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Full text of "Lives of saints, from the Book of Lismore"

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. . 

1. Description of the Manuscript- . 
II. The Language of the Lives 
III. The Contents of the Lives . 



TEXT :- 
Betha Phátraic . 
Betha Choluim chille 
Betha Bhrigde .' 
Betha Shenáin meic Geirginn 
Betha Fhindéin Clúana hEraird 
Betha Fhinnchua Brí Gobhunn 
Betha Bhrenainn meic Fhinnlogha . 
Betha Chiaráin Clúana meic N ois . 
Riaghail Pátraic 
Cosc mo Cholmóc meic h úi Beóna. 
As doilghi lea111 iná in I-Ice 
Betha l\Iochua Balla 

34- 5 3 
75- 8 3 
84-9 8 
99- 116 
135, 13 6 
131- 1 4 6 

Life of Patrick 
Life of Colom-cille . 
Life of Brigit 
Life of Senán, son of Gerrceon 
Life of Findian of Clonard 
Life of Findchua of Brigown . 
Life of Brenainn, son of Finnlugh . 
Life of Ciarán of Clonmacnois 
Life of Mochua of Balla . 

149- 16 7 



222-23 0 

231- 2 4 6 
247- 2 61 
'10- 89 







293- 2 99 
299-3 1 7 
3 18 -33 6 
337-34 1 
34 2 -34 6 
347-34 8 
3 60 --3 61 

On the Life of Patrick 
Life of ColOln-cille 
Life of Brigit 
Life of Senán, son of Gerrcenn . 
Life of Findian of Clonard 
Life of Findchua of Brigown 
Life of Brenainn, son of Finnlugh 
Life of Ciarán of Clonmacnois . 
Life of l\lochua of Balla 








I. Index of l\latters 
II. Index of Persons 
I I 1. Index of Places and Tribes 
IV. Index of First Lines of Poems 
\.. lnèex of Irish \Vords 

3 6 3 
3 6 9 
37 6 
3 82 
3 8 3 


4 0 4 


4 0 7 


. Facing the title-þllge. 


. I 

THE chief contents of this volume are the text and translation of the 
nine Lives of ancient Irish saints contained in the so-called Book of Lis'l1zore, 
a manuscript which now belongs to the Duke of Devonshire, and is kept 
in Lismore Castle, Co. Waterford. There, in 1814, it \vas found in a walled- 
up passage by some workmen engaged in repairing the castle. It \vas lying, 
along with a crozier, in a wooden box. 'The MS.' (says O'Curry) 'had 
suffered much from damp, and the back, front and top lnargin had been 
gnawed in several places by rats or mice.' Of its previous history \ve 
only kno\v that on the 20th June, 1629, it was in Timoleague Abbey, in 
the hands of Michael O'Clery, one of the Four Masters. 
This manuscript has been noticed by Windele \ O'C urry 2, Mr. Gilbert 3, 
Sir Henry Yule 4, and Professor d' Arbois de Jubainville 5; and one of the 
two nlodern copies of part of it, belonging to the library of the Royal Irish 
Academy, has been noticed by Dr. Todd 6. But all these notices are so 
meagre, that they give no adequate idea of the nature and variety of its 
contents. The follo\ving description, though very incomplete, nlay serve 
to fill the gap till the codex is catalogued by some better scholar and 
palaeographer than the present \vriter. 

The Book of LislIlOre \vas COin piled from the lost Book of Monaster- 
boice and other manuscripts, in the latter half of the fifteenth century, 
for Finghin mac Carthaigh Riabhach and his \vife Catherine, daughter of 
Thonlas, eighth carl of Desmond. Hence it is sonletimes called The Book 
of Mac Carthy l?eagh. It is written in double columns on 197 leaves of 
1 Journal of the Kilkcnny, etc. Archaeological Associatz"oll, New Series, vol. i ( 18 5 8 ), pp. 370-37
2 Lectures OIl the lJJS. materials of A1ldellt Irislt History. Dublin, 1861, pp. 196-200. 
S Facsimiles of .l\ ãtionalllIalluscriþts of Ireland, Part III, Introduction, p. xvii. 
f The Book of Ser lIIarco Polo, secund edition, yol. I, Introduction, p. 100. 
S Essai d'uJl Catalogue de la LitUrature éþiqlle de I'Irlallde, Introduction, c. 
II Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, vol. i. pp. 449, 450. O'Curry's copy comprises (hc 
says) 131 folios. 



vellum, J sl inches by Ioi inches. There are on an average forty lines 
in each column. 
The only ornaments are the initial letters with which some of the 
pieces commence. These letters exhibit the Celtic interlacement, but have 
no colour, except in t\vo or three cases, ,vhere they have been reddened by 
an unskilful, and apparently modern, hand. 
The hand\vritings of three scribes can be distinguished: one of whom 
,vas a friar named O'Buagachain, another calls himself Aonghus O'Callaid. 
All of them \\Tcre more or less careless and ignorant. They often omit 
marks of aspiration, sometimes even ,vords. They constantly \vrite gh for 
dh and dh for glt 1. So they write 11th for bit and bit for 1I1h. They use 
the digraph fh not only for the aspirated f (j'), but for the medialized f 
(bh-f). They use the digraph Is, not only for the eclipsing t (I-i), but for 
the aspirated s (s). 
The manuscript has lost at least thirty-six leaves, and of those that 
remain, many are more or less illegible o,ving to fading, damp, or the 
re-\vriting of an ignorant person called O'Floinn, in \vhose hands part of 
the book appears to have been in the year 1816. 
The contents of the remaining folios are as follo\vs:- 
fOe I a, co1. I (old foliation .f. xxxu.). Beginning of an Irish homily on the 
Life of S. Patrick, printed infra, pp. 1-19. 
fo. 2 a, 2 b. A misplaced fragment of the historical piece called Dígal fota 
Crist, ' Revenge for Christ's blood,' which is founded partly on Josephus' 
account of the destruction of Jerusalem by Titus, and corresponds ,vith the 
mediaeval French VC1lgeance du Sauvcur 2 . Of this piece there are perfect 
copies in Laud 610, ff. J 8 b, 1-22 b, 2, and in the Lcbar Brecc, p. 15 0 , 
co1. 2, 1. 54-P. 157 b, 1. 29: others, apparently, in the Book of Fermoy, 
44 a 3, and the Bibliothèque Nationale, Celt. et B. I, fo. 90 a, 2; and an 

1 In one instance-aghaidh for Old Irish adaz"g, , night '-both these blunders are made in the same 
2 See as to this, Revue critique, 1882, i. 346: Romania, xvi. 56, and G. Paris, La Littérat1lrt 
FraJlfaise au. moyen Age, 
3 See Dr. Todd's account of this MS. in the Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. Irish Jl.ISS. 
Series, 18,0, pp. 1-65. 



imperfect copy in Egerton 91, fOe 63 b, 2. The Lismore fragment is 
equal to LB., 156a, 1. 62-157 b, 1. 29, and begins thus: 
[Ar ba ferr leo a thinud oltas bethugud n]a For rather than that the Jews should be fed 
n-I udaide de, ar daigh co n-eiplitis do by it, they preferred that it should vanish, 
gorta, áir ba he mían na crechaire Romh- so they might die of hunger: for this was 
anda gu (n- )eplitis na hI udaidi uile do the desire of the Roman raiders, that aU 
ghorta, air ba (to)irrsech iat ica marbad. the Jews might die of hunger, for they 
were sorrowful at killing them. 
fos. 3, 4 (old foliation, J. xxxui and .f. xxxuii). Continuation from fOe T of 
the Homily on S. Patrick. 
T\vo leaves are here lost. 
fos. 5, 6 and 7 a. The remainder of the Homily on S. Patrick. Fo. 6 a is 
numbered in an old hand xxxxi. 
fos. ï b-1 I a, 1. Homily on the life of S. Colomb ciUe, printed infra, pp. 
20-33. Folio 8 a is numbered in an old hand xxxxiii. 
fos. I I a, '2 (old foliation xxXXUi)-16 b, 2. Homily on St. Brigit, \vith the 
hymn Brigit bé bith1Jlaith and the preface thereto. Printed infra, 
pp. 34-53. Folio 12 a is numbered in an old hand xxxxuii. 
fOe 17 a, 1-23 a, 1. Homily on S. Senán son of Geirgenn. Printed infra, 
pp. 54-74. 
fOe 23 a, 2. Life of S. 'Findén of Clonard. Printed infra, pp. 75- 8 3. 
fOe 25 b, 2-30 a, 2. Life of S. Finnchua of Bd Gobann (now Brigo\vn). 
Printed infra, pp. 84-98. At the end is the follo\ving scribe's note: In 
brathair.oBuagachain roscribh an betha so as Leabhur Maincstrcch Buitz' 
'the friar O'Buagachain wrote this Life frorn the Book of l\Ionasterboice.: 
Folios 27 a and 28 a are respectively numbered in an old hand lxii and lxiii. 
fOe 31 b-35 a, 1. Homily on S. Brenainn son of Finnlugh. Printed infra, 
PP.99- 116 . 
fOe 35 a, 2-39 b, 2. Homily on S. Ciarán of Clonmacnois. Printed infra, 
pp. 117- 1 34. At the end is a note in the handwriting of O'Buagachain, 
complaining of the MS. which he \vas copying. 
fOe 39 b, 2, 1. 10. T\vo short prose picces and a pocm in eleven quatrains, 
printed infra, pp. 135, 13 6 . 
fo. 40 a, 1-42 b, I. Homily on S. Mochua of Balla. Printed infra, pp. 137- 1 4 6 . 
fOe 42 b, I. A story entitled Sgela an trir mac cleirech annso sis; 'Tidings 



of the three young clerics here belo\v.' This legend is also found in 
the Book of LeÙlster, p. 28.3, whence it has been published, with a French 
translation and notes, by MO. Henri Gaidoz in lV/llllSÙze, t. iv. cols. 6-1 I. 
The Lismore copy furnishes some various readings, and runs thus: 

Triar maccleirech di fhearuibh Eire111l do- 
chotar dia n-ailithre. Ba dicra 7 bá 
cridheachair docos. Ni rucad ann do Ion 
for muir acht teora bairgen (sic) 
'Beratsa in caitín,' ar fear dhíibh. 0 ro- 
siactadar f01'mnai na fairce i1Jl1Jlorro, ' a 
n-ainm Crist, tra,' or iat, 'leicium ar raimh 
isin mhuir uann 7 fo[n ]certalTI il-Ieth ar 
Tigerna.' Doronat[h] on. Ni bá cian 
iar1!lIl la furtacht Crisl cOlldatrala docum 
n-indsi áilli: condath n-imdha inde, usci 
imdhai. 'Denam tra eclais for lar ar 
n-indsi.' Doghniat 011. Teit in caitin 
uadhaibh. Dos-srengai bratan fireisc 
dhoibh conice teora bratana cecha tratha. 
'A Dé,' or iat, 'ni hailitre ar n-ailitre 
ifechtsa. Tucsam Ion linn, ar caitin 
diar n-airbiathad. As diic ifechtsa, to- 
mhailt a urthoraidh. [Ni chaithfem torad 
in caitt.'] Batar se trath iarsin cen 
tuara, cein cu tainic timtireacht 0 Crist 
cu mbui forsin altoir .Ï. lethbairghiun 
cruithneachta cech fir 7 orda eisc. 'l\Iaith 
tra, findadh cach duris dia madh 1 don 
fhir ardon-biatha.' 

'Gebatsa cetamlts,' ar fer dibh, 'na tri .L. 
cech dia, la ceileabhrad mo trath 7 la 
'Gebhutsa didill,' or araili, 'na tri .L. ur- 
naigthi, la ceileabrad mo trath 7 la hoi- 
freann cech lái.' 
'Gebutsa,' or in treas fer, ' .LLL 3. I mnum 

1 The Book of Lismore is here corrupt. 
2 i.e. the 15 0 psalms. 

Three young clerics, of the men of Ireland, 
went on their pilgrimage. It was fer- 
vently and heartily they went. There was 
no provision taken to sea save three cakes. 
, I will bring the little cat,' says one of them. 
N ow when they reached the shoulders of 
the main, ' In Christ's name,' say they, ' let 
us cast away our oars into the sea, and 
throw ourselves on the mercy of our 
Lord.' This was done. N' ot long after- 
wards they came with Christ's help to a 
beautiful island. Plenty of firewood was 
therein, plenty of water. 'Let us build a 
church in the midst of our island.' This 
they do. The little cat goes from them. 
It draws to them a yeritable salmon, up 
to three salmons for every (canonical) 
hour. '0 God,' say they, 'our pilgrimage 
is no pilgrimage now! \Ve have brought 
provision with us, our cat to feed us. It 
is sad now to eat his catching. \Ve will 
not partake of the cat's produce.' There- 
after they abode for six watches without 
food, until a message can1e from Christ 
that (some) was on the altar, to wit, half 
a cake of wheat for each man, and a piece 
of fish. ' We]], then, let each of us make 
known his work for Him who feeds us.' 
'I will sing, first,' says one of them, 'the 
three fifties 2 every day, with celebrating 
my hours and with mass.' 
, I will sing, then,' says another, ' the thrice 
fifty prayers, with celebrating my hours 
and with mass every day.' 
, I will sing,' says the third man, 'a hundred 

Read, with LL., Maith, tm, finnad cách úaind a mod. 
S MS. inserts do, 


dicat 1 (cech dia),la ceileabradmu trath7 
la hoifriunn.' 
Dogniter on tra fria re 2 fhoda. l\1arb iarumh 
in tres fer. Rogabadh a ecnairc 7 robad- 
[42 b. 2.] 'l\laith, tra,' or siat, 'na tesbhadh 
ní don urd cetna isin 3 eclais. Rannam 
edrainn ord ar [co ]cele' .Í. fer na tn .1... 
[salm] is é atbath ann. Rannaid etarra 
modh in tres fir. 


and fifty HYJ11n2t7JZ dicals every day, with 
celebrating my hours and with mass.' 
So this is done for a long space of time. 
Then the third man died. His requiem 
was sung and he was buried. 
, \Yell, then,' say they, ' let there be nothing 
wanting to the same order in the church. 
Let us divide between us the order of our 
comrade,' to wit, the man of the thrice 
fifty psalms, it ishe that died. Theydivide 
between them the third man's work. 
, I t was not long before another was dead. 
He, then, is buried, to wit, the man of the 
thrice fifty prayers. It was the heavier for 
theonesurvivor: it wasgreatlabourto him, 
the thrice fifty psalms and the thrice fifty 
prayers and the thrice fifty HY11l1lu11l dicats, 
with the three masses every day and with 
celebration of the hours. 'Of a truth,' 
says he, 'their Lord hath a greater love 
for yon twain than He hath for me. He 
has taken them unto Him: He has left me. 
Let me perform fasting against Him, for 
their merit is no better than mine.' The 
angel comes to him. 'Thy LORD is 
angry with thee,' saith the angel, 'because 
of thine unlawful fasting: for thou wilt 
not be without mercy from Him.' '\Yhy, 
then, did He not let me suffer with His 
household?' 'The choice was thine,' saith 
the angel, , when ye parted your duties. 
The man that chose the thrice fifty 
(psalms) is transitory and is short-lived. 
\Vherefore he was taken first. The man 
of the thrice fifty prayers, he neither cuts 
off nor adds to his life. As to that, how- 
ever, which thou chosest, even the thrice 
fifty HY111nulIl dicats, long life to him 
(who chose), and the kingdom of heaven.' 
1 St. Hilary's hymn in praise of Christ, Todd, Liber .EIymllorum, pp. Isr-r6r. 
2 co ré, LL. 3 assind, LL. t Trummu-te, LL. 
:> Rosuc, LL. 6 Dogentar troscud fris...;eom ón, LL. 
"l is duthain. 7 nime. nns-menicedar is aire fosroiti i tossaig, LL. 

 ir'bo cian iaru1Jz cu mba marb araili. 
Adhlaicter [side da710 .Ï.] fer na tri .1... 
urnazgthi. Trumai - di 4 lasin æinfer 
didiu: ba soethar mol' dosom na .1..1..1... 
salm 7 na .LLL. urnaigthi 7 na .LLL. 
Imnum dicat, lasna tn hoifreannaib cech 
dia 7 la ceileabhradh na trath. ' Fir,' 
or seisium, 'moo serc na deisi ucut la 
a Tigerna inn usa: f01Toces ð chuice: 
fom-racuibhsea. l\1ad troscud frissiumh 
dogentar 6n 6, ar nach ferr a n-airiIliudh 
innussa.' Don-ic in t-aillgel. 'IS bair- 
nech do Tigerna friutsa,' or in t-aingel, 
'do troscud indlightech, ar ni bia cen 
aircisecht [uad].' 'Cid dosum didizt cen 
mu chesadh-sa lia mhuinntir?' 'I S tu 
dora[ e ]ga,' 01 in t-aillgel '.i. intan do- 
rannsaidh bur n-urdu .i. in fer doroega 
na .LLL. as duthain 7 is nime: is air 
dofucadh i tOSZtch 7. Fer na .LLL. urn- 
aigthi, ni thimdhibh ní thabair sægztl. 
I nni immorro rothoghuis .i. .1..1..1... hn- 
num dicat, sírshægul do saidhe 7 flaith 



of the three young clerics here belo,v.' This legend is also found in 
the Book of Lc'iJlstcr, p. 283, whence it has been published, ,vith a French 
translation and notes, by M. Henri Gaidoz in lV/llltsÙle, t. iv. cols. 6-1 I. 
The Lismore copy furnishes some various readings, and runs thus: 

Triar maccleirech di fhearuibh Eire1l1t do- 
chotar dia n-ailithre. Ba dicra 7 bá 
cridheachair docos. Ni rucad ann do Ion 
for muir acht teora bairgen (sic) 
'Beratsa in caitÍn,' ar fear dhíibh. 0 ro- 
siactadar fOl mnai na fairce i1Jl1Jlorro, ' a 
n-ainm Crist, tra,' or iat, 'leicium ar raimh 
isin mhuir uann 7 fo[n ]certam il-leth ar 
Tigerna.' Doronat[h] on. Ni bá cian 
iarulIl la furtacht Crist cOlldatrala docum 
n-indsi áilli: condath n-imdha inde, usci 
imdhai. 'Denam tra ecIais for lar ar 
n-indsi.' Doghniat on. Teit in caitin 
uadhaibh. Dos-srengai brat an fireisc 
dhoibh conice teora bratana cecha tratha. 
'A Dé,' or iat, 'ni hailitre ar n-ailitre 
ifechtsa. TZtcsam Ion linn, ar caitin 
diar n-airbiathad. As diic ifechtsa, to- 
mhailt a urthoraidh. [
i chaithfem torad 
in caitt.'] Batar se trath iarsin cen 
tuara, cein eu tainic timtz"reacht 0 Crist 
cu mbui forsin altoir .i. lethbairghiun 
cruithneachta cech fir 7 orda cisco 'l\Iaith 
tra, findadh cach duris dia madh 1 don 
fhir ardon-biatha.' 

'Gebatsa eetamus,' ar fer dibh, 'na tri .L. 
eech dia, la ceileabhrad mo trath 7 la 
'Gebhutsa didiu,' or araili, 'na tri .L. ur- 
naigthi, la ceileabrad mo trath 7 la hoi- 
freann cech lái.' 
'Gebutsa,' or in treas fer, '.LLL 3. Imnum 

1 The Book of Lismore is here corrnpt. 
2 i.e. the r 50 psalms. 

Three young clerics, of the men of Ireland, 
went on their pilgrimage. It was fer- 
vently and heartily they went. There was 
no prodsion taken to sea save three cakes. 
, I will bring the little cat,' says one of them. 
N ow when they reached the shoulders of 
the main, ' In Christ's name,' say they, 'let 
us cast away our oars into the sea, and 
throw ourselves on the mercy of our 
Lord.' This was done. Not long after- 
wards they came with Christ's help to a 
beautiful island. Plenty of firewood was 
therein, plenty of water. 'Let us build a 
church in the midst of our island.' This 
they do. The little cat goes from them. 
I t draws to them a yeritable salmon, up 
to three salmons for every (canonical) 
hour. '0 God,' say they, 'our pilgrimage 
is no pilgrimage now! \Ve have brought 
provision with us, our cat to feed us. It 
is sad now to eat his catching. \Ve will 
not partake of the eat's produce.' There- 
after they abode for six watches without 
food, until a message came from Christ 
that (some) was on the altar, to wit, half 
a cake of wheat for each man, and a piece 
of fish. ' \YelJ, then, let each of us make 
known his work for Him who feeds us.' 
'I will sing, first,' says one of them, 'the 
three fifties 2 every day, \YÏth celebrating 
my hours and with Inass.' 
, I will sing, then,' says another, 'the thrice 
fifty prayers, with celebrating my hours 
and with mass every day.' 
, I will sing,' says the third man, 'a hundred 

Read, with LL., l\laith, tm, finnad cách úaind a mod. 
S MS. inserts do. 


dicat 1 (cech dia),la ceileabrad mu trath 7 
la hoifnunn.' 
Dogniter on tn fria re 2 fhoda. l\larb iarumh 
in tres fer. Rogabadh a ecnairc 7 rohad- 
[42 b. 2.] 'Maith, tra,' or siat, 'na tesbhadh 
ní don urd cetna is in 3 eclais. Rannam 
edrainn ord ar [co ]cele' .Ï. fer na tn .L. 
[saIm] is é atbath ann. Rannaid etarra 
modh in tres fir. 


and fifty Hynlnunl dicals every day, with 
celebrating my hours and with mass.' 
So this is done for a long space of time. 
Then the third man died. His requiem 
was sung and he was buried. 
'\Vell, then,' say they, 'let there be nothing 
wanting to the same order in the church. 
Let us divide between us the order of our 
comrade,' to wit, the man of the thrice 
fifty psalms, it is he that died. Theydivide 
behveen them the third man's work. 
, It was not long before another was dead. 
He, then, is buried, to wit, the man of the 
thrice fifty prayers. It was the heavier for 
theonesurvivor: it was great labour to him, 
the thrice fifty psalms and the thrice fifty 
prayers and the thrice fifty HY111nztl1l dicats, 
with the three masses every day and with 
celebration of the hours. 'Of a truth,' 
says he, 'their Lord hath a greater love 
for yon twain than He hath for me. He 
has taken them unto Him: He has left me. 
Let me perform fasting against Him, for 
their merit is no better than mine.' The 
angel comes to him. 'Thy LORD is 
angry with thee,' saith the angel, 'because 
of thine unlawful fasting: for thou wilt 
not be without mercy from Him.' '\Vhy, 
then, did He not let me suffer with His 
household?' 'The choice was thine,' saith 
the angel, , when ye parted your duties. 
The man that chose the thrice fifty 
(psalms) is transitory and is short-lived. 
'\Therefore he was taken first. The man 
of the thrice fifty prayers, he neither cuts 
off nor adds to his life. As to that, how- 
ever, which thou chosest, even the thrice 
fifty HymnulIl dica/s, long life to him 
(who chose), and the kingdom of heaven.' 
1 St. Hilary's hymn in praise of Christ, Todd, Liber IIY1Jllloru1Jl, pp. 15 1 - 161 . 
2 eo ré, LL. 3 assind, LL. to Trummu-te, LL. 
:> Rosue, LL. 6 Dogentar troscud frisseom ón, LL. 
"l is duthain. 7 nime. nus-menieedar is aire fosroiti i tossaig, LL. 

K ir'bo dan iaru11z cu m ba marb araili. 
Adhlaicter [side dano .i.] fer na tri .L. 
urnalgthi. Trumai - di 4 lasin æinfer 
didiu: ba soethar mor dosom na .LLL. 
saIm 7 na .LLL. urna(gthi 7 na .LLL. 
Imnum dicat, lasna tn hoifreannaib cech 
dia 7 la ceileabhradh na trath. ' Fir,' 
or seisium, 'moo sere na deisi ucut la 
a Tigerna inn usa : f07Toces 5 chuice: 
fom-racuibhsea. lVlad troscud frissiumh 
dogentar 6n 6, ar nach ferr a n-airiIliudh 
innussa.' Don-ic in t-aingel. 'IS bair- 
nech do Tigerna friutsa,' or in t-aingel, 
'do troscud indIightech, ar ni bia cen 
aircisecht [uad].' 'Cid dosum didizt cen 
mu chesadh-sa Iia mhuinntir?' 'IS tu 
dora[ e ]ga,' 01 in t-aingel '.i. intan do- 
rannsaidh bur n-urdu .i. in fer doroega 
na .LLL. as duthain 7 is nime: is air 
dofucadh i tos2tch 7. Fer na .LLL. urn- 
aigthi, ni thimdhibh ní thabair sægztl. 
lnni im1JZorro rothoghuis .i. .LLL. Im- 
num dicat, sírshægul do saidhe 7 flaith 



'Bennacht forsin Tigerna oa tuidhches 1 : ' A blessing on the Lord from whom thou 
am buidech de.' hast come. I am thankful to Him.' 
Bai didiu ina innsi co hæis 7 crine, co tar- So he dwelt in his island till he was aged 
raidh Brenainn don fhairrgiu, conad essein and withered, and till Brenainn came 
rom-beannuch 7 dorat coman 7 sacarbaic from the sea; and Brenainn blessed him 
dh6, co 11-dechaid dochum nime, cona[ d] and gave him communion and sacrifice, 
torruma aingel uasaibh dogrés ina n-indsi. so he went to heaven; and a watch of 
Finit d6 sin. angels is always over them in their island. 
fo. 42 b, 2. Story of a young nun who waited on S. Molaisse of Leighlin, 
\vas seduced by a clerical student, and became pregnant. She tells her 
lover to flee from the wrath of the saint. 'It is enough,' she says, 'that I 
should be ruined ' (as lor, ar si, 1JlU 111hudhugudh sa). The saint curses her 
and deprives her of heaven. She dies in childbed and is buried in a bog out- 
side the church. Her lover devotes himself to saving her soul from hell. 
He builds a hut by her grave, and every day he recites seven times the 
Beatus and the psalms, and he performs a hundred prostrations. After a 
year her spirit appears to him, blesses him, and declares that she is almost 
rescued, and that the Beatus has helped her most. The story ends thus: 
Feact didiu táinic Fursa craibhdech docum Once, then, Fursa the Pious came to the 
na cilli, COIl fhaca side timthirecht na n- church and beheld the service of angels 
aingel isin monaid don lighi. 'l\Iaith, a (between heaven and) the grave in the 
1\10Iaisi,' ar Fursa, 'cia noemh fil isin bog.' 'VeIl, 0 l\lolaisse,' saith Fursa, 
mhonaid? ' 'Idhul fil ann,' or Molaisi, 'what saint is there in the bog?' , An 
, .Ï. dema1Z cailllgi.' 'Décha, a l\Iholaisi,' idol is therein,' saith l\lolaisse, 'a dia- 
ar Fursa. Dechait andis, con facatar bolic nun.' 'Look, l\Iolaisse!' saith 
timthireacht na n-aingel don lighi docum Fursa. They both look, and they beheld 
nime. the service of the angels (ascending) from 
the grave to heaven. 
Thus the (nun's) body was taken out of the 
bog and buried in the graveyard. And 
Fursa took the cleric under his protec- 
tion; wherefore he afterwards became a 
holy man and went to heaven. 
Conad ferr cech n-ernai'gthe in biail do So that the Beatus is better than any prayer 
tesarcuin anma ar demhnaib. for saving a soul from devils. 
There is another copy of this story in the Book of LeÙzstfr, pp. 285 b- 
286 a. 
fo. 43 a, 1-43 a, 2. 

T ucadh iarU1Jl in corp asin moin cu roadh- 
nacht isin relic. Co llderna Fursa fæsom 
in cleirzg, cu mba noemhdha iarsin, 7 
co ndechaid docztm nime. 

Story of t\VO young clerical felIo\v-students who agree 

1 0 tncad, LL. The tuidhches of the text means literally c ventum est.



that \vhichever of them dies first shall come to the survivor \vith tidings 
of the other world. Another copy, beginning Dz'ás 1Jlacclerech, is in the 
Book of Leillster, 278 a. A third copy, beginning Da macclerech robadar 
a com ann ac denam a Ieighiunn, is in Raw!. B. 512, fOe 14 0 b, 2. The 
Lismore copy runs thus: 
D ias macclérech batar i comuidh [43 a, 2] 
oc leghiunn comdar comhaltada optar 
meic beca. Ba he a n-imrath ina mboi- 
thiniu. 'I S truagh in turlts i tiagait 3 
ar coeim 7 ar caruit uainn nach teguit 
doridhisi cu bhfis see! duin in tíre a tiaghat. 
Tathonn comairli, nechtar noternoithe 
artús cu tuidced 4 cu sceluibh dia cheli.' 
Firthar inni immangaibhter ime. Ima- 
ragaibh doibh ime. ciapate [leg. ciapad] 
dhe roteised itosaigh co tised ria cinn mís 
co fis sceul dial aile. 

N ir'b6 foda iarsin cu m ba marb andala næ. 
Adhnaicter lia cheli 7 gebhidh a ecnairc. 
Bui oca frithailÙ11 eu eenn mís iarzl1ll. 
Ni thainic a chelL Bui oca ecnach, 7 oc 
ecnach na T rinoiti gan a lecad dia acalIaÙJZ. 
Bui-siumh didiu oc slechtanaibh ina boi- 
thiniu. Tairrsich 5 bec uasa cind. Ateu- 
maing a cenn imon tairrsiuch 5 cu mba 
marbh. COlt fhaca [ind anim] a coluind 
arabhelaib. [Darle-side is ina curp búi]. 
Boi ica taidhbhredh. 'Ole 6n,' 01 se, ' in 
colunn òo tabairt cucamsa. IV1 uinnter 
na cilli,' ar se, ' dosn-uc.' Laissin Jingidh 
asin tigh imach. Bai in fer graidh oc 
bein a[n] cluic 7. 'Nï C01Z maith, a cleirzg,' 
or se, ' in colunn do brith cucumsa.' Ni 
rofreacuir in clérech. Gaibhthe do 8 chách. 

Two clerical students had been reading 
together 1 so that they were comrades 2 
since they had been little boys. This 
was their conversation in their hut. 'Sad 
is the journey on which our dear ones and 
our friends go from us, that they come 
not again with tidings to us of the land 
into which they go. We have a counsel, 
that whichever of us first escapes should 
come to the other with tidings.' That on 
which they agree is done. They agreed 
that whichever of the twain should go 
first would come, before a month's end, 
with tidings to the other. 
It was not long thereafter that one of the 
twain died. He is buried by the other, 
who sings his requiem. Then the sur- 
vivor abode waiting him to a month's 
end. His comrade came not. He was re- 
proaching him and reproaching the Trinity 
for not letting him commupe with him. 
He was then making prostrations in his 
hut. There was a little crossbeam above 
his head. His head struck against the 
cross-beam so that he became dead. The 
soul saw its body before it. It seemed 
to it that it was (still) in its body. It 
was dreaming 6. 'That is bad,' saith he, 
, to bring the corpse to me. The people 
of the church,' saith he, 'have brought it.' 
\Vith that he leaps forth out of the house. 

1 Lit. in partnership at reading. 2 Lit. fosterbrothers: cf. 'V. cyfaillt. 3 in turusa tiagait, LL. 
4 Denam comairle, llechtar de uánd dig artús co tí co scélaib dia cheliu. Dentar ám. Immaragaib 
doib cipé díb nodigsed hi tossaig co tissed ria cind mís co fis scél diarailiu, LL. 
5 fordorus, LL. 6 taÙibread, 'a dream, a vision,' P.O' C. LL. has Bzli DC tadbriud. 
7 oc beím in chluic, LL. 8 co, LL. 
b 2 

The ecclesiastic was striking the bell. 
, I t was not right, a cleric,' saith he, ' to 
bring the corpse to me.' . The cleric made 
no answer. He betakes himself to every 
one. They heard him not. (That) was 
a great trouble to him. He gets him out 
of the church to the reapers. ' I t is this,' 
saith he. They heard him not. Fury 
possesses him: he goes to the church. 
They went with tithes to him and saw his 
body within. It was carried to the grave- 
yard. When he entered the church he 
saw his comrade before him. 'Verily, 
verily,' saith he, 'thou hast been long in 
coming. Bad is thy word,' saith the 
same. 'Upbraid me not, now,' saith his 
comrade. ' I came many times, and was 
at the end of thy pillow complaining to 
thee; and thou heardest me not, for the 
thick, dense body heareth not the aerial, 
attenuated soul.' 
, I hear thee now,' saith he. 
, Not so,' saith the other: 'it is only thy 
soul that is there. I t is from thine own 
body that thou art escaping. '''hat thou 
askedst has happened to us. There is. 
this then. 'Voe to him who doth evil! 
Happy he who doth good! Go to meet 
thy body before it is put into the cave.' 
'I will never enter it again, because of the 
horror and the fear of it ! ' 
'Truly thou shalt go, and thou wilt be a 
year alive. (Say) the Beatus every day 
for my soul, for the mightiest ladder and 
chain and collar to bring man's soul out 
of hell is the Beatus.' 
He bids farewell to his comrade and goes to 
the body, and his scream rose out of him 
as he entered it, and he came again to 
life, and at the year's end he went to 
heaven. The Beatus, therefore, is the 
best prayer that is. Finil. 
3 MS, are 



Nï con cualutar. Ba toirrsi mor laissiumh. 
Gaibhthe asin ciIl docum na meithle. 
, Iss ed so,' 01 sé. Ni con cualatar. N os- 
geibh 1 luinne: teit don chill. Docuas cu 
ndechmadhaib dosum, con fhacas a chol- 
ann istaigh. Dos-fucadh docum na reilgi. 
I ntan dochoidh-sium isin cill con fhaca 

a chele arachinn. 'Amein amein,' or se, 
, is foda lat cu 2 tanac.' 'Ole do breitir,' or 
sesium. 'Na[ch]am-cairigh didÙt,' oul 
a chele. 'Tanac mor fechtus co mbínn 
for cinn h' adhairt oc nemele frit, 7 nim- 
chualais, ár ni cluinet[h Jar in corp tiugh 
trom ind ainirn n-aerdha tanaidhi.' 

, Rot-cluinim innosa,' 01 sesiurn. 
, N a t6,' 01 a celi: 'h'ainirn nama as i fil ann. 
Is ret choluinn fesin itai occ imteiched. 
Ár.rogad comanarladh dhuinne. Con 
fail on iarU1Jz. l\lairg doghni ole, cein mair 
[i.] mogenar, dogni maith. [43 b, I] Eirg 
arcenn do colla resiu dorattar isin deirc.' 

'Cubrath ni con ragsa innti doridhisi ara 
grain 7 ara hornun.' 
, N oragha ém, 7 bia bliadan i mbethaÙI. In 
biait cech dia ar m'anmain-si, ár is e áradh 
7 slabhrad 7 muince is treisi do thabairt 
anma [dune] a hithfern in biait.' 

Ceileabhraidh dia chele, 7 teit dochum na 
colla, 7 adracht a greich ass oc toidhechl 
innti, cu rotathbeo[ig], co ndechaid docum 
nimhe i dnd bliadne. In bhiaid, tra, as 3 
sí ernuighthi as dech fil ann. Finit. 

1 Nongeib, LL. 

2 co, LL. 



fOe 43 b, I. Story of S. Brenainn maccu Altai of Clonfert, the young 
harper and the bird-like angel. Another copy in Raw!. B. 512, fOe 142 a, b. 
[FJeacht do Brenuinn mac hui Altai a Cluain Once when Brenainn maccu Altai was in 
Ferta, dia casc .UI r.bliadna rena eitsict, Clonfert,on Easter-day seven years before 
ceilebarthar isin eclais lais 7 pritchaighter his obit, mass is celebrated by him in the 
7 aifrinntar. 0 tainic in me don lai im- church, and preaching and offering. Now 
11l0rrO tiaguit na manazg da proinntigh. when midday came the monks go to their 
Do bhi maccleirech istigh 7 cruit ina refectory. There was a clerical student 
laim oca gabais for a n-airfited, 7 doratsat inside with a harp in his hand, whereon 
a mbennacht d6. he began to make music for them, and 
they gave him their blessing. 
'It would be delightful, now,' saith the cleric, 
'if Brenainn were within, that I might 
play three strains to him.' 
 He would not 
let you (come) to him,' say the monks, 
, for it is now seven years since Brenainn 
smiled or heard a melody of the melodies 
of the world. But he has two waxen 
balls with a thread between them, and 
they used to lie before him on the book; 
and whenever he heard a melody he puts 
the balIs into his ears.' 
, I will go, however, and play to him,' says 
the clerical student. 
Off he goes with his harp tuned. ' Open! ' 
saith the cleric. 'Who is this?' saith 
Brenainn. 'A clerical student come to 
play the harp for thee.' 'Play outside,' 
saith Brenainn. 'If it be not disagreeable 
to thee I should thank thee to let me 
into the midst of the church to play for 
a while.' 'I am willing,' saith Brenainn. 
'Open before me,' says the student. 
Brenainn opens (the door) before him. 
The cleric brings his harp from behind. 
Brenainn puts his two waxen balls into 
his ears. 'I do not like,' saith the clerical 
student, 'to make music for thee unless 
thou take the wax out of thine ears.' 'I t 
shall be done then,' saith Brenainn. 

Robo meallach lim anosa,' 01 in clérech, 
, dia mbeith Brenainn astigh 1 cu seinninn 
tri hadbuinn do.' ' N i leicfed cuigi thÚ,' 
ar na manalg, 'ár is sechl mbliadna do 
Brenuinn nar'thibh 7 na cuala ceol do' 
cheolaib domuin; achl da ubhall ciar[th]a 2 
7 snaithi etarra [, 7 nobitis] ara belaibh 
fm'sin leabar, 7 intan rocluin ceol dobeir 
na hubla ina ouibh.' 

Raghatsa [immorro', 01 in macclerech,] 'do 
sheinm do.' 
Teit as 7 a chruit glesta lais. 'Osluic,' or 
in clérech. 'Cia so?' 01 BrenuÙzn. 'Mac- 
clérech duitsi do seinm cruiti duit.' 'Seinn 
imuigh,' 01 Brenainn. ' M un bhadh doil- 
z'gh latsa, '01 in clérech, 'robudh buidhi 3 
lim mu leicen for lar na hecalsa do sheinm 
tressi 4.' [' Maith lem,' 01 Brenainn. 
'Oslaic rem am,' 01 in macclérech.] Os- 
luicid BrenaÙln roimhe. Dobeir in 
clérech a cruit aniar 5. Dobeir Brenainlz 
a dha ubhull chiartha ina 6uibh. 'Ni 
maith leamsa,' 01 in macclérech, 'h'air- 
fitedh mina ghata in ceir as t'6aibh.' 
'Dogéntar,' [didiu] 01 Brelzainn. 

1 danam-Ieiceth Brenainn for Iar na hecIaise, R. 2 ciarach, R. 3 MS. bnighi. 
t tri n-adhbnnn, R. 3 Dobeir in macclerech a cruit iter a di laim for lar na heclaise, R. 



Dobeir didiu forsin leabur. Seinnidh trí 
hadhbuinn d6. ' Beannacht fort, a mac- 
cleirlg!' or se, 'laat cheol, 7 neam duit 
aire 1.' 

[43 b, 2] Dobeir Brellainn na hubla ina 
cluasaibh iardain [ar nir'b aillais a eistecht 
nisa moa]. 'Cidh ná coisti frisin ceo I ? ' 
01 in macclérech, 'in [ a] ra olcus lat?' 
'Ni haire,' 01 BrenaÙln, 'achl amail so. 
Laithi dhamh isin eclais so, secht mbliadna 
cllsaniu 2, iar proiceþt [sunn] 7 iar n- 
aifreann, dochuatar na cleirzg don pro- 
inntigh. Rom-facbhadsa sunn amæ- 
nur, 7 rom-gabh imtholta andiaidh 3 mu 
Thigearna iar ndul do czerp Crisl. A 
mbadhus hi suidhiu rom-gabh crith 7 
uamon. Confaca én [ etrocht] for an 
seinistir connessidh forsin altoir. Foreim- 
dhius silled fair lasna ruithnibh griandai 
batar imbe.' 'Beannacht fort 7 bennach 
dhún, a cleirigh ! ' 01 see 'Rot-bennacha 
Dia !' 01 Brenainn. 'Cia thu?' oul 
Brenainn. 'l\Iichél aingel,' 01 se, 'do 
th'acalluimsi.' , Atloch[ am Jar do Dia 
h'acallllim,' 01 Brenain1l, '7 cidh dia 
tudchaid ? ' 'Dot bennachad 7 dot 
airfitiud od Tigerna,' 01 in t-en. ' As 
fochean duit leamsa,' 01 Brenainll. 
Atnaig 4 in t-en a ghulbain ar cliathán a 
eite 6, 7 dobadhussa ag coistecht fris on 
trath co araili, 7 doceilibair dam iarsin. 

Dobeir Brenainn in stoil darsin mbragait 6. 
'In binn latso, a maccleirzg?' or see 
'Dobhiursa mo breithir fiadh Dia,' 01 

So he puts (the balls) on the book. (The 
clerical student) plays three strains to 
him. ' A blessing upon thee, 0 student, 
with thy melody,' saith Brenainn, 'and 
heaven to thee for it!' 
Afterwards Brenainn puts the balls into 
his ears, for he desired not to listen any 
more to it. ' 'Vhy dost thou not listen 
to the music?' saith the student: 'is it 
because it seems to thee bad?' , Not 
for that,' saith Brenainn, 'but even 
thus. One day, just seven years ago, as 1 
was in this church after preaching here 
and after mass, the clerics went to the 
refectory. I was left here alone, and 
having gone to Christ's Body, a great 
longing for my LORD seized me. As I 
was here, trembling and fear possessed 
me, and on the window I saw a radiant 
bird, which (then) sat upon the altar. I 
could not look at it because of the sunny 
rays that were around it. "A blessing on 
thee, and do thou bless us, 0 cleric!" 
saith the bird. " l\1ay God bless thee! " 
saith Brenainn. "Who art thou?" 
"lVlichael the angel," saith the bird, 
"come to commune with thee." " We 
give thanks to God for communing with 
thee, and wherefore hast thou come?" 
"To bless thee," saith the bird, "and to 
make music for thee from thy LORD." 
"Thou hast a welcome from me," saith 
Brenainn. Then the bird puts its beak 
on the side of its wing, and I remained 
listening to it from one watch to another, 
and then it bade me farewell.' 
Brenainn puts the stole (?) over the neck (of 
the harp). 'Deemest thou (that) melo- 
dious, 0 student?' saith he. 'I give my 

1 01 Brenainn, ( ocus ro[t]fia ce01 nime tara eisi sin,' (and thou shalt have heaven's music in lieu 
thereof,) R. 2 MS. cusaniugh. 3 MS. andiaigh a 1eth, R. 
t MS. atnaid. :I eitigh, R. 6 inda stoi1 forsin mbraghait, R. 



word before God,' saith Brenainn, 'that 
after that melody no melody of the world's 
melodies seems sweeter to me than this 
stole[?] over the neck, and to hear it I hold 
to be little profit. Take my blessing, 0 
student, and thou shalt have heaven for 
that playing,' saith Brenainn. 
Cunad hi an dithramhach/ 2 Brellainn. So this is Brenainn's dilhramhachl (?). 
fOe 43 b, 2. Story of SSe Colomb cille, Comgall and Cainnech and of Dathi 
the Presbyter 3. Begins: 
Colum cilli 7 Comhghall 7 Caindech do- Colomb ciUe and Comgall and Cainnech 
chuatar do thig Crumthir Dathí ar aighi- went to the house of Dathi the Presbyter 
dhechl 4 iar caithilnh a proinne don for guesting after the community had 
mhuinntir. eaten their dinner. 
fOe 44 a, L Story of S. Patrick, Loeguire's queen, his son Lugaid and the 
archangel Michael. Begins: 
[A]raile fectus tainic Patraic cu Temhralgh Once upon a time Patrick came to Tara to 
aramus na righna bai oc Læguiri maC visit the queen whom Loeguire son of 
Neill, d'foirithin a mdc imon n-ainces Niall had, (and) to help her son from the 
bUl fair. ailment which he suffered. 
Similar legends are in Ra\v1. B. 512, fo1. 108 a, 2, and fOe 143 a, 2. 
fOe 44 b, 1. Story of Mael Pói1 and the ghost of a dead nun \vho chooses 
the Beatus for her requiem. Begins: 
1\laol Poil hua-Cinaetha .i. ab mainistrech 5 l\lael P6il, grandson of Cinaed, even the 
Cilli Becain, robhui 7 manach aili ac abbot of the monastery of Cell Becáin, 
luadh astro]aiee. l\lar docotail iarsin was with another monk discussing astro- 
con [aea chuice mainces soiscela 6 robo logy. Afterwards, as he slept, he saw 
marb se la roime sin, 7 geran mor aice. coming towards him a gospel-nun who 
Cumain leis a hec. had died six days before that, and great 
plaining she had. He remembered her 
fOe 44 b, 1. Story of Guaire of Aidne and the t\VO saints Cumain the Tall 
and Cáimin of lnis Celtra. Begins: 
[F]eachtus do Ghuairi Aidhne 7 do Cumain Once as Guaire of Aidne and Cumain the 
Fotai 7 do Chaimin Innsi Celltra isiu Tall and Cáimin of Inis Celtra were in 
eclais moir Innsi Celtra. the great church of Inis Celtra. 

Brenainll, 'nach binde limn ceol do 
cheoluibh domuin andiaigh an ceoil-sin 
inas in stoil-sea darsin mbraghuid 1, 7 as 
bec tarbai lÏ1n a c1uinsin. Beirsiu bend- 
achtain, a macc1eirlg! 7 biaidh neam ocat 
aran airfitÙtd-sin,' 01 Brenainn. 

1 in da stoH sin for sin mbraghait, R. 2 dithrimecht, R; leg. dithreabhacht 1 
S Perhaps the Cruimther N athi of Achad cain Conairi commemorated at 9 August, see lIIartyr- 
ology of Donegal, p. 214. 4 1t15. aidhighecht. :i 1\15, mainisisb-each. 
6 Read perhaps soiscélda, , evangelical.' 



Other copies of this legend are in Lebar 1za h Uidre, p. 116, in Rawl. B. 
5 J 2, fOe 141 a, 2, and in some 1\1:5. (to me unkno\vn) cited by Dr. Todd 
(Lib. HYl1lll., p. 87). The LU. copy is printed and translated infra, p. 3 0 4. 
fOe 44 b, 2. Story of 1\Iochuta of Raithen. Begins: 
l\Iochuta Raithin doroine roinn dia com- l\Io-chuta [abbot] of Raithen made, one 
thinol 7 dona hæighedhaib 1 archena night there, division to his congregation 3 
adaig 2 n-oen ann. and to the guests besides. 

fOe 45 a, I. The legend of S. M uling 
Muling annso sis. Begins: 
l\loling Luachra dalta do l\1aedoc Ferna. 
IS 0 lVlhoedhoc rogabh-somh Tech 1\10- 
ling. De Uibh Deagad J.\;lora (leg. l\16ir) 
Laigen dosom. Feacht do 1\loling oc 
ernaiglhi ina ec1ais con fhaca ind oc1ach 
cuice isin tech. 

and the Devil. Entitled Sgel ar 

l\loling of Luachair (was) a pupil of l\laed6c 
of Ferns. It is from l\Iaed6c he got 
l\Ioling's House (Timullen). Of the 
descendants of Dega the Great of Lein- 
ster was he. Once as l\1aed6c was pray- 
ing in his church he saw the young 
warrior coming in to him. 

Other copies of this legend are in the Book of LeÙlster, p. 284 a, 
Laud, 610 (in a note on the Calcndar of Oe1lgZts, June 17), and Ra\vl. B. 
512, fOe 141 b, I. The copies in the Book of LeÙzster and Laud, 610, have 
been published, \vith translations, the one in Goidelica, p. 180, the other in 
the Cale1ldar of Oellglts, p. cV. A complete copy of the poem recited by 
the Devil is in the Book of Bally1Jlote, p. 256 a, where it is said to be taken 
from the (lost) Book of Glelldalollgh (Lebar Glin1le da lacha sin uili). Two 
of the quatrains are in the ninth-century Irish MS. in St. Paul's Kloster, 
Carinthia. See Goidelica, p. 177, and lrische Texte, p. 319. 
fOe 45 a, 2. Legend of Cairpre Crom, king of H úi lVlaine, and S. Ciarán the 
wright's son. Begins: 
Bai Cairpre Crom mac F eradhuigh, meic 
Luigdeclz, meic Dalann, 1/leic Breasail, 
meic l\Iaine 1\loir, a quo Hui l\laine 
Connachl. Doghnidh didiu Cairpre uJca 
imdha fria cacho 

Cairpre the Bent son of Feradach, son of 
Lugaid, son of Dala (?), son of BresaJ, son 
of l\Iaine the Great, a quo the Húi l\1aine 
of Connaught. Now Cairpre was doing 
abundant evils to everyone. 

So he \vas murdered and beheaded. He \vas afterwards brought back 

1 MS. hæidhethaib. 2 MS. agaid. 
3 See as to this the lIIarlJ'l'ology of Donegal, at 14 1Iay. 



to life by Ciarán, ,vho replaced his head, but so unskilfully that Cairpre \vas 
nicknamed Crout. There is another copy of this story in the Book of 
Fermoy, fOe 51 a, 1. 
fo.45 b, I. Story of S. Brenainn son of Finnlug and of Dobarchú, who 
being cursed by Brenainn for killing his oxen, falls into Loch Lir and 
is turned into an otter. Edited with a translation, by Mr. S. H. 
O'Grady, in MélusÙze, vol. iv, co1. 298. Begins: 
Bai Brenainn mac Finnloghai a nDubh- Brenainn son of Finnlugh was in Dubdaire, 
dhoire, a Tuadhmhumain, oc fognamh in Thomond, serving the LORD. He that 
don Coimdid. Is e ba nesa dh6 ar tuaith was next to him in the district was Do- 
.i. Dobhurchu 0 bhfuilit I Dhobharchon. burchú, from whom descend the Húi 
fOe 45 b, 2. A short note about S. Baithín son of Brenann, Adamnán's 
Baitheneus, St. Columba's first cousin (clall1l dá dearbbrathar iat a1Zdís). 
Another copy is in Raw!. B. 512, fOe 142 a. 
fOe 46 a, I-fo. 52 a, 2. A tractate in reddish ink, entitled in black 
ink, Teanga bhithnua annso sis, 'the Evernew Tongue here below.' 
In principio fecit Deus coelum et terram et 
reliqua. Airdri domain as treisi cach 
righ, is ardiu cach cumhach/ai. 

, I n the beginning God created the heaven 
and the earth,' and so forth. The world's 
Overking, who is mightier than every 
king, who is higher than every power. 
This curious composition is a dialogue between the sapientes Ebreorum 
and the spirit of Philip the Apostle, \vho is called by the household of 
heaven the 'Everne\v Tongue,' because when he \vas preaching to the 
heathen, his tongue was cut out nine times \ and was nine times miraculously 
restored. In answer to questions by the wise J e\vs, the Evernew Tongue 
tells them about the creation of the universe, and especially about certain 
seas, wells, rivers, precious stones, trees, stars, etc.; and it, lastly, describes 
hell, doomsday, and heaven. 
There are other copies in the Bibliothèque Nationale, Celt. et B. I, ff. 
24 a, 1-27 b, 2, and in the British Museum, Egerton 17 1 , pp. 44-65. And 

1 According to the Lebar Brece, the number of amputations was only seven: Pilip apstal do 
treb íuda dó, co rocrocnad hé iar mbein a thengad fo secld asa chind isin cathraig in Eripoli, 
L. B. 181 &. 




Ü'Curry, Lectures, 532, says that a MS. called Lz.ber Flavus Fergllsoru1Jt 
contains a 'tract on the greatness of God, &c. (commonly called Tea1lga 
B z'thllua ).' 
fos. 4 8 a, 49 a, 50 a, 51 a, 52 a, are respectively numbered in an old hand, 
lxxxiii, lxxxiiii, lxxxu, lxxxui. 
fOe 52 b, 1. Religious poem, in sixty-six quatrains, by Mael-ísa ó Brola- 
chain = the 1\Iael-ísu H ua Brolchain who \vrote the hymns quoted In 
Goidelica, p. 175, and died A. D. 1086. Begins: 
Ocht n-ærich 1 na ndualuch The eight chiefs of the vices 
don-roichet for rith Which come to us speedily 
indagaid na sualach Against the virtues 
dia ndíchur don bhith. To expel them from the world. 
fOe 53 a, 2. Anonymous poem on Doomsday, in t\venty-five quatrains, of 
which the last t\venty-t\VO are hardly legible. Begins: 
Bráth, ni ba bec a bresim Doom, not little will be its uproar 
intan loiscfes in doman: When the world shall burn. 
ba c6ir, a Crisl gu ngradhuibh, It will be meet, 0 Christ! 
do shil Adhuimh a oman. For Adam's seed to dread it. 
fOe 53 b, 2. Poem in ten quatrains, beginning: 
l\lithid dhamsa toirired Time for me to journey, 
do triall 6 Thoralg thegfalg To travel from Torach of (the) household, 
ascnam amal oilither To go like a pilgrim 
dar tuind muaid mara medralg. Over a noble wave of (the) joyful sea. 
There is another copy of this poem in Laud 615, p. IS, where it is 
ascribed to S. Colum cille. 
fOe 54 a, 1-66 b, 2. A romantic Life of Charlemagne, entitled in a late hand: 
Gabháltus Sheárlus Mháin (the Conquests of Charlemagne). Founded, 
apparently, on the Pseudo-Turpin 2. Begins: 
Capitulum primum .i. ar ndul d'esbuluibh Chapter I. Christ's apostles and disciples 
7 do deiscipluibh Crisl a rannuibh in having gone into the (various) parts of the 
domuin mar innister, dochuaid in t-esbal world as is told, the glorious apostle 
glormhar .i. San Senz artus isin Gailinnsi St. James went first into Galicia and 
7 dorindi senmora innti. preached g therein. 
1 cr. It e dallo nomina na n-erech ndualachae, Raw!. B. 5 I 2, fOe 398., 2. 
:i A \Yelsh version of the Pseudo-Turpin is contained in the Red Book of Hergest, and was 
edited in 188 3 by Professor Powell, of Cardiff. Another version entitled Camþeu Charlymaen, 
was published from Rhydderch's White Book, by the late Canon \Yilliams, in 18 7 8 . 
3 Lit. made sermons. 



It váll be remembered that Charlemagne is said to have been the first 
pilgrim to the shrine of S. James of Compostella. See Gaston Paris, La 
Littérature Fral1faise au 1110yelz Age, 
fos. 60 a, 61 a are numbered lxxxxu, lxxxxui; fOe 64 a is numbered lxxxxuiiii. 
fa. 67 a, I. A.piece entitled Scél1la sa1Jzhlla (the story of All Saints Day). 
Araili impir dogabh righi Romhan. Focas 
a ainm. Dognithe ænach adhbhul gacha 
bliadne leis am samhain isin Roimh. 
Deithbir 6n, ar ba hi in tSamain ardsol1a- 
mU1Z na ngennte intan sin, ar noadraitis 
uili dhee in domain, 0 thurgabail co 
fuinedh, fuirre. 

A certain emperor, named Phocas, assumed 
the Romans' realm. Every year at 
sa1Jlain (All Saints day) a great assembly 
was held by him in Rome. This was 
right, for the saJJlain was the chief 
solemnity of the heathen at that time, 
for all the gods of the world, from east 
to west (lit. from sunrise to sunset), 
were worshipped on that day. 
It then relates ho\v the Pantheon (' dommus omnium deorum, .i. tegduis 
lla 1l-uili dhee') was given to Boniface, and dedicated by him to all the 
saints. Compare the piece entitled Fagaz11la Sal1l1Za in the Bibliothèque 
N ationale, Celt. et B. I, fOe 15 b, 2. 
fOe 68 a, 1. A short tract on Antichrist, entitled in a late hand Sgél 
Ainnte Crisd annso. It begins: 
Adubuirt an Tigerna gu rube in Diabul 
dothicfad a curp dæna .i. ante crisl do- 
genad comurda mora isna poblaibh. 

The LORD said that it would be Diabolus 
who should come in a human body, to 
wit, Antichrist, who should do great signs 
in the peoples. 
fa. 68 b, I. A legend of S. Cainnech, entitled in a later hand Sgel ar 
CaÙ111ech 1la0l1l a1l11SO. It begins: 
ARAILI laithi do Chaindech noem a n-oilen On a certain day, as holy Cainnech was on 
Rosa Cre co facuidh sl6gh dimhor dea- the isle of Ros Cre, he saw a huge host of 
man ag imthechl in aieir osa chinn. devils passing through the air above him. 
Another copy of this legend, entitled Acso all t-adbar fa ll-abar d01J111ach 
CrOlll dubh (la, this is the reason \vhy Cromdubh Sunday is so called), appears 
to be in the Book of Fer1110y, fOe 62 b, I 
fOe 69 a, I. A legend of King David, Solomon and a beggar. Entitled in 
a later hand: Sgél ar Dabid mhac lese annso sÍs. Begins: 

Dia casc, is and nodaileadh Dabid maC lese It was on Passover day that David son of 
C 2 



(a dechmada do bochtaibh) 7 aidelcne- 
chaibh in Coimded. 

J esse used to distribute his tithes to the 
poor and the needy of the Lord. 

Another copy in Egerton 92, fOe 26, has been published \vith an 
English translation by IVlr. S. H. O'Grady, in MllusÙle, tom. iv. cols. 16 3- 
166. There is a third copy in the Book of Fer1Jloy, fOe 57 a, 1, and the latter 
half occurs in Ra\vl. B. 512., fOe 144 a, l. 
fOe 69 a, 2. A legend (almost illegible) beginning: 
N obid didiu Dabid oc breith na hoeinbrélhre cor intsamhlai 7 .1. brelheaman oca 
himradhadh artús conidh iaram nobereadh-somh forciunn fuirri. 

fOe 69 b, 1. The follo\ving copy of the tale of the Two Children, entitled 
Sgél a1l da leallabll aU1lSO sfs. So faded as to be in parts illegible. 
Feach[t] n-oen dia rabhutar da lenabh a Once, in France, when two children, even a 
Frangcaib oc comcluiche (.L lenamh Christian child and a Jewish child, were 
cristaide 7) lenam iudaide, in araili la so- playing together on a certain holiday, the 
(llamnuch. At)bert in leanumh crislaide: Christian child said: ' Let us go, like every 
'Tiagham (i cumai caich isin tempul,' ar) one, into the temple,' saith he. Then they 
see Tiagait iarsin amal do orduig . . . . . go, as he ordained, into the temple. The 
. . . . pall. Fiafraigis in leanab iudaidi: Jewish child asked: "Vhat is that shape 
'Cret (in de)albh croi<;he ut 7 in crochaire of a cross yonder, and the crucified one 
innti?' 'Ar Tig(erna is)e sut,' ar in upon it?' 'Our LORD is he who is yonder,' 
leanbh crislaide, '7 do muinnter-sa (r)o- s
ith the Christian child; 'and it was thy 
croch é, ar fuath 7 ar format.' 'Dar- people that crucified Him, out of hatred 
linn is ole (i)n gnimh doronsad,' ar in and envy.' 'Evil to us seemeth the deed 
leanamh iudaidi. (' I)s ole im1JlOrrO,' ar they have done,' says the Jewish child. ' It 
in leanab crislaide. is evil indeed,' says the Christian child. 
Fiafraigis in le1Zab iudaÙli: 'Cia in dealbh The Jewish child asked: '\Vhat is the 
bainntigerna anoralghi úd atchiam 7 in shape of a noble lady yonder that we see, 
leanamh beg ana huchd?' , Dealbh with the babe in her bosom?' , Yon is 
l\luire máthar sud,' ar an lellab cnslaide, the shape of l\Iary Mother,' saith the 
'7 dealbh a l\Ieic docrochabairsi, ana Christian child; 'and the shape of her 
nóidhendacht 1 sud ana huchd.' Iar n-ais- Son whom ye crucified is yonder, in His 
neis morain do comradh doibh amlaidh infancy, in her bosom.' After they had 
sin, 'Tiagam cusin n-altoir,' ar in lenab talked somewhat more in that wise, the 
cnslaide, ' 7 caithem bairghin coisrictha.' Christian child said: 'Let us go to the 
Tiagait iarum. Iar scailed don pobul asin altar and partake of consecrated bread.' 
tempul [foe 69, b 2] amach, sgailit in da So they go. After the people had de- 
leanamh 0 chele . . . . caitem arain cho parted from the temple the two children 
. . . . . doibh, 7 teit cach dhibh dia tigh part from each other, . . . . partake of 

1 !\.IS. seems, corruptly, micd. The Paris :MS. has Ilaieletl/at-hl. 


budein iarsin. Fiafraigis a athair don 
lenab iudaidi: 'Cait a rabudhuis cus- 
tratsa, a meic?' ar see 'Dobhadus i farrad 
fhir cumuinn 1 dam. .. .. idhein,' ar 
in mac iudaidi, '7 dochuamar a tempul 
na baintig(ern)a .Ï. l\laire málhair, 7 
rochaithsium bhairgin coisrictha ann.' 
(Rofergaig 7 roIonnaig a athair fris 2,) 7 is 
ed in cetna dorigne a málhaz'r, 7 doraidset: 
'As bidbhu bais tu, a meic!' ar siat; 7 
gabur (leo 7 cuirther i) sum teined ar 
derglasad, 7 dobi ann on trath (co araile), 
co nderna[ d] rnin 7 luaithred de. 

(Arn)arnarach (irnmorro) tiagait dia fis ga . . 
. . . . . . . . . . indar leo is amlaid robui, 
(ina chotlud). Ingantaigter cumor inní 
sin, 7 innisit do cach a coitcinne na 
moirmhirbuili doronad ar in lenab. Fia- 
fraigit iarsin don lenab, cred do shoer he 
ar a losgud. As eadh doraidh: 'Bainntig- 
ema in tempail mhoir a rabhadhus 
ane, asi rom-soer ar mu loscud .i. M uire 
mát/lair in airdrig,7 is fa a coim rochod- 
Ius areir; 7 dalta diIius di rnhe 0 so amach.' 

Et tresan rnirbztil moir sin do creideastar a 
athair 7 a mhálhair, 7 tzecadar a n-uiIe 
coibhsina do Dhia uilichumhachtach 7 do 
Mhuire málhair Ísu. Ocus is mor in 
mhirbuil do Muire, co nach fetann bean 
iudaidi tuismhedh a leinimh intan bis 
co n-idhnuibh nogu n-aitchenn l\luire et 


consecrated bread, and each of them then 
goes to his own home. The Jewish child's 
father asked him: 'Where hast thou 
been up to this hour, my son?' says he. 
, I was along with a companion of mine,' 
says the Jewish child, 'and we went into 
the temple of the Lady, even l\Iary 
l\lother, and there we partook of conse- 
crated bread.' His father grew angry 
and bitter against him, and his mother did 
the same; and they said: 'Thou art a 
criminal deserving of death, 0 son!' say 
they; and he is taken (by them and cast 
into) a furnace of fire flaming redly 3, and 
he remained therein from the one watch 
to the other, so that dust and ashes were 
made of him. 
Howbeit on the morrow they go to know 
. . . . . . . . it seemed to them that thus 
he was: in his sleep! They marvel much 
at that, and relate to ( every one) in general 
the great miracles that had been wrought 
for the child. Then they ask the child 
what had saved him from the burn- 
ing. This is what he said: 'The Lady 
of the great temple wherein I was yester- 
day, even l\Iary, l\lother of the Overking, 
she saved me from my burning, and it is 
under her protection I slept last night; 
and I am an own fosterling of hers from 
this time forth.' 
And through that great miracle his father 
and his mother believed, and gave all 
their confessions to Almighty God and 
to Mary, Jesu's mother. And great is 
this miracle of l\lary's, that no Jewish 
woman, when she is in birth-pangs, can 
bring forth her child, until she entreats 
l\l ary 4; and so forth. 

1 fhir companaig, Paris MS. 2 Rofergaigh 7 rolonnaidh a athair fris, Paris :MS. 
S According to some of the Latin and French versions of this tale, the father was a vÜran."tls or 
vitrier, so that the furnace was at hand. 
t Compare the Divina Commedia, Purg. xx, 19; Par. xv. 133. 



A copy of this story in the Bibliothèque Nationale (Celt. et B. I, 
fOe 28 b, 2-29 a, I), has been published by M. Henri Gaidoz, \vith a French 
translation, in MélusÙze, tom. iv. col. 39. Wolter, in his book Der Juden- 
knabe, Halle, 1879, mentions thirty-three versions in Greek, Latin, French, 
Spanish, German, Arabic, and Ethiopic. 'In the French versions,' says 
M. Gaidoz, 'the tale is localised, oftenest at Bourges and sometimes in 
Egypt.' So four of the Latin versions (including that in the Legenda Aurea) 
have 'in ciuitate Bituricensi;' No. 18 has' apud Bituricas;' and No. 19, 
'apud Bituriges.' 
fOe 69 b, 2. Note in nine lines about a monk \vho came from the East 
do choimhshinedh crabuid fria Comhgall to contend in devotion with Comgall of 
Beannchair. Bennchor. 

fOe 7oa, I-78b, 2. Alarge fragment of a quasi-historical tract on theLombards, 
and on 'Macametus' and the Saracens (7 1 b, 1-73 a, 2), 'Pepinus,' 
'Carulus' 'Carulus Mor,' , Childricus,' 'Teodoricus ri Gotorum,' 'Clodo- 
uius,' 'Beda anorach,' , Rathordus ri France,' Petronilla's relics (74 b, I), 
, Loduicus,' , Alcunius,' , Lotarius,' 'Gregoir Mor,' 'Henricus dux Bauarie,' 
'Lotagarius,' , Conradus,' etc. It begins: 
Do SDAIR na Lumbardach and so. a n-ainm Of the history of the Lombards here. In 
De 7 Phelagius papa 7 na heglaisi cucoit- the name of God and of pope Pelagius 
chenn. Ocus dobhi in Pelagills sin 'na and of the Church in general. And that 
phapa 7 a næmtechl foirbthe 7 a mbethaid Pelagius was a pope and of perfect holi- 
inmolta. ness and praiseworthy life. 
This piece, which is founded to some extent on Paulus Diaconus' His- 
toria Lallgobardorzt11Z, and which, in fOe 75 b, 2, cites TorpÙz21s espug (bishop 
Turpin), ends imperfectly on the verse of fOe 78, (f. 11. x. iii. of the old folia- 
tion), with a passage about the death of Hugo de Sancto Victore, A.D. 1138. 
Dr. Petrie (Ecclesiastical Architecture, p. 3 6 9) quotes from fOe 77 b, I the 
beginning of a story about Conrad the Salic and the Emperor Henry III. 
fOe 79 a, I. An abridgment of Marco Polo's travels, made, apparently, from 
the Latin of Francesco Pipino. It begins imperfectly thus: 

riguibh 7 taisechaib na cathrach sin. Bai 
brathair righ a n-aibit san Fronses isin 
cathralg intansin. Ba eoluch dallo isna 

to the kings and chieftains of that city. There 
dwelt then in the city a king's brother in 
the habit of St. Francis. He was skilled 


XX 111 

. in the many languages, and his name was 
Franciscus. So he is brought to the 
place in which yon nobles were, and they 
request him to turn the book from the 
tongue of the Tartars into the Latin 
tongue. ' I am afraid,' saith he, ' to spend 
labour or care on a work relating to idols 
and unbelievers.' They entreat him 
again in the same wise. ' I t shall be 
done,' saith he; 'for though unchristian 
tidings are made known here, these are 
marvels of the true God; and whosoever 
shall hear this much against the faith of 
the Lord will pray fervently for their 
conversion, and he who will not pray will 
spend the strength of his body in con- 
verting them. I am not afraid of this 
book of l\larco's, for there is no lie in it. 
Mine eye beheld him bringing with him 
the relics of the holy Church; and he left, 
while tasting death, (his testimony) that 
thiswas true; and Marco\vas a godly man.' 
Howsoever Franciscus [Pipinus] translated 
this book of l\larco's from Tartar into 
Latin; and the years of the Lord at that 
time were fifteen years and two score 
and two hundred and a thousand years 
(i. e. A. D. 1255). 
The translation is incomplete, ending (fo. 89 b, 2) with the beginning 
of the chapter on Abaschia (= Y ule's Marco Polo, bk. iii, c. 35, translated, 
vol. ii. pp. 42 I, 422): 

hilbherlaibh, Fransisclls a ainm . . Berur 
iarum dú a mbatar na maithe ucut, 7 
cuinghit fair in leabhor do clodh forcula 
o thengaidh na Tartairedh cusin tengaid 
laitianda. 'IS omun leamsa,' 01 se, 
'sæthar na menmanradh do chaithimh 
fria gnÍmhrad idhul 7 ainchreitmech.' 
Guidhit 1 he fá an cé/na doridisi. ' Do- 
gentar,' or se; 'ár gidh scéla aincrislaidi 
fhaisneighter sunn, mirbhuili in fhir-Dhia 
iatsaidhe; et gach æn docluinfe in t-imut- 
sa anagaid na hirsi coimdeta guidhfidh 2 
codicra faa clodh-sum forcula, 7 in nech 
nach guidhfe 3 caithfidh calma[ cht] a cuirp 
fria clodh. Nisam omhnach-sa riasin 
leabur-sa l\lharcais, or ni fuiI g6 ann. 
Dothadhaill mu rosc-sa he ac tabhairt 
mhind na heclasi næime lais, 7 rofagaibh 
fria blaisect mbais gur' fhÍr son, 7 ba 
diadha intí l\tlarczts.' 

Cidh fil ann tra aclll ros-tinnta Pronsiscus 
in leabar-so l\lharcuis a Tartairidh a 
laitin, et fa hiat bliadhna in Tigerna in- 
tansin .u. bliadna dec 7 da ficit 7 4 .cc. 
7 mile bliadan. 

Abaschia didiu righi dímhor iside, co sechl 
righaibh fuirre .iiii. righa dhibh oc adhrad 
don fhir-Dhia,7 cros 6ir a tul eduin gach 
æin dibh; 7 as ferdha a cathuibh iat, ár 
is friu ronn-altadh oc imairecc fria 
geinntiu. N a leora riga aili dono filet 
fria haincreidiumh 7 idlacht. 

1 MS. guighit. 

2 MS. guighfidh. 

Abaschia, then, this is a vast realm with 
seven kings over it. Of these kings four 
are worshipping the true God, and there 
is a cross of gold on the forehead of each, 
and they are manly in battles, for they 
have been brought up fighting against 
the heathens. N ow the other three kings 
are given to unbelief and idolatry. 

S MS. guidhfe. 

i MS. 77. 



Et rigi Aden .i. soudan is ri fono sum. 

Conad hi airec menman forfhuair ri Abascia 
feacht n-æn, triall cu hairm ir-raibhe 
Iesu arna adlucadh. ' Nato idir,' 01 a 
mhaithe 7 a mhilid fris; 'ár robudh 
omhun linne gennti dot marbad for an 
conair, ár is tritha noghebhtha. Fil 
escop næmhtha lat,' 01 siat, 'ocus cuir 
co hadhnucul lesu he co n-imut oir 
lais.' . . . . 

And the kingdom of Aden, a sultan is king 
over them. 
And a king of Abaschia once conceived 
this idea, to travel to the place wherein 
Jesus was after His burial. 'Not so at 
all!' his nobles and his soldiers say to 
him; 'for we should have fear that the 
heathens would slay thee on the way, 
for it is through them thou wouldst betake 
thyself. Thou hast a holy bishop,' say 
they, C and send him with plenty of gold 
to J esu's sepulchre.' 

fOe 81 a is numbered in an old hand l.1.x.u.iii (i. e. 118). 
fos. 90, 91, 92, are in a different hand and ink, and each column contains 
forty-four lines. The contents are a copy of the story called Suidigud 
Tellaig Tel1zrack, 'the settling of the manor [lit. hearth] of Tara.' It 
begins thus: 
Bui mordhal blear n-Eirenn a Maigh 
Breagh 1 a n-imacallai111 a n-aimsir Diar- 
muda mheic F erghusa Ceirrbeoil, meic 
Conuill Chremthaind, meic Neill N aigiall- 
aig; 7 ba headh do imraidhset. Ba mor 
leo do thir urlann Teamhra .i. maighen a 
mbui radharc for gach leath; 7 ro im- 
raidhset a timdhibhe na faithchi sin iarUJJ1, 
ar ba dimhain leo in cudruma sin do 
ferund occu gan teach, gan treabhadh fair, 
7 gan foghnum 2 thealluigh Teamra de, ar 
ba heicin doibh faichill fhuluing fer n- 
Erenn 7 a mbiadhta co cend seacht lá 7 
seacht n-oidhchi a cind an (sic) seachlmad 

In the time of Diarmaid son of Fergus 
\Vrymouth, son of Conall Cremthann, 
son of Niall the Nine-hostaged, there was 
a great assembly of the men of Ireland 
in Magh Bregh for discussion. And this 
is what they considered. The demesne 
of Tara, that is the tract of land so far 
as eyesight reached on every side, seemed 
great to them; and so they considered 
that that green should be cut down: 
for they (the descendants of Niall) 
deemed it idle that they should have so 
much land without house or cultiva- 
tion upon it, and without service of the 
hearth of Tara thereout. For at the end 
of the seventh year they were bound 
to the service of supporting the men of 
\reland, and of feeding them, to the end 
of seven days and seven nights. 

I believe that there are other copies of this story in the Book of Leca1l 
and in H. 2.16, cols. 740-749. Some account of it is given in O'Curry's 

1 MS, breadh. 

2 MS. fodhnum. 



Man1lers and CUSt01J1S, iii. pp. 60-62 and pp. 241-242. It contains five 
poenls ascribed to Finntan, of two of which older copies are found 
in the Book of LeÏ1zster, p. 4 b (' Heriu cia iarfaigther dím') and p. 8 b 
(' Coic urranna Herellll etir muir 7 tír '). See also the Book of Bally1JZote, 
p. 21 b (' Heriu cia fiafaigear dim '). At the end of the piece is the 
el reliqua. Suigzgud Teallalg T emra cOlluici sin. Finitt. Aonghus 0 Callaid doscribh 
so do lVlhag Carthalg.Ï. Finghen mae Diarmata, 7 bennachl leis d6. 
(' etc. The SettHng of the l\Ianor of Tara down to that. Finit. Aengus O'CalIaid 
wrote this for l\1acCarthy, to wit, Fingen son of Diarmait, and he (Aengus) hath a 
blessing for him.') 
fOe 92 a, 2. A piece in ten lines, in the same hand but in blacker ink, 
, Heriu cia gabhat, cia rabat inde?' ar Ceandfaolad. 'Ni ansa,' ar Finntan. 'Iarrus 1 
fis . tuathus cath . air thus blath . teasus [for thus] flaith. A fis . a fonts. a forsaidhi . a 
coimhgne. a comuirle . a bágha 2. a breitheamnus, a senchlts. a soindscne. a sa6ire, a 
saidhbre, a saigtighe, bá asa hiartur, [ar foiride fo iatmaige morglana] co ndendáis a 
fileda forfe arna treighibh noda-neimthegar 3 .i. imbas forosna 7 tenm laogha 7 
dicetal docennaibh 4 [coIl co ndentais a brithemnas bronnsa hetha no bertis fírbretha 
a firinni fríthib]. 
'Can as a hiartur?' ar Cendfaelad. 'Ni ansa,' ar Findtan. 'A Corann, a Cera, a Crua- 
chain, a hUmall, a hEaba, a hAidhniu, a l\Iaonmaig, a Muirisc, a l\tIucrumha, a hAoi, 
a Tennmuidh, a Tarbga, a Boirind, a Badna, a Berramain.' 
This is the beginning of a tract in Laud 610, fOe 57 b, 58 a, thus entitled: 
INcipit interrogacio Cinnfaelad do Fintan mac Bochrai meic Lamiach. No Béc mac 
Déad cecinit, ut ailii dicltnt. 
The words in brackets are inserted from this MS. 
fOe 92 b, 1. An unfinished tract in two columns beginning thus: 
Feacht n-oen dorala Oissín 7 Cailti a nDÚn Once upon a time it came to pass that 
Clithair oc Sliabh Crott. IS hí sin aimser Oissín and Cailte were in DÚn Clithair 
tainic Patraic docum n-Eirenll. IS ed at SIiab Crott. That was the time that 
domhair d'iarsma na Feinde .Ï. Oissin 7 Patrick came to Ireland. This is what 
Cailti 7 tri nænbuir () ina bhfarrad. continued of the ren1nant of the Fiann, 
even Oissín and Cailte and thrice nine 
along with them. 

1 larus .i. iartar H. 3. 18, p. 170, col. 3. 
3 forbthe fó tredib nodanemthegedar, Laud 610. 
t See as to these, O'Curry's Lectures on 11/S. lIIaterials, 24 0 . 

2 MS. badha. 

5 MS. nænmuir, 



This is part of the story which Mr. Hennessy (Revue Cell/que, i. 54) 
called the Acalla1Jl Bee 'Little Dialogue,' and which is contained in the 
Book of Lismore, fOe 152 a, I-fo. 158 b. It breaks off in the second 
column of fOe 92 b, and is follo\ved by the conclusion of the above-mentioned 
, Interrogacio Cinnfaelad do Fintan :' 

fOe 93 a, I. A story beginning thus: 

'a hAgur, a hEactge . . . . . a Slemuin, a hAirceltraibh. Finit.' 

Aed BacIam, gilla gai Diarmada meic Cer- 
baill, rogabh sIaotan tromghaluir he, 7 
robuí bliadan a serg sirgaluir, cu bhfhuair 
slainti iarum, co ndeachaid d'agaIluimh 
Dhiarmala 7 atbert fris: 'Cinnus ata 
coruchud do smachta 7 do shídha 2 frisin 
mbliadain sea i tú-sa im Ioighi?' 'Ni 
airighim-si turbhrodh fair,' ar Diarmait. 
'Ata ni ara bhfindab-sa sin,' ar Æd 

Aed Baclam \ Diarmait mac Cerbaill's spear- 
gillie, a sore lung-disease attacked him, 
and for a year he was in tedious illness; 
but then he got his health, and went to 
converse with Diarmait and said to him: 
'How has the ordering of thy discipline 
and thy peace been during this year that 
I have been on my back?' 'I do not 
perceive that they have been injured 3,' 
saith Diarmait. 'I will see if that is so,' 
saith Aed Baclam. 

It contains two poems, one (fo. 93 b, 2), beginning: 'Atconduic aislÙwi 
olc,' (I sa\v an evil vision), the other (fo. 94 a, I), 'Mairg thachrzts fri 
clerchib ceall' = Mairg thochras ri clerchib cell, Book of LeÙzsler, p. 149 b, 
Mairg thachrus re cleirchib cell, Laud 615, p. 15 (Woe to him who contends 
\vith clerics of churches )-a poem ascribed to King Diarmait after he had 
been cursed by two saints 4. 

fOe 94 a, 2. A copy of the poem recited by Bec mac Dé to Diarmait, son 
of Fergus Cerrbél (Egerton, 1782, fOe 40 a, I). 
Ole bith . aru[ m ]pta . daora fir . saora mná. 
IVIes fas . fidh () cain . ole blath 6 . He gai[th]. 
Samh fliuch . ith gIas . imdha buar . tearc ass. 
l\Ii[ d]bhaid 7 trom . in cec[h ]tír . cæil tuirc . uile rígh. 
Fir n-ole . guin ghnath . bith crion . lion rath, 7 reliqua. 

1 . 
1. e. mancus. 2 MS. shigha. 
3 turbhródh, weakness, faintness, pressure, crushing, P. O'C. 
t See O'Curry, .ftfanners and Customs, ii. 337. 5 MS. figh. 6 MS. bith. 
7 l1I1odhbhaidh .i. eineachlann, a mulct or fine, atonement or amends for a crime, P. O'C. 


This is followed by a quatrain: 


N ochu cill acht fuath cilli 
acht áit imbi firinde 
ni techtus do Crisl na cla71n 
baile i m bi longport Ladrann. 

fa. 94 b, 1. How King Diarmait slew his son Bresal for depriving a nun of 
her cow, and how S. Becan brought Bresal's soul back from hell. 

Fleadh 1 mhor dorinne a mac do Dhiarmail 
mac Cerbaill .i. Breasal maC Diarmata, 
7 nÍ thesda nÍ on fleidh 2 acht bo co næib 
nitha 3. Co cuala Breasal a beith ac 
cailIlg Cilli hEgn. [Elgraige, LL.] i ter- 
mann Cenannsa, Luchair a hainm-sidhe, 
co ndechaÙlBresal dia cennach gotarguidh 
.uii. mbai 7 tarbh diacind, 7 nÍ thuc in 
chaillech,7 rue Breasal in mboin ar eicin, 
7 dorat in fhleidh dia athair i Cenannus. 
Intan rob aine doibh ic 01, is and tainic 
in caillech do chasait Bresail cusin righ, 7 
a heighmhe eisdi. 

, Ecoir a ndernuis,' 01 in ri, 'in chaiIIech do 
sharugud imon mboin 7 si ina cilI, 7 
techt anaguidh mo ríghi-si 7 mu smachta ; 
ar ni bés athardha dhuid a dhenum; 7 
muirbhfider leamsa thu isin ghnímh do- 

Marbhtar iaru11Z intí Bresal. 
I S ann asbert Diarmait fria COIU11Z cille: 
'in bhfhil mo chabhuir-si on ghnÍm-sa 
doronus?' 'Ata,' or Colzt1n cille. 'Eirig 
cusan athlæch fil isin innsi.i. Becan Ulad.' 
'Ni lamhaim dhul,' 01 in rf. ' Ragat-sa 
lat,' ar Colu1JZ cille. 

For Diarmait son of Cerball his son, even 
Bresal son of Diarmait, made a great feast, 
and to that feast naught was wanting save 
a cow with. . . And Bresal heard that 
there was one belonging to a nun named 
Luchair of Cell Elgraige (?) in the sanc- 
tuary of Kells. So Bresal went to buy 
it and offered therefor seven kine and a 
bull. And the nun refused, and Bresal 
took the cow perforce and gave the feast 
to his father in Kells. When they were 
happy carousing, then came the nun to 
complain of Bresal to the king, and she 
screamed out. 
, Unjust is what thou hast done,' saith the 
king (to his son), 'to outrage the nun as 
regards her cow while she was in her 
church, and to resist my kingship and my 
discipline. F or it is not an ancestral 
usage for thee to do so. And thou shalt be 
killed by me for the deed thou hast done.' 
Then Bresal is killed. 
Then Diarmait (repented, and) said to Co- 
lomb cille: 'Is there any help for me 
from this deed that I have done? 
'There is,' saith Colomb cille. 'Go to 
. the ex-hero who is in the island, even 
Becan of the Ulaid.' 'I dare not go,' saith 
the King. 'I will go with thee,' saith 
Colum ciUe. 

1 MS. Fleagh. 2 MS. fleigh. 
S The words conæib nz'tha, which I do not understand, appear to have been ineffectually erased. 
d 2 



o rancatar iarum is ed fuaratar Becan occ 
denumh chaisil 7 cuilche fliuch uimme, 
[7 ic irnaigthi simuI.] 0 rodech Becan ar 
Diarmait, is ed asbert fris: 'F on talmain, 
a fhinghalazg !' or se, co ndeachaid conice 
a ghluinibh isin talmain. 'As cen an ad in 
chOlnairce, a Becain,' or Colum cille, 
'ár is ed tháinic in ri chugatsa, d'iarraidh 
dilghudha 7 d'aithbeoudh a mheic duit.' 
Tocbhuis Becan in laimh ndeis, 7 doghni 
urllaigthi fo tri d'aithbheoadh Breasail 
mheic Dhiarmala, co tuc .L. Bresal la 
gach n-urnuighthi a hithfern, 7 tainic 
Bresal mac Diarmata, leisin urnazghthe 
ndéidhinach 1 leisin lucht ndéidhinach 2 
I S ann sin rof6chl Becan scela dhe 7 rofer 
faitli fris. 

Now when they arrived, thus they found B e- 
can, building a stone wall, with a wet sheet 
around him, and praying at the same time. 
'Vhen Becan looked on Diarmait this he 
said to him: 'Under the earth, thou parri- 
cide ! ' So Diarmait went into the earth 
as far as his knees. 'The protection is 
without stay,O Becan,' says Colum cine: 
'for the king hath come to thee to ask 
thee to forgive him and to restore his son 
to life.' Becan raised his right hand and 
thrice made prayer to resuscitate Bresal 
son of Diarmait, and at each prayer he 
brought fifty Bresals out of hell; and at 
the last prayer Bresal son of Diarmait 
came with the last batch of them. 
Then Becan asked tidings of him and made 
him welcome. 

This story is also found in the Book of LeÙzster, p. 358, left margin. 
See, too, The flfartyrology of Donegal at April 5. 
fOe 94 b, I, line. Account of the Battle of Cúil Dreimne, fought by Colomb 
cilIe against Diarmait, son of Cerball. This piece is extracted from the 
Aided Diar1Jzata 1Jlaic Fergltsa Cerrbeoil, ' Tragical Death of Diarmait, son 
of Fergus \Vrymouth' (Egerton, [782, fOe 37 a, I, and H. 2, 16, co!. 870). 
Dognither feis Temra la Diarmait mac The feast of Tara is held by Diarmait son 
Cerbaill. l\Iarbhais didiu Curnan mac of Cerball. Now at that feast some one 
Aedha meic Echach Tirmcharna, 0 fhuilit killed Curnan son of Aed, son of Echaid 
sill\lhæil ruain la Connachta, duine ocon Dryflesh (from whom come the race of 
fleidh 3 sin, 7 luidh for comuirce da maC l\Iael ruain in Connaught), and went 
l\Ihuircertaigh meic Erca .i. Ferghas 7 under the protection of the two sons of 
Domhnall. l\Iuirchertach son of Ere, even Fergus 
and Domnall. 
Fergus and Domnall put Curnan under Colomb cine's protection. Nevertheless 
Diarmait slays him. The Connaughtmen then attack Diarmait to avenge Curnan; 
and Colomb ciUe, with the northern Húi Néi11, join them. The hostile armies meet 
at Cúil Dremne, and Diarmait's wizard Inakes an airbe druad (' druid's fence') 
between the two armies. Colomb ciUe chants three stanzas beginning A Dhe, cidh 
nach dingbhaz' dhin in ceo (' 0 God, why dost thou not expel from us the mist ?'), and 

1 MS. ndeighinach. 

2 MS, ndeighinach. 

3 M8, fleigh. 



one of his men overturns the druid's fence \ leaps across it, and is at once killed. 
Battle is then joined and Diannait is beaten. 
fOe 94 b, 2. Account of the death of Diarmait, son of Cerball, when he \vore 
a shirt made of the flax of a single pod (lene óellrUaisslli) and a mantle 
made of one fleece (d'oluÙuz, oellchaerach doróllad), and when he had on 
his table ale made of the malt of one grain (coirln óellgraÙzde), and the 
bacon of a pig that had never been Ii ttered. This, too, is an extract from 
the Aided Diarlllata 11laic Fergusa Ceirrbeoz.l. 
fo. 95 a, 2. Poem on the duties of a king. Entitled Dubh dá thuath 
dixi t. Begins: 
Diamad mheisi budh rÍ réil 
nocha beruinn 2 ceim tar cert. 

If I were an illustrious king 
I should not take a step across the Right. 

This poem is found also in Egerton 92, fOe 9 a, I : in the Book of 
LeÙz,ster, p. 147 b, \vhere it is anonymous; and in Laud, 610, fOe 72 b, 1, 
where it is entitled: Fingen cecinit do Cormac mac Cuilen[ n Jain. 
fOe 95 b, I. Poem on the same subject, beginning: 
Cert gach righ co reil . do cIannaib Néil nair. 
Other copies are in the Book of LeÙzsler, p. 148 a, and the Book of 
Fermoy, fOe 33 b, 2, \vhere it is ascribed to Fothud of the Canon. 0' Curry, 
111" allllers, etc., ii. 176, says it \vas addressed to Aed Ordnide, overking of 
Ireland from A.D. 793 to 81 7. 
fOe 95 b, 2. The following quatrain: 
T oirrsi nocha maith in modh 
um gach nÍ coimmsi rom-car 
achl rom-tá rom-bi rom-bia 
gach ni rodheonalg Dia dham. 
fOe 96 a, I. Tale of Finghein son of Luchta and a ban-shee named Roth- 
nlam. Begins: 
BAI FINGHEIN MAC Luchta adhaigh 3 samna 
i nDruim Fingein. Brathair sein do 
Thigernach Tetbuillech mac Luchta 
dia ta Coiced maic Luch/a. 

Finghein son of Luchta was on the night of 
salnaÏ1z (All Saints day) in Druim Fin- 
ghein. He was a brother of Tigernach 
T étbuillech, son of Luchta, from whom 
Mac Luchla's Fifth is called. 

1 The cae 1l)'7vl of the 
3 MS. aghaidh. 

2 chingfind, Laud 610. 




Bai ben tside oca thaithlgidh ar gaclt samain 
dogres. A mbidh do dhecraibh 7 buadh- 
uib i righdhúinibh Eirenn 7 ina sith- 
chuiribh no indisedh dosom beous ar gach 

There was a female fairy visiting him always 
on every sa1Jlain. All the marvels 1 and 
precious things that were in the royal 
strongholds of Ireland and in its fairy 
hosts she used to declare to him on every 

It contains several single staves recited by Fingein, and a poem In 
twelve quatrains beginning: Gai gene Cuind Conn fo EirÏ1l1z. There 
is another copy in the Book of Fermoy, fOe 24 a, 1-25 a, I, \vhich is quoted 
by Mr. Hennessy in Revue Celtique, i. 41. See also O'Curry's M all1'lers, 
etc., iii. 201, 202, where the following passage from the Lismore verSion, 
fOe 96 b, I, is incorrectly given: 

'Ocus cidh buaid n-aile ? ' for Fingein. ' Ni 
anse,' or an bene 'Teora primhaicde 
Eirenn innocht fofritha 7 rofoillsighthea .i. 

barr Briuin 2 meic Smethrach, ceard Ængusa 
meic U mhoir dorighne .Ï. cathbarr do 
chorcair glain thire na ndinnecda [?] 7 
ubhull oir uasa. Ba meit fercind, 7 cet 
snathegne imme don charrmhocal chum- 
uscda, 7 cet cailches circhorcra do dergór 
forloiscthi, 7 cél ronn findruine aca 
uaimmbreachtrad. Ita lina bliadne fo 
dicleith i tiprait sidhe Cruachan ar in 

, Ita iarum fo celtair talman cusanocht fidh- 
cheall Crimhthain 3 Níadh Nair tucc a 
hÆnuch Find,dia luidh la N airtuathchæich 
is-Sidh Buidb for echtra, co mboi fo 
dhiamraibh na fairgi. Ata fo dhicleith isin 
raith ind Usniuch cusanocht. 

'And what is another precious thing?' 
saith Fingein. 'Not hard to say,' saith 
the woman. 'Three chief fabrics of 
Ireland were this night found and re- 
vealed, to wit, 
the headpiece of Briun son of Smethra: 
it was the brazier of Oengus son of 
U mor that made it, even a helmet of the 
pure purple of the land of the Indians (1) 
with a ball of gold above it. (This) was 
the size of a man's head, and around it 
were a hundred strings of the mixed car- 
bunde, and a hundred bright purple twists 
of purified red gold, and a hundred 
chains of white bronze in its variegated 
stitching. Numbers of years hath it been 
hidden in the well of Síd Cruachan from 
the M6rrfgain till to-night. 
Then under a covering of earth till to-night 
is the draughtboard of Crimthann Nia 
Nar, which he brought out of Oenach 
Find, when he went with Nar the Blind- 
of-the-Ieft-eye into Síd Buidb on an 
adventure so that he was under the secret 
places of the sea. It is hidden in the rain 
(earthen fort) in Uisnech till to-night. 

J deacar.1. iongnadh, O'Clery. 2 See Egerton 1782, fi. 72 b, 73 b. 
3 See as to this, infra p. 317: H. 2. 16, col. 696, and the Book of Leinster, pp. 23 b,3 and 145 a, 20. 





The diadem of Loeguire, son of Luchta 
Whitehand, which Lén Linfhac1ach, son 
of Banbulg Banna made, and which the 
three daughters of Faindle, son of Dub- 
roth, found to-night in Síd Findacháin, 
where it had been hidden from the birth 
of Conchobar of the Red Eyebrows till 
fOe 98 a, 1-104 b, 2. A copy of the Book of Rights, of which an edition 
by O'Donovan (from the Bopks of Lecan and Ballymote) was pub- 
lished by the Celtic Society in 1847. The Lismore copy is preceded 
by the tract on the tabus and prohibitions (geasa 7 urgarta) of the 
Kings of Tara, Leinster, Munster, Connaught, and Ulster, also found in 
Egerton 1782, fOe 35 a, 1. In the Book of Lis1Jzore, the Book of Rights 
(Lebar 1la Cert) begins at fOe 98 b, 2. The Testament of Catháir Mór 
(Book of Rights, ed. O'Donovan, p. 192-204) is omitted. S. Patrick's 
blessing (ibid. p. 234) and Dubthach's decision as to the rights of poets 
(ibid. p. 236) are in fOe 104 b, 2. The tract ends (fo. 104 b, 2) \vith the 
poem (in thirty-four quatrains) beginning Tea1Jluir teach i 11Zbui 11laC 
CUÙUl (ibid. pp. 238-250). 
fOe 105 a, I. A short piece in prose and verse, on the nine saints of the 
seed of Conaire. The prose begins thus: 
N onbur noebh sil Conuire .1. Scanach mae Cairill, Eolangan a nAithbi Bolg a 
1\1 uscraidhi J\Ihitaine, etc. 
The verse begins : 
Nonbur sin sil Conuire 0 nach berur nÍ ndeoluigh. 
fOe 105 b, 1. A poem, in (about) 3 2 quatrains, beginning: 
A Chaisil, as dimbrig soin 0 Cashel, this is weakness 
gan FeidlÙllid mac Crimhthoin! 'Vithout Feidlimid son of Crimthan! 
a crioch Tuathail, truag in bed, 0 territory of Tuathal! sad the deed! 
gan do buachail 'god coimet! 'Vithout thy herdsman protecting thee. 
fOe 105 b, 2. Short notes on the three Cries of the world (the cry of the 
Israelites \vhen they entered the Red Sea, the cry of Hell when Christ 
carried off his prey from it, the cry of Doomsday \vhen the righteous 
separate from the sinners): on the four things that resemble earthly 
1 Compare the Book of Leinster, p. 154 b, 43 =- Book of Ballymote, p. 379 a, 26. 

'Minn Læguiri meic Luchta Laimfhinn 
dorighne Len Linfhiac1ach mac Banbolga 
Banna 1 foruaratar innocht teora hingina 
Faindle meic Dubroith a sidh Findachain 
arna beth fo dhic1eith 0 ghein Conchubair 
Abhratruaid gusanocht.' 




glory (wind, smoke, sleep and a flower): on the \vorst sin (pride); and the 
greatest good (h umility). 
fo. 106 a, I. A quasi-historical tractate, in prose and verse, on the war of 
Cellachán and the Danes. Quoted by O'Curry, M allllers alld Custo1JlS, 
ii. 276. Begins: 
Airdrí oirrdhirc airdmhenmach roghabhustar 
flai/hius 7 forlamus for dha choiged l\Iu- 
man, dar' ainm Airtri mac Catail meic 
Finguine. IS re linn rogabhatar Loch- 
lannalg nert artús for Eirilln. Acht 
rofhuaradar catha 7 coinblichta 0 aimsir 
Airtri gu cæm-aimsir Cheallachain. 

A conspicuous, high-spirited overking, whose 
name was Airtri, son of Cathal son of 
Finguine, assumed the sovranty and 
sway of the two provinces of Munster. 
It is in his time that the Norsemen 
first gained power over Ireland. But 
they found battles and conflicts from the 
time of Airtri to the propitious time of 
There is a facsimile of this page in Gilbert's N atiollal .ll:f S S. of I relalld, 
Part iii, No. Ivii. There are poems on ff. 112 b, 2; 114 a, I; 114 a, 2; 
114 b, 2. The tractate breaks off in the middle of the second column 
of fOe 115 a. 
fOe 115 b, was left blank by the old scribe. On the upper half one Donn- 
chadh O'Floinn has written an Irish note dated 1816. 

fOe 116 a. A poem in forty stanzas, written across the page and beginning: 
Ni téd anégen anaisgidh. 
fOe 116 b. T\vo-thirds of the first column are occupied by t\VO short pieces 
obscure to me. CaitilÙz "ingell an z"arla (Catherine the daughter of the 
Earll) is mentioned in 1. 4. The second column is blank. 
fOe 117 a, I. The Adventure of Tadg son of Cian, son of Ailill 610mm, as 
to which see Prof. d'Arbois de Jubainville's Essai d'lt1Z catalogue, p. 125. 
The story belongs to the Ossianic cycle and begins thus: 
Feacht n-aon dia m(bai Tadg) mac Cein Once, when Tadg son of Cian son of Ailill 
meic Aililla Óluim . . . . righdhamhna a Bare-ear. . . . crown-prince in the west 
n-iarthar Mu(man) 7 a bhrai/hri bunaidh of l\Iunster, and his original brothers 
maræ{n) rise along with him. 
fOe 120 a, I. In the margin, at line 33,is a cross and the follo\ving scribe's note: 
Dogébthur an cuid ele don echtra-sa Thaidg The other portion of this Adventure of Tadg 
meic Céin andiaigh in catha-so this son of Cian will be found below, after 
1 i. e. Thomas, eighth earl of Desmond. 




Crinna, 7 legthar roimh in croissi an cuid- this Battle of Crínna; and let that portion 
sin die of it be read before this cross. 
The story breaks off in the second column of fOe 120 b. The scribe notes 
Andiaigh an catha so dod láimh dheis ata an After this battle (of Crínna), on thy right 
chuid ele don echtra so Thaidhg meic hand is the other part of this Adventure 
Cein, uair ní [f]uarzts a n-aoinecht re of Tadg son of Cian: for I found it not 
scribad hi. at one time for writing. 
fOe 121 a, 1-123 a, 2. A saga entitled, in a modern hand, Cath Crfolla J 'the 
Battle of Crínna.' As to this battle (said to have been fought A.D. 254) 
see O'Mahony's Keatillg, pp. 323-327 ; O'Curry's lVla1lllers, etc., ii. 139 ; 
d' Arbois de Jubainville's E ssai d' 2t11 Catalogue, p. 64. There is another copy 
in the Book of Ferl1ZOY, fOe 29 a, 1-32 a. The Lismore copy begins thus: 
Bái ri amhra for Eirinn .i. (Cormac) ua There was a famous king over Ireland, even 
Cuinn. Bui ri for Ul/aib in(d in)baid sin Cormac, descendant of Conn. And at 
.i. Fergus Duibhdhed(ach). Batur da bra- that time there was a king over the Ulaid, 
thair la Fergus.i. Fergus Foiltleabhar 7 even Fergus Blacktoothed. Fergus had 
Fergus Tene fo Bregu. As and bui tech two brothers, even Fergus Long-hair and 
Cormaic i Temralg intansin, 7 tech gach Fergus Fire-thro'-Bregia. At that time 
airdrigh i n-Éirinn ardaighin feisi Tem- Cormac's house was in Tara, and the 
rach do dhenomh .i. cæicdhiges ria sam- house of every overking in Ireland, in 
flIuin 7 laithi na samhna 7 cæicdigizts order to make the feast of Tara, that is, 
iarum. As airi nothinolduis cacha samna, a fortnight before Samain (All Saints' 
ar is ann ba haipthe meas 7 toirthi day), and the day of Samain, and a fort- 
dhoibh. night after. The reason they used to 
assemble at every Samain was that then 
crop and fruits were ripe for them. 
fo. 122 b, 2, lo\ver margin. A quatrain beginning Atach Dé ar teithed na 
fOe 123 b. Continuation of the Adventure of Tadg, son of Cian, marked 
with a + and preceded by the foIIo\ving scribe's note: 
N í andso bhudh choir an chuid-si sios Not here should be this portion below of 
d'Echtra Thaidhg meic Cein, 7 ni meisi the Adventure of Tadg son of Cian; and 
is cintach,6r ni fhuarus ar suidhiughudh it is not I that am in fault, for I did not 
choir isin tsheinleabar hi, 7 gebe bhias ag find it properly arranged in the old book. 
leghadh no ag scribadh an sceoil, fechadh And whosoever shall be reading or copy- 
an t-inad isin Eachtra a mbia samuil na ing the tale, let him look in the Adventure 
croisi so amuigh, 7 bereadh an cuid-se at the place wherein there shall be the 
don sceol roimpe. semblance of this cross outside, and let 
him add this portion to the tale before it. 




xxxi v 

fo1. [25 a, I. Story of Locgaire Liban, son of Crin1thanll, and the elf 
Fiachna mac Retach, who comes to ask for aid in his \var \vith Goll, son 
of Dolb, king of the fortress of Magh Mell, one of the Irish names for fairy- 
land. Begins: 
Batur Condachta feet ann a ndail oc Enloch 
for l\Iaigh Ai. Crimhthan Cass ba ri 
C onnachl intan sin. Ansat in aidche 1 sin 
isin dail. Atrachtatar Inatun mhoch 
arnan1harach, cun fhacatar an fer chuca 
triasin ciaich. Brat corcra coicdiabuil 
imbe. Dá Sllg coicrinn 'na laimh. Sciath 
co mbuaili 2 6ir fair. Claidhium ordhuirn 
fora cris. l\Iong orbhuidhi dar a ais. 

fOe 125 b, I. How Conchobar mac 
\vhen he \vas seven years old. 
Ba mor tra in ordan do Concubar i dnn 
secht mbliadne iarna geinemain. As and 
roghabh righi n-Ulad. Ba si a tucait 
side.i. N esa ingen Echach a mháthair 
sidhe bui ind oentuime. Boi dono Fer- 
ghas mac Rosa i righi n-Ulad. Aco- 
brastar sein N esa do mnai dho [po 125 b, 
2]. ' Nitho,' or si, condum-rab a logh .i. 
righe bliadne dom mac, arcon abuirter 
mac righ fria amhach [leg. frim mac'.] 
'Tabhuir,' or cach; 'bidh lat in righi 
cia congaiter ainm righ do Concubar'. 

Faidhidh iarsaidhe in ben la Ferghas, 7 
congairter rí Ulad do Concubar. 
Rogab si for tincosc a meic 7 aitiu in mheic 
7 a mhuinnteri .i. lomradh andala fir 7 a 
thidhnacul diaraile, 7 a hor-si 7 a harcat 
do thidnacad d'anradhuibh Ulad ardaigh 
a iardraighi dia mac. 

1 1\1:8, aigthe. 

The Connaughtmen were once in assembly 
at Enloch in l\Iagh Ai. Crimthan Cass 
was then king of Connaught. They re- 
mained that night in the assembly. Early 
on the morrow they arose, and they saw 
the man (coming) towards them through 
the mist. A purple, five-folded mantle 
around him. Two five-barbed spears in 
his hand. A shield with a boss of gold 
upon him. A gold-hilted sword on his 
girdle. Golden yellow hair over hi
Nessa got the kingship of the Ulaid 

Great, now, was the dignity of Conchobar at 
the end of seven years after his birth. 
(For) then he assumed the kingship of 
the Ulaid. This was the cause thereof. 
Nessa, daughter of Echaid, his mother, 
was leading a single life. Now Fergus, son 
of Ross, was on the throne of the Ulaid. 
He desired to have Nessa to wife. 'Nay,' 
saith she, 'not till I have a reward there- 
for, even a year's kingship for my son, so 
that my son may be called a king's 
son.' 'Grant it,' says everyone: 'the 
realm will be thine, though Conchobar 
be called by the name of king.' 
After this the woman sleeps with Fergus, 
and Conchobar is called king of the Ulaid. 
She began instructing her son and the son's 
fosterers and his household to strip every 
second man, and to give (his wealth) to 
another; and her gold and her silver 
were given to the champions of the Ulaid, 
because of the result thereof to her son. 
2 Cf. Old Norse bóla f. the boss on a shield. 




So the year's end came. Then Fergus 
claimed his pledges. 'A council about 
it ! ' say the Vlaid. They took counsel in 
one assembly, and they deemed it a 
great reproach that Fergus had given 
them as a woman's bride-price. They 
were thankful, however, to Conchobar 
for his goodly gift to them. This was 
their counsel: \Vhat Fergus gave, let 
it part from him, and what Conchobar 
bought let it remain with him. Then 
Fergus was parted from the realm of the 
Ulaid, and Conchobar is called overking 
of the province. 
This story (of which there is an older and better copy in the Book of 
LeÙzster, p. 106) has been imaginatively balladized by the late Sir Samuel 
Ferguson in his Lays of the TVester1l Gael, London, 1866. 
fOe 125 b, 2. On the first poem made in Ireland. Begins: 

Tainic didiu cenn na bliadhna. Dorimgart 
iarsaide Fergus a giallu. 'Imacalduim 
imbe,' or Vita. Roimraitset i n-oenndail, 
[7] ba dimhicin mor leo Fergus dia tabh- 
uirt a tinnscrai mna. Roptar buidhigh im- 
11l0rrO do Concubar ara dheighthidnucal 
doibh. Ba si a n-imacalluimh: an rorir 
Fergus, scarad do fris, 7 an rocheannuigh 
Concubar a anadh aigi 1. As ann sin 
roscaradh Ferghas fria righi n-Ulad 7 
eongarur airdri in choicidh do Chon- 
chobar. FINIT. 

Ceis/, cia cé/duan doronad i n-Éirinn, 7 cia 
dorine, 7 cia dia ndernad, 7 cia baili i 

Q!!estion, what was (the first) poem com- 
posed in Ireland, and who made it, and 
for whon1 was it made, and in what place 
was it made? 
There, then, the first poem was made, in 
Inis Tighe on Lough Corrib, in the west 
of Ireland; and he that made it was Ai 
son of
l1om, son of Delbaeth, and he 
made it for Fiacha son of Delbaeth the 
king of I reland, his father's brother. 
And this is the poem: 
1\10 brllg, mo bailie cuach, carbut, c1aideb. 
tricha bo odhercc. ech croderg claideb (?). 
Escra coemh cumhul. seisreach toeb treabar. 
coire, cuad, ceile. bro dheigflr dlegar. 
Romtoircet 11ili. 0 righ na maighi. 
daigh dluigh don duini. mo brug, mo bailie 

IS ann, tra, doronad in cétduan, a n-Inis 
Tighi for Loch Orbsiun a n-iartar Ei- 
renn; 7 is e dorine, Ai maC 0 lla1Jlan 
meic Delbæith, 7 is d6 dorine, d'Fhiacha 
mac Delbæith do righ Eirenn, do brathair 
a athar. Ocus is i so in dztall: 

This is follo\ved by some verses beginning: 
Ailim bairc mbrænazg fo ramuibh, fo bhuadhaib. 

1 This and the four preceding sentences are quoted in H. 3. 18 (a manuscript in the library of 
Trinity College, DuLlin), p. 605, where illlagallaim is eXplained by comaz"r/e. 
e 2 



fOe 126 a, 1-140 a, 2. A saga of the Ossianic cycle, entitled, in a modern 
hand, Forbhuis Dr01Jla DalJlhghaire, 'the Siege of Druim Damgaire,' now 
called Knocklong, in the county of Limerick. There is another copy in 
the Book of Lecall, fOe 167 et seq., and the story is analysed by Ü'Curry, 
Lectures, pp. 271, 272; lllallllers, etc., ii. 27 8 -282. The Lismore copy 
begins thus : 
Ba shaorclaind shocheneoil batar ind Eirinn. 
As iat luaitter 0 sunn amach .Ï. Fiacha 
l\luilleathan maC Eoguin dalta l\logu 
Ruith 7 Cormac mac Airt mheic Cuinn; 
OCltS i n-oenlo romarbait a dhá n-athair i 
cath l\lucraimhe. Ind oenlo ámh doronuit 
.i. in l\lhairt re ndul a cath Muighi l\lu- 
craÙllhe. Ind 6enlo aili rucait .i. in 
l\lhairt i cind sechl mis on l\1hairt-sin, 7 
dano dá shechtmhisaigh iat díb 1ínaibh. 

There were nobles of good kin who dwelt 
in Ireland. These are they about to be 
mentioned, even Fiacha Broad-crown, 
son of Eogan, Mugh Ruith's pupil, and 
Cormac son of Art, son of Conn. And 
on one day their two fathers were killed 
in the battle of Mucraime. On one day, 
moreover, they were begotten, that is on 
the Tuesday before going to the battle of 
l\1ucrailne. On one other day they were 
brought forth, that is, on the Tuesday at 
the end of seven months from that Tues- 
day; and so they were both of them seven- 
months children. 

fOe 140 a, 2. A topographical tract on the two Fermoys, preceded by the 
following quatrain: 

Crichadh an caoilli gu cruaid 
in bhfhuil uaibh nech no imluaidh? 
tucad do maC sonaisc sin 
ar an forbhais d'foiridhin, et cetera. 

The prose begins thus: 
N a dá triuchad roboi an tir sin suil tucadh hi do Mhogh Ruith, 7 ocht tuatha a ngach 
triucba, et asi so roinn in da triucha sin .i. mar ghabus glaisi muilinn Mairteil i Sleib 
cain 7 Loch Luingi ar an machaire 7 Gleann nanDibergach ar l\1onaidh l\1oir. 
fOe 141 b, 1. A poem in eleven quatrains ascribed to Cormac mac Cuilen- 
nåin, King-bishop of lVI unster, beginning: Bai fáidh au jeÙulidh bái SU1Ul 
(' the ,varrior 'who dwelt here ,vas a prophet '), and furnished with the 
following preface: 
Feacht n-aon dorala Cormac mac Cuilindain 
rí 1\1 uman co Cenn Clairi, conid he ní 
ara tarla, a menma beith ac foraithmet 
gacha maitbiusa dor6nadh and, ocus do- 
roine an laidh occa indisiud. 

Once upon a time Cormac, son of Culennán, 
king of l\Iunster, happened to go to Cenn 
Clairi; and this was why he went, that 
his mind might be commemorating every 
good thing that had been done there; and 
he composed the lay setting it forth. 



fOe 141 b, 2. A poem in thirte
n stanzas beginning: 
Truag Caiseal gan Cormac 'v retched without Cormac is Cashel, 
righphort na sl6gh salmgrad. The royal port of the psalm-loving hosts. 
fOe 142 a, 1. Poem in ten quatrains on Ailill Ó]omm's nineteen sons. 
Ailill Olom, amhra an ghein, Ailill Bare-ear, wondrous the birth, 
mac Mogha N uadal neimhnlg, Son of 1\1 ugh N uadat the virulent: 
noei meic dhec rochinset uadh Kineteen sons sprang from him 
forfodhuilset fon særsluagh. Who divided themselves among the noble host. 
fOe 142 a, 1 A short tract on the destruction of the nobles of Ireland by 
the vassals, led by Cairpre Cat-head, and the disastrous consequences. 
See ü'Curry, Lectures, pp. 23 0 , 262-2 6 4, 590. 
Bai fodord mor ic aitheachaibh Eirenn i The vassals of Ireland murmured n1uch in 
n-aimsir tri righ n-Eirenn .i. Fiacha the time of Ireland's three kings, even 
Findfholach, 7 Feic mac Fidheic Fiacha Findfholach, and Feic son of 
Cæich 7 Breas mac Firb. Batar Fidhec the One-eyed, and Bres son of 
dano tri haithigh ba toisigh comairle do Ferb. Now there were three vassals 
aithechaibh Eirellll in inbaidh sin .Ï. 1\10- who were chiefs of counsel for the 
nach 7 Buan 7 Corpre Cend caito Do- vassals of Ireland at that season, even 
ronsat comairli iar1tlJZ aithigh Eirenn Monach and Buan and Carpre Cat-head. 
doreir an trir sin, 7 ba hi comairli Then according to the desire of those 
[142 a, 2] rochindset, fleadh 1 do thargudh three the vassals of Ireland formed a 
dia tigernaibh 7 a marbadh ocon fhleidh plan, and this was the plan on which they 
sin. Batar immorro tn bliadhna oc foi- determined: to prepare a feast for their 
chill na fledi sin la haithechu Eirenl1. lords and to kill them at that feast. 
Trian toraid gacha bliadhna doratsat Now the vassals of Ireland were for 
forsin turcnom sin. I 1\laigh Cro la Con- three years preparing that feast. A third 
nach/a is ann doronudh in fledh 2. Do- of the produce of each year they be- 
lotur iarumh fir Eirenn dí di each leith. stowed for that preparation. In 1\lagh 
Batur immorro .ix. nona ic tomhailt na Cro in Connaught, there the feast was 
fledi. Doberthea leanna somesca sain- made. So the men of Ireland went to it 
emhla dhoibh isin nonai déidhinaig 3 from every side. Now they were nine 
díbh. Romarbtha soerclanna Eirel111 nones partaking of the feast. Intoxi- 
ocon heidi-sin triana meisce, cu rodhi- eating, exquisite liquors were given them 
bhdait uili acht na tn meic batar i at the final none. Ireland's free clans were 
mbronduibh a maithrech . . . killed at that feast through their intoxi- 
cation, so that they all were destroyed 
save the three boys who were in their 
mothers' wombs. 

\ :MS. fleagh. 

2 :MS. flegh. 

3 :MS. deighillaig. 

t 118. fleig. 



The earth would not yield its fruit to the 
vassals after the vengeance which they 
had taken on the free clans of Ireland, 
and the men of Ireland suffered a great 
famine, both as to river-mouths and trees, 
corn and milk 3. Then it was known 
that in Scotland were those three heirs 
of Ireland, even Feradach Find fechtnach 
and Corp Bare-ear and Tipraite Tirech. 
So messengers are sent to them to wait 
on them and to crown them. And 
guarantees of heaven and earth, sun and 
moon, and all the elements are given to 
them by the vassals to serve them 
always according to their desire, so long 
as sea surrounds Ireland 4. 
Then each of them set up on his share of 
land. . . 
The story seems abridged from the tale entitled Bruide11 1naic Da-reó 
preserved in the Book of Fermoy, ff. 32a-33a, and elsewhere. It ends 
with a poem in twelve quatrains, of which the first is : 
Særclanna Eirenn uili All the free clans of Ireland 
marbhtha cusan æn nduine Were slain to the last man, 
[of. 142 b, I.] achl na tri meic, monar nglé, Save the three boys, illustrious deed, 
itrullatar 0 Chairpre. Who escaped from Cairpre. 

Ni thabhradh in talumh a thorad dona hai- 
theachaib iarsin ndighail 1 doratsat for 
soerclannuibh Eirenn, 7 bai gorta m6r 
for feraibh Eirenll, iter innbera 7 fedha 2 
7 ith 7 blicht. Rafes tra na tri comarbu 
sin Eirenn do beith ind Albain .Ï. F era- 
dach Find fechtnach 7 Corp Aulom 7 
Tipraite Tírech. Tiaghur iarzt111 aracenn 
dia freasdul 7 dia righadh, 7 doberur 
ratha nimhe 7 talman, greine 7 escæ 7 na 
n-uili dhul friu ona haitheachaib i mbith- 
fognum dhoibh dia reir fein cein bes 
muir im Eirinn. 

Gabhuis iarzt1n cach dibh ina rainn ferainn... 

fOe 142 b, I. Poem by Feidlimid mac Crimhthainn, in twenty-three quatrains, 
of which the first is : 
Abair dhamh ra M uimnechu 
mor mac diamba hairisa 
ar an righ fil uas a gcind 
tecat lind antirassa. 
fOe 142 b, 2. Poem in thirteen quatrains, beginning thus: 
l\1aithi J.\;luman, ba fir soin 
im FheidhlÙllid mac Crimhthainn 
cech domnach teigdis re hedh 
co hAireadh do cheilebrad. 
1 1\18. dídhail. 2 MS. fegha. 
3 i. e. there was no fish in the rivermouths, mast on the oaks, grain in the corn, or milk in the 
udders of the kine. 
4 Cf. the legal formulae in Grimm's Deutsche Rechtsalterthiimer, 2 te ausg. s. 38, also la1zg als ditt "". 



fOe 143 a, 1. Poeln in eighteen quatrains beginning: 
Erigh frisin iarméirghi 
na bi it cotlZtd, a Shelbalgh, 
conarat codlZtd mea bla 
nogur'deagla re demhnaibh. 

fOe 143 a,2. Poem in eight quatrains, entitled Lomaidhi cec Ï1z it. 10 filed bui 
for a thengaÙlh. The first stanza is : 
Cormac cofecht roba sái 
ba cert gach nert ronasái 
ba hua Breasail co n-uaisli 
ba hua comesair l\16isi. 

fOe 143 a, 2. Poem in thirteen quatrains, by Flaithbertach hua h-Inmhoinen, 
on the battle-stone of Cormac hua Cuirc. The first quatrain is: 

IN cloichen bee fuiI im laimh, 
a Ardruire in betha báin! 
rola mor do dhainibh dhe, 
ocus læidhfidh araile. 

The little pebble which is in my hand, . 
o Overlord of the fair \Vor(d! 
Many men have fallen by it, 
And another will fall. 

fOe 143 b, 1. Poem in three quatrains, of which the first is: 
T ri ceimmenn cindti do chách 
is ferr cingfes nech gu brath: 
ceim torroma lobair lis, 
ceim dh' ailitri, ceim dh' eaclais. 
Another copy IS in Laud 610, fOe 112 b, 3, where it IS attributed to 
fOe 143 b, I. Story about a bishop Cainchomrac (ob. A. D. 901), who kne,v 
when everyone would die, and \vhether he \vould be re\varded or punished 
in the other \vorld. Begins: 

Ea,>pac uasal rabhai i Clúain lTIaC N ois, 
Caoncomrac a ainm, 7 l\1ochta a ainm 
artús. Mac oighi hé 7 comarba Dé, 7 
da oilitri dochoidh co Cluain. 

A noble bishop abode in Clonmacnois, Cain- 
comrac was his name, and l\lochta was 
his name at first. A son of virginity 
was he, and an heir of God, and on his 
pilgrimage he had gone to Clon(macnois). 

S01l.11e schblt: and so lange der wz.nd 1oeht, der hahn kräht Ul1d der lllo1ld scheint. So in India 
generally ãchalldrãrkalll, 'while sun (arka) and moon (c11andra) endure;' and ill southern India: ' so 
long as the waters of the Kãveri flow, vegetation lasts, or till the end of time.' See the Madras High 
Court Reports, vol. i. p, 407; vol. ii. p. 18 note, 




It is a copy of the story called Scll saltrac/Z lla 11lltlCe (, The tale of 
the Pig's Psalter') preserved in the Book of Fermoy, fOe 42 b. 
fOe 144 a, I-I5J b, J. A story belonging to the Conchobar-cycle, called 
I1Jzthecht lla Tro'JJzdai1Jze, 'the going of the great (bardic) company.' 
Begins : 
Bai ri uasnl oirdnidhe 1 for Airghiallaib fect 
n-aill .i. Aed maC Duach Dhuib. En- 
aimser do sein 7 d' Aed Fhinn mac 
Fergna meic Fearghusa melc lVluiredalg 
l\lhail, ri Brefne. Et dobhatar in diass 
sin cohimresnech. Gach ni maith do- 
ghnidh fear dhibh rob ail don fhir aile 
a imurcra do dhen umh do fein. 

There was once a king, noble, dignified, 
over Oriel, even Aed son of Dua the 
Black. He was a contemporary of Aed 
the Fair, son of Fergna, son of Fergus, 
son of M uiredach the Bald, king of 
Brefne. And those two lived in emula- 
tion. Every good thing that one of them 
would do the other desired to surpass it. 

This story has been edited with a translation by Owen Connellan in 
the Trallsacti01lS of the Ossianic Society, vol. v. Dublin, 1860. 
fOe 151 b, I, 2. A much faded copy of the tract on the conditions required 
from the Fiann. See O'Mahony's Keating, pp. 349-350, and O'Curry's 
Lectures, p. 301. Other copies of this tract are in the British Museum 
Harl. 5280, fOe 49 a, and Egerton 1782, fOe 25 a, 2. The Lismore copy 
begins thus: 
Fiche ar tn .L. tegluch Find hui Bhaiscne. 
Naenbur7 ocht fichit do righfeinedaib co 
tri nonburaib la cech fer dib. 

A score and three fifties (were) the house- 
hold of Find ua Baiscne. Eight score 
and nine royal champions, and each man 
of them had nine men. 

The conditions above referred to were nine in number :-1. The relatives and 
tribe of a member of the Fiann were to give pledges (slana) not to sue his slayer. 
2. He must be a poet (fiN), and have made the twelve books of poesy. 3. He must 
be placed in a hole in the ground (toll labJlan) , with his shield and a staff of 
hazel the length of his arm. Nine warriors, with their nine javelins and with 
nine ridges between them and him, were then to cast at him at the same time, and 
if they wounded him he was not received into the Fiann (Naonbur læch 7 nai slega 
7 nai n-imaire etarra, cu ndibraictis a n-oenfecht he, 7 dia ngondais ni gabtha isin 
Fein he). 4. His hair must be woven, and he must be sent running through one of 
the chief woods of Ireland, and if his pursuers, with only one tree between them 
and him, overtook him and wounded him, he was not received. So if during this 
run, (5) a tree took a hair from the weft, or (6) his weapons trembled in his hands, 

1 :MS. oirdnighe. 



or (7) a withered stick broke under his foot, or (8) he failed to stoop under a branch 
as low as his knee, or to leap over one as high as his ear, or (9) he failed to pluck a 
thorn out of his heel with his nail without interrupting his course. 
fOe 151 b, z. Here follows this curious bit of folklore: 
Bliadhuin don chuailli. 
.iii. bliadlla don gurt. 
tri saeguil in guirt don coin. 
.iii. saeguil na con don eoch. 
.iii. saeguil an eich don duine. 
.iii. saëguil an duine don dam allaid 
.iii. saeguil in daim don Ion. 
.iii. saeguil in luin don ilar. 
.iii. saeguil in Hair don bradan. 
.iii. saeguil in bradain don iubhur. 
.iii. saeguil in iubuir don bith (6 a thosach) co a dereadh, ut dixit poeta: 
Deach . . . . . 
A year for the stake. 
Three years for the field. 
Three lifetimes of the field for the hound. 
Three lifetimes of the hound for the horse. 
Three lifetimes of the horse for the human being. 
Three lifetimes of the human being for the stag. 
Three lifetimes of the stag for the ousel. 
Three lifetimes of the ousel for the eagle. 
Three lifetimes of the eagle for the salmon. 
Three lifetimes of the salmon for the yew. 
Three lifetimes of the yew for the world from its beginning to its end, 'lit 
dixit þoeta: 
Ten . . . . . 

There is a poem, in ten stanzas, on the relative length of life of a stake, 
and a field, of man and other animals, in the Book of Fermoy, fOe 98 b; and 
Mr. S. H. O'Grady has pointed out to n1e t\VO short notes dealing 
with the same matter, one in Egerton, I 18, fOe 5 I a, the other in Egerton 
133, fOe 229 a. The note in Egerton I 18 resembles one in the Book of 
Ballymote, p. 14 a. Furthermore, from the tale of the transmigrations of 
Tuan (L. U. pp. 15, 16), it may be inferred that the Irish of the eleventh 
century held four of the oldest animals to be the stag, the wild boar, the 
hawk, and the salmon. 
The Welsh had similar traditions. See the 1I1àbÙlogio1l, ed. Guest, ii. 



297, Rhys, Hibbert Lectures, 555, and a paper by Professor Co\vell in Y' 
CY1JZ1llrodor for October, 1882, entitled' The Legend of the oldest Animals.' 
But in Wales the order of the animals was as follows: ousel, stag, owl, 
eagle, salmon. Or thus: eagle, stag, salmon, ousel, toad, owl. Or, lastly, 
according to Ap G\vilym in his poem Yr Oed: eagle, stag, owl-the life- 
time of the eagle being, apparently, thrice as long as that of a man. The 
parallel Greek tradition is given in a fragment of Hesiod (ed. Lehrs, Fragm. 
ciii.): .. 

' E ' J- ' ,'\, J- ' 
JlJIEa TOt. 
.s)... , "'\,I..
' , 
, ,'\., A.. 
, l:.' A " 
 cþ , l:. 
" " 
,. ',I..' 
Jlvp.çþat..lihr"-óKup.ot., Kovpm ßt.úS' UiYLÓXOI.O. 

Compare also Aristoph. Aves, 610, and Auson. Idyll. xviii. Professor 
Co\vell (ubi sUþra) quotes t\VO Buddhistic legends, in one of \vhich the 
animals \vhose ages are compared are a partridge, a monkey, and an 
elephant, and in the other, a vulture and an O\vl. See also Mr. Rhys 
Davids' Buddhist Birth-stories, 1880, vol. i. p. 312; the Del1'Zazt1zdes JOYous, 
imprinted. . . by Wynkyn de Worde, 1511, and reprinted by Wright and 
HaIlhveII, Reliquiae A1ltiquae, vol. ii. p. 75, II. 3-15; seven letters in The 
Acadeuzy for Oct. 27, Nov. 3, and Dec. I, 1888, pp. 274, 29 1 , 35 6 : 
Pal11þhilus Gellgellb
h, ed. Gödeke, s. 562-564; and W. Wackernagel's 
K leillere Schriftell, iii. 186. 
After this comes a note in five lines, of which only a few words are 
legible. It begins: Ben rola muir inn Albain, and seems to refer to the 
marine nlonster cast ashore in Scotland, and mentioned in the Chronicon 
Scotorum, ed. Hennessy, A. D. 900, the Annals of Ulster, A. D. 890, the 
Annals of the Four Masters, A. D. 887, and thus in the Annals of Inisfallen 
(Rawl. B. 503, fOe 16 a, 1), at A. D. 892 : 
Banscal darala hí tracht n-Alban isinbliadain- There came a woman upon the shore of 
so; da thraig déc ar .ix. fichtib a fot, Scotland in this year. Twelve feet and 
a .xui. fot a trilse, .uii. traigid fot mér a nine score was her length: sixteen the 
láme, a .ui. fot a sr6ne, gilidir géis no length of her tress: seven feet the length 
huan tuinne a corp. of her fingers: six the length of her nose. 
Whiter than a swan or the foam of a 
wave was her body. 



A similar monster is mentioned in the Life of Brenainn, son of 
Finnlug, infra pp. 10 9, 255. 
fOe 15 2 a, I. A prose tract about Oisín and Cailte, beginning like the 
fragment in fOe 92 b, I, supra, p. xxv. This tract is called by Mr. 
Hennessy (Revue Celtique, i. 54), the Aealla1Jt Bee, , Little Dialogue'; and 
he there cites the greater part of the following passage from fOe 154 a, 2. 

uair ba híat fein dorinde both doibh ind 
oidhchi sin, 7 dorindedh indeonadh léo. 
Ocus téit Cáilte 7 Findchadh do indladh 
a lámh cum in tsrotha. ' I nadh fulach/a 
so,' ar Findchad, ' 7 is cian 0 dorindedh.' 
, Is fír,' ar Cáilte, 'OC1tJ fulachl na l\1or- 
righna so, 7 ní déntá gan uisei, 7 cuic 
mic Eachach Abradruaidh dorinde .1. 
Fat 7 Fet, Flann 7 Én 7 Enach.' 

For it was they themselves that built a hut 
for them that night, and an lndeonad 1 
(' gridiron'?) was made by them. And 
Cailte and Findchad go to the stream 
to wash their hands. 'This is a place 
of cooking,' saith Findchad, 'and 'tis 
long since it was made.' "Tis true,' 
saith Cailte; 'and this is the l\16rrígain's 
cooking-place; and it was not made with- 
out water (near at hand); and five 
sons of Eochaid of the Red Eyebrows 
made (it), even Fat and Fet, Flann and 
Én and Enach.' 

fo. 158 b, 2. The follo\ving note, in seven lines: 

Coicc bhruighne hEirenn. i. bruighen Mheic 
da Reo i m-Breifne. Bruigen da Dher- 
cai. Bruigen da Th6. Brulgen da 
Choca i n-iarthar 
idhi. Bruigen Fhor- 
caill l\'Ianaich. Atberat araile Bruigen 
Blai Brugad. Seacht ndorais forsin 
mbruigin. Secht slighidha trena lar. 
Seacht teallalge indte. Seacht gcaire, 
7 damh cu dtinne in cech chaire dhibh. 

The five Hostels of Ireland, to wit, the 
Hostel of Mac Da Reo, in Brefny: the 
Hostel of Da Derga: the Hostel of Da 
Th6: the Hostel of Da Choca, in the 
west of l\leath; the Hostel of Forgal 
l\'Ianach. Others say the Hostel of Blai 
Bruga. Seven doors to the Hostel. 
Seven ways through the midst of it. 
Seven hearths in it. Seven cauldr(ìns, 
and an ox with a flitch in each cauldron 
of them. 

The rest of the codex (fo. 159 a, 1-197 b 2) is a copy (ending imperfectly) 
of the Aealla11Z lla Sellórae!t (' The Dialogue of the Ancient Men,' Oisín 
and Cailte). Begins: 
Ar tabhuirt chatha Comuir 7 chatha Gabra After delivering the battle of Comuir and 
7 chatha Ollarbha, 7 ar ndhithugud na the battle of Gabra, and the battle of 

1 P. O'Connell's Ùl1uólladh, 'a striking on an anvil,' (ÙmeóÙz' seems a different word. 



Feindi, roscailset iarsin ina ndrongaibh 
7 ina mbuidhnibh f6 Eirinn, co nár' 
mhair re hamm na huaire sin dibh acht 
madh da 6clach mhaithe do dereadh na 
Feinde .Ï. Oisín mac Find 7 Cailti mac 
Crundchon mhic Ronain. 

Ends (fo. 197 b. 2): 
'Caidhi th'aicnedh 1 uime sút, a Cais 
Coralg?' ar Cáille. 'As é mh'aÏcned,' 
ar Cas, 'nach taca do mhnaibh in domuÙz 
riam ben bhudh ferr learn inas an ingen 
ut.' 'Cre(t do )beir oraib gan comæntu- 
gudh ?' ar Cáilte. Do...... 

Ollarbha, and after the destruction of 
the Fiann, they then separated in their 
troops and in their bands throughout 
Ireland: so that there remained of them, 
at the time of that hour, only two valiant 
warriors of the rear of the Fiann, even 
Oisín son of Find and Cailte son of 
Crundchu son of Ronan. 

'What is thy mind about her yonder, 0 Cas 
Corach ? ' saith Cailte. 'This is my mind,' 
saith Cas, 'that of the world's women I 
have never seen a woman who was better 
in mine eyes than yon girl.' , 'Vhat 
prevents you from agreeing? ' saith Cailte. 

Other vellum copies of this composition, which ,vell deserves to 
be edited, are in the Bodleian (Ra\vl. B. 487, fOe 12 b et seq., and Laud 610, 
fOe 123 a, I-fo. 147 b, 2), and in the Franciscan monastery, Merchants' 
Quay, Dublin. All are more or less imperfect. Its contents are analysed 
by O'Curry, Lectures, pp. 307-312, and extracts from the Lismore version, 
foIl. 166 a, 166 b, are given ibid. pp. 594-597. 
fOe 198 is a leaf of discoloured vellum added by the 
ookbinder, ,vith 
a small fragment of the codex (about 3l by 2 inches) inlaid on the recto. 
This fragment, \vhich is much faded, seems to contain the beginnings of six 
quatrains. The words Na tab. . . Deich . . . gidh mor . . . Suid(iu)gud . . . 
senchas. Aírmeim... Eintriucha i crich C01lnacht . . . Coic triucha dec, are 
Four pieces mentioned by ü'Curry (Lectures, p. 200) as contained in 
the Book of Lismore I did not find. They are: I. The story of Petronilla, 
St. Peter's daughter; 2. 'The discovery of the Sibylline oracle in a stone 
coffin at Rome;' 3. An account' of some modifications of the minor cere- 
monies of the IVlass;' and 4. An account 'of the correspondence between 
Archbishop Lanfranc and the clergy of Rome.' N or does the MS. contain 
a Life of S. Finnbarr, as stated in the Introduction to O'Curry's M all1lerS 
and Customs, i. cccxxii. 

1 aigne, the mind, the intent, the imagination, the will, gen. al.glleadh, P. O'C. 




THE scribes of these Lives, in copying from older MSS., followed the 
usual course-modernising, as a rule, the spelling and grammatical forms 
which they found before them, but sometimes leaving intact the ancient 
orthography and the ancient endings of the noun and verb. The result 
is a mixed language, in \vhich Old-Irish forms appear side by side with 
those belonging to the late Middle, and even Modern, periods of the 
language. The following remarks, though far from complete, will justify 
this statement. For convenience of reference they general1y follo\v the 
order of the Gra1JZ11Zalica CeltÙ:a. 

a for post-tonic e: depraccoit 2609, depracoitibh 4495. 
a for atonic t': a ndorchaibh 26, a n-aimsir 70, an topur 64, an tighi 72, 
aniu 391. 
a for tonic 0: anoir, manach; for post-tonic 0: espac 370, cét-arc 3270, fodhard 
433 8 . 
a for post-tonic u: rogha 3058, togha 3755, salma 371, fira 1978, pectha 164, gulla 
202 (where the umlaut points to Old-Irish gullu), dorchata 23, bulla, runna. 
a for atonic ia: ar n-Íc 598 = O. Ir. iar n-íc. 
ai for tonic oi: aifrenn 517, fairenn 629, gaibhnecht 37 8 4, 3785. 
e for post-tonic i: soillse (acc. sg.) 4, daire (dat. sg.) 168; for post-tonic iu: coimdhe 
4 16 4. 
ei for tonic ai: mne 3094. 
ea for e, whether tonic or post-tonic: leabur 43, fearr 82, foireann 4, aisnésean 2 I. 
i for atonic a: itconnaic 159, itfet 153, ispert 184. 
i for atonic 0: ica 181. 
i and iu for post-tonic e: daeri (gen. sg.) 23, Etailli 2 II, tipraiti 2637, airlégiunn 62, 
eisbiudh 118, toimniudh 143, irisiuch 150, aingiul 3356, taeidhliuch 4632. 
iub, ium for eb, em, are particularly frequent: ceiliubrais 842, creidzum 282, breithzum 
614, risium 650, tuirium 1085, taitnium 1203. 
o for post-tonic u: bochto 14 I 3. 
oi for tonic ai: oilithreacha 3847. 
u for post-tonic a: ro-bennuch 356, clochu 393, fedhbhu 4889, fiaclu 473, fuarutar 5, 
itberur 25, mu-na 186. So ui for the umlaut of post-tonic a: rechtuzre 400. 
u for atonic i: um 29 I, umar'leicis 105 where the u may be due to the m. 



In the case of long vowels we have: 
eo, eu, for t: deoruib 4651, beolu 4652, seut 2930. 
io for ì:: fzos scél 1064; for t: flon 4505 (but fin 45 06 ), fzor 43 8 4, lzon 4493 
rzogh 4473. 
Atonic i is lost: 'na haicnidh 51, 'na comuidecht 69, 'na ucht 258, 'na triur 835. 
The diphthongs ai (ae) and oi (oe) are confounded. Thus we have aen 1995, and 
aenar 2006, for Old-Irish óln or óen and óenar. So naidhzu 118 = O. Ir. nóÙliu; aÙlhe 
1250 = O. Ir. óigi, aidigecht 263 = O. Ir. óigidechl; Gaedelu 404 = O. Ir. GóÙlelu; soeth 
870 = O. Ir. sáeth; soethar 3699 = sáethar; loechdacht 3058 = O. Ir. láechdacht. 
In sai-eascoþ 2 I 2, and drat' 287, ai is for O. Ir. ui. The modern ao for ae appears in 
aos 3723, aosa 599, comaosu 1226, saoth 2278, naom 2074. '\Ve even find aoe (aoes 21 4). 
So aoidhigecht 255 = O. Ir. óigidecht, alaolohi 1124, naoi 4298, naoim 2075. In five 
lines we have Coimhgen 4465, CaOl1Jzhgen 4467, CoeÙnhgen 4468, and Caeimhgen 4469. 
 oei, the umlaut of ae, oe, is frequent: noeimhe 12, daeiri 23, coemlhecht 266, 
caei'rib 91, caez'rig 101, oeible 77. 
For ae, oe, we sometimes have long u: cúra 43,1473, 2321, 2920 = O. Ir. cáera. 
So cúnnach 2402, for cóellnach. The umlaut of this û is ui: fuidhz'us 479, nuidhzn 59, 
buÛl1096 = búÙJh 2743. In én-bhaile 2918, én-shnál'the 2930, the diphthong oi (oe) 
has been reduced to long e. 
The diphthongs eu and ou are confounded: luach 572. 

The nasals 111, 1Z, r, I: 
Infected m for infected b: noemh 33, nemh- 3 8 5 8 , 4617. 
n assimilated to a preceding I: colla 1139, collaidi 1152. 
n doubled between vowels: znnis 115,1967; before s: bannscail 1229, sennser 2940, 
2950, bannscaile 113, baindsi 172; before t: sainnt 1690, innti 97, tenntidhi 1188; or 
becomes nd: znd 36, 66. 
nn is sometimes singled: zni 139, znocht 862; or becomes nd: flrinde 3055. For 
nd we have n in zniu 918, ani 1375. 
The liquids r, I: 
r: doubled before s: ro-errslaic 60, doirrsi 1562, toirrsech 1698; before dh: 
airrclhi 90, 177; before th: airrter 1638, airrt[h Jer-deiscirt 2 I I; before n: tairrn- 
gidh 164 I, sathairrn 6 12, errnaigthi I 187; before c: fairrce 1487, 2226; before I: 
urrlamh 1900. 
I is doubled: Etailli 211; before t: allt 4834. 
II becomes ld: bachaild 1043. 



xl vii 

The la bials p, b : 
Þ in loanwords for f: þdarlazce (veteris legis) 7, and for b: þisi 84, poc, þuic, 16 34, 
þéisd (bestia) 1840; apslanail (abstinentia) 49 00 ; and for bh: Iop 2744. So in the 
native word leanp (child' 1452 = leanbh 145 1 , leanamh 9 02 . 
ph for bh : do phisibh 8 I. 
b (in loanwords) for p: pobul (populus) 3, pubull (papilio) 3 26 , esbul (apostolus) 33. 
bh forf: buthuaidh 4722, bhar 332; for mh: mebaidh 59, cozobnesom 65 6 . 
b doubled to denote the absence of infection: abbas 100. 
The dentals t, d : 
I inserted after n: aein-I-zoh 630, láin-I-'l' 2897, glenn-I-a 3662, móin-t-i 3663; after 
I: z7mhíl-I-zo 4477; after bh: sléb-I-i 3656; after s: tanais-I-i 683; assimilated to s : 
apsalazob (apostolis) 27. 
Infected I omitted: cOllcib 4575, for coz1cthzo,.fhOl'res 317 I, for fhoirilhes: inserted to 
prevent hiatus: fli-Ih-i 50,foi-th-z'b 1610, tre-th-e 862; substituted for ch: nezïh 480, 
aigthi 166, TrethÙJlh 275. 
d for I: in inlaut: aidi 105, airidin 216, cldna 249, níbdar 246, madain 260, 
(maduin 1985), fldazo 4413; in desinence: duÙl 229, docreid 249, rocansad 239, 
gezoid 1913
 anuzod 19 8 4. 
Infected d inserted to prevent hiatus: rosoi-dh-eth 840, rosou-d-adh 4323, impoi-dh- 
zï 3806, rolathbheo-d-aig 4435, sdaadoirib; added: drúi-dh 2279, .íacai-dh 4 8 93; 
prefixed to th: bu-dh-tuaid 757; omitted: no Ùnpa[ dh J 4099, conderna[ dh] 4 218 . 
dd for eclipsed I: iar ddaidhechl, 4377. 
Assimilation of d to preceding n is frequent: clainn 62; oiffrinn 841, BóÙlne 272, 
z'nn 1422, 2164, ann 1379, innzu 1376, etc. 
The gutturals c(k), g, q : 
ch for gh: tich 44 I 5; ch added: lza-ch 4485. 
chs and x interchange: Sachsain 2564 = Saxain 2561. 
cc for g:focraicc 699, occ 1080,leicc 1082, eaccnaide 1088, táinicc 108 9, loccbhais 3604. 
g for c in anI aut before pre tonic vowels: gU-1Jlór 257, gla-r-bhó 1429, gach 1441, 
gan 1465; in inlaut: agam 1995; in desinence: .og, 102 9, gég 25 8 5, táÙzig 5. 
g for cc: brg 1904. 
Infected g written for dh: Al-cluaige 47, connaigh 80, guigh 12 4, Ihuislighz'bh 147, 
aiglhi 166, jigh 352, jleigh 408; inserted before Ih: no hadui-gh-thea 270, áirnzhi- 
gh-ter 671, méÛJi-gh-tl'r 3797, áirmi-gh-thi 4 6 4 2 , 4 6 43, gignz--gh-ther 759, dÙlbhui-g- 
ther 333, rofin1ifai-g-Ier 4 2 54; added to -ai: ÙJlrulai-gh 5 1 7. 
ng for nc: Frangaz'b 48. 
gc for eclipsed c: na gcléz'rech 4462, a gcléirig 4463. 



The velar guttural q occurs in the noun Qzdaran (= Corn. pz'ran) 443 8 , 4440, 4470, 
4477, 44 8 5. So in the Naem , ogam 'saint-ogam,' Book of Ballymote, p. 31 Ib: 
.1. ainm in naim i tinnscanfa gabar ar in fide I. Brenaind, Laisreann, Finden, Sin- 
chell, N esan, Hadamnan, Donnan, Tigernach, Cronan, Quiaran, l\Ianchan, Giurgu, 
Ngeman, Zannan, Ruadan, Aed, Oena, Ultan, Ernen, Ite; where the initials of the 
twenty saints' names correspond with the twenty letters of the Ogam alphabet. Other 
instances of q occur in the tract just quoted: qulenn, quert, Quorann, querc, quzar, 
Quell dara, qual, quislenacht. But here, except in the case of quzar, the q is written 
F and V. Irish f regularly comes from a pretonic v, as in fir. In loanwords 
Latin 1if,if is sometimes represented by tif, as in zïhfirn 295, 43 0 , 438 = infernum, 
ilhfirnach 2242; so az'th.frenn = offerendum. 
Prothetic f occurs in f-oirb 43,f-aca 63, f-áinne 2618, ro-f-Ülfraigset 3669, don-ý-air 
4149,.f-ósazc 1622. 
v when following d, n, r, or I is regularly represented by bh (JI;feadhbh, banbh, 
tarbh, dealbh). \Vhen it arises from nasal infection of f it is represented by 
bh.f. Thus blfaidh 18, blforbthiugud 14, bhfoscud 5, blfognaim 183, bhfisair 18 5. 
But sometimes also by fh, as in ,,; fhaighthi 397, Ùz .íhzaCUzl (dentem) 475, 
trzanar fhOlrcetal-lle 1512, in fhís (vision em) 4293, an-:fhaitech 1395, an:fhoirbhthi 
v before an unaccented vowel is often represented by b or bh: thus buthuaidh 47 22 , 
bhur, 'your,' 1604, bar, 'says.' 
S, Z, and H. There is nothing noteworthy about s, save that the h arising from 
its infection is regularly expressed by ths or ts. Thus: olhiifhéghadh 4868, a ISenáin 
2081, dá CIOlCh Isalainn 2408, ocus tsacart 2475, cinn tslébhe 2796, CrimthaÙz tsréz'b 
3216, amaz1 tsnechta 3338, grian Isolusla 4631, clann tsoineamhail 1544, 'ingin tsoch- 
raid 1722, gezn tSenázn 1790, oc scríbhiunn Isoscélai 2050. 
z is represented by st in the loanword Stabulon 19. 
h is constantly inserted to prevent hiatus after the verbal prefixes no and ro: no-h- 
adhllachta 632, ro-h-adhnacht 645, ro-h-ort, ro-h-orta 136, ro-h-íctha 178, ra-h-oslazced 
4359. It is regularly inserted in the following seven cases: 
(a) after the na of the article (gen. sg. f. and nom., date and acc. pI.) na h-ais- 
nesean 21, na h- Ézrenn 324, na h-úazn 87, na h-zdlz" 673, dona h-uilz"b 671, dona 
h-irisechaibh 675; 
(b) after the possessive pronouns of the third sg., whether rnasc. (u1Jlm-a h-eochu 
563), or fern. (a h-athair 3412, a h-óighi 4176, a h-ainm 4695); 
(c) after the interrogative prone cza (cza h-airm, 546); 
(d) after the gen. of gach: (gacha h-ollama1l 4776) ; 



(e) after the nUlnerals tn' (tri h-ernaili 698, co tri h-énuibh 434 6 ), and cethra (cetra 
h-airdz'b 29) ; 
(f) after prepositions ending in vowels: a h-Eigiþt 4 6 74, co h-z1zdbir 3 2 5, co h- 
Ele 521, fna h-Eochaig 37 6 , fna h-anblforus 4 8 94, re h-z'rllpódh 708, re h-Abrahanl 
709, re h-úir 4492, re h-issa 4518, la h-Asardaibh 23; 
(g) after the negative particle 11í: ní h-zngnad 402. 
h is also inserted after the gen. sg. of an z:'stem: cluana h-Irazord 4014. 

Exam pIes are domuin I 3 6 5, uamun 15 2 9, leas tar 24 6 7, lar ainn 2 7 2 5, 2932, foruinn 
1336, and the Ioanwordsymonn 613.ymmonn 15 2 5 = ÙJlmann 2675, columan, solla- 
man 1355, sacarbaze, senister, sigen, rithimm 26 73, HerÙnon 227, Pe/ar 3324, teampul. 

of r: bérla 2536 = Old-II', bélre, ro fiafraig 432 (from ro-iar-:íaig), fidraissi (for 
fetair-si),funnraidhi 1945= .f-urnaidhz' 206 4, sathralln (dies Saturni) 4374, coisercad 
(consecratio) 1819, martralaze (martyrologium) 3754. 
of I: comalltur 392 (from com-Ian-tar), ecalsaibh (ecclesiis) 1356, altugud 1 174, 
allughadh 2415 = atlugudh 4316, ro-alluigh 4744 = ro-atluig. 
of s: baisdzom (from baitsÜll, baptizo), ro-baisd 398, robaz'sdeth 450, lascc 4663 
(laxus), esboc 837 (episcopus), espocóÙli 422 (episcopatus). 

This is of two kinds; vocalic, c
Iled by Irish grammarians' aspiration,' and nasal, 
called by Irish grammarians 'eclipsis.' 
,r ocalic infection is either organic, i. e. justified by the phonetic laws of the language, 
or inorganic. Organic vocalic infection is found (a) in construction, (b) in con1- 
(a) In construction: 
I. After the article in the gen. sg. rnasc., in the dat. sg., in nom. sg. and dat. sg. 
fern., in nom. pI. masc.: biadh ind fhir 1462, in chatha 1553, don choire 196, in 
mhuinnter 197, in/huil 1389, oc fégad in charbait 1321. 
2. Where an adjective follows and agrees" ith a noun which ends, or once ended, 
in a vowel: thus, in meic bhic 915, in ailithre fhoirbhthi 677, ón mudh Ihanusti 683, 
cruithnecht chaein 4165, a tigh [hir 1l1haith 255, a ben mhaith 796, eclas mhór 866, 
6 ghuth mhór 979, fo sheol shoinmech 1007, 6 galar thrornrn 1028, cot láim dheis 
1287, do ghabail chaiIle 1341, manuigh dhílsi 3196. 
3. Where a noun follows and is governed by a noun which ends, or once ended, in 



a vowel. Examples are: mheicc Dhé 4522, a dhuine Dhé 3359, aidchi.fhéle 268, a 
n-aimsir gheimrid 70, oc cuingidh bhídh 73, do chuingidh chísa 127, do glanad 
Iheallaigh 122, a tigh fhir mhaith 255, ac foghnam dháine ele 296, do thorru ma 
dhuine 825, a glaic Dhiabuil 4602, uas teinid bhrátha 3329, i míss medhónaigh 
.fhoghmhuir 444 I, d' foillsiugud shochair 743, iar fothugud cheall 600, in 6entuidh 
dhéachta 648, dá cloich Isalainn (i.e. shalainn) 2408, meic dháine 2464. 
So after the nom. sg. of I-stems: dorchata mhor 27, tene chascda 327, tene Ihaeid- 
Iech 591, tene Dhé 1044, betha shuthain 7 2 5, betha dhubach 3637. 
4. After the numerals (dá, cóÙ:), which originally ended in a vowel: dá dhall 1373, 
dá Ihopar 2522, cóic bhochta 1251. 
5. After the possessive pronouns mo, do, and a, 'his' or 'its: ' mu thinnscrai 1159, 
mu shétig I 169, do mhná-sa 1 170, a chenél 46, a shenathair 4 I, a shiair 140, a 
mháthar 48. 
After cech in the gen. sg. masc.: anma cech dhuine 247 I . 
6. After certain forms of the verb substantive: robad .fhearr 82, co m[b Jad shásad 
4 16 5, bhadh mhó 4488, rop fhallus 4 60 4. 
7. After active verbs governing the accusative: tuiceabh bhaile 4688, dolbhais 
chiaigh 2301. 
8. After prepositions which end, or once ended, in a vowel : amal chaeirig 101, 
amal Phól 589, am ail ghréin 1188, amal cholum 3877, amailfhacbaither 4448, ar 
dheismirecht 1758, do Ihabairt 82, im chrabud 15 8 , cenfhuil 435, gan.fhis 1598 = 
cen/his 1600, ó nzhenmain 714, tria dheilm 945, seoch Ihegduis 116I. 
9. \Vhere active or neuter verbs are preceded by the verbal particles ro, do, 710, or 
con = co-no: ro-Ihecuisc 6, ro-shoillsigh 3 1 , ro-ghabh 53, ro-ghénair 57, ro:fhoghlaim 
61, cur' bhó 67, do-chruthaig 5 00 , do-thoet 7 0 , do:fhuair 275, no-chaifedh 259, no- 
bheitis 443. But this does not occur in the passive: e.g. ro-fothaiged 63, Conasta 
2514 and curoifhasla 2515 are certainly scribal errors. Each should be co ro sásla. 
10. After the negative particles ní and nad: ni fharcab-sa 184, muna [for ma-llí] 
thardad 186, mina Ihísadh 1086, ni thabrai-si 109, ni tharraid 193, ni.fhiI 2451, 
ní chaitheadh 2518. 
I I. After the conjunctions cz'a, ocus, z"s, nó, and ó: cia nzhiscniged 4878, ocus 
.fhaitsine 7, ocus nzhírbuilib 3 6 , is mhnai 4770, nó.fhaili:l1n 3877, ó dhoróine 1657. 
12. After the interjection a: a chaillech 156 I, a Shenáin 2486, a dhuine 3358, a 
thigerna 3750. 

(b) In composition (examples are given in the nom. sg.) : 
Substantive with substantive: eachlasc (= ech'lhlesc) 288, lubh-ghort 590, 1885, 
fér-ghort 2846, rígh-shuidhe 623, 626, 1697, bruinne-dhalta 1120, nuall-ghuba 



3897, nó-chombathad 4298, bain-chéle 279 1 , 2794, 20 93, 29 1 7, 2990, daescar-shIuag 
4328, Iong-phort 3147, bunad-chinél 3 1 7 1 , 3 1 73, feth1"hairrge 3184, tonn-ghar 3605, 
mur-chat 3793, bleidh-mhil 3802, cat-phiast 3 802 , cath-bhuadhaighi 1548, anm-chara 
2803,2350, arm-ghaisced 1612, muir-mhil 2223, bith:fhognum 4177. 
Substantives with adjectives: toebh:fhota 777, bith-óhuadhach 2462, bith-shalach 
3 6 4 1 , bith-gharbh 3641, scoith-shemrach 977, moing1"hinn 3 080 , 3114, mong-bhuidhe 
3407, nuaIl:fhailtech 385'8, cenn-chathach 3 08 5, goib-ghér 3651, boladh-mhar 3857, 
dronn-mhor 3652, aighedh-bhán 3791. Perhaps also mac-thairrngertaigh 2831. 
Adjective with substantive: ógh-shlan 12 4 2 , 137 1 , 2670,4190,4197,4718, dubh- 
ghlas 1625, dubh-chomar 3279, crom-ghlais 3258, noebh-Shenán 1789, Ián-shídh 
3869, 3934, lán:fholartnaigthech 449 6 , degh-dhuine . . . dech-ghním 3870, droch- 
dhuine 320, 3852, 3934, mór-chumachtach 199, móir-1Jlhírbuil 2597, mór-mhéile 339 2 , 
mór-ghlóir 1110, mór-mhaith 2782, móir-shéiser 3 21 3, 3437, min-chaisc 1362, finn- 
chaelach 1572, uasal-shacart 736, fír:fhínemain 2464, derbh-shiur 3400, soeb-choire 
3624, 3 6 I 8, troim-thres 3 6 39, sír-ghaire 33 8 4, sír-theine 3 6 3 8 , 3643, sír:fhéghadh 
4868, nui:fhiadnisse 3315, nu:fhiadhnuisi 1145, il-Phian 4 2 43, Iar-mJlumhu 509, 
siar-dhes 937. 
Adjective with adjective: glé-gheal 335 6 , 3877, 43 60 , sír-bheogolach 3647, sír-shilti 
3666, uili-chumachtach 3164, 3190, sain-shercach 1842, lán-shaethrach 384'1, all- 
mharach 3164, 3190. 
Numerals with substantives and adjectives: oen-chura 2920, aen-shluasat 3163, 
aein:fher 3836" aen-bhrat 4307, én-bhaile 29 18 , én-shnáithe 2930, cét-mharb 2348, 
ceít:fhirt 52, prímh-fháith 3344, 39 0 4, prímh:fháthacdae 33 1 9, prím-chathair 4 2 95, 
tre-dhenus 2353. 
Prepositional prefixes: air-mhitiu 2499, air-mhitnech I 114, comh:/had 3420, 
comh-dhub 3376, coimh-thinol 1261, ro-com-shoi 689, der-mhair 3146, 3680, dí-mhar 
1483, er-mhor 3318 = urmhor 4720, di-chenntar 3253, di-chuirter 2800, etar-bhuasach 
3078, etar-ghuidhe 4231, fo-dhard 4338, fo-dhoimhne 3661, for-choimet 4184, frith- 
shet 4459, irn-ghabhail 1134, im-shlan 114 1 ,3447, ro-im-chuirset 25 82 , inn[fhJithenl 
2534, ind1"hethmech 2455, reimh-dhechaid 1197, ro-mhór 2534, tre-tholl 2962, ro- 
t-ath-bheodaig 4436, tairm-dhechatar I I I I, to-choisceim 1123. 
Inseparable particles: so-chenél 3334, so-chenélach 1332, so-chenélaige 852, soi- 
mhillse 919, so-mheasctha 3162, so-charthanach 3856, so-ghnímh 3943, nemh (0. Ir. 
neb) nemh-chumhscaigthe 3769, neimh-dhénum 1135, nemh-thoirrsech 3858. 

Instances of inorganic vocalic infection are- 
I. In substantives and adjectives :-in the gen. sg. fern.: daenachta mheicc Dhé 
4522; in the gen. sg. of a consonantal stem: n10gh rígh mhórchumachtaig 199; after 



nouns in the accusative sg.: muic n-úir .fhonaithi 206, aimsir shamraidh. 4845, 
drolmuigh .fhína 3 I 6, ar fhailti fhéghtha 524, i tír thairngaire 668; in the gen. dual: 
inad dá ech charpuit 4476. After the numeral tn': tri ghille 3086. 
To these perhaps may be added the instances of vocalic infection after certain 
consonantal nouns in the nom. sg. which in Old-Celtic seem to have ended in s. 
Thus: lasair theined 160, 251 I, dair mhór 940, cúra mhael 23 21 , 2325, oenchura 
.fhinn 29 20 . 
In fact, in the language of these Lives there is a tendency to infect the initials of all 
nouns in the genitive or accusative, whether singular or plural, without regard to the 
termination of the preceding word. Thus in the gen. sg. iar caithium immorro chuirp 
Crist 3689, a chine I bunaidsium Phatraic 42, do chuingidh fair chumaili 4267, 'ni ro 
dhech gnuis .fherscail 1693; gen. pI.: sinnser shacart 752, secht n-ollumain ghabunn 
2931; acc. sg.: cu ruc in cú allaid chaeirig 91, crenaidh didiu chumhail 170, forfa- 
caibh fssu bhacaill 223, co-n-acca óglach ind étach thaitnemach 794, dorat in ben 
sheirc ndímoir 1482, doroine . . . ernaighthi dhicra 1103, rorec . . . in chumuil 1190, 
coCilll1fhóir 2031. So after the voc. sg.: a athair thogaidhi 2041. Here the infection 
change is syntactical rather than phonetic. 
2. In certain prepositions and their compounds with pronouns. Thus, dh'agallaimh 
2337,dhuin 74,dhoibh 200, 2 0 5,orumsa 7 2 3 (=.fhorumsa), oruz11n (=/horuinn) 73, 
orainn 3195, chuici 157, nit! (=.fhriut) 728, rz'sa- (=.fhrisa) 928, thairis 2688. So 
a-cétair 2421 (= O.-Ir.flcétóz'r), atuaÙlh 2888 (=fòthuaiá), thair 3015. 
3. vVhere verbs, whether in the present, past, or future, express the ,relative. Active: 
shire, 3731, théigi 4363,.fhoillsigfes 789, thoirises 4622,fhásas 4619,4620, mharus 
4422, .fhuil 4245, thairismit 4370, tháncabar 4 81 5, thicfatis 4405, shílmid-ne 1513, 
chuingid 1569, mhoidid 1628, dhech 2711, thiaghuit 2435. Passive: thucad 2370. 
4. Other instances, which it is not possible to bring under one head, are: bheith 
4650, dhul 4797, choidchi 33 86 , bheous 4790, dona trí mhile 26 43. 

This occurs after nouns in the acc. sg. or gen. pI., and after the numerals, pronouns 
(including the article), prepositions, and conjunctions, which end, or once ended, in n. 
The tenues (c, t, p) sink to the corresponding medials; the medials (g, d, b) become 
respectively ng, n, and 1Jl; andfbecomes v, written in these Lives as bhf. For n+n, 
n + m, n + r, n + I, we have nn, nUll, rr, ll. Examples will be found in almost every 
line. For n f- c sometimes gc is written (3960, 4463). For 11 + t sometimes dd is 
written (4377). For n-n, from n+d, is written n-d; but sometimes, as in co n-essidh 
(= con + dessÛJh) 2512, the d is omitted. So for m-m is written m-b. 
Here too we find inorganic infection. Thus the initial of genitives plural is nasally 



infected, though the prehistoric ending of the preceding word was s or a vowel. For 
instance, athair bathais 7 creitmhe bhfer n-Érend 34, ó dgh bhfer Tefa 28 3 6 , i cluain 
mór bhFer n-Ardai 952: sennser noemh bhfer mBreg, 294 0 . An early example of 
this is uptha 'lhban, 'spells of women,,' in the K.losterneuburg incantation. The infection 
of b in i coitchinne mbethadh 2683, seems a scribe's error. 

Nom. masc. z1t1, in, ant-, an 
fern. ind, z11n, an, int 
neut. a-n 
Gen. masc. neut. ind, inn, ann 875, into 
fern. na 
Dat. -(s)inn -(s)in 
Acc. masc. and fern. (S)z1111, (s)ind, (s)int } . 
zn na 
neut. (s)a-n ' 
Only examples of the rarer forms need be quoted: 
S . d t'. . { in t-uan 114 0 , in t-saz?l 12 55, z11 t-uzSci 14 81 , 26 7 6 , 
Ing. masc. an lem. acc. znt: ... . 
= an t-UZSqUl 1 1 I, 211- t-ord-n 2625, an I-znad 1001. 
" neut. acc.: al-lá (from an-lá) 2076. 
Dual nom.: in dá phopul 1476, in dá clamh 1591. 
" acc.: eter zn dá fhorba 1897, eter zn dá espoc dhéc 4 I I I. 
Plur. masc. nom.: znd eolaig 516, 829, 2642, znd irz'sigh 394 8 . 
The articulated form of the prep. znd(36) twice occurs, ann sa chat7iuch, 'in the chalice,' 
1631, ann-san znzS 1080. This is the practice of the spoken language, 0' Don. Gr. 281. 
Compare znd-szn eclaz"s LB. 55 a 44. pI. ann-sna lathib LB. 243 b 10. 


 in, 11a 

masc. znd, na. 
fern. na. 

neut. na. 

} na-n. 

} na. 

(a) Vowel-stems. 
In the vocalic declension of vowel-stems there is little cal1ing for notice. The 
transported n still appears after the nom. sg. neuter. Thus: az'thÛtsc m-bréz'thri 404, 
gradh n-esbuic, n-espulc, 1346, 1347, Dál m-Bumn 4657, Ros 11-Dairbhrech 1474. 
So with stems in -io: lugha n-eithig 50, rfghi n-Éirenn 749, orba n-az?l 1896. But 
most of the old neuters have become masc. or fern., e. g. in mhul'r 3623, though the 
gen. sg. zn mhara occurs in 3684. 
The transported n also occurs regularly after the acc. sing. Thus: n;ac n-dall 57, 
mac n-DaibÙl 3320, biadh n-gnáthach 94, canoin n-eclusdai 212, muÙ: n-úzr 205, Illllber 
n-Domnanll, n-Dé, m-Bóinne 272, 273, aidheadh n-golla 465, Pól n-apstal 589, cenll 
1Jz-bliadne 638, clmnn n-AdhaÙnh 622, scriptulr n-diadhai 684, n'th m-buadhai 74.3, 



cailech n-oifrinn 84 1 , brézï[hJÙ' 1z-escaine 845, breíl[hJzr n-Dé 1033, 2720, arradh 
n-glainidhi 954, bannscail n-irisigh 1229, leastar m-b1'2sde 1398, torathar n-gránlla 
1420, espoc m-Bron 1453, seirc n-dímhoir 1482, clamh n-umhal 1585, each m-buadha 
2090, drolmaig n-englaisi 2701, Petar n-ardespul 33 2 4, manach n-dílz'us 3359. So 
with stems in -z'o and -ia: athardha n-dz?is 657, laa II-ann 471, lighi 1JZ-BOlïi 955, 
laa n-oen 2721, laa n-az?l 1940, uz'ngi n-ðir 2621. So after the gen, pI. zar coscrad... 
ealadhan n-druidechta 601, zar ndeisndrecht . . . na n-uz?i manach n-i1'2sech 682, ,,; crich 
Va bhFailgi 1238. 
But it sometimes oversteps its bounds and appears after the nom. sg. masc. and the 
date sing. Thus espoe m-Bron 1453, mac II-uasal 787, isin Cz1111 n-az?e 1592,2' cOlï- 
ehinne m-bethad 2683, 'i comartha n-dz7gudha 4347. In arai n-anoire 7 II-airmz"ten 
4335, it appears after the conjunction ocus. 
In the dat. sg. of o-stems the u-umlaut is still found. Thus, doll 62, curp 38,3, 
caisiul 447, mudh 68 3, Surd.979 1 , tuaisciurt 106 5, forcetul 106 5, ceniul 1375, purt 
2572, eon 2512, meor 4422. So in the acc. pI., even when the old final post-tonic -u 
has become .a: bulla 4852, gulla 202, runna 3277, mulla 1674, eocha 2315, 2851. 
The u of the acc. pI. of masc. o-stems is still found in ruscu 60,ftru (= Lat. viros) 
313, eochu (=Lat. equos) 318, Gaedelu 404, manchu (=Lat. monachos) 893, cuaranu 
943, clamhu 7 dullu 10 99, marbhu 1100, damhu 1494. But this u has become -a in 
mancha 3338,jira 197 8 , damha 1947, salma 1956, etc.; and -0 in bochlo 1413. 
The nom. pI. is used for the acc. pI. in meic 16 I, slðig h 100 I, loiscz11n 107 I, ruise 
1671, læigh 1961, 1964. Conversely the acc. pI. is used for the nom. pI. in rusca (for 
ruscu) 62, and arathru 1509. 
In the plural of the z'o-stems we often find a passage to the d-dec1ension. Thus: 
nom. aighairedha 2899, gilladha 2979, mergedha 3078, daltada 3117, comaltuda 
3I59=comhaltadha 4676, saebchoireda 3618, uiscedha 3665, cairedha 4101, cridhedha 
4875; gen. techtairedh n-uasal 2952, na n-uiscedh 3713; date a 11'2' h-uÙledalO 2572, 
ramhaduloh 3574; acc. ce/z"uda 15 8 4. 
Feminine stems in tare inis, 'island,' sg. gen. illdse 3697, innsi 370 (but also inz's 
37 00 ), dat. z1znsi 3704; acc. innsi-n 3570, and sézïig, 'wife,' 381, sétzch 54; sg. gen. 
sétche, dat. séz"tig 576; acc. séz"tzch 1157. 
Fern. u-stems are deog, 'drink,' sg. gen. dighi 95, 1239, 1927, acc. digh 54, and 
muc, , pig,' 1248, pI. dat. 11lucaib 1245, nom. acc. muca 1246, 1247. 

(b) Diphthongal stems. 
bó, 'cow,' sg. gen. bó 435 8 , acc. boin 97, 4 0 9, pI. nom. bai 1660, 4357, gen. bó 95, 
1660, acc. bú; dual nom. dá bhai déc 1267. 
nóu, 'ship,' 4302, 4303, noz
 næi2332, 239 1 , 2392, acc.noÎ2174, naei2331, naoi4298. 



(c) Consonantal Stems. 
Here we have (I) stems in c, g, and nc: (2) stems in r: (3) stems in t, d, nt, and 
nd: (4) stems in n: (5) stems in s. 
c-stems. Examples are: caera (spelt cúra 93), 'sheep,' sg. acc. caéz'rig 101, pI. gen. 
caerach 86, date caerchuloh 1554, caerzo 4643, acc. caercha 12 3 2 . 
cathair, 'city,' 3969, sg. gen. cathrach 1570, 4281, dat. cathraigh 4214, pI. acc. 
cathracha 2549, 2645, dat. cathrachuibh 39 62 and cathairloh 3639, gen. cathrach 
4256: ceo, 'mist,' 3329, sg. acc. ciaigh 23 01 . 
dair, 'oak,' 940: eochair, 'key,' 144 6 : Eochu, gen. Echach 1153, 2096: Fiacha, 
gen. Fiachach 301 I: Fiachra, gen. Fiachrach 3076. 
lasaIr, 'flame,' 31,1410,2510, gen. (derg-)lasrach 3 181 , (trom-)lasrach 3639, acc. 
lasair 3970. - 
nal'thir, 'snake,' 1033, pI. acc. nathracha 1071. 
rUlre (=ru-aire), 'lord,' sg. voc. ruire 1284, pI. dat. ruirechaloh 3346. 
scé, 'thorn,' sg. acc. sctich 2485; and Temhair sg. gen. Temhrach 2970, but Temra 
To this declension belong the loanwords altóir, 'altare,' dat. altotr 1103, pl. gen. 
altórach-n 1760: carcuIr, 'carcer,' sg. gen. carcrach 4771, date carcalr 4754; eipz"slz'l, 
, epistola,' pI. gen. eiPistlech 154; 77laighislzr, 'magister,' 2672, sg. gen. 11laigistreach 
3927; 11lal'nisHr, 'monasterium,' pI. gen. 11lainz"streach 2474, 11lainisdrech 609,873; 
senóir, 'senior,' 1077, 3850, sg. gen. senórach 3 8 4 6 , 4310. 
The native word az'lz'ther, 'pilgrim,' an o-stem in Old-Irish, is also declined like a 
c-stem, pI. voc. a oz11"threcha 3847. 
g-stem: rí, 'king,' 378, 1290, 2580, sg. gen. rígh 2573, dat. rígh 3054, pI. n. rígh 
2576, but also rígha 378, which in Old-Irish is the acc. pI.; gen. rtgh 3050, date 
rfghaibh 3345. 
11c-stem: fia, 'stone,' 1842, gen. Hac. 
r-stems: athaIr,' father,' sg. gen. a/har 1940, dat. athair 1954, vOC. a athair 2038, 
a a/huir 2041, pI. date -al'thribh 3309. 
bráthair, 'brother,' sg. gen. bráthar 3 I 70, vOC. a bráthair 2036, pI. n. brál'thre 1074, 
1338, 2608, date brál'thribh 1334, acc. brázïhriu 4460, voc. a brál'thre 2689. 
11láthaIr, 'mother,' sg. gen. máthar 52, 66, pI. gen. máz'threch (with passage to the 
c-declension), date 11lázïhrzoh 108. 
sÙtr, 'sister,' 66, sg. gen. sethar 2698, 2699, 2939, date siair 86, dual nom. dá shialr 
2661, pI. nom. (with passage to the c-decl.) derb-shethracha 4639. Compound: 
derbh-shÙtr 3400. 




I-stems: abb, 'abbot,' 4353, sg. gen. abadh 435 0 : aenla, 'unity,' 428 I, sg. acc. 
aentaidll 4282: ara, aru, 'charioteer,' 425, 427, sg. acc. araid 437, pI. n. araid 2858. 
belhu, 'life,' sg. gen. na be/had 3749, dat. belhaid 947, acc. be/haid 4 118 . 
brénlu, 'stench,' dat. brénlaÙlh 3 6 34. 
caill, 'wood,' sg. acc. caz'llz'd 826, 25 8 4, corruptly caz'lli 3355, dat. coill 4044, pI. acc. 
caz'lltz' 3663, where it is used for the nom. 
coi1lldhiu, 'lord,' coim1lldhe 722, sg. gen. coimdhdh, coÙndedh 3 688 , 3694, coinzdheadh 
1147, date C0z11Zdhidh 3547, 4 2 45, coi1lldhi 7 1 9, acc. coi1lldhe 4 861 , voc. a 1110 choz o 1lldhi 
2637, a choinzdhe 4164, 
caur, cur, ' champion,' pI. n. curaidh, 299 8 : comhla J gen. comhla[dh] , 1975. 
dorchala, 'darkness,' sg. dat. dorchala 23. 
dúrchraidhilu, 'hardheartedness,' sg. acc. dúrchraidhitaidh 228. 
 'poet,' 1182, 1183, 1190, gen.jiledh 1189, pI. dat.jiledhuibh 3026. 
fraigh 'wall,' 4749, sg. dat. fraighzOdh 195,froighidh 19 8 . 
íla, 'thirst,' 3707, 3714, sg. gen. íladh 4408, dat. ílaidh 44 02 , 4404. 
léne, 'shirt,' 1040, sg. gen.léned. 
míl, 'soldier,' pI. n. calh-1llílidh 2998. 
6enlu, aenla 'union,' 790, sg. gen. áentadh 4468, date 6entuidh 647, 64 8 . 
6ighi,áighe 1250, aighil257, , guest,' sg. date áighÙlh 1254, pI. dat. aoighedaib 3 8 3 0 , 
acc. æighedha 1649, where it is used for the nom. 
6itiu, 'youth,' acc. ózÏÙtdh 286. 
rig, , fore-arm,' pI. acc. riglhe 2974. 
seche, 'hide,' 4117, sg. date seÙ:hidh 4118,4261. 
slighe, ' road,' pI. acc. slighlhi 3664, where it is used for the nom. 
sui, I sage,' sg. date sui 2749, pI. date suÙlhib 2750, acc. suzÏhe 25 2 9. 
lene, 'fire,' 71, 78, 267, 1044, sg. gen. leinelh 1918, leinedh 77, na leinedh 29 02 , 
date teinidh 84, acc. tene 332. 
lenga, 'tongue,' sg. gen. lengad, acc. lenga 1456. 
traigh, 'foot,' sg. acc. traighlOdh 462, pI. acc. Iraighthe 3681 (where it is used for the 
nom.), traighthi 4131, gen. traiged 3682. 
uai1ll, 'cave,' sg. dat. ua1llaidh 3416, acc. uamaidh 3415. 
d-stem: drui, 'wizard,' 2656, 4008, but drai 287, 1162, sg. gen. druadh 1 162, 1 166, 
dat. druidh 4007, drai 1192, acc. drai 1223, 231 I, pI. gen. druadh 2307, acc. druidhi 
300, where it is used for the nom. Perhaps dt, 'smoke,' 1409, 3329, belongs to 
this declension. 
nl-stems: bráge, 'gullet,' sg. dat. brágail 389, 2312. 
cara, 'friend,' 1194, anm-chara, 4792, sg. dat. anm-caruil 4793, pI. n. carait 3547, 
caraid 1492, dat. cairdib 3201, acc. cairde 4878. 



jiadha, 'God,' sg. gen. jiadhal 128 9. 
nánzha, 'enemy,' 3447, sg. gen. nánzhal 3444, pI. nom. námhail 3436, gen. námhut 
3045, acc. náimdiu 4877. 
luch, 'mouse,' 4217, pI. nom.lochait 3'144,3746. W.l!ygoden. 
tipra, 'well,' 39'1, sg. gen. lipral 2385, 2634,2635 (but lipraiti 2637 !), date lipralï 
2 I 62, 2383, acc. lipral"t 967, 2386, 271 I. 
nd-stems: brú, 'belly,' sg. dat. broinn 52, 382, 1882, 28 I 2, 282 I, 2830, acc. broind 
25'19: ilhla, 'granary,' sg. dat. l"thlainn 1429. W.ydlan. 
n-stems: airem, 'ploughman,' pI. gen. airemhon 1064, dat. airemhnaibh 1505, 15 08 . 
aisnéis, 'declaration,' 13, 155, sg. gen. aÙnésean 21, dat. aisnéis 1086, acc. aisnéis, 
18, I I 24, 4597. 
almsa, 'alms,' 3272, sg. gen. alnzsan 2034, but also almsaine, (with passage to the 
vocalic decI.), 1428,1579, date alnzsain 2401, 4102, pI. acc. almsana 1811,3395, date 
alnzsanuibh 18 5 '1. 
bendachl, 'blessing,' 4'101, beannachl 359,3351, sg. acc. bennachlain 836, 2985, ben- 
nachluin 250, 368, 2366, beannachlain 358, 368, bennacht 4699 : breithiunz, 'judge,' 6 14. 
bró, 'quern,' 4098, sg.gen. brón 1313, 4099, 4126, acc. bróin 85 0 , 4127,4269. 
Cruachu, sg. acc. Cruachain 3140. 
cú, 'hound,' 90, 278, 1253, 4036, sg. gen. con 93, acc. coin 27 6 , 4 0 34, 4035, pI. 
nom. coin 3655, 4428, date (nzz1-)chonuibh 4054, acc. cona 1658, conu 4081. 
Díchu 279, sg. date DíchO'in 607, 6 I I, acc. Dícholn 285. 
ealadha, 'science,' pI. gen. ealadhan-n 601. 
Elbu, , Scotland,' I 176, sg. dat. Alpain 1004, acc. Albaln 1025. 
garnza, 'weaver's beam,' 1667, sg. acc. garnzaln 1666. W. caifan gwë}'dd. 
idu, 'pang,' pI. n. idhaz1z 2830, 3004. 
nzallachI, 'curse,' sg. acc. nzallachlain 368. 
me1lnza, 'mind,' 708, 2649, sg. gen. nzennzan 4896, date nzennzain 7 I 4.. 
i1'Iunzhu, , l\Iunster,' gen. lJIunzhan 3066, date fifunzhaln 1206, acc. Mumhain 3 06 9. 
onchu, 'leopard,' sg. gen. onchon 3799. 
orda, 'thumb,' 44 I 9, gen. sg. ordan 4420. 
ollam, 'doctor,' gen. ollaman 4776: lalanzh, 'earth,' sg. gen. lalmhan 799, 2 I 15, dat. 
lalnzhaln 101 2, acc. lalamh 657. 
náidiu, 'babe,' 3349, naeidhi 1458, sg. gen. náidhen 1220, náidhÙtll 1457, nuÙlhz'1l 
59, date lláÙlin 68 = naoidhin 3392, voc. a náÙlhiu 118, pI. dat. nóÙlÙzuibh 73. 
The following are stems in -/z'ôn: 
al"rl"tiu, 'reception,' sg. dat. airl"din 216: airllu"lzu, ' reverence,' sg. dat. airmilÙz 619 : 
cluinsÙt, 'hearing,' dat. cluinsin 4225 : dechsu, 'seeing,' sg. dat. dechsoin 4849: faicslÍt, 
'seeing,' sg. dat.falcsin 2963, 4894, acc. falcsln 3179, 3873, 3875: laidhbhsi' vision,' 


1 vi i i 


853, sg. dat.laidhbhsin 792, /aircsiu, 'offering,' date /aircsin 4 28 I : teipersiu, 'dropping, 
sg. dat. teipersin 3709. 
The double n in the following forms has not yet been explained: Clolhru, gen. 
Clothrallll 2 144: *abh, , river,' gen. abhunn 3 028 : 
derna, 'palm,' sg. acc. dernainll 1339, 4 18 9: díliu, 'flood,' sg. gen. dílenn 33 2 '7. 
gabha, 'smith,' 3782, pI. n.gobldnn 4101, butgazohne 2936, gen. gabhunn 2931, acc. 
galohne 2934: guala, , shoulder,' sg. date gualainn 3118, acc. gualuinn 2860: 
Rechru, sg. dat. Rechrainn 959: rélla, 'star,' 4631, gen. réllann. 
According to this declension also are declined Áru, sg. gen. Áirne 374 I, dat. 
Araind 3743, Aruinn 43 0 5, acc. Aruinn 4 28 9: Ériu, 'Ireland,' gen. Erelln, 3366, date 
Ézrinn 1197, and in the plural anam, 'soul,' 4 6 45, anum 3597, ainim 438, 1086, 
1143, sg. gen. anma 618, dat. anmain 7 0 9, 337 1 , anmuin 703, acc. anmain 4228, 
pI. n. annzanna 2530, allmUnna 437 1 , dat. anmannalo 653, anmannuibh 4 8 7'7. 
Neuter stems in -men: 
ainm, 'name,' '78, sg. date ainm 3267, 4853, pI. n. annzannua 147, 186 7, 253 0 . 
béimm, 'blow,' sg. dat. béim 3195, acc. béim 3195, pI. n. (braith-)beílnenna 3120. 
boim, ' bit,' 'mouthful,' 2734. 
céimm, 'step,' pI. gen. céimenn 1612 = céÙnend 3424, céimeann 3419. Compounds: 
sg. acc. coisceim 4894, loichim 3 18 I. 
cuirm, 'ale,' sg. gen. corma 1242, dat. cormaim 2736, coirmm 1239, cuirm 1359, 
acc. cOlrm 1381, ,in chuirm (!) 1360. 
dez"lm, ' noise,' sg. acc. dellm 942. díri1ll,' multitude,' 'crowd,' sg. date dírim 2881. 
druim, 'back,' 'ridge,' sg. gen. droma 3004, date drui1ll 3609, 3 6 I 3, acc. druim 
995, 3 616 . 
gairm, 'call,' 4392, sg. acc. gairm 4349. 
'imm, 'butter,' 1291,1302, sg. gen. Ùnme 128, ime 1268,1296, date im 1278,1281, 
acc. imnz 129, leim 3408. 
loimm, 'milk,' 1661, loim 4110, sg. gen. lomma 87, loma 1473, acc. loim 449 0 . 
maidm, 'a breaking,' 3253, sg. acc. maidm 3112,4395. 
sruaim, , stream,' pI. date sruamuloh 3 6 3 '7. 
leidhm, 'disease,' 799, sg. gen. ledhma 1100, leadhma 1856, dat. lezdhm 144 1 , acc. 
leidhm I 12, 1490, pI. acc. ledhmanna 1704. 
loghairm, 'invocation,' sg. acc. toghaz"rm 119, date loghairm 37 6 5. 
Neuter stem in -én: arba, sg. gen. arba 1091, arbha 1357. 
S-stems: agh, 'a bovine animal,' sg. acc. agh n-allaid 47 I 5, pI. dat. aigib 3 21 9. 
all, 'cliff,' sg. gen. az"lle 2164, 2324, acc. all 4831. 
dún, 'fortress,' 928, 3039, sg. gen. dúine 929, 2543, dat. dún 405, acc. dún 39 6 , 39'7, 
883, 89 1 , 3 0 34. 



glenn, , valley,' sg. date glÙln, 560, 2583, pI. nom, glealllla 3656, gle1zn-t-a 3662. 
glún, 'knee,' pI. dat. glúinibh 2860, 2876, 3 I I I. 
gné, , form,' 'countenance,' 3895. 
gruadh, 'cheek,' sg. dat. grual"dh 1337, 4186. 
leth, 'side,' 'half,' 17,1124, sg. gen.lethi 2177, acc. sg.leth 1324,1326,3566, dat. 
leith 829, 1282. 
16gh, 'reward,' sg. dat.logh I 122, pI. acc.logu 3847 (with passage to the masc. o-dec1.). 
?7zagh, 'plain,' sg. gen. muighi 978, 3551, acc. magh 2598, nzagh m-Breg 396, inz- 
mach, dat. maigh 3552, pI. acc. muighi 3856. Compounds: Der-mach 918, acc. Der- 
macn 925, date Dermhuigh 9 I 8. 
nemh, 'heaven,' sg. gen. nimhe 613,2487, 2578, date nimh 2659, acc. 1zemh 1209, 
3768, pI. dat. nimhloh 4602, 4896, but nemhaloh 2486, with passage to the o-de- 
ruithen, 'ray,' 4632, sg. acc. ruthen 3402, pI. gen. rUlthne 3248. 
sál, 'sea,' sg. gen. sáile 377 I. 
slíabh, 'mountain,' sg. gen. slélohi 2562, slébi 2583, date sle'z'bh 3 8 3, 15 2 8, 3573, 
acc. sliabh 1527, 2565, 2582, pI. nom. sléb-t-i 3656, gen. sliabh 3643, dat. slélohibh 
lech (= rÉ)'os) 'house,' sg. gen. tighi72, 122, dat. tigh 70, 81,255,409,2838,2840, 
taigh 2670, toig 1092, acc. tech 1 187, 1252, tegh 1308, pI. n. fighi 2927. 
lír, 'land,' sg. gen. in líre 441, 710, ,in tíri 3848 (but thire dz1si f. 705), dat. tír, 
acc. tír-n 442, pI. dat. tín'bh 7 I 6. 
A solitary stem in ns is mí, , month,' sg. gen. mís 2996, míss 4441, in mís 3784, date 
mís 1064, 1066, pI. nom. mís 4367. 
Nouns ending in -ach often decline in the o-stems; in the plural like s-stems. 
domhnach, 'Sunday,' sg. gen. domhnuigh 1077, domhnaigh 1102, pI. date domh- 
naighz'bh 2735, domhnuighzoh 4534. 
étach, 'garment,' 2673, sg. gen. éduigh 1602, acc. étach 2723, pI. nom. éduighi 
15 0 4, dat. étuighlOh 1215, étaighl'bh 1496, acc. tduighi 1495, 1508. 
fásach, , desert,' pI. dat.fásaighl'bh 3218. 
marclach, 'horseload,' pI. gen. 11larclach, 1572, date marc!ai'ghz'bh 1574. 
otrach, , excrement,' pI. nom. otraighi 4869- 

There is nothing remarkable about the declension of adjectives, save that, in the 
plural, the nom. rnasc. ends in -q (meic beca 108, s!óigh móra 1431), and that the labial 
ending of the dat. pI. is frequently omitted. This ending, however, is still found in the 



following instances: tzmnazoh dz'adhaibh 63 I, proiceptólrloh noemaloh 683, maithzoh 
az'mserdaloh 688, cenélaz'b echtrannalo 690, étuighibh taitnenzachalo 12 I 5, dáinzoh 
fannaibh z'nlobraz'bh 1437, maz"thl'b z'mdhaib 4513, sruz'thloh Breatnachal'bh 2551, cosaibh 
tírmazoh 1818,24 2 4, aÙnseraibfodalö 4413. 
As to comparison, the superlative ending has disappeared except in com neS011l h, 
coibnesom, 'neighbour,' 104, 3924, which is used as a substantive. Of the compara- 
tive in -hr=-TEpo- there are two or three instances: gl1z'thzr 3679, 4075, and méÙll'thih 
(l\IS. meidighltr) 3697, sl'thiter 2217. Other comparatives end in -i(for -iu), as in 
uaísli 6, 1329, ul'lli 166 I, náraighi 169 I; but also in -e and -a: eacenaz'de, soiceinézlce, 
inísle, beccda, humla, 1088-1090. Irregular comparatives are: 

fern (= supernus ?) 
maith, 'good,' 1339 
11, 'many' = Goth. filu. 
lugh, l-Àaxvr 
mór, ' great,' 2543 
ole, 'bad' 
trén, 'mighty , 
f-ocus, 'near' 
comfhocus 290 I 
sír, , long' 
The comparative of equality is 
þrímhluinge 3183. 
For the superlative, except in the case of dech 98, 416, 418 (the irregular superl. of 
maith), the comparative is used: congbhaz7 budh alrdi 936, nesa 97, coÙnhnesa 28 9 8 , 
29 22 . 
With dz
 'eo,' we haveftr[rJ-di 1142,2319, nzói-dz' 2727. 

} ferr, 'better,' 82, fiarr 2861, 3040. 
Na 1084, 2450, 2730, Nu 4260. 
lugha 243 2 , 2435. 
mó 12 7 I, 1477, 23 20 , 24 1 9. 
messa 2432. 
treisi 2289. 
1 nesa 257 2 , 25 8 3, 3344 
S coimhnesa 28 9 8 , 29 22 . 
sza 2272. 
exemplified by meidightzr, azrdigHr frza 


a. Cardinals. 
Of the cardinals from I to 3000 the following instances are here found: 
I. a oen 33 1 5, aen 699. In composition: en-bhaz1i 2918, en-snazlhz: 2390. 
2. Absolute: a dhð 699, 4594, 4642. 
Nom. and acc. dá with all genders: da ócdam 633, da ésea 853, da chois 2220, 
da shÙllr 2661, da oidhchi 3607. With fern. nouns also dí: di bannscail 1389, di óigh 
399 6 , acc. a dhi laimh 262. 



Gen. oc þianadh da naenzh-ogh 373, ré da oidhchi dhée. 
Dat. dibh 625, 4255. A corrupt don dhá n-z'aseaz"b occurs in 3599. 
3. Nom. and acc. trí with all genders, Ir{ h-ecalsa, 25 2 5, Irí eathraeha 2549, Irí 
mzte 2641, Iri lonna 4134, Ir{ h-ingena 4000. With fern. nouns also leora: leóra 
calracha 1044, leora l111ti 1045, leora ingena 3996, leora bliadni 299. Also leóra 
lÏghz' 834, gen. Irí-n 3168, date here the labial ending is lost: Ó Ihrí modaib 679, co 
Irí henuz"b 4346, cona 11'1 maeaib 3 115. 
4. Nom., date and acc. celhra, eealhra for all genders: for eeatra hairdib 29, na 
eelhra meie 3995, cealra blz'adni 947, na celhra meie 3995, celhra haralhra 15 02 , 
celra bradana 4829, gen. eelhra 11l-bh'adan 949. 
A solitary example of the Old-Irish fern. occurs in eelheora muinleruib 144. 
In composition: celhur-raen 634, celhar-dhúz1 4622, ceilhir-liubur 462 I. 
5. cóie, euie, cuiee 4607, 4616: aspirates: coie bhochla 1251, and after the gen. 
has the transported 12: docum na .v. mbo 99, na eoie n-aimser 4 62 4. 
6. se (leg. sé) 2606. 
7. sechl-n: secht mbliadna 2959, dat. seehluibh, seclaibh 3I92
 3 1 9 6 . 
8. oehl-n, oehl 12 duirnn 1278. 
9. nái-n: a nai 1 551, nái m-bailib 292 I, 2927, naoi ngradh I I I I. 
10. deieh-1l, a deich 4619, deieh m-blz"adni 3404. 
I I. aen . . . déc: aeinfher dec 3836. 
12. dá . . . dée: in da espol déc 624, da fear dec 3 8 33. 
17. seehl. . . dee: sechln-ecalsaibh dec 13 60 . 
20. ji.che, sg. gen. ji.chel, date fichz't, pI. n. fichz"I 102 3. 
2 I. bliadan ar ji.chz't 4745. 
3 0 . Iricha 638. 
40. cethracha 2106, 4695. 
50. coeea (from *coeeacha) 859, caeca 4113, pI. acc. eolcta 10 9'1. 
60. Irí ficht't 1023. 
100. eél 4398, pI. gen. trieha cél 638. 
15 0 . caeca for cél 4 I 13. 
1000. míle 3599. 
3000. /r{ mile 264 I. 

b. Ordinals. 
I. cllna 4596, clt: cel!fhirl, 52, þr{m : þrîmh-fáz'th 179 0 , þrímh-gein 3994. 
2. tanaisti 3994, indara 61 7. 
3. Ires, Ireas 3994, 3997, 47 6 9. 
4. eethramad 3994, celhrumad 39 26 . 



5. cÓlced 12 53. 
6. sésed. 
7. sechlnzad 16 9, 3 8 4. 
8. ochlmadh uathaid 135 1 , 445 2 . 
9. 1zaenzhadh. 
10. dechnzadh. 
13. Ireas. . . dee I 27 I. 
18. ochlmadh dee 135 1 , 4452. 
88. ochlmad .lxxx. (ochtnlOgal) 1352. 
132. indara bliadan xxx. ar cél 617. 

e. Numerical substantives. 
I. oenar 144. 2. dias 1379, gen. déÙi 3990, loco (?) dis 4 8 4 2 . 3. trz'ur 15 0 ,137 6 , 
Iriar 387. 4. celhrar 14 2 , 475, 1439. 5. CÓlcer. 6. slser. 7. móirseser, mðlrsheser 
612, 3213, 3437. 8. ochtur 21 4 8 , 4375, oehlar 437 8 . 9. nOllbur 219, nOllbhar 
3000, noenbur 3014. 10. dechnebar 2071. 

d. Multiplicative expressions. 
2.fa dhó 4 61 9. Iri 3 10 4. 5.fa ehúlc 4815
e. Fractions. 
l.lelh 816. j. Irian 3060, 4 21 7,4491. -1. Clnced 47 21 , gen. eoicidh 4799. 

a. Absolute personal pronouns. 
Sg. I. mé 178, mi-si 178, acc. misi 3492, mhi-si 3438. 
2. lú 3453, Ihu 3495, lu-sa 33 86 , acc. lú 3439, thu 28 93. 
3. masc. sé 34 06 , 43 1 5, é 3498, 43 16 , ba h-é 3457, acc. h/3551, 43 1 5, 4 6 5 8 . 
fern. sf 2445, 3456, ba hí 3065, sisi 2445, acc. hí 33 8 4. 
neut. ed 2080. 
PI. I. inne 3 19 6 , acc. sinne 3 17 I. 
2. acc. sibh-si 3937. 
3. é 5 82 , 174 1 , sial 2697, 2842, 3387, 3691, 4402, 44 2 3, 4 681 , 479 2 , lal 
1374, 2943, 2945, 3 6 7 0 , 47 8 9, eat 234 8 , acc. ial 13 01 , 13 61 , 2557, 
3 180 , 33 2 9, 4 1 9 6 . 
b. Infixed personal pronouns. 
Sg. I. nO-11l-muirbjitis 310, nO-1ll-1enaidh-si 3048, no-m-lelc-sea 426, no-m-bia-sa 
218 7, do-m-berur 3751, ro-m-lezcid 262, dian-om-sáruighet 453, 1lacha- 



m-gebhudh 2865, 110-1JZ-lenaidh-si 3048, no-I-caifa 1534, ro-m-comhair- 
meadh-sa 1583. 
2. do-I-berur 1312, ra-l-jia 350,464, ro-t-íc 178,1390, do-I-gní 2726, nacha-I- 
gelohedh 2864, no-I-caruim 4205, do-I-ria 4206. 
3. l\Iasc. d: ro-d-nr 195. For this I seems written in no-t-gessiu/, no-I-aileal 
69 2 . 
n: ro-n-jia 775, ro-n-all 67, 2842, ro-n-baisd 28 43, ro-n-bennach 5 1 3, 
ro-n-gabh 66, ron-gaibh 1464, ro-n-edbair 834, do-n-alhuiged 
156, ro-n-greÙ 4345; changed into m before b: ro-m-bar 5 1 3, 
ro-m-baÙI 252 I. 
s: no-s-belr 448, do-sýánic 564, no-s-innfsamhlaighel 673, conu-s- 
facaib 905, ro-s-íc 1366, ro-s-bennach 1370, ro-s-anachl 1923, 
no-s.meifa 2268, ro-s-Ioifnetar 4054, no-s-gormfadh, 4080, ro-s- 
marbh 4230, ro-s-tairbhzr 4873. 
fa: ro-Ia-cursaigh 2559. 
Fern. n: con nfhacamar 1320, ro-m-bera (leg. ro-m-bena) 4185. 
s: 1zo-s.marbhann 97, do-s-bert 17 1 , conu-s-ibh 54, conu-s-farraÛl 
2 79 I, cona-s-Iall 1337, ro-s-gab 142 I, ro-s-lai 1468, ro-s-bennac h 
4078, cu-ro-sýégainn 1827, co-ro-s-bennachainn 1827, ru-s- 
fuirim 2596, nís-chuingim 154 6 . 
Perhaps also Ùn: niisn-eifaitis 2227, níis-.faicim 154 6 . 
PI. I. ro-n-bennach 221, no-n-sasfazler 1474, ro-n-ethad 3802, do-nýazr 4083. In 
curo-s-fOlre sinne 3 I 7 I, the s seems a scribal error for n. 
2. nachýor-Iazr 348, ni-bar-rÙJa-si 482 I. 
3. n: do-n-iifadh 875, ro-n-gaibh 4333. 
s: ro-s-íc 1434, do-sýuisigh 100, no-s-ýorchanadh 157, ro-sýastal 716, du-s- 
fobalr 202, do-sýuc 1025, conu-s-Iuc 490, ro-s-bialh, ro-s-íc 1577, ro-s- 
bennach 1678, ro-s-idbrait 2152, ro-sýég 2213, ro-s-jiafraig 1713,ro-s- 
marbh 172 I, llo-sfilartnaiged 4 I I I. 
sn: do-sn-áÙuc 3 I 5, 3 I 7. 
las: no-ias-slolCC 491, ro-tas-gabh 3 800 . 

c. Suffixed personal pronouns. 
Sg. I. cucam-sa 3453, dam-sa 109, 3673, dím 1318, eram-sa, erum-sa 657, 666= 
orumsa 1521, oramsa 1400, form-sa 4661 = orumsa 723, frlum 15 62 =frim 33 86 , 
leam-sa 754, OCU1Jl 86 9, 4 66 9 , agum 4366, occum 349 I, ocam 2674, romam-sa 3 288 
uaim 3 0 7, uaim-si 725, 116 7, 3453, umam-sa 4 0 77. 
2. at 3415, cucalt 117, cucal 336=cugut 3416, dhit 1159,1525, dUlf, dhuz"t 611, 




657,3385,3457,3570, dllÙl, 229, duit-si 222=dOlÏ-si 225, eadrat 3345, erulsa 15 2 3, 
orat 2 I 33, fort 609, 4661,forl-sa 1016,fnÏ,frziti 118,545,2198,2894,3496,3570 
=riut 728, innat 3489, let 2404=leat, lat 114,2406,3453,3494,3571, ocut, ocut-sa 
1281, 3459, 4 6 4 2 ,ogut-sa 349 2 , romat-sa 2201, uazÏ 35 1 , 1159, 21 3 0 , 4 086 =uaÙI 
3622, uazÏ-sa 2241. 
3. l\Iasc. aire 744, as 4 682 , cuiez' 34 0 7, chuzei-sium 157 =chuice 34 08 , cuigi 4344, 
cuea 159, de 1476, dt 1687, de-sin 55, dhe 33 8 5, znd 128, dou 5 6 4=dhó 34 00 ,fai 
1666,fair 195=azr 40,friss II,fris 3454=ns 34 0 9, leis 93=lais 81, 34 01 , 35 6 5, 
oca 565, 922, oeai 17o=aici 574, aigi 257, reme 579, 44 6 5, roime 254 6 , 434 2 , seeha 
879, trzÏ 449 1 , uadh 573, 35 66 , uaidh 355 6 , uadha 575, 355 2 , huasa 33 8 3, uime 943, 
948, uimme 2 171. 
Fern. di, eisdi 53, 902, aisdi 107 I, 1517, foi-Ih-i 50, foithe 2220, fuirre 222 I, 
3401 =uzyre 1418, fria 1263=rÙl 79 6 , fn'a-si 13 2 4=rÙzsi 1334, 1337, impe 135 6 , 
'innli 3417, 4676, Ie 3398,le-si 1254, oiece 1731=azci 128, roÙnpe 4685 = roÙnpz" 
2421,4079, seee 1555, seece 1514, 1614,fairrsi 1817,4190 (but taz'rzS 880), tre-th-e 
862, uazÏhe 1486, 1674. 
PI. I. cuea(nn 4681 =eugaind 1415, cucaindne 234 1 , dzn-ne 864, dhun 4 2 34, 4673 = 
dhún 82, 4221, dhuzn 74, dhuin-ne 4 0 3 0 , eadrainn 1549 = edrann 4 281 , foraznn 
2166, 3489,foruznn 133 6 =oruznn 73 oraznn 3 I 95,fornne 2345,frznd 25"55,235 6 = 
rind 2339, lznne 4406=lzndi 223, ocuznn 44 81 =aguznn 437 0 , remhainn 4673, sechaznne 
1737, 420, uann 4333. 
2. cucaibh 2482, daib 2311, dhaibh. 2165, daib-si 4453, duib 1013=duibh 2337, 
dhuibh 3917, ealraibh 4683,j'oruib, foruz"bh 2345, 24 8 3, 44 6 4,frzoh 233 8 , lzoh 181 5, 
39 1 7, 3574, 43 1 4, oeeuz"bh 3447=ocuibh 147 2 ,3 8 53, aeuzoh 1068, umaibh 3853, uaibh 
101 3. 
3. chueu 4 061 , dib 3597, dOlOh 3 6 7 0 , dhoibh 445, 2347, 3595, 4 82 9, dhazoh 53 21 , 
etarru 1722=eatarra 550, 4847, flrru 444, 359 6 =orra 4 806 , but firaz"bh 4 6 99, 
friu 260 9, 3573, 44 6 3, impuzoh 106 3, impazoh 26 45, inntz'bh 95 2 , 3 61 9, leo 43, 3549, 
ocazo 2079, oeu 2102, acu 268,3627, reompa 319, rompa 1553,1877,1878, 2965, 
remþaibh 1899, sechu 4833, tarrsa 2222, tromþa 4609, uadazo 2078, ualhazoh 3499= 
uatha 1926 

d. Possessive pronouns absolute. 
Sg. I. mo adnaeul608, 1110 eiseirghe 3493, mu 3629, 4310, ma 4447, m'a/hazy 263. 
2. dho 814; before a vowel: th'ordan 7 th'az"rechus 60 5, th'aine 7 th'urnaigti 
4295; before infected f: iforcetul606. For Ih we have h: h'esseirghi 
349 6 =h'ezseirghi 60 5, h'znaz"dh 3 1 9 6 , h'ég1laeh 3456, h'athardha 3686, 
4 6 61, h'fazcszn 3701, h'imarchoirthidh 105. 



3. Masc. a cheJlél 4 6 , a shenathair 47, a mháthar 4 8 . 
Fen1. a h-adharc 97, a h-athalr 3412, a h-óighi 4 1 7 6 , a h-ainm 4 6 95. 
PI. I. ar-n: ar n-aentaidh 4282. 
2. bur 3447, bur n-abadh 435 0 . 
3. a-n: a n-aentad 4468, al-lámha 200, al-lóin 20 4. 

e. Possessive pronouns suffixed. 
Sg. I. am (for lnz) 871, 1058, com 1625, coam 1624, gum 44 6 7 ;.fom[/Jor[mJno 
4458, lem 3282, ocum 3765=acom 108 3, acum 3387, lCU1Jl 4449, but 
tarmo 177, triam 1628, umam 2865. 
2. cot 1287, 3972, god 
037, gut 2041, gud 2043, dot 1544=dod 1817,3410, 
fort 391,1615, 161 7, .lot 202 4, 2180,friat 3360, lft 19 8 7, lÏ 3492=at 
1335, ad-diaidh 2266,ocut 37 01 , 444 6 =lcOt 1392,3749; but ar-do 19 0 , 
14 08 , ós do 379, for do 1345 fi r dha 15 2 5, tar th'agaid 7 tar do tsuilz'b 
1420, umat 2865. 
3. l\Iasc. ara I I, asa 77, 160, 1410, cena 18 4, coa 74 6 , 13 0 7,3573, fla 10 94, 
202 5, 4 6 5 1 , fora 72, 339 6 , fria 4493 = ria 787, 820, rea 101 I, iarna 
492,635,4650, lca 181, lnlma 3969 = l"ma 106, umma 563, ina 55, laa 
102, óa 1629, 3362; but óna 914, 4230, occá 1478, ríana 751, tara 3087, 
triana 4892 =trena 916. 
Fen1. asa Cl'nn 1337, asa carput 1388, asa h-l'nad 4329, cona h-arbhur 4301, 
4304, cona h-óghuibh 1404, da h-indsaigid 2830, dara cosaibh J 403, dia 
h-athalr 4173, dia cinn 1343, fora 341 I, ina beolu 4692: rea 1462, trena 
flrmna 3680. 
PI. I. conar 221, dlar n-gorad 82, dÙlr n-az7lfhri 3833, iarnar n-esreideadh 179, oc- 
ar 1l-l'mcoÙnel 2482, trianar 1512. 
2. dabar 3928, iar-bhur 1067, inbhar 3852, anbhar tz'r 1835, anbhar n-daillibh 
39 28 . 
3. asa n-duthaigh 20 7 2 , cona n-oÛlchibh 3779,fora n-eochu 319, fora n-daltuibh 
4699,.fora 1z-ítal"dh 44 0 4, iarna 492, 982, trena 1z-alÏrighi 200. 
, Own' or ' self' is expressed byféill 43, 5 I, 153, 7 16, 89 6 , 9 80 , 3 1 2 5, 3 I 30, hi 
fein 66, fésin 3 8 3, 3 8 9, 502, 25 1 9, 2795, 29 1 4, 29 20 , 3 106 , 3134, 3 1 39, 3275, or 
bodhein 294, 4 6 97, budhein 377, 37 8 , 3 1 93, bhadein 2577,fadhesin 956, 966, budhesin 
10 3 8 . 

f. Demonstrative pronouns. 
There is nothing noticeable in the demonstrative pronouns, which fall into three 
classes, according to the place occupied by the object indicated. 


, This.' 
-so 1087, 1391, dhe so 722. 
-se, -si 598, -sa, -sea 506, 
-seo 1146, sÙlhe 197, 
23 2 , 4 81 , 1989, saidhe 
20 7, 21 49, 2341. 
-somh, -samh, -sÙtmh 927, 
945, -seomh 227, 9 12 . 


, That.' 
sin I265, 143 0 , 1495, 
1543, -seÙl 401, 2816, 
-san in nit-san 4437. 
ón 186, 849, I I39, 1254, 
155 0 , 4 1 93. 
sodhaln 1963, 2065, 2207, 
sodhuln 223 0 , 3837. 

, Yon.' 
út 1028, 1158, 
15 86 , 18 44, 
2161, 2202, 
227 8 , 28 57, 
4 2 94, 43 00 . 
sút 7 6 7, 3 0 9 6 , 3097, 
3 1 4 2 , 4 6 7 2 , sud 33 1 , 
343 8 , ac-sud 1305. 
ucut 100, 336. 
ade, són and sucut do not occur in these Lives. Demonstrative adverbs are: 
ann, 'therein,' 'then,' 43,64,220,273,471,561,700, ann-so 132,582,2901, ann- 
sen I72, a11d-szn 3087, ann-sid he 2606, ann-sin 243, 247, 267, 272, 522, 807, 862, 
29 0 5, flacht ann 1039,flactus ann 839 fi chtus ann 866. Cf. Sloven. ondl
 ' dort,' 
Lith. ándai, 'jenesmal ' (Bezzenberger). 
sunn, 'here,' 25,545,788,2297, ria sunn 577, 0 sunn im-mach 709, sund 1417. 
i-sunna 3587. 
tall, thall, 'then,' 'there,' 682, 7 2 5, 1831, 1833, 1839, 1882, lohus 7 tall 2372. 
inann, 'the same,' 710, 980,1139,1710,2311,2342. inunn 1816. 
To these may be added the enclitic -í, which Zimmer has lately compared with the 
Gothic relative -ei: 
Sg. nom. int-í 32. 
gen. int-í 35,1786, ant-í 17: fern. na híí 1148,1151, na hí 131I. 
dat. (do)nt-í 63, 2012 (for)sÙlt-í 2372. 
acc. inn-íl07, 896,1219,2685, Í1zhí 216,240, inhíí 1201. 
PI. nom. lla híi 151 I. 
date (iar)sna hÙoh 4103. 
The noun ní, 'thing,' 'somewhat' (36, 128, in ní-sin 93, each ní 1689, cen ní 2674, 
1zeph-ní, nej'-ní, 'nothing '), which Zimmer (K. Z. 30, 456) supposes to have been de- 
duced from the neuter an-í, is rather, perhaps, a phonetic spelling of gníthe, 'factum.' 
Compare sg. dat. cia-er-niu (gl. quamobrem) lVII. 47 b, I,=cia e[rJneo, 1\11. 101 a, 4, 
pI. gen. a gni (gl. rerum suarum) 1\11 27 d, I I. 

I3 00 , 
205 I, 
226 7, 
37 0 5, 

g. Relative Pronoun. 
The old form san (identical with the nom. acc. sg. of the neut. article) is best 
preserved in flr-sam-bí 3306, where n has become m before b. Traces of it only appear 
in an-as 1326=an-is 3967, an-dor6ine 155, a bhfil 125, a raibhi 1300, for-s-ro-génair 
49, for-am-bíadh 293 2 , as-an-aicter 495, as-an-dingned 58, as-an-errachtais 2660, as-a- 



comlaifed 163, di-a táinig 5, di-a bhfoghnadh 144, ri-sa-raitter 9 28 , fris-rofreasgabh 954, 
ri-sz:comruicedh 1231, fo-a-raibhi 941, ocan-dernadh 1240, ie-a tu 1539, icá-r'heimdhed 
1243, tria-sa táinic 1781, tria-sa bhfégann 4614, tria-sa tuiceabh 4668, tar-a ragha 
26 3 8 , um-am-bia 2868, um-a-r-Ieicis 105. The form in, 'in whom, in which' (perhaps 
for *isn, *en-san): z1z-dingne 622, Ùn-bit 688, z1Jz-be 2067. The forms dianad, 'cui 
est,' 878 = danad 917,967, 1007, d/an 253, dan 577, Old-Irish dÙln-z'd, come from a 
primaeval *to-san-iti. So dar 72 I =O.-Ir. dia-ro, comes from a primaeval to-san-ro. 
The form inan occurs: inan-dernuis 4242. This is = innan in the Rolls Tripartite 
Lift, p. 25 8 , l. 28: inllan-dernai, where also it is followed by the enclitic form of the verb. 
The genitive is expressed by isa 38,2010,4422. In 727 isa seems to mean 'in 
In participial phrases the relative is placed between the prep. oc (zc) and the verbal 
noun. Thus: in Haigh zc-a rabhatar iarraidh, , the leech whom they were a-seeking, I 
1390, in talam ze-a tai iarraidh, 'the land which thou art a-seeking,' 3728, in talmain 
'icca rabutar Ùzr[r ]aÙ! 3838, 3843, 'the land which they were a-seeking,' na jleidhz." 
oc-a rabhadhuis denunzh, 'of the feast which thou wast a-making,' 2357. 
In cach-a bhfaghbhaitis, 'whatsoever they would find,' 1308, the relative appears to 
be suffixed to the indefinite pronoun cacho So in cacha 1i-dénal, , whatsoever they do,' 
Saltair na Rann, 4167. 

h. Interrogative Pronouns. 

cá (what?) 2919. 
caid-e (what is?) 19891, caidhi 3224. 
can (whence?) 1923, can ås' 1715. 
c'áit (what place? áit) 433, 144 6 , 266 4, 3493, 3 6 3 1 , 4 1 5 2 . 
e'rét (what thing? ré/) 371 I. 
euich (who?) 2841, 3669 (whose ?), 1165, 2077. 
euin (when?) 755, 81 3, 1194. 
c'idh (what is it?) 2638, 43 62 , 4363, eed 1716: cidh ara-n 75 8 , 1318t 13 2 5, 
13 26 , 14 21 , 1543, 16 3 1 , 17 16 , 17 1 9, = eidh ar' 7 6 7, 1499, 226 3, 234 0 , 
eÙlh dia-n 2152, eidh uma-n 104, 3628. 
e'innus (= ee indas, what manner? how?) 1731, 2003. 
ci-þ-e (whatever is) I I 19, ei-þ-innus (howbeit, anyhow) 23, 37, 1276. 
cia (who?) 1457, 2903,4253: cia Ó 1454, cia... asa 2903, eza... i 4 086 . 

i. Indefinite Pronouns. 

ala-n, ara, 'one of two,' z1zd-ala n-ai, , one of the two of them,' 1433, iud-ala n-lle 
197 6 ,4 26 4, ind-ara, 'one of the two,' 388,1199,1359,1581,1596-7,1621,2413. 
1 This is the corrupt caighe of O'Donovan's Grammar, p. 134. 
i 2 



aile, 'other,' 121,150, = ele 145,296, 1254, neut. aill 108, orba n-aill 1896, il-Ieth 
It-aill I 962,ficht n-aill 2788. In 1994 it is used with a fern. noun. 
alaile, 'a certain,' I 13. 
araile 166, 483, 557, 828, 894, 9 22 ,1260,1435,144 2 , where it precedes a noun: 
'another,' 146, 91 I, pI. araili (some) 1920, 19 21 , 2190, 4247, 4253. Neuter sg. nom. 
arail! 1580. 
cách (= \V. þawp), 'each, everyone,' 690, 1808, gen. cázch 1971, 2856, date cách 641, 
2752, acc. cách-n 852,861,1102,1348. 
cach,gach=cech infra 521,850, gen. cacha 517, 742,gacha 611, 1690, 1856
2473, 294 6 , 2947, but gach 18 5 6 , date gach 2032, acc. gach-n 1999. With a numeral: 
gach oen 1901 = gach aen 613. 
cech, 'each, everyone,' 6, gen. cecha 169,519, 3920, but cech 3798, date cech 69, 2733, 
acc. cech-n 533, 1661,1973, 28 45. With ae, 'eorum': cech ae 143. 
cechtar, 'each,' 4109, cechtar dhe, 'each of the two,' 2259, 304 I. The expression 
cechtar cech ruisc dhou 3798, 'each of his eyes,' lit. 'each of each eye of him,' is a 
curious idiom. 
ceachtardhai, 'both,' 7. 
cétna, 'same,' 19, 2004, when it follows the subst. 
Izach, 'any,' 1248, neut. nach n-étuch 4066. 
nech, 'some one, something,' 12, 700, 921, 1933, Ileach 720, sg. gen. nez'ch 480, 
1573,197 2 , dat. neoch 704,711,1167,2235, do neoch 517,4066,4151,0 neoch 2354, 
4144, acc. nech 2219. Like many nouns ending in -ach, -ech, in the plural this pronoun 
passes, in l\1iddle- Irish, over to the s-declension, and we find, accordingly, in the nom. 
nechi (for neche), LU. 32 a, 4 6 , LB. 224 a, 9, acc. nechi LB. 162 b, 65, dat. nechlO 
LU. 97 b, 4 0 . 
nechlar, 'either,' nechtar dhe 1965, nechtar dibh 3804. 
uile, 'all, every, whole,' in ulle-shlógh 1264, sg. gen. ind uili dhomhain 2342, 392 I, 
òat. fetp.. fo Eirinn uZli 3963, pI. nom. na huili 103, 673, 1938, gen. na n-uz"li 682, date 
uz"lz'b 67 I, 1134, 3945, 3959, 3962, acc. inna hUzll"-sea 12 8 5. 


The verbal prefixes used in these Lives are ro, do,flr and 110. 
Ro (= þro) is often infixed after the first element of a compound verb. Thus: 
do-ro-chair 1387,1515,2607, do-rui-rmeadh 4484, do-ro-thluigh 1260; and with its 
vowel elided: do-r-lnjid 6, do-r-ecmazng 135, tÙJlnza-r-nai (by metathesis for tÙJlm-r-anal) 
222, 225, do-r-aitne 473, do-r-airngert 7 6 3 = do-r-ar1zgerl 95, do-r-arrngair 992, co 



fa-r-cabsat 1493, do-r-airngair 179 8 , do-r-inolat 2066, do-r-imartus 3619, ni tho-r-chaJr 
15 I 7. In ro-tecmaz11g 175, however, it is prefix
d to the first element. 
Do for ro occurs in do-gabhadh 43, do-fuair 275, do-ghab 277, do-cruthaig 
500, doýregair 1457, do-innis 3 6 7 0 , do-shlanaigh 37 2 3, do-bhui 4754, do-bhí 
3075, 32 I I. Conversely, ro for do in ro-ghnith 19 00 , 1965. 
For occurs with verbs beginning with fo-. Thus flrjacaibh 223, 5 14,forýácazoh 
345,for-facOloh 445, pl.for-fhacoibset 1010,for-fhacaz'bset 19 08 ,for-föthaig 44 2 . 
No (= Gr. vv) occurs with the secondary present: no-chazÏhznn .1050, no-berthea 
115, no-crezÏtea 354, no-oircedh 1528, no-ceilebraitis 3 2 7. Do for no occurs in Dochei- 
leabrazïis 3609. 


In Irish, as in Greek and Latin, verbs are non-thematic or thematic. The former 
add the endings directly to the root. The latter add the endings to the stem. 
Only two thematic verbs can be quoted, i and es, both used as verbs substantive. 
Perhaps also fil. 
N on-thematic verbs fall into three classes: 
o-verbs, such as -biur, berim. 
ã-verbs, such as caraim. 
ï-verbs, such as at-cfu, and also perhaps ë-verbs, of which the only ex- 
ample is do-gníu, conj. do-gnéo. 
They correspond respectively with the Latin third, first and fourth conjugations. 
If do-gníu be an ë-verb, it may be classed with Latin verbs of the second conju- 
Traces of the four original stem-systems-the present, aorist, perfect, and future- 
are visible in Old-Irish, and even in these Lives. In the present-system the person- 
endings fall into two classes, primary and secondary. The primary endings, 
commonly called absolute forms, occur in simple verbs standing by themselves. 
The secondary endings, commonly called the conjunct forms, occur in compound 
verbs and also in simple verbs when preceded by certain particles. In Latin the 
secondary endings supersede the primary; but in Irish the primary endings super- 
sede the secondary. This supersession had begun in Old-Irish, where we find in 
the first sg. (e. g.) for-con-grimm (praecipio) and for-chanin!' (doceo) side by side with 
flr-con-gur and flr-chun. 
lVlost compound verbs have two forms-the non-enclitic, or 'orthotonic,' in which 
the accent falls on the second element, and the enditic, in which the accent shifts 
back to the first element. This shifting takes place after the compound relative pro- 



noun and the negative and interrogative particles. Imperatives, conjunctives used 
as imperatives, verbal nouns and verbal adjectives are accented like the enclitic forms. 
Exan1ples 1 in these Lives are: 

do-rát 1764, dorálsat 18I I, dorádadh 1836 
do-r-áir-n-gair 1798 
dobéra 1859 
adrácht 1877, adréssel 1882 
atbérl 1881, an-atbere 2018 
dogníu-sa 1881, doghní 20 4 6 , 24 8 4, l 
doghníat 199 1 , a ndoróine 245 0 , doró- J 
11 ad, dorónuis 2312, dorónsat 25 I 8 
atcím 167 I, 205 I 

co tárt 2632, ni tárd 1763. 
z1Z tíbhzrler, 11i tíbirter 2273. 
ézrigh 2167, ézrg 2040. 
ábair 2336. 
{ a ndénaim 1604, déna 1905, ni dérnad 
21 99, ina ndérnuis 4242, co ndérnsat 
23 2 5. 
con-áccatar 1907. 
co fárcul'bh 1954. 
co n-éipz7t 2327. 

The enclitic form has supplanted the non-enclitic in the Modern Irish, and has 
nearly done so in the language of these Lives. 
The Irish tenses are in number thirteen, and fall into three groups, expressing re- 
spectively the present, the past, and the future. 
I. The present (indicative and conjunctive); imperative; secondary present; 
consuetudinal present. 
II. The perfect. The simple aorist. The I-preterite. The sigmatic aorist. 
The preterite in ai and i. 
III. The reduplicated future. The sigmatic future and conjunctive. The 
future in b. 
In addition to these, we have the verbal noun (i.e. the infinitive) and the verbal 
adjectives (i. e. the participles passive). 

The Present Indicative. 
It is not easy here to distinguish the three Old-Irish classes: o-verbs, ã-verbs and 
i-verbs. Berzm 728, at-berim 2232, eadPruim 1303, cumngalm 1412, teigem 153 8 , 
belong to the first: caraim 908, leghazm 4 I 49, to the second; and to the third áz1im 
177 2 , at-cÎu 1406=atcím 1671, 2051, atcím . . . nifiaicim 26 59, niis-faicim 154 6 , 
and do-ghníu 1881, unless indeed this last verb belongs to the ë-class. 
In the 3rd sg. pres. indic. act. the following agree with the Old-Irish paradigm of 

1 In these examples the apex (') marks stress, not, as usual, length. 



o-verbs: no-s-bei,- 448, at-beir 10, 125, 727, do-s-beir 1034, eon-apair 672, t-ie 436, 
1126,199 8 , 21 76, r-ie 884, t-éz't 434,69 8 , at-:í ét 43,320, 43 6 = l'!-fit 153, ni lean 880, 
do-j'ussim 50, faeaibh 700 j'a cuibh 698, eumhaing 1756, teemhaing 1640, do-eiPrinn 
dia eara 3935 and d%rne 798, 4613 are examples of the same person and tense 
of an á'-verb. 
Examples of the same person and tense of t-verbs are ataoibhi I 124 =atoibe 18, 
doaitne 4016, and adc{ 3145. 
But we often find the absolute ending added to compound verbs. Thus: 
o-verbs: im-eomaireid 1178, lo-ehmaireidh 2797, lair-beridh 1316, tu-l'!id 1593, 
lairisidh 51, 1884, aitchidh 1316,faebhaidh 2883, limaireidh 2908. 
ã-verbs: alr-léguidh 550, tOlrnidh 935. 
i-verbs-: luislÙlh 826, al'tchidh 1316, eotlaidh 1914, eraz7idh 2951= urailÙlh 
So in many others whose class is not certain: aisnéÙlhidh 390, lairr1zgidh 1640, 
osluicid 19 8 5, timnuid 2047. 
So in the plural: we have in the first person ai-dam am 2 166, but also r-eemail 1806, 
and ni cumhgamal't 1805; in the second person do-ghníaid 1972, dia n-adhraidh 2017, 
but also r-iethe 1835; in the third person do-beral 1349, 4028, al-berat 637, at-ji.adat 
39, I-eeat 282 9, but also do-bearal't 110, t-eeal'! 681. 
Deponential forms are sg. I, adágur 1562 ; pI. 3, eu n-az'tehetar 2608. 

Present Conjunctive. 
Here there is nothing noteworthy. As usual in Middle-Irish, the 1st sg. has a 
deponential ending. 
Sg. I. co ro faillsigiur 2 I 95, eunnfaear 3674, l'!airisiur 4363, flrruea (leg. eor- 
ruea) 1564. 
2. mana bera 4669, do bere 4250, co luea 4382, co n-ebre 308, niroehuingea-sa 
139 1 , co ndighi-sa 182, eu bhfaghbhu-sa 2578, renu-sa 1158, nu'na thabra 
21 33. 
3. dÙ1 n-edbra 4 1 74, dia blfoghna 4175, dia tarta 4618, ro-m-bera 4185, gu 1'0 
ghabha 2712, ro-bhennaeha 1070, cu roghabha 3453, done, doghne 1137, 
da n-derna 946, 3715, gu-n derna 1083, ro-ehuingea 1391, cu ro thodh- 
uisee 2020, cu rofreagra 2893, na libhre 302 I. 
PI. I. co n-aeeamar 2378=con-n.fhaeamar 1320, ro-airz1tnigem 2785. 
2. ra ghnéthe 3918. 
3. cu ro-Iasat 84, eéin doghnéal 2102, co lecait 681. 

lxx ii 


The Imperative. 
Here, as in Old-Irish, the stress is always on the first element of compound verbs: 
Sg. I. nacha-t-áicim-sea, 'let me not see thee,' 2297. 
2. ábuir 3493, áirim 1248, átaigh 1535, déna 15 60 , 1622, 3455, 3459, éirg-si 
4234,fóghuin 1303, índz's 14 1 5, ímthigh 3410,3456, tábair 14 08 , 14 10 , 
14 19. 
3. éirgedh 2922, 3020, uachat-geibhedh 2864, torced 2078, labradh 2536, eter- 
certad 2537. 
PI. I. técam-ne 3178, tíagham 1384, 4681, scaram 2517, érnuighium 4672. 
2. tárduidh 314, línal'dh 1297, ábraidh-si 4223, d
naidh 344 6 =délluidh 3101, 
fácbhuidh 3852, 4447, !irgid 43 1 3 = eircidh 4447, fómnid 347, técaidh 
3853, túcaidh 4314, ro-m-léicid 262,fúirghidh 2344. 
3. cuiret 2543, dinat 2543, éirghit (leg. éirghet) 2975, Haghat 23 1 4. 
A 2nd sg. in -ta is finnta 332 = findtae, Corm. s. v. Orc tréith. The form pritchai 
1530 is obscure. The 3rd sg. gníat 1547, which is probably a mistake for gníath, 
seems an instance of the a-conjunctive used for the imperative. 

Secondary Present. 
Here, as elsewhere in Irish, we have middle forms with active meanings. Thus: 
Sg. I. do-bherainn 1328, ni thibhrinlz 1522, nochaithinn 1058, co-ro-s-j"égainn 1827, 
co-ro-s-bennac hainn I 827. 
2. dÛl[noJm-gabtha-sa 1015, dÙznom-soertha 1539, condernta-sa 2675, noberthea 
115, nocreittea 354. 
3. atceth 2737=itceth 3382, atcídh 33 8 4, do-n-athuiged 156, no-j"horchanad 15 6 , 
no-oircedh 1528, teched 4833, toimniudh I 43,foghnad 144 =foighneth 144, 
na hapladh 921, na habradh 1455, co tartad 1731, do-r-uirmeadh 44 8 4. 
PI. 2. raghlléthe 3918. 
3. dobertis 108, 4833, no-clechtatais 168, no-ceileabraitis 3 2 7, dognítz's 4 8 33 
(but doghuétz's 3901), cu comraicdis 549, cona ro aitreabdaiss 2200, COll- 
derndais 3923. 
This termination is also used to express the passive: ro-Phiaudais 375, cO n-áir- 
mitís 2722. 
Here the ending of the 2nd sg. is explained by the Skr. middle secondary ending 
-thãs; the ending of the 3rd sg. by the Skr. middle secondary ending -ta (Gr. 
-TO); and the ending of the 3rd pI. by the Skr. middle primary ending -ante (Gr. -OJJTQt) 
with a suffixed s which is still obscure. The Skr. middle primary ending -te (Gr. -TaL) 
explains the absolute forms of the 3rd sg. secondary present active, such as flaid 


lxxii i 

(dormiebat), canaid and cachnaith (canebat), íccaÙl (sanabat) I-and passive-of which 
only one instance is quotable, viz. melaid (molebatur) Fél. JuI. 12. In the 1st sg. the 
-aznn seems=the Zend middle conj. ending -áné-. 

Consuetudinal Present. 
Of this tense not a single instance has been found in an Old-Irish codex; and in 
these Lives it occurs only in the 3rd sg. act. after infixed pronouns and negative 
particles. Thus: 
nos-bellann 1033, cu na gabann 3192. 
nos-marbhann 97 (=nos-marbhull1Z 1033), llí etarscarann 700, ni/hásann 702, nu'na 
faemhann 29 2 3, ní tec/ann 3934, nos-aitreabhann 4343, triasa-bhféghalln 4 61 4. 
It seems to have been originally a middle participle comparable with Latin forms 
like seCU1lllUS (usually seculldus), from *seco1JZnos=É1fóP.fVO
, firzl1zdus=
, and 
Oscan uþsannam=Lat. operandu17l 2. 
The Perfect. 
The forms of the perfect which occur in these Lives will here be arranged in the 
alphabetical order of the roots: 
ank, 'go' : sg. 3. t-áinic 20, tál'nig 5, t-air-'nic 1475; pI. I. t-állcamur 1280, t-áncumar 
2345, r-áncamar 234 0 ; pI. 2. t-áncabar 4815; pI. 3. t-áncatar 618, r-állcatar 134. 
ba, bu, 'be,' sg. I. ro-bhá-sa 175; sg. 3. bái 257, bá39, blu'27, pI. 3. bátar 71, ro- 
bátar 41, and (without the deponential ending) bat 4676. 
ed, 'eat,' sg. 3. duaÙl 4 08 7; pI. 3. co n duatar 3752. 
kar, 'decay,' do-ro-chair 1387, gu to-r-chair 826. 
kes, 'see,' sg. 3. con-ac-ca 794, con-f-acai 1636; pI. I. con-f-acamar 162 3; pI. 3. 
cOl1-ac-catar 1907, con-ac-catur 893, co bh.f-acatar 33, at-collnaÙ; p1. al-collncatar 964, 
is due to a confusion with the forms from 
 derk, infra. 
kens, , suffer,' ro-césair 153. 
I. kud, 'go': sg. 3. do-chúaidh 97; pI. I. do-de-chamar 3 8 33; pI. 3. do-chúalar 
403, na tairm-dhechadar 452 I. 
2. kud, 'utter,' sg. 3. con écidh 276, at-cúaidh 582, 2516. 
ldu, 'hear': sg. 3. ro-cúala 166, at-cúala "181; pI. 3. cúalatur 828, gu cúalatar 
2027, ro-chúalatar 1068, at-cúalatar 3206, 
derk, , see,' sg. 3. at-coll-llairc 4, 34, 9 62 . 
gad, , ask,' pI. 3. ro-gádatar 2692, ro n-gáidetar 2682. 
gan, 'to be born,' sg. 3. ro-gé1lair 49, 57, 1892. 
gus, , choose,' sg. 3. do-roe-ga 1354. 

I \Vindisch, Kuhn's Zeitschrift xxvii. 157. 
2. Bréal, lWémoires de /a Soa'été de Lz'nguz'stz'que vi, 412. 



lang, , endure,' sg. 3. for-er-Iangair 4 2 15. 
lam, , dare,' sg. 3. ro-Iamhair 1276, ni lamhair 202 4. 
Ii, 'adhere,' sg. 3. ro-HI 141, 3 188 . 
Iud, 'go,' sg. 3. luidh 471, do-Iluz"dh 20 7 479; pI. I. lodamur-ne 3 81 7; pI. 3. 
lotar 138. 
man, 'think,' sg. I. do-ru-ménar-sa 3225. 
mat, 'break,' sg. 3. ro-mhebhaidh 3001, 3 288 , eur'mhebhaid 4 1 34; pI. 3. ro- 
mhebhatar 1 297 2 . For -memhaidh, -memhaadatar. 
med, 'think,' sg. 1. do-mídar-sa 2039; sg. 3. ro-mídzr 3 22 ; pI. 3. ro-mídhatar 394. 
nank, sg. 3. caem-naeazr, 'potuit,' 1456, 2732,fir-eaemh-naeair, 'factum est,' 4 0 41. 
rat, sg. 3. ro-im-raith 1227. Goth. froth. 
ri (from pri), 'grant': sg. 3, ro-d-rzr 195. Cf. '1TEpvár, l'1Tptáp.qv. 
skvag, sg. 3. ro-seáich 2006, 419 I. AS. seðe. 
sed, 'sit,' dessidh 4,17, deZ"Ssidh 22, eonessidh 25 12 . 
svand, pI. 3. ro-s-toif'netar 4 0 54. 
tek, 'beg,' (tak according to \Vindisch, Kuhn's Zeitschrift XXlll. 216), pI. 3, eun- 
ai-tchetar 2608. Cf. AS. thzcgan, O. Sax. thiggjall; 
tark, , desire,' sg. 3. du-thraeair 1355. 
Fuazr, 'found,' pI. I. fuaramur 3 82 I; pI. 3. fuaratar 244, fuarutar 5, is also, 
probably, a perfect, but its root has not been ascertained. The same n1ay be said of 
dorala 4692, 4741, tarla, pI. 3 doralatar 4 662 , eOl1us-tarlatar 4 0 9 6 . 

The Simple Aorist. 
To this tense the following forms appear to belong: 
Sg. 3. tall 317, 16 73, ni ehar 1710, bha 33 68 . 
Old- Irish examples of this tense seem eombach (gl. fregit), eongab, eonggab (consedit), 
facab,fáceab (reliquit), eu-t-seear (consecravit eum)-all from the Book of Armagh. 
Perhaps also ehes (passus est), l\Il. 44 b 2. 
The following examples of the 1st and 3rd pI. are doubtful, as they may possibly 
be praeterito-presents, i. e. presents made preterites by prefixing or infixing ro- or do-. 
Pl. I. adubhramar 367 I. 
3. do-thiagat 2610, ro-tairrngit 2259, ro-toebait 24 88 , ro-adhnaieit 2498, ro 
fuzrmit 2207. 
\Vith deponential endings: ro-edbradazr 373, ro-thoealï(h)etar 173, ro-shínetar 
1213, ro-imretar 1216, roýhuaeratar 1223, r'indz"setar 4791. 

1 From such forms the mediaeval Irish inferred a root mebh, whence mebhais 4051, = mebhuis 
4401, ro-mebsat 3497, curo-mhebhatar 2972, curo mhebadh, 1553, nomhebdais, Corm. s. v. prúll. 



The T- preterite. 
The origin of this tense has been discussed by Siegfried \ \Vindisch 2, Strachan 3, 
and Zimmer 4. Some of the forms, at-bath (periit), do-brelh (dedit), díth (suxit), z171- 
ru-Iaz'd, ro-cel (cecinit), LU. 40 b, 8, from *ro-canto, ar-ro-ét (accepit) from *are-ro-emto. 
do-r-ét (velavit) from *to-ro-yemto, ro-dét (passus est) from *ro-damto, may be compared 
with Greek non-sigmatic aorists middle like ;-7TTa-To, à7T-ÓVlJ-TO, -yiVTO, ICÉVTO, and perhaps 
ÖÀTO, 6>PTO. Others maybe sigmatic aorists middle, like ðÉKTO, 'A'KTo, lfLLICTO, 7TijlCTo (from 
IC-U-TO, lP.LIC-U-TO, 7TlJlC-U-TO), 7Tå'ATO (from 7Ta'A-u-To ),-the sound-groups kst, 
gst, rst, 1st regularly becoming, in Irish, cht, rt, 11 5 . It is supposed that from the 
3rd sg. the t passed to the other persons. 
The following examples of the 3rd sg. of this tense occur in these Lives: 
vak, 'attain': rocht 793, do-rocht 4 8 , 822, nz' tho-r-act 2553. 
vanak, 'protect': ros-anacht 1923. 
-Val, 'nurture': ro-n-alt 28 4 2 . 
-V ba, 'die': at-bath I I 3, 2 76 I, 2 7 62 . 
-Vbal, 'perish': er-bazlt 103, 233, 826, con-eipilt 232'7. 
-Vber, 'bear': at-bert, 106, 114, 188, adubairt 104,443, as-bert 185,571 = is-bert 
11'7,184. But also do breath 116,315,2906, do-breth 316,2614,2841, 28 5 6 . 
-Vem, 'take' : ro-el 230, aro-el 253, ar-ro-ét 643. 
-V gar, 'call': do-r-air-n-gert 7 6 3. 
-V rag: adracht 1204, at-racht 1343, 14 8 5, cOlz-er-racht 10 35. 

seq, ro-siacht (*se-sakt?) 214,3161, ra-siact, do-riacht 187,603, cu riacht 3 08 9. 
-Vveq, 'say': ro-fiarýacht 570, ro-fiarýocht 1043, ro-:fhiarýacht 26 57. 
Examples of the 3rd pI. are: 
dorochtatar 2968, cu rochtatar 3001, 3022. 
asbertadar, 'they said,' 3 I 59. 
atrachtatar 2338, adrachtatar 2386, 3046, adrachtatur 2379, nz' erractalur 1575. 
riachtatar 3226, riachtadar 3073, doriachtatar 2954, doriachtadar 235 2 . 
Examples of the other persons are rare in these Lives. 
Sg. 2. errachtair 2660, perhaps an error for errachlais. 
PI. I. dorochtanzar 2429. 
2. dorochtabaz'r 3102. 

The Sigmatic Aorist. 
Three varieties of this aorist appear to have existed in Irish. In one (long since 
obsolete) the tense-sign s is added directly to the root. In the second, a vowel (e ?) 

1 Kuhn's Beitraege vi. 15, 16. 
3 Bezzenberger's Beitraege xiii. 128. 
t Kuhn's Zeitschrift xxx. 198-217, 45 6 -459. 

2 Ibid. viii. 442-470. 

5 Siegfried, ubi supra. 



appears to have been placed between the s and the root. In the third (still living) 
the tense-sign seems to be ss, and is, perhaps, the reflex of the Lat. ss in forms like 
amasso, and even of the Skr. sish-. 
The following (most of which were collected by Zimmer 1 ) are instances of the 
first variety: 
ar-é-cm-aingim: ar-r-ecaim, , it came to pass,' LL. 53 b, 3. 
com-bongim: do combaz' (.1. dobris) iarom Aift a arm ar Coinculain1t (then Aifi 
broke his weapons for Cúchulainn), Tochm. Emere, Stowe I\IS. 
con-icim, 'I can': Lingis in demu1t i féÙ; in rigthige suas 7 11,i r' choem in lene n{ dó 
(the Devil leapt up on the rooftree of the palace and the fire could do nothing'to him) 
LB. 21 9 c. 5. 
dligim, 'I owe': amal dlé, LU. 3 6a , 43. J1
;6 l CX/X. 
do-é-cm-alngÙ71: do-r-écaim, 'it happened,' LL. 54 b, 36. 
for-l-cm-aÙzgÙn: bar-r-écaim, LL. 174 b, 26, 176 a, 24. 
fo-rithim, 'I sucéour': ra:fóz'r, LL. 80 b, 43. 
fir-maÙ1z'm, 'I break': farruma, LL. 125 b; jörrumai, LU. 59 a, 44; farrumai, 
LU. 97 b, 18; forrubai, LL. 245 b, 18; niforroim LU. 69 a. 
imm-é-cm-aÙlgim: *imm-r-écaim = i1llreaccuibh .1. teagmhail, O'CI. 
suidim, 'I sit': seiss, 'he sat,' LL. 108 a, 22, etc. 
Possibly also maÙHm, 'I break ': mebais (for *memais) LU. 48 b, 26; but this 
may be a formation from an imaginary root meb. 
Deponential forms are -arlasair, 'he called' (*ad-ro-glad-s-air), siasair (' he sat '), 
and the compound tarrasair, tarasair 1075, 1891, from *to-air-ro-siassair. 
The forms cóem (ex *cúm-z:allg-s-t), sÙlsal'r from *si-sed-s-ar-i, and possibly mebais 
(ex *mi-mad-s-i) should perhaps be regarded as the simple aorists of old desideratives 2. 
The above forn1s all belong to the o-class. 
Of the second variety the only quotable instance isfitar, 'I know,' which Thurney- 
sen S explains as from *vidsar, *vÙl-e-sa-r. The following occur in these Lives: 
Sg. I. rqfhetar-sa 1447, 2299, nifhetar 29 06 , niJetur-sa 4455. 
2. nifhetraissi (for nifhetair-sl) 2299. 
3. rqfhilz'r 345 1 , 4 0 39, ni fhitir 82 7 (fhidir) 3 2 9, dqfhitir 1735, roj'hidir 
24 2 5, ro-dus-fidir 2733. 
PI. I. rafhetamar 333, 4 2 44, dqfhetamur 2320. 
2. rofhetÛlh.) 
3. rofhetatar 18 7 1 , rofhedatar 1600. 
1 Kuhn's Zeitschrift xxx. 129-134, 149. 
2 See as to siasair Zimmer in Kuhn's Zeitschrift xxx. 127, 128. \Vhitney, 9 1033, quotes two 
aorists, ïrtsïs and acikitsïs, as being desiderative forms. 
3 See K.uhn's Zeitschrift xxvii. 174, xxviii. 151. 



The third, or ss-preterite, is found only with the ã-, ë-, and ï- verbs. 
The double s is here found written in dorónaÚs (fecisti) 227 I and firaÙs 3725. 
The tense-sign is absent from the conjoined form of the third person singular (which 
may perhaps be a relic of the simple aorist active), but is found in the absolute 
form of the same person. Thus allaÚ 1342, bellalS 1246, bendachaÚ 285 (bennachaÚ 
100, 503, 935, 1886, bennuighz's 5 68 ), ceileabhraz's 445, 5 20 , crez'tz's 253, 449, cUlris 
261, dernzataz's 1039, faez'dhz's 186 5, firaz'ss 3 2 75 (firuÚ 448), firgaighis 1903, 
folhaighz's 4 2 9, 5 60 , 89 1 , fuidhÚ 479, gabhaz's 89 1 , 1395, (gabhuz's 258, 822), 
glanaÚ 124, scaraÙ 207, seacaz's 279, sléchtaÙ 3736, sénais III. The tense-sign is 
also present in conjoined deponential forms, such as ro:fhothaigestar 518, ro-ol'rdnesdar 
518, ro-faitbeastar 1296 (rofaz'tbeasdar 93 8 ), ro-shénastar 947, ro-shílaslar 1000, 
ro-raidestar 1141, acobhrastar 1311, ro-opastar 1333, ro-.fherastar 1361, ra-coim- 
prestar 1454. 
In the 2nd pI. we have -bhlu'r added to the tense-sign: ro-Ireicseabhlu'r 7 2 3. 
In the 3rd pI. we sometimes have a deponential ending: tallsatar 3 8 7. 
The ss-preterite replaces the t-preterite in ro-edbairset 576, ro-.freacazrset 23 8 , 
ro-allaicset 1926, ro-alrcset 1952. 
The ss-ending is added to the t-ending in at-bertsat 1879, ro-or/sat 1952, do-rochlus 
24 26 , 24 2 9. 
The ss-ending is sometimes added to forms of the perfect: Thus: sg. I, aduadhus 
16 35, ::;g. 2, dechadaÚ 2554, /udhcadaz's 604, /állacais 2904 (Iangais 1415), ránacais 
4 1 45; pI. 3, dO-lz-ucsa/5 2I , rucsa/2499. 
The Preterite in -az
Of this ending, which has been equated with the \Velsh -aud, now -odd, ex -qyal = 
Lith. -ðjð, only five instances are found in these Lives: 
ro-pritchai 1'12, 685 = raproilche 2720, timarnai 222, 225. 

5. The Reduplicated Future. 
Sg. I. Conjoined forms: 1lo-rag 2041, 2064, 'f llgébh 2042, dogén-sa 1439,foighén 
43 6 4, dobhér 4222, albér 4383. 
Absolute forms: ragat 3 I 2, ragat-sa 2420, hlrat-sa 801, and toicébhu/-sa 
I 159, where an absolute is wrongly used for a conjoined form. 
2. Conjoined: tarsa raghat' 2034, co mblra-sa 796, a/-béra 1305, a/-blra-sa 
13 8 7, albéla 605, a ngébha 2043. 
Absolute: gebha-sa 2067. 
3. Conjoined: dara ragha 224 2 , dorega 756, ni Iharga 297, ni thargha 4794, 
dobhéra 18 55, do-s-béra 974, Ila hebéra 771, do azrcebha 1905, 1906, 
llo-sj'aicébha, 1054, dÙzgne 622. 



Absolute: raghaidh 1979, blraid I I 7 I, gignÙlh 1847, foigénaidh I 180, 
where an absolute is used for a conjoined form. 
Relative: gignes 533, ghébhus 61 3, flighénus 18 37, where an absolute is 
used for a conjoined form. 
Pl. I. Conjoined: no-raga11l 255 6 , doblram 4233, flz'béra1ll 197 8 , doghénam 1387, 
147 I, doghénum-ne 4 2 3 2 , 4445. 
Absolute: raghmazl 197 2 , 19 80 , 4447, bérmazl1980, 19 81 , gébmalÌne 4254. 
2. Conjoined: doghénaidh 486,foghlbaidh 4313. 
Absolute (used for conjoined) :foghébhlhai 160 4, 37 oo ,foighéntaiI837, 4697. 
3. Conjoined: doragat 33 6 ,foghébut 69 1 , doghénat 1858,foz'ghénat 1883. 
Absolute: raghaz't 621, lzlz13477. 
Secondary forms of this tense are: 
Sg. I. no raguinn 226, nofreÙ:éruind 226, nofhoighénaÙzd 1540. 
2. na glbhtha-sa 2346, doglnta 2263. 
3. no ragad 14 8 7, no ghétad 2097, noghlbhudh 2621, no-m-gebhudh-sa 2574, 
doghélladh 3725, cu bhfoighénadh 4269. 
PI. I. no raghmais 2555. 
3. doghéndais 2935, 39 2 4. 
In aÙlheorus 3346 and rocennechtha this tense has overstepped its limits. 

The Sigmatic Future and Conjunctive. 
These futures and conjunctives are found only in verbs belonging to the 
In the following instances they are futures, comparable, apparently, with Greek 
forms like ð
Sg. I. intan /-ios 2297. 
2. ocus ro-seis 2067, ad-rez's 2660. 
3. ocus ro-sia 801, do-rua 2591, ad-rae 1768, dech 2111. 
PI. 3. ad-reset 620, ad-resset 1882. 
The following are conjunctive forms: 
Sg. I. dia ndeochus-sa 308, co ris-sa 321, co torus-sa 3416. Deponential: cu Iz'sar 
23 1 5, co ndighser 3738. 
2. cu na rís 2136, tazr 1344, 34 1 5, tar 3453, tazr-si 226 (where the conjunc- 
tive is used for an imperative). Deponential: co bfesair 185, nifheisir 
3. cu roa 1374, gu tora 3773, nogu tt 2449, Ihi 27 11 , co ro-s:foire 3 1 7 1 . 
PI. I. co-risium 650, co rosz'um I I 15, co roisem 2501, rO-zSsem I I 16, ra-issam 



I 773, and (with:t · . - - .. ... . ; . . ; . . tIn; j uvl, never A 11 
u..J :tt-GtJ-i rish) CO ndighsium 106. Deponential: dz'afisamur 229 0 . 
PI. 3. co lisal 355, no-I-gessiul 692, co ndichset 621. 
Secondary forms of this tense are: 
Sg. I. clozJznn 226, darmo-thlasainn 4455. 
2. lisla 2263. 
3. cofisadh 29 0 9 = co bhfisadh 17 2 9, ro-fisadh 329, mina Ihz"sed 1487, aifessed 
2228, rOzSsed 2367, roised 2075, lorsedh 4461 = lairseadh 4050, comhair- 
sedh 2738. 
PI. 3. lislais 20 7 2 , loz'rsztz's 2073, ro dechsatais 1873, co ndighsz'tis 122. 
The I-future, of which a few examples occur (but not in these Lives), originated, 
perhaps, in the sg. 3 of a middle form of this tense. 

The B-future. 
This tense, the Celtic reflex of the Latin futures in -b, occurs only in the ã and ï 
verbs. The following examples will suffice : 
Sg. I. Absolute form: reaifal 1184, faillsighfil-sa 657. 
3. Conjoined form: tiifa 4 6 9 6 , dotheþeifea 218 I, doalÏnebha 4017, loduisife 
4 02 3, no-chnaife 2 I 84, na briife 2 187. 
Absolute: suidhfidh 626, midhfidh 627, geinfidh 768, larmnaighfidh 1181, 
airchisfidh 4309. 
Relative: suidhfis 62 3, fhozl1sighfis 7 8 9, gheinfes 939, IhalÏnighfis 117 I, 
gnífis 377 8 , doirifes 3778. 
PI. I. Absolute form: anj'amz"!, 4372, 4446. 
2. I-iifaidhi 3699, where the absolute is used for the conjoined form. 
3. rofhl'n1ýal 3935. 
Secondary forms of this tense are : 
Sg. 3. no-fhastfadh 17 0 , no loiscfidh 16 4, comarleicjèadh 185, no chaifedh 259, asa 
comlaifidh 16 3, escomluifidh 1077, conz'cjèdh 1085, nofòruaislighfiadh 119 6 . 
PI. 3. do-t-iifatis 1354, do tÙznscainjitz's 2936, no creitjitz's 164. 

In the present indicative we find the following: 
Sg. I. do-m-berur 375 I. 
2. do-I-berur I 3 I 2. 
3. berar 28 3 1 , 3 00 9, beruir 7 82 , berur 2391, doberar 2408, 2832, 2837, 4 2 5 1 , 
doberur 2447, asberar 3007, atberar 4600, 4607 = atberur 2556, 282 7, 




45 0 7 = aderar 4508, l'tberur 25, j'risin-aþar 3075 = j'risÙl-abar 3142, 
atfiadar 25 0 4, 
915, alfiadar 25 0 5, lÏfiadhar 15,figabhur 255 6 , 461'7, 
ftcabar 3404, lecar 862 = leacar 2836, líaghar 2855, Haghur 1243, 
dleghar 28'74, dogarar 20 93. 
'Vith the lar- suffix: comuillier 126 = comalliur 392, adailer 267, asa n-aÙ:ler 495, 
firgaiglher 563, 29 1 7, erdraicighter 667, air1llighter (i. e. áirnu'ther) 671, 
z11nz'sler 691, ralÏler 928, marbhlar 950, loiscler 2873, ni Iz'birler 1016, 
slánaigler 1340, fil7lsigter 1632, 2878, 2880, balÏler 2092, 2306, cuirler 
24 0 9, Inasa nighler 2458, dogllíler 2799, dogníthir 4067, dogníther 4076, 
díchuirter 2800, 2887, l'dlaicter 28 I 3, 28 14, ailter 2837, lonnaighler 2854, 
imdergthar 2862, triasa bhj'ursanntar 2459, Ó cumhduighter 2467, trlasa 
ndailler 2468, cosmailighter 2745,fi rt har 3034. 
PI. 3. lochuirler 679, 68 3,686, buailter 28 99. In aÙzicer 312 I, berar 3963,j'acbal'ther 
4448, the sg. is used for the pI. 
Conjunctive, sg. 3: eu liaghar 4825: with the tar- suffix: co ro sentar 1345, co 
faghthar 1585, co lumthar 1996, curo-blattar 2121, co ndernlar 2428, 
cu nach derntar 3456, atro j'uirmidter 2592. 
Examples of the imperative are: 
Sg. I. no-m-berur 4452. 
3. doberur 26 3, labhur 57 2 , 295 2 , leagar 2848, 3177, Izaghar 3082: with the 
lar- suffix: baistter 263, tucthar 633, 1320, suidigler 634, blattar 2090, 
adnaicler 2274, robentar 4 660 , déntar 25 8 7, 3494,fin7lter 2953. 
Examples of the secondary present are: 
Sg. 3. dorónta 149 0 , co n dernta 1 I I, ni berthe 499, no berthea 115, 1522 = noberlha 
37 06 , doberlhe 1689, do bertha 2341, asa tabarlha 2 159, fora labartha 
4 21 9, atberthea 1762, 2555, 3 2 57, dia marbhtha 3095, noloiscthea 125, 
rohíctha 178, 1'0 gníthea 269, ni la1Jlhtha 270, ro-haduighthea (i. e. aduithea) 
27 0 , cu nach gabhtha 369, báitte 958, eusa mbertha 1490, nach ebertha 
133 8 , doberlha 1365, 2919, no gu iuclha 1609, arna haiceasda 2302, 
co lardta 2480, co mblighthe 3398, cluinli 830, do eluinti 3419, but 
ateluintea 3425, ral'tti 2112, coro soez'rtea 3441, nohairléghtha 3706, 
curo gairdighthe 4473. 


Sg. I. ro-m-comháirmeadh 1583, rocaz'thed 1677, cor balÏhedh 1594, rocuiredh 1643, 
lucad 41, 261, dobreth, dobrealh 206, 235,900, doronad 635, 866, a ndernad 
333, a r-hithed 390, adubhradh 401, j'n'th 403, ro sóud 2688, 1381, 



1652 = dosoud 2686, rocrechlnaigedh 1388, roslánaigedh 1393, dogabadh 
139 6 , rofuasloiced 14 00 , curo saerad 1459, roforbhudh 1377, rosoerud 1330, 
ro hesreidelh 4 2 , dogabhadh 43, rofolhaiged 63, rosuÙlhighed 84, roszfledh 
2591, robaistedh 64. 
Sg. 3. rom6rad 119, ro hadnachl 645, 234 8 , rohorl 13 6 , dora/ad 1348, 1403, 
rofodhlad 1360. 
Where the root ends in a dental or s: do-cuas 565, 1936, al-cós 1931, al-cuas 
29 6 9,3 21 5, o'!cuas 26 5 0 , al-ces 1918, 2307, conn-áces 2092, na al'ces 3355, 
nij'acus 3804, taifas 64 0 , 792,853,1630, 2417, ro clos 1220,2249, clos 
954, at-clos 34 I 8,jès 2559. 
By analogy to these forms we have tancas (ventum est) 4148 = lancus 1677, 
208 7, robas 237, lias 375, 1397, larcas 75 0 . 
PI. 3. ro-horta 13 6 , ro Iz'noz1tea 17 1 , robailhtea 394, tuctha 561,2333, rohícta 1389, 
roberthea 2626, ro-hedpartha 2547, dorónta 1616, ro sásta 1476. 
doratait 835, tucatÏ 1660, rucaÙl (for rucait) 3993, robennaÙl 1574 = 
robenuil 4092, robáÙlhit 2333, rosoudhail 28 53, rofrithaz1Ü 2954, romóral"d 
3 19 2 , na-r-leicÜ 3 6 97. 
Here it will be observed that neither in the singular nor the plural does the 
particle ro- cause aspiration of the following consonant. 

Sg. 3. gignither 759, 1838, 18 43, blrlhur 1860, 39 0 7, doblrthar 24 82 , 25 6 9 = 
dobérthur 1523,1544, 244 0 , dobértar 4251, doglntar 1474, nl' condinglntar 
1953, ni géblhar 2 I 29, 2130. 
Secondary forms: na gébhtha 2096, doblrtha 2568 = dobérlhi 4080. 

Sg. 3. nijèslar 2593, dia tistar 4 22 3, ni tadhbhaister 35 0 4. 
Secondary forms: no-hadnasta 632, no-d-adhnasta 63 2 , 635. 


Sg. I. no-m-muirbjiter 310. 
3. ni baÜhfiter 334 ' ni baÜhfidir 224 1 , ni bailhfider 244 8 , bal"dhjider 4 2 99, 
loiscjider 4299, 4300, comuz1ljider 1221, tuaslaÙjiler 1524, docuirþlher 
2201, leÙ:filer 231 I, nocha pÙznj'aider 4262, sáifuider 4295. 
PI. I. non-sáifaiter 1474. 
Secondary forms: g01ifaithi 948, no-baÙtjilhe 4019, leicjilhe 333 2 . 



These linguistic notes may fitly conclude with the following list of the words In the 
Lives borrowed from Latin and other languages. 


abb 4353; ab 4355; gen. abadh 4350. From Lat. 
abbas, abbatis. Henceabdhaine, 'abbacy' 4250; 
=apdhaine 2049, 2531, 2884; aipdine 2048. 
Abraham, 'V. Awraham (i.e. Afraham), Efreanz, 
lfraham. From Abraam. 
acarbh, n. pI. acgarba 3618. From Lat. acerbus, 
as pronounced by a Briton, the b being, ac- 
cording to Güterbock (LateÍ1zz'sche Leh'1wiirter 
im Irischell), infected by the r. Cf. Lat. curuis 
=corbis, Sg. 67 a. Hence agairbhe 4538. 
achtáil 1018. From Lat. actuâ/is. 
Adam, gen. Adaim 4495, Adhuim 4578; ,Yo 
Adam, Adda. From Adam. 
adrad 375, verbal noun of adraim. =Lat. adoro. 
aeine,gen.dat. sg. 2372, 2374. See óine, Fr,jeune. 
áer, sg. ace. 795, gen, aeir 799. From Lat. ãe1'. 
Aibel4494. 'V. Abel, Afel. :From Abel. 
aibghiter 814, 823, ace. -ir 814. 'V. egwyddor. 
From Lat. abecedariu11l. 
aicen 3566, 3594. From Lat. oceanus. 
aiciupt, gen. -a 828,843, gen. aicipta4152 =aic- 
ciupta 4319. Cf. accepturium .i. lectionem. 
aifrenn 5 I 7. See oifreJl.n. 
ailen 505. From O. Norse eyland. 
aingeal 123,156, aingiu13356, gen. aingil 158, 
181. \Y. angel, p1. ellgyl, Corn. ail, Br. elf 
From Lat. angelus. Hence ainglecdha 1104, 
4 61 5. 
aUt 4834. From Lat. altziS. 
aImsa 3272, gen. almsan 2034, but almsaine 
1428, 1579; pI. dat. almsanuibh 630; ace. 
almsana 1811, 3395. Cf. céd-almsa 335 1 . 
From Lat. eli11losyna, with the change of e to 
a found also in sabaltaÙ' (sepultura \ Saþaist 
:Sebastianus), saraþlzÙz. (seraphim). 
a1tóir 64, ace. altóir 2110, pI. n. altóire 3 0 5. 
'V. allor, Corn. altor. From Lat. altãre. Cf. 
imaltoir 1633. 

angcaire 3782, 3785. From Lat. anchora ('V. 
angor), but with the addition of the -ia suffix, 
which we find also in the loan-words caÏ1me/bra, 
(amra, cista, coca (boat, 'V. cwch, Lat. concha), 
firsa, lunga, taiberne, sfta. 
an6ir, F. 645, 647, 85 1 , gen. anoire II34 4335. 
See o11Oir. Hence anóraighim: rO-a11oraigh 
4 6 94, ro-anoraighset 4658, anorugud II37. 
Antón, gen. Antóin 682. 
April 37, gen. Aipril 1066. From Aþri/is. The 
II in Vol. Ebrell, Br. Ebnll is curious. 
apstaI, abstul 4605, apsal 27, espul 33, esbal 
627, sg. gen. apstail 214-}' pI. gen. abstul 4605, 
dat. apsalaib 27. \V. abostol. From aþostolus. 
Compounds: ard-espul 33, prím-apstal 1798. 
apstanait 2455, 4900. From Lat. abstÙzentia. 
A later form aþstaÍ1zent occurs in the lVIartyr- 
ology of Donegal, p. 16 4. 
arc, sg. acc. airc 3327. \V. arch. From Lat. 
archaingeI, gen. pI. 1767. From Lat. arch- 
Asardhai 23. From Lat. Assyrii. 

Babtaist 206, bauptaist 3967. From Lat. baþ- 
bachall 580, sg. gen. bachla 462, 2177, 4849, 
dat. bachaild 1034, ace. bachaill 223, 224,996, 
1039. \V. bagl F. From Lat. bacilla. Com- 
pounded: naemh-bachall 48Il. Hence bach- 
lach, 2278,2284 = in form Br. baelek,' presbyter: 
baistim, ro baistedh 64, baister 256, baistter. 
For baitsi11l. From Lat. *bati;;are, whence, also 
apparently, \V. bed;'ddio, z, i.e. sd, becoming dd. 
baIbh 1444, 1446. From *balvus, the British 
pronunciation of Lat. balbus. See acarbh. 
barc 2462. From Lat. barca. 
bathais, baithis, gen. sg. 34, dat. baithius 57, 


seems, like \Y. bedydd, abstracted from the 
ver b batizare. 
béist 1729, péisd 1840, pI. n. béssti \Vb. 3ld 21. 
W. bwyst-fil. From Lat. bëslia. Hence also 
bíast, gen. píasda 2211, píasta 2225, pI. date 
bíastuibh 1737. Compound: bíast-cat 3797. 
Benén 265, Benian 4478. From Low-Lat. Be- 
negnus, the classical Benignus. 
bennachaim, ron-bennach 221, robennuch 356. 
O. Ir. bendaehaim, like W. bendzgo, from Lat. 
bennacht, ace. sg. bennachtain 312. O. II. ben- 
dacht = W. bendz"th, pI. bendithion. From 
Lat. benedictio. 
biaid 1353, sg. gen. biaide 4846, gen. pI. biaidi 
1353. From Lat. Beati. 
bledhe, sg. gen. bledhi 4419. From A.S. bledu. 
braich, gen. bracha 1337, 1361, ace. braich 
1339. W. and Corn. brag. Lat. braee grani 
species ex quo eerevisia conficitur, Ducange. 
Bretain 2562, gen. Breatan 2541. From 
Britones. Hence Bretnach 2561, bretnas 253 8 . 
buaball, gen. buabaill 3128. 'V. bual. From 
Lat. biibalus. 


caibdel, pI. gen. caibdel 1095. O. Ir. caipteI. 
From Lat. capitulum. 
cailech, coileach 288, date eailiueh 1631, aec. 
cailech 840, pI. dat. coilcibh 4575. From Lat. 
caille 400, 1343, gen. s. 1341. W. pall. From 
Lat. pallium. Hence caillech, nom. pI. -a 
828, 830. 
caindeal 5 0 5, gen. pI. 1994, 1999, pI. n. ace. 
eoinnle 1995, eainnli 1996. From Lat. ca1Z- 
dëla. 'V. canwyll points to a *candëlla. 
cainnelbra 2001, 2004. From Lat. candelabrum, 
'weitergebildet by an ia- suffix' (Gi.iterbock). 
Cf. ancoire. 
cairt sg. dat. cairt, MI. 119 n 6, compound 
droch-chairt 4527. From Lat. charla, as 
Cam, caracldar,Críst, coir, from Cham, charac- 
ter, Christus, chorus. So scol from schola, 
and Enocc from Enoch. 
caisel, date caisiul 447, pI. dat. caislibh 37 8 9. 
W. castell. From Lat. caste/lum. 


kallainn 1787. From Lat. kalelldae, the I 
being doubled as in talland. \V. calan M. 
Calpurn, gen. Calpuirn 3968. From Lat. Cal- 
canoin, acc. 212, sg. gen. canone 3449. 'V. 
cano1Z. From Lat. canon. The gen. sg. cane 
in MI. 35b 17 is a mere scribe's error for canone, 
MI. 60 c 5. 
caplait 1362. From Lat. capillatio, W. (dydd 
Iou) cablyd=Corn. (deyow) lzablys, Cdnyou) 
hamlos, Bret. (, Iou) gamblid. 
carcair 4754, gen. na carcrach 4771, dat. carcair 
2343, ace. eareair 3633, pI. dat. careraibh 3637. 
O. Ir. carear, sg. gen. carcre, dat. carcair, 'Vb. 
3 2 c 13, 28 d 30, 23 b 21. \V. carchar. From 
Lat. career. 
carghais, gen. sg. 4696. O. Ir. corgais. From 
Lat. quadrãges'Ùna. 
casal 317. From Lat. casula. O.W. asulhetic 
(gl. penulata). 
casc 322. \V.andCorn.pasc. From Lat.þascha. 
Compounds: mór-easc 3863, min-chaise 1362. 
Hence eascda 327. 
cat, pI. cait 3654. Compounds: mur-chata 
375 2 , cat-phiast 3802. From Lat. cattus, as \V. 
cath F. from catta. 
cathair, like W. caer is perhaps borrowed from 
Lat. castra. 
céir, F. dat. ceir 4050. ,V. cwyr, 1LCorn. coir, 
Bret. coar. From Lat. cêra. Hence ciartha 
3698, 37 0 5. 
ceist 546, 1453, 3766, cex 2487. From Lat. 
quaestio. Hence cestaigthe, gen. 4540. 
celebraim 35, ro celeabair 267, ceiliubrais 842. 
From Lat. eelebro. The verbal noun is ceilea- 
bhrad 1374, gen. -aidh 1607. 
cell, sg. gen. cille 473, dat. cill 421, pI. dat. 
ceallaib 34 6 , acc. cella 443, cealla 419. 'Yo 
cell. .From Lat. cella. Hence cilleeán 77 8 . 
cenn-Iá 1437 lit. 'supper-day,' a hybrid, in 
which the cen11- is from Lat. *ee1Z11a = COClla. 
cercall, pI. cercalla (ciorcla B) 2824. 'V, cyr- 
chellF. from drcella, pI. ofMed. Lat. circelfum. 
cilicc 1753 in chilic, Ml. 49 C. 12. From Lat. 
cincdighis, better cindges 4604, gen. cingcdise, 
1008, cinedbighisi 1102, acc. quingcidis (leg. 
quingcigis) 1068. From Lat. quillquagesillla. 

1 2 




cingt-idh 740. See quingt-idh, 
cippe, pI. acc. 3101, seems a derive of ceþþ, 
which comes from Lat. dþþus, as elZ1zac, fe/- 
sub, secc, senod from Ï1ulOC1Uls, þh , ilosoþflus 
siccus, synodus. W. cyff. The pI. cyffion 
means 'stocks.' 
Círine 3321 = H-Ùrollymus. 
cís 131, 2919, gen. císa 127, 3195, date 2088, 
 4002, acc. pI. *cissu (rhyming with íssu) 
1748. From Lat. census. 
clann, pI. dat. clannaib 590. W. þlant. From 
Lat. þlallta. Cf. \V. þlanu, ' to plant.' 
class 239, sq. gen. claisse, :MJ. 107 b 3, pI. nom. 
classai 238, pI. acc. classe (gI. choros) MI. 
116 d c. Compound: class-cetul 209. From 
Lat. classis. 
cléirech 317, sg. gen. cléirigh 4463, pI. gen. 
cléirech 4462. Compounds: fir-clérech 4552, 
mac-clérech 1670. From Lat. clëricus. Hence 
cléirchecht 3059. 
cliar 479, dat. cléir 783. From clërus. 
clocc, , bell,' sg. date cloc 4844, acc. clog 4470. 
W. cloch, is perhaps not borrowed from Low- 
Lat. clocca, cloccum. 
clÚ1nh for clúimh 2738, pI. date clÚmuibh 3877, 
O.\V. * plum in plumau.c, l\fod. 'V. plu/, Corn, 
þlufoc. From Lat. þlÜma. 
clusal, pI. date clusaluibh 3629, 3789. From 
Med. Lat. clausula, clausola, 'cella in qua in- 
clusi, seu eremitae, morabantur.' For u from 
Lat. au cf. c/usenair, .bfuric, ugdar. 
cochull, sg. acc. 827, pI. n. cocaill 3 0 3. W. 
cw:wl/. From Lat. cucullus. 
coibse, pI. acc. coibhsina 1731, coibhsena 1732. 
'V. cyffis, Br. coffis. From Lat. confessio, the 
fbecoming b (i. e. v) owing to the preceding 
coic, coicc 756, sg. gen. coca 1997, dat. coic 1682. 
O. \V. coc now cog or cogydd. From the gen. 
sg. of Lat. coquus. Cf. Vis. 
coisecraim, ro coisecrad 1353. W. cysegrze. 
From Lat. C01lsecro. Hence coisecartha 327, 
663, cossecartha 4 1 9 2 and coisecrad 2475. 
colcaidh 2738, pI. date coi1c[thJib 4575. O.'V. 
cilchet, now cylched. From Lat. culdta. 
coloma 1188, colbha 1751. 'V. coloftn. From 
Lat. columna. Hence coluf7l1zat (gl. colum- 

colum, M. 593. 'V. cwlw1Jl M. colomelz F. 
From Lat. columbus, columba. 
comman 15 6 7, 4469, 4697, coml1nn 643. \v. 
cy mUlt. F rom Lat. commÜnio, whence also 
comna, comnai 1868, 24 8 9, 4529, 4532, gen. 
comnae 4471. 
Consantin 3884. W. Cystenyn. From Lat. 
copán, gen. copain 2736, dimin. of *coþ. W. 
cWþmz, From Lat. t:'lpa. 
corn, pI. gen. 3i 28 W. corn. From Lat. cornu. 
corónaigim 2631. From coróin = Lat. corona. 
corp, sg. gen. cuirp 712, date curp 383. W. 
corþh, pI. cyrþh, and in Mid. Welsh also cor- 
þhoroed. From Lat. corþus. Hence corpdai 1386. 
cosait, cassait 1276, cossóit, Wb. 5 a, 23. From 
Lat. causatio. 
credha1552. From Lat. credulus. 
Críst 12. 'V. Crz'st. From Chris/us. Hence 
crístaide 158. 
croch, sg. gen. crochi 59. W. crog. From Lat. 
cros, sg. acc. crois 1034, 1408, but cros 1419, pI. 
n. crosa 968, gen. cros 969. From Lat. nom. 
sg. crux as Ir. tltS from Lat. thus. Hence also 
crosan 3736 = \V. croeSa1z. 
cuach 4346; W. ca'lvg, 'a jug.' From Lat. caucus. 
cuiceun,sg. dat. cuicind 2361 ; "V. cegin. From 
Lat. coquina. 
Daibhíth 4456. W. Dewi, Dafydd. From 
Dâvîd, Âaßí(j, Âaßfí(j. 
damnad 373, verbal noun of damnaim, bor- 
rowed from Lat. damno. 
Decimber 806. From Lat. december. 
deismirecht 2452, desemmrecht Wb. 12 c 35. 
*de-sembrecht: perhaps an imitation of a Low- 
Latin *ad-sembratio = asÛmilatio: cf. Ital. 
sembrare ,assembrare, ras.rembl'are. Güter bock, 
31, however, regards de.rmrecht, Vorbild, eigtl. 
wohl, 'the rightest law,' as from *dessim, a 
superlative formation from the stem of dess, 
and recht. But the duplication of the m is fatal 
to this etymology. 
demon 96, ace. pI. demhna 2304. From Lat. 
daemon. Hence demhnach 4855, demnacda 
3 6 5 0 . 
deochain 47. From gen. sq. of Lat. diacontls. 


depracc6it 2699, pI. dat. depracoitibh 4495: 
better deprecóit, Com. s. v. EdiI. From Lat. 
deþrecãtz.'o. Hence diprocoitech 2i 40. 
descipul 647, pI. nom. descipuil MI. 122 C 2, 
gen. deiscibul, 1112, acc. deiscipln 4627, 'V. 
dÙcybl. From Lat. disdþulus, the first i be- 
coming e owing to the following double 
diabol3625, diabhul 2274: gen. di8.buil 4588. 
VV, diafol, the chief of the devils. From Lat. 
díliu, gen. dílenn 3327. W. diluw. From Lat. 
disert 2417. 'V. diserth. From Lat. desertum. 
The di- is due to the analogy of native words 
compounded with di-. 
domnach, 'Sunday,' gen. domhnaigh 1102, dom- 
nuigh 1077, pI. dat. domhnaighibh 2735, dom- 
nuighib 4534, with passage to the s-declension. 
From Lat. dominica. 
drac, pI. dracuin 3650. \V. dralC' F. From Lat. 

Ebrae, pI. dat. Ebhraib 3926. M.W. EbrY1iJ, 
Mod. 'V. pI. Efrei. From Lat. .lIebraeus. 
Hence also 
Ebraide 151, Ebhraidhi 4596. 
echtrann, pI. nom. echtráinn (gI. externi) MI. 
I19 a, 141 dat. -aib 690. \tV. estrol1,,' a stranger.' 
From Lat. extrãneus. 
eclais 63, gen. ecailsi 12,35. pI. date ecalsaib 36, 
ecludai 212. W. eglwys. From Lat. eclësia 
(not ecclësia). Hence eclusdai 968. 
Eigipt 4674; O. Ir. Egiþt; W. Aiþht. From 
Lat. Aegyþtus, the ae being treated as in eres, 
eretic, etldar, ecenocht, þrdait respectively 
from haeresis, haeretid, aether, q.equÙzoctium, 
þradatus. The \Velsh A'lpht points to an 
* AigzplltuS. Compare O. Ir. sephtiein Ml. 
103 d 26. 
eipistil, sg. gen. eipistle \Vb. 14 d, 2, ace. 550, 
pI. gen. eipistlech 154. \V. eþistol. From 
Lat. þdstula, with passage to the c-declension. 
ennsc 1142, annac 1694. From Lat. *Ùl1l0qUUS, 
Eoin II 20, II 24, II 30, interchanges with Iohain, 
Iohell., Ioin. AIl from Lat. Iohannes. 


Eoraip, gen. Eorpa 212. From Lat. Eurõþa. 
esbal 624, 626. See aþstal. 
espoc, espuc 231, esboc 820, espac 370, gen. 
espoic 21 7 = esbuic 230, espuic 235, 237, pI. 
date espocaib 850: compound: aird-espoc 
2642. W. escob, pI. escyb. From Lat. ßþiscoþus. 
estadh 4501, estudh 588, pI. n. istoda, Mesca 
Etail, sg, gen. Etailli 211, dat. 1044, ace, Eatail 
182. W. Eidal, Eidial. From Îtalia, with 
the same fraction of long i that we have in 
Ir. trldan, from Lat. triduana. 
etrain, dat. sg. 3094. W. ethrywyn 'to con- 
ciliate.' From Lat. intervenire. 

Febra, gen. 4374. W. Chwefrawr. From Lat. 
Febr( u )ãrius. 
féi1 I 148. W. gwýl. From Lat. vigil. 
fersa, 'verse,' 2656. \V. gwers = Lat. versus. 
The Irish word has the -'l'a suffix. See angcaire. 
fín, fion 4505, 4506, sg. gen. fína 316, ace. fín 840. 
W. gwin. From Lat. vinum. 
firmamint 4615. 'V. ffuifafin F. From Lat. 
firt 611, 880, gen. ferta 501, acc. pI. ferta 582, 
fearta 1235, date fertuibh 68. \V. gwyrth, 
'miracle.' Rr. berzut, Corn. barthus, marthus. 
From Lat. virtus (' ideo uirtutes operantur in 
eo,' Matth. xiv. 2). Compounds: céit-fhirt 
52, mac-fertuibh 13 2 . 
fís, sg. dat. 167, pI. dat. físibh 792, 803. From 
Lat, vtsio. 
fiugraim, rofiugradh 791. From Lat. figuro. 
fósaic 1622, for ósaic. From Lat, obsequÙl1Jl. 
Franc, gen. pI. 4408, date Frangaib 48. M. \Y. 
pI. Ffninc. From Francus. 
fromhudh 2658 = O. Ir. þromad, the verbal 
noun of *fromaim, O. Ir. þromaim, from Lat. 
þrobo. So Mod. Ir. faircha, O. Ir. þairche, 
from Lat. þarochia. 

genelach 152, 749, date 1152. From Lat. 
gennte 169. gen. pI. 28. From Lat. genies. 
glóir, mór-glóir II 10, date 3909. From Lat. 
glorz,.a: whence also 



gloire 20, 4392. 
gradh (0. Ir. grád), gen. graidh 216, acc. 
pI. gradha 1466. 'V. gradd. From Lat. 
grad us. 
gras, pI. acc. grasa 1346. From Fr. grace (?). 
gribh, pI. gripha 3651. From Lat. gryþhus. 
Grigoir 3325. From Lat. Gregorz.'lls. 


Henooe 4495. :From Helloch. 
Herimon 227. From Hermo1l. 
hyruphin 1769, O. Jr. /ziruþhi1t, hirubÙt, pI. 
date hirubÙtaib. From the Hebr. cherubt'm- 
the ë becoming i (y) owing to the following U. 
SO in native words, mid from *medu, etc. For 
the change of m to 11, cf. Abisolon, Partholon, 
saraþhin, Troþhin, from Abishalom, Bart/lo- 
lomacus, seraþhim, Troþhilllus. 


Iaeop, gen. Iacoip 4039. From Lat, Iacobus. 
Iarusalem 4512. From the Hierltsalem or 
Ierusalem of the Vulgate. 
ídhal 26, 375, gen. ídhail 423. From Lat. 
z.dõlum. Hence ídlacht 324. 
ymonn 613,1738, ymmonn 1525, immann 2675, 
pI. n. imainn 984, dat. imnaibh 3841, acc. 
immna 3417. From Lat. hY1Jl1l11S. 
Iohain 206. Fro
 Lat. Iohannes. 
Ióp 2744. From Iob, 'Iwß. 
fssu 28. 'V. yr Iesu =1> JI1J(J'ov
ithfern 295, ifern 297. O. Ir. iffèr1t. Com. 
yffarn. 'V. uffern. From Lat. inftrllum, pI. 
Ùiferna. Hence ithfemaidi 3631, ithfemach 
224 2 , ithfimach 2758. 
Iudaide 39. 'Y. Iudde'W. From Lat. Iudaeus. 
Iuin, gen. sing. 740,4006. From La.t. (mensis) 


laeeh 2970, 2978, pI. n. laich 394. 'V. llëyg. 
From Lat. laicus. Compounds: ath-Iaech 
10 5 6 , fír-Iaech 4552. Hence laechdacht 3058. 
Laidin 988. From Lat. (lingua) LatÙla. 
Laimhiaeh 4378,4497. From Lamec/t Aap.Éx; 
but why the ia=ë? 
lasee 4663. O. Ir. lax. ,V. llaes. From Lat. 

latrainn (n. dual) 1971, ladrainn (n. pI.) 1984, 
1987. ,Yo lleidr, pI. lladrolt. From Lat. latro. 
lebhar 2, gen. liubhair 4051, sing. dat. liubar 
154, pI. dat.leabhruibh 869. From Lat.liber. 
léghaim 4149, légfas I, ro-er-Iégh 61, légad, 
'to read,' 1958. légenn, gen. léiginn 8 12, lei- 
ghind 1006, airléghiunn 62, eirléghiunn 1346, 
urléghiunn 828. W.llëu, 'to read,' lëen. From 
Lat. lego, llgendum. The lengthening of the 
e may be due to the length of the i in scrz'bo. 
léighnidh, 'reader,' 3322. A derive of légenn. 
leo 348, 592, pI. gen. inna leon :Ml. 75 b 2. 
W. llew. From Lat. leo. 
leoman (gen. sing.) 3799, leomain 3649. pI. n. 
inna leomain, Ml. 80 a 10. From Lat. leonem. 
liter 4140, acc. litir 61. 'V. llyther-en. From 
Lat, littera. 
loe 75, 37 1 5, loce 3 6 3 1 , sq. gen. luic, 1\11. 
136 d 9. From Lat. locus. 

madan, date maduin 17 2 , 974, re maduin 333. 
-0. Ir. matell, infra s. V. teirt. From Lat. 
maighister 2672, pI. n. magistir'Vb. 14 b 17. 
'V. meistr. From Lat. magister. 
mainister (nom. ?), sing. date 953, 3295, acc. 
4435, gen. mainistreach 3300; pI. gen. mainis- 
drech 600, 2474. From La.t. monasterium, 
with passage to the c-declension. 
mainn 4194, as in mainn (gI. mannae, dat. sq.) 
:Ml. 124 d I. From Lat, manna. 
mairtire, acc. pI. 1002; but martra 445. From 
Lat. martyria martyrum ossa, reliquiae, Du- 
mairtir 3754. \V. merthyr. From Lat. martyr. 
mallaeht, acc. -ain 368. 0, Ir. ma/dacht. \V. 
melldith. From Lat. maledictio. 
manach, gen. manaigh 2213,2481, gen. pI. 682, 
dat. manchuibh 1080. From monachus with 
an unexplained change of 0 to a. Perhaps it 
comes immediately from 'V. mallach. Hence 
mainchine 4 2 33, 4246, maincine 4801, 4842. 
margreit 38. 'V. mererid, myrerid. From 
Lat. margarita. 
Marta, gen. 1787. 'V. l'rfawrth. From Lat. 
.Afars, .ftIartis. 
Ma.rtan 49, 20 49. From Lat. MartÙtlf.s. 


martralaic 3754 = martarlaic Fél. Ep. 140, 
From Lat. martyrologiuJJl. 
Matha 3324, From .lI1'atthaeus, as Tatha from 
mebhraghadh 828, the verbal noun of me- 
braigim, a denominative from mebuir = Lat. 
memoria. So \y, myfyr is from mUllor. 
mías, sg. gen. méise 4659, méisi 1409, pI. n. 
míasa 305. From Lat. mensa. 
minister, pI. gen. mainisdrech 873, a mistake 
for minisdreeh. Old-Ir.lllenstt."r. From Low- 
Lat. ministerium, 'credence-table.' 
mírbhuil, sg. ace. 824, mirbhoill 4199, pI. n. 
mirbuili 1236, date mírbhuilib 68. From Lat. 
11drãbile. Hence mírbhulla 3733. 
mod 680, sg. dat. mudh 4516, pI. dat. moduibh 
679, modhaibh 274 6 , il-moduibh 4505. W. 
modd. From Lat. modus. 
molt 484, sg. gen. muilt 491, pI. n. muilt 3374, 
ace. multa 1674. Hence moltán 488. \V. 
mol!!. From M. Lat. multo, 'vervex.' 
mortlaid 4060 = 1Jlortlaz'th, Corm. From Lat. 
Moysi 3321, i\Ioyse 4499. \V. Moysen. From 
MovO'7]s-, MovO'7]v. 
muilend, date 1092. W. melin, Corn. belin. 
From Lat. molÙza. 
muilleóir 1999, gen. muilleora 1981. From 
Lat. molinm'ius. 
muinnter 197, acc. -tir 192. An early loan 
from Lat. monasterium. 
Muire 1264, 1265. \Y. Mair. From Lat. Maria. 

Naei, Noei 3327, 3326. From Noë, NWE. 
nón. From Lat. nõna Chora). The ace. sg. 
nonai, 16u, comes from an ia-stem. 
Notál, from *notbhál =notãbiHs, as foeul from 
*foebhul = voeabu.lu1lZ. 
notlaic. W. 11Odolye. From Lat, l'latãlicia. 

obar 1 24, ocopair MI. 121 d, 16. 'V.g-ober. Either 
from Lat. oþera, or from Lat.oþus, oþeris. 
ocht-kalainn 4374 (ante diem) octavum ealendas. 
oician 1830. From Lat. oceanus. 
oifrend, aifrenn 517. gen. oifrind 303, oifrinn 
84 1 , dat. oifriunn 839. From Lat. offeremla. 


oilén 1848; see at."lén, 
óine, sg. dat. 204, pI. aeintibh 630, from *ií2nium, 
a Low-Lat, form of jejüniu11t, from which 
comes the Sp. a-yzt1zar. Dardáin, , Thursday,' 
1437, is=etar-dá-óin,' between two fasts,' i.e. 
dia eétáÙze, '\Vednesday,' Ml. 113 d 3, and 
dia oÍ1ze dÙline, , Friday,' Ml. 113 c I. 
ola, sg. ace. 1216. \V. olew. From Lat. oleum. 
ongad 2475, verbal noun of ongaim = Lat. Ullgzeo. 
onóir, F. sg. gen. onóiri móire 3953. From Lat. 
h01t.or. See anoir. 
ór 193, sg. gen. óir 189. W. awr. From Lat. 
aurum. Hence órdhuidhe, , golden,' 854. 
ord, sg. gen. uird 62, acc, ord 156. W. urdd
From Lat. ordo. 
ordan 357. From Lat. ordÍ1zem. Hence the 
verb ordnim, ro oirdnestar 4 21 , oirdnidi 443. 

pairt 501. From Lat. pars, þm'tis. 
parthus, gen. parrthais 3855, 3861, 3872, 
parrduis 247. Vl. þm'ad'lv)Is. From Lat. 
pater 1566, 27J2. W. þader. From the Lat. 
voc. sg. paterCnoster). 
Pátraic I. From Lat. þatridus. The first a of 
Pátraie is long by position. 
páx 1053, 'instrumentum, quod inter Missarum 
solemnia popnlo osculandum praebetur,' Du- 
cange, and see Cleasby- Vigfusson, s. v. þax- 
peccad, pecad, sg. acc. 3864, pI. acc. pectha 164, 
dat. pecthaibh 701. \V. þeehod. From Lat. 
þeccãtum. Hence pecthaeh 3852, pI. n. pec- 
thaigh 3905, dat. pecthtachuibh 3905. 
péisd. See béist. 
pendaim, rophend 1635, napendedh 2738. 
From Lat, þoeniteo. 
pennait 2166. From *þentz't, Lat. þoellitell.tia. 
persa, sg, dat, persainn 727, persoin 1273. From 
Lat. þe1"sÕlla, changing to the ll-declension. 
peta 1654, 4186 (where it is misprinted postea). 
This must be a loan-word cognate with Eng. 
þet and Fr. þeton, þeNt. But its source is not 
Petar 3324, gen. Petuir 4478. 'V. Pedro From 
Lat. Petrus. 




petarlaic 7, 730, gen. petarlaiee 71, petarlaici 
4618. O. Ir. fetarlaie from Lat,veter(Ú) leg\is). 
pían, dat. péin 612, pI. piana 3667, dat, pia- 
naibh 2762, pianuibh 3671, il-phianuib 4243. 
'V. þOUt. From Lat. þoena. Hence the verbal 
noun pianad 373, 3657, gen. sg, pianta 3629, 
and the verb pianaim, rophiandais 375, pian- 
faider 4262. 
Pilip 3885. From Plliliþþlls, but þlz usually 
becomes / in Irish. 
pinginn, pI. n. pinginne 2832 = penning, LL. 
54b, 2. From O.N. pe1l1lÍngr. 
poe, gen. puic 1630, 1632, 1634. From Teut. 
póe, 'kiss.' 'V. poe. G. C. 1068. From Lat, ace. 
pãcem. Hence póeaim, pócaÌs 3854. 
poind 3720. 'Y.pwn=po'J'ldus. 
Pól, gen. Póil 681, 4478. From Paulus, as ór 
from aurUJll. 
p6laire, pI. n. 968, gen. 969. O. 'Y. poulloraur, 
from Lat. pugillares. 
popa 426. From Lat. popa, 'an inferior priest.' 
popul, pobul 3, 17, sg. gen, popuil, MI. 123 a, 
II, date pI. popluibh 2468. Compound: mor- 
popul 2063, 'V. pobl. From Lat. populus. 
port, gen. puirt 685, dat. purt 2359, ace. port 
2362. W. and Corn. porth. From Lat. þortus. 
prespiter 217. From Lat. presbyter. An earlier 
loan from a Low-Lat. form of the same word 
-prebiter- is eruimthir 2705, 2710. 
prím, 8, 427, 4198. 'V,przf. From Lat.prI1llus. 
prímit(ib) 1857. From Lat, primitiae. 
pritchaim, O.Ir, pridehim, predehim, ro pritehai 
172, 685. From Lat. praedieo, the diphthong 
being shortened as in ceist, demon, Egiþt, 
þendaim, penllait. 
proieept 215, 222, gen. procepta 994, proicepta 
1024, dat. procept 1003. \V. pregeth. Corn. 
pregoth. From Lat. prarceptulll. 
proieept6ir 2745. O. Ir. preceptóir, Ml. 38 c, 
pI. date -ibh 683. 
proind, proinn 1894, 2734, 2953, gen. proinne 
296, 1405, ace. proinn 4437, oen-proind 14 6 . 
'V. praÙz, 'feast.' :Mid. 'V. eyd-breiniawg, 
'feeding together.' 
'rom Lat. prandium. 
Hence the verbal noun proindeehad 2081. 
Compound: proinn-tech, 'refectory,' gen. 
proinntighi 2091. 

pudhur 1336, 1716. ,V. þwdr (?). From Lat. 
þ'Zld or? or from Lat. putris? 
pupall, pubull 326, gen. pupla 397, pI. n. publa 
3078. ,V. þabell, pI. pebyll, 'tents.' From Lat. 
þaþilio, ' pavilion.' 
putrall 4568. 

quingt-idh 3948, quine-id 4451 ; cíngt-idh 740 
(ante diem) quinetulll idus. 

relec 790, reileac, 'graveyard,' 3502, sg. gen. 
reilgi 3499, pI. n. relce, 'relics,' 2775, 4514, 
reilce 2482, re1ge 3998,dat. relcib 2476, reilcibh 
2484. From Lat. relz" W. relyziJ is from 
Lat. reliq'Zeium. 
riaghail 4528, riagul 3336, pI. n. ríagla 3962, 
3963, gen. pI. riagla 3451, acc. pI. riagla 
3487. 'V. rheol. From Lat. regula. Hence 
riaghaldai 3395. 
Róm, gen. Romha 2759, dat. Roiin 2049, acc. 
Roim 234. From Rõma. 
Romhan, gen. pI. 3887. From Lat. Romanus. 
W. Rhufain, , Rome,' Rhuftllliaid, 'Romans.' 
Hence romanaeh, pI. dat. Romanehaib 3888. 
ruam, 'cemetery,' dat. ruaim 2111. Also from 
Rõma, as the burial-place of S, Peter: cf. the 
Divina Commedia, Par. ix. 140, xxvii. 25. 

saboit, gen. saboidi 1073, pI. n. sapati. From 
Lat. sabbatum, or rather from its gen. sabbati. 
Cf. cole, Vis from Lat. eoqui, Iusti. 
sabull 275, 19 1 4, 1916. "V. ystaftll. From 
Lat. stabulu1n. 
saearbhaie 643, 15 6 7, saearbhuic 2347, gen. 
sacarbaice 2403. From Lat. saerificium. 
sacart, gen. sacairt 821, pI. gen. saeart 752. 
From Lat, sacerdos. Cf. uasal-sacart 736. 
saegul, soegul 725, gen, saeguil 4438, soeghuil 
1548. From Lat. saeeulum. Hence saeghlach 
946, saeghulla (0. Ir. saegulda) 67 6 , 724- 
salm 822, pI. dat. salmaibh 3841, aec. salma 
371. Compound: sailm-cetlaid 587. 'V. and 
Er. sa 1m , From Lat, þsalmus. 
saruphyn 1769. From Hebr. seraþhim. 
satharn, gen. sathairrn 612, date sathrann 4374. 
'Y. Sad'Wr1z. From Lat. (dies) Saturlli. 



Saxain 2561 = Sachsain 2564. 'V. Seiso1Z or senóiribh 1437. From Lat. acc, senzorem as 
Saeso1Z, pI. of Sat's = Saxo, pI. Saxones. Hence þreceþtói1' from þraeceþtõrem, etc. 
Saxanach, pI. date Saxanchaib 2563. seol 3626. W. hwyl. From Teut. *segla. 
scairbighi 3258. See infra in the Index of septimper 3948. From Lat. seþtember. 
Irish words. sept-it 805 (ante diem) seþtimu11t -ldus. 
scoirp, pI. n. scoirpi 3651. From Lat. seorþz.'o. sex-kalainn 4006 (ante diem) sextU1Jl kalendas. 
scol, gen. scoile 2647, date scoil 1959, 1960, sians 25, siens 4607. From Lat. sënsus, whence 
4136, 4142, 4161. W. ysgol. From Lat. also sh. 
sehola. Hence: scolaidhecht 4103, scolaighi sída 4574, O. Ir. sfta, 'V. sidan. An ia-stem 
[leg. scolaidheJ 1555. formed from Lat. séta, whence also Fr. sole. 
screpul 4470, 4779, screaball 2832. O.'Y. sigen, acc. sg. sigin 59, 901. From Lat. 
serz.'bl. From Lat. seriþulum. sz.gnum. 
scríbadh 3450. From A.S. senþan, sereoþan, síric 4574. W. sirig, 'silk.' From Lat. sëriea, 
Eng. seraþe. as síta from 'seta. 
scríbaim, scríbh 3543, ro-scríbad 2. From Lat. sitheal 3129. From Lat. situla, whence also 
serzbo. W. ysgrif, 'manuscript.' Germ. seidel. 
scríbenn 2052, pI. n. scribenna 2643. scribhinll, sleehtaim, slechtait 2914, slechtais 381, ro- 
3740. O. Ir. serfbend. W. 'j1sgrifen. From shlecht 3361, 47 20 , do shlecht 4348, roslecht- 
Lat. seribe1ulum. sat 4693. See :MI. II 5a, 3 and 10. From 
scriptur 671, gen. screptra 182, scriptuire 3701, Lat.Jlecto. 
pI. gen. screptra 4606, nom. scripturi, J\H. 3a, slechtain, sg. dat. 29 2 9=slechtl1n, MI. 115 c , 3, 
6. 'V. yserythur. From Lat. seriþtÜra. acc. 1103, pI. gen. 145. From Lat. jlee- 
scrutain, sg. acc.3313. From Lat. serutinz.'um. tionem. 
The sg. dat. 0 scrutunt (gl. scrutinio), Pal at. soee 9 1 4, soc 915. W. swen, 'ploughshare, 
68, fOe 7b, comes from a different stem. snout,' From Lat. soccus. 
sdair 22. From Low-Lat. sto1'ia. sollumun 323, pI. date sollumnaibh 2735. From 
seeaim, seacuis 279. W. syehu. From Lat. Lat. sollemne. 
sicco. Born '2629, sg. gen. in tsuirnn (gI. foci) 1\11. 
seehtmain, gen. sechtmuine 805, from seþti- 121C, 14. 'V.ffwrn. From Lat.fllrnus. 
mana, the christian week of seven days as spírtálda 3697. From Lat. sþzrituãlis. 
distinguished from the heathen week of ten spírut 5, gen. spírta 99. W. ysþryd. From Lat. 
days, dechmad. sþiritus. 
seenap 2553, 2557, acc. secnapaid 4539, pI. dat. sponge, 'tinder,' 2973. This word is probably 
secndapthib (gl. actoribus) 'Vb. 19 d, 2. From identical with sþonge, 'sponge,' W. ysþwng, 
Lat. seeundus abbas. from Lat. sþongz.'a. For the connexion of 
sén 2280, 2284, 2289, acc. pI. sena 2285. From ideas, cf. the German Feucrsekwamm. 
*segn=Lat. signum, the -l becoming e owing sraeighledh 3411. O,Ir. sroigled, verbal noun 
to the following double consonance. Cf. of sroiglim a denominative of srogell (gl. 
,Yo swyn, incantatio, incantamentum, sWYIl- flagrum) Sg.48b, 3 = 'V.ffrewyll. From Low- 
ogl (= Lat. sigllaeulum), 'an amulet, a Lat. fragillulll (cf. cþpa:yÉÀÀtOV, N, T.). The 
charm.' diphthong in the modern form seems due to 
senadh 3510, gen. senaid 1261, senuidh 361'2. the quiescence ofthegh. 
W. senedd, From Lat. synodus. srían, pI. dat. srianuibh 318. From Lat.frhzuJJl. 
sénaim, sénais III, 400, ro shénastar 947. A The 'V.ffrwYll- F. is from the pI.frhza. 
denominative from sén. sro14574, sro1l3079. From *f1'ol, Corn.Jlour= 
senister 288, pI. n. senistri (gl. catarectas), 1\11. Fr. velours. 
62b, 18. 'V. /fen ester. From Lat.ftnestra. Stabulon 19. From Zabulon, ZaßovÀwv. 
senóir 217, gen. senórach 3846, 4310, pI. dat. suist, 'V..ffllst F. From Lat,jilstis. 




tabhuill, ace. sing. 3704. ,V. taftll. From 
Lat. tabella. 
tall ann 186, dat. pI. taillnibh 737, ace. pI. tallne 
4594, taillne 4 62 9. 'V. talent. From Lat. 
teampull69 0 . \Y. teml. From Lat. temþlum. 
teirt 3878. From Lat. tertia (hora). This is 
ter! in an Old-Irish gloss in a Vatican MS. 
(Palat. 68, fo. 37 b): 'Septies in die laudem 
dixi tibi .1. antert, fert, sest, noon, fescer, mid. 
noct, mate1t, quod eonuenit, quia septies in die 
cadit iustus.' 
teirt-kallaind 4633 (ante <Hem) tertÙem Ka- 
teistemain 4150, ace, 4147. \V. fts/zm. From 
Lat, testimonÙe111. 
teóir 1018. From Lat. theoria. 
termann 4688. From Lat. ten1lo, termonis (?), 
as 'V. tet:fyn, from Lat. terminus. 
test 4284. \V. tyst. From Lat. testis. Hence 
testugud 2 I 7. 
tiach, tiagh, sg. dat. teigh 2771, pI. n. tiagha 968, 
gen. tiagh 970. From Lat. thëca (()
whence also 'V. twyg amictus. 
tigri 3650, pI. of *tigir. \V. tiger. From Lat. 
Tit 41. From Lat, Titus. 
Toirinis 2488. From Turonensls. 
tracht 1896, 1946, 2334, 3745, pI. ace. traehtu, 
MI. 12Ia, 17. ,V. traeth. From Lat, tractus. 
trachtaire 3325, a deriv. of trachtaÙJt, borrowed 
from Lat. tracto, whence also ,Yo traethu. 

treblait, pI. dal. treabhlaitibh 687, 690, aec. 
treablaide 692. From Lat. tribulatio. 
trínoit, gen. 31)10 (naem)-trÍnaidi 649. O. Ir. 
trílldóit. O. 'V. trintaut, now trindod. From 
Lat. trÏ1zz'tãtem. 
trosdan 2446, dimin. of trost = 'V. trawst(r) , 
from Lat. transtru11Z. 

uinge, ace. uingi 2621. 'V. 7vns. From Lat. 
Uis 4032 4042, 4046, like the adj. uis .1. eoir, 
Leb. Lee. V oe. is from the Latin gen. sg. of 
Iustus 4019. So in the Togail Troi the names 
Alaxandir, Cdic, P./eþtzHn, Oirc, Patrocail and 
Satuirn are respectively from the genitives sg. 
of Alexander, Cactes, Neþtunlls, Onus, Patro. 
clus, and Saturnus. 
umhal 1695, gen. sg. umhail 2481, go-humul 
4 0 49; compar. umla 1089. \V. zifyll or 'life!!. 
From Lat. humilis. Hence umhla 'humility,' 
2453, 44 8 7. 
umhalóit 1342, umhulóit 1177, umaldóit, in 
anumaldoit 404, sg. gen. umaloite 4244, date 
umhaloit 1436, ace. 1531, 2564, 4045; an-u. 
13 86 ,44 01 , gen. anumaloidi 4244. W. ufilltod, 
ufylltod. Corn. hmeeldo/. From Lat. ace. 

Vespesan 41. From Lat. Vesþasiames. In 
Uesjz'az'n infra, p. 293, from the gen. sg. Ves- 
þasiani (v. supra, s. V. Uis), the vowel-flanked 
s disappears. 



We have, lastly, to consider the contents of these Lives, so far as they 
thro\v light on the history and social condition of ancient Ireland. As to 
the value of Lives of Saints for political and social history, all that has ever 
been said-one may almost say, all that can be said-has been summed 
up by the late M. Fustel de Coulanges I, in words of rare precision and 
beauty. He refers, of course, pritnarily to the biographies of the Saints of 
France and Britanny; but many of his remarks are equally applicable to 
the Lives no\v published. 
Les Vies des Saints sont aussi de l'histoire. II s'est produit un grand nombre de 
saints en Gaule pendant les deux siècles qui nous occupent. A cette époque, les 
règles de la canonisation n' étaient pas bien déterminées; Ie diocèse canonisait 
volontiers son évêque, Ie couvent son abbé. On avait grand soin d'écrire la biogra- 
phie de chaque saint. II est bien certain que ces biographies n'étaient pas rédigées 
en vue de faire æuvre historique. Dire qu'elles l'étaient pour l'édification des fidèles 
n' est pas tout à fait exact. Elles l' étaient plutôt en vue de démontrer la sainteté 
du personnage et de faire ressortir sa valeur comme saint, dans l'intérêt de 
l'église ou du couvent qui Ie prenait pour patron. La biographie était comme 
la légende explicative des reliques que Ie couvent possédait et qui faisaient sa 
fortune 2. Aussi cette biographie s'allongeait-elle de tous les n1iracles que Ie saint 
avait faits pendant sa vie, et de tous ceux qu'il produisait après sa mort. Ces Vies 
de Saints que chaque église conservait comme des titres de propriété, nous sont 
parvenues en grand nombre. II est regrettable qu' el1es n'aient pas encore été, sauf 
de rares exceptions, étudiées au point de vue de la critique du texte et de l'authenti- 
cité. On peut dire d'une lnanière générale que la Vie de chaque saint a été écrite par 
un de ses disciples ou un hOlnme qui l' a connu, ou tout au n10ins sur les témoignages 
d'hommes qui avaient été ses familiers, mais que ce n'est presque jamais cette rédaction 
primitive qui nous est parvenue. Comme la biographie du personnage était lue de 
siècle en siècle, chaque siècle aussi Ia recopiait en y faisant des remaniements et des 
additions. Les rédactions faites avant les invasions des Normans et l'incendie des 
monastères ont toujours quelque valeur, parce que Ie rédacteur a eu sous les yeux Ie 
texte primitif. l\Iais encore est-il fort difficile de discerner dans une Vie de saint ce 
qui appartient à ce premier texte de ce qui y a été ajouté cent ou deux cents ans 
plus tarde 
1 Histoire des Instz'tutions Politiques de l'anciCll1U France, La Jl,Iollarqu.ic Frallque. Paris, 1888, 
pp. 9- 1 2. 
2 See infra, in the Life of Ciarån, 11. 4477-44 8 1. 



C'est ce qui fait que l'emploi de cette catégorie de documents demande une certaine 
prudence. l\Iais, à cela près, ils ont une très grande valeur. Quoique l'hagiographe 
n'ait songé qu'à faire un panégyrique, il n'en est pas moins vrai qu'il a décrit toute la 
vie d'un homme, et par la réunion de ces biographies nous voyons avec une grande 
sûreté ce qu' était la vie des hommes. Soyons certains que l' auteur n'a pas pu tout 
inventer; s'il a ajouté quelques vertus à son personnage, il n'a pas imaginé les petits 
details de sa vie; il a dépeint des habitudes et des mæurs qui étaint vraies. Dans 
chaque miracle qu'il raconte, ce qui nous intéresse n' est pas Ie miracle, ce sont les 
détails qui l'entourent, c'est rhomme pour qui Ie miracle a été fait, c'est la physio- 
nomie de cet homme, son état civil, sa condition sociale, sa conduite. 
Ce qu'il y a surtout de remarquable chez les saints du sixième et du septième siècle, 
c'est qu'ils n'étaient pas des solitaires. lIs n'ont pas vécu en reclus et loin du monde. 
Ils furent, au contraire, sauf quelques exceptions, fort mêlés à la vie du monde 1. On 
peut compter que plus de Ia moitié de ces saints sortaient des plus grandes familIes 2, 
ont été élevés à Ia cour des rois, et ont exercés des fonctions civiles. Beaucoup ont 
été comtes avant d'être évêques. II en est même plusieurs qui, en devenant évêques, 
n' ont pas cessé d'être assidus au palais des rois. Plusieurs se signalèrent comme 
administrateurs et hommes d'État. Ainsi une vie de saint n' est pas du tout la vie 
d'un moine; c'est presque toujours la vie d'un homme qui s'est occupé des affaires 
publiques et a été en relations incessantes avec les rois et les grands de la terre. 
On voit par là cornbien la biographie de tels personnages fournit des Iumières sur 
les institutions du pays. Qu'il s'y trouve souvent des erreurs de date, des transposi- 
tions des noms propres, que nombre de faits y soient aItérés par les idées préconçues 
de l'hagiographe, cela importe assez peu. Ce qu'il y faut chercher, ce sont les 
habitudes, les faits généraux et permanents, et l'hagiographe n' a vait aucun intérêt 
à les altérer. II peut inventer un miracle, il n'en invente pas les circonstances. Je 
puis douter, par exempIe, que Saint Arnand eut opéré un miracle pour sauver du 
supplice un condamné à mort; mais je suis assuré par ce récit qu'une con damnation 
à mort a été prononcée, et je crois à la procédure qui y est décrite. L'auteur était 
tenu d'être exact sur ces points là; autrement ses contemporains n'auraient pas cru 
à son miracle. C'est ail1si que les Vies des saints nous instruisent sur les mæurs des 
hommes, sur Ie courant de Ie vie du temps, sur les pratiques judiciaires, sur l'adminis- 
tration même et Ie gouvernement. 

As to the political history of Ireland, nothing, I think, can be found In 
these Lives \vhich is not already known from older and better sources. A 

1 See especially the Lives of CoIombcille and Finnchua. 
2 See the Life of CoIombcille, 11. 748-750. 



similar remark may be made as to the personal history of the nine Saints 
commemorated in this book. Their pedigrees and the credible incidents 
of their careers are given elsewhere, and in more trustworthy manuscripts, 
such as the Book of Leinster and the Lebar Brecc. But the Book of 
Lismore relates many miracles which, so far as I know, are not to be found 
elsewhere; and les détails qui eJztoztrellt ces 11ziracles (to use, with slight 
change, an expression of M. Fustel de Coulanges) are doubtless authentic, 
and therefore of value for the student of the social condition of the ancient 
Irish, and of their religious tenets and practices. 
In mentioning the instances in \vhich the Lismore Lives, and the Irish 
quotations in the Preface and Notes, throw light on these matters, I shall 
follow the arrangement adopted in Part V of the Introduction to the Rolls 
edition of the Tripartite Life of S. Patrick, namely :- 

1 i. Animals. 
A. EXTERNAL ii. Plants and trees. 
. NATURE. iii. Minerals. 
iv. Other things in external nature. 
a. Food and drink. 
H' b d1 d d th { b, Fl1e1,clothing, shelter and 
I. IS 0 I Y nee s an . e furniture. 
means of supplymg C . b I d d b 
them c. arrlage y an an y 
. water. 
d. Healing. 
c. Burial. 

i. The Individual. 

2. His spiritual needs. 

I a. Amusement. 
\ b. Literature. 
( c. Science. 
d. Art. 
e. Religion and superstition. 

B. MAN. 

ii. The Family. 

! I. Sexual relations. 
2. Parent and child. 
3. Fosterer and fosterling. 
4. Master and servant. 
5. Host and guest. 

iii. The State. 

{ I. Civil. 

 2. Legal. 
J 3. Military. 
t 4. Ecclesiastical. 


i. ANIl\IALS. 
l\Iammals.-First in importance and frequency of mention is the cow (bó, acc. 
boz'n 1. 27 01 ) of which a precious kind was' white, red-eared' (find, au-derg
 p. 314). 




Its male, the bull, is tarbh = Gaulish tarvos, and probably also Lat. taurus, and Gr. 
Tavpor. 'Vhen a cow has calved it is called 100'lgech 3350, and iLs calf is lóig, laegh 
76, 2700, 3270, or bóbán. A milch-cow is bó-blicht 3394. An ox is dam 1495, 
194 1 ; a beef, mart 1055, 1058; 'cattle' is cethre (properly, 'quadrupeds') 633; a 
'herd' is búar 2897 or indile A' drove' is tál'n, pI. táÙzte. 
The sheep is caera 1554, corruptly, cúra 1473,2321, caltru p. 328, or ói, corruptly 
ae (in ae-ghalre 2899) = ovis, öï!;; the wether, molt 484, 1674, 29 I 6, and its diminutive 
1lloltán: the lamb, uan 871, 1123,3270. A flock is trét 1674. 
The pig, 1JlUCC 153, 205, 3219, is = 'V. moch; orc (corruptly, arc 3270) is = the 
Lat. porcus
' orcán, 'pigling,' 412; torc, 'boar,' 18 9, 4 I 2, 3204. A herd of swine is 
Irét 1246. 
The he-goat is boc, pI. n. buÙ; 388, 391, spelt þoc 1634. 
, Horse' is eeh 560, cognate with equus and ï1f1fo!;. The ech a1l17larda, 'foreign 
horse,' 3128, seems to have been better than the native breed. Gearrán (properly, 
, gelding?') is used for a work-horse or hack, 1080. 
The general name for dog is cú, gen. con, acc. coin 276. Special breeds are 
gadhur, 'n1astiff,' 3655, and 1Jlílchú, 'greyhound,' 2822, 4 0 54. 
The cat is cat 3654, 4081, whence the diminutive calÏín Vlll. The' sea-cat,' 
murchat, 3745, 3793, seems=the French chat de mer, un des noms vulgaires de la 
chimère monstrueuse, poisson chondroptérygien, qui est la chimère arctique de certains 
auteurs, Littré, s. v. 
'Vild animals are the stag (ag allaid 4138, 4715, dam allal'd 4136, or oss allaid 
434 1 , where the adj. allaid, 'wild,' is added to the name of a bovine animal (oss, gen. 
oÙs 4448, cogn. with Skr. ukshan-, Goth. aúhsa), in t-agh 4342, ðc-dam 633. For 
, deer' the word is jiad 47 10 , 47 I 3. 
The name of' wolf' (cú allal"d, 93, 4082, lit. wild hound, pI. coin allta 4428) is, 
like those of stag, formed with the aid of the adj. allaid. Older Irish names for this 
animal are brech = Skr. vrka, and fael = Arm. gail. 
The fox, sinnach 1655, 1657,4044; the mouse, luch, pI. lochalÏ 3744; the otter, 
dobar-chú xvii; the seal, rðn 1640, 4829; the onchu, 'leopard'? 3749. The whale, 
1Jlíl mor 3609, or bleidmíl 3595. Loanwords are buaball = bubalus 3 I 28, draCUl1l 
3650, leo 348, 592, or leoman 3649, and tigir, pI. ligri 3650. 
Birds (ethaite 799, eoin 1699, énluithe 2515, and perhaps ethra 2227) are the eagle, 
ilar xli; hawk, sebac 2595, 3651; swan, géis; crane, corr 4183; dove, colU1Jl 593, 
16 99, 3877; gull,faz7enn 3877; lOll,' ousel,' xli. The gríbh 3651 (borrowed froln 
gryphus?) is some kind of bird with talons. 
The only fish (iasc) here mentioned is the sahnon, bradán viii, xli, 4829' 
Other animals are loiscinn, 'toads,' 1071; dael, 'stagbeetle,' 2962, 3652, erebar 



'leech,' 3652, cUll, , fly,' 3652 ; cruÙIl, 'worm,' 2727; nathaz"r or nazlhz"r, 'water-snake,' 
=natrix, 593, 10 33, 10 7 1 ; and the loanwords béÙt 17 2 9, 1737, and scoz"rp. 
Names for parts of animals (some of which are common to human beings) are 
cenn, 'head,' 1630, adarc, 'horn,' 97, 1495, congna, 'antler,' 4137, sezehe, 'hide,' 4118, 
olann, 'wool,' 1092, ezlte, 'wing,' 3898, clúm, 'feathers,' 3877, az"rrter, 'mane,' 2217, 
ellhre, 'tail,' 2223, 1JlÙlbolg, 'belly,' 2223, craes, 'gullet,' 2229, 2230 (for which drant 
is found in B.), z1zathar, 'entrails,' 2229, guaz"re, 'hair,' 2212, 3798, garb-dr/uch, 
'bristles,' 22 12, cos, 'foot,' 2220; 4358, fiacuz"l, 'teeth,' 93, i'ngne, 'nails,' 2224, aÙlz: 
'joints,' p. 313, clláma, 'bones,' 1061, fiOlt, 'flesh,' 1063, laarg, gen. laz"rge, 'fork,' 
2080, cara, 'haunch,' 2092, flrnzna, 'shoulder,' 3604, druÙn, 'back,' 3609, gob, 
, snout,' 3652. 


For 'herb' we have luz"b, pI.luloi 3734, the collective losaz"l 416, and the loanword 
clann=planta, pI. date clannaz'b 590, grass, fér, gen. fioz"r 562. A herb-garden is 
lubgort 590, 1885. Grain is grán 897, 4323, a single grain, grál"nde xxix, wheat, 
cruz"thnecht viii, 4165, gen. cruzlhnechta 2735, 4183, oats, corca, coirci 1506, 4 16 3, 
4 168 , barley, eorna, 897, 2734, corn, arbha 10 9 1 , 1974, 4161, arbhur 4 1 5, 1974, 
3 16 7,3 16 9, zlh 1860. The fruits here mentioned are apples, ubla 919, 1224, and 
sloes, arnz" p. 326, the nut, cnó 754, and the blackberry, smér 1891. Other plants 
are cress, bllar, gen. bl'lair 4788, dulse, duz"lesc 2331, brogalre 4585, acorns, 1Jles xxvi, 
nettles, ne71aÙI, gen. nenta, p. 302, 1. 4, fachon 4583, luachazr, 'rush,' gen. luachra, 
1 "" , d ' 66 6 l " , fl ' ' I ' 
p. 33 0 , glalslll, woa, 40 , p. 35, 111, ax, 1092, 4493, senzmar, cover, 
whence the adj. semrach 977, drzs, 'bramble,' gen. sg. dresa 2607, and cÚ71nach, 'moss.' 
Parts of plants are síl, 'seed,' pI. síla 3734, frém, 'root,' acc. pI. frémha 1012 
ruazssne, 'pod of flax,' xxix, and bláth, 'flower,' xxvi. 
As to trees
 the generic name is crann 1889, pI. acc. cronna 1428; a sacred tree is 
blle 2387; a wood is calli 826, 2552, or jid xxvi, a brake, muÙze 1892, 260 9. 
The kinds of trees mentioned are the oak, daz"r 940, whence doz"re, 'oakwood,' 
p. 3 0 5; apple, aball 2585, mountain-ash, caerthann 1887, elm, lem 2678, hazel, coli, 
gen. cUlll 23 81 , 2387, yew, z"ubar xli, 3531, willow, saz"l, s0l7ech, gen. pI. 577, thorn, scé, 
acc. sceleh 24 8 5, and vine,flnenzaz"n 591, 1699, gen.fillenzna 2469. Parts of trees are 
branch, gég= "V. caz1zc 2585, or gésca 590, 2469, or craeb 1748, bark, rúsc 943, leaf, 
dUllle 1888, leafage, dUltlebar 4809, blossom, blath 1748, 1888, fruit, !orad 2586, top, 
barr craz11n 2515. Collectives are jidach, 'copse,' 895, and coelach,' wattles,' 893. 
The words for rod, flesc 2401, and pole, cua111e 2385 may here be noted. 




iii. l\hNERALS. 
The metals mentioned in this book are the loanword ór, 'gold,' xxxiv, with the 
standing epithet derg, 'red,' 2982, bru!h óir 189, !allann óir 186: arga!, area!, 
'silver,' 872, xxxiv, iarann, 'iron,' 2932, umha, 'copper,' 195, andfindruine 317, which 
seems to have been a white bronze. Other minerals are salt, salann 1614, 2410, and 
coal, gual 3776, stone, cloch 51, flagstone, leec 49. A precious stone is lia (or lece) 
lógmar 3 1 , 38. 


Such objects are the world, bzïh 12, or domun 33, the elements dú/z' 677, land, !ír 
1834, the ground, !alam 2097, gen. !alman 2115, water, uisce 2183: the sea, muir, 
gen. mara 1486, 1704, 1761, or faz'rge, /az'rrce 2226, the ocean, bochna. Here the 
loanwords Olcian (oceanus) 1830, and diliu 3329 (diIuvium) may also be mentioned. 
Connected with the sea are the words for estuary, z'nbher 247, wave, !onn 1948, brink, 
bru 971, strand, !raigh 2406, or tracht 1945, 1946, 2334, sand, gainem 1761, and 
inlet, gabul mara 1486. Heaven is nem 2097, air, aer 2081, sun, grÙzn 1700, ésca 
'moon,' 854, star, rétla 4631, or rinn 1700, pI. renna 1761, light, soillse 4, splendour, 
ruthen 28, shadow, scáth 1468, flscad 5, darkness, dorcha 22, dorchatu 27, thunder, 
lorann p. 305, toirnech 2294, lightning, tene gelain p. 305, or saignén 2295, mist, ceo 
2301, 3329, cÙzbor, 3367, and dé 3329, snow, snechta 3338, wind, gaeth 2079, cloud, nell 
2459, mountain, sliab 1831,2562, hill, telach 1828, or cnoc 3108, summit, mullach 1829, 
peak, benn 536, plain, mag 977, valley, glenn 25 8 3, slope,fán 54 2 , ridge, druÙJlnl 539, 
cliff, all, gen. aille 2164, or alt 4834, rock, earrae 2169, stone, cloch 2261, well, 
topar 2183, or liþra, gen. tiprat 2385, lake, loch, river, abann 861, 1494, or sruth 
1816, flood, tola or lia 861, cataract, ess 895, island, inis, or z1zdsi 2256, 2257 or ailén 
505, fire, lene 162, flame, lasaz'r 31, or brEo 4 I 3, spark, óibell 4 1 3. 

B. MAN. 

Here we shall first collect the words relating to the Individual, his bodily and 
spiritual needs: secondly, those relating to the Family; and, thirdly, those relating to 
the State in its civil, legal, military, and ecclesiastical aspects. 

The human being is called duÙze 825, 1458, pI. dóinz: man fir or ftrscal, woman, 
ben, gen. pI. ball 1804, or banscal 2 I 60, boy, mac or nzacán 340, girl, Ùlgen, infant, nóidzu, 
gen. nuidÙz 59, child, leanbh 1451 =leanamh 1814, lad, gz71a 67, an elder, senóz'r 283, 



1437,3018, or szJznser '152, senllser 2950. The human foetus isgein 2520,2820 or 
coinzpert 25 I 7. 
The components of the human body (corp 1696) mentioned in this book are bone, 
cnám 3148, 3'192, flesh,fiózl, and blood,full, gen.jòla 1389. The breath is anál 1398, 
the voice, guth 1808, the skin, cnes 1092, croiccenn 1628, or lethar 3'192: a limb or 
member is ball=fþaÀÀó
, pI. acc. bulla 4852. Special parts of the body are the head, 
cenn 2980, crown, mullach (from *nzuld=A.S. mulde, Skr. 1l111rdhan), 1629, 3152, or 
baz'thÙl 944, hair, mong 3407, or þudrall 4568, the eye, rosc 10'12, 2627, pI. ruÙlc 
16'1 1 , or súzl 1335,3044, the ear, clúas, p. 304, cheek, grúaid 4186, face, agaid 1419, 
oraiged'157,gnúÙl 3408, drech 1'14 oreinech 60, the nose, srón 1410, mouth, bél 4891, 
pI. n. beózl2805, or gin 8, tooth, fiacal 2607,3188, or dét 2973, the tongue, tenga 
4891, throat, bráge 2312, gullet, cráes 1410, shoulder, formna 3680, or gúala 2860, 
back, muin 1467, 2572, or az'ss, p. 307, side, tóeb 1763, rib, asna 2723, 2727, esnae 
27 2 3, breast, ucht 2907, 2910, gen. och/a 3337, or bruÙzne 1035, pap, cích 3012, 
3680, pI. cíche 3337, armpit, ochsal, dat.ochsal14308, heart,crideI697,4897, belly,/arr, 
p. 329, womb, brú, dat. broinn 1168, 2805, bowels, zJzathar 800, hand, lám 1763, 
or dózï 2974, or crobh 1049, palm, bas 2172, 4651, or derna, date acc. dernainn 
1339,4151, the hollow of the hand, glac 59, p. 344, fist, dorn 4269, pI. dUlrn 1278, 
finger, mér, 1337, 4421, gen. meólr 4421, middle finger, mér medðn 3682, thumb, 
orda 4419, forearm, rig, pI. righthe 2974, knee, glún, pI. dat. glúÙzib 2860, foot, cos 
826, 1279, or traig 462, heel, sál 1948, and sale, bonn 944, 1629,2186. 
The soul is anam 720, 1109, or ainÙn 1766, the mind menma 714, 1697, the 
understanding cíall = \V. pwyll. 

l\Ian's bodily needs are food and drink; fuel, clothing, shelter and furniture; 
carriage; healing; and, lastly, burial, or some other mode of disposing of his dead 
fellow-creatures. Of these in their order. 
Generic words for 'food' are bÙld=ßíOTO
, 314, tuara 4193, lón 3598, airer 2519, 
and esalr 1061. As flesh-foods we find beef, mart 1055, veal, laegh 2700, dam co 
/inne xliii, , an ox with a flitch,' mucc úr, 'fresh pork,' 205, sazll, 'bacon,' 4 I 79, gen. 
saille 1255, 1253, aisli sen-sazlH, 'a joint of old bacon,' p. 3 I 3, molt, 'a wether,' 
49 1 , chúra, 'a sheep,' 1473, poc, 'a hegoat,' 390, 1635. Salt meat (bz'ad sazllte 314 
or goirt-biad) is often mentioned. The seal, rón, 1640, appears to have been 
eaten in Ireland, as it was till lately in Harris 1. So was fish (íasc 273), and 
especially salmon (bra/an viii, 2736, 4829)' Products of the milk of kine and 

1 See Reeves' Columba, p. 78, note g. 




sheep were butter, imm, gen. line 1268, curd, gruth 129,4075 faiscre grotha, 'curd- 
cheese,' 393, 484, and tallag 484, a hard cheese made in a mould as distinguished 
from 1Jlulchán, cheese-curds pressed, but not in a mould. Honey (nut) was also 
eaten, see 206, 4029. Of vegetable foods \ve find arán, bread, loaf, 3599, wheaten 
bread, arán cruithllec hta 2735, barley-bread, arán eorna 2734, bairgen, a cake, viii, 
mill, meal, 4183, nuts 754, cnoi, apples, ubla 9 18 , 1424, sloes, alrnl: cress, bz'lar, 
dulse, duztesc, blackberries, sméra, acorns, mes, and nettles, nenaid, and the pottage 
called braissech, gen. braisce, p. 302, 1. 18. A' relish' was zlZlllar, l\Iart. Don. 164, 
whence the adjective Ùl1Jlarra (for l1lJJzardai), 25 1 9. 
The generic word for drink is deog 2734, gen. dige 1935. The drinks mentioned 
are water, uisce 2734, milk, as 1687, milk-and-water, englas 2701, the milk of kine 
and ewes, blzeh! xxxviii, 1860, p. 328, 1. 31, lemlach! 117, 1199, 1201, 13 6 9=lemnachl 
1370 and p. 332, loimm 87, 1661 and p. 332. Intoxicating liquors were ale, COl'r1ll1ll 
239,1239,1241,2736, and Hnn 1378, 1718, 193 2 , mead, ml'd 1676,2736,4196, and 
wine, fín, gen. fína 316. The malt used in making ale was called braleh, gen. 
bracha 1357, 2921, the old form of which was mraleh, cognate probably with the 
Gaulish bracé, a kind of white grain, Pliny, H. N. xviii. 7, 'unde fit cervisia,' gloss cited 
by Ducange, s. v. 
The following words and expressions relate to the procuring and production of 
these foods and drinks: búachaz"l, 'cowherd,' 4038, 1lluccal.d, 'swineherd,' 275, oegaire, 
'shepherd,' illgal're, 'herding,' 86, 1673, 1960, 4038, blegon, 'milking,' 114, !ogartach, 
'dairyman,' p. 321, íascach, 'fishing,' and íascal're, 'fisherman,' 247, who used a lín, 
'net,' 685, mur-gai, , harpoon,' 1643, rón-gaz: 'seal-spear,' 1641. Agricultural terms 
are-trebad, 'cultivation,' 3167, achad, 'field,' 2557, 2572, gort=XópTO
, 43 2 5.férgort, 
, meadow,' 2846, lubgort, , garden,' 590, airbe, 'fence,' 41 09,fál, 'hedge,' 4847, al'rem, 
'ploughman,' 1064, 1505, Ù, 'ridge,' 517, 1733, etnge, 'furrow,' 1504, arathar, 
'plough,' 1502, socc, 'ploughshare,' 334, 9 I 4, ag cur síl, 'sowing,' 43 22 , rosílad an 
gort, 'the field was sown,' 4325, síltoz.r, 'sower,' 1505, buain, 'reaping,' 422 I, 1Jle/hel, 
me/hel buana, 'a part)' of reapers,' 1063, 4220, corráll, 'sickle,' 2932, suz'st, 'flail,' 3653, 
sorn na átha 2629, 'the oven of the kiln' (in which the grain was dried), ac t{rad 
isÙz áith, 'drying in the kiln,' 4297, brð, 'quern,' 850, do blelÏh brðll, 1313,=bró 
do blez'th, 'to grind,' 4098, oc blez'th arba 1974, blez'thech 1980, 1982, muz'lellll, 'mill,' 
linn in 17lzu"hnn, 'millpool,' 913
 mtz'lt, , grinding,' 4191, muz1leól'r, 'miller,' 19 81 , 1999, 
77laistred, 'churning,' 1269, 1282. \Vith the exceptions of socc, suist, sorn, muilenn 
and 1lluilleóÙ', all these words are native. Words connected with the preparation of 
food and drink are-COle, 'cook,' 752, ag bruith, 'cooking,' 1055,jònal'the, 'cooked,' 
2736, cUC1zecht, 'kitchening,' p. 320, berblld, 'boiling,' 125 I ,jitlacht, 'a cooking-place,' 
co/rm do déllam, 'to brew ale,' 1356. 



The tenn for this is connuth Vl11, gen. sg. brosna connaÙlh 80, brosna connaÙlh 
crín 82, where brosna (cognate with Lat. frustum) is=the O. Irish brosne in the 
gloss brosne crin (gl. gremium, i. e. cremium), Palate 68, fOe 28 b. Coal is not here 
mentioned as a fuel. See 3776. 
Generic words are étach 862, 991, tlach! 1752, erradh 3152, and bert 1610. The 
mantle is brat 793, 4273, sometimes 'purple and five-folded,' corcra cóÚ:dzabhazl 
.xxxiv. The hair on it was brothairne 991,2911, or .finna 2911. The shirt is léne 
xxix, 1040. It was generally made either of flax (lín) or of wool (olanl1). Hence one 
of a saint's austerities is to put neither flax (linen) nor wool against his skin, 1092, 
4493. Cllicc 1753, borrowed from czl1clÍtm, 'cloth made of goat's hair,' was his 
only wear. Sida,' silk,' (from sëta, the Fr. soÙ), sírÙ:=' serge' (from sëncum), and 
sról, 'satin' (from *.fról, *ßór, velours) will be worn by the wicked elders at the end 
of the world, 4574. A linen casal=casula vestis cucullata, is mentioned in 4306, 
4308. The brooch was delg or casazr 1. The girdle was criss 885. ' Shoe' was 
asa, p. 313, 1. 5 (cognate with the Hesychian 7rá
 and the Latin loanword baxea) , 
or cuaran 943. 'Sandal' was Ùzll-acrann 1090, lit. 'thong-shoe,' where acrann is= 
"Y. archen. Obscure words which seem to mean kinds of head-gear, are callnadas 
12 13, and clupait, p. 3 10. The brn'd clartha, a waxed cloth worn by Columba over 
his eyes, p. 310, may here be mentioned. 
The only word directly connected with the production of clothing is garmaÙI, 
'weaver's beam,' p. 330= W. caifan gwëydd. But we may here refer to the allusions 
to sheepwashing in 292 I, to tanning in 940, and to dyeing cloth in 4063-4081. 
Generic words for house, dwelling, residence, &c. are tech = TÉyo
 2 19, tegduÙ 221, 
adba 3134, áras 1815, or árus 2985, and mennat 3156, 3275. Les,' a court' (= 
W. l!ýs) 3 I 8. Special kinds of houses are both, 'booth,' xliii, acc. bOl"th 847, pI. n. 
botha 860, and its diminutive bOl'thíne xi, bruidell, 'hostel,' xliii, cro, 'hut,' pp. 3 10 , 313, 
cuz'le, 'storehouse,' 1282, 1446, and p. 32 I, cuchtalr, , kitchen,' 4425, z'thla, , granary,' 
14 2 9, muccál,' pigsty,' p. 224, note. Loanwords arepupall,' tent," pavilion,' 1326, and 
saball, 'barn,' 1916, 1918, 1919. Caves are mentioned only as places of penance, p. 250. 
Parts of the house are the door, dorus, pI. doraz"s xliii, which had sometimes an iron 
lock, glais larnal'de p. 315, the wall,fi'azg, dat. froigid 198, the hearth,lellach, p. 314, 

1 In 397 2 I have assumed that casair is from Old Fr. easure, 'chasuble.' 
n 2 



pI. lellaige xliii, the threshold, lairrsech xi. There is no native word for' window,' 
sellzStz"r 288 being borrowed from Lat. finestra, andfuzndeóg from A.S. wzndeáge. 
Lias, a hut for calves or lambs 1907, occurs in connexion with macha (acc. p. 
machadha 1907, but machall71a, Laud 610, fOe I a), which I have rendered 'farm-yard' 
on the authority of O'Donovan. 

A generic term is fointreb, 'small gear,' 7 2 . 'Bed' is lebaid 4230, or tolg, p. 307. 
Pillo,,,, adarl xii or frzïhadart 2739. Feathers (clúm from Plum a) were sometimes 
used, but clúm, like colcaid=culcita 2738, 4575 is a loanword. The word for' chair' 
(catháir, p. 302, \V. cadair = cathedra) \vas also borrowed. ' Caldron' is coire or 
caz're xxxv, xliii, and it was sometimes made of copper (caz're unzai 195, COl're uma 
5 6 9, coire ulllaÙle 3797). Another cooking-vessel was aigen 4275, p. 302. The spit 
was bz'r, p. 404, col. 2: the quern, bró, acc. bróln 850. A generic term for' vessel' is 
les/ar 1358, 1686 = \V. llestr. Vessels used for holding liquids are the dabach 16 I 5, 
p. 313, which had hoops, cercalla 2824: the dromlach, dronglach 1514, 1515, 161har 
1359, te/choma 44 08 , ian, 295 2 , corn 2982, 3128, and crannoc p, 307. The si/hal, 
sometimes made of silver, 3129, seems a loan\vord. For holding solids we have the 
bag or sack, bolg, pI. buile 4191; the basket, cNab 2401, 4833, rúsc 1277, 1424, 
rznde 2402; and the sieve, cr{athar 1357, cognate with Lat. cnoru1Jl. 
The word for' candle,' caåzdeal 505, is borrowed; but léspal're 342 (gen. lésbOl'rl
\Vb. 25 a 3) and lochrall1t 1768 are native. 
1\Iiscellaneous articles are the ladder, árad xii, 954, mallet, /archa 3653, chain, 
slabrad xii, cord, tél, dual dá Ihézï 4833; collar, nzulnce xii, and tie, nasc 1908. The 
exact meaning of conznacal 1899, 1905, 1908 has not been ascertained. 

The most primaeval mode of carriage by land, namely, on a human being's back, 
is exemplified in 107, where S. Patrick's foster-father carries him home, in 1467, 
where a man carries his consun1ptive n10ther to S. Brigit to be healed, in 2570, where 
1\Iuredach carries S. Findian over three fields, and in 4367, where S. Cíarán's bearer 
(fir inzchuz'r) is mentioned. S. Patrick employed his champion l\IacCairthenn for a 
similar purpose, Trip. Life, 174. But the usual mode of travelling was in the wheeled 
vehicle called carpal 261, 1807, drawn by a pair of horses, 4476. The carpat had 
a chief seat, prímsuide 427, and two hind-shafts, firtaÙ 3495. The chariot-builder 
is mentioned, 1. 3947. I have rendered the plural ialla, 3411, by 'reins,' but perhaps 
it here means' traces,' or perhaps 'scourge'; cf. Lat. lora, I. reins, 2. whip, lash, 
scourge. The driver was called cairpthech 2281, or aru, ara 425,427, pI. araÙ12858; 
and his function araÙlecht 426. 



Nan1es for various kinds of roads and paths are sét 261 = W.I!)'nt, slige 397, conair 
I I 19, and raen. in the compound cethur-raen. 634. 
Riding is less often referred to. ' Horseman' is 1Jlarcach, p. 3 I 5, 1. 3, whence 
marcachus 3154, , horsemanship.' The bridle was srían, a loan from frenum. From 
the phrase lengaz"t for a n-eochu, 'they leap on their horses,' 3 I 9, we may infer the 
absence of stirrups. 
A land-journey is turus 1559, or uide 1079, 2572. Its distance was measured by 
paces, míle cémenn 3419. 
For carriage by water the following kinds of vessels were used: bare 24 62 , 3169, 
curach 243, ethar 4795, long, a generic term for vessel, 282, 274, 2070, and noi 
2174, 2332, 2391. A fleet was coblach 1806 or lllurchoblach 1802. Irish vessels 
seem generally to have been built of wickerwork and covered with one or more layers 
of hide (codul, n6i cen. chodull 2391). But we read of wooden vessels, longa crannda 
373 0 . They were propelled by oars, raimh viii, ramada 3574, paddles (curach 
aellsluaz'ste 3163), or sails, seola 3575, brai!: luid fo seol, 'went under sail,' 1007: an 
gaeth . . . z'sÙz bhrut, 'the wind in the sail,' brat 2083, and in S. Brendan's first 
expedition he had three vessels, each with three rows of oars and a sail of hide. The 
mast was called seol-chra111Z or fern sÙUt: the anchor ancaire 3777, an obvious 
loanword. The crew (luch! luinge 2070) in the case of each of Brendan's vessels 
consisted of thirty men. The pilot or steersman was luamaz're 274 I, 4496. 
Carriage through the air by angels 2582, or on clouds 2771, was a privilege 
confined to saints, and need not be further noticed. 

The verbs used for healing are íccaim 519, 2470, and slánaigim 1393, the former 
cognate with "V. zachau and Gr. ÙKÉOJ-Lat, the latter with Lat. sal-vu-s. The word for 
physician is Haigh 1386, gen. léga 1385, cognate with Goth. leikez's, Eng. leech
' and 
, healing' is léig hius 1 392. 
Generic words for disease are sáeth or s6e1h 870, p. 304, galar 82 5, 87 0 , p. 304, 
ainces p. 304, teidm 876, and the loanword mortlaÙl 4060. Sick persons are 
called dói1d galair 825, or aes tedma 519. Special ailments or the persons suffering 
from them are as follows :-aztlsi, 'gangrene,' 4843, am brite, 'barrenness,' 335, 
amYlï, 'a barren person,' 4787, amlabar, 'dumb,' 1389, 2473, p. 326, a1ifabrachta, 
'consumptive,' 1440, at!, 'a swelling,' 1456, bacach, 'lame,' 59 8 , 2473, p. 3 26 , 
baclám, 'mancus,' p. 328, balbh, 'dumb,' 1444, 4860, bodur, 'deaf,' 2473, borifad, 'a 
swelling,' 1456, buide connaill, , the Yellow Plague,' 876, 4798, cáech, 'blind of an 
eye,' p. 326, cláz'r-eÙzech,' table-face,' 57, clam, 'leper,' 242, 598, 1442, claÙlle,' leprosy,' 
944 (see the vivid description of a bad case, 1625), crecht, 'wound, sore,' 1391, dall, 



'blind,' 57, 59 8 , 144 0 , 2473, daz'lle, 'blindness,' 4 0 9 2 , dásachlach, 'mad,' 1440, de1Jl- 
nach, demnachda, ' den10niac,' 4855, galar súla, some disease of the eye, ' ophthalmia?' 
1383, p. 320, scairbÙlhe, 'scabrous,' 3255, serg, 'consumption,' 2794, slaetan, 'lung- 
disease,' xxvi, lámh, 'plague,' 564, Iregal, 'colic,' 564 (if this be the right reading), 
Iromdachl anála, 'heaviness of breath,' 2668. 
The mediaeval Irish had a copious and not unscientific materia medica: see Revue 
Celtz'que, ix. 224-244. But there is nothing in the present book to illustrate it-the 
only cures mentioned being effected by holy water, 568, 1242, 1519, 4024; the water 
of holy wells, 59, 27 I I, p. 33 0 ; the water in which a saint's feet had been washed, 
p. 325; honey miraculously made out of water, 1 I 2; wheat made out of oats, 
4218; hallowed water-cress, 4788; the sign of the cross, 90, 4190; a saint's word, 
prayer, or blessing, 107, 119,833, 1030, 1267, 2026; a saint's breath, 1204, touch, 
4853, blood, 1389, tears, 4652, shadow, 1469, and girdle, 1490. 

The corpse was wrapt in a shroud, recholl or racholl 1041 and p. 405, carried by 
a man, 2729, or on a bier, fual 3546, with lamentations, and buried, as a rule, with 
chanting of psalms and hymns, 3841, in a consecrated graveyard, relec 790. Burial 
in a bog, x, or in the sea, 3768, or wherever two unbroken oxen stopped, 634, was 
exceptional. So was the burial of the invaders slain in battle, 3 114. ' I bury' is 
adnaicim, corruptly adlaicÙll, 'burial' is adnacul. The grave is called lighe, 'bed,' 
or firla, 335, 3 I 15. 
A requiem, écnazrc (lit. ' intercession '), gen. écnarca, p. 307, seems to have been sung 
for the repose of the soul of the dead. 


These are anlusement, literature, science, art, religion and superstition. 
a. Al\IUSEl'tIENT. 
The chief amusements referred to in this book are feasting (fled, 'feast' = \V. 
gwledd, 1928,2817), intoxication (Ùln measctha L. do Hnd 2952), buffoonery (drulh 
p. 358, druz'ih, 'buffoons,' 481, crosa1l 3736), horse-racing (ech buada, 'race-horse,' 
2090), and some kind of draughts (jidchell xxx, 'draught-board,' 4573). Half the 
set of men (fozrelln) of Crimthann Nia Nar's draught-board are said to have been of 
yellow gold, the other half of white bronze. 
Hunting a fox is mentioned in 4054, and hunting wild swine and deer is mentioned 
in 3218, 3219. But here the object of the hunter was probably not an1usenlent, 
but rather to obtain food or to destroy a noxious animal. 



The words in this book for the professional creators of literature are fili, 'poet,' xl, 
pI. fiNd 3022, éces, 'a learned man,' 302 I, ollam, the first rank of poet, p. 309, anrud, 
the second, and caz11te, 'a satirist,' 490. Aes dána is a collective name for poets 
in 3021, but in 479 it is applied, like dám in 1. 2711, to a body of buffoons and 
satirists. The only words for poetical products are dúan xxxv, and láid 3499, the 
latter being divided into raÙln 3500, or quatrains. A specimen of the ancient 
rhymeless poetrr appears to be in II. 2806-28 I I. A eulogy (1llolad) in rhythm (tre 
rithÙllm) is brought to a saint, 2672, and see p. 305, where this word is used for the 
Amra Coluimm chille. Rz'thoirg, borrowed from rhetorÙ:a, occurs in p. 312. The 
usual reward (dúas) for this was gold, silver, or precious raiment, 2673. 'Proverb' 
is árosc brézïhre 4083. These are native words; and so are the terms for' ink,' dub 
1051, and' ink-horn,' adazrcín J050, 1053. But all the other words relating to 
literature are either borrowed from, or framed (like coibge = con-jige, con-textus) in 
imitation of, Latin words. Thus az'bgzïer, aÙ:ipt, caibdel, caz'rt, eiþz'stz"l, firsa, fòcul, 
re1ll-jocul, lebar, légaim, azr-IégaÙJl, mac légÙzn, léignÙI, bter, martralaÙ:, Pðlaire, petar- 
laÙ:, salm, scol 4 I 19, scolaÙlecht, scolaigi, scríbenn, scriptur, gen. sg. 182, sdair, taball 
cíartha, tíach lz"ubar, trachtazre, ymmonn. For the places in which these words may 
be found, see above, pp. lxxii-xc. The book with leathern ledba, 'straps,' round its 
cover, 4052, is noteworthy. Compare the description of the case of the Book of 
Armagh, in Reeves' Columba, p. 115, note c. 

Here we may collect the words expressing divisions of time, viz. the year, blíada1l 
1787, the quarter, razthe 2995, the month, mí 1787, the fortnight, c6zcdiges xxxiii, the 
week, sechtmaz"n 1788 (borrowed from septz1llana), and the day, lazthe 1787, or lá 
3691, and dÙl 3706, and the night, adaig, oÙJche. 
The distinction between solar and lunar months was known, as we see from the 
expressions mígrézOne 1787, and z1Z dechmad ésca 4374. 
The four seasons were called respectively errach, samrad 898, fogamar (gen. 
fogmair 4441) and gam or gaimred. There were names for the beginning of each 
quarter: belHne, 'mayday,' lugnasad 899, 'lammas,' samazon, 'aII-saints-day' and 
lnlbolc ' candlenlass.' The autumnal equinox seems to have been known, the term 
for this being, apparently, desebar na gréÙze 1885, where des is cognate with the 
dakshirya of the Skr. synonym dakshÙ'!cl.yana, 'the going (of the sun) to the south.' 
All these Irish words, with the exception of secht1llaÙz, are native, and point to some 
knowledge of astronomy, though the term for this science, astrolaÛ:e xv, is borrowed" 
The practice of some kind of astrology seems evidenced by the story in 8 I 2-8 17. 



The divisions of the day-aJller! (or þrím 4118), !crt, sest, 11Ó11, fiscer (or esþartazn), 
midnocht (or iarnzéz'rge 861, 2377, 4118), and maten are for the most part taken from 
the Latin names of the canonical hours. 
There is some evidence, too, of the existence of a system of weights and measures. 
The story in the Life of Findian, II. 2613-2623 (Ùzfra, p. 225) shows that there must 
have been a standard ounce, though the Irish word for this weight, uÙlge, is, like the 
\Velsh wns, borrowed from uncia. 1\leasures of length are, as usual, fixed with 
reference to parts or actions of the human body. Thus traig, 'foot,' 3681, míle 
cé1llnlenn, C a thousand paces.' 
d. AR T. 
On the permanent arts-sculpture, carving, jewel-work, embroidery, architecture, 
and painting-little light is thrown by the documents printed in this work. A 
diadem, minn, made by a famous goldsmith, is mentioned in p. xxxi, and a purple 
helmet, topped by a golden ball, and adorned by strings of carbuncle, twists of gold, 
and chains of white bronze, is described in p. xxx. In the Life of Brigit (II. 1596, 
1597) we read of a silver chain with a human form at one end and a ball of silver at 
the other. Kings' drinking-horns, too, were. often elaborately ornamented. See 
l. 2982, where the horn is said to have a covering of red gold, and 1. 4346, where 
we read of a 'royal quaigh with three golden birds.' The costly cup, aiyz"dech lðg1llar, 
mentioned in p. 324, was doubtless also a work of art. 
The notices of architecture are still more scanty. \Ve once (1. 3790) read of 
a church built of stone. In Tírechán's l\Iemoirs of S. Patrick mention is twice made 
of an æclessia terrena, which probably means a church built of mud. But the 
ancient Irish ecclesiastical, like their civil, buildings, were as a rule made of wattles or 
timber, thatched with reeds 1. Hence we read (ll. 893, 2583) of Columba and Findian 
sending their monks into the forest to cut wattles or trees for building churches; of 
Brigit sending her nuns to beg some of the peeled rods of which Ail ill, son of 
Dunlaing, had a hundred horseloads (11. 1571-1577). Hence, too, we read (1. 4379) 
of CÍarán planting the first stake (cleth) in Clonmacnois; for the wattles were 
woven between upright stakes. Of the form of Irish buildings we here learn 
nothing, save that the oratory (daurthech) had a conical top (be1l1lchoþur), p. 335. 
Of the transitory arts-music, acting, dancing-only the first is referred to in this 
book. The ,vord for 'music' or 'melody' is ceól xv, pI. date ceólaib 3972, for 
a 'strain' or 'tune,' adbonn, pI. adbui1l1l xiv, cor, dat. pI. coraib 3972. ' l\Ielodious ' 
is bi1l1l xv. C To make music' is airfiHud xv, or seÙzm xiii. Unless the bell, cloc 861, 
28 9 2 , clog 4367, can be deemed a musical instrument, the only one mentioned is the 
cruz!, or small harp, which could be carried in the hand, xiii, and which had a neck, 
1 The earliest mention of a leaden roof is in the Annals of Ulster, A, D. 1008. 



bráge, acc. brágait xiv, and a stoil, 'cover?' and which, when necessary, was tuned, 
glésta xiii. Of concerted music there is no mention, save in the Life of Brenainn, 
3749,-the quire-singing (clascetul) of the angels calling a soul to heaven. 

The documents in this book throw little new light on the form of Christianity which 
existed in Ireland in the early l\Iiddle Ages. The following points may be mentioned :- 
For the Supreme Being we have the two words dia and fiadu, gen. fiadat 1289, both 
survivals from heathenism, the former being cognate with Skr. deva, the latter with 
Gr. Eì
oor, Goth. z'eitvóds. From Christian missionaries comes the knowledge of the Tri- 
nity (Trínóz't) and the three Persons (persainn). In these Lives island-monsters and 
devils are expelled in the name of the Trinity, 2231, 4856: Brigit divides her butter 
into three parts' according to the number of the Trinity,' p. 32 I; and in the story 
told in p. xi, a disappointed worshipper reproaches the Trinity as if it were an oriental 
idol that had failed in its duties. The first Person, the 'Heavenly Father,' 4602, is 
often n1entioned. He is called the Lord of the Elements, 1330, 4629. The second 
is called' l\lary's Son,' p. 321; 'the Virgin's Son,' 1329; 'the Son of the Living God,' 
4601; 'the Prince of the world,' p. 32 I; 'Lord of seven heavens,' Fél. pro!. 2; 
, the true Light,' 27; 'the Sun of Righteousness,' 28, 4631; 'King of the ",-hite sun,' 
p. 361; 'Head of all things,' 4505. He was born through the crown of the Blessed 
Virgin l , and she had been impregnated by the breath of the third Person 2. The Holy 
Spirit is mentioned in 1. 100 as inspiring Patrick to resuscitate some dead cows. 
The' fire of the Divine grace,' mentioned in 1. 162, probably n1eans the Holy Ghost. 
The Blessed Virgin l\lary, , mother of the airdrí' xxi, is mentioned only once in 
the Lives, namely in the story (1260-1265) of Brigit entering an assembly, and being 
hailed by the host as the l\Iary of the Gael. The absence of any reference to the cultus 
of the Virgin is a strong argument in favour of the antiquity of the substance of 
these Lives. 

Angels.- The munter nime, 'household of heaven,' is often mentioned; see 23 8 , 
4514. The hierarchy of the pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite seems to have been 
well known to the Irish, and allusions to the nine orders of celestial beings, , the 
nine ranks of heaven' (648, 1111, 2783, 4521), are frequent in these Lives and 
elsewhere in Irish literature. Angels, and even archangels, are industrious in 
their office towards our saintly heroes. One cleanses a hearth for Patrick, 124. 
Another acts as midwife towards Senán's mother, 1885. They grind at a saint's 

1 Saltair na Rann, 7529, 753 0 . 
2 Is e dorinne Mac do geinemain isin Oigh gan adbur daena acht 0 anail coiserctha in Spirtu Noeimh, 
Book of Lismore, 60 b, I. See MélusÙze for 5 Oct. 1888, co!. 222. 




quern, 4100, change his oats into wheat, 4165, bring him letters, 550, teach 
him to pray, 156, dictate his Rule, 3544, hover over his dwelling, 4 6 4 1 , 4752, 
carry him and his household through the air, 2582, and, finally, escort his soul to 
heaven, 2493. l\Iichael the Archangel, at whose command the general resurrection 
will take place, 620, comes in the shape of a radiant bird and sings to Brenainn from 
one canonical hour to another. Raphael heartens Senán, quoting a psalm from the 
'Vulgate, 2061, and shows him the place of his resurrection, 2194. 
Devils (demain).- The Irish, like other early Christians, not only believed in evil 
spirits, but held that they could take possession of the bodies and the souls of human 
beings. Hence S. Patrick is stated, in the Book of Armagh, fOe 9 a, 2, to have brought 
exorcists to Ireland. Two are mentioned in connexion with the monk Olcan, ibid. 
fOe 9 b, 2; and l\Iochua's exorcism of a devil is commemorated, infra, 1. 4855. 
In the story cited supra, p. xix, devils pass through the air to carry off a sinner's soul. 
Satan himself, the Devil (in Diabul) par excellence, converses with Brigit, 1402-1423, 
f his head down, his feet up, his smoke and his flame out of his gullet and out of his 
nose.' He smites with a deadly disease the son of one of Columba's converts. So 
he appears to Brenainn while at sea, and shows him the gate of hell, 3625-3633, or 
squirts forth waters which, though fair to see, are deadly to drink, 3707-3716. 
Antichrist, xix, and Doomsday, xviii, heaven and hell, are also mentioned in thig 
book. But nothing is said of purgatory, and in two instances (3749, 3766) the 
soul of a dead man goes straight to heaven, in another case straight to hell, 4242. 
Study of the Scriptures.-- This is evidenced by the statements, 3449, 4647, that Bre- 
nainn and l\Iochua learnt or read' the canon of the Old Law and the New Testament.' 
Colomb Cille, we are told, 1099, preached the Gospel. l\IacNisse reads his psalms 
with Patrick, 1. 371. Senán does the same with Cassidan, 1. 1957, and Brenainn 
with bishop Eirc, 3393. Ciarán reads S. 1\Iatthew's Gospel, 4142-4154. In the 
Book of Armagh, fOe 8 b, 2, S. Patrick is said to have carried aCross the Shannon the 
Old Testament (lz'bros legis) and the Gospels (aevanguelÙ' libros); and in the same 
codex, fOe 14 b, 2, he is said to have given a Heptateuch (lz'bros legz's septem) to 
S. l\Iucne. 
I. Baptism (ord z11 óaithz's 63, óallsi 1216).-This was performed with water, 1. 58, 
and generally in a wen, 398, 2523, or a river, 1810. Triple immersion was practised, 
I. 4134 and p. 357. The head of the baptized seems to have been anointedI, 1. 1216, 
and blessed, l. 46 I. Belief in God and in S. Patrick, or belief in the Lord, is the 
only prelin1inary mentioned in the cases of Sescnech, 256, of Oengus, 450, and of 
Cairthenn, 497. But in that of Díchu, 280, we have congain cride, ' grief of heart,' 
1 See 'Yarren, Liturgy and R-itual of the Celtic Church, p. 66, note 2. 



and there is little doubt that in Ireland, as in Carthage, repentance and confession 
preceded baptism. The aes fliife (i. e. fozrbthe), 'perfect folk,' mentioned in the 
Life of Senán, like the óis foz'rbthe of the O\\Türzburg Codex Paulinus, 9 a, II, seems 
to mean 'baptized Christians,' and to be an imitation of the Greek term TÉÀHO'. See 
the glossary to Dr. Littledale's Offices 0/ the Eastern Church, s. vv. TEÀEL07rOLEîv, TÉÀELO
. So after his baptism Findchua is called' the perfect child,' in macamh óg, 
2840. A fee ,vas paid to the person performing the ceremony: see 2832, where it 
amounted to seven golden pence, and 3376, where it was three purple wethers. 
2. Confirmation (Ir. cosnzaÙ'=consummatio) is not mentioned in these Lives. 
3. The Eucharist.-Though only the Body is mentioned in 1. 617, we have abundant 
proof that the Sacrament was administered in both kinds 1 . Thus Columb Ci11e offers 
Christ's Body and His Blood, 961, 1098, the monstrous maiden found by Brenainn 
partakes of the Body of Christ and of His Blood, 3689. So do the crosán, 375 I, 
the smith, 3765, and the hermit, 3839. That water was mixed with the sacramental 
wine appears from 11. 840, 2 I 62, and see p. 303, infra. In one case, 2348, the 
communion is administered to children. The altar was in the east. For the altar- 
service we have the terms comnzan 4469, sacarbalc x, oifrenn viii, or aifrenn 517, and 
the verb aifrÍ111ltar xiii. To these may be added the phrase dul do churp Cnst, lit. 'to 
go to Christ's Body,' xiv, or techt do lái17lh z1zd espuÙ:, 1630. The mias (altar-slab), the 
paten (caz7ech), 288, 1631, and the credence-table (17lenÙtzr),the portable altar (z'nzaltózr), 
1633,and the soscéla 4356, , gospelar,' the portions of the Gospels used in the l\Iass 
may also be mentioned in this connexion. That for the Paschal mass a consecrated 
fire was kindled appears from 268, 327. 
Penance, l\Iatrimony, and Holy Orders, are referred to in these Lives; but not as 
Sacraments. Connected with Penance, or repentance (aithrige 1434, 29 12 , 3299, 
3414, 3448, aithrech 3276), are confession (coibse, gen. coibsen 1634) and the soul- 
friend (anam-chara), spiritual director, or confessor mentioned in 235 0 , 280 3, 4792, 
and many other places: his function, anmcardzits, in 2480. l\Iatrimony is referred 
to in 3335 (cololige dligthech), Holy Orders passim. 
'\Vhether the anointing (ongad), 2475, means Extreme Unction, or some other rite 
in which oil was used, I do not know. The earliest mention in Irish documents of 
extreme unction appears to be at the year 1105, in the case of Don1na11, bishop of 

Genuflexions are mentioned in 145, Patrick performing a hundred in the morning 
and the same number in the evening. Senán prostrates himself by a cross, 195 0 . 

1 See \Varren, ibid. ch. ii. 9 23. 



Prayer.- The' order of prayer' is mentioned in 156, as being taught to Patrick by 
an angel. Prayer, as well as fasting and alms, is mentioned, 630, as part of the saint's 
own teaching. For the miraculous effects of prayer, see 280, 1674, 2028, 3550, 4862. 

By the austerities which they are said to have practised, Irish saints remind one of 
Hindu .J'ogís, and, like the yogts, they seem to have believed that it was possible to 
wrest from God some portion of the Divine power 1. Finnchua, for instance, spent 
seven years suspended by iron sickles under his armpits, 'so that he might get 
a place in heaven' in lieu of one which he had given away, 2930, 2932. Like lte, 
he caused his body to be eaten into by chafers or stagbeetles (daelaz'b). Findian wore 
a girdle of iron that cut to the bone, 2725. Ciarán mixed his bread with sand. 
Columba and Ciarán slept on the ground with a stone for a bolster. Finnchua 
improved on this by choosing as his bedfellows corpses brought for burial. l\Iochua 
lived in a 'prison of stone,' i carcair cloichi, 475 I. He seems to have been an inclusus, 
walled up, with only a little aperture left for letting food down to him. See the 
Chronicle of l\Iarianus Scotus, ad annos 1080, 108 I, 1091. 

Pilgrimage, az7ithre viii, was one of the three boons begged by Colombcille, 835. 
As to the three kinds of pilgrimage, see 698-720, where the subject is handled 
with singular good sense. Ireland, like the Holy Land and Rome, seems to have 
been a resort of foreign pilgrims. Thus pilgrims to Ireland from the lands of Letha 
are mentioned in 2070, and in a litany in the Book of Leinster, p. 373, cols. 3, 4-, and 
the Lebar Brecc, p. 23 b Roman, Saxon and British pilgrims are commemorated. 
Seven monks from Egypt are also mentioned in the same document. 

1'he worship of human relics and the belief in their tutelary power, which have pre- 
vailed in Europe from the fourth century, is often evidenced by these Lives. Thus 
Patrick leaves venerable relics, martra sruzlhz
 with the people of Ossory 445. 
Columba chooses gold to cover reliquaries and shrines (nzin1l 7 maÙlistrech) withal, 873. 
He leaves many reliquaries (millna) in Bregia, 952; and in compliance with a 
request for some tokens and minna, Ciarán leaves his gospel and his bell. Virgins 
entreat Senán that a dead monk's body may be given to thein' to be buried by us, so 
that his relics may be protecting us,' 2481. Senán himself goes to pray at Cassidan's 

1 See the citation from Sir A. Lyall in IVlaine's Village Communities, p. 401. As Padmávatí 
says in the Katliá-sarit-ságara, tr. by Tawney, ii. 538: 'There is nothing that austerities cannot 



relics, 2484. Findian's relics and remains (relee 7 thaisz) work miracles every day, 
2776. Only once do we find something like a protest against relic-worship, namely, 
where Ciarán of Clonmacnois says to his monks, 4447: 'Go, and leave my remains 
as the bones of a deer are left in the sun, because it is better for you to dwell along 
with me in heaven than to stay here by my relics. r 
Idolatry (adrad ídal) is referred to in 1. 374, and the destruction of idols and 
images (idal 7 arracht) in 600. But only one mention is made of a heathen god, 
namely in the story of FaiJge, 422-439, where Patrick's destruction of the idol Cenn 
Crúaich (apparently cognate with Pennocruciunz), 'Failge's god,' is given as the 
reason for Failge's attempt to murder the saint. 
The superstitions surviving the introduction of Christianity, and mentioned or 
referred to in this book, are as follows: 
I. The belief in elves, aes (or dóÙzi) síde, descendants, according to Irish tradition, 
of the vanquished Tuatha dé Danann. A female fairy, ben síde, is mentioned s;',pra, 
p. xxx. 
2. The belief in magic. The heathen magician or wizard, drúz: drai, gen. druad 
1878, is often mentioned in the Lives. He prophesies, 300, 1 170, 2660, 4007: and 
in 1194, 1 195fáidh = vates and drúi are used for the same person. He uses charms 
(séna) 2280, sings spells (brechta, better, brichtu) 2283, and can cause darkness, 2292, 
thunder and lightning, 2294, mist, 2301 and storm. He can make a fence over which 
whoever passes dies, p. xxxvii. He can summon demons to help him, 2304; though 
how he compelled them to obedience does not appear 1. He deals in deadly poisons. 
He and his art (dán) are consequently much honoured, the whole assembly on one 
occasion rising before him, 1878. There seem to have been official magicians. \Ve 
read, 4008, of the wizard of a king, and king Brude's fosterfather was a wizard. 
There were magical sciences, eladain druidechta, which Patrick is said to have de- 
stroyed, 601, but which seem to have flourished long after his time. And we read, 
p. 315, of a drúi holding argument (frithtagra) with Columba. 
3. The belief in luchrapaill, 3376, where devils are described as appearing in the 
forms of dwarves and luchrapaÙz, with their faces as black as coal. As to the origin 
of the luchrapain, see Revue Celtique, i. 256, 257: LV. 2 a : Raw!. B. 502, fOe 45 b. I. 
4. The sacrifice of a human being to secure the safety of a building, etc. See 
the story of Odrán, 1007-1023, and the note in p. 309. 
5. Revelation of the future by visions (físz") and dreams (aislz'nge). See pp. 153, 
171,174,222,248, etc. Of these the most striking is in p. 192, where the apostacy 
of the Irish after Patrick's death is prefigured. 
1 Indian magicians confine them in flame. 



6. Prophets fix lucky days by scanning the sky, 813. Astrology, of which the 
selection of days is a subordinate branch, is mentioned, supra, p. xv. 
7. The charmed sword in whose presence no one could die, 92 I. 
8. Battles may be won by taking to the field the body of a dead hero, I I 53, and 
compare the story of Dathi in LV. 38 a, and O'Donovan's .Hy-Fz'achrach, p. 22. 
A saint's reliquary has the same effect, 3268. 
9. A saint's cowl worn in battle saves the wearer from death, p. 3 06 . 
10. Saints' manuscripts and books resist water, 4360, 4141, 4321, and p. 358. 
II. Light or fire is emitted by relics of saints, 473,2611, and see p. 343. 
12. Unborn saints can speak from their mothers' wonlbs, .2820,3298, and see p. 347. 
13. Diseases may be transferred from human beings to inanimate objects, such as 
a bell or a crozier, 4880, 4884, and see p. 361. 
14. Souls assume the fornl of birds, 3 8 9 2 , and p. 354. 
15. Reciting the I 19th Psalnl (Reali Immaculati) gets a soul out of hell at the end 
of a year, p. 406, and immunity from hell-pains is secured by dying on the hide of 
S. Ciarán's dun cow, 4262. Hence in the Annals of Inisfallen (Raw!. B. 503), ad a. 
886, we find: Quies Táidg meicc ConchobalY rí Connacht, íarna imnochtai, for 
seche na huidre Ciarain \ ' The rest of Tadg, son of Conchobar, king of Connaught, 
completely stript (of his earthly goods) on the hide of Ciarán's dun (cow).' 
16. Seawaves can speak to human beings. Thus, in the story told in II. 97 1 -975 
a wave informs Colomb cille of the danger and future arrival of Cairnech's com- 
munity. So in the introduction to the Dialogue of the Two Sages, LL. 186 a, Néde 
hears a wave lamenting, and having cast a spell (brich/) upon it, learns from it the 
death of his father A dna. 
17. Philtres. The belief in the efficacy of philtres is shown by the story in 
II. I 4 7 8- I 4 8 7. 
18. Lake-monsters hurtful to man: see 1031-1035,4709-4721. 
19. Holding a piece of rowan- tree during parturition, 1888. 
20. The art of invisibility (a branch of Eastern magic) seems to have existed in 
Ireland, for mention is made of a cloak of darkness, ccltchair (leg. eeltair) dÙ:hlethl
21. The inhabitants of the sea who pray for and expect resurrection, 3683. For 
n10re about submarine people, see the story of Inber nAilbine, BB. 355. 
22. On Doomsday the Irish will be judged by Patrick, 627; but Ciarán of Clon- 
macnois, according to the Life of that saint, 45 I 8, will be judge, along with Christ, 
, over the fruit of his teaching.' 
) Dr. O'Conor translates the last seven words thus: 'Postqnam aegrotasset quodam tempore, in 
Ciarani! ' As to imnochtae cf. the Rule of Colomb ciUe: IMnochta do sechim dogress ar Crist ocztS 
ar na soiscela, Rawl. B. 512, fo. 40 b 2, and Reeves' Columba, p. 343. 



The word for' family' is fine 2947, a fern. iâ-stem cognate with the Old Saxon 
vini, 'friend,' O.N. vinr, and the subject falls under the following heads: I. l\iarriage 
and other sexual relations; 2. Parent and child; 3. Fosterer and foster-son; 4. l\iaster 
and servant; and 5. Host and guest. 

l\Iarriage of some kind existed :-the words for 'wife' being ben 565. bainchéle 
2990, and sétich 54, 381, 1289, cognate with sét, 'way,' just as A. S. ge-sið, , com- 
rade,' is cognate with sið. The married couple was called lánamain 220, 1876, 
3335, matrimony, lánam11US. A wedding was called banais, gen. baÙldse 172, the bride- 
price, tinnscra xxxv, 1159: sexual intercourse, coiblige 3335: birth-pangs, ídain 2830. 
The kings at least were sometimes polygamists; see 2990, where we read of the two 
wives of a king of Leinster. But monogamy prevailed, and in one case we hear of a 
married couple living together for thirty years, 2791. That down to the end of the 
eleventh century the secular clergy sometimes had wives appears from the fact that 
Patrick's grandfather was a deacon, 47, and maybe inferred from the lines 4562-4565, 
in which the poet, contrasting the good old times with the present, says, ' Folk of severe 
discipline, who served the King of the white sun, neither children nor wives used to 
be a hindrance (thalymes[c Jdais) to them: their natures were pure 1.' That a wife 
might enjoy property we know from the Brehon laws; from the joint offering made 
by Dáire and his wife, l. 577; and from the story in l. 2919, where a king asks what 
rent (d's) should be given to his queen and to himself out of certain land. That 
female chastity was prized appears from 3054. A widow is calledfidb 3997, 4889, 
or bentrebthach, p. 330. 

The general word for 'parents' is tuistz'di 2334, 3992. 'Father' is athalY 47, 
'mother,' máthal'r 48, 'grandfather,' senathalY 47, 399 0 . The general word for 
'children' is clann F. cognate, though apparently not identical, with 'V. plant. 
A child is lenab, an infant, nóidlU. The' son' is mac=n. pI. melt 157 = W. map: the 
'daughter' is ingen, in primeval Irish inigina 2, cognate with the Gaulish D1an's-name 
Enigenus 8, or Enignus 4, the Latin l'ngenuus. ' Grandson' is haue, hua, cognate 
1 Compare also the story in Raw!. B. 502, fOe 57 a 2, of the student in Armagh, temp. Columbae, 
who used to visit the wife of another cleric during mass: the mention made in the Annals of Ulster, 
A,D. 1077. of Dub easa, daughter of Amalgaid, Patrick's successor; and the mention in the same 
Annals, A. D. 1095, of Aed, son of Mael ísu, i. e. Patrick's successor. 
2 It occurs in the bilingual of Eglwys Cymmun church, Carmarthenshire: A VITORIA FILlA 
CUNIGNI-Inigina Cunigni Avitoriges. 
s C. 1. L. xii. 23: eni = Èvi. 
i C. I. L. iii. 3784, 3793. 



with 1rm
. 'Brother' and 'sister' are respectively bráthaz'r 375, and sz'ur 49, 86, 
uterine relationship being expressed by prefixing the adj. derb, as in derbsz"ur 3400, 
pI. derbsethracha 4639. That girls sometimes receive
 instructiòn in literature 
appears from 1. 4128. 
An Irish, like an Anglo-Saxon, father (Kemble, Saxons in England, i. 198), 
might reduce his children to slavery. See the story in ll. 1308-1331, where, 
however, the child was illegitimate. As to sales of children in time of famine, see 
1. 1862, and pp. 337, 405. To giving a girl in marriage, the consent not only of her 
parents, but also of some other relations, caraz't, seems to have been necessary. See 
399 2 . 


The fosterfather was alÌe 102, 103, 836, cognate with Goth. atta. The fostermother, 
muimme 70, 95, 102, 37 2 5, apparently cognate with Germ. muhme, as to which, see 
Kluge, s.v.: the fosterchild dalte 875 = de-alNo, cognate with Lat. aloe 'F osterbrother ' 
was comalte 2793, pI. comhaltadha 4676 = W. cyfaz7lt, and 'fosterage,' altram 1 66. 
The fosterage-fee was called iarrad, gen. iarraz'th, Laws i. 216, and sometimes con- 
sisted of land 2. 


The master was called coimmdz'u. For the servant there were the tenns mogh 15 0 , 
mogad 18 1 4,fogantaid 293, dóer 4884, timthzrid 1036, 44 0 3, gilla 1163, 116 4, 4429, 
and scolóc 4234, 4424. Of these, timthirid, gz7la, and scolóc bore the same relation to 
mogh and dóer that e
pá1rCJ)JI bore to ðovXo
. Cumal is a she-slave, and in Irish currency 
was equivalent to three cows. Innailt, p. 311, is a handmaid. 
The status of sI
ves was called dázre, better dózre. Their labours, at least of 
she-slaves, were grinding at the quern, p. 269, and foot-washing, p. 318. They had 
rations, acnabad 158, pI. agnabtha Raw!. B. 512, fo!' 122 a 2: they were baptized, p. 
202; they were married, and it is once said that they were emancipated every seven 
years, pp. 154, 168. But they could be sold, 14 1 , 15 0 , 195, a mother separately from 
the child of which she was pregnant, and it was an act of mercy to redeem them, 4267, 
4 88 4. 
\Vhen Brigit's great-house was being built in Kildare, a local nobleman fed the 
wrights and paid them their wages (dulghena), 1577. This proves the existence of 
free servants capable of contracting. 

1 A cognate word, meaning apparently' wet-nurse,' is banaltramz, gen. pI. 3014. 

 See the Tripartite Life of S. Patrick, Rolls ed. p. 80, 1. J 5. 



The words for guest are óigi and gres, p. 319. 'Hospitality,' is ðegedacht. For 
, host' we have only fir in tige, literally' the man of the house,' p. 333. The regular 
period of guesting seems to have been three nights (Revue Celtique, ix. 495), and 
every monastery had a guest-house or tech óiged. 


This subject falls under four heads, I, civil; 2, legal; 3, military; and 4, ecclesiastical. 

The airdrí, rí Éirenn, 'king of Ireland,' 928, 4004, 4267, 4385, or rí Temrach, 
, king of Tara,' 2799, was the highest person in the State, if one may use such a word 
with reference to Ireland. N ext to him was the alrdrí cuÙ:id, 'overking of a fifth' 
or province, xxxv. Of these there were the rí Laigen, 'king of Leinster,' 13 I 4, 
153 6 , 159 6 , 299 0 , the rí Jl,fuman, 'king of lVlunster,' 448, 2815, 2890, 3331, the 
rí Con 11 ach t, 'king of Connaught,' 2814, 4692, 4791, the rí Ulad, 'king of the 
Ulaid,' xxxiii, and, lastly, the rí j11idi, 'king of l\leath,' 294 I. Seventeen smaller 
kings are mentioned in the Lives, those, namely, of Ciarraige 3 157, Coirpre 27 15, 
Corco-Baiscinn 1520, the Déisi 2929, Eoganacht of Loch Léin 2918, Fir l\Iaige 
281 7, 282 5, Fir Roiss 1394, 2836, Fotharta 2620, Húi Cennselaig 3054, Húi 
Dunlainge 2605, Húi Cairbri 3212, Húi Failgi 440, Húi Fidgente 477, 2152, Húi 
Néill 4001, l\Iuscraige 2149, Raithliu 1801, and Tethba 13 1 4, 153 6 , 1596,2990. 
The royal dignity seems to have been hereditary (see 350, 369), though no 
custom of primogeniture existed. The king's heir apparent was called ríg-damna 296, 
3214, i. e. 'king-material.' His queen was rígan 1595 or banrígan, p. 330. His 
sway was ardríge 515, ríge, jlathius and forlamus xxxii, xxxiv. Under the king 
were various nobles (sóerclalln, áes grada 3017) and officers called flaith 1, codnach 
3 08 , 1883, 3 20 7, ozrrí, 'governor,' gen. pI. oirrig 3209, ruire, dat. pl. ruz'rechaz'b 3346, 
tigerne, 'lord,' xxxvii, tuisech na tuai/he 2015, rechtazre, 'steward,' 400, 2252, maer 
(=maior) 2466, and ronnazre 2466. 
The tenant or peasant was ai/hecll xxxvii, 1880, a word derived, apparently, from 
ai/he, , fenus,' and quite different from aithech in the expression aithech tige, which is 
the Irish equivalent of the Breton ozech, the Gr. 7rOTLKÓ
The king had royal raiment (étach rígda 4270), a palace (rígthech 122), from 
which his retainers were supplied with food, 408; a throne (rígsuÙ!e 625, 626), and a 

1 In 475Ijlaith seems llsed as synonymous wlth,.í: flaith clann bhFiachrach. 




drinking-horn covered with red gold, 2982. He was entitled to tribute (cís, arra 
2088), payable apparently in kind, e. g. curd and butter: see 127, where the king 
was CYlnric. 'Vhen the tribute was too heavy (rotrom), the subject went to some 
other territory, 4002. Seven charges (dolaz'dz) on land are also referred to, 29 82 . 
The king's dues were collected for hin1 by a máer, a rechtaz're and a ronnaz're 24 66 . 
The king maintained his authority by taking hostages (géill, etz're). Thus king 
Loegaire had at Tara nine hostages from Díchu. So universal was this practice that 
during the reign of the blameless king Conaire, even the Irish wolves gave him seven 
wolf-hostages for the observance of the rule that not more than one bull-calf should 
be carried off in each year from each byre: so at least says the veracious author of 
the Bruden Da Derga, LU. 86 b. Hostages were sent either voluntarily or under 
compulsion of war, 1. 355. They were not allowed to bear arms, LU. 90 a, and the 
cruelty with which they were sometimes treated is exemplified by the stories of Díchu, 
3 0 7-3 2 I, and Scannlan, Ùifra, p. 310. 'Hostageship' was called gz'allnae or ez'tz'recht, 
p. 3 10 , 1. 5. 
The population of Ireland, 'Góedel's many clans,' 2466, was divided into tribes 
and kindreds,-tuatha (sg. tuath, gen. tuazlhe 2015) and cenéla 4002,-with nothing 
to bind the island into a State, save the existence of the overking, coupled with the 
biennial Fez"s Temra, 'Feast of Tara,' xxxiii, and the annual fair of Telltown (OÙzach 
Taillten), where there was a gathering of the men of Ériu (coÙnthz'nol blfer n-Ez'renn 
1449). These institutions had some analogy to the Althing in Iceland, the fair of 
Ohud in Arabia, and the Isthmian games in Greece. 
The tribe had its public meetings, az'recht 1876 (=l\Iid.W. arez'th, 'speech') : 
az'rectus 1877, az'rechtas 145 I, gen. az'rechtaz's 1458, dál 102 (= O.'V. datl), comhdhál 
23 0 9, or m6r-dhál 1875. They were sometimes convened by the king, 23 0 9. 
\Vomen attended them, 1450; but do not appear to have spoken or voted. 
The relations between Ireland and the Fir Alban or eastern Dál-Riata (rigJota), 
the colony which, under stress of famine, was sent from l\Iunster to Scotland \ are 
touched on in p. 3 I 4. The meaning appears to be that the colonists were indepen- 
dent as regards tribute and maritime warfare; but in land-expeditions they must 
obey the mother country. 
Social Observances.-Of these we find: rising up (uréz'rge, coz'méz'rge) as a mark 
of respect, 1880, 3132: prostration or genuflexion (slechtaz1z) 381, 2929, 4348, 4 6 93, 
and carrying on the back over three fields, 2572. Honorific titles are COÙ7l17ldlU and 

1 Dál Riata ocus Fir Alban. Do síl Choirpri Rigfota meic Conaire meic Moga, a :Mumain doib 
imalle. Gorta mor tanic isin Mumain, co tancutar síl Choirpri Rigfota esti, co ndechaid ind ala rénd 
díb i nAlbain 7 cororis in rend aile a nEri1l1l, ;:t quo Dal Riata indíu, LB. 238 b. co1. 2, 1. 16, and 
see H. 2, 16, co!. 684. 



popa 426: the latter, though borrowed from a 
atin word meaning an inferior kind 
of priest, is applied to laymen as well as to clerics. 

2. LEGAL. 
The only terms for' law' and its related notions used in these Lives are recht 663, 
2749, and bés atharda, 'patriarchal usage,' xxvii. 
In the department of crilninal law, the following crimes and criminals are men- 
tioned: manslaughter (dun-orcaÙz 2 165), and manslayer (dun-ozrgnÙl 844), parricide 
(fingal 946), and a parricide (fingalach 946): poisoning, 54, 394, 17 18: perjury 
(luighe ezïhÙ:h 388): treachery (fill, gen. fill 2799, 2801, the verb rofiaII195): thief 
(17lezrlech 1245, pl. meirlig 1493, or gataÙJe 1673, the verb tallaÙll 387, 990), robbery 
(slat 1971), robber (dzoergach, pI. dzoergaig 2972, 3174), or latraz1ZIl (=latrones) 
197 I. Peculiar to Ireland was the colI gése 23 I, breach of one of the gesa ocus 
urgarta, 'prohibitions and tabus' (xxxi), so often mentioned in Irish romances and in 
the Book of Rights. 
The punishments here mentioned or referred to are only drowning, 2312, and 
imprisonment in chains or fetters (slabrad 1525, cuzorech 1724, glas 3906). The 
captive was called ci17lbid 1520, 1521, 1526. Compensation for crime was called 
érazc, p. 319, where Dubthach is said to have' bound a good éraz'c' on the robbers 
who took his boars. 
For some kind of contract we have the word cotach, spelt codach 2882, cadach 
3266, for bargaining, cunllrad 1329. 'I buy' is cennaigim (cennechtha 1389), 'to sell' 
is rezc 131 I, 13 I 3, 'price' is lóg 895, where the price of some wood is a quantity of 
barley-grain; 'guarantee' seems rath, pI. ratha, xxxviii, where heaven and earth, 
sun and moon, and all the elements are made guarantees for the loyalty of the Irish 
'so long as sea surrounds Erin 1.' The cognate abstract noun is rathaiges, 'surety- 
ship,' p. 310, I. 6. For' indemnity,' slán, pI. slána, p. xl, where it is not yery accurately 
On the law of succession we find nothing save the staten1ent in 2047, where 
l\Iaedóc bequeathes (tÙJlnuÙI) his place after him and his crozier to Senán. The 
word for bequest is udhacht 2885. 
A ' judge' was brethem, brezïhzitm 6 I 4, 628, gen. brethemoll, whence the Anglo- 
Irish' brehon:' an 'arbitrator,' breíhem colÏchellll 2532. The judgment ,vas 17les 622, 
623, a derivative of the root mid, whence also the verb 17lÙlfid, 'he will pass judgment,' 
627. Also/uigell brátha 629. The brehon's fee was called/ola, Laws i. 232; and 
seems to have been sometimes a twelfth of the property in dispute. 

1 Another legal formula seems Í1l1z-ed maras gaeth Ù griall, 'so long as wind and sun remain,' 
Rawl. B, 502, fOe 54 b, 2. 

P 2 



The words here used for warrior are óc, gen. 349, 1805 (properly' young,' used 
like juvenis in Vergil), 17líl= 11lz7es, pI. 17lz1ed xxiv; cath-17lil, , battle-soldier,' pI. cathmílz"d 
2998, cur, pI. curaÙJ 2998, cathaige, 'battler,' 3082, 3221, cuÙzgÙI catha 3211, 
and, lastly, laech (which is borrowed from the Lat. laz'cus), whence ath-laech xxvii. 
Female warriors (ban-gaiscedaig) are mentioned in 4832. A fighter's wargear was 
called trelam 321 I. The weapons (ar17la zrgaz'!e 3107) here mentioned are the 
sword, claÙleb=Skr. khadga, the spear or pike,gai 3654=Gaulishgaesum, the javelin, 
sleg 2974, carried in pairs, and sometimes barbed, xxxiv, and the shield, scÙzth. To 
these may be added the battle-stone, called clochéne in the poem cited above, p. xxxix, 
but usually lz"a lái17le \ as in the Book of Lismore, 135 b, 2. Flags (sa11lIacha), banners 
(mergedha), and tents of satin are mentioned in ll. 3077-78. 
Nothing is said expressly of the war-chariot, which plays such a part in the 
romances; but the horses mentioned in 1. 2851 in connexion with charioteers (araid 
2858), appear to point to something of the kind. 
The words for collections of warriors are sluag (= W. llu), 'host,' cath, 'battalion,' 
3042, alrbre, pI. dat. azrbrib 2493 (where it is applied to hosts of angels), lorc, gen. 
luzrc 359; crech, dat. creÙ:h 2629, drong xliv=Low-Lat. drungus; buÙJen (= \V. 
byddÙl), and its compound caz'bden 195 I, ceithern 2074, 4053, whence the Eng. kern, 
and sochraite 3020, 3228. The van was tús 3042, or tossach 349; the rear, déred. 
For warlike operations the words are cath d' fuacra, to proclaim battle, 3027, cath, 
'battle,' 3110, cocad 2942,2989,3031, conghal3297, 17laidm, 'rout,' 3112, z111mairecc 
xxiii, and the loanword coinblÙ:ht xxxii. A foray was sluagad 1911, the Anglo-Irish 
'hosting,' inn red, 'incursion,' 1913, 1915, crechad, 'raiding,' 2947; the raiders were 
called lucht na creche 1934. The camp was called longphort 2562, 3074, and in one 
case we read of its being protected by iron palisades, suÙzn iarnaÙ/z. 3 1 47. 
Of the mode of fighting we naturally learn little from these Lives. The troops on 
each side were arrayed (córaighter in cath 3040), and then, after harangues by 
the leaders 2, the onset was delivered (ro cuzred Ùlrsz'n in cath 3048), with much 
shouting, 3107, The nature of the formation called cippe catha 3101 is not clear. 
O'Donovan rendered it by 'phalanx.' The Ulaid are described as stooping when 
charging, 3109, and a leibenn da scíathaib, literally, 'a deck of their shields,' is men- 

1 M. Loth has lately equated this with the \\Telsh llechwaew, Rev. Celt. x. 354. 
2 Compare the Brut y TywysogioJt ad a. 1020: Ac yna y due Rein Y scot lu yn dilesc, a herwyd 
defa6t yr Y scoteit yn valch syber6, annoe a wnaeth y wyr y ymlad, ae yn ymdiredus ada6 a wnaeth 
udunt mae ef aorvydei, thus rendered by Ab !thel: 'And then Rein the Scot boldly led on his host, 
and after the manner of the Scots, proudly and ostentatiously exhorted his men to fight, confidently 
promising them that he should conquer.' 



tioned 3250. The victors sometimes beheaded their captured foes, 3253, and either 
carried off the heads as trophies, or made a cairn of them, 2980. Selling war- 
captives as slaves is not here mentioned; but see the Annals of Ulster, ad ann. 
9 8 5. A truce is osad 2563. 
For military buildings we have the words: ráith 579, 28 16, an earthen fort, cognate 
with Gothic airþa, and Greek ;p-aCf 1, the dún 396, 928= W. din, Gaulish dûnulll, 
A.S. tún, and the caz'sel 447,3789, borrowed from Lat. castellulll, and always meaning 
a fortification of stone. 

There is little to be gathered from these Lives as to the organisation of the Irish 
church. The kinds of ecclesiastics (fir graÛJ 1632, clérig, p. 306) hereinafter 
mentioned are as follows: 
I. The bishop, espoc (Old-Irish epscop 2). 
2. The arch presbyter, uasalSacart 736, 81 I, 186 5, 3995, 4345. 
3. The priest, sacart 75 2 , presPiter 2 I 7, and crulllther xv. The sacart 1Jléz'se 4659, 
may have been a domestic chaplain. 
4. The deacon, deochan 480, 1006, 186 5, 24 06 , 3995. 
In 95 I srulïhi seems the Irish equivalent of presbyters. The an11lchara, , soulfriend,' 
, a spiritual director,' 2350, was always a bishop or a priest. 
Officers connected with monasteries (cathraig 849, 1570, in Irish latinity, cluitates) 
are the abbot, abb 4353, the prior, secnabb, 2553, 2557, the lector, fir le'gind, p. 323, 
whose pupil was called mac légÙld 1006, and the warden, co inzétzu'de, 925. 
A nun is cazllech xxvii, pI. caillecha 828, a derivative of cazlle=pallium, or lllaÙlches 
xv= \V. mynaches. A young nun is nzac-caz7lech, just as a young monk is mac-clérech, 
supra, viii. A prioress is called ban-alrchÙ111ech 1436; see Reeves' Columba, 
p. 404 n. f. 
The Cé/z" Dé, anglicised Culdees, are once mentioned, namely in 1584. 
Ordination.- The ordination of bishops is referred to in 216, 230, 235, and 1346. 
Fiacc is ordained, 42 I, as bishop of the province. Ordination of 'folk of every 
grade,' 518. Priest's orders (gradha sacalrt) are mentioned in 1466. 
The duties of a bishop appear to have been preaching, 1498, 3403, administering the 
sacrament, 1630, conferring holy olders, and consecrating churches. He also taught. 
Thus bishop Fortchern (= Vertigernos?) reads the psalms and the ecclesiastical 
order with Findian, 2525, and see 4128, 4142, and Brenainn reads his psalms 

1 There can be little doubt that the first word of the inscription on the menhir of Poitiers-RatÙt 
brivatiom Frontu Tarbeisonios ieuru-is the acc. sing. of the Gaulish cognate of ráith. 
:o! In the Annals of Ulster a bishop is also called pontifex, or in Irish drochtech: see at the years 73 I J 
75 1 . 




with bishop Eirc, 3393. In one case, 1464, we read of a bishop baptizing. \Vhen 
a bishop was attached to a monastery his functions were peculiar. Thus l\Iochua 
of Balla appoints three bishops 'to consecrate his graveyards and his great-churches, 
and to allot the land to his monks,' or tenants of church-lands, 47 8 5, 4786. 
The duties of a priest are referred to in 82 I (ord sacairt). Columba (who 
was never more than a priest) founds churches, 951, and goes on preaching-rounds, 
995, 102 4. Preaching and celebration on Easter-day are specially mentioned, 1607. 
Tonsure.-For this we have the expressions berrad manaig 213, the' monk's clip- 
ping,' which S. Patrick is said to have received from l\lartin of Tours, 213. So 
Ciarán clipt (roberr) his succesSOr Enna, 4354. That the tonsure was coronal 
nlight be argued from the verb rocorðnaiged used in 1. 2631. But there can be no 
doubt that the ancient Irish form of tonsure was that stigmatised as the tonsure of 
Simon l\Tagus, in which all the hair in front of a line drawn over the crown from ear 
to ear was shaved off or clipt. Hence the old nickname for a Christian cleric, táz'lchell11 
3 I 3, literally' adze-head.' 
V estments.- The cowl (cochull=cucullus) is Inentioned in 827, 2394. l\Iass-cowls 
(cocaz'lloifrÙln) are mentioned, 303; a chasuble (casal) 2400, a linen chasuble (casal 
lín) 317. In 2381 casal and cochull seem synonymous. Fr0111 4308 it seems that 
Ciarán wore nothing but a brat, 'mantle,' or a chasuble. A monk's girdle, ens, is 
mentioned, p. 3 I 5. 
The crozier.- The bishop had a pastoral staff, bachall F. from a Low-Lat. *bacilla, 
which was furnished with a spike,jògraÙl 461. 
In consideration of the 'communion, baptism, food and teaching,' 4059, which 
they provided for the comnlunity, ecclesiastics were supported- 
I. By offerings, 496 (imat ÙllllltÙ) I 596, (g
ft of a silver chain), first-fruits, 1857, 
ahns (almsana) 1811, 1857, 2033, dúthrachta (benevolences ?), 2033, a chasuble (casal) 
2400, an annual gift of seven milch-cows, 2869, a hundred of every kind of cattle 
every seventh year, 2052, a cow from every enclosure from one place to another, 
3 1 33; see also 3151-52, 3197,3-204, 3270-3272,4102,4273-4276. 
2. By fees for celebrating baptism, 2832,fiach baz"s/z' 3377,4033, and administer- 
ing the eucharist, 447 I. Also, no doubt, for solemnising marriages and for burials. 
3. By fixed payments called cána, císa, and cúartù. Instances may be found 
in II. 2987, 3151, 3197, 3270, and 4773-4780. To these may perhaps be 
added tithes (dechmada), which are mentioned in 1. 1857, along with firstfruÏts and 
alms, but which according to the Annals of Loch Cé, i. 268, were not [regularly?] 
paid until the reign of Cathal Crobderg, who died A. D. 1224. 
4. By agriculture and keeping cattle. Thus we read of Columba's barley-seed, 
897, of Ciarán sowing seed, 4322, collecting a band of reapers, 4220, and drying 



corn in the kiln, 4297. The' calves of the church' are mentioned, 1960. \Ve also 
read of Finnchua's kine (búar), droves (Iáinte), and cattle (indile), 28 97, 2899. 
The nature and consequences of the 'union' (óentu, gen. 6entad), so often made 
between Celtic ecclesiastics, have not been ascertained. In these Lives it is mentioned 
in II. 2035, 2057 (S. David and Senán) 2528, 2882 (AiIbe, ComgalI, and Finnchua), 
4281 (Findian and Ciarán), 4438 (Ciarán of Cionmacnois, and Ciarán of Saigel), 
4468 (Ciarán and Coemgen), 4687 (Feichín and l\Iochua). 

The terms for these are as fonows : 
'Church,' cell 2474, the Latin cella, eclas=ecclesia, and recles (=ro-ecles) which 
seems to mean' great church,' 55 8 , 866, 2346, 2474, 2691, 2694, the eclas m6r of 866, 
the tech mðr of 1576, as distinguished from the eclas becc, 'little church,' 4459,4465 : 
or nemed, p. 307. The derthach, 'oratory,' p. 319 had a bennchoþur or conical top. 
A 'monastery' was caned cathair 4215,4278, congbail 419,4254, or maÙlistir 600, 
2474. The kitchen was cuicenn 2361, or cuchtair 4426. The refectory,þroz1zntech 
2091, 4 I 16; and there was a linn þroÙlntige in which the monks' hands and dishes 
seem to have been washed. That mentioned in I. 2091 ,vas large enough for a 
horse to be drowned in it. As in other Irish habitations, there was an upper room 
or gríanan 41 16, which word seems derived from grían, 'sun,' as Lat. solarz'ul/l 
from sol. 
All these buildings appear to have been made of wood 1 (cf. 2553, 2583); upright 
stakes being set in the ground, 4379, 4399, and wattles (c6elach, findchóelach) woven 
between them, 893, 1570-1578. But a surrounding stone-wall (caisel = castellunl) 
is mentioned, xxviii. I, and an earthen fort (ráz"th) in 579. 
The altar was allózr, the altarslab mías = mensa (was lecc, 'flagstone,' 357, 2710, 
another name for the mías ?). They seem to have been, as a rule, at the eastern end 
of the church. A part of the altar called coss, 'foot,' is mentioned in p. 323. Crosa, 
, crosses,' and aÙlme eclasda, 'ecclesiastical implements,' are stated, 968, to have been 
made by Columba. 
The consecration of the site of a monastery is mentioned in 2238. 

Having thus described the manuscript from \vhich the foIIo\ving Lives 
are taken, mentioned the leading features of the language in which they 
are written 2, and pointed out the instances in which they throw son1e 

1 Only in one instance, 3789, and that not in Ireland, do we read of a church of stone. 
2 In p. lxxvi cancel line 12, and in p. lxxix. II. I, 2, dele the words in parenthesis. 





scattered lights on the social condition, the religion. and the superstitions 
of the early Irish, I have now to acknowledge, \vith gratitude, the kindness 
of His Grace the Duke of Devonshire, ,vho deposited the Book of Lismore 
for my use in the British Museum, and allowed it to remain there for 
about three years. My best thanks are due also to the officials of the 
l\luseum for the facilities which they afforded me while transcribing the 
text and comparing the proofs with the manuscript: to the librarians of 
the Royal Library in Brussels, where I collated six of the Lives with 
the copies in Michael O'Clery's handwriting: to Professor d' Arbois de 
Jubainville for procuring me a photograph of the Irish Life of Brenainn, 
preserved in the Bibliothèque N ationale, Celt. et B [: to Professor 
Windisch and Dr. Kuno l\leyer for useful criticism and welcome encourage- 
ment; and to Mr. S. H. O'Grady for help in deciphering some almost 
illegible passages in the Book of Lismore. I fear that the result of my 
long labour on that codex is far from being an adequate return for the 
kindnesses thus acknowledged. But I can truly say that I have done my 
best to give accurate texts 1 and translations 2 ; and I hope and believe that 
the description of the Book of Lismore will be of some use to future stu- 
dents of that manuscript, and that, so far as it goes, the glossary3 will be 
found a trustworthy contribution to Irish lexicography. 

w. S. 

1 In 1. 534 jör cen nach read cennach. In 1. 565 ríaruidh (sic 1\1:5.) should be ríaraigh. 
In 3399 for bleagonn read bleagon. 
2 In p. 189, 11. 16, 17,jör hast not waited to read delayedst not, and yet thou dost not. P. 195 
1. 3 for should read will. 1. 9 for because of (our) read our. 1. 10 for' thou gavest to' read' got 
it for.' P. 235, I. 31,for evils read violences. 
3 dele the articles cathréim, p. 386, and tardot, p. 400: in p. 394, co1. 2,jör indalim read indlaim j 
and in p. 401, co1. 2, S.v. toichim,for tu + read to +. 

[fo. 1. a. 1.] 
BE (THA) Patraic inso, 7 tabrad g(ach a)on legfas bennacht for 
a(n)mannaibh na lanamhna dar'sc(ríbad in lebhar so). 
P OPUL US qui sedebat in tenibris uidit lucem magnam .1. in pobul 
dessidh i ndorchaibh atconnairc soillse (móir), et in foireann robui i 
bhfoscudh (bái)s fuarutar soillsi dia tainig a (inshor)cugud. IN Spirut N aC1Jzh:; 
immorrol, an Spirut(as) uaisli cech spirut, in Spirut dorinfidh 2 (7 ro) thecuisc 
in eclais ceachtardhai, petar(l)aice 7 nufhiadhnaisi,o rath hecnai 7 fhaitsine, IS 
he in spirut sin roraidh na briatra-so [tria gin in prímfatha Y saias mic Amois, 
de cuius laude loquitur Hieronymus] dicens: Potius dicendus 3 est propheta 
quam euangelista. IS dia molad sidhe atbeir Cirine faidh conadh cora 10 
suiscelaigthe do radha friss ina faidh, ara foillsi 7 ara imchuibhdhe frisin nua- 
fiadlzaise ro innis scela Crist 7 na hecailsi noeimhe, cuna budh doig la nech 
cu mbadh taircetul rofhet [todochaide] etar doneth 4, acht aisneis ret rem- 
thechtach cena iar bhforbhthiugud in gn{ma. 
Oen didiu dia taircetluib foillsigthib inni itfiadhar sunn tria aisneis 15 
sechman1zda 5. 'Populus qui sedebat in tenebris uidit lucem magnam 6.' IN 
pobul didiu dessidh i ndorchaibh atconnairc soillsi moire IS e didiu leth 
atoibe in n-aisneis-sea lasin bhfaidh cu du i n-debairt remhe in suiscelazgthe 
cetnai: 'primo tempore eleuata 7 est terra Stabulon et terra N eptalinl.' 
Tainic didÙ, la hathnuadhugud na haimsire gloiri mhor 7 indocbail do treib 20 
Zabulon 7 do treibh N eptalim. Conudh for slicht na haisnesean-sin atbeir: 
'Populus qui' et cetera. IN (popul) deissidh i ndorchaibh. Madh iar sdair [fo. 
1. a. 2] cipinnus popul Israel sin roboi i ndorchata na dæiri la hAsardhaibh. 
atconnairc soillsi na taithchreca don dæiri-sin. I. Estras 7 N emias 7 Tosue 7 
Zorbobel. Madh iar sians immorro 1 is e popul itberur sunn, popul na 25 
ngennte robui a ndorchaib aineoluis ic adhradh idhal 7 arracht, cu ro artraigh 
in fhirshoillsi dhoibh .1. Issu 7 Crist cona apsalaib, air bui dorchata mhor for 
cridhib na ngennte cein co roscail grian na firinne .1. íssu 7 Crist a ruithne fo 
ceatra hairdib in domain dia inshorchugud. 
Oen iaru11Z dona ruithnibh ro eisreid grian na firinne isin ndomuu-sa, in 3 0 
ruithen 7 in lasair 7 in lia loghmhar 7 in locrand lainderdha roshoillsigh 
1 l\IS. fl., i.e. uero, et sic þassÏ1n. 2 l\IS. rorinfidh. S l\IS. pocius dicendllm. 
4 1\15. doneoch. 5 leg. sechmadachte (?) 6 M5. magnum. 7 1\15. ih.u, el sic þassÙIl. 




iarthar in bhetha, inti uasal dia ta lith 7 foraithmet a n-ecmhong na ree-sea 
7 na haimsire . I. noemh-Patraic mae Calprainn, airdesbul iarthair domuÙz
athair bathais 7 creitmhe bhfer nEre1l1l. 
35 IS ann iarum cheleabrait lucht na heeailsi lith 7 foraithmhet inti noem- 
Patraie, 7 innister ni dia fertuibh 7 mhirbhuilib ind heealsaib na Cristaidi, 
isin slssed la dec kl. April arai laithe mis grene isin bliadaÌ1z i tam cipinnus, in 
margreit 7 in leg loghmhar isa lithlaithe so .1. salzetus Patricius episeopus. 
Adfiadhat ind eolalg ba do Iudaidib dho iar mbunadus, air is [ollus 
40 asna mirbhuilib dorinne Dia airsium c01lad do claÙuz Israel dó, air is 
dibh robatar Iudaidi arcena; air intan tuead in digalla Tit 7 Vespesan l 
rohesreideth Iudaidi fon mbith 7 tainic a chinll bunaidh-sium Phatraic eu 
Bretnu, 7 dogabhadh foirb leo ann, uair atfet Patraie fein sin i n-aroili leabur 
dia epistlibh: 'Nos dispersi sumus per multas regiones terra rum propter 
45 peccata nostra eo quod D011Zini praeeepta et mandata eius non cltstodiuimus.' 
Cunad don eisreideth sin doroelzt a chenel bunaidh-sium cu Bretnu. 
Patraic didiu do Bretnaib Alcluaide 2 a athaz'r, Poduig deochaÙz a shena- 
thair, Conches ainm a mhathar, illge1l Ochmais do Frangaib [fo. I. b. I] 7 
siur do lVlhartan hí, 7 i N emhtor roghenair, 7 in leae fors-rogenair intan 
50 doberar lugha n-eithzg foithi dofussim uisqui amal bhidh oc eaíneadh in 
gufhoircill. Madh fir Ï11Z11Zorro in lugha tairisidh in cloch ' na haienidlt fein. 
Ceitfhirt Patraic inso 7 a mbroinn a mháthar doroine .1. mac righ 
Breatan tainic co hairm i mbui in ben, eoro innail si dho 7 roghabh greim eisdi : 
co tuc a shetich-siumh dig nen1e do Chochmais tria ét, eonlts-ibh, cu-roghab 
s:: Patraie in neim ina ghlaie, 7 dorighne eloieh di ina laimh, e01lidh amhlaid sin 
rucadh-sum. Romorad ainm De 7 Patraic desin. 
o roghenair didiu P a tra ic rucadh dia bhaithius eusin mae ndall clair- 
eineeh, Gornias a ainm, et ni bui usee oca asa ndingned in bathius, eu tard 
sigin na eroichi do laim na nuidhin tarsin tal11laÙz cur' mebaidh topur as; 
60 7 nighidh Gornias a einech ass in topur, 7 roerrslaic a ruscu dho; 7 ro 
erlegh in mbaithius, inti na rofhGghlaÙJl litir riam. Dorine Dia tra firt 
treda annsin .1. topar asin tal11zaÍ1t 7 a rusca don doll 7 airleghiunn uird in 
bhaithis donti nack faca Iitir riamh. Rofothaiged Ùll11Z0rrO eclais f01'sin 
topar sin in robaistedh Patraie, OCltS is ann ita an topar ocunn altoir, 7 
65 teehtaidh fuath nfJ. eroichi, amal itfiadhat ind eolazg. 
Ron-gabh da1/o siur a mháthar ind altramh, áir ba haimrit hi fein. 
1 The initial u is interlined. 2 1\1:S. alcluaige. 



Ronalt iarU11t Patraie i N emptor eur'bhó gilIa, et is lia a tuirium 7 a aisneis a 
ndorindi Dia do fertuibh 7 mhírbhuilib aire ina naidin 7 ina gillaighecht; 
ár bui rath Dé 'na comuidecht in ceclt æis. 
Fect didÙt do Phatraic a tigh a muime a n-aimsir gheimrid dothoet tola 7 0 
mor 7 linad usee forsin n-árlts i rabutar, eur'bhaidh in tene, cu mbatar na 
leastra 7 fointreabh an tighi for snamh. Rochai-sium da1zo for a mhuime, 
oe cuinghidh bhidh amal is bes do noidinuibh. 'Ni he sin snim fi1 oruinn,' 01 
in muime. 'Dousfuil didiu ní is toiseehu dhuin inas biadh do denumh 
duitsi, áir ni beo cidh in tene.' 0 rachuala Pátraie sin, rocuinnw loc isin tigh 75 
in bhail nach rainie in t-uisqui, 7 rothum a laimh isin n-uisqui. N a coic 
banna iarum dobruinndis asa meruib batar eóie oeible teined focétoir [fo. J. 
b. 2]. Rolas didiu in tene, 7 ní roartraigh iarsin. Rom(6rad) ainm De 7 
Pátraie don moirmirbuil-sin. 
Fecht a n-aimsir geimrid c01zaitecht a muime brosn(a) connaidh 1 cur' 80 
tinoillan a urtlaig do phisibh oighridh, 7 tuc lais dia thig (c)o a muime. 
, Robad fhearr dhún,' 01 a muime, ' brosna connaid chrin do thabairt diar 
ngorad inas a tucuis.' Asbert-som fria muime: 'Creitsi conad sochma do 
Dhia euro lasat na pisi amal crinach.' Amal rosuidhighed forsin teinid 
rolassat foeétoir. . . . 85 
Feacht do Phatraie 7 da shiair Lup(ait ocingaire) eaeraeh. Atnaigset 
na huain cuh( opunn, amal) ba bes doibh, docum a (ma)ithreeh d( 0 óllomma.) 
O'tconnuic Pátraie 7 a shiúr inni-sin, roreithset codi(an) dia terpadh. Adro- 
chair an inge1t, 7 roben a cenn fria cloieh cur'bo eomhfhocus bas di. Luidh 
Pátraie dia saigid eu tard airrdhi na eroiehi tarsin crecht, 7 ba sIan foeétair.9 0 
Feacht aili do Pátraie oena cæirib co rue in cu allaid chæirzg uadh, curo 
chairzg a muinle gumor. Luid didiu in cu arabháruch cusin maigin cétna, 
7 in chúra imlan leis; et fa hingnad in ní-sin .1. aisee a fiaclaib in con allaid 
immon mbiadh ngnáthach. Morthar ainm Dé 7 Pátraie desin. 
Feacht ann luid a mhuime-sium do bleagu1Z a bó. Luidsium do 01 dighi 95 
leamhnaehta lé. Dasachtaighter im1Jzorro im boin is in mbuaili . I. Dem01t 
dochuaidh innti,7 dobeir a hadharc isin mboin ba nesa dhi 7 nos-marbhann. 
Romarbh dono .v. bú ba dech isinn indis, 7 luidh iarsin isin ndithreibh. 
Teid iarU11Z an no em .1. Sucait, tre comairle in Spirta NoeÍ11Z docum na .v. 
mbo, 7 dos-fuisigh iat abbas. Bennaehais in mboin ndasaehtaig ucut, 7 ba 100 
cennuis iarsin amal chæirzg. 

1 MS. connaigh. 
B 2 



Bui dal mhor la Breatnu. Luidh-sium don dail-sin la aidi 7 laa muime. 
Tecmaing tra co 1l-erbailt a aite isin dail-sin. Roshochtsat na huili dhesin, 
7 rochiset a comnesomh, 7 rochí a commam, 7 adubaz"rt: 'A gill(i), cidh 
10 5 umar' leicis h'in1archoirthidh 1 do ec?' Luid iarsin Patrale docum a aidi 7 
dorad a lama ima brag( ait) 2 [fo. 3. a. I] 7 atbert fris: 'Eirigh co lldighsium 
asso.' Atraigh focétoir Ia breitir Patraie 7 ruc for a muin dia thig inní Patraz"e. 
Feacht n-aill dobertis meic beca in phuirt mil dia maitribh asna mil- 
tenaibh. Co 1ldebaz"rt a muime frissium: 'Ni thabraisi mil damsa, a n1eic, 
110 amal dobearuit meic in baili dia maitribh.' Teit-sium iarumh docum in 
uisqui, 7 leastar lais, 7 senais an t-uisqui cur'bo mil, 7 co n-dernta cretre 
don mhil-sin, 7 noic( ad c )eeh teidm. 
Feacht ann atbat(h lena)m alaile bannscaile nocungnadh la muime 
Patraie ic bleagu1l a boo Asbert iarlt11Z muime Patraie: 'Tuc lat do mac 
115 inniu isin n-innis feib noberthea cecil dia.' Doghní samlaz"d. A mbatar 
iaru1Jz na mna ocon bleagu1l, 7 in mac marbh for lar na buaile, dobreath 
a mhuime leamlaeht do Patraie 7 isbcrt fris: 'Gairm cucatt in mac aile 
co 1l-eisbhiudh comaidh friut.' 'Táre, a naidhiu,' oul se,' ille! ' Atraehtfocedair 
in mac a bas la togairm P atraic co 1l-eisbetar com maid iarU1Jl. Romorad 
120 ainm De 7 P átraz"c desin. 
Feacht aili dochuaidh reclltaire in righ da fhuacra for Patraic 7 for a 
muime co 1ldighsitis do glanad the e)allalg in righthigi i n-Alcluaide. Teit 
iarzt1Jz Pátraie 7 a muime, co tainic in t-aingeal co Pátraz"e, co ndebairt fris : 
, Guidh 3 in Coimdhi, 7 ni ba heicin duit ind obar-sin cubrath.' Glanais in 
12 5 t-aingel in teallach iarsin, 7 atbeir ce noloiscthea a bhfil do chonnudh i 
mBretnaz"b isin tealluch ni bheth luaithne arnabharach ann, 7 comuillter fos sin. 
Feacht aile didiu doluidh reehtuiri in righ do chuinghidh chisa grotha 
7 imme co muime Patraie, 7 ní raibhi aici ní doberad ind isin gaimredh. 
IS and sin dorighne Pátraic gruth 7 imm don t-sneehta co rugad don righ, 
1307 0 rotaisilbhadh don righ (r)osoadh a n-aicned snechta doridisi. Ro(m)ai- 
thedh iarsin do Phatraic on righ in cis-sin. 
Becc tra de mhor annso do macfertuibh inni noem Pátræie. 
IS he tra tuirthiudh toidheehta 4 Pátraie docum nEirellll. Batar.1 I I I. 
meic rig Bretan for longius. Rancatar [fo. 3. a. 2] cu ndernsat orcuin inn 
135 U rmarc Leathu, 7 dorecmaing lucht do Bretnaib Alcluaidhi for turus a 

1 MS. himarchoirthigh. 
s I\lS. guigh. 

2 Here comes a misplaced leaf. 
4 MS. tuirthiugh toighechla. 



n U rmare Lethu intansin, 7 rohorta is in oreuin sin. Rohort ann cetamus 
Calpurnus mac Potaidhe athaz"r Patraz"c 7 a mátha-ir .1. COllees. Roghabh- 
sat Pátraz"c 7 a dhi siair .1. Lupait 7 Tigris. IS ed didÙt leth lotar meie rig 
Bretan, timeill Eirenn atuaidh, eu rorensat ini Patraic fri Miliue mae hui 
Bhuain COlla triur brathar. Ba hesidhe ri Dalnaruidhi, et rorensat a shiair 14 0 
leth n-aili 7 ni mafitz"r daibh. Ba de tra rolil-sium in t-ainm as Cothruighi 1 
ar foghnum do eethrar muinntire. 
Bai tra do dhiehracht in fhoghnuma i mbai Pátraic co toimniudh eeehæ 
dona eetheora muinteruib dia bhfoghnad eumad do a oenar foighneth, et 
bai gidh in anmeairdine ele fairsium .1. eét sleetain matan 7 eét feseor 7 J45 
oenproind on trath co araili. 
Batar didÙt . I I I 1. hanmanna fair. I. Sueait a ainm 0 thuistidhibh 2 : 
Cothraighi 3 dia mbui ie foghnum do cheathrar: Magonius oe German: 
Patricius .J. athair na eaitherdha, a ainm la Selistinus . I. eomarba Petzt'Ïr. 
O'teonnuie Míliue gur'bo mogh irisiueh, roeennuigh on triur aili eu 150 
fognadh dó a oenar,7 rofhoghain [fJo bes n[a n-]Ebraidhi 4 fria re .1111. 
mbliadlle, uair ba deithber dhó iar n-aili genealazg; et iss ed roherbadh do, 
ingaire mue; 7 roeesair mór n-imned i nditribh Slébi Mis, amail itfet fein 
i liubar a eipistleeh. 
IS lia tra tuz"riumh 7 aisneis a ndoroine Dia airsium isin ditribh. 155 
IS ann sin don-athuiged som Victor aingel7 nofhorehanad im ord n-ernazgthi. 
Tietís dOl10 ehuieisium meie 7 ingena Mileon COlza cnamat do) 7 nos-for- 
chanadh im ehrabud eristaz"di doreir foreetuil in aingiJ. 
ISinn inbaidh-sin iteonnaie Miliue fíS.I. Cothraighi 3 do thuidheèht euea, 
7lasair theined as a ghion, eu rolái-seom uadh in teinz"d na roloiseedh, 7 160 
roloisee a meie 7 a ingina eomdar luaithred, 7 rohesreided a luaith fo Eiri1ln. 
Rue iarU1Jl Cotraigi breith [fo. 3. b. I J forsin n-aisIing,7 atbert ba he tene in 
raith diadha asaeolnlaifed uadsum iardain co MiIiue, 7 ni ereitfedh do. 
Noloisefed Í1lunorro peetha a mae 7 a i1lgell, 7 noereitfitis, 7 bidh irdraiee 
a n-ainm fo EirÙul. 16 5 
I N-araili aidehi 5 didz"u isin du sin roeuala guth in aingz"l, 7 atbert fris 
i fis: 'Bene, serue Dei, ieiunas et oras, et eito exiturlts eris ad patriam tuam.' 
Roeomhfhaiesigh tra aimsir fuaslaicthi Patraze; a daire, air noelechtatais na 
gennte soerad a moga eeeha sechtmad blz"adne. Roimraidh iarlll11 MilÙlc 
einn1ts no fhastfadh a mhogad oeai .1. Patraic. Crenaidh didiu ehumhail 170 
1 l\IS. cothruidhi. 2 IVIS. thuistighibh. 3 l\IS. cothraidhi. 
, 1\1S. nebraighi. ð 1\1S. aigthi. 



.1. Lupait siur Patraie. Dos-bert Miliue dia mhogad. Rotinoiltea i teach 
foleth aidhehe 1 a mbaindsi. IS annsen ropritehai Pátraic don eumail eu 
rothocaitetar in aidhchi 2 oe ernazgthi. ISin maduin iarnamharaeh ateonnuie 
Pátraic in gelehreeht i ndreich na eumaile, eu rofhiafraigh 3 fochunn in ereehta. 
175 Asbert in eumal: 'Intan robhasa i N emptor i mBretnaib roteemaing gur'ben 
mu cheann re eloieh gur'bho eomfhocus bas damh. 0 ateonnaie mu bra- 
thair Sueait in ereeht dorat airrdhe na ero[iche] C01la laimh tarmo cenn, 
7 rohietha foeétoir.' Roraidh Pátraie: 'Misi do brathair, 7 is me rot-fe, 7 
is troeaire De fodera ar n-aeeomal doridhisi iarnar n-esreideadh.' Roghniset 
180 iarsin atlaigi buidhi do Dhia, 7 doeuatar isin ndithrub iarsin. 
o robui Pátraic isin dithrub ateuala guth in aingil iea radh: 'IS fuiridhe 
didiu in long eo udighisa innti eltsin nEatail do fhogluim na sereptra noime.' 
IS ed roraidh P átraie frisin aingel: 'In d uine dia bhfoghnaimsi fria re . u I 1. 
mbliad'le ni fharcabhsa he een a aide dam.' ISpert didiu in t-aillgel: 'Eiresi 
185 co bhfesair.' Doroine Pátraie amlaid sin. Asbert Miliuc na eomarleiefeadh 
muna thardad tallalZ1Z oir dia chinn. 'IS tuala1&" Dia eidheadh on,' 01 
Pátraie. Doriaeht Pátraic isin dítreibh 7 ateuaidh don aillgel briatra 
Mile01l. Atbert in t-ai1lgel fris du i tat foillichta in ail1gil: 'Coimhetsa 
amarack araili tore ic elaidhi in talman, 7 doeuirfea broth oir dhuit ass, 7 
19 0 tabhuir ar do shæire.' Rocomailled amlaid 7 roleieedh [fo. 3. b. 2] Sucait 
do imtheckt soer iarsin. Aithreeh immorro la MileoÙz deonugud dia 
mhogad im theellt, 7 fuidhius a muinntir 'na dhegaid dia thabairt foreulai ; 
seeh ni tharra-sum Patraic 7 ni tharraid in t-or ar n-impod. 
Luid didiu Patraie i erieh hua N eiU for aighidheeht 4 co Sei[ n ]ehianan. 
195 Ishe rofheall fair. Rod-rir ar ehaire n-umai. Suidhighidh a eoiri for fraighidh 
a theghduisi co rolensat a lamha don choire iarsin. Luidh a ben dia ehabair. 
Roleansat a lamha-sidhe don eoire. Luidh in mhuinnter uili eusin eoiri, 7 
roleansat a lamha uili don eoiri, 7 rolean in eoiri don fro ig id. IS annsin 
roraidhset: 'Is mogh .righ mhorehumhaehtazg rorensam. Gairmter duin 
200 doridisi.' Dolluidh Pátraic iarsin euea, 7 dolleie al-Iamha dhoibh trena 
n-aitrighi, 7 rolaiset in eoire forculai. 
Luid Pátraic iarsin la gulla for muir 7 dus-fobair ainbhthine moire 
Roghuidh 5 Pátraie a Dhia leo 7 ba ræithinach in muir. IAr ngabail tiri 
dóib dobhatar tredenus ind oine iar seithlim aI-loin. Guidhset 6 Pátraie iar1t1tl 
20 5 im euinghidh bídh doibh co Dia. IArsin dorat Dia dhoibh muic n-uir 
IlVIS. aighthe. 2 MS. aighthi. S MS. atconnuic p. fochunn in crechta curofhiafraigh. 
4 MS. aidhighecht. ð MS. Roghuigh. 6 MS. Guighset. 



fhonaithi, et dobreath mil choillidi do Pátraic amal Iohain Babtaist. 
Scarais friusaidhe 7 dolluidh co Nemptor. 0 rainic iarU1JZ a athardha 
roghuidhset 1 he im anad acu, ocus ni frith uadh, uair cech tan atcodlad 
indar-lais ba hi inis na nGæidel 2 atceth co cluineth claiscetul na macraidi 
o Chaill Fochlad. 210 
Doluidh didz.u tar muir n-Icht i n-airrterdeiscirt na hEtailli docum Ger- 
main.1. saieascop na hEorpa uili intansin, cu rolegh in canoin n-eclusdai lais. 
DOLUIDH co Martan iarsin cuTorinis, cu tart berrad manazg fair. 
.XXX. bliadne didz'u a aoes intan rosiacht gu German, xxx. bliadlze oc 
foghlaim oca iarU1JZ, 7 xl. bliadl1e ic proicept a n-EirÍ1l1z. 2 1 5 
Rofhaidh German iarsin inhí Patraz"c do Roimh do airidin graidh 
espoz.c fair, 7 senoir sruith lais .1. Egedius prespiter, dia theastugud fiadh 
Luidh iarum for muir, nonbur a lin, co-rala an innsi cu n-fhaca in tech nua 
[fo.4. a . I J 7 lanamain ann; 7 atbert frisin oclach bui isin tigh, cia fot robatar 2 220 
annsin. ' 0 aimsir íssu,' ar se, 7 is e ron- bennach conar tegd uis, 7 bemait 
amlaz.d cobrath, et timarnai Dia duitsi,' 01 in t-oclach, 'dul do proicept i tír 
nGæidel 3 , et forfacaibh Íssu bhacaill lindi dia tabhairt duitsi.' Dobreat 
iarum Patraic bachaill íssu leis, 7 doluidh co Germán forcula. (As)pert 
Victor fris. 'Tin1arnai Dia doitsi duCI do) proiceþt i tir GhoideI 4 .' 'Dia 225 
cloisinn dam,' 01 Pátraic, . . ad dó nofreiceruind (1. noraguinn).' 'Tairsi,' 01 
Victor, 'dia acallaint-seom i sliab Rerimon.' 
LUID Pátraic iarsin, 7 ronecain fri Dia dúrcraidhitaid na nGaoidel 5 . 
Asp( er)t Dia: 'Biatsa,' 01 se, 'oc furtacht duid.' 
LUID iarum Pátraic do Roim co roet gradh esbuic 0 comarba Petaz.r .1. 23 0 
Selestinus .x1.Ú. oPhetur. IS e rotaidh Palladiam espuc dOCU11'Z nEire1l1l, 
acht ni rogabhsat Gæidzl G a proiceþt side, ár ni dó rocinn Dia a comhshódh, 
aclzt is do Patraic. Luidh iaru1n Palladius forcula co n-erbailt a m-Bretnaib. 
Luidhset a cæimthechtaidhi co Roim. 
INtan luidh Pátraic fo gradh n-espuic is ann dobreth in t-ainm is Patri- 235 
dus fair. Doradad grad for Pátraic iarsin 0 German 7 0 Shelistinus 7 
Ó Mhatha 0 righ Romhan. INtan tra robas occ tabuirt graid espuic fair 
rofreacairset na teora classai . I. class muinteri nime 7 class na Romanack 7 
class macraidhi cailli Fochlaid. Et is ed rocansad uile: 'Ibernienses 01l111eS 

1 MS. roghuighset. 2 MS. nobatar. 
ð l\IS. durcraiditaig nangaoigel. 

3 l\'IS. gæigel. 4 l\iS. ghoigel. 
6 MS. Gæigil. 



24 0 clamant ad te puer.' Rofaidh didiu comarba Petair inhí Pátraic do proiceþt 
do Ghæideluib 1. 
A mbai Pátraic for muir ic ascnamh docltm nEirell1l cOllacai an clamh 
forsin carraic oc cuinchidh inaidh ar Dia isin curach. IS ann sin rola Pátraic 
a leic isin muir resin clam, aclzt intan dorochtatar EirÙl1l fuaratar in lee 
245 aracind isin purt. 
Luidh iarU11l Pátraic co llgeibh Innber De i Crich Cualunn, 7 nibdar 
failtigh na hiascaire fris. IS ann sin dorad-s1tm breithir forsin n-innbhir 
cu nach biadh torad ann cubrath. Et is e thainic anagaid P a tra ic . I. Sínell 
mac Finnchada . is he cedna fer dochreid [fo. 4. a. 2] do Dhia 7 do Pátraic. 
250 Et facbhuidh bennachtuin fair 7 for a shil. 
.XL. bliadlle on ló tainic Pátraic a n-EirÙl1z co la a etseachtai. 
Focerd a luing iarsin sech EirÙzn soir co hlnis Pátraic. Luid i tír. 
Aroet araili fer for áighidecht 2 i suide 7 creitis dó. Luidh Pátraic cum 
a luingi d'acalla1Jl Laeghairi co Temhrazg. Roimir assidhe co hlnnber na 
255 mBarc, 7 dogní aoighidhecht 3 a tigh fhir mhaith annsin. Sescnech a ainm. 
Pritchaid Pátraic breithir nDe dhó, 7 creidid do Dia 7 do Pátraic. Baister 
he iaflt1n. Bai mac bec aigi. Rotoltnaigh-sidhe do Patraic 7 rochar gumor 
intí Pátraz"c. Gabhuis in mac cos Pátraz"c 'na ucht, 7 nt r'æmh codlud Ie 
a máthair na a athair in aidhchi 4 sin, acht ba toirrsech 7 nochaifedh muna 
260 Ieicthi i fochair Pátraic he. Ar madain Ù1111Z0rrO, intan dochuaidh Pátraic do 
imthecht f01'a set, tucad a carpat cuice. Cuiris Pátraic a chois isin carbat. 
ladhaidh in mac bec a dhi laimh im chois Pátraic, 7 is ed roraid : 'Rom-Ieicid 
aroen fria Pátraic, ár is e Pátraic m'athair dileas.' Doraidh Patraic: 'Baistter 
in mac 7 doberur isin carbut.' Co ll-ebert Pátrazc iardain: 'Bidh comarba 
265 damsa in mac-sin.' Et dobretk Pátraz"c ainm fair, Benignus .1. Benén. 
Teit iarsin a coeimthecht Pátraic eo Ferta bhFer bhFeie i Muig Breg 
adazg 5 chase. IS annsin roceleabaz"r Pátraz"c ord na easc, 7 adaiter tene 
cosecartha aeu do oifreann. Ba hi sin aidhehi 4 fhele Læghuiri meic Neill, 
ár rognithea la Læguz'ri feil a gene dogres gacha bliadllt i T en1razg Breg, 7 
2 '10 ni lamhtha Ia Læguiri tene d'fatudh in ErÙzll resiu nohaduighthea tene 
laissium i Temraw. 
IS annsin romhallach Pátraic Innber nDomnann 7 Innber nDe, 7 
robennach Innber mBoi[ n ]ne ar fuair iasc ann. 
LUIDH iarsin eo hlnnber Slainghe eu rofholuigh a lunga isin du-sin. 
1 MS. ghæigelaib. 2 1\-15. aidigecht. 3 MS. aoidhighecht. 4 aighthi. () MS. agaid. 




C01lidh ann dofuair mucaid Dichon meic Trechimh 1, bhail ita SabuIl 2 275 
Patraic inniu, cOlzecidh dia thigerna. Luidh Dichu co 1zgreis a chain fana 
clerchiu. IS ann sin doghab Pátraic in fersa: 'Ne tradas bestis animam 
c01lfitenti[ u Jm tibi' et cetera. IArsin sochtais in cu 7 ni ro urchoidzg doibh. 
O'tconnaic Dichú inhi Pátraic rofhuasluicc a claidhiub 3 dia orca in. Seacais 
a lairn osa cinn [fo. 4. b. I] acedoir, eu nderna atach Patraic 7 ron-gabh c01lgain 280 
cridi, 7 rocreit, 7 ron-baist P atraic iarsin, cOltid he tóiseck roghab baisde 7 
creidiurn la hUlltu 0 Pátraic. IS annsin roidbair Dichu do Pátraic in 
Sabull. Senoir im11l0rrO Dichu intansin. Dorat Pátraic a rogha dó, a 
athnuaideged 4 i n-æis trichtaigi 11Ó a dhul i tlaitk nirne focltoir. 'IS ferr learn,' 
olse, 'mo athnuazgeded ind æs l1'ichtaigi.' Bendaehais Pátraic Díchoin 28 5 
gu ndeachaid i n-oitiud asahaithli. 
Feacht do Pátraic isin tSabull oc oifreann. Luidh araili drai sech in 
eaclais. Focerd a eachlaisc dar senistir na hecailsi isin coileach. Sluicid 
in talalll in drai focétoir. 
LUID Pátraic do proiceþt do Miliuc mac hui Bhuáin,7 6r lais ar gabail 290 
in chreidme uadh, áir rofhidir cur'bhó sanntach urn crudh 5 7 um ór he 
dosunnraid. O'tcuala lVliliuc Pátraic do techt cuigi nir'bo failid dhe, ar ba 
rneabhul lais creidiurn dia mogh 7 dia fhogantaidh 6. IS i didiu comairli 
ro-aslag Demon fair. I. tene do tabairt fair ina thigh bodein, cu roloisced ann 
7 co 1ldechaid dochurn n-ithfirn. Rofoillsiged do Pátraic inní-sin, 7 is ed 
roraidh: 'N í bia rí na righdamhna uadh, 7 is ac foghnum dhaine ele bias 
a shil 7 a seimeth dogl'es, 7 ni tharga a ainim a hifirn en bráth na iar mbrath.' 
IS i sin aimser dorala ri feochair for Eiri1u
 .1. Læghaire mac Neill. 
IS ann didiu bai a shosad 7 a greim rigda i Temrazg. Teora bliad1zi re 
tuidhecht 7 do P átraic inn EirÙl1z roterchansat na druidhi a taidhecht 8 3 00 
.1. Luccatmhael 7 Luccra. Et is ed roraidhset: 
Ticcfat tailcinn tar muir meirceann, 
a mbruit (.1. a cocaill oifrind) toillceann, 
a crainn (. I. a mbachla) croimcenn, 
a miasa (.1. a n-altoire) a n-airrter a tigi, 
friscerat uile amen. 

3 0 5 

IArsin ispert P átraic ria Dichoin: 'Eirg uaim,' ar se, , co Lægairi mae 
Neill co n-ebre mo aithiuse fris, cu rabh tlaith 7 eclais isin tir.' 'Dia ndeochllssa 

1 l\IS. Trethimh. 
ð MS. crugh. 

2 MS. Sadull. 
6 fogantaigh. 

S l\iS. claidhium. 
7 tuighecht. 

f: MS. athnuaigeded. 
8 l\IS. taigechl. 




eu Læguiri,' 01 Diehu, 'itat .ix. ngeill damsa oeea i Temrazg. Muirbhfiter 
3 10 mo geill 7 nom-muirbfiter fein in lín raghat. ' Ternaifesa fein 7 ternaifeat 
do geill [foe 4. b. 2] . . . . sum. . . . mdid . . ge . . . . gingu terno,' 01 Diehu, 
, ragat ar do bennachtain.' Luidh iarUl1l Diehu co Temhrazg. ' IS e tra in 
fer,' 01 Læguiri, 'eeta roereit don taileenn ria feru Eirc1tll. Beridh,' 01 se, 

 in fer-so a n-ænteeh re gia(llu), 7 tarduidh biadh saillti doibh 7 na tardaid 
3 1 5 die usciu).' Doronad samiaid. Dosn-ainie.... maedhacht 7 dobreath 
drolmhuigh fhina dhóib . . . . æ Pátraic 7 . . . . dái1 doib 7 dobreth soillsi 
. . . doibh . . . Dosn-ainie eleirech eu easallin . . e 7 tall (na) glasa 7 na slabh- 
rada dib, 7 tue a n-eoehu . . J;>a forlár in lis ina srianuibh, 7 rooslaic doirrs( ea) 
(na)Temrach reompa. Leangait iarsin fora n-eoehu 7 ti . . . co Pátraic i tir 
3 20 n DIad. Atfet iarzt1n Diehu a seel do P átraÙ:. 'IS doigh,' 01 Pátraic, 'nl iefut 
faithe na ithfesa in fer sin co rissa fein.' 
o roeomfoesig so(llumun)na caseromidir Pátraicnaehraibhi baili in bu(d) 
cora dhoib ardshoIl Umltll na bliadlle do eheileabrad ina i M uig Bregh baile i m bui 
cenn druidechta 7 idlachtanahEire1UZ 7 in, arddi1Zgna nahEiren1l.I. iTem(raig). 
3 2 5 Roeheleabair doDhichoin, 7 dorad a luing for muir, 7 luidh co hlndber 
Colptha 7 co Ferta bFer bFeie for tir, 7 saidhidh a phubull ann, 7 robean(ad) 
in tene ehaseda eoisecarta lais. Ba hi(sin) aimser noeeileabraitis na gennte 
in tsoI(lomun) sin, 7 ba geis do righ Temhra tene d'fatud reteinid na Temraeh 
in adalg l sin. Ni fhidir didÙt Pátraic (in) geis-sin,7 cia rofesadh ni tairmiscfed. 
33 0 A(mb)atar ann lueht na Temhra co bhfaeatar in ten(id) roatta Pátraic, air 
rosoil1sigh Mag mBreg .. Roraidh in ri didiu: 'IS coIl eana 7 gesi dham, sud, 
7 finnta dhun cia dorine in tene u(t).' 'Atciam in tene,' bhar na druidhe, '7 
rafhetam(ar) in aidhehe 2 a ndernad hi acht mina didbhuig(ther re) maduin ni 
baithfiter eobrath.' Rogab f(erg) in ri iarsin, 7 rohinnled a carp at do, 7 dodeeh- 
335 (aid) co Ferta bFer bhFeie. Doraidset na d(ruid) fria Læghaire: 'Na heiresi 
cusna fira uei air doragat-soln eueat.' Dodeoehaid . . eu hairm i mbui. Atbert. . 
(Here are lost two leaves.) 
[fo. 5. a. 1] Luidh iar
lm Pátraic CO Sith nÆda (et ro )bennach Conall 
7 Fergus a mac. IS annsin do . . . ar a lamha for eenn an meic. Ingnad 
la Conoll innisin. Asbert Pátraic: 
340 Gignidh macan dia fine, 
bidh sai, bidh faidh, bidh file, 
inmhain lespaire glan glé, 
nat ebera imarbhe. 
1 1\15. agaid. 2 :l\IS. aighthi. 


I I 

COIOl1Zb eille mac F eil i11Z the insin. 
Robennueh Pátraic didiu C01Zull mae Neill 7 a eenel, 7 forfáeuibh 345 
bennacht fora ndáinibh 7 fora n-innberuibh 7 for a eeallaib. 
LUIDH Pátraic i tir nEogaÙt 7 asbert fria mUlltir 'Fomnid 1 naeh 
for-tair in leo uathmhar .1. Eogall mae Neill.' IMatarraidh doib frisin set. I. 
Muiredach mac EogaÙz robui i tosach luire na n-oee, Seehnall Í1Jll1torro dobhui 
i ndereth luire na elérech. IS ann asbert Seehnall fria Muiredaeh. ' Rat-fia 35 0 
a 10gh learn da ereidi h'athair do Dhia.' , Cia logh ?' 01 see ' Righi uait,' 01 
Seenall. 'Doghena arnh,' 01 M uiredaeh. A bhFidh 2 Mhor is ann cOllrainiee 
M uiredach 7 Eogall fria P átraic. Roereit didiu Eoghan do Dia 7 do 
Pátraic. 'Darnadh a tigh noereittea,' 01 Pátraic, 'doticfatis geill Eirell1t 
dod tigh. U air naeh edh, ni tiefat eo tisat tria nert airrn.' 355 
LUID Pátraic eu hOiliuch na Righ euro bennueh (in dún,) 7 forfaeuibh 
a lice ann, 7 rotarrngair righi 7 ordan re hedh for EirÍ1l1l a hAiIech, 7 dorat 
beannachtain gaiseidh for Eogalz, 7 atbert Pátraic: 
l\lu bheannachl forna tuatha 
dobiur 0 Bealach Ratha, 3 60 
ocus for Cinel Eogain 
deoraidh co laithi mbratha. 

Cein bes macha fo toruibh 
beit a catha for feruibh, 
cenn sluag bhfer bhFail dia maigin, 
saigidh daibh for cech tealaigh. 
LUIDH Pátraic iarsin a nDail Araidhi eu da maeuibh dée Cælbaidh 3, 
7 dorat beannachtain foraib acht Sarán a oenar, 7 dorat mallachtain fair sein 
eu naeh gabhtha rig1ìi uadh eubrath. 
Luidh Pátraic i nDail Araidhi eu robaist espae Olchon fil in Airrter 37 0 
Maigi Cobhai, 7 eu rolegh Mac Nisse COllaire a shalma Iais. 
Luidh Pátraic co hEochazgmac Muiredaigh, co righ UIad, dia mbui oc 
damnad [foe 5. a. 2] 7 oe pianad da næmhogh roedbradair a n-oighi do Dhia, 
ica. . . urgud il-lanamhnus i n-adhrad idhal. Roghuidh 4 Pátraic itghi leo arna 
rophiandais, oceltS ni etas. Dorat didiu Cairill mae Muiredaigh .1.. brathair 375 
in rig, irnpidi la Pátraic, 7 ni roærnh in ri fair. Atbert Pátraic fria hEochalg: 
'Ni bhiat figh nait rigdamna uait eobrath OCltS a n-oidhidh 5 fort bhudhein. 
Do brathair irn1Jzorro .1. Cairill bhidh ri é budhein 7 beit righa uaidh 7 

3 6 5 

1 l\IS. fomnig. 2 MS. abhfigh. 3 l\IS. Cælbaigh. 4 1\IS. Roghuigh. ð 1\IS. anoighidh. 
C 2 



flaithi os do elailldsi 7 os Ulltaib uili eobrath,' c01Zud iat sin sil na righi .1. sil 
3 S0 Demmain meie Cairill tre breitir Pátraic. 
Luidh didiu seitig in righ 7 slechtais fo ehosaib Pátraic. Dorat Pátraic 
btJl1zacht d{, 7 robellnaig in gein bui ina broinn, COJlud he Domhanghart mae 
Eochack ins in. IS e forfacaibh Pátraic ina churp fesin i Sleibh Slanga 7 
bíaid ann cobrath. Uair is he sin in sechtmad fer forfacuibh Pátraic 
3SS ana bhethaid oc coimet hEirell1l. 
Luidh Pátraiciarsin a DailAraidhi tar Fertais Tuama co hUaibh Tuirtre. 
Dodechaid iarsin a n- U aibh Meith Tire. IS ann tallsatar triar do U aibh 
Meith ind-ara boc nobidh oc tabhairt usci do Pátraic, 7 dodechatar do luighi 
eithich do Pátraic eu romheichleastar in bocc fesin a bragait in tres fear dos- 
39:) tall. 'Mo de broth,' 01 Pátraic, ' aisneidhidh in boc fes(in) a bhaile ar'hithed. 
Et 0 aniu cubrath,' 01 Pátraic, ' leanat buic fort claind 7 chenel,' 7 is cd on 
comalltur fos. 
LUID Patraic co Firu Rois iarsin. IS ann sin rosoe i clochu na faiscre 
grotha eosin nemh. Et robaithtea isin ath uile laich romhidhatar orcain 
395 Patraic. 
LUIDH Patraic Íaflt11t tar Magh mBreg i crich Laigh(en) co dun Nais. 
Ata lathrach pupla Pátraic i fhaighthi fria sligid anair, et ita tipra fria dun 
atuaidh du in-robaisd Patraic da mac Dunlaing .1. Ailill 7 Illann 7 di ingin 
Ailz11 1 .I. Mugain 7 Fedhelm ro i(d)ber(tatar) [fo. 5. b. I] a n-oighi do Dhia, 7 
400 senais Pátraic caille for a eenn. IS ann sin docuas 0 Phatraic for eenn recktuire 
N áis, Faillén a ainm. Rodoilbh-sein cotlud fair, 7 adubhradh bai in rechtaire 
'na chodlud. 'Modhebrath,' 01 Patra-ic, 'ni hingnad cidh tiu[g]chotlud,' 
Dochuatar a muinnter iarsin do duscud in rechtairi. Et frith marb he ar 
an anumaldoit dorine do Pátraic, cOltid desin is athiusc mbreithri la Gædelu : 
4 0 5 cod Iud Faillein i ndun Nais. 
Dricriu didÙt is e ba ri 0 nGarrcon forcinn Pátraic intansin, et inghen 
Lægaire meic Neill do mnai oca. Et dodiultsat fre Pátraic immon 
bhfleidh 2 oc Raith Innbhir. Et dorat Cilline foilti. dhó, 7 romarbh a 
ænboin do, 7 dorat dó i n-airmitin foghebadh dia fhu1ung i tigh in righ. IS 
4 10 ann sin atbcrt P atraic fria mnai fhuine, 7 si oc derchainedh a meic : 

A ben, taisigh do macan! 
totæt tore mor do orcan: 

1 A recent hand has made Aitt into Ailbi. 

2 MS. bhfleigh. 



is do aibhell dotæt breo, 
bid beo, bidh sian do macan. 
IN t-arbur 
is 1 dech dolosail talman: 
is se l'vIarcan mac Cillin 
duini bus dech d'ibh Garrcon. 
Fothaighis Pátraic iarUl1t cealla 7 congbala imdha i Laignib, ocus for- 
facuib bennachtain forru 7 for H uibh Cennselazg sainriudh, 7 forfacuibh 4 20 
Huasailli i cill Huasailli 7 Mac Tail i cill Cuilinn, et ro oirdnestar Fiachu 
Finn i Sleibtib in espocoidi in cuicid. Romhaidh dano Failge Berraidhi 
co muirbhfedh Pátraic du i comhraicfed fris a ndighuil an idhail Cinn 
Croich, ar is eisidhe rob a dia do Fhailgi. Roceilset tra a muinnter ar 
Pátraic inni roraidh Failghe. Laa n-ann asbert Odhran a aru fre Pátraic: 4 2 5 
'01 atusa fri re cian og aruidecht duitsi, a popa, a Pátraic, nom-leic- 
sea isin primsuidi inniu, 7 ba tusu bus ara.' Dorine Pátraic samlaid. 
Luid Pátraic i crich U a Failghi iarsin. Teit Failghi cu tard fuasmadh 
tria Odran i rict Pátraic. Nir'cian iarU1JZ co n-erbail Failghi co 1zdechaid 
a ainim a n-ithfern. Teit iarsin Demu1t i curp Failghe co mbui eter43 0 
dainibh [fo. 5. b. 2] amal b. . .. Teit Pátraic iar céin mair iarsin co 
FaiIghe, 7 rothoiris an dorus in dunaidh i muigh, curD fhiafraig do æn do 
mhoghuibh Failghi cait i m-bui Failghi. 'Rofhacbassa ina thigh,' 01 in 
mogh. 'Raidh fris,' 01 Pátraic, 'tuideclzt dom acallaint.' Teit in mogh 
arcenn Failghi, 7 ni fuair dhe isin tigh acht a cnamha 10mai cen fhuil, cen 435 
feoil. Tic in mogh co Patraic eu mbron 7 toirrsi 7 atfet dó amal doconnuic 
FaiIghi. Asbert Pátraic: 'On 10 roghon Failge mo araid am fhiadhnuisi 
dochuaidh a ainim a n-ithfern isin gnim dorinne, 7 dochoidh demu1l ina 
corp.' COllid hi oided 2 Fhailghi insin. 
Failghe Rois im11lOrro issi a clann fil isin tir inniu, 7 robennuch 44 0 
Pátraic, 7 is uadh flaithitts in tire eobrath. 
LUIDH Pátraic iarsin for Bealuch nGabrain i tir nOsrazgi, 7 forfothazg 
cella 7 cOllgbhala ann, 7 adubairt nobhetis
 oirdnidi læch 7 clérech dibh 
cobrath, 7 ni biadh furail nach coicid forru cein nobeitis doreir Patraic. 
CeiIeabhrais Pátraic dhoibh iarsin,7 forfacoibh martra sruithe ocu 7445 
foirenn dia mzt1ztir du ita Martrach 3 inniu i Muigh Raighne. 
LUIDH Pátraic iarsin i crich Mhumall do Chaisiul na Righ. Co tarla do 

4 1 5 

1 1\15. repeats. 

2 I\IS. oiged. 

3 leg. Martarthech. 




Ænghus mac Natfraich ri Muma1l, 7 ferois [ailti fris, 7 nos-beir lais dia 
thigh don dun cusin maigin i ta Leac Pálraie inniu, 7 creitis Ængus do Dia 
4507 do Pálraie annsin, 7 robaisdeth he 7 moran dferaibh Murnan maille fris. 
IS ann sin tra tinnscnamh baithis bhfer Muma1l, c01ladh ann asbert 


M uimhnigh dianom-sáruighet 
urn Chaisil cenn a mbaithis 
imghuin leo ar lar a tire 
beit a righi fo aithis. 
A Caisil robennachus 
Eirinn conic a hura: 
comdhí 1 laimh robennachus 
connabia cen maith Mumha. 

4 60 

IN tan tra robai Pátraic oc bennachad cinn Ænghttsa luidh foghrain 
na bacIa trena traighidh. Jar bhfoirchinn i1JuJlorro in bennachaid eonaccai 
in crecht i cois Ænghusa. Asbert Pátraic: 'Cidh rombai nad ebris 
frium ? ' 'Atar-lem,' 01 Ængus, ' rop he corus in creitmhe.' 'Rat-fia a 10gh,' 
465 01 Pátraic. 'Ni ragha do chomharba [fa. 6. a. I] aidheadh ngona onniu 
cubrath aeht oenfer nama.' Asbeir Pátraie co mbiad arath iCaisil, ut dixit: 
Eisseirgi P alraic a nDun, 
a ordan a n- Ard Macha, 
i telchan Chaisil cheolaig 
rodheonalg trian a ratha. 

47 0 

Luidh Patra'ie a Muscraihi 2 Breoghain. Laa n-ann didiu boi oc innlat 
a lamh i n-áth ann cu torchair fiacail asa chinn isin n-áth. Luidh iarsin isin 
telcha frisin ath anair, 7 dotiaghar uadh do cuinghidh na fiaclu, et doraitne 
foc/loir in lïacail isin ath amal grein. Et Ath Fiacla ainm inn atha et Ceall 
475 Fiacla ainm na cille i farcaibh in fhiacuil. Et rofhacuibh cethrar dia mlt1ttir 
ann. I. Cuirche 7 Loscan, Caileach 7 Beoan. 
Luidh iarzt1n i tir U a Figinti co 1lderna Lonan mac Erca ri 0 Figeinti 
fledh 3 do Pátraie, 7 deochaill Mantain do mzt1ltir Pálraic leis ica fur. 
Dolluidh cliar aesa dana co Patrazc do cuinghidh bldh. Fuidhizes Pátraie 
480 tee/ita uadh co Lonan 7 co DeochaÙz Mantain do chuinghidh neich 4 don 
oes dana. . Asbertatar side napdis druith no bernfad a bhfleidh 5 artus. 

1 1\15. comadha. 
, l\iS. neith. 

2 MS. muscraidhi. S l\IS. flegh. 
ð l\iS. bhfleigh. 



Asbert Pátraic na biadh rl na espoc 0 Lonan 7 na biad ard eongbhail l 
deoehaÙt Mantain i tal1naÙt. IS ann sin do deehaid araili moethoelaclt, 
N esan a ainm, 7 molt 7 tanag 2 7 tri faisere grotha for a mhuin do Pátraic. 
Asbert Pátraic: 4 8 5 
IN macan dotoet atuaidh 
.is do doberbadh in bhuaidh, 
cona moltan fora muin 
docum Cotraighi dofuil. 
Conus-tue Pátraic dona eaintibh. Anlal batar iarum na cainti oe ithe in 49 0 
nluilt notas-sloiee in tala1Jl foeedair eu 10tar i fudoma1t ithfrinn, 7 marait fos 
na faisere iarna sodh i elocha. Dobert iarU1Jt Pátraic bennachtuin do N esan, 
7 dobert gradh deoehaÙt fair, 7 is e fil i Mungharait. 
Luidh Pátralc iarsin i Findine fri Domnaeh Mor aniartuaith, telaeh 
asa n-aieter in tuath fri Luimneeh atuaidh, co tart bennachtain for Thuad- 495 
mumain ar a dhuthrachtaighi dodeehatar co It-imat innmhuis leo areinn Pát- 
raic. Cairthenn nlaee Blait, [foe 6. a. 2] sen elainne Tairrdealbhuigh, roereit 
don Choimdhid, 7 robaist Pátraic i Saingil .1. sain aingil dodeehaid dia 
aealIaÙn annsin, 7 ni he Victor. N { berthe dano elann do Cairthenn co sin. 
IS ann sin rtÍeadh Eoehu Baillderg do Chairthenn. Patralc doehru thazg 500 
don phairt eroa, et co rabha in ball sin in a ehurp do eomhartha ind fherta. 
N i dheehaid P átraic fesin isin tir acht ateeth 0 Luimneeh siar 7 budh 
thuaid, 7 bennaehais ind airet adCOl1naie. Et prophetauit de sanetis qui in 
cis fierent 3, nOl1ZÙziblts et tempore quo peruenissent. 
, IN t-ailen glas tiar,' 01 Pátraic, ' i mbelaibh in mhara ticfa eaindeal do 
mU1Ztir Dhe ind bus eenn athehomhaire dona tuathaib-sea' .1. Senan innsi 
Cathazg . diagh .Ix. vel vi. xx bliadne iaru1Jz Sena1l mae Gerrginn mele 
Ni dheehald da1zo Pátralc dar Luaehair ind Iarmhumhain. Prophetauit 
de Brenainn mae hua Alte, qui naseetur .exx. anno. Quo[ dJ impletum est. 510 
LUID Pátraic iMuseraighi 4 Thiri baptisare et fundare fidem. Ibi inuenit 
tres fratres .1. Fuire 7 Muineeh 7 Meehar, tri meie Forait meie Connla. 
Creitidh 1Yluineeh protinus, et rom-beir as Pátraic 7 ron-bennaeh 7 for- 
fhaeuibh oirdnidi læeh 7 elereek uadh eu brath 7 airdrighi a thiri uadh 
dogres. 5 1 5 
Robhui tra.uI 1. mbliadl1i i MU1llain, 7 iss ed dorimet ind eolazgco l1derna 
aifrenn cacha sechtmad inlaire doneoeh imrulai 5 i M umaÙt. IArsanni tra 
1 MS. congmhail. 2 1\IS. tanad. s l\tlS. fierant. 4: IVIS. muscraidhi. ð l\tlS. imrulaigh. 



rofhothawestar P átraic cealla 7 congbhala la Mumain, 7 rooirdnesdar 
aes cecha graidh, 7 roícc æs eecha tedhma, 7 rothodhuisigh marbhu. 
5 20 Ceileabhraz.s doibh iardain, 7 facbhus bellnachtain forru. 
LUIDH iarsin co hEle. Lotar fir Murnan inadhiaidh 1 feib donucsat cach 
dibh dialaile indegaid Patraz"c. IS ann sin do airtetar fir Mumhan, feruibh, 
macuibh, mnaib, inhi Pátraic .J. oc Brosnaehaibh, eu rolasat morghair 7 
morbroscar ar fhailti fheghtha for Pátraic. Et is de sin rohainmn
5 2 5 Brosnaehu Ele. 
IS ann sin roeeileabuir d'feruibh Muma1t, 7 dobert bennacht forru: ut 
[foe 6. b. I.] 

Beannaehl De for 1\1 umain, 
feruibh, macuibh, mnaibh, 
bennaehl forsin talumh 
dobeir taradh dhaibh. 
Bennachl for cech n-innmhas 
gignes for a mbrughaibh, 
cen nach foiri cobair 
bennaehl De for Mhumain. 
Benn aehl fora mbennu, 
fora leacu lorna, 
bennaehl fora nglenna, 
bennaeht fora ndroma. 
Gainiumh lir foa longuibh 
roppat lir a tealluig, 
i fanuibh, i reidhibh, 
i sleibhibh, i mbennuib. 


53 0 


54 0 

Luidh Pátraic for cuI co Firu Rois euro thriall congbail in Druim Mor. 
545 IS ann sin tainic in t-aingel 7 atbert fris: 'Ni sunn doraid Dia friut airisiumh.' 
'Celst, cia hairm?' 01 Pátraic. 'ISi1z Mhacha thuaidh,' 01 in t-aingel. 
Dolluid Pátraic iarsin do Ard Pátraic fria Lughbhadh 2 anair, 7 rotriall 
congbail ann. Ticedh Patraic cech dia 0 Ard Pátraic, 7 ticedh Mochta 
o Lughbadh aniar eu comraicdis imacallai1n cech dia oc Lic Mhochta. Laa 
55 0 n-oen ann tuc in t-aingel eipistil eatarra. Airleghuidh Pátraic hi, 7 iss ed 
bui innti : 


Mochta craibhdech credhal 
b idh airm in rogal>atf, 
Patraicc la breithir in righ 
hi IVlacha nonanadh. 
1 MS. inadhiaigh. 2 MS.lughmhagh. 



TEIT Pátraic iarsin don Macha la breithir in aingil co du ita Ráith Daire 
inniu. Bui araili fer soimm airmhitneeh ind inbaidh-sin a nAirteraibh, Daire 
a ainm. Roghuidh Pátraic intí Daire arco tartadh inadh a reclesa do i n- 
Druim Sailech, du ita Ard Macha i[ n Jniu. Asbert na tibhreth in teala
Dobreth Ùnl1zorro inad do isin glinn, du ita ind Fherta inniu. Fothazgius 560 
didÙt Pátraic fria re cian ann. Laa n-ann tuctha da ech Daire do ithe 
feoir in du sin. Rofergaiged Pátraic desin eur'bo marb na heochu foelloir. 
F ergaigther 1 Daire umma heochu do mharbad,7 atbert in elérech do n1harbad. 
Dos-fanie tamh 7 Í1'eaghdad opunn cu Daire, cur'bo focraibh bas dou. 'To- 
eradh in cJeirzg fodera sin,' 01 in ben bui oea, ' 7 ríar ui
h fris,' or si. Docuas 5 6 5 I- 
iarsin do chuingidh uisqui ernalgthi for Pátraic do Daire. (Ni sechmad,' 01 
Pátraic [foe 6. b. 2] . . 'minbadh in ben didÙt ni biad eseirgi do Daire cobrath.' 
Bennuighis Pátraic in t-uisqui, 7 raidhis a tabairt do Dairi 7 tarna heochu. 
Dogniter amlaid, 7 atracht Daire cona eochu focedair. Rucad didiu coiri umha 
a n-edbairt do Patraic 0 Dhaire. ' Deo gracia,' 01 Pátraic. Rofhiarfacht 570 
Daire dia muÙztz'r eid asbert an cleirech. ' Gratiam,' or in muinter. ' N i 
maith in Iuach deghcoiri,' 01 Daire. 'Tabhur uadh doridhisi,' 01 Dáire. 
Tucsat in coiri uadh doridhisi. ' Deo gracias,' 01 Pátraic. Indisit a mZl1lter 
do Daire a n-asbert Pátraic. 'IS e eétbriathar aicisiumh in g1J'aciam,' or 
Daire, '.1. gratiam ica tabairt do 7 gratial1'l ica breith uadha.' Luidh Dáire 575 
cona sheitig iardain do oighréir Pátraic,7 roedbairset in eoiri do 7 in tealach 
cOllnaiteach fair ria sunn dan ainm Ard Macha inniu, et Ard Soilech a ainm 
IS amlaid Ùnl1lorro rothoraind Pátraic in raith, 7 in t-aingel reme 7 
esiumh 'nadhiaidh 2 cona muntir 7 cona shruithibh, 7 in Bhachall Issu- il-Iaimh 5 80 
At é annso na sruithe atcuaidh ferta Patraic .1. Colum ciIle 7 Ultan 7 
Adhomhnan mae Tinde, 7 Airenan ind ecna, et Ciaran Bealazg Duin, et 
espoc Airmedach 0 Clochar, et Colman Uamach, 7 Crimthan 3 Collait 
o Druim Relgech. 5 8 5 
Fear fír tra in fer sin 0 glaine aicnid amal uasalathair. Firailither 
amal Abraham. Cennais dilgedach 0 cridhi amal Moysi. Sailmcetlaid 
molbtach amal Dabid. Estudh hecna 7 eoluis amal SholmoÙl. Lestar 
toghai fri fogra firinni amal Phol n-apstal. Fer Ian do rath 7 deolaidhecht 4 
in Spirata N aÍ1n, amal Eoin. Lubhghort cain co clallnaib sualach. Gesca 590 
! MS. fergaz"dther. 2 ThIS. nadhiaigh. 3 leg. Cruimther. ' MS. deolaigherht. 



finemna co tairthigi. Tene thæidhlech co ngris ngairthe 7 tesaigechta na 
mac mbethad urn fhatudh 7 t-soillsuighadh dhesherce. Leo ar mharnirt 7 
chumachta. Colum ar chennsa 7 diuite. N aithir ar thuaichli 7 treabaire. 
Fer n1aeth, cennais, un1al, ailgell ria macuibh bethad: ainmin, ecennuis fria 
595 macaib bais. Mogh sæthair 7 foghnama do Christ. Ri ar ordan 7 cum- 
achta fri cuibriuch [foe 7. a. I] 7 tuaslucud, fria soerad 7 dhoerad, fria beth- 
ugud 7 marbad. 
IArna moirmhirbllilib-si, tra, 7 iar todhuscud marbh, ar n-{c dhall 7 clamh 
7 bacach 7 aosa cacha tedhma olcena, iar bhforcetul bhfer nEirenn 7 iar 
600 mbaithius, iar fothugud cheall 7 mainisdrech, iar coscrad idhal 7 arracht 7 
ealadhan ndruidhechta, rocomfhoicsigh laithi a eitsichta inhi noebh Pa- 
Ì1'aic 7 a dhula dochum nime. Et iss ed rotrialI, dul do Ard Macha ar 
cumad ann nobeth a eiseirghe. Doriacht Victor aillgel chuige, 7 is ed roraidh 
fris: 'Eirc fortculai don bhaili asa tudhcaduis .1. don tSabhall, ár is ann 
605 atbela 7 ní a nArd IVlacha dorat Dia dzdt h'eiseirghi. Th'ordan 7 th'oirechus, 
do chrabudh 7 t'forcetul amal dobhethea beo a nArd Macha. Dogealluis do 
Dichoin comad aigi nobeth h' eiseirghi,' 01 in t-aingel. Doraidh Patrazc: 'as 
in dæiri co crích damsa intan nach cUl1zngaim mo adhnacul isinn inad 
is tol dam.' Roraidh in t-aillgel: 'N á bidh bron fort, a Pátrazc, ár biaidh 
610 h'ordan 7 h'oirechus a n-Ard Mac/la, gid a n-Dun bias h'eserghe; 7 dorat Dia 
maithiusa imdha duit. Or dorat duit nemh do Dhichoin COlla claÍ1z1t. Dorat 
duit moirseser gacha sathairrn d'feraibh Eire1Z1z do breith 0 phein docum 
nimhe. Dorat dllit gach æn ghebhus do ymonn il-Iaithi a eitseachta conach 
bé ind Ithfern. Dorat dztit cumba tu bus b,'eithium bratha ar feruibh Eire1uz.' 
615 Doroine Patraz'c comairle in aingil, 7 rothoiris i crich nUlad. 
IN tan tra tainic uair a eitsechta Pátraic dorat espoc Tassach corp Crist 
do, 7 rof11aidh a spirut docum nimhe isind-ara bliadaÍ1z .xxx. ar clt a aoisi. 
Tancatar Í11Z1JlOrrO aillgil nime arceand anma Pátraic 7 rucsat leo he dOC1t111 
nime gu n-anoir 7 airmitin moire Et gidh mor a anoir coleic bidh mo a 
620 ndail bratha intan adreset fir dhomaÍ1z la forcongrai Michil archaingil. Et 
raghait fir Eirc1l1l a comhdail Pátraic co Dun Lethglaisi co 1ldichset maroen 
friss co Sliab Sion, baili i ndingne [fo. 7. a. 2] Crist mes for clainn nAdhaimh 
isin laiti-sein : intan, didill, suidfes Crist for righsuidhi a mhiadamla ac meas 
na tri muinnter .1. muinter nimi 7 talman 7 ithfirn. Et suidhfit in da esbal 
62 5 déc imaille fris for dibh righsuidhibh dec oc mes for dibh trebaibh dec 
clailllli Israhel. Suidhfidh didiu Patraic intan sin fo,'" righsuidhi a brethemlt- 



nachta 7 midhfidh for feruibh Eire1Z11, ár is e Pátraz"c is esbal for EirÙzn, 
7 is athuir forcetuil 7 irsi doibh, 7 is e bus bretheamh forru il-lo bratha. Et 
is maille fris ragait iar bhfuighiull bratha in fhaireann rocomhaillset a timna 
7 a fhoircetal an æintibh, a n-errnazgthi, a n-almsanuibh, a trocuire, a cennsa J 630 
a ndilghitaidh 1 7 isna timnaibh diadhaibh olcena isin bhflaith nemhdhai. 
Rofhacuibh in t-ai1lgel comhairle la Patraz"c amal nohadhnachta, 7 is ed 
asbert fris: 'Tucthar,' ar se, 'da ócdam dhisciri do cethrib Conaill a Finna- 
bair . I. 0 Clochar, 7 suidzgter do corp a cethurræn, 7 cibe leth dhighset 7 
i tairiset a n-ænltr bidh insin nodadhnaclltsa.' Et doronad amlaz"d iama 635 
eitsecht. Et fri re da oidhchi 2 dhéc .1. airet robatur sruithi Eirell1Z ica aire, 
ni raibhi [a] daig i 1Ylaiginis acht soillsi ai1lgelacdaann. Atberat araili is co 
cenn mblz"ad1le robui in t-soillsi ann. Conz"d de ita T richa cét na Soillsi. 
Bui tra triall cuiblingi moiri 7 cata itz"r Ulltu 7 H ua Neill ica cosnam 
do Ard Macha 7 Ulaid ica fhastud acu fein. IS ed didiu tarfas doibh uili 64 0 
breith in cuirp do cách dibh docum a thiri, cu ro etarscar Dia fonn innlts sin 
tria rath Pátraic. 
Arroét didÙt COmlt1Ul 7 sacarbaic 0 espac T assaclz, 7 rofhaidh a spirut 
docum nime isin tSabhall. 
Rohadhnacht Ï11U1l0rrO Patraic a nDun da Lethglas co n-anoir 7 co 645 
n-airmhitin, co bhfertaibh 7 mirbhuilib cechlaithidhi. Cidh mor J didiu, a 
anoir colleic, bidh mo a ndail bratha ind oentuidh 3 apstal7 descipul fssu, ind 
oentuidh 3 .ix. ngradh nimhe, i n-æntuidh 3 dheachta 7 dænacllta Meic De, 
a n-æntaid na næmtrinoidi .1. Athai1" 7 Mac 7 Spirztt Næl1Z. 
Ailim trocuire De ulicumhachtaigh co risium ind æntaid sin IN saecula 65 0 
saeculof1t1Jl, amen. 

1 MS. andilghitaigh. 

2 1\15. oighthi. 

3 1\1:5. oentuigh. 

D 2 

[fo. 7. b. 1.] 
Beth(a) Coluz.m Cille annso 
7 tabrad gach Iegfas a bheannacht for anmannaib na lanumhan 
docuir da scriben1z hí. 

655 ' E XI de terra tua et de domo patris tua, et uade in terram quam tibi 
monstrauero' .1. Faeoibh do thir 7 do thalamh 7 do eoibnesom 
eollaidi 7 t'athardha ndilis eramsa, 7 eire isin tir faillsigfetsa duit. 
IN Coimdhi fein dorat an eomairle eairdemail sea do ehenn na hirsi 
foirphthe 7 na ereitme eomlaine . I. do Abraham mac Thara, euro fhaebad a 
660 thir fesin . I. tir Caldea 7 eu tised dia ailithri 1 isin tir nofhaillsighfed Dia dho 
I. tir tarrngaire. Moysi, im1norro, mae Amhrai taiseeh tuaithi De, in fear 
rolinad 0 rath 7 0 deolaidhecht in Spirta NóÙnh, is e roseribh in eoibdhe 
coiseeartha tall i nGenisis in Rechta eu ro maradh dogres OC01'l eelais in 
ehainehomhairle cairdemail-sea in Coimded fadesin, do Abraham, do erail 
665 ailitre fair, co 1z-epert fris: 'Exi de terra tua.' Faeoib do thir 7 do taln'lain 
IS ed seel erdraicighter on Coimdid fein da irail for Abraham faebdil tire 
Caldea rop athardha dhiles do 7 toidhecht da ailithre i tir tharrngaire 
ardaigh in mhaithiusa nobhiath do fein de 7 dia elain1z 7 dia eineadh da eisi. 
670 IN fer im1norro dia tard Dia in eomhairle-sea .1. Abraham, IS esidhe 
airmhighter 2 isin seriptur mar athair dona huilib iriseaehaib, amal deimnighes 
in t-apstal co n-apair: 'AS iat meie Abraham iar bhfir,' ar in t-apstal, 'na 
huili nos-inntsamhlaighet 0 iris forbhthi.' 
IN mhaith didiu roerail Dia sunn for athair na n-iriseek .1. for 
675 Abraham, dleghar da maeuibh na dhiaz'd 3 .1. dona hiriseehaibh uile a 
eomhall .1. a tir 7 a tala1Jl, a n-innmhus 7 a n-airfited sæghulla d'faebail ar 
in Coimdid na ndula, 7 nul [fo. 7. b. 2] i n-ailithre fhoirbhthi iarna innt- 
Ó thrí moduibh Í1nl1zorro toehuirter na daine co haithnius 7 co muinn- 
680terus in Coimded. IS e in eétna modh, gresaeht 7 adhannadh na ndaine on 
rath diadha co tecait do fhoghnam don Coimdz'd iar ndeismireckt Phoil 7 

1 1\1S. ailithir. 

2 leg. airmither. 

IS. dhiaig. 



Antoin manazg 7 na n-uili manach n-irisech olcena nofhognad do Dia thall 
isin Eghipt. Tochuirter na daine on mudh thanusti tria proiceptoiribh 
noemaibh pritchait in scriptur ndiadhai dona dainib iar ndeismirecht Poil 
apstail ropritchai do genntibh C01ZltS-tuc tre lin in t-soscé la doeum puirt 68 5 
bethad. Tochuirter dallo na daine on treas tre eeentaidh 1 .1. intan eoimei- 
cniger fria foghnum De tria treabhlaiteibh 7 tre guassachtaibh betho, no tre 
deiliugud frisna maithibh aimserdaibh i mbit, iar ndeismirecht sin popull 
Israel rocomshoi c2tsin Coimdhe 0 adhrad idhal 7 arracht iarna eoimeicnig-ud 
ona treablaitibh 7 ona documhlaib fuair each a cinélaib echtranna'ib, amal690 
innister isin scriptuir. Conid da forcell sin atbeir in faid Dauid: 0 foghebut 
popul Israel treablaide 7 guasachta mora not-gessiut 7 not-aitcet in Coimdhe 
eu soerad in Coimde iarsin iat ona documlaib sin. 
Abraham, didÙt, cenn na hirsi foirbhthi 7 na creidmhe comlaine, 0 
ragreisedh on rath diadha rocomaill an timna roforcongradh fair on 695 
Coimdid . I. dochuaid i tir Caldea co rainic airm a n-derbailt a athair, 7 
tainic asside i tir tarnngaire. *' 
Atait im1norro tri hernaili 0 bhfacuibh duine a athardha intan teit ind 
aiIithri, et ita æn dibhside arna fagur focraice 0 Dhia,7 ata a dho ara fagur. 
U air tan ann facaibh nech a athardha 0 curp namá, 7 ni etarscarann a 7 00 
menma ria pecthaibh 7 duailchib, 7 ni sanntaigh sualach na soghnimh do 
denamh. IN aiIitri, iarul1z dogniter amlaid sin ni fhasann torad na tarba 
don anmuin, acltt sæthar 7 imluadh euirp eodimhain, ár is suaill a tharba 
do neoch deirghi a atharda mina derna maith 'na hecmais. U air cid 
Abraham fein [fo. 8. a. I] is iar bhfacbhail dó a thire dilsi 7 iar n-etar- 705 
s[ c ]arad fris iar eurp dorat in Coimdi in comairli so co ndebairt: 'Exi de 
terra tua :' Ben do cheill budhesta dot tír 7 dot tal1JzaÍ1z J 7 na bidh do 
menma re himpódh fris doridhisi. Amal bidh edh atbereadh Dia fein eu 
follus re hAbraham: Imgaibh 0 churp 7 0 anmain 0 sunn in1mach it ailitri. 
pectha 7 duailche in tire in ro aitreabuis anallana iar curp, uair is inann 710 
do neoch 7 noaitreabadh ana atharda dia n-indtsamhlazgi bes a athardha ina 
ailithre, uair nochon ó shet nach 0 coimimluadh euirp eomfhoicsighes nech 
do Dia, acht is tria denum sualach 7 soghnimh. Feacht aili im11Zorro 
facbaidh nech a athardha 0 duthracht cridhi 7 0 mhenmaÏ1z cencu 
facaibh 0 curp, amal docuirethar dona hoirdnidibh tóchaithiumh a m-7 1 5 
bethad ina tiribh fein eu bas ar ros-fastat tuatha 7 hecalsa isna ferannaib 
1 1\1 S. ecentaigh. 



i m-bit, ar mhét a tarbha dhoibh, uair naeh ar ehollaideeht tairismhighit 
'na n-athardha, gebidh a cæin nduthracht greinl n-ailitre dhoibh icon 
7 20 F eacht aili facoibh neach a athardhai eucomlá1Z 0 Cltrp 7 0 anmaÙz, 
feibh rofhaesat in da apstal dee 7 lucht na hailitre fairbhthi dar' tarrngair in 
Caimmde marmaith dia n-ebairt isin t-soseél: Dénuid áirithe dhe so, ár ó 
uathad co sochaidi retreicseabhuir orumsa bar tir 7 bar eoibhnesa eallaidi, 
bur sealbh 7 bar n-aibhnis saegulla co bhfuighbhidh a elt coibheis do 
7 2 5 mhaith uaimsi ibhus isin t-soegul 7 in betha shuthaÙz tall iar bfuighiull 
IS iat so lucht na hailitre camlaine iar bhfír isa persainn atbeir in faidh : 
'Berim a buidi riut, a Dhe, is ailitre 7 is dearaidecht dan1 in soegul iar 
n-intsamail na sruithe remthechtach.' 
730 Sochaide, tra, do mhaghaibh dilsi in Coimdhed, itir petarlaic 7 nufhiad- 
1zissi, ro eomullsat eoforbhthi in eomairli cændutrachtachsa 7 forfhacuibhset 
a tir 7 a taltnaÙz 7 a n -a thardha 7 a coibnes callaidi ar in Coimdid na nd uIa: 
7 dochuatar ind ailitre i tiribh eiana comuighthi. Feibh rocamuill 7 
rafhacaibh a duthchus talmallna ar gradh 7 uamU1Z in Choimdhedh 1 
735 [fa. 8. a. 2] an t-ardnoebh 7 in t-airdecniudh 7 in mac togaidi do Dia 
diata lith 7 foraithmet i n-eemong na ree-sea 7 na haimsire . I. uasalshacart 
innsi Góidel 2 , in choer eamraie rohecradh 0 thaillnibh 7 0 danuibh ecsamla 
in Spirta NóÙn .1. inti noemColu11Z cille mac FeidhlÙnid. 
IS ann ceileabrait na Cristaidi lith 7 sallo1Jut1z eitsechta CaluÙlz chilli, 
74 0 hi cingtidh Iuin arai laithi mis grene cacha bliadlle isin laithi-sea inniu 
7 rl. 
IN disit hecnaidi na nGóidel 2 ind inbaidh-sin cacha bliadlle becan eumair 
d'[oillsiugud shachair 7 shoerclanndachta CaluÙn cille, 7 dona fertuibh 7 
dona mirbhuilibh diairmhz'di doroine in Coimdhi aire ibhus isin tsoegul, 
745 7 don fhorbadh 7 don fhoircenn shainemail dorat fadeaidh 3 for a rith 
mbuadhai .1. rochtain coa fhírathardhai 7 coa dhuthchus fein .1. eu haitreibh 
parrduis i frecnarcus De tre bithu sir. 
U asal 'i1JI1JZorro a ceneol CholuÙn cille il-Ieth risin soegul, uair do cenel 
COllaill maic Neill atacomnaic. T oich dó righi nEire1l1l iar ngenelach, 7 
75 0 tarcas dó mina leiged uad ar Dhia. Follus eumba mac togha do Dia hé, ár 
robhatar suithi EirelZ1z ica thairehetal ríana gheinemhuin. 
1 1\15. repeats an choimdhedh. Z MS. goigel. 3 MS. fadeoigh. 



Dorairngert cetus sinnser shacart Eiren1t senMochta Lugba[id] inti 
Colu1n cille bliadain riana gheineamaÙt. U air fechtus dolluid a choic, 
Macrith a ainm, 7 coadh cno ina laimh, co l1-ebairt Mochta fris: 'Ni leamsa,' 
ar sé, ' an ferann asa tucad na cno so: taisigh iat co ti intí asa ferann.' , Cuin 755 
dorega se?' or in coicc. ' I cinn cét bliadne, or Mochta. N ognathazged 
dano Mochta a aigheadh budhtuaid oc ernazgthi. No fhiafraighset a 
m2tinter dhe cidh ara n-denad sin. Roraidh Mochta: 

Macan gignither 1 atuaidh 
ic turc[a]bail na mbith6 
toirithnigh 2 Ere in breo 
ocus Alba dhainech dh6. 
Dorairngert immorro athair baitsi 7 forcetuil na nGoeidel 3 .1. noem- 
Phatraic, dia mbui occ bennachad Conuill a sidh Ædha intan rofhuirim a 
dhi laim for Conull 7 for a mac, for F erghus . I. a lamh dhes for cenn F erghusa 7 6 5 
7 a lam chlé for cenn COlzaill. Romhachtad Conall sin, 7 rofhiafraig de 
cidh ar roshamhuigh a lamha amhlaid sut. Rogabh Patraic in rann-sa: 
[foe 8. b. I]. Geinfidh macan dia fhine 
bidh sai, bhidh faidh, bidh file, 
inmhain lespaire glan gle, 77 0 
na hebera imarbhe. 

7 60 

Bidh sui ocus bhidh craibdech, 
bidh dalbh la righ na righrath, 
bidh buan ocus bidh bithmhaith, 
ron-fia in bithfhlaith dia dhidhnad 4 . 
Rathirchan dano Bec mac De dia ndebairt : 


Macan Eithne toebhfhota 
sech is bail is bláthugud, 
Co]u1n cillecan cen on 
nir'bo romh in ráthughadh. 

7 80 

Dorairngert dano esboc Eogan Arda Sreath co n-ebairt : 
Mac beruir do 5 Fhelimid 
bidh mi[ n]n for cech cleir, 
Felimid mac Fergusa, 
maic Conuill, maic Neill. 

7 8 5 

1 1\15. gignighther. 2 1\IS. toirichnigh. 
4 1\15. dighnad. 

8 MS. ngoeigel. 
II 1\IS. die 



Dorairngert Baide mae Bronaigh a n-uair a eitsiehta inti Cohan Cllle., 
co n-eibirt ria muÙztir: 'Rogenair isinn aidhchi I-sea innocht mac n-uasal 
n-airmheitnech fiadh Dia 7 daine, 7 doragha sunn i cinn .xxx. blz'adnt' 
[ónnocht.] då fher dhec a lín, 7 is e fhoillsighfes mu lighi-sea 7 toirrnebhus 
790 mu relee, 7 biaidh ar n-ænta in nimh 7 i talmaÙz.' 
Amail rotirchanad 0 sruithlb Eire111l gein COlztÙ1Z cllle, is amlald rofiu- 
gradh i bhfisibh 7 i n-aislingibh feibh rofiugrad isin taidhbhsin tarfas dia 
máthæir.J .dar-le brat mordo tabairt di eu rochto indsi Modh 2 co CæirnAbrocc, 
7 ni bhui dath nat bui ann: co 1Z-acca óglach ind étach thaitnemach cu ruc 
795 uaithi in brat isin n-ær, 7 ba toirseck Eithne dhe sin. Et atar-le tainic in 
t-oclach cétna adochum doridisi, co lz-ebairt ria: 'A ben mhaith, ni rice a leas 
bron na toirrse do denam, acht is cora duz't subhai 7 forbhfailti : uair in 
brat-sa iss ed doforne co 1J1berasa mac, 7 bid Ian Ere 7 Alba dia forcetul.' 
Atconnuic dano a ben imthasi aislingi eathaite in aeir 7 na talma1z atar- 
800 Ie do bl'eith inathair Eithne fo crichaib Eirenn 7 Alball. Ruc Ethne brezïh 
na haislÙzgi sin: 'Beratsa mac,' 01 si, '7 rosia a forcetal fo crich Eirenn 7 
Amal rotirchanad iarztl1z 0 sruithlb Eire1Z1l 7 amall itces i bhfisibh, 
rogenair Colu1Jt Cille amlaid sin. Gortan dano ainm an inaidh in rogenair. 
80 5 Hi septit Decimbir dano arai laithi mis grelze, 7 dardain ara[i] laithi secht- 
Amra tra in mac rogenair ann sin, mac do Righ nimhe 7 talmal1 . J . 
Collt11Z cille mac Feili1llid meic Fergltsa mez"c Conuill [foe 8. b. 2] Gulban 
meic Neill N aighiallazg. Do Corpraighi 3 Laigelt a mátkair . I. Ethne 
810011mhar illgen Dimai meic N æi. Baisdter iarltl1Z in mac la Cruithnechan 
mac Ceallazg in t-uasalshacart,7 ro[s Jail iardain arna radh d'ainglib De fris. 
o tainic tra aimser leiginn dó, luid in clérech co araili faid bui isin tir 
da fiarfazgi dhe cuin bud choir tinnscetal don mhac. 0 rofhegh in faidh 
in nen1h is ed roraidh: 'Scribh innosa dho aibghitir.' Roscribad in aibghiter 
81 5 i mbairgin 7 [is amlaid doromailt Colum cille in bairgen .1. a leth fd huisce 
anair 7] a leth fria huisci aniar. Asbert in faidh tria rath faitsine: 'IS 
amlaid bias fcrann in meic- si, a leth fri muir anair 7 a leth fri muir aniar' . I. 
ind EirÍ1Z1z. 
Nir' chian iarum, luid 7 a aidi ar notluic gu Brogach mac Degaid Cltsan 
820 esboc do Rathaibh Enuigh a tir Enna. Roherbadh ria aidi-sium risin clérech 
1 1\15. aighthi. 2 1\IS. mogh. · :\15. corrraidhi. 



ord sacairt do dhenan1h isinn inad-sin arin sollanllt1l. Rogabh imnaire eside 
cor'éimidh 1 in salm do rocht do do gabail Miscricordias. Gabhuis Í1Jll11{)1TO 
fer in raith .J. COllt111 czlle in salm dia raith acht cena ni rolegh-som acht 
aibghiter nama eosin. Romorad ainm De 7 ColltÙn cille tresan mírbhuil sin. 
FEACHT aili luid-sium 7 a aidi do thoruma dhuine galair. Ic dul doib 825 
tria chaillid tuislidh cos in cleirzg don carraic,gu torchair co u-erbailt cuhobunn. 
Dorat-somh a cochull fo cinn in cléirzg ár ni fhitir nach ina chodlud robui. 
Et roghabh for mebhraghadh a aicepta cu cualatur araile caillecha a urlegh- 
iunn çorice a reelés. IS ed dorimhet ind eolazg, mile co leith do beth etarra, et 
cluinti comeuic fogur a ghotha in airet-sin. Tancatar na caillecha iarsin, 7 8 3G 
fuaratar in clérech marbh aracinn, 7 roraidset risseomh dZtscad in cleirzg 
doibh. Docuaidh-sium acétor docum in clérigh da dhltscud. Atracht dauo 
in clérech a bas la breitir COIUÙJl cille amail bidh 'na chodlud nobeth. 
IS AND sin ron-edbair COlzt11Z cille don Coimdid na ndula 7 conatuigh teora 
itghi uadh .J. oighi 7 hecna 7 ailithri 2. Doratait do na triur cucomlan. 835 
CEILIDRAIS iarsin dia aidi, 7 dorat in t-aidi deonuchud 7 bennachtain do 
codicra. Luidh iarsin d'foghlaim ccna cltsan uasalshacart.J. cusan esboc, 
co Finnen Mhaighi Bile. 
FEACTUS ann teasta fín 7 bairgell ar Fhinnen oconn oifriunn. Benna- 
chais ColU1JZ cille [fo. 9. a. 1] in t-uisqui cu rosoidheth i bhfin cu tart isin cailech 84 0 
n-oiffrinn. Ramorad ainm De 7 ColztÙn cille tresin bhfirt-sin. 
CEILIUBRAIS iarsin do Fhinnen i Maigh Bile OCltS luidh cu German 
Maighister. FECTUS oc denamh aicepta ac German COllaccatur illgi1t 'nan- 
dochum oc teiched re araili dunoirgnid, cu torchuir 'na bhfiadhnuse gur'bhó 
marbh. Rofhuirim COIU1Jt breitir n-escaine fair co n-erbhailt focedoir. 845 
CEILIDRAIDH iarsin do German 7 luid co Finnen Clztaua hedhairt (sic). 
Rofiafrazgsium d'Finne1t cia airm i n-dingned a bhoith. 'Denaid a ndorlts na 
cille,' ar Finnell. Doghní-sium a bhoith, 7 nir'bó dorus na cilli inuairsin. 
Atbcrt-sum cena robud he donts na cathrach iardain. Et iss cd ón rocomhailled. 
FEACHTUS domheiled broin gach fer dona hespocaib arl1uair. Aingeal85 0 
do nim illl1llorro nomheiled doraith ColltÍ1JZ cille. Ba hi sin anoir dobereadh 
in Coimdi dosltm ara shochenelazgi seoch cacho 
T AIDBSI tarfas fechtus do Finden . I. da esca do turcbhail 0 ClltaÙt 
traird . I. esca órdhuidhi 3 7 esca aircdidi. Luid in t-esca orduidi i tuaiscert 
na hindsi .J. cu rolas Ere 7 Alba de. Lu.idh an t-esca aircdidi gu roghabh 855 
1 MS. éimigh. 2 1\15. ailithir. 3 1\15. ordhuighi. 




o Shinainn, guy'rolas Ere ar medhon. Coholl Cille sin COlla rath soceineoil 7 
ecna et Ciaráll co taitnemh a shualach 7 a shognim. 
CEILEABRAIS iarsin Colioll cille do Findcn 7 luidh co Glais N aiden, ár 
robui coeca oc foghlaim isinn inadh-sin ac lVlobhi im Chainnccll 7 im 
860 Comgall, 7 im Ciaran. A mbotha fria huisqui aniar. Adhaig 1 ann robeanad 
in cloc im iarmérghi. Luid Colu1J1- cille don eclais. Lia mor isinn abuinn. 
Luidh araidhi Colu11z cille COlla étach trethe. 'IS calma tecar annsin inocht, 
a Huai Neill l' ar Mobhi. 'IS tualalzg Dia,' 01 Colu1Jl cz1le, 'in soetar do 
dingbdil dinne.' Icc tiachtuin doib didizt isin eclais C01lacatar na botha fria 
865 huisqui anair re comhfhocraibh na hecclaisi. 
FECHTUS ann doronad eclas mhor ac Mobí. Batar na cleirzg ica imradh 
cia Ian bud maith la each dibh do beth acu isinn eclais. 'Robo maith Ieamsa,' 
01 Ciaran, 'a Ian do macuib ecalsa [fo. 9. a. 2] do tathaighid na trath.' 
, Robo maith leamsa,' ar Cainnech, 'a Ian do leabhruibh ocum do foghnam 
870 do macuibh bethad.' 'Robo maith Ieamsa,' ar Comgall, 'a Ian do shoeth 7 
do ghaJar do beth am cltrp fadesin dom traethad 7 dom timargain.' 
Dora[ e ]ga dano Cohan Cille a Ian do ór 7 argztt do chumhdac/Z minn 7 
mainisdrech. Adrubhairt Mobhi na bhudh shamlaid, ackt robhudh saidbre 
sámhud Coluil1Z cille in as cech sámztd etir EirÙz1l 7 Albain. 
875 ADUBHUIRT Mobhi re dhaltuibh derge ann inaid ir-rabhutar, ár donicfad 
teidm anaithnid ann .1. in Buidhe C01laill. Adubairt dano ra Colunz cille 
na roghabadh ferann cu ro deonuiged-som. 
L UIDH Collun cille a cenel COllaill . Dochuaid tar an abhuinn dianad ainm 
Biur. Annsin adubairt-sium: 'Bir fri fochaide ;' 7 ni luid in teidhm secha 
880 sin, et is tirt bithbeo beolts sin, ar ccclt teidhm acht co tiagur tairis ní lean 
secha sin tre breithir Coluil1l cille. 
L UID iarsin do Daire re dun Aeda meic Ainmireclt: as eside ba rí for 
EirÙul intansin. Roidhbair in ri in dun-sin do COIU1Jl cille. Roob-side fobith 
timna Mobhi. Ac toidccht il1l1JlOrrO dó asin dun amach conric fria dIs 
885 do mltlltir Mobhi, 7 criss Mobhi acu dhosom, 7 deonugud ferainn do ghabdil 
iar n-ec Mobhi. IS ann adubhuirt Colu1Jl : 
Cris IVlobhi 
nipdar simne irnrn 10: 
nir' hosglad urn shaith, 
nÍr' hiadhadh im gh6. 

89 0 

1 1\1 S. aghaidh. 



Gabais Colum eille iarsin dún Æda 7 fothaighis eelais ann co bhfertuibh 
imdha do denltm innti. 
FEACHTUS ann rofhaidh-sium a manehu isin ehaillid do bein cæIazg do 
cumhdaeh eelasi aeu i n-Daire. IS ann roboingedh, a bhferunn araili oglaich 
ba eomhfhoeraibh don eelais. Ba toeradh do sidhe in fidhaeh 1 do bein ina 895 
fherann ein deonugud dó fein. 0 raehuala COIU1JZ eille inní-sin doraidh re 
mhuinntir: 'Beridh lógh a fhidhaich 2 dó do gran eorna, 7 euirid isin taI1JlaÙt.' 
Doehuaidh i1111110rrO tar medhon samhraid intansin. Ruead iarsin in gran 
don oelach. Rolai-side isin taI1JlaÍ11. Rofhas eur'bó abuidh am lugnasadh. 
FEACHTdosum an Daire dobreth leanamh bee euigi da bhaisded[fo.9. b.l]. 9 00 
Ni raibhi uisee i eomhfhoeus do, co tard-som sigin na eroiehe tarsin earraie 
bai na fhiadhnaisi, eu romhuid 3 tobar uisee eisdi 7 gur' baisded in Ieanamh as. 
FECHTUS dosum a nDaire, noimraideth duia do Roimh 7 do Iarltsale1Jz. 
Luidh-sium fechtus iarsin a Daire eu Toirinis Martain, co tue in soisell bai for 
Martain elt bliadne i tal1Jlain, eOl11ts-faeaib i nDairi. 905 
lVloR, tra, do fertuibh 7 do mhirbhuilib doroine Dia ar Chol1t1l1 i nDairi. 
Roeharsom eumor in eathra
 sin, co ll-ebairt : 
ISaire caraim Dairi, 
ara reidhi, ara ghlaini, 
ár is lomlan aingeal bhfinn 
on chinn coric araile. 

9 10 

Fothaigidh iarsin Raith mBotha. Annsin rothodhuise-seomh In soer 
iama bhadhadh a linn in mui1Í1uz. 
FEACHT ann i Raith Bhoth, teasta soee ona mhuinntir, eu robennaeh-som 
lama in meie bhie boi 'na fharrad, Ferghna a ainm, co llderna sidhe in soe; 79 1 5 
ba heolueh ngaibnechta he osin amaeh trena bennachad som. 
L UID iarsin for euairt co righ T efa, co tard sein do an t-inad danad ainm 
Dermaeh iniu, et doroine reeles ann. A nDermhuigh dano tuetha ubia serbha 
dhosom, eu robhennaeh iat eomdar soimhillsi. 
IS e Dermhaig ruetha uadhasom elaidhiub 4 senta do ChoIman Mor 920 
mae Diarmada. IS e rath robui fair na hapladh neeh ina freaenarelts, con- 
atuieh iarlt111 araili duine bui a n-galar in elaideb. Tuead do eu mboi oea. 
BliadaÙl 5 tra don claideb oea seeh nír'bó beo, nír'bo bó marbh in airet-sin. 
Co rlteadh in elaideb uadh iarsin co ll-erbailt foeltair. IArsinní tra robhean- 

1 M 5. fighach. 
4 1\15. claidiulTI. 

2 1\1S. fhigbaich. 

8 1\15. romhuigh. 
5 1\15. Bliagai11. 

E 2 



925 nach-som Dermach, et forfacuib coimeduidhi I da ll1itÙltz"r ann Cormac 
L UID-SIUJ\IH iarsin co hÆd Slaine mac nDiarmada. T araill citsin maighin 
risa raitter Cenannlts inniu. Dún rig Eire1lJl eisein intansin.1. dun Diarmada 
mez"c Cerbhuill. a rafhuirig didÙt COIUl1Z Cille indorlts in duine doghabh 
930for tairchetul in nech 2 dobiad don baili iardain, [fo. 9. b. 2] co n-ebaz"rt iarsin 
fria Bec mac nDe .1. faidh Diarmada mez"c Cerbazll: 

A Bhicc an, innisi dhamh, 7 rl. 

Roraidh Bec : 

Cleirigh fileat forar lar, 7 r1. 
935 Toirnidh 3 iaflt1n in cathrazg, 7 bennachais hi doleir, et adubairt robad hi 
congbhail budh airdi nobhiadh aca isna talma1ldaibh gengub innte nobeth 
a eiseirghi. Oc denam na faitsine sin dosom dorat a agaz"d siardhes, 7 
rofhaitbeasdar cumor. Rofiafrazg Baithin fath na foilti. 'L. mac bethad,' 
ar Collt1JZ cz"lle, 'gheinfes i n-æn oidhchi 4 don Coimdhi isinn imarach so thiar.' 
94 0 Grafann Cille Scire rothircan annsin feib rocomuilled iardain. Dair mhor 
ÙJl1Jlorro foa raibhi COlit111 cz"lle cein robai is in maigin sin romhair cusna 
haimsera déidhincha 5 cu torchair tria dheilm ngæithe moire, co ruc araile 
duine ní dia rúsc do coirtedh chuaran. 0 raghabh Ùnl1zorro na cuaranu uime 
robenadh 0 claime 0 bhonn coa bhaithis. 
945 L UID-SIUl\IH iarU1Jl co hOedh Slaine co 1zderna faitsine do
 co 1z-ebaz"rt fris 
robad sIan saeghlach acht m unbhat finghalach. Da nderna finghal ní bhia 
acht ceatra blz"ad1li i mbethaid. Roshenastar dano cochall do, 7 doraidh 
nat gonfaithi cein nobcth in cochall uime. Doroine ÙJZ1JlOrrO Æd Sla1li 
finghal tar brei tir ColuÙn czlle for S uibne mac Colmain i cinn cethra m bliadan 6 . 
950 Luid-sium for fecht: dermatlts a chochull: marbhtar isin lo-sin. 
FOTHUIGIUS Cobult Czlle ccalla imda i IT1Breaghaibh, 7 facbhus sruithi 7 
minna in1da inntibh. Facbus Ossene n1ac Cealla
 i Cluain Mor bhFer 
nArdai. Luidh iarsin do Mainistir. IS ann sin roben a bachall-som risinn 
arradh nglainidhi fris rofreasghabh Bóiti docum nime, cu clos a foghar 
955 fon cHI uili, et rofhoillsigh lighi mBoiti 7 dorinne amail dorarngert Báide 
fadhesin iI-Io a eitseachta. Ba mor, tra, do cheallaz"b dothorainn-sium 7 do 
leabraibh roscribh .J. ccc. ceall 7 .ccc. lebltr. IN lea bur roscribhadh a 
lamh, cidh foda nobeth fo uisce ni báitte cid ænliter ann. 
1 MS. coimeduighi. 2 l\IS. neth. 3 lVIS. Toirnigh. 4 1\15. oighthi. 
5 1\15. deighincha. 6 MS. mbliagan. 



Fothaighis eclais i Recrainn airthir Breagh, 7 facbais Colman deocha1Z 
innti. Fechtus [fo. 10. a. I] batar isin eclais sin Colu1JZ cille 7 Con1ghall 79 60 
Cainnech. Asbert Comgall co lldernad Colu1JZ cille idhpairt cuirp Crist 7 a 
fola 'na fladnusi. Doroine Colu1JZ umuloid doibh ime sin. IS ann atcon- 
naic Caindech colo1Jzna teinntidhi 1 os cinn ColuÙn cille cein robai oconn 
edhpairt. Roindis Cainllcch do Comgall sin, 7 atconncatar diblinaibh in 
colo1/uza. Fothaighis eclais isin inad ita Sord inniu, 7 facbus fear sruith 9 6 5 
dia mltÙztzr ann .1. Finan lobur, 7 facbus an soiscél roscribh a lamh fadesin. 
Toirneas dalZ0 an tiprait danad ainm Sord .1. glan, 7 senais crois. Uair ba 
bes dosom crosa 7 polaire 7 tiagha leabur 7 aidhme eclusdai arcena [do 
denum.J Senais Ùnl1l0rrO ccc. eros 7 .ccc. tiprat 7 .c. polaire 7 .c. bachall 7 
.c. tiagh. 97 0 
LAA n-oen bui COIUlll cille 7 Cainnech for bru mara. Bui anfadh mor 
forsin fairrce. Asbert Cainnech fri Colu11Z: 'cid chanlts in tonn?' Asbert 
Colu1Jz: 'Do mU1zter-sa bai i n-gabhudh anallana forsin bhfairge co ll-erbhailt 
aen dibh, 7 dos-bera in.. Coinldi eucainne isin maduin imarach isin purtsa 
i tam.' 975 
FEACHT do Bhrighid oc imthecht Churrzg Life. O'tconnaic in noemhogh 
in magh aluinn scoithshemrach 'na fiadhnuse, is ed roraid aice 'na menmaill, 
da mad Ie comus in muighi cOllidh-berad don Coimdid na ndula. Rafoill- 
siged do Cholol1l cille 7 se 'na recles i Surd, co J1-ebairt 0 ghuth mhor: 
'As inann di ocon Coimdz'd 7 comad Ie fein do dilius an ferann do 980 
idbair dhó.' 
L UID COIU1Jl iarsin cu Laighnib co farcaibh cealla imda iarna bhfothugud 
leo im Druim Monach 7 im Mæn 7 cealla imda aile. 
L UID iarsin cu CI uain mac N ois cusinn imainn do Chiaran lais, uair 
doríni molta imda do mzt1ztir Dhé, amail roraid an file: 9 8 5 
Soer tri coecca uaisli ina gach apslal, 
at lin ferta fér, 
aill tri Laidin do[ba ]soebail, 
aill 2 tri Gæideilg, cain 3 in scel. 
IS a Cluain Ù1l1JZOrrO doluidh mac bec 'na dhocum-somh cur' tha1l99 0 
brotairne beg da etach celZ airiugud d6. Rafoillsiged [fo. 10. a. 2] 0 Dhia 
do Choh,t1ll innisin, 7 dorarrngair don mac cu mba sui 7 comad craibhdcch. 
Et iss e Eirnin Cluana Deocra insin. 

1 MS. teinntighi. 

2 1\lS. dosoeb ailill. 

3 MS. bacain. 

3 0 


LUID Colu1JZ iarsin i crich CoJtnacht for cuairt procepta gltr'fhotha
995 cealla ile 7 congbala isin coiced sin im Es meic Eirc 7 im Druim Cliabh, 
7 facbhais acu in bachaill dorine fesin. 
L UID Colu1n dar Es Ruaid, 7 fothazgis cealla ilarda la Conall 7 la 
hEoga1z, 7 fothaigis [eclais] a Toraigh 1, 7 facbais fer sruth dia muÙztir innti 
. I. Ernine. 
rooo 0 ROLA Colzt1n cuairt Eire1Z1Z uili, 7 roshilasdar iris creidmhe, 7 robaisd 
sioigh imda, 7 rofhotha
 cealla 7 congbala, 7 rofhacaibh sruithi 7 minda 7 
mairtire inntibh, tainic iarsin for a menmaÙz an cinnedh rodnn 0 thosach a 
bethad, techd a n-ailithri. Roimraith iaru1n dul tar muir do procept bréthre 
De do Albanchaib.. Luidh iarU11l for fect .xIu. blz"adlle do inn AlpaÙz .1xxuii. 
lOOS mbliadne a aeis comhlan. IS e Ù1Z11zorro lin dochuaidh. I. xx. espoc, .xl. sacart, 
.xxx. deochan, .1. mac leighind. 
LUIDH iarU1n fo sheol shoinmech cu rocht an t-inad danad ainm Hí 
CholuÙJt cille aníu. Agaid cingcdise is i Ùn11Zorro rosiacht. Tangadar da 
espoc batar isin tir do ghabhail a lamha ass. Acht rofhaillsigh Dia do 
[010 COIU11Z cille napdar esbaic iar bhfir, conad aire sin forfhacoibhset an indsi 
o ro indis a tinnrum ndilius 7 a tuirthecht. Adubhairt Collt11Z cille rea 
n1uÙztir: 'IS maith dhun ar fremha do dul fon tal main sunn,' 7 doraidh: 
'As cead duib nech eicin uaibh do dul fon tall1zaÙz sunn, no fo huir na 
hinnsi-sea, dia coisecrad.' Adracht suas Odran erlathad, 7 is ed adubairt : 
[ 01 5' Diam-gabthasa,' 01 see 'As errlarn learn sin, a Odhrain,' ar Colurn cille. 
, Rat-fia a logh. Ni tibirter idge do neoch icom lighi-se minab fortsa iarfaziter 
ar tos.' Luid iarU1JZ Odran dOCU1Jl nime. Fothazgis Colu1Jl eclais aice iarsin. 
Tri .1. ri teoir a máinchine aicisium in Hi, 7 .xl. ri achtail, amail adubairt 
in file: 


Amhra ocbhudh bai in Hi, 
tri cóicail a mainchini, 
ima (sic) curchaibh iarsin ler, 
oc imram tri fichit fer. 

o rofothazg Colum Cille [fo. 10. b. I] HH, luidh for cuairt proicipta fo 
[ 02 5 Albain 7 Bretnu 7 Saxanu, 7 dos-fuc docum n-irsi 7 creidme iar bhfertuibh 
ile 7 iar toduscud marb a bás. Bai il1Z1JlOrrO araili duine isin tir dia 
ropritcha COIU11Z cille cora creit C011a n1uÍ1ztir uili don Coimditl. Ba formut 
la Demon inni-sin,cu roben-se mac in duine út 0 galar thromm,co ll-erbhailt de. 
I MS. toraidh. 


3 1 

Robadar na gennti og ecnach Crist 7 Cholui1ll cille. Luid Colu1Jl iarsin 
a n-emaighthi dicra co Dia, co rodhuisich in mac a bas. 1030 
DIA MEAl COlltl1Z i n-araili laithi ic procept dona sloghuibh, luid arali 
duine taran abhuinn bui i comfhocus doibh, ria mbeith oc eisdecht re 
mbreitir nDe. Nos-be1Zann in naithir he is in nusqui 7 nos-marbhunn focétoir. 
Doberuir in mac i bhfiadnusi Cholui1n. Dos-beir-sein crois dia bhachaild dara 
bruinne co n-erracht fochedair. 1035 
GALAR trom tainic dia thimtirid-seom.1. Diarmait a ainm, co n-erbailt, 
co nderna-som ernazghthi leis cu rothodhuisc a bas. Et ni nama acht ro- 
chuinigh soegul .u I I. mbliadne do dara eis budhesin. 
FEACHT ann tainic Cainnech uadha 50mh a Hi. Dermatais a bhachaill tair. 
Intan tainic ille fuair a bachaill arachinn abhus, 7 léne Colui1n cille maille 1040 
ria .1. cuid Cainnigh sin dia rachallsom i, et is airi dorighne sium sin ár 
rofhitir cur'bho comfhocraibh dia eitsecltt. 
LOISE mor tainic dosum fecht an Hi. Rofiarfocht desium fath na loisi. 
'Tene Dhe do nim,' ar eisium, 'tainic for teora catrach[a] isin Etail, eu 
romarbh teora mili dferuibh cenmotat mna 7 maCu 7 inghena.' 
GAIRM rochuala sum fechtus a purt Hi. Ann sin atbert-sum: 

10 45 

Bachlach 1 'san purt 
cona bachaill 'na chrub, 
doaidhlebha mh' adhaircín, 
do dhoirtfe mo dhubh. 
Tairnfidh-som sis 
d'innsaiged mu pháx, 
is benuidh friamh' adhaircin, 
nos-faicebha fass. 

10 5 0 

FEACHT n-aill do Colzt1n forfacbhudh he ag bruith mairt do mheithil. 1055 
Bui athlæch d'feruibh Eire1l1t .1. Mæl umha mac Bædain. Rofiafrazg 
Colum cille cia meit a loingthi [intan ba oclæch?] 'Intan baam oglach,' 01 
Mæl umha, 'nochaithinn mart meth am shaith.
 Roforcongair COlUl1l cille 
fair eu rothoimled a shaith [fo. JO. b. 2]. Doroine Mæl umha airesium sin. 
Rochaith in mart uile. Tainic Báithin iardain 7 rofiafrazg in ba herrlamh 1060 
in esair. Rofhorcongair Colu1n for Mæl umha cnamha in mairt uile do 
timarcan ind oenbhaile. Doronad amlaid. Bellnachais Colum na enan1ha, 
7 robai a n-uili fheo
l impuibh co ruead don mheithil. 
1 MS. Bathluch. 


3 2 


FEACHT do Cholu1Jl cille i nlís Mái luidh d'fios scel na n-airemhon 
1065 i tuaisciurt na hindsi. Robhui ica comdhidnad 7 ica forcetul. 'Maith,' 01 se, 
'fon caisc dochuaidh i mís Aipril, is ann sin dob ail damsa theckt docum nime. 
Acht nir'ail dam bron na toirrse duibhsi iar bhur soethar, c01ladh aire sin 
roanass acuibh 0 caisc gu qttingcidis.' 0 rochualatar na manuigh na briatra- 
sin, roptar toirrsigh comor. 
1070 ROSSOI tra iarsin a agaid siar, 7 atbert, 'Robhennacha in Coimdhe 
an innsi COlZa haitreabhthaib,' 7 roinnarbu loiscinn 7 natracha aisdi. 0 ra- 
be1znach Ùll1JZorro an innsi, tainic da recles. Nir' bó cian iant11l tancatar 
cricha na saboidi 7 tosaclÍ in domnazg, et 0 rothocuibh a rosc a n-airdi táinic 
loisi mor dia ghnúis 7 agaid, 7 atconncatar na braithre sin. Ai1zgel De 
1075 'ÙIl1J10rrO tarasair ann sin osacinn. 
LUID-SIUJ\IH iarsin do bennachad in t-sabhaill et atbert fria Diarmuid co 
n-escomluifedh 1 adhaig 2 domnuigh docum nime. Roshuidh iarsin an senoir 
airmitncch .1. Colum cille for or na conaire; air tainic scis do, ger'bhó gairit 
a uidhe, áir .1xxuii. mbliad1le a æs in inbhaid sin. 
1080 L UID adhochum in gerran dobui occ na manchuibh annsa n-inis, 7 cíidh 
a n-ucht in cleirzg cor'bo fliuch a etach. Rotriall in fos .1. Diarn1uid 
innarba in gerraÙz uadh. 'Leicc dhó,' a Diarnlait,' 01 Collt1JZ cille, 'gu 
n-derna a dhæthain der 7 toirrse acorn cháinedhsa.' 
Is LIA tra tuirium 7 aisneis a ndoroine Dia do fhertuibh 7 do mirbuilibh 
1085 isna talmannaibh ar CObt11Z cille, uair ni fil nech conicfedh a thuirium coleir 
acht mina thisadh a ainim fein, no ai1lgel do nimh dia n-aisneis. C01Zadh lor, 
didiu, duin so do thabairt ar dheismerecht. 
[ fOe I I. a. I] N í rogeinir tra do Goidelaz'b gein bud uaislea, na bud eaccnaide, 
na bud soiceineilce inás. N i tainicc dib araile bud beccda, na bu umla, na bit 
logo inisle. Mor eim an in isle do Colom cille c01zad é fein dobenad a n-iallacranna 
da manchuib, 7 c071ad e doindmad doib. Dobeiread a cuid arba gomenic ara 
muin don muilend 7 nomeiled, 7 dobeired lais dia toig é. Ni geibed !in na 
olonn ria cnes. N ocomruicced a tæb ria húir nocht. Coirthe cloiche 
nobid foa cind do frithadart, 7 ni denad cid do codlad eitir acht airet no bidh 
1095 Diarmait a daIta ag rádh tri caibdel don Biaid. Atraiged 3 focedoir iarsin, 
7 dognith gol 7 basgaire amail n1áthair buid ag cained a hæinnlic. N ogeibed 
natri coécta an gainem na traga riasiu noturccbad grian. ISin 10 ÙJUJIOrrO 
noathaiged na tratha. No idhbrudh corp Crist 7 a fhuH. Nopritchadh 
1 1.\1S. escomluighfedh. 2 1\15. aghaid. 3 1\15. Atraided. 



soiscelu. Nobhaisted, nochoisecrad. No iccad clamhu 7 dullu 7 bachacha 
7 oes cacha tedma arcena, 7 nodhuisced marbhu. 1100 
o THAINICC gltsna déidhenchuibh 1 do Collt11z cille, et 0 robenadh cloce 
iarmerghi adhaigh 2 domnaigh cingcdhighisi, luid-siumh ria each docum 
na hecailsi, 7 doroine slechtain 7 ernazglzthi dhicra iconn a1tóir. Rolín 
intansin soillsi ainglecdha in eaclais uime da gach leith, 7 rofhaidh ann sin 
in sruith airmhitnech a spirut dochum nime i subhai 7 i bhfailte mhuinteri 1105 
nimhe. Ata im111orro a chorp i tall1zaÙz abhus cu n-anoir 7 cu n-airmhitin 
o Dia 70 dhainibh, co bhfertuibh 7 co mirbhuilibh ceen laithi. Et gidh mor 
a anoir coleic bidh roo a ndail bratha intan taitnebhus 3 amail ghrein 
nemhthruailnidi a chorp 7 a anum. 
IS ann, iml1zorro, bias in morghloir sin 7 in morinnocbhail dosomh, 1110 
a n-aontuidh 4 naoi ngradh nitnhe na tairmdhechatar, i n-aontuidh 5 ap stal 7 
deiscibul fssu Crisd, i n-aontuidh 5 deeachta 7 dænachta Mheic Dé, [fo. I I. 
a. 2] isinn-æntuidh 6 is uaisH cech æntaidh, i n-æntaid na næmh- T rinoidi uaisli 
airmhitnighi .1. Athair 7 Mac 7 Spirltt Noebh. 
Ailim trocuire Dhe uilechumachtuigh tre impidhe noemh-Choluim, coro- 1115 
sium uile in æntaid sin. Roissem, roaitreabhum, in saecula saeculorum! Amen. 

1 MS. deighenchuibh. 
· MS. aontuigh. 

2 MS. aghuidh. 
II MS. il1aontuigh. 

It 1\15. taitnemhus. 
6 1\15. ISinnæntuigh. 



[fo. 1 I. a. 2] 
Betha Bhrighdi 1. 
n leanuit in t- U an neimelnidi cipe cOllair dech. 
1120 Eoin mac Zebedei, bruinnedhalta íssu, eomarba na hOighi, is é roscribh 
na briatra-sa 7 rofhacuibh a euimne lasin n-Eelais don fhochraic 7 don 
10gh rothidnaic Dia don tres grad na hEcalsa [.1.] do lucht na hoíghe .1. 
tochoisceim inn uain neimhelnidhe. 
IS e Ùrl1llorro leth ataoibhi in n-aisneis-sea la hEoin eu dú. a ndebairt : 
1125 [Nemo potest dicere eanticum nisi illa .c.x1. iiii milia qui redempti sunt de 
terra.] Ni thic do neoch molad na claiscetul [do denum] don Coimdhid 
acht [nech écin] do comhlanus na hEcalsa rocongbhad 2 a n-genlts 7 a 
n-oighe 7 docenngad do logh fola Crist. 
Air is iat sin na hogha eodeimhin. Conad for slicht na mbriathar-sin 
1130 roraidh Eoin: 'Híí SltlZt qui secuntur agnum' .1. is iat lucht leanait in t-Uan 
[cipeJ cOllair theit. 
IS e leanmhain in Vain, Crist do intsamail 7 do thocoisceim tria 
eomallad rechta 7 t-soscéla gan sainnt na talmalzdai, gan grad na n-erchraidhe, 
imghabhail na hanoire, dinsium in domhain, tarmnugud dona huilibh, 
II35 neimhdhenum indlighidh na aincridhi do neoch, fulang cufoidhidech 3 na 
n-ammlts dianechtair, dilghudh do tabairt do lucht na hingreama. Gach 
maith done nech gurub ar metughud De doghne 7 narup ara anorugud 
budein [fo. I r. b. I]. ' INtsamlaid, didilt,' ar an t-ecnaid, 'amail bis an t- 
uan neimheilnidhe ind oigi colla, as inann on 7 corp neimhthruailnidi Meic 
1140 in Athar Noeibh. INtsamlaid, dano, in t-uan rundai .r. Crist, a n-oighi 7 a 
næibhe 4 mellmalZ amail roraidestar fein: 'Bidh cunoeb 5 7 eugenmnaidh,' ar 
in Coimdi, 'ár am noebh-sa fein 7 am ennac.' Ar ni ferdi genus an cuirp 
madh anfhoirbhthe 7 mad eilnidi ind ainim. 
Sochaidhe tra do noebuibh 6 7 do fhirenuibh rocomuillset in timna-sa na 
1145 hoighi a nufhiadhnuisi feibh rocomuill in noebhógh 7 dia tá lith 7 foraithmet 
i n-ecmhong na ree-seo 7 na haimsire .1. Sancta Brigida uirgo Dei .1. 
noebhBrighit 8 ogh in Coimdheadh na ndula. 
1 In lower margin: T abrad gach nedi legfus in bethasa Brigdi bennacht for anman- 
naibh na lanoman da(r'scribad in lebar-so). 
2 1\1:8. rocongmhad. 8 1\15. cufoighidech. ' 1\15. næimhe. ð 1\15. cunoem. 
6 l\IS. noemhuibh. 7 MS. noemhógh. 8 1\15. noemhbrighit. 



IS and iaru11Z ceileabhrait na cristaidhi 1 feil 7 lithlaithi na híí noebh- 2 
Brighdi, i kalaÙl1l Febrai arai laithe mis grene iss iniú arai laithi secht- 
mhuini isin bliadaÙl3 i tam. I ISO 
IN nister sunn iarU1Jl nl do fhertaibh 7 do mhirbhui1ibh na hii noeb- 
Brighdi, 7 dia geinealach collaÙli . I. Brigz.t i1tge1l Dubthazg, meic Dhemre, 
meic Bresail, do slicht Echach Finn Fuath nairt. 
IN Dubhthach-sin ÙJl1JlOrrO 0 rogenair næb-Brzgit 4 rocennaig-sein 
chumail, Broicsech a hainm, inghen sein Dallbronaig do Dail C01l- 1155 
cubair in deiscert Breag. Ros-æntaigh Dubhtach dó il-Iánamhnus in 
cumail-sin cur'bo alachta uadh. Rogab ét seitich Dubhtha
 imon cumhuil 
co 1l-ebuirt fria Dubthack: 'Mine renusa in cumhail út i tiribh ciana 
toicebhutsa mu thinnscrai dhit, 7 ragat uait.' Arai sin nir'bo ail do 
Dubtkach reic na cumhaili. 1160 
FEACHT ann doluid Dubthack 7 in cumal immaille fris i carput seoch 
thegduis araili druadh. 0 rochuala in drai foghar in carpait is ed roraidh : 
'A ghilIa,' ar se, 'fegh cia fil isin carput, ar is fogur carpait fo rig inso.' 
Roraidh in giIla: 'Dubthach,' ar se, 'fil ann.' Luidh in drai aracinn 7 
rofhiafrazg [fo. I I. b. 2] cuich in ben bui isin carput. 'Leamsa,' ar u6s 
Dubthach. Maithgen, dano, ainm in druadh, is uad Ros Maithgin. Im- 
comaircidh in drai in rob alackta, 0 neoch? 'Is alackta uaimsi,' 01 Dubthach. 
Asbert in drai: 'Bidh amhra in gein fil ina broinn, ni bhia a cosmuil isna 
talmalldaib.' 'Ni leig dhamhsa mu shetig,' ar Dubthach, 'gan a reic na 
cumaili-si.' Adubairt an drai tria rath faitsine: 'Foighena sil do mhna-sa 1170 
do sil na cumuili, áir beraid in çumal ingÙl reil taitnemaick thaitnighfes 
amail grein itir renna nimhe.' Ba buideck Dubthack don aithiusc-sein, ár ni 
rugad i1lge1l dó eosin. 
Tiagait iarsin chum a tighi, 7 dogniset altugud buidi diblínaibh. 
Ba suaichnidh 5 tra gradh na hÙlgÙle ag Dia, ár dodhechatar da espoc 1175 
do Bretnaib otha Elpu dia taircetul 7 dia bennachadh, Mel 7 Melchu 6 a n- 
anmanna. Dorat Dubthack [ailti dhoibh, 7 doroine in chumal umhuloit 7 
timtereckt doib. Ba bronuch 7 ba toirrsech seitig Dubthazg. IIYlcomaircid 
espoc Mel di [ath a toirrsi. Doraidh in ben: 'ár doroisc Dubthack a 
chumail dím.' Roraidh espoc Mel : 'Dethber 7 ge no dherrscaighed, ár foige- 1180 
naidh do sil-sa do sil na cumhaile, acht tarmnaighfidh a sil-si dot shil-sa.' Ba 

1 MS. cristaighi. 

 l\IS. suaichnigh. 

2 1\1:5. noemh. 3 l\iS. bliagain. 
8 A letter is erased before c. 
F 2 

f l\IS. næmbrzKi/. 
7 1\15. .xber. 


3 6 


fergach si de sin. IS and sin dorala file de h U aib meie Cuais 0 thoehur 
maine do thig Dhubthazg. 0 rofhitir in fili foehunn feirgi na mna 
adubairt: 'In recai in cumail? 'Reacfat,' 01 Dubthaclz, 'ár is eicen damh.' 
185 Roraidhset na hespuic: 'Ren in cumail 7 na ren in coimpert.' Doroine 
samhlaid. Teit as an file COlza chumail. I N -adaig 1 iarlt1n rainic in fili a 
thech, is ann dorala fer noeb 2 is in tigh og atach in Coimdhed 7 oc errnazgti. 
Rofoillsigcd dosomh lasair 7 colOlna tenntidhi 3 don inad a mbai in cumat. 
Dodhechaid araile drai a crich Conaill do thigh an fhiIed remhraitte. 
119 0 Roluaidh moghud 4 na cumaile. Rorec in file ris in chumail 7 ni roreac in 
eoimpert bai ina broinn. T eit in drai COlla chumailleis dia thig. 
[fo. 12. a. I] IS ann dorala don drai Headh 5 mhor do dhenum a Conaille, eu 
rogart an ri cuicc docum na Heidi 6. IS ann rop aimser tuismeda do mnai in 
righ. Boi faidh i comaidecht in righ, cu rofhiafra
 cara don righ dhe, 'cuin bud 
1195 maith sen don righain tusmhedh?' Atrubhuirt in drái: 'Gein notuisimhthea 
imaruch la turcbail grene na bud imuieh na itigh noberta nofhoruaislighfead 
cech ngein ind EirÙuz.' Reimhdheachaid tra tusmhed na rigna inuairsin, co 
rue mae marbh. IN tan Ù1Z1norro doehoidh in eumal aramharuch la 
turcbail ghrene, 7 Ieastar Ian do leamhlacht 'na laimh, intan tue indara 
1200 eoisceim tara tairrsiueh an tighi 7 a cos aili imuich, is ann ruc inn illgÙl .1. 
noebBrigit 7 . Ronigset na bantairsi inhíí noebBrigit don lemlacht bui il- 
laimh a nlathar. Ba cubaid im11lorro sin re hairilliudh mBrigte .r. re 
deallrad 7 re taitnium a hoighi. Rucadh an ilzge1l acétair iarna breith eu mac 
marbh na rigna, 7 0 rasiaet anal na hingine in mae adracht a bas. 
1205 LUIDH iarsin in drai cona chumail7 cona i1lgÍ11 i erich C01Znacht, ár do 
COllnachtuibh a mháthair, a athair im1J10rrO don 1\1: umaÙl. 
I N -araili laithi doluid in eumal do bleagun a bo, 7 forfacuib an illgin 
'na hoenar 'na cotlud ina tigh. Ateonneatar araili comfhoicsig in tegduis i 
raibhe an ilzge1l for lasad, co nderna ænbreo dhi 0 thallnaÍ11 co nem. INtan 
1210taneatar do eabair an tighi ni to artraig in tene, acht roraidset ba Ian do 
rath in Spirta N oeibh an inghean. 
Laithi n-ann deisidh in drái COlza chumail i n-araile inadh, COllacatar in 
eannadas bui forcenn na hillgÙze for lasadh. 0 roshínetar a lama euige, 
néro artraigh an tene. 
1 21 5 FEACHT ann roeotail in drai co 1z-aca triar cleireck ind etuighibh taitne- 

1 l\IS. agaid. 2 IVIS. noemh. 3 l\IS. tenntighi. 
G 1\15. fleagh. 8 MS. fleighi. 

, Read Roluaigh modhud (?) 
T MS. .i. .i. noembrigit. 



maehaib, eu ro imretar ola for eenn na hingÙze, eu rofhoirbhthighset ord in 
baitsi on beus gnathaeh. Tri haillgil insin. Adubairt an tres ai1Zgel risin 
drai ba he ainm na hingine [foe 12. a. 2]. Saneta Brigida .1. noebBrigit 1. 
Adracht an drai 7 roinnis inní ateonnaie. 
I N -araili 10 roelos guth na naidhen oe diueaire, 7 iss ed roraidh: 'Meum 1220 
erit hoc' .1. bidh learn so. 0 roehuala an drai sin iss ed roraidh: 'Çomaill- 
fider inní atbeir an illge1l. I. bidh learn an ferann iardain,' et iss ed on roeomh- 
ai1led. 0 raehualutar aitreabhthaigh an feruinn sin rofhuaeratar in drai 
asin tir, gu ndeehaid-siumh doehum a athardha fein. 
Roalt tra in noeibi11ge1l 2 -50.1. Brigit, 0 ehomairbhirt bid eesamail fria 1225 
a eomaosu, áir bithe ina eeeh náidhi. Ni thoimhleth biadh n-eisidan. 
N ofrithbhruidheadh biadh in druadh 7 noseeidhed. Ro imraith in drai eidh 
rombui an illgen. Doigh lais ba hinglaine 7 eorpad a bhidh. Roerbh iarsin 
bhoin n-odheirg do bleaglt1Z foleith do Brigit, 7 roleie bhannscail n-irisigh 
dia bleagu1z. Toimleth an inge1l noebh sin, 7 ní sceidhed. 123 0 
Roalt iarU1Jl an illge1l noeb-sa gur'bó timthiridh, et cech ní risi cornhrui- 
cedh al-Iamh nofhoirbreadh. N olesaigheadh na eæreha: noshasadh na helta: 
nobhiathad na boehta. 0 tháinic ealmatus 7 nert 7 meit do Brigit aeeobh- 
rastar techt do torruma ahathardha. Rofhaidh in drai techta co Dubthach areo 
tissed areenn a inghine. Tiaghait na techta co Dubthach, 7 innisit fearta 7 12 35 
mirbuili na ingine. Teit Dubthac/t 7 ba failid leis. Doroine in drai failti 
fris, 7 doratt a illgÜz soer dhó. Tiagait iarsin Dubthach 7 Brigit dia tir i crieh 
U a bhFailghi, 7 a muime malle fria Brigit, ell roghab galar a muime ar toidh- 
echt, cor' faidhed Brigit 7 illge1Z aile do ehuinghidh dighi do eoirmm dhí co 
araile fer oca ndernadh fled mhoI'. Bæthchu a ainm-sidhe. Dorat era for Brigit. 12 4 0 
Taraill Brigit iarsin co araili topur gur'lin Ieastar as, 7 robeannaeh eu rosoudh 
i mblas eorma, 7 dobert dia mllime, 7 ba oghshlan foeedair. IN fhleadh 3 
Ï1111nOrrO ieár' heimdhed isi, tiagur dia hól 7 ni frith banna dhi. 
[fo. 12. b. I] FEACHT da ndeehaid Dubthach ar turus ell fareuibh 
a ingin ica mhueaib, co taneatar da meirlech euice, co rucsat da thoree don 12 45 
tred. 0 dhoehuatar treall iarsin condrie Dubthack friu. Benais na muca 
dhibh. Dothæt iaru1Jt co Brigit, , In marut na muca, a illgen?' ar Dubthach. 
'Airim lat,' ar Brigit. Roairimh Dubthach na muea, 7 ni teasta nach mue 
Nir'bho cian iarsin tainie áighe 4 uasal do tigh Dubtnazg, co ndernad 1250 

1 l\IS. noembrigit. 

2 l\1S. noeimingen. 

8 MS. fleagh. 

, l\IS. aidhe. 


3 8 


fóidhi 1 dó, CO tartad eoie thoeta saille do Brigit da mberbad. Doehoidh 
Dubthack amaeh. Dothoet ell goirt ellseothaeh isin tech co Brigit. Dorat 
Brigit dó in eoieed tocht saille ar troeaire. Nir'bo saitheeh in eu dhe. Dorat 
Brigit toeht aili dhi. Doigh lesi ba eodlud don aighidh 7 nír' eadh on. 
12 55 Tainie Dubthack 7 roraidh re Brjgit: 'In robhearbhais in t-saill 7 in marat 
na huronna?' 'Airimhsi iat,' or si. Roáirimh Dubthach. N í testa ni dhibh. 
Ateuaid'in t-áighi 2 do Dhubthach a n-doroine Brigit. Ni roehaithset na 
haighidh in biadh-sin, ár robatar eisinnraie, acht rofodhladh 3 do bhochtaib 
7 aidhileneehaib. 
1260 FEACHT ann dorothluigh araili bannseal iriseeh co tised Brigit Ie i Magh- 
Life, ár robui eoimhthinol senaid Laigen ann. Rofoillsighedh d'espoc 
lbhair bai is in dail Muire Ingen do thecht isin dail. Teit in bannseal 
arnamharaeh, 7 Brigit maille fria, doeum na dala. IS ann roraidh espoc 
lbhair: 'As i so in Mhuire adco1lnacsa.' Robennaehsat in uile shlógh inhi 
1265 noemh-Brigit, eonad hi Brigit Muire na nGæidel 4 0 sin ille. 
IArsin doehúaid Brigit do torruma a máthar bui i ndoeire. IS amlaid 
robhui in máthair a n-indlobrai araeindsi, 7 bui for airghi, ï da bai dhee 
aiee, 7 si oe tinol ime. Rofhoghuin Ùll1JZorro an ingen eohumail tar eis a 
máthar, 7 rogabh for leasugud na hairghi. In maisdred doghnith norannadh a 
1270ndibh euibhrennaibh dee i n-anoir in da esbal dee in Coimdhed, 7 roshuidhiged 
in treas euibrinn dee [fo. 12. b. 2] eu mba mo inás eeeh euibhrenn i n-anoir 
Crist, 7 do bereadh do boehtuibh 7 do aigheadhuib 5. Ar atbereadh-si 
bidh Crist i persoin eeeh aighedh 6 irisigh. Ba hingnad lesin mbúachail sin 
co 1ldcehaidla do aeallaÙn in druadh. Rofhiafrazg in drai 7 a ben : 'In tnaith 
I2751easaighius an illgen?' Tainie ann na bu. 'IS maith,' ar an buaehail. 'Am 
buidheeh-sa eipinnus 7 at reamra na læigh,' ar ni rolamhair eassait Brigte 
'na heemais. Doehuaidh in drai 7 a sheitig don airghi, 7 ruse mor leo a 
rabhutar oeht nduirnn dee dia linad do im. Dorine Brigit foilti friu, 7 
roinnail a cosa, 7 dorat biadh dhoibh. IS ann adubairt séitigh in 
1280 druadh re Brigit: 'IS do thaneamur dia fhis in rogab greim inni 
roherbad friut. Cid fil oent do im?' Ni raibhi im1l2orro aieisi ind erluime 
acht torad culeith maistertha. Doehuaidh iarsin Brigit isin cuilÙl1z, 7 
iss ed roraidh : 

128 5 

A 1\10 ruire-sea 
conic inna huili-sea 

1 Read foighdhi (?) 2 1\1S. áighidh. 
6 MS. aidheadhuib. 

IS MS. rofoghladh. ' 1\15. gæigel. 
6 IVIS. aidhedh. 



12 95 
Et tuc leathtorad maistirtha aniar. Rofhaitbheastar ben in druadh, 7 iss cd 
roraidh: 'IS rnaith do linadh ruisc mhoir in cobhes ime-sea.' , Linaidh 
bhur rúsc,' ar Brigit, '7 dobera Dia ní inn.' Notheigheadh si beous ina 
cuiIÙl1t 7 dobcread leathtorad gacha fechtais Ie aisdi,7 dogheibedh rann dona 
rannuibh út ag dul siar. Dia tucdais dano a raibhi do ruscuibh oc fcruibh 1300 
M uman di nolinfad iat uile. Roadhamhraig an drai 7 a ben an fhirt adconn- 
catar. IS ann atbcrt in drai re Brigit: 'In t-imm-sea 7 na bu roblighis 
eadpruim-si duit, et ni bhia og foghnarn damsa, acht foghuin don Choimdhidh.' 
Roraidh Brigit: 'Ber-si na bu,7 tuc damsa soer(i) mu mháthar.' Doraidh 
in drai: 'Acsud do máthair soer dhuit 7 na ba,7 cibedh atbera dog( énsa).' 1305 
[fOe 13. a. I] Rofhodhuil 1 Brighit iarsin na bu do bhochtaibh 7 aidhilcne- 
chaib, 7 dobaistedh in drai, 7 ba hirisech 7 ba i comhuitecht Brighdi coa bhas. 
Tainic Brigitiarsin 7 a máthair Ie co tegh a hathar. Cacha bhfaghbhaitis 
im11l0rrO a larnha-si do chrudh 2 7 bhiadh 7 airilliudh a hathar dobereadh do 
bhochtaibh 7 aidilcnechaz'b in Coimdhed, cur'bhó dimdhuch a hathair dhi 1310 
aire sin, curo acobhrastar a reic na hi noebhBrighdi 3. Lllidh i carbat 7 a 
illgc1l malle fris, 7 adubairt: 'N í ar anoir ná ar chataidh 4 duit dot-bcrllr isin 
carput, acht is dod breith dot reic 7 do bleth bron do DhunlaÙzg mac Enna, 
do righ Laige1l.' 0 rancatar co dun in righ, Iuid Dubhtach isin ndun cZtsin 
righ 7 fácbhais a cIaidhiub 5 i bhfail Brigte isin carput. Dothoet cIamh co 1315 
Brighit, 7 aitchidh ainm nDe re Brigit urn ní do tabairt do. Tairberidh 
Brigit claidiub 5 a hathar dhó. Raidhidh Dubthack risin righ iar toidhecht 
anunn: C In cennechtha rnh'ingen dím?' 'Cidh ara reccai h'ingÍ1z fein?' ar 
ÐunlaÙzg. 'Ni allse,' ar Dubthach, 'ar bheith ac reic rnh'indmhais 7 ica 
thabairt do drochdhainibh truagha.' 'Tucthar cucainn con nfhacamar,' at 13 20 

bennuch, a Dhe, nuall gan gheis, 
cot laim dheis roo cuili-se! 
1\10 chuili-sea! 
cuile Fiadhat finn, 
cuili robennac/z mo Ri,. 
cuiIe ica m-bí imm. 
Tic 1\1ac IVI uire mo chara 
do bennachad mo chuile, 
flaithe in domain co hi meal 
ron-be immet Ia suidhe. 

12 9 0 

1 1\15. Rofhoghui1. 2 MS. chrugh. 
· 1\15. chataigh. 

3 MS. noemhbrighdi.. 
ð l\1S. claidium. 

4 0 


Dunlang. Teit Dubthack araceann. a rainic dobhai oc fegad in charbait ocus 
ni fhacai 1 a claidiub 2. Rofhiafrazg do Brzgit cid doroine don claidib. 
'Dorat1ts,' ar Brigit, 'do bhocht tainic dom ghuídhi 3. Rofhergaigh Dub- 
thac/l gu mor friasi ar an claideb do tabairt il-leth n-aili. a thainic Brigit 
13 2 5 i fiadhnusi in rig raidhis in ri: 'Cidh ara ngatai crodh 4 7 airilliud h'athar, 
7 anas mesa ann, cidh ara tucuis in claideb il-Ieth n-aile?' IS ann roraidh 
Brigit: 'Rofhitir Mac na hI11gÍ11e, diamadh leamsa do commlts-sa cot uile 
innmhus 7 cot Laighnibh uile dobherainn don Coimdid na ndulai.' Doraidh 
an ri re Dubthach: 'Ni comadhais dún cunnradh na hinghine-sea, ár is uaisli 
1330 a hairilliudh fiadh Dia innámne.' COllud amluidh sin rosoe1'udh Brigit dia 
[foe J 3. a. 2] Nir'bo cían iarsin cu táinic araile fer sochenelach go Dubthack 
do chuingidh a ingine. Ba tol do Dubthacl17 dia macuibh in nf sin. Ro opas- 
tar Brigit im11zorro. Doraidh brathuir dia braithribh riasi: 'IS esbach in 
1335 t-suil gla1t fil at cind-sa gana beith for adhart i bhfail fhir eicin.' , Rofhitir 
Mac na hlnghine,' ar Brigit, 'ni beodha dhun massi dobeir pudhur foruinn 1 J 
Dorat iarllm a mer fon suil conas-tall asa cinn, cu mbui fora gruaidh 5. 
O'tconnaic Dubthack 7 a braithre sin rogheallsat nach ebertha riasi dul co fer, 
ackt an fer budh mhaith Ie fein. Tuc Brigit annsin a dernainn fria a rosc 7 
1340 slanaighter fochétair. 
liVID Brigit 7 araili ogha maille fria do ghabail chaille 0 espoc Mel i 
T elcha Mhidhe. Ba fæilid sein friu. Anais Brigit for llmhaloit co mbad hi 
déidhinach 6 for a tartta caille. Atracht eolzt1lla teintidhi 7 dia einn eu 
clethe na hecalsa. IS ann roraidh espoc Mel: 'Tair, a noeb- 8 Brigit, co 
1345 rosentar caille for do chenn riasna hoghuibh aili.' IS edh dorala ann tria 
grasa in Spirto N óibh gradh n-esbuic do eirleghiunn for Brig-it. Asbert 
Mac-caille nar'bho ord gradh n-espuic for bannscail. Adubhairt espoc Mel: 
'Ni learn a commus. a Dhia doratad in anoir-sin do Brjgit seoch each 
Inbannscail,' c01Zidh anoir espuic doberat fir Eire1ZJZ do comarba Brzgte osin 
135 0 ille. 
I n-ochtmadh llathaid rogenair Brzgit, i eedain sainriudh: i n-ochtmad 
dec rogabh caille: i n-ochtmad .1xxx. dochoidh docum nime: i n-ochtmad 
rocoisecradh Brig-it fo lin ocht mbiaidi in t-soiscela rocomallastar, 7 biaid 
in trocaire doroega Brzgit dibsaidhe. 

1 MS. fhacaidh. 
ð MS. gruaigh.. 

2 MS. claidium. 
eMS. deiginach. 

S MS. ghuighi. 
'1 MS. teinntighi. 

· MS. crogh. 
8 MS. noem. 


4 1 

FEACHT 0 roehon1fhoiesigh sollamall na ease duthraeair tria dhesheire 1355 
eoirm do denamh dona hecalsaibh imdhaibh robatar impe, et robhui terea 
arbha in inbhuidh-sin hi Midhe, 7 ni rotheeht Brzgz"t acht oeneriathar braeha. 
Ni rabhutar dano [foe 13. b. I] Ieastair ae muinntz"r Bngte, acht da lothar. 
Doratsat a mbraieh isindata lothar. Rolinsat araiIe don ehuirm. Ro- 
fodhlad 1 iarsin 0 Brzgit in chuirm do .uiL n-eealsaibh dee bhFer Tulaeh, eu 13 60 
fO fherastar toradh in oenmheieh braeha iat tre shobharthan 2 Brigte 0 
ehaplait eo minehaise. 
FECHT ann doluidh araile elamh eo Brzgit do ehuinghidh bhó. Doraidh 
Brigit ris: 'Cia dhibh is ferr Iat, bó do breith leat, no h'íe don elaimhe?' 
Doraidh in elamh ba ferr leis a ícc on elaÍ1ni ina dobertha righi in dOmltÍ1l 1 3 6 5 
dó. Doroine Brzgit ernazghthi eo Dia, euros-íe in elamh, 7 rofhoghuin 
do Br
zl iarsin. 
ARAILE eaillech do muinntir Brzgte dorala a ngalar trom eu romhianaigh 
leamhlacht. Ni tharIa bo isin reeleis ind inbhaidh-sin, eu rolinadh leastar Ian 
d'uisee do Brzgz"t, eu ros-bennaeh, euro soudh il-Ieamhnacht. Dorat don 137 0 
eaillzg 7 ba hoghshlan hi foeedair. 
o dhoeuaid i1JZ1JlOrrO elu 7 oirrdhereZts Brzgte fo EirÍ1l1l, taneadar da 
dhall do Bretnaibh 7 clam iea remthus dia n-íe eo Brzgit. Doraidh Brzgit: 
'Bídh imuigh colleie eu roa in eeileabhrad,' ár deinmnedhaigh iatsein. 
'Ro-ícais daine dot cheniul fein ané, 7 ní rofuirighis eeneo n-ieai sinne 1375 
 Dorighne Brzgz"t ernazgthi, 7 rohíetha a triur foeétair. 
o roforbhudh solIa1nan na ease dofhiafra
 B,'zgz"t dona hinginaib in 
roibhi fuidhea11 3 aeu 0 linn na easee. Doraidhset na hingena: 'Dobcra Dia,' 
01 siat. IS annsin tainie dias illge1Z isteeþ, 7 dronglach Ian d'uisei lea. 
'Rofhitir Mac na hlngÙte ata maith ann,' 01 Brigit. Doigh Iesi eomad 13 80 
coirm. Amal adubaz"rt si sin rosoud a eoirm toghuidi foeedair. Doratad 
iarsin d' espoc Mel 7 dona hoghuibh areena. 
ISANn aimsir eétna tainie galar sula do Brzgz"t, 7 ba tiaehair Ie a eenn 
cumor. Ó roehuala espoc Mel sin, iss ed roraidh: 'Tiagham aroen do 
cuingidh legha [fo. 13. b. 2] eu rot-Iéiete1' fort eenn.' Doraidh Brzgit: 13 8 5 
'Min badh anumhaloit duz"tsi, ni bhudh ail damsa liaigh eorpdai etir, acht 
araidhe doghenam ann! atbcra-sa.' 0 robatar oe imthecht doroehair Brzgit 
asa earput co tarla a cenn fria cloieh eu roereehtnaiged eumor 7 euro theipcr 
in fhuil. Rohieta dallo don fuil-sin di bannseail amhlabrai robatar for-in 

1 MS. Rofoghlad. 

2 MS. shoshorrtan. 

a IVIS. fuigheall 




139 0 conair. Dorala dhoibh iarsin for a set in Haigh ica rabhatar iarraidh. 
o rofhegh-sidhe in creeht atbert: 'Ni rochuingea-sa liaigh aili 0 so amach 
acht in Haigh rot-Ic don cur-sa; ár cia nobheitis leagha EireJlll icot leighius 
ni dingnidis ni bhudh fherr,' cOllad amhlaid sin roslanaighedh Br{git. 
FECHT ann dorala ri T eafa i comfhocraibh doibh ar fleidh 1. Bai leastar 
1395 cumdachtta i1-1aim in righ. Gabhais araile fer anfhaitech asa laimh eu 
torchair co 1lderna blogha dhe. Dogabhadh an fer la righ Tefa. Do- 
choidh espoc Mel dia cuinghidh 7 ni hetas on righ acht a bhas, co n-atuigh 
espoc Mel in leastar mbrisde 7 tuc leis co Brigit. Dorat Brigit a hanal 
uime 7 rohathnuaighed 2 a cruth ba ferr. Rucadh iarsin don righ, 7 
1400 rofuaslaiced in cimbid. Et adubairt espoc Mel: 'Ni horamsa doroine Dia 
an firt-sa, acht ar Brig-it.' 
FEACIIT ann dodhechaid Brigit do thigh araile oighi .1. Brighit ingen 
Conaille insin. In t-uisqlli doratadh dara cosaibh do Brigit iar taidhecht 
roíc araili ógh robai istigh a ngalar. 0 dhochuadur Ùll11l0rrO Brighit COlla 
1405 hoghuibh do chaithium a proinne roghab Brigit for fegadh na méisi cofada. 
Rofhiafraig an Brigit aile: 'Cid rathaigi-sea?' Doraidh Brigit: 'Atciu 
Dema1l for in meis.' 'Robadh maith leamsa a fhaicsin,' ar an ogh aile. 
, Tabåir crois Crist ar h'agaid 7 ar do shuilib,' 01 Brigit. Dorat in ogh, 7 
doconnaie-si in Satan re toeb na meisi, a chenn sis 7 a cosa suas, a dhe 7 a 
14 10 lasair asa eraes 7 asa shroin. Roraidh Brigit:.' Tabaz'r freaera duin, a 
Diabuil! ' 
'Ni chumngaim, a ehaillech!' ar an Deman, [fo. 14. a. I] 'gan fregra 
duit, a coimeduidhe timnai De, 7 a[t] trocaireach fri bochto 7 fri muindtir 
an Choimdhedh.' 
14 1 5 ' IN dis duinn iarum,' ar Brigit, 'cid dia tangais cugaind 'nar cail- 
lechaib ? ' 
'Araile og craibdech fil sund,' ar Deama1l, 'is 'na eoimiteacht atussa 
ag furailleisce 7 mai1ldeachtnaige uirre.' 
Adubairt Brigit frisin oig hisin: 'Tabair cros Crist tar th'agaid 7 
1420 tardot suilib.' Doratt focetoir. Atcondaire an og an torathar ngranna. 
Ros-gab ecla mor an og 0 atcondaire an Demon. Adubairt Brigit: 'Cidh 
ara n-imghaibhe in dalta icá tai leasuglld fria re cian?' Dorighne inn 
ogh aitrighi iarsin, 7 rohieadh on Demon. 
Araile bannseal tuc rúse Ian d'llbhlllibh co Brzgit. IS ann sin doraladur 
1 MS. fteigh. 2 l\1S. rohathnuaidhed. 



elaimh ie faighdhe ubhall co Brigit. Doraidh Brigit: 'Tabair dhoibh na 14 2 5 
hubla.' O'teuala in bannscal sin ruc a ruse uball ehuice, 7 ised roraidh: 
, Duitsi fein tucas-sa na hubla 7 ni do chlamhaibh.' Ba tocradh do Brigzl 
tairmease na halmsaine uimpe, 7 ronlallach na eronna dia tuead. 0 rainie 
in bannseal da tigh ni fhuair oenubhull ina hithlainn giar'bhó Ian intan 
rofhaeuibh 7 batar etairthigh os in immaeh. 143 0 
FEACHT ann doluidh Brigit co Tefa, 7 sloigh mora 'na eomhaideacht, 
7 dá clamh 'na diaidh 1 eu tarla deabhaid etarra. Intan rob ail da elamh 
dibh araile do bhualad roshee a lanlh uasa 7 roerap lalnh indalanai. 
Doronsat aitrìghi iarU11l 7 ros-Íe Brigit dia claimhe. 
Dochuaidh Brigit co araili eclais a tÍr Thefa do eheileabhrad na easc. 1435 
Doraid banairehinneeh na hecalsa fria hinghenaibh neach dhibh do umhalait 
dia dhardáin cennla dona senoiribh 7 dona dainib fannaibh inlobhraibh 
batar is in recles. Ni frith neeh dhibh don ulnhaloit. Daraidh Brigit: 
'Dogensa anÍu in umaloit.' Cethrar do dhainibh galair batar isin recles 
.1. anbhfabrachta 7 dasaehtach 7 dall 7 elamh, 7 dorighne Brzgit a fos a 1440 
eethrar, 7 rohictha 0 gach teidm bui forru. 
FEACHT ann dochuaidh Brzgit in araile tech [fa. 14. a. 2] for áighid- 
hecht 2. Dorala co 1Zdeehaid in muinnter uili immach acht ænghilla bee 
anbhfhabraeta, 7 se balbh, 7 nÍ fhitir Brigit a bheith amlaid. IS ann 
tancatar áighid 3 co Brzgit isin tech do ehuingidh bhídh. Dofhiafrazg 1445 
Brigit don gilla bhalbh út, eáit i raibhi eochair na cuilJZc. Doraidh in gilla: 
'rofhetar-sa baile ita.' Doraidh Brzgit: 'Eirg 7 tabair damh.' Roeirigh 
fochedair 7 rotimthirigh do na háigedhaibh 4. 
Is AND dorala coimthinol bhfer n Eirell1l i Tailltin, airm i raibhe Patraie 
7, senadh Eire111Z uime. Doeuatar dacum na dala Brigit 7 espoc Mel, 1450 
7 fuarata1,o caingin daiIzg aracinn 'san oircchtus .1. araile ben ruc leanbh ann, 
7 is cd roraidh, eor'bhó la hespoc mBron do mui1ltir Patraic, an leanp. 
Rodiult espoc 111Bron nar'bo lais. Tucadh in ceist-sin co Brzgit dia 
tuaslucud. Rofhiafrazg Brlgit don mhnai, cia 0 raeoimprestar a gein, 
7 daraidh ria ná habradh breic. Doraidh in ben: 'is ó espoc Bron.' Rolín 1455 
att 7 borrfad a tenga ina cinn cu na cæn1nacair labhra. . Dorat Brigit airdhi 
n3. eraichi dar ghin na náidhiun 7 rafiafrazg: 'Cia h'athair?' Dofregair in 
næidhi: 'Duine duthair derail fil a n-imeal ind airechtais, is e sin m'athair- 
si.' Cu rosærad espoc Bron amlaid sin tre rath Brigte. 
1 1\1S. diaigh. 2 1\1S. aidhighecht. H 1\1S. áidhig. t I\1S. haideghaibh. 
G 2 



q60 Is AND sin dochuaidh fer arcenn Brzgte co 1ldighsedh do coisecrad tighi 
nua dorighned aige. 0 ro erlamhaigh biadh do Brigit is ed roraidh Brig-it 
re a hingella: 'Ni hadha dhúin biadh ind fhir genntlidi sea do tomailt, ár 
rofhaillsigh Dia damsa na robaisted etir he.' 0 rochuala in fer maith sin 
ron-gaibh congain cridhi, 7 robaist espoc Bron. larsin roforcongair Patraic 
14 6 5 for Brigit 7 for a comharba co nach beth dogres gan fer graidh 'na 
comhuidecht. IS aire roghabh N at Fraieh gradha sacairt. 
ISinn aimsir eétna tuc fer do dheiscert Breagh a mháthair for a mhuin 
co Brigit dia híe, ár ba hanfhabrachta, co ros-Iai dia mhuin for foscad 
mBrigdi, 7 0 tharaill in foseudh rob óghshlá1Z acétair. 
1470 I N-ARAILE aimsir ann adconneatitr Patraic chuea. [fo. L-t-. b. J] Senadh 
lTIOr maille fris. Doraidh Lassair re Brigit: 'Cidh doghenam frisin sochaide 
tangatar chueaind?' 'Cidh do biudh fil ocuibh?' 01 Brigit. ' Ni fhil,' ar 
Lasair, 'acht aen chúra 7 da bhairghin déc 7 becan loma.' Doraidh Brigit: 
'Ata maith ann. Dogentar proicept bhreitre De dhun, 7 non-sasfaiter 1 
1475 uadh.' 0 thairnic do Phatraic in proicept tuead an biadh co Brzgit dia 
roinn, 7 robennach, 7 rosasta in da phopul De .1. sanlad Brigte 7 samad 
Pátraic, 7 rob a mhó cumor a bhfuidheall 2 ina in t-adbar robhai ann artlís. 
ARAILI fer robhai i cill Lassaire, 7 robui a ben oecá fhacbhail, 7 
nís-geibheadh cuit na codlad imailli fris, cu tainie co Brigit do chuinghidh 
1480 eptha cu rocharadh a bhen he. Robennach Brigit usqui dhó 7 is ed atbcrt : 
, Tabair in t-uisci-sin tar in tech 7 tar bhiadh 
 7 tar digh dhuibh fein 7 tar 
an leapuid a n-écmais na mna.' 0 doríne amhlaid dorat in ben sheirc 
nditnhoir dosom cOllná faghbhadh bheith 'na ecmais cidh il-leth in tigi f1"is, 
achtfora leathlaim kcin. Laa n-ann doehuaidh-sium for tUfltS 7 rofhaeuibh 
14 8 5 in mnai 'na eodladh. 0 radhuisigh in ben atracht cohanbhfhail 7 doehuaidh 
a ndegaid an fhir cu bhfacuidh uaithe hé 7 gabhal mhara etarra. Roghairm 
sí a fer, 7 iss ed roraidh, noragad isin fairrce mina thised som cuice. 
ARAILE bannscal d'Uib Maic Uais tainic do fhaighdhe co Brigit, 7 bui 
i tereu dogres roime sin. Co tard Brzgit a criss di, 7 adubairt Brlg'it, gibe 
1490 teidm nó galar eusa mbertha noÍcfad; 7 doronta samlaid, c01ladh amlaid sin 
doneth a bethamhnus asin imaeh. 
FEACHT ann tancatur caraid co Brig-it araile sollumull 7 cdhpairt leo, co 

] Here a word is erased. 2 1\15. bhfuigheall. 
S The words 7 tar bhiadh are repeated. 



farcabhsat a teach dianeis cen choimhetuidhi 1. Tancatar merligh iar sin, 7 
ta11satar na damhu robhatar isin tigh. Adracht abhunn Life friu, cu tardsat 
a n-eduighi for adharcuibh na ndam, cu ra impaset na daim otha sin cusan 1495 
ìnad a mbui Brig-z't cltsna hétaighibh leo. 
FEACHT aili luidh Brigit: Magh Lemna do acallaÍ1Jl Patraic. Bl1i ic 
procept shoscela and [fo. 14. b. 2]. IS ann sin rochotuil Brigit risin 
proicept. Atbert Pátraic: 'Cidh ar rocodlais?' Roslecht Brigit fotri 7 
roraidh: 'Fís atconnac,' 01 sÍ. 15 00 
, Innis in fhÍs,' 01 Pátraic. 
'Atconnac,' 01 Brigit, 'cethra harathra anairdeas 2 roairsetar an indsi 
uile; 7 resiu thairsedh a silad, roaipthighedh in bhuain, 7 tancatar topuir 
gheala 7 srotha taitneamacha asna hetrighibh. Eduighi geala urn na 
síltoiribh 7 urn na haireamnaibh. Atconnac cethra harathru aili atuaidh, 15 0 5 
roairset an indsi tarrsna, 7 rosoeiset an bhuain doridhisi, 7 rofhas in corcai 
roshilsat fochedair gur'bo habaidh, 7 tancatar srotha duba as na heitrighibh, 
7 eduighi dubha um na siltóiribh 7 urn na hairemhnaibh.' 
, Ni doiligh sin,' 01 Pátraic. 'N a .iiii. harathru toisecha adconnacuis, 
misi 7 tusa sin, silmaid cethirleabur in t-soiscéla co silad irsi 7 creidn1he 7 15 10 
crabhuidh. An bhuain atconnacais, na híí thecat docum n-irsi 7 creidmhe 
sip b,ianar fhoircetal-ne. Na ceat1'a harathra adconnacais atuaidh, na 
sæbhfhoircetlaidi 7 na bregaire sin, laifid darcenn in forcetul shílmid-ne.' 
FEACHT do B1'igit a n-Ard Macha dolluidh dias secce 7 dromlach 
uisce forro. Tancatar do bennachadh do Brig-it. Dorochair in dronglach 1515 
dianeis, 7 dochuaidh druim tarais otha donts ratha co Loch Lapháin. 
Acht ni robrisedh 7 ni thorchair banna aisdi. Ba fo11us do chach bennachad 
Bngte forro. Iarsin adubairt Pátraic: 'Fodhail3 ind uisqui for Ard l\1acha 
7 for Airthera,' 7 roicadh gach ngalar 7 gach n-ainces bui isin tir. 
LUID Brigit i crich bhFer Rois d'fuascalad chimedh[ a] bui isin crich.1520 
Doraidh Brigit: 'In lece orumsa in cimid lIt amach?' Asbert in ri: 
, Gia noberthea damsa righi bhF er mBreagh uili, ni thibhrinn duit in cimid 
acht na dighis-sea fó era doberthur anmchoimhet oenoidhche 4 erutsa dhó.' 
Roartraigh Brigit deodh 5 lai don cimidh 7 doraidh fris: 'Intan tuaslaicfiter 
in slabradh dhit geibh in n-ymn10nn so, 7 ela for dha laimh dheis.' Do- 1525 
gniter amlaid. Elaid in cimidh la breithir mBrigdi. 

1 MS. choimhetuighi. 
i I\1S. oenoighthe. 

2 1\IS. anairneas. s l\1S. foghail. 
ð 1\lS. deogh. 

4 6 


[fOe 15. a. I] FEACHT doluidh Brigit tar Sliabh Fuait. Bui dasachttach 
issin t-sleib nooircedh na cuitechtna. O'tconncatar na caillecha he ros-gabh 
ecla 7 uamUJl n10r iat. Adu bairt Brigit risin ndasachtach: '0 dhat-rala 
1530 ann pritchai breitÙ" nDé dhun.' 
'Ni cumngaim,' [or se,] , gan umhaloit duit, ár it trocar fria Inuinntir in 
Coimded etir truagha 7 bhochta.' 
I S ann sin doraidh in dasachtach: 'Car in Coimdi, a chaillech, 7 
not-carfa cacho Airmhitnigh in Coimdhe 7 not-airmhitnighfea cacho 
1535 Ataigh in Coimdid 7 not-atuighfea cach.' 
FEACHT doghuidh 1 a hathair næbh-Brigte 2 co ndighsed co righ Laige1t 
. I. co hAilill mac nDunlaing do chuinghidh dilsighthe in chlaidhib 3 dorat 
dó fecht aile. Dothoet Brigit ar forcongra a hathair. Tainic mogh don 
righ do acaI1aiJlz BrIg-te 7 adubairt: 'Dianom-soertha don fhognamh ica tu 
154 0 don righ robudh am cristaidhi, 7 nofhoighenaind duitsi 7 don Coimdhidh.' 
Luidh BrIg-it isin dun 7 conatuigh di ascaidh cusin righ .1. dilsiugud in 
claidib 4 do Dubhtac/z 7 sóire don mhogaid. 
, Cidh ara tiber-sa sin duitsi? ' ar an rígh. 
'Dob6"'thar clann t-soineamhail duit,' ar Brigit, '7 righi dot macaib 
15457 nemh duit fein.' 
Adubairt in ri: 'Flaith nimhe, ár ní is-faicim, nís-chuingim. Righi 
dano dom macaz'b ni chuinghim ar am beo fein araird ann, ár gniat cach a 
aimsir. Tabair dhamh cena fot soeghuil a righi, 7 cathbhuadhaighi for 
Leth Cuinn, ár is mellic cocadh eadrainn.' 
155 0 , Doberthar,' ar Brigit, 7 isedh ón rocomaiIled, ár .xxx. cath romhebadh 
roime ind EirÙl1z 7 a nai a n-Albain tria bennachtain Brzg-te. Tancatur 
Hui Neill i Laighnibh iarna ecaibh-sium. Tucsat Laighin a corp docum 
in chatha, curD mhebadh rompa focedair. 
FEACT do Brigit ica cærchuibh isin Currach con-acai 5 mac leighinn 
1555 ana rith sece .1. Nindedh scolaighi esein. 
, Cidh dot-gní anbhfhorusta, a meic leiginn I ' or Brigit, C 7 cidh innsaighi 
amlaid sin? ' 
, A chaillcch,' 01 in scolazihi, , teighim G docum nime.' 
'Rofhitir lVlac na hlnghine,' ar Brigit, 'is moghenar theit in tUfliS, 7 
1.5 60 ar Dhia dena ernuighthi leamsa curab reidh dhanl dhul.' 

1 1\15. doghuigh. 
4 1\1.5. claidim. 

2 1\15. næmhbrigte. 
5 1\15. conacaidh. 

s 1\15. chlaidhim. 
6 1\15. tcidhim. 



· A chailIech,' or an scolazgi, 'nochan-uain dam, ár atat [fo. 15. a. 2] 
doirrsi nimhe osluicthe innosa 7 adágur a ndunadh frium. No mas acorn 
thairrnesc dhuit, guidh 1 in Coirndhe learn gurub soraidh dhamh dul docum 
nirne, 7 guidhfet-sa 2 Dia fortsu curob reidh dhnit, 7 forruca 3 ilmhile Iat 
docum nime.' 15 6 5 
Roghabh Brigit pater leis, 7 ba craibhdhech osin imach, 7 is he dorad 
cornman 7 sacarbhaic dhi iardain. Conid assein dorala cumthanus mac 
leighinn in domuÙz re Brigit, co tabair in Coimdhi doibh tria atach Brwte 
gach maith fhoirbhthi chuinghid. 
LUIDH Brig-it co hespoc Mel co tised do thorainn a cathrach dhi. a 157 0 
dochuatar iarsin co dÚ ita Ceall Dara inniu, ba hí sin inbhuidh doraia Ailill 
mac Dunlaillg 7 cét marclach do fhinnchæluch leis dar lar Cille Dara, 
Tancatar dano inghena 0 Brzg-it do chuínghidh neich 4 don cælach, et doratad 
era forro. Robeanaid na heich foa marclaighibh fria lar. Rogabhtha 
iarU11t suinn 7 slipredha dhoibh, 7 ni errachtatur nogur' eadbair Ailill in cét Ift75 
marclach do Brzg-it. Conid de doronad tech mor sancta Bng-te i Cill Dara, 
7 is e Ailill ros-biath na soeir 7 ros-íc a ndulghena 5. Facbhais Brzgit cu 
mbadh 0 Ailill mac DunlaÙzg nobheth righi Laigen cobrath. 
FEACHT ann tancatar da clanlh co Brzg-it do chuinghidh almsaine. N í 
rabha araill isin coitcenn aclzt ænbhó. Dorat Brzg-it dona clamhaib in 1580 
mboin sin. Dorinne indara cla1n atlugudbuide don Coimdhidlz. Dirndac/t 
ìÙn1Jtorro in clam aile, ár ba diumsaclz. 'Dochoidh,' ar sé, 'cid mh'airi-si 
m' oenar ria boin. Cunice aníu, dano, nirom-comhairmeadh-sa dam etir 
celiuda Dé 7 bhochta 7 lobhrai. Ni bhiu dano i commaidh imon mboin-sea.' 
Doraidh Brig-t't risin clamh n-umhal: 'Ansa ibhus co bhfaghthar ní dhuit,1585 
7 teit as in clamh dimsach Út gun a bhoin.' IS ann sin tainic fer co Brigit 
gu nlboin leis di, co tard don cIanz umal. a dhochuaidh Í1Jl1Jzorro for set in 
clanz diumsach forfheimidh 6 imáin a bhó a oenar, co tainic forcula co 
Brzg-it 7 co a fher cumtha, co raibhi ic gIamhudh 7 ic imdergad Brzgte. 
'Ni ar Dhia,' ar se, 'doratuis t'eadhpairt, [fo. 15. b. I] acht is ar lisdacht 7 159 0 
tromdhacht rot-gaibh friumsa.' Tiaghuit iarsin in da clamh cum na 
Berbha. Adracht inn abunn friu. Elaidh in clamh nmal cona bhoin tria 
bennaclztain Brzgte. Tuitid in cla1n diumsaclz cona bhoin for a tharr risin 
n-abhuinn cor'baithedh. 

1 MS. guigh. 
4 1\15. neith. 

2 MS. guighfetsa. 
:; leg. dulchinne (?). 

S leg. cor-ruca (?). 
6 1\1 S. forfheimigh. 


4 8 


1595 FEACHT ann tainic fighan Crimhthain mhcic Enna Cennsealazg rí 
Laigelz,7 slabrad aircit Ie i n-edhpairt do Br1iit. Fuath deilbhe duine isin- 
dara cenn de 7 ubhall aircit isin cinn n-aile. Dorat Brigit dona hoghuibh. 
Rothaiscset na hogha gan fhis do Brigit, ár ba mor noghatadh a crodh 1 7 
dobeiredh do bochtuibh. Doriacht clamh co Brigit, cu tard Brigit in 
1600 slabhrad dhó Celt fhis dona cailleachaib. 0 rofhedatar na hoghl1 is ed 
roraidhset co bhfheirg 7 lonnlts: 'Bec a mhaith duin'ne,' ar siat, 'do 
trocaire-si do chach, 7 sind fein i riachtanus a leas bhidh 7 edl1igh ! ' 
'Ataidh for antacadh 2,' 01 Brigit. 'Eirgidh isin eclazs i[ n] baile a 
ndenaim-si emaWìhi, 7 foghebhthai ann bhur slabhrad.' Dochuatar la 
16 0 5 Brigit. Gia doratad do bocht fuarl1tltr na caillecha in slabhrad. 
FEACHT ann tainic ri Laigeu d'éistecht re proicept 7 3 ceileabhradh dia 
casc cu Brigit. Iar bhfhorbhlldh an cheileabhraidh dochuaidh in ri for sed. 
Intan dochuaidh Brigit do chaithimh a proinne adubairt Loman clamh 
Brigte nach caithfedh ní nogu tltctha dhó armghaiscedh 4 righ Laigen, etir 
1610 ghai 7 sciath 7 claideb, COlza bheirt foithibh. Dochl1aidh techtaire 0 Brigit 
andiaidh 5 in righ. 0 mhedhon ÙJl1Jzorro cu nonai 6 don righ for merl1gud, 7 
ní rancatar oenmhile ceimenn co tuc in t-armghaisced uadha 7 co tucadh don 
FEACHT ann atconnaic Brig-it araili duine secce 7 salann for a mhuin. 
161 5' Cidh fil fort mhuin?' 01 Brigit. 'Clocha,' 01 an duine. 'Bidhat clocha 
da1lo,' 01 Brigit. Doronta fochedoir clocha don t-sala1l1Z. Tainic doridhisi 
an fer cétna sech Brigit. 'Cidh fil fort mhuin?' 01 Brigit. 'Sala1ln,' 01 see 
, Bidh salann da1lo,' 01 Brig-it. Doríne fochedoir sala1l1t dona clochaib tre 
breitir mBrzgte. 
1620 FEACHT ann tancatar dá clamh co Brzgit dá n-Íc [fo. 15. b. 2J don 
claimhe. Ad u bairt Brzgit risindara clam nighi araile. Doroine amhlaid. 
'Dena-sa,' ar Brzgit risin clamh aili, 'fosaic 7 nighe h'fir cumtha amal 
doroine-seom umhaloit duitsi.' 'Acht airet cOlzfacamar,' 01 se, 'ni c01Zfaic- 
fÌum. Cidh on, in coir latsa, a chaillech, mhisi sian coam ballaib nuidhibh 
162 57 com etach nua do nighi in claim granna út, 7 a bhaill dl1bhghlasa ic 
toitim de? N i fiu leamsa in nos a leitheit sin.' Ronigh l:lll1JlOrro Brigit 
fein in cla1Jz umul trl1ag. Adubairt in clam dimsach roglanad artus on 

1 l\1S. crogh. 
4, The nz in recent hand. 

2 leg. andachad (?), andagud (?). 
ð ]\tIS. andiaigh. 

3 1\1S. repeats 7. 
6 1\IS. nonaidh. 



elaime: 'Atar leamsa,' 01 se, 'is oeible teined mhoidhid 1 triam eroicenn.' 
Rolinadh he do elaime oa mhullach coa bhonn ara anumaloit. 
FEACHT ann do Brigit oc techt do laimh in espuic eu tarfas di eenn puic 1630 
do beith annsa chailiuch oifrinn. Roopastar Brigit in cailech. 'Cidh ara 
n -opai ?' ar an fer graidh. 'Cenn puic foillsighter dam ann,' ar Brigit. 
Roghairm in t-espoc in gilla tuc ind imaltoir, 7 adubairt ris tabhairt a 
choibhsen. 'Dochuadhus,' ar in gill a, , i tech a n-gabhar puic, eu tallus poc 
méth as 7 aduadhus mo sáith de.' Rophend in gilla 7 doroine aithrige. 1635 
Dochuaidh iarsin Brigit do laim 7 ni eonfacai in fuath. 
FEACHT ann tancatar áighidh 2 co Brzg'lt: at iat uaisH craibdecha . I. na 
secht n-espuic fileat a tilaigh ind airrter Laige1l. IS ann sin foreongair 
Brigit for araili fer dia muinntir techt dochum in mhara co lldernad iasgach 
dona haighedhuibh. Teit in fer 7 a mhurgha lais 7 tecmhaillg ron dÓ. 16 4 0 
Saidhidh inn in rónghai 7 cenglaid a theit dia laim. Tairmgidh in ron 
leis in fer tar in bhfairree co traigh mara Breatan, eu bhfarcuibh annsin he 
for carraie iar mbrisiudh na téta. Rocuired da1lo in ron foreulai, 7 a ghai 
ann, eu rolaa in mhuir he forsin traigh ba comfhoeraibh do Brigit. Doratsat 
Ùn7Jzorro iascaire Bretan eurach do iaseaire Brzgte 0 roindis a scela dhoibh. 1645 
Tainic iarsin tar muir co bhfhuair a ron i traigh tnhara Laigelz ibhus, co rue 
leis co háigeda 3 Brigte. [fo. 16. a. I]. ISin maduin dochuaidh tar muir 7 
dorocht dar muir mBreatan doridisi dochum Brzgte medhon lai. Romhorsat 
na hæighedha 4 7 in sIztog arcena ainm De 7 Brig-tt' triasin bhfirt-sin 7 
triasan n-adhamhra. 16 5 0 
FEACHT ann doghabh mian araile eaillech do muÙztir Br\g"te im shalann. 
Doroine Brzgit ernuighthi cu rosoudh na clocha i salann, 7 rohicad in eaillecll. 
FEACT ann robui baehiaeh 5 do muÙztir Brig-te oc bein chonnaid. 
Dorala dho gu romharbh peta sinnuigh Ia righ Laigell. Rohirghabhudh in 
bachlach 6 Iasin righ. Rofhorcongair Brigit for an sinnach taidhecht 7 asin 16 55 
eaillid. Tainic claJlo eu raibhi oc cleasaibh 7 oc eluiche dhoibh 7 don righ 
la forcongra Brigte. 0 dhoroine in sinnaeh a ghnímha dochuaidh fon coill 
sIan, 7 slogh Laigen etir chois 7 eocu 7 chona 'na deghuid. 
FE ACT ann tancatar espuic co Brigi!, 7 ni raibhe aice ní doberad doibh 
'ar rnbleagulz na mbó fádhó. Tucait na bai in treas fecht don baili 7 rop 1660 
uilli leo in loimm annsin inas eech mblegll1z. 
1 1\15. mhoighid. 2 1\15. áidhidh. 3 1\15. háideda. 
5 1\15. bathlach. 6 1\15. bathlach. 

4 1\15. hæidhedha. 
1 1\IS. taigheçht. 



FEACHT ann robui meithiul ag Brigit ic buain. Feraid fleoehud mor 
1 M uigh Life uile 7 nir' tuit banna ina gort-si. 
Ba dia fertaibh Ùll1Jzorro, robennaeh in dall elaireneeh co tue a szt:ili d6. 
1665 FEACHT ann dorala Brigit cltsin mbaintreabtha1ih, eu romarb lægh a bo 
do Brigit 7 roloise a garmain fai. Doríne Dia ar Brigit ba hoghsla1z in 
garma arnamharaeh 7 bui a máthair og lighi in læzg. 
FEACHT do Brigit 7 d' espuc Eire i Laignibh. Doraidh Brig-it re 
hespoc Eire: ' Ata eathugud itir do thuaith-si, 7 innosa eomraieid.' Adubai1't. 
1670 mae-el/reeh do muilltir espuic Eire: 'Ni doigh linn,' ar se, , cOllid fír sin.' 
Senais Brigit a ruisc in maccleir1i. Doraidh iarsin in maccléreeh: 'Atcím-si,' 
ar se, ' mo bhraitre ieca marbad innosa,' 7 dorine aitrighi moir insin. 
FEACHT do Brigit oe inghaire ehærach. Tainic gataidhi ehuice 7 tall 
.uii. multa uaithe. Arói rohairmhedh in tret, 7 frith na mu1ta a n-oighe tre 
1675 ernaZ:gthi Br1ite. 
FEACHT doríne araile fer [fo. 16. a. 2] do mhuinntir Brigte midh do 
righ Laige1z. Intan tanelts dia 01 ni frith bainne ann, ar roeaithed re Brigit. 
Adracht Brigit do thesareudh an truaigh, 7 ros-bennach na leastra, 7 frith 
an midh a eomhlanus, et ba firt amhra eissein. 
1680 FEACHT ann taneatar na .uii. n-espuic a hUaibh Briuin Cualunn 0 
Thealazg na n-Espac, co bhfuaratar Brigit il-Iue re toebh Cilli Dara atuaidh. 
Dofhiafrazg Brig-it da eoie.1. do Blathnait, in raibhe biadh aiee. Adubhairt 
nach raibhe. Bá nár la Brigit gan biadh aiee dona noemhuibh, 7 roghuidh 1 
in Coimdhe eodiera co 1ldebairt in t-aillgel ria na bai do bleaghan in tres 
]685 fecht. Dobligh 2 Brig-it fein na bu, gur' linsat na dabhcha donn ass, 7 
rolinfatis cidh lcastra Laige1t uili, co 1l-dechaid in loim tar na leastraibh 
imaeh, co llderna loch dé, unde Loch in Ais .1. Loch Leamhnachta inniu. 
Romorad ainm De 7 Brig-te dhesin. 
Ar each ní cOllnaighedh 3 Br1iit forsin Coimdhi doberthe di foeltoir, ár 
1690 ba he a sainnt: sasad bocht, diehur gaeha documla, airehisecht gaeha truaigh. 
Ni raibhi i1121JlOrrO bhudh naraighi, na bhudh fhele, na bhudh eennsa, na bhudh 
umla, na bhud cunnla, na 4 bud 4 euibdi 4 ina Brzgít. Ni ronigh riamh a lamha 
na a co sa na a cenn etir fhiru. Ni rodheeh gnuis fherscail. Ni labhradh 
een loisi. Ba haintech, ba hannae, ba hernuightech. Ba foidhidceh 5. Ba 
16 95 foilidh i timnuibh De. Ba eobhsaidh. Ba humhal. Ba dilghedhaclt. Ba 
dereach. Ba eomra ehoiseeartha eoimeta ehuirp Crist 7 a fhola. Ba teampul 
1 l\IS. roghuigh. 2 l\IS. doblidh. 3 l\IS. connaidhedh. 4 interlined. 5 l\IS. foighidech. 



De. Ba righshuidi tairismhe don Sptrut N oebh a eridhe 7 a menma. Ba 
diuid 7 ba toirrseeh do truaghaibh. Ba hedroeht i bhfertuibh 7 mirbuilibh. 
IS airi sin is é a hainm itir duilibh, eolum etir enuibh, finetnaÙz itz'r fhed- 
haibh 1, grian etir rennuibh. IS é athair na noeboighi-sin 2, in t-Athair nemh- 17 0 0 
dhai. IS é a mac, ísu Crist. IS é aoidi, in Spirut Noeb 3 [fo. 16. b. I], eonid 
aire sin doghní in noebhógh-sa 4 na mirbzdle mora 7 na ferta diairme. 
IS í furtachtaiges da gaeh æn bis a euimgi 7 a nguasacht. IS hi traethus 
na tedhmanna. IS í tairnes feirg 7 anfadh an mhara. IS í bantaireetlaid 
Crist. IS i righan in deiscirt. IS sí Muire na nGæidhel 5 . 17 0 5 

IS e Colum cille dorighne an imann-sa do Brigit,7 is a n-aimsir Ædha 
mic Ainmereeh doroine hi. Et ba he fath a denmha. Anfud mor tainic 
do Cholu11Z eille intan doehoid tar muir, co tarla i Caire Breaean, eu roatuigh 
Brigit co tised feth dó, 7 co 1l-ebairt 'Brzgit be bhithmhaith.' N ó is e 
Broean Cloen doroine, 7 as inann aimser a ndernad 7 'Ni char Brigit IjIO 
buadaeh bith.' No as triur do muintir Brig-te doroine hi intan doehuatar 
do Roim eu rochtatar Blasantiam. Co tarla fer do muilltir na eathraeh 
dhoibh imuig, cu ros-fiafrali dibh in rancatar a leas aighidheeht 6. Adu- 
bratar-som eu raneatar. Rous-fue leis iar sin dia thigh, co tarla doibh 
seolalgi ar toidheeht 7 0 Roimh, cu rofhiafraw dibh can as tangatar, 7 17 1 5 
eed ara taneatar? Adubratar-somh c01zadh ar áighideeht 8. 'IS pudhar 
sin,' ar se, 'ar is hé bés in fir-sea marbad a æighedh 9,' 7 rofhiafraighset som 
sin tria thinehose in seolazgi. T lteadh tra neimh doib i linn, eu romholsat 
Brig-it dia soeradh 7 eu roehansat' Brig-it be bhithmaith ' 7 r1. Atibhset an 
linn eusan neim, 7 ní derna pudhur 10 doibh. Tainic iaru1Jt fer in tighi 17 20 
dia fegad dus in ros-marbh in neim, 7 ateonnaie iat 'na mbethaid, 7 adeon- 
naie illgÙz t-soehraid etarru. Tainie iarsin isin tech, 7 robui for iarair na 
hingine,7 ni fhuair, 7 rofhiafrazg dibh cidh doehoidh an i1lgen,7 adubratar- 
som ni faeadur etir hí. Doratad tra euibreeh forrosom co marbhdais 
iarnamharaeh mina foilsighdis an i1ZgÍ1Z. Tainie da110 in seolazgi eétna 1725 
ehuea arnamharaeh 11 dia bhfis, et inuenit eos in uineulis, et interrogauit eos 
quomodo euaserunt et cur ligati sunt. 
No eumad he Brenainn [fo. 16. b. 2] dorighne in n-imunn-sa. Tainic 
dano Brenainn co Brigit co bhfesadh eidh ara tue in bheist isin mhuir anoir 
1 MS. fheghaibh. 2 l\:1S.- noemoighisin. S MS. noem. ' 1\IS. noemhoghsa. 
6 1\15. ngæighil. 6 1\1S. aidhighechl. 7 l\iS. toighechl. 8 1\IS. áidhigechl. 
9 MS. æidhedh. 10 MS. pughur. 11 1\IS. arnabharach. 
H 2 





1730 do Brigit sech na noebhu 1 arcena. a rosiacht tra Brenainn co Brigit 
rochuinnigh 2 co tartad a coibhsina cinnus robhai gradh Dé oicce. Adubaz"rt 
Brz"git: 'Tabaz"r, a cléirigh, do coibhsena prius 7 dober-sa iarsin.' Adubhuirt 
BrellaÙl1z: 'on 10 roghabhus-sa crabhudh nocha dechadhus tar .UI1. n-im- 
mairibh ce1t mo menmaÙz inDia.' 'As rnaith in coibhsen,' 01 Brigz"t. 'Tabair- 
1735 si dano, a chailIech,' 01 BrellaÙz1l, 'do choibsen.' 'Dofhitz"r Mac na hIngine,' 
ar Brig-z"t, ' on uair doratus-sa mu menmaÙz inDia ni thucus ass.' 'Dar-linn, a 
chaillech,' 01 BrellaÙl1z, 'as coil' do bhiastuibh gia noberut anoir dzdt sechainne.' 
No is é UIItan Arda Breacain doroine an ymonn-sa ar molad do Brigz"t. 
Ar ba do Dail COllcubaz"r dosom, 7 rop edh dano do máthaz"r Brigte .1. 
174 0 Broicsech i1Zge1t Dallbronaigh. I n-aimsz"r ÙJZ1norro da mac Ædha Slaine 
doronad fesin, ár it e romarbhsat Suibhne mac Colmain Moil', for lethlaim 
un taz'n, doronad: 
Brigit be bhithmhaith, bruth ordhai oibhlech, 
don-fé don bhithfhlaith an ghrian tind toidlech. 
1745 Ron-særa Brighit sech dhrunga demhna,. 
roræna remhainn catha gach tedma. 
Dorodhbha indonn ar colla cissao 
an chraebh co mblathaib, an rnálhair Íssu. 
An fhir6gh inmain go n-ordan adhbhuil, 
1750 bum sær gach n-inbaid lam næmh do Laighnibh. 
Lethcolbha flatha la Pátraie primhdhai, 
an tlacht uas lighaib, an righan righdha. 
Robet iar sinet ar cuirp a cilicc 
dia rath ron-bræno, ron-særa Brighit 3. B. 
1755 [fo. I7. a. I]. Mol' tra do fertuibh 7 do mh{rbuilz"b fon n-innus sin 
dorighne in Coirnde ar Bhrigz"t. IS sé a mhet cunná curnhaing nech a fhais- 
neis acht mina thised aspal fein no ai1zgel De dia fhaisneis: acht cena is lor 
so ar dheismirecht dibh. 
a thainic tra cusna deidhinchaibh 4 do Brigit, iar fothugud 7 iar 
1760 bhfurtacht cheall 7 eclas 7 altorach 5 n-imdha i bhfertuibh 7 i mirbzdlibh 
imdha at lir gainernh mara 1to renna nimhe, iar ndesheirc 7 trocuire, doruacht 
iarsin Nindedh Lairnhidhan 0 Roim Letha. IS aire dano atberthea Nindidh 
Lairnhidan frissein, ár ni tard a laim fria thæbh 0 roghabh Brzgz"t pater leis. 
Cunad he dorat cornman 7 sacarbaic do Brzgz"t 7 rofhaidh a spírut dochum 
17 6 5 nimhe. Atait a taisi isna talmalldaibh gu cataidh 6 7 gu n-ordan 7 gu 
1 MS. noemhu. 2 ]\tIS. rochuinnidh. 3 In the l\IS. this poem is written in round 
majuscules. ' IVIS. deighinchaibh. Ci '7 altorach' interlined. 6 1\15. gucataigh. 



n-airechlts, gu bhfertuibh 7 mirbhuilibh. Ata a hainim amal grein lSln 
bhflaith nemhdha etir claiscetal aillgel7 archai1lgel. Et gidh mor a hanoir 
abhus coléic bidh mó gumor intan adræ ina lochrann lainnerdha i comlanus 
cuirp 7 anma i mordail lai bratha, ind oentuidh 1 hyruphin 7 saruphyn, in 
æntuz'dh Mic l\Ihuire Óighe, ISann æntltÙih is uaisIi cech n-æntuidh, ind 1770 
æntuidh na noeib 2_ Trin6ite, Athair 7 Mac 7 Spirut Noeb. 
Ailim trocuire De uasail uilecumachtaig tre impÙli noeibh 3-Brigte: 
roairiltnigim uile in æntaidli si.n, ra-issam, ra-aitreban1, in saecula! 


1 MS. indoentuigh. 

2 1\15. noeim. 

s lVI5. noeimh. 

l fo. 17. a. I]. 
Betha Shenain n1eic Geirrginn 1. 
[do roisee cecIl spirat, in SpirZ/t] rolesa
h in eclais ceehtardhai 
.1. petarlaie 7 nuiliiadhnaisi 0 rath eena 7 fhaitsine, is he roraidh na briáthra- 
sa a gin in righfatha Dabid meíte lese don molad 7 don adhamhrughadh fil 
do Dhia triana noebhu 3 7 triana fhirenu, amal atbeir 'Mirabilis DellS in 
. , 
17 80 salletIs. 
[fo. 17. a. 2]. Oen didiu dona næbhuibh 4 7 dona firénuibh triasa tainic 
molad 7 adhamhragud in Choimdedh fiadh dainibh triasna fertuib 7 triasna 
mirbuilib doroine Dia aire i taI11taÙz, IN noebh 5 uasal [oirdnigi] airmitnech 
dia ta lith 7 foraithmet i n-ecmong na ree-so 7 na haimsire .1. salletus Senanus 
17 8 5 espoeus 6. 
IS ann didiu erdharcaigit in cristaidi lith 7 sollumu1Z [a eitseaehta] inti 
noeimhShenan in oehtai KalaÙZ1l Marta arai laithe mís grene, isindiu arai 
laithe seehtmaÙze isin bliadaÙz freenairc i tam. Atfiadhat na heola
 [ní] do 
bunad 7 do gheinemaÙz anti noebh 7-Shenan J 0 ghuidhi 8 7 0 foreetal do rath 
179 0 in primfatha 7 in airdespuie innsi hEirellJl . I. noenlh 5-Patraie, gein t-Senain 
7 [dona fertaib 7] dona mirbhailibh dorine Dia aire .J. 
Seanan mac Ger;ginn 9 meie Cobhthaig meic Builc meic Deee meic 
lmchada meic Cuirp 10 meic Roduind meic Luigdech meic Aililla meic 
Echadha meie Ænghusa meic Fiachra Find meic Coirpri Bhasehain meic 
1795 C011aire meie Mogha Lamha meie L uigdeeh Allaid meie Cairpri Ct'"oimeinn 
meic Daire Dornmair meic Cairpri Finnmhair meic C01Zaire meie Etersceoil 
nleic EogaÙz. Coimgheall didiu ingen Ernaig meie Golbine máthair Shenain, 
do Alltraighiu. Dorairngair Ù1Z11lorro in primhfhaidh 7 in primapstal ro- 
fhaidh Dia do proieept d'feraib Eire1Z1t .1. noebh 5-Patraie, gein tSenai1l. Air 
1800 intan bái Pátraic ic proiccpt de huaib Figeinti 7 ic a mbaithius i n-Domhnaeh 
Mor [Cheiniuil Díue] tancatar Coreobhaiseind gona righ . I. Bole mac 
Decce, murehoblaeh mor tar Luimnech atuaidh cu Patraie, 7 roguidhseat 11 
Pátraic fa proicept doibh in la-sin 7 a mbaisted focedair. Doraidh Pátraie 
friusom airisiumh co maduin ár ba seith in la-sin. Roraidset Corcabaiscinn 
1 In this Life the words and letters in brack
ts have been taken from the Life of Senán, 
in the Paris 1\15. Celt. and B. I, formerly Ancien Fonds. 2 ]\;IS. naom. s 1\15. næmhu. 
i MS. næmhuibh. 5 1\15. noemh. 6 1\15. espus. 7 ]\;15. noem. 8 MS. ghuighi. 
9 1\15. errginn. 10 leg. Cuirpri (?). 11 1\15. rohuighseat. 



re Patraz"c: 'Ni cumhgamait, ar is fas ar crich darneis cen ocu ica him- 1805 
choimhet, 7 ita ar coblach cefl nech oca [coimét 7] recmait a leas 
tindenus [arcúla] docum ar criche.' Doluidh Pátraic iarsin ina carput 
co faiced cach he 7 cu rocluindis a guth 7 proiceþt bretri De uadha, [fo. 
17. b. I] et rocreitset annsin do Dhia 7 do Pátraic. Canuid didiu Pátraic 
in baithi2ts doib forsin abhuinn bui a comhfhoclts doibh, 7 baistter innte na 1810 
sluaigh uile. Et doratsat almsana mora do Pátraic. Bendachaid Pátraic 
iatsomh, 7 doraidh cu mbiadh imad ana 7 innmh2tsa i crIch Baiscinn cobrath. 
Roáilset Corcabhaiscinn for Pátraic toidhecht leo do bendachadh a criche 
7 do baisted a mban 7 a leanamh 7 a mogad forfhacsat dianeis. Roraidh 
Pátraic friu: 'Nidam uain-siu do thuidhecht libh 7 imluadh mu mhuinnteri 1815 
tarin sruth-sa inunn.' Roraidset CorcobaiscÙtn: 'Ata,' ar siat, 'coblach mor 
linne dod timochar tar in muir, 7 not-berum tairrsi cot uile mhuinnteraib 
cosaibh tirmaibh, 7 dot-berum aris forculai. Roop Pátraic ads dulleo, 7 ro 
raidh: 'Ni fetaimsi,' ar se, 'facbhail na criche i tu nogu tair a coisercadh 7 
a mbennachad uile.' Et dorat Patraic bennachtain for Corcabaiscinn, 7 1820 
forfhacaib buaidh cabluigh forro. [Conid de sin rochan Pátraic in rann so : 

Ní r6 
do Chorccobaiscind, ní g6; 
gen beth doidim fora diu 
ni gébtar riu ni beas m6.] 

] 82 5 

Doraidh Pátraic re Corco-baiscÙl1l; 'In fil i focZts duin airm as budh reill 
damhsa bar crich corosfeg-ainn fein om shuidhi 7 corolts-bennachainn asin 
maigin-sin?' 'Ata eicin,' ar siat, 'in tealach thall' .J. Findine. Luid 
Pátraic leo iarzt1n for mullach Findine 7 roraidh [friu:] 'An hí so bar crich 
fria L
imnech i tuaidh corice in n-oician siar?' , As si,' ar iatsom. ' In ] 83 0 
roich,' ar Pátraic, , in sliabh tall tuaidh . J. sliab Ellbe, i crich Corcamruadh . 
in Nindois?' 'Ni roich,' ar siat. 'Rosia re mbrath,' 01 Pát1'aic. 'In roich 
da1l0 bur crich in sliabh thall tair .J. Echtgi i crich ua n[D]esa?' 'Ni roich,' 
ar siat. 'Rosia iar cein,' ar Pátraic. Beannachais Pátraic iar2t1JZ Corca 
BaiscÙl1l 7 doraidh riu: 'Ni ricthe a leas techt damsa libh anbhar tír, ár ita 18 35 
gein ocuibh i mbroinn n1hna, 7 is dó doradadh 0 Dia bur tir-si: is iarna- 
chul bheithi, is dó fhoighentai 7 foighenus in cenel-sa ua Figennte. IS e bus 
Patraic duibh. Et bidh mór a cata in gein gignithcr 1 lib. Mogenar bias 'na 

1 1\15. gignighter. 



aircill. Et ann inis tall tiar ambeluibh in mara, in 61 [fo. 17. b. 2] aitreabh 
18 4 0 innte?' ar Pátraic, .1. inis Cathaigh. 'Ni ÍiI,' ar siat, 'ar itá peisd adh- 
uathmur innte naeh leiee a haitreabad .1. Cathach a hainm.' 'IS amra,' ar 
Pátraic, ' an mind ordain 7 in lia loghmur 7 in mogh airmitneeh sainshercach 
oe Dia 7 oe dainibh [.1.] in macan gignither l ocaibh, ár is arachinn coiméttar 
talallz na hinnsi út i n-óighe, ár is ann bias a eiseirghi 7 eiserghi sioigh moir 
18 45 do noebuibh 2 maille fris.' IS ann sin roraidh Patraic oc taircetal gene 

18 5 0 

Gignidh macan 'san tir thiar 
isin oilen os aician, 
biaidh Corcabaiscinn fo láimh, 
feruibh, macaibh ocus mnaibh. 
Bid án, uasal, ordnidi s 
ac Dia OCltS ag daínibh: 
moghenar tuath ocus ceaU 
bias arcul in meic-sin. 

18 55 Bidh urdraie airmhitnt'clt in mae sin 4, ar Pátraic, ' uair dobhera dhoibh s{dh 
co n-imat gaeha maithiusa 7 dichur gaeh teadhma indlighthigh dia ndernat 
reir in meie sin .1. noibh 5-Shená1l gu ndechmhadaib 7 primit[ib] 7 almsa- 
nuibh do Dia 7 do Shenáll. Mairg dia manchaib Ï1111nOrrO doghenat 
aimhreir in meic-sin, ár dobera Dia dighla troma forro intansin, eu mbia 
1860 dith fora ndaínibh 7 fora n-indilibh, 7 bérthar ith 7 blicht 7 gaeh torad 
uathuibh iarsin, co mbeit fo gorta 7 dith, chu recfa each a mac 7 a ingin a 
criehaib ciana ar a n1bethugud, mina rabhut doréir Senáill. Bidh urgna, 
oirdnidi a elanna isin bith freaenaire dia rabhut da reir.' 
o roraidh Pátraic na briatra-sa, oe tairchetal gene SenáÙz, 7 0 raben- 
186 5 naeh erich Coreabaisci1l1l, fæidhis uasalsacart 7 deocha1l do Romanehaib 
" batar maille fris, Maeulatus 7 Latius a n-anmanna, immaille re Corea- 
BaiscÙUl da mbaithius. Et i n-adaig 6 dorochtatar co Pátraic, it é sin aimser 
dopritchaiset 7 iris 7 creidium Crist 7 doronsat baithius 7 comna i erich 
Coreo-BaiscÙuz. IS ann da1lo rothoghsat na noeibh 8-sin reeles doibh 7 port 
18 7 0 a n-eiseirghi do thæibh puirt Innsi Cathazgdon leth tuaidh i n-ereomair Reilgi 
Aingil Dé,ár rofhetatar ba hi Relic in Aingil i n-Inis Cathazgnobiath esseirghi 
Shenáin, 7 ba maith leosom a n-eiseirghi do beith i eomhfhoe2ts d'eiseirghi 
1 1\15. gignighter. 2 I\1S. noemuibh. 3 1\15. ordnidi uasal. 
· This and the preceding five words come in the 1\15. next after the first of these quatrains. 
fi MS. noimh. 6 1\15. agaid. '1 dopritchaidset. 8 MS. noeimh. 



SelláÙz [indus] cumadh [foe 18. a. I] aroen re Sená1Z rodecbsatais do 
mhordail bratha. 
Nir'bho cian iarsin intan boi mordhal Corca-baiscinn ind oenbbaile. 1875 
Tainic dallo lanumaÙz docum in airechta. Amal dorochtatur in t-airecht 
adracht in drai boi isind airectus rompa. O'tconncadar cach sin adracht 
in t-oirecht uile rompa, ár ba mor anoir in druad acusom isin aimsir-sin. 
Faitbis [iarum] in t-airecht imon drai, 7 atbertsat fris. 'Ba linn,' ar siat, 
'dodeachaid dhuit Gerrginn aithech 7 a seitig doghnl do ureirghi.' 1880 
Atbert in drui: 'Ni do aithech doghniu-sa ureirghi, acht [is in] mac fil 
a mbroinn na mna thall, ir adresset Corcu-baiscinn uili roime. IS dó 
fhoighenat. IS e bus fIaith doibh cobrath.' 
IN tan tra thainic aimser ghene in meic-sin . I. Sená1Z, tairisidh a 
mhathair [i]na hoenar ina Iubhghort fria deiseabhair na grene, 7 tainic aillgel1885 
De dia furtacht cona raibhi docair di a tuismed a meic, 7 bennachais in 
t-aingel in mac rucad ann. IN t-uaitne cærthuinn bai [iJna Iaimh oc tuismed 
a meic gabais tala1Jz, cu mbai fo blath 7 duille focedair, 7 maraidh beous 
in crann-sin. 
Nir'bho cian [dóib] iar ngein in meic-si Iuidh a máthair do uisqui 7 a 1890 
mac Ie 'na hucht. Tarasair iaru111 in mháthair for lomrad a smer don 
mhuine bui i comfoc1ts in topair, ár ba i tus fhoghamhair rogenair Senáll. 
Doraidh [dollo] in mac remhraidte [fria máthair] asa hucht: 'An de sin, 
a mháthair, ár is proinn riana trath coir insin.' 
Oc M uig [Lacha] da1lo robhai artus aras 7 orba do thustidhibh 1 18 95 
SenáÙz [riasíu rogenair Sellán]. Bai 2 dano orba n-aill doibh oc Tracht 
T ermainn. Ata didÙt ré cian ettr in da fhorba sin. IN tan dano ba hái1 3 
do thustidhibh 1 SelláÙz imeirghi do dhenam nothicedh Sená1l la ?to da la 
rempaibh do denamh thighi 7 lias 7 mhachad 7 gach comhnacal cena ricdis 
a leas da bheith urrlamh aracinn. SenáJl i1JZ11l0rro is ed rognith-saidhe ar 19 00 
dhesheirc cabhair da gach oen ricedh ales, 7 nobith urla1JZ ar cinn a muÙzteri 
tech nua aigisium. 
Feacht ann fergaighis a máthair frissium imon nl-sin,7 is ed roraidh 
[fris]: 'A meic claindi 7 ceniuil,' ar si, 'as beg do tharbha dhuin.' 'A 
mháthair,' ar se, , dena [foe 18. a. 2] airisiumh 7 rat-fia comnacal.' 'Doair- 19 0 5 
cebha dhuinne inni-sin,' 01 in mháthair. 'Doaircebha cofir,' 01 Senán. 
Intan tra batar forna briatraibh-sin C01lnacatar cuca isind ær na liasa 7 na 
1 1\lS. thustighibh. 2 The z" in modern ink. S 1\15. hal. 



machadha 7 na naseu 7 ind uile comnacal rancatar a leas forfacaibset isin 
baili asa tancatar. Cu rofuirmeadh na bhfiadnusi isin maighin robo des leo a 
1910 suidhiuglld. Romoradh dano ainm De 7 Se1lái1l triasin firt-sin. 
f"'eacht da1lo IotaI' Corca-baiscÙl1l for sluagad a Coreamruadh i Ninduis. 
Beridh dauo nert foireicnech na flatha Seuá1l isin crich sin. 0 rosiaetadur na 
sluazg crich Corcamruadh geibid for innred na criche. Senáll ÙJllJlOrrO is cd 
doroine: teit i sabull n-arbha bai i comfhoeusdó, 7 cotlaidh ann cein batar na 
I9 1 S sIuazg oe innred an tire. IlVI poit na sluazi docum a tire fein [i]ar n-indredh 
Corcamruadh doibh. Facuibter SC1lá1l isin t-sabhull ana chodlud ait a raibhe. 
o thainic tra each isin crich deis in t-sluazg [día ndl1thazg fein,] is amhlaid 
atces in sabhull i mbui SClláll, ina thor teineth for lasad. 0 atces inni-sin 
tainic socraiti n1hor dia thesarcain. 0 thancatar i bhfocus don t-sabhall i mbui 
J9 20 Seuá1l COllnacatar ba sIan don teinid. Lotar araile dibh isin t-sabull C01ln- 
facatar ind oclach [i]na chotlud. Rotriallsat araili dhibh a ghuin [focétoir]. 
, Anaidh [ris,' 01 in fer n1aith [issin t-saball,] 'bes is cara no is coibhdealach 
[dúinn] fil ann, 7 is he ros-anacht in sabhall.' Rofiafrazgset can dó. 
Doraidh Se1lá1l ba don t-sluag roinnredset in tir do, 7 ni bui eara na 
]925 coibhdealach dhó isin tir. 0 ro airigset iaru11l cur
bo duine eu rath De he ro 
anaicset 7 ro idhnaicset uatha asin crich co himla1l [é]. Luidh-sium co 
tech araili fir mhaith i crich na n-aicme do chuinghidh dhighi, ar ba scíth 7 
ba hitadach oe imdeacht andiaidh 1 in t-sloig. Bui dano fleadh 2 urlamh isil1 
tigh sin [do ri] na tuaithi. Roheradh dano Set/all 7 luidh cen biad cen dzg 
J930 asin tigh. Tainic [dono fócétoir] in ri [docum an baile] do ehaithimh na 
fledhi [foe 18. b. I] 'ar n-imthecht 3 do Sená1l. INtan d01lo atcós dó taispenad 
an bhídh 7 in leanna [is amlaid] frith, na uisqui bren 7 na biadh bren. Roin- 
gantaighset na sluazg in gnim-sin. Doraid in ri: 'Inn dechaÙl nech uaibh fo 
era bhidh llÓ Ieanna?' 'Ni dhechaid,' ar siat, 'acht oen gilla do lueht (no æs) 
1935 na creach tainie sunn do chuinghidh dighi, 7 ni tardad dho.' Doraidh in ri : 
, Tiaghar andiaidh 1 in duine sin, ár is cluine co rath De he.' Docuas andiaidh 1 
Selláill, 7 tucadh dochum an tighi, 7 robennach in biadh 7 in linn, 7 do- 
dhechaid a mblas coir dhoibh, 7 roingantaighset na huili docolznuie in 
III i r buil-sin. 
194 0 Laa n-aill doluidh Seuáll co ndamhaib a athar leis a h U rrus aniar da 
mbreith sair do Mhaigh Loeha co nfaea in muir Ian araehinn. Ba focus clauo 

1 MS. andiaigh. 

2 1\1S. fleadh. 

3 1\1 S. inithecht. 



adhaigh 1 intan sin. Luidh do chuinghidh thighi æighcd 2 co Dun Mechairbai i 
comfhoclts do. Ni raibhe dano Mechar ina dhún in adazg 3 sin, 7 rodhiuItsat 
a mltlztir [ina écmais] fria SeJlá1l. Luid [dono] Senáll forcula docun1 in nlara, 
do fhunnraidi tragha, 7 ní raibhi i comfhocus dó tech ele dia rachad annsin. 1945 
Amhaillotur a dhaimh reme [a tracht in mara] con fhaca in murtraig arachinn. 
I man aid a dhamha iar2t1JZ tár in traigh. Anlal ruc [iarsin] Selláll a chosa 
tarsin ad hart suas for tir co forcluin in tonn oc bein ria saluibh [dia éis]. 
Sóaidh a mcnma fris intansin, 7 iss ed roraidh : ' IS lor dam [a fat] i tú [oc ]C01t 
loechdhacht-so.' Brisidh iarsin in gai bai 'na láÙIl, 7 dorighne crois de, 7 195 0 
saighidh 4 i tal1l1aill, 7 slechtaid fo tri aice do Dia. Luidh dalla caibhdhen 
7 roaircset in aidchi 5-sin dún Mechair, 7 roortsat a mac, 7 rncad a ben a 
mbraid; 7 ni ro haitreabhad osin ille in dún, 7 ni[ con Jdingentar cob,'"ath. 
Luidh [dano] Senán co farcuibh a dhan1ha oca athair, 7 teit iarsin, 7 
geibhidh bachaill 0 Cassidan carad 6 rogabh recles i crich U rrais. Do 1955 
Chiarrazgi Chuirchi da1lo, do Cassic1an. Leghaidh dauo SClláll a shalma 7 
a ord ecalsa la Cassid an. 
Luidh dano Selláll do legad Cll N otail cu Cill Manach Droichit i Crich 
Osrazgi. Bci he, il1l1Jl01TO ord bai ocun scoil . I. notheighedh cech fer don 
scoil in la rosoigsed dó [foe 18. b. 2] inghaire lægh na cille. IN lá da1lo 19 60 
dorala do Sená1l tech! do inghaire na lægh intan no imaineth a læigh roime 
il-Icth-sea ticdis na bai [iJnandiaidh 7. Intan noimanad na bai il-leth n-aill 
ticdis na læigh 'nandiaidh 7. IS hi comhairle doroine Selláll frissodhain. 
Dorad tóruinn dia bachaill etarra 7 na læigh 7 tar in mbrugh a mbatar, 7 ni 
lamad nechtar dhe techt do shaiged araili tar in torainn-sin, 7 roghnith 1f)65 
SClláll am laid sin gach la rosoiched dó ingaire na Iægh. T éighedh 8 cla1lo Selláll 
do denU1Jl a leighinn iarsin co ticedh trath tabarta na n1bo dia n-innis. 
o rochuala SClláll a radh do Crist fria aps[t JaIu, Si quis inter uos uuIt 
maior fieri, sit uester ll1inister [et seruus,] roghabh do laim don scoiI 
athaighidh [in mui1ind]. B1iadaÍ1z dano núna [7 gorta J moiri in bliadaÙl sin. 19
Batar [dano dá] latrainn isin crich oc slait chaich. Roraidhset i n-araile 
aidchi!): 'Cidh doghniaid innocht do iaraidh neich 10 dún? ' , Raghmait,' 
ar fer dhibh, , do mhuileann Cille lVlanach, ár bidh æinfcr ann cech n-aidchi 11 
oc bleith arbha, 7 oircfimit an fer-sin, 7 doberam cucainn in t-arblfr.' Lotar 
[iarum] cu mbatar a ndorus in mUilÙl1l. Fegait tria thoU na con1Ia con fha- 1975 
1 aghaidh. 2 æidhed. S agaid. 4 1\15. saidhidh. 5 1\15. aighthi. 6 leg. ancharad (?) 
7 1\IS. nandiaigh. 8 I\1S. teidhed. 9 1\15. aigthi. 10 1'15. ncith. II 1\iS. naighthi. 
I 2- 




catar in dias isin muili1l1l, indalanæ oc leighiunn, araile oc trathairecht an 
mhuilÙut. Atberut iarsin eturra: 'Cidh doghenum 1 ? In bhfoiberam na 
fira? ' 'Ni fhoiberam,' 01 siat, 'ár in fer fil oc bleith is leis fesin in t-arbur 
mheilius,7 ni hinann muillter dhoibh, 7 raghaidh dia thigh acht cu roise dhó 
1980 a bleithcch, 7 raghmait 'na dhiaidh 2, 7 oircfimít he, 7 be1"'lnait linn a arbhur 
7 a fhodhbh, 7 doragham iarsin [do Jcum in muilleora 7 oircfimit hé,7 bermait 
a arbur uadh.' Roansat iarsin gu tairnic in bleithech. Scoiris [dano] in 
t-oclach bui og bleith in arbha [iss Jin muilÙul. Iadhaz.s dauo Sená1l a 
leabhur 7 contui!. Bui da1lo a chele cen codlud. Anuid na ladrainn 
19 8 5 a ndorlts in muilÙul co maduin. a thainiee [dano] in madan osluieid Se1lál1, 
in muile/Ill. T ecuid na ladrainn chuige [fócétoir] is in mUilell1Z 7 doraidhset 
fris: [fo. 19. a. I] 'Cia robui itt farrad cein ron-boi ic leiginn 7 ic codlud? ' 
'Nir'bo macht[ n ]adh,' or Sellá1t, , cid he nobeth ann, inti dia n-ebhradh N 01t 
dormitabit 3 neque dormiet 4 qui custodit Israhel.' 'Caide-sidhe?' ar [s]iat 
199 0 sum. 'Atá i bhfogltS,' ar Se1lá1l, 'ut dieitur Praesto 5 est [D011lin2ts] om- 
nibus inuocantibus se.' Doghniat il1tl1lorro aitrighi na latrainn, 7 rolaiset 
in æntaidh 6 re N otail, 7 rofheidhIighset iarsin [i]na chomhaidecht cein batar 
beo, 7 it iat fein ro innis in scél-sin. 
Aidche 7 n-aill doluidh SCJlán do cuinghidh cainnel cltsin coic do bleith 
1995 in arbha. 'Ni fhiIeat coinnle tumtha agam,' or an coic, 'acht ænchainneal, 
7 ber-si lat coleic, 7 berthar cainnli duit acht co tumthar.' Luid as Sellált 
dia muiIÍ1ul 7 a ænchainnellais. Focerd da1lo me1lma in coca thairis cur'bhá 
sIan a sechtmai1l. IS ann doraidh in coic: 'IS machtnad linn na tic in 
muilleoir do chuinghidh cainneal 7 se ic bleith gach n-aidhehi 8.' Luid didÙt 
2000 i tosach aidehe 9 dia fhis cinnlts nomeileadh cech n-aidhchi 8, 7 fegaidh tria 
tho11 na comlad co 1l-acca in eainnealbra oeca 7 in muilell1l for bleith a oenar, 
7 sesium oc denam a leighinn. Luidh as in coie iarsin d[i]a thigh. Dothoet 
dauo arís arabarueh im iarmheirghi dia fhis cinnlts dom-both isin mhuilÙlll. 
Con-aca in cainneal cetna fora cainnelbra feibh robhui tosach aidhchi 9. 
2005 Luidh dano in coic dia thigh in fecht-sin, 7 dotoet doridisi co n-acai samlaid. 
Roscaieh la sodhain in bleith, 7 scoires in mUilellll a ænar 7 doberur in 
cainnel don coic. Ba derbh il1U1l0rrO lasin coic [ann side] ba sí in cainnel 
tltcadh uad robhui oc Sellá1Z ar caithimh cech n-oidhchi 10 co cenn sechtmaÍ1ze 
7 ní ro didhbhadh. Teit in coic dauo 7 atfet do Notail inní sin. 'As mac 
1 leg. do dénum(?) 2 1\15. ndiaigh. s l\lS. dormitauit. t 1\15. dormiat. 6 1\15. ipsi. 
6 1\15. æntaigh. 7 1\15. Aigthe. 8 1\15. naighthi. 9 I\1S. aighthi. 10 MS. noighthi. 



raith do Dia,' ar N otail, ' in fer isa scela Sill. Timaircfidh muinntir do Dhia.2010 
Dogena Dia mor do fertuibh 7 do mhirbuilib aire. As coir bheith 'na fhait- 
chius, áir bidh mairg donti dogena a aimreir. Mogenar dontí bus riarach dhó.' 
Luid Se1láJl laithe Iá aidi, la N otail, for tin
ts [fo. 19. a. 2] co CHI Mhóir 
Arad Tire. Amal rancatar dortts na cille con fhacatar in sochraite ndermhair 
oc cáine 7 oc toirrsi .1. ænmac tuisigh na tuaithe robo marb acu 7 se ica 201 5 
breith dia adhnacul. O'tconncatar na cleing andocum ansat aracinn, 7 
roraid in ben friu: 'Ar a
 Coimdhi dia n-adhraidh, a clérchu, todhúiscidh 
[damsa] mo mac marbh!' 'Monuar dhuit, a ben,' ar N otail, , a n-atbere: is 
la Dia a chomus in gnima sin 7 ni la duine.' 'Ar bháide 7 ar trocaire,' 
ar in ben, 'áilidh-se lemsa an Coimdi-sin ell ro thodhuisce damsa mh'ænmac;' 2020 
7 do ber[ ad] in mac a bhfhiadhnusi N otail [iarsin J. ' N a tuc ille in mac,' 
ar N otail, 'acht tabair do Shenan.' 'A mo shruith,' ar SClláll, 'ni coir a 
n-atberi.' , As coir eicin,' ar N otail, , ar is duit roceduigh Dia todztscadh in 
mheic, et geibh in mac fot coin1, ar as ced duit.' Ni lamhair clano Sená1t 
friththairisium [fri N otáil] friá aidi. Gaibhidh [da1lo] in mac foa coim, 7 ro- 2025 
dhluthazgfria cridhe, 7 doghni ernazghthi ndicra [air] maille deruibh. Nir'bhó 
cian tra gu cualatar in mac oc labhra fa coim Se1láÙz, 7 dorat [Se1lán] in 
n1ac beo do Notail. Dorat Notail il-Iáimh a mháthar. Romorad ainm 
Dé 7 N otail 7 t-SeJláÙt triasin bhfirt-sin. Lotar iarum na cleirzg dia cill 
fein 0 rogieset in les frisa tancatar. 2030 
Roleth tra clú Se1láÙz fona cricha da gach leth ara mhet d'fertuibh 7 
do mirbztilibh doghnith Dia aire. Ticdis na tuatha 7 na cenela as gach aird 
ina -dhócum : foirenn dibh co ll-almsanaibh 7 co llduthrachtaibh, foirenn aile do 
chuinghidh aImsan, foirellll do cuinghid a n-ictha a gallraib, foirellll do 
ghabhail a anmcairdiltsa, foire1l1t da cur a n-æntad 1 fris 7 do ail cu roghabad 20 35 
inad reampaibh. 0 roairigh N otail innisin roraidh fria Selláll: 'A brathair 
inmaill, as mithzg duit dul do ghabail inaidh riasin popul fuil 'god togha.' 
Doráidh Scná1l [da1lo fria N otáil]: 'A athair, a N otail, ni coir inni itberi[ d,] ár 
ni hedh sin domidar-sa acht bheith i mainchine acutsa dogres.' Doraidh 
N otail: 'Ni hamhlaid bias, acht eirg 7 geibh baile [fo. 19. b. I] risin popul2040 
fil 'gut furnaidhi.' 'A athuir thogaidhi,' ar SCllá1l, 'cidh norag 7 cia hairm 
i n-gebh inadh ? ' Doraidh N otail : ' A meic inmaill, faillsighfidh duit inti fil 
'gud togha [.1. Día] in maigin a n-gebha.' 
LUIDH Sellá1t [iarsin] do con1hairli a aidi (.1. Notail) i cenn shéta 7 
1 1\15. anænta. 



20 45 dobeir Notail a bennachtain dó, 7 geibhidh Senáll a n-Inis Coirthe 1 do 
thæibh na Slaine i crich U a Cennsilazg. Doghni dano æntaidh 2 7 Moedh- 
oc F erna Moire. Timnuid Maedoc a baili dia eis do Senáll 7 a bachaill, 7 
geibhidh aipdine F'erna déis Moedoc. 
Teit asa apdhaine do Roim. Teit [dono] 0 Roim d'acalduim Martan cu 
20 5 0 Torinis. IS ann robhui Marta11 oc scribhiunn t-soscelai arachinnsom. IS 
ann roraidh Sellán: 'Ropadh amra lium comtais iat na lamha ut atcím 
ocon scribenn doberad sacarbaic dam i laithe mo éitsechta.' 'Bidh iat 
ecin,' or l\1arta1l. Et doghniat a n-æntaid ann sin, .1. Sellán 7 Martall, 7 
dobeir Martan do Sellán i comartha a n-æntad in soiscéla roscribh aracinn. 
20 55 IS essidhe soscél SClláÙz inniu. 
Luidh Se1láll iarsin do saiged Eirellll [co toracht] cu Cill Muine co 
Dabid. Doronsat a n-æntaid annsin Dabid 7 Selláll, 7 dorat Dabid a bachaill 
do Se1lá1l a comartha a n-æntad. 
Luidh iarsin Sellán for muir do shaiged Eirellll, 7 gabais ind ailen Arda 
2060 N ein1idh 3 i crich U a Liathain, 7 anaidh annsin fria re .xl. la 7 aidhchi 4, gur' 
fhaillsigh Dia do inad a eiserghi. Tainic dano Raphel archaingel d'agalIaÌ1Jl 
Senáill; 7 doraid fris: 'Virilitcr age 5 et c01lfortetur cor tuum, quia ad te 
D01Jzinlts tantam familiam congregabit. Eirg dallo, 7 geib inad risin morpopul 
fil [a]gut fornuidi.' 'Ccist, [dono,'] 01 Senan, 'cia leth norag, 7 cia baili 
206 5 i m-bia mo eiserghi?' 'Ni taink duit cu sodhain,' arin t-aillgel, , ar ita do lín in 
popuil dorinolat chucat cu nach tallat ocut ind oenbhaili. Conudh aire sin 
gebha-sa congbhala imdha artús, 7 roseis iarsin cu maighin i m-be h' eiserghi.' 
Facbus SClláll drecht dia mU1ltir ann sin, 7 luid for forcongra in aingil 
cu rainic Inis Cara i toibh Luae, 7 fothazgis eclais do Dia ann. IS ann 
20 7 0 tancadar lucht Iuinge a tiribh Letha dia n-oilitre ind EirÙlJl, cokca fer 6 a lin 
uili [fo. 19. b. 2] do æs foirfe. Rotog didiu gach dechnebar dib a menmarc 
do næbuib 7 Erellll, 7 rolaiset fora muinter1ts riasiu tistais asa n-duthazg fein, 7 
rolaiset forro ainecrus a n-indtige 7 a n-imtechta co toirsitis Erill1/, .1. la co 
n-oidce do gach eeitir1l gltsa naob 8 asa mui[ n ]dterlts notogad do luamairecht 
2075 a n-imramo co roised each gltsa noeb 9 doraega 10. It e dono naoib doraegatar ll 
.1. Findia 7 Senan 7 Brenainn 7 Ciaran 7 Bairrei. AI-lá d01lO doralo do 
mui[n]dtir t-Shenain enechrlts an in1rama, roraid an luamaire: 'Cuich 12 an la- 

1 Inis-conirthe, Colg. 532, cot 2. 
4 aighthi. 5 1\1S. agite. 
9 1\15. noem. 10 1\15. doraga. 

2 MS. æntaigh. 3 Ardmenedh, Colg. 532, cot I. 
6 1\15. .x.lIr. 7 1\15. næmuib. 8 1\15. naom. 
1] 1\IS. naoim doragatar. 12 I\1S. cuith. 

so aniu?' 'Lá muindtere Senain,' ar siat. 'Torced cobair coluath uadaib 
mata ocaib nech nos-toire, ar dorala an gæth [cohamnlts] anarnagaid.' At- 
racht espoc umaP dib focétoir, 7 as ed doralo ana laim cnaim na lairge air, áir as 2080 
í uair robatur ag proindechad; 7 bendachuis in aer 7 atbert: 'A t-Senain,tiged 
cobair goluath, 7 tæt an gæth ina coir.:J 0 roraidh espoc Mula na briathra-so 
tarla in gæth [i]nandiaidh 2 isin bhrut, C01lus-tarla 
na feth choir, cu roghabhsat 
ie Coreazg. Anuit a mhuindter la Barræ. Lotar olcena eu Senáll, co hlnis 
Cara, 7 ba foilid friu, 7 an sat aice a muÙzter fein .1. espoc (Ioh )áin 7 espoc 208 5 
lVlula a ndeiehenbur, 7 tiagllr uadh la muÙltir co Finnia 7 Ciaran 7 Brenainn. 
IS AND sin tancus 0 righ Raithlind .J. 0 Lugaid Cíchech, do cuingidh 
arrad co Selláll. Doraidh Selláll frisna techta nach biath fo chis do righ 
talmanda. Ba lonn la I.Jugaid ind aithesc-sin, 7 doraidh re mui1ltir: 
'Beiridh mo each mbuadha cltsin clérech, 7 biattar ar arbllr aice hi.' 2090 
Tucadh iarsin in t-ech co Se1láll,7 tltcadh a lind in proinntighi dia fothracad, 
7 baitter a cétoir in t-each isin linn, COIl náces di acht a cara uasin lind; 
cOlladh de dogarar [an baile . I.] Inis Cara, ar ba Tuaim n-Aba a hainm cosin. 
o rohindisedh do Lugaid a ech do bhadhud doluidh co bhfcirg 7 
lonnlts co Selláll, 7 baghaidh fris cumór. Fergaighills Se1lall fria Lugaid,2095 
7 doraidh na gebhtha righi cubrath uadh forUaib Echach, et doraidh [fris] 
beous noghetad nem 7 tal1nain aire mina thugad a reir dho. Dobatar il1Zlll0rrO 
da dhalta ag Lugaid . I. Ædh 7 Læghaire, 7 doraidhset[ -side] ris: 'Tabhuir a 
oighreir don cllrcch.' Dorat iarsin Lugaid a oighreir doibhsen 7 do Selláll, 
7 facbhuidh Se1lán ordan [fo. 20. a. I] dogres for cloinn Luigdech. Dorat dano 2100 
Ædh 7 Læguiri a oighreir do Selláll, et forfacuibh Sellá1l doibsium rigi H ua 
n-Echach ocu dogress cen tiactain eatarra cein doghneat reir ShenáÙz. Cunad 
de sin rochan an file co rath nDe .1. Colman mac Lenin, an laidh:- 
Aeinis Senan tes ind ail en Arda N eimidh, 
fria crabud/t ceart, cidh nach commaith ba feacht feidhil. 
Feidhligius ann cethrac/ta la la fir-Fiadhait 
nogu tainic Raphel aillgel cruth adfiadhait. 
Asrubart ris Raphel aingeal ro ataire 
ára tesseadh, taghraim sonæ, do Tuaim Aibhe. 
Fothaighius altoir iar suidhiu isin tuaim-sin 
la breithir nDe feidhlzgius ré 3 isin ruaim-sin. 
Raitti rissium 0 Lugaid lonn lith co maithgreim . 
farath 4: co mbrigh cen nach drochrainn do righ Raithlenn. 
Asbert Sendn frisna techl,libh tograim n-allmhar 
1 leg. 1\lula (?) 2 1\1S. diaigh. s 1\15. see 


· leg. arradh (?) 


210 5 




21 15 nach beth fo chis, na fa toghnam do righ talmhan. 
Lotar a techta co Lughuidh eosin n-aithesc: 
soch/ais forro cen naeh n-aithiusc coir a c1eithescc. 
[Búi ech amra lassin Lugaid, fer co ndéine, 
aille da each ni frith arambeth and-Éire.] 
2120 'Beiridh mh'ech-sa cusin c1éreeh, lith nolabhrad, 
tré breithir mbrais cu robiattar lais ar arb1tr.' 
Cosin anall ba hedh 1 a hainm, Tuaim na hAbha, 
conudh de ata iar suidhiu, Inis Cara. 
Doluid anes riu ri Raithlenn, ruathar nuallach, 
212 5 arbeluibh caich 2 gur-rabáidh fria Senán sluaghaeh. 
15 edh isbert risin cleireeh Lugaid Cíeheach S 
tre labhra lonn a bhreith a n-uisci trom thireeh. 
Fobith a n-asbert fria 4 Senan, sasadh nalhnhar: 
'ní seol sid he, ni gebhthar uait righi talman. 
2130 Ni gebhthar uait righi rathach, ruathar creachaeh, 
tre breithir næib 5 ni bat suthaeh ar ib Eaehaeh 6. 
Aeht mina thabra mo reir-sea, gnim gun glanbhail, 
radh asrobhart gétad 7 orat nemh is talmain.' 
, N ocha maith doghni-si, a Lugaitf, gnim gu ngartghai1, 
21 35 Senán soer sreidh tabair do a reir,' ar a daltaibh. 
Tabair a oighreir don c1érech, cruth roteehta, 
cen labra len, curap seel co deireadh mbeatha.' 
Dorad Lugaid reir do 5heanan ara bhfuighled, 
[foe 20. a. 2.] dobreth fír orda1t fonn foghlach do c1aÙln Luigdech. 
21 4 0 [0 dor6nsat 6greír Senain, sássad sainricllt, 
in dis máræn Æd ocus Lægaire laindreaeh.] 
o doronsat oighreir Shenáin rointe 8 aiffrinn 
dobert doibh la sidhe 9 is soehlainn righe Raithlinn. 
Asrubhairt briathar ind apstail shærus sætha 
21 45 righi nat bæth d' Ædh is do Læguire læchdha. 
o roc1ai-sium cath for deman ni len claoine 
m6r do ghradhaibh doratad dh6 daltaibh aine. Ai1zius. 
FORfacuibh Se1lá1l iarsin ochtur dia ffiuÙltir a n-Inis Caro im Cil1ín 
7 im Fheichin, mac saidhe righ MZtscraighi 10 7 da1ta do Se1láll hé. L DID 
21 5 0 Senáll iarsin la forcongra nDe eu roghabh a n-Inis Luinge, 7 fothazgis eclais 
innti. IS ann sin tancatar na noebhógha 11 adhoehum .1. ingena Brenainn 
righ 0 bhFigeinte, 7 ros-idbrait do Dia 7 do Shená1l. Ba hi sin primit 
Eoganachta Gabra do Selláll. Faebaidh Sellá,t iar1t1J'z in reeles[ -sin] leosom. 
1 1\IS.sedh. 21\15. eaigh. s 1\15. cigheaeh. t leg. fris(?) ð 1\:15. næim. 6 leg. ar in beathach(?) 
7 leg. gétar. 8 leg. sloindti (?). 9 leg. sídh. 10 MS. m1éscraidhi. 11 1\IS. noemh6gha. 



L UID Se1tá,Z asside co hInis Moir ind Irrus Deiseirt. N oZts-beir in gæth 2155 
seiee eu rogabsat a n-Inis Tuaiseeirt. Anais dano Sená1Z i suidhiu 7 fothazgis 
eelais do Dhia innte 7 faebais dreeht dia muÙztir innti. 
LUID Sellá,Z iarsin eu roghaibh a n-Inis Moir 7 fothazgis eelais innti. 
Tipra asa tabartha usee doibh, doluidh ben do lueht na hindsi do nighe 1 
eduigh a meie [i]na doeum. Ateonnaie [dono] espoe Sétna innísin, 7 roraidh : 2160 
, IS ole in gnlmh út.' 'Cía gnímh sin?' ar Liber1z mae Daill. 'Bannseál 
ag nighi eduigh a meie as in tiprait asa tabarr usee oiffrind dún.' , Doehoidh 
a mae [uai thi] dar or n- Éirell1Z,' ar Liber1Z. I S ann [dauo] bai in mae intansin 
oe eluichi for bru inn aille i bhfiadhnuse a n1áthar. Dofhuit in l11ae isind all. 
Goilis in bannscal andiaidh 2 a meie. 'IS ole dhaibh in dunoreuin do 2165 
denumh,' ar Sená1Z. 'Atdamam pennait forainn,' ar siat. Doraidh SeJlá,t: 
, Eirigh-si, a eseuip Setnai, ar ita foehunn duit a mbasugud in mheie, 7 beir 
lat Libherlln, 7 faeaib é for an earraie gu rue a Dia breitlz fair, 7 tZte lat 
a mae don mhnái.' Luidh espoc Setna eu fareoibh Libern in a earraic, 
7 luidh for iarair in meie, eu bhfuair isinn oreel i raibhi, [fo. 20. b. 1] 7 se 2170 
oe eluiehi frisna tonna .J. doroiedis na tonna adoehum eu tibhtis uimme. 
N othibhedh som frisna tonnuibh, 7 dobereadh a bhais fria huan na tonn, 
7 rolighedh amal uan lemhnaehta, et bui in mae annsin on trath co araile. 
Geibhidh espoe Setna in mac ehuigi isin noi, 7 dobeir do Selláll, 7 dobeir 
Senáll dia máthair. Doraidh SeJlá,Z fria hespae Setna: 'Eirg 7 tue Libern 2175 
asin earraie, ar ateiu is eoindireleach a breithium fris. Ni tic in muir chuice 
fot a bhachla gaeha lethi uad.' Luidh iarsin espoe Setna, 7 dobeir Libern 
lais asin earraie co hairm i m-bui Se1zá1t. 
Doraidh Libern : 'Ni má dhun cia nobeimis inn aiee neich im usee sunn 3.' 
, IS arafíad duitsi,' ar Se1zá1Z, , ár ita tipra fot eosaibh isin bhaile i tái. 
aidh 2180 
do bhaehaill ra tæbh do eoisi is in tal1JzaÍ1z 7 dotheperfea usee duit.' Saidhid 
Libern a bhaehaill la tæbh a ehoisi isin tal1JzaÍ1z, 7 doeiprinn foeétoir topur 
firuisee asin maighin-sin, 7 is he a hainm, Tipra Libernu. 
Doraidh espoc Dalann : ' As eriata brise in tala1Jz[ -so]: noehnaife in muir 
7 beraid leis ar reiIgi-ne: ni maith in baiIi eiseirghi dun.' , Nib amlaid sin 218 5 
bias,' ar Libern, 'aeht tabhair mu da bhonn-sa frisin muir intan doghenaidh 
mo adnaeal, 7 nom-bia-sa 0 Dhia na brisfe in muir in tal1Jzain sin osin amaeh;' 
et roeomailled amlaz.d. 
F ACBAIDH ScnáJl espoc Dalann 7 espoc Setnai 7 espoc Eire 7 Libern 

1 MS. nidhe. 

2 l\fS. ndiaigh. 

3 This is corrupt: see the various readings. 



21 9 0 mae in DaiII 7 araili fir noebu 1 nlaille friu a n-Inis Moir, et doluidh Sellált 
cor'ghabh a n-Inis Cæireeh [Céoil,] 7 faebuidh dreeht dia rnuilltir indti. Do- 
luidh Se1lá1Z assin eu roghaibh a n-Inis Connla i erich U a Setna, 7 fothazgis 
ecIais ann, et facbaidh d{s dia muntir ann. I. espoc Fiannai 7 espoc Findein. 
IS AND sin tainie Raphel archaillgel d'acallaÍ11l Selláill,7 roraid: 'Tair 
21 95 learn co rofaillsigiur duit bhaile i mbia h'eseirghi, ár is mithzg la Dia a rochtain 
duid.' Lotar iarlt1Jz Senáll 7 in t-aillgcl eu mbatar for mullaeh Feis 2. IS 
annsin doraidh in t-aingel fris: 'Feg lat in n-indsi tall: is innti bias 
h' eiseirghi [fo. 20. b. 2] 7 eiseirghi shlóigh Inhoir do næbhuib 3 maille f1'it. Ni 
fhil a n-iarthar betha ailen is noeibe 4. N i dernad toeradh Dé ann. Rofhaidh 

200 Día péisd adhuathmhur da imehoimhet cona ro aitreabdaiss eoraidh náit meie 
mallachtan innti, acht gu mbeth a næibe 5 ardochindsa. Doeuirfither romatsa 
in bhéisd út asinn ailen na roeraide do mllÍ1ztir [a] eomaitriubh frie, ar is 
mithzg la Dia do dhul-sa do ehumhdaeh eealsa isin n-oilen sin. Bidh uasal 
airmheitneeh an eelais-sin. Bidh eenn erabhuidh 7 bidh topur eena iarthair 
220 5 betha. [Bid dIn attaig do Gallaib 7 do Gædealaib ].' Roraid Senáll frisin 
n-aingel: 'As mithzg leamsa inn{ is mithzg la Dia, ár is cd connaigim-si 6 dogres, 
inní is tol do Dia.' La sodhain toebhait na haingil leo he eltsin lice eloichi 
for a mbídh [i]na shuidhi do lVlhullaeh Fessi, eu rofhuirmit for tulazg aird a 
medon na hindsi, eOlludh de sin itá Ard na nAi1lgcl 7 Lee na nAillgel a 
2210 n-Inis Cathazg. Canait molad do Dhia is in maighin-sin .1. Selláll 7 na 
haillgil, 7 lota1'" iarsin do shaigid na piasda eltsan inad a raibhe an péisd. 
0' tchuala an peisd iat, rocraith [a eend], 7 adl'aeht a guairi fuirre 7 a gairbh- 
driueh, 7 ros-feg co hainserg ainniardhai. Nir'bhó eiuin, eairdemail, eennais 
in fegad dorat fOl'ro, ar ba hingnad Ie nech aile da hindsaigid ina hindsi [gusin 
221 5 dallá sin.] Doehing dono a n-andoehum cotren 7 cotairpteeh, eu rocrithnuigh 
in talauz foa eosaibh. Ba heitigh, anaithnid, angbhuidh, adhuathmhar an 
mí1 doeirzg ann. [Ba sithiter a corp ailén na urelaide.] Airrter eieh lé: rose 
loindreeh lasamail 'na einn os si feigh feoehuir fichda fe1'gaeh fæbhrach 
fordhere fuilidhe firamhnus forluaimhneeh. Ba doigh la nech is trit 
2220 notheiged a rose intan rosilled fair. Da ehois urgrana imremra foithe 
[i]ar n-airrter. Ingne iarnaidi fuirre doboingdis frasa teincdh asna hail[ ch ]ibh 
cloiehe airm i eingdis tarrsa. Anal tenn tidhi 7 Ie, noloiseedh amal grise 
MidhboIg aiee cosmhuil re bolg-sidhe. Eithre muirmhil fuirre iar n-iartar. 
Ingne frithrosca iarnaidhi [fo. 21. a. I] forra-saidhe. Nolomraitis forrúse in 
1 IVIS. noemu. 2 Tese, Colgan. S 1\1S. næmhuib. 4 1\15. noeime. 
ô 1\1 S. næime. 6 1\15. conaidimsi. 7 1\15. teinntighi. 



talmhan leo in c01tuir notheighdis andeghaidh na plasta. IS cuma noimthi- 2
ghedh muir 7 tír intan ba hal dí. Rofhiuchad didÙt in fairrce ar mhét a brotha 
7 ara n[ d]eimhnzgi intan nocingedh innte. N í is n-etfaitis ethra, ni térnai 
uaithi 6sin inall nech atfessed a scéla. 0 dorocht iaru1Jz an péisd cufeochair 
eusin maigin i mbui Selláll, oslaicidh a craes cu mbó reill a hinathar [d'fhaic- 
sin] tar in croes docum in cleir
. Dothocuib Sená1l a laimh la sodhuin, 72230 
dobert sigill croichi Crist [i]na haghaid 1 . Soch,tais in pheisd iarsin, et is edh 
so raráid Sellá1Z fria: 'Atberim friut,' ar sé, 'ind ainm an Athar 7 an Maic 
7 in Splrto Nóib, facuibh an n-indsi-sea, 7 ni derna urchoit isin crich tarsa 
raghai na isin crich cosa ricfa.' Luidh acedair in péist la breithir SC1lái1z 
asind ailén gu riacht Dubloch Slébi Collain, 7 ni derna urc6id do neoch 2235 
co rainic sin na iar rochtain, ár ni lamhair techt tar breithir Senáitt. 
LOTUR dano iarsin Sellán 7 na haingil for deisil tinlcheall na hindsi eu 
rancatar aris Ard na nAillgel. Iar coisecrad doibh na hindsi, doraidh 
Se1Zá1Z frisind aillgel: 'Is amhnlts in muir fil imon indsi, ar doigh popul 
imnedach indti.' 'Gidh amhnus,' 01 in t-aingel, 'gebe manach co n-umla 2240 
eraidhe raghus fri herlathar uaitsi ni baithfidir co tara cucat doridhisi.' 
, Roil' Dia duit,' or in t-aillgel, 'ni ba hithfernach iar mbrath anti dara ragha 
úir na hinnsi-si.' 
[Is ann atbert in t-aiñgil in rann-so : 
Muir n-ard n-áinbtheaeh seoch a tæb 2245 
debrad nocha rigda dúil 
nf blais[fe] pendaid acht ecc 
intí tara tét a húir.] 
o ROclos fona tuatha an scel-sin .1. Sená1Z do aitreib a n-Inis Cathazg 7 
d'innal'ba na péiste aisdi, 0 Rocuala il117nOrrO Mac Tail, ri Hua Figeinti, an 2250 
scel-sin, rofherguigh [gumor,] 7 is ed roraidh: 'Cia l'olamhair,' ar se, 
, aitreb mo thire-sea cen deoin damh?' Faidhis a rechtaire uadh cu raghaibh 
al' braitribh Senáill .1. ar Chæl 7 ar Liath, co 1tdingbhaitis a mbrathair donn 2 
innsi. Lotar-saidhe don indsi co Se1l , á1Z 7 doraidhset fris: 'IS dot 
breith-si asin innsi-si thancamur-ne, [fo. 21. a. 2] ar rothubh ri Hua-Figennte 2255 
frind. Atbeir is leis an indsi-sea 7 innse Luimnigh olcena.' , IS deitnhin,' 
01 Se1záJl, 'ni ba leis an indsi-sea, 7 ni ba m6 a chuit dona hinnsibh olcena 
old as Ino chuid-si.' 'IS deimhin, tra,' ar a braitri frissiunl, , is eicen duinne 
po bhreit-si asin indsi.' Geibidh iarsin ceclttar dhe a lámha 7 rotairrngit lea 

1 l\IS. hadhaid. 

2 leg. asinn (?) 




2260 ar eicin taran carraic sis. Ba fergach didiu boi frissium, Cæl oca sreing 
fris frisna clocha eur'brisedh uile. 'Ciclh tai,' ar Cæl fria Liath, 'na tairrnge 
in fer-so maille frium ?' 'Ni dhigen,' 01 Liath, 'as aithrech learn a ndernas 
fris.' Da mad do dhenam gnilna ele thista is amlaid [sin] dogenta. Cidh 
armadh ferr lat do thir cliles do breith uait inas breith an gilla-so as in t{r 
2265 nach leis? As usa lium[ sa],' ar Liath, , cidh facbhail na hEirC1l1l inás sárugud 
ind fir-si.' 'Ni ba heiccll,' 01 Sellá,l, , áir aitreabhfuidh do clann addiaidh 1 
an dr. In fer út ehar1ts an tir ni aitrebha fein na a Clall1l dia eis, 7 bidh 
tusa nos-melfa.' Lotar iarU1Jl as, 7 faebhait Scná1Z ina innsi. Amal rosiacht 
Cæl dorus a lis ind Ochtar Maigi Fochailleach luidh do dhianbhas. O't- 
2ZjO connaic Liath inn{-sin luidh co Sellán ads 7 doghni aithngi. Doraidh 
Selláll [fri LiathJ : ' Ni sechbhaidh duit [indi doronaiss] cen æntaidh fria Cæl, 
ár ni bhadh shia do shægul [ina Coel], 7 roba[ d] didhbad do cla1111.' Doraidh 
Liatk re Selláu: 'In tibhirter eorp in truaigh út cucat?' , N i tibirter,' ar 
Sellá1l, 'ár n{ cubaidh a ainim ag Diabhul 7 a corp liumsa: ackt adnaicter 
22j5 isin tulazg i torchair.' Rohadhnacht iarU1/1 Cæl isin maigin-sin, 7 rodidhbat 
a clanll dia eis, 7 ata a thir Ia Selláll. 
LUIDH dauo a rechtaire co Mac Tail, 7 atfet a scéla dho. Ba bronach 
Mac Tail dona scelaib-sin, 7 roraid: 'IS saoth Hum,' ar se, , in bachlach 2 ut 
do ghabail form ar éicÙl.' Adubairt a dhrúidh frisin righ: 'Ni rice a leas a 
2280 shnímh fort, ar dober-sa sén chuigi, 7 atbela no fuiefidh do thlr latsa.' Ba 
fæilid in ri don aithiusc sin, 7 luidh in drai iarzuJl,7 dobeir dá chairpthech in 
righ i n-eccor for Se1Zán, 7 scorais isin maighin ba togha lais isinn innsi. 
Luid iarsin co hairm [fo. 2 I. b. I] i mbai SeJláll,7 rochan brechta [i]na agaid, 
7 doraidh: 'Facuib an tír Iasin sén-sa.' Doraidh Senán [frisseom]: 
228 5 'Doro at cenn do shena. 
is fortsa bus meta. 
ba at tru cen deilm ndina. 
is tusa not-béla. 
, IS treisi an sen tucus-sa lirn,' ar Selláll, , 7 is ferr mo dhan.' 'Biaidh 
229 0 nl dia fesamur,' 01 in drai, 'ár doghen-sa inno1tsa ní nack dingne-siu.' 
'Ni dingne-sa ní do maith etir,' ar Senáll, 'nach dingen-sa. Cech ole 
doghena cuirfidh Dia learnsa forcúlai.' Dorat in drai doirche darsin 
ngrein conach faicedh nech aighedh a ehéIi isind innsi. Senais Senált 
na dorcha co ndeehatar as focétoir cun1ba solus. Dorat an drai toirnich 
22957 saignenu imdha 7 cumasc mor isind ær. Senais Selláll sin uili, ..,. 
1 1\15. addiaigh. 2 l\IS. inbathlach. 



berthe forculai. a nar'chumhaing in drai tra n{ do Seuáll, luidh asind InlS 
7 doraidh re Selláll: 'N aehat-aicin1-sea al'moehinn sunn intan Hos aríss.' 
'Cidh theighi-siu?' or Senán. 'Il-leth téighim t,' 01 in drai, 'ni fhe- 
draissi 7 ni fheisir cun ticabh, [7 can dorrag do dócum arís]. 'Má rofhetar- 
sa,' or SellálZ, 'ní ticfa tusa aris 'san tír asa téighi 2, 7 ni ba soinmheeh duit 23 00 
isin tir i l'icfa.' LUIDH as iarsin an drai la feirg, 7 dolbhais ehiaigh uime 
ar na haieeasda eu mbai i nDairinis . I. inis bui arbelaib Innsi Cathazg 
anairdhes. IS airi dochuaidh innti, [ardáig] co lzdighsedh i formnai a dhana 
innti, 7 cu rothoehuil'edh demhna dia fhoiridhin, ár nil"lamhsat demhnai 
techta dia fhoiridin indagaid SenáÙz. 0 rosiaet tra an drai eu mboi isind 23 0 5 
inis tic in muil' tairrsi 7 baitter in drai cona n1ltÙztir innti, cOllad hí sin 
Carrae na n-Druadh anÍu. Atces do Mac Tail an drai do bhádhadh, 7 
rofhergazg de eohadhbhal. 
BOI clano intansin comhdhal forsin righ i Col'camruadh. Tarailliais co 
hlnis Cathazg, 7 raiclhis fria Selláll: 'IN tusa gheibhes mo thir frimsa 23 10 
ar eicin, 7 romhal'bh mu drai? IS deimin bidh inann adnacul daib, áir leicfiter 
cloch fot braghait i fudhomhuin na fairrgi do dighuil 3 fort in gnima dol'onuis.' 
'Ni leat a chomlts,' 01 Sellá1Z. Dol'aidh d01Z0 an l'i [foe 2 I. b. 2] fria SeUá1Z : 
'Na tiaghat mu eieh i mudha 4 oeut.' 'Ni ba misi bus echaire duit,' 01 
Senáll. 'IS ehugutsa tueus-sa mo eocha eu tisal' dom thul'us.' 'IS tualaÙw 23 1 5 
Dia,' or Sená1Z, 'connach ticfa-sa ads is-tir-sea, 7 CUll ná rís cenlZ do sheta.' 
Sluicid dano in tala11z na heochu isin maighin a mbatar [intan sin], i bhFán na 
n-Each, a n-iartur Innsi Cathaigh.' Dohindised don righ innisin, 7 ni ba 
ferdi lais a mellma. ' Nil" choir duit,' ar a mae frisin righ, ' a ndene frisin 
cleireeh, 7 dofhetamur doghebha dígail fort ind.' , Ni mo lem a brigh,' 01 
in r{,' inas eúra mhæl lachtnai.' 'Gin ghub nel'tmur sin,' or Senálz,' as 
tualaÙzg Dia co tiefa h'aided-sa 5 dhi.' 
Luid iarsin in rí i eenn t-secla la feil'g 7 diumus. INtan da1lo rosiaeht 
ell mbai oe imtecht ra tæbh n-aille i tuaiscirt ehl'iehe Baiscind, foceird in 
cura mhæl1achtna bedhg fo ehosaibh na n-ech batar fon eal'put, co 1Zdernsat 23 2 5 
na heieh euclazgi moil' fon earput roim in eæil'zg, CUll rala in rí asin earput, 
eul"ben a eenn fria cloich, co lz-eipilt de, 7 co 1l-deehaid la miscaidh SenáÙz 
fo dhimbuaidh martra docum ithfrinn is in maigin-sin, la dilsi a thil'e do 
Se1Zá,z Ó sin imach. 

1 1\15. teidhim. 
4 MS. imugha. 

 IVI5. teidhi. 

s 1\15. didhuil. 
ð 1\15. haigedsa. 


7 0 


2330 LUIDH da1lo Dondan mac Leith, dalta do SCJláJl, 7 da mac becu batar ic 
leighiunn [i]maille fris do bhuain duilisc leis ar tír. Beridh in mhuir a næi 
uadha, cu na búi oca næi arcenn na mac, 7 ni raibhe noi ele isin innsi do 
cabair na mac. Robaidhit da1l0 na meie isin earraic. Tuctha dano a cuirp 
arnamharaeh eu mbatar i tracht na hindsi. Tancatar [do1lo] a tuistidhi co 
2335 mbátar is in tracht 7 dochuindighset a macu do tabairt doibh a mbethaid. 
Doraidh Sená1l fria Dondan: 'Abair frisna n1acuib eirghi dom acallaÙJl.' 
Roraidh Donnan frisna macuibh: 'As eed d uibh eirghi dh'agalIaÙllh bar 
tltstidhi 1, ár itbeir Senán fribh.' Atrachtatar fochedoir la forcongra Se1'Zái1z 
[forru],7 doraidset fria tuistidibh 2 : 'IS ole doronsaidh rind, [oc Jar tabairt asin 
2340 tír rancamar.' 'Cid armad fherr libsi,' 01 a máthair friusom, 'anadh isin 
tir-sin anas tuidecht cucaindne?' 'A mháthair,' ar iatsom, , gia dobertha 
eumachta ind uile dhomuill duinne, 7 a aibhnes 7 airphiteadh, robudh inann 
linne 7 nobhemis i carcair [fo. 22. a. IJ ic feghain bheith isin bethaid 7 isin 
tír ranCa1l1ltr. N a fuirghidh sinn, áir is mithzg linn rochtuin arís an tíri asa 
2345 taneumar, 7 doghena Dia fornne eOlla bia ar cuma foruibh d[í]arneis.' Doberud 
da1lO a tustidhi 1 deonaghadh doib, 7 lotar aroen ra Se1Zá1l docum a reclesa, 7 
doberur sacarbhuic dhoibh, 7 tiagait docum nimhe, 7 adnaicter a cuirp 
a ndorlts in reelesa a mbai Selláll. Et it eat sin eétn1hairb rohadhnacht a 
n-Inis Cathazg. 
235 0 T ANCA TAR dano Brenaind 7 Ciaran cu roghabsat SClláll do anmcharuid 
doibh, ár ba sine inait fein, 7 ba huaisli a gradh .1. espoc Sellan,7 saeairt in 
dias aile. Ni raibhi dallo biadh indairithi isin coitcenn intan doríachtadar. 
Robhátar dallo tredhenus cin bhiadh idir æigeda 3 7 mhuinntir, 7 ni thoract 
biadh 0 neoeh. Rohindised dono do N echtain Cennfhada, do righ U a- 
2355 Fighennti, Brenainn 7 Ciaran a n-Inis Cathazg oc acallaÏ?ll Senaill, 7 ba Ian 
a treidhinus cen biadh. Roraidh N echtain fria rechtaire: 'IN tairnie ocut 
fúr na fleidhi 4 oca rabhadhuis denumh damsa?' 'Tairnic,' 01 in rechtaire. 
, Beir lat euleir do Sellá1'Z C01la æigedaib 5 fileat ein biadh a n-Inis Cathazg.' 
Doronad amhlaid sin, 7 tainie in ri fein cu mbai i purt na hindsi, ár ni 
23601amhair in ri techt on purt een deonugud Senáill. Rotaispenad in fhled don 
ehoie, 7 rofuc leis cu m-bui isin euicind. Rothochuired na clh"igh dano 
d'agallai111 an righ cu port na hindsi, 7 iss cd roraidh friu: 'IS eadh is ail 
damh más airichthe mo dhuthracht cltyub airichthe mo manche la Sená1l.' 
SleehtuidN eclÍtain doScllá1Z intan sin,7 roudhpair[ éfein ]collashil [iJnadhiaidh 6 
1 i\IS. tustighi. 21\15. tuistighibh. 3l\IS.æideda. 4l\IS. fleighi. 51\I5.æidedaib. 61\IS.dhiaigh. 


7 1 

i mbithdilsi cu brath do Dia 7 do Sellá1Z i bhfiadhnaisi Brenainn 7 Ciarain.23 6 5 
Doratsat na cleirtg iarsin bennachtuin for N echtain 7 for a shil cein nocom- 
alldais reir SelláÙz, 7 doraidhset [na elérzg .1. Brénaind 7 Senán,] ná roissed 
righi na airechus na feibh thochusa inte do shil N echtain ná dingned reir SenáÍ1z. 
LUID iarsin in ri dia crich, 7 berid bennachtain [fo. 22. a. 2] ona noebhuibh 1. 
Tancatar daltO na cléirigh [do Jchum a reclesa, 7 robennaehsat in fhleid thucad 2370 
dhoibh. IS annsin doraidh Bre1ZaÙuz: 'As deimhin,' 01 se, , biaidh dígal 
Dé ibhus 7 tall forsinti tomela torad æine 7 urnatghthi SelzáÙz codeolaidh 
intan is damhsa a caithium 7 Ciaran na rocomarleiced co lz-dernsam a luagh 
do æine 7 urnazgthi artus.' 
BLIADAIN tarta móir tháinie ann- iarsin. Acainit a mu'Ùzter re Se7Záu 2375 cen usee oceu. Tainie iarsin aingel De do acallaÍ11z SenáÙz iar n-er- 
nazgthi dó ina iarmheirghi, 7 is ed atbert: 'IS mór acainit do muÙttir friut 
bheith cen uisqui [ac2t.] Eirigh co u-aceamur in bhaile i ta uisqui i bhfocZts 
doibh.' Adraehtaturfoeétoir Sellán 7 in t-ai1lgel,7 doehuatar cltsin maighin i tá 
in t-uisei inniu. Doraidh in t-aillgel fria Seuá1Z: 'Toehuil sunn,' 01 se.2380 
Geibhidh euaille cuill bui i comhfhocus dó, 7 tochlaid an talal1Z amal roraidh 
in t-aillgel fris. Amal roclaidheadh Senálz doglanad an t-aingel. Doraidh 
an t-aingel: 'As lor a dhoimne thoehlai, ni bhia urcra ar uisci isin tiprait-si 
cein bias aitreib isin cill-so, 7 iefaidh cech ngalar doberthar euici.' Saididlt 
da1tO Sella1Z an cuailli bui [i]na láimh for bru na tiprat eu raghaibh talal1z 23 8 5 
foeétoir. Amhuil adrachtatar na braitri ar n1aduin confhacatar an tiprait 
lán d'uisqui 7 in bili euill for a bru. 
FEACHT ann luidh Ciaran d'agallaÍ1n SenáÙz cu tarla elamha dhó in 
Ochtnr Sceith. Gabhsat aiIgius de cu tart a chasal doibh. Luidh iarumh 
ina enshnaithi ell mbui for bru na hindsi athuaidh. Rofaillsiged do Senán 239 0 
Ciaran do beith isin phurt. Berur da1lo næi cen ehodhuil areenn CiaráÙz, 
ár ní raibhi noi eli isin innsi [nobértha foracend]. Luidh Senán eu mbui 
isin purt, 7 a chasalleis foa coim da thabairt do Ciarán, ar na budh im- 
dergad do beith cen eochull. Amail dorocht Ciará1Z in port doraidh 
Se1Zá1Z la faitbedh: 'Ciarán cen cochuII,' or see 'Bidh gairit mu nochta,' 2395 
or Ciaran, 'ita casal damh fot eoim-si.' Gabuidh Ciarálz [fo. 22. b. I] 
in casal uime, 7 is amlaid sin tancatar eusan recles, et is e sin casal CiaráÍ1z 
. , 
BRIGHIT illge1Z COl'z-cathrach de Húaibh maic Tail, næbh2-il
e1z ógh, 

1 1\15. noemhuibh. 

2 1\15. næmh. 




24 00 gabhais reicles i Cluain Infide for bru Shinna. Robui aiciside casal i 
n-almsain do Sellá1Z, 7 ni bhui aice tecktaire leis, co 1Zderna cliab bec do fhleas- 
caib cuill 7 co tart cúllnach friss, =, co tuc an casal inn, 7 cu tard a rillde 
do chuinghidh shacarbaice, 7 foceird iarsin in cliabh for Sinainn, 7 atbert: 
, As ced duit sin do breith let co hInis Cathazg.' IN la iarzn1t rainic in casal 
24 0 5 co hlnis Cathazg raraid Senáll f1/'ia deochai1l: 'Is cead duit má fogheibhe 
ni isin traigh a tabhuirt lat.' Luidh in deochaÙz co bhfuair in cliab isin 
traigh, 7 dobeir leis co Se1lá1Z. Benaidh as in casal 7 nus-geibh Se1Zá1Z uime. 
Doberar íarsin dá cloich t-salaÏ1l1z isin cliabh cétna, 7 dobcrar in rinde co 
sacarbaic, 7 cuirter for an uisqui cetna, 7 doraidh Sellá1Z fris: 'As ced duit 
2410 so do breith cu rothaispenu an rinde 7 an sala1l1l cu Brighit, cu Cluain 
Infidhe, 7 [co tarda] in salann aili do Diarmait, co hInis Clothrann.' 0 ra- 
siacht in cliabh co Cluain Infidhe, 1uidh Brigid chuigi 7 geibhidh chuice as 
an rinde 7 indara salallll. Dobeir sruth Sinna beim uaithe forsin cIiabh 
co[ nid] farcuibh oc Diarmait a n-Inis C10thrann. Doghni dano Brighit 7 
2415 Diarmait altughadh buidhe do Dia 7 do Sheanan iarsin. 
CANIR craibhdech, næbhógh 1 do Benntraighe deisceirt Eire/l1z, gabhuis 
disert ina crich fein. Bai adazg 2 ann iar n-iarmeirghi oc ernazgthi co tarfas 
dl cealla Eire1l1l uili, 7 tor teined dá cech cill dibh docum nime. In tene 
thurgaibh a hInis Cathazg as I ba mó dibh,7 ba hedrochta,7 ba dirgha 
2420 docum nime. 'IS cain in recles ut,' ar si: 'iss ed ragat-sa cltrub aice bias nlO 
eiseirgi.' Tainic roimpi acétair cen eolus acht in tor teined atconnaic oc 
lasad cen cumsanad etir 1a 7 aidhchi 3 [inafiadnaisi] co toracht cuice. 0 
dhorocht i11'l1JZorro cu nl-bai for bru Luimnigh andes luid iaru1JZ [tar muir] 
cosaibh tirmaibh amal bid ar talamh [fo. 22. b. 2] réidh, cu mbai i purt 
2425lnnsi Cathazg. Rofhidir dano Sellán inni sin, 7 luidh cu mbui isin purt 
aracind, 7 feruidh failti fria. 'ISs ed dorochtus-sa,' 01 si. 
, A Chanir, eirigh,' 01 SOZá1Z, 'docum mo máthar do shethar fil isin indsi 
út tair, co nderntar h' áighidhecht 4 ann.' 
'Ni hedh dorochtamar,' 01 Canir, 'acht is alre dorochtus: COllam-raibh 
243 0 aighidhecht 5 latsa isin indsi-seo.' 
'Ni thiagat mna a n-indsi-sea,' 01 Se1Zá1z. 
, Cid dia ta latsa sin? J 01 Canir. 'Ni messa Crist, ar ni 1ugha thainic 
do thathcreic ban inás do thathcreic fher. Ni lugha roces ardaigh ban inás 
1 1\IS. naemh6gh. 2 1\15. agaid. S MS. aighthi. 
4 l\1S. haidhighechl. 5 1\1S. aidhighecht. 




ardaigh fher. Robhatar mná oc umaloid 7 oc timttrecht do Cr'ist 7 dia 
aps[tJalaib. Ni lugha, dallo, thiaghuit nlna isin bhflaith nemhdha inait fir. 2435- 
Cidh, dana, arna gebhtha-sa mná cucat at indsi?' 
, IS tal char atai,' ar Se1Zá1l. 
, Cidh on,' or Canir, ' in roa inn! c01Znaigim t, inat mo thæibh isin indsi-sea 
7 sacarbhaic uaitsi damh?' 
, Dobérthar,' or Senáll, ' inat eiseirghi duit sunn for brú thuindi, 7 is ecal 2 44 0 
lim in mhuir do breith do taisse as.' 
'Rom-bia-sa la Dia,' 01 Canir, 'ni ba hedh toisecch bh"as an mhuir as 
don inis in maighin a mbiu-sa.' 
, IS eet duitsi, t1"a,' 01 Sellá1Z, 'techt a tir.' 
Ar is amhlaid robui sisi cein robatar oc imacallaÙn, 7 sf 'na sesamh 2445 
forsin tuind, 7 a trosdan fa a bruinne amal bidh for tlr nobheth. Tic iant1n 
Caneir for tfr, 7 doberur saearbhaie di,7 teit docum nimhe [foeétóir]. Roir 2 
Dla Canir cibe thaidhles a reeles ria ndul for in muir ni baithfider nogu 
ti arise 
IS lia, tra, tuirium 7 aisneis a ndoroine Dia do fhertuibh 7 do mhirbuilib Z45 0 
ar Shenan, ár ni fhil neeh dia tissed a fhaisneis uile, acht mina tissed aillgel 
Dé dia fhaisneis. IS 16r tra in bee-so dhibh ar deismirecht.1. a betha 
inmhedhonaeh, a airbhirt bhithbhuan eeeh laithe, a umhla, a chennsa, a cæin- 
fh[ u Jarraighi, a ainmne, a aiIgine, a dhesheire, a trocuire, a dhilghidhehe, a 
æine, a apstanait, a ernazgthi, a frithaire gresach, a menma indfhethmech in 2455 
Dia dogres. Ni fil nech dofhetfad a innisi aeht neeh 0 Dia. 
[fa. 23. a. I] Bat[ ar] ile tra buadha Se1lái1Z. Ba hé in topur glainide triasa 
nighter ind uile popuil roerb Dia fris do glaine a fhoircetail. Ba he, da1Zo, 
in nell nemhdhai triasa bhfursanntar tala11z na hecalsa 7 anmunna na firen 0 
bræn a forcetuil co n-astudh sualaeh. IS hé, dano, in loeranp. órdha rohadnad 2460 
on Spírut Noebh trias a teiehet doreha ci1ludh 7 targabhal a tegdais Eculsa 
Dé. IS é in bare bithbhuadhaeh berius slóghu na firian tar ainbhthine in 
domuÙz eu tracht na hEcalsa nemhdha. IS é so in fetal [.1. mineúis] coisec- 
artha in Righ nemhdha dognl sidh 7 set 7 coræ eturro 7 meie dhaine. IS e 
so mær.7 rechtaire 7 ronnaire rofhaidh an t-Airdri nemdhai do thabhueh 24 6 5 
císa sualaeh 7 sognímh do ilclannuibh Gæidhi1 3 . IS é in Iia loghmhar 0 
cumhduighter an richedh nemhda do sloghuibh na talma1l. IS é in leastar 
glan triasa ndailter fín breithre De dona popluibh. IS é in morbriughaidh 
1 MS. eonaidim. 2 MS. Rofl).ir, with a punctum delens under fit. s l\IS. Gæighil. 




sona sofhoircetuil noshasadh bochta 7 nochta. IS e gesca na fír-fhinemna 
247 0 tuaraidh bheathaid 7 sasad don domo1Z. IS e in fír-liaigh icas gallra 7 teadma 
anma cech dhuine irisigh isin eclais cristaidhe. 
o ROchomhfhoiesigh tra laithi a eitseaeta in noib I-sin .1. Senan, 'ar 
n-Ie dall 7 bodhur 7 bacach 7 amhlabhar 7 gacha haimhreidhi arcena, IAr 
lId cheaIl 7 recles 7 mainistreach do Dhia, 7 iar n-oirdnedh indtibh-sein 
2475 espoc7 t-saeart 7 æs gacha graidh arcena fo ongad 7 coisecrad 7 bennachadh 
tuath, tainic ina n1henmaÙt do Se1lá1l techt do dhenam ernazghthi oe relcibh 
Cassidain a aidi 7 sethar a athar .1. Scath craibhdheach ingen Dubhthaigh. 
Luidh iarUl11 i leth-sin 7 aidhleadh leis co Ci11 [EJochaille d' acallai'1z illgelz 
N eir robatar ann .J. næbhogha 2 craibhdecha roghabhsat caille fo láimh 
24 80 Se1ZáÙz 7 robatar for a anmcairdius. Ailit-sidhe dano do Sená1l co tardta 
corp rnanaigh umhail dá mhuinntir cucasornh 'da adhnaeal ocainn co rabdais 
a reilee oc ar n-imcoimet.' 'Dobérthar cueaibh [eiecinJ,' ar Selzá1t,' nech dia 
targha bar n-irncoimét na bídh a shnim foruibh.' [fo. 23. a. 2] Ceileabhraidh 
iarsin dona noebhóghuibh 3, [7 tét] 7 doghni ernazgthi oc reileibh Cassidain,7 
24 8 5 tic arís cu torocht in sceich fil isin fiadh re cill Eochaille aníar. Cu cuala 
annsidhe in guth fris dona nernhaibh,7 is ed roraidh: 'A Shenáin noeibh 4 ! 
tair docum nimhe.' Dofhrecair SCllán, 7 is ed roraidh: 'Cex,' ar sé. Deisidh 
focétoir isin maigin-sin. IS annsin rotocbait aingil De Martan 0 Toirinis 
i neoll nemhdha, 7 fuirmidhset isin maigin a mbui Se1Zá1Z, 7 dorat cornna 7 
249 0 sacarbaie dhó. Arnar thairnic dó sin rodheonuigh Dia rotocbaiset na 
baingil Martan rnanach isin neoll cetna eu rofhaeuibset i T oirinis isin 16 

 cetna. Roraidh dano Senált fria mhuinntir: 'Bídh mu corp-sa sunn Cll 
mochtrath.' Et faididh Senan a spirut docum nime etir airbhribh aillgel 
for cuiredh na Trinoidi i medhon lai i kl. marta. Bái dano corp Senáin innsin 
2495 co aramharaeh 5, 7 gia theasta soillsi na grene in aidhchi 6-sin uatha som ni 
theasta freaenarcus aingeal na soillsi nemhdha uathaibh. Taneatar tra ar 
madain a muÏ1zter assan indsi arcenn cuirp SenáÙz . I. Odhran 7 Mac Inin 7 
espoc n-Iuil 7 espoc Mula Segda mac Baith 7 na noeibh 4 arcena,7 roadh- 
naicit corp Selláin gu n-an6ir 7 airmhitin m6ir, 7 rucsat aingil a ainim cusan 
2500 cumsanad suthain a n-æntaidh na næib 7_ Trinoidi 7 muinnteri nime. Ailim 
troeaire Dhé tre impidi Se1'zái1z co roisem in æntuidh-sin 8. In saecula saecu.. 
!oru1JZ. Amen. 

1 1\15. noim. 2 MS. næmhogha. S MS. noemhoghuibh. 
ð MS. arabharach. 6 1\1S. aighthi. 7 1\IS. næim. 

4 MS. noeimh. 
8 æntuighsin. 

[fOe 23. a. 2.] 
Betha Fhindein Clúa1ta hEraird. 

A TFIADAR DIDIU A CUf\1AIR FERTA 7 MIRBUILI in eraibhdhigh-seo 7 in 
forbhadh dorat for a rith mbuadha ibhos isin bith frecnairc: atfiadhar 2505 
sin ar airfited anma na n-iriseeh .1. Findian màC Findtain, meic COllcraid, 
mez"c Dairchealla, meic Sel1aigh, meic Diarnlada, [fo. 23. b. I] meic Ædha, 
meic Fherghusa, meic Aililla Taulduibh, meic Cealtehair, mcic Uitheehuir. 
In Findtan-sin, didiu, doráidhsem, tue-side setig soeenelazg, Telueh a 
hainm-side. Dora1a eu mba alachta isidhe 1 uadhasom. A n-aimsir a 2510 
himtruma co tarfas dí araili lasair theincd do dul ina beola 7 a tiaehtain 
a ndeilb eoin edrochta forcula for in cOlluir eetna, dula don eon co 1l-essidh 
for barr crainn, eoin 7 enluithi Leithi Mogha do thiachtain euigi isin 
erainn-sin co n-asta uiIe aeasom, a tiaehtain in eoin il-Leith Cuinn co 
?l-eissed annsidhe for barr chroinn ele. Eoin 7 énluithe Eire/lIl do 25 1 5 
thiaehtain cuice eu ros-fhasta oeai. Ateuaidh didÙt in ais1Ùz c g-i-sin dia 
eéli. 'CoÏ1npert eraibhdheeh eiein fil oeut,' ar see 'Scaram coimleapuid 
eein bhia-sa fon n-indus-sin.' Doronsat amhlaid. Ni ehaitheadh didiu 
Te1ueh fésin biadha inmarra acht luibhe ailghena 7 airera etrolna, eu 
rogenair in ghein buadha sin. 25 20 
Rugad iaru1Jz inti noeib 2-Finden eu hAbban mac Húi Chormaie eu rom- 
baist. Batar didiu dá thopar isin mag in ro baisted-somh, Bal 7 Dimbal a 
n-anmanna. Asan topur dia n-ainm Bal robaisted-som amail ba eubaidh dia 
airilliudh. 0 roforbair intí noeibh 3-Fhinden rucad co hespoc 4, eu Fortehernn, 
eu rolegh salma 7 in t-ord n-eeelasda oeea. Rofhothazg-siumh i1Jl1JlOr1'0 tri 2525 
heealsa asa ghillacht .r. Ros Cuire 7 Druim Fiaid 7 Magh nGlas. 
o rasiaet i1JZ1JZorro co hæs Ì1'iehtaighi 5 luidh tar muir. Taraill co Tairinis. 
Fuair senoir araeind innti, Cæmhan a ainm. Ratar seal immalle 7 doronsat 
æntaid. Luid Finden iarsin eu Cill Muine. Fuair tri suithe araeind annsin 
.1. Dabid 7 Gillas 7 Cathmæl a n-anmanna. Robe fath a comthinoil 253 0 
annsin, cosnum cennaehta 7 apdaine innsi Bretan etir dís díbh .1. etir 
Dabid 7 Gillas. Do bretheamh choitcenn roæntuighseatt eatarra Cathmhæl. 
1 The first l seems in a later hand. 2 1\15. noeim. s 1\15. noeimh. 
4 cohespoc in marge J. 15 1\15. trictaidhi. 


7 6 


O'teonnaie il1l11l0rrO Cathmhæl noebh I-Finden rofhegh eohinnfheithteh : [fa. 
23. b. 2] , Cia hinnithemh romhor,' ar Daibhith fria Catmæl, ' doberi forsan 
350clack n-anaithnz'd dodechaid isin tech?' 'Rath mor,' ar Cathmhæl, 'airi- 
ghim air.' 'Ma ata,' ar Daibhith, 'rath fair, labradh innousa asin bérla 
bretnach et etercertad in caingin ima taÍm-ne.' Dorat Finden airrdhe na 
croiche tara ghin, 7 rolabair asin mbretnais amazt bhud hé a berla bunaid, 
et dorat an indse do Daibid ar sensereckt. 
.4 0 Luidh iarsin Finden 7 Cathmhæl 7 Daibid 7 GilIas d'agalduim tigh 
Breatan do chuinghidh inaidh reclesa fair. Atbert saidhe ná raibe oga. 
Atbert cohessomain iln1JZOrro araili duine istigh: 'Madh ail,' ar se, , dona 
elerchib, cuiret ass in loch mor-sa imuich a toebh in dúine 7 denat recles 
doibh 'na inat.' 'Dia ndernat-somh sin,' 01 in ri, , rot-biat cidh an dunad-sa 
i545la toebh inaidh in locha.' Luidh Finden i1JZ1norro 7 aithinne 'na láimh co 
rathum isin loch, cu rotheich roime isin muir: eu romorad ainm De 7 
Finnein triasin moirmirbuil-sin. Rohedpartha tra na feranna-sin do Dia 7 
d'Fhinniall. Dorat-sidhe iat dona sruithibh Bretnachaib batar malle fris. 
Rofothazged tri cathracha ocuside inntib. As dibsidhe Lann Gharban (no 
Z55 0 Gabran) aniu. Bui ilJllJlOrrO Finden .xxx. bliadlle oe foglaim immalle fris- 
na sruithibh Bretnachuibh batar malle fris. 
LAA n-æn ann lotal" manuigh isin eaillid do bhuain ehrann 'chum 
ecalsa. N i roleicset Finden leo ar chadhus dó. T ainie in secnap taraneis 
co FÙzdéll, co 1z-ebert friss: 'Cidh rombai,' or se, 'ná dechadais isin caiIlid?' 

555 'Cidh 0 ehianaibh,' ar Finné1l, 'atberthea frind noraghmais: intan dano 
atberur frind noragam acht fogabhur a comadhbhur dhún.' 'Atat,' or in 
secnap, , dá ógdhamh amuigh isind achad; timairc-si lat iat 7 eirg isin caillid.' 
Luidh Finnén leo isan caillid, 7 ba he feidhm toisech doriacht an eclais a 
fheidhm. N i fes Í1111J10rrO dil in t-secnap rota-cursaigh-seom. Romorad 
25 60 aÍ1l11Z Dé 7 F illdéÙz tresin moirmirbuil sin. 
FEACHTUS tancatar Saxain d'innarba (no d'innred) Bre/nach. [fO.24.a. I] 
Rogabhsat longphort i tæbh shleibhi aird. Dochuatar Bretain i, muinighin 
Findein im ehuinghidh osaidh doibh 0 Shaxanchaib. Luidh FÙzdÔl forsin 
n-umuloit. Doratsat Sachsain era fair. Dorat Finen buille dia bachaill 
25 6 5 is in sliabh, eu torehuir in sliabh for Saxanchaib, cuna térno fer indisdi seel 
T AINIC iarsin tocra do Fhinnen dula do Róimh iar forbhadh a fhogla11Za. 
1 MS. noemh. 



Tainic aingel Dé chuigi co 1l-ebert fris: 'A ndobertha dhuit ice Roim,' 01 
sé, 'doberthar ibhos. Eirg 7 athnuidhig iris 7 ereidium a n-EirÙl1Z tareis 
Patraie.' Dodheehaidh iaru1Jt FÙUléll do thoil De doehum nEirel111. 257 0 
Luidh Muiredaeh mae Ænghusa ri Laigen doehum puirt ana frithshet co n 
dofhuc foramhuin a tri huidedaib tarna tri háthu 1 roptar nesa don phurt. 
Annside atbert fer do mhuinntir in righ: 'Is tromdai atai, a cleirzg, forsin 
righ.' 'Easpaeh sin,' ar FÙUlill, 'ár in lín fechtlts nom-gebhudh-sa for a 
mhuin nobhiath in lín righ sin for an cuieid día shil. U air as fotri dallo,' ar 2575 
se, 'nom-gabh, gebuit tri rig dia shil coiced Laigen.' Robennaeh Fi1111é1t 
iarsin Muiredaeh bhadein, 7 atbert: 'Amail fuair,' ar se, , mogh De fæilti 
oeut, eu bhfaghbhu-sa fæilti ae muinntir nimhe i Tír na mBeo.' Robennaeh 
da110 broind a sheitehe co rue-side mae sainemail, Eochu a ainm .1. athair 
Branduibh 2 iarsin. Atbert in ri re F Í1ldell: 'Gebe inad,' ar sé, 'i Laighnib 2580 
.bus maith lat dobe1,thar dhuit do dhenam do reelessa.' Tainie aingel Dé 
ria bhFinnen cusan sliabh danad ainm Conda!. Roimehuirset aillgzt Dé hé 
COlla mhuindtir i n-adhaigh 3-sin do mhullach in t-slébi isin glinn ba nesa dhó. 
Atbert-somh isin maduin ria muÙztÙ
 teeht isin eaillid do bhuáin erand do 
cumhdaek reelesa. Dodhechaid æn dibh cuicisium arcula, 7 geg do abhui1l2585 
COlla torad 'na láimh. Luidh-siumh amalle frisside cusan inadh i nl-bai in 
abhall. 'Dentar,' ar essium, 'in recles isunna.' Dia mbatar forsna briathrazò- 
sin co n-fhaecatar chuea Bresal mae Muiredaig 7 Cremhthann espoc a 
bhrathair. Luid Breasal co raghaibh [fo. 24. a. 2] coslatra laimh in 
cléirzg do cleoin in espuie. Feargaighter iaru1Jz in eléreck, co 11debairt: 'In 259 0 
lámh,' ar se, ' rosinedh do dlomad damsa, resiu 4 dorua in trath so imaraek 
ind ingnibh seabaie, curo fuirnlidter am fhiadhnaisi. In t-espoc da1lo dia 
ndernadh deoin, ní ba hard a congbhail isna talmalldaibh,7 ni festar eidh 
jnadh a eiseirghi.' Tangatar il1l1JZorro Osraighi 5 for ereieh isin tÍr 'arna- 
mharaeh. Luidh Bresal dia fuapairt, eu romarbad and, eu tuead lasin seabae 2595 
a lamh, co r2ls-fuirim i bhfiadhnuse FÍ1ldéi1t, eu romórad ainm De 7 Finnein 
don n1h6irmhirbuil-sin. 
T AINIC iarsin Muiredaeh athair Bresail, gu tard do FÍ1i1lén in magh as 
radlomh BresaI dó. Roleasaiged laissium, cOllad he Aehadh Abhall anÍu. 
Bai-sium .ur. bliadlli dee isin inad-sin oe foghnum don Coimdid na n-dula,2600 
co ndebert an 6 t-ai1lgcl 6 fris: 'Ni hé so inadh h' eiseirghi,' ar see ' Bid he 

1 1\1 S. hachu. 
3 MS. aghaidh. 

2 '.i. athair' and the i of ' Branduibh ' are inserted in a later hand. 
4 Interlined in later ink. fj I\1S. osraidhi. 6 in margin. 

7 8 


cena inadh do eomdhala riat mhanchuibh il-Io bratha:' c01ludh desin ita Sliabh 
COlldala .1. sliab comdhala Finnein ria manchaib il-Io bratha. 
Ceileabhraidh FÙ111é,l iarsin dia mhanchaib 7 tainic i e11'ich H ua- 
05 nDunlainge. IS annsidhe roedhbair in ri Coirpri l\IIugna Salcain dosum. 
Bui-sium se bliadllz. annsidhe. Tainic iarsin co hAehad Fhiaela : annside do- 
rochair fiacal 1 asa cind-som, eu rofholazg i muine dresa. Ie tiachtain 
doibhsium iarsin as cunaitchetar na braithre uadh eomurtha 2 d'facbhail 
acu, ell n-debairt-seomh friu: 'Eirgidh,' ar se, 'eusin muine ndreasa út 
610 atciche, 7 tucaidh as in fhiacuil forfaebhassa ann.' Dothiaghat iarUl1Z 7 
fuaratur in muine ar lasad, 7 tuesat in fiacuilleo, 7 is uaithi rohainmniged 
in baile .J. Achadh Fiacla. 
T AINIC iarsin Finnen cu CHI Dara co Brighit, eu mbui ic tiaehtuin leiginn 
7 p11'oicepta fri reo Ceilebrais iarsin do Brigit, 7 dobreth Brighit fainne oir 
615 dho. Nir'bho santach-som imon sægul. Ni roghabh in fainne. 'Ce no 
optha,' ar Brzgit, 'roricfea a leas.' Tainie Finnen iarsin eu Fotharta 
Airbrech. Dorala uisce do. Roinnail a lamha asin usqui: [fo. 24. b. I] tue 
lais fora bhais asan uisqui in fáinne targaidh Brighit dó. Táinie iarsin 
Caisin mae Nemain co fæilti moir fri Finden, 7 ron-eadhbair fein 
620 dó, et roacain fris rí F otharta ie cuinghidh oir fair ara shæire. ' Cia 
mét,' ar FÙtdéll, 'collnaigheas 3? ' , N oghebhudh uingi n-oir,' ar Caisin. 
Rothomhuis sé iarsin in fainne, 7 frith uingi oir 4 ann. Dorat Caisin _ hi ar 
a shæiri. 
T AINIC Findélt iarsin tar Bóinn co hEiscir mBranain, ait ita Ard Relec 
625 iniu. Rofothazg eclais isin maigin-sin. Tainie duine etrocar chuigisium, 
Bæth a ainm. Atbert frisin eléirech na bíat isin maighin-sin. Roberthea 
a rose uadha achedoir. Doroine aithrzgi iarsin 7 tucad dó arls a shúili. 
Crech dodhechaid an inbhaid-sin a F eruibh Tulach sech recles an 
cIeirzg, co tarla d' áraile gilla don ereich cu n-dechaid i sorn na hatha bui i 
63 0 focus in reclesa. Rofaillsiged do Finnåz inn{sin. Luid-side 7 aidhme in 
berrtha leis, eu roeoronaighedh aea in duine-sin fon n-ecose n-eclasda, cu 
rolégh ae Finn/ll, co tart gradha fair iarumh, cOllad he espoc Senaigh . I. 
cetna comharba roghabh iar F Ùl1téll. 
FEACTUS d'Finnen oc glanad thiprat oice. Tainic aingeal euigi co n-ebaÍ1''t: 
,635' Ni he so inad na tiprat.' '(Do)beruinn,' ar Filllléll, 'gusan inad a ndlegu11'.' 

J Interlined. 2 Interlined in place of af hiacuil, which is cancelled. S MS. conaidheas. 

 The words 7 frith uingi oir are interlined in a recent hand. 



Luidh in t-aillgel roinl FÙUlé1l seal soir on eelais gu rofoillsigh dh6 inadh 
na tipraiti 1. 'A mo eoimdhi,' ar FÙzdál, 'in sæthar-sa doronsam-ne 0 
ehianuibh eidh bias de?' 'Cibe tara ragha in uir roelaidhis,' ar an t-aingel, 
, dogeba trocaire on Coimdhz"d.' 
T ANCA TAR iarsin noéibh 2 Eire111Z eueasom as gaeh aird d'foghlaim eeena 2640 
oea, eu mbatar tri mile do næbuib 3 imalle fris, eonad dibhsidhe rothogh-sum 
na da airdespoc dee na hEire1Z11, amaz"l dofhilldat ind eolaigh. Ocus 
atfiadhat ind eolazg 7 na scribenna COlIna dechaz"d neeh dona tri mhile- 
sin uadhasom cen bhachail no soiseél no comartha suaichnidh eiecin, 
cunadh inlpaibhsin rogabsat a reelesa 7 a cathracha iardain. 26 45 
FEACHTUS rofaidh-sium a dhalta.1. espoe Senaigh, do taiscelad for lueht 
a seoile dus cidh doghnítis. Ba sain, t1'a, an ní iea bhfaghbhaithe each 
dibh, acht battís maithe uile. Frith, tra, Colum mae Crimhthain 7 a lama 
a sinedh [fo. 24. b. 2] úadh, 7 a menma indithmheach a nDia,7 eoin ûC 
tairisium for a lamhu 7 for a cenn. O'tcuas do Fhinnen innísin atbert: 26 5 0 
'Lámha ind fhir-sin,' ar se, 'dobera eOlnU1Z11 7 sarcarbhaie (sic) damsa frisna 
déidhenchu 4.' 
T AINIC ail/gel De co FÍ1l1zé1l co n-ebairt fris: 'Ni he so inad th'eis.. 
eirghe, ár biaidh duine maith dot muindtir i sund 5. Tainie aillgel co Filldéll, 
eu Ros Findchuill, is eisidhe Les in Memra inniu. Ann sein gabhus FÙuz!Jz 26 55 
in fersa fathachda, Hee requies mea 6. Annsin tainie Fraechan drui adoeum.. 
som. Rofhiarfocht-sum:' In ó Dia,' ar se, , ata dhaitsi in fis fil ocut?' 'A 
fhromhudh dztz"tsi,' or Fraechan. f Abair eetan1zts,' ar FÙzdé1t, 'inadh mo 
eiseirghi-sea. Ateim a nimh 7 ni fhaicim i tal,naÙl.' Atracht FÙ111åt. 'In 
t-inad asa n-erraehtair inn6sa,' or Fraechan, 'is as adreis do m6rdhail bratha.' 2660 
T ANCA TAR iarsin a dha shiair co F ÙUlåz .1. Righnach 7 Richenn, 7 a 
mathair . I. math air Ciarain, ell ragaibhset i Cill Righnazgi. Luid F Ùl1zé1t 7 
Ciaran dia torruma. Batar na eailleeha oe acaine beith een usee. 'A choimdhe,' 
ar Finnén fria Ciaran, 'cait i bhfhuighbhium uisqui doibh sut?' 'IN budh 
lease latsa,' or Ciaran, , eirghi asan inad i tai?' Atract FÙl1lé1t. 'An t-inadh 26 6 5 
asa r'eirghis,' ar FÙuzéll,' as é inadh na tiprat.' Rofhiarfoeht FÙ111ål do Righ
naigh cindus bai in chailleeh a máthair. 'Ni cumang ar nd(ul) 7 i naicsighudh 8 
di ar tromdhacht a hanala.' Roimderg eumor imon cleireek 7 atbert-son1h: 
1 From' (Do)beruinn ' to 'tipraiti' (inclusive) is in the lower margin. 2 ]\115. noéimh. 
S MS. næmuib. 4 l\IS. deighenchu. 5 From Tainicìo sund(inclusive) is in the upper margin. 
6 MS. requies cam me. 7 In lower marge 8 Between 1l and a a dotted f interlined 
in a recent hand. 



, In Coimdhe,' ar se, 'airehesas eechæn don ehinedh dæna dia hairehiseet l t 
,0 Luidh Righnach iarsin dia taigh. Fuair a mdthair n-óghshlain 1 la breitir 
in noeib 2. 
1Ylolad thue Geman 3 maighister feehtus donti noibh 4-Fhinden, iarna 
dhenum tria rithin1m. 'Ni hór tra, ná airget, ná étach loghnlar,' ar Gema1l 3 , 
'ehuingim-si fort ar an molad-sa, acltt oen ni, ferann bee fil oeam, is he 
75 étairtheeh, co lldernta-sa ernuighthe eurub toirtheeh.' 'IN t-immann do- 
righnis,' 01 F Ùuu/Jl, 'geibh ind uisqui, 7 sreith in t-uisci-sin tarsin bhferann, 
7 bidh toirthech.' Dorighnedh samhlaid, 7 ba toirteeh in ferann. 
CRAND leimh bai ie Rúadhan Lothra, crann 0 sileadh linn shomblasta 
fora faghbhudh each in bIas ba maith lais, conad de nolesaighdis na manazg 
680 na háighidh, eonadh do sin [fo. 25. a. I] batur manuigh Eirel1ll ae togra 
gu Rúadhan. Tangadar a dhaltæ co FÙU1!1l eu mbata11" iea aeaine [ris a 
dhaltada icá fhaebhail. Ron-gáidetar im dula leo co Rúadhan eu mbeth 
RZtadan i coitehinne n1bethadh amail each. Luid Finnen immaille friu gu 
Lothra. Ba hedh toissech dochuatar c2lsan crann eu tard FÙl1zåt crais dia 
685 baehaill tarsin crann, cOllná rosil banna ass. a roehuala Rúadhan innísin 
doraidh uisqui a thopair do thabairt dó. Dorigne ernuighthe. Dosoud uisqui 
na tip rat a mblas Ienna. In lind rucadh do FÍ111léll C01la noebhuibh 5 dorat- 
sidhe airrdhe na croiehe thai ris. Rosóud foeedoir a n-aiened uisqui. ' Cia 
tarba sin?' ar na eleirzg fria FÙl1zåz, , mina ehoiseir in tiprait?' 'A braithre 
690 inmuine l' ar FÙl1zål, 'eidh táithe do Rúadhan, ár cidh a bhfhuil d'uisee isin 
monaidh-sea i tæibh in reclesa bhus ail leis do shoudh i lind shomblasta, 
dogena Dia aire.' Rogádatar iafll1/'t dib1inaibh Finn!?t 7 na noeib inhí 
Ruadhan co mbeth a betha 6 amal ehach. Albert Rzíadal1 doghenadh sein 
ara aidi, ar Fhinnen. Roeesnuigh cena ferann beag bui imon reeless 
695 do bheith etoirtheeh. Robendachai dano an ferann sin, cOlzadh toirtheeh. 
Luid FÍ1l1zéll iarsin i erieh C01/nacht co Druim eitir da Loch i n-H {laibh 
Oililla. Fuair Muisi 7 Ainmire ann araehind 7 siat toirrsech do éeaib a 
sethar an lá sin. a roairigh FÙl1zéll innisin luidh isin tech i mbai corp na 
sethar. Dorighne depraeeoit ndiera ndedhghair fri Dia, eu rothodhuise in 
7 00 eaill
 a báss, eu mbui iea [f]erdhaighis, et ell romharbh in lægh bui foa 
hænbhoin, 7 eu tue drolmaig n-englaisi dhó, ell robennaeh F Í1l1zåz an englais 
curra soudh a mblas fina. Frith didÙt in lægh beo 'arnamharaeh foa 

1 Altered in recent hand into in6ghshIaini. 2 1\15. noeim. 3 Altered in same hand 
into German. 4 MS. noimh. lS l\1S. noemhuibh. 6 abetha interlined in later hand. 



mhathair. Romorad ainm De 7 FÙl1zéùz triasin moirmhirb2til-sin. Roedbair 
iarsin lVlúisi 1'7 Ainmire a reclés do Día 7 d'Finnen. 
LUID FÙl1u!n iarsin isin Corunn i Crich Luighne. Tainic Crumtir 2705 
Dathi co mbai amalle friss. Tainic aingel Dé co n-ebalrt fris: 'In bhaile,' 
ar sé, 'in-deber
 fer dot muindtlr frit 'is cæin in t-achad-so:' [fo. 25. a. 2] 
fotbazg eciais ann.' Nir'bho cian co 1zdebalrt fe11" dia mhuinntir-seom: 'As 
cain,' ar se, 'in t-achad-so.' Rofhothazg-siumh iarsin eclals isin inadh-sin. 
Forfhacaibh cruimthir Dathi is in dú-sin. Ita inns in tipra Fhindein 7 a Iecc. 27 10 
Geb e duine othair dhech isin tiprait ticfa sIan eisdi. Geb e dámh dhuilech thí 
cusin n-airchindech ni berthar a einech acht gu roghabha a phater OC01Z leic- 
sin. Sic Tipra Fhinnein 7 Leac in Pupail ic Achad Abla. 
T AINIC iarsin FÙt1zé,Z i Coirpri Mhoir. Ængus ba rí an inbhaidh-sin i 
Coirpri. Tainic a mac-saidhe .1. Nechtain, do dlomad don cleirech. Ro- 2715 
leansat cosa a mhuinntiri don talum 7 atbath fein. Táinic Ænghus iarsin 
eu tard a reir don clérech, co rus-dúisigh a mac do a bás, et co tard inad 
reclesa dhó. Forfhacaibh-siumh Grellan mac Nat-fræich annsin. 
a rafhothazg tra FÙzué1t cealla 7 congbhala fon n-innus-sin, et 0 ra- 
proitche breitir nDe do feruibh Eirell1t, dodechaid docurn a reclesa gu 27 20 
Cluain Iraird. LAA n-oen annside do espoc Senaigh, dia dhalta-somh, ica 
fhégad, amlaid atconnaic a cæile 7 a troighi mhoir he, in rneit co n-airmitís 
a esnæ triana étach inmhedhonach amach. Atconnaic dauo in cruinlh do 
thechta asa thæbh, et ba he in fath, 6n uarchris iarainn b{1Ï uime ardaigh 
pennaiti don cltrp Cll rothesc gu cnaimh. Caíis iarsin espoc Senaigh. 27 2 5 
'Cidh dot-gni toirsech?' ar Finnen. 'Do chæili-siu,' ar espoc Senaigh. 
Ferfaidh cruimh for h'asnaibh-si in chaile-sin,' ar FÙl1zéll. Moidi ón rochái 
espoc Senazg. 'Cuma da1lo duit,' ar FÙ111åt, 'toirrsi dhosin. Beruidh 
ænduine do corp docum n-adhnacail.' 
IS lia, tra, tuiremh 7 aisneis a nderna in Coimdhe do fertuibh 7 mhírbh- 2730 
ailib ar noebh 2-Fhinden: áir mina thisadh a spirut fein no ai1lgel de nim 
dia n-indisi, ní cæmhnacair nech aile a mhiadhamhla, a bhetha inmhedonach, 
a comhairbirt bithbhuan in cech lithlaithe, acht is Dia nama rodus-fidir. 
Ba sí ÙJ111Z0rrO a proinn lai . T. boirn do aran eorna 7 deogh do uisce: i 
n-dornhnaighibh Í11l1JlOrrO 7 i sollumnaibh boirn do aran cruithnechta,7 orda 2735 
do bradan fhonal/hi, [fo. 25. b. I] 7 lán copain do mhidh 3 ghlan no do chor- 
maim. N ochairighedh na daine atceth ac craesachad 7 nociedh 7 na 4 

1 in marge I. moxsi. 

2 1\1:5. noemh. 

3 MS. mhigh. 

! , ciedh 7 na' in a recent hand. 




pendedh a pecad. N i chodlad for cl llÏtnh na for colcaidh 1, co comhairsedh 
a thoebh re huir noicht, 7 cloch do fhrithadhart fo chind. 
/4 0 Glanedhbartach do Dhia amal Aibel mac Adhaimh. Diprocoitech amal 
Enoc mac Iareth. Luamhaire lantoltnaightech do airec no do fhollam- 
nacht na hecalsa eitz"r tonnaibh in tsæguil amal Noe mac Laimhiach. 
Firailitir ama! Abraham. Búidh bláith amal Moysi mac Al1lra. Feidil 
fodhailtcch amal lop. Eacnaid eoluch amal Shola1JZ mac nDaibhíth. Primh- 
,45 proiceptoir coitcenn 7 leas tar togaide amal Pol apstal. Et cosmailighter 0 
mhodhaibh imdhaibh fria Pol, áir amal rogenair Pól tes a tir Cannan, a cenel 
7 a bhunadas tuaidh a tir Caldea, as amhlaid sin rogenair Finnen ibhus, i 
Laighnib, a cenel 7 a bhunadus tuaidh a n- Ulltaib. Et ama! rolegh PÓ! ic 
Gamaliel, ic sui in reachta, fri re .xxx. bliadllc cur'bhó sui, as amlaz"d rolegh 
'75 0 FÙl1léll ag na suidhib Bretnachaibh adubramar fria re .xxx. bliadllc cor'bó 
sui. Et amal ratairmesc an t-aingel Pól na dighsed do Damaisc, acht ell 
tised do shiladh irsi 7 creitmhe do chách, is amlaid sin rotairmisc in t-aingel 
Finden na dighsed do Róimh, acht co tised do shilad irsi 7 cretuze do feruibh 
Eirell1l. Et amal ronertugh[ ad] 0 Dhia Pól, iar fothzwud ceall 7 eclas 7 
755 cathrach isin athardha in roghenair, co tisedh do forceatal irsi 7 creidmhe 
do Roimh, as amlaid rogressedh 0 Dhia noeibhFhinnen, iar fothztgud ceall 
7 cathrach 'na athardha, co tised do mhúnztd ] d'foircetal noebh 
 Eirell11 gu 
Cluain Iraird. Et amal rotharrngair aillgel do Pól na bhadh ithfirnach 
cubráth 3 nach æn noragad a n-uir Romha, as amhlaid rotharngair in t-aingel 
7 60 do FÙl1léll na bhadh ithfirnach iar nlbrath each æn tara ragad uir Arda 
Relec. Et amal atbath Pól i Roimh darcenn in popuil Crz.stæidi, arna 
herbailtis uili a pianaibh 7 i todhernaibh ithfrinn, as amlaid atbath FÙl11åt 
i Cluain Iraird darcenn popuil na nGæidhel4, arna heplitis uili don Buidhi 
7 6 5 [fo. 25. b. 2]. Et is annsin rotharrngair in t-aingel dosomh co n-indarb.. 
fad gach teidm 7 gach galar coitcenn a Cluain Iraird tre irnaighthi Íntsam- 
hail] co n-indarbfadh a hEirÙul uili tre troscudh shámhaid FÙl1zéÙt isin 
pupl/Il ic Ard Relic 7 ic Achad Abhull ] i Condail. 
a dodechaZ"d 'ÙJU110rro cltsna deidhinchaibh 5 dont{ noeibh 6-Fhinnen, 
1770 rofhaidhestar a aingel eomuidechta co hlnis Mac 7 nlndeirc fri Luitnnech, 
co tuc-side CoIl/11Z mac Crimhthain Calla theigh liubhar fo dhuibhnellaib 

1 I\1S. colcaigb. 2 1\1S. noemb. 3 !'tIS. cubrach. 
5 1\15. deighinchaibb. 6 1\18. noeimb. 

4 1\1 S. nangæigheI. 
7 I n a recent hand, 



eu CluaÌ11 Iraird, cun roghaibh Finnen coman 7 sacarbhaicc dia láimh, eu 
rofhaidh a spirut dochum nimhe i cinn .xl. ar cet bliadllc. 
Ata Í1JZ11l0rrO intí noeibh I_F hÙUlåt i n-aibnes 7 in-airfitedh etir mU11tÍ1
nimhe i bhfhiadhnaisi Dhe dia rofhoghain. ITat a relce 7 a thaisi gu 2775 
n-anoir 7 gu n-airmhidin i talmaill, co fertuibh 7 co mirbhuilib gach laithe, co 
traeth gach æn tic friu 7 coimhedaid gach æn cnngnlts lea. 
Gidh mor z"l1t1nOrrO intí noeib 2 -F hÙl1u?n i n-etarscarad a chuirp 7 a anma 
on mhudh-sin colleic, bidh mo a anoir iar n-eiseirghi ind oentuidh noebh 3 
nemtruaillnidi, i mordhail bratha, intan bus bretheamh for fheraibh Eire1l11 7 2780 
for a mnaibh imalle fria Patraic [7] Issu Crist. Taitnighfidh insin amal grein. 
Biaid isin mhormhaith-sin, ind æntuidh 4 noebh 7 noebogh 5 in domui1l-, i n-æn- 
taidh næi ngradh nimhe na dernsat imarbhus, isan æntaid is uaisli ceelt 
n-ænta-id, i n-æntaz"d na næibh 6_ Trinoidi, Athair 7.Mae 7 Spirut Noeb. 
Ailim trocaire Dhé, roairiltnigem in æntaid sin! In saecula saeculorum. 27 8 5 
A Inel1. 

i 1\15. noeimh. 2 1\15. noeim. 
5 1\15. nocmh 7 noemogh. 

3. 1\IS. noemh. ! 1\15. æntuigh. 
6 1\/15. næimh. 

I 2 

[fos. 25. b. 2-26. a.!.] 
Betha Finnchua Bri Gobunn Inso. 
dosh unnraid .1. Findlogh 1 mac Setna meic Abruinn meic Branain 
79 0 meic Dubhda meic Ænghusa meic Erca Dcirg meic Briain meic Echach 
1\1 uighmedhain. Bai baincheli oca fria ré .xxx. bliadlle, con1ts-tarraid bás 
intansin .1. Cæmeall illgC11 Ædha Fogarta do Feruib Breg [fo. 26. a. I]. 
Rofhurail a chara 7 a chomhalta féin fair .1. Fiacha Súidhe mac righ 
Eircllll, techt do thocmarcc bainchele eili conná beth i scrg galair amal 
,95 robhai do chumhaid a mhná fesin. Et ba hi sin Idhnait illghell Fhlainn 
Leithdcirg do Chiannachta G linde Geimhin 0 Chomar Cinn tSlebhe. 
Tochmaircidh-sium iarul1z in n-ingin-sin cumbo torrach uadh. U railidh 
ro Finnlogh COlla mhuindtir for a comhalta 7 for Fiacha Suidhe 
feall f01
 righ Temra .1. for Blathmac mac Ædha Slaine. Dogniter in feall, 
goo et geibhidh Diarmait mac Ædha SlaÙzi righi Temra déis a brathar. Dichuirter 
atuaidh lueht an fhill .1. Fiacha mac righ Temra 7 Findlogh a chomhalta 
7 mile teinlltech laissein. 
IS ann sin dorala Mæl tuile mac Cuilchi, anmchara Findlogha, 7 
faillsighter dhó an illgcn do bheith torrach, 7 eumad gein amra diamad lán 
80 5 beoil bhfer nEirell1l in gein bai 'na broinn; 7 atbert lYlæl tuile: 
IN dsaighfidh gala, 
træthfaidh bidhbhaid, 
saighfidh mindrigha, 
bidh crann cuisc Temra, 
lesaighfes Life, 
fhoirfes Laighne. 


IAraidh Ùll11zorro an eleirech an gein bai i mbroinn na hinghine do idpairt 
do Dhia 7 a thabairt docum leiginn, 7 geallait-sium dosom sin. IDlaicter 
iaru1Jt iat eu righ C01lnacht, eu hEoehazg Tirmearna, 7 idlaz'cter 0 Eochazg 

1 1\IS. findlodh. 



cu righ rYIUmal1.1. gu hÆnghus mae Nat Fraeieh, gu CaisiuI, et orduighidh- 2815 
sein ferann doibh i crich Mhogha Ruith, 7 toirrnid-siumh ráith amra ann .1. · 
Raith U a-Cuile. Dogniat didÙt a mhuindter fleadh 1 mhor do rígh Fer 
Muighi.1. do lYlhellilld mac Tuirc, isin ard fria raith U a-Cuile aniar. Luidh 
máthair Fhindchua, 7 si torrach, cu rochuinnigh 2 digh don linn for na 
sdaadoiribh, ár ros-gabh mían don linn, et roherad hi. Rolabair in gein 2820 
bai 'na broinn, 7 itbert so ann: 'Gerthit gurthit erailsium sala mor 
muincille melsedar Ulaidh uir amal melis milchu for mhil cu rossam.' 
Gerti t. 
L UIDH iarU1JZ an ingell dia tigh J et scailit a eerealla dona dabhchaibh 
[fo. 26. a. 2] acedair diaheis, 7 teit in fhlaith dimhain fo lár. Doroich ri 2825 
Fer Muighi .1. l\Ieleand, cusin tech i nl-bui in fhlaith, et 0 rochuala an seel 
gabhuidh COlla bhuidhin lais for lurg na hingine dia marbad. Doberur 
celtchair dhichlethi imon illgÍ1l 0 rath na gene bai 'na broinn, co roeht 
imshlan Raith H ua-Cuile. Tainice iarsin inbhaidh na hingine, 7 tecat 
idhain da hindsaigid, eu rothusimh in mae idhan robhui 'na broinn. 28 3 0 
BErar iarsin in maethairrngertaigh co hAilbhe lmleeh lbhair dia 
baistedh, 7 doberar screaball dó ara bhaisded .1. sect pinginne oir. Ben- 
naehais Ailbe iarsin in ghein, 7 dobcrar ainm fair .1. Finnehua, 7 atrubairt 
Ailbhe a thabaÏ1't [ria leighenn i cind a seeht mbliadlle. LOtar iarlt1JZ lucht 
in bhaistte 7 in mac leo eu Raith U a-Cuile. 28 35 
Teacar iarsin 0 Chum1tseaeh mac Cuind, 0 righ bhfer Tefa, mae sethar 
d'Finnchua e fein J do euinghidh in meic dia altram; 7 doberar dó, 7 ailter 
an mac i tigh Cumaseaigh a n-Ard na Rigraidhi os brú Locha Ri, gu cenn 
seeht mbliadlle, cn toraeht Comhghall for cuairt ClaÙl1li Neill, co tarla do 
thigh Chumuscazg, co facaid in macamh óg isin tigh arachind 7 spirut2840 
aingil 'na eomaidecht. Dobreth Comgall gradh do, 7 imehomaircidh cuieh he? 
, Findchua sin,' ar siat, , mac Findlogha.' (Oells misi ron-alt,' ar CUffi1tscaeh, 
, 7 Ailbhe ron-baisd.' Cuinghidh Comhghall in mac for a aidi, 7 dobcrur dó 
he. Dorad in mae seire do Chomhgall, 7 teit leiss co árlts, co Bennehar 
Ulad, 7 doghni leiginn oca amal eech ndalta ele. 28{5 
Bui didiu ferghort cluana intansin ae Comhgall, 7 mogaid nobhidis ica 
coimet eu toraeht Findchua. Or'ptar toirrsigh iarU1JZ na mogaid atbcrt 
Findcua: 'Leagar duinne 'mar ndaltuibh in ferghort do choimhet gach lai 
timeheall.' Atbert Comgall: 'Coimhet-sa aníu 3 he ria each.' Teit ian/11l 
1 MS. fleagh. 2 1\18. rochuinnidh. 3 l\IS. aníugh. 




28 5 0 Findehua do eoimet in fheoir. Tic ri Ulad .1. Seannlan nlae Dunadhaigh, 
COlla sluag do Bennehar, [fo. 26. b. I] 7 euirit a n-eoeha isin bhfergurt co 
Findehua. Díehuiris Findehua fotri uada iat. Feargaighther 1 friu fadeoidh 2, 
7 escainid iat, eu rosoudhait na heich i elocha, conad Gort na Liag atberur 
[ris ósin iIIe. Férgort na Mogad hé cosin. Lonnaighter in ri de sin, 7 
28 55 tiaghar uadh areenn Comghaill dia fhis uadh cia dogenad in gnim út. Tic 
Comgall guna dhaltaibh cltsin righ, 7 Findehua i cum a ehaich. Dobreth in 
ri aithne fairsiumh, cOllud hé doroine in gninl út triasin tuarasebáil tuesat 
na haraid do fair, 7 ruamnais rose in righ 'na cinn eomtar derga teinntidhi 3. 
Rathazgius Finnehua inní sin 7 fergaighius frisin righ, eu roeing in talal1Z uimi, 
2860 eu riaet eoa ghluinibh. Adchi Comhghall inní sin, 7 sillaid tara ghua- 
luinn, 7 atbert fria Finnehua: 'As fearr latsa do beith fein mor innúsa,' ar 
Com gall. Inldergthar im Findchua dhe sin, 7 cuiris a cheann fa ehochall 
Comgaill, eu roloise in coehul1. 'Ar Dia rit, a nleie bie!' ar Comhgall, 
'nachat-geibhedh ferg, 7 rat-fia do breth fein 0 righ Ulad 7 uaimsi.' , Cidh 
286 5 ar naeham-gebhudh ferg,' ar Finnehua, 'umat shárugud-sa 7 umam 
sharugud fein don ængltrt gabala bui oeuinn? Beir-si do breitll,' ar 
Findehua f1,ia Comgall. 'Berat,' ar Comhgall, 'acht gur'bhat buidceh-sa.' 
Sillis Comgall forsin righ, 7 atbert an ri: 'Gaeh ni uma m-bia biat-sa fair.' 
'IS sí mu breth,' ar Comhgall, 'na secht fiehit bo bliehta doberur damsa 
2870 uaitsi gacha bliadJle a tabairt do Fhindehua cu cenn .xxx. bliadlle tar- 
mheissi,7 abdhaine Bennehair, 7 darabh a cinniud do dhula il-Ieith n-aili leath 
na cuarta-sin dosom 7 a leth n-aili ibus.' Ba bhuidceh Finnéll de sin, 7 
cuirid in tala1Jt on righ tarais ana áit, 7 loiseter uili eoehall Comgaill, cOllad 
aire sin nach dleghar cochall urn 4 comharba Comhgaill. Cunad iat tri [erta 
28 75 Finnehua iar roehtain co Bennehar.1. liaga cloch do dhenamh d'eehaibh 
righ Uludh, [fo. 26. b. 2] 7 an tala1JZ dh'eirghi imon righ cóa gluinibh, 7 
coehall a aidi do loscud tria bruth a fheirge. 
Bai Comghall iarsin a mBennehar co eenn .ix. mbliadlle. Et foillsighter 
dó bás do beith 'na ghoiri, 7 tiagait teachta uadha areeann Ailbhe co 
2880Imliuch lbhair, eomad dia láitnh nodhighsed dochum nime. Foillsighter 
do Ailbhe inní sin, 7 teit-sein COlla dhírim cleireeh eu roclt! Bennchar. Et 
doghniat a n-ænta 7 a codach ann sin a triur . I. Ailbhe 7 Comgall 7 
Finnchua. Teit Comhgal1 docum nimhe innsin do laimh Ailbhe, 7 fac- 
bhaidh Finnehua i n-apdhaine Benneair taraeisi co cenn secht mbliad1le, 7 
1 1\IS. feargaidher. 2 1\IS. fadcoigh. s 1\15. teinntighi. 4 Interlined. 



erbaidh do Ailbe co mbeth Finnehua ria udhacht eeb é tan na ghebhudh dia 2885 
lámh fair. 
JAr eaithimh na secht mbliadllt? diehuirter Finneua a Bennchar 7 a 
hUlltaib uili tria euimhgi fherainn. Tic iarsin FÙ111Chua a hUlltaib atuaidh 
Cll taracht la greasacht aingil ell fira lVI uman 7 eoa righ . I. co Cathal mac 
Ædha, gu Caiseal, et feruidh in ri failte fris, 7 ordaighidh a rogha ferainn a 2890 
M umaÙz dó. ASbert Finncua: 'N í eetuighter dhan1h ferunn acht in bhaile 
a freieera mu eloe mhe a n-aenar gan eungnum duini aigi.' Atbert Cathal: 
, Sir-si MumaÙz ell rafreagra da clace thu, 7 in bhaile a n-gebha rat-fia gan 
imrisan friut.' Tic Finnchua roime 0 Chaiseal ca crieh Fer Muighi .1. hi 
cenn iarthuraeh Maigi Maistertha, et siridh eai1z in maighi dzts in freieerad 2895 
.a elaee he, et dafreagair isin maduin arnamharaeh i bhFán Muilt. Seairit 
a n-eaehu annsin, 7 leieit a foroire dhibh, 7 seailit a mbuar 7 a tainte fona 
ferannuibh ba eoÍ1nnesa dhaib. Dagniter iarum eamhaighthes friu 7 diultad, 
7 gerrtllr a n-indile 7 buailter a n-æghairedha 1.- Acaínit a mhuinnter fria 
FÙulchua. Asbert FÙ111Chua fria coie .1. Dranan mae Dranbie: 'Eirg 2900 
cltsan mbaili as camfhoells duinn annso, 7 tab air tene lat ass.' Luid iarU1Jl 
an eaie areenn na teined eu tech reehtairi righ Murnan . I. Bæth Brughai 
7 Sam illgen Mhathla a bhaineheli. IMeomhaircis in rectaire: 'Cia hairm 
asa tanacais areenn teined?' Asbeart an eaie: [fa. 27. a. I] '0 Fhinnehu, 
o dhalta Camhghaill.' 'In annsin bia fuireeh fair?' ar an rechtaire. 'Ni 2905 
fhetar amh,' ar an caie, et euinghidh an tene. Dobreath an rechtaire tria 
thoghdacht urchar d'aithinne dho. Gabhuidh in caie ana ueht, 7 iss ed bui 
uime, eoehalll-iinnchlla. Timaireidh-sium in cochall imon teinid, 7 beiridh 
lais hí. Cuiridh in rechtaire nech dia mui1ltir een fhis dan caie ca fesadh in 
loisefedh an eachull. Cuiridh in caie asa ueht an tene a fiadhnuse Finncnua, 2910 
7 ní roloise finna na brothairne dan eochall. lndisidh an techtaire anní sin 
dan rechtairi gur' thæidhIigh a mhenma ind aithrzgi, co 11-ebairt eu tibhred 
failti dha gengu tueadh neeh aili. Latar iarsin in rechtaire 7 a baineele 
d'agallaÏ1n an eleing fesin, 7 riaraighit he, 7 sleehtait do, 7 bhiathait an 
cleireeh in adazg-sin 2 da gaeh bhiudh acht linn nama. Atfiadar do righ l\1um- 2915 
an cOllidh ann raghabh FÙlllc!tlla, i Fan Mhuilt, etir a portaibh-sium 7 a 
airgeda. Fergaighther baineheli in righ desin .1. Mughain illgClt Fhiachraeh 
Finn ri Eoghanachta Loeha Lein. Atbert si na toillfitis a n-enbhaili .J. 
n1uindter Finnchua 7 a muÍ1zter-si. Fiaf1"aighis in ri cá cís dobertha don 

1 1\15. anædhaireaha. 

2 1\15. inagaidsin. 



29 20 righain 7 do fesin asin ferann-sin. 'Ni anse,' or an ri: 
 oenchllra fhinn 7 a 
furrthain d'fholeadh 17 dunadh, 7 airn1hed bracha as gach baili do nái mbailib 
at coimhnesa dhamh. Eirgedh techtaire uainn,' ar in rí, 'eu F Ù111chua, dia 
fhis in bhfæmhann an cis-sin, 7 mina fæmhann eirgead leth n-naili.' Fæmh- 
uidh FÙulchua in cís-sin 7 geallaid a thabairt uadh, áir is ann sud rofaill- 
29 2 5 siged do a árus do beith 7 a thaisi 7 a eiseirghi il-laithi bratha. Toraindter 
iarlt111 in baili la FÙl1lChua .1. Cuil Muilt, 7 orduighter a airles, 7 curnh- 
duighter a thighi, 7 fodhailter 2 a muindtera do na nai mbaiIib eIe batar ind 
ants ag righ Murnan. Feidligid iar1l1JZ FÙl11Chua gu cian isin bail i-sin. 
Cu tainic Conaing mac Marcain, rí na nDeisi, do [foe 27. a. 2] sIechtain do, 7 
2930 co tart FÙl1lCkua a sheut anmcharut a inad fein ar nimh dhosomh. 
Tugad tra cuigisiunl annsin secht n-oIlumaill ghabhunn batar i comh- 
fhaicsi dó co 1ldernsat secht corrana iarainn dó fora m-biadh co secht 
mbIiadlli co faghbad inadh a nimh, ár dorat a inad bunaidh do righ na 
nDeisi. Bennachaúi-siumh gaibhne in bhaiIe-sin,7 facbhais buaid Iamdai 
2935 (.1. ngresa) dhoibh doghres acht cumad is in baili-sin doghendais 110 do- 
tinnscainfitis he, 7 buaidh n-01Iuma1l dibh. Cuinghit na gaibhne fairsium a 
n-ainm forsin mbaile a lógh a n-gresa .J. Brí Gobhunn. Tochaithidh 
FÙlllchtta secht mbliadlli fora corranuibh acht ænadazg 3 nama. Et iss ed fodera 
eisein .1. Ronan Finn Maighe Lainde, mac sethar máthar do FÙ111Chua, 
2940 sennser noebh 4 bhfer mBreg do toidecht dia atach-somh co tised do 
chabair claÙl1zÍ Neill N aighiaIIazg 7 righ l\1idhi .1. Sechnusach mac 
Ædha SIaine, áir robhui cogad allmharach don mhuir forro, 7 ba do 
Fhinnchua roboi in dán a bhfhoiridhin. Et ba hiat doroine in cogad-sin, 
Breasal Bernbhel Buaidealtaek 7 Tuire T ortbhuilleach 7 Tinde Trenmhor : 
2945 do Breatnaib iar mbunadus iatsein. Et ba hiat eicne doghnítis an loingilts- 
sin gacha bliadllt i crich VaN eill in deiscirt, port gacha luingi do loseud, 7 
crechad gacha tuaithi, 7 giall gacha fine do breith leo. Doberut iarU1JZ 
cla1l1la Neill bennachta dontí dothicfad areenn Fhinnehua co feruibh 
M uighi dia cabair. Roghabh Ronan Find Maigi Laillde do lairn an 
2950 umaloit sin. Faillsighter d'Finnchua, 7 se for a chorranuibh, sennser noeb 5 
clanni Neill do beith for sligid chuigi, et erailidh for a dhaltuibh freastaI 7 
frithailirnh na techtairedh n-uasal-sin do dhenum. 'Tabhur,' ar se, 'ian 
measctha .L. do lind doibh, 7 proinn céit do biudh, 7 mad bee leo sin fuiIIter 

1 In marg. In the text dfolcadh is rewritten in recent hand. 
s 1\'15. ænagaid. 4 l\IS. noemh. 

2 1\IS. foghailter. 
:i l\IS. noem. 



fris.' Doriachtatar na cIeirzg iarsin, 7 rofrithailit amal asbert FÙUlchua. 
Et ni thormailt Ronán ní don biudh-sain nogu tised FÙulchua dia chorranuibh 2955 
chuice, dia aeallai11t. 0 rosiacht a fhis co FÙ111Chua Ronan do beith i 
troscadh, ailidh FÙz1lchua in Coimdhi [fo. 27. b. I] eumhachtach curo 
fhaillsiged do an ní bhudh coir do dénamh, uair nir'bo áil dó dhula dia 
corranuibh comtais comhIana a shech! mbIiadlla fono. Tic iarsin spirut 
aingil do nertad Fhinnchua co 11-deehad d'agallaÙ/t an cleing aili do ced 29 60 
Issu Crist. Luidh iarU11t FÙ111Chua am trath proinne d'acallainz Ronain, gér' 
imnár lais a corp tretholl iarna treaghdad 7 iarna thollad do dhæluibh 7 
do phiasduib d'faiesin do neoch etir; et feruid each dhibh failti fri araili, et 
atfét Ronan d'Finnehua in toisc imma tainic. 'Bidh am umhal-sa frisin 
toisc-sin,' ar FÙulchua. Lotar iarsin ron1pa cu rancatar tuatha Teamra. 2965 
o atconneatur clanna Néill na cleing chuca dobhi do mhett a n-eicne eu 
r'eirighset uile ar fhailti fria Findchua. IN adaig 1 illl1/Zorro dorocht 
Filldchua co Temrazg ba sí adazg t dorochtatar na dibergaigh, 7 tltcsat agaid 
a long gu clannaibh Neill an deiseeirt co Dubhcomar. Ateuas innísin do righ 
Temhrach 7 d'Finnchua. Eirghid iarU11Z idir læeh 7 cleirech, 7 impóit ar 297 0 
deisil tria thecasc Finnchua, 7 tecait rompa ina foramrith co 11-aeatar na 
dibergaigh uatha. Eirghidh iarUl1t aiened an cleing friu cu romhemhatar 2 
spongcaibhIe teined triche mhruaidhi asa dhetaibh sechtair, eu roloisc in 
tene-sin cronna na sl 
g 7 ciãitë" 7 righthe na ndibereaeh, gur'bo toi tuaith- 
gerrtha iat. 'Eirghit,' ar Finnehua, , fesa uaibh dia saigid da fhis in tibritis 2975 
sIan dia bhfoghail.' Lotur na techta euea. Asbertsat na tibritis slán 
doibh tria bhithu. Lonnuighter FÙlllchua don aithease-sin na n-alln1uraeh. 
Eirghit iarzt1n a n-æinfhecht ehuca, etir læeh 7 eléreeh, cOllad he ole déidh- 
eanaeh dorónsat friu a n-gilladha do mharbad 7 a longa do Ioseud 7 carn 
dia ceannaibh 7 dumha dia n-eduighibh; c01ladh amlaidlt sin rodhiehuir 29 80 
FÙznchua na dibercaigh. Doberllr a breth fein d'Finnehua .1. Dun Dubehomair 
Cltsna seckt ndolaidhib batar fris, 7 corn lámha righ COlla thimthaeht do or 
del"g, 7 a thabairt sin dó gacha sechtmad bliadlle 0 righ Mide. Gealltar sin 
uili d'Finnehua, 7 ceileabraidh do clallJlaibh Neill iarsin, 7 facbhaidh 
bennachtain acu, 7 tic [fo. 27. b. 2] dia árus féin iardain. Conad hisin 29 8 5 
fóiridhin Fhinnehua ar elannaibk N eiU 7 ar fheruibh lVIidhe, 7 cain uatha 
som d'fhir a inaidh da cis eu brath. 
""'ÙZ11chua 'na inad fein fria ré ciano 
J l\iIS. agaid. 2 1\15. curomhebhatar. 

9 0 


IS ann sin doéirzg eogad for Laighnibh fria linn Finnehua. Sen-N uada 
299 0 Eieius fa ri Laigen intansin. Batar da bainehele oeon righ-sin . I. Aífe 
illgc1t Rosa FaiIge 7 Anmet inghen Colmain meie Crimhthain do H uibh 
CennseIazg, et a1Z11sa lasin righ issi inas in bhanFhailgeeh,7 ba tarraeh sein 
uadh. Cuinghidh in ben Chennselaeh ill tairrehius bai aco1Z mhnai Failghigh 
do tabairt ar eomus di. Gia rogheall in ri disi sin ní racamuill. Cuiridh 
2995 in ri fis foeleith eltsan mban-FhaiIgzgh, 7 atbert fria dhul isin MumaÙz síar 
ar camairee Fhinnchua Shlebhe Cua, uair eamairee mls 7 raithi 7 bliadllc 
aieesein sech gaeh naebh 1 aili da gaeh duine dar sarugud bhfer nEireluz, 
áir ni lamhdais sloigh náit soehaide, euraidh nait eathmilid ní do Finnehua 
ar mhét a aienidh, 7 ar sæire a eheiniuil, 7 ar mét a bhrotha 7 a bhrighe. 
3 000 Luidh iarU1Jl an inghin for set i crich M umall, triar fer 7 nOllbhar ban eana 
eairpthib lea, eu rochtatar iartur Maighi Maistertha, ell ramhemaidh 2 fertais 
carpait na hinghine, c01zadh Áth in Carpait ainm inn atha osin ille. Ur- 
dhaingnighter in carp at re hedh, 7 scailid daridisi 7 leathnaigid, cOlzadh ass 
rohainmniged Druim Leathan 7 Ceall Droma aníu. Gabsait iarsin idhain 
3 00 5 diana an illgÌ1l, et faillsigter esein do F Ù111chua 7 sé ica fhathraeadh a 
n-dabalgh l1aruisci .1. ben righ Laigen do thecht chuige ar ehomairci. Et 
asberar uadha fria gan techta asan inadh a raibhe ea rucadh a tairrches, áir 
ni ghnáthaighdis mna naít band ala techt ar eelais F Ùuzchua intansin. 
Beridh i,wen mac mochtrath aramáraeh 3, 7 berar uaithi he dia bhaisdid co 
3 010 FÍ1111Chua. Baisdter iarsin an mae 7 doberar 'Findtan' fair .1. Finntan 
mae Sen-N uadha Eices meic Breasail Bric, meic Fiaehach Foibrie. Gilter 
in mac oe F Í1l1lchua, 7 dobeir a chíeh des dó, ell rofhas bainne innti, 7 

 / fogarthar damhrad irrf)heacht 'na tír fein. Dabhí biseeh [fa. 28. a. I] ar an 
mae sin nách bíadh oca mháthair fesin- dia mbeitis noenbur banaltrann fai. 
3015 F ortamhlaighidh iarsin in eaead thair for Laighnibh 0 Chennsealach mac 
Dunlaing lneic Dl1nadhaigh, 0 raitter H úi Cennsealazg. Tecait iarsin a æs 
gradha co Sen-N uadha Eiceas da fhis cidh dogendais risin eacad-sin, ár ba 
senóir in drai ann. Asbert in rí: 'Ata eathaighi conghaluch i cinn Shlebhi 
Cua . I. Findchua 0 Eri Ghobhann, 7 itá mac damhsa aigi, 7 tiefaidh am 
3020 shacraiti tre bháidh daigh am inmhain leis alIas mo meic, 7 eirgedh airechus 
co nænbur eces lais aracenn, ár itá da mhét a naire na tibhre éra for an æs 
dana.' Lotar na filid fora sét eu rochtatar i comfhoclts baile FÙzllchua .J. 
cZtsan abuind fria cill anair. Faillsigter sin do Fin1Zchua 7 se i ndabhuigh 

1 1\1 S. noemh. 

2 MS. curomhebaiah. 

S MS. arabárach. 



9 1 

uaruisci, 7 luidh gltsan æs dana na tistais cuigi co tairsedh dhósomh a 
fhothrltcltd. F ergaighit na filid frissi urn uinli sin, 7 fergaighidh-som frisna 3025 
fileduibh. Conna dlegur æs dana do theachta taran abhuinn anóir cltsin mbaile 
o sin cen ceadugud, et is dimbuaidh doibh da nducat, conadh Sruth na n-Eces 
ainm na habhunn 0 sin ille. Conná dlegur do righ Laighean techtaire filed 
do cur uadh osin HIe, 7 is dimbuaid dia cuire. Doroich tra in t-æs dana co 
Fil1nchua aithle a fhothruicthi, et asberut fris: 'Ardochendsa tancamar-ne 3 0 3 0 
o righ Laige1z,' ar siat, 'co n-dighiss dia fhoiridhin don cocad fuil fair.' 
, Ragat-sa fris sin,' ar F Ï1ulchlta, 'cen imrisain,7 nidham leasc uime.' Luidh 
FÙzllchua cumoch arnamhárach ina dhírim c1eireck, 7 mae righ Laigen lais, 
7 in t-æs dana, eu rangatar e1tsan righ eu dún uas Berbha. F erthar failti 
fria F ÙUlchlta, et tairisis me1Zma in righ fria mac, 7 fa buidheaeh don lesugud 3035 
tucadh fair. Dogniter a freastal eomaith. Asbert F Ù111chua frisin rígh 
comha shidha do bhreith uadh do Chennsealach, 7 muna gab ad cath 
d'fhuacra fair. Ge rucadh coma shídha gu Cennsilach nir' ghabh naeh ni 
acht dun os Berba dh'argui1l aramhárach 1. Gabais ferg 7 fuasnad an clerech 
dhe sin, 7 dobadh fhearr lais eu faghbhadh cath in uair-sin. Córaighter 3 0 4 0 
iarul11 a ehath la eecktar dhe, cur' bat eomdIúthta, [foe 28. a. 2] comharda iat. 
Teit Finnchua i tús in chatha, 7 roeing a barann 7 a bhorrfad, 7 roIínustar 
t01111 danatais a eriche 7 a cheiniuil 'mon am-sin, et roghabh a cosa 7 a lanlha 
7 a súiIi for slogh Ceindsealazg, eu nar' thualuing n-imghona iat anagaid a 
námhut. Tic iarsin tonn diadhachta co FÙulchua, 7 asbert friu gialla 7 3045 
aidide do tabairt do righ Lazgelz, 7 nír'fhæmhsat inní sin eitir. Adrachtatar 
Laigin a n-oeinfecht lasin eIérech isin eath, et asbert FÙ111Chua: 'Na .b. so, a 
Laighne, nom-Ienaidh-si,' et reliqua. Rocuired iarsin in cath gan choicilI, 7 
nir'fagbhudh mae righ 'na shesamh ann acht Cennsealach a oenar, et tucadh 
.L. mae righ dhibh eo dun os Berbha, cOlladh Dinn Rígh ainm an inaid sin 3 0 5 0 
osin iIIe. a rahaincedh CennsiIac/t roedhbair dilsi a cIainne 7 a ceiniuil 7 
a iardaighi 2 do Fi1111Chlta,7 ced da gach chrudh gacha sechttnad bIiadlle dó 
fein 7 d'fir a inaid 0 righ Laige1z 7 0 Huibh Cennsilalg dog1"es. Facbhuidh 
F Í1l1zchua buadha S do righ Laigell 7 do righ U a Cennsilazg . I. genus ina 
righnuibh 7 ana mnaibh, 7 naire 'na n-ingenaib, 7 firinde 'na bferuibh. 3 0 55 
Cuinghes ri Laige1l for FÍ1111Chua Finntan a mae d'facbail aigi ipa crich 
fesin, et eeduighius FÍ1111CnUa dó sin, 7 tuc bennacht dia dhalta, et dobcrt a 
òhalta i fosugud ann, 7 dobcrt a rogha dia dhalta in loechdacht 110 an 
1 1\15. arabharach. 2 1\IS. iardraidhi. 3 l\IS. buagha. 
N 2 


9 2 


cleirehecht, et rue in dalta do roghain in eleirehecht, et dobtrt ferann d6 
3060 iarsin.J. Cluain Irarrois frisa n-apar Cluain Eidhnech inníu, et cumthar trian 
cuarta in bail i-sin d'Finnchua dogl"'es. 
Conad iat sin gnimartha 7 ferta Finnehua i Laighnih, 7 doroich iarsin 
co adhbha fein i Mumain. 
IS é ba ri for Ulltaib intan sin, EochZt Croibhderg mac Scannlain meic 
3 06 5 Dunadaigh, et ba hi a bainceIe, Moinginn inge1t Daire melc Finnchald d'feruibh 
Mumhan; et nir'ghabh oa fer gan techt a MumaÙl do cosnumh righi dia 
macuibh .1. Cas 7 Cian 7 Cingid,7 gabhaidh in ri do lairn sin. Foillsighter 
d'Finnchua inni sin .1. aslach Diabuil do tabalrt da mnai for righ Ulad urn 
thoidhecht i cenn catha i Mun1hain cen fhotha. Et gabais ceirn c01Zalbais 
3 0 7 0 Finnchua annsin uma crich fein gur'cuir fesa inagaidh [fo. 28. b. I] righ 
Uladh, uair nir'ail dó a mharbad i crich Mhuman f1"ia linn, 7 dia tised tara 
sharugud cu fuighbhedh bas 7 aidhedh 1 anabuidh. Tancatar arai sin 
Ulaid tria gresacllt na mna cu riachtadar Mairtine Mor Murnan gan airiugud 
do righ l\1uma1t, cor'ghabsat sosad 7 longphort a n-Ard na Righraidi frisi 
3 0 75 n-apar Cnoc Samna iniu. IS ann -Ùlll1lorro dobi Cathal mae Ædha Flaind 
Catraeh ri Murnan 7 M umu i1lge1z Fiaerach a baincele a nDun Eoehair- 
mhaighi 2 intansin, 7 ateiat ar n-eirghi doibh na samhiacha i Cnnc na 
Righraidi riu anes .1. na mergedha ana etarbhuasaeha 7 na pupia do breac- 
sroIl righda isin tul!lzg 'arna tocbhai1. Lotar fesa 0 righ lVluman dus cia 
3 080 robhai isin tuIazg. 'Ri Ulad, ar siat, '7 Moingfhinn i1lge1l Daire ic iarrad 
righi Murnan dia macuibh.' 0 rahindised do righ Murnan sin atberat a 
chomhairlzg 7 maiti Murnan: 'Tiaghar uainn arcenn in chathazge mharbh- 
thaigh-sea rind anes .1. F Ù111chua Bri Goba1l1l, uair dogheall damsa geb e 
tan nobheth éicen catha form co ticfad a cenn catha learn dom chabhair 7 
3085 in Cennchathach lais .1. a bhachall fesin.' Lotar na fesa gu FÙlllc!zua .1. 
Ger 7 Tualaing 7 Turscur, tri ghiUe in righ, 7 adfiadhat dó rí Ulad do 
tiachtain tara sharugud-sumh isin MhumaÙl. Gluaisis Finnchua andsin ana 
shomhuirith charpuit, 7 a bhachall 'na laimh, gan airisiurn ria cleirchibh 
idir, cu riacht Dun Eochair Maighi 2, baile a raibhi Cathal mac Ædha. 
3 0 9 0 F erthar fail ti fris on righraid. Asbert in ri annsin fria F ÙUlchua d ul do 
tabairt cornhadh do Ulltaib, 70 nar' thoich dó righi Murnan nacn fuighbhedh 
hi. Luid in cIérech frissin, 7 dobert Moingfhinn aithne fair uaithe, et atbert 

1 1\15. aighedh. 

2 l\IS. maidhi. 



fria macuib deabaidh logaissi (.I.bregi) do dhenamh ardaigh co tised in cIérech 
dia n-etrain, 7 cu romharbdais a meic-si he, uair dob egalleo in clérech do 
bhrised chatha forro,7 dia marbhtha-som robo bec brigh IV! uimnech leo. 0 3 0 95 
dhorocht FÙz1lchua cltsan longphort rofhiafrazg: 'Cia deabaidh sut dociam I?' 
ar see 'Mo meic-si sut,' ar M01lginn, [fo. 28. b. 2] 'oc deabaidh urn righi 
Muman, 7 eirg-si dia n-etrain.' 'Ni thó emh,' ar FÙuzchua, 'áir bat sidhaigh 
meic MoingÙl1le.' Ni rofoemhad tra 0 Finnchua in comha frissa n-dechaz"d 
co righ UIad, et geibhidh ferg 7 fuasnad he, 7 tic co righ Mumalz, 7 atfet 3 100 
na rogabhudh comha uadh etz'r. 'ÐENUIDH,' arFÍ1111Chua, 'cippe 2 comdhaingen 
catha dhibh 0 dorochtabair oenmhaigÙl.
 Teit iarUl1t FÙuzchua i tús in 
chatha-sin, 7 in Cenncatach ina laimh . I. a bachall, 7 tennaidh in comhairle 
7 nertaidh in cath, 7 tic fotri deisiul in t-sluaigh, 7 a bhachall 'na ]áimh, 7 
cia rocuindigh in rí in bachaill 'na láimh ní tard FÙulchua dho. Cumad 3 10 5 
air fesin nobeth maisi in catha do brisedh daraeisi. IN nlit Ulaid iat fein 
anaghaid M uin1hnech annsin, 7 gabhuit a n-arma irghaili. Robhúirset 7 
robeicset amal damhu damhghaire, 7 tiagait a mul[l]ach an cnuic. Saigh- 
idh in clérech in fán tarrsa, 7 leicidh in cnoc doibsiurn. Cromsait Ulaid co 
dicra do cur in catha. O'tconnaic Finnchua sin tarraid iat fon suidzgud-sin, 3 110 
conar'leic eirghi dhoibh sech a ngluinib suas etir, 7 moidhid an cath forro 
anagaid an aird. Cor'fhacuibh FÙzllchua do Muimhnechaib maidm rempa 
inagaid in aird 0 sin amach cobráth 3 anagaid allmurach, 7 gach sloigh ar- 
cena, 7 iss ed chomalltar iarfír. Dorochuir ri Ulad 7 a shetig Moingfhinn 
cona tri macuibh leo isin cath-sin, co fuilet a bhferta 7 a lighi isin tuIazg 3 11 5 
Tecait a tri daltada co FÍ111lchua iarsin .1. Coimde 7 Conmhach 7 COll- 
craidh, 7 doberat a lamha for a guaIaÙ111, 7 atbertsat fris: 'As dith fine, as 
forba fás, as sechna thire 7 talmall duit a n-doronais aniu, 7 inní rob ail duit 
do dhenamh .1. do bhraithbheimenna do beitt for Ulltaib.' Tairllis iarsin 3 120 
menmha in cIérigh 7 tairisid a aicned, 7 ainicer in tsluaigh, co 1zdechatar da 
einech imlan uadha. IMpoidh iarsin co feruibh Muman co tarladllr dhó 
arachinn i crolighi . I. èairthenn Finn 7 Cairthenn Donn, 7 sccht meic 
Forannain de Huibh Cassin, 7 Fermac 7 Ifernan, 7 aitchit in cIérech uma 
chabhuir, [fo. 29. a. I] 7 doberat a bhreith féin dó. IMpóidh iarum 3 12 5 
Findchua friu, 7 bennachais iat, 7 slánaighidh triana fheartuibh 7 adhamh- 
raibh cor'bhat sIai1lcrechtaigh diaeis, et ordazghit sein a cuarta dhó .1. .L. 

1 Interlined. 

2 1\1 S. cispe. 

3 1\15. cobrach. 




ech al1mardha a Huibh Toirr(del)balgh 7 .L. corn buabhaill a Huib Caisi1t 
7 .L. sitheal airedidi 0 mhaithibh Dail Cais. Doroich iarsin FÙl11Chua eosin 
3 1 3 0 righ, 7 doberur a bhreth féin do .r. bó cech lis on Ardchnoe .1. Cnoce 
Brenuinn, co Dairinis ic Imliuch, 7 bo bhithblicht do clérech a bhachla ccch 
tan bérthar i ceann catha hí, 7 coimeirghe re bhfear a inaidh dogres ó righ 
Mumall. Facbhais Findchua bellnachtain ocon righraid7 oe feruibh Muma1z, 
7 tic roime dia adbha fesin iar mbuaidh bhfert 7 mirbuile. 
3135 EIRGHEAS iarsin cogad allmurach i coicedh Connacht re linn Fhinnchua. 
Tomaltach mac Muz.redhaigh ba rí Connacht intansin. A n-indmhusa ÙJl11Z0rrO 
nobertis allmharazg uatha gacha bliadne tar muir sair, gur' fhacuibhset gorta 
7 terce bidh isin coiceadh. Lotar fesa 0 Thomaltack co F Ù111chua eu ro- 
dhingbad 1 na haIImurazg dhe 7 a brcth fesin do. Luidh F Ù111chua lasna 
3 1 4 0 techtaibh gu Cruachain lYlaigi hÁi. Batuy failtigh Connachta roime. Batar 
dono na haIImurazg i bhfosadhlar longpuirt ina bhfarrad i Cuil Fedha 2, frisi 
n-abar CuI Cnamrois inniu. 'Cidh as ail dúibh friu sut?' ar FÙl1lChua. 
, Cath do thabhairt doibh,' ar C01lnachta. ' Dingebhut-sa in cath,' ar Fi1l1l- 
chua, 'darcenn mu riara.' Geallait COllnachta a bre'ith fein dosum. Teit 
3 1 45 FÙ111Chua leo a ceann in catha 7 adcí na hallmurazgh uadha. Geibhidh 
iarum teasbach dermhair na ha1I1111trazg annsin tria cumachtaibh an cleirzg 
a medhon a longphuirt dona sonnuibh iarnaidibh batur i timcheall an long- 
phuirt imacuairt,collná frith dibh aramharach 3 acht a cnama 7 a taisi a medhon 
a longpuirt, 7 frasa dia n-armaib 'na bhfarrad: c011adh Cuil Cnamhrois ainm 
3 1 5 0 ann inaid 0 sin HIe. Tairisnighit Connachta iarsin [fo. 29. a. 2] a mhirbuilibh 
an cléirzg, 7 ordazghit a caJ?a 7 a cuarta dho, 7 ech gach degduine 7 screabal 
gach ællnduine 7 erradh rígh Connacht 0 mhullach co lar gacha bliad1le dhó. 

"'ACBHAIS F Ù111chua iarsin buaid catha la righ COllnacht, 7 bllaid ngnima 7 
buaid marcachuis, 7 nach gebhadh nert allmharach crich C011nacht cu brath 
3 1 55 daeisi, C01lUd he sin fotha Finnchua a Connac/ttaibh tria bhithu. Ceilibraid 
FÙ111Chua do Connachtaib iarsin, 7 tic cóa mennat fesin i Feraibh Muighi. 
AS e ba ri Ciarrazge intansin, Mothla mac Floinn meic Ænghusa. Bai 
mae brathar aigisein .1. Ciar Cuircheach 0 raidhter Ciarralgi Cuircheack. 
OC1tS asbertadar comaltada in righ marbad an meic-sin a bhrathar cunach 
3 1 60 tised fris, et cedaigius in ri a mharbad amuich intan nobhiadh oc seilg. 
Acht ní rosiacht leo gia rogabsat dolaimh. Atfiadhar sin don righ, 7 doberar 
linn somheasctha soola gltsan ngilla.1.Ciar Cuircheach,gur' cuired 'na chodlad 
1 MS. curodhingmad. 2 l\IS. Fegha. 8 l\IS. arabharach. 



hé,7 docuiredh a curach ænshluaisti for muir, 7 seolaid gæth é gu hlnis 
Fuamnaighi, bhaile i raibhe Maghor Dubloingsech do allmharchaibh. Gabhar 
aigisein Ciar Cuircheach is in chur1tch 7 innisidh a imthusa do Mhagar, 7 3 r6 5 
ainicis Magar hé o'tcuala a scela, 7 ise luach anacuil rochuinnzg fair.!. eolus 
cusan crich asa taínic cu roairgeadh hi, ar ni bhídh arbhur na treabhad aige 
'na innsibh eidir. Lotar iarul1z i Ciarrazgi fria re tri bhfaghmhar, gu rucsat 
a harbhur eisdi ana mbarcaibh iarna crechad, co rofhas gorta mor a Ciarrazge 
uili dhesin. Asbert Mothla mac Flainn: 'Eircter uainn arcenn ar mbráthar 3170 
bunadchineoil.1. Finnchua Slébi Cua, cu ros-foire sinne amail fhoires cach.' 
Teacat na techta aniar co FÙulchua, 7 atfiadhat dó a tosca. LUID Finnchua 
i Ciarrai.g-i iarsin d'fóiridhin a bunadcheiniuil, et ba si sin adaig 1 thangatar 
na dibercaigh isin tir,7 gabhsat a bhFindtracht Cind Maghair. Fiafraigidh 
in ri d'Finnchua, cidh dogenduis friu [fo. 29. b. I]. Fiafraigidh FÙl1/chua 3 1 75 
don righ cia hole doghnítis gacha bliadne isin tír? 'Ni fhacbaít,' ar in d, 
'a bec do arbur isin crich dianeis.' 'Leagur scaiIed dhoib,' ar FÙl1lchua, 'cu 
roghabhat a n-oireda forru, 7 tecam-ne isin traigh taraneis,7 is ced limsa gall 
ar bhfaicsin doibh eu tisat chucainn 'narcenn.' Nir'bó cian iarttl11 gu 
bhfacatur cuca iat isin traigh, 7 a n-oireda furmada forra. Roeirigh il1l11l0rrO 3 180 
a bharann 7 a bhorrfad in cleirzg, alnaillanna derglasrach 110 amaz'l thoichim 
tuindi fria tír. Ba he tricce 7 tindisnzgi dothoet FÙl1lChua a cath a brathar 
in lá-sin tre bhaidh cur'bho meidightir airdigtir fria seol primhluingi uas 
fhethfhairrgi ferta 7 cumachta De tre ghuidhi in næibh 2 inagaid na n-all- 
murach in la-sin, cu roeirgetar tonna Eirell11 fris. Roghabh tra scen1hdhacht 3 18 5 
7 leadarthaighi ChOl1 he ina gaiscedh in la-sin. Gengu betis læich ag cur in 
chatha acht esiumh a ænur is roime nomhoidhfeth, áir is cuma notheasead 
da arm 7 da fhiaclaibh na hallmurchu. Conadh de rolil FÙUlChlt de .1. amail 
choin in la-sin he. Et tucsat in sluagh Ciarraighcch a n-aigti uili re hagh 3 7 
re gaisced intansin, cu ná terna dona hallmharchaib cen ghabailllo cin marbad 3 1 9 0 
acllt Ciar Cuircheach a ænar. Et is he FÙl1lchua roainic esein. Rocommai- 
dhed an gnímh-sin acu iarsin,7 romóraid ferta De 7 FÙl1/chua euna gabann nert 
allmurach gana duthaw budhein innti acht gu cuimnedar FinnchÚ oc tabairt 
in catha 7 a thabhuirt a n-ainm Dhé 7 FÙl1/chua 7 a chana dh'fir a inaid daeis. 
ASpert in rí fris: 'Beir do breith, a cleirzg, 7 ben do beim císa orainn 3 1 95 
infechtsa, uair bidh manuigh dhilsi duitsi 7 d'fir h'inaidh inne dogres.' 'As í 
mo breth,' ar F Ù111ch1ta: 'miach bracha gacha baile dhamh, COlla furrthain do 
1 1\15. agaid. 2 1\IS. ghuighi innæim. S 1\15. hadh. 


9 6 


bhiudh cacha bliad11e.' Rochinnset-som cn tibritis. ASpert iarll1Jl in rí 
nach fuighbhedh Ciar Cuirchech failti oca 7 nocheaduighfed d'Finnchua a 
3200 bhreith laiss. [fo. 29. b. 2] LUIDH iartt1JZ Ciar Cuircheach la Finnchua 
.XXX.I. a bhfuair dia chairdibh 7 dia choiceilib isin tir. CEILEabhrais FÙulchua 
iarsin don righ 7 don righraidh, 7 facbais bennachtain acu, 7 teit góa aras 
fesin. Et cuiris Ciar a Ciarrazgi Cuircech, conadh uadh rosloinned. Et dligid 
Fi1l1Zchua gacha bliadlle .xxx. torc 0 Ciarrazgi Cuircech. 
3205 TEACAIT iarsin re linn FÙUlchua clanna Neill in tuaiscirt do ghabail 
righi Mumall,uair atcualatar in tír ina folmaisi 7 Leth Mogha 'ar bhfagailleoin 
ima righuibh 7 ima codhnachuibh, 7 gan rígh diles orra. Gabhait iarU11Z 
longport oc Loch Sighleann i n-Gurt ClaÙuÛ Neill aníu, 7 nír'bacad dibh, 
uair nír'bhe airdrí for M umaÙt intansin acht comard oirrzg. Docuadur 'X.. 
3210 Ù1111Z0rrO Muimnzg a muinighin a noeb 1 urn cosc
ll do breith, 
uair ni rabhatur cuingid chatha acu 'na1lagaid. Dobhí tra mac rígh acu 
intansin .1. Scannal mac rígh U a-Cairbre. Erlamh airmhitnech do shil 
EogaÙl esein, 7 adubairt gu ticfadh moirsheiser næb 2 do cur in chatha acht 
gu mbeth ænlæch do clannaibh Eogain roime do mac rígh 110 rigdamna. 
3215 Atcuas d'feruibh Murnan cu raibhi fer calma don Mumain .1. Cairbre Crom 
mac Crimhthain t-Sreib 3 meic Echach meic Ængusa meic N at-fraeich, 7 fa 
mac righ 7 righna, 7 fa hadhbur righ acht gu righdais tuatha 7 fine é, 7 
rohinniseadh doibhsium a bheith ac seilg a ndroibheluibh 7 a bfasaighibh 7 
a bhfheduibh 4 .1. ar mhucaibh 7 aigib 5, 7 lot1lr fesa uathaibh arachenn, 
3 220 7 adubratar fris nobherdais righi dó ar tiachtain a cenn chatha leo. 
Atbert-sum friu ná raghadh nogu tised in cathaighi calma bai i MumaÙt 
Iais, .1. Finnchua Slébi Cua. Berar a fhis sin dona næbaibh 6 Út, 7 tecait 
sein arceann FÙulchua gu maithibh Murnan leo da breith don chath. 
, Caidhi,' 01 FÙulchua, ' in lucht ros-gabh do láimh in cath. N í nert leo itir 
3225 curabh aissi ica thabairt leo aroen fria Scannal. Doruméllar-sa 7 ris,' 01 
FÙulchua, , gidh leasc learn;' [fo. 30. a. I] et tainic leo cu riachtatar Loch 
Sile1Z1l gu comthinol Murnan. Et doriacht Cairbre Crom chuca COlla 
shochraite amail rogheall intan adcuala Finnchlla do techt ann, et adconn
catur Cla1l1la Neill uatha ag eirghi gumoch isin matain ina longport ina 
3 2 3 0 mbroin adhbhail ildathaigh. Locuid fir Mhuma1t in cath re gráin ClaÙulÌ 
Néill 7 ar imut a læch 7 a trealaim, acht FÙUlchua a ænar. Et comairliged 
1 1\1S. noem. 2 1\15. næm. 3 1\15. tTf1 E1b (the b in different ink). 
 MS. bhfeguibh. 
t) 7 aigib interlined in different ink. 
 1\15. næmaibh. 7 1\15. Ðorúmenarsa. 




Fz"nnchua fir Mhuman, 7 adubairt nach leicfithe baile dia bferunn doibh 
damad locad leo. Doraidhset:fir Murnan: 'Atait Clanna N éill ar tri 
coirnlín-ne.' ASpert Finnchua a n-imarcraidh do shlaidhi 1 corntis coimlina, 
et 0 robheitis coimhlín cach do mharbhadh a fhir chomhlÙz iarsin. Cidh tra, 3 2 45 
rogress 7 ronert FÙZ1zchua 7 Cairbri Crom fir Mhuman 'cum an chatha, áir 
ni raibhe Cairpre ara imghabáil. Roæmsat fir M umha1z in cath tria naire 
7 tria nertadh FÙl1'zchua 7 Cairbri. IS ann sin rochoraighset clalllla Neill 
iat fein 'cum an chatha, 7 tancatar a ndail fher M uma1Z cudian 7 cu- 
dasachtach .1. doiri dia n-armaibh uasa cennuibh 7 leibheann da sciathaibh 3 2 5 0 
'na timceall. Eirghit Muimnzg 'nanagaid iarU1n 7 a næib 2 leo, et ger'sat 
liu do Clanlzaib N fill rosrærnadh in cath forra a nertuibh næbh 3 7 curadh, 7 
leantar in maidrn, 7 dichenntar móran dibh, 7 tinoilter a cind a n-æninadh, 
7 doberur il-Loch Silenn frisa n-abar Loch Cenn anÍu. Et righthar 
Cairbri Crom mac Crimhthain for MhumaÍ11. Et aitchidh Finnchua Dia 3 2 55 
urn deilbh mhaith do thabairt fair, uair ba scairbzghi a dhenamh, 7 fuair 
F Í1l1zchua ó Dhia a rogha dealbha dhó, c01zad Cairpre Cæmh atberthea fris 
iarsin iar n-aithearrach crotha 7 datha. A Cil! Cromghlaise rohailed in 
Cairpre sin ac Sceallan Chæl, conad de rolean Cairpre Crom dhe, amail 
3 260 
asbert : 

Fa direch 0 chinn go bonn 
ge atbertea fris Cairpre Crom: 
as de ron-geibh ainm re ais 
ara aItramh a Cromg]ais. 
Beannachaidh FÍ1znchua fir Mhuma1t 7 rí Caisil annsin .1. Cairbre [fo. 30. 3 26 5 
a. 2] cona shil, 7 dorinne in rí cadach fria F Í1znchua do fein 7 da shil, 7 
sræmad catha ria claÙul Cairpre întan dobertais a n-ainm Dhe 7 FÙulchua, 
no minn dia mhinnuibh oca ag dul a ndeabaidh, 7 bhidh leo a buaidh; et 
geallais FÙuzchua nach cuirfedh cath osin amach. Cinnit Muimnigh ima 
rígh cana Finnchua forru .J. in cetlægh 7 in clluan 7 in cétarc d'Finnch1Ìa 3 2 7 0 
7 d'fir a inaidh 0 feruib Murnan, 7 coimhet a inaidh ar clannaibh Cairpri 
dogres. Et almsa as cech sroin 0 Feruib Muighi d'fir a inaidh, 7 a ghuidhi 4_ 
sium dhoibsium in dam eicne, 7 guidhfed 5-sium Dia urn shlicht Coirpri 7 
Chathail d'foirithin iar bhfir. 
TEIT FÙ111Chua iarsin dia mhennat fesin; 7 teitt iarsin do Roim, uair rob 3 2 75 
aithrech leis na catha dochuir 7 na gnimha doroine ar connailbhe 7 ar 
bhaidh brathairsi. Octts rochan na runna-so sis : 
1 MS. animarcraigh doshlaighi. 2 MS. næim. S MS. næmh. t 1\15. ghuighi. 61\15. guighfed. 

9 8 


3 280 

SEACHT catha rochuires-sa, 
as me F z"nnchua cin meabhuil, 
o chath Duine Dubhchomair 
gu cath Finntraicht Cinn Maghair. 
Cath i Temhralg thucus-sa, 
cath i Laignz"b lem crabhacl, 
cath a M umaz"n mhedhonaigh 
doradus he cen gabhadh. 
Cath Locha cenn comramhach 
ar c1annuibh Neill cil1 mheabhail, 
cath Cruachna Ai ollbladhac/i 
as romamsa romheamaidh 1. 

3 28 5 

3 2 9 0 

M u thachar fria M uirnhnechaib 
le mac Ædha lern fhertuibh, 
mu chatha re cuimnechaib 
coir a n -airimh 'na sechtuibh. 

3 2 95 

Co Roirn Letha mh'ailitre 
for sligid Poil is P etair, 
i mainistir Bronaidi 2 
rorn-airmz"dter 'na sectaibh. 

C01ladh iat sin gnimhradha 7 geinemaÏ1z F Ùznchua 7 a chatha 7 a conghala 
7 a thurusa 0 dolabuir a mbroinn a mháthar nogu ndechaz"d do Roim 
Letha, eu raibhi fria re mbliadlle innti oe aithrighi, amail roseribh fesin i 
33 00 leabhur Mainistreaeh Baidhi meie Bronazg. 
In b1'athair oBuagachain roscribh an Betha-so as [in ] leabhur Maines- 
treeh Baidhi. 

Finit re Fionnchua 3. 

] MS. romheabaidh. 2 .i. Buidi meic Bronaigh. 8 In lower margin, in a recent hand. 

[fo. 30. b. 1.] 
Betha Brenainn meic Fhinnlogha 1. 
IS fechtnach 7 as firén foirbhthe in fer forsa mbi ecla 7 imuamo1Z an 
Coimded cumachtaigh 7 accobhras codern1hair timna 7 forceatal De do 
comallad, amallluaitter i canoin petarlaice 7 nufhiad1zissi in t-aithiusc-so. 
Sochaidhi tra do uasalaithribh 7 d'faidibh 7 d'aps[t ]alaib 7 do 
deisciplaib in Choimdhedh, frisi ndebhradh i petarlaic 7 i nuifhiadnissi 3310 
in t-aitheasc-sa . I. a bheith fechtnach tiren forbhthe forasta ar accobor 7 ar 
ailgius leo na timna 7 in forcetuil diadha do comhallad, 7 ar imecla in 
Coimdedh cofoirbhthe 'na cridibh 7 'na me1tmannaibh cen scrutain aili acht 
mad sin [namá]. 
A oen iaru1JZ don luct-sin [.1. na tindbethad fechtnaigi sein] in nuifhiad- 33 1 5 
nissi, intí diata 3 lith 7 foraithmet ind ecmong na ree-sea 7 na haimsiri .1. 
hi .UII. kl. Iuin .1. Brenainn mac Finnlogha do shlicht Ceir meic Fherghusa. 
Ceann creitme 7 crabhaidh ermhoir in domuÍ1z uili inti noeb 4 -Brenainn .J. 
amail Abraham n-irisech. Sailmchetlaid primhfhathacdai amail Daibith mac 
lese. Ecnaid derrscaightech amail Shol1naÙz mac nDaibid. Rechtaidhi 3320 
amail Mhoysi mac Amhra. Tintodhach tidhnaictech amail Cirine fáidh. 
lntliuchtach amhra amail Aguistin. Morleighnidh primhcoitcheann amai 1 
Origin. Ogh [hé] amail Eoin bruinnedalta 5 in Coimdhed. Soiscela(g-tlæ amaz'l 
Matha. F oircetlaid amail Pol. [Prímapstal dílguda amazt Petar n-ardespal. 
Cend] ditreabhuch amazt Eoin baitsi. Trachtaire amail Grigoir Roma.3325 
T echtaire treabar mara 7 tire amail N oei mac Laimech. U air amail 
rothocaibh N æi in" n-airc uas tonnghor na dile1l1l ind airdi, as amlaz'd sin 
toicebus BrenaÍ1z1t a mhancha 7 a mhuinntera [fo. 30. a. 2] a n-airdi úas 
teinid bhrátha, cuna ria dé na ceo na crithir iat tre cumhachtaibh 7 
cæncrabud BrenaÍ1tn meic Finnlogha. 3330 
A n-aimsir i,n'JJZOrro Æng1tsa meic N at-fræich righ Mumalt, is ann 
rogenair intí noebh 6 -Brenainn. Do Chiarraigi 7 Luacra dhó.1. do Alltraigi 
Caille doshainnred. 
1 In this Life the words and letters in brackets are taken from the copy in the Paris I\1S. 
Celt. et B. I, p. 2 Ps. cxi. I. 3 MS. dia ata. 4 MS. noem. 
:; MS. .bru.dalta. 6 IVIS. noemh. 7 1\15. chiarraidi. 
o 2 




BÁ fer saer soeheneoil eraibhdeek iriseek a athair in meie-sin .1. 
3335 Findlogh. IS amhlaid [dano] batur in lanamhain sin, i smaet 7 i eoiblzgi 
dlighthigh fo riagail espuzc Eire. Ateonnaie [dano] mátkair Brenain1l aislingi 
resiu rogenair Bre1zaÙzn .1. Ian a hoehta dh'ór glan do bheith aiee 7 a eiehe 
do taitnemh amail t-snechta. IAr n-indisi na.haisIÙ
 d'espoc Eire adubairt 
gu n-geinfeth uaithi gein ehumhachtaeh bhudh lán do rath in Spirta Nóibh 
334 0 .1. Brenainn. 
ARAILI fer saidhbhir bai i n-aitreibh eofada ó 1 taigh Finnlogka, Airdi 
mae Fidhazg a ainm. Tainie prin1hfhaidh na hEirenn intansin eo tech [in] 
Airrdhe meie Fidhazg . I. Beg mae Dé [heside]. Rofiafraigh Airrdhe do 
Bee: c Cid ni is nesa dún innosa?' Adubairt Bee: 'Geinfidh do rí dilis 
3345 dingbhala fein eadrat 7 muir inoeht, 7 bidh sochaidhi do ríghaibh 7 do 
rllireehaibh aidheorus he, 7 berus leis doeum nime. ISinn adhazgh-sin 2 
gene BrenaÙtn rucsat tricha bó tricha lægh ag Airrdhe mae Fidhazg. 
IArsin roéirig [comoch arnabarach] Airdhi [mae Fidaig], 7 boi oc iarrad in 
toighi a rucad in mac beag, 7 fuair tech Findlogha, 7 in naidhiu ann, 7 
335 0 roshleeht eoduthrachtaeh 'na fhiadhnusi, 7 ros-edbair in tricha loilgeeh C01za 
læghaibh dh6, et ba si sin cedalmsa BrenaÏ1zn. Rogabh iarsin an brugaid 
in mac ana laim,7 adubairt: 'Bidh dalta damsa in mac-so tre bithu na 
bethad,' 01 see 
A n-adazg 3 z"mmorro ghene Bre1laÙztt adeonnaie espoc Eire Alltraigi 
3355 cailli fo ænlasair dermhair amaz"l na aiees riamh roime, 7 timtirecht examuil 
na n-aingiul i n-edazghibh glegheala imon tír immacuairt. Eirghius espoc 
4IJC Eire gumoeh aramharach 4, 7 tainie gu tech Finnlogha, 7 roghabh in mae ina 
laim, 7 adubhairt fris: [fo. 31. a. I] , A dhuine Dhé' .J. dlline fhoigenus do 
Dhia, 'gabh mhisi cneat ama'ilmhanaeh ndilius; etcidhsochaidi isforbhfhæilid 
33 60 friat ghein as forbhfailid mu cridi-si 7 mh'ainim,' 01 espoc Eire. Iarsin 
roshleeht 'na fhiadhnusi 7 roehí eodermhair i comurtha fhaeilti, 7 ron-baist 
iarsin,7 tugad Mobhí fair mar ainm artus oa thustidhibh 5 [ut dixz"t poeta: 

33 6 5 

Mobhi a ainm-sium artus 
o thustidhib 5, caomh a rus: 
macaom sluaghach, sirthech, seng, 
ba cobalr d'feraib Erenn.] 

IArsin [tra] rofherastar broen find .1. ciabhor fhinn [and], eu roHn in 

1 l\IS. oc. 

2 aghaiahsin. 

3 agaid. 

4 MS. arabarach. 

ð 1\-15. thustighibh. 



fhianann uili. As de sin bha Broenfinn a ainm-sium. 
doradh fris, ar ba find 0 churp 7 0 anmain [ut dixit: 
Braonfind a ainm-sium iarsin 
o curp ocus 0 anmain 
on braon sin fuair slain 
o epscop Eire a aon rain.] 
IS ann sin roseennset tri muilt corera asin topur fiae[ha] baist
Bre1zainn [ut : 3375 
Tri muilt corera, suairc in tred, 
fiacha baistigh Brenainn beg, 
rosgeinnset, ba caom an cor, 
asin topur an aonor.] 

Finn tm1norro 


Ruesat a mhuinnter leo he eu mboi bliada1z oeea iarsin [iea altrllm. 3380 
I eind bliadne iarsin] rue espoc Eire lais he aramus a mhuime fein .1. í ta, 7 
bai coic bliadne oc ítta, et tuc in ehaillech gradh [n ]dermair dou, áir itceth 
timtirecht na n-aillgel huasa 7 rath in Spirtu N óib fair eofollus, et [is am/aid 
sin] nobhith BrenaÙzn, oe sirghaire frisin eaillzg eech tan atcÍdh hi. ARAILI 
la [im11zorro] rofhiaifazg Ita dhe: 'Cidh dogní faeilti dhuit, a næidhi[u] 33 8 5 
noebh I?' 01 si. (Tusa,' 01 se, , atcím oe labra frim ehoidhchi 7 ogha imdha 
[díairmithi] ele amail tusa, 7 siat acum eomhaltram as eech laímh diaehéle.' 
Aingil im1norro batar ann sin i ndealbhuibh na n-ogh : 
[Aingil i ndealbhaibh 6gh find 
badar ic altram Brenainn, 339 0 
as cech laim inacheile 
don naoidhin dn mormheile]. 
Iarsin rolegh oc espoc Eire a shalma eogressach [i einn .u. mbliadne], 7 ba 
fada la hIta beith 'na eemais. Ni rabha im1norro bó blicht oc espoc Eire, 
áir nl gabhudh almsana [0 neoch] acht beean a dhainibh riaghalda. Roboi- 3395 
sillmh tra i n-araile la acc iarrad bainne fora aidi. 'IS tualaÙlg Dia ón, [a 
mic!'] ar espoc Eire. IS iarsin ticedh ind agh allaid cech lái do Shleibh 
Luachra cona lægh Ie, co mblighthe dosum hi, 7 teighedh ahoenar isin sliab 
iarna bleagonn. 
IS annsin boi Brig inna farrad-sum .1. derbhshiur dhó [f,] 7 ba dermhair 34 00 
méd a grada lais, ár ba follus dó timtÍ1 l echt na n-ail1gel fuirre, 7 rafhegadh 
gnúis a aidi amail ruithen [n]grene samhrata. 
1 MS. noemh. 



ARAILI la doehuaidh 1 espoc Eire do proicept. Luid-seom [fo. 3 I. a. 2] 
lais isin carput,7 ba hæsach deich mbliad1le BrenaÙut intansin. Faeabar- 
3405 somh a ænar isin eharpztt iar ndul don clérech don proicept. Suidhius Bre- 
naÍ1Z1l, isin carput 7 se oc gabail a shalm a ænar. IS ann sin doriacht 
i1lge1t min macachta 2 mongbhuidhe, do cenel rígda, gusan carpat cuicisiumh, 
7 si11is fair, 7 feghaidh a ghnúis aluinn edrocht, 7 fuabrais leim chuiee isin 
earpat fochedoir 7 a cluiche do denamh ris. IS ann aspert[ -som] fria: 
34 10 ' lmthigh [dod tighJ 7 beir mhiseaidh cidh dod-fllCC HIe,' 7 geibhidh-sium 
ialla in earpait, 7 gabhuidh fora sraeighled 3 cucruaidh eu raibhi ic cai 7 occ 
diueairi, eu riacht gu hairm a raibe a máthair 7 a hathair. I. in rí 7 in rigon. 
IlVlpoidius iarsin espoc Eirc, 7 gabuidh ica cairiughudh-sum cugér im bualad 
na hoighi neimelnidhi. 'Dogen-sa aitrighi inn,' ar Bre1laÙl1z, '7 abair-si h1.' 
34 1 5' Tair isin uamaidh-sea co madllin,' ar espoc Eire, '7 bí at ænar inntí eu 
torus-sa eugut imarach.' Suidhis Bre';zaÙz1t isin uamaidh iaru11Z, 7 gabhais a 
shalma 7 a immna molta don Coimdhid innti. Oirisidh espoc Eirc i bhfarrad 
na huamadh ie eistecht ra Bre1ZaÙUt cen fhis dó. Atclos tra foghur gotha 
BrenaÙl1t ag gabáil a shalm míle ceimeann for eech lethe Docluinti foghur 
3420 gotha ColuÏ1n cille in comhfhad eetna intan nobhith ie eantain a shalm 7 a 
immunn : 

34 2 5 

[Foghar gotha Brenainn bhinn 
isinn uarna 'con fïannaind, 
mile ceimend in cech dinn 
atcluintea a ardguth alainn.] 

IS ann sin adconnuic in elérech buidhne 4 aillgel súas eu nemh 7 anúas eo 
talmaÙz immon uamhaid co maduin. Osin imach Ùn1JlOrrO nír'chumhaing 
neeh gnúis BrenaÙz1t d'faicsin ar imad na ruithned ndiadha acht Finan 
Cam a ænar, áir ba lán do rath in Spirta N6ib éisidhe, [7 is edh fodera do a 
3430 fáicsin-sium seoeh each, ut dixit: 
Silledh for aghaidh mBrenaÏ1Z1z 
ni curngaid nech a n.Eirind 
acht FÍnan Carn, caom an modh, 
ar met a ratha a aonor.] 

3435 ARAILE la batar oc imthecht f01"'an sligÙl . I. Bre1ZaÙZ1z 7 espoc Eire. 
Dorala oenóelach ina cuidechta foran sligid. T eaemhuidh didiu namhait 

1 MS. dochuadh. 

2 leg. macdachta (?). 

3 MS. sraeidhletl. 

4 I\1S. buighne. 



batur aigi dh6 .]. moirsheser laech, 7 gabhais ecla mhor in t-oclach, 7 
adubalrt: 'Muirbhfit sud mhisi innosa.' [fo. 31. b. I] 'Eirg bec[an] ar 
scath in chairthi cloz'chi ucut,' ar BrenaÙl1l, '7 sín ara scath tú.' Doghní... 
sium tra amlald sin, et tocbhuidh Bre1ZaÙut a lama fria Dia, 7 doghní 344 0 
ernaighthi, co rosoei trea in t-óclach i rict coirthi cloichi. T eacait iaru1n a 
namhait-sium eosin coirthi, 7 benuid a cenn de ina richt-som, 7 gonait in 
coirthi 'na thoebh, 7 faccbhait in cloch ' arna dicennad, 7 berait in cenn leo 
a rict cinn a namhat. Et maraidh beos in cloch sin isin luc cetna [amall 
aderid na heolazg]. Conudh ann sin doroine Bre1zaÙzn cloich don duine 7 3445 
duine don clolch. 'Denaidh aithngï,' ar escup Eire, 'uair ceann na cloiche. 
fil oceuibh,7 ro imthigh bur namha imshlan uaibh.' Dogníat iaru11Z aithr
ndiera fo riaguil espuic Eire os in immach [tre bithu]. 
IAR bfogluim Í11111Z0rrO canOlle petarlaiee 7 nuifladllalsse [ coHeir] do 
BrenaÙzn, dob ail dó riagla noeb 1 n-Eire1Z1t do seríbadh 7 d'fogluim.345 0 
Cedaighis tra espoc Eire dosum clul d'fogluim na riagla-sin, ár rofhitir 
gurup 0 Dhia robui dosomh in eomairli-sin. Et adubairt espoc Eire [fris] : 
, Tar doridhisi eueamsa, 7 na riagla-sin leat, eu roghabha tú gradha uaimsi.' 
IAr ndul dosom d'agalluim a muime .1. Ita, is ed adubuirt in cedna fris .1. 
riagla næbh 2 nEire1uz d'fogluim, 7 adubhuirt ris: 'N a dena foghluÙ1z ag 3455 
mnaibh na ae óguibh Cll nach derntar h'égnaeh. Imthigh,' ar sí, '7 teicemhaÙl 
læch suaichnidh 3 sochenelaeh dhuit ar an sligid.' Ecmaing, dano, ba hé 
mae Lenin in læch-sin. IAr n-imthecht inl1llorro do BrenaÙuz dorala mae 
Lenín dó. IS ann doraidh Bre1laÙUt fris: 'Dena aithrzgi, ar itá Dia ocut 
toghairm, 7 baat mae dilius dó 0 sunn amach.' IS ann sin rosoei Colman 34 60 
mac Lenin eusan Coimdhi, 7 eumhduighter eelas lais foeédair, ut dixit 
Col1nan : 

[foe 31. b. 2] 

BRENUINN breo betha buadhatg 
beim in æl airimh ænuigh 
siar eu hairbhire in ænuigh 
thíre tairngire tæbhuigh. 
Nf tæbh fri fann na feles, 
eoemh a eland cubhaidh ires, 
mac fial Finnlogha re[a] bas 
dim cech dindrogha dliges. 
D lighidh midh 4 modh nad maidim, 
aibinn modh mag nat senaim, 

34 6 5 

347 0 

1 MS. noem. 

2 MS. næmh. 

S l\JS. suaithnidh. 

4: MS. migh. 

10 4 


34 80 

ardurdaig l\Ihuman magda 
c1i cumdad Banba Brenainn. Br. 
Mu chin bhias ina dhírim 
lir lebinn domuin dedhuinn, 
fir Eirenn tar ler lilit 
co Brighit is co Brenuinn. Brenainn. 
Colum cilli ceall ualann 
inmhain inne ina shenaim, 
rad bfer nEirenn a hinnair 
in flaith a birraib Brenainn. 
Brenainn, breo. 


IARSIN rosiact Brellaz"lln crich Cor/nacht fo clú araili fir craibdhigh 
3485 bai ann .J. larlaithe mac Logha, me'ic Trena, meic Feic, meic Macta, mez"c 
Bresail, mez"c Sirachta, meic Fiachach Finn. Et ros-foglaÙ.1l-sium .1. 
BrenaÙ111, na hui1i riagla [naob 1 ] Eirellllcha aicisein. Et asbert fria larlaithi : 
'Ni hann so bias h'eiséirgi etir,' ar see 'A meic noeib 2,' ar Iarlaithi, 'cid 
uma bhfolcai forainn ratha diadhai in Spirta N óibh filet innat cufollus 7 
3490 cumachta díairmhÙli in Choimdhed cumachtaigh fil guhincleithe it men main 
neimellnidi ? TUSA tra doriacht cucamsa do fhoghlaim occum,' 01 larIaithi. 
Misi immorro bias ogutsa osunn amach, acht geibh misi it mhanchaine 
tria bithu na bethad. Act cena,' ar I arlaith i, 'abuir frim cait i mbia mo 
eisez"rghi? ' Atbert BrenaÍ1l1z, [fris]: 'Den tar carput nua leat,' ar se, , ár is 
3495 senoir thu, 7 eirg inn foran sligid. Dcus cipe inadh i meb[ s ]at dá fhertais an 
carpait, is ann [sin] bias h' esseirghi 7 eiseirghe shochuidhi immaille frit.' 
IArsin tra teit in seanóir isin carput, et ni cian rainic intan romebsat da 
fhertais in carpait; et as é ainm an inaidh-sin, Tuaim da Ghualan1l. IS ann 
sin doronsat a n-dís in laidh-sea eturra, ic feghudh na reilgi uathaibh, 7 
35 00 timtirecht na n-aingel cofollus d{; 7 asbert BrenaÍ1zn na .u. cltrainn di 7 
asbert larlaithi iarsin : 

[foe 32. a. I.] 

ARD reileac na n-aingel n-an 
atcim tar mo shuil, 
ni tadhbhaister ithfern uar 
anas tardtar ana huir. 
Comad oin iar tairceall cros 
doro infotan gIas 
niba haitreabh dheaman ndúr 

35 0 5 

1 MS. naom. 

2 MS. noeim. 


10 5 

taithfentar dhun ass. 
Bidh airdceall cu n-imut cHar 
i m-bíat senadh mor, 
bidh lighi tren ocus truagh, 
bidh slzgi do shlóg. 
Diultfait do manazg do cill, 
bid beir tabair treall, 
ole in comha ros-bia inn 
tadhall ithfrinn tall. 
Ticfat do braithre biaidh uair 
doroichset do chein, 
bidh tusa bhus fuighleoir dhoibh, 
dogenat doreir. 
IN airet donet mu riar 
mairet 1 in da clar, 
cuirfit 2 a naimdhi i cein, 
lasfait amaH grein. 
IN airet donet mu reir 
budh fir dhamh an rann, 
betit a maic taranéis, 
ni biat i pein tall. 
Mogenar thoghfas in c1ar 
ard na n-iubur n-úr, 
ni ba hitfernach iar mbrath 
neach rosia 'na huir. 
Ni budh bairnech a mheic Dhuach 
rot-fia limsa a luach, 
neam ocztS tuile cen tlath, 
roo chuile cen crich 3. 
Buaidh 4 rígh is c1eirecJi dod shil 
i cein bed dom reir; 
nocha cirrfa nech do giall 
cindfet tar gacJi reir. et reliqua. 
IAR bfacbail larluithe annsin do BrellaÍ1l1z gabais roime foramus Mhuighi 
hAi. Dorala 'Ùnmorro aingel do for an sligid, 7 is ed asbert fris: 'Scríbh,' 
ar se, 'briatra in crabhaid uaimsi.' Scribhais Bre1Zailln annsin oconn 
aingel ind uili riagail n-ec1usdai noebdha 5, et maraid bheous in riagol sin. 3545 
INtan z"11l1120rrO batar oc imthecht in muighi c01zaicet in fuat, 7 duini marbh 
fair, 7 a charait icá cháiniudh. 'Tairisnigid isin Coimdhid,' 01 Bre11aÍ1t1l, 
1 MS.7 mairet. 2 1\15. cuirfitit. S This quatrain is corrupt. 
, MS. Buaigh. ð MS. noemdha. 

35 10 

35 1 5 

35 20 

35 2 5 

.353 0 


354 0 





'oeus bidh beo in duine fil oeuibh.' IAr ndenum ernaighthi co Dia do 
Bre'JZaill1l eirghes in t-oeláech aeedoir, 7 berait a muinnter leo he co 
550 bhfæilti ndermhair. IArsin tra geibhidh cach ica fhegad-somh cumor,7 
berait leo hé eu righ in mhuighi. Et tairgidh in rí ferann do in bhaile in 
bhudh ail do isin maigh-sin, 7 nír' ghabh uadha, ár nír'b ail leis beith isin 
IAr scribeann tra riaghla ind aillgil 7 riagla noebh 1 n-Eire1uz cona 
;55 mbesaibh 7 C01za erabud do Brel1,aÙZ1t, impais co hespoc [foe 32. a. 2] Eire, 
7 gabais gradha uaidh. IS ann ateualaidh-siumh is in tsoseéla: Qui 
relingquit patrem aut et matrem aut 2 sororem aut agross eentuplum in procenti 
aeeipiat et uitam eternam posidebit. IS iarsin tra rofhás gradh in 
Coimdhed codermhair ina eridhi-siumh, 7 ba hail dó a thir 7 a tala112 7 a 
3560 thustidhi 3 7 a athardha dh'faebail, 7 rothothlai.g-h coduthrachtach ar an 
Coimdid cu tarda thalmaÍ1z nderrit ndiamhair n-inill n-aluind n-etarscartha 
dhó 0 dhainib. IAr codlad Í11211l0rrO dosum in adaigh-sin 4 eu cuala guth 
in aingil do nimh 7 atbert fris: 'Eirigh, a Brenainn,' ar se, ' 7 dorad Dia 
duit inní roeuinghis .1. tir tairngire.' EIRghis BrenaÙ21z iaru11z, 7 ba maith 
3565 lais a menma on aitheasc-sin, 7 teit a aenar i Sliabh nDaidehe, 7 feghais 
ind aieen ndermair ndosholachta uadh for eech leth, et is ann sin ateonnuie- 
sium an innsi n-aluind n-airegda co timtirecht[ aib] na n-aingel die IArsin tra 
anaidh-siumh tredhenus annsin, 7 eodlais doridhisi. Tic [tra iarsin] aingeal 
in Coimdhed dia acalIaÍ1n annsin, 7 atbert fris: 'Biat-sa,' ar se, ' 0 sunn imaeh 
3570 maroen friut tria bhithu na betha, 7 múillfet[ -sa] duit an innsi n-álainn 
atconnareais 7 is mian lat d'faghbail.' Cíís BrellaÙl1z annsin eodermhair 
ara fhæi1tighi leis aithease in ai1Zgil fris, 7 doghni atlazgthi buidi do Dia. 
EIRghes iarsin Bre1ta-Ùtn asin tsleibh, 7 tic eoa muÙztir, et atbert friu : 
, Dentar tri longa mora libh,' ar se, '7 tri sretha do rámhadhuibh for eeeh 
3575 luing, 7 tri seola do eroienibh,7 tricha fer an cach luing,' acht nír'bhat eleirig 
uile, [ut dixit poeta : 

35 80 

Tri longa seolais in saoi 
tar tonngar mara romaoi 
tricha fer in cech luing lais 
tar treathan mara mongmais. 

T ri sretha do ramaib leo 
ar gach luing dib, caom an gleo, 

1 MS. noemh. 

2 MS. repeats aut. 

3 MS. thustighi. 

 MS. agaidhsin. 


10 7 

, seol croicenn go loinne[ 0 ]Iais 
isna tri longaib seola is. 

N ochu cleirchiu luid uile 
for loinges, caom in chaire, 
munter hualhad (?), 10m a lí, 
isna tri longaib seolai.] 

35 8 5 

SEOLAIS tra BrellaÙt1z mac Finnlogha annsin for ton( n ]ghor in mara 
mongruaidh 7 for treathan na tonn toebhuaine 7 for beluibh ind aicein 359 0 
ingantaigh adhuathmhair agairbh,airm a bfacatar ilar na mbiast [ mbruthmur,] 
mbeilderg [co 1l-imad na mbleidhmil mor] muiridhi; et fogeibhdís ailena 
aille ingant[ ach ]a, 7 ni tairistis inntibh [sin] beos. 
BA TUR tra amlaid sin fria re .u. mbliada1l I [fo. 32. b. I] for an aicen 
n-ingantach n-anaithnidh n-aineolach dhoibsium; et ni tharla duine dhoibh 3595 
frisin re-sin, 7 ni roibhi esbaidh dhuini dia popul forru, 7 ní rofrithortadh 
corp na anum duini dib; et ba hingnadh inní sin, ar ni roleicc Bre1Zail'l1l 
doibh Ion do breith leo, acht atbert ba tualuing Dia biadh doibh in cech 
dhú i mbeitis, amal roshasastar na .u. mile dona .u. aranaibh 7 don dhá 
"1. n-iascaib. 3 600 
INtan Ï11111zorro ba comfhocraibh don chaisc, batar a muillter icca radh 
fria Bre1zaÏ1Z12 dula for tir do cheileabhrad na casc. 'As tualal
01 Brenain1z, 'tala1n do thabairt [duin] in gach inadh bus ail dó.' IAr 
toidhecht Í1nlnorro na casc toccbhais in mil mór muiridi a fhormna a 
n-airdi uas treathan 7 uas tonnghar in mara, cur'bho tala112 comtrom cobhsaidh 3 60 5 
amalfaichthe choimhreidh chomhaird. Et tiaghait-sium forsin tallnaÏ1z-sin, 7 
ceileabrait in caisc ann .1. oenla 7 da oidhchi 2. Iar ndul doibhsium ana 
longuibh sceinneas an bledmil fon muir fochedair. Et ba hamlaid sin do- 
ceileabraitis in chaisc co cenn secht mbliadne for druim in mil moir, amail 
atbert [Cundedan]: 3 610 
Carais Brenainn buanchrabudh 
doreir shenuid is shamhaidh: 
sechl mbliadne ar druim in mil mhoir 
ba docair in coir chrabaidh. 

U air intan ba comhfhocraibh don chaisc cacha bIiadnß no thocbhadh in mil 3 61 5 
mor a druim comba talanz tirim techtaidhe. 

1 1\IS. mbliagan. 

2 1\15. oighthi. 

P Z 



ARAILI laithe dhaibh for an aicen n-ingantach ca bhfacadar srotha 
daimne [acgarba 7 saabehoiredha dermaire] dubha in mara mongruaidh, 7 as 
inntibltsin dorimartus a langa dia mbadhudh ar mhet na hainbthine. 
3620 Gabhuidh cáeh iarsin ic fegad inagaid Bre12aÍ121z, ár ba dermhair met in 
gabhuidh ir-rabutur. Taebus Brel1aillll a ghuth cuhard, 7 atbert: 'AS lor 
duit, a mhuir mar-sa,' ar se, ' mhisi m' oenar da badhadh, 7 Ieiec uaid in lucht- 
so.' IS ann sin tra rofhethnuig in n1huir, 7 tairnes fethedha 1 na saebehaire 
faeetoir. 0 sin imach [fa. 32. b. 2] iarU1Jl ní raerchoitset do neach aile. 
3625 ARAILI Iaithi batar forsin muir. Tainic Diabal a ndeilbh shenta 
adhuathmhair aidheidzg inglain ithfernaidi c01Zesidh 2 for seal na lllÙ
e a 
bhfiadhnuse Brellai111l, 7 ní fhaca nech acusom he acht Bre1zaÙ11z a oenar. 
Fiafraighis Bre1ta'Ùl1l de cidh má táinic riana aimsir choir. I. ria n-aimsir na 
hesseirghi moiri. 'IS airi tanae,' ar Diabul, ' d'iarrad fiU phianta i clusaIuibh 
3630 doimhne in mara duibh darcha-sa.' Iarfazg1us Brellal1Z11 dosum: 'Cidh on, 
cait i bfuil in locc ithfernaidi sin?' 'Truagh sin,' ar Diabul, ' ní chumaing 
nech a faicsin 7 se beo iarsin.' Cidh tra [acht] foillsighis Diabul annsin 
dortts ithfrinn da Brel1aÏ1zn. ET fegais BrellaÍ1l1l in carcair ngairbh nguirm 
[sin] Ian do brentaidh, Ian do lasair, Ian do mhosair, Ian do longportaibh 
3 6 35 na ndeman neimhnech, Ian do ghal 7 d'eighiumh 7 d'urchait, 7 gaire truagha 
7 nuallghatha mora 7 golfadach, 7 basgairi na 3 tuath peethach, 7 betha 
dhubach bronach i cridhibh pene, i carcraibh teneadh, i sruamuibh na 
sreat[h] sírtheined, i cailiuch bithbroin, i lathaehuibh dubha dorcha, i 
cathairibh tramlasrach, i n-imut bróin 7 bais 7 riagh 7 cuibreeh 7 traimthres 
3640 ndiehumhaing cu mblædhad 4 adhuathmur na ndema1z neimhnech, i n-aite 
bhithdarcha, bithfhuair, bithbrein, bithshalazg, bithciamair, bithghairbh, 
bithfada, bithmhúichnzg, marbhthaigh, mhalartaigh, muchna, mhoingteinn- 
tidhi 5 ichtair adheitig 6 ithfrinn. For sleasaibh sliabh sirtheined, cen anad, 
cen airisium, acht sluaigh dhemhna ica tarraing i carcraibh [truagha,] trama, 
3645 [tenna,] teinntidhi 7, dorcha, daimne, diamra, [dimaoine,] daera, dubha, dein- 
meacha, [saleh a, senta, senbrena], sirdheabtacha, sirtratacha, sirscithaigh, sir- 
marbhthaigh, sirbheagholaigh, [gér, garg,] gæthach, galfartach, grechtha 
geranach, gothachghoirt, ghudhamhnacll, cruma, croma, cruaidhe, calma, 
cendmhora: 7 biasta buidhi, [bana,] belmhara [fa. 33. a. I]. Leomain lonna 
36501éitmecha. Dracuin derga [dubha,donna,J demhnacdha. Tigri trena tangnacha. 
1 MS. fechedha. 2 leg. co ndesidh (?). 3 l\IS. nu. t Perhaps mblaedhatl. 
ð 1\15. mhoingteinntighi. 6 MS. adbeitid. 7 MS. teinntigbi. 


10 9 

Scoirpi gorma gimacha. Seabhuic ruadha, roarda. Gribha garba, goibghera. 
Dæla dubha, dronnmhora. Cuili gera, guilbnecha. Creabair croma, cnamh- 
ghobacha. Farcha troma, iarnaidi. Susta senta, sengarbha. Claidib gera. 
Gai ruadha. Deamna dubha. Teinnti brena. Srotha neimhe. Cait ac scripadh. 
Coin ic Ietrad. Gadhair ic tafunn. Demhna ic glædad. Lochu brena. Lath- 3655 
acha mora. Cuithi dorcha. Gleanna doimne. Slébti arda. Creaca cruaidhi, 
[Sluaighedh demna.] Longphort salach. Pian[ad] cin anadh. Saithi sanntach. 
Tachar mellic. T roit cin fhuirech. Demhna ac pianad. [Imad riagha]. Betha 
bronach. Airm i fuileat srotha secdha serbha sirbrena [sirthe sinte suaiti 
sothoirsech] lobhtha leaghtha loisctecha loma luatha laintheined cumhga 3660 
cruaidhi cairrgecha [ceinngera]. Fada fuara fodhoimhne [fethecha beca 
mara]. Muighi loma loiscnecha. Tulcha corra gimhacha. Glennta 
cruaidhi crumhacha. Mointi garbha dei1gnecha. Caillti dubha teinntidhi 1. 
Slighthi salcha biasdaidi. Mara techta tuilbrena. Cloithe aidble iarnaidi. 
Uiscedha dubha domillsi. Aitte imda ecsamhla. Samhadh salach sirdhub- 3665 
ach. Gætha goirti geimhreta. Snechta secdha sirshilti. Lanna derga 
teinntidhi 1. Gnuisi doera dorchaidi. Deamhna luatha leitmecha. Piana 
aidble ecsamla. 
IS annsin rofiafraighset a muinnter do BrenaÙzn: 'Cuich agailli?' 01 
iat. Doinnis Brella-Ùul doibh curub Diabul boi oca agalluimh, 7 roindis 3 6 7 0 
doib becan dona pianuibh adconnaic, amail adubhramar [doreir] amal frith 
i seinscribheannuibh na petarlaici. 
IS annsin asbert fer dia muintir ra Bre1Zain1l: 'Leicc damsa,' ar se, 
C cun nfacar ni dona pianuibh-sin.' IArna chetl
ztd do ithfern cona 
ilpianaib d'faicsin ba marbh acétoir, et is ed asbert ic ecc: 'Mairg, Mairg, 3 6 75 
Mairg,' ar se: 'tainic 7 ticfa 7 ticc isin carcair-si!' larsin tra dogni [fo. 33. 
a. z] BrenaÙZ11 ernazghthi, 7 aithbeoaighter in fer sin ba marbh da muintir. 
Nir'bho cian dochuatar assin intan fuaradar an inghin min, macdachta, 
mongbhuidhi. Gilithir snechta 11Ó uan tuinne, 7 sí marbh iar tabairt buille 
do ghai trena formna, co 1?deachaid itir a da cich. Ba dermhair 'Ù1Z111orro 3 68 0 
mlt na hingini sin .J. clt traiged ina hairdi 7 nai traighthe itir a da cich 7 
seckt traighid 2 i bhfot a meoir medóin. Taithbeoaigi BrellaÙl1l hé foched- 
air, 7 robaist iarsin, et rofhiafrazg a cenel di. 'Do aitreabtachuibh in 
mhara damhsa,' ar si .J. don lucht oilit 7 ernaigit 3 eiseirgi doibh. Fiafrazgis 
Bre1laÙl1z di cidh ba hail Ie : 'In docum nimhe ragha fochedair, 1lÓ in docum 3685 
1 MS. teinntighi. 2 l\1'S. tra. S leg. ernaidit (1). 




h'athardha? ' Dofreagair an 'Ùtge1l tre berla nar'thuic nech aili acht 
Brellaz'lZ1l, 7 is ed adubairt: 'Docum nime,' ar si, 'uair docluinim gotha 
na n-aillgel oc molad an Choimdeth cumhachtalg. IAr caithium Ì1n1'Jtorro 
chuirp Crist 7 a fola don ÎngÙz. atbath cell nach snimh, [7 adnaicter coho- 
3 6 9 0 norach hi la BrtllaÏJl1t annsin]. 
ARAILE la dobatar forsin muir cosoinmhech, 7 siat oc imramh, C01laccatar 
araili inis álai1ld,7 si ard, acht cena ní fhuaratur port reidh [aice dia hinatocht]. 
Batar cu cenn da la dhec uimpi immacuairt, 7 nír' fhltsat dula innti frisin 
re-sin. Atcualatar Í1Jl1Jtorro gotha daíne innti ag molad in Choimded,7 
3695 adconncatar eclais n-aird n-airegda n-aibinn I innti. IAr cloistecht doibh- 
siumh fhoghuir [gotha] lochta na hinnsi, cotlaidh Bre1lainn cona mhuinntir 
acedoir ina suan spirtalda. Uair nar'leicit-sium tra docum na hindse 
cuirthear clar ciartha dhoibh anuas 7 se scribtha, 7 is ed bai ann: 'Na 
denaid soethar frisin innsi-sea do tiachtain innti, ár ni ticfaidhi dogres, acht 
37 00 an inis iarrthai fogebhthai, 7 ni hí so hi, 7 eirg dod thír fein 7 dod tal1JzaÍ1l, 
ár itá sochuidhi ann ocut iarrad,7 las bhudh ail h'faicsin, 7 túir na scriptuire 
noebdha 2, quibus dictum est mansiones 3 Dei multae 4 sunt. Amal bidh edh 
adbereadh: [fo. 33. b. I] as imdha aitti 7 adba aili ocon Coimdhi a n-ecmais 
na hindsi-seo.' IArsin tra impait[ -sium] on innsi-sin,7 berait leo in tabhuill 
37 0 5 ciartha út i comartha failti 7 deithiten lochta na hinnsi thuc dhoibh, et 
nohairleghtha cach dia acasZtm amal bidh 0 Dia nobertha dhoibh. 
ARAILE la [didiu] batar oc imram in mhara. Gabhuis íta dermhair iat, 
cur'ba comhfhocraibh bás doibh. IS annsin atconncatar na srotha ail Ie 
eocharglana usqui ic teipersin 7 ic snighi asin carraic. Fiafraighit na 
37 10 braithre : 'In ibham in t-usce?' ar siat. 'Bennachaidh artus he,' 01 
Bre1lainn, 'dia fhis cret he.' IAr mbeannachad im1norro in uisqui, 7 iar 
cantain alleluia huasa, traighid fochedoir na srotha [ut], et adconncatar iarsin 
in Diabul ic seeirded na n-uiscedh uadh 7 ic marbad in lochta nOl/s-ibheth. 
Særthar-som tra annsin tre cumhachtaibh BrellaÙl1l, 7 irchraidhis a n-fta 
3715 focltoir. Foriattar il1l1nOrrO in loe-sin for Diabul, cu nach derna olc fria 
duini na fria hanmannuibh eli 0 sin amaeh. 
IAR 1\1- BEITH Í1nlnorro do Bre1laÍ1l1t secht mbliadlzi for loing-ius, 
impáis doridhisi coa thir 7 coa thall1laÙz fein amal roforcongradh fair isinn 
innsi. IS annsin dochuatar lucht a thire 7 a thuaithi fein 'na agaid, 7 batar 

1 1\15. ard airegda aibinn. 

2 MS. noemdha. 
4 1\1 S. multi. 

8 1\15. mansion is. 



ica fhiafraigid de cidh poind boi dhó dia loingius; 7 t1tcsat máine 7 ascadha 3720 
dhó amal dobherdais do Dhia. Iar bhfacbáil Í1nlnorro in tsæguil do ilibh 
dhibh leanait iarsin Crist, 7 doghni-sium ferta 7 mírbuili imdha annsin, 7 
doshlanaigh aos galair 7 cuimhrighthi, 7 roinnarb demhna 7 duailche. 
ACCaillis iarsin a aidi .1. espoc Eirc. Tainic iarsin co du a mbui a 
mhuime .J. ita, 7 iarfazgius di cidh doghenadh fría loingius. Feraiss Ita 37 2 5 
foeilti fris amal noferadh fria Crist cona apstalaib. Et is ed atbert fris: 
, A meic innlhain, cidh dia ndechadhais for longais ce1Z a chomhairle friumsa, 
uair in tala1Jl ica tái iarradh ar Dhia nocha nfhaghbhai hi iarsna croicnibh 
marbhaibh mochlaigibh-sin. U air tala1n noebh 1 cosecartha hí, 7 ni ro- 
doirted fuiI duine riam innti. Acht cena,' ar si, 'dentar longa crannda lat, 373 0 
[fo. 33- b. 2] 7 is doigh is amhlaid sin fagheba in talamh shire.' 
IARSIN tra luidh Bre1la'Ùtn i crich Connacht, 7 dogniter long mor 
mhírbulla aice ann sin, 'sí derscaightech dermair, 7 teit innti cona mhuindtir 
7 cona phopul, et beruit luibhi 7 sila ecsamhla lea da cur innti, et da1Z0 
beruit saera 7 gobhuinn leo iar n-atach BrelZaÙl1Z doibh ima leco1Z1t maroen 3735 
rise IS annsin tainic in crosan cu BrellaÍ1z1t, 7 sléchtais ina fhiadhnusi, 7 
is ed atbert fris: 'A Brenainn,' ar se,
' geibh ar Dhia mhé, 7 airchis dom 
troighi co 1ldighser lat.' Beris BrellaÙuz lais he iarsin; 7 teit isin luing 
leo .LX. fer Ùn11zorro ba seadh al-lin, 7 batar uili ic molad in Coimdhed 7 
a menmana cu Dia, amail atberat na scribhinn. 374 0 
IS e, illt'Jnorro, leath tóisech roghabsat, foramus Áirne, co dú i mbui Enne 
7 Pupu [7 Rochath]; 7 batar re hedh mís ana bhfarrad. 
IAR NDULA, iml1zorro, doibh sealad siar 0 Araind atciat in t-ailål mor 
n-ard n-airegda n-alainn. IS AND sin im1JlOrrO robatar lochait amail 
mhurchata, 7 linuit in tracht focltoir dia slucudh-som. IArfaighit, im1norro, 3745 
na braitre do BrenaÙl1z: 'Cidh áiIgidit na lochait-si?' ar siat. 'Ar n-ithi- 
ne 7 ar slugud,' ar Brellai,111. IS annsin da110 atbert BrenaÙ111 frisin 
crosan: 'Eirg,' 01 se, , 7 caith corp Crist 7 a fhuil, 7 eirg iarsin docum na 
bethad suthaini, ár atcluinim-si clascetal aingel icot togairm cuca.' Ba 
maith laissium sin, 7 is ed asbert: 'A Thigerna I ' ar se, , cia maith doronlts 3750 
intan dom-berur aced air docum ni1ne?' IAr caithiumh tra cuirp Crist 7 a 
fhola don crosan, Iingidh fochedair co fæilti dermhair, co llduatar na murchata 
he uiIe acht beg dia chnamuibh. Et adhluicter leosum sin, 7 scribhthar a 
ainm a martralaic, ár ba mairtír amra hé. IS foUus assin cOltnaircle in 
1 MS. noemh. 



BETRA BRE1\'AI1\ r N. 

3755 Coimdhcd ar in folluspectach tháinic fadheoidh 1 Isln luing do thogha 
artus dochum nimhe. IS amhlaid sin tra bias cech cænduthrachtach 
deidhinach 2 thicfa isin eclais cu ragha artus docum nime t1"'e imarcraidh 3 
cænduthrachta sech in lucht batar rompa: ut Christus ait: nouisimi prÏ1ni, 
[primiJ nouisimi. 
37 60 IAR Bhfacbáil im1norro doibh na hindsi-sin gabais galar opunn in 
gabhuinn eumba comfhocus bas. Atbert Bre1ZaÍ1l1t fris: [fo. 34. a. 1.] 
, Cidh mhachtnuighi,' ar sé, , eirg dochum na flatha nemhdha amal rothúiris 
duid cusaniu 4, 11Ó mad aillat beith isin tsægul beolts, dogen-sa elnuighthi fort 
co Dia, 7 foghebha slainti.' Atbert [i1Jl1norro] in gobha: 'Atcluinim,' ar se, 
37 6 5 ' guth in Coimded oeum togairm;' et iar eaithimh cuirp Crist 7 a fola dhó, 
teit docum nime. BAI, tra, eeist mol' itir na braitribh 'mon corp do beith 
gan adhnacul, ar ni raibhi talal1t 'na bhfarrad. IS annsin doraidh Bre1laÙut 
a adhnacul idir tonnaibh in mhara, ár in t-é doróine nemh 7 tall1zain 7 na 
duili arcena, is tualallg he tonna in mara dh'fastúdh in cuirp inntibh conem- 
377 0 ehumhseazgthi. Cidh tra acht adhnaicit-sium in gobaÙuz itir tonnuibh in 
mara, cen roehtain eu ta111zai1Z, sis, cen eirghi ar uachtar shaile, cen chum- 
scugud anunn 1lÓ Hie, acht amal bidh å tal1JlaÙl nobeth; et biaidh annsin cen 
truaillnedh eu tora la an mesrazghthi. 
IAR BHFacbáil Í11111l0rrO dhoibhsium an inuidh-sin adconneatar talmain 
3775 mbic nderoil. IAr ngabail doibh phuirt annsin líntar in port forru do clem- 
naibh i ndealbhuibh abhac 7 luchrapan, 7 a ngnuisi comdhubh fria gual. 
IS andsin atbert Brel1ai111t: 'Cuiridh ind ancaire imach, ár ni fhétfa nech 
dul isin tir-si, acht intí gnifes catha [daonda] fria demhna 7 doirtfes fola 
toraibh.' Batar tra annsin cu ceann secht la COlla n-oidhchibh 5, 7 nir' fhétsat 
3780 a n-ancaire do thocbail anise Et facbuit annsin he idir na cairrcibh i lean- 
main, 7 imthighit ass iarsin. BA Tur som, tra, a ndocltmal mor d' esbaidh an 
ancuiri 7 d'ecc in gabunn, ár ni raibi acu angcaire na gobha dogneth doibh 
he. IS ann sin adubairt Bre1laÍ1ut fria sacart da muintir: 'Dena-sa feidm 
gabunn gu eeann in mls so.' Beannachais tra Bre'lZaÍ1l1t lamha in t-sacairt, 
3785 ar ni rofhoghlainn gaibhnecht. IS annsin doroine in sacart angcaire [n ]der.. 
scaightech nach frith roime na dheagaid a commaith. 
[fo. 34. a. 2]. IMr[ a ]it iarsin forsin aicen seal sial', et foghabhat an 
indsi mbic n-aibinn n-aluinn co n-imat eisc aireghdha [inti] iarna fhacbhail 
1 MS. fadheoigh. 2 MS. deighinach. S l\IS. imarcraigh. 
i 1\1S. cusaniugh. II 1\15. conanoighthibh. 



don mhuir[ traigh] i clusalaibh 17 i caisIibh na hinnsi airdi-sin. A m-batar ann 
iarum imonn innsi imacuairt confhaicet eclais clochdha innte 7 senoir etlaidhi 379 0 
aighedhbhan 2 ic ernuighthi innti. As amhlaid bai in senoir-sin, cen fhuH, cen 
fheoil,achtleathar tana truagh forsna cnamhaibh cruadhloma-sin. IS ann[ sin] 
atbert an senoir ut: 'Teich, a Brenain1z,' ar se, 'coluath. Fil im1ltorro murchat 
mor sunn amail ogdam no ech trebliadhnaz.di iarna fhorbairt do iasc [in 
mara-sa 7] na hindsi-sea. Imghabhaid-si hé,' ar in senoir. Gabait-sium 3795 
ina luing focétoir, 7 imr[ a ]it forsin aicen cuhathlumh iarU1JZ. AMUIL batar 
ann cOlzfhaccatar in [m Jbiastcat muiridi ic snamh 'nandiaidh 3 : meidightircoire 
n-umhaidi cechtar cechruisc dhou. Fiacla torcdha 4 lais. Guaire aitenndai 
fair. Craes onchon aga, co nirt leoman, cu confad con. IS annsin gabus 
each dibsom for ernuighthi fri Dia ar met na hecla rotas-gabh. IS ann[ sin] 3 80 () 
asbertBrenai1ln: 'A Dheuilichumaclztaigh,' [ar se,]'tairmisc do phiast dind ná 
ron-ethad!' Eirghis iarsin bleidhmhil mor muiridi [ eturra 7 in catphiast mhor 
ut,] 7 gabus each dib oe badhudh a celi 7 for cathugud cucruaid, cu ros- 
baidh cach a cheli dhibh i fudhomaÙt in mara, 7 ni facus nechtar dibh 0 sin 
imach. Dogniat imnzorro Brella-Ùl1Z 7 a muinnter atlaighi 5 buidhi do Dia,3 80 5 
7 impoidhit aridisi co du i mbui in senoir, et ferais in senóir failti friu, 7 cíis 
[annsin] ar met na fæilti, et dorinne na runna beca-sa ie ferthain fa-ilte ra 
Brel'lainn : 

1 leg. cusalaibh (?). 
ð 1\15. atlaidhi. 

Dia do beth a, a Brenainn, sunn 6, 
[for creatha denaim na tonn: 
fota atú 'cot íarrad ann, 
buide lem t'iadhad 'mun fonn. 
Di feraib dec bamZlr sunn, 
docuadar éc in samad sunn: 
aehl misi rofacbad dib 
ba malth in 1ín badur ann. 
Lodamur-ne d'iarrad nimhe, 
dirim a hEirinll iIi, 
tar tonnaib in mara mir, 
eonair robad coir d'iarraid. 
Fuaramur innsi nfuair n-aird 
uas trillsib na tonn trengairg, 
seisem innti sealaib sealg 
erramaid eséirghi a haonaird. 
2 MS. aidhethbhan. 3 MS. nandiaigh. 
 1\15. dorcha. 
(\ For the rest of the poem the Book of Lismore has only 7rl. 

3 810 

3 81 5 

3 820 



3 82 5 Dabucsum 1 linn in cat mbec, 
rinn ni tainic cen cor lac: 
darorbair for cnamaibh eisc 
angbaid in beist amlaid ro[ast. 
Fæilidh mo craidhe co ndrucht 
3 8 3 0 frisna haoighedaib dom-riacht: 
mithlg dams a toehl fo 1ía 
imthiges dia for a sét. DÍa. 
, Do feruibh Eirell1Z dan1hsa,' 01 in senoir, '7 da fhear dec dodechamar diar 
n-aiIitri, 7 doratsunl in murchat [m ]biasdaidi ut Hnll ana én bhic, 7 ba 
3835 hinmai1z linn he cunlor, 7 rofhorbair iarsin cunlor, 7 ní roerchoit duinne 
riam, [fo. 34. b. I] et isat marbha æinfher dec dhibh, 7 itu-sa sunn m' aoenar 
[a ]gut irnaidhi-si cu tarda corp Crist [7 a fuil] dam 7 dula iarsoduin docum 
nime.' Foillsighilts im1Jlorro in senoir doibsium in tal1Jzai1l icca rabutar iaraid 
.1. tir tarrngairi. IAr caithimh tra cuirp Crist 7 a fola don t-senoir, luidh 
3 8 4 0 docltm nimhe, 7 adlaicter annsin he maroen ria braitribh eu n-onoir 7 
[ co n- ]airmhitin móir [acus] cu salmaibh 7 cu n-imnaibh, ind ainm in Athar 
7 in Maic 7 in Spirta Nóibh. 
IArsin tra rosiachtatar-som in talmaÙt ica rabatar iarrad fria re 
seeht mbliadlle .1. tir tairngire, amal ita in prouerbio, qui quaerit inuenit. 
3845 IAr rochtain im111orl'o doibsiumh i comfhocraibh in tiri-sin,7 ba hail doibh 
port do ghabail ann, atcualatar guth araile senorach, 7 is ed atbert friu: 'A 
dhaine lanshæthracha, a oilithreeha noebhdha 2, a lucht ernaighit na logu 
nemhdha, a bheatha bithscith ic ernaidi in tiri-sea, ernaidhid 3 bican dabar 
sæthar coleic.' Jar mbeith ÙJl1JlOrrO doibhsium seal annsin ina tost atbert in 
3850 senoir ut friu: 'A braithre inmuini,' ar se,' [hicCrist,] cidh nack faicthi-si in tal- 
1naill n-airegda n-alaind-sea arnar'doirtedh fuil duini riam, 7 nach imehubaidh 
do adhnacul pectach na drochdhaine ann. Facbhuidh didÙt [uile] inbhar luing 
ceelt ni fil ocuibh cenmothá becc n-etuigh umaibh nama, 7 tecaidh anís.' 
JAr tiachtain i1Jl1norro doibhsium for tÍr pocais cach díbh a chele, 7 cíis in 
3 8 55 senoir cumor [ria met na fæilti. 'Siridh 7 feghaidh,' ar se, ' brughe parrthais 7 
muighi milidhi in tiri solusta, suaichnidh, socharthanalg, soc[h ]archain,n-aird, 
n-aireghdha, n-aluinn, n-oeibhinn. Tir boladhmhar, blathmhin, bennaehtach. 
Tir ilcheolach, airphetech, nuallfhæiltech, nemhthoirrsiuch. Airm i bhfuigh- 
bhidh,' ar in senoir, 'slainte cell galar, aeibhnes cen imrisan, aoenta cen 
3860 tachor, flaithes cen scailedh, sáimhe [foe 34. b. 2] cen dímhaine, soeire cen 
1 leg. Dahucsam (?), Dafucsam (?). 2 l\IS. noemhdha. s 1\15. ernaighid. 



sæthar, ænta solusta aingel, aire1'dha parrthais, timthirecht aingeal, fleadh- 
ugud cen airdhidhbhadh, seachna phene, aighthe firen, tochaithium na 
morcasc, betha bennachtach, coir, chumdaighthe, moir, nlhilidhi, sæir, saim, 
sorcha, cen dubhai, cen dorchai, cen pecad, cen aimnert, i corpaibh edroch- 
taibh nemhtruailnidi[b,] i sostaib aingeal for bruighibh tiri tarrllgiri. IS 3865 
adhbhul a soillsi 7 a suthaighi na hindsi-sin, a saimhe, a sercaighi, a caeimhe, 
a chobhsaidi, a fostacht, a loghmaire, a reidhi, a r\}ithnlgi, a glaine, a gradh- 
mhaire, a gile, a cheolbinni, a noeimhe, a niamglaine, a soeire, a sádhaile, a 
hailIe, a hailgine, a hairdi, a hedrochta, a hairmhidiu, a lanshidh, a lanænta. 
l\1:ogenar, Ì1'a, bias co ndeghairilliud 7 co ndechghnimaib 1, 7 gairfeas Bræn 3870 
find mac Findlogha ina æntaidh 2 isin leth-sin,' ar in senoir [cétna], 'do 
bhithaitreibh na hindsi i tam tre bithu na betha.' 
IAr bhfaicsin im1JlOrrO doibhsium in pharrthais sin etir tonnuibh in 
mhara, machtnuighit 7 ingantaighit cumor mírbuili De 7 a cumachta, 7 ano- 
raighit [7 glormuraighid] in Coimdhi eumor iar bhfaiesin na moirmirbal-sin. 3 8 75 
IS amlaid 'i1JZ11l0rrO bai in senoir noebh 3 sin, cen etueh ndænna etir, acht 
ba Ian a eorp uili do elumuibh gleghealaibh amail eholum 126 fhaiIinn; 7 ba 
herlabra aingil acht bec bui aiee. Ceileabharthar in teirt leo iar mbein a 
cluice. Canait 4 atlaighi buidhi do Dhia 7 a mellmana tudmidi indo Ni ra- 
laimset [im1norro] ní do fhiarfazgi, 7 n_o æmdais a n-anmcairdine dho la 3880 
turebhail soiseela. 
IS e dano proiceþtba mellca dogníth Petar 7 Pól7 na hapstail noebhdha 5 
olceana, in proicept-so na pian 7 na fochraice, ar roaibhsighthea dhoibh 
fon cuma cétna. IS e dano proiceþt dorindi Siluestar ab Roma do C011santin 
mac Elena, d' airdrigh in doma-ill, isin mordail dia roedbair Ro[i]mh do 3885 
Petar 7 do P61. IS e so proiceþt dorighne Fabian comarba Petair do Pilip 
mac Gordian, do rígh Romhan, [fo. 35. a. I] dia rocreid in Coimdhi[ dh] 7 
dia rocreitsett ilmhile aili annsin; et ba hessidhi ceidri do Romanchaib 
docreit in Coimdi Issu Crist. IS e so, dano, proiceþt gnathaighius Hely do 
dhenumh do anmunnuibh na bhfiren [7 é] fo ehrunn na betad i Parrthus. 3 8 9 0 
IN tan iarum osluieis Rely an leabur don proieeþt teeuit annsin anmunna 
na bhfiren i reehtuibh en nglegheal enice da cech aird. Indisid dano dhaibh 
artús fochraiee na firen, aibnes 7 airera flatha nime, et at forbhfhæiltigh-sium 
ind airet-sin. Indisidh iarzan doib piana 7 todernama itfrinn 7 erbhadha 

1 MS. dethgnimaib. 
canait atlaighi. 

 1\15. æntaigh. 

s 1\15. noemh. i 1\15. cunatIaighi. P. has 
ð 1\15. noemhdha. 

Q 2 



3 8 95 laithi bratha. IS follus cumor gne mbroin forrasom fesin ann sin .1. [for] 
Heli 7 [for] Enac, conad he sin Da Bron Flatha Nime. IAdhuidh Heli iarlt1n 
a leabar proicepta. Doghniat ind eoin nuallghubai dermhair in uair-sin, 7 
tennait a n-eittiu fria eurpu eo teeat srotha fola eistibh ar omU11 pian ithfrinn 
71aithi brátha. INtan iaru11Z is iat anmunna na noeb 1 dianad erdhalta sirai- 
39 00 triubh flatha nime dogniat an gubai sin, ba[ d] deithbhir do dhainibh in 
domain eiamdais déra fola doghnetis oc airiehill laithe bratha, [in quo die 
mala erzt1zt.] Bete 'Ù1Z111orro uile imdha 7 imnedha isin laiti sin. 1. il-Iaithi 
bratha, [in quo die Iudex iustus sua suis reddet, impiis 2 penas, praemia iustis.] 
IS andsin iefus in Coimdi a commain fein ria each æn nduine isin domu1Z: pian 
39 0 5 lais dona peetaehuibh, foehraie dona firenuib. Cuirfitir iarum na pee- 
thaigh annsin i fudhomhaÙz na pene suthaine fordos-iadhta glas breitri De 
fo mhiscaidh brethema1l bratha. Berthar iarZt1JZ na næib 3 7 na fireoin, lucht 
na desheirci 7 na trocuiri, for deis De Athar, do bithaitribh flatha nimhe. 
Beit iarum isin morgloir sin ind aontaidh dheeachta 7 daonachta Meicc De, 
3910 ISind aoentaidh 4 is uaisH cech æntaid. I. ind æntaid na naoibh 5_ Trinoiti uaisH 
uilicumachtaighi, Athar 7 Maic 7 Spirta Nóibh. 
Ailim troeuiri De uasail uilicumachtuigh tre impidhe noeibh 6-Brenuinn, 
roairiltnighium uile ind æntaid-sin, ro issam, roaitreabum, in saeeula sac- 
euloru11Z ! . 

1 1\15. noem. 2 MS. redet impeas. 
5 1\15. naoimh. 

3 1\15. næim. 4 1'15. aoentaigh. 
6 1\15. noeimh. 

[foe 35. a. 2]. 
Betha Ciarain Clúa1za mat N ois. 

39 1 5 

uos faciatis iBis .J. Ceeh maith as ail libh do dhenatnh dhuibh 0 
dhainibh bidh amlaid sin raghnéthe dhoibh. Haec est e1l1:1n lex et 
prophetæ, uair is é sin reet 7 faitsine. 
Tairrneascaidh cecha huile im1Jtorro, fuacarthaidh 2 ceeha maithiusa, 39 20 
s{dhuighi Dé 7 dáine, Issu Cr1,.st mae Dé bhi, sláinieidh ind uili dhotnain, 
IS é roraidh na briatra-so do thinchose a apstal 7 a deiseipul 7 na huili 
eealsa im cornhlud na desheree . I. co 1l-derndais na daine do tnhaith 7 do 
dheirc fria eoibnesorn ind uile doghendais doibh fein. IS do sin atbez.r 
Issu: Omnia quae curnque uultis. Matha Í11Z1norro mac Alfei, in sui 3925 
forbhuraeh de Ebhraib, in cethrurnad fer adeuaidh in soseéla coirndheta, is e 
roseribh na briatra-so i curp shoscela, co 1z-apair for sliet a maigistreaeh . I. 
Issu: Omnia quae cumque .1. Mad doberthi-si anbhar ndainibh rnaithe da- 
bar elannuibh as rno cumor dobera in t-Athair nemhdha tnaith dia maeaibh 
non-guidet, c01zad for slict na mbriathar-sa doráidh Issu in eomairli-si. 3930 
011l1tia que cltmque et reIz"qua. U air aithnÙlh reet 7 fáitsine gradh do tabairt 
do Dia 7 don coiblleSa1n. U air as é elethe 7 forair in foreetuil diadha in derc, 
uair is si in derc sualach dhilius na crz.staidi, uair na suailehe areena bite oe 
deghdhainibh 7 oc drochdhainibh. Ni tectann 'inz11lorro in deirc ackt 
degdaine nama, cOlladh air sin atbeir Issu: 'IS ann rofhinnfat na huili 3935 
daine conidh dom muinntir-si dhuibh, dia cara caeh uaibh araili amal 
roearzts-sa sibhsi.' 
Sochuidhi ÙJl11l0rrO do macuibh bethad, etir apstala 7 desciplu in 
Coimdedh, osin ille rocomhaillset cuduthrachtaeh 7 culeir in comairli-sin 
tuc Issu doibh [fo. 35. b. I] urn comhallad na deree feibh rocomuill 7 tuc 394 0 
sæingradh don deire sech gach sualuigh in t-apstal uasal oirmitnech, in 
t-anmchara, in oeibelteoir 3, in fer dia rolas iarthar in betha a bhfertuib 7 a 
mirbhuilibh, a suailcibh 7 a soghnimhaib . I. Salletus Ciaran1ts sacerdos et 
apostulus Christi, In t-uasalsacart 7 in t-apstal, inti noeib 4-Ciaran mae in 

1 1\1:5. faciunt. 

2 l\IS. fuacarthaigh. 

3 1\IS. inoeibel teoir. 

4 1\15. noeim. 




3945 t-sæir. Mac ón in t-sæir doroine nemh 7 tal1naÙz cusna huilib filet inntib, 
mad iarsan geinealach nemhdha. Mac in t-sæir dennlha carpat 7 cech 
sæirsi arcena he iarsin ngenealach talmanda. . 
IS ann didÍ1t airmitnighit ind irisigh lithlaithi in uasail-sin, i quingtidh I 
septimper arai laithi mis grene, isin laith-si iníu arai laithi sechtmaÍ1zi. 
395 0 Atfiadhat did'llt taithmet cum air dia fertuib 7 dia mhirbhuilib in 
craibhdhig-sin ar airfited anma na n-irisech, 7 dia ghenelach collaidi 7 dia 
coimpert bhith.. .caith 2 7 don fhorbadh dorat for a rith mbuadha isna talnlan- 
daibh. Fer didÙt onoiri móire icon Coimdhid in fer-so. Fer dia rocongair 
Dia a chathr
 .L. bliadne rian a geinemaÙz. Fer fil a n-urd apstalla Crist 
3955 isin domun-so, alnal roráidh Colum ciIle: QUlIm tu Christi apostulunl 
mundo missisti h011lÙZem. Locharn didiu he for lasadh co soillsi ecna 7 
forcetuil amal roraidh Cobt11t eille: 'Lucerna huius insoIæ, lucens .1. 
mirabiIi.' Fear rofhothaighistair airdeclais asa rucad greim riagla 7 ecna 7 
force/uil do uilib ecalsaibh na hEirenn amal roraidh in t-ecnaid cetna: 
39 60 Custodiantur regmina et caetera .1. Coimhéttar oc sruithibh na gcathrach- 
so na ríagla 7 na forcetla 7 na bésa arichta on maighister, 0 Ciaran, conid 
iatsaidhe ríagla 7 besa roscailtea 3 7 ructha do uiIibh cathrachuibh noebh 
Eire1Z1Z, ár is aisti berar ríagla 7 besa fo EirÙuz uili. 
Fer fil a n-urd na primhfhaithe ocon Coimdid isin dom1tll-so amal 
3965 roráidh in fáidh cétna: Profeta qui nouisimus, et cetera, ár bai dia uaisli 7 dia 
[fo. 35. b. 2] airmhitnzgi ocon Coimdhid curo tirchanadh 0 fhaidhib foda riana 
genemaÙz, amal rothirchan Y sac 7 Eoin Bauptaist Issu, et an-is uaisH and. 
Rotircan cetus Patraic mac Calpuirn i Cruachan Oighli, iar ndunad in 
crainn imma thaisib isinn inad i ta an cathair-sin aniu. Rothirchan 
3970 Brighit o'tconnaic in lasair 7 in t-aingel 4 .L. bliadne ria Ciarán isinn inadh . 
i tat crosa Brighdi indiu. Rothircan Bee mac De co 1zdebairt: 'Andsin, a 
maic in tsæir, it casair chæimh cot clasaibh, cot coraibh, cot cairpthibh, cot 
ceolaibh.' Rothirchan Col1t11l cille i n-Ard Abla do Ædh mac Brannuib 110 
Brenainn 5. 
3975 IS e so didÙt genelach CiaraÙz: CIA RAN mac Beoit meic Olchain meic 
Dichon me'ic Cuirc meic Cuindenn meic Cuinneadha meic Feic meic Mæil 
Catrach meic Lairi meic Lairne, meic CuiItri meic Gluinzg meic Coirpri 
J 1\15. quingtigh. 2 The It seems added and is foIlowed by a mark of abbreviation. 
S The -tea added in later hand. · The words 7 intaingel are in the upper margin. 
e The word Brenainn is added in the right margin. 



n1eic Logai meic Meidle meic Duibh meic Lugna meic F eidlÙnz'd metc 
Echach melc Bresail melc Deghadh meie Reo-soirehe meic Reo-doirehe 
meic Tighernn1hais meic Follaigh meic Eithreoil meic Ireoil Fáidh meic 39 80 
Eirimhoin mez'c Mhiled EsbaÙle. 
Beoid da1lo mac Olehain do Latharnaibh Maighi Molt do Ulltaib a 
athair talmallda inti Ciaraiu. Darerea illgell Ereain meic Buachalla a 
n1athair-sium, ut dixit Ciarán: 
Darerca mu máthair-si, 39 8 5 
nírbo bannscal olcc, 
Beoit soer mo athair-si, 
do Latharnaibh 1\10It. 
Do Chiarrazgi Irluacra didÙ
 dia máthaz'r . I. do Glasrazgi insainnrz.ud. Glas 
fili didiu a senathair. Ba hí foehonn a n-aeomail na deisi sin. Dia ndeehaid 399 0 
Eeoid do thorruma a brathar batztr i Crich Ceneoil Fhiachraeh, o'teonnac- 
sium an ingÙt . T. Darerea, foraeinn roehuindigh for a tuisdidhibh 1 eu tucad 
dó hi iar bhfír. Et rue coiee n1acea dhó iarsin, 7 is e so ord ara rueaid .1. 
Lueoll a primhgein, Donnan in tanaisti, Ciaran in treas, Odran in eethran1ad, 
Cronan an c6z'ced, 7 ba deoehain, uasalshacairt im11l0rrO na eethra n1eie 3995 

ili. Rue didÙt teora i1lgella do, 7 batar di óigh dibhsaidhi .1. Lugbec 7 
Rathbeo. Pata Ùllnzorro in tres illgen, 7 ba feadhbh craibhdeeh iside. IT e 
iuso relge i tat taisi na næbh 2-sin .J. Lucholl 7 Odhran i n-Isil Ciarain ; 
Donnan 7 Ciaralz i Cluáin mac N oiss. Cronan deochall [foe 3 6 . a. I] 7 
Beoit 7 na tri hinghena i Tigh Mez'c in t-sæir. 4 000 
BAI, tra, rí ecraibhdeeh intansin i Crich hua-N eiU .1. Ainmiri mae 
Colgan a ainm-sidhe. N oordaighedh-sidhe na tuatha 7 na eenela fo ehíss 
rotrom. Luidh didiu Beoid for teiched in righ-sin i crich Connacht ell 
Cremhthann lnac Lughdach meic Dallain .J. ri Eirenn, co Raith 3 
Cremthainn 4 a M uigh Ai. 4005 
IS ann rocoimpredh Ciarall, i sexkalaÙl1t Iuin, 7 rogenair i sexkalaÌ1l1
Marta. Rotirchanad gein Ciaraln 0 Lugbrann .1. 0 druidh in righ 
remhraidhti. Dixit in drui : 
R6 ic gabair Ænghusa 
dia raibi i cris i c1iaba1Z 
tucad i sog n-ænlosa 
o Dhia in firt-sin do Ciaran. 

4 010 

1 MS. tuisdighibh. 
o rai :: tra. 

2 1\15. næmh. S The original scribe seems to have written 
to The i is inserted by a later hand. 




o rochuala in drai i n-araili 10 fogar an 1 carpaz't, 'F ogur 1 carbaz't 1 fo rig annso,' 
[ar se.] O'tcotar na gille imach ni fhaeatar acht Beoid 7 Darerea isin carput. 
4 01 5 0 rofaitbiset na gille imon ndraidh, is ed roraidh: 'In mac fil i mbroinn na 
bannscaiIi,' 01 se, 'bidh ri mor he, et amal doaitne grian idir renda nimhe 
doaitnebha-sum i bhfertuibh 7 i mirbhuilib diaisnéidhi isna talma1ldaibh.' 
Rogenair didÙt iarsin noebh 2-Ciara1z i JVlaigh Ai ice Raith Cremtainn. 
Robaisted 0 deochain Iustus, uair rob imcubaz'd cumad 0 fhiren nobaistfithe 
4 020 an firén. 
I N -araili 10 at bath ech Ænghusa meie Cremthainn cu rogaibh toirsi 
moir do ecuib a eich. 0 roehotuil tra Ænghus roartraig aingel De dhó 
ind aislingi, 7 is ed roraidh ris: 'Ticfa Ciaran mac in t-sæir 3 ,7 toduiscfe h'ech 
dhuit;' 7 is ed on rocomhailled, ar tainic Ciaralz la breithir ind aillgil7 ro- 
4 02 5 bennach uisce co tueadh darsind each, 7 adracht focétoir a bas. Dorad 
Ùn11l0rrO Æ1Zghus fcrann mor do Dhia 7 do Chiara1Z ar thoduscadh an eieh. 
Tír na Gabrai ainm in fherainn. 
I N -araili 10 roehairigh a mhdthair esium. 'Doberat, tra,' 01 si, , gille 
bheaca in baile mil leo amuich asna miltenuibh dia muindteraibh, 7 nocha 
4 0 3 0 tabrai-si dhuinne.' O'teuala Ciara1Z innísin,luidh co araili topur, 7 línaid a_ 
leastar as, 7 bennachaidh cur'bhó mil togaide, 7 dobeir in mil-sin dia 
mhdthair cur'bo .buidhech. Et as í sin mil-sin rucad do deochain Vis i 
lógh a bhathis-si urn. 
[fo. 36. a. 2] I N -araili 10 roghresset drochdhaine coin fheoehair 4 co 
4 0 35 Ciaran da letrad. O'teonnaic Ciara1Z in coin, roehan in fersa-so: N e tradas 
bestís animam c01zfitentem 5 tibi. Et 0 roráidh-seom sin adroeuir in eú focet- 
oir 7 nocho n-erracht 0 sin. 
Ba he iml1torrO monur dobertis a thustidhi fairsium .1. inghaire, fo 
cosmailius Dabid rneie lese 7 Iaeoip 7 na sruithi anall, ár rofhitir Dia 
4040 eUlnad bhuaehail treabhuir do rnoirtretuibh eisium .J. treta na n-iriseeh. 
IArsin forcæmhnaeair ní adhamhraighthi ice Raith Cremhthainn i l\1uigh 
Ai, eisiumh oc coimet indile a aidi . I. deochaÙt Vis oe Fidharta, 7 sist 
fhoda etarra. Rocluineadh-som Ù1Z11l0rrO inni itbereadh a aidi amal nobetis 
toebh fria toebh. IS ann sin táinic sindack co Ciaran as in coill, 7 gn{th 
4 0 45 eennsa fris. Do athaighedh co mellie ehuigi, eu ro erail fair umaloit do 
dhenamh dhó .1. a leabar salm dh'imochar etarra 7 a aidi .1. deochain Dis. 

1 Interlined. 

2 MS. noemh. S The t interlined. 4 Added in the right margin. 
5 The second e is written on an erasure. 




U air intan atbereadh oc Fidharta: abair so a n-ainm ind Athar 7 in Maic 
7 in Spirta N óiblz docluineadh Ciara1l ic Raith Cremthainn otha sin cu 
deredh in aicepta,7 nobhídh in sinnach guhumul oc irnaidi in aicipta, co 
tairseadh a seribenn i eeir eu tabhradh lais iarsin eu Ciarall. FEACHT ann 4 0 5 0 
mebhais a thangnacht aieinta triasin sinnaeh gur'fhobair for ithe a Iiubhair, 
uair ba sanntach urn na leadhbuibh batar uime dianeehtair. 0 robhai- 
SiUlTI oe ithi in liubaz'r, is ann tainie Ænghus mac Cremhthainn gu eéitheirll 
7 gu milconuibh euici, eu ros-toifnetar he, cu naeh fúair a dhín a n-inad, 
co 1ldeaehaz'd fa choehull CiaraÙt. Romorad ainm De 7 CiaraÙz tre anaeol4055 
in liubair ar in sinnaeh, 7 tria anaeul in tsinnazg ar na eonuibh, et is e in 
leabar-sin Polaire CiaraÙz aniu. 
IS friu as cuibhdhi sin fria droehdhainib bite i eomfhoeraib don 
eclais, 7 fogabut torba na hecalsa, eter eomuÙllZ 7 baithills 7 bhiadh 7 
forcetul,7 arai ní anat-sum oc ingreim na hecalsa, eu tic mortlaid 1 7 galar 4 060 ./ 
anaithnidh chueu, [fo. 36 b. I] eonadh andsin . . seieed 2 doibh tuidhecht fo U.t!.J. 
diten na hecailsi, amal dochuaidh in sinnaeh fo coehull Ciarain. 
I N -araili la do máthair CiaraÌ1z oc denumh glaisne eu rosiaet co tabuirt 
eduig innti. IS ann roraidh a máthair fris: 'Amach duit, a ChiaraÙz 1 Ni 
hada leosum fir a n-æintigh frÍa dathuglld eduigh.' , Sriabh odhur annsun1h 4 06 5 
on,' 01 Ciaran. Doneoch tra do educh tucad isin nglaisin ni raibhi nach 
n-etuch dibh cen sreibh n-uidir ann. Dognithir dorisi inn glaisin, co 1zdebairt 
a mháthair frissium: 'Eirc-si imach da1zo infeehtsa, a CiaraÙz, 7 na bidh 
sriabh odhur ann, a Chiarain 'nósa.' IS ann sin doraidh-sium : 
Alleluia Domine, 4070 
rob geal gIaisin mo muime! 
eech tan ti am laimh 
rop gilither enáimh, 
each [tan] ti a bruth 
rop gilithir gruth! 4 0 75 
Ceeh edaelz, didiu, doratad innti rob ængeal iarsin. Dognither an treas 
feet in glaisin. 'A ChiaraÙl,' 01 a máthair, 'na mill umam innosa in 
nglaisin, acht bennaehthar lat hi.' 0 ros-bennach Ì1Jt1norro Ciarall ni dcrnad 
roimpi na 'nadiaidh 3 gIaisin bhudh eommaith ria, ar eidh edaek Ceniuil 
Fiachrach uili doberthi ina hiarcain nos-gormfadh; 7 nogormadh fadeoidh 4 4080 
na conu 7 na eatu 7 na 5 erunda frisa eomhraieed. 
1 MS. mortlaig. 2 A b seems to precede this word. S 1\1S. nadiaigh. 
4. MS. fadeoigh. 5 MS. ina. 



FEACHT dosum oe inghaire bh6. Dotæt ell allaz"d rotrúagh 1 euiei. Iss 
e arose mbreithre nobidh aieesium .1. 'don-fair troeuire!' 'Eirg 7 tomuil in 
lægh, 7 ná bris 7 na hith a ehnámha.' Doehuaidh in eu 7 dorighne 
4 08 5 amhlaid. 0 rogheis in bó oe iaraidh in læig, is ed roraidh a mátha'ir 
frissium: 'Innis, a ChiaraÙz, cia airm i ta læg na bo-so, toireedh uait in 
lægh eibe aided 2 i n-dechaid.' Doehóidh Ciarall eusan inad a n-duaidh in 
eú in læg, eu rotinoil enama in læigh, 7 dorat i fiadhnusi na bo, 7 adract in 
læg 7 ro sheasaimh. 
4 0 9 0 In araili [10 J tancatar foghlaid a H uaibh Failge do mharbad dæine 
chinéoil 3 Fiaehach, eu bfuaratur inti næib 4-Chiara1t oc leighinn ica indilib, eu 
rotriallsat dia marbhad, acht eena robenuit-som 0 dailli, [fo. 36. b. 2J 7 ni 
cæmhnacair cor do eois na do láimh doibh nogu ndernsat aithrzghi, 7 cur ro- 
tuasluicthea tre breithir nDe 7 Ciarain iat. 
4 0 95 FEACHT aili rofhaidh a athair eisium do idhnaeul coiri don righ . I. do 
Fhurban, C011Zls-tarlatar boicht dó forsin conuir 7 atnaig cairi in righ dhóibh, 
cor' euibrighed-som annsin, 7 tuead dæiri fair aeun righ, 7 ba he monar 
noherbtha fair, bró do bleith. Forcælnhnacair mirbhuili mora a11.nsin .J. 
intan rotriall-som bleith na bron no itnpa a hænar, 7 dognith samlaid 
4100 dogres, et ba hiat aingil in Coin1dhedh nomheiled dia raith-seam. Nir'bhó 
cian iarsin cu taneatar gobuinn a tiribh M uman, 7 teora cairedha leo do 
Chiaran a n-almsain, curub amhlaidsin rosaerad Ciaran 0 fhognum in righ. 
IArsna hiibh sin, tra, ba mithzg la Ciara1l teaet for seolaidhecht 
d'fhogluim ecna eu Finden Cluana hlraird. Roehuinnzg Ùn1J10rrO bhoin 
4 10 5 for a máthair 7 for a athair dia breith lais dia fhoglaim. Atbert a 
mháthair na tibhred do. Robeannaeh-som boin dona buaibh . I. Odhur 
CiaraÍ1z a hainm 0 sin amach, et dodhechaid COlla lægh andiaidh 5 Chiarain 
otha sin gu Clztaill lraird. Dorat-som iarznn tí dia bhaehaill eatarra, ár n{ 
roibhi airbhe etarra, 7 nobhith in bo DC lighi jn læigh, 7 ní tieeadh eeehtar 

Jl 10 dhibh tarsin toraind. Loim 'ÙIl1110rrO na bo-sin norannta etir in da espoc 
dhee-sin COlla muinnteruibh 7 cona n-áigheadhaibh 6, 7 nos-folartnaiged uBi 
iat, ut dixit 7 : 

Cæca for cet comlana 
nobiathadh Odhar Ciarain, 
la haidhib, la lobhrana, 
la lucht proinntigi is griana[i]n. 
1 MS. rotruadh interlined. 2 MS. aiged. S This and the preceding word have been 
re..written and are obscure. 4 1\1S. næim. ð andiaigh. 8 1\15, conanaidheadhaibh. 
7 In marge .r. (i. e. rann). 

4 Il S 


12 3 

Ata 'im1'1tOrrO sece na hUidhre i Cluain mac Nois, 7 gebe anum scants ria 
corp don t-seichid-sin aitreaba in bethaid suthaill. 
BAtar didiu da esboc dec na hEire1Z1t a seoil Findein i Cluain Iraird, 
ut dixit 1 : 

4 12 5 
IS e ord nobhith acu .1. cech espoc dibh do bleith na bron ala. Aingil didiu 
nomheiled in mbroin cloraith CiaraÙt in la ba leis. 
Tueadh ingen righ Cuala1l1t fechtus clts[in] Finnen [fo. 37. a. I] do 
léghadh a salm iar n-idhbairt a hoighi do Dhia. Roerb Finnen ra Ciarall 
an ingin, cumad aigi noleghudh a salma. Ni fhaea tra Ciara1t do cltrp na 4 1 3 0 
hingine cein batar immale acht a traighthi nama. 
T ANCA TAR didÙt dá clamh dhéc cu Finnen, dia n-ie. Faidhis Fin1låt 
iat cu Ciara1Z. Ferais Ciara1t failti friu, 7 luidh leo on cill siar, 7 beanaz'd 
fótt asin ta111lain cur'mhemhaid 2 sruth uisqui glain as. Dorat-sumh tri tonna 
clonn ltsqui tar cech bhfer dibh, comtar óghslana foehedoir. 4135 
ISin scoil-si beous noathaiged damh allaid eu Ciara1Z, eu tabrad-sum 
a leabar for congnaibh an daimh. Laithi ann atcuala Ciaralt an clocc. 
Adraigh suas cohopunn risin cloc, araidhe ba dene adracht 3 in t-agh allaidh, 
7 luidh as COlla leabhar fora congnaibh. Ciar'bhó fliuch in la-sin 7 inn 
adazg4, 7 ciar'bho oslaicthi an leabar, ni rofliuchad oenliter ann. Adracht 4 1 4 0 
in clérech iarnamharaeh, 7 doriacht in t-agh allaidh COlla libur imshlan do. 
ISin scoil-sin didiu tainiec Nindedh Sæbhruisc 0 Lochuibh Eirne do 
legadh cu Finnen, 7 ní raibhi leabar oea. 'Essidh leabar,' or Finnen. 
Rola Nindedh cuairt for an scoil, 7 ni fuair 0 neoch dhibh libar. 'In 
ranacais in moethóclach fil i tuaiseiurt na faighthe?' or FÙUléll. 'Raghat 4 1 45, 
innousa,' or Nindedh. Intan iarum rainie Nindedh, is ann luid Ciaran tar 
teistemain medhonach liubuir Matha: 01111zia quecumque uuItis ut faciunt 
homines uobis ita et uos faciatis iBis. 'Tancas do iasacht liubhuir,' 
ar Ninnedh. 'Don-fair trocuire,' ar Ciaran, , as fris leghaim-si 7 iss ed asbeir 
in teistemaÍ1z frium cech ni budh maith dam do dhenamh dhamh co .1-15 0 
n-dernaind 5 doneoch. Beir-si in leabar,' 01 Ciarall. Rofiarfhocht a æs eumtha 
1 In marg. .r. (i.e. rann). 2 IVIS. curmhebhaÙl. S In marge t 1\lS. agaid. 
3 1\1 S. seems to have been touched by modern hand. 

Da Fhinnen, da Cholum caidh, 
Ciaran, Cainneach, Comghall cain, 
da Brenainn, Ruadhan co Ii, 
Nindedh, Mobi, mac Nat fræich 
.i. 1Ylolaisi Daminnsi. 

4 120 




de aramárack 1 oee denamh in aieipta, eait i m-boi a leabar? [foe 37. a. 2] 2 
, Dos-fue dhamhsa,' ar a mll:Ùzter, , bídh Ciaran leth-Matha a ainm, ar fer don 
ricib ale, ar Finden, acht Ciarall leith nEire111Z . . . . e uili,' ut dixz.t Finlzélt : 
,4155 Oc Finnen roleghastur 
Ciaran craibdhech gu ngreische, 
leath liubalr leis cin léginn, 
le/h Eirel1n d6 da esse. 
IS uadhsin rueadh in mbreithir n-urdraie co Roim eo hAlaxander .1. non 
41601egam Marcum 3 quo usque eOlnpleuera[ m] Mattheum 4. 
Dorala tra iarsin tez'rei arbha 7 fhuluing don seoil-sein, eu mba heieen 
fer maith dibh for timcheall do choimet in buile arbha doberthea don mhui- 
leann. Dorala do Chiarall iar n-urd timchill, bole coreai do breith don 
mhuilinn. Roraidh-siumh oe oscailt in builc-sin: 'A Choimdhe,' 01 se, 
4 16 5 'robadh maith lium eumad eruithnecht ehæin, 7 eo mad shásad adhbhul, 
ailghen, oirmhitech so dona sruithibh.' Foreæmhnaeair amhlaid sin .1. 
aillgel De rotairbired in muile111l ina laim-sium, 7 esium oe gabhail a shalm 
gu n-glaine eridhi 7 menman, 7 in coirci dobt'rthea inn ba cruithnect 
togaide oe toidheeht as. Tic didÙt inghen airehinnigh in mhui1Í1l1z cu raibhi 
4 1 7 0 ie saichthin for Ciara1Z, 7 cu tart gradh dhó, ár ba hailli a dhealbh oldas eech 
.. duine a comæis. . . . didiu duit,' 01 Ciarall, 'nách edh doberi dot aire 1 erera 
in tsæguil7 laithi bratha 7 piana ithfrinn ara n-imghabail7 fochraic nime ara 
rochtuin?' a dochuaidh an Ùlge1z dia tigh innisidh in seel-sin dia hathair 7 
dia máthair. Taneatar saidhe 7 tarcatar an i1zgÍ1z do Ciaran. 'Dia n-edbra 
4175 a hoighi do Dhia,' 01 Ciara1Z, ' 7 dia bhfoghna dhó, baam æntadaeh-sa fria.' 
Roidpair didÙt an . nghen a hoighi do Dhia 7 do Chiarali, 7 roidhbuir-sum a 
muinntir uili a mbithfhoghnum 7 a m-bithdilsi do Chiara1z osin alnach. 0 
doehuatar dia tigh tucad cuibrenn uata do Chiarall . I. tri bairgena cruith- 
neehta COlla bhfurrthain do. . . 7 d'feoil leo, 7leastur Ian do (mi)d [foe 37. b. I] 
41800 rofhaeoibhset na timthirigh sin, 7 0 rucsat bennachtain, roraidh-sium: 
'Don-fair troeuiri,' or se, 'ni eubhuidh dúinne so do caithimh seach na 
braitribh aili.' Foeeird iarsin an biadh uili iarna mhiniugud cllsin muilelln, 
7 foceird in lin1! co 1zderna min cruithneehta dibh uili. 0 roairigh Ciara1Z in 
timthirid ica forchoimhet frisin cleith, dorat breithir fair co 1l-debuirt fris: 
4185' Rom-bera corr,' ar se,' do shuil as do cinn!' Forcæmnacair amI aid iardain, 

IS. arabarach. 
very obscure. 

2 The first two lines of this column have been retouched and are 
s 1\-1S. marcam. 4 MS. mathium. 



uair benais postea euirri a shuil asa chinn eu rabha fora gruaidh 1 oe âul dia 
thigh dhó. Tainie in t-aireinneeh aeedair maille frisin timthirid eu ro- 
shleehtsat do Chiaralt, 7 roedbuir in muilenn cotta fherann uili do Ciaralt ar 
íee in gilla. Tard Ciaran a dernuinn frisin súil eu rola 'na hinad, 7 tard 
sigin na eroiehi tairrsi eur'bhó oghshlán. 4 1 9 0 
o roseaieh tra meilt in arbha frith cethra buile lána do eruithneaeht 
eossecartha annsin tria rath De 7 CiaraÍ1z. 0 rosiaet-sum dia thigh COlZa 
arbhur lais dorighne tuara dona sruithibh. Tuara on ba ferr thuead dhoibh 
riamh. Or on aimsir frith an mainn rundai tall ie maeuibh Israel ní frith 
samail in tuara-sin, ár is amlaid roboi, gu mblas cacha deghbidh 2, etir 4 1 95 
mhidh 7 fhín, eu roshas 7 eu roslanazg iat uili. Uair gaeh duine galair bai 
isin eathrazg uili di neoeh roehaith ní dhe ba hoghshlan foehedair. 
Ni roairigset na sruithi ind iarmeirghi in adazg 3 -sin eu primh iarna- 
maraeh. 0 rofiafrazg Finné1t do Ciara1z in mhirbhoill foreæmnaeuir ann 
ro innis Ciaran uili 0 thosaeh co tidhnaeul in mhuilÍ1zn 7 in fherainn cona 4200 
aidhmibh (no cona dhainib) dhó a n-idhbairt, 'et aesin duitsi in ferann-sin 
uili, a Fhindein!' ar Ciaran. IS annsin dorat F indén a bennaeht eoduth- 
rachtaeh do Chiaran. U t dixit Findén :- 

[foe 37. b. 2]. 

A Ciarain, a eridhiean! 
ar do noeibe 4 not-earuim. 
dot-ria rath a dhilican 
imut flatha ocus feruinn. 
A Chiarain uais ollbladalgh Ii! 
duit rop soma gach freacra, 
eurab it eill eomhramhalgh 
imut orduin is ecna. 

4 20 5 

4 110 

Doratad tra in bennacht-soin eodúthrachtaeh do Chiaran tria rogradh 7 tria 
meisei spí1'"talda. Conad annsin forfhaeuib leth deree 7 ordain 7 ecna fria 
firu Eirenn do ChÌaran 7 da eathraigh. Forfhaeuib didiu Ciaran ana aiee- 
sium 7 ara cathrazg, conadh de sin ata ana Fhindein. ForerIangair didÙt in 4 21 5 
t-arbar-soin samhad F Í1zdéÍ1z gu eenn .xl. la cona n-oidhehibh 6, et rotaiseedh 
a trian do æs galair, ár ro íeadh eech n-ainees, 7 ni rolamh lueh na peist 
a mhilled co 1z-derna ere dhe fadheoidh 7, 7 no iead eech ngalar fora 

1 MS. gruaigh. 2 MS. de/hbidh. 

 l\1S. ollblaghalgh, written over oird1Zidi. 

s l\1S. inagaid. 
6 MS. oighthibh. 

4 l\IS. noeime. 
7 1\1 S. fadheoigh. 




4220 LAITHE n-oen do Chiaran oc tinol meithli buana cu tarla dhó araili 
ocláech dár' ainm Clúain. ' Tabair cabhuir dhún iC01Z 1 buain 1 amarach,' 01 
Ciaran. 'Dobhér,' ar Cluain. a dhochuaidh ÙI111l0rrO Cluain dia thigh, 
atbert fria muinntir: 'Abraidh-si,' ar sé, 'mo bheith-si a ngalar dia tistar 
armochenn 0 Ciara1Z.' a ro hindised don gilla do dhechaid aracennsom 
4 22 5 sin, atchuaidh do Ciaran inní sin. Faitbes CiaraJZ ica cluinsin, 7 rotuic 
conadh for togæis robai Cluain, uair rob fhaidh De íarbhfír Ciaralz. 0 
dochuatztr tra muinntcr CJuana dia dhuscad is amhlaid fuarutur he, cin 
anmain. Rochæinset a mhuindter cumór he, 7 tancatar lucht an imfhoraidh 
fai cur' fhiaf1'aighset dibh fochunn na haccaine. 'Cluain,' ar siat, ' dochuaidh 
4 2 3 0 imshlán ina leabhaid 7 marbh anosa he, 7 is é Ciara1t ros-marbh ona breithir, 
o nach dechaid don bhuain lais.' Tiaghuit in lucht-sin uili do etarghuidhi 2 
CiaraÍ1z urn thaithbheogud in mhairbh. 'Doghenum-ne uiIi,' ar siat, ' buain 
duitsi, 7 dobéram ar mainchine 7 ar bhfoghnamh duit 7 do Dia cubrath, 
dia nduisce dhun in marbh.' IS annsin atbert Ciarall fria scoloic: 'Eirg-si,' 
4 2 3501 se, ' 7 beir mu bhachailliat docum in mhairbh, 7 tabair sighin na croiche 
don bhachaill for a ucht, 7 geibh in rann so :- 
Rodháil Clúain 
aniu cucamsa do bhuain, 
ar is galar án forrich 
4 2 4 0 beo ina thigh marbh fofuuair.' 
[fo. 38. a. 1.] Adracht iarumh Cluáin acedair, 7 doriacht 3 coluath 
dochum Ciarai1l. ' Bendacht fort, a næbh 4-ChiaraÙz,' or se: 'is maith ina 
n-dernuis frim, ar is buidhi Hum tuidhecht ó ilphianuib ithfrinn. Anois 
rofhetamar tarbha na humaloite, 7 etarba na hanumaloidi, 7 rofhetamar 
4 2 45 in morcataidh fhuil ocon Coimdid fortsa, 7 fil ic muÙztir nime cucoitcheann.' 
Roshlect iarsin do Ciarall, 7 dorat a mhainchine dhó. 
Rofhiafraigset araili dona cleirchibh do Fhinnen cia no taispenfadh in 
irnazgthi intan nach beth Finnen ibhus. 'In t-ocláech Út,' ar Fi1uzéll, .1. 
4 2 5 0 Ciaran, 'esidhe.' 'Abdhaine dobere dhó,' ar Brenainn seoch chach. 'Doradad, 
. doberar, dobertar,' or Finnén. Format didiu Iasna næbhu 5 innisin cenmota 
COIOl1Zb Cille. 
IS ann rofiafrazg araiIi dibsum cia dona næbuibh 6 budh mo fochraic a 
nimh. ' Don-fair trocuire !' , ar Ciarall, 'rofinnfaigter inar congbhaluibh ar 

1 Interlined in a later hand. 
i MS. næmh. 

2 MS. etarghuighi. 
ð MS. næmhu. 

3 In marge fofuar. 
6 l\IS. næmuibh. 



talmain.' IS ann sin dorighne Brenainn Birra faitsine dhó: 'Gebmait-ne da 
congbail for Brenainn, for dib srothaibh itz"r primchathrachaibh 1, 7 indethbir 4255 
bias etir na da sruth biaidh etir met na eathraeh.' 
IN tan Ù1l1-tlorro ba mithigh 2 do Chiaran toidhecht 0 Cluain lraird iar 
bhfoghluim léiginn 7 eena, forfhaeuib in Uidhir oe Ninded noebh 3, acht 
asbert-som a seehe do roehtuin dó iardain, et atbert Ciaran foss: 'Gidh 
soehuidhi dochabair dia blieht robudh Iiu dia tibhreadh a seiche eabair.' Et 4 260 
asbert-som: 'Ceeh ainim raghus asa churp do sheiehid na hUidhre nocha 
pianfaider a n-ithfrenn.' 
Ateonnuic Finden aislÍ1
i dosum 7 do Colum C'ille .1. da esca isin aier 
eo 1z-dath oir forru. Dochuaidh indalanæ for fairree sortuaidh os mhedon 
Eire1Z1l. Colum eille sin eu taitnemh a shæiri 7 a socenelehe et Ciaran 4 26 5 
eu taitnem a deree 7 a trocuiri. 
TEIT Ciaran iarsin d'aeallaimh [fo. 38. a. 2] righ Eirelt1Z .1. Tuathail 
Mæi1 gairbh, do euingidh fair chumhaili bai aigi. Dorat tra Ciaran a 
dhorn imon mbroin ar deire, 7 rogheall eu bhfoighenadh deis na eumaile. 
Roderluie Tuathal iaru11z in eumail do Dia 7 do Chiaran, 7 dorad fos a etach 4 2 7 0 
rlgda, 7 dorat Ciaran do boehtaib focétóir. 
FEACHT ann doluidh Ciara1z do euingidh cZt1nuili aili eltsin righ .1. Cll 
Furbaidi. IS annsin tue fer ele boin dosum a n-edbairt: tue araili brat dó, 
tue araile aighen. Dorat-sum uili do. bhoehtuibh foehetóir isin 10 eetna, et 
dorat Dia tri hedburta roptar ferr do Ciarall . I. eoiri deis a aighin, da brat 4 2 75 
dec deis a ænbroit, da bai dec a n-inad a ænbhó. Q'tconnuic in r{ innísin 
darat 4 in eumail dó. 
Q thainie tra co eeleabhrad dosum 5 dia aiti targaid-siumh a chathrazg 
do fhoghnum dho. 'Aec,' ar Finden, 'nir-ben do ehathraig-si 6 fri nech aili 
aeht fri Dia darat sainseire duit sechainne uili.' Ciidh Ciarall, ar ba huaeht 4 2 80 
lais a aite do thaircsin a ehathraelt dhó. ' Biaidh da110 ænta edrann cena,' 
ar Finné1t, '7 ni ba nimhidh 7 na talmanda intí millfeas ar n-æntaidh.' 'Bidh 
amlaid,' ar Ciaran. Doimthzg Ciara1t roime iarsin. Et is ann tue Cohalt 
cille in test-si fair 8 

Amhra ocláech teit uann siar, 
Ciaran mae in tshæir: 
cen saint, cen uaiI, cen ecnach, 
cen etradh, cen æir. 
1 MS. p1imthathaibh, with a slanting stroke over the first It. 2 l\lS. mithidh. 
:lS. noemh. 4 MS. repeats. ð Here begins a different hand, and continues 
to end of fOe 38. b. 6 MS. chathsi. '1 Read nimhidhech (?). 8 In marge rann. 

4 28 5 



IArsin docuaidh Ciarall co hAruinn do agallai11t Enna, 7 atcondcadur 
4 2 9 0 ænaislÙlgi Ciara1t 7 Enna .1. crann mor toirthech i farrad srotha for medhon 
Eirell11 co ndidnad inis Eirellll, 7 ros-dechaid a thorad tar muir bai imon innsi 
amuigh,7 ticdis eoin an domaÙt gu m-berdis ní dia thorad. Atcuaid Ciara11 
in fhis do Enna. Roraidh Enna: 'An crann mor atconnacuis tusa fein 'sin 
áir it mor [in marge fri tua] 7 doenaib, bid Ian Eiri dot thanoir. Ditne- 
.&p95 baidh fo scath do ratha an innsi-sea, 7 sasfuider sochaz"di ó rath th'áine 7 
th'urnatgti. Eirg didiu la breithir nDé for ur srotha 7 fothazg ecIais ann.' 
Fectus dosan a n-Aruinn ac tíradh isin áith, 7 Lonan Cerr malle fris, 
7 i frithbert nobhidh se coidhci fri Ciaran, co facadur in naoi for nóchombáthad 
'na bfhiadnusi. ' Indar-Iearn,' ar Lonan, ' baidhfider inníu in 11Ói út, 7 loiscfider 
4300 in aith-sea Ie mlt na gæithi.' 'Acc,' ar Ciarall, 'in 1zói út loiscfider, 7 as 
bádudh baidfidh in aith-sea [fo. 38. b. I] COlla harbhur.' OCtts iss edh ón 
rocomhailled, uair terlá Iucht na 1zói 7 tucadh in nou ifarradh na hatha. 
Gabuis tene in aith 7 loiscter in nóu, atnaig 1 in gæth sétedh forsin áith COlza 
harbttr is in fairgi, gur'báidedh tre breithir ChiaraÍ1t. 
43 0 5 0 dodhechaid Ciara1l a hAruinn tachraidbocht dó arin c01zair. Atnaig 1 
Ciara1t a chasallín dó 7 dotoet co hlnis Cathazgh do bennachad do Shena1l. 
o robhui-sium ina ænbhrut rofoillsiged do Senán innísin, 7 dochuaid 'na 
choinne, 7 casallin fó ocsail,7 doraidh re Ciara1t: 'N ach nar,' ar se, 'sacart 
do imthecht cen chochull.' , Don-fair trocuiri!' ar Ciarall, 'airchisfid Dia 
4310 atá cochull damsa fo choirn mu senorach.' 0 dorócht Ciaran gu ClttaÙz 
mac N ois dob ail dó co ructha casal eli uadh do Senan. Roleicedh in casul 
fri sruth na Sinna, 7 ro siacht gen fhliuchad gu port Innsi Cathazg. Adu- 
bairt Sellan re mhanchaib: 'Eirgid don muir 7 foghebaÙlh æighidh 2 ann, 7 
tucaidh libh co n-anoir 7 co n-airmhitin.' 0 dhachuatur irnach na manazgh, 
4315 fuaratar in casul forsin muir, is se tirim, 7 tucsat leo he co Senan, 7 roghni- 
sium atlugudh buidhi don Coimdidh, 7 as e sin casal Sellan inníu. 
Dodhechaid iarsin coa braitribh co hfsill, 7 dorat Cobhthach mac 
Brecain Isel do Dia 7 do Ciaran, 7 do-aitreabh annsin maille na braitribh. 
Et dobhi la ic denum a aicciupta immuich forin achad, dochuaidh-sium do 
43 20 thorruma a æighed 3, 7 forfacuibh a leabur oslaicthi co matain fon fliuchad, 
7 ni rainic banna fliuch in lebur. 
Fechtus dobhi Ciara11 ag cur sil an fsill. Dotæd bocht cugi. Atnaig 1 
Ciaran mam don gran 'na ucht, 7 rosoudadh focétoir in gran an-or. 
1 MS. atnaid. 2 1\1:5. æidhi. 3 MS. æidhed. 


12 9 


Tucadh carpat CO'Jla echaib do Ciara1t 0 Ænghus mac Crimththuin. 
Dorat Ciara1z don bocht ar in ór, 7 rosoe in t-ór a ngran, 7 rosioladh an 43 2 5 
gort de. 
Robui Í11t1nOrrO loch ifarradh fsill, 7 noaitreabdais æs tuaithi 7 
dæscarslzíag an innsi bui fair, 7 dothairrniscedh nual 7 fogur in lochta-sin 
adtarbha urn na clerchiu. Roghuidh 1 Ciaran in Coirndi cor'alta asa hinad 
in innsi, 7 doronad in nI-sin, 7 atcither beos an t-inad a roibi isin loch re 433 0 
cuimnzgud in rerta-sin. 
o ná cæmnacatar im'J1tOrrO na braitri fulang deercí C'iarain ara mét, 7 0 
ron-gaibh format, doraidhset fris: 'Eirg uann,' 01 siat, 'ár ni ruibem a n-æin 
inad.' Doraidh Ciaran: 'Diamad sunn,' ar se, 'nobeinn-si gidh Isel an 
t-inad-so arai luic, robadh ard arai n-anoire 7 n-airmiten.' [fo. 3 8 . b. 2.] 4335 
As ann roraid-sium so: 

'Ciarsa isiul robadh ard 
mina thísedh in fodhard: 
in fodhard mina thisedh 
robadh ard gersa ísel.' 

434 0 

Dorat Ciaran annsin a liubhair for oss n-allaid. Rocomaithig-seom iaru'Jn 
in n-os n-allaid cech a tiged. Dochuaid in t-agh roimesium co lKnis 
n-Añgin. Docuaid-sium is in innsi 7 nos-aitreabhann. . 
Dodechadttr iarum a braitri cuigisium as gach aird. Robhui araili 
uasalshacart isin innsi. Dainel a ainm, do Breatnaib dhó, 7 ron -greis Diabul4345 
gu roformdigh re Ciara1t. Rucadh iarurn cuach rigda co tri henuib ordha 0 
Chiaran dosum i comartha ndilgudha. Roingantazgh an sacart innisin, 7 
dorIne aitrighi, 7 doshlecht do Ciaran, 7 dorat an innsi dó. 
Fecht do Ciaran an Inis Añgin gu cuala in gairm isin purt. Roraidh 
risna braitribh: 'Eirgidh,' ar se, ' arcenn adbhair bur n-abadh.' 0 rancatur 435 0 
an port ni fuaradur ann acht moethógláech tuata. Raidhit fri Ciaran innísin : 
, Eirgidh arai sin araehenn arIse Follus darnsa for a ghuth comba he bhus 
abb daibsi amdegat.dh.' Tucadh iarum in t-oglach isin innsi co Ciarall, 7 
robherr Ciaran he, 7 rolegh aigi, 7 ba he sin Enna mac Hui-Laigsi .1. fer 
noebh adhamrazgthi 'con Coimdidh, 7 is e rob ab iar Ciaran. 4355 
Dorala eu torehuir soscéla Cz"arain isin loch 0 araili brathuir anfhaitech, 
7 robhui cufota fon loch. I n-araili laithi a n-aimsir samhraid docuadur bai 
isin loch gu rolen iris an tsoscéla do cois bó dhibh, co tuc le gu port tirim. 
1 l\1S. Rogbuigh. 

13 0 


As de sin ata Port in tSoscloil a n-Inis Añgin. a rahoslaiced Ùfl11lorro in 
4360 soscll, is amlaid robui, glegheal, tirim, gan dith litri tre rath CiaraÙt. 
Tainic araili fer do Corcabaiscinn co Cz"ara1z, Donnan a ainm, mac 
brathar do Senan mac [G]errginn, 7 inann máthair dó 7 do Se1tan. 'Cidh 
accobrai nó cidh theigi?' 01 Ciara1Z. 'Do chuingidh inaidh i tairisiur 7 i 
foighén do Dia.' Forfacuibh Ciaran Inis Angin la Donnan. Roraidh 
4365 Donna11,: 'U air as condeirc duit frium, facuibh ní dod comurthaib 7 dot 
miQ.naib agum.' Facbaidh Ciaran aigi a soiscél.I. an soiscél frith asin loch, 
7 a clog 7 a fher imchuir .1. Mælodran. Tri bliadnt im1florro 7 tri mís robui 
C'iaran a n-Inis Angin. Et is ed tainic iarsin co hArd Manntain ifarrad na 
Sinna. O'tconnuic-sium aibhne an inaidh-sin, iss edh roraid: 'Madh annso 
437 0 thairismit,' ar se, 'bidh imda saidbreas in tsæguil aguinn, 7 bid uaithti 
anmunna docltm nimi as.' Tainic iarsin cusin mbaile-sa. Ard Tiprat a 
ainm intansin. 'As sund immorro anfamit, uair bat imdha anmaÍ1z docum 
nimhe as, 7 biaidh torroma 0 Dia 7 0 dhainib coidchi forsin inad-so.' 
I N-ochtkalaÏ1uz Febra roghabh C'iara1Z i Cluain, in dechl'12ad esca, i sathrann. 
4375 Ochtur Î11Z1l'lOrrO dochuaidh leis. I. Ciaran, Ængus mac Nisse, Cælcholum, 
Mulioc, Lugna mac hui Moga Laim, Colman mac Nuin. Amhra tra 
rogabadh an congbhail-sin la Ciara1z i ClztaÙz COrla ochtur iar ddaidhecht 1 
do thonnaib adusce feibh roghabh Noe mac Laimhiach in domain 2 co1ta ochtar 
iar tuidhecht do thonnuib na dile1Z1Z. As annsin roclann Ciaran an cétcleath 
43 80 i ClúaÙz 7 Diarmaid mac Cerbaill maille riSe Atbert C'iara12 re Diarmait ic 
sádhudh na clethi: 'Leic, a læich, mu laimh uas do laim, 7 bia-sa uas [eraib 
EirelZ1t i n-airdrighi.' 'As ced Hum,' ar Diarmait, 'acht cotuca comarda 
dam aire sin.' 'Atber 'l11Z1l'lOrrO,' 01 Ciaran. 'Cid at uathad-sa inniu baat ri 
EirelZ1z in trath-sa imarach.' Ba fior-son, dalzo, ar romarbadh Tuathal 
43 8 5 Mælgarb rí Eirenn in oidchi-sin,7 rogab Diar1nait rigi hEirenn aramhárach 3 
[fo. 39. a. I] 7 roedhbuir clt ceall do Ciara1Z. COl1ad dia forcell sin asbert: 
Atbér cofÍr foirglidhi 
cid uathad do dream dhámhack 
bát rí æbhda oirdnidhi 
439 0 Eirenn in trath-sa imáracb. 
Marbadh Tuathail togalähe 
l\fæ1garbh bá gairm gun gloire, 

1 1\15. ddaighecht. 

2 Sic in 1\'15., should come after adusce (?). 
5 MS" arabharach. 


13 1 


as de itá in rádh roghaidi 
ba he a écht Mæl m6ire. 
Gen mhaidm is gan eirscJaidi 4395 
roghab Uisnech nir iar ndál. 
dorat Diarmail derrscalghthi 
cét ceall do Dhia 's do Chiarán. 
IArsin roshaidedh in cIeth, 7 adu bairt Ciará1Z ica sáthad: 'Ac so,' ar se, 
'i rosc Triuin' .1.: Tren mac-sidhe robhui i nDun Cluana Ichtair rotria1144 00 
anumaloit dosum. Mebhuis focltair a ænsuil 'na dnn la breitir CiaráÙz. 
Araili lá dobhadur na braitri a n-Itaidh moir 7 siat ic buain i Cluain. 
F oidhit araiJi timtiridh uathaibh eosin clerech co ructha 1tsqui doib 
isin gurt, conad ann ispert Ciarált dia roghabhduis inniu fora n-ítaidh 
noimfulaingfedh saidbreas mor in tsæguil dona braitrib thicfatis dámeis. 4405 
'As derbh eimh,' ar na braitri, 'as ferr linne ainmne ara tibertar fochraic 
dhuin fein do denamh,7 dia ticfa les dona braitribh 'narndegaidh, in as sasad 
ar n-itad inniu.' Tucad telcoma Ian d'fin otha tire Franc cosin mbaili do 
C'iará1t i logh na hainmne-sin, 7 romhair blagh don telcomu-sin sunn co 
haimsera déidhincha 1. 0 thainic ÙJ'l11Z0rrO in fescur robennach Clará1l4410 
lestur Ian d'usqui, 7 rosoudh i fín togaidhi, 7 rodáiIedh forna manchaib 
cona bai flaitb. roderrscazg don fIaitk-sin. Ar dodeckadur muinter 
ColuÍ1n C-ille 0 HI iar n-aimseraibh fodaib cosin cathraig-si. Rofuiredh 
flRÜh doibh, 7 roherdurcaiged triasin cathrazg uili nack raibhi roimpi nack 
'nadegaid fizrtth a commaith. As annsin aspert selloir robui i tich 4415 
sruithi: 'Rofetur-sa,' ar se, 'flaith ba ferr indas. Ferr in flaith doríne Ciará1l, 
dia mhanchaib dia mbatar a n-ítaid mhoir, cu rosoi-sium in t-1tsqui i fin 
doibh. N arub scel cen comurdha duibhsi sin,' ar in sel/oir, 'misi fein rodail 
in fin -sin, 7 teighed mh' orda dar oe n1air in bledhi isin fin taiscz'd -si,J finnaidh 
innosa boladh mh' ordan ara tuma isin fin antansin.' tancatar 7 ro rasasta 4420 
uili 0 bolad in meoir-sin. Adrubratar: 'As ferr,' ar iat, ' in fhlaith-sa ina ceck 
flaith in flaith isa bolad mharus iar n-aimsir rofoda for meor. Bennacllt,' 
ar siat, 'for Ciaráll, 7 bellnacht for in Coimdld rodhanazgh do ceck maith. J 
Crichidh Clztalla, scoloc Ciarálll, docuaidh co Saigir, cu rofeidhIzgh fri 
re cian innti, cu roaslazgh Demal1 fair in tene senta bui icna manchaib isin 4425 
cuchtair do bhadudh. Itbert Ciara1t Saigri na caithfed biadh co tistais 
æighid 2 dobhéradh teine dhó. Luid Í1Jl1110rrO Crichidh uaidib sealad bee 
seclltair in cathraclt gur'marbsat cOin allta 7 nochur' mhillsct a corp. 
] l\IS. deighincha. 2 l\IS. æidhid. 
S 2 


I3 Z 


o racuaIa Ciará'Jt mae in tsair bas a ghilla, 1 uidh co Ciarán Saigri dia 
443 0 chuinghidh. a rasiacht is ed aspert C'Íard1z Saigri: C Is ed tóist'eh riethi a 
leas lIsqui dar bur easa, acht ní fil tene oeuinn do thégadh ztsqui dhuibh, 
acht tuea'Ídh-si bur n-aidedha telled duin, ar is dæibh roeinn"Dia.' IS annsin 
tuareoibh Ciará12- mac in tsæir a lamha dacum nime, 7 daróine ernazgthi 
ndicra. Jar forbadh na hernazgthi tainie tent' do nim co n-eisid fora ueht. 
4435 Rothimure a uet imon tenid 7 dus-fue lais eosin mainistir. Focez'rd uadh 
in teinid for lar, 7 ni romill eid brathairne dan easal bui ime. Rotathbheodazg 
da'Jlo a gilla atbath roime sin, 7 roeaith proinn malle innsan. Doronsat a n- 
æintaidh annsin na da Quiarán. 'Saidbrius an tsæguiI,' ar Quiarán mac 
intsæir, i Saigir mair. 'Ecna 7 orda1Z een ercra i Cluain mac N ois,' ar 
444 0 Quiarán Saigri. N oeu raibhi anim C'Íaráin isin bail i-sin acht fd re.l 11. mis 
7 · · · a, co ndeehaidh doc1tm ni1ni isin n01nad la i míss [fa. 39. a. 2] medhan- 
aigh fhoghmhuir. 
a rofidir iml1tOrro Ciarán gur' ehomhfaiesigh laithi a eitsiehta, daroine 
faitsine gu toirrsi móir. Adubart robudh mhor ingreim a cathraeh 0 
4445 droehdhainib fri deredh ndomaÙz. 'Cedh, im11tOrro, doghenZtm-ne ind 
aimsir in lochta-sin?-' 01 na manazgh, 'in ocut thaisibh-si anfamait 1ZÓ in 
leth n-aili raghmait?' 'Eireidh,' 01 Quiarán, '7 faebhuidh ma thaisi amhail 
facbaither enama oiss re grein, daigh as ferr dhuibh aitreabh 1 immalle 
friumsa in nim innás feidhliugud icum thaisibh ibhos.' a roehomhfoicsigh 
445 0 tra aimser a eitsiehta dantí noeibhQuiaran ind eelais bie, isin tres bliadain 
.xxx. a æisi, hi quineid Septimbe1" arai laithi mis gréine, hi satharn arai laithi 
sechtmaine, in ochtmadh dece arai esca, as ann adrubairt-sium: 'Nom-berur 
in dinn bee,' or see Et 0 rafeghastar in nemh 7 ind ær n-ard uasa cinn, iss 
ed aspert: 'AS aghasta in set-sa suas.' 'Nidait as aghusta,' ar na mana
4455 C Ni fetur-sa emh,' ar se, , naeh ni do thimna De darmo thiasainn acht eena 
roimeclazgh eid Daibhith mac Iesse 7 Pal apstal in seut-sa.' As annsin 
ruead in t-adhart elaiche uadh ara haine. 'Aee,' ar eisium, C tab air 
fomorno. Qui enim perseuerauerit usque in hiis .e. 2 ' Rolinsat tra aingil idir 
nem 3 7 1ar i frithshét a anma-som. Tucad iarsin ind eelais bie, 7 tuareuibh 
4460 a lamha, 7 robendueh a popul, 7 adubairt risna braithriu ind eclais do 
dhunad fair gu torsedh Caeimgen 0 Glinn da Laeha. a dorocht Coeimhge1t 
iar tredenus ni uair lancennsa na gcleireeh faehetair, uair rabatar i mbron 7 
i toirrsi mhair deis a geleirzg. Roraidh Coeimhghen friu: 'Foiresi gruam- 
1 In upper margin. 
 Matth. x. 22. S MS. Demuro. 




dhachta,' ar se, 'foruib dogres.' Roghabh imecla iarsin na sruithe, 7 
doronsat reir Coimhgen, 7 rooslaicsit ind eclaz"s becc reme. Dodechaid 4465 
focétair spirut Ciarain dochum nimhe, 7 tainic arís ina churp do agalluimh 
Chaoimhgen, 7 rofer failti friss, 7 badul" on trath co araile andsin ic 
imacalduirn 7 oc denumh an æntad. Bellnachuis Ciarall iarsin Coeimhgell. 
Beannachuis dano Cæimhge1Z uisqui, 7 dogní cornman do Quiaráll, conad 
annsin dorat Quiarán a clog do Cæimgen i comurtha a n-oentad 7 i screpu1447 0 
a cholnnæ. As eiside Boban Coeimhgi1l inniu. 
N oeib Eirel111 tra rofoirmdechsat re Quiarán ara feabhus, co lz-dechadar 
i rnuinighin Riogh nime cu rogairdighthe a sæghal-som. Rop é met in 
formait ros-gabsat fris co 11debairt cidh a fírchumthach fein . I. Colum cilli: 
'Bennacht for Dhia,' ar se, 'ruc inti noeibQuiarálz, daig da maradh combadh 4475 
senoir ni fuicfed inad da ech charpuit ind EirÙl1l na bhudh leis.' 
IS sunn tra ata Quiarál1 cosin ochtur roráidh-sium co 11-ilmhiltib naobh 1 
archena. IS sund itat taisi Poil 7 Petuir forfacuibh Bellian 7 Cumlach isin 
crund chocai ibhos. IS sund it at taisi in meic dhaill .1. deiscipul Peca. IS 
sund dano ita scrin 2 ind aiged . I. P eca, is eiside itconnairc araili craibdech 4480 
d'imorchur d'ainglib co hadnacul CiaráÙt. Tri inganta [fo. 39. b. I] ibhoss 
in oidche-sin, in tech n-æigedh 3 gan teinidh, gan æigidh 4, gan ernazghthe, 
ár robu 16r Peca do theinidh 7 d'æighidh 5 7 d'ernaighthe. 
Ni fil, tra, doruirmeadh guleir a ndor6ine Dia di fertaibh 7 mírbhuilib 
ar inhíí noeibQuiarán, daig as liach 6 tuiremh 7 aisneiss dib. Daigh ni 44 8 5 
rogénair iar taidhecht Crist i coluinn nech budh mho déeirc 7 tl'ocuire, budh 
mó sæthur 7 aine 7 ernaighthi, bhadh mo umhla 7 cænduthracht, badh mo 
cennsa 7 ailgine, bhadh mho deithitin 7 iret 7 im eccluis nDe, bad mo sæthuy 
laithidhi 7 fritaire aidhchi. IS é na taråt nach n-inmar 110 nach ní mesc 
ina churp riam 0 roghabh crabud. IS e na heissibh loim na linn nogu mbeth 449 0 
a trian d'uisqui. IS e nar'chaith aran nogu mbeth trian do ghaineam trite 
IS e nar'cotuil co comuirsedh a thæbh re húir nocht. IS fo chinn na raibhi 
acht cloch doghnath do adhurt. IS fria chnes na rochomhraic lion ná olunn. 
Fer é ell lanpartaib toghaidhi toltanchaib don Choimdidk, amail Aibel mac 
n-Adaim. Fer co lldepracoitibh dichraibh don Dia, amaz"l Henocc mac n- 4495 
Iareth. Luamuire lanfolartnaightheck do airc na hEcuilsi etir thonnaibh in 

1 l\;15. naomh. 2 There is here the mark (^) shewing that something is to be inserted. 
S l\IS. næidhedh. 4 IVIS. æididh. fj 1\15. dæidhidh. 
8 Read lia (?). 7 iret is in margin; there is a blank after 7. 



t-shæguil 1 , amhail N oei mae Laimhiaeh. Ffrailithz"r co sonairte irsi 7 ereitmhe, 
amail Abraham mae Tharæ. Fer búidh bláith diIghedhuch 0 eridhi, amail 
Moyse mac n-Amhræ. Fer feidhil foiss i fulung foehaidhi 7 trebluidi, amail 
4500 lob foehadhach. SalmeetlaÙlh lanbhind lanairpeiteeh do Dhia, amaz"l Dabid 
mae lese. Estadh firecna 7 f{reoluis, amaz"l SolmaÙz mae nDabid. Ail nem- 
chumhseazghthe fora fothazgter ind Eelas, amail Petur n-apstal. Primhproi- 
ceptoir eoitcenn 7 lestar toghai ie foera firinni, amaz"l Pol n-apstal. Fer Ian 
do rath in Spirta Nóibh 7 d'óigi, amail Eoin mbronndalta. Fer lán do eos- 
45 0 5 mailius 0 ilmoduibh re hlssu CrZ"st, re eenn na n-uile. Ar doríne an fer-sa 
fion don uisee dia mhuinntir 7 dia áigeduib 2 isin cathrazg-si amail dor{ne lssu 
fin togaz"di don usqui ie fleidh Cannan Galale. Mac sæir dano atberur frisin 
fer-sa amail aderar mae sæz"r re CrZ"st isin sosell.I. hie est filius fabri .1. 
Joseph. Tri blz.adni .xxx. i n-æis ind fhir-si amail asat .1 II. bliadni .xxx. 
45 10 i n-æis Crz"st. Robui eiseirgi da1zo don fir-sa iar treidenus ibhus ina imdhai i 
Cluain do aealluim 7 do chomdhidnad Chæimgen, amail robhui eiseirghi do 
Crist iar tredenus asin adhnucul ind larusale1Jz do eomdhidhnad 7 do nertad 
a mhathar 7 a dheiscipul. COllid arna maithib-sin 7 arna maithibh imdhaib 
ailib ata a ainim ag muinntir nimhe. Atát a rélce 7 a thaisi ibhus co 1t- 
45 1 5 anoir 7 co n-airmheitin, co fertuibh 7 co mírbhuilibh eeehiaithidhe. Et eid 
mor a anoir eoleie on mhudh-soin bidh mó a anoir i n-æntaidh 3 naoibh 
nemhtruaillzgthi a ehuirp 7 a anma im-mordhail bratha, intan bus brithem 
for toradh a foireetuil inti noibhQuiará1Z [fo. 39. b. 2] immálle re híssa Crist 
dia rofoghain. Biaidh im1norro isin ma. . . moir-sin, i n-aontaz"dh uasalathur 
45207 tatha, i n-aontaid apstal7 deiseipul in t-Slánicedha lssu Christ, i n-aontaid 
.ix. ngrad n-aingel na' tairmdhechadur, i n-aontaid déechta 7 dænachta 
l\1:heiee Dhe, isin æntaz"d as uaisli eech n-æntaid, i n-æntaid na noeibTrinoidi, 
Athar 7 Meic 7 Spirta Noibh. 
Ailim troeaire nDe uasail uilecumhachtaigh tre impidi noibQuiaráÙt 
4525 co risem in æntaid-sin 4. Ros-aitreabham in saecula saeeuloru11Z! 

Ni me as eintuch risna foeluib dichéillaidi ata isin n1bethaid-si, acht an 

1 l\IS. intshæduiI. 

2 1\15. áidedaib. 

s 1\15. æntaigh. 

t l\IS. æntaig. 

[fo. 39. b. 2. line 10.] 
Riaghail Patraic inso. 
Soerad eclasi De co mbaithus 7 gcomnai 7 gabhail n-eenairee, co macuibh 
do leighiund, co n-edbairt cuirp Crist for each n-altoir. 453 0 
Ni dleagltr dechmada na bó cennaithe, na trian annoiti, ná dire sit do 
mhainib, manebhe a frithfolad na heclasi do baithius 7 chomnai 7 gabail 
n-écnairee a manach itir biuu 7 marbhu, 7 coraibh oiffriunn i sollumnaib 7 
domnuighib,7 co rabhut aidhme og gach n-altoir dib mar aderztr 7rl. 

Cidh as imgaibthe do duine? Ni allse. Fergughudh me1zÎc. Mordata 
cen dan. Discire fri selloir. Moille fri clocc. Coicce fri hantesda. Immat 
forluaman. Faitphed briathar. Briatra inglana. Agairbhe taitheisc. 
Tairisiumh fri secnapaid. Sithe fri cursachad. Commarbai do mhanchaib. 
Mence chestaigthe. 454 0 
Ceist, cid as inleanta? Ni cundtabart. Foss oc cetlai. Enfaitiu mbria- 
thur. Briathra ailgena. Riaghail do chudnodh. Eirghi la ceitbreitir. 
Ceim n-ur1atad ar Dhia. Diuide cride. Combádudh toile. Træthad 
aicnz.d. Ainmne fri fochaidhe. et caetera. 

Cose moCoImoe ma'it ui Beona. 

[As doiIghi learn iná in t-éee.] 


AS doilghi learn ina in t-écc 
doteeht idir adárn dét 
an cuire ticfus armeis, 
a mbeth uili for ainseis. 
Ole in aimser thicfa ann, 
format, finghal, forrack fann, 
toidecht gack uilc cohéimech, 
gan firlæch, gan firclérech. 
Gan righ damus cert ná c6ir, 
gan espoc 6g uas altóir, 
gan brugazt{h gebhus deckmazilk 
da crudhaibh, dá choemche/hruibh. 



13 6 


457 0 

Sruithi bitis do dheoin Dé 
i tosack na haimsiré, 
eesloma clama eechra, 
nirsat bailee bloingecha. 
Lucht na foghluma feighi 
fognitis do Righ grene, 
ni thairmesdais mec nait mná, 
robsat glana a n-aicenta. 
Lei nti beea, bruit mhora, 
eridhi triamura trogha, 
pudralla gerra garbha, 
oeus riagla rogharbha. 
Doticfad sunn iar sodhuin 
sruithi deridh in domuin 
co mb1 at, co mbuar, co mbennuibh, 
co faiJghibh, co fithchellaib. 

45 60 

45 6 5 


Co sida is siric is srol, 
gu coilcibh cæmha iar n-o), 
co ndímhes ecna Dhe dil, 
beit i seilbh dilis Diabuil. 

45 8 5 

Atberim fri siol nAdhuim 
ticfat lucht an fhuarehrabut"d: 
gebait orra dealbha De 
na sleamna, na sladuighé. 
INann luas imthighit ass 
fér ocus foehon fonnghlas: 
amhlazä raghuit immale 
Deus blath na mbrogaire. 
Bregaire deridh dhomain 
raghait uili i n-æn conair, 
i nglaic dhiabuil do dheoin Dé, 
a bphianuib dorcha doilge. A. d. 

45 80 

[fo. 40. a. I]. 
Betha Mochua Balla. 

459 0 

sua. 0 qhochuaidh in fer maith for turus rocongair a rnhogada 7 
rofhodhail daib a indrnusa. Ocus as ecsarnail amuil rofhodail l doibh na 
hinnmais sin .J. dorat cuic tallne dh'fir, 7 a dhó dh'fhir aili, 7 æntallalld don 
fhir déidhinach 2 . 4595 
Matha immorro mac Alpei, in sui Ebhraidhi, in cétna fer roscribh in 
soscela coimdheta, is é roscrib i curp soscéla ind aisneis noeim-si dia chuim- 
ud don eclais amail dailius Mac in Athar nemhdha dána ecsamhla in 
Spírta Nóibh da cech æn isin eclais. 
IS e im1norro in duine atberar do dhul il-Ieith aili ann .1. Issu Crist 4 600 
Mac Dé bhi dodhechaid do chabair in chinid daenna curos-ben a glaic 
Dhiabuil 7 cu rofreasgabh iarsin for nimhibh noebhdha 3 aramZts in Athar 
neamdha, 7 rocongair cuice a apstola curo fhodhuil doibh dana écsarnhla in 
Spirta Nóib amail rop fhollus do chách isin cincdighis. OCltS cu tidhnaic 
na dana cetna dona noebaibh 4 7 dona firenuibh fo indtsamail na n-abstul tria 46 0 5 
forceatal na screaptra ndiadha. 
Na cuic tallanda Í1n1'lZOl'rO atberar sunn iar siens coic cetfada cuirp 7 
anma sin rotidhnaicedh 0 Dhia don cinedh doenna dia fhoghnamh fein 7 
d'fegad De trompa. 
Na da thalland im11zorro itberur sunn, iss ed dofhornet in t-etarcnugud 4610 
7 in tuicsinugud doberut na noeibh õ 7 na fireoin for an Coimdhid gu cumaid 
a ndeghghnima 6 fon n-etargna sin. 
IN oen talla1zd Í1nmorro iss cd doforne, in dliged derrscaightech fil isin 
anmaÙz doena, triasa bhfeghann hi fein 7 na duili aili filet i tal1JzaÙt 7 renna 
7 firmamint 7 in sosad ainglecda 7 in Trínoit [foe 4 0 . a. 2] uilichurnachtach. 4615 
No as iat na cuicc talla1lda atberur sunn . I. coic liubair rechta lVloysi; 
ár foghnaidh a nemhforbunn-side do luct núifhiadhnltsi, ár fogabur amlaidso 
ænta petarlaici fria nuifhiadhnltsi .1. rechta f1,ia sosclla: uair dia tarta nech 
leis na coic fadhó is a deich fhásas dibh. Dia tuctha dallo na deich foce- 

1 MS. rofhogail. 2 l\'1S. deighinach. 
IS MS. noeimh. 

s 1\1S. noemhdha. 4 1\15. noemaibh. 
6 MS. ande/hghnima. 


13 8 


4620 thair is .xl. fhásas dibh. As inann sin iar[{r 7 eoie liubair Moysi co ndeieh 
timnuibh in rechta diadha do aeeomhal do eeithirliubur in t-soiseéla di3. 
bhfoghnum don duine thoirises on eethardhúil 7 eu bhfoghuin an duine-sin 
don fhir Dhia dorat rechta 7 riaghla eesamla dona heenaidib. 
A haithli ÙIl1l10rrO rechta 7 riaghla na eoie n-aimser remtechtaeh tainie 
4 62 5 Issu sunn isin domull eu roehum-sidhe reehta 7 riaghla tria foreetál soiseéla 
don ehiniud doena 7 dona hapstalaib seoeh ehách, 7 roforehansat-sidhe 
a fothoscazghthe 7 a n-deisciplu noebhu 1 taraneisi imna riâghluibh-sin. 
Sochaidhe, tra, do noebuibh 2 7 d'fhirenuibh roeomaillset na rechta-sin 
7 na riaghla in Coimdhed na ndula 7 na roleicset i mudha a taillne. Amhail 
4630 rocomuill in noeb 3 uasal oirmheitneck dia tá líth 7 foraithmet i n-ecmong na 
ree-sea 7 na haimsiri . I. in grian tsolusta 7 in rétla loinnerdha 7 in tene 
thæidhliuch 7 in ruithen rathmur rofhaidh Grian na Firindi isin domu11 eu 1'0- 
shoillsigh i bhfhertuib 7 i mirbhuilib coieed C01znacht.J .lVluehua Balla. I teirt- 
KallaÙld Mharta ÙJl1nOrrO gacha bliadllc indister ní dia fhertuib 7 dia mir- 
4 6 35 bhuilib 7 dia ghenealach collaidi 7 don fhorbadh dorat for a rith mbuadha ibhus 
isin tsægul freaenairc . I. M ucua (Cronan a ainm dilius 4 ) mac Becain mic Bairr 
mz'c N athi mic Luighdheeh 5, 0 taat I-Luigdeeh, mic Dalann do Ultaibh. 
Cumne Ù1111Z0rro ingell Co1tamhail mic IV'Iaehdain, do Dhail mBuáin, a 
mháthair. Briunseeh 7 Lueait [foe 4 0 . b. I] 7 Tuideall a tri derbhsethracha. 
4640 I N -araili aim sir im1norro tainic Comghall [BendehairJ do thigh Becaín 
relnraidti, et atconnaie timtirecht aingiul oscinn in tighi, 7 rofhiarfazg do 
Bhecáll: 'Cidh fil ocutsa do macuibh?' 'A dho doneoch is áirmhighthi,' ar 
Beeán, ' 7 macán lase bee fil ocna cæirib,7 ni hairmhighthi he.' 'Tabar isin 
tech co nfhaeamar hé,' ar Comgall. [Tuecad ón]. IS ann sin roraidh Comgall: 
4645' As forbhfæilid m'anam-sa resan mac-so, ár ita rath in Spirta Nóibh 'na 
comuidecht.' Ruc iaru1JZ Comgall Muehua leis cu Bennehar, eu rolégh 
canoill phetarlaici 7 nuifiadllissi ann, 7 ind ord n-eclusdai, et doghnídh-somh 
ferta 7 mirbuili isin inad-sin, ina gillaidhecht. 
FEACT ann tainic ben aimrit dia atach-som dia soerad ar an aimrite. 
4650 IS ann sin dorala dosum bheith oc cái iama bualad dia oidi, 7 ni thue 
freacra fuirri. IS eadh doróini in ben, doehuir a bas foa dheoruib-sium 
eu tard ina beolu, eu rothuisim focétoir, 7 co ruc mae .1. Dabiu mae esidhe 

1 MS. noemhu. 2 l\lS. noemuibh. 3 MS. noem. 4 The words in parenthesis are 
interlined. 5 In marge Caindech immorro mac Luighdech mic Liligdech mic DaIann. 



IS brect im1JlOrrO, 7 is eesamail innisit na heolazg fatha tuidhechta 
Muchua a hUlltaib, ár iss ed atberut foireann con ad araili baili rue Comgal14 6 s5 
uadh, eumad hé fochunn a dheabtha. No is e in fotha iar bhfir . I. araili 
aimser rue a mháthair Ie Muchua do thorruma a hathardhai. 1. Dal mBuain, 
7 a eoibnesta 1; et o'teonneadar-sum esseom roanóraighset hé, 7 rotreicset 
each aid. Robai im1J10rrO senoir uasal don einedh-sin .1. Coman saeart meise 
Fiaehna mie Bætain; et is ed atbert-sidhe rá 1\11 uehua: 'Robentar anóir 4660 
h'athardha fort amail rabenuis-si formsa.' 0 robhatar .1. Muchua 7 a máthair, 
ie toidhecht do Bennehar foreula doralatar macaimh Fiaehna mic Baetain 
doibh, cu mbatar ic fanamhat imon clérech, 7 iss ed atbertis: 'Clérech lascc.' 
'lV1eic cen easc,' ar Muchua. Rofhergazg iarU11l friu cumor, gu ros-cuir fon 
tal1naÙl. Cu rocosait Coman [fo. 40. b. 2] 7 Fiachra mac Bætain fria Comgal14 66 5 
in gnimh-sin. IS ann sin atbert Comgall cona biadh Muehua in Ulltaib, et as i 
briathar Comain fadera sin. 'as 'gum innarba dhuit,' ar Muchua, 'tabair 
eomhartha dhamh triasa tuiceabh bhaile i bhfothaighiubh recIés.' , Ni fhil 
eomhartha ocum,' ar Comgall, , acht ma11a bera Iat in topur-so.' 'IS tuaIaÙW 
Dia cidh edh on,' ar Muchua. 0 dochuaidh Í1n1norro Muchua a Bennchar 4 6 7 0 
amaeh rodhechsat a eoimmite daraneisi, 7 atconncatur in nell uiscidi inan- 
diaidh 2 cecltleth notheighdis. 'IS é in topur sút,' ar Muchua, '7 ernuighium 
fris curub é bias remhainn 7 bus treorazgi dhun.' Et fo intsamail Moysi mie 
Amra riasa rabha nell solusta ic tiachtain a hEig
t atbert-som sin. Rasiacht 
Muehua assin gu GæI, eathair sin i bhFeruibh Rois, 7 GabrÏ1z espoc do 4 6 75 
Bretnaib inntisein, 7 tarcaidh-sium in eill do Mhuchua, ar bat comhaltadha. 
Rothuit Í1JU1Z0rro bainne as in nell-sin co 1zderna topur isin bhaili dhe a 
comartha a n-æntad. 
Rosiacht iarsin Muchua co Fobhar Feichin. IS í sin aimser a ndernad 
mUiletZ11 ac F eichitt, 7 ní raibhi uisci aigi, 7 as i comairli doronsat na cleing: 4 680 
'0 dhorócht,' ar siat, ' M uchua cucainn, tiagham gu Loch Lebinn dus in 
bhfuighbim uisci as.' 'IS torathar comhairli sin,' ar in soer, C ár ita in sliab 
lanmhor eatraibh.' 'IS tualuing Dia eidh edh 011,' ar Muchua. 0 rosiaeh- 
tatar tra na cleing in loch rolá M uchua a bhachaill isin loch, gu rotho11 
roimpe in sliabh. Ðoróine dano FeiehÙt in cétna 7 na cléirzg areella, co 4 68 5 
frith amlaidsin uisqui don mhui1Ùzll. Doronsat a n-æntuidh 3 iarsin FeichÙt 
7 M uchua. 

1 l\IS. coimnesta. 

2 1\15. inandiaigh. 

::I 1\15. anæntuigh. 

14 0 


TEIT iarlt1Jt M ueh ua assin eu T eeh T elle i termann Durmaighe, et iss ed 
rob ail dosom eathair d'fothugud i farrad an inaidh-sin, 7 araidhe nir'hetadh, 
4 6 9 0 ár ní rothoirinn in to pur. 
LUID iarsin Muehua tar Sinainn i erieh Connacht. Ceallaeh mae 
Ragalluigh 1 ba ri C01lnacht intansin. IS eadh iml1tOrro dorala do Mhuehua 
dula i Soghan U a Maine, et ro [fo. 41. a. I] shleehtsat uili dhó ar eonnailbhi, 
ár do Ulltaib a mbunadus. Roanoraigh dauo rigan eraibhdheeh bai isin 
4 6 95 tír esiumh eu[lán ]mor, Baillgel a hainm-side. Bai tra Muehua eethracha in 
earghais isin tir-sin, 7 rofhuabratar a fhostad aeu dogres. ' Tiefa immorro,' 
ar Mueua, , [uaib] bodhein mae bethad dia bhfoighentai.' Comtnan da1lO 
rotarrnguired annsin. 
IMthighis uathaibh iarsin, 7 faebhus bennacht foraibh 7 fora ndaltuibh 
47007 fora maeuibh sethar, sicut atbert : 
Bendachl fora ndaltuibh 
da mbeat doreir riaghla: 
mu bennaehl cudermhair 
ara ndeghmhnaibh diadha. 
4705 Gach gilla is gach garmac 
bias dom rlir curoghar, 
biaidh doibh '5 ni bhá falumh, 
talam eona thorad. 

LUIDH Muehua iarsin eu Loch Cime. IS ann robui Cellach mae RaghalIazg 
47 10 ri C01lnacht 2 oe seilg. Luid in fiadh 3 isin loch, eu roan for eloieh moir ann, 
7 nír' lamad dul 'nadhiaidh 4, ár robui peist isin loch noerehoidzged eumór 
dona dainibh. IS ann sin doraidh in ri re Muehua: 'Damad dana lat fer 
dar muinntir do dul indeghaidh in fiadha 5 for do eomairei riasin peist 
[noragad].' , Is tualaÙlg Dia eidh edh on,' ar Mueua. Luidh in fer iarsin 
47 1 5 isin loch eu romharbh ind agh n-allaid bai forsin Ieie, 7 iss ed roraid. 'Roba 
maith,' ar se, ' an t-inad innsi so.' Tainie iarsin in t-oeláech isin snamh eu 
roshluie in peist 'na oenmhír esidhe, eu roaithisigh in rí do Muehua. 
Rofergazg i1Junorro in eléreeh risin peist, eu roseeith ind oeláech n-oghshlan 
i bhfiadhnusi na sl6g, 7 ni roerehoidzg doneoeh riamh iarsin. Romorad ainm 
4720 De 7 Muehua triasin bhfirt-sin, et roshleeht in rí 7 urmhor na sl6g do 
Muehl/a. Et ba he sin tosaeh a ardratha a euieed COllnacht. 

1 MS. radalluigh. 

2 ri eonnaehl interlined. 3 MS. fiagh. 
lí MS. in d7haidh infiagha. 

i MS. nadhiaigh. 


14 1 

Luidh Muchua iarsin tar Odhbha buthuaidh i crich Cera, cu riact cu 
Ros Dairbriuch, ut dixit: 

[foe 41. a. 2.] 

Ros nDairbhreck cathair Muchua 
re n-abur Balla bithnua, 
inmain dos aingleck idhan 
Ros nDairbrech na noeibhibur 1. 
Balla ag dainibh noebhdha 2 anú 
in t-ainm coitchenn gu coemhclú: 
Ros nDairbhreck rob edh a ainm 
re linn Tuathail T reathanghairbh. 
o crich Benncuir na n-ath n-uar 
gu clar Cera na cæmhshlúagh, 
a tir Fher nDomhnann na ndos 
rofuaidh Comhghall gu coem- Ros. 

47 2 5 

473 0 



Anaid adazgh 3 isin dú-sin. 0 rofheghsat Ù1unorro in coimmite osaClnn 
aramharach ní fhacatar in topur. Doraidh Muchua friu in topur dh'iarrad. 
IS and doraidh scoloc friu : ' Ata topur Ballaluinn tisana.' , Bidh uadha sin 
ainmneghthar in baili,' ar Mucua: amail asbert fesin: 

Bidh Balla ainm in bhaili 
ár dorala for mh' airi: 
bid he a ainm osin imach 
cu tí in dine déidinach 4. 

474 0 

Roaltuigh-sium do Dhia inad [a ]reclésa dh'fhoilIsiugud dó. Coic bliadJ/i 
triehat Ùn1norro robo sIan do Muchua intansin, 7 bliada1l ar fiehit do oc 4745 
foghnum don Choimdhid isinn inad-sin, eo 1zdechaid docum nime : 


Bliadain ar Irichail gan acht 
do Muchua a coiced Connachl, 
fraigh uiri ic tarainn a thæibh 
fa dúire crabhuidh cneschæil. 

475 0 

Tainic im11zorro Eochaidh Minnech, Haith clann bhFiacrach, do diultadh 
resin clérech. Rofoillsiged, da1lo, dhó aingil ós cind in dairi [ir-roibi 
M uchua], 7 o'tconnaic in cIérech rothairinn dó fochedoir. As amlaz"d 
i1Jl1llorro dobhui Muchua intansin, i carcair cloichi. Doriacht Eochaid ararnllS 
in cIeirzg 7 cét do maithibh a muinntiri 'na fharrad .1. Maine COlla sceht 4755 

1 MS. noeimhibur. 

2 MS. noemhdha. 

s 1\15. agaidh. 

4 1\15. deiginach. 



maeaibh 7 Domhnall 7 Feradhaeh 7 Mæl Cathaigh 7 Ronan 7 Suibhne 7 
Finntan Finn 7 maithi ela1ZJZ Fiaeraeh. Et eidh marbadin eleing rotriallsat 
is í a reir dorónsat, ár rothaitnighset na ruitne spirtaldai 7 in doghuma diada 
asa gnuis. Roidbairset dó in baili iarsin COlla erieh 7 cona ferann do dheoin 
4760 ChealIazg mic Raghallatg, cOlladh dia fhothl
ztd sin roehan in seanehaid: 

47 6 5 

[fo. 4 I. b. I.] 

477 0 


47 80 

o Clugh chuiri Calgaigh cruaidh 
co M6in fri hAdhradh atnaidh, 
o l\lhuigh l\Ioetla cona moin 
gu Croit Cualach/a clethmhoir. 
IS amhlaid thuccsat a tfr 
clanna Rosa gu roibrigh 
gan ainbhthine 'na n-anmaÙl, 
ga mainchine moradhbhail. 
Gu cuairt gach treas bliadan bale, 
itir fhir is mhnái ocus mhac, 
do Chua na carcrach cæili 
re atach, re ecaine. 
Bo gach fir feramail uili, 
idir righ is rodhuine, 
do Chua chedach na fharrad, 
edach gacha hollaman. 
Mue mhor gaeha tighi thuaidh. 
o Traigh Eothuili eu l\Iuaidh, 
serepul gach teineadh cin tart 
do neimeadh coicidh Connacht. 
Robo Ie Muehua gan ces 
o Odhba na ndrong ndiles, 
rob a tairptech a tuili 
eu traigh n-ainbhtech n-Eothuili. 

47 8 5 ROfhothaighesdar amhlaid sin a eheall 7 a eongbáil, et tuc tri hespaic 
do coiseerad a releae 7 a reclés 7 do roind in 1 feruinn dia manehaib. 
BA do fertuibh M uehua. [ Aroile ] ben aimrit tainie euigi, eu robennaeh 
da ghas bilair dhi, 7 eu roeoimper foeétoir mae 7 illgÙz . I. Luieenehair 
eraibdeeh 7 Seannlan iatsaidhe. 
4790 FIRT amra aili bheolts .1. Muehua dodeehuidh gu Loch Cime, 
gu r'indisetar na timtirigh do Cindfhæladh mae Colean, ár is e ba rl 

1 For do roind in the MS. has something like nuiÙnr dann, rewritten in a vile modern hand.. 



Connacht intansin: 'Ata,' ar siat, 'anmhchara Cheallazg mic Raghallazg 
amuigh.' 'Ni dochaidi linn he,' [ar Cendfaoladh,] 'a bheith 'na anmcaruit ag 
Ceallach [mac Ragallazg,] 7 ní thargha isin n-innsi-si.' IS ann sin tuc Muchua 
in loch tarsin n-indsi. Dochuaidh in ri areicin a n-ethar andegaid Muchua. 4795 
7 tuc he fein 7 a mac 7 a ua a n-dæiri dh6, 7 inn inis do shoerad, 7 ro 
soerad iarsin. 
BA do fertuib M uchzea .1. Sil M uiredhuigh robui isin Buidhi Connaill, 
cu roshirset cleirigh coicidh Connacht dia bein dib, 7 ni fhuaratar, Cll 
tancatar airm i m-bui M ucua, euro ic-sidhe iat, 7 Cll tue in dath bai orra for a 4800 
bhaehuil, et tucsat iarsin a maineine dhó: c01Zudh dia fothugud sin asbert in 
senchaid : 

ROshirset sil 1\luiredalg 
tuatha Eirenn isalla 
da ndin aran duinebaidh 
eu taneatar eu Balla. 

4 80 5 

[fo. 41. b. 2.] 

Rogheallsat sil 1\1: uireadhazg 
riar an cleirzg gil glanna 
eumadh lir fri duilleabur 
a n-indmhussa do Balla. 
Dorat fora næbhbachail 1 
galar na tuaithi uile, 
conadh edh forcæmhnacair 
is de ata in Bachal Bhuidhe. 
'CuÏc eét faehúie thaneabar 
d'feruibh armghlana uailche, 
eu brath dianam..riaraidh-si 2 
ní bete ni bus uaitte. 
Gach eieen dos-fiefa-si 
guidhidh m'ainm co Dia 
ehoidhche ni bar-ricfa-si 
anmforlunn 'nadhiaidh s. 


4 81 5 

4 8JO 

BA do fhertaibh Muchua. Fecht dochuaidh a crich Muaidhi Cll riacht 
eu hlnis Amhalghadh, 7 ní tucadh ethar cuigi. 'Ni ba eicin feasda,' ar 
Muchua, 'ethar d'iarradh innti.' Tuarcaibh iarsin an tala1Jl ell tiaghar do 4825 
ehois innti osin cusaniu. 

IS. næmhbaehail. 

2 MS. riaraighsi. 

lS. nadhiaigh. 




FEACT n-oen doehuaidh-sium eethrar ell bru Mhuaidhi. Tuesat na 
hiascairidi era fair. 'Dia m-beth,' ar esium, 'timthiridh Dé tis nobered ní 
dhuinne.' As ann sin doehuir in ron eetra bradana dhoibhsium for tír. 
4 8 3 0 FEACT aili doeuir Muchua a timtiridh d'aeallai1Jl Foelain. 0 rosiaet-sidhe 
ell hAll in Cleibh taneatar ehuiee da bangaisgedhach batar is [sin ] tir .1. Bee 
i1zgell Conehoraig 7 Lithben i1lge1z Aitreabhthaigh, et [iss é] reabrad dodeitbir 
dognitis-sidhe, in duine teehed seehu dobertis essidhe i eliabh 7 da théit 
asside 7 a imluadh tar an aUt n-adhuathmhar. Rofaillsiged do Muchua a gilla 
4 8 35 do ehur isin elíab. Luidh [Mochua] eu riaeht an t-inad. Roriaruigh Lithben 
inge1z Aitreabhthaigh he foeétair, 7 ní roleie Bee uaithi an gilla co tard an 
elérech a choehull die Rolassidhe ima lamuibh 7 roriarazg in el/rech iarsin. 
Et roagaillset na hingena a[ n] da n-athair eu tardsat do shaigid Muchua, [7 
eur-robaist] Muchua iat [iarsin]. Táinic Í1n111orro in Bhée-sin Cll mboi seckt 
4840 mbliadlli ic fognllm do M uchua, ell raibhi i n-araili tan ie aeaine beith cen 
claind 7 is ed acetna dallo doraidheadh Coel mac Ædha, sen ceneoil Ædha, 
7 tancatar andis co tucsat a maincine do Muchua dogres. 
Aillsi da1lo robai for Taithleach mac Cindfhælad. Rolc Mucua he, 7 
ros-euir ara cloc fein, 7 ata fair fos do derbhadh na mormirbuz'le-sin. 
4845 [foe 42. a. I.] Araili aimser shamraidh docuired Mucua do coimhet na 
n-uan. Robui-sium im111orro ie gabhail a Bhiaide ina bhfarrad. Rochoimh- 
rithsat na huain aramus a maithrech, ár ní raba fal eatarra. Tainic Muchua 
7 rotarraing a bhachail 'nadhiaidh 1 forsin tal111aÙz, 7 ni rolamh uan dona 
huanaib toct tar slict na bacIa, acht each dhe oc dechsoin a cele tarsin slict 
4 8 5 0 anunn. 
I N -araili la tueadh gu Muchua gilla anfhabrachtaidi nar'fhet a lamha na 
a cosa na a uile bulla arcena do gluasacht. Rotadaill Muchua oa laimh a uili 
bhall [ind gilla,] 7 adubairt fris: 'Eírig a n-ainm Issu, 7 fegh in ngrein, 7 
imthigh ; , 7 roeirzg foeétoir 7 roimthigh, 7 romorad ainm De 7 Muchua desin. 
4 8 55 Feact aili tuead duine demhnaek ell Muehua. Roinnarb-som in demo11 
uadh [foeétoir] ind ainm na T rinóite. 
I N -araili aidhehi 2 thainie araili merleach do ghait eruithnechta Muchua. 
a rotoeuibh in merleeh in t-oire fair rofheodhaigh focétoir, 7 nl rofhet 
imtheaeht na a oiri do cur dhe, nogur'bennach 
1uchlta iarsin. 
4 8 60 :FEACT aili tháinic fer sægulla 7 mae balbh bodztr lais eu Muchzta, 7 
roghuidh 3 he eu roslanazged a mae dhó, 7 roguidh 4 Muchua in Coimdhe fair, 
1 nadbiaigb. 2 1\15. aighthi. 3 MS. roguigh. 4 MS. roghuigh. 



7 ba sIan in mac do chumachtaibh Dhé 7 do guidhi 1 Muchua, 7 romorad 
ainm De 7 Muchua dhe sin. 
IS e -Ùn111orro in fer-so .i. Muchua dorat a uili fhoghnuma 0 thosach a 
bethad fria ecna 7 crabhudh. IS e roimeaclazg in Coimdhi asa naidinacht.4 86 5 
IS e rotraeth cech pecad. IS é [dano ] robhaidhestar ann fein airfitedh in 
tsægldl frecnairc. IS e rotraeth fuailfedh a cholla. IS e rodermuit na haibh- 
niusa freacnairc. IS e ná ruc a mellmaÙz na a innfheitiumh o\thsirfheghadh 
na flatha neamhdha. IS e romiscnigh na maithi aimserda ma
bhtis otraighi. 
IS e roimghabhudh onoire in domuÙz amail bás. IS e roadhuathazg na hind- 4 8 7 0 
mh2lsa [fo. 42. a. 2] 7 na maine. IS e nocomainsighedh in t-airfited collaidi 
mar badh neim. IS e na tuc gradh don brentataidh collaidi. IS e dorat 
loghudh da gachæn doghníth olc fris. IS e rotraeth a corp 7 ros-tairbhir 
frisin bhfoghnumh ndiada. IS e rohadhannadh 0 theinid gradha Dé 7 
noadhannadh-som on teinidh [cltna] cridhedha na ndaine aili. IS e 4 8 75 
nocharad in comhfhocus amail hé fein. IS e notarmnaighed do corpuibh 
7 d' anmannuibh na ndaine [ailiJ. IS e nocharadh a naimdiu, amail no- 
charadh a cairde. IS e noernedh na maithiusa doneoch cia mhiscniged 
neach é. IS e doghníth ernazghthi tarcenn lochta a ingreama 7 a aithi- 
sighthe.. IS e ba foidhidechu 2 fria fulang cecIl imnidh 3 7 cech fochaide.4 880 
IS é dobereadh na máine diadha 7 doen[ nJa da gachæn non-athchuinged. 
IS e nofurtachtaiged do cechæn nobhith a n-eicin amail athair. IS e nothor- 
ramad cechæn nobidh i carcair 110 i cuibrech, 7 nos-tuasluiced. IS e dobheiredh 
crodh 4 do shoerad cech dæir 7 cech mogad. IS e dobe1'eth etach do bhoch- 
tuib 7 aidilcnechaib in Coimdhed [é féin]. IS e ba soma 7 ba saidhbre 4 88 5 
dona bochtuibh ciar' bo bocht fein 7 ciar' bhó aidhilgnech. IS e dobereadh 
biadh dona gortachuibh 7 deogh dona hitaduchaibh 7 etach dona nochtuib 
7 failti coitcenn dona háighedhaib 5 7 do cechæn ricedh a leas. IS e nodhit- 
nedh na deibhlena 7 na fedhbhu truagha. IS e noshoerad na bochtu 7 na 
hamhfhanna 0 cumhachtaibh in tsæguil. IS e na rogradhuigh ór 7 arcat acht4 8 9 0 
amail clocha no luaithred. IS e naroghluais a bhel na a thengaid riamh 
cudimhaín. IS e na roleic nach n-anairchius chuice riam triana eistechtuibh. 
IS e nothaisced 'na cridhi cech ní noraidhedh Dia fris. IS e na facaidh ní 
nar'bhu dir dhó do fhaicsin. . IS e na ruc coisceim fria hanbhfhorlls riamh. 
IS e rotraeth a cetfuidh 0 shanntugud na rlt talmallda [fo. 42. b. I]. IS e 4 8 95 

1 1\1S. guighi. 

2 MS. foighidechu. S imnigh. 
5 I\1S. haidhedhaib. 

4 1\IS. crogh. 

14 6 


nocengail (sic) indeithium a me1zman isna nimhib noebhdhai 1. IS é na roleic 
uadh nach n-uair dimhaín cen toradh. IS e na roleic da cridhi dhul 0 Dhia. 
IS e romhianazgh cu bhfoghníadh cech ni ar Crist, ardhaig gu roissed cusan 
athardhai nemhdhai. IS é nofhuired an chumsanad suthain do fein tria 
49 00 træthad a cholla ind oeine, ind apstanait, quia 2 crucifixus est mundus illi 
et ipse 3 mundo 4. 

1 MS. noemhdhai. 

2 MS. qui. 

S IVI S. ipsi. 

t See Galatians vi. 14. 


(The figures reftr to the cornsþonc/z."ng lines 0/ the Text.) 


. .,. 




THIS is Patrick's Life; and let everyone who shall read give a blessing 
to the souls of the couple for whom this book hath been written. 

pOPULUS qul sedebat 'In tenebrz"s UÙll't lucem magnam 1. The people that sat in 
darkness beheld a great light, and they that were biding in the shadow of death 
found a light whence came their illumination. N ow the Holy Spirit, the Spirit 
which is nobler than every spirit, the Spirit which inspired and which taught both 
the churches of the Old Law and the New Testament with grace of wisdom and 
prophecy, that Spirit it was which spake these words through the mouth of the chief 
prophet Isaiah son of Amos, de cuius laude loquitur Hieronymus dlcens: Po/ÙtS 
dicendus est euangelista quam propheta. To praise him Jerome saith, that it were 
meeter to call him an evangelist than a prophet, because of the clearness, and of 
the harmony with the New Testament, wherewith he told tidings of Christ and 
of the holy Church, so that one would not think that it was a prophecy of things 
to come he was making, but a declaration of things already bygone, the act having 
been completed. 
I 5. Now one of his manifest prophecies through a declaration of what has passed 
is that which is here set forth. Populus qui sedeba/ in tenebrzs uidz't lucem magnanz. 
The people, then, that sat in darkness beheld a great light. Now the context of this 
declaration by the prophet is as far as the place where previously the same evangelist 
had said, primo tempore deuala est terra Zabulon et terra Neþ/alim 2. There came, 
then, with the renewal of the time great glory and elevation to the tribe of Zabulon 
and to the tribe of Nephta1i, wherefore it is after that declaration that he says, 
Populus qUl
 etc., the people that sat in darkness, etc. Howbeit if we go according to 
history, that was the people of Israel who abode in the gloom of the Captivity in 
Assyria. It beheld the light of the redemption from that captivity, to wit, Esdras 
and Nehemiah, J eshua and Zerobabel. But if we go according to the spiritual 
sense, the people mentioned here are the people of the Gentiles, who were biding 
in the darkness of ignorance, worshipping idols and images, until the true Sun 
arose unto them, to wit, Jesus Christ with his Apostles. For there lay great darkness 

1 Isai. 9. 2. Matth. 4. 16. 

2 Isai. 9. I. 

15 0 


upon the hearts of the heathen, until the Sun of Righteousness, even Jesus Christ, 
scattered His splendours throughout the four quarters of the world to enlighten it. 
Now one of the splendours which the Sun of Righteousness shed into this 
,,,"orld, the splendour, and the flame, and the precious stone, and the shining lamp 
which enlightened the west of the world, the noble one for whom there is a festival 
and commemoration on the occurrence of this time and season, was Saint Patrick, 
son of Calpurn, the pearl and the precious stone whose festival day this is, to wit, 
Sanclus Palricius, eþÙcoþus J, chief apostle of the west of the world, father of baptism 
and belief of the men of Ireland. 
35. Now the time when churchfolk celebrate the festival and commemoration of 
this holy Patrick, and when some of his miracles and marvels are related in the 
churches of the Christians, is the sixteenth of the calends of April, as regards the 
day of the solar month, in the year in which we are. 
39. The learned declare that he was of the Jews by origin, since it is manifest 
from the miracles which God wrought for him, that he was of the children of Israel, 
for of them were the Jews besides. For when the vengeance was inflicted by Titus 
and Vespasian, the Jews were scattered throughout the world, and Patrick's original 
kindred came to Britain, and there a heritage was gotten by them, for in a certain book 
of his epistles Patrick himself declares that Nos dÙþersz" sumus þer mullas regiones 
/errarum þroþter þeccala noslra, eo quod J)omz1zi þraeceþla e/ mandala eius non cuslo- 
dzuÙnus. \Vherefore from that dispersion his original kindred came to Britain. 
47. Now as to Patrick, of the Britons of Ail-cluade 2 was his father; Potitus, the 
Deacon, was his grandfather; Concess was the nmne of his mother, daughter of Ochmas 
of France, a sister of Martin was she. And in N emptor was he born; and when 
a false oath is taken under the flag-stone on which he was born, it sheds water as if 
it were bewailing the false declaration; but if the oath be true, the stone abides in its 
own nature. 
52. This is Patrick's first miracle, and in his mother's womb he wrought it. A 
son of the King of Britain came to the place in which the woman dwelt, and she 
washed (his feet) for him, and he received entertainment from her. Wherefore his 
wife through jealousy gave a drink of poison to Concess, who drank it. And Patrick 
seized the poison in his grasp, and made thereof a stone in his hand, and thus 
was he born. God's name and Patrick's were magnified thereby. 
57. Now when Patrick was born he was brought to be baptized to the blind 
flat-faced youth named Gornias. But Gornias had not water wherewith he could per- 
form the baptism; so with the infant's hand he made the sign of the Cross over the 
1 In the !'vIS. the words corresponding with ( the pearl. . . tþiscoþus' arc misplaced; see 11. 37. 3 8 . 
2 I Rock of Clyde,' i. e. Dl1mbarton. 


J5 1 

ground, and a well-spring brake therefrom. And Gornias washes his face from the 
well, and it opened his eyes for him, and he read out the baptismal office, he who has 
not previously learnt a letter. So then God wrought a triple miracle, to wit, the 
well-spring out of the ground, and his eyes to the blind man, and reading out the 
order of Baptism by him who had never seen a letter. So a church was 
founded over that well wherein Patrick was baptized, and there stands the well by the 
altar, and it hath the form of the Cross, as the wise declare. 
66. Then his mother's sister took him in fosterage, for she herself was barren. 
Then she fostered Patrick in N emptor till he was a lad; and overmany to recount 
and declare are the miracles and marvels which God wrought for him in his childhood 
and in his boyhood, for God's grace accompanied him at every age. 
70. N ow once, as Patrick was in his foster-mother's house in winter-time, there 
came a great flood and fulness of water on the dwelling wherein they were biding, and 
it quenched the fire; and all the vessels and gear of the house were aswim. So he 
cried to his nurse, a-seeking food as is the manner of children. 'That is not the 
trouble that is on us,' saith his foster-mother: 'truly we have something to do before 
making food for thee, for not even the fire is alive.' When Patrick heard that, he 
sought a place in the house into which the water had not come, and he dipt his 
hand into the water. The five drops which were trickling from his fingers forthwith 
became five sparks of fire. So the fire blazed and the water appeared not thereafter. 
God's name and Patrick's were magnified by that great miracle. 
80. Once in winter-time his foster-mother asked for a faggot of firewood, so he 
. gathered the full of his lap of bits of ice and brought them with him to his house to 
his foster-mother. 'It had been better for us,' saith his foster-mother, 'to bring a 
faggot of withered firewood to warm us, than that which thou hast brought.' He said 
to his foster-mother: 'Believe that it is po
sible to God, that these icicles should flame 
like withered wood.' 'Vhen they were set on the fire, they blazed forthwith. 
86. Patrick and his sister Lupait were once herding sheep. The lambs ran 
suddenly, as is their wont, to their dams for a drink of milk. When Patrick and 
his sister saw that, they ran swiftly to separate them. The girl fell down and struck 
her head against a stone, so that death was nigh unto her. Patrick went to her, 
made the sign of the Cross over the wound, and it was healed at once. 
9 I. Another time, as Patrick was with the sheep, the wolf carried off a sheep from 
him, so his foster-mother blamed him greatly. But on the morrow the wolf came to 
the same place, having the sheep quite safe; and that was a marvel, to wit, restitution 
from the teeth of the wolf as regards the usual food. God's name and Patrick's are 
magnified there by. 
95. Once, then, his foster-mother went to milk her cow. He went along with her 

15 2 


to drink a draught of nlilk. N ow the cow goes mad in the byre, that is, the Devil 
entered her; and she drives her horn into the cow that ,"vas next her and kills her. 
Then she killed the five best cows in the milking-place, and afterwards went into the 
wilderness. Then the saint, even Sucat, goes, through the counsel of the Holy 
Ghost, to the five cows, and brings them to life out of death. Then he blessed the 
mad cow yonder, and thereafter she was gentle as a sheep. 
102. The Britons held a great folk-mote and thither he went with his foster- 
father and his foster-mother. N ow it came to pass that his foster-father died at that 
folk-n10te. All were silent thereat, and his neighbours wept, and his wife wept, and 
she said: '1\1 Y lad, why hast thou let thy bearer die?' Then Patrick went to his 
foster-father and put his arms round his neck, and said to him: 'Arise, that we 
may go hence.' Straightway at Patrick's word he arose and carried Patrick on his 
back to his house. 
108. At another time, the little boys of the place were bringing their mothers 
honey from the comb. So his nurse said to him, 'Thou bringest no honey to me, 
my boy, even as the boys of the hamlet bring it to their mothers.' Then, taking a 
vessel, he goes to the water, and sained the ,vater so that it became honey; and 
relics (?) were made of th
t honey, and it used to heal every disease. 
I 13. Once upon a time there died the child of a certain woman, who used to 
work along with Patrick's foster-mother, milking her cow. Then Patrick's foster-mother 
said, 'Bring with thee thy child to-day, into the milking-place as he used to be brought 
every day.' She doth so. Now ,:t?hile the women were a-milking, with the dead 
child on the floor of the byre, his foster-mother gave new milk to Patrick and said to 
him, 'Call unto thee the other boy that he as ,veIl as thou may drink it.' << Come, 
my child,' saith he, , hither.' Straightway at Patrick's call the boy arose from death, 
and then they drank it equally. God's name and Patrick's were magnified thereby. 
12 I. At another time, the king's steward went to summon Patrick and his foster- 
mother to go and cleanse the hearth of the palace in AiI-clúade. Then Patrick and 
his foster-mother go, and the angel came to Patrick and said to him: 'Entreat the 
Lord, and it ,:vill never be needful for thee to do that work.' Then the angel 
cleansed the hearth, and said that though all the firewood in Britain were burnt in 
the hearth, there would be on the morrow no ashes therein. And that is still 
127. At another time, the king's steward went to Patrick's foster-mother to 
demand tribute of curd and butter; and it being winter she had nought to give him 
therefor. Then of the snow did Patrick make curd and butter, and they were taken 

o the king; and when they were shewn to the king, they were turned again into their 
nature of snow. Thereafter that tribute was remitted to Patrick by the king. 



13 2 . Now these are a few of the many miracles of holy Patrick, wrought in his 
133. Now this is an account of the coming of Patrick to Ireland. Four sons of 
the king of Britain were in exile. They came and wrought havoc in Armorica; and 
there happened to be then folk of the Britons of Ail Cluaide on a journey in Armorica, 
and they were slain in that havoc. First then Calpurnius, the son of Potitus, Patrick's 
father was slain, and his mother, even Concess. They seized Patrick and his two sisters, 
even Lupait and Tigris. This, then, is the direction in which the sons of the king of 
Britain went, round Ireland to the north; and they sold Patrick to l\Iiliuc l\Iaccu- Buain 
with his three brothers (he was the king of Dalaradia); and they sold Patrick's sisters 
in another quarter; and they (the children) knew nothing of each other. Thence then 
the name Cothraige cia ve to him, because of his service unto the four households. 
143. Now such was the zeal of the service in which Patrick abode, that each of 
the four households which he used to serve supposed that it was to it alone that he 
was a servant; and yet he was subject to the other spiritual direction, even a hundred 
genuflexions in the morning, and a hundred at evening, and (but) one meal from 
the one watch to the other. 
141. N ow he had four names, to wit, Sucat, his name from his parents, Coth- 
raige while he was serving the four; l\Iagonius,(whiIe he was) with Germanus; Patriciu3, 
that is, 'father of the citizens,' was his name from Celestinus, even Peter's successor. 
15 0 . When Miliuc saw that he was a faithful thrall, he bought him from the 
other three, that he might serve him alone; and Patrick served after the custom of the 
IIebrews, for he had a right to that according to another genealogy; and this was 
entrusted to him, the herding of swine. And he suffered many tribulations in the 
wilderness of SIemish, as he himself declares in the book of his epistles. 
155. What God wrought for him in the wilderness are over-many to recount and 
declare. Then used the angel Victor to visit him, and teach him concerning the 
order of prayer. Then used also Miliuc's sons and daughters to come to him with a 
ration, and he used to instruct them concerning Christian piety according to the 
teaching of the angel. 
159. At that time l\Iiliuc beheld a vision, to wit, that Cothraige came to him 
with a flame of fire out of his mouth; and l\Iiliuc put from him the fire that it might 
not burn, and it burned his sons and daughters so that they became ashes, and their 
ashes wer
 scattered throughout Ireland. Then Cothraige interpreted the vision, 
and said that it was the fire of the Divine grace, which would come forth from him 
afterwards unto l\Iiliuc, and that he (I\Iiliuc) would not believe in him. 110\\ beit, 
that it would burn up the sins of I\Iiliuc's sons and his daughters, and that they 
would believe, and that their nan1e would be renowned throughout Ireland. 




166. Now on a certain night in that place, Patrick heard the voice of the angel, 
saying to him in a vision, Bene, serue Dez', jejunas et oras, et cz'/o exiturus ens ad 
palrz'am luam. So the time for Patrick's release from bondage drew near, for the 
heathen used to free their thralls every seventh year. So l\Iiliuc considered how he 
should retain with him his bondsman, even Patrick. So he buys a bondmaid, even 
Lupait, Patrick's sister. IVIiliuc gave her to his bondsman. They were brought 
together in a house apart on the night of the wedding. Then Patrick preached to 
the bondmaid, and they spent the night in prayer. In the morning, on the morrow, 
Patrick saw the white scar in the bondmaid's face, and he asked her the cause of the 
scar. Said the bondmaid, 'When I was in N emptor, in Britain, it came to pass that 
my head struck against a stone, so that death was nigh unto me. When my brother 
SUcat saw the wound, he made with his hand the sign of the cròss over my head, and 
it was healed straightway.' Said Patrick: 'I am thy brother, and it is I that healed 
thee, and it is God's mercy that causeth us to meet again after our scattering abroad.' 
Then they gave thanks to God, and afterwards they went into the wilderness. 
18 I. When Patrick was biding in the wilderness he heard the voice of the angel 
saying to him: 'The vessel is prepared that thou mayest go therein unto Italy to 
learn the holy Scripture.' This said Patrick to the angel: 'The man whom I am 
serving for the space of seven years, I will not leave him without his consent.' So 
the angel said: 'Go, that thou nlayest know.' Patrick did in that wise. l\Iiliuc said 
that he would not permit him (to go) unless he should give a talent of gold for his 
head. ' God is able to do even this,' saith Patrick. Patrick went into the wilderness 
and told the angel Miliuc's words. The angel said to him, in the place wherein are 
the angel's traces: 'Take heed to-morrow of a certain boar a-digging the ground, and 
he will put forth for thee a mass of gold, and give thou it for thy freedom.' Thus was 
it fulfilled, and Sucat was then aUowed to go free. l\Iiliuc, however, repented of 
allowing his servant to go, and he sent his people after him to bring him back; but 
they did not overtake Patrick, and the gold being changed did not remain. 
194. Then Patrick went into the territory of Húi Néill, a-guesting to Sen- 
Chianan; but he betrayed Patrick and sold him for a cauldron of brass. He sets the 
cauldron on the wall of his house, and his hands then c1ave to the cauldron. His 
wife went to help him. Her hands cIa ve to the cauldron. The whole household 
\\ent to the cauldron, and all their hands clave thereto, and the cauldron clave to 
the wall. Then they said: 'He whom we have sold is servant of a most mighty 
I{ing. Let him be called back to us.' Thereafter Patrick went to them, and owing 
to their repentance released their hands; and they returned the cauldron. 
202. Thereafter Patrick went with foreigners to sea, and a great storm fell 
upon them. Patrick besought his God for them, and the sea became calm. When 



they reached land, they continued for the space of three days after their provisions had 
come to an end. So they besought Patrick to ask food for them from God. Then 
God gave them a fresh cooked swine, and wild honey was brought to Patrick like 
John the Baptist. He parted from them and went to Nemptor. Now when he came 
to his fatherland, his people besought him to stay with them, and this was not got 
from him. (For) whenever he slept it seemed to him that it was the isle of the Gael 
that he saw, and that he heard the chanting of the children from the wood of Foe hI ad. 
2 I I. Then he ,vent over the Ictian Sea into the south-east of Italy to Germanus, 
sage bishop of all Europe at that time, and with him he read the ecclesiastical canon. 
2 13. Thereafter he went to Tours to l\Iartin, who put the monachal tonsure 
upon him. 
2 14. Thirty years, then, was his age when he went to Germanus, thirty years then 
was he learning with him, and forty years a-preaching in Ireland. 
2 16. Thereafter Germanus sent Patrick to Rome to be ordained a bishop, and 
an aged elder with him, even Egidius, the presbyter, to bear witness of hirn before 
the Romans. 
219. Then he went to sea with nine in his number; and he came to the island 
where he saw the new house and a married pair therein. And he asked the young man 
who dwelt in the house, how long they had been therein. 'From the time of Jesus,' 
saith he; 'and He blessed us, together with our house, and we shall be thus till Doom; 
and God hath enjoined thee,' saith the roung man, 'to go and preach in the land of 
the Gaels, and Jesus left with us a staff to be given to thee.' So Patrick took the 
staff of Jesus with him, and went back to Germanus. Said Victor to him, 'God hath 
enjoined thee to go and preach in the land of the Gael.' 'If I should hear,' saith 
Patrick, I would go.' 'Come,' saith Victor, 'to converse with Him on 
l\lount Hermon.' 
228. Then Patrick went and complained to God of the hard-heartedness of the 
Gael. Said God: 'I,' saith He, 'will be thy helper.' 
230. Then Patrick went to Rome, and received the rank of bishop from Peter's 
successor, to wit, Celestinus, the forty-fifth from Peter. He it is that had sent bishop 
Pelagius to Ireland; but the Gael accepted not his preaching, for not to him but to 
Patrick had God decreed their conversion. So Pelagius went back and died in 
Britain. His companions ,vent to Rome. 
235. When Patrick received the rank of bishop, the name of Patricius was con- 
ferred upon him. Orders were then given to Patrick by Gern1anus and by Celestinus, 
and by l\Iatha, king of the Romans. N ow when they were conferring the rank of a 
bishop upon him, the three quires answered, to wit, the quire of heaven's household, 
and the quire of the Romans, and the quire of the children of the wood of Fochlad. 



15 6 


This is what they all sang, Uz'bernens{'s omnes clamanl ad Ie, þuer. So Peter's suc- 
cessor sent Patrick to preach to the Gael. 
24 2 . \Vhen Patrick was at sea, travelling to Ireland, he saw the leper on the 
rock seeking for God's sake a place in the boat. Then Patrick cast his flag-stone 
into the sea before the leper, but when they reached Ireland they found the flag-stone 
ahead of them in the harbour. 
24 6 . Then Patrick went on till he got to Inver Dé, in the district of Cualann; and 
the fishermen did not welcome him: so then he set his word on the Inver, that there 
should never be produce therein. And he who opposed Patrick, even Sin ell, son of 
Findchad, he is the first man who believed in God and in Patrick, and on him and 
on his seed Patrick leaves a blessing. 
251. Forty years from the day that Patrick caIne into Ireland to the day of 
his decease 1. 
25 2 . He steered his vessel after that past Ireland eastward to Inispatrick. He 
went on land. There a certain man received him in hospitality, and believed in him. 
Patrick went to his vessel to converse with Loeguire, to Tara 2. He went thence to 
Inver of the Barks, and there he becomes the guest of a worthy man named Sescnech. 
To him Patrick preaches God's word, and he believes in God and in Patrick. He 
is then baptized. He had a little son, who was well-pleasing to Patrick, and who 
loved Patrick much. The boy took Patrick's foot into his bosom; and that night he 
would not sleep with his mother nor his father, but was mournful and would have 
wept, had he not been allowed to stay along with Patrick. Now in the morning, 
when Patrick went to go on his way, his chariot was brought to him. Patrick put 
his foot into the chariot, and the little boy clasps his two hands round Patrick's foot, 
and this he said: 'Let me be along with Patrick, for Patrick is my own father I' 
Said Patrick: · Let the boy be baptized and put into the chariot.' And Patrick 
afterwards said: 'That boy will be a successor of mine.' And Patrick bestowed 
a name on him, Benignus, that is Benén. 
266. Then he goes in Patrick's company to the Grave of Fíacc's 1\Ien in 
1\1 agh Bret;h; on the eve of Easter. It is there that Patrick celebrated the order of 
Easter, and consecrated fire is kindled by them for mass. That was the night of 
the feast of Loeguire son of Níall. For the feast of his birth was always celebrated by 
Loeguire, every year in Tara of Bregh. And no one dared to kindle a fire in Ireland 
before a fire had been kindled by him in Tara. 
27 2 . Then Patrick cursed Inver Domnann and Inver Dé, and blessed Inver 
Boyne, for he found fish therein. 
27 -1-. After that he went to Inver Slainghe, and concealed his vessel in that place. 
1 This sentence is misplaced. 2 This sentence, also, is misplqced. 



There he found a swineherd of Díchu son ofTrechem, in the place where Sabull Pátraic 
stands to-day, who told it to his master. Díchu went and set his hound at the clerics. 
Then Patrick chanted the verse, Ne tradas bestzïs anz'mam confttelltem tibiI, etc. There- 
after the hound became silent. When Díchu saw Patrick, he bared his sword to slay 
him. His arm shrivelled above him at once 2. But Patrick made prayer, and grief of 
heart seized Díchu, and he believed, and Patrick baptized him after that, wherefore he 
was the first who in Ulster received baptism and belief from Patrick. Then Díchu 
offered the Barn 3 to Patrick. N ow at that time Díchu was an old man. Patrick 
gave him his choice, to be renewed in the age of thirty or to go at once to the 
Kingdom of Heaven. 'I prefer,' saith he, 'to be renewed in the age of thirty.' 
Patrick blessed Díchu, so that he passed after that into youth. 
. 287. Once Patrick was in the Barn at mass, when a certain wizard went by the 
church. He flung his horse-rod over the window of the church in to the chalice. 
The earth straightway swallows up the wizard. 
290. Patrick went to preach to Miliuc l\Iaccu-Búain, having gold in order that 
l\Ii1iuc might accept the faith from him; for he knew that l\Iiliuc was greedy as to 
goods and especially as to gold. When l\Iiliuc heard that Patrick was coming to him, 
he was not glad thereof, for it seemed a shame to him to believe in his slave and in 
his servant. This, then, was the counsel to which the Devil tempted him, namely, to 
bring fire into his own house; and he was burnt therein, and he went to hell. That 
was manifested to Patrick, and he said this: 'Of him will be neither king nor crown- 
prince 4; and his seed and his offspring will always be serving some other man; and 
his soul will not come out of hell either before or after the Judgment.' 
298. In that time there happened to be a fierce king over Ireland, namely 
Loeguire son of Niall. In Tara, then, was his station and his royal hold. Three years 
before Patrick came into Ireland the wizards, even Lucait l\Iael and Luccra 5, had 
foretold his coming. And this is what they said: 

'Adzeheads will come over a furious sea: 
Their mantles (i.e. their mass-cowls) hole-headed: 
Their staves (i.e. their croziers) crook-headed: 
Their tables (i.e. their altars) in the east of their houses: 
All will answer, " Amen! " , 
3 0 7. Then said Patrick to Díchu: 'Go,' saith he, 'from me to Loeguire 
son of Niall, and say my message to him, that there be both kingdom and church in 
the land.' 'If I go to Loeguire,' saith Díchu, 'there are nine hostages for me with 

1 Psal. 73. 19. 
B Saball = stabulum. 

2 Compare I Kings 13. 4. 
4 Literally' King-material.' 
:; Lochru, in the Book of Armagh. 


15 8 


him in Tara. 1\1y hostages will be slain, and I myself shall be slain when I shall go.' 
, Thou thyself wilt escape and thy hostages will escape.' Saith Díchu: ' . . . blessing 
. . . Lord 1 . . . whether I escape or not: I will go for thy blessing.' So Díchu went 
to Tara. 'This, then, is the man,' saith Loeguire, 'who first believed in the Adze- 
head before the men of Ireland. Take ye this man,' saith he, 'into one house with 
his hostages, and give them salted food, and do not give them drink.' Thus was it 
done. But unto them came a maiden fair, mature, and brought them a pitcher of 
wine through Patrick's miracles, and dealt it out to them,. and brought them 
light. And a cleric came to them with a linen chasuble round him, and he took from 
them the fetters and the chains, and brought their horses which were bridled in the 
midst of the enclosure, and opened the gates of Tara before them. Then they leap 
on their horses and go to Patrick into the land of Ulster. Then Díchu tells his tale 
to Patrick. ' It is manifest,' saith Patrick, 'neither prophets nor wise men 2 will save 
that man until I go myself.' 
322. When the hightide of Easter drew nigh, Patrick judged that there was no 
place wherein it would be fitter for them to celebrate the chief hightide of the year 
than in :I\Iagh Bregh, at the place wherein was the head of the wizardry and idolatry 
of Ireland, and in the chief fortress of IreJand, to wit, in Tara. 
325. He bade farewell to Díchu, and he put his ship to sea and went to Inver 
Colptha S and by land to the Grave of Fiac's l\Ien; and he pitches his tent there, and 
the consecrated Paschal fire was struck by him. That was the time at which the 
heathen were celebrating that hightide; and the king of Tara had a prohibition'" that 
no fire be kindled on that night before the fire of Tara. Now Patrick knew not that 
ion, and if he had known, it would not have hindered him. \Vhen the folk 
of Tara were biding there, they beheld the fire which Patrick had kindled; for it 
illumined all :I\Iagh Bregh. Then said the king; 'That is a breach of a law and 
prohibition of mine, and find out for us who hath made yon fire.' , \Ve see the fire,' 
say the wizards, 'and we know that unless it is quenched before morning, on the 
night in which it has been made, it will never be quenched.' Then anger seized the 
king, and his chariot was harnessed for him, and he went to the Grave of Fiac's IVIen. 
The wizard said to Loeguire: 'Go not thou to yonder men, for they will come to thee.' 
Then Patrick went to the place, in which Loeguire dwelt. Said Loeguire 1'; : 
* * * * * * * 

1 The MS. is here illegible. Compare Tertia Vita, c. 35; Sexta Vita, c. 38, in Colgan's Trias 
2 The MS. is here corrupt. I read: fáithe nait fir ftssa. 
3 The mouth of the river Boyne. t A geiss or tabu. 
5 The two leaves which are here lost probably contained an account of Patrick's triumph 
over the wizards, and his missionary journey to Connaught. 



337. Then Patrick went to Síd Aeda and blessed Conall and his son Fergus. 
Then he laid his hands on the son's head. That seemed strange to Conall. Said 

C A child will be born of his family, 
He will be a sage, he will be a prophet, he will be a poet, 
A loveable, clear, pure lamp, 
'Vho will not utter falsehood.' 

That is Colomb cille, son of Fedlimid. 
345. Then Patrick blessed Conan son of Niall and his kindred, and he left a 
blessing on their men and on their estuaries and on their churches. 
347. Patrick went into Tyrone, and said to his household: C Beware that the 
terrible lion, even Eogan son of Niall, do not come to you.' He overtook them on the 
way. l\luiredach, son of Eogan, was in the van of the band of the warriors. Sechnall 1 , 
however, was in the rear of the band of the clerics. Then said Sechnall to l\luiredach: 
'If thy father believes in God, thou shalt have from me a guerdon therefor.' '\Vhat 
guerdon?' saith he. 'Kingship shall descend from thee,' saith Sechnall. ' He 
shall do it, indeed,' saith l\Iuiredach. It was at Fid l\lór that l\luiredach and Eagan 
met with Patrick. So Eogan believed in God and in Patrick. 'If thou hadst believed 
inside thy house,' saith Patrick 2, 'fo thy house the hostages would have come. Since 
this is not so, they will not come, until they come through might of arms.' 
35 6 . Patrick went to Ailech of the I{ings, and blessed the stronghold, and 
left his flag-stone therein, and prophesied kingship and rank for a space over 
Ireland out of Ailech. And he ga ve a blessing of valaur to Eagan, and Patrick 
said :- 

'1fy blessing on the tribes, 
I give from Belach Ratha, 
And on Eogan's kindred, 
(God's) grace to Doomsday. 
'So long as field shall be under crops 
Their battalions shall be over men, 
The head of the hosts of the men of Fál to their place, 
. . . to them on every hill.' 
368. Then Patrick went into Dál Araide to Caelbad's twelve sons, and he gave 
a blessing to them (all) save Sarán alone, and he gave a curse to him, that kingship 
should never be inherited from him. 
370. Patrick went into Dál Araide and baptized bishop Olchon, who is S in 
Airthir l\laige Cobai, and l\Iac Nisse of Conaire read his psalms with him. 

1 Bishop Secundinus. 2 And not here in Fid Mór. 
3 i. e. whose relics are. 



372. Patrick went to Eochaid, son of l\Iuiredach, king of Ulster, when he was 
condemning and punishing two holy virgins who had offered their virginity to God, 
[and] constraining them to marriage, (and) to worship of idols. Patrick begged a boon 
for them, that they should not be punished, and it was not obtained. Then Cairill, son 
of 1\Iuiredach, the king's brother, made intercession along with Patrick, and the king 
consented not. Said Patrick to Eochaid: 'There will never be either kings or crown- 
princes from thee, and their . . . on thyself. Thy brother, however, even CairiIl, 
he himself wiIl be king and there will be kings and princes from him over thy children, 
and over all Ulster for ever.' 'Vherefore those are the' seed of the kingdom,' even 
the seed of Demmán, son of CairilI, through Patrick's word. 
38 I. So the king's wife went and prostrated herself at Patrick's feet. Patrick 
gave her a blessing, and blessed the child that was in her womb, and he is Domangart, 
son of Eochaid. He it is that Patrick left in his own body, on Sliab Slanga, and he 
will abide there for ever; for he is the seventh person whom Patrick left alive safe- 
guarding Ireland. 
386. After that Patrick went from Dál Araide over Fertais Tuama to Húi Tuirtre. 
After that he went into Húi l\Ieith Tire. Then three of the Húi l\Ieith stole one of the 
two goats which used to be carrying water for Patrick; and they went to swear a false 
oath to Patrick, and the goat himself bleated out of the guIlet of the third man that 
had stolen it. 'l\Iy God's doom!' saith Patrick, 'the goat himself declares the 
place in which he was eaten! And from to-day for ever,' saith Patrick, 'goats shall 
fonow thy children and kindred.' And this is still fulfilIed. 
393. Thereafter Patrick went to Fir Rois. There he changed into stones the 
poisoned cheeses of curd; and all the warriors who intended to slay Patrick were 
drowned in the ford. 
396. Then Patrick went over l\Iagh Bregh, into the province of Leinster, to the 
fort of Naas. The place of Patrick's tent is in the green to the east of the road; and to 
the north of the fort is a wen wherein Patrick baptized Dunlang's two sons, namely Ailill 
and Illann, and Ailill's two daughters, namely l\Iugain and Fedelm, who had offered 
their virginity to God, and Patrick blessed the veils on their heads. Then messengers 
went from Patrick to the steward of N aas, Faillén by name. He feigned that sleep 
was upon him, and they said that the steward was asleep. 'l\Iy God"s doom!' saith 
Patrick, 'no wonder if it be a final sleep.' His household then went to waken 
the steward, and he was found dead because of the inhumility he shewed to Patrick. 
'Vherefore thence have the Gael the proverb, Faz7én's sleep zn the fort of 
406. Dricriu, he was king of Húi Garrchon at that time before Patrick, and he 
had to wife a daugher of Loeguire, son of Niall. And they refused to invite Patrick to 
the feast of Rath lnbir; but Cillíne made him welcome, and killed his only cow for him, 



and gave him the measure of meal t, which he got for his support in the king's 
house. Then Patrick said to the cooking woman, whilst she was bewailing her child :- 
I Oh woman . . . . thy child! 
A great boar comes from a pigling, 
And from a spark comes a flame, 
Thy child will be hale. 
'The corn 
Is best of earth's herbs, 
Marcán, son of Cilline, 
Is the one who is best of Húi Garrchon.' 
4 I 9. Then Patrick founded churches and monasteries in plenty in Leinster, and 
left a blessing on the Leinstermen, and on Húi Cennselaig especially, and left 
Auxilius in Cell Uasalli, and IVfac Tail in Cell Cuilinn, and ordained Fiachu 2 the Fair 
in Sletty, as bishop of the province. 
422. Then FaiIge Berraide boasted that he would kill Patrick wherever he should 
meet him, in revenge for the idol Cenn Cruaich, for it was Failge's god. So his 
people hid from Patrick what Failge said. And one day Odrán, his charioteer, said 
to Patrick: 'Since for a long time I have been charioteering for thee, 0 master, 
o Patrick, let me to-day be in the chief seat, and do thou be charioteer.' Patrick 
did so. Thereafter Patrick went into the district of Húi FaiIgi. FaiJge came, and 
gave a thrust through Odrán in the form of Patrick. Not long afterwards FaiIge died, 
and his soul went into hell. Then the Devil entered Failge's body, so that it dwelt 
amongst men as if it were alive s. Then Patrick after a long while came to Failge, 
and tarried outside before the fortress, and asked one of Failge's slaves where Failge 
was biding. 'I left him in his house,' saith the slave. 'Tell him,' saith Patrick, 'to 
come and speak with me.' Then the servant goes to fetch FaiJge, and found of him 
in the house nought save his bare bones, bloodless, fleshless. The slave comes to 
Patrick in grief and sorrow, and tells him how he had seen Failge. Said Patrick: 
'From the day when Failge slew my charioteer, in my presence, his soul went to hell 
for the deed he had done, and the Devil entered his body.' And that is the tragical 
death of Failge. 
440. As to Failge Rois, however, it is his children who are in the land to-day, 
and Patrick blessed him, and from him is the sovranty of the land for ever. 
442. Then Patrick went by Belach Gabrain into the land of Ossory; and there 
he founded churches and monasteries, and he said that of them (the Ossorians) there 
would always be famous laymen and clerics, and that no province would prevail over 
them, so long 
s they were obedient to Patrick. 
1 AÍ1'med mine is obviously the true reading. The air1llitz"n of the :MS. is nonsense. 
2 A mistake for Flace ? 3 The MS. is here obscure, I think I see b. b . . . a. 



445. Then Patrick bade them farewell and left ancient relics with them, 
and some of his household, in the place where l\lartar-thech stands to-day, in 
IVlagh Raigne. 
447. After that Patrick went into the province of Munster, to Cashel of the 
Kings. And Oengus, son of Natfraich, king of lVlunster, met him, and made him 
welcome, and brings him with him to his house, to the fort, as far as the place wherein 
Lecc Pátraic is to-day. And Oengus there believed in God and in Patrick, and 
he was baptized and a multitude of the men of IVlunster along with him. There, 
then, was tbe beginning of the baptism of the men of Munster. And tlThn said 
Patrick :- 

'If Munster-men outrage me 
Regarding Cashel the head of their baptism, 
They shall have mutual slaughter amidst their land, 
Their realm will be in disgrace. 
'From Cashel I have blessed. 
Ireland as far as its borders. 
'Vith my two hands have I blessed, 
So that Munster will not be without good. 
461. Now when Patrick was blessing the head of Oengus, the spike of the 
crozier went through his foot. So, after the end of the benediction, Patrick saw the 
wound in Oengus's foot. Said Patrick: 'Wherefore didst thou not tell me?' 
'l\Ieseemed,' saith Oengus, 'that it was a rite of the faith.' 'Thou shalt have 
a reward for this,' saith Patrick. ' From to-day to the Judgment thy successor shall 
not have a death by slaying, save one man only 1.' Patrick saith that his grace would 
abide in Cashel, ut dixit [poet a] :- 
'Patrick's resurrection in Down, 
His primacy in Armagh, 
On the hillock of musical Cashel, 
He granted a third of his grace.' 
471. Patrick "-ent into l\luscraige Breogain. One day, then, he was washing his 
hands at the ford, when a tooth fell out of his head into the ford. lIe then went on 
the hill to the east of the ford, and sends to seek for the tooth, and straightway the 
tooth shone in the ford like a sun. And Áth Fíacla 2 is the name of the ford. And 
Cell Fíac1a 3 is the name of the church wherein he left the tooth. And he left four of 
his household there, to wit, Cuirche and Loscán, Cailech and Béonán. 
477. Then he went into the land of Húi Figeinte. And Lonán, son of Ere, king of 
Húi Figeinte, made a feast for Patrick, and deacon Mantan, one of Patrick's house- 
hold, was with Lonán preparing it. A troop of artists went to Patrick to ask for food. 
1 Cenngecán was slain A.D. 897. 2 Toothford. S Church of the Tooth. 


16 3 

Patrick sent messengers to Lonán and to deacon l\Iantan to ask something for the 
artists. But they said that it should not be buffoons who should first break into the 
feast. Patrick said that neither king nor bishop should spring from Lonán, and 
that Deacon l\Iantan's cloister should not be high on earth. Then came a certain 
youth named Nessán, with a wether and a tanag 1 and three curd-cheeses on his back 
for Patrick. Said Patrick:- 
'The youth who comes from the 
For him the victory hath been entrusted, 
\Vith his little wether on his back 
He comes to Cothraige.' 
So Patrick gave them to the satirists. Now as the satirists were eating the wether 
the earth swallowed them up straightway, and they went to the depth of hell, and the 
cheeses still remain, turned into stones. Then Patrick gave Nessán a blessing, and 
conferred the order of deacon upon him; and it is he who is 2 in l\Iungret. 
494. Thereafter Patrick went into Findine, to the north-west of Domnach 1\I6r, 
a hill fron1 ,vhich is seen the country to the north of Luimnech. And he gave a 
blessing to Thomond, because of the willingness\vith which the people had come 
bringing abundance of goods to meet Patrick. Cairthenn, son of Blat, 
enior of the 
children of T oirdelbach, believed in the Lord. And Patrick baptized him in Saingil, 
that is to say a different (sain) angel (az11gel) went to converse with him there, and it 
was not Victor. To Cairthenn up to that time no children had been born. Then 
was Eochu Redspot born to Cairthenn. Patrick had formed him of a clot of gore, 
and that spot was on his body as a sign of the miracle. 
502. Patrick himself did not go into the land; but he saw it from Luimnech, 
west and northward, and blessed the extent which he beheld. E/ prophelauit de 
Sanc/z's, qui z1Z ez's fterenl, nonlliu'bus e/ lempore quo peruenz'ssenl. 
5 0 5. 'The green island in the west,' saith Patrick, 'in the mouth of the sea, a 
light of God's household will come into it, who shall be a chief of counsel for these 
tribes, even Senán of Inis Cathaigh.' After sixty or six score years, came Senán, son 
of Gerrgenn, son of Dubthach 3. 
509. Now Patrick did not go over Luachair into vVest l\Iunster. Prophdauit de 
Brenainn flfaccu A/Ie qui nasce/ur cxx anno. Quod imþ/dum esl. 
51 I. Patrick went into l\Iuscraige Tire, baplizare el fun dare fidem. Ibi z111lellil 
Ires fra/res, natllely, Fuirc and l\Iuinech, and 1\1echar, three sons of Forat son of 
Connla. l\Iuinech believes prolillus, and Patrick took him thence, and blessed him, 
and left (as his blessing) distinguished laymen and clerics from him for ever, and the 
overkingship of his country to be always (inherited) from him. 
1 Apparently some kind of hard cheese. J i. e. whose relics are. See infra pp. 20 2 - 2 0.... 



16 4 


5 16 . So he abode seven years in 
Iunster, and the wise reckon that he cele- 
brated mass on every seventh ridge which he passed over in 1\1 unster. After this 
then Patrick founded churches and cloisters in l\Iunster, and ordained folk of every 
grade, and brought the dead again to life. Then he bade them farewell, and left 
a blessing upon them. 
521. Then he went to Eli. The men of l\Iunster went after him, as if each of 
them would outstrip the other follo".ing Patrick. Then the men of l\Iunster, men, 
\Vomen, and children, overtook Patrick at Brosnacha, and they uttered a great cry 
and great clamour for joy of looking on Patrick, and thence Brosnacha Eli was 
526. Then he bade farewell to the men of l\1'unster, and bestowed a blessing 
upon them, u/ dixit :- 

'God's blessing on 1Iunster, 
Men, boys, women f 
Blessing on the land 
That gives them fruit. 
'Blessing on every treasure 
That shall be produced on their plains, 
'Yithout any . . . of help, 
God's blessing on :Munsterl 
'Blessing on their peaks, 
On their bare flagstones, 
Blessing on their glens, 
Blessing on their ridges. 
'Like sand of sea under ships, 
Be the number of their hearths: 
On slopes, on plains, 
On mountains, on peaks.' 

544. Patrick went back to Fir Rois, and proceeded to set up at Druim 1\16r. 
Then came the angel and said to him: 'It is not here that God hath granted thee 
to stay.' , Question, what place?' saith Patrick. ' In the l\lacha to the north,' saith 
the angel. Thereafter Patrick went to Ard Pátric, to the east of Louth, and pro- 
ceeded to set up there. Every day Patrick used to come from Ard Pátric, and 
1\lochta used to come from Louth in the west, and they met to converse every day at 
Lecc 1\Iochta. One day there an angel put an epistle between them. Patrick reads it 
out, and this is what was therein :- 
'1Iochta pious, believing, 
Let him bide in the place wherein he has set up; 
Let Patrick at the King's word 
Stay in :l\Iacha.' 


16 5 

55 6 . Thereafter Patrick, at the angel's word, went to the l\iacha, to the place 
wherein Raith Dáiri stands to-day. There was a certain wealthy and venerable man, 
named Dáire, at that time in Oriors. Patrick asked this Dáire to give him a site for 
his church on Druim Sailech, the stead whereon Armagh stands to-day. Dáire said 
that he would not give him the hill, but that he would give him a site in the valley, 
where the F erta stands to-day. So Patrick founded [his cell and stayed] there for a 
long while. One day two horses of Dáire's were brought to graze in that place. 
Patrick was angered thereby, and slew 1 the horses straightway. Dáire is angered at 
the killing of his horses, and told his men to kill the cleric. Illness and sudden colic 2 
came to Dáire, so that death was nigh unto him. ' Vexing the cleric is the cause of 
that,' saith the wife that he had. 'And do ye his will,' saith she. Then they went to 
seek holy water 3 from Patrick for Dáire. . . . Saith Patrick, , Had it not been for the 
woman Dáire would not have had resurrection till Doom.' Patrick blessed the water 
and said that it should be given to Dáire and [sprinkled over] the horses. Thus is it 
done, and Dáire with his horses straightway arose. Then a brazen cauldron was brought 
in offering to Patrick from Dáire. ' Deo gralias,' saith Patrick. Dáire asked of his 
household what the cleric had said. ' Graliam,' say the household. 'That is a bad 
reward for a good cauldron,' saith Dáire. 'Let it be taken again from him,' saith 
Dáire. They took back the cauldron from him. ' Deo gralias,' saith Patrick. His 
household tell Dáire what Patrick had said. 'That is a first word with him, the 
Graliam,' saith Dáire-' Graliam 4 when giving it to him, Gratiam 4 when taking it 
from him.' Dáire and his wife afterwards 
ent wholly in accordance with Patrick's 
will, and they offered him the cauldron, and the hill for which he had previously 
asked, which is named Armagh to-day, and Ard Sailech had been its name till then. 
579. Now thus did Patrick mark out the Raith: the angel before him and he 
behind with his household, and his elders, and the Staff of Jesus 5 in Patrick's hand. 
5 82 . These are the elders who set forth Patrick's miracles, namely, Colomb-cille 
and Vltan, and Adamn án, son 6 of Tinne, and Aireran of the Wisdom, and Ciarán of 
Belach Duin, and Bishop Airmedach from Clochar, and Colmán of the Cave, and 
Presbyter Collait from Druim Relgech. 
5 86 . A true man, surely, was that man from purity of nature, like a patriarch. 
A true pilgrim, like Abraham. Gentle, forgiving of heart, like l\Ioses. A praiseful 
psalmist, like David. A student (?) of wisdom and knowledge, like Solomon. 
A chosen vessel for proclaiming righteousness, like Paul the Apostle. A man full of 
1 I suppose curbo to be a mistake for cur-yo. 
:01 Tregat. The MS. has tregdad. 8 Literally C prayer-water.' 
· This is grazacham (i, e. gratias agamus 1) in the Book of Annagh. 
5 Supra, p. 155. 8 This should be grandson or descendant. 




the grace and favour of the Holy Spirit, like John. A fair garden with plants of 
virtues. A vine-branch with fruitfulness. A flashing fire with the fervour of the 
warming and heating of the sons of Life, for kindling and illuminating charity. 
A lion for great strength and might. A dove for gentleness and simplicity. A ser- 
pent for cunning and prudence. A man mild, gentle, humble, tender to the sons of 
Life; (but) rough, ungentle to the sons of Death. A slave in labour and service to 
Christ. A king in rank and might for binding and loosing, for freeing and en- 
slaving, for quickening and killing. 
598. Now after these mighty miracles, and after raising the dead; after healing 
blind and lepers and halt, and folk of every disease besides; after teaching the men 
of Ireland, and after baptizing; after founding churches and monasteries; after de- 
stroying idols and images and the knowledge of wizardry, the day of the decease of 
this holy Patrick and of his going to heaven drew nigh. And he proceeded to go to 
Armagh in order that there his resurrection might be. But Victor the angel came to 
him, and said this to him: 'Go back to the place whence thou cames
:ëvtn to the 
Barn; for it is there thou shalt die, and not in Armagh hath God granted thee to arise. 
Thy dignity and thy primacy, thy piety and thy teaching shall be in Armagh as if 
thou wert alive. Thou didst promise to Dichu 1 that with him thy resurrection would 
be,' saiththe-angel. Said Patrick: 'In slavery unto the end am I, since I'cannot be 
buried in the place that I desire.' Said the angel: 'Let not sorrow be on thee, 
o Patrick, for thy dignity and thy primacy will abide in Armagh, though thy resur- 
rection will be in Down; and God hath granted thee good things in abundance. For 
He hath granted thee heaven for Dichu and his children. He hath granted thee to 
bring seven of the men of Ireland every Saturday from torment to heavep;: He hath 
granted thee that everyone that shall sing thy hymn 2 on the day of his dëce
se shall 
not be in hell. He hath granted to thee that thou shalt be the judge of Dpom for the 
men of Ireland.' 
6 I 5. Patrick did as the angel counselled and tarried in the province of Ulster. 
616. Now when the hour of Patrick's decease arrived, Bishop Tassach gave him 
Christ's Body; and he sent his spirit to heaven in the hundred and thirty-second year 
of his age. Howbeit heaven's angels came to meet Patrick's soul, and took it with 
them to heaven with great honour and reverence. And though great be his honour at 
present, greater will it be at the meeting of Doom, when the men of the world will arise 
at Michael the archangel's command. And the men of Ireland will go to meet Patrick 
to Down, and wend along with him to l\;Iount Zion, where Christ will deal judgment 
to Adam's children on that day; when, moreover, Christ will sit on His throne in 
1 The donor of the Barn, supra, p. 157. 
:I i. e. Secundinus' hymn in praise of Patrick. 


16 7 

glory judging the three households, even the household of Heaven, and the household 
of Earth, and the household of Hell. And the twelve apostles will sit along with 
Him on twelve thrones judging the twelve tribes of the children of Israel. And then 
will Patrick sit on his throne of judgment and judge the men of Ireland. For 
Patrick is the apostle for Ireland, and he is the father of teaching and faith for Irish- 
men, and he will be judge over them on Doomsday. And after the sentence of 
Doom, those who have fulfilled his command and his teaching, in fastings, in prayer, 
in alms, in compassion, in gentleness, in forgiveness, and in the other divine commands, 
will go along with him into the heavenly kingdom. 
63 2 . The angel left counsel with Patrick as to how he should be buried, and 
this he said to him: 'Let,' said he, 'two unbroken oxen, of the cattle of Conall 1 be 
brought out of Finnabair, that is from Clochar, and let thy body be set at cross-roads, 
and whithersoever they shall go, and wheresoever they stay by themselves, be it there 
that thou be buried 2.' And thus was it done after his decease. And for the space of 
twelve nights, that is, the time the elders of Ireland were waking him, there was no 
night in l'vlagh-Inis, but angelic radiance therein. Some say that the light abode 
therein till the end of a year, whence is the name, the Cantred of the Light. 
639. Now there was an attempt at a great conflict and battle, between the Ulster- 
men and the Húi Néill, contending about the body of Patrick, the Húi Néill trying to 
take it to Armagh, and the Ulstermen retaining it with themselves. This then is what 
seemed to them all, that the body was borne by each of them to his own country. So 
God separated them in that wise through Patrick's grace. 
643. So he received communion and sacrifice from bishop Tassach, and in the 
Barn he sent his spirit to heaven. 
645. Now Patrick was buried in Down with honour and with reverence, with 
daily miracles and -marvels. But though great be his honour at present, greater will 
it be at the assembly of Doom, in union with the apostles and disciples of Jesus, in 
union with the nine ranks of heaven, in union with the Godhead and l\Ianhood of the 
Son of God, in union with the Holy Trinity, even Father, and Son, and Holy Ghost. 
65 0 . I beseech the mercy of Aln1ighty God that we may reach that union in 
saecula saeculorum I Amen. 
1 i. e. Tirconnell. 
S The adnachtsa of the MS. should of course be ad nasta, the pass. 2dy s-fut. sg. 3 of Q(l1zacim. 



AND let everyone who shall read give his blessing to the souls of the 
couple \vho caused it to be written. 
655. Exi de lerra lua et de domo þalris lua, el uade in lerram quam tibi mon- 
strauero 1. 'Leave thy country and thy ]and, and thy neighbour in the flesh, and 
thine own fatherland for 1\1 y sake, and get thee into the country that I will shew thee.' 
658. The Lord Himself gave this friendly counsel unto the head of the perfect 
faith and of the complete belief, even unto Abraham son of Terah, that he should 
leave his own country, to wit, the country of Chaldea, and that he should go for his 
pilgrimage into the land which God would shew him, to wit, the Land of Promise. 
661. Now l\loses, son of Amram, leader of God's people, the man who was filled 
with the grace and with the favour of the Holy Ghost, it is he that wrote that conse- 
crated text in Genesis of the Law, that there might abide constantly with the Church 
this friendly counsel of the Lord Himself to Abraham, in enjoining pilgrimage upon 
him, when He said to him, Exi de terra tua, 'leave thy country and thy land for My 
667. This is the tale that is made famous: the Lord himself enjoining 
Abraham to leave the country of Chaldea which was his own fatherland, and to go 
on a pilgrimage into the Land of Promise, because of the good which was to accrue 
therefrom to himself and his children, and to their offspring after them. 
670. Now the man to whom God gave this counsel, even Abraham, it is he 
that is accounted in the Scripture as father to all the faithful: as the apostle certifies 
when he says, , Verily,' saith the apostle, 'the sons of Abraham are all who resemble 
him in perfect faith 2.' 
674. Now the good counsel which God enjoined here on the father of the 
faithful, to wit, on Abraham, it is incumbent on his sons after him, namely on all the 
faithful, to fulfil it, that is, to leave their country and their land, their wealth, and their 
worldly delight, for the sake of the Lord of the Elements, and to go into perfect 
pilgrimage in imitation of him. 
679. Now, in three ways are men summoned to the knowledge of the Lord and 
to the membership of His family. 
680. This is the first way: the urging and kindling of men by the divine grace to 
1 Gen. 12. I. 
S This is a paraphrase of the Latin' Omnes qui sunt ex fide, hi sunt filii Abraham,' Gal. iii. 7. 


16 9 

serve the Lord after the example of Paul, and of Anthony, the monk, and of the other 
faithful monks who used to serve God there in Egypt. 
683. J\Ien are summoned in the second way (by a human being), to wit, by holy 
preachers who preach the divine Scripture to men after the example of Paul the 
Apostle, who preached to the Gentiles until he brought them by the net of the 
Gospel to the harbour of Life. 
686. l\Ien are summoned in the third way by necessity, that is, when they are 
constrained to serve God by tribulations and by the dangers of the world, or by 
separation fron1 the temporal goods wherein they sojourn: after that example of the 
people of Israel, who turned to the Lord from the worship of idols and images when 
constrained by the tribulations which each of them found in foreign nations, as is 
related in the Scripture. \Vherefore to declare that saith the prophet David: 'When- 
ever the people of Israel shall undergo tribulations and great hardships, let them 
beseech and pray unto the Lord, that the Lord may thereafter free them from those 
hardships] .' 
694. Abraham therefore, the head of the perfect faith and of the complete 
belief, when he was urged by the divine grace, fulfilled the command whieh had been 
enjoined upon him by the Lord, that is, he went into the country of Chaldea till he 
reached the place where his father died 2; and he came thence into the Land 
of Promise. 
698. Now, three ways there are in ,,,,hieh one leaves his fatherland when he goes 
into pilgrimage; and there is one of these for which no reward is gotten from God, 
and two for whieh it is gotten. For when one leaves his fatherland in body only, 
and his mind doth not sever from sins and vices, and yearneth not to practise 
virtues or good deeds, of the piJgrimage, then, that is made in that wise, there groweth 
neither fruit nor profit to the soul, but labour and motion of the body idly. For it 
little profiteth anyone to leave his fatherland unless he do good away from it. For 
even unto Abraham himself on leaving his own country, and after separating from it 
in the body, the Lord gave this counsel, and said: Ext' de terra tua, ' Take thy Inind 
henceforward from thy country and thy land, and let not thy thoughts be turning to 
it again.' As if what God would clearly say to Abraham were: 'Shun both in body 
and soul henceforward in thy pilgrimage the sins and vices of the country wherein 
thou hast hitherto dwelt in the body; for it is the same to anyone, as if he were still 
d welling in his fatherland, should he copy in his pilgrilnage the custon1 of his father- 
land. For it is not by path [of feet], nor by motion of body that one draws nigh to 
God; but it is by practising virtues and good deeds.' 
1 A paraphrase of the Latin-' Et invoca me in die tribulationis: eruam te, et honorificabis 
me.' 2 Haran. 


17 0 


'1 I 3. Now, at another time, one lea veth his fatherland in desire of heart and in 
mind, though he leaveth not in body; as happens to the ordained, who spend their 
lives in their own countries until death, for laymen and clerics detain them in the 
lands wherein they dwell, because of their great profitableness to them. Since it is not 
for the sake of the body that they continue in their fatherland, their good will avails 
them with the Lord as a pilgrimage. 
720. At another time one leaves his fatherland completely in body and in soul 
even as the t\velve apostles left, and those of the perfect pilgrimage, for whom the 
Lord foretold great good when he said in the Gospel: 'Take heed of this, for from 
a few to a multitude ye have forsaken for my sake your country, and your carnal 
kindred, your wealth and your worldly happiness that ye may receive a hundredfold 
of good from l\le here in the world and life everlasting yonder after the sentence 
of Doom 1.' 
'126. These, in sooth, are they of the perfect pilgrimage, in whose person the 
prophet speaks: 'I give thee thanks for it, 0 God: I have pilgrimage and exile in 
the world even as the elders who went before 2.' 
730. Now, a multitude of the faithful servants of the Lord, both in the Old 
Law and the New Testament, fulfilled perfectly this benevolent counsel, and left 
their country and their land, and their native place and their kindred in the flesh, 
for the sake of the Lord of the Elements, and went in pilgrimage into far off foreign 
countries. Even as he fulfilled it, and left the land of his birth for the love and 
fear of the Lord, he the high saint and the high sage, and the son chosen of God, 
for whom there is a festival and commemoration on the occurrence of this season 
and time, even the archpresbyter of the island of the Gael, the brand of battle set forth 
with the divers talents and gifts of the Holy Ghost, to wit, the holy Colomb Cille. 
739. The time at which the Christians celebrate the festival and hightide of 
Colomb CiIle's decease is the fifth of the ides of June as regards the day of the 
solar month every year on this very day, &c. 
742. The wise men of the Gael relate at that season in every year a small 
abridgment of the setting forth of Colomb Cille's privilege and noble lineage, and of 
the marvels and miracles innumerable which the Lord wrought for him here in the 
world, and of the completion and special end which He gave at last to his victorious 
career, namely the attaining to his true fatherland and to his own heritage, even to 
the abode of Paradise, in the presence of God for ever and ever. 
t This is a paraphrase of the Latin, C Et omnes qui reliquerit domum vel {ratres aut sorores, aut 
patrem aut matrem aut uxorem, aut filios aut agros propter nomen meum, centllplum accipiet, et 
vitam aeternam possidebit.'-M:atth. xix. 29. 
2 This is a paraphrase of the Latin, 'Advena sum apud te, Jjomine, et peregrinus sicut omnes per 
mundum.'-Ps. xxxix. 12. 


17 1 

748. Noble in sooth was Colomb Cille's kindred as regards the world; for of 
the kindred of Conall, son of N íall, was he. By genealogy he had the natural right 
to the kingship of Ireland, and it would have been offered to him had he not put it 
from him for sake of God. 
750. It is manifest that he was a chosen child of God, for Ireland's elders had 
been prophesying of him before his birth. 
752. Firstly, the eldest of the priests of Ireland, Old Mochta of Louth, fore- 
told Colomb Cille a year before his birth. For once upon a time his cook, named 
l\Iacrith, came to him with a mug of nuts in his hand, and l\Iochta said to him: 
'Not to me,' saith he, 'belongeth the land whence these nuts have been brought. 
Lay them by till he whose land it is shall come.' "Vhen will he come?' saith 
the cook. 'At the end of a hundred years,' saith l\Iochta. 
756. Now Mochta was wont to turn his face to the north when praying. His 
household asked him wherefore he did that. lVlochta said: 

'A manchild will be born in the North, 
At the uprising of the. . . 
Ireland . . . the flame 
And Scotland . . . to him.' 
763. Now the father of the baptism and teaching of the Gael, even Saint 
Patrick, foretold him while he was blessing Conall on Sídh Aedha, when he laid 
his hvo hands on Conall, and on his son Fergus, to wit, his right hand on the head 
of Fergus, and his left on the head of Conall. Conall wondered thereat, and asked 
him why he placed his hands in that wise. So Patrick sang this stave: 
I A manchild shall be born of his family, 
He will be a sage, a prophet, a poet, 
A loveable lamp, pure, clear, 
Who will not utter falsehood. 
· He will be a sage, he will be pious, 
He will be . . . with the King of the royal graces, 
He will be lasting, and will be ever good, 
He will be in the eternal kingdom for his consolation.' 
716. Moreover Bec lVlac Dé prophesied when he said: 
I The manchild of longsided Ethne, 
He is . . . , he is a blossoming. 
Little Colomb Cille without blemish, 
It was not oversoon to perceive him.' 
781. l\Ioreover Bishop Eogan, of Ardstra w, foretold him when he said : 
'A son will be born to Fedlimid, 
He will be a diadem on every train, 
Fedlimid, son of :Fergus, 
Son of Conall, son of Niall.' 
Z Z 




186. At the hour of his death, Baite, son of Brónach, foretold Colomb Cille, 
when he said to his household: 'There hath been born this very night a child 
noble, venerable, before God and men; and he will come at the end of thirty years 
from to-night with a company of twelve men; and it is he that will make mani- 
fest my grave, and mark out my cemetery; and in heaven and on earth our union 
shall abide.' 
79 I. Even as Colomb Cille's birth was foretold by Ireland's elders, so was it 
figured in visions and in dreams. Even as it was figured in the vision which was 
shewn to his mother, to wit, it seemed to her that unto her was given a great mantle, 
which reached from Insi l\Iod to Caer Abrocc, and there was no hue that was not 
therein. And a youth perceived the radiant vesture and took the mantle from her 
into the air, and Ethne was sorrowful thereat. And it seemed to her that the same 
youth came again unto her, and said to her, , Oh, good lady, thou hast no need of 
grief or sorrow, but meeter for thee were joyance and delight. For what this 
mantle portendeth is that thou wilt bear a son, and Ireland and Scotland will be full 
of his teaching.' 
799. l\Ioreover her. . . woman beheld a vision. The birds of the air and of 
the earth seemed to her to bear Ethne's bowels throughout the districts of Ireland 
and Scotland. Ethne interpreted that vision. ' I shall bear a son,' she said, 'and his 
teaching shall reach throughout the districts of Ireland and Scotland.' 
803. As, then, was foretold by Ireland's elders, and as was seen in visions, so 
was Colomb Cille born. Now Gortan was the name of the place in which he was 
born, on the seventh of the ides of December, as regards the day of the solar 
month, and on Thursday as regards the day of the week. 
807. Wonderful in sooth was the child who was born there, a child of the King 
of heaven and earth, even Colomb Cille, son of Fedlimid, son of Fergus, son of Conall 
G ulban, son of Niall of the Nine Hostages. Of the Corpraige of Leinster was his 
mother, namely Ethne Olhnane, daughter of Dimma l\Iac l'-Iái. Then the child is 
baptized by Cruthnechán, son of Cellach, the archpresbyter, ,,,-ho fostered him after- 
wards, being so bidden by angels of God. 
8 12. Now when the time for reading came to him, the cleric went to a certain 
prophet who abode in the land, to ask him when the boy ought to begin. When 
the prophet had scanned the sky, he said: 'Write an alphabet for him, now.' 
The alphabet was written in a cake. And Colomb Cille consumed the cake in this 
wise, half to the east of a water, and half to the west of a water. Said the prophet, 
through grace of prophecy: ' So shall this child's territory be, half to the east of the 
sea, and half to the west of the sea, that is, in Ireland.' 
819. Not long thereafter, Colomb and his fosterer went at Christmas to 



Brogach, son of Deg, the Bishop, to the ramparts of Enna, in Tír Enda. It was 
entrusted to his fosterer, the cleric, to perform a priest's duties in that place at 
the hightide. But bashfulness seized him, so that he was ut:lable to chant the psalm 
that came to him; MtserÙ;ordias Dei was that psalm 1. Howbeit the man of grace, 
Colomb CiIle, chanted the psalm in his behalf, and yet he had not read till then aught 
save an alphabet. God's name and Colomb Cille's were magnified by that miracle. 
825. At another time, he and his fosterer went to visit a sick person. As they 
were wending through a wood, the cleric's foot slips on the rock, so that he fell and 
died suddenly. Colomb Cille put his cowl under the cleric's head, for he knew not 
that he was not asleep, and he began rehearsing his lessons so that certain nuns 
heard his reading aloud, as far as their chapel. The learned compute that there was 
a mile and a half between them, and the sound of his voice was often heard at that 
distance. Thereafter came the nuns and found the cleric dead before them, and they 
told Colomb Cille to bring the cleric back to life for them. He went forthwith to the 
cleric to bring him to life. The cleric then arose out of death at Colomb Cille's word, 
even as if he had been asleep. 
834. Then Colomb Cille offered himself to the Lord of the Elements, and 
begged three boons of Him, to wit, chastity, and wisdom, and pilgrimage. The three 
were fully granted to him. 
836. Then he bade farewell to his fosterer, and the fosterer gave him leave (to 
go) and a blessing fervently. 
837. Then to learn wisdom he went to the archpresbyter, even to the bishop 
Finnén of l\Iovilla. At a certain time wine and bread were lacking unto Finnén at the 
mass. But Colomb Cille blest the water, and it was turned into wine and put into the 
chalice of offering. God's name and Colomb Cille's were magnified by that miracle. 
842. Then he bade farewell to Finnén in l\IovilIa and went to Gemmán the 
Ivlaster. Once while he was doing a lesson with Gernmán, they saw a girl fleeing 
towards them from a certain manslayer. And she fell down before them and died. 
Colomb Cille set a word of banning upon him, and he perished forthwith. 
846. Then Colomb bids farewell to Gemmán, and went to Finnén of Clonard. 
He asked Finnén in what place he should build his booth. ' J\Iake it in front of the 
church,' said Finnén. So he makes his booth, and it was not the door of the church at 
that time. He said, however, that it would afterwards be the door of the monastery, 
and this hath been fulfilled. 
850. Each man of the bishops used to grind a quern in turn. Howbeit an 
angel from heaven used to grind on behalf of Colomb Cille. That was the honour 
which the Lord used to render him because of the eminent nobleness of his race. 
1 Ps. 82. 2.? 



852. Once there appeared to Finnén a vision, to wit, two moons arose from 
Clonard, a golden moon and a silvery moon. The golden moon went into the 
north of the island, and Ireland and Scotland gleamed thereby. The silvery moon 
went on till it stayed by the Shannon, and Ireland at her centre gleamed. That w
Colomb Cille with the grace of his noble kin and his wisdom, and Ciarán with the 
refulgence of his virtues and his good deeds. 
858. Then Colomb Cine bade farewell to Finnén, and went to Glasnevin, for 
there were fifty studying in that place, with l\Iobí, including Cainnech, and Com gall, 
and Ciarán. Their huts were to the west of a water. One night the bell was struck 
for nocturn. Colomb Cille went to the church. There was a great flood in the 
river. Nevertheless Colomb Cille went through it in his clothes. 'Boldly comest 
thou there to-night, 0 descendant of N íall !' saith l\lobí. ' God is able,' saith Colomb 
Cille, 'to take the hardship from us.' As they were coming out of the church, they 
beheld the huts to the east of the water close to the church. 
866. Once upon a time a great church was bui]t by l\Iobí. The clerics were 
considering what each of them would like to have in the church. ' I should like,' 
saith Ciarán, 'its full of church-children to attend the (canonical) hours.' , I should 
like,' saith Cainnech, 'to have its full of books to serve the sons of Life.' 'I should 
like,' saith Comgall, 'its full of affliction and disease to be in my own body, to subdue 
me and to repress me.' Then Colomb Cille chose its full of gold and silver to cover 
relics and shrines withal. l\lobí said it should not be so, but that Colomb Cille's com- 
munity would be wealthier than any community whether in Ireland or in Scotland. 
875. l\Iobí told his pupils to quit the place wherein they abode, for that an unknown 
pestilence would come there, even the Buide COllaill. Then he said to Colomb Cille 
that he should not take territory until he was permitted. 
878, (So) Colomb Cille fared into Tirconnell. He went across the river named 
Biur. Then he said, 'Biur against tribulations,' and the pestilence did not go past 
that. And it is an everliving miracle; for every pestilence, even if it go over it, 
follows no further, through Colomb CilIe's word. 
882. Thereafter he went to Derry, the royal fort of Aed, son of Ainmire, who was 
king of Ireland at that time. The king offered that fort to Colomb Cille. He refused 
it because of lVlobí's command. Now, as he was coming forth out of the fort, he met 
with two of l\iobí's household having l\Iobí's girdle for him, and permission to take 
land after l\iobí's death. Then said Colomb: 

'1Iobi's girdle, 
Rushes were not round hair, 
It never was opened round a surfeit, 
It never was closed round falsehood.' 



Then Colomb Cille took Aed's fortress, and founded a church there, and wrought 
many miracles therein. 
893. Once upon a tin1e he sent his monks into the wood, to cut wattling to 
build a church for them in Derry. The wood was cut in the territory of a certain 
warrior, who dwelt near the church. He was vexed that the wood was cut on 
his land without his own consent. So when Colomb Cille heard that, he said to his 
household: 'Take ye the price of his wood in barley-grain, and put it into the earth.' 
Now at that time it was past midsun1mer. Then the grain was taken to the warrior, 
and he cast it into the ground, and it grew, and was ripe on Lamn1as-day. 
900. Once in Derry, a little child was brought to hitn to be baptized. There 
was no water near him; so he made the sign of the cross over the rock that lay before 
him, and a well-spring of water brake therefron1, and therewith the child was baptized. 
903. Once as he was in Derry, he bethought him of going to Rome and to 

 Jerusalem. He went at another tin1e afterwards to Tours and brought away the gospel 
that had lain on IVlartin's breast a hundred years in the earth, and he leaves it in Derry. 
906. l\-Iany were the marvels and miracles which the Lord wrought for Colon1b 
in Derry. He loved that city greatly, and said, 
'For this do I love Derry, 
For its smoothness, for its purity, 
Because it is quite full of white angels 
From one end to the other.' 

9 I 2. Then he founds Raphoe. There he brought to life the wright who had been 
drowned in the mill-pond. 
9 14. In Raphoe, n10reover, his household lacked a ploughshare; so he blessed 
the hands of the little boy, nan1ed Fergna, who was biding with him, and Fergna made 
the share, and he was skilful in smithwork thenceforth, through Colomb's blessing. 
9 17. Then he went on a round to the king of Teffia, who gave hin1 the place 
which is called Durrow to-day. And Colon1b built a chapel there in Durrow. l\1ore- 
over bitter apples were brought to him, and he blessed them so that they becan1e 
quite sweet. 
92 I. It was from DUTroW that a sained sword was taken from him to Colmán the 
Great, son of Diarmait. The virtue that lay in that sword ,vas that no one could die 
in its presence. And afterwards a certain n1an who lay in sickness begged for the 
sword. It was taken to him and he had it. A year, then, was that sword with him, 
and during that space of time, he was not alive, he was not dead. Wherefore the 
sword was afterwards taken from him, and he died straightway. Afterwards then 
Colomb blessed Durrow, and left therein as warden one of his household, even 
Cormac descendant of Liathán. 

17 6 


927. Then he went to Aed Slaine, son of Diarn1ait. He came to the place 
which is called Cennannus to-day. It was the king of Ireland's stronghold at that 
time, the stronghold of Diarn1ait, son of Cerbal1. Now ,,,,hen Colomb Cille delayed 
before the fortress, he began to prophesy what should befall the 'place afterwards, and 
he then said to Bec, son of Dé, the prophet of Diarmait, son of Cerball : 

'0 Bec! stay, tell me,' etc. 

Said Bee: 

'The clerics who are amidst it,' etc. 

935. Then Colomb n1easures out that city, and blessed it fervently, and said that it 
would be the loftiest cloister he should have on earth, although his resurrection would 
not be therein. As he was making that prophecy, he turned his face to the south- 
west and smiled greatly. Baithín asked the cause of the gladness. 'Fifty sons of 
life,' saith Colon1b Cille, 'will be born in one night to the Lord, in that solitude (?) 
to the west.' It was Grafann of Cell Scire whom he foretold there, as was afterwards .. 
940. Now there was a great oaktree under which Colomb Cille dwelt while he 
was in that place, and it remained to these latter times, when it fell through the crash 
of a mighty wind. And a certain n1an took somewhat of its bark to tan his shoes 
withal. Now when he did on the shoes he was smitten with leprosy from his sole to 
his crown. 
945. Then Colomb Cille went to Aed Slaine, and n1ade prophecy for him, and 
said that he would be healthy and aged unless he were parricidal. If he should 
commit parricide he would only be four years alive. Then Colomb Cille sained 
a cowl for him, and said that he would not be slain so long as that cowl should 
be on him. IIowbeit Aed Slaine wrought parricide, contrary to Colomb Cille's 
word, on Suibne, son of Coln1án, at the end of four years. He went upon a raid. 
He forgot his cowl. He is killed on that day. 
951. Colomb Cille founded many churches in Bregia, and left therein elders 
and abundant reliquaries. He left Osséne, son of Cellach, in Clonmore of Ferrard. 
953. Then he went to Monaster (Boiti). It was there his crozier struck against 
the ladder of glass whereby Boite had ascended to heaven, and its sound was heard 
throughout the whole church; and he shewed forth Boite's grave, and did even 
as Boite himself had prophesied on the day of his decease. 
956. l\Iany, then, were the churches he n1arked out, and the books he wrote, to 
wit, three hundred churches and three hundred books. Though the book that his 
hand would write were ever so long under water, not eyen a single letter therein 
would be washed out 1. 

1 Literally,' drowned.' 



959. He founded a church in Lambay in the east of Bregia, and left deacon 
Colman therein. Once Colomb CilIe, and Comgall, and Cainnech were in that 
church. (omgall said that Colomb Cille should make the offering of Christ's 
Body and of His Blòod in their presence. Colomb ministered unto them as to that. 
Then Cainnech beheld a fiery pillar above Colomb Cille so long as he was at 
the offering. Cainnech told that to Comgall, and they both beheld the pillar. 
965. Colomb founded a church in the place where Swords standeth to-day. And 
he left an ancient man of his household there, even Finan the Feeble, and he left 
the gospel which his own hand had written. Then he marked out the well, nan1ed 
Sord, that is 'pure,' and sained a cross. For it was his wont to make crosses, and 
writing-tablets, and book-satchels, and other church-gear. Now he sained three 
hundred crosses, and three hundred wells, and a hundred tablets, and a hundred 
croziers, and a hundred satchels. 
971. One day Colomb CilIe and Cainnech were on the brink of the sea, 
when a great storm was driving on the main. Said Cainnech to Colomb: '\Vhat 
is the wave singing?' Said Colomb: 'Thy household were in peril some time ago 
on the sea, and one of them died, and the Lord will bring it to us to-morrow 
morning, in the place wherein we are standing.' 
976. Brigit was once wending through the Curragh of Liffey. \Vhen the holy 
virgin saw before her the delightful plain, covered with clover-blossom, she said 
in her mind that if she had power over the plain, she would offer it to the Lord 
of the Elements. This was made manifest to Colomb Cille while he was in his 
chapel at Swords, and he said with a loud voice : 'It is the same to her with the 
Lord, as if the land ,vhich she offered to him were her own of right.' 
982. Thereafter Colomb went to Leinster, and left n1any churches which he 
founded with them, including Druim l\lonach and 1\1aen and many others. 
984. Then he went to Clonmacnois with the hyn1n he had made for Ciarán. 
For he made abundant praises for God's household, as said the poet: 

'Noble thrice fifty, nobler than every apostle, 
The number of miracles are [as] grass, 
Some in Latin which was beguiling, 
Others in Gaelic, fair the tale.' 

990. N ow it was in Cluain that a little boy went to him, and stole a sman hair 
from his raiment without his perceiving him. Howbeit that was manifested by God 
to Colomb Cille, and he prophesied to the boy that he would become a sage, and 
that he would be pious; and he is Ernín of Cluain Deochra. 
994. Thereafter Colomb Cille fared into the territory of Connaught on a 
preaching round, and he founded many churches and monasteries in that province, 

17 8 


including Ess 
Iac Eirc and Drumcliff, and left with them the crozier which he 
himself had made. 
997. Colomb Cille went over Assaroe, and founded many churches in Tir- 
connell, and Tyrone, and he founded a church in Tory Island, and left therein an 
aged man of his household, even ErnÍne. 
1000. Now when Colomb Cille had made a round of all Ireland, and sown 
faith and 1 belief, and baptized abundant hosts, and founded churches and monasteries, 
and left elders and reliquaries and relics therein, the determination which he had 
resolved on from the beginning of his life came upon his mind, even to go into 
pilgrimage. So he bethought him of wending over sea, to preach God's word to 
the men of Scotland. So he fared forth on the journey. Forty-five years was 
he in Scotland, seventy-seven years was his full age, and the number that went 
with him was twenty bishops, forty priests, thirty deacons, fifty students. 
1007. So he ,vent under prosperous sail till he reached the place to-day called 
'Hí of Colomb Cille.' On the night of Pentecost he reached it. Two bishops 
who dwelt in the land came, to expel hin1 from it. But God revealed to Colomb 
Cille that they were not bishops in truth. Wherefore they left the island when he 
told them of their own conclusion and their account. 
101 I. Said Colon1b Cille to his household: 'It is well for us that our roots 
should go under the ground here.' And he said: 'It is pern1itted to you, that some one 
of you should go under the earth here or under the mould of the island to consecrate 
it.' Odrán rose up readily, and this he said: 'If I should be taken,' saith he, 'I am 
ready for that.' '0 Odrán!' saith Colon1b Cille, 'thou shalt have the reward 
thereof. No prayer shall be granted to anyone at n1Y grave, unless it is first asked 
of thee.' Then Odrán went to heaven. Colomb founded a church by him 
1018. Thrice fifty monks had he for contemplation and sixty for active life, 
as said the poet: 

, ,V ondrous the warriors who abode in Hi, 
Thrice fifty in monastic rule, 
With their boats along the main-sea, 
Three score men a-rowing.' 

1024. \Vhen Colomb Cille had founded Hí, he went on a preaching round, 
through Scotland, and Britain, and Saxonland, and after n1any miracles, and after 
raising the dead out of death, he brought the people to faith and belief. 
1026. Now there was biding in the country a certain man to whom Colomb Cille 
preached, and he, with all his household, believed in the Lord The Devil was 

1 Literally, faith or belief. 



envious of that thing, so he smote yon man's son with a sore disease whereof he 
died. The heathen were reviling Christ and Colomb Cille. Thereafter Colomb 
went in fervent prayer to God, and he raised the son out of death. 
1031. Now when Colomb Cille was one day preaching to the host, a certain 
person fared from them over the river that was near them. Before he had been to 
hear God's word, the snake strikes him in the water, and kills him at once. The boy 
is brought before Colomb and he makes the cross with his crozier over his breast, 
and the boy arose at once. 
1036. A sore disease befell his servant, and Colomb made prayer for him, and 
not that alone, but he asked for a life of seven years for him afterwards. 
1039. Once upon a time Cainnech came away from him out of Hí. He forgot 
his crozier in the east 1. \Vhen he came on this side 2, he found his crozier ahead of 
him, and Colomb Cille's shirt along with it, even Cainnech's share for his winding- 
sheet. And therefore he did that, because he knew that he was nigh to his 
1043. A great flush came to him once in Hi. He was asked the cause of the 
flush. 'God's fire from heaven,' .saith he, 'hath even now come on three cities in 
Italy, and slain three thousand men, besides women, and boys, and girls.' 
1046. At another time he heard a call in the port of Hí: then he said: 

'A churl in the port, with his staff in his fist, 
He will come to my little ink-horn, and spill my ink, 
He will stoop down to visit my pax, 
And will strike against my little ink-horn and leave it empty.' 

1055. At another time Colomb Cille ,vas left cooking an ox for the reapers. 
With them was a whilom-hero of the men of Ireland, to wit, l\Iael Vma, son of Baedán. 
Colomb Cille asked hin1, 'how much his meal had been when he was a warrior.' 
'\Vhen I was a warrior,' saith lVlael Vma, 'I used to consume a fat ox to my full 
mea!.' Colomb Cille ordered him to eat his fill. l\Iael Vma did that for him. 
He consumed the whole ox. Afterwards Baithín came, and asked if the food were 
ready. So Colomb Cille ordered 1\1ael Vma to gather into one place all the bones 
of the ox. Thus was it done. Colomb blest the bones, and their own flesh was 
around them, and (the ox) was given to the reapers. 
1064. Once, in the month of l\lay, Colomb Cille went for tidings of the ploughmen 
in the north of the island. He was comforting them and instructing them. ' \Vell, , 
saith he, 'at the Easter that went in the month of April, then was I fain to have gone to 
heaven. But I did not wish you to have grief or sorrow after your toil j wherefore 

1 i. e. in Scotland. 

2 i. e. in Ireland. 




I have stayed with you from Easter to Pentecost.' When the monks heard those 
words, they were sorrowful exceedingly. 
1070. Then he turned his face westward, and said, 'l\Iay the Lord bless the 
island with its indwellers!' And he banished toads and snakes out of it. Now 
when he had blest the island he came to his church. Not long after came the 
ends of the Saturday and the beginning of the Sunday; and when he raised his eyes 
on high there came a great glow to his countenance and face, and the brethren 
beheld that. An angel of God, moreover, tarried above him then. 
1076. Then he went to bless the barn; and he said to Diarmait that on Sunday 
night he would depart to heaven. Then the venerable old man Colomb CiIJe 
sat down on the edge of the path, for weariness had corne to him, though his 
wayfaring had been short: for seventy-seven years was his age at that time. 
1080. And the nag, which the monks used to keep in the island, came to 
him, and weeps in the breast of the cleric, so that his raiment became wet. 
The servant Diarmait sought to drive the nag away from him. 'Let him be, 
o Diarmait,' saith Colomb CiIle, 'until he sufficetb himself with tears and sorrow 
in lamenting me.' 
1084. Overmany to recount and declare are the marvels and n1iracles which 
God wrought on earth for Colomb Cille. There is no one who could recount 
them fully, unless his own soul, or an angel from heaven, should come to declare 
them. But we think these enough of them to give as a san1ple. 
1088. Now there never was born to the Gael offspring nobler or wiser, or 
of better kin than he. There hath not come of them another who was meeker, 
or humbler, or lowlier. Surely it was great lowliness in Colomb Cille that he 
himself used to take off his monks' sandals and wash their feet for them. He 
often used to carry his portion of corn on his back to the mill, and grind it, 
and bring it home to his house. He never used to put linen or wool against 
his skin. His side used to come against the bare mould. A pillarstone used 
to be under his head for a bolster, and he slept only so long as Diarmait his 
fosterling was chanting three chapters of the Bea/us. He would rise up at 
once after that, and would cry and beat his hands together, like a loving mother 
lamenting her only son. He would chant the three fifties 1 on the sand of the 
shore before the sun would rise. In the day he attended to the Hours. He 
offered Christ's Body and His Blood. He preached the Gospel, he baptized, he 
consecrated. He healed the lepers, and the blind, and the halt, and folk of every 
other disease, and he raised the dead. 

1 The 150 psalms. 



1101. Now when Colomb Cille came to his ending, and when the bell for 
nocturn was struck on the night of Pentecost Sunday, he went before the rest to the 
church and made prostration and fervent prayer at the altar. Then an angelic radi- 
ance filled the church around him on every side, and there the venerable old man 
sent forth his spirit to heaven, into the delight and into the joyance of heaven's 
1106. His body is here on earth with honour and with reverence from God 
and menfolk, with marvels and miracles every day; and though great be his honour 
at present, greater will it be at the assembly of Doom, \vhen his body and his soul 
will shine like an unsullied sun. There in sooth shall he have that great glory and 
great elevation in union with the nine orders of heaven that have not transgressed, 
in union with the apostles and disciples of Jesus Christ, in union with the Godhead 
and l\Ianhood of God's Son, in the union that is nobler than any union, in the unity 
of the holy, noble, venerable Trinity, even Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. 
I I 15. I beseech the mercy of Almighty God through the intercession of holy 
Colomb, that we may all reach that union. l\Iay we reach it, may we dwell 
therein, in saecula saeculorum I Amen. 


Hi stUlt qui sequulltur Ag11lt11t qltOCU1Jlque ierit 2. These are the folk that 
follow the undefiled Lamb whatsoever way He may wend. 

1120. John, son of Zebedee, Jesu's bosom-fosterling, successor of the Virgin, 
he it is that wrote these words, and left them with the Church in remen1brance 
of the reward and of the guerdon which God hath given to the third grade of 
the Church, even to the virgins, that is, the following of the undefiled Lamb. 
I 124. Now the context of this declaration by John is as far as when he said 
Nemo potest dzcere cantÙ;um nisz' z1la centum quadragz11ta quatuor millz'a qui empti 
sunt de terra s. It cometh to none to 
ake unto the Lord praise or quire-song, 
save only one of the all-fulness of the Church, who hath been brought up in chastity 
and in virginity, and hath been redeemed with the ransom of Christ's blood. 
1129. [Vzrgines enim sun!,] for those are the virgins assuredly. So on the 
track of those words John said, Hi sunt qui sequuntur Agnum. These are the folk 
that follow the Lamb whithersoever He goeth. 
I I 32. This is to follow the Lamb; to in1itate Christ and to follow Him 
by fulfilling the Law and the Gospel, without the desire of earthly things, 
without the love for perishable things, to avoid honour, to despise the world, 
to be profitable to all, ne:ver to do injustice or wrong to anyone, patiently to suffer 
temptations from without, to grant forgiveness to the persecutors: that every good 
thing that one doth be done for the magnifying of God and not for the glorifying 
of oneself. 'Imitate then,' saith the wise man, 'as is the undefiled Lamb in the 
virginity of the flesh, so is the undefiled body of the Son of the Heavenly Father. 
Imitate then the mystical Lamb, even Christ, in virginity and holiness of mind, 
as He himself said: 'Abide holily and chastely,' saith the Lord, , for I am holy and 
I am innocent 4.' For not the better is the chastity of the body, if the soul is imperfect 
and defiled. 
1144. Now a multitude of holy and righteous n1en fulfilled this commandment of 
virginity, even as the holy maiden fulfilled it, for whom there is a festival and com- 

1 Let every one who shall read this Life of Brigit give a blessing to the souls of the couple for 
whom this book has been written. 
2 Apoc. 14. 4. 3 Apoc. 14. 3. f Levit. 11. 44. 


18 3 

n1emoration on the occurrence of this season and time, even Sancia Brigida, virgo 
 that is Saint Brigit, the virgin of the Lord of the Elements. 
1148. Then it is that the Christians celebrate the feast and the festal day of the 
holy Brigit, on the calends of February as regards the day of the solar month, and 
to-day as regards the day of the week wherein we are. 
1'(51. I-Iere, then, is related somewhat of the miracles and marvels of the holy 
Brigit, and of her genealogy according to the flesh, to wit, Brigit, daughter of 
Dubthach, son of Demre, son of Bresal, of the sept of Echaid Find Fuathnairt. 
1154. That Dubthach, then, when holy Brigit was born, bought a bondmaid 
named Broicsech. She was a daughter of Dallbrónach of Dál Conchobair in the south 
of Bregia. Dubthach joined himself in wedlock to that bondmaid, and she became 
with child by him. Jealousy of the bondmaid seized Dubthach's consort, and she 
said to Dubthach: 'Unless thou, sellest yon bondmaid in distant lands, I will exact 
my dowry from thee and I will leave thee.' Howbeit Dubthach was not desirous to 
sell the bondmaid. 
116 I. Once upon a time he and the bondmaid along with him went in a chariot 
past the house of a certain wizard. \Vhen the wizard heard the noise of the chariot 
he said, , 1\1 Y boy,' saith he, , see who is in the chariot, for this is noise of chariot under 
king.' Quoth the boy: 'Dubthach,' saith he, 'is therein.' The wizard went to meet him, 
and asked whose was the woman who was biding in the chariot. 'l\Iine,' saith Dubthach. 
Now l\laithgen was the name of the wizard, and from him Ross l\Iaithgin is named. 
The wizard asks if she was pregnant by anyone. 'She is pregnant by me,' saith 
Dubthach. Said the wizard: '1\Iarvellous will be the child that is in her womb: her 
like will not be on earth.' , 1\'1 y wife compels me,' saith Dubthach, 'to sell this 
bondmaid.' Said the wizard through grace of prophecy: 'The seed of thy wife shall 
serve the seed of the bondmaid, for the bondmaid will bring forth a daughter con- 
spicuous, radiant, who will shine like a sun among the stars of heaven.' Dubthach was 
thankful for that answer, for till then no daughter had been born to him. 
1174. Then they go to their house, and both gave thanks. 'VeIl known, now, 
was the love that God had for that virgin. For two bishops of the Britons, named 
l\lél and l\Ie1chu, came from Scotland to prophesy of her and to bless her. Dubthach 
gave them a welcome, and the bondmaid did tendance and service upon them. Sad 
and mournful was Dubthach's consort.. Bishop l\Iél asked her the cause of her 
sadness. Said the woman: 'Because Dubthach preferreth his bondmaid to me.' 
Said Bishop l\1él: 'Reason hath he though he should prefer her, for thy seed shall 
serve the bondmaid's, but her seed shall be profitable to thine.' She was angry at 
that. Then canle to Dubthach's house a poet of Húi l\Ieic Úais fronl gathering 
treasures. "hen the poet knew the cause of the W0111an'S anger, he said: 'Sellest 

18 4 


thou the handn1aid ? ' 'I will sell,' saith Dubthach, 'for I must needs do so.' Said 
the bishops: 'Sell the bondmaid, do not sell the offspring.' He did so. The poet 
went forth with his bondmaid. Now on the night that the poet reached his home, a 
holy n1an happened to be in the house entreating the Lord and praying. To him 
was manifested a flame and a fiery pillar rising from the place where the bondmaid 
was biding. A certain wizard went from Tirconnell to the house of the poet afore- 
said. He bought the service (?) of the bondmaid. The poet sold him the bondmaid, 
and did not sell the offspring that lay in her womb. The wizard goes hon1e with 
his bondmaid. 
I 192. Then it came to pass that the wizard made a great feast, and bade the 
king of Conaille to the feast; and it was then the time for the king's wife to bring 
forth a child. There was a soothsayer along with the king, and a friend of the king's 
asked him when it would be lucky for the queen to bring forth. The wizard said, 'that 
the child which should be brought forth on the morrow at sunrise, and neither within 
the house nor without, would out-go every child in Ireland.' Now the queen's 
lying-in can1e before that hour, and she brought forth a dead son. But on the 
morrow, when the bondmaid went at sunrise with a vessel full of milk in her hand, 
and when she put one of her two footsteps over the threshold of the house, the other 
foot being inside, then she brought forth the daughter, even Saint Brigit. The maid- 
servants washed Saint Brigit with the milk that was still in her mother's hand. Now 
that was in accord with Brigit's merit, even with the brightness and sheen of her 
chastity. The girl was taken straightway after her birth to the queen's dead son, and 
when the girl's breath carne to the son, he arose out of death. 
1205. Thus the wizard went with his bondmaid and her daughter into the 
province of Connaught, for her mother was of Connaught, but her father of 
1207. On a certain day the bondmaid went to milk her kine, and left the girl 
alone sleeping in her house. Certain neighbours beheld the house, wherein the girl 
lay, ablaze, so that one flame was made thereof from earth to heaven. \Vhen they 
came to rescue the house, the fire appeared not, but they said that the girl was full of 
the grace of the Holy Spirit. 
1212. One day the wizard was sitting with his handmaid in a certain place, and 
the cowdung which lay before the girl they beheld ablaze. '\Vhen they stretched 
their hands out to it, the fire appeared not. 
1215. Once upon a time when the wizard was sleeping, he saw three deries in 
shining garments, who poured oil on the girl's head 1; and they completed the order 
1 Unction of the head seems to have been part of the baptismal rite, as well as of the rite of 


18 5 

of baptism in the usual manner. Those were three angels. Said the third angel to 
the wizard, that the name of the girl was Sancia BrigÙla, that is, Saint Brigit. The 
wizard arose and related what he had beheld. 
1220. One day the infant's voice was heard crying, and this she said: '11feum 
eril hoc,' that is, this will be mine. 'Vhen the wizard heard that, he said, 'What the 
girl declares will be fulfilled,' that is, the land will be mine afterwards, and this hath 
been fulfilled. When the indwellers of that land heard this they ordered the wizard 
out of the country, so he went to his own patrimony. 
1225. Now this holy virgin Brigit was reared on food different from that of 
children of her own age, for she was more . than every infant. She would 
not consume unclean food. She rejected the wizard's food, and used to throw it up. 
The wizard meditated why the girl was thus. It appeared to him that it was 
because of the corruption and impurity of his food. Then he entrusted a red-eared 
cow to give milk separately to Brigit, and he let a faithful WOlnan milk her. The 
holy girl used to consume that (milk), and did not t
row it up. 
123 I. Then this holy virgin was reared till she was a handmaid. And everything 
to which her hand was set used to increase. She tended the sheep, she satisfied the 
birds, she fed the poor. When boldness, and strength and size came to Brigit, she 
desired to go and visit her fatherland. The wizard sent messages to Dubthach, that he 
should come to meet his daughter. The messengers go to Dubthach, and relate the 
maiden's miracles and marvels. Dubthach came, and was joyous. The wizard made 
him welcome, and gave his daughter to him free. Then Dubthach and Brigit go to 
their country in the province of Offaly. And her nurse was along with Brigit, and 
illness seized her nurse as she was wending her way. So Brigit and another girl 
were sent to ask a drink of ale for her fron1 a certain man named Baethchu, who 
was making a mighty feast. He refused Brigit. Then Brigit went to a certain well, 
and filled her vessel thereat, and blessed (the water), so that it turned into the taste 
of ale, and she gave it to her nurse, who straightway becan1e whole. As to the feast 
at which she was refused, when they go to drink it, not a drop thereof was found. 
1244. Once when Dubthach went on a journey, he left his daughter with his 
swine. And two robbers came to her, and carried off two boars of the herd. 'Yhen 
they had gone a little while after that Dubthach met them. He took the swine from 
them, and then he came to Brigit. ' Do the swine remain, my girl? ' saith Dubthach. 
'Count them thou,' saith Brigit. Dubthach counted the swine, and not one of them 
was lacking. 
1250. Not long after that came a noble guest to Dubthach's house, and hospi- 
tality was shewn to them t, and five pieces of bacon were given to Brigit to be boiled. 

 To the guest and his retinue. 




And a miserab1e hungry hound came into the house to Brigit. Brigit out of pity gave 
him the fifth piece of bacon. The hound was not satisfied with that. So Brigit 
gave him another piece. She thought that the guest was asleep, but this was not so. 
Then came Dubthach and said to Brigit: 'Hast thou boiled the bacon? and do the 
portions remain?' 'Count them,' saith she. Dubthach counted them. Not one of 
them was wanting. The guest told Dubthach what Brigit had done. The guests 
did not consu
e that food, for they were unworthy thereof; but it was dealt out to the 
poor and needy. 
1260. Once upon a time a certain faithful woman invited Brigit to go with her 
into J.\Toy Liffey; for a gathering of the synod of Leinster was held there. I twas 
manifested to Bishop lbhair, who was in the assembly, that Mary the Virgin was 
coming into the assembly. The woman goes on the morrow, Brigit being alone with 
her, unto the assembly. Then said Bishop Ibhair: 'This is the Mary whom I beheld;' 
and the whole host blessed Saint Brigit. Wherefore Brigit is henceforth (caned) 'the 
l'vlary of the Gael.' 
1266. Afterwards Brigit went to visit her mother who was in bondage. Thus 
was her mother, in sickness before her, and she was at a mountain-dairy having 
twelve cows with her, and she collecting butter. N ow the virgin served humbly after 
her mother, and began setting the dairy to rights. The churning that was made was 
divided into twelve portions in honour of the Lord's twelve apostles. And the 
thirteenth portion was set so that in honour of Christ it was greater than every 
(other) portion, and it was given to the poor and to the guests. For she used to say 
that Christ was in the person of every faithful guest. That seemed a marvel to the 
neatherd, and he went to converse with the wizard. The wizard and his wife asked: 
'Hath the virgin cared well for the dairy?' Then he came to the kine. 'It is well,' 
saith the neatherd, 'I am thankful anyhow, and the calves are fat.' For he did not 
dare to blame Brigit in her absence. The wizard and his consort went to the dairy, 
having with them a great hamper eighteen hands high to be filled with butter. Brigit 
made them welcome, and washed their feet, and gave them food. Then said the 
wizard's consort to Brigit: 'We have come hither to know whether that which hath 
been entrusted to thee hath profited. Of butter, what hast thou?' None in readiness 
had she save the making of one churning and a half. Then Brigit went into the 
kitchen, and this she said: 
'Ob, my Prince, 
\Vho canst do all these things, 
Bless, 0 God,-a cry unforbidden,- 
My kitchen with thy right hand! 
'My kitchen, 
The kitchen of the white God, 



A kitchen which my King hath blessed, 
A kitchen that hath butter. 

C Mary's Son, my Friend, cometh 
To bless my kitchen. 
The Prince 1 of the world to the border, 
May we have abundance with him l' 
1296. And she brought the half making of her churning from the back of the 
kitchen. The wizard's wife mocked thereat and said: 'Thz's quantity of butter is 
good to fill a large hamper!' C Fill your hamper,' saith Brigit, 'and God will put 
somewhat therein.' She still kept going into her kitchen, and bringing half a making 
every time thereout, and singing a stave of those staves as she went back. If the 
hampers which the men of l\tlunster possessed had been given to her, she would 
have filled them all. The wizard and his wife marvelled at the miracle which they 
beheld. Then said the wizard to Brigit: 'This butter and the kine which thou hast 
 I offer to thee; and thou shalt not be serving me, but serve the Lord.' Said 
Brigit: 'Take thou the kine, and give me my mother's freedom.' Said the wizard: 
, Behold thy mother free for thee, and the kine; and whatsoever thou shalt say, that 
will I do.' 
1306. Then Brigit dealt out the kine to the poor and the needy; and the 
wizard was baptized, and he was full of faith; and he remained till his death in 
Brigit's company. 
1308. Thereafter Brigit went with her mother to her father's house. Of her 
father's wealth and food and property, whatsoever her hands would find or would 
get, she used to give to the poor and needy of the Lord. 'Vherefore her father was 
displeased with her and desired to sell the holy Brigit. He and his daughter along 
with him went in a chariot, and he said: 'Not for honour or for reverence to thee art 
thou carried in the chariot; but to take thee to sell thee, that thou mayst grind at the 
quern of Dunlaing, son of Enna, king of Leinster.' \Vhen they came to the king's 
fortress Dubthach went into the fortress to the king, and left his sword near Brigit in 
the chariot. And a leper came to Brigit, and besought Brigit in God's name to 
bestow something upon him. Brigit hands him down her father's sword. Saith 
Dubthach to the king after he had come inside: '\Vilt thou buy my daughter from 
me?' 'Wherefore sell est thou thine own daughter?' saith Dunlaing. 'Not hard to 
say,' saith Dubthach : 'because she is selling Iny wealth, and bestowing it on wretched 
worthless men.' 'Let her be brought to us that we may see her,' saith Dunlaing. 
Dubthach goes for her. \Vhen he came he was looking at the chariot anrl he saw 
not his sword. He asked Brigit what she had done with his sword. 'I gave it,' 
I Flaithe, a mistake forflaith. 




saith Brigit, C to a poor man who came to beg of me.' Dubthach was mightily 
enraged with her for having given the sword away. \Vhen Brigit came before the 
king, he said: 'Why dost thou steal thy father's property and wealth, and, what is 
worse, why hast thou given the sword away?' Then said Brigit: 'The Virgin's Son 
knoweth, if I had thy power, with all thy wealth, and with all thy Leinster, I would 
give them all to the Lord of the Elements.' Said the king to Dubthach: 'It is not 
meet for us to deal with this maiden, for her merit before God is higher than ours.' 
Thus then was Brigit saved from bondage. 
1332. Not long thereafter came a certain man of good kin unto Dubthach to 
ask for his daughter (in marriage). Dubthach and his sons were willing, but Brigit 
refused. A brother of her brethren said to her: 'Idle is the pure eye in thy head, not 
to be on a bolster beside a husband.' Saith BrIgit : ' The Son of the Virgin knoweth, 
it is not lively for us if it bring harm upon us.' Then she put her finger under the 
eye and plucked it out of her head, so that it lay on her cheek. When Dubthach and 
her brethren beheld that, they promised that she should never be told to go to 
a husband save the husband whom she should like. Then Brigit put her palm to 
her eye, and it was healed at once. 
1341. Brigit and certain virgins along with her went to take the veil from Bishop 
1\Iél in Telcha 1\Iide. Blithe was he to see them. For humility Brigit stayed so that 
she might be the last to whom a veil should be given. A fiery pillar rose from her 
head to the roof-ridge of the church. Then said Bishop l\Iél: 'Come, 0 holy Brigit, 
that a veil may be sained on thy head before the other virgins.' It came to pass 
then, through the grace of the Holy Ghost, that the form of ordaining a Bishop was 
read out over Brigit. 1\Iac-caille said, that a bishop's order should not be conferred 
on a woman. Said Bishop l\lél: 'No power have I in this matter. That dignity 
hath been given by God unto Brigit, beyond every (other) woman.' Wherefore the 
men of Ireland from that time to this give episcopal honour to Brigit's successor. 
On the eighth (of the month) Brigit was born, on a Thursday especially: on the 
eighteenth she took the veil: in the eighty-eighth (year of her age) she went to 
heaven. With eight virgins 1 was Brigit consecrated, according to the number of the 
eight beatitudes of the Gospel 2 which she fulfilled, and of them it was the beatitude of 
mercy that Brigit chose. 
1355. Once when the hightide of Easter drew nigh, she desired through charity 
to brew ale for the many churches that were around her. And there was a scarcity 
of corn at that time in l\Ieath, and Brigit had only one sieve of malt. Brigit's house- 
hold, moreover, had no vessels save two troughs. They put the malt into one of the 
1 The text of the Book of Lismore (in ochtmad in octavo) is here corrupt. 

 Matth. v. 3-11. 


18 9 

two troughs. They fill the other vessel with the ale. Then the ale was distributed 
by Brigit to seventeen churches of Fir Tulach, so that the produce of one measure of 
malt supplied them through Bridget's grace from !\Iaundy Thursday to Low Sunday. 
1363. Once there came a certain leper unto Brigit to ask for a cow. Said 
Brigit to him, , \Vhich seemeth best to thee, to take away a cow or to be healed of the 
leprosy?' The leper said that he would rather be healed of the leprosy than be 
given the kingdom of the world. Brigit made prayer to God and healed the leper, 
and he afterwards served Brigit. 
1368. A certain nun of Brigit's household fell into sore disease and desired 
milk. There did not happen to be a cow in the church at that time, so a vessel 
was filled with water for Brigit, and she blessed it, and it was turned into milk. She 
gave it to the nun who at once became quite well. 
1372. Now when the fame and renown of Brigit had gone throughout Ireland, 
there came to Brigit two blind men of the Britons and a leper to be healed. Said 
Brigit: 'Stay outside at present till the celebration be over.' [Said the Britons], for 
they are impatient: 'Thou healedst folk of thine own kin yesterday, and thou hast " 
noLw.aited to heal us to-day.' Brigit made prayer, and the three of them were healed 
at once. 
1377. \Vhen the hightide of Easter was fulfilled, Brigit asked of her maidens 
whether they still had the leavings of the Easter ale. Quoth the maidens: 'God will 
give,' say they. Then came in two maidens having a pail full of water. ' The 
Virgin's Son knoweth,' saith Brigit, 'that there is good ale there.' It seemed to her 
that it was ale. As she said that (the water) was straightway changed into choice ale. 
It was afterwards given to Bishop !\Iél, and also to the virgins. 
1383. At the same time came a disease of the eyes to Brigit, and her head seemed 
exceeding weary. \Vhen Bishop l\Iél heard of that he said: 'Let us go together to seek 
a physician, that thou mayest have thy head cured.' Said Brigit: 'If thou hadst not 
been disobedient, I should not have desired any bodily physician; howbeit we will do 
what thou shalt say.' As they were faring forth, Brigit fell out of her chariot and her 
head came against a stone, and she was greatly wounded and the blood gushed 
out Then with that blood were healed two dumb women who were lying on the 
road. After that, the leech whom they were seeking chanced to meet them. \Vhen he 
saw the wound he said: 'Thou shouldst not seek any other physician from this time 
forward, save the Physician who healed thee on this occasion; for though all the 
doctors of Ireland should be doctoring thee, they could do nothing better.' So 
in that wise Brigit was healed. 
1394. Once the king of Teffia came into their neighbourhood for a banquet. 
There was a covered vessel in the king's hand. A certain incautious man took it out 

19 0 


of his hand, and it fell and fragments were made thereof. The man was seized by the 
king of Teffia. Bishop !\lél went to ask for him, and nought was got from the king 
save his death. So Bishop !\lél begged for the broken vessel, and took it with him to 
Brigit. Then Brigit put her breath round it, and it was renewed in a form that was 
better than before. Then it was taken back to the king, and the captive was released. 
And Bishop l\Iél said, ' Not for me hath God wrought this miracle, but for Brigit.' 
1402. Once upon a time Brigit went to the house of another virgin, even Brigit 
daughter of Conaille. The water that was put over Brigit's feet after she had 
arrived, healed a certain virgin who was lying sick in the house. Now when Brigit 
with her virgins went to eat their dinner, she began to look for a long while at the 
table. The other Brigit asked, 'What perceivest thou? ' Said Brigit, 'I see the 
Devil on the table.' , I should like to see him,' said the other virgin. '!\lake Christ's 
Cross on thy face, and on thy eyes,' saith Brigit. The virgin made it, and she beheld 
the Satan beside the table, his head down and his feet up, his smoke and his flame 
out of his gullet, and out of his nose. Said Brigit: 'Give answer to us, 0 Devil! ' 
'I cannot, 0 Nun,' saith the Demon, 'refuse to answer thee, for thou art a 
keeper of God's commandnlents, and thou art merciful to the poor and to the 
Lord's household.' 
'Tell us then,' saith Brigit: 'why hast thou come to us among our nuns?' 
, There is a certain pious virgin here,' saith the Devil, ' and in her companionship 
am I, enjoining upon her sloth and negligence.' 
Brigit said to that virgin: 'Put the Cross of Christ over thy face, and over thine 
eyes.' She put it at once; the virgin beheld the hideous monster. Great fear seized 
the virgin when she beheld the demon. Said Brigit: 'Why dost thou shun the foster- 
ling whom thou hast been tending for so long a time?' The virgin then made 
repentance and was healed of the demon. 
1424. A certain woman brought unto Brigit a hamper full of apples. Then 
lepers came to Brigit begging for apples. Said Brigit: 'Give the apples to them.' 
\Vhen the woman heard that, she took back her hamper of apples, and said: 'To thee 
thyself I brought the apples, and not to lepers.' It was an annoyance to Brigit that 
her alms should be forbidden, and she cursed the trees from which it had been 
brought. When the woman went home, she found not a single apple in her barn, 
although it had been full when she left, and (the trees) were barren thenceforward. 
143 I. Once upon a time Brigit went to Teffia with great hosts accompanying 
her; and there were two lepers behind her between whom a dispute arose. When 
one of the lepers desired to smite the other, his hand withered and the hand of the 
other of them shrank. Then they repented, and Brigit healed them of their leprosy. 
1435. Brigit went to a certain church in the land of Teffia to celebrate Easter. 


19 J 

'The prioress of the church said to her maidens that on l\faunday Thursday one of 
them should minister unto the old men and to the weak and feeble persons who were 
biding in the church. Not one of them was found for the nlinistering. Said Brigit : 
'I to-day will minister unto them.' (There were) four of the sick persons who were 
biding in the church, even a consumptive man, and a lunatic, and a blind man, and 
a leper. And Brigit did service to these four, and they were healed fronl every disease 
that lay upon them. 
1442. Once upon a time Brigit went into a certain house a-guesting. It came to 
pass that aU the household went forth except one little consumptive lad, and ,he was 
dumb, and Brigit knew not that he was so. Then came guests unto Brigit into the 
house to beg for food. Brigit asked of yon dumb lad, where was the key of the 
kitchen. Said the lad: 'I know the place in which it is.' Said Brigit: 'Go and 
fetch it to me.' He rose at once and attended on the guests. 
J 449. Then came to pass an assembly of the men of Ireland in Teltown, a 
stead \vherein were Patrick and the synod of Ireland along with him. Brigit and 
Bishop l\tlél went to the meeting, and they found a difficult case before them in the 
meeting, to wit, a certain woman brought forth a child there, and said that the child 
was by Bishop Br6n, one of Patrick's household. Bishop Br6n denied that the child 
was by him. That question was brought to Brigit to be resolved. Brigit asked the 
woman by whom she had conceived the child, and told her not to utter falsehood. 
Said the 'Woman: 'It is by Bishop Br6n.' Tumour and swelling filled her tongue in 
her head, so that she was unable to speak. Brigit made the sign of the Cross over 
the infant's mouth, and asked: 'Who is thy father?' The infant answered: 'A 
wretched, miserable man who is in the outskirts of the assembly, that is my father.' 
Thus Bishop Br6n was saved by Brigit's favour. 
J 460. Then came a man for Brigit that she might go to consecrate a new house 
which had been built for him. When he had prepared food for Brigit, Brigit said to 
her maidens: 'It is not lawful for us to eat the food of this heathen man, for God has 
revealed to me that he has never been baptized.' When the goodman heard that, 
grief of heart seized him, and Bishop Br6n baptized him. Thereafter Patrick ordered 
Brigit and his successor that they should never be without an ordained person in 
their company: therefore N at-fraich took priest's orders. 
1467. At the same time a man from the south of Bregia bore his mother on his 
back to Brigit to be healed, for she was consumptive; and he put her from his back 
on Brigit's shadow, and when the shadow touched her, she was whole at once. 
1470. At another time they saw Patrick coming to them. Said Lassair to 
Brigit: '\Vhat shall we do for the multitude that has come to us?' , What food have 
ye ?' asked Brigit. 'There is nought,' saith Lassair, , save one sheep, and twelve loaves, 


19 2 



and a little milk.' Said Brigit: C That is good: the preaching of God's word will be 
made unto us and we shall be satisfied thereby.' When Patrick had finished the 
preaching, the food was brought to Brigìt that she might divide it. And she blessed 
it; and the two peoples of God, even Brigit's congregation and Patrick's congregation, 
were satisfied; and their leavings were much more than the material that had been 
there at first. 
147 8 . There was a certain man biding in Lassair's church, and his wife was 
leaving him and would not take bit nor sleep along with him; so he came to 
Brigit to ask for a spell to make his wife love him. Brigit blessed water for him and 
said: ' Put that water over the house, and over the food, and over the drink of your- 
selves, and over the bed in the wife's absence.' '\Vhen he had done thus, the wife 
gave exceeding great love to him, so that she could not keep apart from him, even on 
one side of the house; but she was always at one of his hands. He went one day on 
a journey and left the wife asleep. 'Yhen the woman awoke she rose up lightly and 
went after the husband, and saw him afar from her, with an arm of the sea between 
them. She cried out to her husband and said that she would go into the sea unless 
he came to her. 
14 88 . A certain woman of Húi l\leic Úais came unto Brigit to beg; and before 
that she had always been in poverty. So Brigit gave her girdle to her, and Brigit 
said that it would heal whatsoever disease or illness to which it was applied. And it 
was so done, and thus the woman used to make her livelihood thenceforward. 
149 2 . Once on a certain hightide friends came to Brigit, having with them an 
offering, and they had left their house behind them without care-takers. Thereafter 
came robbers, and carried off the oxen that were biding in the house. The river 
Liffey rose against them, so they put their garments on the horns of the oxen, and the 
oxen with the garments turned back thence to the place in which Brigit was biding. 
1497. Once upon a time Brigit went into l\Iagh Lemna to converse with Patrick. 
He was preaching the Gospel there. Then Brigit fell asleep at the preaching. Said 
Patrick: "Vhy hast thou fallen asleep?' Brigit prostrated herself thrice and answered: 
, It was a vision I beheld,' saith she. 
15 01 . 'Declare the vision,' saith Patrick. 'I beheld,' saith Brigit, 'four ploughs 
in the south-east, which ploughed the whole island; and before the sowing was 
finished, the harvest was ripened, and clear well-springs and shining streams came 
out of the furrows. White garments were on the sowers and ploughmen. I beheld 
four other ploughs in the north, which ploughed the island athwart, and turned the 
harvest again, and the oats which they had sown grew up at once, and was ripe, and 
black streams came out of the furrows, and there were black garments on the sowers 
and on the ploughmen.' 



1509. 'That is not difficult,' saith Patrick. 'The first four ploughs which thou beheld- 
est, those are I and thou, who sow the four books of the Gospel with a sowing of faith, and 
belief, and piety. The harvest which thou beheld est are they who come unto that faith 
and belief through our teaching. The four ploughs which thou beheldest in the north 
are the false teachers and the liars who will overturn the teaching which we are sowing.' 
1514. Once when Brigit was in Armagh two persons passed her, bearing a tub 
of water. They went to be blessed by Brigit. The tub fell behind them and went 
round and round from the door of the stronghold to Loch Laphain. But it was not 
broken, and not a drop fell out. It was manifest to everyone that Brigit's blessing 
was upon them. Thereafter Patrick said: 'Deal ye of the water to Armagh and to 
Airthir.' And every disease and every ailment that was in the land were healed. 
1520. Brigit went into the district of Fir Rois to release a captive who was in 
the district. Said Brigit: 'Lettest thou yon captive out for me?' The king replied: 
'Though thou shouldst give me the whole realm of Fir Breg, I would not give thee 
the prisoner. But lest thou shouldst go with a refusal, for one night thou shalt have the 
right to guard his soul for him.' Brigit appeared to the captive at the close of day, 
and said to him: 'When the chain shall be opened for thee, repeat this hymn [J\T ttnc 
populus,] and flee to thy right hand.' It is done thus; the captive flees at Brigit's word. 
1527. Once Brigit went over Sliab Fuait. There was a madman biding on the 
mountain who used to harry the congregations. \Vhen the nuns beheld him, fear 
and great dread seized them. Said Brigit to the madman: 'Since I have come to thee 
here, preach thou God's word unto us.' 
, I cannot,' saith he, ' avoid ministering unto thee, for thou art merciful unto th e 
Lord's household, both the miserable and the poor.' 
1533. Then said the madman: 'Love the Lord, a Nun! and everyone will 
love thee. Revere the Lord and everyone will revere thee. Pray unto the Lord, and 
everyone will pray unto thee.' 
1536. Once her father entreated holy Brigit to go to the king of I.einster, even 
to Ailill, son of Dunlang, to ask for the transfer of the ownership of the sword which 
he had given to him (for a time) on another occasion. Brigit went at her father's 
commands. A slave of the king came to converse with Brigit, and said: 'If I should 
be saved from the bondage wherein I abide with the king, I should become a Chris- 
tian, and I should serve thee and the Lord.' Brigit went into the fortress and begged 
two boons of the king, to wit, transfer of the ownership of the sword to Dubthach 
and freedom to the slave. 
1543. '\Vhy should I give that to thee?' saith the king. 
'Excellent children will be given to thee,' saith Brigit, , and kingship to thy sons, 
and heaven to thyself.' 




Said the king, 'The kingdom of heaven, as I see it not, I ask it not. I{ingship 
for my sons, moreover, I ask not, for I myself am still a1ive, and let each one work in 
his time. Give me, however, length of life in my realm and victoriousness in battle 
over Conn's Halfl; for there is often warfare between us.' 
155 0 . 'It shall be given,' saith Brigit. And this was fulfilled; for through Brigit's 
blessing thirty battles were broken before Ailill in Ireland and nine in Scotland. The 
Húi Néill invaded Leinster after his death. The Leinstermen carried his body to the 
battle, and their foes were at once routed before them. 
1554. Brigit was once with her sheep on the Curragh, and she saw running 
past her a son of reading 2; to wit, Nindid the scholar was he. 'What makes thee 
un sedate, 0 son of reading?' saith Brigit, 'and what seekest thou in that wise?' 
'0 nun,' saith the scholar, 'I am going to heaven.' 
'The Virgin's Son knoweth,' saith Brigit, 'happy is he that goes the journey, 
and for God's sake, make prayer with me, that it may be easy for me to go.' 
'0 nun,' saith the scholar, 'I have no leisure; for the gates of heaven are 
open now, and I fear they nlay be shut against me. Or if thou art hindering me, pray 
the Lord that it may be easy for me to go to heaven, and I will pray the Lord 
for thee, that it may be easy for thee, and that thou mayest bring many thousands 
with thee unto heaven.' 
1566. Brigit recited a paternoster with him. And he was pious thenceforward, and 
he it is that gave her communion and sacrifice when she was dying. \Vherefore thence 
it came to pass that the comradeship of the world's sons of reading is with Brigit, and 
the Lord gives them, through Brigit's prayer, every perfect good that they ask. 
1570. Brigit went to Bishop l\'Iél, that he might come and mark out her city 
for her. \Vhen they came thereafter to the place in which I{ildare stands to-day, 
that was the time that Ailill, son of Dunlang, chanced to be coming, with a hundred 
horse loads of peeled rods, over the midst of Kildare. Then maidens came from 
Brigit to ask for some of the rods, and refusal was given to them. The horses 
were (straightway) struck down under their horseloads to the ground. Then staKes 
and wattles were taken from them, and they arose not until Ailill had offered the 
hundred horseloads to Brigit. And therewith was built Saint Brigit's great house in 
Kildare, and it is Ailill that fed the wrights and paid them their wages. ( So) Brigit 
left (as a blessing) that the kingship of Leinster should be till doomsday from Ailill, 
son of Dunlang. 
1579. Once upon a time two lepers carne to Brigit to ask an alms. There was 
nothing in the convent except a single cow. Brigit bestowed that cow on the lepers 
(jointly). One of the two lepers gave thanks to the Lord, but the other leper was 
1 The northern half of Ireland. 2 i. e. a student. 



ungrateful, for he was haughty. 'I alone,' saith he, 'have been set at nought as 
regards a cow. Till to-day I have never been counted among Culdees and the 
poor and feeble, and I shQuk! not be in partnership as regards this cow.' Said 
Brigit to the humble leper: 'Stay here, till somewhat be found for thee, and let yon 
haughty leper go off with his cow.' Then caIne a man to Brigit having a cow for 
her, and she gave it to the humble leper. Now when the haughty leper went on 
his way, he was unable to drive his cow alone; so he came back to Brigit and 
to his comrade, and kept reviling and blaming Brigit. 'It was not for God's 
sake,' saith he, C that thou madest thy offering; but it is b.ecause of (our) impor- 
tunity and oppressiveness that thou .gavest it to me.' Thereafter the two lepers 
go to the Barrow. The river rose against them. Through Brigit's blessing the 
humble leper escapes with his cow. The haughty leper falls with his cow prone 
against the river and was drowned. 
1595. Once upon a time the queen of Crimthan, son of Enna Cennselach, 
king of Leinster, came with a silver chain as an offering to Brigit. The semblance 
of a human shape was on one of the ends thereof, and an apple of silver at the other 
end. Brigit gave it to the virgins. The virgins stored it up without her knowledge, 
for greatly used Brigit to take her wealth and give it to the poor. A leper came 
to Brigit, and Brigit gave him the chain without the nuns' knowledge. \Vhen the 
virgins knew this they said with anger and bitterness: 'Little good have we,' say 
they, 'from thy compassion to everyone, and we ourselves in need of food and 
raiment I ' , Ye are sinning (?),' saith Brigit: 'Go ye into the church in the place 
where I make prayer, and there ye will find your chain.' They went at Brigit's 
word. Though it had been given to a poor man, the nuns found the chain. 
1606. Once upon a time the king of Leinster came to Brigit to listen to the 
preaching and celebration on Easter Day. Mter the celebration was ended, the 
king fared forth on his way. When Brigit went to eat her forenoon meal, Lomman, 
Brigit's leper, declared that he would eat nothing until there was given to him the 
king of Leinster's armour, both spears and shield and sword, with his. . . under 
them. Brigit sent a messenger after the king. From midday till evening the king 
was a-straying, and they did not attain one thousand paces: so he took the armour 
from him and bestowed it upon the leper. 
161 4. Once upon a time Brigit beheld a certain man passing her with salt 
on his back. "Vhat is on thy back?' saith Brigit. 'Stones,' saith the man. 
C They shall be stones then,' saith Brigit. Straightway stones were made of the 
salt. The same man came again past Brigit. "Vhat is on thy back? ' saith Brigit. 
'Salt,' saith he. 'It shall be salt then,' saith Brigit. Salt was at once made of 
the stones through Brigit's word. 



19 6 


1620. Once upon a time two lepers came to Brigit to be healed of the leprosy. 
Brigit bade one of the two lepers to wash the other. He did so. 'Do thou,' saith 
Brigit to the other leper, 'tend and wash thy comrade even as he hath ministered 
unto thee.' 'Save the time that we have seen,' saith he, 'we will not see one an- 
other. \Vhat, 0 nun, dost thou deem it just that I, a healthy man, with Iny fresh 
limbs and my fresh raiment, should wash that loathsome leper there, with his livid 
limbs falling from him? A custom like that is not fit for me.' So Brigit herself washed 
the lowly miserable leper. Said the haughty leper who had first been cleansed from 
the leprosy: 'l\Ieseems,' saith he, 'that sparks of fire are breaking through my skin.' 
He was fined with leprosy from his crown to his sole, because of his disobedience. 
1630. Once upon a time when Brigit was going to the bishop to receive the 
Sacrament, a he-goat's head seemed to her to be in the mass-chalice. Brigit refused 
the chalice. ''VVherefore dost thou refuse it?' saith the ecclesiastic. 'A he-goat's 
head is revealed to me therein,' saith Brigit. The bishop called the lad who 
had brought the credence-table, and bade him Inake his confession. 'I went,' 
said the gillie, 'into the house wherein goats are kept, and I took a fat goat thence, 
and I ate up my fill of him.' The lad did penance, and repented. Thereafter 
Brigit went to communion and saw not the semblance. 
1637. Once upon a time guests came to Brigit: noble and pious were they, 
even the seven bishops who are on the hill in the east of Leinster. Then 
Brigit ordered a certain man of her household to go to the sea and catch fish 
for the guests. The man goes, taking with him his harpoon; and a seal chanced 
to come to him. He thrusts the seal-spear into it, and ties the string of the spear 
to his hand. The seal drags with him the man over the sea unto the shore of 
the sea of Britain, and, after breaking the string, leaves him there on a rock. Then 
the seal was put back with his spear in it, and the sea cast it on the shore that was 
near to Brigit. Howbeit the fishers of Britain gave a boat to Brigit's fisherman, 
when he had told his talès to theIne Then he crossed the sea and found his seal 
here on the shore of the sea of Leinster, and took it with him to Brigit's guests. 
In the morning he went over sea, and passed again over the sea of Britain to Brigit 
at midday. The guests and the rest of the host magnified God's name and Brigit's 
through that miracle and through that prodigy. 
1651. Once upon a time a certain nun of Brigit's community conceived 
a longing for salt. Brigit prayed, and the stones were turned into salt, and the 
nun was cured. 
1653. Once upon a time a churl of Brigit's household was cutting firewood. 
It happened to him that he killed a pet fox belonging to the king of Leinster. The 
churl was seized by the king. Brigit ordered the (wild) fox to come out of the 



,,"ood; so he came and was at his feats and playing for them and for the king by 
Brigit's orders. \Vhen the fox had done his deeds, he went safe through the wood, 
with the host of Leinster, both foot and horse and hounds, pursuing him. 
1659. Once upon a time bishops came to Brigit and she had nothing to give 
them, the cows having been milked twice. The cows came a third time to the 
place, and the milk they had then was greater than every other milking. 
1662. Once upon a time Brigit had a band of reapers reaping. A rain-storm 
pours on the whole plain of Liffey, but not a drop fell on her field. 
1664. Now (this) was (another) of her miracles. She blessed the blind table-faced 
man, and gave his eyes to him. 
1665. Once upon a time Brigit went to the widow, who killed the calf of her (only) 
cow for Brigit, and burnt the beam of her loom thereunder. God so wrought for 
Brigit that the beam was whole on the morrow, and the cow was licking her calf. 
1668. Once Brigit and Bishop Eirc were in Leinster. Said Brigit to Bishop 
Eirc: 'There is battling among thy people, and to-day they contend.' Said a clerical 
student to Bishop Eirc's household: '\Ve do not think it likely,' saith he, ' that that is 
true.' Brigit sained the eyes of the clerical student. Thereafter he said: 'I perceive,' 
saith he, 'my brethren slaying them now.' And he made great repentance. 
1673. Once Brigit was herding sheep. A robber came to her and took seven 
wethers from her. Howbeit the herd was counted, and through Brigit's prayer, 
the wethers were found complete. 
1676. Once a certain man of Brigit's household made mead for the King of 
Leinster. When they came to drink it not a drop was found, for it had been consumed 
before Brigit. Brigit arose to save the wretched man, and she blessed the vessels, 
and the mead was found in fulness, and that was a wonderful miracle. 
1680. Once upon a time the seven bishops came out of Húi Briuin Cualann 
from T elach na n- Espac, and they found Brigit in a place on the northern side of 
Kildare. Brigit asked her cook, even Blathnait, whether she had any food. She 
said she had none. Brigit was ashamed not to have food for the holy men, and she 
besought the Lord fervently. So the angels told her to milk the cows for the third 
time (that day). Brigit herself milked the cows, and they filled the tubs with the milk, 
and they would have filled even all the vessels of Leinster. And the milk overflowed 
the vessels, and made a lake thereof, whence Loch in Ais, that is the' Lake of Milk' 
to-day. God's name and Brigit's were magnified thereby. 
1689. For everything that Brigit would ask of the Lord was granted her at once. 
For this was her desire: to satisfy the poor, to expel every hardship, to spare every 
miserable man. Now there never hath been anyone more bashful, or lTIore modest, 
or more gentle, or more humble, or sager, or more harmonious than Brigit. She 


19 8 


never washed her hands or her feet, or her head among men. She never looked at the 
face of a man. She never would speak without blushing. She was abstinent, she was 
innocent, she was prayerful, she was patient: she was glad in God's commandments: 
she was firm, she was humble, she was forgiving, she was loving: she was a consecrated 
casket for keeping Christ's Body and his Blood: she was a temple of God. Her heart 
and her Inind were a throne of rest for the Holy Ghost. She was simple (towards 
God): she was compassionate towards the wretched: she was splendid in miracles and 
marvels: wherefore her name among created things is Dove among birds, Vine among 
trees, Sun among stars. This is the father of that holy virgin, the Heavenly Father: 
this is her son, Jesus Christ: this is her fosterer, the Holy Ghost: wherefore this holy 
virgin performs the great marvels and the innumerable miracles. 
17 0 3. It is she that helpeth everyone who is in a strait and in danger: it is 
she that abateth the pestilences: it is she that quelleth the anger and the storm of the 
sea. She is the prophetess of Christ: she is the Queen of the South: she is the l\Iary 
of the Gael. 

1706. It is Colomb Cille that made this hymn for Brigit, and in the time of Aed, 
son of Ainmire, he made it. And this was the cause of making it. A great storm 
came to Colomb Cille when he went over sea, and he chanced to be in Corryvreckan, 
and he entreated Brigit that a calm might come to him, and said, Brigz'l hI bzÏhnzaz'th. 
1709. Or it is Brocan Cloen that made it, and it was made at the same time as 
!\r z " char Brigz'l buadach bzïh. 
17 1 I. Or it is three of Brigit's household that made it when they went to 
Rome, and reached Placentia. And a man of the people of the city came to them 
outside and asked them whether they needed guesting. They said that they did. Then 
he brought them with him to his house, and they met a student who had come from 
Rome, and who asked them, whence they had come, and why they had come. They said 
that it was for guesting. 'That is a pity,' said he, 'for this man's custom is to kill his 
guests;' and they asked that through the student's teaching. So poison was given to 
them in ale; and they praised Brigit that she might save them, and they sang Brigit 
bl bithnzaz'th, etc. They drank the ale with the poison, and it did them no harm. 
So the man of the house came to see whether the poison had killed them. And he 
beheld them alive, and he beheld a comely maiden amongst them. Thereafter he 
came into the house, and was seeking the maiden, and found her not, and he asked 
them: "Vh}' has the maiden gone?' And they said that they had not seen her at all. 
So a chain ,vas put upon them that they might be killed on the morrow unless they 
would disclose the maiden. So the same student canle to them on the morrow to 



visit them, et inuenit eos in Uz11cUlt'S, et interrogauit eos quomodo euaserunt et cur 
ligati sunt. 
1728. Or it may be Brenainn that made this hymn. Now Brenainn came to Brigit 
to know why the monster in the sea had given honour to Brigit beyond the other 
saints. So when Brenainn reached Brigit, he asked her to confess in ".hat wise she 
had the love of God. Said Brigit: 'l\Iake thou, 0 cleric, thy confession first, and I 
will make mine thereafter.' Said Brenainn: 'From the day I entered devotion, I never 
went over seven furrows without my mind being on God.' 'Good is the confession,' 
said Brigit. 'Do thou now, 0 nun,' saith Brenainn, 'make thy confession.' 'The 
Son of the Virgin knoweth,' saith Brigit, 'from the hour I set my mind on God, I 
never took it from Him.' , It seems to us, 0 nun,' saith Brenainn, 'that the monsters 
are right, though they give honour to thee beyond us.' 
1738. Or it is VItan of Ard Brecain that made this hymn for praise of Brigit. 
For he was of the Dál Conchubair, and so it was with Brigit's mother, even Broicsech, 
daughter of Dallbronach. In the time of the two sons of Aed Slaine itself was made. 
For it is they that slew Suibne, son of Colmán the Great, on one hand of Ultán. (In 
Ard Brecain moreover) it was made :- 

'Brigit, excellent woman, a flame 1 golden, delightful, 
May (she), the sun dazzling, splendid, guide us to the eternal Kingdom I 
May Brigit save us beyond throngs of demons I 
May she break before 1.1S (the) battles of every disease! 
'May she destroy within us our flesh's taxes, 
The branch with blossoms, the mother of Jesus! 
The true virgin, dear, with vast dignity; 
May I be safe always, with my saint of Leinster! 
'One of the columns of (the) kingdom with Patrick the pre-eminent, 
The vesture over #ga, the Queen of Queens! 
Let our bodies after old age be in sackcloth: 
\Yith her grace may Brigit rain on us, free 1.1s!' 

1755. 1\Iany miracles and marvels in that wise the Lord wrought for Brigit. 
So many are they that no one could declare them, unless her own soul or an angel 
of God should come to declare them. Howbeit this is enough as a sample of them. 
1759. Now when it came to the ending days for Brigit, after founding and helping 
cells and churches and altars in abundance, after 2 miracles and marvels whose nun1ber 
is as the sand of sea, or stars of heaven, after charity and mercy, then came Nindid 
Pure-hand from Rome of Latium. The reason why he was called Nindid Pure-hand 

1 The Book of Lismore has here bruth (mass). All the other 
ISS. have brco (flame). 
, For the 
. bhftrtuibh 1 ,. mirbttilibh read iar blifertuibh 1 iar 1ll{rbll'ilibll. 




was that he never put his hand to his side, when Brigit repeated a paternoster with 
him. And he gave communion and sacrifice to Brigit, who sent her spirit to heaven. 
Her relics are on earth with honour and dignity and primacy, with miracles and 
marvels. Her soul is like a sun in the heavenly I{ingdom among the choir of angels 
and archangels. And though great be her honour here at present, greater by far will 
it be, when she shall arise like a shining lamp in completeness of body and soul at 
the great assembly of Doomsday, in union with cherubim and seraphim, in union with 
the Son of l\Iary the Virgin, in the union that is nobler than every union, in the union 
of the Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. 
1772. I beseech the mercy of High, Almighty ('TÛd, through holy Brigit's 
intercession, may we all deserve that unity, may we attain it, may we dwell therein
'in saecula I 


1775. MIRABILIS Deus In Sanclis Suis, ef cae/era. The Holy Spirit who 
excels every spirit, the spirit that bettered each of the Churches, that is of the old 
Law and of the New Testament, with grace of wisdom and prophecy, it is He that 
spake these words out of the mouth of the royal prophet David, son of Jesse, of the 
praise and of the magnifying that there is unto God, through his saints and through 
his righteous ones, as he saith, Mirabz7is Deus in sanctis. 
178 J. One, then, of the saints and of the righteous through whom came the 
praise and the magnifying of the Lord before men, by reason of the miracles and the 
marvels which God wrought for him on earth, was the holy, noble, venerable saint 
for whom there is a festival and commemoration on the occurrence of this time and 
season, even Sanctu8 Senanus Eþzscoþus. 
1786. Now the Christians celebrate the festival and high-tide of the decease of 
this holy Senán, on the eighth of the calends of l\Iarch as regards the day of the solar 
month,_ which is to-day as regards the day of the week in the present year wherein 
we are. Those who know (then) declare somewhat of the origin and birth of the holy 
Senán, from prayer and from teaching of the grace of the chief prophet and the 
archbishop of the island of Ireland, that is Saint Patrick, Senán's birth and of the 
miracles and of the marvels which God wrought for him, to wit: 
1792. Senán, son of Gerrgenn, son of Cobthach, son of Bole, son of Dee 
(Dece ?), son of Imchath, son of Coirpre, son of Rodonn, son of Lugaid, son of 
Ailill, son of Eochaid, son of Oengus, son of Fiachra Find, son of Coirpre Fair-palm, 
son of Conaire, son of l\lugh Lama, son of Lugaid Allaid, son of Coirpre Crook-head, 
son of Dire Great-fist, son of Coirpre Finnmar, son of Conaire, son of Eterscél, son 
of Eogan. Coimgell \ then, daughter of Ernach son of Golbine, of the Alltraige, was 
Senán's mother. Now the chief prophet and the chief apostle whom God sent to 
preach to the men of Ireland, even Saint Patrick, prophesied Senán's birth. For 
when Patrick was preaching to the Húi-Figeinti and baptizing them in Domnach 
M6r of Cinél Díue, the Corco-Baiscinn came with their king, even Bole, son of Dee 
(Dece?) in a great sea-fleet over Luimnech from the north unto Patrick, and they 

1 Ercanus et Coemgella are the names of Senán's parents, according to the poetical Life. Colgan, 
p.602 (recte 512). 





besought Patrick to preach to them on that day and to baptize them at once. 
Patrick told them to wait till the morning, for on that day he was weary. Said the 
Corco- Baiscinn to Patrick: '\V e cannot, for our district is empty after us without 
warriors protecting it, and our fleet has no one to guard it, and we must needs hasten 
back to our district.' Thereafter Patrick went in his chariot, so that everyone might 
see him, and that they might hear from him his voice and the preaching of God's word 
by him. And then they believed in God and in Patrick. So Patrick repeats the order 
of Baptism to them on the river, which was anear them, and all the hosts are baptized 
therein. And they gave great alms to Patrick. Patrick blesses them, and said that 
there would always be abundance of treasures and wealth in the district of Baiscenn. 
The Corco- Baiscinn entreated Patrick to go with them to bless their district and to 
baptize their women, and their children and their slaves, whom they had left behind. 
Patrick said to them: 'I have no leisure to go with you, and to move my household 
over this river yonder.' The Corco-Baiscinn said: 'We have,' say they, 'a great 
fleet to carry thee over the sea; and we will take thee over it, with all thy servants dry- 
footed, and we will bring thee back again.' Patrick again refused to go with them, 
and said: 'I cannot,' saith he, 'leave the district in which I am, until the consecration 
and blessing of them all shall end.' And Patrick gave a blessing to the Corco- 
Baiscinn, and left upon them excellence of shipping. So of that Patrick sang 
this stave: 

'I will not go 
To Corco-Baiscinn, no falsehood, 
Though there be no sword on their left side, 
Nothing more will be taken from them.' 

1826. Patrick said to the Corco-Baiscinn: 'Is there a place anear us, whence 
. }'our district will be clear to me, so that I myself may descry it from my seat, and 
may bless it from that spot?' 'There is forsooth,' say they, ' the hill there,' that is 
Findine. Patrick then went with them to the top of Findine, and said to them: 'Is 
this your district to the north of Luimnech, as far as the ocean in the west? ' , It is,' 
say they. 'Doth [your territory],' saith Patrick, 'reach the mountain there in the 
north?' even Sliab Ellbe, in the district of Corcomruad in Ninnus. 'It reacheth 
not,' say they. 'It shall reach before the Judgment,' saith Patrick. 'Doth your territory 
reach that mountain there in the east?' that is, Echtge in the territory of Húi Desa. 
, It reacheth not,' say they. ' It shall reach after a long while,' saith Patrick. Then 
Patrick blessed Corco-Baiscinn, and said to them: ' Ye need me not to go with 
you into your country, for ye have a child in a woman's womb, and unto him your 
country hath been given by God. After him shall ye be, and him shall ye serve, and 
. . . this race of the Húi Figennte. It is he that will be a Patrick to you, and great will 


20 3 

be the honour of the child that will be born to you. Happy he who shall be in his 
keeping 1 And the island there in the west, in front of the sea,' that is Inis Cathaigh, 
'is there any dwelling in it ?' saith Patrick. ' There is none,' say they, 'for there is a 
terrible monster therein named Cathach, who doth not allow it to be inhabited.' 
& Marvellous,' saith Patrick, 'is the diadem of dignity, and the precious stone, and the 
venerable servant specially lovable to God and to men, even the child that will be 
born with you. For it is for his sake that the soil of yon island is preserved in 
virginity, for it is there that his resurrection will be, and the resurrection of a great 
host of saints along with him.' Then said Patrick, prophesying Senán's birth: 
'A manchild will be born in the west, 
In the island over the ocean. 
The Corco.Baiscinn will be under his hand, 
Men and children and women. 
'He will be splendid, noble, dignified, 
With God and with men. 
Happy the folk and the church 
That will be under that child's protection.' 
1855. 'Renowned and rëvered will that child be,' saith Patrick; 'for he will 
bring to them peace with abundance of every good thing, and banishment of every 
unlawful disease, if they do the will of that child, even Saint Senán, with tithes, and 
first-fruits and alms to God and to Senán. But woe to his monks who shall not do 
that child's will) for God will then inflict heavy vengeances upon them, so that there 
shall be ruin on their men and on their cattle. And corn and milk and every 
produce shall then be taken away from them, so that they shall abide in famine and 
ruin, and everyone will sell his son and his daughter in far-off territories that they 
may be fed, unless they are obedient to Senán. 'Vise and dignified will their children 
be in the present world if they are obedient to him.' 
1864. When Patrick had uttered these words, foretelling Senánts birth, and when 
he had blessed the district of Corco-Baiscinn, he sent an archpresbyter and a deacon 
of the Romans, who were along with him-l\Iaculatus and Latius were their names- 
along with the Corco-Baiscinn, to baptize them. And on the night that they 
(1\Iaculatus and Latius) came to Patrick, that is the time that they preached the 
faith and belief of Christ, and celebrated baptism and communion in the district 
of Corco-Baiscinn. Then did those saints choose a church for them(selves), 
and a place for their resurrection, beside the harbour of lnis-Cathaig northwards 
overagainst the Graveyard of God's Angel. For they knew that in the Graveyard 
of the Angel, in Inis-Cathaig, Senán's resurrection would take place, and they desired 
that their resurrection should be near Senán's resurrection, so that they might go 
along with Senáll to the great assembly of Doom. 



1875. It was not long afterwards when there was a great gathering of the Corco- 
Baiscinn in op.e place. So a married couple came to the assembly. As they 
reached the assembly the wizard who was at the meeting arose before them. When 
everyone saw that, the whole assembly rose up before them, for great was the honour 
that they had for the wizard at that time. Then the assembly laughed at the wizard, 
and said to him, 'It seems to us gòod I' say they. 'Gergenn, the peasant, and his 
wife have come to thee, for whom thou makest thy uprising.' Said the wizard, ' It is 
not to a peasant that I make uprising, but it is to the child that is in the womb 
of the woman there, for the Corco- Baiscinn will all arise before him. Him wi 11 they 
serve, it is he who will be their prince for ever.' 
1884. Now when the time came for the birth of that child, even Senán, his 
mother tarries alone in her garden, in autumn 1. An angel of God came to help her, 
so that the bringing forth of her son should not be difficult; and the angel blessed 
the child that was there born. The stake of rowan that was in her hand when she 
was bringing forth her son took the earth, and burst at once into flower and leaf; 
and still that tree remains. 
1890. Not long after the birth of this boy, his mother went for water having the 
child in her bosom. Then the mother tarried, stripping the blackberries from the 
brake that was near the well, for Senán was born at the beginning of 
the aforesaid child said to his mother out of her bosom: 'Stay from that,O mother, 
for that is refection before the proper hour.' 
1895. At IVlagh Lacha, then, at first were the dwelling and farm of Senán's 
parents before Senán was born. They had another farm at Tracht Termainn. Now 
there is a long space between these two farms; so when Senán's parents desired to 
make a removal, Senán would go a day or two days before them to make a house 
and sheds and farmyard and every needment besides, which they required to be ready 
before them. Now Senán used to do this for love of helping everyone who needed it, 
and he used to have a new house ready for his family. 
1903. Once upon a time his mother was angry with him about that matter, and 
she said this to him: '0 son of clan and kindred,' saith she, 'thy profit to us is 
small.' '0 mother,' saith he, 'be at rest, and thou shalt have what is needful.' 
, That will arise to us,' saith the mother. ' Verily it will arise,' saith Senán. When 
they were saying these words, they beheld coming towards them in the air the sheds 
and the farmyards, the ties and aU the needments which they required, and which 
they had left in the place from whence they came. And these things were laid 
down before them in the place in which it seemed right to them to settle. So God's 
name and Senán's were magnified by that miracle. 
1 'Tempore authumnali,' Colgan, 613 (recte 53). 


2 0 5 

191 I. Once, then, the Corco- Baiscinn went on a hosting into Corcomruad in 
Ninnus. Now the violent force of the prince takes Senán into that territory. When 
the hosts reached the territory of Corcomruad, they begin ravaging t
e terri
But this is what Senán did. He enters a barn of corn that was near him, and there 
he sleeps while the hosts were ravaging the country. The hosts turned to their own 
country after Corcomruad had been ravaged by them. Senán is left in the barn 
asleep where he was. So when everyone in the district came after the host (had 
gone back) to their own country, the barn in which Senán lay seemed thus, as 
a tower of fire flaming. When that was seen, a great multitude cam.e to rescue him. 
When they came near to the barn in which Senán lay, they perceived that he was 
safe from the fire. Some of them went into the barn and beheld the youth asleep. 
Some of them proceeded to slay him at once. 'Stay,' saith the good man in the 
barn; 'may hap it is a friend or kinsman of ours that is there and it is he that has 
saved the barn.' They asked whence he was. Senán said that he was one of the 
host which had ravaged that country, and that he had neither friend nor kinsman 
in the country. So when they perceived that he was a man with the grace of God, 
they protected him and dismissed him from out of the district all unhurt. 
1926. He went to a certain house of a worthy man in the territory of the tribes, 
to ask for a drink, for he was weary and thirsty with travelling after the host. Now 
a feast was ready in that house for the king of the territory. Senán was refused, and 
he went out of the house without food or drink. Straightway then came the king to 
the place to consume the banquet after Senán had departed. Now when he was told 
that the food and the ale were set forth, thus was it found: with the water foul and the 
food putrid. The host marvelled at that deed. Said the king: 'Did anyone go from 
you after being refused food or ale?' 'No one has gone,' say they, 'except one lad 
of the folk of the plundering party, who came here to ask for a drink, and none was 
given him.' Said the king: 'Let some one go after that man, for he is one with grace 
of God.' They went after Senán, and he was brought to the house, and he blessed 
the food and the ale, and their proper flavour went to them; and all who saw that 
miracle marvelled. 
1940. On another day Senán went with his father's oxen out of Irrus in the 
west to bring them eastward to Magh Lacha; and he saw the sea full in before him. 
Now night was then near, so he went to Dún Mechair (Mechar's fortress), which 
was at hand, to ask for a guest-house. Now Mechar was not in his fort on that 
night, and in his absence his household refused Senán. So Senán went back to the 
sea to await the ebb, and there was no other house near him to which he might then 
go. As his oxen went before him, on the shore of the sea, he saw the sea-strand 
before him. Then he drives his oxen over the strand. Then as Senán lifted his feet 




up over high-water-mark on the land, he heard the wave behind him striking against 
his heels. His mind changes then, and this he said, , Sufficient for me is the length 
of time that I have been at this layman's work.' Then he breaks the spear that was 
in his hand, and makes a cross thereof, and sets it into the ground, and thrice he 
prostrates himself by it to God. Then a troop came, and that night destroyed 
Mechar's fortress, and they slew his son, and his wife was carried off in the 
plunder. And the fortress has not been inhabited from that to this, and this will 
never be done. 
1954. So Senán went and left his oxen with his father, and goes afterwards and 
receives tonsure from Cassidan who had a church in the district of Irrus. Of the 
Ciarraige Cuirchi was this Cassidan.. Then Senin reads his psalms and his 
ecclesiastical discipline with Cassidan. 
1958. Then to read Senán went to Notál, to Cell Manach Droichit in the 
district of Ossory. Now this was the rule at the school. Each man of the school 
used to go, on the day that it would fall to him) to herd the calves of the church. 
Now on the day that it was Senán's turn to go and herd the calves, when he was 
driving his calves before him on this side, the cows would come after them, and 
when he was driving the cows on the other side, the calves would come after them. 
This is the plan that Senán carried out against this. He made the mark of his staff 
between the cows and the calves and over the field in which they were, and neither 
of them ventured to go to the other across that mark; and in that wise Senán acted 
every day that it fell to him to herd the calves. Then Senán used to go and do his 
reading until the hour came for driving the cows to their milking-ya.rd. 
1968. When Senán heard the saying of Christ to his apostles, 'Si quis inter uos 
uult maior fieri, sit uester minister (et seruus l ),' he took in hand to visit the mill. Now 
that year was a year of dearth and great famine, and there were two robbers in the 
district attacking everyone. On a certain night they said: 'What do ye to-night to 
seek something for us?' , We will go,' saith one of them, 'to the mill of Cell 
Manach; for there is (only) one man there every night grinding corn, and we will 
slay that man, and bring the corn (home), to us.' Then they went till they were before 
the mill. They look through the hole of the door, and they saw two in the mill, 
one of the twain areading and the other attending to 2 the mill. Then they said to 
one another: '\Vhat shall we do? Shall we attack the men? ' , We will not attack. 
them,' say they; 'for the man who is grinding is the owner of the corn which he 
grinds, and they have not the same household; and he will go to his house as soon 
as his grinding comes to an end; and we will go after him, and slay him, and carry 
1 Matth. xx. 26. 
:01 I Alterum curam molae agentem,' Colgan, 614 (recte 532). 

, I 

-2 0 7 

off his com and his raiment, and then we will go to the miller and slay him, and carry 
off his corn from him.' Then they stayed until the grinding ended, and the youth 
who had been grinding the corn in the mill ceased. Then Senán closed his book 
and slept. Howbeit his companion was without sleep. The robbers stay before the 
,mill till morning. Now when the morning came Senán opens the mill. The robbers 
come straightway to him into the mill and say to him: 'Who was with thee whilst 
thou wast reading and sleeping?' , Marvel not,' saith Senin, 'though it were He of 
whom it was said, Non dormitabil neque dormiel qui custodzï IsraelI.' 'Who is He?' 
say they" 'He is at hand,' saith Senán, 'ul dicitur: Praeslo est DOTllznus omnibus 
inuocantzous se 2,.' Howbeit the robbers made repentance, and went into union with 
Notál, and afterwards continued in his company 'So long as they remained alive. 
And it is they themselves that told that story. 
1994. On a certain night Senin went to the cook to ask a candle {which he 
needed) for grinding the corn. 'I have no dipped candles with me,' saith the cook, 
'save one candle; and take it with thee just now, and candles will be given to thee, 
provided they are dipped.' Senán went forth to his mill having his single candle. 
Then the mind of the cook reflected (?) that his week was complete. Then said the 
cook: 'It seems strange to us that the miller does not corne to ask for candles, and 
he agrinding every night.' So he went at nightfall to find out how Senán used to 
grind every night. And he looks through the hole of the door, and he saw the 
candlestick by Senán, and the mill grinding alone, and him adoing his reading. 
Then the cook went thence to his house. He came again on the morrow at nocturn 
to know how things were going on in the mill, and he saw the same ,candle on its 
candlestick just as it had been at nightfall. Then the cook went that time also to 
his house, and came again and saw likewise. With that the grinding ended, and 
the miller departs alone, and the candle is given to the cook. Howbeit it seemed 
certain to the cook that the very candle which had been given by him remained with 
'Senán after being consumed on every night to a week's end, and it was not diminished. 
Then the cook goes and tells that to N otáL 'A son of grace unto God,' saith 
Notál, 'is the man of whom those tidings are told. He will constrain a household 
unto God. Many miracles and marvels will God perform for him. It is proper to 
be cautious about him, for woe will be to him who shall act against his will, and 
happy is he who shall be obedient to him [ , 
2013. Senán went one day with his tutor Notál on a journey to Cell M6r Arad 
TIre. When they reached the door of the church they saw a great multitude wailing 
and sorrowing; for the only son of the chief of the territory had died and the chief was 
carrying him to his grave. When they saw the clerics coming to them, they stopped 
1 Ps. cxx. 4. 2 Ps. cxliv. 18. 




to meet them, and the woman said to them: 'For the sake of the Lord whom ye 
adore, 0 clerics, bring me my dead son to life!' , Alas for thee, what thou sayest, 
o lady,' saith Notál: 'God, and not man, hath power to do that deed.' 'For 
sake of lovingness and mercy,' saith the lady, 'entreat that Lord for me to bring me 
my only son to life!' And the boy was then carried into NotáI's presence. 'Do 
not bring the boy hither,' saith Notál, 'but take him to Senán.' '0 Sir,' saith 
Senán, 'what thou sayest is not meet 1.' , Verily it is meet,' saith Notál; 'for 
unto thee God hath granted to bring the boy to life; and take the boy under 
thy protection, for this is permitted unto thee.' Senán durst not resist N otál his 
tutor. So he takes the boy under his protection, and clasps him to his heart, and 
makes for him fervent prayers together with tears. It was not long after that they 
heard the boy talking under Senán's keeping, and Senán gave the child alive to 
Notá!. Notál gave him into his mother's hand. God's name, and NotáI's and 
Senán's were magnified by this miracle. Then the clerics went to their own church, 
when they had completed the work for which they had come. 
2031. So Senán's fame spread abroad throughout the territories on every 
side, because of the greatness of the miracles and the marvels which God was 
working for him.. The tribes and the kindreds used to come from every point unto 
him. Some of them with alms and offerings, others to seek alms, others to seek 
their cure from diseases, some to obtain his spiritual direction, some to bring about 
union with him and to ask him to take up a place before them. When N otál 
perceived that he said to Senán: 'My dear brother, it is time for thee to go and 
take up a place before the people which is choosing thee.' Then said Senán to 
Notál: '0 father Notáll what thou sayest is not right; for that is not what I have 
intended, but to be in monkdom with thee continually.' Said Notál: 'Not so shall 
it be; but go thou and take up a place before the people which are awaiting (?) thee.' 
'0 chosen father,' saith Senán, 'whither shall I go, and in what stead shall I take my 
place?' Said Notál :' My dear son, He who is choosing thee, even God, will manifest 
to thee the place which thou shalt take.' 
2044. Thereafter Senán went on his way, by the counsel of his tutor, even 
Notál; and Notál gave him his blessing, and Senán sets up in Inniscorthy beside the 
Slaney in the province of Húi Censelaig. Then he and 1\Iaedhóc of Ferns make 
a union. Maedhóc bequeaths his place and his crozier after him to Senán, and 
Senán takes the abbacy of Ferns after Maedhóc. 
2049. Senán goes from his abbacy to Rome. Then he goes from Rome to 
T ours, to commune with Martin. Then was l\Iartin writing a gospel before him. 
So Senán said: 'I should deem it wonderful if yonder hands which I see writing 
1 's. Senanus allegata sua indignitate, ait se non audere Dominum tentare,' Colgan, 614 (reete 53 2 ). 

LIFE OF SEllrAl'l. 

2 0 9 

would give me the Sacrifice on the day of my decease.' 'They shall indeed,' saith 
1\lartin; and then they, even Senán and l\Iartin, make their union, and l\lartin gives 
to Senán, in token of their union, the gospel which he wrote before him. This is 
to-day [called] Senán's Gospel. 
2056. Thereafter Senán went towards Ireland, and he came to Cell l\Iuine unto 
David. Then David and Senán made their union, and David gave his crozier to 
Senán in token of their union. 
2059. Thereafter Senán went to sea towards Ireland, and he took up (his abode) 
in the island of Ard Nemidh in the district of Húi Liathain. And there he remains 
for the space of forty days and nights, until God manifested to him the place of his 
resurrection. Then Raphael the archangel came to converse with Senán, and said to 
him: 'VÙ'ili/er age et conjörtetur cor tuum 1, quia ad te Dominus lan/am j'a1Juliam congre- 
gabit. Go then and take a place from the great folk which there is awaiting thee.' 
, Question, then,' saith Senán, , on what side shall I go, and in what place will be my 
resurrection? ' 'This hath not come to thee as yet,' saith the angel: 'so great is 
the multitude of the folk that has been gathered unto thee that they will not fit with 
thee in one place; wherefore thou shalt first establish many monasteries, and then 
thou shalt reach the place wherein thy resurrection will be.' 
2068. Senán left a portion of his household there, and went according to the 
angel's command till he came to Inis Cara beside Lua; and there he founded a 
church unto God. 
2069. Then came a ship's crew from the lands of Latium on a pi1grimage into 
Ireland. Five decades 2 were their number, all of perfect folk. So each decade of them 
chose its favourite of the saints of Ireland; and they cast themselves on his favour 
before they would come out of their own country, and they cast on him the safe- 
guarding of their way and of their journey until they should reach Ireland, that is, a 
day with a night to every band with the saint whose favour it should choose to pilot 
their voyage until each should come to the saint he had chosen. These are the 
saints whom they chose, namely Findia, and Senán, and Brenainn, and Ciarán, and 
Bairre. Now the day that it happened to Senán's household to safeguard the voyage, 
the pilot said: '\Vhose is this day?' 'The day of Senán's household,' say they. 
'Let help come quickly from them, if they have anyone who can help us, for the 
wind hath come bitterly against us.' One of them, a humble bishop, rose up at once; 
and there happened to be in his hand the bone of the thigh, for it was the hour at 
which they were dining. And (with the bone) he blessed the air and said: '0 Senán, 
let help come quickly, and let the wind become favourable!' When bishop l\Iula had 
spoken these words, the wind came aft into the sail, and they had a fair breeze till 
1 Ps. xxx. 25. 2 I read, with the Brussels 
fS., {oice deiclmeabhair. 



they made land at Cork. His household remained with Bairre. The rest went to 
Senán to Inis Cara, and they had a welcome; and with him stayed his own 
household, even bishop Iohann and bishop l\Iula with their decade. And from him 
their respective households go to Findia, and Ciarán, and Brenainn. 
2087. Then messengers came from the king of Raithlenn, even from Lugaid 
the Breasted, to demand taxes from Senán. Senán said to the messengers, that he 
would not be under tribute to an earthly king. That answer was displeasing to 
Lugaid, and he said to his people: 'Take ye my racehorse to the cleric, and let it be 
fed on corn with him.' Thereafter the horse was brought to Senán and he was put 
into the pool of the refectory to be washed, and the horse was immediately drowned 
in the pool, so that nothing save its leg (cara) was seen above the pool. Wherefore 
thence the place is called lnis Cara t, for Tuaim n-Aba had been its name until then. 
2094. 'Vhen Lugaid was told that his horse had been drowned, he went with 
anger and fierceness to Senán and threatens him greatly. Senán grew angry with 
Lugaid, and said that the kingship over Húi Echach would never be inherited from 
him; and he said, moreover, to Lugaid that he (Senán) would deprive him of heaven 
and earth unless he should give him his desire. Now Lugaid had two foster-sons, 
namely Aed and Loeghaire. And they said to him: 'Give the cleric his full desire.' 
Then Lugaid gave them and Senán their full desire. And Senán leaves dignity 
continually on Lugaid's children. Then Aed and Loegaire gave Senán his full desire, 
and Senán left them the kingdom of Húi Echach with them continually without 
quarrelling, so long as they should do Senán's will. 'VVherefore of that the poet with 
God's grace, even Colmán, son of Lenín, sang the lay: 
2 104 Senán fasted south in the island of AnI N emid : 
Though not equally good with just devotion, it was an enduring battle. 
He tarried there forty days with God's truth 2 
Until Raphael the angel came, as they declare s. 
Raphael the añgel said to him. . . 
That he should go-happy utterance-to Tuaim Abae. 
He founded an altar after this on that mound, 
'\\Ïth God's word he tarried a space in that Rome. 
It was said to him by fierce Lugaid-festival with good hold- 
'Rent with value, without any bad part, belonged to the king of Raithliu.' 
Said Senán to the messengers-a mighty utterance- 
That he would not be under tribute nor service to an earthly king. 
Lugaid's messengers went (back) to him with the answer; 
He said to them without any reply (to Senán),-just his. . . 
A wonderful horse had Lugaid, man with swiftness, 
A more beautiful horse than his was not found . . . in Ireland. 
1 'Quod enim Latinis armus dicitur, hoc Hibernis cara nuncupatur,' CoIg. 533. 
2 la fir Fiadhat, B. 3 atfiadhat B. 



2 I 20 ' Take my horse to the cleric' - . . . which he spake 
Through a boastful word-' that it be fed by him on corn 1.' 
Up to that, this had been its name, Tuai11l 1za hA bha : 
Wherefore afterwards it is bzis Cara. 
The king of Raithliu went from the south to them-haughty onrush- 
In front of every one till he was with hostful Senán. 
This did Lugaid the Breasted say as to the cleric, 
ith fierce utterance, that he should be cast into . . . water. 
Because of what Senán had said to him-vast satisfaction- 
'This is not the way: not from thee shall an earthly kingdom be inherited.' 
2 I 30 Not from thee shall a prosperous kingdom be inherited-raiding onrush- 
Through a saint's curse, thou shalt not be everlasting 2 over Húi Echach. 
Unless thou do my will '-deed with pure goodness- 
A saying which he uttered-' I will snatch 3 from thee heaven and earth.' 
, Not good is what thou dost, 0 Lugaid ! '-deed with liberal valour- 
, Noble . . . Senán, give him his desire,' say his fosterlings: 
'Give his full desire to the cleric, as is very lawful, 
\Vithout affliction of speech, that it may be a tale to the world's end.' 
Because of their speaking Lugaid gave Senán his desire; 
True dignity-a . . . country was given to Lugaid's children. 
'Vhen they did Senán's full will, . . . satisfaction, 
The twain together, Aed and radiant Loiguire, 
21 4 2 'Yhen they did Senán's full will. . . of offering, 
He gave them, with peace and goodly children, the realm of Raithliu. 
Said the word of the apostle who ennobles labours, 
That a realm not rude should be unto Aed and heroic Loiguire. 
When he had routed the Devil in battle-no wrong follows- 
Many benevolences were bestowed on him by fosterlings of fasting 4 . 
2 14 8 . After that Senán left eight of his household in lnis Cara with CilIín and 
with Feichín. A son was he of the king of 1\luskerry, and a pupil of Senán's. 
Thereafter Senán went by God's order, and set up in lnis Luinge, and founded a 
church therein. Then came the holy virgins to him, even the daughters of Brenainn 
king of Húi Figeinte, and offered themselves to God and to Senán. That was the 
first-fruits of the Eoganacht Gabra to Senán. Then Senán leaves that church with them. 
21 55. Thence Senán went to Inis 1\1ór in Irrus Desceirt. The wind bears 
them past it so that they set up in Inis Tuaiscirt. So herein Senán stayed and founded 
a church to God in it, and he left in it a portion of his household. 
2 15 8 . Thereafter Senán went and set up in lnis l\Iór, and therein he founded 
1 Here a verse, describing the drowning of the horse, seems lost. 2 For suthach B hassuthaill. 
3 gétad=getat B, is the 1st sing. redupl. fut. act. of gat aim. 
4 :Much of this' historia metrice conscripta' is as unintelligible to me as it seems to have been to 
Colgan. The chevilles are more than usually obscure. I had better, perhaps, have followed Colgan's 
example and left it wholly untranslated. 





a church. To a well whence water was wont to be drawn by them, a woman of 
the folk of the island went to wash her son's clothes. So bishop Sétna saw that and 
said: 'Evil is yon deed.' 'What is that deed?' saith Libern, son of Dall. 'A 
woman washing her son's clothes in the well out of which the water of l\Iass is 
brought to us 1.' 'Her son,' saith Libern, 'hath gone from her over the edge of 
Ireland.' At that time the child was playing on the edge of the cliff in his mother's 
presence. The boy fell down the cliff 2. The woman wailed after her child. 'It is 
wicked of you to commit the manslaughter,' saith Senán. "Ve admit penance upon 
us,' say they. Quoth Senán: 'Go thou, 0 bishop Sétna, for thou art the cause of 
killing the boy, and take with thee Libern, and leave him on the rock, so that God 
may pass judgment upon him, and do thou take her son to the woman.' Bishop 
Sétna went and left Libern on his rock; and (then) he went a-seeking the child, and 
he found him in the trough (?), in which he was, playing with the waves. For the 
waves would reach up to him, and laugh around him, and he was laughing at the 
waves, and putting his palm to the foam of the waves, and he used to lick it like the 
foam of new milk; and the child remained there from one watch to another. Bishop 
Sétna takes the child to him into the boat, and gives him to Senán, and Senán gives 
him to his mother. Senán said to bishop Sétna: 'Go and fetch Libern from the 
rock, for I see that his Judge is compassionate unto him. The sea cometh not to 
him within the length of his crozier on every side.' Then bishop Sétna went and 
fetches Libern from the rock to the place where Senán was biding. 
2 I 79. Said Libern: 'What would be betterS for us than anything would be that 
we should be near water here.' 'It is close by,' saith Senán, 'for there is a well under 
thy feet in the place wherein thou art. Thrust thy crozier beside thy foot into the 
earth, and water will well forth to thee.' Libern thrusts his crozier beside his foot 
into the earth, and at once a well of pure water springs out of that place; and this 
is its name, Tipra Libirn (' Libern's Well '.) 
2 184. Quoth bishop Dalann: 'This land is clayey and brittle; the sea will eat it 
away and carry with it our remains. Not good is the place for our resurrection.' 
C So shall it not be,' saith Libern; 'but when ye shall bury me, put my two soles 
towards the sea, and I shall obtain from God that the sea will not break that land 
thenceforward.' And thus was it fulfilled. 
2189. Senán leaves bishop Dalann, and bishop Sétna, and bishop. Eire, and 
Libern, the son of the Dall 4, and other holy men along with them in Inis l\iór. And 
Senán went and set up in Inis Caeraeh Céoil and leaves a party of his household 

1 'Ex quo aqnae ad tremenda mysteria sacrificij missae soleant desumi/ Colgan, 533. 
2 From the effects of Sétna's and Liberll's angry imprecations. 3 Lit. ' more: 
i 'blind.' B omits the article before Daill. 


21 3 

therein. Thence Senán went and set up in Inis Connla 1, in the district of Húi Sétna; 
and there he founded a church, and left therein two of his household, even bishop 
Fiannai and bishop Findein. 
2194. Then came Raphael the Archangel to commune with Senán, and he 
said: 'Come with me, and I will shew thee the place in which thy resurrection will 
take place; for unto God it seems time for thee to reach it.' Then Senán and the 
angel went till they were on l\Iullach Feis. Then said the angel to him: C Behold 
the island there. Thy resurrection shall be therein, and the resurrection of a great 
host of saints along with thee. In the west of the world there is no more sacred 
island. No outrage to God hath ever been committed there. God sent an awful 
monster to keep it, so that neither sinners nor sons of cursing should dwell therein, 
but that it should remain in holiness awaiting thee. Yonder monster shall be put forth 
from the island before thee, so that dwelling along with it may not annoy thy com- 
munity. For unto God it seemeth time for thee to go and build a church in that 
island. Noble and venerable will that church be. It will be a head of devotion and 
a well of wisdom of the west of the world. It will be a protection of prayer to 
foreigners and to Gael.' Said Senán to the angel: '\Vhat seems timely to God seems 
timely to me; for this is what I seek continually, that which is the will of God.' 
'Vith that the angels lift him up along with the flagstone on which he \vas sitting, 
from l\Iullach Fessi, and set him down on a high hill in the middle of the island; and 
thence is Ard na n-Aingel ('the Angels' Height'), and Lec na n-Aingel (' the Angels' 
Flagstone ') in Inis Cathaigh. They sing praise to God in that spot, even Senán and 
the angels, and then they went to seek the monster, to the place in which it abode. 
22 I 2. When the monster heard them, it shook its head, and its hair stood up 
upon it, and its rough bristles; and it looked at them, hatingly and wrathfully. Not 
gentle, friendly, mild, was the look that it bestowed upon them, for it marvelled that 
anyone else should come to visit it in its island. So it went to them strongly and 
swiftly, insomuch that the earth trembled under its feet. Hideous, uncouth, ruth- 
less, awful, was the beast that arose there. Longer was its body than Inis na 
h-Urclaide 2. A horse's mane had it; an eye gleaming flaming in its head, and it 
keen, savage, froward, angry, edged, crimson, bloody, cruel, bounding. Anyone 
would think that its eye would go through him when it looked upon him. Two very 
hideous, very thick feet under it; behind it a mane. Nails of iron on it which used 
to strike showers of fire out of the rocks of stone wherever it went across them. A 
fiery breath it had which burnt like embers. A belly it had like the bellows of a 
furnace. A whaie's tail upon it behind. Iron, rending (?) claws upon it, which used 
to lay bare the surface of the ground on the path they came behind the monster. 
1 Cunnlo, B. 
 This seems to mean' The isle of the great trench' (clad). 




Equally did it traverse sea and land when it so desired. Then the sea boiled from 
the greatness of its heat and from its virulence when it entered it. No boats could 
catch it: neither fron1 that day to this has anyone escaped from it who could tell 
tidings of it. 
2228. Now, when the n10nster came savagely to the place where Senán was 
biding, it opened its maw so that, as it drew nigh the cleric, its entrails were clearly 
seen over the maw. Thereat Senán lifted up his hand and made the sign of Christ's 
Cross in its face. Then the n10nster was silent, and this is what Senán spake to it : 
'I say unto thee,' saith he, 'in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the 
Holy Ghost, leave this island and hurt no one in the district over which thou wilt go, 
nor in the district unto which thou wilt come.' The monster went at once at 
Senán's word out of the island till it reached Dubloch of Sliab Collain. And it did 
no hurt to anyone, till it came there, nor after arriving; for it durst not oppose 
Senán's word. 
2237. N ow after that Senán and the angels went righthandwise round the island 
till they came again to the Height of the Angels, after they had consecrated the 
island. Senán said to the angel: 'Savage is the sea that there is around the island: 
there seemeth a troubled people therein.' 'Though it be savage,' saith the angel, 
',yhatever monk with humbleness of heart shall go from thee . . . . he will not be 
drowned until he shall come back to thee again.' 'God hath granted to thee,' saith 
the angel, 'that he over whom the mould of this island shall go, shall not be after 
Judgment an inhabitant of hell.' 
2244. Then the angel uttered this stave: 

C A sea high, stormy, past its side, 
not a royal element: 
No penance but death shall he taste, 
He over whom its mould goeth.' 
2249. When those tidings were heard throughout the territories, to wit, that Senán 
was dwelling in Inis Calhaigh, and had expelled the monster from it, and when IVlac 
Tail, king of Húi Figente, had heard that story, he w
s very wrathful, and this he said: 
'\Vho hath dared,' saith he, 'to inhabit my land without my leave?' He sent off his 
steward to desire Senán's brothers, even Coe! and Liath, to thrust forth their brother 
from the island. They went to the island to Senán and said to him: ' It is to take 
thee out of this island we have come, for the king of Húi Figente has opposed us. 
Re says that this island belongs to him as well as the other islands of Luimnech.' 'It is 
certain,' saith Senán, , that this island doth not belong to him, and that his share of 
the other islands is no greater than my share.' , It is certain then,' say his brothers to 
him, ' that it is necessary for us to take thee out of the island.' Thereafter each of the 


2 1 5 

twain takes his hand and dragged him with them perforce down over the rock. Then 
Coel grew angry with him, hauling him against the stones till he was all broken. 
Why is this,' saith Coel to Liath, ' that thou dost not drag this man along with me?' 
, I will not do it,' saith Liath. 'I regret what I have done to him.' 'If,' saith Coel, 
'thou s,houldst go to do any other deed thou wouldst do it thus.' , \Vhy,' saith Coel, 
, shouldst thou prefer to forfeit thine own land than to take this lad out of the land 
which does not belong to him?' 'It seems easier to me,' saith Liath, ' even to leave 
Ireland than to outrage this man.' 'It is not necessary,' saith Senán (to Liath): 'for thy 
children will inhabit the land after thee. Yon nlan who loves the land, neither he nor 
his children after him will inhabit the land, and it is thou that shalt enjoy it.' Then 
they went away and leave Senán in his island. As Coel reached the door of his 
dwelling in Ochtar l\laige Fochaillech, he went to sudden death. \Vhen Liath saw that 
he returned to Senán and repented. Senán saith to Liath: ' It is no mistake which 
thou hast made in not uniting with Coe!, for (hadst thou done so) thy life would not 
have been longer than Coel's, and thy children would have perished.' Said Liath to 
Senán: ' Shall the body of yon wretched man be brought to thee?' 'It shall not be 
brought,' saith Senán, 'for it is not meet that the Devil should have his soul and that 
I should have his body; but let him be buried in the hill on which he fell.' So Coel 
was buried in that place, and his children after him perished, and Senán hath 
his land. 
2277. Then his steward went to 1\1ac Tail and tells him his tidings. 1\10urnful 
was l\lac Tail at those tidings and said: 'I am grieved that yon churl shöuld have 
taken (nlY land) from me perforce.' Said his wizard to the king: 'Thou needest not 
be anxious about this, for I will take a charm to him, and he shall either die or 
leave thy land in thy possession.' Glad was the king at this answer; and then the 
wizard went and put the king's two charioteers in order on Senán, and unyoked in 
the place that he chose in the island. Then he went to the spot where Senán was 
biding and sang incantations against him, and said: 'Leave the land with this spell.' 
Said Senán to him: 

'I will resist thy spell. 
Disgrace shall be on thee. 
Thou shalt be wretched without a noise. . . . 
It is thou that shalt perish.' 

2289. 'Stronger is the spell that I have brought with me,' saith Senán, 'and 
better is my lore.' 'It will be something if we know' [it], saith the wizard, 'for I 
will now do something that thou canst not do.' , Thou wilt not do any good,' saith 
Senán, , that I shall not do, and every evil that thou shalt do, God will, by means of 
me, put away.' Thus the wizard brought darkness over the sun, so that no one in 



the island could see his comrade's face. Senán charmed the darknesses, so that they 
went away at once and it was bright. The wizard brought thundering and abundant 
lightnings, and great confusion into the air. Senán charmed all that and he puts it away. 
N ow when the wizard could do nothing to Senán, he went out of the island, and said 
to Senán: 'I shall not see thee before me here when I shall come again.' , \Vhither 
goest thou?' saith Senán. 'I go,' saith the wizard, 'to a place that thou knowest not, 
and thou shalt not know when I shall come and whence I shall go to thee again.' 'I 
know well,' saith Senán;' thou wilt not come again into the land out of which thou 
goest, and it will not be lucky for thee in the land unto which thou shalt betake 
thyself.' Then the wizard went away in wrath, and he conjured a mist around him, 
so that it might not be seen that he was in Dairinis, that is, an island that lay opposite 
Inis Cathaigh in the South-east. This is why he went into it, in order that he might 
get to the apex (?) of his art therein, and that he might summon demons to help 
him, for demons durst not come to help him in opposition to Senán. Now when 
the wizard had reached the island and dwelt therein, the sea comes over it, and the 
wizard is drowned therein with his people; so it is (called) Carrac na nDruad (the 
Rock of the Wizards) to-day. l\Iac Tail was told that the wizard was drowned, 
and at that he was exceeding wrathful. 
2309. Now at that time the king held a meeting at Corcomruad. He came to Inis 
Cathaigh and said to Senán: ' Is it thou that takest my land from me, and that slewest 
my wizard? It is certain that he and thou shall have the same burial, for a stone under 
thy neck will be cast into the depth of the sea to avenge on thee the deed thou hast 
Gone.' , Thou hast not power to do so,' saith Senán. So the king said to Senán: 
, Let not my horses be injured with thee.' ' 'Tis not I that 'Yill be thy horse-keeper,' 
saith Senán. 'It is to thee,' [saith the king,] 'that I have given my horses until I come 
again from my journey.' ,'God is able,' saith Senán, ' to keep thee from coming again 
into this land, and from reaching the end of thy way.' So the earth swallows up the 
horses in the place in which they were then, in Fán na n-Ech (the Slope of the 
Horses) in the west of Inis Cathaigh. That was told to the king and his mind was not 
the better. 'Not meet for thee,' saith his son to the king, 'was what thou didst to the 
cleric; and we know that he will take vengeance on thee for it.' , I do not value him 
more,' saith the king, 'than a hornless swarthy sheep.' 'Though that is not mighty,' 
saith Senán, ' God is able to cause thy death to come from it.' 
2323. Then the king went his way in wrath and pride. Now when he had got 
so far that he was going beside a cliff in the north of the district of Baiscenn, the 
hornless swarthy sheep started up under the feet of the horses that were drawing the 
chariot, and the horses made a great stumbling (?) under the chariot before the 
sheep, and the king fell out of the chariot and struck his head against a stone, and 



thereof he perished, and went in that spot through Senán's curse, in defeat of 
martyrdom, to hell; and his land belongs thenceforward to Senán. 
2330. Then Donnán, son of Liath, a pupil of Senán's, and two little boys who were 
reading along with him, went to cut seaweed for Senán on the shore (of a rock in the 
sea). (Donnán returned to Inis Cathaigh and) the sea carries off his boat from him, 
and he had no boat for the boys, and there was no other boat in the island to succour 
the boys. So the boys were drowned on the rock. Then on the morrow their bodies 
were borne (on the tide) till they lay on the strand of the island. Then came their 
parents and stood on the strand, and asked that their children should be given to 
them alive. Said Senán to Donnán: 'Tell the boys to arise and converse with 
me.' Said Donnán to the boys: ' Ye are permitted to arise and converse with your 
parents, for so saith Senán to you.' They straightway arose at Senán's orders, and 
said to their parents: 'Ill have ye done unto us, bringing us out of the land which we 
had reached.' ' Why,' saith their mother to them, , would ye rather stay in that land 
than come back to us?' 'Oh mother,' say they, 'though the power of the whole 
world should be given to us, and its delightfulness and joyance, we should deeln it the 
same as if we were in a prison, compared with being in the life and in the land 
which we reached. Delay us not; for it is time for us to go back to the land out of 
which we have come; and for our sakes God will cause that ye will not suffer sorrow 
after us.' Then their parents give them their consent, and they went along with 
Senán to his convent, and the Sacrifice was given to them, and the)" go to heaven; and 
their bodies are buried before the convent in which Senán abode. And those are the 
first dead folk that were buried in Inis Cathaigh. 
2350. Then Brenainn and Ciarán came to get Senán for their soul-friend \ for 
he was elder than they themselves, and his rank was higher, Senán (being) a bishop 
and the other two priests. Now there was no food to be seen (?) in the convent when 
they arrived. So they were for the space of three days without food, both guests and 
community, and no food came from anyone. So Nechtán Longhead, king of Húi 
Figennte, was told that Brenainn and Ciarán were in Inis Cathaigh conversing with 
Senán, and that their three days' fast without food was 'con1plete. N echtán said to 
his steward: 'Hast thou finished preparing the feast ,vhich thou wast makin õ for me ? ' 
'It is finished,' saith the steward. 'Take it with thee diligently to Senán and his 
guests who are without food in Inis Cathaigh.' Thus was 

t done, and the king 
himself came, and waited in the port of the island, for he durst not go from the 
port without Senán's permission. The feast was displayed to the cook, and he took 
it into the kitchen. 1'he clerics then were summoned to the port of the island to 
converse with the king. And this he said to them: 'This is my desire if my wish be 

1 Spiritual director. 




perceived that my service be . . . by Senán.' Then Nechtán kneels to Senán and, in 
presence of Brenainn and Ciarán, offered himself, with his seed after him, in perpetual 
ownership for ever unto God and to Senán. Then the clerics bestowed a blessing 
on N echtán and on his seed so long as they should fulfil Senán's will. And the 
clerics, even Brenainn and Senán, said that neither kingship nor primacy, nor good- 
ness of wealth (?) therein, would come to Nechtan's seed which should not do Senán's 
will. Then the king went to his province and bears a blessing from the saints. So 
the clerics came to their church and blessed the banquet that had been given to them.. 
Then said Brenainn: 'It is certain,' saith he, 'that God's vengeance will lie, here 
and beyond, on him who shall consume gratis the fruit oÎ Senán's fasting and 
prayer. . . since it hath not been permitted to me and Ciarán to consume it until we 
had first made its price by fasting and prayer.' 
2375. Thereafter came a year of great drought. His household lament to 
Senán that they have no water. Then an angel of God can1e to converse with 
Senán after that he had been praying at nocturns, and this he said: 'Greatly do 
thy household complain to thee that they are without water, go that we may see the 
place wherein there is water near them.' Senán and the angel arose at once and 
went to the spot in which the water is to-day. The angel said to Senan: 'Dig thou 
here,' saith he. Senán takes a stake of holly which was near him, and digs the 
earth as the angel had said to him. As Senán dug, the angel cleansed. The angel 
said: 'Sufficient is its depth which thou diggest; there will be no want of water in this 
well so long as there shall be habitation in this church, and it will heal every illness 
which shall be brought to it.' Then Senán sets the stake which was in his hand on 
the brink of the well, and it took the soil at once. On the morrow, as the brethren 
arose, they beheld the well full of water and the (full-grown) tree of holly on its brink. 
2388. Once upon a time Ciarán went to converse with Senán, and lepers came 
to him on Ochtar Sceith: they made an urgent request of him, so he gave his 
chasuble to them. Then he went in his single thread till he was on the shore, to the 
north of the island. It was manifested to Senán that Ciarán was in the harbour. 
Then a boat without a hide is brought for Ciarán, for there was no other boat on the 
island that could be brought for him. Senán went till he was in the harbour , having 
his chasuble in his keeping, in order to give it to Ciarán lest he should be ashamed at 
being without a chasuble. As Ciarán reached the port, Senán said laughingly: 
, Cowlless Ciarán I' saith he. 'Short will be my nakedness,' saith Ciarán: 'there is a 
cowl for me in thy keeping.' Ciáran takes the cowl around hin1, and in that wise 
they came to the church; and that is Ciarán's cowl to-day. 
2399. Brigit, daughter of CÚ Cathrach, of the Húi l\iaic Tai1, a virginal holy 
maiden, set up in a church on Cluain Infide, on the brink of the Shannon. She had 


21 9 

a chasuble as alms for Senán, and she had no messenger, so she made a little basket 
of rods of holly, and she put moss to it, and placed the chasuble in it, and put 
her . . . to ask for the Sacrifice, and then she set the basket on the Shannon, and said 
(to the river): 'Thou hast leave to bear that with thee to Inis Cathaig.' On the day, 
then, that the chasuble can1e to Inis Cathaig, Senán said to his deacon: 'If thou 
findest aught on the strand, thou hast leave to bring it hither.' The deacon went 
and found the basket on the strand, and carries it to Senán. Senán takes out the 
chasuble and puts it upon hin1. Thereafter two stones of salt are put into the same 
basket, and the box containing the Sacrifice is (also) put in, and the basket is set 
upon the same water, and Senán said to it: 'Thou hast leave to carry this to Cluain 
Infide and display the box and the one piece of salt to Brigit, and thou take the other 
piece of salt to Inis Clothrann to Diarmait.' When the basket reached Cluain Infide, 
Brigit went to it and takes thereout the box and one of the two pieces of salt. The 
stream of the Shannon then swept away the basket (containing the other piece of 
salt) and left it in Inis Clothrann with Diarmait. So after that Brigit and Diarmait 
gave thanks to God and to Senán. 
2416. Canair the Pious, a holy maiden of the Benntraige of the south of 
Ireland, set 
 up a hermitage in her own territory. There one night, after nocturns, she 
was praying, when all the churches of Ireland appeared to her. And it seemed that 
a tower of fire rose up to heaven from each of the churches; but the greatest of the 
towers, and the straightest towards heaven, was that which rose from Inis Cathaig. 
, Fair is yon cell,' she saith. 'Thither will I go, that my resurrection may be near 
it.' Straightway on she went, without guidance save the tower of fire which she 
beheld ablaze without ceasing day and night before her, till she came thither. Now, 
when she had reached the shore of Luimnech, she crossed the sea with dry feet as if 
she were on smooth land, till she came to Inis Cathaig. Now Senán knew that 
thing, and he went to the harbour to meet her, and he gave her welcome. 
2426. ' Yea, I have come,' saith Canair. 
'Go,' saith Senán,' to thy sister who dwells in yon island in the east, that thou 
mayest have guesting therein.' 
, Not for that have we come,' saith Canair, ' but that I may have guesting with thee 
in this island.' 
'''Vornen enter not this island,' saith Senán. 
, How canst thou say that?' saith Canair. ' Christ is no worse than thou. Christ 
came to redeem women no less than to redeem men. N a less did He suffer for the 
sake of women than for the sake of men. Women have given senice and tendance 
unto Christ and His Apostles. No less than men do women enter the heavenly king- 
dom. Why, then, shouldst thou not take women to thee in thine island?' 



, Thou art stubborn,' saith Senán. 
, '''hat then,' saith Canair, ' shall I get what I ask for, a place for my side in this 
isle and the Sacrament froln thee to me ? ' 
, A place of resurrection,' saith Senán, , will be given thee here on the brink of the 
wave, but I fear that the sea will carry off thy remains.' 
'God will grant me,' saith Canair, 'that the spot wherein I shall lie will not be the 
first that the sea will bear away.' 
, Thou hast leave then,' saith Senán, 'to come on shore.' For thus had she been 
while they"were in converse, standing up on the wave, with her staff under her bosom, 
as if she were on land. Then Can air came on shore, and the Sacrament was 
administered to her, and she straightway went to heaven. 
2447. God granted unto Canair that whoso visits her church before going on 
the sea shall not be drowned between going and returning. 
2450. Overmany, now, to reckon and set forth are the miracles and marvels 
which God wrought for Senán. For there is none who could declare then1 all, unless 
an angel of God should come to declare them. Howbeit this little of them is enough 
for an example, even his inner life, his constant use 1 of every day, his humility, his 
gentleness, his clemency, his patience, his mildness, his charity, his mercifulness, his 
lovingness, his fasting, his abstinence, his prayer, his continual watching, his mind 
constantly in contemplation of God. There is none who could set him forth save one 
from God. 
2457. Now the virtues of Senán were many. He is the glassy well whereby all 
the folks which God entrusted to him are washed by the purity of his teaching. He 
moreover is the heavenly cloud whereby the earth of the Church and the souls of the 
righteous are illumined by the rain of his teaching with the holding fast of virtues. 
He, moreover, is the golden lamp which was lit by the Holy Ghost, by reason of 
whom the darkness of sins and transgressions flee from the house of the Church of 
God. He is the ever-victorious bark that beareth the hosts of the righteous over the 
storm of the world to the shore of the Heavenly Church. He is the consecrated 
em blem (?) of the Heavenly King, which maketh peace and likeness and harmony 
between Him and the sons of men. He is the mayor and steward and spencer, whom 
the Heavenly Overking sent to exact tribute of virtues and good deeds from Goedel's 
many clans. He is the precious stone whereof the heavenly palace 2 is built for the 
hosts of the earth. He is the pure vessel by which the wine of God's word is dealt 
out to the people. He is the great and happy hospitaller of goodly teaching, who 
used to satisfy the poor and naked. He is the branch of the true Vine S which pre- 

1 For the bhithbhua1z of the :MS. read bhith bkuall. 

2 rightech, B. 

S John xv. I. 



pareth life and satisfaction for the world. He is the true leech that healeth the 
ailments and diseases of the soul of every faithful man in the Christian Church. 
2472. Now when the day of the decease of that saint, even Senán, drew nigh- 
after healing blind and deaf, and halt and dumb, and every other disorder; after 
founding cells and churches and monasteries for God, and ordaining therein bishops 
and priests and folk of every other rank, with anQinting and consecrating and 
blessing of tribes, it came into Senán's mind to go and make prayer at the relics of 
Cassidan his tutor, and his father's sister Scath the Pious, the daughter of Dubthach. 
So he went on that side, and he visited Cell Eochaille to commence with N er's 
daughters who were dwelling there,-pious, holy virgins, who had taken the veil at 
Senán's hand, and who were under his spiritual direction. Then they entreat Senán 
that the body of (some) lowly monk of his community might be given to them, 'to 
be buried by us, so that his relics may be protecting us.' , Verily,' saith Senán, 'this 
shall be granted to you. Be in no distress as to one from whom your protection 
shall come.' 
2483. Then he bids farewell to the holy virgins, and goes and makes prayer at 
Cassidan's relicf, and comes back till he reached the thorn which is in the wood to the 
west of CelJ Eochaille. There he heard the voice calling to him from the heavens, and 
it said: 'Come, 0 holy Senán, come thou to heaven!' Senán ans\
;ered and said: 
'Question,' said he. He at once stopt in that place. Then God's angels uplifted 
Martin from Tours in a heavenly cloud and laid him down in the place where Senán 
was biding, and gave him communion and sacrifice. 'Vhen all that God permitted 
was finished for him, the angels uplifted I\Iartin the monk in the same cloud, and 
left hin1 in Tours on the same day. 
2492. Then said Senán to his household: 'Let my body be here till dawn.' 
Senán sendeth his spirit to heaven among bands of angels, at the summons of the 
Trinity, at noon on the calends of IVlarch. Now Senán's body lay there, and 
though on that night the light of the sun was absent from them, the presence of the 
angels of the Heavenly Light was not wanting to them. 
2496. So on the morrow, out of the island for Senán's body came his household, 
even Odrán and J.\tlac lnill, and bishop Iuil, and bishop Mula, (and) Segda son of 
Baeth, and the other saints; and they buried Senán's body with honour and great 
reverence, and angels carried his soul to the eternal rest in the union of the holy 
Trinity and heaven's household. 
2500. I entreat God's mercy, through Senán's intercession, that we may reach 
that union (and that we may dwell therein) in saecula saeculorum. Amen. 


2504. Here now are briefly set forth the miracles and marvels of this pious one, 
and the completion whicJ:1 he gave to his victorious career in t
1e present world: thai 
is set forth for the delight of the souls of the faithful, to wit, Findian, son of Finntan, 
son of Concrad, son of DairchelI, son of Senach, son of Diarmait, son of Aed, son of 
Fergus, son of Ailill Tauldub, son of Celtchar, son of Uithechar. That Finntan, 
then, whom we have mentioned, took a wife of good kin named Telach. It happened 
that she became with child by him. In the time of her pregnancy there appeared to 
her a flame of fire which can1e into her mouth and went back in the form of a bright 
bird, by the same way, and the bird went and sat on the branch of a tree, and all the 
birds and birdfiocks of l\logh's Half1 came to it on that tree and stayed with it there. 
And the bird then went into Conn's Half2, and sat there upon the branch of another 
tree. The birds and the birdflocks of Ireland came to it and it kept them with it. 
So she told that vision to her husband. ' VeriIy, thou hast somewhat pious in thy 
womb,' saith he; 'let us sleep apart so long as thou shalt be in that condition.' 
They did so. Telach herself used not to eat rich meats, but only mild herbs and 
light victuals, until that gifted offspring was born. 
2521. Now the holy Findian was taken to Abban, son of Húa Cormaic, to be 
baptised. Now there were two wells in the field in which he was baptised; Bal and 
Dimbal were their names. He was baptised out of the well named Bal, as was meet 
for his merits. When the holy Findian grew up, he was taken to a bishop to 
Fortchernn, and read the Psalms and the ecclesiastical order with him. Howbeit in 
his youth he founded three churches, namely Ross Cuire, and Druim Fiaid, and 
Magh G las. 
2527. N ow when he reached the age of thirty he went over sea. He came to 
T ours. There he found before him an elder named Caeman. They were for a time 
together and they made a union. After that Findian went to CeIll\tJuÍne. There he 
found before him three sages named David, and Gildas, and Cathmael. This was 
the cause of their being gathered together there-a contention for the headship and 
abbacy of the island of Britain between two of them, that is between David and 

1 The southern balf of Ireland. 

2 The northern half of Ireland. 



Gildas. They agreed that Cathmael should be arbitrator between them. Now 
when Cathn1ael beheld St. Findian he looked at him meditatively. 
'What is that great attention,' saith David to Cathmael, 'that thou bestov:est 
on the unknown youth that is gone into the house?' 
, Great grace,' saith Cathmael, 'I perceive upon hin1.' 
'If,' saith David, 'there is grace upon him, let him now speak in the British 
tongue, and let him decide the cause in which we are engaged.' 
Findian made the sign of the cross over his mouth and he spake in British as if 
if it had been his mother-tongue, and he awarded the island to David because of his 
2540. Then went Findian and Catmael, and David and Gildas to parley with 
the king (and) to ask him for the site of a church. He said that he had none. 
Howbeit a certain man in the house said boldly: 'If the clerics like,' saith he, 'let 
then1 put this great lake away from the side of the fortress, and let them build 
their church in its place.' , If they do that,' saith the king, 'they shall have even this 
stronghold beside the place of the lake.' Howbeit Findian went with a torch in his 
hand, and he dipped it into the lake, and the lake fled before him into the sea; and 
God's name and Findian's were magnified by that great n1irac1e. So those lands were 
offered to God and Findian. He gave them to the British elders who were along 
with him. Three monasteries were founded by them thereon. Of these is Lann 
Gabran to-day. 
2550. Now Findian was for thirty years studying together with the British elders 
who were along with him. 
2552. Now one day the monks went into the wood to cut trees for the church. 
They did not let Findian (go) with them because of (their) honour for him. After 
they had gone came the sub-prior to Findian, and said to him: "Vhy was it,' saith 
he, 'that thou wentest not into the wood? ' , We should have gone long ago,' saith 
Findian, 'had we been told to do so: now when it is said, we will go provided the 
means are found by us.' , There are,' saith the sub-prior, ' two young stags there in 
the field: yoke them and go into the wood.' [Then Findian went to the service. 
Two angels of the God of heaven met him and constrained the stags!.] Findian goes 
with them into the wood, and his load was the first load that reached the church. 
Unknown, however, is the end of the sub-prior that reproached him. God's name 
and Findian's were magnified by that great marvel. 
25 61 . Once upon a time Saxons came to ravage the Britons. They pitched a 

1 LuiJ iarum Finden frisin umaloit. Dodeochatar da aingel De nime ina frithsett co rotimaircsett 
na duma, B. 



camp on the side of a lofty mountain. The Britons betook themselves to Findian 
to ask a truce for them from the Saxons. Findian went on the service. The 
Saxons gave him a refusal. Findian gave a blow of his staff on the mountain, 
so that the mountain fell on the Saxons, and not a man of them escaped to 
tell the tale. 
2567. There came a desire to Findian to go to Rome after completing his studies. 
(But) God's angel came to him and said: 'vVhat would be given thee at Rome,' saith 
he, 'will be given to thee here. Go and renew faith and belief in Ireland after 
Patrick.' So Findian went to Ireland according to God's will. 1\1uiredach, son of 
Oengus king of Leinster, went to the harbour to meet him, and carried him on his 
back on three journeys over the three fields l that were nearest the harbour. Then 
said a man of the king's household, 'Thou art oppressive, 0 cleric, on the king.' 
'That is idle,' saith Findian, 'for the number of tin1es that I have been taken on his 
back will be the number of kings of his race over the province. Now since he took 
me thrice, three kings of his race will take the province of Leinster.' Then Findian 
blessed 1.',Iuiredach himself and said: 'As God's servant,' saith he, 'found welcome 
with thee, so shalt thou find welcome with heaven's household in the Land of the 
Living.' Then he blessed the womb of the king's wife, and she brought forth a 
famous son named Eochu, afterwards father of Brandub. 
2580. Said the king to Findian: 'Whatsoever place in Lëinster thou shalt like 
will be given thee to build thy church.' God's angel came before Findian to the 
mountain called Condal. God's angels carried him with his houseHold on that night 
from the top of the mountain into the glen that was nearest to him. In the morning 
he told his household to go into the wood to cut trees to build a church. One of 
them returned to him with a branch of an apple-tree and its fruit in his hand. 
Findian went along with him to the place in which the apple-tree was standing. 
, Let the church,' saith he, 'be built here.' [Howbeit Becan, l\Iuiredach's swineherd, 
was in that place making excuses to the clerics; for the pigsty was in the stead 
whereon the church was (afterwards) built 2.] \Vhile they were thus talking s, they saw 
coming towards them Bresal son of Muiredach, and bishop Cremthann his brother. 
Bresal went and, at the bishop's desire, boldly seized the cleric's hand. Then the 
cleric grows wroth, and said: 'Before this hour shall come to-morrow the hand,' 
saith he, , that was stretched forth to refuse me (shall be) in a hawk's talons and laid 
before me. As to the bishop at whose desire this was done, his monastery shall not 

1 achdu, B. 
2 Bai chena Becan mucaidh Muiredhaigh isin ionadh sin ic erchoitmhedh frisna cléirchibh, ar is 
ann bói in muccál in bhail i ndemadh ind ecclas, B. 
3 Literally,' on these words.' 



be high on earth, and not even the place of his resurrection shall be known.' Now, 
on the morrow the Ossorians came on a raid into the country. Bresal marched to 
attack them, and was slain; and his hand was brought by the hawk, which laid it 
down in Findian's presence at Cross Sailech 1. So God's name and Findian's were 
magnified by that great miracle. 
2598. Thereafter Bresal's father, l\iuiredach, came and gave Findian the field 
which Bresal had refused him. It was improved by him, and is (called) Achad Aball 
(' Field of Apple-trees') to-day. He dwelt sixteen years in that place, serving the 
Lord of the Elements, till the angel said to him: 'This is not the place of thy 
resurrection,' saith he: 'howbeit this will be the place of thy meeting with thy 
monks on Doomsday.' Whence is the name Sliab Condala, that is the mountain of 
Findian's comdál (' meeting') with his monks on the Day of Judgment. 
2604. Thereafter Findian bids farewell to his monks and went into the district 
of Húi Dunlainge. There the king Coirpre offered l\:lugna Sulcain to him. He dwelt 
there for six years. Then he went to Achad Fiacla. There a tooth fell out of his head 
and (he) hid (the tooth 2) in a brake of brambles. vVhen afterwards he was going 
away from them, the brethren entreated him to leave a sign with them, so he said to 
them: 'Go,' saith he, 'to yon bush of brambles which ye see, and bring thereout the 
tooth which I left there.' Then they go, and they found the brake flaming, and they 
brought away the tooth, and from it the place hath been named Achad Fiacla ('Tooth- 
field '). 
2613. Thereafter Findian came to Kildare to Brigit, and remained there 
for a time attending to reading and teaching. Then he bade farewell to Brigit, 
and Brigit gave him a ring of gold. He was not greedy about worldly things, 
(and so) he did not take the ring. C Though thou shouldst refuse,' saith Brigit, 
, thou wilt need it.' 
26 I 6. Findian afterwards came to Fotharta Airbrech. He met with a water; he 
washed his hands in the water, and on his palm he brought out of the water the ring 
which Brigit had offered to him. Afterwards came Caisin, son of Neman, with great 
joy to Findian, and offered himself to him, and complained to him that the king 
of Fotharta was demanding góld from him for his freedom. C How much,' saith 
Findian, 'doth he demand?' 'He will take an ounce of gold,' saith Caisin. 
Then he weighed the 
ing and an ounce of gold was found therein. Caisin gave this 
for his freedom. 
2624. Findian went after that over the Boyne to E.iscir Branain, the stead in 
which Ard-Relec stands to-day. He founded a church in that place. To hin1 came 
a merciless man named Baeth. He said to the cleric that they should not dwell 

1 B adds: ac crois sailech. 

2 cl1rofholaigsiumh an fíacail, n. 





in that place. His sight was straightway taken from him. Thereafter he made 
repentance and his eyes were given to him again. 
2628. At that time a raid out of Fir Tulach passed by the cleric's church. And 
a certain lad of the raiding party happened to go into the furnace of the kiln which 
was near the church. . That was manifested to Findian. He went with the im- 
plements of shaving and tonsured that man in the ecclesiastical fashion, and he read 
with Findian, who then conferred orders upon him, and he is bishop Senach, the 
first successor who took (the bishopric) after Findian. 
2634. Once Findian was cleansing a well which he had, An angel came to 
him and said, 'This is not the place of the well.' '(Go) forward 1,' saith Findian, 'unto 
the place where it ought to be.' The angel went before Findian a certain space east 
of the church and shewed him the place of the well. 'Oh, my lord,' saith Findian, 
'this pains that we have taken for a long time, what will come thereof?' , He . 
whoever he be, over whom shall go the mould which thou hast dug,' saith the angel, 
<< will obtain mercy from the Lord.' 
2640. Thereafter the saints of Ireland came to Findian from every point to learn 
wisdom by him, so that there were three thousand saints along with him; and of 
them, as the learned know, he chose the twelve high bishops of Irela
d. And the 
learned and the writings declare that no one of those three thousands went from him 
without a crozier, or a gospel, or some well-known sign; and round those reliquaries 
they built their churches and their monasteries afterwards. 
2646. Once he sent his pupil, even bishop Senach, to find out what the folk of 
his school were doing. Different, in sooth, was that at which each of them was 
found, yet all were good. Colomb, son of Crimthann, was found with his hands 
stretched forth, and his mind contelnplative in God, and birds resting on his hands 
and on his head. When that was told to Findian he said: 'The hands of that man: 
saith he, 'shall give me communion and sacrifice at the ending days.' 
2653. An angel of God came to Findian and saith to him: 'This is not the 
place of thy resurrection, for here there will be a good man of thy household.' The 
angel came to Findian to Ross Findchuill, which to-day is (called) Less in l'ilemra. 
There Findian sang the prophetic verse, , Haec requies mea 2.' There Fraechan, the 
wizard, came to him. Then Findian asked: 'Is it from God,' saith he, 'that thou 
hast the knowledge thou possessest?' 'Prove it,' saith Fraechan. 'TeII me first,' 
saith Findian, ' the place of my resurrection. I see it in heaven, and I see it Dot on 
earth.' Then Findian rose up. 'The place from which thou hast now risen,' saith 
Fraechan, ' from thence thou wilt arise to the great assembly of Doom.' 
2661. Thereafter his two sisters came to Findian, even 
ignach and Richenn, 

1 Romhann (lit. 'before 11S '), B. 

2 Psalm cxxxi. 14. 



and their mother, that is Ciaran's mother, and they set up in Cell Rignaige. 
Findian and Ciaran went to visit her. The nuns were lamenting their want of water. 
, ]VI Y lord,' saith Findian to Ciaran, C where shall we find water for them here?' 
, 'V ouldst thou be loath,' saith Ciaran, 'to rise from the place in which thou art?' 
Findian rose up. ' The place from which thou hast risen,' saith Findian, , that is the 
place of the well.' Findian asked of Rignach how was the nun, her mother. 'Great 
is her infirmity,' say they: 'one cannot] go near her,' [saith Rignach,] 'because of 
the heaviness of her breath.' The cleric was greatly ashamed, and he said: 'The 
Lord,' saith he, 'that hath pity on everyone of the human race, have pity upon her!' 
Rignach then went to her house. She found her mother perfectly well through the 
saint's blessing. 
2672. Gemmán the l\iaster once took to Saint Findian an eulogy made in 
rhythm. ' Neither gold, nor silver, nor precious raiment,' saith Gemmán, 'do I ask 
thee for this eulogy, but one thing only: the l
ttle land which I have is barren; 
wouldst thou make prayer that it become fruitful? ' Saith Findian: 'Put the hymn 
which thou hast made into water, and scatter that water over the land.' Thus was it 
done, and the land became fruitful. 
2678. Rúadán of Lothra had a lime-tree, a tree from which there used to drop 
a sweet-tasted fluid, in which everyone would find the flavour which he desired; and 
the monks used to benefit their guests thereby: wherefore the monks of Ireland were 
yearning to Rúadán. His pupils came to Findian and were larnenting to him that 
his pupils were leaving him. They entreated him to go with them to Rúadán, so 
that Rúadán might be in community of life like everyone. Findian went along with 
them to Lothra. What they first went to was the tree, and Findian n1ade a cross 
with his crozier over the tree, and not another drop dropped from it. 'Vhen Rúadán 
heard that, he ordered water of his well to be brought to him. He made prayer. 
The water of the well was turned into the taste of the fluid [of the lime-tree 2]. 
When the fluid was brought to Findian and his saints, he made the sign of the cross 
over it. It was at once turned (back) into its nature of water. 'Vi/hat profit is that,' 
say the clerics to Findian, , unless thou correctest the well?' '0 dear brethren,' saith 
Findian, C why are ye [giving trouble] to Rúadán ? For if he wished to change into 
sweet ale all this water beside the church, God would do it for him.' Then both 
Findian and the saints entreated Rúadan that his life should be like (that of) everyone. 
Rúadán said he would do that for the sake of his tutor Findian. He complained, 
however, that the little land that lay round the church was barren. So Findian 
blessed that land and it became fertile. 
2696. After that, Findian went into the province of Connaught to Druim Etir 
J 'Mor a lubhræ,' ar isidhe, ' ni CZl1lla[ n]gar cedh comhfoiccsiugudh,' B. 2 in limh, B. 



Dá Loch [' ridge between two lakes 'J. He found Moses and Ainmire there before 
him, and they were sad at the death of their sister on that day. When Findian 
perceived that, he entered the house wherein the sister's corpse was lying, and he 
made feryent vehement prayer unto God, and brought the nun to life out of death. 
And then she acted as his house-steward, and killed the calf that 'was under her only 
cow, and brought him a pail of milk-and-water, and Findian blessed the milk-and- 
water, so that it turned into the taste of wine. Then on the morrow the calf was 
found alive under its mother. God's name and Findian's were magnified by that 
great miracle. Thereafter l\'Ioses and Ainmire offered their church to God and to 
2705. After that, Findian went into the Corann, in the district of Luigne. 
Presbyter Dathi came and remained along with him. An angel of God came and 
said to him: 'In the place,' saith he, , in which a man of thy household shall say to 
thee, "Fair is this field," there found a church.' It was not long till a man of his 
household said: 'Fair,' saith he, , is this field.' After that Findian founded a church 
in that place. He left presbyter Dathi in that place. Findian's wen and his flagstone 
are there. \Vhatsoever sick man shall go into that well will come healthy out of it. 
Though a troublesome party shall come to the prior, his honour will 110t be taken 
away provided he repeat his pater-noster at that flagstone: sic Tipra Fhinnéin 
[' Findian's \Vell'J and Lec in Pupaill [' the Flagstone of the Tent '] at Achad A bla. 
2714. After that, Findian went into Coirpre l\Iór. Oengus was king at that 
time in Coirpre. His son N echtan came to refuse the cleric, and the feet of his 
household clave to the earth, and he himself died. Then Oengus came and gave the 
cleric his desire, and Findian raised the boy to life out of death, and [Oengus] bestowed 
upon him a site for a church. He left GreIlan, son of Natfraich, there. 
2719' Now when Findian had founded churches and monasteries in that wise, 
and when he had preached God's word to the men of Ireland, he went to his church 
to Clonard. Now, one day there bishop Senach his pupil was gazing at him, and 
beheld his meagreness and his great wretchedness, so great that his ribs could be 
counted through his inner raiment]. l\Ioreover, Senach saw the worm coming out of 
Findian's side, and this was the cause-from the cold girdle of iron which he wore 
around him as a penance for his body, and which cut to his bone. Then bishop 
Senach wept. '\Vhat maketh thee sad?' saith Findian. 'Thy meagre ness,' saith 
bishop Senach. 'That I11eagreness will bring much increase on thy ribs 2,' saith 

1 I do not see the force of amach here. Perhaps it should come after thaebh in 1. 27 2 4. 
2 Here the Book of Lismore is very corrupt. The Brussels MS. has: 'Fofirfe forbaid truim for 
th'asnaib-se:' the Latin Life, c. 32 : 'Ista mades, fili, quam vides, uberrimam camem super costas 
tuas prestabit.' 



Findian. All the more bishop Senach wept. t It is the same then for thee,' 
saith Findian, 'to be sad for that. One man will carry thy body to the grave.' 
2730. Overmany, then, to recount and declare are all the miracles that the Lord 
wrought for Saint Findian. For unless his own spirit, or an angel of the God of 
heaven 1 should come to relate them, no one else could set forth his nobleness, his 
inner life, his constant use on every festival-day. But it is God alone that knows them. 
Now this was his daily refection-a bit of barley-bread and a drink of water. On 
Sundays, however, and on holydays, a bit of wheaten bread and a piece of broiled 
salmon, and the full of a cup of clear mead 2 or of ale. He used to upbraid those 
whom he saw eating gluttonously, and weep and do penance for their sin. He used 
to sleep neither on down nor on flock-bed, so that his side would come against the 
bare mould, and a stone for a bolster was under his head. 
2740. One who made pure offerings to God like Abel, son of Adam. Fervently 
prayerful, like Enoch, son of Jared. A pilot fully inclined to find or to steer the 
Church among the waves of the world, like Noah, son of Lamech. A true pilgrim like 
Abraham. Dutiful, gentle, like l\Ioses, son of Amram. Enduring. . . . , like Job. A 
wise man full of knowledge, like Solomon, son of David. A universal chief teacher 
and a chosen vessel, like Paul the apostle. And he is Jikened in many ways to Paul. 
For as Paul was born south in the land of Canaan, but his race and his origin were north 
in the land of Chaldea, so then was Findian born here in Leinster, but his race and his 
origin were north in Ulaid. And as Paul read with Gamaliel, the sage of the law, 
for a space of thirty years till he became a sage, even so read Findian with the British 
sages whom we have mentioned for a space of thirty years till he became a sage. 
And as the angel forbade Paul to go to Damascus, but desired him to go and cast 
the seeds of faith and belief to everyone, even so the angel forbade Findian to go to 
Rome, but desired him to go and cast the seeds of faith and belief to the men of 
Ireland. And as Paul was strengthened by God, after founding churches, and cells, and 
monasteries in the fatherland in which he was born, to go and teach faith and belief 
to Rome, even so Saint Findian was urged on by God, after founding churches and 
monasteries in his fatherland [in which he was born S], to go to Clonard to teach and 
instruct the saints of Ireland. And even as the angel promised to Paul that no one 
who should go into the clay of Rome should after Doom 4 become an inhabitant 
of hell, even so the angel promised to Findian that no one over whom the mould 
of Ard Relic should go would be an inhabitant of hell after the Judgment. And as 
Paul died in Rome for the sake of the Christian people, lest they should all perish 
in the pains and punishments of hell, even so Findian died in Clonard for sake of 
the people of the Gael, that they might not all perish of the Yellow Plague. 

1 Read with B, ,zimc. 

2 11lcdc, 'whey,' B. 

3 irrogenair, B. 

t iarmbráth, B. 


23 0 


2765. And then the angel promised to him that he would banish
every pestilence 
and every comInon illness from Clonard through the prayer of the congregation 1 , and 
that he would banish it from the whole of Ireland through the fasting of Findian's 
congregation in the pavilion at Ard Relic, and in Achad Abhall and at Condail. 
2769. Now, when it came to the ending days of this holy Findian, his guardian 
angel sent him to Inis l\iac n-Eirc on 2 Luin1nech, and brought Colomb, son of 
Crimhthan [with his gillie S], with his book-satchel, on two 
 clouds to Clonard. 
And Findian received communion and sacrifice from his hand, and sent his spirit to 
heaven at the end of a hundred and forty years. 
2774. Now, Saint Findian is in the delight and joyousness alnongst the house- 
hold of heaven, in the presence of God whom he served. His relics and his remains 
are on earth with honour and reverence, with miracles and marvels every day. And 
he overwhelms everyone who opposes them, and protects everyone who works 
along with them. 
2718. Now, though great is Saint Findian in that wise at present, while his body 
and his soul are separated, greater will be his honour after the resurrection in the 
holy, spotless, unpolluted union in the great assembly of Doom, when he will be judge 
over the men of Ireland and over its women, along with Patrick and with Jesus 
Christ. There he will shine like a sun. He will abide in that great goodness, in the 
unity of the saints and the holy virgins of the world, in the unity of the nine ranks of 
heaven that have not committed sin, in the unity that is nobler than e-very unity, in 
the unity of the Holy Trinity, Father and Son and Holy Ghost. 
2785. I beseech the mercy of God, may we [reach, may we] deserve [may we 
dwell in] that union 5, in sa.ecula saeculorum 1 Amen. 

1 int samtha, B. 
t for dibh nelaibh, B, 

\I co hInis mac n-Eirc for, B. 8 cona gillu 1, B. 
3 roisam, roairiltnigem, roatreabam, B. 




2788. THERE was once a famous hospitaller in Ulaid-of the 
iugdoirn was 
he in especial-to wit, Findlog, son of Setna, son of Abrann, son of Branan, son 
of Dubda, son of Oengus, son of Erc the Red, son of Brian, son of Eochaid 
IV! uigmedon. He had a wife for the space of thirty years, and death then over- 
took her, even C6imell, daughter of Aed Fogart of Fir Breg. His friend and his 
own foster-brother, even Fiacha Suigde, son of the king of Ireland, enjoined him 
to go and woo another wife, so that he might not continue in wasting disease, as 
he was, owing to grief for his own wife. And that (other) was Idnait daughter 
of Flann Redside, of the Ciannacht of Glenn Geimin from Cornar Cinn Sléibe. 
So Findlog woos that girl till she became with child by him. Now Findlo&/with 
his people instigates his foster-brother, and Fiacha 1 Suigde, to practise treachery on 
the king of Tara, even on Blathmac son of Aed SIaine. The treachery is perpetrated, 
and Diarmait son of Aed Slane takes the kingdom of Tara after his brother. 
Then from the north the traitors are expelled, even Fiacha son of the king of 
Tara, and Findlogh his foster-brother, and a thousand. . . with him. 
2803. Then came l\Iael-tuile son of Cuilche, Findlog's soul-friend 2, and it 
is revealed to him that the girl was pregnant, and that the child that lay in her 
womb would 'be a famous child, of whom the lips of the men of Ireland would be 
full. And 
lael-tuile said: 

He will attack the valonrons, 
He will overwhelm the guilty, 
He will seek crowned kings, 
He will be the tree of Tara's correction, 
,\\'ho will benefit Liffey, 
(And) profit Leinster. 
2812. Then the cleric asks that the child which lay in the girl's womb might 
be offered to God and devoted to study; and they promise that to him. Then 
they are bestowed on the king of Connaught, on Eochaid Dryflesh, and they are 
bestowed by Eochaid on the king of Munster, that is on Oengus 
Iac Natfraich 
1 For '1 for fiacha Suidhe' we should certainly read' .i. for Fiacha Suigdhe: 

 Spiritual director. 


23 2 


to Cashel, and he ordains a land for them in the province of l\Iugh Ruith t, and he 
luarks out a wonderful rath there, even Rath Húa Cuile. Then his household 
make a great banquet for the king of Fermoy, that is for l\Iellenn, son of Torc, on 
the height to the west of Rath Húa Cuile. Findchua's mother, during her pregnancy, 
went and asked a drink of the ale from the brewers 2, for desire of the ale seized 
her, and she was refused. 1'he child that lay in her womb spake and said this 
then, , Gerthit,' etc. 
2824. Then the girl went home, and straightway the hoops slipped off the 
vats and the ale went abundantly throughout the floor. The king of Fermoy, 
even l\Ielenn, came to the house in which the ale lay, and when he heard the 
story, he gets him with his band with him on the track of the girl to slay her. 
But through the grace of the child that was in her womb a cloak of darkness is 
put round the girl, so that she reached Rath Húa Cuile in safety. After that 
the girl's time came to her, and the pangs come to attack her, so that she brought 
forth the innocent (?) child that lay in her womb. 
283 I. After that the prophesied child is taken to Ailbe of lmlech lbair to be 
baptized, and a scruple, that is seven pennies of gold, is given to him for baptizing 
the child. Ailbe then blest the child, and a name, even Findchua, is conferred 
upon him; and Ailbe said that he should be devoted to study at the end of his 
seven years. So the folk of the baptism 3 went away, taking the boy with them to 
Rath Húa Cuile. 
2836. Afterwards messengers come from Cumuscacb, king of the men of Teffia, 
hirnselfthe son ofFindchua's sister, to ask for the child to be fostered; and it is given 
to him, and the child is reared up in Cumuscach's house on Ard na Rígraide over 
the brink of Lough Rí, to the end of seven years. vVhen Comgall went on a 
circuit of the Children of Niall and came to Cumuscach's house, and saw the 
perfect child in a house ahead of him and a spirit of an angel guarding him, 
Comgall gave love to him and asked who he was. 'That is Findchua,' say they, 
'the son of Findlog.' 'And it was I that fostered him,' saith Cumuscach, 'and 
AiIbe baptized him.' Com gall asks the child from his foster-father, and it is assigned 
to him. The boy gave love to Comgall and goes with him to his residence, to 
Bangor of Ulster, and studies there with him like every other pupil. 
2846. Now, at that time Comgall had a meadow in a bog-island, and until 
Findchua came slaves used to be guarding it. Now, when the slaves were weary, 
Findchua said: 'Let the meadow be left to us as pupils to guard it every day in 

1 The southern half of Ireland. 
2 Scoairib is the reading of the Brussels MS. (2324-2340), part II, fOe 7 a-not the unintelligible 
sdaadoiribh of the Book of Lismore. 3 Baptismal party. 



turn.' Comgall replied: 'Do thou guard it to-day before everyone.' Then 
Findchua goes to guard the grass. The king of Ulaid, even Scannlán son of 
Dunadach, comes with his army to Bangor, and they put their horses into the 
meadow to Findchua. Findchua drives them away thrice. At last he grows 
wrathful against them and curses them, and the horses were turned into stones. 
\Vherefore from that time to this the field is called Gort na Liac (' the field of the 
flagstones '). Férgort na l\Iogad (' the Slaves' lVleadow') it was till then. Thereat 
the king is enraged. And he sends to Comgall to learn from him who had done 
that deed. Comgall goes to the king with his pupils, and Findchua like everyone 
else. The king recognised him, through the declaration which the charioteers 
made concerning him, that it was he that had done yon deed. And the king's 
eyes in his head were ensanguined 1 and became red and fiery. Findchua per- 
ceived that, and grew angry with the king, so that the earth rose up around the king 
and reached to his knees. Con1gall beholds that, and looks over his shoulder, and 
said to Findchua: 'It is better for thee to be even as I am,' saith Com gall. Thereat 
Findchua is ashamed, and put his head under Com gall's cowl, and burnt the cowl. 
C For God's sake, my little son,' saith Comgall, 'let not anger seize thee, and thou 
shalt have thy own award from the king of Ulaid and from me.' '\Vhy should 
not anger seize me,' saith Findchua, 'when thou art outraged, and when I myself 
am outraged concerning the only grazing-field(?) that we have? Do thou deliver thy 
award,' saith Findchua to Comgall. ' I will deliver it,' saith Comgall, 'but so that 
thou shalt be thankful.' Com gall looked at the king, and the king said: 'Every- 
thing thou shalt award I will make good to him.' 'This is my award,' 
saith ComgaIl: 'The seven milch cows which are given to me every year by 
thee are to be given to Findchua until the end of thirty years after me, and (also) 
the abbacy of Bangor; and when he decides on going to another part, half of that 
due 2 to hiIn and the other half thereof here.' Findchua was thankful for that, and he 
puts the earth away froIn the king back into its place; but all Comgall's cowl is 
burnt; wherefore it is not lawful for Comgall's successor to wear a cowl. So these 
are Findchua's three miracles after he came to Bangor, to wit, making flagstones of 
the horses of the king of Ulaid; and raising the earth around the king to his knees; 
and burning his tutor's cowl by the fury of his anger. 
2878. Thereafter Comgall dwelt in Bangor to the end of nine years, and it 
is manifested to him that his death was at hand, and he sends messengers for 
Ailbe to Imlech lbair so that he might go to heaven after receiving the eucharist from 
him. That thing is revealed to Ailbe, and he goes ,vith his crowd of clerics till 
he reached Bangor, and there the three make their union and their covenant, 
1 Reddened. 2 Compare 1. 3 060 , when' a third of a due' (Irian cum/a' is mentioned. 
II h 




even Ailbe and Comgall and Findchua. Comgall then goes to heaven after 
receiving the eucharist from Ailbe, and he leaves Findchua in the abbacy of Bangor 
after him to the end of seven years, and he entrusts to Ailbe that Findchua should 
be at his bequest whensoever he should receive the eucharist from him. 
2887. After spending the seven years Findchua is expelled from Bangor and from 
the whole ofUlaid because of the scarcity of land. Then Findchua comes from Ulaid, 
from the north, till he came, through the urging of an angel, to the men of IVlunster 
and to their king, even to Cathal, son of Aed, to Cashel; and the king gives him a 
welcome and ordains to him his choice of land in l\Iunster. Said Findchua: 
"Tis not permitted to me to have land save in the place in which my bell will 
answer me without the help of any man.' Said Cathal: 'Search IVlunster till thy 
bell answers thee, and the place in which thou shalt set up, thou shalt have without 
contention with thee.' Findchua goes forward from Cashel to the territory of Fermoy-, 
that is to the western end of l\Iag l\laistertha, and he searches the . . . . of the plain 
if perchance his bell would answer him; and on the morrow in the morning it 
answers him on Fán l\Iuilt (' vVether's Slope '). They unyoke their horses there, 
and send out their watchmen, and scatter their kine and their droves throughout 
the lands that are nearest to them. Then they meet with unneighbourliness and 
refusal, and their herds are diminished 'and their shepherds are beaten. Findchua's 
household complain to him. Findchua said to his cook, even Dronán, son of Dronbec : 
'Go to the place that is nigh unto us here, and thence bring fire with thee.' So the cook 
went for the fire to the house of the king of l\Iunster's steward, even Baeth Brugaid; 
and Som, daughter of l\Iothla, was his wife. The steward asked: ' \Vhence hast thou 
come for fire?' The cook replied: 'From Findchua, from ComgalI's pupi1.' 'Is 
it there that he will stay?' (?) saith the steward. ' Verily I know not,' saith the 
cook, and asks for the fire. The steward through wilfulness flung a firebrand to 
him. The cook catches it in his bosom, and this is what he was wearing, 
Findchua's cowl. The cowl protects him from the fire, and he carries it off with 
him. The steward sends one of his household, without the cook's knowledge, to 
see whether the cowl would burn. The cook puts the fire out of his bosom in 
Findchua's presence, and it had not burnt a hair or a thread of the cowl. The 
Inessenger relates that to the steward, and his mind grew radiant 1 in 
repentance, and he said that he would give Findchua welcome though no one 
else should give it. Then the steward and his wife go to converse with the 
cleric himself, and they do his will, and prostrate themselves to him; and on that 
night they feed the cleric with every food, save ale only. 
29 I 5. The king of l\Iunster is told that Findchua had set up there on Fán l\Iuilt 
1 For thæidltligll the Bmssels :\1:8. has thaduill. 




among his storehouses (?) and his cow-yards. The king's consort is enraged at that, 
even l\Iugain, daughter of Fiachra the Fair, king of the Eoganacht of Loch Lein. 
She declared that they would not fit in one place, that is, Findchua's household and 
her household. The king asked what rent was given to the queen and to himself 
out of that land. .' Not hard to say,' saith the steward 1: 'one white sheep, 
all the washing and cleansing they wanted 2, and a measure of malt out of every 
town land of the nine townlands that are nearest me.' 'Let a messenger go from 
us,' saith the king to Findchua, C to know whether he will agree to that rent; and 
unless he agrees, let him go to some other place.' Findchua agrees to that rent 
and promises to render it, for it had been manifested to him that his abode should 
be there, and his relics, and his resurrection on Doomsday. Then the place is 
marked out by Findchua, even Cúil l\:Iuilt ('Wether's Recess '), and his enclosure is 
arranged, and his houses are covered, and his households are allotted to the nine 
other townlands which the king of Munster had in residence. So Findch
a con- 
tinues for a long while in that place, and Conaing son of l\Iarcán, king of the 
Déisi, came to prostrate himself to him, and Findchua gave him, as a soul-friend's 
jewel, his own place in heaven. 
2931. So then there came to him seven master-smiths who dwelt near him, 
and they made for him seven iron sickles whereon he might abide to the end of 
seven years, so -that he might get a place in heaven; for he had given his original 
place to the king of the Déisi. He blesses the smiths of that place, and left them 
continually the gift of handiwork, provided that they should perform or begin it in 
that place, and palm of masters to them. The smiths ask him to give their name 
to the place in reward of their work, that is, Brí Gobann (' Smiths' Hill '). 
2937. Findchua spends seven years on his sickles, save one night only; and 
this it is which caused that; to wit, Ronán the Fair, of Mag Lainne, a son of a 
sister of Findchua's mother, a holy elder of Fir Breg, came to entreat him to come 
and help the children of Niall of the Nine Hostages and the king of 1\1eath, to wit, 
Sechnasach, son of Aed Slaine. For foreign foes had attacked them from the sea. 
And Findchua had the skill to succour them. And it was these that made that 
warfare, Bresal Harelip, Buaid-eltach and Tuire Tort-buillech, and Tinne the 
Strong. Of Britain were they by origin. And these were the il
 which that 
fleet (of pirates) used to inflict every year on the territory of the southern Húi 
Néill: burning the harbour of every vessel, and ravaging every country, and carrying 
off a hostage from every family. So the clans of Niall give a blessing to him 
who should go to Fermoy for Findchua to assist them. Ronán the Fair of l\lag 
1 The rt (' king') of the MSS. should apparently be rechtaire. 
:11 Literally; their sufficiency of washing and of cleansing (d'/hzadh). 


23 6 


Lainne undertook that service. It is revealed to Findchua, while he was still on 
his sickles, that a holy elder of the children of Níall was on the road coming 
towards him; and he enjoins upon his pupils to do service and tendance to those 
noble messengers. 'Let,' saith he, , a vessel of ale that can intoxicate fifty be given 
them, and of food the dinner of a hundred, and if they deem that lit
le, let it be added to.' 
2954. Thereafter the clerics arrived, and they were attended as Findchua had 
said. And naught of that food did Ronán consume until Findchua should come 
to him from his sickles to converse with him. When Findchua came to know that 
Ronán was fasting, Findchua entreats the mighty Lord to shew unto him what it 
was meet to do, for he did not desire to go from his sickles until his seven years 
upon them were complete. Thereafter comes the spirit of an angel to comfort 
Findchua, so he might go to converse with the other cleric, Jesus Christ 
permitting. So Findchua went at the hour of refection to converse with Ronán, 
although he was sorely ashamed that his perforated body, pierced and holed by 
chafers and by beasts, should be seen by anyone else; and each of them gives 
,velcome to the other, and Ronán declares to Findchua the business whereon he 
had come. ' I shan be serviceable for that business,' saith Findchua. 
2965. Then they went forward till they reached the tribes of Tara. When the 
clans of Niall perceived the clerics coming towards them, so great was their need that 
they all arose for welcome to Findchua. N ow the night that Findchua reached Tara 
was the very night that the marauders arrived, and they brought the bows of their 
vessels to the southern Húi Néill, to Dubchomar. That was told to the king of 
Tara and to Findchua. Then they arise, both laymen and clerics, and by 
Findchua's instructions they turn righthandwise and march forward rapidly(?) till 
they saw the marauders before them. Then the cleric's nature arises against 
them, so that sparks of blazing fire burst forth out of his teeth. And that fire 
burnt up the shafts of the spears, and the wrists and forearms of the marauders, 
so that they were . . .. ' Let,' says Findchua, 'messengers go from you to them 
to find out whether they will give a guarantee (?) from their plunder.' The 
messengers went to them. They said they would never give them a guarantee. 
Findchua is enraged at that answer of the outlanders. Then they all, both lay- 
men and clerics, march at once towards them. And this was the last evil which 
they did to them; slaying their gillies, burning their ships, and making a cairn 
of their heads and a mound of their garments. So in that wise Findchua expelled 
the marauders. 
2981. His own a,vard is (then) given to Findchua, to wit, Dún Dubchomair, 
with the seven charges to which it was subject; and a king's drinking-horn with its 
covering of red gold, and that to be given to him every seventh year by the king 



of l\Ieath. All that is promised to Findchua, and thereafter he bids farewell to the 
clans of Niall, and he leaves a blessing with them, and goes then to his own habitation. 
2985. So that is (the story of) Findchua's help to the clans of Niall and the men 
of l\ieath, and the tribute from them to his successor after him for ever. 
2988. Findchua abides in his own place for a long time. 
2989. \Varfare on Leinster arose in Findchua's time. Old Nuada the Sage 
was king of Leinster then. That king had two queens, even Aife daughter of Ros 
Failge, and Anmet daughter of Colmán, sön of Crimthann of Húi Cennselaig. And 
dearer to the king was Anmet than the Failgian woman, and she was with child by 
him. The Cennselian woman asks that the offspring which the Failgian woman 
had nlight be given to her into her power. Though the king promised that to her, he 
did not fulfil (his promi
). The king secretly sends information to the Failgian 
woman, and told her to go into lVlunster westward, on the safeguard of Findchua of 
SHab Cua. For he had a safeguard of a month and a quarter and a year beyond every 
other saint. . . . men of Ireland. For neither hosts nor multitudes, champions nor 
battle-soldiers durst do aught to Findchua, because of the greatness of his nature, 
and the nobility of his race, and the greatness of his fury and of his virtue. Then 
the girl went on her way into the province of l\iunster, with three men and nine 
women and their chariots, till they reached (a ford in) the west of l\Iag l\Iaistertha. 
There the shaft of the girl's chariot broke, so that Áth in Carpait (' The Ford 
of the Chariot ') is the name of that ford thenceforward. The chariot is 
mended (?) for a time, and breaks asunder again, and spreads (?); wherefore hence 
Druim Lethan and Cell Droma (Lethain) have been (so) named to-day. There- 
after swift pangs seized the girl, and that is revealed to Findchua while he was 
bathing himself in a tub of cold water, even that a wife of the king of Leinster 
was coming to him for safeguard. And he sends a message to her not to come out 
of the place in which she was biding till she had brought forth her babe, for at that 
time neither wives nor women used to come to Findchua's church. The damsel brings 
forth a boy at an early hour on the morrow, and he is taken from her to Findchua to 
be baptized. Thereafter the boy is baptized and (the name) Finntan is given to him, even 
Finntan son of Old N uada the Sage, son of Bresal the Speckled, son of Fiacha Fobrecc. 
The boy is reared by Findchua, who gives him his right breast, and milk grew therein, 
and his mother is warned to gol into her own country. That boy throve as he would 
not have thriven with his own mother if he had had nine wet-nurses under him. 
3015. Thereafter the warfare in the east, by Cennselach son of Dunlang, son 
of Dunadach-from whom Húi Cennselaig are named-prevails over the Leinster- 
men. Then his nobles come to Old Nuada the Sage to know what they should do 
1 fogarthar da mháthair imtheacht, as the first three words of 1. 3013 should have been printed. 

23 8 


against that warfare, for the druid was an old man. Said the king: 'There is a 
valiant warrior at the end of Sliab Cua, even Findchua of Brí-gobann; and he hath 
a son of mine; and he will come in n1 y host through fondness, for I am dear in his 
eyes because of my son; and let a company consisting of nine sages go to meet him. 
For so great is his shamefastness that he will not give a refusal to the artists.' The 
poets went on their way till they came into the neighbourhood of Findchua's place, 
even unto the river to the east of his church. That is revealed to Findchua while he was 
in a tub of cold water, and he sent a message to the artists not to come to him till he. 
had done bathing. The poets are angry with him because of that, and he is angry 
with the poets. Wherefore artists have no right to cross the that place 
without permission, and they fail if they go-wherefore Sruth na n-Êces (' the Stream 
of the Sages') is the name of the river thenceforward. And the king of Leinster has 
no right from that day to this to send poets as messengers, and he fails if he sends 
them. So the artists came unto Findchua after he had done bathing, and say to 
him: '\Ve have come to thee from the king of Leinster,' say they, 'that thou mayest 
come to help him from the warfare that is upon him.' , I will go to him,' saith 
Findchua, , without dispute, and I am not loath about it.' 
3032. Findchua went early on the morrow in his crowd of clerics, and having 
with him the king of Leinster's son and the artists, till they came to the king at his 
fortress above Barrow. Findchua is welcomed, and the king's mind clave to his son, 
and he was thankful for the improvement that had been given the boy. Attention is 
well paid to him. Findchua told the king to send a present of peace to Cennselach, and 
if he would not receive it to proclaim battle against him. Though a present of peace 
was taken to Cennselach, he accepted nothing save the destruction on the morrow of 
the fortress over Barrow. Thereat wrath and rage seized the cleric, and he preferred 
to have (1) battle at that hour. Then each of the twain arrays his battalion, so that they 
were equally dense and high. Findchua marches in the van of the (Leinster) battalion, 
and his wrath and his fierceness arose; and the 'wave of boldness , of his territory and his 
race filled him at that time; and he seized the feet and hands and eyes of Cennselach's 
host, so that they were unable to strike a blow against their enemies. Then came' a wave 
of godhead' to Findchua, and he told them to give hostages and pledges to the king 
of Leinster, and in nowise did they accept that. (Then) the Leinster-men arose at 
once with the cleric in the battle, and Findchua uttered these words :- 
, Follow me, 0 men of Leinster!' &c. 
3048. Then the battle was delivered without sparing; and no son of a king was 
left standing, save only Cennselach. And of them fifty sons of kings were taken to 
the fortress over Barrow; wherefore Dinn Rígh (' Fort of I<'ings') is the name of that 
place from that day to this. 



305 I. Since Cennselach was protected, he offered the ownership of his clan and 
his race and his posterity (?) to Findchua, and a hundred of every (kind of) cattle, 
every seventh year to Findchua himself and to his successor, from the king of Leinster 
and from Húi Cennselaig continually. 
3053. Findchua leaves gifts to the king of Leinster and to the king of Húi 
Cennselaig, to wit, chastity in their queens and in their wives, and modesty in their 
maidens, and righteousness in their men. 
3056. The king of Leinster asked Findchua to leave his son Finntan with him 
in his own territory; and Findchua consented to that, and gave a blessing to his 
pupil, and put his pupil in residence there. And he gave his pupil his choice 
between the life of a layman and that of a c1eric, and the pupil chose the life of 
a cleric. And Findchua afterwards gave land to him, even Cluain Irarrois, which .
is to-day called Cluain Eidhnech, and a third of the dues of that place is bestowed 
on Findchua continually. 
3062. So those are Findchua's deeds and miracles in Leinster; and afterwards 
he proceeded to his own abode in l\Iunster. 
3064. Eochu Redfist, son of Scannlán, son of Dunadach, he was at that time 
king over Ulaid, and l\Ioingfhinn, daughter of Daire, son of Finnchad of the men 
of l\Iunster, she was his consort. And nought she accepted from her husband save the 
invading of l\Iunster to win the kingship for her sons, even Cas and Cian and Cingid. 
So the king takes that in hand. This is revealed to Findchua, that a diabolic temp- 
tation had been put on the king of Ulaid by his wife, to make war on l\Iunster 
without cause. And Findchua then took 1 a . . . . round his own territory, and sent 
messengers to meet the king of Ulaid-for he liked not that the king should be slain in 
his time in the province of l\Iunster-and (to say that) if the king should come in spite 
of his prohibition he would find death and premature destruction. Howbeit, through 
the woman's urging, the men of Ulaid marched on till they reached l\Iairtine l\Iór 
l\Iuman, ,vithout the king of l\Iunster perceiving them; and they set up a station and 
camp on Ard na Ríghraide ('the Height of the l{.ingfolk'), which is to-day called Cnoc 
Samna. Now, at that time the king, Cathal son of Aed Fland-cathrach, king of 
l\Iunster, and his consort l\Iumu daughter of Fiachra, were dwelling in Dún 
Eochairmaige, and when they arose they beheld the flags on Cnoc na Ríghraidhe, 
to wit, the splendid banners floating (in the air), and the tents of royal speckled 
satin pitched on the hill. 1\1essengers went from the king of l\Iunster to find out 
who was biding on the hill. 'The king of Ulaid,' say they, 'and l\Ioingfhinn, 
daughter of Daire, a-seeking the kingship of l\Iunster for her sons.' 'Vhen this 
was told to the king, his counsellors and the nobles of l\Iunster say: 'Let us 
1 The obscure celm cOllalbaz's of the Book of Lismore is tæ1ll comzailbe in the Brussels MS. 

24 0 



send to the slaughterous warrior to the south of us, even to Findchua of Brí-gobann : 
for' (said the king) 'he promised me that, whenever stress of war should be on me, he 
would come with me to battle to help me, having with him the Cennchathach, even 
his own crozier.' 
3 08 5. So to Findchua went the messengers, even Gér and Tualaing and 
Turscur, the king's three gillies, and they nlake known to him that the king of Ulaid 
had invaded l\Iunster in spite of his prohibition. Findchua then drove in his . . . . 
chariot, with his crozier in his hand, without waiting for any of his clerics, till he got 
to Dún Eochair-l\laighe, the stead where Cathal son of Aed abode. \Velcome is 
nlade to him by the kingfolk. Then the king told Findchua to go and give a present 
to the (king of) Ulaid, and (to say that) since he had no natural right to the kingship 
of 1\Iunster he should not get it. The cleric went for that (purpose), and l\Ioingfhinn 
recognised hinl, and told her sons to get up a pretended quarrel so that the cleric might 
come to separate them, and that her sons might (then) kill him; for they (the Ulaid) 
feared that the cleric would rout them in battle, and if he were killed they deemed the 
1\Iunstermen of little worth. \Vhen Findchua reached the camp he asked: '\\That is 
yon quarrel that we see?' saith he. 'l\Iy sons yonder,' saith l\Ioingfhinn, , quarrelling 
about the kingship of l\Iunster; and go thou to separate them.' 'Truly it is not so,' 
saith Findchua, 'for l\Ioingfhinn's sons are peaceful.' So the present respecting which 
Findchua had come to the king of Ulaid was not accepted from him, and anger and 
rage seize him, and he comes (back) to the king of l\Iunster, and declares that no gift 
whatever would be taken from him. 'l\Iake ye,' saith Findchua, 'a strong palisade 
of battle, when ye have got to one place.' Then Findchua marches in the van of 
that battalion, with the Cenncathach that is, his crozier, in his hand, and he 
strengthens the counsel, and heartens the battalion, and comes thrice righthandwise 
round the host, with his crozier in his hand. And though the king asked for the 
crozier in his hand, Findchua gave it not unto him, so that on himself might be 
the glory of routing the foe after him. The Ulaid then prepare themselves to meet 
the 1\1 unstermen, and seize their arms of valour. They roared and bello,ved like stags 
in heat (?), and charge from the top of the hill. 1'he cleric seeks the slope beyond 
them and leaves the hill to them. The Ulaid bent down eagerly to deliver the battle. 
\Yhen Findchua perceived that, he took them in that position and allowed them not 
to rise up beyond their knees, and breaks the battle upon them against the height. 
\Yherefore Findchua left to l\Iunstermen, from that time forward till Doomsday, to 
defeat foreigners and every host besides when charging down a height; and verily 
this is fulfilled. - 
3 I 14. The kin
 of Ulaid and his consort l\Ioingfhinn fell ,,,ith their three 
sons in that battle, and their graves and their beds are on the hill after them. 


24 1 

3 I 17. Thereafter came to Findchua his three pupils, even Coimde, and Conmach, 
and Concraid, and they put their hands on his shoulder, and said to him: 'It is 
ruin of family, it is a waste heritage, it is losing earth and land for thee, what thou 
hast done to-day, and that which thou hast desired to do, even to strike thy mighty 
strokes on the Ulaid.' Then the mind of the cleric grew humble, and his nature 
stays, and the hosts are saved, and they went from his presence unharmed. 
Then he turns unto the men of IVIunster, and there came maimed to meet him 
Cairthenn the Fair, and Cairthenn the Brown, and seven sons of Forannan of the 
Húi Caissln, and. Fermae and Ifernan, and they entreat the cleric for his help, and 
they give him his o\"n award. So Findchua turns towards them, and blesses them, 
and heals by his miracles and wonderful deeds, so that they were cured of their 
wounds, and they ordain his dues to him, to wit, fifty foreign. steeds out of H úi 
Toirdelbaig, and fifty bugle-horns out of Húi Caissín, and fifty silver pails from the 
nobles of Dál Cais. Then Findchua went to the king, and his own award is given to 
him, to wit, a cow for every enclosure from Ard-chnoc (that is Cnoc Brenainn) to Dairinis 
at lmliuch, and a milch-cow to the cleric carrying his crozier whenever it shall be 
borne into battle, and that the king of l\Iunster should always stand up before 
Findchua's successor. Findchua left a blessing with the kingfolk and with the men 
of IHunster, and went forward to his own abode, after victory of miracles and 
3 I 35. Then a war of foreigners arose in the province of Connaught during 
Findchua's time. Tomaltach, son of l\Iuiredach, was then king of the Connaught- 
Inen. Now, every year foreigners used to take from them their goods over sea to the 
east, so that they (the foreigners) left famine and scarcity of food in the province. 
l\Iessengers went from Tomaltach to Findchua (entreating) him to expel the 
foreigners, and (offering him) his own award. Findchua went with the envoys to 
Cruachan of l\Iag Ái. The Connaughtmen rejoiced to see him. Then the 
foreigners were encamped near them in Cúil Feda, which is to-day called Cúil 
Cnámrois. 'What wish ye to do to them yonder?' saith Findchua. 'To give them 
battle,' say the Connaughtmen. 'I will repel the battalion, if ye consent to do my 
willi' The Connaughtmen promise his award to him. Findchua marches with 
them to battle, and the foreigners perceive him. Then through the mighty powers 
of the cleric a terrible heat seizes the foreigners there, in the midst of their camp, 
from the iron posts that stood all around the camp, so that on the morrow 
there was found of them nought save their bones and their remains amidst their 
camp, and showers of their weapons near then1. \Vherefore Cúil Cnámrois (' Recess 
of Bone-wood? ') is the name of the place from that to this. Then the Connaught- 
men trust in the miracles of the cleric, and ordain his tributes and his dues to him, 
I i 




and a horse (to be given) by every gentleman, and a screbal 1 by everyone, and the 
king of Conn aught's raiment from crown to ground every year to Findchua. Then 
Findchua left with the king of Connaught victory in battle, and victory of deed, and 
victory of horsemanship, and that might of foreigners should never seize the province 
of Connaught after him. So that is' Findchua's feed' in Connaught for ever and ever. 
Then Findchua bids farewell to the Connaughtmen, and comes to his own residence 
in Fermoy. 
3 1 57. l\Tothla, son of Flann, son of Oengus, he was king of Ciarraige at that 
time. His brother's son abode with him, even Ciar Cuirchech, from whom Ciarraige 
Cuirchech is called. And the king's foster-brothers declared that that son of his 
brother should be killed, so that he n1ight not oppose him. And the king consented 
that he should be killed when he should be out hunting. But they did not succeed, 
though they took it in hand. That is told to the king, and intoxicating liquor 
pleasant to drink is given to the lad, even Ciar Cuirchech, and he was put when asleep 
into a coracle with one oar on the sea. And the wind blows him to Inis Fuamnaige, 
a place wherein l\Iagor Dub-Ioingsech, one of the foreigners, was dwelling. By him 
Ciar Cuirchech is taken out of the coracle 2, and Ciar tells his adventures to lVlagor, 
and l\Iagor, when he had heard his tales, protected him. And this is the price of 
protection which lVlagor demanded of him, even guidance to the territory whence 
he had come; so that Magor might ravage it, for he had no corn or cultivation what- 
ever in his islands. So for the space of three autumns they invaded Ciarraige, and 
carried its corn out of it in their ships after raiding it, so that a great dearth increased 
in all Ciarraige thereby. 
3170. (Then) said l\Iothla, son of Flann: 'Let some one go from us to our brother 
of original kindred, even to Findchua of SHab Cua, that he may help us as he helpeth 
everyone.' The envoys come from the west to Findchua and declare to him their 
desire. Findchua then entered Ciarraige to help his original kindred, and that was 
the night that the marauders entered the country and encamped at Finntracht ('White 
Strand ') of Cenn IVlagair. The king asks Findchua what they should do to them. 
Findchua asks the king what evil they,vere wont to do every year in the country. Saith 
the king: 'They do not leave behind them the little corn that it has.' 'Let them alone,' 
saith Findchua, 'till they take their loads upon them, and let us march on the strand 
after them, and I have permission that they shall come to meet us without their seeing 
us.' Not long afterwards they saw them coming towards them on the strand, with 
their burdens laid upon them. So the cleric's wrath and indignation arose like 
flakes of red flame, or like the rush of a wave to the land. Such was the urgency 
1 Said in 1. 2832 to be seven pennies of gold. 
, For the Ùin of the Book of Lismore , the Brussels :MS. has asln. 




and haste with which Findchua marched on that day, in his brother's battalion, 
through affection, that as great and as high as the sail of a mighty ship over the 
smooth sea were 1 God's miracles and might through the Saint's prayer against 
the foreigners, and Ireland's waves arose against him. So the howling and rending 
of a hound possessed him in his valour on that day. Although no heroes save 
himself alone were fighting the battle, the foes would have been routed before him, for he 
cut off the foreigners equally with his weapons and his teeth. Wherefore the name 
Find-chú clave to him, that is, like a cú (hound) on that day was he. And the host 
of Ciarraige then set all their faces to battle and to valour, so that of the foreigners 
none escaped without capture or without slaying, save only Ciar Cuirchech, and he it 
i5 "hem Findchua 
protected.. Then they (the men of Ciarraige) boasted of that 
deed, and the miracles of Gdd and of Findchua were magnified, so that no foreigner 
gets power therein outside his own heritage, provided Findchua is remembered in 
delivering the battle, and it is delivered in the name of God and of Findchua , and his 
tributes are paid to his successor after him. 
3195. Said the king to him: 'Deliver thy judgment, 0 cleric, and strike thy 
stroke of tribute upon us now, for we will always be own monks to thee and thy 
successors.' 'This is my award,' saith Findchua: 'For every homestead a sack of 
malt to me, with a corresponding supply 2 of food in every year.' They decided that 
they would give this. Then the king said that Ciar Cuirchech would not find welcome 
with him, and that he would consent to Findchua taking him away with him. So 
Ciar Cuirchech went with Findchua. Thirty was his number 3, that is all he found 
of his friends and of his comrades in the country. Then Findchua bade farewell to 
the king and the kingfolk, and left a blessing with them, and went to his own abode. 
And he put Ciar into Ciarraige Cuirchech, wherefore from him it has been named. 
And Findchua is entitled every year to thirty boars from Ciarraige Cuirchech. 
3205. Thereafter during Findchua's time the clans of Niall of the North come 
to seize the kingdom of lYlunster, for they had heard of the land in its fatness, and 
that IVlugh's Half4 was in woe concerning its kings and its lords, and had no 
proper king over it. So they pitched their camp at Loch SHenn in (what is called) 
to-day Gort Clainne NéiIl (' the Field of Niall's clan '), and no one hindered them, for 
there was no over-king in Munster at that time, but (only) chieftains equal in rank. 
The Munstermen, however, entrusted themselves to their saints, to win the victory from 
the Children of Niall, since they (the Munstermen) had no champion of battle against 
32 I I. Now they had then a king's son, even Scannal son of tbe king of Húi 


1 Something seems omitted here. 
3 A liOD) B. 

2 Literally' with its sufficiency.' 
i The southern half of Ireland. 




Cairbri. A reverend patron of the seed of Eogan was he; and he declared that 8eJIei1 k 
sa.ints would come to deliver battlf provided there were before him one hero of 
the clans of Eogan, of the sons of KIngs or crown-princes. He was told by the men 
of l\Iunster that there was a valiant man of l\Iunster, even Cairpre the Bent son of 
Crimthan Stripe, son of Eochaid, son of Oengus, son of N atfraech, and that he was 
son of a king and a queen, and that he was the makings of a king, provided the 
tribes and families crowned him; and it was stated to them that he was a-hunting in 
difficult places and in wastes and in forests, to wit, for (wild) swine and deer. And 
messengers went from them to meet him, and they told him that they would give 
the kingdom to him if he would go to battle along with them. He replied that he 
would not go until the valiant warrior who dwelt in l\Iunster should come with him, 
even Findchua of SHab Cua. Thereof yon saints are informed, and they come to 
Findchua with the nobles of Munster to bring him to the battle. 'Who are they,' saith 
Findchua, 'that have undertaken the battle?' 'They have no n1ight till thou art 
delivering it with them along with Scannal.' 'I think (I will go) with him,' saith 
Findchua, 'though I am loath.' And he went with them till they came to Loch 
SHenn, to the gathering of l\Iunster. 
3227. And Cairbre the Bent, when he heard that Findchua had arrived there, 
joined them with his host as he had promised. And rising early on the morning, 
they saw before them the clans of Niall in their camp, in their vast, many-coloured 
company. The l\Iunstermen, save Findchua only, flinch from the fight in horror 
of the Children of Niall, and because of the abundance of their heroes and their 
accoutrements. And Findchua gave counsel to the men of l\Iunster, and said that 
not a homestead of their territory would be left them, if there was any flinching. 
The l\Iunstermen said: 'The children of Niall are thrice our number.' Findchua 
told them to slay the surplus till the numbers were equal, and, when they were equal, 
that each of the l\Iunstermen should then slay his opponent 1. Howbeit, Findchua 
and Cairbre the Bent heartened and strengthened the l\Iunstermen to the battle, for 
Cairpre was not for shunning it. The l\Iunstermen accepted the battle through 
shame and through the encouragement of Findchua and Cairbre. Then the clans of 
Niall set themselves in battIe-arrayand came to meet the l\iunstermen fiercely and 
furiously, and there was a forest 2 of their weapons over their heads, and a bulwark 
of their shields around them. Then the l\lunstermen with their saints rise up against 
them; and though the Children of Niall were more numerous, they were routed in the 
battle by the strengths of the saints and the champions; and the routed men are 
pursued and a multitude of them is beheaded, and their heads are gathered into one 
place, and put into Loch Sílenn, which to-day is called Loch Cenn (Lake of Heads). 
1 a fhir chomhlai1Z1z, as should have been printed in 1. 3245. S Literally' oakwood.' 



3254. And Cairbre the Bent, son of Crimthan, is made king of l\Iunster, and 
Findchua entreats God to bestow a goodly form upon him, for his skin 1 was 
scabrous. And Findchua obtained from God his choice of form for him, so that 
he was called Cairbre the Fair, after the change of shape and colour. In Cell 
Cromglaise (' Church of Bent-stream '), that Cairbre had been fostered by Scellan, 
so that the name Cairbre the Bent clave to him, as (the poet) said- 

I He was straight from head to sole 
Though he was called Cairbre Crom: 
Hence he received the name 
Because of his fostering in Crom-glais.' 

3265. Findchua then blesses the ruler of l\tfunster and the king of Cas he I, to wit, 
Cairbre, with his seed; and the king made a covenant with Findchua for himself and 
for his seed, and battles are broken before Cairbre's clan 2 ,,,,hen they are delivered in 
the name of God and Findchua. Or if one of his relics go with them into the contest 
that th
y will have the victory. And Findchua vowed that from that day forward 
he would not cause a battle. The l\tlunstermen with their king determine Findchua's 
tributes upon them, to wit, the first calf and the first lamb, and the first pig to 
Findchua and his successor from the men of l\iunster, and protection of his place 
from Cairbre's children always, and an alms from every nose in Fermoy to his 
successor. And his prayer for them in harm of need, and that he would entreat God 
to help in truth the race of Cairbre and Catha!. 
3275. After that Findchua went to his own residence; and then he went to 
Rome, for he was repentant of the battles which he had fought and the deeds 
which he had done for friendship and for love of brotherhood. And he sang these 
staves below: 

I Seven battles have I fonght- 
I am Findchua without disgrace- 
From the battle of Dún Dubchomair 
To the battle of Finntracht Cinn lVlaguir. 
A battle at Tara I delivered, 
A battle in Leinster, with my devotion, 
A battle in middle Munster, 
I gave it without danger. 
The contentious battle of Loch Cenn 
Against the clans of Niall without disgrace j 
The renowned battle of Cruachan Ai 
It brake before me 3. 

1 Literally · make.' 

2 i. e. their foes are routed. 

S i. e. I routed my foes. 


24 6 


Iy fight against M:omonians, 
\Yith Aed's son, with my miracles, 
My battles for the mindful, 

feet to reckon them in their sevens. 

To Rome of Latium is my pilgrimage, 
On the road of Peter and Paul, 
In Bronaide's monastery 
I have been reckoned in their sevens.' 

3 2 97. So those are Findchua's deeds and birth, and his battles and his contests 
and his journeys, from the time that he spake in his mother's womb till he went to 
Rome of Latium" And therein he abode for the space of a year in repentance, 
as he himself wrote in the Book of the l\Ionastery of Buite son of Brónach. 
33 0 1. (It is) the friar O'Buagachain who wrote this Life out of the Book of 

Fin;1 with Findchua. 


3305. Eea/us ttz"r qui time! Dominum, z"n manda/is eius uole/ nimi'st. Blessed and 
righteous (and) perfect is he in whom are the fear and dread of the nlighty Lord, and 
who desireth mightily to fulfil God's commands and teachings, even as this declaration 
is uttered in the canon of the Old Law and the New Testament. 
33 0 9. Now there was a multitude of the patriarchs and prophets and apostles 
and disciples of the Lord, unto whom, in the Old Law and the New Testament, this 
declaration was ,uttered, even that they are blessed, righteous, perfect, advanced, 
because of the desire and extreme longing which they have to fulfil the commands and 
the divine teaching, and because of the fear of the Lord perfectly in their hearts and 
in their minds, without considering aught else save this alone. 
33 15. One of those of the New Testament, to wit, of that happy blessedness, 
he for whom there is a festival and commemoration on the occurrence of this season 
and time, the seventh of the calends of June, was Brenainn, son of Finnlug, of the race 
ofCiar, son of Fergus. The head of the belief and the great devotion of all the world 
was this holy Brenainn; like unto Abraham, the faithful; a chief-prophetic psalmist 
like David, the son of Jesse
; a distinguished sage, like Solomon, son of David; a law- 
giver, like l\Ioses, son of Amram ; a gifted interpreter, like Hieronymus, the prophet; 
a marvellous man of intellect like Augustine; a great reader of chief congregations 
like Origen; a virgin was he like John, the Lord's bosom-fosterling; an evangelist 
like Matthew; a teacher like Paul; a chief apostle of forgiveness, like Peter, the high 
apostle; a head of hermits, like John of the Baptism; a commentator like Gregory of 
Rome; a prudent guide over sea and land, like Noah, son of Lamech. And as 
Noah raised up the ark over the wave-voice of the flood on high, so then will 
Brenainn raise up his monks and his households on high over the fire of Doom, so that 
neither smoke, nor mist, nor spark will reach them, through the powers and fair 
devotion of Brenainn, son of Finnlug. 
3331. Now, in the time of Oengus, son of Natfraech, king of l\'Iunster, then 
was this holy Brenainn born. Of Ciarraige Luachra was he, of Altraige CailIe in 

1 Ps. exi. I. 


24 8 


3334. A man free and of good race, devout and faithful, even Finnlug, was 
the father of that child. Thus then was that çouple 1, in life and in lawful connexion 
under the rule of Bishop Eire. Now Brenainn's mother beheld a vision before 
Brenainn was born, to wit, she had the full of her bosom of pure gold, and her 
breasts shining like snow. After that vision had been related to Bishop Eirc, he 
said that of her would be born a mighty birth, which would be full of the grace of the 
Holy Spirit, even Brenainn. 
3341. A certain wealthy man dwelt in a residence far from Finnlug's house: 
Airde, son of Fidach, was his name. The chief prophet of that time came to Airde 
son of Fidach's house, Bec l\rIac Dé WCl she. Airde asked of Bec: 'What thing is 
nearest us to-night?' Said Bec: 'Thine own worthy king will be born to-night 
between thee and the sea, and there will be a n1ultitude of kings and of princes who 
will adore him, and whom he' will take with him to heaven.' In that night of 
Brenainn's nativity thirty cows brought forth thirty calves at Airde son of Fidach's. 
Thereafter early on the morrow Airde arose and kept asking for the house in 
which the little child had been born; and he found Finnlug's house, and the babe 
therein, and he knelt eagerly in his presence and offered him the thirty cows with 
their calves. And that was the first alms that Brenainn received. Then the 
hosteller took the boy in his hand and said: 'This boy will be my fosterling for ever 
and ever.' 
3354. Now, on the night of Brenainn's birth, bishop Eire, of Alltraige, beheld a 
wood under one vast flame, the like whereof had never before been seen by him, and 
the manifold service of the angels in bright-whit
 garments all around the land. 
Bishop Eire rose early on the morrow, and came to Finnlug's house, and took the boy 
in his hand, and said to him: '0 man of God! '-that is, man who will serve God- 
'take me to thee as (thy) own monk, and though a multitude be glad at thy birth, 
my heart and my soul are glad,' said bishop Eire. Then he knelt before him, and 
wept exceedingly in token of gladness, and then he baptized him, and' l\Iobhí ' was 
given him at first for a name by his parents, as the poet said: 
(Mobhí his name at first 
(Given) by (his) parents-fair his face; 
A youth bostful, seeking, slender, 
He was a bel p to the men of Ireland.' 

3367. Thereafter a white rain (broen finn) that is, a white mist, poured there and 
filled all the Fenet 2. Thence was Broen-finn his name, .find 'white' was said of 
him, because he was white in body and in soul, as (the poet) said: 

1 i. e. FinnIug and his wife. 
51 A townland in Kerry. See the Annalsoftne FouriJ'lartyrs , ed. O'Donovan, A.D. 1600 , p. 



, Braon-filld his name after that, 
In body and in soul, 
From that shower he found . . . . 
From bishop Eirc . . . . .' 
3374. Then three purple wethers leaped out of the well as the fees for 
baptizing Brenainn, as [the poet said :] 
'Three purple wethers, pleasant the herd, 
Baptismal fees for . . . Brenainn, 
Sprang-fair was the compact- 
Out of the well alone.' 
3380. His fami1y took him with them, and he was then a year with them, being 
fostered. At the end of a year then bishop Eirc took him with him to his own foster... 
mother, even fta, and Brenainn remained five years with fta. And the nun gave 
him exceeding love, for she used to see the service of angels 1 above him, and the 
grace of the Holy Spirit manifestly upon him; and it is thus that Brenainn used to be, 
calling continuaHy to the nun whenever he would see her. Now on a certain day fta 
asked of him: 'What is it causes thee joy, my holy child?' 'Thou,' saith he, 
, whom I see speaking to me continually, and many other innumerable virgins like thee, 
and they together fostering me from one hand to another.' Now those were angels 
in the forms of the virgins. 
, Angels in the forms of white virgins 
Were fostering Brenainn 
From one hand to another, 
'Vithout much disgrace to the babe.' 
3393. Thereafter to the end of five years, he constantly read his psalms with 
bishop Eirc, and it seemed long to fta to be apart from him. N ow bishop Eirc had no 
milch cow, for he used not to get alms from anyone except a little from men under 
rule 2. Now on a certain day, Brenainn was asking milk from his foster-father: 'God is 
able (to do) that, my son,' saith bishop Eirc. Thereafter every day came the hind from 
Sliab Luachra with her fawn, and she \vas milked by him, and after her milking she 
used to go (back) alone to the mountains. 
3400. Then dwelt Brig with him; she was an own sister of his, and exceeding 
was the greatness of his love for her, for manifest to him was the service of the angels 1 
over her, and her foster-father used to see her countenance as it were the radiance of 
a sun1mer sun. 
3403. On a certain day bishop Eirc went to preach the word of God 3. 
Brenainn, who was then aged ten years, went with him into the chariot. He is left 

1 i. e. angels ascending and descending. 2 Regular clergy, monks. 
a The Brussels MS. here adds brcithre Dé. 



25 0 


alone in the chariot after the cleric had gone to the preaching. Brenainn sat in the 
chariot singing his psalms alone. Then a :fine full-grown, yellow-haired girl, of royal 
race, came to the chariot to him, and looked on him, and sees his beautiful bright 
countenance, and attempts to jump at once into the chariot and play her game with 
him. Then he said to her: 'Go home, and curse whoever brought thee here;' and he 
takes the reins of the chariot, and begins flogging her severely, so that she was 
crying and screaming, and went to the place where her father and mother, the king and 
the queen, were biding. Then bishop Eirc returned and begins rebuking hin1 severely 
for beating the stainless maiden. ' I will perform penance for it,' saith Brenainn, 
, and do thou tell me what I shall perform.' , Go into this cave till morning,' saith 
bishop Eirc, 'and stay there alone till I come to thee to-morrow.' Then Brenainn 
sat down in the cave, and therein he began his psalms and his hymns of praise to 
the Lord. Bishop Eirc tarries near the cave listening to Brenainn without his know- 
ledge. N ow the sound of Brenainn's voice singing his psalms was heard a thousand 
paces on every side. The sound of the voice of Colombcille was heard to the same 
distance when he was chanting his psalms and his hymns. 
'The sound of the voice of melodious Brenainn J 
In the cave at the Fenit, 
A thousand paces on every height 
His high delightful voice was heard.' 
3426. Then the cleric beheld troops of angels up to heaven and down to earth 
around the cave until the morning. From that time forward no one save only 
Finan the Bent could look at Brenainn's face, because of the abundance of the 
divine radiances, for Finan was (himself) full of the grace of the Holy Spirit. And 
this it is which caused him rather than others to look at Brenainn. 

'To look on Brenainn's face 
Noone in Ireland is able, 
Save Finan the Bent, dear the champion, 
He alone, because of the greatness of his grace.' 
3435. On a certain day Brenainn and bishop Eirc were travelling on the road. 
A certain young man came on the road into their company. It happened then that 
enemies were near him, even seven warriors, and great fear seized the youth, and he 
said, 'Those yonder will slay me now.' , Go on a little on the shadow of that pillar- 
stone there,' saith Brenainn, , and stretch thyself on its shadow.' So he acts in that 
way, and Brenainn raises his hands to God, and makes prayer that the young man 
might be saved 1 in the form of a pillar-stone. Then his enemies come to the pilla
stone, and they cut its head off it in his shape, and they wound the pillar-stone in its 
side, and leave the stone beheaded, and carry the head with them, in the shape of the 
1 Co rosoeirteJ., = co ro særtha, B. 



25 1 

head of their enemy. And still, as the wise say, that stone remains in the same place. 
So that there Brenainn made a stone of the man, and a man of the stone. ' Repent 
ye,' saith bishop Eirc to them \ ' for the head of the stone that ye have, and your 
enemy hath gone whole fronl you.' Then they make fervent repentance under 
bishop Eirc's rule, thenceforward for ever. 
3449. Now, after Brenainn had learnt the canon of the Old Law and the New 
Testament, he desired to write and to learn the Rules of the saints of Ireland. So 
bishop Eirc consented that he should go and learn those Rules, for Eirc knew that it 
was from God that Brenainn had that counsel. And bishop Eirc said to him: 
, Come again to me when thou hast those Rules, that thou mayest take (ecclesiastical) 
orders from me.' After Brenainn had gone to commune with his foster-mother fta, 
she said the same to him, that is, to learn the Rules of the saints of Ireland, and she 
(also) said to him: 'Do not study with women nor with virgins, lest some one revile 
thee. Go,' she saith, 'and a famous warrior of noble race will meet thee on the road.' 
It happened, then, that !vIae Lenín was that warrior. After Brenainn had travelled 
(some distance) !vIae Lenín met him. Then said Brenainn to him: 'Repent, for God 
is calling thee, and thou shalt be His o\"n child to Him from henceforward.' Then 
did Colmán Mac Lenin turn to the Lord, and a church is built by him at once, as 
Colmán said: 

I Brenainn, flame of a victorions world 2.' 

3484. After that Brenainn visited the province of Conn aught, drawn by the 
fame of a certain pious man who dwelt there, even Iarlaithe, son of Lug, son of Trén, 
son of Fiacc, son of l\1:ochta, son of Bresal, son of Siracht, son of Fiacha the Fair. 
And with him Brenainn learnt all the Rules of the Irish saints. And Brenainn said 
to Iarlaithe : 'In no wise shall thy resurrection be here.' 'l\Ty holy son,' said larlaithe, 
'why dost thou hide from us the divine graces of the Holy Spirit which are manifestly in 
thee, and the innumerable powers of the mighty Lord which are secretly in thy spotless 
mind? Thou forsooth hast come to me to learn from me,' said Iarlaithe ; , but it is I 
who shall be thine henceforward: only take me into thy service for ever and ever.' 
3494. Said Brenainn to him: 'Let a new chariot be built by thee,' saith he, 
, for thou art an old man, and go in it on the road. And wheresoever the two hind- 
shafts of the chariot shall break, there thy resurrection will be, and the resurrection 
of a multitude along with thee.' So then the old man enters the chariot, and he had 
not gone far when the two hind-shafts of the chariot broke, and this is the name of the 
place: Tuaim dá Ghualann (' l\lound of two shoulders '). Then the twain made this 
1 B adds fiin. 
2 Of the rest of this r poem (which does not occur in the Brussels MS., and of which I have no 
second copy) I can only translate a few words. 



25 2 , 


lay between them, while gazing at the graveyard and the train of angels manifestly 
(rising) from it. And Brenainn spake the first five staves, and then larlaithe spake: 
'Lofty the graveyard of the splendid angels 1.' 
After leaving larlaithe there Brenainn went on toward l\Iagh Ai. Now an 
angel met him on the road, and this he said to him: "V rite,' saith he, 'the words 
of the devotion from me.' Then Brenainn wrote from the angel's mouth 2 the whole 
sacred ecclesiastical Rule, and that Rule still remains. Now when they were traversing 
the plain they see the bier with a dead man upon it, and his friends bewailing him. 
'Trust ye in the Lord,' saith Brenainn, I and the man whom ye have will be alive.' 
After prayer to God was made by Brenainn, the youth arose straightway, and his 
family take him with them with exceeding gladness. So after that each begins 
to gaze at him, and they take him to the king of the plain. And the king offers 
him land wherever he liked in that plain, and Brenainn accepted it not, because he had 
no desire to dwell on that plain. 
3554. Now after the Rule of the angel and the Rules of the saints of Ireland, with 
their usages and with their piety, had been written by Brenainn, he returned to bishop 
Eirc and received ecclesiastical orders from him. There he heard in the gospel: 
'Everyone that hath forsaken father or mother or sister or lands (for my name's sake) 
shall receive a hundredfold in the present s, and shaH possess everlasting life.' After 
that, then, the love of the Lord grew exceedingly in his heart, and he desired to leave 
his land and his country, his parents and his fatherland, and he urgently besought 
the Lord to give him a land secret, hidden, secure, delightful, separated from men. 
N ow after he had slept on that night he heard the voice of the angel from heaven, 
who said to him, 'Arise, 0 Brenainn,' saith he, 'for God hath given thee what thou 
soughtest, even the Land of Promise.' Then Brenainn arose, and his mind was glad 
at that answer, and he goes alone to Sliab Daidche, and he saw the mighty intolerable 4 
ocean on every side, and then he beheld the beautiful noble island, with trains of 
angels (rising) from it. After that he remains there for the space of three days, 
and again he fell asleep. So then the angel of the Lord came to commune with him, 
and said, 'I will be along with thee,' saith he, 'henceforward for ever and ever, and I 
will teach thee how to find the beautiful island which thou hast seen, and which thou 
desirest to obtain.' Brenainn then wept exceedingly, because of his delight at the 
angel's answer to him, and he renders thanks unto God. 
3573. Thereafter Brenainn went from the mountain, and comes to his family, 
I I cannot translate the greater part of these verses, which are not in the Brussels MS., and of which 
I have no second copy. 
2 A gion an aingil, B. 
S For in proce1zti accipiat we should of course read ill þraesenti acciþiet. 
, For the 1zdosholachta of the MS. I read ndofholachta. 



and said to them, C Let three great vessels be bui1t by you,' saith he, 'and three rows (v 
of oars for each ship, and three sails of hides, and thirty men in each ship.' But they 
were not aU clerics, as said the poet: 
'Three vessels, the sage sailed 
Over the wave-voice of the flowing (?) sea. 
Thirty men in each vessel he had 
Over the storm of the crested sea. 
Three ranks of oars had they 
For every vessel, fair the decision, 
A sail of hides, with a powerful knowledge, 
In the three vessels which sailed. 
They were not all clerics who went 
On the voyage, fair the host! 
A family . . . . bare its . . . . 
In the three sailing vessels.' 
3589. So Brenainn, son of Finnlug, sailed then over the wave-voice of the 
strong-maned sea, and over the storm of the green-sided waves, and over the mouths 
of the marvellous, awful, bitter ocean, where they saw the multitude of the furious 
red-mouthed monsters, with abundance of the great sea-whales. And they found 
beautiful marvellous islands, and yet they tarried not therein. 
3594. Thus they abode for the space of five years on the ocean marvellous, 
strange, unknown to them. And during that time not one of them departed, and 
they suffered loss of none of their people, and body or soul of not one of them was 
injured. And that was a marvel, for Brenainn had not let them take provisions with 
them; but he said that God was able to feed them wheresoever they might be, even 
as He fed the five thousand with the five loaves and the two fishes. 
3601. Now when the Easter was nigh, his family kept saying to Brenainn that he 
should go on land to celebrate the Easter. ' God,' saith Brenainn, 'is able to give us 
land in any place that He pleases.' N ow after the Easter had come the great sea-beast 
raised his shoulder on high over the storm and over the wave-voice of the sea, so that 
it was level, firm land, like a field equally smooth, equally high. And they go forth 
upon that land and there they celebrate the Easter, even one day and two nights. 
After they had gone on board their vessels, the whale straightway plunged under the 
sea. And it was in that wise they used to celebrate the Easter, to the end of seven 
years, on the back of the whale, as Cundedan 1 said: 
I Brenainn loved lasting devotion 
According to synod and company: 
Seven years on the back of the whale: 
Hard was the rule of devotion.' 

1 This seems a mistake for Cumine (of Connor). 




36 I 5. For when the Easter of every year was at hand the whale would heave up 
his back, so that it ,yas dry and solid land. 
36 I 7. On a certain day, as they were on the n1arvellous ocean, they beheld the deep 
bitter streams, and the vast black whirlpools of the strong-maned sea, and in them their 
vessels were constrained to founder because of the greatness of the storm. Each then 
begins to look towards Brenainn, for exceeding was the danger in which theywere biding. 
Brenainn raised his voice on high and said, 'It is enough for thee, 0 mighty sea! to 
drown me alone, but Jet this folk escape from thee!' Then the sea grew still, and the 
calms abated the whirlpools at once. Thenceforward then they harmed no one else. 
3625. On a certain day they were on the sea, the Devil came in a form inveterate, 
awful, hideous, foul, hellish, and sat on the sail of the vessel before Brenainn; and 
none of them saw him, save Brenainn alone. Brenainn asked him why he had come 
before his proper time, that is, before the time of the great resurrection. 'For this 
have I come,' saith the Devil, 'to seek my punishment in the deep closes of this 
black dark sea.' Brenainn enquired of him, 'What is this, where is that infernal 
place? ' 'Sad is that,' saith the Devil; 'no one can see it, and remain alive 
afterwards.' Howbeit the Devil there revealed the gate of hell to Brenainn. And 
Brenainn beheld that rough, hot prison, full of stench, full of flame, full of filth, full 
of the camps of the poisonous demons, full of wailing, and screaming, and hurt, and 
sad cries, and great lamentations, and moaning, and handsmiting of the sinful folks; 
and a gloomy mournful life in cores of pain, in prisons of fire, in streams of the rows of 
eternal fire, in the cup of eternal sorrow and death, without limit, without end 1: in black 
dark swamps, in forts of heavy flame, in abundance of woe, and death, and torments, 
and fetters, and feeble, wearying combats; with the awful shouting of the poisonous 
demons; in a night 2 ever-dark, ever-cold, ever-stinking, ever-foul, ever-misty, ever- 
harsh, ever-long, ever-stifling, deadly, destructive, gloomy, fiery-haired, of the loathsome 
bottom of hell. . 
3642. On sides of mountains of eternal fire, without rest, without stay, but hosts 
of demons dragging the sinners S into prisons, wretched, heavy, strong, fiery, dark, 
deep, occult, empty, base, black, void, foul, stale, n1usty, constantly contentious, 
quarrelsome, wearying, deathful, and lamentable: sharp, rough, windy, full of wailing, 
shrieking, lamentation, and crying: keen, spectral. Worms curved, hard, valiant, big- 
headed, and monsters yellow, white, great-mouthed; lions fierce, greedy; dragons 
red, black, brown, demoniac; tigers mighty, treacherous; scorpions blue, . . .; 
hawks red, and tall; vultures rough, and sharp-beaked; stag-beetles black and 
hump-backed; flies sharp and beaked; leeches crooked, bone-mouthed; mallets 
heavy, iron; flails ancient, old-rough; sharp swords; red spears; black demons; 

1 B inserts 1 báis cen crích, cen foircenn. 

2 aidchi B. 

S B has oc tarraing na pectach. 



stinking fires; streams of poison; cats scratching; hounds rending; dogs hunting; 
demons yelling; stinking lakes; great swamps; dark pits; deep glens; high 
mountains; hard crags; a hosting of demons; a filthy camp; punishment with- 
out ceasing; a greedy host; frequent fray; quarrel without ceasing; demons 
punishing; abundance of torture; a sorrowful life ; a place wherein there are streams 
frozen, bitter, ever-stinking, rushing (?), extended, Inixed, lamentable, corrupt, melted, 
fiery, bare, swift, of full fire; straits hard, craggy, sharp-headed, long, cold, deep, 
wind-swept, little, great; plains bare, flaming; hills pointed . . .; glens hard, full of 
reptiles; bogs rough, thorny; woods dark, fiery; roads foul, monsterful; seas thickened 
surface-stinking; nails huge, iron; waters dark, unsweet; places (?) abundant, various; 
an assembly foul, ever-gloomy; winds bitter, wintry; snow frozen, ever-dropping; 
flakes red, fiery; faces base, darkened; demons swift, greedy; tortures vast, various. 
3669. Then his people asked of Brenainn: '\Vith whom art thou conversing?' 
say they. Brenainn told them that it was the Devil was conversing with him, and he 
related to them a few of the torments which he had seen, as we have said, even as 
hath been found in the old writings of the ancient law. 
3673. Then said one of his people to Brenainn, 'Let me,' saith he, ''behold 
somewhat of those torments.' On being permitted to behold Hell with its many 
torments, he died forthwith, and this he said when dying: 'Woe, woe, woe,' saith he, 
, to him who hath come, and will come, and cometh into that prison! ' Thereafter then 
Brenainn makes prayer, and that man of his people who died is brought again to life. 
3678. It was not long after they had gone thence when they found the maiden 
smooth, full-grown, yellow-haired, whiter than snow or the foam of the wave; and she 
was dead, the blow of a spear having gone through her shoulder and passed between 
her two paps. Huge in sooth was the size of that maiden, to wit, a hundred feet in her 
height, and nine feet between her two paps, and seven feet in 
he length of her middle 
finger. Brenainn brought her to life at once, and then he baptised her and asked her 
concerning her kindred. 'Of the inhabitants of the sea am I,' saith she, 'that is, of 
those who pray and expect their resurrection.' Brenainn asked her what she desired: 
'Wilt thou go at once to heaven, or wilt thou go to thy fatherland?' The girl answered 
in a language which no other save Brenainn understood, and this she said: 'To heaven,' 
saith she, , for I hear the voices of the angels praising the mighty Lord.' So after the 
girl had partaken of the Body of Christ, and of His Blood, she died without any 
distress, and she is buried honourably there by Brenainn. 
3691. On a certain day when they were prosperously on the sea and they were 
rowing, they beheld a certain beautiful island and it was lofty. Howbeit they found 
no easy harbour or port in it for entrance. They continued going round about it to 
the end of twelve days, and during that space they were unable to land upon it. 


25 6 


Howbeit they heard men's voices therein praising the Lord, and they beheld therein a 
church high, famous, delightful. \Vhen they heard the sound of the voice of the 
folk of the island, Brenainn with his people straightway slumber in their spiritual sleep. 
N ow since they were not allowed to land on the island, from above a waxed tablet is 
cast down to them, and it was inscribed, and this was thereon: 'Spend no toil in 
trying to enter this island, for ye will never come therein; but the island which ye 
seek ye will find, and this is not it. And go to thy country and to thy land, for there 
is a multitude seeking thee, and who would fain see thee. And search the holy 
scriptures wherein hath been said: lIfallsiolles Dei mullæ sun I,' -as if this were 
what was said: 'The Lord hath many places and other mansions apart from this 
island.' Thereafter then they turn from that island, and in token of the welcome 
and care of the folk of that island, they take with them yon waxed tablet which it had 
given to them, and they used to read it every day as if it had been given them by God. 
3707. Now on a certain day they were voyaging over the sea. An exceeding 
great thirst seized them, so that death was nigh unto them. Then they beheld the 
beautiful pure-brinked streams of water dropping and flowing out of the rock. The 
brethren asked, , Shall we drink the water?' say they. 'Bless it first,' saith Brenainn, 
'in order to know what thing it is.' N ow after blessing the water, and after singing 
hallelujah over it, suddenly yon streaIns ebb away, and then they beheld the Devil, 
squirting the waters from him, and killing those that would drink them. So then they 
are saved through Brenainn's powers, and their thirst disappeared straightway. 
Howbeit that place is shut upon the Devil, so that from that time forward it did no 
ill to man or to other animals. 
3717. Now after Brenainn had been for seven years a-voyaging, he turned 
again to his own country and land as he had been ordered in the island. Then came 
the folk of his country and his own tribe to meet him, and they were asking him how 
much he had from his voyage; and they brought him treasures and gifts as if they 
were giving them to God. N ow after many of them had left the world, they then 
follow Christ; aDd he (Brenainn) then performs many miracles and marve1s, and 
healed the sick and [freed] the bound, and expelled devils and vices. 
3724. Thereafter he communed with his foster-father bishop Eirc. He then came 
to the place wherein his foster-mother fta dwelt, and he asked her what he should do 
as regards voyaging. fta made welcome to him as she would have made it to Christ 
with His apostles, and this she said to him: '1\1 y dear son, why didst thou go on 
a voyage without taking counsel with me? For the land which thou art seeking from 
God, thou wilt never find it after 1 those dead stained skins, for it is a holy consecrated 
land, and men's blood hath never been spilt therein. Howbeit,' she saith, 'let 

1 Should we read Ùlla . . . Sill ' in those? ' 



wooden vessels be built by thee, and it is probable that thus thou wilt find the land 
3732. So after that Brenainn went into the district of Connaught. And there a 
great marvellous vessel is built by him, and it was distinguished and huge. And he em- 
barks in her with his household and his people, and they carry with them various plants 
and seeds to put therein; and then they take wrights and smiths who had entreated 
Brenainn to let them go along with him. Then came the buffoon to Brenainn and 
prostrated himself before him, and said, '0 Brenainn,' saith he, 'take me for God's 
sake, and have pity on my misery, so that I may go with thee.' Brenainn then took 
him with him, and he enters the vessel with them. N ow sixty men, this was their 
number, and they were all praising the Lord, and their minds were towards God, as 
the writings declare. 
374 I. N ow this is the direction they first took, to,vards Aran, to the place 
wherein Enda dwelt, and Pupu, and Rochath; and in their company they remained 
for the space of a month. 
3743. Now, after they had sailed for some time westward from Aran, they see 
the island great, lofty, remarkable, beautiful. N ow therein dwelt mice like 

 -rqJ. S, 
which filled the strand at once to swallow them up. Now the brethren ask ofBrenainn. 
'What do these mice desire?' say they. 'To eat us and to swallow us up,' saith 
Brenainn. Then Brenainn said to the buffoon: 'Go,' saith he, 'and partake of 
Christ's Body and His Blood, and go then to eternal life, for I hear the quire-singing 
of angels calling thee to them.' That seemed good to him, and he said, 'Lord,' saith 
he, 'what good thing have I done, since I am taken at once to heaven?' So after 
the buffoon had partaken of Christ's Body and His Blood, he leaps at once (ashore) 
with exceeding joy, and the sea-cats devoured him all save a few of his bones. 
And he is buried by the brethren, and his name is written in a martyrology, for he 
was a wonderful martyr. It is manifestly from the mercy of the Lord, that the 
notoriously sinful man who came last into the vessel should be chosen to go first to 
heaven. Even so then win every well-meaning person who shall come last into the 
Church go first unto heaven, through his excess of goodwill beyond those who had 
been before him: as Christ saith, 'The first shall be last, and the last first.' 
3760. Now after they had left that island, a sudden illness seized the smith, so 
that death was nigh him. Brenainn said to him, 'Why marvellest thou?' saith he : 
'go to the heavenly kingdom as thou hast sought till to-day, or if thou desirest to 
abide still in the world, I will make prayer for thee unto God, and thou wilt find 
health.' Howbeit the smith said, 'I hear' the voice of the Lord calling me;' and 
after partaking of Christ's Body and His Blood, he goes to heaven. So there \"as 
a great question amongst the brethren as to the body being without burial, for there 


25 8 


r \ 

was no land near them. Then Brenainn declared that it should be buried among 
the waves of the sea: for that He Who had made heaven and earth and the rest of 
the elements was able to constrain the waves of the sea, to keep the body in them 
immovably. So, without reaching the land, they bury the smith amongst the waves of 
the sea, down, without rising to the top of the brine, without moving hither or thither, 
but as it were on land; and he will abide there without corrupting till the day of 
the Judgment shall come. 
3774. Now after they had left that place they beheld a little insignificant land. 
After they had taken harbour there, the harbour is filled with devils in the shape of 
dwarfs and pigmies, with their faces as black as coal. Then said Brenainn, 'Cast 
out the anchor, for no one will be able to enter this country, save he who "shall fight 
human battles against devils and shall spill blood over them.' So they remained there 
to the end of seven days and their nights, and they could not hoist up their anchor 
from below, and there they leave it sticking among the rocks, and then they pass away_ 
378 I. Now they were in great distress from the want of the anchor and the death 
of the smith, for they had neither an anchor nor a smith who would make one for 
them. Then said Brenainn to a priest of his household, 'Do thou smith's work to 
the end of this month.' So Brenainn blessed the hands of the priest, for he had not 
learned smithying. Then the priest made an anchor so excelIent that none equally 
good was ever found before it and will not be found after it. 
3787. Then they voyage on the ocean for a space westward. And they find 
the small, delightful, beautiful island, and therein abundance of excellent fish which 
had left the seashore and were in the enclosures and in the cashels of that lofty island. 
So while they were going round about the island, they behold therein a church built 
of stone, and a penitent white-faced old man praying therein. Thus was that old man, 
bloodless, flesh less, only a thin wretched leather on those hard-bare bones. 
3792. Then said yon old man: 'Flee swiftly,' saith he, '0 Brenainn! There 
is a great sea-cat here like a young ox or a three-year-old horse, overgrown by feeding 
on the fish of th is sea and this island. Avoid ye him,' saith the old man. They 
get at once into their vessel, and then row rapidly over the ocean. As they were 
biding there they beheld the lTIOnstrous sea- ç.a t swimming after them. Bigger than 
a brazen cauldron was each of his eyes: a boar's tus
 s had he: furzy hair upon him; 
and he had the maw of a leopard with the strength of a lion, and the voracity of 
a hound. Then each of them began to pray unto God because of the greatness of 
the fear that seized them. Then said Brenainn, 'Almighty God,' saith he, 'order 
the monster away from us that he may not devour us l' Then a huge sea-whale 
arose between them and yon monstrous sea-cat. And each of them began drowning 
the other, and battling savagely, till each of them drowned the other in the depth of 



the sea, and neither of the twain was seen thenceforward. Then Brenainn and 
his people render thanks to God, and turn again to the place wherein the old man 
dwelt. And the old man made them welcome, and wept for the greatness of the 
joy, and in making welcome to Brenainn composed these little staves:- 
'God thy life, a Brenainn, here 1,' etc. 
3833. 'Of the men of Ireland am I,' saith the old man, 'and we were twelve 
men when we went on our pilgrimage; and we brought yon monstrous sea-cat with 
us, as a little bird, and he was very dear to us, and after that he waxed greatly, and 
never did any hurt to us. And eleven men of them are dead, and I am here alone, 
entreating thee to administer unto me Christ's Body and His Blood, and that I Inay 
then go to heaven.' Now the old man revealed to them the land which they were 
seeking, even the Land of Promise. So after the old man had partaken of Christ's 
Eody and His Blood, he went to heaven, and he is buried there in the island 
along with his brethren, with ho
our and great reverence, and with psalms and 
hymns, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost. 
3 8 43. After that, then, they reached the land which they had been seeking for 
the space of seven years, even the Land of Promise: as it is in the proverb, Qui 
ljuærit z11venit. N ow, after they had come nigh that land, and they desired to 
take harbour there, they heard the voice of a certain old man, and this he said to 
them: '0 ye toilsome men, 0 haIlowed pilgrims, 0 folk that entreat the heavenly 
rewards, 0 ever-weary life expecting this land, stay a little now from your labour! ' 
So after they had been for some time silent, yon old man said to them: 'Dear 
brothers in Christ,' saith he, 'why do ye not take this noble, beautiful land, wherein 
a human being's blood hath never been spilt, and wherein it is unmeet to bury sinners 
or evil men? So leave ye all in your vessel everything that ye have, except a little 
raiment round you, and come from below.' Now after they had landed, each of them 
kissed the other, and the old man wept exceedingly with the greatness of the joy. 
, Search ye and see,' saith he, 'the plains of Paradise, and the delightful fields of the 
land radiant, famous, lovable, profitable, lofty, noble, beautiful, delightful. A land 
odorous, flower-smooth, blessed. A land many-melodied, musical, shouting for joy, 
unmournful. A place wherein ye shall find,' saith the old man, 'health without 
sickness, de1ight without quarrelling, union without wrangling, princedon1 without 
dissolution, rest without idleness, freedom without labour, luminous unity of angels, 
delights of Paradise, service of angels, feasting without extinction, avoidance of 
pain, faces of the righteous, partaking of the Great Easter. A life blessed, just, 
protected, great, loveable, noble, restful, radiant, without gloom, without darkness, 
1 The translation of the rest of the poem cannot be safely attempted until a second copy is 




without sin, without weakness; in shining, incorruptible bodies, in stations of angels, 
on plains of the Land of Promise. Vast is the light and the fruitfulness of 
that island, its rest, its lovableness, its dearness, its stability, its security (?), its 
preciousness, its smoothness, its radiance, its purity, its lovesomeness, its whiteness, 
its melodiousness, its holiness, its bright purity, its nobleness, its restfulness, its 
beauty, its gentleness, its height, its brightness, its venerableness, its full peace, its 
full unity! Happy he who shall be with well-deservingness and with good deeds, 
and whom Brain-find, son of Findlug, shall call into union with him, on that side,' 
saith the same old man, 'to inhabit for ever and ever the island whereon we stand!' 
3873. Now after they had seen that paradise among the waves of the sea, they 
marvel and wonder greatly at the miracles of God and His power, and they greatly 
honour and glorify the Lord after seeing those mighty miracles. 
3876. Now thus was that holy old man: without any human raiment, but all his 
body was full of bright white feathers like a dove or a sea-mew, and it was aln10st 
the speech of an angel that he had. After the striking of his bell the tierce is 
celebrated by them. They sing thanks to God with their mind fixed on Him. They 
durst not ask anything, and they receive their spiritual instruction of him at the 
uplifting of the gospel. 
3882. This then was the preaching that Peter and Paul and the other holy 
apostles most often used to make, this preaching of the punishments and of the 
rewards, for they were displayed to them in the same manner. This, then, is the 
preaching that Sylvester, Abbot of Rome, made to Constantine, son of Helena, to 
the over-king of the world, in the great assembly when Constantine offered Rome to 
Peter and to Paul. This is the preaching that Fabian, Peter's successor, made to 
Philip, son of Gordian, King of the Romans, when he believed in the Lord, and 
when many thousand others believed there; and he was the first king of the 
Romans who believed in the Lord Jesus Christ. This, then, is the preaching which 
Elijah is wont to make to the souls of the righteous under the Tree of Life in 
Paradise. N ow, when Elijah opens the book for the preaching, then come the souls 
of the righteous in shapes of bright white birds to him from every point. Then 
he first declares to them the rewards of the righteous, the happiness and delights of 
the kingdom of heaven, and at that time they are exceedingly rejoiced. Then he 
declares to them the pains and punishments of hen and the banes of Doomsday. 
l\lanifest exceedingly is a countenance of sorrow upon themselves then, to wit, on 
Elijah and on Enoch: wherefore those are called the Two Sorrows of Heaven's 
Kingdom. Then Elijah shuts his preaching-book. The birds then make an exceeding 
great wailing, and beat their wings against their bodies till streams of blood come 
out of them for drea
 of the pains of hell and of Doomsday. 



3899. Now since it is the souls of the saints, whose lot it is to inhabit for ever 
the kingdom of heaven, that m
ke that lamentation, it were meet for the men of the 
world, though they should shed tears of blood expecting Doomsday, 'in quo dle mala 
erunt. Now there will be many evils and tribulations on that day, that is, on the Day 
of Judgl11ent, in quo dz'e judex justus sua suis reddel: implïs þænas, præmia justis. Then 
will the Lord pay to every human being in the world his own wage. Punishment 
He hath for the sinful, reward for the righteous. Then the sinful will be cast into the 
depth of the eternal pain, and the lock of God's word will shut them up under hatred 
of the Judge of Doom. Then the saints and the righteous, the folk of charity and of 
mercy, will be carried to the right hand of God the Father, to inhabit the kingdom 
heaven for ever. Then they will abide in that great glory, in the unity of the Godhead 
and the IVlanhood of the Son of God: in the unity that is nobler than any unity, the 
unity of the holy, noble, almighty Trinity, Father, and Son, and Holy Ghost. 
 2. I beseech the high, almighty God, through saint Brenainn's intercession, 
may we all deserve that unity, may we reach it, may we dwell therein for ever 
and ever! 


39 I 6. Omnia quæcunque vulNs ut facÙznt homines vobÙ 'ita eJ vos facialis z'lHs 1, 
that is, every good thing that ye desire to be done to you by men, let it be so that ye 
do unto them. Hæc est enimlex et prophetæ, for that is law and prophecy. 
3920. Now, the prohibitor of every evil, the proclaimer of every good, the peace- 
maker of God and men, Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, the saviour of the 
whole world, He it is that spake these words to instruct His apostles and disciples, 
and the whole Church as to the . . . of charity, to wit, that men should do all such 
good and charity to their neighbour as they would do unto themselves. Of that, saith 
Jesus, Omnia quæcunque vulNs. Now l\Iatthew, son of Alphæus, the eminent sage 
of the Hebrews, the fourth man who declared the gospel of the Lord, he it is that 
wrote these words in the body of (his) gospel, so that he said according to his 
Master, even Jesus, Omnia quæcunque. [Si ergo vos, cum siNs malz
 nóstis bona 
data dare jilzïs vestrÙ.I. quanto magÙ Pater vester celeslÙ dabi/ bona petentibus se 2.] 
If ye as men give good things to your children, much more will the heavenly 
Father give good to His children who beseech it. Wherefore, according to these 
words, Jesus spake this counsel; Omnza quæcunque et reliqua. For law and pro- 
phecy enjoin us to give love to God and to the neighbour. [FÙzis enim precepH 
carilas est.] For the roof and end of the divine teaching is charity. Quia cari/as 
propria et specialÙ vzrtus est Christianorum. For charity is the proper virtue of the 
Christians. [Nam cæteræ vir/utes bonis el malt's possunt esse communes.] For the other 
virtues may belong (both) to good men and to evil men. [Caritatem au/em habere nzSi 
peifectz' non þossunt.] But no one save on1y a good man hath charity. [Unde Jesus ail :] 
Wherefore Jesus saith: [' In hoc cognoscent omnes quod dzscipuH mez' estÙ si dz"lexerilÙ 
inuz'cem.] Then will all men know that ye are of my household, if each of you loves 
the other as I have loved you s.' 
3938. Now, a lTIultitude of sons of Life, both apostles and disciples of the Lord, 
from that time to this have fulfilled desirously and piously that counsel which Jesus gave 
them, as to fulfilling the charity even as He fulfilled it; and a special rank was given 
to charity beyond every virtue by the apostle high, venerable, the soul-friend, the 
1 Matt. vii. 12. 2 Matt. vii. 10 from the Brussels MS. (xi, 4190-4200, fOe 149 a). 
3 The Brussels MS. here adds, Et iterum dixit Jesus as edh atbeir Iosa bheos: Hoc est preceptum 
menm nt diligatis inuicem sicut dilexi nos. Is í mo chomhairle dáibh go rochara cach naibh araile 
amal rocharasa sibhse. 


2 6 1 

wonder-worker, the man by whom the west of the world blazed in miracles and 
marvels, in virtues and in good deeds, even sanclus CÛzranus sacerdos et apostolus 
 the high-priest and the apostle, the holy Ciarán, son of the wright. As regards 
the heavenly genealogy, he was the son of the Wright Who made heaven and earth, 
and all that are the ein. According to earthly genealogy, he was the son of the 
wright who built chariots, and (practised) every art besides. 
3948. Then do the faithful reverence the festival of that noble one, on the fifth 
of the ides of September as regards the day of the solar month. On this day to-day 
as regards the day of the week. 
3950. So, for the delight of the souls of the faithful, they set forth a brief 
memorial of the miracles and of the marvels of that pious one, and of his carnal 
genealogy, and of his use in every festival \ and of the completion which he gave to 
his victorious career upon earth. A man, then, who had great honour with the Lord 
was this man. A man for whom God kept his monastery 2 fifty years before his birth. 
A man who was in the rank of one of Christ's apostles in this world, as Colombcille 
said: Quum tu Christi apostolum mUlldo misistz' hominem. A lamp, then, was he, 
blazing with the light of wisdom and instruction, as Colombcille said,- 
'Lucerna hujus insulæ. 
Lucens lucerna mzrabilis.' 
A man who founded a lofty church whereout was brought profit of rule, and wisdom, 
and instruction to all the churches of Ireland, as the same sage said,- 
CustodÙlnlur regnzina, etc., 
that is, Let the elders of this monastery keep the rules and the teachings and the 
customs which have been received from the master Ciarán: so that these are the 
rules and the customs which ha ve been scattered abroad and brought to all the 
monasteries of the saints of Ireland, for out of it are carried rules and customs 
throughout the whole of Ireland. 
3964. A man who is in the order of the chief prophets with the Lord in this 
world, as said the same prophet,- 
Prophela qui novissÙnus, etc., 
for it was from his nobleness and his venerableness in the eyes of the Lord of the 
Elements S that he was foretold by prophets long before his birth, even as Isaac was 
foretold, and John the Baptist, and, what is still nobler, as Jesus was foretold 4. 
3968. First of all, Patrick, son of Calpurn, prophesied him, on Cruachan Aigli, 
1 Lism. is bere corrupt. B also, but less corrupt, has: dia comhairbert bith in gach aighi. Here 
for aighi we should doubtless read Nthlaithi: compare 1. 2733, supra, p. 8 I. 
2 B has: fer didiu dia rochongaibh Dia a chathraigh ndHis. 3 B inserts nandula. 
t I here translate from B: amal rotirchanadh, Isaac 1 Eoin Babtais 1 anus uaisle ann amal 
roterchanadh Isu. 


2 6 4 


after the tree had closed round his relics in that place where the monastery stands 
3969. Brigit prophesied him when she beheld the flame and the angel fifty years 
before Ciarán, in the place whereon Brigit's crosses stand to-day. 
397 I. Bec l\Iac Dé prophesied of him, and said, 'There, 0 son of the wright, in thy 
beautiful chasuble, with thy choirs, with thy melodies, with thy chariots, with thy songs.' 
3973. Colombcille on Ard Abla prophesied of him to Aed, son of Brandub or 
3975. Now this is Ciarán's genealogy. Ciaran, son of Beoit, son of Olchan, 
son of Dichu, son of Corc, son of Cuindiu, son of Cuinnid, son of Fíac, son of l\lael- 
catrach, son of Laire, son of Lairne, son of Cuiltre, son of Gluinech, son of Coirpre, 
son of Lug, son of l\Ieidle, son of Dub, son of Lugna, son of Feidlirnid, son of 
Eochu, son of Bresal, son of Degha, son of Reo-soirche, son of Reo-doirche, son of 
Tigernmas, son of Follach, son of Eithrial, son of Irial the prophet, son of Eremon, 
son of lVlíl of Spain. 
3982. Now Beoit, son of 01chan, of the Lathairn, of IVlag l\lolt of Ulaid, was 
the earthly father of this Ciarán. Darerca, daughter of Ercan, son of Buachail1, was 
his mother, as Ciarán said:- 
39 8 5. 'Darerca was my mother, 
She was not a bad woman 1. 
My father was Beoit, the wright, 
Of Lathaim Molt.' 
3989. Of Ciarraige Irluachra, then, was his mother, that is, of Glasraige in par- 
ticular. Now Glas, the poet, was her grandfather. This was the cause of the 
union of those twain (even Beoit and Darerca). \Vhen Beoit went to visit his brothers, 
who dwelt in the district of Cenél Fiacha, and when he saw the girl Darerca before 
them, he asked her relations and 2 her parents to give her to him, and sooth she was 
given to him, And afterwards she bore him five sons, and this is the order in which 
they were born, to wit, Lucholl, her firstborn, Donnán, the second, Ciarán, the 
third, Odrán, the fourth, Cronán, the fifth, and he was a deacon, but the other four sons 
were archpresbyters. Then she bore 3 three daughters to him, and two of them were 
virgins, even Lugbec and Rathbeo. Now Pata was the third daughter, and she was a 
pious widow. These are the graveyards in which are the relics of those saints, to 
wit, Lucholl and Odrán in Isel Ciarain. Donnán and Ciarán in Clonmacnois. 
Deacon Cronán and Beoit, and the three daughters in Tech l\Ieic int-sæir. 
4001. Now at that time there was an itnpious king, in the district of Húi Néill. 
Ainmire, son of Colgan, was his name. He imposed on the tribes and the kindreds 
1 i,e. according to the Irish idiom, she was an excellent woman. 
!.I B inserts: for a caraitt ). 3 Ruccad, B. 


26 5 

a very heavy tribute: so Beoit went fleeing from that king into the province of Con- 
naught to the king of Ireland, to Crimthann, son of Lugaid, son of DaHan, unto Rath 
Cremthainn, in l\Iagh Ai. 
4006. Ciarán was conceived on the sixth of the calends of June, and he was 
born on the sixth of the calends of l\Iarch. Ciarán's birth was foretold by Lugbrann, 
the wizard of the aforesaid king. The" izard said: 
I He healed Oengus' steed 
\Vhen he lay swaddled in a cradle, 
From God that miracle to Ciarán 
vYas given . . . . 
On a certain day, when the wizard heard the noise of the chariot, he said this, 
, Look,' saith he, , my lads, who there is in the chariot; for 1 here is " noise of chariot 
under king.'" 'Vhen the giIIies went out they saw nothing 2 save Beoit and Darerca in 
the chariot. 'Vhen the lads laughed at the wizard, he said this: 'The child that lies in 
the woman's womb,' saith he, 'will be a mighty king; and as the sun shineth among 
the stars of heaven, so will he shine on earth in miracles and marvels that cannot be told.' 
4018. So after that Saint Ciarán was born in l\Iagh Aí at Rath Cremthainn. He 
was baptized by deacon Justus, for it was very meet that the righteous should be 
baptized by a righteous one. 
402 I. On a certain day the horse of Oengus, son of Cremthann, died and he 
felt S great sorrow. Now when Oengus slept an angel of God appeared to him in 
a vision, and said this to him: 'Ciarán the son of the wright will come and will bring 
thy horse for thee to life.' And this was fulfilled; for at the angel's word Ciarán 
came, and blessed water, which was put over the horse, and the horse at once 
arose out of death. Then Oengus gave much land to God and to Ciarán for bringing 
the horse to life. Tír na Gabra (' the Land of the Steed') is the name of the land. 
4028. On a certain day his mother blamed him: 'So,' saith she, 'the little lads 
of the hamlet bring honey out of the honeycombs home to their households, and thou 
bringest none to us.' \Vhen Ciarán heard that he went to a certain well, and fills his 
vessel out of it, and blesses it, so that it became choice honey, and gives that honey 
to his mother, and she was thankful. And that is the honey \vhich was given to 
deacon Justus as his fee for baptizing Ciarán. 
4034. On a certain day wicked men set a savage 4 hound at Ciarán to rend him. 
When Ciarán saw the hound he chanted this verse, 'Ne Iradas beslzi's animam c01zfi- 
tentem 110i.' And when he said this the hound fell 5 fortlnvith and did not arise 
4038. Now this was the work that his parents gave him to do, even herding 
1 B. here inserts: 'is edh roraidh: Féghaid,' ar se, I a gille, cia fil isin carpat, ar is.' 
2 B. inserts nl. 3 Literally' took.' .. rofeochair, B. 5 dorochair, B. 



, . 

(cattle) after the manner of David, son of Jesse, and of Jacob, and of the ancients 
afterwards. For God knew that he would be a prudent herdsman 1 to great herds, 
that is, the herds of the faithful. After that there came to pass something marvellous 
at Rath Crenlthainn in l\Iagh Aí while he was keeping the cattle of his foster- 
father, deacon Justus at Fidarta, and there was a long distance between them. 
Howbeit he used to hear what his tutor had to say as if they had been side by 
side. Then came a fox to Ciarán out of the wood, and Ciarán dealt gently with it; 
and it used to visit him often, until at last he enjoined upon it to do him a service, 
namely, to carry his psalter between him and his tutor, deacon Justus. For when it 
was said at Fidachta, , Say this in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the 
Holy Ghost,' Ciarán at Rath Cremthainn used to hear from that to the end of the 
lesson. And the fox used to be humbly attending the lesson till the writing of it 
on wax came to an end, and he then would take it with him to Ciarán. But once 
his natural malice broke through the fox, and he began to eat his book, for he was 
greedy about the leathern bands 2 that were about it on the outside. \Vhile he was eating 
the book, then came Oengus, son of Crimthann, to him with a band of men and with 
greyhounds. And they hunted him, and he found no shelter in any place S till he came 
under Ciarán's cowl. God's name and Ciarán's were magnified by saving the book 
from the fox, and by saving the fox from the hounds. And that book is to-day called 
P6laire Ciaráin (' Ciarán's Tablets '). 
4058. That is most proper for these, for the wicked men who dwell near to the 
Church, and who get the benefit of the Church, both communion, and baptisn1, and 
food, and teaching, and nevertheless they cease not persecuting the Church till a king's 
persecution 4, or a mortality, or an unknown illness comes to them; and then they must 
needs 5 go under the protection 6 of the Church, even as the fox went under Ciarán's cowl. 
4063. On a certain day Ciarán's mother was making blue dye-stuff, and she 
was ready to put the cloth into it. Then said his mother to him: 'Out with thee, 
o Ciarán 1 ' They did not deem it right or lucky to have men in the same house in 
which cloth was getting dyed. 'Let there be a dark-grey stripe in it then,' saith 
Ciarán. So of all the cloth that was put into the dye-stuff, there was none without 
a dark-grey stripe therejn. The dye-stuff is again prepared, and his mother said to 
him: 'Go out now this time, Ciarán; and, 0 Ciarán, let there not be now a dark-grey 
stripe therein ! ' Then he said 7 : 
, A lleluiah .Dom'Ùze! 

 '1y my {oster-mother's dye-stuff8 be white I 
Every time it shall come into my hand, 
1 B. has: buachail-sium lantreabhuir. 2'ledba, B. 
t B. inserts: ingerim righ no. 5 as eiccen doibh, B. 
7 roraidh, B. 

S in nach inudh, B. 
Ð [0 choim, B. 
B glaisen, B. 


2 6 7 

Let it be whiter than bone! 
Every time it shall come lout of the boiling 
Let it be whiter than curd!' 

4076. Every cloth then that was put into it became all white afterwards. The 
dye-stuff is prepared the third tilDe. ' 0 Ciarán,' says his mother, 'do not now spoil 
the dye-stuff for me; but let it be blessed by thee.' So when Ciarán blessed it there 
never was made, before or after, dye...stuff as good as it; for though aU the cloth of the 
Cenél Fiachrach were put into its iarcáz'n 2, it would make it blue, and finally it made 
blue 3 the dogs, and the cats, and the trees against which it came. 
4082. Once he was herding kine. A most wretched wolf came to him. This 
is a phrase which he used to have: 'l\Iay mercy come to us! Go and eat the calf, 
and break not and eat not its bones.' The wolf went and did so. When the cow 
lowed a-seeking the calf, his D10ther said to him: 'Tell me, 0 Ciarán, in what place is 
this cow's calf? Let the calf con1e from thee, whatsoever death it suffered.' Ciarán 
went to the spot in which the wolf had devoured the calf, and he gathered the calf's 
bones, and put them in front of the cow, and the calf arose and stood up. 
4090. On ,a certain day robbers came out of Offaly to kill people in the district 4 
of Cenél Fiachrach, and they found the holy Ciarán with his herds, reading; and they 
proceeded to kill him. Howbeit they were stricken with blindness, and they could 
not put forth foot or hand till they made repentance; and (then) they were loosed by 
God's blessing and Ciarán's. 
4095. At another time his father sent him to present a caldron to the king, even 
Furban. And poor men met him on the way, and Ciarán 5 bestows the king's caldron 
upon thenl. So then he was bound, and slavery ,vas imposed upon him by the king, 
and this was the work that was entrusted to him, to grind at a quern. Then mighty 
marvels came to pass! When he proceeded to grind at the quern it turned 6 of itself, 
and it did so continually; and they were angels of the Lord that ground for his sake. 
Not long afterwards there came out of the lands of Munster smiths having three 
caldrons as alms for Ciarán; and so Ciarán was saved from the service of the king. 
4103. After these things, then, it was time to Ciarán to go 'as a scholar to Findian 
of Clonard in order to learn wisdom. So he asked his mother and his father for a cow, 
that he might take her with him when he went to learn. Ciarán's mother said she 
would not give him (the cow). So he blessed a cow of the kine,-Odar CiaráÙz 
(' Ciarán's Dun ') was her name thenceforward,-and she went thence with her calf after 
Ciarán to Clonard. 1"hen he drew between them a line with his staff, for there was no 
1 cech tan ti, B. 
2 hiarccáin, B. O'Cnrry, Ma1Z1zers and Customs, iii. 121, explains this word by I after-dye 
[i. e. the mother-liquor of the dye-vat];' but gives nothing to support his explanation. 
3 Rogorm fochettoir, B. i hi crích, B. 5 Ciaran J B. tI no impodh, B. 




fence between them, and the cow was licking the calf, and neither of them would come 
over that 1 mark. N ow the milk of that cow was parted among those twelve bishops 
with their households and with their guests, and it used to be enough for them all: as 
( the poet) said : 
41 13. 'Full fifty and a hundred 
Ciarán's Dun used to feed, 
Both guests, and weaklings, 
And folk of the refectory and upper room.' 
4 I I 7. Now the Dun's hide is in Clonmacnois, and what soul soever separates 
from its body on that hide inhabits eternal life s. 
4 11 9. Now the twelve bishops of Ireland abode in Findian's school in Clonard, 
as ( a poet) said: 'Two Findians. two chaste Colombs, 
Ciarán, Cainnech, fair Comgall, 
Two Brenainns, Ruadán with beauty, 
Ninnid, Mobi, Nat-fraeich's son,' 
i. e. 
Iolaisi of Dcvenish. 
4 126. This is the rule which they had, each bishop 4 of them to grind his day at the 
quern. N ow angels used to grind at the quern for sake of Ciarán on the day that was his. 
4128. Once upon a time the king of Cualann's daughter was brought to Findian 
to read her psalms, after having dedicated her maidenhood to God. Findian entrusted 
the girl to Ciarán, and with him she used to read her psalms. Now, so long as they 
remained together, Ciarán saw nothing of the girl's body, save 15 only her feet. 
4132. Then twelve lepers came to Findian to be healed. Findian sent them on 
to Ciarán. Ciarán made them welcome, and went vdth them westward from the church, 
and cuts 6 a sod out of the earth, whereupon a streanl of pure water 7 brake forth. He 
poured three waves of that water over each of the men, and they were at once every 
whit whole. 
4 13 6 . In this school, moreover, a stag used to visit Ciarán, and he used to put 
his book on the deer's horns. One day there Ciarán heard the bell. He rose up 
suddenly at the bell; howbeit the stag arose more swiftly, and went forth with the book 
on his horns. Though that day was wet and (so was) the night after it 8, and though 
the book was open, not a single letter in it was moistened. On the morrow the cleric 
arose, and the deer came to him with the book all safe. 
4142. Into that school, then, came Ninnid Slant-eye of Locha Eirne to read 
with Findian, and he had no book. ' Ask for a book,' saith Findian. Ninllid made 
the round of the school, and got no book from any of the scholars. ' Hast thou gone 
to the tender youth who is in the north of the green?' saith Findian. 'I will go now,' 
I . B 
 ' B 
sm, . sc
rns, . 
3 For aitreaba, etc., B. has: ni ba hifernach iarumh 1 aittrebait in mbethaid suthain. 
4 apstal, B. 5 cénmotat, Br 6 boingid, B. ., sruth sainemail, B. 8 asa aithle B. 


26 9 

saith Ninnid. So when Ninnid came, Ciarán had arrived at the middle text of 
l\Iatthew's Gospel: Omnia quaecumque ultl/is tt! facianl homÛzes uobÙ z'la eI uos facia/is 
illis. 'I have come to borrow a book,' says Ninnid. 'Ivlercy come to us I' saith 
Ciarán, 'it is for this I read, and this the text saith to me: that I should do unto every 
one what I desire to be done to me. Take the-- book,' saith Ciarán. His companions 
asked him on the morrow, while doing the lesson, where was his b
ok? 'He gave 
it to me,' saith Ninnid 1. Saith one of the school: 'Let" Ciarán Half-lVlatthew" be 
his name.' , Nay,' saith Findian, 'but" Ciarán Half-Ireland," for half of Ireland will 
be his, and ours will be its other half.' As Findian said: 
4 155. '\\-ith Findian read 
Ciarán the pious with constancy. 
Half a book had he without reading, 
Half of Ireland to him for it.' 
4159. From that the famous word was taken to Rome to Alexander, to wit, Non 
legam Marcum quo usque comPleueram .llfattheum. 
4161. Thereafter, then, came to pass a scarcity of corn and sustenance for that 
school, so that it was necessary for a good man of them in turn to protect the sack of 
corn which was carried thence 2 to the mill. It happened to Ciarán in his turn to carry 
to the mill a sack of oats. He said when opening that sack: '0 Lord,' saith he, 'I 
should like this to be beautiful wheat, and that this were a satisfaction great, pleasant, 
delightful s, to the elders.' Even so it came to pass. An angel of God was sent down 
(into) the mill by his 4 hand while he was singing his psalms with purity of heart and 
mind, and the oats that were put in became, when coming out, choice wheat. Then 
comes the daughter of the master of the mill, and she was seeking Ciarán, and he 
found favour in her eyes, for his form was more beautiful than that of anyone of his 
own age 15. 'That is most hard for thee,' said Ciarán. 'Is it not this whereof thou 
shouldst take heed-the perishableness of the world, and Doomsday, and the pains of 
hell, in order to a\'oid them, and the rewards of heaven, in order to obtain them?' \Vhen 
the girl had gone home, she tells those tidings to her father and to her mother 6. These 
came and offered the girl to Ciarán. 'If she offers her maidenhood to God,' saith 
Ciarán, 'and if she serves him, I will be at union with her.' So the girl offered her 
maidenhood to God and to Ciarán, and all her household their continual service, and 
1 The Book of Lismore is here so faded and ignorantly retouched as to be unintelligible. The 
translation of this and the following two sentences is made from the Brussels :MS., which has: 
'Dosfuc dhamsa,' ar Ninnid. 'Bid Ciaran leth-:Matha a ainm,' ar fer don scoil. I Ace,' ar Finden, 
'acht Ciaran leith nEirenn, uair bidh leis leth Érenn 1 a leth aile duinne.' 
2 uatha, B. 3 airpeitech, B. t For Í1za, 'in his,' B bas lea. 
5 The Brussels MS. here has: ba hailli a dhea1bh 1 a den am oldas cech duine a chomaóisi. 
, Annsam duit,' 01 Ciaran, etc. 
6 atfet dia muinntir a scela, B. 


27 0 


the permanent ownership of them to Ciarán, from that time forward. When they had 
gone home a ration was brought from them to Ciarán, even three loaves of wheat with 
their proportion of bacon 1 and of flesh, and a vessel full of ale 2. When the 
servants had left that, and when they had taken a blessing, he said: 'l\iercy come to 
us!' saith he, e it is not meet for us to consume this apart from the other brethren.' 
After that he made all the food into little bits, and cast it into the mill, and cast in the 
ale (also), and made wheaten meal of them all. \Vhen Ciarán perceived the servant 
keeping it secretly, he set a curse upon him and said to him, e l\Iay a crane take thine 
eye out of thy head, and may it be on thy cheek when thou goest home S!' Thus it 
came to pass afterwards, for a pet crane picked his eye out of his head, and it lay 
on his cheek as he was going home. Then the master (of the mill) came at once 
along with the servant, and they prostrated themselves to Ciarán, and he (the master) 
offered the mill with all its land to Ciarán for healing the gillie. So Ciarán set his 
palm against the eye 4 and put it into its place, and made the sign of the cross over 
it, so that it was every whit whole. 
4 I 9 I. Now when the grinding of the corn was ended, there were found four 
sacks of consecrated wheat there, through grace of God and of Ciarán 5. When he 
reached home with his corn, he made food for the elders. That was the best food that 
had ever been given to them. For from the time that the mystical manna was found 
by the children of Israel, nothing like unto that food hath been found. F or thus it WitS: 
with the taste of every goodly viand, both mead and wine, so that it satisfied 6 and 
healed them an. For every sick man in the monastery, who partook of aught of it, 
became at once whole every whit. 
4 19 8 . The elders did not observe the nocturn that night until prime on the 
morrow. '\Vhen Findian asked Ciarán about the miracle that had happened there, 
Ciarán related it all, from the beginning to the gift of the mill and of the land with its 
implements (or with its men) to him as an offering. e And behold, all that land is for 
thee, 0 Findian,' saith Ciarán. Then Findian gave his blessing fervently to Ciarán, as 
Findian said: eo Ciarán, 0 heartlet, 
For thy holiness I love thee! 
Grace will come to thee, my darling, 
Abundance of heritage 7 and land. 
eo Ciarán noble, greatly-famous! 
To thee let every answer be wealth, 
So that there be in thy trophied Church 
Abundance of dignity and wisdom.' 
I do shaill, B" and. . . aill is still visible in the Book of Lismore. 
 lind, B. 
3 'Ronbena corr,' ar se, 'do shuil as do cinn, go rabha for do gruaid ag dol dod tigh,' B. 
4 B. adds: gan fuirech, e without delay.' 5 næimhciarain, B. 
e B. inserts: 1 corobuidhigh. 7 forba, B. 


27 1 

So that blessing was given fervently to Ciarán through great affection and through 
spiritual intoxication. So there he left the half of the love, and dignity, and wisdom, as 
regards the men of Ireland, to Ciarán and to his monastery. And Ciarán left treasures 
with him, and in his 1 monastery. \Vherefore thence are Ana Findéz'n (' Findian's 
treasures '). Now that corn supported 2 Findian's congregation to, the end of forty 
days with their nights. And a third of it was laid-up for sick folk, for it used to heal 
every ailment. And neither mouse nor beast dared to spoil it. And it remained for 
a long time 3, until at last clay was made of it, and it 4 used to heal every disease 
whereon it was put. 
4220. One day Ciarán was collecting a band 5 of reapers, and he met a certain 
young man whose name was Cluain. 'Give us help to-morrow at the reaping,' saith 
Ciarán. 'I will give (it),' saith Cluain. N ow when Cluain went home he said to his 
household: 'If,' saith he, 'messengers come for me from Ciarán, say that I am in 
sickness.' \Vhen that 6 was told to the gillie who came for him, the gillie declared it 
to Ciarán. Ciarán smiled at hearing it, and he understood that Cluain was defrauding 
him, for of a truth Ciarán was a prophet of God. Now when Cluain's household came 
to wake him, it is thus they found him without life. His household bewailed him 
greatly, and the hirelings (?) came 7 and asked them the cause of the lamentation. 
.J Cluain,' say they, 'went into his bed all well, and now he is dead; and it is Ciarán 
that hath killed him with his curse, since he did not go with him to the reaping.' All 
that folk go to intercede with Ciarán as to bringing the dead man back to life. ' \Ve 
aU,' say they, 'will reap for thee, and we will give our monkdom and our service to 
thee and to God for ever, if thou wilt awake the dead man for us.' Then said Ciarán 
to his farmer, 'Go,' saith he, ' and take my crozier to the corpse, and put the sign of 
the cross with the crozier over its breast, and repeat this stave:- 
'Cluain delayed 
To-day (to come) to me to reap, 
For an oppressive 8 disease 
Caused 9 the living to be dead in his house.' 
4241. Then Cluain arose at once and went quickly to Ciarán: 'A blessing on 
thee, 0 holy Ciarán,' saith he: 'good is what thou hast done to me, for I am thankful 
to come from the many 10 pains of hell. Now we know the profitableness of obedience, 
and the unprofitableness of disobedience; and we know the great honour that the Lord 
and the household of heaven generally have for thee.' Thereafter he prostrated him- 
self to Ciarán, and gave his service to him. 
1 ina, B. 2 fororlongair, B. 3 1 romhair fri ré fhoda co ndernadh cré, B. 
t sé, B. :I For mdthH B. has lochta. 6 For sin B. has: a bheith i ngalar. 
'1 Here B. has: tancatar drem sunradach chuca, , a special party came to them.' 
8 anforrach, B. 9 fortruair, B. 10 B. has: morpian\1ib. 


27 2 


4247. Certain of the clerics asked Findian who would give out the prayer when 
Findian would no longer be on earth. 'Vonder youth,' saith Findian,-that is, Ciarán,- 
, he it is.' 'Thou givest the abbacy to him,' saith Brenainn, 'in preference to every 
one.' 'It hath been given, it is given, and it will be given,' saith Findian. N ow that 
caused envy to (
ll) the saints, excepting Colomb Cille. 
4253. Then one of them asked him (Ciarán) which of the saints ,,,"ould have 
the greatest reward in heaven? 'l\Iercy come to us I' saith Ciarán, 'it will be 
known in our convents on earth.' Then Brenainn of Birr made a prophecy for him, 
, We will take two convents,' saith Brenainn, 'on two streams between chief cities, and 
the difference that will be between the two streams will be (the difference) between 
the size of the convents.' 
4257. Now when it was time for Ciarán to go from Clonard, after learning 
reading and wisdom, he left the Dun with holy Ninnid, but he said that her hide would 
come to him aftenvards. And Ciarán said besides, that though a n1ultitude would be 
helped by her n1ilk, there would be more to whom her hide would give help!. And 
he said: 'Every soul that shall go out of its body on 2 the hide of the Dun will not be 
punished in hell.' .. 
4263. Findian beheld a vision of himself and of Colomb Cille, even two moons in 
the air, with a hue of gold upon them. One of the twain went by sea to the northJ: 
east : [the other went to the Shannon and shone J over the middle of Ireland. Those 
were Colomb Cille [in IonaJ with the radiance of his nobleness and his high birth, 
and Ciarán [at ClonmacnoisJ with the radiance of his charity and his mercy. 
4267. Then Ciarán goes to parley with the king of Ireland, even Tuathal 
1\Iael-garbh, to ask of him a slave-girl whom he possessed. So Ciarán put his fist 
on the quern out of charity, and promised he would serve in lieu of the sIa ve-girl. 
So Tuathal released the slave-girl to God and to Ciarán, and gave (Ciarán) besides, 
his royal raiment, and Ciarán straightway gave them to the poor. 
4272. Once upon a time Ciarán went to the king, that is, to Furbaide, to ask for 
another slave-girl. Then one man brought Ciarán a cow as an offering, and another 
brought him a mantle, and another brought a kettle. He gave them all at once to the 
poor on the same day. And God gave Ciarán three offerings that were better, to 
wit, a caldron in lieu of his kettle, twelve mantles in lieu of his one mantle, and twelve 
cows in place of his one cow. \Vhen the king saw that, he at once bestowed the 
slave-girl on Ciarán 8. 
4728. Now when the time came for bidding farewell to his tutor, he offers his 
monastery to serve him. 'Nay,' says Findian, 'do not deprive thyself of thy monastery 

1 B. has: cid sochaide rocober a bliocht, robadh lia rocoibhéradh a seithe (St'c, leg, seiche). 
2 Literally' from.' S do Chiaran fo céttoir, B. 



for any other but God alone, ,,,,ho hath bestowed special affection on thee beyond us 
all.' 'l\Iy monastery (I give) to thee,' saith Findian 1. Ciarán weeps, for it seemed 
noble 2 to him, that his tutor should offer his monastery to him. ' There, then, will be 
unity between us,' saith Findian, 'and he who shall spoil our union will have neither 
heaven nor earth.' , That 3 shall be so,' saith Ciarán. 
4283. Then Ciarán went his way, and then Colomb cille bore this witness upon 

'A marvellous hero goes from us westward, 
Ciarán, son of the wright, 
\Vithout greed, without pride, without reviling, 
\Vithout lust, without satire.' 

4289. Thereafter Ciarán went to Aran to commune with Enna. And the twain, 
even 4 Ciarán and Enna, beheld the same vision, to wit, a great fruitful tree beside a 
stream in the middle of Ireland; and it protected the island of Ireland, and its fruit 
went forth over the sea 5 that surrounded the island, and the birds of the world came 
to carry Off6 somewhat of its fruit. Ciarán related the vision to Enna. Said Enna: 
'The great tree which thou beheldest is thou thyself, for thou art great in the eyes 
of God 7 and men, and aIl8 Ireland will be full of thy honour. This island will be 
protected under the shadow of thy favour, and multitudes will be satisfied with the grace 
of thy fasting and thy prayer. Go then with God's word to a bank of a stream, and 
there found a church.' . 
4297. Once when Ciarán was in Aran drying ( corn) in the kiln, Lonan the 
Left-handed was along with him, and he was always in opposition to Ciarán. And 
they saw a ship foundering before them. 'l\Ieseems,' saith Lonan, 'that yonder 
ship will be drowned to-day, and that this kiln will be burnt by the greatness of the 
wind.' , Nay,' saith Ciarán, ' yonder ship will be burnt, and a drowning will drown 
this kiln with its corn.' And this was fulfilled. For the ship's crew escaped 9, and 
the ship was cast on shore beside the kiln. The kiln catches fire, and the ship 
is burnt. But the wind gave a blast on the kiln with its corn into the sea, where it 10 
was drowned through Ciarán's word. 
4305. When Ciarán went out of Aran, a poor man meets him 11 on the path. 
Ciarán gives his linen chasuble to him, and goes to Inis Cathaig to bid farewell to 
Senán. Since he had nothing on but his one mantle, that was revealed to Senán: 
and (so) he went to meet him 12 with a linen robe under his armpit, and he said to Ciarán: 
, Is it not a shame,' saith he, 'for a priest to go about without a robe?' 'l\Iercy come 

1 'Mo chathairsi ritsa,' 01 Findell, B. 2 huasal, B. S sin, B. 4 andis ænaislingi .i., B. 
ti rosoichedh a thoradh tar an muir, B. 6 1 a ethaide co mblistis, B. 
'1 fiadh Dia, B, corresponds with the meaningless' fYi tua ' of the Book of Lismore. 
t! uile, B. 9 ar temá, B. 10 hí, n. 11 docuircthar, ß. 12 ina 
f)rithséd, B. 



to us 1 ' saith Ciarán, ' God will take pity on my nakedness 1. IVly elder hath a robe 
for me in keeping.' '\Vhen Ciarán came to Clonmacnois, he desired to send another 
robe to Senán. The robe was sent down the stream of the Shannon, and it went 
on without getting wet to the harbour of Inis Cathaig. Senán said to his monks, 
, Go to the sea, and ye will find a guest there, and bring it with you, with honour and 
veneration.' When the monks went out, they found the robe on the sea; and it was 
dry, and they brought it to Senán, and he gave thanks to the Lord. And that is 
to-day the Cassal Senáin (' Senán's Robe '). 
43 I 7. Then he went to his brethren to fsel; and Cobthach, son of Breccan, 
granted Ísel to God and Ciarán; and there Ciarán dwelt along with the brethren. And 
one day he was doing his lesson out on the field, when he went to visit his guests, and 
left the book open till morning, under the wet. And not a damp drop came to the book. 
4322. Ciarán was once sowing seed in fsel. A poor man came to him. 
Ciarán flings a handful of the grain into his bosom, and the grain was at once turned 
into gold. A chariot with its horses was given to Ciarán by Oengus son of 
Crimthann. Ciarán gave it to the poor man for the gold, and the gold turned into 
grain, and therewith the field was sown. 
4321. Now near Ísel there was a lake, and heathens and rabble were dwelling in 
the island that was upon it. And the shouting and noise of that unprofitable folk used 
to disturb the clerics. Cia'rán entr
ated the Lord that the island might be moved 2 out 
of its place, and that thing was done; and still for remembrance of that miracle is seen 
the place wherein the island was in the lake. 
433 2 . Now when the brethren were unable S to endure Ciarán's charity because of 
its greatness, and when envy seized them \ they said to him: 'Go from us,' say they, 'for 
we cannot endure thee in the same stead.' Said Ciarán, , If it were here,' he said, 
, that I were, though this stead were fsel (" low") as regards place, it would be high 
as regards honour and reverence.' Then he said this: 
C Though it be ísel (" low") it would be high, 
Unless the murmuring should come: 
The murmuring, unless it should come 
It would be high, although it were Ísel (" low").' 
4341. There Ciarán put his books on a stag. Now the stag used to accompany 
him on every path by which he used to g05. The stag went before him to Inis Angin. 
Afterwards he goes behind the stag 6. He entered that island and dwells therein. 
4344. Then his brethren came to him from every point. There was a certain 
archpresbyter in the island. Daniel was his name. Of Britain was he; and the 
Devil egged him on to envy Ciarán. Then a royal cup with three golden birds was 
1 do ma-nochta-so, B. 2 co ro látæ, B. 3 nar cumaingset, ß. 4 rosgaibh, B. 
:i cech conair notheighedh, B. 6 Teiùsiumh ina dhiaigh iarsin in oighe, B. 



given to him by Ciarán in token of forgiveness. The priest wondered at that, and 
made repentance, and prostrated 1 himself to Ciarán, and gave the island up to him. 
4349. Once Ciarán was in Inis Angin, and he heard a noise in the harbour. 
He said to the brethren: 'Go,' saith he, 'to meet the makings of your abbot.' 
When they reached the harbour they found no one there but a heathen youth. They 
tell that to Ciarán. 'Go nevertheless again for him, (for) it is manifest to me by his 
voice, that it is he who will be your abbot after me.' Then the youth was brought 
into the island to Ciarín, and Ciarán tonsured him, and he read with him; and that 
was Enna 2 l\Iac-Húi-Laigsi, a holy man admirable to the Lord; and it was he who 
became abbot after Ciarán 3. 
4356. It happened that Ciarán's gospel was dropped into the lake by a certain 
careless brother, and it remained for a long while under the lake. On a certain day 
in summer-time cows went into the lake, and the strap of the gospel stuck to the foot 
of one of the cows, and from below she brought with her 4 the gospel dry to the 
harbour. Hence is (called) Port in Sosceoil (' the Harbour of the Gospel ') in Inis 
Angin to-day 5. Now when the gospel was opened, thus it ,vas: bright-white, dry, 
without destruction of a letter, (and all) through Ciarán's grace! 
4361. A certain man of Corco-Baiscinn came to Ciarán : Donnán was his name: 
he was a son of a brother of Senán, son of Gergenn, and he and Senán had the 
same mother. '\Vhat dost thou wish, or why dost thou come?' saith Senán. ' To 
seek a place wherein I may abide and serve God.' 
4364. ( So) Ciarán left Inis Angin with Donnån. Said Donnán: 'Since thou art 
affectionate to me, leave some of thy tokens and of thy reliquaries with me.' Ciarán 
leaves with him his gospel, even the gospel that was got out of the lake, and his ben, 
and his bearer, even 1\1ael Odran. Three years, then, and three months dwelt Ciarán 
in Inis Angin; and after that he came to Ard l\Ianntain, beside the Shannon. \Vhen 
he saw the delightfulness of that place he said: 'If we tarry here,' saith he, 'we shaH 
have abundant wealth of the world, and but few souls will go hence to heaven.' 
Aîter that he came to this place 6. Ard Tiprat (' the Height of the \Vell,') was its name 
at that time. 'Here then we will stay, for many souls will go to heaven hence, and 
there ,will be a visit from God and from men for ever on this place.' 
4374. On the eighth of the calends of February Ciarán set up in Cluain, on the 
tenth of the moon, on the tenth of the lunar month, on a Saturday. Now eight went 
with him, to wit, Ciarán, Oengus, l\Iac-ntsse, Cael-colomb, l\Iobeoc 7, l\Io-lioc, 
Lugna l\Iac-húi-l\Ioga-Laim, Colmán, son of Nun. 
437 6 . l\Iarvellous, then, was that monastery which was set up by Ciarán with his 
1 roslecht, B. 2 Oenu, B. 3 For -lar Ciarall, B. has aca som deis Ciarain. 
4 im chois araile bó, co tuc Ie aníos an sosce1e, ß, :i andiu, B. (j Clonmacnois. 
7 Inserted by B. 


27 6 


eight (companions) after they had come from the waves of the water 1. Even as Noah, 
son of Lamech, took the world 2 with his octad after coming from the waves of the deluge. 
Then Ciarán planted the first stake in Cluain, and Diarmait, son of Cerball, was along 
with him. Said Ciarán to Diarmait when setting the stake, 'Let, 0 warrior, thy 
hand be over my hand, and thou shalt be in sovranty over the men of Ireland.' 'I 
agree,' saith Diarmait, 'provided thou givest a sign to me as regards that.' 'I will say 
it then,' saith Ciarán: 'though thou art alone to-day, thou wilt be S king of Ireland at 
this hour to-morrow.' Now that was true, for Tuathall\Iaelgarb, king of Ireland, was 
killed 011 that night. And Diarrnait took the kingdom of Ireland on the morrow, and 
offered a hundred churches to Ciarán : wherefore to witness that (the poet) said: 
43 8 7. 'I will bear witness truly 
Though thy multitudinous train be only one, 
Thou wilt be a delightful, dignified king 
Of Ireland at this hour to-morrow.' 

The killing of the chosen Tuathal 
:Maelgarb was a cry without glory. 
Thence is the choice saying: 
'This was the deed of Mael l\Iór 4.' 

'Vithout rout and without slaughter 
He took Usnach; it was not after an assembly. 
Diarmait, the distinguished, gave 
A hundred churches to God and to Ciarán. 
4399. Thereafter the stake was set, and Ciarán said when setting it: 'Lo, this,' 
said he, , into Trén's eye!' Now Trén was a youth who dwelt in the fort of Cluain- 
Ichta, and who had attempted to be disobedient to him. Straightway at Ciarán's 
word Trén's one eye brake in his head. 
4402. On a certain day the brethren were sore athirst as they were reaping 
in Cluain. They send off a certain attendant to the cleric to ask that water might be 
brought to them in the field; whereupon Ciarán said tbat if they would for that day 
endure their thirst, this would produce great worldly wealth to the brethren who 
should come after them. 'Verily, it is certain,' saith the brethren, 'that rather than 
satisfy our thirst to-day we prefer to have patience for which reward will be gÌ\Ten to 
ourselves, and from which benefit will accrue to the brethren after us.' A cask fun 
of wine from the lands of the Franks was brought to the place to Ciarán, in reward 
of that patience, and a fragment of that cask remained here until the latest times. 
Now when the evening came Ciarán blessed a vessel full of water, and it was turned 
into choice wine, and was dealt out to the monks. And never was there any feast 

1 in uiscce, B. 2 domhan, B. 
4 For' a icht l\Iæl móire ' B. has' echt Mói1e móire.' 

3 Lidhat, B. 



that excelled that feast 1 ; for after long times Colombcille's household came from Hí to 
this city 2. A feast was prepared for them, and it was proclaimed throughout the whole 
city that there never had been before nor (would there be) after a feast as good as it. 
Then said an ancient man who was in the house of the elders: 'I know,' saith he, 'a feast 
that was better than this. Better was the feast that Ciarán made for his monks when 
they were sore athirst s, and he turned the water into wine for them. Lest that should 
be a tale without token for you,' saith the ancient man, , 'twas I myself that dealt out that 
wine, and my thumb would go over the edge of the cup into the wine. Come ye 4, 
and know now the odour of my thumb from its having dipt into the wine at that 
time.' They came and they were all sated by the odour of that finger. They 
said: 'Better,' say they, , is this feast than every feast, the feast whose odour remain.
after a very long time on a finger 5.' 'Blessing,' say they, 'on Ciarán, and blessing 
on the Lord that granted him every good thing! ) 
4424. Crichid of Cluain, Ciarán's farmer, went to Saigir, and remained for a 
long time therein. And the Devil seduced him to quench the hallowed fire which 
the monks kept in the kitchen. Ciarán of Saigir said that he would not partake of 
food until guests should come and bring 6 him fire. Then went Crichid from them 
a little distance outside the monastery, and wolves killed him, but they did not destroy 
his body. \Vhen Ciarán, the wright's son, heard of the death of his gi1lie, he went 
to Ciarán of Saigir, to ask for him. vVhen he arrived, Ciarán of Saigir said: 'This 
is the first thing ye need, (warm) water over your feet. But we have no fire to heat 
water for you. But give ye as guests fire 7 unto us, for unto you hath God decreed 
it.' Then Ciarán, the wright's son, raised his hands towards heaven, and made 
fervent prayer. After completing the prayer, fire came from heaven and rested on 
his breast. He protected his breast from the fire, and brought it with hilll to the 
monastery. He cast the fire on the floor, and it had not hurt even a hair of the 
robe 8 he was wearing. Then he brought to life his gillie who had previously 
died, and partook of dinner along with them 9. Then the two Ciaráns made their 
union. 'The wealth of the world,' saith Ciarán, son of the wright, '(be) in 
great Saigir!' '\Visdom and dignity without decay in Clonmacnois!' saith Ciarán 
of Saigir. 

1 conach raibhe nach fledh rodherscnaighedh an fhledh sin, B. 
2 That is, Clonmacnois, where this Life of Ciarán was composed. 
3 For a 1Z-{taid mhoir, B. has in a tigh mór, 'in their great house: 
4 B. has: no teighed mh' orda tar eochair an bleidhe isin fion sin. Teccaid si, B. The oellltli1 of 
the Book of Lismore is doubtless a scribal error for cochair. 
:i iar n-iolaimsioraibh for an mé,or, B. 
II dobertáis, B. 7 acht tabraidhsi in bhar n-áidhedhaibh tene, R. 
I! B. inserts here: lín gil, 'of white linen.' \I riusan misprinted imtsall, p. 13 2 . 

27 8 


4440. Howbeit Ciarán remained in that place for the space of seven months 
only \ when he v
.ent to heaven on the ninth day of2 the middle month of autumn. 
4443. N ow, when Ciarán knew that the day of his decease was at hand, he 
made prophecy with great sadness. He said that there would be a great persecution 
of his monastery by evil men towards the end of the world. ' 'Vhat then shan we do 
in the time of that folk?' say the monks. 'Shall we stay by thy relics? or shall we 
go to another place?' 'Go,' saith Ciarán, 'and leave my relics as the bones of a deer 
are left in the sun, because it is better for you to dwell along with me in heaven than 
to remain here by my relics.' 
4449. \Vhen the time of his decease drew nigh to the holy Ciarán in the little 
çhurch, in the thirty-third year of his age, on the fifth of the ides of September, as 
regards the day of the solar month, on a Saturday, as regards the day of the week, on 
the eighteenth as regards the age of the moon s, then he said: 'Let me be carried to 
the little height \' saith he. And when he looked at the sky, and the lofty air above his 
head, he said, 'Awful is this way above.' 'Not for thee 5 is it awful,' say the monks. 'I 
know not indeed,' saith he,' aught of God's comn1andment which I have transgressed 6, 
and yet even David son of Jesse, and Paul the Apostle dreaded this way.' Then 
the stone-pillow was taken from him for his comfort (?). ' Nay,' saith he, 'put it 
under my shoulder 7. Qui enim perseveraverzt usque z1Z jinem hzc salzms erit.' Then 
angels filled all between heaven and earth in order to meet his soul. Then he was 
carried into the little church, and he raised his hands, and blessed his people, and 
told the brethren to shut him up in the church until Coimgen should come from 
4461. \Vhen after three days Coimgen arrived, he did not at once receive 
the full courtesy of the clerics, for they were in grief and in great sorrow after their 
cleric. Coimgen said to them: 'A look of moroseness be on you always! ' saith he. 
Then great fear seized the elders, and they did Coimgen's wil1, and opened the little 8 
church before him. Ciarán's spirit at once went to heaven, and came again into 
its body to commune with Coimgen, and made welcome to him; and they were there 
from the one watch to another, in mutual conversation, and making their union. 
Then Ciarán blessed Coimgen, and Coimgen blessed water and administered the com- 
munion to Ciarán. And then Ciarán gave his bell to Coimgen in sign of their unity, 
and as the scruple 9 of his communion. This is to-day' Coimgen's Bobán.' 
4472. Now the saints of Ireland envied 10 Ciarán for his goodness, and they 
1 Nocu raibhi imlllorro Ciaran isin baili sin fri re seacbt mis namá, B. 
2 do, B. 3 aóisi esca, B. 4. For Ùz dÙm B. has amach, 'out.' 
5 Ní duitsi, B. 6 tara tíósaind, B. 
7 fóm fhormna, B. The jomor/zo of the Book of Lismore is a corruption of jóm jor11l1'lo. 
S bicc, B. 9 the fee. 10 rofhoirmtighset, B. 



betook themselves to the King of Heaven that his life might be shortened 1. So great 
was the envy which they had for him, that even his own comrade 2, Colomb ciUe, said: 
'Blessing on God,' said he, 'who took this holy Ciarán! for if he had remained 
until he was an ancient man, he would not have found the place of two chariot-horses 
in Ireland that would not have been his.' 
4477. Here then is Ciarán with the eight whom we have mentioned, with many 
thousands of saints besides. Here are the relics of Paul and Peter which Benian and 
Comlach left in the hollow tree here 3. Here are the relics of the blind son, to wit, 
Peca's disciple. Here then is the shrine of the guest, even Peca. It is he whom a 
certain pious one saw carried by angels to Ciarán's tomb. Three marvels (were) 
here on that night: the guest-house without fire, without hospitality, without prayer, 
for Peca (himself) was full of fire, and of hospitality, and of prayer. 
4484. Now, there is none who could accurately recount all the miracles and 
marvels which God wrought for this holy Ciarán, because they are too many to be 
reckoned and declared. Because, since the coming of Christ into flesh, there never 
hath been born one whose charity and mercy were greater, whose labour and fasting 
- and prayer were greater, whose humility and goodwill were greater, whose gentle- 
ness and mildness were greater, whose care and watchfulness (?) concerning God's 
Church were greater, whose daily labour and nightly 4 vigils \\"ere greater. It is he 
that never put rich food or any intoxicating 5 liquor into his body since he began to 
lead a devout life. It is he that never drank milk nor ale until a third of it was 
water. He never ate bread until a third of it was sand. He never slept until his 
side touched the bare mould. Under his head there was usually nought save a 
stone for a pillow. Against his skin there never came linen nor wool. He was a man 
with full choice voluntary offerings 6 to the Lord 7, like Abel, son of Adam. 
A man with fervent 8 entreaties to God like Enoch, son of Israel. A fully sufficient 
pilot for the ark of the Church, among the waves of the world, like Noah, son of 
Lamech. A true pilgrim, full of firmness of faith and belief, like Abraham, son of 
Terah. A man loving, gentle, forgiving of heart 9, like IVloses, son of Amram. A 
man enduring, and steady in supporting 10 sufferings and tribulations, like Job the 
Sufferer. A psalmist most melodious and delightful to God, like David, son of Jesse. 
A shrine (?) of true wisdom, and true knowledge like Solomon son of David. An 
immovable rock whereon the Church is founded, like Apostle Peter. A universal 
1 B. adds: 1 goro timdibhthe. 2 a fher cumtha, B. 
21 For chocai ibhos B. has atciu fos, 'I still see: 
f aidhchidhe, B. 6 n-ionmesc, B. 
6 For the lanþartaib of the Book of Lismore we should certainly read lå1Zedþartaib. B. has: go 
láinedhbartaibh toltanacha. 7 B. adds: na ndula, ' of the elements.' 
8 B. inserts degdhuirn. 9 B. inserts: risan ecc1ais, , regarding the Church.' 10 oc fulung, B. 




chief-teacher, and chosen vessel proclaiming righteousness, like Paul the Apostle. A 
man full of the grace of the Holy Spirit and of virginity, 1ike John the bosom- 
fosterling '. 
4504. A man full of likeness in many ways to Jesus Christ, to the Head of all 
things. For this man made wine of the water for his household and for his guests 
in this monastery, even as Jesus made choice wine of the water at the feast of Cana in 
Galilee. This man, moreover, is called a wright's son, even as Christ is called a 
wright's son in the Gospel, that is 'Hie est filzits fabr1
' even Joseph. Thirty and three 
years in the age of this man, as there are thirty and three years in the age of Christ. 
This man, moreover, had a resurrection after three days here in his room in Cluain, 
to commune with, and to comfort Coimgen, even as Christ after three days in His 
sepulchre in Jerusalem, had a resurrection to comfort and to strengthen His mother 
and His disciples. 
45 I 3. \Vherefore for those good things and for abundance of other good things 
his soul is with the household of heaven. His relics and remains are here, with 
honour and with veneration, with miracles and with daily marvels. And though great 
be his honour at present in that wise, greater will be his honour in the holy incor- 
ruptible union of his body and his soul at the great assembly of Doom, when S1. Ciarán 
will be judge over the fruit of his teaching along with Jesus Christ whom he served. 
So he will abide in that great household 2, in unity of patriarchs and prophets, in the unity 
of the apostles and disciples of the Saviour Jesus Christ: in the unity of the nine 
orders of angels who have not transgressed: in the unity of the Godhead and l\Ianhood 
of the Son of God: in the unity that is nobler than every unity, in the unity of the holy 
Trinity, Father, and Son, and Holy Ghost. 
4524. I beseech the mercy of noble almighty God, through 81. Ciarán's inter- 
cession, that we may all attain to that unity. 
Iay we dwell therein for ever 
and ever! 
[Scribe's 1zote :] 
It is not I that am answerable for the meaningless words that are in this Life, 
but the bad 3 manuscript. 

1 For mbronlldalta B. has m bn1Ïnde. 
2 B. has: isin muinntir; the Book of Lismore: isin mai(thius), C in the goodness.' 
3 That is, the injured or faded. 


4591. Homo proficisce11s UOCaltl"l seruos suos, Iradidil z7/z"s bona sua 1. \Vhen the 
good man went on a journey he called 2 his servants, and divided among them his 
goods. And he divided those goods among them differently, to wit, he gave five 
talents to one man, and two to another man, and one talent to the last man. 
4596. Now, Matthew, son of Alphæus, the Hebrew sage, the first man who 
wrote the Gospel of the Lord, he it is that wrote in the body of the Gospel this holy 
declaration, to remind the Church how the Son of the heavenly Father distributed 
the various gifts of the Holy Spirit to everyone in the Church. 
4600. Now this is the man who is there said to have gone to foreign parts, even 
Jesus Christ the Son of the living God, who went to help the human race s, and struck 
them from the Devil's grasp, and then rose up to the holy heavens unto the heavenly 
Father, and called to Him His apostles, and divided amongst them the various gifts of 
the Holy Spirit, as was manifest to everyone on the Pentecost. And He bestowed the 
same gifts on the saints and on the righteous after the Inanner of the apostles, through 
the teaching of the divine scriptures. 
4606. Now, the five talents which are here mentioned are, mystically, the five 
senses of the body and the soul, which have been bestowed by God on the human 
race for His own service, and that by means thereof 4. it may see God. 
4610. Now, the 1\vo talents which are here mentioned this is what they signify: 
the cognising and the understanding which the saints and the righteous direct to the 
Lord with equality of their good deeds under that wisdom. 
4613. Now, the one talent, this is what it signifies: the pre-eminent law which is 
in the human soul, whereby it beholds itself, and the other elements which are on earth, 
and the stars and the firmament, and the angelic station, and the almighty Trinity. 
4616. Or these are the five talents which are here mentioned, to wit, the five books 
of the law of l\Ioses. For their unsevere command (i. e. the decalogue) serveth those 
who are under the New Testament. For thus is found the oneness of the Old Law with 
the New Testament, that is, of the Law with the Gospel. For if anyone n1ultiply ð 
the five by two it is ten that groweth thereout. If, then, the ten be multiplied by four, 

1 Matt. xxv. 14. 2 rogairm, B. 
6 Literally, I bring with him.' 

3 an chinedha, B. 

· trempa, B. 




it is forty that groweth thereout. That is, the same then truly as the five books of 
l\Ioses with the ten commandments of the Divine Law to be combined with the four 
books of the Gospel, for the service of the man who consists of the four elements, so 
that that man may serve the true God who gave various laws and rules to the world. 
4 62 4. Now, after the laws and rules of the preceding five ages \ Jesus came 
here into the world; and He made laws and rules through the teaching of the Gospel 
to the human race, and to the apostles beyond everyone; and these taught their 
successors and their holy disciples after them concerning those rules. 
4628. So a multitude of saints and of righteous ones fulfilled those laws and 
rules of the Lord of the Elements, and did not let their talents go to waste. As the 
noble, venerable saint, for whom there is a festival and a commemoration on the 
occurrence of this season and time, fulfilled them, to wit, the bright sun and the 
shining star, and the blazing fire, and the gracious radiance which the Sun of 
Righteousness sent into the world to illuminate in miracles and marvels the province 
of Connaught, even 1\10chua of Balla. 
4 6 33. Now, on the third of the calends of 1\Iarch in every year, there is related 
somewhat of his miracles and of his marvels, and of his genealogy according to the 
flesh, and of the completion which he gave his career of victory here in this present 
world; to wit, 1\Iochua (Cronán was his proper name), son of Becan, son of Barr, 
son of Nathi, son of Lugaid (from whom are the Húi-Luigdech), son of Dalann of 
Ulaid. Now his mother was Cumne, daughter of Conamail, son of 1\Iachdan, of Dál 
Búain, (and) his three sisters were Briunsech and Lucait and Tuidell. 
4640. Now, at a certain time Comgall of Bangor came to the house of the afore- 
said Becan, and he beheld a train of angels above the house, and he asked of Becan, 
, How many sons hast thou?' , Two,' saith Becan, 'who are to be counted, and a 
little lame child who is with the sheep, and he is not to be counted 2.' 'Bring him into 
the house that we may see him,' saith Comgall. He was brought. Then said 
Comgall s: ' 1\1 y soul rejoices greatly at this boy, for the grace of the Holy Ghost is in 
his company.' Then Comgall took l\Iochua with him to Bangor, ,vhere he read the 
canon of the Old Law and the New Testament, and the ecclesiastical order; and in 
that place, while still a youth, he wrought miracles and marvels. 
4649. Once upon a tin1e came a barren woman to entreat him to save her from 
her barrenness 4. At that time he happened to be crying after being beaten by his 
tutor, and he gave her no answer. This is what the woman did. She put her 
palm under his tears and poured them into her mouth, and at once she conceived, 
and she afterwards brought forth a son, even Da-Biu was that SOI1. 

1 Literally,' times.' 
, ona haimriteacht} B. 

2 hionáirmhe, B. 

3 B. inserts: iar ttaùairt an mhic astegh. 


28 3 

4654. Diversely, now, and variously do the wise relate the ground of l\Iochua's 
coming out of Ulaid. For some say that it was a certain place which Comgall took 
from him, which was the cause of their dispute. Or this verily is the cause, to wit, 
on a certain time J.\;lochua's mother took him with her to visit her fatherland, even 
Dál Buain and her kinsfolk; and when they beheld him, they honoured him, and left 
everyone for him. Now, there was a noble ancient man of that kin, even Coman, 
the table-priest of Fiachna, son of Baetan; and this he said to Mochua, 'Let the 
honour of thy fatherland be taken away from thee, as thou hast taken it from me t' 
Now when Mochua an
 his mother were going back to Bangor, the sons of Fiachna, 
son of Baetan, met them, and were mocking at the cleric. And this they said: ' Lame 
cleric t' 'Sons without instruction 11' saith l\fochua. Then he was mightily angered 
against them, and he put them under the earth. Then Coman and Fiachna, son of 
Baetan, complained to Comgall of that deed. So Comgall said that Mochua should 
not abide in Ulaid. And it is Coman's word that caused that. ' Since I am expelled 
by thee,' saith Mochua, 'give me a token by which I can get a place, whereon I shall 
found a church.' 'I have no token,' saith Comgan, '"'uñíess -thou take with thee this 
fountain.' 'God is able to do even this,' saith l'vlochua. N ow when Mochua went 
out of Bangor his comrades looked behind them, and they beheld the watery cloud 
fonowing them, whatsoever side they went. ' Yon is the fountain,' saith 1\10chua; 'and 
let us entreat it to.stay before us, and to be a guide unto us.' And he said that like 
l'vloses, son of Amram, before whom there was a shining cloud as he went forth from 
Egypt. Thence Mochua journeyed to Gael, a monastery in Fir-Rois; and Gavrin, a 
bishop from Britain, was therein, and he offered the church to Mochua, for they were 
foster-brothers. N ow a drop fell out of that cloud, and thereof in sign of their unity 
a fountain was formed in the stead. 
4679. After that l\fochua journeyed to Fobar-Feichín. That was the 
time at which a mill was a-making by Feichín, and he had no water (for the mill), 
and this is the advice which the clerics gave: 'Since l\fochua hath come to us,' 
say they, ' let us go to Loch Lebinn if peradventure we may get 2 water thereout.' 
'That is a monstrous advice,' says the mill-wright, 'for there is the huge mountain 
between you (and it).' , God is able even for this,' saith l\lochua. Now when the 
clerics reached the lake, Mochua cast his crozier into it, and the crozier bored 
through the mountain: Then F eichín did the same, and the rest of the clerics. 
And in that wise water was got for the mill. Thereafter Feichín and l\Iochua made 
their union. 
4688. Then l\'lochua came thence to Tech Telle in the precinct of Durrow, 
1 The point of the retort depends on the rhyme (lase, case), which cannot be reproduced in English. 
2 dus an bfuighbimís, B. 
00 Z 


2 8 4 


and this was his desire, to found a monastery near that place. Howbeit he was not 
able to do so, for he had not marked out the well. 
469 I. After that l\Iochua went across the Shannon into the province of 
Connaught. Cellaçh, son of Ragallach, was king of Conn aught at that time. Now 
it happened to l\lochua to go into Sogan Ua lVlaine, and they all prostrated them- 
selves to him out of affection, because their origin is from the Ulaid 1. Then a pious 
queen named Ball-gel (' white-limbed '), who dwelt in the country, did him great 
honour. Now l\lochua abode in that country for the forty days 2 of Easter, and 
they attempted to keep him with them always. 'There will, however,' saith l\lochua, 
, come from you yourselves a son of Life whom ye will serve.' Cornman was foretold 
in that. 
4 6 99. l\Iochua S went away from them, and left a blessing upon them and on 
their fosterlings and on their sisters' children, as he said : 

'A blessing on their fosterlings 
If they abide according to rule. 
:M y blessing exceedingly 
On their divine good women. 

I Every lad and every nephew 
Who shall live very piously according to my will, 
They shall have-and it will not be empty i_ 
Earth with its fruit.' 

4709. Then l\lochua went to Lough Cime. There was Cellach, son of Ragal- 
lach, king of Connaught, a-hunting. The deer entered the lake, and remained there 
on a great stone, and no one durst go after it, for in the lake there dwelt a monster 
that used to be very hurtful to human beings. Then said the king to lVlochua: 'If thou 
wouldst allow (?) a man of our household to go after the deer under thy safeguard 
against the monster, he would go.' 'God is able even for this,' said l\lochua. Then 
the man went into the lake and killed the deer that was biding on the flagstone, and 
this he said: 'Good,' saith he, , was this place of an island.' Then the warrior came 
swimming till the monster swallowed him as one morsel, wherefore the king 
reproached l\lochua. N ow the cleric waxed wroth with the monster, so it threw up the 
warrior every whit whole in the presence of the hosts, and never did hurt to anyone 
afterwards. God's name and l\lochua's were magnified by that miracle, and the 
king and the greater part of the hosts prostrated themselves to l\lochua. And that 
was the beginning of his l:HgtrgraGe in the province of Connaught. 

1 B. has: ar fa a hUltaibh tangatar ó thosach. 
3 Imthighis :Mochua, B. 

 B. inserts laithe. 
f Forfa/umn B. has rogar. 


28 5 

4 7 2 2. Thereafter l\Iochua went over Odba northwards into the district of Cera, 
till he reached Ross Dairbrech, as (the poet) said: 

Ross Dairbrech, Mochua's monastery, 
'Vhich is called ever-new Balla, 
Dear the bush (?), angelic, pure, 
Ross Dairbrech of the holy yew-trees. 
Balla with sainted men to-day 
(Is) the common name with lovable renown; 
'Ross Dairbrech,' this was its name 
In the time of Tuathal Rough-foot. 
From the district of Bangor of the cold fords, 
To the plain of Cera of the fair hosts, 
Into the land of Fir Domnann of the bushes, 
Comgall sent (Mochua) to fair Ross. 

4136. He stays a night in that place. N ow on the morrow, when the comrades 
looked up, they did not see the fountain. l\Iochua told them to seek it. Then said 
a farmer to them: 'The fountain Ball-áluinn is below.' , From that let the place be 
named,' said lVlochua. As he himself said: 

'Let Balla be the name of the place, 
F or it hath come under my heed: 
Let this be its name henceforward 
Till the last age shall come.' 
4744. He entreated God to manifest to him the place of his church. Five-and- 
thirty years, then, l\lochua had completed at that time, and one-and-twenty years 
was he serving God at that place, when he went to heaven. 

'One-and-twenty1 years without exception 
Was Mochua in the province of Connaught. 
A wall of mould marking out his side 
Was the hardship of his slender-skinned devotion.' 
4751. Then came Eochaid 1\Hnnech 2 , prince of the clans of Fiachra, to gainsay 
the cleric. N ow angels were manifested to him over the wood wherein l\lochua 
dwelt, and when he saw the cleric he humbled himself to him at once. Now thus 
was Mochua at that time, in a prison of stone. Eochaid came to the cleric, having 
along with him a hundred of the nobles of his family, to wit, l\Iaine with his seven 
sons, and Domnall and Feradach and l\læl-cethaig and Ronan and Suibne and 
Finntan the Fair and the nobles of Clann-Fiachrach. And though they attempted to 
kill the cleric, they did his will, for the spiritual radiances and the divine service S 

I. fichit, B. 

J Binneach, B. 

3 1 ind foghl1amha diada, B. 



shone out of his countenance. Then they offered him the stead, with its district and 
land, CeIlach, son of Ragallach, consenting. \Vherefore of founding that the historian 
sang the staves 1: 

'From Clad Cuirre' of bard Calgach 
Ión. to the north of Adrad; 
From :l\Iag Moethla 3 , with its bog, 
To great-staked Crot Cualachta. 

'Thus they gave their land, 
The clans of Ross, with great virtue, 
'Vithout tempest in their minds, 
'Yith vast service. 
· 'Yith a circuit e,.ery third strong } ear, 
Both man and woman and boy, 
T 0 
Iochua 4, of the narrow prison, 
At prayer, at wailing. 
C A cow for every landholder 5, 
Both king and nobleman; 
To my Chua the hundreded 6 in his company 
A garment for every ollave. 
I A great pig for every house in the north, 
From the strand of Eothuile to 
A semple for every fire without thirst 
To the chapel of the province of Connaught. 
Iochua had without sorrow 
From Odba of the loyal throngs. 
Strong was bis flood 
To the stormy strand of Eothuile.' 
4785. Thus he founded his church and his monastery, and he gave three bishops 
to consecrate his graveyards and his great churches, and to allot the land to his 
monks 7. 
4787. This was one of l\Iochua's miracles. A certain barren woman came to 
him, and he blessed two sprigs of watercress for her, and she at once conceived a son 
and a daughter, to wit, Luicenchair the Pious and Scanlan were these. 
4 79 0 . Yet another marvel t l\Iochua went to Lough Cime; and the 
attendants said to Cennfaelad, son of Colcu, for he was then king of Connaught : 
· The soulfriend,' say they, , of Cellach, son of Ragallach, is outside.' 'It is nothing 8 to 
US,' saith Cennfaelad, 'that he is a soulfriend of Cellach's: he shall not enter this island.' 
Then l\Iochua brought (the waters of) the lake over the island. The king went perforce 

1 na roind, B. :i Ochladh cuirre, B. 
:5 fir ferainn, B. 
7 B. omits' do roind in feminn dia manchaib.' 

S sic, B. t domchua, B. 
6 dom chua cédach, B. 
8 ni tochaite, B. 


2 8 7 

in a boat after l\lochua, and he surrendered himself and his son, and his grandson in 
bondage to him, and the island to be freed (from tribute); and afterwards it was freed. 
479 8 . It was one of l\Iochua's miracles, to wit, SíI l\Iuiredaig was suffering 
from the Yellow Plague, and the clerics of the province of Connaught sought to banish 
it from them, and they succeeded not. So they can1e to the place where !\Iochua 
was dwelling, and he healed them, and put the colour which ,vas on them 1 upon his 
crozier, and then they gave their service to him. 'Vherefore of that colouring 2 spake 
the poet : 

The 5íl ?\Iuiredaig sought 
Ireland's tribes and rocks 
To protect them against the mortality, 
And they came to Balla. 
The 5íl 1\1 uiredaig promised 
To do the will of the white pure cleric, 
And that as numerous as leaves would be 
Their treasures given to Balla. 
On his holy crozier he put 
The disease of the whole people, 
50 that this came to pass: 
Hence is the 'Yellow Crozier.' 
, Ye have come five times five hundred 
Men pure-armed, haughty, 
Till Doomsday, if ye obey me, 
Ye will be 3 no fewer. 
Every need that shall come to you 
Utter my name in prayer to God. 
N ever will come to you 
Overwhelming force 4 after it.' 
4823. This was one of l\lochua's miracles. Once he entered the district of 
:rvluad, and came to Inis Amalgaid, and no boat was brought to him. ' It is not 
necessary now,' saith l\Iochua, 'to seek a boat to go into it.' Then he raises up the 
earth, so that one fares on foot into the island from that time till to-day. 
4827. Once he went with four persons to the brink of l\Iuad. The fishermen 
gave a refusal to him. 'If,' saith he, , there were a servant of God below, he would 
bring us somewhat.' Then the seal cast on shore four salmon for them. 
4830. Another time l\Iochua sent his servant to con1mune with Faelán. 'Vhen 
he came to All in Cléib (' the Cliff of the Basket ') there came to him two female 
warriors, who dwelt in the land, namely, Bec, daughter of Conchorach, and Lithben, 
daughter of Aitrebthach. And this is the unreasonable game which they used to play. 

1 forro, H. 
3 bhei the, B. 

2 For thefothugud, 'founding,' of the 1\15., we should probably read dathttg'tld. 
4 anforlann, B. 



Whoever passed by them, they would put him into a basket ,vith two ropes out of it, 
and swing him over the awful precipice. It ,vas revealed to l\lochua that his gillie 
was put into the basket. l\lochua went till he reached the place. Lithben, daughter 
of Aitrebthach, obeyed him at once; but Bec would not let the gillie go until the 
cleric gave her his cowl. It blazed up in her hands, and then she obeyed the cleric. 
And the girls communed with both their fathers, and brought them to Mochua, and 
Mochua afterwards baptized them. Now that Bec came and remained seven years 
serving l\Iochua. One time she was lamenting that she was childless, and Coel, son 
of Aed, an elder of the kindred of Aed, was saying the same thing, and both of them 
came and gave their service to l\'Iochua for ever. 
4 8 43. Now Taithlech, son of Cennfaelad, suffered from a gangrene, and 
Mochua healed him, and put the disease on his own bell, and thereon it is still, to 
certify that great miracle. 
4845. On a certain time of summer, Mochua was put to guard the lambs. 
Howbeit he ,vas repeating his Beatus while with them. The lambs ran together 
towards their dams, for there was no fence between them. l\Iochua came and 
drew his crozier between them 1 after him on the earth; and not a lamb of the lambs 
ventured to cross the trace of the crozier, but each of them stood looking at the other 
over the line. 
4851. On a certain day there was brought to l\Iochua a consumptive 2 lad who 
could not move either his hands or his feet, nor any of his other limbs s. With his 
hand Mochua touched all the lad's limbs, and he said to him: 'Arise in Jesu's 
name, and look at the sun, and go.' And at once he arose and went; and God's name 
and l\Tochua's were magnified thereby. · 
1855. At another time a demoniac 4 was brought to l\Iochua. He expelled the 
devil from him at once in the name of the Trinity. 
4857. On a certain night there came a certain robber to steall\lochua's wheat. 
When the robber raised up the load, he withered and stiffened I'i at once; and he could 
neither move on nor put his burden from him, until afterwards l\lochua blessed him. 
4860. Once upon a time a secular man, having a deaf and dumb boy, came to 6 
1\Iochua, and he besought him to heal his son for him, and l\Iochua entreated the 
Lord for him, and the boy became whole, from the powers of God and the prayers 
of l\lochua; and God's name and l\Iochua's were magnified thereby. 
4864. Now this n1an, even l\Iochua, from the beginning of his life, gave all his ser- 
vice to wisdom and devotion. He it is that from his infancy feared the Lord. He 
it is that overwhelmed every sin, and he it is that quenched in himself the delight of 

1 B. inserts ettorra. 2 an bhrachtaidhe, B. 
5 B. inserts: 1 rosheac. 

3 bhalla, B. · demhnachdha" B. 
6 do saighid, B. 


28 9 

the present life. He it is that overcame the concupiscence of his flesh. It is he that forgot 
the pleasures of the present. He never took his mind nor his meditation from con- 
stantly gazing at the heavenly kingdom. He hated the temporal goods as if they were 
dung heaps. He avoided the honours of the
 world like death. He abhorred wealth 
and treasures. He despised the carnal delight as if it were poison. He never gave 
love to carnal corruption. He forgave everyone who used to do evil to him. He 
subdued his body and bent it to the divine service. He was kindled by the fire 
of God's love, and with the same fire he used to kindle the hearts of other men. 
He loved the neighbour as himself. He was profitable to the bodies and the souls 
of other men. He loved his enemies even as he loved his friends. He gave good 
things to every man, even though that man should hate him. He used to pray for 
those who persecuted him and insulted him. He was most patient in enduring 
every tribulation and every suffering. He used to bestow the divine and human 
treasures on everyone who would ask for them. He used to help like a father 
everyone who was in need. He used to visit everyone who was in prison or in 
bonds, and loose him. He used to give property to set free every slave and every 
bondsman. He used to give raiment to the poor and needy of the Lord. He was 
riches and wealth to the poor, though he himself was poor and needy. He used to 
give food to the hungry and drink to the thirsty, and raiment to the naked, and a 
general welcome to the guests, and to everyone who wanted it. He protected the 
feeble, and the wretched widows. He saved the poor and the weak from the powers 
of the world. He never loved gold or silver, except as stones or ashes. He never 
moved his lip or his tongue idly. He never let aught unseemly (come) to him through 
his hearing. He stored up in his heart everything that God used to say to him. He 
never saw aught which it was not right for him to see. He never took a step towards Gt/YL. w 

. He abated his sense from coveting the things earthly. It is he that bound 
the meditation of his mind in the hallowed heavens. He never let any idle hour pass 
from him without fruit. He never let his heart go from God. He desired to endure 1 
everything for Christ's sake, in order that he might attain to the heavenly fatherland. 
He prepared the eternal rest for himself by abating his flesh in fasting, in abstinence, 
quia crucifixus est mundus ilti et iþse nlUlldo. 
1 For thefoghniadh of the Book ()f Lismore = ffoghmadh of the Brnssels f\.IS" we should certainly 
read fodhmadh. 



*** Th
 bare numbers refer to the lines of the text. Numbers in parenthesis refer to the pages 
of the translation. 

P P 2 



2 (p.149). The 'couple for whom this book was written' were Fingen (:\Iac Carthaig 
Riabach) and his wife Catherine Fitzgerald, daughter of Thomas, the eighth earl of 
Desmond. This Fingen, son of Diarmait, was lord of Húi Cairbri (Carbury), and 
died, according to the Four l\lasters, in 1504 or 1505. 
39 (p. 150). As to the alleged Jewish origin of S. Patrick, see Dr. 'rodd, SI. Patrick, 
p. 3 62 , the Rolls edition of the TriparNte Life, p. 357, note 5, where a similar legend 
is quoted frolll the Book of Leinster, p. 353, col. 4, and the following extract froln 
Lebar Brecc, 13 c : 
Do macuib Israel tra iarfir do Patraicc. acht 
dia rohesretea maie Israel 0 Thid 7 0 
Uespiain, in dí c."óllsul rómanmg, fochetharaird 
in domain a ndigail tola Crist, is ann doriacht 
bunad Patraic co Bretnll, cOllid aire-sin at- 
berar bretnach de ara taidt.'Cht a ñdaire innte. 

Truly, then, of the children of Israel was 
Patrick; but when the children of Israd 
were dispersed by Titus and Vespasian, the 
two Roman consuls, throughout the four 
quarters of the world, in vengeance for the 
blood of Christ, then did Patrick's stock 
come to Britain, wherefore it is called I British t 
because of its coming in slavery thereinto. 

46. S. Patrick's genealogy is thus given in the Book if LeÙtster, p. 347, col. 1 : 
Patraic Mac Calpraind, 1'Iaie .Ï<
ótaide, :Maic Odisi, 
Iaic Cornuith, 
Iaic Leoburid, l\Iaic ata, 

Iaie Muric, 
Iat.e Oirc, Male Leo, Maie l\Iaximi, Maie Cencreti, l\laie Philisti, Maie Ferini, Maie 
Britini, [in marg.: vel Briti filii Alani, qui primus de semine Iafeth in Europam uenitJ, a quo 
Bretnaig, :Maie Fergusa Lethdelrg, Malc Nemid t, Maie Agnomain, l\Iaie Phaim, 11aie Thait, Mat'e 
Sera, Maie Srn, 
.faic ESIU, Maie Braimind, Maie Fatecht, Maie Magoth, Maie Iafeth, Maic Noe. 
The pedigree in the Lebar Brecc, p. 13, col. 2, runs thus: 
Patricius filius Alpruind, l\Iaie Hoddaige, Maic Hoddisse, :Maie Corniuil, Male Liberiud, Maic 
1vTercuit, l\laie Hoda, 
faie Oricc, Maie Muric, l\Iaie Leo, Maie Maxime, Maic Encreti, Maic 
Edse, Maie Peliste, Maie Farine. Maic Britain a quo Bretnaig, 
Iaie Fergusa Lethdeirg, 
rvlaie N emid, Maie Agnomain, Maie Paim, Maie Thait, l\laie Sera, l\Iaie Sru, Maic EsrÚ, 
Male Pramint, Mat.e Aithechta, Mat'e Magoc, Maie Iafeth, l\Iaie Noei, Maie Lamiach. 
Of these names, the second and third seem to represent the Roman names Calpurnius 
and Potitus; the fourth and fifth seem Odysseus and Cornelius. Compare the 
pedigrees in the Franciscan Liber l:lymllorltnl and in the Lebar Breec homily 
on Patrick printed in the Rolls Tripartite L(fe, pp. 4 12 , 43 2 . 
47. Conches, the nan1e given here as that of Patrick's mother, seen1S a corruption of 
1 Here ends the pedigree in the Book of Ballymote, p. 21:;. col. 5. There is a metrical pedigl ee, 
ibid. p. 229, col. 5,1. 46, and another (attributed to Flann Mal1istrech" in the Annals of the l<our 
 A. D. 432. 




Concessa. In the Book qf Leinster, p. 372 a, three aliases are mentioned. Ondba 
iuin no Gomba uin do Bretnaib máthair Pátric 7 a choic sethar, ltO Conches 110 
Cochmas a ainm. 
52 (p. 150). This antenatal miracle is told also in Latin by Colgan, Trias Thauma- 
turgae. . . Acta, p. I I 7 a; and in Irish in Egerton 93, cited in the Rolls Tripartite 
Life, p. xlvi. 
57, 7 0 , 80, 86, 9 1 , 95, 102, 121, 127 (pp. 150-152). The miracles of the boy 
Patrick here related are told also in the Triþarlite Life, pp. 8, 10, 12, 14, and in 
the Lebar Brecc homily, printed in the Rolls edition of the Tripartite Lift, pp. 432, 
434, 43 6 , 43 8 . The miracle related in 113-120 is also in the Lebar Brecc 
homily, ubi supra, p. 436. 
147-149 (p. 153). As to Patrick's four names, see Lebar .Brecc, 13 c: 
Suecait, tra, ainm baitse Patraie. Cotraige im- Sueait, now, was Patrick's baptismal name. 
morro a ainm a ñdoire: inand on 7 fer no- Cothraige, however, was his name in slavery 
ëógnad do eethrar i n-oenfecht. Mogonius a -that is the same as C one who used to serve 
ainm oca foglairnm. Patricius a ainm la four persons at once.' 
lagonius his name 
Romanehu: ut dixit: when studying. Patricius his name with the 
Suceait a ainm baiste iar mbuaid, Romans: tet dixit [poeta] : 
Cot1-aige a ñdóire dimbuain, Sucait his baptismal name, after victory, 
Patricius ii-Letha luind, Cothraige in temporary bondage, 
Magónius 'ea fogluimm. Patricius on fierce Letha (the Continent), 
Magonius when studying. 
Sucaz't has been equated by Schuchardt with W. hygad, C warlike:' Colhraige is = the 
Gaulish Caturígios, C battle-kingly:' Magõluus (= W. Maun) seems cognate with 
Skr. Maghava1t, a name for Indra, and Gr. MaXá6>v. 
154 (p. 153). C The book of epistles' here mentioned consists of the Co'!fissio and 
the letter to the soldiers of Coroticus, called 'Liber Epistolarum' in the Tripartz'le 
Lift, pp. 10, 18, and Colgan's Latin paraphrase, Trias Thaum. pp. 120, 124. 
J 59-165 (p. 153). The story of lVIiIiuc's vision is told also in an extract from the 
TrijJartite Life, preserved in H. 3. 18, p. 521, arid printed in the Rolls edition, 
p. xlviii. See Colgan's paraphrase, ibid. pp. 19, 20. One of lYIiliuc's daughters is 
thus commemorated in the Book qf Leinster, p. 372 d: 

Brónach ingen Milchon maic Buain 'ea mbre 
Pátraie i ndáire, máthair Moehæ Noendrom- 
ma oc Loch Cuan, 7 Colmain Chomraire oc 
Uisniueh, oeus Colmáin Mu1ind oc Daire 
Cbæchain in Dal Riatai, 7 epseuiþ Maie Erea 
o Domnuch Mór Maige Coba, 7 Damnatan 
Slébe Betha, 7 Furst1 eraibdig in Perona. 

Brónach daughter of Miliuc, son of Buan, with 
whom Patrick dwelt in bondage, mother of 

lo-chae of N oendruim at Loch Cuan, and 
of Colmán of the Casket at Uisnech, and of 
Colmán of the Mill at Daire Caecháif1 in 
Dál Riata, and of Bishop Mac Erea of Dom- 
nach l\lór l\Iaige Coba, and of Damnatan of 
Sliab Betha, and of Fursu the Pious in Pe- 



166-1 (p. 154). Compare the versions of this pretty story in H. 3. 18 (TriP. Lift, 
p. xlviii) and the Lebar Breee homily (ibid. pp. 440, 442). It must be read in 
connexion with the tale told in lines 86-90 (p. 151), of which it is the seque1. 
181-201 (p. 154). These legends of Patrick's release from bondage are also found in 
the Franciscan Liber Hymllorum, whence they are printed in the Rolls Triparlz'tc 
Life, pp. 4 1 4, 4 I 6. 
202-210 (pp. 154, 155). Abridged from the stories paraphrased by Colgan, Tr. 
Thaunz. p. 121, which were founded on the statements of S1. Patrick himself in 
his COllfissio. 
211-214 (p. 155). As to Patrick's visits to SSe Germanus and 
Iartin, compare 
Colgan's paraphrase (Tr. Thaum. p. 12 I) printed in the Rolls TriPartite, p. 25. 
216-241 (pp. 155,156). A very meagre abridgement of the tales told in the Triparlz'tc 
Life, pp. 28-31 of the Rolls edition. 
242-245 (p. 156). This story of the leper is found also in the Lebar Breee homily, 
pp. 447, 449 of the Rolls Triparlz'te. As to the origin of the devotion bestowed on 
lepers in the IVIiddie Ages, see ibid. p. cxcvi, and Farrar's Lift of Chrz'st, 12th ed. 
p. 149, n. 3. 
246-250 (p. 156). In the TriPartite Lift, p. 32, Nathi Mace Garrchon is said to 
have opposed Patrick, and Sinelll\Iae Finchada to have believed in him. 
252-265 (p. 156). This story of Benén is here told more fuHy in the Tripartite Life, 
p. 36, and the Lebar Breee homily, p. 454. 
266-271 (p. 156). The statement that Loegaire's birth-feast was kept on Easter eve, 
is, so far as I know, found only in the Book of Lismore. 
274-286 (p. 157). The story of Díchu is also in the Tripartite Life, p. 36. But the 
choice proposed to him is peculiar to the Book of Lismore. 
287-289 (p. 157). This story of the impious wizard occurs also in the Brussels 1\IS. 
2324-2340, fOe I5 b , where, after coileaeh, we have the words: a ifrinn, co rodóirt 
an eoilech, ' of offering, so that the chalice poured forth (its contents).' 
290-297 (p. 157). This account of l\Iiliuc's self-cremation occurs also in the Book 0/ 
Armagh, fOe 3 a I (p. 276 of the Rolls TriparHte Lift) and the TripartÜe Lffi, pp. 
cxlii, 38, where I have conjectured that it may be an instance either of a kind 
of dharI)a or of propitiatory self-sacrifice. It is more probably a case of suicide as 
a mode of vengeance, of which we find an example in a Finnish tribe on the right 
bank of the Volga: 'Chez les T chouvaches quand on veut se venger d'un ennemi 
on va se pendre à sa porte' (Henri Gaidoz, 1I1élusine, iv. 10, citing A. Rambaud, 
Revue þolitique et Iilléraire, 28 avril, 1877, p. 1031 b), the object being that the 
ghost of the deceased may persecute the offender. 
298-306 (p. 157). This account of king Loegaire and his wizard's prophecy of the 


29 6 


Christianizing of Ireland is an abridgement of the story in the TriparHte Lift, 
pp. 3 2 -34. 
307-321 (pp. 157, 158). This story of Dichu is found, so far as I know, only in the 
Book of Lismore. 
322-336 (p. 158). Patrick's visit to Tara and his striking the paschal fire are 
described more fully in the TriPartite Lift, pp. 40-42. It seems to have been 
an established custom in the \Vestern Churches to produce frésh fire on Easter 
eve: 'in sabbato paschae extincto veteri novus ignis'benedicatur et per populum 
dividatur,' Leo IV (Hom. de Cura Past. c. 7), cited in Smith's Dictz'onary of 
Christian Antiquities, s. v. Fire, kindling of. The use in the Tripartz"te Life of the 
expression roben in tenid chasc[dJae (he struck the paschal fire), and in the Book 
of Lismore of robenad ztt tene chascdae chosecarthae lais (the consecrated paschal fire 
was struck by him) seems to show that the fire was struck from a flint or c'ystal. 
337-346 (p. 159). After the lacuna of two leaves, the Lismore Life resumes the legend 
of Patrick with an account of his visit to 1\lullaghshee (a little place to the north of 
Ballyshannon), and here corresponds with the Tripartite Life, p. 150, of the Rolls 
347-355 (p. 159). This corresponds with the TriþarHte Lffe, pp. 150, 152. 
355-367 (p. 159). This abridgement of the account of Patrick's visit to Ailech of the 
Kings, now Grenan Ely in the county of Donegal, corresponds with the TriPartite 
Life, pp. 15 2 - 1 54. 
368-369 (p. 159). An abridgement of the story told of Co elba d's sons in the Triparhïe 
Lift, pp. 162-166. 
370, 37 1 (p. 159). Olchon here is a scribal error for Olcán, the story of whose 
baptism, after his birth from a dead mother, is told in the Tripartite Life, p. 160. 
372-380 (p. 160). Also in the Tripartite Life, p. 224. 
384 (p. 160). The other six persons whom Patrick is said to have left alive for ever 
in Ireland to guard its inhabitants are, 'a man at Cruachan Aigle, and a man at 
Benn Gulb::tin, and a man in Sliab Bethad, and a man in Sliab Cua, and the 
married pair at Cluain Iraird.' See Lebar Brecc, 28 b, 29 a. 
386-392 (p. 160). This silly story of the stolen goat bleating from the belly of the 
thief (which is said to have disgusted Carlyle with the study of Irish history) is told 
also in the Tripartite Lifi, p. 100. 
393-395 (p. 160). This miracle of converting poisoned cheeses into stones is found 
also in the Tripartite Life, p. 182. Poison, it may be observed, seems to have 
been as freely used by the Irish as it is by the Hindus. See for _ another instance 
the TriPartite Lift, p. 54. In the Faed Fiada (' Deer's cry'), ibid. p. 50, _Patrick 
prays Christ to protect him, ar cech nez"l1l 'from every poison.' 

396-405 (p. 160). This story of Faillén's death-sleep in the fort of Naas is also in 
the Tripartite Life, pp. 184-186. 
406-418 (pp. 160, 161). Also in the TriparHte Life, p. 186. 
419-439 (p.161). This striking story of Odrán and Failge is told, but less completely, 
in the TriþarHte Life, p. 218. The entrance of the Devil into Failge's dead body 
reminds one of l\Ir. R. L. Stevenson's story of ThrauJn Janel, with the' bogIe in 
her clay-cauld flesh.' In a 1\1S. in the University Library, Cambridge, marked 
Ff. 127, f. 462, b. 2 (which is a copy of the Tertia Vita without chapters I-I I and 
94), the legend is thus related in Latin: 
Inuenit autem uirum pessimum nomine Failge, a quo orti sunt .i. nepotes 1 aui Foilgi, qui aurigam 
Patricii iugulauit coram eo in curru suo, et statim in eodem mense mortuus est Foilge; et anima 
eius portata est in infernum. Et 
t:;tt!I!l intrauit djabolus in corpus illius et habitauit in eo quasi 
homo uiuens inter homines spacium unÍ\.ls anni. Post autem multum tempus uenit Patricius ad 
domum Foilge, C1Jmque esset Patricius ante ianuam interrogauit unum de seruis eius dicens: 
( Ubi est Foilge?' Ille respondit: (Nunc reliqui eum in domo sua.' Dixitque Patricius: ( V oca 
eum ad me.' Cum ille intrasset domum, inuenit ossa arida Foilge in domo sua; et reuersus 2 
cum tristicia, mmciauit hoc Patricio. Dixitque Patricius: (ex eo tempore quo iugulauit Foilge 
aurigiam [sic] meum coram me, ille positus est in inferno, venitque dÿabolus ut ludificaret in 
corpore eius, ut non tantum anima eius infer[ nJo cruciaretur J sed etiam corpus eills inter homines 
demone repleretur.' 
The story is also told by Jocelin, Colgan's Sexta VIla, c. 73. 
442-446 (p. 161). This is in the Tripartzle Life, p. 194. 
447-470 (p.162). This story of Patrick's visit to Cashel, and of Oengus's baptism, is also 
told in the TriparHte Life, pp. 194, 196, which, however, omits the three quatrains. 
411-416 (p. 162). This story of Patrick's tooth is also in the Tripartite Life, 
pp. 19 6 , 19 8 . 
47'1-493 (PP. 162, 163) is an abridgement of the tale told in the Tripartite Lifel 
pp. 202, 204. 
494-510 (p. 163). This account of Patrick's visit to Findine, the birth of Echu 
Red-spot, and the prophecies of Senán of .Inis Cathaig, and of Brenainn l\1accu 
Alti is given in the Tripartzle Life, pp. 206, 208. 
511-515 (p. 163). An abridgement of the story told in the Tripartite Life, p. 210. 
516-520 (p. 164). The first sentence is in the Tripartite Life, p. 196. The rest is in 
the same work, p. 214. 
521-543 (p. 164). The account of the origin of the name Brosnacha and the metrical 
blessing on J\lunster are given also in the Tripartite Life, p. 216. 
544-555 (p. 164). Patrick's return to Fir Roiss, his interview with the angel, and the 


1 Here nepotes is obviously a Latin gloss on the Old-Irish aui, which Colgan or his printer (Trias 
Thaum. 25, co!. 2) has made into the Latin alii. 

 Here the 115. inserts est. 


29 8 


celestial letter about 1\tlochtae and Patrick are described more fully in the Tripartite 
Lift, p. 226. 
556-578 (p. 165). This story of Dáire's grant of the site of Armagh is told not only 
in the Tripartite Life, pp. 228, 230, but also in the Book of Armagh, p. 6, b. 2. 
579-58 I (p. 185). This account of the measurement of the Raith, or earthen rampart, 
of Armagh is also in the Tripartite Life, p. 236. 
582-585 (p. 165). This list of the recorders of Patrick's miracles is also in the 
TriparHte Lift, p. 56. 
5 86 -597 (pp. 165, 166). Compare the Tripartite Lift, pp. 25 6 , 258. 
598-614 (p. 166). Compare the Tripartite Life, pp. 252 and 258. The passage is 
obviously misplaced. St. Patrick is here compared in certain respects to the 
apostles John and Paul. But the favourite comparison is with the apostle Peter. 
So in the hymn of Secundinus we have 
Constans in Dei amore et fide immobilis, 
super quem aedificatur, ut Petrus, aeclesia, 
cuiusque apostolatum a Deo sortitus est 
in cuius porta[e] adversus inferni non praeualent. 
So also in the following list of Irish saints compared with apostles, hermits, popes, 
&c. (Book of Leinsler, p. 37 0 , columns 3 and 4): 
Híc incipiunt sancti qui erant bini 1 unius moris : 
Johannes baptiza Epscoþ Jbar. 
Petrus apostolus Patricius. 
Paulus apostolus Finnian Cluana (Iraird). 
Andreas aþostolus Colum ciIlL 
Jacobus apostolus Finnian l\Iaigi bile. 
Johannes apostolus Ciaran Clualla maic Nóis. 
Pilippus apostolus Cainnech. 
Bartholomaeus aþostolus Brendinus senior. 
Tomas apostolus Brenain1t Clua1za F erta. 
Mattheus aþostolus Colum Tiri da glas. 
Jacobus apostolus Comgall Bennchoir. 
Simon apostolus Molassi Daminsi. 
Tatheus apostolus Sinchellus Junior. 
Mathias apostolus Ruadanus Lothra. 
:Maria Brigita. 
1Iartinus Epscop Hercc Siani. 
Paulus heremita Coemgen Glinne dá(locha). 
Antonius monachus Fechini Fobair. 
Augustinus sapiens Lonñgarad. 
Ambrosius imnodicus 2 Mac ind eicis. 

1 The lithographic facsimile of the Book of LeÙzster has bún. 
2 i. e. hymnodicus. The facsimile has here imm[ 18]. 



JOb patientiæ Munnu mac TilcaÍ1z. 
Ieronimus sapie1ls Manchan Leith. 
Clemens papa Ciaran Saigri. 
Grigorius moralillm CU11lmini F ota. 
Ciprianus Kartaginensis Mochutu Lis m6ir. 
Laurentius diaconus Dechoin N essain. 
Beda sapiens et monachus Buti mac Bronaig. 
Ilarius episcoþus et sapÙns Sechnall epscop. 
Cornelius papa Moedoc Ferna. 
Siluester papa Adomnan epscoþ. 
J30nifatius paþa :Molassi. 
Paucomius monachus Garald m(onach). 
Pastor monachus Cammine monach. 
Benedietus caput monachoru11l Fintan Cluana Eid1lzg caput 
totius Europæ monaclzoru11l totius Hiberniæ. 
Allgustinus episcoþus Añglorum Barre epscoþ Muma(n 7 Connacht). 
616-631 (pp. 166, 167). Compare the Triparlzïe Lift, pp. 258, 260. In attributing 
to St. Patrick the age of 132 years, the Lismore Life agrees with Colgan's Quinta 
Vzïa. 1\lost of the other Lives give him 120 years, a number obviously suggested 
by the desire to make the saint resemble 1\loses (Deut. xxxiv. 7). 
63 2 - 6 3 8 (p. 167). The legend of Patrick's burial is also in the Tripartite Lift, p. 252. 
639-642 (p. 167). The account of the contention for Patrick's body is not only in 
the Triþartite Life, pp. 254, 256, but also in the Book of Armagh, fOe 8, b I. 
643,644 (p. 167). This sentence is obviously misplaced; and as it does little but 
repeat what we have been told in II. 616, 617, it was probably inserted by the 
scribe of the Book of Lismore from a second manuscript. 


655-741 (pp. 168-170). The text is from Genesis xii. I, where the Vulgate has' Egre- 
dere de terra tua, et de cognatione tua, et de domo patris tui, et veni in terram 
quam monstrabo tibi.' The rest of the commentary agrees generally with the 
opening of the homily on Saint Columcil1e in the Lebar Brece, pp. 29 b-30 b. 
74 2 -751 (pp. 170, 171). These passages are also in the Lebar Brece, p. 30b. 
752-762 (p. 171). Old-J\Iochta of Louth's prophecy, is also in the Lebar Brecc, 
p. 3 1 a. 
7 6 3-775 (p. 171). Patrick's prophecy is also in the Lebar Breee, p. 31 a. 
77 6 -7 8 0 (p. 171). Bec l\Iac Dé's prophecy is also in the Lebar Erecc, p. 3 I a. The 
pedigree of this prophet is thus given in the Book of LeÙzslt'r, 347 c : 
Bec mac De druad, l\Iaic Gnoe, Maic Lugdach, Maic Dallain, l\faic Bresail, :Maic :Mane, Maic Neil 
No Bee mac De druad, Maic Noe, Maic COllaill Eehlúaitb, Maic Lllgdach l\find di l\Iumain. 


3 00 


781-7 8 5 (p. 171). Bishop Eagan of Ardstraw's prophecy is also in the Lebar Brecc, 
p. 3 I a. 
7 86 -79 0 (p. 172). Buite son of Brónach's prophecy is also in Lebar .Brecc, 3 I a. It is 
thus given in Latin in his Life, Cod. Claro 39, Add. No. 4788, fol. 73 (cited by 
Bishop Reeves, Columba, lxix. n.). 
Hodie, inquit, natus est infans cui nomen Columba, qui coram Deo et hominibus gloriosus existet, 
quique post xxxtA annos abhinc huc ueniet, et meum sepl1lcrum revelabit, et cemiterium designabit. 
TIuite's death and Columcille's nativity were celebrated on the same day, viz. Dec. 7. 
Compare the Calendar of l\Iarianus Gorman (p. 131 of the Brussels l\IS.): 
7. e. Do Andreas, Octauus, gein Choll1im 2 chaid cæmgil, 
Martain, Sauin 1 særdrl1in, feil Buiti 3 báin brigmair, 
ordned Ambrois fírglain, Agatho cen tobeim, 
Ollan, Colman, Cl1tlach, Aromein de rigraid 4. 
791-798 (p. 172). This account of the vision of COlulllcille's mother is also In the 
Lebar Brecc, p. 3 I a. 
799- 802 (p. 172). Compare Lebar Brecc, p. 3 I a. The statement that Columba's 
birthday was the seventh of December and a Thursday, points to the years 517 
and 523, Reeves, Columba, lxix. But Bishop Reeves thinks A.D. 52 I 'most likely 
to be the true period.' 
803-806 (p. 172). Equal Lebar .Brecc, p. 3 I a. 
807-8 I I (p. 172). Equal Lebar Brecc, p. 3 I a. 
Columcille's pedigree is also given thus in the Book oj'Leillster, 347 b: 
Colum ciUe 
Mac FeidlÙllid, Maic Fergusa, Maic C01zaill Gulball, Maic Neil Noigiallaig, 
Echach Muidllledoi1t, 
luredaig Tírig, Maic .fïachach SroptÙze, 
faic Corpri Liphechair, 
Maic Cormaic Ulfota, 11aic Airt Oenfir, 
iaic Cl1ind Cé!chathaig, Maic Feidlilllid Rechtmair. 
As to his mother Ethne, see the Book of LeÙlsler, p. 354, col. 3 : 

Eithne ingen Dimmæ l\faic Noe, l\Iaic Fechin, Maic Corpri filed, l\laic Ailella 
láir, l\faic Breccain, 
Maic Feic, Maic Dare Barraz'g, maic CathmOr Móir, ic Ros Tiprat. Derbfind Belfota ainm aile die 
And again in p. 372 a: 
Ethni illgell Dimma maic noe quae et Derfind Beliota, de Chorpraigi Fanat, máthaÚ CholuÙ/l cille. 
Colum Cille, like his mother, had a second name, Crimthann (' fox '): see the Book 
if LeÙlsler, p. 354, col. 4, where the following list of the aliases of eighteen Irish 
sain ts is given: 
Crimthand ainm Coluim cille. 
Oengus ainm Maic Nisi COlldere. 
Cunnid ainm Maic Cl1lind Lusca. 
Carthach ai1l1/l l\Iochutu Lis móir. 

l\10eca aillm Fechin Fabuir. 
Gnia az'n/1t 
Iuru [F]othna Muru. 
Dachl1a aillm Dachualeno 
Darerca ainm Moninni Cilli slébe. 

1 i, eo Sabinus or Savinus 'in Spolitana urbe.' 2 1IS. superscribes' chille.' 
3 MS. superscribes' .i. Buite mac Brónaigh, epsctJþ Mainistrech.' 
, This eight-lined stanza (in which lines 3, 6, and 8 rhyme together) is in the metre rÙ21lard m.ór. 
I have been unable to identify the Aromein of line 8. 


3 01 

Carthach ainm Cttmmini. Aed aÌ1Z11l J\lældoid Mucnama. 
Crónán [ainm] :Mochua maz'c Lugdach. Colman aÙz11l Maic Lenin. 
Cunnid ainm Coluim maÙ CrimthaÙm:. Æd aÙz1Il Moedoc Fef1za. 
Tairchell ainm M:olling. Lasren aÙl1lz Molassi. 
Fer da chrích ai1l1ll Maic Cairthind. Finnbarr aÙz1Il Finn\.éoin) Maige bili. 
See Bishop Reeves' note, Columba, p. 6, where he suggests that one of the two names 
was baptismal, the other secular. 
The origin of the name Colum cine, 'Dove of the Church,' is thus stated in the 
Lebar Brecc, p. 236, col. 2 : 
Colum dlle mac Fédlimid mdc Fergtlsa Cendfota 
mdc COllaill Gulban, meic Neill l\lóigiallazg 
.i. Cohull pro simplicitate 1 eius dictus est. 
Cille .i. ar a mince ticed on chill in rolég 
a salmu hí comdail na lcnab comfocZls. Oeus 
ba hed atberdis-sen atarrn fessin: 'In tánic ar 
colum bec-ni indiu on chill?' .i. 0 Thelaig 
Dúbglaise i tÍr Lúgdach hi Cineol C01Zaill. 

Colum cille, son of Fed1imed, son of Fergus 
Longhead, son of Conall Gulban, son of 
Niall the Nine-hostaged, to wit, Colum 
(' Dove ') pro silllþlicitate tius diet us est: dlle 
(' of a church ') from the frequency with which 
he would come from the church in which he 
read his psalms into the company of the neigh- 
bouring children. And this is what those used 
to say among themselves: 'Has our little 
Còlum come to-day from the church?' i. e. 
from Telach Dubglaise in Tír Lugdach in 
Cenél Conaill. 
Now Cremthan was Colum ciUe's baptismal 
name. And Ethne, daughter of Dimma mac 
noe son of Echen, son of Coirpre the Poet, 
son of AiliU the Great, son ofBraccan, son of 
Daire Barrach, son of Catháir the Great, was 
Colum ciUe's mother. 
It is that Colum who from his youth gave ex- 
ceeding love to God. Once upon a time an 
angel of heaven came unto Colum cillç 
(Axal was the name of that angel, quasi 
auxil, ab auxilio), and said to him: 'Take 
virginity around thee,' saith the angel. 'I will 
not take it,' saith Colum cille, 'till a reward 
therefor be given me.' ""hat reward dost thou 
ask?' saith the angel. 'I declare not one re- 
ward,'saith Colum cille, 'but four.' 'Say them,' 
quoth the angel. ' I say,' quoth Cohun cille, 
'Death in pilgrimage-for I have coveted it 
from my youth-and death in penitence, and 
death of hunger, and death in youth-for in old 
age the bodies are ugly.' 'Even more than that 
shall be given thee,' saith the angel: 'thou 
shalt be a prophet in heaven and on earth.' 
Rocomulta didiu sin .i. dochoid-sium dia oilithre, So (all) that was fulfilled. He went on his pil- 
7 ba hóc intan ba marb, 7 is do ghorta at- grim age, and he was young when he died, 
] Facs. simílicitate. :I Compare the story in Lebar Breee, p. 89. 

Cremthan didiu a ainm batsi Co]u,z'lIl cille. 
Ethne didiu Í1z/{en Dimma mdc noee, mdc 
Echin, mdc Coirpri fhiled, mdc Oilella mair, 
meie Braccain, meie Daire Barraig, mdc 
Catháir Móir, máthair Coluim dlle. 

IS e in Colu1lZ sin dorat grád dermair do DÍa 
asa [óJide. Aingel do nimh ticed cu Colton 
cille feeht and.i. Axal ainm in aingil-sin 
quasi auxil [ab ] auxilio, condepert fris: 'Gab 
immat óige,' 01 in t-aingel. 'Ni géb,' 01 
Colum cíllt, 'co tucthar a lóg dam.' 'Cia 
lóg cOlldige?' 01 in t-aingel. 'Atgillim ni 
hénlóg sin,' 01 Colu1/Z cille, 'acht a cethair.' 
'Abair eat,' 01 in t-aingel. 'Atberim,' 01 
Co]um ct.'lle: 'bás oilithre, ar rosanntaiges 
hí as mo áitiu, [7 bás aithrige 2,] 7 bás gortai, 7 
éc hi n-áitiu, ar it granna na cuirp hi sél1ntaid.' 
'Dobérthar duit cid tuilled frissin,' 01 in 
t-aingel-) , .i. bidat fáid hi nim 7 hi tahnuin.' 

3 02 


bath, acht ba gorta tholtanach sin chena. 
Ocus iss cd fodera in gorta sin dosum. F edtt 
didiu dosrala-stlm oc timchell i n-Hii C01lUS- 
acca in chaillech oc bein nennta do chum 
braisce di. I Cid imluilnges sin, a thróg 1 ?' 01 
Colum cille. 

I A búid athair,' 01 si, , ænbó fil ocum, 7 indlæg 
hi, 7 iss cd so fognas dam oca hurnaide 2 cian 
uad. · 
Cinnid Colum indsin comad praissech nennta 
is moo 1zotoigenad do céin ba beo, dicens: 
'Intan,' 01 se, 'is ar sailechtu na hén bo atathar 
isin morghorta-sa, ba dethbir duinne cemad 
trom in gorta i mbemís, ar is ferr in ní sail- 
mit .i. régnum perenlle.' OCZtS atbez"r fria a 
thimthirid: 'Braissech,' 01 se, , cech n-oidche 
uait, 7 ni thuc in loim 3 lee.' 'Dogéntar,' 01 
in coic. Tollaid-side crand suaite na braisce 
Cll mbó fedán, 7 1Zodhoirted in mbeoil isin 
fedan sis cu suaitea triasin braisszg. Coime- 
taid sin féth in clerig, Rathaigit na manig 
dégfeth in clerig co r'iumraidset atarru buden : 
Faillsichthir dosum sin, c01z-depert: 'F odhord 
ic lucht bar n-inaid dogrés.' ' 1faith didiu,' 
01 Colum dlle, 01 esium, fria thimthirid, 
I cret dobere-si damsa cech día l' 

I It fladnisse,' 01 in coic, 'acht mina thi asind 
iurn in aighin no asin crand di a suati in 
mbraisig, ni fetur-sa ní ele ind acht brais- 
sech namá. 
Fail1sichthir d01lo don clerich indsin, 7 atbert: 
( Sonus 7 degféth,' 01 se,' tria bithu dï
r th' 
inaid dogrés.' Iss ed sin chomaillter. 
Andsin didiu ro-indis Bóethine dó in aislinge 
errdairc .i. tn cathaire do aicsin do hi nim .i. 
cathair oir 7 catháir argait 7 catháir gloine. 
Ruc Colu11l cille breith na haislinge. 'Ciarán 
mor mac in tSáir in catháir oir, ar méit a 
dérci 7 a thrócaire. 110laisse in chatháir 
argait, ar meit a ecna 7 a chrábuid. M:ïse 

1 MS. a thróig. 

and he died of hunger, howbeit that was 
voluntary hunger. And this is what caused 
that hunger to him. Once, then, he happened 
to be going round in Iona, and he saw the old 
woman cutting nettles to make pottage there- 
of. '\Vhat is it causes that, 0 wretched one?' 
saith Colum ciUe. 
'0 darling Father,' saith she, (I have (only) one 
cow, and she i
 in-calf, and this is what serves 
me while expecting it for a long time.' 
Colum ciUe then determines that pottage of 
nettles should serve him more so long as he 
was alive, saying: ' Since,' saith he, , it is only 
for expectation of the one cow that she is in 
this great hunger, meet were it for us though 
sore be the hunger in which we should be: 
for better is that which we expect, even Reg- 
llU11l þere1l1ze.' And he saith to his servant: 
'Pottage,' saith he,' from thee every night, 
and bring not the milk with it.' 'It shall 
be done,' saith the cook. He bores the 
mixing-stick of the pottage, so that it became 
a pipe; and he used to pour the meat-juice 
into the pipe down, so that it was mixed 
through the pottage. That preserves the 
cleric's appearance. The monks perceive the 
cleric's good appearance, and they talked 
(about it) among themselves. That is revealed 
to Colum cille, so he said: 'May your succes- 
sors be always murmuring!' (\Yell then,' 
saith Colum ciUe, saith he to his servant, 
(what dost thou give me every day?' 
'Thou art witness,' saith the cook, 'unless it come 
out of the iron of the pot or out of the stick 
wherewith the pottage is mixed, I know of 
nought else in it save only pottage.' 
That then is revealed to the cleric, and he said: 
'Happiness and good appearancetothysucces- 
sor for ever continually!' And that is fulfilled. 
So then Boethine related to him the famous 
vision, to wit, three chairs seen by him in 
heaven, even a chair of gold and a chair of 
silver and a chair of glass. Colum ciUe 
explained the vision. ' Cíarán the Great, the 
wright's son, is the chair of gold, for the 
greatness of his charity and his mercy. Mo- 

2 :MS. hurnaige. 

IS. inolim. 


3 0 3 

laisse is the chair of silver, because of his 
wisdom and his piety. I myself am the 
chair of glass, because of my affection; for 
I prefer Gaels to (the other) men of the 
world, and the Kindred of Conall to the 
(other) Gaels, and the kindred of Lugaid to 
the (rest of the) kindred of Conall. 
812-818 (p. 172). The legend here told of Columba's learning to read fron1 an 
alphabet written on a cake, has been studied by 1\1. Henri Gaidoz in a pamphlet 
entitled Les gá/eaux alphabéNques, Paris, 1886. He finds an allusion to the practice 
in Horace, Sat. I. i. 25 : 

buden in catháir gloine, ar meit mo chon- 
dailbe, ar is docha lium Goedil oldait fir 
dhomhain, 7 cenél Conaill oldait Goedil, ocus 
cenél Lugdach oldait cenel Conaill, 7rJ.1 

'ut pueris olim dant crnstula blandi 
Doctores, elernenta veIint ut discere prima.' 
819-824 (p. 173). This miraculous reading out of the looth Psalm, the reader having 
only learned his alphabet, is also related in Lebar Breee, 3 I b. Compare the 
story of Gornias' reading out the baptismal office, 1. 58. 
H25-833 (p. 173). The resuscitation of the dead cleric is also told in Lebar Breee, 3 I b. 
837-841 (p. 173). This changing into wine of the wat
r used for mixing in the 
chalice is related in Lebar Brece, 3 I b. The practice of mingling water with the 
sacramental wine is referred to also in the Book of Armagh 14, b 2: the Stowe 
l\Iissal, and L. U. 127 a. 
842-845 (p. 173). The Saint's visit to Gemmán (not 'German' as the Book of 
Lismore corruptly has it) the J\Iaster, and his fatal curse, are also told in Lebar 
Breee, p. 31 b. Other instances of cursing will be found in lines 272 and 369. 
The instances of cursing inanimate objects in 272 and elsewhere were probably 
suggested by the miracle of the fruitless figtree in l\Iatt. xxi. 19, 20. 
846-849, 850-852 (p. 173) are also in the Lebar Breee, p. 31 b. 
852-857 (p. 174). Findian's vision of the two moons, also in the Lebar Breee, p. 32 b, 
is told more fully in the .flfartyrology of Donegal, p. 160. 
858-865 (p. 174). This story is told also in the Lebar Breee, p. 31 b. 
This story of Co 10m cille fording the flooded river at night is told also in Lebar 
Brece, p. 31 b. 
866-874 (p. 174). Alfo in Lebar Breec, p. 31 b. A very sin1Ìlar legend is told of 
Cummain or Cummine, the Tan, king Guaire of Aidne and Cáimine of Inis Celtra, in 
the Lebor lla hUÙlre, p. 116, in Rawlinson B. 512, fol. 141, a 2, and in some IUS. (to 
me unknown) cited by Dr. Todd in his edition of the L1'ber Hjwznorum, p. 87. Of 
these versions that in Lebor na h Uidre being the oldest will here be quoted: 
1 An illogical reason! According to a candid note on the Calendar of Oengus, June 9 (Lebar 
Bncc, p. 89), the chair of glass was Colum ciUe because, though his devotion was delightful, he 
was carnal (col/aide) and often frail (aibbrisc comellz"c) even as glass is fragile. Compare the 
fartyrology of Donegal, pp. 162-164_ 


3 0 4 

Lotár iarorn a triur isin n-eclais .i. Cammini 7 
Guari 7 Cummini F ota. Eclas mór dorónad 
Ia Cámmin is inti bátar. Eatar iarom na 
clérig oc tabairt a chobséna 1 for Gúari. 
, :Maith, a Guar[i],' ar iat, 'cid bad maith lat 
do linad na ecaiisi-sea hi tám?' 

, Ropad maith lim aI-Ian di or 7 d'argut, 7 ni ar 
[po 116 bJ saint in tsægail, acht dia thidnacul 
ar m'anmain do næmaib 7 ecailsib 7 bochtaib 
in domain.' 
'Dorata Dia fortacht duit, a Gúaire!' ar iat. 
'Dobérthar in talam duit doidnais ar t' 
anmain, 7 bát nimidech.' 

'Is bude lend,' or Guaire. 'Ocus ttlsu, a 
Chammini,' or Gúare, 'cid bad maith lat 
día linad?' 
, Ropad maith lim a linad do sæth 7 galar 7 cech 
aingcis bad messo do duini, co mbad for mo 
chorp dobertais uli.' 
, Ocus tussu, a Chummine,' or Guaire, 'cid bad 
maith lat día lÍnad?' 
'Ropad maith Hm al-Ián di lebraib .i. dia tu- 
decht do æs légind 7 do silad brethre De hi 
clúasaib each duine día thabairt a lurg 
Díabail dochum nimi.' 
Rofírtha tra uli a n-imrati dóib. Doratad in 
tal am do Gúaire. Doratad ecna do Chum- 
min. Dorata sóetha 7 gallra for Cammine, 
conna deochaid cnaim de fri araile hi tal am, 
acht rolegai 7 rolobai ri aingces cech galair 
7 cach threblaiti; co 1zdeochatar ule dochuffi 
nimi lía n-imratib. 


So the three of them, even Cámmine and Guare and 
Cummine the Tall, entered the church. A 
great church that had been built by Cámmin, 
therein they were. N ow the clerics were 
giving Guare spiritual instruction. '\V ell, 
o Guare,' say they, 'what wouldst thou wish 
to fill this church wherein we are?' 
, I should like it to be full of gold and of silver; 
and not for secular covetousness, but to be- 
stow them for my soul's sake on the saints and 
the churches and the poor of the world.' 
, May God give aid to thee, 0 Guare!' say they. 
'Unto thee will be given the earth which 
thou wilt bestow for thy soul's sake, and thou 
wilt be a dweller in heaven.' 
, \Ve render thanks,' saith Guare. 'And thou, 
o Cámmine!' sai th Guare, 'what wouldst 
thou like to fill it?' 
, I should like to fill it with disease and sickness 
and every ailment that is worst to man, so 
that they might all be inflicted on my body.' 
'And thou, 0 Cummine!' saith Guare, ' with 
what wouldst tllOu like it to be filled?' 
, I should like it full of books, for them to go to 
students, and to sow God's word in the ears 
of everyone, (so as) to bring him to heaven 
out of the track of the Devil.' 
N ow all their musings were made true. The 
earth was given to Guare. \Visdom was 
given to Cummain. Diseases and sicknesses 
were inflicted on Cámmine, so that no bone 
of him joined another in the earth, but melted 
and decayed with the anguish of every disease 
and every tribulation. So that they all went 
to heaven according to their musings. 

875-892 (p. 174). These stories are also in Lebar Brecc, p. 32 a, and the quatrain 
about l\Io-bí's girdle is given thus in the Trinity College Liber .llymnorum, 
fo. 13 b (Goidelica, p. 10 4): 
Cris Mobí 
ni roiadad im lua: 
sech ní rooslaicced ria sáith, 
ni rodunad im gua 2. 

Iobí's girdle 
Never was closed round fulness (?): 
It was not opened before satiety, 
N or was it shut round lies. 

After the sentence corresponding with 891, 892, the Irish Life of Columba in the 

1 Read with the :M:S. cited by Dr. Todd, a'1tmchairdesa. 
2 See Martyrology of Donegal, p. 2 j 4. 


3 0 5 
Edinburgh 1\1:8. (translated by l\lr. Hennessy in Skene's Celtic Scotland, II. 4 68 -5 0 1) 

[po I 8 a] Loiscis Colu11t cille an baile iarna fagh- 
bail on righ cusa[n] .neach bai ann nUi. 
, Easbach sin,' 01 in ri, 'ar mona loiscthe ni 
biadh tacha brnith no bid [ann co bráthJ. 
'Ni bia neach oidhche troisci da ainndeoin 
ann,' or Cohan cille. Tarmart tra an teine 
are a )méd loisci an doire uile, co nderna Colum 
cille imann ar anacal an doire .i. Inóli 
Pater induilc geiri [sic]; [po 18 b] 7 canair 
f7-1. gach tinidh 1 7 fri gach toruinn 0 soin ale. 
Ocus gidh be gabns fo lighi 7 fo éirghi nos- 
anuic ar tinidh 1 ngelain, 7 aincidh an nonbur 
is ail do simul 2 . 

Colum ciIle burnt the stead after getting it from 
the King with all that was therein. ' That is 
idle,' said the King, , for if it had not been 
burnt there would never be want of flesh (
or of food therein.' , Noone shall ever be a 
night fasting there against his will,' saith 
Colum cille. N ow the fire was like for its 
greatness to burn the whole oakwood: so 
Colum ciUe made a hymn to protect the 
oakwood, to wit, .Aóll Pater Ùzdulgere; and 
it is sung against every fire and against every 
thunder from that time to this. And w h050- 
ever repeats it on lying down and on rising up, 
it protects him from lightning, and it protects 
simul the nine persons whom he likes. 
893-899 (p. 175) = Lebar Brecc, p. 32 a, 11. 19-28. It is taken from Adamnán's 
chapter thus headed in the Sèhaffbausen codex: 'De segite post medium aestatis 
tempus seminata et in exordio Agusti mensis, sancto orante, mesa in Ioua conuer- 
sante insula '-the scene being shifted from Hí to the neighbourhood of Derry. 
Note the mention of coelach (wattling or hurdles) as the material of a church, and 
compare Afar!. .Donegal, p. 176. The wattles were woven between upright stakes 
(cli). Thë story seems taken from Adamnán's Life if Columba, pp. 54 b, 55 a, 
of the Schaffhausen codex,=p. 106 of Bishop Reeves' edition, where he gives a 
number of illustrations of the use of vÙgarum fascl'culi for building purposes. 
The barley (eo-rna, cognate with yavå and (fá) here mentioned was grown to 
make malt. See the Senchas l\lor, Laws, ii. 238. 
900-902 (p. 175). Lebar Brecc, p. 32 a, 11. 28-32. 
903-905 (p. 175). It is unnecessary to say that there is no authority for Columba's 
visit to Torinis (by volksetymologie for Turones), which took place, according to 
our Life, 100 years after S1. l\iartin's death, i. e. about 497, i. e. thirty years before 
Columba was born. 
906-911 (p. 175). This pretty passage about Derry is also in Lebar Brecc, p. 32 a, 
II. 37-40. 
912-926 (p. 175). The three wonders here commemorated are also told in Lebar 
Brecc, p. 32 a. The miraculous conferment of skill in smithying is paralleled by the 
story in the Life of Brenainn, 3181-3186 (p. 258). The story of the enchanted sword 
in whose presence none could die, is not, so far as I know, found elsewhere. 
1 MS. tinigh. 
2 See this story printed from the Trinity College Liber HYlIlllortl1ll, in Goidelica, p. 104. 
R r 


3 06 NOTES. 
927-934 (p. 176). The metrical dialogue with the prophet Becc 
Iac De 
thus in Lebar Brecc, p. 32 a-b: 
'A Bice, indissiu damsai, 
Cellandus lethan férglan, 
citne clerig notrefet, 
citne oic notn-deirget?' 
Ut dixit Bec: 
, Clere fila for alar 
cant a molta Maic Thigirnd: 
scerdait a óicc fria tairsech, 
biaid aimser bas inill.' 

is given 

'0 Becc, tell thou to me 
Kells, the wide, pure-grassed, 
\Vhether clerics (will) dwell in it, 
""hether warriors (will) abandon it?' 
So Becc said: 
'Trains who are amidst it 
Shall sing praises of the Lord's Son; 
Its warriors shall depart from its threshold: 
There will be a time when it will be secure.' 

935-940 (p. 176). Columba's smile here commemorated reminds one of the Buddha's 
predictive smiles; see the Indian AnHquary, February 1882, p. 47, and the Revue 
Celtique, v. 393-394. The passage about' Grafann chille scire' is very corrupt. It 
probably refers to Dub dá lei the na graifne (' D. of the writing '), abbot of Cell 
scire, who died, according to the Four l\Iasters, A.D. 745. 
940-944 (p. 176). Also in Lebar Brecc, 32 b, 11. 13-17. Note the reference to the 
use of bark for tanning: see the extract from a brehon law-tract in O'Donovan's 
Grammar, p. 448; and consider the following passage from the PerigrÙzatlo SancH 
Bralldani AbbaHs, ed. Schröder: coopuerunt illam coriis bovinis atque rubricatis 
in cortice roborina. 
945-950 (p. 176). = Lebar Brecc, p. 32 b, II. 17-25. As to the death (A. D. 604), of 
Aed Slane, otherwise called Aed mac Ainmerech, see Reeves' Columba, p. 42, 
and the following extract from the Book of Leinster, p. 303 b et seq. : 

IS andsain atbert Æd mac Ainmerech ra gilla : 
, Tnc lett cocholl Cholllim chilli dam, coraib 
immum innocht, corop dín dam é for Laig1tiu.' 
U air rogell Col1lm cille dósom na mairfide é 
asa chocholl. 

Fecht aile iarum roíarfaig Æd do Cholum cille: 
, Cia lín, a chlerig,' ar se, ' doneoch thanadais 
féin do rigaib ragas dochom nimi ?' 
ISs ed roraid Colum cille: 'IS demin,' ar se, 
'nach fetar acht trí rig nammá .i. Daimín 
Damargait rí Airgiall, 7 AiNU Banda ri Con- 
nacht, oaes Feradach Find mac Duach, de 
Chorco Láigde, rí Ossairge.' 
'Cia maith doriñgset-saide?' for Æd, C sech na 
rígaib aile?' 
'Ni anse,' ar Cohan cille. ' Daim Damargait, 
tra, ní dechaid clerech fa éra Úaid, 7 ni 

Then said Aed son of Ainmire to his gillie: 
, Bring me Colum ciUe's cowl, that it may be 
on me to-night, and be my safe-guard against 
the Leinstermen.' For Colum cille had 
promised him that he should not be killed 
while he wore his cowl. 
N ow at another time Aed inquired of Colnm 
ciUe: "Vhat number of kings, 0 cleric, hast 
thou thyself met with who will go to heaven?' 
Colum ciUe said this: 'It is certain,' saith he, 
'that I know three kings only, even Daimín 
Dam-argait king of Oriel, and Ailill Banna 
king of Connaught, and Feradach the Fair 
son of Dua of Corco Laigde, king of Ossory. 
C What good,' saith Aed, 'did these do more 
than the other kings?' 
'Not hard (to say)" saith Colum ciUe. 'As to 
Daimin Dam-argait, no cleric ever left him 


with a refusal, and he never rebuked a cleric, 
and never aggrieved church nor chapel, and 
bestowed much on the Lord. So he went to 
heaven because of that clemency which he 
shewed the household of the Lord; and the 
clerics are singing his requiem.' 
But Ailill Banna, he found more easily the 
clemency of the Lord. The battle of Cúil 
Conairi he fought against the Children of 
Fiachra, and in that battle he was routed. 
And he said to the driver of his chariot: 
e Look behind thee, and let me know whether 
the slaughter is great and whether the slayers 
are near us 1 ' 
Rofég in t-ara daraaiss, 7 iss ed roráid: e Is The charioteer looked behind him, and this he 
doolochta in marbad marbtair do muntir-sn,' said: · The slaughter of thy people is unendur- 
able,' saith he. 
e It is not their own blame that comes upon 
them,' saith the king, · but the blame of my 
pride and my unrighteousness. And turn the 
chariot against them,' saith he, 'for when 
I am slain . . . . the multitude will have 
Then the chariot was turned against the foes, 
and Ailill made swift repentance and fell by 
the foes. e So that man found the Lord's 
clemency,' saith Colum ciUe. 
Now F eradach the Fair, son of Dua, king of 
Ossory, a covetous, unconscientions man was 
he. And if he heard of only one scruple 
of gold or of silver in the hands of anyone 
in his country, it would be brought perforce 
to him and put in ornaments of horns and 
goblets and swords and draftboards. 
So afterwards an unendurable tribulation attacked 
him. His treasures were gathered unto him, 
so that they lay with himself in his bed. His 
foes, the Children of Conla, then came to 
surprise him in his house. Howbeit his sons 
came to him to carry off the treasures. ' Ye 
shall not take them, my sons,' saith he, 'for 
I have aggrieved a multitude concerning those 
treasures. I desire, for God's sake, to aggrieve 
myself here concerning them, and that they 
be carried away from me, with my consent, 
by my foes, so that the Lord may not aggrieve 
me there.' 
Ra imthigset a maic úadsom iartain, oCttS rogab Then his sons went away from him, and he be- 

ra imderg c1erech 7 ni ra cráid chill na ne- 
med, 7 rotidnaic mór don Chomdid. Ro- 
chuaid-sium iarum dochum nimi ar in cendsa 
sain doringni ri muntir in Chomded, 7 atát 
na clerig ac gabail a écnarca-sum. 

AiliU Banda immorro, IS asso fóuair-sede cendsa 
in Chomded. Cath Chula Conaire rochuir- 
seom ra Clannaib Fiachrach, cor-roemid fair- 
sium 'sin cath-sin. Co n-erbairt-sium fria 
araid carpait: 'Fég dúin dar th' aiss, 7 
finta latt in mór in marbad, 7 in faccus dúin 
Iucht in rnarbtha?' 

ar see 
[po 304 a] 'Ní hé a n-aithfer féin téit forro,' ar 
se, 'acht aithfer m' uabair-se 7 m' anfírinni. 
OcttS impá dún in carpat 'na n-aigid,' ar se, 
'uair dá marbthar misse ar[uidbud (?) tessar- 
con do sochaide.' 

Roimpad in carp at iartain inagid na námat, OCttS 
dorigni in t-Ailill dián-athirgi iartain, ocus 
dorochair la námtib. e Fuair dano in fer-sain 
cendsa in Comded,' ar Colum cille. 
Feradach Find mac Duach, irnmorro, rí Ossairge, 
fear san tach díchuibsech atacomnaic-sede. 
Ocus cin co c1uined acht mad oenscrepul óir 
no argit ac duine 'na thír dobeired ar écin 
chuice féin, co cuired i cumtaigib corn 7 
crandoc 7 claideb 7 6.dchell. 

Rogab iarurn treblait do[io]lochta iartain é. 
Ratinólit chuice a seóit co mbátar 'na thuilg 
aice féin. Tancatar a námait (.i. clanda Conla) 
iartain do gabail tige fair. Tancatar im- 
morro a maic chuciseom do brith na set les. 
e Ni berthai, a maccu I' ar se, 'uair rochrai- 
disa sochaide im na sétaib sin. Is tol lirn ar 
Dia mo chrád féin ifus impu, 7 a mbreith 
dom deóin dom námtib nairn, ardáig narom- 
chraidea in Chomdiu thall.' 

3 0 7 


3 08 


fein for dianaithrige, 7 fúair bás 0 námtib 
7 fogeib cendsa in Chomded. 
, 1\1:esse féin da1Zo,' ar Æd, ' in fagbaim cendsa in 
Chomded ? ' 
& Ni faigbu-su itir on,' for Colu1Jl cille. 

'A chlerig, dallo,' ar esseom, 'fagaib ón Chomdid 
dam can mo choscur do brith do Laignib.' 

, IS dolig lirnsa ón,' bar Col1aJl dlle, ' nair dib 
mo mdthair, oats tancatar Lagin chucum co 
Daurmag,OC'lts rofuaipertar troscud form co 
tucaind ascid maic s
thar, 7 iss ed cOllnaigsetar 
form cen choscor do brith do ríg echtrand 
uadib, ocus rogellussa doibsium ón. Acht 
chen a acseo mo chocholl dait, 7 ni mairb- 
fider thú ass dia mbe immut.' 

IS é sin tm in cocholl roiárr lÉd for a gilla 
in n-úair út. 
ISs cd immorro atbert in gilla: ' Ralácsam,' ar se, 
, ac Ailiuch in cocholl sin.' 
Atbert da1zo lÉd: 'Is dóchaite,' ar se, 'm'fác- 
bail-se innocht la Lagnib.' 

gan a swift repentance, and found death from 
his foes, and receives the Lord's clemency. 
'I myself, then,' saith Aed, 'do I win the Lord's 
clemency? ' 
, T/zat dost thou in no wise win,' saith Colum 
'0 cleric, then,' saith he, 'obtain for me from 
the Lord that triumph over me may not be 
gained by Leinstermen.' 
, That is difficult for me,' saith Colum cille, 'for 
my mother is of them, and Leinstermen carne 
to me to Durrow, and attempted to fast 
against me in order that I might give (them 
the) gift of a sister's son. And this is what 
they demanded of me, that triumph over 
them be not gained by a foreign king. And 
I promised them that. Howbeit, here is my 
cowl for thee, and thou wilt not be killed if 
it is on thee.' 
That, then, is the cowl which Aed asked of his 
giUie at yon hour. 
N ow this is what the gillie said: & V\! e have left/ 
saith he, 'that cowl in Ailech.' 
Then said Aed: 'It is the more likely,' saith he, 
'that I shall be left to-night with Leinstermen.' 

951-958 (p. 176). Also in Lebar Brecc, 32 b, II. 25-38. Columb ciUe was born on 
the day that Buite (a quo l\Ionaster-boice) died. The ladder of glass by which 
Buite ascended to heaven is not mentioned in the fragment of the Latin Life of 
,that saint preserved in the British 1\Iuseum, Cod. Claro xxxix (Add. NO.4 788), 
ff. 73 b-80 b. 
959-970 (p. 177). Also in Lebar Brecc, 32 b, II. 38-54. 
971-975 (p. 177). Also in Lebar Brecc, 32 b, 11.54-59. 
After this, in the Edinburgh 1\18., p. 20 b, the following two paragraphs occur: 
Dofaguibh Colum cille cleirech dia muillh'r in Colum dUe left in Derry a cleric of his house- 
Doiri .i. DaCuilen, ina comarbus .i. cleirech hold, even Da euilen, in his successorship. 
dia hatharda fein eisidhein, 7 dofaguibh do A cleric of his own fatherland was he; and 
Cinel Conaill segnabuidheaclzt an baili cétna Colum ciUe left to Cinél Conaill the vice- 
7 cendus a sruithi. abbacy of the same stead and the headship of 
its seniors. 
Luidh iarsin gu Druim Cliabh, 7 be1t1Zachais an Therefore he went to Drumcliff, and blessed that 
t-inaùh sin, 7 fagbus fer din. m1lÙztt"r .i. 1\10- place, and left (there) one of his household, 
thairen Droma cliab, 7 dofaguibh cend1ls 7 even Mothairen of Drumc1iff, and left the 
sruithighecht 7 comarbus an baili sin ag headship and seniority and succession of that 
Cinel CoJtaill gl1 bráth. stead with the Cenél Conaill for ever. 
976-1006 (pp. 177, 178). = Lebar Brecc, 32 b, 1. 54-33 a, l. 27. 


3 0 9 

1007-1023 (p. 178). = Lebar Brecc, 33 a, II. 29-44. 
The story of Odrán's self-sacrifice, which Bishop Reeves calls' curious and not 
very creditable,' is ignored by Adamnán. It may be an instance of the prac- 
tice mentioned by IV!. Gaidoz in i1félusz"ne, iv. 16: 'L'usage de tuer un homme 
pour que son esprit demeure attaché à l'endroit de sa mort et en soit Ie gardien 
se pratique dans de nombreux pays.' So in the copy of Cormac's Glossary, pre- 
served in the Yellow Book of Lecan, s. v. EmaÙz, that name is derived from enza 
(arp.a) and uz"n (unus), 'quia sanguis unius hominis [effusus est] in tempore con- 
ditionis e[iJus.' See also Three Irish Glossaries, xli. note, and Irz'sh Nennzus, 
Additional Notes, p. xxiv. 
1024-1030 (pp. 178-179). = Lebar Brecc, 33 a. 
1031-1035 (p. 179). Lebar Brecc, 33 a. The incident of the watersnake is common. 
1036-1038 (p. 179). Lebar Brecc, 33 a. 
1039-1042 (p 179). = Lebar Brecc, 33 a. 
1043-1045 (p. 179). = Lebar Brecc, 33 a. This story seems founded on a rumour 
of a volcanic eruption in Italy. It is in Adamn'Ín's Columba, p. 56, of Dr. Reeves' 
edition, where the learned editor quotes N otker Balbulus to shew that the event 
referred to was the destruction by an earthquake of the town now called Citta 
N uova on the north of the river Quieto, in IstrÌa. 
1046-1054 (p. 179). = Lebar Brecc, 33 a. See Adamnán's Columba, p. 54 of 
Bishop Reeves' edition: De corniculo atramentz' z1zanl'ler difuso. 
1055-1063 (p. 179). = Lebar Brecc, 33 b. 
Here in the Edinburgh I\1S., p. 22 b, comes the following account of Colum 
ciUe's visit to Ireland, which appears to have been taken from the introduction to 
some copy of the Amra Choluim chz'lle, and agrees pretty well with L. U. p. 5 a, b, 
and Lebar Brecc, pp. 238 c, 238 d.: 

o rabui COIll1/t cille triacha (sic) bliadan inAI- 
bain dogab inmllilli firiu Erenn immo decsin 7 
imo acalluim re ndola ar cel, 7 docuas llaidhib 
aracend da dechllin dia n-agalluim gu mor- 
dail Droma Ceta, gurus be1l1lach [fo. 23, a I] 
isin inadh sin, fëruib, macuib, mnaibh, gur- 
rariar an gallra 7 a tedhmanna. 

No is ar tri fathuibh tainic Colu1/l. cille anair .i. 
do fosadh na filed a nErimz, ar badar mora 
an aincesa .i. triacha (sic) fo Ian cleir og olla- 
mal'n, a cóz.'c deg ag anradh, 7 do sith itir firu 
Erc1Z1l 7 AlbalZ im Dail Riada. doigh do 

'Vhen Colum ciUe had been thirty years in 
Scotland, anxiety (?) seized the men of Ireland 
as to seeing him, and as to communing with 
him before he went to death; and they sent 
messengers to him that he might come to 
commune with him to the great convention 
of Druim Ceta; and he blessed them ill that 
place, men, children, women, and. . . . their 
diseases and their pestilences. 
Or for three causes, came Colum ciUe from the 
East, to wit to retain the poets in Ireland, 
for great were afflictions caused by them, 
even thirty for an ollamh's full train, and 
fifteen for an allyudll'S, and to make peace 
between the men of Ireland and Scotland as 


3 10 

bai dail catha itir firiu Erenn 7 Alban impu 
mina tisadh Colum cille anair dia sithugad, 7 
d'fuaslucad Sgannlain maic Cinn faelad mic 
righ Osraide .i. athair i1Jl11lorro tuc a n- 
eidireeht he a laim Ædha meic Ainmirech, 7 
Colum citle a rathuighes fris imma legad as 
a cinn mbliadlle no im braghuit 01ti do gabail 
dia cinn. Deus nir leiged as he, 7 nir gabad 
braighi dia cind. Deus do righnedh cro caeluigh 
uime gan conair as aeht eolus a tuctha began 
goirt bidh do 7 terci lenda. Oeus nobidis .L. 
læch oca coimed fan cro amuich, 7.ix slabradh 
fairsium isin cro, 7 gach aen atcidh seocha 
is ed adbcredh: 'Deoch,' 01 see 

Oeus atcuas an ni sin do Colulll dlle gu Hí, 7 
rochi gumor lasin ni-sin atcuala, 7 is cd sin 
ros-fug anoir gudian. 

IS amlaid immorro tainig Colum cille anoir, 7 
breid ciartha tara suilibh 7 a clupait (sic) 
tairis annuas, 7 at in cochaill tairis anúas, 
ar daigh nach faiced firiu Erenn nach a mna. 
Vair rotairngir reimi antan docoidh i n- 
Albaz'n arttts; 7 adubairt an rann: 

[23 a. 2.] Fn suil nglais 
fechas Erin1t tara hais: 
nocha n-aicfi iarmotha 
firu Erenlt nach a mná. 
Conadh dia deimniugud sin asbert an ftli: 
Cia do dechaid Colum cain 
anair an ethar tar muir, 
ni faca ni an Eirin1/. ain 
ar toidheeht 1 isin mordail. 
Adcnas immorro do Ædh mac Ainmirech Colum 
cz"lle do toidhecht I 'cum na dala, 7 dofergaigh 2 
gumor lasa[ n] a cuaIa, 7 doraidh gid be oga 
fuighbedh cadhus isin oireehtus gu n-aithfed 

1 MS. toighceht. 


to Dál Riata, for there was a battle-meet- 
ing between the men of Ireland and of 
Scotland concerning them, had not Colum 
ciUe come from the East to make peace, 
and to loose Scannlan, son of Cenn-faelad, 
son of the king of Ossory. His father, now, 
had given him in hostageship into the hand 
of Aed, son of Ainmire, and Colum ciUe 
was surety to him that he would be released 
at a year's end, or that another captive 
would be taken for him. And he was 
not released, and no captive was taken 
for him. And a hut of wattles was built 
around him, without any path out of it save a 
way (?) by which a little salt food and a scanty 
supply of ale were given him. And fifty 
warriors were guarding him outside the hut, 
and nine chains were on him in the hut, and 
to every one whom he saw passing by he 
used to say this: 'A drink !' saith he. 
And that thing was reported to Colum cille, in 
Hí, and he wept greatly at what he heard, 
and it is this which brought him quickly 
from the east. 
Now it was thus that Colum ciUe came from the 
east: with a cerecloth over his eyes, and his 
dalmatic over it above, and the cape of the 
cowl over it above, so that he might not see 
the men of Ireland nor her women. F or he 
had prophesied it before, when he first went 
to Scotland; and he uttered the stave: 
There is a gray eye 
That looks back upon Ireland, 
It will never see afterwards 
Ireland's men, nor her women. 
Wherefore to certify that the poet said: 
Though fair Colum came 
From the east in a boat over the sea, 
He saw nothing in noble Ireland 
After coming into the great convention. 
Now Aed, son of Ainmire, was told that Colum 
ciUe had come to the convention, and he was 
greatly angered at what he heard, and he said 
that vengeance would be taken on whomsoever 
in the assembly should shew respect to Colum 

2 MS. dofergaidh. 


Doconncadair iarsin Co/Unt cille docum na daIa, 
7 ba he airecht ba nesu do 'airecht COitaill 
rode Aoedha meic Ainmirech, 7 fa mac ding- 
mala d'Aed eisidhe. 
Mar doconnairc í1Jl1norro C onall iat rogres daes- 
carsluag an airechta futha, gur gabtha 7 
gurus-bristea tri 1tonbuir 1 dib. Ra6afraic 
Colum cille: 'Coich ora laiti c1.1cainn an 
Iucht sa?' 7 atcua(s) do eonadh 0 Con all. 
Oeus do escain Colum cille Conall, 7 do 
be1zta tri nái ceolan fair, con-asben aroili 
duine: 'Fogeib Conall cloga,' conadh uadh- 
sin ata ' Conall clogach,' 7 roben an cleirech 
righi fair, 7 a ciall 7 a inntlecht acht ancein 
nobeith ag imtelgadh a cuirp. 

Docoidh Colum cille iarsin gu hairecht Domnaill 
maic Ædha meic Ainmirech, 7 atrach[tJ Dom- 
nall focétoir roime, 7 dofer failti fris, 7 dorad 
poig dia gruaidh [po 24 a], 7 dorat he 'na 
in ad fein. Ocus dofaguibh an cleirech bria- 
thra imdha dó .1. L. bliada1t a righi nErentt 
do, 7 cath búadhaigh do frisin re-sin, 7 cach 
briathar atbered do comallad: bliadan gu 
leith do isin ngalar a n-ebeladh 7 corp Crist 
do caithim gacha domnazg do frisin re sin. 

Atcuaus do Æd 2 a mac do escaine 7 righi do 
Domnall. Atbert in righan fria hinnailt: 
, Eirigh gu hÆdh, 7 abair fris dia faghba 3 an 
corrcleirech ucat cad us aga ni barn sídhach-sa 4 
fris.' Atcuas do Colum cUle in ni sin, 7 docé- 
daigh don righain 7 dia innailt beith 'na da 
cuirr an Druim Ceta on laithi sin gu laithi 
mbratha: ut poeta dt.xit: 

Fásaidh ferg 5 don righain de 
do Domnall isin righi. 
geall righi do Domnall ann 
[i]sa mac fein gan ferann. 

3 11 

Then they saw Colum cille going to the conven- 
tion, and the assembly that was nearest him 
was the assembly of Conall, son of Aed, son 
of Ainmire; and he was a worthy son of Aed's. 
As, then, Conall saw them he egged on against 
them the rabble of the assembly, so that three 
enneads of them were taken and broken. 
Colum ciUe asked: 'Who is he by whom 
this set hath been hurled against us ?' and he 
was told that it was from Conall. And 
Colum ciUe cursed Conall, and thrice nine 
bells struck against him: wherefore some one 
said: 'Conall gets bells,' so thence is (the 
name) 'Conall cloccach.' And the cleric 
struck the kingdom from him, and (also) his 
sense and his understanding save so long as 
he should be defecating his body. 
Then Colum ciUe went to the assembly of Dom- 
naIl, son of Aed, son of Ainmire. And 
Domnall at once arose before him, and made 
him welcome, and kissed him on his cheek, 
and put him in his own place. And the 
cleric left him many blessings, namely, that 
he should be fifty years in the kingdom of 
Ireland, and that he should be victorious in 
battle during that time, and that every word 
which he should utter would be fulfilled: that 
he should be a year and a half in the disease 
of which he should die, and that on every 
Sunday during that time he should partake 
of Christ's Body. 
Aed 2 was told that his son was cursed, and that 
the kingship was (promised) to Domnall. 
Said the queen to her handmaid: 'Go thou 
to Aed and tell him if yonder crane-cleric 
finds respect with him, I shall not be peace- 
ful towards him.' That was told to Colum 
ciUe, and he gave leave to the queen and 
to her handmaid to be the two Cranes of 
Druim Ceta from that day to the Day of 
Judgment; as the poet said: 
Anger accrues to the queen therefrom, 
From Domnall being in the kingship; 
A promise of kingship to Domnall there, 
And her own son (left) without land. 

1 MS. nonmuir. 2 Read don rígain. S 1'.1S, fadhba. 
4 :MS. sighachsa. 5 :MS. Fasuigh feirg. 

3 12 

'Cia eorrsuighi t sin fuil fort?' 
a[r an ]righan gn ro ole: 
'ni barn sídhach 2 fri Ædh, gall cleith 
ar cadus duit, a cleirigh!' 

'IS ced duitsi gidh at corr,' 
ar an cleirech gu rolonn, 
I ar cneid dot innilt, gan acht, 
bidh 'na cui[r]r at coimitecht.' 
A hinnilt is ben Aedha 
laiter a ccorruib lena: 
maruit beos, doniat cneta, 
da sen cuirr Droma Ceada. 

[po 24 b.] Agtls atbt'rt Colum cille fri Domna!! 
dol doib immale do agalluirn Aedha mdc 
[AinmirechJ, 7 dogab imecla Domnall im 
agalluim an righ, 7 atbert Colurn c-ille: 
C Ni ba himeglach duit, ar biaid an Spírut 
N aemh agat imdeaguil airi.' Docuadair 
imale do agalluim an righ. Dagab iarsin 
imegl:.t in ri [oc [acsin in clerig] triasin mir. 
buil moil sin dorighne 3 roime. 

Tangadair na cleirigh isin airecht iarsin. Atracht 
in ri 7 dofer faiIti friu, 7 atbert Colum cille: 
, Rob si in [ailti, ar[r )arugud do denamh.' 

C Fogeba-sa on,' 01 an ri. 
C N a filid d'fostadh,' 01 Colum cillt'. 
'Ni dingén 4,' 01 an rí,' ar it mora a n-aincesa 
frinn. ' 
C Na habair,' 01 an clerech, 'nair is martanach 
doit an molad dogenat, amal is martanach do 
Cormac ua Quinn an molad doronsat na filid 
dó, 7 robdar earcroidhech na maine tuctha 
taracend, 7 maruidh in molad dianeisi.' Ocus 
docum an cleirech in rithoirg mbig-si .J. 
Cormac cain. 
buich neoit. 

'Ni ba misi nos-dícuirfi: ar Aedh. 
Fostuidhtir na filid tridsin. 


'What is that . . . . . . that is on thee?' 
Saith the queen very wickedly. 
'I will not be peaceful towards Aed, with- 
out concealment, 
For (his) respect to thee, 0 cleric!' 
'Thou hast leave to become a crane,' 
Saith the cleric very fiercely, 
C For a hurt to thy handmaid, without doubt, 
She shall be a crane in thy company.' 
Aed's wife and her handmaid 
Are turned into marsh-cranes. 
They still remain, they make groans, 
The two old cranes of Druim Ceta. 
And Colum cille said to Domnall that they 
should go together to converse with Aed, 
son of Ainmire, and great fear seized Domnall 
as to conversing with the king. So Colum 
cille said, C Be not afraid, for the Holy Spirit 
will be protecting thee against him.' Then 
they went together to converse with the king. 
Then fear seized the king, on seeing the 
cleric, because of that great miracle which he 
had previously wrought. 
The clerics then entered the assembly. The king 
arose and made him welcome; and Colum 
cille said: C Let this be the welcome, to do 
our will.' 
, Thou shall get th[lt,' saith the king. 
, The poets must be retained,' saith Colum ciUe. 
'I will not do (this),' saith the king, 'for great 
are their annoyances to us.' 
'Say not so,' saith the cleric; 'for the praise 
which they will make shall be enduring for 
thee, even as the praise which the poets made 
for Cormac, Conn's descendant, is enduring 
for him, and the treasures which were given 
for it were perishable, but the praise abides 
after them.' And the cleric composed this 
little 'rhetoric,' to wit: 
Cormac cain 
buich neoi!, etc. 
, It is not I who will expel them,' saith Aed. 
For that reason the poets are retained. 

1 Read perhaps (with Lebar Brecc, p. 2
8), corrsuide. 
IS. repeats. i :MS. dingan. 

2 !\IS, sighach. 

, Scannlan must be released,' saith Colum cille. 
, I will not do this,' sailh the king, 'till he dies 
in the hut wherein he is.' 
'Let us not say more about him,' saith Colum 
ciUe. 'God willing, let it be he who attends 
to my sandals to-night after nocturn, where- 
soever he may be.' 
Then Colum ciUe went out of the assembly, till 
he came to the Black Church, to Derry. It 
was not long after Colum ciUe left, that a hail 
of fire carne into the convention, and they all 
put their faces to the ground. Thereafter 
came a luminous cloud to Scannlan where he 
lay; and the voice in the cloud said to him: 
I Arise, 0 Scannlan, and leave thy chain and 
thy hut, and come forth, and put thy hand into 
my hand.' 
Scannlan came forth, with the angel before him; 
and the guards perceived the noise passing 
them; and the guards said: '\\'ho is this 
passing us?' 'Scannlan,' saith the angel. 
'If it were he,' say they, 'thou wouldst not 
declare it.' 
Thereafter they went to Derry. \Yhen the cleric at 
noctum was going westwards over the chancel- 
screen, it was Scannlan who attended to his 
sandals; and Colum cille said: ' \\Tho is this ?' 
I Scannlan,' saith he. 
I Hast thou news?' saith Coll1m cille. 
, A drink!' saith Scannlan. 
, Hast thou brough t a blessing?' saith Colum cille. 
, A drink!' saith Scannlan. 
'Tell how thou camest,' saith Colum ciUe. 
I A drink !' saith Scannlan. 
'Slowness of answer be on thy successor con- 
tinually !' saith COhIll cille. 
I Say not so,' saith Scannlan, I their rent and their 
tribute and their custom thou shalt have con- 
I Bishop!ì and kings of thy race continually!' 
saith Colum ciUe. lOne drink for thee,' 
saith he, 'even a vat of ale for three.' 
Then Scannlan lifted up the vat between his two 
hands, and drank it in one draught, and then 
consumed his dinner, even seven joints of old 
bacon and ten loaves of wheat. Thereafter 
:\ MS. coimhetaighi. · MS. caingen. 
Ii MS. inuigh. 


C Sgannlan d'fuaslugud,' 01 ColU11l cille. 
'Ní dingen,' 01 an rí, I gu n-abla isin cro i fuil.' 

I Na 1lenam [techt] tairis,' 01 ColuJ1l cille. '1\-Iasa 
tol do Dia, gurab se frithailes m'asa innocht 
iar n-iarmeirghi 'gidh be baili i mbeth.' 

Do imigh iarsin Colu11l cille asin oirecht gu rainic 
gusan nDuib [po 25 al -reigles gu Duiri. Nir' 
fada tareisi Coluim cille go tainic casar tinedh 
isin dail, gu tardsat nile a n-aichthi fri Iar. 
Tainic iarsin dluimh solusta gu Sgannlan 
airm a roibhi; 7 adbert an guth isin dll1im 
fris: I Eirigh, a SgannlaÍ1t, 7 facuibh do 
slabraidh 7 do cro, 7 tair amach, 7 tuc do 
laim am laim-si.' 

Tainic Sgannla1t amach 7 an t-aingil roime; 7 do 
airighsid na coimhéduidhi 2 an fuaim scachu, 
7 is ed do raidhsit na coimhetaidhi 3: I Cia seo 
seochainn ?' I Sgannlan,' ar an t-aingil. 'Da 
madh he ni inneosta,' ar siad. 

Do imighsit iarsin gu Doiri. Tan bai an cleirech 
im iarmerghi og dol tar crand caingel t siar, 
is e Sgmmlmt do fritheoil a hasa do, 7 is ed 
asbert COlzt7ll cille: 'Cía so ? ' 
'Sgamzlll1z,' 01 see 
, Sgela lat ?' ar CoIU1Jl cille. 
I Dech,' 01 Sga1Znlall. 
'In tucais bennacht ?' 01 Colum cille. 
, Dech,' 01 Sgmuzlall. 
, Innis cinnus tangadhais,' ar ColuJll cUle. 
, Deoch,' 01 Sgamzlall. 
I Dloma:; n-athuisc ar fer th' inaidh 6 dogres,' ar 
Colum cille. 
, N a habair,' ar Scannlall : C a cis 7 a cobach 7 a 
mbes duitsi dogres.' 

, Easpuic 7 righ dot sil dogrés !' ar Colu11l dlle. 
'Ilendigh duit,' 01 se, '.1. dabhach trir do 
linn. ' 
Tuarguib iarsin itir a di laim in dabuigh, 7 do 
ibh 'na endigh, 7 do caith iarsin a proinn . I. 
uiL n-aisli sensailli 7 x. m
b]airgina do 
cruithnecht. Doll1idh iarsin, 7 bai tri la 7 
1 MS. Ni. 2 MS, coimhéduighi. 
:; for do/ma, the opposite of solma. 
S s 

3 1 3 


3 1 4 

tri oidhchi 'na hæn codladh. Atracht iarum, 
7 do hidhluiced an morbachall leis gu hOs- 
raidhi. IS e la do ba marb a 1 hathaÙ' .1. 
ri Osraide, dia cumaidh, 7 dogab-sum righi 
Osraidhi iarsin, 7 cuairt gach sechtmad bliadna 
[p, 25 b] on ló sin do CObUll cille la h05raide. 
Ocus is amlaid sin dofuaslaced Scamtlan. 

IS i an treas caingin, im Dail Riada. Colman 
mac Coimgillain is he rug an mbreith fri 
laim 2 Coluim cille, amal dotairngir COltllll 
cille feisin dia tarrla do tigh Coimgheallain, 
7 ui fuair istigh acht da lenamh ar brÚ in 
tealluigh: gur ro dech indara mac ar gua- 
luinn des Colui11l cille, 7 tarfas do ColtOIl 
rath an Splrta Nairn fair, ar Colum cille. 
Ra ghairm iarsin he, 7 dogab 'na hucht, 7 
rlorighni rall1t do : 

A cubuis COlt, a hainim 3 glan, 
agso poig dnit, taili poig dam! 
Bendachais Coltlln ciUe iarsin he, 7 facbais rath 
egna fair, 7 atbert fris cumadh he noberadh 
breit[h] itir firin Erelln 7 Alban im Dail 
Riada; 7 dofiradh sin. 

Ba sÍ an breth, immol'ro, a fecht (7) a sloighed 
la firiu Erenll, ar as sloighed/z la fonnuibh 
dogrés, 7 a cain 7 a cablach la firiu Alba/t. 

Tainic iarzem Dallall d' acallam Coluim cille, 
conadh ann dogab in rem focal, 7 adbert Colu1Jl 
cille gu nach dernadh acht a n-aimsir a 
eitsechta, 7 is fri marb do bo cudhaigh 
(sic). Dorairngert tm Colum cille innmusa 
7 toirthi in talman do Dallan tar- [po 26 a] 
cend an molta sin, 7 nir'gab Dalla1z acht nem 
do fein 7 da each ren llod-gebad 7 dotuicfedh 
itir céill 7 foghar. 

'Cuin ò.ofinnfa t'eg 7 tÚ a n-ailithri 7 mhisi a 
n-ErÙz1t?' ar Dal1an. 


he went, and was three days and three nights 
in one sleep. Then he arose, and the great 
crozier was sent with him to Ossory. That 
was the day on which his father, the king of 
Ossory, died of grief for him, and thereafter 
he aS5umed the kingship of Ossory; and 
from that day Colum ciUe held a visitation 
every seventh year in Ossory. And in that 
wise was Scannlan released. 
This is the third cause, concerning Dál Riata. 
Colmán, son of Coimgellán, is he who passed 
judgment in place of Colum ciUe, as Colum 
ciUe himself prophesied when he came to Coim- 
gel1án's house and found no one within but two 
children on the edge of the hearth. And one 
of the two boys looked at Colum cilIe's right 
shoulder, and to ColuIn the grace of the Holy 
Spirit appeared upon him. And Colum ciUe 
afterwards caUed him and took him into his 
bosom, and made a stave for him: 
o clear conscience, 0 pure soul ! 
Here is a kiss for thee: give thou a kiss to me ! 
After that Colum ciUe blessed him, and left the 
grace of wisdom upon him, and said to him 
that it should be he who would deliver judg- 
ment between the men of Ireland and Scotland 
concerning Dál Araide. And that was veri- 
Now this was the judgment : their expedition anù 
their hosting with the men of Ireland-for 
hosting is always with the founders-and 
their tax and tribute with the men of Scotland. 
Then came DaHan to commune with Colum ciUe, 
and there he repeated the foreword (to the 
Amra); and Colum ciUe said that he should 
only make it at the time of his decease; and 
that it was for a dead person that it was fitting. 
So Colum ciUe prophesied the wealths and 
fruits of the earth to DaHan for that eulogy. 
And DaHan accepted nothing save heaven for 
himself, and for everyone who should repeat 
it and understand it, both sense and sound. 
, \Yhen shall I know of thy death, thou being in 
pilgrimage and I in Ireland?' 

1 MS. repeats. 
2 Another instance of this idiom is in the Tn"þartite Life, p. 28: nobith fri urdu na hecailsi fri 
laim Germain. 3 MS. hainmi. 


T ri comartha Ì1JlIJlo-rro dorad ColU11l cille dó 
intan dodenadh a molad: an cétna comartha 
gudh madh marcach eich aluidh no innised 
eitsecht Coluim cille, 7 in cétfocal doraidh- 
fidh cumad he tosach in molta, 7 a suili do 
legan dó in céin do beith ac denam in molta, 
7 a mbreith uadh in tan budh mithlg. Dells 
La he ingantus na hinnsi. 

3 1 5 

So Colum ciUe gave him three signs, as to when 
he should make his eulogy. The first sign 
(was) that a rider of a piebald steed should 
relate Colum ciUe's death, and (the second 
was that) the first word the rider should utter 
would be the beginning of the eulogy, and (the 
third was) that DaHan's eyes would be given 
him so long as he was tnaking the eulogy, and 
be taken from him when it would be time. 
And this was the wonderment of the island. 

1064-1083 (pp. 179-180). This pathetic account of the incidents immediately pre- 
ceding Colum ciUe's death is also in Lebar Brecc, p. 33 b. The statement in 
1070 that the saint when blessing his island, turned his face westwards (siar), is 
at variance with Adamnán's 'ad orÙmlem suam conuertens faciern.' 
In the Edinburgh I\1S., after the line corresponding with 1083, we have the 
following sentence: 

Doteghedh tra Colum cille for nem gach dardain 
icein dobui 'na bethaÙI, intan dob ail leis. 

Colum cille, moreover, used to go to heaven 
when he wished, every Thursday while he was 
aU ve. 

1084-1087 (p. 180)=Lebar Brecc, p. 33 b. . 
After this, in the Edinburgh ]\1S., p. 26 b, we find the following three paragraphs: 

Aroili droch duine dasachtach dogonustair ma- 
nach do muÙztir Coluim cille, 7 nacha:ç' 
gearr aeht c1is in manuigh ger' bo ger in gai. 
Romallaeh Colu1ll cille in saxanac1z 7 atbat[h] 
Espoc [ ] 7 Colman lnnsi bo finne is 
iad forfaguibh Colu1JZ cille og Saxallehaib og 
procept breithri De doib. 
Luid iarunz Colu1JZ dlle fecht-ann gu ri Cruith- 
nech . I. gu Bruidhi mac Milcon, 7 do dunadh 
dorus in dunaidh 1 fris, 7 do foscui1 focttoir 
glais iarnuidhi an baili tre._urnaigthi 2 Coluim 
cille. Tainic iarsin mac in righ . I. Mael-cu, 
7 a dmi do frithtagra fri Colum cille tre 
geinntlidhecht 3 , 7 atbathatair focetoir 4 tre brei- 
thir Coluim cille macan righ 7 a drai maille 
fds. Romoradh ainm De 7 Colui1JZ cille trid 

A certain bad frantic man smote a monk of 
Colum ciUe's household, and he only cut the 
monk's girdle, though the spear was sharp. 
Colum cille cursed the Saxon, and he died at 
Bishop [Aedán?] and Colmán of Bophin Island, 
are they w horn he, Colum ciUe, left with the 
Saxons, a-teaching God's word to them. 
Now Colum ciUe went, once upon a time to the 
Pictish king, even to Bruide, son of r-.Ii1cu, 
and the door of the fortress was shut against 
him, and at once, through Colum ciUe's 
prayer the iron lock of the place opened. 
Thereafter came the king's son, even 
and his wizard to argue against Colum cille, 
through heathenism, and forthwith, through 
Colum ciUe's word, the king's son and his 
wizard with him perished. God's name and 
Colum ciUe's were magnified thereby. 
The miraculous opening of king Brude's fort (identified by Bishop Reeves with 


] MS. dunaigh. 

2 r-.lS. urnaidhthi. S MS. geinntlighecht. 
S S 2 

I MS. fa ,c. c. oir. 


3 16 


Craig Phadraic, about two n1iles south-west of Inverness) is thus related In the 
Schaffhausen codex of the VlÏa Columbae, p. 82 a: 
De spontanea regiae munitionis portae subita apertione. AHo in tempore, hoc est, in prima s:mcti 
fatigatione iteneris ad regem Brudeum, cassu contegit ut idem rex, fastu elatus regio, suae 
munitionis superbe agens, in primo beati aduentu uiri, non aperiret portas. Quod ut cognouit 
homo Dei, cum comitibus ad ualuas portarum accedens, primum dominicae cruds inprimens 
signum, turn deinde manum pulsans contra ostia ponit; quae continuo sponte, retro retrusís 
fortiter serrís cum omni celeritate aperta sunt. Quibus statim apertís, 'Sanctus consequenter cum 
sociis intrat. 

C Slender was his wealth.' 
For saith is a name for' wealth,' as the poet said: 
'On Wednesday Judas transgressed order 
Into the Devil's track, fierce vengeance! 
On 'Vednesday he conceived covetousness 
for wealth (saith): 
On Wednesday he betrayed lofty Jesus.' 
1 :MS. .un. 2 MS, Treoa in1t. 3 
IS. no luidhedh. 
4 Read serccoll = serccol, as Crith Gablach, O'Curry M. & C. iii. pp. 483, 492, where it i!:l rendered 
by t seasoned fowl,' 'salt fowls!' In the Laws, iv. pp. 308, 318, serccol tarsain is rendered by 
, saltetl venison.' 

1084-1097 (p. 180), = Lebar Brecc, p. 33 b. After this in the Edinburgh I\IS. we 
have the following quatrains: 
Na tri eOleat, tro
 an tairbe, The three fifties, great the profit, 
isin oidchi, ba mor pian, In the night, much was the pain, 
is in ler re taeb Alban In the sea beside Scotland 
resiu donargbadh an grian. Before the sun would rise. 
Antan immorro llolighed isin gainim 7 lín 1 n- Now when he would lie down in the sand with 
eduighthi uime, ba leir sUcht a hasna trena a sheet wrapt round him, the track of his ribs 
lin 2, ut poeta dixit: was apparent through his sheet, u.t þoeta dixit: 
G Ie nolaighedh 3 isin gainem Clear he used to lie in the sand 
ina lighi, ba mor saeth, In his bed-great was the distress. 
slicht a hasna trena edach The track of his ribs through his raiment 
ba leir gon[idJseited gaeth. 'Vas manifest when the wind would blow it. 
1098-1100 (p. 180), = Lebar Brecc, p. 33 b. After the words corresponding with 
l. 1 100, the Edinburgh 1\1 S. contains the fonowing: 
Ocu.s ni ibhedh se coirm, 7 ni caithedh feoil, 7 ni And he used not to drink ale or partake of meat, 
ithed inmar, lIt DaHan Forgaill dixit isin or eat condiment, as DaHan Forgaill said in 
Amra: the Amra: 
'Céo ni coirm, céo ni sere colI 4 saith ' And no ale and no fleshmeat; he shunned satiety 
sechnuis beoil.' (and) fat.' 
OC1lS da .c. slechtuin dognidh each lai, ut DaHan And two hundred genuflexions he used to make 
dixit: every day, as DaHan said: 
Fighlis fod bai. ' He kept vigil while he lived.' 
Ocus ni bui gradh innmuis oga, amail isbert And he had no love of wealth, as DaHan said: 
Bai seim saith. 
uair ' saith ' ainm do innmus, ut poeta dixit: 
Cedain luidh Iudas tar ord 
a lorg demain, [po 27 b] dighal ngarg: 
cédain rogabh saint am saith, 
eédain robraith Isa ard. 


Tri hinaidh i/lllllorro hi ta Ian aitreb Colu.illl cille 
.1. Hi 7 Dun 7 Doiri, ut Bercan dixit: 

A mth an Hi I gan cairi 
is a anam i nDoiri, 
ocus a COIpan 'man Ieic 
ima ta Brighit is Padraic. 
Conad dia foirgill sin adbert in fili : 
Hí co n-ilar a martra 
diar'bo Coluim caemhdalta: 
doluidh eisti fo deredh 
conadh Dun a senneimedh 2. 
'Cet ceall gusa taithigh tonn: 
Is ell fil do ceallaib ar bru mam aigi, 1tO dOllo 
cét cell co comlantus tuinne cailig aifrinn an 
gach cill, amail foirglis an fili: 

[Tir trea tho11 
cosa facbad rig i colI 
ab cell cusa roich rothonn 
cend a cocholl 0 sill second. 
'Ollnia' .1. trenfer .1. robo fer calma an {ear 
tren Colu1ll cille, uair nia trenfer amaz"l for- 
gles 8J. 
Fi[ dJchell Crimthuinn nia[ d] nair 
nis- beread mac bec 'na laim:i: 
]eth a foirne d'ór buidhi 
'sa leth aile d'finndruine. 
aen fer dia foirinn nama 
docrenfadh sech! cumala. 

3 1 7 

Now there are three places wherein is Colum 
cille's full habitation, to wit, lona, and Down 
and Derry; as Berchan said: 
'His grace in lona without blame, 
And his soul in Derry, 
And his dear body under the flagstone 
Under which are Brigit and Patrick.' 
And to testify this the poet said: 
'lona with the multitude of its relics 
\Vhereof Colum cille was a fair fosterling: 
Thence he went at the end, 
So that Down is his old chapel.' 
'A hundred churches which a wave frequents.' 
This is the number of churches which he has 
on the shore of the sea. Or also a ' hundred 
churches with the fulness of the wave of the 
mass-chalice in every church,' as the poet 
A land 

Abhot of churches which a great wave reaches 

'Mighty nia,' i. e. champion, i. e. a valiant man 
was the champion Colum ciUe, for llia (means) 
, champion,' as (the poet) testifies: 
Crimthann Nia nár's draftboard. 
A little boy would not carry it in his hand: 
Half of its set of men of yellow gold 
And the other half of white bronze. 
One man only of its set 
\V ould buy seven slave-girls. 

1102 (p. 181). Bishop Reeves (Columba, p. 234, note a) thinks that the introduction 
of the word' Pentecost' (cinciges=quz11quagesinza) is probably an error. 

1 MS. ihi. 
\I This quatrain is also in Lebar 1za hUidre, 10 b, in H. 2, 16, and in the Liber Hymnorttlll, 
34 b, I, whence it is printed in Goidelica, p. 163. 
3 The passage in brackets (part of which I cannot translate) is from H. 2. 16, co1. 696. 
t This is the reading of H. 2. 16, co1. 696. The Edinburgh :MS. has, corruptly, nosberadh mac 
beg 'na leth laim. 

3 1 0 



II I 7 (p. 182). THIS Life of Brigit corresponds generally with Co]gan's Tertz"a Vita 
(Trias Thaum. pp. 527-541), and with the Irish Life contained in the Lebar Brecc, 
61 b-66 a, and printed with a translation in Three lllÙldle-Irish HomiNes, Calcutta, 
1877. But the Lismore Life contains the following passages omitted by the Life 
in the Lebar Brecc: 1220- 122 4, 1467-1469,1470-1477, 1478-1487, 14 88 - 1 49 1 , 
1637-1650, 17 06 - 1 754. 
On the other hand the Lismore Life does not tell how Brigit hung her wet cloak 
on the rays of the sun (Lebar Brecc, 66 a: Secunda Vita, c. 7: Tertia Vzla, c. 92 : 
Quar/a VlÏa, 1. 2, c. 15). 
115 2 (p. 183). Brigit's pedigree is thus given in the Book of Leinster, 347 a: 
Brigit ingen Dubthaig, maic Demri, maic BresaiI, maz'c Dein, maic Conlaida, maic Airt chirp, 
maic Corpri Niad, maic Cormaic, maic Oengusa 1Iind, maic Echack Find fuath airt, maic 
Feidlz'11lid Rechtmair, maic Tuathail Tectmair, maic :Fïachach Findfolazg, maic Feradaig Find 
fec1maig, maic Cremthaind Nt'ad nair, maic Lugdach [sJriabderg, maic na tri Findemna, maic 
Echach Feidlzg, maic Find, maic Fintain, maic Rogen Ruaid, maic Essamna Emna, maic 
Blathechta, maic Labrada Loingslg, maic Enna Aignig, maic Oengusa Tuirblg: 
i. e. twenty-six generations up to Oengus Tuirbech, who died (according to the 
Four l\Tasters) A.M. 4875. 
1154-1173 (p. 183). The story of Dubthach's bond maid and the wizard's prophecy 
is also told in the Lebar Brecc, p. 62 a. 
1175-1181 (p. 183). This account of the visit of Bishops l\.Iel and lVlelchu is also in 
the Lebar Brecc, p. 62 a, and is thus given in the Franciscan Liber .Hÿmnoru17l, p. 40 : 
Feet dochuaid epscoþ Mél do tig Dubthaig. Once upon a time bishop :Mél went to Dubthach's 
Atcondairc sétig fo brón. Roiarfaig: 'ced dás house. He saw his wife in grief. Mél asked: 
in ben maith?' ar see 'Ata limsa adbar,' 'What ails the good woman l' saith he. 'Cause 
ar si, 'ar is tochu la Dubthach in chumal sen have I,' saith she, , for Dubthach has a greater 
fil ic indlat duibsi ann a as mese.' 'Is deithbir liking for that slave-girl who is washing thy 
duitsil1 on,' ar epscop Mél, 'ar fogenaid do feet than he has for me.' , Thou hast reason 
sil-su do sil na cumaile.' for this,' saith bishop Mél,' for thy seed will 
serve the seed of the slave-girl.' 
1201 (p. 184). The bathing of the new-born Brigit in milk may perhaps be thé origin 
of the Irish practice mentioned by Benedictus Abbas, Gesta Regis Henrici Secundi, 
ed. Stubbs, at I 17 I. The infant was thrice dipt in milk; which was then thrown 
into the drains or some other unclean place. 
12 I 3 (p. 184). Canlladas hoifor cenn na hingz1ze =' pannum contingentem [leg. con- 
tegentemJ caput puellae,' Tertz'a Vzta, c. 6) Quar/a Vila, c. 10. The calln- In 
cannadas may possibly be a loan from pannus. 


3 1 9 

1225-1230 (p. 185). This story is also told in the TerHa, c. 10 (TrÙlS Thau1Jl. 
p. 5 20 ), the Quarla VlÏa, c. 7, and thus in Rawl. B. 5 I 2, fOe 3 I a, 2 : 
INtan ba mithig a gait de cígh, bá deithidnech 'Yhen it was time to take her from the breast 
di in drui, nach ní dobereth-side disi nasceth- the wizard became anxious about her. for 
 fa chet hóir, 7 ni bu messa-de a blath. everything that he would give her she used 
'Ra[f]etursa, tra.' ar in drui, 'an daas ind to throw up at once, and (yet) her colour was 
ingen, quia ego sum inmundus.' none the worse. 'I know now,' saith the 
wizard, , what ails the girl, quia,' etc. 
Roerbad iaru11l bó find audercc dia taiscid [leg. So a white, red-eared cow was entrusted to feed 
toisehid],7 ba slán die her, and she was whole thereþy. 
12 44- 12 49 (p. 185). Thus told in Raw!. B. 512, fOe 31 b, 1 : 
Laa n-and dubert Dubthach ingari mucc furrisi. One day Dubthach told her to herd swine. Of 
Gatsait latraind dá thore díib. Luid Dub- them robbers stole two boars. Dubthaeh went 
thach ina charput de Maig Liphi,co comarnic- in his chariot from Moy Liffey, till he met 
side friu, 7 aitgeoin a dá thorc leu. Argaib- them and recognised his two boars with them. 
side na latrandu 7 nenaisc dag-eraic a mucc He seizes the robbers and bound upon them a 
foraibh. Tuc leis a da thorc ad domum good mulct for his swine. Then he brought 
suam, 7 asbert fri Brigit: 'In maith ingairi with him his two boars ad domu!Jl suam, and 
du muee latt?' 'Atairim-si,' ol-si. Atairimi said to Brigit: 'Is the herding of thy swine right 
iarum: reperit perfectum nummirum, rl. in thine eyes?' 'Count them,' saithshe. So he 
counts them: reperit þeifectulIl nu.lllerUlIl, etc. 
1250-1259 (pp. 185-186). Then in the same I\1S., fOe 31 b I: 
Alio die aduenit hospes quid am ad domum Dub- On another day there came a certain hosþes to 
thaig. Erpais a athair tine sailli dí do broth Dubthach's house. Her father entrusted to 
don gres. Superuenit auidus canis, cui her a flitch of bacon to be boiled for the guest. 
suellae partem qllintam dedit quasi commess Supervenit avidus canis cui puella par/em 
alterum detid. Hospes ista senti ens quasi quintam dedit, et iterulIl vellÙmtz" þartem 
presus somno tacebat. Pater domum iterum alteralll. Hosþes etc. 'Hast thou boiled the 
reuersus filiam inuenit. 'In maith rom- food well?' saith her father. ' \Yell,' saith 
berbais in biad?' ar a athair. 'Maith,' 01 si, she; and he himself counted (the flitches) and 
et ipse numerauit et illuenit. Atfet iarum found (them complete). TheI! hospes tells 
hospes [do] Dubthadz quod filia fecit. 'Mad Dl1bthach quod ./ilia fedt. 'If after this,' saith 
iarsuidiu,' ar Dubthach, 'ni c01legadar in Dubthach [ ]. 'all the miracles she has 
dorighnai do [lJertaib.' Iss ed iarum dognith : wrought cannot be related.' This then was 
fodaleth in lucht isin pauperibus. done: that charge was distributed to the poor. 
Compare Secunda Vzla, c. 4, and Tertz'a Vila, c. 13. 
I 260
1 265 (p. 186). This story, taken from the Tertz"a Vila, c. 14, is told more fully 
thus in Raw!. B. 512, fa. 31 b, 1 : 
Fecht n-aile iarsin senóir 1 caillige c1"aibdigi bái 
hi fochraib du tig Dubthazg esestair inní 
Brigz't do thecht do 2 acallaim .xx. nii. 7 
noeh Lagen i n-oendail. Is i huair insin 
adchuaid epscoþ lbuir isin dail aislinge ad- 
co1tdairc ind aithchi riam. 'Anda lern,' 01 

1 MS. senior. 

At another time an old pious nun who dwelt near 
Dl1bthach's house asked Brigit to go and 
commune with twenty-seven (bishops) and 
the saints of Leinster in one assembly. That 
was the hour when bishop lbair related in 
the assembly the vision which he had seen 

2 MS. do a. 

3 20 


se, 'adeolldarcc indnocht Mairi n- Ingein im 
chotluth, 7 asrubairt' frim alali clerech sn1Îtb : 
"Haec est Maria quae inter uos habitet.'" 
Is and doluid in challech 7 Brigit don dail. 
'Haec est Maria quae [31. b. 2] a me in 
somnis l1isa est.' ,Fordoeracht iarzem aess inna 
dala 7 lotir dia[ aca Jllaim. Dobertatar ben- 
nacht furisi. Is ann didÙe robói in dal ubi 
nunc est Cell dara, ibique episcopus Ibor fra- 
tribus ait: 'Hic locus caelo patet ditissimus- 
que omnium tota insola erit, hodieque ad nos 
puella cui a Deo praeparatus est ueniat quasi 
!\laria.' Factum est ita. 

tbe night before. 'M
seems,' saith he, t that 
I beheld at night Mary the Virgin in my sleep, 
and a certain venerable cleric said to me: 
"This is the Mary who dwells among you.'" 
Then went the nun and Brigit to the assembly, 
[and bishop Ibair said: ] 'This is the Mary 
whom I saw in my dream.' Then tbe people 
of tbe assembly rose up and went to converse 
with her, and they gave a blessing to her. 
Now the assembly was held where Kildare is 
at present, ibique, etc. 

Christ is accordingly called Brigit's son (Broce. h. 2): and Brigit is called' mother 
of my Prince of Heaven' (ibid. 4), 'one mother of the great's Son' (ibid. 63), 
and 'the mother of Jesus' (Ult. h. 6). 
1266- 1 3 0 5 (pp. 186-187). This story of Brigit's butter-making is told also in the Terlz'a 
Vita, c. 15 : in the Franciscan Lzoer .l[ymnorum, p. 40, in Lebar Brecc, p. 63 a; and 
in Raw!. B. 512, fOe 31 b, 2. Here follows the Franciscan version, which has 
been sorely mutilated by the binder: 
Fect tanic in t-aingel go Brigit coros-foid do 
fuaslucud a mathar icon druid .i. mac ïvIidrui 
esside j do Chonnachtaib a mathair side, 7 do 
{eraib ]\'luman a athair, 7 im-Maig Fenamna 
i n-Arad (?) Cliach roboi side ind inbaid-sin. 
INtan dano rosiact Brigit corrici sen, is and 
robai a mathair ì nggalur sula icond inis, co 
ndeocha[i]d-si, 7 ara in druád Ie, dochom 
a mmathair, cor-ragaib-si in cucnecht dahes, 
7 co ndenad deirc moir dend airliud, 7 rochuala 
in drui sen. 

The angel once came to Brigit and sent her to 
release her mother (who was) with the wizard, 
Mac Midrui was be. Of Connallght was her 
mother, and of the J\.tlunstermen was her father, 
and in Mag F enamna in Arad Cliach was he 
at that time. Now when Brigit had got as far 
as that, there was her mother at the milking- 
yard, suffering from a disease of the eye. So 
Brigit went with the wizard's charioteer to her 
mother, and took the cooking in her stead, 
and used to perform great charity with the 
(wizard's) wealth; and the wizard heard that. 
The charioteer went to his house. 'How,' saith 
the wizard, standeth it at the milking-place?' 
'I am thankful in the first place,' saith the 
charioteer, 'and my calves are fat, and the 
guests are thankful.' 
And the wizard and his wife were displeased with 
the charity performed by Brigit: so they came, 
having a large hamper, to get a chance at 
Brigit, and to enslave her afterwards unless 
plenty of butter were found with her. And 
yet she had only the produce of a churning 
and a half. So she repeated this stave: 
2 This seems the gen. sg. of eitim .1. baoghal, P. O'C. 

Luid in t-ara dia thig. 'Cinnas,' ar in drui, 
, atathar icond inis?' 'Am budech-sa cetus,' 
ar in t-ara, ' 7 at remra na loig, 7 it buidick 
na hoegid.' 

Oeus robo ole lasin druid 7 la mnai in dearc do 
denam do Brigit: co tancatar 7 rusc mor leo 
do gabail etma 2 for Brigit 7 dia doerad iarsein 
mani hetar im imda acce. Ocus ni rabe 
immorro accese aeht torad col-leith: co 
raigaib-se in rand-sa: 

1 MS. arrllbairt. 


I Mo cule-se 
cule Fiadat find, 
eule robennach mo Rí, 
eule eonni indo' 
Et dixit iterum : 
'Ti :Mac Mare mo ehara 
do benna( chad mo ehule !) 
flaith in domaia co immel 
ro[nJbe immed la sude.' 
Et dixit tertio : 
'Ammo ruri-se 
connie na hule-se 
bennaeh, a De, nuan een geiss, 
dot laim deis in cu1e-sa ! ' 
Roraind in torod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . sub 
numero Trinitatis: letorud tra tuie-si asin 
I Is maith,' ar ben in dmad, I do línad ruise moir 
· Línaid-si for ruse,' ar Brigit, 'OC1lS dobera Dia 
ní ind 1.' 

3 21 

, My kitchen! 
A kitchen of fair God. 
A kitchen which my King has blessed, 
A kitchen with somewhat therein.' 
And she said again: 
, May :Mary's Son, my Friend, come 
To bless my kitchen! 
The Prince of the world to the border, 
:r-.fay we have abundance by Him !' 
And she said a third time: 
'0 my Prince 
\Vho canst do all these things! 
Bless, 0 God-a cry unforbidden, 
With Thy right hand this kitchen.' 
She parted the produce into three, according to 
the number of the Trinity: a half-produce 
then she brings out of the kitchen. 
, Tlwt,' saith the wizard's wife, ' is good to fill a 
big hamper! ' 
'Fill ye your hamper,' saith Brigit, 'and God 
will put somewhat therein: 

1\lore briefly thus in Raw!. B. 512, fOe 31 b 2 : 
Fecht n-ale iarsin uoluit ui[siJtare matrem bái i At another time after that she wished to visit her 
ndoiri i tír Murnan, 7 ba gair nis-Ieceth a pater mother who abode in bondage in Munster. 
7 a mummi. Luid immorro. Bai a mathair And her father and her foster-mother almost 
ind inbaidsin i n-airleba fri togairt a mago 2,7 refused to let her go. However she went. 
bói galar súla fuire. Boi Brigz'ì tara héise Her mother was then. . . to milk (the kine of) 
7 ara in druadh oe ingaireu na cetra. Ocus her milking-stead; and she suffered from a 
nach maistreth dognith narandad a toruth in disease of the eye. Brigit took her place, and 
di rainn deac cona gruth; 7 nobith in tres the wizard's charioteer (was) tending the 
chuit dec irn-medon, 7 ba mo suidiu [in-Jam- cattle. And of every churning that was made 
bui cach cuit. the produce, with the curd thereof, was parted 
into twelve parts, and the thirteenth portion 
was in the midst, and this was larger than 
any (other) portion. 
'\Vhat profit is that to thee?' saith auriga. 
'Not hard (to say),' saith Brigit. 'I have heard 
that there were twelve apostles aþud Domi- 
num, and He Himself the thirteenth. I shall 
have (thi
) from God, (that) every day twelve 
poor men will come (to me)-the sar po num- 
ber as Christ and his apostles.' 
, Deus cid na taisci ní dond immum?' ar auriga ; 'And why dost thou not store np some of the 
, ar iss ed dogní each togartach: butter?' saith the charioteer; 'for thus cloth 
every dairymaid.' 
1 Here the book hinder has cut away about an inch of the vellum. 
3 1\1:5. a luiriga, 

· Ceth torba !at insin?' 01 auriga 3. 
, Ni anse,' 01 Brigit: 'rachuala robatar da apstal 
deac apud Dominum, 7 hesom fessin in tres .x. 
Rom-biasa Ia Dia, ticfat .xiii. pauperes in una- 
quaque die, fo chomlin Crist 7 a apsta1.' 

2 sic,' read marlla. 




. 15' 
 rl3.!IL'3,' 01 Brigit . a bi d te:s:s:"" do 
 0 Cri. .' 
& an<L:n do r ilia rlÏs.5i è:a fuad 0 ID.!:ai 
in droad. Xi3-boi tu ma.:s
e imbe col- 
leith. Linta ind ruisc do qrldia, ba bndig 
ind oi
 Ò. .i. in drni a beD. 

.0\5bert in drni fri Bi-gi/: 'Bit ht do bae. 
fod3il an im do bocht . , - ni bi3. do 
 i fo
. ci ba ece:l a I
. DelIS 
z:wn-b!jt.s" I r e.r-
 - nu s
e.r fri
.1 sc;:mpu.' 

· Deo grn::as!' ax Bñgit. 

'It is 

.-d for me,' sa::h Bngi: 'to :_ -e Hi5 
own food from Chr
Then from .he F ,::5 wife hampers wee 
oht to B-igi: LO be ed (with butter). 
Brigit had. only 0 e churni;. and a h.a -:. "-ith 
this the hampers were filled, and the guh.S 
were U1an....fu1, 
 the wizard and h.i5 n.... 
Szid u wizard to 
-yjt: 'Tby cows Dal1 be 
èù.:le. and 
eal out è1e butter to the poor; 
and f:-om to-day thy moth..r E not abide 
in sernce. and it will not be needful to ran- 
som her. And I :.....aU be ba
tized. and I sha'l 
 - .. .ç uee: 
.T ..,::;.....::
 to God!' sa.Ï:...J. B


1332-1340 (p. 18 -). Thh story has been compared (Rr; . C i ,llL -l3) mth the 
story in the Ka/lzásariiságara, ed. Tawner, i. 246: and with the legend of a Saint 
Luc'3.. cited in the R Cel iqu , v. 130. 
1341-13 4 (p. 1 
a). The;:) ory of Bri!rifs consecration is told in Tcr i I C. 28, 
a.11d thus in the Frarc:5Can Li If)' U J p. 4:>: 
1-::.:1:1 ropoail do B-i
 'J 6rad z:-a.1-. r ;e do tha"-=" \Yhea Bñgh: Ge-5:roo to -.e \..e o
e= of re
æ:m I'ci:' ,
-i co an Bri Ele i n-L'ib a:l..:e co
ened upon hçr, 5 wer:.t toCn:.a
';;e. 0 roc

a'3 ep5L- 
iel do bith and Bri Ele in Offaly. 'Thdl bislop 
lel heard. 

ur d
 IIech im:nalle fria, c:an 
3:::: 5:"e was :2t:::e :o,;e-.' er wLh seyen n
nnc::.u J m rat-. b t-eps.. _- 2..'""aci
d ac :?.:1d w!l
n tbey a::Ï\"ed, th... b:shop was n .. 
dochuai:l i Cñch La 
eîl fo:l:
: Lcid-_. t:1 :e to meet Ù1em for 
e had 
 -:le north- 
è..:... . i.a.rnabarach, 
 - Caire d'eoÙls ward in"o:...e .:s:::1 of H
 Xeill So 0::1 

rempe dar 
Ioin Faicbnig fotuaiù. Dew mOITOwC:hewe=:,wi:b 
Iac Ca: le a.s 
eT gëde 
dorigne Dia coroo mas mbscotJ(ach in before ber, northwa..-d o\"er Le Bog of Fz.k.b.- 
m.JD. 0 rancatar tr:1 i comÏocraib cc5ÌD baile nech. _-\nd God so wro
\'t tXli Le 
ir-rabi ep
le1J a3bn1: B-i
 . &i 
lzc Caille came a meadow COyered with floW'e
:s. X ov. 
go ro
 .diged calle dar a).;end ar.:l3 dt

 when tbev crew nigh to the s
ead wherein 
d cosc clei:cib, comad wa3bbhopYel,Brigitbade
e se:. cai1le rathmnnar. Jar r.. ..aiD 
 c Yei1) OR!' her head, so that 5 he migbtI
rlano i:.sia tech ÏI-;at.a.í epsc'" 
1e1, :..>Ia..5 f. 0 to the cleriC5 without a veil over her head. 
colnm tent ide ass.a cind co de >-e C3. bec:ril3e. And that Ï3 tne c' which is commemo- 
A .. :-c tTa er-s.. 
Id sea, .... I iarfa.ig: r3.teeP.
.J a..-:er she had en ered the house 
. Caic3e r::a cailleè.l" ar 5e. A5
f .: wh..It:in bi5hop )leI abode. a fie" column 
c:ü::e fr=5: · Is hi se:l,' ax .s

 'in caillech flamed ot:.t of her bead up to the ridge of óe 
airdirc a Laignib,' .i Bri
its. c 
Iocen di/ol church. And bishop 
el beheld that, and 
Ie!. '1:; mese dos-ra
:.;;ert intan bói a3ked: C \\nose a:e the t:.n=.5"' S3Íth he.. 

r ac C:illle 
d to him: 'Tha.. is ue famo '
I!UD c,ut of Lei.::5:'er. e\
t.' · 
Iy wel- 
come to tu,' sa' th tbhop 
Iel j C it i:. I Jut 
1 i. e. in Broccån's bymn, 1. I:: co-;:" b }lac-cW1e caiLe 0;, 
)15. ool.
i . 


i mbroind ammathar,) ar sc. . . . 4 Cid dia 
tancatar na caillecha ille?' ar epscoþ Me!. 
· Do thabairt grad aithrige,' ar Mac caille. 
· Dobersa ón,' ar epscop :Mél. 

larsein tra roeirlegait grad a fuirri, 7 is grad 
epscuip dorala do epscoþ Mel do thabairt for 
Brigit, ciar'bo grad athrige nama rop ail disi 
féin. Ocus is andsein rochoñgaib Mac caille 
caille uas cind Brigte, ut ferunt periti; 7 is do 
sen dliges comarba Brigte dogres grad 
n-epscuip fuirri 7 honoir epscuiþ. 

Cein rob as ic erlegind grad fuirrise is amlaid 
robói,7 coss na haltore 'na láim; 7 roloscthe 
sect n-ecailse for in chóis sein J 7 ni rolosced 
hi and. 
Dicl1nt alii commad i Feraib Telech nobeth ind 
ecIas i tarIa grada for Brigit. No is i n-Ard- 
achud epscoip :Mel ata J ut alii dicunt. 
Iarsen tra ropridchai episcoþ Mel Dcht mbiate 
euangeIii doib an-octor caillech, iar ñdul doib 
ule fo gradaib, 7 doraiga cach ai dib a biait. 
Doraiga da110 Brigit biait na trocare. Is and 
asbert na tomelad biad cen (praicept) di 
reme dogres, 7 . . . . . . . . robo fer-Iegind 
disi 0 sen immach dogres, 7 do Feraib Air- 
bido see 

3 2 3 

foretold her when she lay in her mother's 
womb,' saith he, . . . '\Vherefore have the 
nuns come hither?' saith bishop Mel. 'To 
have orders of penitence conferred (upon 
them),' saith Mac Caille. 'I will confer this,' 
saith bishop Mél. 
So thereafter the orders were read out over her, 
and it came to pass that bishop Mel conferred 
on Brigit the episcopal order, although it was 
only the order of repentance that she desired 
for herself. And it is then that Mac Caille 
lifted up a veil over Brigit's head, ut ftrtmt 
perz.'tz.'; and hence Brigit's successor is always 
entitled to have episcopal orders and the 
honour due to a bishop. 
\rVhile the order was being read over her, thus 
she was, with the foot of the altar in her hand. 
And seven churches were (afterwards) burnt 
over that foot, and it was not burnt there. 
Others say that the church in which Brigit was 
ordained was in Fir Telech. Or it is in 
Ardagh' of bishop 
Iel, ut aliz.' dÙ:1l1tt. 
Thereafter then bishop Mel preached the eight 
beatitudes of the gospel unto the eight nuns, 
after they had all been ordained, and each of 
them chose her beatitude. So Brigit chose the 
beatitude of mercy. Then he said that she 
should never partake of food without being pre- 
viously preached to . . . . . and she had a lector 
thenceforward, and of the Fir Airbida was he. 

See Fifth LiftJ c. 31. p. 574. The corresponding story in Raw!. B. 5 12 , fOe 3 2 b, 
I, thus accounts for the mistake in giving Brigit episcopal orders: 
Ibi episcopus Dei gratia inebreatus 1 non cognouit quid in libro suo cantauit, in gradum enim 
episcopi ordinauit Brigitam 2. 'Hec sola,' inquit 3 Mel, 'ordinationem episcopal em in Hibernia 
tellebit uirgo.' Quandiu igitur consecraretur columna ignea de u[ e Jrtice eius ascendebat. 
1372-1376 (p. 189). This story is told in Tertia Vzïa J C. 25, and thus in Raw!. B. 
5 12, fOe 32 a, 2 : 
Duo demc (sic) Britones ceci cum par[u]ulo leproso de genere Echdach J uenernnt grauiterque 
sanitatem postulant. Quibus Brigita ait: 'Sustinete paulisper.' Et aiunt illi: 'Infirmos tui 
gene er lis sanae u] isti et peregrinos neglegis curare. Sed sal tim puernm nostrum tui generis sana.' 
Ac per hoc inlumina(n]tur ceci, leprosusque mundatur. 
1 The inebriation referred to was perhaps only that referred to in Acts ii. 13, IS. But see "Lebar 
Aide, Ancient Laws, iii. 33 6 , as to the precautions against the drunkenness of clerics and consequent 
irregularity in celebrating the canonical hours. 
2 MS. ordinis BrigÌtum S MS, inquid 
T t 2 


3 2 4 


1383-1393 (p. 189). See Tertia Vita, cc. 24, 27, 28. The story is also in Rawl. B. 
512, fOe 33 b 2, where the physician's name is stated to be Aed mac Bric, who 
touched the holy virgin's head and addressed her in these words: 'A medico tacta 
est tui, uirgo, uena capitis, qui me est melior satis.' This Aed is said to have been 
a bishop, and it appears from his Latin Life published by Colgan (Acta SSe pp. 
418-423) from the Book of Kz1kenny, that he was believed to be a specialist in 
curing headaches. This belief must be as old at least as the eighth century, the 
date of the Reichenau l\IS. from which l\Ione has printed the following charm 1: 
o rex, 0 rector regminis, 0 cultor cæli carminis 
o persecutor mllrmoris, 0 deus alti agminis. 
Aido mech þrich benibula 2 posco puro 3 precamina 
ut refrigerat f flllmina mei capitis calida. 
Curat 5 caput cum renibus meis atque cum tali bus 6 
cum oculis et genibus. cum auribus et naribus. 
Cum inclitis euntibus 7 cum fistulis sonantibus 
cum lingua atque dentibus cum lacrimarum fontibus. 
Sanctus Aid altus adjuvat meum caput ut liberat 
ut hoc totum perseverat sanum atque vigil at. 
1394-1401 (pp. 189, 190). This story is in the Tertia Vila, c. 29, and also thus in 
. B. 512, fOe 33b 2: 
Tiagait co Firu Tethbae do chétchoñgbail 8 epi- 
scopornm .i. Ardachad. Bái ri Tethbai oc fleith 
i fochruib doib. Dorigenae atech a tigh ind 
rig bet mar. Ducer airi airitech logmar ind 
rig, co-mmebaid frisin meis arabelaib ind rig. 
Ba ingnad a lestar, ba dia[s]etaib ingantaib 
ind rig. Argab iarum in truagh 7 ni con-bái 
dó acht bás. Dotet indala epscoþ do guidi 
dond rígh. 4 N och ni tiber do neuch,' ar ind 
rí: ' ni ririu dano acht a bás.' 'Rom-bith lat,' 
ar in t-epscoþ, · a lestar mbruithi." , Rot-bia 
san im11lorro,>> ar ind rÍi. 

They go to the Men of Teffia, to Ardagh, the first 
cloister episcoporum. The king of Teffia 
was feasting near them. A churl in the king's 
house committed a great fault. He let fall the 
king's precious drinking-cup, and it broke 
against the dish before the king. Rare was the 
vessel, it was ( one) of the wonderful treasures 
of the king. He then seizes the wretched 
man, and there was nought for him save 
death. One of the two bishops goes to en- 
treat the king. 'But I will not grant (his 
life) to anyone,' saith the king; 'I will 
bestow nothing save his death.' 'Let me 
have," saith the bishop, 'the broken vessel.' 
'Thou shalt have it, indeed,' saith the king. 
Dobert iarum in t-epscoþ ina ucht cu Brigit, Then the bishop brought it in his bosom to 
narrans omnia sibi 9. 'Guid dún in CoimdÙ/ Brigit, telling her everything. 'Entreat the 
1 Hymni Latini Medz'i Aevi, Hi. 181, 182. See also a paper by Bishop Reeves in the Proceedings 
of the Royal Irish Academy, Nov. 8, 1858. 
2 ì. e. Aido maic Bricc benevola. I omit' sanctus' after' Aido.' 
3 leg. pura 1 4 leg. refrigeret? 
 leg. curet 1 
6 glossed by cerebre. In the Lorica of Gildas, tatlas is glossed by Ir. Ùuzeda and by A,S.lelldana. 
But perhaps talibus is for taNs, as gellibus in the next line for gelzis. 
'I leg. Cum anculis et unguibus ? Ùzclitis is glossed by nervibus: allcula = å-YKVÀTJ. 
8 MS. chetchoggbaib, where gg=ng, as in Grcek and Gothic. 9 MS. siui. 


co ro athnuigter a lestar. Fecit, et recuper- 
auit, et dedit episcopo. Oeus dotaet in t-epscoþ 
arabarach cona aradig ad regim, 7' madu tised 
t'aredeg sIan,' ar in t-epseoþ, 'in lecfide in 
cimbid? ' , Non solum, sed quaecunque uo- 
luerÏt dona conferrim ei.' Ostendit episcopus 
uas, et talia locquitur regi: 'Non ego hanc 
uirtutem, sed sancta Brigita fecit.' 

3 2 5 

Lord for us that the vessel be renewed.' She 
did so and restored it and gave it to the 
bishop. And on the morrow the bishop went 
with his drinking-cup to the king, and (said): 
'If thy cup should become whole,' said the 
bishop, 'would the captive be set free?' 
, Non solum,' (said the king), 'sed,' etc. 

1402-1423 (p. 190). These two stories are in the Tertia Yita, c. 30, and thus In 
Raw1. B. 512, fOe 33b 2-34 a I: 

\Yhen Brigit's fame had sounded through Teffia, 
there was a certain devout virgin in 
Tethbai, even Bríg daughter of Coimloch, 
who sent a message that Brigit should come 
and commune with her. So Brigit went, 
and Bríg herself rose up to wash her (Brigit's) 
feet. At that time a devout woman lay in 
sickness. \Vhen they were washing Brigit's 
feet she sent the sick person who was in the 
girl's house, to bring her out of the tub some 
of the water which was put over Brigit's feet. 
It was brought to her accordingly, and she 
put it on her face, and straightway she was 
every whit whole, and after having been in 
sickness for a year she was on that night one 
of the attendants. 
Ho thuctha am-miassa arambeulu gaibid Brigit \Vhen the dishes were brought before them 
[for] sirdecsin am-miass. 'Immandairi dun,' Brigit began to look long at their dishes. 
ar Brig, 'a noebingen I ceth norathaigter ' Declare (?) to us,' saith Bríg, 'thou holy 
fort meis?' 'Atchiu in Satani na suidi for- virgin, what is perceived on thy dish.' ' I 
sin meis armubelaib,' ar Brigit. C Masa see,' saith Brigit, 'the Satan sitting on the 
sochmaeht,' ar Bríg, 'robad maith lemsa a dish before me.' 'If it be possible,' saith 
deesiu.' 'A[s]sochmacht em,' ar Brigit, 'aeht Bríg, 'I should like to see him.' 'Tndy 
dochoi ardi na erucha dart ruse indius 2 ar nach it is possible,' saith Brigi t, 'provided the 
duine atchi Diabul 7 ni sena indites tzoro- sign of the Cross go over thine eye; for 
daissed immbi.' Sentus Bríg iarum, 7 atchi whoever sees Diabolus and does not sain (it) 
in manach n-Ísin. Dochruth lee a delb. would go mad.' She sains Bríg then, and 
'Iarfaigh, a Brigit,' ar Brígh, 'cid dia tu- Bríg sees that monk there. His form seemed 
idcbid: 'Da responsum homenibus,' ar hideous to her. 'Inquire, 0 Brigit,' saith 
Brigit. 'Nico, a Brigz."t,' ar in Satan, 'ní tir 3 Bríg, 'why he has come.' 'Give answer 
duitsiu, ar ni do erchoit duitsiu dodechadus.' omnibus,' saith Brigit. Saith the Satan, 
, Cest, tra,' ar Brig, 'ceth sainriuth dot-uie for- '0 Brigit, I . . . . to thee: for not to hurt 
sin mei[s]sin?' Demon respondit: 'Habito thee have I come.' 'Query, then,' saith 
istic semper apud quandam uirginem cum qua Bríg, 'what in especial brought thee on that 
mihi nimia pigritudo locum dedit 4.' Et dish? ' Dimon nsþondi!, etc. 
} MS. indluth 2 The word indius here and in the following line seems a meaningless insertion. 
3 The MS. here is hopelessly corrupt. t MS. detit. 

Ho roson clu ina Bngle setno Tetba, bai alaile 
?ßh craibdech la firu Tetbai 0 totoided 
ára tessed Brigit di-acaldaim .i. Brig ingen 
Coimlocha. Luid dano Brigit 7 atarecht 
Bríg fadeisne do indlat a coss. Báei ban- 
seal eraibdiueh a siurg intansin. A mbotha 
didiu oc indlut 1 choss Brigte foidis in dune 
galair sin boe isin tig ingin n-uaide do 
tabairt neith di asin lothair dond usciu do 
breth dar cosa Brigte. Dobreth di da1tO 7 
dobert-si immo gnuis, 7 ba ógslán focétÚair; 
7 iar mbeith a siurg bliadlla ba oen [na] 
timthirthite in n-aithche-sin. 

3 26 


Briga ait: 'V ocetur ista.' Dum uocata ue- 
niset, C Signa,' in quit 1 Bríga, 'oculos eius, ut 
uideat 2 quem proprio nutriuit sinu.' Signatis- 
que oculis (hJorridnm C01z[t]uetur monstrnm. 
Timore et tremore pauefactae 3 Brigita 
dicit: 'En quem multis foueras annis et tem- '0 holy virgin,' saith Bríg. 
poribus cernis J' · A noebingen,' ar Bríg, ' ar 'let him not enter this house iterum !' 'He 
ni con tuidigh isa tech-sa iterum.' 'Ni C01Z ticfa shall not enter this house,' saith Brigit, , un- 
dal10 a tech-sa,' ar Brigit, 'co Jaa mbratha.' til Doomsday.' Cz'bzu/l.> sumunt: gratias 
Cibum summunt: gratias agunt Deo. agzmt Deo. 
1424-1430 (p. 190). Thus in Raw!. B. 512, fo. 34 a 2 : 
Fecht n-and disi i ndechruth for ur na hEthni. Once upon a time she was in . . . . on the bank 
Batir imda ubla 7 ami cumrae isin cilI hisin. of the Inny. Ahundant apples and 
Boe alali caillech dobert dan mbec disi hi sloes were in the church therein. There was a 
rusc. Induair dobert isa tech tancatar certain nun who gave her a little present (of 
claim státim for lár in tigi cucasi da faghdi. the fruit) in a basket. When she brought (it) 
'Berid duib,' 01 si, 'na hubla ucat.' Turn into the house lepers came straightway to her 
ilIa quae flUctus obtulerat 4: [' Non] leprosis on the .floor of the house to beg of her. 
hoc dedi5 donum.' Brigitte disp1icuit, et in- 'Take,' saith she, C yon apples.' Tum ii/a, 
quit 6: "Munera prohibens a seruis Dei etc. 
male agis 7: id[cir]co tua ligna nullum ferrent 
fructum in aeternum.'" At donifera egresa 
foras suum conspicit [h Jorturn nullurn staitim 
pommum portare, dum paulo ante prae- 
pollens fructibus, sterilisque permanet in 
a[e]ternum praeter folia. 
143 1 - 1 434 (p. 190). This story of the two quarrelsome lepers is also in the Tertia 
Vzïa, c. 31, and Raw!. B. 512, fOe 34 a 2. 
1435- 1 44 1 (pp. 190, 191). Compare Tertia VÜa, c. 35, and the following sentence 
from Raw!. B. 512, fOe 34 b I : 
Ba and sin dogeni-si ósic do chaillechaib Cule 
Fobair, co n-ic .HiL caillecha oc in osic ,i. 
bacach 7 caech 7 clam 7 daisechtach. 

There she washed the feet of the nuns of Cúil 
Fobair, and at that washing healed four nuns, 
to wit, a lame one, and a blind, and a leper, 
and an insane. 

144 2 - 1 45 8 (p. 191). So in Tertia Vita, c. 36, and in Raw!. B. 512, fOe 34 b, in Latin, 
with the following Irish sentence prefixed: 
Ba andsin icais in mac mbacach n-amlabar oc It was there she healed the lame dumb child in 
tig maic Odrain. Mac Odrán's house. 
1449- 1 459 (p. 191) = Terlt"a V1Ïa, C 39. In Raw!. B. 5 12 , fOe 34 b, 2, 35 a I, the 
, story is thus told: 
Dotiagat iarzern do Talti. Is and boi Patricius. Then tbey go to Teltown. There abode Patrick. 
Batar im cheist nach etargnaid and.i. Doluid They were discussing an obscure question, 
1 MS. inquid. 2 MS. uidiet. 3 MS. faue fcae. I 
IS. obtulleris. & 
IS. bcdi. 
6 1\IS. inquirit. 7 1\18. agens. 


alali banscal do tathchor maic for c1erech do 
muntir Patraic .i. Bron nomen eius. 'Cindús 
rom-becht inso?' ar chach. ' N i anse,' ar in 
ben. ' Dodechodsa co Bron do senad chailli 
form chend,7 edbairt m'ógi do Dia. Iss cd 
ani dogeni mo clerech, mo chortan, co rucus 
mac dó.' A mbatar forsna briathraib iss and 
doluid [Brigh] docum na dala. Is and 
asbcrt: Mel fri Patraic: 'Dofil in noebingen 
inni Brigit docum na dala, 7 rufestar duib, 
tria meit a rait[h] 7 t[r ]ia ocse a fertae, dus 
in fir fo gau inso, ar ni eon fil gnim iatar 
[leg. ní etir] nem 7 talam nogeisscd didiu do 
Crist,' ar :Mel, 'ar mad era die Iss ed didit
is dental and,' ar Mel, 'a gairm for leit[h] 
immon ceist-so asan dáil, ar ni dingni uirtutes 
in presentia sancti Patricii.' Ta[n]ic Brigit 
iarum: fordoeraigh in sluagh: eo ngairter for 
leith asin dai! statim do acaldaim feminae, et 
comitantur c1erici 2, excepto Patricio. 'Coich 
in noidiu 3 ucat? ' [asbert Brigit] frisin mná. 
'La Brón,' ar in bene 'Ni fír,' ar Brigit. Senais 
Brigit a gnuis co roráith at a cend furi cum 
lingua. Dutet Patrie cuca indnair sin in forum i 
magnum. Adgladadur Brigit in[nJoidin fiad 
aes na dála. noch ni ragab labrad intansin. 
, Cia t'athair? ' ar Brigit. Infans inquit : ' Non 
episcopus Bron pater meus, sed quidam homo 
qui in extrema parte:> eoncili sedet uelut 
ultimus deformisque, mater mea meretrix 6 est.' 
Deo gratias agunt omnes, scelestamque con- 
clamant adúri. Sed Brigita abnuit dicens: 
'Haec agat 7 poenitentiam,' quod impletum 
est, et detumuit caput cum lingua. Populus- 
que letatus est. Episcopus liberatus, Brigita 
glorificata est. 

L}60-I466 (p. 191)=JèrtÛl Vila, c. 40. 
35 a 2 : 
A mbai i nderiuth lai iarum luid cách a leth 8 
asin dail d' oegedacht. Bai fer maith for bru 
fluminis quod est Seir. F óidis a mogh 
docum na dala uocare Brigitam, dicens contra 
familiam suam; 'In noebingen' dorigni in 

) leg. déntí. 
11 MS. partæ. 

2 MS. commitantur cleriei. 
6 MS. mertax. 7 MS. agerta. 

3 2 7 

namely: a certain woman went to put off 
a child on a cleric of Patrick's household, 
named Brón. 'How dost thou assure that to 
us?' saith everyone. 'Not hard to say,' saith 
the woman. 'I went to Brón to get the veil 
blessed on my head and to offer my virginity 
to God. But this is what my cleric wrought, 
my debauchment, so that I bore him a son.' 
'Vhile they were talking thus Brigit came to 
the assembly. Then said Me! to Patrick: 
, There is the holy virgin, Brigit, (coming) to 
the assembly. And she will make known to 
you, through the greatness of her grace and 
through the nearness(1) of her mirac1es,whether 
this is true or false. For,' saith :Mel, 'there is 
nothing, whether in heaven or on earth, which 
she would ask of Christ that would be refused 
to her. This, then, is what should be done,' 
saith Mel, 'to call her apart from the assem- 
bly (and consult her) about this question; for 
she worketh no wonders in Patrick's presence,' 
Then came Brigit. The host rose up, and 
she is straightway called apart from the 
assembly to speak with the woman, and 
all the clerics save Patrick accompany her. 
I Whose is yon babe?' (saith Brigit) to the 
woman. ' Brón's,' saith the woman. 'It is 
not true,' saith Brigìt. Brigit sained her 
face, and the head upon her, cum lingua, 
swelled up. Patrick then comes to them Ùl, 
forum magnum. Brigit, in presence of 
the people of the assembly, addresses the 
babe, which had not yet begun to speak. 
'Who is thy father?' saith Brigit. Infans 
'inquit, etc. 

Thus in Rawl. B. 512, fo. 35 a 1- 

Now at the end of the day everyone went apart 
out of the assembly to get guesting. There 
dwelt a good man on the brink of the river 
Seir. He sent his slave to the assembly to 
invite Brigit, saying, in spite of his house- 

3 MS. indoidiv. 
8 MS. laeth. 

4 M5, furum. 
9 :MS. indoebingen, 


3 2H 

firt n-amrae in foro hodie, is maith limsa 
cosecrath dí mo tigi innocht.' Ferais falti 
{riae. 'Tucthar tra,' ar a ingena fri Brigit, 
'nsci for ar lama, dofil biad dún.: 'Ni ba 
indossa,' ar Brigt"t, 'nam mihi hanc Dominus 
demonstrauit esse gentilem domum, uno tan- 
turn excepto seruo qui nos uocauit. Fobith- 
sin ni praindi[gJubsa indosa.' Rafindadar 
in fer maith anísin .i. troscud do Brigit co 
ro baitside some 'Atrubartsa em,' 01 se, 
, nacham - baitsifeth Patraic cona mllntir. 
Creitfi immorro duitsiu,' fri Brigit. ' Is 
cumma lemsa acht rot-baitsidersa,' ar Brigit. 
'Ní tecomnacair lemsa,' ar Brigit, 'fer 
ñgraid: tiagar úan co Patraic co tuitchid 
epscoþ 110 sacart do baitsed uiri istius.' Uenit 
Brón, et baptizauit uir[ urn] cum tota familia 
in ortn solis et medie die reficiuntur. Gratias 
:tgunt. Ueniunt ad sanctum Patricium. Pa- 
tricius dixit: 'Non licet tibi sine prespetero 
ambulaire: tuns semper auriga prespiter 
oportet fieri.' Idque obseruatum est abbaiti- 
bus Brigitae usque ad tempora propinqua. 

1467-1469 (p. 191)=1èrtÛl Vz'ta, c. 42. 
Bá iarsin icsais in sentine Ihbaclaig forum ad i 
fosscud in charpuit oc cHI Suirdd i ndesciurt 


hold, ' I wish my house to be hallowed to- 
night by the holy virgin who wrought the 
wonderful miracle -in foro hodie.' He made 
welcome to her. Brigit's maidens say to her: 
, Let water be brought for our hands, there is 
food for us.' 'It shall not be now,' saith 
Brigit, 'for the Lord hath shown to me that 
this is a household of heathens, save only the 
one slave who invited us. Wherefore I will 
not dine now.' The good man knew that, even 
that Brigit would be fasting until he should 
have been baptized, and (he declared) to 
Brigit: 'Of a truth I said that Patrick and 
his household should not baptize me. How- 
beit in thee I will believe.' 'Provided thou 
art baptized,' saith Brigit, 'it is the same to 
me. I do not happen to have; saith Brigit, 
'a man ordained. Let a message be sent 
from us to Patrick that a bishop or priest may 
come to baptize this man.' Venit Bról1 et, 

Thus briefly in RawL B. 5 I 2, fOe 35 a 2 : 
It was afterwards she healed the lame old woman 
who was laid in the shadow of the chariot at 
the church of Swords in the south of Bregia. 
Thus in Raw], B. 512, fo. 35 a 

1470-1477 (pp. 191, 192) = Tertia Vz'ta, c. 44. 
2-35b I: 
Luid iarum do Chill Laisre indí Brigit. Ba 
faeilidLassair friae. Boe oenchauru Ihblicht 
and iarna blegon do scarad do Brigit. A 
mbatar deud lái con[ acc Jatar Patraic docum 
lis. 'Don-fóir Dia, a Brigit!' ar Lassair, 
'Tabar com ñdún.' Brigita respondit: 'Quan- 
tum habes?' Ait:' Nihil est cibi, duodenis 
exceptis 1 panibus et parco lacte quod tu bene- 
diceras, unaque ouicula quae praeparata est 

Iss ed ani tiágait ino prantech hule Patraic 7 
Brigit, 7 batar buidigh huli, 7 ros-ferastar 
Lasar di á cill, 7 ata adrad mBrigte and. 

Then Brigit went to Cell Laisre. Lassair was 
rejoiced to receive her. There was one milk- 
ing ewe there, which had been milked for 
Brigit. '\Vhen they were at the end of the day 
they saw Patrick coming towards the en- 
closure. 'God help us, Brigit!' saith 
sair, 'give us protection I' Brigit replied: 
, How much hast thou?' She says: ' There is 
no food save twelve loaves and a little milk 
which thou hast blessed, and one lamb which 
hath been made ready for thee: 
Then all, with Patrick and Brigit, came 
into her refectory. and they all were thankful, 
and Lasar bestowed her church upon her, and 
therein there is adoration of Brigit. 

1 MS. duo denis ex pedis. 


3 2 9 

147 8 - 1 4 8 7 (p. 19 2 ). =TerNa Vita, c. 45. Quarla Vita, c. 47. Thus briefly in 
Raw!. B. 512, fo. 35b I: 

Anaiss arabaraeh ie-Cm Lasre. Dolluid a1aile 
Cennenses genere, fora tarat sua uxor miscuis, 
co Bri"gz"t da ehobair. At Brigita benedixit 
aquam. Ille seeum portauit et, uxore aspersa, 
amauit eum 1 protinus inpatienter. 

On the morrow she remained at Cell Laisre A 
certain man of Kells [?] by race, whom his 
wife abhorred, Came to Brigit to help him. 
At Brz"gita, etc. 

1488-1491 (p. 19 2 ). =Tertz'a Vita, c. 46; Quar/a víla, c. 48. 
149 2 - 1 49 6 (p. 19 2 ). =Tertia Vita, c. 47. 
1497- 1 5 1 3 (pp. 19 2 , 193). Ter/ia Vzla, c. 57; Quar/a VlÏa, lib. 2, c. 27. 
15 1 4- 1 5 1 9 (p. 193). = Ter/ia Vita, c. 62. 
15 20 - 1 5 2 6 (p. 193). = TerHa Vila, c. 68. 
15 2 7- 1 535 (p. 193). = TerHa Tíïa, c. 65. 
153 6 - 1 553 (pp. 193,194). =Tertz'a Vzla, c. 90; Quar/a Vila, lib. 2, C. 10. 
1554- 1 5 6 5 (p. 194). = Tertia Vila, c. 78. 
1576 (p. 194). Tech-mór =Adamnán's' magna domus,' and' monasterium rotundum.' 
The diameter of the /ech-mór mentioned in the Triþartzïe Life, p. 236, was twenty- 
seven feet. 
1579- 1 594 (pp. 194,195). =Ter/z'a 'Vz'ta, c. 79; Quar/a Vila, c. 52. 
1593 (p. :I:95). For a /ha[iJrr literally' on his belly.' Better thus in Lebar Brecc, 
65 a: Dofuit, immurro, isin sruth in clam diumsach,7 a b6 fo a thairr, co ros- 
báided, 'Howbeit the haughty leper fell into the stream, with his cow under his 
belly (he was lying prone on the cow's back), and was drowned.' 
1595-1605 (p. 195). = Tertia Vila, c. 50; Quar/a Vita, lib. 2, c. 18. 
1606- 161 3 (p. 195). = Tertia Vzla, c. 55. 
1614-1619 (p. 195). Thus told in the Franciscan Liber Hylllnorum, p. 4 1 : 

I cuirriuch Liphi dorónad in firt-so .i. fer tanic 
sech BrigÜ 7 sa1and for a muin, co n-erbairt 
Brigit ris: 'Cid fil fort?' , C10cha,' 01 see 
'Bid ed,' 01 Brigit. Rocomallad am1aid. 

Tanie da1to it(erum) sech Brigit, et illa dixit ei: 
'Cid fil fort muin?' 'Saland,' 01 see ' Bid 
ed,' 01 Brigit, 7 rofírad ami aid. 

In the Curragh of Liffey this miracle wa 
wrought, to wit: a man came past Brigit 
with salt on his back; so Brigit said to him, 
"Vhat is there on thee?' 'Stones,' saith he. 
'Let it be so,' saith Brigit. Thus was it ful- 
filled . . . . . . . 
Then again he came past Brigit, and she said 
to him: "Vhat is there on thy back?' 'Salt,' 
saith he. 'Let it be so,' saith Brigit; and 
thus it was verified. 

See also Sex/a Vzla: c. 24 (TrÙlS Thaum. p. 586, col. 2). This legend, like that 
told in n. 1332-1340, has an Indian parallcl-a very similar story being told of 

] MS. sum. 


33 0 


the Musalman saint shekh Khwája Faríd, of Girar, in the Hinganghát tahsíl of 
the \Vardhá district, Central Provinces. See C. Grant's Gazetteer 0/ the Central 
Provi1lces of India, 2nd ed., 1870. Compare also the story of Ciccu, in Laura 
Gonzenbach's SÙilz'anzSche l1Iärchen, 197. 
1620-1629 (p. 196). =Tertia TTlÏa, c. 77. 
1630-1636 (p. 196). = Tertia Vila, c. 94; Quarta Títa, c, 50. 
1637-1650 (p. 196). = Tertia víïa, c. 74; Quarta Vzïa, lib. 2, c. 48. 
1651, 1652 (p. 196), see Secunda Vzïa, c. 1 I; Tertia Vzïa, c. 106. 
1653-1658 (pp. 196, 197). = Secunda Vzta, c. 21; Terfl'a rzïa, c. 128. 
1659. 1661 (p. 197). This seems a mere abridgment of the story told infra, in II. 
1662-1663 (p. 197). This is mentioned in the Franciscan Lzoer H;;nznorunz, p. 4 0 : 
Lathe i Tír na bennact i n-Airiud Bóinne i toeb One day in the' Land of the Blessing,' in Airiud 
Cluana lraird 1 doronad in 6rt-sa, no ic Bóinne, beside Clonard, this miracle was 
Domnach 110r i toeb Cille dara .i. flechud in wrought. Or at Domnach Mór beside Kil- 
cach inud 7 turad i ngort Brigte. dare, that is, wet in every place and dry 
weather in Brigit's field. 
Compare Secunda Tíïa, c. 21; Tertia Vzta, c. 100. 
1664 (p. 197). The miracle thus curtly related is commemorated in Broccán's hymn, 
1. 42, and told more fully in Secunda Vita, c. 12; TerNa Vzïa, c. 102; and thus in 
the Franciscan Lt'ber Ifymnorunz, p. 41 : 
I Cluain Chorcaige i nUib Failge doronad in 
6rt-sa .i. clam [leg. clárenech?J tucad co 
Brigit, co n-erbairt f11.s in tom luachra robói 
inna [f]arrad do thabairt asind inud ir-raba, co 
tuc ass dano, co tanic topur usci assind inud 
sin, cor-robroen fo[aJagid, cor'bo (sl)an. 

In Cluain Corcaige in Offaly this miracle was 
wrought, i. e, a leper [leg. a table-faced man?] 
was brought to Brigit, and she told him to bring 
the clump of rushes which grew by him out of the 
place in which it was: so out he brought it, and 
out of that place came a well of water, where- 
with he sprinkled his face, and it was whole. 

1665-1667 (p. 197). See Broccán's hymn, II. 73-76, and Secunda Vzïa, c. 27. This 
miracle is told more fully in a note (now partly illegible) in the Franciscan Lzoer 
J:[ymnoru1ll, p. 42 : 
fe(cht) dorala Brigz't do dun ríg Breg im- 

laig Coel, i Fine Gall hódie, co rodiult in 
banrígan fria . . . . . . dorat alaili bentreb- 
tach robói i toeb in dune immaig failti dí co 
. . . . . . . di 7 coras-loisc a garmain nui 
foé, 7 robatar óg[sJlana (ar)abarach, eter 
loeg 7 (gar)main, tria rath Brigte. 0 
rochuala ÙJl.nlorro in rí anisen .i. Brigit do 
thiactain . . . . . . . dia acallaim, co tarla 

Brigit once happened to go to the fortress 
of the king of Bregia in :Magh Coel, in 
Fingal to-day, and the queen refused her 
(hospitality. But) a certain widow who 
dwelt beside the fortress outside gave her 
welcome (and killed her calf,) and burnt her 
new weaver's beam under it; and on the mor- 
row they were whole, both calf and beam, 
through Brigit's grace. Now when the king 

1 118. irarid. 


dó in bantrebtaèh ut. Amal atcondairc in rí 
hi ros-c(arasta)r tria rath Brigte, 7 ros-fuc do 
mnái, 7 is uade ata. . . . . . . aill, ut 

1668- 16 7 2 (p. 197). = Tertia VlÏa, c. 71. 
1673-1675 (p. 197). = Secunda f/í"ta, c. 8. 
Hynznorum, p. 4 I : 
Ic Raith Derthaige in HÚib Failge doronad in 
firt-sa .i. tanic merlech co Brigit fo secht co 
mbered molt cechlaJuare uadi do chairchaib 
mná Dubthaig, co roathferad for Brigit, co 
n-erbairt Brigit: 'Fegait[hJse for caircha dus 
in marat ule.' Rofegsat iarum .i. Dubthach 
7 a ben, 7 fuar
aJtar eat ule i comlane cen 
esbaid neich. 

33 1 

heard that, even that Brigit had come (he 
went) to commune with her, and yon widow 
met him. 'Vhen the king beheld her, he 
loved her through Brigit's grace, and took her 
to wife, and of her are . . . . . . . 

Thus told in the Franciscan Lzoer 

At Rath Derthaige in Offaly this miracle was 
wrought, to wit: A robber came to Brigit seven 
times, and every time he carried away from her 
a wether of the sheep belonging to Dubthach's 
wife. So Brigit was reproached, and she 
Eaid: 'Look at your sheep if peradventure 
they all remain.' Then Dubthach and his 
wife looked, and they found them all com- 
plete, without the want of any. 

1676-1679 (p. 197). Also thus in the Franciscan Lzoer .l[ynznorum, p. 43 : 
(In) lind rodlect rí Lagell do rig Ua Culduib, The ale to which the king of Leinster was en- 
co rodlect side do fir dia muintir, co tánic titled from the king of Hui Culduib, and to 
side co Brigit dia hatach coro cobrad hé, ar which the latter was entitled from one of his 
ni rabai' occa ni doberad, ar dorat-som do household who came to Brigit to entreat her 
Brigit in lind ann uair na ragaib rí Ua Cul- to help him. For he had nothing which he 
duib uadhe, et proinde uenit ad Brigitam: could give, since he had bestowed on Brigit 
necessitatem habuit co tucad iarsen usee isna the ale . . . . .. and thereafter water was 
dabcaib roboi i farrad tigi Brigte, 7 roben- brought in the vats that stood near Brigit's 
nac[h] Brigit in usque sen corbo mid iarsen, house, and Brigit blessed that water, and then 
7 corruc in truág hé leis iarsen, 7 ní rabái mid it became mead, and the wretched man took 
ba ferr andaas; 7 ni rabai plus uel minus it with him afterwards (to his king), and 
acht amal rodlecht de misero. there never was better mead than it, and there 
was neither plus nor minus, but just what 
was due de misero. 

The same miracle is thus related in Raw!. B. 512, fOe 35 b 1 : 
Liond rodlecht ri Laigen do fiur dia muntir-si, co Ale to which the king of Leinster was entitled 
- tainic an fer dia caine co Brigit cu ro chabrat! from a man of her household: so the man 
he, ar ni raibe aigi ní doberad indo Tuc came to complain of it to Brigit that she might 
iarsin usee isin dabaig ifail tigi Dugle gu ro- help him, for he had nothing which he 
bennach Brigit in t-usque co raibi ina mid could give in respect thereof. Thereupon 
post, 7 co rue in truag hé dond rígh, 7 ní rabi he brought water in the vat beside Brigit's 
mid bud millsiu. N í raLi plus n.1. minus and. house, and Brigit blessed the water and it 
afterwards became mead, and the wretched 
man took it to the king, and there never 
was sweeter mead. There was neither plu$ 
nor minus therein. 



33 2 


1680- 1688 (p. 197). Thus in the Franciscan Lzoer .llylJllloru1Jl, p. 40: 
Epscuip .i. secht n-epscoip tancatar co Brigit a 'Bishops,' i. e. seven bishops who came to Brigit 
Huib Briuin Chualand, 0 Thelaig na n-Eps- out of HÚi Briuin Chualann from Telach na 
coþ sainrud, co Cill dara. Cor-roíarfaig n-Epscop in especial, to Kildare. ' And 
Brigit dia coic .i. do Blathnait, in raba biad Brigit enquired of her cook, even of Blathnait, 
acd. Illa dixit non. 7 roboi im . . . scud whether she had food. She said,' No,' and 
la Brigit ani hi sen .i. gen biad occi illis. . . . . . . . seemed to Brigit, i. e. her having 
Con n-erbairt in t-aingel fri Blathnait co no food for them. So the angel told :BIaith- 
tucad na bu co Loch Lemnacta, fri CiU dara nait to take the kine to Loch Lemnacht
atuaith, dia mblegon, c[i]a robligte fodi C'the Lake of New Milk') to the north of 
reme. Tuctha didiu na bai, 7 robligtea co Kiidare, to milk them, though they had 
ndeochaid in loim dar na lestraib, 7 no- been twice milked before. So the kine were 
Iinfates cid lestru Lagen uli. Dobertais taken (thither), and they were milked till the 
chuccu, et inde stagnum 1 nomen accepit. milk came over the vessels and even the 
vessels of the whole of Leinster would have 
been filled. And thence the lake received its 

1689-1705 (pp. 197, 19 8 ). See Dr. Todd's commentary, Lzoer El.ymnorum, pp. 65-70, 
on the corresponding passage in the Lebar Brecc, p. 66 a. 
1706-1742 (pp. 198, 199). This preface to the hymn Brigz't bé bz'thmaz'th seems taken 
from a copy of the Liber Hymnorum. The preface from the Trinity College copy, 
fo. 16 b , has been published in GoÙlelÛ:a, pp. 133-1352. Here follows the preface 
(till now unprinted) in the Franciscan I\1S., pp. 3 8 , 39: 

Commad he Colum ciUe dogneth in n-immun-sa, 
7 is i n-amsir Áeda meic Ainmirech doróne. 

Is hé fáth a denma. 
Anfud mor tanic do Chotu1Jl. cille intan do- 
chuaid dar muir co tarlai i Coire Brecan, co 
roataig Brigit co tisad feth do 3, OCUS co 
n-erbairt 'Brigit be.' 

No is Brocan Cloen doronai he 7 is inund amser 
i ndernad 7 ' Nicar Brigit be.' 
No is triur do muintir Brigte doronai he. Docho- 
tar do Roim co roactatar Blasantiam, co tarla 
fer do muintir na cathrach do(ib im)muig, co 
roÍarfaig dóib in rancatar ales oegedecht. 
Atrubratar co rancatar. Ros-fue leis iarsein 
dia thaig, co tarla doib scolaige iarna thich- 
tain 0 Róim 4 illic, co roiarfaig doib canas 

It may be Colum ciUe that made this hymn, and 
in the time of Aed son of Ainmire he made it. 

This is the cause of making it. 
A great storm came to Colum ciUe when he went 
over sea; and he happened to be in Breccán's 
Caldron, and he entreated Brigit that a calm 
might come to him, and he said Brigit bé. 

Or it is Brocan Cloen that made it, at the same 
time that he made (the hymn) Ni ear Brigit. 
Or it is three of Brigit's household that made it. 
They went to Rome and reached Placentia; 
and a man of the folk of the city met them 
outside, and asked them whether they needed 
guesting. They said that they needed (it). 
Thereafter he took them to his house, and a 
student on his way from Rome, met them it/ie, 

1 MS. unde staguum. 
2 In the second line of this preface as printed in Coidelica, for illasoé read maso I, 'if it be he.' 
3 MS. anfudo. 4 1IS. cormptIy: scolaige coroíarfaíg . . . oim. 


tancatar 7 cid ara tancatar. Atrubratar-som 
eonid ar oegedact. 'Is pudar sin,' ar se, 'ar 
is he bés ind fir-se mar bad a óeged.' Ocus 
roíarfaigset-som sein tria thinchosc in sco- 
laige. Tucad tra neim doib il-lind, co 
romolsat Brigit dia sóerad, 7 co rcchansat 
, Brigit bé bz"thlllaith.' Atibset in Hnd cosind 
neim, 7 ni dernai pudair dóib. T anic tra fer 
in tige dia fegad dús in ros-marb ind neim, 7 
atchonnaire eat slana, 7 atchonnairc ingen 
sochraid etarru. Tanie iarsein isin tech, 7 
robái for iarair na hingine, 7 nis-fuair, 7 ro- 
iarfaig doib ced dochoid. Ocus atrubratar-som 
nis-acatar etir. Doratad tra cuimrech forro- 
som, eo romarbtais iarnabarach mani follsigtis 
in n-ingein. Tanie dano in scolaige cetna 
ehucu arnabarach dia fis, et inuenit eos in uin- 
culis, [po 39] et interrogauit quomodo euasse- 
runt et cur ligati sunt. Responderunt ei et 
narrauerunt omnia quae eis contigerunt secu1t- 
dum ordinem. Et dixit scolasticus eis: I Can- 
tate ei laudem quam fecistis" Postquam autem 
illam eantauerunt inter eos sancta Brigitta 
omnibus cis apparuit. Tunc penituit HIe, et 
dimisit illos ex uinculis, et dedit suam sedem 
in Blasantia Brigittae, uel Blasantiam totam, 
ut alii dicunt. 


and asked them whence they had come, and 
why they had come. They said that it was for 
guesting. 'That is a pity,' saith he, ' for it is 
the custom of this man to kill his guests.' 
And they asked for that through the scholar's 
teaching. So poison was brought to them in 
ale and they praised Brigit that she might 
save them, and they sang Bn.
rz.'t óé óithmaith. 
They drank the ale with the poison, and it did 
them no harm. So the man of the house 
came to see if perchance the poison had killed 
them, and he beheld them whole, and he be- 
held a comely maiden among them. There- 
after he entered the house and was seeking 
the maiden, and found her not, and asked 
them why she had gone. And they said they 
had not seen her at all. So a chain was put 
upon them that they might be killed on the 
morrow if they should not disclose the 
maiden. So the same student came to them 
on the morrow to visit them, et, etc. 

Or it is Broenainn that made this hymn, 1tavigans, 

No is Broenaind dorigne in n-immun-sa, naui- 
gans mare et qnaerens terram repromisionis. 
Audiuit aliam bestiam clamantem et adiuran- 
tern uoce humana bestiam aliam conuocantem et rogantem Brendinum et ceteros omnes sanctos 
Hiberniae insolae, excepta Brigitta, ne sibi alia bestia noceret; et nihilominus tamen alia bestia 
uim faceret illi usque dum rogaret Brigittalll. Euadentem uero postquam rogaret Brigitam et nihil 
mali a persequente patientem interim ut diceret alia quae earn persequeretur: 'Postquam Brigitam 
rogasti nocere tibi non possum.' Postquam uero Broenaind haec omnia et honorem quae Brigitac 
bestia prae ceteris dedit, admiratus est, [et] Brigitam laudauit, dicens ' Brigit bé bithmaz'th.' 
Locus igitur mare. 
Causa autem ad laudem Brigz"tae. 
Tempus uero Diarmata meic Cerbaill, rig Her- 
end. Tanic dano Broenaind iarsein do Cill 
dara co Brigit co fesad cid ara tarat in beist 
in mare onoir do Brigit sech na noebu 
archena. 0 rosiact tra Broenaind co Brigit 
rochuinnig chuice co tartad a coibsena cinnas 
roboi acce grad De. Atrubairt Brigit fri 
Brenaind: · Tabair, a chlerig, do chobais 
prius, 7 dobersa postea.' Dixit Droenaind: 

Temþus, vero, of Uiarmait son of Cerball, king 
of Ireland. Now Broenainn afterwards came 
to Kildare to Brigit to know why the monster 
Ùt mare gave honour to Brig-it beyond the 
other saints. Now when Broenainn reached 
Brigit he requested her to make her con- 
fessions, in what wise she had love of God. 
Said Brigit to Broenainn: 'Do thou, 0 cleric, 
make thy confession prius, and I will give 



'Ónd 10 rogabussa 1 crabud nocho deochu- 
dussa dar secht n-immaire cen mo mCllmain 
inDia.' 'Is maith in chobais,' 01 Brig it, 
'Tabairsiu dano, a chaillech,' ar BroenaÎJld, 
'do chobais.' 'Dar :Mac na h-Ingine,' ar si, 
'ond uáir doratussa mo mcnmain ind ni 
thucus ass.' , Dar Dia, a challech,' ar Broe- 
nailld, , is cóir do biastaib cia doberat honoir 
duit sechoinne.' 

,Nó is Ultan Airdbrecain dorigne hunc ymnum. 
Ar molad Brigte doronai, ar ropo do Dail 
Chonchobair dosom. Ocus rob ed dano do 
mathair Brigte .i. Brocsech ingen Dallbronaig. 
I N -amseir immorro da mac Aeda Sláne 
dorónad foesin, ar it é romarbsat Suibne mac 
Colmain Móir for lethlaim Ultain. I N- 
Ardbrecain dno doronad he. 

1\ T OTES. 

(mine) postea.' Said Broellainn: 'From the 
day that I became devout I never passed over 
seven ridges without my mind being on God.' 
'Good is the confession,' saith Brigit. 'Do 
thou, then, 0 nun,' saith Broenainn, ' give thy 
confession.' 'By the Son of the Virgin,' saith 
she, ' from the hour that I set my mind on Him 
I never took it off Him.' , By God, 0 mm,' 
saith Broen
inn, 'the monsters are right 
though they give honour to thee beyond us.' 
Or it is UItan of Ardbrackan that made hllJlC 
hYllmlt1Jl-. For praise of Brigit he made it, 
for he was of Dál Conchobair. And so was 
it also with Brigit's mother, even Brocsech, 
daughter of Dallbronach. Now in the time 
of Aed Sláne's two sons it was made, more- 
over, for it is they that slew Suibne son of 
Colmán the Great on one. hand of Ultán. In 
Ardbrackan, moreover, it'was made. 

1743-1754 (p. 199). There is a much better copy of this hymn (the techllique of 
which is admirable) in the Trinity College Lloer E{y1ll1loru1ll, 16a-I7b, whence it 
has been published in Goidelz'ca, p. 135, and in Windisch's IrÙche Texle, pp. 24, 25. 
17 6 3 (p. 199). It is said that this Ninnid was the Nindidh mentioned in 1. 1555, and 
that Brigit predicted that from his hand she herself would receive the viaticum on 
the day of her death. On hearing this prophecy, he enclosed his right hand in a 
brazen (some say a silver) case, which he kept continually locked, lest the hand 
destined to give the Holy Communion to S. Brigit should ever be defiled byany- 
thing unclean. Hence he was called Ninnid Pure-hand 2. See Illore in Qllarla 
Vila, lib. 2, cc. 62, 63; QuÙz!a Vz'ta, cc. 57, 48. 
These notes on Brigit's Life may fitly end with the following legends and list. The 
first of the legends is from the Franciscan Liber Ilj!1Jlnoru711, and the second from 
the Book 0/ LeÙzsler. Of the first another copy is found in the Lebar Brecc, p. 82, 
as a note to the Calendar of Oengus, Feb. I. It has some of the marks of a genuine 
popular märchen. The list of nuns subject to Brigit is from the Book if Lez'nster, 
p. 353, col. 2. 

1. Franciscan Ll'ber .l!Y1l1norum, p. 40. 

Plea .i. Bl(asantia) .i. cathir sen fil do Brigz't in 
Italia. no Plea cathir fil do Brigit for muir 
Icht, 7 is e a hord-side fil ic muintir Brigte. 

Plea, i. e. Placentia (?), that monastery Brigit 
hath in Italy. Or Plea, a monastery which 
Brigit hath by the Ictian sea, ar.d it is its order 

1 MS. rogabudsa. 
2 See Dr. Todd, Liber Hymnorum, pp, 60, 61. 


Et sic factum est ide .i. Brigit rofoid mor- 
fessiur uadi cor-Roim do foglaim uird Petair 
7 Poil, ar na rocomleced di fein 0 Dia a techt. 
Intan doroactatar co Brigi! ni romar oenfocul 
occu dia n-urd. 'Rofitir Mac na h-Ingene,' 
ar Brigit, 'ni mor uar tarba cid mor for sae- 
thar.' 11isit iterum alios uii. . . . . . . . . 
similiter . . . . . . et . . . . misit alios uii. 
7 a mac dall-se leo, ar cach [ní] nochhmed 
sede ba mebuir leis focetoir. INtan Ì1'a 
rossiactatar co muir lct tanic anfud doib fair 
cor-ralsat sis anchoram. Rolend ar bend- 
chopur in derthaige, co rolaset crandchor inter 
se im techt sis, conid don dull dorala tect sis, 
et exiuit et absoluit ille anchoram, et stetit 
andsein co cend IhbIiadne ic foglaim ind uird, 
co doruactatar in fiallach aile cucai anair, co 
tarla anfud mór doib beus isin bale cétna, co 
rolasat anchoram sis adhllc, co tanÏc in mac 
dallleo anis co 1t-urd celebartha illius eclesiae 
secum ad se, 7 tuc leis doc anis cucu, 7 is e 
docc in roeic daill indiu in docc sein ic 
muntir Brigte, 7 is e ord fil occu in t-ord tllC 
in dall leis 0 Plea. 


which Brigit's community have. Et Sl'C factum 
est l.d. Brigit sent seven persons to Rome, to 
learn the order of Peter and Paul, for she her- 
self was not permitted by God to go. 'Yhen 
they came (back) to Brigit, not one word of 
the order remained with them. 'The Virgin's 
Son knoweth,' says Brigit, t though great be 
your labour small is your profit!' So she 
sent other seven in like manner . . . . . . . . 
. . . . . . . sent seven others and her blind 
boy with them; for everything that he would 
hear he straightway remembered. Now when 
they had reached the Ictian sea a storm came 
upon it to them, so they let down the anchor. 
It stuck on the conical top of the oratory, so 
they cast lots inter se as to going down 
(to loose the anchor), and it fell to the blind 
(boy) to go down. And he went and loosed 
the anchor, and remained there till the end of 
a year learning the order. And the rest of 
the party came back to him from the east, and 
a great storm again fell upon them in the 
same place, and again they let down the 
anchor, and from below the blind boy came 
up to them with that church's order of cele- 
bration; and he (also) brought them from 
below a bell; and this is 'the Blind Boy's 
Bell' which Brigit's community possess, And 
the order which they have is the order which 
the blind (boy) brought with him from Plea. 

II. Book if Lel1zster, p. 3 6 7. 

Fainchi ingen DaUbronalg, siur máthar Brigti, 
setig do Neman. Bai dano Fanchi i n-am- 
briti co cian, co ndoluid co . . . . . di. Ainis 
Brigit tredán i n-ec1ais i CHI dara, co toracht 
angel 7 co n-epert fria: 'A sand Brigit, ben- 
nach broind do sethar, 7 dofussema mac 
sainemail acci .i. Colman a ainm, 7 [co ]rop é 
do lam-su fora mul1ach, 7 corop Finnian mac 
hili Tellazg rom-baist é 7 rodn-aile frz' eclais.' 
Et rothussib Fannchi iar(sin tri maccu do) 
Neman .i. Con all 7 Eogan 7 Carpn; 7 issin 
tiprait as-robaisted epscoþ Ibar robastit nam- 

Fainche, daughter of Dallbronach, Brigit's ma- 
ternal aunt,' was a wife of N eman's. Now 
Fainche had long been barren, so . . . . . . . 
from her. Brigit fasted a three days' fast in the 
church at Kildare, and an angel came and said 
to her: '0 holy Brigit, bless thine aunt's womb, 
and she will bring forth a distinguished son' 
(Colmán was his name); 'and let thy hand be 
11pon the crown of his head, and let Finnian 
Maccu- Tellaig baptize him and rear him for 
the Church.' And thereafter Fainche brought 
forth three sons to N eman, even Conall and 
Eogan and Cairpre; and those children were 
baptized at the well out of which bishop Ibar 
was baptized. 


33 6 


III. Book of Lez'nster, p. 353, co1. 2. 
BRigitæ sanc/æ subiectæ erant onznes hæ uirgines sanctre, quarum loca et nomina 
CAiner ingen Chrutheehain i CHI Chulilld i Cairpri. 
Cainer ingen Airmi1zd i Cluain Corilld. 
IN dú már 7 lndú bee, dí ingin Breccáin mde Brénaind i CHI Dailldend. 
Bríg ingen Fergusa i Cill Brígi. 
Cetheora i1tgena Fergnai meie Fergusa il-Lethráith .i. Deibnat et Cainer, Deimlir 7 Fuin. 
Fainder cuicir i CluaÙz Brónaig. 
N eeht ingen Chommain i rnBruig Broe. 
Fedbair ie Boith Roiehnig. 
INgena Choluim 7 ingena Bresail i CHI Chalaid 7 i Caill Lugmind. 
Cl1rehass i Tig Curchaissi. 
Lassar i CHI Lasra, Î1z Huib Bresail. Is inti roloise Brigit in Ùgarmuill oe funi ind loég. 
Corpaeh ingen Fiachnai meic Nui i CHI Corpaigi. 
Cronml1ni taplaill i n-Inis Crone for Loch Andind. 
Findnat ir-Rus maie Ceit. 
Find ingen Mantain i Tracht Filldi. 
Aibind ingen Mani i CIuaÍ1z Draignigi. 
Failtemail ingen :Mæleehdaeh ic Telaig Fuineehda. 
Lút 7 crumthir Lugæth ic Tig LÚta i Fotartaib maraib. 
Crumseeh 7 Créd ie Raith Gaisni 7 i 1Z-Etargabuil 7 i Fordruilll. 
Ronsech icTig :Maile aehaid. 
Ciar ingen Duibrea i n-Airil1d. 
Bice117 Bicseeh i n-ImIiuch na Lega. 
Columb ingen Beraig i n-Imliuch már. 
IN gena Cetain i CIuaÙz Ech. 
IN gena Fiachnai ic Tuaim Neill. 
Caibell ingen Æda Bairr i CHI Lusea. 
TRea ingen rodc Cairthi1ld i n-Aird Trea. 
Cethri ingena mde lair .i. Derbinill 7 Derinill et Coe! 7 Comgell. 
Caimell ingen Dermata i nDisiurt Brigte i Cill Suird. 
Tn ingena ErnÍ1z meie Coluim Ruit .i. [leg. 7?] Darnisa 7 Smeeh, 7 Crón a mbrathair i n-Enueh 
Brunsech ingen Chrimthaind im-:Maig Threga. 
Ciar 7 Midan da ingin Cerain 7 Finnech ingen Senaig :f'ind; do Chene1 Chormaic dóib uile. It e 
eoilgabat Ros Iarnglais. 
Seoth 7 l\feÙgan, immd athair 7 máthair leo, 7 do Dáll\Iessill corp dóib: it é sin fil i Cellaib :Maigi 
Uaehtarchaib 7 lctarchaib 7 i CluaÍ1z l\loescnea. 
Doehatti i n-Achud Choreaigi. 
Brig ingen Amalgada 7 Cillini 7 Cellan i n-Aehud Æda. 


Al\oTHER copy (B) is in the Brussels lVIS. vol. iv (2324-2340), part ii, fOe 118 b, 
and a fragment in vol. xi (4190-4200), fo. 269 a. A third copy (E) is in Egerton 
9 1 , fa. 52 a-5 6 a. A Latin Life in prose is in Raw!. B. 505, fa. 201. Another, 
apparently, in the Codex l\larshiensis, Dublin, fa. 76 b. A metrical Latin Life is 
in the Codex Salmanticensis, edd. De Smedt and De Backer, J 888, colI. 735-75 8 , 
and see Colgan's Acta Sanclorum, p. 512. 

1775 (p. 201). Mirabz7is Deus, etc. PsaI. lxvii. 36. 
179 2 (p. 201). Senán's pedigree is thus given in the Book if Lelnsler, p. 351, col. 2 : 
Senan Insi Cathalg Mac Eirggind, l\Iaze Dubthaig, Maze Decce, l\Iaze lmchada, 
Malc Cuirb. 
179 8 . For Patrick's prophecy of Senán, see the Tripartite Life, Rolls ed. p. 206. 
1800. For de B has, more correctly, do. 
1804. For scith B has sgithech somh. 
1811. For Bendachaid B has Bendachais. 
181 7. For Hmochar B has Homarchar. 
18 31. The words bar crich seem to have dropped out after roich. 
18 3 8 . For a cata in gein gignighter B has a cháta na geine gigllzlher. 
18 4 1 (p. 203). lUore about this monster Cathach in the Calendar of Oengus at 
March 8, and notes thereto in the Lebar Brac, p. 83 a, Laud 610, fo. 63 b, and 
Rawl. B. 5 12, fa. 59 a 2. It is described in bardic fashion, II. 22 12-2227 (pp. 213,2 14). 
18 47. For tir B has aird. 
18 54. For blas arcul E has beile iarcúl. 
18 57. 'With tithes and firstfruits and alms.' Con1pare the Senchas l\Iár, A 1laenl 
Lazvs, vol. i. p. 50, I. 27. Tithes do not appear to have been generally paid in 
Ireland till the twelfth century. See Lanigan, Eccl. Hz'st. 0/ Ireland, iv. 284, and 
Giraldus Cambrensis, Topogr. Hzo. Dist. 3, c. 19. (' Nondum enim decimas vel 
primitias solvunt '). But they are mentioned in the VÙZ01l of Adalll1uÍll, L. U. p. 30 a, 
which must have been composed before A.D. 1100. 
1861. For other cases in which Irish children might be sold, see Ancien! Laws, iii. 
402, 540. 
1866. Of l\laculatus and Latius nothing else seems known. Perhaps they had con1e 

33 8 


to Ireland with PaUadius. The name l\laculatus, like Contumeliosus (Le Blant, 
Î. 177) and the Irish l'vfael-ochtraigh (Book of Ballymote, p. 228, col. 5. l. 35) may 
be one of a class of self-dispraising names used by early Christians. A Afaculanus 
occurs in C. 1. L. xiv. 3 158. Lallus would mean 'ad Latium pertinens;' it does 
not appear to occur elsewhere as a proper name. 
1867. After adaig B has szn. The it after Patraic is a scribal error for is. 
1885. For dei'seabhazr B has tazfllelllh. 
1886. For cona raibhi docazr dl' B has conach raibhe doehar dhi. 
1887-89. A similar miracle is told of the hazel distaff in the hand of the mother of 
S. 1\1aedh6c of Ferns, when she was bringing him forth, lJlartyrology of Donegal, 
p. 32. The stake of rowan was probably held by Senán's mother as a safeguard 
against witches and demons. 
1899. For eomhnacal cena ricdÙ a leas B has neite archena norecdais a les. So in 
1905 for rat-jia comnacal B has rot-fia gach ní ata d' esbaidh ort. Hence it would 
seem that comnacal means' needment,' comes from *com-nane-alo, and is cognate 
with Gr. à-váY"1J. 
I 908. For comnacal B has comhnacul. 
1911. For a Corcamruadh B has z' Core mo druad, and so in 1916. 
1926. For siumh B has sezc. 1927. For seith B has sccitheach. 
193 I. For alcós B has atces. 
1955. This Cassidan is otherwise called Cassano 1957. For ecalsa B has ecclastacda. 
1960. Before inghaire B has do. 
1966. For Teighedh B has Notéighedh. 
1968. 'Si quis,' etc. Thus translated in B : 
.r. gibe haccaibh lenab áil bheith inas airde inás cách bídh ag mionastralacht da gach æn. 
1973. For ar fir dhibh B has 01 a cheile. 
1975. For Fegait trza tholl na comla B has Fosféghat tria tholl na conzladh. A similar 
story is told of Adamnán in the lJfartyrology of Donegal, p. 254. 
197 8 . Forfira B hasfiru. 
1987. For cez1Z ron-boi ie B has in cein bá occ. 1992. For in B has an. 
1994- 2012 . This silly story shows, at all events, that when it was invented the Irish 
made candles by dipping wicks in grease or melted tallow. The wicks, no doubt J 
were the pith of rushes. See Cormac's Glossary, s. vv. adann, itharna. 
1998. For mach/nad linn B has machtadh Hm. So in 1988 B has maehtadh. 
2001. After acca B inserts an coinllel 7. 
2006. For scoires B has sccuiris. 2009. For ro dÙlhbhadh B has rodíbhadh. 
201 3. After laithe B inserts n-aon, and for tirus B has tzu-us. For the Notál (from 
Lat. nolabz1z's) here mentioned, see Colgan, Acta Sanctorum, p. 169, at 27 January. 



201 7. For clérchu B has cllrchzu. 202 I. For doberad B has dobheÙ. 
2034. After gallraib B inserts examhlazoh ocus 0 gach aingez"s arcena. 
2045, 2046. For these lines B has: 

aingel ag trendiórgadh gacha conaire dó go rain ice go hlnis Corrthe do thaoibh na Sláine hi Crieh 
ua Cceinnselaigh. Oats roia N otail a bhennacht Ia a dhalta ag etarscaradh fris . I. Ia Senán. 
OetlS as sóinmeeh dorala dó, cOlzid aire-sin as maith da gaeh dalta bennacht a oide d'faghbái1. 
Oats dogní Senán aóntaidh, etc. 

20 49- 20 55. As 1\Iartin of Tours died circ. A.D. 396, and Senáh was born circ. A,D. 
4 8 8, there is some chronological difficulty in accepting this story. 
2051. For aleim B has alehíam. 
2060. The period of forty days and forty nights is obviously suggested by Deut. ix. 9 
or 1\latth. iv. 2; and see the Rolls Tripartite Life, pp. I 14, 474, 500. 
2061. Raphael is selected as being the messenger of the Lord's help. See the Book 
of Tobit passim. 
206 9. Letha, which I have rendered by 'Latium,' may possibly be 'Letavia,' (TV. 
Lfydaw), i.e. Armorica. 
20 7 0 . For the corrupt' .x. ur' of the Book of Lismore, B has coice dezehneabhair. 
20 74. After lua1llairecht B inserts allonga 7. 2075. For gusa B has gusÙz. 
2087. For RaithlÙzd B has Raithlend. 
2 106. B has la flr fiadhat. 2 107. B has alfiadhat. 
2109. For taghraznz B has tograÙJl, E togairm. 
21 3 I. For suthaeh B has suthaz'n, E suz"thech. 
21 33. For gétad B has getat, E getarsa (fort). 
2 142. For rointe E has s loindti. 2152 . For pri1JUI B has primite. 
2162. For tabarr usee oiffrind dÚ1l B has ttabhartar uiseee an aijfrÙln dUÙ111. 
2 I 64. For z'sz"nd all B has z'sin az'll. 
2170. Compare the Vita S. Aidui, Canzbro-BrzIz'sh SazOnts, p. 236; Tunc n1isit David 
familiam suam ad litus et invenerunt plenum mare, et puerurn jacentern in mare, 
et zOn circuzI'll z'llius mare subln'atunz est, et in funiculo traxerunt eurn in navern. 
2 I 7 I. For doroicdz"s B has doroichtz's. 2 176. For Ni tic B has llí thaillze. 
2 179. Sic B. The Paris 1\15. has: 

Ní bud mó dono dÚn cëni bemais inaicee neich im ui$cce issunn isarfiaduitsi. 

2181, 2182. For dothepeifea, doeiprinn B has doreprinnfe, doreprillll. 
21 9 0 . For fir noebu B hasfiru nænzhtha. 2193. Forfacbaidh B hasfáccbais. 
2196. For Fez's B has Féz'si. 2212. For rocraz"th B has rocroith. 
221 3. For co hainsergaeh ainlliardhai B has go hainserccach aÙtiarmariach. 
2220. For urgrana B has ltrgrállda. 2229. For a craes B has a dralll. 

34 0 


2230. For in cyoes B has a giollcráos. 
2237. The practice of walking dexlrorsum is mentioned infra I. 3104. 
224 0 . For i1Jllledach B has imshn{01llach. 2241. For bazlhfider B has báidhfidher. 
224 2 . For dara ragha B has doraghafo. 2252. For allreb B has alilreabhad. 
2259. For rolairrngzl B has rOlhairrngellar. 
2260, 2261. For Ba . . . uz7e B has: 

Ba ferccach thrá bói Cæl frissiumh occa hsreing frisna clochaibh gur brisedh. 

2263. After dogenla B inserts ar Cæl. 
2266. B has: ar aittrebhfait do cland it dhiaigh isin tír. 
227 0 . For arts B has affrllhisi. 2279. Forfòrm B has m'firainn. 
2287. B has: ba trú gan deilm dian. 
229 2 , 2293, Compare the darkness caused by the druid's incantation in the Triþarlzïe 
Life (Rolls ed.), pp. 57, 28 4, 4 60 . 
231 I, 23 I 2. The meaning is that Senán will be cast in to the deep sea with a stone 
fastened to his neck. Compare Helen l\tIacGregor's execution of l\lorris in Rob 
Roy, chap. xxxiii. 
2316. For connach liifasa B has cona lioifairsi. 
232 I. For inas cúra B has oldás caora. 
233 I. do buain dhuz7isc, 'to cut duz"/esc' (= W. detysg or dylusc), a kind of edible sea- 
weed, in Scotland dulse, in Anglo-Irish dz"/z'sk. See Ancienl Laws, vol. iv. p. 308, I. 13. 
2332. For arcenn na mac B has do labhazrt na mac lals. 
2340. For 01 a málhalr B has ar a nzaÜhre. 
2344. After lír B inserts gusa. 2354. After neoch B inserts ele chuca. 
2363. For manche B has mainchÙle. 2383. Before ni B inserts et (i.e. ocus). 
2388. As to the cultus of lepers see supra, p. 295. 
2391. A boat without hide, i.e. a coracle without any skin over its wicker framework. 
A similar miracle is told of Egbert in the Calendar of Oengus at Dec. 8: do Christ 
cachaÙl figl? i curchán cen chodail. And see the story of Enda and his monks, 
.ðfart. Don. 82; see also the Life of Cybi, Cambro-British Saints, p. 186. 
2399-2415. Compare the story of S. \Venefreda sending a chasuble to S. Beuno, 
Cambro-British Saints, pp. 201-202. 
2416-2446. A truly beautiful legend, vulgarized by Thomas l\Ioore in his St. Senanus 
and the Lady. 
2402. For cúnnach B has cáonnach. 
2412. After Illfidhe B inserts 7 in salann ele co Diarmazl. Alimentary salt seems to 
have been prized by the ancient Irish. The salt kept in a hospitaller's house is ' 
thus mentioned in the Senchas l\Iár (Har!. 432, fo. 9 b 2): 1m salund tigi briugad 


34 1 

.1. nesam he in cach inbaÙI.I. mianach cach ain, 'for the salt of the briuga's house, 
i.e. it is a necessary at every time, i.e. desirable to everyone.' 
2416. This Canair is Colgan's' S. Cannera Virgo,' Acta Sanclorum, p. 174, at Jan. 28. 
24 I 9. For thurgaibh a B has tuarccaibh z11. 
2456. For a innisi acht 11ech 0 Via B has: 
a innisin for talmain gach a nderna Dia d'fertaibh 7 do mhíorbuilibh ar Shenan abhus ó aim sir a 
gheine go a bás acht muna tísedh aingeal Dé dia faisnéis, cenmotá a airmhittin fiadh DÍa. 
2462. For slóghu B has slogh. 2470. For teadnza B has tedhnzanna. 
2473. For gacha haimhreidhi B has gach aingcisi. 
2478. For aÛlhleadh B has aÙlhlÙlh. 2482. After imcoi'met B inserts occoinn. 
2487. For Cex B has QuÙ es tu. 
2489, 2491. The use of clouds as vehicles for saints is common in Celtic hagiology. 
Compare Cambro-British Saints, p. 72. 
2497. For assanindsi B has issininis. 2498. After Jl.fula B inserts et. 
2501. After Senazn B inserts et muinntire nime. And after sin B inserts: 
ind aimsir ar n-eitsechta 7 go ro {rith coimhetta ind inar mbiu ar indtledhaibh demhnu 7 ar gach 
ndoailche olchena. 


'Of the Amhra Senán of DaHan ForgaiH,' says a writer in Smith and \Vace's 
DÙ:tionary 0/ Christian Biography, iv. 602, 'we have now no trace.' There are 
two glossed copies, one in the Lebar Brecc, p. 241 a, which begins thus: Senan 
saer sidathair silem soailche, 'Senán noble, peace-father, sower of virtues.' The 
rest is in the wilfully obscure style of the Amhra Choluimb chille. The other copy, 
in the handwriting of Michael O'Clery, is in the Brussels MS. 4190-4200, fOe 26 9 a. 




OTHER copies are in the Brussels I\1S. vol. iv. (2324-2340) part ii, fa. 29 (here 
denoted by B), and vol. xi. (4190-4200), fa. 196 a. Latin Lives are in the Codex 
Salmanticensis, colI. 189-210, in Raw!. B. 485, fa. 54, in Raw!. B. 505, fOe 156 b, and 
in Colgan's Acta Sanclorum, p. 393, at Feb. 23. Perhaps the'S. Fynanus' of \vhom 
there is said to be a Life in the Codex l\Iarshiensis, fOe 84 b, may be meant for Findian. 
2506-2508. Findian's pedigree is thus given in the Book of Leinsler, p. 348, col. 8 : 
Finnian Cluana Eraird, :Mac Findloga, Maic Fintain, Maic C011chraid, 11aic Dairchella, 
Iaic Scnaig, 
?\Iaic Diarmata, Male Æda, :Maic Fergusa, 11aic Ailella Duib, Maic Ce1tchair, Maic Cuthechair, 
?\laic Fotaid, 11aic Fir filed, Maic Rosa, Maic Rudraige, ut ante in genelogia Conaill Cernaig. 
And thus in Lebar Brecc, p. 15, col. 5: 
Finden Cluanai hIra[i]rd 
Iac Finntain, 11aic Conchraid, :Male Daircellai, [po 16, col. I] Maic Senaig, 
Maic Diarmata, male Æda, Maic Fergusa, Male Oililla Duib, 
Iaic Celtchair, maic Uithechair. 
And after' Uithechuir,' in 1. 2508, B adds: 
Maic Fir filedh, ma'ic Glais, maic Rossa, Maic Rudrazge a quo elann Rudraige: do sÍol na riogh 
i n-Ulltaibh atacomhnaic. ' 
2513. After magha B inserts l'luadhal. 
2514. For crainn-sin conasta B has chrand, corosásta, and in 2516 for cu ros-j'hasta 
B has annside co ro(SJastai. These readings are obviously better, and the translation 
(p. 222) should be corrected accordingly. 
'\Vith Telach's vision compare Tárádattá's dream, Kathásarit-ságara, trans. by 
Tawney, i. 239. 
2516. After didiu B inserts Taz7each (=Teluch 2509). 
2517. For ocut B has it z.nnibh, 'in thy bowels.' 
2521. As to this Abbán, see the Martyrology of Donegal, at 16 l\Iarch. 
2525. For ecclasda B has eclaslacda. 
2526. After ghzllacht B insertsjõcetlóir, 'at once.' 
2527. For Tairinis B has, wrongly, Daz'rinis. 
2529. Before aenlaid B inserts a-no The triad of saints, Dabíd, Gillas and Cath- 
mael=the triad David, Gildas and Cadoc, who sent a British mission to Ireland to 



restore the faith there, and from whom the secundus ordo of Irish saints received 
their Order of mass. See Haddan and Stubbs' CouncÛs, i. 1 I 5, and the Codex 
Salmanticensis, col. 162, where Doeo must be emended into [Ca ]doeo. David is 
said to have died A.D. 601: Gildas (Badonicus), A.D. 570, and Cathmael or Cadoc in 
the same year. 
2530. For anmannu B has the older anmand. 
2532. For bretheamh B has brzÏhemhain. 
2533. For eohi111lfleithmeeh B has go hinnlÏhmech. 
2535. For anaithnidh B has anaichnidh. 
2544. For yotbiat cidh an dunadsa B has ros-biadh eidh andúll. 
2549. For Rofothaiged B has rofothaigthe. 
2551. For sruithibh B has suidhibh, 'sages.' 
2554. After ebert B inserts eohessamain, 'fearlessly.' 
2559. For dlt in t-seenaþ B has díl an Isecnaþad. 
2565. For indisdi seel dibh B has z1zdz'sin seeoz'! díþh. 
2567. For tocra B has 100rm toccrai. 
2569. 'Go and renew faith and belief in Ireland after Patrick.' This is part of the 
evidence to show that some, if not all, of the Irish apostatised after S. Patrick's 
death. See Dr. Todd, St. Patrick, p. 503, and Haddan and Stubbs, Counclts, i 
155, note a. 
2572. Carrying on the back as a sign of reverence may be added to the list of social 
observances given in the Triþartite Life (Rolls ed.), p. c1xxii. So also the following 
from the Life of S. Cormac in the Book of Lecan: Tanlc Dai . . .7 tue a bel re lar 
ar umla do Chormae (Dai came and put his mouth to the floor out of humility 
to Cormac). 
2573. ForforsÙz B hasfi-ÙÙz. 2577
 For bhadein B hasfodeÙl. 
2581. After reclessa B inserts ann. 2582. B has Roi1llurchul o rsel aingl? Dé nime hI. 
2583. For -z'n-adhaigh sin B has ind-aidehe-sin. 
2589. For coslatra B has (by metathesis) cosaltra. 
2595, 259 6 . For ell . . . lamh B has eo tue an sebac a laÙnh. 
261 O. For alcic he B has alcidh. 
261 I. The flame was doubtless the radiance of the holy tooth. Compare the 
story of S. Patrick's tooth which fell into a ford and shone there, 'like a sun,' 
Triþartite Life, Rolls ed. p. 196. Other legends of light or fire emitted by the 
relics of saints will be found in the Book of Armagh, fOe 8 a I: quando æclessia 
super corpus [Patricii] facta est, fodientes humum antropi [i.e. ({V8poo7TOt] ignem a 
sepulchro inrumpere uiderunt: and in the Lebar Brece, p. 174 b, where mention is 
made of the lochranna fir lasad ÙÙz loch, 'lights blazing in the lake' wherein S. 



Paul's head was lying. As to the luminous fingers of a living saint, see Reeves' 
Columba, p. 226, note c. 
2614. After re B inserts 21znli. 
2616, 2617. For Ce . . . leas B has Ce non-opæ, ar Brigit, rosficfa a leas. 
2619. For fri B has ifrithshét. 
2622. The story of the golden ring weighing exactly an ounce points to the time 
anterior to the introduction of coined money, when payments were made with 
bracelets or rings containing a determinate weight of some precious metal. See 
Prof. d' Arbois de Jubainville's paper in the Revue Archéologique, 1888, Des B[joux 
et de l' argenlerie employés comme przx d' ac hal. 
2625. After Tainie B inserts zarum arazte. 
2627. For rose B has rUzSe. 2631. For eelasda B has eclaslacdha. 
2632. For co larl gradha fair iarumh B has conoroét grádha ocea. And for Senaigh 
B has Senaeh. 
2634. For glanad B has claz.dhe. 2635. For Ni he B has Nochall é. 
2638. A like beneficial effect is produced by the mould from a saint's grave. See the 
Amra Choluimchille, LU. 14 a. 
2639. For dogeba troeaire B has dogentar trocazre frzs. 
2642. For airdespoc B has ardapstal. And for dofhÙzdat B has rofitallar. 
2646. For Senaigh B has Senaeh, the bishop of Cluain-Foda Fine, Findian's successor, 
see lIlart. Donegal at 21 August. l\fore of Senach, infra n. 2719-2729. 
2647. For bhfaghbhaithe B hasfaghaibhther. 
2649. For a sinedh B has hi Sz111Udh. With this pretty story, compare the legend 
that birds built their nests in S. Coemgen's hands: OCltS sé een chotlud frzSin re-sz1z, 
ut ferunt, inna crosjigztl, co ndernsat na heóin an-nitu inlla glaeazo, Franciscan 
Lzoer .lIymnorum, p. 40, left margin. And see the story of the hen-blackbird that 
laid and hatched her eggs in the same saint's hand, Giraldus Cambrensis, Top. 
Rib. Dist. ii. 28. Such things are said to have actually happened in India. See 
Joseph'Volff's account, cited in Dr. Geo. Smith's Lifi of John TVz7son, p. 126, of 
the yogi lying in the sun, with the nails of his hands grown into his cheek, and a 
bird's nest upon his head. 
2651. For Lámha B has Lanzh tra. 
2654. For ar biaÙlh duine maith B has alre dano drenz 11lór.; and for co B has ria. 
2656. After' mea' the Lat. Life adds: in seculum seculi hic habitabo quoniam elegi earn. 
2660. For errachtair B has eraehtazS. 
2664. For blfhuighbhlum B hasfoigebham. 
2666. For asa r' eirghzS ar Finnén B has asa n-lrraehtazS, ar Cíaran. 
2669. For airehesas . . . dæna B has airchises do eech oen in chz.nzudha dænda. 



This Rignach is mentioned in the list of the mothers, etc., of Irish saints, Book 
0/ Leinster, p. 373, co!. I, 1. 17: 

Rignach siur Finniain, mdthair Phintain F ochaill- 
chei 7 mo-Cholmóc Cluana Iraird 7 Garbain 
o Chill Garbain ifail Achaid Aball. 

'Rignach sister of Finnian, mother of Finntan of 
Fochaillech and of My-Colmóc (' Dovelet') 
of Clonard, and of Garbán of Cell Garbáin 
near Achad Aball.' 

And see the Martyrology 0/ Donegal, pp. 43, 197. 
26 7 2 . Gemmán the l\laster is mentioned also in the Lebar Breec, p. 31 b, and see 
supra, p. 303. 
2676. For ind B has are 
26 7 8 . As to Ruadan of Lothra, see the .lI1ar!yrology if D01legal, at 15 April. For 
erann 0 sileadh B has erand on asa siledh. 
2680. For na haighÙlh B has 7 in óidhigh, 'and the guests.' 
268 7. After lenna B inserts Ùz Hmh. 
268 9. For ar . . . tipraz't B has ar a senad fri F. nzani eosctar in tipra. 
26 95. After dano B inserts Finnen, and after tOl.rlhech B inserts osin ille. 
26 97. For the ungrammatical loirrsech B has 10 z'rsigh. 
26 99. For depraceolÏ . . . ndedhghazr B has díbercózlt . . . ndedoirn. 
2703. For Roedbair B has Roedbazrset. 
27 0 5. After Tainz'c B inserts euiece. 
27 08 . For co . . . seom B has co 11-erbazrt oen dÙl mhanehazoh. 
27 I o. For Dathi and FhÙzdez'n B has J\Tathí and P atralce. 
27 I I. dám, a party of poets, buffoons, etc., entitled by custom to exact gifts on pain 
of dishonour. For dhuilech B has duilÙlh. 
27 16 . After atbath B inserts S01ll. 2721,2726. For Sellaigh B has So/ach. 
27 2 3. For esnæ B has asnaz: 2732. For cæmhnaeair B has coemsad. 
2733. For rodllsjidir B has rodajitzr. 
2737-38. For Noehairigedh . . . peead B has: 

Ni cursachadh, ni chairigedh na daine, nochíadh chen a 7 nopinded a pectho d'iarráith. 

2740. For Diproeoz'teeh B has dipreeozÏeeh. 
274 I. For lantoltllaighteeh . . . no B has laifholortnaigtech. 
2754. For rOllertugh B has ronertadh. 
2757. For 11a alhardha B has ÙÙld athardha ir-rogenazr. 
2759. For eu . . . uir B has zar mbráth eech oen dara rachudh úr. 
27 6 5, 2767. For zndarlfad B has z1zdarbthanar. 
277 0 . For e017luÙlechta . , . fiz. B has coemlheehta co hinÙ mac 11 Eirc fm . 

34 6 


2772. For ,:UIl . . . sacarbhaÙ:c n has cona roll/ [leg. cOlt-arolll] Fzndían comazn 7 
sacaifaz'c . 
2773. For llÙJlhe . . . bliadlle B has: 
An Choimdhedh na ndula dia ro
fhoghain .1. accionn ocht-moghatt ar cét h1iadllt', amai1 derbas in 
rann : 

Se trichait blt'acl1tt co mblaidh 
uas cech altóir aird altaig 
iar cinnel a g1'éssa glain 
sæghal Findéin rnaic Finntain. 

Cruminc and l\loninnc also are said to have attained the age of nine score years. 
Abbán lived 317 years, Sinchell 330 I The longevity of Celtic saints Inay Le com- 
pared with that of heathen heroes, such as Starka'ðr, Goðmundr, the Servian l\larko, 
etc. In some cases, however, it tnay be ascribed to confusion of two or Inore saints 
of the same natne. 
2777. For Iraclh B has Iroflhad. And for 7 . . . Cltllglllt.f n has co lJIoradh cach órill 

VI. L I F E 0 F FIN N C H U A. 

Two copies of this strange Life are in Brussels, one in part i. of the MS. vol. iv. 
(23 2 4- 2 34 0 ) fo. 35 a; the other in part ii. of the same 1\1 S. fOe 7 b. The latter (B) is, 
as we shall see, copied from the Book of Mac Cart!!)! Reagh. I know of no Latin 
Life of Finnchua. He is commemorated in the metrical Calendar of Oengus at 
Nov. 25. Some of his austerities are mentioned in the notes to that poem, and in 
the Martyrology of Donegal, pp. 3 16 , 318. 
27 8 9- 2 791. Findchu's pedigree is given thus in the Book of Lez'nster, p. 352, co1. 8 : 
Findehu Bri gobmw, Mac Setna, 1vlaic Abrai, Maic Branain, Maic Dobtha, Maic Oengusa, I\Iaic 
Eire, Maic Briuin, Maic Echach MU'l'dmedðin. 
And thus in the Lebar Brecc, p. 14, lower margin: 
Findehu 0 Bri Gaband, 1vlac Abrai, Maic Branain, Maic Dobtha, Maic Oengusa, 1vlaic Ereea Deirg, 
Maic Briain, Maic Eehach Muidmedoin, 
where the saint's father is omitted. And thus in the same I\1S., p. 21, co1. 2 : 
:Findchu 0 Brí Goband, mac Sétna, Maic Abrai, 1vlaÙ Broin, 1Iaic Dobtha, maic Ængtlsa, Maic 
Ereeai Deirg, Maic Briain, I\.Iaic Echach :Muidmedoin. Aliter vel Findehu mac Find, maic 
Lógai, maic Findbairr Máil, maic I\.Iesside (Meiside ?), Maic Fergusa, I\.Iaic Mind duaeh, 1vlaic 
Bresail, maic Col1a. 
2793, 279 8 . For SúÙlh, SuÙlhe B has Suz'ghde, Suz'gde. 
2799. Blathmac, according to the Four l\;Iasters, died of the Yellow Plague, A.D. 664. 
2820, 3298. For other instances of children speaking out of their mothers' wombs, 
see flIar(yrology if Donegal, p. 258; Méluslne 1. iv, cols. 228, 27 2 , 297, 323; 
Oman, IndÙln Lift, p. 68. 
2824. For cercalla B has clorcla. 
2825, 2826. For infhlaith B has anjedh. 
2830. A pun (ídhahl, idhan) seems meant here. 
2832. A screpul = seven golden pence. See Petrie, Ecclesiasheal ArchzYectllre if 
Ireland, pp. 215-22 I. 
284 I. For .Dobreth and inzchonzaircidh B has Dobert and fiaifaighÚ do cách. 
2875. For rochtaÙz B has rz'chtain dð. 2910. For loz'sqedh B has loz'sccfidhe. 
2973. The sparks of fire bursting from the teeth of the furious saint remind one of 
Dietrich breathing fire when he was angry. See Rhys, Hibbert Lectures, 31. 


34 8 


2980. As to the Irish practice of beheading defeated foes, see Kuno IHeyer, Battle of 
Ventry, p. 79. 
2990. One of the many instances of polygamy among the ancient Irish. 
3012. There are authenticated instances of males suckling infants. See A. von 
Humboldt's Travels, London, 1852, vol. i. pp. 220-222. 
3038. For Cennsz'lach B has Ceinnsealachaibh. 
3077, 3078. As to the banners of the Irish, see O'Donovan, Battle of Jl1agh Rath, 
pp. 226, 348-350. 
3 I 04. 'He comes thrice righthand-wise round the host with his crozier in his hand.' 
An interesting example of the recognition of pagan practices by Celtic Christianity. 
As to walking desel (the Indian dakshl"rJ-am kar), see supra 1. 2237. So S. Patrick 
goes righthand-wise round the rath of Armagh (Lebar Brecc, p. 28, col. 2); 
and according to Posidonius (cited by Athenaeus, iv. p. 142) the Gauls TOV
f,à UTpEcþÓP.EJJOf,. Compare the tawáf of the Arabs. 
3105. After dho B inserts hí. 
3 I 2 I. For aini'cer in tsluaigh B has aÙzcis an sluagh. 
3 128. Foreign steeds and British steeds are mentioned elsewhere in Irish literature. 
As to buffalo horns, cf. Loth, .ftfabÙlOgz.on, i. 193, note 2. 
3 I 47. The iron stakes here mentioned as a defence of the camp were probably in the 
nature of Che7)aUX de frise. 
3255. Compare the Book of Fenagh, p. 82, note 5, as to miraculous changes of 
3272. 'An alms out of every nose in Fermoy.' A nose-tax is also mentioned in the 
Book of Rights, p. 229; in the Life of S. l\Iaignenn cited in O'Curry's A/antlers 
and Customs, i. 240; and in TVars of the Gaedhl'l wzïh the Gal?l, ed. Todd, p. 50, 
where an Irish authority quoted in note 13 says in effect that failure to pay it was 
punished either by reduction to slavery, or by havz1lg the lip of the nose cui off. 
Dr. Todd (ubi supra, p. cliii) seems to think 'nose-tax' only another nan1e for 
, poll-tax;' and see Cleasby- Vigfusson's Icelandic Dictionary, s.v. nef-gz'ldz: which 
word no doubt is the source of the Irish expression. 
3300. B adds: 
A'i:> leabhar 
Ieg Cartaigh Riabazgh roscriobadh an Betha so Fionncho1t i cconveint na mbrathar i 
tteagh mo laga 20. iunij 1629: i, e. 'Out of the Book of Mac Carthy Reagh this Life of :Finnchu 
has been written in the convent of the friars in the House of Mo-laga (Timoleague), the 20th 
June 1629.' 
.And see the JJlar{yrology of Donegal, p. 318. 


AKOTHER copy (B) of this Life is in the Brussels 1\15., vol. xi. (4190-4200), fOe 
217 a-256 b; and there is a fragment in another Brussels I\1S., vol. iv. (2324-2340), 
fOe 73 a. See also Egerton, 91, fo. 26 a-30 b. The copy in the Irish 1\IS. in the 
Bibliothèque Nationale begins at fOe 82 b I, and runs on fOe 88 a 2. Latin Lives 
are in the Codex Sainz a nHcensis, ed. De Smedt and De Backer, coli. I 13-154, in 
Raw!. B. 485, Co!. 72 b, and in Codex lVlarshianus, fOe 56 b (Reeves' Columba, 
p. 221 n). Excerpts in Colgan's Acta Sallclorunz, pp. 723-4. The points of resem- 
blance and difference between the Lismore Life and the Peregrinatz'o SancH Brelldani 
are clearly stated by Dr. Schirmer in his Zur Brandanus-Legende, Leipzig, 1888. 

33 1 7. Brenainn's pedigree is thus given in the Book of Leznster, p. 349, col. 1 : 
Brenaind apstal mac Findloga, 1vIaie Olchon, Maie Altai, Maie Ogamain, Maie F'idchuiri, Maic 
Delmnai, Maie Ennæ, Male Fualascaig, Maie Azamain, Maie Mogæd qui dicitur Ciar, Maic 
Fergllsa, Male Rosa. Do Chiarraige Luachra dó [.1. do] Altraige cind Bera 7 do Chorcu Duibni. 
[In marg.J Vel aliter BrenaÙzd Mac Findloga, 
.faic Olehon, 1Iaie Gossa, Maie GabIi, Maie Ecni, 
Maie Altæ Maie OgamaÌ1z, etc, 
And thus in the Lebar Brecc, p. 16, coI. 2 : 
Broen find Mac Findlogai, Maie Olchon, Maic AUtai, 1iaie Ogamain, 1Iaie .Fldchuri, Maie Delbnai, 
Maie Eoin, 
laic Ausalazg, Maie Astomain, Maie Mogai Toeth. 
Vel Brenaind Mac Findloga, Maic Findchada, Maie Gossa, Maie Gæbli, Maie Ecni, !-.iaic Alltai, 
amail ata romaind. Do Ciarraige Luacbra do . I. do Allttraige Berai randai 7 do Chorco Duibne. 
Hence it appears that in Adamnán's 'Brendenus mocu Alti' (Schaffhausen 
codex, p. I 18 a) the 11LOCU means ' great grandson.' 
3324-3325. For FozrcetlaÙl . . . bazlsi B has: 

Forcettlaidh é am hail Pol primhapstal. Cendais A teacher, he, like Paul a chief apostle: gentle, 
dilgadhach é amail Pettor. Ditrebach é forgiving he, like Peter. A hermit like John 
amhail Eoin mBauptaist. Baptist. 
In p. 298 supra Brenainn is likened to S. Bartholomew. 
333 1 . This Oengus was slain, according to the Four l\Iasters, A. D. 489. 
333 6 -334 0 . This story is thus told in the Book of LeÙzster, p. 371, co!. I : 

BRenaindmae Findloga,maic Elchon, maie Æltai, 
de Chiarraigi Luachra do All traige chaille. 
I n-oen-amsir la Oengus mae Nad fraich rig 
1Iuman rogenair. 
ISí a máthair atchon[ n ]airc i fís andar lé tinne 
de ór de [leg. do] thárniud 'na hucht, 7 a 
dá [co!. 2] cich do lassad for a brui[

Brenaind son of Findlug, son of E1chu, son of 
Aelta, of the Ciarraige Luachra of Alltraige 
CaBle. At the same time with Oengus son 
of N at-fraich, King of Munster, was he born. 
His mother beheld (this) in a vision: It seemed 
to her that a bar of gold fell into her bosom, 
and her two breasts flamed on her bosom. 

Findlug related that vision to his soul-friend 1, 
even to Bishop Erc son of Ogaman, son of 
Fidach. And Ere said that a marvellous 
child would be born of the woman who had 
beheld the vision. 
Then Bishop Erc saw (this). It seemed to him 
that a hue of fire was over the district of 
Altraige, and that it was full of angels from 
heaven to the ground. 
Bishop Ere went 011 the morrow to FindIng's 
house, and took the boy into his bosom, and 
conferred his protection and his union upon 
That is the night whereon Bee mac Dé the 
prophet chanced to be in the house of Mac 
Arddae son of Fidach, the king of Ciarraige 
The king asked him: ''''hat seest thou for us 
to-night, 0 Bee?' 
'I see that thy king is born between thee in the 
west and the sea.' 
, Truly,' saith Mac Arda, 'we know of no free 
race between us and the sea that would have 
a right to reign over us.' 
Bee replied: 'The son that is born unto Findlug 
to-night, he will be thy king for ever.' 
N ow a swift rain came from the source of the 
Jordan, and dropt upon him at the time of 
his baptism. "Therefore he was called Bren- 
dinus, that is a drop (broen) swift (dlan) from 
above (dlanllas), or at the time (delllls) of his 
ba ptism. 
l\10re as to the prophet Bec mac Dé in the Lebar Brecc, p. 26 3 b; in Egerton 
11 82 , fOe 38 a, I; in the Book of Lismore, fOe 94 a, 2; in the l1Iartyrology of 
Donegal, at October 12; and in the Annals of the Four l\Iasters, A. D. 47 8 , 557 
(in which year he died), 825. 
3345. For eadral7 1lluir ÙlOchl B has anochl elratt e/ bochna, where bochna is a rare 
word, explained by Peter O'Connell as 'the sea or ocean.' 
3347. For rucsat .xxx. bo B has ruccatar .xx
"t'. ftrbu . I. boo 
3377. This line is corrupt in the Book of Lismore. The Egerton I\IS. is better: fiach 
baistigh Brénainn, ní bréc. 
3394. For bó blÙ:ht B has loz'm no blechtach. 
3395. For bal'nne B has lomma. 
34 0 1. For fuz'rre B has uaÙti. 
1 i, e. confessor, spiritual director. 

35 0 

Atchuaid Finùlug in fís sin dia anmcharait 
.1. do epscoþ Erc mac Ogamuin male Fidaig. 
Et atbert sz'de con genfed gein amra ón mnái 
atcholznaire in fís. 

Atchonnaire dano epscoþ Ere indair-Ieis níam 
theined dar erích Altraige, 7 ba lán do anglib 
ó nim co lár. 

Luid epscoþ Ere do thig Fïndloga iarnabaraeh, 
7 coñgab in mae ina ucht, et foeheird a Éoesam 
7 a oentaid fris. 

ISí indsin aidehi immustarla Bee mac Dé in fáid 
i tig :Male Arddæ male Fidaig rig Ciarraige 

lmmuscomarcair in rí: 'Cid atchí dÚn innocht, 
a Bic ? · 
'Atehiu coñgenedar do ri etrut aníar 7 muir: 

, Ni fetamar ém,' ar Mac Arda, , síl sær notlessad 
ríge fom etruind 7 muir.' 

Atbert Bee: 'Mac berair innocht do FindIug, 
bod é do rí dogrés.' 
Dothæt immorro bróen dian do thopur Iordanen 
co rothinsan fair i ndenus a baiste. C01zid 
de asrubradsom Brendinus .1. broen dian 
dianuas, no i ndenus a baisti. 



35 1 

3402. Heroines and heroes with radiant faces, breasts, and arms, are common in 
Indian and European folklore. See, in l\Iaive Stokes' IndÙln Fairy Tales, London, 
1880, the story of Phulmati Ráni, and note 2, to which add the following verse 
from the Book 0/ Leinster, p. 210 b, II. 16-18: 

Roscuch in cuach corcra cain 
dia cÍchib sÍs cein sentaid 
co mbenfaide frigde friss 
istig ar soillsi a cæmchniss. 

The fair purple stomacher (?) went 
Down from her breasts without old age, 
So that a fleshworm could be struck ont 
In the house by the light of her lovely skin. 

Add also the description of Balder's beauty in Sn. 26: Hann er svâ fagr â litun1 
ok biartr svâ at lysir af honum (he is so fair of face and bright that he shines of him- 
self). So air and water shine with the brightness of Gerðr's arms. Saem. 81, 
Sn, 39. 
34 0 3. After þroz"cept B inserts brellhre De. 
34 0 7. One of the many proofs that the aristocracy of the ancient Irish were fair-haired. 
34 1 5. After z11nté B inserts cein. 
34 1 7. For Oirz'sidh B has AirÙÙ. 
34 2 7. For na ruÜhne ndladha B has a ratha diadha, 'of his divine grace.' 
343 6 . For dorala B has leccaimh, the enclitic forn1 of the 3rd sg. s-aorist act. of 
do-ecmaingÙll. The Old-Irish form is do-r-écaim (with infixed ro), LL. 54 b, 3 6 , 
which Zimmer was the first to explain, Kuhn..s Zezlschrijl, xxx. 12 9, 13 0 . 
344 2 . For benuid a cenll de ina rirht som B has benaÜ a chenn don choirthr a richl a 
bfir fuatha. 
344 6 . After Elrc B insertsfrzu. 
3449. As to these Rules, see Reeves, Columba Index s. v. Rules. 
34 8 5. Iarlaithe, probably the bishop commeu10rated on 26 December. For Trella. . . 
l1facta B has Treoin . . . Mochta. 
34 88 -34 8 9. For cÙlzt1Jla blfolcaiforai1zll B has CÙlh ara bfozlge fO/1"1z. 
3497. For Clan B has/ada. 
35 0 4. For tadhbhaÙter z'tlifern E has ladbastar do hiffirn. 
3544-3545. For oconll aingel B has a gÙJn an aÙzgzl, , out of the angel's mouth.' 
3551. For tairgÙlh B has talrccis. 
3552. After ghabh B inserts SzlZ. 
35 62 . After dhalnlo R inserts an account of a visit paid to Brendan by , Barrinlus 
mac meic Neill.' 
35 6 5. Perhaps daÙlche is another form of the adverb dadaig J' if so, translate: 'he 
goes alone to a lnountain (Brandon Hill?) at night.' 
35 8 3. For go IOlnne E has co londi. 



3601-3616. This story of celebrating mass on a whale's back is thought by some to 
have been borrowed from a tenth-century version of Sindbad's First Voyage, where 
the fish is mistaken for an island 1. But it occurs also in ch. xxvi. of Bili's Life of 
S. l\lachut, or IVlalo; and in ch. xiii. of an anonymous Life of the same saint, both 
of which Lives were written in the ninth century. See Deux VÙs Í1zédites de SaÙlt 
lIfalo, Rennes, 1884, pp. 52, 144. 
The following is a correct copy of ch. xxvi. of Bili's Life, l\'Ius. Brit. Bib!. Reg. 13, 
A. x., a 1\18. of the tenth century: 
De c
lebratione missæ in die pasch
 super c
tum (fo. 65 b). 
(fo. 77 b). lnde uento ueniente nauimque de portu ubi erant 2 separante, illisqlle naui[fo. 78 aJ-gantibus 
usque mane die dominic
 resurrectionis paschæ, sole oriente, tertia adpropinquante, populo oratio- 
nem postulante, magister ut sanctus Machu missam die illo cantaret, precabatur. Sed illo causante 
locum oportunum non esse. ecce insula modica apparuit . ad quam properantes perrexerunt. Et 
in illam ancoram ponentes atque descendentes, sanc/o Machu missam canente, c
labrauerunt . et ut 
ad Agnus Dei uentum est, ecce locus ubi missa c
lebrabatur commotus est, et tunc omnes missam 
audientes tremente una uoce dicunt: Ó Brendane ecce nos omnes deglutimur. Tunc magister ait : 
Ó sanct
 Machu, dusmus:l sé transfigurauit ut multos in interitum ducat. Tunc intrepide sanctus 
Machu dixit. Ó magister, nonne aliis, me audiente, quod quondam lonæ prophetae nolenti 4 ad 
Niniuen pergere, Domino uolente. coetus uitale sepulchrum fuit, predicasti? Ecee simili modo 
nobis in auxiIium hie a Deo preparatus est. Tunc pr
[fo. 78 b ]-cipiens ut omnes in nauim 
pergerent, missam compleuit. Et iIle cum fiducia coæto sé sub pedes eius humiliter prebente post 
illos nauem perrexit. Et exinde, ut illi narrauerunt, ipse [cetus] usque ad crastini diei horam 
tertiam, inter illos et fluctus maris sé prebuit. 
A similar story is in Olaus l\Iagnus, whence probably l\iilton's lines about the 
Leviathan, Paradz'se Lost, book i. : 
Him haply slumbering on the Norway foam, 
The pilot of some small night-foundered skiff, 
Deeming some island, oft, as seamen tell, 
'Vith fixed anchor in his scaly rind 
:Moors by his side. 
3632-3668. Similar descriptions of Hell, composed of strings of alliterating adjec- 
tives, may be found in the Vision if Adamnán, LU. p. 3 0 , and the Tidings of 
Doomsday, Rev. Celt. iv. 252. The variae lectiones here offered by Band E are 
numerous, but not important: 
3636. For nuallghotha B has nuallghuba. 

1 The origin of this marvel is, according to Lane (The Thousand and One Nz.'ghts, iii. 79), EI- 
KazwÍnÍ's 'Ajáïb el-lVlakhluqát. Compare also the story of the tortoise in the Kitáb Ajá"ib el-Hind, 
c. 18. 2 ,MS. erat. 
S dusmus diabolus, Zeuss G. C.2 1063, last line, may be cognate with the Gaulish dusH, as to 
which see Ducange s.v. 
4 1\15. nolente. 



3637. For teneadh Band E have the adj. leinlltighz'b. 
3638. For dubha dorcha E has the compound dub-dorchaib, and after bz"thbrozn B 
inserts 7 báÙ cen crích, cen jözrcenn, 'and of death without limit, without end.' 
3643. For ichtair adhel"tig z"tlifn'nn. For sleasaibh E has zchtaraigh. Inifuair adez"tig 
hifernda hi slesaibh. 
3650. For donna. . . tangnacha B has dronnmora . . . tuathbertaigh. 
3652. For Farcha troma zarnal'dhi B has Farchadha Irena Iromiarnnaidhe. 
3665. For sirdhubach B has sirlobtha. 
3680-3682. A similar female monster is mentioned supra in the Preface, p. xliii. 
3698. As to waxed tablets (tabulae ceratae, ceracula), see Reeves, Columba, pp. 358, 
359, and 454, col. 2. 
3741. Énlle, the' Enda' of the Calendar of Oengus and the l1fartyrology of Donegal, 
at 21 l\Iarch, is mentioned infra 1. 4289. His pedigree is given in three different 
forms, in LL. 347, col. 8; in LL. 357, col. 4; and in LB. 14, col. 5. 
3742. Pupu. This is the saint (also called Nem and Caelbe, and said to have been 
Pope of Ronle) in whose honour Senán composed the following verses, Book of 
Leinster, p. 373, lower margin: 
Abbas almus amabilis 
Romae rector docibilis 
Papa pastor probabilis 
Caelbe custos regiminis. 
reminiscence of some real emigration, to the Faeroes or 

3734-3735. This seems a 
Iceland perhaps. 
3743-3759. The story of the crosán's voluntary self-sacrifice may be compared with 
that of Odhrán, supra p. 178. See Todd, St. Patnck, 459. l\s to the meaning of 
crosan, which glosses scurra, see Irish Nennius, p. 182. 
3796-3805. Another story of a fight between sea-beasts is told in Latin, supra 
p. 333, ll. 28-35, and thus in Irish in the Franciscan Ll"ber .lfymnorum, p. 41, upper 
Bói Brenaind .iiii. bliadna for muir oc iarrair 
Tire TarÏ1gere. Boi (bé)ist icoa [sic, leg. 
icca] lenamain frisin re-sin indiaid in chu- 
raig. Fecth and tanic beis[t] aile cuci dia 
marbad, co roattig in beist Brenaind") noebu 
Erend olchena frisin m beist ole, ") nÏros-anact- 
[atar] co ro attaig Brigit, co n-erbairt Brenaind 
iarsen na biad ni fod sÍriu for muir noco 
fessad cid ara ndernad ar Brigit in firt-sa sech 

Seven years was Brenainn at sea, seeking the 
Land of Promise. There was a monster fol- 
lowing him at that time after the boat. Once 
upon a time another monster came to it to 
kill it; and the monster entreated Brenaind 
and the saints of Ireland besides (to protect 
it) from the other; and they protected it not 
till it entreated Brigit. So Brenaind then 
declared that he would stay at sea no longer 
until he should know why this miracle was 
wrought for Brigit rather than every other 
sain 1. 

Z z 





3876. This old man seems to be the anchorite mentioned in the litany contained 111 
the Book of Leinster, p. 373, col. 4: 

IN t-anchara forránic Brenaind arachind i tír 
tharngire cusna hnilib noemaib torchratar in 
duib- 1 insib ind ociain. 

The anchorite whom Brenainn found before him in 
the Land of Promise, with all the saints that 
have perished in the obscure isles of the ocean. 

His' feathers' may be a reminiscence of some hermit's dress of birdskins. 
As to the Irish' Land of Promise,' see Schirmer, Zur Brandanus' Legende, 
p. 20. Ailbe's voyage in search of it is mentioned in the Book of Leinster, 
p. 373 d. 
3 882 . Here the legend of Brenainn suddenly breaks off, and the Life concludes with 
a long passage copied from the Vision of Adamnán, Lebar na h UÙlre, 3 I b, and 
Lebar Brecc, 256 a. 
3 8 9 2 . The notion that souls assume the form of birds occurs constantly in Irish 
hagiography. See Revue Celtz'que, ii. 200. 

1 The facsimile has' huibb.' But the corresponding passage in the Lebar Brec, p. 23, co!. 2, 
1. 43, has clearly' duib: 


AI\OTHER copy (B), made by l\Iichél O'Clérigh, in CoiU an Iubhair, in the 
convent of the friars of Athlone, from 'the Book of Aodh Óg Ú a Dálacháin of Les 
Cluaine in 1\leath' is preserved in the Bibliothèque Royale at Brussels, vol. xi. (4 1 9 0 - 
4 200 ), fa. 149 a. Latin Lives are in Raw!. B. 405, fa. 91, Raw!. B. 505, fOe 127 b, 
and Codex SalnzantÛ:ensis, edd. De Smedt and De Backer, call. 155- 160 , and 
perhaps in the Codex Kilkenniensis, fo. 106 b. 

39 20 . For tair1JlescaÙlh B has tairmescthaÙlh, and for cecha nzalÏhzusa B has 7 force/- 
laz'd cecha fírinde. 
393 0 . For doráÙlh B has dorat. 
393 8 . For be/had B has razlh righ nzlJle. 
3957. Lucerna, etc. These words form part of a hymn quoted by Colgan, Trias 
Thaunz. p. 472, co1. I, and beginning thus: 
Quantum Christe 0 Apostolum 
M und 0 misisti hominem: 
Lucerna huius insulae 
Lucens lucerna mirabilis, etc. 
39 60 . Custodiantitr, etc. Thus in B : 

Custodiuntur regimina 
adcess[iJone edita 
diuulgata reg[iJmina 
per omnia sanctomm monasteria. 
For CoÙJlhéttar B has cOz1Jledaighter. 
39 6 3. For ár . . . uz7z' B has: ar as eslt' dleghar r/aghla 7 bcstala do brczlh Jö 
Erinn uile. 
39 6 5. For Profi{a, etc. B has: 
Prophetaque nouisimus 
fuerit persagiminibus, 
where the last line should perhaps be 
fuerat praesagminibus. 
Z z 2 

35 6 


3975. Ciarán's pedigree is thus given in the Book of Lez11ster, p. 348, co!. 8 : 

Ciaran CI21ana mac Nois 1Iac Beodain, 1-laic Bolggain, 1Iaic Linnida,1Iaic Cuirc, Maic Daaed, 1Iaic 
Cunnida, 1Iaic Cais, 1Iaic Fraech [po 349, col. IJ, 1Iaic Causcraid, 1-1aic Meisinsued, 1Iaic Suiled, 
1Iaic Ercada, 1Iaie l\Iechoin, 1Iaic N echta, Maic Æda, 1Iaic Coirbb, :r>.Iaic Æda gnoe. Maic 
Fergæ Lethain, Maic Feidlimid, Maic Medrui, Maic f'ollomain, Maic Cuirc Dothi, 11aic Fergusa, 
Maic Rosa, maic Ru.draigi. 

To which this note is added: 

Don tSechtmad aicmi do Latharnaib 1Iolt dó. 
Robái artzis a athair i ndære i mBretnaib. 
Tanie iartain i nHerÍ1uz co cenel Conaill 
asside ar irngabail císa truim cornac (?) co 
rogenair Ciaran ic Ráith Chrimthaind im- 
Maig Æ. 
Beo n-Æd sær nomen patris eius. Darerca 
nomen matris eiusdem. 

Of the seventh famiI y of the Lathairn Molt was 
he. At first his father was in bondage in 
Britain. He afterwards came to Ireland to 
Cenél ConaiIl. Thence to avoid a heavy tax 
to Connaught (?), so that Ciaran was born at 
Raith Cremthainn in 
fagh Ái. 
Beo-Aed the wright was his father's name: 
Darerca was his mother's name. 

See also Lebar Brecc, p. 16, co1. I. 
3992. For.for a tuisdidhzöh elt tucad B has: for a caraitt 7 for a tuisdidhibh cottuctha 
do 7 tucad. 
3993. For ara rucaz'd B has iarsa rucctha. 
3994. For Lucoll B has Luachall. 
3995. After deochaÙz B inserts sÙlhe. 
3996. For Ruc B has Ruccad. 
3997. For craibhdech B has Ù'zSech. 
4013. 'Noise of chariot under king,' a common proverbial expression. Con1pare 
'Currus sub rege resonat aut sub gratia Dei,' Vita Sancti Aidui, Cambro-BrzHsh 
Saints, p. 233. 
4025. A similar miracle is told of S. Patrick and Dáire's horse: see Tripartite Lijf, 
Rons ed. pp. 230, 29 0 , 29 1 , 472. 
4034. For .fheochair B has rofheochazr. 
4035. A similar miracle is told of S. Patrick. Trzþartite Life, Rolls ed. p. 36. 
4046. After salm B inserts: (is eisidhe polaire Ciarain aníu). So a ram used to 
carry l\Iaignenn's psalter and prayerbook, Martyrology of Donegal, p. 338. 
4063-408 I. This curious story is valuable, I. as shewing that the Irish were at an 
early date acquainted with the art of dyeing, and 2. that son1e of the Irish deemed 
it a kind of female rite or mystery, from presence at which males were excluded. 
The glaisin (woad?) is n1entioned also in the Ancient Laws, ii. pp. 37 0 , 372. 
4089. B adds: ut dixit: 
Laithe n-æn occ ionghaire do Ciaran go tren tarraid 
dorad arái n-ionmuine lægh na bó don choin allaidh. 



4096. After atnaig B inserts CÙlran. 
4131. For acht B has cénmolat. After nama B adds: amhal deimhnigther 'san rann: 
Occ Ciáran roléghastair inghen ba seghda séttaibh 
et ní rofhéghastar a cruth na a delbh na a dénamh. 
Compare Martyrology if Donegal, pp. 240, 24 2 . 
4 1 34. The 'three waves' are obviously suggested by the 'three waves' (triple 
immersion) of baptism. Compare the vVürzburg Codex Paulinus, 27 a 14: teora 
lonna torunni in babtismo, tredenus dosum (three waves over us in baptism, three 
days to Him, Christ) in sepulchro. See also Roger Hoveden, Chron. at 1172, and 
in Wales: Seque ter in nomine sancte Trinitatis in unda submersit, Vita S. Cadoci, 
Lives if Cambro-Britz'sh Saints, p. 27. 
4136. 1Viaking a living stag's antlers serve as a bookstand is a slock miracle in Celtic 
hagiology: see infra, l. 4341, and the Life of S. Aiduus, in Lives if the Cambro- 
BnïÙh Saints, p. 234. 
4148. For Tancas B has Tanacsa. 
4 1 54. Compare Reeves' Columba, P.336, note g. 
4 I 70. There are many other stories of the successful resistance of Irish saints to 
amorous Irishwomen. The most curious of these, perhaps, is that contained in the 
Lebar Brecc, p. 242, col. 2, Egerton 92, fol. 27 a, and RawI. B. 512, fOe 140 b. 
This has been published, with a French translation, by 1\1. Henri Gaidoz, in 
ta, vol. iv. See also the Book of LeÙzster, p. 278, co1. I, 11. 21-36. 
4186. The Irish seem to have made pets of many wild animals-wolves, foxes, deer, 
badgers, ravens, cranes, and perhaps others. See Ancient Laws, iv. 120. 
4189. For the enclitic Tard B has the orthotonic Dorad. 
4230-4231. For ona brezïhir 0 nach B has: 7 as í a briathar dosfaraill ar na. 
4234. For nduisce B has I/athbeoaige. 
4264. For sortllaz'dh D has sairtuaz'dh. Findian's vision is thus related in the Lebar 
Brecc, p. 31 b, II. 41-48. 

Taidbsiu tarfas tan ele do :Finden .1. da esca do 
turcabail 0 Cillain Eraird .1. escai ordaigc 7 
escai aile airgide. Luid in t-escai ordai i 
tuaiscert na hindsi co rolas lIed 7 Alba 
desillm. Luid in t-escai airgide co rogab imon 
Sinaind co rolas Eri ar medon de. Colum 
cille co 1l-ór a socheneoil 7 a ecnai. et Ciaran 
mac in tshair ind airged co taitnem a shualach 
7 a 

At another time a vision was shown to Findian, 
to wit, two moons rose from Clonard, even a 
golden moon, and another, a silver moon. 
The golden moon went into the north of the 
island, so that Erin and Alba shone thereby. 
The silvern moon went and stayed by the 
Shannon, so that Erin in the midst thereof 
shone thereby. The golden moon signified 
Colomb ciUe with the gold of his noble birth 
and wisdom, and the silver was the wright's 
son Ciaran, with the brightness of his virtues 
and his good deeds, 


35 8 


4275. For coz"ri deis B has 2 coire .x. [' twelve caldrons'] dar eisi. 
4297-4304, A Latin version of this story, from a 1\1S. in 1\Iarsh's Library, Dublin, 
may be found in Bishop Reeves' Columba, p. 88, note c. 
4322-4323. Also in the llIartyrology of Donegal, p. 240. The same miracle is 
performed by S. Aiduus, Cambro-Brz"tz'sh Saints, p.247. A somewhat similar story 
is told of I{ing Guaire of Aidne, whose proverbial generosity was displayed even 
after his death: 

He it is that wrought the marvellous miracle in 
Clonmacnois, when he was borne thither to 
his grave. The buffoon came to him, and 
asked a boon of him repeatedly. (So the 
dead king) put his hand out over the ground, 
and took his fistful of the sand, and flung it 
into the buffoon's breast, and made a mass of 
gold thereout. So that is Guaire's last deed 
of bounty. 
Hátim et- Tái is the Oriental counterpart of Guaire, and a tale of his generosity 
after death is translated by Lane, The Thousand and One Nights, 1859, vol. ii. 
p. 295. 
4342. For l'n t-agh B has an t-oss. 
4360. For robui. . . lz"tre B has: frith é, gan dith litre gan fliuchadh. See above, 
1. 432 I, Bishop Reeves, in his Columba, p. I 17, note g, has collected other instances 
of the power of saints' manuscripts to resist the influence of water. 
4413. For Rojiu'redh jlaz"th B has Rodáz'ledh jledh. 
4425. In tene séllta, 'the hallowed fire,' was perhaps the fire produced on l\Iaundy 
Thursday from flint and steel, and kept unextinguished till Easter Eve. See the 
first Ordo Romanus, c. 32, p. 2 I, cited in Smith and Cheetham's DictionalY of 
Chrz'stian AnHquiHes, vol. i. p. 612. Other holy fires were kept alive in Ireland at 
Kildare and (I believe) in Inishmurray. 
4426. Ciarán of Saigir. Of this saint there is a Latin Life in the Codex SalmalltÛ;ensz's, 
edd. De Smedt and De Backer, coIl. 805-8 I 8, and a fragmentary Irish Life in 
Egerton 9 I, fOe 42 a. See also the lJIar(yrology of Donegal, at l\Iarch 5. 
4435. Similar stories of carrying fire are told in the notes to the Calendar of Oengus, 
Jan. 2, and in the Lives of SSe Cadoc, Cybi, and Tathan. See Cambro-Br1lish 
Saints, pp. 29, 186, 26 I. 
4472. See the note to the Calendar of Oengus at Sept. 9, Cormac's Glossary, 
s. v. cacaid, and the poem attributed to Ciaran in the Book if Lez1zster, 

IS é doróni in firt n-amra hi Cluain mac N óis, 
diá rucad -som dia adnocol di. Tánic in druth 
dia saigid, 7 rogab alguis de im athchuingid 
fair. Dorat-som a laim darsin forbaid im- 
mach, 7 rogab lán a duirnd don ganium, 7 
rodibairc i n-llch in druad 1, co nderna bruth 
óir dé. Co1tid hé sin enech dedenach Guairi. 
LU. II7 b. 13-18. 

p. 314 c. 

1 Read í 1l-ucht in druith. 



4478. The story here referred to is told more fully in the Tripartz'te Life, Rolls ed. 
pp. 84, 55 6 . 
4500. For lanairpeitech B has lanoirjitteach. 4501. For Estadh B has Istadh. 
4528-4534. 1\iore completely thus in Lebar Brecc, I I b: 

Soerad eclasi De . co mbathis 7 comna 7 ga bail 
n-ecnairce. co macaib do legend. co n-idpairt 
chuirp Crist for cech n-altoir. 

Ni dligid dechmadu, na bo chendaith, na trian 
annoti, na dire seoit do mhainib, mina bet a 
frithfolaid techta na heclasi innte do bathis 7 
comnai 7 gabal n-ecnairce a manach etir biu 
7 marbu 7 cor-roib oifrend for altoir i ñdom- 
naigib 7 sollamnaib 7 cor-rabut aidme oga 
cech altoir dib. 

N ach eclat's oc'na bia a techta ni dIig landire 
eclaisi De, adzt is uaim thagut 1 7 latrand a 
hainmm la Crist. 

Freeing of God's Church, with baptism and 
communion and chanting of requiems; with 
boys to read, with offerings of Christ's Body 
upon every altar. 
It is not entitled to tithes, nor to a heriot 
cow, nor to an annoit's third, nor to . . . . . . 
unless the proper reciprocal duties of the 
Church (are performed) therein, (namely) of 
baptism and communion and chanting re- 
quiems for her monks, both Ii ve and dead, 
and so that there be offering on altar on 
Sundays and high-tides, and so that there be 
complete implements on every altar of them. 
No church that has not its proper (furniture) is 
entitled to the full fine of God's Church, but 
its name is, according to Christ, a cave of 
thieves and robbers, 

4535-4544. Two fragments of the piece of which there is a complete copy in Harl. 
5280, fOe 39b. The beginning, only, of another copy is in Raw!. B. 512, fOe 
4 I a 2. So far as I understand them, the Lismore fragments of this' cosc,' or 
direction, run thus: 
\Vhat is to be avoided by man? Not hard (to say). Being often angry. Haughtiness without 
science. Fierceness towards an old man. Sluggishness at the bell. Secrets to the untrust- 
worthy (?). Abundance on luaman. Mockery of words. Impure expressions. Bitterness of 
answer. Stubbornness towards the vice-abbot. Sithe at reproaching. Commarbai to monks. 
Frequency of questioning. 
Query- 'Vhat is to be followed? No doubt. Staying at penitence. \Vatchfulness (1) of words. 
Gentle words. The rule to fulfil. Rising at the first word. A step of readiness for God. 
Simplicity of heart. Quenching desire. Overcoming nature. Patience at tribulations, and so 
Mo-cholmóc (otherwise Colmán) of Les-mór is commemorated on 22 January. 
4545-4589. I know of no other copy of this pessimistic pOeITI, the first line of which 
means '1\Iore dolorous than death seems to me.' 

1 tagut is = O'Clery's tadhad ,I. gadaighe. 

IX. L I FE 0 F M 0 C H U A 0 F B ALL A. 

ANOTHER copy (B) of this Life is in the Brussels l\IS. vol. iv (2324-2340), part ii. 
fOe I a, and a fragment (only two columns) in Egerton 91, fOe 56 b, which begins 
with the pedigree (1. 4636). Latin Lives are in Raw!. B. 485, fOe I 14, and in 
Rawl. B. 505, fOe 93 b. And Colgan prints (Acta Sa1lcloru1ll, pp. 789, 790) a Latin 
translation made by Philip O'Suillevan from Irish I\ISS. 
4617-4622. The arithmetic is difficult. Perhaps the meaning is that 5 (books of 
IVloses) multiplied by 2 (Law and Gospel) = 10 (commandments), and that this 10 
multiplied by 4 (elements in a man) is = 40. Even so the 5 (talents) multiplied by 
2 (Law and Gospel) = 10 (commandments), and this 10 multiplied by 4 (gospels) 
is also = 40 (the number of the days in Lent I). 
4624. The five ages, according to Isidorus, are: 
1. From Adam to the Flood; 
II. From the Flood to Abraham; 
III. From Abraham to David; 
IV. From David to the Babylonian Captivity; 
V. From the Captivity to Caesar's death. 
4 6 7 I. After coz'mJJlite B inserts no a lucht coimhidechta. 
\Vith this legend of the fountain travelling like a cloud compare the story in 
Cormac's Glossary, s. v. Nznus, of the wave that passed through the air and became 
a well. Compare also Burton's A Thousand Nz'ghts and a Night, v. 274: 'Now 
Almighty Allah had subjected to him [scil. a devout Jew] a cloud, which travelled 
with him wherever he went, and poured on him its water-treasures in abundance, 
that he might make his ablutions and drink.' The legend of the Esthonian lake 
Eim 'which hastened through the air like a white cloud' to bless the pious 
farmers (Grimm, Deutsche lI/ythologz'e, 2te aufl. s. 566) furnishes a third parallel. 
4 6 79. This reference to a watermill is one of the arguments used by Dr. Petrie (On 
the History and Antiquities if Tara Hi'll, pp. 139, 140), to prove that such mills 
were introduced into Ireland at an early period. A tradition which, if true, 
throws back this period to the third century after Christ is contained in Cuan hua 
Lothchain's poem on Tara, Book if Bal[ymote, p. 351,11. 18-25, 


3 61 

Ciarnad cumal Cormaic coir Ciarnait, bondmaid of just Cormac, 
rnor-cét nobiathad a broin. Used to feed a great hundred by (her) quem. 
deich meich la cach læi do bleith, To grind ten sacks a day 
nirb'opar duine denmeich 1. 'Vas not an idle person's work. 
Ros-tarraig aicge in ri ran The noble king met her 
innai tigh a hænuran, In her house alone, 
corus-toirrchestair fo chleith : And secretly made her pregnant: 
iarsin foremidh robleith. Thereafter she was unable to grind much. 
IARsin ros
oirchis ua Cuind, Thereafter Conn's descendant 2 spared her. 
tug sær muilinn tar mor-thuind : He brought a millwright over the great wave. 
cét-mhuilenn Cormaic maic Airt The first mill of Cormac son of Art 
mbo cobair du Ciarnait. Was a help to Ciarnait. 
471 I. As to these 'aquatiles bestiae,' see Reeves, Columba, 140, note c. 
4 8 0 0 . The transfer of the Yellow Plague to a crozier, and the transfer (infra, I. 4884) 
of a gangrene to a saint's bell are noteworthy. For though transfers of diseases to 
inanimate objects are frequent in folk-medicine (in India, e.g. a child's marasmus is 
son1etimes transferred to a field of sugar-caneS), these objects are not usually sacred. 
4 82 9. In like manner an otter brings a salmon to the hermit in the Voyage of Mael 
duin, c. 33 (Revue Celtz'que, x. 88). 
4832. lVlention of female warriors is often made in Irish literature. See Kuno 
1\leyer's Battle of Ventry, pp. 76-7.7. I know not if the Irish ban-gaiscedaig 
find their British reflex in the tazy gwifòrwyn Y1!J's PrydaÙz, 'three viragos (or 
amazons) of the Isle of Britain,' Pughe s. v. Gwiforwyn, or in the conquering 
sorceresses (gwidonot), with one of whom Peredur goes to learn horsemanship and 
the use of arms (M abinogion, ed. Guest i. 257, edd. Rhys and Evans, p. 2 I I). 
4853. The direction to go in Jesu's name and look at the sun is curious. That Christ 
is 'King of the white sun,' that He is the' white sun illumining heaven with much 
holiness,' see the Calendar of Oellgus, Prologue 4-7. That the sun is emblematic 
of the person of the Saviour, see 
lal. iv. 2 (sol justz/iae), and John i. 9 (lux vera). 
But here we have, perhaps, a trace of the heathen notion of purification by the sun, 
which in India has given rise to the practice of laying new-born children in its rays. 
(See Oman, Indian Life, p. 69.) 

1 Cf. deinmheach . I. diomháoin, O'CI. 
2 i. e. King Connac, son of Art, son of Conn. 
3 See Oman, Indian Life, p. 273, where the process is described. See also Tylor, Primitive 
Culture, II. 14 8 , 149. 

3 A 



Acalla11l Bee, xliii. 
Acallam lla Sellórach, xliii. 
agriculture. See barley, oats, 
reapers, seeds, sickle. 
Az.'ded Diannata, xxviii, xxix. 
ale, 185, 229, 23 2 , 23 6 , 27 0 , 
310, 313; brewing, 188; tri- 
bute of, 371. 
aliases of Irish saints, 300,301. 
alliterating adjectives, 352. 
alms, 337. 
alphabet on cake, 172, 303. 
amazons, Celtic, 360. 
Amra Cho!ui1llclzille, 3 16 , 317, 
Amra Se1láin, 341. 
anchor, 25 8 , 335. 
anchorite, 354. 
A ncient Laws of Ireland, 337, 
355, 35 6 . 
angel bringing letter, 164; 
cleansing hearth, 152; dic- 
tating rule, 252. 
angels carry Findian, 224; 
grinding, 267, 268; service 
of, 249; over wood in which 
Mochua dwelt, 285. 
anger,cowl burnt by saint's, 233. 
Annals, Irish, xlii. 
antenatal miracle, 244. 
Antichrist, xix. 
antlers. See stag. 
aorists in Irish verb, lxxiv- 
lxxvii, 350. 
Ap Gwilym, xlii. 
apostacy of the Irish, 343. 
apples made sweet, 175; men- 
tioned, 190, 326. 
applctree, 224. 
Aristophanes, xlii. 
arm shrivelling, 157. 
article, liii. 
astrology, xv. 
Ausonius, xlii. 
austerities of Finnchua, 347. 

bacQn, 185, 27 0 , 3 1 3, 3J9. 

Balder's beauty, 351. 
banners, 239, 348. 
baptism, 162, 357; unction in, 
J 84. 
bark for tanning, 176, 306. 
barley, 175, 3 0 5. 
barleybread, 229. 
barn, 205. 
barren land made fmitful, 227. 
barrenness miraculously cured, 
282, 286, 335. 
basket, 287. 
bathing to quench lust, 237,238. 
battle. See corpse. 
battle-stone, xxxix. 
beatitudes, 188, 323. 
Beatus, x, xii, 180, 288. 
beheading foes, 348. 
bel], 278; gangrene transferred 
to, 288, 361; used in cursing, 
31 I; brought from a sub- 
marine church, 335. 
bequest, 208, 234. 
Bezzenberger's Beiträge, lxxv. 
bier, 252. 
Bili's Lift of S. Malo, 352, 
bird, :Michael in form of, xiv. 
birds resting on saint's hands 
and head, 226, 344; souls in 
form of, 260, 354. See 
crane, cup, cagle, hawk, O'llsel, 
o'Zvl, feathers. 
birth-feast, 156. 
bishops, orders of, r88; func- 
tions of, 286. 
blackberries, 204. 
blessings on estuaries, 15 6 , 59 ; 
on foetus, 160; on womb, 
224; on rviunster, 164; on 
Domnall, 311. 
blind, 191 ; healed, 197. 
blindness, robbers stricken with, 
26 7. 
blood, dumb cured by Brigit's, 
18 9. 
boat, hideless, 218. See oars, 

3 A 2 

bolster, 180, 229, 
79, 3 1 7. 
bondmaid, 183; release of. 27 2 ; 
grinding with quem, 361. 
Book of Armagh, 299. 
Book of Ballymote, xl, 360. 
Book of Fenagh, 348. 
Book of Fermoy, xxix, xxx, 
xxxviii, xli. 
Book of Lecan, 343. 
Book of Leinster, xxv, xxvi, 
xxix, xxxv, 293, 294, 29 8 , 
299, 3 00 , 3 06 -308, 335, 33 6 , 
337, 34 2 , 345, 34 6 ,349, 35 1 , 
353, 354, 355, 35 6 . 
Book of Lismore described, v- 
xlv; referred to, 350. 
Book of l\1:onasterboice, v, vii. 
Book of Rights, ed. O'Donovan, 
xxxi, 348. 
books, 174, 304 ; indestructible, 
176; protected from damp, 
book satchel, 230. 
bracelets, payments made with, 
breath, foul, 227. 
brewing ale, 188. 
Broccán's hymn, 330. 
Bntidell1Jlaic da Reo, xxxviii. 
Brussels, Irish l\ISS. in, 337, 
34 2 , 347, 349, 355, 3 60 . 
Buddhist Bi'rtlz-stories, xlii. 
buffoon, 163, 345, 35 8 (dr'llth), 
257 (crosall). 
buglehorns, 241. 
Bzez.'de C01mail!, 174. 
burial, 212, 215; in a bog, x; 
among waves, 258. 
bu rial place determined by cattle, 
16 7. 
butter, 152, 186, 320. 
Burton, A Thousa1ld l'/ights 
and a Nigllt, 359. 

caldron, 267, 272; brazen, 154, 
16 5. 
Ca!ellclarof L1Iariallus Gormall, 

3 6 4 

3 00 ; of Oe1tgus, 337, 35 2 , 
3 6 1. 
calf, resuscitated, 192, 267. 
calves, herding, 206. 
Cambro-British Saints, Lives 
of, 34 1 , 35 6 , 357. 
candles, 20 7, 338. 
captive, 193. 
carrying on back over three 
fields, 224. 
cask of wine, 276. 
cat catching salmon, viii. 
Cath CrÍ1zna, xxxiii. 
cave, 250. 
cerecloth, 310. 
chafers, 236. 
chain J 193- 
chalice, 196. 
chariot, 166; hind shafts of, 
251 ; noise of, 265. 
charm, 21 5, 324. 
chasuble, 218. 
cheeses turned to stones, 150, 
16 3. 
chevaux de frise, 348. 
children, sale of,337; speaking 
out of womb, 347 j suckled 
by men, 348. 
Chronz'con Scotorum, ed. Hen- 
nessy, xlii. 
churning, 32 I. 
cleansing well, 226. 
cloak of darkness, 232. 
cloud, carriage by, 221, 23 0 , 
341; following saint, 283,359. 
clover, 177. 
Codex Sallllantz"cellsis, 337, 34 2 , 
343, 349, 355. 
Colgan's Acta SancforulIl, 337, 
34 1 , 34 2 , 349; Trias Thau- 
matzerga, 294, 295, 297, 299, 
communion in both kinds, 177, 
180, 255, 257, 259. 
condiment, 316. 
consonants, xlv. 
consumptive healed, 191, 288. 
Cormac's Glossary, 309, 35 8 , 
corpse carried to battle, 194. 
cow, mad, 152; killed for food, 
160; red-eared, 185; white, 
red-eared, 319- 
cowl, charmed, 1 76; blazing,288; 
protecting from death, 306. 
crane, pet, 270. 
cranes of Druim Ceta, 311,312. 


credence-table, 196. 
cries of the world, the three, xxxi. 
Cromdubh Sunday, xix. 
cross, church in form of, 151 ; 
made of a spear, 206; sign 
of, 214, 227. 
crossroads, 167. 
crozier, spike of, 162 ; gift of, 
209 ; Yellow Plague trans- 
ferred to, 287, 361. 
Cuan hua Lothchain, 360. 
cup with golden birds, 274; 
airidech, 324. 
curse, fatal, 173. 
cursing inanimate objects, 190, 
303. See estuar'Íes. 

D'Arbois de Jubainville, Essai 
d'U71 Catalogue, xxxiii; Des 
Bijoux, etc., 344. 
darkness produced by wizard, 
21 5, 34 0 . 
deaf mute healed, 288. 
death. See cowl, curse, drowll,- 
Ùzg, suicide. 
declension, Irish, liii. 
demoniac cured, 288. 
demons summoned by wizard, 
desideratives, lxxvi. 
Devil, 325; appear::\nce of, 190; 
appearing to S. Brenainn, 
154; to S. Brigit, 19 0 , 3 2 5; 
entering traitor's body, 161, 
297; 11uling and the, xvi; 
squirting deadly water, 256. 
See dusmus. 
devils. See pygmies. 
Dl."ctiolzary of Christian Biog- 
raphy, 341. 
Dlgal fila Crist, vi. 
digraphs, vi. 
diphthongs, xlv. 
disease, 174; colic (!rega!), 
165; of the eye, 320. See 
gangrene, headache, leþers, le- 
þ'rosy, !zl1zatz'c, Yellow Plague. 
distaff, 338. 
Doom, xviii. 
Doomsday, 230; fire of, 247. 
dowry, 183. 
draftboard 317. 
drinking-cup, 32{; drinking- 
horn, 236. 
drought, 213. 
drowning, 216; execution by, 
34 0 . 

drunkenness of clerics, 323 note. 
dulse, 340. 
dusmus, dusii, 352 note. 
dwarfs, devils in shape of, 258. 
dyeing, 266-267, 356. 

eagle, age of, xli. 
earth rising up to knees, 233 ; 
putting foes under, 283. 
earth swallowing parricide, 
Easter ale, 189. 
Easter-eve, 156. 
Easter, the Great, 259. 
Echt'ra Taidg maz"c CéÙz, xxxii. 
Egerton 91, referred to, 337, 
34 8 ; cited, 349; Egerton 
9 2 , referred to, xx, 356; Eger- 
ton 118, referred to, xli; 
Egerton 133, referred to, xli ; 
Egerton 178, xxvii, xxxi, 350. 
emigration, 353. 
enclitic forms of Irish verbs, 
envy of saints, 278. 
episcopal orders given to S. 
Brigit and her successors, 323. 
estuaries blessed, 156, 159; 
cursed, 156. 
eulogy, 227; eulogies, 177. 
EVe'r1le'W Tongue, xvii. 
ewe, milking, 328. 
eye plucked out, 188, 322. 

Fairyland, xxxiv. 
famine, 203. 
Farrar, Life of Christ, 295. 
fasting, against one, 308; pesti- 
lence banished by, 230. 
feast, 162. 
feathers, hermit covered with, 
260, 354. 
feet, washing, 186; cleaving to 
earth, 228. 
female warriors, 360. 
Ferguson, Samuel, Lays of the 
T-Vestenz Gael, xxxv. 
Fiann, conditions required from, 
field (gort) age of, xli; achad, 
fifties, the three, viii, 180. 
fire, drops made sparks of, 15 I ; 
kindled for mass, 156; pas- 
chal, 158; pillar of, 188; 
from teeth, 236, 347; hal- 
lowed, 277, 358; on Easter, 

96; on Maundy Thursday, 
35 8 . 
firebrand, 234. 
firstfrui ts, 337. 
fish, water made barren of, 156. 
five ages, 282; five talents, 
mystical meaning of, 281. 
flags, 239. 
flagstone, birth upon, 150. 
flitch, 319. 
flockbed, 229. 
foetus blessed, 160. 
folk-medicine, 361. 
folkmote, 152. 
food prepared by heathen, 191 ; 
miraculously increased, 191- 
192 ; made putrid, 205. See 
ale, aþþles, bacon., barleybread, 
blackberries, bu.tter, cheese, 
curd, con.diment, flitch, goat, 
honey, malt, mead, meal, milk, 
ox,þork, þottage, salmon, salt, 
seaweed, sloes, wheat, wine. 
Forblzuis Drol11a Damhghaire, 
fosterage, 151. 
fostering, 232. 
fountain travelling like a cloud, 
3 60 . 
Four Masters, 34 6 , 349. 
fox, pet, 196; carrying psalter, 
Franciscus Pip in us' translation 
of 1\larco Polo, xxii. 

Gablzáltus Sheárlus lJIáÙz, xviii. 
Gaidoz, 11. Henri, viii, xxii, 
295, 3 0 3, 3 0 9, 357. 
gangrene transferred to bell, 
288, 360. 
garden, 204. 
Gaston Paris, xix. 
generosity of Guaire, 358; of 
Hátim et-Tái, 358. 
genu flexions, 153, 3 16 . 
Gerðr's arms, 351. 
gifts to poets, buffoons, etc. 345. 
Gilbert, National flISS. of Ire- 
land, xxxii. 
Giraldus Cambrensis, 344. 
girdle, 3 0 4; of 110bí, 174; of 
Brigit, 192. 
glass, chair of, 302, 303; lad- 
der of, 508. 
goat carrying water, 160; eaten, 
160, 196. 


Gödeke, Patnþhilus Gengen- 
bach, xlii. 
gold, uprooted, 154; to cover 
reliquaries, 174. See grain, 
ounce, ring, sand. 
gore, child formed of clot of, 
16 3. 
gospel on Martin's breast, 175 ; 
writing a, 208; strap of, 275. 
.grain turned into gold, 274. 
Grant's Gazetteer of the Central 
Provinces of India, 330. 
graveyards, consecration of, 286. 
grief for dead wife, 231. 
Grimm, Deutsche Rechtsalter- 
thümer, xxxviii, note 4; 
Deutsche Mythologie, 359. 
grinding, 173, 180. 
guarantees of the elements, 
Guest's flIabinogion, xli, 361. 

Haddan and Stubbs, Councils, 
hamper, 186, 320, 321. 
hands cleaving to cauldron, 154. 
Harleian 5280, referred to, 358. 
harper, xii. 
harpoon, 196. 
hawk, xli, 224. 
hazel distaff, 338. 
headache, 324. 
heads, cairn of, 236; cast into 
lake, 244. 
hell, Foilge's soul goes to, 161 ; 
seven brought out of, 166; 
soul goes to, 217, 271; de- 
scribed, 254-255. See mould. 
Hennessy, xxvi, xxx, 305. See 
Book of Fenag!z, Chronico1Z 
hermit, 260, 354. 
Hesiod, xlii. 
hide of Ciarán's dun, 268, 272. 
hind, milked for Brenainn, 249. 
Historia Langobardorulll, xxii. 
holly, well dug with stake of, 
2 I 8; basket made of, 2 19. 
holy water, 165; horse revived 
by, 265- 
honey, water made, 152 ; wild, 
Horace, 305. 
horse, age of, xli. See race- 
horses, 165; swallowed up, 2 16; 
foreign, 241, 348; giyen as 

3 6 5 

tribute, 242 j turned into 
stones, 233. 
horseloads of rods, 194. 
hospitaller, 231, 248. 
hostages, 159, 3 10 . 
hostels (bruidlZe) of Ireland, 
hound, age of, xli; set at Pat- 
rick, 157 ; at Ciarán, 265. 
hours, 174. 
house, consecration of, 19I. 
human being, age of, xli. 
Humboldt's Travels, 347. 
hunting, 244. 
hymn. See Broccálz, MOlle. 
H ymnum dicat, ix. 

icicles, blazing, 151. 
idol Cenn Cruaich, 161. 
Imthecht na Tromdaime, xl. 
Indian Fairy Tales, 351. 
infant speaking, 191. 
infection of initials, xlix. 
inkhorn, 179. 
Iris!t Nemz'Ùts, ed. Todd, 353. 
iron girdle, 228; posts, 241, 
347 ; pot, 3 0 2; lock, 3 1 5. 
irrational vowels, xlix. 
Isirlorus, 360. 
island moved, 274 ; miraculously 
submerged, 286. 

Jews, xxi, 293. 
Josephus, vi. 

Kathá-sarit-ságara, tr. by Taw- 
ney, 342. 
kettle, 2 72. 
key, 19I. 
kiln, furnace of, 226; drying 
corn in, 273. 
king, duties of, xxix. 
Kitáb Ajáïb el Hind, 352 note. 
knees, going into the earth as 
far as, xxviii. 
KPV7TTáÖta, 336. 
Kuhn's Beiträge, lxxv; Zeit- 
schrift, lxxvi, 35 0 . 
lactation of male, 237, 34 8 . 
ladder of glass, 176, 308. 
lake miraculously removed, 223, 
360; raising soil of, 287. 
Land of Promise, 259, 354. 
Lane, Thousand and one Nights, 
p. 352, note I. 
Language of the Lives, xlv, 337. 

3 66 

Laud 610, referred to, xxv, 
xlv, 337. 
Lebar Brecc, cited, 293, 294, 
301, 3 06 , 337, 34 1 , 34 2 ,34 6 , 
349, 35 0 , 353, 35 6 , 35 8 . 
Lebar 1la h Uidre, 353, 357. 
lector, 323. 
lepers, 156, 187, 189, 190, 19T, 
195, 19 6 , 218; devotion to, 
295, 34 0 . 
leplosy, 176. 
Liber HY1ll1lo1'211ll, Franciscan, 
329,330,344,353. See Todd. 
Jightning caused by wizard, 216; 
protection from, 305. 
1imetree, marvellous, 227. 
linen chasuble, J 58, 273. 
loanwords in the Lives, lxxii-ex. 
lock (bolt ?), 315. 
longevityofsaints, 230,299,346. 
lorica of Gildas, 324, note 6. 
Loth's lJIabÍ1zogio1t, 348. 
lots, casting, 335. 
lunatic, 191 ; preaching, 193. 
11abinogion, xlii, 347, 361. 
mad cow, 152. 
maiden 100 feet long, 255. 
malt, 188, 243. 
manna, 270. 
manuscripts of saints, 357; Irish, 
see Book Lebar, Liber, Yellow 
1Iarco Polo's Travels, xxii. 
1Iarianus Gorman, calendar of, 
3 00 . 
marriage of slaves, 154, 
lJJartyrology of D01tegal, edd. 
Todd and Reeves, xxviii, 303 
1Zote, 347, 34 8 ,35 0 , 353, 35 6 , 
11ary, entreated in childbirth, 
xxi; of the Gael, 186; the 
Virgin, 320. 
mass, order of, 343. 
mead, 229; miraculously re- 
stored, 197; water changed 
to, 331. 
meadow guarded, 232-233. 
meal, measure of, 161. 
MélZlsÙze, xx, xxii, 3 0 9, 346. 
metathesis, xlix. 
Meyer, Kuno, his Battle of 
VClltry, 347, 3 61 . 
mice, huge, 25 7. 
milk, bathing child in, 318; of 
hind, 249; of ewes, 3 28 . 

Il\'DE...Y 01i'lJIATTERS. 

milking, miraculous, 197; and 
see 332, 
milk and water, 228. 
mill, 206, 359; water for, 283. 
millwright, 361. 

1i]ton, Paradise Lost, cited, 
35 2 . 
miracles, antenatal, 150. 
mixed chalice, 303. 
1Ione's HYlll1Z/ Latini, 324. 
monster of Inis Cathaig, 2 13 ; 
in lake, 284- 
mould of holy island, 2 14 ; 
saving from hell, 229; from 
saint's grave, 344. 
mountain caused to fall, 224; 
tunnelled, 283. 
mouse abstaining from corn, 
271. See mice. 
mulct (éric), 319. 

names, of Patrick, 153,294; self- 
dispraising, 338. See aliases. 
nettle-pottage, 302. 
nine companions of Patrick, 
155; ranks of heaven, 167. 
noctum, 174, 181, 218, 
nose-tax, 245; = llefg'l'ld/, 348. 
N otker Balbulus, 309. 
nymphs, xlii. 

oars, ranks of, 253. 
oaths, 150. 
oats, 232; turned to wheat, 269. 
O'Clery, 11ichael, v; his glos- 
sary, 361, and see Index of 
Irish \\Y ords, þassim, 
O'Connell, Peter, his 1IS. dic- 
tionary cited, 350, and see In- 
dex of Irish 'V ords, passim. 
O'Curry, híanners and Cus- 
toms, xxv, xxx, xxxiii, 348. 
O'Donovan, Battle of lJlagh 
Rath, 347. See Book of 
Rights, Four lIIasters. 
O'Grady, S, H" xx, xIi. 
Olaus :Magnus, 352. 
oldest animals, xli. 
Oman, Indian Lift, 346, 361. 
oratory, conical cap of, 335. 
orders of repentance, 322. 
orthotonic forms of Irish verb, 
lxix, 7 0 , 357. 
otter, man changed into an, 
xvii; bringing salmon, 361. 
ounce of gold, 225. 
ousel, age of, xli. 

owl, xlii. 
ox eaten by one man, 179. 
Palatine 68, cited, xc. 
Pantheon, xix. 
Paradise, description of, 259, 
parricide, xxviii, 176. 
paternoster, 194, 200, 228. 
Paulus Diaconus, xxii. 
pax, 179. 
Peregrinatio Sancti Brendani, 
pet fox, 196; crane, 270; 
wolves,deer, badgers, ravens, 
Petrie, Ecclesiastical Architec- 
ture, xxii, 346; Tara Hill, 
3 60 . 
philtre, 192. 
phoenix, xlii. 
pigsty, 224. 
pilgrimage, 168, 169. 
pilgrims, foreign, 209. 
pirates, 235. 
plough, 19 2 , 193. 
ploughmen, 179. 
ploughshare made by boy, 175. 
poets, 166; oppression caused 
by, 309; gifts to, 345. 
poison, 150, 160,198, 296,333. 
polygamy, 237, 34 8 . 
pork, fresh, 155. 
Posidonius, 348. 
pottage, 302. 
prayer, position during, 17I. 
prisoners, visiting, 289, 
pronouns in Lives, lxii-Ixviii. 
prophecies of Colum ciUe, 171. 
prophet, 24 8 , 349. 
prostration to saint, 235. 
proverb, 160. 
psalms, read, 159. 
Pseudo- Turpin, xviii, xxii. 
Pughe, D/ctiollary of the 
Language, 361. 
purification by the sun, 361. 
pygmies, devils in shape of, 258. 
quern,grinding at, 267,272,361. 

racehorse, 210. 
radiance offace, 249,25 0 , 351 ; 
of saints' relics, 343. 
ram carrying psaIterand prayer- 
book, 355. 
rath, 232. 

Raw!. B. 405, referred to, 355. 
Raw!. B. 485, referred to, 359, 
34 2 . 
Raw!. B, 487, referred to, xliv. 
Raw!. B. 505, referreq. to, 337, 
34 2 , 355, 359' 
Raw!. B. 512, referred to, 337, 
35 6 , 35 8 . 
reapers, 271. 
reaping, 197. 
reduplicated preterite, xxiii; 
future, lxxvii, lxxxi. 
Reeves, bishop, his Columba, 
3 00 , 3 0 9, 3 1 5, 3 1 7, 3241lote, 
349, 35 0 , 357, 359. See 
lJIartyrology of Donegal. 
refectory, 210. 
reins, 250. 
rejuvenescence, 157. 
relics, 162,230, 278; prayer at, 
221 ; protection by, 22 I. 
reliquaries, 226, 275. 
rent, 235. 
requiem, xi, 3S8. 
Revue Archéologique, 344. 
Revue Celtique, xxvi, xxx, 352, 
353, 3 6 1. 
Rhys, Hibbert Lectures, xlii, 
34 6 ; MabÍ1lOgion, 361. 
Rhys Davids, xlii. 
righthand-wise, turning, 236, 
24 0 . 
ring of gold, 225; payments 
made with, 344. 
rising up, 204. 
Rob Roy, 340. 
Roger Hovedcn, 357. 
ropes, 288. 
rowan, stake of, 204, 338. 
Rules of Sr..ints, 25 I. 
rushes, 330; wicks of, 338. 
5ails of hide, 253. 
Saints, Irish, Rules of, 25 1 , J5I; 
compared with apostles, etc., 
29 8 , 299; secunclus ordo 
of, 343; mothers, etc. of, 
345; manuscripts of, 357. 
See envy, IOllgevilJ', mould, 
sale of slaves, 153; of bond- 
maid, 184; of children, 203. 
salmon, age of, xli 11Ote, 229; 
brought by seal, 287. 
salt changed to stones, 195, 329 ; 
sent as a present, 219; prized 
by Irish, 340-341. 


salted food, 158, 310. 
sand mixed with bread, 279; 
turned into gold, 358. 
sandals, 180. 
Satan, 325. See Devil. 
satin, 239. 
scarcity of land, 234. 
Scél ar Dabíd mac Iese, xix. 
Scél ar CaÍ1111ech llaOlll, xix. 
Scéllla Samhlla, xix. 
Scél ill dtÍ lellabh, xx. 
Scél A i1l11te-crist, xix. 
Scéla all trír mac clérech, vii-x. 
Scéla l1a hEséirge, 352. 
Schirmer, Zur BraJlda11lts-Le- 
gende, 349, 353. 
Schuchardt, prof., 294. 
scruple, 232, 242; of com- 
munion, 278. 
sea-cats, 257, 25 8 . 
sea-monsters, 353. 
seal brings salmon, 28j. 
seal-spear, 196. 
seaweed, cutting, 2 17; edible, 
seeds in Brenainn's boat, 25j. 
self-cremation, 157, 295. 
self-sacrifice, 17 8 , 257,309,353. 
seven doors, etc, in Bruiden, xliii. 
shadow, consumption cured by 
Brigit's, 191; of Brigifs 
chariot, 328. 
shaving, 226. 
sheep, hornless, 2 I 6. 
shepherding, 194. 
shields, bulwark of, '24+. 
shirt, 179. 
shrines, 1 74. 
Siciliallische jJ,ft.ïrchell, 330. 
sickles, 235. 
Siegfried, R. T., lxxv. 
sign of cross, 271. 
silver chain, 195; pails, 241. 
Skene, Celtic Scotland, 305. 
slaves, sale of, 153; marriage 
of, 154; liberation of, 154; 
ransoming of, 289; purchase 
of, 317. 
sloes, 326. 
smile, prophetic, 17 6 , 3c6. 
Smith, Geo" Life of Johll IVil- 
SOil, 344. 
smiths, 235. 
snakes banished, 180, See'water
snow, curd and butter made of, 
15 2 . 

3 6 7 

social observances. See n'sing 
'Uþ, carrying. 
soulfriend, 286; soulfriendjewel, 
souls in forms of birds, 260, 354. 
spell, 192. 
stag, agé of, xli; yoked, 223 ; 
books on antlers of, 268, 274, 
stake, age of, xli. 
stakes for building, 195, 276. 
stones turned into salt, 195, 
19 6 . 
storm calmed by Brenainn, 254. 
Strachan, prof., lxxv. 
Stubbs, Dr., Gesta rcgis Henriei 
Seamdi, 3 I 8. See Haddan. 
subprior (secl1dabb), 223. 
sugarcane, disease transferred 
to, 36 I. 
suicide as a mode of vengeance, 
Suidigud Tellaig Tem , raclt 
S11n darkened, 2 I 5; of righ teous- 
ness, 149, 15 0 , 361; purifi- 
cation by, 361. 
swine, herding of, 153. 
swineherd of Dichu, 157. 
sword, charmed, I 75, 3 0 5. 

tablets, 353. 
tanning, 176. 
taste, desired, 227. 
tawáf, 348, 
Tawney,C. H. See Kathá-sarz"t- 
Tellga Bithmta, xvii. 
tents, 239. 
theft of wheat, 288. 
Thra'lfJll Janet, 297. 
three households, 167; quires 
at Patrick's consecration, 
155; waves in baptism, 268. 
threshold, 1K1. 
thunder caused by wizard, 216. 
Thurneysell, prof., his explana- 
tion of fetar, lxxvi. 
timber cut for church, 223,224. 
tithes, 337, 359. 
toads, xlii; banished, 180. 
Todd, Dr., IVan of the Gaidhil 
'with the Gaill, 348; S. Pat- 
rick, 343, 25 2 ; Libcr HY1Jl- 
llorum, 318. See Irish 
J'{ell 1l ius, lIIartyrology of 


3 68 

tonsuring, 226. 
tooth, radiant, 162, 343. 
tower of fire, 205, 219. 
train of poet, 309. 
transfer of disease from human 
beings, 360. 
transmigrations of Tuan, xli. 
treachery, 231. 
Trias Thaumaturga, 355. 
tribute of curd and butter, 15'2 ; 
royal, excessive, 265; to 
saint, 239, 24 1 , (sack of malt, 
3 0 boars), 243, (first calf, 
lamb, pig), '245. 
trine immersion, 357. 
Trinity, 288, 321. 
Tripartite Life of S. Patrick, 
337, 353, 35 6 , 35 8 . 
tub, 193. 
Turpin, the pseudo-, xviii, xxii. 
twelve tribes, 167 ; twelve 
nights of waking, 167. 
Tylor, Primitive C1tltzere, 360. 

unction in baptism, 184. 
veil, 3 22 , 323. 
verbal forms in Lives, lxix- 
verbal prefixes, lxviii, lxix. 
viaticum, 334. 
Vigfusson, Icelandic D-ictio11ary, 
34 8 . 
vision, 17 2 , 174; 
filiuc's, 153, 
17 2 ,294; of Brigit, 192; of 
TeJach, 222; of Brenainn's 
mother, 248; of Findian, 
272, 356 j of Ciarán and 
Enna, 273 ; of Boethine, 302 ; 
of bishop Ibar, 319-320; of 
Adamnán, 352. 
Vita Columbae, Adamnán's, 
305. See Reeves. 
voice of Colum ciUe, 173; 
heard a mile off, 250. 


vowels, xlv. 
Voyage of lJfael dUÍ1z, 361. 
\Vackernagel, Kleinere Schrif- 
ten, xlii. 
walking duel, 347. 
War of Cellacllán and tIle 
Danes, xxxii. 
Wars of the Gaidhil'with the 
Gaill. See Todd. 
washing feet, 180, 318, 325; 
clothes, 2 I 2; leper, 196; 
sheep, 235. 
water miraculously produced, 
150, see fire; turned into 
ale, 185, 189; made foul, 
205; changed to honey, 265 ; 
mixed with milk and ale, 
279; with sacramental wine, 
303; with which saints' feet 
had been washed, 325 ; saints' 
mss. resist, 358. 
watermill, 360. 
watersnake, 179. 
wattles for building, 175, 195, 
3 0 5. 
wave, surging, 177; standing 
on, 220; passing through 
air, 360. 
waxed tablet, 25 6 , 353. 
weaver's beam, 197, 330. 
\Vednesday, 316. 
well miraculously produced, 
150,175,212,218; hallowed, 
177; cure by, 228. See holly. 
'Velsh, speaking in, 223; pre- 
terites in -odd, lxxvii; saints, 
34 2 -343. 
wethers stolen, 197. 
whale, celebrating Easter on, 
253, 35 2 ; fighting sea-cat, 
25 8 . 
wheat, 288. 
wheaten bread, 229; loaves, 
27 0 , 313 j meal, 270. 

Whitney, SanskrÜ Grammar, 
I xxvi. 
wicks, 338. 
widows, protecting, 289. 
wife, grief for, 231. See mar- 
wild boar, xli. 
Win dele, v. 
windingsheet, 179. 
Windisch on the t-preterite, 
lxxv; Irische Texte, 334. 
wine, pitcher of, 158; French, 
27 6 . ' 
wizardry, science of, 166. 
wizard's fence, xxviii. 
wizards prophesy, 157, 183. 
woad, 266, 356. 
Wolff, Joseph, 344. 
wolf carries off sheep, 151; eats 
calf, 267. 
,y olter, Der Judenkllabe, xxii. 
womb blessed, 224. 
women, a voidance of study wi th, 
251. See amazons, bond- 
maid, eþiscoþal orders, grief, 
marriage, þhiltre, þolygamy, 
quern, widows. 
\Vright and Halliwell's Reli- 
quiae Antiquae, xlii. 
'\Vürzburg Codex Paulin us, 356. 

Y Cymmrodor, xlii. 
Yellow Book of Lecan. 309. 
yellow-haired girl, 250. 
Yellow Plague, 229; transferred 
to crozier, 287, 360. 
yew, age of, xii. 
Yule. See lJIarco Polo. 

Zimmer, prof., on the t-preterite, 
lxxv; his discovery of the 
s-aorist in Irish, 351. 


* * * bp. ' bishop'; hua, , grandson,' , descendant'; i., ingen, 'daughter' ; mac, ' son'; rí, 'king.' 
The numbers refer to the pages. 

Abbán, 345; maccu Cormaic, 
Abel, 229. 
Abra mac Branain, 346. 
Abraham, 165, 168, 169, 229, 
247, 279. 
Abram, 231. 
Adam, 166. 
Adamnán, xvii-xxxix; hua 
Tinni, 165. 
Adomnán, bp. 299. 
Aed, alias of Mael-doid Muc- 
nama, 301. 
Aed, alias of S. 
loedoc of F ems, 
3 0 1. 
Aed Baclam, xxvi. 
Aed Finn mac Fergna, xl. 
Aed Fogart, 231. 
Aed gnoe mac Ferga Lethain, 
35 6 . 
Aed mac Ainmirech, 174, 198, 
306, 3 10 . 
Aed mac Bric, 324. 
Aed mac Coirbb, 356. 
Aed mac Duach, xl. 
Aed mac Fergusa, 222, 342. 
Aed mac Luigclech, 210. 
Aed Ordnide, xxix. 
Aed Slaine, 176, 190, 231. 
Agatho, 300. 
Ai mac Ollaman, xxxv. 
Aibind i. Mani, 336. 
Aife i. Roiss Failge, 237. 
Ailbe, 354. 
Ailbe of lmlech lbair, 232, 
Ailill Banna, 307. 
Ailill dub 1Iac Celtchair, 342. 
Ailill mac Dunlaing, 160, 193, 
Ailill mac Echach, 201. 
Ailill Ólomm, xxxii, xxxvii. 
Ailill Már mac 13reccain, 300. 
Ailill Tauldub, 222. 

Ainmire mac Colgain, 264. 
Ainmire, brother of Moses, 
Airde mac Fidaig, 248. 
Aireran ind écnai, 165. 
Airmedach of Clochar, 165. 
Airtri mac Cathail, xxxii. 
A1cuin, xxii. 
Alexander, pope, 269. 
Aiphaeus, 262. 
Alta mac Ogamain, 349. 
Ambrois, 300. 
Andreas, 300. 
Anmet i. Colmáin, 237. 
Antoin :rvianach, 169. 
Aonghus 0 Callaid, xxv. 
Art mac Cuinn, xxxvi. 
Art Oenfer, 300. 
Astaman mac 1Iogaed (Moga 
Toeth), 349. 
Augustín, 247. 
Auxilius, 161. 

Baedán, 179. 
Baeth, 221, 225; Baeth Bru- 
gaid, 234. 
BaethchÚ, 185. 
Bairre, 209. 
13aite mac Brónaig. See Bute. 
Baithín mac Brenainn, xvii. 
Ball-gel, 28{- 
Barre, bp" 299. 
Barr mac Nathi, 282. 
Bartholomew, S" 349. 
Beccan mac Bairr, 282. 
Beccán swineherd, 224. 
Beccán UIad, xxvii. 
Becc i. Conchoraig, 287. 
Becc mac Dé, xxvi, 171, 176, 
24 8 , 26 4, 299, 350. 
Beda, xxii. 
Benén= 13enignus, 156. 
3 13 

Benedictus Abbas, 318. 
Benian = Benén, 279. 
Benignus, 156. 
Beo n-Æd, 356. 
Beodan mac Boiggain, 356. 
13éoit, 264. 
Beonán, 162. 
Beuno, S. 340. 
BiceIl, 336. 
Bicsech, 336. 
Blai Briuga, xliii. 
Blathmac, 231,347. 
BIatbnait, S. Brigit's cook, 193, 
33 2 . 
Bodb, xxx. 
Boite, 176; mac Brónaig, 246. 
Bole mac Dece (?), 200. 
Bolggan mac Linnida, 356. 
Branan, 231; mac Dobtha, 
34 6 . 
Brandub mac Echach, 224. 
Breccan mac F éicc, 300. 
Brenainn, 198, 209. 
Brenainn of Birr, 272. 
Brenainn of Clonfert xiii-xv, 
29 8 . 
Brenainn mac Finnloga, xvii, 
247 et seq., 349-354. 
Brendinus senior, 298. 
Bres mac Firb, xxxvii. 
Bresal mac Colla, 346. 
Bresal Bern bél Buaideltach, 
13resal Brecc, 237. 
Bresal mac Degha, 264. 
Bresal mac Diarmata, xxviii. 
Bresal mac :rviaini :Móir, xvi, 
Bresal mac l\fl1iredaig, 224. 
Bresal mac Sirachta, 251. 
Brig, 249. 
Brig i. Amalgada, 536. 
Brig i. Coimlocha, 3 2 5. 
Brig i. F ergusa, 336. 

37 0 

Brigit, 177, '225, 26 4, 353. 
Brigit i. Conailli, 190. 
Brigit i. Con Cathrach, 218. 
Briun mac Smethrach, xxx. 
:Briun (Brian?) mac Echach 
Muidmedoin, 23 1 , 347. 
Briunsech, 282. 
Broccán Cloen, 198. 
Broenaind, 333. 
Brogach mac Dega, 173. 
Broicsech, 199, 334- 
Broicsech i. Dallbrónaig, 183. 
Brón, bp., 19 1 , 327- 
Brónaeh, 172. 
Brónach i. Milchon, 294. 
Brl1ide mac Milcon, 3 I 5. 
Brunseeh, 336. 
Buan, xxxvii. 
Bute mac Brónaig, 172, 246, 
299, 30 0 , 3 08 . 
Cadoc, 34 2 , 343, 358. 
Caelbad, 159- 
Caelbe, 353. 
Cael-colomb, 275. 
Caemán, 222. 
Caibell (for Cáimell?) i. Aeda 
Bairr, 336. 
Cailech, 162. 
Cainchomrac, xxxix. 
Cailte, xxv, xliii. 
Cáimell i. Dermata, 336. 
Cáimin of Inis Celtra, xv. 
Cainer i. Airmind, 336. 
Cainer i. Cruthechan, 336. 
Cainneeh, xv, xix, 174, 177, 
179, 29 8 . 
Cairbre = Cairpre, 264. 
Cairell mac J\1uiredaig, 160. 
Cairpre Bascháin mac Conairi, 
Cairpre Cenn cait, xxxvii. 
Cairpre Croimehenn mac Dairi 
Dornmair, 201. 
Cairpre Crom, xvi, 244 = 
Cairbre Find, 245. 
Cairpre Finnmar mae Conairi, 
Cairpre mae Roduinn, 200. 
Cairpre hua Dunlainge, 225. 
Cairpre Lifechar, 300. 
Cairthenn mae Blait, 163. 
Cairthenn Donn, 241. 
Cairthenn Find, 241. 
Caisin mac Nemain, 225. 
Calpnrn, 150; Calpurnius, 153. 
Cámmine, 299, 3 0 4. 


Canair Craibdeeh, 219_ 
Carlyle, Thomas, 296. 
Carthaeh, alias of Cummine, 
3 0 1. 
Carthach, ::tlias of Mo-chutl1 of 
Lismore, 300. 
Cas Corach, xliv. 
Cas mac Echach, 239. 
Cas mac Fraech, 356. 
Cassidan, 206, 221. 
Catháir 1Iór, xxxi, 300. 
Cathal mac Aeda Fland- 
cathrach, 234, 239, 240. 
Cathal mac Finguini, xxxii. 
Cathmael, 222, 223, 342. 
Causcrad mac 1Ieisinsued, 356. 
Celestinus, J 53, 155. 
Cellaeh, 172; mac Ragallaig, 
284, 286. 
Cellachán, xxxii. 
CelIan, 336. 
Celtchar mac Uitheehair, 222 ; 
mac Cuthechair, 342. 
Cennfaelad, xxv; mac Colcan, 
Cennselaeh mae Dunlaing, 237. 
Cetan, 336. 
Charlemagne, xviii. 
Christ, 166. 
Cian mac AiIilla Ólnim, xxxii. 
Cian mac Eehach, 239. 
Ciar Cuirchech, 24 2 , 243. 
Ciar i. Cerain, 336. 
Ciar i. Duibrea, 336. 
Ciar mac Fergussa, 247. 
Ciarán, xvi, 174, 20 9, 227. 
Ciarán Belaig Dl1in, 165. 
Ciarán of Clonmacnois, 177, 
29 8 ; mac in tsáir, 3 0 3, 357 ; 
Life of, 262 et seq.; pedigree 
of, 356. 
Ciarán of Saigir, 277, 299, 358. 
Ciarnait, 361. 
Cillín, 2 I I. 
Cillíne, 160. 
CHline, a nun, 336. 
Cingid mac Echach, 239. 
Cirine= Hieronymus, 247. 
Cluain, 271. 
Cobthach mac Breceáin, 274. 
Cobthach mac Buile. 200. 
Coel, 214, 215. 
Coel mac Aeda, 288. 
Coimde, 241. 
Coimgen of Glenndáloeha, 278, 
29 8 . 
Cóimell, 231. 

Coimgell i. Ernaig, 201. 
Cona, 347. 
Collait, Crumthir, 165. 
Colmán alias Mac Lenín, 301. 
Colmán Comraire, 294. 
Colmán, deacon, 177. 
Colmán mac Conngel1áin, 314- 
Colmán mac Crimthainn, 237. 
Colmán mac Lenín, 251. 
Colmán mac Nuin, 275. 
Colmán 1Iór mac Diarmata, 
Colmán :Muilinn, 294. 
Colmán of Inisbofin, 315- 
Colmán of tbe Cave, 165. 
Colomb cilIe, xv, xxviii, 159, 
165, 26 3, 26 4, 27 2 , 29 8 , 
3 01 , 357. 
Colomb mac Cremthainn, 226, 
23 0 , 3 01 . 
Colomb i. Beraig, 336. 
Colum Tíre dá Glas, 298. 
Comán, 283. 
ComgaIl, xv, 174, 177. 
Comgall of Bennchor, 232, 233, 
282, 298. 
Comlach, 279. 
Conaing mac 
farcáin, 235. 
Conaire mac Etersceoil, 201. 
Conaire mac 110ga Lama, 
Conall mac Aeda, 3I1. 
Conall Echluath, 299. 
ConaIl mac NéiH, 159, 171. 
Conamail mac :rviaehdain, 282. 
Concess, 15 0 , 153. 
Conchobar mac Nessa, xxxiv. 
Conchobar Abratruad, xxxi. 
Conchorach, 287. 
Conchrad mac Dairehella, 222, 
34 2 . 
Coneraid, 241. 
Cond Cétehathach, 300. 
Conellan, Owen, xl. 
Conmach, 241. 
Constantine son of Helena, 
Corbb mae Aeda gnoe, 356. 
Core, 264, mac Daaed, 356. 
Core Dothe mae Fergusa, 356. 
Cormac mae Airt, xxxvi, 361 ; 
hua Cuinn, xxxiii, 361 ; UI- 
fota, 300. 
Cormac mac Cuilennain, xxix. 
Cormae hl1a Liathain, 175. 
Cornil1il (gen. sg.), 293. 
Corotieus, 294. 

Corpaeh, 336. 
Corp Aulom, xxxviii. 
Cothraige, 153, 16 3, 294. 
Cowell, Prof., xlii. 
Créd, 336. 
Crichid, 277. 
Crimthann, alias of Colomb 
Cille, 300. 
Crimthann Cass, xxxiv. 
Crimthann mae Ennai Cennse- 
laig, 195. 
Crimthann mae Luigdech, 265. 
Crimthann mae :rvluiredaig, 224. 
Crimthann Nia Nair, xxx, 
3 1 7. 
Crimthann Sriab, 244, 
Crón, 336, 
Cronán, 264, 282. 
Cronán alias of :rvIoehl1a, 301. 
Cronmune Taplain, 336. 
Crumine, 346. 
Crumsech, 336. 
Cruthneehán mae Cellaig, 172. 
Cú Cathraeh, 218. 
Cuiltre, 264. 
Cuindiu, 264. 
Cuinnid, 264. 
Cuirche, 162. 
Cumain Fota, xv = Cummine 
Fota, 299, 3 0 4. 
Cummine, 30I. 
Cumne i. Conamail, 282. 
Cumuscaeh rí Tethba, 232. 
Cundedan, 253. 
Cunnid alias of Colom mae 
Crimthainn, 30I. 
Cunnid alias of Mac Culind of 
Lusk, 300. 
Cunnid mae Cais, 356. 
Curehass, 336. 
Curnan mae Æda, xxviii. 
Cuthechar mae Fotaid, 342. 
Cutlach, 300. 
Cybi, 358. 

Daaed mac Cunnida, 356. 
Dabíd, 165, 169; mac lesse, 
xix, 247, 27 8 , 279. 
Dabíd of Cellmuine, 209, 222, 
223, 34 2 , 343. 
Da Choea, xliii. 
Da-chua, alias of Da-ehúalen, 
3 00 . 
Da-ehualen, 300. 
Da-euilen, 308. 
Da Derga, xliii. 
Daimin Dam-argait, 306. 


Dairehell, 222; mae Senaig, 
34 2 . 
Daire, 165, 298; Ban'aeh, 300. 
Daire Dornmar mae Cairpri 
Finnmair, 20I. 
Daire mac Finclchada, 239. 
Dala (1) mac Bresail, xvi. 
Dalann, bp., 2 I 2. 
Dallán, 265. 
Dallán mae Bresai1, 299. 
Dallán Forgaill, 3 1 4, 3 1 5, 34I. 
Dall brónaeh, 183. 
Damnatán, 294. 
Daniél, pres b., 274. 
d'Arbois de Jubainville, v, 
xxxii, xxxii i. 
Darerea, alias of Moninne of 
Cell slébe, 300. 
Darerca i. Ereain, 264, and see 
35 6 . 
Darnisa, 336. 
Dathi, Crumther, xv, 228. 
Da vid. See Dabíd. 
Dee (Deee?) mac lmchada, 200, 
Deg, 173. 
Dega Mór, xvi. 
Delbna (Delmna) mac Ennae, 
Demmán mae Cairill, 160. 
e mac Bresail, 183. 
Derbfind Bélfota, 300. 
Diarmait mae Æda, 222, 342. 
Diarmalt mae Cerbaill, xxvi, 
xxviii, xxix, 176, 27 6 , 333. 
Diarmait, Colombcille's attend- 
ant, 180. 
Diarmait of In is Clothrann, 219. 
Díchl1, 166,264; mae Treehim, 
157, 15 8 . 
Dietrich, 347. 
Dimma mae nái, 172. 
Dobarchu, xvii. 
Dobtha (?) mae Oengusa, 347. 
Do-chatti, 336. 
Domangart mae Eehach, 160. 
Domnall, 285. 
Donnáll, 264. 
Donnán mac Leith, 2 I 7. 
Donnán, brother of Senán, 275. 
Dricriu, 160. 
Dronán, 234. 
Dronbec, 234. 
Dub dá leithe na graifne, 306. 
Dub dá thuath, xxix. 
Dub mae Lugna, 264' 
Dubda, 231. 
3 B2 

37 1 

Dubthaeh mae Decee, 337. 
Dubthach mac Demni, 183,185, 
I87, 188, 193. 
Dubthaeh maccu Lugair, xxxi. 
Duke of Devonshire, v. 
Dunlang, 160. 
Dunlang mae Enna, 187. 

Echaid Tirmcharna, xxviii. 
Ecne mae Altae, 349. 
Eg bert, 340. 
Egidius, 155. 
Eire, bp., 197, 212, 248, 250, 
'25 1 , 25 2 . 
Eirggend mae Dubthaig, 337. 
Eithrial, 264. 
Elchu (leg. Olchu ?), 349. 
Elijah, 260. 
Enda of Aran, 257, 273, 340, 
Enna mac Fualascaig, 349. 
Enna maccu Laigsi, 275. 
Enoch, 229, 260, 279. 
Eochaid Abratruad, xliii. 
Eochaid Find Fuathnairt, 183. 
Eochaid mac Bresail, '264. 
Eoehaid mac M:uiredaig, 160. 
Eochaid mae Oengusa, 201,244. 
Eoehaid Minnech, 285. 
Eochaid M uigmedon, 231; 
:rvIuidmedoin, 347. 
Eochaid Tirmcharna, 231. 
Eochu Ball-derg, 163. 
Eochu Croib-clerg, 239. 
Eogan Arda Sratha, 171. 
Eogan mae Néill, 159. 
Eoin baitsi, 247; bauptaist, 
Eolangan, xxxi. 
Ercan, 200 and note. 
Erc Derg mac Briain (Briuin ?), 
Erc mae Ogamain, 350. 
Ere Ruad, 231. 
Ere Slane, bp., 298. 
Ereada (gen. sg.) maie Meehoin, 
35 6 , 
Ercan mae Buachaille, 264. 
Eremon, 264. 
Ernaeh m. Golbíni, 201. 
Ernín of Cluain Deochra, 177. 
Ernín mac Coluim, 336. 
Erníne of Torach, I i8. 
Esdras, 149. 
Eterscél mac Eogain, 20 I. 
Ethne, 300. 
Etbne Ollmane, 172. 


Fabian, 260. 
Fai1ge Berraide, 16I. 
Failge Roiss, 16I. 
Faillén, 160, 297. 
Failtemail i. :Mael-Echdach, 
33 6 . 
Fainche i. Dallbrónaig, 335. 
Fainder cuicir, 336. 
Faindle mac Dubroith, xxxi. 
Fechíne Fobair, 298, 300. 
Fedbair, 336. 
Fedelm i. Ailello, 160. 
Feic mac Fideic, xxxvii. 
Ji'eichín, 2II, 283. 
F eidlimid mac Crimthainn, 
xxxi, xxxviii. 
Feidlimid mac Echach, 264. 
Feidlimid mac Fergusa, 171. 
Feidlimid mac Medrui, 356. 
Feidlimid Rechtmar, 300. 
F eradaeh, 285. 
Feradach Findfcchtnach,xxxviii. 
Feradach Find mac Duaeh, 
3 0 7. 
F eradaeh mac Luigdeeh, xvi. 
Fer dá chrích, alias of :Mae 
Cairthind, 301. 
Fer filed mae Rossa, 342. 
Fergæ lethain (gen. sg.) maic 
Fheidlimid, 356. 
Fergna mac Ferg1.1sa, xl, 336. 
Fergus mae Ailella Taulduib, 
222 ; mac Ailella Duib, 342. 
Fergus Cerrbél, xxvi. 
Fergus Cennfota mac Conaill 
Gulban, 301. 
Fergus mae Conaill, 159, 171. 
Fergus Dub-détach, xxxiii. 
Fergus FoIt-lebor, xxxiii. 
Fergus mac Mind duach, 347. 
Fergus mac Muiredaig mail, xl. 
Fergus mae Rossa, xxiv, 349, 
35 6 . 
Fergus Tene fo Brega, xxxiii. 
Fermae, 241. 
Fíace (Fiachu 1) Find, r6I. 
Fiacc mae Dari Barraig, 300. 
Fiacc maeMail eathrach, 264. 
Fiaee mae Mochta, 251. 
Fiacha mac Delbaeith, xxxv. 
Fiacha Findfholach, xxxvii. 
Fiacha Fobrecc, 237. 
Fiaeha Muillethan, xxxvi. 
Fiaeha Sroptine, 300. 
Fiacha Suigde, 231. 
Fiachna, 336. 
Fiachna mae Baetain, 283. 


Fiaehra Find, 235. 
Fiaehra Find mae Coirpri Bas- 
chain, 201. 
Fianna, bp., 213. 
Fidaeh, 350. 
Fidchuire mae Delmnai (Delb- 
nai), 349. 
Fidnian :Maceu Tellaig, 335. 
Finan Camm, 250. 
Finan Lobnr, 177. 
Find i. :Mantain, 336. 
Find mae Lógai, 347. 
Find hua Baisene, xl. 
Findachán, xxxi. 
Findbarr Mael, 347. 
Finùehad, xliii. 
Findehna of Brí Gobann, Life 
of, 23 1 ; pedigree of, 347. 
Findein, 213. 
:Findia, 209. 
Findian (Finnén) of Clonard, 
173, 174, 29 8 ; Life of, 222; 
pedigree of, 342; age of, 346 ; 
vision of, 357. 
Findian (Finnén) of Mag Bile, 
173, 29 8 , 301. 
Findlug, 13 1 , 349. 
:Findnat, 336. 
Finghein mae Carthaigh Ria- 
bach, v. 
Finghein mae Luehta, xxix. 
Finnbarr, alias of Findian of 
:rviag Bile, 30I. 
Finnech i. Senaig Find, 336. 
Finntan mae Boehrai, xxv. 
Finntan Cluana Eiclnig, 299, 
:Finntan mae Coneraid, 222, 
34 2 . 
Finntan Find, 285. 
Flaithbertaeh hua h-Inmoinén, 
Flann Lethderg, 231. 
Flann Manistreeh, 293. 
Flann mac Oengussa, 242. 
Follach, 264. 
F olloman mae Cuire Dothi, 
35 6 . 
Forannán, 241. 
Forat mae Connla, 163. 
Forgal1'Ionach, xliii. 
Fortehernn, bp., 222. 
Fotad mae Fir filed, 342. 
F othud of the Canon, xxix. 
Fraeeh mae Causcraid, 356. 
Fraechán Drui, 226. 
Francesco Pipino, xxii, xxiii. 
Fualaseaeh mae Astamain, 349. 

Fl1ire, 163. 
Furbaide, 272. 
Furban, 267. 
Fursa the Pious, x, 294. 

Gabrin, bp., 283. 
Gaebli, Gabli (gen. sg.), 349. 
Gamaliel, 229. 
Garald, monk, 299. 
Garbán, 345. 
Gemmán Maigister, 173, 227. 
Gér, 240. 
Gergenn, 204. 
Gergenn mae Cobthaig, 200. 
Germanus, 153, 155. 
Gilclas, 222, 223, 343; his 
loriea, 324. 
Glas, 264. 
GIÚineeh, 264. 
Gnia, alias of Muru of Fatima 
Muru, 300. 
Gnoe, gen. sg., 299. 
Go'ð'mundr, 346. 
Gomba uin, 294. 
Gordián, 260. 
Gornias, 1 50, 151. 
Gossa (gen. sg.), 349. 
Grafann Cille Scire (?), 176, 
Grellán mae Natfraieh, 228. 
Gxigoir Róma, 247. 
Guare Aidne, xv, 3 0 4, 358. 

Hátim et-Tái, 358. 
Helepa, 260. 
Hieronymus (Cirine), 149. 
Hilary, Saint, ix, note I. 
Hugo de Sancto Vietore, xxii. 

Iarlaithe mae Loga, 251. 
Ibair, bishop, 186, 29 8 , 319, 
Idnait, 231. 
Hernan, 241. 
Ulann mae Dunlaing, 160. 
Imehath mac Coirpri 200 = 
Imehath mae Cnirb, 337. 
IndÚ Bee, 336. 
IndÚ Már, 336. 
Irial, 264. 
Isaiah, 149. 
Israel, 149. 
ita, 249, 25 6 . 
Iuil, bp., 221. 

Jacob, 266. 
Jerome, 149, 
Jeshua, 149. 
Jesus Christ, 149, 150; His 
sepulchre, xxiv. 
Job, 229. 
Jocelin, 297. 
Johann, bp., 210. 
John, S., the apostle, 166, 247, 
John, S., the Baptist, 155, 263. 
John, son of Zebedee, 182. 
Joseph, 280. 
Justus, 266. 

Khwája Faríd, 330. 

Laire, 264. 
Lairne, 264. 
Lasrén, alias of Molassi, 301. 
Lassair of Cell Lasre, 191, 192, 
3 28 , 33 6 . 
Latius, 20 3, 337. 
Lén Linnfiac1ach, xxxi. 
Leo IV, 296. 
Liath, 214, 215. 
Libern mac Daill, '212. 
Linnid mac Cuirc, 356. 
Lithben i. Aitrebthaig, 287, 288. 
Loeguire, xv. 
Loeguire Liban, xxxiv. 
Loeguire mac Luchta, xxxi. . 
Loeguire mac Luigdech, 210. 
Loeguire mac Néill, 156, 157, 
15 8 . 
Lomaide, xxxix. 
Lonán Cerr, 273. 
Lonán mac Erca, 162, 163. 
Longarad, 298. 
Loscán, 162. 
Lucait, 282. 
Luchair of Cell Elgraige, xxvii. 
Lucholl, 264. 
Luchta Mae1, 157. 
Luchta Lámfinn, xxxi. 
Lucia, Saint, 322. 
Luera, 157. 
Luicenchair, 286. 
Lug mac :Meidli, 264. 
Lug mac Trena (Treoin), 251. 
Lug-aed, crumthir, 336. 
Lugaid Allaid mae Cairpri 
Croimchinn, 201. 
Lugaid Cíchech, 210. 
Lugaid mac Ailella, 201. 
Lugaid mac Dalann, xvi. 


Lugaid mac Dalláin, 26 5, 299. 
Lugaid Menn, 299. 
Lugbee, 264. 
Lugbrann, 265. 
Lugna mac Feidlimid, 264. 
Lugna maccu-
1oga Laim, 275. 
Lupait, 15 1 , 153, 154. 
Lút, 336. 

Macametus, xxii. 
Mac Arddae, 350. 

Iac-caille, 188, 32 2. 
Mac Cairthind, 301. 
11ae Culind of Lusk, 300. 
Mac da reo, xxxviii, xliii. 
Mac Erca, bp" 294. 
Mac ind eids, 298. 
Mac Jnill, :3 2 I. 
Mac lair, 336. 
Mac Lenín, 301. 
Mac :Midrui, 320. 
Mac nisse, 275 j ofConaire, 159, 
3 00 . 
Mac Odráin, 326. 
Mac Tái1, 214, 215. 
MaxáCIJJI, 294. 
11achdan, 282. 
Machut, 352. 
Macrith, I 7 I. 
Maculatus, 20 3, 337. 
Maedóc, xvi. 
Maedóc of Ferns, 208, 299, 301. 
11ael-cethaig, 285. ' 
11ael-cú, 315. 
Mael doid Mucnama, 301. 
Mael-ísu hua Brolchain, xviii. 
Mael ochtraigh, 338: 
Mae1 Odran, 275. 
Mael tuile mac Cui1chi, 23 I. 
Mael uma mac Baedain, 179. 
Maghavan, 294. 
Magonius, 153, 294. 
Magor Dub-Ioingsech, 242. 
Maignenn, 34 8 , 356. 
11aine, 285; mac Néill Nóigíal- 
laig, 299. 
Maithgen, 183. 
Malo, S., 352. 

Ianchán Leith, 299. 
Mantán, deacon, 162, 163. 
Marcán, 235. 
Marko, 346. 
Martin of Tours, 15 0 , 155, 175, 
208, 221, 339. 

1ary, the Blessed Virgin, xx, 
xxi, 186, 320. 


ratha, 247, 262, 281. 
11atha, 'King of the Romans,' 
Mechar, 163, 205. 
Mechon mac Nechta, 356. 
Medrui (gen. sg.) maic Follo- 
main, 356. 
Meidle, 264. 
11eisinsued (gen. sg.) maic Sui- 
led, 356. 
Mél, bp., 183, 187, 189, 190, 
19 1 , 194, 3 18 , 3 22 , 3 2 3, 3 2 7. 
Melch1.1, 183, 318. 
Mellenn (Me1enn?) mac Tuire, 
23 2 . 
Mend duach mac Bresail, 347. 
Mengan, 336. 
Michael, the Archangel, 166. 
Midan i. Cerain, 336. 
Míl Espaine, 264. 
Miliuc maccu Buain, 153, 154, 
157, 295. 
Mo-beoc, 275. 
Mo-bí, 174, 3 0 4. 
Mo-cholmóc, 345; of Les-mór, 
Mochta, xxxix, 164. 
M ochta mac Bresail, 25 I. 
Mochua of Balla, Life of, 281. 
Mo-chua mac Lugdach, 301. 
Mo-chuta of Raithen, xvi. 
Mo-chutu Lis móir, 299, 300. 
Moeca, alias of Fechín of Fobar, 
3 00 . 
Mogaed Ciarmac Fergusa, 349- 
Moingfhinn i. Dairi, 239, 240. 
Mo-Iaisse of Leighlin, x. 
Molassi, 268, 299, 301. . 
Molassi of Dam-inis, 298. 
Mo-lioc, 275. 
Molling, 301. 
11onaeh, xxxvii. 
Mone, 324. 
Mo-ninne of Cell sIébe, 300,346. 
Mórrígan, xxx, xliii. 
Moses, 16 5, 229, 247, 299. 
Moses, brother of Ainmire, 228. 
Mo-thairén of Drum cliff, 308. 
M othla, 234. 
Mothla mac Flainn, 242. 

ioysi, 281. 

1ugain, 235. 
Mugain i. AiIello, 160. 
11ugh Lama mac Luigdech AI- 
laid, 201. 
M ugh N uadat, xxxvii. 
Mugh Ruith, xxxvi. 


Iugh Toeth, 349. 
Muinech, 163. 
M uirchertach mac Erca, xxviii. 
:Muiredach mac Oengusso 1 2241 
Muiredach mac Eógain, 159. 
Mula, bp" 221. 
Muling, xvi, 
Mumu i. Fiachrach, 239. 
M unnu mac Tilcain, 299- 
:Muru of Fothain (
Iuru, 3 00 . 

Natfraech, 162. 
Natfraich,S. Brigit's priest, 19 1 . 
N athí mac Garrchon, 295. 
Nathí mac Luigdech, 282. 
N ár Tuathchaech, xxx. 
N echt i. Chomrnain, 33 6 . 
Nechta (gen. sg.) maic Aeda, 
35 6 . , 
Nechtán Cennfota, 217, 218. 
Nechtán mac Oengusso, 228. 
Nehemiah, 149. 
Nem, 353. 
Neman, 335. 
N ephtali, 149. 
Ner, 221. 
Nessa i. Echach, xxxiv. 
N essán, 163. 
N essain, deacon, 299. 
Níall Nóigiallach, 17 2 , 235. 
Ninnid, 273, 334; N. scolaide, 
194; N. Lámidan, 199. 
Ninnid Saeb-rosc, 268. 
Noah, 229, 27 6 . 
Noe (leg. Gnoe 1), 299, 
N otál, 206, 207, 208, 33 8 , 339. 
N otker Balbulus, 3 0 9. 

O'Buagachain, vi. 
Ochmas, 15 0 . 
Octauus, 300. 
Odrán, 264. 
Odrán, a follower of Colomb 
cille, 178. 
Odrån, Patrick's charioteer, 
Odrán, one of Senán's house- 
hold, 221. 
Oengus, alias of 
Iac Nissi 
of Condere, 3 00 . 
Oengus mac Cremthainn, 26 5, 
Oengus, king of Coirpre :Mór, 


Oengus mac Erca Ruaid, 231. 
Oengus mac Eirc or Erca Deirg, 
Oengus mac Fiachrach Find, 
Oengus mac Natfraich, 162, 
23 1 , 244, 247, 349. 
Oengus mac Umoir, xxx. 
0' .Floinn, vi. 
Ogaman mac Fidaig, 350. 
Ogaman mac Fidchuiri, 349. 
OissÍn, xxv, xliii. 
Olchon, bp., 159, 264. 
01chu mac Altai, 349. 
Ollam rnac Delbaeith, xxxv. 
Ollan, 300. 
Ondba uin, 294- 
Origen, 247, 
Osséne mac Cellaig, 176. 

Pata, 264. 
Patricius, 153, 294, 29 8 . 
Patrick, S., xv, 191, J 92, 263; 
homily on life of, I. See 
Paul (Pól) S., the Apostle, 165, 
16 9, 229, 247, 280, 349- 
Paulus Diaconus, xxii. 
Peca, 279. 
Pelagius, pope, xxii. 
Pelagius, Patrick's predecessor, 
Pepinus, xxii. 
Peter, 247, 279; Pettor, 349. 
Petronilla, xxii. 
Philip, the Apostle, xvii. 
Philip, son of Gordian, 260. 
Phocas, xix. 
Pól. See Paul. 
Potitius, 150, 153, 293. 
Pupu of Aran, 257, 353. 

Raphael, the Archangel l 209, 
21 3, 339. 
Rathbeo, 264. 
Reo-doirche, 264. 
Reo-soirche, 264. 
Richenn, sister of Findian, 226. 
Rignach, sister of Findian, 226, 
Rochath, 257. 
Rodonn mac Luigdech, 200. 
Ronan, 285; Ronan find, 235. 
Ronsech, 336. 
Ross Failge, 237. 

Ross mac Rudraige, 342, 356. 
Rothniam, xxix. 
Rúadán Lothra, 227, 298. 
Rudraige, 342. 

Sabinus or Savinus, 300. 
Sarán mac Caelbaed, 159. 
Satan, 325. 
Scannal, 243. 
ScannIan, 286. 
Scannlan mac Cinnfaelad, 310, 
3 1 3. 
Scannlan mac Dunadaig, 233, 
Scath Craibdech i. Dubthaig, 
Scellan, 245. 
Scoth, 336. 
Sechnall, bishop, 159, 299. 
Sechnasach mac Aeda Slaine, 
Segda mac Baith, 221. 
Sel bach, xxxix. 
Senach, 222; bp., 226, 228, 
344, 345. 
Senach mac Cairill, xxxi. 
Scnach mac Diarmata, 342. 
Senán, 273. 
Senán of Inis cathaigh, 163; 
life of, 200; pedigree of, 337. 
Sen-Chianan, 154. 
Sen- :rviochta Lugmaid, 17 I. 
Sen-Nuada Éces l 237. 
Sescnech, 156. 
Sétna, bp., 212, 231. 
Sétna mac Abrai, 347. 
Sin chell, 346. 
Sinchell junior, 298. 
Sinech, 336. 
Sinell mac Findchada, 15 6 , 295. 
Siracht mac Fiachach J4ïlln, 
Solomon, xix, 165, 229, 247, 
Som i. :rviothla, 234. 
Starka'ð'r, 346. 
Sucait, 15 2 , 153, 154, 294. 
Suibne, 285. 
Suibne mac Colmáin Móir, 176, 
199, 334. 
Suiled (gen. sg.) maic Ercada, 
35 6 . 
Sylvester, 260. 

Tadg mac Céin, xxxii. 
Tairchell, alias of Molling, 301. 

Taithlech mac Cennfaelaiò, 
Tassach, bishop, 166. 
Tathan, 35 8 . 
Telach, 222. 
Thomas, Earl of Desmond, v. 
Tigernmas, 26 4. 
Tigris, 153. 
Tinne Trénmór, 235. 
Tipraite Tírech, xxxviii. 
Titus, vi, 150; Tid 293. 


Toirdelbach, 163. 
TomaItach mac Muiredaig, 
24 1 . 
Trea i. Meic Carthind, 33 6 . 
Trén, 279; mac Féicc, 251. 
Tualaing, 24 0 . 
Tuathal Maelgarb, 272, 27 6 . 
Tuathal Treathangarb, 285. 
Tuidell, 282. 
Tuire Tortbuillech, 235. 
Turscur, 24 0 . 


Uithecar, 222. 
Ultan, 165. 
Ultan of Ard Breccain, 199, 334. 

Vespasian, 150= Uespiain, 293. 
Victor, angel, 153, 155, 166. 
\Venefreda, S., 34 0 . 
Zabulon, 149. 
ZerobabeI, 149. 


Abaschia, xxiii, xxiv. 
Achad Aball, 'field of Apple- 
trees,' 225, 23 0 , 345 = Achad 
Abla, 228, now Aghowl, in 
the barony of Shillelagh, co. 
Achad Aeda, 336. 
Achad Corcaige, 336. 
Achad Fiacla, 225. 
Aden, xxiv. 
Agar, xxvi. 
Ai, xxv. 
Aidne, xxv, 303, 357, now the 
diocese of Kilmacduagh, co. 
Galway. See Annals of 
Ulster, A. D. 783. 
Ail-Cluade,150, 'rock of Clyde,' 
now Dumbarton. 
Ailech na Ríg, 159, now Gre- 
nan-Ely, barony ofInishowen, 
co. Donegal. 
AirceItra, xxvi. 
Airgéill, gen. pI. Airgiall, 306, 
in Ulster. See O'Donovan, 
Toþ. Poems, p. xix. 
Airiud Bóinne, 333, 336 = Air- 
iud Bainne, l1:fartyr. DOlzegal, 
p. 188, 1. 8. 
Airthir, 165, 193, now Oriors, 
in the east of the co. of Ar- 
magh, Adamnán's 'Anteri- 
Airthir Maige Cobai, 159, now 
Armoy, co. Antrim. 
Aithbe Bolg, xxxi. 
Alba, xlii, 357, gen. Alban, 
, Scotland.' 
All in Cléib, 287. 
Altraige, 200, 350, near Tralee 
in Kerry. 
Altraige Berai randai, 349. 
Altraige Caille, 247, 24 8 , 34 8 . 
Arada Cliach, 320, now the 
parish of Kilteely in the east 
of Limerick. 
Ard Abla, 'Height of the Ap- 
pletrees,' 264, now Lisardow- 
lin,nearthe town of Long ford. 

*** The numbers refer to the pages. 

Ardachad, 323, 324, now Ar- 
dagh, co. Longford. 
Ard-Breccáin, 334, now Ard- 
brackan in Meath. 
Ard-chnoc, 241. 
Ardmacha., 162, 166, 193, 298, 
now Armagh. 
Ard Mantain, 275. 
Ard na n-Aingel, 213, 214. 
Ard na Rígraide, 23 2 , 239. 
Ard nemid, 209, 210. 
Ard Pátric (in the E. of Louth), 
16 4. 
Ard Relec, 225, 230. 
Ard Sratha, 171, now Ardstraw, 
co. Tyrone. 
Ard Tiprat, 275. 
Ard Trea, 336, now Artrea in 
Armagh, see Ardmacha. 
Ám, 257,273, now Aran in the 
Bay of Galway. 
Asardai (Assyrians), 149. 
Áth Fiacla, 162, mentioned also 
in the TriPartlte Life, p, 198. 
Áth in Carpait, 237, a ford on 
the Dael in Cenél Conaill, 
l1:fartyr. Donegal, 154. 

Bal, 222. 
Balla, 285, a village in the barony 
of Clanmorris, co. Mayo. 
Ballyshannon, 296 = Ess Aeda. 
Belach Duin, 164, now Castle- 
kieran, near Kells in :J\ieath. 
Belach Gabrain, 161, now Gow- 
ran Pass, co. Kilkenny. 
Belach Rátha, 159, now Bal- 
lagh, near Malin Head, In ish- 
Bennchor, xxii, 233, 282, now 
Bangor, co. Down, on the 
south side of Belfast Lough. 
Benn Gulbain, 296, now Bin- 
Benntraige, 2 I 9, now Bantry, 
co. Cork. Another Benntraige 
in co. 'Vexford. 

Berba, 195, 238, now the river 
Berramain, xxv. 
Blasantia (Placentz'a, Piacenza), 
19 8 , 33 2 , 334. 
Boind, 225,now the river Boyne. 
Boirenn, xxv, now Burren, co. 
Both Roichnig, 336. 
Bourges, xxii. 
Brandon Hill, 35 I. 
Breg, gen. pl., 183, 191, 328, 
the eastern part of co. Meath. 
Breifne, xliii, now the counties 
of Leitrim and Cavan. 
Bretain, 150, 154, 178,189, date 
Bretnaib, 356, acc. Bretnu, 
293,' Britons' used for Britain. 
Brí Ele, 322, now the hill of 
Croghan in the N.E. of King's 
Brí Gobann, 235, 347, now 
Brosnacha Eli, 164, now Brosna 
in King's County. 
Bruig Broc, 336. 

Caer Abrocc, 172, now York. 
See Annals of the Four lVIas- 
ters, A.D. 938, where it is 
written Cairabroc, the IrÙk 
Ne1znius, p. 29, and Chron. 
Scot., 271. 
Caill an Iubhair, 354. 
Caill Lugmind, 336. 
Cairpre, 336, the barony of 
Carbury, co. Kildare. 
Caisel, Caisel na Ríg, xxxi, 
162, 234, now Cashel, co. 
Ti pperary. 
Caldea, 168, 169, 229. 
Calgach, 286. 
Carrac na nDruad, 216. 
Cell Becáin, xv, now Kilbeggan 
in the south of the co. West- 
Cell Bríge, 336. 
Cell ChaIaid, 336. 


Cell ChuIind, 161, 336, now Old 
Kilcullen in the co. Kildare. 
Cell Corpaige, 336. 
Cell Cromglaise, 244, in Mun- 
ster, Martyr. Don., 100. 
Cell Daindend, 336. 
Cell Dara, 194, 197, 225, 33 2 , 
333. 335, now Kildare. 
Cell Droma-Iethain, 237. 
Cell Eigraige, xxvii, bfartyr. 
Don" p. 346, 1. 2. 
Cell Eochaille, 22 I. 
Cell Fíacla, now Kilfeacle, co. 
Cell Garbáin, 345 ,ðfartyr.DD1z., 
Cell Lasre, 19 2 , 3 28 , 3 2 9, 336, 
now KilIasher. 
Cell Lusca, 336. 
Cella Maige Uachtarcha 7 Ich- 
tarcha, 336. 
Cell manach Droichit, 206, now 
Kilnamanagh in co. Kilkenny. 
Cell Mór Arad Tíre, 207. 
Cell muine, 209,222, in Britain, 
now St. David's. 
Cell Rignaige, 227. 
Cell Scire, 176, 306, now Kil- 
skeery, co, Meath. 
Cell Suird, 336. 
Cell Uasailli,161, now Killossy, 
barony of Naas, co. KiIdare. 
Cenannus, xxvii, 176,now Kells, 
Cenél ConaiIl, 301, 303, 308, 
356, in TirconnelI, now the 
co. of Donegal. 
Cenél Cormaie, 336. 
Cenél Echdach, 323, in the 
barony of Loughinsholin, co. 
Cenél Fiacha[ ch], 264, perhaps 
Kinilea in Westmeath and 
King's County. 
Cenél .Fiachrach, 267. 
Cenél Lugdach, 303, in the 
barony of Kilmacrenan, co. 
Donegal. See Fòur MJ/;l. 
A. D. 868, note c. 
Cera, xxv, 285, now Carra, co. 
Cianacht Glinne Geimin, 231, 
now Keenaght, co. London- 
Ciarraige, 242,243, now Kerry. 
Ciarraige Cuirchech, 243. 
Ciarraige Cuirchi, 206, now 

Kerrycurrihy, a barony in 
the co. Cork. 
Ciarraige Irluachra, 264. 
Ciarraige Luachra, 247, 349, 
350, the northern part of co. 
Citta Nuova, 309. 
Clad Cuirre, 286. 
Clann Fiachraeh, 285, 307. 
Clann Rndraigi, 342. 
Clanna Conla, 307. 
Cloehar, 165, probably now 
Clogher in Tyrone. 
Clonfert, xiii. 
Cluain Brónaig, 336, now Clon- 
broney, co. Longford. 
Cluain Corind, 336. 
Cluain Corcaige, 330. 
Cl uain Deoehra, now C] ondara, 
co. Longford. See Four 
ðfasters, A. D. 977, note m, 
and ClzroJl. Scot., 225, 370. 
Cluain Draignige, 336. 
Cluain Ech, 336. A Caernan of 
Cluain Eeh is mentioned in 
Jl.-Iar/yr. Don., 112. 
Cluain Eidnech, 239, now Clo- 
nenagh, in Queen's County. 
Cluain Foda Fine, 344, in Fir 
Tulach, Martyr. Don., 226. 
Cluain-Iehtar, 276. 
Cluain Infide, 219. 
Cluain Iraird (Eraird), 173, 
174,228, 29 6 , 345, 356, now 
Clonard, co, Meath. 
Cluain Irarrois, 239. 
Cluain mór Fer n-Ardai, J 76, 
perhaps Clonmore in co. 
Cluain mae Nois, J77, 264, 268, 
275, now Clonmacnois. 
loescnea, 336, in Fir 
Tulach. See lJlartyr. Don., 
10, 228. 
Cnoc Brenainn, 241, now Bran- 
don Hill, ftlartyr. DD1z., 
Cnoc Samna, 239. 
Cóieed maic Luehta, xxix. 
Coire Breccáin, 19 8 , 332. 
Comar, xliii. There was a 
Comar in Meath and another 
(now Castlecomer) in Ossory. 
Comar tri n-uisce, near W ater- 
Comar Cinn Slébe, 23 I. 
Compostella, xix. 
3 C 


Conaille, 184, or Conaille 
themne, co. Louth. 
Conaire (Condire?), 159, now 
Connor, a bishop's see in 
the co. Antrim, 
Condal, a mountain, 224; dat. 
Condail, 230. 
Connacht, xxviii, 177, 184, now 
Corann, xxv, 228, now the 
barony of Conan, co. Sligo. 
Corcach (mór Murnan), 210, 
now Cork. 
Corco-Baiscinn, 201, 202, 203, 
20{, 275, now Corcovaskin, 
in the co, Clare. 
Corco-Duibne, 349, now Corca- 
guiny. See lJfartyr. Don., 96, 
318, Topogr. Poems. lxviii. 
Coreo-Láighdhe, 306, the S. \V. 
part of the co. Cork. 
Corcomruadh, 205, now the 
baronies of Coreomroe and 
Burren in the N. \V. of the 
co. Clare. 
Craig Phadraic, 316. 
Crích Baiscinn, 216. 
CrÍeh Cualann,156,' inc1uded in 
the present co. of \\ï ckl ow, ' 
CrÍeh hua Ceinnselaig, 339. 
Crieh Luigne, 228, now Leyny, 
co. Sligo. 
CrÍch Moga Ruith, 232. 
Crích Tuathail, xxxi. 
Cross Sailech, 22!,. 
Crot Cualachta, 286. 
Crúachan Aigle, 263, 296. 
CrÍ1achu, xxv, of :Mag Ai, 241, 
in Roscommon. 
CÚil Cnámrois, 241. 
CÚil Conaire, 307, in Cera, co. 
Mayo, Four lJllJI. A. D. 544. 
CÚil Dremne (Drebene), xxviii, 
in the barony of Carbury, co. 
CÚi1 .Feda, 241. 
CÚil Fobair, 326, east of Lough 
Corrib, co. Galway. 
CÚil Muilt, 235. 
Currach Life, 117, 194, 3 2 9, 
now the Curragh of Kildare. 

Daire, Doire (oakwood of Cal- 
gach), 174, 175, 3 1 7, acc. 
Doiri, Duiri, 313, now Derry. 

37 8 


Dairinis (oak-Ùlalld), 216, 
opposite Inis Cathaigh. 
Dairinis at Im1iuch, 241. 
Dairmag (oak-plaÙz), 175, 283, 
308, now Durrow, in King's 
County. - 
Dál n-Araide, 153,159, a region 
in the of Ulster, extend- 
ing from N ewry, co. Down, 
to Slemish mountain, co. 
Dál Buain, 282; see Martyr. 
Don., 24, 60. 
Dál Conchobair, 18 3, 199, 334. 
Dál Messin corp, 336; Meisin 
cuirb, Fozer lVIflJ., A. D. 952, 
where O'Donovan says that 
this tribe was seated in the 
barony of Arklow and some 
of the adjoining districts. 
Dál Ríata, 3 TO, 314, now the 
Rout in the north of co. An- 
Damascus, 228, 229. 
Dimbal, 222. 
Dinn Rígh, 238, near Leighlin 
Bridge, co. Carlow. 
Dísert Brigte, 336. 
Domnach ,Mór, 163. 
Domnach mór Cineoil Duie (?), 
Domnach mór i toeb Cille dara, 
33 0 . 
Druim Ceta, 309, 3 11 , 312. 
Druim Cliab, 178, 308, now 
Drumcliff, co. Sligo. 
Druim etir dá Loch, 227-228. 
Druim Fiaid, 222. 
Druim Fingein, xxix, now 
Drumfineen, co. 'Vaterford; 
see Four .J.lfasters, A. M. 350 I. 
Druim Lethan, 237, not Drum- 
lane, in co. Cavan. 
'[onach, 177. 
Druim Mór, 164, now Dromore, 
in the barony of I veagh, co. 
Druim Relgech,165,now Drum- 
Druim Sailech, 165, I dorsum 
salicum,' a ridge about seven 
miles south of Roscrea. 
Dubchomar, 236, in Crích Roiss, 
Four bIasten, A.D. 322, the 
confluence of the Blackwater 
and the Boyne. 
Dubdaire, in Thomond, xvii. 

Dim (leth-glaise), 162,166,317, 
now Down, or Downpatrick. 
Dún Clithair, xxv. 
Dún Dubchomair, 23 6 , 245. 
Dún Eochairmaige, 239, 240. 
Dún 1fechair, 205. 
Eba, xxv, perhaps Magh 
n-Eabha, now Magherow 
(= Machaire Eabha), in the 
barony of Carbery, co. Sligo. 
Echtge, xxvi, 202, now Slieve 
Aughty, a mountainous dis- 
trict on the confines of Gal- 
way and Clare. 
Eigipt, 169, 283, Egypt. 
Eiscir Branainn, 225. 
Eli, 164 = Eile, Ely O'Carroll, 
in the S. of King's County. 
Emam, 309, now the Navan 
fort, near Armagh. 
Enach D[aJirmaige, 336. 
Eoganacht Gabra, 211, now the 
barony of Connello, co. 
Eoganacht Locha Léin, 235, 
in the S.E. of the co. Kerry. 
Eoraip, 155, Europe. 
Espan, 264, Spain. 
Ess mac n-Eirc, 178, near Boyle, 
co. Roscommon, now Assylin, 
i. e. Ess húi Fhloinn. 
Ess Ruaid, 178, now Assaroe, 
a cataract on the Erne, in 
which (according to the Toch- 
marc Emire) Aed Ruad was 
Etail, 155, Italy. 
Etargabul, 336, lit. I between 
the fork.' O'Donovan, Four 
.fii/if" A.D. 788 (where the gen. 
sg. Eatargabhla occurs) says 
that there are several places 
of this name in Ireland. 
Ethne, 326, now the Innyriver. 

Fál, 159, a name for Ireland. 
Fán na n-Ech, 216. 
Fán 11uiIt, 234. 
Férgort na Mogad, 233. 
Fema, 208, gen, Fernann, now 
F ems, co. \Vexford. 
Ferta (in Armagh), 165. 
:Ferta Fer Féicc, 156, 158, near 
Slane, in Meath, ' beside Sid 
Truim in the west,' Mart.' 
Dolt., 292. 

FertaisTuama, 260,now Toome 
Bridge, over the lower Bann, 
co. Antrim. 
Fianann, 248, now the Fenet. 
Fidarta, 266, now Fuerty, 
barony of Athlone, co. Ros- 
Fid Mór, 159, now Veagh, in 
the parish of Raymochy. 
Findine, 163, 202. 
Fine Gall, 330, now Fingal, the 
part ofthe co. Dublin lying to 
the north of the river Liffey. 
Finnabair, 167, probably Fin- 
dermore, in the barony of 
Clogher, co. Tyrone. 
Finntracht Cinn Magair, 242, 
Fir Airbido, 323. 
Fir Breg, 193, 231, 235; see 
Fir Domnann, 285. 
Fir Éirenn, 167, men of Ire- 
Fir Maige, 234, 24 2 , 347, now 
the barony of Fermoy, co. 
Fir Roiss, 160, 164, 193, 283, 
in the south of co. Monaghan. 
Fir Tethbae, 3 2 4, 325. 
Fir Tulach, 189, 226; Fir Tel- 
ech, 323, now Fartullagh, a 
barony in the co. Westmeath. 
Fobar, 298; Fobar Feichín, 
283, Fore, in \Vestmeath. 
Fochaillech, 345; see .filart. 
Donegal, 196. 
Fochlad, 155. 
Fordrnim, 336, now Fardrum, 
in \Vestmeath. 
Fotharta Airbrech, 2'25, near 
the hill of Brí Eile (now Cro- 
ghan), in the north of King's 
County; Four .ðf.ðf., A.M. 
35 2 9. 
Fotharta mára, 336; see Mar/. 
Don., 124, 202. 
Fraine, xx, xxii, 276, Franks, 

Gabra, xliii, now Gowra, in co. 
Gael, 283; see Góid'il. 
Gailinnse xviii, Galicia. 
Girar, 330. 
Glais Nóiden, 174, now Glas- 
nevin, near Dublin. 


G lasraige, 264. 
Glenn dá locha, xvi, now Glen- 
dalough, co. \\Ticklow. 
Glenn Geimin, 231, now Glen- 
given, co. Londonderry. 
Góidil, 155, the Irish. 
Gortan, 172. 
Gort clainne N éill, 243. 
Gort na Liac, 233. 
Goths, xxii. 
Grenan Ely, 296. 

Hériu, xxv, Héri, 357, gen. Hé- 
renn, anglicised Erin. The h 
in Hériu (from Iverz"ð), as in 
Hi (from Iova) and in hzH 
(from avii), seems to repre- 
sent a v which has undergone 
Hí,3IO,317; Hí Coluim ChiIle 
(Ioua), 178, 179. now lona. 
Húi Bresail, 336, afterwards 
called Clanbrassil, in the. 
counties of Armagh and 
HÚi Briuin Cualann, 197, 332, 
in the greater part of the 
ba.rony of Ra.thdown, co. 
Du blin, and some of the 
north of the co. \Vicklow. 
Húi Cairbri, 243-244, probably 
= Húi Cairbri Aebhdha, in 
the present baronyofCoshma, 
co. Limerick. 
Húi Caissín, 241, the present 
deanery of Ogashin, in the 
east of co. Clare. 
Húi Cennselaig, 161, 208, 237, 
in co. \\T exford. 
Húi Culduib. 331. 
Húi Degad Móir, xvi, perhaps 
= the H úi Deaghaidh in the 
present barony of Gorey, co. 
Húi Desa, 202. 
Húi Dobarchon, xvii; see Mé- 
lusine, t. iv. 
Húi Echach, 210. There were 
at least four tribes so called, 
one in Down, one in Armagh, 
one in the S. VV. of Cork, and 
one in vVaterford. 
Húi Failgi, 161, 185, 267, 322, 
330, 331, the present barony 
of Ophaley, co. Kildare, and 
parts of King's and Queen's 

Húi Fi[ dJgeinte, 162, 201, 202, 
211, 214, 217, in the south 
of co. Limerick. 
Húi Garrchon, 160, 161, now 
the parishes of Glenealy, 
Killaird, and Rathnew, in 
the co. Wicklow. 
Húi Liathain, 209, in the 
present barony of Barrymore, 
co. Cork. 
Húi Luigdech, 282, now Ileagh, 
in the barony of Eliogarty, 
co. Tipperary. 
Húi Maic Tail, 218. 
Húi Maic Uais, 183, 192. One 
tribe of this name was in 
East Meath (barony of Moy- 
fenrath), another in 'Vest 
Meath (barony of Moygoish). 
Húi Maine Connacht, xvi, the 
third part of Connaught 
bounded on the south by the 
river Grean in the co. Clare. 
Húi Meith Tíre, 160, in the . 
barony and county of Mona- 
Húi N éilI, 'nepotes NialIi,' 
xxviii, 154, 16 7, 194, 235, 
236, 264, 322, in :Meath, 
which was divided among 
the sons of Niall of the Nine 
Hostages and possessed by 
their descendants till the 
English invasion; Four 11:1111". 
A. M. 3510, note a. 
Húi Sétna, 213. 
Húi Toirdelbaig, 241. The 
territory of the tribe was 
bounded on the S., S.\V., and 
E. by the Shannon, on the N. 
by the Conghaile, on the 'V. 
by Glenomra. 
Húi Tuirtri, 160, on the Bann, 
in the baronies of Upper and 
Lower Toome, co. Antrim. 

Iannumu, 163, 'Vest Munster. 
larusalem, I 75, Jerusalem. 
Imliuch Ibair, 232, 233, now 
Emly in co. Tipperary. 
Imliuch na Lega, 336. 
Imliuch 1fár, 336, now perhaps 
Emlaghmore, barony of Ball y- 
moe, co. Roscommon. 
Inber Colpthi, 158, the mouth 
of the Boyne. 
3 C 2- 


In ber Dé, 156, the mouth of the 
Vartry river, co. Wicklow. 
Inber Domnann, 156, now 
Malahide river. 
Inber na mBarc, 156; see Four 
M.bI., A.D. 836, note b. 
Inber Slainge, 156. 
Inis Amalgaid, 287. 
Inis Angin, 275, now Inchin- 
neen, or Hare Island, in 
Lough Ree, co. 'Vestmeath. 
Inis Bó finde, 315, now Boffin 
Island, co. Mayo, or Inish 
bofin in Lough Ree, co. West- 
Inis Caerach Céoil, 2 I 2, now 
Mutton Island, co. Clare. 
Inis Cara, 209, 210, 211. 
Inis Cathaig, 163, 203, 213, 
21 4, 216, 21 7,273, 274, 337, 
now Scattery Island, in the 
Shannon, co. Clare. 
Inis CeItra, xv, 303, now Inish 
calthra, or Holy Island, in 
Lough Derg, co. Galway. 
Inis Clothrann, 219, now Inch- 
cleraun, or Quaker's Island, 
in Lough Ree, co. Longford. 
Inis Coirthe, 208, 339, seems 
the present Ellniscorthy, but 
the Irish name of this is bzis 
corthadlz according to the 
Four .bIasters, A.D. 1460. 
Inis Connla, 213, in Crích Va 
Sedna in Munster, 11:1artyr. 
Donegal, 260. 
Inis Crone, 336. 
Inis Luinge, 2Il. 
Inis mae n- Eire, 230. 
Inishmurray, 358, co. Sligo. 
lnis mór in Irrus Deiscert, 2 I I, 
Inis Pátric, 156, now Patrick's is- 
land, near Skerries, co. Dublin. 
Inis Tuaiscirt, 2 II. 
Iod) 172, the Clew Bay 
Islands, co. Mayo) Four fiIlIL, 
A. D. 1079, 1248. 
Inverness, 316, in Irish I1zbher 
íse1 Ciaráin, 264, 274, lit. S. 
Ciarán's low land, the name 
of a church at Clonmacnois, 
King's co., Four lIf.bI., A. D. 
10 3 1 . 
Irrus, 205, 206, now Erris) co. 


3 80 


Irrus Deisceirt, 2 II, 
Istria, 309. 
Iudaidi, ISO, Jews. 

Laigin, 160, 161, 186, 187, 188, 
193, 224, 229. Leinstermen. 
Lathairn l\laige Muilt, 264, 
perhaps Larne, co. Antrim. 
Lathairn Molt, 356. 
Lecc na n-Aingel, 213 = Lecc 
inna n-Aingel, Trip. Lift, 
p. 23 6 . 
Lecc in Pupaill, 228. 
Lecc Pátraic, 162, now the 
townland of Cashel, near 
Leighlin, x, in Irish Lethghle1l1z, 
co. Carlow. 
Les Cluaine, 355. 
Les mór, 359, probably Lismore, 
co. \Vaterford. 
Letha, 209 = Letavia, Armorica, 
Leth Cuinn, 222, the northern 
half of Ireland. 
Leth 1\Ioga (Nuad:tt), 222,243, 
the southern half of Ireland. 
Lethráith (dat. sg,), 336, now 
Lara or Abbeylara, co. Long- 
Llydau, 339. 
Loch Andind, 336, now Lough 
Ennell in 'Vestmeath. 
Loch Cenn, 2-1+ A Loch Cend 
is mentioned by the Four 
lIfl1f., A.D. 853; but O'Don- 
ovan says this is a mistake 
for Loch Cendin. Hennessy, 
Chron. Scot., 392, says that a 
Loch Ceann formerly existed 
to the north of Knockany, co. 
Loch Cime, 284, 286, now 
Lough Hackett, co. Galway. 
Loch Cuan, 294, now Strang- 
ford Lough. 
Loch in Ais, 197. 
Loch Laphain, 193. 
Loch Lebinn, 283, now Lough 
Leane in \Yestmeath, 
Loch Léin (Linnfiac1aich), 235, 
now the lakes of Killarney in 
Loch Lemnachta, 332. 
Loch Lir, xvii. This was one 
of the ancient names for Car- 

lingford Lough; but the 
L"Och Lir mentioned in p. xvii 
must have been in Thomond. 
Loch Rí (or Ribh), 232; an 
expansion of the upper Shan- 
Loch Silenn, 243, 244, now 
Lough Sheelin, 011 the bor- 
ders of the counties of Cavan, 
Longford, and l\Ieath. 
Locha Eirne, 268, now Lough 
Erne, in Fermanagh. 
Lochlannaig, xxxii. 
Lothra, 227 ; now Lorrha in co. 
Lua, 209; the territory of 1\1us- 
craige H úi Fhloinn, in the 
barony of 1\1uskerry. 
Luachair, 163, now Slieve- 
Logher, a mountain-range 
dividing Limerick from Kerry. 
Lugmad, 164, 171, now Louth. 
Luigni. See Crích Luigne. 
Luimnech, 163, 20::>, 20'2, 230, 
the ancient name of the 
lower Shannon. 
Lum bardaig, xxii, the Lom- 

Macha, 164, 165, Armagh. 
1\iaen, 177, now Moone in the 
co. Kildare. 
1\1aenmag, xxv, now :Moinmoy, 
a territory in the co, Galway. 
l\1:ag Ai, 252, 265, 266, a plain 
in the co. Roscommon. , 
:Mag Bile, 173, now :ßlovilla, 
co. Down. 
:Mag Dreg, xxiv, 156, 158, the 
tract extending from Dublin 
to Dundalk and the F ews 
Mag Coel, 330. 
Mag Fenamna, 320. 
1\lag Glas, 222, now l\Ioyglas 
in the co. Roscommon. 
l\lag-inis, 167, now Lecale, co. 
l\lag Lacha, 204, 205, in the 
barony of Kells, co. Kil- 
Mag Lainne, 235. 
Mag Lemna, 192, now the 
Closach, a level district in 
l\Iag Lifi (Liphi), 186, 197,319, 
the plain of the Liffey, in 

coso Kildare, \Vicklow, and 
Mag Maethla, 286. 
1\lag Maistertha, 234, 237. 
1\Iag Molt, 264. 
l\1:ag Raigne, 162 ; in the barony 
of Kells, co, Kilkenny. 
Mag Trega, 336, now Moytra, 
in the co. Longford. 
Mainistir (Buiti), v, vii, 176, 
3 0 8, now 1\Ionasterboice, co. 
Martarthech, 162. 
Miòe, xliii, 189, now Meath. 
Móin Faichnig, 322, now 
Boughna Bog in Offaly. 
:Món, 286. 
l\fonasterboice; see 111åinistir. 
1\luad, 286, 287, the Moy, a 
river flowing into the bay of 
Killala, in Connaught. 
l\ll.lcram, gen. Mucruma, xxv. 
Mugdoirn, 231, HOW the barony 
of Cremorne, co. l\Ionaghan. 
Mugna Sulcain, 225. 

luiresc, xxv, now Murrisk, co. 
:Muir n-Icht, 155,334, the Ictian 
Mullach Feis, 213. 
Mullach síde, 296, now 1\Iul- 
laghshee, co. Donegal. 

lumu, xxxii, 162, 164, 184, 
now :Munster. 
:Mungairit, 163, now Mun- 
grett, S.'V. of Limerick. 
1\1 uscraige Breogain, 162, in 
the barony of Clanwilliam, 
co. Tipperary. 
Muscraige Mitaine, xxxi, in the 
barony of 'Yest Muskerry, 
co. Cork. 
l\1uscraige Tíre, 163, now the 
baronies of Upper and Lower 
Ormond, co. Tipperary. 

Nás, 160, now Naas, co. Kil- 
Nemptor, Nemhtor, 150, 151, 
154, 155, seems to have 
been an old name for Dum- 
Ninnus, 202; Ninus, 360. 
Noendruim, 294, now 
Óchtar maige Fochaillech, 215. 


Öchtar Sceith, 218. 
Odba, 285, 286, the ancient 
name of a mound near Navan, 
co. :Meath, Chron. Scot., 402. 
Oilén Rosa Cre, xix. 
Ollarba, xliii, now the Lame 
\\T ater, co. Antrim. 
Osraige, 161, 206, 225, 310, 
314,' anglicised Ossory, in 
Queen's County. 

Plea, 334. 
Port in SosceoiI, 275. 
Ráith Both, 175, now Ra- 
phoe, co. Donegal. 
Ráith Cremthainn in Mag Ái, 
26 5, 266, 356. 
Ráith Dáiri, 165. 
Ráith Derthaige, 331, and Mar- 
tyr. DOIz., 80. 
Ráith Gaisni, 326. 
Ráith Húa Cuile, 232. 
Ráith lnbir, 160, now \Vicklow. 
Raithen, xvi, now Rahan, 
King's County. 
Raithliu, 210, 211. 
Rechru, 177, now Lam bay 
Island, co. Dublin. 
Róm, xix, 155, 175, 208, 224, 
229; Róm Letha, 199. 
Ross Cuire, 222. 
Ross Dairbrech, 285. 
Ross Findchuill, 226. 
Ross Iarnglais, 336. 
Ross Maic Ceit, 336. 
Ross :Maithgin, 183. 
Ross Tiprat, 300. 
Sabull Pátric, 157, now Saul, 
co. Down. 
Saigir, 2ï7, 358, nowSeirkieran, 
King's County. 
Saracens, xxii. 
Saxain, 178, 223, 224, Saxons, 
Seir, a river, 327. 
Síd Aeda, 159, 171, now Mul- 
laghshee, a little to the north 
of Ballyshannon; so called 
from Aed Ruad, who was 
drowned in Ess Ruaid, and 
whose body was then taken 
into the sId there. See the 
Todzmarc Emire. 
Síd Buidb, xxx. 
Síd Cruachan, xxx. 
Síd Findachain, xxxi. 

Síl Conaire, xxxi. 
Síl :Mael Ruain, XXVlll; the 
tribe name of the O'Flynns 
in co. Roscommon. 
Síl Muiredaig, 287; the O'Co- 
Dors of Mag n-Ai, descendants 
of Muiredach Muillethan, 
king of Connaught. 
Sinann (Shannon), 1 j 4; imon 
Sinaind, 357. 
Sinna (gen. sg.), the river' Shan- 
non,' 219, 275. Cogn. with 
Skr. Ûndlzu, the Indus. 
Sláine, 208, 339, now the 
river Slaney. 
Slebte, 16 I, now Sletty, in 
Queen's County. 
Slemuin, xxvi, now Slewen or 
Slane in the par. of Dysart, 
V\' estmeath. 
Sliab Bethad, 296, now Slieve 
Beagh in Ulster. 
Sliab Condala, 225. 
Sliab Crott, xxv, now Slieve 
Grud, co. Tipperary. 
SHab Cua, 237, 238, 24 2 , 296, 
Knockmeldown, co. \Vater- 
Sliab Fuait, 193; the Fews 
mountain, near N ewtown 
Hamilton, co. Armagh. 
SHab Hermoin, 155, 1Iount 
Sliab Sion, 166, 1fount Zion. 
Sliab Slanga, 160, now Slieve 
Donard, co. Down. 
Sogan na Maine, 284, in the 
N.E. of co. Galway. 
Sord, 177, gen. Suirdd, 328, 
now Swords, co, Dublin. 
Spolitana, urbs, 300, note I. 
Sruth na n-Éces, 238. 
St. Paul's Kloster, xvi. 

Tailtiu, 191, 326, now Tel- 
town, co, Meath. 
Tara, 360; see Temaz'r. 
Tarbga, xxv. 
Tartairi, xxiii. 
Tchuvashes, 295. 
Tech Curchaissi, 336. 
Tech Lúta, 336, and Martyr. 
Don" pp. 124, 202. 
Tech maic in tsæir, 264. 
Tech maic Odráin, 326. 
Tech Maile Achaid, 336. 
Tech Mo-Iaga, nowTimoleague, 
co. Cork, 348. 

3 81 

Tech Moling, xvi, now St. 
Mullin's, co. Carlow. 
Tech Telle, 283, now Tehelly, 
near Durrow, King's County. 
Telach Dubglaise, 301; .iWar- 
tyro Don., 160. 
Telach Fuinechda, 336. 
Telach na n-Epscop, 197, 332. 
Telcha Mide, 188. 
Temair, xv, xxiv, 156, now 
Tara in Meath. 
Tethba, 189, 190, 232, 324, 
325, a territory in the present 
counties of Longford and 
Timoleague Abbey; see Tech 
Tipra Fainnéin, 228. 
Tipra Libirn, 212. 
Tír Conaill, 16 7, 174, Tir- 
Tír dá Glas, 298, now Terryglas, 
io Lower Ormond. 
Tír Enda, 173, 'the land of 
Enda,' sixth son of Conall 
Gulban, in the barony of 
Raphoe, co. Donegal. 
Tír Eogain, 159, now Tyrone. 
TÍr Lugdach, 301, in the barony 
of Kilmacrenan, co. Donegal. 
Tír Tarngeri, 3;i3, 354. 
TÍr na Gabra, 265. 
Torach, 178, now Tory Island, 
off the N. \V . coast of Donegal. 
Torinis, 155. 175, 208, 222, 
305, now Tours. 
Tracht Eothuille, 286, now 
Trawhohelly, a strand near 
Ballysadare, co. Sligo. 
Tracht Findi, 336. 
Tracht Termoinn, 204. 
Tricha cét na soillse, 167. 
Tuaim dá Gualann, 25 I, now 
Tuam, co. Galway. 
Tuaim n-Aba, 210. 
Tuaim N éill, 336. 
Tuath-mumu, 163, North 11un. 
ster, anglicised Thomond. 
Uisnech, xxx, now Usnagh Hill, 
in \\7 estmeath. 
Ulaid, xxvii, 158, I6ï, 229,282. 
342, the eastern part of the 
co. Down. 
Umall, xxv, now the Owles, co. 
Urmarc Letha, 153, Armorica, 



Abbas aim us amabilis, 352. 
A bhen, taisig do macán, 12. 
A Ehicc an, innisi dhamh, 28. 
A Bhicc indissiu damsa, 306. 
A Chaisil, is dimbrig soin, 
A Chiaráin, a cridhecan, 125. 
A chubuis con, 314. 
A Laighne, nom-Ienaidh, 3047. 
A mo ruire-sea, 38. 
A rath a n-Hí gan cain, 317. 
Aeinis Senán tes ind ailén Arda 
Neimidh, 63. 
Aingil i ndealbhaibh ógh find, 
Alleluia Domine, 121. 
Amhra ócbhudh bái i n-Hí, 30. 
Amhra ócláech téit nann siar, 
Ard reileac na n-aingeal n-án, 
10 4. 
As doilghi learn iná in t-écc, 
Atbér cofír foirglidhi, 130. 
Bachlach 'san purt, 31. 
Bendacht for a ndaltuibh, 140. 
Bennacht Dé for Mumain, 16. 
Bídh Balla ainm in bhaili, 141. 
Bliadan ar trichai t gan ach t, 
14 1 . 
J3raonfind a ainm-sium artús, 
Bráth, ni becc a bresim, xviii. 
Erenuinn breo betha buadhaig, 
10 3. 
Brigit bé bithmaith, 52. 

Caeca for cét comlana, 122. 
Carais Brenainn buanchrabudh, 
10 7. 
Cédáin Iuid Iudas tar ord, 316. 
Cert gach rígh coréil, xxix. 
Cia dodechaid Colum cain, 
3 11 . 
Ciarsa isiul robadh ard, 129. 
CIéirigh filet forar lár, 28. 

Clere fila for a Iár, 306. 
Cormac cain, buich neoit, 312. 
Cris Mobhí, 26, 304. 
Custodiantur regimina, 118, 

Dá Fhinnén, dá Cholum caidh, 
12 3. 
Darerca rou máthair-si, 119. 
Dia do betha, a Brenainn sunn, 
Dia mbad mhéisi budh rí réil, 
Doro at cenn do shéna, 68. 

Eisséirghe Pátraic a nDún, 14. 

Fa dírech 0 chinn go bonn, 97. 
Fásaidh ferg don ríghain de, 
3 12 . 
Fidchell Crimthuinn Niad Nair, 
3 1 7. 
Fil súil nglais, 310. 
F oghar gotha Brenainn bhinn, 

Gignid (geinfid) macán dia fine, 
10, 23. 
Gignid macán 'san tír thiar, 56. 
Glé nolaighedh isin gainem, 
3 16 . 

Hí co n-ilar a martra, 317. 

Indsaighfidh gala, 84. 
Inmacan dotoet atuaidh, 15. 
Is aire caraim Dairi, 27. 

Laithe n-aen occ ionghaire, 

M acán Eithne toebfota, 23. 
Macán gignither atuaid, 23. 
Mac beruir do Fe[dJlimid, 23. 
Mithig damsa toirired, xviii. 
Mobhí a ainm-sium art(1s, 100. 

Mochta craibdech credal, 16. 
Mu bennacht for na tuatha, II. 
Muimnigh dia llom-sáruighet, 
Muir n-ard n-áinbthech seoch a 
taeb, 67. 
N a trí coecat, 316. 
Ní ró, 55. 
N í téd anégen anaisgidh, xxxi. 
N ochu cill acht fuath dIU, 
N ónbur sin sí1 Conaire, xxxi. 

Oc Ciarán roléghastar, 356. 
Oc Finnén roléghastar, 124. 
Ocht n-aeric na ndualach,xviii. 
o Clud Cuiri Calgaigh cruaidh, 
14 2 . 
Ole bith arumptá, xxvi. 
Quantum Christe 0 apostolum, 

Rodháil CIúain, 126. 
Roíc gabair Ænghusa, 119. 
Roshirset síl 11uiredaig, 143. 
Ross nDairbhrech cathair Mu- 
chua, 141. 
Seacht catha ro-cuiressa, 98. 
Sé trichait bliadne co mblaidh, 
Silledh for aghaidh mBrenainn, 
Soer trí cóecca, 29. 
Teamuir teach i mbui mac 
Cuinn, xxxi. 
Tidat táilchinn tar muir meir- 
cenn, 9. 
Tír trea tholl, 317. 
Toirrsi Docha maith in modh, 
Trí longa seolais in saoi, 106. 
Trí muilt COlcra, suairc in tréd, 


*** The bare Arabic numbers refer to the lines of the Irish Text; the Arabic numbers with 
p. prefixed, to the pages of the Notes; the Roman numbers to the pages of the Preface. 
Words found in Prof. Windisch's Wörterbuch have, as a rule, been omitted. 

abac, s. m. dwarf, gen. abuic, BE. 35 T b 50, now 
written abhaic, as in the proverb dhá dtrz'an 
abhaic a bhod, pI. gen. 3776. See quotation 
under luchrupan. Another abac, cogn. with 
W. afangc, 'Castor, fiber, Anglice a bever' 
(Davies), seems to be in the gloss abacc .1. bec 
abæ, ar is a n-aibnib bit (for it is in rivers they 
are), H. 2. 16, col. 88. 
acht, gan acht 4747. Acht is glossed by gním, 
'deed' (Lat. actum), corp, 'body' and C01znta- 
bairt, 'doubt.' And O'Donovan in his Sup- 
plement explains it by 'condition,' 'stipu- 
lation' (Lat. pactum 1). In the chevillegan acht 
it seems to mean' doubt.' 
acnabad, a ration, customary jortion of food, sg. 
date acnamat(h) 157. Compound: fri com- 
acnabad(gl. contra consuetudinem), Sg. 143 a5, 
do chomac11ubud, Ml. 21 a 1 I huan chomacnu- 
bud, MI. 96 a 8. ACllamacht also occurs in 
Corm. Tr. 16. 
ac-seo, p. 3 08 , 1. 14, 10 tkis! ac-sin 4201 10 that! 
ac-sút, ac-súd 1305 10 yon! 
ad-águr 157 2 , I dread. Cf. attágar techt hi 
cruaich cmind, Trip. Life, 114, 1. '26. 
adám dét, my two teeth, 4547. So adhám brathair 
is mo ben, my two brotlzen and my wife, Lism. 
124 b, 2. 
adart, pillow, 1335,4457,4493, but in 1948,h1gh- 
water-mark. See P. O'C. 
adbar, material, cause, sg. gen. adhbhair 4350, 
pI. n. adbara, LL. 218 b. 
ad-éitig 3943, aidhéidig 3626, abominable = aidh- 
edidh .1. granda, ugly, deformed, P. O'C. See 
éitigh 2216. 
*ad-regim, I arise, the orthotonic form of éirgi1ll, 
s-fut. sg. 2, adreis, thou wilt arise, 2660. 
ad-rímim, I number, the orth. form of áirmiu : 
with infixed prone da, act. pres. sg. 3 atai-dmi, 
imperat, sg. 2 ataz'-rz'm, p. 319, 1. 19. 
ad-rocuir 4036, for adrochair, fell down. 
ad-uathaigim : act. prete sg. 3, ro-aduathaig 4870, 

a denominative from adhuath, horror, detesta- 
tion, P. ü'C., whence aduathmar, horrible. 
adusce 4
78, seems a scribal error for ind usci. 
aemfor faem: ni ro aem in rí fair 376. 
aesach 3404 aged, a deriv. of aes, , age,' whence 
also aosaghadh, growing old, P. O'C. 
agasta, awful, 4454, a sister-form,aigesta : cf. mil 
. . . co 11 deilb adhuathmair is grannu 7 is 
aigestu for anmannaib in betha, Raw!. B. 502, 
fo. 46 b, 2. 
aibit, lzabit, xxii. 
aibsigim 3883, cognate with taibsigim and ail>- 
seóir, a braggard, an ostentator, P. O'C. 
aicciupt, aicipt, a lesson, acci pt, O'Don. Supp. sg. 
gen. aicipta 4049, aicciupta 4319, tech n-aic- 
cepta, Mer. Uilix 143. This word (also aic- 
ciucht) must come from Low Latinacceþturz'u11l : 
in meum accepturz'u1lZ ,I. meam lectionem, my 
lesson, Bodl. :, 7 2, fo. 47 b. And see Ducange, 
s. v. Acceptorius (maior acceptorio duamm 
septimanarum ). 
aided gona 465, death by sla)"ing; Trip. 250, 1. 
3, aided for oided; gona, gen. sg. of guin. 
aiged-bán 3791, white-faced. Also in Mer. 
Uilix 52. 
aigen 4275, gen. aighin, p. 302, 1. '28, a brass 
kettle or pot, a copper boiler or caldr01z, P. O'C. 
But on p. 302 it means an z'ron pot. Pl. date 
in aignib (gl. in patellis), Ascoli, Gloss. xliii. 
áigidecht, 194, 253, 144 2 , 1713, 1716, aoighidh- 
echt 255, guesting, derive of óigi, a guest, gen. 
áil 2035, to entreat, .1. iarraidh, O'CI. 
*ái1gidim, I desire, act. pres. indo pI. 3 ái1gidit, 
3746. Seems cognate with ailgius 23 8 9, 
3312, ailges, craving, request.'. . 
aim-réide, literallyunsmoot/mess, but In 2473 tn- 
disposition, disorder. A denv. of amreid. 
aim-riar, dz'sobedience, sg. acc. aimhréir 18 59. 
Hence aimriarach, Four Masters, A.D. 1601. 
aimrit ( = an + brit 1), barren, 4649, 4787, aimrid 


3 8 4 


.1. tease, P. O'C., pI. D. dogniter na ferunda 
eondat ambrite, LB., 38 b 32. Hence 
aimrite, barrenness, 4649, aimride (.1.) seisce, _ 
P. O'C., sg. dat. ambriti, p. 335, 1. 33. 
ainechrus 2073, ellechrus 2077, seems to mean 
ainséis 4549, '111Zwisdom? \Yb. 14d 28; séis,path, 
way,O'Don. Supp. ; gen. seasa, O'Dav. s. v. 
F elmac. 
aipthigim, I ripe1z, pass, pret, sg. 3, ro-aipthi- 
ghedh, a denom. of apaid, ripe. 
airbe,felzce, 4109, airbe druad, xxxviii=erbe d. 
Ann. Ulster A. D. 560. 
air-biathad,fteding, refictz"01z, viii. 1. 22, and Wb. 
29 b 18, ar-donbiatha,fieds tiS, viii. 1. 28, arbi- 
athim nutrio. 
aitchill 1849, airchill or óirchill, a reserve or 
keeping: amh-airchill, in reserve or keep for me, 
P. O'C. airchill .1. coirnhéad, O'R. 
airchinnech in muilinn 4169, the headman of the 
air-digbad 3862 (ms. airdhidhbhadh), lessening? 
airdigbhann, it lessens, O'Don. Supp. 
airec, ajinding, 2741, airec menman, invention, 
conception, lit. mental jindÙlg, xxiv. 
airechtas, -us 1877, assemblage, meett'ng, sg. gen. 
airechtais 1457, dat. oirechtus 1451. 
airer, pI. -a 25 19, airear. I. sasadh, satiety, fos 
[mo:"eover) biadh,food, victuals, P. O'C. 
airichthe 2363, jór airighthe, felt, noticed, per- 
ceived, P. O'C., part. prete pass. of airigim, 
whence ro airigset 4198, 
airigech, p. 324, 1. 24, a scribe's mistake for airi- 
dech ' poculum, cratera' =aredt:g, p. 325,1.4. 
airilliud 1309, 1325, property? coro-Ioisced sum 
cona uli árilliud, LB. 26 b 29. In p. 30,1. 30, air- 
/iud is perhaps a scribe's mistake for az:rz.'lliud. 
aide, counsel, acc. to P. O'C" will, consent, sg. 
acc. 184. 
airleba, p. 321, 1. 26, for airslébe, hillside, gen. 
airslébi, LL, 243 b 15. 
aides 2926, enclosure. 
airmed bracha 2921, a 1.11,easure 0/ malt. 
airne, a sloe, pI. n. arne, p. 326, 1. 13. 
airrter, mane? forelock? 2217, iar n-airrter 222 I. 
aitenndae,jilrzy 3798, a derive of aitenn,furze = 
\V. ez."thÙt. 
aith-béoaigim, I resuscitate, requicken. 
aithim, I revenge, 2dy b- fut. act. sg. 3. aithfed, 
p. 310, I. 36. A denom. from aithe (g1. talio). 
aithinne 2907, afirebrand or coal of fire, P. O'C. 
athinne, aithinne (gl. torris, gl. fax), G. C. 2 
7 6 5. 
aithisigim, I abuse, affront, disgrace, reproach, act. 
pret. sg. ro aithisigh, 4717. aithisigid, LB. 
229 a. The verbal noun aithisigud "Vb. 28 a 9, 
aithisiugud, LB. 167 a 13. 

aithiusc, answer, 2281, 2977, but in 308 declara. 
Non; aithiusc mbréithre 404 seems to mean 
aitte 3665, for aitti buildings, structures. 
alad, p. 3 1 5,1. 3, piebald, 2164, 2324. 
all, n. cliff, a stem in s, sg. gen. aille, date all 
216 4, better aill, as in LL. II5 b. 
allmar, adj. 2I14, 2128, meaning obscure. 
allmarach,jòreigner, pI. allmaraig 3137, allmuir 
.1. fri muir anall, H. 2.16, co1. 89. 
allmarda, foreign, 3128. 
alt 4834, a steep, height, cliff, P. O'C., suide eoin 
in aUt, Brocc. h. I. 
amar, as, when, 2490. From immar. 
amfann, very 'weak, acc. pI. acc. amhfanna 4890. 
amm éicne, time 0/ need, 3273. 
ammo, 0 my! p, 321, 1. II 
an-abuidh, unriPe, immature, 3072. 
an-airchius 4892 , zmselJislzness ? unseemliness? the 
a1zoirches, gen. a1zoz.'rchessa, of LB. 197 a 63, 
617 b 7. Cognate with the adj. of which the 
compar. occurs in LL. 53 b 6, ni hairchisi th'o- 
par, or si, andá opor in lochta as a cuit seo. 
aabail, very great, ü'D.; vast, huge, P. O'C. But 
cohanbhfail 1485 must mean something like 
, quickly.' 
ancaire, anchor, 3777, 37 80 , angcaire 3782. 
anfabrachta, consumptive, 1440, 1444, 1468. 
Cognate with anfobracht, Corm., P. ü'c.'s an- 
lorbhracht, a wasting or consuming of the flesh. 
anfabrachtaide, consumptive, 4851. 
anforlann 4822, anforlond, overwhelming force, 
LL. 222 a, ü'Don. Four MM., A.D. I 225lp. 224). 
anforrach (?) 4239. 
an-forns 4894, the opposite of forus = P. O'C.'s 
foras, sedateness. 
an-forusta 1556, the oppositeofforusta=P. O'C.'s 
forasta, sedate. 
angbuid 2 216jierce, ruthless. Trip. Life, 482,1. 2. 
allm-chairdine, soul-friendshiP, spiritual direc- 
tion, 145,3880. A derive of the nt-stem anam- 
chara, whence also 
anm-chairdius, soul-friendship, spiritual direc- 
tion, sg. gen. -a, 2035, sg. dat. 2480. 
anm-choimet( anim + coimet) I 5 2 3,soul-protection. 
anmforlunn 4822, oppression. Seems a scribe's 
mistake for ammforlunn = immforlann. 
annóit, a parent chllrclt? O'Ðon., Supp. sg. 
gen. trian annóite 4531, p. 358, 1. 6. This 
word is written anàoit, BE. 266 b 35, andoóit, 
Book of Armagh, 18 a 2. 
annsa, dear, compar. annsa, dearer, 2992. Hence 
annsacht, affection, P.O'C. 
antacad 1603. Perhaps an error for andagud? 
an-testa 4537. Cf. ainteist, , a person not qualified 
to sufficient attestation,' O'Don. Supp.; ain- 
teastach, 'not to be credited? P. Q'C. 


apdhaine 2049, apdaine 2531, 2884, aipdine for 
abbdaine, abbacy, 2048. 
apstanait, abstz"nence, 2455, 4900. 
arafÍad 2180, Colgan, Acta Sanctt. 534, renders is 
arafiad duitsi by , est in tua manu isti necessi- 
tatÌ succurrere.' Similar phrases occur in 'Vb. 
4 a 3 (is farafie duib), II d 5 (barafie duib), 
25 c 9 (is ara fie dúnn), and in Palat. 68, 
fo. 4 a (isarafia dom, g1. numquid manducabo 
carnem 1). 
arái-de 862, 4689, for all that, nevertheless, 
araidecht, charioteering, 426, a derive of ara, 
gen, arad, a charioteer. 
arán, loaf, pI. dat, aránaibh, 3599; arán eorna, 
barley bread, 2734; a. cruithnechta, wheaten 
bread, 2735. 
ard, hz'gh, compounded in ard
dingna 324, ard- 
eclais 3958, ard-écniud 735, ard-esbnl, chief 
apostle, 33, ard-guth 34 2 5, ard-nóeb 735, ard- 
menmach xxxii. ard-rath, high grace, 4721, ard- 
sollomun, hz'gllfistival, 3 2 3, ard-sollamain xix. 
arm-glan, having brz'ght weapons, 4816. 
arose mbréithre, a proverb, 4083=aithiusc bréi- 
thre, supra. Cf. ba ár[ 0 Jsc insin la aithrea (gl. 
benedictio domini super vos de institutione 
patria) M1. 136 a 5 ; and see Cormac's Glos- 
sary, s.v. Inrosc, 
arra, payment, tribute, gen. arrad 2088. 
as, milk,. 1. bainne, O'C" sg. gen. ais 1687. Cf. 
Old-Lat. assir, 'blood' (?). 
as-so, from this, p. 307,1. 6. 
astrolaice xv, astrology (?), astroluigheacht, O'R. 
at, a tumor, p, 327, 1. 23, att bronn, 0' C1. s, v. 
comaille, att 7 onjisi, LB. 14 2 b 45. 
ataire, in the cheville ro ataire, 2108. 
atar-le 795, 799, it seemed to her, atar-lemsa 1628, 
it seemed to me, atar ( = ad-dad) cogn. with 
indar (?). 
at-damim, I confess, I admit, atdamam pennait 
forainn 2 166. The encl. form is attaim. 
ath-chuingid, p. 358, 1. 10, re-askÙzg, requesting 
= athchunchid, LB. 248 b. 
athlam 3796, i. ésgaidh, O'Cl. nimble, active: 
better, perhaps, athlom, 
ath-nuidigim, I renew, act. imper. sg. 2, 2569. 
at-naigim, I give, s-pret. pI. 3, atnaigset 86. 
atóibim, I am cOlZnected with, leth atóibe, a con- 
nected passage (literally' side that adheres ') 
17-18, 1124. 
au-dercc, red-eared, p. 319, 1. 9; pI. nom. f. 

bá, good, ba linn 1879. 
bacaim, I hinder: nÍr bacad dibh 3208. 
bachall, f. tonsure, sg. acc. 1955. ' Cid airmm- 
bertar lib?' 01 Fiac. 'Dubthach do bacbaill,' 
3 D 

3 8 5 

01 seat, Trip. Life, p. 190, 1. 4; do bachaill .1. 
do berradh, H. 3. 16, col. 526. 
bac-lam xxvi, manczes, sg. dat. bacIaim, Laws, i. 
124; acc. fern. baclaim, p. 328. 
bágaim fri, I quarrel with, baghaidh 2095. 
báid, love, 3020, baid bráthairsi 3277. 
bail, Place, 778, a by-form of bailee 
bairnech, angry, viii, 1. 23, 3534 = báirneach .1. 
feargach, O'C1. from bara, anger, gen. barann, 
in 'Vind. 
bal, white, brz'ght (?), 2523, cþaÀó
Hesych" Skr. bhalate. 
ban = 'Yvv-q, in compounds: ban-airchinnech, 
prioress, 1436; ban-altrann 3014, ban-altram, 
female fostering or nursing, P. O'C.; ban- 
gaisgedach, amazon, heroine, 4831 and p. 360; 
ban-taircetlaid, propJzetess, 1704; bantairsi 
1201, midwives, is perhaps a corruption of 
básugud, to þut to death, 2167 and LB. 6 band 
189 b = básaghadh, P. O'C.; verbal noun of 
básaigim, LL, 171 a 12. 
béc (MS. beg, rhyming with tred, i.e. trét) 3377, 
may be a scribal error for bréc. 
bechtaim, I certify, assure, cindus rom-becht 
inso (?), p. 327, 1. 3, lit. how has this assured 
béicim, I roar, shout, s-pret. pI. 3, robéicset 3108. 
The 'béicthi' quoted by 'Vindisch under 
béccim is a mistake for léicthi. 
bélre, bérla, bunaid, language if origln, 2538. 
bendchopur in derthaige, the cOIÛcal cap of the 
oratory, p. 335, 1. 12. 
beogolach 3647, seems a scribe's mistake for 
boegalach, dangerous, but may be a compound 
of béo, alive, and golach, wailf'lll. 
beoil, meat-juz'ce, p. 302, 1. 19. 
bert, a robe worn by kings or bishops, bert espaic 
uime, Lism. 66 a. 2. dat. sg. beirt 1610. 
bét, mischief, hurt, p, 324, 1. 24. 
bethamnns, livelihood, 1491, food, provt'sions, 
O'Don. Supp. 
bethugud, ftedt'ng, 1zourÙh,'ng, 1862 = P. O'C.'s 
biait, the Beatltude, acc. biait p. 323, 1. 25, pI. 
ace. biate p. 3 2 3, 1. 23. 
bíast-cat. monster-cat, 3797. 
biathaim, I feed, act. pres. indo pI. 3, biathait 
2914, pret. sg. 3. inti rot-biath sib, LB. 162 a. 
bile chuill 2387, a sacred tree of hazel. 
bisech, increase, profit, 3 01 3. 
bith, in compounds, ever: bith-aitreb 3 8 7 2 , 39 08 ; 
bith-béo, ever-lz'ving, 880; bith-blicht 3 1 3 1 ; 
bith-brén 3641 ; bith-brón 3638 ; bith-buadach 
2462 ; bith-ciamar 3 6 4 1 ; .bith-dilse 23 6 5, 4 1 77; 
bith-dorcha 3641; bith-fognam 4 1 77; bitn-fota 
3642; bith-garb 3641; bith-múichnech 3 6 4 2 ; 

3 R6 


bith-nua xvii; bith-sálach 3641; bith-scíth 
3848; bith-uar 3641. 
blaedad 3640 = blaodhadh, shotltÙzg, ba'lvIÙzg, 
hooting, P. O'C. ,V. bloeddio, 
blaisecht (from mlaisecht) xxiii, tastÙzg. 
bláith (from mláith) 2743, smooth, gentle. 
blath (leg. bláth?) seems in p. 319, 1. 5 to mean 
colour. So in the compound blaith-édach, 
Lism. II 7 a 2. 
bláth-mín,flower-smooth, 3857. 
blede 4419 = bled he, gen. bleidheadh, a gold or 
silver cup, goblet or chalice, P. O'C. From 
AS. bledu., patera, phiala. 
bleithech (from *mleithech) 1980, 1982 = ble- 
theach, a kil1zcast, 'what Ú ground at once in a 
mill, P. O'C., derive of bleith, infin. of melim. 
bloingech, adj. fat (?), pI. n, bloingecha 4561 = 
P. O'C.'s blonacach, from blonac,fat,W. bloneg, 
or O'R.'s blainiceach, from blainic. 
bó cennaithe, a heriot (?) cow 4531 = bo chendaith 
p. 358, 1. 6. 
bóban, 4471. 
bochna, sea, p. 349, whence tarbhóchnach, trans.. 
marine, 0' ß. 
boimm do arán, a bit of bread, 2734. 
boithíne, xi, 11. 8-9, hut, is, like bothán, a dimin. 
of both = Lit. bulas. 
boladmar, odorous, 3857, derive of bolad. 
bolg arba, a sack of corn, 4162. 
bOlTfad, a swelling (?), 1456. In 3042 it is = 
P. O'C.'s borrfadh, violence, 1'ashness, fierce- 
braissech, praissech, gen. braisce, acc. braissig, 
p. 302, 11. 5, 9, 16, 18,20, (I) cabbage, (2) pot- 
tage, Like \V. bresych, from Lat. brassica. 
braithbeimm, a mighty stroke, pI. n, braithbeim- 
enna 3120. Cf. P. O'C's braz'thbheartach .I. 
m6rbhuilneach, appertaining to weighty blows 
or strokes, braithbheartach .I.m6rbhríathrach, 
, loud-spoken.' 
bras, quick, acc, sg. f. brais 2 I 2 I. 
bráthairse, brotherhood, 3277; báidh brathairsi, 
fraternal affectz"o1'l, MR, 186. 
brecc-sroll, speckled satin, sg. dat, 3078. 
bréit (breid) ciartha, cerecloth, p. 310, 1. 19. 
bréntatu, rotten11ess, sg. dat. bréntataidh, 4872. 
bresim, breisim .1. gáir, H. 3. 18, p. 51b, shout: 
uproar, xviii. 
brethem coitcenn, arbz'trator, 2532. 
bretnas, the British lal1-guage, Welsh, sg. date 
bretnais 2538. 
brogaire, pI. gen. 4585, the name of some 
broin F., 3230, a large comþany, O'R. 
*broth, gen. bruith, p. 305, 1. 6. This corresponds 
with the brait of LH. gen. of brat, mantle. 
Hence brothrach, brothrachá,t. 

brú in tellaigh, edge of the hearth, p. 314, 1. 12. 
brugh 1964, .1. baile, P. O'C. 
bruth, gen. brotha, a mass, 189,. I. caor, the mass, 
lump, cast or charge of glowing metal in the 
forge or furnace; also a wedge or piece of 
metal redhot from the forge, claidheamh seacht 
mbruth.. I. seacht gcnor, ' a sword of seven heats 
or refinements,' P. O'C. 
buaball, buffalo, corn buabaill, 'a bugle horn,' 
pI. gen. 3128. 
buaile, the boss of a shield, xxxiv. 
búan-chrabud, constant devotion, 361 I. 
búidh 2743, grateful, thankful, dutiful, pious, 
P. O'C. O. Ir. b6id or báid rather means 
, fond.' 
búirim, I roar, bellow, s-pret. pI. 3, robhúirset 
3107. The verbal noun is búiriud, Sa1tair na 
Rann 877, whence bzlredach, LV. 9 1 a 3. 
bunad-chenél, original kin, sg. gen. -eoil 31,1, 
-iuil 3173. 

cacha-n, whatsoever, 1308. 
caer comraic,jòcus, 737. Cf, cumma lem, oll\fedb, 
acht na robat isin cháir chomraic itaat, LV. 
57 a 7, in choer cómraic, LB. 108 b 20. 
caibden (= co + buiden ?), a troop, company, 
1951, caibhdean, coibhdean .1. buidhean, 
caiche p. 3 22 , 1. 37, 'who? coichet, whose are? 
LV. 104 b. 
caidhi, who? 3224. 
cailches, a tw'Ùt (?), pI. gen. xxx. 
cáin ill maige 2895, the tribute of the field (?). 
cáin-chrabud 3330, fair piety. 
caindelbra, cmzdleslick, 2001, 2004, from Lat. 
caire F., a host, 3586 = Goth, hat/is. 
cairpthech, chan"oteer, dual nom. 2281, from a 
stem carpeto. 
caitín, dimin. of cat, a cat, viii, 1. 9. 
cannadas 1213, from Lat. pmz1Zus (1), seems some 
sort of covering for the head, 
caplait 1362, llfaundy Thursday, from caPil- 
latio, 'capi11ofum evulsio,' Du Cange, clerics 
having, apparently, been tonsured on that day. 
Cf. Goth. kaPillôn, I Cor. xi. 6. 
cara, armus, the shoulder of an a1llmal, 2092, 
2093, the leg, ham, or thigh, P. O'C" who 
cites earn muice, a ham of bacon (' a gammon 
of bacon,' O'B.), sg. acc. caraid. 
casair, chasuble (?), 397
cassáit for cossóit, complaint, 1276. 
cath-bÚadaige, victorioZlsl1ess Í1t battle
deriv. of cath.búadach. 
r, 3954, caithrém;-trimnpfr, 
zniNta1J' sway P D'C. 
cat-phíast, cat-monster, 3802. 



céimm conalbais 3069, 
ceithern, a band of trooþs, sg. date 4053. 
celtchair dichlethe 2828, celt air talman xxx. 
celtar comga, LU. 79 b 20. P. a'c.'s cealtair, 
'a mask, hood, vizard, or disguise.' He cites 
cealtair draoidheachta, 'a magic disguise,' and 
refers to dichealtaz'r, 
cenél, cinél, bunaid, orzglllal kin, 46, 42. 
cenn séta 2044, 2323. Cf. dochuaid i cenn in 
chetna chaiptill, Goidil. 101, 0 dochotar . . . i 
cenn taispenta ind immuin, ib. 
cennacht, headshiþ, 2330 = cendact, LB. 4 b. 
Cenn-cathach, a llameforFinllchua'scrozier, 3103. 
cenn-gér, sharþ-headed, 3663. 
cenn-Iá, lit. sUþþer day, dia dardáin cennla 1437, 
lIIazmdy Thursday. 
cennus, cendus, headship, p. 308, 1. 37. 
ceolan, a bell, p. 31 1,1. 11, derive of ceol, I music.' 
cercaIl, hoop, pl. n. cercalla 2824, dat. circlaib, 
LL. 21 8 b, from circulus. 
ces, sorrow, gan ces 4781. See O'CI. 
ces-Iom, bare. . . (?), 4560. 
cesnaigim, comPlain, act. prete sg. 3, 2694. P.O'C. 
gives the verbal noun as ceasnaghadh, whence 
the adj. ceasnaightheach. This cesnaigim seems 
cogn. with Lat. queror questus, as another 
cesnaigim, I questlon, is with quaero quaestio. 
cétach 4775. See O'Don" Four 11M., A. D. 
122 5 (p. 2 19) note, brugaid cédach. 
cetaigim, I permit, act. prete sg. 3, roceduigh 
202 3, and see 2891, 3199, 3451, denom. from 
cet, ced, permission, 2337, 24 0 4, 2444. 
cethar-d úil, the four elemen.ts, 462 2. 
cethar-raen, crossroads, 634. 
cex 2487, for cesc = cest, cest=quaestío. P.O'C. 
has ceasc .1. fiafraighid, ceascadh, a 
or enquiring. 
ciabor 3367, a mist, haze. P. O'C. has ciabair 
ciamhair, misty, and the dim in. ciabhrán, a 
ltgllt fog, mist, lzaze, drizzle. 
dall, sense, reason, ben do chéill j07. 
cillecan 778, dimin. of cell, church, from Lat. 
cella. Cf. crideccan and dairecca11" Reeves' 
Columba, 288. 
cingt-id,fifth day before the ides, 740. 
cippe 3IoI,þalisade, derive of cepp=Lat. ciþpus. 
cir-chorcra xxx, brzglzt purPle. Cf, cir-dub. 
clár cíartha, a waxen tablet, 3698 (clár=lcl\.
cléirchecht, clericatus, prz'esthood, 3059. 
cleithescc 21 I 7, meaning obscure. 
clethe 3932, u.pþer part, roof, gen. sg. gol cecha 
clethi, Saltair na Rann 3939, clethe cenn, ib. 
5 8 7 1 . 
clethmor 4764, having princes or heroes, from 
cleth f. (gl. tignum), P. O'C,'s cleath, a pole, 
wattle or staff, metaþhorically aPPlied to princes 
and heroes. 

3 8 7 

cliabán 4010, cradle. p, O'C. has cliabhdn hen, 
a cage or bird-crib, dimin. of cliab I corbis.' 
cliathan eite xiv, lit, breast of a wÙzg. 
cloccach, clogach, p. 3I1, 1. 13, havÙzg bells. 
cloichén, pebble, xxxix, dimin. of cloch, stone. 
clupait p. 310, 1. 14, and Lism. 167 b I, for 
cuI pait, and so in Lism. 167 b I, hood (1). \V. 
cwjl, or perhaps from colobion, dalmatic. 
clusal=clausula, pI. dat. clusalaib 3 62 9, 3789, 
clausulis (1) amal bid hualailiu chlausul adbch- 
lostu (gL uelut in clausula pompatica), 1\11. 
40d 17, whence it would appear to have been 
masc. or neut. But in LB. 223 b 38, the acc. 
sg. clusaz.'l shews that it was fern. 
cnáim, I gnaw, fret, corrode, act. b-fut. sg. 3. 
no-chnaife 2184. rocnai dáil achoiss, Trip. 
a 242. P. O'C. gives the verbal noun as 
cnám-gobach 3652, bone-beaked, bone-slwuted; 
cnáim, bone, cogn. with K'II
cnes-chóil 4750, thill-skinned. 
coad cnó 754, a mess (di 4 h?) if'tzuts. cuadh.1. 
biadh, P. O'C.; or is coadh borrowed from 
Kva()o<; (?). 
cobach, tribute, p. 313, 1. 33; cobhach .1. cios, 
codnach, lord, 3207; gen. codhnaigh, :Mart. Don. 
122; codhnach, a lord, ruler, governor J' a 
guardian, patron, protector, P. O'C., who gives 
also the derive abstract codhJlachas, and the 
verbal noun codhnaghadh. 
cóelach 572 = caolach, the roof-wattling of a 
house ullder the thatch; caolach slat; cro 
caelaigh, p. 310, 1. 9, a prison, crib, or cage 
for malefactors, P. O'C. 
cóem, dear,fair: compo cóem-chethra,fair cattle, 
pI. date 4557 ; cóem-chlú,fair fame, 47 2 9. 
coemthecht, travelling along with one, comþa- 
nÙm.ship, attendance, 266; coimthecht, \Vb. 
16 d 2. 
cóemthechtaid, fellow-traveller, compan.ion, at- 
tendant, pI. n. -i 234, date ib. LB. 73 a 9. 
coibdelach,kÙlsman, 1922,1925, gl. consobrinus. 
coibge 662 (where the MS, has coibdhe)
perly context (con-fige), but in 662 text. 
coicce 4537, seems tqe pI. nom. of coic .1. rún, 
secret, Corm. . 
coicill, a sþarÙ1"g, savÙl,g, 3048 = cOlg'il and coi- 
gz'lt, P. O'C. Verbal noun of coiclim; conar' 
choicled nech a máthair no[ a] athair, Saltair 
na Rann 4141; coicles (gl. parcit), LB. 38 a i 
rocoic1estar .1. roairlestar, a'Dav, IIO. 
coillide, sylvan; mil choillide, wild honey, 206. 
coim, gebid in mac fo a C. 2025, 202 7, 2393, 
239 6 , 4318. P. a'c. has under com, 'waist,' 
fa choim., I private'j a gcoim Jla hoÙlhche, 
folach fa choi11l, I concealment.' Cf. do chlaideb 

3 D2 

3 88 


fot choim, LV. 75 b; calg det fo a choim, LU. 
coim-Iepaid, ajoint bed, 2517. 
coirnmite 4671, 4736, attozdants (?), comites (?). 
P. O'C. has coimhide, 'a train or retinue, 
waiters or attendants,' with aspirated m. 
cóir chrábaid, arrangement (lit. justice) of de- 
votion,3613. The gen. seems corach (cong- 
bala corach for in popul, LB. 160 a). 
coisceim (= cos + céim) a footstep, 1200, 4899, 
pI. n. tri cosschéimenn, Mer. Uilix, 61, 67. 
coitcenn, C01zve1zt (1), J 580, 2352. This word pro- 
perly means communis, KOu/Ó<;, but here seems 
equivalEnt to coenobium, KOtJlÓßtoJl. 
collaidecht, carnality, 717, sg. gen. coIl ai- 
dechta, LB. 164 a, derive of collnide, and this 
from colinn. 
com, the waist or middle, the breast or trunk 
of the body. P. O'C. See coirn. 
com .1. coirnhed, covering, protectio1z, p. 328, 
1. 35. The date sg. cóm (hi cóm airgit gil) 
occurs in LB. 233 b. 
coma,gift, bribe, subsidy, 3037, 3038, in chóma, 
LV. 68 a, sg. gen. comhadh, P. O'C. 
comaigthe, foreign, 733, seems a corruption of 
comaithche. Cf. comaigtech (gi. alienigena). 
comaigthes 2898 seems to be a corruption of 
comaithces, forei"gnness , and then u1ifriendli- 
ness, unnez'ghbourIÙzess. 
com-áirmim, I reckon, pass. pret. sg. 3, rom- 
comhairmeadh-sa, 1583. 
com-aittreb, co-dwelling, LB. 39 b, sg. date 
comaitriubh 2202, but comaitreib, LV. 33 a. 
com-cluiche, xx. play'Ùzg together, 
com-dál, a meeting, assembly, convention, 2309, 
gen, -a 2601. So the simplex dál, gen. dála. 
com-dlúthta, equally closed, compressed, 3041. 
comlud, im comhlud na desherce, 3923,fri comlud 
a cath 7 a comlund, LB. 123 b 29. The cor- 
responding word in LB. 66 b 1 I, is cord us. 
comrnarbae 4539, meaning obscure. 
comna = conl1mt1zio, 1868, 24 8 9, 45 2 9, 4532, 
gen. comnae 4471, date comna p. 358, 1. 2. 
comnacal, 1zeedmel1,tS (?), 1899, 1905,1908, p, 338, 
necessaries for dwelling Ùz a place, Beatha 
$heanáin, p. 10, P. O'C. 
comramach 4210, trophz'ed. 
com-réid, equally smooth or level, 3606. 
com-rithirn, I run together, rocoimhrithsat, 4846. 
coimrith, a runnÙzg tpgether, P. O'C. 
com-síned, a stretching-out, continuation, but in 
xxii a contention. 
com-sód, conversion, 232, sg. gen. comshóthi, 
LB. 249 a. 
com-throm, equally heavy, even, 3605. Hence 
the abstract nom. com-thru11l11la, Saltair na 
Rann 5760. 

condailbe p. 303, 1. 1-2; connailbhe 3276, love, 
friendshiþ, O'R. 
condeirc, 4365, affiction (?). B, has go deseirc, and 
condeirc seems a scribe's error, 
confad 3799, 'confadh, rage, fury, madness, 
voraciousness, rapacity, greedy aPþetite. CÚ 
confadh, a mad dog; éun confaid, a vulture, 
rave1Z, or other b'ird of prey J. confadh na fairrge, 
the raging of the sea.' P. O'C. 
congain cridi, grief of heart, 280, 1464. O. Ir. 
conguin chridi, :MJ. 32 c. I I, sg. gen. congaine, 
LB. 168 a. 
congna, horn, antler, pI. date congnaib, 4137, 
4 1 39. 
copán, cuþ, sg. gen. copain, 2736, date as in 
chopan-sa, LB. 163 b 38, pI. dat. coppánaib, 
LL. 243 b, copanaib, LB. 233 b. 
cor 3378, in the cheville ba caom cor, state (?), 
turn, (?). 
coraid, sinners, 2200. So in Fé1. Pro!. 66 ; derive 
of coir, sin. 
corónaigim, I tonsure, pass. prete sg. 3, 2631. 
corpán, p. 317, I. 6, and LB. 84, dimin. of corp, 
corr, pI. corra, 3662, epithet for a hill, pointed (?). 
corr-clérech, p. 31I, 1. 29. 
corrsuide, corrsuighe, p. 312, 1. I and note. 
cortan, behuren, beschlaftn, p. 327,1. 6. Cf. Lat. 
st:ortum (?). 
craesachad, eating glu , tt01z0USly 2737, craes, 
gluttony, craessach, gluttonous, LB. 67 a, but 
crois cupedia, 'Vb. 9 d. 
craithim, I shake, for croithim: pret. sg. 3, ro- 
craith, 2212; ru-s-craith in pelait uile, 'the 
whole palace was shaken' (lit. shook itself), 
LB. 7 b. 
crann snaite, a mixing-stick, p. 302, 1. 18. 
crannda, wooden, 3730. 
crannoc, a goblet, gen. pI. p. 307, 1. 30. 
crap aim , I shrink, contract, act. prete sg. 3. 
rocrap 1433. 
crebar, a leech, pI. creabair, 3652; creabhar, 
creadhar, a woodcock, also a leech and a kind 
of fly called a bloodsucker, P. O'C. 
crech, host, army; pI. n. creaca, 3656, a scribal 
error for creacha, pI. of creach, .1. sluagh, O'CI. 
Hence crechach 2 J 30. 
críata, earthen, clayey, 2184, deriv. of cré, 'clay,' 
gen. criad = W. pn'dd. 
cridechair, cordial,familiar, viii. 1. 7. 
cridicán, heartle!, 4204 = cridecan, SP. iii. 4. 
crolige, agony (?), 3123 = crolighe, croli, Laws, iii, 
p. 47 2 ,11. 8, 9,13,17, p. 474, 11. 5, 7,9. 
crosán, 3736, 3748, and p. 352, a mimic, jester, 
buffoon, or scoffer; a lewd, obscene, ribaldrous 
rhymer, 'V. croesan, P. O'C. 
cruad-lomm, hard-bare, 379 2 . 


3 8 9 

crumach,full of worms or reptiles, pl. crumacha, 
derive of cruim = W. pry/, 3663. 
crumther 2705, 2710, from prebz'ter, Low-Lat. 
form of presbyter. 
cuarta 2872, 3060, 3127. 3151, a due (received 
on a circuit or visitation), cuairt (?) p. 3 1 4, 
1. 5. 
cllchtair 4426, kitchen, biathadh mís ... on 
chuchtair, Book of Rights, 36; cuchtar (gl. 
callpona), Sg. 63 a. 
cuc1aige 2326, stzemblÙlg (?). In LB. 130 b the 
word seems to mean the osdllation or upsetting 
caused by the stumbling of beasts of draught: 
boi tra in áircc testemain for cuclaige moir 
oca tabairt do Ierusalem. carpait hi cuclaigi, 
LU. 91 b, and the verbal rachuclaigetar a cyz.- 
deda, LL. 176 b. Cf. the reduplicated pret. in 
Saltair na Rann 7765: Ro-chÙhlaig cech duil, 
'every creature shook' (not' wailed,' as er- 
roneously rendered in the preface andglossary). 
cucnecht, cooking, p. 320, 1. 29 = cuiccnecht, LB. 
49 a. 
cudnod 4542, to obey þromptly (?) = cudhnódh .1. 
deneas no defir, haste, sþeed, hurry, readiness, 
w'Ülinglzess, promþtitude, P. O'C., who cites 
an chreach do chudhnódh na ngiall, inas deach 
do thriath na dtuath. 
cuibhdi 4058, compar. of cubaid, becoming. 
cuile, cule, storeroom, p. 321, cuile finda, gl. 
uinaria cella, Sg. 35 a, 12: date sg. culid, p. 
321, 1. 17. cuiIæ (gl. clllina \ Sg. 51 b. 
cuimce, narrowness = cumhga, 3660, sg. acc. 
cuitechtna, comþanz'es, congregations, acc. pI. 
1528. p, O'C. gives the nom. sg. as cuideacht 
and cuz.deach ta in. A fern. iâ- stem cuitechta 
occurs in :Mer. Uilix. 
cumaim, I form, shaþe, devise, cumait, cumaid, 
4611 , rochllm 4625; pret. part, pass. do hiur1' 
glas ro-chu11Z1Ilad cathbarr, 'of blue iron a 
helmet was formed,' Salt. na Rann 5767 ; verbal 
noun: do chum p. 3 02 ,1. 4, 
cumngaim, I am able, 608, 1412,1531, the en- 
clitic form of cOllicim, prete sg. 3 nar-chum- 
aing 229 b. 
cumrae, s'weet, arni cumrae p. 326, I. 13; bolad 
craeb cllmhra, Lism. Il8 a I. 
cumtaigim, I build, pass. pres. sg. 3, cumh- 
duighter 2467. 
cumthanus, comradeship, 1567. Cf.fer cumtha, 
ben chu1Jltha. 
cumthar, is bestowed, 3060, cognate with coma, 
cúnnach (Brussels MS. caónnach), moss, 2402 = 
the Highland cóinneach, and cognate with 
cóenna nucis (gl. nauci quoque quod putamen 
nucis significat). 

dag-éraic p. 319, 1. 16, a good eri'c or mulct. 
daidche p. 350, at night = d'aidche, as dadaig = 
d'adaig. . 
dáilim, I agree to meet, pret. sg. 3 rodháil = 
dalistar, O'Don. Supp., 4237. 
dalbh, 773, .1. draóidheacht, P. O'C.; but this 
meaning does not suit here. 
dám duilech, a greedy party, 27 I I. dám = 
, ðijJlo
. Hence 
dámach 4388, multitudinous (?). 
damgaire xxxvi, 3108, a herd of stags, where 
-gaire seems cognate with å-')'opá, grex, and 
Skr. grãma. The origin of the place-name 
Druim Damgaire is thus given in the Book of 
Lismore, fOe 129 b 2 : Dodechatar dano slúaig 
in choicidh ar deisib 7 ar triaruibh for cnocaibh 
7 for tulchuibh impuibh dia bhfegad, 7 atbert 
cach re chele dhi bh atát daimh dileann 7 
cliathbernadha cét inníu i Cnuc na Cenn, 7 ita 
damghaire shochaide 7 forngaire shlúaig, et bid 
hé a ainm 0 aniu cu brath, Druim Damghaire. 
dámrad 3013, a troop. Compound of dám, 
dana 4712, perhaps the' danæ ebraice iudicium' 
of H. 2. 16, col. 99. 
dánatas, boldness, daringness, dánatus, LB. 52 a, 
gen. dánatais, 3043. 
dar-linn, it seems to us,1376. Cf. atar. 
dásachtaigim, I go mad, pass. pres. indic. sg. 3, 
-aigther 96, denom. from dásacht, 'madness,' 
dásachtach, 'insane.' 
dathugud, dyeing, colO1.tring, 4065, infin. of 
dathaigim, a denom. from dath, colour. 
debrad 2246, meaning obscure. 
decar, a marvel, pI. dat, decraib xxx. 
dechruth, dat. sg. p. 326, 1. 12. The meanings 
given by the dictionaries to deachradh (anger, 
arbitration) do not suit here. 
dedgair, vehemult (?), 2699, = O'Clery's deagh- 
dhair .1. luath; P. O'C.'s deaghair, quick, 
nimble, agile, active. See Saltair na Rann 
5598 (ba gním dedgair co a naimteib). 
deg-téth, goodly aþþearance, p. 302, 11 21, 22,3 2 . 
deinmech, vaÙz, 3645 = deinmheach .i. diamhaoin, 
deisebarna gréne 1885=deseabar gréine, O'Dav. 
78, seems to mean the begz'1Z1z'Ùzg of aut2l11l1t. 
(tus fogumhair, 1892), when the sun enters 
Libra. Cf. Skr. dakshi
lâyaJla, ' the autumnal 
deithbir .1. adhbhar, .1. dlightheach, P. ü'C., 
who compares \V. dedfryd, verdict. 
deithitiu, deithide . I. friochnamh no cllram, O'Cl., 
gen. deithiten 3705, 4488. Hence deithidnech 
p. 319, 1. 3, and the verb nom-deithidnigther-sa 
(gl. sollicitor), 1\1:I. 29 d 7. 
demnach, devilish, possessed by a devil, 4 8 55. 


39 0 


demnachda, demonic, diabolical, 3650; drong 
demnachda, Saltair na Rann, 8329. 
denmnedach, hasty, pI. n. deinmnedhaigh 1374. 
denmne .J. luas no dethbhir, P. O'C. 
denus p. 349, 1. 28, the sþace of a day, daytime, 
pI. gen. in adnaeul cethri ndenos, Salt. na. Rann, 
7 626 . 
deolaid: co deolaid 2372 = in-deolid (gI. gratis), 
\Vb. 26 b. 
deoraidh 363, seems a mistake for deolaid, 
grace , 
depracoit = deþrecatio, 4495, depraccoit 2699. 
See diproeoiteeh. 
derb-sethraeha 4639, pI. of derbsiur, own sister, 
with passage to the c-declension. 
derg- lassair, red-flame, 3 I 8 I. 
dess, rz'ght, þroþer, 1909. 
dethbir, diflere1zce, 4255. O'Reilly's deifir. 
dían-athirge, swift or vehement reþentance, p. 
307, I. 22 = dianaithrige p. 308, 1. I. 
di-chéillide, senseless, 4526. 
díchraeht, firvozw, ardour, 143, deriv. of dichra, 
dí-ehuibsech, u1tconsâentious, p. 31:;)7, 1. 25. 
dí-chumaing 3640. O'Donovan, Four Masters, 
A. D. 858, renders treablail dz'chumaing by 
, oppressive sickness,' whence it seems that the 
dí- here is intensive. 
diic viii, I. 22 .J. doiligh, O'C1., is perhaps = 
diing, 'impossibilis,' G. C2. 862. 
dil 2559=diol .J. eríoeh, P. O'C., who has also 
degh-dkiol, , a good end,' droich-dhiol, ' a bad 
end. ' 
diIghitu for dlighitu, justice, sg. dat. -aid, 63J. 
dilgidche, forgivingness, 2454, derive of dll- 
diliean 4206, dimin. of dz.l, 'dear.' 
dílsiugud, abandonment, transferring ownership 
in perpetuum, 1541, sg. gen. dilsighthe 1537 ; 
date du dí1sigud eesta Crist, Ml. 74 d 13; 
verbal noun of dilsigim, a denom. of dílse 2328. 
dim-bal, unwhite, dusky (1), 2522. See bal, 
dim-bríg, weakness, xxxi. 
dim-buaid martra 2328, the opposite of buaid 
martra, victory of martyrdom. The negative 
prefix dim has not yet been explained. 
dina, gen. 2287, meaning doubtful. 
díne déidinach 4743, the last generation or age. 
diproeoiteeh, prayerful, 2740. 
dire seoit do mainíb, lán-dire, p. 358, 11, 7 and 
15. díre, due,jine, wages, þayment, O'Don., 
is = W. dirwy, mulct. 
díscire,fierceness, hastiness, 4537, from díseir.1. 
eascaidh, quick, nimble, sudden, P. O'C., 
who gives also a corrupt dz'r'risc. 
dithramaeht, dithrimeeht, xv. 

dlomad 2591; dloma, refusal, p. 313, I. 31 ; sg. 
dat, icca ndlomad, LB. 7 I b, 29 I; oc dl01llad 
LB. 169 b, verbal noun of dlomaim. 
dluimh solusta, a luminous mass, p. 313, I. 10. 
dlúthaigim, I put close to, press, rodlúthaÍg 2026. 
A cognate dlzlthaim also occurs. 
do-airthetar 522, they overtook, the orthotonic 
form of tairthetar, LB. 175 a. 
doeair, difficulty, hardship, trouble, 1886; sg. 
dat. doccair, LB. 7 a ; acc. docair, LB. 1963.. 
dóehaite p. 308,1. 20, tht1 more likely = dóchu-de, 
,,:here dóchze is the com par. of dóig. 
do-findaim, act. pres. ind. pI. 3 dofhindat 2642, 
compound of do- and jindaim, , I know.' 
do-idnaieim, I bestow, orthotonic form of tid- 
naicim, s-conj. sg. 2, doidnais p. 304,1.12. 
do-imm-urc, I constrain, orthotonic form of tim- 
maircim, 2dy pres. pass, pI. 3, do-r-imartus 
3619, where -tus is for Old-Ir. -tais. 
dóini riagaldai, regulars, religious persons, 3395. 
doiré dia n-armaíb 3250, a wood, or thit"ket, of 
their 'weapons. 
dolaid, burden (?), charge, pI. dat. dolaidhib 2982. 
dolaidh, 4arm, injury, detriment, P. O'C. 
do-milis 3665, u.nsweet, pI. gen. LB. 253 a. 
do-olochta, p. 367, 1. 14, for doiulaehta, Ì1ztoler- 
dorus, in-doms, before, 2348. 
do-solachta 3566, impalpable, V. solagtha, O'R., 
but leg. dofolaehta (?). 
drant, B., which usually means 'snarling,' cor- 
responds with craes, 2229. Compare drant- 
mir, Corm. S. V. ore treith. 
droch-chairt 4527, a bad manuscript. 
drolmach, a vat, tu.b, LB. 63 b, 32, dromlach 
1514; sg. ace. drolmhuigh 316, 2701; pI. n. 
drolmacha LL. 54 a, 34, P. O'C.'s drolbach 
or drolmhaeh, Deriv. of drolam, LU. 19 a. 
dronglaeh, a water-vessel, 1379, 15 1 5. 
dronnmor 3632, having great hu.mps (?). Cf. 
dronnaeh, LB. 161 b 66, hump-backed, 
druim tar ais 15 I 6, toþsy turvy, lit. back over 
shoulder. Cf. dmimm dar druim. 
dub, dark, obscure, compounded: duib-inis p. 
353, 1. 5; duib-néll, a black cloud, Trip. 24 6 , 
1. 15, pI. date duibnéllaib 277 1 . 
dúiIeeh 27II,greedy, dest.rolls, covetous, P. O'C., 
who has also dúlach and the abstract dú- 
lacht. From dúil, desire. 
duilesc, a kind of edible seaweed, gen. sg. duilise, 
2331, and p. 340. P. O'C has also duileasc 
abhan[ n J. broad-leaved þond-weed, and duileasc 
cloch, stone-laver. 
duillebar, leaves, 4809- 
dulghena, remZl-1zeration, 1577 = duilgine, 
56 b II. 


dun-orcuin, 11la1zsla ugh ter, 2165, dunoirgnid, 
manslayer, 844. 
dúr-chraidetu, hardheartedness, sg. acc. -aid 228. 
Cf. dúr-chride, hardhearted, LB. 172 b. 
duthair 1458, the opposite of suthair, pleasant, 
cheeiful, merry, P. O'C. 
dúthracht, good will, dat, pI. 2033, where it seems 
to mean voluntary gifts, offerings. 
écáine, bewailing, 4772.. 
écáinim, I bewail, comþlain, groan, ro-n-ecain, 
ech buada, 2090, a race-horse. 
écnairc, prayer, Í1ztercession, gen. écnairce 4529. 
eicin, 10I3, P. O'C.'s 'eigin, some, certain, 
duine eigin, some one.' 
éimdim, I rifuse, icar' heimded 1243. Cf. fo1'- 
éimech 4552, P. O'C.'s eimheach, quick, ready, 
'ZfJiIIÙzg, from eimhe, quickness, readÙzes$, and 
this from éimh .i. esgaid, O'CI. 
eipistil = epistola, pI. gen. eipistlech, 154. 
éistecht, hearing, 4892, from éitsecht. 
eitim .1. baoghal, P. O'C.; gen. etma, danger, 
p. 3 20 , 1. 38. 
eitirecht, eidirecht, p. 310,1. 5, hostageshiþ. From 
eitire, hostage, Laws, i. u8, aitire. 
enech, an act of bounty, 357, 1. 14. 
enfaitiu 4541, meaning obscure. 
englais, ace. 2701, gen. sg. englaisi 2701. 
eanghlais, poor, small, weak, raw drink, 
P. O'C., 'small mixed drink, as milk and 
'water, etc.,' O'R. anaghlas F., 1. hogwash, 
2, milk and water, Highland Soc. Diet. 
én-snáithe 2390, a single thread. 
eo chair, edge, 4419, where oemair is a scribe's 
mistake. Compounded: eochar-glan, 3709, 
pure-brÙ'lked, eochair .i. imeal, a brim, brink, 
border oredge. Hence eochair maighe, P. O'C., 
and eochair-imNbh, Fonr MM., A.D. 1592. 
eolus, often used for eolus sliged, seems in p. 310, 
1. 10, to mean 'way, passage, or aþerture. 
epaid, a phÜtre, gen. eptha 1480, pI. n. aipthi (gI. 
ueneficia), "Tb. 20 b 20. 
er-chraidech, earcroidhech, p. 312, 1. 32,perz.'sh- 
able = ercradach, LB. 39 a. Cogn. with erchra, 
irchre, llTCra 2383, Í1tten'tus, difectus, irchraiòis 
3714, ar-chrinim I peris!z and erchrethe, O'CI. 
er-lamaigim, make ready, preþare, act. pret. sg. 3 
roerlamhaigh, 1461, denom, from erlam. 
er-lathar 2241. Meaning obscure; cf. cubaiò sin 
fri erlathar 7 fri ruin na screptra, LB. 56 b 
4 1 , itát irlathair dhhdha inntib, Lism. 67 b 1. 
esbal (for apstal), aþostle, 62i, dual nom, 624. 
esboc (for epscop), bishop, 820, p1. dat, espocaib 
850, p1. n. esbaic 1019. 
espocoide (for epscopoite), bishoþric, 422. 

39 1 

essim, I seek, imperate p1. 2, essid 4143; eiseadh 
.i. guidhe, P. O'C. 
estud 588, estadh 4501, etsud Trip. 256, 1. 19. 
étaim, I find, níisn-etfaitis, 2227. Root (p)ent, 
Goth. finþmz. 
etar-cnugud (=etar + gnagud) 4610, understand- 
Ï1zg. Cf. ro-etarcnaigestar(gI.notauit),M1.3 2 b15. 
etargnaid, intelligible, p. 326, last line, ceist 1zach 
etargnaid, 'a question that is not easily solved.' 
ethar, ferry-boat, but pI. n. ethra 2227, seems 
ships or barks. 
étla, þenitence, 4541 (where occ etlai is misprinted 
oc cetlaz), ettla fri haes, LB. 7. 1 marg gen, cen 
síl n-etla SR. 7199; pI. date iarna hettlaib 
athirgi 6876, eatla and ealta, þenite1zce and 
prayer, P. O'C. 
étlaide, 3790, penitent (?). Atchondaircsium na 
gnúisi aigedbána ettlaidi muintire, Mer. Uilix 
51, 52, atbélat éc etlaide SR. 8183, imriadat 
cohéttlaide 8391. 
etran, date etrain 3094, eadran, Ï1zteiference, t'nter- 
pos,ition, P. O'C. A formation from Ir. etar = 
Lat. Ùzter. 

faigde, begging, 1425,1488, O. Ir. foigde (=(0 + 
faiscre, some kind of cheese, (.i. cáise no mulchan, 
O'Cl.), pI. acc. faiscre grotha 393, nom. 484. 
fál, hedge, fence, 4847, 'V. g"'dJawl. 
falum = folomm, empty, 4707. 
fatha = fotha, grozmd,foundation, 4654. 
fáthachda, p1'oþhetic, 2656, spirut fathacdai LB. 
221 a, 0 fheraib firenaib fáthacòai, LB. 228 a. 
fedraissi, knowest, 2298, a corrupt Mid. IT. form, 
from fetm'ais + siu, See ,V indisch VerbalformelZ 
/defJl charakter R, where hedivideifedrais-si. 
feibh thochusa, goodness of 'Zvealth(?), 61, 23 68 ; 
feibh .1. maitheas no saidhbhreas no feabhas, 
goodness, wealth, riches, P. O'C.loche. 
feidil, constant, steady, 2105, 2743. Hence feidle 
constancy, and feidligim, 2196, I persist. 
feidm, effort (scíthleidm, fatiguing exertion; 
trénfeidm, a miglzty effort). In 2558 a load, 
pI. fedman, Ann, VIt. 821. 
feisir, thou wilt Imo7.o, 2299, s-fut. offttar. 
feodaigim, I wither, act, prete sg. 3 rofheodhaigh 
4858. In feodaigid in tene in crand, LL. 150 a 
2 I, it is transitive. 
feraim, s-pret. sg, 3 ro ferastar 1361. This verb 
generally means I pour, I give. But here, 
apparently, I supþly a!Jjmdantl;', 
fergugud, being angry, 4536, verbal noun of fer- 
gaigim, denom. from ferg, a1tger. 
fersa, verse, 275, 26 5 6 , 4 0 35. 
fertas, nom. dual; fertais, 3495, 3498, the hind- 
shafts of a chariot (?). 
fetal (leg. fethal as in B?) 2463, where it is 

39 2 


glossed by mi1zcuz's, a word equally obscure to 
me. Can fetal be cogn. with fttan and lllin- 
cuis (rectius minchuis) mean a little p'iPe ? 
féth, aÞPearance, p. 302, 1. 22. See degféth, olc 
feth fil fort, LL. I I 7 b. 
fethech 3661, meaning doubtful: cf. féith .i. gair- 
bhe, rougllness, coarseness, rudeness, P. O'C. ; 
or feith, a boggy stream, O'Don. Supp. 
féth-fairge 3 I 84, a calm sea, féth, 1709. 
féthnaigim, I grow calm, prete sg. 3 rolethnuig 
3623, fethnaigit, LL. 218 b. 
fiad (for fid ?),forest, 2485. 
fíchda 2218, and LL, 109 a=fíochda and fióch- 
mhar, angry, froward, peevish, P. O'C., co 
fichda,furiousry, LB. 161 b, deriv. of fich. 
fidach, shrubs, copse, brush-wood, 895, sg. gen. 
fidaig 897. 
find-choelach, white wattling, peeled rods, 1572. 
fír, truth, la fír Fiadat, 2106, H. 
fír, adj. =verus, in composition: fír-ailither 586, 
2743,4497, fír-athardae 74 6 ; fír-amnas 221 9; 
fír-chlérech 4553; fír-chumthach 4474; fÍr-dia 
4623 ; fír-fínemain 2469; fír-íasc, gen. fÍr-éisc 
viii, 18; Hr-Haigh 2470; fír-uisce 2183. 
focerd menma thairis 1997. Cf. focheird a men- 
main aid, LV. 130 a 15, act. pres. indic. sg. 3 
fochadach, having trz'bula,tio1Zs, denv. of fochaid. 
fochair, i fochair 260, am fochair, alo1zg with me, 
a bhfochair a chéile, altogether, P. O'C. 
fochon 4583 = O'R.'s fochan, Y02l,ng corn in the 
fochtais 2 I I 7, dixz't, ro-focht, Lism, 97 b I, V veq. 
fodailtech 2744, patient (?), I have not met else- 
fóebrach, fóebhrach, sharp-edged, 2218, pI. n. 
foebracha, LB. 251 b 78. 
fo-gabaim, I find, orth. form of fagbaim, ica 
bhfhaghbaithe 2647. 
fo-gantaid, servant, 293, a corruption offognam- 
thid, cognate withfogníu, I serve, s-pret. pI. 3 
ra-fhoga'Ùzset, LB. 199 a. 
foghlach, 2139, Í1zstructive, P. O'C. Cf. fogailim, 
I teach, instruct,O'R. 
fograin na bachla, the point of the c1'ozÙr, 461, 
rochomraic a fograin ri tal main, LL. 102 b 22. 
dara fograin, LL. 267 b I. A deriv.fograinne 
occurs in 11erugud Vilix 58. 72. 
fóidhi 1251, is = foighi (gl. epulum), Ir. Gl. 
no. 815. 
foiditech, patient, endz
ring, 1694, 4880, for foi- 
ditnech (?), a deriv. of the n-stem flditiu, 
fo-intreb 72, smallgear,fierm'ture, Trip. 10,1. 12. 
foirb, land, 43. 
foircsi, look, aÞPearance, 4463 = foircsiu, Laws, i. 
23 8 , 1. 14. 

foire 534, meaning doubtful. 
folartnaigim, I suffice, act. 2dy pres. sg. 3, nos- 
folartnaiged 41 I ; consuet. ni tholartnaigend, 
LB. 193 b. 
follamnacht, ruling, 2741 = follomnacht, Laws, i. 
follus-pectach, ma1lifestry sinful, 3755. 
folmaise 3206, opportullity (?), .1. faill, O'R. 
folmhaise .i. saill, fabzess, etc., P. O'C., who 
perhaps misread faill, , opportunity,' as saill. 
fo-menim, I guard agaz'nst, I beware, imperat. 
pI. 2 fomnid, 347; fomnid-si, Wb. 33 a 15, 
part. fut. pass. foimnidi, Trip. Life, 42, 1. 19. 
The verbal noun is foimtiu, date do foimtin 
(gl. ad cauendum), rvl1. 43 a, 16. 
for, infixed pers. pran. pI. 2, nach-for-tair, 348. 
forair, summit, top, end, 3932. So in LB. 66 b, 
c1éthi 1 forair in forcetail, and in Lism, 67 b 2, 
forair 1 sl1im na sualach fasas on lïrinne. forar 
(gl. finis est) 111. 56 b, 46. 
foram-rith '2971. Here theforam seems=foram 
Jagen (?). Windisch; forum, motion, O'Don. 
Supp., and foramk in the chevilles flramll 
nglé, foramh ngrt.'nn, foramh 1zdil, P. O'C. 
forásta, advanced, projicie1lt l?), 331 I, forásaim. 
for-burach, forborach, excellent, elevated, lofty (?), 
3926. See 3 Frags. 220 and Petrie's R.T. 105 
and cf. V1T'fpcþfpfJr;, superlatus. 
for-écnech, foireicnech 1912 = foiréigneach, vio- 
lent, forcible, P. O'C. 
for-Iámus xxxii, gover-nment, sway: forlámhus for 
leith Erinn, Book of Rights, p. 50. rogabsat Iu- 
daidi nert lforlamhus for Ierusalem, Lism. 2 b 2. 
forlunn (in anmforlunn, q. v.) = forlann, 'force, 
power, crushing, oppression,' P. Ü'C. 
for-Iuaimnech, bounding, 2219, a deriv. offorlZl- 
aim .i. firléim, P. O'C. 
formna, abunda1zce, f. a dána 2303. 
fonnna, shoulder, f. na fairce, viii, 1. 10, dat. 
fonnno 4458. 
for-rúsc, 2224, upþer rÏ1zd (?). 
forsaide xxv, meaning obscure. 
fortamlaigim, I prevm."l, 3015, a denominative of 
fortamhail, strong, P. O'C., who gives the ab- 
stractsforta1J1hla andfortamhlaclzt. The verbal 
nounfortamlugud occurs in LB. 168 b 62. 
f-ósaic for ósaÙ = Lat. obsequium, in the sense of 
service, see Phil. 2. 30,foot-washÙzg, 1622. 
fossad-Iár 3141, f. longþuirt seems to mean a 
stationary camþ. 
fossaigim, I rest, stay, dwell, pres. indo sg. 3 
fossaigid 2988; verbal noun, fos1.1gud, resting, 
staying, 3058. 
fostacht 3867, security (?), also in LV. 34 a 8. 
fo-thoscaigid, successor, pI. n.fothoscaigthe 4627, 
dat.fothoscaghthib, Trip. Life, p. 6, 1. 25. 
frigde,jleshworm, p. 351, 1. 7. This is the High- 


landfrìde, dimin.frìdeag, Jr.frìgit, LU. 9 0 b, 
frigead, VBL. co!. 3 2 0. 
frith-bert, gainsaying, 4298, pI. n. frithberta, LL. 
220 a, verbal noun of frisbiur, · obnitor,' Sg. 
22 a, frithbheart .1. cur inaghaidh, an objectÙlg, 
O'CI., frithbheartaim, I object or gaz'nsay. 
frith-folad, wages, 4532, friothfola fíor, rz.ght or 
due, wages, stipend, salary or þay, I pI. frith- 
[olta fíora, P. O'C. 
frith-rose 2224, seems to mean -reverted, doslais 
tara toine 7 lomortar a caither frithrose, Harl. 
5 280 , fo. 67 a; tarrla frithrusc feicheamnuis 7 
fergi eturro in oidque sin gur' marbsat a cheili 
hi fiadhnaisi na féni, Eg. 1782, fo, 20 b, 2. 
frith-sét 4459, obviam. So in LB. 175 a, dode- 
chaid i frithsét na n-apstal. 
frith-tagra p. 315, 1. 35, arguing agaÙzst. 
fuacarthaid, proclaz'mer, 3920; fuagartha, þro- 
claimed, published, P. O'C. 
fuaeraim (fo-od-garaim), I proclaim, pass. pres. 
indic. sg. 3 fógarthar 3 01 3. 
fuailfed 4 86 7 = fuailfeadh .1. foluamain no lu- 
aimnighe, a leaPing, skipPing, O'CI. 
fuasealad (for fuaslacud), to release, to ransom, 
15 20 , fuaseail, fuaseailt, ransom, P. O'C., 
fuascladh, a redemption. 
fuaslaicim, 1 open, but in connexion with a 
sword, I draw, 28 7. 
fuigled, 21 3 8 = fuighleadh .1. rádhadh, P. O'C., 
derive of fuigell, word,judgment. 
fuiIide, bloody, 2219, ticfa fleochud fuilide SR. 
802 9, and see O'CI. Cf. fuilidh .1. dearg 
amhail fuil, P. O'C., derive of fuil, blood. 
fulacht, a cooking-place, xliii, and see Petrie's 
Tara 19 0 . 
funn raide, to stay, to await, 1943' = furnaidhe 
10 4 1 , .1. fuireach, P. O'C., and this for urnaidc, 
irnaide, ernaide. 
fúr, þreþaration, 2357, oe fúr m'anma dia breith 
i flaith Dé, 'preparing to carry my soul into 
God's kingdom,' LB. 183 a 9. 
furrthain, sufficiency, 2921, 3197,4179, furthain 
and forthain . I. sásadh no daothain, P. O'C. 

gabim, I give, I attribute, rot-gaibh 159 1 , gab- 
sat ailgius de 2389, geibh ind uisqui 2676, ar 
rnirbuil didiu as gabtha do ehurp in Choimded 
dul isin tegdais foriatta LB. 195 a, 42. To 
this verb (cognate with Goth, giban), belong 
roghabh 1761, gabail salm 3406, and the forms 
given in 'Yindisch's 'Vörterb, under '.1. gabaim 
Ù'h s'Ùlge.' Cf. the Lat. use of do for a11nounce, 
tell, relate. 
gabul mara, a sea-z'nlet, 1486, atso gabul fairge. 
Hence gabhlán mara, a small creek, 1100k, or 
inlet of the sea, P. O'C. 


gair ,brevis. In ba gair nis-leceth, p. 3 21 , 1. 25, 
gatr means nearly, almost. 
, bristl
s! 2212; lit. rough (garb) 
hazr: dnuch crOlcmn agas fionnfaidh the hair 

ta.lltfÙzg on end, P. O'C., Gr, Opí(, ge
. TptXúS. 
galrtIglm, Ishorten,4473, den om. ofgairit, 'short.' 
gar-mac 4705 =gormac, 'nephew.' 
gart, Saltair na Rann, 2767, 3078, 660 7. Hence 
gart-gal, sg. dat. gartghail 2134, and gart-glóir 
SR. 4527, meaning doubtful. " 
gas bil
ir 47 88 = gas biroir, Fél. Ixxxix. : gas 
.1. geag, a stalk, stem, or sucker o.f all herb, 
P. O'C. 
gataide, thief (gadaidhe, P. O'C., gataige 'Yi. 
perperam ?), 16 73. 
geránach 3648, from gearán, complail1t, groan, 
P. O'C., il-geranach, LB. 252 b. Yed. járate 
ertöl1ell, Ohg. quëran, Se'1if:;e1l. 
gerraim, I cut, hack, pass. pres. indo sg.3 gerrtl1r 
28 99. 
gilla gái xxvi, spear-gillie. 
gillacht, boyhood, 2526, Corm. s.v. cotomna áisse; 
but also service, attendance, P. O'C. 
gillaidecht 4648, gillaigecht 68, giollaidheacht, 
the same as gillacht, P. O'C. 
gimach 3 6 5 1 , small-eyed, lobster-eyed, P. O'C. 
gímhach 3862, an epithet for hills, also in LB. 
253 a; P. O'C. has gfomh, 'the hair of the 
head. ' 
glaedad, shouting, sg. dat. 3640, 3 6 55, glaod- 
hadh, P. O'C. Better perhaps spelt gloedad. 
Cf. the dat. pI. gloedaib, LIt 55 b. Cognate 
are gláed, SRann, 6794, and glaedim, ibid. 
12 9 0 , 6554. 
glaisin, woad, 4066, 4071, and p. 354, sg. gen. 
glaisne 4 06 3. 
glan, pure, compo glan-bail, 2132, pure good- 
ness (?) ; glan-edbartach, having þure offeri1/gs, 
274 0 . 
gleo 35 82 , usually fight, here seems to stand for 
gleodh, dedsi01t" the verbal noun of gléim. 
glésta, tuned, xiii, part. pret. pass, of glésaim ; 
see Jr. Gl. No. 7 1 9. 
glóire, glory, 20, 4322, a by-form of glóir, bor- 
rowed from Lat. gliJria. 
goib-gér 3 6 5 1 , sharþ-beal.:ed; compo of gor, gob, 
goibnecht 3785, a smith's trade, slldthery, 5g. gen. 
gaibneehta, 916. 
goirt-bíad, salt food, gen. sg. goirt-bídh, p. 3 10 , 
1. II ; goirt (gl. acidl1s), gortigim (gl. saUo). 
golfadach 3636, also in LU. 33 a. 
golfartach 3647, LU. 33 b, golphartach SRann. 
87 6 . This, like goijadach, is a compound of 
gol, 'wailing, weeping.' 
gonn, blue=Lat. jórlllltS, aec. sg. f. guirm 3 G 33, 
gormaim, I colour blue, 1 become blue, 4 080 , 
3 E 




gortach, hungry (gl. famelicus), Ir. Gl. 620, pI. 
date 4887, derive of gorta, hunger. 
gothach-goirt 3648, sharþ-voÙed (?), gothach, 
vocal, echoing, resoundil1,g, P. O'C. 
grádmaire, loveliness, derive of grádhmhar, ami- 
able, and this of grád, love, 3867. 
gréchtha 3647, a derive of gréch, shout, screech, 
shriek, outcry, P. O'C. 
greim, in the expression rogab greim esti, 53, lit. 
'had profit out of her,' seems to mean' fell in 
love with her.' Colgan has, for the corres- 
ponding passage of the Trip. Life, ' hospes 
autem eius formae captus praestantia :' gebid 
. . . greim n-ailithre, has tile þrofit of [ = avails 
as] a þilgr-lmage, 718; facbaim gréimm, Mer. 
Uilix 150; ni fuigbet Ulaid mo greim, LL. 
109 a. See also maith-grâm. 
greim riagla 7 ecna 3958. 
greim rígda 296, royal þower(?), Cf. gremmaim 
(gl. vigore), Ml. 31 c 18. 
gres, guest, p. 319, 1. 23, greas, a guest, vÙitor, 
P. O'C., who compares 'V. gressaw; pI. greasa 
. I. aoidheadha no lucht én-uaire, O'CI. 
grib, grif quadrupess pennata, H. 2. 16, col. 114, 
gen. gribi S. Rann, 921, fromgryþhus, pI. nom. 
gríbha 3651. The griffin and vulture each called 
griobh ingneach. The compo gribgal and the 
adj. gríbda occur in S. Rann 93 8 , 7 I 95. 
gris 2222, better gríss (?). See S. Rann. 
gruamdacht 4463, sullenness, gloominess, deriv. of 
gruamda (gl. acer), Ir. Gl. Nos. 384, 1065. 
guaire, hair, bristles, 2212,3798, .1. folt, O'Cl. 
guala, gen. dual gualann 3498, where it seems 
to mean not as usual shoulders, but shafts of a 
gudamnach, sþectral(?), 3648, seems a deriVe of 
gudemain or gu'idemaÍ1z .1. fuatha 7 mórrígna, 
Corm. Gl. and Rev. Celt. i. 36. 
gú-forcell, false declaration, 'witness, 'Vb. 13 b, 
sg. gen. -ill 51 =gu-forgill, LB. 165 a. 
guilbnech, sharþ-beaked, 3652, deriv, of guilbne, 
pI. acc. inna guilbniu (gl. aculeos), Ml. 122 b, 

ian 2952 .1. soitheach, a vessel, P. O'C.; sg. gen. 
éine, Laws, i. 106; pI. n. éna, date énaib. 
iarcain 4080, the' after-dye' (?). 
iardaige 3052 =iartaige, result, LL. 230 a, iar- 
daidhe and iardraidhe, remains, þosterity, rt- 
licks, rem'Jlants, vestiges, P. O'C. 
iarmerge 861, 4198, 1zoc/urn. 
iarsma, remna1zt, xxv. 
iasacht 4148, a loan, gen. iasachto, Corm. B. S. V. 
Grith. . 
iascach, fishz'ng (?), 1039, and Trip. Life, 146, 
148, P. a'c. gives only the meanings I.fishy, 

ídlacht, idolatry, xxiii., derive of ídal. 
id-laicim, pass. pres. indo sg. 3 idlaicter 281 3, 2814, 
verbal noun iodhlacadh, to bestow, P. a'c. 
id-naicim, 1 bestow, s-pret. pI. 3 roidhnaicset 1926. 
imm-a1tóir 1633 = iomaltair, an outside altar 
0 , , 
P. C. It probably ,represents the Latin 
suþeraltare, of which Ducange says: 'bifa- 
riam sumi videtur, nempe pro Ciborio, quod 
altari imminet, et altari portabili.' 
immarach, imarach, 939 = iomarach, iomurach .1. 
imleach, bordering, edgz'ng, brÍ1zklz'ke, P. O'C. 
imm-chor, a bearing or carrying, fer imchuir, a 
carrier, þorter, bearer, 4367; fer imchair in 
leinibh (gl. pedagogus), Book of Lismore, 
7 6 b 2. Hence the verb immchurim, I carry. 
imm-eirge 1898 = imirge, imirce and imirghe, a 
r;emov'illg, a jlz'ttÙzg, P. a'c. 
imforaidh 4228, seeIfls to stand for imm/orrazäh, 
gen. sg. of ÙJlniforadh a compo of imm and 
forradh, gain, emolument (?), Highland Soc. 
Diet., O'R.'s foraigh, 'wages. 
immochar 4046, carryillg=immochur LB. 188 b, 
immorchor 448 I, carrying, verbal noun of -z'mlllor- 
imm-remor, very th-lck, pI. n. imremra 2220. 
immresnech xl = imresnach LB. 251 b, emulative, 
derive of imbresan, imrisan 2894. = 'N.ymrys- 
son, 'contention, dispute.' 
imm-theiched xii, escaþing. 
imm-thrumme,þregnancy, sg. gen. 2511. A cogn. 
adj. immthromm occurs. 
imm-uamon 3306, great fear, dread. 
imtha: a ben imtha-si 799: ben imtha glosses 
pellex in Sg. 68 b, 9, Cf. acc. pI. laichessa 
imtha, Rawl. B. 512, fo. ,42 b, 2. The imtlla 
is probably cognate with ímda, 'bed-room,' 
I bed,' so ben z'mtha in 799 may mean chamber- 
woman. Hence imthach, adulterous, SRann 
3 1 75. 
in ait (for indáit), than are, 235 1 , 2435. 
in-bhar, in your, 3852. Cf. infar srethaib , Ml. :) 
20 d 9, where Ascoli has hifar srethaib. . 'f}. 
ind-airithe 2352, manijèst(y, airithe .1. deimin no 
follus, O'Dav. 49. 
indalim(?), I wash the feet, act. prete sg. 3 ro 
innail 53, 12 79, 2617, for ro illdail, ionnlam, 
I wash, bathe, cleanse, P. O'C. 
indeonad, a cooking, xliii. Cogn. with -lnneo'Ùz. 
As to the Dagda's illneoin (cooking apparatus), 
see the Book of Lismore, 154 a, 2, and Petrie's 
Tara, 190. 
ind-fethmech, medz'tative, conte'!lþlative, 2455, in- 
dethmech 2649, derive of indfethem. 
indis, innis, inis, a m ilking-þlace, 98, 1 15, 1967, 
p. 320, inis, a þlace where cows are brought to 
be milked, P. O'C., citing Beatha Sheanáin. 


ind-loeg, Ùt calf, p. 5 02 , 1. 7. 
in-dorus, z"nfront of, 9 2 9. See donls. 
ingantaigim, I admire, wonder at, xxi, 1. 16. 
inmarda, biada inmarra 2519, biad olardai in- 
márdai, LB. 215 a, derived from inmar 
(obsonium), :Mart. Don. 1641, whence also 
inmaire : rorecht ho methi 7 inmairi, :Ml. 20 a. 
in-molt a xxii, praiseworthy. 
iret 4488, meaning obscure. 
iris an tSoscéla 4358, the strap by 7vhich the satchel 
containing the gospel was suspended: iris, a 
suspender for hanging a load by, ex. Ie hírsibh 
a scéithe, P. O'C. 
Í-sunna, here'in., 2587. 
ítadach, thz'rsty, 4887, derive of ítu, , thirst,' gen. 

laarg, fork, leg a1zd thigh, P. O'C., sg. gen. 
cnáim na láirge 2080; da loarce (gl. duarum 
furcarum) Arm. I 2 b 1. 
lachtna 232 I, 2325, yellow, P. O'C., brat dub- 
lachtna, LU. II2 b. 
laechdacht, heroism, braverY,'3058, derive of1aech- 
da, 2145, and this from laech = Lat.lal'c1ls. 
laindrech, bright, shining, 2142, eogn. with 
lainderda,laÍ1znerda, S. Rann 2928, 2934,3022, 
8077. See Fé1ire, Gloss. Index, s. v. lainnrech. 
laithide, daily, 4489, derive of laíthe, ' day.' 
lám, hand, fri láim, Ì1z liez/, of, as substitute for, 
p. 314, 1. 10. 
lámdae, handi'work (?), gen. lamdai .r. gresa 
lán, full, compounded in lán-airpheitech 4500 ; 
lán-bind 4500; lán-cennsa 4461; lan-edpairt, 
a full ojftrÍ1lg. 4494, where lanpartaib is a 
scribal error for lán-edPartaib; lán-folartnaig- 
theeh 4496 ; lán-saethrach 3847; lán-tene 3662 ; 
lán-toltnaigthech 2741. 
lase 4643, from *lat-co, as Lat.lassus, from *lat-to, 
hence lasca,loose11ess, la:cation,slackness, P.O'C. 
latrann (from Lat. latro), pI. gen. latrand, p. 
358, 1. 16, acc. latrandu, p. 319, 1. 16. 
lebenn, leibheann dia sciathaib 3250, a bulwark 
of their shields. 
ledb 4052 = leadhb, a þiece or patch, a !tather 
clout, P. O' C. 
léitmech, eagcr,gnedy, 3650, 3667=léidmheach, 
.1. mian[ghJasach, P. O'C., who has also the 
abstract léidmhighe.1. mian [ghJ as = leitmige, 
LL. 217 b. 
lem, elm, sg. gen. leimh 2678 = lim, Trip. 84. 
lén, hurt, len c1aoine 2I{6, acc. cen labra len 
21 37, cen len, cen erchra forrn, LB. 376, gen. 
leoin 3206; léan and león, destruction, ruin, 
downfall, P. O'C. Hence léllaim, litmaim, 
S. na Rann 1726, 2686, 5267. 


lese 2665, 3032 (gl. piger) Ir. Gl. 382, loath, 
P. O'C. 
less, rogleset in les, 2030. 
letarthaige 3186, derive of letarthach, eogn. with 
mod. leadradh, and leadairt, , a striking, tear- 
ing, cutting,' P. O'C. 
lethnaigim 3003, I eXþa1td or sþread, but here 
I scatter. 
letorud, p. 321, 1. 16 = leth + tornd, half-þroduce. 
lí 3587, meaning obscure. 
linn in muilinn 913 ; linn in proinntige 2091. 
lisdacht, importunity, I59o=liostaeht, Highland 
Soc. Dict. 
ló 888, meaning doubtful; 10 .r. uisce, water, 10 
.1. ribe olna, a lock of wool, P.O'C. 
locaim, I }li1zch from: locuid . . . in cath 3230, 
locadh, a jlinching,faiIÙzg, P. O'C. 
logaissi .1. brégi, 3093. 
loilgech, a cow which has lately calved, pI. gen. 
3350; also spelt laulgach and lulgach, 
loinn-eolas, joyful guidance; lonn, joyful, glad, 
merry, P. O'C. 
loise, }lame, 10 43, 1694, also luisse : loise and 
10isne .i. lasair. 
loiscnech, burning, blasting, 3662; loiscneach, 
the same as loisceanta, I fiery, blasting, burning,' 
P. O'C. 
lonn 2089, 2II 2,3649, .J. dinmsach, O'Dav. 102. 
Hence lonnus 2095 = londas, M:1. 29 a I. 
losail, collective of Ius, heró, sg. date 416. 
lua (1) p. 304. The gloss (.r. brat derg) stated 
by Dr" Todd (Mart. Don. p. 274, note) to occnr 
on this word in LB. fOe lI8 a, does not appear 
in the facsimile (p. 235, lower margin). 
lnaigim, I buy, ransom; raluaig-si in mac, LL. 
226 b, 1. 34; roluaid moghud na cumaile 1190, 
should probably be roluaig m. n. e. 
luaithne, a partide of ash (luaith), 126. 
luaithred, ashes, 161; luaithreadh and luaith 
reamh, P. O'C. 
luamaire, Pilot, 2077. Hence lnamhaireacht, 
navigation, sailing, p, O'C., rather' piloting, 
directing.' Cf. comas luamairechta a tengad 
LB. 160 b. 
luchrapan 3776, a pygmy, pI. n.=luchrupain, 
LU. 2 a,luchorpaÍ1z,Laws,i. 70, gen. line luchor- 
pan lerda, Rawi. B. 502, fOe 45 b I, a dimin, of 
luchorþ, pI. n. luczdrp, Laws, i. 70, and cf. the 
gloss Nan .i. bec, ut dicitur 'nanus .i. abae no 
lucharban, O'M:ulc, 828. 
lucht, a charge, weight, p. 319, I. 33, and in Brocc. 
h. 1. 27 (al-Iucht saille) and 47 (mir. . . dind 
lucht), from *t1ucht = 0, 'Yelsh tluith in or 
'1naur-dluith-ruim (gl. multo vecte), Juv. p. 9 0 . 
macc-firt, a miracle wrought in childhood, pI. 
date macfertuibh, 13 2 . 

3 E 2 


39 6 


machtad, wOJzderÏ1zg, marvelling, 1988, 1998. ba 
machtad mór lasin escop LB. 190 a, ba machtad 
Ie, LB. 193 b, commonly machnadh .1. iong- 
nadh, O'CI., who also has machtnadh. 
machtnaigim 3762, 3874, I cOllsz'der, verbal noun 
machtllugud, Laws, i. p. 34-, 1. I!. 
mago 321, 1. 25, for macha, milking-Place. Laws, 
i. 84, 1. 32. 
maidm, rout, but in 3253, a routed army. 
maille, moille, delay, lateness,4357, deriv, of mall, 
mainches 1Z1l1l, m. soscéla xv. 
mainchine, servz'cc, 1018, 2039, 4233, 4246, 
4 801 , 4 8 4 2 ; man chaine 3492. 
maindechtnaige, 1legligellce, slotlifu.bzess, 1418. 
a derive of maineachtnach, 'negligent, slothful,' 
P. O'C. 
maistreth, a churning, p. 32 I, 1. 28. 
maith-greim 211 2. See greim. 
mám, handful, 4323; mám, a.fist, also a .fistfu.l 
or handful, P. O'C. Cf. W. mawaid, both 
manche 2363, Trip. Life, 344, 1. 3; mainche, 
maintenance, sustenance, support, P. O'C. 
maoi. See romaoi. 
margreit,pearl, 38, from Lat. margarita. 
martralaic, martyrology, 375 +, 
mebais 4051, usually supposed to be a gramma- 
rian's word like meabhadh . I. briseadh, P. O'C. 
But it stands for melllaz's, which may be the 
aorist of a desiderative verb, root mat. So 
selaz's, i11l-selaz's may be aorists of a like verb, 
root slag. 
melaim, I enjoy, b-fut. sg. 3 nos-melfa 2268; 
mealadh, enjoying, having, holding, P. O'C. 
menmanrad, thought, xxiii; determinatÙm, Cogad 
Gaedel re Gallaib, p. 72, 1. 1. 
menmarc 2071, desire meanmarc .1. smuaineadh, 
Leb. Lec. V ocab. .1. aigne, m'iml, t/zought, 
fancy, P. O'C" citing Leabh. Gabhála, p. 
merge, banner, 3078; meirge . I. bmtach, O'Cl., 
an ensign, standard, or banner, P. O'C. 
mí medónach fogmair 4441, lit. the middle month 
of autumn, September (?). 
míanaigim, I desire, pret. sg. 3 romianaigh 1368, 
imperat. sg. 3 mianaiged gréin na firÍ1zde, 
'let him desire the Sun of Righteousness,' LB. 
250 b; mianach, 10ugÍ1/g, desirous, P.O'C. 
midbaid, mulct, xxvi, where see note 7. 
midbolg 2223, belly, midbuilge, Raw!. B. 512, fOe 
69 b I. 
milide 3856, 3862, sg. dat. fern. milidi LU. 33 b, 
pI. date cona mbolthaib milidib, S. Rann, 480. 
min, 4183, meal, but in xxi. dust, 
minastralacht, p. 338, a formation from the late 
Latin mÙristerialis, 

mincÚis 2463; P.O'C.has mionchÚis,a small cause 
Or motive, which cannot be the meaning here. 
milliugud 4182, mi1uillg, comlllÙzu.tion. The 
verbal noun of minigim, whence ro-minaig, 
LB. 176 b, minigther, 196 a. . 
minn, reliquary, 3268, pI. date minnaib 4366. 
mín-scothach (MS. min-scotach), smoot1zjlowery, 
p. 332, 1. 28. 
miscaith, miscaid, curse, 2327. Corm. and 
O'Dav. 104. 
mochlaigib 3729 for mochlaidhib (?), maculatis. 
moch-trath, the dawn, 2493, 3009, So in Three 
Fragments, p, 24; táinic madain mochtrath. 
Hence mochtratae, 'matutinus,' MI. 2 I C, 6, 8- 
modh, caom an modh 3433, modh, work, duty, 
ix, 1. 10. 
móin, bog, n. pI. móinte, 3663. Cf. mointeáJl, 
, a bog, or turbary, a moor or fen: 
moltán 488, a small 'lvether, a hogsel, dimin. of 
molt, P. O'C. 
mong hair, mane; compo mong-mas 3580, having 
beautiful hair, of the sea, crested: moing- 
tentide,.fiery-haired, 3642. 
mór, már, great, enters into the following com- 
pounds: - mór-adbul 4768; mór-bachall, 
great crozier, p. 314, 1. 2; mór-briugaid 
2468; mór-broscar 524; mór-chatu, sg. acc. 
-aidh 4245; mór-chumachtach 199; móir- 
mírbuil 79; mór-dal 1875, sg. date mordail 
1874; mór-ghair 523; mór-glóir I no; mór- 
innocbail 1110; mór-Iéignid 3322; mór-maith 
2782; mór-méile 3392; mór-mírbuil xxi; 
mór-popul 2063; mor-trét 4040; már-nert 
592, great strength. 
mosar,.filth, sg, d. -air 3634, cognate with mosach, 
.filthy, LB. 253 a. \V. mws, 'fetid.' 
muchna 3642, gloomy. 
mudu, mudha 2314, 4629=mudu, LL. 81 b, 26. 
mudha . I. mu dughudh no básughudh, O'C. 
mÚichnech, adj. stifling (?), sg. date f. (bith-) 
mÚichnig 3642. 
muine dresa 2607, 2609, a copse or thicket of 
muinter, I. familia, II. famulus, pI. date 1817. 
muir sea, comp, muir-míl, sea-beast, whale, 2223, 
\V. 11l01jil; mur-chat, sea-cat, 3745, 3752, 
3793, 3 8 34; mur-choblach, sea-jleet, 1802; 
mur-gae, sea-spear, harþooll, r641; mur-traig, 
sea-strand, 1946. 

náit, 1lor are, before a pI. 377, 2200, 2998,3008, 
4564; náid, thall they, P,O'C., is for ináit. 
nasc, pI. ac. nascn 1908, collar, chain, tie, band, 
p, O'C. 
nascim, I bind, perf. sg. 3 nenaisc, p. 319, 1. 16, 
s-pret. pI. 3 naiscset, LB. 188 b. 


neimed 4780 =nemed (gl. sacellnm), Sg. 13 b. 
neimnige, virulence,peevish1Zess, 2227, where the 
Paris copy has wrongly, 1zdeimnigi: derive of 
neÙmzech, 'poisonous,' 'Vb. 7 c, LB. 25 1 b 70. 
nem, neamh, the Mid. and Mod. fonn of the Old 
Ir. negative prefix neb; nem-forbann 4617; 
nem-thoirsech, ull1Jlourl1ful, 3858. 
net, nest, gen. nit, Arm. 17 a 2, pI. acc. nitu, 
p. 344, 1. 25: W. nytlz, from *nizdo-s, Lat. 
niam, brightness, hue (?), niam theined p. 350, 1. 6. 
niam-glaine, bright purity, 3868, LU. 34 a. 
nime, ix, 1. 22, shortlived(?). 
nimidech for nemidech, dwellÙzg ill heaven, p. 
3 0 4, 1. 13. 
nó-chombáthad 4297,foundering, shiþwreck, lit. 
noem, naemh, naomh, the Mid. and 1100. Ir. 
spel1ings of O. Ir. noeb, holy; compo naemh- 
bachal 48II; noeimh-ibar, holy yewtree, 
47 2 7. 
nós, usage, 1626; date sg. nous, pI. noisib, Laws, i. 
pp. 12, 208. 
nuall, shout, cry; compounded: nuall-faeiltech 
3858, nuall-guth 3636. Hence perhaps naul- 
lach 2124. 
núna, dearth, famine, 1970, gen. sg. .1. gorta, 
P. O'C., who compares W. ne1.vyn, Arm. 
naun. An older form is naúne, Laud 610, fOe 
97 a 2. 

oca, ica: oca rabhadhuis dennmh 2357, ica raba- 
tar iarraid 1390, 3843 = icca rabutar iaraid 
3 8 3 8 , ica tai lesugud 1422, ica tai iarrad 3728. 
óc-dam 3794, a young ox or stag. 
ocse p. 327,1. II, meaning and reading doubtful. 
oentuime, celibacy, xxxiv, 1. 23 = oentuma, LB. 
187b; oentamha, Lism. 124 a 2. 
óeibelteóir 3942 = aibellteoir, O'Dav. 50, whence 
O'Donovan (Supp. S. v. aoib/lillteóir) got the 
meaning 'thaumaturge.' But it comes from 
óibell, 'spark,' and seems to mean one who 
quasi per scintillam seu breviter elucidat. See 
Ducange S. v. scintillare. 
oldáit, quam SZlllt, p. 303, 11. 2, 3, l' 
011 =1T'oÀ^Ó
 in compounds: ol1-bladach, grcatly- 
famous, 3288,4280; oll-nia, agreat chamPio'n, 
p. 3 1 7. 
ollamain gobann, master-smiths (ollam, goba), 
ómnach, afraid, xxiii, deriv. of uamon, fear, pI. n. 
bat homnaig duili Dé dil, S. Rann 7763. 
onchu, a leopm-d, 3799, 
orba N., heritage, land, 1895, r896=forba 1897. 
orce! 2170 = oircel, trough, Laws iii. 242. 
orda do bradan, a piece of salmon, 2735; orda 


de mhaide, a short thick stick, gen. ordan. 
Tuc Caoilte beim c10idhimh fo a cuim don 
chailigh go ndearna da ordain cottroma di, 
Feis Tzghe Chonáin, P. O'C. 
ósic=obsequium, footwasllÍllg, p. 326, 1. 31 = 
f-ósaic, supra. 
othair, sick, duine othair, 27II. 

pairt, particle, sg. dat. pairt 501. See Irish Nelt- 
llius, p. 208, 1. 4 and note. From Lat. pars, 
pend aim, I do penance, act. prete sg. 3 rophend. 
The corresponding noun pe1zdait, gen. pendaite, 
occurs in LB, 6 a. 
peta sinnaig 1654, lit. a pet ofafo:z, peta cuirre, 
a pet crane, 4186 = petta cuirre, LB. 216 a 57. 
peata, a petted animal, P. O'C.; petai auium 
(gi. altilia), Had, 1802, fOe 45 b; pettai sut no 
inn aigi chena 1 LL. 67 a 41 ; indat pettai sut 
no indat éoin chena 1 LL. 67 a 51. 
pis, Piece, pI. pisi 84; pisib 81. Either from 'V. 
bys, 'finger,' or from Fr.Pièce,Low-Lat.pecia, 
petium. P. O'C. has a dim in. piosa?
poc, buck-goat, sg. gen. puic 1630, 1632, acc. 
poco 1634, pI. n. puic 1632; P. O'C. has the 
dimin. pocán. The Old-Irish form is boc. 
poind 3720, a joint (of advantage, proji.t, use), 
from Fr. point. P. O'C. has poÙ'm, 'much, or 
great deal, abundance,' which seems wrong. 
Compare: cen phoind tarba do ann, LB. 145 b, 
ni boi poind doib ann, LB. 201 b, ni bia 
poind doib ann, LB. 202 a; ni bid didiu poind 
don teiched sin, Lism. 2 a 2. 
pólaire, writing tablets, 968, 969, 4057. From 
pugillares, whence also Old- \Velsh poulloraur. 
popa 426, or pupa. I. máighistir, P.O'C. From 
Lat, popa, , an inferior priest.' 
prím, borrowed from Lat. primus, compounded in 
prím-aicde xxx; prím-apstal; prím-chathair 
4255; prím-coitchenn 3322; prím-fáith 1798, 
3342; prím-fáthacdae 33J9 ; prím-Iong 3 18 3 ; 
prím-proiceptoir 2744-5, 45 c '2. 
proindechad, dÙlÙzg, 2081, from praind = pra1t- 
putrall, the hair of the head, 4568, .1. gruag, 
O'Cl., pI. nom. pudralla, Lism. 119 a I, dat. 
pudraUaib, LL. 268 a I. P. O'C. has a dimin. 
þtÛrtléog, ' tuft.' 

rach all , wÍ1zdingsheet, 10.p, .1. brat mairbh, 
P. O'C. O'Clery's racholl; but recholl in 
Raw!. B. 502, fOe 58 b I. 
rain: a aon rain 3373, meaning obscure. 
rathach 2130, þrosþerolls, derive of rath, gen. 
ratha, pro.rperity. 

39 8 


rath, gen. raith 21I3, wages (tnarustal), O'CI. but 
in 21 13 rent (?), subsidy (?). 
rebrad 4832 =reabhradh, gen. rebartha LL. 230 a, 
a skiþping, playing, or sporting, P. O'C. 
rechtaide in 3320 seems to mean lawgiver. In 
LB. it is an adjective meaning relatlng to the 
(J ewish) law. 
rec1es (= ro-ec1es?) 2694, gen. in rec1esa 2585. 
reilgi, reNcs, 2185. re1ce 2775, pI. acc., preceded, I 197, pI. 3 remídechatar, 
LB. 72 b. 
renim, I give away, grant, sell (wÉpJl7Jp.t), rednpl. 
fut. sg. 1 ririu p. 3 2 4, 1. JO. 
riachtanus a les, need, 1602 : so in LB. 244 b, 
75: riachtanas, want, distress, necessity, 
P. O'C. 
riagaldai, duini 3395, monks, deriVe of riagail = 
regula: regulares, monachi, Ducange. 
riaraigim, I do one's wz"ll, act. pres. indo pI. 3 
riaraighit 2914, prete sg. 3 roriaruigh 4835, 
4837. The verbal noun riarugud occurs in 
LB. 37 a, 29, riarach, submissive. 
riaraim, I do one's will, imperat. pI. 2 riaruidh 
565, den om. of riar. 
rígh-rath, royal grace, pI. gen. 773. 
rinde 2402, 2408, 24 10 , 2413, is=Nhg. Rz"nc{e, 
and means 
like rusc) a basket made of bark. 
This word occurs in the Laws, i.15o,1.10, where 
it is rendered by' rods.' In O'Curry's Ma1l1lers 
and Customs, iii. 117 it is explained as' a round 
wooden bucket.' 
rithimm = 1'hythmus, 2673, also spelt rithim. 
rithoirg, = rJutorica, p. 3 12, I. 34. 
ro- (= pro) intensive prefix to substt. and adjj., 
ro - duine 4774, ródhuine, noblema1z, peer, 
P. O'C.; ro-garb 4569, very rough, pI. ro-garba, 
LB. 251 b. ; ró-Ionn, very fierce, p. 312, 1. 6 : 
ro-techta,very lawjiel (techte), 2136; ro-trom, 
very heavy, 4003. 
ro-maoi 3578. Here ro- (=pro seems the inten- 
sive prefix and 11laoi = O'R.'s maodh, 'moist, 
wet.' Root miv (1). 
roim, 2636, roime, before hÙll, 254 6 , 3214; 
roimpi, before her, 24 21 , 4 0 79, 4685 ; rompa, 
before them, 2970; romamsa, before me, 
3 288 . 
roisc, cu roisc, /z'll ends (?), 1979; con-roisc dó in 
taspénad sin dQ denam, LL. 280 b, 32. 
rón-gae, seal-spear, 1641. 
rúam, cemetery, sg. dat. ruaim 2111. 
rúamnaim, I grow red, s-pret. ruamnais 2858, 
ruamnad, LL. 244 a. 
ruathar, o1zrush, 2130, gen. sg. ruathair, LL. 
240 a. 
ruithen, radz'a1tce, acc. sg. 3402, gen. pI. 3428. 
Hence the denom. ruz"thnigÙJl, S. na Rann 

rÚsc, hamþer (made of bark), p. 320, 1. 37, gen. 
rnisc p. 3 21 ,1. 18, pI. n. ruisc p. 322,1. 3, W. 
rldsg, rhisgen, Br. rusken, , hive,' Fr. ruche. 

sacarbhuic = sacrifidum, 643, 15 6 7, 2347, gen. 
sacarbaice 2403. 
sáeb,false, compo saeb-toircetlid, a false teacher, 
pI. n. 1513, saeb-ruisc 4-142. 
saeglach, aged, 946. 
saegulda, secular, 4860 = saegulta, soegulta, LB. 
35 b, 175 b. Like saeglach, a derive of saegul 
= saeculum. 
sái-escop 212, sage-bishop, sái = sÚi, gen, suad. 
sáilechtn, expectation, p. 302, 1. 12, verbal noun 
of sáilim, pres. indo act. pI. I sáilmit, p. 302, 
11. 14-15. 
sain, separate, especial, ( = 'V. han), in compounds: 
sa in-grad 3941; sain-richt 2140; sain-sercach 
18 4 2 . 
saith, wealth, p. 316, ionnmhas, O'CI. 
saithe 3657, a swarm, host, arm)', multitude, 
P. O'C. \V. haz"d. 
sál, sea, gen. saile, leg. sáile, 3771, a neut. s-stem, 
or is the nom, saile, \V. helydd (?). 
samlacha, semblan.ces(?), banners(?), 3077, P. O'C. 
has samhlach, similqr, resembling; bnt this 
meaning does not suit here. 
samrata, summery, 3402, derive of samrad, sum- 
mer, ba hetrochta he oltás sollsi gréni sámrata, 
LB. 232 b. 
sámud 874, gen. sámtha 2767, sámhadh .1. coim- 
thionol, a congregatz"01z, community, or sodety. 
santugud, covetÍ1lg, desiring, verbal noun of 
scáiled 3177, 3 86 0, scattering, disn'U:
sal, dissolu- 
tion. The former passage-Ieagar scailed doib, 
 to Jp.ean literally, 'let scattering be left 
to them,' verbal noun of scáilim. . 
scairbighe (scairbidhe f) 3256; P. O'C. has 
scairbhe, scairbheacht and scairbhidheacht, 
'toughness, hardness, firmness,' but the con- 
text points to some skin-disease. Cf. perhaps 
Lat., scabredo, scabrosus, or Eng, scurf. 
sceirded 3713 = scíordadh, a squirting, issuing, 
or sallying forth, P. O'C. Seems cogn. with, 
or borrowed from, the English squirt, the 
etym. of which is obscure. 
scemdacht 3185 = sceamhach, yelping or barking 
like a fox or dog, P. O'C. 
scithlim, dÙajJpearancc (?), 204: cf. saint 7 mian 
. . . . na glóri díoesi cen scithlim, cen ercra, 
LB. 256 b, 83, in da dun ad iar scithlim a fe 
fiadibh,ftfacgnímartha Finn, Rev, Celt. V. 202, 
1. 33, roscuiredh in scithlim druidechta bai 
forro dibh, Lism. 134 b 2. A corruption of 
scichlim, R
wI. :a. 502, fo. 41 b 2. 


scoaire, brewer, pI. dat. scoairib, 2820. From sco 
.1. linn, O'Dav. lI8. 
scoirp, scorþion, 3651, the eighth sign of the 
zodiac, Saltair na Rann, 2 19, 252. 
scolaidecht, schooling, scholarshiþ, 4103, from 
scolaige, scholastic us, p. 333. 
scoloc 4234 a farm-servant, pI. scoloca G. C.2 
screpul 4779, screaball (=scriþulus) .1. sect pin- 
ginne oir, seven þennies of gold, 2832, screabal 
3151 ; screpul comnae 4470; s. óir no argit, 
p. 307; screaball bathais, tile fees for baþt-Ùm, 
P. O'C.; screapul todhuisgidh, Lism. 45 b. I. 
scrípad, scratching, scraþing, 3654, 
secda, 3659, 3666, drÙd uþ, witllered: secthi (gl. 
fornace durata), M1. 48 b 3 = seacata, hard, 
frozen, P.O'C., who has also seacán, 'a hoar 
frost: In the TrzpartÜe Life, p. 222,1. 7, the 
dead Garván's people take the mantle from his 
face, conid-fuaratar secc, and the cognate verb 
occurs, coro[s]ecsat a lama imma claidbin, 
ibz'd. 110, 2: seccais a lam immon c1aideb, 
S. Rann 7105. . 
sechbaid 2271, error, mz'stake = sechfaid, sech- 
maid, error, 566, for sechbaid. The phrase in 
:;66 and 2271 also occurs in the Tripartite 
Life, 228, 1. 25: Ni sechfaid a ndorigni an 
ben, no mistake is what the woman has done, 
and in the Voyage of l'rfaelduin, c. 12: Ní 
sechbaid . . . in promad sin, no mÙtake (was), 
that trz'al. P. O'C. has seachmadh .1, dearmad, 
forgetfitlness; also error, mz'stake, dzgression. 
seche, hide, 4259, sg. dat. seichid 4261. 
sechna 3119, 3862 =seachnadh, an avoiding or 
sllunning, P. O'C., where the dh seems an 
erroneous addition. Verbal noun of sech- 
sechtnibh 3292 = sectaibh 3295, date of secht, 
secnap = secundus abbas, 2553, 2557, 4539. 
Hence segnabuidheacht (i.e. secnabbaidecht) , 
p. 3 08 , 1. 33. 
séimeth 297, offspring, ra a shíl 7 ra a séimedh 
Forbais Droma Damgaire, Lism. 134 a, 2. 
is a fognam bias a síl 7 a semed tre bithu, Trip. 
Life, 38,1. 17, where the contraction is wrongly 
extended. May be for *segmeto cogn. with \V. 
hau, 'serere,' heuodd, , sevit,' and Lat. seges. 
seis, ro-seis, 2067, act. s-fut. sg. 2 of ro-saigim. 
selat, seiad, 3743, 4427=sealad, a time, a while, 
sometz"me, somewhile, P. O'C. Cogn. with set, 
25 28 , 37 8 7, 3 8 49. 
sén, a charm, 2284, 2289, sean, blessi11g, þros- 
þerity, P. O'C. From Lat. signum. 
sen, old, in the following compounds: sen-brén 
3 6 4 6 ; sen-garb 3653; sen-scríbenn 3672. 
seng, slender (1), stately (1), 3365. 


senserecht, sinnsirecht, seniority, 2539, derive of 
sent a, inveterate, 3625, 3 6 4 6 , 3653. 
seol, course, 2129. 
seolais 3589, seolaid gaeth é, 3163. 
sept-it, sevellth day before the z"des, 805. 
serccoll, p. 316, note 4, .1. feoil, O'Cl., pI. sercla 
(gl. irritamenta gulae), Sg, 63 a II. 
serg galair 2794; searg, dryness, decay, withered- 
ness, consu.mption, P. O'C., who cites nir dhea- 
laigh taobh re deargadh dó, acht a searg síor- 
ghalair, Caithreim Chongail. A denom. verb 
sergaim, verbal noun serggad, occurs in Salt air 
na Rann, 7 2 79, 7294, 8209. 
sét, likeness, 2464. 
sét (MS, seut) anamcharat 2930, a teacher's (or 
cOllfessor's) present. 
 peace, compo síd-athair, p. 341, peace-father. 
Hence sídach, þeaceful, p. I II, 1. 29, p. 312, 
1. 3. 
sídaigid, pacifier, 3921 ; corruptly, sz'thaigid, LB. 
66 b, sidaigthig, LB. 248 a, should pro- 
bably be sídaigthid. Cf. sulbairigtbid 
lepos), Sg. 676. Cognate with the verb 
sídaigim, síodhach, þaciji.c, síodhaghadh, þaci- 
fication, P. O'C. 
sí1em, p. 341, sower. 
síltóir, a sower, pI. date síltóiribh, 1505, 1508. 
sinte, stretched, extended, 3659, part. pret. pass. 
of sínim. 
sír-, continual. Compounds: sír-beogolach 
3647, leg. -boegalacll (1); sír-brén 3659; sír- 
debtah 3646; sír-decsiu, long-looking, sg. dat. 
-sin, p. 325, 1. 28; sír-dubach 3665; sír- 
fegad 4868; sír-gaire 3384; sÍr-marbthach 
3646-7; sír-shaegul, ix, 1. 33; sír-scíthach 
3 6 4 6 ; sír-silte, c01ztÍ1Ulally droþt, 3666; sÍr- 
thene 3638,3643; sír-trotach, ever quarrelsome, 
3 6 4 6 . 
sírthe 3659, meaning obscnre. 
sirthech 3364; P. O'C.'s sirtheach, that begs, 
craves, seeks, asks, demands, co sirtech, sollici- 
tously, Rev. Celt. i. 3 8 . 
sithe 4539, meaning obscure. 
slaetan tromgalair, xxvi. Also in Laud 610, 
fOe 145 b, 2, slaodan, cough or cold, O'R. Cf. 
treaghait tromghalair, Lism. 152 a 1; serg 
galair 2794. 
slain, acc. sg. 3372, meaning obscnre. 
slán, salvus, comp, sláin-crechtach, healed of 011e'S 
wounds, pI. n. -aigh 3 12 7. . 
slán 2976, Ï1zde1Jl1Zity, sg. gen. im tobach a slam, 
Laws, i. 192, 1. 12. 
slatra, bold. .1. dana, Leb.Lec. Vocab. .1. láidir, 
0, Cl. coslatra 2589. This glosses co mbrassi, 
Fél, Jnne 19. Samson slattra, S. Rann, 
53 6 5, co slattra, 5573. Hence slattratu, bold

4 00 


ness: tria slattrataid, tllrough boldness, LU. 
35 b. 
slatt, to rob; oc slait 197 I ; roslatsat, they plun- 
dered, Ann. Ulst. 836. Cognate with slatt, 
, a rod' (W. llath) ; slat n'ogdha, , a sceptre' ; 
slat bhroz'd, ' a goad' ; slatadh, ' a switching' ; 
slata[i]m, 'I switch,' P. O'C. Hence the Eng. 
slang word to slate. 
slúasat, sg. gen. sluaisti 3163, where it means 
a paddle, sluasad, 'a shovel for ridding clay or 
nlbbish,' P. O'C. 
smér, blackberry, pI. gen. 1891, \Y. mwyar. 
snáth-égne xxx = snáthéicne, LU. 81 a, 17, slláth, 
thread, but what is écne? 
sním 2483, 3689, distress. Hence the adj. 
snímach, S. Rann, whence the abstr. snímche. 
so-char, better so-chor, sg. gen. sochair 743, 
profit, advantage, emolument, benefit, P. O'C. 
In the Laws, i. 52, 1. 19, sochar is glossed by 
cor comloige. 
so-charthanach 3856, amiable ; carthanach,lovÍ11g, 
friendly, affic:tionate, charitable, P. O'C. 
so-chlann, goodly children, acc. sg. 2143. 
so-chmacht, þossz"bility, p. 325, n. 32, 33, derive 
of sochma, þossible. 
-clandacht, noble Hneage, sg. gen. -a, 743. 
so-foircetal, good teac11Ùlg, sg. gen. -uil 2469. 
sog 401 I. Perhaps P.O'C.'s sógh, happiness
also, good cheer, good fare. 
so-gním, a good deed, a laudable action, 2466, 
3943, pI. dat. sognímaib, LB. 252 a, 252 b. 
so-indscne xxv, oratory, innscne, sþeeck. 
so-mesctha, intoxicatÙlg, 3162. 
somul, in somulrith carpait 3088 is obscnre to 
so-óla, good to drink, 3162. 
sord .1. glan, 967, from *sverdho-s, bri'ght(?). 
som na hatha 2629,furnace of the kiln. 
sor-túaidh 4264 for sair-túaid = soir ba thuaidh, 
north-east, P. O'C. 
so-thoirsech 3660, lamentable. 
spongc-áible 2973, pI. date sponcáiblib, LL. 
267 b; spongc, spunk, touch wood, tinder, 
P. O'C. Seems identical with spongc, sþonge. 
Cf. Nhg. feuer-schwamm. 
sráinim, I rout, rosraeined in cath forra 3252. 
The verbal noun is sróÏ11ed, sráined in LB. 
4 6 a, 57, 7 2 b; sraeined catha 3267. 
sréim, I cast, fling, scatter, pres. ind, act. sg. 3, 
sreidh (sréidh 1), 2 1 35. 
sreth do rámaib, a row, or bench, of oars, 3574, 
35 8 1. 
sriab, streak, stripe, 4065, 4069, acc. sreib 
4 06 7. 
srón, F. nose, almsa as cech sroin 0 feruib 

Iuighi 3272. 
sruith 2022, venerable, 445. 

sruithighecht (i. e, sruithidecht) p. 308, 1. 38, 
stoil xiv, xv. The usual explanation-a stole, from 
Lat. stoia-will not do here. Possibly stoil 
was the name for a harp-cover. 
suaite 3659, perhaps =P. Ü'C.'ssuazïhte, 'kneaded, 
tempered, mixed.' 

t infixed pron. for s: rot-biat 2544. 
taball cíartha, a waxed tablet, acc. sg. 3704, from 
Lat. tabella. 
tachar 3658, . I. deabhaidh no comhrac, a fight 
or fray, a battle or skirmish, P. O'C. 
tachraid 4305, a verb corresponding with the 
docuirethar of B. 
tagut (leg. tadat ?), thief, pI. gen. p. 358, 
1. 16. 
taghraim, a calling, 2109; tograim 2 II 4, for 
togairm, O'Don. Supp. 
taidbred, beholding, v
siollil1/J, xi, 1. 28, for taid. 
briud,LL. 232 b, ni fetait ar nderca-ne taidbriud 
na tadhall farro, Lism. 1 I 8 b 2, dat, dia taidbriud 
7 dia ndescin, LL. 234 b 14- 
taire 2108, is perhaps = O'R.'s tairea.dh, þraise, 
commendation (?). Cognate with an adj. of 
which the comparative is written tariu in LL. 
54 a. 
tairisis menma fri 3035. 
tairisnigim, Illavefaith or trust, tairisnigit 3150, 
imperat. pI. 2, 3547. A denominative from 
tairisin,faith, trust, confidence, P. O'C. Cf. ta- 
raisnech (gl. confidiens), Ml. 58 c. 18. 
tairmesc[th ]aid, hinderer, preventer, 3920 = 
tairmescthaid, LB. 66 b, 251 b. 
tairptech 2215, 4783, strong, mighty (?): dorat- 
sidhe turrac tairptech ar na treinteraibh, Lism. 
1 17 b. I. 
tairsech, lintel, xi, ll. 24, 25; but in 1200 and 
p. 306, threshold. 
taiss (?), taisse (?), a relic, pI. n. taisi 2775, 3148, 
gell. taisse, 2441. 
taithesc, answer, gen. taitheisc, 4538; acc. tai- 
thesc, Wb. 27 C. 29. 
tanag 484, a kind of cheese, grus .1. tanoch, Leb. 
Lec. voc. ; sg. gen. tai1l.ghe, LB. 215 a; dat. 
oc ithi blogi do thanaig, LL. 125 a, 19; pI. 
acc. tangea (gl. formellas), Regina 215. 
tangnach, treacherous, 3650. 
tangnacht 4051, .1. meabhal no feall, O'CI. 
frau.d, malice, or treachery, P. O'C.; written 
tagnacht in Ann. UIt., 9 1 4, 942,963. 
tarasair 1075, 1891, he stayed, from do-air-Siasair. 
tarcaid, he offered, 4676; pI. tarcatar 4 I 74; pass. 
pret. sg. 3 tarcas 750. Here rc is from rg_ 
tardot, -over tlty, 1420. 
targabál, transgression, trespass, pI. gen. 2461, 



sg. nom. targabáal, ,\\-b. 9 c. 19, and acc, tar- 
gabail, Corm. s. v. mat. 
tarradais, thou hast met, lit. overtaken, p. 306, 1. 
30. See doairthetar. 
tart, drought, gen. tarta 2375. 
tas, for das, infixed pron. them, 3880. 
tathchor maic for, p. 327, 1. 1,' to retur1Z a chz'ld 
on someone. Cf. co ro tathcuirem, LB. 47 b. 
tathonn, we have, xi,!. 12 and Fé1ìre, pro1. 217. 
So tathum, I have, tathad, th,:y have, O'CI. 
techt pI. techta 3664, an epithet for the seas of 
hell. In the Irish Maundevile muir techt is 
the Dead Sea. O'R. has a teache!, 'innavig- 
able,' which may be our word. 
techtaide 3616, seems prete part. pass. of O'R.'s 
teachdaim, I condense, close. 
tégad, waY11l'ing, heating, 4431. 
teicemaid, he will happen, meet, 3456, a redupl. 
fut. sg. 3 of a verb tecmaÙIl, whence tecmuidh 
3436, inferred by the mediaeval Irish from 
the s-forms of doécmaÙzgim. 
main medónach 4143. 
tene sénta 4425, hallo'wed (or charmed) fire. 
tesbach 3146, heat, 'warmth; a formation from 
tess, heat, gen. tessa, LB. 37 b. 
tessaigecht, warmÙzg=P. O'C.'s teassaidheacht; 
sg. gen. -a 591. Cognate is tessaigthe, torrid, 
S. Rann 159. 
tessarcud 1678, to relieve, save, deliver, teasar- 
gadh, P. Ü'C. :Mid. Ir. verbal noun of do-ess- 
un, encl. tessaircim. 
test, tejtimony, 4284, scribal error for teist (?). 
testugud, bearing witness, 217; teastaghadh, P. 
O'C. Verbal noun of testaigim; pret. sg. 3, 
ro thestaig, LBo 184 b. 
tiachair, b-oublesome, 1383; .1. doiIigh, O'Dav. 
122, . I. feargach no teinn, O'CI. peevish, al1gry, 
froward, sore, P. O'C. tichair Sg. '4-1 a, is pro- 
bably a scribal error for tiachair. 
tiachtain etarru 2 102 (= tich tain ettorra, B.), lit. 
coming between them,fallÍ1zg out, quarrelling. 
Compare the phrases, batar cosidamail noco 
tarla etorro . . . imman muic Slanga, LU. 42 b; 
tarla etarru, LL, 242 a; dorala itir Luicet 7 
Aed mac Morna isin chath, Rev. Celt. v. 197. 
tid-naictech, hozmtiful, munificent; P. O'C.'s 
*tim-ochar, to carry, 18I7' Cf. i11l0char. 
tinne de ór, a chaÍ1z or link of gold, p. 34 8 , 1. 3 
from bottom. 
tin[n]e sailli. a fli/{h (?) of bac(J1z, p. 319, 1. 23. 
tinnesnige, hastiness, 3182, a derive of timzesnech 
(gl. festinosus). 
tinnscra, bride-price, 1159, where, however, it 
seems to mean a payment to which a wife 
legally quitting her husband was entitled. 
tinsanaim, I drop, pret. sg. 3 rothinsan p. 349, 


1. 28. The verbal noun seems tinsaitiu; dat. 
tinsaitin, LL. 159 b, 2. 
tintodach, translator, 332 I = tintathach, G. C. 
25 ; deriv. of tintud, M1. 40 a, 14; gen. tin- 
túda, :M1. 45 d, 2. 
tinud vii, 1. 3, verbal noun of tinaim, I vanish. 
To this belongs tÍ1zside, 'evanescent,' LB. 38 b. 
tír na mbéo 2578, the land of the riving. 
tír urlann xxiv., demesne ,?). 
tírech, as an epithet for water, 2127. 
tirus 20 I 3 = turus 4592, a journey. 
tísana, beneath, 4738, tis. 
tiug-chotlud, last sleep, 402. . A compound of 
tiug, 'end:' so tig-bae, tiug-flaith, tiug-Iaithe, 
tiug-Iecht, tiug-Iomrad, tiug-sái. 
tochaisceim, following, 1123, 1132; acc. hi 
tochoisgim, Ml. 37 a, 20. Cf, the verb doro- 
choisc, ' secutus est,' Raw1. B. 512, fo. 21 a 1. 
tochmaircim, I woo, act. pres, indo sg. 3 toch- 
maircid 2797, denom. of tochmarc, 2794. 
tochus, wealth, sg. gen. tochusa 2368, cona tho- 
ehus tectha, Laws, i. 40, 1. 18; eneclann do 
each fo tochus, ibid. 42, 1. 27. 
tocra 2567, desire, togra, 2680. 
todemaib 2762, qy. for todernamaib, pI. dat. of 
todenzalll (gl. supplicium), Sg. 133 b, pI. acc. 
todernama 3894. 
toeb, side, gen, taeihh 4749, but tóibe in LB. 
251 a 68, na tæibzÏn the Irish Maundevile, Rev. 
Celt. vii. 363, 1. 34, which points to the s-de- 
clension. So does the date sg. tóib 2069, 
taeibh 2046, 269J. vV. t'll. 
togairt, herd, herding, togartach, herdsman, 
dairymaid, p. 32 I, last line. 
toghdacht, clloice, 2907, togaidecht, p. 32 J, I. 26; 
FéI. lxiii. Cf. toghtha, 'chosen.' P. O'C. tn 
thoghdhacht, 'wilfillly.' 
toi 2974, sUent, dumb, 
toich 749, a natural claim or right, P. O'C., and 
see \Vb, 9 a 13: 29 d 13. -1. 
toichim tuinne, advance of a wave, 3181, = tu + 
céim, as trichem from tri + céim. 
toirithnigim, I relieve, act. pres, ind. sg, 3. torith- 
nigid, 761 ; denom. from torithin, relief, toirith- 
nus, relieving. 
toirrchius, pregnancy, foetus, 2993, toirrches 
3 00 7, deriv. of torrach 2804,= \V. torrog. 
toisc, business, errand, 2964. 
toll na comlad, 1975, keyhole, lit. the hole of the 
toltanaigim, toltnaigim, I Please, 'i1lcline to, C01l- 
sent, act, pret. sg. 3, rotoltnaigh 257; ro-tol- 
tanaigestar (gl. placitum), Sg. 7 b, 
tonn danatais 3043, tonn diarlachta 3045, tonn 
cailig oiffrinn, p, 3 1 7,1. 15. 
torathar comairli 4682, lit. a monster of a COll1lSel. 
torruma, to visit, to attend on, 1234, 1266, 266 3. 

3 F 


4 02 


399 1 , 43 20 , 4 6 57, torroma 4373. Verbal 
noun of torromaim, whence rothorromad 
4 882 . 
tosca 3172, cognate with toisc, q. v. toscai eimilta 
ele acum, Lism. 44 a, 2. 
trachtaire, commentator, 
325; one that treats 
or discourses 011 a subject, P. O'C. Hence 
tractairecht, Sg. 145 a, 4. 
trathairect 1976, handling, atte1ulz'ng(?). 
treLlait = trz.bulatio, sg. gen. treblaiti, p. 304,1. 31. 
tre-blíadnide, three-year-old, 3794. 
tre-denus 357, 1. 8, a sþace of three days. See 
denus, supra. 
tregdad 2962, piercillg, boring, verbal noun of 
tre-gdaim, cognate with tris-gataim (gl. foro), 
Sg. :;4 a, trecatim (gl. foro), :MS. Lat. II,4II, 
(Bib!. Nationale) fo. 125 b. In :ï64 tregdad 
seems a scribal error for tregat, colic, 
trell. a while, 1246, gen. trill; in cind trill fodai, 
LB. 221 b. 
trén, strong; compo trén-dírgad p. 339, 1. 4. 
tres,fight, v. troimthres. 
trethan, foot; compo trethan-garb, rough-footed, 
4731, treathan .1. troigh, O'CI. 
tre-tholl 2962, full of holes or graves; treatholl 
p. 317; tir tretholl .1. relec, RawI. B. 502, fo. 
58 b 1. Cf. W. try-dyllu, 
treóraige, guide, 4673. The cognate verb tre- 
oraigim (ro-m-treoraig, LB. 7 a) and its verbal 
noun treorugud (LB. 162) also occur. 
triamar, pI. triamura, 4567, sorro1.v.ful (?). 
tricce 3182, activity, agility, P. O'C.; ar threisi 7 
ar thricce, Three Fragments, 24; a derive of 
tricc, S. Rann 19 26 , 5325. 
trichemruad 2973, LU. 80 a, 5, redly rushÙlg (?), 
an epithet of fire and sparks. 
troit 3658; troid, a quarrel or fray, P. O'C. ; 
dognid troid, they encounter, Jr. Nennius, p. 
I J 6. See trot. 
trom, heavy; compounded: trom-lassair 3639, 
troim-thres 3639. Hence 
tromdacht 1591,2668, LU. 5 a 15=tromdhacht, 
, gravity, seriousness,' P. O'C.; and 
trommdae 2573, pI. n. msc. tromda, LB. 164 a ; 
tromdha, weighty, grave, sober, P. O'C.; co- 
tromda LU. 82 b 8. 
trompa, through them, 4609; so tromhat, through 
thee, Lism. 94 a, 1. 
trostán 2446, a long staff or þole used by pilgrims, 
LB. 213 band P,O'C., dirnin. of trost, gl. trabs, 
Sg. 70 a 4, tres na trosti, LL, 236 a, from W. 
trost-en. which, again, ma.y come from Lat. 
trot, quarrel, pI. troit 
658, pI. ace. trota, LB. 
120 a 6, dirnin. trodán, 'skirmish,' P. O'C. 
lIenee trotach, 'quarrelsome,' LB. 251 b. 

tuaith-gerrtha 2975, badly mangled or muti- 
lated (?); tuatll in compounds: 'sinistrous,' 
'awkward,' P,O'C.; as in tuaith-cheard, 'the 
magic art,' tuaitll-chleas, 'an awkward prank 
or trick,' P. O'C. The gerrtha must be the 
prete part. pass. of gerraim; cf. in-gerrtha (gl. 
tuaraid 2470, seems act. pres, ind. sg. 3 of a verb 
* tuaraim, I provide, cognate with tuare, pro- 
vision, food. 
tubaim fri, I oppose, gainsay, rothubh [rind 2255, 
cf. fo dáig na ro tubaide fria enech, LU. 
130 a, cognate with tubha, a c01ztradicti01t 
oropposition,P.O'C.; but cf. Ancient Laws, i. 
26 9, 298: tuba slóig fo mendad, 'the attack l?J 
of a host upon the house.' 
tuicsinugud 46 I I, cognatewith tuicse. gen. tuicsen : 
tuzgse, 'skill, judgment, understanding,' tuig- 
seanach, illtelligent,judicious, P. O'C. 
tuidmide, ínfixed 3879, tuidmithi (gl. infixae) MI. 
58 a; tuidhme .1. coimhcheangal, p, O'C.; fri 
tuidmi na suanemun, S. Rann, 4278; co 
tuidmib na drumslaite, S. Rann, 4892. 
tuil-brén 3664, epithet for seas of hell. 
tuili 4783, probe for tuile, flood. 
tuirthecht, an account, lOll = tuirtheacht .1. 
airmheacht no scealaidheacht, P. O'C.; acc. pI. 
tuirtechta, LB. 33 a. Cognate with tuirthiud. 
tuirthiud, story, account. O'Cl.'s tairthiudh.1. 
sgela should perhaps be tuirthiudh. So date ní 
dia thuirthÙld, LB. 169 a. 
tummtha, dzpt, pret. part. pass. of tummaim; 
coinnle tumtha 1995. 
turad,dry weather, p. 330,1.16,.1.sín tirim, Corm. 
tur-bród xxvi, .1. brised, H. 3. 17, col. 27. turbrod 
cairde, breaking a truce. 
tnrcnom xxxvii. Seems = turgnamh .1. togbhail 
no ullmhughadh O'Don. Supp. and here to 
mean the preparati01z of, or collection of mate- 
rials for, a banquet, cogn. with ur- gnam, frith- 

uaimm brech trad xxx" lit. stilt"h-varz"egatio1Z. 
uain, time, leisure, nochan-uain 1561. 
uais, noble, 4208, . I. uasal, O'C!., who gives the 
compound uais-inghen. The dat, pI. occurs in 
O'Dav. 80, s, V. dociallathar: ochtaib uaisi(b). 
uar, cold = \V. ocr 
 ex *ogro- ?) occurs in the fol- 
lowing compounds: uar-chrabud, cold piety, 
4579; uar-chris, 27 2 4; nar-uisce, cold water, 
3 006 , 3 02 4. 
uasal-sacart, archzpresbyter, 736, 811, 837, I865, 
3944, 3995, 4345. 
udacht, 288:;, a will or testament, P. O'C. = 
az"dacht, edocht, Book of Armagh, 18 a 2: au- 


daeht, Corm.; sg. gen. aideehta, edechta, 
Ann. Ulst. 55 2 , 1044. 
uisce ernaigthe 566, 'water of þrayer, holy water, 
usee oift"rind, 2162, water of mass, i. e. water 
used for mzxz"ng with the sacramental wine. 
umaldóit, humble servÙe; luidh F. forsin n-umu- 
loit 2564; roerail fair umaloit 4 0 45. 
únad, to cleanse; d'folcad 7 d'únad 29 21 = 
d'únadh oeus d'folcadh, Book of Rights, ed. 
O'Ðon. 222. A cognate word U11ach (leg. 
únach ?) is in Corm. Gl. Tr. 166. 
ur-char [= aurchor, irchor, erchorJ d'aithinne, a 
cast of a torch, 2907. 

4 0 3 

ur-clad, a great mound or dyke, gen. sg. urclaide, 
221 7. 
ur-daingnigim 3002, I confirm, establish, O'R.; 
but in 3002 strengthen,. 
nr-éirge, rising uþ, 1880, 1881. 
ur-grána 2220, for urgránna, valde diforme, 
O'Moll. 99. 
ur-mor, the greater þart, 4720, irmor, Raw!. B. 
5 02 , fo. 57 b I, sg. gen. ermoir- 33 18 . 
uronna (for ur-ronna, ur-randa ?), þortions, 12 5 6 . 
ur-thorad viii, 1. 23, þroduce (?). 
urtlach, laþ, sg. gen. urtlaig 81; pI. n. urtlaige, 
note to .Félire, Jan. J. 

3 F 2 


P. xv, 1. 15. There is another copy of this story 
in Egerton 92, fo. 30 b 2. 
p, xv, 1. 21. There is an imperfect copy of this 
story in the same MS. fOe 17 a 2. 
P. xvii, 1. 3, add and a third in Egerton 92, fOe 30 aI, 
whence it was published by O'Donovan in 
the J oumal of the Kilkenny Archaeological 
Society, 18 5 8 , p. 453. 
P. xviii, 1. 13, after this Ùlsert fOe 53 a 2. A poem 
on the eight canonical hours, beginning Ocht 
n-æric na colaiai. 
P. xix, 1. 3, add There is another and somewhat 
fuller copy of the Irish pseudo-Turpin in 
Egerton 1781. 
P. xix, 1. 18, after saints z'nsert There is another 
copy in Egerton 92, fOe 31 b; and an 
abridgment in LB. 187 b. 
P. xix, J. 20. There is another copy of this tract 
in Egerton 149. 
P. xx, 1. 7. This legend is better told in the 
Lebar Brecc, p. 37, col. 2 : see Rev. Celt. ii. 
3 82 . 
P. xx, 1. 10. The Tale of the Two Children is 
also in Egerton 92, fo. 26 a 2. 
P. xxii, 1. 10. Another copy of this note is in 
Egerton 92, fo. 30 a 2-30 b 1. 
P. xxii, 1. 16, before' Beda ' insert' Boetsius.' 
Pp. xxiv, xxv. The Tellach Temrach, ' family of 
Tara,' here mentioned, is a bardic name for 
the people of Ireland. See Annals of Loch 
Cé, i. 474, n. 2; scél Tellaig Temra, LL. 
P. xxvi, 1. 24, add It corresponds to some extent 
with the story in Egerton 1782, fOe 38 a 2- 
39 a 2, and with 9 12 of the Vita S. Rua- 
dani, Codex Salmanticensis, colI. 324-328; 
and see Petrie's Tara, pp. 101-103, and 
ü'Curry'!; Manners and Customs, ii. 336- 

P. xxviii, 1. 5. Compare Lives of Cambro-British 
Saints, p. 509. 
P. xxviii, 1. 21. See more as to the battle of 
Cúi1 Dreimne and the druid's fence (airbe = 
cróe) in Petrie's Tara, pp. 99, 100, and the 
Annals of Ulster, A. D. 560. 
P. xxix, 1. 9. A fifth copy of this poem is, ac- 
cording to Dr. Kuno Meyer, in H. 3. 18, 
p. 41. 
P. xxxi, after 1. 8 insert The piece ends with a 
description in prose and verse of the happi- 
ness of Ireland during the reign of Conn 
Cétchathach; and the rest of the column is 
filled with five lines of prose beginning: 
Gebe lenadh ail bheth maith denad comairli 
Arastotuil (\Vhosoever desires to be good let 
him act on Aristotle's advice). 
P. xxxii, 1. 2, add The note on the three Cries is 
from the Dá Bró1t Flatha N-Ùnc (Two Sor- 
rows of Heaven's Kingdom), Book of Lein- 
ster, p. 2
1, 11. 8-19. 
P. xxxv, 1. 16, after 106 Í1zsertand another in the 
Book of Ballimote, p. 247 a I. 
P. xxxvi, 1. 5, after ii. insert 212- 21 5. 
P. xxxvi, after 1. 20 insert: The story ends with 
the murder of Fiacha by Connla in order to 
heal himself of leprosy by bathing in the 
royal blood. See O'Mahony's Keating, p. 
34 2 . 
P. xxxvii, 1. 4. There is another copy of this 
poem in the Book of Ballimote, p. 17 2 a 9. 
P. xxxvii, 1. 10. The same story occurs in the 
Book of Ballimote, p. 255 a 34. 
P. xliii, after 1. 19 insert It is little but the prose 
framework of twelve poems, which begin 
respectively thus :- 
Cuillenn, ba hadhbha liadhaigh (fo. 152 a 2). 
Esteachtt bec ón bím 'nar dtost (fo. 152 b 2). 
Ar mallacht ar mhnai lrgail (fo. 153 b 1). 


Dámh trír thancatzer ille (fo. 153 b 2), 
Fulachtt na Morrighna anall (fo. 154 a 2). 
Deichen dorín bir Deichin (fo. 154 b 2). 
In fuil naib aderat frium (fo. 155 b 1). 
Ac so in fcrt a ngenir Find (fo. 15 6a 2). 
Cnucha, cno.c os cind Life (fo. 157 a 1). 
lngnadh in fís tarfás dam (fo. 157 b 2). 
Baile na righ, Ros Temhrach (fo. 15 8a 1). 
Ni maith aniu mh' irlabra (fo. 15 8 b 1). 
Of the fourth of these there is an older copy 
in the Book of Leinster, p. 207 b. 
P. lxxi, I. 4, addfo-cerd 1997=0, lr.focheird, 
P. lxxvi, II. I, 28, Since these lines were printed, 
I have learned that Prof. \Vindisch dissents 
from Prof. Thurneysen, and regards fitar 
as resting on an old compound vid + dhã, 
comparable to Skr. formations like vidãm 
cakâra. The t in fitar would then co;- 
respond with the I in cretim, , credo,' from 
*cred-dhãmi, and in (do)-rat, 'dedit,' from 
P. lxxx, after 1. 32, insert PI. 3 dorimartus (leg. 
-tais) 3619. 
P.21, 1. 686, after treas z'nsert [mudhJ, and in 
1. 7 12 , after shet insert [choss J. 
P. 59, 1. 1948. After this the copy ill Laud 610, 
fOe 1 a 2 has: N os-fega tairis con-aicce ba 
lán in muir dia eis, 'he looks over at it 
and sees that the sea ,vas full in behind 
P. 240,1. 31. The Ulaid stooped their heads in 
charging. Compare Annals of Loch Cé, i, 
342, 1. 26. 
P. 296, 1. 6, add and in Jocelyn, Colgan's Sexta 
P. 296, 1. 33, add There is a similar tale in the 
Life of S. Winifred, Ca1tlbro-Britz'sh Saz'nts, 
p. 5 21 . 
P. 296, last line, add and two remarkable cases 
are recorded in the Annals of Ulster, at the 
years 738 and 783. Fergus Glutt rex Cobho, 
sputis uenenatis maleficorum hominum, obi it. 
Flann episcopus sapiens, abbas lnse Cain 
Dego, ueneno mortificatus est. 
P. 297, 1. 7, after flesh' insert and cf. the follow- 
ing lines in the Dh-ina Commedia (Inf. 
xxxiii )- 

4 0'" 

Sappi che tosto che l' anima trade 
Come fec' io, il corpo suo l' è tolto 
Da un demonio, che poscia il governa 
Mentre che'l tern po suo tutto sia volto. 
P. 303, 1. 3 6 . The :MS. cited by Dr. Todd was 
probably the Book of Lismore, in which, 
fOe 44 b 1, there is a version of the legend. 
P. 308, 1. 30, add A scala aurea by which S. Ai- 
duus ascended to heaven is mentioned in the 
Cambro-British Saints, p. 24 6 . 
P. 313, note 5, add See O'Clery's Glossary, s. V. 
P. 317, 11. 18-21. This obscure quatrain stands 
thus in Rawi. B. 502, fOe 58 b 1 : 
Tir tretholl 
oca facbat rig recholl 
abb cet [cell] custoit rothonn 
cenn i cocholl sroil sechonn. 
'A grave-yard whereat kings leave a 
shroud: an abbot of a hundred churches 
whereto cometh a great wave: a head in a 
cowl of satin beyond us.' 
P. 319, after 1. 10 Ùzsert 'Yith the' white red-eared 
cow' mentioned here and in many other 
places in Irish stories cf. the taru g'WYIl 
eskyvarllennyc of the \Yelsh Laws, i. 6. 
P.337, 1. 4. There is a fourth copy (im- 
perfect at the beginning) in Laud 610, 
ff. I a-5 b. 
P. 337,1. 29, add They are also mentioned in the 
poem printed supra p. 135, 11. 455 6 -57, 
'without a brugaid (landholder?) who will 
give tithe of his herds, of his fair cattle.' 
P. 337, 1. 31. That children were actually sold 
under stress of famine see the Annals of 
Ulster, ad a. 964, and the Chron. Scotorum, 
ad a. I II 2. 
P. 340, 1. 15, after Compare insert the murder of 
Emand a Burc,A1l1zals if Loch Cé, i. 626, and 
P. 340, I. 25, insert 2390, 'in his single thread,' 
i. e. as we should say, ' with hardly a stitch 
of clothes.' Cf. can en shnáithi, Ir. Maun. 
deviIe, Rev. Celt. vii. 76. 
P. 348, 1. 2, add In 2237 it seems used to mark 
out a boundary. So in Iceland, says Vig- 


4 06 


fusson, , a man started at sunrise with a burn- 
ing torch and followed the course of the sun 
round the piece of land he wished to claim.' 
P. 348, 1. 4, after 3012 insert There is a similar 
story in a note to the A nnals of Loch Cé, 
i. 363. 
P. 348, 1. 30, add The expression screþul cach 
sróna occurs in LL. I I lb. 
P. 361, 1. 13, add One of them (an ech uisci) had 
intercourse with a priest's daughter, the 
result being the mil Lettnch Dalláz'n. See 
H. 2. 16, pp. 24
, 243. 
P. 368, add to article' womb:' child speaking 
out of, 347. 
P. 378. In the article Dál Ríata, after 3 1 4, 
insert nearly coextensive with Argyle, the 
Irish Dál Ríata is 
P. 381, col. 3, Tricha cét na soillse is now Lecale 
barony, co. Down, Ann.als of Loch Cé, ii. 
23 0 . 
P. 383, col. I, to the article adam dét add adam 
aed, adam braicc, adam rend my two eyes, 
my two hands, my two fiet, LL. 238 a, So 
adar-n, our two, LL. 186 a 23. 
P. 385, col. I, Í1zsCl't ana, þayment, tribute, gen. 
arrad 2088. 
P. 385, col. 2, tð the article biait add In pp. x, 
xii, and in lines 1095 and 4846, biait means 
the 1I9th Psalm, Beati Immaculati. See 
Rawl. B. 502, fOe 44 a I, where that psalm 
is said to bring a soul out of hell at the 
end of a year (dobeir in biat anmain a hiffum 
hi cind bliadne). 

P. 386, col. I, Ùzse1't bóbán, caij; but in 4471 the 
name for a bell. 
P. 38ï, col. 2, to the article casair add bor- 
rowed from Old-French casure. A similar 
native word is cassair, 'brooch:' in de- 
chiult cen chassair trit, Rawl. B. 502, fOe 
59 a 2. 
P. 388, col. 2, to the article con fad add Conbadh 
inna con, Ann. Ult. ad a. 775 
P. 391. col. I, to the article erlathar add From 
the following passage in Rawl. B. 512, fOe 
66 b I. erlathar seems to mean disþensation : 
air is tria érlatar 7 comairli nDé (gl. superna 
enim dispensatione). In p. 21 4,1. 19, there- 
fore, for. . . read by dispensation. 
P. 391, col. I, to the article estud add This seems 
= -istad in the compounds istad-luc (dat, sg.) 
LB. 219 a, and þrim-istad, Battle of l\Ioira, 
p. 198, 1. 2 I, and Isdad, O'Donovan's Hy 
Piachrach, pp. 280, 282, where it is rendered 
by'mansion.' O'Brien spells it phonetically 
-z'osda, and explains it by 'house," habita- 
tion.' Can it be a loan from a Teutonic 
stadi, whence Nhg. Stadt? 
P. 394, col. I, add Idal, Idhul a Jew, x, 1. 23. 
This word (O'Reilly's Iuil) frequently occurs 
in the Irish hfaundevile, pI. n. Idhail, gen. 
Idhal, Rev. Celt. vii. 75. 
P. 399, col. I, to the article scolóc add: In Mac 
Conglinne's Vision, LB. 214 a, scolóc is used 
as synonymous with timthirid and gilla. 
It seems cognate with O.N, skálkr, A,S. 



p, x, n. 23. 24,fir An idol read A Jew. 
P. x, 11. 33, 3 6 . 4 1 , and p. xii, H. 33, 36, 41t for 
Beatus read Beati I mmaculati, i. e. tbe 
I 19tb Psalm. 
P. x, last line, p. xi, 1. 6 and elsewbere, fir 
clerical students read young clerics. Pp. xiii, 
xiv, xv, for clerical student, or student read 
young cleric. 
P. xi, 1. 33,for dreaming read beholding it. 
P. xviii, n, 27, 28, for :Founded., apparently, on 
read Translated from. 
P. xix, 1. 24,fir comurda read comurtada. 
P. xxiv, 1. 16, and p. xxv, 1. 9, for manor read 
P. xxvi, 1. 20,fir I read sbe. 
P. xxxiv, 1. 30,for congaiter read congairter. 

P. xxxvi, 1. 3, for another copy read short story; 
I. 4,for et seq. and the story read col. 2, in 
wbicb this event is mentioned. and the 
P. xliii, II. 8, 9. fir an Í1tdeonad (gridiron?) was 
made read cooking was performed. 
P. xliii, 1. 35, for of Comuir read of Comar. 
P. lxxxii, col. I, and p. lxxxvii, col. 2, dele the 
articles ailén, oilén, wbicb. notwithstanding 
Prof. Zimmer's opinion to the contrary, seems 
an unborrowedlrish word. See Rev. Celt. x. 
3 6 8. 
P. lxxxiv, col. 2, last line and p. lxxxvi, col. 2, 
1. 30,for sq. read sg. 
P. lxxxviii, col. I, 1. 17, for' 'v. þwn = þOlldus · 
read From Fr. þOÍ1zt. 


5, for (inshor) read (n-inshor). 
7 8 , after roartraigh insert [in t-usce]. 
15 2 , for genealat'g read genealach. 
157, for cona cnamat read co 11-accnamat. 
17 1 , fir mbogad read mbogaid. 
19 2 , fir im thecht read imtbecht. 
311. Almost illegible in the MS. After this 
page had been printed off, tbe first three 
words seemed on a bright day to be: 
Fagaib do (be)nnaclltuin. 
3 1 5, for di(uisciu) read di(gh). 
3 1 7, for. . e read uime. 
3 18 , for.. ba read doba. 
321, for na itbfesa read naith fesa (i.e. náit fesa). 
3 2 4, fir 7 in, read, 7 in. 
33 1 , fir. . read uile. 
33 6 , for ud read ucu
t), and for the latter half 
of the line read Dodeocbaid didiu Pátraic 
cu hairm i mbui Læghaire. Atbert Læ- 
358.fir for 1'Cad for. 

374, for the former half read: ica timurgud 
il-Ianamhnus IjJ i n-adbrad idbal. 
399, note, for Aitt read Aill. 
44 6 , note,for leg. read for. 
459, for comdbí read co mo dhá. 
47 1 , for 
Iuscraihi read Muscraighi. 
4 81 , for bernfad read be,nfad. 
4 8 7, fir doberbadh read doherbadb. 
5 1 7, fir imrulai read imrulaidb. 
5 66 , for sechmad read sechmaid. 
5 68 , for Dairi read Dhairi. 
59 2 , for t-soillsuighadh read tsoillsiughadh. 
608., for in dæiri read i ndæiri. 
63 0 , fir an æintibh read a n-æilltibb. 
637, read aillgelacda ann. 
64 8 , for n-æntuidh read n-oentuidh. 
677, for nul read du1. 
68 7, for cniger read cnigther, alld for bdho 
read báis. 
7 2 3, for re read ro, 
735, for t-airdecniudb rt:acl t-airdccnuidh. 


4 08 


75 I, for suithi read súithi. 
757, for No read Ro. 
761, for toirithnigh read toirithnighid. 
819, for Degaid read Dega. 
854, for traird read Iraird, and for orduidi read 
900, for an Daire read a nDaire. 
902, for romhuid read romhuidh. 
920, for IS e read IS o. 
930, for nech read neich. 
978, for c01zidh
berad read co 1J-idhberad. 
1008, for Aga';d (the lection of the :MS.) read 
1033, for isin nusqui read isinn ttsqui. 
1068, for qttingcidÙ read qttingcigis. 
1097. for an gainem read a ngainem. 
1140, for Noeibh read nemda. 
1214, for nero read nÍro. 
125 I, dele the note. 
1282, 1299, for cuilinn nad cuili. 
1393, for ni read ní. 
1413, for aCt] read a. 
1420, for tardot 5uilib read tar do tSuilib. 
1442, for in araile read i n-araÏle. 
1446, for cuilne read cuile. 
1476, for De read de. 
1497, for: Magh read i 1\1agh. 
1669, for itir read itir. 
1735, for choibsen read choibsin. 
1774, note, 1. 2,for and read et. 
1790, for noemh read noebh. 
1802, note,for rohuighseat read roghuighseat. 
1827, for corosfeg-ainn read coros- fegainn. 
1867, for it read is. 
1942, for 1\lechairbai read 1\Iechair bai. 
1951, for saighidh read saidhidh and cancel the 
2064, for fomuidhi read furnuidhi. 
20 7 0 , for coicca fer 6 read cóic deichnebuir 6. 
2106, for fir-Fiadhait read fir Fiadhait (rectius 
fír Fiadhat). 
2 I I 3, for farath 4, read fa rath, and cancel the 
2 I 17, for sochtais read fochtais. 
'2132, for gun glanbhail read gu nglanbhail. 
2 133, dele the note 7. 
22 18, for lasamail read lasamaÍ1t. 

2227, for n [d]eimhn
 read neimhntg;.. 
223 8 , for Aingel. Iar eoisecrad doibh na hindsi 
doraidh read Aingel iar coisecrad doibh 
na hindsi. Doraidh. 
2239, for ar read as. 
2294, for toirnz'ch read toirnech. 
2389, for Ochtnr read Ochtttr. 
244 2 , for toisecch read toisech. 
2460, for rohadnad read rohadhnad. 
25 12 , for n-essidh read ndessidh. 
25 2 3, for dia n-ainm read dian (rectius dianid) 
2533, for cohinnfheithech read cohinnfheith- 
257 2 , for háthu readhachdu. 
2667, for eumang ar nd(ul) i naicsighudh read 
cumangar ced d(ul) i n-aicsighudh. 
2754, fir ronertugh[ad] read ronertadh [1\1:S. 
ronertugh] . 
2766, for ÍntsamhaU read in tsamhtha. 
2767, for shámhaz'd read shámhtha. 
286r, for mor read mór. 
2872, for Finnén read Finnchua. 
2899, note, read 1\IS. anædhairedha. 
292 I, for dunadh read d'únadh. 
2964, for Bidh am read Bidham. 
3013, for damhrad im theacht read da mháthair 
3027, for ndttcat read ndecat, 
3 0 47, for Fi1l1lchua: 'Na. b. so, a read Fi1t1t- 
chua na briathra so: 6 A. 
3 080 , 334 8 , 339 6 , 3 62 9, 37 01 , 3 811 , 3 81 7,3 8 43, 
for iarrad read iarraid. 
3 0 9 I, for nar' read nár'. 
3 120, for Tairnis read Tairisis. 
3224, for cath. read cath (?). 
3225, for curabh aissi read eu rabhaissi. 
3 2 45. for ehomhlill read ehomhlaÙut. 
3252, for rosræmadh read rosræinedh. 
3267, for sræmad catha read sræined catha. 
3273, for in dam read ind am. 
3304, note, 1. 2, for p. read ff. 82 b 1-88 a 2. 
3428, for ruithned read ruithne. 
3441, for rosoei trea read rosoei(r)tea. 
3474, for cumdad read cumdaig. 
3570, 3872, for betha read bethad. 
3583, for loinne[ 0 Jlais read Ioinne lais. 


35 8 7, dele (?). 
3648, for ,croma, croma, read . Cnuna croma. 
37 86 , for na read [ná] 'na. 
37 8 9, dele the note. 
3933, fOr sualach read sualaig. 
3953, for rocongair read rocongaib. 
3954, for chathreÏ?n read chathrazg. 
4 061 , fOr .. seiced read as eicen. 
4 0 9 1 , for Fiachach read Fiachl'ach. 
4 11 5, forhaidhib read háidhib (rectius háighid ?): 
for lobhrana read lobhrána. 
4 1 53, fOr a muillter read Ninnidh. 
4 1 54, fOr ricíb ale read (sco)il. Acc. 
4 1 79, fOr . . . read (sh)aill, and fOr (mi)d read 
4 186 , for postea read peta. 
4 1 95, for deghbidh read deghbhidh. 
4 280 , for huacht read huasal. 

4 0 9 

437 8 , fOr domain read domall, and Cattce! the 
4437, fOr innsan read riusan. 
444 0 -4 1 , fOr .111. mis 7 ... a read VII mis 
4477, fOr roráidh-sium read roráidhsium. 
4494, fOr lanpartaib read lán[ed]partaib. 
4497, fOr Fírailithir read Fírailither. 
45 26 , for dichéillaidi read dichéi1lidi. 
454 I, for oc cetlai read occ etlai. 
4 6 37, note, fOr Liligdech read Luigdech. 
4 66 4, fOr Rofhergazg read Rofhergazged. 
4744, for bliadni read bliadna. 
475 8 , for in doghuma read ind [f]ogh[n]uma. 
4 8 4 0 , fOr mbliadni read mbliadna. 
4 8 45, fOr aimser read aim sir. 
4 88 5, trattsþose [é féin] to 4886 after aidhilg- 


P. 149, 1. 19, and p. 182, 1. 8, fOr the context of 
read a passage connected with. 
P. 149, 1. 20, dele as far as the place. 
P. 149, 11. 29, 3 0 , fOr sun arose read light ap- 
P. 150;1. 12,fOr of read day before, and make 
simz.'larcllangesinp.170, 1.27; p.172,1. 23; 
p. 201, 1. 14; p. 247, 1. 14; p. 263, 1. 8; p. 
265, 11. 4, 5; p. 278, 1. II ; p, 282, 1. 16. 
P. 150, 1. 22, and p. 153, 1. 6, fOr Potitus read 
P. 152, 1. 2 T ,for he used to be brought, read 
thou wast wont to bring him. 
P. 152, 1. 30, see Index, s, v. greim. 
P. 155, 1. 3, for wild honey was brought read 
He gave wild honey. 
P. 160,for goats, goat, read he-goats, he-goat. 
P. 162, 1. l,for ancient read venerable. 
P. 165, 1. 12, for... Saith, read' No mistake,' 
P. 165, 1. 33,for student read habitation. 
P. 166, 1. 1 2, fOr knowledge read sciences. 
P. 170, 1. 
4, 'brand of battle' (J\fr. Hennessy's 
3 G 

rendering" should perhaps be C focus' 
P. 171, I. 9,fOr mug read mess (?). 
P. 172, 1. I,for Baite read Buite. 
P.173, 1. II; p. 175, 1. 28; p. 177, 1. 23, fOr 
chapel read great church (recles). 
Pp. 180, 288, for Eeatus read Beati (I11l11ZacU- 
P. 182, 1. 8,fOr as far as when read where. 
P. 183, 1. 14, fOr dowry read bride-price. 
P. 184, 1. 32,fOr cowdung which lay before read 
cloth cap (?) on the head of. 
P. 185, 11. 36-37,for hospitality was shewn to 
them, read a feast was made for him, and 
cancel the note. 
Pp. 186, 187,ftr kitchen read storeroom. 
P. 189, 11. 27, 28,ftr If thou. . . desired read If 
it were not disobedience to thee, I shou1ù 
not desire 
P. 192, 1. 4, dele of God. 
P. 192, 1. 5, after satisfied -i1lsert thereby 
P. 192,1. 9,ftr spell nad philtre 
P. 192, 1. 1 5, for arm read inlet. 

4 1 .0 


P. 196, 1. 15, for credence table 1'cad portable 
P. 197, 11. 15-17, jòr clerical student read young 
P. 197, 1. 33,for Lake of 1Iilk read the Lake of 
the J\Iilk. 
P. 199, 1. 8,for furrows read ridges. 
P. 204, note, after Colgan insert Acta SS. and 
for 53 read 653. 
P. 205, 1. 13,for mayhap read surely. 
P. 206, 1. 27,for attacking read plundering. 
P. 210, 1. 7, for was displeasing read seemed 
P. 210, 1. 14,for threatens read quarrels with. 
P. 211, 1. 6, for was read contended with. 
P. 213, 1. 28,for swiftly read vehemently. 
P. 213,1. 36,forrending (?) read reverted; note 3, 
jòr trench read dyke. 
P. 214, II. 2, 3, C No boats (ethra) could catch it.' 
For this rendering I am indebted to J\ir. S. H. 
O'Grady j but the nom. pI. of ethar (gl. 
stlata) is ethair, H. 2. 16, col. 391, and I 
suspect that the true translation is ' No birds 
could catch it,' ethra being perhaps = \V. 
adar, and cogn. with Skr.þal1-a, Eng.ftather. 
P. 215, I. 2,for broken read bruised. 
P. 216, 1. 5,for I shall read Let me 
P. 217, 1. 4,for seaweed read dulse. 
P. 218, II. 19, 25, p. 219, I. 2, for holly read 
P. 221, 1. 9,for commerce read commune. 
P. 223, II. 26, 29. 33,for sub-prior read prior. 
P. 224,1. 1 3, for have been read should be. 
P. 224, 1. 16, for will -reád would. 
P. 228, 1. 18,for prior read abbot. 
P. 235, J. 32,for evils read violences, 

P. 238, 1. 2, for at the end of read hard by. 
P. 240, 1. 30, jòr in heat (?) read of a herd. 
P. 243,1. 28,for its fatness read their opportunity. 
P. 245, 1. I I, for ruler read men. 
P. 248, note 2, for Martyrs read ll.fasters. 
P. 249, 1. 9,for compact read turn. 
P. 252, 1. 26,for to Sliab Daidche read early to 
a mountain. 
P. 254, 1. 'J4,for feeble 1'ead oppressive. 
P. 255, 1. 8,for windswept read boggy (?). 
P. 257, 1. 2,for later read thou seek est. 
P. 257, 1. 33, for \Yhy marvellest 'read \Vhat 
P. 258, 1. 30,for rapidly read nimbly. 
P. 259, 1. 34, for extinction read lessening. 
P. 263, 1. I, 'wonderworker.' I greatly doubt 
the correctness of this rendering. See Index 
of Irish words, s. v. oeibelteoir. 
P. 263, note 4, dele the C01J'lma, 
P. 264, 1. 27,for relations nad relatives. 
P. 266, note 4,for ingerim read ingreim. 
P. 271, 1. 24; p. 277, 1. 14, for farmer read 
P. 271, 1. 26,for delayed read agreed to come; 
note 9, read fotruair. 
P. 272, penult. line, for 4728 read 4278 ; 
P. 272, note I, read rocobera. 
P. 276, 1. 25,for Ichta 1'ead íchtar. 
P. 276, note 4,for icht read écht. 
P. 278, 1. 3 0 , for watch read canonical hour, 
P. 279, 1. 26, for Israel read Jared; 1. 3 2 , for 
shrine read habitation. 
P. 281, 1. 22, for equality of read so that they 
sha pe. 
P. 284, 1. 8,fo1' Easter read Lent. 
p, 285, 1. 26,for exception read doubt. 



4J I 


P. 293, 1. 3 2 , fo']" Potitus read Potitius. 
P. 301, 1. 24,ftr Echin read IF]echin, ana for 
Echen read Fechín. 
P. 303, 1. 3, before my lnsert the greatness of. 
P. 304, col. 2, 1. 33, for anguish read ailment. 
P. 306, 1. 20, read coopernerunt. 
P. 307, col. 2, 1. 7, for more easily read from 
P. 309, col. 1,1. ï,jor an gallra read a ngallra. 
P. 310, col. 2, 1. 23,for this ?'ead that. 
P. 310, col. 2, 1. 44, for vengeance would be 
taken read he would take vengeance. 
P. 313, col. 2, 1. 6,for sandals read shoes. 
P. 314, col. 2, 1. 12, before judgment Ùzsert the. 
P. 314, col. 2, 1. 27,for Araide read Riada. 
P. 314, col. 2, 1. 32,ftr tribute read fleet. 
P. 316, col. I, 1. 12, for coecat read cóecuit. 
P. 317, 1. I9,for trea tholl read treatholl. 
P. 319, col. 1,1. 3 8 , read fochruib; 1. 39, accal- 
laim; 1. 41, a aslinge. 
P. 321, col. I, 1. 25, read Boi; 1. 27, héisi. 
P. 321, col. 2, 1. I and elsewhere,forkitchen read 
p, 321, col. 2,1. 27,for. .. to milk (the kine of) 
read on a hillside at the herd of. 
P. 322, col. 2, 1. 30, for covered with flowerets 
read smooth (and) flowery. 
P. 322, col. 2, 1. 38, for ridge read top. 
P. 322, col. 2, 1. 4 0 , for 'Vhose read'Vho, 
P. 323, col. 1,1. 37,ftr 32 read 33. 
P. 324, col. I, 1. 24, for airitech read airidech 
(ms. airigech). 
P. 325, col. I, 1. II, for alaile read alali; 1. 13 
for di- read dia; 1. 29, read Bríg; 1. 30, 
read Satan ina; 1. 39, read hominibus ; 1. 40, 
for tir read dir and cancel the note; 1. 43, 
for sin read siu; note I, for indluth read 
p, 325, col. 2, n. 19, 20, for she sent . . . house 
read that sick person who was in the house 
sent a girl; I 42, for' 0 Brigit, I .... to 
thee' read 'Nay, 0 Brigit, it is not due to 
thee;' 1. 44,for that read this. 

P. 326, 1. 21,for id[cir]co read idio (i..e. ideo); 
last line, for nach read nach ; note :;, for bcdi 
read bedi. 
P. 327, col. I, 1. 3, read Ní allse; 1. 6, read aní ; 
1. 23, roráithat (?); 1. 25, Adgladadar ; 1. 39, 
for leth read leath, and callcel note 8; note 
7,for agerta read agata. 
P. 327, col. 2, 11. 3,4, read How has this assured 
itself?; last line, for in spite of read to 
(contra = fn"). 
P. 328, col. I, 1. 7, read F obíth; 1. 8, praindi- 
[gu ]bsa; 1. 13, rot-baitsidersu; 1. 17, bab- 
tizauit; 1. 25, mbaclaÙIl; 1. 28, dixeras; 
1. 40, tiagait. 
P. 328, col. 2, 1. 5, for for read upon; l. 23,fo' 
lame read lame-handed (11la11Ca11l). 
P. 331, col. I, 1. 2'2,fo1' uadhe read uad he, and 
after Brigitam insert cum; 1. 33, read 
P. 331, col. 2, 1. 23,for. . . . read when the king 
of Húi Cúlduib did not take it from him; 
and now in his necessity he came to Brigit; 
1. 24,for brought in read put into. 
P. 332, col. 2, 1. 8 from bottom, read that (the 
hymn) 'Ni car Brigit' also was made. 
P. 335, col. 2, penultimate line, for at read in. 
P. 349, penultimate line, for bar read chain \ or 
P. 351, 1. 35, for dadaig read daidchi: 1. 3 6 ,ftr 
at night read early. 
P. 363, col. 2, for Beatus read Blait. 
P. 364, col. 3, 1. 43,ftr 360 read 361. 
P. 365, col. 2,for holly 'read hazel. 
P. 365, col. 3,1. 26,for 347 read 348, 
P. 367, col. 3, art. Tawney, read sdgara. 
P. 368, col. 2, 1. 5, for 347 nad 340, 348. 
P. 387, nine lines from bottom, dele þriesthood. 
P. 389, n. 2: 3, read daidche early, 35 6 5 = 
daidchi, Tdin bó Da1'tada, p. 190, 1. 30: 
cf. daiche .1. moiche, so01111ess, carlÙlu.r. 
P. O'C. 
P. 390, last line, dele dloma and p. 3 I 3, 1. 3 I. 



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PB 1632 .L5 1890 SMC 
Lives of saints, from the 
Book of Lismore 



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