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Lincoln's  Springfield 
in  the  Civil  War 

Lincoln's  Springfield 
in  the  Civil  War 

Camilla  A.  Quinn 

Western  Illinois  Monograph  Series,  Number  8 

Western  Illinois  University 

Macomb,  Illinois 

The  Western  Dlinois  Monograph  Series  is  published  by  the  College  of  Arts  and  Sciences  and 
University  Libraries  at  Western  ElinoLs  University.  The  series  supports  studies  in  the  history, 
geography,  literature,  and  culture  of  the  western  Illinois  region.  Correspondence  about 
monogr^hs  in  print  or  the  submission  of  manuscripts  for  review  should  be  sent  to  the 
chairman  of  the  Editorial  Board,  Western  Illinois  Monograph  Series,  Institute  for  Regional 
and  Community  Studies,  Tillman  Hall  413,  Western  Illinois  University,  Macomb,  Illinois 

Copyright  ©  1991  by  Western  Illinois  University 

Cover  design  by  David  J.  Kelly 


I  wish  to  thank  Dr.  Mark  Plummer,  professor  of  history  at  Illinois  State  University,  who 
skillfully  guided  me  through  this  project  in  its  original  form  as  a  master's  thesis. 

Also,  Ms.  Cheryl  Schnirring,  curator  of  manuscripts  at  the  Illinois  State  Historical 
Library,  is  owed  a  debt  of  gratitude  for  the  many  times  she  assisted  the  writer  in  finding 
useful  sources. 

Appreciation  is  also  extended  to  Dr.  Donald  W.  Griffin,  chairman  of  the  Western  Illinois 
Monograph  Series  Editorial  Board,  for  expertly  guiding  the  writer  through  the  editing 

In  addition,  I  wish  to  thank  my  parents,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Fred  Corlas,  as  well  as  several  high 
school  and  college  English  teachers,  for  continually  encouraging  me  to  follow  my  dream  of 
writing  for  pubUcation. 

Finally,  my  most  sincere  appreciation  is  extended  to  my  husband,  Kevin,  who  supported 
me  in  many  invaluable  ways  from  the  beginning  to  the  end  of  this  project. 


The  American  Civil  War  is  an  epoch  rich  with  Gone-With-the-Wind  tales  of  soldias  dying  in  train 
depots,  of  mansions  burning  on  the  landscape,  and  of  famished  armies  chasing  the  family  pigs.  While 
these  tales  are  in  inany  cases  based  on  fact,  dieir  fociis  is  nK)st  oftai  on  the  battle  firont  or  directly  behind 
the  lines.  Authors  of  both  fiction  and  nonfiction  have  for  more  than  a  century  followed  the  Union  and 
Confederate  armies,  iK)ting  every  battle  in  detail,  telling  the  story  of  the  armies  and  of  the  civilians  they 
plundered.  Yet,  hundreds  of  miles  behind  the  lines  of  die  clashing  armies,  in  villages  and  cities  whae 
even  the  keenest  ear  could  not  detect  the  carmon  barrages  at  Atlanta  and  Gettysburg,  home  fironlcitizaTS 
were  experiencing  momoilous  effects  of  the  war.  The  stories  of  these  home  front  communities  reveal 
extraordinary  suffoing  arxi  discord  as  well  as  unique  perepectives  of  the  war  arxi  therefore  they,  too, 
need  to  be  told 

One  home  fiont  community  greatly  affected  by  the  war  was  Springfield,  Dlirwis.  As  die  c^tal  of 
Illinois  and  die  home  of  two  military  canqs,  Springfield  was  a  hub  to  which  politicians,  soldiers,  and 
curious  visitors  flocked.  The  city  streets  woe  oowded  with  funeral  processions  for  Springfield 
sokiiCT-boys,  witii  sparkling  regiments  practicing  for  war,  and  with  prostitutes  conpelling  soldiers  to 
theirdois.  Teenage  girls  gathered  in  kx^  stores  to  stuff  pnDows  for  beaus  who  lay  in  battlefield  hospitals. 
Drunkoi  sokiiCTS  engaged  in  brawls  on  die  city  square,  and  fliousands  of  bedraggled  Confederate 
prisoners  woe  irrprisoned  in  a  camp  six  nules  fixMn  towrL  And,  on  several  occasions,  political  mass 
meetings  and  spontaneous  victory  celebrations  drew  thousands  of  boistaous  citizais  to  the  city  square. 
By  January  1863,  most  Springfield  citizens  had  devetoped  strong  sentiments  about  the  war,  and  the 
community  was  swept  into  a  rivalry  between  those  residents  who  insisted  that  the  war  must  continue 
until  the  Soutii  was  crushed  and  fliose  who  protested  that  die  war  had  already  caused  loo  much 
bloodshed.  This  conflict  sparked  tirades  of  insults  and  fist  fights,  and  it  nearly  ignited  riots. 

This  nairativeof  the  Spningfieldhome  fiont,  1861-1865,  is  primarily  a  depiction  of  the  people 
of  Springfield  and  die  effects  of  the  war  on  dieir  lives.  It  focuses  on  the  Springfield  soldiers,  the 
soldiers'  wives,  die  orators,  the  Negroes,  and  die  Soldiers'  Aid  Society,  along  with  many  odier 
individuals  and  groups  of  citizens.  While  moving  from  Spningfield's  city  square  to  its  graveyard, 
mihtary  camps,  and  other  sites,  the  story  highlights  the  residents'  pain,  joy,  patriotism,  anger,  and 
bravery.  The  narrative  also  delves  into  state  and  murucipal  politics  as  well  as  into  rmlitaiy  matters, 
though  it  does  so  only  to  show  how  deeply  these  subjects  affected  the  people,  and  tiierefore  it 
does  not  present  them  in  the  typical  analytical  fashion  of  a  historian. 

In  many  instances,  tallies  are  given  for  ailistments  and  casualties.  The  audior  has  attempted  to 
be  as  painstakingly  accurate  as  possible  whai  giving  numerical  information,  but  the  information 
given  is  only  as  accurate  as  the  original  sources,  which  woe  by  no  means  perfect  in  their 
assessments.  Thoefore,  the  totals  given  should  be  regarded  in  most  cases  as  ^jproximate,  with  die 
greatest  effort  having  been  made  to  come  close  to  die  truth. 

In  an  effort  to  preserve  the  style  of  the  original  correspondence  as  well  as  to  avoid  editorial 
clutter,  die  audior  has  chosen  to  refirain  firom  the  use  of  "[sic]",  instead  presenting  quoted  material 
with  the  original  errors  left  intact  In  some  instances,  bracketed  words  or  letters  have  been  inserted 
to  eliminate  confusion. 



1.  1861   Dreams  of  Glory  9 

2.  1862  Rude  Awakening  25 

3.  1863  Fire  in  the  Rear  41 

4.  1864  This  Dreary  Old  War  61 

5.  1865   Bittersweet  Peace  79 
Notes  95 

1861  Dreams  of  Glory 

It  was  a  cold,  drizzly  morning  in  February  when  Springfield  citizens  gathered  at  the 
Great  Western  depot  to  bid  Abraham  Lincoln  farewell.  Though  Lincohi  had  requested  that 
there  be  no  public  demonstration,  still  hundreds  of  friends  and  neighbors  had  come  to  grasp 
his  hand  one  last  time.  At  precisely  five  minutes  before  eight  o  'clock,  Lincoln  emerged  from 
the  station  and  mounted  the  rear  platform  of  the  train.  Turning  toward  the  hushed  crowd, 
he  removed  his  hat  and  paused  for  a  few  seconds  to  control  his  emotions.  Amid  the  pattering 
of  raindrops  and  the  hissing  of  the  waiting  locomotive,  "slowly,  impressively,  and  with 
profound  emotion,"  he  began  to  speak: 

Friends,  no  one  who  has  never  been  placed  in  a  like  position,  can  understand 
my  feelings  at  this  hour,  nor  the  oppressive  sadness  I  feel  at  this  parting.  For 
more  than  a  quarter  of  a  century  I  have  lived  among  you,  and  during  all  that  time 
I  have  received  nothing  but  kindness  at  your  hands. . . . 

With  simple,  yet  eloquent  remarks,  Lincoln  continued  with  brief  recollections  about  his 
life  in  Springfield.  As  Lincoln  spoke,  a  subdued  sense  of  melancholy  overcame  the  crowd. 
Many  could  not  help  but  wonder  if  they  were  saying  good-bye  to  their  friend — ^forever.  Already, 
there  had  been  anonymous  letters  warning  that  the  president-elect  would  be  killed  before  he 
reached  Washington.  Indeed,  such  a  brutal  act  seemed  all  too  possible  in  these  uncertain 
times.  A  cloud  of  impending  doom  seemed  to  hang  over  the  entire  nation  as  mounting 
tension  over  the  slavery  issue  resulted  in  rash  acts.  Particularly  during  the  past  several  weeks, 
Springfield  citizens  had  been  scrutinizing  the  newspaper  reports.  Seven  southern  states  had 
already  seceded  from  the  Union.  On  the  Mississippi  River  at  Vicksburg,  southerners  had 
set  up  cannons  and  were  intercepting  all  steamboats  that  came  from  the  north.  And  along 
the  Atlantic  coast,  fi-om  Delaware  to  Texas,  several  federal  forts  had  been  seized  by  southern 
militia  troops.  Consequently,  rumors  of  war  had  begun  bounding  from  the  South  to  the 
North  and  back  again.  Into  the  heart  of  this  maelstrom,  Springfield  citizens  were  sending 
their  townsman,  Abraham  Lincoln. 

Lincoln,  too,  was  considering  the  troublesome  signs  of  the  times: 

.  .  .  To-day  I  leave  you;  I  go  to  assume  a  task  more  difficult  than  that  which 
devolved  upon  General  Washington.  Unless  the  great  God  who  assisted  him, 
shall  be  with  and  aid  me,  I  must  fail.  But  if  the  same  omniscient  mind,  and  the 
same  Almighty  arm  that  directed  and  protected  him,  shall  guide  and  support  me, 
I  shall  not  faU,  I  shall  succeed.  Let  us  aU  pray  that  the  God  of  our  fathers  may 
not  forsake  us  now.  To  him  I  commend  you  all — permit  me  to  ask  that  with  equal 
security  and  faith,  you  all  wiU  invoke  His  wisdom  and  guidance  for  me.  With 
these  few  words  I  must  leave  you — for  how  long  I  know  not.  Friends,  one  and 


all,  I  must  now  bid  you  an  affectionate  farewell. 

Lincoln's  farewells  having  been  said,  there  was  a  "grinding  of  wheels"  as  the  train  mustered 
momentum  and  slowly  puffed  out  of  the  station.  Leaving  many  eyes  moist  with  tears, 
Lincoln  parted  fi-om  his  hometown  Mends,  and  the  train  disappeared  into  the  gray  drizzle. 

10  Lincoln' s  Springfield 

The  crowd  at  the  depot  could  have  little  known  the  events  that  would  transpire  before  a 
returning  train  would  bear  Lincoln  back  to  Springfield.  Though  all  realized  that  the  nation 
teetered  on  the  brink  of  war,  few  could  have  anticipated  that  the  war  would  leave  its  scars 
on  numerous  battlefields  as  well  as  on  nearly  every  American  home  front.  Springfield, 
perhaps,  was  to  experience  more  wartime  turmoil  than  the  typical  home  fi-ont,  for  as  the 
capital  of  Illinois,  it  was  host  to  colossal  political  gatherings.  It  was,  too,  a  converging  point 
for  tens  of  thousands  of  Illinois  soldiers.  During  the  next  four  years,  farmers  fi-om  the  nearby 
prairie  towns,  as  well  as  crowds  from  cities  such  as  St.  Louis  and  Chicago,  would  troop  into 
Springfield  for  immense  meetings  at  a  volatile  time  when  a  single  incident  could  have  ignited 
a  riot.  In  addition,  soldiers  from  all  over  Illinois  would  rendezvous  at  the  military  camps 
near  Springfield,  frequently  clogging  the  city  streets  and  tearing  up  property  in  the  course 
of  drunken  binges.  Not  unlike  most  home  fronts,  Springfield,  too,  would  suffer  as  hometown 
soldier  boys  returned  home — in  coffins. 

Two  months  after  Lincoln  left  Springfield,  the  troubles  that  had  been  seething  and  brewing 
in  both  North  and  South  finally  erupted.  On  Saturday  morning,  April  1 3,  the  Springfield  Journal 
proclaimed:  "A  FIGHT  AT  LAST"  and  'THE  BALL  OPENED. "  The  paper  explained  that  "war 
has  now  opened  in  good  eamest"  with  the  bombardment  of  Fort  Sumter.  At  first  word  of  the 
news,  Springfield  residents  crowded  around  the  bulletin  boards  of  the  Journal  office,  impatiently 
awaiting  updates  on  the  situation  at  Fort  Sumter.  Others  congregated  on  the  street  comCTs, 
discussing  the  news  with  "grave,  but  eamest  faces."  Still  others  planned  public  meetings  to 
discuss  "the  present  alarming  condition  of  public  affairs." 

On  Tuesday  evening,  three  days  after  the  news  broke  forth,  Springfield  citizens  assem- 
bled at  a  "Grand  Union  Meeting"  to  proclaim  their  feelings  about  the  national  crisis.  The 
sun  had  already  set  when  the  meeting  commenced  in  the  center  of  the  to  wn  square  in  Illinois ' 
capitol,  the  State  House.  Gas  Ughts  enclosed  in  glass  pane  shelters  flickered  atop  their  posts, 
casting  light  amid  the  shadows  around  the  massive  stone  edifice.  Hooves  clopped  on  the 
plank  streets  and  carriages  creaked  to  a  halt  while  passengers  disembarked,  whisked  through 
the  wrought-iron  gate,  and  hastened  up  the  steps. 

Inside  the  State  House,  townspeople  swiftly  filled  the  Hall  of  Representatives  to  its 
"utmost  capacity."  Soon,  the  hall  echoed  with  "three  cheers  for  the  stars  and  stripes . . .  three 
times  three."  The  crowd  shouted  for  John  McClemand,  a  Springfield  lawyer  and  Democratic 
representative  in  Congress.  As  he  walked  up  to  the  speaker's  stand,  he  was  greeted  with  a 
"storm  of  applause."  With  a  fervid,  eamest  demeanor,  McClemand  "pronounced  secession 
a  dastardly  and  cowardly  way  to  commit  treason.  He  said  that  he  had  been  a  Democrat,  and 
was  one  now,  but  thathe  would  sacrifice  party  on  the  altarofhis  country."  Next,  Springfield 
resident  and  United  States  Senator  Lyman  Tnmibull  boldly  proclaimed  that  he  "scorned  the 
ideaofthisgreatGovemmentdefemimgitself  againstSecessionists.  'Letus,'  saidhe,  'make 
them  defend  Montgomery  and  Charleston!'"  With  this,  the  audience  burst  into  "wild 
cheering"  that  lasted  for  several  minutes.  Eager  to  hear  more  fighting  words,  the  crowd  again 
shouted  with  enthusiasm  when  the  final  speaker.  Captain  Wyatt  of  Logan  County,  aimounced 
that  while  others  might  "talk"  of  war,  he  and  his  newly  raised  company  of  volunteers  were 
ready  to  "act"  for  their  country.  As  the  meeding  drew  to  a  close,  the  haU  rang  out  with  cheer 

after  cheer  "for  the  Union,  for  the  Stars  and  Stripes,  for  the  Country,  the  Constitution  and 

the  enforcement  of  the  laws. 

1861  Dreams  of  Glory  11 

The  evening  had  marked  a  new  era  in  a  conununity  that  had  not  known  many  eras.  As 
part  of  Sangamon  County  and  the  West,  the  city  of  Springfield  had  been  founded  forty  years 
before  as  a  county  seat  in  the  midst  of  the  fertile  prairies.  Farmers  rapidly  inhabited 
Sangamon  County  because  of  its  rich,  black  soil:  "Word  went  out  that  the  first  crop  of  sod 
com  stood  fifteen  feet  high."  In  1821,  Springfield  consisted  of  a  log  courthouse,  a  jail,  and 
eight  settlers  Uving  within  two  miles  of  the  courthouse.  Two  years  later  the  town  had  "'a 
few  smoky,  hastily-built  cabins,  and  one  or  two  Uttle  shanties  called  stores.'"  By  1835  the 
population  had  gradually  increased  to  1,419.  Then,  in  1836,  when  Springfield  was  chosen 
the  state  capital,  the  "whole  population  went  wild  with  excitement.  .  . .  House  after  house 
sprang  up . . .  and  the  village  of  Springfield  began  putting  on  city  airs; — property  increased 
in  value  enormously,  and  al[l]  went  on  as  'merry  as  a  marriage  bell.'"  Again,  in  the 
mid- 1850s,  the  population  soared  after  the  completion  of  the  Chicago  and  Alton  Raihoad, 
and  by  1860  the  city  had  9,320  residents.^^ 

When  the  war  broke  out  in  1 86 1 ,  Springfield  had  approximately  ten  thousand  residents. 
The  majority  were  native  Americans  though  about  two  hundred  fifty  were  black  or  mulatto 
and  twenty-four  hvmdred  were  Irish,  German,  and  Portuguese  immigrants.  The  Springfield 
community  was  primarily  agrarian;  hundreds  of  farmers  worked  the  surrounding  prairies, 
daily  nmibling  in  and  out  of  town  in  wagons  laden  with  products  such  as  com,  wool,  and 
apples.  On  the  town  square  scores  of  merchants  and  clerks  phed  their  wares  in  dry  goods 
stores,  shoe  stores,  saloons,  bakeries,  and  grocery  stores.     In  the  center  of  the  square  loomed 

the  State  House,  the  hub  for  dozens  of  lawyers  and  government  officials  who  also  lived  in 


Many  of  Springfield's  most  well-to-do  citizens  Uved  in  elegant  dwellings  in  the  southern 

wards  of  the  city  (wards  three  and  four).'^  The  Ridgely  estate  on  South  Sixdi  Street,  for  example, 

encompassed  an  entire  block,  and  boasted  a  huge  house,  a  stable,  an  ice  house,  greenhouses,  a 

summer  house,  and  expansive  flower  gardens.     The  mansion  of  former  Illinois  Governor  Joel 

Matteson  on  South  Fourth  Street  was  considered  the  finest  dwelling  in  the  state.  Its  basement 

had  six  rooms;  the  first  story  had  a  vestibule,  a  large  hall,  piazza,  parlor,  drawing  room,  library, 

dining  room,  family  chamber,  kitchen,  badiroom,  pantry,  and  a  portico;  the  second  story  had 

sevai  large  "airy  diambers"  with  bathrooms  and  closets;  and  die  third  story,  or  attic,  had  six  more 

"comfortable  rooms."  Atop  the  house,  a  tower  rose  to  a  height  of  eighty-six  feet,  from  which  a 

person  might  get  "a  bird's  eye  view  of  the  entire  city. 

While  the  largest  share  of  Springfield's  mansions  were  concentrated  in  the  southern 
wards  of  the  city,  the  largest  share  of  its  cottages  could  be  found  in  the  northern  wards  (wards 
one  and  two).  Here  Uved  the  majority  of  the  city's  immigrants  and  blacks.  German, 
Portuguese,  and  black  neighborhoods  dominated  the  northern  wards,  along  with  structures 
such  as  the  First  Presbyterian  Portuguese  Church,  the  German  Methodist  Church,  the  Afiican 
Methodist  Church  and  the  Colored  School.  Generally  the  poorest  of  Springfield's  inhabi- 
tants, the  immigrants  and  blacks  barely  scraped  out  a  hving  on  meager  salaries  eamed  at 
low-paying  jobs  such  as  general  laborer,  painter,  barber,  servant,  and  shoemaker. 

While  the  northern  wards  of  die  city  tended  to  be  the  poorest,  one  of  these  wards — ^the 
northwest  ward  (ward  two) — also  held  the  reputation  of  being  the  shabbiest  In  this  ward, 
North  Fourth  Street  was  considered  the  sinkhole  of  the  city,  being  infested  with  "bawdy 
houses."  Frequently,  drunks  would  congregate  at  these  houses  in  all-night  "drunken  orgies" 

12  Lincoln' s  Springfield 

that  would  "fairly  make  night  hideous  with  their  disturbances."  On  one  occasion,  a  search 

...  25 

of  one  of  these  premises  turned  up  a  dead  infant  in  the  cistern. 

PoUtically,  Springfield  was  a  hub  for  Illinois  politics.   As  the  capital  of  Illinois,  the  city 

was  often  the  site  chosen  for  statewide  rallies,  to  which  thousands  of  Illinois  citizens  would 

come  on  foot,  on  horseback,  in  wagons,  and  by  rail.  Sometimes  speaking  for  several  hours 

at  a  time,  featured  orators  would  address  their  audiences  in  eloquent  speeches,  mixing  in 

occasional  vituperative  comments  aimed  at  the  opponent,  and  drawing  from  the  crowds  an 

assortment  of  cheers,  hoots,  hisses,  and  groans.  Ralhes  often  included  parades,  fireworks, 

torchhght  processions,  and  picnics,  making  the  day  a  genuine  hohday  during  which  every 

visitor  could  enjoy  a  break  from  the  chores  and  learn  the  latest  political  and  social  gossip. 

While  in  town,  a  visitor  could  also  peruse  a  copy  of  the  Journal,  Springfield's  Republican 

newspaper,  or  the /?egz5/er,  the  city's  Democratic  paper.  In  either  newspaper,  a  reader  would 

be  certain  to  find  strong  opinions  about  both  local  and  national  politics,  along  with  plenty 

of  barbed  remarks  aimed  at  political  opponents.  No  one  counted  it  unusual  to  read  in  the 

Journal,  for  instance,  that  a  particular  Democrat's  speech  was  "the  same  old  speech  he  has 

actually  committed  to  memory  like  a  school  boy,"  or  to  read  in  the  Register  that  a  certain 

Repubhcan's  speech  was  "stale,  flat,  and  unprofitable. ' 

Indeed,  Springfield  citizens  were  anything  but  apathetic  about  pohtics.  Situated  in  the 

middle  of  the  state,  the  Springfield  community  lay  between  northern  Illinois'  Republican 

belt  and  southern  Illinois '  Democratic  belt.     Influences  from  both  sectors  of  the  state  were 

felt  in  Springfield,  and  hence  elections  were  frequently  close  contests.  Rivalries  were  further 

intensified  by  the  tendency  of  men  to  blurt  out  their  poUtical  opinions  without  restraint.  The 

lately  abandoned  practice  of  viva  voce  voting — a  method  of  orally  casting  ballots  and 

recording  voters'  names  alongside  their  choices — tended  to  sustain  the  beUef  that  a  man's 


choice  was  more  of  a  pubUc  than  a  private  affair.  But,  even  if  a  man  chose  not  to  voice 
his  opinion,  one  could  simply  observe  whose  torchhght  procession  he  marched  in.  Eventu- 
ally, most  men  became  known  by  their  poUtical  preferences,  so  that  a  man  might  say  about 
another  "PoUtically  he  is  a  Democrat  of  the  straightest  type"  or  "When  the  polls  are  open 
he  is  always  found  depositing  a  Republican  ticket. "  Such  openness  in  a  politically  divided 
community,  while  it  generally  provided  a  means  of  friendly  social  interaction,  also  created 
the  potential  for  physical  conflict,  especially  in  times  of  poUtical  turmoU. 

In  April  1861,  Springfield,  along  with  the  entire  nation,  was  on  the  threshold  of 
imprecedented  turmoil.  But,  though  poUticians  as  weU  as  over- zealous  citizens  may  have 
boasted  that  they  were  ready  for  a  fight,  Springfield  was  hardly  prepared  for  war.  The  state 
arsenal  on  North  Fifth  Street  had  only  905  muskets  in  its  stock.  Neither  were  there  any 
barracks  or  camping  grounds  for  soldiers.  And,  though  Springfield  did  have  three  miUtia 

companies,  they  were  composed  of  yoimg  men  who  knew  Uttle  about  fighting  in  battles  and 

much  about  marching  in  city  parades. 

Into  this  unprepared  community  came  Lincoln's  first  call  for  seventy-five  thousand 

troops,  pubUshed  in  the  Journal  on  April  15.     The  caU  for  volunteers,  one  resident  wrote, 

"has  of  course  created  great  excitement  among  all  gentlemen."      lUinois'  quota  would  be 

approximately  six  thousand,  and  the  men  of  Springfield  had  determined  that  they  would  not 

be  left  out.    Each  hustled  to  makeshift  recruiting  offices — in  Concert  HaU,  over  Ruth's 

saddlery,  in  the  post  office  buUding,  in  the  abandoned  store  of  WilUams  and  Link,  in  Kuhn's 

1861  Dreams  of  Glory  13 

former  hat  store,  and  in  Freeman's  building.  Bdiind  each  door,  a  recruiting  officCT  with  pen  and 
paper  accepted  volunteers  from  ages  eighteen  to  forty-five  until  he  had  a  list  of  about  eighty  men, 
enough  to  form  one  company;  the  company  would  then  quickly  elect  officers  and  send  the  c^tain 
to  the  Adjutant  General's  office,  where  the  rule  was  "first  come — first  served." 


At  least  three  companies  of  Springfield  men  were  among  the  volunteers.  One  of  the 
companies — the  Springfield  Zouave  Grays — offered  their  services  to  the  governor  only  a 
few  hours  after  Lincoln  issued  the  call  for  volunteers,  earning  the  distinction  of  being  the 
first  company  of  Illinois  men  to  be  accepted  for  miUtary  service  under  President  Lincoln's 
call.  The  Zouaves  were  probably  the  most  popular  of  the  Springfield  companies,  for  the 
core  of  the  company  had  belonged  to  the  city's  favorite  militia  company — also  called  the 
"Springfield  Zouave  Grays."  For  the  last  three  years,  the  militia  company  had  drilled  in 
Springfield's  large  halls  and  in  a  pasture  on  the  south  side  of  town.  They  had  also  been 
trained  in  the  "Zouave"  method  of  fighting,  a  method  that  employed  flashy  maneuvers  and 
held  audiences  spellbound.  As  Zouaves,  they  were  required  to  become  proficient  with  the 
bayonet  and  had  to  "load  and  fire  on  the  run,  while  lying  down,  or  kneeling — in  short,  in 
every  possible  position,"  with  every  move  "executed  with  incredible  rapidity." 

Now  mustering  in  at  seventy -nine  men,  most  of  the  Zouaves  were  under  age  thirty,  single, 

and  tradesmen  or  clerks  who  crossed  paths  daily  on  the  streets  and  in  the  stores  of 

Springfield.  John  Caulfield  sold  staple  and  fancy  dry  goods,  boots,  shoes  and  carpets  at 
E.  D.  Benjamin  &  Company  on  the  south  side  of  the  square,  while  on  the  north  side  of  the 
square  J.  DiUer  Ruth  sold  hardware,  iron,  nails,  and  agricultural  implements  at  B.  F.  Fox's 
store.  Both  Thomas  Moffat  and  John  Reynolds  clerked  at  the  Auditor  of  State's  office  in 
the  State  House.  WUliam  Clark  and  John  Decker  woriced  as  printers  in  the  Journal  office 
while  seven  other  members  of  the  company  also  worked  in  various  Springfield  printing 
offices.  Charles  Gourley,  Albert  Ide,  and  J.  Diller  Ruth  all  lived  in  the  same  boarding  house. 
Day  after  day,  these  young  men  had  met  each  other  coming  and  going  on  the  square, 
marching  in  the  same  parades,  and  perhaps  attending  the  same  chiu^ches  and  schools. 

Leading  the  Zouaves  to  war  was  Springfield  resident  John  Cook,  elected  colonel  of  the 
Seventh  Infantry  Regiment,  of  which  the  Zouaves  were  one  of  ten  companies.  The  Zouaves 
could  not  have  been  more  pleased  with  the  choice,  for  Cook  had  commanded  their  own 
militia  company  for  the  past  eighteen  months.  At  age  thirty -four,  John  Cook  had  already 
operated  a  soap  factory  and  served  as  quartermaster  general  of  Illinois,  mayor  of  Springfield, 
and  sheriff  of  Sangamon  County.  In  1858,  he  built  a  huge  Gothic  building  on  the  east  side 
of  the  square,  a  building  that  featured  a  concert  hall  with  a  thirty-five-foot  high  ceiling; 
Springfield  citizens  claimed  the  hall  was  "the  best  in  the  West." 

Though  he  remained  busy  as  a  pubUc  servant.  Cook  also  enjoyed  his  private  life.  Cook 
lived  on  a  forty-acre  farm  one  mile  northwest  of  the  city  square  near  the  Sangamon  County 
Agricultural  Fairgrounds.  A  successful  "book  farmer,"  Cook  read  agricultural  books  and 
journals  to  improve  his  farm.  In  1860  his  efforts  paid  off,  winning  him  fifteen  dollars  fi-om 
the  State  Agricultural  Society  for  owning  one  of  Illinois'  best  forty-acre  farms.  Along  with 
his  farming  talents.  Cook  was  a  "complete  horseman  and  a  good  judge  of  horse  flesh  besides. " 
In  1859,  he  purchased  "Yoimg  Smoker,"  a  horse  regarded  as  "the  fastest  pacer  in  Illinois." 
Cook  enjoyed  hunting,  too,  and  was  remembered  for  some  "good  shooting"  in  1857  when 

14  Lincoln' s  Springfield 

he  and  a  friend  went  on  a  nine-hour  birdhunting  spree,  bagging  143  English  snipe,  21  ducks, 
8  cvirlews,  and  1  bresit. 

Also  leading  the  Zouaves  was  Andrew  Babcock,  newly  appointed  captain  of  the 
company.  A  thirty-year-old  Springfield  resident,  Babcock  had  been  a  long-time  member  of 
the  Zouave  mihtia  company.  But  unlike  most  of  the  members  of  the  Zouaves,  Babcock  had 
a  wife  and  two  children.  He  also  kept  busy  running  his  plumbing  business  "3  doors  down 
from  the  Square."  In  his  store,  he  sold  "every  description  of  Copper,  Steam  and  Water  Pipes, 
Soda  Fountains,  Confectioner's  Ketdes,  [and]  Square  and  round  boilers."  He  could  "fit  up 
Hotels  and  private  dwellings  with  any  desired  amoimt  of  Plumbing  Fixtures,  such  as  Pan 
and  Hopper  Water  Closets; . . .  Wash  Bowls;  Wash  Trays;  Bath  Boilers,  [and]  Pumps." 

The  Zouaves  and  their  commanders  were  not  to  be  the  only  Dlinois  soldiers  in  the  war, 
for  by  Friday,  April  19,  less  than  one  week  after  the  news  of  war  had  arrived  in  Springfield, 
troops  from  Illinois  cities  and  villages  began  arrivmg  by  the  boxcar-fuU  in  Springfield,  In 
order  to  accommodate  the  six  thousand  troops  expected  to  arrive  in  Springfield,  it  was 
decided  that  the  Sangamon  County  Agricultural  Fairgrounds  would  be  transformed  into  a 
mihtary  campground  and  designated  Camp  Yates,  in  honor  of  Governor  Yates,  commander- 
in-chief  of  Illinois  troops. 

Located  on  the  west  edge  of  to  wn  three-quarters  of  a  mile  from  the  square,  the  fairgrounds 
encompassed  twenty  acres  of  land  entirely  surrounded  by  a  high  board  fence.  Each  year, 
proud  farmers  from  the  prairie  fringes  of  Sangamon  Coimty  brought  their  livestock,  fruits, 
vegetables,  farm  implements,  and  handcrafts  here  to  show  them  off  and  to  compete  for 
premiimis.'*^  Now,  trainloads  of  eager  soldiers  marched  through  the  entrance  gate  of  the 
fairgrounds  and  moved  into  the  horse  stalls,  eight  men  to  a  stall,  each  stall  being  "sufficiently 
large  [enough]  for  two  horses."  The  stalls  were  soon  converted  into  fitting  quarters,  for  they 
were  "carpeted  with  an  abundance  of  hay"  and  were  "boarded  up  so  as  to  make  efficient 
barracks"  leaving  an  opening  in  front  "sufficient  for  entrance  and  light."  With  only  one 
week's  notice,  it  was  "scarcely  possible  better  quarters  could  have  been  arranged.' 

As  troops  continued  to  arrive  on  the  trains — ^from  Paris,  Morris,  Belleville,  and  Chicago — 
nearly  four  thousand  men  crowded  into  Camp  Yates  until  finally  it  overflowed,  and  companies 
were  obliged  to  quarter  in  the  sheds  of  abrickyard  opposite  the  camp.  By  Friday,  April  26,  nearly 
five  thousand  soldiers  filled  the  camp  and  brickyard,  and  Springfield's  citizens  tumed  out  to  see 
than.  The  Journal  explained  that  so  many  troops  "encamped  in  our  city  will  be  a  sight  wortiiy 
of  being  witnessed,  as  it  has  never  before  occurred."  Two  "regular  line[s]  of  Ommbuses"  began 
running  between  the  hotels  and  Camp  Yates  every  hour  so  "citizens  anxious  to  visit  the  Camp" 
could  "gratify  their  wishes."  Personal  "vehicles  of  every  description,  from  the  one  horse  wagon 
to  the  richly  mounted  carriage  of  the  millionare,  were  to  be  seen  at  all  hours  of  the  day,  plying  to 
and  from  the  place  of  encampment' 

Nineteen-year-old  Springfield  belle  Anna  Ridgely"^^  and  her  family  were  not  to  be  left 
out  of  the  fun,  and  on  one  pleasant  afternoon  Anna,  her  mother,  and  two  sisters  took  a  carriage 
ride  out  to  the  camp.  After  arriving,  they  entered  a  "broad  gateway"  from  which  they  had 
an  "excellent  perspective  of  almost  the  entire  grounds."  Past  the  entrance  gate  to  the  right 
they  saw  the  famihar  animal  sheds,  now  occupied  by  squads  of  men.  To  the  left  of  the 
entrance  an  octagon  building  surrounded  by  a  "beautiful  grove  of  young  trees"  served  as 
headquarters  for  the  commanding  officer  of  the  camp.  Straight  ahead,  in  the  center  of  the 

1861   Dreams  of  Glory  15 

groiinds,  the  amphitheater  used  for  animal  exhibitions  had  became  the  dress  parade  groimds; 
a  sohtary  flag  staff  stood  there,  which  was  "saluted  at  sunrise  and  sunset  by  one  of  the 
Springfield  artillery  pieces."  Behind  the  amphitheater  was  ground  used  for  "regular  com- 
pany and  regimental  drills."  A  "pretty  Uttle  stream  of  water"  divided  the  drill  area  from 
higher  groimd  where  county  fair  buildings  had  been  taken  over  by  the  Quartermaster  and 
Commissary  departments.  A  two-story  frame  building,  "somewhat  the  worse  for  wear,"  had 
also  been  commandeered  for  use  as  a  hospital. 

After  visiting  the  camp,  Anna  wrote  her  impressions  in  her  diary: 

It  was  quite  amusing  to  me  to  see  the  men  in  their  quarters,  it  is  the  first  camp 
life  I  have  ever  seen,  the  men  seemed  very  happy  cooking  their  potatoes  and 
playing  leapfrog.  Captain  [Pope]  was  there  swearing  in  companies  and  several 
companies  were  drilling,  it  was  quite  an  interesting  scene. 

The  activities  of  camp  Ufe  could  hardly  have  disappointed  any  visitor,  for  there  was 
much  to  see.  Officers  rushed  about  "as  if  the  yellow  waters  of  the  Mississippi  had  just  been 
set  on  fire."  In  the  morning,  companies  fell  into  line  and  performed  their  drills  "with  or 
without  muskets  according  to  the  proficiency  of  the  companies."  During  recesses,  "groups 

of  light-hearted  yoimg  men  were  squatted  here  and  there,  enjoying  the  luxury  of  a  social 

chat"    Some  smoked;  others  ran  races,  played  leapfrog,  and  pitched  quoits.       A  few 

conscientious  soldiers  endeavored  to  "perfect  themselves"  by  "marching  in  time  and  keeping 

their  hands  straight."  At  mealtime,  the  "smoke  of  a  hundred  camp  fires  went  up  in  curling 

streams  fi"om  many  a  spot"  while  men  cooked  their  bacon,  potatoes,  and  coffee.  The  men 

seemed  to  be  "enjoying  themselves  as  best  they  might  under  the  circumstances"  and  all  were 

"cheerful,  happy  and  buoyant" 

While  the  county  fairgrounds  bustled  with  miUtary  activity,  the  city  of  Springfield,  too, 
had  assumed  a  miUtary  appearance.  Springfield  resident  Mercy  Conkling  wrote  to  her  son 
Clinton,  who  was  studying  at  Yale,  that  "all  Springfield  is  one  MiUtary  Camp."  At  the 
storefi-ont  headquarters  of  organizing  companies  "the  lively  refrain  of  the  fife  and  drum  broke 
the  clear  silence  of  the  atmosphere."  At  the  State  House,  military  men  constantly  came  and 
went,  and  a  guard  in  fuU  uniform  was  posted  at  the  door  of  the  Adjutant  General's  office. 

Dodging  the  mihtary  men,  the  citizens  of  Springfield  along  with  droves  of  visitors 
clamored  about  the  city  in  a  fi^enzy  of  excitement.  The  Register  reported  that  "the  excitement 
on  the  streets,  at  every  comer  and  stopping  place,  baffle[s]  description."  One  evening  the 
Springfield  ArtUlery  Company  spUt  the  air  with  thirty-four  caimons  booming  a  salute, 
tending  "not  a  Uttle  to  increase  the  already  general  excitement."  Aimlessly  rooting  swine 
and  farmers  with  loaded,  creaking  wagons  could  hardly  have  enjoyed  their  comfortable  pace 
without  being  jostied,  for  the  "principal  streets"  were  "more  thronged  than  New  York's 
Broadway."  Visitors  overflowed  the  city,  and  the  Journal  complained  that  it  was  "almost 
as  much  as  a  man's  life  is  worth  to  attempt  to  crowd  into  the  dining  room  of  any  of  our  hotels, 
and  as  for  sleeping — ^if  aman  gets  a  chair  or  a  soft  cellar  door,  he  is  superlatively  fortunate." 

The  clamor  on  the  city  square — the  thumping  of  drums  and  endless  clanking  of  scimying 
wagons — ^no  doubt  seeped  in  through  the  windows  of  the  State  House.  Here,  in  their 
respective  chambers,  seventeen  senators  and  fifty  representatives  had  converged  for  a  special 
session  of  the  legislature.  With  the  responsibility  of  Illinois'  destiny  weighing  heavily  upon  their 
hearts,  die  legislators  passed  a  joint  resolution  to  invite  Saiator  Stephen  A.  Douglas  to  address 

16  Lincoln' s  Springfield 

them  on  Thursday  evening,  April  25.  They  could  not  have  chosen  a  more  influential  speaker, 
for  Douglas  was  both  a  national  statesman  and  a  former  Springfield  townsman.  From  1837 
to  1841,  Douglas  had  tramped  the  streets  of  Springfield  as  a  lawyer,  as  the  registrar  of  the 
Springfield  Land  Office,  and  as  Illinois  secretary  of  state.  Since  1847,  he  had  gained  national 
notoriety  as  a  United  States  senator,  and  in  1 860  he  had  run  as  the  northern  Democratic  candidate 
for  president  against  Abraham  Lincoln.  Now,  as  the  national  champion  of  the  northan  Demo- 
cratic party  and  as  a  famed  advocate  of  the  southern  right  to  extend  slavery  through  popular 

sovereignty,  he  prepared  to  speak  in  the  Illinois  HaU  of  Represaitatives. 

Those  who  gathered  to  hear  his  speech,  especially  floundering  Democratic  legislators, 

sought  his  advice.  Some  felt  the  Democratic  party  had  no  choice  but  to  endorse  secession 

of  the  southern  states  because  they  feared  that "  'if  they  were  for  the  Union  &  the  enforcement 

of  the  laws,  that  they  would  be  aiding  the  RepubUcan  cause.'"  A  few  Democratic  legislators, 

particularly  those  from  southern  Illinois,  were  "silent"  or  even  "talked  secession,"  and  others 

felt  that  a  peace  policy  was  the  best  poUcy.  But  word  was  out  that  since  the  firing  on  Fort 

Sumter,  Douglas  had  declared  himself  for  the  Union.  Springfield  citizens  eagerly  waited  to 

hear  Douglas's  sentiments  for  themselves. 

It  was  early  evening  on  April  25  when  a  crowd  began  gathering  in  the  HaU  of 

Representatives.  The  haU  continued  to  fill  until  it  was  "crowded  almost  to  suffocation  by 

ladies  and  gentlemen"  who  were  anxious  to  hear  Douglas,  while  "hundreds  turned  away, 

imable  to  gain  entrance  or  get  within  hearing  distance."  Douglas  entered  the  hall  "promptly 

at  the  time  appointed"  and  was  greeted  with  "tremendous  and  long  continued  applause." 

Speaker  Shelby  Cullom  introduced  him  to  the  legislature  and  the  audience,  prompting 

another  burst  of  "deafning  and  unanimous  cheering."      With  all  eyes  turned  to  him  in 

expectation,  Douglas  spoke: 

.  .  .  With  a  heart  filled  with  sadness  and  grief  I  comply  with  your  request  [to 

speak] So  long  as  there  was  a  hope  of  peaceful  solution,  I  prayed  and  implored 

for  compromise. . . .  When  aU  propositions  of  peace  fail,  there  is  but  one  course 
left  for  the  patriot,  and  that  is  to  rally  under  that  flag  which  has  waved  over  the 
capitol  from  the  days  of  Washington,  Jefferson,  Hamilton  and  their  compeers. 
[Great  cheering.]. . . . 

...  So  far  as  any  of  the  partisan  questions  are  concerned,  I  stand  in  equal, 
eternal  and  undying  opposition  to  the  rqjubUcans  and  the  secessionists.  [Ap- 
plause.] You  all  know  that  I  am  a  very  good  partisan  fighter  in  partisan  times. 
[Laughter  and  cheers.]  And  you  will  find  me  equally  as  good  a  patriot  when  the 
country  is  in  danger. — [Cheers.] 

Now  permit  me  to  say  to  the  assembled  representatives  and  senators  of  our 
good  old  state,  composed  of  men  of  both  political  parties,  in  my  opinion  it  is  your 
duty  to  lay  aside  your  party  creeds  and  party  platforms;  ...  to  forget  that  you 
were  ever  divided  until  you  have  rescued  the  government  and  the  country  from 
their  assailants.  Then  resume  your  partisan  positions,  according  to  your  wishes. 
[Applause.]  Give  me  a  country  first,  that  my  children  may  Hve  in  peace,  then  we 
wiU  have  a  theatre  for  our  party  organizations  to  operate  upon.  . .  . 

...  To  discuss  these  topics  is  the  most  painful  duty  of  my  life.  It  is  with  a 
sad  heart — with  a  grief  [t]hat  I  have  never  before  experienced,  that  I  have  to 
contemplate  this  fearful  struggle;  but  I  believe  in  my  conscience  that  it  is  a  duty 

1861   Dreams  of  Glory  17 

we  owe  to  ourselves  and  that  flag  from  every  assailant,  be  he  who  may. 
[Tremendous  and  prolonged  applause.] 

The  effect  of  Douglas's  speech  was  "electric."  The  "whole  house  rose  to  their  feet  and 
gave  cheer  after  cheer  for  Douglas,  for  the  Union  and  for  the  Stars  and  Stripes."  Men  "wept 
and  cheered  by  turns,  and  hundreds  who,  a  few  weeks  ago,  stood  in  hostile  attitude  to  Mr. 
Douglas,  now  resorted  to  every  known  method  of  testifying  unqualified  admiration." 

While  Douglas's  words  still  resounded  in  men's  ears,  on  Saturday  morning,  April 
27 — two  weeks  to  the  day  from  when  Springfield  citizens  received  the  first  news  of  war — a 
large  body  of  soldiers,  including  Springfield's  company  of  Zouaves,  marched  out  of  Camp 
Yates  towards  the  Chicago  and  Alton  Railroad  depot.  Here,  they  would  depart  with  sealed 
orders  on  a  southboimd  train  headed  for  Alton,  Illinois. 

About  7:30  a.m.  on  this  rainy  Saturday  morning  an  "expectant  throng"  of  "grave  faces 

and  sad  hearts"  waited  at  the  train  depot  for  the  departing  men.  They  waited  for  the  Seventh 

Infantry  Regiment,  nearly  eight  hundred  men  strong,  of  which  the  seventy-nine  Springfield 

Zouave  Grays  were  designated  "Company  I."  The  crowd  grew  until  thousands  "crowded 

every  avenue  to  the  depot"  and  others  leaned  out  of  windows  and  balconies  overhead.  Wives, 

mothers,  fathers,  sisters,  brothers,  and  sweethearts  composed  the  crowd,  many  of  whom  had 

started  from  home  before  simrise. 

Soon  the  booming  of  a  bass  drum  and  the  shriU  screeching  of  a  fife  announced  the  arrival 
of  the  Seventh,  and  the  soldiers  marched  into  view  "filling  the  street  from  curb  to  curb."  AH 
in  bright  blue  uniforms,  they  "presented  an  imposing  sight"  with  their  "rows  of  polished 
bayonets"  and  "guns  carried  at  'right  shoulder  shift.'"  Each  of  these  men  stood  proudly  in 
formation  by  the  depot,  waiting  for  officials  to  finish  transportation  arrangements.  For  two 
and  one-half  hours,  in  the  pouring  rain,  they  stood  drawn  up  in  line  on  Seventh  Street 
entertaining  their  beloved  onlookers  with  songs  and,  in  turn,  from  time  to  time,  receiving  a 
"wild  cheer  of  encouragement"  back  from  them. 

Finally,  at  about  10:00  a.m.  word  was  given  to  board  the  train.  Soon  the  soldiers  had 
climbed  into  the  freight  cars  and  "the  shrill  whistle  of  the  locomotive  gave  the  signal  for 
departure.'     Then: 

One  moment  of  silence  and  then  as  the  wheels  of  the  iron  horse  are  seen  to  resolve 
[revolve]  slowly,  and  the  huge  train  begins  to  move,  three  loud,  hearty  cheers 
rend  the  air  and  are  edioed  and  repeated  from  end  to  end  of  the  train.  Slowly,  as 
the  snorting  of  the  iron  horse  grew  faint  and  fainter  in  the  distance,  the  crowd 
dispersed,  with  big  tears  coursing  down  the  cheeks  of  many  a  young  and  old 


One  week  after  the  Zouaves  had  departed,  on  Friday,  May  3,  members  of  the  Illinois 
General  Assembly,  too,  prepared  to  leave  Springfield.  At  10:00  a.m.  the  senators  left  their 
chamber  and  filed  into  the  Hall  of  Representatives  as  their  colleagues  began  singing  the  first 
stanza  of  the  "Star  Spangled  Banner."  They  joined  together  with  a  sense  of  awesome 
accomplishment,  for  in  less  than  two  weeks  of  meetings,  they  had  set  Illinois  on  a  course 
for  war.  Their  legislation  included  the  authorization  of  ten  new  infantry  regiments,  one 
cavalry  regiment,  and  four  companies  of  artillery,  along  with  $3.5  milUon  in  appropriations 
to  estabUsh  a  war  fund  and  to  purchase  gims  and  sabres. 

JS  Lincoln' s  Springfield 

As  the  legislators  adjourned  their  two-week  special  session,  they  mingled  their  voices 
in  the  national  anthem.  Quincy  McNeil,  a  lawyer  from  Rock  Island,  had  begvin  the  song 
with  "power  and  feeling,"  and  the  refrain  was  "immediately  taken  up  by  the  members  and 
bystanders"  of  the  "densely-packed"  room.  Stanza  after  stanza,  the  "loud  voice  of  the 
universal  chorus"  was  said  to  have  been  "heard  at  a  considerable  distance  from  the  capitol." 
A  reporter  from  the  Journal  noted  that  "the  whole  scene  was  at  once  stirring  and  impressive, 
and  strong  men  shed  tears  for  which  they  have  no  reason  to  be  ashamed." 

Hundreds  of  miles  away  from  the  inspiring  chorus,  the  Springfield  Zouaves  were 
boarding  in  their  new  quarters  at  the  Alton  State  Penitentiary.  These  quarters,  however,  were 
not  the  type  of  lodging  they  had  expected.  One  member  of  their  regiment  wrote  that  "with 
men  eager  for  war — whose  hopes  of  martial  glory  ran  so  high — to  be  quartered  in  the  old 
criminal  home,  grated  harshly,  and  they  did  not  enter  those  dark  recesses  with  much  gusto." 
Nonetheless,  they  followed  the  orders  of  Colonel  Cook  and  busied  themselves  marching  to 
the  city  commons  each  day  to  practice  military  maneuvers. 

Back  at  home,  the  citizens  of  Springfield  were  beginning  to  com^plain  about  the  conduct  of 
some  of  the  soldiers  quartered  at  Camp  Yates.  Farmers  hving  in  the  vicinity  of  the  camp  had 
begun  to  notice  that  their  poultry  was  disappearing — probably  to  stealthy  soldiers  who  weren't 
satisfied  with  camp  food.  Other  Springfield  citizens  complained  of  soldiers'  reckless  behavior, 
such  as  one  soldier  who  left  camp  one  evening  and  "swaggo-ed  round  the  town,  brandishing  a 
hatchet,"  threatening  "to  send  every  one  he  met  to  the  'h^jpy  land  of  Cain.'"  Venturing  around 
the  city  square  with  his  weapon,  he  frightaied  "a  good  many  people"  until  a  policeman  finally 
arrested  him.  Two  otho-  soldiCTS  from  Camp  Yates  "got  on  a  bendar"  one  Saturday  evening, 
"hired  two  fast  horses  and  concluded  to  try  their  speed"  on  East  Adams  Street.  Fortunately,  no 
one  wandered  onto  their  racetrack,  though  a  few  nervous  mothers  screamed  for  their  children 


who  were  'Tjasking  on  the  sidewalk,  in  the  evening  sunshine. 

On  June  3  the  thoughts  of  Springfield  citizens  tumed  from  complaints  to  grief.  At  10:00 
A.M.  a  telegraph  dispatch  brought  the  news  that  Senator  Douglas  had  died  in  Chicago  one 
hour  earlier  after  a  short  ilkiess  diagnosed  as  acute  rheumatism.  Soon  after  Springfield 
citizens  learned  the  sad  news,  "the  church  bells  were  tolled,  the  banks,  public  offices,  and 
every  place  of  business,  without  exception,  were  closed,  and  crape  suspended  upon  the 
doorhandles."^^  A  few  days  later,  on  the  day  of  his  funeral,  business  was  again  suspended 
and  "an  unusual  silence  prevailed  on  the  streets,"  broken  only  by  the  tolUng  of  church  bells 

•  72 

and  by  the  booming  of  a  cannon  every  half  hour  from  sunrise  to  sunset. 

The  death  of  Douglas,  however,  did  not  dampen  the  patriotic  fervor  of  Springfield 

citizens,  but  rather  bolstered  their  resolve  to  carry  on  Douglas's  fight  to  preserve  the  Union. 

Independence  Day  was  approaching  and  Springfield  citizens  planned  to  celebrate  it  "with 

tenfold  force.  "^''  The  Journal  explained  that: 

never,  since  the  deep  tones  of  the  old  bell  at  Liberty  Hall  proclaimed  the  glad 
tidings  of  the  birth  of  a  nation,  has  tiiere  been  an  anniversary  of  the  event  so 
important  as  will  be  the  coming  Fourth,  when  the  life  of  the  nation  that  day  bom 
is  now  threatened  by  traitors. 

American  flags  would  be  displayed  in  abundance  on  the  Fourth,  for  as  one  writer  explained: 

"Perh^s  no  single  thought  proved  more  intensely  exciting  than  the  dishonor  of  the  flag It 

1861   Dreams  of  Glory  19 

had  been  honored  on  all  seas,  had  afforded  sanctuary  in  all  lands,  and  now  it  was  insulted 

and  hauled  down  before  home  conspirators! " 

The  morning  of  July  4  was  heralded  in  by  clanging  church  bells  that  awakened  residents 
at  an  early  hour.  The  booming  of  cannons,  too,  commenced  "at  an  inconvenient  hour  of  the 
night"  and  "continued  without  much  intermission  during  the  day,  and  far  into  the  night."  By 
8:00  A.M.  the  city  was  bustling  with  Springfield  citizens  and  with  incoming  wagonloads  of 
"country  cousins,"  aU  who  lined  the  sidewalks  in  anticipation  of  the  mid-moming  parade. 
The  "Star  Spangled  Banner  waved  all  over — [from]  the  flag-  staffs,  from  house  tops,  from 
balconies,  from  carriages  and  horses'  heads,  and  borne  in  the  hands  of  both  citizens  and 

Soon  the  procession  got  underway.  The  Springfield  fire  companies  marched  by, 
"dragging  their  engines  and  hose  carts  splendidly  decked  off  with  flags,  and  flowers  and 
green  leaves."  Several  bands,  companies  of  Masonic  clubs,  and  groups  of  school  children 
marched  in  the  procession,  grinning  as  they  saw  their  audience  of  "fair  faces  and  waving 
handkerchiefs."  But  the  most  popular  entry  in  the  parade  was  a  wagon  decorated  in  red, 
white,  and  blue,  and  "filled  with  young  misses."  The  young  ladies,  also  attired  in  the  colors 
of  the  flag,  surroimded  one  young  miss  in  the  center — the  "Goddess  of  Liberty,"  complete 
with  crown  and  staff.  Acting  as  a  guard  of  honor  for  the  wagon  was  a  fresh  company  of 
Zouaves,  "litde  fellows  from  ten  to  fourteen  years  old,  with  full  Zouave  uniforms,  red  caps 

and  pants,  with  blue  jackets,  and  armed  with  short  carbines,  in  beautiful  order  and  just 

adapted  to  their  size. 

The  celebration  continued  in  the  afternoon  with  patriotic  tunes  sung  by  school  children,  a 

reading  of  the  "Declaration  of  Independence,"  and  a  one-hour  oration.    Later,  at  twilight, 

Springfield  citizens  gathered  in  the  State  House  yard  awaiting  a  display  of  fireworks  that  would 

be  launched  across  the  street  in  fiiont  of  the  Sangamon  County  Courthouse.  The  fireworks  would 

be  more  spectacular  than  usual,  for  overhead  shone  nature's  own  sparkler  in  the  form  of  a  comet 


that  had  ^jpeared  in  the  Springfield  sky  for  die  first  time  on  June  30.     The  Journal  desaibed 
the  beautiful  scene  on  the  Springfield  square  and  in  the  sky  overhead: 

At  night  the  festivities  of  the  day  closed  by  an  extaisive  and  beautiful  display  of 
firewoiks  from  the  front  of  the  Court  House.  Several  thousand  assembled  in  and 
aiotmd  the  square  to  witness  the  exhibition,  which  was  tasteful  and  brilliant;  the 

incessant  explosion  of  rockets  and  Roman  candles  even  paling  the  splendor  of 

the  comet,  which  blazed  in  serene  dignity  overhead. 

The  festivities  of  Independence  Day  had  reinforced  the  intent  of  Springfield  citizens  to 

stand  by  the  effort  to  crush  the  rebeUion.  On  the  afternoon  of  July  4,  Mrs.  Conkling  wrote 

to  her  son  that  "the  day  has  been  celebrated  here,  more  generally  than  for  many  years,"  and 


remarked  that  "we  are  ralying  more  closely  than  ever  roimd  the  Stars  &  Stripes." 

But  three  weeks  later,  with  patriotism  at  its  zenith,  telegraphic  dispatches  brought  news 
that  "fell  with  stunning  effect"  upon  Springfield  citizens.  On  July  23  newspaper  headUnes 
read,  "The  Disgrace  at  Bull  Rim,"  aimouncing  the  defeat  and  retreat  of  Union  troops  on  that 
eastem  battlefield.^^  Though  Springfield  troops  were  on  the  western  front  far  from  BuU 
Run,  the  news  nevertheless  fell  as  a  shock.  For  days  Springfield  citizens  had  been  reading 
newspaper  accotmts  of  General  Irvin  McDowell's  advance  into  Virginia,  and  as  \he  Journal 
noted:   "a  repulse  was  the  last  thing  they  were  looking  for."      Unacquainted  so  far  with 

20  Lincoln' s  Springfield 

major  disasters  in  battle,  Springfield  citizens  were  perplexed  and  frightened,  and  hardly  knew 
what  national  calamities  might  result  from  this  defeat.  The  Journal  described  the  turmoil 
that  prevailed  in  its  own  office: 

Our  city  has  not  been  so  full  of  excitement  since  the  bombardment  of  Sumter. 
As  during  those  memorable  two  days,  crowds  of  men  anxious  for  the  latest  news 
from  the  center  of  interest  besieged  THE  JOURNAL  office,  and  our  editorial 

rxKjms,  and  the  approaches  to  the  office,  were  crowded  to  a  late  hour  last  night 

with  men  who  could  not  sleep  till  they  knew  the  worst. 

The  following  day,  as  more  dispatches  poured  in,  it  became  apparent  tfiat  the  loss  at  Bull  Run 
was  "limited  in  its  extent,  and  productive  of  no  very  serious  or  p>ennanent  evil  results."  As  the 
days  wore  on,  the  disgrace  of  defeat  hardened  into  a  burning  desire  to  avenge  the  defeat,  to  "fight 
like  demons  to  retrieve  the  disgrace."  The  Journal  reckoned  that  "the  hosts  of  the  North  will  now 
pour  down  upon  the  alleys  of  Virginia  in  such  numbers  and  with  a  determination  that  will  brook 
no  resistance."  There  was  no  other  option,  the  editor  claimed,  for  to  allow  the  South  to  split 
from  the  Union  after  their  victory  at  Bull  Run  or  at  any  other  time  would  result  in  consequences 
more  disastrous  than  what  appeared  on  the  surface: 

A  simple  separation  of  one  portion  of  the  country  from  the  other  is  not  all  that  is 
threatened.  The  utter  destruction  of  our  national  life  is  the  result  of  the  success 
of  treason  now.  The  chain  which  binds  one  State  holds  all;  and  when  it  is  once 
broken,  nothing  remains  to  prevent  our  dissolving  into  a  crowd  of  petty  provinces 
and  dependencies,  frittering  away  our  strength  in  mutual  jealousies  and  strife, 
dishaiored  and  despised  by  all  the  nations. 

The  defeat  at  BuU  Rim  had  impressed  upon  the  minds  of  northern  citizens  that  it  would 
take  longer  than  a  few  months  and  more  than  one  battle  to  whip  the  Rebels  and  thereby  hold 
the  Union  together.  Three-month  troops  had  already  begim  reenlisting  for  three  years,  and 
just  one  day  after  the  defeat  at  Bull  Rim,  Congress  approved  legislation  authorizing  President 
Lincoln  to  call  for  five  hundred  thousand  more  troops.  Soon  after,  sixteen  new  regiments 
from  Illinois  were  accepted. 

In  Springfield,  the  Zouaves  had  already  returned  home  for  a  furlough  after  their  three 
months  of  service  and  had  headed  south  again  to  Mound  City,  Illinois,  where  they  were 
mustered  into  three-year  service  on  July  25.   Those  who  decided  not  to  reenlist  or  who 


enlisted  in  other  regiments  had  their  spots  filled  by  other  Springfield  men.     Meanwhile  a 

cavalry  company  of  sixty-seven  Springfield  men  had  been  formed  and  mustered  in  on  July 

17  as  Company  F  of  the  First  Illinois  Cavalry,  making  a  second  three-year  company  entirely 

composed  of  Springfield  men.      Still  other  Springfield  men  who  were  unwilling  to  wait  for 

the  slow  process  of  acceptance  into  the  overfilled  Illinois  ranks,  left  to  wn  in  mid -July  to  join 


the  Eleventh  Missouri  Infantry  Regiment.       By  the  end  of  the  summer,  as  the  War 

Department  began  to  accept  even  more  Illinois  troops,  individuals  and  small  groups  of 

Springfield  men  enlisted  in  various  Illinois  companies  of  infantry,  cavalry,  and  artillery,  until 


after  only  a  few  months  the  city  had  sent  about  four  hundred,  three-year  men  to  war. 

Among  the  Springfield  men  who  enlisted  were  several  who  obtained  high-ranking 
positions.  The  highest-ranking  Springfield  soldier  was  John  A.  McClemand,  a  forty-eight- 


year-old  lawyer  and  congressman,  commissioned  brigadier  general.  Thirty -five-year-old 
John  Cook,  leader  of  the  Springfield  Zouaves,  was  next  in  rank,  retaining  the  rank  of  colonel 

1861   Dreams  of  Glory  21 


over  the  Seventh  Lif antry  for  the  new  three-year  term.  Below  Cook  in  rank  was  Lafayette 
McCrillis,  a  forty-nine-year-old  Springfield  lawyer,  commissioned  lieutenant  colonel  of  the 
Third  Cavalry,       Next  in  line  was  Mason  Brayman,  a  forty-eight-year-old  Springfield 


lawyer,  commissioned  major  of  the  Twenty -Ninth  Illinois  Infantry. 

Dvning  the  remaining  months  of  1861,  Springfield  men  as  well  as  men  throughout  Illinois 

continued  to  oilist  wholeheartedly,  though  reasons  for  enlistment  varied.  The  patriotic  desire  to 

preserve  the  Union  was  perhaps  the  most  noble  of  reasons  to  enhsL     A  soldier  stationed  at  camp 

in  Springfield  demonstrated  his  fervoit  patriotism  in  a  letter  to  a  friend: 

And  I  tell  you  now,  in  all  soberness,  for  you  to  think  of  hereafter  if  a  bullet  should 
ever  catch  me,  that  I  would  a  thousand  times  rather  die  in  the  rush  of  a  battle, 
doing  my  best  for  the  Country  for  which  Father  &  Grandfather  have  fought,  than 
to  live  a  thousand  years  of  health  and  wealth  and  lazy  happines  s  and  see  this  fight 
lost  or  won  without  having  a  hand  in  the  struggle. 

But  other  volunteers,  especially  boys  in  their  teens  and  early  twenties  who  perhaps  had  never 
travelled  far  from  home,  were  intrigued  with  the  idea  of  an  adventure  away  from  the  farm  or 


shop.     Still  others  simply  wanted  a  job,  for  which  a  jjrivate  was  promised  $13  a  month  salary, 


a  bounty  of  $100,  and  aquarter  section  of  land  at  the  close  of  the  war.  Mrs.  Conkling  wrote  to 
her  son  about  an  acquaintance,  Mr.  T.  Yaleman,  who  carried  his  desire  for  a  job  to  the  extreme, 
p)erh^3s  being  most  interested  in  the  prestige  an  office's  appointment  would  bring  him.  Mrs. 
Conkling  explained  that  Yateman  had  attempted  without  success  to  get  President  Lincoln  to  offer 
him  a  position  in  the  northern  army,  and  so,  failing  that,  wait  "South  to  secure  an  appointment 
in  die  Southem  army."  Three  weeks  later  Mrs.  Conkling  reported  that  Yateman  was  unsuccessful 
in  procuring  a  southem  appointment,  and  to  his  horror  "he  was  takoi  for  a  spy  and  treated 


accordingly,  glad  to  get  north  in  the  quickest  possible  way." 

With  the  prospect  of  a  longer  war  at  hand  and  thousands  more  troops  to  train,  it  was 
decided  to  establish  a  larger  camp  "a  sufficient  distance  from  the  city  to  prevent  dissipation 


and  violations  of  discipline,  to  a  great  extent,  among  the  troops. "  So  during  the  first  week 
of  August,  on  a  string  of  hot,  dusty  days  when  the  temperature  reached  102  degrees  in  the 
shade,  troops  began  to  arrive  at  the  new  camp  situated  in  the  woods  six  miles  east  of 
Springfield.  Named  Camp  Butler  in  honor  of  State  Treasurer  WilUam  Butler,  the  site 
covered  an  area  of  about  a  mile  and  a  half  and  included  an  infantry  encampment,  a  cavalry 
encampment,  and  plenty  of  room  for  battaUon-sized  maneuvers. 

Along  with  the  advantage  of  its  good  location.  Camp  Butler  was  ideally  suited  for  the 
comfort  of  the  soldiers.  The  area  for  miles  aroimd  was  shaded  with  groves  of  trees.  One 
soldier  wrote  his  family:   "I  like  it  weU  here.  .  .  .  We  can  go  out  in  the  woods  and  strol  a 


roimd  when  we  aint  on  duty."  In  the  infantry  encampment,  tents  were  perched  along  the 
banks  of  Clear  Lake,  a  spring-fed  pond  one  mile  long  and  one-half  a  mile  wide.  Here, 
between  reveille  and  7  a  J^.  and  between  retreat  and  tattoo  the  soldiers  were  allowed  to  swim. 
Particularly  during  the  evening  the  "surface  of  the  lake  was  studded  with  the  heads  of 
hundreds  of  soldiers,  luxuriating  in  the  balmy  evening  air,  and  enjoying  the  comforts  of  a 



When  Springfield  citizens  learned  that  a  new  camp  had  been  established,  they  soon 
journeyed  out  for  a  visit,  some  making  a  day  of  it  toting  their  picnic  lunches  with  them.  The 
Journal  reported  that  "crowds  of  visitors  are  constantly  coming  and  going,  notwithstanding 

22  Lincoln' s  Springfield 

the  conditions  of  the  roads  is  such  that  every  vehicle  leaves  behind  it  a  stream  of  dust  like 
the  tail  of  a  comet."  On  one  August  afternoon,  Anna  Ridgely  and  her  family  rode  out  to  the 
camp  on  a  road  that  "led  through  shady  woods  almost  all  the  way."  On  the  way  home  they 
"met  and  pas[s]ed  vehicles  of  every  description"  which  prompted  Arma  to  remaric  that  "it 
seemed  so  queer  to  see  so  much  life  in  a  place  usual[l]y  so  quiet." 

Once  curious  visitors  arrived  at  the  camp,  they  discovered  that  it  was  much  like  Camp 
Yates  with  soldiers  scurrying  all  over  the  grounds.  Regiments  constantiy  arrived  and 
departed,  and  the  Quartermaster's  department  was  kept  busy  passing  out  blankets,  spades, 
axes,  and  cooking  utensils.  Squads  of  soldiers  were  being  drilled  on  various  portions  of  the 
grounds,  and  sentries  with  "glittering  bayonets"  were  pacing  back  and  forth.  Occasionally 
a  miUtary  review  featuring  thousands  of  soldiers  simultaneously  performing  their  maneuvers 

1  r^ 

drew  large  crowds  of  Springfield  citizens  including  "many  beautiful  young  ladies." 

As  Camp  Butier  filled  with  thousands  of  soldiers,  business  in  Springfield  increased 
remarkably.  Government  contractors  ordered  bread  and  beef  for  the  soldiers  from  several 
Springfield  merchants.  They  also  scoured  the  streets  and  stables  of  Springfield  buying 
horses  for  the  army.  In  addition,  individual  soldiers  from  the  camp  came  to  town  and 
purchased  extra  garments  that  would  make  them  more  comfortable  on  the  march — particu- 
larly woolen  shirts,  boots,  and  socks.  Noting  the  increased  business,  the  Register  wrote  that 
"business,  if  we  may  judge  from  the  countless  wagons  and  vehicles  of  every  kind  that  are 
crowded  around  the  square,  would  seem  remarkably  brisk." 

The  saloon  business  also  was  experiencing  increased  patronage  from  Camp  Butier, 
though  many  Springfield  citizens  felt  their  city  had  enough  of  its  own  drunks  and  that  it 


certainly  did  not  need  any  extra  ones .  But,  liquor  was  not  allowed  in  the  confines  of  Camp 
Butier,  and  the  six  miles  from  camp  to  town  did  not  hinder  thirsty  soldiers  who  managed  to 


procure  passes  or  escape  for  the  evening.  The  Register  noted  the  result  "At  every  comer, 
in  front  of  or  in  the  vicinity  of  the  multitudinous  grogshops,  thep  [they]  group  together  in 
squads  of  four,  five  and  upwards,  and  interfere  with  and  annoy  quiet  citizens,  whose  business 
summons  them  abroad."  In  one  instance,  a  soldier  was  arrested  for  being  drunk  but  was 
allowed  to  go  free  upon  his  word  that  he  would  return  to  camp;  twelve  hours  later  he  was 
again  found  on  the  streets  guilty  of  the  same  offense.  Another  Camp  Butier  soldier  posed 
as  an  officer  by  making  shoulder  straps  out  of  orange  peels  and  attaching  them  to  his  coat, 
thereby  freely  passing  by  the  sentry  only  to  turn  up  later  in  camp  "roaring  drunk." 

A  Springfield  business  that  was  producing  more  useful  products  for  the  war  was  John 
Lamb's  foundry.  The  foimdry  usually  manufactured  steam  engines,  mill  machinery,  and 
parts  for  railroads,  but  now  workers  were  busUy  making  25,000  musket  and  rifle  bullets 
along  with  425  cannon  balls  a  day.  Most  of  the  150  employees  at  Lamb's  were  young  boys 
and  girls,  some  of  whom  had  been  transferred  from  St.  Louis  where  they  had  been  employed 
in  the  same  business.   The  children  worked  speedily,  making  cartridges,  sewing  flannel 

pouches  for  cannon  cartridges,  casting  grape  and  canister,  and  making  boxes  to  transport  the 

1 12 

While  Springfield  businessmen  and  children  were  producing  supplies  for  the  soldiers, 

the  ladies  of  Springfield,  too,  offered  their  aid  in  the  war  effort.  On  Wednesday,  August  28, 

in  the  basement  of  the  First  Baptist  Church,  the  Springfield  Soldiers'  Aid  Society  was 

organized.  The  meeting  had  been  arranged  by  local  pastors  in  response  to  an  anonymous 

1861   Dreams  of  Glory  23 

appeal  published  in  the  Journal  which  warned  that  "the  cold  weather  will  be  advancing  after 
a  little  time"  and  recommended  that  committees  of  ladies  in  every  city  and  village  be  formed 

1 13 

to  procure  sewing  supplies  and  knit  warm  clothing  for  sick  soldiers.  The  govermnent,  of 
course,  was  furnishing  soldiers  with  some  clothing,  but  the  ladies  felt  that  garments  furnished 
by  large  government  contractors  were  far  less  superior  in  quality  than  homemade  garments. 
Good  home-knit  socks  were  particularly  needed  for  wearisome  marches  and  so,  too,  were 
soldiers'  mittens,  specially  made  with  one  finger  and  a  thumb.  With  these  needs  in  mind, 
the  ladies  of  Springfield's  Soldiers'  Aid  Society  got  underway  by  electing  officers  and 
agreeing  that  the  purpose  of  the  society  would  be  "to  furnish  needed  supplies  for  our  soldiers 
during  the  winter  months." 

As  the  winter  months  approached,  more  than  100  ladies  joined  the  society  and  meetings 
were  held  at  2:00  p.m.  every  Thursday  aftemoon  on  the  second  floor  of  William  Watson's 
confectionery  store  on  the  south  side  of  the  square.  The  society  soUcited  donations  of 
"yam  or  stockings,  flannel,  unbleached  muslin  or  money"  from  Springfield  citizens  and  set 
out  contribution  boxes  in  the  post  office  and  in  the  confectionery  store  downstairs  from  their 
meeting  room.  Once  supplies  were  received  the  ladies  gathered  in  their  meeting  room 
overlooking  the  State  House  square,  chatting  and  catching  up  on  the  latest  news,  while 
sewing  items  such  as  shirts,  socks,  slippers,  sheets,  and  pUlow  cases.  By  the  end  of  the  year 
they  would  sew  and  send  off  boxes  full  of  items,  including  64  feather  cushions  for  woimded 
limbs,  54  sheets,  142  pairs  of  socks,  121  shirts,  and  55  pairs  of  underwear.  Boxes  were  sent 
to  locations  where  Springfield  soldiers  were  stationed — ^to  Camp  Butler,  St.  Louis,  Cape 
Girardeau,  Cairo,  Shawneetown,  and  Moimd  City — ^where  the  items  were  distributed  to  sick 
soldiers  in  the  hospitals. 

While  the  ladies  of  Springfield  were  busily  preparing  garments  for  sick  soldiers,  a  few 
Springfield  soldiers  were  experiencing  their  first  fighting  on  the  battlefield.  On  September 
20  the  First  Illinois  Cavalry,  including  the  sixty-seven  Springfield  men  of  Company  F,  were 
captured  by  Confederates  during  the  siege  of  Lexington,  Missouri.  Fortunately,  the  Spring- 
field prisoners  were  allowed  to  return  home,  but  before  their  captors  released  them,  they 
were  required  to  stand  in  rows,  raise  their  right  hands,  and  swear  not  to  serve  again  during 


the  war.  When  they  returned  to  Springfield  a  week  later  as  the  first  Springfield  company 
to  have  actually  fought  the  Rebels,  they  were  "quite  the  heroes  of  the  day."  The  Journal 
noted  that  "wherever  you  see  a  knot  of  people  gathered  on  the  street  listening  eagerly  to  a 
recital  from  some  rough-looking  man ,  you  may  be  certain  that  a  brave  soldier  is  fighting 


the  siege  over  again  to  an  admiring  audience."  Only  three  Springfield  soldiers  had  been 
woimded  during  the  Lexington  fight.  One,  Heaton  HUl,  a  Springfield  carpenter,  died  fi-om 
his  woimds  in  mid-October,  becoming  the  first  Springfield  soldier  in  an  Dlinois  regiment  to 
die  from  battle  woimds. 

One  month  later,  on  October  21,  fifty -three  Springfield  men  of  the  Thirty- third  and 
Thirty -eighth  infantries  were  engaged  in  a  skirmish  at  Fredricktown,  Missouri.  The  Union 
loss  was  small — only  six  killed  and  sixty  wounded — ^and  none  of  the  casualties  were 


Springfield  men.  Springfield  soldier  Arthur  BaUhache  got  his  first  taste  of  war  at 
Fredricktown  and  wrote  home  to  his  brother  that  "we  had  a  most  beautiful  fight  ...  I  did 

not  kill  any  one It  was  a  sad  sight  and  yet  not  unpleasant  one  to  see  those  infernal  rebels 

lying  on  the  field — kicking  like  a  flock  of  dead  partridges. "      Hearing  about  the  Frederick- 

24  Lincoln' s  Springfield 

town  fight  at  their  camp  in  Fort  Holt,  Kentucky,  the  Springfield  Zouaves  cursed  their  luck 
in  having  just  left  Missouri  before  the  battle.  A  member  of  the  regiment  wrote  to  the  Register: 

.  .  .  many  have  been  the  curses,  both  loud  and  deep,  at  our  ill  luck  in  leaving 
Cape  Girardeau,  and  thus  losing  the  chance  for  which  we  have  been  so  anxiously 

seeking,  that  of  participating  in  a  'free  fight. '  Such  bad  fortune,  the  boys  console 

themselves  by  saying,  cannot  always  last,  and  our  turn  will  come  after  awhile. 

On  November  7,  Spningfield  troops  were  again  involved  in  battle,  this  time  at  Belmont, 
Missouri.  A  total  of  sixteen  Springfield  men  from  General  John  McClemand's  staff,  and 
fi-om  the  Twenty-seventh  and  the  Thirtieth  Illinois  infantries  fought  in  the  battle;  one 


Springfield  man  was  kiUed,  one  wounded,  and  one  reported  missing.       Meanwhile,  a  few 

miles  away  from  the  battlefield,  the  Springfield  Zouaves  again  lost  their  chance  for  a  fight. 

Daniel  Ambrose,  a  private  in  Company  H  of  the  Zouaves'  Seventh  Regiment  wrote  about 

their  nearness  to  the  battle: 

About  two  o'clodc  we  hearfd]  something  that  sounds  very  mudi  like  thimder.  It 
is  the  cannon's  deep,  harsh  tones,  telling  us  that  a  battle  is  raging.  It  is  the  first 
time  such  sounds  have  ever  fallen  upon  our  ears.  We  were  expecting  eveiy 
minute  to  receive  orders  to  move  forward.  There  is  now  a  death-like  silence 
where  the  Seventh  stands. . . .  Remaining  here  until  the  day  is  well  nigh  gone,  a 
messenger  arrives  telling  us  that  Grant  to-day  has  fought  the  great  battle  of 

By  the  end  of  1 86 1 ,  only  two  Springfield  soldiers  fighting  in  Illinois  regiments  had  died 
as  a  result  of  wounds  received  in  battle.  A  few  more  had  died  of  disease  while  on  the  march 


or  in  various  camps  along  the  way.       In  general,  as  of  December  31, 1861,  war  casualties 
had  not  greatly  affected  Springfield  soldiers  or  their  famiUes  back  home. 

As  the  year  drew  to  a  close,  the  Springfield  community  continued  to  support  the  war 
effort — with  patriotic  fervor,  with  more  volimteers,  and  with  labor  to  produce  supplies  for 
the  soldiers.  During  the  past  nine  months  the  city  had  been  transformed  from  a  farming  hub 
to  a  military  rendezvous.  Two  mihtary  camps  had  emerged  in  the  Springfield  vicinity,  one 
with,  at  times,  two-  thirds  the  population  of  Springfield.  The  city  streets  resoujided  with  the 
shrill  whistle  of  fifes  and  the  thump>-thump  of  drums  as  practicing  soldiers  marched  around 
the  square.  Even  the  State  House  had  assumed  a  military  aura  as  soldiers  constantly  visited 
the  Adjutant  General's  office  and  as  legislators  discussed  appropriations  for  the  organization 
of  regiments  and  the  purchase  of  gims.  Indeed,  it  seemed  as  if  Springfield  had  become  one 
vast  military  camp  and  as  if  the  entire  community  had  been  mustered  for  war.  Now,  looking 
ahead  to  a  new  year,  Springfield  citizens  marched  onward,  hoping  that  the  ensuing  year 
would  bring  glorious  Union  victories  and  a  swift  end  to  the  war. 

1862  Rude  Awakening 

As  the  new  year  began,  the  citizens  of  Springfield  did  not  have  to  wait  long  for  good 

news  from  the  battlefield.    On  February  6,  Union  gunboats  destroyed  Fort  Henry,  a 

Confederate  fort  in  Tennessee.     When  the  victory  dispatch  arrived  in  Springfield  the 

following  day,  "the  news  immediately  spread  through  town  and  the  utmost  excitement  over 

the  victory  prevailed."  The  excitement,  however,  was  tempered  by  anxiety  as  "all  manner 

of  rumors  were  started  on  the  street"  about  Springfield  troops  who  were  under  General 

Ulysses  Grant's  command  in  the  Fort  Henry  vicinity.  But  eventually  the  rumors  subsided 

as  it  was  learned  that  Grant's  troops  had  not  been  directly  involved  in  the  battle.  Finally  that 

evening,  cannons  hailed  the  victory,  firing  a  salute  at  midnight  while  restless  citizens  stUl 

lingered  on  the  streets  discussing  the  details  of  the  battle. 

In  the  days  that  followed,  Springfield  citizens  anxiously  watched  the  newspapers  as  it 

became  evident  that  Grant's  troops,  including  many  Springfield  soldiers,  were  involved  in 

a  battle  at  Fort  Donelson,  Teimessee.    On  February  17  at  10:00  a.m.,  a  dispatch  announcmg 

the  outcome  of  the  battle  arrived  in  Springfield  and  was  immediately  carried  to  officials  at 

the  State  House.  Its  message  was  stated  in  only  a  few  words: 

CAIRO,  February  17 

GOVERNOR  YATES— Fort  Donelson  is  ours.  I  am  now  firing  the  salute. 

Colonel  29th  Regiment 

Within  minutes  the  good  news  spread  from  the  State  House  to  the  rest  of  the  commimity 
and  "such  hurrahing  and  cheering  as  swept  along  the  streets  were  never  before  heard  in  this 
city."    Busily  penning  the  latest  news  in  the  Journal  office,  an  enthusiastic  editor  wrote: 
A  more  splendid  viaory  than  that  achieved  in  the  capture  of  Fort  Donelson,  has 
not  occurred  in  the  annuls  of  the  war.  We  cannot  but  regard  it  as  the  decisive 
battle  of  the  rebellion,  and,  in  its  results  and  consequences,  breaking  the  back 
bone  of  the  rebel  cause. 

Farmer  John  Young  scrawled  the  good  news  in  his  diary: 

Our  troops  has  taken  fort  Donnelson  in  Tennessee  after  a  desperate  fight  The 
news  of  this  victory  is  flying  with  Ughtening  speed  over  the  land  and  the  people 
of  the  north  is  wild  with  joy  and  excitement . . .  This  battle  has  been  fought  and 
won  by  western  volunteers  a  large  majority  of  whom  are  Illinoisans  lead  by 
Illinois  officers  and  every  loyal  citizen  of  our  state  feels  a  commendable  pride  in 


the  result. 
On  the  streets  of  Springfield,  the  townspeople  began  a  spontaneous  celebration  that 
spread  like  a  wildfire.  Thousands  of  residents  crowded  onto  the  streets  and  around  the 
newspapers'  bulletin  boards,  shaking  hands  and  congratulating  each  other.  Men  "tossed 
themselves  into  the  streets  with  a  liberal  disregard  of  limit  and  person — children  screamed 
loud  and  passionately — smothers,  fathers,  brothers  and  sisters,  participated  in  the  universal 

26  Lincoln' s  Springfield 

jubilee."  Rags  were  hoisted  up  onto  their  poles  while  bells  at  the  churches  and  the  fire  houses 
were  set  to  clanging  all  over  the  city.  Pistols,  shotguns,  and  cannons  were  fired  repeatedly, 
and  "rockets  were  shot  off  in  open  daylight  from  the  south  side  of  the  square."  In  the 
afternoon,  as  more  dispatches  confirmed  the  victory,  a  company  of  artillery  with  a  battery 
of  six  cannons  positioned  in  different  sections  of  the  city,  "commenced  a  most  rapid 


cannonading,  and  fired  the  grandest  salute  ever  witnessed  in  the  State." 

As  the  evening  setded  in,  the  celebration  continued  while  bonfires  were  built  around  the 
square  to  warm  the  frigid  February  air.  Soon  townspeople  began  streaming  past  the  bonfires 
into  the  S  tate  House  for  a  7 :  30  p.m.  mass  meeting,  called  earUer  that  afternoon  for  the  purpose 
of  congratulating  the  country  and  thanking  Illinois  troops  for  their  part  in  the  victory.  Both 
the  "beauty  and  [the]  intelligence  of  the  city"  crowded  the  main  floor  and  the  gallery  of  the 
Representatives'  hall  while  an  even  greater  crowd  waited  outside,  imable  to  squeeze  inside. 
As  the  meeting  began,  speeches  "of  the  most  enthusiastic  character"  were  made  by  various 
statesmen,  and  an  early  account  of  the  battle  from  a  Cairo  newspaper  was  read.  A  dispatch 
from  Governor  Yates,  who  was  on  his  way  to  the  batdefield,  was  also  read: 

Am  on  my  way,  with  Auditor  Dubois,  Secretary  Hatch  and  General  Wood,  to 
Fort  Donelson.  Many  sad  hearts  to-day,  but  a  glorious  victory.  People  by 
thousands  on  the  road  and  at  the  stations,  with  flags,  and  shouting  with  joy.  Thank 
God,  our  Union  is  safe  now  and  forever.  Send  surgeons,  friends  and  clothing  for 
the  wounded. 

Finally,  the  meeting  drew  to  a  close  with  the  adoption  of  congratulatory  resolutions, 
including  one  that  expressed  the  hopefuhiess  of  the  day,  congratulating  "the  coimtry  on  the 
inamediate  prospect  of  the  complete  overthrow  of  the  unholy  rebeUion." 

At  the  same  time  that  Springfield  citizens  were  cheering  at  the  State  House,  the  darker 
side  of  the  victory  was  about  to  be  revealed  only  a  few  blocks  away.  At  the  Chicago  and 
Alton  depot  a  train  pulled  in,  bearing  precious  cargo  from  Fort  Donelson.  With  care,  soldiers 
tmloaded  the  body  of  twenty-five-year-old  Springfield  Zouave,  Noah  Mendell,  shot  through 
the  head  by  shrapnel  from  a  Confederate  cannon.  To  the  citizens  of  Springfield,  Mendell  s 
death  was  perplexing,  for  he  was  thought  to  have  been  physically  imfit  for  battle.  News  had 
come  a  few  days  earUer  notifying  friends  and  relatives  about  an  imfortunate  accident  while 
Mendell  was  sleeping  in  the  woods  with  his  company,  a  tree  had  crashed  down  up>on  him, 
hitting  him  "near  the  kidneys"  and  rendering  him  unable  to  walk.  But  perplexed  Spring- 
field residents  soon  learned  that  while  surgeons  did  indeed  forbid  Mendell  to  leave  the  camp 
hospital,  he  refused  to  miss  the  Zouaves'  long-awaited  first  fight,  and  discarding  his  crutch, 
he  left  the  hospital  and  limped  beside  the  company  with  his  sword  belt  buckled  behind  his 
neck  until  a  "whizzing  grape"  came  "crashing  through  the  woods"  and  singled  him  out. 

A  few  days  after  Captain  Mendell's  corpse  was  delivered  to  Springfield,  the  body  of 
another  Springfield  soldier,  twenty-three-year-old  Marshall  Mclntyre,  arrived  by  train.  The 
body  was  escorted  to  the  home  of  his  father  by  a  troop  of  firemen — companions  from  a  fire 
company  Mclntyre  had  belonged  to — and  by  Springfield's  German  Union  Silver  Band. 
Mclntyre's  death  was  particularly  distressing  to  Springfield  citizens,  for  he  had  been  shot 
by  mistake  when  Kentucky  troops  who  had  been  ordered  to  support  Mclntyre's  regiment 
instead  became  confused  and  fired  on  them. 

1862  Rude  Awakening  27 

On  February  21,  the  city  of  Springfield  held  a  joint  fimeral  for  Mendell  and  Mclntyre. 
Hundreds  of  mourners,  eachnewly  awakening  to  theharshreality  of  war,  lined  the  sidewalks 
to  watch  the  solemn  cortege.  Stepping  off  at  2:00  p.m.,  the  funeral  procession  was  composed 
of  the  Springfield  fire  companies,  the  German  Union  Silver  Band,  a  platoon  of  soldiers,  and 
a  "nimierous  body  of  citizens."  AH  eyes  were  fastened  on  the  two  hearses,  especially 
Mclntyre's  hearse  which  was  "drawn  by  a  span  of  snow-white  horses,  and  overhung  by  six 
beautiful  white  plumes."  The  somber  train  of  mourners  advanced  slowly  along  the  streets, 
threading  between  sidewalks  that  "were  lined  with  weeping  crowds."  At  the  Second 
Presbyterian  Church  the  cortege  halted  and  a  funeral  service  was  performed  by  two  pastors 
in  the  midst  of  a  densely  crowded  church,  "the  greater  portion  of  the  audience  being  ladies." 
After  the  ceremony,  the  procession  moved  to  Oak  Ridge  Cemetery,  where  there  was  a 
"solemn  and  impressive"  service  at  the  graves. 

Noah  Mendell  and  Marshall  Mclntyre,  however,  were  not  the  only  Springfield  casualties 
at  Fort  Donelson.  About  120  Springfield  soldiers  had  fought  at  Donelson,  and  Springfield 

citizens  were  fearfuUy  watching  the  newspapers  for  the  casualty  lists.      The  long  lists  of 

dead  and  wounded  Illinois  troops  began  appearing  in  the  papers  on  February  21,  five  days 

after  the  battle  had  ended.  The  Journal  wrote:  "Thousands  and  thousands  all  over  the  State 

are  watching  these  Usts  with  anxious  and  mournful  interest"   Day  after  day,  Springfield 

citizens  peered  at  the  small  typeface,  so  small  that  one  column  of  casualties  Usted  hundreds 

of  soldiers'  names.  As  the  names  continued  to  pour  in,  from  one-fourth  to  four  full  colimms 

of  casualties  appeared  daily.  Making  the  task  even  more  painful,  officials  submitted  the  lists 

by  hospital  rather  than  by  regiment  so  that  a  reader  had  to  breathlessly  search  through 

hundreds  of  names  before  finding — or  happily,  not  finding — the  name  of  a  loved  one. 

Among  the  Springfield  soldiers  fighting  at  Fort  Donelson,  at  least  five  had  been  killed, 

including  Noah  Mendell  and  Ole  Porter  of  the  Springfield  Zouaves;  Marshall  Mclntyre  and 

John  Parker  of  the  Twenty-ninth  Infantry  Regiment;  and  Aaron  Troxel  of  the  Forty-first 

Infantry  Regiment.^^  Escjming  with  sUghtly  greater  fortune,  William  Boring  of  the  Spring- 


field  Zouaves  became  one  of  the  first  Springfield  soldiers  to  have  his  leg  amputated.  Other 
Springfield  soldiers  suffered  from  pneumonia  contracted  at  Fort  Donelson,  for  during  the 
night  of  February  13,  a  blizzard  with  fiigid  ten-degree  winds  and  an  icy  drizzle  had  battered 
soldiers  who  had  no  blankets  or  campfires  to  keep  them  warm.  Springfield  soldier  Robert 
Riley  succumbed  to  pneumonia  two  weeks  after  the  battle,  leaving  behind  him  a  wife  and 
two  children.'^^  Both  Colonel  John  Cook  and  Lieutenant  Colonel  Andrew  Babcock  of  the 
Zouaves'  Seventh  Regiment  became  sick  from  exposure  at  Fort  Donelson  and  were  obliged 
to  leave  their  posts  and  come  home  to  recover  in  Springfield.  Altogether,  at  least  six 
Springfield  soldiers  died  and  an  undetermined  number  suffered  fi^om  injuries  and  sickness 
resulting  fi-om  their  participation  at  Fort  Donelson. 

The  reports  of  deaths  and  injuries  at  Fort  Donelson  prompted  an  immediate  desire  among 
Springfield  citizens  to  do  what  they  could  to  alleviate  the  suffering.  On  February  17,  the 
same  day  that  Springfield  citizens  had  learned  of  the  victory,  the  Soldiers '  Aid  Society,  along 
with  a  group  of  gentlemen  who  volunteered  their  help,  labored  throughout  the  night  making 
bandages.  Where  previously  the  society  had  met  only  once  a  week,  they  now  met  every  day 
to  make  bandages,  pillows,  and  sheets  to  be  boxed  up  and  sent  to  the  hospitals  in  Cairo  and 
Paducah,  In  order  to  earn  more  money  for  supplies,  they  organized  concerts  and  skits  and 

28  Lincoln' s  Springfield 

then  performed  them  with  the  help  of  other  local  participants.  On  the  evening  of  March  24 
in  Cook's  Hall,  a  large  audience  gathered  to  watch  the  society  perform  skits  such  as,  "Arrest 
of  She-cessionist,"  "Dese  colors  won't  Fade,  Massa,"  and  "Hospital  Scene."  As  the  money 
for  supplies  flowed  in,  each  night  from  the  streets  on  the  square  passing  citizens  could  gaze 
upwards  at  the  illuminated  windows  of  Watson's  store  and  know  that  inside  there  was  "a 
room  full  of  pretty  ladies,  working  sUppers  for  our  maimed  soldiers." 

Those  Springfield  citizens  who  were  not  content  to  stay  home  and  make  provisions  for 
the  sick  soldiers  headed  for  the  hospitals  near  the  battlefield.  Li  addition  to  Governor  Yates 
and  some  of  his  staff,  the  Journal  noted  that  a  train  left  Springfield  on  February  18  with 
surgeons,  nurses,  and  "a  number  of  ladies,  who  patriotically  offered  their  services  as 
ministering  angels  of  mercy  to  our  maimed  and  dying  soldiers,  in  the  hospitals  of  Cairo  and 
Paducah."  Susan  Cook,  the  wife  of  the  Zouaves'  Colonel  John  Cook,  distinguished  herself 
by  tirelessly  nursing  many  of  the  wounded,  and  hence  came  back  from  the  hospitals  a  heroine. 
After  learning  that  Mrs.  Cook  had  returned  to  Springfield,  Mrs.  Conkling  excitedly  wrote 
to  her  son:  "Mrs.  Cook  returned  last  night  from  NashviUe,  I  want  to  see  her!  . .  .  loud  are 
the  praises  in  her  favor  from  many  a  grateful  heart  for  her  constant,  and  untiring  care  of  the 
wounded  and  dying  after  that  terrible  batde."  Other  less  fortunate  Springfield  residents  set 
out  for  the  battlefield  with  the  morbid  task  of  disintering  deceased  friends  or  relatives  from 
hastily  dug  graves  on  the  battlefield.  These  folks  were  advised  to  bring  metallic  cases  with 
them,  "as  the  dead  were  buried  without  coffins." 

Less  than  one  week  after  the  news  of  victory  reached  Springfield,  the  reality  of  the  war 
was  again  brought  home  to  the  community  as  five  hundred  Confederate  prisoners  captured 
at  Fort  Donelson  passed  through  town  on  their  way  to  Chicago,  where  they  would  be 
imprisoned  at  Camp  Douglas.  Springfield  citizens  were  particularly  interested  in  seeing 
these  prisoners,  for  they  had  learned  that  Camp  Butler  would  receive  its  own  contingent  of 
prisoners  within  a  few  days.  So,  on  Thursday  evening,  February  20,  a  large  crowd  of 
Springfield  citizens  gathered  at  the  Chicago  and  Alton  depot  to  catch  a  glimpse  of  the 
Chicago-bound  prisoners. 

As  the  train  halted,  the  two  curious  groups,  onlookers  and  prisoners,  stared  at  one 

another.    For  the  people  of  Springfield,  it  was  a  peculiar  phenomenon  to  see  fellow 

countrymen  of  the  same  race  and  same  language  peering  back  at  them — in  bonds.   One 

prisoner  among  the  group,  Mrs.  Conkling  noticed,  was  her  son  Clinton's  former  French 

teacher,  a  man  about  whom  Clinton  later  remarked,  "must  have  felt  rather  peculiar  as  he 

passed  through  Springfield  as  a  prisoner  of  war. "     Eventually,  a  friendly  banter  developed 

between  the  two  groups  as  they  studied  each  other.  One  prisoner,  tattered  and  dirty  like  the 

rest  of  his  comrades,  remarked  that  "it  had  been  a  long  time  since  they  had  seen  people  so 

well  dressed,  and  asked  if  it  was  Sunday  up  'north  here.' "      Several  jokes  passed  between 


the  two  groups  before  the  train  finally  pulled  out  of  Springfield. 

Two  days  later,  on  Saturday  morning,  February  22,  two  thousand  Confederate  prisoners 
arrived  at  Camp  Buder.  Their  arrival  attracted  a  "good  many  visitors  to  the  camp,"  though 
orders  were  strict  regarding  who  could  speak  to  the  prisoners,  with  even  the  guards  forbidden 
to  converse  with  them.  But  those  who  were  able  to  catch  a  glimpse  of  them  were  struck  by 
their  ragged  condition.  Each  prisoner  had  on  his  own  version  of  homespun  uniform  and 
worn-out  hat,  all  made  from  different  patterns.  Some  carried  yellow,  brown,  gray  or  white 

1862  Rude  Awakening  29 


blankets  while  others  had  only  fragments  of  carpets  to  keep  them  waim.      One  of  the 

prisoners'  guards  described  them  in  a  letter  to  his  family: 

yo  had  out  to  see  the  Whelps[.]  it  would  be  worth  a  small  farm  to  you  all[.]  they 
are  the  forsakenest  looking  Whelps  that  the  lord  ever  let  exist  as  men[.]  they  are 
drest  in  aU  colors  &  aU  fashions  [.]  it  is  hard  to  distinguish  an  officer  from  a 

The  prisoners  not  only  looked  bedraggled,  but  many  of  them  were  on  the  verge  of  death. 
As  a  result  of  exposure  during  the  blizzard  at  Fort  Donelson,  many  had  developed  pneumonia 


and  now  they  began  to  die  at  the  rate  of  at  least  three  or  four  a  day.  Day  after  day  coffins 
had  to  be  hauled  out  to  the  camp  or  specially  buUt  by  a  carpenter  at  the  camp.  By  the  end 
of  March,  148  freshly  dug  graves  had  been  filled  with  Confederate  prisoners. 

Hearing  continual  reports  about  the  prisoners'  sickness,  Springfield  citizens  empathized 
with  them,  even  Journal  editors  who  were  so  fond  of  blasting  the  Rebels  with  scathing 
insults.  The  Journal  condescended  to  a  generous  attitude,  advising  "let  us  kill  with  kindness 


what  we  did  not  kill  with  bullets."  But  the  plight  of  the  prisoners  tugged  hardest  at  the 
heartstrings  of  Springfield's  women.  About  a  month  after  the  prisoners  arrived,  a  group  of 
six  ladies  representing  the  Soldiers'  Aid  Society  went  out  to  the  camp  to  visit  the  prisoners. 
Among  them  was  Mrs.  Conkling,  who  described  the  visit  in  a  letter  to  her  son: 

I  spent  a  day  last  week  with  five  other  ladies  at  Camp  Butler.  And  it  was  a  day 
full  of  interest  I  assure  you.  It  made  my  heart  ach  to  see,  and  converse  with  those 
unfortunate  prisoners.  A  large  number  of  them  are  sick,  and  many  have  died[.] 
. . .  Most  that  I  conversed  with  are  from  the  raral  districts  of  Tennessee,  Kenmcky, 
Alabama,  many  of  them  very  intelligent,  and  agreeable  ready  to  converse,  and 
communicate  their  feelings.  And  it  is  very  deeply  affecting  to  hsten  to  their 
simple  story  of  the  rebel  cause,  the  suffering  they  have  endured  and  the  tyrarmy 
of  their  leaders,  whom  they  do  not  hesitate  to  denounce  in  the  most  bitter  terms. 
Many  will  tell  you  no  punishment  is  too  severe  for  the  leaders  of  this  rebehon. 
Most  of  them  are  penitent  Though  others  are  rebellious.  And  willing  to  fight  if 
they  have  the  opportunity  against  the  union.  It  is  sad  to  see  so  many  youths  among 
them,  some  not  fifteen. 

As  the  weeks  passed  by,  the  attitude  of  sympathy  for  the  prisoners  began  to  wane.  Fort 
Donelson  had  not  been  the  battle  to  end  the  war  after  all,  and  the  novelty  of  dying  prisoners 
had  worn  off.  A  few  of  the  prisoners  had  grown  cocky,  further  lowering  their  captors' 
opinions  of  them,  and  several  had  managed  to  escape.  Sensing  the  change  in  attitude,  James 
Conkling,  husband  of  Mercy  Conkling  and  a  prominent  Springfield  Republican  and  accom- 
plished  lawyer,  wrote  a  letter  to  his  son  advising  him  to  destroy  his  mother's  sympathetic 
letter  about  the  prisoners,  lest  it  fall  into  the  wrong  hands  and  its  natural  compassion  be 
mistaken  for  treason.  By  March  3 1 ,  the  Journal  had  drastically  hardened  its  attitude  towards 
the  prisoners,  calling  them  "rampant,  braggart  rebels"  and  suggesting:  "Let  us  hear  no  more 


about  kindly  treatment,  etc.,  etc.  Tis  time  we  were  tired  of  throwing  pearls  before  swine." 

In  early  April  Springfield  citizens  turned  their  thoughts  from  the  prisoners  to  reports  of 
another  major  battie.  On  the  aftemoon  of  April  9  came  the  news  that  Illinois  troops  had 
participated  in  defeating  the  Confederates  near  a  tiny  country  church  named  Shiloh  Church 


at  Pittsburg  Landing,  Tennessee.  Again  the  city  went  "wild  with  excitement  and  citizens 
clamored  arotmd  the  newspaper  offices  waiting  for  the  latest  dispatches.  Mrs.  Conkling 

30  Lincoln' s  Springfield 

proudly  remarked:  "Perhaps  the  East,  will  yet  be  indebted  to  the  West  for  a  termination  of 
this  wicked  rebellion.' 

But  the  battle  at  Shiloh  had  been  won  with  a  terrible  cost  in  lives,  and  many  Springfield 
soldiers  including  the  Zouaves  were  feared  dead.  Day  after  day,  Springfield  citizens 
waited  for  the  dreadful  Usts.  On  April  12,  while  citizens  were  yet  waiting,  the  Journal 
published  a  nine-stanza  poem,  the  first  stanza  of  which  portrayed  the  dreaded  task  of  reading 
the  lists  once  they  finally  arrived: 

"List  of  the  Killed" 
Mothers  who  sit  in  dumb  terror  and  dread. 
Holding  that  terrible  list. 
Fearing  to  look  lest  you  see  'mid  the  dead 
The  name  of  the  boy  you  have  kissed 

On  April  16,  nine  days  after  the  battle  had  ended,  a  Ust  of  casualties  in  the  Zouaves' 
Seventh  Regiment  finally  appeared  in  the  Journal,  naming  three  Springfield  men  out  of  the 
regiment  who  had  been  killed  and  at  least  twelve  who  had  been  wounded,  with  injuries  such 
as  "slightly  in  head"  or  "severely  in  thigh"  or  "sUghtly  in  face. "  A  few  days  later,  a  casualty 
Ust  of  Illinois  regiments — longer  than  Springfield  citizens  had  ever  seen — appeared  in  the 
newspapers,  with  the  tiny  printed  names  covering  almost  a  full  page  of  the  four-page 
newspapers.  As  they  p>oured  over  the  names,  Springfield  citizens  found  that  two  more 
Springfield  soldiers  had  been  killed  and  eighteen  had  been  woimded.  Added  to  the 
Springfield  casualties  in  the  Zouaves'  Seventh  Regiment,  Shiloh  had  claimed  the  lives  of  at 
least  five  Springfield  men  and  had  left  at  least  thirty  woimded,  two  of  whom  would  soon  die 
from  their  wounds.''^  In  Springfield,  a  community  of  only  ten  thousand  residents,  almost 
everyone  knew  someone  on  the  list  or  was  at  least  acquainted  with  a  stricken  family  member. 
Mrs.  Conkling  lamented,  "Many  are  the  hearts  in  this  place, . . .  that  are  already  bleeding  in 

The  citizens  of  Springfield  again  did  what  they  could  to  alleviate  the  suffering  of 
wounded  soldiers.  Governor  Yates  and  his  staff,  along  with  a  "large  niunber  of  citizens," 
doctors  and  nurses  once  ag  ain  left  for  the  battlefield.  The  ladies  of  the  Soldiers '  Aid  S  ociety 
worked  day  and  night  sewing  garments  for  sick  soldiers.  The  society  also  solicited  donations 
from  all  Springfield  citizens,  especially  putting  forth  a  "loud  call"  for  "partly  worn"  cotton 
drawers,  claiming  they  "are  much  better  adapted  to  the  wants  of  the  sufferers  on  sick  beds" 
than  their  newer,  more  irritating  counterparts.  Meanwhile,  a  reminder  of  the  suffering  at 
Shiloh  appeared  in  Eliphalet  B.  Hawley's  dry  goods  store.  Here,  where  all  could  view  it, 
the  flag  of  the  Seventh  Illinois  Infantry,  recently  returned  from  Shiloh,  was  proudly  displayed 
with  ten  bullet  holes  and  one  bomb  shell  hole  torn  through  its  folds. 

Soon  after  the  victory  at  Sluloh,  Springfield  citizens  focused  their  attention  on  the  Army 
of  the  Potomac  as  General  George  McClellan  led  a  large  force  towards  Richmond,  Virginia. 
The  Register  wrote  of  the  suspense:  "The  news  from  near  Richmond  completely  absorbs 
the  public  mind.  Nothing  else  is  talked  of  or  seems  to  be  thought  of — the  impression  being 
that  the  finale  of  the  rebeUion  will  be  found  in  the  confederate  capital.'  Finally,  on  the 
afternoon  of  July  2,  the  good  news  came.  McClellan's  army  had  captured  the  Confederate 
capital!  Though  confirmation  of  the  victory  was  still  forthcoming,  Springfield  citizens  were 
satisfied  that  the  dispatches  bore  the  truth,  and  they  began  to  celebrate. 

1862  Rude  Awakening  31 

Mrs.  Conkling  was  sitting  in  her  home  writing  a  letter  to  her  son  when  the  noisy 
celebration  commenced.  She  wrote: 

And  even  now  I  do  not  know  how  I  can  compose  myself  to  write.  Just  as  I  was 
taken  out  my  portfolio  to  pen  a  few  lines,  a  cannon  was  fired,  and  now  every  beU 
in  town  is  ringmg  to  its  utmost  capacity.  And  being  close  to  two  bells,  I  am  neariy 
beside  myself.  The  news  having  just  been  received  of  the  fall  of  Richmond. 

The  word  of  the  victory  spread  quickly  through  town,  and  the  square  became  "densely 
thronged  with  men,  women  and  children"  as  they  rejoiced  over  the  glorious  news.  Everyone 
was  "wild  with  joy"  and  "making  all  the  noise  they  could"  while  "congratulations  passed 
from  hand  to  hand."  Meanwhile  cannon  blasts  shook  the  air  as  artillery  men  saluted  the 
victorious  army,  and  church  bells  all  over  the  city  were  rung  in  unison  for  an  hour.  In  the 
evening,  residents  joined  in  an  impromptu  torchUght  procession,  parading  the  streets  while 
others  stood  watching  on  the  sidewalks.  Still  others  shot  off  fireworks  and  buUt  bonfires. 

"In  a  word,"  the  Register  wrote,  "wild  enthusiasm  ruled  the  hotir,  even  as  far  as  the  third 

night  watch." 

But  the  next  morning  the  community  awoke  to  learn  that  yesterday's  celebration  was 

for  naught  The  dispatches  had  merely  been  rumors;  Richmond  was  stiU  in  the  hands  of  the 

Rebels.   The  Register  wrote:    "A  natural  revulsion  of  feeling  has  succeeded  the  happy 

emotions  of  yesterday."     Mrs.  Conkling  wrote  of  the  disapp>ointment: 

But  imagine!  The  chagrin!  The  almost  unsupportable  disappointmoit,  to  learn 
about  nine  o'clock,  that  we  had  been  hoaxed.  The  gloom  that  succeeded  was 
more  than  equal  to  the  joy.  And  we  all  have  been  taught  not  to  be  in  such  haste 
again.  We  hme  however  we  will  have  occasion  to  rejoice  over  the  fall  of 
Richmond  yet! 

Soon,  it  became  apparent  that  General  McClellan's  campaign  to  capture  Richmond  was 
doomed  to  failure.  In  order  to  reinforce  the  struggling  Union  army,  which  was  dwindling 
due  to  sickness  and  casualties.  President  Lincoln  in  July  and  August  called  for  a  total  of  six 
hundred  thousand  fresh  volimteers.  In  Illinois,  Governor  Yates  responded  with  a  fiery 
determination  that  spread  throughout  the  communities  of  the  state.  On  July  1 1  in  a  widely 
publicized  letter  to  President  Lincoln  he  urged  Lincoln  to  unleash  all  the  nation's  resources 
on  the  Rebels: 

President  Lincoln: 

The  crisis  of  the  war  and  oiu-  national  existence  is  upon  us.  The  time  has 
come  for  the  adoption  of  more  decisive  measures.  Greater  animus  and  earnest- 
ness must  be  infused  into  our  military  movements.  Blows  must  be  struck  at  the 
vital  part  of  the  rebellion.  The  Government  should  employ  eveiy  available  means 
compatible  with  the  rules  of  warfare  to  subject  the  traitors.  Summon  to  the 
standard  of  the  Rqjublic  aU  willing  to  fight  for  the  Union.  .  .  .  Mild  and 
conciliatory  means  have  been  tried  in  vain  to  recall  the  rebels  to  their  allegiance. 
The  conservative  policy  has  utterly  failed  to  reduce  traitors  to  obedience  and  to 
restore  the  supremacy  of  the  laws. .  .  .  Mr.  Lincoln,  the  crisis  demands  greater 
efforts  and  sterner  measures.  Proclaim  anew  the  good  old  motto  of  the  Republic, 
"Liberty  and  Union,  now  and  forever,  one  and  inseperable,"  and  accept  the 
services  of  all  loyal  men,  and  it  will  be  in  your  power  to  stamp  armies  of  the 

32  Lincoln' s  Springfield 

earth — irresistible  armies — that  will  bear  banners  to  certain  victory.  In  any 
event,  it  [Illinois]  is  already  alive  with  beat  of  drum,  resounding  with  the  tread 
of  new  recruits,  which  will  respond  to  your  call.  Adopt  this  policy  and  she  will 
leap  like  a  flaming  giant  into  the  fight. . . . 

Governor  of  Illinois 

Governor  Yates's  enthusiasm  caught  on.  A  fresh  hope  invigorated  the  i>eople  of 
Springfield  and  of  all  Illinois — the  hope  that  a  newly  reinforced  Union  army  might  sweep 
down  upon  the  Rebels  and  swiftly  overwhelm  them  with  a  crushing  blow.  The  Register 

Everybody  is  for  fight.  All  are  united  in  a  disposition  to  pile  on  the  blows — heavy 

and  without  intermission,  tUl  the  enemy  is  subdued.  .  .  .  With  'volunteers,*  if 

possible,  and  'with  drafted  men,'  if  necessary,  the  war  will  be  shortened. 

Instead  of  "depression  and  despondency,"  the  Journal  wrote,  the  calls  for  volimteers 

has  given  rise  to  enthusiasm  and  confidence.  TTie  manifestation  on  the  part  of 

the  Government  of  a  determination  to  crush  the  rebellion,  and  that  right  speedily, 

is  more  than  equal  to  the  announcement  of  a  success  before  Richmond,  or  the 

taking  of  Vicksburg. 

From  Washington,  D.C.  came  the  president's  exclamation  that  "'we  are  done  throwing  grass 
at  the  rebels'"  and  his  proposal  that  we  commence  throwing  stones  instead.  A  vigorous, 
bloody  campaign  was  now  expected,  one  that  would  abandon  the  "tender  footed  poHcy  in 
vogue"  and  result  in  a  speedy  termination  of  the  war. 

Lincoln's  calls  for  troops  electrified  the  townsp>eople  in  every  Illinois  commimity. 
Farmer  John  Yoimg  wrote:  "There  is  scarcely  anything  thought  or  talked  of  but  the  war. 
Our  state  is  one  vast  recruiting  camp  and  it  looks  as  if  nearly  every  able  bodied  man  in  some 
sections  of  our  coimtry  wiU  go  into  the  army."  Springfield  attorney  Eugene  Gross  wrote  of 
the  excitement  to  a  friend:  "The  whole  city  &  cotmty  and  indeed  the  whole  state  has  been 
ablaze  with  excitement."  "Everybody,"  wrote  \he  Journal,  "is  btrming  with  the  warfever." 

Everybody,  however,  was  not  willing  to  leave  home  and  family  to  join  in  the  onslaught 
against  the  Rebels,  for  many  would-be  soldiers  had  no  means  of  supporting  their  families  in 
their  absence.  In  order  to  help  convince  these  reluctant  men  to  enUst,  government  officials 
suppUed  the  added  incentive  of  an  immediate  bundle  of  cash  to  be  given  to  each  volimteer. 
In  August  of  1862,  a  Sangamon  Cotmty  man  volimteering  for  a  three -year  term  as  a  private 
would  receive  a  twenty-five  dollar  federal  bounty,  a  two  dollar  federal  premitmi,  one  month '  s 
advance  pay  of  thirteen  dollars,  and  a  Sangamon  Cotmty  bounty  of  twenty-five  dollars, 
adding  up  to  a  good  stmt  for  a  bachelor  to  pocket  or  a  tidy  amoimt  to  sustain  a  married  man's 
family  for  a  few  months.  The  Journal  remarked  that  "if  the  war  should  end  before 
Christmas,  the  men  who  now  enlist  would  make  a  good  thing,  and  most  of  them  would  earn 
far  better  wages  than  they  could  get  at  home." 

Other  Springfield  men  would  enlist  simply  to  avoid  the  "disgrace  of  being  drafted,"  for 
in  late  August  an  enrollment  of  all  able-bodied  men  between  the  ages  of  eighteen  and 
forty-five  was  being  made  in  the  event  that  a  draft  would  become  necessary  to  fill  Illinois 
quotas.  No  man  wished  to  be  drafted;  the  word  bore  the  stigma  of  a  lack  of  patriotism. 
As  one  historian  wrote:  "It  is  difficult  now  to  comprehend  the  degree  of  ignominy  which 

1862  Rude  Awakening  33 

was  attached  to  conscription."     And,  too,  a  drafted  man  would  miss  out  on  the  advance  pay 


and  bovmties,  a  serious  consequence  for  the  head  of  a  poor  family. 

The  recruiting  effort  in  Springfield,  as  in  many  Illinois  communities,  was  set  off  by  a 
colossal  "war  meeting."  On  July  21  an  announcement  appeared  in  the  Journal  calling  all  of 
Springfield's  citizens  to  a  war  meeting  to  be  held  at  the  State  House  the  following  day.  The 
purpose  of  the  meeting  was  to  urge  the  "raising  [of]  volunteers  for  the  present  emergency," 
and  it  was  to  be  "the  most  important  which  the  people  of  Springfield  have  been  called  upon 
to  attend  for  many  months." 

The  meeting  commenced  in  the  State  House  at  sundown  and  was  heralded  by  the 
booming  of  cannon  on  the  square  and  by  the  patriotic  music  of  Springfield's  Union  Band 
playing  on  the  steps  of  the  capitol.  Soon  the  State  House  was  "filled  to  overflowing,"  and 
because  "the  jam  was  so  excessive  and  the  heat  so  great"  the  meeting  was  moved  outdoors 
to  the  front  of  the  coimty  courthouse,  "where  the  length  and  breadth  of  the  street  gave  ample 
room  for  all  to  hear."^'  Finally  the  meeting  was  called  to  order.  After  officers  were  elected 
and  a  few  pertinent  remarks  were  made  by  Springfield  Mayor  George  Huntington, 
loud  and  repeated  calls  were  at  once  made  for  Gov.  Yates,  who,  in  the  midst  of 
a  perfect  furor  of  applause,  came  forward  and  addressed  the  assembled  crowd, 
in  a  most  eloquent  and  soul  stiring  strain,  calling  out  again  and  again  the  hearty 
enthusiasm  of  his  hearers.  ...  he  made  a  pathetic  and  stiring  appeal  to  aU  who 
love  their  country,  to  respond  at  once  and  without  delay  to  the  call  of  the  President 
for  more  troops. 

71  . 

Next,  Benjamin  Edwards,  a  Springfield  resident  active  in  Democratic  poUtics,  inspired  flie 
crowd,  rallying  fellow  Democrats  to  support  the  recruiting  effort,  even  though  it  was  being 
implemented  by  a  Rq)ubUcan  administration.  He  proclaimed  that  tha^e  was  an  "urgoit  and 
immediate  necessity"  to  fight  the  war  through  "to  a  successM  issue"  and  that  it  should  be  the 
"high  privilege  of  every  patriot"  to  contribute  his  own  blood  to  save  the  UnioiL  Again  and  again, 
his  ranarks  wctc  interrupted  with  "the  greatest  applause,  and  closed  with  the  most  vociferous 
shouts  of  aithusiasm."  After  a  few  more  speedies,  flie  meeting  finally  adjourned  at  1 1:00  pm. 


with  die  adoption  of  resolutions  that  heartily  encouraged  volunteering. 

In  response  to  the  enthusiastic  commimity  encouragement  exhibited  at  the  war  meeting, 
along  with  the  hope  of  bringing  about  a  swift  end  to  the  war,  the  promise  of  obtaining  bounty 
money,  and  the  fear  of  being  drafted,  htmdreds  of  Springfield  men  hurried  to  enhst  at  newly 
opened  recruitment  offices.  Music  shops,  dry  goods  stores,  and  book  stores  doubled  as 
recruitment  offices.  Here  and  there,  recruiting  officers  and  volunteers  scurried  from  place 
to  place  and  the  streets  of  Springfield  were  again  "filled  from  morning  till  night  with  the 
music  of  the  fife  and  drum. 

Among  the  volunteers  were  groups  of  Springfield  immigrants  who  set  to  work  encour- 
aging their  own  clans  to  band  together  into  military  companies.  On  August  9  the  Irish  of 
Springfield  held  a  war  meeting  in  the  county  courthouse,  attracting  a  "very  large  and 
enthusiastic"  crowd.     The  following  week  the  GCTmans  held  their  own  war  meeting  in  the 


courthouse,  complete  with  a  band  playing  patriotic  times.  The  Portuguese  of  Springfield 
also  responded  enthusiastically  to  the  call  for  volunteers,  with  many  of  them  preparing  to 
join  various  companies  that  were  forming  in  the  city,  including  six  Portuguese  men  of  the 
DeFraites  families  who  banded  together  to  join  one  Springfield  company. 

34  Lincoln' s  Springfield 

As  companies  filled  their  ranks  and  regiments  began  to  form,  one  regiment  particularly 

drew  the  attention  of  the  commimity.   Composed  mainly  of  farm  boys  from  surrounding 

townships  and  of  clerks,  general  laborers,  and  artisans  from  Springfield,  the  1 14th  Infantry 

Regiment  was  becoming  known  as  the  "Sangamon  Regiment."  Of  the  over  nine  hundred 

men  composing  the  regiment,  more  than  half  were  from  Sangamon  County  and  nearly  two 

hundred  of  those  men  were  from  Springfield.      Several  other  regiments  had  also  enUsted 

Springfield  recruits.  The  Springfield  Light  Artillery,  an  artillery  battery  composed  of  126 


men,  had  among  its  members  52  Springfield  soldiers.      Springfield  volunteers  also  joined 

the  73rd,  90th,  124th,  and  130th  Infantry  regiments.  In  addition,  more  than  one  hundred 

fifty  Springfield  men  were  recruited  into  the  depleted  ranks  of  old  regiments.  Altogether, 

in  response  to  Lincoln '  s  calls  for  troops  in  the  summer  of  1 8  62,  more  than  five  hundred  fifty 


Springfield  volunteers  had  been  mustered  into  the  army  by  late  fall.     Had  all  of  these  men 
come  from  only  one  of  Springfield's  four  wards,  that  ward  would  have  become  extinct  of 

yoimg  white  males. 

From  August  to  October,  volimteers  from  all  over  Illinois  poured  into  Camp  Butler,  until 

at  its  peak  the  forty-acre  camp  held  ten  thousand  recruits.       Each  regiment  waited  im- 
patiently to  be  sent  to  the  field,  while  officials  struggled  with  mustering  in,  supplying,  and 
issuing  advance  pay  to  the  new  host  of  soldiers.  In  mid-October,  the  Sangamon  Regiment 
was  still  waiting,  biding  their  time  cleaning  the  groimds  around  their  camp,  digging  ditches, 
and  building  board  floors  in  their  tents.  One  soldier  in  the  regiment  complained: 
We  expected  to  drive  the  enemy  to  the  wall  before  the  winter  set  in,  so  that  we 
might  eat  ourturkey  dinners  on  Christmas  and  New  Year's  Day  with  our  families 
and  friends  at  home  and  rejoice  with  them  on  these  occasions  in  the  return  of 
peace  within  all  our  borders. . . .  But  alas!  we  are  held  back  from  the  fight,  and 
our  ardor  may  be  cooled  down  by  the  cold  storms  of  the  approaching  winter. 

In  Springfield,  every  thoroughfare  was  overtaken  by  military  meru  The  Journal  wrote, 
"During  last  week,  straggling  soldiers  from  Camp  Butler  and  Camp  Yates  fairly  took  the 
town.  The  sidewalks  from  morning  till  night  was  fairly  crowded  with  them."  John 
Lindsey,  a  soldier  staying  at  the  Owen  House  hotel  in  Springfield  wrote  to  his  wife:  "I  dont 
like  to  stay  in  town[.]  there  is  so  much  noise  and  confusion  all  the  time. "  On  one  occasion 
he  watched  a  train  loaded  with  soldiers  rumble  through  town: 

there  was  nineteen  cars  went  through  here  yesterday  loaded  with  [soldiers]  for 
St.  Louis  [.]  they  was  all  over  the  tops  and  every  place  that  a  man  could  get 
they  had  one  stuck,  and  you  may  dqjend  there  was  some  holowing  and  cheering 
as  they  went  past. 

But  before  the  newly  recruited  troops  could  be  transported  to  the  battlefronts,  word  of 
another  battle  involving  Springfield  soldiers  reached  the  city.  On  October  3  and  4,  Illinois 
regiments  had  fought  at  Corinth,  Mississippi,  and  had  claimed  another  victory.  Again  the 
dreaded  lists  of  casualties  appeared  in  the  newspapers,  though  the  lists  were  not  nearly  as 
long  as  those  printed  after  Fort  Donelson  and  Shiloh.  Still,  several  Springfield  men  were 
among  the  casualties  including  five  men  of  the  Springfield  Zouaves  who  had  been  wounded 

and  four  who  had  been  taken  prisoner. 

Though  the  casualty  lists  brought  about  a  good  deal  of  grief  on  the  Springfield  home 

front,  they  only  began  to  reflect  the  widespread  grief  that  was  multiplying  with  each  battle. 

2862  Rude  Awakening  35 

Springfield  residents  had  learned  that  those  soldiers  who  sustained  minor  injuries  were  not 
always  reported  on  the  casualty  lists,  yet  frequently  their  wounds  would  fester  with  disease 
until  they,  too,  would  become  gravely  ill  and  die  in  the  hospitals.  Other  soldiers  would  write 
home  complaining  of  an  illness,  such  as  chronic  diarrhea  or  a  bad  cold,  worrying  family 
members  back  home  that  the  ailment  might  become  fatal,  which  was  often  the  case.  And, 
too,  Springfield  citizens  were  not  only  anxious  about  soldiers  from  their  own  city,  but  soldiers 


who  were  relatives  and  friends  from  other  localities. 

With  sickness  and  injuries  from  Corinth  and  from  previous  battles  continuing  to  mount 
up,  the  ladies  of  the  Soldiers'  Aid  Society  did  what  little  they  could,  sohciting  more  cloth, 
"rendered  soft  and  pliable  for  use."  And,  as  the  legislature  was  not  in  session,  the  ladies 
made  use  of  the  Senate  Chamber  in  the  State  House,  and  there  from  twenty  to  thirty  faithful 
workers  sewed  bandages  and  garments  each  day.  Besides  the  Soldiers'  Aid  Society,  the 
Illinois  State  Sanitary  Commission  also  soUcited  donations  from  Springfield  residents,  and 
long  lists  of  names  began  appearing  in  the  Journal  alongside  donations  of  various  amounts — 
fifty  dollars,  ten  dollars,  three  dollars — all  money  to  be  used  for  hospital  supplies  for  those 


soldiers  woimded  at  Corinth. 

As  the  efforts  to  aid  the  sick  and  woimded  carried  over  into  late  fall,  new  recruits 
continued  to  enlist  vmtil  Illinois  had  met  and  surpassed  her  quotas  under  the  last  two  calls, 
rendering  a  draftunnecessary .  Now,  home  front  residents  turned  aU  eyes  to  the  battlefields 
as  they  waited  for  a  victory  that  would  end  the  rebellion.  In  a  letter  to  his  son,  James  Conkling 
echoed  the  sentiments  of  Springfield  citizens: 

Our  city  is  comparatively  quiet[.]  Neariy  all  the  troops  have  left  the  Camp[.] 
Shoulder  straps  and  feathers  are  scarce  upon  the  streets[.]  we  are  anxiously 
watching  for  an  advance  of  the  Amiy[.]  Hope  they  may  continue  to  move 
forward  like  an  avalanche  sweeping  Rebeldom  clean  from  treason  and  traitors. 

I  long  for  a  crushing  blow  and  hope  it  may  reach  Davis  and  all  his  Cabinet 

personally  so  as  to  end  the  rebellion  very  soon. 

But  a  crushing  blow  to  the  Confederacy  was  not  the  only  concern  on  the  minds  of 
Springfield  citizens.  On  September  22,  just  a  few  days  after  the  Union  victory  on  the  eastern 
front  of  Antietam,  Maryland,  President  Lincoln  issued  a  proclamation  that  would  soon 
threaten  to  set  Springfield  citizens  at  odds  with  one  another.  The  "Preliminary  Emancipation 
Proclamation"  stated: 

That  on  the  first  day  of  January  in  the  year  of  our  Lord,  one  thousand  eight 
hundred  and  sixty -three,  all  persons  held  as  slaves  within  any  state,  or  designated 

part  of  a  slate,  the  people  whereof  shall  then  be  in  rebeUicm  against  the  United 

States  shall  be  then,  thenceforward,  and  forever  free; . . . 

To  most  Springfield  residents,  the  thought  of  tmleashing  milUons  of  southern  slaves, 
leaving  them  free  to  migrate  northward,  was  abhorrent  Only  a  few  months  earher,  on  Jxme 
17,  they  had  expressed  their  opinion  about  Negroes  when  they  cast  their  votes  on  three 
separate  Negro  articles  attached  to  a  newly  proposed  Illinois  Constitution.  Though  the 
constitution  was  voted  down  in  Springfield,  the  Negro  articles  were  approved  by  a  vast 
majority  of  Springfield's  citizens.  To  the  first  article,  which  asked  if  Negroes  and  mulat- 


toes  should  be  banned  from  migrating  or  settling  in  Illinois,  1,929  Springfield  citizens 
voted  "yes"  while  only  133  voted  "no."   The  remaining  two  Negro  articles,  one  which 

36  Lincoln' s  Springfield 

questioned  whether  Negroes  and  mulattoes  should  have  the  right  to  vote  and  hold  office, 
and  the  other  which  questioned  whether  the  general  assembly  should  pass  laws  to  carry  out 
the  first  two  articles,  yielded  similar  anti-Negro  results  from  Springfield  voters. 

Springfield  residents  felt  they  had  enough  trouble  with  their  own  Negro  population 
without  allowing  a  horde  of  freed  slaves  into  the  city.  The  majority  of  the  nearly  three 
hundred  Negroes  and  mulattoes  living  in  Springfield  in  1862  were  considered  just  as 
annoying  as  the  hogs  that  rooted  around  town.  While  citizens  often  complained  that  loose 
hogs  were  in  violation  of  city  ordinances  and  should  be  "shut  up  immediately,"  they,  too, 
complained  that  any  "strange  dark  faces"  arriving  ia  town  from  out  of  state  were  in  violation 


of  State  laws  and  should  be  imprisoned.     The  Journal  and  the  Register  were  usually  imkind 


to  blacks,  referring  to  them  as  "the  scum  of  [the]  southern  states"  or  simply  as  "darkies." 
If  a  Negro  boy  threw  stones  or  was  guilty  of  trespassing,  the  Journal  made  sure  to  include 


"colored"  alongside  the  offender's  name  and  crime.  When  Springfield  Negro  Marshall 
Ney  was  arrested  for  being  drunk,  the  Register  made  certain  that  its  readers  also  knew  that 

Marshall  was  "rolling  in  the  mud."        County  physician  Henry  Wohlgemuth,  who  had 

enough  trouble  caring  for  the  poor  immigrants  of  Springfield,  suggested  that  all  Negroes 

and  mulattoes  be  prohibited  from  staying  at  the  Coimty  Poor  House,  reasoning  that  they  "are 

not  Residents  of  the  County  by  Law."  He  suggested,  instead,  that  overseers  of  the  poor  in 

each  town  take  care  of  their  own  poor  colored  folks. 

Among  Springfield's  colored  papulation  were  several  blacks  who  were  favorably 


regarded  as  productive  residents,  but  even  they  held  the  himiblest  of  occupations .  Eleven 
of  the  city's  blacks  had  estabUshed  themselves  in  the  business  of  barbering,  following  in  the 
footsteps  of  fifty-four-year-old  barber  William  Florville.  "Billy  the  Barber,"  as  Florville  was 
fondly  called,  had  been  barbering  in  Springfield  since  1832  and  had  been  Lincoln's  barber; 
now  he  had  his  own  shop  near  the  square  and  was  one  of  the  most  respected  Negroes  in  the 
community.  Another  well-favored  black  was  Rebecca  Wood,  a  "much-respected"  servant 
in  the  Nicholas  Ridgely  household.  Mr.  Ridgely  had  purchased  "Becky"  on  "the  slave 
block,"  after  which  she  served  the  Ridgely  family  faithfully  for  many  years,  meanwhile 
enjoying  the  privilege  of  calling  on  the  white  friends  of  the  farmly  on  Simdays.  When  she 
died,  the  Ridgelys  honored  her  with  a  simple  headstone  in  the  famUy  plot  on  which  they 


inscribed,  "Becky,  a  faithful  servant  for  many  years."  Interspersed  throughout  the 
community  were  other  colored  folks  who  enjoyed  the  admiration  of  a  grateful  family  or  a 
humble  employer,  but  such  Negroes  were  usually  felt  to  be  out-of-the-ordinary  and  any 
praise  given  was  not  meant  to  be  reflected  on  the  average  Negro. 

With  the  majority  of  Springfield  citizens  willing  to  tolerate  only  a  few  of  the  city's 
Negroes,  it  was  no  surprise,  then,  that  Lincoln's  pjroclamation  ignited  a  fury  of  protests.  At 
once  the  Democrats  of  Springfield  responded  with  denunciations  of  the  proclamation.  The 
Register  charged  the  Republicans  with  being  a  "party  of  unscrupulous  demagogues"  who 
were  using  the  war  to  "array  out  their  fanatical  ideas  of  emancipation  and  elevation  of  the 
negro  to  the  position  of  equality  with  the  white  man."  Most  emphatically.  Democrats 
protested  that  the  soldiers  had  gone  to  war  to  put  down  the  rebellion,  not  to  free  the  slaves. 
Lincoln  was  a  Uar,  they  claimed,  for  "Lincoln  knew  this  and  promised  that  they  should  fight 
for  no  other  perpose — should  fight  for  that  and  that  alone. "  Now  that  Lincoln  had  broken 
his  jjromise,  the  North  was  to  be  invaded  with  "worthless  negroes." 

1862  Rude  Awakening  37 

The  Democrats  of  Springfield  were  also  incensed  with  Lincoln's  September  24  "Proc- 
lamation Suspending  the  Writ  of  Habeas  Corpus."  The  decree  authorized  the  president  to 
order  arbitrary  arrests  of  anyone  hamjjering  the  war  effort,  and  suspended  the  prisoner's  right 
to  a  hearing  or  tiial.^^  Democrats  claimed  that  by  carrying  out  this  proclamation,  Lincoln 
was  assuming  the  powers  of  a  royal  despot,  daring  to  "drag  men  from  their  homes"  and  throw 
them  into  "dungeons"  without  a  trial.  And  what  was  even  worse,  he  was  using  this  tyrannical 
power  "all  in  the  name  of  achieving  for  the  degraded  slaves  of  the  south  equality,  political 


and  social,  with  white  American  freemen! " 

Among  the  RepubUcans  of  Springfield  was  a  small  group  of  men  who  heartily  endorsed 
the  proclamations.  Lincoln's  former  law  partner,  William  Hemdon,  had  declared  even 
before  the  war  that  Uberty  and  slavery  were  "nattiral  foes"  and  that  the  latter  must  be 
extinguished.^  ^^  Reverend  Albert  Hale,  the  minister  of  the  Second  Presbyterian  Church, 
and  Reverend  N.  W.  Miner,  the  minister  of  the  First  B^tist  Church,  were  also  Springfield 
abolitionists.  Both  ministers  soon  noticed  that  whenever  they  were  walking  along  the  city 
streets,  other  Springfield  clergymen  would  "cross  over  on  the  other  side  rather  than  speak 
to  them. "  ^  ^  ^  And,  scattered  throughout  the  city  there  were  at  least  133  probable  abolitionist 
voters,  aU  of  whom  had  dared  to  vote  "no"  to  the  anti-Negro  constitution  articles. 

The  mainstream  of  Springfield  Republicans  also  endorsed  the  president' s  proclamations, 
though  not  for  the  sake  of  the  slaves,  but  rather  as  necessary  measures  to  win  the  war.  In 
the  wake  of  attacks  by  the  Democrats,  they  realized  that  they  must  hold  tenaciously  to  the 
RepubUcan  administration' s  policies  lest  the  war  effort  crumble.  In  a  Republican  convention 
held  at  the  State  House  two  days  after  the  Emancipation  Proclamation  was  issued,  James 
Conkling  urged  his  constituents: 

If  necessary,  let  us  confiscate  the  property  of  rebels  (cheers);  if  necessary,  let  us 
emancipate  their  slaves  (repeated  cheering);  let  us  do  everything  that  citizens 

should  do  under  the  circumstances  to  crush  this  foul  rebellion,  and  restore  the 

country  in  aU  its  integrity  and  purity. 

By  the  fall  of  1 862  pohtics  became  deeply  entwmed  with  the  personal  Uves  of  Springfield 
citizens,  for  poUticians  were  debating  issues  that  reached  into  the  core  of  each  family.  A 
Springfield  father  and  mother  could  not  help  but  have  an  opinion  about  whether  their  son 
was  risking  his  life  on  the  battlefield  to  save  the  Union  or  to  save  the  Union  and  to  set  loose 
an  entire  population  of  slaves.  The  question  proposed  a  dUemma,  for  a  citizen  might  cherish 
one  objective  but  loathe  the  other.  One,  then,  had  to  make  up  his  mind  whether  any  measure, 
no  matter  how  drastic,  was  worth  saving  the  Union  or  whether,  perhaps,  the  Republican 
administration  was  bimgling  matters  and  burying  the  nation  in  a  greater  mess  than  it  was  in 

For  those  citizens  who  could  not  make  up  their  minds  on  the  issues,  the  opposing 
sentiments  of  others  quickly  spurred  tirades  of  insults,  tending  to  polarize  the  imcommitted 
citizen  to  one  side  or  the  other.  A  person  who  did  not  totally  support  the  policies  of  the 
RepubUcan  administration  must  not  be  for  the  Union,  Republicans  reasoned,  and  therefore 
he  was  dubbed  a  "traitor"  and  a  "secessionist,"  and  was  considered  just  as  guilty  as  "a  rebel 
in  arms."  Democrats  coimtered  the  attacks  with  their  own  insults,  reasoning  that  anyone 
who  felt  the  Emancipation  Proclamation  was  a  necessary  meastire  to  win  the  war  was  an 
"abolitionist,"  and  furthermore,  the  Republican  party  in  power  was  "miserably  imbecile  and 

38  Lincoln' s  Springfield 

totally  incompetent."^^'*  The  situation  produced  a  breach  that  was  vividly  illustrated  by 
writers  of  resolutions  at  a  RepubUcan  convention  held  in  Springfield  on  September  24: 

We  acknowledge  but  two  divisions  of  the  people  of  the  United  States  in  this 
crisis — those  who  are  loyal  to  its  Constitution  and  are  ready  to  make  every 
sacrifice  for  the  integrity  of  the  Union  and  the  maintenance  of  civil  Hberty  within 
it,  and  those  who  openly  or  covertly  endeavor  to  sever  our  country,  or  to  yield  to 
the  insolent  demand  of  its  enemies — that  we  fraternize  with  the  former  and  detest 
the  latter.^  ^^ 

In  early  November  Springfield  citizens  had  an  opportunity  to  choose  sides  by  voting  in 
an  election  between  the  Republican  candidate  for  representative  to  Congress,  Leonard  Swett, 
and  his  Democratic  opponent,  John  T.  Stuart.  Also  up  for  election  in  Springfield  were 
candidates  ruiming  for  the  Illinois  legislature  as  well  as  candidates  running  for  various  other 
state  and  county  offices.  As  the  election  drew  near.  Democrats  campaigned  by  capitalizing 
on  the  fear  of  Negro  immigration.  They  lost  no  time  in  making  "p)olitical  hay"  out  of  Swett' s 
pro -emancipation  stance,  arguing  that  Swett's  preferences  would  ultimately  "AMcanize" 
the  North.  Recent  shipments  of  Negro  contrabands  from  Cairo  to  points  in  central  Dlinois 
further  increased  the  ire  of  Democrats  and  added  ammunition  to  their  onslaught  The 
Register  warned,  "Working  men  of  Springfield,  if  you  would  not  have  the  town  filled  with 
these  worthless  negroes,  sent  here  to  degrade  and  reduce  the  wages  of  white  labor,  vote 
against  the  abolition  candidates."  A  "negro  hive  from  the  south,"  the  paper  claimed,  would 
cheapen  white  labor  and  result  in  expenditures  from  the  coimty  treasuries  "to  support 
thousands  of  squalid  negro  paup>ers." 

Editors  of  the  Journal  hastened  to  coimter  the  Negro  scare.  They  pointed  out  that  the 
War  Department  had  forbidden  the  military  to  send  any  Negroes  to  Dlinois.  And,  though 
Journal  editors  were  none  too  anxious  to  welcome  more  Negroes  to  Illinois,  they  noted  that 
laborers  were  in  great  demand:  "It  costs  twice  as  much  to  get  a  cord  of  wood  sawed  now  as 
it  did  a  few  weeks  ago,  and  our  farmers  are  totally  imable  to  obtain  the  necessary  help  to 

111  17 

gather  their  crops,  or  do  so  with  great  difficulty.' 

Finally,  on  the  morning  of  November  4  the  polls  opened  for  the  election.  Immediately, 
near  the  polling  place  a  few  citizens,  with  tempers  flaring,  "stirred  up  a  muss,  [and]  some 
blows  passed"  but  soon  the  "row  was  stilled"  and  the  voting  continued  "probably  in  better 
temper  from  the  fact  of  a  partial  vent  of  ill  feeling."  By  late  in  the  day  the  Negro  scare 
had  reaped  victory  for  Stuart  and  the  Democrats,  with  Democrats  winning  every  race  by  an 
average  majority  of  two  hundred  votes  among  the  more  than  twenty-one  hundred  votes 

The  Democrats  were  jubilant!  The  Register's  headlines  announced,  'The  Home  of 
Lincoln  Condemns  the  Proclamation. "  In  celebration  nearly  a  thousand  citizens  marched 
in  a  procession  accompanied  by  a  band  to  the  Springfield  homes  of  victors  John  T.  Stuart 
(congressman-elect)  and  Charles  A.  Keyes  (assemblyman-elect),  who  responded  to  their 
serenaders  with  "remarks  suitable  to  the  occasion,  which  were  replied  to  with  shouts  and 
cheers."  Not  satisfied  to  quit  there,  the  throng  marched  onward  to  the  homes  of  at  least  five 


Other  prominent  Springfield  Democrats  and  begged  for  speeches  from  each  of  them.       As 
for  the  Republicans,  who  had  suffered  a  disheartening  defeat,  Mrs.  Conkling  wrote,  "the 


republicans  are  gloomy  enough  over  the  defeat' 

1862  Rude  Awakening  39 

As  the  end  of  the  year  drew  near,  dismal  prospects  for  the  future  cast  discouragement  in 
the  hearts  of  Springfield  citizens.  Along  with  discord  regarding  the  Negro  issue  and  the 
resulting  poUtical  tension,  news  of  a  December  13  defeat  at  Fredericksburg,  Virginia,  added 


more  gloom  on  the  home  front.  Questions  that  could  not  be  answered  satisfactorily 
loomed  in  the  minds  of  Springfield  citizens.  Where  was  the  mighty  army  of  six  hundred 
thousand  that  had  been  raised  in  the  summer?  Why  had  they  not  swept  down  on  the  Rebels 
in  a  mighty  deluge?  What  would  life  be  like  in  Springfield  when  freed  southem  slaves 
swarmed  into  the  city? 

The  gloom  was  compounded  by  the  increasing  reports  of  soldiers'  deaths.  While  some 
residents  had  received  word  of  loved  ones  killed  in  battles,  many  more  residents  were 
learning  about  loved  ones  dying  of  consumption,  typhoid  fever,  dysentery,  and  other  diseases 
that  ran  rampant  through  the  camps.  Anna  Ridgely,  one  of  the  home  front  sufferers, 
experienced  grief  representative  of  citizens  throughout  the  community.  In  January  she  had 
learned  of  the  death  of  Arthur  Bailhache,  her  favorite  beau.  Before  leaving  for  war,  Arthur 
had  frequently  taken  her  out  on  pleasant  strolls,  escorted  her  to  chuj"ch,  and  taken  her  on 
buggy  rides  through  the  countryside.  But  while  in  camp  in  Pilot  Knob,  Missouri,  Arthur 
had  succumbed  to  dysentery  and  Anna  fo'md  herself  accompanying  his  coffin  to  the 
cemetery,  feeling  as  if  she  "should  die"  and  weeping  "bitterly."  Then  in  December,  her 
friend  Henry  Latham  contracted  typhoid  fever  at  Camp  Butler  and  was  sent  to  his  Springfield 
home  where  he  lay  in  bed  fighting  the  disease.  Along  with  five  other  of  Henry's  closest 
friends,  Aima  stood  alongside  his  deathbed  from  2:00  a.m.  imtU  8:00  a.m.  "when  his  hold 


on  life  had  forever  gone." 

Amid  the  the  widespread  grief  over  deaths  and  sicknesses  and  the  discouragement  over 
the  impopular  course  the  war  had  taken,  a  scheme  was  bom  in  the  minds  of  many — a  plan 
to  offer  a  compromise  to  the  Confederates.  The  idea — which  would  have  been  scorned  by 
a  great  majority  of  northerners  at  the  outset  of  the  war,  and  would  surely  be  scorned  by  many 
now — had  been  suggested  several  months  earUer,  but  only  by  a  few  who  discussed  it  with 
furtive  whispers.  Now,  fed  by  discoviragement,  this  scheme  was  growing  into  a  full-fledged 
movement,  a  movement  to  work  out  a  compromise  that  would  end  the  bloodshed  and 
reinstate  the  slavehood  of  southem  Negroes.  With  each  succeeding  day,  the  whispers  began 
to  be  voiced  by  the  boldest  of  citizens.  Having  heard  some  of  the  talk,  Mrs.  Conkling  wrote 
to  her  son:  "Since  the  democratic  victory  in  our  state  the  sympathysers  with  the  rebellion 
are  wonderfully  bold,  and  talk  loud  about  compromise  &  [et]c,  so  that  such  a  discourse  now 


creates  more  feeling  than  it  would  have  done  before  the  election." 

Talk  about  compromise  was  inevitable,  for  the  war  had  taken  a  ghastly  toll  on  Springfield 
in  1862.  No  more  was  it  a  war  of  crisp-clean  uniforms  and  xmsoUed  battle  flags,  nor  was  it 
a  war  to  be  won  in  a  few  short  months  of  glory.  Instead,  coffins  laden  with  young  Springfield 
soldiers  had  been  borne  time  and  time  again  to  the  cemeteries  while  weeping  crowds  lined 
the  streets.  And,  only  six  miles  away  fi-om  the  city,  thousands  of  tattered  Confederate 
soldiers,  once  fellow  countrymen,  had  been  held  as  prisoners.  While  the  victories  at  Fort 
Donelson  and  Shiloh  had  elicited  great  demonstrations  of  joy,  they  had  not  accomplished 
the  expected  end  of  the  rebellion.  Rather,  they  had  resulted  in  dreaded  lists  that  filled  the 
newspapers  and  left  Springfield  famiUes  grieving.  Yet,  while  still  grieving,  Springfield 
citizens  had  sent  five  hundred  fifty  more  of  their  youths  to  the  battlefield,  knowing  that 

40  Lincoln' s  Springfield 

perhaps  this  sacrifice  was  the  only  way  to  deal  a  swift  end  to  the  rebeUion.  But  the  sacrifice 

had  not  yielded  results,  and  while  Springfield  citizens  waited  impatiently,  their  allegiance 

had  been  drawn  apart  by  Lincoln's  proclamations,  adding  animosity  to  the  grief  and  anxiety 

that  already  burdened  their  hearts.  Indeed,  in  December  of  1862  the  war  situation  looked 

grimmer  than  it  had  ever  looked  before.    On  December  31,  the  Register  recorded  its 

sentiments  about  the  year,  sentiments  that  were  no  more  cheerful  than  a  eulogy: 

To-day  ends  the  year  eighteen  hundred  and  sixty-two.  .  .  .  Not  a  hearth  in  the 

land  will  be  exempt  from  emotions  the  most  sickening  in  reviewing  this  closing 

year  1862.  Its  record  is  blood  red;  and  the  whole  civilized  world  has  participated 

in  the  fruits  of  the  wickedness  and  folly  of  insane  men,  who  may  possibly 

consummate  the  purposes  of  their  ambition.   Suceders  south  and  aboUtionists 

north  have  resolved  that  this  Union  shall  be  destroyed.   This  whole  year  now 

closing  has  beai  occupied  with  this  hellish  work. 

As  for  any  hope  for  the  coming  year,  Aima  Ridgely  wrote  in  her  diary: 

There  is  a  hope  that  this  war  may  be  stopped,  but  the  way,  the  remedy  is  as  terrible 
as  war  itself.  The  people  are  beginning  to  be  aroused.  They  will  rise  in  rebeUion, 

and  what  then — God  knows,  no  one  else.    I  tremble  sometime  for  the  dark, 

uncertain  future. 


1863  Fire  in  the  Rear 

On  January  5  more  than  one  hxindred  Illinois  poUticians  converged  at  Springfield  for  the 
first  meeting  of  a  regular  legislative  session  that  promised  to  be  anything  but  regular.  As  a 
result  of  victories  in  the  elections  of  November  1862,  Democrats  were  in  the  majority  in 
both  houses  and  were  anxious  to  voice  their  opposition  to  the  Emancipation  Proclamation, 
which  had  just  gone  into  effect  on  January  1.  Along  with  the  legislature,  a  crowd  of 
onlookers  drifted  into  town,  some  on  legitimate  business  and  others  there  simply  to  observe 
the  debates.  The  Journal  wrote:  "The  city  is  full  to  overflowing  of  strangers  of  every  cast 
of  character,  who  have  assembled  for  almost  every  purpose." 

On  the  evening  of  January  5,  after  the  first  day's  session  of  the  legislature.  Democrats 
gathered  for  a  mass  meeting  at  the  State  House  "for  the  purpose  of  expressing  their  views 
in  regard  to  the  recent  emancipation  proclamation  of  President  Lincoln."  Organized  by 
Dlinois  Democrats  who  were  seeking  a  seat  in  the  Uiuted  States  Senate,  the  meeting  promised 
to  be  an  eventful  one  with  each  candidate  attempting  to  outdo  the  other  in  his  denunciations 
of  Republican  war  policies.  A  Springfield  correspondent  to  the  Chicago  Daily  Tribune 
wrote  of  the  upcoming  meeting:  "We  are  in  revolutionary  times,  and  for  my  part  I  should 
not  be  surprised  at  anything  that  may  be  done  here.' 

As  the  time  for  the  meeting  drew  near,  Springfield  citizens  along  with  himdreds  of  people 
"from  every  section  of  the  state"  poured  into  the  House  of  Representatives  while  still  others 
were  turned  away  for  lack  of  space.  Finally,  the  meeting  commenced  and  four  speakers  took 
the  stand,  each  burning  with  indignation.  One  of  the  boldest  speakers,  Richard  T.  Merrick 
of  Chicago,  demanded  that  Lincoln  withdraw  the  proclamation  and  declared  that  if  the 
president  did  not,  then  he  was  in  favor  of  severing  the  West  from  New  England.  He  was 
also  "for  hanging  all  Abolitionists"  and  "did  not  know  which  were  the  greatest  traitors,  those 
at  Washington  or  Richmond. "  Chicago  Democrat  William  C.  Goudy  went  one  step  further, 
declaring  that  "he  was  for  marching  an  army  to  Washington  and  hurling  the  officers  of  the 
present  Administration  from  their  positions! " 

In  the  boldness  of  the  hour,  the  crowd  cheered  the  speakers  with  "thundering  applause." 
Mrs.  Conkling  wrote:  "You  would  have  been  surprised  to  have  heard  with  what  deUght  the 
crowd  received  the  sentiments  advanced."  Finally,  as  the  meeting  neared  its  end,  an 
anti-proclamation  resolution  was  approved  and  read: 

Resolved,  That  the  emancipation  proclamation  of  the  president  of  the  United 
States  is  as  unwarrantable  in  military  as  in  civil  law;  a  gigantic  usurpaticm, .  .  . 
the  present  and  far-reaching  consequences  of  which  to  both  races  cannot  be 
contemplated  without  the  most  dismal  forebodings  of  horror  and  dismay and 


which  we  denounce,  as  an  ineffaceable  disgrace  to  the  American  name. 

The  following  day,  the  Register  hailed  the  anti-proclamation  meeting  in  its  headlines: 
"Lincoln's  Proclamation  Repudiated!"  "Inunense  Popular  Demonstration  at  'Lincoln's 
Home.'"  But  many  of  the  people  of  Springfield,  as  well  as  citizens  throughout  the  state, 

42  Lincoln' s  Springfield 

were  appalled  with  the  proposals  and  threats  that  had  been  uttered  by  the  speakers.  The 
Tribune  warned:  "It  is  about  time  that  the  people  hereaway  were  begiruiing  to  oil  the  locks 
of  their  shot-guns,  because,  if  the  copperheads  are  in  earnest  and  have  any  backing,  the  time 
is  not  far  off  when  shooting  will  be  the  order  of  the  day."  The  Journal  wrote:  "Those 
speeches  were  enough  to  make  the  bones  of  our  fallen  brothers  turn  in  their  coffms."  Mrs. 
Conkling  declared  to  her  son  that  "the  indignation  of  the  loyal  citizens,  and  even  some  others 
was  intense.  I  never  saw  the  people  of  Springfield  so  aroused." 

On  the  evening  of  January  8,  while  tempers  were  still  smouldering.  Democrats  held  a 
second  anti-proclamation  meeting  at  the  State  House.  Again,  the  speakers  blasted  Lincoln 
and  bitterly  denounced  his  war  policies.  A  former  Illinois  congressman,  Orlando  B .  Ficklin, 
declared  that  Lincoln  was  an  "imbecile"  and  that  he  had  been  "weak-kneed"  for  bowing  to 
the  pressures  of  fanatical  abohtionists.  Circuit  Court  Judge  Harvey  K.  Omelveny  charged 
that  Lincoln  had  unconstitutionally  perverted  the  war  from  its  original  purpose  of  restoring 
the  Union  to  the  objectionable  purpose  of  freeing  the  slaves,  a  decision  that  speaker 
Theophilus  Dickey,  former  colonel  of  the  Fourth  Illinois  Cavalry,  proclaimed  would  so 
intensify  and  prolong  the  rebellion  that  it  was  "equal  to  fifty-thousand  bayonets  against  us." 
To  the  leaders  of  the  meeting,  the  concept  of  emancipation  was  repulsive  and  so,  too,  was 
the  prospect  of  its  cost  in  interminable  bloodshed.  Therefore,  at  the  end  of  the  meeting,  a 
resolution  was  passed  calling  for  the  assembling  of  a  national  peace  convention  at  Louisville, 
Kentucky,  "at  the  earUest  practicable  period." 

Angered  at  the  proceedings  of  the  Democratic  mass  meeting,  flie  Republicans — or  the  "Union 
party"  as  Republicans  now  called  themselves — assembled  at  the  State  House  on  the  evening  of 
January  9  for  their  own  meeting.     An  advertisement  in  the  Journal  called  for 

all  loyal  citizens  and  strangers  in  the  city,  who  are  for  the  unconditional  support 
of  the  Govermnent  of  the  United  States  against  the  efforts  of  traitors  for  its 
overthrow,  are  invited  to  assemble  at  the  Representative  Hall  Friday  Evening, 
January  9th,  for  the  purpose  of  taking  into  consideration  the  state  of  the  country, 
and  upholding  the  hands  of  the  Government. 

The  Republicans  were  not  to  be  outdone  by  the  Democrats.  At  6:30  p.m.  a  large  group  of 
citizens  met  on  Sixth  Street  near  the  post  office  and  lined  up  for  a  march  to  the  State  House. 
Springfield's  National  Comet  Band  headed  the  procession  while  a  number  of  citizens  in  the 
group  carried  signs  bearing  mottos,  including  "The  President  Must  be  Sustained,"  "We  Will 
Stand  by  Gov.  Yates  to  the  Death,"  and  "Down  with  the  Traitors  Everywhere."  When  the 
procession  reached  the  State  House,  the  meeting  had  aheady  begun  and  "almost  every 
available  spot  in  the  Hall"  was  taken,  with  the  aisles,  lobby,  and  galleries  packed  with  people. 
At  the  front  of  the  hall,  the  speaker's  stand  was  decorated  with  regimental  flags,  some  riddled 
with  bullet  holes.  As  the  procession  jammed  into  the  hall  with  their  lofty  signs,  the  audience 


burst  into  cheers. 

The  meeting  continued  with  several  speakers  shouting  forth  their  support  for  the  Union, 
the  army,  and  the  administration.  But  perhaps  the  most  effective  speaker  of  all  was  General 
Richard  T.  Oglesby,  a  Decatur  resident  and  the  former  commander  of  the  Eighth  Illinois 
Infantry.  Oglesby  spoke  "with  great  difficulty,"  having  been  shot  in  the  lungs  at  the  battle 
of  Corinth,  a  wotmd  so  serious  that  he  had  been  rumored  dead.     The  Journal  wrote  that 

1863  Fire  in  the  Rear  43 

"the  effect  of  his  earnest  eloquence  at  times  was  most  thrilling"  and  that  the  audience  on  one 
or  two  occasions  rose  from  their  seats  giving  him  "long  continued  rounds  of  applause." 

In  his  speech,  Oglesby  matched  the  boldness  of  the  Democrats.  He  called  those  "who 
are  willing  to  throw  anything  in  the  way  of  the  success  of  the  Administration  and  the  army," 
a  bimch  of  "semi- traitors"  and  warned  them  that  "you  wiU  sink  yourselves  to  a  damnation 
so  deep  as  to  be  eternally  beyond  the  reach  of  recovery."  Speaking  against  the  haranguers 
of  President  Lincoln,  he  scolded:  "K  he  commits  a  wrong  I  have  a  right  to  speak  of  that 
wrong,  and  even  to  remonstrate  against  it;  but  I  have  no  right  to  become  continual  in  my 
denunciation  of  it,  and  to  encourage  people  to  withdraw  their  support,  to  break  up  the 


Government  and  bring  anarchy  upon  the  country. "  Then  Oglesby  tumed  his  comments  to 
the  Emancipation  Proclamation: 

You  want  to  know  about  the  proclamation.  .  .  [Here  the  speaker  seemed 
coisiderably  exhausted  and  spoke  with  difficulty.]  A  friend  of  mine  has  sug- 
gested what  I  know  to  be  trae,  that  it  is  not  well  for  me  to  speak  long. . . .  This 
proclamation  is  a  great  thing,  perhaps  the  greatest  thing  that  has  occurred  in  this 
century.  It  is  too  big  for  us  to  realize.  Whai  we  fuUy  comprehend  what  it  is  we 

shall  like  it  better  than  we  do  now.  It  is  a  tremendous  thing,  well  calculated  to 

arouse  the  deep  and  bitter  feelings  of  those  attached  to  the  institution  of  slavery. 

So  intense  was  the  audience  on  hearing  Oglesby 's  speech,  that  at  about  9:00  P.M.,  when 
a  fire  alarm  clanged  outside  the  State  House,  almost  everyone  remained  in  their  places, 
though  for  a  few  minutes  there  was  a  "feeling  of  uneasiness  in  the  vast  audience."  As 
Oglesby  continued  to  speak,  a  three-story  building  on  the  west  side  of  the  square  became 
engulfed  in  flames.  The  fire  "occasioned  great  tumult  upon  the  streets,  and  attracted  a  large 
crowd."  Citizens  outside  rushed  here  and  there,  lugging  the  clothing  from  L.  Greble's  first 
floor  clothing  store  to  safety  in  another  nearby  store,  while  rescuers  pulled  two  sleeping 
children  out  of  their  second  floor  apartment  Meanwhile,  firemen  spouted  water  on  the  blaze 
until  the  fire  was  put  out,  leaving  part  of  the  building  with  nothing  but  "charred  and  blackened 

Inside  the  State  House,  however,  the  commotion  had  not  affected  the  patriotic  momen- 
tum of  the  meeting.  From  the  speaker's  stand,  Oglesby  passed  off  the  tumult  outside  with 
a  bit  of  humor  "Don't  you  understand  the  alann,  it  is  an  attempt  to  break  up  this  meeting. 


I  will  explain  it  to  you.  It  is  the  'fire  in  the  rear.'"  Finally,  Oglesby  finished  his  speech 
and  other  speakers  took  the  stand.  Oglesby's  speech,  however,  had  been  the  highlight  of 
the  evening .  The  Journal  wrote  that  Oglesby 's  earnestness  combined  with  his  noble  struggle 
to  overcome  his  exhaustion  "rendered  his  effort  most  impressive."  "A  speech,"  the  Journal 
flattered,  "has  probably  never  been  deUvered  in  our  State  Capitol,  which  was  listened  to  with 


SO  breathless  attention,  or  made  so  deep  an  impression  upon  the  audience." 

The  controversy  exhibited  in  the  mass  meetings  of  January  was  even  more  evident  in 
the  general  assembly  as  both  sides.  Democrats  and  Republicans,  faced  off  on  the  floor  of 
the  senate  and  house.  Each  day  the  legislature  was  in  session  idle  citizens  gathered  in  the 


galleries  of  the  State  House,  eager  to  hear  the  debates.  They  were  not  to  be  disappointed, 
for  within  a  couple  of  weeks  Democratic  legislators  proposed  that  a  conmiission  of  six  men 
fi"om  Illinois  be  sent  immediately  to  Washington  to  confer  with  Congress  and  the  president 


about  a  national  peace  convention.      Outnumbered  by  one  man  in  die  senate  and  by 

44  Lincoln' s  Springfield 

twenty-two  in  the  house,  the  RepubUcans  fought  back  with  heated  arguments  and  with  threats 
to  desert  the  general  assembly,  thereby  leaving  it  stranded  without  a  quorum. 

Those  Springfield  citizens  who  sat  in  the  galleries  often  witnessed  outbursts  of  anger. 
One  day,  Republican  Francis  Eastman  of  Cook  County  got  tired  of  hearing  peace  proposals 
and  indignandy  declared  that  the  authors  of  the  peace  proposals  were  "fiUed  to  the  brim  with 
treason"  and  that  there  was  "treason  in  every  line  and  word,  and  if  possible,  in  every 
pimctuation  mark."  Democrat  James  Washburn  of  WilUamson  County  disagreed,  shouting 
"it  was  time  that  we  knew  what  treason  was.  ...  I  denounce  the  practice  of  denouncing 
everything  with  which  we  do  not  agree  as  treason. ...  I  protest  against  denoimcing  men  as 
traitors,  merely  for  opposing  the  abolition  measures  of  this  administration."  Democrat 
Charles  Walker  of  Macoupin  County,  who  had  submitted  one  of  the  peace  resolutions  in  the 
house,  attempted  to  appease  the  Republicans  by  pleading  for  understanding:  "I  have 
certainly  had  no  bad  intentions  in  what  I  have  done,"  he  explained.  "As  true  as  there  is  a 
God  in  heaven  I  do  not  desire  to  do  anything  that  is  not  for  the  best  interests  of  my  people 
and  the  people  of  the  United  States."  Walker  continued  by  explaining  that  he  did  not  agree 
that  the  administration  could  put  down  the  rebellion  "in  the  manner  in  which  it  is  conducting 

the  war."  "Let  the  war  return  to  its  original  purpose,"  he  said,  "and  I  am  in  favor  of  using 

all  the  men,  money  and  means  we  can  commend  for  such  a  purpose."     And  so  the  debates 

continued,  debates  about  the  Emancipation  Proclamation  and  the  Suspension  of  the  Writ  of 

Habeas  Corpus;  about  appropriations  for  sick  and  wounded  soldiers  and  who  would  delegate 

the  funds;  and  about  other  war  and  non-war  related  matters.  Yet  for  all  the  debates,  little 

was  accomplished  and  on  February  14  the  legislature  adjourned,  recessing  until  June  2. 

Bolstered  with  courage  by  the  legislature's  denunciations  of  the  war,  Springfield  citizens 
who  had  become  discouraged  with  the  war  effort  as  well  as  those  who  had  secretly 
sympathized  with  the  South,  began  to  openly  display  their  feelings.  Mrs.  Conkling  wrote 
to  her  son  that  "since  our  traitorous  legislature  met[,]  secession  principals,  and  sympathy  are 
boldly  spoken  of  in  our  midst."  Almost  in  disbelief,  she  commented:  "You  would  be 
surprised  Clint  at  the  number  of  our  ladies  here  that  are  wearing  copper  head  breast  pins  and 
even  cents  on  their  watch  guards."  The  open  disavowal  of  the  Union  cause,  however, 
grated  harshly  against  the  patience  of  those  citizens  who  still  climg  tenaciously  to  the  war 
effort,  and  occasionally  the  tension  snapped  in  arguments  on  the  street  comers  and  "colli- 
sions" in  the  saloons  and  hotels.^^  One  woman  hauled  up  a  Confederate  flag  in  front  of  her 
house  and  defended  it  with  a  pistol  until  a  group  of  school  children  aided  by  two  soldiers 
tore  it  down.  Spjringfield  children  joined  in  the  arguments,  too,  echoing  the  sentiments  of 
their  parents,  their  play  sometimes  ending  in  accusations  of  the  other's  father  being  a 
"copperhead"  or  a  "coward."  Even  Springfield  clergymen  proclaimed  their  feelings  about 
the  war,  freely  spouting  their  opinions  from  their  pulpits,  and  occasionally  drawing  a 
published  reprimand  from  an  ardent  journalist. 

On  April  14,  Springfield  citizens  had  an  opportunity  to  fight  out  their  differences  at  the 
ballot  box.  The  annual  city  election  was  to  be  held  on  that  day,  and  while  city  elections  were 
often  preceded  by  spirited  campaigning,  this  election  was  anticipated  widi  far  greater  anxiety 
than  was  normally  accorded  to  a  city  election.  For  the  election  was  to  be  more  than  a  typical 
contest  between  local  men;  rather,  it  was  to  be  a  batde  between  the  principles  of  fighting 
out  the  war  or  negotiating  a  compromise,  between  fi^eeing  the  slaves  or  leaving  them  in  the 

1863  Fire  in  the  Rear  45 

same  enslaved  condition  they  were  in  before  the  war  had  begun.  The  sentiments  of 
Springfield  citizens  on  both  sides  of  the  war  issue  had  been  magnified  by  the  radical  actions 
of  the  Dlinois  legislature  and  by  the  massive  anti-  and  pro-proclamation  demonstrations,  all 
of  which  had  taken  place  in  the  center  of  their  own  city  square.  These  occurrences  had  drawn 
the  attention  of  the  entire  nation,  and  certainly  the  nation  would  be  watching  to  see  if 
Lincoln's  own  hometown  would  support  him.  So,  on  April  14,  each  Springfield  citizen  cast 
his  vote  for  mayor,  for  street  commissioner,  for  alderman,  and  for  other  municipal  offices, 
as  if  his  very  ballot  would  decide  the  course  of  the  war. 

When  the  ballots  were  tallied  on  the  evening  of  the  election,  the  vote  was  discovered  to 
be  very  close.  The  Union  candidate  for  mayor,  John  Smith,  had  defeated  the  Democratic 
candidate,  John  Priest,  by  a  vote  of  961  to  948.  The  Union  candidates  for  street  commis- 
sioner and  for  city  marshal  had  also  won  by  small  margins.  However,  the  Democratic 
candidates  for  treasurer,  assessor  and  collector,  attorney,  and  city  clerk  defeated  the  Uruon 
candidates  by  small  margins.  The  races  for  ward  supervisors  and  alderman  were  evenly 


divided,  with  two  wards  choosing  Democrats  and  two  choosing  the  Union  candidates. 

Though  the  election  results  were  almost  evenly  split,  the  Uruon  party  had  won  the 
mayoralty,  and  therefore  they  claimed  the  victory  and  celebrated  with  unboimded  jubilation. 
Mrs.  Conkling,  whose  husband  had  just  won  an  alderman  seat  in  the  third  ward,  was  writing 
to  her  son  on  the  evening  of  the  election  when  the  news  of  victory  reached  her  ears: 

There  is  a  terrible  firing  of  cannon,  fireworks  &  [et]c  going  on,  drums  beating, 
boys!  yes  and  men  too,  shouting  but  I  am  unable  to  determine  you  [who]  is  the 
jubilant  party.  If  it  was  not  raining  I  believe  I  would  be  tempted  to  go  assertain, 
but  must  wait  patiently  father's  return.  I  do  believe  the  union  mayor  is  eleaed! 
We  shall  see!  Well!  I  hear  the  haU  door  open! 

I  was  interupted  just  here,  as  father  came  in,  and  sure  enough!  his  face  told 
the  joyful  news.  They  had  gained  the  day!  The  victory  was  complete.  The  union 
cause  is  triumphant  in  our  little  place  once  again!  After  father  had  composed 
himself  and  was  about  to  retire,  the  gas  being  extinguished,  and  as  we  thought 
all  quiet,  for  the  night  in  our  own  home.  Then  came  a  tremendous  ring  of  the 
bell!  loud  enough  to  rouse  all  the  house.  The  banging  on  the  door  that  followed 
started  aU  to  the  front  porch  in  a  moment  And  such  a  crowd!  ofmanyjoymaking 
men!  Not  bovs  You  never  saw!  No  rowdies!  But  sober,  good  men,  determined 
to  stand  by  their  country,  had  assembled  round  the  house,  two  bands  of  music 
doing  their  best  in  way  of  seranade.  Father  gave  them  quite  a  speech  from  the 
door.  After  which  they  fairly  veUed.  and  then  went  to  some  one  of  the  union 
candidates.  Really  I  had  to  go  out  myself  on  the  porch,  and  extend  my  con- 
gratulations to  the  many  gentlemen  present,  and  whose  hearts  had  been  made  so 
glad.  Perhaps  CUnt  you  wUl  be  ready  to  exclaim!  What  means  all  this  excitement 
over  a  mere  local  election.  It  is  because  the  acticm  of  our  Legislature  was  such 

that  secession  sympathy  had  become  very  alarming  here!  And  we  consider  the 

result  of  the  election  as  a  serious  rebuke! 

While  Springfield  Republicans  savored  the  victory  they  had  won  in  the  city  elections, 
they  watched  with  anxiety  as  the  legislature  reconvened  at  the  State  House  on  June  2.  Mrs. 
Conkling  wrote:  "The  notorious  Legislature  is  again  in  session,  and  our  town  is  full  of 
strangers[,]  copperheads  largely  in  the  majority,  boldly  expressing  their  disloyalty,  and 


plotFtlins  treason."     Fearful  of  what  the  legislature  might  try  this  time.  Governor  Yates  had 

46  Lincoln' s  Springfield 

implored  Lincoln  to  send  foxir  regiments  of  troops  to  Springfield  "imder  the  pretext  of 
recruiting,"  but  Yates's  request  had  not  been  granted. 

As  the  legislature  settled  down  to  business,  they  again  argued  over  war  policies,  and 
Governor  Yates  watched  with  growing  indignation.  Ever  since  the  legislature  had  convened 
in  January,  Governor  Yates — who  was  fondly  referred  to  by  his  admirers  as  the  "soldiers' 
friend"  because  of  his  personal  attention  to  the  sick  and  wounded  soldiers — ^had  urged  them 
to  pass  a  bill  appropriating  funds  for  the  aid  of  sick  and  wounded  Illinois  soldiers.  Now  such 
a  bill  with  $100,000  in  appropriations  was  under  consideration.  Democrats  in  the  house, 
however,  refused  to  name  the  govemor  as  the  disbursing  agent  for  the  funds  and  had  instead 
named  three  Peace  Democrats  as  commissioners  to  disburse  the  funds.  Republicans  in  the 
senate  coimtered  by  adding  the  governor's  name  to  the  list  of  commissioners  but  Democrats 
in  the  house  would  not  concur  with  the  change.  The  bill  passed  back  and  forth  with 
seemingly  no  resolution  in  sight.  To  make  matters  worse.  Democrats  insinuated  that  Yates 
was  imfit  to  handle  the  people's  money.  He  had  been  "intellectually  weakened,"  they 
whispered  among  themselves,  by  his  indulgence  in  strong  drink. 

Annoyed  beyond  endurance  and  convinced  that  the  legislature  could  do  nothing  but 
harm,  Govemor  Yates  on  June  10  pounced  on  an  unexpected  opportunity  to  prorogue  the 
legislature.  The  opportunity  presented  itself  in  a  never-before-used  article  of  the  Illinois 
Constitution  which  stated  that  "in  case  of  disagreement  between  the  two  houses  with  respect 
to  the  time  of  adjournment,  the  govemor  shall  have  power  to  adjourn  the  General  Assembly 
to  such  time  as  he  thinks  proper,  provided  it  be  not  to  a  period  beyond  the  next  constitutional 
meeting  of  the  same."^  For  several  days  the  legislature  had  been  bantering  on  a  time  for 
adjournment,  never  thinking  themselves  deadlocked  and  never  imagining  that  they  might 
need  to  seek  the  wisdom  of  the  govemor.  At  about  10:15  \m.  on  June  10,  Lieutenant 
Govemor  Francis  A.  Hoffman  walked  onto  the  senate  floor  and  began  reading  the  governor's 
message  while  at  the  same  time  the  governor's  private  secretary.  Colonel  Hirschbeck, 
stepped  into  the  Hall  of  Representatives  and  began  reading  the  same  message: 

...  I  fully  believe  that  the  interests  of  the  State  will  best  be  subserved  by  a  speedy 
adjoumment — the  past  history  of  the  present  assembly  holding  out  no  reasonable 
hope  of  beneficial  results  to  the  citizens  of  the  State  or  the  army  in  the  field  from 
its  further  continuance; 

Now,  therefore,  in  view  of  the  existing  disagreement  between  the  two  houses 
with  respect  to  the  time  of  adjoumment,  and  by  virtue  of  the  power  vested  in  me 
by  the  constitution  as  aforesaid,  I,  RICHARD  YATES,  Govemor  of  the  State  of 
Illinois,  do  hereby  adjourn  the  General  Assembly,  now  in  session,  to  the  Saturday 
next  preceding  the  first  Monday  in  January,  A.D.  1865. . . . 

In  the  senate,  the  "Democratic  members  were  so  taken  by  surprise  that  they  had  scarcely 
time  to  breathe,"  but  they  soon  "dispersed"  in  "good  style."  Govemor  Yates,  who  was 
standing  in  the  State  House  lobby  when  the  messages  were  read,  witnessed  the  reaction  in 
the  house.  According  to  Yates,  "quite  a  tumult  ensued. '  As  soon  as  House  Speaker  S  amuel 
Buckmaster  realized  what  was  bemg  read,  he  "began  to  pound  furiously  with  his  gavel  to 
stop  the  reading"  but  he  was  "imable  either  to  drown  the  reader's  voice  or  put  a  stop  to  the 
reading."^^  A  reporter  from  the  Tribune  wrote:  "Copperhead  members  gathered  around  the 
Speaker's  chair  and  foamed  and  raved  and  swore  at  a  furious  rate."  Speaker  Buckmaster 

1863  Fire  in  the  Rear  47 

was  said  to  have  thrown  down  his  gavel  in  disgust  and  exclaimed  "it  was  no  use  talking,  the 
institution  was  defunct,  and  the  Legislature  was  played  out,  and  they  might  as  well  quit  first 
as  lasL"^^ 

Springfield  residents  reacted  with  mixed  feelings  at  the  governor's  bold  measure.  Mrs. 
Conkling  wrote  that  "all  loyal  men  rejoice."  Mr.  Conkling  felt  that  imder  the  circumstances, 
it  was  "the  best  thing  [that]  could  have  been  done."  Editors  of  the  Register  blasted  Yates: 
"The  plain,  bald,  undisguisable  truth  is,  that  this  action  of  Governor  Yates  is  wholly 
indefensible,  and  but  httle  short  of  infamous."  As  for  Governor  Yates,  he  breathed  a  sigh 
of  relief  and  wrote  to  Illinois  Adjutant  General  Fuller:  "All  is  now  perfectly  harmonious — 
The  members  are  receiving  their  pay  and  going  home  and  aU  is  right  and  quiet  at  the 

While  Republicans  were  praising  Governor  Yates,  enraged  Democrats  were  planning  a 
colossal  mass  meeting  to  be  held  at  the  county  fairgrounds  one  mile  west  of  the  Springfield 
square  on  June  17.  Called  by  the  Democratic  State  Committee,  the  meeting  was  being 
organized  for  the  purpose  of  expressing  Democratic  views  in  regard  to  the  "present  national 
crisis.  The  meeting  could  not  have  been  held  at  a  more  opportune  time,  for  Democrats 
had  much  to  say  about  the  condition  of  the  country.  The  North  had  for  too  long  been  awaiting 
a  major  miUtary  victory,  and  the  Union  army  was  proving  itself  a  failure.  Though  Union 
troops  had  been  fighting  in  the  Vicksburg  vicinity  for  months,  still  they  had  not  c^tured  the 
city,  and  now  alarming  news  was  coming  from  the  East  that  the  Confederate  army  was 
headed  north  into  Pennsylvania.  In  addition,  the  government  had  become  bolder  in  its 
military  arrests  of  civilians.  In  early  May,  Clement  VaUandigham,  a  candidate  for  the  Ohio 
govemorship,  had  been  arrested  and  banished  to  the  South  for  making  inflammatory 
speeches  against  Lincoln  and  the  war  effort.  And  now  the  latest  blow  had  come  when 
Yates  had  brashly  ended  the  session  of  the  legislature. 

In  Springfield,  Democrats  were  busily  preparing  for  the  meeting.  The  Tribune  estimated 
that  fifty  thousand  people  would  attend  the  meeting,  about  four  times  the  population  of 
Springfield.  Speakers '  stands  were  set  up  at  the  fairgrounds,  extra  food  was  prepared,  flags 
were  hung,  and  arrangements  were  made  for  reduced  railroad  fares.  Meanwhile,  Spring- 
field RepubUcans  anticipated  the  upcoming  meeting  with  apprehension,  fearing  that  the  most 
imruly  factions  of  the  crowd  might  spark  violence.  Surely,  members  of  the  feared  Knights 
of  the  Golden  Circle  (KGC),  a  secret  organization  of  secession  sympathizers,  would 
converge  at  the  meeting.  Only  one  month  ago  at  a  similar  Democratic  convention  in 
Indianapolis,  the  KGC  were  rumored  to  have  plotted  an  armed  uprising  at  the  meeting, 


though  it  did  not  materialize. 

So,  in  order  to  help  reduce  the  possibility  of  conflicts  in  Springfield,  the  commander  of 
Camp  Buder  ordered  that  no  soldier  be  allowed  to  leave  the  camp  on  the  day  of  the  meeting. 
Extra  guards  were  stationed  around  the  arsenal  and  additional  officers  were  added  to  the 
city  police  force.  Though  violence  on  a  large  scale  was  not  expected,  Springfield  citizens 
feared  that  the  day  would  not  pass  without  some  sort  of  trouble.  With  a  hint  of  anxiety,  Mr. 
Conkling  wrote  to  his  son:  "There  will  be  thousands  here  arrived  with  pistols  knives  &  [et]c 
but  I  do  not  apprehend  anything  except  from  drunken  brawls.  I  hope  the  day  will  pass  away 
without  disturbance  but  judging  from  what  occurred  at  IndianapoUs,  there  may  be  some 

48  Lincoln' s  Springfield 

The  morning  of  Wednesday,  June  1 7,  dawned  clear  and  hot  Crowds  of  men  had  already 
begim  arriving  the  previous  day,  coming  by  train,  wagon,  and  horseback,  getting  first  chance 
at  the  hotels  and  boarding  houses.  Now,  even  more  came,  approaching  the  city  in  caravans 
of  wagons,  each  caravan  originating  from  a  different  county.  Before  dawn,  at  4:00  A.M., 
lookouts  sighted  the  first  caravan  rolling  in  from  the  prairie  and  shot  off  a  caimon  blast  to 
announce  its  arrival.  As  each  caravan  arrived,  its  leaders  paraded  their  troop  around  the 
square  and  then  hailed  one  of  the  workers  in  red  sashes  for  directions  to  the  fairgrounds. 
From  early  morning  until  mid-aftemoon,  "the  air  was  filled  with  the  shouts  of  fresh  arrivals, 
and  the  music  of  a  himdred  rival  bands  shook  the  breeze  in  all  directions."  Watching  the 
crowds  pass  by,  Anna  Ridgely  wrote:  "At  daybreak  wagons  passed  by  filled  with  men  and 
[the]  procession  continued  to  come  in  from  all  quarters  all  day.  I  never  saw  such  a  crowd 
of  men.  The  town  was  full  of  them."  In  all,  about  forty  thousand  visitors  had  come  to 

Finally  the  meeting  got  underway  at  noon  at  the  fairgrounds  under  a  blazing-hot  sun. 
Six  stands  had  been  set  up,  and  from  these  stands.  Democratic  politicians  from  Illinois, 
Indiana,  Ohio,  and  Missouri  fumed  against  the  "arbitrary  usurpations  of  power  by  the 
administration."  But  the  much-feared  crowd  listening  to  them  was  not  made  up  of  the  type 
of  men  who  were  normally  "found  flinging  their  caps  in  the  air,  and  going  off  in  a  whirligig 
of  excitement"  Rather,  as  Anna  Ridgely  noticed,  the  audience  consisted  largely  of  "mid- 
dle-aged men,  thoughtful,  sober-looking  persons."  Many  of  them  were  farmers  who  had 
taken  time  out  from  their  labor  to  register,  by  their  mere  presence,  their  concerns  about  the 
war.  Many  had  sent  their  own  sons  off  to  the  war.  Some  considered  themselves  Peace 
Democrats,  some  claimed  they  were  War  Democrats,  and  still  others  had  simply  come 
because  they  were  curious.  To  prove  their  good  intentions,  the  crowd  contributed  liberally 
when  a  collection  was  taken  up  for  the  benefit  of  Illinois'  sick  and  wounded  soldiers,  an 
action  that  RepubUcans  later  criticized  as  a  ploy  to  disguise  their  true  feeUngs.  Hats  were 
passed  among  the  huge  crowd  until  they  were  "filled  and  crammed"  and  then  were  passed 
back  to  the  committee,  emptied,  and  quickly  refilled  again.  A  total  of  $47,400  was  collected 
from  the  vast  audience,  nearly  half  the  amoimt  of  the  abandoned  $100,000  legislative  bill. 

By  the  end  of  the  meeting  twenty-four  resolutions  had  been  written,  siunming  up  the 
position  of  the  Democrats  who  had  organized  the  meeting.  In  their  resolutions,  Democratic 
conunittee  members  reaffirmed  their  willingness  to  obey  the  Constitution  "in  time  of  war  as 
in  time  of  peace";  they  denovmced  the  seizing  of  citizens  "without  warrant  of  law";  they 
denounced  the  arrest  and  banishment  of  Vallandigham  for  no  other  crime  "than  that  of 
uttering  words  of  legitimate  criticism  upon  the  conduct  of  the  administration  in  power" ;  and 
they  condemned  Governor  Yates's  action  of  proroguing  the  legislature  as  a  "high-handed 
usurpation  and  exercise  of  arbitrary  power"  and  assured  him  that  his  action  was  beheld  with 
"indignation."^^  The  final  two  resolutions,  however,  contained  the  substance  of  their 
concerns.  Resolution  twenty-three  asserted: 

That  the  further  offensive  prosecution  of  this  war  tends  to  subvert  the 
constitution  and  the  government,  and  entail  upon  this  nation  all  the  disastrous 
consequences  of  misrule  and  anarchy.  That  we  are  in  favor  of  peace  upon  the 
basis  of  a  restoration  of  the  Union,  and  for  the  accompUshment  of  which,  we 
propose  a  national  convention,  to  settle  upon  tenns  of  peace,  which  shall  have  in 

1863  Fire  in  the  Rear  49 

view  the  restoration  of  the  Union  as  it  was,  and  the  securing  by  constitutional 

amendments,  such  rights  to  the  several  states  and  the  people  thereof,  as  honor  and 

justice  demand. 

Resolution  twenty-four  denounced 

those  fanatics  who  are  engaged  in  representing  the  democracy  as  wanting  in 
sympathy  for  our  soldiers  in  the  field.  Those  soldiers  are  our  kindred ,  our  friends 
and  our  neighbors. . .  and  we  earnestly  request  the  president  of  the  United  States 
to  withdraw  the  'Proclamation  of  Emancipation,*  and  permit  the  brave  sons  of 
Dlinois  to  fight  only  for  the  'Union,  the  constitution  and  the  enforcement  of  the 

Finally,  as  nighttime  set  in,  the  crowd  "began  gradually  to  disperse;  the  farmers  to  their 
homes,  and  those  who  came  by  rail,  to  the  city,  to  await  the  departure  of  the  cars." 

Three  weeks  later,  on  the  afternoon  of  July  7,  dispatches  reached  the  city  bearing 
heart-lifting  news  that  shattered  the  gloomy  logic  of  the  Peace  Democrats.  "GLORIOUS 
NEWS,"  announced  the  Journal.  "VICKSBURG  SURRENDERS."  Even  the  Register 
celebrated  the  good  news,  announcing  that  the  capture  of  Vicksburg  "is  the  most  important 
triumph  of  the  war."  After  months  of  fighting  near  Vicksburg,  Union  troops — a  large  part 
of  whom  were  lUinoisans — ^had  finally  captured  the  city,  thereby  opening  the  Mississippi 
River  from  its  source  to  its  mouth  and  splitting  the  Confederacy  in  half.  News  from  the  East, 
too,  cheered  the  hearts  of  Springfield  citizens  as  they  learned  of  a  grand  Union  victory  at 
Gettysburg,  Pennsylvania. 

Upon  hearing  the  news  of  the  victories,  farmer  John  Yoimg  excitedly  wrote  in  his  diary: 
"There  is  great  news  from  our  armies.  General  Mead  has  defeated  the  rebbles  at  Gettiesburg 

Permsylvania  after  a  terrible  battle and  best  of  all  Grant  has  taken  Vicksburg.  The  people 

are  perfectly  wild  with  joy  at  these  events." 

The  victories  called  for  a  grand  celebration,  and  on  the  night  of  July  8  Springfield  citizens 
turned  out  for  the  occasion.  Though  the  temperature  that  afternoon  had  reached  a  blazing 


nmety-eight  degrees,  still  droves  of  Springfield  citizens  along  with  folks  fi^om  the  country 
mustered  their  energy  and  headed  for  the  square.  At  5:00  p.m.  a  thirty- five- gun  salute  was 
fired  in  honor  of  the  Gettysburg  victory.  At  6:00  pj^.  another  thirty-five-gim  salute  was 
fired,  this  time  in  honor  of  the  Vicksburg  victory.  Then,  again  at  7:00  ?M.  the  gims  saluted 
Governor  Yates  and  Illinois'  "brave  soldiers  in  the  field."  From  7:30  to  8:00  P.M.,  as  the  sun 
began  to  sink  on  the  horizon,  aU  the  bells  in  the  city  were  nmg.  In  the  meantime,  more  and 
more  p>eople  crowded  into  the  square  awaiting  the  speeches  and  fireworks  that  would 
commence  at  dusk.  AU  around  them,  the  gathering  crowd  surveyed  with  wonder  the  special 
decorations  that  ornamented  the  square.  A  Journal  editor  described  the  almost  Christmas- 
like setting: 

The  scene  in  the  city  during  the  evening  was  grand  and  beautiful  beyond 
description.  The  whole  of  Capitol  Square  was  illuminated  by  bonfires;  the  stars 
and  stripes  were  displayed  from  public  bmldings  and  residences;  lights  gleamed 
from  hundreds  of  windows,  and  variegated  lanterns  and  transparencies  or- 
namented the  fronts  of  private  residences  and  business  houses,  presenting  a 
fairy-like  scene,  beautiful  beyond  description.  Nearly  the  entire  south  front  of 
the  square  was  illuminated  in  the  most  beautiful  manner. 

50  Lincoln' s  Springfield 

...  the  taste  displayed  by  Messrs.  Yates  &  Smith  is  worthy  of  particular 
notice.  In  front  of  their  store  there  were  transparencies  with  the  names  of  Grant 
and  McClemand  and  Meade  and  Logan  inscribed;  undemeath  all,  red,  white  and 
blue  lanterns  were  festooned,  giving  the  whole  an  appearance  of  a  fairy  scene  in 
the  'Arabian  Nights.' 

At  about  8:00  p.m.  the  formal  proceedings  of  the  celebration  began.  To  announce  the 
commencement  of  the  meeting,  fireworks  were  shot  off  from  the  square,  after  which  the  city 
bands  struck  up  "stirring  and  patriotic  airs."  Then,  from  the  steps  of  the  courthouse  speakers 
began  addressing  the  cheering  crowds  who  had  gathered  on  the  street  below.  Several 
Springfield  speakers,  including  General  John  McClemand,  attorney  James  Conkling,  and 
Judge  Norman  Broadwell,  vigorously  shouted  forth  spirited  war  speeches.  Between  the 
orations,  Springfield's  Union  Glee  Club  lifted  their  voices  in  patriotic  tunes  including  "The 
Star-Spangled  Banner"  and  "Stand  by  the  President,"  while  in  the  background  idle  boys 
could  be  seen  shooting  off  fire  crackers.  Throughout  the  evening  the  atmosphere  bore  the 
festivity  of  a  magnificent  hoUday.  John  Harper,  a  soldier  who  was  stationed  at  Camp  Buder, 
attended  the  celebration  and  wrote  about  it  to  his  sister  back  home: 

I  wish  you  could  have  seen  what  jollifacation  we  had  here  over  the  downfall  of 
that  place[.]  I  never  saw  anything  that  would  begin  to  come  up  to  it[.]  nearly 
every  house  was  brillian[t]ly  illuminated  and  the  streets  was  never  known  to  be 
crowded  so  it  was  allmost  impossible  for  one  to  try  to  pass  through  them  and  they 
had  the  nicest  sky  rockets  and  the  nicest  fire  works  of  all  kinds  I  ever  saw  in  my 
life  and  what  was  best  of  all  some  splendid  speaking[.]  taking  it  all  it  was  the  best 
thing  I  ever  saw[.]  I  tell  you  Copperheadism  was  on  the  discount  that  night. 

The  victories  at  Vicksburg  and  Gettysburg  were  indeed  worth  celebrating,  for  they  had 
proven,  at  least  temporarily,  that  the  war  was  not  a  failure.  Finally,  after  months  of  tension 
generated  by  the  legislature,  the  loyal  people  of  Springfield  could  breathe  a  sigh  of  reUef. 
And  finally,  after  sending  hundreds  of  men  off  to  war  in  the  summer  of  1 862,  all  the  f>eople 
of  Springfield  could  rejoice  in  the  long-awaited  victory.  The  pendulum,  at  least  for  the  time 
being,  had  swung  back. 

The  victories  set  a  perfect  tone  of  optimism  for  still  another  mass  meeting  to  be  held  in 
Springfield  on  September  3 .  Organized  in  response  to  the  Democratic  mass  meeting  of  June 
17,  this  meeting  was  for  all  "Unconditional  Union  men  of  the  State  of  Illinois,  withoutregard 
to  former  party  associations,  who  are  in  favor  of  a  vigorous  prosecution  of  the  war."  Signed 
by  several  hundred  Illinois  men,  the  call  went  out  to  loyal  men  from  every  walk  of  life: 
"Come  from  the  remotest  extremities  of  the  State.  Come  fix)m  the  farm  and  the  workshop. 
Come  from  the  office  and  die  coimting-room." 

But  the  meeting  was  not  to  be  merely  a  gesture  in  response  to  the  June  17  Democratic 
meeting.  A  Union  meeting  was  of  vital  importance  now,  Union  men  recognized,  to  further 
encourage  pro-war  men  to  continue  their  support  of  the  administration's  war  policies.  As 
long  as  the  war  continued,  the  grave  danger  of  losing  the  war  on  the  home  front  lurked  as  a 
possibility.  Even  now.  Peace  Democrats  were  hailing  the  victories  at  Vicksburg  and 
Gettysburg  as  a  "golden  opportunity"  to  bargain  for  peace.  "Let  the  administration,"  the 
Register  wrote,  "make  a  wise  and  beneficent  use  of  our  victories  .  . .  and  magnanimously 
offer  honorable  terms  for  a  restoration  of  the  Union,  and  we  believe  now  that  this  'cruel  war 


would  be  over,'  in  thirty  days. 

1863  Fire  in  the  Rear  51 

And  so,  on  Thursday,  September  3,  Union  men  from  communities  all  over  Dlinois 
converged  at  Springfield  to  encourage  one  another  at  the  Union  mass  meeting.  As  delega- 
tions of  men  from  various  counties  arrived  in  town,  it  was  evident  that  the  meeting  had  drawn 
at  least  forty  or  fifty  thousand  visitors  to  Springfield — as  many  or  even  more  visitors  than 


had  come  for  the  Democratic  meeting.  While  out  on  a  leisurely  carriage  ride  on  this 
eventful  day,  Aima  Ridgely  was  impressed  by  the  number  of  people  in  town.  "The  town 
was  full  of  country  people,"  she  wrote  in  her  diary.  "We  saw  nothing  but  people."  A  reporter 


fi-om  the  Tribune  observed:  "The  state  capital  looks  like  a  hive  in  swarming  time." 

At  9:00  AM.  a  long  procession  of  at  least  312  "vehicles  of  all  descriptions,"  began 
forming  for  a  ceremonial  march  fi-om  the  city  square  to  the  fairgroimds,  where  the  speaking 
would  take  place.  The  festive  confusion  of  a  parade  prevailed  on  the  square,  with  marshals 
busy  disentangling  wagons,  boys  tapping  on  their  drums,  and  marchers  steadying  their 
fluttering  flags.  Finally,  the  procession  wound  its  way  along  the  streets,  past  residences  that 
were  decorated  with  flags  and  through  crowds  of  cheering  observers  who  waved  miniature 
flags  in  their  hands,  until  it  reached  the  fairgrounds  and  was  welcomed  by  the  firing  of  a 


national  salute. 

As  the  meeting  got  underway  at  the  fairgroimds,  the  first  order  of  business  was  to  read 
letters  fi-om  those  speakers  who  had  been  invited  but  could  not  attend.  Letters  were  read 
fi-om  renowned  orator  Edward  Everett  of  Massachusetts,  Congressman  Daniel  S.  Dickinson 
of  New  York,  Congressman  Schuyler  Colfax  of  Indiana,  Major  General  Benjamin  P.  Butler 
of  Massachusetts,  and  other  prominent  politicians.  But  foremost  among  the  correspondence 
was  a  letter  fi-om  Abraham  Lincoln,  who  regretted  that  he  could  not  take  the  time  to  come 
speak  to  "my  old  friends  at  my  own  home." 

A  speech  in  itself,  Lincoln's  letter  addressed  the  main  controversies  that  had  plagued  the 
Springfield  community,  as  well  as  all  Illinois,  for  many  months — the  emancipation  of  slaves 
and  the  issue  of  a  peace  compromise.  Lincoln  declared  that  the  emancipation  of  the  slaves 
was  indeed  constitutional,  that  the  taking  of  slaves  in  wartime  was  the  same  principle  as  the 
confiscation  of  property,  both  of  which  were  done  to  weaken  the  enemy.  To  those  who 
insisted  on  fighting  for  the  sole  purpose  of  saving  the  Union,  he  said:  "I  issued  the 
proclamation  on  purpose  to  aid  you  in  saving  the  Union.  Whenever  you  shall  have  conquered 
all  resistance  to  the  Union,  if  I  shaU  urge  you  to  continue  fighting,  it  will  be  an  apt  time, 
then,  for  you  to  declare  you  will  not  fight  to  free  negroes."  As  for  a  peace  compromise,  he 
disagreed  that  a  "paper  compromise"  could  be  made  with  southern  bureaucrats.  "The 
strength  of  the  rebellion,  is  its  miUtary,"  said  Lincoln.  "Now  allow  me  to  assure  you,  that 

no  word  or  intimation,  from  the  rebel  army,  or  from  any  of  the  men  controlling  it,  in  relation 

to  any  peace  compromise,  has  ever  come  to  my  knowledge  or  belief." 

After  Lincoln's  letter  was  read,  as  well  as  letters  from  others  who  could  not  attend,  the 

speakers  began  to  address  their  audiences.  At  four  stands  interspersed  in  various  locations 

on  the  groimds,  crowds  encircled  the  orators  and  listened  with  anticipation.    Senator 

Zachariah  Chandler  of  Michigan,  Senator  James  Doolittle  of  Wisconsin,  General  John 

McClemand,  Governor  Yates,  and  many  others  gave  rousing  patriotic  speeches.     At  one 

of  the  stands.  General  Oglesby  warned  his  audience  not  to  get  too  complacent  after  the  recent 

victories  at  Vicksburg  and  Gettysburg: 

52  Lincoln' s  Springfield 

The  political  aspect  at  this  time  is  more  serious  than  the  war.  I  want  you  to 

realize  this  danger  and  meet  it  promptly.    We  have  nothing  to  fear  from  the 

war — the  war  is  over.  I  want  you  to  understand  what  I  mean.  The  rebels  have 

given  over  all  expectation  of  succeeding  by  their  arms.  Jeff  Davis  will  not  fight 

another  battle  if  he  can  avoid  it.   Lee  will  not  fight  another  battle  unless  he  is 

compelled  to  do  it  Their  object  now  is  to  prolong  the  war. 

Throughout  the  afternoon  multitudes  of  people  stood  for  hours  listening  to  the  various 
speakers,  ocx;asionalIy  "rambling  over  the  grounds,  surrounding  the  huckster's  stands,  or 
assembUng  in  groups  under  the  trees."  By  evening  the  proceedings  at  the  fairgrounds  had 
ended.  Those  who  chose  to  remain  in  town  shifted  to  the  city  square,  where  more  speeches 
were  delivered  from  the  steps  of  the  courthouse.  Others  went  to  the  comer  of  Ninth  and 
Jefferson  streets  to  watch  a  brilliant  display  of  fireworks,  while  still  others  joined  a  torchhght 
procession  which  woimd  slowly  through  the  streets  of  Springfield  with  its  gleaming  trail  of 

The  Union  meeting,  with  its  huge  crowd  and  its  aura  of  confidence  seemed  to  have  been 
a  great  success,  but  whether  the  meeting,  along  with  the  victories  at  Gettysburg  and 
Vicksburg,  would  be  enough  to  encourage  continued  support  of  the  war  effort,  was  yet  to 
be  determined,  for  no  one  could  be  sure  when  the  next  military  victories  would  come  or  just 
how  long  the  war  would  last.  But  for  the  time  being,  a  much -needed  boost  of  hope  had  come 
and  the  people  of  Springfield  continued  to  struggle  through  the  war  one  day  at  a  time. 

The  mass  meetings  and  political  battles,  however,  were  not  the  only  effects  of  the  war 
being  experienced  by  the  people  of  Springfield.  Other  effects,  chronic  and  crippling  in 
nature,  were  gradually  sapping  the  emotions  and  resotirces  of  nearly  every  Springfield 
resident  Hardly  a  day  passed  by  when  someone  didn't  learn  of  a  loved  one  or  acquaintance 
who  had  died  on  a  battlefield,  in  a  hospital,  or  in  camp.  In  early  January  Springfield  famiUes 
had  received  word  that  several  Springfield  soldiers  had  been  killed  in  battle  at  Murft-eesboro, 
Tennessee.^'  During  the  spring  and  simuner  many  more  had  died  of  disease  and  injuries  as 
a  result  of  the  Vicksburg  campaign.  Still  others  were  reported  to  have  been  captured  and 
imprisoned  somewhere  in  the  South,  while  yet  others  were  reported  killed  imexpectedly — for 
instancebyahastily  fired  bullet  from  a  roving  band  of  Rebels.  During  a  week  of  particular 
sorrow,  Mrs.  Conkling  wrote: 

Even  in  our  very  midst  the[re]  scarcely  passes  a  day,  without  a  funeral  of  some 
soldier  brought  home  to  be  followed  to  the  grave,  and  even  now  while  I  am 
writing,  the  bells  are  tolling  the  departure  of  a  young  lieutenant,  Mr.  Moore  killed 
at  Vicksburg  and  then  tomorrow  the  same  mournful  scene  over  the  remains  of 
captain  Buck  formerly  residents  here. 

Those  Springfield  residents  who  had  thus  far  escaped  bereavement  were  burdened  with 
the  constant,  nagging  loneliness  of  separation.  Ada  Bailhache,  wife  of  Springfield  soldier 
William  Bailhache,  poured  out  her  feelings  in  a  letter  to  her  husband  who  was  on  duty  in 

I  feel  as  though  you  have  left  the  world,  for  I  do  not  know  where  you  are  and 
nobody  else  seems  to  know.  If  you  were  only  in  direct  communication  with  us 
you  would  not  seem  so  far — ^I  fear  you  have  not  received  any  of  the  dispatches 
that  have  been  sent  for  all  that  we  can  hear  from  the  operator  at  Lebanon  who 
says  you  left  there  some  time  ago  and  no  one  knows  where  you  are! ...  I  think 

1863  Fire  in  the  Rear  53 

of  you  every  night  after  I  go  to  bed — ^I  feel  so  lonely  and  and  wonder  where  you 
are  and  how  you  are  feeling — if  you  were  within  distance  and  I  could  hear  from 
you  regularly  I  should  not  feel  that  you  were  so  far  off  and  if  I  knew  how  you 

lived — do  you  sleep  in  a  tent,  and  eat  rations — wear  your  uniform  and  a  great 

many  things  I  would  like  to  know. 

With  nowhere  else  to  turn,  many  anxious  wives  and  family  members  sought  the  help  of 
God  to  deliver  their  beloved  soldiers  from  sickness  and  death.  At  least  two  churches  in 
town — the  First  Baptist  Church  and  the  Third  Presbyterian  Church — held  special  weekly 
and  sometimes  special  daily  services  for  everyone  who  wished  to  gather  and  pray  for  "our 
fellow  citizens"  who  had  gone  off  to  war.  By  spring  of  1863,  the  sorrows  of  war  had 
prompted  such  a  revival  of  faith  that  in  that  season  alone  more  than  one  himdred  members 
were  added  to  the  Presbyterian,  Baptist,  and  Methodist  churches.  On  one  Sunday  after- 
noon in  May ,  eighteen  p>eople  joined  the  Second  Presbyterian  Church,  including  a  furloughed 
soldier  who  testified  that  he  had  watched  a  comrade  die  at  Shiloh  and  had  been  so  moved 
that  he  had  fallen  to  his  knees  on  the  battlefield  and  resolved  to  "devote  himself  to  the  service 
of  his  Savior." 

Springfield  residents  were  not  only  suffering  emotional  anguish,  but  were  also  struggling 
under  increasing  financial  hardships.  The  thirteen  dollars  a  month  salary  of  a  private — if  he 
even  was  lucky  enough  to  get  his  pay  on  a  regular  schedule — ^was  not  always  sufficient  to 


supply  the  needs  of  a  family  back  home.  The  war  had  lasted  longer  than  many  a  soldier 
had  bargained  for,  longer  than  a  family  back  home  could  hold  out  without  extra  means  of 
support.  As  a  result,  more  and  more  families  were  suffering  from  a  lack  of  money  to  buy 
food,  clothing,  and  fuel.  Lewis  P.  Clover,  rector  of  Sl  Paul's  Episcopal  Church,  was 
compelled  by  an  impoverished  member  of  his  congregation  to  write  a  letter  to  Governor 

The  bearer  of  this  note,  Mrs.  Sarah  Hughes,  is  a  most  worthy  diristian  lady, 
a  member  of  my  church,  and  an  old  resident  of  this  city.  Her  only  son  John  C. 
Hughes,  upon  whom  she  dqpends  for  support,  has  been  in  the  aimy  five  months 
and  has  received  no  pay.  This  has  left  the  mother  in  destitution. 

She  calls  upon  you  to  see  if  you  caimot  do  something,  or  direct  her  in  the  way 
of  having  something  done  for  her  relief . 

Another  resident  of  Springfield,  whose  husband  was  a  soldier  in  the  Twenty-fifth  Missouri 
Infantry,  wrote  her  own  plea  to  Governor  Yates: 

...  he  [her  husband]  was  in  the  battle  at  sWlo  and  was  wounded  [.]  he  is  disabeld 

but  he  is  in  the  service  yet  and  i  under  stood  that  you  was  a  soldiers  friend[.]  i 

am  in  great  need  of  things  [.]  i  have  Uved  in  Kansas  for  the  last  6  years  and  my 

husband  inlisted  in  62  and  i  was  robbed  of  every  thing  that  i  had  in  Kansas  and  i 

came  here  to  Springfield  last  november  and  my  family  has  bin  sick  most  of  the 

time  and  i  have  bin  sick  and  not  abel  to  do  any  for  too  months  [.]   i  have  four 

children  and  if  you  can  assist  me  alittle  i  wUl  be  vary  thankful[.]  times  is  so  hard 

that  I  cant  keep  up[.]  my  husband  sends  me  all  of  the  help  that  he  can  but  it  wont 

supply  our  wants  [.]   my  husban  name  is  James  aayweU[.l   we  both  was  bom 

and  raised  m  this  county 

54  Lincoln' s  Springfield 

The  plight  of  destitute  families  was  worsened  by  inflated  prices  on  such  staple  goods  as 


butter,  sugar,  coffee,  tea,  cotton,  and  calico.  Caused  by  the  financial  demands  and 
upheavals  of  the  war,  continually  rising  prices  were  depleting  the  pocketbooks  of  most 
Springfield  residents.  Even  Mrs.  Conkling,  whose  husband  earned  a  lawyer's  salary,  felt 
the  crunch  of  inflation.  When  the  bottom  of  "a  large  barrel  of  splendid  soap"  gave  way  "and 
the  whole  contents  deposited  on  the  cellar  floor,"  she  despaired:   "I  feel  that  it  is  quite  a 


heavy  loss  now  when  everything  brings  two  prices,  and  some  three."  To  make  matters 
worse,  the  depreciation  of  the  greenback  had  created  a  great  demand  and  a  resulting  scarcity 
of  small  change.  A  transaction  at  the  local  dry  goods  store  might  result  in  a  customer  buying 
an  extra  unwanted  item,  such  as  a  box  of  nails,  or  receiving  "shinplasters"  or  tickets  that 


could  be  redeemed  on  another  visit,  in  heu  of  receiving  change  back. 

Perhaps  the  greatest  danger  of  all  for  the  destitute  family  was  the  lack  of  money  to  buy 

firewood.  During  the  muddiest  weeks  of  the  winter,  when  men  were  prevented  from  hauling 

wood  to  town,  the  pnice  of  firewood  doubled  and  sometmies  even  tripled.     In  late  February 

of  1863,  the  price  of  one  cord  of  wood  was  fourteen  dollars,  more  than  the  entire  month's 

paycheck  of  a  soldier.     For  a  poor  mother  who  was  managing  a  family  of  children  by  herself 

or  for  a  destitute  wife  who  could  not  plow  through  the  mud  to  chop  down  trees,  there  was 

nothing  left  to  do  but  to  beg  for  help  from  friends  and  relatives,  and  failing  there,  from  the 

city  or  the  county. 

In  December  of  1863,  when  the  approaching  winter  was  again  creating  an  acute  need 
for  wood,  the  Register  wrote:  "We  ask  our  citizens  to  remember  the  very  many  worthy  poor 
in  our  own  city,  destitute  and  penniless,  who  dread  the  coming  of  winter,  fearing,  that  without 
aid,  the  clear,  bright  snow,  that  we  do  so  love  to  see,  may  be  but  their  winding  sheet" 

But  the  p>eople  of  Springfield  were  not  deaf  to  the  calls  for  help.  As  the  war  dragged  on 
month  after  month  and  the  calls  for  help  increased,  so  too  did  the  answers  to  those  calls.  The 
city,  the  county,  churches,  and  benevolent  organizations  all  pitched  in  to  alleviate  the 
suffering  of  soldiers'  families. 

On  December  8,  city  officials  published  a  notice  in  the  Journal  calling  for  "every  man 
in  Sangamon  County  who  can  drive  a  team"  to  bring  into  town  on  Saturday,  December  12, 
a  "huge  load  of  wood  for  the  soldiers'  families."  On  the  same  day  that  the  wagons  were 
scheduled  to  roll  into  town  with  the  wood,  the  merchants,  bankers,  and  tradesmen  of 
Springfield  were  requested  to  gather  "every  yard  of  cloth,  pair  of  shoes,  barrel  of  flour,  etc., 
etc.,  you  can  well  spare"  and  deposit  it  in  the  rotunda  of  the  State  House.  As  a  result  of  the 
calls,  on  December  12  a  caravan  of  wagons  hauled  ninety -three  loads  of  wood  into  town, 
and  merchants  delivered  dozens  of  useful  items  including  shoes,  flour,  calico,  potatoes,  and 

In  the  fourth  ward  of  the  city,  a  group  of  yoimg  boys  followed  the  city's  example  of 
supplying  the  poor  with  wood.  The  group,  named  the  "Saw  Bucks,"  was  composed  of 
twenty-three  schoolboys  from  ages  twelve  to  sixteen.  During  the  month  of  December,  the 

boys  spent  four  nights  a  week  sawing,  splitting,  and  delivering  wood  free  of  charge  to  the 

poor  families  of  soldiers  who  resided  in  their  own  ward. 

The  county  also  assisted  in  aiding  the  poor  families  of  soldiers.  From  August  1862  to 

December  1862  the  Sangamon  County  Board  of  Supervisors  had  distributed  a  total  of 


$1,105.75  to  105  needy  families  of  Springfield  soldiers.     In  December  of  1863  they  again 

1863  Fire  in  the  Rear  55 

appropriated  money  "to  aid  in  preventing  suffering  among  the  families  of  volunteers  during 
the  winter,"  though  they  stipulated  that  no  family  could  receive  more  than  ten  dollars  per 

Springfield  churches  also  took  action  to  help  the  needy.  During  Thanksgiving  Day 
services,  at  least  two  churches — the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church  and  the  Universalist 
Church — took  special  collections  for  the  reUef  of  soldiers'  families.  The  poor  Sunday 
school  children  of  the  Second  Presbyterian  Church  were  provided  for  by  a  group  of  ladies 
from  the  church  who  sewed  winter  clothing  for  them.  Mrs.  Conkling,  who  participated  in 
this  endeavor,  wrote  in  late  1862:  "Everything  is  so  advanced  in  price  that  the  poor  cannot 
obtain  articles  of  clothing.' 

In  addition  to  the  efforts  of  the  city,  the  Saw  Bucks,  the  coimty,  and  various  churches, 
a  new  benevolent  ladies'  organization  joined  in  the  effort  to  help  soldiers'  families.  The 
"Loyal  Ladies'  League  of  Springfield"  was  formed  on  May  13  after  an  advertisement  was 
published  in  the  Journal  on  the  twelfth  calling  for  "all  loyal  ladies  of  Springfield"  to  meet 
at  3 :  00  p.m.  the  following  day  at  the  Second  Presbyterian  Church  "for  the  purpose  of  forming 
a  Ladies'  Union  League."  At  the  meeting,  each  prospective  member  was  required  to  sign  a 
pledge  promising  imconditional  support  to  the  national  government.  Though  the  organiza- 
tion was  at  first  designed  only  as  "an  associated  expression  of  loyal  sentiment,"  its  mem- 
bers— ^numbering  several  hundred — quickly  adopted  the  goals  of  aiding  the  families  of 
soldiers  as  weU  as  aiding  sick  and  wounded  soldiers.  Realizing  that  some  of  the  most  needy 
soldiers'  families  were  reluctant  to  ask  for  help,  the  Loyal  Ladies'  League  sent  out 
committees  to  canvass  the  city.  After  the  deserving  poor  were  found,  the  league  distributed 
food  and  clothing,  which  in  turn  had  been  donated  to  them  by  individual  Springfield  citizens 
and  by  Springfield  churches.  The  league  also  worked  in  close  fellowship  with  the  Soldiers' 
Aid  Society,  sometimes  joining  them  in  projects  to  aid  the  soldiers,  such  as  purchasing 
potatoes  to  send  to  Blinois  soldiers  in  the  field  and  giving  picnic  lunches  for  the  soldiers  at 

StiU  another  benevolent  organization  was  formed  in  February  of  1863.  Fashioned  after 
a  similar  organization  in  Chicago,  the  "Home  for  the  Friendless"  was  dedicated  to  providing 


a  temporary  home  for  "friendless  and  indigent  women  and  children. "  The  need  for  a  large 
dwelling  for  the  homeless  was  acute,  for  as  the  war  continued  month  after  month,  an 
ever-increasing  number  of  Springfield  widows  were  left  with  no  means  of  supporting 
themselves  or  their  children,  and  needed  more  help  than  an  occasional  load  of  wood  or  sack 
of  groceries.  And,  too,  shelter  was  needed  for  Union  sympathizers  from  the  South  who  had 
begun  drifting  North  seeking  refuge  after  having  been  driven  from  their  ravaged  communi- 
ties by  bands  of  Rebel  "bushwhackers."  On  May  19  two  famihes  of  emaciated,  ragged 
refugees  from  Arkansas  arrived  in  town,  one  family  with  seven  children.  With  the  proposed 
edifice  still  in  the  planning  stages,  the  families  had  to  be  quartered  in  an  "old  building  near 
the  depot"  and  fed  by  some  "charitable  citizens"  tmtil  the  Ladies'  Loyal  League  managed  to 
find  someone  who  would  take  the  families  in  for  a  short  time.  For  sufferers  such  as  these, 
the  home  was  being  planned.  Throughout  the  year,  the  new  organization  met  monthly  and 
solicited  money  to  buUd  a  home  that  would  help  alleviate  the  suffering  of  the  destitute. 

Despite  the  hardships  the  war  had  dealt  to  a  number  of  Springfield  families,  the  war  had 
not  cast  all  Springfield  residents  into  rags.  Rather,  business  was  booming  for  a  number  of 

56  Lincoln' s  Springfield 

Springfield  merchants  who  had  won  army  contracts  to  supply  the  soldiers  at  Camp  Butler 
and  Camp  Yates  with  food  and  clothing.  William  Stewart,  for  instance,  a  Scottish  baker, 
received  a  contract  to  supply  twelve  thousand  pounds  of  bread  per  day  for  ten  days  to  Camp 
Butler.  Other  Springfield  citizens  contracted  to  supply  beef  for  thirty-day  terms  to  the 
camp.^°^  On  the  outskirts  of  town,  Springfield  sheep  farmers  were  reaping  large  profits  from 
the  sale  of  wool  for  army  uniforms.  Hotel  and  shop  owners,  too,  were  making  money  as 
the  camps  drew  scores  of  visitors  to  the  city.  As  the  capital  of  Illinois  and  the  center  for  two 
army  camps,  the  city  was  quickly  growing  in  population,  "extending  out  in  all  directions," 
necessitating  an  "unusual  demand  for  carpenters  and  mechanics." 

Mrs.  Conkling,  who  had  spent  much  of  her  time  since  the  beginning  of  the  war  helping 
the  poor  of  Springfield,  was  appalled  at  the  profits  some  Springfield  citizens  had  already 
gleaned  from  the  war.  A  Springfield  physician,  Edwin  S.  Fowler,  who  had  become  a 
contractor  of  rations  for  Camp  Butler  and  who  Mrs.  Conkling  claimed  was  comparatively 
"poor  when  the  war  commenced,"  bought  a  new  house  and  "furnished  it  in  splendid  style" 
with  "parlor  carpets  costing  $7.00  pr  yd  and  everything  in  agreement,"  and,  as  if  that  wasn't 
enough,  he  bought  a  "carriage  and  horses  to  agree."  Edward  L.  Baker,  owner  of  the 
Journal,  SLTrnai  who  Mrs.  Conkling  feltmusthave  "made  a  very  large  fortune  since  the  war," 
flaimted  his  extravagance  at  a  party  to  which  the  Conklings  were  invited  on  Christmas  Day 
of  1863.  To  his  wife.  Baker  presented  a  "dimond  finger  ring  costing  one  thousand  dollars." 
She,  in  turn,  "presented  him  with  a  dressing  gown  of  beautiful  cloth,  brown  color  lined  with 
crimson  silk,  a  smoking  c£^,  slipper  &  pipe  to  correspond."  And,  to  their  children,  they 
presented  a  "costly  service  of  silver." 

Whether  rich  or  poor,  whether  a  donor  of  provisions  or  the  recipient  of  provisions, 
everyone  in  Springfield  was  concerned  when,  on  October  17,  Lincoln  called  for  three 
hundred  thousand  more  three-year  volimteers  to  fill  up  old  regiments,  with  Illinois  being 
assigned  a  quota  of  nearly  twenty  thousand  men.  This  time,  more  enticing  federal  bounties 
were  offered:  $402  would  go  to  veterans  who  reeiUisted  and  $302  to  all  other  recruits. 
Once  again,  the  Journal  tried  to  rally  prospective  volunteers: 

Our  amiies  are  already  far  down  in  the  heart  of  the  rebel  territory.  They  need 
only  to  be  reinforced  and  supported  by  new  levies,  to  enable  them  to  advance 
still  farther. ...  If  the  war  should  be  brought  to  an  eariy  close  (of  which  there  can 

now  be  no  doubt)  those  who  volunteer  now  will  have  a  brief  tenm  of  service,  and 

receive  larger  pay  than  they  can  obtain  by  any  ordinary  occupation. 

K  the  hope  of  a  brief  term  of  service  and  the  promise  of  a  high  bounty  was  not  enough 
to  attract  men,  the  threat  of  a  draft — which  would  go  into  effect  January  5  if  Illinois'  quota 
was  not  met — compelled  men  to  enlist.  On  Saturday,  December  5,  enrollment  lists  of  all 
Springfield  men  eUgible  for  the  draft  were  posted,  attracting  the  attention  of  "deeply 
interested  crowds  through  the  day."  The  Journal  reported: 

So  great  was  the  anxiety  of  many  to  see  whether  the  enrolling  officer  had  done 
his  duty  faithfully  by  placing  their  names  and  the  names  of  others  upon  the  lists 
of  honor,  that  the  lists  were  surrounded  up  to  a  late  hour  at  night  by  persons 
intensely  studying  them  by  the  Ught  of  lanterns  dimly  burning.  The  effect  upon 
different  persons  was  various — some  seeing  theirnames  for  the  first  time  in  print 
with  evident  displeasure,  others  with  stolid  indifference,  and  others  still  appar- 

1863  Fire  in  the  Rear  57 

ently,  with  satisfaaion.  A  point  of  special  interest  with  many  was  to  see  whether 
the  lists  contained  the  names  of  certain  CoRjetheads. 

On  Christmas  Day,  eleven  days  before  the  draft  would  go  into  effect,  John  Young  wrote  that 
the  draft's  approach 

has  a  very  depressing  influence  upon  the  Spirits  of  our  people.  Thousands  and 
thousands  of  families  has  furnished  as  volunteers  all  the  available  male  force  that 
they  could  possibly  spare  and  now  if  the  few  that  has  bear  left  is  taken  it  will  be 
the  pecuniary  ruin  of  thousand[s]  and  entail  great  suffering  and  sorrow  upon  the 
helpless  and  inflrm. 

Nevertheless,  from  day  to  day,  Springfield  men  trickled  into  the  recruitment  offices  as  did 
men  from  aU  of  the  already  drained  communities  of  Illinois.  And  once  again,  Illinois 
managed  to  fill  her  quota  and  thereby  avoid  the  draft. 

And  so  the  year  of  1863 — a  year  of  crucial  batdes  both  on  the  battlefront  and  on  the 
home  front — drew  to  a  close.  In  Springfield,  the  struggle  had  been  fierce,  with  people 
throughout  the  state  converging  at  the  capital  city  to  fight  for  their  principles.  In  the  midst 
of  the  city  square,  a  Democrat-controlled  legislature  had  assembled  and  hurled  its  forces 
against  the  forces  of  Governor  Yates  and  his  pro-war  advocates.  At  the  State  House,  in 
legislative  sessions  and  in  mass  meetings,  men  had  grappled  using  bitter  words  and 
accusations.  At  the  county  fairgrounds  on  the  outskirts  of  the  city,  too,  both  sides  had  rallied 
their  forces  in  colossal  mass  meetings.  At  times,  perhaps  only  a  spark  had  been  lacking  to 
ignite  a  batde  with  fists  and  guns,  but  as  it  was,  only  occasional  scuffles  had  broken  the  f>eace 
on  the  streets. 

And  now,  as  the  people  of  Springfield  looked  beyond  to  the  coming  year,  they  saw 
ahead — ^how  far  ahead  no  one  could  tell — a  glimmer  of  peace.  After  all,  major  Union 
victories  had  been  won  at  Vicksburg  and  Gettysburg,  and  the  Confederacy  was  gradually 
losing  the  war.  Confederate  losses  at  Chattanooga,  Tennessee,  in  late  November  made  the 


outlook  even  brighter.  But  holding  out  until  peace  could  come  was  a  tough  order,  one 
that  many  felt  was  not  worth  the  price  in  blood  or  in  hardships.  Nevertheless,  the  people  of 
Springfield  struggled  onward  through  each  succeeding  day  of  war,  some  suffering  from  lack 
of  food,  clothing,  or  wood,  others  sacrificing  their  time  and  their  own  dwindling  provisions 
to  help  the  needy,  and  still  a  few  others  flourishing  from  the  spoils  of  war.  All  looked  forward 
to  peace — ^though  its  method  was  still  ho dy  disputed — and  hoped  that  the  coming  year  would 
bring  it. 


Lincoln's  Springfield 






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1863  Fire  in  the  Rear 










Lincoln' s  Springfield 








1864  This  Dreary  Old  War 

The  new  year  opened  with  good  tidings  from  the  Seventh  Illinois  Infantry  Regiment. 
The  regiment,  having  served  out  its  three-year  term,  was  coming  home  to  reorganize.  Those 
members  who  did  not  wish  to  rejoin  were  coming  home  for  good,  while  those  who  planned 
to  reenlist  would  be  turned  loose  for  a  thirty-day  furlough.  Upon  hearing  the  good  news,  the 
citizens  of  Springfield  busily  engaged  themselves  in  plans  to  surprise  the  returning  heroes — 
particularly  the  Seventh' s  company  of  Springfield  Zouaves — ^with  a  well-deserved  reception. 
The  Pioneer  Fire  Company  agreed  to  "turn  out  in  full  uniform,"  the  city's  bands  prepared  to 
march,  and  the  entire  population  looked  forward  to  greeting  the  soldiers  at  the  Great  Western 
Railroad  depot. 

Finally  the  great  homecoming  day  arrived.  At  about  2:00  p.m.  on  the  afternoon  of 
Monday,  January  18,  fire  bells  were  clanged  and  cannons  were  shot  off,  signaling  that  the 
train  carrying  the  Seventh  was  approaching  Springfield.  With  great  haste — lest  they  miss 
watching  the  train  pull  in — citizens  from  all  over  the  city  converged  at  the  depot,  including 
hordes  of  schoolchildren  who  were  dismissed  for  the  occasion.  As  the  train  chugged  over 
the  Sangamon  River  bridge  and  emerged  from  the  timber,  the  crowd  burst  into  cheers.  Amid 
shouts  of  joy  and  tears  of  bUss,  307  grinning  soldiers  stepped  off  the  train  and  dutifully  fell 
into  rank.  Though  the  regiment  had  dwindled  from  nearly  eight  hundred  men,  the  surviving 
renmant  stood  proudly,  having  fought  bravely  at  Fort  Donelson,  ShUoh,  and  Corinth. 

With  the  crowd  following,  the  regiment  wended  its  way  along  the  streets  towards  the 
State  House,  where  Governor  Yates  and  General  John  Cook  were  waiting  to  officially  greet 
the  returning  heroes.  As  soon  as  the  soldiers,  along  with  the  portion  of  the  crowd  that  could 
edge  their  way  in,  had  filled  the  Hall  of  Representatives,  Governor  Yates  stepped  up  to  the 
speaker's  stand.  With  all  eyes  upon,  the  governor  began  his  oration. 

But  something  was  wrong.  The  crowd  detected  it  quickly  and  consequently  the  festive 
mood  of  the  occasion  dissipated.  Throughout  the  audience,  looks  of  perplexity  and  mortifi- 
cation shot  from  eye  to  eye,  for  it  had  become  evident  to  the  crowd  that  Yates  had  succumbed 
to  his  habit  again.  Sparing  no  unkind  words,  the  Register  revealed  that  Yates  was  "shock- 
ingly, maudlin  drunk!"  Furthermore,  the  paper  blasted,  he  was  in  "the  last  stage  of  drunk- 
enness, prior  to  absolute  imconsciousness."  For  forty -five  minutes,  Yates  stumbled  through 
his  speech  to  the  complete  embarrassment  of  his  friends  and  to  the  impish  delight  of  his  foes. 

After  Yates  finally  sat  down,  General  John  Cook,  the  first  colonel  of  the  regiment  and 
now  commander  of  the  Illinois  military  district,  mounted  the  stand  carrying  over  his  arm 
the  Seventh's  old  bullet-ridden  flag.  For  an  hour  Cook  spoke,  giving  a  complete  history  of 
the  regiment  from  its  organization  to  the  present  time.  After  Cook  finished,  Richard  Rowett, 
colonel  of  the  Seventh,  gave  a  short  speech,  ^ologizing  for  its  brevity  by  informing  the 
crowd  that  the  soldiers  had  not  eaten  since  breakfast  the  previous  day.  After  one  more  short 
speech  by  George  Estabrook,  major  of  the  regiment,  and  a  few  patriotic  tunes  played  by  the 

62  Lincoln' s  Springfield 

band,  the  regiment  was  turned  loose  and  the  hungry  soldiers  hurried  to  Springfield's  eating 
houses  and  hotels,  where  they  were  treated  to  free  meals. 

As  one  might  occasionally  expect  with  a  large  gathering,  the  homecoming  celebration 
had  not  transpired  without  a  few  calamities.  Besides  Yates's  detraction  from  the  honor  of 
the  affair,  the  celebration  had  been  fraught  with  accidents.  During  the  firing  of  a  cannon 
announcing  the  arrival  of  the  Seventh,  a  window  in  the  depot  had  shattered  and  fallen  upon 


the  head  of  a  maiden,  "cutting  through  her  bonnet  and  scalp  to  the  skull. "  Another  incident 
had  occurred  on  Monroe  Street  in  front  of  a  wagon  shop.  Here,  several  women  and  children 
had  mounted  a  twenty -foot-high  stage  to  escape  the  crowd  and  procure  a  better  view  of  the 
regiment  as  it  passed  by  on  its  way  to  the  State  House.  The  stage,  which  was  used  for  setting 
out  newly  painted  carriages  to  dry,  was  a  safe  enough  contraption  if  its  load  was  not  pushed 
too  near  the  front  edge,  where  imsupported  boards  projected  outward.  Promising  the  shop 
owner  they  would  not  advance  too  near  the  edge,  the  venturesome  group  mounted  the  stage 
and  eagerly  watched  for  the  regiment.  Just  as  the  regiment  passed  by,  however,  the  excited 
occupants  forgot  to  heed  the  warning  and  a  portion  of  the  stage  collapsed,  flinging  a  dozen 
women  and  children  to  the  ground.  At  least  eight  women  and  children  were  badly  cut  and 

Despite  the  unfortunate  incidents,  the  homecoming  celebration  had  been  a  joyous  affair 
for  most,  and  in  the  weeks  and  months  ahead  the  Springfield  community  would  welcome 
home  many  more  furloughed  regiments.  A  few  days  after  the  Seventh  arrived,  Springfield 
citizens  welcomed  the  Twenty-sixth  Dlinois  frifantry,  showering  them  with  speeches  and  a 
banquet  in  the  Representatives'  hall.  Observing  the  festivities  in  Springfield,  a  soldier 
stationed  at  Camp  Butler  wrote  home  to  his  sister: 

The  old  26th  Regiment  has  just  arrived  and  the  City  is  filled  with  excitement[.] 
all  most  evry  building  is  decorated  with  flags[.]  one  large  flag  hangs  over  Sixth 
Street  right  in  front  of  General  Ammens  office  with  this  Beautifull  motto  on  it 
in  great  larg  letters  Welcome  Home[.]  I  could  not  begin  to  tell  you  all  the 
beautifull  and  appropriate  mottos  that  I  can  see  on  the  Streets  now[.]  day  before 
yesterday  the  old  7th  Regiment  arrived  here[.]  we  had  a  Grand  time  Bells  wer 
rung  canon  fired  and  evry  window  allmost  had  a  flag  stuck  out  at  it  and  a  dozzen 
pretty  faces[.] 

As  regiment  after  regiment  arrived  at  Camp  Butler,  on  many  occasions — at  least  until 
the  novelty  wore  off — each  of  the  newly  arrived  imits  was  invited  to  Springfield  where  the 
soldiers  were  officially  greeted  with  orations  in  the  State  House.  Afterwards,  they  were 
treated  to  a  sumptuous  feast  prepared  by  the  ladies  of  Springfield  and  served — sometimes 
with  as  many  as  five  hundred  place  settings — in  the  Hall  of  Representatives  or  in  one  of  the 
other  large  halls  of  Springfield.  Week  after  week,  returning  regiments  could  be  seen 
marching  aroimd  the  square  to  the  tune  of  fifes  and  drums  and  filing  into  the  State  House, 
leaving  their  guns  stacked  outside  on  the  State  House  lawn. 

The  return  of  thousands  of  soldiers  to  Camp  Butler  was  not  only  an  occasion  for 
celebration,  but  to  the  people  of  Springfield  it  soon  became  cause  for  dismay.  Though  most 
of  the  soldiers  proceeded  quietly  homeward,  some  sauntered  into  Springfield  with  pay 
bulging  in  their  pockets,  determined  to  celebrate  their  freedom.  Many  of  them,  still  packing 
guns,  headed  directly  for  the  saloons  where  they  proceeded  to  indulge  in  liquor  after  what 

1864   This  Dreary  Old  War  63 

seemed  an  eternity  of  abstinence.  Chesley  Mosman,  a  soldier  who  had  just  arrived  at  Camp 
Butler  on  furlough  wrote:  "This  home  coming  after  30  months  service  is  too  much  for  the 
men  when  mingled  in  unequal  proportions  with  whiskey."  The  inevitable  result  was  a  spree 
of  lawlessness  that  began  in  the  saloons  and  spread  out  onto  the  streets  and  ultimately  to 
anyone  who  happened  to  be  in  the  vicinity.  Several  Springfield  citizens  reported  being 
"abused  and  insulted  in  daylight  upon  the  public  street,  and  at  night  while  on  their  way  home, 
without  the  sUghtest  provocation."  Other  Springfield  residents  had  been  accosted  by 
drunken  soldiers  who  insolently  brandished  weapons  and  threatened  to  kUl  them  "for  no 
offense  whatever. "  Frequently,  gunshots  could  be  heard  after  dark  on  the  city  square,  making 


Springfield  citizens  think  twice  about  venturing  outside. 

On  the  aftemoon  of  February  4,  the  situation  reached  crisis  proportions  when  half  a 
dozen  soldiers  went  on  a  drunken  rampage,  causing  such  a  tumult  that  rumors  began  to  float 
around  town  that  a  riot  was  in  progress.  The  soldiers  began  their  rampage  at  a  local  saloon, 
where  they  broke  mirrors  and  glasses  and  then  stabbed  another  soldier  who  attempted  to 
stop  them.  From  there  they  proceeded  to  another  saloon,  where  they  smashed  bottles  and 
glasses  and  then  attacked  the  barkeeper  with  a  chair.  By  this  time  the  whole  town  had  been 
alerted.  Men  and  boys  "were  running  here  and  there;  small  squads  of  citizens  were  gathered 
upon  several  of  the  comers  of  the  streets."  Traveling  like  wildfire,  "startling  rumors  were 
afloat — such  as  a  crowd  of  soldiers  are  cleaning  out  the  saloons — a  man  has  been  killed,  or 
nearly  so — cut  all  to  pieces"  and  on  and  on  until  everyone  expected  the  worst  Meanwhile, 
the  rowdies  had  moved  on  and  were  now  chasing  their  next  victim  down  Jefferson  Street. 
When  they  caught  him,  they  beat  him  with  fence  palings  they  had  torn  down  along  the  way. 
Finally,  after  moving  on  to  a  hotel,  where  they  shattered  a  glass  door,  the  gang  was  subdued 


by  a  squad  of  provost  guards. 

Throughout  February  gangs  of  war-hardened,  scalawag  soldiers  overran  Springfield, 
destroying  property  and  inciting  violence  as  if  they  had  earned  the  right.  On  one  particular 
evening,  a  "gang  of  soldiers  numbering  about  fifteen"  sauntered  along  Jefferson  Street  past 
several  private  residences,  tearing  down  fences  along  the  way.  Another  evening,  a  squad  of 
soldiers  demolished  the  stand  of  a  local  "tooth  powder  man."  In  still  another  incident,  a 
rowdy  soldier  who  had  been  causing  a  disturbance  at  a  boardinghouse  had  to  be  dragged  by 
several  provost  guards  to  the  provost  marshal's  headquarters.  Along  the  way,  while  on  the 
north  side  of  the  square,  the  soldier  jerked  away  and  fired  two  revolver  shots,  grazing  the 
head  of  one  of  the  guards.  Instantly,  two  of  the  accompanying  guards  shot  and  killed  the 

As  if  they  were  not  causing  enough  trouble  with  their  outbreaks  of  violence  and 
destruction  of  property,  the  soldiers  also  boosted  the  business  of  the  local  houses  of 
prostitution.  In  early  February,  Harvey  Taylor,  one  of  Springfield's  most  notorious  pimps, 
boasted  that  his  establishment  had  cleared  more  than  four  thousand  dollars  since  the  arrival 
of  the  first  furloughed  regiment  and  that  furthermore,  he  was  averaging  two  thousand  dollars 
a  week  in  profits.^  In  retaliation,  the  city  pohce  raided  Taylor's  brothel  repeatedly,  as  well 
as  several  other  flourishing  houses  of  ill  fame.     But  the  city  ordinance  could  not  meet  the 


emergency,  for  it  merely  required  that  pimps  and  prostitutes  pay  a  fine  of  $50  to  $100. 
Each  time  they  were  arrested,  Harvey  and  his  girls  simply  dipped  into  their  cache  and  paid 

64  Lincoln' s  Springfield 

the  required  fines,  thereafter  returning  to  what  was  becoming  one  of  the  most  profitable 


businesses  in  Springfield. 

Though  the  citizens  of  Springfield  were  accustomed  to  seeing  p>rostitutes  on  their  streets 
and  to  witnessing  occasional  fist  fights  and  shootings,  they  were  aghast  at  the  total  outbreak 
of  lawlessness.    In  order  to  quell  the  disturbances,  the  city  council  voted  to  temporarily 


increase  the  night  pohce  force  from  12  men  to  100  men.  In  addition,  Springfield  Mayor 
John  Smith  imported  a  spy  from  St.  Louis  and  planted  him  in  various  saloons  to  watch  for 
offenders  .^*^  Brigadier  General  Julius  White,  commander  of  the  Springfield  military  district, 


also  took  responsibility  for  the  soldiers'  behavior.  In  late  February,  White  ordered  that 
soldiers  leaving  camps  Yates  and  Butler  would  no  longer  be  allowed  to  carry  revolvers  to 
the  city.  His  subordinate,  Provost  Marshal  Mindret  Wemple,  ordered  that  soldiers  conduct- 
ing themselves  "in  an  improper  manner"  would  be  arrested,  deprived  of  their  furloughs,  and 
lodged  in  the  guard  house.  To  enforce  his  orders,  Wemple  sent  his  provost  squad  of 
fifty-seven  men  scurrying  around  town  to  catch  offenders. 

While  the  provost  guards  and  city  police  were  busy  chasing  soldiers,  a  more  positive 
plan  was  being  implemented,  a  plan  that  would  help  to  bridle  the  behavior  of  unruly  soldiers 
as  well  as  benefit  all  soldiers  who  were  passing  through  town.  On  January  26,  the  Journal 
tmveiled  the  plan: 

There  is  no  place  (unless  it  be  Cairo)  in  the  Slate  of  Illinois,  in  which  the  want 
of  a  "Soldiers'  Home" — a  place  for  the  temporary  accommodation  and  refresh- 
ment of  new  recraits  and  wom-out  veterans  who  are  constantly  passing  through 
this  city  in  such  large  numbers,  going  to  and  from  their  regiments,  has  been  more 

deeply  felt  than  in  Springfield The  existence  of  such  an  institution  would  not 

merely  save  much  suffering,  but  would  protect  many  soldiers  from  the  ruinous 
temptations  to  which  they  are  exposed,  and  would  receive  the  blessings  of  all 
good  men  and  women  throughout  the  state. 

We  are  glad  to  announce  that  a  step  has  been  taken  which  will  insiue  the 

establishment  of  such  an  institution  in  this  city.    We  are  authorized  by  Col. 

Woods,  Recording  Secretary  of  the  Illinois  State  Sanitary  Commission,  to  say 

that  the  Board  of  Directors  of  that  noble  association  have  just  appropriated  the 

handsome  sum  of  two  thousand  dollars  to  assist  in  carrying  out  the  enterprise. 

By  the  end  of  April,  after  leery  neighbors  had  succeeded  in  getting  the  lumber  for  the 
home  removed  from  the  intended  site,  a  "cheap  building"  was  erected  on  a  government  lot 
on  the  comer  of  Sixth  and  Monroe  streets.  Around  the  building  were  planted  several  trees 
and  a  "good  picket  fence,"  giving  the  place  a  "quite  attractive"  appearance.  Inside,  the  home 
was  supervised  by  a  "competent  and  faithful  matron"  and  run  by  the  busy  ladies  of  the 
Springfield  Soldiers'  Aid  Society.  From  the  day  the  Soldiers'  Home  opened  its  doors  on 
April  24,  it  gained  popularity  and  a  steady  stream  of  soldiers  could  be  found  occupying  its 
128  bunk  beds  and  heartily  devouring  the  gallons  of  milk,  pies,  cookies,  and  other  goodies 
that  had  been  donated  by  various  benevolent  ladies  of  Springfield. 

Despite  the  efforts  of  the  city  police  and  the  provost  guard,  along  with  the  outreach  of 
the  Soldiers'  Home  beginning  in  April,  black-sheep  soldiers  continued  to  defy  the  law. 
Though  the  pandemonium  that  had  prevailed  in  February  had  been  curbed,  sporadic  flare-ups 
of  crime  still  buffeted  the  community.  Aggravated,  the /?e^tsrer  wrote:  'Ts  there  no  remedy 

1864   This  Dreary  Old  War  65 


for  this  situation?  Are  citizens  to  be  thus  abused  in  a  community  having  laws  and  courts?" 
But  perhaps  what  firustrated  the  commimity  to  an  even  greater  degree  was  the  knowledge 
that  the  offenders  often  escaped  without  proper  pimishment.  Since  the  beginning  of  the  war 
an  attitude  had  prevailed  that  all  soldiers,  whether  they  be  saints  or  scoundrels,  were  sorely 
needed  for  the  service  of  their  country.  Though  many  offending  soldiers  did  serve  their  time 
in  the  city  jail,  others  were  simply  hauled  by  provost  guards  back  to  their  regiments  at  Camp 
Butier,  where  as  far  as  Springfield  citizens  knew,  they  may  have  never  been  pimished  for 
their  crimes.  Many  other  soldiers,  especially  those  who  came  to  town  in  groups,  were 
never  even  caught  for  they  simply  scattered  when  the  poUce  arrived  and  scampered  back  to 


camp  or  regrouped  down  the  street  for  another  round  of  mischief.  For  more  than  three 
years,  Springfield  citizens  had  watched  with  growing  irritation  as  soldiers  wrecked  saloons, 
assaulted  fellow  townsmen,  and  even  killed  at  least  one  resident  of  the  community,  and  much 


of  it  done  with  seemingly  Uttle  or  no  punishment.  Indeed,  the  commimity  was  growing 
tired  of  the  privileged  irrmiunity  from  the  law  many  soldiers  enjoyed. 

On  Tuesday,  May  10,  a  contingent  of  Springfield  citizens  decided  that  they  had  had 


enough.  About  noon,  a  soldier  named  John  M.  Phillips,  who  was  on  leave  from  the 
Seventh  Illinois  Infantry,  got  drunk,  hired  a  horse  and  carriage  at  a  livery  stable,  and 
proceeded  to  drive  around  the  square.  While  driving  on  the  south  side  of  the  square, 
Phillips  stopped  and  seized  ten-year-old  Bertha  Clover,  a  little  girl  who  Springfield 
citizens  knew  as  the  daughter  of  Springfield  clergyman  Lewis  P.  Clover  and  as  a  poor 
child  who  was  afflicted  with  a  "nervous  disease."  Promising  the  girl  that  he  was  merely 
taking  her  home,  Phillips  drove  two  miles  out  into  the  country,  stopped  the  carriage, 
and  "attempted  to  commit  one  of  the  most  horrible  and  brutal  outrages  upon  her  person 
known  in  the  annals  of  crime."  He  then  drove  her  back  to  town,  let  the  child  out  near 
her  father's  residence,  and  returned  his  carriage  to  the  livery  stable  where  he  boasted 
that  he  "had  played  h~ll  with  one  preacher's  daughter." 

Early  that  same  afternoon.  Reverend  Clover  learned  of  the  outrage  that  had  been 
perpetrated  on  his  daughter  and  rushed  to  the  police  magistrate's  office,  where  Phillips  had 
been  taken.  Though  an  examination  of  the  girl  revealed  that  the  soldier  had  not  carried  out 
his  purpose.  Clover  was  stiU  determined  to  wreak  vengeance  on  the  soldier.  With  brick  in 
hand,  he  entered  the  magistrate's  office,  and  "struck  the  guilty  wretch  a  terrible,  but  not  fatal 

Meanwhile,  word  spread  "like  wildfire  throughout  the  city"  that  a  "man  in  soldier's 
clothes"  had  raped  Reverend  Clover's  daughter.  At  about  8:00  p.m.,  a  fire  bell  was  rung  and, 
on  cue,  a  crowd  began  assembling  on  the  square.  With  one  goal  in  mind — "to  get  possession 
of  the  prisoner" — the  mob  marched  to  the  coimty  jail  two  blocks  northeast  of  the  square. 
Once  there,  several  men  procured  axes  and  chopped  at  the  heavy,  iron-studded  door  imtil  it 
gave  way.  Instantly,  the  crowd  flooded  in  and  ran  from  cell  to  cell,  only  to  find  that  the 
sheriff  had  removed  the  prisoner.  Leaving  no  stone  unturned,  the  mob  surged  across  the 
street  to  the  city  jail  but  the  "miserable  wretch"  was  not  there  either.  Thwarted  in  their  efforts, 
the  infuriated  men  finally  retired  to  their  homes.  Writing  late  into  the  evening,  a  Register 
editor  condoned  the  actions  of  the  angry  crowd:  "No  ordinary  punishment  provided  by  law 
should  suffice  for  the  expiation  of  the  offence,  and  we  doubt  if  the  feelings  of  an  outraged 
community  will  abide  the  slow  processes  of  the  law." 

66  Lincoln' s  Springfield 

The  following  morning  at  1 1:00  a.m.  the  crowd  reassembled  at  the  county  courthouse, 
where  Phillips  was  to  be  tried.  As  soon  as  the  sheriff  arrived  with  Philhps,  the  crowd  lost 
control.  The  Journal  gave  an  account  of  "one  of  the  most  exciting  and  terrible  scenes 


imaginable,"  indeed  one  that  the  paper  feared  would  smear  the  reputation  of  the  city: 

Immediately  on  the  arrival  of  the  accused,  the  crowd  pressed,  surging  like  the 
waves  of  the  ocean,  into  the  room  and  at  once  surrounded  the  prisoner,  who  had 
been  placed  in  front  of  the  Judges'  desk.  From  this  moment  the  excitement  began 
to  increase.  At  this  time,  while  the  prisoner  was  in  the  custody  of  the  Sheriff,  E. 
P.  Qover,  Esq.,  brother  of  the  little  girl  referred  lo,  was  standing  at  the  north 
side  of  the  room,  drew  a  revolver  of  good  size,  fired  three  shots  at  the  prisoner, 
one  of  them  taking  effect  in  the  shoulder.  On  the  first  shot  PhOlips  sprang  up 
and  ran  to  the  other  side  of  the  room  and  begged  that  they  would  not  murder  him, 
and  so  far  as  we  can  learn,  and  we  have  made  the  most  diligent  inquiry,  no  one, 
not  even  the  Sheriff,  made  any  efforts  to  protect  him. 

The  firing  and  the  sight  of  blood  seemed  to  madden  the  crowd  to  the  highest 
degree,  and  the  court  room  soon  resounded  with  curses  and  cries  of  "hang  him," 
"damn  him,"  "shoot  him,"  "kill  him,"  and  at  the  same  time  pushing  closely  round 
the  wounded  man.  In  the  fury  of  the  moment,  a  subscription  was  started  and 
means  raised  to  purchase  a  rope,  and  a  man,  whose  name  has  been  given  us, 
started  to  procure  the  same.  He  soon  returned  with  a  maniUa  rope  of  several  feet 
in  length,  and  again  loud  and  angry  cries  were  heard  of  "d~n  him,"  "hang  him," 
"hang  him."  While  this  was  going  on,  and  the  moment  seemed  to  have  arrived 
for  the  commission  of  a  terrible  tragedy,  A.  W.  Hayes,  Esq.,  mounted  the  judge's 
stand,  and  begged  of  the  crowd  by  every  consideration  to  let  the  prisoner  be  tried 
by  the  laws,  and  not  to  wreak  their  vengeance  upon  him  by  murdering  him.  His 
appeal,  for  a  few  moments,  seemed  to  produce  some  effea;  the  rope  in  the 
meantime  was  taken  from  the  person  who  brought  it  in  by  one  of  our  citizens  and 
carried  off.  The  prisoner  was  then  taken  by  the  Sheriff  into  a  small  room  in  the 
northeast  comer  of  the  Court  House  and  the  door  closed.  At  this  stage  of  the 
proceedings,  the  Sheriff  by  request  of  another  party,  so  we  are  informed, 
dispatched  the  following  note  to  Gen.  White: 

Gen  White 

Will  you  furnish  me  a  guard  as  soon  as  possible. 

May  11 , 1 864  MILTON  HICKS 

Sheriff  Sangamon  County. 

Gen  White  immediately  responded  by  issuing  the  following  order 

Lieut  Col.  Starr,  6th  Illinois,  will  immediately  raise  and  take  com- 
mand of  all  men  he  can  get,  and  place  them  under  the  orders  of  the  Sheriff. 
While  the  order  was  out  for  the  guard,  and  the  order  of  Gen.  White  was 
being  issued,  the  excitement  became  intense.  Another  revolver  was  procured,  it 
is  said,  by  a  person  whose  name  we  withhold,  and  placed  in  the  hands  of  young 
Clover.  The  crowd  then  surged  towards  the  room  in  which  the  room  [prisoner] 
was  confined;  the  inmates,  the  Sheriff,  and  several  other  persons,  hearing  the 
tramp  of  the  increasing  crowd  upon  the  stairs,  and  as  one  of  them  said,  "siq>posing 

1864   This  Dreary  Old  War  67 

it  to  be  the  guard,"  opened  the  door.  Just  at  this  time  the  excited  crowd,  with  a 
yell  that  would  almost  curdle  the  blood,  rushed  for  the  room.  We  are  told  that, 
at  this  moment,  young  Qover  fired  six  shots  in  rapid  succession  at  the  prisoner, 
who  was  at  the  time  lying  upon  a  bench,  only  one  of  the  shots  taking  effect, 
inflicting  a  woimd  in  the  thigh,  and  causing  the  wounded  man  to  fall  upon  his 
face  on  the  floor.  After  the  shots  had  been  fired,  several  men  in  the  crowd  outside 
of  the  Court  House,  supposing  the  prisoner  dead,  cried,  "throw  him  out!"  "hang 
him  out!"  and  other  similar  expressions.  At  this  stage  of  the  proceedings  Gen. 
White  arrived,  and  . . .  assured  them  that  the  man  should  not  escape,  and  urged 
them  not  to  commit  any  indignity  upon  the  person  of  a  wounded  man,  who 
undoubtedly  was  about  to  die. . . .  While  this  was  going  on  the  guard  arrived  in 
charge  of  Capt.  J.  M.  Marble,  and  were  halted  in  front  of  the  Court  House.  Gen. 
White  then  addressed  the  citizens  present,  stating  that  the  guard  was  furnished  at 
the  written  request  of  the  Sheriff  of  the  county;  that  they  were  not  brought  here 
for  the  puipose  of  having  a  collision  with  the  citizens.  .  .  .  His  remarks  were 
listened  to  with  marked  interest,  and  a  cheer  was  given  in  token  of  approbation, 
after  which  the  crowd  retired  and  left  the  prisoner  under  the  care  of  the  Sheriff 

and  Dr.  Anderson,  who  had  been  called  to  attend  upon  the  wounded  man  by  the 

request  of  Sheriff  Hicks. 

After  the  crowd  dispersed,  Phillips  was  moved  to  a  bed  in  the  county  jail  where  he  died 
at  about  6:00  p.m.  Phillips '  murderer,  Eugene  Clover,  was  taken  into  custody  and  charged 
with  manslaughter.  Two  days  later  Clover  was  released  on  $5,000  bond  and  ordered  to 


appear  at  the  next  term  of  the  Sangamon  County  Circuit  Court.      When  the  court  met  in 
October,  however,  and  again  in  1865  and  1866,  Clover  failed  to  appear,  but  instead  sold  his 


household  goods  at  an  auction  and  fled  from  the  state. 

To  many  of  the  people  of  Springfield,  the  incident  had  been  a  disgraceful  affair.  Mob 
law  was  thought  to  be  of  a  bygone  era,  or  was  something  one  thought  of  as  occtirring  only 
in  remote  areas  where  courts  were  not  readily  available;  it  was  certainly  not  something  to 
be  resorted  to  in  a  courthouse  and  especially  not  on  the  city  square  of  the  capital  of  Illinois. 


The  Journal  feared  the  incident  would  leave  "a  stain  upon  the  fame  of  our  city." 

Yet  many  Springfield  citizens  also  felt  Clover's  actions  were  understandable.  The 
Journal,  as  well  as  many  citizens,  defended  Cloven  "His  act  is  not  to  be  judged  by  the 
ordinary  rules  which  govern  the  ordinary  actions  of  men.  Who  among  us  in  the  same 
circimistance  can  be  sure  he  would  have  acted  differently? '  To  the  citizens  of  Springfield, 
the  heinous  nature  of  the  crime  had  certainly  called  for  severe  punishment  of  the  criminal, 
and  had  not  Clover  shot  the  criminal,  several  others  had  been  standing  by  to  hang  him. 

Undoubtedly,  Phillips's  demise  had  been  further  ensured  by  the  fact  that  he  was  a  soldier. 
Though  the  mob  may  have  killed  him  regardless  of  his  occupation,  his  uniform  had  stood 
out  as  if  it  were  a  beacon  brightly  flashing  every  injustice  committed  by  every  imruly  soldier 
for  the  past  three  years.  Without  knowing  it,  Phillips  had  fueled  a  spark  that  had  been 
flickering  for  years,  and  a  frustrated  crowd — tired  of  injustices  and  indeed  tired  of  the  whole 
war — ^had  succumbed  to  their  basest  emotions  and  erupted  in  a  blaze  of  fury. 

Meanwhile,  as  the  community  was  reeling  from  the  tragedy  in  the  courthouse,  the 
business  of  enlisting  was  progressing  rapidly.  On  April  25,  Governor  Yates  called  for  twenty 
thousand  Dlinois  men  to  serve  for  100  days.  Their  mission  would  be  simple  and  relatively 
danger-  free — to  occupy  points  behind  the  lines,  thereby  freeing  veterans  to  advance  to  the 

68  Lincoln' s  Springfield 

front  for  the  upcoming  summer  campaigns.  The  Journal  wrote:  "Many  who  have  been 
reluctant  hitherto  from  various  causes  to  enter  the  service  for  so  long  a  period  as  three  years, 
will  readily  enter  for  the  brief  period  for  which  this  call  has  been  made."  The  Register, 
too, — though  it  complained  about  the  Republican  lawyers,  doctors,  and  bankers  who  were 
unwilling  to  shoulder  a  musket — encouraged  Springfield  men  to  enlist.  The  paper  particu- 
larly encouraged  clerks  who  worked  for  various  stores  in  town  to  quit  their  jobs  and  join  the 
"hundredazers."  The  clerks — ^who  were  usually  young  men  who  had  not  yet  learned  a 
trade — were  not  sorely  needed  to  run  things  at  home  as  were  farmers  and  manufacturers. 
The  Register  wrote:  "Handling  a  musket  even  a  hundred  days  will  put  more  vigor  and 
manhood  into  their  frames  than  a  thousand  years  service  with  the  yard  stick."  To  take  the 
place  of  the  yoimg  men,  the  Register  suggested  hiring  women:  "We  beUeve  that  the 
introduction  of  female  clerks  into  stores  where  light  groceries,  fancy  goods,  ladies'  shoes, 
etc.,  are  sold,  would  have  a  good  influence  upon  the  pubUc  manners.' 

At  least  one  hundred  Springfield  boys  answered  the  governor's  call,  joining  companies 
A  and  E  of  the  1 33rd  Infantry  Regiment.  Proudly,  they  sauntered  into  the  recruiting  offices, 
some  of  them  only  5'  4"  tall,  and  declared  their  ages  as  eighteen,  nineteen,  or  twenty.  A 
Register  editor — who  imdoubtedly  knew  many  of  the  boys — hinted  that  some  were  under 
age,  remarking  that  age  eighteen  was  "doubtless  their  maximum"  and  that  some  of  the  boys 
were  only  "in  the  bud  of  adolescence."  Nevertheless,  the  boys  were  mustered  in  and  after 
being  advised  to  "be  temperate,  obey  their  officers  cheerfully,  and  to  have  lots  of  fun,"  on 
June  3  they  were  sent  to  Rock  Island,  Illinois,  to  guard  Rebel  prisoners. 

Two  weeks  after  the  133rd  Regiment  left  for  Rock  Island,  Springfield  citizens  received 
disturbing  news  that  the  114th  Infantry  Regiment — the  "Sangamon  Regiment" — had  been 
"almost  annihilated"  in  a  battle  at  Gimtown,  Mississippi.  For  several  days,  the  entire  county 
waited  with  "the  most  intense  anxiety"  for  the  list  of  killed  and  woimded.  When  the  list 
finally  arrived  on  Jime  22  it  told  a  horrifying  story.  Of  the  regiment's  aheady  depleted  force 
of  397  men,  215  had  been  killed,  woimded,  and  captured.  Men  from  Springfield  and  from 
many  of  the  nearby  small  towns — ^Auburn,  Chatham,  Athens — had  fallen.  Springfield 
casualties  alone  included  two  killed,  twelve  woimded  (four  of  whom  would  die  from  their 
wounds),  and  twenty  captured.^  The  distressing  details  of  the  battle  were  revealed  in  a  letter 
written  by  a  soldier  in  the  regiment: 

Next  morning  [June  lOth]  we  moved  in  the  direction  of  Gimtown,  Mississippi. 
The  cavalry  came  upon  the  enemy,  the  latter  in  very  heavy  force,  at  noon,  at  Old 
Town  Creek.  The  infantry  were  some  six  miles  behind,  but  came  up  in  quick 
time,  and,  for  the  last  mile,  on  "double-quick."  It  was  intensely  hot  I  saw  at 
least  one  hundred  men  sun-struck.  The  men  were  nm  into  line,  but  they  could 
not  stand  when  they  got  there.  The  rebels  charged  on  the  centre,  where  the  114 
Illinois  and  93d  Indiana  were,  but  were  repulsed.  The  opposing  forces  came 
within  twenty  yards  of  each  other,  firing  in  each  others'  faces. 

The  fight  abated  for  a  few  minutes,  when  the  rebels  renewed  the  assault  and 
both  our  flanks  were  turned  at  the  same  time.  .  .  .  The  rebels  pushed  our  men 
back.  Everything  was  there  together  on  a  few  acres  of  ground,  and  it  was 
impossible  to  reform.  The  men  fell  back  to  the  creek,  and  went  into  it  like  hogs, 
for  they  were  dying  for  water. . .  .  Dear,  oh  dear!  such  a  time  was  never  seen  by 
mortal  man — such  a  defeat — such  confusion — such  suffering! 

1864   This  Dreary  Old  War  69 

Again,  in  mid- July  the  regiment  suffered  another  crippling  blow.  At  the  battle  of  Tup>elo, 
Mississippi,  twelve  more  men  were  killed  and  twenty  were  wounded.  Of  these,  two 
Springfield  men  had  been  killed  and  four  had  been  wounded  (two  of  whom  would  die  of 
their  wounds).  A  member  of  the  regiment  despaired:  "Our  regiment  has  got  to  be  a 
fraction.  This  will  leave  us  with  but  a  handful  and  many  of  them  sick." 

The  battles  of  Gimto  wn  and  Tupelo  had  left  many  Sangamon  families  grieving  and  many 
anxiously  wondering  where  the  captured  soldiers  had  been  taken.  Not  until  early  October, 
after  one  of  the  prisoners  had  managed  to  send  a  letter  home,  did  Sangamon  residents  learn 
that  their  loved  ones  were  being  held  at  a  prison  in  Cahaba,  Alabama.  But  by  the  time  the 
letter  reached  Springfield,  the  prisoners  had  been  moved — the  officers  to  a  prison  in  Macon, 
Georgia,  and  the  privates  to  the  "horrors  of  AndersonviUe." 

By  mid-summer  military  developments  in  the  East  were  also  commanding  the  attention 
of  Springfield  residents.  General  Grant,  who  had  been  promoted  to  commander  of  aU  Union 
forces,  was  hammering  at  Lee's  army  on  a  bloody  pathway  towards  Richmond.  In  May, 
there  had  been  desperate  fighting  in  the  dense  tangled  woods  of  Virginia's  WUdemess  and 
in  a  the  tiny  Virginia  hamlet  of  Spotsylvania.  After  a  month  of  "horrible  carnage,"  Grant 
had  lost  a  third  of  his  army  and  yet  he  had  come  no  closer  to  Richmond  than  General 
McCleUan  had  come  in  1 862.  StUl,  he  pushed  on  towards  Richmond  and  in  Jime  lost  twenty 
thousand  more  men  at  Cold  Harbor  and  at  Petersburg.  Meanwhile,  Lee's  army  firmly 
established  themselves  behind  elaborate  systems  of  breastworks  and  continued  to  mow  down 


their  attackers  in  a  wave  of  carnage  that  horrified  the  entire  nation.    Throughout  the  country, 
a  chorus  of  complaints  arose.  The  Register  charged: 

Grant  has  simply  set  himself  down  in  front  of  their  wraks,  and  has  beoi  foiled  in  his 
eveiy  attempt  to  stonn,  suiprise,  and  flank  them.  He  has  aiq)loyed  not  a  man 
less  than  three  hundred  thousand  in  the  attempt  to  capture  the  rebel  capital,  and 
probably  has  not  the  half  of  them  left  above  ground  and  unhurt  Such  wholesale 
butchery  as  has  attended  his  progress  has  no  parallel  in  the  armuls  of  modem 

...  Could  this  loss  be  accurately  known,  the  nation  would  shrink  aghast  at  the  fearful 
torrents  of  blood  that  marks  his  course  from  the  Wildemess  to  Pfcterdjurg.  At 
every  stq>  he  has  dashed  his  men  against  serried  lines  of  bayonets,  and  batteries 
impregnable  behind  their  skilfuUy  planned  works,  as  vainly  as  the  waves  dash 
against  the  rocks  that  confine  them.  . .  .  For  in  spite  of  official  assurances,  this 

nation  is  convinced  that  there  is  no  more  likelihood  of  the  capture  of  Ridmiond 

than  of  the  reconstruction  of  the  Union  under  Lincoln' s  admimstration. 

In  Springfield,  as  in  cities  throughout  the  cotmtry ,  the  optimism  that  had  dominated  since 
the  victories  of  Vicksburg  and  Gettysburg  was  quickly  fading.  TTie  Ught  of  victory  seemed 
to  be  flickering  out,  and  many  citizens  were  growing  disheartened.  An  oppressiveness  set 
in,  permeated  with  the  bitter  flavor  of  high  hopes  that  have  been  dashed  to  pieces.  Farmer 
John  Yoimg  wrote  in  his  diary:  "War  news  and  the  troubles  of  the  coimtry  seem  to  engross 
the  whole  attention  of  the  people. "  Aima  Ridgely  poured  out  her  concerns  in  her  diary  on 
a  Stmday  morning  in  early  July: 

National  affairs  present  a  gloomy  aspect  at  present.  Our  money  is  fast  losing  its 
value.  Our  armies  have  again  been  defeated.  Thousands  and  thousands  of  lives 
have  been  sacrificed  yet  nothing  accomplished.  Hie  south  is  stUl  unsubdued. 

7(0  Lincoln' s  Springfield 

What  shall  we  do?  Will  the  President  have  the  face  to  call  for  another  draft?  Can 

he  ask  more  men  to  lay  down  their  Uves  for  nothing?  Surely  he  will  not,  yet  this 

is  feared  and  the  terrible  scourge  may  be  just  begun.  God  help  us.  The  Ship  of 

Sute  is  stranded  on  the  rocks.  We  hear  the  sounds  of  the  waves  beating  against 

her,  already  she  is  rent  in  twain.  No  skil[l]ful  pilot  to  guide,  no  captain  we  can 

trust,  a  selfish  mutinous  crew.  God  help  the  passengers  and  send  us  a  lifeboat  or 

a  plank  to  float  upon.  Our  only  hope  is  in  a  Democratic  President,  or  an  uprising 

of  the  people  to  demand  their  rights  as  free  men  but  I  do  not  pretend  to  be  a 

politician  and  this  is  the  Sabbath  Day. 

The  despair  that  wrung  the  hearts  of  many  now  prevailed  at  a  crucial  time,  for  the 

November  elections  were  only  a  few  months  away.    As  Union  and  Confederate  armies 

clashed  on  the  battlefields,  the  outcome  of  the  elections  hung  precariously  in  the  balance. 

All  watched  the  armies  to  see  if,  as  Republicans  contended,  the  Union  army  was  on  the  brink 

of  subduing  the  Confederate  army;  or  if,  as  Peace  Democrats  predicted,  the  Union  army  was 

simply  floundering  in  a  never-ending,  futile  war.  Throughout  the  nation,  a  desperate  desire 

for  peace  prevailed,  but  the  manner  in  which  it  would  be  fashioned — whether  by  vigorous 

prosecution  of  the  war  or  by  negotiations — was  a  debate  that  would  continue  raging  until 

the  November  elections. 

And  so  with  one  eye  on  the  battlefield,  the  city  of  Springfield,  as  well  as  the  entire  nation, 
embarked  on  a  bitter  political  campaign.  In  Springfield,  the  campaign  began  as  dispatches 
reached  the  city  announcing  the  renomination  of  Abraham  Lincoln  at  the  June  8  Union 
National  Convention  in  Baltimore.  For  two  nights  bonfires  and  fireworks  illuminated  the 
State  House  square  as  Republicans  gathered  to  listen  to  speeches,  cheer,  and  celebrate  in 
general.^^  Happily  surveying  the  tenor  of  the  Republican  campaign  in  Springfield,  James 
Conkling  reported  to  Congressman  Lyman  Trumbull:  "As  far  as  I  can  judge  our  Union  party 
are  'waiting  and  watching'  in  a  solid  body  and  will  be  ready  to  act  vigorously  whenever  the 
campaign  opens  and  an  opposition  ticket  shall  be  presented[.]"   With  a  hint  of  anxiety, 

however,  he  added:  "I  hope  that  Grant  may  be  speedily  successful  in  reducing  Richmond 

and  dispersing  Lee's  Army[.]" 

In  the  meantime,  while  waiting  for  their  own  nominee  to  be  chosen  in  August,  Springfield 
Democrats  began  hammering  the  Republicans.  The  prospect  of  winning  the  community 
over  to  the  Democratic  side  looked  encouraging,  for  the  Democrats  had  already  won  the  city 
elections  in  April.^'  In  order  to  increase  the  prospects  of  victory  in  November,  the  Register 
set  to  work  filling  its  columns  day  after  day  with  complaints  about  the  war.  "It  is  a  plain 
fact,"  wrote  the  Register  one  day,  "palpable  to  the  eye  of  every  man  who  walks  the  streets 
of  Springfield,  that  negro  immigration  to  this  city  is  every  day  on  the  increase."  The 
Register  also  capitalized  on  inflated  prices,  pointing  out  that  since  the  beginning  of  the  war, 
prices  had  increased  anywhere  from  50  percent  to  300  percent  Lists  of  price  increases  were 
published  showing,  for  instance,  that  a  pound  of  sugar  that  had  cost  six  cents  in  1861  now 
cost  thirty  cents;  a  potmd  of  coffee  had  increased  from  fourteen  cents  to  sixty  cents;  and  a 
yard  of  caUco  had  risen  from  ten  cents  to  forty-five  cents.  Wages,  however,  had  only  risen 
anywhere  from  1 5  percent  to  75  percent,  resulting  in  a  working  man  having  to  "rack  his  mind 
over  the  problem  how  he  is  to  meet  the  current  expenses  of  the  week." 

In  late  July,  Democrats  added  still  another  grievance  to  their  list.  On  July  18  Lincoln 
called  for  five  hundred  thousand  more  volunteers  to  be  raised  by  September  5.  States  not 

1864   This  Dreary  Old  War  71 

meeting  their  quota  by  that  date  would  be  required  to  implement  the  draft.  Indignant,  the 
Register  wrote:  "This  new  call  is  the  last  feather  the  popular  camel  will  stand."  But, 
nevertheless,  once  again  new  recruits  began  to  trickle  into  the  recruitment  offices,  lured  by 
a  whopping  $600  dollar  boimty. 

In  preparation  for  the  upcoming  elections,  Illinois  Democrats  called  for  a  mass  meeting 
to  be  held  in  Springfield  on  Thursday,  August  18.  Though  the  Democratic  nominee  for 
president  Would  not  be  chosen  until  the  August  29  national  convention  in  Chicago,  Demo- 
crats planned  to  rally  their  ranks  for  the  upcoming  battle.  Thousands  were  expected  to  attend 
the  meetiilg  and  once  again,  the  fairgrounds  had  been  procured  to  accommodate  the  crowds. 
On  the  eve  of  the  meeting,  Springfield  Democrats  prepared  by  decorating  the  square  with 
specially  made  flags,  each  inscribed  with  the  word  "peace."  Meanwhile  delegations  from 
all  over  the  state  made  good  use  of  the  prairie,  arranging  their  caravans  in  encampments 
around  the  city. 

Soon  after  daybreak,  troops  of  wagons  and  men  on  horseback  converged  at  the  city 
square  where  preparations  were  being  made  for  a  formal  procession  to  the  fairgrounds.  On 
all  sides  of  the  square,  the  "air  was  filled  with  the  music  of  bands,  the  thimder  of  cannon, 
and  the  shouts  of  enthusiastic  democrats."  Finally,  at  10:00  a.m.  the  procession  got 
underway,  and  at  least  eighty-one  wagons  began  winding  their  way  to  the  fairgroimds. 
Jostling  along  the  crowd-lined  streets,  riders  stood  in  the  backs  of  the  wagons  waving  white 
flags  bearing  the  word  "PEACE."  Others  flaunted  banners  that  pronounced  messages  such 
as  "'Let  the  draft  be  confined  to  Abolitionists'"  and  "'We  want  a  man  for  President,  and  not 
a  clown  who  now  presides  in  Washington.'"  Everywhere,  white  rosettes  and  badges  were 
in  evidence  on  lapels,  signifying  a  desire  for  peace. 

After  the  procession  arrived  at  the  fairgroimds,  the  meeting  commenced  with  orators 
sjjeaking  from  two  stands.  Most  prominent  among  the  speakers  was  James  W.  Singleton, 
one  of  the  leading  peace  advocates  in  the  state.  At  stand  one.  Singleton  gave  a  "brief  speech 
of  the  Strong  peace  stripe."  Henry  Clay  Dean  of  Iowa  then  took  the  stand  and  presented — at 
least  as  far  as  the  Journal  was  concerned — "bloody  pictures  of  the  war,  in  which  the  feelings 
were  appealed  to  instead  of  the  judgment."  The  speeches  at  stand  one  having  been 
completed,  a  series  of  resolutions  were  adopted.  Consisting  mainly  of  a  list  of  war-related 
grievances,  the  resolutions  declared  the  war  a  "failure  and  a  delusion"  and  demanded  a 
national  peace  convention. 

At  this  point  in  the  meeting  all  harmony  broke  down.  Trouble  began  brewing  when 
Springfield  resident  WilUam  Springer  introduced  a  resolution  to  support  the  national 
convention's  nominee,  whoever  he  might  be.  As  conservative  members  of  the  Democratic 
party,  S jiringer  and  his  followers  felt  that  the  best  course  for  the  party  was  to  unify  in  support 
of  the  nominee,  regardless  of  whether  he  be  a  Peace  Democrat  or  a  War  Democrat.  Singleton 
and  his  followers,  however,  were  unwiUing  to  compromise  their  peace  platform  and  had 
determined  not  to  support  anyone  but  a  Peace  Democrat.  When  Springer  introduced  his 


resolution,  Singleton  replied  "rather  tartly"  and  the  resolution  was  tabled. 

The  crowd  then  moved  to  stand  two,  where  several  orators  had  just  finished  their 
speeches.  Again,  the  original  set  of  resolutions  was  adopted,  and  again  Springer  stepped  up 
to  the  stand  with  his  controversial  resolution.  This  time.  Singleton  retorted  "more  bitterly," 
warning  the  audience  that  the  Chicago  convention  could  not  be  trusted  to  pick  a  peace 

72  Lincoln' s  Springfield 

candidate.  But  before  Singleton  could  table  the  resolution,  grumbles  of  dissatisfaction 
wafted  through  the  crowd.  The  grumblings  picked  up  momentum,  and  soon  the  entire  crowd 
rose  on  their  benches  waving  hats  and  shouting  until  the  stand  collapsed  with  a  crash. 

Fortunately    no  one  was  hurt,  and  to  the  crowd's  delight.  Springer's  resolution  was 


Amid  great  confusion,  the  crowd  then  rushed  back  to  stand  one  determined  that 

Springer' s  resolution  be  passed  there,  too.  Shouts  of  indignation  could  be  heard,  with  many 

declaring  that  the  meeting  was  a  Democratic  gathering,  not  a  "Singleton  meeting."   But 

Singleton's  friends  reached  the  stand  first  and  an  unconditional  peace  advocate,  William 

Corry  of  Cinciimati,  began  a  speech  in  which  he  advised  the  crowd  to  let  Jeff  Davis  "take 

his  section  and  go  off  in  peace."  Then  an  ally  of  Springer's,  Virgil  Hickox  of  Springfield, 

grabbed  the  next  opportunity  to  speak  and  "talked  democracy,  pure  and  simple,  to  the  crowd. " 

Loud  calls  were  then  made  for  Springer,  who  again  introduced  his  resolution.  In  spite  of  the 

outcries  of  the  Singleton  men.  Springer's  resolution  was  "received  with  a  whirlwind  of 

applause."  In  disgust.  Singleton  finally  declared  that  he  "would  preside  no  longer  at  such  a 

meeting"  and  left  the  stand. 

The  Democratic  fiasco  at  Springfield  was  indicative  of  the  disharmony  that  ruled  eleven 
days  later  at  the  national  convention  in  Chicago.  In  a  desperate  effort  to  win  the  conservative 
vote,  Democrats  nominated  War  Democrat  George  B.  McClellan,  the  popular  war  hero  of 
the  Army  of  the  Potomac.  At  the  same  time,  the  convention  endorsed  a  peace  platform, 
declaring  the  war  a  failure  and  calling  for  a  national  peace  convention.  The  Journal 

We  have  the  remarkable  spectacle  of  a  man  being  put  forward  as  the  representa- 
tive of  the  principle  of  practical  submission  to  the  rebellion,  when  he  has  obtained 
all  his  notoriety  in  connection  with  the  war  for  the  supression  of  the  rebellion. — 
What  a  burlesque  is  this  upon  anything  like  political  principles! 

A  disjointed  campaign  was  not  to  be  the  Democrats'  only  problem.  Less  than  one  week 
after  the  Chicago  convention  had  declared  the  war  a  failure,  dispatches  arrived  annoimcing 
that  Atlanta,  Georgia — a  major  raikoad  hub  in  the  heart  of  the  Confederacy — had  been 
cqjtured  by  the  Union  army.^^  Like  a  spring  rain  on  parched  ground,  the  news  refreshed 
confidence  in  the  war  effort  By  order  of  Governor  Yates,  on  the  evening  of  September  7 
soldiers  fired  off  100  guns  from  the  lawn  of  the  State  House.  Meanwhile,  Springfield 
citizens — who  were  once  again  bursting  with  pride  that  Illinois  troops  had  played  a  part  in 
the  victory — gathered  on  the  square  for  a  mass  celebration.  Throughout  the  evening  imtil 

1 1:00  P.M.,  the  joyous  crowd  listened  to  patriotic  tunes  and  to  victory  speeches,  all  the  while 

thrilling  in  the  happy  turn  of  events. 

To  the  chagrin  of  the  Democrats,  the  pendulum  had  swung  back  again.  They  had  been 

proven  wrong,  for  the  war  seemed  no  longer  to  be  a  failure.  In  addition  to  the  victory  at 

Atlanta,  reports  of  victory  were  also  drifting  in  from  the  Shenandoah  Valley  in  Virginia, 

where  General  Philip  Sheridan  was  chasing  the  Rebels  up  the  valley.      Attempting  to 

salvage  a  dying  campaign,  the  Register  changed  its  line  of  reasoning  to  fit  the  occasion: 

The  democrats  are  the  last  men  to  depreciate  the  glory  and  the  value  of  the 

splendid  viaories  won  by  those  noble  democratic  soldiers,  McCleUan,  Shemian, 

and  their  comrades  at  Antietam,  at  Atlanta  and  Vicksburg;  and  everybody  ought 

1864   This  Dreary  Old  War  73 

to  know  full  well  that  under  the  management  of  anybody  but  a  blind  and  fantastic 
abolitionist,  or  an  imbecile  bigot,  such  victories  ought  to  have  resulted  in  some 
benefit  to  our  cause. . . . 

It  is  precisely  because  the  war  is  not  a  failure,  that  the  democratic  party 
arraigns  Abraham  Lincoln  for  official  misconduct  and  imbecility.  Had  the 
soldiers  and  sailors  failed  in  their  duty  . . .  then  we  could  not  blame  Abraham 
Lincoln  for  the  failure  to  restore  the  Union.  But  on  the  contrary,  after  four  years 
of  desperate  fighting;  after  the  splendid  successes ...  we  find  ourselves  no  nearer 
the  end  for  which  the  nation  took  up  arms  than  we  were  at  the  beginning. 

During  the  months  of  September  and  October,  Springfield  citizens  on  both  sides  of  the 

fence  took  part  in  numerous  rallies .  Almost  every  week  Democrats  had  opportunity  to  gather 

and  cheer  for  McClellan  and  for  James  C.  Robinson,  their  nominee  for  governor,  while 

RepubUcans  cheered  for  Lincoln  and  their  nominee  for  governor,  Richard  Oglesby. 

Democrats  held  numerous  meetings  at  the  courthouse,  where  a  large  outdoor  crowd  could 

be  addressed  by  erecting  a  stand  on  the  ft-ont  steps.     Republicans  also  held  at  least  one  mass 

meeting  outside  the  courthouse  on  October  5,  but  most  of  their  meetings  were  held  at  "the 

Wigwam,"  a  btiilding  erected  exclusively  for  their  rallies.  Located  on  North  Sixth  Street, 

the  Wigwam  was  capable  of  holding  2,000  people  and  was  attractively  decorated  with 

evergreens,  flags,  lanterns,  and  pictures.     On  rally  evenings,  himdreds  of  men,  along  with 

"fashionable  and  beautiful  ladies,"  packed  the  Wigwam,  on  each  occasion  humming  along 

to  the  patriotic  songs  of  Springfield's  Union  Glee  Club  and  cheaing  to  the  inspiring  words 


of  local  orators. 

While  the  festivities  of  the  campaign  often  fostered  gaiety  and  merriment,  the  spirit 
manifested  diuing  the  months  of  campaigning  in  Springfield  was  not  always  one  of  good 
will.  Occasionally,  irate  men  could  be  seen  bickering  about  poUtics  on  the  street  comers. 
"PoUtics  have  grown  into  the  proportions  of  a  social  evil,"  wrote  the  Register.  "Hurrah  for 
Lincoln!  is  hissed  on  one  side  of  the  street.  Hurrah  for  Little  Mac!  on  the  other."  On  one 
occasion,  two  newspaper  boys  who  were  vending  their  wares  in  the  same  neighboihood  tried 
to  outshout  each  other,  one  hurrahing  for  Lincoln  and  one  for  McClellan.  Before  long  the 
boys  were  wrestling  in  the  street,  with  one  boy  administering  a  black  eye  to  the  other,  and 
the  other  boy  nearly  breaking  the  backbone  of  his  opponent.  An  antagonistic  spirit  also 
occasionally  manifested  itself  at  mass  meetings.  At  a  Democratic  meeting  held  at  the  State 
House  on  September  6,  fifty  to  one  hundred  soldiers — ^whom  the  Register  claimed  were 
inflamed  with  strong  drink  by  the  Republicans — interrupted  the  meeting  by  "run[ning]  riot 
through  the  state  house  yard,  into  the  rotvinda,  and  even  into  the  Representatives'  Hall,  where 
Mr.  Robinson  was  addressing  a  meeting,  yelling  like  fiends. "  Again,  on  October  1 0,  during 
a  Democratic  mass  meeting  outside  the  courthouse,  two  himdred  to  three  hundred  soldiers — 
whom  the  Register  claimed  were  "acting  under  instructions  from  citizens  who  accompanied 
them" — attempted  to  break  up  the  meeting  by  drowning  out  the  orator  with  "groans,  yells, 


and  threats." 

Finally,  election  day  arrived  on  Tuesday,  November  8.  All  day  long,  a  cold  drizzle  fell, 
chilling  those  who  ventured  out  to  vote.  Voters  stood  outside  for  nearly  an  hour,  waiting 
their  turn  in  a  long  line  that  snaked  into  the  courthouse.  In  the  meantime,  several  local  bands 


marched  arotmd  the  square,  "discoursing  patriotic  airs"  in  the  ram. 

74  Lincoln' s  Springfield 

The  day,  however,  did  not  transpire  without  at  least  one  mishap.  At  noon,  about  six 
blocks  southeast  of  the  square  on  the  comer  of  Eleventh  and  Monroe  streets,  two  Springfield 
men  began  argiiing  about  the  ballots  they  had  just  cast: 

The  conversation  turned  upon  politics,  when  [William]  Browning,  who  is  a 
McClellan  man,  hurrahed  for  Lincoln;  upon  which  [George]  Watson  observed 
that  he  must  have  changed  his  politics.  Browning  swore  that  any  man  who  said 
he  had  changed  was  a  d— d  liar — he  had  cast  his  vote  for  McClellan.  High  words 
ensued,  and  it  is  said  that  Browning  called  Watson  a  liar — and  a  blow  followed, 
upon  which  Browning  drew  a  revolver  and  shot  Watson  through  the  right  breast. 
After  the  shot,  Wats<Mi  seized  Browning  and  handled  him  very  roughly,  until  he 
became  exhausted  from  the  effects  of  the  wound.  Browning,  on  getting  away 
from  Watson  and  his  companions,  fled,  passing  through  Mr.  F.  S.  Browning's 
house,  and  across  the  fields,  and  although  pursued  a  short  distance,  escaped. 

Young  Watson  was  carried  into  the  house  of  Mr.  S.  Pletz,  on  Monroe,  between 

12th  and  13th  streets,  and  at  half -past  three  was  ahve,  although  in  great  pain. 

Fortunately,  the  Watson  shooting  proved  to  be  merely  an  isolated  tragedy,  and  the 
remainder  of  election  day  "passed  off  quietly."   By  the  following  day  dispatches  began 


pouring  into  Springfield  announcing  that  Abraham  Lincoln  had  won  the  election.  In 
Springfield,  Lincoln  beat  McClellan  1,324-1,314,  and  Oglesby  defeated  Robinson  1,325- 
1,314.  Springfield  Republicans  were  jubilant!  One  week  after  the  election,  Republicans 
held  a  "grand  Union  jubilee"  in  the  State  House,  complete  with  entertainment  by  the 


Springfield  Glee  Club  and  highlighted  by  a  two  hour  speech  by  Governor-elect  Oglesby. 

Meanwhile,  Democrats  despaired  over  the  loss  of  a  hard-fought  batde.    The  Register 


As  the  smoke  lifts  from  the  field,  it  becomes  apparent  that  Abraham  Lincoln 
was  re-eleaed  on  Tuesday  last,  president  of  the  United  States.  Believing,  as  we 
do,  that  this  result  is  the  heaviest  calamity  that  ever  befell  this  nation;  regarding 
it  as  the  farewell  to  civil  liberty,  to  a  republican  form  of  government,  and  to  the 

imity  of  these  states,  it  is  needless  to  say  that  his  election  has  filled  our  hearts 

with  gloom. 

Nevertheless,  even  while  in  the  depths  of  despair,  the  Register  recognized  that  all  was  not 
lost,  for  in  the  midst  of  imprecedented  turmoil,  democracy  had  triimiphed  in  miraculous 

Never  was  a  canvass  conducted  under  such  circumstances.  We  have  had  heat 
and  acrimony,  and  sometimes  hard  feeKngs  in  every  preceding  election,  butnever 
anything  to  compare  with  what  was  felt  in  this. ...  It  is  almost  wonderful  that  a 

people  like  the  Americans  could  have  endured  these  things  without  ebullitions 

of  passion  which  should  terminate  in  bloodshed. 

With  the  campaign  ended,  the  citizens  of  Springfield  again  focused  on  wuming  a  grueling 

war.  Relentlessly,  the  war  continued  to  devour  men  on  the  battlefields,  necessitating  stiU 

another  call  for  three  hundred  thousand  men  to  be  raised  by  February  1 5 .     Good  news  from 

the  battlefront,  however,  helped  offset  the  discouragement  generated  by  the  new  call; 

throughout  December  dispatches  tracked  the  progress  of  General  Sherman,  who  had  pushed 

onward  from  the  ruins  of  Atlanta  and  was  driving  his  army  in  a  destructive  swath  towards 

the  sea.  On  December  27  came  the  joyous  news  that  Sherman  had  captured  Savannah,  news 

1864   This  Dreary  Old  War  75 

received  thankfully  as  a  "magnificent  Christmas  Gift."      Equally  good  news  came  from 
Nashville,  Tennessee,  where  Union  troops  also  won  a  decisive  victory. 

In  Ught  of  the  encouraging  news,  Springfield  citizens  again  began  to  entertain  hopes  that 
the  war  might  end  soon.  Though  their  hopes  had  repeatedly  gone  sour  in  the  past  few  years, 
they  nevertheless  climg  to  the  new  shreds  of  evidence,  for  by  the  end  of  1864  nearly  every 
resident  had  become  thoroughly  tired  of  the  war.  The  ordeals  of  the  year  had  tested  the 
community  almost  beyond  the  level  of  endurance,  draining  both  energy  and  emotions.  The 
shameful  mob  killing  of  PhUUps,  the  setbacks  of  the  army  in  Virginia,  and  the  bitter  campaign 
had  pervaded  the  thoughts  of  Springfield  citizens  throughout  most  of  the  dark,  dreary  year. 
It  was  time  now,  indeed  way  past  time,  for  the  trials  to  end.  And  so,  once  again,  Springfield 
citizens  dared  to  savor  dreams  of  victory. 


Lincoln's  Springfield 

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1864  This  Dreary  Old  War 


Mercy  Ann  ConJding,  a  later  photograph  taken  in  1891  at  age  74.  (Photo 
courtesy  of  the  Illinois  State  Historical  Library.) 


Lincoln's  Springfield 

Abraham  Lincoln  in  1864.  (Photo  courtesy  of  the  Illinois  State  Historical 


1865  Bittersweet  Peace 

The  new  year  quickly  brought  a  reminder  that  despite  recent  military  victories,  the  war 
was  not  over.  On  Saturday  night,  January  14,  a  train  pulled  into  the  Great  Western  depot 
and  dropped  off  150  southem  refugees,  all  "forlom  and  wretched  looking  people."  Mostiy 
orphan  children  and  destitute  women,  the  clan  had  been  driven  from  their  Arkansas  homes 
by  roving  bands  of  "cutthroats  and  guerrillas."  They  had  sought  haven  at  Fort  Smith, 
Arkansas,  but  had  again  been  forced  to  move  on  when  the  fort  was  evacuated.  Through 
arrangements  made  by  Francis  Springer,  a  former  Springfield  minister  serving  as  chaplain 
at  the  fort,  the  group  had  travelled  to  Springfield  who-e  the  community  was  making 
preparations  to  feed,  clothe,  and  shelter  them. 

When  the  train  pulled  into  the  depot  on  Saturday  night,  Springfield  citizens  foimd  the 
refugees  in  appalling  condition,  for  they  had  had  no  choice  but  to  travel  during  frigid  weather 
in  boxcars  used  for  hauling  hogs.  At  least  three  women  and  two  children  had  already 
perished  from  the  cold.  The  following  day  after  church,  many  of  Springfield's  ladies  flocked 
to  Union  League  HaU,  where  the  refugees  had  been  taken  to  spend  the  night  The  scene  that 
greeted  them  was  heartbreaking,  for  all  of  the  refugees  were  "poorly,  scantily  and  coarsely 
clad,"  and  many  were  sick  or  despondent.  They  were  "in  a  most  destitote  condition,  covered 
with  filth  and  rags  and  many  of  the  women  had  on  men's  coats."  A  nurse  from  Camp  Butler 
exclaimed:  "A  more  deplorable  sight  I  never  saw. "  Anna  Ridgely,  upon  seemg  them,  wrote 
about  their  pitiable  condition: 

I  felt  much  distressed  at  the  scenes  before  me  and  could  hardly  keep  back  the 
tears.  I  saw  little  childrai  lying  sick,  some  women  perfectly  prostrated  with  fever 
and  one  man  seemed  to  be  dying.  The  doctor  told  me  that  he  had  taken  the  wrong 
medicine,  a  drunken  nurse  had  given  linament  meant  for  a  man's  leg. . . .  Two 
little  sisters  looked  so  wasted  away  I  hardly  think  they  can  recover.  One  little 
boy  looked  so  side  and  unable  to  sit  up  that  I  took  him  in  my  lap  and  held  him 
all  the  time  we  were  there;  but  the  one  who  most  excited  my  sympathy  was  a 
little  fellow  about  five  years  old.  He  had  lost  his  mother.  She  died  since  they 
came  here  and  he  is  left  entirely  alone.  He  lakes  no  interest  in  anything,  wiU  not 
play  or  smile  but  only  sits  sadly  by  himself  and  sometimes  calls  for  his  mother. 

The  pUght  of  the  refugees  prompted  an  immediate  outpouring  of  public  sympathy  and 
a  determination  to  alleviate  their  suffering.  Springfield  churches  took  up  collections  the  day 
after  they  arrived,  with  the  Second  Presbyterian  Church  donating  $140.  The  following  day, 
the  city  council  appropriated  $500  to  aid  the  refugees.  Meanwhile,  the  ladies  of  Springfield 
washed,  clothed,  and  fed  the  sufferers.  Within  a  few  days,  as  many  refugees  as  could  be 
accommodated  were  boarded  in  the  basement  of  the  still  imfinished  Home  For  the  Friendless 
while  the  rest  were  taken  in  by  benevolent  citizens.  By  the  end  of  the  month,  nearly  all  of 
the  children  had  been  "adopted  by  our  best  citizens,  to  be  cared  for  kindly  and  educated  even 
as  an  'own  child'"  while  the  male  refugees  had  been  provided  employment. 

80  Lincoln' s  Springfield 

The  Arkansas  refugees,  however,  were  not  the  only  outcasts  of  war  to  arrive  in 
Springfield.  In  early  March,  Rebel  deserters  began  migrating  to  Springfield,  taking  advan- 
tage of  the  food  and  shelter  provided  at  the  Soldiers '  Home,  meanwhile  putting  out  the  word 
that  they  were  looking  for  farm  work.  Union  prisoners  recently  released  horn  southern 
prisons  also  began  arriving  in  town  in  "extremely  destitute  circumstances."  To  help  alleviate 
the  paroled  prisoners'  sufferings,  the  Springfield  Young  Ladies'  Soldiers'  Aid  Society — a 
branch  of  the  main  society  composed  of  school  girls — sponsored  two  oyster  suppers  and 
encotiraged  Springfield  citizens  to  help  the  prisoners  by  purchasing  a  fifty-cent  dish  of 

While  contending  with  new  arriv  als  who  drifted  into  the  community,  Springfield  citizens 
also  struggled  to  care  for  their  own  poor.  It  "is  not  a  seldom  occurrence  of  late,"  wrote  the 
Register,  to  see  a  "poor  and  half -clad  woman  with  a  child  in  her  arms,"  wandering  helplessly 
around  the  square.  The  problem  of  the  poor  had  grown  so  chronic  that  at  least  three  of  the 
city's  four  wards  responded  by  instituting  "sociables"  for  the  benefit  of  poor  soldiers' 
families.  Every  week,  one  family  in  each  of  the  participating  wards  hosted  a  sociable  while 
neighbors  came  bearing  gifts  of  money  and  dry  goods  to  be  distributed  to  the  poor  of  their 

As  the  people  of  Springfield  attended  to  the  needs  of  the  poor,  the  State  House  once 
again  resoimded  with  the  deliberations  of  the  general  assembly.  The  new  legislature, 
bolstered  by  a  host  of  newly  elected  Republicans,  was  determined  to  clear  the  muddied 
reputation  the  last  legislature  had  left  Illinois.  They  started  by  rewarding  Richard  Yates  for 
his  four  years  as  a  loyal  Union  governor,  voting  him  in  for  a  six-year  term  as  United  States 
senator.^  The  legislature  then  turned  their  attention  to  the  issue  of  repealing  Illinois'  "black 
laws,"  a  series  of  laws  passed  in  1 853  prohibiting  the  immigration  of  free  blacks  to  Illinois. 
A  prodigious  petition  had  been  sent  to  the  legislature  to  this  effect,  containing  seven  thousand 
signatures  of  Dlinois  Negroes  and  mulattoes,  which  when  unrolled,  extended  to  a  length  of 
125  feet.  The  Register  wrote:  "Such  another  paper  can  scarcely  be  found  among  the  archives 
of  the  state." 

The  legislature  was  also  keeping  close  track  of  proceedings  in  Congress,  where  the 
momentous  issue  of  an  amendment  to  abolish  slavery  was  being  considered.  On  the  evening 
of  Jaruiary  3 1 ,  Illinois  Senator  Lyman  Trumbull  wrote  to  Governor  Oglesby  with  the  exciting 
news  from  Washington,  D.C.:  'The  Constitutional  amendment  abolishing  slavery,  passed 
by  the  Senate  last  session,  has  passed  the  House.  Let  Illinois  be  the  first  to  ratify." 
Trumbull's  dispatch  reached  Springfield  the  next  morning  and  by  noon  Oglesby  had  rushed 
a  message  over  to  the  State  House,  urging  the  legislature  to  take  immediate  action: 
. . .  Let  Illinois  be  the  first  State  in  the  Union  to  ratify  by  the  aa  of  her  Legislature, 
this  proposed  amendment  to  the  Constitution  of  the  United  States. 

It  is  just,  it  is  humane,  it  is  constitutional,  it  is  right  to  do  so.  The  whole  public 
mind  of  the  country  is  rapidly  arriving  at  the  conclusion.  So  far  as  we  can  by  any 
act  of  our  State  destroy  this  pestilent  cause  of  civil  discord,  disruption  and 
dissolution — the  source  of  so  much  unhappiness  and  misery  to  the  people  of  the 
whole  nation,  let  us  do  so,  and  do  so  now. . .  . 

With  the  "utmost  precipitation,"  Republicans  in  the  Illinois  Senate  went  to  work  pushing 
through  a  resolution  to  ratify  the  amendment,  and  despite  resistance  from  several  Democrats, 

1865  Bittersweet  Peace  81 


adopted  the  resolution  by  a  vote  of  eighteen  to  six  during  the  afternoon  session.  Im- 
mediately, the  resolution  was  sent  to  the  house  for  concurrence,  where  an  "exciting  contest" 
ensued,  including  a  filibuster  to  delay  action  on  the  resolution.  Late  in  the  aftemoon, 
however.  Republicans  managed  to  push  the  issue  to  a  vote.  When  the  result  was  read, 
showing  a  forty-eight  to  twenty -eight  decision  to  ratify  the  amendment,  the  crowds  on  the 
floor  and  in  the  gaUery  of  the  house  broke  forth  "with  the  wildest  demonstrations  of 
enthusiasm."^''  In  one  aftemoon  of  deliberations,  Illinois  had  ratified  the  amendment, 
becoming  the  first  state  to  do  so.  The  Journal  boasted:  "The  fact  will  be  a  matter  of  just 
pride  with  nUnoisans  in  the  future." 

A  few  days  later,  on  February  4,  the  legislature  continued  to  make  history  by  repealing 
the  state's  black  laws.  The  news  was  received  with  great  joy  by  the  Negroes  and  mulattoes 
of  Springfield,  who  assembled  to  celebrate  in  front  of  the  St.  Nicholas  Hotel  on  Fourth  and 
Jefferson  streets.  Here  they  set  up  a  cannon  and  fired  it  off  sixty-two  times,  once  for  each 
legislator  who  had  voted  for  the  repeal.  After  firing  the  cannon,  the  jubilant  group  proceeded 
to  the  African  Methodist  Church  where  they  were  addressed  by  several  "colored  gentle- 

While  Illinois  legislators  were  busy  deciding  the  fate  of  the  Negro,  Springfield  citizens 
were  once  again  worrying  about  the  draft,  which  was  to  be  implemented  on  February  15  if 
Lincoln's  December  1 864  call  for  three  hundred  thousand  men  was  not  met.  Working  as 
always  to  avoid  the  draft,  the  Sangamon  County  Board  of  Supervisors  announced  in 
mid- January  that  they  would  pay  a  $500  boxmty  to  every  Sangamon  County  volunteer.  In 
the  event  that  the  draft  could  not  be  avoided,  the  county  also  agreed  to  pay  the  same  amount 


to  every  draftee  as  well  as  to  every  man  who  would  furnish  a  substitute.  An  additional 
bounty  offered  by  the  federal  government  ($100  for  one-year  recruits,  $200  for  two-year 
recruits,  and  $300  for  three-year  recruits)  made  the  prospect  of  joining  the  army  even  more 
inviting,  and  as  a  result  Sangamon  County  quickly  began  filling  her  quota.  At  least  one 
himdred  Springfield  men  enlisted,  with  most  of  them  joining  companies  in  the  newly  formed 
149th  and  152nd  Infantry  regiments.  By  February  11,  Springfield  needed  only  twenty 
more  recruits — eight  from  the  third  ward  and  twelve  from  the  fourth  ward — to  fill  her 
quota.^'  This  deficit,  however,  was  soon  filled  and  once  again — for  the  last  time — Spring- 
field avoided  the  draft,  thereby  earning  the  distinction  of  not  having  a  single  man  drafted 

from  the  city  dviring  the  Civil  War. 

With  recruiting  progressing  throughout  Illinois,  Camp  Butler  was  again  teeming  with 

thousands  of  Illinois  recruits,  many  of  whom  had  received  hefty  bounties.  The  bounties  had 

been  the  deciding  factor  for  many  of  the  new  recruits,  for  war  fever  had  long  ago  dissipated 

and  the  majority  of  those  who  felt  it  their  duty  to  fight  had  already  joined.  By  clever  design, 

the  least  honorable  of  the  new  recruits  enlisted,  collected  their  bounty  money,  and  sought 

the  first  chance  to  escape.    Since  the  December  call,  1,600  Camp  Butler  recruits  had 

deserted.    Indeed,  to  men  who  had  never  before  felt  any  inclination  to  fight,  escape  seemed 

comparatively  easier  than  fighting  Rebels,  and  a  number  of  methods  were  tried.    Some 

recruits  bribed  or  jumped  the  guards.  Others  rushed  fences,  dug  tunnels,  or  escaped  through 

the  coal  gates.  Still  others  waited  imtil  their  regiment  was  shipped  out  of  camp,  and  then 


latched  onto  the  opportunity  to  jump  off  the  train.     To  the  great  discredit  of  a  Springfield 

82  Lincoln' s  Springfield 

company,  thirty-one  of  its  forty-five  Springfield  members  deserted,  with  fifteen  of  the 

thirty-one  making  their  escapes  on  the  day  their  train  left  for  Tennessee. 

Meanwhile,  authorities  at  the  camp  took  measures  to  curb  the  mass  exodus,  especially 

as  reluctant  draftees  and  substitutes  from  counties  that  had  not  met  their  quotas  began  arriving 

at  Camp  Butler.^  On  February  14,  a  bounty  jumper  who  had  been  charged  once  before  with 

the  same  offense,  was  shot.  In  late  February,  the  Twenty -fourth  Michigan  Infantry,  a  veteran 

regiment  that  had  belonged  to  the  illustrious  "Iron  Brigade,"    was  sent  to  camp  to  prevent 

recruits  from  deserting.  The  first  recruit  who  attempted  to  bribe  one  of  these  Michigan  men 

"found  himself  in  the  guard  house  after  he  got  out  of  the  hospital."  Recruits  soon  found  out 

that  their  Michigan  guards  were  not  afraid  to  shoot,  especially  after  one  unlucky  fellow  who 

attempted  to  climb  out  of  a  train  window  "had  his  hand  blown  off  by  the  guard  on  the 

platform."  The  practice  of  charging  fences  was  abruptly  halted  by  a  "well  directed  volley" 

at  the  perpetrators.  Though  desertion  was  not  completely  stopped,  it  was  severely  hampered 

as  the  Michigan  regiment  meted  out  "severe  treatment . . .  not  all  of  it  authorized"  and  shored 

up  the  camp  as  ii  it  was  a  pnson. 

While  the  troops  were  being  mustered  in  and  disciplined  at  Camp  Butler,  Springfield 

citizens  were  continuing  to  monitor  the  progress  of  both  Sherman's  and  Grant's  armies.  The 

community  was  particularly  interested  in  Sherman's  army,  for  the  Seventh  Illinois  Infantry 

as  well  as  many  other  Dlinois  regiments  were  marching  with  Sherman.     Springfield  citizens 

watched  with  pride  as  Sherman's  army,  after  burning  through  Georgia,  swept  through  the 

Carolinas.  On  February  20  came  the  news  that  Sherman  had  captured  Columbia,  the  capital 

of  South  Carolina.  The  next  day  brought  news  of  Sherman's  triumph  at  Charleston  and  the 

restoration  of  the  United  States  flag  on  the  battlements  of  Fort  Svimter.  From  Grant's  army 

came  news  equally  as  welcome.   Dispatches  in  late  March  bore  the  news  that  Grant  was 

weakening  Lee's  army  and  taking  numerous  prisoners  in  front  of  both  Petersburg  and 

Richmond.  As  Grant's  army  continued  to  pound  Lee's  dwindling  forces  in  the  early  days 

of  April,  the  citizens  of  Springfield,  along  with  the  entire  nation,  waited  breathlessly. 

Finally,  the  long  hoped-for  news  came.  On  April  3  at  11:00  A.M.,  on  an  otherwise 
gloomy,  rainy  Monday,  the  news  shot  across  the  telegraph  wires  to  Springfield.  The 
dispatch,  at  once  dispersed  as  an  "extra"  on  the  streets,  announced  the  glorious  news  that  at 
long  last,  Richmond  had  fallen.  The  Journal  wrote  joyously:  "The  event  so  long  prayed  for 
by  loyal  men  and  so  long  anticipated  has  at  last  occurred."  Never  before  had  the  prospect 
for  peace  looked  so  bright.  "The  end  of  the  rebellion  is  at  hand.  Let  every  lover  of  his 
country  be  glad!"  proclaimed  the  Register. 

As  the  "extra"  was  distributed  on  the  streets,  the  "wildest  enthusiasm"  broke  ouL  Soon 
church  and  fire  bells  were  pealing  throughout  the  city,  and  echoes  of  cannon  blasts  were 
resounding  from  house  to  house.  As  the  news  spread  and  citizens  ventured  outside  to  learn 
the  cause  of  the  commotion,  the  streets  were  filled  with  merry  groups  discussing  the  glorious 
news.  The  booming  of  cannon  could  be  heard  as  far  away  as  Camp  Butler,  where  soldiers 
who  had  just  learned  the  news  were  "running  aroimd  camp  and  cheering  as  though  they  were 
crazy."  In  the  evening,  Springfield  citizens  continued  celebrating  with  an  impromptu 
meeting  on  the  streets.  Fireworks  were  shot  off,  bonfires  lit,  and  patriotic  music  played 
throughout  the  evening.  A  formal  celebration  was  in  the  works,  too,  being  planned  for  next 

•  30 

Monday  evening,  April  10. 

1865  Bittersweet  Peace  83 

One  week  later,  on  the  morning  of  the  proposed  celebration,  Springfield  citizens  awoke 
to  news  they  had  been  waiting  four  long  years  to  hear.  Newspaper  headlines  proclaimed: 

household  to  household,  elated  citizens  read  the  dispatch  that  had  flashed  across  the  wires 

late  the  night  before: 

WASHINGTON,  April  9th,  9  P.M. 

To  Major  General  Dix: 

This  department  has  received  the  official  report  of  the  surrender  this  day  of 
General  Lee  and  his  army  to  Lieutenant  General  Grant  on  the  terms  proposed  by 
General  Grant 

E.  M.  STANTON.  Secretary  of  War.^ 

As  the  news  swept  through  the  commimity,  it  elicited  "heartfelt  rejoicing,  which  found 
vent  in  public  demonstration,  such  as  have  never  before  been  witnessed  in  Springfield." 
Flags  leapt  "as  if  by  magic"  upon  public  buildings  and  private  dwellings,  and  upon  horses, 
buggies,  hats,  coats,  and  every  place  a  flag  could  be  stuck.  Businesses  were  closed  and 
"everybody  turned  loose  for  a  hoUday "  as  the  commimity  sought  the  square  to  congratulate 
one  another.  Church  and  fire  bells  "rang  a  merry  peal,  which  was  kept  up  for  hours  until  the 
whole  air  was  filled  with  the  many  sounds  of  a  general  jubilee."  Pistols,  fireworks,  and 
"every  invention  conceivable  for  making  a  noise"  were  employed  tmtil  the  atmosphere  was 


charged  with  a  continuous  din  of  hurrahing,  booming,  and  clanging. 

The  celebration  continued  into  the  afternoon  and  increased  in  intensity.  At  noon,  a  salute 
of  200  guns  was  shot  off  fi-om  the  arsenal.  At  about  2:00  p.m.,  an  impromptu  parade  attracted 
"considerable  attention"  as  it  marched  around  the  square,  its  ranks  composed  of  a  Springfield 
band,  the  Pioneer  Fire  Company,  and  a  cart  pulled  by  horses  decked  in  flags.  Another 
enterprising  group  dragged  out  a  large  mule  dressed  in  a  blanket  bearing  the  words  "Jeff. 
Davis'  last  ride"  on  one  side,  "Jeff.  Davis  and  Suit"  on  the  other,  and  "Lee's  End"  over  the 
tail.  A  man  impersonating  Davis  was  mounted  on  the  mule  while  two  others  portraying 
Confederates  trailed  behind  in  tattered  uniforms.  Later  in  the  afternoon,  the  Twenty -fourth 
Michigan  of  the  "Iron  Brigade"  marched  aroimd  the  square  to  the  music  of  the  Camp  Butler's 
post  band.  Afterwards,  the  regiment  retired  to  the  State  House  yard,  whCTe  Governor 
Oglesby  gave  them  a  rousing  speech.  In  the  meantime,  wagonloads  of  merrymakers  formed 
their  own  processions  and  whirled  in  circuits  aroimd  the  square,  all  the  while  shouting, 
singing,  and  waving  flags. 

At  6:30  P.M.,  a  twenty-gun  salute  was  shot  off,  signaling  the  commencement  of  the 


evening  festivities.  In  response,  a  "multitude  of  beings"  gathered  on  the  square.  With  dusk 
settling  in,  the  glow  of  lanterns  and  candles  could  be  seen  in  the  State  House  windows  and 
in  the  windows  of  surrounding  stores,  casting  their  Ught  on  flags  that  had  been  draped  in  the 
windows  for  decoration.  On  each  comer  of  the  square,  bonfires  were  blazing,  with  pyramids 

of  boxes  and  barrels  stacked  nearby  for  fuel. 

The  festivities  commenced  with  a  fireworks  display,  with  "rockets  and  Roman  candles 

and  every  variety  of  pyrotechnics  used  to  add  to  the  wild  briUiancy  of  the  scene."  Next,  a 

"grand  parade  and  torchlight  procession"  stepped  off  and  began  winding  along  the  streets. 

The  Fenian  Brotherhood  led  the  parade  with  their  "green  and  gilt  banner  displaying  the 

84  Lincoln' s  Springfield 

flashing  light  of  torches  and  bonfires."  Behind  them  marched  Butler's  Band,  followed  by 
six  local  fire  companies  all  proudly  flaunting  their  own  fire  engines,  "handsomely  decorated 
with  lanterns  and  flags."  The  feature  of  the  parade,  however,  was  Lincoln's  aged  horse,  "Old 
Bob,"  sporting  a  red,  white,  and  blue  blanket  thickly  studded  with  flags,  nearly  all  of  which 
were  soon  snatched  as  momentos.   After  marching  around  the  square  several  times,  the 


procession  finally  dispersed  in  time  for  the  8:00  p.m.  orations. 

The  celebration  was  culminated  with  two  sets  of  orations — one  each  for  Republicans 
and  Democrats.  With  a  typical  display  of  partisanship  that  even  the  good  news  had  failed 
to  disf)el.  Democrats  chose  to  meet  at  the  courthouse  while  Republicans  gathered  in  the  State 
House.  In  choosing  a  separate  meeting  place.  Democrats  had  accused  Republicans  of 
underhanded  motives  in  their  rejoicing:  instead  of  expressing  genuine  joy,  Republicans  were 
applauding  the  triumph  of  abolitionist  over  copjjeriiead.  Republicans,  however,  were  no 
less  critical.  Democrats  were  jumping  on  the  bandwagon,  claimed  Republicans,  and 
rejoicing  over  the  victories  when  in  fact  their  past  defamation  of  the  war  would  soon  earn 
them  a  place  in  history  alongside  the  Tories  of  the  Revolution. 

Despite  the  bickering,  both  meetings  were  equally  enthusiastic,  though  Democrats  were 
at  first  rankled  when  they  discovered  that  a  group  of  soldiers  had  torn  down  their  speakers' 
platform  and  thrown  it  into  a  neighboring  bonfire.  But  soon  the  Democrats  were  giving 
rousing  cheers  to  the  speeches  of  Benjamin  Edwards,  General  John  McClemand,  and  other 
Springfield  Democrats.  Across  the  street  inside  the  State  House,  Republicans  were  busy 
holding  their  own  celebration,  thrilling  to  the  patriotic  tunes  of  a  local  band  and  applauding 
the  orations  of  Governor  Oglesby,  James  Conkling,  William  Hemdon,  and  others. 

The  day  had  been  one  that  few  people  would  forget.  The  Journal  wrote:  "Never  have 
we  seen  so  much  enthusiasm  and  joy  manifested  as  on  yesterday. . . .  The  day  wiU  long  be 
remembered  by  the  citizens  of  Springfield. '  The  Register  declared:  "Kings  may  be  glad, 
but  we  were  glorious.'  Penning  an  entry  for  the  day's  events  in  his  diary,  farmer  John 
Yoimg  wrote: 

Everybody  is  erased  with  joy  and  delight  and  drunk  with  excitement.  There  is 
one  continual  roar  of  Cannon  and  fire  arms  mingled  with  the  sound  of  fife  and 
drum  and  patriotic  songs.  Every  City  Village  and  hamlet  in  the  loyal  north  has 
engaged  in  some  sort  of  demonstration  today,  and  every  person  that  could  claim 
a  flag  gave  it  to  the  breeze. 

While  Springfield  citizens  were  rejoicing  over  the  c^ture  of  Richmond  and  the  surrender 
of  Lee,  Springfield  soldiers  were  still  fighting  the  Rebels.  Near  Raleigh,  North  Carolina, 
Confederate  General  Joseph  Johnston's  army  of  forty  thousand  stubbornly  refused  to 
surrender.  Sherman's  army  of  eighty  thousand,  including  the  Seventh  Illinois  and  several 
other  Illinois  regiments,  continued  in  hot  pursuit  of  Johnston.  Meanwhile,  in  a  campaign 
against  Mobile,  Alabama,  more  Springfield  soldiers,  including  the  Sangamon  Regiment, 
were  engaged  in  battle  at  Spanish  Fort  and  Blakely.  On  April  5,  George  McCawley  of 
Springfield  was  killed;  the  following  day  Springfield  soldier  Matthew  Manning  was  killed. 
A  subsequent  pursuit  of  the  Rebels  was  imderway,  with  Confederate  General  Daubney 
Maurey's  force  of  forty-five  hundred  retreating  to  Montgomery. 

Events  on  the  battlefront,  however,  were  overshadowed  by  the  horrifying  news  that  shot 
across  the  wires  in  the  pre-dawn  hours  of  April  15.  The  short,  but  startling  dispatch  that 

1865  Bittersweet  Peace  85 

arrived  in  Springfield  at  3:00  a.m.  announced:  "The  President  was  shot  in  a  theatre  to-night 
and  is  probably  mortally  wounded."  A  succession  of  dispatches  quickly  followed.  "Secre- 
tary Seward  was  also  assassinated,"  the  wires  t^ped  out  Then,  another  wire  announced 
that  Seward  was  not  dead,  after  all,  but  he  had  'Taled  profusely"  from  "three  stab  wounds  in 
the  neck."  Still  another  wire  revealed  that  Lincoln  was  lying  at  the  point  of  death  in  a  house 
across  from  the  theatre;  that  he  had  been  "shot  through  the  head  above  and  back  of  the 
temporal  bone";  and  that  he  was  "in  a  state  of  syncope — totally  insensible — and  breathing 

By  eight  o'clock  in  the  morning,  the  news  had  spread  throughout  the  city.  The  report 
was  stunning,  too  "terribly  incredible"  to  comprehend,  and  at  first  many  did  not  believe  it 
By  common  consent,  merchants  closed  their  stores,  transforming  the  usual  bustle  of  a 
Saturday  into  the  stillness  of  a  Sabbath.  Soon,  a  crowd  had  gathered  at  the  telegraph  office 
on  the  west  side  of  the  square.  Anxiously  they  awaited  word  on  the  fate  of  the  president, 
hstening  intently  as  an  assistant  read  aloud  each  dispatch  as  soon  as  it  came  over  the  wires. 
The  waiting — terrible  waiting — continued  until  mid-moming  when  the  wires  brought  the 
news:  "Abraham  Lincoln  died  this  morning  at  22  minutes  after  7  o'clock." 

The  news  plunged  the  commimity  into  the  deepest  mourning  it  had  ever  experienced. 
All  morning  long,  as  church  bells  tolled  out  a  doleful  cadence,  Springfield  citizens  attended 
to  the  woeful  tasks  of  lowering  flags  to  half-mast  and  draping  the  city  in  black.  The  same 
doors  and  windows  that  had  been  adorned  with  flags  last  Monday  were  soon  garbed  in  dark 
folds  of  crape.  At  noon,  upon  call  of  the  city  council,  "a  large  concourse  of  citizens" 
congregated  outside  the  south  entrance  of  the  State  House.  Lincohi's  former  law  partner, 
John  T.  Stuart,  spoke  to  the  dazed  crowd,  relating  incidents  of  his  last  conversation  with 
Lincoln.  Resolutions  were  then  adopted  requesting  Governor  Oglesby — ^who  was  on  a  trip 
to  Washington,  D.C*' — to  arrange  for  Lincoln  to  be  brought  back  to  Springfield  for  burial 
and  proclaiming  that  "we,  his  neighbors  and  friends,  without  distinction  of  party,  forgetting 
all  past  difference  of  opinion,  unite  in  solemn  accord  in  the  expression  of  our  deep 

Public  expressions  of  sympathy,  however,  could  do  little  to  assuage  Springfield's  grief. 
Never  in  the  community's  fifty  years  of  existence  had  there  been  such  widespread  sorrow. 
The  Register  lamented:  "Had  there  occurred  the  death  of  some  loved  one  in  every  household, 
the  evidences  of  grief  could  scarcely  have  been  more  general."  The  Journal  observed:  'The 
whole  city  presented  a  funereal  aspect,  as  if  the  Death  Angel  had  taken  a  member  from  every 
fanuly.  Never  was  there  a  day  of  such  imiversal  solemnity  and  sadness  seen  in  this  or  any 
other  city."  From  her  post  at  Camp  Butler,  nurse  Sarah  Gregg  marveled:  "every  one  feels 
as  though  they  had  lost  a  father." 

The  grief  that  descended  upon  Springfield  on  April  1 5  transcended  all  boundaries — even 
poUtical  boundaries.  The  Register,  which  had  been  known  in  years  past  to  refer  to  Lincoln 
as  a  "clown;  a  buffoon;  a  man. . .  whose  entire  career  is  but  a  record  of  pitiable  imbecUity, 


mulish  obstinacy,  ruinous  blunders  and  audacious  usurpations,"  was  no  less  grief -struck 
than  the  Journal.  Baring  their  true  feelings,  the  Register  confessed: 

As  is  known.  President  Lincoln — our  late  lamented  chief  magis- 
trate— was  not  our  first  choice;  but  we  have  watched  his  recent  course  and  are 
convinced  that  his  energies  were  given  to  restore  peace  to  the  country  and  union 

S6  Lincoln' s  Springfield 

to  the  nation.  .  .  .  We  had  come  to  respect  our  president — to  admire  his 
magnanimity — to  love  his  graceful  endeavors  in  behalf  of  his  country.  Oh  grief  I 
that  these  efforts  so  hopeful,  so  generous,  so  pacificating,  should  be  thus  frus- 
trated, and  the  glad  hopes  inspired  by  his  conduct  so  bloodily  terminated!  God 

help  the  country! 

To  the  Register,  as  well  as  to  many  who  had  opposed  Lincoln's  policies,  his  assassination 
struck  a  chord  far  deeper  than  political  animosity.  Springfield  journalists,  along  with  writers 
throughout  the  country,  resorted  to  analogy  to  better  describe  their  depth  of  sorrow.  The 
most  popular  analogy  portrayed  Lincoln  as  a  "captain"  piloting  the  "ship  of  state"  through 
a  storm  unparalleled  in  its  magnitude.  Though  Lincoln  had  at  times  steered  on  a  course  not 
preferred  by  many,  he  had  gripped  the  wheel  when  the  winds  and  waves  had  nearly  capsized 
the  ship;  he  had  calmed  the  mutinous  tendencies  of  his  own  passengers;  and  after  an 
interminably  long  time  at  sea,  he  had  finally  brought  the  ship  to  rest  in  a  peaceful  harbor. 
Hence,  in  a  manner  that  only  extraordinary  trials  can  bind  hearts  together,  Lincoln  had 
become  endeared  to  all  who  had  weathered  the  storm.  Occurring  in  the  calm  of  the  harbor, 
his  murder  was  nothing  less  than  horrible,  for  it  was  wholly  unexpected  and  it  had  come  at 
a  time  when  Lincobi  had  most  deserved  to  be  honored.  Moreover,  it  had  come  at  a  time 

when  it  packed  the  hardest  blow,  plunging  the  nation  from  a  piimacle  of  joy  to  an  abyss  of 


On  April  17,  GovemorOglesby  wired  from  Washington,  D.C.,  to  Springfield  confirming 
that  Lincoln  would  indeed  be  brought  back  to  his  hometown  for  burial.  Further  dispatches 
relayed  that  the  funeral  train  bearing  Lincoln  would  arrive  in  Springfield  about  May  3,  after 
a  seventeen  hvindred  mile  joumey  with  stops  at  several  major  cities.  And  so,  as  the  train 
retraced  the  path  Lincoln  had  taken  four  years  before,  slowly  progressing  through  B  altimore, 
Philadelphia,  New  York,  and  other  imposing  cities  of  the  East,  headed  on  a  course  to  the 
newly  settled  prairies  of  Illinois,  the  people  of  Springfield  prepared  to  receive  Lincobi's 
body  for  burial. 

The  matter  of  a  fitting  burial  site  was  the  first  order  of  business  that  required  a  prompt 
decision.  While  some  preferred  the  rural  setting  of  Oak  Ridge  Cemetery  about  two  miles 
northwest  of  town,  most  favored  Mrs.  H.  G.  Mather's  eight-acre  lot  five  blocks  southwest 
of  the  square.^^  The  lot  was  in  full  view  of  the  Chicago  and  Alton  Railroad,  the  Journal 
noted,  and  it  would  therefore  be  more  convenient  for  visitors.  Also,  the  lot  was  on  some  of 
the  highest  ground  in  the  city,  a  rather  fitting  spot  for  an  eminent  statesman.  Moreover,  the 
grounds  were  luxuriantly  adomed  with  a  beautiful  grove  of  "forest  trees."  And,  no  one  could 
deny,  the  lot  sat  squarely  in  the  midst  of  Springfield. 

Glad  to  be  channeling  their  grief  into  a  worthy  project,  the  community  donated  $50,000 
to  purchase  the  Mather  lot  Springfield  bricklayer  Tared  Irwin  pitched  in  by  offering  to  erect 
the  burial  vault  free  of  charge.  Soon  Irwin  and  his  workers  were  laboring  on  the  Mather  lot, 
and  Springfield  citizens  watched  a  stone  vault  take  shape,  complete  with  massive  iron  doors 
and  "nicely  sculptured  urns"  moimted  on  pedestals. 

The  Mather  lot  was  also  to  be  the  site  for  a  Lincoln  monument,  one  contemplated  to  be 
majestic  enough  to  render  fitting  honor  to  the  martyred  president.  The  Lincobi  Monument 
Association,  formed  in  Springfield  on  April  24,  immediately  issued  a  nationwide  call  for 

1865  Bittersweet  Peace  87 

While  construction  workers  were  erecting  the  tomb  at  the  Mather  lot,  dozens  of 
Springfield  men  and  women  were  busily  engaged  in  decorating  the  State  House.  Here,  in 
the  Representatives'  hall,  Lincoln  would  lie  in  state  prior  to  his  funeral,  and  hence  no  pains 
were  being  spared  to  adorn  the  State  House  in  the  most  elaborate,  yet  most  appropriate 
manner.  The  Committee  on  Decorations  put  forth  a  call  for  all  "ladies  of  industrious  habits" 
to  bring  their  needles,  "as  there  is  much  sewing  to  be  done."  One  Springfield  citizen  went 
to  Michigan  and  brought  back  three  boxcar  loads  of  evergreens  to  help  with  the  job.  Day 
by  day  the  work  progressed,  with  piles  of  evergreens,  rolls  of  black  streamers,  and  bolts  of 
black  and  white  muslin  all  cut  into  the  proper  sizes  and  shapes,  and  transferred  in  artistic 
fashion  to  the  State  House  dome,  the  windows,  doors,  and  columns. 

Inside  the  Representatives'  hall,  workers  constructed  a  dais,  upon  which  they  built  a 
catafalque  to  hold  the  coffin,  and  overhung  both  with  a  seven-foot  canopy.  Around  the  canopy, 
black  velvet  drajjes  with  silver  trim  were  hung  in  rich,  heavy  folds.  At  the  head  of  the  catafalque, 
a  life-size  portrait  of  George  Washington  was  erected  with  the  motto  "Washington  the  Father, 
Lincoln  the  Savior."  Throughout  the  rest  of  the  hall — on  the  twelve  Corinthian  columns  that 
supported  the  gallery,  atop  the  gallery,  on  the  ceiling,  and  on  the  walls — ^black  and  white  crape 
along  with  wreaths  and  branches  of  evergreen  were  entwined  and  festooned  in  elegant  fashion, 
giving  the  hall  a  luxuriant,  but  somber  appearance. 

But  the  decorating  was  not  restricted  to  the  State  House.  Nearly  all  homeowners,  even 
folks  owning  the  "hiunblest  houses,"  fringed  their  residences  in  cosdy  black  cloth.  At  least 
one  desperate  character  went  so  far  as  to  sneak  ten  yards  of  black  alpaca  from  another 
resident's  front  porch,  perhaps  scheming  to  recut  the  material  and  hang  it  on  his  own  porch. 
Residents  also  draped  the  Chicago  and  Alton  depot,  dozens  of  store  windows,  and  even  the 
city's  fire  engines.  Work  was  also  progressing  at  Lincoln's  former  home,  now  leased  by 
Great  Western  Raihoad  President  Lucian  Tilton  and  his  wife  Lucretia.  Here,  sixteen-year- 
old  worker  Edmond  Beall  hung  suspended  from  the  roof  by  a  rope,  while  Mrs.  Tilton 
instructed  him  from  an  open  window  to  "put  the  droopers  on  the  eaves  of  the  house  and  to 
fasten  the  droopers  with  rosettes  about  eight  feet  apart." 

Springfield  citizens  were  not  only  busy  draping  the  city  in  mourning,  but  they  were  also 
preparing  to  receive  a  larger  crowd  than  had  ever  before  visited  Springfield.  Even  during 
the  past  four  years  of  colossal  mass  meetings,  the  commimity  had  never  accommodated  the 
multitude  of  human  beings  that  was  soon  expected  to  arrive.  Delegations  from  many 
surrounding  states  would  be  coming,  as  would  foreign  ministers,  faculty  from  universities, 
battalions  of  fire  companies,  members  of  the  legal  profession,  and  fraternity  societies  of  the 
Odd  Fellows,  Masons,  and  Fenian  Brotherhoods.  With  such  a  crowd,  few  would  be  able 
to  find  accommodations  for  the  night.  To  help  remedy  the  problem,  the  Committee  on 
Invitations  requested  that  all  Springfield  homeowners  submit  their  names  along  with  the 
number  of  strangers  they  could  board.  Springfield's  own  society  of  Masons  advised  all 
out-of-state  brethren  to  "club  together,  and  come  prepared  for  camping  out."  Food  would 
be  a  problem,  too,  and  therefore  Sangamon  County  farmers  were  being  asked  to  bring  large 
quantities  of  edibles  to  Springfield's  market  house,  stocking  it  in  advance  for  the  day  of  the 
funeral.  Farmers  were  also  instructed  to  bring  with  them  on  the  day  of  the  funeral  plenty  of 
cooked  food  to  sell  from  their  wagons. 

88  Lincoln' s  Springfield 

As  Springfield  citizens  were  applying  the  finishing  touches,  an  urgent  directive  fixim 
Mrs.  Lincoln  arrived  via  telegrams  fi-om  Congressman  John  Todd  (her  cousin)  and  Secretary 
of  War  Edwin  Stanton.  An  April  28  telegram  instructed:  "Mrs.  Lincoln  desires  me  to  say 
to  you  that  her  final  &  positive  determination  is  that  the  remains  of  the  President  shall  be 
deposited  in  Oak  Ridge  Cemetery,  and  no  where  else — see  that  this  is  done."  On  April  30, 
another  telegram,  just  as  emphatic,  demanded:  "The  remains  of  the  President  must  be  placed 
in  the  vault  of  Oakridge  Cemetery — and  no  where  else — ^This  is  Mrs.  Lincoln's  fixed 

determination Your  arrangement  for  using  the  Mather  vault  must  be  changed."  A  May 

1  telegram  hammered  in  the  message:  "Mrs.  Lincoln  desires  you  to  see  that  the  remains  of 
the  President  are  placed  in  the  vault  of  Oak  Ridge  Cemetary  &  nowhere  else." 

With  the  funeral  only  a  few  days  away,  Mrs.  Lincoln's  demands  initiated  a  flurry  of 
activity  to  change  the  arrangements.  The  Mather  vault,  which  was  "in  a  good  degree  of 
forwardness,  the  walls  being  nearly  completed,"  would  have  to  be  abandoned  and  all  efforts 


concentrated  on  a  pre-existing  public  vault  at  Oak  Ridge  Cemetery.     Worker  Edmond  Beall 

described  the  rush  to  complete  the  arrangements: 

There  was  only  a  temporaiy  vault  in  Oak  Ridge  on  the  side  of  a  hill.  Seats  had 
to  be  built  for  the  choir,  and  we  all  hurried  off  to  the  cemetery  to  erect  the  seats. 
The  dioir  of  three  hundred  voices  must  be  provided  for.  We  had  to  work  two 
days  and  one  night  to  complete  the  work  in  time,  and  when  through,  we  were  a 
tired  lot.^^ 

The  Journal  observed  that  Mrs.  Lincoln's  decision  caused  "a  feehng  of  profound  regret 

among  a  large  majority  of  our  citizens,  in  view  of  preparations  of  another  character  which 

had  just  been  completed. 

While  Springfield  residents  fimished  their  preparations,  Lincoln's  funeral  train  neared 

the  city.  Now  on  the  last  leg  of  its  journey,  the  train  left  Chicago  on  Tuesday  evening.  May 

2.    Progressing  slowly  during  the  dead  of  night,  it  passed  through  JoUet,  Lockport,  and 

Bloomington,  slacking  speed  for  thousands  who  had  forfeited  sleep  to  get  a  glimpse  at  the 

train.   At  villages  along  the  way,  hundreds  of  people  carrying  torches  waited  beside  the 

tracks.  In  one  place,  a  ladies'  choir  sang;  a  band  played  in  another,  bells  tolled  in  another. 

Even  on  the  open  prairies,  where  nothing  but  the  moon  and  stars  penetrated  the  darkness, 

clusters  of  wagons  and  carriages  were  drawn  up  alongside  the  tracks.  As  the  train  neared 

Springfield  and  the  first  Ught  of  the  morning  unveiled  the  prairies,  "sturdy  farmers  and  gray 

haired  men,  women  and  children"  walked  "down  through  the  fields  and  by  the  cross  roads 


and  by-paths,  and  stood  leaning  against  the  fences,  watching  the  train  as  it  glided  by." 

The  morning  of  Wednesday,  May  3  dawned  clear  and  pleasant  in  Springfield.  It  would 
have  been  a  perfect  day  for  a  picnic,  for  the  warm  air  was  sweetened  by  the  perfume  of  trees 
and  flowers  in  full  blossom.^^  By  7:00  a.m.,  forty  thousand  people,  all  garbed  in  black,  had 
congregated  at  the  Chicago  and  Alton  depot,  where  they  waited  somberly  for  the  funeral 
train  to  arrive.  So  great  was  the  crowd,  it  was  "almost  impossible"  to  push  through  to  the 
depoL  Many  found  vantage  points  atop  the  roofs  of  nearby  houses  and  buildings;  others 
resorted  to  perching  in  neighboring  treetops.  No  one  dared  surrender  "their  places,  scarcely 


moving  or  stirring  lest  they  should  loose  them  or  be  parted  from  their  friends. 

Drawn  up  on  Jefferson  Street  in  the  midst  of  the  crowd,  a  lengthy  procession  of  military 
and  civil  personnel  waited  to  escort  Lincobi's  remains  to  the  State  House.  First  in  line  were 

1865  Bittersweet  Peace  89 

several  companies  of  soldiers  looking  "splendid"  in  their  uniforms,  led  by  Brigadier  General 
John  Cook,  the  Seventh's  former  colonel.  Then  followed  Major  General  Joseph  Hooker  and 
his  staff,  accompanied  by  a  musical  band.  Next  came  the  hearse,  specially  borrowed  from 
a  St.  Louis  livery  stable  owner,  and  said  to  be  "probably  the  most  beautifully  designed  and 
finished  carriage  of  the  kind  in  the  Western  country."  Ornamented  with  gold  scroll  etchings 
and  silver-plated  lanterns,  the  hearse  was  paneled  with  plate  glass,  through  which  an  observer 
might  plainly  see  the  interior.  Six  "superb  black  horses,"  each  crowned  with  a  black  plume, 
stood  ready  to  pull  the  hearse.  Lined  up  behind  the  hearse  was  an  honor  guard  composed 
of  several  brigadier  generals,  followed  by  relatives  and  friends  of  the  deceased.  Governor 
Oglesby  and  his  staff,  members  of  Congress  and  the  Illinois  legislature,  governors  and  their 
delegations  from  several  states,  various  judges  and  clergy,  Springfield  firemen,  and  finally, 
citizens  in  general. 

For  nearly  two  hours  the  vast  crowd  stood  waiting  for  the  funeral  train.  A  few  minutes 
before  nine  o'clock,  the  pilot  engine,  which  proceeded  the  train  by  ten  minutes,  arrived  at 
the  depot.  A  Jacksonville,  Dlinois,  reporter  observed  that  the  "most  intense  anxiety  and 
curiosity  to  get  a  glimpse  of  the  approaching  cortege  took  possession  of  the  people,  and  the 
great  mass  swayed  to  and  fro  like  a  tall  tree  in  the  arms  of  a  mighty  wind. "  Minutes  later, 
"nine  cars  beautifully  draped  in  mourning,  one  of  which  contained  the  remains  of  the  late 
President,"  pulled  in  among  the  throngs  of  mourners.  The  Jacksonville  reporter  described 
the  wave  of  emotion  that  overcame  the  crowd  as  the  hearse,  now  laden  with  the  body  of  the 
president,  passed  among  the  mourners: 

Now  came  silence  so  profound  that  it  was  painful  to  breathe.  TTie  beating  of  the 
hearts  of  those  around  you  were  distinctly  heard,  and  you  involuntarily  placed 
your  hand  upon  your  own  to  still  its  intrusive  thumping.  As  the  cortege  ap- 
proached, and  the  superb  hearse,  drawn  by  six  black  horses,  and  containing  the 
coffin  and  remains  of  Mr.  Lincoln,  came  in  sight  of  the  thousands  who  thronged 
the  streets,  the  oppressive  sUence  gave  way  to  a  burst  of  grief,  and  a  flood  of 

tears.  Men  and  women  who  had  been  smothering  their  emotions  could  now  no 

•      >i        •       ■    ii77 
longer  control  themselves,  and  their  tears  litteraUy  feU  like  "April  ram. 

Slowly,  the  procession  wound  along  the  streets,  making  its  way  to  the  State  House. 
Along  every  avenue  that  the  procession  passed,  the  homes  and  businesses  that  Lincoln  had 
frequented  only  four  years  ago  were  "draped  from  turret  to  basement"  in  black.  Mottoes 
such  as  "Our  Martyred  Chief  and  "Ours  in  life — the  Nation's  in  death"  hung  in  windows 
along  the  way.  Numerous  portraits  of  the  president  had  been  perched  in  store  windows, 
some  cleverly  framed  with  evergreens,  others  draped  in  black  crape.  The  entire  route, 
including  the  streets  beyond  to  the  outskirts  of  the  city,  was  intertwined  in  evergreens,  black 
tapestry,  and  garlands  of  flowers,  all  wrought  in  the  "most  elaborate  and  ingenious" 

arrangements.  Even  the  observers  were  draped  to  the  utmost:  both  men  and  women  "wore 

•  •  ii78 

crape  on  their  arms,  on  their  heads,  on  their  bodies  and  in  their  faces. 

When  the  procession  arrived  at  the  State  House,  Lincoln's  coffin  was  lifted  from  the 

hearse  and  carried  into  the  Hall  of  Representatives,  where  it  was  set  upon  the  catafalque  and 

opened.  Shortly  after  ten  o'clock,  the  State  House  doors  were  thrown  open,  and  a  long  line 


of  mourners  began  filing  six  abreast  past  the  coffin. 

90  Lincoln' s  Springfield 

In  the  meantime,  though  the  city  seemed  akeady  "filled  to  overflowing,"  trains  continued 
to  arrive  "from  almost  every  direction,  andpouredtheirstreamsofpassengers  on  the  streets." 
Trains  rolled  in  with  delegations  from  Kentucky,  Indiana,  Wisconsin,  Michigan,  and 
Chicago,  each  delegation  consisting  of  fifty  to  one  hundred  people.  Still  more  trains  were 
on  their  way  from  Quincy,  Keokuk,  Tolona,  Decatur,  and  Jacksonville,  with  the  Jacksonville 

train  alone  expected  to  number  fifty  cars. 

While  newcomers  joined  the  line  outside  the  State  House,  many  who  had  already  viewed 
Lincoln's  body  made  their  way  to  Lincoln's  former  home  on  Eighth  and  Jackson  streets. 
Inside,  Mrs.  Tilton*^  along  with  her  mother  and  sister — women  regarded  by  Camp  Buder 
nurse  Sarah  Gregg  as  "kind  and  benevolent"  and  "true  blue  union  all  over  from  the  soles  of 
their  feet  to  thecrownof  their  heads" — stood  by  graciously  answering  questions  as  thousands 
trekked  through  their  home.  The  visitors  scrutinized  everything  with  interest,  particularly 
"a  number  of  articles  of  furniture  which  formerly  belonged  to  President  Lincoln."  Many 
begged  souvenirs,  including  "sprigs  from  the  shrubbery,  blossoms  from  the  trees,  even 
palings  from  the  fence  for  canes." 

While  thousands  traversed  the  sidewalks  between  the  State  House  and  Lincoln's  former 
home,  the  Register  issued  an  "extra"  that  soon  was  being  passed  from  hand  to  hand  on  the 
streets.  The  message  it  relayed  delighted  Springfield  citizens:  Lincoln's  body,  after  all,  was 
to  be  buried  in  the  Mather  tomb.  Once  again,  laborers  hurried  over  to  the  Mather  lot  to  add 


some  finishing  touches  to  the  tomb. 

All  through  the  day  and  into  the  night,  an  unending  stream  of  people  filed  through  the 
State  House,  paying  their  last  respects  to  Lincoln.  At  1 1:00  pm.,  the  Springfield  Soldiers' 
Aid  Society  placed  upon  the  coffin  "a  beautiful  cross  of  evergreens,  studded  with  rare 
flowers."  Outside,  large  delegations  continued  to  arrive  on  midnight  and  early  morning 
trains.  One  reporter  noted  that  at  3:00  a.m.  "many  people  were  walking  the  streets  unable 
to  obtain  lodging."  Even  Springfield  residents  were  kept  awake  by  the  "sound  of  tramping 
feet"  scuffing  on  the  pavement  "as  the  weary,  night  watches  wore  away." 

Finally,  the  long  sleepless  night  ebbed  away,  and  twenty-one  cannons  heralded  in 
Lincoln's  funeral  day,  splitting  the  air  with  a  terrific  boom.  A  single  cannon  repeated  the 
salute  every  ten  minutes  with  volleys  that  successively  rolled  on  the  morning  air.  The  day 

had.  dawned  clear,  but  stiflingly  hot  with  littie  or  no  breeze.  For  a  spring  day,  it  promised 

to  be  a  real  scorcher. 

As  Springfield  residents  readied  to  join  the  throng  outside,  they  read  disturbing  news  in 
the  morning  Journal: 

We  are  instructed  to  announce  that  the  statement  of  yesterday  evening's  Register, 
that  the  friends  and  relatives  of  the  late  President  had  concluded  to  have  the 
remains  deposited  on  the  Mather  Block,  is  incorrect  The  statement  was  undoubt- 
edly based  upon  a  street  rumor  to  that  effect,  which  was  without  foundation. 

Perplexed  more  than  ever,  Springfield  citizens  joined  the  crowds  on  the  streets,  hoping  that 
perhaps  handbills  might  be  distributed  to  once  and  for  all  confirm  the  site  of  Lincoln's 

But  the  situation  outside  only  added  confusion  to  the  question.  A  Chicago  Daily  Tribune 
reporter  observed  that  "all  sorts  of  nimors  were  afloat  as  to  the  place  which  should  finally 
receive  the  remains  of  the  President,  and  as  late  as  10  o'clock  workmen  were  busy  at  the 

1865  Bittersweet  Peace  91 

Mather  Place  and  Oak  Ridge  Cemetery."  No  handbills  were  distributed  to  settle  the  matter, 

•       188 
and  "everybody  was  asking  everybody,  Where  will  the  President  be  buried?" 

At  10:00  A.M.,  after  an  estimated  seventy-five  thousand  people  had  passed  through  the 
State  House  to  view  Lincoln,  the  hall  was  emptied  and  the  coffin  was  closed.  While  final 
preparations  were  being  made  for  interment,  a  250-voice  choir  sang  soul-stirring  hymns  from 
atop  the  State  House  steps  to  the  "vast  concourse  of  people"  who  had  gathered  on  the  lawn. 
Shortly,  the  coffin  was  carried  out  of  the  State  House  upon  the  shoulders  of  the  sergeants  of 
the  guard  of  honor,  who  gently  deposited  it  inside  the  waiting  hearse.  On  cue,  the  choir 
began  a  moving  rendition  of  "Children  of  the  Heavenly  King."  Amongst  the  crowd,  a  "deep 
feeling  of  reverence  pervaded  every  heart"  and  "scarcely  a  murmur  was  heard." 

Meanwhile,  those  who  wished  to  get  a  good  seat  at  the  graveside  funeral  ceremony  were 
taking  their  chances  on  where  the  ceremony  might  be  held.  The  confusion  caused  by  several 
days  of  vacillating  ultimately  "led  to  a  division  of  the  crowd."  Half  chose  Oak  Ridge;  the 


Other  half  went  to  the  Mather  lot. 

At  11:30  A.M.,  an  immense  funeral  procession,  stretching  at  least  two  miles  from 
begiiming  to  end,  began  the  solemn  task  of  escorting  Lincoln  to  his  grave.  The  procession 
was  composed  of  eight  separate  divisions,  each  division  large  enough  to  constitute  its  own 
parade.  Several  high-ranking  officers,  including  Major  General  Hooker  and  Springfield's 
Brigadier  General  Cook,  along  with  two  regiments  of  infantry  with  accompanying  bands, 
made  up  the  first  division.  Two  St.  Louis  miUtia  companies  followed  in  the  second  division; 
so,  too,  did  Springfield's  Major  General  McClemand  and  his  staff.  The  glass-plated  hearse 
came  next  in  the  third  division,  drawn  by  the  six  black  horses,  with  Lincoln's  own  horse, 
"Old  Bob,"  trailing  behind.  Members  and  friends  of  the  family,  including  Lincoln's  son 
Robert,  clattered  along  behind  the  hearse  in  a  string  of  carriages.  Next  in  the  fourth  division 
came  at  least  half  a  dozen  state  govemors,  followed  by  large  delegations  from  their  home 
states  and  by  a  number  of  U.S.  representatives  and  senators,  including  Dlinois'  ex-govemor 
Richard  Yates.  The  fifth  division  was  composed  of  municipal  authorities  from  both 
Springfield  and  Sl  Louis,  while  the  sixth  included  members  of  the  Christian  and  Sanitary 
commissions  along  with  clergy,  lawyers,  doctors,  and  reporters.  The  seventh  division  was 
one  of  the  largest,  for  in  it  marched  two  bands;  hundreds  of  Masons,  Odd  Fellows,  and  Fenian 
Brothers;  the  Catholic  Institute  of  Springfield;  the  German  Turners  of  Springfield;  and  a 
long  caravan  of  fire  companies  fi^om  Springfield,  Peoria,  Jacksonville,  Bloomington,  Alton, 
and  Cairo.   Finally,  in  their  assigned  position  in  the  eighth  division,  a  group  of  "colored 

persons"  and  a  "very  large"  concourse  of  citizens  numbering  about  ten  thousand,  took  up 

the  rear  of  the  procession. 

In  the  heat  of  the  midday  sun,  now  "almost  blistering,"     the  cortege  snaked  its  way 

along  the  streets  of  the  city.  Banners  and  flags  bobbed  up  and  down  with  the  cadence  of  the 

march,  while  the  polished  bayonets  of  the  military  glinted  in  the  simlight.  Now  and  then  a 

band  struck  up  a  "dead  march,"  reminding  onlookers  that  in  spite  of  the  pageantry,  this  was 

indeed  a  funeral  procession.  AU  along  the  route,  the  crowd  pressed  in  close  to  the  marchers, 

many  of  the  spectators  on  foot,  others  getting  a  better  vantage  point  from  the  raised  seats  of 

their  carriages  and  wagons.  Slowly,  the  cortege  pressed  on  along  the  streets  of  the  city,  past 


the  tumoff  to  the  Mather  lot,  and  beyond  the  city  limits  to  Oak  Ridge  Cemetery. 

92  Lincoln' s  Springfield 

Beneath  the  outstretched  arms  of  oaks  and  elms,  the  cortege  meandered  back  among  the 

"imdulating  ridges"  of  the  cemetery,  halting  midway  into  the  grounds  at  the  foot  of  a  knoll. 

Here,  embedded  fifteen  feet  high  into  the  side  of  the  knoll,  was  the  vault  where  Lincoln  was 

to  be  entombed.  It  was,  by  one  journalist's  account,  "a  plain  limestone  structure,  with  simple 

Doric  columns  either  side  of  the  door,  and  an  arched  roof."   Inside  the  vault,  beyond  the 

massive  stone  doors  and  an  inner  iron  grating,  was  a  "foundation  of  brick,  capped  with  a 

marble  slab"  on  which  the  coffin  was  to  rest.  Black  drapery  with  velvet  fringe  covered  the 

slab,  while  branches  of  evergreen  were  suspended  on  the  walls  and  strewn  about  the  floor. 

As  soon  as  the  hearse  arrived,  the  coffin  was  unloaded  and  carried  into  the  vault.  Upon 
the  adjacent  hillsides,  a  vast  sea  of  spectators — many  carrying  umbrellas  to  ward  off  the 
sun — "stood  on  tip-toe,  anxiously  peering  over  each  others  shoulders."  Soon  the  ceremony 
began,  with  a  130-voice,  all-male  choir  from  Sl  Louis  singing  dirges  from  atop  the  newly 
constructed  stands.   A  long,  eloquent  prayer  by  Springfield's  Reverend  Albert  Hale  fol- 
lowed, then  another  dirge,  and  then  a  scripture  reading  from  "Job"  by  Springfield's  Reverend 
N.  W.  Miner.  After  a  subsequent  recitation  of  Lincoln's  last  inaugural  address  and  another 
dirge,  Bishop  Matthew  Simpson  of  Philadelphia  began  a  one -hour  funeral  oration: 
Near  the  capital  of  this  large  and  growing  State,  in  the  midst  of  this  beautiful 
grove,  and  at  the  mouth  of  this  vault  which  has  just  received  the  remains  of  our 
fallen  chieftain,  we  gather  to  pay  a  tribute  of  respect  and  to  drop  the  tear  of  sorrow 
around  the  ashes  of  the  mighty  dead. 

A  little  more  than  four  years  ago,  from  his  plain  and  quiet  home  in  yonder 
city,  he  started,  receiving  the  parting  words  of  the  concourse  of  friends  who 
gathered  around  him,  and  in  the  midst  of  the  dropping  of  the  gentle  shower,  he 
told  of  the  pangs  of  parting  from  the  place  where  his  children  had  been  bom  and 
his  home  had  been  made  pleasant  by  eaiiy  recollections; . . . 

. . .  How  different  the  occasion  which  witnessed  his  departure  from  that  whidi 
witnessed  his  return.  Doubtless  he  expected  to  visit  you  all  again,  doubtless  you 
expected  to  take  him  by  the  hand,  and  to  feel  the  warm  grasp  which  you  had  felt 
in  other  days,  and  to  see  the  tall  form  walking  among  you,  which  you  had 
delighted  to  honor  in  years  past.  But  he  was  never  permitted  to  return  until  he 

came  with  lips  mute  and  sUent,  the  frame  encoffined,  and  a  weeping  nation 

following  as  his  mourners. . . . 

Lincoln  "was  no  ordinary  man,"  Simpson  continued.    Speaking  in  long,  eloquent 

sentences,  Simpson  went  on  with  the  eulogy,  reviewing  the  many  attributes  of  Lincoln  as 

well  as  the  four  years  of  war  through  which  Lincoln  had  guided  the  nation.       In  the 

sweltering  heat,  the  crowd  remained  still,  awed  by  a  deep  feeling  of  reverence  for  a  man  who 

had  been  a  personal  friend  as  well  as  a  great  president  Yet,  somehow  the  grief  exhibited 

here  went  even  beyond  the  death  of  Lincoln,  for  one  could  not  think  about  Lincobi  without 

thinking  about  the  war.  Springfield  citizens  could  not  help  but  remember  that  there  were 

soldiers  buried  on  the  next  ridge,  young  men  who  had  traversed  the  city  streets  only  a  few 

years  hence.    Neither  could  they  help  but  reflect  on  the  four  years  of  trial  in  their  own 

tx)wn — the  arrival  of  the  dreaded  casualty  lists,  the  coffins  shipped  in  at  the  depots,  the  heated 

political  arguments  that  had  nearly  tom  the  community  apart,  as  well  as  coimtless  other 

hardships,  fears,  and  disappointments. 

1865  Bittersweet  Peace  93 

But  yet,  in  spite  of  the  four  harsh  years  of  war,  Springfield  residents  discerned  that 
something  had  been  gained.  In  a  manner  that  only  trials  can  teach,  the  community  had  grown 
stronger.  The  past  four  years  had  been  a  time  of  heightened  awareness,  a  time  when 
individuals  had  risen  above  the  ordinary  course  of  daily  existence  and  had  given  their  all 
because  their  all  was  needed.  Of  the  approximate  two  thousand  who  had  gone  to  war, 
many  had  truly  made  a  sacrifice  for  their  coimtry ,  not  only  on  the  battlefields  but  also  on  the 
home  front,  where  they  grudgingly  abandoned  their  famihes  to  a  fate  of  domestic  hardships. 
Yet  when  their  families  did  suffer,  others  had  stepped  in  to  fill  the  needs.  On  various 
occasions,  local  farmers  had  hauled  loads  of  wood  to  the  city  square,  and  merchants  had 
piled  food  and  clothing  in  the  State  House  rotunda.  In  addition,  the  ladies  of  Springfield 
had  helped  the  poorest  of  sufferers,  while  later  in  the  war,  neighbors  had  reached  out  to 
neighbors  in  a  program  of  ward  sociables.  The  community  had  given  aid  to  refugees  from 
Arkansas,  had  tirelessly  prepared  food  and  clothing  for  soldiers  on  the  field,  and  had  even 
ministered  to  the  Confederate  prisoners  at  Camp  Butler.  Indeed,  the  men  and  women  of 
Springfield  had  fully  learned  the  attributes  of  generosity  and  perseverance.  And,  though 
very  few  would  have  wished  the  war  to  continue,  many  would  remember  this  time  as  the 
most  fruitful  of  their  lives. 

But  now  the  choir  was  singing.  Bishop  Simpson  had  finished  his  oration  and  Lincoln's 
pastor  from  Washington,  Reverend  P.  D.  Gurley,  was  standing  to  make  a  few  remarks.  After 
a  closing  prayer  and  the  singing  of  the  doxology,  the  inner  iron  grating  of  the  tomb  was 


clanked  shut  and  the  heavy  outer  portals  closed.  The  funeral  was  over. 

With  the  closing  of  the  portals  came  the  end  of  the  war  and  the  end  of  the  era.  It  was 
time  to  build  now,  time  to  cease  tearing  down.  In  the  ever-growing  city  of  Springfield 
there  would  be  railroads,  houses,  businesses,  and  roads  to  build.  The  surrounding  prairies, 
too,  waited  to  be  tamed  with  new  inventions  in  agriculture.  Soon,  the  soldiers  would  be 


coming  home,  and  they  must  be  nvirtured  back  to  health.  And  so,  one  by  one,  the  citizens 
of  Springfield  departed  firom  the  cemetery  and  headed  to  their  homes,  never  to  forget 
Abraham  Lincoln,  and  never,  never  to  forget  the  priceless  wisdom  they  had  gained  in  the 
turbulent  years  of  the  Civil  War. 


1.  1861  Dreams  of  Glory 

^  Lincoln  left  Springfield  on  February  11,  1861.  Carl  Sandburg,  Abraham  Lincoln: 
The  Prairie  Years  (New  York:  Harcourt,  Brace  &  World,  Inc.,  1926),  2:425-26;  Chicago 
Daily  Tribune,  12  Feb.  1861,  p.  1,  col.3  (hereafter  cited  as  Tribune);  Daily  Illinois  State 
Register  (Springfield),  12  Feb.  1861,  p.  3,  col.  3  (hereafter  cited  as  Register);  Daily  Illinois 
State  Journal  (Springfield),  12  Feb.  1861,  p.2,  col.  3  (hereafter  cited  as  Journal). 

^Journal,  12  Feb.  1861,  p.  2,  col.  3. 

^  Ibid.;  Tribune,  12  Feb.  1861,  p.  1,  col.  3. 

**  Sandburg,  Abraham  Lincoln:  The  Prairie  Years,  2:418. 

^  South  Carolina  seceded  on  December  20,  1860;  Mississippi  on  January  9,  1861; 
Florida  on  January  10, 1861;  Alabama  on  January  11, 1861;  Georgia  on  January  19,  1861; 
Louisiana  on  January  26, 1 86 1 ;  and  Texas  on  February  1,1861.  Later,  Virginia  seceded  on 
Apriin,  1861;  Arkansas  on  May  6, 1861;  North  Carolina  on  May  20, 1861;  and  Tennessee 
on  J\me  8,  1861.  Mark  Mayo  Boatner  HI,  The  Civil  War  Dictionary  (New  York:  David 
McKay  Co.,  Inc.,  1959),  p.  729. 

^  See  article  regarding  cannons  on  the  Mississijjpi  River  near  Vicksburg  in  Journal, 
24  Jan.  1861,  p.  2,  col.  2.  A  report  concerning  the  seizing  of  federal  forts  is  in  Journal,  31 
Jan.  1861,  p.  2,  col.  3.  Rumors  and  talk  of  war  are  in  Journal,  10  Jan.  1861,  p.  2,  col.  1;  11 
Jan.  1861,  p.  2,  col.  1;  21  Jan.  1861,  p.  2,  col.  1;  and  5  Feb.  1861,  p.  1,  cols.  3  and  4. 

^  Lincoln's  remarks  were  recorded  in  the  Journal,  Springfield's  RepubUcan  newspa- 
per (Journal,  12  Feb,  1861,  p.  2,  col.  3).  Springfield's  Democratic  newspaper,  ihe  Register, 
which  was  always  at  odds  with  the  Journal  (and  vice  versa),  also  covered  Lincoln's 
departure.  The  Register,  however,  conveniently  managed  to  ignore  Lincoln's  remarks  by 
saying  that  Lincoln  acknowledged  his  admirers  with  "a  few  appropriate  remarks  that  were 
made  inaudible  to  a  large  portion  of  the  crowd  by  the  incorrigible  hissing  of  the  locomotive." 
Register,  12  Feb.  1861,  p.  3,  col.  3. 

^  Sandburg,  Abraham  Lincoln:  The  Prairie  Years,  2:427;  Tribune,  12  Feb.  1861,  p. 

^  The  bombardment  of  Fort  Sumter  began  at  4:30  a.m.  on  April  12.  Dispatches 
regarding  the  attack  reached  Springfield  on  the  night  of  April  12,  but  the  news  was  not 
generally  known  until  the  following  morning  when  it  was  annoimced  in  the  Journal.  See 
Boatner,  The  Civil  War  Dictionary,  pp.  299-300;  Journal,  13  Apr.  1861,  p.  2,  col.  1. 

^^  Journal,  16  Apr.  1861,  p.  3,  col.  1  and  15  Apr.  1861,  p.  3,  col.  2  and  p.  2,  col.  1.  The 
Journal  office  was  in  the  next  block  northeast  of  the  square,  on  the  east  side  of  Sixth  Street 
between  Washington  and  Jefferson  streets.  SeeC.  S.  WiUiams,  comp.,  Williams'  Springfield 
Directory  City  Guide,  and  Business  Mirror,  for  1860-61  (Springfield,  111.:  Johnson  & 
Bradford,  1860),  p.  94. 

^^  Journal,  16  Apr.  1861,  p.  3,  col.  2;  PatilM.  Angle,  Here  I  Have  Lived:  A  History  of 
Lincoln's  Springfield  1821-1865  (Springfield,  111.:  The  Abraham  Lincoln  Association, 
1935),  p.  178. 

96  Lincoln' s  Springfield 

'^  Register,  17  Apr.  1861,  p.  2,  cols.  1-2;  Journal,  17  Apr.  1861,  p.  2,  col.  2.  See 
McClemand  and  Trumbull  in  John  Moses,  Illinois  Historical  and  Statistical  Comprising  the 
Essential  Facts  of  Its  Planting  and  Growth  as  a  Province,  County,  Territory,  and  State 
(Chicago:  Fergus  Printing  Co.,  1889-1892),  2:1.200,  1,198;  Federal  Census  1860  of 
Sangamon  County,  Illinois  (Springfield,  Dl.:  Sangamon  County  Genealogical  Society, 
1982),  pp.  120, 170  (hereafter  cited  as  Federal  Census  1860). 

^^Angle,//ere///aveLfved,pp.4-5,6,  ll,41,162-65;/ourna/,  6Jan.  1 857,  p.  2,  cols. 
4-5;  Federal  Census  1860,  p.  iv. 

^'^  The  1860  federal  census  of  Springfield,  compiled  in  the  summer  of  1860,  shows 
9,320  residents.  A  municipal  census  pubHshed  in  July  1862  shows  10,709  residents.  See 
Federal  Census  1860,  p.  iv;  Register,  15  July  1862,  p.  3,  col.  2. 

^^  The  1862  municipal  census  shows  274  Negroes  and  mulattoes.  A  manual  count  of 
Negroes  and  mulattoes  in  the  1860  federal  census  for  Springfield  reveals  212  Negroes  and 
mulattoes  with  dozens  more  on  the  outlying  farms.  See  Journal,  15  July  1862,  p.  3,  col.  2; 
Federal  Census  1860,  pp.  86-236, 395-405,  452-515. 

^^  The  municipal  census  published  in  July  1862  shows  2,405  immigrants.  Most 
Springfield  immigrants  came  from  Ireland,  Germany,  and  the  Portuguese  island  of  Madeira, 
while  a  few  others  immigrated  from  England  and  the  Scandinavian  countries.  See  mimicipal 
census  results  in /owr/jo/,  15  July  1862,p.3,col.2;/?e^{.rter,  15  July  1862,  p.  3,  col.  2.  Also, 
scan  lists  of  Springfield  immigrants  inFederal  Census  1860,  pp.  86-236, 395-  405, 452-5 15. 

^^  Fanners  and  farm  laborers  outnumbered  all  other  occupations,  even  within  the  city 
limits  of  Springfield.  See  occupations  in  Federal  Census  1860,  pp.  86-236,  395-405, 
452-515.  For  accounts  of  farmers  bringing  their  produce  to  town,  see  "An  Illinois  Farmer 
During  the  Civil  War:  Extracts  from  the  Journal  of  John  Edward  Young,  1859-  66,"  Journal 
ofthe  Illinois  State  Historical  Society,  26  (1933):  94, 109, 129;  Journal,  20  Apr.  1863,  p.  3. 
col.  2  and  16  Mar.  1863,  p.  3,  col.  2. 

^^  The  Springfield  city  directory  lists  dozens  of  businesses  on  the  periphery  of  the 
square.  See  WiUiams,  Springfield  Directory  1860-61,  pp.  45-145. 

^  ^  Paul  Angle  describes  the  raising  of  the  S  tate  House  in  Angle,  Here  I  Have  Lived,  pp. 
73-76,  87.  The  1860  federal  census  lists  about  twenty-five  lawyers  in  Springfield  as  well  as 
many  state  and  county  government  officials.  See  Federal  Census  I860,  pp.  86-236, 

^^  By  comparing  information  in  the  1860  federal  census  with  information  in  the  1860 
Springfield  city  directory,  it  becomes  evident  that  the  majority  of  the  wealthiest  families 
resided  in  the  southern  part  of  town,  with  many  of  these  famiUes  employing  servants  to 
manage  their  households.  See  a  sample  of  these  families,  for  instance,  in  Federal  Census 
1860,  pp.  107-35  (addresses  for  most  of  these  census  entries  can  be  obtained  by  looking  up 
corresponding  names  in  WilUams,  Springfield  Directory  1860-61).  An  1858  map  of 
Springfield  also  shows  that  the  majority  of  the  larger  houses  and  estates  were  concentrated 
in  south  Springfield.  See  WiUiam  Sides,  "City  of  Springfield  Sangamon  Co.  Els.,"  map  of 
Springfield,  Illinois  (Philadelphia,  1858),  Illinois  State  Historical  Library,  Springfield. 

^^  Octavia  Roberts  Comeau  and  Georgia  L.  Osborne,  eds.,  "A  Girl  in  the  Sixties. 
Excerpts  from  the  Journal  of  Anna  Ridgely  (Mrs.  James  L.  Hudson),"  Journal  ofthe  Illinois 
State  Historical  Society,  22  (1929):  402. 

Notes  97 

^^  "Springfield.  City  Improvements  in  the  Year  1857.  Statistics,  Railroads,  &  c" 
(Bailhache  &.  Baker:  Springfield,  Dl.,  n.d.),  p.  5.  For  an  elaborate  description  of  the 
Matteson  mansion,  see  James  T.  Hickey,  ed.,  "An  Illinois  First  Family:  The  Reminiscences 
of  Clara  Matteson  Doolittle,"  Journal  ofthe  Illinois  State  Historical  Society,  69  (1976):  8-1 1 . 
Sides 's  1858  map  of  Springfield  shows  a  majority  of  the  smaller  dwellings  concen- 
trated in  northern  Springfield.  See  Sides,  "City  of  Springfield  Sangamon  Co.  Dls,"  map  of 

See  samples  of  immigrant  and  black  neighborhoods,  along  with  occupations,  in 
Federal  Census  1860,  pp.  93-100, 135-  46, 164-67, 181-85, 452-83  (to  determine  addresses 
use  Williams,  Springfield  Directory  1860-61).  See  examples  of  their  north-side  churches 
and  schools  in  WilUams,  Springfield  Directory  1860-61,  pp.  16,  47,  80,  84.  An  article 
describing  the  Afiican  school  is  in  Journal,  12  Dec.  1860,  p.  3,  cols.  2-3. 

^  Journal,  25  July  1861,  p.  3,  col.  2;  9  Oct.  1861,  p.  3,  col.  2;  9  Apr.  1862,  p.  3,  col. 
2;  and  27  Aug.  1862,  p.  3,  col.  2. 

For  examples  of  poUtical  rallies  in  Springfield  before  the  Civil  War,  see  Angle,  Here 
IHaveLived,  pp.  111-13,  218-20, 246-49.  For  a  sample  of  typical  responses  verbalized  at 
rally  speeches,  s&&  Journal,  3  Nov.  1859,  p.  2,  col.  2. 

^'^  Journal,  28  Oct.  1859,  p.  3,  col.  1;  Register,  28  Oct.  1859,  p.  2,  cols.  1-2. 

See  Arthur  Cole's  maps  of  Illinois  election  results  in  Arthur  Charles  Cole,  The  Era 
ofthe  Civil  War  1848- 1870:  The  Centennial  History  of  Illinois,  Volume  Three  (Springfield: 
ThelUinois  Centennial  Commission,  1919),  pp.  178, 200,  270,  298. 

Viva  voce  voting  was  practiced  in  Illinois  from  1829  to  1848.  See  John  Mack 
Faragher,  Sugar  Creek:  Life  on  the  Illinois  Prairie  (New  Haven  and  London:  Yale 
University  Press,  1986),  p.  141. 

Portrait  and  Biographical  Album  of  Sangamon  County,  Illinois  (Chicago:  Chapman 
Bros.,  1891),  pp.  445,  856. 


A  description  and  photograph  of  the  arsenal  are  in  Wayne  C.  Temple  and  Sunderine 
(Wilson)  Temple,  Illinois  Fifth  Capitol:  The  House  That  Lincoln  Built  And  Caused  to  Be 
RebuUt  1837-1865  (Springfield,  Dl:  PhilUps  Bros.  Printers,  1988),  p.  186.  Springfield's 
miUtia  companies  are  listed  in  Williams,  SpringfieldDirectory  1860-61 ,  p.  24.  See  examples 
of  the  Springfield  militia  companies  marching  in  city  parades  in  Journal,  6  July  1860,  p.  3, 
col.  2  and  27  Oct  1860,  p.  3,  col.  3. 

^^  Journal,  15  Apr.  1861,  p.  2,  col.  5. 


Anna  Ridgely  Hudson,  Diary,  20  Apr.  1861,  Anna  Ridgely  Hudson  Journals,  Illinois 
State  Historical  Library,  Springfield  (hereafter  cited  as  Ridgely  Diary). 

Journal,  16  Apr.  1861,  p.  2,  col.  5;  Register,  20  Apr.  1861,  p.  3,  col.  1.  Companies  in 
most  three-month  infantry  regiments  were  composed  of  about  eighty  men.  See  J.  N.  Reece, 
Report  of  the  Adjutant  General  of  the  State  of  Illinois  (Spirngfield,  El.:  Phillips  Bros.,  1900-1902), 
1 :257-352  (hereafter  cited  as  Adjutant  General's  Report).  For  rules  governing  the  organization 
of  companies,  see /?egwfer,  18  Apr.  1861, p.  2,  col.  1  and  20  Apr.  1861, p.  2,  col.  I;  Journal,  16 

Apr.  1861,p.  2,  col.  1. 


Besides  the  Springfield  Zouave  Grays  (subsequently  discussed),  a  militia  company 

named  the  Springfield  National  Guards  enlisted  and  became  Company  G  of  the  Seventh 

Three  Month  Infantry  (see  Adjutant  General's  Report,  1:257-352;  Register,  20  Apr.  1861, 

98  Lincoln' s  Springfield 

p.  3,  col.  1).  Also,  the  Springfield  Light  Artilleiy  enlisted  and  became  Company  I  of  the  Tenth 
Three  Month  Infantry  (see  Register,  20  Apr.  1861,  p.  3.  col.  1  and  27  Apr.  1861,  p.  2,  col.  2; 
Journal,  17  Apr.  1860,  p.  3,  col.  2;  AdjuiarU  General's  Report,  1:315-316).  Other  Spring- 
field companies  were  also  forming,  though  scant  evidence  makes  it  difficult  to  determine 
whether  they  were  accepted  for  the  initial  three -month  term.  They  include  a  Springfield  fire 
department  company  (Register,  18  Apr.  1861,  p.  3,  col.  1),  a  German  company  called  the 
Springfield  City  Guards  (Register,  20  Apr.  1861,  p.  3,  col.  1),  and  a  company  called  the 
Union  Guards  (Register,  13  Apr.  1861,  p.  2,  col.  5). 

^^  Jane  Martin  Johns,  Personal  Recollections  1849-1865  of  Early  Decatur,  Abraham 
Lincoln,  Richard  J.  Oglesby,  and  the  Civil  War,  ed.  Howard  C.  Schaub  (Decatun  Decatur 
Chapter  Daughters  of  the  American  Revolution,  1912),  pp.  110-11;  Journal,  18  Apr.  1861, 
p.  3,  col.  2. 

^'^  The  Zouave  company  first  formed  in  the  summer  of  1 85  8  under  the  name  "Springfield 
Cadets"  (see  Journal,  29  June  1858,  p.  3,  col.  1).  The  Zouaves  practiced  in  Elijah  Isles' 
pasture  near  Seventh  and  Cook  streets  and  also  in  Cook's  Hall  and  Carpenter's  Hall.  See 
meeting  locations  and  a  roster  of  names  for  the  miUtia  company  in  "Extract  from  E.  E. 
Ellsworth  Manual  of  Arms  Arranged  for  the  U.S.  Zouave  Cadets  of  Chicago,  The  Original 
Governor's  Guard  of  Illinois,"  pp.  5-6  of  transcript.  Folder  5,  Ellsworth  Papers,  Illinois  State 
Historical  Library,  Springfield.  See  additional  rosters  of  the  company's  officers  in  Journal, 
1  Nov.  1859,  p.  3,  col.  1  and  29  Oct.  1860.  p.  3,  col.  2. 

^^  The  Zouave  method  of  fighting  originated  with  an  Algerian  tribe  and  had  been  used 
by  the  French  in  the  Crimean  War.  See  a  description  of  the  Zouave  method  in  Ruth  Painter 
Randall,  Colonel  Elmer  Ellsworth:  A  Biography  of  Lincoln's  Friend  and  First  Hero  of  the 
Civil  War  (Boston  &  Toronto:  Little,  Brown  &  Co.,  1960),  pp.  45-47. 

■'^  This  description  of  the  seventy-nine  Zouaves'  age,  marital  status,  and  occupations 
was  arrived  at  by  a  comparison  of  these  characteristics  in  Seventh  Infantry,  Company  I 
rosters,  the  1860-61  Springfield  city  directory,  and  the  1860  federal  census.  See  Adjutant 
General's  Report,  1 :269-7 1 ;  "Adjutant  General  Records,  Muster  Rolls  for  Illinois  Regiments 
in  Civil  War,"  Office  of  the  Secretary  of  State,  Records  Management  Division,  Microfilm 
Roll  No.  47-1,  Seventh  Infantry,  Company  I,  Illinois  State  Library,  Springfield,  Illinois; 
Williams,  Springfield  Directory  1860-61,  pp.  45-145;  Federal  Census  1860,  pp.  86-  236, 

"^^  WiUiams,  Springfield  Directory  1860-61,  pp.  66,  55,  126,  82,  113,  122,  67,  72; 
Journal,  18  Apr.  1861,  p.  3,  col.  2;  Federal  Census  1860,  p.  195. 

^^  Register,  26  Apr.  1861,  p.  3,  col.  1;  Williams,  Springfield  Directory  1860-61,  p.  69; 
AdjutantGeneral'  s  Report,  1:257.  MajorThomas  Mather  was  the  Zouaves'  first  commander 
in  June  1858,  but  Cook  became  commander  by  November  1859.  SeeJournal,  29  June  1858, 
p.  3,  col.  1  and  1  Nov.  1859,  p.  3,  col.  1. 

'^'^  Journal,  6  Mar.  1851,  p.  3,  col.  5  and  24  Mar.  1859,  p.  1,  col.  5;  The  Biographical 
Encyclopedia  of  Illinois  of  the  Nineteenth  Century  (Philadelphia:  Galaxy  Pub.  Co.,  1875), 
p.  407.  John  Cook's  fadier  was  Daniel  P.  Cook,  a  member  of  Congress  and  the  man  for 
whom  Cook  County  was  named.  John  Cook's  maternal  grandfather  was  Ninian  Edwards, 
territorial  governor  of  Illinois.  See  Proceedings  of  the  Reunion  Held  in  1910  by  the 
Association  of  Survivors  Seventh  Regiment  Illinois  Veteran  Infantry  Volunteers  (Springfield, 

Notes  99 

Dl.:    State  Register  Printing  House,  1911),  pp.  62-63,  in  Illinois  Infantry  7th.  Regiment: 
Proceedings  Survivors  Association  1861-65. 

^'^  Randall,  Colonel  Elmer  Ellsworth,  p.  156;  Williams,  Springfield  Directory  1860-61, 
p.  69;  Angle,  Here  I  Have  Lived,  pp.  184-85;  Journal,  13  Jan.  1860,  p.  3,  cols.  2-3  and  25 
Apr.  1859,  p.  3,  col.  1  and  17  Apr.  1857,  p.  3,  col.  1. 

Adjutant  General's  Report,  1:269;  Joseph  Wallace,  Past  and  Present  of  the  City  of 
SprtngfieldandSangamonCountyj Illinois (Clncago:  S.J.Clarke,  1904),  1:9S; Proceedings 
of  1910  Reunion,  p.  65;  Journal,  29  Oct.  1860,  p.  3,  col.  2  and  14  July  1858,  p.  2,  col.  4; 
Federal  Census  1860,  p.  200;  Williams,  Springfield  Directory  1860-61,  p.  51. 

^^  Register,  20  Apr.  1861,  p.  3,  col.  1  and  23  Apr.  1861,  p.  2,  col.  1  and  25  Apr.  1861, 
p.  3,  col.  1;  Journal,  18  Apr.  1861,  p.  3,  col.2. 

"^^  Journal,  10  Oct.  1853,  p.  2,  col.  1;  Tribune,  23  Apr.  1861,  p.  2,  col.  3;  Register,  19 
Apr.  1861,  p.  3,  col.  1 .  For  descriptions  of  Sangamon  Coimty  fairs,  see,  for  example, /oMrmz/, 
19  Sept.  1860,  p.  3,  cols.  2-3  and  20  Sept.  1860,  p.  3,  cols.  3-4. 

'*''  Tribune,  23  Apr.  1861,  p.  2,  col.  3  and  24  Apr.  1861,  p.  1,  col.  3;  Register,  11  Oct. 
1853,  p.  2,  col.  1. 

"^^  Register,  25  Apr.  1861,  p.  3,  col.  1;  26  Apr.  1861,  p.  2,  col.  6  and  p.  3,  cols.  1-2;  and 
29  Apr.  1861,  p.  3,  col.  1.  Also  Journal,  18  Apr.  1861,  p.  3,  col.  2  and  27  Apr.  1861,  p.  3, 
col.  2. 


Anna  Ridgely  was  one  of  Springfield's  most  eligible  belles  in  1861.  She  was  the 
daughter  of  wealthy  banker  Nicholas  Ridgely.  See  biography  of  Nicholas  Ridgely  in 
Wallace,  Past  and  Present,  1:723-24.  See  Ridgely  family  in  Federal  Census  1860,  p.  110. 
Anna  reveals  her  age  in  her  diary.  See  Comeau  and  Osbome,  "A  Girl  in  the  Sixties,"  p.  419. 
[Note  that  Comeau  and  Osborne's  pubhshed  excerpts  from  the  journal  of  Anna  Ridgely 
cover  the  years  1 8  60  and  1 8  63  - 1 8  65 ,  years  that  are  not  av  ailable  in  the  original  Anna  Ridgely 
Hudson  Journal  collection  in  the  Illinois  State  Historical  Library.] 

^°  Ridgely  Diary,  28  Apr.  1861;  Tribune,  23  Apr.  1861,  p.  2,  col.  3.  A  description  of 
the  layout  and  buildings  on  the  fairgrounds  eight  years  before  it  was  transformed  into  Camp 
Yates  is  in  Register,  11  Oct.  1853,  p.  2,  col.  1. 

^^  Ridgely  Diary,  28  Apr.  1861. 

Quoits  is  a  game  in  which  rings  are  pitched  to  encircle  an  upright  p>eg. 

^^  Register,  29  Apr.  1861,  p.  3,  col.  1  and  10  May  1861  p.  3,  col.  1;  Tribune,  30  Apr. 
1861,  p.  1,  col.  3. 

See  biography  of  Clinton  Conkling  in  Newton  Bateman  and  Paul  Selby,  eds.. 
Historical  Encyclopedia  of  Illinois,  and  History  of  Sangamon  County  (Chicago:  MunseU 
Pub.  Co.,  1912),  2:1,140. 

Mercy  Conkling  to  Clinton  Conkling,  27  Apr.  1861,  box  1,  Clinton  Conkling 
Collection,  Illinois  State  Historical  Library,  Springfield  (hereafter  box  1  unless  otherwise 
noted);  Register,  20  Apr.  1861,  p.  3,  col.  V,  Journal,  19  Apr.  1861,  p.  3,  col.  3. 

^^ Register,  19  Apr.  1861,  p.  3,  col.  l;  Journal,  25  Apr.  1861,  p.  3,  col.  2. 

Journal,  26  Apr.  1861,  p.  2,  col.  2;  Robert  W.  Johannsen,  Stephen  A.  Douglas  (New 

York:  Oxford  University  Press,  1973),  pp.  55-97;  Moses,  Illinois  Historical  and  Statistical, 


1 00  Lincoln' s  Springfield 

^^  Johannsen,  Stephen  A.  Douglas,  pp.  857,  862.  Douglas  had  met  with  Lincoln  on 
April  14  and  had  concurred  with  Lincoln's  war  policy.  Douglas's  patriotic  comments  were 
published  throughout  the  country  (Johannsen,  Stephen  A.  Douglas,  pp.  859-60). 
Springfield's  Democratic  Register  responded  on  April  1 6  with,  "We  are  proud  to  record  that 
Douglas  and  his  counsels,  now  that  blows  have  ensued,  are  with  the  government"  {Register, 
16  Apr.  1861,  p.  2,  col.  1). 

^^  Journal,  26  Apr.  1861,  p.  2,  col.  2. 

^Register,  26  Apr.  1861,  p.  2,  cols.  3-4. 

^^  Tribune,  26  Apr.  1861,  p.  1,  col.  3;  Journal,  26  Apr.  1861,  p.  2,  col.  2. 

^^ Register,  29  Apr.  1861,  p.  3,  col.  1 .  One  Springfield  company,  the  Springfield  Light 
Artillery,  had  already  left  town  for  Cairo,  Illinois,  on  April  22.  See  Register,  23  Apr.  1861, 
p.  2,  col.  2  and  p.  3,  col.  1 . 

^^  Journal,  29  Apr.  1861,  p.  3,  col.  2;  Register,  29  Apr.  1861,  p.  3,  col.  1;  Proceedings 
of  the  Reunion  Held  in  1904  by  the  Association  of  Survivors  Seventh  Regiment  Illinois 
Veteran  Infantry  Volunteers  (Springfield,  HI.:  Edw.  F.  Hartman  Co.  Printers  &  Binders, 
1905),  pp.  38-39  in  Illinois  Infantry  7th.  Regiment:  Proceedings  Survivors  Association 
1861-65.  The  Seventh  Infantry  Regiment  was  the  first  Illinois  regiment  accepted  for  service 
during  the  Civil  War.  It  was  numbered  "Seventh"  out  of  respect  for  the  six  Illinois  regiments 
who  served  in  the  Mexican  War.  See  Adjutant  General's  Report,  1 :257-72,  384. 

^  Proceedings  of  1904  Reunion,  p.  39;  Register,  29  Apr.  1861,  p.  3,  col.  1;  Journal, 
29  Apr.  1861,  p.  3,  col.  2. 

^^  Register,  29  Apr.  1861,  p.  3,  col.  1. 

^  Ibid.  For  another  description  of  the  farewell,  see  Proceedings  of  1904  Reunion,  p.  39. 

^^  Tribune,  4  May  1861,  p.  1,  col.  2;  Illinois  General  Assembly,  Laws  of  the  State  of 
Illinois,  Passed  by  the  Twenty -Second  General  Assembly,  at  its  Extraordinary  Session, 
Convened  AprU  23,  1861  (Springfield,  HI.:  Bailhache  &  Baker,  1861),  pp.  10-12,  13-15, 

^^  Register,  4  May  1861,  p.  3,  col.  1;  Tribune,  4  May  1861,  p.  1,  col.  2;  The  Past  and 
Present  of  Rock  Island  County,  III.  (Chicago:  H.  F.  Kett  &  Co.,  1877),  p.  294;  Journal,  4 
May  1861,  p.  2,  col.  1. 

^^Daniel  Leib  Ambrose,  History  of  the  Seventh  Regiment  Illinois  Volunteer  Irfantry 
(Springfield,  111.:  Illinois  Journal  Co.,  1868),  p.  7. 

''^  Register,  6  May  1861,  p.  3,  col.  1  and  13  May  1861,  p.  3,  col.  1  and  1  June  1861,  p.  3, 
col.  I;  Journal,  6  May  1861,  p.  3,  col.  1.  For  further  examples  ofsoldiers' bullying  citizens,  see 
Journal,  30  Apr.  1861,  p.  3,  cols.  4-5  and  30  May  1861,  p.  3,  col.  2. 

^^  Tribune,  4  June  1861,  p.  1,  col.  4;  Register,  4  June  1861,  p.  3,  col.  I;  Journal,  4  Jime 
1861,  p.  3,  col.  2;  Johannsen,  Stephen  A.  Douglas,  pp.  871-72. 

''^Register,  8  June  1861,  p.  2,  col.  1;  Journal,  1  June  1861,  p.  2,  col.  1. 

■^^  7ourrt^,  30  May  1861,  p.  3,  col.  2. 


^^  T.  M.  Eddy,  D.D.,  The  Patriotism  of  Illinois:  A  Record  of  the  Civil  and  Military 
History  of  the  State  in  the  War  for  the  Union  (Chicago:  Clarke  &  Co.,  1865-1866),  1:74. 

'^^  Journal,  6  July  1861,  p.  3,  cols.  1-2;  Register,  6  July  1861,  p.  3,  col.  1. 

'^^  Register,  6  July  1861,  p.  3,  col.  1;  Journal,  6  July  1861,  p.  3,  cols.  1-2. 

Notes  101 

'^^  Register,  6  July  1861,  p.  3,  col.  1;  Journal,  6  July  1861,  p.  3,  cols.  1-2  and  1  July 
1861,  p.  3.  col.  2;  Ridgely  Diary,  8  July  1861. 

''^  Journal,  6  July  1861,  p.  3.  cols.  1-2. 

^°  Mercy  Conkling  to  Clinton  Conkling,  4  July  1861. 

^^  Journal,  23  July  1861,  p.  2,  col.  1.  The  first  battle  at  Bull  Run,  Virginia  took  place 
on  July  21, 1861.  See  Boatner,  The  CivU  War  Dictionary,  pp.  99-100. 

^^  Journal,  18  July  1861,  p.  2,  col.  1;  20  July  1861,  p.  2,  col.  1;  22  July  1861,  p.  3,  cols. 
3-4;  and  23  July  1861,  p.  2,  col.  1.  A  former  long-time  Springfield  resident,  however,  fought 
at  Bull  Run:  George  N.  Golding  was  killed  in  the  battle  while  fighting  as  a  soldier  in  a  Rhode 
Island  regiment.  See  Journal,  7  Aug.  1861,  p.  3,  col.  2. 

^^  Ibid.,  23  July  1861,  p.  3,  col.  2. 

^^  Ibid.,  24  July  1861,  p.  3,  col.  2  and  27  July  1861,  p.  3,  cols.  2-3. 

^^  Ibid.,  3  Aug.  1861,  p.  3,  col.  3.  This  belief  was  not  unfounded.  During  the  1860s, 
there  was  a  strong  tie  between  the  citizen  and  his  state,  and  between  the  citizen  and  his  section 
of  the  country.  General  Robert  E.  Lee,  for  example,  refused  to  accept  leadership  of  the  Union 
army  when  Lincoln  offered  it  to  him  because  he  was  dedicated  to  his  state  of  Virginia  (see 
Patricia  L.  Faust,  ed..  Historical  Times  Illustrated  Encyclopedia  of  the  Civil  War  [New  York: 
Harper  &  Row,  1986],  p.  429).  Also,  boimdaries  of  terrain  and  climate  with  their  resulting 
differences  in  cultures  and  livelihoods  presented  formidable  barriers  between  different  parts 
of  the  country,  tending  to  separate  geographically  and  emotionally  the  various  sections — for 
example,  the  East  from  the  Mississippi  Valley,  the  Mississippi  Valley  from  the  Western 
territories,  and  the  Western  territories  from  the  South.  The  fear  that  the  South's  secession, 
if  permitted,  might  spur  further  secession  is  also  professed  in  the  speeches  of  Senator  Douglas 
(Register,  26  Apr.  1861,  p.  2,  cols.  3-4)  and  Govemor  Yates  (Journal,  15  Jan.  1861,  p.  3, 
cols.  2-3). 

United  States  War  Department,  The  War  of  the  Rebellion:  A  Compilation  of  the 
Official  Records  of  the  Union  and  Coifederate  Armies  (Washington,  D.C.:  Government 
Printing  Office,  1880-1901),  ser.  3,  vol.  1,  pp.  350  and  380-83  (hereafter  cited  as  Official 

*^  Register,  12  July  1861,  p.  3,  col.  1  and  11  July  1861,  p.  3,  coL  1;  Ambrose,  History  of 
the  Seventh,  p.  10;  Adjutant  General's  Report,  1 :384, 377-78;  Journal,  20  July  1 86 1 ,  p.  2,  col.  2 
and  7  Aug.  1861,  p.  2,  col.  5. 

^^  Adjutant  General's  Report,  7:474-75. 

^^  Journal,  19  July  1861,  p.  3,  col.  2  and  10  SepL  1861,  p.  3,  col.  3;  Eddy,  ThePatriotism 
of  Illinois,  1:108.  Until  August  14,  when  the  War  Department  gave  Govemor  Yates  the 
authority  to  accept  aU  Illinois  troops  who  volunteered,  Yates  was  continually  compelled  by 
an  overwhelming  flood  of  volunteers  to  beg  the  War  Department  to  accept  more  Illinois 
troops  than  they  had  called  for.  See  Official  Records,  ser.  3,  vol.  1,  pp.  113,  219,  272,  285, 
343,  and  410. 

Besides  the  seventy-nine  Springfield  Zouaves  who  belonged  to  Company  I  of  the 
Seventh  Infantry,  the  sixty-seven  Springfield  men  in  Company  F  of  the  First  Cavalry,  and 
the  Springfield  men  (exact  number  undetermined)  in  two  companies  of  the  Eleventh 
Missouri  Infantry,  groups  of  other  Springfield  men  joined  the  following  companies  by  the 
end  of  the  summer  (September  21):  Co.  G  of  Fourteenth  Inf. — thirty-one  men;  Co.  E  of 

102  Lincoln' s  Springfield 

Ninteenth  Inf. — ^nineteen  men;  Co.  F  of  Ninteenth  Inf. — thirteen  men;  Co.  I  of  Twenty- 
ninth  Inf. — twenty -one  men;  Co.  D  of  Thirty-  third  Inf. — nineteen  men;  Co.  A  of  Thirty- 
eighth  Inf. — sixteen  men;  Co.  A  of  Third  Cav. — fifteen  men;  Batt.  C  of  Second  An. — 
twenty-four  men  {Adjutant  General' s  Report,  vol.  1:622-23;  vol.  2:128-31, 493-95, 624-25; 
vol.  3:75-76;  vol.  7:545-46;  vol.  8:677-79).  By  the  end  of  1861  more  Springfield  soldiers 
had  enlisted,  making  a  total  of  about  five  hundred  Springfield  men  who  enhsted  in  1861  for 
a  three-year  stint  Groups  of  Springfield  troops  who  were  mustered  in  from  September  21 
to  December  31  joined  the  Sixty-fourth  Inf.,  Co.  C — twenty  men;  Tenth  Cav.,  Co.  A — 
twenty -four  men,  Co.  B — twenty-  eight  men,  Co.  G — twenty-two  men,  Co.  H — thirty -three 
men  (Adjutant  General' s  Report,  vol.  4:323-24;  vol.  8:215-16,  218-20,  233-35,  236-37). 

Ezra  J.  Warner,  Generals  in  Blue:  Lives  of  the  Union  Commanders  (Baton  Rouge: 
Lx)uisiana  State  University  Press,  1964),  pp.  293-94;  Moses,  Illinois  Historical  and  Statis- 
tical, 2:1199-1200;  Adjutant  General' s Report,  1:178;  Federal  Census  1860,  p.  120. 

Warner,  Generals  inBlue,  p.  89;  Adjutant  General' s Report,  1:353. 


E.  B.  Buck  and  E.  P.  Kriegh,  comps..  Buck  &  Kriegh's  City  Directory  for  the  Year 
1859  (Springfield,  HI.:  Buck  &  Kriegh,  1859),  p.  60;  Adjutant  General's  Report,  7:543; 
Federal  Census  1860,  p.  408. 

Warner,  Generals  in  Blue,  pp.  43-44;  Adjutant  General's  Report,  2:467;  Federal 
Census  1860,  p.  135. 

In  1861,  men  were  Uving  in  an  age  of  idealism  and  expansionism.  They  were  less 
than  a  century  beyond  George  Washington  and  the  forming  of  the  Constitution,  and  some 
of  their  own  grandfathers  had  fought  in  the  Revolutionary  War.  Also,  many  men  during  the 
1 860s  were  still  conquering  unbroken  prairie,  hunting  for  gold,  and  seeking  new  land  farther 
and  farther  out  West  Hence,  their  attitude  was  one  of  building  up  the  nation  rather  than 
letting  it  fall  apart 

C.  E.  LippincotttoNewtonBateman,  17Sept  1861, box  1,  Newton  Bateman  Papers, 
Illinois  State  Historical  Library,  Springfield. 

Bruce  Catton,  Reflections  on  the  Civil  War,  ed.  John  Leekley  (New  York:  Doubleday 
&Co.,Inc.,  1981),  pp.  161-64. 

'^  Boatner,  The  Civil  War  Dictionary,  p.  624;  Journal,  10  Aug.  1861,  p.  3,  col.  2.  In 
comparison,  the  average  monthly  wage  of  a  farm  hand  in  the  Springfield  area  was  $16.00 
plus  board.  The  average  monthly  wage  of  a  Springfield  day  laborer  was  $22.50  plus  board. 
See  "Social  Statistics  1860  for  Sangamon  County  (8th  Federal  Census  I860),"  District  16, 
record  series  951.17,  Illinois  State  Archives,  Springfield. 

^^  Mercy  Conkling  to  Clinton  Conkhng,  25  May  1861  and  14  Jime  1861. 


Journal,  17  Aug.  1861,  p.  3,  col.  3.  Camp  Yates  remained  in  use  as  a  military  camp 
throughout  the  war  though  only  a  few  himdred  soldiers  were  stationed  there.  The  Sangamon 
County  Agricultural  Society  was  able  to  continue  use  of  these  groimds  for  county  fairs.  See 
Journal,  25  Sept  1861,  p.  3,  cols.  2-3  and  15  Sept  1862,  p.  3,  col.  2  and  3  Mar.  1864,  p.  3, 
col.  2;  Register,  24  Apr.  1864,  p.3,  col.  2;  Illinois  Adjutant  General,  "Sick  List  of  Recruits 
at  Camp  Yates  (Springfield).,"  record  series  301.58,  lUinois  State  Archives,  Springfield. 

^^^  Journal,  8  Aug.  1861,  p.  3,  col.  2;  Ridgely  Diary,  5  Aug.  1861;  Register,  5  Aug. 
1861,  p.  3,  col.  1;  Helen  Edith  Sheppley,  "Camp  Butler  in  the  Civil  War  Days,"  Journal  of 
the  Illinois  State  Historical  Society,  25  (1933):  287. 

Notes  103 

^^  Register,  2  Aug.  1861,  p.  3,  col.  1;  William  Peterson,  "A  History  of  Camp  Butler, 
1861-1866,"  Illinois  Historical  Journal.  82  (1989):  75-76.  For  layout  and  terrain  of  Camp 
Butler,  see  "Plan  showing  Lands  occupied  for  Camp  Butler  also  Lands  trespassed  upon  by 
Troops  for  same  situate  in  Sangamon  County  Illinois  &  in  Township  16NR4  West  of  3rd 
P.M.  1863,"  map  of  Camp  Butler,  (n.p.,  [1 863])  Illinois  State  Historical  Library,  Springfield. 
For  a  complete  history  of  Camp  Butler,  see  Emma  Eliza  Parrotte,  "History  of  Camp  Butler" 
(Master's  thesis,  Butler  University,  Indianapolis,  1938). 

^^  "Plan  showing  Lands  occupied  for  Camp  Butier,"  map  of  Camp  Butler,  Ashley  H. 
Alexander  to  "Sisters  &  Brothers,"  3  Mar.  1862,  Ashley  H.  Alexander  Letters,  IlUnois  State 
Historical  Library,  Springfield. 

^^Register,  2  Sept.  1861,  p.  3,  col.  2  and  28  Aug.  1861,  p.  3,  col.  2;  Tribune,  5  Aug. 
1861,  p.  1,  col.  7;  Peterson,  "A  History  of  Camp  Butler,  1861-1866,"  p.  75;  Illinois  Adjutant 
General,  "Camp  Butler  (Springfield).  General  Orders,"  General  Order  #8  (15  Aug.  1861), 
record  series  301.48,  Illinois  State  Archives,  Springfield  (hereafter  cited  as  "General 
Orders").  In  December  1861,  Camp  Butler  was  moved  about  one  mile  northwest  of  its 
original  Clear  Lake  location  to  a  site  closer  to  the  Great  Western  Railroad.  At  this  second 
location,  barracks  for  iovx  thousand  to  five  thousand  men  were  constructed  in  November 
and  December  of  1861.  In  1862,  a  fence  was  buUt  around  the  barracks,  making  a  forty -acre 
stockade.  See  Peterson,  "A  History  of  Camp  Buder,  1861-1866,"pp.  78-81;7<?urna/,  8Nov. 
1861,  p.  3,  col.  2  and  23  Nov.  1861,  p.  3,  col.  2  and  17  July  1862,  p.  3,  col.  3;  "Plan  showing 
Lands  occupied  for  Camp  Butler,"  map  of  Camp  Butler. 

^°^  Register,  9  Sept.  1861,  p.  3,  col.  2;  Journal,  16  Aug.  1861,  p.  3,  col.  2  and  22  Aug. 
1861,  p.  3,  col.  3;  Ridgely  Diary,  26  Aug.  1861. 

^^  Journal,  6  Sept.  1861,  p.  3,  col.  3  and  29  Oct.  1861,  p.  3,  cols.  2-3;  Register,  24  Oct. 
1861,  p.  3,  col.  2. 

^^  Sheppley,  "Camp  Butler  in  the  Civil  War  Days,"  p.  287;  Register,  28  Aug.  1861,  p.  3, 
col.  2  and  14  Aug.  1861,  p.  3,  col.  2;  Tribune,  3  May  1861,  p.  2,  col.  2. 

^^  The  Journal  and  Register  regularly  kept  tabs  on  its  habitual  city  drunks  by  pubUshing 
their  arrests  in  the  city  news  columns.  See,  for  example.  Journal,  22  May  1861,  p.3,  col.  3; 
Register,  6  May  1861,  p.  3,  col.  1. 

From  two  to  five  soldiers  fi-om  each  company  were  permitted  to  leave  camp  at  one 
time  and  were  given  a  written  pass.  See:  "General  Orders,"  General  Order  #9  (15  Aug. 
1861),  General  Order  #11  (17  Aug.  1861),  General  Order  #46  (30  Nov.  1861). 

^^^ Register,  18  Jan.  1862, p. 3, col. 2.  Aho see. Register,  19 Dec.  1861,p.3,col.2;7owr«^, 
10  Oct  1861,  p.  3,  col.  2  and  12  Oct  1861,  p.  3,  col.  3  and  16  Jan.  1862,  p.  3,  col.  3. 

^^^  Register,  20  Dec.  1861,  p.  3,  col.  2;  Sheppley,  "Camp  Butler  in  the  Civil  War  Days," 
p.  290. 

^"^"^  Journal,  29  July  1861,  p.  3,  col.  2  and  8  May  1861,  p.  3,  col.  2;  History  of  Sangamon 
County,  Illinois  (Chicago:  Inter-State  Pub.  Co.,  1881),  p.  575. 

^^^  Journal,  19  Aug.  1861,  p.  3,  col.  2;  EvaMunson  Smith,  "Sangamon  County  Illinois 
Ladies'  Soldiers'  Aid  Society,"  Transactions  of  the  Illinois  State  Historical  Society,  17 
(1914):  198-99.  Though  the  society  was  not  organized  until  August,  a  group  of  twenty-one 
Springfield  women  had  been  making  pillows  and  sending  them  to  sick  soldiers  in  Cairo  as 
early  as  May  (see  Journal,  23  May  1861,  p.  3,  col.  3). 

1 04  Lincoln' s  Springfield 

""*  Journal,  14  SepL  1861,  p.  3,  cols.  3^  and  15  Nov.  1861,  p.  3,  col.  3;  Smith. 
"Sangamon  County  Illinois  Ladies'  Soldiers'  Aid  Society,"  p.  199. 

^  ^^  Journal,  3  Oct.  1861,  p.  3,  col.  2;  DaUy  Union  Herald  (Springfield),  20  Sept.  1862, 
p.  3,  col.  7;  Williams,  Springfield  Directory  1860-61,  p.  140.  One  author  claims  that  160 
names  were  added  to  the  roll  of  members  in  September  1861,  during  the  second  meeting  of 
the  society  (see  Smith,  "Sangamon  County  Illinois  Ladies'  Soldiers'  Aid  Society,"  p.  199). 
An  aimual  report  of  the  society  published  in  the  Journal  lists  116  members  as  of  December 
31,  1861  (see  Journal,  6  Jan.  1862,  p.  2,  col.  2). 

^  ^^  Journal,  28  Sept.  1861,  p.  3,  col.  3;  28  Oct  1861,  p.  3,  coL  3;  and  6  Jan.  1862,  p.  2,  col. 
2.  Also  see  Mercy  Conkling  to  Clinton  Conkling,  17  Nov.  1861. 

^  Journal,  25  Sept.  1861,  p.  1,  col.  3.  Several  of  these  soldiers  later  professed  to  the  editors 
of  the  Journal  that  they  did  not  actually  repeat  the  oath  and  flieir  guards  did  not  notice  their  silence, 
and  therefore  diey  were  not  bound  by  the  oath  (see  Journal,  28  SepL  1861,  p.  2,  col.  1). 
Nevertheless,  this  Springfield  company  along  with  their  entire  regiment  would  not  be  reorganized 
after  this  incident  until  June  1 862,  after  which  they  were  soon  again  disbanded  in  July  1 862  due 
to  mismanagement  and  discontent  among  the  troops.  Adjutant  General's  Report,  7:484-85; 
Frederick  H.  Dyer,  A  Compendium  of  the  War  of  the  Rebellion  (New  Yoric  &  London:  Thomas 
Yoseloff  Ltd.,  1959),  2:798  and  3:1021. 

"^  Journal,  30  SepL  1861,  p.  3,  col.  2. 

"'  Ibid.,  15  OcL  1861,  p.  3,  col.  2  and  26  Sept.  1861,  p.  2,  col.2;  Adjutant  General' s 
Report,  7:474-75;  WiUiams,  Springfield  Directory  1860-61,  pp.  91,  125. 

^^  Adjutant  General's  Report,  2:618,  624-25,  642,  645-46,  648  and  3:74-76,  79-81; 
Journal,  25  OcL  1861,  p.  2,  col.  2. 

^^^  Arthur  Bailhache  to  William  Bailhache,  22  OcL  1861,  box  2,  Bailhache-Brayman 
Papers,  Illinois  State  Historical  Library,  Springfield;  Dyer,  Compendium,  2:799;  Adjutant 
General's  Report,  2:618,  624-25,  642,  645^6,  648,  651  and  3:74-76, 79-81, 101. 

^^  Register,  30  OcL  1861,  p.  2,  col.  2. 

^^  Dyer,  Compendium,  2:799;  Journal,  14  Nov.  1861,  p.  2,  cols.  2-3  and  p.  3,  col.  2  and 
27  Nov.  1861,  p.  2,  cols.  1-  2;  Adjutant  General' s  Report,  2:389,  395,  408,  409,  508,  510, 
527-29;  Official  Records,  ser.  1,  vol.  3,  pp.  277-83  and  287-89. 

Ambrose,  History  of  the  Seventh,  p.  18;  Adjutant  General' s  Report,  1:375. 
See,  for  example,  deaths  of  Reuben  Lloyd,  James  Taf f,  and  Lewis  Driscoll  \n  Adjutant 
General' s  Report,  2:625,  651. 

2.  1862  Rude  Awakening 

At  Fort  Henry  on  February  6,  approximately  one  hundred  Confederate  artillerymen 
defended  the  fort  while  a  Union  naval  force  of  four  ironclad  river  gunboats  with  twelve  guns 
apiece  bombarded  the  fort  fi-om  the  Tennessee  River.  Union  casualties  consisted  of  eleven 
killed,  thirty-one  injured,  and  five  missing,  while  the  Confederates  lost  five  killed,  eleven 
wounded,  and  sixty-three  missing  (most  of  whom  were  captured).  Grant's  nearby  force  of 
fifteen  thousand  infantry  was  not  needed  for  the  assaulL  Mark  Mayo  Boatner  HI,  The  Civil 
War  Dictionary  (New  York:  David  McKay  Co.,  Inc.,  1959),  p.  394. 

^  Daily  Illinois  State  Journal  (Springfield),  8  Feb.  1862,  p.  2,  col.  1  (hereafter  cited  as 
Journal);  Mercy  Conkling  to  Clinton  Conkling,  10  Feb.  1862,  box  2,  Clinton  Conkling 

Notes  105 

Collection,  Illinois  State  Historical  Library,  Springfield  (hereafter  box  2  unless  otherwise 
noted) ;  Frederick  H.  Dyer,  A  Compendium  of  the  War  of  the  Rebellion  (New  York  &  Lx)ndon: 
Thomas  Yoseloff  Ltd.,  1959),  2:845;  Paul  M.  Angle,  Here  I  Have  Lived:  A  History  of 
Lincoln's  Springfield  1821-1865  (Springfield,  lU.:  The  Abraham  Lincoln  Association, 
1935),  pp.  269-70. 

Reports  that  a  battle  at  Fort  Donelson  was  in  progress  appear  in  Daily  Illinois  State 
Register  (Springfield),  14  Feb.  1862,  p.  3,  col.  3  and  17  Feb.  1862,  p.  2,  col.  1  and  p.  3,  col. 
1  (hereafter  cited  as  Register);  Journal,  17  Feb.  1862,  p.  2,  col.  1. 

Journal,  18Feb.  1862,  p.  2,  col.  4.  The  battle  of  Fort  Donelson  took  place  on  February 
12-16.  Approximately  27,000  Union  troops  were  engaged  against  21,0(X)  Confederate 
troops.  Union  casualties  consisted  of  5(X)  killed,  2,108  wounded,  and  224  missing.  Con- 
federate casualties  consisted  of  2,0(X)  killed  and  woimded,  and  14,623  missing  (most  of 
whom  were  captured).  Boatner,  The  Civil  War  Dictionary,  pp.  396-97. 

^  Journal,  18  Feb.  1862,  p.  2,  col.  2. 

^Ibid.,col.  1. 
John  Young  farmed  in  the  nearby  township  of  Athens.  "An  Illinois  Farmer  During 
the  Civil  War:  Extracts  from  the  Journal  of  John  Edward  Yoimg,  1859-66,"  Journal  of  the 
Illinois  State  Historical  Society,  26  (1933):  70,  97-98. 

*  Journal,  18  Feb.  1862,  p.  2,  col.  2;  Register,  18  Feb.  1862,  p.  3,  col.  2;  "Joumal  of 
John  Edward  Young,"  pp.  97-  98. 

'  Register,  19  Feb.  1862,  p.  3,  col.  3;  Journal,  18  Feb.  1862,  p.  2,  cols.  2-3. 

^^  Journal,  18  Feb.  1862,  p.  2,  col.  3. 

"  Register,  19  Feb.  1862,  p.  3,  col.  3. 


Journal,  18  Feb.  1862,  p.  3,  col.  3;  Daniel  Leib  Ambrose,  History  of  the  Seventh 
Regiment  Illinois  Volunteer  Infantry  (Springfield,  HI.:  lUinois  Joumal  Co.,  1 868),  pp.  38-39; 
Federal  Census  1860  of  Sangamon  County,  Illinois  (Springfield,  HI.:  Sangamon  County 
Genealogical  Society,  1982),  p.  222  (hereafter cited  as  Federal  Census  1860).  Noah  Mendell 
was  the  captain  of  the  Zouaves'  Company  I,  Seventh  Infantry  Regiment  at  the  time  of  his 
death.  The  former  captain  of  the  company,  Andrew  Babcock,  had  been  promoted  to 
Ueutenant  colonel  of  the  regiment.  See  J.  N.  Reece,  Report  of  the  Adjutant  General  of  the 
State  of  Illinois  (Springfield,  HI.:  PhiUips  Bros.,  1900-1902),  1:353, 377  (hereafter  cited  as 
Adjutant  General' s  Report). 

^^  Journal,  14  Feb.  1862,  p.  3,  col.  3;  Ambrose,  History  of  the  Seventh,  p.  28. 
Ambrose,  History  of  the  Seventh,  pp.  38-39;  United  States  Department  of  War,  The 
War  of  the  Rebellion:  A  Compilation  of  the  Official  Records  of  the  Union  and  Confederate 
Armies  (Washington,  D.C.:  Government  Printing  Office,  1880-1901),  ser.  1,  vol.  7,  p.  220 
(hereafter  cited  as  Official  Records);  Journal,  12  Mar.  1862,  p.  2,  cols.  2-3. 

'^  Register,  22  Feb.  1862,  p.  3,  col.  3  and  11  Mar.  1862,  p.  3,  col.  4;  Journal,  21  Feb. 
1862,  p.  3,  col.  4  and  24  Feb.  1862,  p.  3,  col.  4;  Federal  Census  1860,  p.  461.  Marshall 
Mclntyre  was  a  lieutenant  of  Company  I,  Twenty-ninth  Infantry  Regiment  (see  Adjutant 
General's  Report,  2:493). 

^^  Journal,  22  Feb.  1862,  p.  3,  col.  4;  Register,  22  Feb.  1862,  p.  3,  col.  3  and  24  Feb. 
1862,  p.  3,  col.  3. 

106  Lincoln' s  Springfield 

1  7 

Most  of  the  Springfield  soldiers  fighting  at  Donelson  were  in  the  Seventh  and 
Twenty -ninth  Infantry  regiments.  See  Dyer,  Compendiujn,  2:845;  Adjutant  General's 
Report,  1:371-72.  377-79,  2:493-95. 

^^  Journal,  28  Feb.  1862,  p.  2,  col.  1.  See  casualty  lists  m  Journal,  21  Feb.  1862,  p.  2, 
col.  3;  24  Feb.  1862,  p.  2,  col.  2;  26  Feb.  1862,  p.  2,  cols.  3-4;  28  Feb.  1862,  p.  2,  col.  1;  10 
Mar.  1862,  p.  2,  cols.  2-5;  and  21  Mar.  1862,  p.  2,  cols.  3-5. 

Ambrose,  History  of  the  Seventh,  p.  37;  Adjutant  General's  Report,  1:2)11-1%, 
2:493-94,  3:192;  Register,  4  Mar.  1862,  p.  3,  col.  2. 
Ambrose,  History  of  the  Seventh,  p.  37. 

^^  Ibid.,  p.  32;  Boatner,  TheCivil  War  Dictionary,  pp.  396-97;  Official  Records,  ser.  1, 
vol.  7,  p.  220. 

^^  Journal,  15  Mar.  1862,  p.  3,  col.  3. 

^^Ibid.,  1 1  Mar.  1862,  p.  2,  col.  3;  Register,  24  Feb.  1862,  p.  3,  col.  3;  Ambrose, //w/ory 
of  the  Seventh,  pp.  43,  82. 

^Journal,  25  Feb.  1862,  p.  3,  col.  2  and  19  Feb.  1862,  p.  2,  cols.  2-3  and  24  Mar.  1862, 
p.  3,  col.  1  and  25  Mar.  1862,  p.  2,  col.  2  and  1  Apr.  1862,  p.  3,  col.  2;  Mercy  ConkUng  to 
Clinton  Conkling,  24  Feb.  1862  and  30  Mar.  1862. 

^  Journal,  19  Feb.  1 862,  p.  2,  cols.  2-3  and  1 1  Apr.  1862,  p.  3,  col.  2;  Mercy  Conkling 
to  Clinton  Conkling,  9  Mar.  1862. 

^Journal,  19  Feb.  1862,  p.  2,  col.  3  and  21  Feb.  1862,  p.  3,  col.  4;  Register,  21  Feb. 
1862,  p.  3,  col.  4. 

Mercy  Conkling  to  Clinton  Conkling,  24  Feb.  1862;  Clinton  Conkling  to  Mercy 
Conkling,  2  Mar.  1862. 

^  Mercy  Conkling  to  Clinton  Conkling,  24  Feb.  1862. 

^^  Journal,  21  Feb.  1862,  p.  3,  col.  4;  Register,  21  Feb.  1862,  p.  3,  col.  4. 

^^  Journal,  24  Feb.  1862,  p.  3,  cols.  3-4;  Illinois  Adjutant  General,  "Camp  Buder 
(Springfield).  General  Orders,"  General  Order  #91  (9  Mar.  1862),  record  series  301.48, 
Illinois  State  Archives,  Springfield  (hereafter  cited  as  "General  Orders").  On  April  13, 1862, 
1,015  more  Confederate  prisoners,  captured  at  Island  No.  10,  would  join  the  2,000  Fort 
Donelson  prisoners  at  Camp  Butler  (see  Journal,  14  Apr.  1862,  p.  3,  col.  2). 

Ashley  H.  Alexander  to  "Sisters  &  Brothers,"  3  Mar.  1862,  Ashley  H.  Alexander 
Letters,  Illinois  State  Historical  Library,  Springfield. 

^^  Journal,  10  Mar.  1862,  p.  3,  col.  3  and  15  Mar.  1862,  p.  3,  col.  3;  Thomas  Madison 
Reece,  "Hospital  Reports,"  box  1,  Folder  3,  Mar.  1862,  Thomas  Madison  Reece  Papers, 
Illinois  State  Historical  Library,  Springfield;  Register,  5  Mar.  1862,  p.  3,  col.  5  and  7  Mar. 
1862,  p.  3,  col.  4. 

^^  Register,  5  Mar.  1862,  p.  3,  col.  5;  Illinois  Adjutant  General,  "Camp  Butler 
(Springfield).  Letter  Book,"  14  Mar.  1862  and  19  Mar.  1862,  record  series  301.47,  Illinois 
State  Archives,  Springfield  (hereafter  cited  as  "Camp  Butler  Letter  Book"). 

By  September  1862,  when  the  prisoners  would  be  sent  to  Vicksburg  for  exchange, 
they  would  leave  behind  them  470  comrades  in  the  Camp  Butler  graveyard.  See  United 
States  Department  of  War,  Register  of  Confederate  Dead,  Camp  Butler,  Illinois  (Washing- 
ton, D.C.:  Office  of  the  Commission  for  Marking  Graves  of  Confederate  Dead,  1912); 
"Camp  Butier  Letter  Book,"  4  SepL  1862. 

Notes  107 

"^^  Journal,  24  Feb.  1862,  p.  3,  cxA.  3. 

^^  Mercy  Conkling  to  Clinton  Conkling,  30  Mar.  1862. 

See  biographies  of  James  Conkling  in  Joseph  Wallace,  Past  and  Present  of  the  City 
of  Springfield  and  Sangamon  County,  Illinois  (Chicago:  S.  J.  Clarke,  1904),  1:53-54; 
Portrait  and  Biographical  Album  of  Sangamon  County,  Illinois  (Chicago:  Chapman  Bros., 
1891),  pp.  708-1 1.  See  Conkling  family  in  Federal  Census  1860,  p.  230. 


Ashley  H.  Alexander  to  "Sisters  &  Brothers,"  3  Mar.  1 862;  James  Conkling  to  Clinton 
Conkling,  2  Apr.  1862;  Journal,  24  Mar.  1862,  p.  3,  col.  1  and  31  Mar.  1862,  p.  3,  col.  2. 


The  battle  of  Shiloh  was  fought  on  April  6  and  7  between  62,682  Union  soldiers  and 
40,335  Confederate  soldiers.  Union  casualties  were:  1,754  killed;  8,408  wounded;  and 
2,885  missing.  Confederate  casualties  were  1,723  killed;  8,012  wounded;  and  959  missing. 
Boatner,  The  Civil  War  Dictionary,  p.  757. 

Journal,  10  Apr.  1862,  p.  3,  col.  2;  Mercy  Conkling  to  Clinton  Conkling,  14  Apr. 

Approximately  two  hundred  Springfield  men  fought  at  Shiloh,  most  of  whom  were 
in  the  Seventh,  Fourteenth,  and  Twenty -ninth  Infantry  regiments.  See  Dyer,  Compendium, 
2:846;  Adjutant  General's  Report,  1:371-72,  377-79,  607,  614,  616,  618-  19,  622-23, 
2:467-68,  480, 487, 493-95. 

^'^  Journal,  12  Apr.  1862,  p.  1,  col.  2. 

^^  Ibid.,  16  Apr.  1862,  p.  2,  cols.  3-4;  Adjutant  General's  Report,  1:371-72,  377-79; 
Ambrose,  History  of  the  Seventh,  p.  58;  "Adjutant  General  Records,  Muster  Rolls  for  Illinois 
Regiments  in  Civil  War,"  Office  of  the  Secretary  of  State,  Records  Management  Division, 
Microfilm  Roll  No.  47-1,  Seventh  Infantry,  Company  I,  Illinois  State  Library,  Springfield, 
Illinois  (hereafter  cited  as  "Seventh  Infantry,  Company  I  Muster  Roll"). 

The  long  Shiloh  casualty  Usts  appeared  in  7oMr/ui/,  24  Apr.  1862,  p.  1,  cols.  5-6  and 
p.  2,  cols.  1-4,  and  in  Register,  29  Apr.  1862,  p.  1,  cols.  2-6  and  p.  4,  col.  1.  Unlike  the  Fort 
Donelson  lists  (which  were  organized  by  hospital),  these  lists  were  organized  by  regiment 
and  company,  making  it  easier  for  a  reader  to  find  the  name  of  a  loved  one.  The  thirty -five 
Springfield  casualties  included:  Seventh  Inf.  Reg.,  Co.  G — three  woimded;  Seventh  Inf. 
Reg.,  Co.  I — ^three  kiUed,  nine  wounded;  Ninth  Inf.  Reg.,  Co.  K — one  woimded  (later  to  die 
of  wounds);  Fourteenth  Inf.  Reg.,  Co.  D — one  wounded;  Fourteenth  Inf.  Reg.,  Co.  E — two 
killed;  Fourteenth  Inf.  Reg.,  Co.  G — six  wounded;  Twenty-ninth  Inf.  Reg.,  Co.  I — ^six 
wounded;  Thirty -second  Inf.  Reg.,  Co.  G — one  wounded  (later  to  die  of  wounds);  Thirty- 
second  Inf.  Reg.,  Co.  I — one  wounded;  Forty-third  Inf.  Reg.,  Co.  B — one  woimded; 
Forty -ninth  Inf.  Reg.,  Co.  D — one  wounded.  Compiled  from:  Journal,  16  Apr.  1862,  p.  2, 
cols.  3-4  and  24  Apr.  1862,  p.  1,  cols.  5-6  and  p.  2,  cols.  1-4  and  12  May  1862,  p.  2,  col.  3; 
Adjutant  General's  Report,  \:31\-11,  377-79,  457,  616,  618,  622-23,  2:493-95,  597,  603, 
3:248,  501;  "Seventh  Infantry,  Company  I  Muster  Roll." 

^^  Mercy  Conkling  to  Chnton  Conkhng,  14  Apr.  1862. 

"^^  Void.;  Journal,  11  Apr.  1862,  p.  2,  col.  1. 

'^'^  Journal,  19  Apr.  1862,  p.  3,  cols.  2-3. 
Ibid.,  col.  3. 


Register,  1  July  1 862,  p.  2,  col.  1 .  This  was  the  Peninsular  campaign,  in  which  federal 
forces  conmianded  by  General  George  McClellan  approached  Richmond  by  water  in  an 

1 08  Lincoln' s  Springfield 

effort  to  capture  the  Confederate  capital.  The  advance  on  the  Peninsula  began  April  4  and 
ended  in  defeat  on  July  1 .  See  Boatner,  The  Civil  War  Dictionary,  pp.  632-34. 

^°  Journal,  3  July  1862,  p.  2,  col.  1  and  p.  3,  col.  2.  The  dispatch  that  Springfield 
citizens  based  their  hopes  on  was  dated  June  30  from  Fortress  Monroe,  Virginia.  It  said, 
"Reports  are  current  to-day  that  Gen.  McClellan  has  taken  Richmond,  but  there  is  no  good 
authority  for  the  rumor,  the  telegraph  not  being  at  work,  and  there  not  being  a  boat  from  the 
James  river  although  one  is  hourly  expected"  (Register,  2  July  1862,  p.  3,  col.  4).  Also,  the 
Journal  reported  that  private  dispatches  received  in  the  city  also  claimed  that  Richmond  had 
been  captured  (Journal,  3  July  1862,  p.  2,  col.  1). 

^^  Mercy  Conkling  to  Clinton  Conkling,  2  July  1862. 

"  Ibid.,  7  July  1862;  Journal,  3  July  1862,  p.  3,  col.  2. 

^^  Journal,  3  July  1 862,  p.  3,  col.  2;  Mercy  Conkling  to  Clinton  Conkling,  7  July  1862; 
Register,  3  July  1862,  p.  3,  col.  2. 

^"^  Register,  3  July  1862,  p.  2,  col.  1. 

^^  Mercy  Conkling  to  Clinton  Conkling,  7  July  1862.  On  July  5,  another  vmverified 
victory  dispatch  prompted  the  Register  to  erroneously  announce  that  Union  troops  had  taken 
Vicksburg  and  that  "we  have  no  misgivings  as  to  the  fact  and  will  join  this  time  in  the  most 
ultra  glorification  over  the  event"  (Register,  5  July  1862,  p.  2,  col.  3).  The,  Journal,  however, 
did  not  report  a  victory  but  stated  on  July  7  that  they  had  no  confirmation  of  a  Vicksburg 
victory  (Journal,  7  July  1862,  p.  2,  col.  1).  There  is  no  newspaper  account  of  a  celebration 
over  this  false  Vicksburg  rumor.  It  is  likely  that  Springfield  citizens  were  either  drained 
after  celebrating  both  the  false  Richmond  victory  and  the  4th  of  July  holiday  in  the  same 
week,  or  that  they  were  more  skeptical  of  believing  unconfirmed  victory  dispatches. 

^^  On  July  1,  Lincobi  called  for  three  himdred  thousand  volimteers  to  serve  for  three 
years.  On  August  4,  he  called  for  three  hundred  thousand  additional  volunteers  to  serve  for 
nine  months.  See  Official  Records,  ser.  3,  vol.  2,  pp.  183, 187-88,  291-92. 

"  Ibid.,  218-19;  Journal,  12  July  1862,  p.  2,  col.  2. 

^^  Register,  13  Aug.  1862,  p.  2,  col.  1. 

^^  Journal,  7  Aug.  1862,  p.  2,  col.  1. 

^  Chicago  Daily  Tribune,  22  July  1862,  p.  1,  col.  4  (hereafter  cited  as  Tribune). 

^^  Journal,  6  Aug.  1862,  p.  2,  col.  1.  See  this  expectation  mentioned  also  in  Adjutant 
General' s  Report,  1:18. 

^^  "Journal  of  John  Edward  Young,"  p.  101;  Eugene  L.  Gross  to  Mason  Brayman,  14 
Aug.  1862,  box  2,  Bailhache-Brayman  Papers,  Illinois  State  Historical  Library,  Springfield; 
Journal,  9  Aug.  1862,  p.  3,  col.  3. 

^^  Official  Records,  ser.  3,  vol.  2,  pp.  206-07,  212;  Journal,  15  July  1862,  p.  1,  cols. 
2-3  and  5  Aug.  1862,  p.  2,  col.  1;  Sangamon  Coimty  Board  of  Supervisors,  "Board  of 
Supervisors  Proceedings,"  resolution  in  Aug.  term  1862,  box  6,  record  series  1.2,  Illinois 
Regional  Archives  Depository,  Sangamon  State  University,  Springfield. 

^  Journal,  4  Aug.  1862,  p.  3,  col.  2.  The  Journal's  statement  seems  to  be  sUghtly 
exaggerated,  except  perhaps  for  someone  who  did  not  have  a  full-time  occupation.  Com- 
pared to  a  private '  s  $  1 3 .00  monthly  salary,  the  average  monthly  salary  in  Springfield  in  1 860 
for  a  farm  hand  with  board  was  $16.00.  A  day  laborer  (general  laborer)  with  board  would 
make  $22.50  a  month,  and  without  board  he  would  make  $30.00  a  month  (see  "Social 

Notes  109 

Statistics  1860  for  Sangamon  County  [8th  Federal  Census  I860],"  District  16,  record  series 
951.17,  Illinois  State  Archives,  Springfield).  However,  to  a  family  man  who  believed  the 
war  would  be  over  by  Christmas,  the  immediate  outlay  of  $65.00  plus  $13.00  a  month 
thereafter  would  seem  enough  to  tide  the  famUy  over  for  the  few  months  he  would  be  gone. 
Journal,  15  Aug.  1862,  p.  3,  col.  2  and  16  Aug.  1862,  p.  3,  col.  3.  Illinois'  quota 
was  52,296  men,  consisting  of  26,148  men  under  the  July  1  call  and  the  same  number  under 
the  August  4  call  (see  Official  Records,  ser.  3,  vol.  2,  pp.  188, 291, 478;  Adjutant  General's 
Report,  1:18-21).  The  enrollment  was  being  made  by  each  township  assessor  under  the 
direction  of  the  Federal  Militia  Act  approved  July  17, 1862  (see  Official  Records,  ser.  3,  vol. 
2,  pp.  280-82,  333-35). 

Aretas  A.  Dayton,  "The  Raising  of  Union  Forces  in  Illinois  During  the  Civil  War," 
Journal  of  the  Illinois  State  Historical  Society,  34  (1941):  413. 

^'^  Journal,  15  Aug.  1862,  p.  3,  col.  2  and  19  Aug.  1862,  p.  3,  col.  3. 

^^  Ibid.,  21  July  1 862,  p.  3,  col.  2  and  22  July  1 862,  p.  2,  col.  1 .  See  notices  for  upcoming 
war  meetings  in  other  Sangamon  Coxmty  communities  such  as  WilUamsvUle,  Pleasant 
Plains,  and  Rochester  in  Journal,  22  July  1862,  p.  3,  col.  3;  24  July  1862,  p.  3,  col.  2;  and 
30  July  1862,  p.  3,  col.  2.  See  detailed  account  of  a  war  meeting  in  Chicago  in  Tribune,  27 
July  1862,  p.  4,  cols.  1-7. 

^^  Journal,  23  July  1862,  p.  3,  cols.  2-3;  Register,  23  July  1862,  p.  3,  col.  2. 

'^^  Journal,  23  July  1862,  p.  3,  cols.  2-3. 


Benjamin  Edwards  had  been  a  Democratic  delegate  at  the  Illinois  Constitutional 
Convention  when  it  was  in  session  from  January  8, 1862  to  March  24, 1862,  and  he  had  led 
the  Democratic  effort  in  Springfield  to  adopt  the  new  constitution.  When  the  constitution 
was  defeated  by  Republican  voters  on  June  17,  1862,  Edwards  was  so  distraught  that  he 
switched  church  affiliations  from  the  Second  to  the  First  Presbyterian  Church  since  the 
Second  Church  had  too  many  Republican  members.  See  Register,  10  June  1862,  p.  2,  col. 
1;  Journal,  10  June  1862,  p.  3,  col.  2  and  11  June  1862,  p.  3,  cols.  2-3;  First  Presbyterian 
Church  of  Springfield,  Illinois,  "Minutes  of  Session  1823-1862,"  9  Aug.  1862,  box  1, 
Records  of  First  Presbyterian  Church,  Springfield,  Illinois,  Illinois  State  Historical  Library, 
Springfield;  Mercy  Conkling  to  Clinton  Conkling,  23  June  1862. 

'^^  Journal,  23  July  1862,  p.  3,  col.  2. 

''^  Ibid.,  6  Aug.  1862,  p.  3,  col.  2  and  7  Aug.  1862,  p.  2,  col.  1  and  9  Aug.  1862,  p.  3, 
col.  3;  Federal  Census  1860,  p.  216. 

'^'^  Journal,  11  Aug.  1862,  p.  3,  col.  2;  Register,  11  Aug.  1862,  p.  3,  col.  2. 

'^^  Journal,  15  Aug.  1862,  p.  3,  col.  2. 

Ibid.,  22  Aug.  1862,  p.  3,  col.  2.  The  six  DeFraites  men  joined  Company  G  of  the 
114th  Infantry  Regiment  (see  Adjutant  General's  Report,  6:214).  The  DeFraites  clan 
consisted  of  several  interrelated  families  with  the  surname  DeFraites,  all  of  whom  im- 
migrated to  Springfield  from  the  Portuguese  island  of  Madeira  during  the  1840s.  See  The 
Gathering  of  the  Portuguese  4th  Presbyterian  Church  of  Springfield,  Illinois  (Springfield: 
n.p.,  1984),  pp.  146,  171-72,  209-10,  Sangamon  Valley  Collection,  Lincohi  Library, 

^^  Journal,  12  Sept.  1862,  p.  3,  col.  2  and  6  Oct.  1862,  p.  3,  col.  3;  Adjutant  General's 
Report,  6:202-23. 

110  Lincoln' s  Springfield 

Adjutant  General's  Report,  8:747-5 1 .  The  other  members  of  the  company  had  been 
recruited  mainly  from  the  Illinois  towns  of  Belleville,  Wenona,  and  Magnolia. 

The  number  may  have  been  higher  since  it  does  not  include  those  men  listed  as 
residing  in  "Sangamon  County."  In  the  130th  Infantry,  for  example,  sixty-two  men  were 
Usted  as  residing  in  Sangamon  County  (see  Adjutant  General's  Report,  6:558-59).  The 
Adjutant  General's  Report  Usts  more  than  four  hundred  Springfield  men  who  joined  new 
regiments  which  were  formed  in  the  summer  and  fall  of  1862.  Most  of  these  four  hundred 
men  joined  the  following  regiments:  187  men  in  the  114th  Inf.  Reg.  (6:202-03,  205-08, 
210-11,  213-19);  52  men  in  the  Springfield  Light  Art  (8:747-49);  45  men  in  the  130th  Inf. 
Reg.  (6:555-59,  567,  569-70);  41  men  in  the  124th  Inf.  Reg.  (6:427-30,  44244);  27  men  in 
the  73rd  Inf.  Reg.  (4:559-60,  566,  568-71);  22  men  in  the  90th  Inf.  Reg.  (5:295,  299-300); 
and  17  men  in  the  1 15th  Inf.  Reg.  (6:225,  242-44).  Of  the  more  than  one  hundred  fifty 
Springfield  men  who  joined  the  ranks  of  old  regiments  in  the  summer  and  faU  of  1 862,  most 
of  them  joined  the  following  regiments:  46  men  in  the  29th  Inf.  Reg.  (2:470,  476,  479-80, 
486, 489-90, 498-500);  17  men  in  the  30th  Inf.  Reg.  (2:509-10, 528);  and  43  men  in  the  10th 
Cav.  (8:217-18,  220-21, 226-27,  229-  30, 235-36, 250,  252-53). 

A  city  census  taken  in  early  July  of  1862 — before  the  mass  recruiting  effort — shows 
that  there  were  562  white  males  aged  21-50  in  the  first  ward,  575  in  the  second  ward,  430 
in  the  third  ward,  and  607  in  the  fourth  ward.  See  Register,  15  July  1862,  p.  3,  col.  2. 

^^  William  Peterson,  "A  History  of  Camp  Butler,  1861-1866,"  Illinois  Historical 
Journal,  82  (1989):  81 .  Also,  at  least  eight  hundred  soldiers  were  stationed  at  Camp  Yates 
(sec  Journal,  15  SepL  1862,  p.  3,  col.  2). 

^^  Journal,  17  Oct.  1862,  p.  3,  col.  4. 

^^Ibid..  15  SepL  1862,  p.  3,  col.  2. 

John  Win  Lindsey  to  Nancy  Lindsey,  26  Aug.  1862,  John  Will  Lindsey  Letters, 
Illinois  State  Historical  Library,  Springfield 


The  battle  of  Corinth,  Mississippi,  took  place  on  October  3  and  4.  Approximately 
21 ,000  Union  troops  were  engaged  against  22,000  Confederate  troops.  The  Union  lost  2,520 
killed  and  wounded,  and  the  Confederacy  lost  2,470  killed  and  wounded.  Boatner,  The  Civil 
War' Dictionary,  pp.  176-77. 

^^  Amhiose,  History  of  the  Seventh,pp.  103-05;  Adjutant  General's  Report,  1:377-79.  Widi 
the  exception  of  the  Springfield  Zouaves,  the  casualty  Usts  printed  in  the  Journal  revealed  no 
Springfield  casualties.  See  Journal,  14  Oct  1862,  p.  2,  col.  2;  15  Oct  1862,  p.  2,  col.  3;  and  23 
Oct.  1862,  p.  2,  col.  3. 

The  Journal  on  16  April  1862,  p.  2,  cols.  3-4  states  that  minor  injuries  were  not 
always  reported  on  the  casualty  lists.  For  examples  of  corresjxjndence  that  reveal  anxiety 
about  particular  soldiers'  illnesses,  see  Arthur  BaiUiache  to  William  Bailhache,  29  Dec. 
1861;  Ada  Bailhache  to  Arthur  Bailhache,  7  Nov.  1861;  Ada  Bailhache  to  William 
Bailhache,  31  Aug.  1863,  all  in  box  2.  The  Ridgely  family  grieved  over  the  death  of  Mrs. 
Ridgely's  half-brother  from  Iowa  who  was  killed  at  Corinth.  See  Anna  Ridgely  Hudson, 
Diary,  18  Oct.  1862,  Anna  Ridgely  Hudson  Journals,  Illinois  State  Historical  Library, 
Springfield  (hereafter  cited  as  Ridgely  Diary). 

Notes  111 

^^  Journal,  11  Oct.  1862,  p.  3,  coL  3;  23  June  1862,  p.  3,  coL  2;  and  11  SepL  1862,  p.  3, 
cols.  2-3.  The  Soldiers'  Aid  Society  changed  their  meeting  place  several  times  during  the  war. 
For  instance,  in  the  spring  of  1863  they  were  meeting  above  a  shoe  store.  In  early  1865  they 
procured  office  space  in  a  new  building  on  Sixth  Street.  See  Journal,  9  Apr.  1863,  p.  3,  col.  2 
and  30  Apr.  1863,  p.  3,  col.  3  and  9  Feb.  1865,  p.  3,  col.  6. 

^^  Under  the  calls  for  26,148  three-year  volimteers  and  26,148  nine-month  volunteers, 
Illinois  surpassed  the  War  Department's  requirements,  mustering  58,416  men,  all  of  whom 
were  three-year  volunteers.  As  a  result,  Illinois  added  fifty -nine  new  regiments  of  infantry 
and  four  new  batteries  of  artillery.  See  Official  Records,  ser.  3,  vol.  2,  pp.  715, 472-73, 478, 
337;  Adjutant  General' s  Report,  1: 19-20;  Dayton,  "The  Raising  of  Union  Forces  in  Hhnois 
During  the  Civil  War,"  p.  412. 

^^  James  Conkling  to  Clinton  Conkling,  22  Nov.  1862. 

^^  The  battle  at  Antietam,  Maryland,  took  place  on  September  17.  Approximately 
75,000  Union  troops  battled  52,000  Confederate  troops.  The  Union  lost  12,410  (killed, 
wounded,  and  missing)  and  the  Confederates  lost  13,724  (killed,  wounded,  and  missing). 
See  Boatner,  The  Civil  War  Dictionary,  pp.  20-21. 

^^  The  Abraham  Lincobi  Association,  The  Collected  Works  of  Abraham  Lincoln,  ed. 
Roy  P.  Easier  (New  Brunswick:  Rutgers  University  Press,  1953-1955),  5:434. 

A  mulatto  was  defined  as  having  a  mixture  of  Negro  and  Caucasian  blood,  with  one 
quarter  or  more  Negro  blood.  See  Elmer  Gertz,  "The  Black  Laws  of  Illinois, "  Journal  of  the 
Illinois  State  Historical  Society,  56  (1963):  466. 

Register,  18  June  1862,  p.  2,  col.  1;  Illinois  Constitutional  Convention,  New 
Constitution  of  the  State  of  Illinois:  Adopted  by  the  Constitutional  Convention  at  Spring- 
field, March  24,  1862,  and  Submitted  to  the  People  for  Ratification  or  Rejection,  at  an 
Election  To  Be  Held  June  17, 1862  With  an  Address  to  the  People  of  Illinois  (Springfield: 
Charles  H.  Lanphier,  1862),  p.  28.  Springfield's  vote  against  the  Negro  was  characteristic 
of  all  Illinois.  The  state- wide  vote  on  the  article  asking  if  Negroes  and  mulattoes  should  be 
banned  from  immigrating  to  Illinois  yielded  171,896  "yes"  votes  and  71,300  "no"  votes  (see 
Register,  29  Sept.  1862,  p.  2,  col.  2).  This  was  not  surprising,  however,  since  Illinois  citizens 
were  simply  reaffirming  a  law  passed  in  1853  by  the  Illinois  legislature  which  made  it  illegal 
for  any  Negro  to  immigrate  into  Dlinois,  a  crime  punishable  by  imprisonment  and  fine.  See 
N.  Dwight  Harris,  History  of  Negro  Servitude  In  Illinois  and  of  the  Slavery  Agitation  in  that 
State  (Chicago:  A.  C.  McClurg  &  Co.,  1904),  pp.  235-39. 

The  city  census  taken  in  the  summer  of  1862  showed  274  Negroes  and  mulattoes 
residing  in  Springfield  (Register,  15  July  1862,  p.  3,  col.  2). 

^"^  Journal,  13  Dec.  1862,  p.  3,  col.  2  and  6  Feb.  1863,  p.  3,  col.  2;  Register,  15  Apr. 
1862,  p.  3,  col.  2  and  1  May  1862,  p.  3,  col.  2. 

^^  Register,  5  Mar.  1862,  p.  2,  col.  2  and  29  Dec.  1862.  p.  3,  col.  2;  Journal,  25  Sept. 
1861,  p.  3,  col.  2. 

^^  See,  for  example.  Journal,  16  July  1862,  p.  3,  col.  2  and  26  SepL  1862,  p.  3,  col.  2. 

^^  Register,  29  Dec.  1862,  p.  3,  col.  2. 

Sangamon  Coimty  Board  of  Supervisors,  "Board  of  Supervisor's  Proceedings," 
resolution  submitted  10  Sept.  1862,  SepL  term  1862,  box  6. 

112  Lincoln' s  Springfield 

^^  Of  the  212  Negroes  and  mulattoes  listed  as  living  in  Springfield  in  1860,  the  1860 
federal  census  showed  60  as  having  occupations.  There  were  12  general  laborers,  1 1  barbers, 
11  servants  or  domestics,  10  washerwomen,  4  shoemakers,  3  cooks,  2  farm  laborers,  2 
draymen  (cart  drivers),  2  hostlers  (stablemen  or  grooms),  1  whitewasher,  1  bill  poster,  and 
1  Methodist  preacher.  Compiled  from  Federal  Census  1860,  pp.  86-236, 395-405, 452-515. 

^^  Sylvestre  C.  Watkins  Sr.,  "Some  of  Early  Illinois'  Free  Negroes,"  Journal  of  the 
Illinois  State  Historical  Society,  56  (1963):  499-501;  Federal  Census  1860,  p.  212;  C.  S. 
Williams,  comp.,  Williams'  Springfield  Directory  City  Guide,  and  Business  Mirror,  for 
1860-61  (Springfield,  111.:  Johnson  &  Bradford,  1860),  p.  18. 

^^  Octavia  Roberts  Comeau  and  Georgia  L.  Osborne,  eds.,  "A  Girl  in  the  Sixties. 
Excerpts  from  the  Journal  of  Anna  Ridgely  (Mrs.  James  L.  Hudson),"  Journal  of  the  Illinois 
State  Historical  Society,  22  (1929):  407;  Federal  Census  1860,  p.  1 10. 

^°^  Register,  9  Sept.  1862,  p.  2.  col.  1. 

^^  Ibid.,  31  Dec.  1862,  p.  2,  col.  1  and  29  Sept.  1862,  p.  2,  col.  1.  The  Register  was 
referring  to  Lincoln's  statement  in  his  inaugural  address,  in  which  he  stated,  "I  have  no 
purpose,  directly  or  indirectly,  to  interfere  with  the  institution  of  slavery  in  the  States  where 
it  exists.  I  beUeve  I  have  no  lawful  right  to  do  so,  and  I  have  no  inclination  to  do  so."  See 
The  Abraham  Lincoln  Association,  The  Collected  Works  of  Abraham  Lincoln,  4:263. 

^^ Register,  1  Nov.  1862,  p.  3,  col.  2.  In  a  poUtical  sense.  Democrats  were  not  slow  to 
imderstand  that  such  a  popular  stand  against  the  Negro  would  gain  their  ousted  party  added 
support.  Since  the  beginning  of  the  war,  the  party  had  been  half-hidden  in  the  shadows  of 
the  Republican  party  as  they  endeavored  to  support  the  RepubUcan  administrations 's  war 
poUcies  during  a  massive  wave  of  patriotism.  Though  many  Democrats  were  truly  incensed 
with  the  idea  of  emancipating  the  slaves,  the  proclamation  ironically  would  raise  their  party 
to  a  new  level  of  popularity. 

^^^  The  Abraham  Lincoln  Association,  The  Collected  Works  of  Abraham  Lincoln, 

^^  Register,  3  Nov.  1862,  p.  2,  col.  1.  An  August  14  letter  from  Springfield  attorney 
Eugene  L.  Gross  to  Colonel  Mason  Brayman,  a  Springfield  resident  commanding  the 
Twenty -ninth  Illinois  Infantry,  reveals  that  arrests  had  already  been  taking  place  in  Spring- 
field of  a  few  citizens  who  had  been  "giving  utterance  to  Disloyal  sentiments."  Gross  claims 
that  Virgil  Hickox,  a  Springfield  citizen  active  in  Democratic  politics,  and  six  Jews  from 
Baltimore  who  had  been  working  as  clerks  in  Springfield  clothing  stores,  were  all  arrested 
"recently"  by  "action  of  the  War  Department."  See  Eugene  L.  Gross  to  Mason  Brayman,  14 
Aug.  1862. 

^  '^Arthur  Charles  Cole,  The  Era  of  the  Civil  War  1848-1870:  The  Centennial  History 
of  Illinois,  VolumeThree  (Springfield:  The  Illinois  Centennial  Commission,  1919),  p.  290. 

^^^  Mary  Miner  Hill,  "Mary  Miner  Hill  Memoirs,"  typescript,  1923,  p.  4,  Illinois  State 
Historical  Library,  Springfield. 

^'^'^  Journal,  25  SepL  1862,  p.  2,  col.  2. 

Notes  113 

Ibid.,  31  Oct.  1862,  p.  2,  col.  2.  Also,  see  the  Register's  sarcastic  remarks  in  reply 
to  the  unjustified  appellations  aimed  at  them:  Register,  11  Oct.  1862,  p.  2,  cols.  1-2  and  5 
Nov.  1862,  p.  2,  col.  2. 

^"^^  Register,  25  Sept.  1862,  p.  2,  col.  1  and  3  Nov.  1862,  p.  2,  col.  1. 

"^  Journal,  25  Sept.  1862,  p.  2,  col.  2. 

Michael  Alton  Mattingly,  "Lincoln's  Confidant  Leonard  Swettof  Bloomington,  Illinois" 
(Master's  thesis,  Illinois  State  University,  1984),  p.  88;  Register,  1  Nov.  1862,  p.  3,  col.  2.  In  the 
summer  of  1862,  former  southern  slaves  that  had  been  set  free  by  the  Union  army  (often  called 
contrabands)  were  being  sent  to  Cairo  by  General  Grant  and  thence  distributed  by  train  farther 
northward  to  work  as  servants.  In  September,  thirty-five  or  forty  of  these  contrabands  arrived  in 
Springfield.  See  Register,  29  SepL  1862,  p.  2,  col.  2;  Official  Records,  ser.  3,  vol.  2,  p.  569;  Cole, 
The  Era  of  the  CivU  War  1848-1870,  pp.  333-34. 

1   1*7 

Journal,  3  Nov.  1862,  p.  2,  cols.  1-2.  After  "large  lots"  of  slaves  following  Grant's 
army  had  been  allowed  into  Illinois,  Edwin  M.  Stanton,  secretary  of  war,  on  October  13 
ordered  that  "no  more  contrabands  or  colored  persons"  should  be  allowed  into  Illinois  "until 
further  order."  See  Official  Records,  ser.  3,  vol.  2,  pp.  569,  663. 

^^^  Register,  4  Nov.  1862,  p.  2,  col.  1. 

For  the  Springfield  election  returns,  see  Journal,  6  Nov.  1862,  p.  2,  col.  2  and 
Register,  5  Nov.  1862,  p.  2,  col.  2.  The  Negro  scare  had  reaped  similar  Democratic  victories 
throughout  the  state,  resulting  in  the  Illinois  legislature  coming  under  the  complete  control 
of  Democrats.  See  Cole,  The  Era  of  the  CivU  War  1848-1870,  p.  297. 

^^  Register,  5  Nov.  1862,  p.  2,  col.  2. 

'^^  Ibid.,  7  Nov.  1862,  p.  3,  col.  2. 

^^  Mercy  Conkhng  to  Clinton  Conkhng,  4  Nov.  1862. 


The  battle  at  Fredericksburg,  Virginia,  took  place  on  December  13.  Approximately 
106,000  Federals  were  engaged  against  72,500  Confederates.  The  Union  lost  12,700  killed 
and  wounded,  and  the  Confederacy  lost  5,300  killed  and  wounded.  See  Boatner,  The  CivU 
War  Dictionary,  p.  3 13. 

^^  Ridgely  Diary,  30  July  1861  and  13  Jan.  1862;  Comeau  and  Osborne,  "A  Girl  in  the 
Sixties,"  pp.  403, 411;  Arthur  Bailhache  to  Wilham  Bailhache,  29  Dec.  1 86 1 ,  box  2;  Journal, 
lOJan.  1862,p.  3,col.2. 

^^  Ridgely  Diary,  5  Oct  1862;  Mercy  Conkling  to  Clinton  Conkling,  21  Dec.  1862; 
Journal,  22  Dec.  1862,  p.  3,  col.  2.  For  an  account  of  the  death  of  Fred  Matteson  (son  of 
ex-govemor  Joel  Matteson),  another  Springfield  soldier  who  died  of  disease  while  in  camp, 
see  James  T.  Hickey,  ed.,  "An  Illinois  First  Family:  The  Reminiscences  of  Clara  Matteson 
DooViVIq,,"  Journal  ofthe  Illinois  State  Historical  Society,  69(1976):  11- 13;  Mercy  Conkling 
to  Clinton  Conkhng,  19  June  1862  and  27  July  1862;  Journal,  12  Aug.  1862,  p.  3,  col.  2. 

^^  Mercy  Conkhng  to  Clinton  Conkhng,  27  Nov.  1862. 

^^  Register,  31  Dec.  1862,  p.  2,  col.  1. 


Comeau  and  Osborne,  "A  Girl  in  the  Sixties,"  pp.  421-22. 

114  Lincoln's  Springfield 

3.  1863   Fire  in  the  Rear 

^  Dady  Illinois  State  Journal  (Springfield),  7  Jan.  1863,  p.  3,  col.  2  (hereafter  cited  as 

^  Daily  Illinois  State  Register  (Springfield),  5  Jan.  1863,  p.  2,  col.  1  (hereafter  cited  as 

^  The  vacant  Senate  seat  had  belonged  to  Stephen  A.  Douglas  (now  deceased)  and  was 
held  temporarily  by  RepubUcan  Orville  H.  Browning  until  the  Illinois  legislature  could 
formally  choose  a  candidate  to  fill  the  vacancy.  The  Democratic  legislature  chose  Democrat 
William  A.  Richardson,  a  "bitter  opponent  of  the  Administration,"  and  one  of  the  speakers 
at  this  January  5  mass  meeting.  See  Robert  D.  Holt,  "The  PoUtical  Career  of  WiUiam  A. 
Richardson,"  Journal  of  the  Illinois  State  Historical  Society,  26  ( 1934):  255 ;  Arthur  Charles 
Cole,  The  Era  of  the  Civil  War  1 848-1 870:  The  Centennial  History  of  Illinois,  Volume  Three 
(Springfield:  The  Illinois  Centennial  Commission,  1919),  pp.  297-98. 

^  Chicago  Daily  Tribune,  6  Jan.  1863,  p.  2,  col.  3  (hereafter  cited  as  Tribune). 
Journal,  7  Jan.  1863,  p.  2,  col.  6.  The  idea  of  severing  the  West  from  New  England 
was  not  new,  but  had  been  earlier  advocated  by  Illinoisans  for  economic  reasons.  New  York, 
for  example,  had  estabUshed  heavy  railway  tolls  at  the  expense  of  westerners.  DUnoisans 
also  accused  New  Englanders  of  starting  the  war  and  then  of  lagging  behind  in  enlistments. 
See  Jack  Notrup,  "Yates,  the  Prorogued  Legislature,  and  the  Constitutional  Convention," 
Journal  of  the  Illinois  State  Historical  Society,  62  (1969):  28. 

^Tribune,  6  Jan.  1863,  p.  1,  col.  2. 

'^  Journal,  7  Jan.  1863,  p.  2,  col.  6;  Register,  7  Jan.  1863,  p.  3,  col.  2. 
^  Register,  6  Jan.  1863,  p.  3,  col.  2;  Mercy  Conkling  to  Clinton  Conkling,  1 1  Jan.  1863, 
box  2,  Clinton  Conkling  Collection,  Dlinois  State  Historical  Library,  Springfield  (hereafter 
box  2  unless  otherwise  noted). 

^  Register,  6  Jan.  1863,  p.  3,  col.  2. 

^°  Ibid.;  Tribune,  8  Jan.  1863,  p.  2,  col.  2;  Journal,  7  Jan.  1863,  p.  2,  col.  6;  Mercy 
Conkling  to  Chnton  Conkling,  1 1  Jan.  1863. 

"  Journal,  9  Jan.  1863,  p.  2,  cols.  1-2;  Register,  9  Jan.  1863,  p.  3,  cols.  2-3. 

^^  The  Republican  party  had  adopted  the  name  "Union  party"  to  include  all  men — ^be 
they  Republicans  or  War  Democrats — who  were  imconditionally  for  crushing  the  rebellion. 
For  instance,  Illinois  Generals  John  A.  Logan  and  John  A.  McClemand,  both  Democratic 
politicians  at  the  outset  of  the  war,  publicly  voiced  their  pro-war  stands  at  Republican  (or 
so-caUed  Union)  mass  meetings  in  Springfield. 

^^  Journal,  8  Jan.  1863,  p.  2,  col.  1. 

^^  Ibid.,  9  Jan.  1863,  p.  3,  col.  2  and  10  Jan.  1863,  p.  2,  cols.  2-3;  Register,  10  Jan.  1863, 
p.  3,  col.  2. 

^^  Journal,  13  Jan.  1863,  p.  1,  col.  2  and  10  Jan.  1863,  p.  2,  col.  2.  On  October  8,  the 
Journal  had  reported  that  Oglesby  was  dead  (see  Journal,  8  Oct.  1862,  p.  2,  col.  1). 

^^Ibid,  10  Jan.  1863,  p.  2,  col.  2. 

^'^  Ibid.,  13  Jan.  1863,  p.  1,  col.  3. 

^^  Ibid.,  13  Jan.  1863,  p.  1,  col.  4. 

^^  Ibid,  10  Jan.  1863,  p.  2,  col.  3  and  p.  3,  col.  2  and  12  Jan.  1863,  p.  3.  col.  3. 

Notes  115 

Ibid.,  13  Jan.  1863,  p.  1,  col.  3.  The  term  "fire  in  the  rear"  was  often  used  when 
referring  to  dissension  on  the  home  front  that  undermined  efforts  on  the  battlefields. 
^^  Ibid.,  p.  2,  col.  1. 
A  Journal  article  on  February  9  indicates  that  a  crowd  was  usually  in  attendance,  for 
it  notes  the  expectant  crowd's  disappointment  on  a  day  when  there  was  not  a  quorum.  See 
Journal,  9  Feb.  1863,  p.  2,  col.  1. 


Peace  resolutions  were  published  in:  Register,  22  Jan.  1863,  p.  2,  col.  3  and  30  Jan. 
1863,  p.  2,  cols.  5-6  and  5  Feb.  1863,  p.  2,  col.  6  and  p.  3,  col.  1;  Illinois  Senate,  Journal  of 
the  Senate  of  the  Twenty-Third  General  Assembly  of  the  State  of  Illinois,  at  Their  Regular 
Session,  Begun  and  Held  at  Springfield,  January  5, 1863  (Springfield,  Dl.:  Baker  &  Phillips, 
1865),  pp.  297-98  (hereafter  cited  as  Senate  Journal  1863);  HUnois  House  of  Representa- 
tives, Journal  of  the  House  of  Representatives  of  the  Twenty-Third  General  Assembly  of  the 
State  of  Illinois,  at  Their  Regular  Session,  Begun  and  Held  at  Springfield,  January  5, 1863 
(Springfield,  Dl.:  Baker  &  Phillips,  1865),  pp.  78,  280  (hereafter  cited  as  House  Journal 

Mr.  Conkling  speaks  of  the  RepubHcans'  threats  to  desert  the  legislature  in  James 
Conkling  to  Clinton  Conkling,  26  Jan.  1863.  See  also  Journal,  9  Feb.  1863,  p.  2,  col.  1  and 
10  Feb.  1863,  p.  2,  col.  1;  Cole,  The  Era  of  the  Civil  War  1848- 1870,  pp.  298-99. 

^  Register,  30  Jan.  1863,  p.  2,  cols.  5-6. 

^  Mercy  Conkling  to  Chnton  Conkling,  18  Feb.  1863  and  19  May  1863. 


See,  for  example,  Journal,  13  Jan.  1863,  p.  3,  col.  2;  Tribune,  10  Jan.  1863,  p.  2,  col.  4. 


Mrs.  Conkling  described  the  Confederate  flag  incident  in  Mercy  Conkling  to  Clinton 
Conkling,  18  Feb.  1863.  She  mentioned  children  fighting  in  Mercy  Conkhng  to  Clinton 
Conkling,  14  Apr.  1863. 


George  W.  F.  Birch,  minister  of  the  TTiird  Presbyterian  Church  in  Springfield,  was 
accused  by  a  Springfield  correspondent  to  the  Tribune  of  praying  a  "disloyal"  prayer  in  front 
of  his  congregation  on  April  30.  In  the  May  6  article  reprimanding  him,  the  Tribune 
correspondent  claimed  that  Birch  had  accused  Lincoln  of  being  a  sabbath-breaker  and  that 
Birch  had  also  declared  that  he  did  not  care  which  was  defeated — abolitionism  or  slavery. 
See  accounts  of  the  incident  in  Tribune,  6  May  1863,  p.  2,  col.  4;  Mercy  Conkling  to  Clinton 
Conkling,  19  May  1863. 


In  each  of  the  races,  except  the  races  for  ward  supervisors  and  ward  aldermen,  the 
victors  won  by  an  average  of  only  twenty-five  votes.  Election  returns  are  in  Journal,  15 
Apr.  1863,  p.  3,  col.  2;  Register,  15  Apr.  1863,  p.  3,  col.  3. 


Mercy  Conkling  to  Clinton  Conkling,  14  Apr.  1863. 
^^  Ibid.,  7  June  1863. 


Notrup,  "Yates,  the  Prorogued  Legislature,  and  the  Constitutional  Convention,"  p.  30. 

Journal,  15  June  1863,  p.  2,  col.  2;  Alexander  Davidson  and  Bemard  Stuve,  A 
Complete  History  ofIllinoisFroml673  to  1873  (Springfield,  HI.:  Illinois  Journal  Co.,  1874), 
p.  897.  Also,  Jack  Notrup  has  written  a  revealing  account  of  the  struggle  between  Governor 
Yates  and  the  Democrat-controUed  legislature.  He  points  out  that  Yates  was  not  blameless 
in  the  struggle,  stating  that  Yates  was  totally  unwilling  to  work  witii  tiie  legislature  and  that 
he  participated  in  an  tmderhanded  Republican  scheme  in  February  1863  that  resulted  in  a 
$50,000  appropriation  to  be  spent  by  the  govemor  for  miscellaneous  war  expenses.  See 

116  Lincoln's  Springfield 

Notmp,  "  Yales,  the  Prorogued  Legislature,  and  the  Constitutional  Convention,"  pp.  23-34; 
House  Journal  1863,  pp.  650-51;  Illinois  General  Assembly,  Public  Laws  of  the  State  of 
Illinois  Passed  by  the  Twenty-Third  General  Assembly,  Convened  January  5, 1863  (Spring- 
field, m.:  Baker  &  Phillips,  1863),  p.  15. 

Register,  16  June  1863,  p.  2,  col.  1.  It  was  a  well  known  fact  in  Springfield  that 
Governor  Yates  had  a  tendency  to  drink  too  much.  During  his  inauguaration  as  governor, 
he  had  embarrassed  himself  by  being  so  drunk  that  he  could  barely  read  his  speech.  Mrs. 
Conkling  wrote  that  her  husband  was  so  distressed  by  the  incident  that  "he  wishes  he  had 
never  supported  him  for  Governor."  The  Journal  covered  up  for  Yates  by  claiming  that 
Yates  was  struggling  over  the  unfamiliar  handwriting  of  a  copyist  See  Mercy  Conkling  to 
Chnton  Conkhng,  19  Jan.  1861,  box  I;  Journal,  15  Jan.  1861,  p.  2,  col.  1. 

Illinois  Constitutional  Convention,  Constitution  of  the  State  of  Illinois,  Adopted  by 
the  Convention,  Assembled  at  Springfield,  June  7,  1847,  in  Pursuance  of  an  Act  of  the 
General  Assembly  of  the  State  of  Illinois,  Entitled  'An  Act  to  Provide  for  the  Call  of  a 
Convention.'  (Springfield:  Lanphier&  Walker,  1847),  p.  14. 

The  disagreement  over  the  time  of  adjournment  can  be  seen  in  Senate  Journal  1863, 
pp.  373-74. 


Ibid.,  p.  381.  The  House  of  Representatives  did  not  officially  recognize  the 
governor's  messenger  and  therefore  did  not  print  the  governor's  message  in  their  journal. 

^'  Tribune,  11  June  1863,  p.  1,  col.  3;  Richard  Yates  to  General  Allen  C.  Fuller,  10 

June  1863,  box  12,  Richard  Yates  Collection,  Illinois  State  Historical  Library,  Springfield. 

Richard  Yates  to  General  Allen  C.  Fuller,  10  June  1863.  The  Tribune  claimed  that 

Yates  was  standing  in  the  State  House  lobby  when  the  messages  were  read.  See  Tribune, 

11  June  1863,  p.  1,  col.  3. 

"^^  Tribune,  12  June  1863,  p.  1,  col.  2;  Journal,  11  June  1863,  p.  2,  col.  1. 
^^Tribune,  12  June  1863,  p.  1,  col.  2. 

Mercy  Conkling  to  Clinton  Conkling,  16  June  1863;  Register,  16  June  1863,  p.  2, 
col.  1;  Richard  Yates  to  General  Allen  C.  Fuller,  10  June  1863.  Several  Democratic 
legislators  from  both  the  senate  and  the  house  refused  to  honor  the  prorogation  order  and 
continued  to  meet,  though  they  were  without  a  quorum,  until  they  finally  adjourned  on  June 
24.  Their  deliberations  after  the  prorogation  can  be  seen  in  Senate  Journal  1863,  pp.  38 1  -85 ; 
House  Journal  1863,  pp.  725-31. 

"^Register,  29  May  1863,  p.  2,  col.  1. 

Mark  Mayo  Boatner  EI,  The  Civil  War  Dictionary  (New  York:  David  McKay  Co., 
Inc.,  1959),  pp.  871-76,  332. 

Major  General  Ambrose  Bumside,  commander  of  the  Department  of  the  Ohio,  had 
ordered  Vallandigham  arrested  for  directiy  disobeying  Bumside's  General  Order  No.  38, 
which  forbid  expressing  sympathy  for  the  enemy.  See  Patricia  L.  Faust,  ed.,  Historical  Times 
Illustrated  Encyclopedia  of  the  Civil  War  (New  York:  Harper  &  Row,  1986),  p.  775. 
'*''  Tribune,  10  June  1863,  p.  2,  col.  4. 
'^^  Ibid.;  Register,  17  June  1863,  p.  3,  col.  3. 
The  KGC,  anationwide  organization  composed  of  secret  local  societies,  was  founded 
in  the  1850s  with  the  goal  of  bringing  about  the  annexation  of  Mexico  into  the  United  States. 
After  the  Civil  War  began,  the  organization  focused  on  furthering  the  southern  cause  in  the 

Notes  117 

North  by  engaging  in  such  activities  as  discouraging  enlistments  and  protecting  deserters. 
Though  the  activities  of  the  KGC  were  often  exaggerated  by  the  Republicans,  some  of  the 
more  radical  societies  did  engage  in  such  subversive  activities  as  threatening  the  lives  of 
loyal  citizens,  planning  disruptions  at  Republican  mass  meetings,  andplaniung  the  takeover 
of  northern  prisoner-of-war  camps.  See  Errnna  Lou  Thombrough,  Indiana  in  the  Civil  War 
Era  1850-1880:  The  History  of  Indiana,  Volume  Three  (Indianapolis:  Indiana  Historical 
Bureau  &  Indiana  Historical  Society,  1965),  pp.  214-15;  Cole,  The  Era  of  the  Civil  War 
1848-1870,  pp.  30Z-n. 

^°  Davidson  and  Stuve,  A  Complete  History  of  Illinois  From  1673  to  1873,  p.  900. 
See  these  preparations  mentioned  in  Mercy  Conkling  to  Clinton  Conkling,  7  June 


James  Conkling  to  Clinton  Conkling,  15  June  1863. 
^^  Register,  17  June  1863,  p.  3,  col.  3  and  p.  2,  col.  1  and  18  June  1863,  p.  2,  col.  1; 
Journal,  18  June  1863,  p.  3,  col.  2. 

Octavia  Roberts  Comeau  and  Georgia  L.  Osbome,  eds.,  "A  Girl  in  the  Sixties. 
Excerpts  from  the  Journal  of  Anna  Ridgely  (Mrs.  James  L.  Hudson),"  Journal  of  the  Illinois 
State  Historical  Society,  22  (1929):  427. 

Davidson  and  Stuve  estimated  that  forty  thousand  people  attended  the  meeting 
(though  a  few  thousand  were  probably  Springfield  residents).  The  Register  gave  an 
exaggerated  figure  of  seventy-five  thousand  to  one  himdred  thousand  people  while  the 
Journal  gave  a  meager  figure  of  fifteen  thousand.  See  Davidson  and  Stuve,  A  Complete 
History  of  Illinois  From  1673  to  1873,  p.  900;  Register,  18  June  1863,  p.  2,  col.  \;  Journal, 
19  June  1863,  p.  2,  col.  3. 

Register,  17  Jime  1863,  p.  2,  col.  1  and  18  Jime  1863,  p.  2,  cols.  1-3;  Davidson  and 
Stuve,  A  Complete  History  of  Illinois  From  167 3  to  1873,  pp.  901-02;  Comeau  and  Osbome, 
"A  Girl  in  the  Sixties,"  p.  427;  Journal,  18  June  1863,  p.  3,  cols.  3-4. 


Davidson  and  Stuve  assert  that  these  resolutions  were  not  the  sentiments  of  all  who 
attended  the  meeting,  particularly  not  of  the  War  Democrats  who  attended  the  meeting.  See 
Davidson  and  Stuve,  A  Complete  History  of  Illinois  From  1673  to  1873,  p.  902. 

^^  Register,  18  June  1863,  p.  2,  cols.  2-3. 

^' Ibid.,  col.  3. 


Journal,  18  Jime  1863,  p.  3,  col.  4.  A  portion  of  the  crowd  remained  in  town, 
gathering  on  a  forty-acre  lot  in  front  of  Springfield  Democrat  Virgil  Hickox's  mansion  to 
listen  to  more  speeches.  Meanwhile,  others  enjoyed  fireworks  shot  off  from  the  city  square. 
See  Register,  17  June  1863,  p.  2,  col.  2  and  18  June  1863,  p.  2,  col.  2. 

^^  Journal,  8  July  1863,  p.  2,  col.  1;  Register,  9  July  1863,  p.  2,  col.  1.  Dispatches 
announcing  the  victory  at  Gettsyburg  appeared  in:  Journal,  7  July  1863,  p.  1,  col.  2;  Register, 
7  July  1863,  p.  2,  col.5. 

"An  Illinois  Farmer  During  the  Civil  War.  Extracts  from  the  Joumal  of  John  Edward 
Young,  1S59-66,"  Journal  of  the  Illinois  State  Historical  Society,  26  (1933):  106-07. 

^Journal,  11  July  1863,  p.  3,  col.  3. 

^^  Ibid.,  9  July  1863,  p.  3,  cols.  2-3. 

^  Ibid.,  col.  3. 

118  Lincoln' s  Springfield 

^"^  Ibid,  cols.  2-3. 

^^  John  Harper  to  his  sister,  10  July  1863,  folder  2,  John  and  Alexander  Harper  Pliers, 
Dlinois  State  Historical  Library,  Springfield. 

^^  Journal,  14  Aug.  1863,  p.  2,  col.  1. 

'^^  Register,  9  July  1863,  p.  2,  col.  1. 

Author  Paul  Selby  estimated  that  the  meeting  drew  as  few  as  forty  thousand  people 
and  as  many  as  seventy-five  thousand.  The  Register  claimed  that  only  eight  thousand  to  ten 
thousand  p>eople  attended  this  meeting,  while  the  Journal  claimed  that  this  meeting  was  "The 
Largest  Gathering  ever  Held  in  the  West"  and  that  two  hundred  thousand  people  were 
present.  A  Tribune  reporter  insisted  that  fifty  thousand  people  were  present  and  the  meeting 
was  "beyond  all  doubt  and  question  the  BIGGEST  MEETING  EVER  HELD  IN  ILLINOIS 
OR  THE  NORTHWEST.  This  I  claim  to  be  truth  of  history,  and  will  stand  by  it."  See  Paul 
Selby,  "The  Lincoln-Conkling  Letter,"  Transactions  of  the  Illinois  State  Historical  Society, 
13  (1909):  242;  Register,  4  SepL  1863,  p.  2,  col.  1;  Journal,  4  Sept.  1863,  p.  2,  cols.  1-2; 
Tribune,  5  Sept.  1863,  p.  1,  col.  3. 

^^  Comeau  and  Osborne,  "A  Girl  in  the  Sixties,"  p.  429;  Tribune,  4  Sept.  1863,  p.  1, 
col.  2. 

^^  Register,  4  Sept.  1863,  p.  2,  col.  1;  Journal,  4  Sept.  1863,  p.  2,  cols.  2-3. 

^^  The  letters,  including  the  letter  from  Lincoln,  were  addressed  to  James  Conkling, 
who  was  one  of  the  organizers  of  the  meeting.  Journal,  4  SepL  1863,  p.  2,  cols.  3-5;  The 
Collected  Works  of  Abraham  Lincoln,  ed.  Roy  P.  Easier  (New  Brunswick:  Rutgers  Univer- 
sity Press,  1953-1955),  6:406. 

^^  The  Collected  Works  of  Abraham  Lincoln,  6:407. 

"^^  Journal,  4  Sept.  1863,  p.  2,  cols.  5-6  and  p.  3,  cok.  1-2;  Selby,  "The  Lincoln-Con- 
kling Letter,"  p.  242. 

'''^Journal,  4  SepL  1863,  p.  3,  col.  1. 

"^^  Ibid.,  col.  2;  Register,  4  SepL  1863,  p.  2,  col.  1. 

''^  Journal,  3  Jan.  1863,  p.  2,  col.  1  and  5  Jan.  1863,  p.  2,  col.  1  and  10  Jan.  1863,  p.  2, 
col.  3.  See  Springfield  casualties  at  Murfreesboro  in  J.  N.  Reece,  Report  of  the  Adjutara 
General  of  the  State  of  Illinois  (Springfield,  111.:  PhilUps  Bros.,  1900-1902),  2:128,  130, 
188, 189, 200,  205,  3:77, 4:566,  569  Qierezfler  cited  as  Adjutant  General' s  Rqjort). 

^^  Long  hospital  lists,  rather  than  the  usual  casualty  lists,  were  printed  in  the  Journal 
during  July,  August,  and  September  of  1863.  These  lists  reflected  the  long,  grueling  nature 
of  the  Vicksburg  campaign.  See,  for  example.  Journal,  30  July  1863,  p.  1,  cols.  1-2  and  14 
SepL  1863,  p.  1,  cols.  2-4. 

^'  See,  for  example,  imprisonment  of  Tom  Vredenburg  referred  to  in  Mercy  Conkling 
to  Clinton  Conkling,  22  June  1863;  Journal,  8  Aug.  1864,  p.  3,  cols.  2-3.  See  death  of 
Thomas  Kelley  reported  in  Journal,  30  OcL  1862,  p.  2,  col.  5. 

^^  Mercy  Conkling  to  Chnton  Conkling,  18  Feb.  1863. 

^^  Ada  Bailhache  to  William  Bailhache,  31  Aug.  1863,  box  2,  Bailhache-Brayman 
Papers,  Illinois  State  Historical  Library,  Springfield. 

^"^  Journal,  26  Nov.  1862,  p.  3,  col.  2  and  6  July  1863,  p.  3,  cols.  2-3  and  14  July  1863, 
p.  3,  col.  2. 

Notes  119 

*^  Tribune,  15  May  1863,  p.  1,  col.  3;  Journal,  21  Mar.  1863,  p.  3,  col.  2  and  15  May 

1863,  p.  3,  col.  2. 

^^  Mercy  Conkling  to  Clinton  Conkling,  3  May  1863. 

^^  Soldiers'  pay  would  not  be  increased  imtil  June  20, 1864,  when  Congress  increased 
a  private's  pay  from  thirteen  dollars  to  sixteen  dollars  a  month  (see  Boatner,  The  Civil  War 
Dictionary,  pp.  624-25).  On  January  24, 1864  (p.  2,  col.  2),  the  Register  would  write  about 
the  insufficent  pay  of  the  soldier: 

The  present  pay  of  the  soldiers  is  totally  inadequate  to  make  suitable  provision  for  the  families 
many  of  our  soldiers  left  behind  them  when  responding  to  their  country's  call.  .  .  .  The 
American  soldier  ought  not  to  feel  that  his  wife  and  children  are  dependent,  in  whole  or  in 
part,  upon  the  charities  of  the  neighboihood  for  support,  as  though  they  were  beggars — the 
idea  would  be  inexpressibly  humihating  and  degrading. 

^^  Lewis  P.  Clover  to  Richard  Yates,  17  Jan.  1863,  Richard  Yates  Correspondence, 
record  series  101.13,  Illinois  State  Archives,  Springfield. 

^'  Lucinda  Clay  will  to  Richard  Yates,  1  Jime  1863,  box  12,  Richard  Yates  Collection, 
Illinois  State  Historical  Library,  Springfield. 

^°  "Journal  of  John  Edward  Young,"  p.  104;  Register,  26  Mar.  1864,  p.  3,  col.  2. 
For  an  explanation  of  finances  and  inflation  during  the  war,  see  Governor  Yates's 
speech  in  House  Journal  1863,  pp.  30-31;  Cole,  The  Era  of  the  Civil  War  1848-1870, 
pp.  361-63. 

^^  Mercy  Conkling  to  Clinton  Conkling,  23  Apr.  1863.  Also  see  Register,  29  Mar. 

1864,  p.  2,  cols.  1-2. 

^'^  Daily  Union  Herald  (Spnngrield),  10  Oct.  1862,  p.  4,  col.  1.  In  November  1862, 
Mrs.  Conkling  wrote:  "Money,  at  least  small  change  has  almost  entirely  disappeared 
from  circulation"  (Mercy  Conkling  to  Clinton  Conkling,  19  Nov.  1862).  A  "shinplaster" 
was  a  note  for  a  portion  of  a  dollar  issued  by  private  individuals  and  businesses  who 
used  it  as  a  substitute  for  small  change.  See  Register,  18  Nov.  1862,  p.  3,  col.  2  and  1 1 
Dec.  1862,p.  3,  col.  2. 

^"^  See,  for  example.  Journal,  18  Oct  1862,  p.  3,  col.  2  and  26  Feb.  1863,  p.  3,  col.  2 
and  16  Mar.  1863,  p.  3,  col.  2. 

'^  Ibid.,  27  Feb.  1863,  p.  3,  col.  2. 

^^  Register,  19  Dec.  1863,  p.  3,  col.  1. 

^'^  Journal,  8  Dec.  1863,  p.  2,  col.  1  and  11  Dec.  1863,  p.  2,  col.  1  and  14  Dec.  1863, 
p.  3,  col.  4.  Also  see  wood  drive  in  March  1863  in  Journal,  5  Mar.  1863,  p.  3,  col.  3. 

^^  Register,  13  Dec.  1863,  p.  3,  col.  2  and  19  Dec.  1863,  p.  3,  col.  1. 

Sangamon  County  Board  of  Supervisors,  "Board  of  Supervisors  Proceedings," 
resolution  in  Aug.  term  1862  and  report  in  Dec.  term  1862,  box  6,  record  series  1 .2,  Illinois 
Regional  Archives  Depository,  Sangamon  State  University,  Springfield. 


Ibid.,  resolution  in  Dec.  term  1863,  box  7. 

^°^  Journal,  28  Nov.  1863,  p.  3,  cols.  3-4. 

^^  Mercy  Conkling  to  Clinton  Conkling,  19  Nov.  1862. 

^°^  Journal,  12  May  1863,  p.  3,  col.  2  and  14  May  1863,  p.  3,  col.  2.  At  the  first  meeting 
of  the  Ladies'  Loyal  League  on  May  13,  1863,  216  ladies  enrolled  as  members.  By  June 
30, 1864,  the  membership  had  increased  to  529  ladies,  though  many  of  the  members  were 

220  Lincoln' s  Springfield 

probably  not  active  woricers.  See  the  first  annual  report  of  the  league  in  Journal,  9  July  1 864, 
p.  2,  col.  2.  For  examples  of  their  activities,  see  Journal,  25  May  1863,  p.  3,  col.  2  and  2 
July  1863,  p.  3,  col.  2. 

^^  Ibid.,  14  Mar.  1863,  p.  3,  col.  3;  Mercy  Conkling  to  Clinton  Conkling,  9  Mar.  1863; 
Annual  Report  of  the  Springfield  Home  for  the  Friendless  (Springfield:  Illinois  State 
Register,  1902),  pp.  21-22. 

^^  Journal,  20  May  1863,  p.  3.  col.  2;  22  May  1863,  p.  3,  cols.  2-3;  and  26  May  1863, 
p.  3,  col.  2. 

^^  Ibid.,  13  May  1863,  p.  3,  col.  3.  As  a  member  of  the  board  of  managers,  Mrs. 
Conkling  spoke  often  about  the  Home  for  the  Friendless  in  her  letters  to  her  son.  See  Mercy 
Conkling  to  CUnton  Conkhng,  20  Nov.  1863,  30  Nov.  1863,  and  7  Dec.  1863. 

^^  Helen  Edith  Sheppley,  "Camp  Butier  in  the  Civil  War  Days,"  Journal  of  the  Illinois 
State  Historical  Society,  25  (1933):  287-88;  Federal  Census  1860  of  Sangamon  County, 
Illinois  (Springfield,  Dl.:  Sangamon  County  Genealogical  Society,  1982),  p.  461.  Spring- 
field citizen  George  S.  Mendell,  whose  son  had  been  killed  in  the  war,  leaving  the  family 
without  sufficient  income,  would  write  in  1864  to  Governor  Yates  complaining  about  the 
Springfield  "merchants,  bankers,  capitalists  and  contractors"  who  had  made  "fortunes"  since 
the  beginning  of  the  war.  See  George  S.  Mendell  to  Richard  Yates,  27  Apr.  1864,  box  15, 
Richard  Yates  Collection,  Dlinois  State  Historical  Library,  Springfield. 

^^  In  October  1861  fanner  John  Yoimg  wrote  in  his  diary  that  "sheep  is  the  most 
profitable  stock  that  farmers  can  have[.]  off  of  123  head  sheep  we  have  realised  within  the 
year  $185  in  gold[.]  We  raised  our  number  up  to  165  head."  See  "Journal  of  John  Edward 
Yoimg,"  p.  94. 

^^  Journal,  9  May  1862,  p.  3,  col.  2;  14  June  1862,  p.  3,  col.  3;  and  7  Nov.  1863,  p.  3, 
col.  3. 

^^°  Mercy  Conkhng  to  CUnton  Conkling,  19  Nov.  1862.  Edwin  S.  Fowler  had  contracted 
with  the  government  to  furnish,  or  cause  to  be  furnished,  all  rations  for  Camp  Butier.  See 
United  States  Department  of  War,  The  War  of  the  Rebellion:  A  Compilation  of  the  Official 
Records  of  the  Union  and  Confederate  Armies  (Washington,  D.C.:  Government  Printing 
Office,  1880-1901),  ser.  2,  vol.  4,  p.  157  (hereafter  cited  as  Official  Records);  Sheppley, 
"Camp  Butier  in  the  Civil  War  Days,"  p.  293;  C.  S.  Williams,  comp.,  Williams'  Springfield 
Directory  City  Guide,  and  Business  Mirror,  for  1860-61  (Springfield,  111.:  Johnson  & 
Bradford,  1860),  p.  105. 

^^^  Mercy  Conkling  to  Clinton  Conkling,  28  Dec.  1863.  Edward  L.  Baker  was  the  editor 
and  proprietor  of  the  Journal.  Baker's  father-in-law  was  Ninian  W.  Edwards,  son  of  an 
ex-governor  of  Illinois  and  purchasing  commissary  for  the  Springfield  mihtary  district 
Through  Edwards,  Baker  may  have  been  involved  in  and  profited  from  military  contracts. 
See  Williams,  Springfield  Directory  1860-61,  p.  51;  Official  Records,  ser.  2,  vol.  4,  p.  156; 
The  Collected  Works  of  Abraham  Lincoln,  5:175. 

^^^  Official  Records,  ser.  3,  vol.  3,  p.  892,  903-04,  1,192-93;  Journal,  5  Nov.  1863, 
p.  2,  col.  5. 

^^^  Journal,  22  Dec.  1863,  p.  2,  col.  2. 

^^^  Ibid.,  7  Dec.  1863,  p.  3,  col.  4.  The  Usts  appear  in  cols.  4-5  tiiis  date  and  also  in 
Journal,  8  Dec.  1863,  p.  3,  cols.  5-6. 

Notes  121 

"Journal  of  John  Edward  Yovmg,"  p.  1 10. 

^^^  Illinois'  quota  under  Lincoln's  October  19  call  for  300,000  troops  was  19,779.  An 
accurate  count  of  Springfield  recruits  under  this  call  would  be  difficult  to  determine  due  to 
complicating  factors,  such  as  the  consoUdation  of  dwindling  regiments  and  the  transferring 
of  troops  from  one  regiment  to  another.  However,  a  mass  recruitment  of  hundreds  of 
Springfield  men — ^such  as  was  experienced  in  the  summmer  and  fall  of  1862 — did  not  take 
place  under  this  new  call.  Instead,  most  of  the  quota  was  filled  by  credits  granted  Illinois 
from  volunteers  furnished  prior  to  the  call  and  from  credit  granted  for  Illinois  men  in  Missouri 
regiments.  Adjutant  General  Allen  C.  Fuller  reported  that  in  October  and  November  only 
five  hundred  new  volunteers  were  mustered  throughout  Illinois  and  "recruiting  had  but 
slightly  improved  prior  to  December  20."  See  Adjutant  General's  Report,  1 :29-3 1 . 

^  ^^  The  battles  at  Chattanooga  (November  23-25)  took  place  on  the  outskirts  of  town 
at  Orchard  Knob,  Lookout  Mountain,  and  Missionary  Ridge.  Union  troops  involved 
numbered  56,359  while  Confederates  numbered  64,165.  Union  casualties  included  753 
killed,  4,722  wounded,  and  349  missing.  Confederates  lost  361  killed,  2,160  wounded, 
and  4,146  missing  (most  of  whom  were  captured).  Boatner,  The  Civil  War  Dictionary, 
pp.  144-47. 

4.  1864   This  Dreary  Old  War 

^  Daily  Illinois  State  Journal  (Springfield),  7  Jan.  1 864,  p.  3,  col.  2  and  16  Jan.  1864, 
p.  3,  col.  4  (hereafter  cited  as  Journal). 

^Ibid.,  19  Jan.  1864,  p.  3,  cols.  2-3;  Daniel  Leib  Ambrose,  History  of  the  Seventh 
Regiment  Illinois  Volunteer  Infantry  (Springfield,  111.:  Illinois  Journal  Co.,  1868),  pp. 
221-22;  Daily  Illinois  State  Register  (Springfield),  10  Jan.  1864,  p.  3,  col.  2  (hereafter 
cited  as  Register).  The  Seventh  Regiment  actually  numbered  370  soldiers.  However, 
about  60  of  the  370  remained  on  the  front,  and  hence  only  307  arrived  in  Springfield  on 

^  Ambrose,  History  of  the  SevenAi,  p.  222;  Journal,  19  Jan.  1864,  p.  3,  cols.  2-3. 

'^Register,  21  Jan.  1864,  p.  2,  col.  1.  The  Register's  claim  that  Yates  was  intoxicated 
at  this  event  was  probably  accurate  since:  1)  the  Journal  did  not  refute  the  accusation;  2) 
the  Journal  did  not  print  Yates's  speech,  while  it  did  print  his  speeches  at  subsequent 
receptions  for  returning  regiments;  and  3)  Daniel  Ambrose,  a  member  of  the  regiment,  made 
a  statement  regarding  the  speech  that  merits  suspicion:  "His  big  heart  being  so  full  he  could 
say  no  more,  and  was  compelled  to  sit  down."  See  Yates's  speeches  on  the  occasions  of 
other  receptions  for  regiments  in  Journal,  22  Jan.  1864,  p.  3,  col.  4  and  28  Jan.  1864,  p.  3, 
col.  4.  See  Ambrose's  comment  in  Ambrose,  History  of  the  Seventh,  p.  223. 

Colonel  John  Cook  relinquished  command  of  the  Seventh  after  the  battle  of  Fort 
Donelson.  For  gallantry  at  Donelson,  he  was  promoted  to  brigadier  general.  After  some 
Indian  duty  in  the  Northwest,  he  was  assigned  command  of  the  district  of  Illinois  with 
headquarters  in  Springfield.  Ezra  J.  Warner,  Generals  in  Blue:  Lives  of  the  Union  Com- 
manders (Baton  Rouge:  Louisiana  State  University  Press,  1964),  p.  89. 

^  Ambrose,  History  of  the  Seventh,  p.  223;  Journal,  19  Jan.  1864,  p.  3,  cols.  2-3. 

''journal,  20  Jan.  1864,  p.  3,  col.  3. 

^  Ibid.,  19  Jan.  1864,  p.  3,  col.  3;  Register,  19  Jan.  1864,  p.  3,  col.  2. 

122  Lincoln' s  Springfield 

^  Though  Springfield  graciously  gave  the  Twenty -sixth  a  reception,  there  were  very 
few  Springfield  men  in  the  regiment.  Company  D,  however,  had  been  mustered  from  the 
nearby  Sangamon  County  villages  of  BerUn  and  Pleasant  Plains.  J.  N.  Reece,  Report  of  the 
Adjutant  General  of  the  State  of  Illinois  (Springfield,  111.:  Phillips  Bros.,  1900-1902), 
2:365-67  (hereafter  cited  as  Adjutant  General's  Report). 

^^  John  Harper  to  his  sister,  21  Jan.  1864,  Folder  3,  John  and  Alexander  Harper  Papers, 
Llinois  State  Historical  Library,  Springfield. 

^^  See,  for  example.  Journal,  21  Jan.  1864,  p.  3,  col.  3  and  22  Jan.  1864.  p.  3,  cols.  3-4 
and  28  Jan.  1864,  p.  3,  col.  4;  Register,  22  Jan.  1864,  p.  3,  col.  2. 

^^  Arnold  Gates,  ed..  The  Rough  Side  of  the  War:  The  Civil  War  Journal  ofChesley 
A.  Mosman,  1st  Lieutenant,  Company  D,  59th  Illinois  Volunteer  Infantry  Regiment  (Garden 
City,  New  York:  The  Basin  Pub.  Co.,  1987),  p.  167;  Register,  26  Jan.  1864,  p.  3,  col.  2  and 
13  Feb.  1864,  p.  2,  col.  2;  Journal,  23  Feb.  1864,  p.  3,  col.  2. 

^'^  Journal,  5  Feb.  1864,  p.  3,  cols.  3-4;  Register,  5  Feb.  1864,  p.  3,  col.  2. 

^"^  Journal,  25  Feb.  1864,  p.  3,  col.  2  and  10  Feb.  1864,  p.  3,  col.  3;  Register,  10  Feb. 
1864,  p.  3,  col.  2  and  8  Feb.  1864,  p.  3,  col.  2. 

^^  Register,  10  Feb.  1864,  p.  2,  col.  1.  The  1860  census  shows  that  Harvey  Taylor  and 
his  wife  Louise  (sometimes  called  "Lucinda"  or  "Madame  Taylor")  were  operators  of  a 
boarding  house.  Living  with  them  were  several  girls  between  ages  sixteen  and  twenty -two 
posing  as  dressmakers  and  servants.  Taylor's  estabUshment  was  on  the  west  side  of  North 
Fotirth  Street  between  Madison  and  Gemini  streets.  See  Federal  Census  1860  of  Sangamon 
County,  Illinois  (Springfield,  HI.:  Sangamon  County  Genealogical  Society,  1982),  p.  186 
(hereafter  cited  as  Federal  Census  I860);  C.  S.  WilUams,  comp.,  Williams'  Springfield 
Directory  City  Guide,  and  Business  Mirror,  for  1860-61  (Springfield,  111.:  Johnson  & 
Bradford,  1860),  p.  135. 

^^  See  raids  and  arrests  made  at  Taylor's  brothel  and  other  Springfield  brothels  in: 
Journal,  3  Feb.  1864,  p.  3,  col.  3  and  5  Feb.  1864,  p.  3,  col.  2;  Register,  12  Feb.  1864,  p.  3, 
col.  2  and  16  Feb.  1864,  p.  3,  col.  2. 

^^  "City  of  Springfield  Ordinances,"  ordinance  of  9  Oct.  1861,  microfilm  roll  #1, 
accession  #259/1,  DUnois  Regional  Archives  Depository,  Sangamon  State  University, 

^^  The  problem  was  widespread  throughout  the  country,  as  the  Register  reported  in 
May  {Register,  7  May  1864,  p.  3,  col.  3): 

The  papers  throughout  the  country  are  complaining  of  the  great  increase  of  prostitution, 

which  is  ascribed  to  the  war.  ...  In  a  small  city  like  this  we  can  scarcely  estimate  the  evil 

that  must  inevitably  flow  from  the  cause  indicated  in  a  crowded  city  like  New  York.  Yet 

even  here,  prostitution  has  been  increased  by  the  war,  and  now  the  fining  of  fallen  women 

for  drunkenness  or  lewdness  is  a  fact  of  almost  daily  occurrence. 

^'  The  report  of  the  city  council  is  in  Journal,  6  Feb.  1864,  p.  3,  cols.  2-3.  The  1860 
city  directory  shows  a  night  police  force  of  nine  men  (Williams,  Springfield  Directory 
1860-61,  p.  13).  The  city  council's  decision  to  increase  the  night  police  force  to  100  men 
probably  merely  gave  authorities  the  power  to  deputize  civilians  on  days  they  were  needed. 
A  Register  article  in  June  1 864  shows  that  the  night  police  force  still  consisted  of  only  twelve 
men  (Register,  17  June  1864,  p.  4,  col.  1). 

Notes  123 

^^  Register,  26  Jan.  1864,  p.  3,  col.  2. 

^^  The  Springfield  militaiy  district  was  composed  of  camps  Yates  and  Butler  and  the 
city  of  Springfield.  Military  affairs  in  the  district  were  overseen  by  a  commander  and 
enforced  by  a  provost  marshal  and  a  company  of  provost  guards.  See  Register,  5  Feb.  1864, 
p.  3,  col.  2  and  8  Feb.  1864,  p.  3,  col.  2  and  1 1  Mar.  1864,  p.  3,  col.  2;  Journal,  8  Feb.  1864, 
p.  2,  col.  1. 

^'^  Register,  26  Feb.  1864,  p.  3,  col.  2  and  11  Mar.  1864,  p.  3,  col.  2;  Journal,  11  Feb. 
1864,  p.  3,  col.  2. 

^^  Journal,  29  Jan.  1864,  p.  2,  col.  1.  The  idea  of  a  Soldiers'  Home  was  not  new.  In 
March,  the  matron  of  a  Soldiers'  Home  in  Vicksburg,  Mississippi,  visited  Springfield  and 
instructed  the  Soldiers'  Aid  Society  on  various  aspects  of  running  such  an  institution.  See 
Journal,  16  Mar.  1864,  p.  3,  col.  4. 

'^'hrhe  site  originally  planned  for  the  Soldiers'  Home  was  on  a  lot  owned  by  the  city 
south  of  the  Great  Western  Railroad,  but  the  plans  changed  when  neighbors  complained. 
See  Journal,  4  Feb.  1864,  p.  3,  col.  3;  Mercy  Conkling  to  Clinton  Conkling,  14  Mar.  1864, 
box  2,  Clinton  Conkling  Collection,  HUnois  State  Historical  Library,  Springfield.  A  history 
of  the  Soldiers'  Home  is  given  in  Journal,  14  Feb.  1865,  p.  2,  col.  1.  This  history  reveals 
that  from  April  24,  1864  to  February  14,  1865,  the  home  boarded  15,365  soldiers  and 
furnished  73,500  meals.  See  also  Journal,  30  Apr.  1864,  p.  3,  cols.  3-4  and  16  Jan.  1865, 
p.  3,  col.  3  and  13  Mar.  1865,  p.  3,  col.  3. 

^  Register,  10  Apr.  1864,  p.  3,  col.  3. 

^  See  examples  of  offending  soldiers  returning  to  camp  with  Uttle  or  no  punishment 
in:  Register,  20  Dec.  1861,  p.  3,  col.  2  and  13  Sept.  1862,  p.  3,  col.  2;  Journal,  16  Mar.  1863, 
p.  3,  col.  2. 

^^  See  examples  of  soldiers  eluding  policemen  in  Register,  4  Sept.  1863,  p.  3,  col.  3 
and  26  Jan.  1864,  p.  3,  col.  2  and  8  Mar.  1864,  p.  3,  col.  2. 

^^  In  May  of  1863,  Springfield  residents  were  particularly  distressed  when  three 
companies  of  soldiers  from  Camp  Butler  marched  to  the  city  jail  and  confiscated  a  soldier 
who  had  shot  and  killed  a  Springfield  civiUan  on  a  city  street  The  soldier  was  subsequently 
tried  by  court  martial  at  Camp  Butler  and  acquitted.  In  this  case,  military  authorities  claimed 
jurisdiction  over  the  prisoner  in  accordance  with  the  Enrollment  Act  Approved  by  Congress 
on  March  3, 1863,  the  Enrollment  Act  supplanted  the  poorly  devised  Militia  Act  and  made 
adequate  provisions  for  drafting.  Section  30  of  the  Enrollment  Act  stated  that  in  time  of  war 
soldiers  who  committed  violent  crimes  while  in  the  military  service  of  the  United  States 
would  be  punished  by  sentence  of  a  court  martial  or  military  commission.  See  section  30 
of  the  Enrollment  Act  published  in  Journal,  23  Mar.  1863,  p.  2,  col.  3;  United  States 
Department  of  War,  The  War  of  the  Rebellion:  A  Compilation  of  the  Official  Records  of  the 
Union  and  Confederate  Armies  (Washington,  D.C.:  Government  Printing  Office,  1880- 
1901),  ser.  3,  vol.  3,  p.  92  (hereafter  cited  as  Official  Records).  See  newspaper  accounts  of 
the  shooting  and  the  subsequent  struggle  over  jurisdiction  in:  Register,  19  Mar.  1863,  p.  2, 
col.  1  and  p.  3,  col.  3;  21  Mar.  1863,  p.  2,  col.  1;  23  Mar.  1863,  p.  2,  col.  1;  24  Mar.  1863, 
p.  2,  col.  2;  28  Mar.  1863,  p.  2,  col.  4;  and  17  May  1863,  p.  3,  col.  3.  Also  in:  Journal,  18 
Mar.  1863,  p.  3,  col.  2;  23  Mar.  1863,  p.  2,  col.  3;  26  Mar.  1863,  p.  1,  col.  1;  and  18  May 
1863,  p.  3,  col.  2. 

124  Lincoln' s  Springfield 

^^  Ironically,  Phillips  belonged  to  Company  I,  Seventh  Infantry  (the  Springfield  Zouave 
company).  Before  joining  the  comjsany  in  1861,  Phillips  had  move  to  Springfield  from 
Philadelphia.  In  1864  when  this  incident  occurred,  Phillips  was  unmarried  and  thirty-five 
years  old.  See  Journal,  12  May  1864,  p.  3,  col.  3;  Adjutant  General' s  Report,  1:380. 

^^ Register,  1 1  May  1864,  p.  4,  col.  \;  Journal,  1 1  May  1864,  p.  3,  cols.  3-4.  See  Clover 
family  in  Federal  Census  I860,  p.  213. 

^^  Register,  1 1  May  1 864,  p.  4,  cols.  1  -2;  Journal,  1 1  May  1864,  p.  3,  cols.  3-4;  Chicago 
Times,  14  May  1864,  p.  1,  col.  3. 

^^  Chicago  Times,  14  May  1864,  p.  1,  col.  3;  Register,  11  May  1864,  p.  4,  cols.  1-2; 
Journal,  1 1  May  1864,  p.  3,  col.  4.  The  county  jail  was  two  blocks  northeast  of  the  square 
on  the  southwest  comer  of  Jefferson  and  Seventh  streets.  The  city  jail  was  across  the  street 
from  the  county  jail  on  the  north  side  of  Jefferson  between  Sixth  and  Seventh  streets.  See 
Federal  Census  1860,  pp.  206,  217;  Williams,  Springfield  Directory  1860-61,  pp.  47,  67, 

^^  Journal,  12  May  1864,  p.  3,  col.  3  and  p.  2,  col.  1. 

^  Eugene  P.  Clover  was  the  twenty -four-year-old  son  of  Reverend  Lewis  Clover  and 
the  brother  of  the  wronged  Bertha  Clover.  Newspqjer  advertisments  listed  him  as  a 
Springfield  attorney  and  real  estate  agent  See  Federal  Census  1860,  p.  213;  Register,  2 
Apr.  1864,  p.  3,  col.  6;  Journal,  21  Oct.  1864,  p.  3,  col.  2. 

■'^  Journal,  12  May  1864,  p.  3,  cols.  3-4.  Also  see  Chicago  Times,  14  May  1864,  p.  1, 
col.  3.  The  newspaper  edition  containing  the  Register's  accoimt  of  Phillips's  killing  is 

^^  Journal,  12  May  1864,  p.  3,  col.  4.  The  next  day  the  coimty  donated  a  five  dollar 
coffin  for  Phillips.  See  Sangamon  County  Board  of  Supervisors,  "Board  of  Supervisors 
Proceedings,"  bill  submitted  by  J.  Hutchinson  in  June  term  1864,  box  7,  record  series  1.2, 
Illinois  Regional  Archives  Depository,  Sangamon  State  University,  Springfield 

^'^  Journal,  14  May  1864,  p.  3,  col.  2;  Register,  14  May  1864,  p.  4,  cols.  1-2. 

^*  In  March  of  1 865,  Eugene  Clover  placed  an  advertisment  in  the  Journal  annoimcing 
an  auction  to  sell  his  household  furniture  (see  Journal,  18  Mar.  1865,  p.  2,  col.  6).  Rumors 
must  have  then  begim  circulating  that  Clover  was  leaving,  for  Clover  was  compelled  to  write 
a  letter  to  the  Register  one  month  later  assuring  the  townspeople  that  it  was  only  a 
"misapprehension"  that  he  intended  to  move  away  from  Springfield  (see  Register,  22  Apr. 
1865,  p.  4,  col.  2).  Clover  then  probably  fled  to  Massachusetts.  In  November  1865,  the 
govemor  of  Illinois  issued  a  requisition  to  the  governor  of  Massachusetts  for  the  apprehen- 
sion and  deUvery  of  Clover  (see  Illinois  Secretary  of  State,  "Executive  Section.  Executive 
Register,"  Nov.  1865,  p.  27,  vol.  11,  record  series  103.63,  DUnois  State  Archives,  Spring- 
field). When  Clover  failed  to  appear  in  court  after  being  summoned  several  times,  his  case 
was  stricken  from  the  docket  on  Aug.  21, 1866.  Clover's  court  case  appears  in  the  following 
court  records:  Sangamon  County  Circuit  Court  Clerk,  "Circuit  Court  Record,"  record  book 
Z:  p.  7  (24  Apr.  1865),  p.  206  (7  Aug.  1865),  p.  259  (23  Oct.  1865),  p.  539  (23  Apr.  1866) 
and  in  record  book  25:  p.  100  (29  May  1866),  pp.  163-64  (21  Aug.  1866),  record  series  4.3, 
Illinois  Regional  Archives  Depository,  Sangamon  State  University,  Springfield. 

^'  Journal,  12  May  1864,  p.  2,  col.  1. 


Notes  125 

Li  Kansas  in  the  summer  of  1862,  two  soldiers  suffered  almost  the  same  fate  for 
raping  a  farmer's  daughter.  In  this  Kansas  case,  a  mob  confiscated  the  soldiers  from  the  city 
jail  and  hanged  them.  Ironically,  the  Register  reported  this  incident,  probably  never 
imagining  that  nearly  the  same  incident  would  recur  in  Springfield  two  years  later.  See 
Register,  16  June  1862,  p.  3,  col.  2. 

'^^  The  Chicago  Times  commented  that  the  incident  partly  stemmed  from  "the 
license  which  has  been  given  to  soldiers"  and  to  "the  attempts  heretofore  made  to  shield 
soldiers  when  they  have  committed  offenses,  all  tend[ing]  to  lead  them  to  believe  that 
they  may  commit  offence  without  the  fear  of  punishment."  Chicago  Times,  14  May 
1864,  p.  1,  col.  3. 

"^^  Journal,  26  Apr.  1864,  p.  2,  col.  4  and  30  Apr.  1864,  p.  2,  col.  1;  Register,  1  May 
1864,  p.  3,  col.  3  and  30  Apr.  1864,  p.  3,  col.  2  and  5  May  1864,  p.  3,  col.  3.  On  May  4,  the 
Register  reported  that  at  least  one  Springfield  merchant,  C.  M.  Smith,  was  hiring  female 
clerks  (see  Register,  4  May  1864,  p.  3,  col.  2). 

^  Illinois  Adjutant  General,  "Muster  and  Descriptive  Rolls,"  microfilm  Roll  #19, 133rd 
Inf.  Reg.,  Cos.  A  and  E,  record  series  301.20,  Illinois  State  Archives,  Springfield;  Adjutant 
General's  Report,  1:31;  Register,  1  May  1864,  p.  3,  col.  3  and  3  June  1864,  p.  4,  col.  2; 
Journal,  24  May  1864,  p.  3,  col.  4. 

Journal,  18  Jime  1864,  p.  4,  cols.  2-3.  The  battle  of  Gimtown,  Mississippi,  took 
place  on  June  10.  In  this  battle,  a  Union  force  of  7,800  was  defeated  by  a  Confederate  force 
of  less  than  half  that  number.  Union  casualties  included  223  killed,  394  wounded,  and  1 ,623 
captured.  Confederate  casualties  totaled  492  (no  breakdown  given).  See  Mark  Mayo 
Boatner  m.  The  Civil  War  Dictionary  (New  York:  David  McKay  Co.,  Inc.,  1959),  p.  85. 

These  casualty  figures  were  arrived  at  by  compiling  information  in  the  casualty  Ust, 
a  subsequent  list  of  prisoners,  and  the  Adjutant  General's  Report.  See  Journal,  22  June 
1864,  p.  2,  col.  3  and  19  July  1864,  p.  2,  col.  2;  Adjutant  General' s  Report,  6:202-21. 

^'^  Journal,  25  June  1864,  p.  2,  col.  3. 

^^  The  battle  of  Tupelo,  Mississippi,  took  place  on  July  13  through  July  15.  In  this 
battle,  a  Union  force  of  14,000  defeated  a  Confederate  force  of  6,600.  Union  casualties 
included  77  killed,  559  wounded,  and  38  missing.  Confederate  casualties  included  210 
killed  and  1,116  wounded.  Boamer,  The  Civil  War  Dictionary,  p.  852. 

These  figtires  were  arrived  at  by  compiling  information  in  the  casualty  Ust  and  the 
Adjutant  General's  Report.  See  Journal,  26  July  1864,  p.  2,  col.  3;  Adjutant  General's 
Report,  6:202-21. 

^^  Journal,  26  July  1864,  p.  2,  col.  3. 

Andersonville  Prison  was  the  most  notorious  of  Confederate  prisons.  Lxicated  in 
southwest  Georgia,  the  prison  consisted  of  an  open  log  stockade  of  less  than  twenty  acres 
in  which  as  many  as  thirty-two  thousand  Union  prisoners  were  packed.  The  crowded 
conditions  along  with  inadequate  supplies  of  food,  water,  and  shelter  resulted  in  disease 
running  rampant  through  the  camp.  At  least  thirteen  thousand  Union  soldiers  died  while 
confined  in  the  camp.  See  Boatner,  The  Civil  War  Dictionary,  p.  15.  Sangamon  County 
historian  John  Carroll  Power  has  recorded  the  testimonies  of  three  Sangamon  prisoners  who 
were  captured  at  Guntown  and  imprisoned  at  Andersonville.  See  John  Carroll  Power  and 
Mrs.  S.  A.  Power,  History  of  the  Early  Settlers  of  Sangamon  County,  Illinois:  "Centennial 

126  Lincoln' s  Springfield 

Record."  (Springfield,  El.:  Edwin  A.  Wilson  &  Co.,  1876),  pp.  107-08, 300, 585.  The  letter 
from  Cahaba  Prison  was  published  in  Journal,  8  Oct.  1864,  p.  2,  col.  3.  Infonnation  about 
the  subsequent  removal  of  the  prisoners  to  Macon  and  AndersonviUe,  including  the  story  of 
the  escape  of  one  of  these  Springfield  prisoners,  is  recorded  in  Josephine  Craven  Chandler, 
"An  Episode  of  the  Civil  Wan  A  Romance  of  Coincidence,"  Journal  of  the  Illinois  State 
Historical  Society,  17  (1924):  352-68. 


Benjamin  P.  Thomas,  Abraham  Lincoln  (New  York:  Alfred  A.  Knopf,  1952), 
pp.  420-24,  431-32.  Also,  author  Bruce  Catton  describes  the  battles  in  Virginia  with 
superb  vividness  and  detail.  According  to  Catton,  sixty  thousand  of  the  one  hundred 
thousand  soldiers  who  had  begun  the  advance  towards  Richmond  in  May  had  been  shot  by 
the  end  of  June.  See  Catton's  descriptions  of  the  above-mentioned  battles  along  with 
casualty  figures  in  Bruce  Catton,  The  Army  of  the  Potomac:  A  Stillness  at  Appomattox 
(Garden  City,  New  York:  Doubleday  &  Co.  Inc.,  1953).  pp.  55-132,  149-80, 185-99,  216. 
^^  Register,  7  Aug.  1864,  p.  4,  col.  1. 
Historian  Benjamin  P.  Thomas  wrote:  "Men  friendly  to  the  Union  cause  remembered 
July  and  August  1864  as  the  darkest  days  of  the  war.  EarUer  setbacks  had  tried  the  nation's 
faith,  but  the  reverses  of  this  hot,  dry  summer  fell  with  greater  oppressiveness  because  high 
hopes  had  been  dashed."  Thomas,  Abraham  Lincoln,  p.  440. 

"An  niinois  Farmer  During  the  Civil  War.  Extracts  from  the  Journal  of  John  Edward 
Yoimg,  1 859-66,"  Journal  of  the  Illinois  State  Historical  Society,  26  (1933):  1 18. 

Octavia  Roberts  Comeau  and  Georgia  L.  Osborne,  eds.,  "A  Girl  in  the  Sixties. 
Excerpts  from  the  Journal  of  Anna  Ridgely  (Mrs.  James  L.  Hudson),"  Journal  of  the  Illinois 
State  Historical  Society,  22  (1929):  437-38. 

^^  Journal,  9  June  1864,  p.  2,  cols.  1-2  and  10  June  1864,  p.  3,  col.  2. 


James  Conkling  to  Lyman  Trumbull,  29  Jtme  1864,reel  16,  vol.  58,  Lyman  Trumbull 
Papers,  Milner  Library,  Illinois  State  University;  originals  in  Library  of  Congress,  Manu- 
script Division,  Washington,  D.C.  Conkling's  statement  about  Springfield  Republicans 
supporting  Lincoln  in  a  "solid  body"  may  be  a  bit  misleading.  Before  Lincoln's  renomina- 
tion,  Dlinois  Senator  Lyman  TrumbuU  noticed  an  underlying  dissatisfaction — at  least  in 
Washington,  D.  C. — among  RepubUcans  with  Lincoln's  management  of  the  war.  He  wrote 
that  "the  feeling  for  Mr.  Lincoln's  re-election  seems  to  be  very  general,  but  much  of  it  I 
discover  is  only  on  the  surface.  .  .  .  There  is  a  distrust  &  fear  that  he  is  too  undecided  & 
insufficient  ever  to  put  down  the  rebellion."  Lyman  TrumbuU  to  H.  G.  McPike  Esq.,  6  Feb. 
1864,  reel  15,  vol.  56,  Lyman  Trumbull  Papers. 

The  Democratic  candidate,  John  Vredenburg,  won  by  twelve  votes  over  the  Union 
candidate,  Thomas  Dennis.  Democratic  candidates  for  the  other  municipal  races  in  this 
election  also  won  (except  in  two  ward  races)  by  an  average  majority  of  fifty-four  votes.  See 
election  results  in  Register,  13  Apr.  1864,  p.  3,  col.  2;  Journal,  13  Apr.  1864,  p.  2,  col.  2. 

^  Register,  21  Aug.  1 864,  p.  4,  col.  1 .  Though  the  Register  was  no  doubt  exaggerating, 
more  Negroes  were  indeed  immigrating  to  Springfield  due  to  1 )  the  drifting  of  freed  southern 
slaves  to  Cairo,  lUinois  and  subsequently  northward  to  other  Illinois  cities;  and  2)  a  general 
increase  in  Springfield's  population.  See  Arthur  Charles  Cole,  The  Era  of  the  Civil  War 
1848-1870:  The  Centennial  History  of  Illinois,  Volume  Three  (Springfield:  The  Illinois 

Notes  127 

Centennial  Commission,  1919),  p.  334;  Register,  29  Sept.  1862,  p.  2,  col.  2  and  15  Mar. 
1864,  p.  3,  col.  2. 

^^  Register,  11  May  1864,  p.  2,  col.  1  and  17  Sept.  1864,  p.  4,  col.  2. 

^^Ibid.,  20  July  1864,  p.  2,  col.  1;  Journal,  20  July  1864,  p.  2,  col.  1.  Illinois'  quota 
of  52,057  under  this  call  was  drastically  reduced  to  15,416  due  to  excesses  from  previous 
calls.  A  few  Springfield  men  enlisted  in  various  regiments,  but  previous  excesses  in  the 
Springfield  subdistrict  made  it  imnecessary  for  a  great  number  of  Springfield  men  to  enlist 
at  this  time.  Under  this  call,  all  subdistricts  in  Sangamon  County  met  their  quotas  and 
therefore  the  coxmty  again  escaped  the  draft  Other  nUnois  counties,  however,  did  not  meet 
their  quotas;  therefore,  in  the  fall  of  1864  the  first  drafting  of  Illinois  men  took  place.  See 
Official  Records,  ser.  3,  vol.  4,  pp.  515, 5 19;  Journal,  1 1  Aug.  1864,  p.  2,  col.  1  and  30  Aug. 
1864, p. 2, col. 3  and3 Oct.  1864, p. 2, col.  1  and  lOOct.  1864, p. 2, col.  1; Robert E.  Sterling, 
"Civil  War  Draft  Resistance  in  Illinois,"  Journal  of  the  Illinois  State  Historical  Society,  64 
(1971):  262. 

The  federal  government  offered  $300  to  all  three-year  volunteers  while  the  Sangamon 
County  Board  of  Supervisors  offered  another  $300  to  Sangamon  Coimty  volunteers  (see 
Journal,  28  July  1864,  p.  2,  col.  2  and  24  Sept.  1864,  p.  2,  col.  4).  Also,  die  federal 
government  increased  the  private's  monthly  pay  from  thirteen  dollars  to  sixteen  doUars  (see 
Journal,  2  July  1864,  p.  2,  col.  2).  In  the  fall,  as  drafting  began  in  various  parts  of  the  state, 
drafted  men  hired  substitutes  to  take  their  places,  sometimes  paying  exorbitant  fees  for  them 
(see  Sterling,  "Civil  War  Draft  Resistance  in  Illinois,"  p.  263).  One  greedy  man  placed  an 
advertisment  in  the  Journal  offering  his  services  as  a  substitute  for  $1,500  {see  Journal,  10 
Oct  1864,  p.  3,  col.  4). 

^Register,  12  Aug.  1864,  p.  4,  col.  1  and  18  Aug.  1864,  p.  4,  col.  1. 

^^  Ibid.,  19  Aug.  1864,  p.  1,  col.  1. 

^Journal,  19  Aug.  1864,  p.  3,  cols.  2-3. 

^"^  Register,  19  Aug.  1864,  p.  1,  col.  1;  Journal,  19  Aug.  1864,  p.  3,  cols.  2-3.  The 
Journal  claimed  that  the  "pale-livered  throng"  attending  the  meeting  numbered  about  three 
thousand  and  that  the  procession  consisted  of  eighty -one  wagons  with  about  five  persons  in 
each.  The  Register  simply  reported  that  "thousands"  were  in  attendance,  not  mentioning  a 
specific  figure.  Considering  the  Journal's  tendency  to  underestimate  the  attendance  at 
Democratic  meetings,  probably  considerably  more  than  three  thousand  people  were  present. 

^^  Journal,  19  Aug.  1864,  p.  3,  cols.  2-3. 



Register,  19  Aug.  1864,  p.  1,  col.  1.  The  resolutions  were  copied  from  those  passed 
at  a  radical,  imconditional  peace  meeting  in  Peoria  on  August  3  (see  Peoria  resolutions  in 
Register,  5  Aug.  1864,  p.  2,  col.  1).  This  Springfield  meeting  was  considered  by  some, 
particularly  Singleton  and  his  followers,  to  be  a  continuation  of  the  Peoria  meeting.  See 
Alexander  Davidson  and  Bernard  Stuve,  A  Complete  History  of  Illinois  From  1673  to  1873 
(Springfield,  HI.:  Illinois  Journal  Co.,  1874),  p.  904;  John  Moses,  Illinois  Historical  and 
Statistical  Comprising  the  Essential  Facts  of  Its  Planting  and  Growth  as  a  Province,  County, 
Territory,  and  State  (Chicago:  Fergus  Printing  Co.,  1889-1892),  2:705. 

''^  Register,  19  Aug.  1864,  p.  1,  cols.  1-2;  Journal,  19  Aug.  1864,  p.  2,  col.  1  and  29 
Aug.  1864,  p.  2,  col.  2. 

128  Lincoln' s  Springfield 

^^  Register,  19  Aug.  1864,  p.  1,  col.  2;  Davidson  and  Stuve,  A  Complete  History  of 
Illinois  From  1673  to  1873,  p.  905. 

^^  Register,  19  Aug.  1864,  p.  1,  col.  2;  Davidson  and  Stuve,  A  Complete  History  of 
Illinois  From  1673  to  1873,  p.  905. 

'^^  Register,  31  Aug.  1864,  p.  1,  col.  3  and  1  Sept.  1864,  p.  1,  col.  1;  Cole,  The  Era  of 
the  Civil  War  1848-1870,  pp.  322-23. 

''^Journal,  1  SepL  1864,  p.  2,  coL  1. 

^^  See  newspaper  dispatches  and  comments  regarding  the  capture  of  Atlanta  in: 
Register,  3  SepL  1864,  p.  1,  col.  4;  Journal,  3  Sept.  1864,  p.  2,  col.  4  and  5  SepL  1864,  p.  2, 
col.  1.  After  a  campaign  that  began  in  May,  Union  forces  finally  marched  into  Atlanta  on 
September  2.  Major  General  WiUiam  T.  Sherman's  capture  of  Atlanta,  a  crucial  supply  and 
communications  center,  dealt  a  major  blow  to  the  economic  and  social  structure  of  the 
Confederacy.  See  Patricia  L.  Faust,  ed..  Historical  Tunes  Illustrated  Encyclopedia  of  the 
Civil  War  (New  York:  Harper  &  Row.  1986),  pp.  28-30. 

^^  Journal,  7  SepL  1864,  p.  2,  col.  1  and  8  SepL  1864,  p.  3,  cols.  3-4.  A  significant 
number  of  Illinois  troops  had  fought  in  the  Atlanta  campaign  (see  Illinois  troops  listed 
in  various  skirmishes  and  battles  of  the  Atlanta  campaign  in  Frederick  H.  Dyer,  A 
Compendium  of  the  War  of  the  Rebellion  [New  York  &  London:  Thomas  Yoseloff  Ltd., 
1959],  2:704-18).  The  Seventh  Illinois  Regiment,  including  the  Springfield  Zouaves, 
had  been  involved  in  skirmishes  in  the  Atlanta  vicinity.  In  only  one  of  these  fights, 
however,  did  the  Seventh  sustain  numerous  casualties.  This  fight,  which  took  place  at 
Alatoona  Pass,  Georgia  on  October  5  resulted  in  the  regiment  sustaining  over  100 
casualties,  including  four  Springfield  men  who  were  killed  and  three  who  were 
wounded.  See  Ambrose,  History  of  the  Seventh,  pp.  250-63 ;  Adjutant  General's  Report, 
1:377-80;  Boatner,  The  Civil  War  Dictionary,  pp.  8-9. 

^^  See  dispatches  announcing  Sheridan's  victories  in:  Journal,  21  Sept.  1864,  p. 
2,  cols.  4-5;  22  SepL  1864,  p.  2,  col.  3;  26  SepL  1864.  p.  1.  col.  1;  and  3  OcL  1864,  p. 
1,  cols.  1-2. 

''^  Register,  29  OcL  1864,  p.  1,  col.  1. 

^°  Richard  Oglesby.  the  hero  of  Corinth  and  popular  orator,  had  been  nominated  for 
governor  at  a  Union  state  convention  at  the  State  House  on  May  25.  James  Robinson,  a 
congressman  and  Peace  Democrat,  had  been  nominated  at  the  Democratic  state  convention 
at  the  State  House  on  September  6.  See,  Journal,  26  May  1864,  p.  2,  cols.  1-4;  Register,  7 
Sept.  1864,  p.  1,  cols.  1-  4;  Moses,  Illinois  Historical  and  Statistical,  2:708, 714-15. 

^^  See  Democratic  meetings  in:  Register,  1  Sept.  1864,  p.  1,  col.  1;  15  Sept. 
1864,  p.  4,  col.  1;  9  OcL  1864,  p.  4,  col.  1;  11  OcL  1864,  p.  4.  col.  2;  18  OcL  1864, 
p.  4.  col.  1;  and  29  OcL  1864.  p.  4,  cols.  1-2. 

^^  See  accoimt  of  the  October  5  mass  meeting  at  the  courthouse,  and  see  descriptions 
of  the  Wigwam  in:  Journal,  6  OcL  1864,  p.  2,  cols.  1-6;  7  SepL  1864,  p.  3.  col.  4;  20  SepL 
1864,  p.  3,  col.  3;  21  SepL  1864,  p.  3,  col.  2;  and  22  SepL  1864,  p.  3,  col.  2. 

^^  See  Union  meetings  at  the  Wigwam  in:  Journal,  11  Sept.  1864,  p.  3,  col.  3;  29 
Sept.  1864,  p.  3,  col.  4;  3  OcL  1864,  p.  3,  col.  4;  5  OcL  1864,  p.  3,  cols.  3-4;  and  17  Oct. 
1864.p.  3,  cols.3-4. 

^  See.  for  example,  Register,  4  Aug.  1864.  p.  4,  col.  1  and  7  Aug.  1864,  p.  4,  col.  2. 

Notes  129 

^^  Ibid,  23  Oct.  1864,  p.  4,  col.  1. 

*^  Ibid,  7  Sept.  1864,  p.  1,  col.  1  and  8  SepL  1864,  p.  1,  col.  1. 

*^  Ibid.,  11  Oct.  1864,  p.  4,  col.  2.  The  Journal  also  reported  that  soldiers  had  caused 
disturbances  at  these  Democratic  mass  meetings,  but  denied  that  Republicans  had  put  them 
up  to  it  and  claimed  that  the  soldiers  were  only  acting  out  of  disgust  to  the  insulting  statements 
of  the  orators.  See  Journal,  7  Sept.  1864,  p.  3,  col.  2;  1 1  Oct  1864,  p.  3,  col.  5;  and  12  Oct 
1864,  p.  2,  col.  1. 

^^  Journal,  9  Nov.  1864,  p.  3,  col.  4. 

*^Ibid,  col.  3.  Mso  sec  Journal,  10  Nov.  1864,p.  3,col.3;/?egwrer,9Nov.  1864, 
p.  4,  col.  1. 

'°  Register,  9  Nov.  1864,  p.  1,  cols.  1-4  and  p.  4,  col.  1;  Journal,  9  Nov.  1864,  p.  2, 
cols.  1,  4-5. 

Springfield  returns  show  that  almost  every  RepubHcan  candidate  who  had  run  for  an 
office  won  by  a  majority  of  ten  to  twenty  votes.  Sangamon  County,  however,  voted 
Democratic,  giving  McClellan  and  Robinson  along  with  almost  every  Democratic  candidate 
a  majority  of  three  hundred  to  four  himdred  votes.  See  Springfield  and  Sangamon  County 
election  returns  in:  Journal,  12  Nov.  1864,  p.  3,  col.  3;  Register,  10  Nov.  1864,  p.  4,  col.  1 
and  1  Jan.  1865,  p.  1,  col.  3. 

^'^  Journal,  15  Nov.  1864,  p.  3,  col.  3;  Chicago  Daily  Tribune,  18  Nov.  1864,  p.  1,  cols. 

^^  Register,  10  Nov.  1864,  p.  1,  col.  1. 

^'^  Ibid,  9  Nov.  1864,  p.  1,  col.  1. 

'^  Official  Records,  ser.  3,  vol.  4,  pp.  1002-03;  Journal,  21  Dec.  1864,  p.  2,  col.  1. 
See  newspaper  accounts  regarding  the  progress  of  Sherman's  army  in  Journal,  3 
Dec.  1864,  p.  2,  col.  1;  6  Dec.  1864.  p.  2, col.  1;  12Dec.  1864,  p.  2,  col.  1;  and 27  Dec.  1864, 
p.  2,  col.  1. 

See  newspaper  accounts  regarding  the  battle  of  Nashville  in  Journal,  19  Dec.  1864, 
p.  2,  cols.  1-2  and  20  Dec.  1864,  p.  2,  col.  1. 

5.  1865   Bittersweet  Peace 

^  DaUy  Illinois  State  Journal  (Springfield),  16  Jan.  1865,  p.  3,  col.  3  and  18  Jan.  1865, 
p.  2,  col.  2  (hereafter  cited  as  Journal);  John  Carroll  Power  and  Mrs,  S.  A.  Power,  History 
of  the  Early  Settlers  of  Sangamon  County,  Illinois:  "Centennial  Record."  (Springfield  Hi- 
Edwin  A.  Wilson  &  Co.,  1876),  p.  676. 

^Journal,  16  Jan.  1865,  p.  3,  col.  3  and  18  Jan.  1865,  p.  2,  col.  2;  Octavia  Roberts 
Comeau  and  Georgia  L.  Osborne,  eds.,  "A  Girl  in  the  Sixties.  Excerpts  fi-om  the  Journal  of 
Anna  Ridgely  (Mrs.  James  L.  Hudson),"  Journal  of  the  Illinois  State  Historical  Society,  22 
(1929):  441;  Sarah  Gregg,  Diary,  15  Jan.  1865,  typescript.  Diary  of  Sarah  Gregg,  Illinois 
State  Historical  Library,  Springfield  (hereafter  cited  as  Gregg  Diary). 
Comeau  and  Osborne,  "A  Girl  in  the  Sixties,"  p.  441. 

Journal,  16  Jan.  1865,p.  3,  col.3  and  17  Jan.  1865,  p.  3,  col.  4;  Comeau  and  Osborne, 
"A  Girl  in  the  Sixties,"  p.  441;  Annual  Report  of  the  Springfield  Home  for  the  Friendless 
(Springfield:  Illinois  State  Register,  1902),  p.  22;  Daily  Illinois  State  Register  (SpimghQld), 
10  Feb.  1865,  p.  4,  col.  3  (hereafter  cited  as  Register). 

230  Lincoln' s  Springfield 

^  Journal,  20  Mar.  1865,  p.  3,  col.  3;  3  Apr.  1865.  p.  3,  col.  3;  4  Jan.  1865,  p.  3,  col. 
2;  and  13  Jan.  1865,  p.  3,  col.  4.  The  Springfield  Young  Ladies'  Soldiers'  Aid  Society 
was  first  mentioned  in  the  newspapers  in  the  spring  of  1864.  This  society  met  every 
Saturday  afternoon  and  raised  funds  for  the  parent  society  by  holding  festivals  and 
bazaars.  On  one  occasion,  the  main  society  praised  their  younger  counterparts  for 
undertaking  their  work  "in  the  midst  of  engrossing  school  duties."  See  Journal,  22 
Apr.  1864,  p.  3,  col.  4;  4  May  1864,  p.  3,  col.  3;  19  Dec.  1864,  p.  3,  col.  3;  22  Dec. 

1864,  p.  3,  col.  3;  and  4  Sept.  1865,  p.  1,  col.  2. 

^  Register,  7  Mar.  1865,  p.  4,  col.  1  and  16  Mar.  1865,  p.  4,  col.  1.  Weekly  sociables 
for  the  first,  second,  and  third  wards  were  regularly  advertised  in  the  Springfield  newspapers . 
No  indication  was  given  why  the  fourth  ward  did  not  participate.  See,  for  example.  Register, 
26  Jan.  1865,  p.  4,  col.  2;  21  Feb.  1865,  p.  4,  col.  1;  and  8  Mar.  1865,  p.  4,  col.  1.  Also  see. 
Journal,  29  Mar.  1865,  p.  3,  col.  3;  15  Apr.  1865,  p.  3,  col.  4;  6  June  1865,  p.  3,  col.  3;  25 
July  1865,  p.  3,  col.  3;  and  26  July  1865,  p.  3,  col.  3. 

^  Illinois  Senate,  Journal  of  the  Senate  of  the  Twenty-Fourth  General  Assembly  of  the 
State  of  Illinois,  at  Their  Regular  Session,  Begun  and  Held  at  Springfield,  January  2, 1865 
(Springfield,  HI.:  Baker  &  PhiUips,  1865),  pp.  78-79  (hereafter  cited  as  Senate  Journal 
1865);  Register,  6  Jan.  1865,  p.  1,  col.  I;  Journal,  6  Jan.  1865,  p.  2,  col.l. 

^  See  the  1853  "black  laws"  in  Elmer  Gertz,  "The  Black  Laws  of  Illinois,"  Journal  of 
the  Illinois  State  Historical  Society,  56  (1963):  466. 

^Register,  6  Jan.  1865,  p.  4,  col.  1. 

^^  Journal,  21  Jan.  1865,  p.  2,  col.  1;  24  Jan.  1865,  p.  2,  col.  1;  2  Feb.  1865,  p.  2,  cols. 
1  and  6. 

^^  Illinois  House  of  Representatives,  Journal  of  the  House  of  Representatives  of  the 
Twenty -Fourth  General  Assembly  of  the  State  of  Illinois,  at  Their  Regular  Session, 
Begun  and  Held  at  Springfield,  January  2,  1865  (Springfield,  111.:  Baker  &  Phillips, 
1865),  pp.  470-71  (hereafter  cited  as  House  Journal  1865).  This  speech  is  also  printed 
in  Senate  Journal  1865,  pp.  313-14;  Journal,  2  Feb.  1865,  p.  2,  col.  6. 

^^  Senate  Journal  1865,  pp.  319-20. 

^^  Register,  3  Feb.  1865,  p.  1,  col.  I;  House  Journal  1865,  pp.  490-91;  Journal,  2  Feb. 

1865,  p.  2,  col.  1. 

^"^  Journal,  4  Feb.  1865,  p.  2,  col.  1. 

^  ^  House  Journal  1 865,  pp.  550-5 1 ;  Illinois  General  Assembly,  Public  Laws  of  the  State 
of  Illinois  Passed  by  the  Twenty-Fourth  General  Assembly,  Convened  January  2,  1865 
(Springfield,  111.:  Baker  &  Phillips,  1865),  p.  105;  Journal,  6  Feb.  1865,  p.  2,  col.  2  and  7 
Feb.  1865,  p.  3,  col.  4;  Register,  1  Feb.  1865,  p.  4,  col.  1.  See  African  Methodist  Church  in 
C.  S.  WiUiams,  comp.,  Williams'  Springfield  Directory  City  Guide,  and  Business  Mirror, 
for  1860-61  (Springfield,  111.:  Johnson  &  Bradford,  1860),  p.  47. 

^^  United  States  Department  of  War,  The  War  of  the  Rebellion:  A  Compilation  of  the 
Official  Records  of  the  Union  and  Confederate  Armies  (Washington,  D.C.:  Government 
Printing  Office,  1880-1901),  ser.  3,  vol.  4,  pp.  1002-03. 

^"^  Register,  19  Jan.  1865,  p.  4,  col.  3;  Journal,  19  Jan.  1865,  p.  2,  col.  2. 

^^  Forty-five  Springfield  men  joined  Co.  A,  149th  Inf.  Reg.,  while  forty-three  Spring- 
field men  joined  Co.  B,  152nd  Inf.  Reg.  See  J.  N.  Reece,  Report  of  the  Adjutant  General  of 

Notes  131 

the  State  of  Illinois  (Springfield,  El.:  PhiUips  Bros.,  1900-1902),  7:3 10-12, 368-70  (hereafter 
cited  as  Adjutant  General' s  Report). 

Actually,  the  deficits  pubUshed  on  February  11  did  not  take  into  account  recruits 
who  had  signed  up  after  January  1 ,  so  Springfield  may  very  well  have  already  met  her  quota 
by  this  time.  See  Journal,  1 1  Feb.  1 865,  p.  2,  col.  1 ;  Register,  1 1  Feb.  1 865,  p.  1 ,  col.  1  and 
12Feb.  1865,p.  l,col.2. 

•^^  Register,  22  Mar.  1865,  p.  4,  col.  2.  The  entire  county  avoided  the  draft,  too.  An 
April  8  report  showed  that  Sangamon  County's  deficit  was  only  six  men  and  that  drafting 
in  the  eighth  subdistxict — of  which  Sangamon  Covmty  was  a  part — ^had  not  yet  been  ordered. 
See  Journal,  8  Apr.  1865,  p.  2,  col.  3. 

^^  Register,  13  Mar.  1865,  p.  4,  col.  1;  Donald  Smith,  The  Twenty-Fourth  Michigan  of 
the  Iron  Brigade  (Harrisburg,  Pa.:  The  Stackpole  Co.,  1962),  p.  246.  Also,  see  a  discussion 
about  bounty  jimip>ers  in  Bruce  Catton,  Reflections  on  the  Civil  War,  ed.  John  Leekley  (New 
York:  Doubleday  &  Co.,  Inc.,  1981),  pp.  60-61. 

^^  Smith,  The  Twenty -Fourth  Michigan,  p.  249;  Journal,  31  Jan.  1865,  p.  3,  col.  3. 

^^  The  thirty -one  Springfield  deserters  belonged  to  Co.  A,  149th  Inf.  Fifteen  of  them 
escaped  on  February  14,  the  day  the  regiment  left  camp  bound  for  Nashville,  Tennessee. 
Four  of  the  other  thirty -one  deserters  escaped  before  February  1 4,  while  twelve  escaped  after 
thatdate.  See  Adjutant  General' s  Report,  7:311-12. 

Drafting  under  this  call  began  in  late  March.  See  the  progress  of  drafting  in  Journal, 
18  Mar.  1865,  p.  2,  col.  3;  28  Mar.  1865,  p.  2,  col.  3;  7  Apr.  1865,  p.  3,  col.  3;  and  8  Apr. 
1865,  p.  2,  col.  3.  Author  Robert  Sterling  writes  that  from  the  time  the  first  draft  was 
instituted  in  Illinois  in  1864  imtil  the  end  of  the  war,  32,279  men  were  drafted.  Of  these 
men,  3,537  served,  5,404  furnished  substitutes,  and  the  remainder  either  failed  to  report  or 
were  turned  away  for  physical  or  other  reasons.  See  Robert  E.  Sterling,  "Civil  War  Draft 
Resistance  in  Illinois,"  Journal  of  the  Illinois  State  Historical  Society,  64  (1971):  258. 

Composed  of  the  Twenty-fourth  Michigan,  the  Ninteenth  Indiana,  and  the  Second, 
Sixth,  and  Seventh  Wisconsin,  the  Iron  Brigade  was  a  top-notch  outfit  that  distinguished 
itself  for  fighting  at  Antietam,  Fredericksburg,  ChanceUorsville,  and  Gettysburg.  At  Get- 
tysburg, the  Twenty-fourth  Michigan  lost  80  percent  of  its  men;  hence,  when  it  arrived  at 
Camp  Butler  in  February  1865,  the  regiment  was  at  only  a  fraction  of  its  original  strength. 
See  Mark  Mayo  Boamer  EI,  The  Civil  War  Dictionary  (New  York:  David  McKay  Co.,  Inc., 
1959),  pp.  427-28. 

^Register,  15  Feb.  1865,  p.  4,  col.  1;  Smith, TheTwenty-Fourth Michigan,  p.  249. 
The  Journal  listed  all  of  the  Illinois  regiments  marching  with  Sherman  in  Journal, 
8  Mar.  1865,  p.  2,  col.  1 .  Author  Daniel  Lieb  Ambrose  describes  the  Seventh's  experiences 
on  Sherman's  march  through  the  Carolinas.  See  Daniel  Leib  Ambrose,  History  of  the 
Seventh  Regiment  Illinois  Volunteer  Infantry  (Springfield,  LI.:  Illinois  Journal  Co.,  1868), 
pp.  294-302. 

^^  Journal,  20  Feb.  1865,  p.  2,  col.  1;  21  Feb.  1865,  p.  2,  cols.  1  and  3;  22  Feb.  1865, 
p.  2,  col.  1;  27  Mar.  1865,  p.  2,  col.  1;  29  Mar.  1865.  p.  3,  col.  4;  and  31  Mar.  1865,  p.  1, 
col.  2. 

Sarah  Gregg  mentions  the  weather  for  this  day  in  her  diary.  See  Gregg  Diary,  3  Apr. 
1865;  Journal,  4  Apr.  1865,  p.  2,  col.  1;  Register,  3  Apr.  1865,  p.  1,  col.  1. 

132  Lincoln' s  Springfield 

^^  Journal,  4  Apr.  1865,  p.  2,  col.  1  and  8  Apr.  1865,  p.  2,  col.  1;  Gregg  Diary,  3  Apr. 
1865;  Register,  8  Apr.  1865,  p.  1,  col.  1. 

^^  Journal,  10  Apr.  1865,  p.  2,  col.  5. 

^^  The  Register  wrote  that  the  news  was  "flashed  over  the  wires"  Sunday  night  and 
"became  generally  known"  Monday  morning.  Sec  Register,  10  Apr.  1865,  p.  4,  col.  2. 

Major  General  John  Dix  was  the  mUitary  commander  of  the  Department  of  the  East. 
Boatner,  The  Civil  War  Dictionary,  pp.  241-42. 

^Journal,  10  Apr.  1865,  p.  2,  col.  5;  Register,  10  Apr.  1865,  p.  4,  col.  4. 

^^  Register,  10  Apr.  1865,  p.  4,  col.  2;  Journal,  1 1  Apr.  1865,  p.  3.  col.  3;  Comeau  and 
Osborne,  "A  Girl  in  the  Sixties,"  p.  442. 

^^ Register,  10  Apr.  1865,  p.  4,  col.  1;  Journal,  1 1  Apr.  1865,  p.  3,  col.  3. 

The  evening  festivites  had  been  originally  planned  in  celebration  of  the  Richmond 
victory,  though  they  now  gained  greater  significance  with  the  news  of  Lee's  surrender.  See 
original  schedule  for  Richmond  celebration  in yowrna/,  10  Apw.  1865,  p.  3,  col.  3. 

^^  Ibid,  1 1  Apr.  1865,  p.  3,  col.  3;  Register,  1 1  Apr.  1865,  p.  4,  col.  1. 

^'  Register,  1 1  Apr.  1865,  p.  4,  col.  I;  Journal,  1 1  Apr.  1865,  p.  3.  cols.  3-4. 

"^Register,  10  Apr.  1865.  p.  1,  col.  2;  Journal,  10  Apr.  1865,  p.  2,  col.  2. 

^^  Register,  1 1  Apr.  1865,  p.  4,  col.  I;  Journal,  1 1  Apr.  1865,  p.  3,  col.  4. 

"^^  Journal,  1 1  Apr.  1865,  p.  3,  col.  4. 

"^^  Register,  10  Apr.  1865,  p.  1,  col.  3. 

"An  Illinois  Farmer  During  the  Civil  War  Extracts  from  the  Journal  of  John  Edward 
Young,  IS59-66,"  Journal  of  the  Illinois  State  Historical  Society,  26  (1933):  130. 

Johnston  finally  stirrendered  his  army  on  April  26  (Boatner,  The  Civil  War 
Dictionary,  pp.  126-27).  Springfield  troops  pursuing  Johnston  mainly  included  those 
in  the  Seventh,  Fourteenth,  Thirtieth,  Sixty-fourth,  and  Ninetieth  Illinois  Infantry 
regiments  (Adjutant  General's  Report,  1:387,  634,  2:538,  4:347,  5:311;  Frederick  H. 
Dyer,  A  Compendium  of  the  War  of  the  Rebellion  [New  York  &  London:  Thomas 
Yoseloff  Ltd.,  1959],  3:1046,  1050,  1058,  1075,  1085).  Updates  and  dispatches  about 
the  pursuit  of  Johnston's  army  appeared  m  Journal,  19  Apr.  1865,  p.  2,  cols.  1  and  6; 
24  Apr.  1865,  p.  1,  col.  2;  and  29  Apr.  1865,  p.  2,  col.  4. 

•The  campaign  against  Mobile  consisted  of  batties  at  Spanish  Fort  (March  27-April 
8)  and  Blakely  (April  1  -9).  Maurey 's  forces  eventually  surrendered  in  Montgomery  on  May 
4.  SeeBoatner,  C/vi/ M^arDtcftomzT)',  pp.  68, 559,  780-81.  Springfield  troops  involved  in 
this  campaign  were  mainly  in  the  29th,  33rd,  58th,  114th,  124th,  and  130th  Infantry 
regiments  {Adjutant  General's  Report,  2:502,  653;  6:223,  448,  574;  Dyer,  Compendium, 
3:1058,  1060,  1073,  1095,  1099,  1101).  George  McCawley,  58th  lUinois  Infantry,  and 
Matthew  Manning,  124th  Illinois  Infantry,  were  probably  the  last  Springfield  soldiers  to  be 
killed  in  battle  in  the  Civil  War.  McCawley's  death  was  reported  in  Adjutant  General's 
Report,  4:120.  Manning's  death  was  reported  in  Adjutant  General's  Report,  6:428  and 
Journal,  26  Apr.  1865,  p.  1,  cols.  2-3.  Updates  and  dispatches  about  the  campaign  against 
Mobile  appeared  m  Journal,  13  Apr.  1865,  p.  2,  cols.  1  and  3;  17  Apr.  1865,  p.  2,  cols.  1 
and  5-6;  22  Apr.  1865,  p.  2,  col.  1;  and  26  Apr.  1865,  p.  1,  cols.  2-3. 

'*^  Journal,  15  Apr.  1865,  p.  2,  cols.  1-2.  Lincohi  was  shot  at  about  10:00  pj^.  while 
watching  the  play  "Our  American  Cousin"  at  Ford's  Theatre  in  Washington,  D.C.   His 

Notes  133 

assassin  was  John  Wilkes  Booth,  an  actor  and  southern  sympathizer.  Booth  escaped 
backstage,  but  he  was  apprehended  and  found  in  a  bam  near  BowUng  Green,  Virginia,  on 
April  26.  The  bam  was  set  on  fire,  and  Booth  was  shot  and  killed  while  running  from  the 
fire.  Booth's  accomplice,  Lewis  Paine,  was  hung  on  July  7  for  attempting  to  kill  Secretary 
of  State  WiUiam  Seward.  Seward  did  not  die  from  his  wounds,  but  was  left  maimed.  See 
Boatner,  The  Civil  War  Dictionary,  pp.  484,  73. 

"^^  Journal,  17  Apr.  1865,  p.  3,  col.  3;  Register,  15  Apr.  1865,  p.  1,  col.  5  and  18  Apr. 
1865,  p.  1,  col.  1.  The  telegraph  office  was  on  the  west  side  of  the  square  over  Chatterton's 
jewelry  store  (see  Register,  15  Apr.  1865,  p.  1,  col.  5). 


Govemor  Oglesby  had,  in  fact,  visited  with  Lincoln  at  the  White  House  on  the 
afternoon  of  Lincoln's  death.  Later  that  same  night,  Oglesby  became  one  of  the  honored 
few  to  stand  at  Lincoln's  deathbed.  See  Journal,  15  Apr.  1865,  p.  2,  col.  1;  W.  Emerson 
Reck,  A.Lincoln:  His  Last  24  Hours  iJe{{eison,N.C.:  McFarland  &  Co.,  Inc.,  1987), 
pp.  49-52,  153. 

Journal,  17  Apr.  1865,  p.  3,  cols.  3-4;  Comeau  and  Osborne,  "A  Girl  in  the  Sixties," 
p.  443;  Register,  15  Apr.  1865,  p.  1,  col.  2  and  p.  4,  col.l. 

Register,  15  Apr.  1865,  p.  4,  col.  I;  Journal,  17  Apr.  1865,  p.  3,  col.  3;  Gregg  Diary, 
16  Apr.  1865. 

^^  Register,  9  Oct.  1864,  p.  1,  col.  1. 
"  Ibid,  18  Apr.  1865,  p.  1,  col.  1. 

See  the  "ship  of  state"  analogy  in /?e^i5fer,  15  Apr.  1865, p.  l,col.  I;  Journal,  A^May 
1865,p.2,col.  UChicagoDailyTribune, SMay  1865,  p.  l,col.2.  Also  see  Walt  Whitman's 
1865  poem  "Oh  Captain!  My  C^tain!"  in  Walt  Whitman,  Leaves  of  Grass  (Philadelphia: 
David  McKay,  1900),  pp.  375-76. 

The  dispatches  were  published  m  Journal,  18  Apr.  1865,  p.  2,  col.  2  and  21  Apr. 
1865,  p.  1,  col.  3  and  p.  2,  col.  1. 

For  abrief  schedule  of  the  route  taken  by  the  funeral  train,  seepage  140of  Kunhardt's 
and  Kunhardt's  book.  This  book  also  provides  a  thorough  description  of  ceremonies  at  each 
stopping  point  Dorothy  Meserve  Kimhardt  and  Philip  B.  Kvinhardt  Jr.,  Twenty  Days  (New 

York:  Haiper  &  Row,  1965). 


This  plot  of  groimd,  commonly  referred  to  as  the  "Mather  lot,"  consisted  of  a  large 

lot  owned  by  Mrs.  H.  G.  Mather  and  a  few  smallo-  lots  owned  by  various  other  Springfield 

citizens.  The  Mather  lot  is  the  site  of  the  present  state  capitol  building.  See  Journal,  1 8  Apr. 

1865,  p.  2,  col.  3  and 21  Apr.  1865,  p.  2,  col.  I; Register,  24  Apr.  1865,  p.  1,  col.  1;  William 

Sides,  "City  of  Springfield  Sangamon  Co.  Ills.,"  map  of  Springfield,  Illinois  (Philadelphia, 

1858),  Illinois  State  Historical  Library,  Springfield. 

^^  Journal,  18  Apr.  1865,  p.  2,  col.  3;  Register,  9  May  1865,  p.  1,  col.  1. 

^'  Register,  24  Apr.  1865,  p.  1,  col.  1  and  9  May  1865,  p.  1,  col.  1;  New  York  Daily 
Tribune,  8  May  1865,  p.  5,  col.  1;  Journal,  26  Apr.  1865,  p.  2,  col.  1  and  27  Apr.  1865, 
p.  3,  col.  3;  See  Jared  Irwin  in  Federal  Census  1860  of  Sangamon  County,  Illinois 
(Springfield,  111.:  Sangamon  County  Genealogical  Society,  1982),  p.  123  (hereafter 
cited  as  Federal  Census  1860). 

^  Register,  "25  Apr.  1865,  p.  1,  col.  2  and  9  May  1865,  p.  1,  col.  1.  The  Lincoln 
Monument  Association  built  the  monument  that  now  towers  over  Lincoln's  grave  at 

134  Lincoln' s  Springfield 

Springfield's  Oak  Ridge  Cemetery.  This  monument  was  built  at  an  approximate  cost  of 
$175,000  and  was  dedicated  in  1874.  Author  John  Carroll  Power  described  it  as  "a 
magnificent  structure,  far  surpassing  every  other  woric  of  the  kind  on  the  continent  of 
America."  See  John  Carroll  Power,  Abraham  Lincoln:  His  Life,  Public  Services,  Death  and 
Great  Funeral  Cortege,  With  a  History  and  Description  of  the  National  Lincoln  Moruiment 
(Chicago:  H.  W.  Rokker,  1889),  pp.  289,  306.  343-45. 

^^  Journal,  27  Apr.  1865,  p.  3,  col.  3  and  26  Apr.  1865,  p.  3,  col.  3;  Register,  1  May 
1865,  p.  4,  col.  1; New  YorkTimes,  4  May  1865,  p.  1,  col.  4. 

^'^  Journal,  4  May  1865,  p.  2,  col.  3;  New  York  Times,  4  May  1865,  p.  1,  col.  4. 

^^  In  1861,  Lincoln  leased  his  home  to  Lucian  Tilton.  During  the  war,  Mr.  Tilton  lived 
there  with  his  wife,  his  sister  Catherine,  and  his  mother-in-law,  Lucretia  Wood.  See  Wayne 
C.  Temple,  By  Square  and  Compasses:  The  Building  of  Lincoln's  Home  and  Its  Saga 
(Bloomington,  Dl.:  Ashlar  Press,  1984),  pp.  67.  71. 

^New  YorkDaUy  Tribune,  8  May  1865,  p.  5,  col.  1;  Register,  3  May  1865,  p.  4.  col. 
\;  Journal,  21  Apr.  1865.  p.  3.  col.  4  and  22  Apr.  1865,  p.  3,  col.  3  and  27  Apr.  1865, 
p.  3,  col.  4  and  8  May  1865,  p.  3,  cols.  3-4;  Edmond  Beall,  "Recollections  of  the 
Assassination  and  Funeral  of  Abraham  Lincoln,"  Journal  of  the  Illinois  State  Historical 
Society,  5  (1913):  4S9. 

^^  The  "order  of  procession"  prepared  prior  to  the  funeral  included  these  groups  as 
participants.  See  Journal,  2  May  1865.  p.  2,  cols.  3  and  4. 

^  Ibid.,  22  Apr.  1865,  p.  3,  col.  3  and  25  Apr.  1865,  p.  3,  col.  3  and  28  Apr.  1865,  p.  3, 
col.  4;  Register,  26  Apr.  1865,  p.  4,  cols.  1  and  2. 

^"^  John  Todd  to  John  T.  Stuart,  28  Apr.  1865  and  30  Apr.  1865;  John  Todd  to  C.  M. 
Smith  Esqr.,  1  May  1865.  In  Todd  and  Smith  Letters.  Illinois  State  Historical  Library, 
Springfield.  The  Journal  noted  that  a  similar  telegram  was  received  from  Secretary  of  War 
Stanton  (Journal,  1  May  1865,  p.  2,  col.  1). 

^^  Journal,  29  Apr.  1865,  p.  3.  col.  3. 

^'  Beall,  "Recollections  of  the  Assassination  and  Fimeral  of  Abraham  Lincohi,"  p.  489. 

^^  Journal,  1  May  1865,  p.  2,  col.  1.  It  must  be  noted,  however,  that  Springfield  citizens 
had  perhaps  presumed  too  much  about  matters  that  are  traditionally  left  to  the  widow.  See 
a  sympathetic  view  of  Mrs.  Lincoln's  feelings  about  the  burial  place  of  her  husband  in  Jean 
H.  Baker,  Mary  Todd  Lincoln:  A  Biography  (New  York  and  London:  W.  W.  Norton  &  Co., 
1987),  pp.  250-52. 

''^  New  YorkTimes,  4  May  1865.  p.  1.  col.  3;  New  York  Daily  Tribune,  8  May  1865. 
p.  4.  col.  6;  Chicago  Daily  Tribune,  6  May  1865,  p.  2,  col.  3. 

^"^  The  weather  was  described  in  Register,  3  May  1865,  p.  4,  col.  1;  New  York  Daily 
Tribune,  8  May  1 865,  p.  5,  col.  1 ;  Journal,  4  May  1 865,  p.  2,  col.  2;  Chicago  Daily  Tribune, 
6  May  1865,  p.  2,  cols.  3  and  4. 

^■^  Jacksonville  Journal,  11  May  1865.  p.  2,  col.  3;  Beall.  "Recollections  of  the 
Assassination  and  Funeral  of  Abraham  Lincohi,"  p.  490;  Journal,  4  May  1865,  p.  2,  col.  2; 
Register,  3  May  1865,  p.  4,  col.  2. 

^^  See  the  order  of  procession  in  Register,  3  May  1865,  p.  4,  cols.  2-3;  Journal,  4  May 
1 865,  p.  2,  col.  2.  Both  the  hearse  and  horses  were  donated  for  this  special  occasion  by 
livery  stable  owner.  "Mr.  Amot,"  from  St.  Louis.  See  them  described  in  Register,  5  May 

Notes  135 

1865,  p.  1,  col.  1;  Journal,  5  May  1865,  p.  2,  col.  1;  Comeau  and  Osborne,  "A  Girl  in  the 
Sixties,"  p.  444. 


Jacksonville  Journal,  11  May  1865,  p.  2,  col.  3. 
'^^  Journal,  4  May  1865,  p.  2,  col.  2. 


Jacksonville  Journal,  11  May  1865,  p.  2,  col.  3. 
'^^  Ibid;  Journal,  8  May  1865,  p.  3,  cols.  3-4. 


Beall,  "Recollections  of  the  Assassination  and  Funeral  of  Abraham  Lincoln,"  p.  490; 
Register,  3  May  1865,  p.  4,  col.  3. 

^^  AltonTdegraph,  12  May  1865,  p.  2,  col.  2;  Register,  3  May  1865,  p.  4,  cols.  1-2; 
Journal,  4  May  1865,  p.  3,  col.  3. 


Mrs.  Lucretia  TUton  was  the  secretary  of  the  Springfield  Soldiers'  Aid  Society.  See 
her  secretary's  rspori'm.  Journal,  4  Sept.  1865,  p.  1,  cols.  2-5. 

^'^New  York  Times,  4  May  1865,  p.  1,  col.  5;  Gregg  Diary,  22  Feb.  1864;  Journal,  6 
May  1865,  p.  3.  col.  4;  New  YorkDaUy  Tribune,  8  May  1865,  p.  5,  col.  1. 


This  "extra"  was  not  printed  in  the  daily  Register,  instead,  it  p>robably  was  distributed 
on  the  streets  as  a  handbill.  See  references  to  it  in  Chicago  Daily  Tribune,  5  May  1865, 
p.  1,  col.  2;  Journal,  4  May  1865,  p.  2,  col.  1;  Jacksonville  Journal,  1 1  May  1865,  p.  2, 
col.  4. 

New YorkTimes, 5 May  1865, p.  1, col.  \;Register, 5 May  1865, p. 4, col.  \;Chicago 
Daily  Tribune,  5  May  1865,  p.  1,  col.  5;  Journal,  4  May  1865,  p.  3,  col.  3  and  5  May  1865, 
p.  2,  col.  1. 


Chicago  DailyTribune,5Msy  1865, p.  1,  col.  2  and  6  May  lS65,-p.2,co\A;Register, 
5  May  1865,  p.  4,  col.  1 .  John  Young  recorded  in  his  diary,  probably  sometime  during  early 
morning,  that  the  temperature  was  eighty -two  degrees.  He  also  wrote:  "Clear  and  warm  as 
mid  summer."  See  "Journal  of  John  Edward  Young,"  p.  131. 
^^  Journal,  4  May  1865,  p.  3,  col.  3. 


Chicago  Daily  Tribune,  5  May  1865,  p.  1,  col.  2. 
^^  Ibid.,  6  May  1865,  p.  2,  col.  4  and  5  May  1865,  p.  1,  col.  2.  A  New  York  paper  also 
mentioned  the  confusion  (see  New  York  Daily  Tribune,  8  May  1865,  p.  5,  col.  1). 


Journal,  5  May  1865,  p.  2,  col.  I;  Register,  5  May  1865,  p.  4,  col.  1;  Chicago  Daily 
Tribune,  5  May  1865,  p.  1,  col.  2. 

Jacksonville  Journal,  11  May  1865,  p.  2,  col.  4. 
'^  Register,  5  May  1865,  p.  4,  cols.  1-2;  Chicago  Daily  Tribune,  5  May  1865,  p.  1, 
col.  2. 


Several  ladies  and  soldiers,  and  Springfield's  former  mayor,  John  Vredenburgh, 

coUeqjsed  from  heat  exhaustion.  See  Chicago  Daily  Tribune,  6  May  1865,  p.  2,  col.  4. 

Register,  5  May  1865,  p.  4,  col.  2;  Chicago  Daily  Tribune,  6  May  1865,  p.  2,  col.  4. 

A  Jacksonville  journalist  (in  Jacksonville  Journal,  11  May  1865,  p.  2,  col.  4)  noted  the 

disappointment  of  those  who  had  gone  to  the  Mather  lot,  and  commented: 

it  would  be  useless  to  disguise  the  fact  that  very  great  indignation  was  felt,  and  much  ill 
feeling  provoked  that  the  arrangements  of  Mr.  Lincoln's  friends  to  retain  his  remains  in  the 
heart  of  the  city  were  so  rudely  interfered  with.  This  feeling  seaned  to  pervade  all  persons 
from  aU  parts  of  the  State,  and  even  those  from  other  States  expressed  the  same  feeling. 

236  Lincoln' s  Springfield 

^  Meanwhile,  the  tail  of  the  procession  had  probably  not  even  budged  One  newspaper 
noted  that  "the  procession  reached  from  the  State  House  to  the  cemetery."  See  Daily 
Pantagraph  (Bloomington),  7  May  1865,  p.  1,  col.  1. 

^^  New  York  Times,  5  May  1865,  p.  1,  col.  1;  Chicago  Daily  Tribune,  6  May  1865, 
p.  2,  col.  4  and  5  May  1865,  p.  1,  col.  4. 

'^  Journal,  5  May  1865,  p.  2,  col.  2;  Kunhardt  and  Kunhardt,  Twenty  Days,  p.  301; 
Chicago  DcUlyTribune,  5  May  1865,  p.  1,  cols.  2  and  4  and  6  May  lS65,p.2,colA;Register, 
5  May  1865,  p.  4,  col.  3. 

^'^  Register,  5  May  1865,  p.  4,  cols.  3-4. 

^*Ibid.,  cols.  3-5. 

^^  A  report  from  the  assistant  provost  marshal  general  of  Illinois  published  in  the 
Journal  on  August  30,  1864  showed  that  up  to  July  1864,  the  township  of  Springfield  had 
furnished  1,831  soldiers.  Adding  in  the  100  Springfield  men  who  volunteered  in  January 
and  February  of  1865,  the  figure  would  come  close  to  2,000.  See  Journal,  30  Aug.  1864, 
p.  2,  col.  3. 

^^  Ibid.,  5  May  1865,  p.  2,  col.  4;  Chicago  Daily  Tribune,  5  May  1865,  p.  1,  col.  4; 
Register,  5  May  1865,  p.  1,  col.  1. 

^  °^  A  census  of  Springfield  taken  in  the  summer  of  1 865  showed  a  population  of  1 6,006, 
an  increase  of  6,636  over  the  federal  census  figures  taken  in  1860,  and  an  increase  of  5,297 
over  the  municipal  census  figures  of  July  1862.  The  Negro  population  had  increased  to  475, 
an  increase  of  263  over  the  1860  count  and  an  increase  of  201  over  the  1862  count.  See 
Journal,  1 1  SepL  1865,  p.  3,  col.  4  and  15  July  1862,  p.  3.  col.  2;  Federal  Census  1860,  pp. 
iv,  86-236, 395-405, 452-515. 

^^  Most  of  the  Illinois  regiments  would  come  home  throughout  the  summer  and  fall  of 
1865.  The  Seventh  Illinois  Infantry  arrived  in  Springfield  on  July  11;  the  114th  Infantry 
Regiment  (the  Sangamon  Regiment)  arrived  on  August  7.  See  Journal,  12  July  1865,  p.  3, 
col.  4  and  8  Aug.  1865,  p.  3,  col.  4;  Register,  8  Aug.  1865,  p.  4,  cols.  1-2.