tomorrow  night. 

As  a  hardworking  teacher  in  her 
first  year  of  service,  it  had  been 
necessary  for  Esther  to  be  alone  a 
great  deal  of  the  time.  Even  so,  it 
had  worked  dreary  inroads  into 
her  mind.  Then  she  remembered 
the  happiness  and  hope  which  she 
had  known  throughout  the  four 
years  that  she  and  Kenneth  had 
planned  their  future  as  they  at- 
tended State  Teachers'  College.  As 
though  it  were  painted  on  a  can- 
vas, the  entire  range  of  it — from 
their  first  meeting  to  the  sweet- 
scented  farewell  flowers  abundant- 
ly banked  at  Kenneth's  bier — 
passed  daily  in  review. 

"You'll  never  forget  him,"  her 
grandmother  said  after  the  .funer- 
al. "You'll  look  for  him  in  every 
man  you  ever  see.  You  don't  think 
so  now,  but  you  may  find  some- 


one  again  whom  you  can  love. 
Whoever  he  is,  he'll  have  some- 
thing that  Kenneth  had.  It  may  be 
the  way  he  turns  his  head  or  the 
way   he   smiles   at   you." 

"I'm  not  looking  for  anybody," 
she  cried  silently  and  indulged 
in  a  crying  spell  which  she  rarely 
allowed  herself.  Even  the  crying 
she  had  curtailed — everything,  ex- 
cept what  she  could  give  back  to 
God  by  serving  Him  wherever  He 

The  next  morning  as  she  was 
dressing,  she  heard  over  her  radio 
that  Fred  Early  had  been  elected 
mayor  of  Mt.  Cloud.  "Early  is  a 
forward-looking  man,  twenty-six 
years  old,  and  educated  at  the 
State  University,"  the  commenta- 
tor said.  "He  promised  to  change 
things  around  here  if  elected,  and 
now  all  eyes  will  be  watching  to 
see  what  he  does.  There's  no  ar- 
gument that  plenty  needs  chang- 
ing— defective  street  layouts,  trans- 
portation problems,  unsafe  houses, 
and  public  buildings  that  are  ac- 
tual fire  hazards 

Esther  turned  off  the  radio  and 
went  downstairs.  Breakfast  was 
served  buffet  style,  and  she  felt  re- 
lieved that  she  had  the  half  hour 
alone.  She  had  worried  herself 
nearly  sick  over  the  firetrap  el- 
ementary school  building.  At  least 
the  high  school  had  been  recently 
consolidated  with  Gatesville  High. 
Something  the  commentator  had 
said  about  fire  hazards  made  her 
wonder  if  perhaps  the  children 
lived  in  houses  equally  as  precari- 
ous as  the  Mt.  Cloud  schoolhouse. 

The  teachers  learned  a  week  lat- 
er what  immediate  changes  Mayor 
Early  expected  to  make.  He  planned 
to  visit  each  classroom  in  the  Mt. 
Cloud  Elementary  School  to  learn 
what  precautions  were  being  tak- 
en for  classroom  and  playground 
safety.  Quiet  resentment  turned 
into  heated  remonstrances  as  the 
teachers  discussed  it.  Esther  re- 
mained   quiet,    purposing    in    her 

heart  to  tighten  the  training  she 
had  already  started  in  the  seventh- 
grade  classroom. 

Each  day  she  drilled  the  chil- 
dren on  how  to  leave  the  build- 
ing in  case  of  fire.  "I'm  the  one 
that's  being  tested,"  she  told  them. 
"Mayor  Early  could  send  me  home 
to  Dublin  if  he  discovers  I'm  not 
teaching  you  right.  Now  you  just 
keep  in  mind  that  you  can  do  any- 
thing if  you  act  without  fear." 

On  the  third  Tuesday  after  his 
election,  Fred  Early  visited  Mt. 
Cloud  school.  He  came  last  to 
Esther's  room,  overtly  angry  at  the 
conditions  he  had  found.  "Nothing 
is  being  done  to  offset  it,"  he  told 
Esther,  "unless  you're  doing  some- 

She  quietly  explained  her  efforts 
— the  fire  drill,  the  safety  kit  on 
her  desk,  the  list  of  rules  she  en- 
forced on  the  playground.  "I've 
tried,"  she  said  simply.  "The  class 
and  I  have  surely  tried." 

"Thank  the  good  Lord,"  he  said 
but  on  second  thought,  he  asked, 
"Why  do  you  go  to  all  this  trou- 

"You  thanked  the  right  One,"  she 
answered  simply. 

"I'll  come  back  in  about  a  month 
with  concrete  plans  of  my  own,"  he 
promised.  "But  that's  a  long  time 
not  to  see  you.  I  hear  you  live  at 
the    Mt.    Cloud   Inn." 

"Yes,"  she  said,  "but  my  teach- 
ing  job   keeps   me    terribly   busy." 

"But  I'll  see  you,"  he  said,  bow- 
ing courteously. 

Needless  to  see  me,  she  thought, 
watching  him  leave.  She  had 
looked  him  over  and  had  found 
nothing  of  Kenneth's  quiet  charm 
in  this  aggressive   man. 

A  week  passed,  and  she  did  not 
see  Fred  Early  again.  Indeed,  she 
had  not  thought  of  him  until  the 
following  Tuesday  morning  when 
he  came  to  the  inn  and  called  for 
her.  A  fire,  ignited  by  a  defective 
gas  heater,  had  ground  to  ashes 
the  small  frame  house  of  Tom  Cor- 

ley  who  lived  with  his  wife  and 
eight  small  children  three  miles 
north  of  Mt.  Cloud. 

"I'm  just  glad  the  Corleys  are 
safe,"  Esther  said,  after  Fred  told 

"They  have  you  to  thank — you 
and  their  son  Timothy.  He 
marched  the  family  out,  fire-drill 
fashion.  That's  why  I  came  for 
you.  You  should  go  down  there  and 
take  your  bows." 

"I'll  go,  but  I  don't  intend  to  take 
any  honors  that  Timothy  earned," 
she  said. 

After  a  rapid  silent  drive  over 
winding  mountain  roads,  they  ar- 
rived at  the  homesite,  now  a  mass 
of  smoldering  ashes.  The  family 
stood  huddled  together  under  a 
maple  tree  nearby,  gravely  watch- 
ing the  ashes,  as  though  they  could 
retrieve  their  home.  When  Timothy 
saw  Fred  and  Esther,  he  ran  to 
meet  them. 

"I  thought  of  you,  and  I  knew 
I  could  get  my  family  out.  I  didn't 
get  nary  bit  scared,"  he  said.  "I 
wanted  you  to  pass  the  test  so  the 
new  young  mayor  wouldn't  send 
you  back  to  Dublin." 

She  gasped,  astonished  at  so 
much  loyalty  and  wisdom  in  this 
thirteen-year-old  boy  whom  she 
had  never  considered  a  particularly 
apt  student.  "Congratulations, 
Timothy,"  she  said,  and  she  kissed 
his  cheek.  Turning  to  Fred  she  said, 
"I  teach  my  boys  to  act  like  men." 

He  looked  at  her  a  long  time,  si- 
lently studying  the  lines  of  her 
face,  and  he  straightened  a  lock 
of  her  dark  hair,  misplaced  by  the 
November  wind.  Then  he  smiled  at 
her — a  slow,  understanding,  po- 
sessive  smile,  like  Kenneth's. 

"Like  Grandmother  said,"  she 
mumbled  aloud;  and  when  Fred 
looked  puzzled,  she  smiled  at  him. 
A  smile  had  worked  a  miracle  in 
her  heart — or  was  it  the  Lord's 
leading?  She  believed  the  latter, 
for  had  she  not  come  here  to  serve 
Him  with  all  her  heart?    • 

The  teen-agers  take  time  out  for  refreshments. 


Park  Avenue  Church  of  God  in 
Memphis,  Tennessee,  conducted  a 
Teen  College  June  10-14.  This  per- 
haps is  a  "first"  in  the  Church  of 
God.  Everyone  enjoyed  it  so  much 
that  we  would  like  to  share  our 
ideas  with  other  churches  that 
might  wish  to  have  a  Teen  College 
for  their  teen-agers.  Already  we 
have  made  our  plans  for  another 
Teen  College  next  year. 

The  first  week  of  June  we  had 
vacation  Bible  school  for  boys  and 
girls  through  the  junior  age  group 
during  the  morning  hours.  The  sec- 
ond week  we  had  Teen  College, 
which  was  for  teen-agers  only, 
with  the  exception  of  those  who 
helped  to  conduct  it.  It  consisted 
of  two  study  classes,  refreshment 
time,  and  variety  time. 

For  study  time  a  Bible  and  mis- 
sions class  were  conducted.  The 
Bible  class,  taught  by  the  pastor, 
used  for  a  textbook  Steps  to  Ma- 


turity,  which  was  written  by  Rob- 
ert Cook.  This  gave  opportunity  for 
the  pastor  and  teens  to  become 
better  acquainted  with  each  other. 
The  missions  class  taught  by  the 
Christian  education  director,  stud- 
ied from  the  book,  One  Man  and 
God,  Herman  Lauster.  This  book 
was  written  by  Bobbie  Lauster.  The 
study  was  based  upon  the  life  of 
one  of  the  greatest  missionaries  the 
Church  of  God  has  ever  had. 

Variety  time  included  the  show- 
ing of  a  filmstrip  and  a  discussion 
on  "Choosing  a  Life's  Work."  An- 
other night  a  member  of  the  vice 
squad  of  the  police  department 
gave  an  excellent  demonstra- 
tion and  talk  about  marijuana.  An- 
other night  a  member  of  the  sher- 
iff's department  showed  a  film  of 
the  Colorado  Prison,  "The  Road  to 
Nowhere."  On  the  final  night  a 
panel  of  ministers  answered  ques- 
tions which  the  teens  asked  about 

Detective  Raymond  Nippers,  juve- 
nile squad,  Shelby  County  Sheriff's 
Dept.,  prepares  to  show  a  film.  Jerry 
Hilborn  assists  him. 

church  doctrine  and  Christian  liv- 

A  doctor  from  the  Anatomy  De- 
partment of  the  University,  who  is 
a  member  of  our  church  and  also 
along  with  his  wife  is  the  sponsor 
of  the  teen-age  group  on  Family 
Night,  gave  an  excellent  demon- 
strated lecture  entitled  "The  Pro- 
fessor Who  Does  Not  Believe  in 
God."  It  presented  the  problems 
which  youth  often  face  when  going 
to  college.  The  young  people  were 
left  with  very  strong  solutions  to 
this  problem  and  a  witness  of  the 
Spirit  that  God  is  real. 

During  the  Sunday  morning  wor- 
ship service,  lapel  pins  in  the  shape 
of  a  cross  were  awarded  to  those 
attending  as  many  as  four  nights. 
A  number  of  teen-agers  gave  their 
testimonies,  from  which  the  fol- 
lowing  excerpts   are    taken: 

"I  think  Teen  College  has  been 
another  wonderful  way  for  teen- 
agers to  find  their  way  to  God." 

"Teen  College  has  helped  me  in 
realizing  facts  of  maturity  and  also 
in  seeing  what  one  man  and  God 
can  do.  I  enjoyed  Teen  College  be- 
cause, while  I  learned,  I  had  a 
chance  to  have  fun.  It  had  a  great 
influence  on  me.  I  would  enjoy  the 
privilege  of  attending  it  annually." 

"Teen  College  has  been  not  only 
a  time  of  Christian  fellowship  and 
fun,  but  also  a  time  in  which  I 
received  a  great  spiritual  uplift. 
Teen  College  was  a  tremendous  suc- 
cess and  showed  us  the  way  to  true 
Christian   living." 

"Teen  College  has  been  an  excit- 
ing week  not  only  of  Bible  study  but 
also  of  fellowship  with  the  young 
people.  I  have  learned  many  things 
concerning  the  Bible  which  I  did 
not  know  before.  I  also  learned 
much  about  missions  and  the  mis- 
sionaries. I  personally  knew  noth- 
ing of  the  mission  work.  All  I  had 
heard  about  missions  was  a  general 
way.  I  now  know  of  the  hardships 
that  missionaries  endure.  I  sincere- 
ly hope  we  have  many  more  Teen 
Colleges,  for  I  have  enjoyed  it  thor- 
oughly."   • 


Whose  Privilege  ? 

man smoked  and  coughed 
and  smoked — incessantly  for 
two  hours — as  the  express  bus  sped 
over  the  highway.  Below-freezing 
weather  prohibited  the  driver's 
customary  door-opening  ceremony 
at  railroad  crossings,  so  even  this 
relief  from  the  smoke  was  denied 
to  the  other  passengers.  At  last  a 
white-haired  little  lady  across  the 
aisle  turned  to  the  offender  as  he 
extracted  another  coffin-nail  from 
its  package. 

"Young  man,"  she  demanded, 
"can  you  deny  yourself  one?  I'm 
about  to  choke  now!" 

Bristling,  the  smoker  snorted, 
"I'll  move  back — it's  my  privilege 
to  smoke   if  I   want   to!" 

"And  it's  ours  not  to,"  retorted 
the  sufferer,  "but  we  are  forced 
to  enjoy  it  with  you." 

"His  privilege"  indeed!  Why  does 
the  smoker  have  all  the  privileges? 
Richard  Armour  once  humorously 
complained,    "They    won't    let    me 


stop  smoking."  Like  it  or  not,  in  a 
cozy,  warm  vehicle  of  public  trans- 
portation a  nonsmoker  faces  the 
terrifying  ordeal  of  imprisonment 
with  a  smothering  cloud  of  smoke 
— especially  in  winter,  with  air 
conditioning  shut  off,  but  also  in 
summer  when  it  fails  to  function. 

What  gives  a  smoker  the  "priv- 
ilege" of  inflicting  his  weakness 
on  a  whole  busload  of  people  who 
have  read  about  "cancer  country" 
("What  the  Cigarette  Commercials 
Don't  Show,"  Reader's  Digest,  Jan- 
uary, 1968)?  Should  they  not  also 
have  the  privilege  of  keeping  their 
throats,  bronchial  tubes,  and  lungs 
unweakened  by  nicotine  and  other 
harmful  elements  of  smoke? 

If  the  offender's  willpower  is  so 
lacking  that  he  cannot  curb  his 
harmful  habit,  for  an  hour  or  two 
— or  his  chivalry  so  totally  lacking 
that  he  could  not  care  less  if  ev- 
erybody on  the  vehicle  suffered  be- 
cause of  it — then  at  least  the  non- 
smokers  should  have  "equal  time." 

Rights  are  rights.  Because  some 
people  prefer  to  die  in  horror, 
slaves  of  a  habit  abhorrent  to  oth- 
ers, why  should  theirs  be  the  rights 
that  are  protected  and  coddled? 

It  is  time  that  nonsmokers  rise 
in  a  concerted  effort  to  rid  public 
conveyances  of  air  pollution.  (No 
doubt  part  of  the  problem  of  New 
York  and  Los  Angeles  could  be 
similarly  solved.)  If  some  people 
have  a  right  to  smoke,  nonsmokers 
have  a  right  to  unpolluted  air. 

Will  someone  work  out  a  means 
whereby  both  parties  may  be  hap- 
py? Perhaps  special  rooms  (like 
the  little  rooms  now  in  the  rear 
of  the  bus)  could  be  provided, 
where  smokers  could  take  turns  in- 
haling the  poisonous  fumes  of 
their  filthy  weed.  Some  kind  of  air 
vent  could  let  the  smoke  out 
through  the  bus  ceiling.  Then  the 
air  inside  would  not  cause  other 
travelers  to  arrive  at  their  destina- 
tions  with  a  hangover. 

As  it  now  stands,  despite  heavy 
statistics  and  gruesome  journalism, 
confirmed  smokers  wrap  them- 
selves in  the  belief  that  all  citizens 
are  equally  dedicated  to  blacken- 
ing their  lungs — and  they  are  total- 
ly unselfish  about  providing  more 
than  their  share  toward  hasten- 
ing the  process. 

What  they  do  to  themselves  is 
immaterial  to  them — as  witnessed 
by  a  man  who,  on  his  deathbed 
with  throat  cancer,  had  someone 
else  hold  a  cigarette  to  his  lips  as 
he  puffed  it  with  his  dying  breath; 
or  a  victim  of  emphysema  who 
wheezes  into  his  home  and  lights 
up   another   lung-stopper. 

Indifferent  to  their  own  well- 
being,  how  could  they  be  expected 
to  be  considerate  of  the  public  in 
general,  or  of  anyone  in  particular? 
It  is  up  to  the  nonsmoking  public 
to  take  constructive  action  against 
the  destroyer  of  comfort  and  en- 

Operators  of  public  conveyances 
should  be  interested  in  the  out- 
come— some  people  now  go  to  any 
lengths  to  avoid  traveling  on  them. 
They  can  not  face  being  shut  up 
for  hours  in  a  haze  of  smoke. 

And  why  should  they?  It  is  their 
privilege  not  to!    • 


By   RAYMOND   M.    VEH 

shores  of  Galilee  over 
nineteen  hundred  years 
ago,  Jesus  saw  four  fishermen — 
Peter,  Andrew,  James,  and  John. 
They  were  busy  mending  their  nets 
with  their  father.  In  conversation, 
Jesus  said  simply  "Follow  me." 

The  amazing  thing  is  that  these 
four  fishermen  "straightway"  left 
their  nets  and  followed  Jesus.  They 
could  not  resist  Christ's  call.  They 
were  obedient  without  question  to 
the  highest  impulses  within  them- 
selves. The  Bible  says,  "Immedi- 
ately they  followed  him."  Such  re- 
sponse  is   significant. 

Later  another  man  was  called  to 
enlist  in  the  company  of  Jesus'  dis- 
ciples. He  said,  "I  will  follow  thee 
whithersoever  thou  goest,  but  first 
let  me  go  and  say  good-by  to  my 
folk."  That  wasn't  good  enough  for 
Jesus.  To  the  unnamed  man,  he 
said,  "No  man  who  puts  his  hand 
to  the  plow  and  looks  back  is  fit 
for  the  kingdom  of  God." 

Jesus  countenances  no  divided 
allegiance  among  his  followers.  If 
any  would  seek  to  share  in  His 
kingdom,  nothing  else  can  come 
first.  Obedience  to  the  commands 
of  our  Lord  must  be  genuine  and 
without  reserve.  Other  things  must 
be  subject  to  the  loyalties  we  give 
to    the    Supreme    One    in    life. 

Many  people  today  endeavor  to 
maintain  a  divided  allegiance — to 
the  way  of  Christ  and  the  ways  of 
the  world.  They  say,  "I  will  be 
Christian — but  first  .  .  .  ."  They 
want  to  satisfy  some  other  de- 
mand that  does  not  quite  fit  in 
with  being  a  Christian.  Let  us  con- 

sider some  of  the  appeals  that 
twentieth  century  moderns  put 
first,  while  the  commands  of  Jesus 
have  to  wait. 

"I  will  .  .  .  but  first  let  me  make 
my  fortune."  Some  folks  resolve  to 
be  good  Christians — after  they  are 
financially  secure.  It  is  hard  to  be 
Christian  in  an  unchristian  eco- 
nomic order,  so  they  join  in  the 
scramble  for  the  world's  good  with 
"no  holds  barred."  When  they  have 
made  their  fortune  and  can  be  as- 
sured ease  and  comfort,  they  will 
turn  to  Jesus'  way  of  love  and  un- 
selfish service. 

"I  will  .  .  .  but  first  let  me  have 
a  good  time,"  others  say.  They 
think  that  one  cannot  be  a  Chris- 
tian and  have  fun.  So  they  choose 
to  have  their  fling,  to  drink  the  cup 
of  life  to  the  full — "eat,  drink,  and 
be  merry."  "You  only  live  once," 
they  boldly  hint.  They  plan,  of 
course,  to  slip  back  into  the 
straight  and  narrow  way  after  they 
have  had  all  the  worldly  fun  they 
can  absorb. 

"I  will  .  .  .  but  first  let  me  get  the 
office  (or  honor)  I  am  seeking"  is 
the  plea  of  others.  They  will  follow 
the  Christian  way  after  their  am- 
bition is  achieved.  After  two  years 
of  college,  a  student  transferred  to 
another  institution  which  had  a 
chapter  of  the  Phi  Beta  Kappa. 
He  focused  his  energies  on  getting 
one  of  those  coveted  gold  keys.  In 
the  achieving  of  his  goal,  qualms 
of  conscience  dared  get  in  his  way. 
He  cheated  in  class  and  in  exam- 
inations. Some  day  he  might  turn 
honest,  he  ruminated,  but  first  he 
had  to  be  a  Phi  Beta  Kappa  man. 

The  Kingdom  of  God  admits  no 
such  divided  or  postponed  alle- 
giance. Jesus  wants  men  and  wom- 
en who  will  accept  the  limitations 
which  discipleship  imposes — that  of 
complete  obedience.  He  wants  dis- 
ciples who  will  be  content  with  as 
much  of  the  world's  goods  as  they 
can  secure  by  Christian  means, 
who  will  choose  the  kind  of  fun  to 
which  Christians  are  entitled,  and 
who  will  seek  only  the  offices  in 
which  they  may  serve  with  honor 
and  dignity  and  integrity,  count- 
ing it  their  first  ambition  to  be  ser- 
vants of  Christ.  "I  will  .  .  .  but 
first"  is  not  good  enough  for  Christ 
and  His  disciples. 

Christ's  call  is  a  call  to  com- 
plete obedience.  "If  ye  love  me, 
keep  my  commandments,"  the 
Master  said.  As  his  final  commis- 
sion to  his  disciples,  Jesus  com- 
manded, "Go  ye  therefore  and 
teach  all  nations  .  .  .  teaching 
them  to  observe  all  things  whatso- 
ever I  have  commanded  you." 
That's  a  mighty  big  order — observ- 
ing all  the  exacting  standards 
which  Christ  set  up  for  his  fol- 
lowers. Yet  our  task  is  to  follow 
his  leading,  to  obey  his  commands. 

A  true  disciple  of  Jesus  Christ 
dares  to  think  for  himself.  He  is 
not  a  victim  of  mob  psychology; 
he  does  not  blindly  follow  the 
thinking  and  behavior  of  the  group. 
He  has  a  mind  and  dares  to  use 
it!  He  lets  others  know  that,  as  a 
follower  of  Christ,  he  has  certain 
moral  and  spiritual  principles  in 
which  he  believes  and  which  he 
tries  to  follow  at  all  times.  His  as- 
sociates cannot  help  knowing  that 
his  first  loyalty  is  to  Christ. 

If  we  truly  follow  the  Christ,  we 
dare  to  radiate  the  brilliant  light 
of  the  gospel  of  Christ.  We  do  not 
try  to  camouflage  ourselves  to  look 
and  act  like  the  environment  about 
us.  We  do  not  try  to  pass  as  part 
of  the  landscape  instead  of  stand- 
ing  out   in  bold    relief    against   it. 

When  we  discover  the  meaning 
of  dynamic  Christian  discipleship, 
we  dare  to  be  different  from  the 
crowd.  We  live  distinctive  lives  of 
noble  purpose  and  high  endeavor, 
completely  surrendered  and  obedi- 
ent.  We  put  Christ  first!    • 


AY  GOD'S  WILL  be  done." 
We  often  hear  these  words 
when  someone  is  faced 
with  tragedy  or  disappointment,  or 
with  some  painful  decision.  The 
words,  uttered  in  pious  tones  of 
resignation,  would  lead  one  to  as- 
sume that  almost  always  God's 
will  must  be  some  ominous  fate, 
which,  of  course,  is  not  true.  God's 
will  does  not  belong  exclusively  to 
the  unpleasant  things  of  life.  More- 
over, the  Bible  assures  us  that  His 
will  is  the  ultimate  good.  In  all 
things  God  is  working  for  the  good 
of  those  who  love  Him  and  have 
been  called  by  Him  (Romans  8: 

God's  will  is  not  a  hard  line  of 
fate  running  through  life.  God  does 
not  bulldoze  His  way  through  hu- 
man history.  His  will  is  something 
for  which  Christ  said  we  should 
pray:  "Thy  kingdom  come.  Thy 
will  be  done."  And  in  that  prayer 
there  are  three  things  we  need  to 

First,  God  must  be  permitted  to 
accomplish  His  will.  Do  not  think 
for  one  minute  that  I  believe  God's 
ultimate  plans  can  be  defeated  by 
man— that  is  not  what  I  have  in 
mind.  But,  I  do  believe  that  God 
would  like  to  do  a  great  deal  of 
good  for  all  mankind — if  men 
would  stop  resisting  His  Spirit  and 
disobeying  His  Word.  We  are  all 
guilty  of  this  at  times.  We  resist; 
we  disobey.  But  God  would  like  to 
do  so  very  much  for  man!  He  of- 
fered His  own  Son  upon  a  cross  to 
prove  it.  What  more  can  He  say 
or  do  to  show  how  truly  good  His 
intentions  are  toward  man? 

Why  are  men  so  hasty  to 
give  God  the  credit  for  tragedy 
and  suffering  and  grief?  Why, 
when  the  origin  of  all  that  suf- 
fering and  grief  is  not  the  good  will 
of  God  but  man's  resistance  to 
God's  will?  But,  you  may  ask, 
"Why  did  it  have  to  happen  to 
me?"  We  all  suffer  the  conse- 
quences of  man's  rebellion  against 
the  will  of  God.  "No  man  is  an 
island."  Every  person's  sin  and  dis- 
obedience touches  the  life  of  every 
other  man.  It  is  a  sobering  thought 
to  realize  that  when  I  resist  the 
will  of  God,  I  hurt  not  only  my- 
self  but   also   my   fellowman. 

Second,  God  expects  you  and  me 
to  do  something  about  seeing  that 
God's  will  is  done  in  this  world. 
He  expects  us  to  be  Good  Samari- 
tans. He  expects  us  to  carry  on  the 
work  of  reconciling  men  to  God 
and  men  to  men,  to  extinguish  the 
fires  of  hate  and  prejudice,  to  do  a 
kind  deed  for  the  ungrateful  and 
unworthy.  He  expects  us  to  be  the 
expression  of  His  love  in  the  world. 
To  pray  "Thy  will  be  done"  with- 
out accepting  the  challenge  of  do- 
ing God's  will  in  the  world  is  a 
terrible  sin. 

To  be  sure,  it  is  not  always  easy 
to  do  God's  will.  It  was  not  easy 
for  Christ  to  go  to  the  cross,  to 
make  peace  between  God  and  man, 
and  to  make  eternal  salvation 
available  to  man.  Because  those 
who  would  do  God's  will  in  this 
world  are  immediately  brought 
face-to-face  with  a  world  resisting 
God's  will,  the  doing  of  His  will 
may  involve  sacrifice,  grief,  and 
suffering.  To  put  down  evil,  to  do 
the  right,  to  believe  in  the  good- 
ness of  God  despite  tragedy  and 
suffering,  to  proclaim  a  God  most 
men  do  not  serve — all  these  things 
may  incur  suffering  and  sacrifice. 
But  that  is  not  the  final  issue  of 
God's  will.  The  final  issue  is  good. 
God's  will  for  those  who  love  and 
obey  Him  always  is  a  sharing,  not 

only  in  the  ministry  and  suffer- 
ings of  Christ  but  also  in  the  glory 
and  victory  of  Christ.  Resurrection 
will  surely  follow  crucifixion. 

Third,  there  are  times  when  we 
must  simply  trust  God — and  His 
wisdom  and  love.  This  is  resigna- 
tion, not  to  some  dreadful  fate,  but 
to  the  will  of  a  loving,  heavenly 
Father.  And  we  can  trust  Him — 

Someone  may  say,  "What  is 
God's  will?"  But  this  is  not  as 
great  a  problem  as  some  people 
may  think  it  is.  God's  will  has 
been  revealed  to  us  in  the  life  and 
ministry  of  Christ,  and  in  the  Bi- 
ble in  general.  There  are  times 
when  we  desire  to  know  God's  will 
about  some  specific  matter.  The 
answer  to  this  is  prayer — real 
prayer  in  the  Spirit — and  the  will- 
ingness to  study  the  Word  of  God. 
It  is  not  difficult  to  know  that 
when  we  are  doing  the  works  of 
Christ,  we  are  doing  the  will  of 

Let  us  pray  that  God's  will  may 
be  done.  "For  it  is  God  who  work- 
eth  in  you  both  to  will  and  to 
work,  for  his  good  pleasure"  the 
moment  you  are  willing  for  it  to  be 
so  (Philippians  2:13,  American 
Standard  Version).  What  a  glori- 
ous thought:  God  working  in 
you!    • 

May  God's  Will 
Be  Done 

By   DANIEL   L.    BLACK 

The  Reverend  Daniel  L.  Black,  who  pastors  in 
Bismarck,  North  Dakota,  is  a  native  South  Caro- 
linian. Since  graduating  from  Northwest  Bible 
College,  Minot,  North  Dakota,  several  years  ago, 
he  has  ministered  in  the  Dakotas. 


stood  watch  over  his  flock 
while  American  tourists 
gathered  in  curiosity  to  study  the 
strange  customs  of  that  land. 
Many  of  these  visitors  were  minis- 
ters, learning  the  quaint  habits  of 
that  faraway  land,  hoping  to  use 
their  knowledge  later  to  aid  their 
teaching  of  the  Word  of  God. 

After  they  had  asked  numerous 
questions,  one  of  them  noted  a 
pitiful  sheep  whose  leg  was  band- 
aged carefully.  "What's  the  matter 
with   that   poor   fella?"   he   asked. 

"His  leg  is  broken,"  answered  the 
old  shepherd. 

"How  did  it  happen?"  continued 
the  tourist.  "Did  he  fall  from  some 
ledge,   or  did   a   rock   fall  on   it?" 

"Neither,"  answered  the  shep- 
herd. "I  broke  his  leg." 

"Why  would  you  do  that?"  in- 
quired  the   American. 

"You  see,  that  sheep  was  a  real 
troublemaker.  He  had  a  most  re- 
grettable habit  of  wandering  off 
from  the  rest  of  the  sheep  and 
getting  into  mischief.  Some  of  the 
more  docile  lambs  would  follow 
him  off  and  fall  into  a  ditch  or 
get  caught  in  the  briars  or  come 
into  the  dangers  of  the  wolves  in 
this  region.  Try  as  I  did,  I  simply 
could  not  control  this  stubborn  fel- 
low, so  I  deliberately  broke  his  leg 
and  dressed  it  carefully  so  that  it 
would  heal  properly.  Now  that  he 
must  stay  put,  I  bring  him  his 
meals  and  fondle  him  every  day. 
He  is  learning  the  lessons  of  obedi- 
ence and  dependence.  Soon  his  leg 
will  be  as  good  as  new,  but  he  will 
likely  not  wander  off  as  he  has 

The  American  was  startled  for  a 
moment,  but  then  remembered 
that  sometimes  apparently  the 
Good  Shepherd  Himself  seemed  to 
take  such  action  with  His  wayward 
sheep.  Loving  them,  He  often  finds 
it  necessary  to  chasten,  to  instruct, 

By   BOB   LAIR 

Some  of  the  more 

docile  lambs  would 

follow  him  off  and 

fall  into  a  ditch  .  .  . 

or  come  into  the 

dangers  of  the 


and  to  teach  the  lessons  of  hu- 
mility  and   obedience. 

The  writer  of  Hebrews  exhorts 
us:  "My  son,  despise  not  thou  the 
chastening  of  the  Lord,  nor  faint 
when  thou  art  rebuked  of  him:  for 
whom  the  Lord  loveth  he  chas- 
teneth,  and  scourgeth  every  son 
whom  he  receiveth.  If  ye  endure 
chastening,  God  dealeth  with  you 
as  with  sons;  for  what  son  is  he 
whom  the  Father  chasteneth  not?" 
(Hebrews   12:5-7). 

When  God  chastens,  we  must  not 
think  He  does  not  love  us.  In  fact, 
the  contrary  is  true.  Our  temporal 
fathers  often  are  compelled  to 
chasten  us  for  our  good.  If  they 
did  not  do  so,  the  Holy  Spirit 
urges  us,  we  might  wonder  if  in- 
deed they  were  our  fathers  at  all. 
Similarly,  the  heavenly  Father, 
through  His  love  for  us,  instructs 

The  key  to  God's  chastening  is 
the  lesson  learned  from  it.  The 
original  word  chasten  is  also  some- 
times translated  "instruct"  or 
"teach."  God  teaches  us  through 
trial  often.  In  fact,  Paul  tells  us 
that  one  of  the  best  ways  to  learn 
patience  is  in  trial  (Romans  5:3), 
and  surely  patience  is  a  lesson  well 
worth   mastering. 

As  a  pastor  I  have  seen  many 
Christians  come  through  great  test- 
ing all  the  stronger  for  it.  I  have 
known  some  to  rise  from  beds  of 
illness  to  renewed  trust  in  Jesus 
Christ,  some  to  emerge  from  great 
personal  loss  with  stronger  faith, 
and  some  to  come  out  of  great 
persecution  all  the  more  courage- 

As  it  was  with  the  sheep  with 
the  broken  leg,  their  Shepherd  had 
taught  them  lessons  which  they 
could  not  or  would  not  have 
learned  in  other  ways.  They  have 
learned  to  trust  Him  and  to  know 
the  strong  security  of  His  guard- 
ianship. It  is  a  blessed  affliction 
which  teaches  us  that.    • 


I  N  THE  FIFTH  chapter  of 
Mark  there  is  the  account  of 
a  woman  touching  Jesus'  gar- 
ment and  being  healed.  Many  leg- 
ends and  stories  have  appeared 
about  her.  Some  claim  that  she 
was  called  Veronica  and  that  she 
completely  upheld  the  innocency  of 
Christ  before  Pilate. 

Other  reports  say  that  she  wiped 
the  face  of  Jesus  on  the  road  to 
Calvary  and  erected  a  memorial 
to  Him  in  Paneas,  her  native  vil- 

Whether  or  not  these  accounts 
are  true  is  debatable,  but  one  fact 
we  can  glean  from  these  legends 
is  that  her  faith  was  highly  es- 
teemed by  the  early  Christians. 

The  evangelist,  Mark,  describes 
her  as  a  woman  worn  by  suffer- 
ing, haggard  by  poverty,  and  cere- 
monially unclean.  Because  of  this 
uncleanness  she  was  excluded  from 
her  only  source  of  comfort  and 
solace — public  worship.  But,  one 
day,  she  made  her  way  into  a 
crowd  where  Jesus  was  and,  by  her 
touch  of  faith,  won  the  blessing 
that  she  had  sought  so  long. 
She   Was  Diseased 

There  are  many  opinions  con- 
cerning the  illness  of  this  lady.  It 
is  generally  thought  that  her  dis- 
ease was  an  internal  hemorrhage. 

According  to  the  doctors  she  was 
not  only  physically  ill,  but,  with 
this  blood  infection,  she  was  also 
ceremonially  unclean.  Thus  she  was 
excluded  from  any  dealings  with 
society.  She  was  no  better  than  an 
outcast,  for  she  had  been  pushed 
out  of  the  mainstream  of  life 
through  no  fault  of  her  own.  This 
was  a  condition  over  which  she  had 
absolutely  no  control. 

In  that  day  it  was  commonly 
believed  that  when  a  person  was 
found  to  have  impure  blood,  it  was 
a  sign  that  the  individual  was  im- 
pure in  the  totality  of  their  being. 
No  doubt  this  lady's  illness  was 
considered  to  be  one  of  long  dura- 
tion. Her  condition  was  beyond  the 
help  of  human  skill  and  power.  We 
can  safely  assert  that  she  had  no 
hope  whatsoever  in  this  world. 
She  Was  Desperate 

The  Scripture  tells  us  that  she 
spent  her  entire  living  on  physi- 
cians   for    twelve    long,    dreadful, 


years.  Even  if  she  had  had  more 
finance,  the  doctors  had  done  all 
they  could  do.  To  the  best  of  their 
ability  they  had  treated  her,  eased 
her  pain,  and  perhaps  had  even 
given   her  some   hope   of  recovery. 

But  the  final  verdict  which  came 
from  the  lips  of  the  contemporary 
medical  profession  was  one  of 
hopelessness  and  utter  despair.  The 
doctors  might  have  spoken  the 
words  our  modern  medical  profes- 
sionals say  to  terminal  patients, 
"We  have  done  all  that  we  can, 
there  is  nothing  else  we  can  do. 
Unless  God  Almighty  intervenes 
you  are  a  dying  woman." 

She  had  run  out  of  finance,  and 
hope — save  in  Jesus;  and  at  this 
particular  point  of  desperation,  her 
faith  in  Him  might  have  faltered 
just  a  little. 

It  is  altogether  possible  that  she 
might  have  thought  of  the  large 
crowds  that  always  surrounded 
Him,  thus  presenting  much  diffi- 
culty for  her  to  reach  Him.  Also, 
she  could  have  questioned  wheth- 
er or  not  He  would  even  notice 
her  among  the  huge  throng. 

However,  opposed  to  the  fear  and 
doubt   within   her,   she   had    faith 
like  the  grain  of  a  mustard  seed. 
It  might  have  been  faltering  and 
shaky;     nonetheless     it    was     still 
faith.  She  was  as  desperate  as  the 
anonymous  author  who  penned: 
/   have    tried,   and   tried   in    vain, 
Many   ways   to  ease   my   pain; 
Now  all  other  hope  is  past, 
Here  before  thy  cross  I  lie, 
Here  I  live,  or  here  I  die. 
Only  this   is   left   at   last; 
She  was  at  her  wits'  end,  "Having 
suffered     many    things    of    many 
physicians   .   .   .   and   was   nothing 
She   Was   Determined 

It  has  been  said,  and  appropri- 
ately so,  "Desperate  days  call  for 
desperate  deeds";  and  this  little 
woman  was  as  desperate  as  a 
drowning     man     grasping     for     a 

straw.  She  knew  that  there  was 
but  one  hope,  one  answer,  and 
one  salvation — and  these  were  to 
be  found  only  in  Jesus. 

Though  her  body  was  weak,  dis- 
eased, and  probably  crippled,  she 
was  determined  to  get  to  the  Chief 
Physician.  Bodily  pain  or  discom- 
fort suddenly  was  a  secondary 
concern,  her  primary  goal  now 
was  to  reach  the  only  source  of 
healing  left  for  her.  She,  in  this 
description,  might  well  be  char- 
acterized by  the  statement  of  the 
Apostle  Paul,  "This  one  thing  I 
do.  .  .  ." 

It  is  quite  evident  that  she  had 
many  obstacles  before  her,  block- 
ing the  way  to  Jesus.  There  was 
Thomas  who  turned  out  to  be  a 
doubter.  There  was  Peter,  who 
turned  out  to  be  a  denier.  And 
there  was  Judas,  who  ultimately 
would  become  a  traitor.  Then,  as 
if  these  were  not  enough,  there 
were  those  following  Jesus  for  self 
aggrandizement — that  is,  for  what 
they  could  get  out  of  it  for  them- 
selves. Also  the  scribes  and  Phari- 
sees were  following  Him  simply  to 
find  fault.  Thus,  the  evidence  is 
quite  conclusive  that  she  had  ob- 
stacles to  pass.  Because  of  the 
press  of  the  crowd,  she  had  pres- 
sure to  go  through.  Undoubtedly, 
this  lady  was  a  battlefield  on 
which  faith  and  feelings  struggled. 

Her  feelings  said,  "Go  back!  Give 
up!  There  is  no  hope!"  But  her 
faith  kept  edging  her  along  by  en- 
couraging, "Press  on!  Believe!  In 
Him  only  is  there  hope!" 

Thus     her     struggle     continued, 

and   the   battle   within   her   raged 

continued  on  page  21 

The  Reverend  Hal 
Thompson  is  continuing 
his  studies  at  Lee  Col- 
lege after  attending 
Northwest  Bible  College 
for  several  years. 


They  Turned  Disaster 




AN  A  MAN  confined  to  a 
wheelchair  for  twenty-six 
years  be  thankful  for  much 
of  anything?  It  all  depends  on  the 

Winfred  King  married  Marie 
Yoder  four  days  after  Christmas 
in  1938  and  set  out  to  become  one 
of  the  prosperous  farmers  in  the 
fertile  Mad  River  Valley  near  West 
Liberty,  Ohio. 

Like  most  of  the  other  people 
around  him,  King  worked  in  the 
church  as  a  Sunday  school  teacher 
and  superintendent  and  sang  in  a 
male  quartet.  His  attractive  bride 
supported  his  religious  interests 
and  served  with  him  in  the  church. 

A  son  was  born  in  1940,  and  it 
appeared  that  life  was  going  to  be 
good  to  Winfred  and  Marie.  But 
the  bottom  of  their  happiness 
dropped  out  in  the  fall  of  1941, 
when  Winfred  became  ill.  The  doc- 
tor's first  diagnosis  was  "merely  a 
chill  and  a  bad  cold.  Go  home  and 
take  it  easy;  you'll  be  all  right  in  a 
few  days." 

But  a  drastic  revision  of  this 
diagnosis  became  necessary  when 
Winffed    d  e  v  e  1  o  p  em    breathing 

spasms.  The  doctor  immediately 
sent  him  to  the  hospital  in  Spring- 
field, Ohio,  and  ordered  an  iron 
lung  to  be  readied  for  his  arrival. 
Further  tests  confirmed  the  doc- 
tor's worst  fears:   polio. 

Before  the  days  of  Dr.  Salk's 
vaccine  discovery,  polio  was  a 
dreadful  sentence:  at  worst,  death; 
at  best,  some  degree  of  crippling. 
Without  warning,  the  cup  of  hap- 
piness was  dashed  from  the  young 
and  optimistic  couple. 

Damage  to  Winfred's  muscular 
system  developed  gradually.  Doc- 
tors tried  in  vain  every  expedient 
known.  Suffering,  pain,  and  dis- 
appointment became  daily  fare  for 
Winfred,  and  Marie,  too.  There 
were  so  many  terrible  questions  in 
the  back  of  their  minds,  some 
spoken,  the  rest  remaining  silent. 
Gradually  the  truth  dawned  on 
Winfred:  The  paralysis  of  his  legs 
was  total;  he  would  never  walk 

Major  adjustments  were  neces- 
sary in  their  new  outlook,  or  rather 
the  absence  of  outlook.  A  wheel- 
chair was  mandatory.  A  hydraulic 
lift  became  part  of  his  life,  moving 

him  to  and  from  bed.  Winfred  wept 
when  he  saw  his  once-muscular 
legs  now  spindly  and  emaciated. 
Even  the  once  powerful  grip  of  his 
hands  was  reduced  to  a  cold,  clam- 
my touch. 

Normal  social  life  became  impos- 
sible. Dark  clouds  hung  low  over 
their  heads  as  bills  mounted  and 
his  recovery  was  nowhere  in  sight. 

Then  a  tide  of  sympathy  and 
help  began  to  mount  in  the  com- 
munity. People  began  enclosing 
money  in  Christmas  greetings  to 
the  Kings.  Others  sent  checks, 
with  love  and  sympathy.  Year  after 
year  the  gifts  continued  to  come 

"Look,  Winfred,  here's  another 
check  and  another,"  said  Marie 
as  she  opened  greeting  after  greet- 
ing. "God  bless  all  our  dear 
friends."  These  were  no  empty  ex- 
pressions of  sympathy.  The  annual 
tallies  of  sentiment  from  friends 
amounted  to  from  $100  to  $500.  In 
addition,  friends  and  relatives 
quietly  paid  bills  for  the  Kings. 
Businessmen  gave  them  generous 
discounts  on  their  purchases  in  the 




By   ROY   S.    KOCH 

Did  it  hurt  their  pride  to  take 
all  this  financial  help?  "Not  really," 
says  Winfred.  "We  realized  it  was 
God's  way  of  taking  care  of  us.  I 
don't  remember  that  we  ever  had 
to  ask  people  for  anything.  They 
were  observant  and  gave  us  what 
we  really  needed." 

Winfred  and  Marie  have  the 
kindest  words  to  say  of  the  people 
in  their  home  community.  "There's 
a  lot  of  decency  in  all  people,"  says 
Winfred.  "But  we  couldn't  find  an- 
other community  like  this,  abso- 
lutely  none." 

But  Winfred  reserved  his  kindest 
words  for  his  faithful  Marie.  "She 
was  very  good  at  cheering  me  up, 
even  in  my  darkest  hours,"  he  says. 
"She  can  do  that  better  than  any- 
one else  I  know.  I  don't  appreci- 
ate her  enough;  I  know  I  don't. 
She  is  the  one  who  raised  the  fam- 
ily. I  didn't.  (They  now  have  three 
grown  boys).  No  one  can  do  any- 
where near  what  she  has  done.  She 
would  be  ahead  without  me;  I  was 
only  a  burden,  but  she  never  let 
me    feel    that    way." 

The  Kings  are  prospering  today 
and  are  in  no  need  of  the  charity 

that  saw  them  through  those  first 
hard  years.  Together  they  have 
developed  a  candy  business  under 
the  trade  name  "Marie's  Home- 
Made  Candies."  Their  clientele 
comes  from  an  ever-widening  cir- 
cle, as  more  and  more  people  dis- 
cover  the   quality   of   their   candy. 

Their  business  started  almost  by 
accident.  "I  started  making  boxes 
of  candy  to  give  to  our  friends  at 
Christmas  in  appreciation  for  their 
gifts  to  us,"  Marie  explained.  The 
candies  were  so  good  that  friends 
asked  to  buy  more  for  themselves 
and  friends.  The  Kings  were  over- 
whelmed when  they  sold  one  thou- 
sand pounds  of  candy  in  December 
of  1956. 

Today  the  Kings  sell  a  wide  va- 
riety of  sweets.  Soon  the  home 
kitchen  became  too  small  to  ac- 
commodate the  volume.  They  add- 
ed a  "candy  room"  to  the  house.  By 
1966  it  became  plain  that  a  major 
expansion  program  was  necessary, 
as  their  candies  were  selling  by  the 
ton.  Their  best  seasons  are  Christ- 
mas, Easter  and  Valentine's,  Moth- 
er's and  Father's  Day. 

They    sold    their    home    in    the 

country  and  built  a  combination 
candy  factory-home  at  the  north 
end  of  West  Liberty.  From  the  in- 
side it  is  a  model  of  efficiency, 
both  for  candy-making  and  for  the 
requirements  of  their  special  cir- 
cumstances as  a  family. 

Today  the  Kings'  influence 
reaches  far  beyond  their  candy 
business.  Winfred  could  have  be- 
come bitter  and  blamed  God  for 
his  misfortune.  Marie  might  have 
developed  a  martyr  complex  and 
dedicated  herself  to  taking  care  of 
an  invalid  husband.  They  could 
have  given  up  the  struggle  for  in- 
dependence and  turned  to  disabil- 
ity aid  from  the  state.  Instead,  the 
Kings  came  to  terms  with  their 
circumstances,  turning  them  into 
a  testimony  of  the  triumph  of  the 
human  spirit. 

Winfred's  legs  are  atrophied 
but  his  head  is  not.  Back  of 
their  little  business  is  his  active 
mind — managing,  planning,  and 
maintaining  independence.  Marie, 
although  circumscribed  by  her 
many  duties,  has  become  a  dedi- 
cated nurse,  businesswoman,  and 
housewife.    • 




By   ETHEL   R.    PAGE 

TOP  ST.  MARK'S  Cathe- 
dral in  Venice,  Italy,  stands 
a  great  bell  tower.  It  is  one 
of  the  most  beautiful  works  of  ar- 
chitecture. Visitors  who  ascend  to 
its  top  view  from  all  four  sides  the 
city  of  Venice,  the  canals,  the 
Adriatic  Sea,  and  the  mainland  of 

But  this  beautiful  obelisk  point- 
ing toward  the  sky  is  a  new  build- 
ing. It  does  not  belong  to  the  same 
age  as  the  cathedral  of  which  it  is 
a  part.  It  is  a  replacement  of  the 
original  tower. 

The  first  tower,  built  at  the  same 
time  as  the  cathedral,  was  just  as 
beautiful.  It  was  one  of  the  most 
famous  historic  structures  of  its 
time.  But  after  it  had  stood  for 
many  years,  a  tiny  crack,  too  small 
to  be  considered  of  any  conse- 
quence, appeared  at  its  base.  Small 
as  it  was,  it  did  not  escape  the  eye 
of  Luigi  Vendisco,  an  aged  man 
who  understood  such  things  and 
saw  the  danger. 

For  ten  years  he  pled  with  the 
government  to  permit  him  to  make 

the  necessary  repairs  on  the  tow- 
er. It  was  in  great  danger,  and  the 
work  needed  to  be  done  at  once. 
But  no  one  heeded  his  warning. 
"Should  such  an  expensive  project 
be  undertaken,  just  because  an  old 
man  had  discovered  a  crack  little 
larger  than  a  thread?"  they  ques- 

Luigi  took  his  son  to  see  the 
tower.  He  showed  him  the  crack. 
The  son  said  the  same  as  others 
had  said:  "That's  nothing,  Father. 
A  small  crack  like  that  can  really 
do  no  harm  to  such  a  large  build- 

But  the  old  man  replied,  "Son, 
it  is  not  the  crack.  It  is  that  of 
which  the  crack  is  the  effect  and 
the  symbol.  It  is  the  cause  behind 
the  crack.  It  is  the  condition  that 
causes  it.  The  tower  is  doomed.  It 
will  fall." 

The  very  next  morning,  with  a 
resounding  crash,  the  bell  tower 
came  tumbling  down. 

Fallen  tower  s — how  pathetic ! 
They  lie  in  ruins  all  about  us  as 
monuments   of    man's    carelessness 

in  construction. 

"Is  not  this  great  Babylon  that 
I  have  built  for  the  house  of  the 
kingdom  by  the  might  of  my  pow- 
er, and  for  the  honor  of  my  maj- 
esty?" boasted  King  Nebuchadnez- 
zar. But  where  is  his  golden  city 
today?  It  is  buried  beneath  the 
sands  of  centuries,  distrubed  only 
by  the  archeologist's  spade.  A 
faulty  ingredient,  self-glorification, 
had  been  mixed  with  his  building 
materials,  which,  in  time,  caused 
the  collapse  of  the  whole  structure. 

The  self-sufficient,  infidel,  Vol- 
taire, declared,  "I  will  prove  that 
one  man  can  overthrow  the  Chris- 
tian religion  and  the  Bible."  But 
nearly  two  centuries  have  passed 
since  his  death  and  where  there 
were  a  hundred  Bibles  in  his  time 
there  are  now  a  hundred  thou- 
sand copies  of  the  book  of  God. 
Voltaire  made  the  mistake  of 
building  on  a  foundation  of  false 

Napoleon  thought  to  make  him- 
self ruler  of  the  world,  but  his 
tower  of  selfish  ambition  crashed 
over  his  head   at  Waterloo. 

Many  a  man  has  tumbled  down 
like  the  bell  tower  of  St.  Mark's  Ca- 
thedral, and  people  have  been 
astonished.  His  reputation  has 
been  ruined;  his  life  has  been 
blighted.  But,  it  was  not  the  sud- 
den collapse  that  did  it.  Some- 
thing had  been  working  in  his 
heart  that  had  undermined  his 
character,  gradually  weakening  it, 
until  at  last  the  breaking  point 
had  been  reached,  and  he  had  fall- 
en with  a  crash.  He  had  taken 
no  warning  and  had  made  no  ef- 
fort to  repair  the  faulty  condition. 

We  are  building  day  by  day.  Ev- 
ery deed,  good  or  bad,  is  a  stone 
in  the  structure  we  build.  Every 
word,  giving  joy  or  pain,  will  adorn 
the  wall  or  stain  its  beauty.  Ev- 
ery thought  fills  its  own  little 
place.  How  important  it  is  to 
choose  carefully  the  material,  se- 
lecting only  that  which  will  endure 
throughout  eternity.  Faults  we  do 
not  overcome  will  overcome  us  and 
cause  our  destruction.  The  collapse 
is  sudden,  but  the  cause  is  not. 

"Except  the  Lord  build  the  house, 
they  labour  in  vain  that  build  it" 
(Psalm  127:1).    • 






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Marcus  Whitman,  Missionary 


EUT  I  HAVE  to  make  the 
trip,  I  have  to,"  Marcus  said 
to  his  friend,  Amos  Lovejoy. 

"Maybe  you  have  to,  but  you 
can't,"   Lovejoy    answered. 

"I  can,  and  I  must  start  right 
now,"  Whitman  answered. 

"In  October?  across  those  moun- 
tains?" Lovejoy  asked.  "You'll 

"Then  freeze  I  will,  for  I'm  go- 
ing," Whitman  said. 

"Freeze,  you  will,"  Lovejoy  said. 
"But  if  you've  made  up  your  mind 
I'll  be  better  off  with  you  than 
staying  here  worrying  about  you. 
So  I'll  just  come  along." 

"I  was  hoping  you  would,"  Whit- 
man said. 

The  time  was  1842.  The  place 
was  Fort  Walla  Walla  on  the 
Columbia  River  in  what  is  now  the 
State  of  Washington.  The  men 
who  headed  the  United  States  Gov- 
ernment were  far  away  in  Wash- 
ington, D.C.  Most  of  them  figured 

the  northwestern  country  was 
worth  less  than  nothing.  Congress 
was  ready  to  ratify  a  treaty  and 
give  it  all  to  Great  Britain  in  ex- 
change for  the  rights  to  fish  off 
the   coast  of  New   Foundland. 

And  Marcus  Whitman  figured 
this  treaty  should  not  be  signed. 
Being  in  the  northwest  and  seeing 
this  far  western  country  in  person, 
he  knew  its  worth  to  the  United 
States.  He  had  to  get  to  the  East 
and  persuade  the  men  in  power  of 
that  worth  before  Congress  ad- 
journed in  March.  And  that  was 
why,  even  with  winter  coming  on, 
he  had  to  get  through  to  the  East. 

Marcus  Whitman  was  not  pri- 
marily a  frontiersman,  he  was  a 
missionary.  Yet  he  performed  one 
of  the  greatest  of  frontiersman 
feats.  He  brought  the  first  wagon 
across  the  Rocky  Mountains.  Even 
though  it  had  but  two  wheels  when 
it  arrived,  he  said,  "I'm  setting  an 
example.    If  I  do  it,  other  men  will 

feel  that  they  can  too." 

And  they  did!  Later  pioneers  got 
wagons  across  with  all  four  wheels. 
But  Whitman  was  the  first  to  be 
successful  in  this  endeavor.  He  and 
his  bride  had  been  jostled,  had  slid, 
and  had  been  wrecked  on  the  way; 
but  they  had  done  it  so  that  the 
Christian  religion  might  be  brought 
to   the   Nez   Perces   Indians. 

And  now  six  years  later  it  seemed 
as  if  the  eager  British,  already 
on  the  ground,  were  to  be  given  the 
country  which  he  had  pioneered. 
It  is  no  wonder  that  he  felt 
compelled  to  make  the  trip  East  to 
prevent  this  from  happening.  He 
knew  that  Lewis  and  Clark  in  the 
first  exploration  of  the  country  had 
not  traveled  in  winter  at  all,  but 
he  would  be  going  in  the  very  mid- 
dle of  winter. 

"Go,  and  God  be  with  you,"  Mrs. 
Whitman  had  said  on  October  3 
when  her  husband  and  Lovejoy  had 
started    on    their    journey. 


Each  man,  including  the  Indian 
guide,  had  his  riding  horse.  They 
shared  three  pack  mules.  No  one 
who  knew  of  the  expedition  ever 
expected  to  see  any  of  them  again. 

And  it  is  no  wonder.  Snow  lay 
twenty  feet  deep  in  the  passes.  The 
Black  Feet  Indians  were  on  the 
warpath.  But  Whitman  felt  that 
he  would  succeed  because  he  had 
to.  He  went  forward  with  a  strong 
heart,  a  firm  resolve,  and  an  un- 
questioning faith  in  God — and  yet 
all  these  things  came  almost  to 
nothing  before  the  men  were  too 
far  along  the  trail. 

On  the  eleventh  day  out,  they 
came  to  Fort  Hall,  the  southern- 
most station  of  the  Canadian  Fur 
Traders.  A  Captain  Grant  there 
tried  to  stop  them. 

"You  can't  go  on.  It's  crazy.  It's 
sure  death,"  he  warned  them. 

"We  have  to  go,"  Whitman  said. 
And  that  was  all. 

But  shortly  after  leaving  the 
Fort,  traveling  in  a  northeasterly 
direction,  they  ran  into  a  blizzard. 
Wind  and  snow  drove  them  back 
from  a  mountain  pass.  They  sought 
shelter  in  a  ravine  and  stayed 
there  ten  days,  while  the  storm 
howled   itself   out. 

Once  more  they  started  forward, 
and  there  was  another  storm.  Even 
the  guide  lost  his  bearings.  There 
was  no  shelter.  Death  was  very 
close.  Whitman  dropped  to  his 
knees  in  the  snow  and  prayed. 
Soon  a  mule,  turned  loose  by  the 
guide,  led  the  men  back  to  their 
earlier  camp  in   the  ravine. 

The  storm  let  up,  but  the  guide 
would  not  go  any  further.  Whit- 
man, leaving  Lovejoy  and  the 
mules  in  the  ravine,  went  back  to 
Fort  Hall  to  get  another  guide.  He 
was  gone  seven  days.  Although  ex- 
hausted, his  need  to  hurry  would 
not  let  him  rest.  On  they  went  un- 
til they  reached  the  bank  of  the 
Grand  River.  Now  it  seemed  they 
could  go  no  farther.  Ice  reached 
out  from  the  shore  but  in  the  mid- 
dle the  water  rushed  deep  and  dark 
and  deadly. 

The  guide  shook  his  head.  "We 
cannot  cross,"   he   said. 

"We  must,"  Whitman  said;  "we 
have  to." 

And  cross  they  did,  because 
Whitman  forced  his  horse  off  the 
ice  and  into  the  current.  He  swam 
it  across,  broke  the  far  bank  ice 
with  a  pole,  and  struggled  up  the 
farther  side.  Reluctantly,  but 
forced  to  it  by  their  leader's  exam- 
ple, Lovejoy  and  the  guide  fol- 

Having  to  go  so  far  south  to 
avoid  the  Black  Feet,  had  added  a 
thousand  miles  to  their  journey. 
Haste  then  became  more  than 
ever  necessary.  Yet  things  kept 
coming  up  to  hold  them  back.  But 
finally  they  got  through  to  St. 
Louis,  Missouri. 

From  there  on,  Whitman  was 
able  to  ride  in  a  stagecoach,  ar- 
riving in  Washington  on  March  3. 
Eloquently  he  pleaded  his  cause. 
In  the  end  he  persuaded  President 

Tyler  not  to  sign  the  proposed 
treaty.  Four  years  later  a  treaty 
was  signed,  but  this  set  the  bound- 
aries between  Great  Britain  and 
the  United  States  to  the  north 
where  it  remains  today. 

It  is  regrettable  that  in  1847  the 
Indians  turned  on  the  Whitman 
Mission  and  murdered  him,  his 
wife,  and  twelve  companions.  This 
tragedy  stemmed  from  the  Indians 
blaming  the  whites  for  bringing  to 
them  an  epidemic  disease. 

But  this  does  not  take  from 
Whitman  any  of  the  almost  mir- 
acles which  he  accomplished  by 
taking  the  wagon  across  the  Rock- 
ies, or  by  the  almost  impossible 
trip  across  them  on  horseback  in 
the  dead  of  winter.  These  things 
show  what  faith  with  action,  or 
action  with  faith,  can  do.    • 

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ANNA  WADE  Dept  430GP,Lynchburg,  Va.  24505 

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Glad  for  a  Flying  Saucer 


jects— UFOs,  or  flying  sau- 
cers— are  in  the  news  again. 
A  scientific  consultant  for  the  Air 
Force  told  a  news  conference  that 
sightings  in  Michigan  probably 
stemmed  from  swamp  gases.  The 
Hillsdale  County  Civil  Defense  di- 
rector and  eighty-seven  coeds  at 
Hillsdale  College  heartily  disagreed. 
They  reported  watching  a  red  and 
white  object, — about  twenty  feet 
across — for  nearly  three  hours. 

Several  years  ago  flying  saucers 
were  much  in  the  news.  The  United 
States  Air  Force  investigated  183 
reports  of  UFOs  during  the  last  six 
months  of  1959.  That  same  year,  a 
French  scientist  startled  the  Inter- 
national Congress  of  Satellites  and 
Missiles — saying  that  he  could 
quickly  produce  plans  to  build  a 
flying  saucer  capable  of  traveling 
in  the  cosmos  at  unlimited  speed. 

During  the  following  years  fly- 
ing saucers  continued  to  crop  up 
in  conversation.  One  day  at  work 
Stan  approached  me.  "Jim,"  he 
said,  "my  family  and  I  were  out 
driving  last  night  when  we  saw 
what  seemed  to  be  a  ball  of  fire 
moving  across  the  sky.  I  slammed 
on  the  brakes  and  got  out  of  the 
car  quickly.  I  wanted  to  be  sure  it 
wasn't  an  optical  illusion.  It  wasn't; 
my  wife  saw  it  too.  Do  you  be- 
lieve in  signs?" 

Stan  had  once  attended  church 
regularly.   I   had    talked   to   him  a 

number  of  times,  but  he  had 
shrugged  off  every  effort  I  had 
made  to  draw  him  back  to  God. 
I  knew  he  lived  over  the  moun- 
tains, about  forty-five  miles  from 
Chambersburg;  so  I  had  not  in- 
vited him  to  attend  our  church. 

"Jesus  said  that  there  would  be 
signs  in  the  sky  preceding  His  re- 
turn," I  replied  cautiously. 

"Was  this  a  sign?"  Stan  repeat- 
ed, pinning  me  down. 

With  a  prayer  in  my  heart,  I 
countered,  "Let  me  ask  you  a  ques- 
tion or  two.  Does  this  incident 
make  you  remember  when  you 
were  serving  the  Lord?  Do  you  feel 
you  ought  to  get  back  to  Him?" 

Stan  didn't  shrug  that  off.  "Yes," 
he  said  simply. 

"Then  it's  a  sign  you  should  get 
back  in  the  fold,"  I  said.  This 
wasn't  intended  as  a  smart  re- 
mark, and  Stan  knew  it. 

Two  weeks  later  Stan  and  his 
wife  were  shopping  in  a  city  about 
thirty  miles  from  his  home.  They 
saw  a  sign  advertising  evangelistic 
services  and  decided  to  attend.  He 
and  his  wife  came  back  to  God. 
Every  week  thereafter  they  attend- 
ed services  in  that  church  and 
city,  and  their  hearts  bubbled  over 
with  joy  in  the  knowledge  of  sins 

One  day  as  I  talked  with  them 
I  guided  the  conversation  in  such 
a  way  as  to  learn  more  about 
their    weekly    trips    to    worship.    I 

found  that  they  had  so  far  to  drive 
that  they  were  unable  to  make  it 
in  time  for  Sunday  school.  This 
gave  me  the  opening  I  needed.  I 
told  them  that  they  owed  it  to 
their  little  daughter  to  have  her  in 
Sunday  school  and  suggested  that 
they  find  a  church  in  their  vicin- 
ity. Stan  said,  "I  guess  you're 
right,  Jim." 

Stan  followed  my  advice.  As 
time  went  by  our  conversations  re- 
vealed that  he  was  faithful  to 
God  and  to  the  church  of  his  choice 
by  attending  regularly  and  by  pay- 
ing tithes.  Then  he  began  to  ask 
me  questions  pertaining  to  the 
Sunday  school  lessons.  A  short  time 
later  he  told  me  that  he  was  teach- 
ing a  class  of  junior  boys. 

Then  one  day  Stan  said,  "Jim, 
I  didn't  try  to  follow  the  outline 
in  my  quarterly  last  Sunday.  I 
simply  told  my  boys  the  story  of 
Calvary — how  Jesus  died  that  we 
might  be  saved  and  have  eternal 
life.  The  boys  sat  there  in  open- 
mouthed  wonder.  Finally,  I  said, 
'Boys,  Jesus  died  for  you.  He  suf- 
fered and  shed  His  precious  blood 
so  that  you  might  be  cleansed  of 
your  sins.  All  you  have  to  do  is 
ask  Jesus  to  forgive  you  and  to 
come   into  your  heart.' " 

Stan  swallowed  hard  and  con- 
cluded, "Jim,  three  of  my  boys  ac- 
cepted Jesus  as  their  Saviour." 

You  know — I'm  glad  Stan  saw 
that  UFO,  or  flying  saucer!    • 


Fom  Disease  to  Deliverance 

from  page  13 

until  she  finally  broke  through  the 
multitude  and  saw  Jesus.  Sudden- 
ly her  faith  reached  that  apex  of 
doubtlessness,  and  with  one  last 
effort  she  reached  out  and  gently 
brushed  the  border  of  His  garment. 
Immediately  she  was  made  whole. 
She  Was  Delivered 

The  persistent  and  unshakable 
faith  of  this  woman  drove  her 
to  that  personal  contact  with  the 
Master.  While  others  in  the  crowd 
brushed  against  him  and  physical- 
ly came  in  contact  with  Him,  this 
lonely,  diseased,  desperate,  deter- 
mined woman  is  the  only  one  who 
really  touched  Him  to  the  point 
that  she  was  made  completely 
whole  of  her  disease. 

Now,  what  can  we  today  learn 
from  this  inspiring  account  which 
the  evangelist  Mark  relates? 

First,  we  can  remember  when  we 
were  diseased  by  the  impurity  of 
sin.  Satan  had  contaminated  our 
spiritual  bloodstream,  and  we  had 
no  control  over  our  situation.  We 
were  spiritual  "outcasts  from  the 
society  of  saints.  Upon  turning  to 
man,  we  found  no  lasting  help, 
comfort,  or  freedom. 

When  we  realized  the  seriousness 
of  our  condition,  we  became  des- 
perate. Without  human  aid  or  as- 
sistance and  given  up  to  die  both 
by  the  devil  and  our  fellowman, 
we,  in  our  desperation,  turned  to 
Jesus.  We  found,  as  one  man  has 
said,  that  "man's  extremity  is  God's 

In  our  desperation  we  started 
down  the  road  of  determination. 
Having  passed  the  obstacles  and 
successfully  undergone  the  pressure 
—with  our  doubts  dissolved  and  our 
faith  resolved — we  broke  through 
the  multitudes  aound  us  and  saw 
Jesus.  Whereupon  with  one  final 
desperate  effort,  we  reached  out 
and  touched  the  Lord.  Immediately 
deliverance  was  ours. 

Suddenly,  old  things  passed  away, 
and  all  things  became  new  (2  Co- 
rinthians 5:17).  Christ  delivered  us 
from  the  prison  of  sin's  disease  and 
set  us  free  from  the  shackles  of 
iniquity.  "Beloved,  now  are  we  the 
sons  of  God"  (1  John  3:2).    • 

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How  Do  You  Reinember  ? 


CIENCE  IS  AT  last  on  the  track  of  our  mem- 
ories. For  years  investigators  in  Britain,  Ger- 
many, Russia,  and  the  United  States  of  Amer- 
ica have  been  trying  to  discover  just  what  it  is  in  our 
bodies  that  enables  us  to  remember  what  we  ate  for 
dinner  yesterday  or  words  spoken  one  summer  eve- 
ning twenty  years  ago — and  summon  both  back  with 
equal  ease. 

The  answer  lies  in  our  "memory  cells"  in  the  brain 
— ten  billion  of  them,  of  which  thirty  thousand  die 
off  every  day — and  in  the  newly  discovered  "memory 
traces,"  strange  chemical  protein  molecules  that  float 
for  a  month  only  throughout  our  brain  systems. 

In  these  twin  marvels  lie  stored  not  only  our  ability 
to  remember  words,  incidents,  colors,  sounds,  scents, 
the  feel  of  things,  but  our  actual  memories  of  all  of 
these   things   which   we   have   encountered. 

Dr.  Wilder  G.  Penfield,  of  the  Montreal  Neurological 
■Institute,  a  leading  brain  surgeon  and  one  of  the 
experts  engaged  in  this  research,  says:  "There  is,  hid- 
den away  in  the  brain,  a  record  of  the  stream  of  con- 
sciousness. It  seems  to  retain  the  detail  of  that  stream 
as  perceived  during  each  man's  waking,  conscious 
hours.  Contained  in  this  record  are  all  the  things  of 
which  the  individual  was  once  aware — such  detail 
as  a  man  might  expect  to  remember  for  a  few  minutes 
afterward,  but  which  is  largely  lost  to  voluntary  re- 
call after  that  time." 

The  ten  billion  memory  nerve  cells  represent  the 
brain's  most  highly-evolved  center,  a  vast  central  fil- 

ing system  for  recording  everything  our  gray  matter 
has  ever  registered.  Memories  are  filed  there  in  the 
form  of  impressions  of  coded  patterns  of  electrical 
impulses — living  sparks  of  a  few  thousandths  of  a 
second  each,  but  which  stay  with  us  all  our  lives. 

It  has  been  estimated  that  a  human  brain  can  in 
fact  hold  enough  information  to  fill  several  million 
volumes  of  the  word-length  of  an  average  novel. 

But  the  still  rather  elusive  memory  traces,  some 
in  the  brain,  but  most  floating  around  our  brains  as 
tiny  molecules,  also  play  a  vital  part  in  helping  us  to 
remember  things.  As  each  breaks  down  after  about  a 
month  and  has  to  be  renewed,  so  does  the  memory 
impressions  it  stores  have  to  be  copied  and  recopied 
many  hundreds  of  times — over  eight  hundred  times 
in  a  life  span  of  seventy  years,  in  fact. 

Experts  now  think  that  our  loss  of  memory,  or  at 
least  our  inability  to  recall  everything,  may  lie  in 
this  microscopical  duplicating  process.  Errors  and 
omissions  may  occur,  some  memory  trace  molecules 
somehow  escape  being  copied,  and  so  we  forget.  It 
may  be  as  simple — and  as  final — as  that. 

Meanwhile,  science  faces  an  even  bigger  challenge — 
to  uncover  just  how  the  brain  turns  up  its  myriad 
files  in  a  few  seconds  in  answer  to  such  simple  ques- 
tions as  "Do  you  know  Jim  Smith?"  or  "What  date 
was  the  Battle  of  Waterloo?"  All  we  know  so  far  is 
that  it  does,  and  it  gives  us  a  definite  answer.  Usually, 
anyway  ....     • 




By  Donald  S.  Aultman 
National  Director 

Lakeland    (Lake    Wire),    Florida    

Cincinnati     (Central     Parkway),     Ohio 

Buford,    Georgia  __ 

Greenville    (Tremont  Ave.), 

South    Carolina-   

Wyandotte,  Michigan  ....  _ 

Huntsville    (Virginia    Blvd.),    Alabama 

Pompano    Beach,    Florida    

Jacksonville   (Garden  City),  Florida   .... 

Lancaster,   Ohio   

Hamilton     (Princeton    Pike),     Ohio    _ 

Chattanooga    (East),    Tennessee    

Flint   (West),   Michigan   

Jacksonville     (Springfield),    Florida    .... 

Brooklyn,   Maryland   

Jackson     (Bailey    Ave.),    Mississippi    ... 
Cleveland     (Mt.    Olive),     Tennessee    _.. 

Glendale,  Arizona  

Morganton,    North    Carolina    

Jesup,    Georgia   

Poplar,    California 

Indianapolis    (West),    Indiana   

Somerset,    Pennsylvania .... 

Columbus     (Frebls    Ave),    Ohio    

South    Lebanon,    Ohio    

Canton     (Canton     Temple),     Ohio     ... 

Pasco,    Washington    

Monroe     (Steward    Rd.),     Michigan     ... 

Lemmon,  South  Dakota 

Paris,    Texas   _ 

Roanoke     Rapids,     North     Carolina     .... 

Salinas,    California 

Naples,    Florida   

Somerset    (Cotter    Ave.),    Kentucky 
Dalton    (East    Morris    St.),    Georgia 

West    Hartselle,    Alabama    

Princeton,    West    Virginia    

Dallas    (Oak   Cliff),   Texas   

Davie,    Florida    .... 

Ft.    Lauderdale    (4th    Ave.),    Florida 
Winter    Haven     (West),    Florida 
Brunswick     (Sterling),    Georgia    .... 

Pontlac,    Michigan 

Norfolk    (Azalea    Garden),    Virginia 

Fairfield,   California 

Richmond  Dale,  Ohio  

Graham,    Texas    

North   Rldgeville,   Ohio   

North    Conway,    South    Carolina    

Mesquite,   Texas   

Monroe,    Louisiana 

St.   Louis,   Missouri   

Covington    (Shepherds    Fold), 


Hurst.   Texas   ... 

Lexington   (Loudon  Ave.).  Kentucky 
Granite    Falls,    North    Carolina    ... 

Pueblo,    Colorado    

Sanford,    Florida    

Long    Beach,    California    .. 
Louisville    (Highland   Park), 


Corbin,    Kentucky    

Ft.    Myers    (Broadway),    Florida 
West    Frankfort,    Illinois 
Charlottesville,  Virginia 

Red    Bay,    Alabama 

Ecorse,    Michigan    

Jackson,    Ohio    

Lawrencevllle,  Illinois  

Kings  Mountain,   North  Carolina 
Kannapolls    (Earle   St.), 

North    Carolina   

Donalds,  South  Carolina  ... 
Flint     (Kearsley     Park),     Michigan 
Thomasville,    Alabama     . . 
Thorn,    Mississippi    . 



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I'M     HOME 

OW  AS  I  REMINISCE,  it  seems  that  it  was 
only  yesterday  when  my  wife  stood  in  the 
doorway  with  a  tiny  blue  bundle  in  her  arms. 
My,  what  a  joy  surged  through  my  heart.  God  had 
given  life  to  a  tiny  baby  boy,  and  now  my  son  was 

It  seems  that  it  was  only  days  before  he  began 
crawling,  then  toddling,  and  then  running  around  the 
yard  and  through  every  forbidden  corner  of  our  home. 
What  a  joy  it  was  to  hear  that  tiny  rap  on  the  door 
and  to  answer  and  find  a  tiny,  white-haired,  mud- 
caked,  and  weary  explorer  back  from  his  journey 
around  the  world  in  my  backyard,  grinning  up  at 
me  and  saying,  "Daddy,  I'm  home." 

Then,  it  was  kindergarten.  Every  morning,  my 
tiny  executive  would  assemble  together  his  miniature 
briefcase  and  march  off  to  the  "meeting  of  the 
board."  How  quiet  and  empty  the  house  would  seem 
the  moment  he  was  gone.  How  lonely  his  tiny  play- 
mate as  he  traveled  from  room  to  room  .  .  .  toy  to 
toy  .  .  .  awaiting  the  tap  on  the  door  or  the  ring  of 
the  bell  that  always  came  before  the  tiny  voice  that 
greeted,  "Daddy,  I'm  home." 

Tomorrow,  he  will  start  to  school.  Later  he  will 
enter  college  and  from  there  only  God  in  heaven 
knows.  Perhaps  he  will  march  away  to  war,  or  the 
massive  wheels  of  industry  will  move  him  far  away. 
Whatever  the  future  holds,  soon  he  will  b  a  man. 
Inch  by  inch  my  son  will  grow.  He  will  ind  new 
friends  and  new  roads  to  travel.  Every  inch  and  every 
new  road  will  move  him  a  little  farther  into  his  own 
world  .  .  .  and  a  little  farther  out  of  mine. 

Some  day  I  will  listen  in  vain  for  the  knock  and  the 
welcome  voice  to  call  out  to  me.  I  will  reach  out  for 
the  eager  hand  of  a  mischievous  boy  and  grasp  in- 
stead the  patient  hand  of  my  beckoning  Master.  I 
will  stand  beside  my  Master  on  streets  of  gold  and  sing 
with  the  legions  of  angels  until  every  grassy  hillside 
of  heaven  vibrates  with  songs  of  praise. 

And  then  for  a  golden  moment  the  angel  song  will 
cease,  the  harps  will  stand  muted  and  silent,  and  I 
will  hear  that  old  familiar  knock  again.  As  those 
massive  gates  of  pearl  swing  open,  somewhere  far  off 
a  heavenly  orchestra  will  strike  a  chord,  a  choir  of 
angels  will  sing  out  a  welcome,  flags  will  unfurl,  and 
all  along  the  avenue  friends  will  shout  out,  familiar 
arms  will  reach  out  to  embrace  him.  Just  then,  I 
think  he  will  pause  for  a  moment  as  hp  Ms 

way  to  the  Master.  Then  he  will  walk  r 
and  that  old  familiar  smile  will  flash  a 
ful  face.  I  will  hear  again  those  fami. 
somehow,   this   time   they   will   have   new    incasing — 
"Daddy,  I'm  home!"    • 

By  Bobby  Wood 








m  1211 1*1 1*1 1*1  !*i  1*1 1*1 1*1 1* 



Alabama    for    Lee    College 

In  looking  at  the  final  results  of 
the  Lee  College  Promotional  Drive 
in  Alabama,  we  are  convinced  that 
it  was  a  great  success  in  many  ways. 
Twenty-three  banquets  were  or- 
ganized and  carried  out  successful- 
ly. Every  area  was  contacted,  and 
represented    throughout    Alabama. 

We  were  privileged  to  revisit 
many  of  the  local  churches,  and  I 
do  not  hesitate  to  say  that  we  met 
some  of  the  finest  and  most  dedi- 
cated people  to  be  found  any- 
where in  the  Church  of  God. 

The  finances  which  we  were  able 
to  raise  during  this  drive  amount- 
ed to  over  seven  thousand  dollars, 
and  money  is  still  coming  in.  This 
is  not  the  greatest  amount  that  we 
have  raised,  but  it  is  deeply  appre- 
ciated. Your  contributions  will 
greatly  increase  our  Lee  College  li- 
brary fund,  for  which  it  will  be 
used.  We  wish  to  add  that  the 
State  Office  personnel  of  Alabama 
have  given  us  their  full  support 
and  cooperation  in  this  matter,  as 
well  as  the  ministers  with  whom 
I  was  privileged  to  work  during 
this  promotion  in  Alabama.  We  say, 
"May  God  continue  to  bless  Ala- 
bama." — D.  C.  Boatwright 


The  Western  Canada  Youth  Re- 
treat was  held  at  the  local  Church 
of  God  in  the  city  of  Moose  Jaw, 
Saskatchewan  on  May  20,  1968. 

Registration  began  at  9:15  a.m., 
with  over  one  hundred  register- 
ing for  the  day.  Some  of  the 
churches  represented  were  Consul, 
Maple  Creek,  Swift  Current,  Her- 
bert, Regina,  Saskatoon,  Moose  Jaw, 
Estevan,  and  North  Portal. - 

At  10:00  a.m.  the  Teen  Talent 
Parade  began  in  which  competi- 
tion was  very  keen  in  the  Vocal 
Solo  Division.  The  winners  were 
announced   at   the  evening  service 


and  were  awarded  a  trophy.  The 
winner  of  the  vocal  solo  was 
Cheryl  Holmes  from  the  Saskatoon 
Church  of  God,  with  Linda  Bridal 
from  the  Moose  Jaw  Church  of 
God  being  runner-up.  Honorable 
mention  was  given  to  Pamela  Hur- 
ren  for  her  efforts  in  the  Vocal 
Solo  Division.  The  winner  of  the 
Vocal  Group  Division  was  a  duet 
from  the  Consul  Church  of  God, 
Linda  McLuhan  and  Debbie  Smith. 
For  the  instrumental  solo,  Linda 
McLuhan  took  the  top  honors  with 
a  piano  solo. 

The  morning  session  was  con- 
cluded with  a  debate  between  the 
Saskatoon  Church  of  God  and  the 
Swift  Current  Church  of  God.  The 
topic  of  debate  was,  "Are  the  Teen- 
agers of  Today  Responsible  for  the 
Moral  Decline  of  Our  Society?" 
Both  teams  did  real  well. 

The  afternoon  was  devoted  to 
recreation  as  several  of  the  fellows 
tried  their  hand  at  an  exciting  ball- 
game.  At  the  three-o'clock  hour,  we 
all  returned  to  the  church  to  view 
a  film  entitled  "The  Flame." 

Climaxing  the  day's  activities, 
the  evening  service  was  opened  at 
6:30  p.m.  with  the  Bible  Quiz  on 
the  book  of  Ruth.  The  winner  of 
this  quiz  was  Cheryl  Roset  from 
the  Moose  Jaw  Church  of  God  who 
did  an  excellent  job  answering  the 
questions  put  to  the  contestants  by 
the  Youth  Director.  Then  suspense 
was  broken  as  the  Youth  Director, 
Walter  Engel,  announced  the  win- 
ners of  the  Teen  Talent  Parade. 
The  winners  gave  us  repeat  per- 
formances after  receiving  their 
trophies.  Following  the  awarding 
of  the  trophies,  our  hearts  were 
thrilled  by  the  message  delivered  by 
Reverend  William  Dobben,  pastor 
of  the  West  Minot  Church  of  God. 
He  challenged  each  one  to  be  a 
Christian  example  as  indicated  in 
1  Timothy  4:12. 

The  Youth  Retreat,  under  the 
direction  of  Youth  Director  Wal- 
ter Engel,  was  a  time  of  encour- 
agement and  blessing  for  each  one 
who  attended.  We  are  looking  for- 
ward to  the  1969  Youth  Retreat 
and  pray  that  it  will  be  a  greater 

— John  Penny 
district   youth   director 

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Instructions:  Read  the  assigned  Bible  chapters  or 
verses.  Think  on  the  message  and  consider  the  devo- 
tional comments.  Pray  for  the  designated  person  or 

Devotions  in  First  Timothy.  Writer:  A  letter  written 
by  Paul  to  Timothy,  his  "own  son  in  the  faith,"  and 
the  pastor  of  the  church  at  Ephesus.  Date  written: 
A.D.  64  or  65.  Purpose:  (1)  To  encourage  him  to  op- 
pose the  false  teachers;  (2)  to  instruct  him  as  to  the 
manner  in  which  men  ought  to  conduct  themselves 
in  the  church;  and  (3)  to  exhort  him  to  be  diligent 
in    the    performance    of    all    his    ministerial    duties. 

Read:  Chapter  1.  Think:  The 
thrust  of  the  Christian  experience  is  in  living  a  life  of 
love  (charity)  out  of  a  pure  heart,  and  of  a  good 
conscience,  and  of  faith  unfeigned  (v.  5).  Pray:  The 
"glorious  gospel"  is  committed  to  your  trust  (v.  11); 
pledge  to  God  to  defend  it,  to  define  it,  and  to  demon- 
strate it  in  daily  living. 

Read:  Chapter  2.  Think:  In 
your  opinion,  what  is  required  of  a  teen-ager  to  be 
qualified  to  lead  a  quiet  and  peaceable  life  in  all  god- 
liness and  honesty  (v.  2)?  List  two  things.  Pray: 
For  your  National  Sunday  School  and  Youth  Depart- 
ment staff,  and  for  the  guidance  ministry  of  Chris- 
tian education  that  they  direct. 

Read:  Chapter  3.  Think:  The 
office  of  a  bishop  today  is  usually  compared  with 
the  rank  of  an  ordained  minister  (v.  1).  Members  of 
the  Pastors'  Council  are  viewed  by  many  as  fulfilling 
the  duties  of  deacons  (v.  8).  Pray:  For  the  assisting 
and  the  planning  work  of  your  local  Pastors'  Council 
and  for  the  effectiveness  of  the  preaching  ministry  of 
your  pastor. 

Read:  Chapter  4.  Think: 
Can  a  teen-ager  be  an  example  of  the  believers  with- 
out giving  attendance  to  reading,  to  exhortation,  and 
to  doctrine  (vv.  12,  13)?  Pray:  For  the  Church  of 
God  International  Bible  School  in  Switzerland  and  for 
William  Alton,  overseer  of  Europe. 

Read:  Chapter  5.  Think:  Do 
you  think  Paul  had  a  particular  age  in  mind  when 
he  advised  young  women  to  marry,  bear  children,  and 
guide  the  house  (v.  14)?  How  old  do  you  think  a  per- 
son should  be  before  he  begins  to  make  plans  for 
marriage?  Pray:  For  an  appealing  and  balanced — 
yet  spiritual — social  program  to  be  sponsored  by  the 
local  church. 

Read:  Chapter  6.  Think:  Can 
a  teen-ager  "lay  hold  on  eternal  life"  without  letting 
go  of  selfish  practices  or  ambitions  (v.  12)?  Pray: 
Ask  God  to  empower  you  to  live  steadfastly  and  to 
keep  His  commandments  without  spot  (v.  14). 
Devotions  in  2  Timothy.  Writer:  Paul.  Date  written: 
A.D.  67  or  68.  Purpose:  To  instruct  Timothy  concern- 

Devotional    Guide    for    September 

By  Floyd   D.  Carey 

ing  the  ministry — the  mission,  the  Master,  the  mes- 
sage, and  the  motive. 

Read:  Chapter  1.  Think: 
What  did  Paul  mean  when  he  said,  "Stir  up  the  gift 
of  God  which  is  in  thee"  (v.  6)?  Do  you  have  a  gift 
(talent)  that  needs  to  be  stirred  up?  Pray:  Ask  God 
to  direct  you  in  the  development — and  in  the  dis- 
crete use — of  your  abilities  and  talents. 

Read:  Chapter  2.  Think:  Com- 
pare the  advice  of  Paul,  "Flee  youthful  lusts"  to  the 
advice  of  those  who  embrace  the  new  morality  con- 
cept (v.  22).  God  places  a  high  premium  on  purity. 
Pray:  For  the  Christian  education  programs  sponsored 
by  your  state  youth  director  and  for  local  teen  evan- 

Read:  Chapter  3.  Think:  List 
three  things  that  will  take  place  in  the  last  days  (v. 
1).  How  should  a  teen-ager  prepare  for  these  events? 
Pray:  For  General  Overseer  Charles  W.  Conn,  and 
for  his  charge  of  directing  the  affairs  of  the  Church 
of  God  during  perilous  times. 

Read:  Chapter  4.  Think: 
Taking  advantage  of  educational  and  vocational  op- 
portunities are  a  part  of  the  injunction  to  be  instant 
in  season  and  out  of  season  (v.  2).  Pray:  Since  you 
can  study  at  school  and  shine  for  Christ  at  the  same 
time,  in  prayer  set  your  goal  to  be  a  campus  cham- 
pion  for   Christ. 

Devotions  in  Titus.  Writer:  A  letter  written  by  Paul 
to  Titus,  another  "son  in  the  faith,"  who  was  in 
charge  of  the  ivork  at  Crete.  Date  written:  A.D.  65. 
Purpose:  To  offer  rules  for  church  leaders  and  rules 
for  the  Christian  life. 

Read:  Chapter  1.  Think: 
Fables,  traditions,  and  human  precepts  turn  men 
from  the  truth  and  create  division  among  believers 
(v.  14).  Pray:  For  the  indoctrinating  ministry  of  the 
printed  page  of  the  Church  of  God  Publishing  house, 
and  for  E.  C.  Thomas,  business  manager;  H.  Bernard 
Dixon,  sales  manager;  H.  D.  Williams,  production 
manager;  and  Flavius  Lee,  foreman  of  Printing  De- 

Read:  Chapter  2.  Think: 
What  responsibilities  are  assigned  to  the  aged  men 
and  women  of  the  local  church  in  verses  one  through 
eight?  How  can  you  assist  them  in  fulfilling  their 
assignment?  Pray:  For  the  senior  saints  in  your  lo- 
cal church.  Ask  God  to  surround  them  with  His  pro- 
tecting love  and  His  providing  mercy. 

Read:  Chapter  3.  Think:  A 
Christian  cannot  ignore  his  duties  as  a  citizen.  He 
must  obey  government  officers  and  be  ready  to  do  any 
honest  work  (v.  1).  Pray:  For  your  city,  state,  and 
national  government  leaders;  that  they  might  serve 
honestly,  devotedly,  and  wisely. 

Read:    Reread    Chapter 
2.  Think:  Sound  speech  does  not  permit  the  use  of 


slang  words,  such  as  "shoot,"  "gee,"  and  so  forth. 
Such  expressions  can  cripple  or  discolor  a  believer's 
testimony  (v.  8).  Pray:  For  your  Sunday  school  of- 
ficers and  teachers  and  for  a  harvest  of  new  scholars. 
Devotions  in  Philemon.  Writer:  Paul.  Date  written: 
A.D.  60.  Purpose:  A  ivarm  and  personal  letter  to 
Philemon   in   behalf   of   Onesimus,   a   runaway   slave. 

SUNDAY,  September  15.  Read:  Entire  book.  Think: 
A  committed  life  and  a  consistent  testimony  provide 
fellow  Christians  with  great  joy  and  consolation  (v. 
7).  Pray:  For  superintendent  P.  H.  McCarn,  the 
workers  and  the  young  people  at  the  Church  of  God 
Home  for  Children,  Sevierville,  Tennessee. 

MONDAY  September  16.  Read:  Reread  entire  book. 
Think:  Should  a  person  prove  himself  before  he  is 
forgiven  for  committing  an  unlawful  act  (v.  18 1? 
How  should  a  believer  treat  a  person  who  has  de- 
ceived or  done  him  wrong?  Pray:  For  your  teachers 
at  school,  that  they  might  be  dedicated  to  their  work 
and  that  they  might  respect  Christian  ideals. 
Devotions  in  Hebrews.  Writer:  A  letter  written  to  the 
Christians  in  Rome.  Authorship  uncertain,  commonly 
attributed  to  Paul.  Date  written:  A.D.  67-69.  Purpose: 
To  set  forth  the  doctrine  of  the  superiority  of  the 
person,  the  priesthood,  and  the  propitiation  of  Christ 
and  to  exhort  them  to  put  these  things  into  practice 
in  the  life  of  faith  as  did  the  great  heroes  of  faith 
of  Hebrew  history. 

TUESDAY,  September  17.  Read:  Chapter  1.  Think: 
"But  unto  the  Son  he  saith,  Thy  throne,  O  God,  is 
for  ever  and  ever"  (v.  8).  The  promises  and  the 
power  of  Christ  are  not  passive;  they  are  permanent. 
Pray:  For  increased  faith  to  recognize  the  presence  of 
Christ  to  assist  you  in  every  problem  or  trial  that 
you  may  face. 

WEDNESDAY,  September  18.  Read:  Chapter  2.  Think: 
Christ  is  qualified  to  console  the  tempted  because  He 
encountered  temptation  and  was  "in  all  things"  made 
like  his  brethren  (vv.  17,  18 ).  Pray:  Pledge  your  life 
anew  to  Christian  service  at  school,  at  home,  and 
at  church. 

THURSDAY,  September  19.  Read:  Chapter  3.  Think: 
Unbelief  or  slowness  in  believing,  excludes  a  person 
from  receiving  the  promises  and  the  satisfying  joy  of 
the  Lord  (v.  19).  Pray:  Is  something  troubling  you? 
Are  you  experiencing  difficulty  in  finding  the  solu- 
tion to  a  baffling  problem?  Believe  God    (v.  6). 

FRIDAY,  September  20.  Read:  Chapter  4.  Think:  God's 
Word  is  quick  and  powerful,  living  and  active,  but  it 
must  be  mixed  with  faith  to  effect  personal  benefits 
(vv.  2,  12).  Pray:  Mix  this  promise  with  faith,  "Let 
us  therefore  come  boldly  unto  the  throne  of  grace,  that 
we  may  obtain  mercy,  and  find  grace  to  help  in  time 
of  need"   (v.  16). 

SATURDAY,  September  21.  Read:  Chapter  5.  Think: 
Even  though  He  was  the  Son  of  God,  Christ  learned 
obedience  by  the  things  which  He  suffered  (v,  8). 
Personal  obedience   and   discipline   are   the   gateways 

to  spiritual  growth.  Pray:  For  the  teaching  and 
training  ministry  of  Church  of  God  colleges:  North- 
west, International,  Lee  and  West  Coast. 
SUNDAY.  September  22.  Read:  Chapter  6.  Think:  Sea- 
soned saints,  who  through  faith  and  patience  have  in- 
herited spiritual  promises,  serve  as  a  pattern  and  as 
a  convincing  testimony  to  the  truth  of  God's  Word 
(v.  12).  Pray:  For  the  training  and  outreach  func- 
tions of  local  Pioneers  for  Christ  Clubs  and  witnes- 
sing teams  and   for  PFC  leaders. 

MONDAY,  September  23  Read:  Chapter  7.  Think: 
Should  a  teen-ager  tithe  (v.  2)?  Support  your  con- 
clusion. Pray:  Seriously  consider  what  you  can  do — 
and  what  you  should  do — to  help  carry  the  weight 
of  the  financial  obligations  of  your  church. 

TUESDAY,  September  24.  Read:  Chapter  8.  Think: 
God  has  a  pattern  for  your  life  (v.  5).  Are  you  in- 
terested in  knowing  and  in  conforming  to  His  pat- 
tern? Pray:  Discuss  with  God  His  plan  for  your  life 
and  ask  Him  to  brief  you  on  some  of  the  highlights 
and  job  assignments. 

WEDNESDAY,  September  25.  Read:  Chapter  9.  Think: 
Does  verse  twenty-seven  include  teen-agers?  List  two 
questions  that  you  think  will  be  asked  on  judgment 
day.  Pray:  For  a  willingness  to  forfeit  personal  goals 
and  plans  when  they  conflict  with  Christian  dedica- 
tion and  maturity. 

THURSDAY,  September  26.  Read:  Chapter  10.  Think: 
In  what  ways  do  some  people  today  attempt  to  offer 
sacrifices  (good  works)  to  merit  salvation  (v.  8)? 
What  is  God's  attitude  toward  such  actions?  Pray: 
Raise  your  hands  in  praise  to  Christ  for  His  perfect 
and  complete  sacrifice  for  sins  and  for  His  work  of 
representing  you  to  God  the  Father. 
FRIDAY,  September  27.  Read:  Chapter  11.  Think: 
List  three  heroes  of  faith.  Do  you  think  there  is  a 
difference  between  a  believing  faith  and  an  active 
faith  (v.  6)?  Which  one  invokes  results.  Pray:  For 
understanding  as  you  study  the  Bible  and  for  action- 
faith  to  relate  what  you  read  to  your  life. 
SATURDAY,  September  28.  Read:  Chapter  12.  Think: 
Conformity  and  control  of  desires  are  two  weights 
cited  by  teen-agers  that  often  slow  them  down  in  the 
Christian  race.  Pray:  Ask  God  to  direct  you  in  deal- 
ing with  these  weights  and  in  running  the  Chris- 
tian race  with  courage  and  perseverance. 
SUNDAY,  September  29.  Read:  Chapter  13.  Think: 
Young  person,  establish  your  heart  with  grace  by  ac- 
quiring a  working  understanding  of  what  you  be- 
lieve and  why  you  believe  it  (v.  9).  Pray:  Talk  with 
God  straight  from  your  heart.  Do  not  permit  your 
prayer  life  to  become  bogged  down  by  repetition  and 

MONDAY,  September  30.  Read:  Reread  Chapter  11. 
Thmk:  How  did  faith  guide  Moses  in  making  a  wise 
choice  regarding  his  future  during  his  youth  (vv.  24- 
26).  Pray:  For  foresight  to  have  faith  in  Christ  re- 
gardless of  present  conditions  or  unfavorable  opinions. 

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Adam  Clarke's  monumental  commentary  on  the  Bible  has 
been  a  standard  reference  work  for  over  a  century.  Now 
it  promises  even  greater  usefulness  in  this  new  one  volume 

The  actual  words  of  Adam  Clarke  have  not  been  changed, 
except  in  a  very  few  instances  where  there  has  been  some 
modernization  of  expression  or  where  a  word  or  so  has 
been  inserted  in  brackets  to  complete  the  sense  when  there 
was  deletion  of  original  text.  Thus,  the  great  scholar  is 
allowed  to  speak  for  himself. 

Much  material  that  is  "dated"  or  is  extraneous  to  the  needs 

of    the    reader    toda\ 

been    eliminated.     Readers    will 

rejoice   that   Adam   Clarke   takes   on   even    greater    meaning 
in  this  careful  and  loving  abridgement. 



By    William    R.    McCall,    Superintendent,    Church    of 
God   in    Central   An 

illy  smoked  'pot,'  Jack  ?"  my  wife  asked 

d  peyote  also."  answered  the  fragile  youth 
in  our  living  room. 

We  had  met  Jack  that  morning  in  the  Union  Church 

and  had  invited  him  to  lunch  with  us,  thinking  that 

we  might  be  able  to  help  him.  Tall  and  slender,  he 

[ressed  becomingly;  but  the  long  hair,  beard,  and 

dissipated   appearance   told   their   own   story. 

That  day  a  pathetic  tale  unfolded  in  the  seclusion 
of  our  home.  Jack,  at  twenty-two,  had   a  bachelor's 

in  mathematics  and  three  semesters  of  medical 
school  behind  him  when  something  snapped.  He  left 

and  headed  for  the  Yucatan  Peninsula  tropical 
haven  for  beatniks  and  hippies,  to  "try  to  find  him- 
self.'- He  stored  his  Coupe  de  Ville  in  the  garage  of  a 
cheap  hotel,  stored  his  nice  clothes  in  the  trunk  of 
the  car  and,  with  only  sandles  for  his  feet  and  rags 
to  wear,  set  off  hitchhiking  around  the  peninsula. 
When  night  came,  he  slept  on  the  beach  or  in  the 
hut  of  some  friendly  peasant;  then  he  would  travel 
on — seeking,  always  seeking. 

Like  Ponce  de  Leon  and  the  Fountain  of  Youth,  his 
elusive  goal  seemed  to  be  always  just  around  the  next 
corner.  When  he  could  not  find  it  in  Mexico,  he  decided 
to  try  Guatemala. 

"He  needs  the  gospel,"  we  thought— and  he  did.  He 
needed  the  true,  workable  gospel.  He  told  us  that 
he  was  the  son  of  a  prominent,  affluent  pastor  in 
the  Midwest.  He  knew  the  Bible.  He  knew  the  "way." 
But,  he  had  never  actually  been  able  to  accept  it, 
because  that  which  he  had  seen  at  home  and  that 
which  he  had  been  taught  at  school  were  diametrically 
opposed  to  the  lofty  orations  which  he  heard  from  the 

When  I  thought  of  the  materialistic,  grappling 
world  I  would  have  to  face  when  I  finished  school 
and  of  the  organized,  mechanical  religion  that  awaited 
me,"  he  continued,  "I  just  couldn't  face  it  any  longer. 
So  I  ran  away."  My  wife  and  I  helped  Jack  that  day, 
and  we  hope  that  by  now  he  knows  Christ. 


Published  monthly  at  the  Church  of  God  Publishing  House. 
ad,  Tenn.  All  materials  intended  for  publication  in  the 
LIGHTED  PATHWAY  should  be  addressed  to  Clyne  W. 
Editor  All  inquiries  concerning  subscriptions  should  be  addressed 
to  Bookkeeping  Department.  Church  of  God  Publishing  House. 
Cleveland.  Tennessee   37311. 

Postmaster   send   Form   3579   to   CHURCH   OF   GOD   PUBLISHING 
HOUSE,  1080  Montgomery  Ave..  Cleveland.  Tennessee  37311. 



OCTOBER,    1968 
Vol.    39,    No.    10 


Editorial      3        Clyne  W.  Buxton 

<e  Comes      4        Carl  H.  Richardson 

>/.  Hand 

Banquet      7        Paul  F 

Jerry  W.  Tow 

3t  Tree!    20  Juanita  Myers 
ig  Hour 

(YPE)    21  Paul  F.  Henson 

r'ourself   22  Daniel  L.  Black 

Shadow  in  the  Path    24  brover  erinKma 

Nature  and  the  Bible   25  Arthur  B.  Wintc 
Advance  Daily  Devotions 

for  Christian  Teens   26  Floyd  D.  Corey 


Clyne  W.  Buxton 

Lewis  J.  Willis 

Chloe  Stewart 

JoAnn  Humbertsor 


Editor  in  Chief 



H.  Bernard  Dixon  Circulation  Director 

E.  C.  Thomas  Publisher 


Donald  S.  Aultmon  Paul  F.  Henson 

Ray  H.  Hughes  Avis  Swiger 

Walter  R.  Pettitt  J.  E.  DeVore 



Bobbie  May  Lauster 
Margaret  Gaines 
Denzell  Teague 
Ruth  Crawford        Brazil 
Martha  Ann  Smith        China 


Thomas  Grassano        James  A.  Madison 
Cecil  R.  Guiles        Haskel  C.  Jenkins 
Leonard  S.  Townley 


Single  Subscription, 

per  year  S 1 .50 

Rolls  of  15  $1.50 

Single  copy  .15 

Presenting  The  Officials 

Executive  Secretary 
World  Missions 

General  Director 
Sunday  School  and 


Director  Editor  in  Chief  Publisher 

Evangelism  and  Home  Church  of  God  Church  of  God 

Missions  Publications  Publishing  House 



Public  Relations 


Radio  Minister  President  Superintendent 

Lee  College  Home  for  Children 


Executive  Secretary 
Ladies  Willing  Workers 

THIS  ISSUE  OF  the  Lighted  Pathway  is 
dedicated  to  the  Church  of  God  biennial 


which   convened   in   Dallas,  August   14-19.   It 
was  at  such  a  convention  thirty-one  years  ago  that 

the  Lighted  Pathway,  an  eight-year-old  publication, 
was  adopted  as  an  official  magazine  of  the  church. 
In  order  to  introduce  the  readers  to  the  leadership 
of  the  Church  of  God  for  the  next  biennium,  the 
editor  is  featuring  on  this  page  the  photographs  of 
the  Executive  Committee  and  the  departmental  execu- 
tives selected  during  the  August  conclave. 



By  CARL  H.    RICHARDSON,   Pastor,   Lakeland,   (Lake  Wire),   Florida 

IT  WAS  A  CURIOUS  looking 
group  of  young  people  stand- 
ing in  the  corner  of  the  Hotel 
Adolphus  lobby  in  Dallas,  Texas, 
that  August  evening.  They  were 
disheveled  and  unkempt.  The  three 
boys  were  bearded  and  barefoot, 
while  the  two  girls  with  them  had 
obviously  and  intentionally  wrink- 
led their  clothes  and  ironed  their 
hair.  All  of  them  stood  with  wide- 
eyed  amazement  at  the  spectacle 
before  them.  They  had  come  to 
the  hotel  lobby,  they  said,  "to  peo- 
ple watch." 

Hundreds  of  well-groomed,  clean- 
shaven men,  and  tastefully,  yet 
modestly  dressed  women  were  just 
arriving  in  Dallas  and  were  happily 
talking  together  in  groups  in  the 
jam-packed  hotel  lobby,  seemingly 
oblivious  to  the  gaze  of  the  obser- 
vers. The  Fifty-second  General  As- 
sembly of  the  Church  of  God  had 
come  to  town,  and  the  curious  on- 

lookers were  there  to  see. 

After  a  few  minutes,  several 
Church  of  God  young  people  ap- 
proached the  five  spectators  and 
began  to  talk  with  them. 

The  spokesman  for  the  bearded 
group  chortled,  "Man,  we're  here 
because  we  heard  that  people  were 
coming  to  Dallas  who  loved  every- 
body, and  we  came  to  see  what 
kind  of  people  it  was  who  loved 
everybody.  Well,  man,  we  thought 
maybe,  you  know,  they'd  be — like 
members  of  the  'in  crowd';  but 
we  didn't  expect  these  'straight, 
establishment  type'  people  to  be 
them,  you  know?" 

Tactfully  and  with  genuine  sin- 
cerity, a  well-dressed  and  intelli- 
gent twenty-year-old  student  min- 
ister pointed  out  to  the  unkempt 
young  people  that  these  indeed 
were  members  of  the  "in  crowd" — 
that  they  were  "in  Christ,"  "in  the 
Church  of  God,"  "in  the  world,  but 

not  of  the  world,"  "in  the  main- 
stream trying  to  change  their 
world,  rather  than  'dropping  out' 
of  it,"  "in  a  kind  of  rebellion  of 
their  own — a  rebellion  against  me- 
diocrity, sin,  lawlessness,  phoniness, 
conformity  to  the  world,  and  spiri- 
tual lukewarmness ! " 

There  was  no  doubt  about  it. 
Church  of  God  people  had  come 
to  town,  and  Dallas  knew  they  were 
there ! 

Between  ten  and  fifteen  thou- 
sand people  had  come  from  across 
the  nation  and  around  the  world. 
Of  that  number,  an  estimated 
twenty-five  hundred  were  young 

What   They   Saw 

Fifteen-year-old  Duane  Swilley 
from  Atlanta,  Georgia,  saw  immed- 
iately that  the  Fifty-second  Gen- 
eral Assembly  was  "not  a  drag," 
but  that  it  was  really  "there." 

Don  Aultman  presents  a  trophy  to  the  North  Cleveland  (Tenn.)  Girl's 
Trio,  winners  in  the  Church-wide  Teen  Talent  competition  in  their 


"The  thing  that  impressed  me," 
the  talented  teen-ager  said,  "was 
that  the  young  people  felt  like  they 
were  a  part  of  things — an  impor- 
tant part  of  things." 

Quickly  they  saw  that  the  Gen- 
eral Executive  Committee  of  the 
church  had  especially  scheduled 
meaningful  opportunities  of  wor- 
ship and  fellowship  just  for  young 
people,   and   this   impressed   them. 

A  Tennessee  teen-ager,  Ernie 
Parsons,  exclaimed  that  the  ser- 
vices were  personally  meaningful 
to  him. 

What  They  Did 

General  Sunday  School  and 
Youth  Director,  the  Reverend  Don- 
ald S.  Aultman,  along  with  his 
staff,  the  Reverend  Messrs.  Paul  F. 
Henson  and  C.  Milton  Parsons,  and 
the  progressive  National  Sunday 
School  and  Youth  Board  can  al- 
ways be  counted  upon  to  really 
"come  through"  for  the  young  peo- 
ple. They  did. 

Well-planned  youth  banquets 
and  other  activities  were  scheduled 
to  give  the  young  people  an  oppor- 
tunity for  invaluable  Christian  fel- 
lowship together. 

And,  of  course,  the  spectacular 
Teen  Talent  competition  is  always 
a  highlight.  The  subtle  and  sophis- 
ticated humor  of  Emcee  David 
Horton  kept  everybody  as  relax- 
ed as  possible  during  the  tense 
competition.  Almost  everyone  was 
happy  about  one  thing  after  the 
competition  had  ended— that  they 
themselves  were  not  a  judge. 

Not  only  were  organized  activities 
planned,  but  some  young  people 
"ad-libbed."  This  writer  happily  ob- 
served between  fifty  and  sixty  well- 
mannered  young  people  in  a  large 
downtown  hotel  lobby  on  the  sec- 
ond floor  one  evening. 

"Is  this  a  youth  choir  from  some- 
where?" I  asked  knowingly,  nod- 
ding my  head  up  and  down  in 
anticipation  of  the  answer. 

"Oh,  no!"  an  attractive  young 
girl  smilingly  replied.  "We're  just 
a  bunch  of  preachers'  kids  who 
just  wanted  to  get  together  and 

A  few  minutes  later  I  walked 
away  feeling  somehow  that  this, 
too,  was  a  very  important  activity 
at  the  General  Assembly — a  very 
important  activity. 

Day  after  day,  following  the 
Teen  Talent  competition,  and  fol- 
lowing the  services,  countless  hun- 
dreds of  young  people  walked  the 
scorching  streets  of  Dallas  from 
the  auditorium  to  their  hotels  until 
their  feet  were  hot;  but  nobody 
seemed  to  mind.  Then,  they  stood 
in  line  to  eat,  but  they  understood 
that  ten  or  fifteen  thousand 
Church  of  God  people  were  in 
downtown  Dallas  and  that  these 
things  just  took  time. 

What  They  Felt 

At  a  meeting  such  as  this  feel- 
ings are  heightened.  Throughout 
this  unforgettable  week  in  Dallas 
they  felt  excitement,  exhilaration, 
fatigue,  shyness,  boldness,  amuse- 
ment, sadness,  gladness,  madness, 
ecstasy,  reverence,  and  a  hundred 
other  indefinable  emotions. 

They  were  awed  by  the  spectacle, 
stimulated  by  the  schedule,  and 
overwhelmed  by  the  presence  of  the 
Spirit  of  the  Lord  in  the  heavily 
anointed  services. 

Ronnie  Smith,  seventeen,  from 
Lakeland,  Florida,  attending  his 
very  first  General  Assembly  ex- 
claimed: "I  had  always  thought 
that  camp  meeting  was  about  the 
greatest  and  biggest  thing  on  the 
church  calendar,  but  I  found  out 
that  the  General  Assembly  is  a 
giant  camp  meeting,  greater  in 
every  way." 

One  teen-age  girl  beamed  tear- 
fully, "These  are  dream  services. 
I've  never  been  in  such  services 
as  these.  Everything  is  almost  too 
wonderful  to  believe.  Even  though 
I'm  seeing  all  this  with  my  own 
eyes,  I  can  still  hardly  believe  that 
services  can  be  this  real!" 

A  college  student,  twenty-two 
from  Ohio  said,  "The  overall  im- 
pression I  have  received  is  that  I 
am  a  part  of  a  big  team  that  is 
really  moving  forward,  and  I,  for 
one,  want  to  keep  on  moving  for- 
ward till  He  comes!"  • 

The  beautiful  auditorium  where 
the  Assembly  convened 

Paul  Henson  presents  a 
trophy  to  a  winning  group 

A  beautiful  little  girl  attracts 
attention  of  a  worshiper 

Fifteen  hundred  ordained 
ministers  considered  vital  issues 

Dr.  Charles  W.  Conn,  general 
overseer,  chaired  the  massive  body 


R.  P.  Johnson, 
retired  minister, 
the  ministers 

Basil  Ellis,  ordained  minister, 
discusses  a  measure 



EMOCRACY  IN  action! 
That  phrase,  heard  often  in 
Dallas,  Texas,  August  14-19, 
at  the  Fifty-second  General  As- 
sembly of  the  Church  of  God,  is  an 
apt  description  of  the  Assembly's 
General  Council  sessions. 

The  General  Council  is  composed 
of  all  ordained  ministers  in  the 
Church  of  God,  with  each  mem- 
ber having  speaking  and  voting 
privileges  on  every  matter  that 
comes   before   the   body.   Measures 

adopted  by  the  Council  are  then 
ratified  by  the  General  Assembly. 
The  Reverend  Dr.  Charles  W. 
Conn,  who  was  reelected  General 
Overseer  of  the  Church  of  God 
for  another  two-year  term,  pre- 
sided over  the  General  Council  ses- 
sions. Overseer  Conn,  a  master 
parliamentarian,  skillfully  presid- 
ed ovqr  the  discussions  and  debates, 
while  carefully  assuring  the  rights 
of  each  individual   member. 

"The  chair  is  'leaning  over  back- 
ward' in  an  effort  to  be  fair  to 
everyone,"  a  member  observed  dur- 
ing a  heated  discussion.  Another 
marveled,  "I  have  never  seen  any- 
thing   like    it!" 

Approximately  one  thousand,  sev- 
en hundred  or  65  percent  of  all 
ordained  ministers  attended  the 
1968  General  Council  meetings. 
The  twenty-three  hours  of  Council 
sessions  saw  the  church's  elected 
officials  nominated  and  many 
other  progressive  steps  taken. 

The  Reverend  Dr.  R.  Leonard 
Carroll  was  elected  First  Assistant 
General  Overseer;  the  Reverend 
Dr.  Ray  H.  Hughes  was  elected 
Second  Assistant  General  Overseer; 
the  Reverend  Wade  H.  Horton  was 
elected  Third  Assistant  General 
Overseer;  and  the  Reverend  Dr.  C. 
Raymond  Spain  was  elected  Gen- 
eral   Secretary-Treasurer. 

The  Reverend  Paul  Henson  was 
elected  General  Director  of  Sun- 
day School  and  Youth;  the  Rev- 
erend Cecil  Guiles  was  elected  As- 
sistant General  Director  of  Sunday 
School  and  Youth.  The  Reverend 
Cecil  B.  Knight  was  elected  Direc- 
tor of  Evangelism  and  Home  Mis- 
sions. All  officials  are  elected  for 
two-year  terms. 

Among  the  measures  adopted 
was  approval  of  a  million-dollar 
expansion  program  for  the  Church 
of  God  Publishing  House.  This  will 
result  in  larger  and  more  efficient 
facilities  for  the  Lighted  Pathway 
and  other  church  publishing  in- 

Increasing  enrollment  and  ex- 
panding operational  procedures 
made  it  necessary  for  the  Lee  Col- 
lege administration  to  ask  for  an- 
other building  at  the  Cleveland, 
Tennessee,  school.  The  erection  of 
a  new  dormitory  was  approved.  It 
will  be  used  by  female  students, 
thus  permitting  other  floors  of  the 
Administration  Building,  that  are 
presently  being  occupied  by  coeds, 
to    be    used    by    the    school    staff. 

Other  measures  more  controver- 
sial were  discussed,  including  an 
examination  of  the  church's  finan- 
cial structure. 

For  the  second  time  in  history, 
Continued  on  page  18 


General  Assembly 


By  PAUL  F.    HENSON,  General   Sunday  School   and 
Youth   Director 


Dale  Hughes  spoke  to  the  youth 

The  young  people  enjoyed  a  delectable  meal 
Paul  Conn  was  Master  of  Ceremonies 

five  hundred  of  them — ex- 
cited and  radiant  Church 
of  God  youth.  They  were  gracious 
enough  to  allow  my  wife  and  me 
to  go  to  the  front  of  the  serving 
line,  even  though  some  obviously 
had  been  waiting  for  some  time. 
We  had  arrived  thirty  minutes  be- 
fore starting  time,  but  the  line 
was  still  quite  long.  One  glimpse 
at  the  savory  dishes  which  the 
chef  had  prepared  made  me  glad 
that  I  was  getting  to  be  first  in 
line.  From  where  I  was  seated  at 
the  head  table,  I  could  see  the 
teen-agers  pass  the  bountifully 
spread  buffet  table— supplying  their 
plates  with  delicious  morsels  and 
then  making  their  way  into  the 
Grand  Ballroom  of  the  Adolphus 
Hotel.  They  had  come  along  with 
their  parents  and  friends  from  al- 
most every  state  to  enjoy  the  fes- 
tivities of  the  Fifty-second  Gener- 
al Assembly  of  their  church. 

Paul  Conn,  the  minister  of  youth 
at  the  Mount  Paran  Church  of 
God  in  Atlanta,  Georgia,  was  emcee 
for   the    evening.     His   rich    back- 

ground of  experience  in  working 
full-time  with  youth  obviously  gave 
him  the  needed  insight  to  know 
just  how  to  handle  the  situation. 
He  was  in  charge!  And  the  kids 
could  not  have  been  happier.  They 
responded  to  his  every  movement. 
He  masterfully  led  them  from  the 
light  spirit  of  jovial  fellowship  in- 
to sincere  Christian  worship.  Call- 
ing their  attention  to  the  banquet 
theme,  "Committed  to  Christ,"  he 
led  them  in  singing  Roosevelt  Mil- 
ler's great  song,  "I  Will  Follow 
Thee."  It  could  not  have  been  more 
beautiful  if  a  band  of  heavenly 
angels  had  been  singing  it.  Those 
singing  were  not  angels,  however, 
but  they  were  God's  creation.  They 
were  God-fearing,  Church  of  God 
young  people  who  loved  their 
church  and  enjoyed  having  the 
fellowship  of  other  young  people 
in  the  church. 

After  two  inspiring  special  songs 
by  the  Hughes  Trio  from  Leadwood, 
Missouri,  Paul  introduced  Dale 
Hughes,  the  guest  speaker,  it 
seemed  as  though  all  eyes  were 
fastened  upon  the  youthful  preach- 
er  as   he   called   each   teen-age 

Christian  to  complete  commitment 
to  Christ.  He  underscored  the  im- 
portance of  his  appeal  by  pointing 
to  his  own  life  as  an  example.  As 
a  troubled  and  frustrated  youth, 
he,  himself,  had  turned  to  Christ 
and  had  committed  his  life  to  Him. 
The  raging  storm  had  been  quieted 
and  the  guilt  in  his  heart  had  been 
removed.  No  longer  did  he  waste 
his  talents  and  abilities,  but  he  now 
used  them  for  the  glory  of  God  by 
helping  other  young  persons. 

Dale  has  been  and  is  still  an 
outstanding  athlete,  but  he  has 
never  scored  a  victory  more  solidly 
than  he  did  that  night.  He  really 
communicated  with  his  attentive 
hearers.  No  doubt  this  group  of 
teen-agers  will  always  remember 
what  he  said  to  them. 

It  was  past  the  hour  of  midnight 
when  we  finally  sang  the  last 
chorus  and  prayed  a  dismissal 
prayer.  As  I  watched  these  young 
people,  undaunted  by  the  lateness 
of  the  hour  and  gaily  striding 
through  the  doors  and  out  into 
the  newness  of  another  day,  I  real- 
ized anew  how  fortunate  I  am  to 
be  associated  with  them.  • 


By  JERRY  W.   TOW,   Minister  of  Music 
North   Cleveland   Church   of  God,   Cleveland,  Tennessee 

the  Teen  Talent  competition 
of  the  Fifty-second  General 
Assembly  began  August  13,  1968,  in 
the  Rose  Room  of  the  Adolphus 
Hotel.  From  almost  every  state 
came  representatives  who  proved  to 
be  some  of  the  most  talented  teens 
ever  presented  in  any  previous  As- 
sembly. All  of  them  came  as  cham- 
pions because  they  had  risen  from 
local  to  state  levels  in  competition 
in  their  respective  states. 

Because  of  the  overflow  in  atten- 
dance, the  contest  was  moved  to 
the  small  auditorium  of  the  Dal- 
las Memorial  Auditorium  complex. 
Here  approximately  two  thousand 
Church  of  God  delegates  watched 
and  cheered  their  home  state 

Never  before  have  teens  per- 
formed better  than  they  did  at  this 
Assembly.  The  audiences  were  to- 
tally absorbed  in  each  performance. 

Sincerity  of  purpose  and  dedica- 
tion to  God  were  the  most  distin- 
guishable characteristics  of  each 
performer.  What  a  decision  it  must 
have  been  for  the  judges  to  select 
only  one  winner  from  each  division! 
The  judges  were  selected  because 
of  their  capabilities  and  dedication 
to  music,  however;  and  each  judge 
was  well  qualified  for  the  difficult 

The  board  of  judges  consisted  of 
Jim  Burns,  Mary  Morris,  Jimi  Hall, 
Martha  Dismukes,  Dwayne  McLu- 
han,  Darlia  Conn,  Herman  Ram- 
sey, Carlvin  Robinson,  Virginia 
Horton,  Roosevelt  Miller,  and  Jer- 
old  Teachey. 

David  Horton  emceed  the  entire 
competition  and  did  a  tremendous 
job.  Much  tension  and  excitement 
was  felt  throughout  the  program; 
but  Brother  Horton,  along  with  a 
fine  staff  of  workers,  helped  to  re- 
lieve much  of  this  pressure  by  his 
timely  use  of  humor.   Every   facet 

of  the  program  revealed  much 
preparation  and  great  planning  on 
the  part  of  our  General  Youth 

The  following  national  champions 
were  chosen: 

Vocal  Solo:  Cynthia  Clement,  At- 
lanta,   Georgia 
Vocal  Ensemble:  North  Cleveland, 

Trio,  Cleveland,  Tennessee 
Instrumental    Solo:    Jan    Pearson, 

Cocoa,  Florida 
Instrumental  Ensemble,  South  Le- 
noir Band,  Lenoir,   North   Caro- 
Choir:  Fairborn  Teen  Choir,  Ohio 
The  judges  selected   the  follow- 
ing  as   runners-up   in   each   cate- 
Vocal  Solo:  Jan  Huffstetler,  North 

Instrumental  Solo:  Karen  Hobgood 

Instrumental  Ensemble:   Southside 

Ensemble,  Georgia 
Vocal  Ensemble:  Trebeletts,  Ohio 
Choir:  Wyandotte  Teen  Choir,  Mich- 
igan; Hurst  Youth  Choir,  Texas 
In  Ephesians  5:18,19  the  Apos- 
tle Paul  tells  us  to  "be  not  drunk 
with  wine,  wherein  is  excess;  but 
be  filled  with  the  Spirit;  Speaking 
to  yourselves  in  psalms  and  hymns 
and  spiritual  songs,  singing  and 
making  melody  in  your  heart  to 
the  Lord."  Diligent  work  in  prepar- 
ation for  future  goals  will  never 
go  unrewarded. 

Congratulations  to  every  teen 
champion  and  especially  to  our 
national  winners!    • 


HUGE  CRYSTAL  chande- 
liers hung  by  tiny  stems 
from  an  ornately  designed 
ceiling,  their  jeweled  edges  emit- 
ting and  mirroring  light  and  shad- 
ow in  such  way  as  to  reflect  the 
splendor  of  a  king's  palace.  Well- 
postured  waiters  glided  between  ta- 
bles from  which  rose  the  steady 
hum  of  conversation.  Silver 
clinked.  A  solitary  feminine  laugh 
broke  the  bounds  of  a  table  and 
floated  merrily  over  the  room. 
Once,  a  glass  dropped.  Such  was  the 
mood  of  Lee's  Alumni  Luncheon 
at  the  General  Assembly. 

In  that  memory-charged  atmo- 
sphere, Dr.  James  Cross,  president 
of  Lee  College,  invoked  God's  bless- 
ings upon  the  gathering  and  upon 
the  Alumni  Association  as  it  seeks 
to  further  the  cause  of  higher  ed- 

"Notice  what  a  friendly  city  Dal- 
las is,"  the  master  of  ceremonies 
said  with  a  laugh.  "It  is  so  friend- 
ly that  a  policeman  who  said  I 
was  jaywalking  held  up  traffic 
while  I  walked  back  across  the 

Clyne  Buxton  introduced  all  past 
Alumni  Association  presidents  and 
Philip  Morris  framed  an  introduc- 
tion of  Lee's  presidents  within  an 
interesting  historical  backdrop. 

Then  came  the  dramatic  moment. 
Dr.  Terrell  McBrayer,  alumni  sec- 
retary-treasurer, officially  present- 
ed his  newly  published  book,  Lee 
College:  Pioneer  in  Pentecostal 
Education.  "Alumni  and  Friends," 
Dr.  McBrayer  stated,  "Lee  College 
salutes  you  today  with  this  brief 
history,  and  I  remind  you  that  in 
the  commitment  of  Lee's  past  lies 
the  promise  of  her  future. 

"To  a  man  who  served  Lee  Col- 
lege seven  years  as  teacher  and 
six  years  as  president;  to  one  who 
served  the  Church  of  God  nine 
years  as  general  overseer,  and 
who,  since  that  time,  has  remained 
an  ideal  alumnus  through  his  vol- 
untary labor  and  financial  contri- 
butions to  the  Alumni  Association; 
yes,  to  the  Reverend  J.  H.  Walker, 
Sr.,  I  affectionately  dedicate  this 
book  and  ask  The  Alumni  Asso- 
ciation to  join  with  me  in  honor- 



A  new  book 

was  dedicated 

to  J.  H. 

Walker,  Sr., 


ing  him  as  our  alumnus  of  fifty 

During  and  immediately  follow- 
ing those  words  a  hush  fell  over 
the  ballroom.  Then  the  applause 
thundered!  Chairs  were  pushed 
back  and  the  entire  audience  stood. 
On  and  on  they  clapped,  many 
with  tears  in  their  eyes. 

From  where  I  stood  Brother 
Walker  was  clearly  visible.  Sobs 
racked  his  once-so-vibrant  body 
and  a  trembling  hand  dabbed  away 
at  the  tears.  Here  was  a  man  who 
had  given  so  much  of  himself,  so 
many  of  his  years  to  Lee  College 
and,  through  that,  to  us.  How 
much  we  owed!  How  little  we  could 
give  in  return!  Yet,  as  the  hand- 
clapping  continued,  I  knew  that 
most  of  us  were  looking  past  that 
wheelchair  and  that  paralyzed 
physique,  back  to  a  moment  in 
time  when  life  pulsated  in  that 
frame  with  all  the  dignity  and 
grace  of  a  giant  oak.  I  knew  that, 
for  a  moment  at  least,  we  remem- 

bered; and  we  gave  just  honor  to 
a  prince  of  a  man.  I  sat  down, 
warmed  on  the  inside  and  glad 
that  we  had  remembered,  know- 
ing too  that  God  never  forgets. 
Roosevelt  Miller's  solo,  "Oh,  What 
a  Day,"  and  the  chorus  of  the 
song  "Until  Then"  blended  beau- 
tifully into  the  spirit  of  the  oc- 
casion. After  the  singing,  we  all 
shared  the  satisfaction  of  pleasant 
and  perfect  dessert. 

Herbert  Walker,  Jr.,  Alumni  As- 
sociation president,  gave  a  brief 
report  and  introduced  Cecil  Knight 
as  speaker. 

"Let's  create  another  golden  mo- 
ment," Knight  said.  "We  can  if  we 
will  communicate  properly,  or- 
ganize well,  and  give  something 
ourselves.  The  Lee  College  Alumni 
Association  faces  its  greatest  chal- 
lenge  and  its  finest  opportunity." 

And  on  that  positive  note,  the 
Reverend  D.  C.  Boatwright,  devel- 
opment director,  prayed  a  bene- 
diction.   • 

Roosevelt  Miller  sang 

Clyne  W.  Buxton  introduced  past 
alumni  presidents 

— r-*aiBH  1 

1  COMMITTED       1 

c      TO  1 

\A     .CHRIST 


asked  me  what  I  intended 
lTu  to  do  about  the  problem  of 
today's  youth.  "To  believe  more  in 
the  promise  than  in  the  problem 
of  young  people,"  I  replied.  And 
believe  me,  after  seeing  the  youth 
at  the  Fifty-second  General  As- 
sembly, my  faith  in  the  future  of 
the  Church  of  God  is  greatly 
strengthened.  And  speaking  of 
youth  at  the  Assembly,  they  came 
by  the  hundreds.  In  fact,  by  all 
conservative  estimates,  twenty-five 
hundred  to  three  thousand  youth 

Youth  were  among  the  first  that 
began  to  arrive.  They  came  early 
for  the  beginning  of  the  Teen  Tal- 
ent Parade  on  Tuesday  night  and 
stayed  until  the  closing  of  the  great 
youth  rally  on  Sunday. 

A  record  number  of  teens  par- 
ticipated in  the  1968  Teen  Talent 
Parade.  Coming  from  almost  every 
state  and  about  six  hundred  strong, 
they  performed  as  true  state 
champions.   The   giant   Dallas  Me- 

morial Auditorium  was  charged 
with  excitement  as  the  Parade  of 
Champions  started  their  long 
march  through  the  auditorium  and 
into  the  balcony,  where  they 
formed    a   mass   youth    choir.   The 

choir  was  one  of  the  most  beauti- 
ful sights  I  have  ever  seen,  and 
their  music  was  one  of  the  most 
beautiful  sounds  I  have  ever  heard. 
The  sensational  Lee  Singers'  pro- 


cessional  by  candlelight  was  an 
inspirational  experience.  Under  the 
direction  of  Dr.  Delton  L.  Alford, 
the  Church  of  God's  "Music  Man," 
the  Lee  Singers  joined  the  Minis- 
ters Trio  and  the  Mass  Youth 
Choir  to  present  a  program  of  gos- 
pel songs  and  hymns  that  will  not 
soon  be  forgotten  by  a  General  As- 
sembly audience. 

The  speaker  for  the  youth  night 
rally,  the  Reverend  Philemon  Rob- 
erts, was  mightily  anointed  for  the 
occasion.  He  spoke  on  the  subject 

"Committed  to  Christ  in  the  Light 
of  His  Glory."  He  challenged  the 
youth  to  understand  the  magnif- 
icence of  their  Lord  and  the  im- 
portance of  their  full  surrender  to 
His  divine  will.  A  large  number  of 
young  persons  responded  to  the  al- 
tar invitation. 

As  the  workmen  in  the  auditori- 
um began  to  take  up  the  chairs 
and  to  disassemble  the  stage,  I 
happened  to  pass  a  small  group  of 
young  people  who  had  lingered  be- 
hind   for    a    last    few    minutes    of 

fellowship.  I  thought  I  noticed  a 
tear  of  happiness  in  the  eyes  of 
the  young  lady  who  was  telling  the 
others  what  a  wonderful  week  it 
had  been  for  her.  She  also  said 
that  she  hoped  to  attend  the  As- 
sembly in  1970.  I  join  with  her  in 
hoping  that  she  will  be  able  to  at- 
tend, because  she  and  the  thou- 
sands of  others  like  herself  all  over 
the  world  are  the  promise  of  the 
future  for  the  Church  of  God. 
And  the  future  has  never  looked 
brighter.  • 

By   PAUL    F.    HENSON,    General    Sunday   School 
and   Youth   Director 


DOES  YOUR  MIND  seem  to 
get  all  fuzzy  when  you  con- 
template memorizing 
scriptures?  You  might  say  "Me- 
morization is  all  right  for  chil- 
dren, but  I'm  an  adult."  Perhaps 
you  are  one  of  those  who  sinks 
back  in  his  seat  when  someone  asks 
the  question,  "What  verse  of  Scrip- 
ture have  you  learned  this  week?" 
I  know  of  several  people  who  have 
stopped  coming  to  Bible  school  or 
Sunday  school  for  this  very  reason. 
They  feel  it  is  hard  to  memorize. 
But    is    it? 

What  is  that  catchy  phrase  you 
heard  on  TV  the  other  day?  As  you 
go  grocery  shopping,  without  try- 
ing very  hard,  I  am  sure  you  can 
remember  commercials  or  parts  of 
commercials,  as  you  look  at  the 
things  most  often  seen  on  tele- 

Maybe  you  are  good  at  figures, 
and  spread  them  liberally  in  your 
conversation.  Such  things  as  the 
moon's  diameter  is  2,160  miles,  and 
it  is  located  238,857  miles  from 
the  earth;  or  Mars  is  fourth  in 
order  from  the  sun  having  a  di- 
ameter of  about  4,200  miles — a  per- 
iod of  687  days  and  a  distance  of 
141,000,000   miles   from   the   sun. 

Maybe  baseball  is  what  you  are 
really  interested  in — such  as  the 
batting  averages  of  your  favorite 
team,  or  the  order  in  which  they 
play,  or  who  plays  what  and  where 
and  when. 

What  is  so  different  about  mem- 
orizing Scriptures?  Let  us  be  very 
frank  about  it.  We  cannot,  will  not, 
and  do  not  remember,  because  we 
do  not  have  enough  association 
with  the  verses.  We  spend  a  small 



time,  begrudingly  given,  to  stuff- 
ing into  our  minds,  those  lines 
that  we  believe  we  ought  to  know. 
This  is  defeat  in  itself.  Why  not 
try  changing  your  method? 

Families  may  easily  vary  their 
method  to  suit  their  needs.  This 
can  be  done  seriously  or  in  a  light 
manner.  Verses  may  be  printed  on 
cards  and  distributed  at  the  din- 
ner table.  What  better  subject  is 
there  to  discuss  than  the  Bible? 
Cards  with  Scripture  verses  may 
be  placed  under  the  plates  of  each 
person.  A  piece  of  pie  may  be  given 
to  each  one  who  knows  the  verse 
under  his  plate.  These  same  verses 
may  be  mixed  up  and  distributed 
each  night  at  dinner  time  until 
everyone  knows  all  the  verses. 

In  another  method  of  memor- 
ization you  may  print  the  Scripture 
verses  on  cards — verses  that  you 
feel  each  one  in  the  family  should 
know,  or  ones  connected  with  the 
Sunday  school  lessons  in  your 
church.  A  list  of  verses  could  also 
be  distributed  to  each  member  of 
your  family,  telling  them  which 
verses  will  appear  on  the  cards; 
or  the  same  list  may  be  used  right 
along  with  the  game.  Thereby,  if 
someone  does  not  know  the  verse, 
they  may  look  at  the  list  and  read 

An  ordinary  checkerboard  may 
be  used.  Cut  out  small  squares  of 
colored  paper  and  print  each  per- 
son's name  on  it.  (If  you  do  not 
want  to  use  paper,  any  kind  of 
small  object  can  be  used.)  Move 
the  paper  or  object  three  spaces  for 
a  correctly  given  verse  and  one 
space   for   a   half-quoted    one. 

For  variety,  you  may  also  choose 
verses  out  of  the  Bible  and  make  a 
game  of  it.  The  first  person  who 
finds  the  verse  in  the  Bible  wins. 
(He  should  always  read  the  verse 
when  he  finds  it.)  Each  member 
of  the  family  may  be  asked  to 
make  a  list  of  the  verses  to  be  used 
for  that  week.  Then  he  or  she  may 
serve  as  teacher  or  leader  of  the 

These  methods  usually  encour- 
age parents  as  well  as  children  to 
be  more  proficient  in  their  memor- 

Single  men  and  women  may 
memorize  scriptures  by  placing 
them  around  home  in  obvious  spots, 
such  as  the  medicine  cabinet,  the 
dressing  table,  kitchen  cabinets, 
stove,  et  cetera;  or  at  work  on  the 
typewriter,  the  calendar,  or  the 

Your  Christian  bookstore  has 
Bible  verses  already  printed  on 
cards  and  often  accompanied  by 
short  comments.  These  may  be 
conveniently  pasted  on  frequently 
used  objects  or  may  be  carried  in 
your  purse  or  pocket.  If  you  should 
be  going  out  for  dinner,  one  of 
these  may  easily  be  read  silently 
or  aloud  before  dinner.  If  you  con- 
stantly repeat,  see,  discuss,  or  use 
these  verses,  your  power  of  reten- 
tion will  greatly  increase.  • 


THE  mil  that  will  Surprise  You! 

i Reveals  Spiritual  Meaning  of  Verses. 
I  Gives  Desired  Information  More  Quickly 



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Minnie  Chattin's 

By   HOYT   E.   STONE 

me  in  the  eye  and  spoke 
softly,  "An  angel,  or  per- 
haps it  was  the  Lord,  stood  by  the 
foot  of  my  bed  that  night,  and  I 
knew  I  would  live  and  walk  again." 
Tears  surfaced  in  the  corners  of 
her  eyes.  She  removed  her  glasses, 
brushed  the  tears  with  the  swish 
of  a  tissue,  smiled,  and  told  the 
rest  of   her   story. 

On  June  30,  1959,  Mrs.  Minnie 
Chattin  went  to  work  in  the  Dan 
River  Cotton  Mill  just  as  she  had 
for    the    past    twenty-seven    years. 

She  punched  the  clock  at  8  a.m. 
She  nodded  and  smiled  at  her 
friends,  walked  to  her  set  of  twen- 
ty-two weaving  looms  and  inspect- 
ed each  in  turn  with  a  critical  eye. 
It  was  just  another  day  until,  at 
2  p.m.,  Minnie  fell  and  broke  her 

Only  after  arriving  at  the  Duke 
University  Hospital  in  Durham, 
North  Carolina,  did  Minnie  realize 
the  full  significance  of  what  had 
happened.  Bone  fragments  were 
pinching  the  nerves  of  her  spine, 
and  the  doctors  doubted  that  she 

would  pull  through.  If  she  lived, 
they  admitted  Minnie  could  never 
walk  again. 

Never  walk  again!  Those  would 
be  terrible  words  for  anyone,  but 
to  Minnie  they  were  a  death  sen- 
tence. In  fact,  she  would  have  pre- 
ferred death. 

Who  would  take  care  of  Buck, 
Minnie's  only  son?  Little  Buck,  she 
calls  him,  even  though  he  is  now 
forty-one  years  old.  Buck  was  born 
with  a  crippling  paralysis  that  has 
confined  him  to  a  wheelchair  and 
has  left  his  body  twisted  and  use- 
less. On  summer  days  he  sits  in  the 
sun  or  in  the  shade  of  a  tree  close 
to  the  house.  His  eyes  follow  his 
parents  as  they  move  about.  He 
grins  big  and  speaks  throaty  words 
which  only  his  mother  and  father 

For  six  weeks  Minnie  floated  in 
that  half  world  between  living  and 
dying.  She  mumbled  Buck's  name; 
and  she  kept  asking  her  husband, 
Dave,  what  in  the  world  they  were 
going  to  do. 

Slowly  she  inched  back  from  the 
abyss.  Hospital  confinement  was 
exchanged  for  a  bedroom  at  home. 
That  was  better.  At  least  she  could 
enjoy  the  familiar  environment. 
She  could  talk  with  Buck,  and 
she  could  instruct  her  daughter 
who  was  substituting  as  maid  and 

Yet,  long  hours,  useless  limbs, 
and  a  hard  bed  took  both  spiritual 
and  physical  toll.  The  pinched 
nerves  made  it  worse.  Minnie  suf- 
fered from  moments  of  deep  de- 
pression. She  began  to  think  of 

She  wanted  to  live — yes.  But  she 
wanted  to  live  meaningfully.  She 
wanted  to  get  up,  to  walk,  to  care 
for  her  son   and  her  husband. 

Would  she?  Would  she  ever  again 
really  live? 

Three  months  passed.  There  had 
been  three  months  of  looking  at 
four  walls,  of  having  an  endless 
procession  of  visiting  friends  who 
spoke  nice  words  with  their  lips 
but  fear  with  their  eyes,  of  trying 
every  day  to  move  just  one  mus- 
cle below  the  waist — three  months 
of  nothing. 


Minnie  had  been  a  Christian  for 
years,  and  she  had  witnessed  many 
answers  to  prayer.  Her  church  and 
her  friends  had  been  praying  since 
the  day  of  her  fall.  She  had  been 
praying.  But  while  she  was  alone 
one  night,  late,  in  the  darkness 
Minnie  made  a  full  and  total  com- 
mitment to  God.  She  realized  that 
this  was  her  last  and  final  hope. 
Either  God  had  to  help  her  now 
or  there  would  be  no  help.  She  be- 
came willing  to  accept  either. 

Minnie  refused  to  eat.  For  three 
days  and  nights  she  gave  herself 
entirely  to  fasting  and  praying.  She 
was  not  trying  to  make  God  do 
anything.  She  was  not  bargaining. 
She  was  merely  trying  to  find 
God's  will. 

On  the  third  night,  wide-awake, 
Minnie  looked  at  her  window  and 
saw  what  appeared  to  be  the  form 
of  a  man.  The  head  of  the  figure 
glowed  in  a  gentle  light  and,  at 
first,  Minnie  was  startled.  Then 
she  noticed  that  the  figure  smiled. 
She  called  for  her  husband  to 
come  see  the  Lord.  The  vision  van- 
ished and  with  it  went  Minnie's 
depression.  She  had  a  comfort- 
ing assurance  that  God  was  going 
to  answer  her  prayer. 

From  that  moment  Minnie  be- 
gan her  remarkable  recovery.  It 
was  long.  It  was  slow.  She  returned 
many  times  to  the  hospital.  She 
underwent  special  treatment  for 
her  nerves  and  struggled  through 
physical  therapy,  but  she  never 
doubted  that  she  would  recover. 
God  had  visited  her! 

Today,  Minnie  is  well  again.  She 
walks  where  she  will,  though  her 
steps  are  a  little  unsteady  over 
uneven  ground.  She  drives  her 
car,  does  all  her  household  chores, 
looks  after  little  Buck,  and  attends 
church  regularly. 

On  Sunday  mornings  Minnie  ra- 
diates warmth  from  the  second 
pew  of  the  sanctuary;  and  when 
you  hear  her  telling  someone  quiet- 
ly, "The  Lord  has  certainly  been 
good  to  me,"  you  realize  that  hers 
is  a  beautiful  faith  in  God — a 
faith  chiseled  in  pain  upon  a  heart 
that  passed  through  the  valley  of 
the  shadow  of  death.  • 


International  Marketing  Corporation  is  now  adding  distributors  and  repre- 
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The  Audio  Library  Program  is  not  on  trial.  It  has  been  proven  by  people  like  you.  Although  re- 
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Dean  Miller,  Ohio-Dean  joined  I.M.C.  in  January, 
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Dean  won  an  I.M.C.  sales  contest  and  he  and  his  fam- 
ily were  awarded  a  free  trip  to  the  World's  Fair  in  San 
Antonio,  Texas.  Dean  now  has  18  men  in  his  sales  or- 

Jeff  VanNoy,  Idaho-Formerly  a  sales  and  business 
consultant,  Jeff  joined  I.M.C.  in  June  1968.  He  now 
manages  an  Audio  Library  sales  organization  of  more 
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Curtis  Matheny,  North  Dakota-Rev.  Matheny  has 
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500  programs,  amounting  to  more  than  $150,000  in 
total  volume. 

Charlie  Sallaska,  Colorado-Charlie  first  started  an 
Audio  Library  Distributorship  in  1958.  He  developed 
a  sales  organization  of  full  time  and  part-time  sales- 
men that  once  produced  sales  of  137  Libraries  and 
more  than  $30,000.00  volume  in  one  month. 

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full  information  about  the  I.M.C.  Opportunity.  There  is  no  obligation  on  your 


CHARLES  BISBEE,  President 

International  Marketing  Corporation 

Religious  Communications  Division 

P.  O.  Box  7813 

Waco,  Texas 

Please  send  my  free  record  and  full  details  about  the  I.M.C.  Opportunity. 

understand  there  is  no  obligation  on  my  part. 


City    _ 




E  OFTEN  HEAR  the  maxim  that  all  roads 
lead  to  Rome.    The  metaphor  is  sometimes 
misapplied  and  is  made  to  teach  the  non- 
sensical idea  that  all  religions  are  good  because  they 
all  lead  to  some  great  "power"  in  the  universe.  This 
is  absurd. 

But  the  Romans,  the  ancient  builders  of  roads  and 
walls,  did  pave  the  countrysides  of  Italy  and  other 
parts  of  Europe,  making  the  carrying  on  of  commerce 
and  communication  much  simpler  in  that  historic  era. 
God  was  at  work  too — "in  the  fulness  of  time"  set- 
ting the  political  and  social  stage  for  the  coming  of 
Christ  and  the  spreading  of  the  gospel  over  the  Ro- 
mans ways. 

By   BOB   LAIR 

I  heard  that  maxim  used  recently  in  an  arresting 
way.  A  young  preacher  was  lamenting  the  difficulties 
which  he  had  been  having  in  preaching  effective  ser- 
mons. An  older,  wiser  pastor  gave  that  young  man 
a  sound  homiletical  principle.  He  said:  "Young  man, 
remember  that  no  matter  at  what  text  you  start, 
you  will  find  a  road  that  leads  from  it  to  Jesus  Christ. 
Take  that  path  and  you'll  never  get  off  the  right 
road  in  your  preaching,  and  you'll  never  have  any 
trouble  building  a  sermon." 

The  more  I  thought  about  that  old  pastor's  words, 
the  more  I  realized  how  true  they  are.  Even  as  I  read 
the  Word  of  God,  I  find  myself  looking  in  every  verse 
for  the  path  that  leads  to  Jesus  Christ. 

Someone  says,  "Well,  surely  you  don't  find  Him  in 
the  boring  genealogies."  Yes,  I  do.  For  they  mark  out 
the  kingly  line  that  leads  to  the  One  who  will  sit  upon 
the  throne  of  His  father  David. 

"But  you  don't  see  Him  in  the  accounts  of  the  sins 
of  Abraham  and  Moses  and  David,  do  you?"  Oh,  yes. 
Was  it  not  David  who  described  "the  blessedness  of 
the  man,  unto  whom  God  imputeth  righteousness 
without  works,  Saying,  Blessed  are  they  whose 
iniquities  are  forgiven,  and  whose  sins  are  covered. 
Blessed  is  the  man  to  whom  the  Lord  will  not  impute 
sin"    (Romans    4:6-8)? 

"What  about  those  little  Sunday  school  stories  of 
Jonah  and  the  whale,  of  the  three  Hebrew  children, 
and  of  Adam  and  Eve?  Do  you  see  Him  there,  too?" 
Why,  certainly.  Christ  Himself  spoke  of  Jonah's  three 
days  and  three  nights  in  proclaiming  the  Resurrection 
(Matthew  12:40).  And  it  was  the  Son  of  Man  who 
appeared  in  that  fiery  furnace  with  the  Hebrew  saints. 
And  Adam  and  Eve — well,  their  story  abounds  in  al- 
lusion to  Him  and  to  His  redemptive  work.  It  was  to 
be  the  woman's  Seed  who  should  bruise  the  serpent's 

Yes,  in  every  verse  there  is  a  road  that  leads  to 
Jesus  Christ.  A  most  remarkable  example  in  the  Scrip- 
tures is  that  of  the  eunuch  of  Ethiopia.  Sitting  in 
his  chariot,  the  eunuch  was  reading  in  Isaiah  but  was 
not  understanding  it.  Then  Philip  came  along.  Luke 
tells  us  that  Philip  "began  at  the  same  scripture,  and 
preached  unto  him  Jesus"  (Acts  8:35).  The  man  who 
has  spiritual  insight  can  see  Christ  on  every  page.  • 


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r  THE  WAY 

—  Proverbs  22.6 

Today,  more  than  ever,  the  precept 
holds  good:  train  up  a  child  in 
the  way  he  should  go.  There  can 
be  no  better  way,  there  can  be 
no  better  book,  than  the  Bible. 

For  over  three  centuries  fine  Bibles 
have  been  carefully  made  at 
the  Cambridge  University  Press. 
In  a  Cambridge  Bible,  there  is 
no  compromise  with  quality. 


from  page  6 

laymen  were  privileged  to  sit  in 
the  General  Council  (without  vot- 
ing rights).  Heretofore,  this  priv- 
ilege was  restricted  to  Licensed 
Ministers  and  Exhorters.  Every 
member  of  the  Church  of  God  is 
privileged,  however  to  vote  in  the 
General  Assembly. 

Approximately  fifteen  thousand 
laymen  and  ministers  attended 
the  biennial  Assembly. 

At  the  close  of  the  sessions,  mem- 
bers of  the  General  Council,  who 
had  been  poles  apart  in  their  opin- 
ion of  the  matter  debated  only 
moments  before,  could  be  seen  em- 
bracing each  other  in  warm  Chris- 
tian fellowship.  The  opinion  of  the 
majority  always  prevailed. 

On  second  thought,  change  my 
opening  sentence  to  "Christian 
democracy  in  action!" 


Sharon    Ann    Pirkle— 13 

Box    447 

White     Sulphur     Springs,     West     Virginia 


Robin    Christie    Miller— 13 

Box    324 

White  Sulphur  Springs,  West  Virginia  24986 

Brenda    Carol    Pirkle — 16 

P.    O.    Box    447 

White  Sulphur  Springs,  West  Virginia  24986 

Linda    Carol     Henry— 16 

320    Crescent    Avenue 

White     Sulphur     Springs,     West     Virginia 


Brenda  Joan  Ash — 19 

Box  525 

White     Sulphur     Springs,     West     Virginia 

Linda    Lucille    Miller— 16 
Box    324 
White     Sulphur     Springs,     West     Virginia 

Lewis    Willis,    Jr.— 17 
Box    95 
White     Sulphur     Springs.     West     Virginia 

Evelyn   Winters   Miller— 17 
Box   324 
White     Sulphur     Springs,     West     Virginia 

Heidemie    Kersten 
CH— 9405   Wienacht— AR 
Int.    Bib.    Sem. — Church    of    God 

Margaret    Beach — 12 
Rt.     1,    Box     130 
Summerville,   South  Carolina  29483 


Miss  Alice  Rose  was  crowned 
queen  of  the  "Singing  to  Canada 
Choir  Tour"  in  the  YPE  service  at 
the  Central  Parkway  Church  of 

Miss  Rose  was  chosen  queen  be- 
cause of  her  untiring  efforts  in 
raising  $320  within  six  weeks. 

The  tour  was  financed  with 
$2,000  which  was  raised  by  choir 
members  and  other  departments  of 
the  church.  The  choir  toured  Ohio, 
Michigan,  Canada,  and  Niagara 
Falls  for  six  days. 

— Jerry  Williams 
Christian  Education 
and   Music   Director 

John   13:5 

For  me,  it  surely  was  enough 
That  Christ  should  save  my  soul, 
That  He  should  free  my  heart  of 

And    make    me    clean    and    whole. 

But    my    dear    Master    loved    me 

His  task  was  not  complete 
Till  He,  with   basin,  water,  towel, 
Had  gently  washed  my  feet. 

— Roy    Z.    Kemp 



"Make  way,  another  bus  is  com- 
ing," cried  Brother  Don  Rhein  as 
teen-agers  packed  the  facilities  of 
the  East  Richmond  Church  for  the 
Virginia  North  Eastern  Regional 
Teen  Day.  Clouds  had  threatened 
our   day,   but   the   sun   was   deter- 

mined  to  break  through  with  a 
little  extra  heat  that  was  difficult 
to  appreciate.  However,  things  got 
off  to  a  talkative  start  as  each 
teen  was  required  to  list  the  names 
of  ten  others  in  a  get-acquainted 

After  registration,  nine  teen- 
agers proved  their  gift  of  gab  as 
each  discussed  a  question  varying 
from  moon  probes  to  the  war  in 
Vietnam.  Billy  Martin  from  the 
Arlington  Church  won  the  contest 
and  the  prize  of  five  dollars. 

The  Reverend  Emerson  Abbott, 
pastor  of  the  Alexandria  Church, 
conducted  a  most  interesting  dis- 
cussion on  the  dating  question.  Ev- 
eryone participated  in  this  inter- 
change of  ideas  as  teen-agers  and 
pastors  brought  their  differences 
together  and  frankly  discussed  the 
controversial  issues. 

Lunchtime  brought  some  relief 
from  the  heat  as  we  commuted 
to  the  lovely  Brian  Park.  The  wa- 
terfalls of  the  dam  and  the  huge 
rocks  in  the  stream  were  an  ideal 
setting  for  the  time  of  fellowship 
and  the  lunch  consisting  of  fried 
chicken,  potato  salad,  and  other 
picnic  favorites. 

At  1:30  p.m.  we  returned  to  the 
church  to  view  the  religious  film 
"Without  Onion."  Minds  were  so- 
bered and  hearts  were  stirred  as 
this  vivid  scene  of  realism  was  pre- 

Following  a  short  devotional,  the 
Reverend  Milton  Parsons,  admin- 
istrative assistant  to  the  Youth  De- 
partment, delivered  a  challenging 
message  on  "Life  Everlasting." 
Since  there  was  not  enough  room 
for  all  to  gather  in  the  altar,  many 
stood  at  their  seats  and  rededi- 
cated  their  lives  to  God. 

The  Azalea  Gardens  Church  in 
Norfolk  was  awarded  the  plaque 
and  honors  for  having  twenty- 
three  registered  teens.  The  Park- 
view Church  in  Newport  News  ran 
a  close  second  with  twenty-one 

As  the  crowded  cars  and  buses 
left  the  beautiful  capital  city  of 
Virginia,  there  was  one  question 
on  the  lips  of  the  teens,  "How  soon 
can  we  have  another  Teen  Day?" 
— Charles  E.  Hollifield,  reporter 




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Phone   242-0730 


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Accordion  Corporation  of  America,  Department  lp-ios 
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To  start,  Anna  Wade  ships  you  100 
Happy  Holiday  Covers  ON  CREDIT. 
Have  10  members  of  your  group  each 
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ANNA  WADE,  Dept.uooT,  Lynchburg,  Va.  24505 

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Name  of  Organization. 





N  THE  DAYS  when  Christ 
walked  upon  this  earth,  blind 
men  came  groping  to  Him, 
begging  for  the  gift  of  sight.  To- 
day, mankind  walks  through  life 
almost  as  blind.  Many  of  us  never 
see  the  great  abundance  and  even 
greater  variety  of  God's  gifts.  There 
may  be  a  great  number  of  us  who 
believe  that  we  must  view  the 
giant  Redwoods  of  California,  or 
the  Grand  Canyon  of  Arizona,  or 
the  impressive  Mississippi  River  be- 
fore we  can  praise  the  Creator  with 
appreciation  and  awe. 

In  reality,  the  creation  of  heaven 
and  earth  is  a  continuing  process 
that  should  fill  us  with  daily  won- 
der, right  where  we  are  this  mo- 

The  poet  of  old  declared:  "O 
Lord,  how  manifold  are  thy  works! 
in  wisdom  hast  thou  made  them 
all:  the  earth  is  full  of  thy  rich- 
es"  (Psalm  104:24). 

Years  ago  my  parents  and  I 
visited  their  hometown  and  at- 
tended an  outdoor  revival  meet- 
ing, more  to  visit  than  to  worship. 
Far  from  the  bulging  highway,  my 
father  drove  along  a  quiet  dirt  road 
to  a  wide  grassy  meadow. 

After  thirty  years  I  still  recall 
the  sermon  I  heard  that  day.  Point- 
ing   upward    with    a    dramatically 

outstretched  arm,  the  minister 
shouted,  "See  that  tree?  God  made 
that  tree.  Hallelujah!"  With  an 
elaborate  flourish,  he  pointed  at 
the  ground  shouting,  "See  that 
grass?  God  made  that  grass. 
Amen."  After  the  congregation 
chorused,  "Amen,"  he  repeated 
each  phrase  with  undiminished 

His  unsophisticated  delivery 
caused  me  to  scoff  silently.  Now, 
many  years  later,  I  have  a  real 
appreciation  for  the  simple  sermon 
shouted  in  that  meadow  so  long 
ago.  God  is  most  prolific  in  His 
creating.  Humanity,  in  turn,  is 
equally  unconscious  of  His  gen- 

There  is  a  young  catalpa  tree  in 
my  yard  that  is  approximately  as 
tall  as  I.  Picking  one  leaf  at  ran- 
dom, I  searched  for  another  its 
exact  size  and  shape.  There  was 
not  one  on  the  entire  tree! 

Not  satisfied  with  this  bit  of  un- 
scientific research,  I  attempted  the 
same  experiment  with  a  pyra- 
cantha  bush.  After  ten  unsuccess- 
ful minutes  I  abandoned  the  pro- 

Each  tree  appears  to  be  differ- 
ent from  any  other.  Beginning  life 
as  a  tiny  seed,  a  tree  grows  into 
the  largest  of  plants.  A  tree  main- 

tains its  own  cooling  system,  a 
system  for  nourishing  itself,  and  a 
system  for  reproducing  itself.  It  is 
a  much  more  amazing  form  of  life 
than  we  might  imagine. 

There  are  approximately  five 
thousand  different  varieties  of 
grass.  Of  the  fifteen  hundred  that 
grow  in  the  United  States,  about 
two  dozen  are  used  in  lawns.  This 
does  not  include  the  additional 
hundreds  of  plants  classified  as 

Yet  even  the  weeds  are  beauti- 
ful. Wild  oats  and  wheat  stand  on 
slender  golden  stalks.  The  thistle 
is  stately  and  proud  with  a  royal 
crown  of  purple.  Even  the  dock  has 
a  dignified  beauty. 

While  I  was  driving  in  Northern 
Manitoba,  my  curiosity  became 
aroused  by  fields  of  solid  gold  plant 
life  on  each  side  of  the  highway. 
My  husband  stopped  the  car,  and 
I  discovered  to  my  amazement  the 
lowly  dandelion  growing  a  foot 
high  with  blossoms  two  inches 

The  minister  in  the  meadow 
failed  to  mention  God's  purpose  in 
providing  this  wonderful  world. 
But  God  planned  an  act  of  cre- 
ation so  complex  that  only  the 
Creator  completely  understands  it. 
This  creation  is  Man.  Here  again 
God  does  not  duplicate,  even 
though  there  are  over  two  hun- 
dred million  persons  in  the  United 
States  alone. 

Humanity  is  created  in  the  im- 
age of  God,  and  He  desires  to  dwell 
in  the  heart  of  each  individual. 
How  very  special  each  human  be- 
ing is  to  God!  How  very  much  He 
loves  every  single  one.  He  desires 
to  give  gifts  more  wonderful  than 
can  be  imagined.  The  world  is 
filled  with  the  limitless  generosity 
of  the  heavenly  Father,  but  the 
mere  availability  of  His  gifts  is 
nothing  if  they  remain  unseen  and 

Each  of  our  days  can  be  filled 
with  the  excitement  of  discovery 
from  the  first  faint  glow  of  dawn 
to  the  last  silent  rays  of  sunset. 
We  can  share  the  enthusiasm  of 
the  minister  in  the  meadow  who 
shouted,  "See  that  tree?  God  made 
that  tree.  Hallelujah!"  • 




By  Paul  Henson 
National  Director 

Lakeland  (Lake  Wire),  Florida  _  21 

Chattanooga    (North),   Tennessee   20 

Greenville    (Tremont   Ave.), 

South  Carolina  _ _  19 

Buford,  Georgia  19 

Jacksonville    (Garden    City), 

Florida    - _  15 

West    Flint,    Michigan    _  14 

Pulaski,  Virginia  _  _ 13 

Wyandotte,  Michigan  13 

Somerset,    Pennsylvania 12 

Jacksonville   (Springfield), 

Florida   _ _ 11 

Morganton,  North  Carolina  .... 11 

Chester,  South  Carolina  _ 10 

Glendale,  Arizona  9 

Lexington    (Loudon   Ave.), 

Kentucky 9 

Monroe     (Stewart    Rd.),    Michigan    ....    9 

Dallas  (Oak  Cliff),  Texas  ...  ....     9 

Norfolk    (Azalea    Garden),    Virginia    ....    9 

Royal    Oak,    Michigan    ....    9 

Cleveland  (Mt.  Olive),  Tennessee  9 

Fort    Worth    (Riverside), 

Texas _   9 

Pontlac,    Michigan    9 

Omaha    (Parkway),   Nebraska   ....   9 

Richmond    Dale,    Ohioi   .... 9 

Canton    (Canton   Temple),    Ohio    9 

Mesquite,   Texas   _ 8 

Naples,  Florida  _ 8 

Brooklyn,  Maryland  .... _ 8 

Hamilton   (Princeton  Pike),  Ohio  8 

Dalton   (East  Morris),  Georgia 8 

Hartselle,  Alabama ... .  ... .  ... .    8 

Cahokia,   Illinois  8 

Princeton,   West   Virginia   8 

Lemmon,    South    Dakota    _    7 

Chattanooga    (East),    Tennessee    .... 

Hurst,    Texas   _   .... 

Jackson  (Leavell  Woods),  Mississippi 

Fairfield,   California   _ 

Jesup,    Georgia    _ .... 

Johnson    City,    Tennessee 

Monroe,    Louisiana    _ _ 

Cleveland    (Detroit    Ave.),    Ohio     ... 

Somerset,   Kentucky   ....   _.. 

Conway,  South  Carolina 

Covington    (Shepherds   Fold), 

Louisiana  _ 

North   Ridgeville,   Ohio  

Salisbury,   Maryland 

Vanceburg,  Kentucky  

San   Fernando   Valley,   California  .... 
Orangeburg     (Palmetto    St.), 

South   Carolina   _   _ .... 

Thomasvllle.  Alabama         

Cleveland    (Big    Springs), 

Tennessee   ...    

Granite  Falls,  North  Carolina  _ 

Martinsville,  Virginia    

Long  Beach,  California  .... 

West  Indianapolis,  Indiana  

Brownfield,  Texas  _ 

Fremont    (White    Cloud),    Michigan 

Elyrla,    Ohio    

Flint     (Kearsley    Park), 


Charlottesville.  Virginia  

Charleston     (Dorchester), 

South    Carolina    

Brenton,   West  Virginia   .      ...      

Kings  Mountain,  North   Carolina  

Corbin    (Center    St.),    Kentucky    .... 

Donalds,    South    Carolina    ....    

Red    Bay,    Alabama    

West    Frankfort,    Illinois    



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^\NE  OF  THE  most  pathetic  passages  of  the 
I  Old  Testament  is  found  in  the  historical  book 
of  Judges.  "And  the  people  served  the  Lord  all 
the  days  of  Joshua,  and  all  the  days  of  the  elders  that 
outlived  Joshua,  who  had  seen  all  the  great  works  of 
the  Lord,  that  he  did  for  Israel  .  . .  and  there  arose 
another  generation  after  them,  which  knew  not  the 
Lord,  nor  the  works  which  he  had  done  for  Israel.  .  .  . 
And  they  forsook  the  Lord  God  of  their  fathers" 
(Judges  2:7,10,12). 

"There  arose  another  generation  .  .  .  which  knew 
not  the  Lord"  are  the  words  of  the  tragedy  in  this 
passage.  But  in  that  tragedy  there  is  a  lesson  for  us. 
Each  succeeding  generation  and  every  individual  must 
come  to  a  personal  knowledge  of  God  if  spiritual  dis- 
aster is  to  be  avoided. 

I  do  not  mean  to  imply  that  this  generation  does 
not  know  the  God  of  their  fathers.  Many  of  them  do. 
However,  this  article  is  directed  to  this  present  gen- 
eration, and  I  wish  to  point  out  that  the  necessity  of 
knowing  God  for  oneself  must  never  be  overlooked. 

Young  man,  young  woman,  you  need  to  know  God 
in  a  very  personal  way.  Do  not  be  content  to  know 
that  your  parents  or  grandparents  know  God.  Do 
not  be  content  to  know  that  the  previous  generation 
was  filled  with  God's  Spirit.  Do  not  be  content  to 
know    that    their    prayers    were    answered.    Know    all 

By   DANIEL   L.    BLACK 

these  things  for  yourself.  Let  them  happen  in  your 
life.  Know  God  for  yourself. 

You  need  to  know  what  it  means  to  be  a  born-again 
Christian.  You  need  to  know  the  experience  of  being 
filled  with  the  Holy  Spirit.  You  need  to  know  what  it  is 
like  to  be  guided  and  taught  by  God's  Spirit  and  God's 
Word.  You  need  to  know  the  power  of  prayer  in  the 
Spirit.  You  need  to  see  the  results  of  personal  faith 
in  God.  You  need  to  know,  for  then  you  will  know 
how  real  God  is. 

You  can  know  God.  Do  not  sell  yourself  short.  Do 
not  cheat  yourself  out  of  the  supreme  privilege  of  life. 
The  theories  of  psychologists,  the  high-sounding 
philosophers,  and  even  the  godless  theologians  cannot 
keep  you  from  knowing  God  if  you  really  want  to  know 
Him.  He  is,  in  fact,  a  reality  whom  many  psychologists, 
philosophers,  and  theologians  know  for  themselves  in 
a  very  personal  way. 

There  is  something  which  can  keep  you  from  know- 
ing God  for  yourself — indifference.  A  spirit  of  indif- 
ference can  keep  you  from  knowing  Him  and  His 
mighty  works.  Praying,  studying  the  Bible,  and  doing 
service  for  God  demand  energy  and  determination. 
The  "now"  generation  may  be  in  a  hurry  and  may 
prefer  the  convenient  way,  but  there  are  no  short- 
cuts to  knowing  God  in  one's  life.  Do  not  be  indiffer- 
ent. Have  a  testimony  of  your  own.  Know  God  for 
yourself.   • 


The  Gift  of  Tears 


A  WISE  PRAYER  petitions 
the  Creator:  "God  grant 
me  the  serenity  to  accept 
things  I  cannot  change,  courage 
to  change  the  things  I  can,  and 
wisdom  to  know  the  difference." 
But  while  we  speak  the  words, 
our  hearts  are  not  ready  for  such 
discipline.  So  we  try  to  accept  the 
things  we  cannot  change — the  be- 
loved daughter's  too  hasty  mar- 
riage; the  son,  so  full  of  exhilara- 
tion, who  drag  races,  only  to  have 
his  car  spin  on  a  slick  spot,  bounce 
across  the  guardrail,  and  crash 
into  an  oncoming  truck,  chaining 
him  to  a  wheelchair  for  the  rest 
of  his  life;  or  the  family  member 
who  is  slowly  dying  of  an  in- 
curable disease.  With  your  mind 
you  accept  these  irrefutable  facts, 
but  your  heart  writhes  in   agony. 

It  is  then  the  compassionate  Fa- 
ther sends  to  you  His  gift  of  tears 
to  release  pent-up  anguish,  to 
quiet  the  burdened  heart,  and  to 
give  you  courage  to  go  on.  To  those 
who  know  this  healing  gift,  they 
are  not  just  speaking  meaningless 
words  when  they  wish  that  a  be- 
reaved friend  "could  only  cry." 
There  are  some  people  who  can 
never  cry.  Pity  them,  for  they  can 
never  know  the  blessed  release  of 
tears;  they  can  only  cry  inwardly. 

Many  biblical  characters  com- 
bined tears  with  action.  Mary  Mag- 
dalene shed  tears  as  she  washed 
Jesus'  feet  with  the  precious  oint- 
ment from  the  alabaster  box  and 
dried  the  sacred  feet  with  her  hair. 
Cleansing  tears,  such  as  she  shed, 
often  relieve  the  pressures  of  our 
burdens;  and  we  can  find  strength 
to  carry  on. 

David  loved  Jonathan  like  a 
brother.  Although  he  lamented 
Jonathan's  death,  he  had  the  chil- 
dren of  Judah  taught  in  the  use 
of  the  bow  (1  Samuel  1:17,  18). 
David  knew  there  would  be  other 
battles  to  fight. 

One  can  imagine  the  agonizing 
tears  that  Mary  shed  at  the  foot 
of  the  cross,  but  she  did  not  wal- 
low in  self-pity.  Jesus  gave  John 
to  her  to  mother,  and  her  motherly 
duties  and  responsibilities  con- 

So  it  should  be  with  us.  We  ac- 
cept the  blessed  gift  of  tears  for 
what  it  is — release  and  comfort 
when  we  need  it.  Then  we  con- 
tinue to  find  consolation  in  doing 
God's  will,  no  matter  what  it  is.    • 

10%   discount  to   Evangelists    and 
Churches.    For    complete    informa- 
tion write: 

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NE  NEED  NOT  go  to  the  mountains  to  find  God. 
But  if  one  does  go,  and  sees  the  sheer  majesty 
of  the  Rockies,  the  Grand  Tetons,  or  the  Great 
Smokies  without  sensing  the  greatness  of  God,  some- 
thing vital  is  missing  in  his  heart.  Anyone  with  any 
appreciation  of  nature  would  realize  that  only  in  the 
greatness  of  God's  own  creation  could  such  marvels 
come  to  pass.  It  did  not  just  happen;  there  was  some 
great  and  glorious  plan  executed  as  accurately  as  any 
computer  today  can  do  its  work. 

God  is  revealed  in  the  tranquility  of  nature,  in  the 
voice  of  the  wind  in  the  pines,  and  in  the  soft  murmur 
of  joy  on  the  lips  of  a  child. 

God  is  everywhere.  Perhaps  you  sense  His  presence 
in  the  patter  of  rain,  after  a  drought,  or  in  the  blan- 
keting stillness  of  a  snowfall.  Or  you  may  feel  Him 
walking  by  your  side  as  you  stroll  through  the  quiet- 
ness of  the  night,  unwinding  from  the  turmoil  of  the 
day.  Or  if  you  are  among  the  brave  souls  who  arise 
early  in  the  morning  to  see  the  majesty  of  a  sunrise, 
you  will  find  Him  there. 

I  am  reminded  of  a  story  my  grandfather  told 
often  to  the  children  clustered  about  his  rocking  chair. 
The  story  concerned  Johnny,  a  farm  boy  who  was 
not  too  happy  as  he  did  his  chores  day  after  day  on  a 
hill  farm,  living  a  rather  frugal  life  of  isolation.  John- 
ny stood  by  and  saw  the  crops  die  for  want  of  rain, 
he  saw  a  beloved  playmate  taken  by  death.  All  of  a 
sudden  he  was  rebellious.  At  last  he  shouted  his  ve- 
hemence to  his  grandpa  in  the  one  sentence:  "I  don't 
even  believe  there  is  a  God!" 

His  grandfather,  with  the  wisdom  of  years,  simply 
told  Johnny  to  rise  early  the  next  morning  and  climb 
to  the  top  of  Old  Baldy,  the  highest  hill  on  the  farm. 
He  assured  him  that  he  would  find  God  there. 

So  Johnny  climbed  the  hill,  shivering  in  the  chill  of 
the  predawn,  a  bit  afraid  and  rather  forlorn  in  his 

As  he  waited  for  a  God  who  never  came,  Johnny  be- 
came more  morose  than  ever  and  disbelieved  greatly. 
But  as  he  hovered  there,  he  saw  the  sunrise.  He  saw 
the  vapor  in  the  valley  race  like  wraiths  before  the 
sun.  He  saw  the  dew  all  silver  on  the  grass  and 
the  ripple  of  light  on  the  creek  as  the  sun  bathed  it. 
And  in  the  sky  was  that  gorgeous  pallette  of  chang- 
ing color  that  was  the  glory  of  the  sunrise.  It  was  then 
that  Johnny  saw  God  in  the  glory  of  life  about 
him.  He  went  back  to  his  grandpa,  lamenting  the  fact 
that  he  had  been  so  blind. 

God's  greatness  can  be  seen  in  the  glory  of  nature, 
in  poetry,  in  music,  in  people,  in  the  laughter  of  a 
child,  or  in  the  song  of  a  bird.  Rest  assured  that  He 
is  very  much  alive  today,  despite  all  the  critics  and 

The  poet,  Maltbie  Babcock,  wrote:  "In  the  rustling 
grass  I  can  hear  Him  pass.  He  speaks  to  me  every- 
where." • 

Nature  and  the  Bible 


A  GREAT  DISADVANTAGE  of  our  modern  world 
j^  is  that  it  has  caused  many  of  us  to  congregate 
in  huge  cities.  We  see  huge  buildings  made  of 
brick  and  mortar  all  about  us.  In  these  large  cities 
we  never  drive  on  a  road  that  is  not  formed  from 
concrete  or  asphalt.  Our  water  supply  comes  from  a 

Many  of  us  have  never  seen  a  near  virgin  forest 
or  walked  on  a  dirt  or  gravel  road  where  there  is  no 
sidewalk.  It  is  impossible  for  us  to  see  a  forest  or  lake 
in  its  primitive  state. 

Our  children  have  never  seen  in  their  native  en- 
vironment many  domestic  animals,  such  as  sheep, 
cows,  and  goats.  Even  horses  are  disappearing  from 
the  scene. 

Who  has  time  to  look  at  the  stars  twinkling  in  the 
sky  or  to  see  the  glory  of  a  morning  sunrise?  How 
many  have  heard  the  singing  of  the  birds  in  the  early 
morning  or  can  really  identify  several  dozen  of  them? 

However,  to  our  forefathers,  nature  was  a  genuine 
part  of  life.  The  farther  back  we  go  in  history,  the 
more    we    see    how    important   nature    was    to    man. 

People  in  those  early  days  knew  many  things  about 
the  land  and  the  vegetation  that  grew  thereon.  They 
knew  of  the  birds  and  the  animals  which  thrived  on 
the  bounties  of  a  generous  nature.  They  enjoyed  the 
"simple  life"  because  nature  in  all  its  glory  was  a 
definite,  meaningful  part  of  it. 

It  does  not  take  a  great  deal  of  study  of  the  Bible 
for  one  to  realize  that  people  in  ancient  times  were 
very  close  to  nature. 

Moses,  no  doubt,  as  the  shepherd  of  Midian,  learned 
the  habits  of  the  eagles.  David  watched  the  birds 
feeding  on  the  high  peaks.  The  Prophet  Hosea,  from 
his  own  observations  of  the  bushes  and  trees  growing 
on  Mount  Lebanon,  spoke  from  personal  knowledge. 

Think  how  enduring  nature  is!  Cities  are  built  and 
then  destroyed  in  war  or  disappear  in  ruin.  Works 
of  art  pass  away  in  time,  but  the  vine  and  olive  bloom 
every  spring  without  fail. 

Know  the  joy  that  contemplation  of  nature  can 
give  you.  God  is  the  infinite  Creator  of  all  nature. 
Through  it  He  conveys  to  us  the  truths  of  redemption 
that  are  found  in  the  Bible.  As  you  read  your  Bible, 
let  your  mind  dwell  upon  God's  greatness  in  nature. 
The  experience  will  be  doubly  rewarding.  • 

Advonce  Doily   Devotions 

from  page  27 

gelism  and  Home  Missions  Board  and  for  Director 
Cecil  B.  Knight. 

Read:  Chapter  2,  verses 
12-22.  Think:  Backsliding  is  dangerous  and  invokes 
serious  consequences:  "The  latter  end  is  worse  with 
them  than  the  beginning"  (v.  20).  Pray:  Observe  the 
marks  of  false  teachers  (vv.  17-19)  and  request  in- 
sight  to   form  strong   doctrinal   beliefs. 

FRIDAY,  October  25  □.  Read:  Chapter  3,  verses  1-9. 
Think:  List  three  reasons  why  we  can  depend  on  the 
promises  of  the  Lord  (v.9).  Pray:  For  the  office  staff 
of  the  Church  of  God  World  Missions  Department  and 
their  exacting  work. 

Read:  Chapter  3,  verses 
10-18.  Think:  Christ  will  return  to  earth  to  rapture 
(carry  away)  His  children  (v.10).  Realizing  this,  how 
should  a  believer  conduct  himself  (v.ll)  and  what 
should  his  outlook  be  (v.  13)?  Pray:  For  the  visitation 
program  of  your  local  church  and  for  zealous  visitation 

Read:  Reread  Chapter  1. 
Think:  Men  did  not  write  the  Bible  because  they 
wanted  to  (private  interpretation);  they  were  inspired 
to  write  (speak)  by  the  Holy  Ghost  (vv.20,21).  There- 
fore God's  Word  is  sure;  it  is  a  guiding  light.  Pray: 
As  you  read  the  inspired  Word  of  God  request  holy 
inspiration  to  apply  its  precepts  to  your  life. 

Read:  Reread  Chapter  2. 
Think:  What  is  your  definition  and  description  of 
spot  and  blemish  teen-agers  (v.13)?  Pray:  For  your 
unsaved  teen-age  friends  and  for  an  awakening  youth 
revival  in  your  local  church. 

Read:  Reread  Chapter  3. 
Think:  It  seems  that  many  young  people  are  "will- 
ingly ignorant7'  of  the  contents  of  the  Bible  and  of 
the  contentment  and  the  fulfillment  that  the  Chris- 
tian life  affords  (v.5).  The  distribution  of  tracts  and 
printed  materials  is  an  ideal  way  to  inform  them. 
Pray:  For  Lewis  J.  Willis,  editor  in  chief  of  Church 
of  God  publications;  and  Clyne  W.  Buxton,  editor  of 
the  Lighted  Pathway. 

r    Read:  James.  Chapter 

1.  Think:  In  God  there  is  no  variableness.  He  is  the 
source  of  every  good  gift,  and  He  shines  forever  with- 
out change  or  shadow  (v.  17).  Pray:  Regardless  of 
the  circumstances,  or  what  might  have  happened  since 
you  last  prayed,  God  remains  the  same  and  is  ready 
to  assist  you. 

□  .  Read:  First  Peter,  Chapter 

2.  Think:  Make  a  list  of  the  things  which  you  can 
"lay  aside"  that  will  help  you  develop  into  a  more 
effective  witness  for  Christ  (v.l).  Pray:  Request  wit- 
nessing stamina  and  poise — remember,  you  witness  by 
your  words,  your  works,  and  your  ways.  • 



Daily  Devotions  for  Christian  Teens 

Devotional  Guide  for  October 

By  Floyd  D.  Carey 

Instructions:  Read  the  assigned  Bible  chapters  or 
verses.  Thmk  on  the  message  and  consider  the  devo- 
tional comments.  Pray  for  the  designated  person  or 
activity.  Check  n  each  devotion  in  the  provided  square 
when  it  has  been  completed. 

Devotions  in  James.  Writer:  A  letter  written  by  James, 
the  brother  of  Jesus,  to  Jewish  Christians  who  had 
been  scattered  abroad  by  persecution  and  ivho  were 
experiencing  hardships  and  opposition.  Date  written: 
A.D.  45-48.  Purpose:  To  emphasize  practical  Chris- 
tianity, "Be  ye  doers  of  the  word,  and  not  hearers 
only,"  and  to  outline  the  course  of  true  faith. 
TUESDAY,  October  1  Q  Read:  Chapter  1,  verses  1- 
15.  Think:  "Temptation  is  the  pull  of  man's  own  evil 
thoughts  and  wishes  (v.  14,  Living  Letters).  A  teen- 
ager— coupled  with  Christ — can  control  his  thoughts 
and  desires.  Pray:  Ask  for  know-how  to  develop  an 
unwavering  faith  (v.6)  and  for  resistance  to  endure 
temptation  (v.  12). 

Read:  Chapter  1,  verses 
16-27.  Think:  How  can  the  advice  given  in  verse  19, 
"Be  swift  to  hear,  slow  to  speak,  [and]  slow  to  wrath," 
be  applied  to  your  conduct  at  school?  List  several 
ways.  Pray:  For  your  unsaved  classmates  and  teachers. 
Ask  for  direction  to  organize  your  school  life  in  such 
a  way  that  you  may  be  both  an  effective  student  and 
an  effective  witness. 

THURSDAY,  October  3  fj.  Read:  Chapter  2,  verses  1- 
13.  Think:  In  the  royal  law,  "Thou  shalt  love  thy 
neighbour  as  thyself"  (v.  8),  and  the  Golden  Rule, 
"As  ye  would  that  men  should  do  to  you,  do  ye  also 
to  them  likewise"  (Luke  6:31),  the  solution  is  found 
to  the  problems  of  hatred  and  conflict  that  exist 
among  nations  and  races.  Pray:  For  the  Executive 
Council  of  the  Church  of  God  (elected  biennially  at 
the  General  Assembly),  which  is  composed  of  the 
General  Overseer,  three  Assistant  General  Overseers, 
the  General  Secretary-Treasurer,  and  twelve  Counse- 
lors: "Their  duty  shall  be  to  counsel  with  the  General 
Overseer  in  all  matters  pertaining  to  the  general  in- 
terest of  the  Church." 

Read:  Chapter  2,  verses  14-26. 
Think:  What  personal  qualities  or  actions,  other  than 
faith  and  works,  are  required  before  a  teen-ager  can 
be  called  a  "friend  of  God"  (v.23)?  List  two.  Pray: 
For  a  spirit  of  unity  and  consideration  to  exist 
among  young  people  as  they  participate  in  the  pro- 
grams of  the  local  church. 

SATURDAY,  October  5  [  Read:  Chapter  3.  Think: 
Can  a  teen-ager  tame  his  tongue  (v.8)?  What  plan 
can  a  teen  employ  to  guide  him  in  guarding  his 
words  so  that  they  will  honor  God.  Pray:  Pledge  to 
assist  in  the  workload  of  the  local  church  so  that 
your  pastor  will  be  able  to  give  himself  to  prayer 
and  study  and  spiritual  leadership. 
SUNDAY.  October  6  □■  Read:  Reread  Chapter  3. 
Think:  "The  fruit  of  righteousness  [the  promises  and 
the  provisions  of  God's  Word]  is  sown  in  peace"  (v. 18). 
How  is  this  passage  related  to  the  outreach  program 
methods  of  the  local  church?  Pray:  For  the  outreach 
of  "Forward  in  Faith,"  the  national  radio  program  of 
the  Church  of  God;  for  Floyd  Timmerman,  radio 
minister;  and  for  Max  Morris,  program  director. 
MONDAY,  October  7  □.  Read:  Chapter  4,  verses  1-10. 
Think:  A  teen-ager  can  confront  or  oppose  the  devil 
in  the  name  of  Christ  and  He  will  flee  from  him 
(v.  7).  Why  is  this  true?  Pray:  That  you  will  be  able 
to  resist  the  devil  and  to  live  a  rewarding  life.  Confess 
to  Christ  your  need  of  His  daily  companionship  and 

Read:  Chapter  4,  verses  11-17. 
Think:  What  is  your  explanation  of  James'  statement, 
"Therefore  to  him  that  knoweth  to  do  good,  and  doeth 
it  not,  to  him  it  is  sin"  (v.  27)?  Pray:  For  the  seven 
members  of  the  World  Missions  Board  who  are  ap- 
pointed by  the  Executive  Committee  to  help  guide 
the  global  outreach  endeavors  of  the  Church  of  God. 
Read:  Chapter  5,  verses 
1-9.  Think:  Here  comes  the  Judge!  "Grudge  not  one 
against  another,  brethren,  lest  ye  be  condemned:  be- 
hold the  judge  standeth  before  the  door"  (v. 9).  Pray: 
Cherish  and  cultivate  the  friendship  of  other  Chris- 
tians, and  ask  for  wisdom  and  understanding  that  you 
might   know  how   to   treat  them   fairly. 

Read:  Chapter  5,  verses 
10-20.  Think:  What  does  it  mean  to  swear?  Why  is 
it  wrong  to  swear  by  heaven  or  by  earth  (v. 12)?  Read 
Matthew  5:34,  35.  Pray:  For  Church  of  God  Bible 
schools  in  foreign  countries  and  for  the  grinding  task 
of  training  native  workers  to  accept  responsibility  and 
to  become  leaders. 

Devotions  in  First  Peter.  Writer:  An  epistle  (letter) 
of  hope  or  consolation,  written  by  Simon  Peter  to 
scattered  and  persecuted  believers.  Date  written:  A.D. 
65.  Purpose:  To  strengthen  and  encourage  persecuted 
Christians  by  reminding  them  of  the  glory  of  their 


new  life  in  Christ  and  of  the  Christian  hope  that  is  a      the  girls  at  the  Church  of  God  Home  for  Children- 
result  of  the  new  life.  for   their   schooling,   discipline,   and   adjustment. 

FRIDAY,  October  11  □■  Read:  chapter  1,  verses  1-13. 
Think:  Outline  the  believer's  hopes,  trials,  and  joys 
as  set  forth  in  verses  4,  7,  and  8.  Pray:  Discuss  your 
personal  trials  and  problems  with  the  Lord;  be 
determined — with  divine  assistance — to  overcome 

SATURDAY,  October  12  Q-  Read:  chapter  1,  verses 
14-25.  Think:  Do  not  build  your  life  on  fashions  (v. 
14 ),  tradition  (v.  18),  or  for  the  praise  of  man  (v.  24 1 
— all  of  these  things  are  short-lived  (v.  24)  Build  your 
life  on  God's  Word:  "The  word  of  the  Lord  endureth 
for  ever"  (v,  25).  Pray:  Ask  God  to  direct  you  in 
studying  His  Word,  in  understanding  it,  and  in  apply- 
ing it  to  daily  living. 

SUNDAY,  October  13  U-  Read:  Chapter  2,  verses  1-12. 
Think:  In  your  opinion,  is  there  a  difference  between 
the  milk  of  the  word  and  the  sincere  milk  of  the 
word  (v.  2)?  Support  your  conclusion.  Pray:  For  your 
local  youth  sponsor,  Y.P.E.  President,  and  depart- 
mental youth  leaders. 

MONDAY,  October  14  □.  Read:  Chapter  2,  verses  13-25. 
Think:  List  three  reasons  why  a  teen-ager  should 
obey  traffic  regulations  and  city  ordinances  (v.13). 
How  does  disrespect  for  safety  laws  and  civil  leaders 
weaken  a  believer's  testimony  (v.  15)?  Pray:  For  city, 
state,  and  national  government  leaders  that  they 
might  perform  their  duties  wisely,  fairly,  and  devoted- 

TUESDAY,  October  15  Q-  Read:  Chapter  3,  verses 
1-9.  Think:  Is  it  possible  for  a  teen-ager  to  become 
popular  and  win  friends  by  modeling  the  lastest  styles 
in  unusual  dress,  by  wearing  fancy  hairdos,  and  by 
using  slang  speech  (v.  3)?  Is  this  the  most  satisfying 
method  (v. 4)?  Pray:  Ask  God  to  cloth  you  with  Chris- 
tian graces — modesty,  chastity,  and  a  renewed  heart 
— and  to  deepen  your  spiritual  understanding. 

WEDNESDAY,  October  16  □•  Read:  Chapter  3,  verses 
10-22.  Think:  A  Christian  young  person  should  study 
carefully  and  know  the  scriptural  foundation  of  the 
fourteen  articles  in  the  Church  of  God  Declaration  of 
Faith  (v.15).  Pray:  For  the  General  Executive  Com- 
mittee— the  General  Overseer,  his  three  assistants, 
the  General  Secretary-Treasurer,  and  the  General 
Foreign  Missions  Director — that  God  would  guide  them 
in  directing  the  business  affairs  of  the  Church  of 

THURSDAY,  October  17  Q.  Read:  Chapter  4,  verses  1-9. 
Think:  What  is  your  definition  of  hospitality?  In 
what  ways  is  charitableness  and  liberality  connected 
with    hospitality     (v.9»?    Pray:    For    the    boys    and 

FRIDAY,  October  18  □•  Read:  Chapter  4,  verses  10- 
19.  Think:  Moses  chose  to  suffer  affliction  with  the 
people  of  God  rather  than  to  enjoy  the  pleasures  of 
sin  for  a  season  (Hebrews  11:25).  When  a  person 
makes  such  a  choice,  should  he  be  ashamed  <v.I6i? 
Pray:  Tell  God  that  you  want  to  live  in  harmony 
with  His  will  and  then  commit  the  keeping  of  your 
soul  to  Him    (v. 19). 

SATURDAY.  October  19  □■  Read.  chapter  5.  Think: 
The  shaping  experiences,  the  holy  concern,  and  the 
mature  wisdom  of  Christian  elders  qualify  them  to 
serve  as  counselors,  advisors,  and  leaders.  Considering 
this,  you  should  submit  ( listen  i  to  them  and  carefully 
consider  their  instructions  or  suggestions  (v.5).  Pray: 
Ask  God  to  direct  your  parents  in  rearing  you  properly 
and   to   direct  you   in   obeying   and   respecting    them. 

SUNDAY,  October  20  □•  Read:  Reread  Chapter  5.  Think: 
The  new  morality,  the  new  clothing  practices,  and  the 
new  pleasure  craze  are  all  indications  that  the  devil 
is  walking  among  teen-agers  as  a  roaring  lion  seeking 
whom  he  may  devour  (v.8).  Pray:  For  Paul  F.  Henson 
and  Cecil  R.  Guiles,  general  Sunday  school  and  youth 
leaders,  as  they  direct  our  denomination's  lifeline 
ministry  of  Christian  education. 

Devotions  in  Second  Peter.  Writer:  An  epistle  of  warn- 
ing written  by  Simon  Peter  to  scattered  and  perse- 
cuted believers.  Date  written:  A.  D.  66  or  67.  Purpose: 
To  warn  them  against  "being  carried  away  with  the 
the  error  of  the  ivicked"  and  to  admonish  them  to 
grow   in   grace   and   to    develop    Christian    character. 

MONDAY,  October  21  □■  Read:  Chapter  1.  verses  1-10. 
Think:  If  you  could  only  receive  six  of  the  seven 
Christian  graces  listed  by  Peter  in  verses  5,6,  and  7. 
which  one  would  you  omit?  All  seven  graces,  however. 
are  available  to  you.  Pray:  Ask  for  increased  Chris- 
tian arithmetic  skill  that  you  might  add  to  your  faith 
so  that  you  will  produce  spiritual  fruit. 

TUESDAY,  October  22  □•  Read:  chapter  1,  verses 
11-21.  Think:  It  is  the  duty  of  your  pastor  and  Sunday 
School  teacher  to  "stir  you  up"  by  putting  you  in 
remembrance  of  the  joys  and  the  responsibilities  of 
the  Christian  walk  (v.13).  Listen  to  them.  Pray:  For 
your  pastor,  Sunday  school  teacher,  and  youth  leader 
that  they  might  be  both  consistent  and  effective  in 
fulfilling  the  duties  of  their  office. 

WEDNESDAY.  October  23  □■  Read:  chapter  2,  verses 
1-11.  Think:  Compare  the  situation  of  Lot  with  the 
position  of  Christians  in  the  world  today  (v. 7).  Verse 
9  contains  a  deliverance  promise.  Pray:  For  the  soul- 
saving  and  stewardship-planning  work  of  the  Evan- 
Continued  on  page  25 

Worshipful  Christian  Music 

to  th 

All  You  Haye  to  Do:  Write  in  the  num- 
bers of  FIVE  records  you  wish  to  re- 
ceive FREE  on  the  attached  postage- 
paid  card,  plus  another  record  as  your 
first  selection  for  which  you  pay  $4.98. 
How  the  Club  Operates:  Monthly  the 
Club   selects   and  describes   outstanding 

records  in  the  Club's  "Bulletin." 

You  may  accept  the  monthly  selection 

or  take  any  of  the  wide  variety  of  other 

records  offered  or  take  no  record  in  any 

particular  month. 

Your  only   obligation  is   to   purchase 

five  additional  records  during  the  next 

12  months  from  the  many  records  of- 
fered by  the  club.  You  may  discontinue 
membership  at  anytime  thereafter. 
You  Receive  Free  Records  Regularly: 
If  you  continue  as  a  member  you  will 
receive  a  FREE  record  of  ysur  choice 
for  every  two  additional  selections. 

1.  Blackwood 
Brothers  Quartet — 

it  Is  No  Secret: 
Peace  In  The 
Valley,  More  About 
Jesus  .  .  . 

Contralto  With  R. 
Orchestra:  Until 
Then,  Wandering 
Sheep,  Beloved 
Enemy  ,  .  . 

3.  Lorin  Whitney — 

At  the  Pipe  Organ: 
Beyond  The  Sunset, 
Sweet  By  And 

4.  Ethel  Barrett- 
Stories  For  Chil- 
dren, Vol.  I:  Joe 
And  God,  Story  Of 

5.  Vibraharp  t  E.  Ralph  Car- 
Marimba— Jack  michael  Orchestra: 
Conner  With  Ralph  Fairest  Lord  Jesus, 
Carmichael  The  End  Of  The 
Orchestra:  Psalms,  Road  .  .  . 
Holy  City  .  . , 

7.  Doris  Akers — 

8.  Scottish  Fes- 

Contralto With 

tivals  Of  Male 

Sky  Pilot  Choir: 

Voice  Praise: 

I'll  Be  There,  1 

1  Know  He  Lives, 

Cannot  Fail  The 

Jehovah  Is  King, 

Lord  .  .  . 

Scottish  Psalm 

24  .  .  . 

9.  John  Webb- 
Bass  With  R. 
Carmichael  String 
Quartet  And  R. 
Atwood:  Deep  River, 
Lord's  Prayer .  .  . 

10.  The  Speer 

Family— Garden  Of 
Sweet  Jesus, 
Then  The  Answer 
Came  .  .  . 

11.  Songs  For  The 
Children— Ron  & 

Evona  Thomson 
With  The  Sunday 
School  Singers: 
Poor  Little  Black 

12.  Millie  Pace 
Trio— With  Bob 
Summers  Ensem- 
ble: How  Great 
Thou  Art,  Love 
Lifted  Me,  Amazil 
Grace  .  .  . 

13.  Old  Fashioned 
Revival  Hour 
Quartet  With  R. 
Atwood:  He  Hideth 
My  Soul,  Deeper 
Yet,  I  Remember 
Calvary  .  .  . 

14.  Piano  Solos- 
Rudy  Atwood:  In 
The  Secret  Of 
His  Presence, 
Only  Jesus,  Sweet 
Will  Of  God  .  .  . 

15.  Tony  Fontane- 
Tenor  With  R. 
Atwood  &  L. 
Barnett:    v 
I'd  Rathe#Have 
Jesus,  Patiently . . 

16.  Old  Fashioned 
Revival  Hour 
Choir:  Pardoning 
Grace,  Living  For 
Jesus,  For  All  My 
Sins.  Each  Step 
I  Take  .  .  . 

17.  Bob  Jones 
University  Choirs 
And  Orchestra: 

Praise  Ye  The 
Lord,  Marvelous 
Grace,  Sing  Choirs 
Of  Angels  .  .  . 

18.  Songs  Of  Fanny 
Crosby — Christian 
Faith  Women's 
Chorus:  All  The 
Way,  Redeemed, 
Blessed  Assurance, 
Near  The  Cross  .  . . 

19.  Greg  &  Barbara 
Loren— It's  Sun- 
day—Duo Pianos 
Of  Jan  Sanborn  & 
Dick  Bolks:  Now  I 
Belong  To  Jesus  . . . 

20.  Brass  Choir — 

R.  Carmichael,  Vol. 
I:  Christ  Arose, 
In  The  Cross, 
Jesus  Shall  Reign, 
The  Lord  Is  My 
Shepherd  ... 

21.  Hawaiian 
Guitar  &  Pipe 
Organ — Lorin 
Whitney  &  Bud 
Tutmarc:  Precious 
Memories  .... 

22.  Back  To  The 
Bible  Broadcast — 
Ambassador  Youth 
Choir:  Fishers  Of 
Men,  Face  To  Face, 
Bring  Them  In  .  .  . 

23.  The  LeFevres: 

A  Man  Who  Is 
Wise,  Happy 
Tracks  .  .  . 

24.  The  Haven  Of 
Rest  Quartet  With 
Lorin  Whitney:  In 
The  Cool  Of  The 
Evening  .  .  . 

Ch ristian  Faith  Record  Club   I 

P.  0. 


Please  enroll  me  as  a  member  of  the  Christian  Faith  Record  Club. 
I  have  indicated  the  five  records  which  I  choose  to  receive  free 
and  my  first  selection  for  which  I  will  be  billed  at  the  regular  price: 
Hi-Fi  $4.98  —  Stereo  $4.98.  In  regard  to  my  obligation,  I  agree  to 
purchase  five  more  records  during  the  next  12  months  or  pay  a 
$5.00  fee.  I  may  cancel  membership  anytime  thereafter.  If  I  con- 
tinue, I  will  receive  a  free  record  for  every  two  I  purchase. 

(check  one):  OF  ONE  (fill  in  numbers): 

Hi-Fi     □ 

Stereo   □ 

I     1     I     I     I 

(Please  Print) 

(City)  (State) 



ovemseR   1968 



Today  we  offer  God  praise 

And    thanks    for    His   loving   care; 
For  blessings  of  nights  and  days 

Today  we  offer  God  praise. 
For  His  benevolent  ways 

And   His  many   gifts   so   rare, 
Today  we  offer  God  praise 

And   thanks  for  His  loving  care. 

— Earle  J.  Grant 


T  hanks  give   to   God  for  wonderous   gifts — 

H  arvests   from   field   and   wood, 

A  cres   of   corn,    the   fruit-red   hills, 

N  uts  browning-ripe  and  good. 

K  neel   'mid  the  bounty  of  these   days, 

S  ing  from  the  heart  your  grateful  praise. 

G  ive    thanks    to    God    for    constant    love, 

I  nvest  an  hour  in  prayer, 
V  iew    each    day    as    a   gift    to    you, 

I  nvite  your  friends  to  share 
N  ew  happinesses — heaven  planned, 
G  ood  willed  by  a  loving  hand. 

— O.   J.   Rober 

Published    monthly    at    the    Church    of    God    Publishing    House. 
Cleveland.  Tennessee   37311. 

LIGHTED   PATHWAY   should   be   addressed    to   Clyne   W.   Buxton. 

Editor.  All  inquiries  concerning  subscriptions  should  be  addressed 

to   Bookkeeping   Department,    Church   of    God    Publishing   House. 

id,  Tennessee   37311. 



Postmaster   send   Form    3579   to   CHURCH   OF   GOD   PUBLISHING 

HOUSE.  1080  Montgomery  Ave..  Cleveland.  Tennessee  37311. 




Editorial  3 

Musings  on  Thanksgiving  4 

What  It  Means  to 

Be  an  Ambassador  5 

God's  Plans  for  You  6 

It's  Not  Fair  8 

The  Wiles  of  Worldly 

Wisdom  10 

Preaching  in  South  Africa  12 

A  Word  for  Education  1  3 

A  Family  Thanksgiving  14 

Blessed  Benefits  16 

Which  Way  to  Shore'  18 

Uncle  Toby  Proclaims 

Thanksgiving  20 

The  Boy  and  the  Web  22 

Youthful   Happiness   Is   .   .    .  24 
Family    Training  Hour 

(YPE)  25 

Report  25 
Advance  Daily  Devotions 

for  Christian  Teens  26        Floyd  D.  Carey 

Clyne  W.  Buxton 
Matilda  Nordtvedt 

Elizabeth  Teague 
R.  Leonard  Carroll 
Neal    Neitzel 

M.  G.  McLuhan 
Dewey  W.  Smith 
Donald  S.  Aultman 
Irma  Hegel 
J.  E.  DeVore 
Ethel  R.  Poge 

Vincent  Edwards 
Nora  Ann  Kuehn 
Matilda  Nordtvedt 

Paul  F.  Henson 

Clyne  W.  Buxton 

Lewis  J.  WHIis 

Chloe  Stewart 

JoAnn  Humbertson 

H.  Bernard  Dixon 

E.  C.  Thomas 


Donald  S.  Aultman 

Ray  H.  Hughes 

Walter  R.  Pettitt 

Margaret  Gaines 

Denzell  Teague 

Ruth  Crawford 

Martha  Ann  Smith 

Thomas  Grassano 
Cecil  R.  Guiles 


Single  Subscription, 

per  year 

Rolls  of  15 

Single  copy 


Editor  in  Chief 



Circulation  Director 


Paul  F.  Hens< 
Avis  Swiger 
J.  E.  DeVore 


James  A.  Madison 
Haskel  C.  Jenkins 
Leonard  S.  Townles 

SI. 50 

Clyne  W.  Buxton 

n  m  n  fn] 

HE  NEW  CHURCH  of  God 
Sunday  school  curriculum, 
introduced  with  a  full-page 
announcement  on  page  17  of  this 
issue  of  the  Lighted  Pathway,  is 
now  in  preparation.  Under  the 
name,  Neiv  Life,  these  materials 
will  eventually  span  all  depart- 
ments, including  Nursery,  Kinder- 
garten, Primary,  Junior,  Junior 
High,  Senior  High,  and  some  areas 
of  the  Young  Adult,  and  Adult. 
We  began  our  work  on  kinder- 
garten materials  (ages  4-5)  sev- 
eral months  ago,  and  these  will  be 
ready  for  use  in  the  churches  in 
September  1969.  As  speedily  as 
creation  and  preparation  will  al- 
low, we  expect  to  follow  up  with 
new  primary  materials,  and  then 
with  new  materials  for  the  Junior 
High,  and  Senior  High  Depart- 
ments—in that  order. 

Building  a  new  curriculum  is  a 
task  of  gigantic  proportions,  both 
in  financial  cost  and  also  in  man 
hours.  Nonetheless,  the  Church  of 
God  has  always  been  imbued  with 
the  aim  to  improve,  if  the  im- 
provement would  make  the  church 
more  effective.  We  believe  that  the 
development  of  this  new  curricu- 
lum will  increase  the  church's  ef- 
fectiveness and  is  therefore  within 
God's  will.  We  have  writers  with 
the  maturity  and  ability  to  create 
and  produce  some  of  the  best  Sun- 
day school  materials  on  the  mar- 
ket. As  the  reader  examines  these 
new  materials,  we  believe  he  will 
agree  that  they  are  some  of  the 
best  available,  for  they  have  been 
especially  designed  by  us  for  our 
particular   needs. 

Plans  for  this  new  curriculum 
have  been  in  the  making  several 
years.  About  the  turn  of  the  de- 
cade a  committee  was  formed  by 
the  General  Editorial  and  Publi- 
cations Board  and  was  composed 
of  Christian  educators  of  our 
church.  This  committee  drew  up 
a  thirty-one-page  document,  spell- 

ing out  the  doctrinal  stand  of  the 
Church  of  God  as  it  relates  to  cur- 
riculum. This  paper  was  subse- 
quently approved  by  the  Executive 
Council.  Later,  a  Christian  Edu- 
cation Curriculum  Committee  was 
authorized  by  the  church. 

This  is  a  standing  committee 
and  its  function  is  to  have  over- 
sight of  all  curriculum  of  the 
Church,  including  Sunday  school, 
vacation  Bible  school,  camping. 
Family  Training  Hour,  and  church 
training  courses.  The  committee 
members  come  from  several  de- 
partments of  the  church,  and  the 
committee  is  chaired  by  the  editor 
in  chief.  Feeling  that  the  greatest 
immediate  need  is  the  improve- 
ment of  Sunday  school  curricu- 
lum, the  committee  is  giving  its 
full  energies  to  the  creation  of  the 
New  Life  curriculum. 

The  Curriculum  Committee  is 
aware  that  it  has  a  weighty  respon- 
sibility in  developing  curriculum 
for  the  church.  It  is  cognizant  that 
an  error  in  doctrine  published  in 
some  part  of  the  materials  could 
be  very  misleading.  Therefore,  the 
committee  is  dedicated  to  the  fol- 
lowing   general    aim: 

That  all  Church  of  God  cur- 
riculum materials  strive  to 
confront  the  learner  with 
sound  biblical  knowledge,  to 
bring  the  learner  into  a  per- 
sonal acceptance  of  Christ  as 
Lord  and  Saviour,  to  guide  the 
learner  in  application  of  this 
knowledge  in  his  every  day 
living,  arid  to  lead  the  learner 
into  mature  spiritual  growth 
and  into  the  acceptance  of  ac- 
tive discipleship  in  Christian 

Besides  the  regular  personnel  in 
the  Sunday  school  literature  de- 
partment, we  have  five  persons 
working  either  full  or  part-time 
in  developing  the  New  Life  cur- 
riculum.   These  are  highly  trained, 

capable,  experienced  Church  of 
God  persons  working  tirelessly 
to  create  adequate  Sunday  school 
materials  for  the  church.  They  are 
doing  excellently  in  this  prepara- 
tion. After  the  materials  are  pre- 
pared, they  are  evaluated  and  re- 
vised by  responsible  persons  before 
being  presented  to  the  Christian 
Education  Curriculum  Committee 
for  review  and  approval.  The  ma- 
terials are  then  submitted  to  the 
General  Editorial  and  Publications 
Board  for  study,  revision  and  pub- 

We  are  striving  ardently  to  pro- 
duce a  curriculum  which  the 
church  will  appreciate,  and  which 
will  be  an  inspiration  to  use.  We 
believe  we  are  accomplishing  this 
purpose.  We  know  that  we  have 
some  of  the  most  competent  per- 
sons available  doing  the  work.  For 
example,  in  the  kindergarten  ma- 
terials, the  artist  is  a  foremost  il- 
lustrator of  children's  materials, 
and  his  four-color  work  is  an  in- 
spiration to  view.  Further,  the  per- 
son who  prepares  the  story  for  the 
take-home  paper  is  an  excellent 
writer;  the  team  who  writes  the 
teacher's  manual  has  had  many 
years  of  experience  in  the  class- 
room; and  the  designers  of  the 
teaching  pictures,  flannelgraph 
pictures,  sandbox  figures,  and  the 
activity  packet  are  persons  of  un- 
usual abilities. 

We  who  are  developing  these 
materials  often  comment  about 
the  overwhelming  assurance  that 
God  is  meeting  with  us  in  our  var- 
ious subcommittee  and  general 
committee  meetings.  We  are  some- 
times actually  aware  of  the  over- 
shadowing of  the  Holy  Ghost. 
Hence  the  work  is  a  spiritual  ex- 

We  anticipate  God's  constant 
guidance  as  we  continue  creating 
and  producing  materials  that  will 
more  clearly  point  out  God's  way 
to  students.   • 


N  HONG  KONG  refugees 
from  Communist  China  sleep 
in  makeshift  shacks  of  bur- 
lap sacks  on  the  streets  or  on  the 
flat  rooftops.  In  South  Vietnam 
refugees  from  the  North  make 
themselves  temporary  shelters  un- 
der bridges,  in  alleyways,  or  wher- 
ever they  can  find. 

I  have  a  warm  house  in  which 
to  live. 

Over  half  of  the  people  in  the 
world  go  to  bed  hungry  every  night. 

I  have  all  the  food  I  need  and 
want.  In  fact,  I  am  particular 
about  what  I  choose  to  eat. 

People  in  China  patch  and  re- 
patch  their  worn-out  clothes.  In 
parts  of  Africa  where  the  nights  are 
cool,  the  natives  will  barter  almost 
anything  they  have  for  clothing 
to   keep   their  bodies   warm. 

I  have  a  closetful  of  clothes.  And 
sometimes  I  look  at  them  and  sigh, 
"What  shall  I  wear  today?" 

A  large  percentage  of  the  peo- 
ple of  the  world  are  illiterate.  Even 
if  they  could  read,  they  would  have 
no  books;  for  nothing  has  been 
translated   into  their  language. 

I  have  shelves  of  books  in  my 
home  and  access  to  the  public  li- 
brary, weekly  magazines,  and  daily 
papers — so  much  so  that  I  cannot 
read  them  all. 

As  much  as  I  appreciate  these 
material  blessings,  they  fade  into 
insignificance  when  compared  with 
the  spiritual  blessings  that  are 
mine  in  Christ  Jesus. 

The  people  of  heathen  lands  bow 
to  gods  of  wood  and  stone,  seek- 
ing for  peace  that  never  comes;  or, 
disillusioned,  they  turn  to  empty 
philosophies  of  men.  I  have  a  liv- 
ing Saviour  who  made  peace  for  me 
by  the  blood  of  the  cross.  They 
work  and  hope  for  blessing  after 
death,  fearing  that  they  will  not 
attain  it.  Jesus  has  given  me  as- 
surance of  sins  forgiven  and  eter- 
nal life. 

Hezekiah,  mighty  king  of  Judah, 
also  experienced  God's  benefits. 
Had  not  God  sent  an  angel  which 
cut  off  all  the  mighty  men  of  the 
Assyrian  army  besieging  Jerusalem? 
Did  not  Hezekiah  become  prosper- 
ous  and    honored   by    all   nations? 


When  he  was  sick  unto  death,  did 
not  God  hear  his  cry  and  heal 

"But  Hezekiah  rendered  not 
again  according  to  the  benefit  done 
unto  him;  for  his  heart  was  lift- 
ed up"   (2  Chronicles  32:25). 

What  about  me?  Do  I  take  my 
blessings  for  granted,  even  patting 
myself  on  the  back  as  if  I  am  re- 
sponsible for  my  good  fortune? 

The  psalmist  cried,  "What  shall 
I  render  unto  the  Lord  for  all  his 
benefits  toward  me?"  (Psalm  116: 

"I  will  take  the  cup  of  salvation" 
(Psalm  116:13).  Surely,  to  refuse 
His  salvation  purchased  at  the 
price  of  His  own  blood  would  be 
ingratitude  indeed. 

"I  will  .  .  .  call  upon  the  name 
of  the  Lord"  (Psalm  116:13).  Am 
I  too  busy  with  my  own  affairs  to 
bow  humbly  before  Him  in  thanks- 
giving for  all  His  benefits?  Am  I 
willing  to  spend  time  praying  for 
those  who  are  less  fortunate  than 

"I  will  pay  my  vows  unto  the 
Lord  now  in  the  presence  of  all  his 
people"  (Psalm  116:14).  Ah,  yes, 
those    promises    to    God — I    made 

them  when  particularly  moved  by 
a  stirring  sermon  or  a  touching 
song.  "Yes,  Lord,  I  will  stop  com- 
plaining about  the  little  irksome 
things,"  I  promised.  "I  will  spend 
more  time  with  You  each  day  in 
prayer  and  Bible  reading.  I  will 
visit  my  neighbors  and  tell  them 
of  Your  love  for  them.  Yes,  Lord, 
I  will  give  up  some  of  my  luxuries 
to  send  the  gospel  to  those  who 
have  never  heard." 

But  after  the  sermon  was  over, 
and  the  last  strains  of  the  song 
had  faded  away,  I  forgot  my  prom- 
ises. I  did  not  keep  my  vows. 

"Notwithstanding  Hezekiah 
humbled  himself  for  the  pride  of 
his  heart"    (2  Chronicles  32:26>. 

"Lord,  on  this  Thanksgiving  Day 
I,  too,  would  humble  myself  be- 
fore Thee.  All  that  I  have  is  from 
Thee.  I  will  render  again  accord- 
ing to  the  benefits  done  unto  me. 
T  will  take  the  cup  of  salva- 
tion, and  call  upon  the  name  of 
the  Lord.  I  will  pay  my  vows  unto 
the  Lord  now  in  the  presence  of 
all  his  people.' 

"Thank  You,  Lord  for  all  Your 
benefits  toward  me.  Deliver  me 
from  pride  and  ingratitude."    • 

HE  AMERICAN  colony  was 
shocked  on  Wednesday,  Au- 
gust 28,  1968,  at  the  an- 
nouncement of  the  assassination 
of  John  Gordon  Mein,  American 
Ambassador  to  Guatemala,  C.  A. 
His  body  was  left  by  would-be  kid- 
nappers, riddled  by  several  ma- 
chine gun  blasts,  lying  face  down 
in  a  pool  of  crimson  on  beautiful 
Reform  Avenue. 

"Why  did  it  happen?"  "He  was 
such  a  good  man."  "Our  beloved 
Ambassador,  a  true  representative 
of  the  United  States,  has  been  as- 
sassinated." Such  were  the  remarks 
made  by  United  States  citizens  liv- 
ing in  Guatemala.  Only  a  few 
months  before  he  had  addressed 
a  church  group  on  the  subject 
"What  It  'Meins'  to  Be  a  United 
States  Ambassador. "  Here  are  some 
of   the  statements  he   made: 

1.  An  ambassador  must  be  will- 
ing to  leave  his  home  and  home- 
land and  go  to  a  strange  and  dif- 
ferent country  and  culture. 

2.  An  ambassador  must  be  in 
contact,  at  all  times,  with  the  one 
whom  he  represents — in  this  case, 
the  President  of  the  United  States. 

3.  An  ambassador  must  be  a 
faithful  representative  of  the  pur- 
poses, plans,  and  policies  of  his 

4.  An  ambassador  must  be  will- 
ing to  sacrifice  his  own  desires  be- 
cause of  the  great  demands  made 
upon  him  in  the  course  of  his  work. 
John  Gordon  Mein  was  both  a 
faithful  American  ambassador  and 
a  Christian  ambassador.  Regular 
in  church  attendance,  he  fulfilled 
the  demands  of  church  member- 
ship and  was  often  seen  in  public 
carrying  his  Bible.  It  is  not  too 
difficult  to  draw  certain  parallels 
between  the  requisites  of  the  polit- 
ical and  the  Christian  ambassador. 

"Now  then  we  are  ambassadors 
for  Christ  ...  in  Christ's  stead," 
said  Paul  in  2  Corinthians  5:20. 
Every  Christian,  whether  young  or 
old,  is  an  ambassador  for  Christ — 
"in  Christ's  stead."  You  are  an  am- 
bassador— be  a  faithful  ambassa- 

In  Ambassador  Mein's  speech  he 
said  that  there  must  be  a  will- 
ingness   to    leave    his    home.    As 

Missionary  to   Guatemala 


Christ's  ambassador,  you,  too,  must 
be  willing  to  forsake  family, 
friends,  fortune,  and  fame  (or 
whatever  else  may  be  required  of 
you).  Rest  assured  that  you  will 
be  repaid  well  for  any  and  every 
sacrifice.  "And  every  one  that  hath 
forsaken  houses,  or  brethren,  or 
sisters,  or  father,  or  mother,  or 
wife,  or  children,  or  lands,  for  my 
name's  sake,  shall  receive  a  hun- 
dredfold, and  shall  inherit  everlast- 
ing life"    (Matthew  19:29). 

The  most  important  thing  is  to 
be  in  contact  with  the  one  whom 
you  represent.  The  American  Em- 
bassy, wherever  it  may  be  found, 
reports  daily  to  Washington.  You 
are  an  ambassador  "in  Christ's 
stead";  therefore  you,  of  necessity, 
must  be  in  constant  contact  with 
Him.  According  to  Paul,  an  am- 
bassador of  Christ,  the  way  to  keep 
in  contact  with  God  is  through 
prayer.  Philippians  4:6  "Be  careful 
for  nothing;  but  in  everything  by 
prayer  and  supplication  with 
thanksgiving  let  your  requests  be 
made  known  unto  God"  (Philip- 
pians 4:6).  The  ambassador  for 
Christ,  through  prayer,  has  a  hot 
line  directly  to  God;  and  this  line 

is  kept  open  through  constant  use 
(Ephesians  6:18). 

The  ambassador,  in  all  of  his 
dealings,  whether  social  or  politi- 
cal, must  faithfully  represent  the 
purposes,  plans,  and  policies  of  his 
country.  God's  purpose— reconciling 
fallen  man  to  Himself  (2  Corin- 
thians 5:20),  God's  plan — salvation 
through  Jesus  Christ  (John  3:16, 
17),  and  God's  policy— peace  and 
holiness  (Hebrews  12:14)  are  all 
clearly  outlined  in  the  Bible. 

Ambassador  Mein  also  mentioned 

sacrifice  of  self.  Another  faithful 
ambassador  admonishes  Christians 
in  the  same  way  in  "I  beseech  you 
therefore,  brethren,  by  the  mercies 
of  God,  that  ye  present  your  bodies 
a  living  sacrifice,  holy,  acceptable 
unto  God,  which  is  your  reason- 
able service"  (Romans  12:1). 
Sometimes  this  may  mean  doing 
that  which  you  would  rather  not 
do  and  not  doing  things  you  would 
like.  "So  likewise,  whosoever  he  be 
of  you  that  forsaketh  not  all  that 
he  hath,  he  cannot  be  my  disciple" 
(Luke   14:33). 

You  cannot  know  what  may  be 
required  of  you  in  the  future  as 
an  ambassador  for  Christ  (Ambas- 
sador Mein  had  no  idea  when  he 
gave  the  aforementioned  speech 
that  he  would  be  the  first  Ameri- 
can Ambassador  ever  to  be  assas- 
sinated) but  down  through  the 
ages  Christ's  ambassadors  have 
given  their  lives  for  the  gospel  of 
Christ.  You  are  an  ambassador  of 
Jesus  Christ — an  ambassador  in 
your  social  world,  your  educational 
world,  your  business  world,  and 
your  religious  world.  How  Christ 
is  represented — if  He  is  represented 
at  all — depends  on  you  and  me !  • 



MOST  FITTING  scripture 
for  this  occasion  is  found 
in  Jeremiah  29:11:  "For  I 
know  the  thoughts  and  plans  that 
I  have  for  you,  says  the  Lord, 
thoughts  and  plans  for  welfare  and 
peace,  and  not  for  evil,  to  give  you 
hope   in  your  final   outcome." 

It  is  marvelous  to  know  that  we 
are  in  the  merciful  thoughts  and 
plans  of  the  great  God  Jehovah. 
Hope  in  your  final  outcome  is  con- 
tingent upon  your  ability  to  corre- 
late your  life  with  the  plan  of 
God!  Involvement  per  se  in  a  situa- 
tion does  not  necessarily  bring 
about  welfare   and  peace. 

We  live  in  a  time  of  great  events. 
World-shattering  occurrences  are 
appearing  on  the  time  chart  of  the 
present  in  bewildering  rapidity. 
This  is  a  frenzied  world — torment- 
ed with  anxieties,  frustrations,  and 
fears.  Confronted  by  new  needs, 
new  inventions,  and  new  forces, 
man  must  look  beyond  himself  and 
his  circumstances  for  hope  of  sur- 

Education,  employment,  and  op- 
portunity alone  are  not  the  media 
whereby  man  may  solve  his  prob- 
lems and  reach  a  utopia  of  happy 
adjustment.  Faith  to  believe  in  God 
and  His  Word  is  the  entree  to  peace 
and  security.  The  character  and 
moral  strength  that  are  built  by 
communion  with  God  are  essential 
for  any  test.  Keep,  therefore,  your 
heads  erect  and  your  purposes  un- 
daunted;   keep   your   eyes   on   God 

and  your  faith  unclouded.  Develop 
the  will  and  ability  to  triumph  over 
difficulties.  Demonstrate  the  char- 
acter to  see  life  in  all  of  its  mani- 
fold aspects — to  see  flagrant 
wrongs  .  .  .  and  yet  to  see  God — 
the  one  All-Sufficient  Remedy  for 
all  our  ills.  This  sort  of  attitude 
and  action  affects  and  shapes 
every  stage  of  learning  and  living. 
My  young  friends,  today  you  may 
possess  the  unexplored  and  unex- 
ploited  potential,  but  you  will  never 
realize  your  fullest  possibility  until 
you  master  the  disciplined  life. 

Since  its  inception,  Lee  College 
has  been  committed  to  the  careful 
development  of  the  individual.  For 
the  fulfilment  of  this  commitment, 
Lee  College  has  dedicated  itself  to 
the  transmission  of  a  specific  re- 
ligious and  literary  heritage.  As 
you  progress  through  these  halls 
of  learning,  everyone  associated 
with  this  college  will  strive  to  as- 
sist you  in  the  development  of 
those  attitudes,  understandings, 
and  traits  which  you  must  possess 
for  the  largest  self-realization.  Ex- 
perience, history,  sociology,  psy- 
chology, and  anthropology  teach  us 
the  power  of  the  environment  in 
the  development  of  individual  lives 
and  in  fitting  people  for  happy  and 
harmonious   social    living. 

This  is  one  major  reason  why 
Lee  College  is  quick  to  identify  it- 
self as  a  Church  of  God  related 
school.  It  is  proud  to  be  identified 
with  the  holiness  standard  and  the 

Pentecostal  perspective.  The  Holy 
Bible  occupies  the  nerve  center  of 
our  educational  program  and 
naturally  influences  every  school 
activity.  The  application  of  our  phi- 
losophy of  education  and  our  doc- 
trinal-ethical teachings  is  reflect- 
ed in  every  facet  of  campus  life 
and  thereby  gives  purpose,  direc- 
tion, strength,  and  enlargement 
to  learning  and  spiritual  growth. 
The  process  of  education  in  our 
context  centers  upon  academic  ex- 
cellence in  conjunction  with  culti- 
vating and  nourishing  Christian 
character  to  the  end  that  spiritual 
values  may  be  properly  recognized 
and  observed. 

Never  has  it  been  so  vital  that 
you  assume  your  place  in  the 
world — to  live,  to  learn,  and  to 
labor  for  the  general  well-being  of 
all  concerned.  Remember  in  whose 
Image  you  have  been  created,  and 
strive  to  be  worthy  of  that  Image. 
Deliberately  cultivate  your  talents 
to  the  limit  of  your  ability,  and 
you  will  catch  a  glimpse  of  your 
godlike  proportions.  You  will  nev- 
er be  really  prepared  for  life  and 
be  capable  of  defending  a  given 
way  of  life  until  you  have  trans- 
lated the  miracle  of  achievement 
into  flesh   and  blood. 

The  power  of  an  education  is 
demonstrated  and  exemplified 
when  the  individual  has  developed 
to  the  highest  possible  extent  cer- 
tain abilities,  understandings,  and 
traits : 

1.  First,  you  must  control  and 
command  your  personality  ad- 

2.  You  must  get  along  with  your 
own  body  and  develop  it  to  the 
highest   possible   perfection. 

3.  You  must  develop  the  art, of 
effective  communication  with 

4.  You  must  have  an  insight  and 
some  understanding  of  the 

5.  To  some  degree  you  must  be 
able  to  satisfy  your  wants  and 

6.  You  must  be  able  to  get  along 
with  others.  You  must  appre- 
ciate your  peers  and  manifest 
a  sincere  interest  in  their  wel- 

7.  You  must  enjoy,  use,  and  im- 
prove your  environment  for 
worthwhile  purposes  and  ends. 

8.  You  must  be  creative — in  mu- 
sic, art,  literature,  machines, 
handicrafts,    and    the    like. 

9.  You  must  attack  problems 
through  the  medium  of  rea- 
son and  bring  to  bear  upon 
them  the  ability  to  think. 

10.  And  finally,  you  must  recog- 
nize your  spiritual  need  and 
its  satisfaction  as  the  only 
route    to    real    happiness. 

To  the  extent  that  any  of  you 
have  these  abilities,  understand- 
ings, and  traits,  it  can  be  said  that 
the  power  of  education  has  express- 
ed itself  in  your  life.  May 
God  grant  you  the  ability  to  dis- 

cern that  your  worst  enemy  is 
the  person  or  influence  which  lim- 
its your  talents  or  impairs  your 
ability  to  produce  by  retarding  the 
best  that  is  in  you.  Such  a  force 
removes  your  strength,  stifles  your 
character,  stagnates  individuality, 
and  reduces  you  to  a  common  de- 

The  function  of  Lee  College  in  our 

Some  of  you  may  take  this  school 
for  granted  and  altogether  miss  the 
point  in  your  journey  here.  Never- 
theless, Lee  College  is  alert  to  the 
changing  needs  and  situations  and 
is  continuously  discovering  ways  to 
adjust  its  program  in  order  that 
it  may  effectively  meet  the  needs 
of  the  changing  function. 

It  may  sound  elementary;  never- 
theless, it  is  true  that  of  all  the 
freedoms  you  enjoy,  of  all  the 
rights  with  which  you  have  been 
endowed,  the  most  precious  is 
your  right  to  worship,  to  work,  and 
to  exchange  the  products  of  your 
talents.  Although  many  of  you  are 
in  a  new  situation,  do  not  over- 
look the  fact  that  here  at  Lee  Col- 
lege you  can  get  the  most  impor- 
tant equipment  and  training  that 
you  will  need  for  life.  If  you  will 
take  everything  this  college  has  to 
offer— spiritually,  mentally,  moral- 
ly, physically— and  if,  in  return, 
you  give  the  best  you  have,  you 
will  be  conditioned  to  enjoy  life  to 
a  successful  and  happy  conclusion. 
Work  hard.  Stick  to  your  task  until 
it  is  finished.  Be  self-reliant.  Stand 
on  your  own  feet.  Have  singleness 

of  purpose.  Use  your  talents  to  the 
fullest — and   you   will   acquire   the 
attitudes,  abilities,  and  habits  that 
will  see  you  through. 
Whom   should   Lee   College   serve? 

It  is  no  longer  correct  to  say  that 
Lee  College  should  serve  only  a 
limited  segment  of  its  community. 
If  Lee  College  is  to  justify  itself 
for  the  period  ahead  of  us,  it  must 
accept  that  its  fundamental  func- 
tion is  to  serve  the  purposes  of  the 
Church  of  God  which  is  its  real 

My  friends,  go  forth  seeking  after 
opportunity.  Do  not  sit  waiting 
hopefully  for  it  to  come  knocking 
at  your  door.  You  must  do  your 
own  door  knocking.  Then,  you  dis- 
cover what  the  Lord  meant  when 
He  said,  "Knock  and  it  shall  be 
opened  unto  you." 

I  sincerely  trust  that  you  will 
be  quick  to  observe  that,  upon  be- 
ing afforded  the  opportunity  of 
attending  Lee  College,  you  have 
been  given  the  chance  to  achieve. 
Growth  is  a  day-by-day  process; 
therefore,  you  must  be  alerted  to 
those  who  would  have  you  swap 
your  birthright  for  a  dish  of  fleet- 
ing fancy  or  vain  desire. 

The  uniqueness  and  effectiveness 
of  the  educational  program  at  Lee 
College  is  dependent  upon  the  de- 
gree to  which  you  submit  yourself 
to  its  influence.  One  of  the  sweetest 
sounds  to  the  human  ear  will  be 
the  commendation:  "Well  done, 
good  and  faithful  servant,"  which 
will  be  said  to  those  who  used  their 
talents  fully  as  they  walked  along 
life's  highway. 

My  young  friends,  I  congratu- 
late you  on  your  choice  of  Lee 
College  and  wish  for  you  a  happy 
and  rewarding  year!  • 

The  Reverend  R. 
Leonard  Carroll, 
Ed.D.,  is  First  Assis- 
tant General  Over- 
seer of  the  Church  of 
God.  He  gave  this 
address  to  the  new 
student  body  during 
the  opening  exercises 
at  Lee  College  this 

It's  Not  Fhir 

AST  TUESDAY,    our  church 

boards     held     their     joint 

monthly     meeting.     But 

something  was  wrong.  Little  more 

than   half  of   the   board   members 

showed  up. 

"I  phoned  her,"  said  the  chair- 
man of  our  Christian  Education 
Board,  reporting  on  one  absent 
member.  "She  was  very  honest 
when  I  asked  why  she  wanted  to 
resign."  He  stared  down  at  the  list 
of  names  in  front  of  him.  "I  just 
wonder  how  many  other  people  feel 
the  same  way,  without  saying  as 

He  went  on  to  tell  us  what  rea- 
sons the  woman  which  he  had  con- 
tacted had  given  for  failing  to  at- 
tend any  of  the  recent  meetings 
and  why  she  now  wished  to  be  ex- 
cused from  further  responsibilities. 

Instead  of  the  usual  excuses 
about  too  many  conflicting  de- 
mands upon  available  time  or  the 
existence  of  some  personal  situa- 
tion such  as  illness,  family  needs, 
or  of  already  being  overburdened 
with  work,  this  lady  said  that  she 
felt  she  had  done  her  share  for  the 

"I  taught  Sunday  school  for  sev- 
eral years,"  she  had  told  our  board 
chairman.  "I've  been  an  officer  in 
the  women's  fellowship.  Currently, 

I  belong  to  an  active  church  cir- 
cle, and  I'm  a  member  of  the  choir. 
We  have  about  five  hundred  names 
on  our  roster  of  congregation 
members,  and  yet  it's  always  the 
same  faithful  few  who  get  stuck 
with  all  the  work.  It's  not  fair.  I 
strongly  believe  that  you  should  re- 
place me  on  the  board  with  some- 
one else — someone  who  has  yet  to 
fulfill  the  obligations  every  mem- 
ber has  to  the  church." 

After  the  chairman  finished  tell- 
ing us  of  the  response  to  his  recent 
telephone  query,  we  were  silent 
and  thoughtful  for  a  few  mo- 
ments. Finally,  the  man  sitting  be- 
side me  spoke. 

"You  know,  I  can't  argue  with 
what  she  says.  I'll  admit  that  I've 
felt  resentment  at  the  smug,  eva- 
sive apathy  so  obvious  on  the  parts 
of  the  majority  of  congregation 
members.  Who  of  us  isn't  swamped 
with  work  these  days?  Who  of  us 
couldn't  find  a  couple  dozen  oth- 
er activities  to  fill  this  time  if  we 
weren't  sitting  here  in  a  church 
Sunday  school  room?" 

"Before  we  called  this  meeting  to 
order,  Helen  and  I  were  talking 
about  this  very  thing,"  said  one  of 
the  women  seated  across  the  table 
from  me.  She  sighed.  "I  myself 
almost    decided    not    to    come    to- 



"1  phoned  her,"  said  the  chairman  of 
our  Christian  Education  Board. 

night.  I  was  extremely  discouraged 
after  last  month's  meeting.  What's 
the  use?  I  asked  myself.  We  can't 
even  seem  to  get  the  whole  board 
together — let  alone  find  those  new 
Sunday  school  teachers  we  need." 

"Well,  I  believe  that  if  someone 
agrees  to  serve  our  church  in  any 
capacity,  that  person  should  live 
up  to  such  commitments,"  spoke  up 
the  woman  sitting  next  to  the  pre- 
vious speaker. 

I  looked  at  the  chairman  of  our 
committee.  Burt  was  a  dairy  farm- 
er. He  worked  as  long  and  hard  to 
support  his  family  as  any  of'  us — 
and  his  farm  chores  had  to  be  done 
seven  days  a  week  instead  of  the 
five  days  on  the  job  which  most 
of  us  put  in.  Yet,  Burt  was  teach- 
ing a  Sunday  school  class.  He  sang 
with  the  choir.  He  attended  the 
adult  Bible  study  meetings.  And  I 
knew  how  much  time  he  expended 
in  serving  as  chairman  for  the 
Board  of  Christian  Education. 

We  were  short  three  teachers  for 
Sunday  school.  It  would  have  been 
four  vacancies  on  the  teaching 
staff  if  Burt  had  not  taken  over 
one  of  the  classes. 

There  was  a  desperate  need  for 
choir  members,  especially  for  male 

Before  our  meeting  had  been 
called  to  order,  I  had  talked  with 

one  of  the  councilmen.  He  had  told 
me  that  their  board  was  current- 
ly operating  without  one  member. 

Why  could  we  not  fill  those  dis- 
turbing and  discouraging  gaps  in 
our  ranks?  I  could  not  believe  that 
it  was  because  only  a  meager 
handful  of  church  members  cared. 

"How  many  people  have  we  per- 
sonally contacted  and  asked  for 
help?"  I  asked.  "Oh,  I  know  we 
put  out  a  general  call  for  volun- 
teers from  the  pulpit,  and  we  also 
sent  out  a  plea  ior  workers  in  the 
church  bulletins,  too;  but  could 
we  make  a  list  of  the  specific  peo- 
ple we've  asked  to  serve  in  spe- 
cific areas?" 

Burt  and  the  other  board  mem- 
bers looked  at  me.  Each  of  us  had 
contacted  a  few  men  and  women, 
either  by  phone  or  by  personal 
visit,  during  our  search  for  Sunday 
school  teachers — but  it  had  been 
only  a  few.  And  we  had  all  taken 
their  negative   answers  too  easily. 

We  began  that  very  night  to 
work  from  a  mimeographed  list  of 
church  members.  We  each  took  a 
like  quantity  of  names  and  start- 
ed making  contacts. 

And  we  did  not  settle  for  those 
easy  "no's."  If  the  person  we 
called  declined  a  Sunday  school 
teaching  job,  we  asked  them  about 
joining    the    choir    or    serving    in 

any  one  of  a  dozen  other  ways. 

We  did  what  every  good  sales- 
man does.  We  began  qualifying  our 
prospects.  We  discovered  that  some 
men  and  women  were  aged  or  in- 
firmed  so  as  to  be  incapable  of 
helping  out.  We  found  other  people 
on  that  list  who  had  to  be  classi- 
fied as  "inactive,"  since  they  nei- 
ther attended  worship  services  nor 
participated  in  any  other  area  of 
church  activities. 

But  we  also  got  our  badly  need- 
ed Sunday  school  teachers.  We 
even  drummed  up  a  half  dozen  or 
so  new  recruits  for  the  choir. 

Presently,  we  are  attempting  an- 
other vital  project.  We  consider  it 
basic  missionary  work.  What  we 
want  to  get  across  to  those  people 
who  still  have  not  come  forward 
to  serve  is  that  working  for  the 
church  is  working  for  God,  that 
whatever  we  do  to  this  end  is  not 
"something  extra,"  and  that  be- 
coming deeply  involved  in  church 
work  is  not  a  burden  of  thank- 
less additional  responsibilities. 

Serving  God  is  a  wonderful  priv- 
ilege. There  is  absolutely  nothing 
in  this  life  which  God  has  given  us 
that  is  more  important  than  our 
giving  even  the  smallest  fraction 
of  our  lives  back  to  Him — when- 
ever, wherever,  and  however  we 


By  M.   G.    McLUHAN 


T  NO  TIME  in  history  has 
our  Pentecostal  faith  been 
so  sorely  attacked  by  mod- 
ern Gnosticism  as  it  is  being  at- 
tacked today.  The  Gnostics  of  the 
Apostle  Paul's  day  were  those  who 
looked  to  human  wisdom  and 
knowledge  to  deliver  them  from  the 
evil  material  world  in  which  they 
lived.  Though  the  current  form  of 
these  "brain  trusters"  is  not,  in 
all  ways,  a  parallel  to  the  first- 
century  variety,  their  effect  upon 
the  Christian  faith  of  our  youth 
is  much  the  same  as  it  was  so  long 

Today  more  of  our  young  people 
are  in  institutions  of  higher  learn- 
ing than  in  any  other  generation 
in  the  history  of  our  nation.  It 
has  been  said  that  knowledge  is 
power,  but  knowledge  that  leaves 
God  out  of  its  deliberations  and 
its  final  conclusions  will  lead  its 
adherents  to  moral,  spritual,  and 
eventually   economic   ruin. 

Some  while  ago,  a  young  Pen- 
tecostal believer  remarked  that 
since  he  had  been  studying  psy- 
chology, he  could  easily  explain 
the  mental  and  emotional  process- 
es that  the  church  calls  "regener- 
ation." In  his  words  was  the  clear 
manifestation  of  one  of  the  dead- 
liest and  most  sinister  forms  of 

With  great  confidence  in  his 
teacher  and  in  his  textbook,  he 
honestly  felt  that  he  had  reached 
an  intellectual  altitude  from  which 
he  could  look  down  upon,  and  di- 
sect,  what  the  Bible  calls  "spiritual 

rebirth"!  In  other  words,  the  well- 
worn  terms  of  the  great  doctrines 
of  salvation,  such  as  "regener- 
ation," "justification,"  "propitia- 
tion," "forgiveness,"  "reconcilia- 
tion," and  "sanctification,"  in  his 
mind,  had  been  outmoded  by  a 
"new  intellectualism"  which  had 
found  the  solution  to  the  mental 
quandaries  of  the  unlearned  reli- 

Although  this  young  believer 
would  have  been  highly  insulted  if 
someone  had  asked  him  if  he  truly 
believed  what  his  church  taught, 
nevertheless  he  had  already  be- 
come a  victim  of  one  of  the 
smoothest  forms  of  atheism  that 
the  devil  has  ever  foisted  upon 
the  human  race.  It  is  not  a  new 
method  of  attack  against  the 
church,  because  Paul's  writings  are 
filled  with  warnings  against  it — 
and  they  are  more  than  nineteen 
centuries  old.  Satan's  advantage 
rests  in  the  fact  that  it  is  new 
and  attractive  to  every  rising  gen- 
eration of  youth.  Therefore,  it  is 
ever  new  to  the  searching  mind; 
and  to  the  fallen  nature  of  man, 
it  is  very  enticing  and  exciting. 

Some  time  ago  the  writer  was 
privileged  to  hear  a  series  of  great 
sermons  preached  by  several  out- 
standing ministers.  Each  message 
reflected  hours  of  preparation  and 
study,  and  each  one  was  homilet- 
ically  set  up  to  emphasize  the  de- 
sired points.  However,  one  of  them 
stood  out  from  the  rest.  Its  rhetoric 
was  outstanding,  it  excelled  in  pic- 
torial illustration,  it  sparkled  with 

catchy  phraseology.  Theologically 
it  was  as  sound  as  Gibraltar  is 
militarily.  But  for  some  reason  it 
did  not  strike  fire  in  the  hearts 
of  the  listeners. 

A  man  who  had  heard  this  series 
of  sermons  remarked,  "I  walked 
with  the  first  preacher  through  the 
garden  of  God;  as  he  preached, 
I  beheld  its  beauty  and  smelled 
its  fragrance.  The  air  was  filled 
with  the  vibrant  life  of  the  Creator. 
The  hummingbirds,  butterflies,  and 
bees  were  there  in  busy  abundance. 
I  then  meandered  by  the  still  wa- 
ters with  another  speaker,  and  the 
meadows  were  alive  with  Creator- 
life.  But  when  I  walked  arm  in 
arm  with  this  man  into  his  garden, 
I  was  at  first  dazzled  by  the  bril- 
liant hues  of  its  profuse  blossoms, 
and  by  the  carefully  laid  flower 

"Alas,  though,  as  I  walked  fur- 
ther, I  became  aware  of  an  awful 
silence.  There  were  no  bees  nor 
hummingbirds  to  be  seen.  The  air 
smelled  not  of  the  Rose  of  Sharon, 
but  hung  heavily  with  the  odor 
of  human  sweat  and  the  smolder- 
ing wick  of  the  dead  candle  of 
misguided  hours  of  study.  I  stooped 
to  pluck  a  flower  for  my  lapel, 
and  lo,  the  leaves  were  wax  and 
the  petals  were  plastic!" 

The  scholar  is  told  that  his 
studies  are  leading  him  into  the 
true  facts  of  the  case,  and  that 
he  is  being  "liberated"  from  the 
binding  and  primitive  concepts  of 
an  outdated  religious  philosophy. 
If    he    has    never    personally    had 


a  genuine  experience  of  regener- 
ation, but  has  been  "brought  up" 
in  the  church,  he  will  almost  cer- 
tainly succumb  to  these  wicked 
wiles  of  worldly  wisdom!  With  a 
misguided  sense  of  intellectual  su- 
periority, he  will  smile  in  false 
charity  at  the  "primitive  teach- 
ings" of  his  father's  church. 

This  very  thing  is  happening  to 
hundreds  of  young  people  who 
have  been  reared  in  Pentecostal 
homes.  Having  had  no  real  experi- 
ence beyond  their  rather  limited 
environment,  they  cannot  cope 
with  the  insinuations  that  their 
newly  gained  knowledge  makes 
against  God  and  all  things  spir- 
itual. Having  observed  some  signs 
of  hypocrisy  and  insincerity  in  the 
lives  of  professing  Christians,  they 
conclude  that  this  evil  is  common 
to  all  who  declare  themselves  to 
be  the  followers  of  the  lowly  Naz- 

In  the  opening  chapter  of  First 
Corinthians,  the  great  apostle  had 
very  clearly  distinguished  between 
worldly  wisdom  and  the  wisdom 
given  by  God.  He  used  the  strong- 
est terms  possible  to  show  the  im- 
potency  of  human  wisdom  as  com- 
pared with  the  power  of  God  and 
divine  wisdom.  Note  his  words  con- 
cerning this  vital  theme:  "For 
Christ  sent  me  not  to  baptize,  but 
to  preach  the  gospel:  not  with  wis- 
dom of  words,  lest  the  cross  of 
Christ  should  be  made  of  none  ef- 
fect. For  the  preaching  of  the  cross 
is  to  them  that  perish  foolishness; 
but  unto  us  which  are  saved  it 
is  the  power  of  God.  For  it  is  writ- 
ten, I  will  destroy  the  wisdom  of 
the  wise,  and  I  will  bring  to  noth- 
ing the  understanding  of  the  pru- 

"Where  is  the  wise?  where  is  the 
scribe?  where  is  the  disputer  of 
this  world?  hath  not  God  made 
foolish  the  wisdom  of  this  world? 
For  after  that  in  the  wisdom  of 
God  the  world  by  wisdom  knew 
not  God,  it  pleased  God  by  the 
foolishness  of  preaching  to  save 
them  that  believe.  For  the  Jews 
require  a  sign,  and  the  Greeks 
seek  after  wisdom: 

"But  we  preach  Christ  crucified, 
unto    the    Jews    a    stumblingblock, 

and  unto  the  Greeks  foolishness; 
But  unto  them  which  are  called, 
both  Jews  and  Greeks,  Christ  the 
power  of  God,  and  the  wisdom  of 
God"  (1  Corinthians  1:17-24). 

Let  all  men,  both  young  and 
old,  remember  that  to  deny  the 
truth  of  the  above  inspired  words 
of  the  Apostle  Paul  is  to  deny  the 
saving  power  of  the  gospel  and 
to  rob  it  of  its  supernatural  na- 
ture. To  put  complete  confidence 
in  the  teachings  and  wisdom  of 
natural  men  as  a  means  of  find- 
ing spiritual  truth  is  to  deny  the 
divine  inspiration  of  the  apostle's 
words  and  to  brand  God's  plan  of 
redemption  through  Christ  as  being 
the  figment  of  ignorant  men's 
imagination.  Such  a  concept, 
though  unthinkingly  accepted  in 
the  atmosphere  of  a  so-called  "re- 
ligious" school  or  college,  is  down- 
right atheism.  If  the  plan  of  re- 
demption set  forth  in  the  pages 
of  the  New  Testament  is  a  fig- 
ment of  primitive  human  ignor- 
ance, then  the  existence  of  an  all- 
wise  personal  Creator  may  also  be 
purely  imaginary  and  unreal! 

It  is  not  ignorance  or  illiteracy 
which  have  tried  to  banish  a  per- 
sonal God  from  the  thoughts  of 
men!  On  the  contrary,  it  is  the 
insidious  self-sufficiency  of  unaid- 
ed and  uninspired  human  wisdom 
which  has  attempted  to  relegate 
Him  to  the  realm  of  the  imaginary 
or  to  the  silent  company  of  the 
dead!  It  has  always  been  thus 
since  the  dawn  of  creation.  Note 
Paul's  graphic  description  of  the 
conspiracy  of  worthlessness  that 
human  wisdom  concocted  and  the 
subsequent  moral  and  spiritual  ca- 
tastrophe which  followed  in  its  dire 

"When  they  knew  God,  they  glo- 
rified him  not  as  God,  neither  were 
thankful;  but  became  vain  in  their 
imaginations,  and  their  foolish 
heart  was  darkened.  Professing 
themselves  to  be  wise,  they  became 
fools,  And  changed  the  glory  of  the 
uncorruptible  God  into  an  image 
made  like  to  corruptible  man,  and 
to  birds,  and  four-footed  beasts, 
and  creeping  things.  Wherefore 
God  also  gave  them  up  to  un- 
cleanness  through  the  lusts  of  their 

own  bodies  between  themselves: 
Who  changed  the  truth  of  God  in- 
to a  lie,  and  worshipped  and  served 
the  creature  more  than  the  Cre- 
ator, who  is  blessed  for  ever.  Amen" 
(Romans   1:21-25). 

As  Pentecostal  youth  of  this  day 
prepare  themselves  through  ardu- 
ous study  for  their  secular  tasks 
of  tomorrow,  let  them  not  be  mis- 
led by  the  godless  self-sufficiency 
of  modern  worldly  education.  To 
be  educated  is  not  necessarily  a 
synonym  for  being  spiritually  in- 
formed. The  halls  of  earthly  learn- 
ing are  not  pathways  to  the  throne 
of  God,  nor  to  personal  acquaint- 
ance with  Him. 

The  bright  lights  of  erudition 
which  shine  from  the  windows  of 
ivy-covered  institutions  must  not 
be  mistaken  for  the  shaft  of  light 
which  falls  from  the  middle  cross 
on  Calvary's  hill!  The  preaching 
of  the  cross  is  to  them  that  perish 
foolishness,  but  to  those  who  have 
been  transformed  by  its  power,  it  is 
the  power  of  God  and  the  wisdom 
of  God!  The  wiles  of  worldly  wis- 
dom may  seem  appealing,  power- 
ful, and  wholly  self-sufficient  in 
leading  one  to  a  gratifying  in- 
come; but  let  no  man  forget  that 
to  know  how  to  make  a  living  is 
not  the  same  as  knowing  how  to 

To  follow  the  road  of  imagined 
intellectual  superiority  may  lead  to 
physical  ease,  temporal  plenty, 
and  worldly  influence;  but  at  the 
same  time  it  may  lead  one  to  the 
pits  of  immorality,  the  charnel 
house  of  debachery,  and  the  end- 
less remorse  of  an  eternal  hell 
where  the  worm  dieth  not,  and 
fire  is  not  quenched!  • 

The  Reverend  M.  G. 
McLuhan,  an  evange- 
list, is  a  competent 
preacher  and  Bible 
teacher.  He  has 
served  the  Church  of 
God  as  an  educator, 
missionary,  adminis- 
trator, and  pastor. 






"What  will  our  South 
African  brethren  be  like?" 
"Will  their  speech  differ  much 
from  ours?"  "Will  they  worship  as 
we  do?"  "How  must  we  act  when 
we  are  in  their  homes,  and  when 
we  attempt  to  minister  in  their 
churches?"  "What  should  our  ac- 
tions be  when  we  first  meet  them?" 
These  questions  raced  through  the 
minds  of  the  ministers  making  the 
trip  as  we  began  to  prepare  for  it. 
It  seemed  like  a  dream  that  would 
never  come  to  reality. 

When  all  the  arrangements  had 
been  made,  and  the  departure  date 
came  nearer,  our  hearts  began  to 
tingle.  Even  though  we  were  sched- 
uled to  stop  for  short  visits  in  both 
London  and  Rome,  the  keen  anti- 
cipation was  for  that  day  when 
we  would  reach  South  Africa.  So 
often  we  had  read  and  heard 
"dark  Africa,"  so  often  we  had 
thought  about  how  exciting  it 
would  be  to  actually  be  there  and 
to  experience  the  exotic  feeling  of 
spending  a  night  in  the  jungle,  and 
of  meeting  different  and  mysteri- 
ous people.  Now  it  was  hard  to  be- 
lieve that  it  was  about  to  become 

On  February  15,  1968,  the  tour 
of  London  was  behind  us.  We  were 
in  Rome  and  had  visited  the  coli- 
seum, the  catacombs,  the  Mamer- 
tine   Prison  where   Paul   had  been 

a  prisoner,  and  many  other  scenes 
of  early  Christianity  in  that  an- 
cient city.  All  this  had  been  ex- 
citing, but  the  most  exciting  part 
was  just  ahead.  Though  it  was 
midnight  Rome  time,  we  were  not 
sleepy!  We  were  boarding  our  big 
jet  for  Africa.  Before  us  was  the 
Mediterranean  Sea,  the  broad  Sa- 
hara, and  the  jungles  of  the 
Congo;  but  beyond  these  was  sun- 
ny South  Africa. 

After  a  brief  stop  in  Nairobi, 
capital  of  what  used  to  be  Mau 
Mau  country,  our  great  airliner 
touched  down  at  famous  Jan 
Smuts  Airport  near  Johannesburg. 
We  were  met  by  one  of  the  most 
congenial  groups  of  men  that  you 
could  meet  anywhere  in  the  world. 
These  were  our  Full  Gospel  Church 
of  God  brethren!  What  a  thrill— 
these  were  men  of  like  passion, 
and  men  of  like  faith!  They  had 
sent  us  word  to  Rome  not  to  eat 
the  noon  meal  on  the  plane,  be- 
cause they  were  "laying  on"  a  spe- 
cial welcoming  dinner  for  us. 

Eating  our  first  meal  together 
with  them  gave  us  a  sample  of 
South  African  hospitality.  No  mem- 
ber of  the  tour  will  ever  for- 
get that  first  tremendous  feast 
with  those  wonderful  brethren.  It 
seemed  as  though  we  had  known 
each  other  for  years.  Actually  we 
had  been  born  twelve  thousand 
miles  apart,  but  we  were  one  in  the 

church  that  we  all  loved  so  much. 
From  this  day  on,  we  lived  with 
these  men  and  their  families  for 
eighteen  of  the  most  wonderful 
and  inspiring  days  of  our  lives. 
Upon  visiting  in  their  homes,  we 
talked  as  any  group  of  Christians 
would — discussing  the  words  of  Je- 
sus and  talking  about  His  love  for 
us.  As  our  Christian  fellowship 
deepened,  we  told  ourselves  over 
and  over  again,  "These  are  men  of 
like  passions,  and  like  faith!" 

The  time  came  when  we  were  to 
visit  and  preach  in  their  churches. 
In  each  service  the  people  would 
sing  choruses  in  a  manner  that  we 
had  never  heard  before.  It  seemed 
as  though  they  made  the  very 
heavens  ring  as  they  magnified 
the  name  of  the  Lord.  As  we  min- 
istered to  them  under  the  anoint- 
ing of  the  Spirit,  we  realized  that 
these  people  were  no  different 
from  any  of  us.  Their  hopes,  their 
ideals,  their  faith,  and  their  wor- 
ship expressed  what  we  also  had 
in  our  hearts.  We  found  each  mem- 
ber of  the-  varying  congregations 
to  be  receptive  to  the  life-giving 
flow  of  God's  precious  Word.  When 
the  altar  call  was  made,  they  came 
forward  in  large  numbers  to  seek 
God   for   their  spiritual   needs. 

These  wonderful  services  created 
a  real  bond  of  fellowship  between 
us  and  these  South  African  breth- 
ren. This  is  a  fellowship  that  will 
never  be  severed. 

As  a  result  of  this  great  preach- 
ing mission  in  Africa  and  the  fel- 
lowship that  it  engendered,  I 
praise  God  for  the  Full  Gospel 
Church  of  God  in  Southern  Africa. 
It  is  an  integral  part  of  our  great 
worldwide  Church  of  God,  with 
just  one  supreme  goal — to  win  the 
lost  at  any  cost.    • 

The  Reverend  Dewey 
W.  Smith  pastors  in 
Piedmont,  Alabama 
He  is  a  successful 
pastor  and  a  good 


This  page  is  dedicated  to  Ameri- 
can Education  Week,  November  10- 

T  FIRST  GLANCE  it  would 
seem  that  everything  has 
been  said  on  the  subject  of 
education.  Squeezed  between  televi- 
sion progams,  spreading  full  color 
in  million-dollar  magazine  adver- 
tisements, and  even  vying  for  the 
attention  of  political  candidates — 
education  is  with  us  daily.  All  of 
us,  young  and  old  alike,  have  an 
interest  in  education;  and  all  of  us 
have  some  concept  of  what  it  is  all 

An  expanded  definition  of  edu- 
cation, however,  includes  the  con- 
cept of  helping  to  develop  proper 
tastes.  Paul  speaks  of  "approving 
things  that  are  excellent"  or  mak- 
ing the  most  discreet  choices.  This 
means  that  those  who  have  proper 
tastes  and  are  sensitive  to  life's  true 
values,  in  the  final  analysis,  must 
be  considered  educated;  while  those 
people  without  proper  tastes  and 
values,  no  matter  how  many  facts 
they  have  stored,  are  to  be  pitied. 
My  word  for  education  is  that 
Lee  College  is  dedicated  to  helping 
young  people  develop  proper  tastes: 
spiritually,  socially,  and  personally. 
Lee  seeks  to  produce  integrated  be- 
ings— young  men  and  women  who 
through  book  knowledge,  shared 
experiences,  and  spiritual  relation- 
ships develop  a  matuity  that  brings 
confidence  and  faith  in  God,  no 
matter  what  the  circumstances. 

A  record  number  of  young  people 
have  recently  come  to  Lee's  cam- 
pus. They  have  stood  in  long  lines, 
sat  in  long  classes,  splashed  through 
the  rain,  met  new  friends,  prayed 
in  chapel,  and  learned  that  college 
is  hard  work.  These  1,125  bold  ad- 
venturers do  not  know  precisely 
where  they  are  going;  they  do  not 
understand  all  the  challenges  that 
life  lays  before  them.  But  they  are 
searching,  and  they  are  believing 
that  answers  can  be  found.  Their 
faith  in  coming  here  speaks  a  word 
for  education  more  poignant  than 
mere  descriptions.  It  causes  all  of 
us  to  pray  daily,  "Lord,  help  Lee 
College  to  do  her  task  well." 



By    DONALD    S.    AULTMAN,    Vice-President    for 
Academic    Affairs,    Lee    College 

Do  you  have  a  word  for  educa- 
tion? Too  often  we  have  been 
silent,  permitting  a  few  people  to 
leave  the  impression  that  we  either 
oppose  education  or  tolerate  it  as  a 
necessary  evil.  Saddest  of  all,  those 
who  sometimes  are  placed  in  the 
role  of  seeming  to  oppose  education 
speak  not  as  much  from  conviction, 
perhaps,  as  from  the  assumption 
that  we  agree  and  enjoy  the  cari- 

None  of  us  desires  an  egg-head 
world.  None  of  us  appreciates 
pseudo-education  displayed  like  an 
honored  medal.  But  we  do  respect 
and  desire — for  our  children,  if  not 
for  ourselves — life-time  opportun- 
ities equal  to  those  of  the  neighbor, 
and  we  can  take  just  pride  in  the 
fact  that  Lee  College  offers  quality 
education  within  the  framework  of 
our  own  theology  and  Christian 

So,  speak  a  word  for  education 
in  your  church  community,  in  your 
Sunday  school  class,  and  in  your 
family.  Speak  it  boldly  and  well. 
Your  children  will  thank  you.  The 
future  will  bless  you. 

Our  church  offers  an  opportunity 
to  speak  for  education  during  the 
week  of  November  10-17,  1968. 
Mark  the  date.  American  Educa- 
tion Week  is  set  aside,  according 
to  the  church  Minutes,  for  every 
local  church  to  contribute  a  free- 
will offering  to  our  colleges. 

One  simple  word  buried  in  a  dic- 
tionary, a  word  transferred  to  pa- 
per, a  word  personified  in  the  faith 
of  young  people  seeking  the  truth 
at  Lee  College,  a  word  heard  by 
you  and  repeated  in  the  quietness 
of  your  own  world — this  word  may 
well  tumble  Jericho's  walls  and 
permit  a  young  person  to  enter  the 
promised  land.  • 


OYCE  CRAWFORD  huddled 
beside  her  husband  in  their 
small  car.  This  was  the  worst 
rain  of  all  November— and  here 
they  were  traveling  along  the  road 
that  would  lead  them  to  the  turn- 
pike and  the  capital  of  their  state. 
The  windshield  wipers  click- 
clacked  back  and  forth  upon  the 
glistening  glass.  With  every  stroke, 
Joyce  said  to  herself,  "I  don't  want 
to  go  ...  I  don't  want  to  go." 

If  they  had  been  journeying  to 
Indiana  for  this  first  Thanksgiving 
of  their  marriage,  it  would  have 
been  a  glad  occasion.  Indiana 
would  have  meant  Dad  and  Mom, 
aunts,  uncles,  cousins,  and  nieces — 
familiar  faces,  familiar  surround- 
ings. But,  Doug's  brother  had  to 
insist  that  they  come  to  the  capi- 
tal. Leonard  was  a  senator.  Sharon, 
Len's  wife,  would  probably  have 
one  of  those  cold  formal  dinners 
that  included  a  score  of  political 
bigwigs.  Joyce  realized  what  she 
knew  about  politics  could  be  writ- 
ten on  the  back  of  her  small  gloved 

Doug  glanced  down  at  her  then. 
"Thinking  again?  I  know  what 
you're  thinking  of  too."  Doug's 
football  shoulders  in  his  winter 
topcoat  looked  broader  than  ever. 
His  square  face  with  the  squinted 
eyes  regarded  her  soberly.  "You've 
never  met  Len  or  Sharon,  so  you've 
made  up  your  mind  that  they're 
going  to  give  you  the  poor-relation 
treatment.  You  know,  Joyce,  that's 
the  biggest  trouble  with  the  world 
today.  One  nation  is  suspicious  of 
another;  one  class  of  people  dis- 
trusts another  class.  Even  in  a 
family— let  one  member  rise  to 
prominence  and  everyone  else  in 
the  family  is  sure  that  he's  lost 
whatever  heart  he  might  have  had  2}  / 
in  the  climb  up.  We  happen  to  be  — 
God's  children — first,  last,  and  al- 

Doug  was  a  devout  believer  in 
God.  Every  spare  moment,  away 
from  his  job  as  construction  engi- 
neer, was  spent  in  working  for 
youth  in  their  church.  Joyce  could 
help  him  here.  She  loved  boys  and 
girls,  especially  the  underprivileged 
who  comprised  a  large  portion  of 
the    members    of    their    particular 

The  windshield  wipers  clicked  back 
and  forth  upon  the  glistening  glass. 



church.  She  had  an  unmitigated 
dislike  of  legislators  who  seemed 
so  far  away  from  urban  problems 
in  the  capital,  that  all  their  legis- 
lating apparently  accomplished 
nothing.  "Neither  Leonard  nor 
Sharon  was  at  our  wedding,"  she 
declared.  "Doesn't  that  prove  that 
they  don't  exactly  welcome  me  in- 
to the  family?" 

"Joyce,  do  you  remember  that 
Len  wired  us  that  he  had  pressing 
legislation  at  the  time,  that  he 
couldn't  get  away?  They  did  send 
us  a  television.  Think  of  the  fun 
our  kids  at  church  have  had  from 
that!"  He  broke  off  peering 
through  the  windshield.  "Say,  look 
at  those  folk  on  the  shoulders  of 
the  road  ahead.  Are  they  out  of 
their  minds?  Hiking  in  the  rain 
with  three  kids,  no  less.  Let's  stop. 
Roll  down  your  window.  Make 
them  come  in." 

Joyce  saw  the  shabbily  dressed 
man  and  woman,  each  holding  a 
child.  A  drenched  five-year-old  girl 
plodded   wearily   behind   the   pair. 

Joyce  opened  the  door.  "Please 
come  in,"  she  called.  "You  must 
be  soaked." 

The  man,  in  his  tattered  jacket, 
glared  at  their  car  and  shook  his 
capped  head.  The  woman  clutched 
his  arm.  "Please,  Rhett — Cap's 
cough  is  gittin'  worse." 

"Get  in,"  Doug  bellowed.  "What 
are  you  trying  to  do — give  your 
kids  pneumonia?" 

The  man  sullenly  prodded  his 
family  before  him  into  the  rear 
seat  of  their  car.  The  baby  in  the 
woman's  arms  was  breathing  so 
heavily  his  breath  came  in  a 
wheezing  cough.  Joyce  handed  their 
ragged  shivering  passengers  the 
car  robe.  "Do  wrap  this  around 
you.  It  will  be  some  warmth." 

"Where  are  you  headed?"  Doug 

"Butler,"   the   man   mumbled. 

"That's  150  miles  from  here," 
Doug  exclaimed.  "Why  Butler?" 

"I  heard  there  was  work  to  be 
had  in  Butler.  We  come  from  the 
south  o'  the  state  with  nothin'  but 
the  clothes  on  our  backs.  Minin' 
played  out  in  Hillsboro  twelve  years 
ago.  Ain't  been  nothin'  since   but 

welfare.  A  man  with  a  family  can 
take  just  so  much  o'  welfare." 

Doug  turned  the  car  around. 
"You  need  dry  clothes,  transporta- 
tion, and  food — when  did  you  eat 

"Yestiday,"  the  woman  gulped 
and  clutched  her  coughing  baby 

"I  could  take  you  to  a  restaurant 
— but  our  apartment  will  be  better. 
You  can  change  your  clothes  there. 
Joyce  has  a  steam  lamp  for  that 
croupy  baby." 

Joyce  loved  her  husband  for  his 
immediate  answer  to  a  human 
need.  This  pitiful  family!  Help 
would  have  been  available  in  any 
one  of  the  several  cities  that  they 
must  have  traveled  through.  But 
pride  and  fear  had  kept  them  from 
the  willing  outstretched  hands.  She 
wasn't  much  different,  she  decid- 
ed. She  hadn't  wanted  a  dinner 
from  Doug's  prominent  brother 
either.  Her  husband's  words  re- 
turned to  her:  "That's  the  biggest 
trouble  with  the  world  today.  One 
nation  is  suspicious  of  another;  one 
class  of  people  distrusts  another 
class.  ...  We  all  happen  to  be 
God's  children — first,  last,  and  al- 

They  were  driving  through  their 
familiar  city — the  rain  still  pour- 
ing down  and  turning  the  pave- 
ment to  shining  patent  leather.  It 
took  only  a  few  brief  minutes  to 
park  the  car  and  herd  the  desti- 
tute family  up  the  steps  of  their 
apartment  building  and  into  their 
warm  rooms.  The  baby  was  cough- 
ing heavily,  and  Joyce  started  her 
steam  lamp  going  in  che  living 
room.  She  raced  to  the  linen  closet 
for  an  armful  of  blankets.  She  got 
the  water  boiling  on  the  range. 

Doug  had  opened  the  refrigerator 
to  take  out  what  they  had — eggs, 
bacon,  milk,  bread,  cold  cuts. 

The  man  had  lumbered  to  the 
kitchenette  door,  watching  them. 
"I  never  thought  I  would  live  to 
see  the  day  when  strangers  would 
be  this  kind  to  me  an'  my  kin." 
His  thin  face  flushed.  "I'm  Rhett 
Lindamood,  Betty  Lou's  my  wife, 
Cap's  the  least  one,  Rusty's  after 
him,   then   Laurie " 

"We're  Doug  and  Joyce  Craw- 
ford," Joyce  explained.  "Now  let's 
see  how  Cap  is  doing  with  that 

The  baby  was  breathing  normal- 
ly under  the  warm  blanket  and  the 
steam — thank  God  for  that!  He 
smacked  hot  milk  and  gruel  from 
a  small  mug.  Laurie  started  cry- 
ing, and  Joyce  hastily  brought  in 
the  bacon,  eggs,  bread,  and  cold 
cuts.  The  children  snatched  at 
the  food  like  hungry  animals — 
Rhett  and  Betty  Lou  had  to  re- 
strain  them   several   times. 

They  were  exhausted.  When  the 
meal  was  over,  Rhett  fell  asleep 
in  a  chair;  and  Betty  Lou  and 
the  children  went  to  sleep  on  the 

"Let  them  sleep,"  Doug  whis- 
pered. "I'll  phone  Len.  We're  going 
to  be  delayed  for  I  don't  know 
how  long."  He  tiptoed  to  the  phone, 
dialing  long  distance  and  then 
talking  in  a  low  voice.  At  last  he 
looked  up.  "Come  here  a  minute, 
Joyce — Sharon  wants  to  talk  with 

Joyce  took  the  outstretched 
phone  with  numb  fingers.  Sharon 
must  be  furious,  she  decided.  A 
warm  voice  over  the  wire  said, 
"Hullo,  sister-in-law.  Doug's  told  us 
everything.  You  bring  the  Linda- 
moods  on  whenever  they're  ready 
to  travel,  Joyce  dear.  I  was  born 
and  reared  in  Hillsboro.  I  know 
something  of  the  poverty  there. 
The  Lindamoods  will  be  practically 

"Your   dinner — "   Joyce   faltered. 

"Dinner  will  be  ready  whenever 
you  arrive,  Len  and  I  will  find 
temporary  living  quarters  for  the 
Lindamoods  and  a  job  for  Rhett. 
You  tell  Rhett  we  have  work  here 
for  him  as  well  as  Butler  does. 
He'll  listen  to  someone  from  Hills- 
boro— I  know  he  will.  It's  going  to 
be  a  real  family  Thanksgiving,  and 
a  blessed  one." 

"Thank  you,  Sharon."  Joyce 
turned  from  the  telephone.  Her 
eyes  were  brimming  over.  "They 
want  all  of  us,  Doug — they're  won- 

Doug  clasped  her  in  his  arms. 
"It's  going  to  be  quite  a  Thanks- 
giving after  all,"  he  said.  • 



"Bless   the  Lord,  O  my  soul:   and  forget  not  all  his 
benefits"    (Psalm    103:2). 

souls  was  gathered.  It  was  a  united  action,  with  the 
Spirit  moving  and  directing,  and  the  disciples  cooper- 
ating. Praise  God,  Acts-of-the-Apostles  results  are 
ours  today  through  the  Spirit. 

I  heard  about  a  little  blind  boy  who  composed  a 
poem,  which   he   dedicated   to  his   parents.   He   said: 

/   knoio   what   mother's  face   is   like, 

Although   I   cannot   see. 
It's  like  the  way   the  roses  smell; 

It's   like   the   secrets   angels   tell; 

That's  what  mother's  face  is  like  to  me, 
Although  I  cannot  see. 

By  J.   E.   DeVORE 

/   know   what   father's   face   is   like, 

Although   I  cannot  see. 
It's  like  his  whistle  in  the  air; 

It's  like  his  step  upon  the  stair; 
It's  like  his  arms  that  take  such  care; 

That's   what   father's   face   is   like    to   me, 
Although  I  cannot  see. 

AM  THANKFUL  for  the  benefit  of  an  holy  and 

all-wise  heavenly  Father  who  thinks  of  me,  who 

cares  for  me,  who  loves  me,  who  watches  over 

me,  who  provides  for  me,  and  who  daily  loadeth  me 

with  benefits.  His  thoughts  are  precious  to  me.  "How 

great  is  the  sum  of  them!"    (Psalm   139:17). 

I  am  thankful  for  the  benefit  of  Jesus  Christ,  my 
Saviour  and  my  Lord.  He  has  redeemed  me  from  the 
curse  of  the  law,  because  he  was  made  a  curse  for 
me.  "It  is  written,  Cursed  is  every  one  that  hangeth 
on  a  tree:  That  the  blessing  of  Abraham  might  come 
on  the  Gentiles  through  Jesus  Christ;  that  we  might 
receive  the  promise  of  the  Spirit  through  faith"  (Gala- 
tians  3:13,    14). 

I  am  thankful  for  the  benefit  of  the  Spirit,  my 
comforter,  teacher,  and  keeper.  "No  man  can  say 
that  Jesus  is  the  Lord,  but  by  the  Holy  Ghost"  (1  Co- 
rinthians 12:3).  He  turns  on  the  light!  He  gives  us 
spiritual  insight.  He  also  empowers.  He  is  the  Lord 
of  the  harvest.  He  works  through  those  believers  who 
are  yielded  to  His  will.  The  Spirit  moved  and  directed 
on   the   Day   of   Pentecost.   Thus   a   great   harvest   of 

And   from   my   mother's   face   and  from   my   father's 

I  know  what  God  is  like,  although  I  cannot  see. 
He's   everything   my   mother  means; 

He's   everything   my   father   seems; 
He's  like  my  very  sweetest  dreams. 

And  more  than  all  of  these  is  He  to  me, 
Although   I  cannot  see. 

What  is  that  little  blind  boy  saying?  He  is  saying, 
"I  know  what  the  goodness  of  God  is  like,  what  the 
love  of  Christ  is  like,  what  the  care  of  the  Spirit 
is  like  because  of  the  goodness,  love,  and  care  of  my 
father  and  mother." 

Paul  said,  "Be  ye  thankful"  (Colossians  3:15).  If 
I  had  ten  thousand  tongues,  I  could  never  bless  the 
Lord  enough  for  all  his  multitudinous  benefits;  but 
for  the  Trinity — I  thank  him  most  of  all.  • 

The  Reverend  J.  E. 
DeVore,  state  overseer 
of  the  Church  of  God 
in  Louisiana,  is  a  reg- 
ular contributor  to 
the  Lighted  Pathway. 


Presenting  the 



Totally  New  Sunday  School  Literature 
..designed  with  YOUR  needs  in  mind. 

::"  designed    by   and    for   the   Church   of   God 

*  totally  Bible-centered  with  Pentecostal  emphasis 
::"  detailed   teacher  manuals 


*  creative  handwork  packets 

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*  flannelgraph  pictures 

*  sandbox  figures 

*  colorful   take-home   papers 


Some  authorities  say: 


It  is  a  pleasure  to  commend 
the  new  Sunday  school  cur- 
riculum and  compliment  those 
who  have  labored  in  its  pro- 
duction. This  is  a  good  for- 
ward step  in  supplying  the 
needs  of  our  Sunday  school 
scholars  and  should  bring  good 
results  in  effective  teaching.  I 
feel  that  both  the  teachers  and 
the  pupils  will  enjoy  the  new 
series  and  will  be  benefitted 
by  it. 

Charles  W.  Conn 
General  Overseer 

E.  C.  Thomas 
Lewis  J.  Willis 
Clyne  W.  Buxton 

F.  W.  Goff 
Paul  L.  Walker 
Paul  F.  Henson 
Hollis  L.  Green 
H.  Bernard  Dixon 

R.  Leonard  Carroll 


Teachers  will  be  delighted  with 
the  built-in  training,  the  beau- 
tiful art  work,  the  thorough 
planning,  and  the  comprehen- 
sive unit  materials  of  the  New 
Life   curriculum. 

Lucille  Walker, 
Executive  Director 
(Tenn.)  Community 
Action  Corporation 

Lucille  Walker 
Cecil  R.  Guiles 
C.  Milton  Parsons 
Heinrich  Scherz 
Geneva  Carroll 
Gail  Anderson 
Cecil  B.  Knight 
Ronald  Hood 

Members  of  the  committee 


Paul  L.  Walker,  Chairman 
Joe  Bailey  Barbara  Selby 

Carmelita  Walker       Darlene  Bailey 
Gary  Selby  Diane  Lovelass 


Sunday  school  teachers  will 
welcome  the  arrival  of  the 
New  Life  curriculum.  Based  on 
deep  insight  into  pupil  needs 
and  motivation,  the  teachers' 
and  students'  manuals  mark 
this  publishing  effort  as  one 
of  the  most  progressive  in  the 
history    of    our    church. 

Donald  S.  Aultman 
Vice-President  for 
Academic  Affairs 
Lee  College 


By   ETHEL  R.    PAGE 

YES  FOLLOWED  THE  tall,  athletic  youth  as  he 

strode  down  the  beach,  plunged  into  the  surf, 

and    swam    out   on    the    wave    with    confident, 

masterful  strokes.  However,  within  a  few  minutes  he 

was  forgotten. 

Some  time  later  a  voice  from  the  sea  rang  out, 
"Which  way  to  shore?"  No  one  could  be  seen  but  the 
young  swimmer  whose  head  and  shoulders  were  above 
the  water  as  he  still  moved  about  easily.  The  watch- 
ers, not  knowing  what  the  call  could  mean,  gave 
it  no  thought. 

But  again,  farther  from  the  beach,  came  the  cry, 
"Which  way  to  shore?"  Still  no  one  gave  serious  at- 

Minutes  passed.  Then  a  weak,  despairing  voice 
called  faintly,  "Which  way  to  shore?  Tell  me,  which 
way  to  shore?"  Only  a  tiny  speck  could  be  seen  far 
out  at  sea. 

The  careless  crowd  was  aroused,  at  last,  as  they 
realized  the  young  man  had  been  calling  for  help. 
Quickly  volunteers  pushed  off  in  a  small  boat  and 
sped  toward  the  spot  where  the  sinking  form  had 
last  been  seen.  As  they  bent  all  their  energy  to  reach 
him  as  soon  as  possible,  they  chided  themselves  for 
being  so  thoughtless  and  indifferent.  "Can  we  reach 
him  in  time?  Will  we  even  find  him?"  they  asked  one 

After  circling  the  area  several  times,  they  discov- 
ered him  floating  just  below  the  surface  of  the  wa- 
ter. Quickly  he  was  pulled  into  the  boat  and  in  a 
short  time  was  lying  on  the  sand.  Frantic  efforts  of 
resuscitation  were  fruitless. 

In  the  meantime,  his  identity  had  been  established 

and  his  sisters  called  to  the  scene.  "He  was  blind," 
they  explained.  Then,  in  agony  of  grief,  cried,  "Oh, 
if  only  someone  had  answered  his  call!" 

Which  way  to  shore?  The  cry  comes  from  east 
and  west,  near  and  far,  echoing  and  reechoing  around 
the  world. 

"We  are  witnessing  today  the  climax  of  man's  mad- 
ness," declares  R.  S.  Watts,  of  national  and  inter- 
national experiences. 

Amid  the  chaotic  conditions  of  international  rela- 
tions, government,  and  religion,  there  rises  a  cry  for 
direction — someone  to  point  the  way  to  clear  think- 
ing, solid  reasoning,  mental  and  spiritual  balance. 
Statesmen  stand  appalled  at  the  prospects,  inwardly 
lamenting  their  inability  to  stay  the  onrushing  tide — 
"Men's  hearts  failing  them  for  fear,  and  for  looking 
after  those  things  which  are  coming  upon  the  earth" 
(Luke  21:26). 

One  writer  says,  "Men  of  faith  and  sense  and  well- 
defined  objectives,  men  who  can  think  their  way 
through  a  problem,  were  never  more  needed  than 
now.  Confusion  of  ideals  as  to  right  and  wrong 
could  hardly  be  more  bewildering  than  it  is  today." 

Try  as  we  may,  it  is  beyond  the  power  of  man  to 
extricate  himself,  or  society,  from  the  enveloping 

Which  way  to  shore?  From  old  Judea  the  answer 
rings  down  the  centuries  loud  and  clear,  "I  am  the 
way"  (John  14:6).  "And  I,  if  I  be  lifted  up  from 
the  earth  will  draw  all  men  unto  me"  (John  12:32). 

This  is  no  time  to  be  loitering  indifferently  on  the 
beach  while  millions  out  at  sea  are  struggling  for 
survival,  calling  for  help.  Who  will  speed  to  the  rescue 
and  show  them  the  way?  • 


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to  gray-haired  Yale  alumni 
in  these  latter  days,  and 
you  may  see  their  faces  light  up 
with  a  wistful  recollection.  When 
Dr.  Wilbur  Lucius  Cross  taught 
English  literature  at  the  Sheffield 
Scientific  School  a  generation  or 
more  ago,  he  made  the  novels  of 
Laurence  Sterne  come  so  alive  that 
his  students  nicknamed  him  after 
that  writer's  most  famous  charac- 

The  popular  professor  had  quite 
a  varied  career  for  a  Connecticut 
Yankee.  Just  when  he  was  ready 
to  retire  from  Yale  and  have  done 
with  all  things  academic,  the  poli- 
ticians got  hold  of  him  and  made 
him  run  for  Governor  on  the  Dem- 
ocratic ticket.  He  was  successful, 
too,  and  was  elected  three  times 
after   that. 

If  the  Nutmeg  State's  slick  polit- 

icos  thought  they  had  a  greenhorn 
whom  they  could  wind  around  their 
fingers,  they  had  a  second  thought 
coming.  Uncle  Toby  had  learned 
the  dark  ways  of  politics  when  he 
worked  as  a  clerk  in  a  country 
store  at  Gurleyville,  the  Connecti- 
cut town  where  he  grew  up.  On 
his  desk  in  the  Governor's  office 
at  Hartford,  he  had  conspicuously 
displayed  a  framed  saying  by  Mark 
Twain:  "Always  do  right.  This  will 
gratify  some  people,  and  astonish 
the  rest."  No  doubt  the  "bosses" 
were  bowled  over  by  that  one,  also! 
Five  times  Wilbur  Cross  ran  for 
Connecticut's  highest  office.  Four 
times  he  won,  but  on  his  fifth  try 
he  went  down  to  defeat.  This  was 
in  1938.  Perhaps  he  was  glad  in 
a  way.  He  was  seventy-six  and 
really  weary  of  the  hurly-burly  of 
public  office;  now  he  had  the  time 
and  leisure   to   write   his   own   life 

history,   Connecticut   Yankee. 

When  that  lively  autobiography 
appeared,  readers  suddenly  discov- 
ered how  ripe  was  the  author's 
wit,  and  what  a  well-read  scholar 
he  was  of  human  nature.  The  book 
fairly  crackled  with  Uncle  Toby's 
dry  Yankee  humor,  and  there  were 
fascinating  glimpses  of  Yale  and 
Connecticut  celebrities  as  well. 

This  distinguished  gentleman  has 
now  been  dead  for  eighteen  years, 
but  his  memory  is  still  kept  alive 
by  his  native  state.  Tens  of  thou- 
sands of  motorists  who  start 
through  Connecticut  on  a  tour  of 
New  England  and  Canada  travel 
over  the  celebrated  Wilbur  Cross 

People  who  prize  noteworthy 
public  pronouncements  also  cher- 
ish a  precious  legacy.  Whenever 
Thanksgiving  rolls  around,  they 
are   quite   likely   to   turn   to   Uncle 


Toby's  famous  proclamation.  It  was 
more  than  a  quarter  century  ago 
that,  in  the  midst  of  his  last  politi- 
cal campaign,  amid  all  the  excite- 
ment of  speeches  and  rallies,  that 
he  found  time  to  compose  this  no- 
bly worded  statement.  Because  it 
now  seems  as  timely  and  up-to- 
the-minute  as  when  it  was  first 
made  public,  that  Thanksgiving 
proclamation  is  regarded  as  little 
short  of  a  literary  classic.  Here  it 

"As  the  colors  of  autumn  stream 
down  the  wind,  scarlet  in  sumac 
and  maple,  spun  gold  in  the  birch- 
es, a  splendor  of  smoldering  fire 
in  the  oaks  along  the  hill,  and  the 
last  leaves  flutter  away,  the  dusk 
falls  briefly  about  the  worker 
bringing  in  from  the  field  a  late 
load  of  its  fruit,  and  Taurus  is  lost 
to  sight,  and  Orion  swings  upward 
that  great  sun  upon  his  shoulder, 
we  are  stirred  once  more  to  ponder 
the  Infinite  Goodness  that  has  set 
apart  for  us,  in  all  this  moving 
mystery  of  creation,  a  time  of  liv- 
ing and  a  home.  In  such  a  spirit 
I  appoint  Thursday,  the  twenty- 
fourth  of  November,  a  day  of  Pub- 
lic Thanksgiving. 

"In  such  a  spirit  I  call  upon 
the  people  to  acknowledge  heartily, 
in  friendly  gathering  and  house  of 
prayer,  the  increase  of  the  season 
nearing  now  its  close:  the  harvest 
of  earth,  the  yield  of  patient  mind 
and  faithful  hand,  that  have  kept 
us  fed  and  clothed  and  have  made 
for  us  a  shelter  even  against  the 

"It  is  right  that  we  whose  arc 
of  sky  has  been  darkened  by  no 
war  hawk,  who  have  been  forced 
by  no  man  to  stand  and  speak 
when  to  speak  was  to  choose  be- 
tween life  and  death,  should  give 
thanks  also  for  the  further  mercies 
we  have  enjoyed,  beyond  desert  or 
any  estimation,  of  justice,  freedom, 
lovingkindness,  peace — resolving,  as 
we  prize  them,  to  let  no  occasion 
go  without  some  prompting  or  some 
effort  worthy  in  a  way  however 
humble  of  those  proudest  among 
men's  ideals,  which  burn,  though 
it  may  be  like  candles  fitfully  in 
our  gusty  world,  with  a  light  so 
bright  we  name  its  source  divine."* 


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MARTHA  WIPED  the  steam- 
ing window  glass  and 
watched  as  Darcy  scuffed 
across  the  yard  swinging  his  lunch 
pail.  Surely,  she  worried,  he'll  get 
to  school  on  time  this  morning.  A 
brisk  walk  would  take  one  to  the 
schoolhouse  in  only  twenty  min- 
utes, let  alone  the  hour's  start  she 
was  giving  him  today. 

She  frowned  as  she  returned  to 
bouncing  the  wooden  dasher  in  the 
old  crockery  churn,  Darcy  was 
hardly  nine,  and  yet.  .  .  .  Well  it 
wasn't  too  soon  to  think  about 
molding  his  character.  He  was  a 
good  little  fellow,  but  there  was 
a  lackadaisical  manner  about  him. 
If  she  gave  him  a  certain  chore 
to  do,  it  wasn't  anytime  at  all 
before  he  was  doing  something  else, 
completely  forgetful  of  his  first 

Young  Martha  Reed  took  her 
own  responsibilities  very  seriously. 
And  more  so  than  ever,  since  that 
telegram  came  four  years  ago,  and 
with  it  the  sobering  knowledge  that 
she  would  have  to  go  it  alone.  "A 
fine,  hardworking  little  woman," 
the  neighbors  had  nodded  approv- 
ingly. There  was  no  nonsense  about 
Martha.  It  was  a  reputation  in 
which  she  took  pride.  And  what, 
she  wondered,  would  Darcy's  repu- 
tation be  someday? 

"Late  to  school,  late  to  school, 
late  to  school,"  the  dasher  seemed 
to  say. 

On  sudden  impulse,  she  snatched 
her  big  straw  hat  and  ran  across 
the  yard,  scattering  the  lazy  red 
hens  in  her  hurry.  He  had  been 
late  every  single  day  this  week! 
Why,  it  was  actually  a  disgrace. 
She  would  see  to  it  that  he  got 
to  school  on  time  as  he  was  sup- 
posed to. 

She  would  just  take  him  by  the 
arm  and  march  him  right  along 
and — she  left  the  thought  uncom- 
pleted as  she  strode  along  through 
the  early  morning  autumn.  The 
shortcut  to  the  county  road  lay 
through  the  woods,  and  she  went 
carefully  over  the  narrow,  pine- 
needle  covered  trail,  mildly  sur- 
prised at  the  mellow  wood  scents 
that  she  had  forgotten  in  these 
past  busy  months. 

She  saw  him  beside  the  creek, 
battered  lunch  pail  at  one  side, 
watching  something  in  the  water 
with  wholly  absorbed  interest.  Ex- 
asperation rose  in  her,  as  she  went 
to  grab  him. 

A  footfall  betrayed  her,  and  he 
turned  his  round,  snub-nosed  face 
towards  her.  The  shock  of  rust- 
brown  hair  was  in  his  eye  again. 
He  was  an  odd  little  miniature  of 
his   father. 

"Sh!"  Darcy  said.  "Look." 

There  was  movement  in  the  un- 
derbrush across  the  creek,  and  a 
muskrat  swam  out  to  eye  them 

"Ho,  you,"  Darcy  called.  "What- 

cha  catch  this  morning?" 

The  animal  turned  and  coasted 
leisurely  back  to  its  hiding  place 
on  the  opposite  bank. 

"I  see  him  every  day,"  he  ex- 
plained, as  if  that  ended  the  mat- 
ter. "Sometimes  I  toss  pebbles,  and 
he  swims  over.  It's  sorta  like  a 
game."  The  glance  at  his  mother 
was  not  entirely  approving.  "He's 
scared  of  you,  though.  He  don't  like 

"Doesn't  he,  though!  Well,  I 
think  we  had  better  pick  up  our 
lunch  pail,  Darcy  Reed,  and  get 
along   to  school!" 

"Oh,  school.  Well,  s'long,  Mom." 

"I'll  just  go  along  a  stretch, 
young  man."  The  lecture  she  had 
planned  wouldn't  materialize. 

"Aw,  Mom.  .  .  ."  He  trudged 
along  beside  her,  up  and  along  the 
pine  fragrant  path.  It  was  pleasant 
in  the  forest,  Martha  was  forced 
to  admit,  scarcely  aware  that  she 
was  walking  more  slowly.  It  had 
been  so  long  since  she  had  taken 
a  leisurely  walk.  There  was  always 
so  much  to  be  done — the  chicks  in 
the  brooder  house,  the  three  cows, 
the  milking,  the  skimming,  and 
cooling,  the  cleaning  up,  and  the 
churning.  .  .  . 

Suddenly  she  realized  her  son 
wasn't  beside  her. 

"Darcy!  Darcy  Reed!" 

She  turned  and  saw  him  a  dozen 
paces  back,  squatting  on  his 
haunches,   his   head   low   over   the 


path.  She  went  to  him.  "What  in 
ihe  world — " 

Martha  stared  at  the  ground.  A 
few  shiny  black  ants  traveled  up 
and  down  imperceptible  highways, 
meeting,  touching,  and  hurrying 
on  again. 

Darcy  drew  a  twig  across  the 
ant  trail,  and  watched  as  the  in- 
sects scurried  around  in  sudden 
panic.  "It's  an  earthquake,"  he  an- 
nounced. "Run  fast,  little  ants,  it's 
an  earthquake.  Just  like  China," 
he  said  suddenly  to  Martha. 

Like  China?  She  pondered  that 
remark  while  he  opened  his  lunch 
pail,  crumbled  part  of  a  sandwich 
for  the  ants,  and  absently 
munched  the  remainder.  As  a  small 
girl,  she  had  thought  of  China  as 
a  land  of  magic,  of  beautiful  ladies 
in  brocades  and  satins,  and  strange 
dark  men. 

The  ants— funny  little  things 
carrying  mountain-sized  crumbs 
and  hurrying  so  senselessly  this 
way  and  that — were  unaware  of 
the  round-eyed  humans  and  the 
fantastically  immense  forest  with 
its  heavy,  somnolent  silence. 

It  was  Darcy  who  stood  up  first, 
"Got  something  else  to  show  you, 
Mom."  He  went  on  ahead  of  her 
to  a  spot  that  was  almost  clear, 
where  a  pine  had  fallen  last  year 
and  was  beginning  its  slow,  mold- 
ering  dissolution.  "Over  here  in 
these  bushes,  Mom." 

She  caught  her  breath  at  the 
sight  of  a  web,  glistening  with  sun- 
light, patterned  with  perfect  deli- 

"Now  you  watch,  Mom."  He 
tossed  a  rolled-up  leaf  so  that  it 
hung,  breeze-trembling,  on  the  sil- 
very tracing. 

Martha  opened  her  mouth,  then 
closed  it.  A  brown  spider  danced 
as  though  it  were  descending  a 
tightrope.  It  paused  motionless, 
then  turned  and  worried  the  bit 
of  green  until  it  tumbled  reluc- 
tantly from  the  net. 

"He  likes  flies,"  Darcy's  hand 
flashed  in  the  air  near  the  log.  He 
brought  it  close  to  the  web  and 
released  the  insect.  Again  the  tra- 
cery trembled;  the  spider  rushed 
out,  but  now  it  remained. 

"The   spider  eats   flies,   and   the 

frogs  eat  spiders,  and  snakes  eat 
the  frogs,"  he  explained  soberly,  as 
though  understanding  her 
thoughts.  "That's  nat'chrul  history, 

"Yes,"  she  said,  from  her  seat 
on  the  log.  "I  suppose  it  is."  All 
part  of  the  silent  unseen  struggle 
that  went  on  in  the  forest  by  day 
and  night  for  eons  past  and  those 
to  come.  Sensing  the  pattern  of 
tumult,  yet  she  somehow  felt  at 
peace.  The  other,  older  Darcy,  his 
father,  came  into  her  thoughts, 
and  she  remembered  a  summer  day 
spent  with  him  on  a  wooded  hill- 
side. She  remembered  the  way  his 
dark  hair  fell  unheeded  over  one 
grey  eye  and  his  deep  thoughtful 
voice  as  his  finger  drew  a  small 
rectangle  in  the  path.  "If  we  knew 
this  single  foot  of  earth,"  he  had 
said,  "we  would  know  almost  all 
the  universe." 

There  came  the  distant  tolling  of 
a  bell,  and  she  wondered  absently 
what  it  might  be. 

Darcy  gave  a  small  cry.  "Hey, 
Mom,  the  school  bell." 

"Hurry,"  she  cried,  shoving  the 
lunch  pail  at  him.  "Oh,  darling, 
run.  You're  going  to  be  late  again." 

She  watched  the  small  puffs  of 
dust  as  he  came  to  the  county 
road  and  raced  away  around  the 

She  walked  slowly  back  and  sat 
on  the  log.  The  spider  was  gone; 
the  fly  was  gone;  the  web  was  as 
it  had  been — silvery  with  dew. 

"If  we  only  knew  this  single  foot 
of  earth,"  she  thought.  "Dear  God," 
she  prayed,  "let  him  grow  up  to 
be  just  the  same." 

She  smiled  to  herself  as  gentle 
fragrance  warmed  with  the  gath- 
ering day.  "You're  just  natural  his- 
tory," she  said  to  the  unseen  spi- 
der, "like  myself.  You  are  just  a 
fragment  caught  up  in  tumultuous 

"But  there's  a  difference,"  she 
thought,  as  she  started  toward 
home,  back  to  her  butter  churn, 
the  chickens,  and  cows.  "There  are 
so  many  small,  unnoticed  victories 
that,  added  together,  can  make 
one's  life  a  song  of  triumph.  And 
today,  perhaps,  I  have  had  my 
own  small  victory."  • 


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Happiness  is  getting  an  A  in  the  math  test.  Hap- 
piness is  having  a  date  with  Jean.  Happiness  is — 
You  name  it! 

The  famous  Russian  writer,  Leo  Tolstoy,  wrote  a 
fable  about  a  king  who  became  ill.  He  called  his  wise 
men  together  for  advice  as  to  a  cure.  One  of  them 
told  the  king  that  if  they  would  search  the  kingdom 
for  a  happy  man,  take  off  his  shirt  and  put  it  on 
the  king,  he  would  get  well. 

The  search  began,  but  a  perfectly  happy  man  was 
hard  to  find.  A  rich  man  was  not  happy  because  he 
was  in  poor  health  or  had  a  nagging  wife.  A  healthy 
man  was  not  happy  because  he  wanted  more  riches. 
Others  had  wayward  children  or  other  problems  about 
which  they  complained. 

At  last  the  king's  men  overheard  a  man  talking  to 
himself  as  he  lay  down  to  sleep  in  a  humble  little 
cottage.  He  was  absolutely  contented  and  happy.  The 
messengers  rushed  in  to  get  the  happy  man's  shirt 
for  the  king,  promising  to  pay  the  man  well  for  it. 
But  they  found  to  their  dismay  that  the  happy  man 
was  so  poor  he  had  no  shirt. 

Jesus  said,  "A  man's  life  consisteth  not  in  the  abun- 
dance of  the  things  which  he  possesseth"  (Luke 

Solomon  said,  "He  that  loveth  silver  shall  not  be 
satisifed  with  silver;  nor  he  that  loveth  abundance 
with  increase"  (Ecclesiastes  5:10).  Solomon  tried  to 
find  happiness  in  wealth,  learning,  pleasure,  and 
work;   but  in  the  end  he  said,  "All  is  vanity." 

Marilyn  Monroe  had  beauty,  money,  success,  fame; 
but  was  she  happy?  If  she  had  been,  she  would  not 
have  taken  an  overdose  of  sleeping  pills. 

Of  course,  there  is  fleeting  happiness  in  getting 
a  new  sweater,  the  guitar  you  have  been  wanting, 
that  good  grade  in  science,  or  a  date  with  your  dream 
girl.  But  lasting  happiness  is  not  found  in  things, 
pleasure,  people,  or  attainments. 

Where,  then,  is  happiness  found?  The  formula  is 
simple.  Try  it.  "Blessed  (happy,  fortunate,  and  to  be 
envied)  is  he  whose  transgression  is  forgiven,  whose 
sin  is  covered"  (Psalm  32:1).  "The  blood  of  Jesus 
Christ  his  Son  cleanseth  us  from  all  sin"  (1  John 

True  and  lasting  happiness  is  found  in  having  a 
personal  relationship  with  Jesus  Christ! 

— Matilda    Nordtvedt 

Advance  Daily  Devotions 

from  page  27 

Read:  Reread  Chapter 
1.  Think:  Will  there  ever  be  a  time  that  the  ungodly 
will  be  convinced  that  they  have  done  wrong?  When 
will  this  be  (v.  15)?  Pray:  For  your  State  Board  of 
Councilors,  who  are  elected  by  their  fellow  ministers 
to  assist  the  State  Overseer  in  directing  the  affairs 
of  the  church  statewide. 

Read:  First  John,  Chapter 

1.  Think:  List  two  advantages  of  having  a  personal 
testimony  of  God's  grace  in  your  own  life  before 
trying  to  witness  to  the  lost  (v.  3).  Pray:  For  your 
unsaved  teen-age  friends.  Repeat  each  one's  name 

Read:  First  John,  Chapter 

2.  Think:  How  can  a  teen-ager  abide  in  Christ  (v. 
28).  Read  John  15:10.  Pray:  For  the  Christian  edu- 
cation programs  sponsored  by  your  State  Youth  Di- 
rector and  for  local  teen  evangelism. 

Read:  First  John  Chapter 

3.  Think:  Unbelievers  often  persecute  or  oppose  Chris- 
tians to  get  revenge  because  they  know  their  own 
works  are  evil  and  the  Christian's  works  are  righteous 
(v.  12).  Pray:  For  the  Fall  Sunday  School  Enlarge- 
ment Campaign:  "Doorways  Unlimited,"  and  for  local 
numerical  growth. 

Read:  First  John, 
Chapter  4.  Think:  In  your  opinion,  what  did  John 
mean  by  the  statement,  "As  he  is,  so  are  we  in  this 
world"  (v.  17).  Explain.  Pray:  For  holy  boldness  to 
work  and  to  witness  for  Christ. 

Read:  First  John,  Chap- 
ter 5.  Think:  Which  is  greater,  the  witness  of  God 
or  the  witness  of  man  (v.  9)?  Explain.  Pray:  For 
the  work  of  your  local  pastor's  council  and  for  the 
effectiveness  of  the  preaching  ministry  of  your  pastor. 

Read:  Second  John,  Chap- 
ter 1.  Think:  Is  there  a  difference  between  knowing 
the  truth  and  walking  in  the  truth  (v.  4).  List  two 
differences.  Pray:  Ask  God  to  let  the  light  of  His 
Word  direct  you  in  every  activity  of  life.  This  includes 
your  social  life. 

Read:  Third  John, 
Chapter  1.  Think:  Fellow  servants  of  the  truth  are 
those  who  cooperate  in  the  programs  of  the  local 
church  and  accept  personal  responsibility  (v.  8). 
Pray:  For  our  boys  in  the  military,  and  for  General 
Secretary-Treasurer  C.  Raymond  Spain,  who  directs 
this  phase  of  our  denomination's  program. 





By  Paul  Henson 
National  Director 

Greenville    (Tremont   Ave.), 

South  Carolina __  __  _ 

Buford,   Georgia   

Cincinnati   (Central  Parkway),  Ohio  .... 
Jacksonville   (Garden   City),   Florida   .... 

Wyandotte,    Michigan    .... 

Pulaski,   Virginia  

Radford,  Virginia  

Lakeland    (Lake    Wire),    Florida    

Ranlo.   North   Carolina   

Rossville,  Georgia  _ 

Chattanooga   (North),  Tennessee  

Wilson,   North   Carolina  

Jackson   (Bailey  Avenue),  Mississippi  .. 

Somerset,   Pennsylvania  ._ 

Fort  Worth  (Riverside),  Texas  

Glendale,  Arizona  _ _.  .... 

Hurst,  Texas  

Flint   (West),  Michigan  

Naples,  Florida  — .  _.. 

Cleveland  (Mt.  Olive),  Tennessee 

Clover,   South   Carolina  

Covington   (Shepherds  Fold),  Louisiana 
Lexington   (Loudon  Ave.),  Kentucky  _ 

Poplar,  California 

Pompano    Beach,    Florida    

Lorain,  Ohio  _ _ 

Morganton,  North  Carolina 

Dalton    (E.   Morris   St.),   Georgia   

Mesqulte,  Texas  .. 

Hamilton   (Princeton  Pike),  Ohio  

North   Rldgeville,   Ohio 

West   Winter   Haven,   Florida   .... 

Chattanooga    (East),    Tennessee    

Richmond  Dale,  Ohio  _  

Decatur,   Alabama  _     — 

Conway  (North),  South  Carolina  

Washington  Park,   Illinois   

Johnson  City,  Tennessee  

Thorn,  Mississippi 

Cahokia,   Illinois  _ _   

Princeton,    West    Virginia    

Granite  Falls,  North  Carolina   

Lancaster,  Ohio 

Cleveland  (Detroit  Ave.),  Ohio  ....  ....  .... 

Fairfield.   California   

Vanceburg,  Kentucky  

Elyrla,  Ohio 

Jackson  (Lea veil  Woods),  Mississippi  .... 

Long  Beach,   California   

Pontiac,  Michigan 

Aurora  (Indian  Trail),  Illinois 

Fort  Lauderdale   (4th  Ave.),  Florida   __ 

Unlontown,  Ohio  _  

Orangeburg,  South  Carolina   

Lemmon,  South  Dakota  

Jesup,  Georgia  

Kirkwood,   Missouri    

Portland    (Powell   Blvd.),   Oregon   

West  Frankfort.  Illinois  

Indianapolis    (West),   Indiana   

Flint   (Kearsley   Park),   Michigan   

Kannapolls  (Earle  St.),  North  Carolina 
Somerset    (Cotter    Ave.),    Kentucky    .... 

Fort   Myers    (Broadway),    Florida   

Lawrencevllle,  Illinois  _ 

Maple  leaves  doze  on  the  grass, 
Tipped   with   crimson,   edged   with 

Slipper-deep  beauty  as  I  pass.  .  .  . 
Summer's  story  is  almost  told. 

— Edna  Hamilton 



A  great  honor  has  been  bestowed 
upon  a  teen-age  member  of  the 
Church   of   God   in   Virginia. 

Bill  Martin  has  been  elected  to 
the  highest  office  to  which  a  stu- 
dent in  Virignia  can  be  elected. 
During  a  conference  attended  by 
more  than  six  hundred  delegates 
representing  two  hundred  secon- 
dary schools,  Bill  was  selected  as 
president  of  the  Virginia  State 
Student  Cooperative  Association 
(SCA).  The  organization  consti- 
tutes the  student  governments  in 
the  individual  high  schools  and  is 
controlled  by  the  state  organization 
which  Bill  now  heads. 

Bill  is  a  rising  senior  at  Mount 
Vernon  High  School  where  he  pres- 
ently holds  the  office  of  President 
of  the  local  chapter  of  SCA  and 
is  also  a  member  of  the  Key  Club 
and   Concert  Choir. 

A  devoted  Christian  and  a  loyal 
member  of  the  North  Arlington 
Church  of  God  where  his  father 
pastors,  Bill  has  served  the  church 
as  youth  leader  and  as  a  counselor 
in  youth  camps  for  the  past  two 

This  Christian  teen-ager  will  be 
a  living  testimony  for  Jesus  Christ 
as  he  travels  throughout  the  State 
of  Virginia  in  behalf  of  SCA. 

— W.  A.  Davis 

one  of  America's  leading  evangelical 
magazines.  The  cost  is  negligible — just 
$1.50   per  year.   Address: 

922   Montgomery   Avenue 
Cleveland,    Tennessee   37311 

10%    discount  to   Evangelists    and 
Churches.    For    complete    informa- 
tion write; 

P.    O.    Box    18314  Phone:    363-6511 

Memphis,  Tennessee  38118 



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dress, etc.  of  2nd  officer,  name  of  group, 
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Dept.  4-54 

900  North  19th  Street 

Birmingham,  Alabama  35203 


Devotional  Guide  for  November 

Daily  Devotions  for  Christian  Teens 

By  Floyd  D.  Carey 

Instructions:  Read  the  assigned  Bible  chapters  or 
verses.  Think  on  the  message  and  consider  the  de- 
votional comments.  Pray  for  the  designated  person  or 
activity.  Check  □  each  devotion  in  the  provided  square 
when  it  has  been  completed. 

Devotions  in  First  John.  Writer:  An  epistle  (letter) 
xoritten  by  John,  the  "disciple  whom  Jesus  loved." 
Date  written:  A.D.  90.  Purpose:  To  combat  a  danger- 
ous perversion  of  Christianity  called  Gnosticism  (re- 
fers to  secret  knowledge  necessary  for  salvation)  and 
to  give  practical  instructions  on  the  love  of  God  and 
Christian   living  and  conduct. 

Read:  Chapter  1.  Think: 
Consistent  fellowship  with  Christ — surrender  and  ser- 
vice— is  the  route  to  spiritual  joy  and  spiritual  full- 
ness (vv.  3,  4).  Pray:  Hold  a  PPC  (personal  press 
conference)  with  Christ.  Share  with  Him  the  news 
of  your  life  and  ask  Him  to  direct  and  to  accompany 
you  in  pursuing  both  material  and  spiritual  goals. 

Read:  Reread  Chapter  1. 
Think:  One  of  the  conditions  of  fellowship  with  Christ 
is  to  walk  in  the  light  as  He  is  in  the  light  (v.  7). 
What  does  this  imply  and  impose  on  you  as  a  teen- 
ager? Pray:  For  your  Sunday  school  teacher  that 
he  would  teach  with  boldness,  concern,  and  divine 

Read:  Chapter  2,  verses 
1-14.  Think:  "I  have  written  unto  you,  young  men," 
stated  John,  "because  ye  are  strong,  and  the  word 
of  God  abideth  in  you"  (v.  14).  List  three  ways  in 
which  the  word  of  God  can  abide  in  a  teen-ager. 
Pray:  For  spiritual  wisdom  to  recognize  and  to  resist 
practices  or  pleasures  that  would  weaken  your  Chris- 
tian  influence. 

Read:  Chapter  2,  verses 
15-29.  Think:  Worldliness  is  more  than  acts,  deeds, 
and  outward  behavior.  It  is  also  a  matter  of  attitudes, 
affections,  and  heart  ambitions  (v.  16).  Pray:  Ask 
God  to  guide  you  in  establishing  a  personal  world- 
liness checklist,  because  the  things  that  might  be 
considered  worldly  by  one  person  may  not  be  classi- 
fied as  worldly  by  another  person. 

Read:  Chapter  3,  verses 
1-12.  Think:  Simply  defined,  sin  is  willfully  disobeying 
(transgressing)  God's  written  Word  (v.  4).  "Whoso- 
ever is  born  of  God  (however)  doth  not  commit  sin" 
(v.  9).  Pray:  For  willingness  to  forfeit  personal  goals 
and  plans  when  they  conflict  with  Christian  dedica- 
tion  and   maturity. 

Read:  Chapter  3,  verses 
13-24.  Think:  What  do  you  think  John  had  reference 
to  when  he  said  "We  ought  to  lay  down  our  lives 
for  the  brethren"  (v.  16)?  Compare  this  statement 
to  the  one  concerning  benevolence  in  verse  17.  Pray: 
That  you  might  avoid  becoming  a  wooden  Christian. 
Pledge  to  love  not  only  in  word  and  tongue,  but  in 
deed  and  in  truth   (v.   18). 

Read:  Chapter  4,  verses 
1-11.  Think:  A  teen  believer  should  learn  to  try,  or 
to  test,  teachers  and  preachers  to  see  if  they  have 
been  ordained  by  God,  because  there  are  many  false 
prophets  in  the  world  (v.  1).  What  is  the  first  step 
to  take?  Read  verse  three.  Pray:  For  the  training 
and  outreach  program  of  local  Pioneers  for  Christ 
(PFC)  Clubs  and  witnessing  teams,  and  for  PFC 

Read:  Chapter  4,  verses 
12-21.  Think:  When  two  persons  are  in  love,  they 
deeply  respect  one  another;  there  is  no  fear  or  guilt 
(v.  18).  Heavy  and  loose  petting  creates  fear  and  guilt, 
because  it  is  prompted  by  lust  not  love.  It  reveals 
disrespect  and  selfishness.  Pray:  Ask  for  understand- 
ing in  recognizing  real  love,  and  for  discretion  in  ex- 
pressing  it. 

Read:  Chapter  5,  verses 
1-12.  Think:  Obeying  God's  laws  as  a  teen-ager  should 
furnish  joy  and  rewarding  expressions.  God's  laws 
are  not  grievous,  and  they  do  not  place  the  believer 
in  a  spiritual  straitjacket  (v.  3).  Pray:  For  an  ap- 
pealing and  balanced — yet  spiritual — social  program 
to  be  sponsored  by  the  local  church. 

Read:  Chapter  5,  verses 
13-21.  Think:  It  is  God's  will  for  you  to  be  spiritually 
active,  to  be  physically  content,  and  to  be  mentally 
alert.  Keep  these  things  in  view  when  you  pray   (v. 

14).  Pray:  That  you  may  have  faith  in  God  to  ask, 
seek,  and  knock:  This  is  your  formula  for  spiritual 
prosperity.  "Ask,  and  it  shall  be  given  you;  seek, 
and  ye  shall  find;  knock,  and  it  shall  be  opened 
unto   you"    (Matthew   7:7). 

Read:  Reread  Chapter  5. 
Think:  Should  a  drive  be  conducted  by  the  local 
church  to  reenlist  young  people  who  have  become 
disenchanted  and  have  wandered  away  (v.  19).  What 
is  the  benefit  or  reward  of  such  a  program  (v.  20)? 
Pray:  For  Church  of  God  evangelists,  and  for  far- 
reaching    evangelistic    efforts. 

Read:  Reread  Chapter  1. 
Think:  A  person  who  overlooks  or  ignores  his  faults 
(self-righteous)  is  only  deceiving  himself  and  will 
eventually  suffer  the  consequences  (v.  8).  Read  Prov- 
erbs 12:15  and  Second  Corinthians  10:12.  Pray:  Be 
truthful  with  yourself  and  with  God.  Confess  your 
faults  and  weaknesses,  and  request  heavenly  instruc- 

Read:  Reread  Chapter 

2.  Think:  A  genuine  love  and  respect  for  fellow 
Christians  is  a  convincing  testimony  of  partnership 
with  Christ  (v.  10).  Pray:  For  "Forward  in  Faith," 
the  radio  voice  of  the  Church  of  God,  and  for  those 
serving  on  the  National  Radio  Board:  Don  W.  Rhein, 
chairman;  John  E.  Black;  Raymond  E.  Crowley; 
Arthur  Hodge;  A.  V.  Howell;  E.  H.  Miles;  and  Charles 

Read:  Reread  Chapter 

3.  Thmk:  What  will  happen  to  believers  at  the  return 
of  Christ?  Will  a  physical  change  take  place  (v.  2)? 
Pray:  Spend  your  entire  prayer  session  in  praise  and 
thanksgiving  to  God  for  His  divine  protection  and 
for  His  unlimited  goodness. 

Read:  Reread  Chapter  4. 
Think:  In  what  ways  can  a  believer  discern  between 
the  spirit  of  truth  and  the  spirit  of  error  (v.  6).  Pray: 
For  Church  of  God  mission  schools  and  instructors, 
and  for  a  strong  local  missionary  education  program. 

Read:  Reread  Chapter 
5.  Think:  A  simple  faith — accepting  God  at  His  word — 
is  the  victory  and  power  force  that  overcomes  the 
world  (v.  4).  Pray:  Develop  a  positive  faith,  believe 
the  promises  of  God,  and  receive  the  things  from 
Him  that  will  make  your  life  spiritually  exciting  and 
materially  prosperous. 

Devotions  in  Second  John.  Writer:  A  letter  from  "the 
elder  (John)  unto  the  elect  lady  I  church  leader) 
and  her  children"  (v.  1).  Date  ivritten:  A.D.  90.  Pur- 
pose: To  urge  Christian  fellowship  in  brotherly  love. 
"I  beseech  thee  .  .  .  that  ive  love  one  another.  And 
this  is  love,  that  we  walk  after  his  commandments" 
(vv.  5,  6). 

Read:  Chapter  1.  Think: 
In  your  opinion,  what  is  the  difference  between  loving 
a  person  and  loving  a  person  in  truth  (v.  1)?  Explain 
your  conclusion.  Pray:  For  Dr.  Charks  W.  Conn,  gen- 
eral overseer  of  the  Church  of  God.  Pray  for  his 
personal  health,  that  he  might  be  strengthened  to 
meet  the  demands  of  his  position,  and  that  he  may 
be  given  an  extra  portion  of  spiritual  power. 

Read:  Reread  Chapter  1. 
Think:  One  of  the  surest  ways  to  detect  a  deceiver 
or  false  teacher  is  given  in  verse  7.  Read  this  verse 
carefully.  Pray:  For  your  classmates  and  teachers  at 
school,  that  you  will  reflect  Christlikeness  in  your 
conduct,  and  that  you  will  take  advantage  of  every 
opportunity  to  do  good. 

Devotions  in  Third  John.  Writer:  The  Apostle  John. 
Date  written:  A.D.  90.  Purpose:  To  commend  Gaius 
for  his  gracious  hospitality  toward  visiting  preachers 
and   to  correct  improper  attitudes   and   actions. 

Read:  Chapter  1.  Think: 
Congenial  treatment  (hospitality)  of  both  friends  and 
strangers  in  your  home  will  help  you  in  developing 
Christian  character  and  in  establishing  a  good  spir- 
itual reputation.  Pray:  Read  Matthew  25:35-40.  Ask 
God  for  an  infilling  of  a  contagious  spirit  of  hos- 

Read:  Reread  Chapter 
1.  Think:  Compare  the  attitude  of  Diotrephes  (v.  9) 
to  that  of  Demetrius  (v.  12).  What  are  the  rewards 
of  being  considerate  of  others?  Pray:  For  George  Al- 
ford  and  Jim  O.  McClain,  missions  representatives, 
and  for  the  worldwide  missions  ministry  of  the  Church 
of   God. 

Devotions  in  Jude.  Writer:  Jude,  "a  servant  of  Jesus 
Christ,  and  brother  of  James."  Date  written:  A.D.  75. 
Purpose:  To  expose  false  teachers  that  had  crept  in 
among  the  believers  and  to  exhort  Christians  to  "ear- 
nestly contend  for  the  faith." 

Read:  Chapter  1,  verses 
1-11.  Think:  It  is  the  responsibility  of  your  parents, 
your  Sunday  school  teacher,  and  your  pastor  to  "put 
you  in  remembrance"  of  the  commands  and  the  prom- 
ises of  God.  (v.  5).  Their  instructions  should  be  ac- 
cepted and  acted  upon.  Pray:  For  your  pastor  and 
pledge  to  support  him  with  your  attendance,  by  your 
actions,  and  with  your  attention. 

Read:  Chapter  1,  verses 
12-25.  Think:  Teen-ager,  build  your  future  on  faith 
in  God,  faith  in  His  church,  and  faith  in  yourself — 
not  on  cleverness  or  charm  (v.  20).  Pray:  God  wants 
to  assist  you  in  selecting  a  vocation,  a  husband  or 
wife,  and  a  station  of  service  in  the  local  church. 
Ask  Him  to  direct  you. 

Continued  on  page  24 


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1969   CALENDAR 

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nue     Cleveland,   Tennessee    37}  11 



N    MBER 


IAI  ..  Bi  . 





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TV.'  ag 




DECEMBER     1968 


It   is    Christmas   Eve    and   snowing, 
Showing  a  costly  greeting  card; 
Rainbow-hued  lights  are  shimmering, 
Glimmering   from   firs   on   the  sward. 

Through  crystal  trees  winds  are  blowing, 
Flowing    down    from    the    far    Northland; 
The   late  shoppers   are   scurrying, 
Hurrying  to  stores  that  meet  each  demand. 

Hearts  of  young  and  old  are  glowing, 
Knowing   that  joys   await   Christmas   morn; 
Silver-toned   church   bells   are   chiming, 
Rhyming   the   truth   that   Christ   was   born! 

— Earle  J.  Grant 


The  soldiers  in  the  darkness  of  the  trench  could 
hardly  believe  their  eyes:  One  of  their  comrades  was 
creeping  up  into  the  line  of  enemy  fire! 

It  was  on  the  battlefield  during  the  war  between 
France  and  Germany  in  1870.  It  was  dismal,  cold, 
and  Christmas  Eve;  a  melting  snow  was  falling.  The 
only  sounds  were  the  exchange  of  fire  between  the 

Suddenly,  far  away,  there  came  the  sound  of 
church  bells.  It  was  midnight;  Christmas  day  had 

Henri  Regnault,  young  artist  and  soldier,  climbed 
to  the  top  of  the  barricade  before  anyone  could  stop 
him.  Bullets  spattered  about  him,  but  he  paid  no  heed. 
In  a  fine  baritone  voice,  he  began  singing,  "Midnight, 
Christians.    It   is    the    solemn   hour    .    .    .    ." 

His  song  was  a  message  of  peace  on  earth,  good 
will  toward  men.  It  must  have  carried  a  new  and  dif- 
ferent challenge  to  the  enemy,  for  when  Regnault 
finished  singing,  there  was  stillness.  The  rifles  had 
been  silenced  as  both  groups  of  soldiers  listened  raptly. 

Then  out  of  the  stillness  another  voice  arose.  A 
German  soldier  began  singing  the  favorite  Christmas 
hymn  of  his  country.  "Silent  night,  holy  night.  .  .  ." 

The  silence  after  the  two  songs  lasted  several  min- 
utes. But  all  too  soon  came  the  crack  of  rifles  as  the 
firing  resumed.  It  was  not  long  after  this  that  a  bul- 
let found  its  mark  and  Henri  Regnault  died  in  battle. 
But  the  echo  of  his  song  lived  on  in  the  hearts  of  all 
who  heard  it  that  night.  On  each  Christmas  Eve  after- 
ward they  would  remember  the  richness  of  that  voice 
as  it  rang  out,  "Midnight,  Christians.  It  is  the  solemn 
hour.  ..."  Margie  North 



0H)IOTTDTOn€CJU«CH0f  000  tOLHG  PEOPLES  DCltWOR        "^ 

Published  monthly  at  the  Church  of  God  Publishing  House. 
Cleveland,  Tenn.  All  materials  intended  for  publication  in  the 
LIGHTED  PATHWAY  should  be  addressed  to  Clyne  W.  Buxton. 
Editor.  All  inquiries  concerning  subscriptions  should  be  addressed 
to  Bookkeeping  Department,  Church  of  God  Publishing  House. 
Postmaster  send  Form  3579  to  CHURCH  OF  GOD  PUBLISHING 
HOUSE,  1080  Montgomery  Ave..  Cleveland.  Tennessee  37311. 





xJo.    12 




Clyne  W.  Buxton 

A  Christmas  to 



Margie  Snowden  Nor 

1  Lost  Santa  Claus  and 

Found  God 


Virginia  H.  Maas 

The  Gift  of  Giving 


B.  M.  Applegate 

Through  the  Eyes  of  a 



Fern  Wallace 

What  Shall  1  Give  Thee? 


Bob  Lair 

The  Invalid's  Discipleship 


Charles  Rayburn 

Church  of  God 

Servicemen's  Retreat 


Lawrence  B,  Owens 

Christmas  at  Lansing  Creek 


Irma  Hegel 

Season  of  Singing  Words 


Vincent  Edwards 

The  Joy  of  Living 


Clare  Miseles 

Lee  College  Ministers'  Week 


Hollis  Gause,  Jr. 

Church  of  God  Camping 


C.  Milton  Parsons 



Christmas  Need  Not  Be 



Pauline  Rothrauff 

Advance  Daily  Devotions 

for  Christian  Teens 


Floyd  D.  Carey 


Clyne  W.  Bux 



Lewis  J.  W 


Editor  in  Chief 

Chloe  Stewart 


JoAnn  Humbertson 


H.  Bernard  Di 

\  0  n 

Circulation  Director 

E.  C.  Thomas 



Donald  S.  Aultman 

Paul  F.  Henson 

Ray  H.  Hughes 

Avis  Swiger 

Walter  R.  Pettitt 

J.  E.  DeVore 


Margaret  Ga 



Denzell  Teague 


Ruth  Craw 



Martha  Ann  Smith 



Thomas  Grassano 

James  A.  Madison 

James  F.  Byrd 

Bill    Sheeks 

Floyd  D.  C 


Lamar   Vest 
Leonard  S.  Townley 


Single  Subscription, 




Rolls  of  15 


Single  copy 




Clyne  W.  Buxton 

WHEN  JESUS  TRAVERSED  the  road  to  Em- 
maus  with  the  two  forlorn  disciples  on  the 
day  of  His  resurrection,  He  lifted  their  spirits 
greatly  as  He  talked  with  them.  The  hearts  of  the 
disciples  burned  within  them  as  Jesus,  "beginning  at 
Moses  and  all  the  prophets  .  .  .  expounded  unto  them 
in  all  the  scriptures  the  things  concerning  himself" 
(Luke  24:27).  Those  two  disciples  were  signally  honor- 
ed to  hear  the  immaculate  Son  explain  all  the  Old 
Testament  prophecies  concerning  His  birth,  His  life, 
His  death,  and  His  coming  again.  How  marvelous  and 
valuable  it  would  be  if  today  we  had  an  audio  record- 
ing of  what  the  Lord  said  that  day.  It  was  probably 
one  of  His  greatest  discourses.  Though  the  Holy  Spirit 
did  not  see  fit  to  include  it  in  the  Holy  Canon,  He 
did  reveal  the  subject  matter  of  our  Lord's  conversa- 
tion, as  well  as  the  source  of  it.  Christ  talked  about 
Himself  as  He  is  revealed  in  the  Old  Testament. 

Moses  Foretold  a  Saviour 

Starting  with  Moses,  Jesus  explained  the  prophetic 
scriptures  relative  to  the  Messiah.  Moses,  the  author  of 
the  Pentateuch,  reveals  that  beginning  with  Adam, 
the  first  man,  there  was  a  foretelling  of  Christ's 
coming.  In  Genesis  3:15  God  told  the  serpent,  a  per- 
sonification of  Satan,  the  following:  "I  will  put  enmity 
between  thee  and  the  woman,  and  between  thy  seed 
and  her  seed;  it  shall  bruise  thy  head,  and  thou  shalt 
bruise  his  heel."  Satan  bruised  Christ's  heel  at  Cal- 
vary, but  Christ  dealt  him  a  staggering  blow  when 
He  arose  from  the  dead. 

Micah   Foretold   Birth-place 

This  prophet  lived  sometime  between  750  and  650 
B.  C.  and  was  a  contemporary  of  Hosea  and  Isaiah. 
While  Isaiah  was  acquainted  with  the  society  and 
manners  of  the  capital,  Micah  was  a  man  of  the  peo- 
ple who  attacked  the  wrongs  to  which  the  poor  were 
exposed  at  the  hands  of  the  nobles  and  rich  propri- 
etors of  Judah.  He  was  the  prophet  of  the  humble 
and  the  poor.  Furthermore,  Micah  foretold  the  place 
of  the  birth  of  Christ  (Micah  5:2)  and  Matthew 
quotes  him.  When  Herod  inquired  of  the  chief  priests 
and  scribes  concerning  the  birthplace  of  the  Messiah, 
he  was  told  that  it  would  take  place  in  Bethlehem. 
Matthew  quotes  Micah's  prophecy  as  follows:  "Thou, 
Bethlehem,  in  the  land  of  Juda,  art  not  the  least 
among  the  princes  of  Juda:  for  out  of  thee  shall 
come  a  Governor,  that  shall  rule  my  people  Israel" 
(Matthew  2:6). 

Daniel  Foretold   Time   of  Birth 

This  prophet  was  a  youth  when  he  was  carried  from 

Judah  into  Babylonian  captivity  by  Nebuchadnezzar 
in  605  B.  C.  At  Babylon  he  was  selected  along  with 
other  boys  of  good  birth  to  train  for  the  state  service. 
Though  Daniel  excelled  as  a  statesman,  his  office 
finally  ranking  near  the  king  in  importance,  he  re- 
tained his  dedication  to  God.  In  one  of  his  prophecies 
Daniel  foretold  the  approximate  time  of  Christ's  birth 
by  giving  the  time  of  His  rejection  by  the  Jews.  He 
wrote  as  follows,  "Know  therefore  and  understand, 
that  from  the  going  forth  of  the  commandment  to 
restore  and  to  build  Jerusalem  unto  the  Messiah  the 
Prince  shall  be  seven  weeks,  and  threescore  and  two 
weeks"  (Daniel  9:25).  Chronologists  maintain  that  it 
was  69  weeks,  or  483  years,  from  the  time  Artaxerxes 
gave  Nehemiah  the  command  to  go  to  Jerusalem  and 
restore  it  until  the  Lord  Jesus  Christ  publicly  present- 
ed Himself  to  Israel  as  their  King  and  was  rejected. 

Isaiah    Foretold    Unique   Co?iditions 

The  book  of  Isaiah  is  lengthy,  containing  sixty-six 
chapters.  It  has  numerous  references  to  the  coming 
of  Christ.  Isaiah  lived  during  the  kingship  of  Uz- 
ziah,  Jotham,  Ahaz,  and  Hezekiah — kings  of  Judah. 
His  call  to  the  prophetic  office  apparently  began  with 
his  vision  in  the  temple  (Isaiah  6).  By  the  year  734 
B.C.  he  was  married  and  had  a  son  (Isaiah  8:3). 
Isaiah  foretold  that  Christ  would  be  born  without  an 
earthly  father.  He  stated,  "Behold,  a  virgin  shall  con- 
ceive, and  bear  a  son,  and  shall  call  his  name  Im- 
manuel"    (Isaiah   7:14). 

David   Foretold   Sufferings 

This  singing  shepherd  boy  who  became  king  is  one 
of  the  most  outstanding  persons  of  the  Old  Testament. 
He  was  called  the  man  after  God's  own  heart,  and 
Luke  said  that  he  "served  his  own  generation  by  the 
will  of  God"  (Acts  13:36).  He  was  called  the  sweet 
singer  of  Israel.  The  Bible  points  out  that  he 
composed  songs,  arranged  the  service  of  praise  for 
the  sanctuary,  and  played  the  harp  skillfully.  It  is 
believed  that  David  wrote  at  least  seventy-three  of 
the  psalms.  In  Psalm  22:16-18  he  foretold  the  suffer- 
ings of  Christ  on  the  cross,  for  he  said:  "The  as- 
sembly of  wicked  have  enclosed  me:  they  pierced  my 
hands  and  my  feet  .  .  .  they  look  and  stare  upon 
me.  They  part  my  garments  among  them,  and  cast 
lots   upon   my   vesture." 

These  are  only  a  few  of  the  prophecies  of  a  coming 
Saviour;  however,  they  suffice  to  show  that  the  Baby 
born  to  Mary  in  Bethlehem-  was  the  Son  of  God.  As 
we  worship  God's  eternal  Son  this  Christmas,  may 
His  presence  fill  our  hearts  and  may  we  be  challenged 
to  dedicate  ourselves  totally  to  Him.    • 





THE  PAWN  SHOP  was  small 
and  poorly  lighted,  and 
Vera  barely  hid  a  grimace 
of  distaste  as  she  stepped  inside. 
She  adjusted  her  small  hat  and 
tugged  at  one  glove  as  she  discrete- 
ly surveyed  the  interior.  Walls  were 
lined  with  dusty  antiques,  junk, 
and  odds  and  ends.  Quite  likely 
she  would  not  find  what  she  want- 
ed here,  but  it  was  the  last  shop 
in  town.  She  had  diligently 
searched  the  other  two  shops  with 
no  luck.  And  this  was  the  day  be- 
fore Christmas. 

The  greying  shopkeeper  glanced 
her  way  and  said,  "Be  with  you 
in  a  moment,  lady.  Make  yourself 
at  home." 

She  went  to  the  other  side  of 
the  shop  and  inspected  the  con- 
tents there.  No,  likely  she  would 
never  find  fifteen-year-old  Jerry 
the  guitar  which  he  so  badly  want- 
ed in  this  place.  If  only  the  ones 
in  the  nice  shops  downtown  were 

not  priced  so  high!  The  better  ones 
were  all  close  to  one  hundred  dol- 
lars— more  than  they  could  afford 
to  pay.  So,  as  a  last  resort,  she 
had  thought  of  the  town's  three 
pawn  shops. 

The  bell  on  the  shop  door  tinkled 
as  one  customer  left,  and  Vera 
turned  toward  the  shopkeeper  only 
to  find  another  customer  had  been 
waiting  longer  than  she.  The  man 
was  probably  not  over  thirty-five, 
but  his  shoulders  were  stooped  un- 
der the  weight  of  an  object  which 
he  held.  His  face  was  lined  with 
tiredness.  Vera  noticed  with  a  slight 
pang  of  emotion  that  one  leg  was 
shrunken  and  even  with  a  special 
brace  it  drug  noticeably  as  he 
walked  to  the  counter.  The  object 
he  held  in  his  hands  suddenly  took 
Vera's  interest.  It  was  a  rather 
shabby,  but  expensive-looking  gui- 
tar case. 

"And  what  have  we  here?"  The 
shopkeeper  queried,  pushing  his 
glasses  up  on  his  nose  to  get  a 
better  look. 

"A  guitar,  Sir,"  the  man  said,  al- 
most timidly.   "A  very   good  one!" 

"Well,  let's  see  it." 

The  younger  man  laid  the  case 
carefully  on  the  counter,  and  slow- 
ly, almost  reluctantly,  he  opened 

As  the  shopkeeper  ran  his  hand 
along  the  finely  sanded  wood, 
Vera's  heart  leaped.  It  was  just 
what  Jerry  wanted!  It  was  beau- 
tiful and  probably  sounded  as  love- 
ly as  it  looked. 

"It's  just  that  I  need  the  money, 
Sir,  or  I  would  never  part  with  it." 
The  man  was  saying.  "I  got  it  al- 
most ten  years  ago,  and  it  cost 
me  one  hundred  dollars.  I've  taken 
good  care  of  it." 

"It's  ten  years  old,  eh?" 

"But  it's  almost  as  good  as  the 
day  I  bought  it."  The  man  said 
quickly.  "I've  kept  it  dry  and  in 
good  shape.  The  strings  are  still 
good.  I  just  put  new  ones  on  not 
long  ago." 

"Humm,"  the  shopkeeper  grunt- 
ed. "I'll  give  you  five  dollars  for 

There  was  a  stunned  silence, 
then  the  man  breathed,  "Five  dol- 
lars?" Disbelief  caused  the  blood 
to  drain  from  his  face,  and  he 
swallowed  quickly.  He  half  turned 
away  as  though  to  flee,  then  dog- 
gedly  he   turned   back. 

Vera  felt  sudden  tears  spring  in- 
to her  eyes,  and  she  blinked  them 
away  quickly.  "For  heaven's  sake," 
she  thought,  "it's  only  a  man  and 
a  guitar.  Why  get  so  emotional?" 

"Only  five  dollars,  Sir?"  the  man 
asked,  as  though  hoping  against 
hope  that  he  had  heard  incorrect- 
ly. Vera  could  almost  admire  the 
way  he  drew  himself  up  a  little, 
as  though  to  remain  unflinching 
under  a  final  blow. 

"Take  it  or  leave  it,"  the  shop- 
keeper stated  flatly. 

The  man  patted  the  guitar  and 
talked  softly.  "It's  been  lots  of 
places.  I  used  to  play  for  dance 
bands,  but  that  was  before — "  He 
drew  the  instrument  from  its  case 
and  held  it  lovingly.  He  struck  a 
chord  softly,  and  then  another; 
then  he  began  humming  softly  as 
he  strummed  gently,  expertly.  Vera 
listened,  enraptured,  trying  to  place 
the  tune  he  hummed.  It  was  one 
that  she  had  heard  only  once  or 
twice,  probably  several  years  ago. 
For  some  reason  it  brought  a  lump 
into  her  throat,  and  her  heart 
seemed  suddenly  heavy. 

Years  had  seemed  to  melt  from 
the  man's  face,  but  then  his  shoul- 
ders slumped  heavily  again  as  he 
replaced    the    beloved    instrument. 

snapping  the  case  resolutely.  "I 
thought  I  could  get  maybe  twenty 
dollars."  He  said  hopefully. 

"I   gave  you  a  price." 

The  man  touched  his  tongue  to 
his  lips.  "Five  dollars— and  four 
kids,"  he  said  quietly,  hopelessly. 
"Four  Christmas  presents  to  buy, 
besides  milk  and  bread!"  For  a 
moment  there  was  a  look  of  almost 
pure  panic  in  his  eyes.  "And  after 
I  promised  them  a  Christmas  to 
remember — " 

The  he  murmered,  "My  grace  is 
sufficient—"  Picking  up  the  case, 
he  said,  "Guess  I'll  be  going."  He 
made  his  way  across  the  shop, 
painfully  slow,  without  a  backward 

Vera  watched  him  leave,  listened 
to  the  tinkle  of  the  bell  on  the 
door,  and  barely  heard  the  shop- 
keeper ask,  "Help  you,  lady?" 

"I — no.  Excuse  me,  please,"  she 
said.  She  hurried  from  the  shop, 
aware  of  the  vast  difference  of 
the  footsteps — hers  brisk  and  sure 
as  his  had  been  slow  and  labored. 
She  opened  the  door  and  hurried 
after  the  slowly  retreating   figure. 

"Wait,"  she  said.  "Wait,  please." 
At  first  she  thought  he  wasn't  go- 
ing to  hear.  A  sob  tore  from  within 
her.  "Wait,  sir,"  she  said.  And  slow- 
ly he  turned  around. 

"Ma'am?"  he  asked  politely. 

"I  would  like  to  buy  the  guitar," 
she  said  quickly,  feeling  foolish 
with  the  tears  on  her  face.  "But 
first  I  would  like  to  hear  the  song 

"Right  here,  ma'am?" 

"Yes,  if  you  don't  mind." 

Without  further  hesitation,  he 
took  the  guitar  from  the  case  and 
began  playing  and  singing  softly. 
Vera  clutched  her  shiny  black 
purse  to  her,  and  at  last  remem- 
bered where  she  had  heard  the 
song.  It  had  been  in  a  little  country 

church;  it  was  the  night  that  she 
had  given  her  heart  to  God.  How 
wonderful  she  had  felt  afterward! 
But  since  that  time  she  had  grad- 
ually allowed  the  joy  of  her  sal- 
vation to  slip  away,  until  she  had 
even  given  up  the  pretense  of  liv- 
ing a  Christian  life. 

"Forgive  me,  Lord,"  she  whis- 
pered. "Help  me  to  make  it  up  to 
You — and  to  my  family."  She 
thought  of  her  husband,  Dan,  who 
had  slipped  away  as  she  had.  She 
thought  of  Jerry,  who  had  been 
reared  almost  entirely  without 
knowledge  of  a  Saviour.  "Don't  let 
me  be  too  late,"  she  added  fervent- 

She  opened  her  purse.  "My  son 
has  wanted  a  guitar  for  so  long. 
Yours  seems  perfect — if  you  still 
want  to  sell  it." 

The  man  nodded.  "To  someone 
who  really  wants  it,  who  will  take 
good   care   of   it." 

Vera  thrust  forty  dollars  into  his 
hand.  "Thank  you  so  much,"  she 
said.  She  took  the  guitar  case 
quickly  and  left  before  he  could 
protest  the  amount  of  money 
which  she  had  given  him.  She  hop- 
ed it  would  help  his  four  children 
to  have  a  Christmas  to  remember. 
At  least  they  would  be  able  to  eat 
now.  And  it  was  such  a  small  price 
to  pay  to  have  the  peace  of  salva- 
tion restored  to  her  heart. 

That  night  after  supper,  Vera 
said  hesitantly.  "I  think  we  should 
make  this  a  Christmas  to  remem- 

"How  do  you  mean.  Mom?"  Jerry 

"Yes,  let's  hear  about  whatever 
it  is  that  makes  you  so  happy  to- 
night," Dan  said,  smiling. 

Vera  turned  to  her  husband  and 
son  and  said  softly,  "It  may  be  a 
long  story,  but  I  think  it  will  have 
a  happy  ending."    • 

Hampshire  home  was  usual- 
ly crisp,  white,  and  spar- 
kling. All  the  wonder  and  magic 
of  fairyland  and  make-believe  be- 
came reality  on  that  most  wonder- 
ful day  of  days  when  surprising 
and  exciting  things  always  happen- 
ed. As  soon  as  the  first  tints  of 
dawn  touched  the  sky,  my  older 
sister,  who  was  ten,  and  my  little 
brother,  and  I  padded  down  the 
cold  stairway  in  our  one-piece, 
woolly  pajamas  to  the  warmth  of 
the  big  stone  fireplace  in  the  oak- 
panelled  living  room  to  see  what 
Santa  Claus  had  left. 

Treasures  so  dear  to  a  little  girl's 
heart  bulged  mysteriously  in  the 
stockings    hung    from   the    mantel. 

A  huge  Christmas  tree  stood  in  the 
center  of  the  large  room,  filling 
the  air  with  its  balsam  fragrance. 
Its  arms — loaded  with  tinsel,  pop- 
corn, and  cranberry  garlands — 
seemed  to  welcome  us.  Tucked 
among  the  branches  were  big 
boxes  and  small  ones  wrapped  in 
either  red,  green,  or  white  tissue 

According  to  the  rule  in  our 
house,  these  gifts  could  not  be 
opened  until  evening  after  supper 
was  cleared  away  and  the  dishes 
were  done.  Then  little  white  can- 
dles were  placed  in  the  holders 
which  had  been  clipped  to  the  tips 
of  the  tree  branches.  These  candles 
were  carefully  lighted  before  the 
kerosene    lamps    were    turned    low. 

The  older  people  sat  around  to  ad- 
mire the  glowing  tree,  while  we 
children  wiggled  impatiently  on  the 
floor  as  close  to  the  tree  as  we 
dared   to   be. 

On  Christmas  mornings  the 
stockings  could  be  explored  as  soon 
as  we  all  got  up,  because  Santa 
Claus  made  no  rules  about  them. 
Shivering  a  little  with  cold  and 
anticipation,  we  would  pull  down 
our  stockings  from  their  nail.  With 
shouts  of  glee  we  would  empty  the 
contents  on  the  floor  before  the 
fire.  There  would  be  oranges,  nuts 
and  candy;  balloons  and  soap-bub- 
ble pipes;  a  wind-up  mouse,  a  baby 
doll,  and  a  game  or  two.  Santa  al- 
ways  knew   what  we   wanted. 

This  particular  Christmas,  when 




I  was  eight,  was  to  be  the  last 
magically-joyous  Christmas  I  was 
to  have.  We  had  finished  examin- 
ing the  contents  of  our  stockings 
when  my  father  exclaimed,  "Jin- 
ny, look  what  I  found  in  the  wood- 

"What,  Daddy,  what?"  Excitedly 
I  jumped  to  my  feet,  stepped  on 
a  walnut,  and  skidded  to  the  floor. 

"It's  a  note  from  Santa  Claus," 
Father    answered    helping    me    up. 

"For  me?  What  does  it  say,  Dad- 
dy?  Read  it  to   me!" 

"  'Dear  Jinny,  I  have  a  present 
for  you  that  is  too  big  to  come 
down  the  chimney  so  I  left  it  in 
the  carriage  house.  Love,  Santa.' " 

"What  do  you  suppose  it  could 
be?"  Mother  said  with  an  air  of 

I  raced  up  the  stairs  to  get 
dressed.  There  seemed  to  be  twice 
as  many  buttons  on  my  under- 
wear that  morning,  and  I  nearly 
cried  when  the  heavy,  black  cot- 
ton stockings  would  not  pull  up 
quickly  over  the  long  legs  of  this 
much-hated    undergarment. 

The  sleeveless  waist  somehow  got 
on  wrong  side  out,  and  when  I 
tugged  it  off  impatiently,  one  of  its 
long,  dangling  garters  snapped 
sharply    against    my    cheek. 

Back  downstairs  I  slipped  into 
my  arctics,  fastening  only  the  top 
buckle.  I  buttoned  up  my  coat  not 
caring  that  the  buttons  were  in 
all  the  wrong  places.  Running 
down  the  winding  hill  to  the  car- 
riage house,  for  once,  I  outdis- 
tanced my  sister.  I  flung  open  the 
door  and  there  it  was — a  bright, 
new,  tan  sled  with  red  trimmings 
and  shiny  steel  runners!  I  never 
loved  Santa  Claus  more  than  at 
that  moment. 

I  now  had  a  real  sled  all  my 
own.  No  longer  would  I  have  to 
use  barrel  staves  and  homemade 
box-sleds.  I  had  one  like  those  the 
other  children  in  the  neighborhood 
pulled  proudly  up  the  hills.  Santa 
was  so  wonderful!  I  picked  up  my 
sled  and  hugged  its  cold  and  lovely 
form.  Then  I  carried  it  outside, 
and  put  it  down  gently  on  the 

"Isn't  it  pretty!"  I  exclaimed  to 

my  sister  as  I  reverently  patted 
the  shining  surface  with  my  mit- 

"Ah-uh,"  she  answered.  "But  I 
know  something  you  don't  know." 

"What?"  I  was  really  not  inter- 
ested in  anything  but  my  new 
sled,  but  the  word  slipped  out  auto- 

"I  know  Santa  Claus  didn't  give 
you  that  sled.  Mother  and  Daddy 
did.  There  isn't  any  Santa  Claus. 
That's  just  a  story  for  little  kids." 

"There  is  too  a  Santa  Claus!" 
I  was  ready  to  hit  her  for  saying 
such  a  terrible  thing,  but  yet  I 
knew  she  never  told  lies. 

"There  is  not  either.  The  big  kids 
at  school  told  me,  and  I  asked 
Daddy,  and  he  said  Santa  Claus 
was  just  make-believe." 

"Are  you  real  sure?"  I  asked, 
hoping  she  would  say  she  was  not 

"Sure,  I'm  tellin'  the  truth,"  she 

I  sat  down  in  the  snow,  and  put- 
ting my  head  on  my  beautiful  sled 
I  cried  big  tears.  Gone  now  was  all 
the  magic  of  Christmas,  never  to 
return.  No  longer  could  I  ask  San- 
ta for  fabulous  things  that  I 
thought  my  parents  did  not  have 
the   money   to  buy. 

For  a  short  moment  I  almost 
hated  my  sister  for  telling  me.  Fin- 
ally the  tears  stopped.  The  exciting 
fact  that  the  sled  was  actually  all 
mine,  even  if  it  had  not  come  from 
Santa  Claus,  began  to  bring  back 
some  of  the  thrill.  I  got  up.  Slow- 
ly I  picked  up  the  sled  rope  and 
started  back  to  the  house  with  a 
tiny  twinge  of  ache  that  never 
really   left  ,my   heart. 

Now  I  am  older  and  wiser.  I 
have  learned  that  my  supply  is  not 
primarily  material  substance  from 
an  illusive  Santa  Claus,  but  a  spiri- 
tual abundance  from  our  ever- 
present,  ever-loving  Father,  who 
knows  our  every  need.  The  Bible 
says,  "But  seek  ye  first  the  king- 
dom of  God,  and  his  righteousness; 
and  all  these  things  shall  be  added 
unto  you"  (Matthew  6:33).  "Fear 
not,  little  flock;  for  it  is  your  Fa- 
ther's good  pleasure  to  give  you  the 
kingdom"   (Luke  12:32).    • 

The  Gift  of  Giving 

By   B.  M.    APPLEGATE 

farm  kitchen  wall  jangled 

"It's  Dad!"  I  cried  excitedly, 
picking  up  the  receiver.  "Hello! 
Hello,  Dad!  Mother's  going  to  be 
all  right,  isn't  she?" 

Dad's  voice  came  back  to  me  thin 
and  distant  through  the  howling 
winds  of  the  December  blizzard 
that  raged   outside. 

"The  doctor  says  she  is  to  be 
operated  on  at  once.  I'm  expecting 
you  to  take  charge  at  home,  Pat. 
Sorry  about  Christmas." 

Suddenly  the  telephone  went 

"Hello!  Hello!"  I  cried  frantical- 
ly. But  there  was  no  answer. 

"Telephone  line's  down,  I'm 
sure,"  I  told  Rory,  my  brother, 
helplessly.  "Mom  has  to  have  an 
operation  right  away.  We're  on  our 
own,    Rory." 

I  looked  out  into  the  wild  rush 
of  whirling  snow  through  the 
kitchen  window.  Only  now  and 
then  could  a  glimpse  of  the  red 
barn  be  seen.  Here  it  was  two  days 
before  Christmas,  and  we  were 
wrapped  in  a  white  cocoon  of 
snow,  completely  isolated.  Worst  of 
all,  our  Christmas,  which  mother 
had  ordered  by  mail  before  her 
illness,  had  not  yet  arrived  at  the 
post  office  at  Graham,  six  miles 

Not  that  it  would  matter  so  much 
to  me  and  Rory — but  to  five-year- 
old  Jamey  and  six-year-old  Lucy, 
it  would  be  a  catastrophe.  Of  all 
the  horrible  places  to  have  to  spend 
Christmas  without  one's  parents, 
this  farm  seemed  the  worst. 

"I  don't  know  why  Dad  had  to 

insist  on  moving  back  here  after 
Grandpa's  death,"  I  sighed.  "I  wish 
we  were  back  in  Lincoln." 

"Oh,  Dad  had  some  weird  idea 
that  living  on  a  farm  develops  re- 
sponsibility and  resourcefulness." 
Rory  looked  out  into  the  storm, 
disgust  written  plainly  on  his  face. 

"I  know,"  I  said.  I  had  hated 
the  November  move  out  to  the 
farm.  I  had  hated  leaving  my  city 
friends.  The  big,  square  farmhouse 
was  heated  by  a  monster  of  a  coal 
furnace  which  never  quite  seemed 
to  warm  the  upstairs  bedrooms. 
There  had  been  no  time  to  meet 
our  new  neighbors.  We  had  been 
too  busy,  and  they  seemed  distant 
and  clannish.  The  "chores"  of 
milking,  cleaning  out  a  chicken 
house  or  barn,  gathering  eggs,  and 
feeding  pigs  were  anything  but 
pleasant.  And  then,  Mom  had  tak- 
en ill.  A  fine  Christmas  it  was  go- 
ing   to    be! 

"We've  got  to  do  something  for 

Lucy  and  Jamey,"  I  said.  "Christ- 
mas means  something  to  them." 

There  was  a  tree.  It  had  been 
sitting  on  the  back  porch  for  a 
week,  but  our  Christmas  decora- 
tions were  buried  in  boxes  out  in 
the  machine  shed,  waiting  for  Mom 
to  sort  things  out.  It  had  always 
been  Mom  who  had  made  Christ- 
mas with  her  joyous  love  of  the 

"We  can  make  popcorn  strings 
and  cone-shaped  paper  baskets," 
Rory  suggested.  "They  used  to 
make  all  their  decorations,  didn't 

"And  I  can  bake  up  some  sugar 
cookies  and  frost  them,"  I  said. 
"Maybe  the  kids  would  like  to 

"Do  you  know  where  the  Christ- 
mas tree  stand  is?" 

I  shook  my  head.  "You'll  have 
to  make  one,  I  guess." 

"Well,  I  can  try,"  Rory  agreed. 
"I've   got  to   see   about   the   chores 


first,   though." 

He  put  on  his  heavy  mackinaw 
and  overshoes  and  plunged  out  in- 
to the  storm. 

"It's  getting  worse,"  he  report- 
ed, upon  his  return  an  hour  later 
with  the  brimming  milk  pail;  his 
face  was  red  beneath  snowy  eye- 
brows. "The  wind's  getting  strong- 
er. I  found  some  wood  for  a  stand." 

The  rest  of  the  morning  he  spent 
sawing  and  hammering.  At  last, 
flushed,  but  triumphant,  he 
brought  the  tree  into  the  living 
room  and  set  it  in  a  corner. 

"The  Christmas  tree!  The  Christ- 
mas tree!"  Lucy  and  Jamey  shout- 

I  set  the  children  to  work  mak- 
ing paper  chains  while  I  baked 
cookies.  Later  Lucy  and  Jamey 
helped  me  frost  them.  We  hung 
them  here  and  there,  hit-or-miss, 
on  the  tree.  They  did  look  pretty. 

Evening  came  and  Rory  plunged 
out  into  the  storm  again.  He  fed 
and  milked  the  cows,  fed  the  pigs, 
filled  the  hot  water  heaters  in  the 
chicken  house,  and  brought  in  the 

"Some  fun!"  he  said,  pulling  off 
his  snow-coated  clothing  and  wip- 
ing his  face  with  a  towel. 

We  had  supper.  I  put  the  chil- 
dren to  bed,  telling  them  the  story 
of  the  birth  of  the  baby  Jesus. 

"And  He  was  God's  present  to 
mankind,"  I  said,  "to  teach  us  to 
love  one  another." 

"And  that's  why  we  give  gifts  at 
Christmas,"  Lucy  interrupted,  "to 
make  the  whole  world  happy." 

"But  the  greatest  gift  is  the  gift 
of  love,"  I  said.  But  I  knew  Lucy 
was  too  young  to  understand  that. 

"We've  got  to  find  something  for 
those  kids,"  I  told  Rory  when  I 
came  downstairs.  "It  won't  be 
Christmas  without  something  for 

"How  about  the  attic?  Rory  sug- 
gested. "We  might  find  something 
up  there." 

"Could  be,"  I  agreed. 

Together  we  climbed  the  dark, 
narrow  steps  to  the  attic.  It  was 
black  as  the  inside  of  a  cave  up 
there,  and  bitterly  cold.  The  wind 
was  screaming  like  a  thousand  de- 
mons over  the  roof.  The  place  was 
filled  with  boxes,  trunks,  old  furni- 

ture, and  odds  and  ends.  We 
plunged  into  hat  boxes  and  suit- 
cases, and  cardboard  boxes  and 
trunks — but    we    found    nothing. 

"They  probably  burned  up  the 
old  toys,"  I  said,  my  hands  shak- 
ing. "Let's  go  down  before  we 

"No,  wait!"  Rory  said,  pulling  out 
a  small  box  from  under  the  eaves. 
"What's  this?"  He  lifted  the  cover. 

"Why!  It's  a  creche,  Rory!"  I 
cried.  And  it  looks  like  it's  hand- 

One  by  one  we  withdrew  the 
small,  carefully  made  figures  and 
set  them  on  the  dusty  floor.  The 
Holy  Family,  the  shepherds,  the 
Wise   Men — they   were   all   there. 

"Look  back  of  this  trunk!"  Rory 
cried,  pushing  the  trunk  aside. 
"Here's  an  old-fashioned,  home- 
made rocking  horse,  and  a  doll 
cradle  with  a  doll  in  it!  They  look 
like  they're  a  hundred  years  old!" 

But  hunt  as  hard  as  we  could, 
we  found  nothing  else  to  interest 
small  children. 

We  took  the  creche,  the  rocking 
horse,  the  doll  cradle  and  the  doll 
downstairs  and  hid  them  in  a 
closet  in  anticipation  of  Christmas. 

The  next  day  I  kept  Mom's  sew- 
ing machine  busy  turning  out  flan- 
nel doll  blankets,  pillows,  and  a  set 
of  doll  clothes  for  the  old-fash- 
ioned doll.  Rory  in  his  spare  mo- 
ments fashioned  a  sailboat  out  of 
scraps   of  lumber. 

By  Christmas  Eve  the  storm  had 
subsided  and  the  countryside  lay 
white  and  still  and  beautiful  in  the 
moonlight.  We  both  wondered  how 
soon  we  would  have  word  from 
Dad  about  Mom.  It  was  a  terrible 
worry  in  the  back  of  our  minds. 

We  had  just  tucked  Lucy  and 
Jamey  into  bed  when  we  heard 
the  sound  of  sleigh  bells.  Looking 
out,  we  saw  a  big  sled,  loaded  with 
young  people,  pull  into  the  yard. 
The  young  people  piled  out,  ar- 
ranged themselves  in  a  group  by 
our  front  door,  and  serenaded  us 
with  Christmas  carols. 

I  was  glad  that  I  had  made 
plenty  of  cookies,  so  that  I  could 
invite  them  in.  Some  of  the  boys 
and  girls  I  had  seen  at  high  school. 
They  were  a  friendly  group.  They 
asked  Rory  and  me  to  a  New  Year's 

Eve  watch  party  at  the  church. 
They  drove  away  at  last  into  the 
night,  their  voices  lifted  in  a 
Christmas  carol. 

"They're  nice  kids,"  Rory  com- 
mented. "I  think  I'm  going  to  like 

"Real  nice,"  I  agreed,  bringing 
out  our  miscellaneous  assortment 
of  toys  and  putting  them  under 
the  Christmas  tree.  "Bill  Briggs  told 
me  that  their  telephone  is  still 
working.  He's  going  to  call  the  hos- 
pital for  us  and  drive  over  in  the 
morning  to  let  us  know  how  Mom 
is.  He  said,  if  we  needed  any 

Rory  grinned  at  me.  "Yes,  I  no- 
ticed how  attentive  he  was,  Pat," 
he  said,  laughing.  "I  saw  how  he 
helped  you  with  the  cocoa  cups  and 

"He— he  wants  to  take  me  to 
the  New  Year's  Eve  Party,"  I  said. 
"You,  too,  if  you  want  to  come 

We  went  to  bed  at  last,  feeling 
somehow  that  the  world  had  right- 
ed itself  and  that  Christmas  was 
more  than  mere  presents.  It  was 
the  giving  of  one's  own  self,  the 
warmth  of  friendship,  thoughtful- 
ness,  and  goodwill.  Somehow,  we 
had  rediscovered  the  magic  splen- 
dor of  the  ancient  miracle  in  sim- 
ple  things. 

The  children's  joy,  the  follow- 
ing morning,  reemphasized  the 
thought.  We  watched  them  play 
with  their  homemade  toys  as  hap- 
pily as  if  they  had  come  from  an 
expensive  gift  shop. 

When  Bill  Briggs  drove  over  in 
his  father's  car  about  ten  the  next 
morning  to  tell  us  that  Mother  was 
already  showing  a  great  deal  of 
improvement  and  that  Dad  would 
be  home  the  following  day,  our 
Christmas  joy   was  complete. 

"Maybe  Dad  was  right,"  Rory 
said.  "Living  on  a  farm  can  teach 
responsibility  and  resourcefulness 
too.  Our  Christmas  might  have 
been  thin  on  gifts,  but  it  was  well 
spread  with  love  and  happiness. 
The  joy  of  doing  for  others  is  the 
best    gift    of    all,    Pat." 

We  have  learned  a  wonderful 
lesson — one  I  know  we  will  never 
forget.    • 


GNES  MURRAY  watched 
from  the  window  as  her 
four  school-age  children 
emerged  from  the  bus  and  headed 
up  the  driveway.  She  would  have 
no  time  now  to  vacuum  the  liv- 
ing room  rug,  and  she  had  so  many 
other  things  to  do  tomorrow.  Lines 
of  impatience  etched  in  more  deep- 
ly around  her  mouth. 

Six-year-old  Tommy  burst 
through  the  kitchen  door. 

"Hey,  look!  I  got  all  my  num- 
bers right  today.  See!"  He  thrust  a 
paper  at  her. 

With  a  brief  glance,  Agnes  dis- 
missed his  enthusiasm.  "Yes,  I  see. 
Put  it  in  your  room  out  of  the  way. 
And  change  your  clothes." 

Tommy's  outstretched  hand 
dropped  to  his  side,  all  exuberance 
drained  from  him.  He  turned  away, 
while  the  other  children  clamored 
for  their  mother's  attention. 

"Mom,  it's  my  turn  to  take  two 
dozen  cookies  for  our  room  party 
tomorrow.  I  forgot  to  tell  you."  This 
was  Betsy.  It  seemed  to  Agnes  that 
her  fourth  grade  room  had  entire- 
ly too  many  parties. 

Karen  asked,  "Did  Mrs.  Rush 
call  you?  Nancy  wants  me  to  come 
to    her   birthday    party    Saturday." 

Although  more  subdued  than  the 
other  children's,  Allan's  voice  man- 
aged to  penetrate  the  din,  "Mom, 
I'm  hungry." 

"Yes,    Karen,    she    phoned.    Oh, 

Betsy,  how  could  you?  I  don't  have 
time  to  bake  tonight.  Well,  maybe 
I  can  catch  Daddy  before  he 
leaves  for  home  and  ask  him  to 
get  some  in  town." 

Betsy's  disappointed  wail  followed 
her  as  she  started  for  the  tele- 
phone, "But  everybody  else  always 
brings  homemade  ones!" 

Agnes  hesitated.  She  could  make 
some  drop  cookies  while  dinner  was 
cooking,  she  supposed.  Renewed  ir- 
ritation filled  her.  No — Betsy  must 
learn  not  to  forget. 

"Well,  you'll  just  have  to  make 
out  with  the  others,"  she  snapped. 

"I'm  hungry,"  reiterated  Allan. 

"Eat  some  bread  and  peanut 
butter  then,"  she  returned  impa- 
tiently, as  she  dialed  Howard's 

She  was  hanging  up  the  receiver 
when  Karen  spoke  at  her  elbow, 
"If  I  go  to  the  party,  I'll  need  a 

"Oh,  don't  bother  me  now,  Ka- 
ren. I  have  to  start  dinner." 

In  the  kitchen  she  collared  Al- 
lan just  as  he  was  about  to  scoot 
out  the  door  with  an  out-sized 
sandwich.  "Clean  up  that  mess, 
young  man.  And  change  your 
clothes  before  you  go  outside  to 

A  look  out  the  window  did  not 
improve  Agnes'  mood.  A  drizzling 
rain     had     started     to     fall.     She 

brushed  the  hair  from  her  fore- 
head with  a  tired  gesture.  Now 
what  was  it  she  had  planned  for 
dinner.  Oh,  yes — . 

Soon  she  became  absorbed  in 
dinner  preparations.  After  a  time 
she  heard  the  outer  door  open  and 
close,  and  saw  Allan  start  through 
the  kitchen. 

"Go  back  and  wipe  your  feet. 
Look  how  you  are  tracking  up  my 
clean  floor." 

He  turned  obediently  to  do  her 
bidding.  When  he  reentered,  she 
noticed  the  mud  on  his  jeans. 

"Allan  Murray!  Look  at  your 
clothes!  Why  are  you  so  careless? 
I  have  enough  to  do  without  ex- 
tra washing." 

Resentment  flared  for  a  mo- 
ment in  the  usually  quiet  eyes. 
"I'm  sorry.  I  fell  down.  I  didn't 
mean  to  make  more  work  for  you." 

"Well,  be  more  careful  after  this. 
Now  go  change  back  to  your  school 
jeans.  Daddy  will  soon  be  home." 

Allan  followed  her  into  the  din- 
ing room,  where  she  began  to  set 
the  table. 

"You  don't  like  us  kids  very  well, 
do  you?"  It  was  more  a  statement 
than  a  question. 

Agnes  stood  very,  very  still  for 
a  moment.  She  took  one  step  to- 
ward the  boy,  wanting  to  gather 
the  small  form  into  her  arms  to 
reassure  him.  Some  aloofness  in  his 



manner  stopped  her. 

Instead,  she  asked,  "Why  do  you 
say  that?" 

He  lifted  grey  eyes,  filled  with 
puzzled  hurt.  "You  didn't  care 
about  Tommy's  lesson  or  Karen's 
party.  You — you  scold  us  all  the 
time,  even  when  we  don't  mean  to 
be  bad.  And  you're  always  saying 
how  much  work  we  make — "  his 
voice  trailed  off.  He  slipped  from 
the  room,  a  disheartened  slump  to 
his  shoulders. 

You  don't  like  us  kids  very  well, 
do  you?  The  plaintive  question 
echoed  in  Agnes  Murray's  ears 
while  she  automatically  put  the 
finishing  touches  on  the  evening 
meal.  A  knot  of  compassion  formed 
in  her  breast.  Poor  little  fellow! 
His  words  revealed  how  keenly  he 
felt  her  sharp  nagging.  "I  wonder 
if  the  other  children  feel  the  same," 
she  thought.  "I  am  too  fussy  about 
the  house,  I  guess.  I  complain 
about  the  work,  too."  Remorse  and 
shame  flooded  through  her.  Actual- 
ly, she  enjoyed  the  sense  of  ac- 
complishment derived  from  her  du- 
ties. She  enjoyed  the  youngsters, 
too — when  she  took  the  time. 

You  don't  like  us  kids  very  well, 
do  you?  When  had  she  last  taken 
time  for  companionship  with  her 
children  or  shown  interest  in  their 
activities?  All  she  did  was  find 
fault.   She   never   praised   them.   A 

sob  broke  through  the  aching  lump 
in  her  throat. 

"Oh,  God,  forgive  me!"  she 
breathed.  "And  help  me  now." 

Soon  her  husband  arrived  home 
with  the  cookies.  During  dinner,  in 
reaching  for  a  slice  of  bread,  Tom- 
my upset  his  milk.  His  mother  did 
not  miss  the  instant  look  of  appre- 
hension   he    sent   her    way. 

"Hey,  there,  a  big  boy  like  you 
should  be  more  careful,"  admon- 
ished his  father  good-naturedly. 

"Never  mind,"  said  Agnes,  al- 
ready mopping  at  the  spilled  liquid 
with  a  handful  of  paper  napkins. 
"I'm  sure  he  didn't  mean  to  do  it. 
Accidents  will  happen.  Here,  let 
me  put  some  dry  napkins  under 
your  plate." 

Out  of  the  corner  of  her  eye  she 
saw  Karen's  fork  poised  in  mid- 
air for  a  second  and  Betsy's  sur- 
prised expression.  A  guilty  pang 
pierced  her.  They  were  so  used  to 
being  berated  for  every  little  mis- 
hap. Only  Allan  seemed  not  to  no- 

At  eight  o'clock  she  called  to  the 
children,  "Time  for  bed." 

"Oh-h-h,"  groaned  Karen.  "Al- 

"Now  get  into  your  pajamas," 
her  mother  directed  firmly.  "Then 
maybe  I  can  read  to  you  for  a  lit- 
tle while — but  not  very  long:  I  want 
to  stir  up  some  cookies  for  Betsy." 

"But  Daddy  brought — "  began 
Betsy,  before  she  saw  her  moth- 
er's smile.  "Thanks,  Mom." 

Again  Agnes  caught  the  unbe- 
lieving glances  of  the  children  be- 
fore they  scampered  off  to  pre- 
pare for  bed. 

Later,  going  to  the  girls'  room  to 
make  sure  they  were  settled  for 
the  night,  she  remarked  casually, 
"Karen  the  stores  will  be  open  un- 
til nine  o'clock  tomorrow  night. 
I'm  sure  Daddy  won't  mind  stay- 
ing with  the  others  while  you  and 
I  take  a  quick  run  into  town  to 
find  a  present  for  Nancy." 

"That'll  be  super,  Mom." 

Across  the  hall  in  the  boys'  room 
she  paused  to  pick  up  Tommy's 
school  paper  from  the  top  of  the 
chest  where  he  had  flung  it.  "One 
hundred  percent!  How  about  that? 
Guess  I'll  have  to  post  this  on  my 
bulletin  board." 

Tommy  giggled  with  delight  and 
nearly  choked  her  with  a  hug  as 
she  stooped  for  a  good-night  kiss. 

Last  of  all  she  went  to  Allan  and 
perched  on  the  side  of  his  bed. 
Allan  reached  up  to  pull  down  her 
head  and  whisper,  "I  guess  you  do 
like  us  kids,  after  all."  With  a 
happy  sigh,  he  burrowed  down  un- 
der the  covers,  the  one  visible  eye 
glowing  with  contentment. 

Agnes  hastily  flipped  the  light 
switch  to  hide  her  thankful  tears.  • 


Shall  I  Give 

By   BOB    LAIR 

IONCE  PLAYED  the  organ  in 
a  rather  small  church.  It  was 
there  that  I  met  Mrs.  Simp- 
son. She  was  a  dear  saint  of  God, 
and  I  loved  her  for  her  quaint 
charm  and  simplicity.  The  years 
were  beginning  to  tell  on  her,  but 
she  never  missed  choir  rehearsal 
or  Sunday  services,  unless  kept 
away  by  serious  illness. 

But  Mrs.  Simpson  had  one  habit, 
or  perhaps  I  should  call  it  an  ob- 
session, which  sometimes  became 
just  a  bit  trying.  The  pastor's 
wife  directed  the  choir  and  chose 
the  soloists  for  the  various  an- 
thems and  specials.  The  choir 
leader  had  the  good  musical  sense 
not  to  give  Mrs.  Simpson  a  solo 
part,  for  Mrs.  Simpson  could  bare- 
ly hold  the  tune  and  was  hardly 
an  asset  to  the  choir  as  a  whole. 

Yet,  somehow  Mrs.  Simpson  had 
gotten  it  into  her  mind  that  she 
had  some  special  gift  for  singing 
which  she  longed  to  give  to  the 
Lord.  Almost  every  Wednesday, 
after  choir  rehearsal,  while  I  was 
starting  to  close  up  the  organ, 
Mrs.  Simpson  would  come  to  ask 
me  to  accompany  her  while  she 
practiced  a  little  song  or  two.  She 
never  seemed  to  give  up  hope  that 
eventually  the  choir  leader  would 
ask  her  to  sing  a  solo. 

I  would  muster  all  my  patience 
and  go  through  three  or  four  stan- 
zas with  her  after  all  the  others 
had  dispersed.  I  came  to  the  point 

that  I  tried  to  hurry  a  bit  extra 
in  closing  the  organ  so  that  I 
could  say,  "I'm  sorry,  Mrs.  Simp- 
son, everything's  off  and  locked 
up."  But  the  more  I  hurried,  the 
faster  Mrs.  Simpson  rushed  to  get 
to  me  with  her  three  or  four  stan- 

Over  and  over  again  since  those 
several  years  as  organist  of  that 
church,  I  have  thought  how  much 
like  many  Christians  Mrs.  Simpson 
was.  She  longed  to  give  God  back 
a  gift  which  He  had  not  allotted 
her  in  the  first  place. 

As  a  teacher  occasionally  I  have 
seen  the  same  tragedy  with  per- 
haps greater  consequence.  A 
young  man  may  have  made  up  his 
mind  that  he  must  preach,  that  he 
must  finish  the  seminary  and  pas- 
tor a  church — but  when  I  observe 
him  and  talk  to  him,  he  seems  to 
have  none  of  the  requisites  from 
God  to  fill  a  pulpit  and  to  shep- 
herd  a   flock. 

If  I  wrote  a  check  for  a  million 
dollars  and  sent  it  to  some  mis- 
sion board  to  help  in  its  endeavor 
to  get  the  gospel  out,  they  would 
be  very  much  excited  when  the  let- 
ter arrived.  I  doubt  not  that  wheels 
would  begin  to  turn  and  imagina- 
tions would  start  to  tingle  at  such 
a  gift. 

However,  when  that  check 
bounced  about  three  times  for  in- 
sufficent  funds,  that  mission  board 
would    lose    its    excitement    in    a 

There  is  no  point  in  my  sending 
such  a  check  anyway — I  simply 
don't  have  a  million  dollars  to  give. 
But  I  do  have  ten!  It  would  be  so 
much  better  to  give  my  ten  than 
to  worry  away  my  life  because  I 
can't   give    a   million. 

Of  course,  I  do  not  wish  to  sug- 
gest that  any  man  hide  some  tal- 
ent under  a  bushel.  But  the  Scrip- 
ture urges  every  man  to  take  ac- 
count of  himself,  to  assess  his  gifts 
and  talents,  not  to  think  more 
highly  of  himself  than  he  ought  to 
think,  and  to  give  his  gifts  to  God. 

But  do  not  try  to  give  God 
some  gift  with  which  He  has  not 
endowed  you.  In  expanded  trans- 
lation, Paul's  exhortation  to  the 
Romans  reads:  "We  each  have  gifts 
which  differ  according  to  the  gift 
freely  given  us:  if  we  have  the 
gift  of  interpretation  of  God's  mes- 
sage, let  us  interpret  it  according 
to  God's  measuring  out  of  faith  to 
us.  If  we  have  the  gift  of  service, 
let  us  serve.  If  we  have  the  gift  of 
teaching,  let  us  teach.  If  we  have 
the  gift  of  comforting  others,  let 
us  comfort  them.  If  we  have  the 
gift  of  distributing  our  possessions, 
let  us  do  so  with  purity  of  motive. 
If  we  have  the  gift  of  leadership, 
let  us  lead  with  care  and  diligence. 
If  we  have  the  gift  of  kindness  to- 
ward those  in  need,  let  us  show 
mercy  with  rejoicing"  (Romans  12: 
6-8).    • 


I  HAVE  CEREBRAL  palsy  and 
cannot  talk,  walk,  or  use  my 
hands.  Yet  I  can  hear  Christ's 
voice  in  my  heart  telling  me  to  go 
and  preach  His  gospel  to  all  peo- 
ple, and  to  love  and  help  one  an- 
other. I  try  to  do  these  things,  be- 
cause being  an  invalid  is  no  ex- 
cuse for  me  to  neglect  my  sacred 
duty  of  bringing  souls  to  our  heav- 
enly Father  or  to  fail  to  establish 
His  kingdom  of  love  and  peace 
on  this  earth. 

I  try  to  show  that  Christ  lives 
within  my  heart  by  presenting  a 
smiling  face  to  the  world  and  by 
cheerfully  accepting  my  invalid- 
ism. Being  cheerful  gets  pretty 
difficult  sometimes  when  my  ar- 
thritis hurts,  or  my  cerebral  pal- 
sy's jerkiness  convulses  my  body 
(at  times  my  legs  and  arms  only 
squirm  while  at  other  periods  they 
writhe  and  jerk).  I  do  my  best  to 
keep  serene  so  that  this  will  not 
distress  others. 

I  am  very  proud  of  the  friend- 
ship of  a  group  of  teen-agers. 
They  like  to  push  my  wheelchair 
on  short  excursions  around  the 
rest  home  grounds  and  nearby 
shopping  center  stores.  They  tell 
me  the  latest  teen  jokes,  and  keep 
me  posted  on  "who  is  going  steady 
with  whom,"  or  vice-versa.  It  was 
very  gratifying  for  one  boy  to  tell 
me,  "I  felt  mean  and  ugly  last 
night  and  I  thought  I  would  get 
drunk,  but  I  remembered  you  'tell- 
ing' me  that  Christ  gives  you  the 
courage  to  face  each  day  and 
whatever  it  brings.  I  thought  that 
if  He  can  give  you  the  nerve  to 
go  bravely  on  with  all  of  your  prob- 
lems, He  will  surely  help  me  cope 
with  my  depressions." 

Another  way  I  try  to  bring  souls 
to  Christ  is  by  writing  articles  for 
religious  magazines,  telling  of 
God's  goodness  and  mercy.  Because 
I  cannot  use  my  hands  and  be- 
cause I  am  too  jerky  to  use  the 
little  keys  on  a  typewriter,  I  have 
a  large  key  typing  board  attached 
to  a  regular  electric  typewriter.  I 
strike  the  big  keys  with  a  stylus 
fastened  to  a  band  around  my 
head.  When  I  received  my  typing 
board  ten  years  ago,  I  dedicated  it 
to  the  services  of  God. 

In    the    nursing    home    where    I 

live,  I  try  to  listen  with  sympathy 
and  interest  and  to  give  them  the 
love  they  need.  I  like  to  hear  the 
oldsters  tell  about  the  "olden  days" 
when  they  were  young  and  filled 
with  the  hope  and  courage  that 
built  this  Mid-west  into  the  pro- 
ductive land  it  is  today.  Sometimes 
just  a  loving  smile  or  just  laying 
my  head  against  their  arm  as  they 
stand  beside  me,  lets  them  know 
someone  cares.  One  dear  old  lady 
(without  a  living  relative)  said, 
"Your  good-morning  smile  bright- 
ens my  whole  day — don't  ever  leave 

I  am  the  "listening  counselor"  for 
the  nurses'  aides.  They  come  into 
my  room  and  talk  out  their  prob- 
lems and  tell  me  all  about  their 
successes.  They  say  I  have  the  best 

shoulder  to  cry  on  of  anyone  they 
know.  I  ask  God  to  guide  me  when 
I  type  out  advice  to  them.  Helping 
them  makes  my  heart  feel  warm 
and  glowing  with  love. 

Another  way  of  fulfilling  my 
invalid's  discipleship  is  praying  for 
people.  I  have  a  prayer  list  with 
people's  names  written  on  it.  When- 
ever I  have  time  during  the  day, 
I  pray  for  them;  then  I  finish  the 
names  at  night.  Friends  and  even 
strangers  telephone  or  come  out 
and  ask  to  be  placed  on  my  prayer 

Every  day  I  pray  that  I  can 
fulfill  my  invalid's  discipleship  as 
well  as  possible,  for  I  receive  such 
joy  and  satisfaction  in  being  one 
of  the  workers  in  Christ's  vine- 
yard.   • 

The  Invalid's 


Charles  Rayburn 


C.  Raymond  Spain, 
left,  and  Lt.  Colonel 
Lawrence  B.   Owens 

This  ivas  the  first  Church  of  God  Servicemens' 
Retreat  in  Korea — it  was  different!  Korea  is  a 
"hardship  assignment."  Soldiers  on  the  DMZ  are  con- 
stantly exposed  to  gunfire;  in  fact,  six  North  Koreans 
filtered  through  the  DMZ  (near  Seoul)  and  xoere 
either  killed  or  captured  the  night  before  the  retreat 
opened.  The  servicemen  are  there,  but  without  their 
families.  The  congregation  was  almost  all  men — men 
who  were  eager  to  enjoy  Pentecostal  fellowship  and 
to  be  in  a  spiritual  service.  God  did  not  fail  theml 

Thanks  to  Lieutenant  Colonel  Lawrence  B.  Owens, 
who  so  capably  coordinated  the  retreat.  He  did  a 
splendid  job!  This  career  officer  was  not  only  effi- 
cient in  his  work,  but  he  was  a  worshiper  and  one 
of  the  fellows.  Some  of  the  readers  will  remember 
Lawrence  and  his  wife,  Helen  iDauhdrill)  Owens,  as 
former  Lee  College  students.  I  am  grateful  for  the 
success  of  this  first  retreat  in  Korea — for  all  those 
who  attended  and  for  the  results  that  the  Church 
of  God  realized. — C.  Raymond  Spain,  Executive  Di- 
rector,  Servicemen's   Department 


First  in  Korea 


the  first  Church  of  God 
Servicemen's  Retreat  ever 
to  be  conducted  in  Korea  was  held 
on  Friday,  September  20,  1968.  It 
was  a  memorable  occasion  for  the 
men,  as  they  gathered,  from  var- 
ious parts  of  Korea,  at  the  United 
States  Army  Retreat  Center  in 

A  sign  which  spanned  the  arched 
entrance  expressed  the  purpose  of 
the  retreat:  "A  Place  to  Draw 
Near  to  God."  As  one  passed  under 
the  sign  and  climbed  the  hill  lead- 
ing to  the  Retreat  Center,  he  be- 
came aware  of  God's  nearness. 
Upon  reaching  the  summit,  God's 
presence  seemed  to  welcome  each 
one  for  a  time  of  communion  with 
Him.  The  center  of  activity  was  a 
beautiful   vine-covered   chapel. 

As  the  men  completed  registra- 
tion, small  groups  could  be  seen 
exploring      the      facilities,      while 

others  gathered  in  the  chapel  to 
sing  and  worship  God.  The  ab- 
sence of  Pentecostal  Fellowship 
Groups  and  other  Pentecostal-cen- 
tered activities  points  out  the  real 
necessity  of  having  such  retreats 
for  our  servicemen  in  Korea, 
where  sin  is  so  prevalent  and  ex- 
treme temptation  is  constantly  be- 
fore them. 

Forty  in  number,  mostly  ser- 
vicemen, gathered  for  the  first  ser- 
vice, and  the  attendance  climbed 
to  sixty-one  by  the  close  of  the 
retreat  on  Sunday. 

The  attendance,  which  may 
seem  small  to  those  who  are  not 
aware  of  the  present  and  very  real 
conflict  in  Korea,  more  than 
doubled  the  expectation  of  per- 
manently assigned  personnel  at  the 
Retreat  Center.  The  Retreat  Co- 
ordinator was  informed  that  fif- 
teen or  twenty  would  be  a  good 
attendance,  for  this  would  be  about 

all  that  could  be  expected  at  a  de- 
nominational retreat.  To  appreci- 
ate this  attendance,  we  must  re- 
member the  conditions  under 
which  our  men  live  in  Korea.  The 
tense  situation  and  Communist 
threat  in  Korea  is  second  only  to 
Vietnam.  To  obtain  a  leave  of  ab- 
sence— even  for  a  religious  retreat 
— from  a  position  along  the  Demil- 
itarized Zone  (DMZ),  which  separ- 
ates freedom  from  Communist 
dominion,  is  often  a  very  difficult 
task.  Fire  fights  along  the  DMZ 
prevented  Executive  Director  C. 
Raymond  Spain  from  visiting  that 

At  the  opening  service  Christ's 
presence  was  very  real.  As  Brother 
Spain  challenged  us  to  strengthen 
our  faith,  the  Holy  Spirit  moved  in 
our  midst  doing  His  work  in  each 
heart.  The  presence  of  God  and  His 
rich  blessings  continued  throughout 
the  next  two  days. 

The  theme  of  the  retreat,  "Con- 


Seoul,  Korea  servicemen   with   the  retreat  chapel 
as  background. 

m  in 

owship    and   food.    Both    of 
e  appeal  to  the  servicemen. 


querors  Through  Christ,"  which 
was  so  ably  presented,  reminded 
each  of  us  that  not  only  can  we 
be  conquerors,  but  we  can  be  more 
than  conquerors  through  Him  that 
loved  us.  Three  classes  ampli- 
fied these  themes:  "Conquerors 
Through  Decision,"  "Conquerors 
Through  the  Cross,"  and  "Conquer- 
ors Through  Dedication."  During 
each  of  these  classes,  we  received 
inspiration  and  determination  to 
be  more  than  conquerors  through 

The  Saturday  evening  service 
was  a  highlight  of  the  retreat.  As 
Brother  Spain  delivered  another 
inspiring  message,  each  one  was 
challenged  to  rededicate  his  life 
to  Christ.  Many  people  remained 
in  the  chapel,  seeking  God  and 
worshiping  Him  beyond  the  mid- 
night curfew  hour.  Others  left  in 
order  to  reach  home  before  the 
curfew  period. 

Gratitude    for    the    Lord's    pres- 

ence and  for  the  unrestricted  wor- 
ship was  spontaneously  expressed 
as  men  gathered  around  the  piano 
and  sang  praises  between  services 
and  into  the  early  morning  hours. 

The  retreat  was  concluded  with 
a  sacred  communion  service,  fol- 
lowing the  Sunday  morning  wor- 
ship. As  we  participated  in  this 
service,  commemorating  the  death 
of  our  Lord,  we  were  again  chal- 
lenged by  the  theme  of  the  re- 
treat and  the  verse  of  Scripture, 
"In  all  these  things  we  are  more 
than  conquerors  through  him 
that   loved    us"    (Romans   8:37). 

One  young  man's  response  to 
the  retreat  was,  "This  is  the  first 
time  I've  really  felt  the  presence 
of  God  since  arriving  in  Korea." 
Another  said,  "This  is  what  I 
needed  my  first  weekend  in 
Korea."  Similar  remarks  express- 
ing heartfelt  thanks  for  God's 
presence   and   for   the   privilege   of 

attending  the  retreat  were  ex- 
pressed by  almost  everyone  pre- 
sent. Most  of  the  men  who  at- 
tended will  have  rotated  to  the 
States  before  another  Church  of 
God  Retreat  is  scheduled  here,  but 
many  recognized  the  great  need 
and  agreed  that  subsequent  re- 
treats should  be  held. 

The  servicemen  in  Korea  are 
extremely  grateful  to  the  Church 
of  God  for  making  it  possible  for 
the  Executive  Director  of  the  Ser- 
vicemen's Department,  the  Rev- 
erend C.  Raymond  Spain,  and  the 
Far  East  Servicemen's  Representa- 
tive, the  Reverend  James  E.  Gar- 
len  and  his  wife  to  be  present. 

The  retreat,  with  its  challenging 
messages  and  lectures,  will  long  be 
remembered  by  all  who  attended; 
and  the  presence  of  God  mani- 
fested in  every  service  will  provide 
immeasurable  inspiration  to  our 
servicemen.    • 





the  lopsided  star  from  the 
schoolroom  window.  A  gang- 
ling paper  shepherd  followed, 
along  with  some  sheep  with  pipe- 
stem  legs.  The  children  had  en- 
joyed decorating  the  windows. 
Linda  smiled.  How  beautiful  the 
Christmas  season  was,  even  in  this 
Lansing  Creek  schoolhouse  where 
heat  was  provided  by  potbellied 
stoves  and  the  drinking  water  was 
drawn  from  a  well.  Now  it  was 
time  for  the  well-deserved  vacation 
until  after  the  New  Year — it  would 
be  one  week  before  her  third-grade 
boys  and  girls  would  return. 

Ruth  Kurth,  teacher  from  fourth 
grade,  came  striding  into  Room  3 
then.  Her  sharp  greenish  eyes 
glanced  disdainfully  at  the  deco- 
rations Linda  was  placing  in  a 
box.  "I'm  glad  I'm  not  coming  back 
to  this  school  after  the  holidays," 
she   declared. 

"But  won't  you  miss  the  chil- 
dren?" Linda  questioned.  "I've 
loved  my  first-year  teaching  here. 
There  are  so  many  things  lacking 
in  this  played-out  mining  com- 
munity that  a  teacher  feels  need- 
ed. I'm  looking  forward  to  the  next 

Ruth  Kurth  laughed,  and  it  was 
like  a  thunderclap.  "When  you've 
taught  as  many  years  as  I  have, 
you'll  find  out  that  one  backwoods 
school  is  very  much  like  another." 
She  sobered  abruptly.  "Sit  down, 
Harper.  I  would  like  to  tell  you 
some  news  that  might  speed  you 
out  of  Lansing  Creek  along  with 

It  was  late.  The  barren  landscape 

outside  the  schoolhouse  was  dark- 
ening in  the  advancing  night.  Lin- 
da thought  of  the  big  package  from 
home  that  was  awaiting  her  back 
at  the  boardinghouse.  At  six-thirty, 
John  Bonnell  would  be  calling  to 
take  her  to  choir  practice  in  his 
plain  board  church.  John  had  been 
working  among  these  underpriv- 
ileged people  for  three  years.  John 
was  a  good  man — a  hardworking 
minister.  She  sat  down  in  a  chair 
and  looked  into  Ruth's  tight-lipped 
face.  "I  believe  the  children  are 
most  appreciative  of  all  we  do," 
she  stated. 

"The  children  have  no  concep- 
tion of  the  word  appreciation," 
Ruth  contradicted.  "They  know 
only  their  hunger,  and  their  lacks. 
We're  the  outsiders,  and  outsiders 
we'll  remain.  This  school  and  that 
church  which  your  friend  John  es- 
tablished— they    hate    them    both." 

"John  has  started  some  craft- 
making  in  the  homes  that's  sell- 
ing," Linda  declared.  "That's  a 
start.  Not  a  day  passes  but  that  I 
don't  remind  the  children  they  are 
the  sons  and  daughters  of  our 
King.  They  can  do  great  things 
through  Him — and  they  will." 

"You're  too  emotional,  Harper. 
Rumors  have  been  flying  that  Lan- 
sing Creek  wants  education  out. 
They  intend  to  burn   the  school." 

"Oh,   no!"   Linda   exclaimed. 

"The  Christmas  vacation  will 
provide  the  very  opportunity 
they've  been  waiting  for,"  Ruth 
continued.  "With  the  building  emp- 
ty and  the  teachers  gone — you'll 
see.  You  won't  have  a  school  to 
return  to." 

Principal  Gesel  peered  in  at  the 
open  door.  "Are  you  two  teachers 
still  here?"  he  asked,  smiling. 
"Everyone  else  has  gone." 

"We'll  be  leaving  shortly  too," 
Linda  promised.  "I  just  wanted  to 
take  our  decorations  along  for  our 

"Do  lock  up  securely  when  you 
leave.  A  Merry  Christmas  to  you, 
Miss  Harper,  and  to  you  too,  Miss 

"Merry  Christmas,  Mr.  Gesel," 
said    Linda. 

Ruth   grunted. 

Outside  they  could  hear  Mr. 
Gesel's  jeep  leap  into  action  and 
the  sound  of  the  motor  as  it  purred 
away.  Linda  tied  the  box  contain- 
ing the  star  and  shepherds  and 
lambs.  They  had  sung  Christmas 
carols  this  afternoon  and  had  lis- 
tened to  Nancy  Sears  tell  of  the 
first  Christmas.  They  had  heard 
Tod's  own  poem,  "The  Christmas 
Star."  There  had  been  candies  and 
cookies  for  each  student  in  a  red- 
ribboned  napkin — so  little  and  yet 
so   much. 

Ruth  had  moved  to  the  window 
and  was  looking  out.  "Oh!"  she 
cried.  "Someone  with  a  lantern  is 
coming  over  the  hill;  a  crowd  is 
following.  They're  coming  to  burn 
the  school  right  now,  Harper." 

Linda  darted  to  the  window.  She 
saw  the  light  from  the  lantern 
glowing  in  the  darkness  of  the  chill 
December  night  and  a  group  of 
shadowy  forms  behind  it.  "Why, 
they're  children,"  she  exclaimed. 
"They're  about  the  size  of  my 
students  with  maybe  one  or  two 
grown-ups   with   them." 


"Harper,  are  you  going  to  stay 
here?"  Ruth  clutched  her  arm. 

Linda  patted  the  fiercely  grasp- 
ing fingers.  She  was  watching  the 
children  advance.  "Listen,"  she 

As  the  children  drew  nearer,  they 
were  lifting  their  shrill  young 

O    come,    all    ye    faithful. 
Joyful  and  triumphant, 
O  come  ye,  O  come  ye  to  Beth- 

Linda  flung  open  the  window 
and  glanced  lovingly  down  into 
the  scrubbed  lifted  faces  of  little 
Nancy  Sears,  Donald  Petrie,  Tod — 
they  were  all  present. 

O  come,  let  us  adore  Him, 
Christ  the  Lord. 
"Thank     you."     Linda     beamed 
down  at  the  children. 

"Miss  Harper,  we  jest  had  to 
carol  you,"  small  Booker  Adams 
piped  up.  "We  knowed  you'd  be 
late   leavin'." 

Linda's  eyes  were  moist.  "How 
much  I  appreciate  your  coming  out 
like  this  to  sing  me  a  carol." 

"Thanks  from  us  growed  folk 
too,"  Tod  Allison's  tall  fa- 
ther boomed  out.  "We're  glad  you 
come  to  Lansing  Creek,  Miss  Har- 
per. We're  hopin'  you  never  leave 
us.  Come  on  now,  young  'uns,  one 
more  carol  and  we'll  let  teacher 
git   home    to    her   waitin'    dinner." 

They  sang  Holy  Night  and  chor- 
used out  their  Merry  Christmas, 
dear  teacher. 

"God  bless  you,  one  and  all," 
Linda   murmured. 

They  left  as  they  had  come,  the 
lantern  winking  like  a  star  as  they 
plodded  back  over   the   hill. 

Linda  turned  to  Ruth.   "We  can 

leave  now,"  she  said,  and  doused 
the  light. 

In  the  darkness,  Ruth's  voice 
sounded  strangely  husky.  "Why 
should  they  have  done  that?"  she 
choked.  "They  never  did  before — 
not  in  the  two  years  I've  been 
teaching    here." 

Linda  walked  beside  the  older 
teacher  into  the  corridor.  "Christ 
was  born  into  our  world,"  she  ex- 
plained. "Nothing  was  ever  the 
same  again.  Every  Christmas  he's 
born  anew  into  our  hearts.  We 
can't  remain  the  same  either." 

They  were  now  at  the  doorway. 
Ruth  knotted  the  scarf  about  her 
head  and  drew  up  the  collar  of 
her  coat.  "Is  it  like  that?"  she 
questioned.  "Can  it  be  that  after 
all  these  year's  His  love  does  go  on, 
and  we  must  learn  to  love — or  per- 

Linda  nodded,  "It  is  like  that."  • 




AT  CHRISTMAS  time,  when 
you  and  I  join  with  all 
our  friends  in  singing  such 
old  carol  favorites  as  "Silent  Night" 
and  "Hark!  The  Herald  Angels 
Sing"  and  "While  Shepherds 
Watched  Their  Flocks  by  Night," 
not  many  people  stop  to  consider 
that  it  was  somebody  else's  spon- 
taneous joy  in  this  same  season 
that  gave  us  some  of  the  words 
that  are  now  so  familiar  and  be- 

It  is  truly  astonishing  to  think  of 
all  the  happiness  that  has  burst 
out  of  people's  hearts  at  Christmas, 
impelling  them  to  put  down  on  pa- 
per words  that  have  gone  ringing 
down  the  ages.  The  record  shows 
that  the  magic  spell  of  the  season 
affected  the  most  solemn-appear- 
ing mortals.  Before  they  could  help 
themselves,  they  had  given  free 
rein  to  their  delight  and  had 
turned  out  an  immortal  song. 

Such  a  kindred  spirit  was 
Charles  Wesley,  "the  sweet  singer 
of  Methodism,"  who  produced  one 
great  Christmas  carol.  On  the 
morning  of  Christmas  Day,  1739, 
he  was  walking  to  church  when  all 
the  church  bells  began  to  ring.  Into 
his  mind  there  flashed  these  open- 
ing lines: 

"Hark!     how     all     the     welkin 

Glory  to  the  Kings  of  kings." 
This   was   later   changed    to 

"Hark!    the    herald    angels    sing, 

Glory  to  the  new-born  King." 

For  over  a  century  Wesley's 
Christmas  hymn  was  not  associ- 
ated with  any  particular  tune. 
Then  somebody  found  a  forgotten 
score  in  a  book  of  Mendelssohn's 
compositions,  and  the  tune  that 
the  great  composer  had  said  would 
never  do  for  sacred  words  became 
forever  attached  to  Wesley's  lines. 

Only  a  day  before  Christmas  in 
the  year  1818,  Father  Joseph  Mohr, 
assistant  pastor  at  Oberndorf  in 
Austria,  handed  his  organist, 
Franz  Gruber,  a  folded  slip  of 
paper.  It  contained  a  Christmas 
poem.  The  lines  were  inspired,  it  is 
told,  when  the  young  priest,  re- 
turning the  night  before  from  a 
poor  peasant's  cottage  where  a 
child  had  been  born,  had  been  so 
affected  by  the  parents'  joy  and 
the  mystery  of  life  that  he  sat 
down  and  wrote  in  his  native  Ger- 

Silent  night!   Holy  night! 

All  is  calm,  all  is  bright, 

Round  yon  Virgin  Mother  and 

Holy     Infant,     so     tender     and 

Sleep   in   heavenly   peace, 

Sleep    in    heavenly   peace. 

Gruber,  in  his  turn,  must  have 
been  touched  by  the  same  divine 
fire.  Overnight  he  was  able  to 
compose  the  beautiful,  lullaby-like 
music  which  all  the  world  loves 
and  sings  today. 

In  the  latter  part  of  the  nine- 
teenth century,  many  prominent 
writers  flocked  to  the  office  of  The 

Century  Magazine  in  New  York. 
They  sought  out  its  distinguished 
editor,  Dr.  Josiah  Gilbert  Holland. 
In  his  day  he  wrote  novels  that 
were  "best  sellers,"  but  now  he  is 
remembered  for  something  far  less 
pretentious.  In  a  rare  glow  of  feel- 
ing he  one  day  put  down  some 
simple,  tender  verses  about  Christ- 
mas. Joined  to  a  lovely  tune  com- 
posed by  Dr.  Karl  Harrington, 
these  stanzas  have  become  another 
favorite  carol: 

There's  a  song  in  the  air, 

There's  a  star  in  the  sky, 

There's  a  mother's  deep  prayer 

And  a  baby's  low  cry'. 
And    the   star   rains   its   fire 
while  the  beautiful  sing, 
For  the  manger  of  Bethlehem 
cradles    a    King. 

Back  in  the  seventeenth  century, 
Nahum  Tate  cut  quite  a  figure  in 
England's  literary  circles.  John 
Dryden,  the  great  poet,  once  in- 
vited him  to  collaborate;  and  his 
reputation  in  that  field  stood  out 
so  that  he  was  made  the  Poet 
Laureate  of  the  realm.  He  held 
that  office  under  four  sovereigns — 
William  and  Mary,  Anne  and 
George  I.  But  fate  surely  played  a 
strange  trick  on  this  chap  who  was 
one  of  the  real  "Who's  Who"  of 
his  time.  Out  of  all  he  wrote — 
verses  and  hymns  in  prolific  quan- 
tity*— nothing  seems  to  be  remem- 
bered but  the  Christmas  carol 
which  he  wrote  in  the  year  1700 
and  is  now  sung  to  Handel's  me- 
lody "Christmas": 

While  shepherds  watched  their 
flocks  by  night, 

All  seated  on   the  ground, 

The  angel  of  the  Lord  came 

And  glory  shone  around. 

From  a  peaceful  New  England 
countryside  came  one  of  the  most 
popular  of  all  American  Christ- 
mas hymns.  Dr.  Edmund  Hamilton 
Sears  never  at  any  time  in  his 
life  lived  where  he  could  not  look 
up  at  the  stars.  He  was  born  on 
a  farm  in  the  Berkshire  hill  coun- 
try of  Massachusetts;  and  later, 
after  studying  for  the  ministry, 
held  several  rural  pastorates  in  the 
same  state.  Besides  being  a  famous 
religious  scholar,  Dr.  Sears  was  a 
gifted     poet.     Dr.     Oliver    Wendell 


Holmes    considered    his    Christmas 
hymn  "Calm  on  the  Listening  Ear 
of  Night"  one  of  the  most  beau- 
tiful poems  in  the  language.    But 
far  more  popular  is  the  hymn  in 
which  he  caught   a  vision  of  the 
angelic  chorus  and  of  a  world  in 
which  all  men  had  learned  to  live 
like  brothers: 
It    came    upon    the    midnight 
That    glorious    song    of    old, 
From  angels  bending  near  the 
To  touch  their  harps  of  gold; 
"Peace  on  the  earth,  good-will 
to  men 
From     heaven's     all-gracious 
The  world  in  solemn  stillness 
To   hear   the   angels   sing. 
The  authorship  of  one  Christmas 
carol,  widely  known  as  the  "Cradle 
Hymn,"  is   generally   attributed  to 
Martin  Luther.  The  story  goes  that 
when   Luther  was   a  boy,  he  used 
to  sing  for  money  in   the   streets. 
One   day   a   lady   heard   him.   Be- 
coming interested,  she  gave  him  a 
good    musical    education   with   the 
result   that   he   greatly   influenced 
church  music   at  the   time  of  the 
Reformation.  His  simple  Christmas 
carol  is  said  to  have  been  written 
for   his   small   son   Hans: 
Away  in  a  manger,  no  crib  for 

a   bed, 
The  little  Lord  Jesus  laid  down 

His  sweet  head. 
The   stars    in    the    bright   sky 
looked    down    where    He 
The  little  Lord  Jesus  asleep  on 

the  hay. 
Christmas  carols  surely  represent 
and  preserve  the  loveliest  tradition 
of  the  Yuletide.  Jeremy  Taylor, 
noted  British  author,  once  declared 
that  the  "gloria  in  excelsis"  of  the 
angels  was  the  first  Christmas 
carol  and  that  the  angels  them- 
selves had  taught  the  church  a 
hymn.  Though  today's  carol  singers 
may  stand  in  the  glare  of  auto- 
mobile headlights  instead  of  flick- 
ering torches,  the  spirit  of  their 
singing  seems  more  heartening 
than  ever  in  its  eternal  message 
of  "peace  on  earth,  good  will  to 
men."    • 

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T\   ON    TRUDGED    AFTER    his 

f^^  mother  and  dad  with  as 
much  pep  as  a  wet  noodle. 
He  didn't  want  to  go  with  them  on 
this  outing;  but  if  he  didn't 
chances  were  that  his  dad  would 
put  his  foot  down  tomorrow  night, 
and  he  wouldn't  get  the  car. 

All  during  the  ride,  he  kept  both 
his  eyes  and  mouth  closed.  It  was 
better  if  he  said  nothing.  He  de- 
cided the  whole  day  should  be  a 
quiet  one;  the  less  said,  the  better. 
That's  why  he  made  a  break  as 
soon  as  they  got  to  the  lake. 

"I'm  going  to  look  around,"  he 
told  his  mother,  taking  off  on  the 
side  trail  that  led  to  the  lake.  He 
went  downhill,  pushing  bushes 
aside  and  wondering  what  he 
would  do  when  he  got  there.  Then 
a  sharp  thorn  caught  his  finger 
and  he  cried,  "Ow!" 

"Quiet!"  a  voice  came  from  the 
brush.  Although  it  was  said  in  a 
whisper,  Ron  jumped, 

"Who's  there?"  His  eyes  searched 
about  nervously. 

"Here!"  The  voice  indicated  di- 
rection, which  Ron  followed  until 
he  came  upon  someone,  a  young 
fellow  not  much  older  than   him- 

The  Joy 
of  Living 

self.  The  stranger  held  binoculars 
in  one  hand;  the  other  was  raised 
to  his  mouth,  one  finger  pressed 
against  his  lips  to  shush  Ron.  Si- 
lently, he  pointed  to  a  tree,  then 
whispered,  "Speckled  bird — " 

"Bird  watcher — "  Ron  muttered 
to  himself,  annoyed.  Of  all  people, 
he  had  to  run  into  a  bird  watcher! 

"It's  okay,  now!"  said  the 
stranger,  hearing  the  flapping  of 
wings.  "The  bird's  gone — "  He  eyed 
Ron  with  friendliness.  "Do  you 
come  here  often?"  He  watched  Ron 
shake  his  head,  then  went  on: 
"This  isn't  your  kind  of  heritage, 
is  it?" 

"If  you  mean  I  don't  go  for  bird 
watching,  you're  right!"  Ron  em- 
phasized his  words. 

"I  didn't  mean  bird  watching — " 
His  hand  swept  over  the  terrain. 
"This — God's   green   pastures — " 

Ron  was  even  more  annoyed.  He 
didn't  have  to  be  reminded  of  God 
and  His  gifts  by  a  stranger.  He  was 
about  to  turn  and  make  his  way 
uphill  again,  when  he  heard,  "Me 
and  my  big  mouth!"  in  an  apolo- 
getic tone. 

The  stranger  grinned.  "I  don't 
know — "  His  hand  swept  over  the 


-  Vp^* 

terrain,  again.  "It  always  gets  me! 
I  didn't  really  mean  to  sound  off!" 

Ron  grinned  back,  thinking  may- 
be he  wasn't  such  a  bad  guy  after 
all.  In  fact,  not  too  much  later 
he  was  sure  he  wasn't.  The  stranger 
offered  Ron  his  binoculars,  and  Ron 
tried  them  out;  then  before  they 
knew  it,  they  got  into  real  discus- 
sions: talks  about  school,  the  draft 
board,  Vietnam,  demonstrations, 
sit-ins,  and  politics.  By  that  time 
they  were  calling  each  other  Ron 
and  Adam,  and  a  good  friendship 
was  forming. 

And  by  that  time,  Ron's  back 
wasn't  ruffled  when  Adam  repeat- 
ed, "Ah,  God's  green  pastures — " 

"This  really  means  a  lot  to  you, 
doesn't  it?"  Ron's  eyes  watched 
his   new   friend  with   appreciation. 

"Everything!"  Adam's  head  lift- 
ed then  bowed  slightly.  "Here, 
money  and  success  don't  count. 
You  forget  about  the  date  that 
turned  you  down  and  the  car  you 
can't  have — " 

Ron  flushed.  "You,  too?" 

"Sure,  me,  too!"  He  smiled  and 
leaned  back  until  the  length  of  his 
tall  body  touched  the  thick  grass, 
while  his  eyes  followed  the  flight 
of  a  bird  through  the  clear,  blue 
sky.  "But — but  I've  learned.  I've  sat 
in  God's  arms  and  learned."  His 
lips  curved  upward,  as  he  patted 
the  soft  green  carpet.  "In  a  way, 
this  is  God's  arms,  isn't  it?" 

Ron  nodded  with  a  smile,  waiting 
for  Adam  to  go  on. 

"I've  learned  that  I'm  alive — 
really  alive.  Here,  in  God's  arms, 
I've  learned  that  being  alive  is 
what  really  counts — it's  the  joy  of 

His  long  body  stretched  out  com- 
pletely; his  eyes  roamed  and 
seemed  to  search  the  sky;  but  he 
said  no  more. 

There  was  no  need  to  say  more, 
really.  Ron  was  learning.  ...  He 
leaned  back,  too,  until  his  body 
touched  the  thick  grass,  and  his 
eyes  searched  the  stretch  of  the 
blue  sky.  Gone  was  the  thought  of 
tomorrow  and  the  car  which  he 
might  not  get.  But  why — why 
would  he  remember?  He  had  just 
found  a  new  friend  .  .  .  and  he 
was  in  God's  arms  .  .  .  feeling  the 
joy  of  living.    • 


Raymond  E.  Crowley 




FOR  MANY  YEARS  there  has 
been  a  great  need  on  the 
Lee  College  campus  for  a 
Ministers'  Week  training  session. 
Many  of  us  were  aware  of  this 
need  both  for  the  ministeral  stu- 
dents on  the  Lee  campus  and  for 
area  ministers  who  could  take  ad- 
vantage of  such  meetings.  In  the 
spring  of  1967,  the  officers  and 
members  of  the  Ohio  State  Chapter 
of  the  Lee  College  Alumni  Associa- 
tion took  action  to  meet  this  need. 
It  was  at  this  time  that  they  ap- 
propriated funds  to  finance  such  a 
venture  in  the  1967-68  school  term. 
It  was  the  plan  of  the  Alumni 
Chapter  of  Ohio  to  see  that  these 
services  became  an  annual  affair 
on  the  Lee  campus. 

The  first  speaker  chosen  for 
the  Ministers'  Week  series  was  the 
Reverend  William  E.  Winters,  pas- 
tor of  the  Philadelphia  Drive 
Church  of  God  in  Dayton,  Ohio. 
Mr.  Winters'  topic  was  "Pastoral 
Problems."  He  dealt  with  a  wide 
range  of  subjects,  all  of  which 
were  pertinent  to  the  training  of 
pastors  in  the  Church  of  God.  His 
series  was  so  well  received  that 
many  have  urged  him  to  present 
the  manuscript  for  publication  in 
book  form.  Another  most  fortu- 
nate result  of  this  success  was  the 
fact  that  the  State  of  Ohio  has 
agreed  to  continue  the  support  of 
this  series. 
The     second     annual     Ministers' 

Week  was  conducted  on  the  Lee 
College  campus  from  November  4- 
8,  1968.  The  Reverend  Raymond 
E.  Crowley  was  the  speaker  select- 
ed for  this  series.  The  subject  as- 
signed to  him  was  "The  Pastor 
and  Evangelistic  Ministries."  Mr. 
Crowley  is  well-qualified  for  giv- 
ing instruction  in  this  area.  He  has 
had  many  years  of  pastoral  ex- 
perience, having  pastored  in  Mich- 
igan, Pennsylvania,  Maryland,  and 
Ohio.  He  served  for  fourteen  years 
as  pastor  of  the  Salisbury,  Mary- 
land Church  and  has  been  at  the 
Canton  Temple,  Canton,  Ohio,  for 
the  past  eight  years.  He  is  widely 
known  throughout  the  Church  of 
God  for  his  pastoral  ministry  as 
well  as  for  his  ministry  in  various 
state  camp  meetings.  He  is  widely 
known  in  the  Canton  area  because 
of  the  success  of  his  daily  radio 
broadcast.  He  is  respected  in  the 
ministry  as  an  able  preacher  and 
effective  evangelist. 

The  primary  purpose  of  this  se- 
ries is  the  preparation  of  ministe- 
rial students  in  areas  that  are 
eminently  practical  for  them.  For 
such  purposes  it  is  most  advanta- 
geous to  have  lecturers  who  are 
themselves  involved  in  the  minis- 
tries of  which  they  speak.  Lee  Col- 
lege is  most  grateful  to  the  lead- 
ership of  the  Ohio  Alumni  Chap- 
ter and  the  state  organization  for 
its  foresight  and  graciousness  in 
providing  this  service.    • 

Test  your 

YOU  MAY  WIN  A  $795.00 

If  you  like  to  draw  —  even  if  you  like  to 
doodle  —  you  may  have  natural  art 
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Every  qualified  entrant  gets  a  free  pro- 
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the  contest  must  be  received  by  Jan- 
uary 31,  1969.  Winner  notified. 

Amateurs  only.  Our  students  not  eligi- 
ble. Send  your  drawing  today! 


▲t  /art  instruction  schools 

Studio  8D-3890 
500  South  Fourth  Street 
Minneapolis,  Minn.  55415 

Please  enter  my  drawing  in  your  contest. 



of  the  Na 

1  by  t 

for  Vf 

Home  SU 

ting  Commission 
dy  Council, 

By   C.    MILTON    PARSONS,    Administrative   Assistant 


DATING  BACK  TO  the  pil- 
grims and  the  settlers, 
camping  is  distinctly  an 
American  phenomenon.  Each  year 
this  burgeoning  movement  sees  the 
beginning  of  new  church  camps. 
In  fact,  camping  is  becoming  such 
an  accepted  part  of  church  life 
that  religious  camping  now  dom- 
inates the  camping  field. 

Likewise,  the  camping  program 
in  the  Church  of  God  increases 
each  year  in  scope  and  effective- 
ness. New  records  are  constantly 
being  set  in  attendance  and  spir- 
itual results. 

From  its  inception,  God  has  cho- 
sen to  honor  Church  of  God  Youth 

Camps  with  His  presence  and  pow- 
er. During  the  79  camps  which 
were  conducted  this  summer  and 
which  reached  the  grand  registra- 
tion of  17,789.  there  were  2,971 
saved;  1,930  sanctified;  1,558  bap- 
tized in  the  Holy  Ghost;  1,705  bap- 
tized in  water;  and  305  were  added 
to  the  church.  Others  made  com- 
mitments and  were  edified  and  re- 

The  impact  of  youth  camps  on 
the  lives  of  today's  youth  is  im- 
measurable. It  is  one  glorious  oc- 
casion where  the  total  personality 
of  the  individual  is  affected — 
physically,  mentally,  socially,  finan- 
cially, emotionally,   and,  most  im- 

portant, spiritually.  It  is  a  mar- 
velous mixture  of  fun,  faith,  and 
fellowship.  According  to  recent 
surveys,  young  people  express  more 
love  for  youth  camp  than  any  oth- 
er area  of  church  activity. 

From  the  parents'  standpoint, 
youth  camp  is  the  best  single  in- 
vestment available.  Youth  camp  is 
an  ideal  place  for  one  to  experience 
being  away  from  home  for  the 
first  time.  The  administration  sees 
to  it  that  each  camper  receives 
individual  care  and  prevenient  pro- 
tection in  the  absence  of  parents. 
He  will  return  home  with  more  en- 
thusiasm, outlook,  and  love  for 
parents  and  family. 

From  the  church's  point  of  view, 
campers  returning  home  have  of- 
ten ignited  revivals  in  the  local 
churches.  Individuals  who  seemed 
hopelessly  out-of-reach  have  come 
to  know  Christ  at  camp.  As  he  loses 
his  shyness  and  receives  greater 
love  for  God,  the  best  in  a  young 
person  will  be  revealed — his  tal- 
ent, his  personality,  his  leadership, 
his  consecration,  and  his  spiritual- 

The  scope  of  Church  of  God 
camping  is  destined  to  enlarge  as 
more  young  people  become  inter- 
ested and  more  parents  and  pas- 
tors learn  of  its  dynamic  poten- 
tial for  good. 

1968  Camp  Attendance 

Alabama     _    ....    _ 

.  1,215 



Arizona   .... ....  _ 




California-Nevada    _ 




Eastern   Spanish   District   


Florida     ....     .... 

...  1,093 

Georgia    ....    _ _ 

...   1,140 

Idaho ... .    ....    ... 


Illinois      .. 

....      562 

Indiana     ....... 






Kentucky   ....   ....  ....   . 


Louisiana    ....    .... _ 




Michigan ....    ....    ... 



....       520 


....      401 



Nebraska    ....    _. 

....       109 

New   Jersey          ....   .. 

....      169 

New   Mexico   __ _  .. 


New    York           ....    ....    ....    ....    ....    _ 


North    Carolina    _     _ 

....   1.858 

North    and    South    Dakota    




Oklahoma _ 


Oregon    ....    ._ ... 


Pennsylvania  ... 


South    Carolina    ... 


Tennessee _.    ....    .. 

...   1,140 

Texas ... 

....      585 

Virginia _ ... 

....      739 


....      296 

Wisconsin         ....  ._ 

....       120 

West    Virginia    .  .. 

....      454 


Westmore  Kindergartners 


"I  have  my  dime  for  missions, 
let  me  paste  it  on!"  was  an  ex- 
clamation heard  often  in  the  Be- 
ginners Class  of  the  Westmore 
Church  of  God,  Cleveland,  Tennes- 
see, this  past  quarter.  How  excited 
the  little  ones  were  as  Sunday  af- 
ter Sunday  they  saw  their  dimes 
filling  the  empty  spaces.  And  now, 
those  shiny  dimes  will  buy  a  bench 
for  a  new  church  that  will  be  built 
in  Armenia,  El  Salvador,  Central 

We  teach  these  little  ones  to  love, 
to  share,  and  to  give.  Then  we 
pray  that  God  will  use  them  as 
shining  examples — that  their  lives 
will  radiate  simple  childlike  faith, 
complete  trust  in  God,  and  sincere 
love  for  Jesus  and  others. 

Our  prayer  is  that  those  who  sit 
on  our  bench  which  we  purchased 
will  feel  the  presence  of  the  Lord, 
and  that  many  souls  will  be  saved 
because  little  children  cared  and 
— Mrs.  O'Neil  McCullough,  Teacher 



September  Attendance 

By  Paul  Henson 
General  Director 

Cincinnati    (Central    Parkway). 

Ohio    264 

Wilmington    (Fourth    St.), 

North    Carolina    240 

Greenville    (Tremont    Ave.), 

South    Carolina    203 

Buford,    Georgia  200 

Lakeland     (Lakewire), 

Florida    197 

Jacksonville     (Garden    City), 

Florida    169 

Jackson    (Bailey    Avenue). 

Mississippi    164 

Gastonia    (Ranlo), 

North    Carolina    

Wyandotte,  Michigan ..  ... 

Nassau    (Faith    Temple). 


Naples,    Florida — 

Roanoke  Rapids,   North   Carolina   ._ 

Dayton    (Fourth    St.),    Ohio    

Jacksonville  (Springfield),  Florida 

Roanoke,    Virginia       - 

Brooklyn,   Maryland 

Huntsville     (Virginia    Blvd.), 


Wilson,   North   Carolina   

Norfolk    (Azalea    Garden), 

Virginia    ....   _ 

Hamilton   (Princeton  Pike),  Ohio  ... 

Hurst,   Texas    

Princeton,    West    Virginia    

Newport    News    (Parkview), 


Cleveland    (Mt.    Olive), 

Tennessee    ... 

Cahokia,   Illinois    

Iowa    Park,    Texas  

Clover,   South   Carolina   

Lorain,   Ohio      

Winchester,  Kentucky        

Lexington    (Loudon    Ave.), 


Chattanooga    (East),    Tennessee    .... 

Paris,    Texas 

Fort   Lauderdale    (Fourth    Ave), 

Florida  ... 

Plant    City    (Forest    Park), 

Florida    .... 

Douglas,   Georgia   ..      

Rossville,  Georgia   ....   . 

Troy,    Michigan    

Coffeyville,    Kansas    

Covington,   Louisana     

Lemmon,   South  Dakota 

Lancaster,    Ohio 

Flint     (Kearsley     Park),     Michigan 

Mesqulte,   Texas    

Pompano    Beach,    Florida     ...    .. 
Canton      (Canton     Temple).     Ohio 
Fairfield,   California 

Monroe,    Louisiana 

San   Fernando   Valley,   California    .... 

Maiden,    North    Carolina     

Richmond    Dale.    Ohio  

West    Monroe,    Louisiana 
Omaha    (Parkway),    Nebraska 
San    Antonio    (Southside),   Texas 

Dayton.  Tennessee 

Thorn,    Mississippi 

North  Conway,  South  Carolina 

Fort    Myers    (Broadway),    Florida 

Uniontown,  Pennsylvania 

Somerset    (Cotter    Ave.),    Kentucky 

Piedmont,    Alabama  

Holland,    Michigan    

West  Frankfort,  Illinois  

Brownfleld,    Texas    .... 
Indianapolis    (West),   Indiana   ...     .. 
Oklahoma    City    (Southwest), 


Thomasville,    Alabama    

Chase,    Maryland    ■__. 

Middlesboro     (Noetown), 


Englewood.    Florida    

Fort    Worth    (Glen    Garden), 


Savannah     (Garden    City),    Georgia 





—  Ecclesiastes  12.1 

There  is  no  book  of  guidance,  no 

the  Great  Textbook  of  the  Ages 

that  will  never  be  superseded,  that 

care  and  skill  than  the  Bibles  made 

has  been  a  responsibility  of  fine 





Need  not  be 



THINKING  BACK  across  the 
years,  I  remember  that  two 
of  the  happiest  Christmas- 
es    of    my    life    were    those    when 
very  little  money  was  available. 

One  especially — when  I  was 
about  eight — stands  out  in  my 
memory  as  delightful  as  a  glitter- 
ing star  atop  a  Christmas  tree. 

My  parents  were  very  short  of 
money  that  year;  but  it  didn't  mat- 
ter, for  we  never  associated  money 
with  Christmas  anyhow.  To  us,  the 
Yuletide  was  a  season  for  making 

presents,  and  we  wove  goodwill 
into  everyone  we  made.  The  gifts 
we  gave  and  those  we  received 
never  bore  a  Bonwit  Teller  or  Nie- 
man-Marcus  label.  But  if  we  had 
placed  labels  on  them,  they  would 
have  consisted  of  just  four  letters: 

For  several  weeks  before  that 
Christmas  when  I  was  eight,  my 
mother  created  gifts  for  me  while 
I  was  at  school  or  after  I  was 
asleep  at  night. 

She    sewed    new   clothes    for    my 

doll  and  a  dress  for  me  from  a 
remnant  which  she  had  purchased 
earlier  in  the  year.  She  crocheted 
a  pair  of  red  bedroom  slippers  and 
covered  a  round  peanut-butter  box 
and  its  top  (this  was  similar  to 
our  present-day  cottage  cheese 
containers)  with  silk.  She  fash- 
ioned a  handle  for  it  out  of 
braided  ribbon  so  that  I  could 
carry  it  as  a  little  purse,  and  the 
top  was  tied  on  by  ribbon  bows  at 
the  sides. 

Of  course,  I  knew  nothing  about 
all  this  activity  until  Christmas 
morning  when  I  found  my  gifts 
under  the  tree.  Besides  those  I  have 
mentioned,  I  received  a  large  story 
book — the  only  present  that  had 
been  bought  outright. 

Also,  under  the  tree,  my  mother 
had  placed  a  number  of  cornu- 
copias, each  filled  with  nuts,  rib- 
bon candy,  and  a  popcorn  ball. 
She  had  made  the  cornucopias 
from  colored  construction  paper, 
and  we  gave  one  to  every  child 
who  visited  us. 

It  was  a  wonderful  Christmas. 
We  went  to  church  in  the  morning 
and  returned  to  greet  relatives 
who  gathered  at  our  house  for  a 
gala  holiday  feast.  We  had  gifts 
that  we  had  made  for  them  and 
they  brought  us  gifts  such  as  em- 
broidered handkerchiefs,  home- 
made candy,  fancy  aprons,  and 
knitted  scarfs  and  mittens. 

No  one  suffered  from  the  last- 
minute  exhaustion  of  frantic  rush- 
ing and  buying.  In  those  long-ago 
days,  Christmas  was  a  joy,  not  a 

The  other  nearly  moneyless 
Christmas  that  I  remember  is  one 
during  the  depression  when  my 
own  two  children  were  aged  two 
and  four. 

My  husuand  and  I  had  budgeted 
our  money  and  had  decided  that 
we  could  buy  a  tree  on  Christmas 
Eve  when  prices  would  be  reduced. 
We  purchased  a  few  inexpensive 
toys  for  the  children  and  then,  my 
husband  gave  all  of  their  old  toys 
a  fresh,  shining  coat  of  paint. 

But  there  was  one  thing  lacking 
—trimmings  for  the  tree.  Some  of 
the  ornaments  from  other  years 
had  been  broken  in  moving  from 
one    city    to    another    and    a    box, 


containing  strands  of  lights,  had 
been  lost.  We  had  very  few  orna- 
ments and  just  one  set  of  lights. 

And,  since  the  tree  had  to  be 
trimmed,  there  was  only  one  solu- 
tion. We  would  have  to  make  the 
decorations  ourselves. 

Flour  was  cheap.  So,  on  Christ- 
mas Eve,  after  the  children  were 
asleep,  I  rolled  out  cooky  dough 
and  cut  it  in  various  shapes.  Ele- 
phants, dogs,  cats,  birds  and  but- 
terflies. They  were  not  perfect  re- 
productions, but  they  were  recog- 

As  soon  as  the  cookies  were  fin- 
ished baking  and,  while  still  warm 
and  soft,  I  punched  a  small  hole 
in  each  of  them  with  a  large  nail 
which  I  had  cleaned.  After  that  I 
sprinkled  sugar  on  them. 

As  soon  as  they  were  cool,  I 
placed  a  string  through  each  hole 
and  hung  them  on  the  tree.  When 
I  was  finished,  there  were  a  num- 
ber of  cookies  hanging  from  every 
branch  of  the  tree. 

Next,  I  strung  popcorn  into  old- 
fashioned  chains  and  twined  it 
among  the  branches.  My  husband 
blew  up  several  packages  of  bright- 
ly colored  balloons  and,  tying  them 
securely,  fastened  them  all  over 
the  tree  from  top  to  bottom. 

Making  the  decorations  and 
trimming  the  tree  in  this  unique 
manner  was  much  more  fun  than 
decking  it  out  in  the  conventional 
fashion.  It  was  a  challenge  to  our 
creative  abilities;  and,  when  it  was 
finished,  we  gazed  at  it  as  at  a 

And  the  children  were  delighted. 
They  picked  cookies  off  of  the  tree 
for  themselves  and  for  their  friends 
whenever  they  desired,  deciding 
first  whether  an  elephant  or  a  dog 
would  be  more  palatable. 

As  the  cookies  diminished,  dur- 
ing the  holidays,  I  replaced  them 
by  baking  more  at  night  while  they 

There  have  been  a  number  of 
Christmases  since  the  two  I  have 
mentioned — many  prosperous  and 
lavish  ones.  But  when  I  look  back, 
these  are  the  two  I  remember  with 
a  longing  that  brings  a  lump  to  my 
throat  and  memories  so  beautiful 
that  they  are  still  surrounded  with 
a  radiance  after  many,  many 
years.    • 


We,  the  young  people  of  the 
Wauchula  Florida  Church  of  God 
would  like  to  express  our  thanks 
and  appreciation  to  the  Reverend 
E.  A.  Kipp,  Mrs.  Lillie  Crane,  and 
Mr.  Howard  Bolin  for  the  recrea- 
tion which  they  provided  for  us 
during    the   past   summer    months. 

One  event  we  enjoyed  was  an 
Old-Fashioned  Banquet.  The  theme 
of  this  banquet  was  carried  out  in 
the  costumes  and  the  setting.  The 
young  people  arrived,  dressed  in 
long  skirts  and  overalls,  at  an  old- 
fashioned  community  kitchen 
where  they  enjoyed  a  delicious 
meal  of  fried  chicken,  potato  sal- 
ad, black-eyed  peas,  and  corn  on 
the  cob.  Prizes  were  given  to  Miss 
Jean  Prestridge  and  Freddy  Hines 
for  being  the  most  originally 
dressed.  Miss  Elaine  Dees  and 
Grady  Dees  were  chosen  as  the 
most  appropriately  dressed.  The 
group  enjoyed  singing,  accom- 
panied by  a  steel  guitar. 

Other  forms  of  recreation  pro- 
vided during  the  summer  consisted 
of  a  Come-as-you-are  Party.  This 
took  the  group  by  surprise— they 
were  picked  up  at  their  homes  by 
the  chaperones.  Other  activities 
included  several  going-away  par- 
ties for  young  men  who  were  leav- 
ing for  the  service.  Also  once  a 
week  throughout  the  summer  the 
young  people  enjoyed  a  church 
Softball  game.  The  well-lighted 
ball  diamond  was  furnished  us  free 
of  charge  by  the  city  of  Wau- 
chula. We  are  looking  forward  to 
having  more  good  times  of  Chris- 
tian  fellowship   together. 

— Elaine   Dees 
class  reporter 


Special    prices   to   ministers.    For  com- 
plete   information    write 


P.    O.     Box    248,    Valdosta,    Georgia 


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Daily  Devotions  for  Christian  Teens 

Devotional  Guide  for  December 

Instructions:  Read  the  assigned  Bible  chapters  or 
verses.  Think  on  the  message  and  consider  the  de- 
votional comments.  Pray  for  the  designated  person 
or  activity.  Check  □  each  devotion  after  it  has  been 

Devotions  in  Revelation.  Writer:  A  letter  (book) 
written  by  the  Apostle  John  to  the  seven  churches  in 
Asia  Minor  (1:4).  The  letter  was  written  from  the 
Island  of  Patmos — located  about  twenty-five  miles 
west  of  Ephesus — to  zohich  he  had  been  exiled  because 
of  his  Christian  testimony.  Date  written:  AD.  95  or 
96.  Purpose:  The  Holy  Spirit  Himself  declares  it  to 
be,  "To  show  unto  his  servants  the  things  which  must 
shortly  come  to  pass"  (1:1). 

SUNDAY,  December  1  □.  Read:  Chapter  1.  Think: 
Revelation  is  the  only  book  in  the  Bible  that  contains 
a  special  promise  to  obedient  readers  (v.3).  At  the 
same  time,  however,  it  pronounces  a  curse  upon  those 
who  tamper  with  its  contents  (22:18,19).  Both  de- 
votional content  and  divine  direction  is  offered  in 
Revelation;  read  it  obediently.  Pray:  It  is  vital  to 
Christian  growth  that  you  be  aware  of  the  events  sur- 
rounding the  second  coming  of  Christ.  Ask  God  to 
endow  you  with  a  spirit  of  understanding  as  you  read 
the  book  of  Revelation. 

MONDAY,  December  2  D-  Read:  Chapter  2.  Think: 
"first  love"  mentioned  in  Verse  4  had  reference  to 
church  discipline  and  spiritual  dedication.  List  two 
ways  that  a  Christian  can  preserve  his  "first  love." 
Pray:  Recognize  the  need  to  be  sound  in  doctrine  and 
strong  in  Christian  love  and  then  request  assistance 
to  cultivate  these  faith-traits  in  your  life. 
TUESDAY,  December  3  □•  Read:  Chapter  3.  Think: 
The  church  at  Laodicea  was  neither  cold  or  hot  spiri- 
tually; it  was  lukewarm  (vv.  15,16).  Lukewarmness 
is  an  indication  of  indifference,  worldly  ambitions, 
and  self-righteousness — all  of  which  are  displeasing 
to  God.  Pray:  Go  all-out  for  God;  in  prayer,  without 
drawbacks  or  holdouts,  give  yourself  to  Him  and  to 
the  support  of  the  glorious  gospel. 
WEDNESDAY,  December  4  □■  Read:  Chapter  4. 
Think:  God  is  worthy  to  receive  glory  and  honor  from 
your  life  as  a  teen-ager  (v.  11).  List  two  reasons  why 
this  is  true  and  two  ways  how  it  may  be  accomplished. 
Pray:  For  the  ministry  and  the  impact  of  your  local 
youth  leaders,  for  your  state  youth  director,  and  for 
Paul  Henson  and  Cecil  Guiles,  your  national  youth 

THURSDAY.  December  5  \j-  &&&&■'  Chapter  5. 
Think:  Do  you  believe  God  keeps  a  record  or  preserves 
your  prayers?  Study  Verse  8.  Pray:  Strive  to  stay  in  a 
spirit  of  prayer;  prepare  a  prayer  list  and  pray  both 

specifically  and  systematically. 

FRIDAY,  December  6  □■  Read:  Chapter  6.  Think:  It 
is  both  true  and  certain  that  the  path  of  the  ungodly 
(sinners)  will  be  filled  with  hardships  and  heartaches 
as  they  journey  through  life.  In  addition  to  this,  they 
must  face  the  wrath  and  disapproval  of  the  Lord  on 
Judgment  Day.  Pray:  For  the  ministry,  for  the  finan- 
cial support  of  the  Church  of  God  Home  for  Children, 
and  for  P.  H.  McCarn,  superintendent. 
SATURDAY,  December  7  □•  Read:  Chapter  7.  Think: 
It  is  not  God's  will  for  His  children  to  be  unhappy. 
In  heaven,  all  the  complications  that  gender  sorrow 
will  be  absent  (v.  17).  On  earth,  God's  love  and  con- 
cern furnishes  calmness  and  contentment.  Pray:  For 
spiritual  foresight  and  fortitude  to  trust  God  regard- 
less of  immediate  conditions,  social  pressure,  or  the 
actions  of  the  weak-hearted. 

SUNDAY,  December  8  Q,  Read:  Chapter  8.  Think: 
Great  plagues  will  sweep  the  earth  after  prepared 
believers  are  raptured  to  meet  Christ  in  the  air.  The 
Church  (Christians)  is  the  force  that  is  holding  the 
world  together.  Pray:  For  the  youth  training  pro- 
gram of  your  local  church  and  for  a  shaking,  separat- 
ing, and  stabilizing  youth  revival. 
MONDAY,  December  9  □•  Read:  Chapter  9.  Think:  In 
your  opinion,  why  does  judgment  or  punishment  some- 
times fail  to  produce  penitence  or  sorrowfulness  (v. 
21)?  Relate  this  to  a  person  accepting  and  serving 
Christ  while  he  is  young.  Pray:  For  the  soul-win- 
ning work  of  the  National  Evangelism  Department 
and  for  Cecil  Knight,  national  director,  and  for 
Aubrey  Maye,  national  Pioneers  for  Christ  director. 
TUESDAY,  December  10  □•  Read:  Chapter  10.  Think: 
The  sinful  pleasures  of  the  world  can  be  compared 
to  the  book  that  John  was  told  to  eat;  they  are  sweet 
for  a  season,  but  the  effects  are  bitter  and  unfufilling 
ivv.  9-11).  Pray:  For  your  parents,  for  your  brothers 
and  sisters,  and  for  family  understanding  and  team- 

WEDNESDAY,  December  11  □■  Read:  Chapter  11. 
Think:  The  ultimate  goal  of  every  Christian  is  to  hear 
Christ  say,  upon  His  return  to  earth,  "Come  up  hither" 
(v.  12).  Keep  this  goal  before  you  and  let  it  serve  as 
the  guiding  force  of  your  life.  Pray:  Meditate  on  the 
wonders  and  the  beauty  of  heaven;  express  your  love 
to  the  heavenly  Father  and  thank  Him  for  the  things 
which  He  has  prepared  for  you. 

THURSDAY,  December  12  □.  Read:  Chapter  12. 
Think:  Satan  is  mighty,  but  God  is  almighty  (v.  9). 
When  Satan  declares  war  against  you,  call  on  the 
forces  of  heaven  to  defend  you.  Pray:  Read  the  Nine- 
ty-first Psalm.  Learn  to  wait  upon  the  Lord  in  prayer. 


Tell  Him  your  teen-age  problem  and  then  wait  for 
an  answer. 

FRIDAY,  December  13  Q-  Read:  Chapter  13.  Think: 
You  cannot  always  trust  in  wonders  and  miracles  or 
use  them  as  a  basis  to  prove  godliness  or  God's  ap- 
proval (vv.  13,14).  What  can  you  always  trust  in? 
Why?  Pray:  For  the  Presidents  of  Church  of  God  Col- 
leges; Dr.  James  A.  Cross,  Lee;  Laud  O.  Vaught, 
Northwest;  Wayne  S.  Proctor,  West  Coast;  Harold 
F.  Douglas,  International. 

SATURDAY,  December  14  □•  Read:  Chapter  14. 
Think:  In  what  ways  do  you  associate  a  crown  with  a 
sickel  (v.  16)?  Why  must  a  Christian  work  (sickle) 
if  he  expects  to  wear  a  crown  (reward)?  Pray:  Tell 
the  Lord  that  you  want  to  be  a  dependable  disciple 
and  a  person  that  He  can  always  find  honor  and 
glory  in. 

SUNDAY,  December  15  □■  Read:  Chapter  15.  Think: 
What  do  you  think  the  song  of  Moses  was  (v.  3)? 
Moses  was  known  as  a  meek  man.  How  are  meekness 
and  serving  Christ  related?  Pray:  Outline  several 
areas  in  which  you  need  to  exercise  meekness  and 
then  ask  for  willpower  and  a  pattern  to  follow  to 
display  meekness. 

MONDAY,  December  16  U-Read:  Chapter  16.  Think: 
The  vials  of  the  wrath  of  God  will  be  poured  upon 
the  earth  because  men  chose  evil  rather  than  good 
and  Satan  rather  than  God  (v.  1).  Have  you  made 
a  choice?  Pray:  For  the  far-reaching  ministry  of 
Church  of  God  Publications;  Evangel,  Lighted  Path- 
way, Sunday  School  literature,  books,  programs,  helps 
and  aids  and  for  Lewis  J.  Willis,  Editor  in  Chief. 
TUESDAY,  December  17  □■  Read:  Chapter  17.  Think: 
How  should  we  feel  toward  the  President  of  our  coun- 
try in  the  light  that  Christ  is  Lord  of  lords  and  King 
of  kings  (v.  14)?  Should  we  respect  and  appreciate 
him?  Pray:  For  the  President  of  our  country  and  for 
boys  serving  in  the  Armed  Forces  to  defend  and  to 
protect  our  freedom. 

WEDNESDAY,  December  18  □•  Read:  Chapter  18. 
Think:  For  what  purpose  should  a  Christian  keep 
company  with  a  nonbeliever?  Is  it  important  to  be 
separated  from  the  company  of  sinners  (v.  4)?  Pray: 
For  your  unsaved  friend  at  school,  for  your  unsaved 
relatives,  and  for  your  unsaved  neighbors. 
THURSDAY,  December  19  U-Read:  Chapter  19.  Think: 
In  your  opinion,  can  Christ  be  called  Faithful  and 
True  (v.  ID?  Why?  In  what  ways  does  He  expect 
every  Christian  to  be  faithful  and  true?  Pray:  In 
prayer,  outline  ten  ways  that  you  as  a  teen-ager  can 
show  faithfulness  to  Christ  and  His  church. 
FRIDAY,  December  20  □•  Read:  Chapter  20.  Think: 
If  a  person's  name  is  not  found  written  in  the  book 
of  life,  will  he  be  cast  into  the  lake  of  fire  (v.  15)? 
This  should  deepen  our  concern  for  the  lost.  Pray: 
Ask  for  a  clearer  vision  of  teen-age  evangelism  and 
pledge  yourself  anew  to  personal  soul-winning. 
SATURDAY,  December  21  □•  Reaa:  Chapter  21,  verses 
1-14.  Think:  List  four  features  of  the  new  heaven 
and  earth  which  God  will  create  for  His  children  (vv. 

1,  4).  Pray:  The  Christmas  season  is  a  time  of  re- 
joicing and  thanksgiving;  thank  God  for  the  love  of 
your  parents  and  for  the  holy  concern  of  your  pastor. 
SUNDAY,  December  22  U-  Read:  Chapter  22,  verses 
15-27.  Thi?ik:  List  four  features  of  the  holy  city,  new 
Jerusalem.  How  will  the  city  receive  its  light  (v.  23)? 
Pray:  Rejoice  and  be  glad;  thank  God  for  your  home, 
your  friends,  and  your  church. 

MONDAY,  December  23  □■  Read:  Chapter  22,  verses 
1-9.  Think:  What  do  you  think  Christ  meant  when 
He  said,  "Behold,  I  come  quickly"  (v.  7i?  Explain. 
Pray:  Rejoice  and  be  happy;  thank  God  for  your 
Sunday  school  teacher,  your  school  teacher,  and  your 
community  leaders. 

TUESDAY,  December  24  □•  Read:  Chapter  22,  verses 
10-21.  Think:  What  are  you  expecting  for  Christmas? 
What  will  you  expect  when  Christ  returns  (v.  12)? 
Pray:  Rejoice  and  be  merry;  thank  God  for  the  gift 
of  His  Son   and   for   salvation. 

WEDNESDAY,  December  25  □■  Read:  Matthew,  Chap- 
ter 2.  Think:  The  Wise  Men  presented  unto  Christ 
gifts  of  gold,  and  frankincense,  and  myrrh  (v.  11). 
Are  you  giving  Him  a  gift  this  Christmas?  Pray:  Re- 
joice and  be  determined;  rededicate  yourself  to  Christ 
and  holy  living. 

THURSDAY,  December  26  □■  Read:  John,  Chapter  1. 
Think:  A  Christian  teen  should  be  well-groomed;  but 
to  what  extent  should  he  try  to  keep  up  with  fashion 
trends?  Did  John  have  this  problem  (v.  6)?  Pray: 
For  the  underpriviledged  children  in  your  church  or 

FRIDAY,  December  27  U-  Read:  Luke,  Chapter  1. 
Think:  Regular  Bible  reading  and  proper  study  habits 
will  equip  you  to  live  a  power-packed  life  (v.  75). 
Pray:  For  Church  of  God  missionaries  and  native 
evangelists  around  the  world. 

SATURDAY,  December  28  □•  Read:  John,  Chapter  1. 
Think:  Andrew  witnessed  to  his  brother  Peter  and 
led  him  to  Christ  (v.  41 1.  Do  you  have  a  brother  or  a 
sister  who  is  not  a  Christian?  Pray:  Ask  God  to  assist 
you  in  being  spiritually  stable  and  in  preparing  for 
a  meaningful  vocation. 

SUNDAY,  December  29  □•  Read:  Acts,  Chapter  1. 
Think:  What  was  the  specific  purpose  of  the  power 
promised  by  Christ  in  Verse  8?  Pray:  For  the  ex- 
panding ministries  of  the  Church  of  God  and  for 
Dr.  Charles  W.  Conn,  general  overseer. 
MONDAY,   December   30   □•  Read:  Romans,   Chapter 

1.  Think:  A  firm  stand  against  current  trends,  when 
they  are  contrary  to  purity  and  honesty, 
is  one  way  a  teen-ager  can  reveal  that  he  is  not 
ashamed  of  the  gospel  of  Christ  (v.  16).  Pray:  For 
holy  wisdom  to  guide  you  in  determining  what  fads 
and  trends  to  endorse  and  which  one's  to  reject. 
TUESDAY,   December  31    □•     Read:  Romans,  Chapter 

2.  Think:  it  is  impossible  for  a  young  person  to  be  an 
effective  and  a  complete  Christian  unless  he  prac- 
tices what  he  professes  (v.  21).  Pray:  For  a  happy 
home  and  for  forwardness  to  employ  Christian  prin- 
ciples in  homelife  activities. 

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